HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 5 LEGALCO'.MJWlY OE\lEUJPMElIT Project Name:Coi.«Res,'J.f./1.u- ProjectDescription: V~~Gclvnu-M I liT/-6,btl<a: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Commun ity Developme nt 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colo rado 81657 tel:970 .479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com DRBNumber:DRB050549 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE DECK AND FRENCH DOORS. Participants: OWNERCOHN,CRAIG POBOX394 VAIL CO81657 APPUCANTCOHN,CRAIG POBOX394 VAIL CO81657 ProjectAddress:2466CHAMONIXLNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS B-3 . 10/10/2005 10/10/2005 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:5Block:Subdivision:CHAMONIX CHALETS ParcelNumber:2103-141 -0600-7 Comments:see conditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR DateofApproval:11/01/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 . (PLAN):ORB approvaldoesnot constitute apermit for building.Pleaseconsu lt with TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities . Cond:201 . ORB approvalshallnotbecomevalid for 20days following the date ofapproval. Cond:202 . Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following thedate offinal approval,unlessabuild ing perm it isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0007698 That thenewdeckreplacingtheolddeckbetheexact samedimensions,or smaller; all materials andcolorstomatchexist ing sidingbyfinalC/O. For construction ofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. For a nadditionwheresquarefootageisadded toanyresidential or commercial building(includes 250 additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changes tobuildings andsiteimprovements,such as, reroofing,painting,w indow additions,landscaping ,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchanges tobuildings andsite improvements,such as , reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisions toplansalready approvedby Planning Stafforthe Design ReviewBoard. eLLlli $1.00 persquare footoftotal signarea. $650 $300 $50 NoFee Application forDesign Review Departm ent ofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :9 70.4 79.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com ~f),1-L/,I" I eck:O,~~lihS !-;er !'A (..KJ General Information:~tI'1CA k./i"'/~ All projectsrequiringdesign review must receive approvalprior to subrnlttlnq a buildingpennit application .Please refertothesubmittalrequirements fortheparticularapproval that isrequested.An applicationfor Design Revi ew cannotbeaccepteduntil all required infonnation is receivedby the Commun ity Development Department.The project may alsoneedtobe reviewed by theTown Council and/or thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the app roval. Description of the Request:<V ~'1'1~(/~J~\Nkn '~rt ~~+U!~~ ~:~@ ~e.-*;1)4~(~-l~~--4--WI~ Location of the Proposal:LO t:1L-SIOCk:-1L-Subd ivision:U~I\tv1.0N\'f MA ~ Physical Address:Yt.f Ci .6 (/±rAM d N '1 liN £2?J v~\",i ()O 8 \h Parcel No.:~.\O_ll~_\017_0lL1--(Contact EagleCo .Assessorat 970-328-8640 forparcel no.)"(1J Zoning:".. Name(s)ofOwner(s):C~A\\.P'e·c"oH___________"" Mailing Address:'\.f).q;."j '7VJ-=!-VA\k:-.?42 ~\.ht76 l.A ~<>Phone:~'\'IO '-Zeq·\bO k:>-, Owner(s)Sig nature(s):~='7(I • Name of Applicant:L/~L>13>.~\\-N (OWN~)0 Mailing Address:f o.~O t ?71:\I vA',\;-CAJ 8\bl?"b q,o·Jzf2g.Iholo C... q:JO'41q ·1C?11~__Y-J "-..0 ----------.,...,.----.,-----.,.--:':l Phone: E-mail Address:0Y.11@ V'?l\l"1=-i'~c;;oS .'"'P4 x: Type of Review and Fee: Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition ----..-MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) MinorAlteration 520 (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans $20 Separation Requ est NoFee --- For Office 51n ~ FeePaid:Gil: Meeting Date:_.~~ Planner.--- Page 1 of 12/04/01 /04 ((~3 By'C;4lL..~Co '" __.ORB No.:D~o6S'OS %9ProjectNo.:_ I 00- JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL lETTER whichhave I,(print nameLh\~'"Q \I'J 1?V'-e..UJ~-\r ,a joint owner of propertylocatedat (address/legal description)'L 4-S"~L..v....a~LAL f(La vu.. providethis letter as written approval of theplansdated G(2'-Ilos- been submitted totheTown of VailCommunityDevelopment Department fortheproposed improvements tobecompleted at theaddressnotedabove.Iunderstand that theproposed improvements include: t$?12ITl 0 1'0 Or 3?12\21>U::~UIT lO~\)00K~_ oN ]Z e-=N-of cOIVDDl'vll tV IO¥V1 UI\)/-I of;~ C-Z l(c;&,C {-\--tyVl cltv (X U0 vALL L_0 8/0)-8 I further understand that minormodificationsmaybemadetotheplansoverthecourseofthereview processtoensurecompliancewiththeTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations. , ~,~~J~ (Signature) Page2 of 13/06/06/05 '. I .. I / ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method : COHN R0500016BB Check Amoun t:$250 .00 10/10/200504:11 PM Init:JS No tat ion:11 B3/CRA IG Permi t No : Parcel No: Site Address: Lo cation : DRB050549 Type :ORB -Minor Alt,Comm/Mul ti 2103-141-0600-7 2466 CHAMONI X LNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS B-3 Total Fees:$250 .00 This Payment :$250 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$250.00 Balance :$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112 20 0 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 2 50 .00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Commun ity Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.u5 Project Name:SCHAETZEL -EXT REMODEL Project Description: DRB Number:DRB050401 EXTERIOR REMODEL -install hot tub,fence around it,walkway toshrubs Participants: OWNER 5CHAETZEL,WILLIAMP.,BARBA08/08/2005 Phone:785-979-4820 2008 PALMER cr LAWRENCE KS66047 APPLICANT 5CHAETZEL,WILLIAMP.,BARBA08/08/2005 Phone:785-979-4820 2008 PALMER cr LAWRENCE KS66047 Project Address:2566 AR05A DRVAIL Location:2566AR05ADR Legal Description:Lot:5Block:CSubdivision:VAILDA5 SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:2103-142-0500-6 Comments:pleasesee conditions of approval BOARD/STAFF ACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:08/23/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsult with Town of VailBuilding personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not becomevalidfor20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following the date of final approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond :CON0007465 That nofencebeerected for the hot tub inassociation with this proposal...detailed specifications required foranyproposedfencing. " Application for Design Review Department ofCommuni ty Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 te l:970.479.21 39 fa x :970 .479 .2452 w eb :www.vailgov.co m General Information : Allprojects requiringdesignreviewmus treceive approval prio r tosubmittingabuilding pe rm it application.Please r efer toth e sub mittal requi rements forthepart icular approval t hat is requested .An applicationforDesignReview cannotbe accepted unt il allre quiredinformationisreceived bytheCommu nity Development Department.The pr oject may a lso needtobe reviewed byth e Town Council and /or thePlanning andEnv ironmental Comm ission . Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. /\ Location of the Proposal:Lo~:L_BIOCk:-:-Q Subdivision:,I .ct..S .S:..J)011€-11 Physical Address:5 b A tD So....~r I \.J ~CL-/I c.D Parcel No.:~J -Q3~..2 05 0°(ContactEagleCo.Assessorat 970 -328-8640 forparcel no .)L{?q -~I D O ZOning:r r "f'r\a.rj -S e.C:b f'\d Q (~,.'J j Name(s)ofOwner(s):lJ lliiC\.."J3,ucbo-C0-it /Y)lcb UQ \..Sc...hCle12.€..\.., Mailing Address:2 Db -g )PCl-.1 fY)e.r C2t L'--"-0..'I e (")C!(,1)5 /l;o ~7 Plu§$1.00 persquarefootof total sign area .$50 NoFee $650 For construction ofanewbu ilding or demo/rebuild . $300 Foran addition where squarefootag eisaddedto any residential or commercial build ing (indudes 250 additions &inte rior conversions). $250 For minor changesto buildings andsite improvements,such as , reroofing,paint ing ,window add itions,landscaping ,fencesand ~retaining walls ,etc . Minor Alteralion v $20 Form inor changestobUildingsandsiteimprovements,such as , (single-family/duplex),;..reroofing ,painting ,w indow additions,landscaping,fencesand _~t:--~ta i nl ng walls ,etc . Changesto Approved Plans ,~20 Forrevisionstoplans already app roved byPlanning Staff orthe Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Owner(s)Signature(s): Type of Review and Fee: Signs Concept ual Review New Construction Addition ',- --------,...,...----=,.---r-...--...,--Phone:-I-f~"-- E-mail Address :Fax :_'-1''''''-'---''"'"''--'-'''-'-'-'-''''--''--'......,.'---_----------------- C.Oh \.. separation Request NoFee DesignReview Board. For Office ~egn I Y :--/]I FeePaid :_.......CheckNo .:~(p 2,4 By:.-,--'J?~tV'=---'?~tV""--=--_--=--=-__--,~....=- Meeting Date :~\.:}--M)r DRB No .:.,...,...,_ Planner:ProjectNo.:-=-~---::_---- PROPOSED MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materi als Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorT rim HandorDeckRails Flues Rash ing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls ExteriorLig hting Color Othe r Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name,t he color name and number and attach acolor ch ip. Page 6 of 12/04/01/04 Botanical Nam~ PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name fJRCPaE)TREES ANDSHRlBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ~CJ Of\Q Ce VnQ 11 e..cl ~_ MinimumRequirements forLandscaping:Deciduous Trees -2"Caliper (.Con1fe roos-'fr~6'inheight Shrubs -5Gal.') ----_.-/ TYpe ~quare Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTRa.. Page 7 of 12/04/01/04 Survey ISite Plan Review Checklist DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 8165 7 tel:970 .479.2139 fa x:970 .479.2452 web :www.ci.vail.co.u5 "This checklist must be submitted prior to Public Works review of a propos~de~lopment. OwnerslProje ctName:?-c""-b )lSI 1\8:1\-1 \\~SC~Q-C-t2J.,\.~, ProjectAddress :;<5b~·f)ro SO-....D IU 1,"\kJe s,1-~lcu.- Applicant :-!....;(~\~Pn{'c\C:;(>~Cl \..\~X Phone Numbe r :-7gS -q 1q .1.rs 2.[! Submittaj 9 Stamped survey of property 9 CivillSite plans a Surveyor'swetstampand signature a Dateof survey a North arrow a Properscale (1"=10'or 1"=20') a Legal descr iption a Basis o f bear ings I Benchmark a SpotElevations a Labeledright of wayand properly l ines; includingbear ings,distancesand curve information . a Lot Size a BuildableArea(excludesredhazard avalanche ,slopesg reater than40 %,a nd floodplain) 9 Landscapeplan a Tltle Repo rt (SectionB) a Environmental Hazards(ie .rockfall ,debris flow ,avalanche,wetlands ,floodplain ,soils) a Watercourse setbacks(if applicable) a Trees a Labeledeasements (i .e .dra inage,utility, pedestrian ,etc...) a Topography a Utility locations a Adjacent roadways labeledandedgeof asphaltforbothsidesofthe roadway shown fo r a minimum of 250'in either direction from property, I.Access (checkall) a Driveway typeandfinished surface areshownonthesiteplan. a Unheated a Heated (portion inROW inaseparatezone) a Snow storage areasareshownonthesiteplanw ithin property bou ndaries (30%of d riveway areaif unheated ;10%ofdriveway area if heated) a Al l dr iveway grades ,dimensions,radiiareclearlynotedonthes ite p lan and conform to Development Standards ,p.11 .Steepest SectionD riveway Grade (not the average grade):__.,- a Parking spacesand turning radiiarenot ed onsiteplanand conform to Development Standards , pp.12&14 II.Constru ction Site(checkall) a Locationofalluti lities and meter pitsareshownonthesiteplan . a Limits of d isturbance construction fencing isshownonthesiteplan. a I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic ControlPlans ,aspertheManualof Un iform Traffic ControlDev ices,w ill benecessarypriorto construction . a I am aware that aRevocableRight of WayPerm it will be required pr iorto construction. Page 11 of 12/04/01104 III.Drainage(checkallthatapply) a TherequiredValleyPanisshownonthesiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. a (Note :Valleypanmust not beheated) a 4FootConcretePan a 8FootConcretePan a Positiveandadequatedrainageismaintainedatalltimeswithintheproposedsite . a Culvertshavebeenprovided andarelabeledanddimensionedonthesiteplan . a AHydraulic reporthasbeenprovided.(As requestedbyTownEngineer) IV.Erosion Control(Checkallthatapply) a Disturbanceareaisgreaterthanonehalfacre. a AseparateErosionControlPlanhasbeenprofessionallyengineeredandPEstamped. a Less thanonehalfacrehasbeendisturbed ,andpropererosioncontroldevicesareshownonthesite plan. V.Floodplain (checkallthatapply ) a Theprojectlieswithin oradjacent toa100yearFloodplain. a 100yearFloodplainisshownonthesiteplan . a AFloodplain studyhasbeenprovided .(Required iffloodplainiswithinconstructionlimitsoras requestedbyTownEngineer) a Theprojectdoes not liewithinoradjacenttoa100yearFloodplain VI.Geological/Environmental Hazards (checkallthatapply) a TheprojectlieswithinaGeologiclEnvironmental Hazard area.(See DevelopmentStandards,p .20) a AHazardReporthasbeenprovided a Theprojectdoes not liewithin aGeologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII.Grading(checkallthatapply) II Existingandproposedgrades/contoursareprovidedonthesiteplan . a Alldisturbed areashavebeenreturnedtoa2 :1grade . II Alldisturbedareasnotreturnedto2:1gradehavebeenProfessionallyEngineeredwithslope protection and/or stablesoils.PEstampeddetailsareprovidedwithinplans. a Onlyexistingcontoursareshownonthesiteplan ,thereis no proposedgrading . VIII.Parking (checkall ) a Allresidential andcommercial parkingspaces confonm totheDevelopment Standards,pp.12&15. IX.RetainingWalls(checkallthatapply) a Allretainingwalls confonm tothestandardsintheDevelopmentStandards,p.19. a Allretainingwallsandcombinationwallsover4feethavebeenProfess ionally EngineeredandaPE stampeddetailhasbeenprovidedwithintheplans. II Allretainingwallsareshownonthesiteplan,withlabeledtopandbottomofwallelevationsandtype ofwallconstruction. a Noretaining wallsarerequiredfor t hisproject. X.SightDistance(checkallthatapply) a PropersightdistancehasbeenattainedandshownonsiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. a Propersightdistancehasnotbeenattained .Explanationwhy :_ Mditiol1aLCpmments Please provideanyadditionalcommentsthatperta in toPublicWorksReview. Applicants Signature Q...1111 (~~~r =i=~ Page12of 12/04/01/04 ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *******************************************************.************************************ Statement Number: Payment Method: SCHAETZEL R050001251 Amount:$20.00 Check 08/08/200512:56 PM Init:LC Notation:#5624/BARBARA Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB050401 Type: 2103-142-0500-6 2566 AROSA DR VAIL 2566 AROSA DR DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Total Fees:$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00