HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 5 CHAMONIX CHALETS LEGALVtuL-~&htmril (I ~lJYli)C Ch,a.l e:t~ Design Review Board /DT~b//c.B ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www .vailgov.com Project Name:H-lrMttlE'S ~IOE/lScE Project Description: MINORALTERATION(DECK) Participants: OWNER HIMMES,JAMES C.&JOANM.09/30/2005 POBOX468 EDWARDS CO 81632-0468 APPUCANTHIMMES,JAMES C.&JOANM.09/30/2005 POBOX468 EDWARDS CO 81632-0468 ORB Number:DRB050524 Project Address:2460CHAMONIXRDVAIL 2456CHAMONIXLN,UNITB-4 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:5Block:Subdivision:CHAMONIX CHALETS ParcelNumber:2103-141-0600-8 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:.10/07/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval doesnot constitute a permit for building .Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnelpriorto construction activities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalid for 20days follow ing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate offinal approval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0007628 Thedeckshallnotextend further than eight andone half (8 1/2)feetfromthe building. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75 South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2128 fax:970 .479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requ iring designreview mustreceiveapprovalprior to submitting abuilding permit applicat ion.Please refer toth e submittal requ irements forthe particular approva l that isrequested.Anapplicat io n fo r Design Review cannot be accepteduntil allrequired information is receivedbytheCommun ity Development Department.The project mayalsoneedto be reviewedbythe T ownCoundl and/or thePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within one year oftheapproval. Description of the Request:RQQIc..cernen t (!£XLer,'nr Concrete sIc./;, with t.}aode t'l dec /((c o;"eos ,'te mq tQ C/~k)QpcK c T :fcede /eve I ~ no r a.;j,'119>or st:i rs CE>Qv{cp d. ___Subdivision: ParcelNo.::J../0 3 /1/lob 008 (COntact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:_ Owner(s)Signature(s):_..;:t:-"la~~;..;...j..L..:J.:=::l..:22~::l...-!.....-.!C_L..__=_=___ Name ofApplicant: Mailing Address: Name(s)of Owner(s):--'~~~~=...!.L...=.~"-'--~'__LL!_'_'.!..:.:..:..:::..::::-_ Mailing Address:...!.P~,.::::.O_,--!..o='---'c..u!..-L__!=.::~.J.J>....,.....L--\.<'--J.}..J.~U---------- J'Hne s v eu-:beth llimmes Bo x 19 '64 ECJ Ie ,CO '8/6 3/ ------------'t------:-r--:-Phone:970 -3~-3 0 90, 9 :";J9 -0 S- Forconstructionofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild .. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding(includes250additions&interior conversions). Forminor changestobuildingsandsite improvements,sqch as, re-roofing,painting,w indow additions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc . Forminor changes to bu ildings andsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand reta ining walls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe DesignReviewBoard. Plus$1.00persquare foot of total signarea. $650 $300 $50 NoFee ; 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to ApprovedPlans $20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee E-mailAddress:h ;r!lrnes e ce n-tt/c yt elf nt>t Typeof Review andFee: o 5igns o ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addit ion For Office UseO_n(y:I u.9.2 FeePaid:'2-~-CheckNo.:r'f (.V MeetingDate:1[-L -0 S Planner: ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ****•••••*********************************************************************************** S tatement Number : Payment Method : HIMMES R050001623 Mon Ord Amount:$250.00 09/30/200511:05 AM I nit :JS Notation :14446B3/JAMES Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location : DRB0 505 24 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,Comm/Multi 2 10 3-141-0600-8 2460 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2456 CHAMONIX LN,UNITB -4 Total Fees:$250 .00 This Payment:$250 .00 Total ALL Pmts :$250.00 Balance :$0.00 ********************************************************************.**************.******** ACCOUNTITEM LIST : Account Code DR 0 0 100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 250 .00 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETIER description)=--_'-=--=-_---=..:......:._-=-~~__'__~~=_' prov ide th is letter as written approvaloftheplansdated wh ich have been submitted totheTownofVailCommunity Development Department fortheproposed improvements tobe completed attheaddressnotedabove.Iunderstand that theproposed improvements include: I further understand that minor mod ifications maybemadetotheplansoverthecou rse ofthereview processtoensurecompliancewiththeTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations . (Signature) Page2of 13/06/06/05 (Date) >o &00 S-f • B.LM I' I, d ...t:n \fl ..~~:"T"•rr,~~\D ......... I »<, c~\I! (11 I .....t» r ;;"':\C'~ -<.....r:-< ::.c c (D .....\" 2 m o i ~0 l> (:fTl ..., P c ]I r"l ::ti C lI':C Z ~-<, ~\fl CD ::.c 0 0 c..n i~-<rT1 "T1 'to ~Cl n ... \fl ~0 -n\fl -<'-' .:. c. '0 ~;­ ....~ •<•r ~ "" ....".... ;':'4 '-_ ,.."'-o.., ~ r __ ....... , fv1~p Output http://gisweb.eaglecounty.us/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.E... ArclMS Map 1 of 1 p-Copyright 2005.EagleCounty Government Disclaimer:This map was created by the Eagle CountyGISDepartment.Useofthismapshouldbefor general purposes only .EagleCounty doesnot warrant the accuracy of the data contained herein . ;/5.be<lI£o l"!all!; l'.•li:lu , .- 9/6/05 9:50 AM f(,o ;0 05 ed d ec 1<- ··H----+.---t+--t+-fl ---.---~---t_t-·------ I IV I -_.. --pt-..j-f--...---..---f-- / -·..--+-I----++-++-+l----H---I t ---If+----H---ti .............--+1----....-..1---•.-1-_._--+t----+f---+t---t'+-H I rg \\ r>. "\x} '- .11 --I-+---+J----H--+t--/+---H ·----·+t--IH--t--t --·--·-·--++----H---+~ -+1----++----1-----H-H----H------.+-- ~f+_+t_--+t_-__1H--_+t_HI__-++--+t_----;t__-+I_HI----""._--.._.----1- ~_I__H_---tl--__1rl---t-H-t--t+--·-t-t ----+-t---HI-H---++--··-·-+t_--H__t+-tI u---l-l-_H_--+J ..--.-.-t-t--_t-t- i-H+--H----+t----If-t---+r-Hi---t+---tt---tt--t-Hlr-....---.----t+----t!-_t+-H i-I--4+-_H_--+t_--t-t---t-H-t--t+---tt--__1 I+-_+t-tt----++-..------t-.._...'1- lHl-t-_H_--+t_--+-t-----H-l4--+f----H---+l-·-+...t-HI----+t----.-,H---+I ~_+t_..... H-I-I-_H_--+t_-__1 rl---t-H-t--++---tt----f--.... 1+4+-_H_--+t_--t-t---t-H-t--t+---tt--__1 -t---..t-tt-- H-l-l-+t_---+t--__1H--_+t-HI__-+t---+t----._.'1--.__•.---'--H---tt--+t-tt H-I-I-+t_---+t--__ H--_+t-H __-f-f-·-----~- /d.'/../0 'G /V D .7U I<JTS WR'fH-' l'\..O \/jl f(G.D{!r-f::-iAJ G(mst'IA ,Rli.nct srs A'rJ 0 PO <;)~ _... P~.sv lw..t -· riotrell I- I ~i4 J~/;-IS (iY I Cf1It rJ(6 NP;/11i xGI I eVUdG!J!;)J •fJ o R/lfOtJ6-DR ~~J,1frA l.Si 12 umf(! ft -trYrCHtn TO j)f((.-r-- tI J)ttf:(J<X~CCWe IS CWi1 K.!Bl1JW;J ~J)Jb5~/ !rrrs-/b/o C/j/8 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web :www.ci.vail.co .us Project Name:MOFFET RESIDENCE WINDOW/DOOR Project Description: ORB Number:DRB040496 REPLACE EXISITNG WINDOW WITH NEW FRENCH DOOR .REMOVE EXISITNG DOOR.NEW DECK .STAFF DIDNOT REQUIRE A SIDE SETBACK FOR THE DECK OFF OFTHE SHARED PROPERlY UNE AS THEY ARE ONE LARGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOOATION . Participants: OWNER MOFFET,TIMOTHY E. 2460 CHAMONIX LN c-i VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT MOFFET,TIMOTHY E. 2460 CHAMONIX LN C-l VAIL CO 81657 License : Project Address:2466 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2460 CHAMONIX LN,#C-l 09/17/2004 Phone: 09/17/2004 Phone : Location: Legal Desaiption:Lot:5Block:BSubdivision:Vail Das Schone Filing1 Parcel Number:210314106009 Comments:See Conditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/06/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes totheseplansmay be madewithoutthewrittenconsentofTownof Vailstaffand/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Please consultwith TownofVailBuilding personnel priortoconstructionactivities. Cond:201 DRB approvalshallnot become validfor20daysfollowingthedateofapproval. Cond:202 Approval ofthisprojectshall lapse and become voidone(1)yearfollowingthedate offinalapproval,unless abuilding permitis issued and construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0006712 The applicant shall paint all trim onthenewFrenchdoorstomatchthe trim onthe bUildings. Cond:CON0006713 The applicant shallrepairtheareawherethedoorisremvedwithidenticalsiding material stained tomatchtheexistingsiding. Cond:CON0006714 Nonew lighting wasapprovedwiththisapplication.Anynew lighting wouldrequirea Design Review application . Cond :CON0006716 The applicant shall construct thedeckina manner inwhich there arenoexposedcut endsofthetre x decking . Planner:WarrenCampbell DRBFeePaid:$20.00 1· t.IJinor Exterior Alteration s Application for Design Review .Departmentof Community Deve lopment 75 SouthFrontage Road ,Vail,Co lorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970 .479.2452 .web:www .vailgov.com RECEIVED I Ii General I n fo rmatio n: Allprojectsrequiring design r eviewmust receive approvalprior tosubmitting abuildingpermitapplication.Plea se refertothesubmitta l requirements fortheparticular approval t hatis requested.An application for Design Rev iew cannot beaccepted until allrequired information isreceived bythe Community Development Department.The project may also needtobereviewed bytheTown Counci l and/orthe Planning andEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lap ses unless a bu ildingp ermitis issued an d const ruction commences within one year of t he approval.,.. Descri ption of the Request:HilL.aCf-%lSTWCJ Wlt&M"S W l'N &-NCli OCQ2->.AOO A.()~ S\Mll-tl.j...~<:>11\0'1 \1'1 1\'~SmE-COMOCPf,QYfOJe ¢:.N hl~l\\JCr \)<IC\Z..(W1\tH ~B e ~lMl-O w 11)\p..j))6..~~<:kI ooai)-m=m;. Location of t he Proposal:Lot:5 Block:-.L_Subdivision:C\ltl\i1.61Ht lliAAS /Ykl.Q~ID-\G N ~ Physical Address :?L\G,O n\t..rJ\ClNl f LtJ *(.-\\[6.\1..(0 .8 l"""'.....S'-."1-'--_._ Parcel No.:.1-\03 \4 \OlO60~ntact EagleCo.Assessor at 970-328-8640 f orparcel no .) ...,Ad I -.Zoning:~~.(~,_ Name(s)o f Owner(s):-I:.",\M=.;(JT\-\""-,-~'t--,,E~....J-N\c:..:.:(;:..J£-,-r_~..-,-r ._ - E-ma ilA dd ress :t.r-\Gr1±r @CG.Mcc-.<)i ,d (..-\ C\lO -l.q,,\,8'll:\9 q JO -4'10 -J.G\1.... Ty pe o f Review an d Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review No Fee 0 New Co nstructio n $650 0 Addition $300 0 Minor Alteration $250 (multi'family/co;nmercial) ~MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Pla ns $20 0 Separation Req uest No Fee Plus $1.00 per squarefootoft otal signarea. Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. For anadditionwhere square footageisadded to anyresidential or commercial building (includes 250 additions &interior conversions). Forminorchanges tobuildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping ,fences and retaining wails,etc. Forminor changes to buildinqs andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscap ing,fences and retaining walls,etc. Forrevisions toplansalready approvedbyPlanning Stafforthe Design Review Boa rd. Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 :.':....;.,-"_.'..'- " Dear Chamonix Owners, CHAMONIXCHALETS August,2004 ABoard of Directors meeting washeldonJuly19th .In attendence were board members Tom Armstrong,Richard Barnes,Michael Spiers ,and Brett Youngaswellas Chamonix manager, Dick Brewer.The meeting beganwithareview of remodel plansforan exterior sliding door on unit D-I.Following theannual meeting inApril,the Board has implemented anewapproval process for exterior remodels-a processwhichismore comprehensive thantheprevious procedure.Aftertheyhaverece ived approvalfortheirplansfrom other owners in their bu ilding aswellasfromtheBoard of Directors,ownersmustnow obtain abu ilding permit fromthe Town of Vail before theycan proceed withtheir remodels .D-I(BruceFischer)hadtakenallthe required stepsandwasgivenapprovalto proceed withhisproject.If youareplann ing an exterior remodel,contact Dick Brewer for information andforms. After reviewing theplansfor D-I,theBoard checked a foundation problem inFBid.and inspected a project whichhadbeen completed byD-2owner,AndySuttor.Andy,a painting contractor,hadbeengivenapprovaltorefinishthe exterior ofthe back of!Bidasa demonstration.Hefirst power-washed the cedar sidingwitha cleaning agentand applied two coats of anoil based stain/wood preservative.Andy 's proposalwasto complete therest of his building aswellaspaintallthetrim.He believes hecoulddothe same workontherest of our complex for$3500per building ($3000forthe2-levelunits).Rather thanusingfundsfromour capitalreservetopayforthework,hewouldbe reimbursed byour individual owners.The Board of Directors likedtheresult of thework completed butfeltthat Andy's proposal would be better addressed atourannualmeeting.Questionssuchashowlongthe application wouldlastneedto be answered .Inthe meantime,ownersare encouraged to check outthe back of!BId .togetan idea of howthewhole complex wouldlook if Andyweregiventhe go-ahead . The Board thenreviewedthefinancial statements forthefirstsix months of thisyearand concurred thatwearewithinourbudget ,especially forbig number itemslike water/sewer. Therewasnofurther business andthemeeting adjourned. Miscellaneous notes : -We wouldliketo welcome Monica and Brannon Martin-new owners of unitF-4--toour association andneighborhood.A welcome alsotoCraig Cohen who purchased unitB-3 back in May . -Wenowhave bear-prooflids onourdumpsters.These seemtobeasmucha challenge tosome of our residents astothebears.Newsignagcmayhelp . -The plumbers Ihad previously recommended (Lorton)willbe changing their nameto HolyCross Plumbing andHeating.Their number-328-590G-is thesame.Ialways appreciate feedbackaboutthequality of workby contractors whoworkinyourunits. I JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER \ " I,(print name)P \e-IA 0.'v J IS Ir.e.w -e \r .a joint owner of property locatedat(address/legal. description)2 t..t (,,0 C /..C\INLO V\'"L 0.11\"-I Un,-t"C.\ providethis letter as written approvaloftheplansdated whichhavebeen subm ittedt otheTown of VailCommunity Development Departmentfortheproposed improvementstobe completed at t headd ress noted above.Iunderstand that theproposedimprovementsinclude: I.In s '0.II a ~t Ot.A--'o.r:I")b 0 cJ.z....0 () If urther unde rstandth at minor modificationsmaybemadetotheplansover t hecourse of t he reviewprocessto ensurecomp liance with theTown'sapplicable codesandregulations. (Signature) Page 2 of 11/07/16/04 (Date) l'-f zooCf-- / ~~....,~~ -..J TOWNOFVA[. MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TOBUILDINGANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information:- Thisapplicationisrequiredforproposalsinvolvingminorexterioralterations and/orsite improvements.Proposals toaddlandscapingdonotrequire ORB approvalunlesstheyinvolve theadditionofpatios,waterfeatures,grading,ortheadditionofretainingwalls. 1.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS** o AllpagesofApplicationarecomplete o Checklistiscompletedandsigned o StampedTopographicSurvey*,if applicable o SiteandGradingPlan*,if applicable o Landscape Plan *,ifapplicable o ArchitecturalElevations*,ifapplicable o Exteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications. o ArchitecturalFloorPlans*,ifapplicable o LightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures,ifapplicable o Titlereport,including Schedules A &Btoverifyownershipandeasements* o Photosoftheexistingsiteandadjacentstructures,whereapplicable. o Writtenapprovalfromacondominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable o Site-specific Geological HazardReport,ifapplicable* o The Administrator and/or ORB mayrequirethesubmission ofadditional plans, drawings,specifications,samplesandothermaterials(includingamodel)if deemed necessarytodeterminewhetheraprojectwillcomplywithDesign Guidelinesor if the intent oftheproposalisnotclearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted with anasterisk (*). **For interior conversionswithnoexteriorchanges,thesubmittalrequirementsincludea completesetofexlstlnqandproposedfloorplans,atitlereport,andwrittenapprovalfroma condomin ium association,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:q-tM-\~e- (Contractor SignaE!Jre.::::;~\~---.1 \&\N'{:;c-R-r--~' Date Signed Ct·\().0 l.j Building Materials Roof Siding OtherWall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim HandorDeckRails Flues Aashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material , :r Pleasespecifythe manufacturer's name,thecolornameand number and attach acolorchip. \JG ~vt\l ~T :cl;tt\M(J '"I 'It TEAL- *D~~-Gi20( Il -~~~~<;1'-1'---~ I"--f'.,. f.I';~.~ "-r-, \Jc>1 I i"., ~ I ~, ,\J ~-::..~ I,J).~r- ~J ......., I ~C'0 'Q ~ ~I t\,~I I ........ 't '~••I--~<,0 ~<,r<-o VJ-..,. ~~<Il '"-s-,\;:.,~--..sJ _ ~u>~"--~~... C'1i~ i r---------I ;I ~b I I ......I .....,1./9 ,-..;:-:/ .I I ~,I ~i I -'-------- "1~j~/ x~t I ~~- /~~...ll Q~;::;:t.I /• :::?I :J I ,. -- ***************************.**************.************************************************* TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ********.***.*.************************.***.*.*.***************************••*************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R040006678 Amount:$20.00 Cash 09/17/200410:28 AM Init:JS Notation:$/TIM MOFFET ORB040496 Type:ORB-Minor Alt,SFR/OUP 210314106009 2466 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2460 CHAMONIX LN,#C-1 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ****************************.********************************.*****.************************ ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 1/// 1/// ·. NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE AUGUST30 1994DATE,. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO .~IIIIII IV V 2 OCC UPANC Y GROUP A BEHIR M BUILD ING 1?ono 00 DIVI SI ON 1 22834 z ELE CTRI CAL 2000.000 GENE RAL DESC RIPT IONOFWORK :>=..PLUMBI NG 2000.00INTERIORCARPET,CABINET S,PAINT,ETC => -'..>MEC HANICAL 16,000,00 TYP EGRO UP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V-1HR R-1 BUILDING PERMIT 205,00 PLAN CHECK 133 00 ELECTRI CAL 'i0.00 NEW ()ALTER ATION OOIl ADDITI ONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBIN G 30,OO/PC 8.00 tt4 33 4 DWEL LI NG UN ITS __ACCOM MODATI ON UN ITS __MECHANICAL ------~HEI GH T IN FT.--NO .FIR EPLAC ES --RECREATION FEE - INS ULATION :TYPE TH ICKN ESS R-VALLU E DESI GN RE VIEW BOARO \J::-FL OOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 1 ''''"">~ EXT .WA LLS ~~USE TAX ROOF t-- WILL CALL 9.00 ~~ TYPE ELE C.GAS TOTALPERMITFEES ~ OF 535.00 SOLAR WOODHEAT DANSTANEK 8 -2 9 -94I-_-______--_-____---ADDI TIONAL PERMITS NE EDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE 1..!:!.INITIAL f---------------ST.CU T ON ING ADMIN ISTRATO R DA TE BL ASTI NG !zONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARK ING DEMO I hereby ack nowledge th at I h averead this application,f illed ou t in full the information r equired, compl eted an accurate plot pla n ,and state that a ll the informat ion provided as requi red is correct.I ag ree to comply wi tht he info rmat ion and plot plan,to comply w ith all Town ordi nances and state laws,andtobu ild th is stru cture accord ing t o the Town 's zoning and S~J.div ision c odes .des ign/!l;,al!frove ~,Un iform Bui ld ing Code and oth;J:rfJances o f the Tow applicable t hereto . c.Ifiki.c/;.-1//J,('~~:,g 1Y1 '.'a:;~NATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIM SELF A D THE OWNER .'., v PF'f....~D )1/tV-(/UoTfiiS'K ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IIW~ department o f co mmun ity developme nt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELYPRIO R TO I S S U~NC ~O F PE RMIT T YPEOFPERM IT V.~~(};J~ :xx BUI LDING D PL UMBING 1// D ELE CTRICAL D FOUNDATION ,.;('~»MECHAN ICAL ~J/(''I .II/!<.:•(,lH.~ntJTY ('J.HT l'-;r LEGAL LOT =L)BLK gr.< DESC.FILING CHAMONT X CHAlET JOB NA ME :BECHER REMODEL OWNER NAM E AMY BECHER MAIL ADDR ESSCblJ1tl:JJJ ix littJf- CITY PH 479-9433 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CIT Y PH . GENERAL FIRM JUI GUIDA CO NST CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VA IL REG.NO.2 89-B TELE.827-5700 FiRM DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC ELEC TRICAL 190-ECONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE .92 6 -3 675 FI RM TERRy SIBI EY PL UMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.134-P CONTRACTOR TELE .82 7-573 6 FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. ."T RACTOR TELE. P ERl-l IT ___________Ph.{;:ey.-<f '!33 _____________Ph •_ "'TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION~ PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:_ Architect: g 'Y APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ]1(PERMIT INFORMATION····························· O<l-Buildin g [)-Plumbing [)-Electrical [)-Mechanical [)-Other __ Job Name:~N~~~Address:td.!AtP1J/f//l--.{.eI&LG'T'"#C;-3 iJIV11 :h // Legal Description:Lot .3 Blo t:"Filing SUBDIVISION : Owners Name:4m 1 ~/HE2s:...·Address: /VIa General Description: Work Class:[)-New [>a-Alteration []-Additional [)-Repair [)-other _ Number of Dwelling units:NUmbe~f Accommodation Units: * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances ~~as L09S~Wood/pellet *********************************VALUATIONS *********************************205°. BUILDING:$12-Pe>11 .ELECTRICAL:$/~O OTHER:$,-----,_ PLUMBING:$~MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$/(;OC~ ~***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************"~neral Contractor:du14t tiL."")::"''":h~$CJ Town of Vail Reg.NO.~?-i~ Address:p i>.~~>..76.0 ,M,L-~I"(.,f;g ~hone Number:;:';2'2 -S7oa. Electrical Contractor:~6L~L.oc3'"/)Town of Vail Reg.NO.---'_ Address:~Phone Number: PlUmbing Contractor:c=a.I~<':7 $1 ~£-er-IAddress:__.__ Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: 10 0 - 5 35 - OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:1~2,'-: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:K - MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: P ;»fll £-4 '~~BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FOR TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION U-IHtl t'l ******************************* BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:0 S-.-' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:jO - MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments :__ ~CLEANUP DEPOSIT REFUND TO,:,I.it /c=;:::JI In t./11:>11-V£?,v<f.7:.. • 75 south frontage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • officeof community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If th is permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer I ·S (Publ ic Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeRs. All commercial ("large or small)and all multi-family permits will have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential andsmall projects shouldtakea lesser amount of time.However,if residential orsmall er projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,these projects may also takethe three week period . Every a ttempt wi."be made by thi s depa rtmentto expedite thi s. permitassoonas possible.. I,the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureandtime frame. 'f.Aug u s,T z..i")'7'1'1 Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. • 75 soulh frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OFVAIL TOWN OFVAILPUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,·portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right~of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. ~d~~bY' "UINT7C-/}-C'/O.:L~osition/Relationshipto Project (i.e.contractor,owner) ~ll-u 9u ~j z:3.i /'7/':(~Date » ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'ISREQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: •MEMORANDUM • JobName:f3~(,.;-;..JE"R-K C i'1Db F-.L Date:A.lAe;LAST 7-~I J r::,J '-t Pleaseanswerthefollowing questionnaire regardingtheneedfora"PublicWayPermit": YES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Isthisanewresidence? Is demolition workbeing performed thatrequirestheuseoftheright ofway,easementsorpublic property? Isanyutilityworkneeded? Isthe driveway beingrepaved? Is different accessneededtosite otherthanexistingdriveway? Isanydrainageworkbeingdone affectingtherightofway.easements, orpublicproperty? Isa "Revocable Right Of WayPermit" required? x x 8)A .Istherightofway,easements or publicpropertytobeusedforstaging, parkingorfencing? B .Ifnoto8A,isaparking ,staging orfencingplanrequiredby Community Development? x .J1-1Ae,- Date Ifyou answered yestoanyofthese questions,a"PublicWayPermit"mustbeobtained. "PublicWayPermit"applicationsmaybeobtainedatthePublicWork'sofficeorat Commun ity Development.Ifyouhaveany questions pleasecallCharlieDavis,theTown ofVail Construction Inspector,at 479-2158. Ihavereadandansweredallthea ""queions.n 'EaJ.iE:R..K.£/'oJ1DDE.L 'Vw\.~~ JobName Contraor's Signature 75South Frontag e Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 February 20 ,1996 Ms.Amy Becher 2460 Chamonix Ln .C-3 Vail,CO 81657 ••• ..,.. Department of Community Development SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL P1:5'ip -DC?I -.d"L RE:Building Permit Application #6911 A review of theTown of Vail Building Divisionfiles indicates that there hasbeennorecent activity with theabovelisted building permit application.The1991 Uniform Building Code. S ection 303(d)•requires evidence of con struction progress each180 days to avoid expiration of a permit.As per Uniform Building Code Section 303(d).your permit has expired. Ifno response hasbeenrec eived within20days of the a bovedate.thisfilewillbe voided . andthefilewillbe placed inthe permanent file,with no further inspections authorized o r deposits returned . l1~ce"IY ,CI 'dNv~(U~ Ch arles E .Davis Bu ilding Inspector o R£'CYCU'DPAP£R • .r: •• ""SENDE R:~•Complete items1 end/or 2 f or additional serv ices..• en e 'Co mpletBIt ems3.end 4a &b . ~•Pri ntyourname andaddressonthe reve rie of r lS form 10 that we can returnthiscardtoyou .~•Attach th is form tothe front ofthe mailpiece .oron t bCliCk if s'pece!doesnotperm it. ~•W rite"ReturnReceIpt Requested"on the m ailpiecebelow t he artic lenumber. ..•The ReturnReceipt wlll show to whom the artic le wasdeliv ered and the date delivered. 8. Ialso wishtoreceive t he f ollowingserv ices(foranextra " fee):.~ 1.0 Addressee 's Address cl!l 2. '"U.S .G.P.O.:1992-307-530 P 1 56 091 5 42 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT RECEIPTFORCER TIFIED MAIL hO INSURANCE:COV£:RAGE PRovmED-.or ~OR INT[RHATlOf\IAL ~All (SeeReverse) sentt .-3""1<---:; Spcctat Deuvc-v t-ee nesncreo Del vet»Fee Return Receipt show ng :0 whom and Date Denve red ~f--r1-CI-u-rn-R-ec-e-'-PI-S-'h-o-w--,n-g-IO-w-ho-m-+--'-"""'-~ ";Da le.and Address0 1 ()ellVf~ry §TOl Al Postage and Fees.., ~Po stmark 0<D ale E 5 LL en D. • Plan ReviewBasedon the1991 Uniform Codes • NAME:BECHER REMODEL ADDRESS:CHAMONlX CHA TET #C -3 VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCfION:V-lHR DATE:8-29-94 CONTRACfOR:GUIDA CONST ARCHlTECf:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER :DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The itemslistedbelow are not intended tobea complete listingofallpossiblecode requirements in the adopted codes.It isaguidetoselectedsectionsof the codes. The followingisnottobe construed tobean approval ofany violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codesorany ordinance oftheTownofVail. 1.SMOKE DETECfORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC1210OFTHE1991UBC. 2.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCOD E COMPLIANCE. 3.THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FORAN INTERIOR REMODEL (CARPET,CABINETS, AND PAINT)ONLY. CONVERSATION I DESCRIPTION .:.:~::..:.:::.:::~:~:::::::::.::::::::::::..:.:.:..:..:.·::·····.:···:··:·~::..b;;;~:·::i.A~;·;.;~..:~....J ·N.:;~ti··.·:~~~e~·· .........................................................................!--Bb¥z.:......,.'1".... o " 2.- V'...........................-... ...,..~-.~,.......... ...~.. l<~. o'}t>et'\>I '-<1 "3 e '/z..\-/ ~..T f Vail Copy I .:q . I • I i :!..I';'f~I !~, I ",.. .I .'.. .:. NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE \. 7127 PERMIT FEES ?noo.oo I.non nn ?noo.oo PERMIT NO .-----'--:...=~- I "nnn nn 10 """"" BUILDING z ELECTRICAL0 ~PLUMBING:::> -'...MECHANICAL> , I..-,.....----,r------------. VALUATION IIIIII IVV ABEHIRM I22a34 G .R.FA DATE NrWEMRER 1 9,1 994 GROUPTYPE L lYPE OF CONSlRUCTION 2.OCC UPANCY GROUP DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :11 DEMOLIS HF IRE DAMAGE &R EPAIR G9 PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION PERMIT r--~~==:::":':''''':'=_~~\ lOin of vall department of community development G9 BUILDING Q9 ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION Q9 i M ~q ~~N ~~1~(J N 8 1 .N ilH4 TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT JOB NAME :CHAMONIX CHALET REPAIR LE GAL-LOT BLK,--1 DESC .FILING CHAMONTX CHA1 E TS DWELLI NG UN IT S __A CCOMMODATI ON U NI TS__ NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR rxx ~25.00 46.00 17 2 .00 lj O.OO /P C fl O.OO /PC BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELE C1RICAL Rv NAME MAIL ADDRE SS OWNER CITY PH.HEIGHT IN FT.__N O.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD >.----- CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 0 0.00 USETAX WILL CALL 1 2 00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES fi 41 .00 SOLAR WOOD GARY MURRAIN 11-1 9-94 BUILDING OFFICIAL -------DATE -- PLUMB ING 13 4 -P CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE 82 7 -5736 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.82 7-59 18 FIRM S I BL EY PLUMBI NG 11 9-E ST .CUT BLA STING PARK ING DEM O INITIAL ~NINGADMINISTRATOR ----DATE--- ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES:T E GA!CREATION OF UNI T '1'm.Tl\l m ,t:MTl<:T R E PR01 TTnEn OR ITNTT MIT<:T HE R JV~:IJ FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR IOWN OFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM----------- TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application .filled out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that allthe information p rovided asrequ ired is correct.I agree to comply with the informat ion and plot p lan,to comply with wn ordinances andstate laws,andto build this structure acco rding to the Town 's zoni ~SUbdiViSiones,design rev iew approved ,Uniform BUilding Code and other ordina S the Town a .able th~reto. CL EAN UP DEPO S IT TO :~-"-'---- D:(h,.\/Oh gu:~1~.5 SIG'FfATURE OF~R ORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF ,I "1 ANDTHE OWNE'Ir." • 1 j if ~)~~\o/EJ 1/7 TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION P lIT II V AL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM --NOV 17 1994 DATE:_ .' \1 r\\/r'I OTAPPLICATIONMUSTBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYORMA,.B VACEPTED)(~............................PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [J-Building [J-Plumbing []-Electrical []-Mechanical y-1 -Other ~/I]o Job Name:(,hO i-norl "Ii C)~/I'!Job Address:2t//:.-?CJ/t;2}O OJ1 V(~ Legal Description:Lo"1/l t/Block Filing SUBDIV ISION : Owners Name:___________Address:____________Ph._ [/]-Repair [)-Other _ Number of Accommodation Units: Architect:Address:''-:-Ph ,_ General Description:[pJnn!l;b 7&-ie &-?Vt2 It?)"Y~.>/ Work Class:[J-New []-Alteration []-Additional Number of Dwelling units:-L/__ Town of Vail Reg.NO. P11(IYt,e Number:---- T own of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor:~~{~.~~~~e~v~~~_~~~_Addr~ss:( * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet *********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* ~'/J ~e:BUILDING:$I tJ ,000.-ELECTRICAL:$~W -OTHER:$~ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$_ofl::_TOTAL:$i~*********~~*******R IffFORMATION ***********-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-~-*"~neral Co tractor:'-J ~t:<-"(/r;-Town of Vail Reg.NO.ff'7":0 Address:;.2 ,,'7 c ~hone Number:V 7:.s.;2'iL. n l/2 .FI~c-k c Mechanical Contractor: Address: /t II Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: VALUATION OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPLAN CHECK FEE:1¥'6-- PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:e - MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:I Q- RECREATION FEE: ...L..lo=':"-=:::'<'::"-'-~CLEAN-UP DEPOSI-T:) TOTAL PERMX-T ""E• BUILDING:~::L~~~~~!:::2===L _ SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGN~1U~:(,{,AU ,'''; SQ.FT.GROUPTYPE ********************************FOR...S-BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments:-:---'~;.;.;:;...:...<.----J ~CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ••• CHECK REOUEST PREPARED BY:~-.aJ ~d ~~/.J DATE:/~?/9" VENDOR NA.\1E:-«.~~ VEl\1DOR l-HJ'MBER::1e:t::J .:/~,j? DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLE~"i UP DEPOSIT REFU1\'D FOR BP#7/0('7 NAME OFJOB:f!/a.-/u..~.'/t21l~~~' "ACCOUNT 1\'UMBER:01 0000 22002 ". ../7A.\10TJNT OFREFUND:/&>.60 DATE APPROVED:i-I'L-qra ·/l APPROVAL SIGNATlJRE:~JLrJ'jD Ii J/':..~ 7'-- CONSTRUCTION PERM IT D RAWN\~G A~ACHEDNOTE-CO PYOFPE RMITT OB E K EPT ON JOBSITE IN ON JULY 20,1992 DATE 00 5585PERMITNO. I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIII V V 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM BUILDING 1 5,000 DIVIS ION 12 2.3 4 z ELECTRICAL0 GENER AL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING BUILDING #FREQRO OF TOMATCH EX ISTIN :> -J (MAINROOF ONLY -NOTTHEENDS)..:MECHANIC AL> TlDTAL 15 ,000 TYPE GR OUP G R.F.A.VAL UATI ON PERMITFEES V R-1 0 15,000 BU ILDING PERM IT 1 95 e--t PLAN CHECK 1 27 0-. ELECTR ICAL ~~NEW ()ALTE RATION ()ADDITI ONA L()REP AIR (4 PLUMBING 0 DW EL LI NGUNI TS ___ACCO MMO DATIO N UNITS __MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT .__NO .FIRE PLACES --RECREATION FEE ----------INSULATI ON:TYPE TH ICKN ESS R-VAL LUE DES IGN REVIEW BOARD"oo '~f~CL EAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100 lY) EXT.WAL LS _-._ONE ..::___USE TAX ~-RO OF ~-~~--~=-~~~~'it' TYPE ELE C GA S TOTALPERMITFEES $4 22 I ~OF SOLAR WO ODHEAT DAN STANEK JULY2 1,1 992 f.,---------.---DATE -----ADDITIONA L PE RMIT S NEE DED :BUILDIN GOFFICIAL Y.~IN ITIAL NOPLANNER X ---------------ST .CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLAS TIN G X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING X SMOKE HKrKK DETECTORS REQUIRED I N ALL BEDROOMSA SPER SEC.1 2.10 199i UPC. DEM O X I hereby acknowtedqe that I have re ad this application ,f illed out i n full t he information required , c o mpleted an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information p rov i dedas requi red i s c orrect.I a gree to comply w ith the information and plot plan,to co mply witha ll Town ordinances andstate laws ,andto build th is structure according tot he T own 's z oning and su b division c odes ,d esign r eview approved ,Un iform BUi lding Code and othe r o~J::etUthe T own ap plicab le thereto . CLEANUP TO:SNOWCAP ROOFING c~ POBOX 3 25 SIGNATUR E OF OWN ER OR CONT RACTOR FOR HIMS ELF EDWA RDS,CO 81632 AND THE OWNE R. TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TY PEO FPERMIT JQQ BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL02460CHAMONIXLN ~L EGAL LOT 13-23 BLK B &C FILING VAIL DAS SCONE illDESC. JOBNAME :CHAJ.'10NIX CHALETS RE-ROOF OWNER NAME MA il ADDRESS CITY PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAI L ADPRESS CITY PH. FIR M SNOWCAP ROO FING,INC. GENE RAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO.17 6 -S TELE.9 2 6-33 20 FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACT OR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERM IT DRAWN~~G A~TACHEDNOTE-COPY OF P ERMIT T OBE KEPT O N JOBS ITE I NONJU LY 2 0,1992 DATE 005585PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CON ST RUCTION I IIIIIIV V 2 .OC CUPANCY GROUP AB EH IRM BUIL DING 15,000 DIVIS ION 1 22.34 z ELE CTRI CAL0 GENER AL DE SCRIPTI ON OF WORK :~PL UMBI NG BUILDING #FRE9ROOFTOMATCH EXISTIN =>-' (MAIN ROOFONLY -NOTTHEENDS)«ME CHANI CA L> TIDTAL 15,000 TY PE GROUP G.R.F _A .VALUA TION PERMI T FEES V R-1 0 15,000 BU ILDIN G PER MIT 195 ~ PLAN CHECK 1 27 ~sELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION ()ADD IT IONAL ()REP AIR (l\1l.PL UMBIN G ~ DWE LLI NGUNI TS __ACC OMMODA TIO N UNITS __ME CHAN ICAL HEIGH TINFT __NO.F!R EPLACES --RE CREAT ION FEE ------INSU LATION:TYPE THI CKNESS R-VALLUE DE SI GN REV IEW BOARD,-- FLOOR CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT 100 lY) 'TONE-~EXT .WALL S -USE TAX---ROOF ~ 'll=' TYPE ELEC.GA S TOTAL PERMITFEES $4 22 I ~OF SOLA R WO ODHEAT DANSTANEK JULY 21 ,1992 ADDITIONAL PERMI TS NEED ED :'BUILDIN GOFFIC IAL ---.---DATE ----- ~!:!.INITIAL NOPLANN ER X 1----------------ST.CUT I7 0NINGADM INISTR ATOR DA TE BL AS TIN G X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING X SMOKE EKIKK DETECTORSREQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS ASPERSEC.U.10 1 ':1':1 i UPC. DEMO X I he re by ack nowledge t hatIh avere ad this appl ication,fi lled out in f ull t hei n formation r equ ired , co mpleted an accuratep lot pl an ,an dstatet hatall t hei nfor mation pro vided a sre q uired i s c orrect.I agree to c omply w iththei n formation and p l ot plan .t o co mply with allT own or dinan ces andstate laws.an dto buil dt hi s st ructure acco rding to t he Town 's zo ning and s ubdi visi on c odes ,design r eview a p proved.Uniform B uilding Code a nd o t her o~r:.:e~t h!3 Town applicable t hereto . CLEANUP T O:SNOWCAP ROOFI NG e-b POBOX 325 SIGN ATURE OF OW NER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF EDWARDS,CO 81632 AND THE OWNER. TO BE FIL LED OUT COM PL ETELY PR IORTO ISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT ~BU ILDING 0 P LUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL02460CHAMONIXL N town D va d e~artment o f comm un ity development ~L EG AL LOT 13-23 BLK B &C D ESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCON E III J OB N AME :CHAMONIX CHALETSRE-ROOF O WNER NAME ---- MA IL ADDRESS CITY PH. A RCHITECT FIR M MAIL AD DRESS CITY PH. FI RM SNOWCAP ROOFING,INC. GENERAL CO NTRACTOR TOWN OFVAILREG NO.176-S TELE _926-3320 FIR M ELECT RICAL CO NTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PL UMBIN G TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . FIR M MEC HANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIR M TOW NOF VAIL REG .NO. ~T OR TELE. i NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE, XDATE .(L.S.....I ~.<ibn ,gg2 THEFOLLOWING IS NEEDE DFOR FIL ING PERMIT: ...-1.L ett er f rom condo as sn.(I F APPLICABLE) I .TY PE OFCO NS TR UC TION IIIIII IV VJ 2.2 Sets pf connl ete d ra wi ngs!e xp ]amltion 2.OCC UPANCY GROUP 'ABEH l iiM BUILD ING ,5 .()()().f)(',)( I xDIVISION122a34zELECTRICALa vGE~i~L DESCR~PTIO~EOF l~R ~~PLUMBING 'XI0.""e f1l """..\-,..t,P 1£;<4.),A ::l ....J X~~(1""\(1 ;;::o:.s 1'1_1"-N II-\--\-h e.fl-"l d:c;,<MECHANI CAL>".T OTAL ,C:;()tV).0("))( TY PE GRO UP G.R.F.A.VALU ATI ON PERMIT FEES V <Z -\\~,0 /9~~nOD -BU ILD ING PERM IT d () • PLAN CHECK /27.IV'" '-' ELECTRICAL NEW ()AL TERA TION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPA IR(~PLUMBING DW ELLING UNITS__ACCOMMODATIO NUNITS__ME CHANICA L HEI GHT INFT.__NO.FIREPLA CES --RECR EAT ION FEE . INSU LATION:TYPE THI CKN ES S R·VALLUE DESIGN REV IEW BOARD ROOO I I I CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT /()O _00 ;., USE TAXEXT.WALLS ROOF I' I TYPE ELEC.GAS TOT~PERMIT FEES .L/:Z;2..6c5 .I'·OF SOLAR WOOD )j.1J#fh v.J-7 -z /-9<!I ~HEAT ADD ITIONAL PER MITS NE ED ED :Buit DiNG OFFICIAL ------llATE ----- 1.!!INITIAL .Is----------------ST.CUT ONI NG ADMIN ISTRATOR .DATE BLAST ING Z ~N G &BUILDING NOTES:5Hd~W KCM< PA RKI NG r-(',}If,~m /11 rilL k t7...a,..",..1 #~P'e:-x •I' -<t;z:I 1/0 It;CJ'uflC , DEMO .''" I hereby acknowlec;!ge that Ihaveread this application.filled out i n full the information required.,~{. completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allthe information provided as required is correct.~~~~agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town o rdina nces and state laws,and to build th is structure according to the Town's :zDn ing and subdiv ision codes.design ,.~.~ review approved.Uniform Building Code and other!~ce s of ~P li c a bl e thereto•.;r.:i (J;.w.-.Vf-h:~.wc.'fJ teod'l '">j,-:r:..c,XX .;(WA.-liP,'·. fjO.drd'~;<~/"'3:L SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSElF~~~-: Wa.'SI a,ANDTHE OWNER..«:,.ft .e-: o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo o B UILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL lhe p"nw",lVilul .~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1010 I laJ department of community development *****PLEA~E FILL OUR WHERE TH E (X)~~RKS ARE TO BE FILLED OUT COMP LETELY PR IOR TOISSUANCE OF PERM IT TYPEOFPERMIT '-LEGAL LOT \3 -~3 B LK 1~4C DESC.FILING \I ~\44)Schol\e-Rlil\fJl X JOBNAME :C-ho..""o 11 \;<C.hA.\-e.fs -re.roo f OWNER NAME X MA IL ADDR ESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM X MAIL ADPR ESS CITY PH . X GENERAL FIRM SnoulCa.p r<,O Il.f-1nO 1:Fr\C • CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO .11 C,-S TELE.A::l.b-1"3";lO < FIRM~ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. X FI RM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM X MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM X TOWN OFVAILREG.NO. CONT RACTOR TELE. PROPOSAL HIKE BECKLEY SNCXJCAP ROOF ItlG,Inc. P.O.BOX 325 EDWARDS;CO.81632 FAX=926-2S10 926-3320 926-3319 DATE I APRIL 5,1991 .PROPOSAL SUBt1ITTED TO I WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT: NAME:,CHAMONI X CHAL ET CORP. STREET:2460 CHAt10NIX LANE CITY:VAIL, STATE:CO.81657 PHI:J-IEH 476-0819 JOB TITLE:C~1~~IX CHALETS STREET:CHAt10NI x LANE /WEST VA IL CITY:VAIL,STATEr CO.81657 ' ARCHITECT:N/A DATE OF PLANS:t1IA Wt hfrfby propose to furnish all labor and materials as ' .sptclfl.d below; TO rl!-roof entire unit,with tear off of existing roof.To 1 <;~ 'f u rn l ~h and Install replacl!ml!nt roofing conslsllnqof a cold roof '/~tJn I , .with a cold ridgl!,HI Gradl!Class B H@dlum Shakfs,with under l avmsn t s S'1 ~l.J{}!:B Of Situthtne Ice and Water Shltld,36 Inch and 18 Inch,30 pound CQ.tvx>"C" .';;"1',00'IhQ f I!1t•..:.~f~c·,: ::...'\.:.;Til,ex Is tI ng roof tnr-oH will bt don.down to the plywood,and ~:'1 1'w a't ,materlal~placed In a dump,t,r prOVided by Snowcap Roofing, tne .. The ent ire roof will be covertd with 81tuthtne Ict and Water Shltld appl i edin shingl~fashion ontop of the txlstlng pl>,,-~ood;. lapptd 3 Inches on all head laps and 6 Inches on all end laps. Tht entire roof will be covl!rl!d with a layer of 36 inch,30 pOund roofing lelt,lapPl!d four inch.s on thl!head laps and six Inches on the l!nd laps. A cold roof ~~ill be construchd by Installing 2 x 2's slel!ptrs at 16InchO.C.'s and nalll!d -t 12Inch0 C'Th 14k'..••S.t X S IPshnthlng~~11 1 then be lns t all e d, All metal for the follm~ing will bt shop btnt and made from 26 gauge galvanized flashing: (I)Wall Flashing (2)Step Flashing (3)2-Chimney Crick@ts (4)Drip Cap -12"flat ~tock with 1 Bend and 1 Htm Each coarse of shakts will bt lactd with an ISInch 30 pound roofing felt. • F -r\(JA..~~hc..c.-~.'-~k .j\.JL.;~-!:.J ~~-to l~tc-k .Q,i~t X .~\'\ot~eHi.~.(4k.;C"l~~'-~~l ck~).... ....~ I :...~_. \ ·.e Interlochen Condominium Association P.O.Box 1578 Vail,Colorado 81658 T CJ»icfVoJ .- Jiv--Irfk;--/cx:.hl ~of UI~Y~~r£..I .""....., 9~~i~-b ~rn~~. -b uJ:;r{z OJ cleek.~cd:-I~Joc.hg,. @ Printed on Recycled Paper •·-INSPECTION REQUEST (!ATOWN OF VA IL t:/I r ~7 11',9)J,'y 1/~f1 (>'~') CALLER .SA (J-c./)(1/?,0 0~-=-:t2262 · 7(U ES I'Yiffi)THUR FRI --.,:.--A M PM '> 111 i5tJ;1/~ .- READ YFOR INSPECT C~.r7/MON/? L OCATION :({Y'O ('" --------- DATE ---''----I-..L-4,~--JOB NAME -----:::::==;-'--__-'-LL=::....:..--=~L.-~..L...:!...L~---.:>= o¥F INAL (BU-!;DING:) o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FO UNDATION /STEEL _ o FRA MING RO OF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INS ULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAlLJI----------I~J PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING o POOL /H .TUB _ o o o F INAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o F INAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EX HAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o F INAL _ C ..Ef":1P"PROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --...L.,.~'----'+...L....:."'-------INSPECTOR ~SHcF PERMITFEES PERMITNO.00170 5 BUILDING 1,088.00 ~. z ELECTRICALa ~PLUMBING::l ...J<MECHANICAL> VALUATION IIIIIII VV ABEH IRM G .R.F.A. NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 5/22/84 GROUPTYPE I.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION 1 2 2a 34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK:re-roof north end ofBuildingCusing fireproof materials and bituthene entire endoPLUMBINGoFOUNDATION []re-roof CONSTRUCTION PERMIT tOIO III department of community development o BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL TOBE FI LLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT I hereby acknowledge that Ihavereadth is application,filled out i n full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan ,andstatetha t allthe i nformation provided as requi redi s correct.I agree to comply with the i nformationandp lot plan,to comply w ith a ll Town ordinances andstate laws,andto build this st ructure according to th7!iTOW's zo~nirpngan,d subd iv ision codes ,design rev iew approved ,Un iform Bu ilding Code and other or IZlS of .it1cTown~a:ZPliC~Zblhereto. return clean up to:r,.~ Snowcap Roofi ng_Box 325 \..1/1/1.1,J fA 'L,4 Ed S"~~~.,un"UF OWNER oR'CONTRACTOR ,FOR H IMSELFwards,CO .8163-!'lD THEOWNER. DW ELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __ NEW()ALTERATION()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR () 23.50 11.75 lnn nn PLANCHECK BUI LDING PERMIT PLUMBING MECHANICAL DESIGNREVIEW BOARD CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT ELECTRICAL USETAX RECREAT ION FEE TOTAL,PERMIT ~EES $135.25 ~ ~~~,AJfA.-DSATE-/!:._'{;(/_ Bdii.DING OFFICI ..,-..7 - ~lrista_Pritz __~/7/8~_ ~ONIN G ADMINISTRATOR DATE IzONING &BUI LDING NOTES:_ INITIAL WOOD GAS T HICKNESSR·VAL LUE __NO .FIRE PLACES TY PE SOLAR ELEC. PARKING EXT.WALLS ROOF BLASTING HEIG HT INFT. FLO OR DEMO ST.CUT INSULA TION: A DDITIONALP ERMITSNEEDE D: TYP E OF H EAT LEGAL LOT J(,.r)BLK ;5:..F; DESC .FILING Vail Das Shone JOBNAME :Chamoni x Vi 11 age HC Re-roof OWNER NAME Chamonix Village MNLADDRESS Chamonix Lane CITY West Vail 476-1337 PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERA L FIRM Snowcap Roofing 132$ CONTRACTOR T OWNOFVA IL REG.NO. T ELE .926-3320 FIRM ELECTRICAL ONTRACTOR T OWNOFVAI L REG .NO . T ELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOF VAIL REG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE . FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR T OWNOFVAILREG.NO. T ELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAI L REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . Wor~€-e-"....,ou I DATE -"I ". L TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I IIIII I VV mmunity development 2 .OCCUPAN CY GRO UP ABE HIRM BUILDING -. DIVISION 12 2334 z ELECTR ICAL ETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCE OFPERMIT G E ~:?JAL DESCRIP TION OF WQ RK :P,""1M';;A )M ~(..0 ~PLUMBING MIT "J }......\f"~\"r.,...,'.-::J -J 1~.--:\:u-.~.'!',.,.~~;~\e-A,/,..J ..MECHANICAL0PLUMBING> o FOUN DATION \\,J...u ",,...tJ ~U+lo r!tc~h ~,~/11J?t7V L r:Y-te.otf.r ,~,ITYPEGROUPG.A-FA VALUATION PERM IT FEES r-~BLK ~D BUILDING PERMIT 7 'Y.so tA,;/i>~S t.6 p!-PLAN CHE::I<II·7 5 ,e.,e~/~.-~....<ELECTR ICAL ?j./A""'oA .I ~1/,f l rlt:.p NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMBING --,. DRESS t1 t.JO """",,,,,,h M >t'OWELLINGUNITS __AC COMMODATI ON UNITS __MEC,~AN ICAL - ~.J I)""n PH U'1l_-A ~HEIGHT INFT.__NO.FIREPLACE S --RECREATION FEE - INSULATIO N:TYP E THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD -FLO OR CLEAN ·UP DEPOS IT /tJO.c;"-DRESS EXT .WALLS PH.USETAX - tJ 0 '")(?,u1 j-J.....,~.~'..ROO F,TYPE ELEC .GAS T OTA!"~.MIT FEE SOFVAILREG.NO.O F ; t;;JI'"--~<,?,....,HEAT SO LAR WOOD _::~..~:..__~2_~~___ ADDI TIONAL PERMITS NEEDED;B~I~F~tt-J'I'D A T E~L1-!!INITIAL j .___Ql{±:6 ~FVAILREG.NO.ST.CUT --W NING ADMINISTRATOR 'DATE BLAS TING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING F VAIL REG.NO.DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read th is application.filled 'out in full t he information required, c ompleted an accurate plot plan ,and state t hat all the information provide d as req uired i s correct.I F VAILREG.NO.ag ree to comply w ith the informa t ion and p lot pla n.to comply with a ll Town o rdin ancesa nds tate l aws ,and to build this structure according t o the Town 's zoning and subd i visi on code s.d e sign review ap proved,Unifo rm Bu ildingC od e and o t~~"o f7~w n apPlz z e to. .'.-J .4/./_~~~A / F VAILREG.NO.SIGNATURE OFO WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOI'f HIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. CITY MAILAD LOT ---c, F ILING LEGAL DESC . JOB NAME : O WNER A RCHITECT FIRM FIRM CITY FIRM ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN0 TELE. FIRM P LUMBIN G CO NTRACTORTOWN 0 TELE. TELE. MAILAD O T HER FIRM TOWN 0 C ONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM :3GENERAL C ONTRACTOR TOWN MECHANICAL C ONTRACTOR TOWN 0 T ELE. TO BEFIL LED OUTCOMPL TYP E OF PER o BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICA• PM(AM INS I -",-.J - eTION REQUESt I /1 TOWN OF VAIL -. (~,,/~Yl-OlAW 'vI J..~. CALLER '-,<t.ou)r ~r~1/(1) ~l' TUESWED THUR (j.!iJ JMON I(-../7 READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING.- o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0, (4'o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS n CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 q '~INAL o FINAL I !:D/APPROVED .../6~R R E C T I O N S : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED /I ,(? / !'JI l/ DATE ---'1__"----=--"--_INSPECTOR ....I I"'....~/ ... 'hip rln "fyfv 3il TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LEGAL LOT BLK ESC .FILING OB NAME:Chamonix Village Re-roof,,-,~ OWNER NAME UIU~.u MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM Snow Cap Roofing TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. tM prlnlery lvarl 262 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 2-7-83 QUI PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 744 DIVISION 122334 Z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :re-roof end ~PLUMBINGofBldg."B"with fireproof material ::::l ...J 0(\x3/4 shakes,nicolet felts and >MECHANICAL 6 ft.bnuthene TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 14.00 PLAN CHECK 7.00 ELECTRICAL ~NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS MECHANICAL '~Cf G.R.F .A __BEDROOMS --RECREATION FEE Drj DESIGN REVIEW BOARDCOMMERCIALSYST__COVERED PARKING 16HEIGHTINFT.__UNCOVERED PARKING CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100 .00 (6 NO FIREPLACES --USETAX ~~INSULATION TOTAL PEJ1MVr FijE?$121.00 r ). TYPE THICKNESS R·VALUE FLOOR )~~£L;(j~__c{-:~___ BUlLING0 FICIAL OAT EXT.WALLS ---------------ROOF ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES: Class "A"roof ELEC:GAS : SOLAR :WOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the i nformation and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subd ivision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and oth~=7":the z.:l:ble thereto. SrG~~oE OF ~OR C ~RAC ~R FORHIMSELF ANDOWNElY (~J h .z ~'/" o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT o BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL /'. ~. SE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED ( •TOWN OFVAIL• INSPECTION CARD PERMIT NO.!.J.b~ (MUST BE POSTED ONJOB SITE) CONTRACTORS 0 )I NAME L1C.NO. Owner:C I./.c //).A.}(1t)X i '"/,4 c.:.IS,.",-i~:f,-..;,..>"7/ General Contractor:M ...:::t7n @.;D Excavator: Foundat ion: Plumber:_ Electric ian: Mechanical: Framer: Insulator: DryWall:_ Painter: Roofer: INSPECTIONS DISAPPROVED APPROVED Excavation Footings /Steel Foundation /Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Utilities) Temp.Electric Rough Plumbing -D.W .V. Rough Plumbing -Wa ter Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TOBE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING DISAPPROVED APPROVED Rough Framing Insulation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric FinalORB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building ./-") // /// ~--~-~7-,(I~ UPON FINAL APPROVAL OFALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS,RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT.FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 476-7000,EXT.101OR102 24HoursInAdvance Between8:00a.m.to4:30p.m.,Monday Through Friday tIM Drlnl .ry/\l111 INSlcTION REQUEST. (TOWN OF VAIL . C gAM A-O /X (J/l.L14~;$w .. \'I J (jv/C PIVa-ISCALLER----'~_ • JOB NAMEDATE2-25-f'3 _____AMPMMONTUESWEDTHURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:_ CORRECTIONS . BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEE TROCK NAIL 0 0 0 I~INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 g.F4L o FINAL ~OVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPEC TION REQU IRED " DATE ---='--_ the prlntery /...all DATE 2 -l5'·f 3 CALLER , eTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL . UtI../.AC ':: ~/{PIVb-,l~.__ _____AMPMMONTUESWEDTHURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ El/FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL /1oFINAL, ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ /// ~D APPROVED-~O R R E CT I O N S :o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED • I DATE ---''----__--'-'''''-_INSPECTOR -==----'-~~-----"~;.4..:.~+L~~==------ U"'I,--l-·~~--~'::'::":::·:',,__I )\ r-.............'.'.'.J """-..--..."~....~.., :~L::;C -,:cc '.'..L :;7 !:L v ?P.:0i1 TO ISSlJANCE OF PEAMI7 _.":.:,:.~:\:O ~cc mrnu nitvd ove toprnent 1.Type o f Construction III Ii I I VV 1\i --f -e~J-'L-r;~?G -j -7 (i:>"i":"'l!?re:".<"'----~ 2 ,Occupa ncy Group 1\0EH I R M 1\i !,:::ELECTn:CI·L I I O'..I 2 I I •.,.,_~.lV1S1o n 12 23 3 4 ':~?~UM e :N G 1 \ d''l?=c ~?:.-.I.\:T ~G~C ne r~"l D~esc ct~L i O ~o f ~~;,I1.&f~~!I·I!~'I WCHA"C~'i Izs.8U :LD ii,G 0 PLUM BING""y "i:ii's g",-i;{;;{rE:>,~0"01 .'I iq~,~~_~T ;<,I,C:\~0 FOUN DATiON .~-::~)£"1>~.\f.J~",",~"~l~~I ---i -..-...\."~"L 0 Tyre Group G,R.F.A.Va l uation JI PERi,ilT fEES l ~·:··':-"i ~·~;"·~-·--8~K "1,---l.I I .1\eUIL D::.Gp [R'm I I f,co l ! ;~:":L :~,G ---.-1 -II jl PLMI CH eCK II /.cO l 1 I ---..,.if 0 OCT 'C /'I!~-----".L.,H ·.c .I.£l~.u..lIol.IW:s.,~-I._-""'7:'71----l i,E'·!()/\L if.R~.T!ON ()f.O ilj'ilO ~:/\L()Ri:?,IlR()H \i ) I ,'"-~.-_------I'PLL:I,i8 INC 1 _.I ; \.,'.,.,l D\itUING UNITS A C C O:."~O OATIO N UNITS II M-C"/N C'L I'.l~,.\I~nD nE<S ----'/t;n \I "\ '"-HEIG II T IN FT..NO FI REPL ACES \,':~.__..._._:_~':Y..v!uLJId ,f ?t'11V..L.U.1 l ----i!n EC~E ":1 0 t l FE!:I ---; ,i r • .;,.'.:,'j'"'.'1 p 'suo rl(l '"TV "C TWCKIiESS R V'LI'E P c."S IG:~RE V:",','u a ;,~a I- ............1__•~I ,...I ..I ,••rc .,1 .-r.v ·l ~'I Ii~\·.:'..:'12 :5:o.S S i ·f LOOo\ii CLc AN·Ui'DEPO$IT /00 ,~c:I i 1 CloV PH,II USE TAX II~~~\-~~EXT,\·tm s I .i i IF'~"!.11 I I I::\=,,;,~1--I R00 F I 'lr:;::-~-.~?:2 ./:7 /e-e:::-'4 : n .....C;TQR '-"',:."1'.:O F VA ILREG .NO .-..."11 T~!,\~~~I Lf::::-:---"'-;I I I /. "::l.i'TreE nEC.GAS it .'e::~ =~~-'I';/~"-'1 1 H~iiT :·SOLAR l f:OOll !'[!;UILOIUCOFFIC:,\L ------r;An -----~ -~~e"'L '.1 I:~....?,·~~I !_Q ··'IN Q F V A I L ;:;=G .I'.:Q,IIOD l no:,AL PEflHITS "EEO W :1.1~.'O "I N G A DMltlj;;nATo R ----O;:T."----I ...v I'<\I ST CUT I'i 1 1£I INlTll\L 11-~,TF'7f-.'91 t'hz:;;;!J •~~=/~~~~)ITL1;,s1'I:;:;==T -J j i l!ZONING e.SU ILD I1.G NOTES :~ct L r !l !r.::~.''I )'!~{;;J ~:G --'1--/--""";;0.;.-;\[1U!~.--t·-----1 1 .v ~.~"~·('I·N"J Q£_Yl~!.l.~r:{\NO I ----L-___, m,ACTOR ""--•I I \":'".f"\.F \r~"'"1.;~r:.!:=.._:::::J,~~..==':,:;="=~.::::.':'":"'.==._;_:_.:==:_;:c.::::~'"=::=;....•__::.~~.:=.==__----...;. --.Il~-~-r ~,;~·.~-II ~Ih er eby ;lc kn O\'l !~d Ge rn nt I hove read th is a p p fic ati on.l d i c ~.out inl u ll l :'1:;i~'~O '.~r::2::(i r t;:~\J I;;:::,f! _",:'_:1 c ornpl ctcc an a cc ura tep lot p lan.a r.c s tate that a ll th e I n /urrr ,at,cn p r ov i ced a s re:C;Ulr ",c:I~CONE::t .I ,_"=:..:.:::.::='.~'~=:J ,';:)~a gree t o comp ly w ith t :-oe In format ion an d pl ot p ian .toco rnplv '!l i th a ll Town or din anc es ace ~'Gte .-~'7 '1 0 I ~l laws.and t o b u ild t~i s struct.ure ac~o rding tothe To wn's zening and c u t:d i 'J i s ;~n ccc es.c (;~:Jn -:,.=..:,~~=,._~:~~~'rr .I ~,1 rev iew app r oved ,U niform B uilding Co dea ndo thero rcrn cnces ot inc T own appl lcab!e:tr:"r,,:eo . v ,i-,:':":,<1'.I :>tq~~~~1 fl \~ \'("'.';"OF VA IL A!:G N O.n ''.SIG"A7~P."O F OWNER OR C ONTRACTOR f JR n!',<S :,-f ':T?,\C TORi '[L E.9~{,-"'!>!>'Lo ~==_..==~=.,"=AND ~~:..::~I.~:.__._ ..."1 ~•.' NOTE-COPYOFPERMITTOBEKEPTON JOBSITE 1-14-83DATE 001 250 IIIIIIIV~PERMITNO. 1.TYPE Of CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABE H 1@.1 BUILDING 7800 DIVISION <9 2a34 z ELECTRICAL0;::: GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK :""PLUMBINGRe-roof 4-plex :) ...J-e>MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-1 7800 BUILDING PERMIT 68.50 PLANCHECK 34.25 ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ("A)PLUMBING ~DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATIONUNITS MECHANICAL -;:;- G.R.F.A.__BEDROOMS --RECREATIONFEE ~-; COMMERCIALSYST __COVEREDPARKING DESIGNREVIEWBOARD 10.00 (J- CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT 100 .00 -HEIGHTINFT.__UNCOVEREDPARKING ~)NO fiREPLACES --USE TAX INSULATION TOTAL PER)4IT FEES $212.75 TYPETHICKNESSR·VALUE ililAIIflf:(R.4.f:tJh ___L 7~k ___fLOOR EXT.WALLS oUILDING OFFICIAL DAE --------------ROOF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: Cedar Shakes ELEC :GAS: SOLAR:WOOD : I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out infullthe information required, completed an accurate plot plan ,andstatethatallthe information provided as required is correct.I agreeto comply withthe information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning an~ision codes,design review approved,Un iform Building Codeand oth~~ord ina~;;1;he Toceable theretp. ....~.~/2...i1.~..-. SIGNATURE (SF OW1R OR C0'2'IfTOR FIJR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER .\. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT.~ " TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OFPERMIT kr BUILDING /Ej ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL LOT BLK DESC.FILING OBNAME:Chamonix 4-PlexRe-roof OWNER NAME MAILADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH: GENERAL FIRM Snow Cap Roofing CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM ECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE. fiRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER f iRM TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. the prtnttry lvail 7800 PERMITNO.•----.,)J BUILDING II!1I11 {0 ABE H IJR7M 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ~~~~~~~DATE 1-14-83CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT •1£, T OBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT PERMITFEES DI 'JMBING ~I ~CTRICAL ''':''HANICAL VALUATIONSQ.FT.GROUPTYPE DIVISION ([h 2.34 GENERAL DESCRIPTIO/i OFWORK :Re-roof 4-p I ex QI ---I I ~I.-I I '">. --------------11 II IoPLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo BU ILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 15o I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appl ication,filled out in full the i nformation required, completed an accurate plo t pla n,andstate tha t allthe information provided as required is correct.I ag ree to comply with th ein formationand plot pla n,to comply w ith all Town ord inances andstate laws,and t obu ild this st ructure acco rding to t he T own's zoningand subdivision c odes,design review approved ,Un iform Building Codeand othe r ord inances o f the Town applicable the reto. /-r-..L.f--r-'-./I ,~."r,'- SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORH IMSELF AND THE OWNER./ f --- DATE 34.25 68.50 I 10.00 100.00 212.75 ---_,_~y ,1.7OAfE'~- (;.0 BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING uss TAX CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT ELECTRICAL O~SREATION FEE -NREVIEWBOARD PLANCHECK ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ ~pditr·Shlll-,.<;: f<lNING ADMiNISTRATOR - R-VALUE ,..------111 TOTALPERMITFEES 7800 nATlnI\lIINIT~II MECHANICAL GAS: WOOD : THICKNESS HEAT INSULATION ___UNCOVEREDPARKING TYPE R-1 ~,Uf-I:;';/1 II II ~I N GO F F I C I A L C/f>~pd ,;;2-1'-3 3 C£137%'7 '7 v ROOF FLOOR EXT.WALLS II I II ELEC : NOFIREPLACES DWELlING UNITS --ACCOMMO_.•.._.•_....__II I I G.R.F,A,BEDROOMS COMMERCIALSYST __COVEREDPARKING HEIGHT IN FT. SOLAR : NEW()ALTERATION()ADD ITIONAL ()REPAIR(X") the printery/vail LEGAL LOT BLK _DESC.FILING OBNAME :Ch8lllOnix 4-Plex Re-roof OWNER NAME MAILADDRE SS C ITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAl!ADDRESS CIT Y PH. GENERAL FIRM Snow cap Roofing CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO . TELE. FIRM PLUMB ING T OWNOF VAIL REG .NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM M ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVA IL REG .NO . TELE. OTH ER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG .N O . CONTRACTOR TELE. CO NST RUCTION PE RM IT TOBE FILLE D OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT L EGAL L OT B LK D ESC.FILING~NAME :fr-:eO'S;;v.::;>c OWNER NAMF (It./'l.~I l"iJ M AILADDRESS ~L )e ~\)OL'\\ I CITY PH . ARCHITECT FIRM I,1AI L ADD RESS CI TY PH. G ENERAL FIR..M.""'.,1 r ::jJ~.~...... CO NTRACTOR TO WN OF VAIL REG "N O .2,-;7 4'....~ H L E 9.J{tz -13d-0 E.lRM t:;TR ICAL CRACTOR TOWN OFVA IL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM PL U MBING CO NTRACTOR TOWN OFVA IL REG .NO . T HE. ElfW M ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR T OWN OF VAIL REG .N O . T ELE. OT HER FI RM TO WN OF VAIL RE G .NO . CO NTRACTOR T ELE.. NO TE -COPYOF PERMIT TOBEK EPTO N JOBSITE DAT E 0 01237 '1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIII IV €! PERMIT N O. 2.0CCUPANCYGROUP ABE tl ~BUI LDII,G -;Ivof),()-C)I DIVIS ION (J 22a34 z ELECTRICAL I9... GENERALDESCRIPTION OFWORK .-c PLUMB IN G Ie ::l 4 0r 5tI<'!...J-c MECHANICAL> ( TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PE R ~IIT FEES "JL P -I 7 <J?C?C &'<7 BU ILDING PERM IT &~.$O PLAN CH ECK 5 ~.;2..S- ELECTRIC AL ..--.........I INEW()ALTERATIONI )ADD ITIONAL()REPAIR()PL UMBING /.. MECHAN ICAL ~-DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATIONU NITS__ G.R.FA __BED ROOMS RECRE,\n ONFEE ---- COMMERCIALSYST __COVERED PARKING --D ESIGN REVIEWBOARD r:I C?,O C>' HE IGHT INFT.__UNCOVEREDPARKING CLEAN ·UP D EPOSIT /00 ·~O-- U SETAX I NO FIREPLACES.---- IN SULATION -T 9.T ALYHH~I WES .:~/._~~S--:-_TYPE TH ICK NESSR·VALUE ~FL OOR ~"''"",,,,~-757/-?--EXT.WALLS ~_~'I Jt:? ROOF iO ADMINI STOR --0 E---- HEAT ZO NING &BUIL DINGN OTES:.-!A r '(§' rr:C F v2"t}/2-5tlc9ts is.s.-:.-- HEC:GAS: SOLAR:WOOD: i ·'::C::::S j ::reI ,!:::t:L:::lOJU!UO::.'.::.:r:...:.:r:=:t:rM1::T'W".Jf"'!"It..;;;±>"%r..:J::..~~I1"'O'Zr:..T"SC"i H z:::::::z:::::s ~".:::::~.::±ts:e:=:!:~~.i I he r eby ac know ledge th at I ha ve readth isa pplic ation ,fill ed out i n full th e informa t ion r equi r ed,\j c omp le ted a n accurate plotp lan,andsta te t hata ll the i nformati o np r ovide d .s requi red isc o rrect.I agree to comply with t he in forma tion andp lot pl an.t o c omplyw ith all T own or din a nc e sands ta te l aws,and t obui ld this structu re according to t he To wn's zo ni n gand s u b divisi on cod es.aesign I rev iew approved,Uniform Bui ld ing Code and ot her ordinances of the T own app licabl e thereto . SIGNATURE OFO WNER ORCO NTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND THE OW NER. i "".g(..".,.,!·-~rm:t .i 'u =:.=rn ,e o PLUMB INGoFOUNDATIONo o BUI LDINGoELECTRICAL 11 MECHA NICAL , ~,..p rltl I4 ry ''w '1I1 • READYFOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION :(f CA{j~-",'(I , DATE /-;)(J -23 JOB NAME CALLER ~",)';1Qt2 I<'nir;"r /I) TUESWED THUR ~)AMPM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o In FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB ~_ 0 _ n o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER __-----.,.--_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ , o FINAL, MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ~P PR O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR_-~~=_~===o=...-------/-11 .,?DATE -'-_-'---=--"-_ >,t/(!LaI Oc.£:)e"'£,fL'A/'~~_=_,_-------------­CONTRAC~NAMES AND ~£ENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED •TOWN OFVAIL •. INSPECTION CARD PERMIT NO./:<sIJ (MUST BE POSTED ONJOB SITE) CONTRACTORS NAME lIC.NO. Owner: General Contractor: Excavator: Foundation: Plumber: Electrician : Mechanical : Framer : Insulator: Dry Wall :_ Painter: Roofer: INSPECTIONS DISAPPROVED APPROVED Excavation Footings /Steel Foundation /Steel Ground Plumbing ,Engineering (Utilities) Temp.Electric Rough Plumbing -OW.V. RoughPlumbing -Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVETOBE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING Rough Framing Insulation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final ORB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building DISAPPROVED APPROVED UPON FINAL APPROVAL OFALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS,RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT.FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25 .00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR INSPECTIONS CAll 476-7000,EXT.101OR102 24 HoursInAdvance Between 8:00 a.m.to 4:30 p.m.,Monday Through Friday th.Drlnl erv hi llil 81658 • T el e phone : (:~03 )4 76·24 14 August 31,1981 Mr.Peter Jamar Build ing Dept. Town of Va il P.o.Box 100 Vail,Colo rado Ross Davis,Jr. A ttorney at Law •t,+.~ /.i'{~~.~ iJ i~;'7),~si.: Suite 307 va n :--la tio nal Ba nk B ldg. P .O.Box I 00 V ail .(:o lorado H I fiS 7 Dear Peter: Re:/Bas~ Chamoni x Chalets ' I ,,'.) A.t..,L /5 I ~..£,9 ) Mr.Ely M.Fishkin has informed me that you requ ire the approval of the Condominium Association for the installation of a 4'x 4'wood single hung window on the west wall of Bui lding C of Chamonix Chalets. Iam currently President o f the Chamonix Condominium Association and Mr.Fishk in has requested the permission of all other owners within Building C to modify the wall.I have received written consents from all owners and the Condominium Association consents to the installation of the window provided that the job is done in conformance with the plans and specifications and all exterior landscaping is restored to acceptable condition.Appropriate landscaping is to be in the sole discretion of Mrs.Gay Cotter,Manager of the Association. If yo u have a ny quest ions f eelf ree to contact my office. RD/jf cc:Ely M.Fishkin Gay Cotter