HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 1 RESUB OF LOTS 8 9 10 LEGAL4210 E .11TH AVENUE DENVER 80220 PHONE 388 -8111 EXT.329 ANTHONY ROBBINS.M.D ..M .P.A.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE:October 27,1977 TO :Eagle County Planning ATTN:Michael S.Blair 550 Broadway Eagle,CO 81631 TO :NA SUBJECT:NON-STATE ASSISTANCE REVIEW AND COMMENTS r.:-,_) OCT z 8 1977 LJepl.UI ",amll,'/:&Cevel fa8Je County.Colo.. PROJECT TITLE:File No.Sm-l-77 Minor Subd i v t s t on-Lots 89&10",Block B Vail Das Schone -Filing No.1,Scheidegger S TATEI DENT IFIER:NA COMMENTS DUE BY:10/19 Yes Q1 YesLI Yes I j Yesl! No LJ No I::] No I-!J No LLl Is this project consistent with the goals and objectives of this agency? Is there evidence of overlapp ing o f duplica- tion with other agencie s? Is meeting desired with applicant? A IS-day extension is requested . Comments:W t Q l'~a~e~r~_~u~a~1~tY~~&-7E~n~9~i~n~e~e~r~i~n~g~:The Division has no objection providing that water and sewer service is to be provided by the water and sanitation districts mentioned in the original filing. SOC-3,Feb 77 1m.dNJ ~&Ju 09YJName,Title &Phone Ron Simsick,Program Administrato~ ATTACHMENT B -F PLArnUNG AN D D~VE LO praEN T EA GLE , E A nTr~E ~I T McDonald Bld g.550 Broadway P .O.Box 179 Eagle.Color ado 8163 1 27 October 1977 Benno and Karin Schcidigger P.O.Box 60h Vai l,Colorado81657 Re:File No.SH-1-77 Scheidieger 11inor Subdivision At their mee tingon 26 October 1977,the Bo ard of Count y Commissioners approved your f inal pla t.I t ~u ll be signed when s t reet ad dre sses are add ed tothe plat. Upon r ecei pt of t he$10r ecording fe e an d thes igning of the plat, this office l.u ll r eco rd i t i n t he Cle rk and Re corder's Office.It is the applicant's respon sibilit;r t ocomplete this proce dure ~thin 90 days ofa pproval . If youhave any questions,please contact this office. /~~~7 ~Z;- Terrill Kni ght Planner TK/jk c c:Board of County Commiss ioners 1'1:\lInin p:n"parl nwnl/Plann ing Commission:Subdivis ion .Rezon in g.Ap plicatiuns an d Rev iew (30:lI :12H·(i 338 1I 11 ildinl'Orril"i:d:Illliidinl'P erm its a nd In s pr-ctiun,Zun in l(A dminis t rat io n (.103):I2IHi:l:19 •-DEP lr Tril ~&:l T or PL [H~l~H~G AI~D D E V l~LO pr11Er~l1 EAGLE McDonald Hldg . Bennoan d Ka r in Scheidegg er P.O.Box 604 Vail,Colorado 81657 550 Il rn adw ay 20 Oct ob er 1977 P .O.Box 119 E agle,Colorado 8\G3\ He:File No.·Sm-1-77 -Scheidegger tunor Subdivision At their meeting on19October 1977,t he Eagle County Planning CO~~5 sion re co~ende d a pproval of y our minor s ub divi sion subject to the County Surveyor's r eview o f the plat. This recomm endation wIll be forwa rd ed t o the Boa rd of County Co:n:n:i..s sioners a t their me et ing on26 Octob er 1977 beginning at 9:00 a .m.in the Co~~ssioners'i1e et ing Roo m#103 ,550 Broadway, Eagle,Colorado. If you have any further questions,please contact this office. Planner TY.jjk cc :Board of County Co mmissioners I'lanning D pp artlll"nt /J'lannin!:Commi ssion:Subdi visio n.R ez onin g,A p plicat ions and Rev iew (311:1 1 :1 2IH '.1:l1i IJuildin!:Off i"ial :Building P erm its and I n s pec tion ,Zo n ing A dmi nis tration (:1 03):128·(/3:19 •Johnson &Kunkel Land Surveying Co.Phone (303)3 28·7229 (303)32 8-7165evening P.O.Box 7 18 E agle,Colorado 8163 1 24 October 1977 •LandSu rveying •Civil Engineering •Computer Scienceh-,,":.-"'r-I OCT 2 J 1977 MD10RANDUM TO:Terrell Knight,Eagle County Department of Planning FROM:Johnson &Kunkel Land Surveying Company Dep t.(I FI''''·-~'101. •~,~.....J ...[~)'.Co lo. SUBJECT:Eagle County Pla t Check -Resubdivision of Lots 8,9 &10 Block B,Vail Das Schone,Filing No.1 I have checked the Final Plat of Resubdivision of Lots 8,9 &10,Block B, Vail Das Schone,Filing No.1 and have found it to be complete and correct with the following exceptions : 1.Title certificate not signed . 2.Parcel on eas terly boundary not shown . CHECKED BY:;;S~~.(\ci±t OJ t t:U Dav~L.Kunkel,R.L.S.1 4109 DATE e..A OuT./1 RICHARD D .LAMM G OV ER NOR , CO LORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTM EN T OFNATURAL RE SOURCES 715 STAT E CEN TENNI AL BUILDI NG -1313SHERMAN STREET DEN VER.CO LORADO 80203 PHON ~(303)89 2-26 1 1 October 19,1977 JOHN W.ROLD D irector -'\lC' OCT 25 1977 Michael S.Blair Dept.of Plann ing and Development P .O.Box179 Eagle,Colorado 81631 RE:Sm-1-77/MINOR SUBDIVISION/SCHEIDEGGER We have no object ion to approval of this minor subdivision. LRL/vt cc :LandUse Commission G E OL OGY STORYOFTHEPAST...KEYTOTH EFUTURE .'I'I'.<Uevill.dt;.,I'.L,J 1 ,,",,··,1 C. Eagle county,Coia. RICHARD D.L AMM Gover'n or I Dept.L;1:_,1 r..:,:,J '1. Lagl,Co"nty.C"'n, C .J.KUIPER StateEngineer DIVISION OFWATER RESOURCES D epartmentofNa tural Resources 1313 Sherman St reet -Room 818 Den ver,Col orado80203 A dm i nistration (303)89 2 -35 81 G roundWater(3 03)89 2-3587 October 14,1977 Mr.Michael S.Blair,Director Eagle County Department of Planning &Development P.O.Box 179 Eagle,CO 81631 ". .Re:Klelnwachter Minor Subdivision File No.Sm-2-77 / Scheide gger Minor Subdivision File No.Sm-l-77 Dear Mr.Blair: This is to acknowledge r eceipt of preliminary ma terial concerning the above refere nced minor subdivisi ons.The Kleinwachter proposal will 'divid e one existing lot i nt he Eagle-Vail Subdivis ion i nto two lots.The Scheidegger proposal will cons olidate three e xisting lots in Vall Das Schone into two.'Since both o f the se plans are in existing approved subdivisions, we would recommend a pp rovalo f the Kle inwachter M inorSu bdi vision and the Scheidegger Minor Subdivision. Very truly yours,' CJ K/GDV:mvf cc:Lee Enewold,Div ,Eng. Ralph Stall man Land Use C omrn, I e DEPAaTMENT DF PLANNING AND DEVELDPMENT MEMORANDUM McDonald Bld g.550 Broadway P.O .Box 179 Eagle,Colorado 81631 To:Johnson and Kunkel, John Hemby,County Engineer George Rosenberg,County Attorney From:Terrill Knight Date:12 October 1977 Subj:Final Plat Check -File No.Sm -1-77 Schiedegger Minor Subdivis ion The enclosed Final Plat is for your review and comment. Please advise this office of any comments you may have prior to the 19 October 1977 Planning Commission Meeting at which time the item will be heard. Thank you <r:':»"/~~L d//~ /.~'/? ./ Plann ing De pa rtme nt/Planning Commission:Subdivision.Rezoning,Appli cation s andR eview(303)328-6338 Building Official:Building Permits andInspection.Zonin g Administration (303)328·6339 E ng le,Colorado SW:l t N ]',0.Ilux 179550Broadway 7 Oc tober 1977 l\Ic1l on a ld 1:lrlj;. EAGLE Benne an d Y..a rin Sc heidegger P.O.Box 604 Vail ,Co lorado81657 Re:File No.SM-1-77 The 'I'echrri.c a.L Re view Co mr:ri.tt ee f or Eagle County (a g r oup of t eclmical advi sors from·v ariou s public a genci es )r evie we d your a pplicat ion on 6 Octobe r 1977,they offered t he f oll ovdng co ~~e nt s t oyouand the Planning Co m~s sio n for cons ideration ofapproval and use of t he prop e rty: 1.A final plat s hould b es ubmitted . 2.Lot No.2 ne e ds a drai nagecasemen t to pick up vlU ter fromChamonix Road a nd carr"J i tea s t. 3.The parJd.ng area a s shown is inadequa te because it does not sho tl s uff icient man euve ring rooman d vehiclescannot be a'Ll.owed to ba c k up into Chamoni,x , 4.The h ous e onLot 1 a pp ears to b e too close tothe r ear prope rty line . 5.Thi sr e questi s vac a t ing 2 lot l ines andmaking1 new on e. All utilit i es s ervin g the a r ea ,i nclu dingcab leTV,s hould be conta cted to b e c ertain t hat no utility lines exist Ln in ea s ements vacated. .6.Fire p rot e ction sh ouldbe ad dressed. Tnes e co m~ent s vd ]~b e fon,arded to t he County Planning Dep a rtment an d Pl ~~ng C om~s sion f or consideration at t heirmeeting on19 Octobe r1977. If youhave any question s,please co ntact thi s office. IJ4;:;i6 Torrill YJri.!Ii<7 Planne r TK/j k c c :Board of Coun ty Co ~~ssion ers l'lalln illl:Ikl'"r lllll'll t /l'lalllli nl:Commis s ion:S u bd i visio n ,H,'zoni n g ,App lications a nd HI'"i,·\\'(:ltl:l):l21l-f i:l:l1l l illildin <:orri "i"l:BlI iltiinf:I'!'rmil s a nti I n s l"'d i"n.Zo ning Ad minist.ru tio n ,:1O:1I :12IH;:t:I!1 '. Town o f Red 01 iff U pp er E a gl e V a lley S an.D ist. 5 .Eng le V o ll ey Tel ephone Co • _____6 .Rocky Mtn.N oturo l Gas ____2. ____7.S c hool Di s tric t RE 50J _'--4.E a gle-Vail Metro District 5.O th er Di sl .(none a t pre s ent t ime) 6 .S ch oo l D is tr ict RE 50J ____3. GApplica lions in Upper E o gl e V o lloy: 1.To wn of M i nIum ...... _____2.Pl ann ing Represen tative ;•••0 . B.Applicotions in Bas alt Are a: 1 ••To wn of l3asalt Ir .•CI ::UTIFICATI;OF IlEFEUAL a Enr-Ie Co unty l or-ado Pln nn/nr,C OI'W"sl on Fil e No :L...-./-7:;7 C ertlflcoli on Is h ereby mnd e Ihnt u c opy o fn nop pllcoll o n s ub mtttcd nnd L:iv en the a bove Fil eNo.wn senl ered i nto th e U.S.Mafls,0"h anddc l tvc r-cd ,on ./~C'/«,1"7;7;7 10 th o offi c e s /p e rsons n s?~e o n .pages__o f__.•os mnrked by the I nitl al s K C . C ertHl er's S Ir,n otu r e:~4 <..;:.q C'~.."..e..,.c .... •I A.A~li C Olion s ro fere dt o:.I'.A pplicollons i n E(lg lo -Bru sh Cr e ok 10 E dwords : J '",,/1.Co lom do Geo logi col Sur vo y 1.Town of Eag le J .#2.C olo.D epa r tment o f H e alth 2.E ag le S anit ation D i st ri ct .;_3.Colora do Sl ate E n gi nee r 3.C olorado Di vi si on of Wild l ife .../-~4.Eagle C o unty S anit ori an 4 .U.S.Forest Se r vi ce ,/~5 .Eag le Co unly E ngine er ../-r 6.Holy Cros s Electr ic A s s'n~4 7 Col orado Mtn.C oll e g e Di sl.:-i 0:U.S.S o "Conservat ion Servlc e./r 9.U.S.B ureau of L and Manag ement .f ~1 0 .Co lorado Ri ver W a lerC on sv.Di sl . "~1 ~'.D iv.of W ater R e sources _____3.Scho ol Dist rict RE1J _____7.Colorado Div i sion of W i ldlife .,-6.U.S.Fore st Service....~.~... •V ail S an itation D i st. S ch ool Dist rict R E50J Colorado Di vi s ion o f Wildl ifa U .•S.Forest S e rv ice MIn.B ell T elep hono Co . P u blic S or v ice Co.of Co lo. U p per Eag lo Voll ey S an. ____·9.Mtn .B e ll T el ephone Co. .10.Publi e Serv i ce Co.o f C olo. "~~~--r~~-:-~"':"~~~V~"'L I~A P;r :;t$n ~.i n ~:~~e~:I~~~p~~~Ar e a~~I ~2 .Town of V a il ~ '~3 .V ail V ill age West Water &S an.. Lions R idge W o ter V ail Vill age West F ire Vail Interm ountain W at er 4 . v'I:!/5. G. 7. ./&6. J tf:/9. ./J:/:?10• J .4Y11. "":P2 ~~:" _____7.Colorado D iv isi on o f Wildlife _____4.'U .S.F ores tS ervice _____9 .Mounl ain B ell T el e phone Co• _____10.Roc ky Mtn.Natural Gas _____5.B asa lt Ru ral F ireD ist. _____6.B as alt W at er andS anit aiion Dis!•• 6.U.S .Forest S erv ice--~- C.Applicat ionsi nG yp sum Area: _____1.To wn of G y psum _____2.Eagle County Airport Authority _____3.C oloradoD i vis i on of Wildlife 7.Sch ool D i s trict RE50J.>,-----a.G vp s um 8 N"\itot ion D ;",t ~i c tl ip $q"iplTr:ltW11 S in C ol or ad o 1·\ivc r Ar o ...: 1.Scho ol D i:;l rict RE50J--- _____5.E agle Voll ey T el ephone Co. 6.Roc ky M tn .N atu ral Gas~:~----- .: .., ".',. ____2.Scbool Di strict 11 1 _____3.U SF or os t Sorvlco (Eogle) _____4.US Fore st Serv ic e (Mi n Iu m) _____5 .E onlo V o ll ey T eleph ono Co. _____G.Y nrnpn V olley E lect ri c 1>.01llCr A a e nc ioG (wh o m 'If>p r opr i,,le ) _____1.C olo rud o Dop t,of Hi g hwayo 2.'Colo.St ~le Foro nt Ser vlco----:, I I DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ..:'( E agle.Colorado 81631 Fi;E ,"...5".I!1•.:.I.,.?-!...................•• ~"...•J _.._.i P .O.Box 179550BroadwayMcDonaldBldg. 4 October 1977 Re:File No.Sm-1-77 Minor Subdivision -Lots 8,9,&10,Block B Vail Das Schone -Filing No.1 Applicant:Benno &Karin Scheidegger Box 604 Vail,Co.81657 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 19 October 1 977. In accordance with C.R.S.106-2-9,106-2-33 and 106-2-34,1963,as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations,Section 3.05 and 3.07,as amended effective 1 August 1976,you are required to receive the plan,and you have 24 days from date mailed within which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date.If you de sire additional information or time,please advise this office,in writing. Thank you very much, !#././>~~/~1.A4-- Michael S.Blair Director,Department of Planning &Development MSBhk P la nning Departmen t/Plann ing Commiss ion:Subdivision.Rezo ning .Applications andR eview(303)328·6338 Building Official:Building P ermits and Inspection.Zoning Admi nistration (303)328-6339 County Co mmissioners Eagle,Colorado Dear Sirs : , BE NNO &KAR n~SCHEIDEG GER BOX 604 VAIL ,COLO RA OO 816 57 303 476 5737 • Sept em ber 15,1977 We herebyr equest to resubdiv id eour lots as s ho wn on the final pl at under the min or subdivision regulations. The so ils have been proven i nt he areaa nd there ha ve been no p robl em s wi th the s oils. Wa ter and sewer are also available as indicated from the attached l etter. Trust ing t h is meets withy our approval,we are Sine erelyy ours, ..,--------....-"-------r------.,r----J(7!l~if~J cl[{;:Z;f;:~C Benno Scheidegger t ) "1\ f=l LE :f,~__§~_:.!..:.??.__. -~r:'-~")'-'."I C n i.,1t ,tt:j -v-;-:!:l._.1 .1"_.'oJ :.::--.-~,I"',-1'"......,r"'::•'-{ ;;;~~.-:-.-..-:t9 C6T.!.fZ ? ~\I".·~..::I I ..._t \.,A .---.-.---~-~. 1li'on,ClIollins &ClIo",3J!. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 1740 Williams Street I Denver,Colorado 80218 I Phone [303J 399-7053 September 9,1977 Mr.and Mrs.BenO.Scheidegger P.O.Box604 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Water and Sewer Service to Lot 10,Block B, Vail Das Schone Dear Mr.and Mrs.Scheidegger: The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District and the Vail Village West Water and Sanitation District are ready and able to provide sewer and water service to the above referenced property upon,of course,your compliance with the appropriate Rules and Regulations of the respective Districts. If you have any further questions,please feel free to con- tact us. Sincerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT VAIL VILLAGE WEST WATER AD SANITATION DISTRICT P.0 lins Lyon,Collins &Co.,Inc. DISTRICT MANAGER JPC:ajh . cc:Terrell Knight Eagle County Dept.of Planning &Development John V.Amato Byron D.Brown Kenneth Richards Frank Barrett Al Flewelling William Cacek F fLE if $.!':1.;L~•.?.z ·······• t'""r:~-1 ,--r ,""1 ·'1 ,1'""11 ("'J'::;\".::,....:::..•t ~.c.:.\J I I .....r ~·u.'~-;"-.~~'"; ~'~-:.:.....'.".·'C·,·;~'1 dC-I./97 7 1\/•...:.:.:::_..•- ." ,• Application Form l,m :OR SUBDIVISION :r 1 7 ,/ ?,;2, (;Olj I IS7 00 L ()l ~Loc ation o f Parcel Addres so f Applicant . .Section 3.20 of Eag le County Subdivision Regulations Name of ProposedSub division (c h :..--e (:'J e~'j i!J c;~dJ J.I V I $I 0 11 Name ofAppli cant Be n (1 D T Kgr I (l S'c be /()e ~qiJThmer ?Ye s I f ap plicant is not t h e o wner of r ec ord ,furnish \I;~nce of a uthorization to s u bdivide property. 13 0x 2 . 1. 3. 4. 2 t(S f1 5.Twenty-two (22)copies of'the a pp licationf orm,site p lan,and all r el ated infor ma tion shall b e submitte d by the fi rst wor kday o f the month.Thea pplication ~u ll be reviewed at the r e gular Pl anning C om~s s i on Review meeting t he foll o~dng month . 'I-/f -l7Datesubmitted----------"------------------ 6.An original and five (5)co pies o f the Final Plat wi.bh all required sign atures shall b e sub:nitt ed at l east t en (10)days prior to t he Planning Commission Revi eH meeting . Date submitted --:--~_:::_:o:__-::--:-:-~=_~__::____;_-::::_:~:__::__:-___::::-_:_.....,...,,...._-----­ Refe r t o Section 4 .01.03 o f the Ea gl e County Sub div ision Regu lations . 7.Furnish evidence of a de quate \...ater supply.(I·lay be attached as e y.hibit A) Ie t t c [0 t to C 1'\f (';( B.Furnish e vidence o f a d equate sewage di sposal system.(rlay be a ttacheda s exhibit B) j 9.Furnish evidence o f acce ss to ac ounty road whi ch has be en ac cepted for maintenance .(1'1a y be attached as exhi bit C) Ct 'd:i Q "h I I'!c..C ~enn Q n I K J((;q cd, ..,• App1i cation Form -page 2 10.Furnish additional infor-nation as required.(lhy b e attached a s exhibit D) 2J L~~I It M J adequa te and safe buil ding follouing i tems. a .I f this is a r e s u bdivi don of property vrh.i.ch has b eenprevi ously s u b- divided an d recorded in acc ordance ~~th Eagle County Subdivi sion s Regulations adop ted Scpte~ber 5,1972 or l ate r,i ndica te n~~e and r e cording data of said subdivision. b.If l Oa docs not apply ,furnish evidence of sites for t.he proposed uses with r eg ard to t he (1)Soil conditions --------------------- (2)Ge ologi c condi tions _ (3)Topogr aphic and slope conditions ---------''-f------- (4)Drainage con ditions _ .(5)Flood hazard potent ial _ (6)Source of fi rep rotection _ 11.Furni sh utilityand r oad plans (~here ap plica ble,r efer to Section 3.20 Eagle County Subdivision Regulati ons )(~ny b e attached a s exhibit E ) (date) /0 -'1-77 to the best o f my knowledge • signa ture .The abov e .informatiOn is !F0rre .L{~AcJILV.~yya.<er-~' For off icial use: Revcived by _Dat e _ Ac cepted for the Planning Co mmi ssion Revi.ew me eting of _