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Project Application Project D escription : Contact Person and Phone Owner,Address and Phone:_ Arch itect,Address a nd Phone: Lega l Descri ption :Lo t Block Filing ,Zo n e _ Comments:------r-:----,------------------------------ DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by: Date _ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL coo-s r:KIT _ s=--C,.-L-)----- S ummary :_ Date : D Staff Approval ProjectApplication Dat e ---,_ 'ProjectName:----'---------'-----L-'----'----=-_----'-_--"--L..::-;'-\-.!..----'>.....!..'-.l..---='--'-'-c;-'-_ Project Descript ion :------------------------:f------------'--- Contact Person and Phone Owner,Address and Phon e:_ Arch itec t ,Address and Phone : Lega l Descr iption :Lot Bl ock Fil ing •Z one _ Comments:----;-_ DesignReviewBoard Dat e _ Motion by : r Sec onded by: APPROVAL (I () DI SAPPROVAL Summary :_ Dat e: o Staff Approval FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFVAIL------ ,_....-.. ....~-...... 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 April 17.1984 TO:SIGN APPLICANTS FROM:Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz,Planners RE:Sign Application Re quirements olflce of community development Hhen applications for signs are submitted,t he fnll ow i nq information is required: 1.Site planshowing exact location where thesign is tobe located . 2.Photographor drawing showing the building and whe re sign ,is to be located. 3.Exactdesignofsign(oneor more ofthe following) (a) (b) (c) scale draw ing or rendering (mustbe colored exactly assign will be) the sign itself iS ,made photograph if signis made FEE:AXOD appl ication fee wi ll be required at ti me ofapplication . N\~. (over) .. Application Number _ SIGN APPLICATION Phone _ Fee Paid _ Name of project ~\)~h~Q ,~orf~(\1 \)~~\)----- -\)Name of Person Submitti ng \. Location of proj'ect-\h~"D \)1 ')\(\y l{,n Description o~.Pr~ject _ The following information is required for submittal bythe applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approvalcan be given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. .. ..' A.Sign Material _ B.Description ofSign lrjh ~i o-HoA <;IlflOrvf\t).. C.SizeofSign ~~-:..-=-___ D.Length of Front ace (Ft.) E.Comments __--------------------- MATE RI ALS SU Bi-lITIED HITH APPLIC ATION Sign Admin i strator l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Site Plan 0------Drawings showing exact location Photographs showing proposed loc-a~tl~·o-n-------- Actual sign ~~--- Coloredsca le dr a\'ling _ Photographof sign _ Approved for ORB Submittal Disapproved for ORB Submittal Sign Administrator " -.'. row{jJ ProjectName: ••Sc-~ Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL First Bank -West Vail Project Description:Wallsignfor1stbankuse(20sq.ft.),plusbuilding identification monument sign (5sq .ft.idsignplusIsq.ft.pertenant) Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone: Owner,AddressandPhone : Project StreetAddress: First Bank Jim Liley,Gordon Sign Company,2930W.9th Ave., Denver,CO 80204 2271 North Frontage Road West LegalDescription:Lot A,Tract C,VailDas Schone 3rd ParcelNumber: Comments: Motionby: Secondedby: Vote : BuildingName:First Bank Building Board /Staff Action Action:Staff Approval Conditions:1.Must create planting area around base of sign with shrubs and flowers. TownPlanner:Dominic Mauriello Date :4-30-98 DRBFeePre-Paid:$72.50 F:IEVERYONmORB\APPROVALI981ISTBANK.4 30 1/1ID,S7041r24S2 PAGE Questions?Call the Planning Desk SIGN/AWNING AP PLICATION Date R e c e i ti ti tf '2 ~ APR 30 199B •FROM,TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. 6.dO«S;jt-t ~?nJ This application is forany sign thatis located within the Town of Vail .Specific requirements arc available from the Department of Community Development. l Ot (l~hoJNameofBusiness:--L-J2cI.D.b:.---:-__---,,,.-_--;-_ Building name and address:'22 '1 1 ),la d }'~n\n1o.sfl-e.~~~~-------- Name of owner.'.St ~\.L-=~---:"_---:-r --;-__ Mailing addrcss:...:1.=2:;...:~~W~,~!.\J..Q~~~:::""";::'Q::l!:W.1m(u..!.:L~~~ll....l.__ D. E. A. B. C. ;' o Hanging sign DAwning Size of sign and size oflett ~\.•:3;1 \I II Length of business frontage:----2JL..'_ Height of sign above grade:'--=-~(QIL.:,.;\lu.Q~ij~_ Number of signs prop osed :'2-Number andsize of existing Signs:......::::.0""""'_ Location of each sign (attach a site plan Zlru!anelevation drawing ora photograph clearly indicating the proposed I~ti~n):\~bdJ\.ll.k:~:>m~Lfd'.J J,~d'2rA db ~lJ~il\Jl G.k AldPlb J .\').1£-- tt j 7 Describe lightingof sign (existing or proposed):'\M=W~;\\)1 m \a 'i\±ed~_ Type of sign (sec back for definitions): ~Free standing l1 Wall sign-0 Other.specify:_ N. G. M. F. ~) I. J. K. L. O.FEE:S20.00.PJ;.,US $~,QO PERSQUAREFOOTOFSIGN AREA. APR 28 '98 08:00 9704 792452 PAGE.001 •• t)Gordon Siqn Companll April17,1998 TOWN OFVAIL Community Development ATIN:DominicMauriello 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:1STBANK -West Vail 2271N.Frontage Road Mr.Mauriello: Enclosedaretwo(2)copiesofrevisedGordondrawing #30214-B for your reviewand approval. WALL SIGN:The20squarefeetinternallyilluminated"1STBANK"letterswillhave "black & white"Plexiglasfacesto contrast withthe off whitebuildingfasciaduringtheday.Atnightthe letterswillilluminatewhite . MONUMENT SIGN:We reduced the "1STBANK BUILDING"copyperyour instructions.The 1/8"thickaluminumbasewillhaveatexturedfinishandbepaintedtomatchtheE.I.F.S. bUildingcolor.. Alsoenclosedisacolorrenderingofthe monument sign,andcolorsamples for your review. Ifyouhaveany questions orrequireanyadditional information,pleasecallmeat 303-629- 6121,(X228). Sincerely, Senio r Account Executive JUcdk Enclosures 2120NAEGELEROAD COLORADO SPR INGS,COLORA DO 80904 (719)633-7763 FAX(719)634-3550 cc:Joseph Miller -1STBANK ofVail Stanford Lee-1STBANK Holding Company of Colorado GO RDONSIGNCOM PANY ACGF Industries Company P.O .BOX403 11 DENVER,COLORADO 80204 -0311 (303)629 -6121 FAX(303)629-1024 1731 N .ERIE STREET PUEBLO,COLORADO 81001 (719)543-7388 FAX(719)543-5337 •• C Gordon Siqn Compan'l April1 ,1998 TOWNOFVAIL Community Development ATIN:DominicMauriello 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:STBANK -West Vail 2271N.Frontage Road Mr.Mauriello: Wespokelast June regardingsomepreliminarysignageproposals for theabove referenced location. 1STBANK is proceeding withthebuildingremodelandwouldliketoinstallthenewsignage thissummer. EnclosedisacopyofGordondrawing #30214-A showingtheproposed "1STBANK" illuminated,pan-channel buildingletters,anda joint 1.0.Monument sign .Alsoenclosedisa SitePlanshowingthelocationoftheproposed monument sign . Pleasecallmetodiscusstheapprovalprocess for thesetwosigns. Ifyouhaveany questions orrequireanyadditional information,pleasecallmeat 303-629- 6121,X228 . Sincerely, ~ Senior Account Executive JUcdk Enclosures GORDON SIGN COMPANY ACGF Industries Company P.O.BOX403 11 DENVER.COLORADO80204-0311 (303)629-6121 FAA (303)629 -1024 2120NAEGELEROAD COLORADO SPRINGS,COLORADO 80904 (719)633-7763 FAA (719)634 -3550 173 1 N.ERIESTREET PUEBLO ,COLORADO81001 (7 19)543 ·7388 FAA (719)543-5337 ©J ThIs design Is the exclusive propertyofGordonSignCom pany and cannot be reproduced either inwholeorin part withoU:their consent . Gardan SIgn OPmptl'lV wI endNYor ~d OMOly I'llllldl ODIorI,lnctJdngPMS 011101"'*"*.apHiIMl.WII e.nnot ~....,x.Jt m~.ctl.tg -rnlil DOm~~of ....m......,d.".UNd . e Gordon Slqn Compan.. 2930 West 91h Avenue Denver,Cotorado 802 04 829-8121 FAX:829-1024 e.MalI OofdonSlglC.a.com A .Rev.1 Date: B.Rev.!Date : C.Rev.!Date D.Rev.!Date Voltage: Verified by: Date: Client Approval: Client: FIRST BA"JK WEST VAIL Account Rep. LIL EY Date: 4 /16/98 Drawn by: Scale: 112"=1'-0" Drawing # CONCEPT Monument SignBase Color 1STBANK-West Vall Color Samples Building Letters-Face Color _._------~'---~-_....---- -- 10 -<G"r=a , SCALE:1I2'=1'-Q" 23"PAN/CHANNEL L EITERS WITH "BLACKl\VHITE"PLEX FACES (MAITE S IDE OUT)WITH DIFFUSER FILM ON BACK_3b~S-70 PAINT RETURNS TO MATCH EF IS COLOR ~1 BLACK TRIM CAP, 2IT WHITE NEON 6500 60 MA REMOTE TRANSFO RME RS. I ..•:.-'8 =I -0" f ,•I ..... .1 ,I I ,I "']~ I w ./-."" I ·x - I I I ·I I I I • :S ET REQ UIRED (SOUTH ELEVAT ION) ~.-'--..-'-;I ,-h i ,.- ~I :.I '- :'II ·1 I - ----, u I ,-II,.00 I 1 I±: 1 , ;I I I I "f f~-J.-...-I•, 10 -6 . 1 SET REQUIRED (SOUTH ELEVATION)PAN CHANNEL LETTERS i-:» A~EV ~ B.~EV4~qf:}Wfc qr,~>P=.c.~EV4·?4 I LQ ",,)~l -rrJ C;=6 /.~./..r1 - D.~EV I E .~EV I F.~EV I VOlTAGE :__VEAlAED El'r._DATE: CON FI ~M E D AELD DIMENSIONS AS SHOWN .DATE: G ORD ON S IGN CO MPANYW ILLE NDEAVOR TO C LOSELY MATCH COLORS,INCLUDING P MS.WHER E SPECIF IED.W EC AN NOT G UARANTEE EXACT MAT CHIiS D UE TO VARYING CO MPATI BILITY O FS U RFACE MATERIALS AND P AINTS USED. c>TH IS DES IGN I S THE EXCLUSIVE P R OPERTY OF GORDON S IGN CO.AN D CANNOT BE R EPRODUCED EITHER·IN WHOLE OR IN P ART W ITHOUT TH EIR WRITTENC ONSENT. :CT.SPEC IAL e Ciordon S iqn Co p an , s .cAer ,Yz':'-I ~Cl "A~"OV .D av :D.-AW N av GI-+- .UlTS OAT<'7·2-97 'U,YI."O ,~1 3 0 1 6 01 I~BA"lK /\VE$T VA Il_r UBE rUB E D RAWI NG NUM8 1,. ;::R:CUSTOMERS .J.LIL.E;Y 30'2.14 cPHONE N ELI ~ 12 'i SGL. 7-ELEVEN -AS NOTED BELOW V INYL TENANT COPY AS NOTED -F IRST TEL.LER D IS::>~Y S::>ECLAL "i=/RST BANI:::."GREEN V i:'IYL BKG'D.W ITH W ..,ITE COPY AND !..OGOS,_ L.EAVE W HITE O UTLINE AS S HOWN. RO UT O UT TENA'IT PA"ELS A"JD BACK W ITH WH ITE PLEX.o @ "T!-c:::F I"J ISH :;oo.,G T OUCI-"B L.UE:V INY'_::13630-36 @ ETCH 1/1 6"DEEP L INe X I "IN ALUM.BASE.(NO TEXTURE) r,Q\FABRICATE 118"TH ICK ALUM.BASE.PAINT LIGHT T EXTURE V F IN IS HT O I'"'ATCH EF IS CO!..OR ;;2 (SEE SAMPLe). PA!NT e TCHED LiNes SAI'1E. CD FABRICATE ALUM SKAPE PPJNT TO MATCH EF IS COLOR 1;2 (SEE SAMPLE) o FAB:<ICATE ALUM INUM SKAPE (2 LEVELS) PA INT TO MATCH EF IS CO!..OR;;2 (SEE SAMP_=) ®FABRICATE ALUMINUM CABINET W ITH 118"THICK ALUMIN UM FACES.PPJNT HARTFORD GREEN TO I""'ATCH SAMPLE ~:<OUT COPY A'JD B,ACK.W ITH wh r ~E PL.EX. Q RO ~COPY AND B,ACK WITH WHITE P_EX @ FABRICATE 118"~SED ALUM.C.AP. PAINT TEXTUt<E i=INISH TO I'"'ATCH EF tS CO!..OR ::12 (SEE SA~P_E ). ~_GREEN V INYL BKG'D ."FIRST BANK GREEN" ,.,W HITE COPY AND GRAPHICS 7-11 O\GE 7-11 GREEN 4i:EvEn .. 7-11 RED (~ .---® --0 -® ~~'.:~ ':..f-.L:'+--0 :J."":"'::-:::-+--0 ~......_@ -e 5-0 ' 11 2'=1'-0' Ii N DOU BLE FACE DISPLAY T-12 ILLUMINA.--ION _---..,..-..,..--.,.-------..,~-----,....--......,~-..,....,.---'"""'T"-...,.......,~------~-. -+--{3 +-!----{10 I ~~~-.....-~ b 'joll~ "/-D.F.IN STALL NON ·ILLUM. F PL E INT SHETMETAL FABRICATE D PLEX. SHE ETA LUMINUM A T PLASTIC EXTRUDED ALUMI NUM VINYL Y S REENED S HEET MT L.BU LLETIN HEATTRAN SFER RACEWAY -;M SPRAY PAIN TED L PR K T OTHER:OTHER:CONCR ET STU -RlYWALL