HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 7 LEGAL..-r: IMPROVE~mNT LOCATION CERTIFICATE: Q,~tf RiM Cj-If:J-Bo ~T1Ies L.WheOit .., Re~iste,..e.J La7lJ S"!'rvejor No.Il468 I hereby certify that this Improvement Location Certificate,the location b eing based on t he Plat of Record,was prepared for Victor H.and Alice E.Cuccia' on this 16th day of September 19 80,of the property described as follows: Lot 7,Block C,A Resubdivision of Vail DaSjSchone Filing No.1, Eagle County,Colorado. I further certify that the i mprove ments on the above described parcel,except utility'connections,are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel, except as shown,that there are no encroachments upon the described pre- mises by improvements on any adjoining premises,except as indicated,and that there is no evidence or sign of any easement cross ing or burd ening any part of said parcel,except as noted. This Improvement Location Certificate is prepared for loan p urposes onl y and is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fences,buildings, or other future permanent improveme nts. Property pins were not instal~ed. / I 1 I o I ~I 3:I 8/ LO ;t fr-: VJI I I I r ••'" &=:':."~.:o:;~'j-""_.'......~_~._~.£:'C'"~."-"!......===-.-".",,=""...,.Vi.W..PkCJ 1::CT No.SURVEY ,tr;t..:N N BY ,T.A.DATE ISS ~ED '1ARESUBDIVlSIONOF, C>£CKED BY 'B,Me.SCALE l 1"=20'E FILING NO.1 S:"'E.CT No.LORADO ~Y.\K --.Yi9~r-l..:~5 6 lof I~"'V:N 'tz'-2:3_.,"~--.-",,~:~---..~~wu:'!C:1<Q"Ai4£C"...""-..:a , I I J ~wI~ I~ I~ I~ :::lI"- I I I I I ! 1 ENT CK C, CHON TY,CO ~:."t!a~ I ~' 10 LOT 7 /66./8' .~ 159.60' I I I ,'"'j:......... 7:§'-7,, -,.;;:=rxr ~-~,..~..~ FIV1SlON S,-::":"I t. IMPROVEM l?T<=l ;:ET LOT7,BLOLO.B0215 32-0158 VAIL DAS S EAGLE CQUfIJ-ERiloA"Cle........-."~....,-::=a;;IW--')~~.c 1~C?O VA NCE LAt<E\NOOO,CO (303)2 N 76°IO'OO"W ,00 '11 . ~1_~l111~!fM~~_ -1:>-0 ,.... 1!110CD-IJJ>W 27.82'-=00::: C 0 -ttl 0 <t 0 ,."en z0 CDa::5«"" , Project Name:HARRIS RESIDENCE Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970 .479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us ORB Number:DRB040358 MINORALTERATION(DECK REPLACEMENT) Participants: OWNERHARRIS,LEANNAS.&JAMES 07/27/2004 Phone:303-619-0176 7320BAYAUDDRIVE DENVER CO80230 License: APPLICANT BURKE HARINGTON CONSTRUmON07/27/2004 Phone:(970)476-1026 2199 Chamonix Lane #11 Vail,Colorado 81657 License: CONTRACTOR BURKE HARINGTON CONSTRUmON07/27/2004 Phone: 2199 Chamonix Lane #11 Vail,Colorado 81657 License:717-B Project Address:2528 AROSA DRVAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:7Block:C Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:210314205004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:08/10/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute aperm it for building.Please consult w ith Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction act ivities. Cond:201 ORB approval shall not becomevalid for 20days following the date of approval. Cond :202 .'Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review . DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com RECEIVED JUL 2 6 2 It General Information: Allprojectsrequir ing designreviewmustreceive approvalpriortosubmittingabuilding permit application.Please refer tothe submittal requirementsfortheparticular approval that isrequested.AnapplicationforDesign Review cannot be accepteduntilallrequiredinformationisreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department The project mayalsoneedto be reviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. a I:tI/€..Description of the Request:~_,.------",+,-,""",-,,,,",,,,"_.:>c"-'-"'--'-'---=-'l--=-..>...>....c.-i--=-=>a-_-'-..:...:...:..L..;:""::_ rno r«$"3.....e{r ~ Location of the Proposal:Lot:_..L-_,Block:c...Subdivision:---'-_-"-__..::=-__::-_ ArosAPhysicalAddress: 17 £-z,2.S .E:, L(7(,-:5"093 (Contact EagleCo.Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcelno.) Zoning:--..!...~.:::...:...:::..:...:::...:~~-,--_ Mailing Address: ________-:-_-;--__--:::::-__-::-:-:-Phone:__=-'~L......:;"---'='---'=--=_---_ E-mail Address:C 6(jde 'Z-Cf eJ'l1.5I1·COI'1-)Fax:__--'--'--o=..-.....::._-'-=':o...-__._ Parcel No.:2/03/t./"Z.O So04 r f:.S ,de4,<t/ Name(s)of Owner(s):~hi e ~/-1<:t r r ;.s Mailing Address:73'2 0 E .13 qya I,t!Dr I v-e O~"'1 v~!Co.8"0 zso 'Phone:303 -b fer -()17 b . Owner(s)Signature(s):~ex1 P G\.3 e..- Name of Applicant:8t/rte./.{a rc,"'yloVl Co,..,sfr'c/c-!.,Ol/l fJ.O.SOX 2.crl/s tla ;/,CO.l'16S-7 Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) V MinorAlterationl\.(single-family/duplex) o Changes toApprovedPlans o Separation Request $50 NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 NoFee Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. Forconstructionofanewbuildinqor demo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisadded to anyresidentialor commercialbuilding(includes250addit ions &interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovement>,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc . Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReviewBoard. 07/26/2004 16:47 a6/Bl/2BB4 16:47 3033650002 '37£1'326£1586 JAMIE HARRIS PAGE 02 PAGE:B2 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review .Departl'l1enl;of community DMOpment 75 SouItl Frontage Read,Yilil,CoJQradg 81651 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.va~IIOV.eom . General Informationl All ~requlr1ng ~n IlIVleW must l'IIC8iW llJ'l)rO\l3I prior In submltllng a buildlng permit applitetlon.Please refer to !hi!submlltal reqIltrernentol for the par1lc:lllar apl)ravallMt is requested.HI appllcatlon for Deslgn I!.e'4lllW c:anrlOt bf:~until a R reqtm!d In1'omlatlIJl1 Is received by tile ClllTlnlUnlty ~ment Deparlment.T1Vl ~may also need to be reviewed by the Town CouncI1 and/Of the PIl!Ming end I!nvtrtlnmental COITImiSSlon. Design revll'lW appl'OV8l lap_~nless a bill/dIng pennit is Iss~lIInd r;:unsml/:tjon c:o"'~within onA yar of tile llipp1'DVlll . Dest:rlption of the Request!--:-_ Ltx:ation afthe Proposal:Lot:_Blrx:k:_SUbdiViSion:,_ PhVSIc8/Address:2$2'11 A f"osJI'/ Parcel No.1 2 r0)1£11.oSod..l (Contact Eagle Co.~r at 970-328-8640 for parcal no.) Zoning:Rct:l·I.J.~ I'iIlme(S)Of Owneres):=:::::iti&....o S ft';...J.(-!...f'.,J.(---'SL---.....-__ ~Mall.ln g Address:~::t)r :?&~o:l.\.~jd""--......,4:...;....Jl.y......e.~~~-- -/--:----b,l...ll~~~~~__+_..:!..u..l-~~!!Aphb;e:303 -(ql'.01 *'"'. Owner(s)S1gnlltLlre(s):--~.J...td~~t:t==--~---------- Name of Applicant:.,l?..,,.c."s~"rl!o .... Mailing Address:Po o.{jp)r 2':rl/J IIQi I ,C".J>"n :--::':"":'-:-~-_r_-;---_----Phone:..17S·2'c:~ E-mail Addre95:chvk.~~'T E't:!S/I.c:on-,Fax:717'·..>o'?.] Type of Review and Feel o Slgl'l$$50 LI C01la!ptual R.evIew No Fee l:J New Const:ra:tion $650oAddition$300 0 Minor AIter8tIon $250 (multi-family/<:ommertiaO ~MInorA~$20(stngle-famlly/duplex) 0 Changes to A~Plans $20 1:I Separation R.equest No Fee Fw ccnst:n.;ction ot a naw buildlng or demo/rebul ld, For an addltion wIlere square fcctage IS added to lillY residential or commercial building (indudes 250 addltlons lllnr.erfor COf'1\'erSlOM)•. For mInor charl9es to bUi!d1ngs and~te Impl'(lYements such as~n~,pal"ting,window eddltlons,IandstolPtn9,fenceS and retaining walls,etc. f'or minor changes to buUdingg ~nd sltt Impmvemerns,5lId11lS, r~Ang,~ntlng,wlndQW additions,laM$caplng fences and retaining wal1J,etc.' FOf reviSIons to plans elrMdy IIppI1)Yed by PIarlnIng Staff or tile [lel.l!Qn R.evIeW Board... Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SOffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Please specify the manufacturer's name,thecolor name and number andattachacolor chip. Post:>C1 "td O ~<:f-;.'1 ('5 .fr cUI"",I]/V1a.1''C.f'''-cA.(I 5 q vvoc:d CcYh.,fOS ;I~ OOV){'I'r ,-ra V1 10 r"oic {1 hOl/r MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING ANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This applicationisrequired forproposals involvingminor exterioralterations and/or site improvements.Proposals toadd landscaping donotrequire ORB approvalunlesstheyinvolve theaddition ofpatios,waterfeatures,grading,ortheadditionofretainingwalls. I.SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** ___0AllpagesofApplicationarecomplete .....0Checklistiscompletedandsigned ..E(StampedTopographicSurvey*,ifapplicable O 'SiteandGradingPlan*,if applicable ....8 Landscape Plan *,ifapplicable 70 ArchitecturalElevations*,ifapplicable '/0Exteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesand specifications. ArchitecturalFloorPlans*,ifapplicable .-B'LightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures,ifapplicable d Title report,including Schedules A &B to verifyownershipandeasements* -'"0 Photosoftheexistingsiteandadjacentstructures,whereapplicable. ,g Written approvalfromacondominium assoc iation,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable E:L Site-specific Geological Hazard Report,if applicable*6 TheAdministrator and/or ORB mayrequire thesubmissionofadditional plans, drawings,specifications,samplesandothermaterials (including amodel)ifdeemed necessary todeterminewhetheraprojectwillcomplywit h DesignGuidelines or if the intent oftheproposalisnotclearlyindicated. Please submit thre e (3)copies ofthe materials noted with anasterisk (*). **For interior conversionswithnoexterior changes.thesubmittalrequirements includea complete setofexistingandproposedfloorplans,atitlereport,andwrittenapprovalfroma condominium association,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. Ihavereadand understand theabovelistedsubmittal requirements: Project Name:Har ri S d~c t p roj ecT :::%3 I , Contractor Signature__-:...._..!....J~~----------- IDateSigned_,--'-+----'i'--_ ***********************************************************************.***************.**** TOWNOFVAlL,COLORADO Statement **************************************************••••**••••••••**•••**••***••***••***•••*•• Statement Number: Payment Method: HARRINGTON CONST . R040006288 Amount :$20 .00 Cash 07 /27/200412:40 PM Init:JS Notation:$/BURKE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : This Payment: DRB040358 Type: 2 10314205004 25 28 AROSA DRVAIL 2528 AROSA DRIVE $20.00 DRB -Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $20 .00 $20.00 $0.00 •••***••**•••••••*************••*************************************************•••******.* ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Accou nt Cod e DR 00100003 112200 Descripti on DES IGN REVIEW FEES Cu r ren t Pmts 20.00 r-......,. 0"··. ......,"f":;. D epartment of Community D evelopment 75 South Fr ontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 9 70-4 79-2138 FAX 9 70-479-2452 ww w.vailgov.com August9,2004 BurkeHarringtonConstruction POBox2943 Vail ,CO81657 RE:Harris Residence -2528 Arosa/Lot 7 ,BlockC ,VailDasSchone1st Filing DearBurke, Thankyouforsubmittingtherecentdesignreview application fordeckimprovements atthe Harrisresi dence.TheTown Staff hascompletedarev iew oftheproposal,andthefollowingisa summary ofthecommentsfromthatreview : •Thedeckdesignmustbeame nded tocomplywiththesetbackrequ irements. Theproposeddeckshallbelocatedaminimumof10feetfromtheside yard property lines. •TheTrexmater ial mayonlybeusedforthedeckingsurface,andallvisible cuts must beconcealedwithanaturalwoodfasci a.Additionally ,alldeckrailsmust beconstructedofanaturalwoodmaterial. Pleasesubmitrevisedplans addressing theabovelisted issues.Ifyouhaveany questions or comments ,pleasefeel free tocontactmedirectlyat(970)479-2173 . Sincere ly, -zJ~.?Ir .~ BillGibson ,AICP TownofVail /..'".h ECYCLED PAPER... AROSA DRIVE (50') 85.7d 42.BB o en t>l= rn ....-- N ,-J , <XlN. oi ~eno Z -J CTlo ra -l -J Q. --+- 2.x /0 e l c"<!:l •c.. '1'I I A/,i ;",'.iA.N V f E:W I ;,,-:.~"t ,•I I 'I I r "'I I'I I '////"I \~/'/!/;II I //1/ /{-jo<J sc:.. o I l-----r---------,--------T ~ ~I l-\o-J s ~/{ - I .... (f'. 2.X {O e 1'-.C)·c. --~,-....--_.3S' 1--------60'---------- ..::::: rrt t:J t It C'r CANTILfuER ~2 -\1 . ~. 1-2 I I f1-I /0 {,-J V 1)<\0 ~v .') JO \'5"\~ (;lu\d.fV'r-,~ ///1/1111/1/ -...- --+-Q(~post -I-f-'8'1- -..---~.........o../_~--.....,.-.-/~--",.............-/...,..\/'..."O../__-../"\,/.......__/./~...,-..".""~-'/////7/'_, "'"II4 exis+;rtq <.onc~ .-_:-'- \, NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLAS N ATTACHED DATE REC'D APR 17,1992 0053 91PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III IIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 20,000 DIVISION I2 2.34 z ELECTRICAL0 G'RiWt'A~~C~~f~mGW~ER WALL WITH ~PLUMBING=> --' CON RETE WAlL ANDREHLACE DRIVE WAY.~MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.RF.A.VALUAT ION PERMITFEES VNB R-3 0 20,000 BUILDING PERMIT 245 PLAN CH ECK 159 ELECTR ICAL NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (lIlj.PLUMBING DWELLIN GUNITS __ACC OMMODAT ION UNITS __MECHANICAL HEIGHTINFT.__NO .FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE INSULATION :TYP ETHI CK NESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT.WALLS -ONE-USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELE C.GA S TOTALPERMITFEES $504OFSOLARWOODCHUCKFELDMANN 17,1992HEATARP ADDITIONAL PERM ITS NEEDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s.!!INITI AL SHELLYMELLO APR 16,1992 X ---------------ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLA STING X .!zONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARK ING X FIELD INSPECTION REQUIREDFOR CODE DEMO X GUMPJ .r A Nr~l'. I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application ,filled out infu ll the information required , completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the i nformationand plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure~eTown's zoning and subdivision codes,design review apprm ~~~di 'er ordinances ofthe Town appl icable thereto , CLEANUPTO :,25,zg ;;/..Q~.#f}A:--'~L L:-...A/'~A --...M /a,£/6 -7 "SiGNATURE OF OW1iiER OR'CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF,.~AND THE OWNER. 0'(61;0 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT tDI~ department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PR IOR TO ISSUANC E OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT )(XJ BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL02528AROSADRIVE L EGAL LOT 7 BLK C DESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE 1ST It:OB NAME :CUCCIA CONCRETE WALL OWNER NAME VICTOR H.CUCCIA 2528 AROSA DRIVEMAILADDRESS CITY VAIL PH .6-7639 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . FIRM R &L CONCRETE INC GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.106-S TELE524-7274 FIRM ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO . TELE. FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. D "0 ' PERMIT FEES §:).o 0 00 PERMIT NO, BUILDING z ELECTRICALa;:: 0(PLUMBING::>.....MECHANICAL> VALUATION IIIIIII V-J) ABE HI R,M GRFA NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE ~l~'n :,n;-1 ~lQQ? GROUPlYPE 1.1YPE DrCONSrRUCTlDN 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOF PERMIT DIVISION 12 2.j '4 GE~RAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK:--,,---r---- TYPEOFPERMIT ~~;'i 'I ,:;,;e /~L <',.t -.u £',1/"y/A .,...o BUILDING 0 PLUMBING ,'tJ ....l...//f ,,)'/1.{;,,-,<>,I <?~,,"'J / o ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION ~~~~=·~k~~~~/.~~;.J~.~~~~~~)~p~1~~~"~.~'=·,~r~·~~~~·~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 MECHANICAL 0 ._.,. I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this appllcalfon,filled out In full the Information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allthe Informalion provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other 0 dinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ~7//d.ih :£&~#d'"q •IGNATUREOFOWNERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF .AND THEOWNER, ioo-: IS~- BUILDING PERMIT PLANCHECK PLUMBING ELECTRICAL CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT USETAX MECHANICAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES ~CI--!--" RECREATION FEE~R,VALLUE ACCO ........ODATION UNITS __ NO.FIREPLACES TYPE THICKNESS I I GAS WOODSOLAR ELEC ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED: Y DWELllNG UNITS HEIGHT INfl PARKING ST .CUT DE ....O BLASTING INSULATION:...'_-'-":"'::'_ ~~~;:~~1------ ROOF.. TYPE OF HEAT NEW()ALlERATION()ADDITIONAL I)REPAIR Iv) ~GAL LOT '2 BLK C ESC .FILING ,/p,1-I2IJ.\.{..,;.C'kg I fJ- OBNAME :/~//'''_/,<.l {bAt ':'I'I I?;"L(w I ~OWNER NAME ;//('/,",.;-I,(/L('::'~:;tt MAIL ADDRESS ,f ;;Jk , I'~£:C"5,//)1 CITY I ~J ,-;PH£~7/.·-;"? (ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY pH . ~GENERAL FIRM ,&1 (~N ('.I (j-<k ~ CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREO,NO,t e t......s Cfl./,!7["(){)TELE.,~.:l '-l -7 .J..~-'Y (FIRM ECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREO.NO. TELE, FIRM~PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREO.NO CONTRACTOR TELE. K FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREO.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. • 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2~39," • office of community developmellt BUILDING PER/·1IT ISSUA NCE TI ME FRA NE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department App roval, Engineer"s (Public Works)review and approval,aPlanningDepartment revieworHealthDepartment review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated timefora total review may takeaslong asth ree weeRs . All commercial (large or small)and all multi -family permi tswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Resident ial and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime,Ho wever,i f residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryreview,these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departmentto expedite this permit as.soonaspossible. I.the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureand ti me frame, Agreed to by. Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. • • tDwn Df val 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 • office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rOCk,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Position/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) •• ., / / ". .,' "..' , J08 SCALE SHEETNO .__=-_ •IC-&-----';"":O"'....:...J:=-_ 1 OF -------=-- CALCULATED 8V_-'c.Bc==>.~OATE 7-2/-eE::> CHEC KED 8Y DATE _ 1 ,"1/ooroeEngineering Consultants P.O.Box1597 48E.Beaver CreekBlvd.,#307 Avon ,Colorado81620 303·949·7768 ·' r READ Y FOR INSPECT ~ LOCATION :~5~9 I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN QF VAIL MOV T UESWE D THUR A M ~.lYt BUILDING:~/J.A-'0 PLUMBING' ~OO T I N G S /STEEL M 0 UNDE RGROUND I o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:1 MECHANICAL:"., o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY AIR. 0 0 o FINfL o FINAL ()§for:f ROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE -----.:..+--=--L..,~.I---=:....-.--IN SPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF!ROJECT DA TE 7UI2 1)....JOBi1 5 39/ READ YFOR I NSPECTION: LOCAT ION :,cZ 2 ,;{'.P' INSPECTION REQUEST · TOWN OF VAIL •,//71"'./) ,;(1 /t:0'&~..r~....«c:«/~{C--i'/4J/t CALLER &elf-"(/4')(U MON ~WED TH t%FRI AM ~a c ,.,v ~__j)u ~~J 'J.,.(.&..«/'?-I--;{,'/ilJ i/ J d/, .. , BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW,V_ o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB ~SHE~~CK ,NAIL (0 ~A .A.1 "••"II)a/I"/A ,,,·u .zQ o FINAL 1 .,J.;oI,V u FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:. o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 ....0 o FINAL o FINAL 'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE .7---=:2'/'9C o DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR --Ir- o REINSPECTION REQUIRED _____AM eoFRI INSPECTION REQUEST · TOWN OF VAIL CALLER NAME -------LL~~~~~---:4___,____:,___---- READY FOR L OCA T ION :---,-":;r<---=.-L-::,.=.----.:.L------!..~-=-"----=-----=-___.d'_:::it_...L-'--------------- PERM IT NUMBER OFPRO JECT DATE j /1 Jf !qZ_JOBr'I o FOU NDAT ION /STEEL BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /STEE L PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ RO OF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GAS PIPING o I NSULATION ~~.-------r-,";-------.,.0 POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETR9CK N-?-IL 1/12J./'L r --------------~J\Ali It{;'~t.IU,/A)lJj)J I ~IJj'),/0 o FI ~AL /\.....I /0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER -'--_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o F INAL .)~',A PP R O V E D,o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR]-27-2'-..DA T E ---;l------==---'--_.L--.:::::!!!!I""-,---,-- INSPECTION REQUEST · ().TOWN OF VAIL lP CC /C-C))u::n CAL LER =rn A.OIl!~~:4'3 I I NSPECTIO:-~TU ES /fED THUR -----Ie PMd)~~""-D-"",S,-",,a,,-,,--_---,,-,~y--_ I O JEC T DA T E --'=~f----'--+--J-_L-_JO B N AME ---"'=-_---'=-----'__----.l>..L...::~~=~------- R EADYFOR LOCATION: BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /S TEEL o FO UNDATION /STEEL o FRAMI NG R OOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 "..-_ ~I N A L PLUMBING: o UND ERGROUND _ o R OUG H /D W.V ._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL , ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o F)NAL MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED • D ATE --------'¥--""-~'--'----f--INSPECTOR Project Application•--. \' P ro jec t Name:QA\,L)"-""W~:....·-=?\-,-·_ Project Description :~to ct0vf <\M £!Af-t Vdzvi 1M V\oyL----lL.l,~~L___ C onta c t Person and Phone 0 Owner,A ddressandPh one :\}ietv'f CAA.0V 0. _____-!:.Z:::::......S1!....L</'4:::CbI---Am-=.:ft..l....--\>Y"....::.........+J-1.J-l~~--C::!-~.:::..-.:...-...:-- A rch itec t ,Address and Ph one:_ Comm ents:_ .' DesignReviewBoard D ate _ Motion by : Second ed by : APP ROVAL D IS APPROVA L ..' ~t a f f Approva l DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: -.• DRB APPLICATION •RELD APR 7 1992 *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required bv the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements .Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipUlate.ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued.Application will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:UIC<.;,f -Cet.g «/4//...f ..IJKlvJ2. Wtl-./"'.&~e.r ers4..i~1f C~r e k z.~1/Wt IiC.)~()Y./L (/.2/5!../1 .,t-£.-,M./«!~.-0&&t!>,:.,A cI~;/2Id ~.vI !h ?'-1'l'-/4:::s::~/a-..;".,.,.._ LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: Address ./l.S.2¥:~A /)/L Legal Description Lot ~Block __~c:=-_ Subdivision ~/I .tb u¥llr~zon~ng _'--------- NAME OF APPLICANT:_,0 C-TOk!-II.L«CL/# Mailing Address:,,;<;[;J.S ctLOS,I'I Lu-../ !4t 1 (:,.K/?-L2 Phone "'/7t--Z~3 9 _~ NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:R.r &4.ta Uv <::....'¥Y <:» Mailing Address:~:ij'2-J l.L/~f 0&~/?,«<"tt C Phone ....::.-p L/-;7,2 Z;'/ NAME OF OWNERS:;1'c6'~-=:W C C .e.,,/d~_ SIGNATURE (S):~..r__~~--.~=~.~_._ Mailing Address :..-2 -(..at elMsS '~GoL.:::..-::--_ 1!I1:/1 U K/bS7 Phone (;f7~-7t>'~ Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is paid for. yALUATION $~-$10,000 $10,001 -$50,000 $50,001 -$l .§.O-rOO ~$1 5 0 '0 01 -$-500,000 $500,-$1,000,000 $ver $1,000,000 :Hr."\)O- $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 ". ,.:t>::}{...."::,;'~:~,n~;:;;zBWW;H~~,~'\%.tBMnll:tM;lWitW@MN:'M1Ut'#JffiilWMttUl:;:;::,:A ,:.',::3.,............ J ~.TOWN OF VAIL it DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT:,::' SALES ACTIONFORM NAME Jlim V (j{t'-C ICC DATE:1h1q r. :ACCOUNT;$lO::i:,;.;::,!;,;':i ~;Ii ~i ~&;';ii ~t;';,YfEM:f:iliI:jil ~11;1 1~1 ~;f~i 1 t:fui:'l;i/J.$m *U t I No:;lli ;,t f'CosT EA;E?iill ili §frofAC:sIi 01 ססoo41330 COM.DEV.APPLICATION FEES PEe 01 ססoo4 1540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS S5.oo 01 ססoo42415 UNIFORM BUD.DING CODE S50.oo 01 000042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36 .00 01 0000 4 2415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRECODE $36 .00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECfRICALCODE S30.OO 01 ססoo 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS I '"01 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS (MYLARS )$7.00 I":'0 1 0000 42 412 XEROX COPIES I STUDIES $0 .25 '"0 1 0000 42 371 PENALTY FEES I RE·INSPECTIO NSy.• o:} 0 1 0000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEESI~'0 1 0000 4 1412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0 1 0000 41330 OTHER FEES I :::0 1 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00I"" 01 0000 0 1 000 0 I,?l./'()VTr.Art'.Pr r ,;p rt'Don at i n ';s 01 0000 4B11 ROARn ll"FFC:/SO~5V~ 05;2~a~~COMMENTS :'t(;i:;:'f ".:'1 ( \I .n /)(7 1/'---/7 :~l If t.U'-..y ,-1)f\/~J )I )I ss • TOWN OF l.,1~IL Miscellaneous Cash 13 4 -(1('-92 10:20:00 I':ece i P t It 094:::2:. Recount # th crop CliCC u:r',C'ESI GN RE~J I E~J E:O~F:[)FEE::. ~mcunt tendered )50.00 Item paid 01 O~m041331 £100 Rll'lount paid TH~NK YOU '<'COt.or-C;}Shlet-STEPHRrHE. onroe Engineering Consultants 7-z /-!38DATE--''---=''-_ OATE _ R..•__.:...c.==...:....=-__ 1 c.Ec..CALCULA TEO B Y_---===>-~_ JOB CHECKEO B Y _303 -949-7768 P.O.Box1597 48E.BeaverCreekBlvd.,#307 Avon,Colorado 81620 SC ALE .........".1... ...............•..........•...T···· ......;.:.. .. ,, I Iij.................................... +.. ••_••••;j ••••••••••+- 1 !.....!......r I •••.••j •••••.i I····r..·....·..··· , ii i ········1···_·_···1····"!-+.."""1 , ......•••j.. ~.n·.~!~:~,.~~.tl'".....:"\,"="'.Q.:- ,,.,~e "'s:.\u •Q --.,......",>-·./O"'·"L '!.:.'--i'$',•./:'0 •••'_.........'.I,~'0 ....,~..~..., :1 II11 ;:I CO .....\\\' ,III"IJU~'\'\ 7 r":; y ·-----"--......---i'''''':....,------,o/''·······T ·····,,···I ·······i\·~·········+..·..·..+..·····..r..· !2 l'4 Ike'lJJ i ......r ·········111't 'T'I : .·····..··f·j.··1··-: !.I l ~l..."1"I .1...1 ··T ·········\..· ....1 .........1'••• "'j'" .-...-•.........~.. i , ................l .l l,, I 5 ........t" ...···r·· "T ..........1....7.. ,I:...:. 1 (1)i ,,..~t/I , j '''-r •••••j ••••••••••.••••••••••r ";;".+,~\t- ~'"J~..!.~€I#'L,.I i i..······r··..·;········i "1",.. •J••••••I !.1.. 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CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE JULY 7,1988 DATE Ju PERMITNO. 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION IIIIII IV V 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 8.000 DIVISION 12 2.34 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERALDESCRIPTION OFWDRK :~PLUMBING REPLACE EXISTING CRIBWALL WITH ::> ...J«MECHANICALCONCRETEWALL.> \TOTAL $8,000 TYPEGROUP G .R .F.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V R-3 8,000 BUILDING PERMIT 99 #$PLANCHECK en ELECTRICAL r!1r!!t NEW()ALTERATION XXX ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR()PLUMBING ~ DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS__MECHANICAL ~HEIGHT INFT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATIONFEE INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT.WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPEELEC.GAS TOTALPERMITFEES OF ~nQ nn SOLAR WOOD HEAT JOENORRIS JULY 29,1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:BUilDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s..!'!.INITIAL f-RICLPYLMAN __--------ST.CUT 7DNING ADM INISTRATOR DATE BLASTING !zONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. CLEANUPTO:VICTORH.CUCCIA ---1P~,A~..&-----C:---t:?~.: 2528 AROSA DRIVE .d':=i'1--'I -~- VAIL CO 81658 SIGNATURE OF OWN!iRORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ,AND THE OWNER. TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT o BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICALIXkCRIBWALL tGAL LOT 7 BLK C ESC .FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE 1ST OBNAME:CUCCIACRIBWALL, OWNER NAME VICTORH.CUCCIA 2528 AROSA DR MAIL ADDRESS CITY VAIL PH.6-7639 ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM R &1.CONCRETE CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.106-S TELE.524-7274 FIRM LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO . TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. 1M print.ry /v811 "; " ,.,.. I "-r~0/!t):. NOTE-COPY b:g'ERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE ~)~\:;':)' X TE '/-/}.1.THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILING -PERMIT' ) n CONSTRUCTION PERMIT\. ,r" 'y .-,DA (IF APPLICABLE~""'-II l.Let ter from condo assn. lown 0 vail'"I.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION IIIIII IVet)2.2 Sets pf co n p l ete drawings/explanatio 'j(,-,Y..department of community development 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHI BUILDlflG 'DOD ~..- ***PLEASE FILL OUR WHER E THE (X)~1ARKS ARE! DIVISIONI ~~Me...02-z ELECTRICAL x TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT Q ·X....~/~~'::~?~~~I?~WbK //)~/7//.,.7/7 -c PLUMBING TYPEOF PERMIT ::J ...J 0(XoBUILDINGoPLUMBING~J'/.~A//'/).e-7-~t;~/>M ECHANICAL o ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION '"., TOTAL %OOD :v'-XoMECHANICAL0TYPEGROUPG.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT '7 BlK C.-sr=<Z..-'"t..tl 000 W BUILDING PERMIT a«.E!a.'; DESC.FILING t//1.i a«.Ie },<//",<-6 1 1."ezr»12:?PL ANCHECKI"NAME ,\:'""":,''''<"--'-","',,"-,0;,:,/EL ECTRICAL WNER NAME ,4c :10r2-iI.Cuc:c_;'usw ()ALTERATION (1.15 ADDITIO NAL ()REPAIR()PLUMBING MAil ADDRESS;ZI ~~.srf 01"-DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL CITY L~41 i (~PH.i?'-7(39 HEIGHT INFT.__NO.FIREP LACES --RECREATIONFEE ARCHITECT FIRM t I 'i!:INS ULA TlON:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD FLOOR ~MAIL ADDR ESS.!VO lY 'CLEAN ·UPDEPOSIT I 100 . EXT.WALLS USE TAXCITYPH. FIRM N".-p~/t':~_J1g 0F GENERAL /t:>t;-t{;TYPEELEC.GAS TQIAL PER M)17FEES ;)..LtCl ~CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.OF --.s--;J..Cf~727t.C HEAT SOLAR WOOD r /~J{.r'-----::Itlf~~--TELE. '4 'ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:I3 ~N G OF ~L .ATEfiRMAca"u --- ICT"'CAl /r ).s:!i INITIAL TOWN Of VAIL REG.NO .---------------TRACTOR ST.CUT WNING ADMIN ISTRATOR DATE TELE.BLASTING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: fiRM 4/0to R/PARKING PLUMBING I ' TOWN OF VAIL REG,NO, CONTRACTOR DEMO TELE. FIRM ~0£-I hereby acknowledge that I havereadth is appli cation .filled outin full t he information required, MECHANICAL I 'completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that a il the information provided asrequ ired is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL REG .NO .ag ree to comply w ith the informat ion and plot plan,to comply with a ll Town ord i nances andstate TELE. laws,andto build this structure acco rding t c the Town 's zon ing and subdivision codes,design FIRM !Z J .L Coack!e- review approved,Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances ofthe Town appl icable thereto. OTHER .XX ·~~--A7 --ff ~~-<~I I>~,STOWNOFVAilREG.NO .SI GNATURE O F OWNEW"OA CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRflCTOR T ELE .S l ~.'\l'l J A ND THEOW NER. ( \ x x X X \.fA.onroe Engineering .t.!tants P.O.Box1597 48 E.Beaver CreekBlvd.,#307 Avon ,Colorado81620 303-949·7768 TO &:4"L c..-o"Ic...R.E.-T£,. Po.130,¢/05:4 £/tGtL£,CO .8 /b 3/ O AT£7 -2/~138 I J OB NO . A T TEN T ION .B /E.L IZ t>,e 4-!COL./c.t=:..,V RE ,PE-rAIN I "-I G \/\/1+1.-1 -=::£-Hc /')I v .F WEARE SENDING YOU ,Mj,ttached 0 Under separate cov er via the following items: o SpecificationsoSamplesoPlans 0 _ o Pr ints o Change order o Shopdrawin gs o Copyof letter COPIES DATE N O.DESCRIPTION /7-Z/-6{3.J2 J£/A-I N II'J~I AI ff-l--L-"!S::-H£DuU; THESEARETRANSMITIEDascheckedbelow: 0 _ o Resubmit copiesforapproval o Subm it __cop ies for distribution o Return __corrected prints o Approved assubm itted o Approvedasnoted o Returnedfor corrections o Forapproval ~For youruse d>¢.s requested o Forreviewandcomment o FOR BIDSDUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOANTOUS REMARKS _ COPY TO,____________________~ It .ne/oauru .r.not ..not.d.kln~:~~o~~:lIC cO ""~V: ., 7-Z /-et:?DATE_<--="------- DATE _ CoNCPF.~J O B _R-_"----"--'-==..c..==------~ SHEET No.__...:1::....OF =__:_ c..ec CHE CKED B Y _ Monroe Engdg Consultants P.O.Box1597 48E.BeaverCreek Blvd .•#307 Avon,Colorado 81620 303 ·949·7768 I ....L T I. i i i'I..·l ..··r ..·:··L ,! ..·..T ..,.. •.•j .••.••.•••l... ""T"I ......1.....~, Re.--rAJN1NGt I .!., SCALE .......,!.....!.i i i i..,.....--_..! I I•.•.••••f.••••• I j":....•..1 cnree Engineering Consullan .\,,\I~IA""D"IIII '..""to"-~,I II '....'~•••••••"IOA~~',~,~_..\G\~T:.Ilt!·....~~.~~~.·lf o••(;~ ...........•('C"~ ••••j ••.•..--=..•....,,~...~.......-.- .......1.. ......·..1 ! ...·····f······, :...••....j •• A ...•"1 ",,,,, I "T lU..:t ,...I"'----'-'---"---.rl', .•......-... ;, ,..,!,.. "! .....!... ! '''1 ........j ,1". ..•••••••:•...•••.•..1...•••.••..l•..••..••..~•.•,. ......!.1 . ! i I··....i····..rt ....................,, I i .........!J .·1 ,••.••r ..f.~l .~~pp ,·~j : Jy ..~rq C?./,:.:s;I .. , I .......•..... ,, I I....:·.·.1"·..T· I ••4 1.1·.. ! +\.............•....-;.......•.... ....I · ! .He-IGHT ! A c .••.•.j .. "/\\'Z:.~.:'I~Cr/... \,\../,~:??.... ..L......L··r:··~~· I ............J...• .........i !1 ,1~.. .:.2 '-f I"1.l . ::.::.L...::·j ..::.·:.T:.·:..l~.~.:.........>~~~.~~j .I I 1 ,I I !···•···..l"..·~···l······~\..r :~-'O !._,.·~··········l · -INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL• PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ~//I/W .I I READYFOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION ::;~dR '{1(D CALLER TUESWED .1,)/----@ PM BUILDING: ,£FOOTINGS /STEEL r«:_ (o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o ~I N A L _ o DISAPPROVED PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ----~/ QII~b~()")INDATEINSPECTOR -L/i \I 7 J 7 11Mp'int.r,f~a l l IN TION 'REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE -+-=---..:=---_JOB NAME CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION :MONTUES LOCATION :Q2.2B pdZO$A. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEER o PLYWOOD NAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ ~FvJ M&!S--fc.fL..- (0 FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ oGAS PIPING _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL • ELECTRICAL: oTEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ (cI{Y),PPROVED -/c d RRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -+-.::::;H-+~f--{,.4,-L-----INSPECTOR:--#::....--I-----I-..()!..!2::~~_ .. J PM_____AM TION ·REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL C r I £tv /J / . I C FRI IN r:1/<:(0>'CA LLER ~~CiU E§)WED THURS~:!;}s-o r A !Jt-LOCATION :-'--__~___'__''__=____'''_....:.....:.____'_<__'___ READ Y FOR I NSPECTION : z: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT f/7,lfF BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &SHEER o GAS PIPING•o PLYWOOD NAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 J(FINAL r-.'L o FINAL, ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 tJ FI NAL o FINAL C ~~P P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED AREC TIONS: r- DA TE -9-'-t----'--4-1'---1.ou,.L..----- I INSPECTOR ~d-..:...-L.f---tJ~~~=--------- TE:'!P O ~.Il.R Y Certif icate of 'Occupancy Co unty of Eag le Depa rtT.ent ofPlanni ng and Dev elopmen t Bui lding Divisi on ,--" Thiscertificate issued purs uant tothe re1uirew.ents of Section 306 ofthe Uniform Building Co de certifying tha t at thetimeof issuance this structure was incompliance wit h the vari ous res olutions ofthecounty regulating building construction oruse fo r t he followin g: DavidKi ttNM·1E:.-----~-------------------------- R-3Group _Use Clas si fic at i on Sinnle Fa mily Residence BuildingPe rm it No .1614 Type Construction V Fire Zone 3 Use Zone RSL-------- Ow ner ofBuilding Victor H.Cuccia 2815 'lay Street,Eau Clair,Hi sc,54701 Buildi"OffiCial~~ Date 9-db-fC> Building Address -=-..:..---:::c-_-A-_ .. •DEPT.FILE COPY VALIDATION BUILDING I I ~ PERM IT .------::-~=:7"--- BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 David Kitt Bo x (NO .) 1 (PROPOSEDUSE ) PERMIT TO Co nstruct Si ngle Fami cl.Y-1 STORY ----;c=:=-=--=c::-:-~~~mNgFuNlTs__~_ (T YPE OF I MPROVEMENTI NO . Lot 7,BlockC,#1 (NO.)(STREET) (CROSS STREET)(CROSS S TREET) :l:B ETWEEN --;-;:=-:-::==,----ANO --;-::=:::-:==,..-_ ..'----------------....;..------------------....;.....;...--;..;..------_......Va il dasSchone 7 G '"g BU I LOING ISTOBE FT.W IOE BY FT.LO NG BY FT.IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CON FORM IN CONSTRUCTION OJ UpperEagle (TY PE) o Z TOT YPE USE GROUP BAS EMEN TWA LLS OR FOUN OATION .,-------.,._ ~ Ito ..REMARKS:-.,.,-.....,..,.-:-'<--,.,...,-...,."..",...,,-=---.,.:--r..,.....-r-~__.-----------------------------'--'-----=-- A REA OR $ VOLUME ESTIMATEO COST (C UBIC/SQUAREF EETI OWNER Victor H.Cuccia AOORESS 2815 May Street,Ea u Cla ir Wisconsin 54701 Plan Check Fee-$239.00 120,000 ~~~M IT $478.00 ::""'~~~ (Affidaviton reverse sid.of application to be campleted by authorized agent of owner) & -.--~..-----.....-C::::;;;::i:::--- INSPECTION RECORD ..:, "DA TE NOT E P R O G R ES S -C R IT I CI SMS A ND R EM AR KS INS .PECTOR ",'. ",.';;-, " -,'.(" ,,~"~..;..,"~'''''\'.';,.':.,,...... -,r-,-,,'!"".....-~:~~...--:" , "" 0 ....'J.; -;,..." •... Applicantto completenu mberedspaces only. •-•BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of _ 1 i o .,<;•·z ~••0 0·~•·JOB .&.0011II £5 $ P HONE ....A I L AO OA[SS Ime ......IL A O OR£S S P HONr. ~/O 2.4 e PtUE ~328-7Zk4 P !'I 0 ...[ 71S:-~~-.3fo5'CI I LO T N O . LEGoA '_1 OEseR.7 '....93 D~~{c;·kH+ AIlilCH I TECT 011'O £'$I(ON[III 4SJ:PLA;f£R .......11.6,0 0 "'£5 5 PH ONE LI C ENSE NO . 5 L ENDER ""A IL A OD'U:SS 6 8 Class ofwork:o ADDITION o ALTERATION ·0 REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Oescr ibe work:JJ€k.;H 0 lJjC 10 Change ofuse from Change of use to U11Valuationofwork:$PLAN CHECK F EE ,;(51 (Do lPER MIT FEE fJ8.00 SPECIAL CO ND ITIONS :. o ccucanc v G roup D ivision 1------------------------------1 Si ze o fB ldg. (Total)SQ .F t . N o .o f Stories Max . o cc ,L oad APPLICATION AC CEPTE D B ....PlANSCH ECI<EO BY ",P PR OVE 0 F OR ISSU AN c eB Y Use F ire Sprinklers Z one R equ i red Dves D Na N o .o f D welli ng U nits OFFST RE ET P ARKING SPAC ES , Covered I u ne o v ere d NOTICE SEPA RATE PE RMITS AR E REQ U IRE DFORE LECTR ICA L.PLU MB· ING.H EAT ING.V ENTI LATI NG OR A IR CONDITIONING . THI S PERMIT BECOME S NU LL AN D VOID IFWOR K O RCONSTRUC- T ION AUTH OR IZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 12 0D AYS.OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WO RKI S SUSPENDEDOR AB ANDONED FORA PERIOD OF 120 DAYS A T ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENC ED . I HE REBY C ERTIFY THAT IH AVE READ AND E XAMINED T HIS AP.UCAT ION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN D CORRECT. AL L "ROVIS IONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOV ERN ING T HIS TYPE "F WORK WILL BE COMPLIED W ITH WHETHER SPECIFIE D HEREIN OR NO T .T HE GR ANTING OF A PERMIT DOES N OT PRESUr-<E TO GIVE A UT HORIT Y TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PR OVISIONS ~AN Y OTHER S TATE OR LOC AL LAW REG ULATING:8=0k1fE PERFORMANCE OF ;~;T_;~'ON. S IGNATU lllt 0 1"CO HT.....CTO ..0..A UTHOlllIZ£O AGEN T (DAT E) Sp ecialA pprov als Z ON ING HE ALT H DEPT. FI RE O EPT . S O IL R E PO RT OTHER (Spe cify ) Required R ece ived Not R equ ired 10 1.'-fL T7/7.DC. SI GNA TU llt£0 "OWNER '1'O WN(1Il Il UIl-DEIII:OATEI WHEN PR OPERLY VALIDATED UN THI S SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PER MIT /to Ill. CASHM.O.C K.PERMIT VALIDATI ON INSPECTOR .z:i2r ..:z-~-eo C ASHM.O. Form 100.1 1-77 PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK. • INSPECTION APPROVALS • DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS : SETBAC K T RENCH ..\ REINFORC ING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHERPROOF ING CONCRETESLAB - FRAMING INT .LATHING OR DRYWALL EX T .LATHING MASONR Y FINAL USESPACE BELOW FORNOTES ,FOLLOW-UP,ETC. 1BUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION •• I 0 r i;>·z Jurisdiction of "·.."0 0 "Applicant t o complete numbered spaces only."··u oe ADO A CSS I COT NO ./'C"c ~':TLEGA"I 10SE £A TTA CHED SHE ET )1 DESC ".7 'I II ,_-<..to -I::"....~~~ OWNE IIl MAI L "C OlliE S!".PH ONE 2V/c:.+OR H,CL CC /A 28/5"mAyst.E:.A.U CLP.\l~.aos.S""t 70 I 7 1:;_,•~\3oz. CON TIIIACTOA M ....I L AODIU SS P HON£.L ICEN SE N O. 3 t .:I ,<-t L ~,~~... ,-'4LlAvi~~"~.I ~~i AIIICHIT[CT 0111 DE S IGNER M AI L A DDRE SS P HO ....E LICENSt NO. 4::J,t:rl-.I-\l +....R-.'-. UIC IN[[R M A I L A O DAES 5 PH O ....t LI CE Ns e N O . 5 L END E R M AI L A OOtl E SS 8 "ANCH - 6 U S E 0"e U ILOING 7 -,,~"A ....~" 8 Class of work:YJ NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPA IR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work: 'v .'-,I.C 10 Change ofuse from Change of useto 11 Valuationofwork:$I 4_~...PLANC HEC K FEE IPER MIT FEE I SP EC I ALCO NDI TIONS :Type of O ccupancy Cons t.Gr o up D ivision S ize o f Bldg .N o.o f Max . (Tota l)S Q.Ft.St o ries Occ .L oad Fire Use Fire Sprink l ers APPLI CA liON A CCEPTED B Y P LANS CHE CK ED 8 Y APPRO VED F OR ISS UANCE B Y Z one Z o ne R e cut red DVes ONo N o.o f OFFSTREET PA RKIN G S P ACES , D w elli n gU nits C overe d I U nc overed NOTICE S pecial Approvals R equired Received Not Required SE PA RAT E PER MITSA RE R E QUI RED F OR ELE CT RICAL,P LUMB·ZONING lN G ,H EATIN G.VENTILATING OR A IR CONDITIO NING.H EALTH DEPT . THIS PE RMIT BECOMES NULL AN D VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· T ION AUTHO R IZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHI N 120 DAYS,O R F IRE D EPT. IF CONSTRUCT ION OR WOR K IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPO R T FOR A P ERIOD OF 120 DA YS AT ANY T IME A FTER WORK IS CO MMEN CED.O T HER (Specify) I H EREBY C E RTIFY THAT I H AVE R EADA NDE X AMINED THIS A PPLICATI ONAN D KNOW T HE SAME TO B E TR UE AND CORRECT . A LL PROV ISIONS OF LAWS AN D O RDINANCES GOVE RNING THI S TY PE OF WO RK W ILL BE COMPLIED WITH W HETHER SPEC IFIED HEREIN O R N OT.TH E GRANT ING OF A P ERMIT DOES NOT P RESUM ET O GIVE A UT HORI TY TO VIOLATE OR CANCE L THE PR OVISIONS OF ANY O THER STATE OR LOCAL LA W REGULATING ,CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFOR MA NCE OF CONSTRUCTION . 7 I"'L I >-=\~-H-2---..,;I') S I CON"AT UR[O F'CONTRAC TOR OR AUT HOR IZED A GENT (O AT E. ~I GNA T 'JIt[0 "Oo'YN[R I ,.O WNEIII IIUI L DElIIJ O ATE) WHEN P ROPERLYV AL IDATED (IN T HIS S PAC E}THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDAT ION CK .M.O .CASH PERMIT VA LIDAT I ON CK .M.O.CASH EXTRA COpy For m 100.1 1-77 ... County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N~1798 Building Valuation $. Electrical Valuation $. • Job Name .vJ~~.'?I..~.U .~.~J.~R.~~i~.e.~~~.2528 Arosa Drive Date of Application ?.l?.)~JJ.r:'JL 19 ~9 . Electrical contracto r ~~.(L~~~i~K.1 .c;.. Avon,Colorado 81620 Applicant . SllDature APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $n,.Qo . $. $~.?:.QQ . P lan Che cker Date .-J..;2A .80..~_l._...._{"l••••••••••••_••••••••••• Da te Date paid 28..AP.r .~.\198'O'. Received BY .#-.i)y:t.:'!.Sf!D. BuildingPermit #1614 Receipt #6327 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED 'ON .JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ELECT ~AL PERMIT APPLIaATION 3 Jur isd ictio n of_l-<...£..7L--""~_'-=--",""'""":.<ol~'"---";~_ Applicanttoco mplete numbered spaces only. o •0~. ~. •0e·~•• OSE E AT TACH ED SH EET I P HONE 3 <2/;')M-e?iCL-)i7L :Ji=.;s ~9~9~N~c;-/ ~\'''IITE CT OR DE S IENEl'I ~MA IL ADDRE S S •P HOJ.E 4 LI C ENSE NO . // 8 A A".CH L IC E NS E NO.PHOi'olE o REPA IRoALTERATION MAIL ADD RES S o ADDITION~N E W E NG INEE R 5 L ENDER 6 US E OF'a U ILD ING 7 8 Class ofwork: 9 Des cribe work: P ERMITFEE S No .Each Fee SPECIAL CONOITIONS : RECEPTACLE LIGHT SW ITCH Total Outlets APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY :PLANS CHECK ED BY 'APPR OVED f OR ISSUANCE BY LI GHTING F IXTURES T ota l Fixtu res RAN GES CLO.ORYER WT R .HTR . NOTICE I HE REBY CE RT IFY THAT I H AV E R EA DA ND EX AMINE D T HIS APPLICATI ON AN DKN OW THE S AME TO BE TR UE A ND C OR RE CT . AL LP R O VISIONS OF LAWS AN D ORD INANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WI LL BE C OM P LIE D WIT H WHETHER SP ECIFI ED H EREIN OR NOT .T HE GR ANTI NG O FAP ERMIT DO ES N OT PRES UME TO GIVE AUTHO R ITY T O VIOLAT EO RC ANCE L THE P ROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STA TE O RL O CAL LAW RE GULA TIN G CONSTRU CTIO N O R T HE PER FORM AN CE O F CON ST RU C TION . G ARB AGE D ISP.S TA.COOK T OP DISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. SPA CE HTR.STA.APPL.V.H .P.MAX. M OTORS ,H .P . NO.TRANS. SIGNS NO.LAMPS SERViCE 0·200Af-:...:..:.-'-----t--+---+---+--j 201 ·400A TEMP.POWER U POLE ~UNDGD.I .'I -v") TOTAL FEE OVER 60DA 401·600ADNEW o CHANGE PERM IT ISSUING FEE IDA TE lSIGNATURE01"OWNER I f'D INNER euu ..OEAJ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /7 1fJ PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH PERM IT VALIDATION CK .M .O.CASH INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11 ·73 RKORDER "RO M:INT ERNATIONAL C ON FE RENCE OF BUILDING OFF iCiALS ••:Wl)'S .WORKMAN M IL L IItOAD.W HITTI .R .CALIf"._0601 3-·-TIONAlPERMITAPPL_.... 0 5~·z Jurisdiction of ">•0 0• Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."••v ce ADO A (55 LOT N O. 1 m IT ••e T Lt ••L I []sEE A T TACHED SHEET )1 DE SCI't . QWNr."MAIL AO O'U:SS '".PHO NE 2 CON T""'C:r O"-/--../..~M AIL AD DR E SS P HONE L ICENSE N O. 3e;t7Fw ~/c6Y6'~ AACHIT IC T 0"DESI Go NER .......I L AD DRE SS P 1-1 01\1 [LICEN SE N O. 4 EN GI NE ER M AI L A DDAE:S $jilH ON[L ICENSENO . 5 LE N C IA ""'....I L.ADDfI [S S IUlIAHeM 6 U SE O F BUILD ING 7 8 Class ofwork:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR. 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No.Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPLICATION AC CEPTED B Y P LANS CHECKED BY AP P ROVE DFO RI SSUANCE B Y FIXTURES RANGES CLO.DRYER WTR.HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE DISP.STA.COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED TH IS OISH .WASH.CLOTHES WASH . APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT .SPACE HTR.STA.APPL.1/2 H .P.MAX . ALL PRO VISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES G OVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED MOTORS ,H .P. HEREIN OR N OT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PR OVISIONS OF ANY O THER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CO N ST RUC TIO N OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.NO.TRANS . SIGNS NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER OPOLE EJUNDGD. SERVICE 0·200A 201·400A ONEW 401·600A SI GNATU RE O F CONT"ACTO"OR 4.UTHOR IZEO AGENT (o A TtI o CHANGE OVER 600A PERMIT ISSUING FEE $ I G"....TU A[0"OW NE R 'I'OW NE R S UI LOER O AT E)TOTAL FEE • WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK .M.O.CASH Form 1 00.3 11 -73 RE O RD ER F ftO M:INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS.'UG S .WORKMAN MILL ROAD.WHITTI.".CAL'''••0&01 Pf arminq Comm ission Fil eN o._ EAGLE COUNTY BU ~G PERMIT APPLICA T ION .... F INAL :C/O IN SP~~N.LANDSCAPE INS PECTIO NWRM R eview Rou ti ng F orm ()Pri m ar y Routing ()R erou ti ng, s:i-:~D ~H,(!~HJ Date Referred Appl icant £i=7 Blll~I'" Permit No. Review and return to the County Building Official within 6 working days Reviewed by:Date::J-Et-~{) Commer Its~--</::t.¥:...~~)11~!LJ.:::-...f:=.~rlJ'.LL.Jf...-.Jd.~LJ..~:""""---/-,L-_ Planning:Complies with: S ubdivis i on Regulations Zoning R egula tions S iteP lan (Landscaping) County Engineer:Roads 00 Grading 00 Drainage 00 o 0 R ecommend Approval:_ Comments:AkJr 1.1@mi4>fl'rtl Recommend Approval : DO Final Inspection :C 0 Recommend Approva l Comments: C ounty Hea lth :Water S an itation P e rc.t es t Comments :------.,..........---::---If------.,,,L----=------+~#_--~I__--- Filial Inspection:Landscaping Recommend Approval 00 Comments:--------------------------------- by _C/O I ssued Final F ili ng Date _ Date._ 2 CAS HM.O.CK. , CA 0 PERMIT VA LIDATIONCASH PERMIT A M.D. , N CK.PLANCHECK VA LIDATION PLUMBI G PPLI TI N I 0 t ~~•z Jurisdiction of "•a 0 0a Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."g g J oe A DD J\II [55 I LO THO.BL K IT"T )U/f'b-SLEGAL-(~I OSE£A TTACHED S HEE T!t O Es eR ./)C I 'I /)V:e D WNE Jt MA IL AOO"'[55 z,.PHONE 2 \.),lln 'r l--\(",V -.:'"(~-Z-~(0 M ev;~-t-'-(i.L;{AW(<-,J 7;)v-z-.~/l/7 3 CONTOS:V'IC l _s:l-ltC I-.c:AD 2UIJ ¥(l or'1 21}t:t!.9:.(.. L ICENSE NO. }/1 -'c; 4 A IltC...I TE C T O llt D ESI GN"I M ,If 'L ADDI'I E5S PHONE LICENSE NO. EN GINE ER ""AI L.AOORI.S5 P HONE L ICENSENO . 5 LEND ER M AIL AODIIt £SS alll"NCH 6 U SE or 8 UIL DING 7 8 Class ofwork:ANEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work:(c)r.'vV\-~"\V\Q I PERMIT FEES No.Type of FlxtUN or 118m F_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS :~WATER CLOSET (TOILET)St:.0 0 ::2."BATHTUB 1_I.....n ~LAVATORY (WASH BASIN)r.I....."'" SHOWER "- I K ITCHEN SINK &OISP.~hr... I DISHWASHER :?:~" APPLICATIONACCEPTEO BY .PLANS CHE CKED BY AP PROVED FOR I SSUA NCEB Y LAUNDRY TRAY I CLOTHES WASHER "'7 ..b\ /WATER HEATER 'Z In ) NOTICE URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN I HEREBY C ERTIF Y THATIH AVE READ AN D EXAM INE D TH IS APP LICATIO N A ND KNOW TH E S AMET O B E TR UEA NDC ORREC T.FLOOR --SINK OR DRAIN AL L PRO VISI ON S OF LA WS AND O RD I NA NCES GOV ERNING THIS SLOPSINK TY PE OF WORK WILL BE CO MPLI ED W ITH WH ET HER S PECIFIED I GASSYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS ?~ HE REIN OR N OT.T HE G R AN TING OF A PERM IT DO ES NOT WATER PIPING &TREATING EQU IP . PR E SU ME TO G IVE AUTHORITY TO V IOLATE O R C ANCEL THE WASTE INTERCEPTOR P ROVI SI ONS OF AN Y OTHER S TATEO R L O CAL L AW REGULATI NG C O NSTR UCTION O R T HE PER F OR MAN CE O F CONSTR UCTION .VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM ~jJ VlS"h .dJ .SEWER :<:7/0$r: CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT "~~.C DH T RAC j "0"A UT"O ~0 AGEH ~-/IOA TE II PERMIT sIn ~ TOTAL FEE SI:S?,Q OcSIGNATUlt£,OWN E R I I"OWNER B UILDE.RI D ATE) WHE N PROPERLY VAL IDATED liN T HIS SPACE )THIS IS YOUR PERM IT A',.r!rr Form 100.2 1 1-73 'U[OIUUUt "'''0'':IN TERNAT IO NALC ONFER EN CEO F BUILDIN GO FFICIA LS.IHO S .WO"KMAN MI LL ,,"OAO.WHITT'.".CALI". 2 IWHENPROPERLYVALIDATEDUNTHISSPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMI T PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ) I 0 ~~•z Jur isd iction of ~•~0 0•Applicant to completenumberedspaces only.~••Jo e ADOR E SS -I LO T NO.O LK ITo t ),, L E GAL./(D~E E ATTAC HEO SH EETI10[,5c,..r t I ;or r I I t D W"'E R 0 M AIL ADD REss ZIP PH ONE 2 I I ,-;'/-,.4&'1 ,-1 r '-'"r A')'........I ..,1...-,), C ONTRACTO R ~lJ L #....Al L A OOOESS '( PHO",t LI CEN SE.N O. 3 -,::>rei f •,t/7/(jr//'//",4'v,I 'I;,i h ';, 4 "'IHHlfteT OFr DES l CON \,-'I M'«IL ADD RESS P HONE 'L I C EN SE 1'4 0 1 ENG I NEER ""'All.ADDRESS P HONE LI C ENS E NO . 5 .•T ~.,f .t •-a,.I t L ENDE R MAIL A DO "E SS ."ANCH 6 USE 01"8U ILDING 7 8 Class ofwork:~N E W o ADDITION oALTERAnON o REPAIR 9 Desc ribe work:\J L \",/1 \(~\V\Q •I PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fixture or Igm F .. SPECIA L CONO IT IONS :":l WATER CLOSET (TO ILET)$(,' -:-BATHTUB -.- ~LAVATORY (WASH BAS IN);- SHOWER ... I KI TCHEN S INK &DISP.-7 '"'I DISHWASHER .,.......~ APPLICATION ACC EPTED BY :PLANS C HECK ED s v A PPROVED FOA I SSUAN ce B Y .0 LAUNDRY TRAY /CLOT HES WASHER -;1 . I WATER HEATER '.-?I' NOTICE 0 UR INAL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND E XAMINED THIS DRINKING FOUNTA IN '. APPLI CAT ION AND KNOW TH ES AMET O BE T RUEAN D CORRECT .FLOOR '-SINK OR DRA IN ALL PROVISIO NS OF LAWS AND O RDI NA NCES GO VERNING THiS SLOP SIN K TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPEC IFIED I G ASSYSTEM S,NO .OUTL ET S ...., HEREIN OR NOT.T HE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT W ATER PIP ING &TR EATING EQU IP . P RESUME T OG IVE AUTHO RITY T O V IOLATE OR C ANCEL T HE W ASTE I NTERCEPTOR PROV ISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE O RL OCAL LAWR EGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF C ONSTRUCTION .V ACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEW ER 0¢r C ESSPOOL ~'S E PT IC TANK &PIT (~1 J1/1 ~~..:-r ~/A .....- S IG NAT UR [.,Of'CON T lII Ac ,olrtnt A U TH 0t.,lE D ~G£N ...-I DA T El PERMIT $/I -C-, TOTAL FE E $':i.:lSlc;NA TUtllF;0"OWNE'"I "DWNE lIll a U ILOE'"(DA T E ':.d·; PLANCHECK VALIDAT ION CK.M.D.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.D.CASH AUDIT F or m 1 0 0.2 1 1·73 ..K OIllDR ......O M :INTERNATI ONAL CO N F ER ENCE OF BUILDING OFF ICIALS._MO ••WOR KMA N MILL RO AD.WH I T TI.IIt .CA L I".....t I .;:i'.r .P.,r ~.Victor (~c i.a2m5'a.y ';t.r e at r a u Claire .,~i:::c o n si n 5'1701 Al'·C I T(,E;Cl'l)~A,co.ervor.....f 1"I'F.f.: 27M W.Cortirm Lane ~/'-ItJ VAn "C lil,()1 l i\l)O 8tf5?{£I / 17(.-57Y? RECEIVED MAR '2 8 1%0 Dept.af l 'i'II:.l:il£:l,0 2'....el. Eagle.CO llnly,Colo. va t 1e roby a pprove y our pl ans ll nrl spec if1cutions s uhmit tod f or a ~i h ouse on l..o t 7 ,.n.oc k c .VAII.LA.S SG {:),,£.I~il i ns:;•EIl!~l e Count y . t 'U'l fo lIo i n".,stipulat.ions I Le f a mily ColorAdo \-lib e r lan....to be at l east 2 f eet.all around leo ny to '1.qve a mo l'C solid An d fmolosoo Ilpr..oar-!ll1ce Foof 11119 to h e 10wol'"Od o n u pper j.J<'l.rt o f bui l d il'Y~no l~r nrct ,1teet •s sug ;'ostion Fireplac e t o b e lrou,:I ·t to f~rolmd level n ntl '11f.!,'1,enou.~l l to ,"ea t . county h\lnrl lnt ~COOE) ~.o C/1 ,.s or othm'ohstructions on c ou nty rond ,'hie '-l ~us t b o completely 01 00.1'a ta ll times R&~Rod f QU odll.t1Dn or mo:PO soor l1le tlllooecar'snaKes n s~ead 0c edar s~ingles as per dmsc u s sion ,10 a dditio nal liviTl!~unit s hall be doveloped u it"lin t "J05C structuros before seok:\.m a nd obtainil1[;(approval from t '1e f a :;::l e County l'n pt .o f anni~~a nd level o p ne nt as t ',o lot a ppenr-s too s mn ll f or two dwe ll irw nn i ts ur.dor V Ie :01 m ty Zonin~"es i l ut i ol1 . HE'lC Omr,lond as I1I Ue11 lanllscaping as poso ibl€l ,i !lcl utli nl~troos . Arr:f futuro a dditio ns ,alterati ons includinr~c olo r e 'lan<;os .eto ,must be 5uhni tted for a p p rov al to t 110 ;'\rC"i too t urnl Control CorI1!!'!itteo . Lour s F. c .c .t opt .o f Pl a nm,'1"a nd r.eve lo pr.l c n t ~a~l (1 County /~f{ REBUEST COUNTY /'1 EAGLE ~ ,;&/n".. INSPE.ONBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 DATE JOBNAME :'2-"-;=;:1---X'"""" TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER --,;n..z...L.'-'/'-"/""./-")---''--~'--'---------_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woesFRAMINGFINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON WED THUR FRI ----',....~"""__A M@ COMMENTS:_ o REINSPECT~R OV E D 0 DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- '171-It -:>9 /h/-i REI3UESTON EAGLE COUNTY • JOB NAME v,(It'. ~~PM CALLE R __.:....!!.c....o...:..:......--.:;_--=-..:...-----:~..:....:..'_'____!....!.:___':.::....:~__ BUILDING DIVISION p'.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 DATE 7 17'[0. TIME RECEIVED IL I r '. PARTIAL ELECTRICAL • TEMPORARY LOCATION: MECHANICAL PARTIAL VENTILATION LOCATION: PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL LOCATION: COVER PARTIAL BUILDING FOUNDATION FRAMING LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED APPROVED o DI SAPP ROVE D DATE :I-/rt {'lO -r !I '/( EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 INSPE ION REBUEST , DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~~_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTfLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR /foP I COMMENTS:__--'----'__--'-....:..>..._-"---'---'-----'-_--"-"'--=-"'----'-=-=---'---"-'--"'-_--;---"-_ o APPROVED I D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS -: ---'-.....:.....---'~=---~--'-----~,-'--....,....----=-----'---=~"---'~~----- DATE .., 17(,'7(,31 /?/f REGUEST COUNTY ONINSPEBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE 7·,1 7.-f'(\JOB NAME _---''---'''-:-;----'_.;..:..:::...-..:.........:........:::=------ TIMERECEIVED 9 .I"';lAM PM CALLER _---'--"":-:~=-'-:..:...:...:.---'---------'-'-::..-~-=-~-­'-..r-" BUILDING FOUNDATION FRAMING PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAl.LOCATION _ MON COMMENTS: b{!J-=, READY FORINSPECTION G.9 WED THUR ~~e;f ~s lc ;n7;/d ().(g u IJ }Z(APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED /0 UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS o REINSPECT DATE -t;/z (;1 'to I / .( BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 I INSPE REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~-'---'_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woesFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION I FRI_----"AMPMTHURWED , TUEMON I COMMENTS:__~_----!._:"----!c.~"---!--L:::........l-"__-'-"'_--:'-=-"'---'-"-"'-~---'~'---~C:==--"'::' , Q APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE r '/ ./ I I -- ION EAGLE COUNTY /2· BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE JOBNAME ~rl-s:?'.//'__ TIME RECEIVED AMPM f CALLER ..::?;?TL.z..::./~1'---__:::=P;:_---'=~---~---------})..»/J .-1.e, BUILDING FRAMING PARTIAL ,LOCATION: COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING W DesVENEERFINAL HOODS ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: '" ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PART I 'AL.LOCATION _ MON TUE READY FORINSPECTION WED FRI ~~-?:::...A M PI\! / / o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTlONS _ DATE !l:-/'i -(i O ff~/(P I'! ON REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY """-r'a INSPEBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOBNAME ~TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLE R __.L...<::::....>:<~=-!.._----'==--~:2_~__---------------- LOCATION _o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY :STANDPIPE FINAL woes OODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION ,LOCATION:LOCATION: MON TUE FRI -'-AMPM APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- I. \ \ ... \ DATE , \ PARTIAL TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL d~(,-,1/<'//>/J U lt.dJI LOCATION: 4/"1 REGUESTON EAGLE COUNTY «: ---~n_/h I,.l ... ,I',-'p ~/;:,<J INSPEC (/ BUILOING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ROUGH VENTILATION FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FRAMING FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION o REINSPECToDISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- ./1 DATE '/-2=.2-9r2 EAGLE COUNTY REGUEST /1/ ONINSPEBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 DATE I JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PARTIAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL VENTrLATION EATING PARTIAL FINAL ROUGH STANDPIPE woes PARTIALPARTIAL FOUNDATION FRAMING LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON ? TUE WED THUR FRI I (:, ./o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE f J• .1, /c,J"-I REGUESTON Ii I EAGLE COUNTY 6,/('(;" /'~r:f" INSPEBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 ·6339 DATE "f.:)9,?.o JOB NAME _--I.~-"I C::""':';;//,"-,Y:"""":'-7"'-'-'-'~~_ TIMERECEIVED ;3 ._.2,.Q r A MI PM CALL ER ---..:..;,..:..-"--''-7---:-----'-'-'--''-''-....:.......<:.....:....-'-'-'------ BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: / o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION --:-_ READY FORINSPECTION THURWEDMON COMMENTS:-=f.4~=-~-.=..-.::...:.!.J,!.:.s+-~:4"...-~~~--'-~==------------ ~APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED / /E},UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS C "'Y4 /7 (/~ I AJ ~"!~/AI ct / o REINSPECT DATE I EAGLE COUNTY INSPE REGUEST v BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED A ~PM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTILATION FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FRAMING FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: DOTH ER 0 PARTI Al.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR L.; COMMENTS:-----+-..::.---'---'---------=-.!....:....---c----~~------.:..-..:..-.----~--------------------- ~APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT ,3)UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : J I CORRECTIONS ____--L ~....:......-!...::---:..-'==----------------;__------------------------- DATE (I 10 EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 INSPEC ON /4:>/1 REGUEST =,j DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER __-""=--..<:::...~~~_:::..----'~"_;==_--------------------- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: DOTH ER 0 PARTIAL. MON TUE READY FORINSPECTION WED ~FRI -=-:='7--'-:-_AM <@.) COMMENTS :__ APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE ~-.:OJ ~/-~ /Ctlt REGUEST c ~.l ... ON EAGLE COUNTY//r/i_~//: INSPEBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE c:;----/(;-~7(J JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH ENTILATION STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATiON:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION: ~ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. MON TUE READY FORINSPECTION AMPM If:}'"1\PP ROV ED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE ?::'------L 5'.-;TO :::> EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 ON REBUEST DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woes FRAMING FINAL HOODS FINAL FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:.:.:-_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 INSPE ON /y,/f REGUEST DATE (."/7,8 0 JOBNAME _--,-V.:..:.l r......:....;/a:----'~'-"/~/-'r_'/'::'~O"':~-'--L.!-------____:------ TIME RECEIVE 'D ?'ir AM fpM)CALLER .".11 r,,1 ~if J-f~---'/-;=-=----'--::::O~~"'--'-;-(/------'-'-.:..::....-.<....:===-- BUILDING FOUNDATION FRAMING PARTIAL ,LOCATION: COVER PARTIAL LOCATION : PLUMBING PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTrLATION PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTIONeTUEWEDTHUR COMMENTS:Jh/¥:f1,~),5:&:4 ~A ;~. FRI f d :,tis-APM, A'~L--7 ~;;f;£2 Z7tt' D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 //j INSPE REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR ,L'J /T /OJ-'A P PRO VED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 ,tY?#/(P/j" INSPE REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY ./ />,,i.,,., BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH ENTrLATION FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR +-AMPM COMMENTS :---':-- o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : .. 0 APPROVED I o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT CORRECTIONS--------------------------- DATE -J -\\_41'1 \po EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 INSPE ON / REGUEST DATE 'I JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED __-,--_AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATlON TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE VENEER woe SFINAL ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :------------------------------------- o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE .IF /~1'/ REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY (Jt?t''''~/~ INSPEctiON•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 DATE 9"-.;19·~o JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---------;:=7f-=-=-=z...:....------- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION TEMPORARY HEATING FRAMING HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: / ,f ~"'" o OTHER o PARTIAL.LOCATION .fl/4<e ¥7~-W(JiJ ~o15 READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED FRI AMPM .t:J",t~tCOMMENTS:r:/j I [fJ'A P PRO VED o DISAPPROVED [B-EINSPECT / j DATE §1(;,/ REGUESTON EAGLE COUNTY ~L. INSPE ... BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE ~~J.JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER -'--_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION TEMPORARY SHEETROCK TANDPIPE woesFRAMING OODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION 1//', ," MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:------,--.:.......:.-='-----"--------'-"-'-".,..-----'----=------------------ lIJ APPROVED o DISAPPROVED "..GJ UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS -------------''--'--''---------------~---- / I DATE til..I /0/'-( REGUESTINSPE'-ON EAGLE CO U N- ,!f?-.:59 ?'/2r~ /~DING D IVISION • P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 ·6339 ., BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDP IPE woe SFRAMINGFINAL PAR TIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ M ON TUE READY FORINSPECTION WED ~FRI,----'(.......:;"?:.....-AM ® COMMENTS:_ APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED \ ,0'UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : COR~ECTIONS l-27 d/f ~~h-V o REINSPECT DATE 1c ti f r lie •C cl i ce 6 .1 .ive .~ -•- BO ft.RD OF ADJ USH!ENT STATE OF COLORADO h ~5j D BEFORE THE ZON ING COUNTY OF EAGLE, RE SOLUTI ON NO.----"-"-----.;..;;--=---- IJHE REAS,\ll c,/[!K C,/\)(LI{-\did file ana pplicatio n wi thth e Pl a nnlno Departmentofthe County ofEagle,Sta te of Col orado,on orabout Z-l X-YO ________,for a vari ance fr om the stri ct a oplication ofthe Zoning Resoluti on,County of E a~le,State of Col orado,1974,as amended,with respect t o 1 of 713k'(tftttL DAs c CUow (Prope rty description)locate d wi thintheuninco rporated area of E~e /County,Colorado:and !,JHEREA S,said application requested a variance to /1 1,)/1 ,~{c,{)N ; a nd .G ~. WHERE AS,the Zoning BoardofAdjustment is veste d withthe power to pr ant or deny such variances by virtue of Secti on 30-28-11 7 and30-28-118 C.R.S . 1973,as amende d,and Secti on 9"04 ofth e Zoni ng Reso 1ut i on,County of Eagle,St ate of Colorado,1974as amended;and WHEREAS,a public hear ing wa s heldbefore the Zoning Board ofAdjustmenton 4--=.J I:>-srv :and WHE REAS ,based on theevidenc e,testimony,e xhib its,study ofthe master plan for th e unincor porated area ofthe Co unty,commentsofthe Ea~le Count y PlanningDepartment,comm ents of public officialsandagenc ies,and, comments from theappl icant andal l interested parties,the Zoning Boa rd of Adjustment finds as follow s: 1 .That proper posting,pu blication and public notice was ~ro ­ videdas required by law for the heari ng befor the Zoning Board of Adjustm ent . 2.Thatthe hearin g before the Zoning Bo ard of Adju stment was e xtensive and complete,that a ll pertinent f acts,matters and issues we res ubm ittedandth at al l interested oartieswere heard at s aid hearing. ------3,---That an unnecessary and un reasonable hardship will be imp osed -----ont he property owner if the provisi on s ofthe Zoning Re solution a re strictly enforc ed. 4.Thatthe circumstance s creating thehardship werein ex istence onthe effective date of thezoningre gulat i ons f rom which t he ".- variance is requested.or were created sub sequently through no fault of the applicant. 5.Thatthe property for which the variance is reouested possesses exc eptional narrowness,shallowness,shape or topoqraph y which doesnotoccur generally to other oroperty inthe s ame Zone Oi s tri c t. 6 .Thatthe variance,if qranted,will notdi minish the value,use or e njoyme nt of adjacent properties.nor curtail desirable l i ght, air and open s paceinthene iqhborhood. 7 .Thatthe variance,if aranted,~/ill notbedire ctly contrary t o the intent andpur pose of t he Zonin g Res olution and/o r the Master Plan of the County of Eagle,State ofColorado . 8 .Tha tthe f ollowinq s pecificf indin gs offac t were ascertained: (St ate specific facts i .e.traffic,congestion,parking etc .) NmJ,THE RE FORE,be it resolved bythe Zon i ng Boa rdof Adj ust men t,Count y of Eagle,St ate of Colorado: THA T,t he applicant's req uest for a va ri anceto Mil l ,<;')i;)'[:5FtTlfff~ andherebyis approved. THAT,said variance i s conditiona luponthefo llowina rest ricti ons: 10Dfrlf-Cfrrr :::>t-.':Tt?d h A ::"9//liJ ~;;L.f7'd">'0 (-C-t 2..s;I ~-u'11 j l ,-I.tf~r 5IcrrH f\Lj(,I -c:/1r\J ~.::Tl.nt ()c f")!.,'5 I THAT,any violation of the t ermsof this resolution may resul t in rehearing and possib le revo ca t ion. J2fu It!q11w·rJ secondedtheadoptionoftheforegoi ng Reso 1ution .The ro ll hav ing beenca lled,thevote was as follows: ..,- U~Ai i l:E;')~~~1fJf1;1Jl~~L_vo t i nq rfPl U1 0) (N NW ~e?)(No) (N M-IE)vo t i nq ®)(No) (rJAf'IE )t i no ~(No ) (NAI '1E)vot in g @.s.1 (No ) .> This reso lu ti on adopted by _S vote of th e Zoni nn Co u nty of Eao l e,Sta te of Colorado,t h is (ot!£- 19 xo . Bo ar d of Ad justmen t, day of Itpe Il., "PLICATION FOR VAHIANC_ from th e Zoning Re solution of Eagle County ,Colorado to the Zoning Board of Adjustments "t- (minimum)!'cop ies required;print or type,except signatures) Section 9.04.05 .1 File No.2 {-'i/-ye1 Fee Pa;d '35".DC) Date reed ..,3I'#::, by:----~:/~/ Applicant/Owner Vi ct or H .Rnd A li ce E .C U Cci R Mail Address 2R15 May 8 t --'-L-Eau Cla ire .','r 54701 Phone:71 S-8"'14-4302 1.Regulation and Section Number(s)of Zoning Resolution from which Variance is sought: Minimum Re tbacks "'I .OS .07 ("'I ) 2.Present Zone R /S/M 3.General Io~ation of property (in relation toa Town,Road,Stream or other landmark): West Vail -A rosa Drive 4.Legal description of property a.Subdivision Name Vai l das S ch one .Filin g l Lot-1-B II~,or, b.metes and bounds (may be attached)include surveyor map: 5.Brief Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached):Mo re des i rable orien- tation to e xi s ti ng neighbo ring h Bme s ,and to original lot c ont o ur s . 6.Attach explanation that ona or more conditions exist wider Sec.9.04.06,1-5. 7.Statement: A complete I ist of ~owners addresses,of the property proposed for Variance and of all owners of ~adjacent properties is attached hereto;this signatory is properly authori ed to make appl icati on for Var iance->stated hereon •~._/), ~••.~~~~b.~ Signature of authorized a ...I icant;owner?XX Date 2-28-80 office usc Application accepted as complete for Public Hearing on ~/~L I f ft:! date Appl ication rejected as in complete for Public Hearing because: ..;- Poge 1 of 2 ,.. At tachmentt o Appl i cat ion f or Vari an ce Vi ct or H.and Klice E .Cu cci a 6 .1 .Unne cessary hard s hin :Lo ss of fu ll bene fito f pass ive s o lar h eat ing .Varr ance wou ld a llow mor eo f f-ro ad park ing space and snows to rage a rea ,u l us easier ac cess t od riveway uark ing a rea . 4 .Vari anc ewill enhance,r at her t hand im in ish ,d es i rab le li ght,a ir,an do pen space o fi mm e di ate ne ighbo rs . ,.. Attachment to ~p pl icat i on fo rVari an ce - 7.Owne rs of p ro perty proposed f orVari anc e: Lo t 7Bl ockC Vi cto r H.Cuccia ,281 5 May s t.,Eau Cl aire,v;I 547 01' Alice E .Cucc ia sam e Lo t6 Blo ckC Mulroon ey,Dani el &Mau re en,Box 3224 ,Vail,CO 8 1657 "John &Ba rb a r a same Lot 8Bl ock C Rap son,Ho wa r-d M.,Box 987,Vail,CO 8 1657 Pu ryear,Susan T.same Lots 1 6,17,18,19 Bloc k CChamo nix Ch alet sBldgs .E&F Living ston,Louis F .&Ann P. 700 Fl a gst aff Star Rt.,Boulder,CO80302 Shei ls ,Merrill M.,1185 Park Ave.,New York,NY 10028 Grove,Lefebre &N i lson 316 So,124th s t.,Omaha,NE 68154 Holsten,Rich ard &Jeane M.,Box 1246,Vail,CO 81657 Barnes,Richard Box 698,Vail,CO 81657 Br ady,Don ald,9041 S.Exch ange Ave.,Chic a go,IL 60617 Ferrigan,Robert same Lun dgren,M.Clare &M 6Gee,Box 1594,Vail,CO 8 1657 "Beverly M.&Mo rgan M.s ame "Constance ·same Fo wler,Leslie R &J aneL . 7273 Old Post Ro ad,Boulder,CO 80301 Lot 6 Block E Moretti,Ce sare &Fr a n .Box 37,Vail,CO 8 1657 Lo t3 Block D Wilt,Ma rk E.&VeraR.,Vail,CO 8 1657 Lot 7 Bl ock E Crowder,George &Gail,Box1 603,Vail,CO8 1657 Gagnon,JI~a.r i o n S .&Ge r aed M.,Box 78 7.Va il,CO 8 1657 .PLl C ATI ON FOR VAR IANCE. from the Z oning Resolution o f Eagl eC ounty ,C olor a do to the Zoning Board of Adjustments (minimum 2 copies required;print or type,except signatures) S ect i on 9.04.05 (Requir-ed Fee is $35.00) File NO .~2 y'-r/-ftJ Fee Paid 3S.u I Date reed .i by :_ Receipt #___ Appli cant/Owner 'vi ctor H .and Alice E.Cuccia Mail Address 281 5 May St .,Eau Claire.WI 547 0ll?h::lne:715-834-4302 1 .Regulation and Section Numberf s)of Zoning Resolution from which Variance i s sought: ..:P-;t\,/)I /lbl \."5ET/=3kl<S "5.05 .07 (3) 2.Present Zone B lslM 3 .Gen eral l ocat iono fp rop erty (in r ela ti on t oaTown,Road,S treamo r o ther l andm ark ): ~st V ail -Arosa D ri ve 4.L egal descr,iption o f property ., a.Subd ivis ion Name Va il das S chone ,Fi1inel L ot-LB1 k..-JL,o r, b.metes and bounds (may be attached)include surveyor map: 5 .Brief Purpose and Re ason for V ariance (may be attached);More desirable orien- tation to existing neighboring homes,and to original lot c ontour s.', 6.Attach explanation that one or more conditio ns exist under S ec.9 .04.06 ,1-5. A'statement: A complete l ist of ~owners addresses,of the property prop osed for Variance and of all owners of ~adjacent p r operties is attached hereto;this signatory is properly authori .ed to m ake app ica iQn fo r Variance statc Z'<Ii:&~_ xx Date 2 -28-80 office u sc Appl ication accepted as comp lete for Pub lic Hearing on~_ date Application re ject ed as incomp lete for Public Hearing because: by:__-,--,---_ pl anning admi ni str ator Page 1 of 2 d ate •4tt ac hmertt to Appl i cat i on for Vari an ce Vi ctor H.an d ~lice E.Cucci a • 6 .1.Unnecess ary hardsh ip :Lo ss of f ul l b e ne fi t of pa ssive Bol ar he ating .Va ri ance woul d allo wmore off-ro ad pa rk ing s a ce an d s now s to r agea rea ,p l us e ac i e r a c c es s to d ri veway park ing a r ea . 4 .Vari anc e ill e nhan ce,r ath er t han d im in i sh,d esi rable light ,n ir,an do pe n space o f i mme di ate n e ighbo rs . •......•Att a chment to ~p p lic ati on fo rVari an ce 7.b wn er s of prop e rty prop osed for Vari an c e: IJot 7 Bloc k C Vi cto r H.Cucci a,2815 May Pt .,Eau Cl aire,1,'1 54 701 Alice E .Cuc ci a sam e Lot 6 Bl o c k C Mulroone y ,Dani el &Maureen ,Box 3224,Vail,CO 8 1657 "John &Ba r b a r a sam e Lot 8Bl ock C Ra p son,Ho wa r-d M.,Box 987,Vail ,CO 8 1657 Pur yea r,SusanT.sam e Lo ts 1 6 ,17 ,18,19 BlockCChamo ni x Ch al et sBldgs .E &F Livin gs ton,Loui sF .&AnnP. 700 Fl ag st a ff s tar Rt .,Bould e r,CO80302 She i ls ,Merrill M.,11 85 Pa r k Av e .,New Yo r k ,NY 1 0028 Grove,Le fe bre &I i l son 31 6 So ,1 24t h st .,Oma h a,NE 68 1 5 4 Hol st e n ,Ri chard &J e an e M.,Box12 46,Vail,CO 8 1 657 Ba rnes,Ric ha rd Box 698 ,Vai l,CO 8 1 6 57 Br ady ,Don al d,90 41S.Exc hang e Ave .,Chicago,IL 60617 F errig n,Robert s ame Lun dgre n,M.Cl are &~6 Gee ,Box 1 594,Va il,CO 816 57 "Beve rl y M.&Morgan M.a ame "Con s t an ce s am e Fo ·ler,Le sl ieR &J ane L. 72 73Ol d PostRo ad,Bo ul der,CO 8030 1 Lo t 6 BlockE r oretti ,Cesare ,~~F r an .Box 37 ,Va.il,CO 8 16 57 Lot 3 Blo c k D Wilt,Ma r k E.&Vera R.,Va il ,CO 81 6 57 Lot 7Blo ckE Cro wder,Geo r ge &Gail ,Box1 603,Va i l,CO 8 1 6 57 Ga gnon,Ma r ion S.&Ge r a l?d M.,Box7 87,Vail,CO 8 1 6 57 i ,, EAGLE COUNTY Co mmunity Develop men~ EAcfLE?CJ~6R)l6d 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328·7311 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 24 1 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 .. 6 March 1980 ANIMAL SHELTER 949·4292 ASSESSOR E xt 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION E xt 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER E xt 217 CO UNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTE NSION AGE NT E xt 247 LIBRA RY Ext 25S PUB LI C HEALTH EagleE xt 252 Vail 476·5844 PLA NNI NG Ex t 226 or 229 PURCH ASI NGI PERS ONN EL Ex t 245 ROAD &BRIDGE Ext 25 7 SH ERIFF EagleEx t211 Basalt 9 27-3244 Gilman 827-5 7S I SOCIAL SERVICES 3 28 ·63 28 TREASURER E xt 20 1 The Vail Trail P.O.Box 10 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Noticeof Public Hearing Zoninq Board ofAdjust ment -10April1980 Please publish the attached Noticeof Public Hearing asa Legal Not icein the 13 March 1980 publication of your paper. Please bill andsend affidavit of publication of this offi ce. Thank you ..NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING .- COUNTY OF EAGLE,COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given that theEagle County Zonin g Board ofAdjust ment will holdaPublicHearing beginning at10:00 A.M.on 10April 1980 inaccordancewith Section 9.04of the Eagle County Zoning Resolut ion. SaidHearing will include the following: File No.Zv-88-80 -Edmund Barnes Re qu est:Variance from the Lotareabased on Lot Slope,section 4.02 .03 of the Zoning Resolution. Location:Lot4,Block 8,Vail Intermountain Subdivision File No.Zv-89-80 -Eagle Radio Inc. Reques t:Variance from the Minimum Setbackin the Resource Zone Location :Northof Minturn between County Road and the railroad tracts, SW 1/4 Section 22,EagleCounty,Colorado File No.Zv-90-80 -Donald and JoanGeiser Request:Variance from the Minimum LotSizeinthe RSM Zone. Location:Vaildas Schone Filing #1,Lot5,BlockD File No.Zv-91-80 -Victor and Alice Cuccia Request:Variance from the Minimum LotSizein the RSM Zone. Location:Vaildas Schone Filing #1,Lot7,Block C ThisHearing will beheldin the McDonald Building,Coun ty Commissioners Meeting Room #103,550 Broadway,Eagle,Colo rado. Persons affected by a decision on this request are required to make comments to the Commission by appearing at the Hearin9,or by submitting statements in person by mailthruthe Secretary . by:KatherinePeterson Secretary,Department of Community Development •EAGLE COUNTY Eagle.Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT •~D a t e ~~.?/r£RECEIVED ,/,~ OF __-----J~~-<!.<~ CASH I~H E C 'l~/....<I.-ACCT. AMOUNT ITEM CODE Bu i lding Perm it Fee Appl ication For Subdivision Application Zone Change Conditional Use SpecialUse V ariance .~/...i?5 c?t:7 Appeal Fee Code :(Bu i ld i ng)(Zoning)(Subd ivision) Total Received ...i?~c::'c::? . By ~,....-e.--'7 6167 All Item s are received for collect ion only and thi s receipt shall be cancelled for no -payment of an yi tem. Re :Su-120-79-F -Eagle Hi ll s A.~:Final Plat Review of9l otsi n RRzone. B.Da c kground :This a ppl i cation conce rns atra ct of l andadjacen t t o Up pe r Kaiba bwit h access f rom Ki rk lan e .Th e 'pre lim inary pl an wa s approved on Decemb er26,1979 wit h th e fol lowingconditions: ,...t ~~@lL ~©@ QlJ ~u W OlIDU@[?@~@ ©@ WU @WU @[?(ID rru cQ]QdJWU To:"Sublect : Eagl e-County Planning Com mi ss ion Sta ff Re commend ati ons F rom:F ile N o .:ID.,,, Planni ng Sta ff March 14,1980 St a ff Recomm endation :Re comm end Tabl ing: Re:Sm-14l-79 -York Townhouses Req kes t :To subdivideduplexl ot Bac groun d :This 'a ppli cat i on concernsl ot 19 ,bl ock 6,of Wh iskey Hill compr ising approx i ma tely 24,000s q.ft .with access onto Da i s ey Lane. Sta ff Re commen dation :Re comme nd tab ling .(1)The site plan should be rev ls ~d tos how l~ndscap ing ,n ~nber ed parking spac esandcul ve rt.(2) tech n1cal correctl0nst o t hef lna l pl at(3)rece ipt of par tywall agreement. c. A. B. Sm -174-80 -Jackson and Whit e Sm -172-80-McElroy Duplex A.Reques t:To subdivide duple x 8 .B ~c k gro u nd :Thisre quest concerns l ot 94,Blec k 3 ,Eagle-Va il #1 \10,890 sq .ft.)with acces s from StoneCreek Drive. C.Sta ff Recommen dation:Re comm end a pprova l condi t i onal upon (a)r evi s i on of s l tepl an t o inc lude cul ve rt,di mension ofaccess ,numbe ring of parki ng s paces (6)and s now storage area di men sioned (b)townhouse dec la ration - (c )tec hnical correc tions t o t he f inal plat . Sm -173-8 0 -Cas adeOro Page 2 Re: A.Bequ est:Tosubdividedupl ex lot in Ea91e-Vai1. B.Backqround:Thisrequest concerns lot 4.Blk.4 .E-V fil ,co ~p r i s i ng .28acreswith accessonto Go pherRoad.Th is request ha s been tab ledf rom Dec ember 19.1979to re c ei ve a revised site pl an. C.Staff Recom mendat ion :Recorm end approval s ubject to t hesignature of t he Certlflcate of Taxes paid onthefina l plat. Re:Sm-16l-79-Shel ter Development A.Reque st:Reviewof mi nor s ubdivi s ion tos plit du plex. B.Backgro und :Th isa ppl ication conce rnsLot 3 ,';h iske y Hi ll ,and has beent able df rom t wo previousmeetings t orecei ve revi s ed si te plan showing oneac ce ss ,l andscapemateria l s ,and af inal pla t . C.Staff Re corrm enda t ion s:Re comme nd denial.No new inf onnation hasheen submi tt ed. Re : Re : Dr iveway desig n is mi ssin g andconstr uction cost should be i ncluded ins ubdivision im provements agreeme nt . Ut iliti ess hould be ~t u b bed out tol ots and realligne d outs i deof cul de sac . Propertyrequiredtoexten d ex i s ting roadway ontoth i s pr ope rtys houl d be deededas R.O.W .atthi st ime. Addit i on of plat note requiring en ~i neered design s eptic systems onalll ots. Wa tertapcommittal from town is f or 12 taps .Pre- l i minary plan s hows 13units. Easement to l ot 3 s hould beincluded . Tec hn icalco rre ct ion to fi nal pl at . Subd ivis i on Improvem ents Agreeme nt . Pavenentrequired . Erosioncontrolplan . Drivew ays be improved by Co unty and instal led bythe deve loper . Lower l ot s bephased wi t h adjace nt development . 1.) 2 .) 3.) 1.) 2 .) 3 .) 4 .) 5.) 6 .) 7 .} 8 .) 9.) C. , A.Re ques t :To s ubdivideduplex lot 8.8ackground:This request concerns l ot2 ,bl ock 7,Eagl e-Va i l #1 (.25acres)wi thaccess i nt oStoneCre e k Or lve . C.StaffRecommendati on:Recomm endapproval subject to subm i ssion of party wall agreeme nt and protective covenants . Re :Sm -175-80-Sie rra Condom ini ums A. B. C. Re quest :Tosubdivi de t wo l ots in Va il Village West #1 Background:Thisrequestconcerns l ot23 ,24of approxi ma te ly 22 ,000 sq .f t . liTOurplex now occupiesl ot23 whic h hasinadequat epark i ng.Ac cessto l ot 24 willbeprovided i nf ront of l ot 23 wh i lel ot 24wil l provi de parkingf ore xisting fo urp1ex. St af f Reco mme ndati on :Recomm end t ablin g t o re ce i ve :(1)so i lsre por t, (2)gr ad l ng pl an (3)r evegatati onand l a ndscape pla n(4)access eas ement (5)l e tter of commitment fo r wa t er , I Page 3 Page 4 Re :Su-136-BO-El Jebel We st Con ti nued Su-132-BO-P -Red Canyon Ac res -A.Request :Sketch Pl an r ev i ew o f1 79un it s on 53ac res of l an d. B.Ba c kground:Thisproject i sre quest ing azonechangeto RSI1jRM F zoningand is s it uate d imme diate ly westofthe E1 Je beli ntersecti on. C.Sta ff Re comm e ndat i on:Recommend ta bling toaddres st he f ollowing : I.Dup lex sitesshould be moved toth e east . 2.Corner lo ts s hould be l ar ge r. 3.Roadwaysystem shoul d becons idered asa f uture c onne cting sys tem ri gh t ~o f -w a y should in c ludesome collec tor widt hs . 4 .Northcornerlo ts haveaccess problems . 5.Wes tern ent rance toHighway 82 s houldbe e l im i nated. 6.Curbs,gutter and s idewa lks shouldbe provided. 7 .Sewa get reatm entshouldbe of perm anentnature.Re: 7. 8 . g. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. Buil ding envelo pes should be l ocatedf urther fr om power 1in es . Bu il ding Envel ope on l ot 41should bere lo cated,(mo ved downs l ope). Rea ll ignme nt o f Ste ngerDr.t os oftenc urve . w~t e r l iness hould be outside of cons truct ed roadwa y. F,rehydrants s hould be l ocated wi thin 300fee t of any houseora mini mumof 600 feet apart .(Di scus s withBasaltFi re Di st rict). Fea s ib i lity of E-T sew er systems s hould be eval uated on s tee per l ots.i.e.s i zi ng vs.grading . Comrni ttments toEl -Jebel Rd .mus tbe establis hed. Furtherde scri bedi s pos i tionof Ranch . Chil drens recreation s hould be i ncludedi n pl a n. A. B. C. Re:Zv-89-BO -Eagl e Radi o,I nc.-Va riance Staff Recomm endation:ThePlanningstaff re comme nds denial of th i s variance basedonthef ol l owing fact s . 1.l1ard ship has notbeen proven. 2 .Guide wiresacross t hecountyroadare aproblem. 3.Size oflo tisnot in good design. 4.Have not s eenany bui ld ingplan s todat e . Reqkes t:Prel iminary planr eviewof eig ht(8)homes ites . Ba c ground:Th is request concernsaneleven (11)ac reparce l zoned Rs L adjacentt o Hornbake rSubd ivis ion. Staff Re comm endation :Recomme ndapproval: 1.Fl rst pla t shoul ds howcle ar t it le towateruse. 2.Inform ati on on Warren Ditch . 3 .En gineerdes igned s ertic systems required. 4.~o t e onf ina l platconcerni ngroadway. Re :Su-1 34-80-P -River Oaks A.Reqk est:Preliminaryplan r evie w of3B dwelli ng units . 8 .Bacgroun d:Thisrequest concerns a parcel of i andzoned RSMand RM F.Sketch plan hasbeen approved fo r 38 un it s . C.St aff Rec ommendat ions:Recomm endta bli ng: 1.Add lt ional l nfornation isrequired concerning s lope s tabi li ty of 20 'cut si nSouthwestern cornerof project . 2 .How does drainageacross parking l ot work?Preforned conc rete swales shouldbe provided. Re :Zv-B8-80 -Edm und Barnes -Varia nce Sta ffRecomm endation :The Pl ann in gs t aff recomm endsdeni alof t hi s v arianc e basedon t he fo llowing f acts: 1 .Th at nohard shi phas been proven. 2.Va ria nce ,if gra nt ed,wo uldbe t oo great. 3.Tha tt heslo pe of th e lot c reat es pro b le~s ast opa rking and dr i vew ay. Re g u e st~Prel iminaryplanreview of 4 dupl ex l ots . Backgr oun d :This application has beentab ledfr om the February mec tino to obtain f urther det ail s on parki ng,gradin g ,driv ew ay and revegeta tion. St af f Recorlll1 enda tion:Recommend tabling .No new info nn ati on has been subml tted. C. A. B. C. Re que s t:Sketchpla nr eviewof 537units Backg round:Thisre quest concernsa408acre parcel NWof Edw ards. RS ~zoning i scurrent ly being applied f or . Sta ff Re comme ndat io n :Recomm e nd Denial. I.Propos al does not hand le t hedeve l opm ent in asensit ive f ash ion.Ar ea desig nateda high visualquality on Open Space Plan.(par tiall y i n Buffe r Area) 2.More openareasshouldbe pr ovi de di n a N-S dire cti on . 3.Double"accessmust beprovided. 4.Intersecti on shouldbe between60and so ". Su-114-80-P2 -The Va lley Ph ase V A. B. Su-1 37-80 -Ea l e Crest Re : Re :Su-l17-BO-P The Gr ange Ran ch A.1l.e9l!ill:Pre1i mi nar y pl anre vi e"of 68 l ot sinthe RR zone and B parcels i nt heAR zone. B.B~gro und :Thi s applica tion concerns a tr act of l and co~p ris i ng 390 acres of l and wi thaccess from Fender l aneand t wo-points on Up per Catt le Creek Ro ad.Developme ntpattern i nvolvesc lus t ering ont henorthwith open space i n the south. C.St af f Rec omme nda tion :Recommend tab ling.It em sof concern are: 1.lengt h ofculde sa cof Re ine r t Road. 2.Widthof bu lb s houldbe gO 'rad ius. 3.Additi onaldetail s on int ersectionwith Up per cattle Creek Rd. 4 .Water System shoul d bedesigned forgravity f low t o alll ots. 5.Wellsi t e shouldbe l e ft undeveloped. 6 .Ad ditional Op enSpace shouldbe providedona No rth-South al lig nme nti ncenter ofdevel opme nt. • I • Page 5 Continued 5 .Re -vegetat onplan has notbeen subm itted as tospecia l use condit ons. 6 .Va il assoc ates lease ? • :', I Re :2v-90-80 -Oo nald Geiser -Va riance Staff Recommenda tion:The Planning s t aff recomm endsdenial on t his var iance basedonthefollowing: 1.That ahardship has notbeen proven. 2.That the l ot i stoo sma ll based on the Zo ning Resolutio n ofEagle Cou nty. 2v-91-80 -Victo r Cuccia -Variance Staff Recommendation :ThePlanning staff recommends approval on this variancebasedonthe following : 1.Variance of3.5 feet ononesid e and 2 .5 feet on t heother isnot great enough tocause probl em s . 2 .Also ,t hat t he walls ont hese s ides arenotso lid continued wa lls,theyare broken . 3.Owner should contactl otowners on both sides f or approve1. • EAGLE COUNTY Community Deve lo pment P.O.Rox 179 EAGLE ,COLQRAqO 816:31 TELE PHONE 30 3 /328·7311 BOARD Of'COUNTY CO MMISSIO NERS E xt 24 1 AD MI NISTI'lAT ION E xt 24 1 A NI MAL SHELTER 949 ·4292 A SSESSOR E xt 202 BU I LDI NG IN I NSPECTI ON E xt 226 or 2 29 CLERK & R E CORD ER E xt 217 COUJ>lTY AT TOR NEY Ext 242 ENGINEER E xt 236 ENVIRON MENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 E XT E NSION AGENT E xt 2 47 LI BR AR Y E xt 2 S5 PUB LIC H EALTH Eagle Ex t2 52 Vail 4 76·5 844 PLA N NING E xt 2 26 o r 22 9 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL E xt 2 45 R OAD &BRIDGE E x t25 7 SHE RIFF EagleEx t 2 11 Basalt 927-3244 Gi l man 82 7·5751 SOC IA L SE RV ICES 328 ·632 8 T R EA SURER E xt 2 0I •• March20 ,1980 Victo rCuccia 281 5 ~l ay st. Eau Cla ire,His consin 54701 Re:File No.Zv -91 -80 The Plannino Commission,at thei r me etinoon March 19,1980 reco mmended approval of you rva ri ancere - ques t.Thisrec omm endationwill bepassed on t o the Zoning Boardof Adju stment sonApri l 10,1980. If youhave any question s,plea secontact thi s office. Respect fully yours, ,/'}.~yf---././~--"""--<..-t 4 -=-~t:L.__.--.-~ JimWilliam s Zon ing Inspector cc:Zoning BoardofAdjus tme nt • •RE CEIVI MA R 1 i 1980 Dep t.of Plmrung t.e De't'el.. !agle,.COUJlly,CoIQ. intratect_ p.o}box57 va~Lco1oradO 81867 8278677 March 10,1980 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle,Colorado 81631 Subject:Cuccia Residence Variance Gentlemen: Asa consultant to the West Vail Architectural Control Committee,I reviewed plans for the proposed variance requested by Mr.Victor Cuccia in West Vail. It is my opinion that the request represents a more sound architectural solution as far as topo- graphy of the site is concerned.Therefore,I re- quest that the setback variance be approved unless it is determined that granting the variance would unduly impact adjacent sites on the east and west. William Pierce Architect WP:cd cc:Mr.Victor Cuccia 2815 May Street Eau Claire,Wisconsin 54701 1 35.00 • A P I L ltJAT I ON FO R Vl\fl l /\NC:': _f rorn t h o Zon ing Ilcs olt.lfi o n or_ E<.J9 1c C ou rity ,C o l orad o t o t h e Z on ing B Oo rd o f Adjusl rn oilts ·(o lln i mum 5c oploa r ()q ~i r c d;pr i pt o r tY I')C I except sig.1e.tu res ) S ec t ion 9 .04.0 5 Fi lo No .-a.·/7:77;.lZ rt>1)?CIP3£4t2 D a t o r ocd ,1;/1)2?_ by ;«~~ Ar P l i ccnl/O wncr~RAIG M oi l A ddress 130)(e29S .J-..-/~z;;e.)/.~~.;:zcc$ •_><'/;r $Fl ;Z:"'~o!ll n :rouUlltAI p.'2""""go b -5 4 ;2 -3393 fYl ICtt lGAJ 4 c(gO I T 1 .R egu l ati en and S ad lon N umb cr(s)of Z on ing R 030l u ti o n f rom .whi chV nr i a nce i s s ough t: ~3.DSDS 2 .Proso"t Zon"i"S;:..:..I'"'\....:..._ 4.L og ul d'3s Cript ion o f prope rt y 8 .Sub c1 iv iL i cn N ame~1L PAS SC.H O_N~>,r:/~jJ:1__L"t...1....B :k~_'o r, b ..m o t es .:..,'").:1 ocundz (,n oy be a ttGched)i n clude ou rvoy 0 :·mep ; N )P. _.-------------------.---------------------------..-----.-_..---..--7'-----7 ------.----------- offi ce US0 1 /j '?'77 7<: A ppli c ati ona ccopt od a o c o mplete f or Publ ie H 0UI inJ o n !ff!,~-l~ /d ate A pt'l i calion re j octod 0;"l nccm pt ct o f or PuL>1i<:f1eo rin!)bccouco ; • III d¥'~,P~v~/ uZ;cd .;, ;d~d6~g~~.J ~OO(2 J cc:zd;~ ~5? Lbuz,~'I'~Jdfff.JG 0/065.ddhA ~$, &~~~ .tb~~C: ~~~~/7a:;J~~~/.~~ P#U/Uaa.!.L%0 ~a;J£~?171jdfj7G«~£y; ~J~3/6S /t2~DL.0r~7IMv~ ~4~&::/c2~6 (/~{:!a4(O/. ~t:-1 ~07?/&- /2c»f.-/~!d-eLvrc¢!g~/56'6 ~~. ~~/J)~C/G(fS Jdef~~dL6 ~dL/.ffi1!£)&. e£~LL4~~o(od?O~I~~ dik~~-1 ?a75d/d/~A~gaLt~~~. .......~. _oi l.-:' ~"-,-..'.··.~.:.~_'i.·.·:_·i ...:.:~-~;-..- --.--.?'';.~~:.~-:..;,.-.. I I : ".: .'~:.~....'.'..... .' ...... c .;::':j1f.tr~;~~jr ,t,'.'~ .._...:••l . •• .'. ",:>•.....::.:~..:... ...It:·~.."e-__:~~_......._.~~~::.:-):,"......-"';;._~:.,,~.~',. ~........~::,,:,".':,,"...;.-..'.. -~~.;(~~_:~;: '..,.. '.~\_~..~:~_9.Y ,_~ ~~~+~~',:;J. ~.',.~ ,t"-'G~!!";~'fv).~.... ;a;.r.y W %~~ :.;-'L..6-r 1 I ~~)lo c .:'.Fi~""tM t l~li~f?'5.1': c V"l ~i?A&.1 ~~e. ··W ~I ~O t-i MEMORANDUM File No.SI-87-77 -FBN Corporat ion .Lot 3 A.Reque st:Review an d signrng o f the final plat for af our lot subdivision. B.B ack gro und:The f inal pl at is co nsi stent w ith the pr evious ly ap proved p rel iminarypl an and does r eflect t he recommended cheoqes N bpubl ic improvements are r equired w ith this su bdi vision. c.Staf f Recommendation :Re commend approval pending f inal p lat check. Fil e No ..5 e -177-n -Craw ford Exem pt ion A.Requ est :E xem ption from Subdi vi s ion Re gul a tions to sp lit a d up lex tot i nto two separate interest s. B.Bac kground:This reque stede xemption is to split a dJpl ex l o t in t he Vail Ri dge Su bdi v i s i on.This l ot was approved by the Z oni ngB oard of A djustment for a v ari ancef rom t he minimum lot si ze fo r a duplex.A building pe rmit has been i s sued for t he s tructure.• C.St aff R ecommendation :Re commend approval pend ing f i nal p lat ch eck . File N o.SI-34-77 -Lu st i9 (Shooting Star Co ndomini ums) A.R equest :R e vi ew an d signi ng of the f i nal plat f ora three unit co ndominium. B.Background:Th o fi rial pl ati s co nsistent with th e pre vi ously appro ved prel iminary pl an.N o pu b lic Irrorc verrent a ar e re qui red with th iss ubdivi sion. C.Staff R ecommendat ion.:.R e commend ap proval pending f inal plat c hec k. Fi le No.SI-85-77 -Hamby Subdi vision A.R eque st:R e vi ew an ds ign ing of the f i nalpiat for a t hree lot s ubdivision. 8.Background:The final plat is c on sistent with the p reviously appro ve prel iminary plan.No public improve ments ere r equired witht hi s subdi v is ion. C.Staff Recommendat ion:R ecommend approval pe nding final p lat check. File No.SI-86-77 -FSN Corporat ion ,Lot 4 A.R e quest:Review and s i gning of th e f inal pl atf ora four l o t subdi vi s i on. 8.Background :The final p lati s consi stent wi th t he p r evi ously approved prel .iminary plan an d does refl e ct the re commended c h anges N opu b l ic improve ments arer equired wi th t h is s ubdi v i si on .. C .Staff Recommendati on:R ecommend epproval pending fi nolp lat check. 10. 9. 11. 12. Agenda Item 8. Staff R ecommendations Page 2 Eqle.Colorado 81631P.O.Box 179550Broadway File N o.Se-174-77 -Prough-Western Exempt ion A.Re q.Jest:Exemption f rom Subdivision R egul ations to spilt a du pl ex lot Into two s ep arate inter ests. 8.B ackground:This item was t abl ed from the Plann ing Comm iss ion Meeting of 20 July '977 pendlnq submittal of a final plat.The P lat ha s been su bmi ttedan d referred tot he Surveyor for final check. C.St aff R ecommendat ion :Recom mend approval pe nding f i nal pial che ck .. DEPAn TMEN T OF PLA NNING AND DEVELOPMENT File No.Se-175-77 -Shearwood Exemption A.Request:E xemption fr om Subdivision Regulations to conf irm the split of an ex isting parcel. S.B ackground :This i temw as tabled Irom the meeting 01 20 July pendi ng su bmittal 01 af inal plat.Thep lat h as been submitted and r eferred to th e Surveyor for f inal c he c k. C.Staff Recommendat ion:Recommend approval pending final plat check.. File N o.S e-176-77 -Nottingham Ranch Co.Exemption A.R eque st:Exemp tion from Subdi vision RegUlations to split a rural h o mes itelot from a ranch. B..Backgroun d:Th e Zoning Resolution allows small homesites for properties larger than 40 acres asa use by right in the Resource Zon e,Section 3.01.03(7).This application is requesting an e x empt ion to spl it off a ~acre parcel for a separate homesite .. C.Staff Recommendat ion:Recommend approval pending submittal o f a final plat and easement agreement for legal access to the parcal .. Eagle County Planning Commission Department of PI anning and Development 10 August 1977 Staff Recommendations appearing before the E agle County Planning Commission on 17 August 1977 To : Sub]: From: Date: 6 7 r •A genda Item 5 •• Planning ~par tm€'n tlPla n ni n g Commission:Subdivision.Re zoning.App liulions and R eview l3031328..fjJ38 . Building Official:Building Pe rmi ts andI nspeencn,Zoning Administrat ion j3031 323-6339 ,'S t o ,t Aoeomrnondotlona p'age 3 Agenda Item 13. Fil e No .Z v-33-77C r aig Rus s ell A.Request:Vari ancefrom the minimum lot size requ irem ent in the Residential Suburban Medium Z one to allow constru ction ofa duplex o n on undersized l ot (se ction 3 .05.05 ofthe Zoning Resolution) B.Background:Th is l ot w a s origin ally platted with th e intention of a llowing d uplex cons truction.The Z oning Resolution su pe rsedes priorcondi tionsanddueto the requirement of B,O OO square feet of lot per dwe lling unit this lo t is undersized .This lo t contains 13,225 s quaref e et. C .St aIl Re commendation:Recomm enda ppr oval Fil e N o .Z v-32-77 -West Vail A ssocia tion . A .R equest:Variancef romthe sign code regulati.oni n the C,om mercl al Li mited Zone(Se ction 3 .07 .02(f)of the Zonmg Re ~ol u110D) B.Background:The West Vail Shopping Center ha s be en in existance for several years .A t var ious times sign s have be en added t o those origina lly approved .Thi s r eque s ti s t o all ow the p r-e s ent s igns to re mainuntilthepr esent l ease e xpire s . C.St affRecommendalto n:Recommend den i al ,All s igns s hould conform t o th e adopte d ?Do ing Resolution. 21 20 File No.Zc-6 2-77 -Ot tmar Antze A .R eque st:Zone Change from R esource toRur al Res iden tial B.B ackground:The p roperty to w est ofthis parcel is the A spen Mesa and Red Table Acres Subdivisions .The property to tr",east /s the proposed Fender Subdivision. C StaffR eco mme ndation :R ecommendapp roval e • The following it ems are for Recommendation tothe Zoning Board of A djus t m e nt 19 F ile No.Z v -31-77 -B rondes s Variance '. A.R equest:Var iance from r ear setback requ ire mentI n the Ocrrer-erctet L imi t e d Zone(Section 3 .0 7.08(b)of t he Z oning Resolut ion.) 8 ~.B ackgroun d:Th islot was rezoned from Res idential S U!:::x.:~an Mediu~ to Commercial Limi ted in 1975 .On9 June 1977 ,the ZOning acard o fAdjustment denied a request for a 50 foot reductionin.the requ i r e<:. rear se tback.Thi sappli cat ionreque sts a 49 foot reduction onthe r ecr se tback .The Z on i ng R eso lution requires are ar setback of 7 5 fe w hen t he usei sadj acent toresi denti al u ses. C.Staff Recommendation:Recommend eoproval with the condition tha the bu ilding plans as submitted are inc luded in the file and that no m ajora lterations are made . Agenda Itom 18 Staff R ecommendat ions PllgO 4 ,, .' :) I "0'I, J ., I 1 ~ File No .Sp -91-77 -E agle-Vall Go ll Club A.R equest:R e view of a p reliminaryplan for B 15 unit condominium an d addi tio nal p ark i ng f or the go l I c l ub. B .Backgr ound:The E agle -Vail P UD p lanI nd icated that Lo t 109,Blk 3 , I st o be u sed asadu plex lot w ith lot 108,Bl k 3,be ing a multiple un it lot al l owing 60 ,000 sq uare fe etof bu il ding. C.StaH R ecommendat ion:R ecommend deni al of t he preliminary plan because it i s not in conformance w ith the epproved Eagle-Veil PU D. F ile No.Sp-90 -T7 -Gr ouse MeadowsCo ndominiums A.Re quest:R ev iew ofa prelimin ary plan for11dw ell ing un its. B.B ack ground:TheGr ouse MeadowsCondominium i scon structed and occ upied .Thi s requ est isto su bd iv idethe building fo r indi vidual sa le s.TheP UD plan a l lows a minimum of Wi par king spacespe r dwell i ng unit . e .StaffRe commendati on:n ecommend appro val with thecon dition that t hepar king ar ea be i mproved fo ra ccess andretaining structures • File N o.8f -92 -77 -14 th Fairway Condominiums A .Reque st:Review and signing of t he final plat for a four lot subdi vision. B.B ac kground:This split o f a lot with an e Xisting four-plex unit was or iginally appliedforasan exemption from thesubdivision regulations.The Pla.-m ing Comm ission directed th e appl icant to r eapply through thesub di vision pro cess by c ombining sket ch,preliminaryand fi nal plans. C.St aff R ecommendation:Recommend approv al w ith the conditions th at t he par king a ccess ro ads be changedtome et county stmdards an d t hat a trash co ll ect ions torage area be prov i ded on the lot. F ile N o.Sp-88-TI -V ail DasS chone Condominiums A.R eque st:Review o fa pr elim inary subd ivision plan 'for 20 commercial unit s Ol1d 28 ctNelling units on2 .86ac res . ~.B ackground:This proposal i s to s ubd ivide t he V ail Cas Schone S hopping Ce nter bui Iding In toi ndi vidual units • C .S taff Recommendation:R ecommend ap proval when the following conditionsare me t: 1 .All si gnsar e b roughti nto conformance w ith thesi gnc ode . 2.Ap provalo f a revi seds ite p lan which Indi cates landscaping, drainage,and parking. 3 .Submittal ofan ag reementfor compl e tion of i mprovements. 15.F ile No .S p-89-77 -K and T D ev elopment A.R eq.;e st:R ev iew of apre liminary pl an to resu bd iv ideafouruni tl ot. B.B ackgrou nd:Th is lotI s approvedfor construc tion o f afour unit bu ilding. C .S taff Recommen dat ion:R eco mmend app rov al with t he condition t hat t he p ark i ng l otpl anbe amended to show snow removal and dr a inage. 16. 14. 17. •• •• • St air Recommendations Page 5 •• •• Ag endaIt em 22 Fil eNo .ZV-34-77-Susan Her-zog A.Request:V ariancefr omthe minimum side y ard setback r e quirementsi n the ResidentialSuburban Medium Zo ne (3.0 5.08(3)o fth e ZoningReso lution) B.Background:Thi s appli cation is to allow an addition to an exi sting unit o na lot InMatt erho rn Subdivision ..The hous e wa s con structedp r ior to theCo unty Zon ing Re solution so it w asno t su bject to s etback r equirement s,ho wever.the zonin g re quirement for set backs is c u rren tly ine ffe ct.Thi sh abi table addition therefore I ss ubject to the setbackof 1 2\\. C.StaffRecomme ndation:Recommendapproval ", .. ••••DE AIT~E N T OF PLANNING AND DEVE'LDP r~ENT McDonald ntdg. Kathleen Lell,Editor Eagle Valley Enterprise Eagle,Colorado 81631 550 Broadway 12 August 1977 P.O.!lox179 Eagle.Colorado 81631 Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 8 September 1977 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a "Legal Notice"in the 18 August 1977 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you, /%~/~~Mich:'cl~S.Blair · Director Plann ing D..partrn cnt/Plannin g Commi ssion:Subdivision.Rezoning.Applications and Review (303)328-6338 lluildinA"Official:Building I'..rmits andIn sp ection,Zon ing Admini strat ion (303)328·6339 •••• EPAR f4EN T OF PLAN NING AND DEVELDP iilEflT .... The Vail Trail P.O.Box7 Vail,Colorado 81657 McDonaldBldg .550 Broadway 12 August 1977 P.O.Box 179 Eagle,Colorado 81631 Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board"of Adjustment 8 September 1977 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a "Legal Notice"in the 18 August 1977 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you, p~y~/~ MIchael S.Blair Director MSB/kp Planning Dopart.mvnt /Planning Commission:Subdivi sion,Rezoning,Applications and Review (303)328·6338 BlIildin~Offieial:Illliidinl:Permits and In spection,Zoning Administration (3ll3)328·(j339 '.• .NOTICE OFPUBLIC HE~R_• ~OUNTY OF EAGLE,COLO~O Notfce is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing beginning at 10 :00 A.M.8 September 1977,in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution.Said Hearing will include the following: File No.Zv-31-77 -Leo Brandess Request:Variance from the rear s etback requirement in the Commercial Limited Zone.(Section 3.07.08(b)of the Zoning Re solution) Location:Lot 2 9,Buff er Creek Subdivision in West Vail,Eagle County, Colorado File No.Zv-32-77 -West Vail Associate s Reque st:Variance from the s ign code r:egulation in the Commercial.,. Limited Zone.(Section 3.07.02 (f )of the Zoning Resolution) Location:Vail Das Schone Shoppette Center,Lot 3,Vail Das Schone Subdivision, ,Filing #3,Eagle County,Colorado. File No.Zv-33-77,-Craig Russett Request:Variance from the minimum lot size to allow construction of a duplex on an undersized lot (Section 3.05.05 of the Zoning Resolution)• Location:Lot 7,Block C,Vail Das Schone Subdivision,Filing #1,Eagle County,Colorado. File No.Zv-34-77 -Susan Herzog Request:Variance from the minimum side yard setback requirement in the Re sidential Suburban Medium Zone,(Section 3.05.08(3)of the Zoning Resolution). Location:Lot 23,Matterhorn Village Subdivision,Eagle County,Colorado This Hearing shall be held in the McDonald Building,County Commissioners Meeting Room #103,550 Broadway,Eagle,Colorado. Persons being affected byad ecision on this reque st are invited to make comments to the Board by a p pe aring at the Hearing,or by submitting written statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary. Further information may be obtained,and comments submitted,by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development,550,Broadway,Eagle, Colorado,Phone 328-6338. By:Michael S.Blair,Secretary Zoning Board of Adjustment tv,1EMORANDUM E agl e County P lanningC ommission D e partment of Planning end Development 10 August 1977 Staff R e commendations appearing before the E agle County Planning Commission on17 August 1977 DEPAnTMENT DF PLANNING AND DEVELDPMENT F il e No .5 f-87-77 -FBN Corporati on,Lot 3 A.R eque st:R eviewan ds igningofthe f inal p l atf or a four lo t subd ivision.• B.B ackground:Th e fi nal plat i scon sister.t with the pre viously approved prel iminary plan and does reflect the recom mended chenges No pu bt tc improvementsarerequiredw ith t his subdi vi sion. C.S taff Recommendation:Recommend approval pending f inalp lat check. File No.5 e-177-77 -Crawford E xemption A.R cquest :E x empt ion fro m S ubdivision Regulat ion s to split aduplex lotin to two se parate i nterests . B.Background:This requested exempt ion isto split adup lex lo t inth e Vail Ri dge S ubdivisi on.Thi s lo t was approved b y the Zoning Soard o f Adj ust mentfo r Q variance from them in i mu m lo t size fo r a ocpfax,A buil d ing permit has been issued fo r the structure,.. C.S taff Recommenda tion :Recommend approvalpend ingf in al pl at c heck . F ile No .5 f-34-77 -Lu s tig (Shooting St ar Condominiums) A .Request:R ev iew and s igning o f the final pl at fo r a three lXl it condom inium . B .Background:Thef inal plat is consistent with the pr ev iously ap prov ed preli mi nary pi an.Nopublic i mpro ve ment s arc requi red w ith this subdivision . c .~t aff Recommen dation.:Recom m e nd appro val pendi ng f ina l p lat ch ec k. File N o .Sf-86-77 -FBN C o rpor a tion,Lot 4 A.R equest:R eview ands igning o f the f inal pi at fo r afour lot subdivis ion . 8 .B ackground:Th ef ina l plat1s cons istent w ith too prevlousty ap proved preUrninarypl an and does reflect the recommended chang es. No pu blic I mprove ments are required w ith t hissubdivis ion . C .St aff R e com mendat ion:R ec ommend approval pe nd ing final pl at ch eck . F ile No.5f-85-77 -HambyS ubdi vis ion A.R equest:R eview an d si gning oft he fin al pl atfor a t hreelo t subdivi sion . B .B ac kground:The final p latI scon sistentwi th t he p revious ly ecorove- prel lrnlnary plan .No public improvements ere r e quired wi th t his su bdiv i sion. C.Staff R ec ommendation:Recommend appro val pending f in al p lat check. 9. 10. 11. 12. Staff Recommendations Page 2 Agenda Item 8 . I I I~ r. ~ i ,I ! 1 ,I " Eagle,Colorado 81631P.O.Bn 119550Broadway!tldJouJd Bldg . F ile No .5 e-174-77 -Proug h-We stem E xe mption A .R c q;o st:E xe mption from S ubd ivis ion Regulat ionstosp lit a duplexlot i nto two s eparate inte rest s. 8.B ackground:Th is it em w as t abled f rom the Planning Commission M e eting of 20 Jul y 1977 pend ing subm ittel of a final plat.The Pl athas been s ubmi tted an d referredto the Surveyor forf in al check. C .Staff Re commendation:Recommend appro val pending final pl et check . File No .5e-176 -77 -Nottingham Ranch Co .Exemption A.Request:E xempt ion from Subdivision Re gulations to split a rural homesite lotfr oma r anch . B .B ackground:The Zoning R e solution allows small homesi tesfor pr opert ies larger than 4 0ac res as ause by right inth e Resource Zone,S e ction 3.0 1.03(7).This eppli cation i s re questing an e xempt ion to split off a ~acr e parcel fora separate hom esite. C.Staff Recommendation:Recommend approval pending submitta l of a f inal plat and easement agr eement for legal access'tothe parcel. File N o.Se -175-77 -5hearwood E xempt ion A .R equest :E xem pt i on(rom S ubdivision Regulations toco n firm the sp lit ofane xist ing par ce l. B .B ackground :Thi s item was tab led fromt he meeting of 20 J u ly pending submittal o f a final pl at .Thep lat has been su bmitted and r e fe r redto the Surveyor forfi nal check. C .Staff Re co mmendat ion:R ec ommend app roval pending final plat chec k . 5ubj: From : Date: To: 7 6 •Agenda Item 5• •• P ~llnil\g Of'par1mer.tlP~c.ning ComlllissiDn:S ubdhru.ion.Remning.Applications and Review (303)3:z8..633S . Buildin,;O!ft('W ;BuildiJlg Permits ac d I llSpedKln.Zoning Ad minu.tratioll (303)228-6339 l;t a f f rt e eeer,'nondot IClflQ ~3 Staff Recommendations Page 4 .. File No .Z v-33 -77 Cra ig Ru ssell A.Req:les t:Variance from th e minimum l ot size requireme nt in tae Residential Sub urban Mediu m Z one ton llow c o nsrr-uct fo n o f a d upl ex o nanundersized l ot (s ec tio n 3 .05.05 o ft h e Z oning . Resolution) B.Ba ck grou nd:Tills l o t wa s o riginall y p lott ed w ith t h e i n t e nti o n of allowing d uplexc on stru c tion..Th e Z oning Reso lutions upersedes prior c ond i tions a nd du e t o th e r equi re me nt.o f a .000 square fe et of l ot per d w e llin g unit this lot i s undersized .This l o tcon t ains 13 ,225 squ a r e f e et. c.St aff Rec ommendation:Re c ommend a pp roval 21 20 File N o.Z c -62-77 -Oltmar Ant zo A.Reque st:Zone Change fr om R esource to Ru ral R esident ial B .B ack groun d:Th e property t o wes to f thi s parc el Is t~",A spen Mesa and R e dTab l e A c re s Sub divi s ions.The pr ope rty t o t he e ast rs t he proposed Fe nderS ubd ivisi ona C..S taf f R eco mmendat ion:R ec o m me nd approvet ,. Th e foflowtng item sa refor Recornmendat ion to t he Z omngBoa rd of Adj u stm e nt 19 File No .Zv-31 -77-B r an dess V arl eoce ... A.R equest:Vari ance f rom r ear se t back require ment In t he Commercial Li m itedZ one (Se ct ion 3 .07.08(b)of t he Z oningR eso lut ion.) B.B ack ground:Thi s l ot w as rezonedfro m R esidential SU b U~SJl Mediur t o C o m mercial Li m ited in 19 7 5.On 9 June 1977 ,the Z OOlng BOOid of Adj u stment denied a requ e st for a 50 f ootr educt ioni n.t he reClUir~c r ear setback .Th is ap p licat io nrequ es ts a 49 f oo t r edu::t1on on the roar setb ack ...Th e Zoni ng Resol ution r equi res a rear s eto,aci<of 75 te when the u s e is adj ec ent t oresi den t i a l ue es , Ca S taff Re commend at io n :R e commendap proval wi th the conditi on tna the bu ildi ng plans as s ubmi tted ar ei ncl u ded i nt he f ile and that no major a lterat ionsarem ade .. File No.Zv-32-71-W e st V ail A s sociati on . Aa R eque st:V ariance from th e sign co de regulati onin the c .om merclal Limit ed Zo ne (S ec tion 3 ..07 .02(0 of t he Z oning Res olutIon ) B.Ba ckground:The Wes t Vail Sh oppl.ng Center has .be en i n exi stencefo rs everalye ars a Atv a rious times signs h ave been added t o lh o se ori gin ally approved a Thi s r eque s t i s to al low th e presen t s i gns to r emain u nt il t he prese nt l ease e x p ires . c.Staff Recomm endation:Reco m mend de ni al.All s ig ns s hou l d conform toth e adop ted Zon ing Res ol uti on. Agenda Item ·18 .1 ,,I I i,, :.:',.' File N o.5f-92-77 -14 th Fa lrwayCo ndominiu ms A.R oc.ue st :R e view end s ignIng of th o final plot for a four lot su b divis ion. B.B ac kground:This split of a lot with an exi sting four-plex unit w as originall y applied for asan exemp ti on from t hes u bdi vIsion regu lati ons.The P lann i ng C ommi ssion d i rected the app li cant t o re app lyt hrough t he su bdiv isionp rocess byc ombini ng sketch ,preliminary an d fina l p lans . C.S t aff Re commendation:Recomm end approval with the condit ions th at the parking acces s roads b ec hangedto meet county standards and that a trashc ollection storage ar ea be provi ded on the lot. File N o.Sp-8 8-77 -Vail D as S chone Condominiums A.Re que st :R ev iew of a pr eliminary s ubdiv isIon plan 'for 20 commercial units an d 2 8 dwe lling un its o n 2 a86 ac res. Ba B ackgrou nd:Th i s pr opo s al i s t o subdivi de the Vail D as Sc hone S hopp i ng C enterbu iId ing I nto indiv i dual units. C..Staff R ecom mend at ion:R ecommend approval when the f ollowing c ondi tionsare met: 1 a All signs ate brought into co nformance with th e s ign code. 2..Approval o f a revi sed s ite plan wh ich indi cates landscaping, d ra inag e,and parking .. 3..S ubm ittal o f an ag reemen tf or c om pletion of i mprovements. File N o.Sp-89-TI -K and TD evel opment A.R a quest :R ev i ew o f apr eli m i nary pl an tore subdivide a four unit 101. B.B ackground:Th is l oti s a pproved for c onst ruc t ion o f a four unit bu i lding. C..S t aff Rec ommendation:R ecommend approval with th ec ondition that t he p arki ng lot plan be amended t o show sn ow r emoval and d r ainage .. File N Oa S p-90 -TI ..G rouse Meadows Condominiums Aa R eq,Je s t:R evi ew o f a pr e lim i nary p lan for 1 1 dwell Ing units a B a B ac kground :TheGr o use Meadows Co ndomin ium is constru cted and oc c upi ed.Th is recce et i st o s ubd iv ide the bu ilding f or i ndi vid.Jal s al es a Th e PUD plan a llows a minimum of 11/2 parking sp aces per dw elling un it . Ca Staff R ecom mendation:R ec ommend approval w ith t hec ondition that t he p ar ki ngar ea be improvedf or access and r etaining s tructures , File No.S p-91-TI -E agl e-V all Gol f Club A..R eque st:Re v iew o f a p relim inary p li3tl for a 15 unit condominium and add it ional p arking for t hego lf c lub. B.B ac k ground:The Eagle-Vail PUD plan ind i cated that Lot 109,Blk 3, Is tobe usedas a duplex lot w ith lot 108,B lk 3,be ing a multiple unit lot allowing 60,000 squ aref eet o f buildinga C.Staff R ecommendat ion:Recom mend denial of the preliminary plan because il i s not in conformanca with t he approved Eagle-Vail PUD. 14. 15. 16. A genda Item 13. •• ••17. Staff Recommendations Page 5 •• •• Agenda Item 22 File No.Zv-34-77 -Su san Herzog A .Reque st:Variance from the minimum s ide yard setback r equiremen ts inthe Residen tial Suburban Medium Zone (3.05.08(3)of th e Zoning Res olution) B.Backgro und:Thisappli cation i s toa llow anadditio n toa n exis ting unit ona l otinMatt erh orn Subdivi sion.Thehou se wa s con st ructed pri or to the County Zoning Re solution BO it w as not s ubjectto s etbackr equirements.however.the zoni ng requir ement for setbac ks Isc ur ren tly I n effect.Th is habitable ad dition th erefore is s ubject to the s etback of 1'lIt:. C.Staf!Recommendation:Recommend approval ~. • Agenda Items b. c. S u Wi vision Re v iew E xemp tion AGENDA E agle County Planning Commission W ednesday,17 August 1977 7 :00 P.M.Comm issionersM eeting Room #103 McDonald Bl dg.,5 50 Broadway E agl e,Colorado Agenda Page 2 11.Fil eN o.SI-86 -77 -FBN C o rporation,Lot 4 R equest:Rev iew of a Final Subdivision Pl attospl ita f our-plex un it Locat ion:Lot 4,Block 3,E agle-V all S ubdivision Fil ing #2 12.F il eNo .SI-87 -77 -FB N C o rporation ,Lo l3 Request:Rev iew ofF in al S ubdivision Pl at to sp lit a four-plex lJnit Loca t io n:Lot 3 .Block 3 ,E agl e-Vai l Su bdivision,Fili ng #2 13.Fil l'N o.Sf-92-77 -14th Fa irway Condom iniums R eque st:Re vi ew of aFinal S ubdivi sion Pl at to split a four-plex lZ1it Loc ation :Lot 17,B lock 3,E ag l e-Vall Subdiv ision.Filing #1 Z one Ch ange 18.Fil eN o.Z c-6 2-77 -Ottmar Anl ze R equ est :Z one Change fr omResource toRu ral Re s idential Lo cation:M issouri H eights,'2k mil es fr om EI Jebel,between A spen Mesa E stales and E I JebelR oad Preli m inary Pl ans 1 4.Fil eNo .S p -88 -77 -V ail D as S chone C ondomini u ms R eque st:Re v iew of Pr e limin ary P lan for 20 co m mercialu nits and 28 dwell ing unitson 2 .86 ac res. Locat i on:Existing buil ding adjacent to S afeway Store ·in W est V all 15.Fil eN o.Sp-8 9-77 -K an d TD evel opment R equest:R eviewo f Preliminary S ubdivi sion Plan tosplita four-p lex uni t. Loca tion:Lo t7 ,Block 5 ,E a gle-Va il F il i ng#1 16.Fil e No.S p-90-n -Gro use Meadows C o ndom ini ums R equest:R eview of Prelimi nary Subdivision Plan f or 11 dwe lling uni ts Location:Ar eplat of Lot 35,Wh iskey Hill,E agl e-V a il F il i ng #1 17.File N o.S p-91 -77 -E a9le-Val l #1 Go ll C lub R equest:R eviewo f a Prelimin ary Plan f or a 15 unitcon domin ium and additionalp arking fort he exist ing golf club Loc ation :A re ptat of Lot 109 ,B l ock 3 .Lo t 2 8,Block 6 .an d a po rtion of Tract s E and I ,E agl e-Va il F il ing #1 V ariances -R e commendations tot he Zoning So ard ofAdj ustment 19 .Fi l e N o.Zv-31-77 -Brandess Variance R equ est :Variancef romrear s etback re quire ment in t he C om mercial L i miteer2one . (Sect ion 3.07.08 (b)01 t he Z oning R es olut ion) Location:Lot 39,BufferC reek Su bdivis ion in We st V ail 20.F ile No.Z v-32-77 -W e st Vail A ss oc ia tes Var iance Request :V ariance f romth e s ign co de requi etlon inthe Commerci al Li m ited zone . (Section 3.07.02(1)of th e Zon ing R esoluli on Locatlont Lot 3,Vail Das Schone Subdivi s ion,Filing #3 File No.S f-84-77 -Luslig (Shooting Star Co ndominiums) R e q;est:n evtew c t a Fi nal P latf or a t hree unit condominium Lo c at i on:Lot 3 1,V ail Vill age W e st Filingjl1 along the w e st side of Gore Creek D ri vei nW est Vai l File No .Sf -85-77 -H amby Subdivision R eque st:Re view of a F inal P lat for a three lotsubdiv is ion containing 8 ac res locatio n:4 m iles east of Basalt along the Frying Pan River.Part of Tract 40 Section 1,1 8S,R 86W . 5 .Fil e No ..5e-174-77 -Prougry-Western E xemption Re que st:E xemption f rom Subdivi sion Regul ati ons to splitadup lex lot into two sep arate in terests Lo cation:Lot 41,Bl ock 1 ,E agle-Vail Subd ivision F iling #1 6 .Fil eNo ..5 e-175-77 -Sh eat'Vlood E xemption R eque st:E xemp tion fr om Su bdi visi on Regu lati ons tocon f irm the s p l it o f an exist ingpar ce l. Loc ation:Brush Cr eek Road South of the Town of Eagle Sec.1,T6S,R 84W 7.F il e No.S e-17 6-77 -No ttingham R anch E X8'T1p tion R equest:E xemption from Subd i vis ion RegUlat ions Lo c ati on:1m ile east of Avon ,C o loradoin SE 11~SWA r S ec.7 t T 5S I A81W 8 .Fi le N o.Se-177-77-R.D .C r awford R equest:E xe m p t ionfro m S ubdivi sion Regulations to split a dJplex lot I nto two s eparate intere sts . Loc at ion:Lot 2,Block 3,Vail RidgeSubdivision FinalP lats 1.C all to order -7 :00 P.M. 2.Minutes of 19 July and 20 J uly 1977 3.Old Business a. b. c. 4.New Bu siness a • 10. •• Page 3 21. 22. Fi le No .Zv -33-77 -Craig Ru ss ett Request:Variance from the m in imum lot size to allow co nstruct ion ofa dJ pl ex on an undersi zed lot (Section 3 .05.05 of the Zoning Re solution) Locat ion :Lot 7,Block C,V a ll Des Sc hone Subdivis ion Filing #1 File No .Z v-34-77 -Susan Herzog Request:V ar iance from the minlrrum side yard setback requi rements inthe Resident ial S u bu rban M edium Zone.(Section 3 .05.06(3)of tha Zon ing Resol ution Loca ti on:Lot 23.Matterhorn Village S ubd i v i sion 23.Other a. b.•c.. 24 .S tafl Reports ., a.•b. c. 2 5.A djoumment b y:Michael S .B la ir S e cret ary ,E agl e Coun ty P l anning Commiss ion ••• .~..- DEPlaTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT McDonald Bldg. September 9,1977 550 Broadway P .O.Bo][179 EAgle.Colorado 81631 Craig Russett Box 295 Iron Mountain,Michigan 49801 .Re:.File No.Zv-33-77 Variance At their Public Hearing on 8 September 1977,the Zoning Board of Adjustment denied the application for variance from the minimum lot size in the Residential Suburban Medium Zone.The Board indicated that the lot was not large enough to adequately handle a duplex and that it tended to create .a higher density ·than allowed by the pr~sent zone. If you have any questions,please contact this office. 'lK/jk ·:cc:Zoning Board of Adjustment .'.··:.7....:,.•~1l..•1).:'Crawford """"''''''':'~~~Plaflftin!t'Commiss io n :Subdivision,Rezoning,Applications andReview(303)328-6338 ..:..:..~.&"'dinlf OffieialdtuiktinlrPermits and Inspection,Zoning Administration (303)328-6339 • Ac l lon of Zon ln"8o:>"d of Adjus !rncnl on V nrlan co I\ppl ic oti on c o nd t uonc : Donial ta ronsons r (se c Order of t he Ooord,altuchod) ..Fllo No .-zy~'Z_~ Crai g Ru ss e ~t Vari ance Lo t was n ot large enou ght oa dequa tel y .h andlea dupl ex a nd .t ended t o crea te a h igher de nsity t han allowed .by p resent zo ne. Sep tember 8 .1977 Dato ,h 3 aring C h a irm a n Nol e :Section 9 .04.~O "',0:)<:>,,1:::fro m I he'Boar d' .Any fL 'rlh er app cnt from lhe d 0 ci si cn of t he B o urd may be m a de l o t he c ourts,0.5 p ro·,ic.!:::-:i by I e'N,p rovid ed,however , {h ot ~;u ~h L;PJpau i j :;;rnadc prior t o t wenty (2 0)d;-t}'s foll owing t ho d ote of t he notifi cDU cn o f l he 8 o nn,J'~;d:::ci sion . 18 August 1977 VB 0 E agle,Color ado81631P.O.Box 179 -, OF PL NNINGAN 550 Broadway EIi IIfcllonald81dg. M D Cr ai g Russett Bo x 295 I ron Mou nt ai n,Mi c higan 49 801 Re:File No.Zv-33 -77 Vari ance At their regu la r mee ti ng o n 17 Augu st ,.th e Eag le Co unty Planning Commission r ecommend ed appr oval of your r e qu est for a vari anc e. In a ddition,th ey su gge st ed that the Zonin g Board of Adju stm ents receive a slo pe analysis o f the site. Thi s recomme ndatio nwillb e prese nt ed toth e Zo ni ng Board of Adju st ment at th eir pu blic he ari ng on 8Se ptember beg in ni ng at 10 :00 A .M.i n t he Mc Dona ld Build i ng ,Room#1 03 ,5 50 .Bro ad way, Ea gle,Color ado. If you hav e any questions ple ase co ntact this office. t~~4f Pl anner TK/dk cc:Zoning Board of Adjustment R.D.Cra wford P .O.Bo x2 003 Vail,Colo ra do 81657 Planning Departnu-nt/Plnnning Commi ssio n:S ubdivi sion.Re zo ning ,Applicat ions andReview (303)328.6338 Building Om"ial:Buildinl(P e rm its andI nspection.Zoni ng Adm inis tratio n (303)328·6339