HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 6 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM VaLe-titLd ?4uJYLt --h II /,-r b(bl/:-B Department ofCommun ity Develop ment 75South Frontage Road,Vail ,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2139 fax :970.479.2452 web:www .va ilgov.com Project Name:CHAMONIX CHALETS Project Description: REPAINT Participants: ORB Number:DRB060120 APPLICANT CHAMONIX CHALETS CORPORATION04/24/2006 Phone:970-476-3308;390-0590 2470 CHAMONIX LN,H-1 VAIL CO 81658 Project Address:2456 CHAMONIX RDVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS Location: Legal Description:Lot:6 Block:Subdivision:CHAMONIX CHALETS Parcel Number:2103-141-0600-1 2103-141-0700-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:DUNNING Second By:DORWARD Vote:3-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:05/03/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Townof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnot constitute apermitforbuilding.Pleaseconsultwith TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpriortoconstructionactivities. Cond:201 DRB approvalshallnotbecomevalidfor20daysfollowingthedateofapproval. Cond:202 Approvalofthisprojectshalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)yearfollowingthedate offinalapproval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioniscommenced andis diligently pursuedtowardcompletion. Cond:CON0008019 TheapplicantshallpaintthetrimCapeVerdeSW6482. Planner:BillGibson ORBFee Paid:$250.00 • Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of CommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapproval prior to submittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refer to thesubmittal reqUirements fortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department The projectmayalsoneed to be reviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building pennit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:Ex--rf!,,"'ov-~1""""c<.o q",d -r ....,,1\I.:l ......fA 1 ·"'-r,~J., E ltT~";<).,.c.e c{0.....,.....;&1 I 10 L <!.\l!Q V\e d +6 II "'.....C .A l:l <-t °/-~. 4r~I'~C\""~""Ir e-tS"""T"q,'V\O"'l",10 ........'<.0 I:.O(OV'....I·ll b-c.-c-~yQ Name(s)of Owner(s):_r?_,·_I:._""_ClI._l-_d _ 1..y-,0 Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s): Location of the Proposal:Lot:Block:Subdivision:_ '1..'+"'-0,'-'+51,2.<tc.o -z.4-~7 "'2.4-(,9 L.i...c.Physical Address:I ,,I '-,p'1..'+'("2,+'0 L..'l-8 Z<i-'1r,z.,+~O 1<;-1'""/'2.'O'!:-I'"'II-Ob-OOI "1"11 ...02-'1'2Nt:>/2'0~-I"t\-D,-001 -to"'...O"LO [.'-.I '"ell ""0 lI\,....ParcelNo.:(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel not)LQ '"e, Zoning:_ Forconstruction of anewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding(includes 250 additions&interiorconversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,.fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsite improvements;::suetras:/-::--=-=.....",~ re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landStapi~g;fei1ces \\j d'g retainingwalls,etc.UJ ~ For .revisio~s toplansalreadyapprovey PlanqiPlt.5~ff.Cl{OtlU! DesignReviewBoard.Art(~4 l Uti Name of Applicant:C.k \MoO V\;1'0 C l.e-a (~=r.)('"II"P c>V i);-I 0 yt Mailing Address:'2..4-,0 C.""-~""'-0 IA.;01..L.a.~I H-(,Vat't (0 ~I {,:>-~ ---------:-----;c-:-/'"".,------Phone:4 -,(,-"5 3 Q<t.~q 0 0 '>-c=t C:l E-mail Address:po \:z.c '1 v CI i I @ 11'0[",Fax:~'-G-~--rs;:::----.'--~-_---;-~--:-·\'~-'-'--.-S-~-~ Plus $1.00 persquarefootoftotalsignarea."6 C{0 -"(1..xoTypeofReviewandFee: 0.Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 ~ition $300 MinorAlteration $250 (multl-family/commerdal) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 O1anges toApproved Plans $20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRIITEN APPROVAL LETTER , I,(print name)f=<\e.--111...4 .......d ,a joint owner of property locatedat(address/legal " C.I,.\...q \M..O Vl ;'f,.c \It..0l.\~\$.description)-1 A I?"~I 1..0 '2-00 G. I I beensubmittedtotheTown of Vail Community Development Department fortheproposed improvements tobecompleted"attheaddressnotedabove .Iunderstand that theproposed improvements include: E:l<:T e..v 10 <r "5T"\.c.Loa \1\tl -rv l"'-t .......~(\.0 0...l"9 ;\00\T C cll......:...-_ E"-r-~v LO v Co e d ov ......~IA iQ CL cl.u:.......Q c.l ~-r.....,0 I further understandthatminor modifications may be madetotheplansoverthecourse of therev iew processtoensurecompliancewiththe Town's applicablecodesandregulations. f;)/~~ (Signature) 12 .D •.[-"-.- (Date) F:\cdev\FORM5 \PERMITS\P lanning\drb_minor31C11 -23-2005.doc 11/23/2005 Page 2of13 , MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS ANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thisapplicationisrequiredforproposalslnvolvlnqminorexterioralterations and/or siteimprovements. Proposals toadd landscapingdonotrequire ORB approvalunlesstheyinvolvetheadditionofpatios, waterfeatures,grading,ortheaddition of retainingwalls. I.SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** oStampedTopographicSurvey* o SiteandGrading Plan * o Landscape Plan* oArchitecturalElevations* oExteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications. oArchitecturalFloorPlans* oLightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures oTitlereport,including Schedules A &B to verifyownershipandeasements* oPhotosoftheexistingsiteandadjacentstructures,whereapplicable. oWrittenapprovalfromacondominium association,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable oSite-specific Geological HazardReport,ifapplicable* oTheAdministratorand/or ORB mayrequirethe submission ofadditionalplans,drawings, specifications,samplesandothermaterials(includingamodel)if deemednecessaryto determinewhetheraprojectwillcomplywithDesign Guidelines orifthe intent ofthe proposal isnotclearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted with anasterisk (*). **For interior conversions withnoexteriorchanges,thesubmittalrequirementsincludeacompleteset of existingand proposed floorplans,a title report,and written approvalfromacondominiumassociation, landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. Ihavereadandunderstandtheabovelisted submittal requirements: Project 'Name:.,--__-::-_=-_ .•I ,/J Contractor signature,_':""-.....""c"..;.-:._._-_Jt_'_'""-_ t/1)./ItJt: l Date signed__'f-=-...;..s.~'--_ F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_m inor_aICll -23-2005 .doc 11/23/2005 Page 3of13 Topographic survey: •Wetstampandsignature ofalicensed surveyor •Date of survey •Northarrowandgraphicbarscale •Scaleof 1"=10'or 1"=20') •Legaldescriptionandphysicaladdress •Lotsizeandbuildablearea (buildable areaexcludesredhazardavalanche,slopes greater than 40%,and floodplain) •lies toexistingbenchmark,either USGS landmark orsewer invert.This information mustbe clearlystatedonthesurvey •Propertyboundariestothenearest hundredth (.01)of afootaccuracy .Distancesandbearings andabasis of bear ing mustbeshown.Showexistingpinsor monuments foundand their relationshiptotheestablishedcorner. •Showright of wayand property lines;includ ing bearings,distances andcurve information. •Indicate alleasements identified onthesubdivisionplatandrecordedagainstthe property as ind icated inthe title report.Listanyeasementrestrictions . •SpotElevationsattheedgeofasphalt,alongthe street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'),andam inimum ofonespotelevationson either side of thelot. •Topographic condit ions attwofoot contour intervals •Existingtreesorgroups of treeshaving trunks with diametersof4"ormore,asmeasuredfroma pointone foot abovegrade. •Rockoutcroppingsand other significant natural features(largeboulders,intermittent streams, etc.), •Allexisting improvements (including foundation walls,roofoverhangs,buildingoverhangs,etc.), •EnvironmentalHazards(ie.rockfall,debr is flow ,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain ,soils) •Watercourse setbacks,ifapplicable(show centerline andedgeofstreamorcreek in addition to therequiredstreamorcreaksetback) •Showall utility meter locations,includinganypedestalsonsite orinthe right-of-way adjacent to thesite.Exactlocation of existing utility sourcesandproposedservicelines from their sourceto thestructu re.Utilities toinclude: •cableTV SewerGas •Telephone Water Electric •Sizeandtypeofdrainageculverts,swales,etc. •Adjacentroadwayslabeledandedgeofasphaltforbothsides of theroadwayshownfora minimumof250'in either direction from property. •SiteandGradingPlan: •Scaleof1"=20'orlarger •Propertyandsetbacklines •Existing andproposedeasements •Existingandproposedgrades •Existing andproposed layout ofbuildingsand other structuresincludingdecks,patios,fencesand walls.Indicate the foundation withadashedlineandtheroofedgewithasolidline. •Allproposed roof ridgelineswithproposedridgeelevations .Indicate existing andproposed gradesshownunderneathallrooflines.Thiswillbeusedtocalculatebuildingheight. •Proposeddriveways,including percentslopeandspotelevationsatthe property line,garageslab andasnecessaryalongthe centerline ofthe driveway toaccuratelyreflectgrade. •A4'w ide unheatedconcretepanattheedge of asphaltfordriveways that exit the street inan uphilldirection . •Locationsofall utilities includingexistingsourcesandproposedservicelinesfromsourcestothe structures. •Proposedsurfacedrainageonand off-site. •Locationoflandscapedareas. •Locationoflimits of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FO RMS\PERMITS\Pla nning\drb_minor_aIC11-23-2005.doc 11/23/2005 Page 4of13 Printable Search .Resultsreport PageI of3 Account Parcel #Owner Physical #Address Mailing Address City State Zip BEASLEY ,002466G3P006045JOSEPHW.&CHAMONIX 3130EMATHLASTMIAMI FL 33133 GEREMYG . P006165 SWNINC 002470H2 36 NORTHWOOD ATLANTA GA 30309CHAMONIXAVE P006300 GOSNAY ,LAURA002470 Hl cia BREWER ,R.VAIL CO 81658P.CHAMaNIX POBOX1375 POl0472 BARNES ,002487 Fl POBOX1288 AVON CO81620RICHARDCHAMONIX cia KAREN CRAIGS.002497J2 BLACK POl1308 SCHENCK TRUSTCHAMONIX 144E.ESCONDIDO CA 92025 WASHINGTON AVE POl1893 RYCHEL,B .002480 Kl POBOX732 VAIL CO81658SUSANCHAMONIX P021400 SCHMIDT,HUGH002487F3 POBOX1455VAIL CO81658M.CHAMONIX BENTER ,002460C2 9250 HONEYBEAR ANCHORAGEP022385ROBERT AK 99516 BRADLEY CHAMONIX LN P022673 HIMMES,JAMES002456B4 POBOX1984 EAGLE CO81631 -1984C.&JOANM.CHAMONIX P022985 RYCHEL ,B .002480K2 POBOX732 VAIL CO81658SUSANCHAMONIX THOMASR .GOUGER GOUGER 002466 Gl REVOCABLE REDONDOP023293TRUSTEE-CHAMONIX TRUST BEACH CA 90277-6417 THOMASR.409CALLE MAYOR P023907 COITER,JAMES002457D2 POBOX831MINTURN CO 81645E.CHAMONIX P024721 ZOLLO ,DANIEL002497J3 980VAILVIEWDRVAIL CO81657A.CHAMONIX C303 P028542 HILTY,JILLE.&002469E3 7095ELMST NIWOT CO80544CLYDEVANN-JTCHAMONIX R012815 210314107020 HARBOUR,00249 7 J49183 PINERIDGE BOULDERCO 80302CURRIECHAMONIXLN R012917 210314107014 TALBOT,TRENT002489 12 2489 CHAMONIX VAIL CO81657W.&JANETC.-JTCHAMONIX LN 12 R012918 210314107015 STEM,JOHNM.&002489 13 4726HARWICHBOULDER CO80301PATRICIAA.CHAMONIX R012919 210314107016 DAIS ,RONALDA .002489 14 2489 CHAMONIX VAIL CO81657&NICOLEITE O.CHAMONIXLN 1-4 R013095 210314107013 00248911 POBOX1957VAIL CO81658FLOYD,DAVID M .CHAMONIX R013205 210314107017 SPIERS ,002497 Jl 2466 CHAMONIX VAIL CO81657MICHAELJ.CHAMONIX G4 R013273 210314107019 ZOLLO ,DANIEL002497J3 980VAILVIEWDRVAIL CO81657A.CHAMONIXC303 R013274210314106021 RYCHEL,B.002480 Kl POBOX732VAIL CO 81658SUSANCHAMaNIX R013276 210314106022 RYCHEL,B .002480K2 POBOX732VAIL CO81658SUSANCHAMONIX R013277 210314106023 002480K32480CHAMON IX VAIL CO 81657CODY,SUSANH.CHAMONIX LNK-3 BROSCH,002480K4R013278210314106024STEVENJ.&CHAMONIX POBOX6293 VAIL CO 81658 JENNIFERE. BEASLEY,002466G3R013284210314106015JOSEPHW.&CHAMONIX 3130EMATHLASTMIAMI FL33133 GEREMYG. R013293210314106001ERB,MARIAA .002450A1 POBOX221VAIL CO 81658CHAMONIX R013294 210314106003 MACOZEK ,002450A3 336INTERVALE GILFORD NH03246MARIEE.CHAMONIXRDC-2 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie /printable _results.cfin 04124/2006 Printable SearchResults-report Page2 of3 R013297 210314106006 EV INS,WALTER 002456B2 1088 STANDARD ATLANTA GA 30319P.CHAMONIX DR R013298 210314107002 corrss.JAMES 002457 D2 POBOX831 MINTURN CO 81645E.CHAMONIX R013299 210314106012 SEIDMAN.002460C4 POBOX2801 VAIL CO 81658STANLEYP.CHAMONIX R01 3302 2103 14107006 BENVENUTO,002469 E2 1030 1 KECKRDST JACOB IL62281PAULA.CHAMONIX R013303 210314106009 MOFFET,002460 Cl 2460 CHAMONIX VA IL CO 81657TIMOTHYE.CHAMONI X LNAPT Cl R0 13304 210314106002 DAVIS ,ROSSE.,002450A2 POBOX190 VAIL CO 81658JRCHAMONIX R0 13305 210314 106004 ARMSTRONG .002450A4 POBOX4614 EAGLE CO81631THOMASJ.CHAMONI X R01 3308 210 314106014 LENTZ LIVING 002466 G25971 DALLAS TX 75230-2740TRUSTCHAMONIXL1NDENSHIRELN MARTIN. R013314 210314107012 BRENNON M.&002487F4 2487 CHAMON IX VA IL CO 81657MONICAWYNN-CHAMONIX LNF4 JT R01 3316 210314107007 HILTV.JILLE.&002469E3 7095ELMST NIWOT CO80544CLYDEVANN-JT CHAMONIX THOMAS R.GOUGER GOUGER 002466 G1 REVOCABLE REDONDOR013328210314106013TRUSTEE-CHAMONIX TRUST BEACH CA 90277-6417 THOMAS R.409CALLE MAYOR R013332 210314107008 RICHARD 002469 E4 1 TARTAN RIDGE BURR RIDGEIL60521HOLSTENTRUSTCHAMONIX SABO ,PAUL 002487 F2 799 R013339 210314107010 conONWOOD GYPSUM CO 81637-9708FRANCISCHAMONIXPASSRD R013346 210314107011 SCHMIDT,HUGH002487F3 POBOX1455VAIL CO 81658M.CHAMONIX R013348 210314107005 LIVINGSTON,002469 El 1825 SIGNATURE LONGMONT CO80501ANNEP.CHAMONIX CIR R013349 210314106016 SPIERS .002466 G4 2466 CHAMONIX VAIL CO 81657MICHAELJ.CHAMONIX RDG4 BENTER.002460 C2 9250 HONEYBEAR ANCHORAGER013353210314106010ROBERT AK 99516 BRADLEY CHAMONIX LN R013355 2 10314106005 YOUNG,BRET &002456 Bl 2517 AROSA DRAVAIL CO 81657-4203HEIDI-JT CHAMONIX R01 3365 210314106007 COHN ,CRAIG 002456 B3 POBOX394VAIL CO 81657CHAMONIX R013366 210314106008 HIMMES,JAMES 002456 B4 POBOX1984 EAGLE CO 81631-1984C.&JOAN M .CHAMONIX R013373 210314106017 GOSNAY.LAURA 002470H1 C/O BREWER,R.VAIL CO 81658P.CHAMONIX POBOX1375coscorr R013374 210314106018 SWNINC 002470H2 NELSON ATLANTA GA 30309CHAMONIX36NORTHWOOD AVE R013375 210314106019 HANSEN.EDWIN002470H3 2470 CHAMONIX VAIL CO 81657L.III&CYNTHIA CHAMONIX LNH-3A.L. R013376 210314106020 LOSA,HEATHER 002470H4 POBOX3401 AVON CO 81620A.&TIMOTHY R.-CHAMONIX JT R013395 210314107009 BARNES ,002487 Fl POBOX1288AVON CO 81620RICHARDCHAMONIX R013405 210314106011 ADELE BENTER 002460C3 241122NDAVE GREELEY CO80631TRUSTCHAMONIX C/O KAREN CRAIGS.002497 J2 BLACK R013415210314107018 144E.ESCONDIDO CA 92025SCHENCKTRUSTCHAMONIXWASHINGTON AVE http://www .eaglecounty .us/pat ie/printable results .cfm 04 /24 /2006 Printable Search Results-report Page3 of3 R013427 210314107003 STADLER,PETER002457 03 POBOX831VAIL CO 81658&DARLENE L.CHAMONIX PUNZENBERGER,002457 04 POBOX25273 R013428 210314107004 GALLOWS BAY STCROIXF.M &SARAH-JT CHAMONIX 00824 R013625 210314107001 00245701 2457 CHAMONIX~FISCHER,BRUCE CHAMONIX VAIL CO 8165701 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_results.cfm 04 /24/2006 **************************************************.****************************+************ TOWNOF VAIL,COLORADO Statem ent *********************************************************************************.********** Stateme nt Number : Paym ent Method: BREWE R R060000434 Amount :$2 50.00 Check 04/24/200 601:23 PM Init:LC Notati on :#6077/RI CHARD Permit No : Parcel No: S iteAddr ess : Locatio n: DRB 060120 Type :DRB-Minor Al t,Comm /Mult i 2 103 -141 -0600 -1 2456 CHAM ONIX RD VAIL CHAM ONIX CHALET S To tal Fees :$250.00 Thi sPaym ent:$25 0 .0 0 Total ALL Pmts :$250 .00 Ba lance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITE M LIST: Account Code DR 0 010 00031122 00 De scri ption DESIGN REVIEW FEES Cu rrent Pmts 250 .00 Pt:\-A.I ')l!..l to vv-c........ R-'P 11'1 i co,~:o <-<-~s .......o.'"'\;• I ~-r-L ..a,.E l"--t""ev.~'"0 I ~--ra......1]to<...l.L\~ pv.~v 2.....'-?C.."",...u.>....c:\s,c..uV'e:c ~"'T"(.v.o....Ac...."1,·.L. Sol'cd ('",lov (o\"co&J<-t S 'P ec (0 ~,......L.;c9). WoodScapes™Acrylic Solid Color Stain 3 -\-(\'V- 2 I.lkxlv:Chq ennc Rc'll 2.Trim:T()1"YJl co 3.AleCIIt.Tricorn Black SW.3043 S\X'3039 S\X 62~H hully Sequoia 2.Trim:Almond Tn-c 3.Acn:nl.Ti-mpe-~lar S\\'30 15 S\\31)j~ S\\6229 I.Body:Monter eyT an 2.Trim:Sum merhouse Bdge J Accent:Il ark ighr S\\.3049 S\\30tll S\\623 7 I.B(xJ y Yo-cmit«Gokl 2.Tnm:\\ood land J ",en'fl('C.oPfX"'M ouruain S\X 3!l-.H S\X 31H2 SW63~6 I.II.xiy W'<xx lhriar 2.Trim:Ru:.....set Brown ,3.Accent'\\cather Vane s\\303'i s\\3("'i S\\29T I.Body Greenbrier 2.Trim:Palmetto 3,Accent Co rdovan s\\o 31)'iO S\\30jH S\\6U2~ 2 I.Body:RiverBird, 2.Tnm-Caribou .3.AC<:t'nI:Fox~ S\\302. sw 302~ S\\6.U3 I Body:King's Canyon 2.Trim:Cottonwood 3.Accen t:a\OI' S\\3026 SW 3(1,0 sw 62+. 1 lk>dy:Chcoa~ake 2.T rim:Driftwood ,3.ccent:Fine \Vint.:' S\X 3()'i) SW 30T S\\630 7 I.Boo,.:Bu t kthorn 2.Trim:Belvedere Tan 3.Arrvnt.jaspci SW 3003 SW 31X12 SW 62 16 I.Body:Shagbark 2.T rilll:Sm oke Trt..·c 3.AO.:<:m:TansyGreen sw 3001 s\\31119 SW6'12'1 1 13<xl)':Sand Cas tle 2,Trim:Shade Tree 3.Accent:Cobble Brown S\\3U06 S\V 303 7 SW 6082 Available in WoodScapes™Solid Color Stain S\\~or S\\50.'>H S\\5(~,2 Driftwood Palmette \\ood-moke Gray S''1/)10 \\oodland The \\ood~apesv Solid tam color pa ene consi ....ls of ttx·Ih bodv coors "00"n a...:-.(h<."111l.·... and the-e 32 additional clup-; Sample,approximate the actual stain color. S\\31114 Ranchero Red Juniper Blue S\'3029 S \\50IH S\\50-,6 FI1I!l('r Pine C<lIlC Salem Red 2 2 \\,l(kH S\\j(k16 S\\632H \\.w.r ,\\,j(J<lH S\'611H S\\3013 \\,j()(J'; .\\6,3fH SW30·'7 S ~!.302 5 S\\"6 12-, 3 3 1.1l<>J,'Summerbou-c Bel~e 2,Trim:c and Castle 3,\ccem,Fireweed 1.Bodv •hade Tree 2 Tnrn,Yosemite Gold 3,\<<ent,leather Bound L Body,Gray Birch 2,Tnm:,'a\'alO White 3.,<cent:Eggwhite L Body:AlmondTree 2.Trim:Caribou J Accent'Ca rdboa rd \V'oodScapes '"providesw arranted durabili ty and co lorret ent ion year a fter ye ar,unlik e co nve nt iona l st ainsth atfa de a ndwea th er a fter o nly a yea r o rtwo . •Rich .long lastinga p pea rance w ithlong-term co lo rre tenti on a ndmild ewresis ta nce •Smo oth a pplicationwith o ut th e m esso f conventional s tains •Penetrates for lo ng-la s ting protection •Appl y intemperaturesas lowas3S'F o r Ie WoodScapes '".th e b estchoice forlong las tin g bea uty an d durability.www.she rwin -williams.com I -ROO A S!JEHWIN 658-7430 CS 7/05 EXT E R IO R C ~R.The Colo rs.TI1c ('ainL TIl e Possi hil i ti e-c C>]I )(J2 "lh e S ht.·rw il l -\\'i l li ~II11 S Company Cover co lo r sch eme :#4 Body:Sumrncrhou-c Beige Tr im:Sand Cas tle Accent:Firewecd o 1II IIIll~~~I I IJll ~IJIJlll l l SW 5001 SW 5006 S\X'6528 Depa rtment o fCommuni ty Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 t el:970.479.2139 f ax:970 .479.2452 we b:www.vailgov.com Design Review Board ACTION FORM v~~'5d1.~..ft{I l 'IIr~ f)\~>~- Project Name:CHAMONIX CHALETS ProjectDescription: DRBNumber:DRB060171 COMMON ELEMENT-CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS (PAINT COLOR) Participants: OWNER ERB,MARIAA.05/18/2006 POBOX221 VAIL CO81658 APPLICANT CHAMONIX CHALETS CORPORATION05/18/2006Phone:970-476-3308;390-0590 2470CHAMONIX LN,H-1 VAIL CO81658 ProjectAddress:2456CHAMONIXRDVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS Location: LegalDescription:Lot:6Block:Subdivision:CHAMONIX CHALETS ParcelNumber:2103-141-0600-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:06/05/2006 Cond:B (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoes not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year follOWing the date offinal approval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:BillGibson DRBFeePaid:$20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2128fax:970.479 .2452 web :www.vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequiring designreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuilding permitapplication.Please refer to thesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthat isrequested.An applicationforDesign Review cannot be accepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedto be reviewedbytheTownCoundland/o r thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:Lot:Block:Subdivision:_ 2.~"-o,,,+-.,~,"'2.'-tc;,o ,"Z.4-~1 ....4G.q ·"2.4SI .7..4-"''',7..y.'O "2.'-t-'69 z.'t-'i"1..~ PhysicalAddress:c...lA...e."""'=0 !6 l ~L o .,1 •'••I 'l.lu~-I<tI -()(.-OO I T V.",,,O l.'+'.....O /...I"~-I 't l -Ol 00 1 T V....",OZO ParcelNo.:(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)\s -+I Description of the Request: ......., V a,I,LeJ <g I c.S""""1 >,9 0 -O ~90 --V CM...v.IloT Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootage is addedtoanyresidentialor commerdalbuild ing (indudes250additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changestobuildings andsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReviewBoard. ~$1.00persquarefoot of totalsignarea. Zoning:.~ p~~~ff' Mailing Address: Name(s)ofOwner(s):1=(,~h...a v U 'is:\o"1Z...u..J.LV,Ma""o ~......~.....,f-h·IM':.TvoG'"o'j I Mailing Address:'2 '-t -,0 CA.....o ......-...0 VI.',J..I.Q(Lt.JL I H -I ,V 0';(.LO 'i I G C & I , Phone:<:1,0-'-1""1 '-~J o&Cj .,0 -~q o -0 ~-q 00N.~17-......Q .Owner(s)Signature(s):--'L.::L~~::::=::::::~_~~=~==::::::=_ Name of Applicant:_..::C:....-iA..a---":....IM..d....;.;:;..;o.1'-'-;:....I<....:-"--..L-_---'---:_ e....u...o..~V\.;'/...L a t.<.A.1-1 -1 I ' _________________Phone:'+7"-S ;I CJ e, ____________,Fax:_E-mail Address: Type of Review andFee: 0 .Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commerdal) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) ~O1anges toApprovedPlans$20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee •, PROPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials Roof Siding OtherWallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exteriorpghting Other Type of Material .pa'l-'l"T pa ,'1-(-f .. ~k.~.........:....-f...L-'.~1"::r1M ~..crc,"-'"'........,...(LQI ........C.l-~..-'-OH ....~ '5"k(",,"c.u.~-l.,.a..I.11 '.1401/ Cht>IM.IIl.-I·''I."fiG (....6 ,..''tI .,·,t G I {e 'l Notes:~~ BI~SP-edfy the manufacturer's name,the color nameand number andattacha CO ~\ChiP.CI.o.77a().Cb-a-,\, F:\i:dev.FORMS \PERMITS\Planning\drb_mino r_aICl l-23-2005.doc 11/23/2005 •Location of allrequiredparkingspaces •Snowstorageareas. •Proposed dumpster locationanddetailof dumpster enclosure. •Retainingwallswithproposedelevationsattopand bottom ofwalls.Adetailedcross-sectionand elevat ion drawingsshallbeprovidedontheplanorseparatesheet.Stampedengineering drawlnqsarerequiredforwallsbetween4'and6'feetinheight. •Delineateareastobephasedand appropriate timing,ifapplicable •Landscape Plan: •Scale of1"=20'orlarger •Landscape planmustbedrawnatthesamescaleasthesiteplan. •Locationofexistingtrees,4"diameter orlarge r.Indicate treestoremain,toberelocated (includ ing newlocation),andtoberemoved.Largestands of treesmaybeshown(asbubble)if thestrandisnotbeing affectedbytheproposedimprovementsandgrading. •Indicate allexistinggroundcoverandshrubs. •Detailedlegend,listingthetypeandsize (caliper fordeciduoustrees,height forconifers,gallon sizeforshrubsand height forfoundationshrubs)of alltheexistingandproposedplantmaterial includinggroundcover. •Delineatecriticalrootzonesforexistingtreesinclose proximity tositegradingandconstruction. •Indicate thelocation of allproposedplantings. •Thelocationandtype of existingandproposedwateringsystemstobeemployedincaring for plantmaterialfollow ing itsinstallation. •Existingandproposed contour lines.Retainingwalls shallbeincludedwiththetop of walland thebottomofwallelevationsnoted. •Lighting Pian: •Indicate type,locationandnumber of fixtures . •Include height abovegrade,lumens output,lum inous area •Attachacutsheetforeachproposed fixture. •REPAINT PROPOSALS •Forallproposalstorepaintexistingbuildings,thefollowingsupplemental information isrequired: •Colorchiporcolorsampleincludingthe manufacturer nameandcolor number(s) •Architectural elevat ion drawingswhichclearlyindicatethelocation ofproposedcolors(ie .siding, stucco,window trim,doors,fascia,soffiits,etc.) • F:\aJev\FORM S\PERMITS\Planning \drb_minor31U 1-23-2005.doc 11/23/2005 Page 5of13 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970 .479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequiring designreview mustreceive approval prior tosubmitting abuilding permit application.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticular approvalthatisrequested.An applicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformationisreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCoundland/orthePlanning andEnvironmentalCommission." Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:E .1<.-..~,0"'".:;1""LA <<-0 q '"d -r ...I -.........I\\V,)~po I '''''T~tl . ElC:-r-~,,;cJ v c.eQ.Q.v ........·,ll 10 ....<:.Ieav.e.c.l 1:1'1 ".....0 J ~ q -T":..VI f lJ .f'.-..,..Q ,\A 0 VI L s .......c t:0 c.00 V'....,•l location of the Proposal:Lot:Block:Subd ivision :_ -:z..<t<;o,'-'t-'Sb 2.'-tb O 7.4-<;7 "2..4-'-'1 "Physical Address:I I I ,'2...'+'6,I -z..'-Ht,2.<-t-,o "Z...'t8 z,+clI,2'-t~o Ic;-r/"Ll0~-I'-\I-Ob-OOI-rc...w 02-'t 2 ....P/2.10~-I"'r\-D'-00\-to"'...0-"'0 Cl-t. Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)L Ch 1M 0 '"v '/." QlI\(. H-\ Owner(s)Signature(s): Zoning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s):_r<_'_·"'_ltt._""'_....._d _ 't..,+,o Mailing Address: --.,......------------:;.-f="l------Phone:q.,0 -'-\-."-~~0 Ii'w,~Ed U ,.g,: Name of Applicant:Cl,....c,\M.O V\',J<.,C Lt--o (.eT .)('1 II'f'C)\c i)--r !0 Y\ Mailing Address:'2...4-.0 {o E-mail Address:P0\2.~.1v 0 ,\@ !TO'- Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 ~itiOn $300 Minor Alteration $250 (mul tl -family/commerdal) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 O1an gest oApproved Plans $20 0 Separation Request No Fee Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild . Foranaddition wheresquarefootageisadded to anyresidential or commercialbuilding (includes 250 additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changestobuildings andsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,"fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsite injp fOveWen , re-roofing,painting,window add itionSl ~'ta.~~dS~Pi'cs l:ih d ~ retainingwalls,etc .U For .revisions toplans already approve Plan'liPQ..S~ff.~OtlU! DeSign ReviewBoard.Ail'(~4 l U~ I ", *********************************************•••••••**************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: BREWER R060000630 Amount:$20.00 Check 05/18/200602:01 PM Init :JS Notation:6108/RICHARD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB060171 Type :DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 2103-141-0600-1 2456 CHAMONIX RD VAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS Total Fees:$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20.00 Balance :$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20 .00 TOW N O F VAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 D EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT U-'"D S ~\ NOTE:THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIM ES JobAddr ess: Location : ParcelNo: LegalDescription : ProjectNo: MECHANICAL PERMIT 2456 CHAMONIX LNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETSUNIT a -i 210314106005 PA- Pe rmit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: M06-oo17 ISSUED 02 /03/2 006 02/07 /2006 08 /0 6/2006 OWNER YOUNG,BRET &HEIDI 2517 AROSA DRA VAIL CO 81657-4203 APPLICANTJERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P .O .Box 340 Minturn CO 81645 License:152 -M CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P .O.Box 340 Minturn CO 81645 License:152 -M Desciption:REPLACINGBOILER Valuation:$5 ,000.00 02 /03/2006 02/03/2006 Phone:970-8 27-5736 02/03/2006 Phone:970 -827 -5736 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0#o fWood Pellet:0 ****************************.*••***••••••••*******••*****••****•••••FEE SUMMARY .***•••************•••********.*.*.*.*********************** Mechanical--->$100 _00 RestuarantPlan Review-->$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees--->$1 2 8.0 0 Plan Check···>$25 .00 TOTAL FEES---------->$12 8.00 Add itional Fees------->$0 .0 0 Investigation->$0 .00 TotalPermitFee-------->$1 28 .00 WillCall----->$3 .00 Payments------------->$1 28 .00 BALANCE DUE------->$0 .00 ***.*******************••••••**********••**********.**.**********************************************.*.***************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/03/2006 cgunion Action :AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT, see notes on field set of plans _ CONDITIONOFAPPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER CHAPTER 7OFTHE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OFTHE 2003 IFGC ASMODIFIEDBY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond:2 3 (BLDG.):BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER 'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 2003 IMC. Cond:2 5 i(BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5OFTHE 2003 IFGC. Cond :29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3OFTHE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3OFTHE 2003 IFGC .. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST .UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ONCOMBUSTIBLEFLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST . Cond :30 (BLDG.):BOILER ROOMS SHALLBE EQUIPPPED WITHAFLOORDRAINOROTHERAPPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSI~G OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. ****************************~******************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS IherebyacknowledgethatIhavereadthisapplication,filledoutinfullthe information required,completedanaccurateplot plan,andstatethatallthe information as required is correct.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocomply withallTown ordinances andstatelaws ,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningandsubdivision codes,de sign review approved,InternationalBuildingandResidentialCodesandotherordinancesoftheTownapplicablethereto . SIGNAt .******************************************************************************************* TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Plumbing 30772 R060000111 Amount:$128.00 Check 02/07/200603:00 PM Init :DDG Notation:Jerry Sibley Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: M06-0017 Type:MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-141-0600-5 2456 CHAMONIX LNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS UNIT B-1 Total Fees:$128.00 This Payment:$128.00 Total ALL Pmts:$128.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 100 .00 25.00 3.00 02 /03 (2006 ~4:24 FAX 9708275234 Jerry Sibley Plbng INC I4J 001 Townof Vall Reg,No.:Con ct Person and Pone #';;0<7 _u-7If? .s':2 - Provide Mechanltal Room Lavout drawn to scale to Indude: o Mec:hanitaJ Room Dimensions o CDmbustlon AIr Duct Sizeand Location o Flue,VentandGas Une Sizeand Location o Heat Losscales. o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION APPUCATIOJ\l WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ~TOV Project #: h 0 ~00 I 7 Building Permit #:)..1 .Mechanical Permit /I.:~M~O"-,,,<4,---00 ( IDWN OF VAlL '4 970-479·2149 (InspectIons) TOWNOFVAILMECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following:75 S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials MECHANICAL:$.<90 DO Contact Eaale Countv Assessors Office at 970-3;28-8640 or visit .www..1e-countv£QlI)for Parcel # Parcel #:JI/J~1410 t:ao s" Job Name:YQ u--rJ&J JOb:tr~,ewiY jAJ ~-(.2.u. Legal Descriptlon I Lot:(II Block:~filing:Subdivision: OWners Name:~~if IIf},._l.AJ$:.~:fL..MO,.~r>1 Va.:/Phone:17"--J1(~O Engineer:I I Phone: Detal7escriP~t of WOrkjy /1." ..a II!::J a-ce::'~l,e..-r--.. Work Class/New ()Addition ()Alteration ()Repair}()Other() Boller Location:InterlorJ:()Exterior ()Other ()Does an EHU exist atthis loc;atio!!~I NO (J Type of Bldg:Single-family ()Duplex 9Q MultHam l1y ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units Inthis building:'"No .of Accommodation Units Inthis buildJ,'lj' No/TYoe of Rreolaces Existino: , as Laos ()Wood/Pell~I 7 Wood Burnlnq ()Gas A No/Type of Areplaces Proposed :Gas AppliaoQils ()Sa!l:egs ()WoodlPeliet ()Wood Burning (NOT AllOWED) Is thisa converslon froma wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device?V.."(,Nn r J ************************FOR OFFICE USE O NLY*********~~*~*~*a.i~~~q*a10......----......,.....,......._'..',~.,IU.,.......,•..:.,...:;:..,........~':.,.....I.i\1,;.",,,,.,,,.,,."..,";"",,!~By ,."~~FEB 03 2006 M F:\a1eV\FORMS\Pllnnlts\BuJldlng\mechanieaIJlertnlt_ll.23.2005.0OC TOWN d¥23Q~1L III 002-~""~8 I NC APPROVED Community Development Department BUildingSafetyand Inspection Service sTOWNOF\'AJL • Sect i o!J..\o S".'-t ,. ~>1;i:3mational Building Codellnternatlol1 <!1 1'::::'::::1t lal Code Validit y c i pe rmit The issuanceorg rantingc f <1 ~::::.:=~::~1 notbec onstrued to be a perm it for,oranappr ovalof,;:n:J \:,~:~,.::1 of anyof the provisions ofth is ?ode or,ofany oth,cr ord :;~~~:~:..:.~" jurisdiction,Permits presuming to,giveauthon ty .~o .:~~::.::_c:,~'.:':~~the provisionsofthiscodeorother .ordlnances of t h ().J ;~;:-;....._I,I:~'.~~~:~~be valid.The issuance 01 apermitbasedonconstructicn L v,"_",,~..nd otherd ata !:N!l..not preventthebuildingoffici II:c:':1 r:qu,r.::J l.:. ~---~e 8""'~??;lJ"IC::l??of e'rsIntheconstruct ion do ':'1 nts end other data.The building offi c l ~i also au 1 nzetoprevep .upancy c r ,usa 01 !l structure where I 1 violation ofthis code e ofa ,,oth.er ordinances 01 .'"isdiction. - 0~/03 !2006 14:25 FAX 9708275234 O'nice Copy •OPAuv d SII",\P ~VlIJ;b ra-1Ft./-/1lI\£.1 'K .-f-Il- •CD..,~PA-b ~~l'\t~~~'""~ 'I , It..t.JJ."I,",~1P p:gr"rtaJI~~U$I ~I '8a ' "'&0.-11>~at ~F=l4 1>''''4- ~~"rr ~~J~J~"c­ ~1t4 ~. 02 /03 (2006 ~4:25 FAX 9708275234 Jerry Sibley Plbng INC l(J003 M'N.·fHERM"IV ---Standard Equipment •Venting;built-in draft divener •Design certifiedltes1ed by CSA Intemational •Natural or propane gas •Maximum working pressure : water30 P.S.I.,ASMErated •Hydrostatlo tsst pressure at tactory :60P.S.!. •Maximum gassupply pressure :Natural 10.5' W.C.;Propane 13'w.e. •Pressure relief valve:capacily in excess of boilerinputrating •Material specifications per Section IV,ASME Code •Headers:castiron per ASME requirements •Tubes:purecopperwith Integral formed externalftns •Main burners :aluminized steel Hydronic Boilers JV I ReSld~~Gas-Fired Boiler IndoorSizes 5G-225 MBTU/h Submittal Data IAAIIS tiiIIIl_"'I_~ flice Copy •Airsupply:natural aspiration •Altiludes:0•10,000ft. •Floorunderboiler.whenusedon combustible floor,a special base mustbe supplied (see Installation instructions .Document 102S & rating plate) •Two-stage combustion systemand operating controls (JVSsizes 100.225) •Electrical:115V-60Hz-1PH lessthan12 amperes 24V transformer mounted andwired •Pump relay:standard •Ventdamperandwireharness ,Blocked ventsafelyswitch(B.V.S.S.) •Rollout safelY switch •up to 64%Thennal sfficiencles @ highfire •20YearLimiledWarranly---MInimumClearances,Inches em Minimum Size Left...Right Sides,Rear Ftonl Flue TopClearances from 50 6 15 4 10 6 .15 23 58 Adjacent 75 6 15 "10 6 15 23 58 Construction 100 6 15 4 10 6 15 23 58 125 6 15 4 10 6 15 23 58 160 6 15 4 10 6 15 ·36 91 225 6 15 4 10 6 15 36 91 02 /03/2006 14:25 FAX 9708275234 •-'--Dimensional Data "'root VieW 6 Jerry Sibley Plbng INC L.eft Side View ! !, !I 9-1/<t.J..-7 _~ 24 1 18 i :: E ' Dimensions shownininches em. Top View Draft Diverter AJ2 o In (Retum) ()PRYoOut(Supply)o T&PGauge I4i 004 Z3-5fa 60 Dimensions Approx inches em Weight SIZa A B C 0 E V Ibs.kg 50 13-318 34 27·3/4 71 18 46 21-314 55 26-112 67 4 10 12054 75 13-318 34 27·314 71 1846 21-314 55 27-112 70 5 13 126 57 .100 16-7/8 43 28-314 73 18 46 22·314 58 27·112 70 5 13 134 61 125 16·718 43 28-314 73 18 45 22-314 5827·1/2 70 6 15 138 63 160 20-318 52 28-314 73 18 45 22-314 58 27·112 70 6 15 164 74 225 25-518 65 31-1/2 80 20 51 24-314 63 27·1/2 70 7 18 181 82 JVS JVT Heating AFUE%WalI>r Gas JV Inptlt FIring Firing Capeclty NortlBR JVS JVT Conn.Conn. Sizs MBTUIh kW Mode Mode MBTlJIh kW MBTUIh kW Spark Stnd .in.In. 50 50 14.6 OrJOff OrJOff 42 12.3 36.5 10.7 64.4 80.2 1·114 112 75 75 21.9 OrJOff On/Off 63 18.5 54.8 16.1 84 .0 80 .5 ,.,/4 1/2 ~100 100 29.1 2-Stage On/Off 84 24.5 73 21.4 62.080.71·1/4 1/2 125 125 36.6 2-Slage On/Off 105 30.8 91.3 26.8 81.9 80.71-1/41/2 160 160 46 .8 2-Staga On/Off 134 39.3 116.9 34 .3 80.2 81.01-1/4 1/2 225 225 65.9 2-Staga OrJOff 189 55 .4 164.3 48.1 a1.8 81.5 1-1/4 1/2 Waterpik Technologias 6000CondorDrive,Moo~rk,CA 93021 ·605.5211.2000'FAX 605.529.5934 20 In<lu$U1a1 Way,Rochester,NH 03ll67·603.3:35.6300 •FAX 603.335.3:355 480 S.Service Road Wes~Oakville.Ontario,Canada LBK2H4•905.644.8233 •FAX 905.844.2635 WW1III.Jaars.coll1 U,ho '0 U.S.A.Illla...Hll'~1'4l5Y""'"C4'D Oocumanl1D4a'1 304.9.1 Makeup air.Whereexhaustfans areinstalled, makeupairshallbeprovidedtoreplacetheexhaustedair. 304.9.2 Appliance interlock.Eachoftheappliancesserved shallbeinterlockedwiththemechanicalairsupply system topreventmain burneroperationwhenthemechanicalair supplysystemisnotinoperation . GENERAL REGULATIONS I nectedbyoneormoreopeningsindoorsorfloorshaving atotalminimumfreeareaof2squareinchesper1,000 Btu/h(4402 mm'/kW)oftotalinputratingofallgasutili - zationequipment. 1 304.6 Outdoor combustion air.Outdoorcombustionairshall beprovidedthroughopening(s)totheoutdoorsinaccordance withSection304.6.1or304 .6.2.Theminimumdimensionof airopeningsshallbenotlessthan3inches(76mm). 304.6.1 Two-permanent-openings method.Two penna- nentopenings,one commencing within12inches(305mm) ofthetopandone commencing within12inches(305mm) ofthebottomoftheenclosure,shall beprovided.Theopen - ingsshall communicate directly ,orbyducts ,withtheout- doorsorspacesthatfreely communicate withtheoutdoors. Wheredirectly communicating withtheoutdoors,or where communicating withtheoutdoorsthroughvertical ducts,eachopeningshallhaveaminimumfreeareaof1 squareinchper4 ,000 Btu/h(550rnm'/kW)oftotalinput ratingofall equipment intheenclosure[seeFigures 304 .6.1(1)and304 .6.1(2)]. Where communicating withtheoutdoorsthroughhori- zontalducts ,eachopeningshallhaveaminimumfreearea ofnotlessthanIsquareinchper2,000 Btu/h(1,100 mm'/kW)oftotal inputratingofallequipmentintheenclo- sure[seeFigure304.6 .1(3)]. 304.6.2 One-permanent-opening method.One penna- nentopening,commencing within12inches(305mm)of thetopoftheenclosure,shallbeprovided .The equipment shallhaveclearancesofatleast1inch(25mm)fromthe sidesandbackand6inche s (152 Hun)fromthefrontofthe appliance.Theopeningshalldirectly communicate withthe outdoorsorthroughaverticalorhorizontalducttotheout- doorsorspacesthatfreely communicate withtheoutdoors [seeFigure304.6 .2]andshallhaveaminimumfreeareaofI squareinchper3,000 Btu/h(734mm'/kW)ofthetotalinput ratingofall equipment locatedintheenclosure,andnotless I thanthesum ofthe areasofallventconnectorsinthespace.-304.7 Combination indoor and outdoor combustion air. Theuseofa combination of indoorand outdoor combustionair shallbeinaccordancewithSections304.7.1through304.7.3 . 304.7.1 Indoor openings.Whereused,openings connect- ingthe interior spacesshallcomplywithSection304.5.3 . 304.7.2 Outdoor opening location.Outdoor opening(s) shallbelocatedinaccordancewithSection304 .6. 304.7.3 Outdoor opening(s)size.Theoutdooropening(s) size shallbe calculated inaccordancewiththefollowing: 1.Theratioofinteriorspacesshallbetheavailablevol- umeofall communicating spacesdividedbythere- quiredvolume. 2 .The outdoor sizereductionfactorshallbeoneminus theratioof interior spaces. 3.Theminimumsizeof outdoor opening(s)shallbethe fullsizeof outdoor opening(s)calculatedinaccor- dancewithSection304.6.multipliedbythereduction factor.Theminimumdimen sion ofairopeningsshall benotlessthan3inches(76mm). 22 304.8 Engineered installations.Engineered combustion air I installationsshallprovideanadequatesupplyof combustion ,. ventilationanddilutionairandshallbeapproved. 304.9 Mechanical combustion air supply.WhereallcombUS-1 tionairis providedbyamechanicalairsupplysystem ,thecom- bustionair shallbe suppliedfromtheoutdoorsatarate notless than0 .35 cubicfeetperminuteper 1,000Btu/h(0.034mvmin perkW)oftotalinputrating ofallappliances locatedwithinthe space. I I 304.9.3 Combined combustion air and ventilation air I system.Wherecombustionairisprovidedbythebuilding 's mechanicalventilation system.thesystem shallprovidethe specifiedcombustionairrateinadditi on tothe required ven- tilationair. 304.10 Louvers and grilles.Therequiredsizeofopeningsfor I combustion.ventilationanddilutionair shallbebasedonthe netfreeareaofeachopening .Wherethefreeareathroughade- signoflouverorgrilleisknown,itshallbeusedin calculating thesize opening requiredtoprovidethefreearea s pecified. Wherethedesignandfreeareaarenotknown,itshallbeas-(.•.... sumedthatwoodlouverswillhave 25-percent freeareaand metallouversandgrille s willhave 75-percent freearea . Nonmotorizedlouversandgrillesshallbefixedintheopenpo- sition .Motorized louversshallbeinterlockedwiththeequip- mentsothatthey areproventobe inthefullopenpositionprior tomainburnerignitionandduringmainburneroperation . Meansshallbeprovidedtopreventthemainburnerfromignit- ingifthelouversfailtoopenduringburnerstart-upandtoshut downthemainburnerifthelouverscloseduringoperation . 304.11 Combustion air ducts.Combustionairductsshall complywithallofthefollowing: I.Ductsshallbeofgalvanizedsteel complying withChap- ter6ofthe International Mechani cal Code orofequiva- lent corrosion-resistant material approved forthis application. Exception:Withindwellingsunits,unobstructed stud and joist spacesshallnotbe prohibited fromconvey - ing combustion air,providedthatnotmorethanone required fireblockisremoved . 2.Ductsshallterminateinanunobstructedspaceallowing freemovementof combustion airtotheappliances . 3.Ducts s hallserve asingle enclosure . 4 .Ductsshallnot servebothupperandlower combustion airopeningswherebothsuchopeningsareused .Thesep- arationbetweenduct s serving upperandlowercombus- tionairopenings shallbe maintained tothesourceof combustionair. 5 .Ductsshallnotbe screenedwhereterminatinginanattic space . 2003 INTERNATIONAL FUELGASCOOE® ·03--oG-2ObG 357 DOl A.ctr...1tj: Cv.I T,j:4. OwfJOri. AppIlcunt CliflU'Ktor: DiKr.pt;vn: 7MP.;•. CMlltllInl Coolmtnt: C'.I'>l1'UNlnt' in,.pection Request Reporting Vatl,co -C~Of e-.-.......""""'".;niv J.u.ir. :teffi. tt.m. Iltrm: IWI1I. nem: lam: 116m: RF.PT13i 03100.'OC Co,niMlet In~<kIf:('.('.0 Actk>n:ca CORRECTION REQUIRED 1FROV1Cl:P'••AN m:vu:w ON ~m:rc...~lfolJPCC11CN. 2.rRO'JlOC CHErT M£TAL ~ELD Fen REDlJCED CLEAfWolCE TO CCMBUeTt8LE~AT Vr:NT CONNECTOR OR RE:f't.ACE '!~n 1eVENT. 1r.:;p&tN:JRM Actl-:;.,-.:DN OCNlED i:"f1tll,i:iln ,aroi:lW Run Id ;4315 TOWN OF VAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,C O81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT k 0-\-6 6 \.k1S, I r---r---.c-'SI,-.<r s»:»c._ NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUSTBE POSTED ON JOBSlTEA T A LL T IMES ADD/ALTC OMM BUILD PERMT Permit #:B03-0123 Jo b A d dress: Location : Parcel N o : Proj ect N o.: 2456 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2456 CHAMINOIX LANE 210314106000 r RQ:>3 Ot '1:'- St a tus ...: A pplied..: Iss ued : Expires : ISSUED OS/22 /2003 OS/22/2003 11/18/2003 OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS .OS/22/2003 Phone:476 -3308 P .0.BOX 1375 VAIL,CO 81658 License : CONTRACTOR TCC CONTRACTORS,INC. P.O.BOX 1822 AVON,CO 81620 License:540-B APPLICANTTCC CONTRACTORS ,INC. P.O.BOX 18 22 AVON ,CO 81620 License: Des ciption: RE-ROOF SAME FORS AME Oc cupancy: Type Construction: Ty pe Occupancy:?? OS/22/2003 Phone : OS/22/2003 Phone :970 -328-2340 Valuation:$14,402.00 Add Sq Ft o Firep laceInfor mation :Restricted:#oC GasAppliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0 #of\Vood Pellet:Q..'.....***........._*_.........._*.__u .....__...__*__"'**.FE E SUMMARY ...H.a""**".........*__ Building-->$251.25 Restuarant PlanReview->$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees->$41 7.56 Plan Check-->$163 .31 ORB Fee------->$0.00 Ad ditionalFees--->$0.00 Inves tiga tion ->$0.00 Recreation Fee---->$0.00 Total Permit Fee-->$41 7 .56 Will Call->$3 .0 0 Clea n-upOeposit-->$0.00 Payments >$417 .56 TOTALFEFS--->$417.56 BALANCE DUE--->$0.00 -_....._**•.........-***"........_.__.*--_._-*-***--_._.._****.*.......,••**--••***-_..........._***-*".._..._*-....*****_..._........._.... Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OS/2 2/2003 DF Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS-_.......*--*---*-_-..-...._.__............._*------****...._----*..--.......--....-*..-..-.---*........~..........._.__. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihave read this application,filledout in fullthe information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththe information and plotplan,to comply with all Town ordinances and statelaws,andto build this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,UniformBuildingCode and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBEMADE TWENTY·FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT4 -2149 ORATOUR OFFICE FROM 8:00AM-4 P M. o OWNEROR CONTRACfOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEr. PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B03-0123 CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL as of05-22-2003 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type :ADD/ALT COMM BUILDPERMT Applicant:TCC CONTRACTORS,INC. 970-328-2340 Job Address:2456 CHAMONIX RDVAIL Location:2456 CHAMINOIX LANE Parcel No:210314106000 Description: RE-ROOF SAME FORSAME Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ISREQUIREDBEFOREANY WORK CAN BESTARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELDINSPECTIONSAREREQUIREDTO CHECK FORCODE CO MPUANCE. Applied:OS/2 2/2003 Issued:OS/22/2003 To Expire:11/18/2003 i;,--L?I .com for Parcel # Phone:Lf~ Phone : I Subdivision: FI 2MPLET~OR UN~3 -O,L/:- ")Project #:_2-t',......::\L:....:;..JU=-=-_-=-_~~ '/Building Permit #:' ,970-479-2149 (Inspections) Address: APPUCAnON WILLNOTBE A~7fi Block:Filing: • OwnersName'h .......',.H O A, Architect/Designer: 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Engineer :Address:Phone: WorkType:Interior ( Remodel ()Repair()Demo()other Exterior C7JJ Both ()Doesan EHU existatthis location: Ty pe of Bldg.:Single -family ()Two-family (Multi-family p(/)Commercial()Restaurant ()Oth er () No.ofExistingDwellingUnits in thisbuilding:No.ofAccommodationUnits in this building: WoodBurnin COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:s ILt 'i/),.'?-> REFUNDCLEANUPDEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ContactandPhone #'s: f-!o('(}.c:()Me..~:'v\~-3/??-QY' Townof ~Reg.No.: ,;>L(O- ***************.***********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ************************************* Other Fees:', ORBFees:',' Public Way Permit Fee:", F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm ~ePtedBY: :;.a.nner Sign-off:I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Commun ity Developmen t 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 w eb :www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Project Description: Participants: SAME FOR SAME RE -ROOF ~ R'-ROOFSAM'FOR SA ~~ ORB Number:DRB030159 OWNERCHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS.05/16/2003 Phone:476-3308 P.O.BOX1375 VAIL,CO81658 License: APPUCANTTCC CONTRACTORS,INC.05/16/2003 Phone:970-328-2340 P.O.BOX1822 AVON,CO 81620 License: CONTRACTOR TCC CONTRACTORS,INC.05/16/2003 Phone : P.O.BOX1822 AVON,CO 81620 License:540-B Project Address:2456CHAMONIXRDVAIL Location: 2456CHAMINOIXLANE LegalDescription:Lot:Block:Subdivision: ParcelNumber:210314106000 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:APPUED Date of Approval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approval does not const itute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnelprio r to construction act ivities. Planner:<e:I,~0..b.t~ORBFeePaid:$250.00 TOWNOFVAIL 75S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 1657 970-47 9-2138 ••~~r (;(JU t..D_. DEPARTMENT OF COMMU N ~DEVELOPMENT Iff .~!~ VlU 6:?'&~ NOTE :THISPERMITMUSTBEPOST ED O N JOBSIT EAT A LLTIMES JobAddress .: Location : Par celNo : Project No : A DD/ALTMF BUILDPERMIT 245 6CHAMONIXRDVAIL 245 6 CH AMONIX RD A-I 2 10314106000 Permit #:BOO -0 262 Status : Applied : Issued : Expires : ISSUED 09/26/2000 09 /26 /2000 03/25/2001 APPLICANT SNOWCAP ROOFING P .O.BOX 2094 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:132-S CONTRACTOR SNOWCA P RO OFING P.O .BOX 2094 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:132 -S OWNER CHAMONIX CHALET S P .O .BOX 1375 VAIL,CO 81658 81658 License : 09/26/2000 Also is CONTRACTOR 09/26/2 000 Also is Applicant CONDO ASS .09/26/2000 Phone :970 -328-332 0 Phone:97 0-328-33 20 Phone :476-33 08 Desciption : REPAIRSIDEWALLSHAKESAMEFORSAME Occupanc y : Type Construction : TypeOccupanc y : RIMult i-Family VI-HRType VI -Hour ?? Valuation :$2.000.00 AddSqFt:o FireplaceInfonnation:Restricted:Y ff ofGasAppliances:0 #of Gas Logs:a #ofWoodPellet:a •••••••****•••••••••••••••••••••*••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••"'•••FEE SUl\.·1ivfARY •••*"'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••*••••••••••••••••••• Bu ildin g·----~$65 .00 Restu arant P lan Review-c-$0 .00 Tota lCalculated Fees->$110.25 Plan Check-«>$42 .25 DRU Fec··>$0 .00 A dditionalFces-·-·_->$0 .00 Investigation->$0 .0 0 RecreationFee·--------->$0 .00 Total Penn it Fec---->$110.25 Will Call----->$3 .00 Clean-up Deposit---------->$0 .00 I'ayment'--.-------.------->$110.25 TO TAL FEES ---->$11 0 .25 B ALA.'ICE Dt JE---->$0 .00 •••••••••••••••"'•••"'••••••••••••••••••••***••••:t *•••*"'*••"'******•••••**"'*•• A pprovals : Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 9/26/2000 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED I tem:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/26/2000 JRM Action:APPRN/A Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/26/2000 JRM Action:APPRN/A Item:.05500 PUBLIC WORKS c **************************************t*********.****************************************************"'*******t*****-"'**"''''",****",••*....",,,,.**,,,,,,,,,,,,***. 09/26/2000 JRM •Action :APPR N/A • See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that ma y apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS IherebyacknowledgethatIhavereadthisapplication ,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired ,completedanaccurate plot plan ,and statethatallth e informationasrequ ired iscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan ,tocomplywithallTown ordinances and state laws,and tobuildthis structure accordingtothe towns zoningandsubdi vision codes ,designreview approved, UniformBuildingCodeandother ordinances of the TO\~l1 applicablethereto . REQ UESTSFORINSPECTION SH ALLHEMADET WENTY·FOURHOURS IN ADVA'-:CE BYTE L SendClean-up D'1'0 ,it Tu:S;';OWCAP SIGNATURE c •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R000000028 Amount :$110 .25 Check 10/09/200011:14 AM Init :JMN Notation :CK #8323 Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: BOO -0262 Type: 210314106000 2456 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2456 CHAMONIX RD A-I ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Total Fees:$110.25 This Payment:$110.25 Total ALL Pmts:$110.25 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003 112300 WC 0010000311 2BOO Des cript ion BUILDING PERMIT FEE S PLAN CHECK FEE S WILL CALL IN SPE CTION FEE Curr ent Pmts 65.00 42.25 3.00 - o TOWN OF VAI~ONSTRUCTION PERMIT APtt'CAlION ,r-ORM ~!'~Q~JIQN ;}:t!rr BE COMPLEU Oil.THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJtcnn -, (:OTlI <ld 11m Eagle COlJllfy Asse!ssors Office al 970-328-8640 for Parr;el f .;\<.j "/lcr l "-.d t03_-:-L~Ld)4:-CXb 1 ):lI~:._..~_dJ._:£D.____Permi!#----n-----'lFr---lI--"l--lr-:,a-- lob Na me:L~~~.o,,;)(Che.Ie+s i 1 11i l d il1 :~()Plumbing \,I Electrical (),Me;:hanlcaJ (.l Other O?A-I I "~~I n ,~·:uif'li on :1.01.Block Filing Subdivision Cb rn Oh j)(l (~he... (\-\Cl l 'r-.I,(1 C\i--l)Ch«l'I"v,,;-Y r;-,.,e..1I 33(1·""r l ~r-.I~n lf:_..._...v..Jc..K.J.)l€we{Addr~:Po(kj.1J 1 5 lW,CQ .&~Pboneli ,llo --C8 A I'.·hi t ,~c t'__.__.~_~~_-.Address:Pbone# "r:~:r i l't1<'n of JOb:l'<.tpa II)/~4 -e l ...>.'-·....p'-"wf)'--""'S1~'d.......,P....,~&·&YI....cQo=;...---------'---- II'",,,(1:1;r.:Ne ll'(:Alt eration r Additional(Repair <>0 Other ~,~ll ~ ~,'",n ho 0 f Dwellin g Units;\t:Number-of Accommodation Units:__4-..:-_ ~';lIT1 l hc r an d T)llC o f Fi replaces :Gas Appliances Gas Logs,WoodJPel1et'--_ VALUATIONS ,')co B I :Jl .l)I~I(;:$__~\000 ·.....ELECiRlCAl.:S~_ I'I .l !MI ~I N G-$_._________l'vrECHANlCAL $_ OTIlER:S _ TOTAL $_ 31.J-Address:-...,I~=-=-_...:~~_ 'J"'.\1\of V.l i1 Regi stration No._________Phone #_ Address:_ Phone #_ Address :_ 'I !'II 11 "I'Vail Registration No,__Phone s _ FOR OFFICE USE 8UILDING:,_ SIGNATURE;...,_ ZONING: SIGNATU""'R'-;:E=-:------------- ~LJ:.r\N lJPDEPO~IlJ~E.FUJ~D TO,_ <.;S l:>c;Sl.l:>0l.S -01 -r-,- • • nUlLDlNG PERMIT ISSUA.N CE TIME FlUME • If this permitrequires a TownofVail Fire Department Approval,Engineer 's (PublicWorks) review and approval.aPlanning Department review ofHealth Department review,and a review by the BuildingDepartment,the estimated time fora total review ma y take as long as three(3) w eeks . "II co mmercial (large or s mall)and all multi-family permits willhavetofollowthe abo ve mentioned rnaximumrequirements .Residential andsmall projects should take alesser amount of time.However.ifresidential or smaller projects impact the variousabove mentioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also take the three (3)week period . E\('r ~attemptwill be made by this department to expedite this permit as s oon as possible. I.the undersigned,understandthe PianCheckprocedureandtime frame.t also understand that if the permit is not picked upby the expiration date,thatImuststillpaythePlanCheck Fee and t hat if I f.~il to do so it may affect future permits that Iapply for . Work S hc r t "35 turned in to th e Co mmunity DC'c1 opm e111 Dept. r.w,,-",,f"U :IlP4,P,,"" ~S &~6 L &0 L 8'O I '~d30 -n3a -W03-nO~·Wo~.L0 '~t 8S -80 -,nr-"-,'w-:'-:.:·:U",;';.,-.."~...~,:"~::!"_:;~':"~.)..:'~'".',~..l ,::',.:,:..• -,'-_..;....-'.------ ..• PROPOSAL • ====================================================================== SNOWCAP ROOFING,INC. P.O.BOX 325 EDWARDS,CO.81632 926-3320 DATE:SEPT.18,2000 PAGE:1OF2 PAGES ====================================================================== PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: NAME:DICK BREWER ADDR:P.O.BOX 1375 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 PHONE:476-3308 WORK TOBE PERFORMED AT: JOB TITLE:CHAMONIX CHALETS ADDRESS:H-1 CHAMONIX LANE VAIL,COLORADO 81657 ARCHITECT:N/A DATE OFPLANS:N/A ====================================================================== We hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials as specified below: To re-roof partial sidewall,with tear off of existing sidewall down to the plywood.To furnish and install replacement sidewall consisting of #1 Grade Class B Medium Shakes,with underlayments of Vycor Ice &Water Shield,36 &18 inch 30 pound felt. 1]Vycor Ice and Water Shield will be applied shingle fashion, on top of plywood sheathing.Vycor to be applied over the entire sheathing surface,lapped three inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps. 2]The Ice &Water Shield will be covered with a layer of 36 inch,30 pound U.L.roofing felt by Tamko,lapped four inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps. 3]Sheet metal flashing,as needed for this job,will installed using shop formed 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal, wall flashing,step flashing,and drip edge flashing. be for the 4]Each course of shakes will be laced with 18 inch 30 pound Tamko roofing felt.The Class B Medium Shakes will be laced at all corners.Starter coarse will be installed at all bottoms. 5]This proposal includes air staples/nails,nails,mastic, and delivery fees,as well as anyand all other miscellaneous materials required for a complete system,labor,and clean up of all waste roofing materials. 6]Due to the inconsistency of the construction materials market,material prices can fluctuate rapidly.Any price increases prior to our purchase (typically 30 days prior to dry-in)will cause the contract price to increase accordingly. 7]If daily installation/removal of plastic is required,this work will be charged extra at the rate of $40.00 per man hour and $50.00 for a supervisor.Reinforced plastic (20'x 100'rolls)will be charged extra at $120.00 per roll,or current cost.All extra materials used will be charged at snowcap's cost,plus 15%. - •• CHAMONIX CHALETS PAGE 2OF2PAGES SEPT.18,2000 8]Upon payment in full,Snowcap Roofing,Inc.will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing specified in this proposal against leaks caused by faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of roofing completion.SUbsequent interior damages are not compensable,and T &M fees will be charged if our investigation finds Snowcap's workmanship not responsible for the leak(s). ====================================================================== COST:All material is Guaranteed to be as specified,with the work performed in accordance with the specifications submitted and completed in a workmanlike manner for the sum of:approx.$2,000.00 (The actual cost will be based on the actual time and materials used) TERMS:Net 30 days,no retainage,2%per month charged on overdue accounts,as well as any legal fees incurred.Workmans Compensation and PUblic Liability Insurance,will be furnished by Snowcap Roofing, Inc.No additional work shall be performed without a signed change order. sn~Roofing,Inc. W- 0 L71k-'-k.-Per:--....c;;;..-L""::"::':"-L.-_L.--+",=--"":"-=_ Respectfully Submitted: Note:This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 10 days. ===================================================================== ACCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL:I authorize you to proceed with the Work as specified herein.I guarantee payment according to specified terms. SIGNATURE DATE _ **Return one signed copy to our office.** ===================================================================== - d , 3 '~\. -"'C'\I'-;;. VI \~ \\ • .. C h o.f""»'")( L v.,l-'(-r, - REPT131..••Run Id:390 02-07-2001 8 '12 am Inspection Request Reporting Vail,Co •City 0 Page3 Requested Inspect Date: AssIgned To: inspection Type: Inspecllon Area: Site Address: Wednesday,February 07,2001 CDAV'S BLDG JRM 2456CHAMONIXRDVAIL 2456CHAMONIXRDA-1 Status:ISSUED InspArea :JRM SubType :AMF Use:V 1-HR Phone:970-328-3320 Phone:970-328-3320 Phone:476-3308 Type :A-MF Occupancy: BOo-0262 210314106000 SNOWCAPROOFING SNOWCAPROOFING CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDOASS. REPAIRSIDEWALLSHAKESAMEFORSAME NP/D 'n'ormatlon Activity : ConstType: Parcel: Applicant: Contractor: ONl1er: Description: Requested Inspectlonlsl Item: Requestor: Comments: AssignedTo: Aclton: 90BLDG-FInal SNOWCAP ROOFINGlMary roofina/slding CDAVIS Time Exp: Requested Time:08:00AM Phone:970-328-3320 EnteredBy:LCAMPBELL K Inspection History Ilem: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item' Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: 226 FIREDEPT.NOTIFICATION (Required) 510 driveway gradefinal (O~iOnal) 10BLDG-FootingslSteel (tional) 20BLDG-FoundationlSteel «ptional) 520PLAN-ILCSitePlan (~equlred) 30BLDG-Framing (Optional) 50BLDG-Insulation(Optional) 60 BL~heetrock Nail(Optional) 70BLDG-Misc .(Oplional) 90BLDG-Final (~equlred) 530BLDG-Temp.C/O SOP/lonal) 531FIRE-TEMP.CIO Optional) 532PW-TEMP.C/O Optional) 533PLAN-TEMP.C/O (Optional) 537PLAN-FINAL CIO (Optional) 538FIRE-FINAL CIO (Optional) 539PW-FINAL CIO (Optional) 540BLDG-FinalC/O(ReqUired) -- DEPARTM ENT OFC OMMUNITY D EV ELOPMENT Permit#:B02-0175ADD/ALT MFBUILD P ERMIT ~\e-(o.J.:)S~ ~Gr--,\\ THISPERMIT M UST B E POST ED ONJOBSIT EATALL TIMES 1$\\c -~ k o+(p NOTE: ·TOWN·OF.... 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,C O 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address .: Location : ParcelNo: Project No: 2456 C HAMONIXRDVAIL 2456 CH AM ONIXLANEBLDG A 210 314106000 Status: Appli ed : Issued : Expires : ISSU ED 06/06 /2002 06 /1 1/2002 12/08 /2002 OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS .06/06/2002 Phone:476-3308 P.O .BOX 1375 VAIL,CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR SNOW CAP ROOFING P.O.BOX 2094 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:132-S APPLICANT SNOWCAP ROOFING P.O.BOX 2094 EAGLE,CO 81631 License :132-S 06/06/2002 Phone:970 -328-3320 06 /06/2002 Phone:970-328 -3320 Desciption: REPLACE SHAKE SIDEWALL WITH EXISTINGCLAS S BMED SHAKES ICE AND WATER SH ED Occupancy: T ype Construction: Ty pe Occupancy: RIMult i-Family VI-HRT ype V l-Hour ?? Valuation :$18,000.00 AddSq Ft :o FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #of WoodPellet:0 .......................................................................FEE SUMMARY . Building-->$22 5.0 0 RestuarantPlanRcvicw->$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees->$3 7 4.25 PlanCheck-->$146 .25 ORB Fee------------->$0 .00 Additional Fees------->$55 .00 lnvestigation->$0 .00 Recreation Fee------------>$0 .00 TotalPermitFee----·--->$429.25 WiIiCall--->$3 .00 Clcan·upOeposit-------->$0 .00 Payments----------->$429 .25 TOTALFEES-------->$3 74.25 BALANCE OUE----->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A pprovals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/07/2002 JRM Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s Seepage2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayapplytothispermit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application ,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired ,completed an accurate plotplan, andstatethatalltheinformationasrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructure according tothetownszoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of theTown applicable thereto . REQUESTS FORINSPECTION SHALL BEMADETWENTY-FOURHOURSIN ADVA NCE BY T EPHO..-:'J»2 1~R ATOUROFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -5PM. Send C lean-upDeposit To :Nt A <«Y L SIGNATURE0OWERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELFANDOWNEF s PAG E 2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B02-0175 C ONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 06-11 -2002 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** PermitTyp e: Applicant: JobAddres s : Location : Parcel No: ADD/ALT MFBUILDP ERMIT SNOWCAP ROOFING 970-328-3320 2456 CHAMONIX RDVAIL 2456 CHAMONIX LANEBLDGA 210314106000 Applied: Issued: To Expire : 06 /06 /2002 06/11/2002 12/08 /2002 Description: REPLACE SHAKE SIDEWALL WITHEXISTINGCLASSBMED SHAKES ICE ANDWAT ER SHED Conditions : Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG .):ALLP ENETRATIONS INWALLS ,CEILlNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITHAN APPROVED FIREMAT ERIAL. Cond :16 (BLDG.):SMOK E DETECTORS AREREQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERYSTORYASPERS EC.31 0.6.1OFTHE1997UBC. Cond :1 (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTM ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFOR E ANY WORKCANBE STARTED . *••***.*************••••************••*•••••••••••****************••••••••***.***.*****.**•• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement .*****.*•••••••••••***.**************••**•••**************•••**••••••***.*************•••*** Statement Number : Payment Method: Roofing 8 733 R0000 0 2559 Amount:$429.25 Check 06/11/200 204 :11 PM Ini t:DDG Notation:Snowcap Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: B02-0175 Type:ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT 210314 106000 2456 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2456 CHAMONIX LANE BLDG A This Payment:$42 9.25 Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $429.25 $4 29 .25 $0.00 •••••••••**•••*•••••••••••••**********••***••••••••••••••••••••••***•••••••**•••**•••••••*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Acc ou nt Cod e BP 0010 000 3111100 CL 001000 03 123 000 PF 00 10000 311 23 00 WC 00100003 112800 Description BU IL DING PERMIT FEE S CO NTRACT OR LIC ENS ES PLA N CH ECK FEE S WI LL CALL IN SPE CTI ON FEE Cur ren tPmt s 225 .00 55.00 146 .25 3 .00 eate-u it #:_ -479-2149 (Inspections ) Address: APPLICATION vAi8JllWl JobName: ,R-,wners Name:]),c t'&elMQr Architect/Designer: I LegalDescription Lot; 1:=====!~~6:\,d,~",,"===~======;r=====-::=::-=---:-~-=--=::=__:~=J! JobAddress::J t.tSb O~Ir\O JuX Lttl1e "I3Jdj 'A 1.11 Filing:ISubdivision:--======:==~_]I l-\-I d\~>h~"~~L"~Phone:~I b ~)"3 o'g --~_=~~~~_=JI I Phon e :------------------------I! -Eilgrneer:Address:i Phon e:-=====~"'==~OJ!6O~d ::'~S't~;".:.fu J.<-",&f l~.,jffi CJ.»B l'eIU!.4~~~,)~-iJ~t Work Class:New(Addition ()Remodel ()Repair ('X)Demo ()Oth~l~,j~;1!c:...c..~===y-'- WorkType;In~erior (Exterior ()()Both ()Doesan EHU existatthislocation:~e s (~__~o (_~J Type of Bldg.:Single -family ()Two-family (Mvltj-family (x)Commercial ()Restaurant(;C;;;;-T;--=~==-__J INo.ofExisting DwellingUnitsInth is building:I No.ofAccommodationUnits i l~~~il d i n 9 -=~~~~J No Gas LasWood/Pellet ~~~~~!J.)-==~=-=__J Gas LsWood/Pellet w~~Bumil~lJ~~~:~~I~~,~!H ~2 _.:l i DoesaFireSprinkler Sy stemEXTSt:-:{e ~i _:L =~~r J.J COMPI-ETE:VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II BUILDING:$-\l?I 000 ~. I~~,·,~··,~:$ II REFUND CL EANUP DEPOSITTO: ELECTRICAL:$ MECHANICAL:$ OTHER:$ T OTAL:S CONTRACTOR INFORMATION r Other Fees:'..',;'"".-,.'., ~~~i~~~V ~~rml'~F~;'':,'-~~.~--_.:. ****************************••••**•••*.FOR OFFICEUSEONLY *****"**"*"*."*,.:..,,,,,,.,"".,,'-.',d,-,>.;-n :_.., .._-----_..-_.. Acc~t~Q..!:___..___ f :/everyone/forms/bldgperm • Questions?CII th eBuildingTeam at 4 7 9 -~3 ?S Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development O~J ~d~y>fJr It ,?L{s b C J)~rnuy:r ~:=Project Name:------~;------,------'-_:_---4--­ Project Address:------'-'~J.......=:'--"'-..l._..o....I'--'="-'~:....:....::~'___1A..f"==L-'=<:",~-- ./This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. o Allpagesof application is complete o HasORB approval obtained (if required)Provideacopy of ap proval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached ifpr ojectis aMulti -Familyco mplex o Comp letesit eplansubm itted o PublicWay Permit application includedifappli cable(refer to Public Workscheckli st) o Staging plan i ncluded(r efer t oPublic Worksc hecklist)No dumpster,parking or material s t or~95 allowed on roadways andshoulders without written approval u Asbestos t est and results submi tted if demolition iso ccurring o Ar chitect stamp a nd signature (All Commercial an d Mul ti family) o Full floor plans including build ing sect ionsand elevations(4setso fplans for Multi+arni ly ami Comm ercial) o Window and door schedule u Full structural plans ,i ncludingdesign criteria (ie.loads) o Structural Engineer stampand signatureonstru ctural plan s (AllCommercial andMu lti Fcrnily) o Soils Report must besubmitted prior to footing i nspection u Fireresistiv e assemblies spec ified and penetrationsindicated o Smoke detectors shown onplans u Typ es and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature:------f-~,..4"'--1~""'-"'----'------- Date of submittal :_ Received By:__ F:/everyone/forms/bldpe rm2 PROPOSAL ===================================================================== SNOWCAP ROOFING,INC. P.O.BOX 325 EDWARDS,CO.81632 926-3320 DATE:JUNE 03,2002 PAGE:1OF2 PAGES ===================================================================== PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: NAME:DICK BREWER ADDR:P.O.BOX 1375 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 PHONE:476-3308 WORK TOBE PERFORMED AT: JOB TITLE:CHAMONIX CHALETS ADDRESS:2456 CHAMONIX LANE-BLDG.A VAIL,COLORADO 81657 ARCHITECT:N/A DATE OFPLANS:N/A ===================================================================== We hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials as specified below: To re-roof three sides of the shake sidewall (other side already done),with tear off of the existing shake sidewall down to the plywood (replace if necessary).To furnish and install replacement sidewall consisting of #1 Grade Class B Medium Shakes, with underlayments of Grace Ice &Water Shield,36 &18 inch 30 pound felt. 1]Grace Ice and Water Shield will be applied on top of plywood sheathing.Grace to be applied over the entire sheathing surface, lapped three inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps. 2]The Ice &Water Shield will be covered with a layer of 36 inch,30 pound U.L.roofing felt by Tamko,lapped four inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps. 3]Sheet metal flashing,as needed for this job,will be installed using shop formed 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal,for the wall flashing,step flashing,and drip edge flashing. 4]Each course of shakes will be laced with 18 inch 30 pound Tamko roofing felt.The Class B Medium Shakes will be laced at all corners.Starter coarse will be installed at all bottoms. 5]This proposal includes air staples/nails,nails,mastic, and delivery fees,as well as anyand all other miscellaneous materials required for a complete system,labor,and clean up of all waste roofing materials. 6 ]Due to the inconsistency of the construction materials market,material prices can fluctuate rapidly.Any price increases prior to our purchase (typically 30 days prior to dry-in)will cause the contract price to increase accordingly. CHAMONIX CHALETS BUILDINGA-SIDEWALL PAGE 2OF2PAGES JUNE 03,2002 7]If daily installation/removal of plastic is required,this work will be charged extra at the rate of $45.00 per man hour and $55.00 for a supervisor.Reinforced plastic (20'x 100'rolls)will be charged extra at $120.00 per roll,or current cost.All extra materials used will be charged at Snowcap's cost,plus 15%. 8]Upon payment in full,Snowcap Roofing,Inc.will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing specified in this proposal against leaks caused by faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of roofing completion.Subsequent interior damages are not compensable,and T &M fees will be charged if our investigation finds Snowcap's workmanship not responsible for the leak(s). ====================================================================== COST:All material is Guaranteed to be as specified,with the work performed in accordance with the specifications sUbmitted and completed in a workmanlike manner for the sum of:approx.$18,000.00 (The actual cost will be based on the actual time and materials used) TERMS:Net 30 days,no retainage,2%per month charged on overdue accounts,as well as any legal fees incurred.Workmans Compensation and Public Liability Insurance,will be furnished by Snowcap Roofing, Inc.No additional work shall be performed without a signed change order. Respectfully Submitted: Note:This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 10 days. ===================================================================== ACCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL:I authorize you to proceed with the Work as specified herein.I guarantee payment according to specified terms. SIGNATURE,DATE,_ **Return one signed copy to our office.** ============================================================ ~" .3 -, \ ~\ -'t5'\lfj \ \ \ \, ·, 07 -10-2002 6 :52 am._------ Inspection Request Report-Ing ---------Page 17- _.._.._._VAlL,C.O_-TO .OE __.__ Requested Inspect Da te : Inspection Area; S ite Address: Wednesday,july 10,2002 JRM 2456 CHAMONIX RD VAlL 2456 CHAMONIX LANE BLDG A AlPIO Information Adlvtty: ConstType : Owner - Appltcant: Contructor : Description : 802-0175 Type:A-MF Sub Typese .:AMF Status:ISSUED Occupancy:U V 1-HR Insp Area :JR M CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS.PhoM:476-3308 0 ;/ SNOWCAP ROOFING Phone -970-328-3320 .,t1t-.0 1.? SNOWCAP ROOFING Phone :970-328-3320 .>I {) REPLACE SHAKE SIDEWALL WITHEXISTINGCLASSB MED SHAKES ICE AND WATER SHED REPT131 Run I d:1 669 Reques~Time:08:00 AM P hone:970-328-3320 EnteredBy :LCAMPBELL K Item : Requll1>lor : Ass igned To: Actlon: so BLDG-flnal SNCWCAP ROO G1 Sherry JMOtlDRAGON ~, u../.nme Exp :~,"_H"~~M4 em:226 FI RE DEPT_NO TIFICATION Item-10 BLDG -Footings/51 t Item:20BL DG-Fourn:latlonlStt:e1 It~:30 BLDG-Framing Item:50 BLDG-Insulation Item_60 BlDG-Sheetroc~Nail flem :70 BlDG-Mi5C. Item:90 BLDG-FInal flam:21 PLAN-ILC FounUatlon Plan Item:22PLAN-ILCSitePlan r '()\'IN OF VAIL Df.PA HTME NT OF COMMU NI'I'YDEVELOPMENT ",S .FfWN'I'AGP.ROAD l i\l L ,CO 81G 57 i'lO --t)"{')-2138 NO'I'E :'I'll IS PE RtHT t-1UST BE POSTED ON JOBS I'I'E AT ALL 'l'IHES ADD/A],T HF BUILDPERMIT Permit £:B97 -0204 J ob Addre ss : Locatio n ... Parce lNo .. Projec t No . 2456 CHAHONIX RD CHAHON IX CHA LETS 210 3-141 -0 6 -000 Stat us .. Applied . Issued .. Exp ires . ISSUED 07/I 1 /1 ~97 07 /16/1 'Jn o 1/1 2/1 'J ')n I .PP LICM JT SNOI--I CAP ROOFING P 0 BOX 325 ,F:mJARDS CO 8 163 2 (:()N 'l'T ~AC 'J'OR SNOl>JC1\P ROOFI NG p 0 BOX 3 25 ,EDI·IARDS CO 8 1632 OVJ Nf,:g CHA HONIX CHALETS CON DO ASS. P .O .BOX 13 75 ,VA IL ,CO 8 1658 Phon e :9709263320 P ho ne :97 09263320 P ho ne :4 76-33 08 I)r>:-:c ripl:.i on : I ~F:iWOF'\'J1 'I'f1 F'IRE '1 '1{I~ATED S HI\KES Oc c u pa ncy : Type CO ilS L r uc ti 0 11 : Ty pe:Or.c up an cy : Tn VI -HR Hu 1 U -F'amiJ y T ype V I -HoUT" Vel l u a t,i 011 :l "l ,.\')() {O f GAS A pV l i n n c ~s : f ld d Sq T"L : fOf Gas Logs:fOf Wood /Pa l le t : ~··*l"i**~**~~k t*~t*i**~*i~**'***i.***"."***i******.t .**FFF SU HM ARY ***************************A*********************~***~*~~~ Etl i ldlllf1 -_._.._>??').OO IJI..'<jt u.:lr r:tn t P l"'l1 ~("V '~'..,I -->.00 Total Ca lc u la ted Fe e s-r-r->'.7/..,./', P l all l hec k--->lId).?1 /lfm Fee ---"-'-....----..----->.OD Aridi t ional Fce s--------->.0 0 1.Il .n'~.'_l gi"J I.i f)l">.00 U {'(r~An nn f '~f..···-··-····-····).00 Tot al Pe r-rm t Fee ------···-':-/ll4 .;I ~) ""I (~Il ---->3 _00 C1p,n-Ur Oenn"'---------->100_00 Paymen ts ---------------->474 .?5 1(ll ~I f f FS------.--------->1,71,_?S BAI.ANC F DUE--------------)_on ~\~••t*********.*****************************************i ************.*********************************************************** I tem :O~lOO BUILl)ING DEPAR TMENT 0'1/J 1/199 7 DAN Ac t i o n:APPR l te/II:05 400 PL ANN ING DEPARTM ENT 0 '1/11/199 -1 DAN Act.Lo n :APP R Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN T 07/11 /19 97 DANAc t i.o n :APPR Item :()5500 PUBLIC WO RKS 01/11 /1991 DAN ActioI1 :APPR Dept :BUILDING D-iv is ion : De pt :P LANNINGDiv isio n : Dept :FIRE Di vi sion : Dept :PUB WORK Divisio n : ~~~*****~*******+.*~~**************~***************************************************************************k ******************* See P a ge ~or t h is I)o c umen t f or a ny c onditi on s that.ma y app ly to t his pe rrni t:. DECl AR ATJON<; [hl"l'eby ~r.!o n (')wlecl ~Jf :t hat 1hav e read t h i s app li cati on,fil.led ou t in fu ll the iflfor~t;on required ,completed an accu rate p lot: p l an ,a nd s r at e th ;jt a ll th e informa tion pro vided a s requ ir e rt i s c o rrect .1 ag ree to com ply v ith t hei nf or mati o n and plo t pl an , t o r O!l1 p ty vlit h al l Tovn orrfi nanc e s a nd s ta t e l aws,a nd to build t h i s st ructure a ccorrl in g t o t he Town's z oning a nd s ubd ivis ion fo(l'~s,d es ign re vi c ....app roved.Uniform Au i l ding (orl~rind o ther o rdinances o f t he Town a p pt i cable th er eto . ~r O lJ r"r s f ORINS PH TIONS SHA LL BE MAD E HIF rnV-F OlJR HOlJR S I N ADVAN CE RY TELEPH ONEAT 4 ~9~~J)8 OR AT OUR Off I CF.FRO l1 8 :00 AM 5:00 PI'I ~~/~'~/tU ~._ Se nd Ct ea n -U p Depo s i t f a:StrO W CAP S IGNAT URE OfOWNER OR CO NTRA CTOR f On HHISELF AND OIIN FR ~**~-**************************************************************************** CON D ITIONS I'(e ll nit E :1:397 -020 4 a s o f 0'1/16/9 7 s t a t us :ISSUED l .~****************************************************************************** Pe nn i !".T yp e:ADD/AL'1'!1F BUILD P ERMIT Ap pli canL :S NOWCA PROOF ING 970926332 0 .J o b Add r css : Lo ca t i o n :CIIA t·lON J X C HALET S P arc o .l No:2 1 0 3-]4 1 -06 -00 0 ne s c r ip t i o n : R ER OOF vll ,],H F IRE T REA'fE D SHAKES Applied :07/1 1/19 97 Is su ed:07 /16/1997 T o Expire :01/1 2/19 9 8 Cond it ion s : I ."rl';LD I NSPEC 'f'TONS AR E RE QUIRED TOCHE CK FOR COD E COMPL IANCE . 2 .S MOK R DET RC'1'ORS AR E R EQ UIR ED IN A LL BEDROOMS AN D EVERY STO RY I\S PR R SEC .121 0 OFT HE 1 991 UBC . ;'(J\'J N O F VA I L DEPAR Tt1ENT O F COMHUN ITY DEVELOPI"1ENT .:'i s .[·'HO NT l\G F.ROM ) ':,"11 1..,C O 81 6~'/ 'O ()-47Y '2 138 NO T E:r u r s P ER MI'I'MU ST BEP OS TED ON JO BSI'I'E A TA LL TIMES l\DD/A J,T 1'-1 1"B U ILD PE RMIT P ermit £:£l9 7 -0 2 04 Job l\rldress : Loca tion ... Parc el No .. Pr oject N o. 2 456 CH AMON IX R D CHAHONIX CHALE 'J'S 2 103-14 1 -06-0 00 S ta tu s .. Applied . Issued .. Expir es . IS SUED 07/11 /19 97 0 7/1 6/1 ')~J 'I o 1 /1 2/1 'J ~)H 11.1'I'I.ICl\NT ('()N'I'R A CT or~ mJ NER SNOWCAPROOFI NG I'0 B OX 325 ,EDvJARDS CO 81632 SNOWCA P ROO FING POBOX 3 25 ,E DWARDSCO R 163 2 C HAMON IX C HA L ETS CONDO ASS . P .O .BO X 1 3 /5 ,V AIL,CO R]658 P hon e:9 70 9 26 33 20 P h on e :9 7092633 20 P hon e :476 -330 8 f)('~;(Tip Lio n : 1 '~I -:iWO [o'wtr u FJRE T R El\T ED SHA KES O C CUpall CY: Typ e Co n s t;ru c t.i o n : Typ(~CJc ;c upa nc:y : !<J V l '-HR r"1 ul t i -'[o'amiJ y 'I'y pe Vl '-l!ou r v.,I ua :i o n : I l r"['llla ce J n f o r m ~ti o n :l~(~s tr i tt erl :f Of [ia s Appli anc es : l\cJd S q V I'.: {o f G~"t .oq s:(Of W o orl/P ~l l e t : .~~*.i ~~.~~~k ~IA *A *f .*~k ***~.*****i +***.~*'."Y *******t ****r F.f 5UMHARY .***********~***..**t*********************t.*******A***;~.-~~ ElIl lrl lnq -···-··-·)t'7.'>.00 H (~~tlJ·lr~-.n t P l;::m R~"H'·\.J -·_>.00 Tot al Cn lcul at cd Fe-es--->If7/t .?'~j P l.:'lIl l.h".'d ---)14().?S 1l ~f1 f ee------..----.·----->.00 Arl cliti o n ~l Fee s --------->.00 I n ·.H..·.l l yr .1 1 'i oo>.0 0 u c c r e a r i on fpp -··-··...-).00I o t e L Pe rm i t f e e--------..>1,7/+.?~; 1-111 I (~ll-···>3 .00 I.I p ~n '\lr De"o s;'''---'-'->100 .00 ra yment s ---------------->47 4.75 H1 1 ~1 FfF S------..----..-->1.71..7>OAIANCF.DUE ------------->.00 AA ***k*.*******.**.*************************~.***t************************i **************************************************i **** Item :0 5 100 I3UU,DINe:DE P l\J,:r ME NT 0 -//1 1/1 997 D ANA c tion:AP PR Item :05400 PL ANN ING D EPAR TNE NI' 07/11/1~97 DAN _,..A c~i o n ~AP PR I t e m :0 .>600 F IR~D EP AR tMEN l 01 /11/19 97 DAN Act io n:A PPR I tem :0 5 500 PUB LIC WO RKS 0 7/11/J 997 DAN Ac t ion :APPR D ep t :BUTLJ)ING D .ivi sion : Dept:P LANN ING Di vision : D e pt :F IRE Di vi sion: Dept :P UB i'IORK Div is ion : ~~**+~~*********~*r.*************************************************************************************************************** See P aq e ~o r this Doc u me n t for a ny co nd i t ions t hat ma y apply t ot his perm .i t.. DE C!AR .\T IONS f tJ'?n.'by 03(.r !"1 ')\~l erl a p.t hat \h a ve r ea d th i s arp l icat i on,f il.l.ed o ut In f ull the info rma t ion r equ ired,corrpl e ted a n acc uret e p lo t plan ,a nd s t a t e t ha t at t t he i nforma ti o n provi ded a s r equi red i s cor re c t .1 a g r p~t o comp ly lJith the in f or mationa nd p lo t p la n , t n co mply wit h all tovn ord inances and s t at e LAW ~.ami t o b u il d th i s s tr u cture a c cor-di ng t o t he To lwl ..,'s zon inga nd s ubd iv is ion cor lr:s ,d es i gn re view approved,Uniform Aui l d i n qCode and o t her ordi na nce so f t he Town i1pp t icab le th e ret o . nrou-srs FOR I NSPECTIONS SHAl.L BE MADE T Wf l~T Y -F O UR HOURS Sf""r Clean-Up Depn s i t 10 :SNm)CAP I N ADVAN CE AY TElfPHONE AT 4 79~;;:1)8 ORAT OUR OF FI CEFROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 r r·, --S /~-.~/tb-L!<.; S IGNATU RE OF DlJNER OR CONTRACT OR FOR HlfI SELF AND m lNFR *k***************************************************************************~k CON DITI ONS I>e l mi t [:89 7 -0204 as of 0~/1 6 /9 7 S ta tus :I SSUED ·~**i·***********************************************************************~*+.~ !'e rln i l"Ty p~:ADD/ALT MF BUI LD PE RMIT Ap~1ica nt .:S NOW CA P ROOF ING 970 9 2633 20 ,.iob A dd re ss : Locat i on :CIIAHONTX CHALETS P a r c el N(l :2 1 03-141 -0 6-000 n o sc r i .p ti o n : RE ROOF WITli F I RE T REATEDSHAKES App l ied:07 /11 /19 9 7 Iss ue d:0 7/16/1997 To Ex pire :0 1/12/10 98 Co nri i t .j on a : I .I-'l [-;1.1)I N SPI~C'r'T ON S A R I~RE QU IRED TO CHE CK FOR COD ECOt1PLIANCE . :'.S ~1 0KE DE'J'l<:r.TORS ARE REQU IR lm I N ALI.BEDROO HS AND EVERY STORY A S 1'1':R 8 1-:C .1 2 10 O F'T ilE 1 991 UI3C. •**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Sta temnt **************************************************************** St a te mnt Numbe r:REC -0300 Amount : P aymellt Me thod:CHECK Not atio n:#7 261 4 74.25 07 /1 6/97 15:3 6 Init:TW P ermit No:B97 -0 204 Ty pe:A-MF Par cel No:2 103 -14 1-06 -000 Sit e Addr es s:24 56CHAMONIX RD Lo cation:CHAMONIX CHALI ~T S ADD /ALT MF BU ILD PER Thi s Payment 474 .25 Total F ee s: 'I'ota l ALLP mt s: Ba lance : 474 .25 474.2 5 .00 **************************************************************** Acc oun t Co de 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4 1332 0 1 0000 22 002 01 0000 41 336 De sc ri ption BUILDIN G P ERMIT F EES PLAN CHE CK FEE S CLEANUPDEPOS I'1'S WILL CAL L INSP ECTIONF EE Am ount 2 2 5.00 1 4 6.25 100.00 3 .00 '.•TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Permit #:B97-0204 Job Address:2456 CHAMONIX RD Location ...:CHAMONIX CHALETS Parcel No ..:2103-141 -06-000 project No.: APPLICANT SNOWCAP ROOFING POBOX 325,EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR SNOWCAP ROOFING POBOX 325,EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS. P.O.BOX 1375,VAIL,CO 81658 Description: REROOF WITH FIRE TREATED SHAKES Status ....APPROVED Applied ..:07/11/1997 Issued ...: Expires ..: Phone:9709263320 Phone:9709263320 Phone:476-3308 Occupancy:Rl Type Construction:V I-HR Type Occupancy: Multi-Family Type V I-Hour Valuation: Fireplace Information:Restricted: 17,350 #OfGas Appliances: AddSq Ft: #OfGasLogs:#Of Uood/Pallet: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Bui lding----->225.00 Restuarant PlanReview-->.00 Total Calculated Fees---)474 .25 Plan Check--->146 .25 ORB Fee-----------------).00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee---------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->474 .25 Uill Call---->3 .00 Clean-Up Deposit------->100.00 Payments---------------->.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->474.25 BALANCE DUE---------->474.25 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/11/1997 DAN Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/11/1997 DAN Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/11/1997 DAN Action:APPRItem:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 07/11/1997 DAN Action:APPR Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: Dept:PUB WORK Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct .I agree to complywith the information and plot plan, tocomplywith all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PM SendClean-Up Deposit To:SNOW CAP SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER • ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B97-0204 as of 07/11/97 Status:APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Appl icant:SNOWCAP ROOFING 97092633 20 Job Address: Location:CHAMONI X CHALETS Parcel No:2103-141-06-000 Description: REROOF WITH FIRE TREATED SHAKES Applied:07 /11 /1 997 Issued: To Expi re: Conditions: 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. ---------------------------_._----- '. \. ! ,\ ., .. .., "d+ I \ 'jl ~r l _'--0.....;.,......"I il "it -....""'"'"--'------>.>.1".I 'j' ---'---'--"'-'----•I -_.---"'--,:\ ~,~l.,. 16:37 No .004 p.ol TOWh ot vail n~~.No.~ I'hOllQ »\ImbIH:'t I i ITow"of Vail ~gg.No.~.':9 .. l'hoM Numbn:•\I \ --------------- ,,I ..' aUILotN<J1 n °! !naNATtl~IU ZoNlNOt gIGNATUJ\lt Town of vall n@lJ.Mo.".Il '"~ Plume Numb.!:"t \__-'-..........~----:·...s1 i'. ron OFPle!uaR AA'A •••"••••,••••••••••••,••••~I ButLblN~PLAN cH~CK FEE! t'LtJMA!Nt1 '.PlAN CUECK lEE t MRcHANl~AL PLAN CHECK tt~t n!C~!A'1'tON tlEt CLIAN·UP blPOSITt ToTA~~lftMtT FEES I ----------.-- ... •.:li M "';I. SQ.FT.VALUATION ,iJ.4.."--_ --------------_._-_.~------ k'thnnjc~l contractor: ~r~gfJl hi J.." 'if\.~~.~~A~A••A""".""""" tLbING p~~M1t F£21 MeING P£~M!T FEEl CHANICAL 'P!~IT FE£I C'!'IUC1\[,'~Jt I BJ\TYPE OF 1l'J!:ll:1 fEE: ...........-_....._. ~IL.._SW!!!ur DI'J'Onn "lUND TOt l~!' " .H I 1 ..I I ;, ~.r -1 \ 011108 01 oornmul111v d'VlIG~ltt.111 .n *onlh Ir(\"h,o"rotd vall,eeterade !lleS7 (303)'179-2138 or 479-2139 aUILIJING PEllmT ISSUANC!TIME nWIE If·lhh permH raqu lr-es II Town or Vail Firl!08pllrlmenl ApprovAl, E:hglnel!r"s (I'ubllc Works}revf~w and apprl)Yll',II ()ll1nnfng Depilrbnent rflvlt!w or Iteft 1th /)~partmei1t revit!w,lind II nView by the BUilding Otl"A r t.mt"t,tll~as t1 mil ted timfi tot'ft to tA 1 rtv f tlw mlly ta ke as long III t.hre!weeks. "'1 cOUlmerchl("1arge or ~l1'i81l)lind 1\11 muHi-family permits will h8v~to follow the /lhove IMntloMd hlaldmvm r~qufr@nl!ntL Resfdt!nthl l\hd ~m~ll project~should take II '~~9!t'Ilmount o(time.However,ifrl!~f dl!ntilll Or slna 11 tlr vroj.et~1m~at:t thf!vAtf ou~ft bove menUoMd d~p3rtrnent.5 wittl I'eglll"d to Mce!:ury t'Qvfew.thMI!projects may!ll~o tllke the three week period,' Every attempt \~fll be made by thfs de~!Irth18I1t to exrll~dite thfs .pnrmlt 6s soon AS possible. I t tho unders fgned.understand thl!1l1An thllckprocedure lind timefrahlP.. ~. ,; ,I 'f ill ","I •.!! :: , " I ~ II J'!~, ,I tt I".t 1it.j;.•: i , J, i I I, I. .. l,. HP'.I,I :~:I..; >.., i i ,.f' m HQ t\)o rV J No No (Vu Nu No (Vo ~v~ ~ Al~ONTAActOAS e TOWN OF VAIL JtUBLIc WOAKS DEPARtMENT MAY 9,1994 . WHEN A "PUBUC WAY f'I!RMI'r t 18 tt~QUlnEO ". Is tbls (\nsw rssldsncs?1) 2) TO: FROM, DATF:! R~: 3) 5) 0) 0) 4) •Job Namo:CJYAI V\Oo·,2S (J'f\\e-\5 DAt~:·I\.e..\vl l,I Q'l 7 rIMAe answer the follhwlng qUQ$t1onnAire regArding th8 Med for a ·Publlc Way ~"tMW: 7) IA dsmolltlon work beIng partormad thet requirestheuse 01 the rfght Of wey.easements or public propsrty? III My ullllty work needed? Is tho drivewaybeing r9pllv~d1 18 different access needed to 81t9 othsr than existing driveway? III any drainage work being done AffMtlng the right of way,OA8Gmont', or publlo property? 19 9 "Revocable Right Of Wa.y t:'ermlt· required?. A."the right of way,el\S,ment~or publlo property to be used for .taglng, parking or fencing? B.If noto SA,I,fI parking,9taglng &r f~nolng pIAn required by Oommunlty D'\I~I~prntnt1 If ybU Clt\DWtJrod Y9S to any of thefiO qucatloM".fl ·"lJblla Way Permit'must bit oblAIMd. ·Publlo Way PArmlt"appllcatlons may bo ObUll"Id Ilt tM ~ubllo Work"offloo Of At C6ft11',nJnlty DAvalopment.If you hAve any ~uoat'on.pitaS,¢All CharllO Oavl&,thO tuwn ofVlll ton~truetlcm lnspecior,at 47g·~168, I I h.VO feftd and answsrsd all tha abovo qutstlon •• ChtA:"lOllfX C/1fl-GzJ ~.5Iu~~1'1L f:l(o,~-11-1 7 Job Name Contractor's Signsture Date ~I : II:fr I . I • P ROPOSAL =======================================================~============= S NO WCAP RO OFING,I NC. P .O.BOX 32 5 ED WARDS,CO.81632 970 -926-3 320 DA TE:MAY 1 2,1997 PAGE 1OF2 PAGES ===================================================================== PROPOSAL SUBM ITTED TO: NAM E:CHAMONIX CHALE TS ADDR:P .O.BOX 137 5 VAIL,CO.816 58 P HONE:476-3308 =DICK WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT: JOB TITLE:CHAMONIX CHALETS JOB ADDRESS:BLDG."G" CHAMONIX LANE VAIL,CO.81657 ARCH ITECT:NIA DATE OFPLANS:NIA ====================================================================== WE HEREBY PROPOSE to remove the existing roofing and furnish and install Class "B"No.1 Grade cedar shakes,with cold roof and cold ridge .Underlayments of 'Bituthene Ice and Water Shield',with 36 and 18 inch,30 pound roofing felt,as follows: 1]'Bituthene Ice and Water Shield'will be applied shingle f ashion,on top of the existing bare plywood deck.Bituthene will be app lied over the entire r oof sheathing surface,lapped three i n ches o n the head laps and s ix i nches on the end laps,and e xtending up all vert ical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of 12 i nches i n height. 2]The enti re roof surface will be covered with a layer of 36 inch,30 pound U.L.blue label roofing felt by Tamko,lapped four inches on the head l aps and s ix inches on the end laps,and extending up all vertical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of 12 inches. 3]A cold roof will be installed consisting of 2x 2's at 16" O .C.'s attached with 16D air nails.Horizontal skip sheathing, 1 x4 battens will then be installed at 3 1/2"O.C.'s and attached with 1 3/4"air staples . 4]A cold ridge vent,will be installed,Using vertical sleepe rs o f 2x 2's,with horizontal 1x 4's laid flat,fiberglass screen .(NO drip edge flashing is included on the cold ridges.) 5]Sheet metal flashing,as needed for this job,will be shop-formed from 26 gauge galvanized metal,and includes the follow ing: 1]Wall fl as hi ng 2]Step f lashing 3]Chimney crickets (2 =framing by others) 4 ]Dr ip cap flashing (6 inch flat stock) 6]Th is proposal includes the-add itional adjustments necessary p er september 1996 invoicer Class B,eave screen,12"eave drip, b arges,and pipe jacks,chimney reglet . •CHAMONIX REROOF PAGE 2OF2 PAGES 7]This proposal includes all staples,nails,mastic,and delivery fees,labor,and clean up of all waste roofing materials (to be placed in a Snowcap Roofing Inc.provided receptacle convenient to the roof staging area). 8]This proposal does not include any snowfences,gutters and down spouts,chimney modifications.This proposal may not include all other miscellaneous unforeseen labor and materials that may be required for a complete system,such as the need to replace any plywood decking.Snowcap Roofing,Inc.agrees to take all reasonable precautions needed to guard against damage to adjacent property,landscaping,etc.during operations,however the customer agrees and recognizes the danger inherent in this type of work and agrees not to hold Snowcap Roofing liable in the event of any damage or injury which occurs during the course of normal operations and which was reasonably guarded against. 9]Due to the inconsistency of the construction materials market,material prices can fluctuate rapidly.Any price increases prior to our purchase (typically 30 days prior to the commencement of the roofing project)will cause the contract price to increase accordingly. 10]If snow removal or daily installation/removal of plastic is required,this work will be charged extra at the rate of $28.00 per man hour and $35.00 per supervisor.Reinforced plastic (20'x 100' rolls)will be charged extra at $120.00 per roll,or current cost. Any propane required to dry the roof deck will be charged extra at Snowcap's cost. 11]Upon payment in full,Snowcap Roofing,Inc.will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing specified in this proposal agai.nst leaks caused by faulty workmanship for a period of one year from the date of roofing completion.subsequent interior damages are not compensable,and T &M fees will be charged if our investigation finds snowcap's workmanship not responsible for the leak(s). ===================================================================== COST:All ma terial is guaranteed to be as specified.All work shall be performed in accordance with the specifications submitted and completed in a workmanlike manner,for the sum of:$17,350.00 SEVENTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS TERMS:Net 30 days,no retainage,2%per month charged on overdue accounts,as well as any legal fees incurred.Workmans Compensation and Public Liability Insurance will be furnished by Snowcap Roofing, Inc.No additional work shall be performed prior to the execution of a signed change order. Respectfully SUbmitted:Snowcap Roofing,Inc. Per :...,-_ Note:This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 10 days, ===================================================================== ACCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL:I authorize you to proceed with the work as specified herein.I 9u~tee~yment according to ~rms specified. SIGNATURE ,/)(c:./$,"L.O-u,)(?A •DATE .,.-1(9 '-9 '7 **Return one signed copy to our office.** ===================================================================~= i::. i :,I I i ';. 'i ,i ,I '!. •:!~i ,I "dl l I J 'L...... .,. \:li I.~I ,.,. !I ; ;i \ "..,, ,1 I ~I! ·'Il-"": 'j .! I: 9~::{IIJ ;.: ~I 1 O ' ~{~, ..:1, : ·I·I ·i , :'.;; .;)~I-, j',: :i 1'.... ", t·It I UIl"'.'_II \l f11 L,.....'-'1 ' \ 'l '.. "I ~,. h How It r.elates to Building PermltB: I f, ! ~. 1 I If!'r'i ~; ;~:1 Fltlu' ;'',~~~" I ,!~ :I: '1ft'f .~I 'f' i , J., Filloutour check list provided with a building permit application. If yes was answered to any of the above questions ,then 9 "Public Way"19 required.You canpick upan application at Glther Community Developrt1ent, located at 75S.Frontage Road or Public Work',located at 1309 Vall Vall&y Drive. Notice sign olls for utility companies.All utilliles must flard verify (locate) respective ul/lltles priorto signing appuoatlon.Some ullllly companies require up toa 48 hour notice to sohedule a IOMte. A construction trafFIc control/staging plan rnust be prepared ona separata AhQ&t of paper.An approved site plan may aillo bl!used.This plan will show locatloM ofall traffic control devlc9B(slgns,COMS,Gto ..)arid thework zone,(arM 01 Construction,Staging,eto..).This plan will expIre on Ocl.15th .and will nMd to be resubmilled for approval through the winter. Sketch ofwork being performed must be submitted Indicating dimensions (length, width &depth of work).This may be drawn on the tramc control planor a site plan for the job. Submit completed application tothe Publlo Works'S office for review.If required, locates will be scheduled forthe Town of Vall Electricians and Irrigation crew.The locates take place in the morning but,may require upto48hoursto perform. 6)The Public Work 's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit.You willbe contacted 89 tothe status and any thatmay needso.Most permits are released withIn 48 hours of being received,but pleaBe allowuptooneweekto process . 4) 5) 1) 3) 2) ," l..' ,",, Ii:" 'j',, 7)As soon as the permit Is processed,a copy will be faxed to Community Development allOWing the "BUilding P~rmlt"to be released.Please donot confuse the "Public Way Permit"with a "Building P~rmlt"todo work on a project 1t8tllf. NOTE: •The above process 18 for work In •publlo WIY only. •Public Way Permits are valid only until Novembat 1!Uh. •A new Public Wey Permit 18 required elch YAAr If work l!i not complete. .'I I... '/ I, Deparnnent of C OII/IIl/lIIlly D"vd(lpll/c/ll 1 ''''''"'W I ''_"V I I A t-'-'-'II L 'l-V, 75 SOli III /-'T1lN rngr Road Vail.Co lorado 81657 303-479 -2/38/479·2139 FA X .103·479-2452 .I.L '.....'I.',-'....I -'L ~t J L ..J V I'c ....::n.}l V "I V I 'IU .V V'1 r .vo ;r ! t, INFORMATION NEEDED ""8M APPLYIKO 'OR A N~CHAHICAL ~RRMIT 1.HEA T LOSS CALCULATIONS. 2 .TO SCALE F LOOR PLAN OP'MECHANICA L ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN I N t o BeAU1:,WITH PHYstCAL DIMI1:NSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MBCHANICAL ROOM. 3 .SHOW SIZE AND LOCATIONOF COH9USTION AIR DUCTS,FLUES I VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. ".NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR P:QUIPMB:NT WIL L ALSO BE INSTALL!D IN MECHANICAL ROOM . ~AILURE TO PROVIDE TRIg IRFORMATtoN MILL nlLAt YOUR P!RHt~. t (, ~"; r \. :ki[. j i I , I \ i t ' '".!• f,1 ,j J f · \\~~~ "', ~: 1 " ..~, ~.~r".,.!~, r'..!~~~-~." ;!:,,j', I, .. 75 IOlllh Ironllgl rOld ••11.colorado'18&7 (303)41&-213. (303)4711-21311 offleo of community dovolopmtnl f'! 1·tc:i,"r I: I:I, ;Ii ·F1l~' t f i I · r'. NOTICE TO CONTRACTO~S/O~R BUILDERS ~:ff~ctive June 20,1991,the Town of .Vail Buildirlg Depnrtment has dcvoloped the following procedures to ensure tllat n8~construction s i teS have adequl'itely established proper drainage from building sites along and adja ~erlt to Town of Vail roads or streets. The 'town of Vail Public Works Dapart:.mcarit:.will be reqUirod to intJpCtot.and approve drainago adjacent:.to Town of Vall ro&dS or strQot.and thQ installation of teMporary or p~rmanent oUlverts at:. aCCA8a polnte f.rom the road or st:.root:.on to the oonstruction tit:.ft. Such approval nrust be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail ~uilding Departmeht for footings or temporary cloctrical or any o ther inspection.Pleuse call 479-2160 to request an inspection from the PUblic Works Department.Allow n minimum of 24 h our nolice. Also,the Town of Vail P~bli6 woike Dep~rtmenL wIll be approving all final dr a i naqc and culvert installation with resulting toad pa t ch i ng IlS ne cessary.Such approval must be obtained prior to ~jnal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. , :.. ., ). ".' '~" I 'IUUlf "I II '"'II.\,-U I"l -1'1:.v II '•.''_'.'0'I .'6.-,__,e, •--"r '" .,11 aoulh Ironl-ot rOld vIII.eolo.ado Illea1 (~o:))'.79 -21.38 or 479-2l:t9 &11111'fit MltllnUIlII~d'~'I&"tfI'tU I ' I I·i: 'I !!"I :r I I ~ ~ < ! 1. ,f;.., 01 xr.t,CONTRAcTORS CUMRNTLn,IUmISTEltED WIT"'NUt TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC wonKS/COMMuNITY D!VELOrM~Nt MAne"16,UU CONSTRUCTION PAR~tN~&MATERIAL STOnAGE DATE I l"JlOMI TOI In 9Ummaty,Ordinanoe No.8 .tAt~g ~h!t it 11 Unl~WfUl t~f A"f p~tAon to litt~r.tr8ek dr d~poftit Any !o!l rock,dehd,dAbr ~O~~atdriftl,including trA~h du~~ato~l,POt'8bl~toilet.ahd W~tkmftn vehic1~s upon any Itrlet,lid.~A1kt all~y br PUbl1~ pl~ce or any portion th~t~of.rh8 ti~ht-of-WAY Oh 811 TOWh ~t v"il Atreets ftnd roadc 1A ftpptb~ima~.iy ~tt.off p~vft~ent. '1'h19 orcUnMca will bO etdoUy ItttOl'Olt!by the Town IH Villi :Vubli<,WorkQ boparttnflht:.l'l!Irlltlnl found \f LelllH tit]thift ol"diI1At1~' will bft qiven S 24 hour ~r1t~on ttoti~8 to l"8Move 8sid ~~t'~illl III th~@v~nt tho p8rson 80 notitied d~.8 ~dt domply ~ith ~hAnbtjc~within tha 24 hour tim.IPAolfild,tha l'ubl1~Works D~p8rtment will removG GA!d M&tarlal at:thn bxp~n8e of pdrl~rtnotiri~d.The provigi6h8 at thl.ordin~nc~~hal1 hot be ftppliceblA to con~truotion,m81nt:'nAn~A or r@p~ir proj~c~ft bt any 8treet or ftlley or any ut11itlo1 in th8 right~!-Wfty• To Uvhwordinanol1 No.&in tUll,pltl\!Ht tttop by th8 1'own ot Vftil BUilding Department to obtain A Oo~y.ThBnk you for youroooperationonthisMatter. ,. t' •:1 1.1, H'.l J ~-- CHECK REQUEST DATE:PREPARED B r-~ VENDOR NUMBER:0. DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR Bp tI b17-020 - NAME OFJOB:(J1r;::;-m (J /l!/e/:f/9-L(f7 ACCOUNT NUMBER:01000022002 AMOUNT OF REFUND : DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE : DEPAR TMENT OF CO MM UNITY DEVELOPMEN T , TOWN OFVAI L 75S .FRO NTAGE RO AD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •• NOTE:TH IS PE RMIT MU STBEPOSTED ON JOBSITE .ATALL T IMES AD D/ALT MF BU ILDPERMIT Perm it #:B96-0171 Job Address: Location ..;/ Parce lNo .r,: Project No ::- 24 5.6-emrn:mnX "RD Status ...: AM ON IX CHALETS BUILDINSApplied ..: 2 103-1 4)..::D 6=000--I s sued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 06/25/1996 06/25/1996 12/22/1996 APPLICANT SNO WCJI.P ROOFING Phone:3039263320 POBOX 325,ED WARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR SNOWCAP ROOFING Phone:3039263320 POBOX 3 25,ED WARDS CO 81632 OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS.Phone:476-3308 P.O.BOX 1375,VA IL ,CO 81658 Description: REROOF WITH FIRE TREATED SH I NG LES Occupa nc y:R1 Type Constru ction:V NR TypeOc cu pa ncy: Multi -Family Not i n tab le! Valu atio n: Fi re pL ace I nformation:Re stricted: 35,300 #Of Ga s AppLianc es: Add Sq Ft: #O f Gas Log s:#O f Wood /Pa LLet : *************"*********************************************FE E SUMHA RY **************************""******************************* Buildi ng----->392.00Restua rant PLa nReview-->.00 Total Calcula ted Fees--->B9 9 .80 Pla n Ch ec k--->254.80 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Ad ditional Fees--------->.00 I nvest igatio n>.00Recreat ion Fee---------->.00TotalPermitFee-------->899 .80 Will Ca ll---->3 .00Clean-Up J eposi t-------->250.00Payments---------------->899 .80 TOTAL FE:S-------------->899.80 BALA NC E DUE ------------->.00 ****.*****************"**"*~~*****.****************************************************************************************** Item:0510 0 BUI LD I NG DEPARTME NT De~t :BUILDING Division: 06/25/1996 CHARL IE Action:APPR CH ARL IE DAVI Item:05400 P LANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division : 06/25/1996 CH ARLIE Action:APPR PERMIKEM Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/AItem:05500 PUBLIC WOR KS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A ********************************~*****x******************************************************************************************* See Page 2 of t tis Doc u ment fo r any conditions that may apply to this permit. DE CLA RAT IONS I herebya cknowledge that I have readt his appLicat io n,fil led outin full the information required,compLeted ana ccur ate plot pLan,and s tate tha talL thein fo r mation prov i ded asreq uired is cor rect.Ia gree tocompL y with t hein for ma ti onand plot plan, t o com ply with al lTow n o rdinanc es and statela ws,and to build t his s tructurea ccording to th e Tow n's zoning and subdivision codes,des ign r evi ew approved,uniform BuiLdingCode andoth eror d inances ofth eTow n applicab Le th ereto. •• ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B96 -0171 as of 06/25/96 Status:ISSUED **********************************************************************t********* Permit Type:ADD/ALT 11F BUILDPERMIT Applicant:SNOWCAP ROOFING 3039263320 Job Address: Location:CHk~ONIX CHALETS BUILDINS I &J Parcel No:2103-141-06-000 Description: REROOF WI'rH :3IRE T:?EATED SHINGLES Applied:06/25/1996 -Issued:06/25/1996 To Expire:12/22/1996 Conditions: 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ••\ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC -0160 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:#6967 899.80 06/25/96 15:12 Init:CD ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERA-MF 899.80 396-0171 Type: 2103 -141-06-000 2456 CHAMONIX RD CHAMONIX CHALETS Permit No: Parce l No: Site Address: Location: This Payment BUILDINSI&J Total Fees:8~9.80 Total ALL Pmts:899.80 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEF~UP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 392.00 254.80 250.00 3.00 ... "•• TOWN OFVAIL 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 81657 97 0-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF CO~1UNITY DEVELOPMENT NO TE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE.ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Permit *:B96-0171 Job Address: Location ...: Parce l No..: Project No.: 2456 CHAMONIX RD CHAMONIX CHALETS 2103-141-06-000 Status ...: BUILDINSApplied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 06/25/1996 06/25/1996 12/22/1996 APPLICANT SNOWCAP ROOFING Phone:3039263320 POBOX 325,EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR SNOWCAP ROOFING Phone:3039263320 POBOX 325,EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS.Phone:476-3308 · P.O.BOX 1375,VAIL,CO 81658 Description: REROOF WITH FIRE TREATED SHINGLES Occupancy:Rl Type Construction:V NR Type Occupancy: Multi-Family Not in tablel Va l uation: Fireplace Information:Res tricted: 35,300 #Of Gas Appliances: Add Sq Ft: #Of Gas Logs:#Of Wood/Pallet: •••**.*.***************************************************FEE SUMMARY **************************************************.******* Bui lding----->392.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->899.80 Plan Check--->254.80 DRB Fee----------------->.00Addit ional Fees--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee---------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->899.80 Will Call---->3 .00 Clean-Up Jeposit-------->250.00 Payments---------------->899.80 TOTAL FE=S-------------->899.80 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 *********************ti**rt""",***********************************************************************************-H.*****;*;****** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT De~t:BUILDING Division: 06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARLIEDAVI Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division: 06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR PERMIKEM Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/AItem:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A ***************************;.***~*****'~***************************************************************************;************** See Page 2 of ttis Document fo~any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLI,RA TIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved ,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appl icable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S~I,L~2E MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-13 ~R AT ~~8:00 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up Deposit To :SNOWCAP ROOFING SIGNATURE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER •• ******************************************************************************** CONDITION S P ermit #:B96-0171 as of 06/25/96 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:AD D/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant:SNOWCAP ROOFING 3 039263320 Job Address: Location:CHFY.ONIX CHALETS BUILDIN S I &J Parcel No:21 03-141-06-000 Des cription: REROOF WrfH ::IRE TREATEj)SHING LES Applied:06/25/1996 -Issued:06/2 5/1996 To Expire:1 2/22/1996 Cond it ion s: 1.FIELD IN SPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F OR CODE COMP LI AN CE. ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0160 Amount : Payment Method:CK Notation:#6967 899.80 06/25/96 15 :12 Init:CD ADD/ALT MF BUILDPER.l\-MF 899 .80 396-0171 Type: 2103-141-06-000 2456 CHAMONIX RD CHAMONIX CHALETS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment BUILDI~S I&J Total Fees:8~9.80 Total ALL Pmts:899.80 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 010 000 41332 01 0 000 22002 0 1 0000 41336 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSIT S WILL CALL IN SPECTION FEE Amount 392.00 254.80 250.00 3 .00 10.0 0 NU.U Uq r.UL•,•I~~V HIL L U I1-LJ t.V 'FA IOU I"Iranhlg.rOld vIII.colorado 818&7 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 office 01 community development TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL rnOM~ DATE: SUBJECT: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE " In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawfUl for any person to litter,track or dQposit any soil,rock,send,debrisormaterial,including trash dumpgters,portable toilets and workman vehicles upon any street,sidawalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The r19ht-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approKimately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be 5trictly entorcQd by the Town of vail Publio Works Department.Per90ns tound violating thig ordinance will be qiven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event thQ person so notitiad dOBs not comply with the notice within tho 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remova .aaid .material at the QxpenGe of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construotion,maintenanoe or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in .the right-a-way. To review 'Ordinance No.6 in fUll,please stop by the Town ot Vail Building Departmant to obtain a oopy.Thank you tor your cooperation on this matter. [. ,., lI, ~Date ~ea 5}:;ck~l ~ "V.P.Cf<o ~J ~a..d-or )5/1ovJ co",?t:oof."5 ,J;;o , ~osItion/Relationship to Project (l.a.contractor,owner) b·;L.~-crb " I :.r I \ I i \ PEmlll'#--- 16:37 No.004 P.Ol .~~*.***.**•••********.**.CON~CTOR INFORMATION *·••*••••**•••t~~••••**••*. I Contractor:Sr.ow~a.p ~OO~(1'l ,dl'C .Town of Vail ~.NO.1'6:/-5 Addres9:'P.o .()QX 32 $'"~(hA.lc..rd"'\C:Jl~lb3 2.-Ph o n 9 Number:'11o-'lfH,-3.3,;(o t" TDWN OF VAIL COM -DEV Idllb 3-479 -2452 JUN ~9 6 tl Contact EH (;l p.Coun ty AI;!!l!IW Orr;Off ice " .at 970-328-8640 for Parcel II.TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PARCEL H:e<I 03-1lf-I-Ob-QC9 PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE I (J-;?5-'16:? l~, !APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED :~••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION •••••~••••••••••••••••~R:~••~ !r [)-Building ()-Plumbing (l-Eleotrioal [)"Mechanical ~-Other ]?o[f\~. Job Name:...c..hcll~JO n i x ChAIe-+s Jol;>A.d,dris,-\sl .a.t.t?lo_L h ~f'\O ";X Rd.Gl d'J5 .r*:r \.,VW.:VJ --:t...3 L.ogal Description:Lot X Block.Y Filing SUBDIVI~ION:Ck~Ma:s CJ,00 ~ ~~fl~Name:)~K 6rewer .Address:eo (3 06 \31S-Vl\",L,CO .Ph.lil h--3308 ".~ym.Q '\.A~d""77 77 fO', 1 Architect:UA\2klJCS}\ll1 Address!',Ph.'.. l~G en e r a l Description:,1M %t J~4 ~Cj.M yirt.1 \1\A W &w::bi',([C D$;b~ \,Work Class:~-New[)-Al tera~ion [)-Additional [)-Repair I)<l-otherj&:.o*" I..~6(~o/.,..-. ;;Number of Dwelling Units:Lf ~.(J "-'Number of Accommodation Units:, i (. mber nnd Type ot Fireplaces:Gas Appliances.~Gas Logs Wood/Pellet *******.*********************••••VALUATIONS ••••••••*.**••*••*•••••••••**••**.s 9,-,-0 17/Ke--(~l "7 5 00 BUILDING:•ET.JtC'l'RICAL:$OTHER:$::;,3 00 - LUMBING:J MECHANICAL:$---TOTAL:~•35 3 o o <i-"I Eleotrical Contractor: 'Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO.~ Phone Number: Plumbing Contraotor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: I ,1r BUILDING! SIGNATURE I ZONING' SIGNATURE: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ PhQne Number: FOR OFFICE USE ••••*•••••••*.***********•••••• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING 'PLAN CHECK lEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:at . I I ~T ~PE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION I _bLl I ~\ Mechanical Contractor: tlc1c1ress; ,I 1 ,J'\.*•••••*•••••••••••••••••••***•• ~bILDING PERMIT FEE: ~tUMBING PERMIT FEE: ~CHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ~LECTRICAL FEE! jtHER TYPE OFFEE: )D.FEE: :oJt\1'llents :_ :i ."' .. •.. JV I'£4 :;tV•l U•v ';)l 'iU .V V'"I r -IV ..,) T5 loulh fronl'ge road vIII,colorado 111857 (303)479 -2138 or 479-2139 office 0'community development , i' "I ! ,t I I " " BUILDING PER~llT ISSUANCE TIME FRA~lE If thts permtt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s {Pu bl tc Worksl review and approval,aPlanning Department reviewor Health Department review.lind II review by the Building D~partment.the estimated time for 1I total review may take as long as three weeks . All comnerc tal '("l arge or sm1l11)'and all multi-famllypermits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time.However,if res i denttalor small er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review.these projects may also take toe t~ree week period ..'' Every ·attemptwill be made by this department toexpedite this .pOI"mit .as soon as possible. I.the undersigned,understand the plan check procedure and time frame .. v .ChMrl ()r0-x C/'a.-&1M J'l'ProJect Name . ~b-::Jr-9 10 Date work Sheet was turned into the .Communi ty Develonm ent Department. .,,:r mJN UF VHIL L UM-L1 l:.V ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAILPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 ,. WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERM,r'JS REQUIRED '•• TO: FROM: DATE: RE: " I' I •~I • .YO .rm /Vo fVJ No rvu (Vv Nu No No vv~ G)Is any drainage work being done affecting therightof way,easements, or publlo property? 1)Isthisa new residence? 2)Is demolition work being performed that requires the use oftherlght of way,easements or pUblic property? 3)Is any utility work needed? 4)Is the driveway beIng repaved? 5)Is different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ~~~e~amB :C l~5 i5 tl$Cbe \e+5 Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the needfora "Public Way Permlt-: Isa "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required?' 8)A.Is the right of way,easements or publio property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? 7) B.If noto SA,Is a parking,staging or fenolngplan required by Oommunlty Development? If you answered yes to any of these questions,8 "Public Way Permit"must be obtained. ·Publlc Way Permit-applications may be obtained atthe Publlo Work's office orat Community Development.If you haveany questions please call Charlie Davis,the Town ot Vall Construction Inspector ,at 479-2158. I have read and answered all the above questions. C h~MO I1(X C~~t 5L -/~0/l f/9? Job Name Contractor's Signature Date I' I, I 'r .j., .f .. ~.....~•PROPOSAL • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SNOWCAP ROOFING,INC. P .O.BOX 325 EDWARDS,~O.81632 970 -926-3320 970-926-3319 FAX-926-2510 REVISED MATERIAL COST DATE:APRIL 16,1996 PAGE 1OF2 PAGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO : NAME :CHAMONIX CHALETS ADDR:P .O.BOX 1375 VAIL,CO.81658 P HONE:476-3308 =DICK WORK TOBE PERFORMED AT: JOB TITLE:CHAMONIX CHALETS JOB ADDRESS:BLDG."J"&"I" CHAMONIX LANE VAIL,CO.81657 ARCHITECT:NIA DATE OFPLANS:N/A I l., I I I I.t : ----------------------------------------------------------------------._--------------------------------------------------------------------- WE HEREBY PROPOSE to remove the existing roofing and furnish and i nstall Class "B"No.1 Grade cedar shakes,with cold roof and cold r idg e.Underlayrnents of 'Bitu thene Ice and Water Shield',with 36 and 1 8 inch,30 pound roofing felt,as follows: 1]'Bituthene Ice and Water Shield'will be applied shingle f ashion,on top of the existing bare plywood deck.Bituthene will be applied over the entire roof sheathing surface,lapped three i nches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps,and ex tending up all vertical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of 12 i nches in height. 2]The entire roof surface will be covered with a layer of 36 inch,30 pound U .L.blue label roofing felt by Tamko,lapped four i nches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps,and e xtending up all vertical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of 12 inches. 3]A cold roof will be installed consisting of 2x 2's at 16" O .C.'s attached with l6D air nails .Horizontal skip sheathing, 1x4 battens will then be installed at 3 1/2"O.C.'s and attached with 1 3/4"air staples. 4]A cold ridge vent,will be installed,Using vertical sleepers of 2x 2's,with horizontal Ix 4's laid flat,fiberglass screen.(No drip edge flash ing is included on the cold ridges.) 5]Sheet metal flashing,as needed for this job,will be shop-formed from 26 gauge galvanized metal,and includes the following: 1]Wall flashing 2]Step flashing 3]Chimney crickets (2 =framing by others) 4]Drip cap flashing (6 inch flat stock) 6]This proposal includes the additional adjustments necessary per August 1995 invoices;building permit,Class B,eave screen, 12"eave drip,barges,and pipe jacks. 7]This proposal includes all staples,nails,mastic,and delivery fees,labor,and clean up of all waste roofing materials (to be placed in a Snowcap Roofing Inc.provided receptacle convenient to the roof staging area). .."••CHAMONIX REROOF PAGE 2OF2 PAGES 8]This proposal does not include any snowfences,gutters and down spouts,chimney modifications.This proposal may not include all other miscellaneous unforeseen labor and materials that may be required for a complete system,such as the need to replace any plywood decking.Snowcap Roofing,Inc.agrees to take all reasonable precautions needed to guard against damage to adjacent property,landscaping,etc.during operations,however the customer agrees and recognizes the danger inherent in this type of work and agrees not to hold Snowcap Roofing liable in the event of any damage or injury which occurs during the course of normal operations and which was reasonably guarded against. 9]Due to the inconsistency of the construction materials market,material prices can fluctuate rapidly.Any price increases prior to our purchase (typically 30 ·days prior to the commencement of the roofing project)will cause the contract price to increase accordingly. 10]If snow removal or daily installation/removal of plastic is required,this work will be charged extra at the rate of $28.00 per man hour and $35.00 per supervisor.Reinforced plastic (20'x 100' rolls)will be charged extra at $120.00 per roll,or current cost. Any propane required to dry the roof deck will be charged extra at Snowcap's cost. 11]Upon payment in full,Snowcap Roofing,Inc.will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing specified in this proposal against leaks caused by faulty workmanship for a period of one year from the date of roofing completion.Subsequent interior damages are not compensable,and T &M fees will be charged if our investigation finds Snowcap's workmanship not responsible for the leak(s). ===================================================================== day 8 I SUbmit~:~~~~ withdrawn if not accepted within 10proposalmaybeThi..Note: ~OST:All material is guaranteed to be as specified.All work shall be performed in accordance with the specifications submitted and completed in a workmanlike manner,for the sum of:$35,300.00BOTH BUILDING"I"=$16,150.00 BUILDING"J"=$19,150.00=IF WITHSTOCKING TRUCK TERMS:Net 30 days,no retainage,2%per month charged on overdue accounts,as well as any legal fees incurred.Workmans Compensation and Public Liability Insurance will be furnished by Snowcap Roofing, Inc.No additional work shall be performed prior to the execution of a signed change order. Respectfully ===================================================================== ~CCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL:I authorize you to proceed with the work as specified herej:?~!J::~ng to terms specified. SIGNATURE ~~DATE ~-2 ,-Cf " **Return one sig ed copy to our office.** \'===================================================================== i • i I .I I ,i •• REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,CO LORADO 09/04/9&0&:59 REDUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:9/4/9& PAGE AREA: 2 I I V NRUse:Dec: Status:ISSUED Phone:30392&3320 Ph one:47&-3308 Phone:30392&3320 B9&-0171 9/4/9&Type:A-MF 245&CHAMONIX RD CHAMONIX CHALETS BU ILDINS I &J 2 10 3-141-0&-000 REROOF WITH FIRE TREATED SHINGLES SNOWCAP ROOFING CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS. SNOWCAP ROOFING ================================================================================ IConstr:AMFActivity: Address: Location: Parcel: De script io n: Applicant: Owner: Contractor: Inspection Request Infor.ation••••• Requestor:SHERRY -SNOWCAP Req Ti.e:08:00 Co ••ents:I &J Ite.s requested to be Inspected ••• 00090 BLDG-Final _____________________+-LL- Inspection History ••••• Ite.:00510 driveway grade final Ite.:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel I te.:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Ite.:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Ite.:00030 BLDG-Fra.ing Ite.:00040 **Not On File ** Ite.:00050 BLDG-Insulation Ite.:000&0 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Ite.:..00080 **Not On File ** Ite.:00070 BLDG-Misc. Ite.:00090 BLDG-Final Ite.:00530 BLDG-Te.p.C/O Ite.:00531 FIRE-TE P.C/O Ite.:00532 PW-TEMP.C/O Ite.:00533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O Ite.:00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O Ite.:00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Ite.:00539 PW-FINAL C/O Ite.:00540 BLDG -Final C/O ! •• ,I CHECK REQU EST I I p""'?;.:'.:2D 3 Y:h L2«.<rfla-du !::.."\TE:~c:I vzizoos N.=-J<E: (~J<7 'a.?'~rv/~~',n //0V:21mO ~!-JL~'~:'::::~:7~o/9/ D E S C~I ?l'I O:~O F "'X ?;::I '~S 2 :&d..<...-ffL~,A2 d /A ·.,.i yf0,...uI .r.,4u gp:i!9~·'/J/7 / J 03:(!..t.a.-n /,)"JLJ ~.kl /2d"';~~/'INZl1.'~c = ~xcc ouxr N ~D ·~3 :::~:c:}/~c?~t1;J .:z I~J ·j O U N 1'0 :R:2=UND :.fl4'-.5---;?I .&I D.:l..T~.:-'.??~O V:2D ::,~9--lo -90 ~ fL-,,.\/1AP?~O\'.:>.L SIGNATC?E:t'..::....r ~..~._.'--'......,.I .~-'::-' 'f 'i'r . ~,J I --~- .. CONSTRUCTION PERM IT NOPLANSNOTE-COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATEI N ONSEP 14.1992 PERMITNO.UU~{Uj 1.TYPE OF CONSTRU CTION IIIIIIIVV 2 .OCCUPAN CY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 1 22a34 z ELECTRICAL 2,090R0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBINGREPLACELOADCENTERINKITCHEN::::l ...J AREA.RE~IRE KITCHEN AREA.~MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R .F.A.VA LUATION PERMITFEES V R-3 0 2,000 BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 50 NEW ()ALTERATION (X]!:ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING q DWE LLING UNIT S __ACCOMMO DAT ION UNITS __MECHANICAL tv)~ RE CREATION FEE -s \:\) HEIG HT INFT .__NO .FIREPLACE S --'::ll -..; INSULATION :TYP ETHI CKN ESS R-VALLUE M . DESIGN REVIEW BOARD O ~FL OOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT <, EXT.WALL S -NONE -t~USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTALPERMITFEES $50OF HEA T SOLA R WO OD ERNST GLATZLE SEP 14,1992 ADDITION AL PERMITS NEEDED :BUILD ING OFFICIAL------DATE ----- 1.!!INITIAL NOPLANNER X ,...---------------ST .CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BL ASTING X lzONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING X DEMO X I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application ,filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the i nformationand plot plan,to comply w ith all Town ordinances and state laws ,andto build this st ructure according to the Town 's zoning and subdivision codes.design rev iew approved ,Uniform Bu ilding Code and other ~i~ances of the Town;Zble thereto. ~~..-7 ..._~• SI~~~RE OF OWtliER of(c6NTRAc10R FOR HIMSELF AN THE OWNER . TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT o BUILDING 0 PL UMBING gg:ELECTRICAL 0 (~N D A T I O N o MECHANICAL C21450 CHAMONIX LN LEGALLOT Y z,BLK ~h ESC.FILI~G VAIL DAS SCHONE 1/1 OB NAME:ARMSTRONG ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME THOMAS I.ARMS TRONG 2 450 CHMO NIX MAI L ADDRESS VAIL,CO 476-2 317 CI TY PH. ARCHITECT FIR M MAI L ADDRESS CITY PH . GENERA L FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE . FIRM WHITE RIVERELECT RIC LECTRICAL 145-E NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE .949-1403 FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . .....-..:;. 00570 3 NO PLANS PERMIT NO.-------"-- 1 BUILDING I II IIIIVV ABEHIRM N OTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO B E KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE IN ON SEP 14,1992 L TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SIGNATURE:'OF owNER OR'CONTRAC,bR FORHIMSELF A ND THE OWNER . '" 50 2,090B PERMIT F EES _. PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL BUILDINGPERMIT CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT PLANCHECK USETA X RFr.RFATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ELECTR ICAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES I $50 'ZON ING &BUILDING NOTES:_ -I l ~~=~T ERNST GLATZLE SEP 14,1992~UILDING OFFICIAL ~-----DATE ----- NO PLANNERriNGADMINiSTRATOR ~~--.DATE---- 2,000 VALUATION o G.RF.A . R-3 GROUP Ihe reby acknowledge that Ihaveread thisapplication,filled out in f ullthe information required, completed an accurate plot plan ,andstate that allthe information provided as required i s correct.I -agree to comply w ith t he information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws ,andtobui ld this structure according tothe Town's zoning andsubdivision codes,design r eview approved ,Un iform Build ing Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ~----,~_~_)A ·. V TYPE z DIVISION1 2 2.34 12 I I I GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK:~REPLACE LOAD CENTER IN KITCHEN :3 I I I AREA.RE~lRE KITCHt:N ARLA .~ I I I HEIGHT INFT.~~_NO.FIREP LACES ~~- IN SULATION :TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE I I I FLOOR EXT.WALLS I -~- ROOF -- TYPE ELEC.I GAS O F ~- SOLAR WOOOHEAT ADD IT IONAL PERMIT S N EEDED: 1.!::!.INITIAL S1.CUT X BLASTING X PAR KING X DEMO X NEW ()ALTERATION (X.:!:ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()II PLUMBING TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT o BUI LDING 0 PLUMBING ~ELECTRI CAL 0 ,fOUNDATIONoMECHANICALC21455CHAMONIX LN LEGAL LOT .r ~BLK bh .ESC .FILI ~G VAIL DAS SCHONE #l OB NAME :ARMSTRONG ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME THOMAS I.ARMSTRONG 2450 CHMONlX MAILADDRESS VAIL,VO 476-2317 CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE. ..~FIRM WRITE RIVER ELECTRIC LECTRICAL 145-E_~T R AC T O R TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE .949-1403 FIRM P l.oUMB ING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CO NTRACTOR T ELE. FIRM ME CHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE . OTHER FIRM ..TOWNOFVAILREG .NO .'I C ONTRACTOR TELE . - ·..... DATE .s-o,a:>o so .[f)o .57()J __Y!..-r:.:r~t3'tL __ PERMIT NO.----'~-_ PLUMBING ELECTRICALI 11 I q (.)0.00 ~/70 - BUILDINGPERMIT PERMIT FEES PLANCHECK MECHANICAL USETAX RECREATION FEE PLUMBING CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT ELECTRICAL ONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ ....---- ...-I.£.A........t .L:...~ INITIAL VALUATION IIIIIIIVV ABEHIRM G .B.F.A . NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE Htv w':'.I ,I DATE GROUPTYPE 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP I hereby acknowledge thatIhaveread this application,filled outin full the Information required , completed an accurate plot plan,andstatethatallthe Information provided as required is correct.I agreeto comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:~'"Ru..:.~p _ IGNATURE OFOWNEROR CON AND THE OWNER. PARKING DIVISION 122a34 GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFW,ORK :Ry;,lo.<.e../=.:1 a....,..,..f.........,-,.,f<...J,-'1a..-,0..--""-.Rc..w .re.. 1<-,J~<Ly..eA..-e ...... BLASTING DEMO ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: 1.!i ST.CUT DWELLING UNITS ACCOMMODA nON UNITS _ HEIGHTIN FT ___NO.FIREPLACES INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUE I I I FLOOR EXT WALLS ROOF -- TYPE ELEC.I GAS OF -- HEAT SOLAR WOOD NEW()ALTERATION()ADDITIONAl()REPAIR() ('1-5 £ PH. IJ /,4- NjA CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TOWNOF VI\IL REG .NO . FIRM ;J/A CITY NAME ..:r~s:r tlr...,.,.s~.,j . MAILADDRESS "2-150 CU"",o.,....,on ,." CITY Vo....L c.o PH.'-I-7{",-..31 MAILADDRESS FIRM tA1;"j~R ""''''''-!F'e,-~,- FIRM tJ /,a FIRM fJj A OTHER LECTRICAL,TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO. NTRACTOR ""o../.<J -1'-1-03 TELE. ARCHITECT CONTRACTORI TELE . MECHANICAL CONTRACTORITOWN OFVAILREG .NO . TELE . LEGAL LOT '7 BLK CJ I DESC.FILING VA,....OilS SI1l)~P, A r:""'~Jr-o....,C\Afl.s.,'d e-.-.c <:.- TELE . PLUMBING CONTRACTORI TOWNOFVAILREGNO TELE GENERAL IFIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFYAILREG.NO . TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT o BUILDING 0 PLUMBING [B"'ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATIONnMECHANICALn ADDRESs::1.4 50 crl~(m," 1-. .,. (• 75 south frontage road vall ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2~39....officeof community development BUILDING PERI·UT ISSUANCE TIME FRME If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Publ ic Works)review and approval,a Planning Department revi'ew or Health Department review,anda review by the Building Department,the estimated time for a total review may take aslong as three weeks. Allcommercial (large or small)and all multi-family permits will haveto follow the abovementioned maximum requirements.Residential andsmall projects should take a lesser amount of time.However,if res ident ta l or small er projects impact the various abovementioned departments wi thregardto necessa ry revi ew,these projects may also take the three week period. Everya ttempt will be made by thi sdepa rtment toexpedi te thi s permit as sQon as possible. I,the undersigned,understand the plan check procedure andtime frame.. Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. •• 75 south frontage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Date Position/Relationship 7(/qli z- • to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) • or ,.- PMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READ YFOR LOCAT ION :----;""'7!--.:r-~L'-"_:_--...J....ri,:...L~L.L....!=.::!L.L-=::::....Ll..--------------- DATE -..L.....,H-=~-l..-- BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o RO UGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ ~R O U G H o CONDUIT o _ o FI NAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST H OODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAF'PROVED".d I I 0 APPROVED if, /CORRECTIONS:,._ DAT E _~_..!.._____":......=~__==_____ • PM_____AM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . $)~~ ;;S .~~.)"\....~~CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:MONTUESWEDTHUR LOCATION :~~'0\:-.SJ.'SNY~<).,,\'\c..c >::\>:s- $t\n S~\J'S P=-=E=-=R"""'M:C-::IT:-:-NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE \\)-&.'\-~JOB NAME ~~"'-"---'--"-=~~~------':-~~~~'----_~_ ... BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW.V._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------0GAS PIPING o INSULATION 0 POOL /H.TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL. ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o 'iFl NAL ' MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ j(APPROVED -7)7 CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE It?r s3CZ <t?2-INSPECTOR .1 Project Application• Contact Person and Phone D al e __--'-_L..-_+--'--- 6 ifk/ r erIch /..),f((-/7("-~371 Filin g flu'lei(;2.,S cZ;;,Zo ne_ Comm ents :_ DesignReview Board Dat e _ M otion b y :_ Seconded by :_ APPR OVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summ ary :_ S taff A pprova l I TownP lanner 4--/7-/q ;r 'Dat e:+---=--/-----L-,l-_ Project Application C;(tt h f j,1 I a ,/','1/ C ontactPerson andPh one h o-f... If'I / Date "'--.....!..-__~...!....... I {ll/( { )- r /}1 <)~r <2 1/~ (!Va.I -t:nt17 /~ I')J 1.3 <..J)(':l-Cj0 .3 Architect,Address and P hone : Co mments :_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motio n by: Sec ondedb y : APPR OVAL D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary :~_ ,,1 /)\J Staff Approval I ' Tow n Plann er 4-/1..-/9 1Dale: •• DRB APPLICATION-TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: VATE OF DRB MEETING: FeJo ?5 ,''''''"'I ********** THISAPPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION:. ....-...>"'~ fA ,)'")I .....' Q."6 '"ri \ a.a 'l(, DESCRIPTION:A4 d c6 o ~,..,+ I II ••5 -0 "HAe drnr A ad A . B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ~Minor Alteration Conceptual Review C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. ADDRESS:.2,450 Cke..""",o 111\.-1,-,',,_---------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 7 Block _....JE>~_ Subdivision ~",'I [4.'>St~p J="d ,~}Jo .1----- If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:PClIM0 CY ~CQl'IdA~" LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. l!:\VV\,<NAME OF APPLI CANT:,Q.t\AI'VW';>'t....r-a""-EJo',LId6.I-_\._~;_'---'-_ Mailing Address:po d o<.=!4J o ,?~\L:...•I CD fJ£.57--l:."'-l...=J ~---'!L.L I,L;,.l.-p-h-o-n-e -"'::"f-=:J::-'Ip-_-.2:-::~""""""r:r---- I NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Pd-Md \tl""~~j A.,Enc.-~H t II Ma iIing Addres s:_--'P.'->....O:.......la;u;<p ~J.~7'-'~==<..L1_~:--=-=_---:--=-:::-::=-__ Phone 4-··U ..-(.,3:2 7 NAME OF *SIGNATURE(S): Mai I ing Address:_-+~_---=:::::"~J..::!l..:.l>-.>.LJ~""'--...,.......Ji.,:..!.J.!...I-~~~~.::.L.,;:::" J.Condominium Approval if applicable. K.DRB FEE:DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE $0-$10,000 $10,001 -$50,000 $50,001 -$150,000 $150,001 -$500,000 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 *NO APPLICATIONWILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 • II.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: •., ,, A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encou,agPM to ~etermine if any additional application information is needed.It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISSIONSTOTHEDRB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners.All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual approval and a final approval.Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D.The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or pUblic space.At the time such a proposal is sUbmitted,applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F.For all residential construction: a.clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building;and b.Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. 2 - • (TOM A~},\"5rf2..0U6) C HAMON IX CHA LET CORPORA T ION Post Office Box1367 Vail,Colorado 81658 March 27,1991 To Wh om i t May Con cern, • " - The p ro pos ed windowa nd de ck r em odel of u nit A-4, has been approved byt he Chamon ix S ha le ~board of directors. S incer ely , Mlk~~~; Manager &Directo -l.:.'."'~5­..-,J •~ .:.....I ••r - •• i,• i I I ,1 .~I :0.~ I :,.., .~, '..: -.., I I I I I ------, I I I 1 I I .,I______J ~., I~~~·._--- I :~ ,', r rr I •I I I I ' I I I I I •••·'-.l........:!.:.!=-~.I-j --;---I ...I I,J I z cp..,..~. •0'':.'.'·.'·'...':\ ·,"". '...".: •.••.•••••j.,,",:..;.' •• .. ...----.~~'.:_.......~--.l 1 ,',. ...••,~,10 ••... !,(;.I ~·I.... I,, I :_...-.-j -...foe I --.-t ..-~.,....,.,£"..~.'.~6 i -_.--.---,~'-:-:GI I 1 1~ ,0 -".9'I .J"~:>1J N\f1J NolTilfAnO.::l .. ..,r ·'.iI' ."-.02 ----1-- .0,q~..,. I "J~O ........I •.•I -.i ---i '.!-M -1 r .'ii,".---...,r --.:--,I I I I II I I·II , I:;;I'I;I:._.~H l ~..•·"',..-.----,it t --i ~.£'.6'-..., t ~....:T .9 .6--~~-.,,~:r .~~G --}: "~it~!l II,.--.r:;-_.I I I I L:.....,~I II II I I~.II '!l.II I ~I I"II I .'II II L ::...J L __~---_---.J ! .96 -_.,0 -.QZ ,,,.., .9 ·16 / t ck -._--.f4,or:.,o~ ."'.~,j --'_..... f r~­ I r ''''-----..,r .-re., II !-II !l :..t IiI~t"•.~;--.-----.:~i- ,14--.;.:G-~_.-.,...•V ·.~,.~ ,I :_L III:t-E>j I : II '.II I I :~I IIIII / I L ~._------1 L __!L.J l__~__ ~'09 N Al. . :J"~2 G tl.~r';'_, : "...l'l .u·.f'4U...-"",'-1 :;:T --...._..., 1 ~•CI '~6L "".,...../I-------.i>: •• NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES • Department of Community Development Status .•.:ISSUED Applied ..:06/12/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: • ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Job Address:2456 CHAMONIX RD Location ...:BLDG."A"&"K" Parcel No ..:2103-141-06-000 Project No.: 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS. P.O.BOX 1375,VAIL,CO 81658 CONTRACTOR SNOWCAP ROOFING POBOX 325,EDWARDS CO 81632 Phone:476-3308 Phone:3039263320 Description: RE-ROOF Occupancy:R1 Type Construction:NA Type Occupancy: Multi-Family Not in table! Valuation:32,000 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information:Restricted:#Of GasAppliances :#Of GasLogs:#Of Uood/Pallet: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Build ing----->364.00 Restuarant Plan Re view-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->853.60 Plan Che ck--->236.60 DRB Fee----------------->.00 Add it ional Fees--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee---------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->853 .60 Uill Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit-------->250.00 Payments---------------->853.60 TOTAL FEES-------------->853.60 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: Dept:PUB WORK Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARA nONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot p lan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct .I agree tocomply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicab le thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS SendClean-Up Deposit To:SNOUCAP ROOFING o R£"CYCU'VPAP£H "....•• **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Staternnt Number:REC-0037 Amount: Payment Method:CK6683 Notation: Permit No:B95-0178 Type:A-MF Parcel No:2103-141-06-000 Site Address:2456 CHAMONIX RD Location:BLDG."A"&"K" 853.60 06/16/95 08:22 Init:MMC ADD/ALT MF BUILDPER Total Fees:853;60 This Payment 853.60 Total ALL Pmts:853.60 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 364.00 236.60 250.00 3.00 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Permit #:B95-0178 75SouthFrontage Road Vai~Colorado81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 • Job Address:2456 CHAMONIX RD Location ...:BLDG."A"&UK" Parcel No ..:2103-141-06-000 project No.: • Department of Community Development Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:06/12/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS. P.O.BOX 1375,VAIL,CO 81658 CONTRACTOR SNOWCAP ROOFING POBOX 325,EDWARDS CO 81632 Description: RE-ROOF Phone:476-3308 Phone:3039263320 Occupancy:R1 Type Construction:NA Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fir~plac~Information:Restrict~d: Multi-Family Not in table! 32,000 #Of Gas Appliances: Add Sq Ft: #Of GasLogs:#Of Wood/Pall~t: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Building----->364.00 Restuarant Plan R~view-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->853.60 Plan Check--->236.60 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Investigat ion>.00 Recreat ion Fee---------->.00 Total Per mit Fee-------->853 .60 Will Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit-------->250.00Payments---------------->853 .60 TOTAL FEES-------------->853.60 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: Dept:PUB WORK Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town's zoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Cod~and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto . SendClean-Up Deposit To:SNOWCAP ROOFING o REC YCU'DPAJ'EH •• **************************************************************** TOWN OF VA IL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Staternnt Number:REC-0037 Amount: Payment Method:CK6683 Notation: Permit No:B95-0178 Type:A-MF Parcel No:2103-141-06-000 Site Address:2456 CHAMONIX RD Location:BLDG."A"&"K" 853.60 06/16/95 08:22 Init:MMC ADD/ALT MF BUILDPER Total Fees:853 :60 This Payment 853.60 Total ALL Prnts:853.60 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 364.00 236.60 250.00 3.00 •• NOTE:THIS PERM IT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD /ALTMFBUILD PERMIT Permit #:B95 -0 178 Job Address:2456 CHAMONIX RD Location ...:BLDG."A"&"K" Parcel No ..:2103 -141 -06-000 Proj ect No.: OWNER CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS. P.O.BO X 1375,VAIL,CO 81658 CONTRACTOR SNOWCAP ROOFING POBOX 3 25,EDWARDS CO 8 1632 Description: RE-ROOF Status ...:APPLIED Applied ..:06/12/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: Phone:476-3308 Phone:3039263320 Occupancy:R1 Type Construction:NA Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Informat ion:Restr icted: Multi -Family Not in table! 32,000 #Of GasAppliances : AddSq Ft: #Of Gas Log s:HOf Wood/Pallet : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FEE SU MMARY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA** Build ing---->364.00 Restuarant Plan Revielf-->.00 Total Calculated Fees-->853.60 Plan Check--->236.60 ORB Fee----------->.00 Add itional Fees------>.00 Invest igation>.00 Recreation Fee--------->.00Total Per llit Fee------>853.60 Wil l Call--->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit------>250.00 Payments------------>.00 TOTAL FEES------------>853 .60 BALANCE DUE---------->853.60 ***********AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAk****AAAAAAAAA****************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: Dept:PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application ,filled outin full the i nfor ma tion required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to complywith the information and plot plan, to complywith all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town 's zoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM SendClean-Up Depos it To:SND WCAP ROOFING SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER •• ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B95-0178 as of 06/13/95 Status:APPLIED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Applicant:CHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS. Job Address: Location:BLDG."A"&"K" Parcel No:2103-141-06-000 Description: RE-ROOF Conditions: Applied:06/12/1995 Issued: To Expire: NOTE -COpy O F PERM IT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE AT E ~J 10 -95 TH E FOLLOWING I S NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT :-.._-------) n xCONSTRUCTIONPERMIT 111lI1rr1lii'9 lid -"'1-06 -II"u ,,,0 'ro";~",no"11 ~~\!f J'".~~Letter t rom conco assn .,~1 t-AP PLl CABLE 2~2 Sets pf complete drawlngS!e xpla nat io department of commun ity development 2OCCUPANCY GRO UP r 'B E 'Ii IR M I Mll DING '2..:)."o(),on 'X '***PLEA SE FILLOUR WHE RE TH E (X)~lA RK S AR E!~I,1 ~1ECTRICA l •Y..z .-TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCEOF PERMIT DIVISION "1 2iali 4 ,'1.1995 Q. XTYPEOFPERMITrvGENER~?~::IPT I ~N %.'1?:~"*\..\.(:,.!<PLUMBING -::> SIJilECHAN ICALt8iBUILDINGoPLUMBING.'oJ II HI .,J 11\/11\/1 ,j~\1 -XoELECTRICALoFOUNDATION ,~.......TOTAL T ~:2 r,1"\()fl()XJJ~~,,!~C A L .~J1.l<en!f!'~A-TYPE GROU P G.R.F.A.VALUATI ON PERMIT FEES L EGAL L OT ,;;J.«to -cJR h ll.~,~~:..-V e.-\'<,.:J tr\Of)~, ~SC .FILING 13tk).t: BUILDINGPERMIT -,,-,PLAN CHECK J OB NAME :("hlAY\'\{lf'\~'l(Chc:l lpts ELECTRICAL \ OWN ER NAME NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REP AIR ()PLUMBING \ .MAIL ADDR ESS DWELLING UNITS __ACC OM MO DATION UN ITS __MECHAN ICAL \ CITY PH.HEIGHT IN FT .__NO.FIR EPLAC ES --RECREATION FEE \ ARCH ITECT FIRM INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUE DESIG N REVIEWBOARD \ FLOOR CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT \,MAl!AD ~:r-EXT .WALLS ,A h ~CITY J5~O I 7 rR IL USE T AX FIRM :-:>nol.\K'<".V"I .«r .c,:Jr..ROOF G EN ERA L .oJ ,_, TYPE ,CON TRACTOR T OWNOFVAIL REG.NO.I 1W•S ELEC .GAS TOTAL P ERMIT FEESOF TELE CJ :lIn-:n:n HEAT SOLAR WOOD ,tEC TRI CAL l.-r I-------------------- FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:BUILDINGOFFICIAL DATE !...Ii INITIAL IzoNING ADM INISTRATO R-----:-DATE-.:---,CO NTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG NO.ST.CUT TELE.BLAS TING ZONI NG &BUILDING NOTES: ~PL UMBING FIRM PARKI NG TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. C ONTRACTOR DEMO T ELE. FIRM I herebya ckn ow ledge that I have re ad -lhls appl icati on ,fil led o ut i nfu ll th ei nf ormationr equired , M ECHAN I CAL c ompleted an accurate plot plan ,and st ate t h at all t he informat ion prov ided asreq uired i s correct.I ,C ON TR ACTOR TO WNOF VAIL REG .NO.agree t oc omplyw ith the informat ion and plot p lan ,to c om ply wit h a ll T own o rdin ances an ds tate TELE l aws ,and to buil d th iss tructu re acco rdi ng t o the Town 's z oni ng and subd ivi sio nc o des ,design re view ap p roved ,U n iform BU ild ing Code and other ord in ances of thMlic ab le t h ere to. OTHER FIRM ~ztt'F os';H..,XX dlv:.~4, TOWNOFVAIL REGNO.O!AJ eo."p 'J~r.'j ,'T;,c .SIGNATURE OFOWNERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF C ONTRACTOR T ELE.,0 :!?,':'l;'f!5i/t.-:t;-::-.ANDTHEOWNER. ( ( t he prlnl.ry ...."l j •• Snowcap Roofing,Inc. EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER-Unit B-5 Sheri Melcher Estimato r 303/926-3320 303/949-11Mi 31f5!f Tile .Wood•Metal·Composition Commercial •Residential P.O.Box 325 Edwards ,CO 8 1632 • PROPOSAL • ===================================================================== SNOWCAP ROOFING,INC. P.O .BOX 32 5 EDWARDS,CO.81632 303-926-3320 303-926-3319 FAX-926-2510 DATE:APRIL 07,1995 PAGE 1OF2 PAGES - ===================================================================== PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: NAME:CHAMONIX CHALETS ADDR :P .O.BOX 1375 YAIL,CO.81658 PHONE:476-3308 =DICK WORK TOBE PERFORMED AT: JOB TITLE:CHAMONIX CHALETS JOBADDRESS:2457 CHAMONIX LANE VAIL,CO.81657 ARCHITECT:NIA DATE OFPLANS:NIA s, ====================================================================== WE HEREBY PROPOSE to remove the existing roofing and furnish and install Class "B"No.1 Grade cedar shakes,with cold roof and cold ridge.Underlayments of 'Bituthene Ice and Water Shield',with 36 and 18 inch,30 pound roofing felt,as follows: 1]'Bituthene Ice and Water Shield'will be applied shingle fashion,on top of the existing bare plywood deck.Bituthene will be applied over the entire roof sheathing surface,lapped three inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps,and extending up all vertical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of 12 inches in height. 2]The entire roof surface will be covered with a layer of 36 inch,30 pound U.L.blue label roofing felt by Tamko,lapped four inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps,and extending up all vertical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of 12 inches. 3]A cold roof will be installed consisting of 2x 2's at 16" O.C.'s attached with 16D air nails.Horizontal skip sheathing, 1x4 battens will then be installed at 3 1/2"O.C.'s and attached with 1 3/4"air staples. 4]A cold ridge vent,will be installed,Using vertical sleepers of 2x 2's,with horizontal 1x 4's laid flat,fiberglass screen,and cold ridge drip edge metal fabricated from 26 gauge galvanized metal,using 6 inch flat stock. 5]Sheet metal flashing,as needed for this job,will be shop-formed from 26 gauge galvanized metal,and includes the following: 1]Wall flashing 2]Step flashing 3]Chimney crickets (2=framing by others) 4]Drip cap flashing (6 inch flat stock) ••CHAMONIX REROOF . PAGE2OF2PAGES 6]Th is proposal includes all staples,nails,mastic,and delivery fees,labor,and clean up of all waste roofing materials (to be placed in a Snowcap Roofing Inc.provided receptacle convenient to the roof staging area). 7]This proposal does not include any snowfences,gutters and down spouts,chimney modifications .This proposal may not include all other miscellaneous unforeseen labor and materials that may be required for a complete system,such as the need to replace any plywood decking.Snowcap Roofing,Inc.agrees to take all reasonable precautions needed to guard against damage to adjacent proper~y,landscaping,etc.during operations,however the customer agrees and recognizes the danger inherent in this type of work and agrees not to hold Snowcap Roofing liable in the event of any damage or injury which occurs during the course of normal operations and which was reasonably guarded against. 8]Due to the inconsistency of the construction materials market,material prices can fluctuate rapidly.Any price increases prior to our purchase (typically 30 days prior to the commencement of the roofing project)will cause the contract price to increase accordingly. 9]If snow removal or daily installation/removal of plastic is required,this work will be charged extra at the rate of $28.00 per man hour and $35.00 per supervisor.Reinforced plastic (20'x 100' rolls)will be charged extra at $120.00 per roll,or current cost. Any propane required to dry the roof deck will be charged extra at Snowcap's cost. 10]Upon payment in full,Snowcap Roofing,Inc.will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing specified in this proposal against leaks caused by faulty workmanship for a period of one year from the date of roofing completion.Subsequent interior damages are not compensable,and T &M fees will be charged if our investigation finds Snowcap's workmanship not responsible for the leak(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ days, SUbmit~:~~sn~~~o~~,Inc. withdrawn if not accepted within 10proposalmaybeThis COST:All material is guaranteed to be as specified.All work shall be performed in accordance with the specifications submitted and completed in a workmanlike manner,for the sum of:$15,987.00 ~A .[3'd~. FIFTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SEVEN DOLLARS TERMS:Net 30 days,no retainage,2%per month charged on overdue accounts,as well as any legal fees incurred.Workmans Compensation and Public Liability Insurance will be furnished by Snowcap Roofing, Inc.No additional work shall be performed prior to the execution of a signed change order. Respectfully Not e: ===================================================================== ACCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL:I authorize you to proceed with the work as specified her~I guaraj?ee payment according to terms specified. SIGNATURE £c-et <A J)A.~DATE H~"lo.199~l~et ur n one si gned copy t o our of fi ce 4 *I =====================~=============================================== • --3 :: )L , 't o::::---...,,~Q, e5 ~ ~-1 ~ P.1 34500 Hwy 6 .Un it eD Phone (303)926-3320 Fax (303)926 -2510 FAX 30392525 '<> •_<J FAX' FAX TRANSMISSION S n ovc ~~Roofin g•9 :28 _~cc.L&!W!oL_OF SNOWCAP ROOFING.INC. Nov .1 4 '95 _SNOWCAP ROOFING,INC. P.O.BOX -_325 --.-- ~DWARDS,co.81632 t.mJ.x~&,1 DATE:l'\-+.J ~-+-q).L--_ SUBJECT: FROM TO: § i I I I § i ~ ~.. THISISPAGE1OF -.:1 TOTAL PAGES.I CALL (303)926-3320 TOREPORT ANY TRANSMISSION PROBLEMS.~ OF _~%lJd!¢e~ -~Jq -d-.L{f~I -#:()f)----I.::~~~K.JJ4-.~~~~L-P=rs:-[)/7g MESSAGE: ..-._-_.-.-._- ----_._,-_.__..--- --_..--------- SIGNED:--=-"=IP-d.......------ NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTEDON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALI ~1F nUILD PERlllT Permit it:B95 ··01"l8 Departmcru of Community Development Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:06 /12/1995 Issued ...; Exp.ires •.; P.2•FAX 3039262510•5nowcop Roof:ng Job Address:2456 CH~10NIX RD LocaLion ...;BLDG."A"&"K" Par~tl No ..;2103 -141-06-000 Project No.; 75 Souch Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-21 .11V479-21.19 F.'1X 970-479-2452 Nov.14 '95 9:29 O~~ER CH~~ONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS. P.O.BOX 1375,VAIl"CO 81658 CON'l'RAC'l'OR SNOWCA~ROUI.<'l NG POBOX 325,EDWARDS CO Hlb32 Phone:476-3308 Phone:303Y2bJ320 Description: RE-ROOF Occupancy:Rl Type Construction:NA Type Occupancy: Multi-l"ami ly Not in tablel Valuation:32,000 Add Sq Ft: Fireplece Informaticn:Re.tr,cted :101 G!~Apol~!nceg ;.ot GI$legs:nOf ~oorlJPa ll~t: ******~A.R'AAA~*******.'.**j.**t********.~*************FEE SUftKA~Y ***i**.**•••~·~*******~W**2W.*tt**t*****.*******ki***~ e~ilding---->364-.00 Res,tua rant Plan Fi:1t ".!~W-->.00 re t a t Ca~lulated Fees....--;,853.60 Plllil Check-->236 .60 ORB Fee-------------->0C1 l.<:ldit iO'1<lI.F....··--------·,.oeo Investlgtltion,..00 aecree ti on fee----------).00 Tota l Permit Fee--·------).853.60 ~i II [All-->5 .00 n.3n-Up nepos it-------->250 .00 Paymeru--------------->853.60 TOTAl FEES··-··_--------->a~3 .60 e~L.AN~E D~E ---------->.00 **t*ttk*i***~t*t**.kt'*j*~***********l"i.J"lij.*J'ji.Ai.*l".**'.i"'J'.iJ'*l'i""'JTi*rti**TT***********w*~*~~.**********+ Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division:06/13/1995 GARY Action:APPRItem:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNINC Division:06/13/1995 GARY Ac t.Lon :APPR N/AItem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Divis ion:06/13/1995 GARY Ar.:t.ioJl:APPR N/AItem;'05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB HORK Div is.ion;06/13/1995 GARY Actio n:APPR N/A See Page 2 of th is noc cmenr;f or any conditions that may apply to this permit. nFr.1 'R~TlONS I h~~eby aeknovledg~tnat t h~v~re_1 t hi ~.prll r.~t ln~,~lll~o u ~i n ful l ~h@ ;n ~orMation r &quir .d ,~o ~~e t ed an ~e~urat~plot p~an"and ,nate that et L T!'\'I!'inforu.otion p rv'Vldto'.J a~l 't!'q uH ~is corr-ec t ,I ag ('~e to cOftl:P Li 1II ith the i "for aatiOfl ,,"eJ P lot Ptan, to coeply with alt Town o r din an c e~and ~~ate t~~~~~nn t o ~Ji~d t his ;t ru(tu r ~a crord i ~g t o tn.Tounls :on i~g ar,~t Ubd'~'~'o n codes,design rev'ieYi approved ,ur.itortll eu itd i r'9 C(KI t 4 ",J o t her -o nJ,ndI H':~:'or t he 'TE:oW !l app l icabLe ~her~to. RCQUCSTS rOR INSteCTIONS SHAll BE HA~E TWENT Y-FOUR HOURS I N AvVAN:E 5·(TELEPHONE AT 4~~2~8 OR AT f9UR Qf ~E,!~:CO AM 5 :00 P" )'.";J l'..:~ SMrl n ean-Up D~pe.;t To :SNOIiCAP ROOFjfIG SIGNA TUR millER 0 CONTRAC TOR roii:"Ii;-;;I;;:I1;;'S~EL-;F:-;;;AN:;;O;-;:;;OW7:N;;::E;;R INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138iP~/~ NUllA ~I 7/<.h--C,/Wee CALLER /!u ,-\'Iii 'TtL~,It /:ifrz:/I Z INSPECTION:J-MON \!UES WED THgUR FRI _AMPM../~/Ir_~~ -y:J l r ='Y (!11Vt.--d>LA..--f cz-"~A -4~it·)u J,r;rI r:y k': PERM IT NUMBER OFP OJECT DA TE ~/~I !q'-) ,L../...J "..."\..IJ v ,,';)..,-BUILDING:.PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION .o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 ~J I N A L o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ;P(APPROVED ~o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION :------,.~::::...--'-----=-~-'-=--7-_;_----...-L-.LL::....:....:......:::=-=-~=~~~---'~~-­ ,.'I~fr CORRECTIONS : DATE _:..L-_-'--"-"'O:-_"'--_INSPECTOR •• CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:~~~~DATE:/~/~-</9.5' /f'~~(1..a--aJ ~~~-r':'A7VENDORNAME: VENDOR NUMBER:'"/'d DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP #69S".,o/?,f NAME OFJOB:U~~U ~t'lAi (/J f "7'~cr/ ACCOUNT l\TUMBER:01000022002 o. ,/, "\ J<::?5 ,0 ocj)AMOUNT OF REFUND:. DATE APPROVED :f~-;)'b-q< APPROVAL SIGNATURE:C.4'~~~~ .._... , 66"79 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 4/22/94 DATE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IllDffilY PERMIT NO . 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 2.nnn DIVISION 12 2a 34 z ELECTRICALTOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT0 TYPEOF PERMIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING REPAIR ROOFI NG/MATCH EXISTING (LIKE ::> ...J<fiI BUILDING o PLUMBING TO LIKE SHINGLE)(B RATED)>MECHANICAL o ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION o MECHANICAL .2.4Q -GHAMO NTX LA ~~G R O UP----TYPE G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES ~GAL LOT {(a --8,...--:'''')~'r"w-\->')BUILDING PERMIT 65.00 ESC.FILING I'U -a.:.-/V~.>PLAN CHECK 42.00 JOBNAME :CHAMONIXCHALET CORP REROO ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME CHAMONTX BRET yOIING NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL (I REPAIR.(>.h )PLUMBING ~MAIL ADDRESS 2456 CHAMONIXLAN DWE LLING UN ITS __ACCOMMODAT IONUNI TS__MECHANICAL CITY VAIL,CO PH .476 -814(HEI GH T IN FT __NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE ;j- ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION :TYPE THICKNE SS R-VAL LUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD e- "--FLO OR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 [~MAIL ADDRESS EXT.WALL SCITYPH.USE TAX 1---.- FIRM VAIL ALPINE CONSTRUCTIOI ROOF ~-:J- GENERAL WILL CALL 3.00 ~r->327-B TYPE ELEC .GA SCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF TOTALPERMITFEES 210.0n 476-8140 SO LAR WOOD CHUCK FE LDMANN 4/25/94TELE.HEAT t ELECTRICAL FIRM ADDI TIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL------DATE ----- Y..!!INITIAL TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.I----------------CONTRACTOR ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.BLASTING IZONING &BUILDING NOTES :FIELD INSPECTION FIRM PARKING REQUIREDFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR DEMO TELE . FIRM I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application ,filled out in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the i nformation provided as required i s correct.I CONTRACTOR IOWNOFVAIL REG .NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state TELE.laws,and to build this structure according to the Town 's zoning and subdivision codes,des ign rev iew approved ,Uniform Building Code and oth~~Of_~ow n appl icable thereto. OTHER FIRM CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO:_~ •Y1'"-VJ/ TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.V/J il II!;;/iy ~b1-Fu.d7,SIGNATURE OF OWN"OR CON1flACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.r-:k'.I 6'>--AND THE OWNER. 'L 1 ~-,,.,",DO.-I ill PE R}lIT /I b=--"--''--'-- Number of Accommodation Units: General Description: Work Class:[]-New []-Alteration [ Number of Dwelling units: •TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLIC~TIO~FO:w.:r"U Art'.22J9_9J. DATE:4/22 £14-....- ~, ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BEACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** .rx1 -Bu ilding []-Plumbing []-Electrical []techanical<[]-Other _._ J~b Name:t/1I1m JOta C:hl1ld ~O b Address:cAtlnvov:r thllff!?5 L<tgal Description:Lot Y Block &Filing .~a.\\{)4;B BifA~fON :#-1 '/J/\;LV - Owners Name:a<Er I #vt ~Address:246k ·t:J;ttfr Y lI l?fJ41 n Ph.1-2 b-811£. Architect:Address:,. 1 ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$J.,Dt:JO.tJIl:<ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:~r--------------- ~****************ti.*~r*INFO~TION ***************************"~neral Cont a to¥/lj f -.{ri7P C'i:Town of Vail Reg.NO.32?--& Address:CJ.-~hone Number:4 7 b ....'3..!!1 v Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg,NO,_ Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO,_ Phone Number: J 4/D - F OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:1/;2 - PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTALPERMIT FEES: CclL~BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FOR VALUATIONSQ.FT.GROUPTYPE ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:IdS- PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: • /)r -,~ Comments :----=----~-----------=~----"..,..--::",....----:........,.,.---r---~---+---......".-----...,....._------- Xr:LElIB UPDEPOSIT IlEFDfID ro,• •• • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 officeofcommunity development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer I ·S (Publ ic Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the esti~ted time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeks . All commercial (large orsmall)and all multi -family permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential andsmall projects shouldtakea lesse r amount of time.However,if residential orsmall er projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,these projects may also take the three week period . Every attempt will be made by this departmentto expedite this. permitassoonas possible. I,the undersigned,understand theplancheckprocedureandtime frame. 'l-A9CC ~~ ~proje{!;:.f!Wmr ck!d~P.--l/If;/Illf;£fP,jl J ~Date Work Conmuni ty Sheet was turned into the Development Department. •• • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 olflce of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right~of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public'Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of .any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter • .;ea1j!j]]ji "-,e d mlin /}jdC~osit~o ~elationshiP to Project (i.e.contractor, ~Date 4-0-2-,)91- owner) •• • 75southfrontageroad vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 officeof community development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20,1991,the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the f ollowing procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites a long and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. "TheTown of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site . Su ch approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection b yt he Town of Va il Building Department for footings or temporary e le ctr ical or any other inspection .Please call 479-2160 to request an inspec tion from the Public Works Department.Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Al so,the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and cul vert installation with result ing road pa t c hi.nq as necessary.Such approval must be obtained prior to Fj na l Certi f icate of Occupan cy iss uance . •• • 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 •FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Community Development INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1.HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. 2.TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE,WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OFALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3.SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS,FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. 4.NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT . •• PM_____AMFRITHURWED • INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 tJa~,(!-7(4 ~//&/¥ CALLERr: MONUE /J/a~/F7f-t'j ~,/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT C-DATE )-7-15 READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :,J~-:Z..-? BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF&SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ I)hJINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ ~~R O V E D 'c'O ~RE C T I O N S: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / INSPECTOR FIRM FIRM 6003 NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE April 30,1993 DATE PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 5000.00 DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK: ;::«PLUMBING Roof repair.=> -'«>MECHANICAL 5000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.FA .VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 95.00 PLAN CHECK 62.00 ELECTRICAL ~ NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (XX PLUMBING ~ OWELLING UNITS __ACCO MMO DA TION UNI TS __MECHANICAL .~ HEIGHT INFT .__NO .FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE 1;]'--- INSULATION:TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD l';- FLO OR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 &.. EXT .WALL S USETAX .~RO OF TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 257.00 OF SOLAR WO ODHEAT CR Feldmann 4-29-93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s.!!INITIAL ST.CUT !;QNING ADMINISTRATOR ----DATE---- BLASTING IzONING &BUILDINGNOTES:Must be same type of PARKING shin~les and also be aC lass 2 roof material. DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approve Uniform B-%din g Code and other:J!/;;;;1~~n applicable thereto.r1e eyp..~A ·:--~..u 01/,;7..4:.....0 o~/,fl,~I ~I G ;:;v;T U RE OF O";;Nf'OR CONTrCTOR FORHIMSELF.a:,r;.;-:i~I I ct:-t.-.0 .h.-.NOTHE OWNER . 327-R PH . CONSTRUCTI,PERMIT ,\ TELE. ;!Chaminox Chalets,~oof CITY MAtL ADDRESS NAMEChaminox Chalet Corp ~A I L ADDRESS 245 ~hamonix B1 C~Y -Vai-~7PH 6-8140 ~~L~NG/~LP ~I ~u ~ JOB NAME: OWNER GENERAL IFIRM Vail Alpine Const. CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO. 471-0909 PLUMBING CONTRACTORI TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. LECTRICAL CONTRACTORI TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTORI TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. .~-~~lownnrmn .:\ department of community de~I0.!l"Jll TOBEFILLEDOUT COMPLETEL Y ~JI~T~.~S W TYPE OF PERMIT r~~~\\L Q OJ-/~ Q9 BUILDING 0 PLUMBING I hi UoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0BldgsB&C 2456 &2457 Chaminox Ln OTHER '_FI_R_M _ ARCHITECT I tJFI!!iR!:!'!.M _ TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTORI TELE. -... L LEGAL .DESC. ,,TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APP/tCATION FORM DATE:~ZC[-93 RFr.'D APR 2 9 1993 ~fo()!J3 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ******************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** Address:Ph.i?FPftl'T-1&-----------Architect: ~-Bu il d i n g [)-Plumbing [)-Electrical [)-Mechanical [)-Other _ ;7}p ).«:.e:L ~e...e, Job Name:t/fJ4rt/~1c?f L/nfl/E'7"7;Job Address:245 fp ?57 [hHrnln /})(AI-! Legal Description:Lot Block Filing __ /I }-I J .c (I~P Owners Name:k ntJtnlo C):(/JIl/Fj Address: )I /0 Work Class:[)-New [)-Alteration [)-Additional p<)-Repair [)-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet _ **********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING: PLUMBING: ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: OTHER: TOTAL: INFORMATION *************************** Town of Vail Re ~o.~ Phone Number:- Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:fe;;)- PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:'00 - ********************************FOR BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:CI---=5'--_ PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES:;:)$7 - SQ.FT.VALUATIONTYPEGROUP BUILDING: Signature:(5 ,rc:~~ ZONING: Signature: .comments~~m~%J!.i;~e,flf:;;);i4 t1ik?1;jM ~d ~ I Ue e I, -l town of vai 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. "{)y l{gZ ~h7f2-~osition/Reiationship ~4--7-q ~13 1'-Date (i.e.contractor,owner) town of val 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 officeof community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer-"s (public Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeRs. All commercial (large or small)and all multi-fa mily permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryreview,these projects may also taRethe three week period. Every attempt willbe made by this departmentto expedite this permit assoonaspossible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedure and time frame . 'J.Agr ~If:=J )t t/;lf7v7/~th#/tJf-~2 Project Name ~4-~21 -q ?7 Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. l ,, eTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL.e /?479 -2138h~L~t:d/?~//Y CALLER () I.oD03 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 02/;1 /91(JOB1/ PM_____AMMONTUESWEDTHURFRI C/~~(M ',LOCATION:-----c=:=.........,~",J_+_--+---=~===-=-==+--'.-=-'-'------------- READYFOR INSPECTION : PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D.W.V ._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ "0 _ (~X±IF I ~NA~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o Fl tiAL _ C p r(r ROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ----'==:~----+--r-____:<_--