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•ot ~("e,(e4-b" % r./v./n Receipt fund s to: Name :Brian &Tra cy Gil lett e Mailing Address: 2782 Kinni-c7k~i-n-n-i~c~k~~D----- Va il ,Colorado 8165 7 .~~~~'8~\6t- CASH DEPOSI T FORMAT F-' Legal Description:Lot 12 ,B l ock_C~__ Subdivision:Vai 1 Das Schone I Addres s:2498 Arosa Dr i ve Developer :Brian &Tracy Gillette Project Number:DD7-ODD ,!(f fl..:ri/7 -OQ2ft ) Improvement Completion Date :JuJ:y 1(2 007 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT T HIS AGREEMENT ,madeand enteredintothis li.....-dayof _M_a....y -::-:-_---:--:-_,20....Q2.... byandamong Brian &T racy Gillette (the"Developer"),andtheTownof Va il(the ''Town"). WHEREAS ,theDeveloper,asaconditionofapprovaloftheTempo rary Cert ificate of Occupancyfor 2498 A rosa Drive L ot 1 2 Block C Vai lDas Sc hone (address,legaldescription,andprojectnumber)wishes toenterintoaDeveloper Improvement Agreement ;and WHEREAS ,theDeveloperisobligatedtoprovidesecurityor collateralsufficient inthe jUdgementoft he Towntomake reasonableprovisions for completion ofcertain improvementsset forthintheattachedestimated bid(s)inaccordancewiththeapprovedplansandspecifications f iled intheofficeoftheCommun ity Development Department oftheTownofVail ;and WHEREAS ,the Developerwi shestoprovide collateral toguarantee performanceof this Ag reement,includingcompletionofthe a ll improvementsreferredtointhis Agreement,bymeans of t he following: TheDeveloperagreestoestablishacashdepositaccountwiththeTownofVail ,as escrowagent,intheamountof $$4 512 .50 ascollateralforthe completionofallimprovementsreferred tointhisAgreement,intheeventthereisa defaultunderth is Agreementby t heDeveloper. NOWTHEREFORE ,inconsiderationof the fo llowing mutual covenantsandagreements , theDeveloper andtheTow nagreeasfollows: 1.TheDeveloper ag rees,at itssole cost andexpense,to f urnishallequipment and materialsnecessarytoperform andcomplete a ll improvementsreferred to inthisAgreement.The Developeragreestocomplete allimprovementsreferredto inthisAgreement o n orbeforethe_ dayof Ju ly 1 ,20 07 .The Developershallcomplete ,inagoodworkmanlike manner ,all improvementsreferred to inthis Agreement ,inaccordancewithallapprovedplans andspecificationsfiled intheofficeoftheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentoftheTownof Vai l,andtodoallworkincidental theretoaccordingtoandincompliancewith thefollowing: a.Allsaidworkshallbedoneundertheinspect ion of ,andto thesatisfact ion of,theTownPlanner,theTownEngineer ,theTownBuilding Official,orother official from t he Town of Vail,asaffectedby specialdistricts or service districts,as theirrespectiveinterest mayappe ar,andshallnotbedeemed completeuntilapprovedandacceptedascompletedbytheCommun ity DevelopmentDepartment andPublic Wor ks Department oft heTownof Vail. F :lcdevIFORMSIPermitsIPlanninglAdminislrative_ActionsIDIAcas hformat_112002.doc Page 1of 5 •• 2.Tosecureandgua rantee performance of theobligationsassetforthherein ,the Developer agrees toprovide collateralasfollows : Acash deposit accountwiththeTownofVail,as escrow agent,inthe amount of $4 512.5 0 ascollateralforthecompletionofall improvements referredtointhisAgreement,intheeventthereisa default under this Agreement bythe Developer. 3 .The Developer mayatanyt ime substitutethecollate ral originally setforthabove for another formo f securityorco llateral acceptabletotheTownto guarantee thefaithful comp letion ofthose improvementsreferredtoherein inthis Agreement andthe performance of the termsofthisAgreemen t.Such acceptance bytheTownofa lternative secu rity or collateral shallbeattheTown 's sole d iscretion. 4.TheTownshallnot ,norshallanyofficeroremployeethereof,beliableor responsible foranyaccident,lossordamagehappen ing oroccurringtothework specified inthis Agreement priortothe completion and acceptance ofthesame,norshalltheTown ,norany officer or employee thereof,beliableforanypersonsorpropertyinjuredbyreasonofthenature ofsaidwork ,butallofsaidliabilitiesshallbeandareherebyassumedbythe Developer. The Developer herebyagreesto indemnify andhold harmless theTown ,andanyofits officers,agents and employees againstanylosses ,claims,damages,or liabilities towhichthe Townoranyofitsofficers,agentsor employees maybecomesubjectto ,insofar asanysuch losses,claims ,damages orliabilities(oractionsinrespectthereof)ariseoutoforarebasedupon any performance bytheDeve loper hereunder;andthe Developer shallre imburse theTownfor anyandalllegalorotherexpensesreasonablyincurredbytheTownin connection with investigating ordefendinganysuchloss,claim ,damage ,liability oraction .This indemnity provisionsha ll beinadditiontoanyotherliabilitywh ich the Developer myhave . 5.Itis mutually agreedthattheDevelopermayapplyforandtheTownmay authorize apartialreleaseofthecollateraldepositedwiththeTownforeach category of improvement afterthesubject improvement isconstructedin compliance withallplansand specifications asreferenced hereunder andacceptedbytheTown.Under nocond ition shallthe dollar amount ofthecollateralthatisbeingheldbytheTownbereducedbelowthedollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referredtointhis Agreement. 6.IftheTowndeterm ines,atitsso le discret ion,thatanyofthe improvements referredtointhis Agreement arenotconstructedin compliance withtheapprovedplansand specifications filedintheofficeofthe Community Development Department oftheTownofVa il or not accepted bytheTownas complete onor beforethedatesetforthin Paragraph 1ofthis Agreement ,theTownmay ,butshallnotberequiredto,drawuponthesecu rity referredtointhis Agreement andcompletethe uncompleted improvements referredtointhis Agreement.Pursuant to Section 12-11-8,VailTownCode,the Temporary Certificateof Occupancy referredtointh is Agreement mayberevokeduntilall improvements referredtohereinarecompletedbythe Developer ortheTownin accordance withthisAgreement. F :lcdevIFORMSIPermilsIPlanninglAdministrative_ActionsIOIAcas hfor mat_112002 .doc Page 2 of5 •• IfthecostsofcompletingtheuncompletedimprovementsreferredtointhisAgreement exceedthedollaramountofthedeposit,theexcess,togetherwithinterestattwelvepercent (12%)perannum,shallbealienagainstthepropertyandmaybecollectedbycivilsuitormaybe certifiedtothetreasurerofEagleCountytobecollectedinthesamemannerasdelinquentad valoremtaxesleviedagainstsuchproperty.IftheDeveloperfailsorrefusestocompletethe improvementsreferredtointhisAg reement,suchfailureorrefusalshallbeconsidered aviolation ofTitle12(ZoningRegulations),oftheVailTownCode,andtheDevelopershallbesubjectto penaltiespursuanttoSection12-3-10(Violations:Penalties)andChapter1-4(GeneralPenalty), oftheVailTownCode. 7.TheDevelopershallwarrantytheworkandmaterialsofallimprovementsreferred tointhisAgreementlocatedonTownpropertyorwithinaTownright-of-way,pursuanttoChapter 8-3 ,oftheVailTownCode,foraperiodoftwoyearsaftertheTown'sacceptanceofsaid improvements. 8.ThepartiesheretomutuallyagreethatthisAgreementmaybeamendedfromtime totime ,providedthatsuchamendmentsbeinwritingandexecutedbyallpartieshereto. F :\cdevIFORMS IPermilslPlanninglAdministrative_ActionsIDIA cash l ormat_112002.doc Page3015 . J •• Datedthedayandyearfirstabovewritten. Developer STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OFEAGLE) • Theforegoing Deffiog:rmprovement Agreemen/rhl,s acknowledgeq beforemethis~Day of •20..01.by ~t a o Gi ,,=eJ.....t-"-;{)_ Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires.~:...;·\1-'1 \,-,",1\'2-0 Df My Commissio nExpires 08/1112007 TownPlanner STATEOF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OFEAGLE) The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged beforemethis vb'Dayof f'v':i...,.20Ql by \.0\leuf>.::-:,.ytA....%.10 If'db \ Witness myhandandofficialseal. My commission expires:PartI '\l \,LD U _ ~I/I M.O ~~ NotaryPublic () F :lcdevlFORMSIPermilsIPlanninglAdministrative_A ctionsIDIA cash lormat_112002 .doc Page4 015 Job Name: Date: Report: 2498ArosaDrive May 14,2007 RegradingProposal Estimate GILLETTE LLC CONSTR UCTION Intheeventthat theexistingresidenceat2498drive isdemolished andconstruction oftheproposedresidence doesnot commence ,GilletteLLCagreestogradeandrevegitatethesite perthegradingplandatedMay14,2007 forthesumof $3,610 .00, Description Cost ofthe Work 01 General Requirements 01741Site Maintenance Total01General Requirements 02Site Construction 02311SubGrade 02911 Topsoil 02921 Hydro Seeding Total 02Site Construction Total Cos1 of the Work Other Charges Direct Overhead Total Other Charges Gross Maximum Price 70 70 800 800 1,469 3,069 3,139 63 471 3,610 Cost oflaborsweepthestreet.• Costofmach ine t ime togradethesiteperthegradingplandatedMay14,2007. Costofmachine timetospreadtopso il. Costtohydoseedthesite withnativegrasses , Directoverheadischargedat2%ofthecostofthework. • Page1of1 •• 'rown of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S.Frontage Road Vall,CO 81657 Name:1JCIt.r-C :lldk ReceiptNo .'£%91 Address:"Lm ~Df"y, Project:'Do 7 -dOO'!Date «/15"//)1, PleasemakecheckspayabletotheTOWNOF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 00003141110 AddressMaps ZA $5.00 * 0010000 31411 10 ZoningMaps ZA $20.00 * 00100003194400 CustomMaps * 00100003141112 OtherCodeBooks CB .. 001 0000 3141211 BluePrints/Mylar CopyFees SF $7.00 .. 00100003141111 XeroxCopies XC $0.25 .. 00100003141111 MasterPlan MS * 001 0000 3141111 Stud ies.Master Plans,etc.MS • 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors LicenseFees CL 001 00003123000 Contractors LicenseFees -RENEWAL CL 00 1 0000 240 3300 Develop er Im provement Agreement Depos it D2-OEP10 AD l;-:-n .«f"~ 001 00 00317 1nnn ~"'5taura n t LIcensefee [rOV)RL 001 0000 2302000 Spec .Assess .-Restauranl Feeto Co.Dept.Rev,SA 11000003141115 Resale Commission MS Other-MS Other -MS Other-MS Other-MS Other -MS 001 0000201 1000 Taxable @ 4.4%(State)•Tax payable TP 001 00003101200 Taxable @ 4%(Town)-Retail Sales Tax T7 TOTAL: +allitemschargedtax ;Jf::c9*~No speed code for 001-0000-319-44-00 Comments: Cash Money Order #Check #10-(D Received by:-:SS" ~ f/r.nAvlformsladminlsalesaClion_fonn_2007 115106 • Town ofVail HI CUSTOMER RECEIPT I ff Oper:AJANUSZ Type:FB Dr aw er:I Date :5/16/07 01 Receipt no :8548 • Cust olel' 2742 AD Locati on Nale Al ount 2753 PERMmOO7-0004,BRAI AR-DEPOSITS $4 512.50 $45 12.50 $4512 .:50 $4512 .50 BRAIN GILLETTE REC#5883'3,PERMlT#OO7 -0004 Tendf ~de tail CK CHECK 1040 Total tendered Total paylent Tr ans date:5/1 6/07 Tile :10:53:44 THANK YOO FOR YOUR PAYI'l"NT! PREPARED 6/28/07,1 0,09 ,53 PR OGRAM MR4 15U Towno f Vai l CUS T-IO CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUNDREPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION T X-DAT EAJ -DATE DEPOSI T AMOUNT DEPOSIT-ADJ AMOUNT ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT 2742 0 0 7-000 4,BRAI N GILLETTE 02 DEPIO Oep -Developer ImpAg rmt s 5/1 6/01 6/28 /07 4512 .50 4512.50 4512 .50 -.00 TOT AL F ORCUSTOMERT YPE:02 4512 .50 45 12 .50 4 512 .5 0-.00 GRANDTOTAL : DEPOSIT COUNT : G/L BATC H CREATED, 1 BATCH-017 79 2007/06 USERID-JLOVATO 4512 .50 AP HE LD 4 5 1 2.50 4 5 12 .5 0-.00 • COUNT -.00 AMOUNT-4 ,512 .50 • V4d45 5chcmL (~+ ItT/-o.,bl/c-c. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Commun ity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970 .479.2452 web:www.vaifgov.com Project Name:GILLETTE RESIDENCE Project Description: DRB Number:DRB070191 ANAL APPROVAL FORA CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS (GARAGE MANDOORAND UTIliTY METER ENCLOSURE) Participants: OWNER GILLETTE,BRIANE.&TRACY M05/14/2007 Phone:970-390 -7981 2782KINNICKINNICKRD0 VAIL CO81657 APPLICANT GILLETTE,BRIANE.&TRACY M05/14/2007 Phone:970-390-7981 2782KINNICKINNICKRDD VAIL CO81657 l}.'l"t" Project Address:~AROSA DRVAIL Location:2489AROSADR. Legal Description:lot:12 Block:C Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE AL 1 Parcel Number:2103-141-0800-3 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:05/15/2007 Cond:B (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of T ownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond :0 (PLAN):ORB approvaldoes not constitute a permit for building .Please consult w ith TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approvalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approvalofth isp rojectshall lapseandbecome vo id one(1)year following thedate of fi nalapproval,unlessabu ilding perm it is issuedandconst ruction iscommenced and Is diligently pursuedtowa rd completion. Cond:113 All development applications subm itted to theTown after the effective date of Ordinance26,Series2006shallbe subject tothepend ing emp loyee housing regulationsin whatever form they are finally adopted;provided,however,that If theTownfails to adopt thepending employee housing regulations byApril 15,2007, thisOrdinanceshallnotapplytosuch development applications. Planner:Bill Gibson DRBFeePaId:$20.00 .~'.",.....-..:,......\. ChangesToTheApprovedPlans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail ,Colora do 81657 t el:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Owner(s)Signature(s):_ (ContactEagleCo.Assessorat 970-328-8 640 forparcelno.) E-mail Address: Locationof the Proposal:Lot:~Bloc k:_C_Subdivision :Vail Das Schone 24 98 Arosa D rive Zoning:Primary Se conda ry Name(s)of Owner(s):Br ian &Tracy G illette Mailing Address:27 82 Kinnickinnick D Vail ,Colorado 81657 __________________Phone:(97 0)390-7 981 Name of Applicant:_O_w_n_e_r _ Mailing Address:bri an gillette@gi llettellc .com ___________________Phone:__ ____________Fax :---'(...=4.:;:.2c.:=5:...'.l....:7....:4'-'O'----=1::...;4::...;4::...;0"---__ General Information: All projects requiring design reviewmust receiveapproval prior to subm itting abuilding permitapplication.Please refert o the submittal requirementsforthe particular approva l thatis requested .Anapplication for Des ign Review cannotbe accepted untilallrequired information is received by the Community DevelopmentDepartment.The project mayalsoneed tobe reviewed bytheTown Council and/orthePlanning and Environmental Co mmission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences with in oneyearofthe approval. DescriptionoftheRequest:Eliminat e garage man door from south elevation. Add meter enclosure to w est elevation . PhysicalAddress : ParcelNo.:2 10 31 4108 00 3 Type of Review andFee: ~Changes toApproved Plans $20Forrevisions toplans already approved by Pia ,n;nn c->-"G o/J ~~Design Review Board .-"\~©~ Submittal Requirements:0 3Sets of Plans AddressingProjectChanges m MAY 11 2007 Signatureof Homeowner(s)orAssociation 1...1 ,It .TOWN OFVAIL For Office~OJllY:160 '-1.b'((L-U-C LLl Fee Paid:Check No.:By: Meeting Date:Z -Gc-u 7 oss no ~B cn 0/'1/ 'BeSPlanner:«..~cJ7~Od 2 8ProjectNo.: F:\cdev\FORM S\Pennits\Planning\DRBl drb_c hange_to_approvedJllan s_1Jlage_10-1 8-2006.doc ***•••••••**********•••••••****.************••****••••******••**••••••••••******•••••••***** TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement **********•••••*••••••**************•••••••••••••*******••••••***********•••••************** Statement Number: Payment Method: LLC R070000689 Amount:$20.00 Check 05/14/200707:54 AM Init :JS Notation:1004/GILLETTE Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address : Location: DRB070191 Type: 2103-141-0800 -3 2489 AROSA DR VAIL 248 9 AROSA DR. DRB -Chg to Appr Plans Total Fees :$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20.00 Balance:$0.00 *••***•••••••••••••••*.*********••••••••••*********•••••••*************•••••*********••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES CUrrent Pmts 20.00 I 1\ V \ \I \II GENERAL CONlRACTOR:PROJECT NAME:OATE/REVISION:SHEET NUMBER: GILLETTE LLC April 25,2007 CONSTRUC TION 2498 Arosa Drive South Vail,Colorado Elevat ionPOSTorrrceBox5821425.740 .1440 v VAI L Cor.on v oo 81658 -l 2 5.74 0 .1440 f 1/8"-1'-0" w ww.giflette tlc .com II I III Ti l I II II II"II 1111 I I "1 I Ti l I I I I II I II I III II II II -rrTTl III ITlTTTlnTTT ,1 -1fTT II II II 1 IIII II"I 1I1I III "II II • II II II11IIIIII I IIIIIII III IIIITIIIII I IITIII II II I I I 11I1 11111 I fill 111111 1111111 IITI ll I I I I 111111 II Till nn 1111 II 1111lfTI II rnr n I III InTI L\c J vet cr :rC'OS ..H I: I I GENERAL CONlRACTOR:PROJECT NAlAE:DATE/REVISION:SHEET NUMBER : GILLETTE LLC April 25,2007 C ONST RUCTION 2498 Arosa Drive West Vail ,Colorado Elevation )QST O Ft'ICIi Box 5 &21 425 .740 .1......0 v VA IL C OI.ORAl)U Kl fl5R 42 5 .740 .14.40 r 1/8·-1'-0· www.g ilteneltc com •( Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 CO/oMJNIT'foe.ElOP..ENT web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:GILLETTE RESIDENCE DRB Number:DRB070031 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL OFANEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNERGILLETfE,BRIANE.&TRACY M01/29/2007 Phone:970-390-7981 2782KINNICKINNICKRD0 VAIL CO816S7 APPUCANT GILLETTE,BRIANE.&TRACY M01/29/2007 Phone:970-390-7981 2782KINNICKINNICKRD0 VAIL CO81657 Project Address:2489 AROSA DRVAIL Location:2489 AROSA DR. Legal Description:Lot:12Block:CSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:2103 -141-0800-3 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:DANTAS SecondBy:DUNNING Vote:3-0-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:03/07/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Townof Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry:02/02/2007 By:DRhoadesAction:COND 1.Monitored FireAlarmSystem requiredandshallcomply with NFPA 72and VFES standards. 2.NFPA 13Rfire sprinkler systemrecommended. Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approvaldoes not constitute a permit for building .Please consult with TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approvalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date of finalapproval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:113 All development applications submitted to theTown after the effective date of Ordinance26,Series2006shallbe subject tothepending employee housing regulationsin whatever formthey are finally adopted;provided,however,that if theTownfailsto adopt thependingemployeehousing regulations byApril15,2007, thisOrdinanceshall not applytosuch development applications. Cond:CON0008730 The applicant shallenclose the utility metersonthewest elevation witha meter box. ,• Planner:BillGibson DRBFeePaid:$650.00 -, Subdivision:VailDasSchone (Contact EagleCo.Assessorat 970·328·8640 for parcel no.) Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com New Construction Application for Design Review Brian andTracyGillette BrianandTracyGillette LocationoftheProposal:Lot:_1_2_Block:C Name(s)of Owner(s): PhysicalAddress:~2",4",8,-"9,_,A",r",-os,,,a,__D""llriYue,--_ ParcelNo.:210314108003 Owner(s)Signature(s):-'-_ NameofApplicant:_ MailingAddress:2782Kinnickinnick 0Vail,Colorado81657 __________________Phone:-=-97:...:0:..:.;.3""9c:.0:..:..7.::,:98::.;1'--_ ·.j;"'<r )jJ.!dfrv Zoning:Primary Secondary -D ~c ri P t i o n oftheRequest:_N_e_w_S_i_n:::.gl_e_F_a_m_il:..y_R_e_sl_de_n_ce _ -,I TOWNOFVAlL ·::01 General Information: Allprojectsrequiring design reviewmust receive approval prior tosubmittingabuildingpermit application .Please refertothesubmittal requirementsfor the particular approval that is requested.An application for Design Review cannotbe accepted untilallrequired informationis received bythe Community Development Department.The projectmayalso need to be reviewed bytheTown Council and/orthe Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within one year oftheapproval . r-,,==--.J E-mail AddreSS:briangiliette@giJIettellc.com 2782Kinnickinnick DVail,Colorado 81657 ___________________Phone:_9_7_o._3_9o_._79_8_1 _ Fax:425.740.1440 Typeof Review andFee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review No Fee QlI New Construction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans $20 0 Sepa ration Request No Fee ~$1.00per square footoftotalsignarea. For construction ofanewbuilding or demo/rebuild . Foranadditionwhere square footage is added toany residential or comme rdal building(indudes 250additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. Forminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revis ions to plans already approved by Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board. I Planner: ForOffice Vs~_Qnl :"7:z./'Cd -u., Fee Paid:~Check No.:---By:J,.)r l 'tt..""~.![.:...,{.e..::=-~L1""'__=--=-__ Meeting Date:-z..-"Z...l-U 7 DRB No.:~t3 6 7 0 <43 L ---='5,...-C,,----ProjectNO.J~~7·002& ******••********************************.*************************************************** T OWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R070000091 Amount:$650 .00 Check 01/29/200702 :00 PM Init:JS Notation:BRIANGILLETTE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location : DRB070031 Type: 2103-141-0800 -3 2489 AROSA DR VAIL 2489 AROSA DR. DRB -New Construction Total Fees:$650.00 This Payment :$650.00 Total ALL Pmts :$650.00 Balance:$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST : Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 650 .00 • Building Materials Roof Siding OtherWall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Dec k Rails Flues Flash ing Ch imneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Reta ining Walls Exterior Ughting other PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material C erta inteed Presidential TL Ultimate Res awn STK Ceda r LaHabra Cement Ba sed Stucco Res awn STKCedar Resawn STKCedar Jeld -Wen Alum inum Ciad Snapped Mult i-Piece Flagstone S ills Resa wn STKCedar Res awn ST K Ced ar IPE lso kem Coppe r Te nminatio n Co pper LaHabra Cement Based St ucco N/A N/A River Roc k Bo ulders Restoration Hardware Granite Veneer Autumn Blend Natural -Valhalla Wood Treatment Crystal White Natural -Valhalla Wood Treatment Natural -Valhalla Wood Treatment Chestnut Bronze Buff Natural -Valhalla Wood T reatment Na tural -Valhalla Wood Treatment Natural Natural Pat ina Natura l Patina Crystal White Albany Sconce Notes: Please specifythemanufacturer's name,thecolornameandnumber andattachacolorchip. F:\cdev\FORM S\Permits\Planning\DR B\drb_new_construction_10-1S-2006.doc Pa ge 7 of 14 11/23/2005 Provides coverage in event of manufacturing detects is-lear Streak l-ighrer Warrant)(where available) Protects agains t streaking andd iscolorationcaused by airborne a lgae Covers lOO%of replacement and labor costsdueto manufacturing defects .,w-_. • EXTERIOR SCONCE NATURALLY WEATHER COPPER FLASHING MULT I-PIECE STONESILLS DOORS ,FACIA ,SOFF IT ,DECKRAILS RIVERROCK RETAINING WALLS GRANITE VENEER X-23ASPEN (BAS E2(0) x-so CRYSTAl WHITE (BASE 1(0) X-31 OATMEAL (BASE 2(0) X-524 AlAMO (BASE 2(0) X-72 ADOBE (BASE 2(0) X-215 MESA VERDE (BASE 1(0) X-48 MEADOWBROOK (BASE 1(0) X-97 PAC IAC SAND (BASE 2(0) X-2BMIRAG E (BASE 200) X-475 VIEJO (BASE 200) x-B20 SILVERADO (BASE 2(0) X-73 EGG SHEll(BASE1(0) X-56SANDS TONE (BASE 2(0) X-34 SAN SIMEON (BASE 2(0) X-5BO SIERRA TAN (BASE 2(0) •These colors are intended to show the approx imate color of16120 float fin ish stucco,(Co lors will vary inother products).•App lication by I should be expected ..For color verificat ion .request an actua l sample inthe color and texture prior to ordering material..The contractor sha .,c1oo;f''ulndow [Standard Colors)[LuxuryColors][Copper Cladding)[Satin-Anodized] Standard Colors lIVe offer12 standard enduring metal dad finishes that were created in response to our aJStomers ' design preferences.We also provide 27 Luxury colors ina broader rangeofhues,and custom color matching for atruly personalized look.Foran industrial look,we offer a clear,salin-anodized finish. All Custom VVood metalclad finishes willstay truer and brighter than other finish options.This is because they feature a commercial-grade 70%Kynar 5OCJf}resinsys1em,which resists fadingand chalking (finish degradation caused by ultraviolet exposure).Our warranty guarantees that thefinish won't chalk orfadefor 20 years ,even in coastal environments.· •Windowsendpatiodoors with metet-cled exteriors installed within one mile of a seltweter source (or other corrosive environment)have specific msintenance requirements.Please refer to our full cere and maintenance instructions. Brilfia nt White French Vanilla Desert Sand Heirloom 'M1ite Smoke MesaRed Black Licorice Long text Luxury Colors Redwood SageBrown Hartford Green Hunter Green Chestnut Bronze In addition to the 27 enduring Luxury colors shown here ,we offer custom color matching foratruly personarozed look.Foran industrial look ,youcanalso choose a clear,satin-anodized finish . rtll'll'·ftr~· Browse Products Iso Caps About Us I Browse Products I Contact Us I FAQs I Links lsakern mortar fi reb rick copper pots Iso-caps e xhaustfans gas log sets c lay ch imney pots metal ch im ney cast Iron dampers Insulating material The Iso-Cap is araincap specifically designed to fit the lsokem t4"(fourteen Inch)flueliner .Iso-Capsare easytoinstallaseachone slmpty slidesInto the terminating flueandsealedwith silicone caulk. Installation is simple ,dean andQuick. Iso -caps are available in two styles :stainless steel a nd copper.Allstainless steel capsarebulh from high grade steelandhas a ten year warranty against corrosion .Copper Iso -Caps canbe used for anold world,ctass jc look but ,still offerthesame functionality asthestainlesssteelversion . The Iso-Cap product linealsohasa vanatlon called the Iso -Hue Top Damper.The Iso -Flue Top Damper Is the same destgn astheIso -Cap but,hasaunique sprtnq -lcaded top sealing plate hiddenbeneaththe roofofthecap .The Iso -Hue kit comes witha stainless steel cordandlockinghandlewhichIs set Intothe fireboxwall.TheIso -Rue TopDamperisavailablein stainless steel andcopperalso. D stainless copper sitemap I copyright Department ofCommunity D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road vail Co lorado 81657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 9 70-479-2452 www.vailgov.com February 16 ,2007 Brian Gillette 2782 Kinnickinnick,UnitD Vail ,CO81657 RE:GilletteResidences -2498ArosaDrive/Lot 12,Block C,Va il DasSchoneFiling1 DearBrian, TheTownofVa il Fire Department hasrev iewed theDesig n Rev iew application foraproposedGillette Residences locatedat2498ArosaDrive.T hefollowingisa summary ofthe comments fromthat review: 1.MonitoredFlreAlarmSystemrequi red andshallcomply with NFPA72and VFES standards . 2.NFPA 13Rfire sprinkler systemrecommended. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsor comments ,fee l free tocontactmedi rectly at(970)479-2173 . Since rely, BillGibson ,AICP TownPlanner TownofVail o kECYCL£D PAPER .. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PRO POSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TOBE REMOVED Botanical Name Piceapunge ns Syr inga Malus Popu lus tremuloides Piceapungens CommonName BlueSpruce Lilac Crab Apple Asp en Blue Spruce Quantity 3 3 4 6' 5 gal 2" .7' 8' Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :DeciduousTrees-2"Caliper Coniferous Trees-6 'i n height Shrubs-5 Gal. ~Sguare Footage GROU ND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Kentu cky BlueGrass NativeGrass Mix A utomati c Pop Up Sprinklers Silt Fence 2300 4500 6800 Please specify otherlandscape features (i.e,retain ing walls,fences,swimmingpools,etc.) River Ro ck Retaining Walls F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\PIa nning\DRB\drb_new_construction_10-lB -2006.doc Page Bof14 11/23/2005 D epartment ofCommunityD evelopment 7 5South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 9 70-479-2 452 www.vailgov.com February12 ,2007 Brian Gillette 2782Kinnick innick,UnitD Vail,CO 81657 RE:GilletteResidences -2498ArosaDrive/Lot 12,BlockC,VailDasSchoneFiling1 DearBrian, TheTownofVailStaffhasrev iewed theDesign Review application fora proposed Gillette Residences locatedat2498ArosaDrive .Thefollow ing isa summary ofthe comments fromthatrev iew: 1.Cor rect theaddressonplansfrom "2489"to "2498"Arosa Dr ive. 2.S ite Plan: •Addanortharrow. •Printtoascaleof1":10'. •Ver ify th e dormer ridgeelevat ions arethesameelevation asthe primary ridge,even thoughthe dormers donott ie intothe primary ridge . •Providesnowstoragearea calculations insquarefeet (minimum 30%equiva lent of driveway area). •Showinterpolatedexisting grades beneaththe proposed st ructure . •Showproposedsurfacedra inage . •Show all req uired parking spaces (min .4spaces )with a9'x18 'box for interiorspaces and a 9'x19'boxforexterior spaces . •Labe lt heTOW (top-of-wall)andBOW(bo ttom-of-wall)elevations forall reta ining wa lls. •Adjust t he reta iningw allsto comply w ith themin imum twofoot setback requirementfrom property lines .ThePublic Works Department isrequir ing thatthe proposed fron t reta ining wallberemovedfromthe Arosa Drive Right-of-Way. •Provide dr iveway spotelevations att hegarage ,street ,andalong t he center lineofthe drive .Demons trate thatthefirst10'of driveway (measured fromthebackof t hepan) doesnotexceed agradeof8%. •C larify thattheexist ing north west boulderwallisbe ing demo lished. 2.Architectural Elevat ions: •Showhorizonta l dimensions forkeybuildingelements. •Enclose,screen,and/or pa int a ll ex terior utility meters . 3.Accord ing to th e T ownofVailHazardMaps ,a p ortionofth is prope rty isloca ted w ithin aHigh Mode rate Debr is Flow area .As ite speci fic ana lysis prepa red byareg iste rg eologistor professional engineerin accordance w iththepro visions of Chapter 12-21 ,HazardRegulations , Vail TownCode,mustbesubmittedw ith thebuild ing permit application. 4 .Acons truction stag ing pla n mustbesubm ittedaspa rt ofthebuilding permit applicati on. 5 .App lication foraRevocab le Right-of -Way Permit forall imp rovements within the Aros a Driv e Right-of-Way wi ll berequ ired wi th thebuilding per mit app lication. o k ECYCLED PAPER D epartment ofCommu nity Development 7 5SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 9 70-479-24 52 www.vailgov.com 6.Thereisamoratoriumonstreetcutsalong ArosaDrive un til the summer of201 1.Contactthe Public Works Department foraddit ional details. Pleasesubm it rev ised plansaddressingtheabovelisteditemsbyNoononFriday,February16,2007 .If youhaveanyquest ions orcomments,feelfree tocontactmedirectly at(970)479-2173. Sincerely, ~, ~~/ffl.~ Bill Gibson,AICP TownPlanner TownofVail O:k-CYCLED PAPER ) RESTORATION HARDWARE iIIFftvo'''.M1_ Albany Sco nce .". •....01 rIIl\IItpOdtnD •..Ioi'.-dwlh vilii"'rivlllll:s •Firn-t In.~tn.Gl'bronrIl •o.l/Q'r*fb~uw.-•Di",,"~:f1'dam.'2-2f3"H ;7·3.'4"~tomq' •e.tIIIopend~a'Iy Shown WIt,n)",. 10 Locations AlN'1yIkOnc.$139...... f 0!0tJu YlU Fnr.Il • ~ZoomVi... - SH IPI'IJoIG RATES 0-Rn-\lAN P OU LY = GE Consumer &Industrial Lighting WORLDWIDE PARTNER Products for YourHome HOI.l E PROOUCTS DESIGN IMTH LIGHT ASKUS 41028 -60A/W 48PK GE Soft WhiteA19 Where to Buv I ~ (Features.Photos (Technical Specifications ~R£TO BUV ] PRODUCT INFORMATION Base Medium SC rew(E26)----- ProductCode 41028 Description 6OA/W48PK UPC 043168900058 A19 Medium SCrew (E26 ) CC-6 Base A lament GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Lamp type Incandescent -A-line---- Bulb Soft white 60 120--- 1000 hrs Soft gl.::ass=--_ Standard BulbAn ish Wattage Voltage----- Rated Life=---------==..:..::..::._---BulbMateria l Primary ~I'l i cati on PHOTOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS Initial Lumens 840 Nominal lnitial Lumens 14 perWatt 2.375 in (60 .3 mm) 4.4300 in (112 .5 m m)840LUMENS 2.375 DIAX4.43MO L =80 LUMINANCE DIMENSIONS Maximum OverallLength (MOL'-.)_ Bulb Diameter (DIA ) UghtCenterLength (LCL) 3.120 in (79 .2 mm) Home I Products I Design with Light I AskUs I Wlere toBuy I FAas I GEAroundthe World I Sne Map Commerdal Products &Solutions I PressRoom I Corporate I Investor Information I PrivacyPolicy I Accessibility Statement I TemnsofUse Copyright General Electr ic Company 1997-2007 2489ArosaDrive Lot13 Lot 14 2 489ArosaDrive Lot11 Vlew toSouth ~UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION .m~ Thisformserves to verify that the proposedimp rovements w ill notimpactanyexisting orproposed utility services,andalso to verifyserv ice availability andlocationfornewconstruction andshould be usedinconjunctionwithpreparingyour utility planand schedulinginsta llations.A site plan,includinggradingplan,noor plan,andelevations,shall be Submitted tothefollow ing utilities forapprovalandver ificatio n.-z.4-8 q Af?.eJr;>A,\)c::(,j \jf1./l.I ee Au t horized Signature Comments ~ QWEST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970.384 .0 257(fax) 970 .687.0722 (cell) Contacts:SteveWaters swat ers@qwest.com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.4 68.1401 (fa x) Contact :RichSisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970 .947.5425 (tel) 970.945 .4081 (fax) Contact :JeffVroom jvroom @holyqoss com EXCELENERGY 970 .262.4038(fa x) Contacts: KitBogart 970.262.4024 KatherineBogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970 .476 .7480 (te l) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact:Fred Haslee fha slee@erwsd.org COMCASTCABLE 970.468.2669 ext .1100 (tel) 970.468 .2672 (fax) Contact:BradDorcas bradely dorc as@cable.comcast com NOTES; 1.If the utility app roval &veri fication form has signatures fr om each ofthe utility companies,and nocomments are madedirectly onthefo rm,theTownwillpresumethattherearenoproblemsandthedevelopment can proceed. 2.If autil ity company hasconcernswith the proposed construction ,theuti lity representative shall noted irectly onthe utility verificationformtha t thereisaproblem wh ich needsto beresolved.The issueshould then be detailedinanattached letter to the Town of Vail.However,pleasekeepinm ind thatitistheresponsibility of t he utility companyandthe applicant toresolveidentified problems. 3.These verifications donot relieve t he contractoroftheresponsibility toobtain a Public Way Permitfromth e Department of Public Wor ks attheTown of Vail.utility locations must be obtained before digging inanypublicright-of-way or easementwith in th e Town of Vail.A building permit is not a Public Way permit and myst be obtained separately. TheDeveloperisrequiredandagreestosubmitany reviseddr awings totheutil ities for re-approval &re-verlficat ion if the submitted plansarealtered inanywayaftertheauthorizedsignature date(unlessot herwise specificallynotedwithinthecomment areaofthisform). Developer'sSignature F:\cdc v\FORMS \Permlts\P1 anning\DRB\drb_ncw_conslruction_10-18-2006.doc Date Page9 of 14 11/23/2005 SILVE RTI-[)RNE HP Fa x:19704681401 Jan 29 2007 9 :33 P.0 2 ~UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION1rNlH~,fJ This form serves to verify that theproposedimprovementsw ill notimpact any existing orproposedutility services,andalsoto ve rify service availability andlocationfornewconstruct ion and should be usedinconjunction withpreparing youruti lity plan and scheduling i nstallations.Asite plan,includinggrad ing plan,floor plan,andelevations,shal l be subm itted to the following uti lities f orapprova l andverifICation. QWEST 9 70.513 .7189 (tel) 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687 .0722(cell) Contacts :SteveWaters swaters @qwest.com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact:RichSisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970 .947.542S (tel) 970.945.4081 (fa x) Contact:Jeff Vroom jvroom@holvcross.com EXCEL ENERGY 970 .262.4038 (fa x) Contacts : Kit 80gart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 97 0.476.7480(tel) 97 0.476.4089 (fax) Contact:Fred Haslee fh aslee ;Ol erwsd .org Authorized Signature Comments ~\1CW CoN Lt:'f1[~ 1'ffo€#I ~Nt>~<-H-f (VIS .fA ({<-111 tr5 (l>1 Pt..o(o.st'O Mo-.JAN 29 2007 COMCAST CABLE 9 70.468.2669 ext.1100(te l) 97 0.468.2672 (fax) Contact:BradDor cas bradely dorcas @cable.comcast.com NOTES: 1.I f the utility approval 8<verifica tion formhassignatures from eachof the utility co mpanies,andnocommentsaremade directly on the form,the Town wi ll presume that t hereare nop roblemsand t hedevelopment canproceed. 2.If au tility compa ny has con cerns w ith th e proposed construction,th e utility representative shall note directly o n the utility ver ification form that there is a proble mwh ichneedst o be resolved.Theissue should then be d etailedinanatta chedletter t o th e Town of Vail.Howev er,pl easekeepinm indth at it is t heresponsib ilityoftheutility company andtheappl icant toresolve identified probl ems. 3.T hese verifications donotrelievethe contractor of theresponsibility toobta in aPublic WayPermitfrom the Depart ment ofPublic Wo rks atthe Town of Vail.Utility locations must be obtained before digging in anyp ublic ri ght-<>t-way or easement within t heTown ofVail.A building permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separately. The Developerisreq uiredand agrees tosubmit any revised drawings to the utilities f or re-approval 8<re-ver ftcation ift he submi tted plansare altered inany way after t heautho rizedsignaturedate(unless o therwisespecifically noted with inth e comment area of t hisform). Developer 's Sign ature F:\cd ev\FOR MS\?ermils\Planning\DR6\drtl_ne-',-construction_1G-18-2006.doc Date Page 9 of 14 11/23/2005 ,.XC EL SUMMIT CTY Fax:97026 24057 C</of"!3' Jan26 2007 13:30 AeOSA J£. P.01 ~UT1LITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION Vl!rorML ~rves to verify that the proposed improvements wiI:not impact any existing or proposed utility services,and also to verify service availability and location tornew construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing yourutilityplanand scheduling installations.Asite plan,including grading plan,floor plan,and elevations,sI1all be submitted to the following utWties for approval and verifiCi3tion . QWEST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970.384.0257(falt) 970.687 .0722 (cell) Contacts:SteveWaters swaters@qwest;com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.252.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact:Rich Sisneros HOLY CltOSS ELECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact;Jeff Vroom jyroom@holvcross.com Authoriud Signature Comm,,,ts EXCI!LENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.252.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER" SANITATION DI!mUCT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476 .4089 (fax) Contact:Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd prg COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext.1100 (tel) 97D.468.2672 (fax) Contact:Brad Dorcas bradely dprtJl5@Catlle comcast.com N.QB.i; 1.If the utility approval &veriflcMJon fonn h"s sign~tures from each or the utility companies,andnocomments are made directly on the:form,the Townwill presume thatthere are no problems and the development can proceed . 2.If a utility com~ny has concerns with the proposed construction,the utility representative SIlaIl note directly onthe utility verification fol'l'l'l that there is a problem which needs tobe resolved.The issue should t hen be detaill!d in an attached I~r to the Town of Vail.However,please keep in mind t hat itis the responsibiflty of the utility company and the applicant to resolve ldentif.ed problems. 3.These verifications donot relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public W<rf Permi t from the Department of Public Worts at the Town of Vail .Utility locations must be obtained before digging inany public right-of-way or easement within the TownofVail.A buildinG permit is not aPublic Way oermit and must be obtained sepaljllt!!!y. The Developer is requlred and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the ut ilities for re-apprcval &re-verl fication if the subm itted plans are altered in any way after the authorizl!d SignabJre date (unless otherwise specifica lly noted within t he comment area of this rorm), Develope r's Signature F:\cdev\FORMS\Perm its\P1a nnlng\DRB\drtl_new_oonst ruction_IO·18 ·2006 .doc Date Page 9 of 14 11/23/2005 Jan-29-2007 11 :29 From-ER'IISD 9704764089 T-009 P.OOI/OOl F-236. ~urnrrr APPROVAl.&.VJ;IUFICATION ~ro~~lVes to verifythatthe proposed Improvements willnot Impact any elClstlng Or proposed utility services,andalsoto verify service availability and location fornew construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing yourutilityplanand scheduling installations.A site plan,induding grading plan ,floor plan,and elevatiOllS,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verlflciltlon. QWliST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970.3114.0257(fax) 970.667.0722 (cell) Contacts:Steve Waters swaters@qwes!:<OOl EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact:Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.9'15.4081 (fax) Contact:Jeff vroom iv[QOm@bo!YCross com EXCELENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts : Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER a. SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact:Fred Haslee lhaslee@erwsd,Qrg Authorized Sionatu!'!t Comments COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext.1100(tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact:Brad Dorcas bradely don:as@cable.CQ01cast .com NOTES; 1.If theutility approval &verification Form hassignatures from each oftheutility companies,and no comments are made directly ontheform,theTownwill presume thatthereareno problems andthe developmen t can proceed. 2.If autility company has concerns withthe proposed construction,theutility representative :;hali note directly ontheutility verification formthatthere isaproblem which needs to be resolved.The issue should then be detailed inan attached letter to the Townofvail.HOWever,please keep inmindthat it Is the responSibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve Identified problems. 3.These verlficatlon s donot relieve the contractor ofthe responsibility to obtain a Pub/ic Way Permit fromthe Department of Public Works attheTownofvall.UtIljty 100000lons most be obtained before digging inanypublic right-of-way or easement within theTownof Vall .A bul/ding permit Is not it pUblic way permit and must be obtained separately. The Developer Is required and agrees to subm it any revised drawings tothe utilities for re-approval &re-verificatlon Ifthe submitted plans arealteredIn any wayafterthe authorized Signature date (unless otherwise specifically notedwithinthe comment area ofthiS form). Developer's Signature F,\tdev\fORMS\PermiU\planning\DRB\drb_new..construdion_1G-18 -2006.d<x 11/23/2ooS 01/26 /2007 PRI 1'01 PAX 9709499138 Comcaat UllLnY APPROVAL S.VERIFICATION ~001/001 t/Z)-7'fO ILfrfo I.'I QWEST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970 .3B4 .02S7(f~x) 970.687.0722 (cell) Contacts :Steve Waters swaterS@qwest,corn EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Conwct:Rich Sisne ros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) contact:Jeff Vroom jvroom@ho!YCross.rorn EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart970.262.'102'1 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER &. SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476 .7460 (tel) 970.476 .4089 (fax) Contact :Fred Haslee fhaslee@eIWsd .org AuthorizedSignature Comments i/. COMCAST CABLE 970-468.2669 ext.1100 (tel) 970.468 .2672 (fax) COntact:Brad Dorcas bradely dorcas@cable corncas!cofJ.l NOTES: 1.If theutility approva '&verifocation form has signatures from each oftheutility compan ies,andno comments are rrededirectly on the form,theTownwill "resume that thereareno problems and !he development can proceed. 2.If autllity rompany has concerns with the proposed ronstruction ,the utility representative shall notedirectlyon the utility verification formthatthereisaproblem which needs tobe resolved.The issue should thenbe dewiled inan attached letter to the Town of Vail.However,please keep Inmind thatItIsthe responsibil ity oftheutility rompany and the appli<;ant toresolve Identified problems.. 3.These verifications donot relieve the rontractor ofthe respoflliibility to obtain a Public Way Permit fromthe Department of Public Works at theTownofVall.Utility locations must be obtaiD~d before digging in ~ny pvblic right-of-way or easement wlthln theTownof Vail.A building penn it is not aPublicWav permit and must be obtClined separately. The Develope r is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities forre-approval &re-verification Ifthe submitted plans are altered Inany way afterthe authorized signatu re date(unless otherwise specifically notedwithin the comment erea of this form). Developer's Signature F;\cdev\FORMS\Permits\PI~M in9\D"B\drb_new_oon$!tuetlon_10-18-2006.doc Date Page 9 of 14 11/23/2005 ·., ~UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION 51-43mWil,J Thisformservestoverify that theproposedimprovements wi llnot impactanyexistingorproposed utility services,andalso to verifyservice availability andlocationfo r newconstructionandshould be usedinconjunction with p reparing your utility plan and scheduling installations.Asiteplan,including grading pla n,floo r plan,andelevations,shall be subm itted to the foll owing uti lities forapprovaland verification .PLEASEALLOWUPTO2WEEKSFOR APPROVAL ORCOMMENTSFROM TltE UTILITY COMPANIES.If youareunabletoobtaincommentsw ithin thattimeframepleasecontactTheTownofVail. Developer to Provide Lot Address Information: \ \ "\ \ \ Lot Address:2489 AROSA DRIVE SUbdivision:VAIL DASSCHONE Lot#:12.BLKC Authorized Signature QWEST 970.468.6860(tel) 970 .468.0672(fax) Contacts:samTooley samuel.toolev@gwest.com XCEL HIGH PRESSUREGAS 970 .262.4076(tel) 970.468 .1401 (fa x) Contact :RichSisneros richard .slsneros@xcelenergy.com HOLY CROSSENERGY 970.947.5425 (tel) 970 .945 .4081 (fax) Contact:Jeff Vroom /lg../J IJ / jvroom@holycross.com /vvrL &{/~ XCELENERGY 970.262 .4038 (fax) 970.262 .4024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kathrvn.Bogert@XCELENERGY.com EAGLE RIVER WATER 8r. SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970 .476.4089 (fa x) Contact:FredHaslee fhaslee@erwsd .o rg COMCASTCABLE 970 .418.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fa x) Contact:DavidEvans david evans@cable.comcast.com Comments 1/29/07 NOTES: 1.If the uti lity app roval &verification formhassignatu res fromeachof th e u tility companies,andno comments aremadedirectly on the fo rm,or noact ionista ken w ithin 2 w eeks of th e Utility's receipt of the fo rm w ithout explainat ion th eTownwill presume t hat there are noproblemsandth e developmentcanproceed. 2.If a utility companyhasconcernswith theproposedconstruction,theut ility representative shall notedirectly ontheuti lity verification form that thereisaproblemwhichneeds to beresolved .Theissueshould then be detailed inanatta ched letter tothe Town of Vail.However,please keepinmindthat it istheresponsibilityoftheutil ity companyandtheapplicanttoresolve identifiedproblem s. 3.Theseverifications donot re lievethecontractorof t he responsibility to obtainaPublicWay Permit from theDepartment of Public Wo rks at the Town of Vail.Utility locations must be obtained before digging inanypubli cright-of·wayor easement w ithintheTow n ofVail.A building permit is not a Public Way pennit and must be obtained separately. 4 .Th eDeveloperisrequired andagrees t o subm it anyrevised drawings toth eutilitiesfor re-approval &re-verificationifthe submitted plans a re alte red in any wayafter the autho rized signature dat e (unlessothe rwisespecificallynoted within the comment area of th is fo rm). Developer's Signature C:\Documentsand S e ttin gs~vroom\Desktop\PD Fs\TOV UtilityA pprovaL0 1·25·07 .doc January 2 9,2006 Date '·25·2007 \ \ \ , I I I " ! i, = \ / J J I n ...<r ",{~~~t~I , ~p,~~f .c- ~-i~!':d q~8 ~><I ~~~~f '''~1 ~I~:::~~!2489 AROSA DR IV E f"In'~~~~J Ii~i~"'o:::t"!~l f ~.I n '"J ~ .. Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Developm ent 75South Frontage Roa d,Vail,Colorado B1657 tel :970.479.212B fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.vailgov.com *This checklist must be submitted prior toPublicWorks review ofa proposed development. Owners/Project Name:Brian andTracy Gillette ProjectAddress :2489Arosa Drive Applicant:BrianGillette Submittal il!I Stampedsurveyof property Il!l Civil/Siteplans SurveY Requirements: QII Surveyor's wet stampandsignature ~Date of survey ilIl North arrow ):I Properscale(1 "=10'or1"=20') !Xl Legaldescr iption Xl Basis of bearings/Benchmark IlIl SpotElevations ~Labeled right of wayand property lines; including bearings,distances andcurve information . 1Q LotSize Ol BuildableArea(excludesredhazard avalanche,slopes greater than40%,and floodpla in) SitePlan Requirements: PhoneNumber:970-390-7981 Il/I Landscapeplan !Xl TitleReport(SectionB) Il/I EnvironmentalHazards(ie .rockfall,debris flow,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) ill Watercoursesetbacks (if applicable) Cil Trees Cil Labeledeasements(Le.drainage,utility, pedestrian,etc ...) QII Topography Xl Utility locations !Xl Adjacent roadwayslabeledandedgeof asphaltforbothsides of the roadwayshown for a minimum of250'in either direction from property. 1.Access (check all) ~Driveway type andfinishedsurfaceareshownonthesiteplan . ill Unheated D Heated (portion inROWina separate zone) ilIl Snow storage areasareshownonthesiteplan within property boundaries (30%of driveway area if unheated;10%of driveway areaif heated) IIl1 All driveway grades,dimensions,radiiareclearlynotedonthesiteplanand conform to Development Standards,p .11.SteepestSectionDrivewayGrade (not theaverage grade):_ JO Parkingspacesand turning radiiarenotedonsiteplanandconformto Development Standards, pp.12&14 II.Construction Site (checkall) Il!l Locationofall utilities andmeterpitsareshownonthesiteplan. Il!l Limits of disturbance construction fencing isshownonthesiteplan. III Iamaware that approvedStaging and Construction Traffic ControlPlans,aspertheManual of .Uniform Traffic ControlDevices,willbenecessary prior to construction. 1Q Iam aware that aRevocableRight of WayPermitwillberequ ired prior to construction . F:\cdev\FO RMS\Perrnits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_constructioo_10-18-2006.doc Pag e 12of14 11/23/2005 III.Drainage(checkall that apply) ilII TherequiredValleyPanisshownonthesiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. XI (Note:Valleypanmust not beheated) o4FootConcretePan 0 8FootConcrete Pan CD Positiveandadequatedrainageismaintainedatalltimeswithintheproposedsite. riO Culvertshavebeenprovidedandarelabeledanddimensionedonthesiteplan. Iil AHydraulic report hasbeenprovided.(As requestedbyTownEngineer) IV.ErosionControl(Checkall that apply) oDisturbanceareaisgreaterthanonehalfacre. oAseparateErosionControl Plan hasbeenprofessionallyengineeredandPEstamped. iI Lessthanonehalfacrehasbeendisturbed,andpropererosioncontroldevicesareshownonthesite plan. V.Floodplain(checkallthatapply) oThe project lieswithinoradjacenttoa100yearFloodplain. o100yearFloodplainisshownonthesiteplan. oAFloodplainstudyhasbeenprovided.(Requirediffloodplainiswithinconstructionlimitsoras requestedbyTownEngineer) Ill!The project does not liewithinoradjacenttoa100yearFloodplain VI.Geological/EnvironmentalHazards(checkall that apply) oThe project lieswithinaGeologic/EnvironmentalHazardarea.(see DevelopmentStandards,p.20) oAHazardReporthasbeenprovlded oThe project does not liewithinaGeologic/EnvironmentalHazardarea. VII.Grading(checkall that apply) Iil Existingandproposedgrades/contoursareprovidedonthesiteplan. ;Ii)Alldisturbedareashavebeenretumedtoa2:1grade. oAlldisturbedareasnotreturnedto2:1gradehavebeenProfessionallyEngineeredwithslope protection and/or stablesoils.PE stampeddetailsareprovidedwithinplans. oOnlyexistingcontoursareshownonthesiteplan,thereis no proposedgrading. VIII.Parking(checkall) Il:J Allresidentialand commerdal parkingspacesconformtotheDevelopmentStandards,pp.12&15. IX.RetainingWalls(checkallthatapply) Iil AllretainingwallsconformtothestandardsintheDevelopmentStandards,p.19. Iil Allretainingwallsandcombinationwallsover4feethavebeenProfessionallyEngineeredandaPE stampeddetailhasbeenprovidedwithintheplans. p;j Allretainingwallsareshownonthesiteplan,withlabeledtopandbottom of wallelevationsandtype ofwallconstruction. o No retainingwallsarerequiredforthisproject . X.SightDistance(checkallthatapply) oPropersightdistancehasbeenattainedandshownonsiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. lO Propersightdistancehasnotbeenattained .Explanationwhy:Adjacent Landscaping AdditionalComments Pleaseprovideanyadditionalcomments that pertaintoPublicWorksReview. Applicants Signatune._ •r ,." F:\cdev\FORM5 \Permits\Planning\DRB \drb_new_construetion_1 0-18-zoos.cec Page 13of 14 11/23/2ooS ",. Land Title Guarantee Company Date:September 25 .2006 BRIANE.GILLETTE AND TRACY M.GILLEITE 2782 KINNICKINNICK ROADD VAIL.CO 8 1657 Enclosedplease tind the titl e insurance policy tor your property locatedat 2498 AROSA DRlVE I VAILDAS SCHONE FIL 1BLK:C LOT :12 VAIL CO 81657 The following endorsements are included inthispolicy: Deletion of Exceptions 1-3 Deletion of General Exception 4 Please review thi s policy in its entirety .Inthe event thatyoufindany discrepancy,or if youhaveany questions regarding your final title policy,youmay contact--'T..:.itl"'e::....::D:.:e"'p"'art""m=e"'nt=---_ Phon e :970-476-2251 Fax :970-476-4732 V5OO15646PleaserefertoourOrderNo._-'-==:.:::....:-"--_ Should you decide lO sellthe property described inthis policy,orifyouare required to purchase anew title commitment for mortgage purposes,youmay be entitled toa credittowardfuturetitle insurance premiums. LandT itle Guarantee Company will retain a copy o fth is policyso wewillbeableto provide future products and services til yuu qui ckly anderficl enrly. Thankyoufor giving us the opportunity to serve you. Sincerely. Land Title Guara ntee Company American LandTitleAssoci ation OWNER'S POLICY (lO -17-92) CHICAGO TIT LE INSURANCE COMPANY SU BJECT TO THE EXCLU SION S FROM COVE RAGE.THE EXCEPT ION SFROM COVERAGE CONTAINED INSCHEDULEB AND THE CONDITIO NS AND STIPULATIONS.CHIC AGO TITlEINSU RAN CE COMPAN Y.aMissouri corpera ticn,he ,ein called the Compan y.in.u,,,,II of Dateof Policy show n in Schl dule A,again.llossor damage,notesending the Amount 01 Insu rance staledin Schedu le A,sustamedOJincurredbytheinsured by reason of: 1.Title 10 the estate or interestdescribedinSchedule Abeing vested other t han as !f ated t herein; 2.Any defll el in Drben or encumb rance onthe t itle; 3.Unmarke tabih tv of the title; 4,lack of arightot access to I nd Irom the land Th e Com puy wig alsu paytheccns .attorneys'fees andexpenses incumdindefense ofthetitle.as insul"ld.but only tothe extent provided inthe Conditto ns andStipu lation s, IN WI TN ES SWHEREO F.the said CHICAGO TITLE INSURAN CE COMPANY h..cau .ed t his polic y to be .igne d end ...led as ofOat.of Poli cy.hownin Sched ule A.the policy 10 becom e Vi1~d when cDunlen:inned bV an authorized signatory. EXCLU SION SFROM COVERA GE Th e lollo win gmatters a re upreu ly Illtluded from the coverageof thil:policy andthe Comllany will nol ply Ion or dama ge,costs:,att ornevs'fees or nputI$which arise by fuson nf' 1.lal An y law.ordina nce or gov ernme ntal regulation fsnclud ing but not lim ited to building and zon in glaws,ordiRanns ,or regulations)restricting.regulattng.proh ibiting or relatingto II }lhe occupancy,use.or enjoyment 01 the land;liil the character.rlimenslo n$en locationof any inpravllm lnt now orhereafter erected on the land;(iiil a separalion in owner shrp ora change inlhe dinHlnslons or Brea oftheland Dr anyparcelofwhich the land i$or WilSlI part;or[ivlenvironm ental protection.orIhe ettect of any 'IIio lation01 these laws.ordinancesor governmen tal regula tions,exce pt to thlextent that a notice of theenfortament thereof or a noticeof a defe!:!.fiBn IH encumbra nce resulting h oma vio lation or alleged violation affecting the land has been nca rded int he pubic record s at Dale of Policy. (b)An y governmental polic e power not eKcl uded by (a)above,eKce pl tothe extent that 8 notice of t heexercise lhereof or ft notice of a detect.lie n or encumbrancereSUl t ing from 3 viola tion or allegedvioletien affecting Ine IlInd has been recorded inthe publ ic records al Dateof Polic y. 2 Rights of emin enl dom ain unless neuee01the uertise thereof has been recordedintha public recerds at Da te 01 Policy,butnolu clu ding from coverage any laking which has nceurred priorto Date of P o l i[~w h i c~would be bindi ngon Ihe riglus 01a purch aserforvaluewithout knowledg e. 3.Defe cts.lien s.encumbrances.adverse claims .or other matters: (a)created,sufhrlld,assumed or a~Tp.ed to by t heinsured clamant; (bl notknown 10 'he Co mpany.not recorded in t hepublic recor ds at Date ofPolicy .butknow nto the inliured claiman t andnot disclosedinwritinllio the Compan yby the insuTed c1a manlpriort othe datAIhe insure d claiman t becamean inlured underthis policy; (el resulting in no lou or damage tot he insured d ainant {dl 3WIl:hinll or created subsequenlloDale of Poli cy;OJ tel rasultlng In Ian or darnall!which would n01 havebeen sustaine dif the inlured clunanl had paid value lor the estateor intere st lnsured by this policy. 4.Any claim.which arises out etthe transaction vesting inthe Insured tho estate or interest insuredby this po6ty,by reasonaf the opuation of federa lbankruptcy, state insotven ey,or similar creditets'rig hts l2Iw s,lhat is band on: (il thetransaction creatingthees tate or inlllretl iaured by thjs policy being deam .d a fraudulent con\leyanceor Iraudu1en I1ransfer.or (ii )lhe transacuencrealing the estate or inlere3t inlUtll dbyt his policy being dell mld preferen tiil l1ranster 6X-C6p t where t tl.pl1Jfe ren tiallransferresults frnm Ihe failur!' (aJ10tImelyrecordt he instrument 01transfer.or (hI 01suchrecordation to imp an notiCfl to ZI purch aser fOI vakJ e or a judgme ntor liencreditor. CHICAGO TITL EINSURAN CECOMPANY lssued throuIlh t be Office of: LAND TITLEGU ARA NTEE COMP ANY 108 SFRON TAG ERO W#203 VAIL.CO81657 970·476·225 1 Au tholized Signalure AO .CH I (Form B2561 Cover PageI of3 ~(Mj (V.p~,-L- ~~W'~_ , .. CONDITIONS AND STI PULATIONS I.Defini tion 01l emn The toQo wing terms whenused in(his poliC't mean, Ii)Minsured ":the il1Jured namedin Schedule A.a nd.subject 1o ny ftuMs or defuses lhe Company would havt had agaKls t the n4!med insur ed.these who succeed to tbe intErest 01tile namedinsured by operation oflaw as distinguishe d from purctl n e ,"eluding.but nol limited 10.heirs,.diSlribulen .deviSiIl.surviv ors. peuon illll!pl1l st nlalivu.next of ki!l.Dr COI'Jl Dflh or fichtctall sucteuors (b)"insufld clam an'''·an llsured c1 am"'RIns or difTli QI. leI ..knowe dge·Dr "known";actual knowled ge.not construcHve know led~e or IllttiC'JI whil::h mlly bp.imputed 10 an insured by rU l on 01the public records as defin ed in this policy or i nyotherrecords which Im part contt Nctiv,not ica af maUlrs atflcli\g thlland. 111)"land";the La nd ducribed or fl'!ferred 10 in Schedu le A,and inproyemen ts affind thfntl0 whichby law constllute real property.Thelerm "land"daIs not includean ~property beyond the linrs (If t he arn described or nJf lfll'd 10 iDSchedule A,ft.,.any rill ht.tiUe , inlerest,estate or Illsemenl in abutting streets,roads.nenues.aftl!ly s,.l3ne s.ways or waterways.but nothing herein shan modify or lim it lhe utent 10 which i right of acctSs to and fromthe land is insuredbythis pohcy. Iel "mortgage":mortgllge .deedof!rust,lrusl deed.or ether $teu",y 'ulrumen!. {II "publicretonfs":records est ablished under Slate sta lutn at Dale 01Policy for the purp ose of im parting constructive noliceofmatters relating to rnl property 10 purchaser s for value and wrtbout knowledge.With respect to Section llalrrvl ofthe Exclusions from Col/erige."peblieraeurds"r;han also includllenl/ironm ental protection lie ns filed inthe record s of the clerk of Ihp.Uni ted States rfistrict court for 1M districtin ~hich the Liln d IS located. (g)"unmillket ahilitv afthe Iiie ":;tn alleged or apparen t matter alfecling thetitle to the land.nllt excluded Drexcepted trnm cnvere je,whichwould entitle a ptKchiiser of the estille or intere st deSCrIbed inSd.eduht A 10 be mlllas,d trom the obllgatioll to purchne bv virtufe of a contractual condition lllqulnn g the ~eliv,ry ofrnarke t abilltitk!. 2.[:onhnuation ofInsurance AfterConveyan ce ofTitle. TtMt following coverage of Ihispolicy shallconlinue in forca as of Oate ofPolicy in hv nr 01an insurld only s;o long astheinsured relains an estilte or interest inthe land.or holds an indebledness secured by a purcnase mone y mortgag e given by a purchaserfrom the i nured. oronly so long liS the insured shaDhave l ia b ~ity by reason of connanlS of w~rra nty mid. by the insured in any tr ansfer Dr conveyanca ofthe ellate .r interest.Thi s poli cyshal nOI contin ue in torce in favor I'll any purchaur from t he insur1l d of either Iiian estate or mlerest in 1M land.01 (i ii an indebledness Slcurv d by a parcbue money mort gage gilllft to the insured. 3.No ticeof Clam to be GIVe n by Insured e lamanl The .aurt!d Sh31l notity Ihe Company prom ptly m w rit jn ~tilin case of any litiga tion lIS setlouh inSection 4f3f below.{iii in C3 se knllwtedge shaDcometo an insuredhereunder ofany claim 01 title or ill terul which is adverse tu Ihe trtle to lhe estate or intelest.IS insufld.and which might cause lou or d am a~far whidl t hs Companymay be h b\e by vir1ae of oftbis policy.or (iii)II title tot hllut at.or in1erut.as NUUflld,is rtjeeted as unm arkelabll . If prompt noliC!shaDnot begivento the Com pany.Ihen is to t n.inured al ~ab iit y of t heCompany shaU termMtl le withregardt othe mattl(or mailers lor whichprDmpt noticeis requRd;provid ed.however.that failure Ie notify the CDmJlan y shallin nocase prejudice the rights of any insured under Ihis pofi cy unle ss the Company shal be prejudiced by the failure and then only 10l he extent of (he prejudi c:a 4 De iAn a!and Proleculion of Actions;Oll ty 01 Insured Clainanl to Coo perate. (a)Uplinwritten requul by the insurld an'sub;ect ta the options contained in Stclion S of these Conditions and Stipulations.the Company.atitsown cost andwithoul unre asonable delay .shil l!provide forthethe defense of an insuredin litigat ionin which any third party ane rts a clam ..dlJe,w to ths tilIe orinlere sl a l insund.but only as tothose stlled nuse s of action a8eginn a defect.fi en or encumb ranceorolhermaHe r "'surtd 3gainst by Ihis p o~ey . Tbe Company shallhlllVII t he rightla "leet counsel ot its choice Isubil ct to thtl right 01 the Insur ed 10 obiec !for rti sonable ciiusel t o ",pressnl the insured IS t o tholl stated caues of action andshallnot ble liable forand winnotpayt hefees of 3nv olhercounsel.The Company willnat pOl y any fees.costs orexpensesincuned by t he insuredin tht defense of those causes of aelian w h l e~alleg e mallen:nol insured againsl by Ihis policy. lblTheCompany ,hallhalJe 1he righ t.at ilSown CO SI.toinstitute and prose cute any actionor proceeding orto do any otheract which tn ils opinion mOl Ybe necessary or desirable 10establish the litle toIhe eUate Il r interest.81 insured ,or10preve"1 or reduce loss fH damage to lheinsured The Compan y mOl Y take any appropriat e action und er the tltrm s of this policy.whelher nr not it shall be liable hereunder .andshallnot t herleby concede liab ility or WlIl ve any provision ofthis policy.If It~e Comp any shalluercin its ngM s under t hispan A:r;lph.it Shall dGso dili gently. AO.CHI.2 Gmr Pag ,Z 013 lei Whenev er the Comp3ny shallhIVe brou~ht In Ict ion IIrinterposed ..delenu IS requilll d or permittld by t h,prniJionsof this poJicy,lbe Company may pum.Iny fit igationt.final det.rminalien by a court of competent jurisdic tion and .xprlSsty reserves the right.in its sale disCl1ltioa.to appeal hum any adversejudgment ororder. IdJ In allcases wharl this pelky p.rmitsorrequirer lh.Compllny to prullculI or provide for the defen~of iSn y action or proceeding.Ihe insured shall SDCUt!to 1M Comp any Ih.righl10 so prtlSlCtlt e orprov id.defense int he actionor proCl td ing.andall appeals Ihel'lil.aad permit the Comp anyto 1111 ,,t it s ophen.I ~e name 01 the ""ulld t or lhis purp llSl.Whe never raqu.sted by th.Company .t he in ru rd .~'Ihe CompanY·1 uplnn. shll""l lh,Company aU rnsollIble aid ~l in anv action or proclldirtg ."curing eviden ce.II bhining witnenes.prosllcu ting Dr defendmg Ihe action fI proceeding .or effectingstu .ment.and fii l in any othr lawful act which in the opinion of lhe Compan ~ mll y b_neo cessary or derirubll I.ts18.Ii,h th,t itle tot he IsI"le or ;nt.,ul itS insure d. If t he Company is prejudiC!d by 1M failure of the insured to furnish t he Nl quirlll cooperation.the Compan y's oblig alions 10the insurtd under the policy shan lerminate. inclu ding any h blDty or obug atiolio delend.proncutl .or conlinue any litigalion. with regard ,e the matte r or mille rt nqu irin g suchCDope r.!ltiln. 5.Proalot Lon or Oamlg'. In 3ddidon to and after the notices required underSeelion 3 01 IheSl Cond itio.s and Stipulatio ns have h .n pravKled tt&e Company.a proof ot toss or damage stlln ed and sworn10 by Ihe in••red clain.nl .h.1I be furni.1led to the Comp.nv within 90d.y••herlb. insured c13 irn an1 shallascertain Ih.facts giving me 10 Ihe losl or damaoe ,Th.proof lit lou or dam age sllil dncooe th.defectin,orr.norencumbrann on the title••r olb.r maltel insured Igainst by this policy which cons1itutes th,basis 01 loiS ar damage and dial slate.to the u tent possiblt .t he basis af cilculaling the amount lit the loss Dr damag •.lfthe Compflly is prejudiced by the f3ilure ofIhe insure d c1a illilnt to provide the requ ired proof oflossor dam3ge .the Company 's ohligations to th.insured under the pillicy shalltermaere.includ ing any liabi~IY or obR "alion 10 defend .prosecute .or c.nlinue any fitigation.wilh I1Igard to thi'matter or mailers requiring suchproolof IDS s or dllmage . In addi tion.theinsur.dclaim ant mayreasonably be I1lquired to submil to euminalion under oath bV any aUlhorized representa tive ofthll Compimy and dlall produce lor eum ination. inspect ionand copying.at such reuonable t im81 and pf3ces as may be designatlld by Iny iluthori2 ed representatIv.ofthe Campuy.allrecords.boo ks.ledge rs.checks,com spondena and mem oranda,wheth&r bla ring a datsbl fore Dr aflerDaleofPolicy.whicb l'usonlbly pertain10 tlMllo ss or damage.further.if requested by any luthomed repru .ntaliv.of lbe CompanV.IM msured clan ant shal grant its perm ission .iD writing,for 3ny authoriz.d representative ofthe Company t o IXem ine.inspect a nd copy an "cord s,books. leo dgeTS.checks.conl1 pon d.n:r:e andmemoranda in the custody or contral of a third party, which reasonably p.rtaint o t h.Iou or damage .ADmt,nnalian designa1edas cantiMntial by th insured clainant prllv itJed to the Compa ny pursuant to this Section sllal not b. dISclosed toothers un"".inth.reasonable judgment of the Compan y.i1 is necesury II th.adm inistration oltha clain.Failure of the irallred darnanl to submit for Ikaminallon under nIh.produc !otherrusonab ly requtlSt ld inlormalion or grOI n'pennin ion t o SIltUl'l reuonably n.cuury it forma1io n h om Ihld partres 3Srequir!d in this paraQraph sh.nt erm inateany liability Df th.Compuy uulltr Ibis policy II t o t hat clam. 6.Opl iDns 10 Pay Dr Otherw ise Settle Clain;lerminalioft ef lia bility. In cue of a claim under Illis p.ucy.tht Company shd havethe folowingaddittllftal options : laHo Payor Tender Pilyment 01 the Am .unl 01 Inturana . To payor tender payment of the ,amount of insurlllce under tilts po'cy eaglth,r with any costs.attornevs'f.1S and u p,"",incur llld by thltinsure d d amilnt.whiclt were ilulhori:.d by Ihe Company.lip to t he l ime 01 paym.ntorl.nder 01 paym .nt andwhich 1M Com pany is C1bligal ed t o pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of t hisoplion,all b bility and o b li ~at io n st o t heinsurad unde r this pohcy,otherIhan 10 make paymen t Rquired,shaillenninat., Including Iny tiabili ly orobligation 10 def.nd.piOSEl Ctlte .orcontinue any it igalion.and t he policy shaa bt sun ende rvd III t heCompa ny for cancenalion. (h!To Pay orOthirwis8 Seltle With Partir!s Other Than Ihe Insure d orWith the Insuru d Claman t. mtopay Dr otherwise SItUs withother partieslor or in the namll at 3n insurtd c1aim anllny dan insullldagainst underthis policy,logeth.r wi1h a ny costs. atlorneys 'fees ,nd upenses incurred bytbe insured claimant which were luthorizod bythe [:ompany uptothetineat p3yment and which tho Company is obligated topay;or liij 10peyor othp.lWis e seHle with Ihe insured dananllhe lOll or damage provid8d tor under this policV.togelher with any cosh,attorneys'fBlsand up_nsts incurred bV Ihe insured daimantwhichwere authorized bytheCompany upto the time 01 paymen llnd which 1he [:omp any is obligate d t o pay. Uponthe exercise by the Company ofeitherofthe oplionsprovided forinparagraph:r: (b)6 l IIr liil.the COMpany 's obli gation.tolhe insuredIInder lhis potiey forthe c1arned Ian or damalJe.olherIhan the paymentl requilld10be made ,shitn tenninllte ,inefo dinG ally tia bility or oblig alion 10 d.fend.prosecute.or continue any itill'ali on. 7.DetellJ'lina lion,Extent ofLiabilityand Co insurance. This PO licY is a contract01indemnit y again st attnl mO Mury loss or dam age sustainedor incuned by the insuredclaimantwho has suft.rllt kiss or dam lge by ruso n of mllt ers iosured against by Ihis po ~CV and only 10the ullnl herein dlSoibed. fal The lilb~i ty of Ihe Company und.r this policy shaUIiD t nod 1!'I1 least 01 : ~l llte Am ountof Insurance stat ed in Scfuufu\e A;or. (ii)t he diflerence between the value of the insured estill at interest as insu red andthe value of the insured eslate or intITut lubjIJ et 10t he dlflct,lien or encumb rance insured against by l his polic y. IbJ In the event t he Amount 01 Insurance stilled in Schedule A at Ihe Da l.of Pokey is:len t han 60 percent of the n lue II llhe il'lsu led ulate II rinterest Dr the full cO nlidention paid tar IIw!lar.d.whicheve r is k!u:,or if subse quent t oIbe Date of Po ~cV In mprovemenl is erectedon the land which increa ses thl vakle of th.insured estate or internt by alieni 20 percent oyer the Amounl at lr.surance statd in Schedule A.then this pobcy is subject to lhe foft owinV: (I)where no subsequent inprOlJem tnl hilS beenmade.ilS10anypartial lass, I ~Campa nl shall onlv pa.,.t he loss prorate inth.proportion Ihall tu!amounl al insurance at Da te of Pnlicy bears to t he t o13l vatu••f the .suted ISlate orinterest atOat.ef Policy;or liil where a subsequent mproveme llt hasbean made.as 10Iny partiallon, the Companyshall only PlYIhe klss pro rata in the proponion that120 percent 01 the Amounl ofInsurance sUted in Schedule A bun 10Ihe sum of lhe Amollnt 01 Insu rance slated in Schedule Aandthe amount upendedforthe mprov oment. 1h8 provi sions ofthis p a ra~ra p h shallnnt apply 10 COIlS ,attorneys'f..s and u pensu for which theCompany js liabk!under this pllicy ,and shall only apply 10thai portion of any loss whichexceeds.in the a,ggreg a1e.10 percenlof the Amount of Insurance staled inSchedule A. (el The Com pany Will pay only t hosecosts.allomeys'fen andexpenses incurred inaf:cordance withSection4of these Cond~ions and Stipu lations B App ortionme nt. If the land describedin Schedule Al:onsili;ts oflwoor more parcels which I re not used as a sin gle site,and a loss is esta b~sh8 d affeclingonAor more of 1hl parcels but not all,lhe Jo ss shaltbe comp uted and settled on it pro rata basisas if t htamoun tof inrurante under Itm poltcy was divided pro rata il5 tothl Indue on Dati ofPolicyof each IIpan'e pilCel tothe whole.e ~c1us i ve 01 iln y mp rOyemenls made subslquent10 Oall Df Poilcy.unless i\liab ility or value has olherw-iu been Igrlld upon CI S t o tach parcel by the Company ilndIhe insJred a1 t heline of the iSS Ui ACI of Ihis polity and shownby an ..press slatelll ent or by an endorseme nt aHachedto this policy. 9 LiniutFo n of li ab.lily. {al lf t he Company eslablishes thelille.or remo ves Ihe allege d dehcl.lle n or encumbrance.or CUres 1M lack ::I f a righlof RCUSS10or fromIhe land.or CUrlSI he clam of unmarb1a b i~IV 01 tnJe ,aN in insure d.in a reasonabty difl9l nt manner by ~nv method.including liligatio n and Ihe com pletion of 8ny appaals tllerefro m.it shaU hIve luaV performed its 'Jb ligatlonswith respectto thilt miller aid shaU not be liable forany Ion or damage ciil:Jsl1 d lhereby. (b)InIhe ne nt nf iJny litigalionincludil'l g II tigMiG n by the CDm pany or with the Compa ny'sconsent,Ihe Co mpa ny shallhive no ~abiit 'f'for JDSS or damige unli there bas been a Imal determ il'la lionby a C<lurt of comPlllAl jurisdi ction .I nd disp osition If aU appeals Iberefrom.a dverse tothe l ilk!as insurld fcl TheComp any shallnolbe liable for loss or d3tn a~,10any Insured for liability voivntanly ilnume d by the insured in seiling any claim or sud wilbou l Ihe prilr wollen cOAS enl of th ~CDmpany 10.Re duct ion of Insurance;Reduction orTennina1i onofli ability. AU paym ents under Ihispolicy.n eept paymenls made far CO IlS,al1omeys'fell S and npenslS.shall reduce l he amountof t hl InSln nC8 pro tanto. 11liabilily Non cumul ati~e It is BlC pressly unde rslood thatthe amo untof insuranceunder tl'lis pol icyshall be reduce d by any lImDunt the Companymay pay under anypolicy insuring amortgageto whIch exce ption ;t taken in SchedulA B or10which the insured has agreed ,assumed ,or taken subject.or which is hereafter execuled by an insuredandwhich isa chargfl nr lien on Ihf!eslateor jntere'l ~es l:ribe d 0'referredtoinSchedula A.lind t heamount so paid shallbB deemed apayme nl under thiSpol ic'j t oIhe insurfld owner. 12.PlIymcnt 01 l oss la}Nopayment shall be made wilhoUl producing thi;polIC y for endonemenl 01 t he payme nt unless the pDh cy has been IfIst or destroyed,in which cue proof 01 Ion or nR!ttllctio n ,hall be lu rni,hl!d t othe sa1id acti oll (If Ihe CompallY . fb)When liability andthe el tent 01Joss or damage bas bean dlf an itetyfi_e d if'! aCI:ordance Wi th t hftSIl Conditio ns and Supulalion s,t he Ion or damag.shaHbe payable Wi t hin 30 dey.there.f",. AO .CH1.3 Calle r P a~e 3 at 3 13.Subrog iltionUpon hymlnt 01 Sl tdemenl. lOll The Company's Right af Subrogat ion . WIWlrUlVt r (h,CM\pany shin bave Sttlled and paida cla imund.r Ihis poli cy.all righ t .f subragil tionIhal Yelt in th,Clf'l"lpilny uuffettld by any Itt of the insured damanl. The CompiilRY thaft be IUbrtgatld tI iItld beIlllitledto an rigllIs and I'em,din which the insu redmm anl wouJd hin bd againt any penon orproperty in rupect h Iht d.in hadlh~poticy.o t bo..imIId.lf "'quested by l he Comp ••y.th.in"",d dam ant shilliransr.,r.Ihe Comp a.y aU rightsif1d nmediu I giinSl any pel'1o nar prop.tty necess aryin order to perflct this rig ht al su~roga tio n .Theinsured clainant .s hanpermi tlhe Compan y to sue.comprom ise or ntlt!in t hl name of Ihe insured c1 al:nnt andt o UU IM nam .I f thl insured damlnt in any transactionor litigat ion inV G~g Ihue rigM s ar n medies. If a paym.nt on iCC.un(01 •d am dies nol fully coval'the kin of t heinsured clamant.the CGmpany shal bl ItJ bragat.d ttl then rigllh and rerne din iI the proplrtion which the Comp any's paymenl burs t.lhe whole amount ofthe Ian. It loIS should resutt Irom any Itt of th.insuf1I d dainant.at stat.d abov., thll aet shannot void this policy.butth.Campeny.in that eYent ,shalfbe r.quired to pay only thet partof any lossts tnsured against b'f'this polic y which shall exce.d the amo unt if any ,linI.Ihe Company byreason 01 tlle irnpainnenl bythe insurd clamant of t he Com,any 's riglt t ofsUbroDalion. (hI The Company's Rigtlts ARa inst Non ,insured ObrKlors . The Company 's right of subrogation againe1 neh·insur1!d obngors shinexist Ind shan include .withoullinitalion.lh.righls ofthe insured 10 indemnities.gUlranlies. otherpoti cits of insuranc.or bonds.notwithstanding any terms or conditions containld in thlSe instruments which pravide for subrogalion rightsby reason of 1his po6 cy. 14.Ar bilra1ion . Unless prohibitld by applicable law.eitherthe Company orthe Insured may dema nd arbitration pursuant10Ihe Tills Insurana Arllhration Rules 01 the Amer ican Arbilration Assoc iation .Arbitrable metten may include,but alll not limitld to.any controveny or clain bltwlln the Company endthe insured arising outof or I'B liiting to this ,o tic y,anyservice 01 Ihe Comp anyin connection with itsissuance Dr Ill.breach 01 apolicy provision orItb.,(lblig ation.An arbitrabkt matterswhen the Amount o( Insulilnc8 of t 1.000.000 or IIIss shOl l be arll i1ra tld at thaoplioa.,eithlr the Comp any or lhe iII sure d.AI arbi trable miners when Ihe Amount of Inlurance i1 in UCISS 01 $1,000,000 shall be arbitnted only when agreld 10 by both the Compan y andIhl insure d, Arbi t..tion pursuanl ,.Ihis policy ilnd undlrthe Rule s in efhc t on the date lila dem and fO l arbitration ismad.or.at the op'in of th_"su ~d .Ihe Rules in effed al Oal. 01 PO 'Cl sh.nbe bin dinguponthl parties.The award may irt dude attorneys'leIS onlyif th.lawsill the stal.in which tl'le landis located plrmit a court t oaward atl orn ey's leu to•prevailing pany.Judgmen1 upon t he award rende Tl d by Ihe Atb itratorls)mlYH enlefld rn any C'Du rt hiving jurisdicti u Ihereof. The law of lhe situs of the land shallapply toan arhilra 'lcn unde r Ihl TI1It In surance Arbitratio n Rul es.A copy'of IhlRulesmay be oblained h om thl ClfT'l pany upon raques1. 15.liability tinned,o Ihis Pa!!ty ;Policy En t...Contract. lal This pohcy togelher with el endorsements,if any .atlached heralDbyt he Co mpan y;'Ibe enlire ,ticy andcanlnet ktwleR the insured and the Compan y.In inte rpre lingany pl"D vtslon of t his ,o ity,.'is pl licy shal be consttll8d as a whO M. (blAn y cia,"of lossor darnall',whelhtr lH'1'101 h ud on nlgliglnee.end wbich arius olSl afIi'llst ilul II thl title to the eslale or inlerest coverad hereby or by In y il t1ioft asserting such cAin.shill be rUlricted to Ihis policy. lcl No amendmlDt .f or .n domment t o thq policy tan bl madeBlIce ptby i wrilirli endors ed haleon orl11ach ,d htralo rignd by I llher lhePrasidenl.a VitI Presidlnt. t he Secretary,i n AssisUnl SacreUry.ar validating officer or authorized sig natory (If 1M Com pany. 16.Severability. IntheeventilnyprDIJisio n ofthe pD"y it held invalid or unenfor ceable undtr applicable la'lol .t he pofi cy IhaUbe deem ed not to incru dethatprovision andi Dother provisions shall rllm aininlullforce andeffect. 17.Notices.Where Sent. AU noliclS requ ired t o blgiventhe Company and any ttilltemenl in writing requi red 10be fum ish.d lhe Company shaU incJud Bt he number If I"is policy and shallbe addressed to lhe Company It Ihe issuing office or 10: Ch icago Title Insuran Cll CDmpen y Claim;Olpartm enl 171North Clark S1r...' Chic .go.lIijnoi.606 01·3294 .. • , ...,. '\II• Form AO/CHI Chicago Policj No.72106-1402123 Our Order No.V50015646 ScheduleA Amount $835,000 .00 Property Address:2498AROSADRIVE/VAILDASSCHONEFILIBLK:C LOT :I2 VAILCO81657 I.PolicyDate :September 06.2006 at5 :00 P.M . 2.Nameof Insured: BRIANE.GILLETTEANDTRACYM.GILLETTE 3.The estate fir interest inthelanddescribedor referred tointhisSchedule and whichiscovered b)'thispolicyis: A FEE SIMPLE 4.Title tothe estate or interest covered by thispolicyatthedate hereof isvestedin: BRIAN E.GILLETTEANDTRACYM.GILLETTE S.The land referred tointhispolicyis described asfollows: LOT12.BLOCK C.A RESUBDIVISION OFVAILDASSCHONE.FILINGNO .1,ACCORDINGTO THERECORDEDPLATTHEREOF ,COUNTYOFEAGLE,STATEOFCOLORADO. ThisPolicyvalidonly if ScheduleBis attached. Land Title Guarantee Company Representing ChicagoTitle Insurance Company .",. •I ,'" Form AO/CHI Chicago Policy No.72106-1402123 Our O rder No .V50015646 Schedule B This policy docs notinsu re against lossordamage (andtheCom pany willnotpay costs.at torneys'feeso r expenses) wh ich arise byreaso n of: General Excep tions: I .Rights "1'claims o r part ies i n possession not shown bythe public records . 2 .Easemen ts.or claimso f easements .notshow n by the public records . 3 .Discrepancies ,conflic ts in boundary lines.sh ortage in area.encroachments ,a ndany facts which a correct survey and inspection of thep remises wo uld disclose andwhicharenot shown bythepub lic records . 4 .Any lien .or right toalien,lor services.labor.orma terial hereto fore or hereafter furnished .imposed bylawan d not s hown by the public reco rds. 5 .2006 T AXES AND ASSESSMENTS NOTYET DUE OR PAYABLE. 6 .RlGHT OF PROPRIETOR OFAVEINOR LODE TOEX TRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES ASRE SERVED IN U NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 11 .1900,IN BOOK 48 AT PMiE236. 7 .RESTRICT IVE COVENANTS ,WHICHDONOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUS E,BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS .IF ANY,BASEDUP ON RACE,COLOR,RELIGION.SEX ,SEXUA LORlENTATION,FAMILIAL STATUS .MARlTAL S TATUS,DISABILITY .HANDICAP.NATIONAL ORIGIN ,ANCESTRY,OR SOURCE OF IN COME .ASS ET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS ,EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COV ENANT OR RESTRlCTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINEDININSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 07.1965.INBOOK190AT PAGE 559 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 22 ,1968,IN BOOK 212AT PAGE 966 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY22.1968 ,INBOOK2 12 AT PAGE 829 AND IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 26.1970IN BOOK 217AT PAGE 78 . 8 .AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OFWAY5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG AL L SIDE BOUNDARlES FOR USE OF UTILITY SERVI CE LINES AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ,ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF TOGETHER WI TH TH E RlGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS THERETO IS HEREBY RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 7 ,1965INBOOK190AT PAGE 559 . 9 .EASEM ENTS,COVENANTS.CONDITIONS.RESTRlCTIONS,RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLA T OFA RESUBDIVISION OFVAILDAS SCHONE ,FILING NO .1. •I J " I,I • Fonn AO/CH I ~-::----::~,=,,=~--11 LTGPolicy No.CfAI50015646 Chicago Polic)'No.72 106-1402]23 Our Order No .V50015646 Schedule B ]0 ,T HE errzcr Or-NOTICE,RECORDEDDECEMBER08 ,2005.UNDER RECEPTION NO . 93959]AND RECORDED JANUARY17,2006UNDERRECEPTIONNO ,200601258 . 11.THE EFFECT OFLOTIIPAVEDPARKINGANDLOTIIWOODENSTAIRWAYONTO SUBJECT PROP ERTY ASSHOW N ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY LELAND LECHNER.DATED 8/5/06 . 12 .THE E FFECT OF LOT13 FENCE AND LOT]4 FENCE ONTO SUBJECf PROPERTY ASSHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPAREDBYLELANDLEC HNER.DATED 8 /5/06. 13,THEE FFECT OFSTEPSONTOUTILITYEASEMENTASSHOWNON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CER TIT'lCATE PREPARED BYLELANDLECHNER,DATED 8 /5106 . ITE M N OS .I THRO UGH 3OFTHE GENERAL EXCEPTIONSAREHEREBY DELETED . IT E M NO .4 Or-THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONSISDELETEDEXCEPTASTOANYLIENS RESULTING FROM WORKORMATERJALCONTRACTEDFORORFURN ISHED ATTHE REQUEST OFBRIANE.GIL LETTE ANDTRACYM .GILLETTE . "I '.*., ZONE CHECK 190-7?8/ Dare:Z,!9j07 Legal description:Lot/ZBlock e.,.Filing _J.P.JL..L.L-lo~L-~~!£..~~~c-_ Address 2.'199 !4r@ P/I1I<';' Owner G,ll<,ftL. Architect bWJI# Zone district 'fWd'f4-lly erJ ""'0/IJ~wy LotsizeIt,tHe)l'Ct>·Z-'ll 4V'~) T0l31 GRF!\..ttf!l:b +M'I Allowed -S,«5', Existing Proposed s "'''"+~Q'31 j I.illill 5 '11 / =>:,~'11 Rein ai ning MM' l'rimilly OltfA 'l'(42;;'(61j*'- SecondaryGRI·!\+(4 "::))(5i5')= ~-4 675 .-425 cndit plus 250 add:itioll o Docs.this I c:qucst ill v01 \.c n 250 <.\dd:i Ii Oil? '~ew ff1\1sli .sfrRBallswea 25Q ,\adit:isR is usea '""irA this reEtuest? += SiteCoverage ,- Height Setbac ks Landscaping Retaining WallHeights P~r\:ing GarageCredit .,Z(lfl.{~de.11\.D +Z,'Jfr.D =7,'lbo 0~,, I (30)(33)dtAll-"32.- .\ .~Front ,20'21 I'.Sides '.15'I~\lie.\r;t Rear15'flS-• i " M·l .7,3 ttl{J<,#-O fent "l/nl 397.I irurnum '., @ • '3 -.Required L{J~1.(+3 Enclosed (300)~(900).(1200). Driveway " ComplieswithTOVLighting Ordinance Arcfinishedgradeslessthan2 :1 '(50%) PermittedSlope Yes..,.-_ Yes yC 10 %ProposedSlope _----"'''--__% No_ No,_ Environmental/Hazards "1',·, ·. I ! .', I)Percent Slopc«>30%)lilA 2)Floodplain 3)Wetlands .f-_ 4)WatcrCourseSetback(30)(50)---4 _ 5)Geologic Hazards " a)SnowAvalanche_·--+_ b)Rockfall .L,. .c)DebrisFlow 'rf\.eduo:fe..M~M"J I Previous conditionsof approval (~eCl:property file)_'~___'_ Isthe property non-conforming?l~~e ri h e :__':..-_ .~.;1. ;i "..1 !, DATE CIJ ECKSMADE PAYABL(,T O T O\VN Of \'AIL .---------.-...N O.-.T AX -••-COST £A.T OTAL TOWNOFVA IL DF.PARTJ\I£:\"T OF CO:'\DoIL7'\~'DF.\"E.LO rM E:"T P ROJF.Cf _ E'-,\CCOL"""N O. • * 5 5.0 0 • 55 .00 • S7.00• 50.25 * 52 0.00 537.00 * 554.00 • S37.0 0 • S3 6.00 * S39 .00 • t 0 I 00 00 22027 TOVNEW SPA P E R .;:D:..:.IST.P;.;I~:N;iS'CiIi-<:R..:....:....FU::::.:...;.N-=D -t__+-__-t-+-__--ti;;;l *0 1 eun o 21I12 TAXABLE (a :4.5 7.(STATE) ~1 0 1 00004 14 12 CON TRACTORS LICENSESFEES <.0 100004 14 13 SIG N AP PLICATION FEE 0 100 004141 3A DDITIONAL S IGNAGEFE E IS1.00 PERSO.FT.I :::0 100 00424 40 \.<l IT PROJECT DO NATION ~01 00 00 4 133 \(PRE PAil)DESIGN REV IEW BOARDFEE J ,,,-(11 0000 4 2415NATIO NAL ELECTR ICALCODE ,~01 00 004 2415 UN IFORM MEC IlANICALCOD E ~0 I 00004 2415 UN IFORMFI RE CO DE ~0 1000042415 UNIFORM BUILDING C ODE i:E 0100 0042415UN I FORMPLUMBING CODE e 010000 4 2415 OT Il ER CODEBOO KS E 0100004 1540ZONINGAN DADDR ESS MAPS ;&010000 4154 8 BLUEPRINTS (M YLARS) ::;:01 0000 42412 XE ROX COP IES ~0 100004241 2STUDIES :%0 1 00 004237 \1I ~vr.;'l llJATION FE E(BU I LD ING)'i 31 0()OO45 110 TOVPARKINGFUND 1i 0 \00 0042412 TOVFEESCO MPUTERPROGRAM 1!.0 100 00 4 23 71 PENA LTVF EES I R E.INSPECTI O;,N"'"S---------+--+----+----'::=~I---~ ~0 1 0000413 32 PLANREVIEWRE-CIl ECK FEE.[S40PE RII R.) il·0 1 00004233 2 OFFHOU RS INS PECTION F E E S --'-":..:..::..:...='-·::·..:.::..:.::."------·-t-----c-1C---I----t---~ ~.*01 OOll041010 TA.'XABLE (ij)4 .0%(TOW N)If::01 00 0042371BUILDING I NV E ST:;.,IG~A~T;;IO~N:4----------+---+---+----+----~ .. 5500 .00 5 200.00 5200.00 S250 .00 5250.00 S200.00 5200.00 S200 .00 51 ,500.00 SI ,O OO.OO TOTAL: r r EXT ERIOR ALT ERATION [MORE TIlAN 100SO.FT .] EXTERIOR A LTERATION[LE SS THAN lao SO.FT.] SUB DIVISION VARIANCE ZON INGCOD E M tENDMENTS RE-ZONIN G O THER O TIIER SP ECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEW I PEC APPLILAllU ;'i 1'.t.t;:) A DDITJON ALGR FA"250" O TIlER C ONDITIONALUSEPERMIT SP ECIALDEVELOPMENT DISTRI CTIMI NORA MEND I SPE CIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AM END I 01 0000 41330 01 000041330 01 000041 330 0 1000041330 -"01 0 0004133U -:01 00 0041330 ""'0 I 00004 1330 ~0 1 0000 41330 ~01 0 00041330 m-:-C),0 00041330 ~0I 0000 413 30 ii COMMO-;TS :__-'---'-"'~~.L__ti;j ~ ffi:1--------Jc:::...:..:..:.:.:.:..:...------------------'----'----'----.L------t;-Jr.;: ~*CASB I 1CK .#I 1.bOf I H.Ol-J REC.BY 'M-1\~rm.,~ Misc~llaneous Cash F~Pl-e i p"":H::':2'-:"-:-~1 (:"i HC;-(II_lr!t .it !".•••=!±:-.~~e ... f.JFI.I T t·j HEL '::C"i'r·'~·H l=Cc Hmo unt pa "d ". THHt--tt<··.··c"_, _sign ReviewAction Fore TOWN OF VAIL ParcelNumber :_ Project Name :_----lUS;;.L:l.!!.I::1.-----l~~=;;.:s:..._ Building Name:_ ProjectDescript ion:_ Owner,Addressand Phone:_.t-NHe""U'-l."J:totf----lN...tlet;::wl<a~Nt___ II/(M'..(.Co Architect/Applicant.Addre ss and Phone:_ N-(A LegalDescription:LatA BlockL Subdivision 1/ft,!'/4.Se4e Zone District._ #1 Projec t Stree t Address:2...59 r f+tt-9~"-~a. Comments:_ Board/Staff Action Motionby:Vote:_ Secondedby:_ o Approval o Disapproval ~Staff Approva l Conditions:_ ~A -),h1~dL",---'_ Town 1P'tirifJ1er"";; ;?"/~•'[1 •t I ,.. Questions?_the Planning Staff at479-2128 AP PLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERALINFORMATION ThisapplicationisforanyprojectrequiringDesignReviewapproval.Anyprojectrequiringdesignreviewmust receiveDesignReviewapprovalpriortosubmittingfor a buildingpermit.Forspecificinformation,secthesubmittal requirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.Theapplicationcannotbeaccepteduntilalltherequired informationissubmitted .TheprojectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthePlanningand EnvironmentalCommission.DesignReview Board approval expiresone year after final approval unlessa building permit isissuedand construction is started. IAT[oA NAMEOFAPPLICANT:__~~:L._:_'_:'_=_--'-""'-'=~..:=.=-='-_::_-_;:___==__------- MAILINGADDRESS:----"::::;::-,~~"'----4r.J.l-.":O=:--4.-1....-L-'t.::::=~____:-=__=_=_-___=_c_=;:;_c ZONING:---i--I--"'-------------------------- NAMEOFOWNER(S):~~II I U{5L,sCJV MAILINGADDRESS:;l44S ~A lI""d OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):,J lo£ki!«/~&.) POl/I N NE~g);0 244'g A/<£&A C/l {G c.c. DESCRIPTIONOF T bREQUEST:RJr /1.)A.toa 1m?,) SOt-I 0/(\;,( LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT :/'2-BLOCK:<'J F[UNG:-I--+..Il£!:~....<Zd!l<:z.........;u;.~~ PHYSICALADDRESS:;24{10 ~;t\t:i<... PARCEL#:(ContactEagleCo.AssessorsOfficeat970-328-8640forparcel#) E. F. B. C. D. D. A. G.TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: o New Construction -S200 o Addition -S50 OI-Minor Alteration -S20 o Conceptual Review-SO Constructionofanewbuilding. Includesanyadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding. Includesminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements.suchas. reroofing,painting.windowadditions.landscaping.fencesandretaining walls,etc. For lU1Y applicationwheretheapplicantwishestomeetwithDesignReview Boardtodeterminewhetherornottheprojectgenerallycomplieswiththe designguidelines.TheDRBdocsnotvoteonconceptualreviews . DRBfeesarctobepaidatthetimeofsubmittal.Later,whenapplyingforabuildingpermit,pleaseidentify theaecuratcvaluationoftheproject.TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefeeaccordingtotheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THISAPPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. .liUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia S offits Doors DoorTrim Hand orDeck RaiIs Fill es Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reenhouses Retaining Walls ExteriorLighting** Other 'ST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS e TYP E OFMATERIAL:COLOR:* J~,Bt:J:xutLJ ~\ '6lJ £)7 ~5"(jfU F/~ C.4~ ~ r-I ' *Pleasespecifythemanufacturer's color,numberandattach asmallcolorchip **Allexteriorlighting mustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinance18.54.050(J).Ifexterior lighting isproposed, please indicatethe numberof fixtures andlocations onaseparatelighting plan.Identifyeachfixture typeandp rovide theheightabovegrade,lumensoutput,luminousarea,andattachacutsheetofthelighting fixtures. \ r ., 2 .Updated 6/97 e PROPOSEDLANDSCAPING '. Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS : EXISTINGTRE ES TO BEREMOVED: .c&m.m.on Name "Minimum requirements f or landscaping: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEORMETHODOF EROSIONCONTROL deciduous t rees-2 inchcaliper coni fcrous trees -(j feet inheight shrubs-5 gallons Square FootilliQ OTHERLANDSCAPEFEATURES(retainingwalls,fences ,swimmingpools,ctc.)Please specify,Indicatetopand bottom elevationsofretainingwalls ,Maximumheightof walls withinthefrontsetbackis 3 feet.Maximumheightof wallselsewhereontheproperty is 6 feet. ----------------------------------------- 3 Updated6/97 r ••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Date 7-23 -17 Project Name:N £LsOt./ Building Name:_ Project Description:R~.plt-l f2.--PIU)rJT T0,e..cti ~c t+A--Nc.t:::?TEps D~(~NIJ4.-T1oN NasoN 41&>-~-S3o Owner,Address and Phone:_--l.N.!..!r;:-:::...-V'--'l-'-'N'---.,U...I~=-"--_ z.4q'B Ag,05A-j)/Z..IIf~ Architect/Contact,Address andPhone:_ Zone District p'/SLegalDescription:Lot I'L Block G Subdivision VtI II...D4s.~t:..#-/ Project Street Address:249 5 ~A b.l=:&=--_ Comments:_ Board G%lff ActiQiu _____________________Vote:_Motion by : Seconded by:_ o Approval o Disapproval ~Staff Approval Conditions:_ Date:(--z.~-Cf 1 DRBFee Pre-Paid ~?fl,vo APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL •Questions?ca_e Planning Staff at 479-2128 GENERAL INFORMATION This application isforany project requiring Design Review approval.Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting fora building permit.For specific information,secthe submittal requirements forthe particular approval that is requested.The application cannot be accepted untilallthe required information is submitted,The project may alsoneedtobe reviewed bytheTown Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. B .LOCATION Of PROPOSAL:LOT:Z.;L BLOCK:e.FILlNG:Jl127 F/LIA1-;i#/ PHYSICAL ADDRESS:2448 A!?c:£A lw- Construction of anewbuilding. Includes any addition where square footage is added toany residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings andsite improvements.such as; reroofing,painting.window additions.landscaping.fencesand retaining walls.etc . ________________PHONE:~ PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co.Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel f1) ZONING:t/S NAME Of OWNER(S):_-----'tUSVLA.J AELc,oU MAILING ADDRESS:_.....Ma....,.,>.:-HG---J..'o.....>.....---=::--_---=,---....,--_ Minor Alteration -$20 OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):!...l2<J--tf.A tlle:~ NAME OF APPLICANT:reV/u A.JoL sex;J MAILING ADDRESS:.__...-::.....,-LT0f~-"G-=-~..,__=_---- TYPE Of REVIEW AND FEE: o New Construction -$200 o Addition -$50 C. D. E. H. F. G. ORBfeesaretobe paid atthetime of submittal.Later.when applying fora building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the project.The Town of Vailwill adjust thefcc according tothe project valuation., PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION.ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. . J ••• TOWNOFVA ILL:..c:...:..:...:..:....::..:..:...:.c..:...:..c=-.--JIRr.Cur r'"'0.4 e·/I / ~;"A"r._.~~llcl ._El~_ IF."""Hr.,,?~q 'f-,~(E~n __'k.;..._UMI..-(0 .,"HOJ E CI UTf;..12..J erz.~IncN JTE.\1 *••~••-_••••••-••••'NO...-lAX-".-,,,:C05TEA.-l'(YI AL S39.00 • $5 .00 '•----&1 520 .00 -;-;-;-.~Tri~;T--;.:..:....:~=--------I ---j --_t -----1 ..:.:~:. S200 .00 5 2 5 0~~1--. S250 .00 S200.00 S200 .00 S200.00 S500 .00 S1,500 .00 S 1,000.00 S 200 .00 ~~0 1000041330EXTE RIORA LTERATION [MORETIIAN 100SQ.FT.\ 01 000041330S PECIAL DEVELOP;"1E NT DIS T RICT [NEW] c.r 0 I 000041330 SPEC IAL DEVELOPMENT D ISTRICT [MAJORA MEND I :'.!01 Q{JOO 41330SPECIALDEVELOPMENT D ISTRICT[MINOR AM END) .='.0100 00413 30S UBDIVISION -.0 100 0041330 VARIANCE.~,0 1 ooei04JJ JO -ZO--;-'!I"N(;-CODEAMENUMENTS .-------------1------Rf.0 1 00 00 4133 0-RE -ZO N I Ni<G:..:..:..:c..::..:.:.:.::..:..::..:.:..:.:::.:...:..:..:.:......--------+---I---I---;:~;,:..;:;;:.+---~ ~OTlIER OT lIER ;.. I-.. TOTAL: '--,1iAIREc.nY·~-f_-,[1L~--- J ' .I P-E ~;;.,:r O ~t ~E~.a"S:·_f,Sl E~-------------------------------t::;:1 ~~ •• ._--------------------------------- RECEIPT -The Townof Vail 48111o• CDADDRESS DATE ;r~llr---'7'---.19 CJ1 RECEIVED FROM He t I /I NeI~5IJ~I\~__=_-__=_------ 7...4'1 B ArOs,J!Dr .i/a Il- PermitNumbers _ HOW PAID-Cash _---->.~tl) Police Re~Numbers _ By //t1,~/------- / TO .....'t-.f OF IJR I L Misce llaneous Cash (17-(1:::-';'7 (18:4 2:2 ~~ Peceit:d.tt 227167 Hccount-#CK #1622 LRURR t1HS H/FFED E:HRTL I T'··DES I Gt·j REU I Ei.,1 80 RF~D FEE Rmount t~nder~d >20 .0t1 It-em p ai d ~mount.paid 01 f11j0041331 000 "-'- THRt-.f K '-,-'OU \Jour c .;:=:hit?f PEqTHH •••• ., ,,...J I t--;.r- !. t------.-- r----'---_._<- 1--------- ·Z'\nl=---~v:......--. --=c.RDJITn-WATJDJL .- .]];;;jJg]~ I "--'.---~._~...~..._-_._--..--.._- r .r il.r: / - 1IPIlllJIET.t>1)]J --ERVll J 7QKCIC - I ~~-·_._•.-.,.-.__.- II II II I -II IIII I I I , i .,J--_IJ f~1----! 1, ,. i .. -I?AT t=ll rr-=~n.e::"!"~-1 :["~1 -1I~'1 '1 -n 1 1 --1\---..\t~--V-p ~l ·l~..-__--:-.U .. BUILDING MAT ERIALS: Ro of Sidin g Other Wall Materials Fascia S offits Wind ows Window Trim Doors DoorT rim Hand orDcck Rai Is Flucs Flash ings Chimncys Tras h Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** -Other •LISTOF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OFM ATERIAL: 7 / • C OLOR:* *Please specify the manufacturer's color.number and attac h asm all co lor chip **All exterio rlightingmus t meetthe Town 's Lighting Ordinance 18.54 .050(1).If exterior lighting is proposed, please indi cate the number offixturcs andlocations onasep arate light ing plan .Ident ify ea ch fixture typ e and provide th e height a bove grade.lumensoutput,lumin ous area.andattacha c ut sheet ofthe lighting fixture s , 2 Update d 6/97 JUL-16-'97 WED 5:54 P_01•-V "iinevinnelsondesign 2498 arosadrIve vall.colorado 81657 ~303-476-5530 •denver 303-698-0011 ~fox303-476-2777 ~nev in nelson.a .s.l.d. A JULY 16"1997 MS.TAMMJE WILLIAMSON FAX N.O.LJ79-2452 . DEAR TAMMIE: HERE ARE THE SIGNATURES FOR MY APPLICATION FOR . ,THE STAIR BUILDING PROJECT AT 2498 AROSA DRIVE. PLEASE ·LET ME KNOW HOW THIS IS GOING.THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. -.--~ Deign ReviewAction Fo4al TOWN OF VAIL .. CategoryNumber ;&.-tl~-f- I ProjectName:IIUst/">1 &fr'b A Date _.....L--=----'---=:.-~_:..__ BuildingName:~---------------- ProjectDescription:1!~-;~rf fP'~5~J' Architect/Contact ,Address andPhone :_.LA~/J..6..../.K.!.--_ LegalDescription:Lot /J..Block Subdivision V~en r D..~/[.t ZoneDistrict ;;/f I ProjectStreet Address :_k="'----=~'--"-_---'_ Comments:_ Board/StaffAction Motionby:_ Secondedby:_ o Approva l Vo te:_ o Disapproval ~StaffApproval Conditions:_ TownPlanner Date :/(),7-P ·17:It 2 {)DRBFeePre-paid _ revioe4 8/17/94.•• DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULEDFOR ********** I .PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION:!2epA/)jT tf::146 B.TYPEOFREVIEW: ____New Construction ($200.00)~inor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C.ADDRES S:1.44B A f2I;;;?f74 J:;g., D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ~~Block ~ Subdivision VAIL lit";;;&.#oLE 1ST r7{.~~:::""/"""'J./-;-[,7.........----- If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this applicat ion. E.ZONING:/A)PL.6-x. F.NAME OF APPLICANT:-+-lMIo-I-6~\i~J4(*~f./£-.",,-,-,I.ff..::;;.,.,o~ti_-------- Mailing Address :ZI'M.G . Phone 47h-DZ91; G.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address :---'--_ Phone _ H.NAME OF OWNER (S):J.leIJJY 1/a..5'l-IJ OWNER (S)SIGNATURE:f lQo/gJ~ Mailing Address:--=:AII6.....,J.~~------__::,......,."77._=_------- Phone SAIft:; APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I .Condominium Approval if applicable. J.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: $ VALUATION o-$10 ,000 FEE $20.00 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over ...r-n ,..."n '"JV,VVV -$150,000 -$500,000 -$1,000,000 $1,000,000 ......,..."",.., If ..JU.vu $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTERFINAL APPROVAL UNLESSABUILDINGPERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 II.PRE.APPLICAT~MEETING:• A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed.It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your project. III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRS: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners.All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRE site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B.The review procesS for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual review and a final review. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. D.The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the DRE may not be required): a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building;and . b.Building additions not visible from any other lot or public space.At the time such a proposal is submitted,applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc.),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with aTown Planner prior to DRE application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F.For all residential construction: a.Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building i and b.Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G.If DRE approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a building permit. 2 IV.NEW CONSTRUC&• A.Three copies of a recent topographic survey,stamped by . a Colorado Professional Licensed Surveyor,at a scale of 1"=20'or larger,on which the following information is provided: 1.Lot area,and buildable area when different than lot area. 2.Legal description and physical ·address. 3.Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more,in which case,5' contour intervals may be accepted. 4.Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4"or more,as measured from a point one foot above grade. 5.Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders,intermittent streams, etc.). 6.Hazard areas (avalanche,rockfall,etc.), centerline of streams or creeks,required creek or stream setback,and 100-year flood plain,if applicable.Slopes of 40%or more shall be clearly delineated by cross hatching. 7.Ties to existing benchmark,either USGS landmark or sewer invert.This information must be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly important for determining building height and driveway slope.See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys '. 8.Locations of the following must be shown: a.Size and type of drainage culverts,swales, etc. b.Exact location of existing utility service lines from their source to the structure, including: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas Electric c.All utility meter locations,including any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. d.Property lines -distances and bearings and a basis of bearing. e.Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat. 9.Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt,. along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'),and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot. B.Site Plan 1.Locations of the following must be shown: a.Existing and finished grades. b.Proposed surface drainage on and off site. 3 c.~proposed driveway,inC1Ud~g percent slope and spot elevations at the property line,' garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the drive to accurately reflect driveway grade . d.A 4'concrete drive pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. 2.All existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas,service areas,storage areas, walks,driveways,off-street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (with top and bottom of wall spot elevations),and other existing site improvements. 3.In order to determine proposed building heights elevations of all top roof ridges,and eaves when determined necessary by the zoning administrator, shall be indicated on the site plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. C.Landscaoe Plan (1"=20'or larger)-3 copies required 1.At a minimum,the following information must be provided on the landscape plan : a.Location of existing trees 4"diameter or larger, b.Type,size and location of all existing and proposed plant material, c.Location of all trees to be transplanted, d.A detailed legend of all proposed plant material including common and Latin names. 2.The location and type of exist ing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 3.Existing and proposed contour lines.Retaining walls should be included with the contour information with top of wall and bottom of wall · elevations listed. 4.Complete the attached landscape materials list. D.Sign off from each utility company verifying the location of utility service and availability (see attached utility verification form). E.A preliminary title report Schedule A and B must accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership and identify ~easements affecting the subject property. F .Architectural Plans (1/8"=l'or larger,1/4"is preferred scale for review)3 copies are required. 1.Floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Tne elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. 2.One set of floor plans must be "red-lined"to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA)was calculated. 3.Exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the attached materials list.This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of the application .Color chips,siding samples etc.,shall be presented at the Design Review Board meeting .Details including,but not limited 4 totllscia,trim,railings,chitltey cap,meter locations,etc.must be shown graphically and fully dimensioned. G.Zone check list (attached)must be completed if the project is located within the Single -Family, Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. H.Photos of the existing site and where applicable,of adjacent structures . I.The Zoning Administrator 'and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans,drawings, specifications,samples and other materials (including a model)if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V.MINOR ALTERATIQNS TOTHEEXTERIOROF BUILpINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan)of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above,provided all important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used are submitted. VI.ADDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A.Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B.Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8"=l'or larger (1/4"=l'is preferred) C.Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction.Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D .Elevations of proposed addition. E.Photos of the existing structure. F .Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list (attached). At the request of the Zoninq Administrator you may also be required to submit: G.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form. H.A site improvement survey,stamped by registered Colorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I .A preliminary title report,to verify ownership of property,which lists all easements. VII.FINAL SITE PLAN Once a buildinq permit has been issued.and construction is underway,and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection,two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC)stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted.The following information must be provided on the ILC: A.Building location(s)with ties to property corners, i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. 5 C. D. E. G. H. All utiltty service line as-builts'~OWing type of material used,and size and exact location of lines: Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. All easements. Garage slab elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge lines.. VIII.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW A.Submittal requirements;The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development.The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines.This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single- family and two-family residences.However,developers of single-family and two -familY projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review.Complete applications must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shal l be submitted for a conceptual review: 1.A conceptual site and l andscapep lan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2.Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; 3.Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e.GRFA,site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces,etc.); 4.CompletedDRB application form. B.Procedure;Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review,the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate "requirements of the zoning code.If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements,the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review.If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements,the app lication and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoninq code requirements.Once a complete application has been received,the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines.The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews.The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. 6 •LIST OF MATERIALS • SUBDIVISION __ NAME OF PROJECT:_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT__BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: 7 PLANT MATERIJ PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS BQtanical Name cQmmQnL Ouantity Size* *Indicate caliper fQr deciduQus trees.Minimum caliper fQr deciduQus trees is 2 inches.Indicate height fQr cQniferQus trees.Minimum height fQr cQniferQus trees is 6 feet. **Indicate size Qf prQpQsed shrubs.Minimum size Qf shrubs is 5 gallQn. Square FQQtage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exteriQr lighting is prQpQsed,please shQW the number Qf fixtures and lQcatiQns Qna separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture frQm the lighting plan in the space belQw and prQvide the height abQve grade,type Qf light prQpQsed,lumen Qutput,luminQus area and a cut sheet Qf the light fixture .(SectiQn 18.54.050 J) D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FE~TURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pQQls,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights Qf retaining walls.Maximum height Qf walls within the frQnt setback is 3'.Maximum height Qf walls elsewhere Qn the prQperty is 6'. 8 revised 8/17/94 •• TOWN OF VAILUTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION FORM JOB NAME SUBDIVISION LOT ADDRESS BLOCK FILING The form is used to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations .For any new construction proposal,the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. The loca.tion and availability of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. All authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Signature U.S.West Communications 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-6135 Gary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949-1224 Mark Graves **upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District * 476 -7480 Fred Haslee **A site plan is required.Physical location of known utilities must be shown on the site plan.Utility locations mayor may not offer service to the property line.Any utility extension required shall be the responsibility of the property owner. NOTE:1.If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction,the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved.The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.However,please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company to resolve identified problems. 2.If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies,and no comments are made directly on the form,the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 3.These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. 4.Installation of service lines are at the expense and responsibility of the property owner. 9 I •Single Family DATE: ZONE CHECK ,fOR Residence,Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS •Primary/Secondary LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ADDRESS: OWNER Block Subdivision _ PHONE _ ARCHITECT _--'-'--_ ZONE DISTRICT ~--------------~--- PROPOSED 'USE _ PHONE _ LOT SIZE BUILDABLE LOT AREA _ Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA secondary GRFA Setbacks Site Coverage Landscaping Front Sides Rear Allowed (30)(33) +425 =------- +425 =_ 20 ' 15' 15' Existing Proposed Total I Retaining Wall Heights Parking 3'/6' __Reqrd ___Encl Garage Credit (300)(600)(900)(1200)_ Drive:Permi tted Slope __~%_Proposed Slope _~_ Complies with T.O.V.Lighting Ordinance Yes NO Water Course Setback (30)(50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES,_NO,_ Environmental/Hazards:1)Flood Plain 2)Percent Slope «>30%)_ 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche,_ b)Rockfall c)Debris Flow 4)Wetlands,~-------- View Corridor Encroachment:Yes _No....:,__ Does th is request ~nv01ve ~250 Additiun? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_ previous conditions of approval (check property file): 10 •• I Ju:CElPT :"0._~r= IDATE~~fsi CHE CKSMADEPAYABLETOTOWNOFVAIL I ;;ACCOIll'oT NO.I ~I 01 000041540 ZO NING AND ADDRESS M APS ~0 1 0000 42415UNIFORM BU ILDING CODE 01 0000 42415 UNI FORMPL UMBINGC ODE ~010000424 15 UN IFORM MECHANICALCODE .'\;;0I0 00042415 UNIFORM FIRECODE ~0 I 0000424 15NA TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ~01 DOOO4 2415 OTH ER CODEBOOKS ...,01 0000 4154R BLU E PRINTS (MYLARS)==0 1 0 00042412 XEROX COPIES ITE1\1 S5.00 * S54.00 * S39.00 * S37.00 * S36.00 * S37.00 * * S7.00 * SO.25 *g 0I 0 000424I2 STUDIES ~01 000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM ~01 0 00042371PENALTY FEES I RE-INSPECTIONS ~01 0 00041332PLANREVIEW RE·CHECK F EE [540PERHR .] * S5 .00 * v 01 0 00042332OFFHOURSINSP ECTION FEES ~;01 000041412 CON TRACTORS LICENSESFEES "010000 41413 A DDITIONALSIGNAGEFEE [SI.OO PERSQ.FT.] ;;01 OOOOA24;0 V TC A RTPROJECTDONA n ON :<:0 1 O{)UU'41 33.L--PRE PAIDDESIGN REVIEWBOARD FEE §01 000042371 INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) ~3 10000 45110TOV PARKING FUND ,01 0 000 22027TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND ;'::*01 OO1l021112 TA.XABLEIQ ;4%(STA TE) ;;,*01 (JOOO 410111 TAXABLE (Q;4%(TOW:\") .,.'01 0 00042371BUILDI NG INVESTIGATIO N 520.00 .~OTH ER F.;'. i CA SH 1----1 CK.."I - 5250 .00 5250 .00 5200 .00 5200.00 5500.00 5200.00 S200 .00 S200 .00 5 1,500.00 TOTAL :~(/. 151,000.00 11 11 /I REC.BY:/1/1 !!l..-/ .•11'1 ., fu 1JII IIlJ17 it-d~j}/lle>'1 Ii //1 /L tTl4/ l H.O LI I ;1!1 f'/ /XUj I P~C APPLICATION FEES EXTERIOR A LTERATION [LESSTHA N 100 SO .FT .I ZONING CODEAMEN DMENTS RE -ZONING EXTERIOR ALTERATIO N IMORETH AN 100SQ .FT .] A DDITIONALGRFA "250" OTHER CONDITIONAL US E PERMIT SP ECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [N EW] SPECIAL DE VELOPMENT DISTR ICT [MINOR AMEND] O THER SP ECIAL DEVELO PMENT DISTRICT [MAJORAM END] ISUBDIVISION VARIANCE 01 00004 1330 0 1 0000 41330 0 1 000041330 01 0000 41330 01 0000413 30 ~01 0000 41330 ~0 10000 41330 Z'01 0000 41330 ::;01 000041330 ~01 000041330 F 0 1 0000 41330 •• ............__=....L::.,,,=L',-.:. !'~r·'-·~·"",- r ,,......1 ""I ",Ir-,-,-. -,.,-,.-,,--.,"...........,,--.~ ~.•..- •i "-. -. -'~- r~'''''''...W ---------------_._--- TOWN OF l.J R I L Misc~ll aneous Cash 05-26-92 13:tJl:55 ------._---------_..---------- Receipt ~0q8L7~ HCCOIJnt-# ~iE:.LSml I,.II tK'CII,I·[:-E5 r CJt·i F.'EU.BOHRD FEF" Hmc>I.Jn t t"2nd.,;tOed 2tl.00 I tem pa i d t11000041331000 Amoun t pai d T HR Nt<.....OU NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE M NOPL ANS DATEI N ON MAY 26,1992 0 05495PERMITNO. l.TYP EOF CONSTRUCTION II!II!I VV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 1,000 OIVISION 1 2 2a34 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING INSTALL WINDOW IN BEDROOMNORTHWEST ::> --' CORNER,BASEMENT UNIT.<MECHANICAL> TYPE GROUP G.R .F.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES RV0 1,000 BUILDING PERMIT 35 PLAN CHECK Zj ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITI ONAj ~REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWE LLI NG UNITS __(~OM M061 AT iPN UN I ~MECHANICAL Th ~ HEI GHT INFT .---X ~~R EP LA~S ,/__RECREATION FEE ~INSULATI ON:TYP1 ~J'tHC \lEss tIi,IjALLU E ----OQ,E~~GN R ~V IE"Y ~~~RD -------M FL OOR \''!XYJ \'<,••~.=L~"'~VJ ~~ CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ~".9.Y rtl ~~Y~UY ~j'EXT.WAL LS USE TAX ~ ~r~Y J '.v ~~oJ:~ROOF .1.tJ TYPE ~t1c \../,\~%TOTALPERMITFEES :p s8 ~OF SO LAR \\)~:}J ~10 0\HEAT DANSTANEK JUNE 1,1992 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEE~ED :'BUILDING OFFICIAL ---.---DATE ----- s.~INI TIAL SHELLY MELLO J UNE I,1992 X f---------------ST .CUT 170NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLA STIN G X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:WINDOW SIZE TO MATCH EXISTING WINDOWX.PARKING X DE MO X I hereby acknowledge that Ihav e read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply w ith the information and plot plan ,to comply w ith all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build th is structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto . ~~C Q.~J" SIGN TURE OF OWNER R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER . _.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT to'~ department of community development TO BEFILLED OUT COMPLETEL YPRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT B BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICALq498AROSADRIVE EGAL LOT 12 BLK 6 DESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE II I JOB NAME:NEUON REMODEL OWNER NAME NEVIN NELSON 2498 AROSA DRIVE MAl!ADDRESS VAIL 47 6-0796CITYPH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM VAIL MANAGMENT CO. NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.147-B TELE .476-426 2 FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE . FIRM PLUMBING IOWNOF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE . FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE . OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. -~,E. ..-.... IT iff'~E ~E ~:r 0111 JOBSITE1II0TE-COpy OFP L.f l z.z..~DATE I ~'n AAAV ~~q'9-s- IIIIII IV ~)L ~/992 PERMIT NO.I TY Pf or CONSTRUCTION .• 2 OCCUPAN CY GROUP ABEHI (!!IM BUILDING 1/goO .0 o DIVISIO...I 2 2.3 4 z ELECTRICAL T Q ~'"'"""""""""""'""", ....-e PLUMBING -XNSIALL.tV I N po<J II'-'Be<!r oo ,,",;;) ...J .Nor fL .cr e »-\-Lcrrt<r &;"<;C'f"\('';:+..MECHANICAL:> ....uNI T .7Oi71L /00'0 ,«• TYPE GRO UP G A FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES i-.V BUILDING PERMIT -35,00 PLAN CHECK 72 rs c»- ELECTRICAL NEW ()AlTEIlATION ~+}-ADDITIONAL I )(j REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWElLING UNITS __ACCOl.!M OD""0'l UNITS __MECHANICAL H EIGHT INF l --NO.FIREPlACES --~---------Y ;i.t)J)-IN SULATlON :TY PE TlUCI<'lESS R·VALlUE--------- n.o on-_._----...._------CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT EXT .WAllS USE TAX ROOF I TYPE ELEC.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES "7,?,00OF HEAT SOLAR wooo o:,=-4~j1n /0,-/-9'2- ADDITIONALPERMITSNEEDED::Ii -;-rt;Flfv~--f1 Ulh ~t T\L0Z1.!:!.INITIAL I,ON~ADM INISTRATAR DATe IST.CUT BLA STING ~?~I ~~}1l~~?\Nb.~O~.{l I PARI<I'lG 'tn 1N1 Ii YI(q" .O V'lL~H 1;0,/'II "1 '\\/\ri..J\I;t I <.~ DEMO Ii v I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out In full the Information required, completed an accurate pIal plan,and slate that all the Information provided as required is correct.I agree 10 comply with Ihe Information and plol plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's lonlng and subdivision codes,design review approved.Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the TowA applicable thereto. ~~LC c,.?2--:C IGNAURE OFOWNERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. PH. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT fiRM VAl l-fV1A+'A'.CO ,--','ft TOWNOFVAILREO.NO.rt 7 -13 TELE 7(,-~Z.67- CITY MAILADDRESS NAME AI G t/I N A/6L ~ MAILADDRESS .),,/98 ,.,.e os/},CJR. CITY vA N....PH'O '-6 ~ EIRM _ LOT 12 BLK C. FILING PAs SHo=\JG ""/ JOB NAME : LEGAL DESC. OWNER TOWNOFVAILREO.NO. OTHER FIRM----------- FIRM CONTRACTOR TELE. EJB.M _ MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. ARCHITECT Fw.IR"'M"'-_ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REONO. TEL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREO.NO. TELE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOBEFILLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIORTOISSUANCEOF PEAMI TYPE OF PERMIT ~BUILOINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL .... • 75 soulh Ironlage road vall,colo rado 81657 (303)4 79-2138 or 479-2~39,.. • office of community development .. BUILDING PER /·UT ISS UA NCE TI ME FRA ~'E If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Ap pr ov al, Engineer"s (Public Works)rev iew and approval,aPlan ni ng Depart rce nt revieworHealthDepartment review,and are view by t he Buil ding Department,the estimated timefora total rev iew may t akeasl ong as three wee ks. All commercial (large orsmall)and all mu lti-f am ily per mit s wi ll havetofollowthe above ment ioned ma ximum re quireme nts.Resid entia l andsmall projects shou ld takea lesser amount oft i me.Howev er,if residential orsmaller projects im pactthe variousa bove ment ion ed departments withregardtonecessaryre vie w,th eseprojects may also takethe three week period. Every attempt will be made by th is departmenttoexpedite t his permit assoonas possible. I.the undersigned,understandt he planc heck procedure and t i me frame. Agreed to by. Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. ,. • 75 south frontage road vail,co lorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • ollice 01 community development <• TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRE NTLYL REGISTE RED WITH THE TOWN OFVAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COHHUN ITY DE VEL OP :·!E:l'r MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKI NG &l-1A TERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash du mpsters,portable to ilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or p Ublic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the To~n of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violati ng this ordina nce will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in fUll,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) Date .. • Da te --Y<"-t-----'-/----l...:~"------ •Project Application \A \i vvd&6/o Projec t Name:N~Lj;[{\ Projec tDesc ri pt ion :V\1A.t\)'------'J-v-'--'--'''-''''~'----''---------_ Contact Perso n a ndPhone Ar chitect .A d dress and Ph one :_ Owner.Address and Phone :-N<JJ \V\N~~--------;------;:;----------- ----p.b .~\2\1--bo1--........-------\'d-/j)Yv<ft-~\\0<:l L eg a lD escrip tio n :L o t ~L-1,-==--__Bl ock __-->.....«'--_.Filing ~&.4--'--I::;A4"""'--b""""-""""--''---'----'.Zone _ C o mme nt s :_ Design ReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Sec onded by : A PPROVAL DIS APPROVAL S um mary:_ "-Staff A pp r oval ~~Sed 9/4/91 DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLO ~MAY c:6 1992 DAT E APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:3:'&M--;</1 ,/9'12.. ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTILALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJECT IN FORMAT ION: A .DESCRI PTION:.JAJST~L L l,),IV ~O kJ (3 '-0"-S 'A-C j ,"'.NcJ -+l...{.!,}q!:-t.Je.-l(,D"I.J-<0+-o..:r 5 Ge..frO o~ UrJ1 'T ~r Alteration ($20.00) ____Conceptual Review ($0) P t:..VA}L «o. 1'--Block L-------------- E . B .TY PEOF REVIE W: New Const ruction ($200.00) ____Additi on ($50.00) C.ADDRE SS:--M_q.>..;g::--....JA=.:;;e.o.=;.~;..:.It..:....--=.=..:.._...l'.---:-=-_...;:...=....::...._ D.LEGAL DESCRIPT ION:Lot S ubdivisi on If property i s described by a meets and bounds legal d esc r iption ,please pro vide on a separate sheet and at ta ch t ot his application. ZONING:-----.fZ_"f!_).:..:'l;:...;<=-'"'_,.;,..h-'-(=---__ F .LOT AREA :I f r e qui red,app l ica nt must provide a cu r re nt s tamped s ur ve y showi ng l ot a r ea. G.NAME OFAPP LI CAN T:A)t!-V ."'\IUd~.",-:::-:---=--::-=-=:=--:--'--:----:::~:-----:-:--:-------------Mail ing Add res s:.2'196 ACosA p ~.VAl(C c,> g Jb~8 Phone 'ilk -01C,c; H .NAME OFAPPLICANT 'S REPRESENTATIVE:VitIi-j'VII\Nl\6 .GO . Mail ing Add re ss:.201 Golf(;=.Ci'ZlL$"(PI?.JAIL c -<?~l:3 I b 'j ~Ph on e 4 7 6 -'t 'l -6 "2.. 1. J. NAME OF OWN ERS:f1I e V I ~AJe../>o '1 \'*SI~N~TURE (5):\(}!tU0 AU R1){H.<./ ~~Address: 'j 1~'1--1 './0 "01 Pho ne fF -Stf ?rJ Co ndomi ni um Appr oval i f applicab le .7~·-L)7q~ ORB FEE:DRB fees,as sh own above,are to be paid at the t ime of submittal of DRB a pp licati on .Later,whe n a pplying for ab uildi ng permit,p lease identify the a ccura te va lua ti on of t he proposal .The T own of Vail will ad just the f ee ac cord ing to t he table below,to e nsure th e c o rrec t fee is paid...-')p,):::1",/t ,.., FEE PAID:$,-?r.f/J/.,/V /7 <-- F EE SCHE DULE :,!-,._£...) K . VA LUATION $0 $10 ,00 1 $5 0,001 $15 0,001 $5 0 0,0 01 $Over -$1 0 ,000 $50 ,000 $150 ,00 0 $5 0 0,000 $1,00 0,000 $1 ,000 ,0 00 FEE $2 0.00 $5 0.00 $10 0.00 $20 0.00 $400 .00 $5 00.00 *DESIGNREVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSABUILDINGPERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED . **NO APPLICATION WILLBEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'SSIGNATURE 1 II.PRE-APP~TION MEETING: Ap re -application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed.It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please n ote that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval proce ss f or your project. II I.IMPORTANT NOT ICE REGARDING ALL SUB MISSIONS TO THE DRB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must sta ke and tape the project site to indicate property lines,bu ilding lines and building corners.All t rees to be removed must be taped.All site tap i ngs and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done duri ng t he winter is not buried by snow. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two sep arate meet ings of the Design Review Board:a c onceptual approval and a final approval.Applicants should plan on present ing their development proposal at a mini mum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on t heir sc heduled meeti ng date and who have not as ked i n adva nce t hat disc ussio n on their item be p os tp one d,will have their items rem o ved from the DRB dock et unt il suc h time as the item has been republi s hed . D .The f ol low i ng i tems may ,at the discret ion of the zo ning admin istrator,be app ro ved b yt he Communit y De ve lopme nt Depar tment sta ff (i.e.a formal hear i ng be fo re the DRB may not be required): a.Windo ws,s kyligh ts a nds imilar exterior changes whic h d on ot al ter the e xis ti ng plane of the b u il di n g;a n d b.Buildi ng additi on pr o posals n ot visible from any other l ot or p ublic sp ace.At the time such a prop osal is s ub mitted,applicants must include letters fro m adjacent pr ope rty owners and/or from the a gent fo r or manager o fa ny adjacent condomin ium associat ion stating the association appr ov es of the addition. E.If a propert y is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. s now a va la nc he,rockfall,flood pla i n,debris flow, wetlan d,e t c),a hazard s tudy mus t be submitted and the own er must sign a n affidavit recog ni zing the hazard re p ortp rior to t he issuance o f a b uilding permit. App licants are en couraged to che ck with aTown Planner pr i or t o DRB a p pli cation t o det e rmine the relationship o f t he p rop erty to all mapped ha zards. F.F or all r es identi al c o nst r uct io n: a.Cl earlyi ndicate on the f lo or p lans the inside f ace o ft hee xterior structural walls of the bui l ding ;a nd b .I ndicate wi th a dashe d li ne o nt he site plan a f our fo ot d is tance from the e x terior face of the b ui lding walls or s upporti ng c olumns. G .If DRB approves t he application with conditions or modi fic at i on s,all conditi o ns o f appr oval must be r es olv ed pri or to Town issuan ceo fa building permit. 2 ;NAM EOF PROJECT:------------------------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LO T~BLOCK ~SUBDIVISION __ STREET ADDRESS :dLj 'i~L\eos4 Of?.,lIAIL Co 8/65'8 DESCRIPTION OFPROJEC T:..pv"TAL L t..J II'vPO c...J N 0 '--+-1,.I•.H',:>}- L orne.'o f fu i ,,1.'1.5 !C!s=)e t:"VvJ-(J,~)ro ttf'=:-..J (I I '+- ~S T OF MATERIALS • The following informat ion is requi red fo rs ubmi tt al t ot heDesign Review Board before a f inal approval can b e given : A .BUILDING MATERIALS: Ro of Siding Other Wall Mater ia ls TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR Fascia Soffits Windows X Wi nd owT rim )( Doors Door Tr im Han d or De ck Rails Fl ues Flas hings )( Chimne ys Tr as h En clo sures Greenhous es Other 3'-0"X i b"U oo L LO'....<.r>-<-'v+tJl./le- Br i L il7 (Y"lo 11 ,...;>I A (lJ~,r.:>0 ".!Jfecl>l),.,e:..-. B.LAND SCAP ING:Na meo f Designer : Phone : PLANT MATERIALS: P ROPOSED TREES Botanical Na me CommonName Quantity Size* /.)~Jle-L~kY _ EXIS TING TREES TO BEREMOVED *I nd icate caliper f or deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for d ecidu ou s trees is 2 inches.Indicate height fo rc oniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. 7 PLANT .RIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS E XISTI NG SHRUB S TO BE REMOVED Botan ica lName aon Name Quantity .§ize* *I n di c at e size o f p r opos ed sh rubs .Minimum size of sh rubs is 5 ga llon. ~Square Footage GROUN DCOVE RS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSIO N CONTROL C.LAND SCAPE LI GH TING:I fe xteri or li ght ing is proposed,please s how the num ber of fi xt ures and locat ions on a separate lighting plan.I den ti fy each f i xture from the lighting plan on the l ist b elow an dp rovi de the wattage,he ight above g r adea nd t ype of li ght pr op os e d. D .OTHER LANDSCAPE FE ATURES (reta i ni ng walls,fences,s wimmin g pool s,etc .)Plea se s pe ci fy.Ind ic ate h ei gh ts of reta in ing wa ll s.Maximum h ei ght of walls within t he front setback i s 3f ee t.Maximum h ei ght o f walls else where on the property is 6 fe e t. 8 .}:rt'o"~'\"'"~:~~::::;;;~:@:;:::::~:;);;~:;:?{~;::~::~~:n::~n:t;(:::::::::%::~::::~:j {~:?::~:;:;~~::~::~i 0 I TOWN OFVAIL ~:i DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP~IENT SALES ACTION FORM <.LJ~2~NAylE J~0 .. DA TE 0,;)0,C;.:L------~%'I "~',i .,.....,..,..•·•·.:·:,:,:,,;;;:1:'1;'::",:,"i',:,·.·" l 81';\1 }}}'TnI"·'IL30 /""""""':""."./t'o,·f.:1ii1 ri ,-u:'I ~ill01000041540ZONINGANDADDRESSMAPSI."$5.00 0 1000042415 I UNIFOR.\1 BUILDING CODE $50.00 0 10000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 01 ססoo424 1 5 I UNIFORMMECHANIC AL CODE $32.00 010000 42415 I UNIFORMFIRE CODE I S36.00 0 1 ססoo 42415 I NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE I .S30.00 01 0000 42415 OTIlER CODEBOOKS I 0100004 1548 I BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)I I $7 .00 010000424 12 I XEROX COPIES/STUDIES SO.25 0 1 0000423 71 i PENA LTYFEES /RE-IN SPECTIO NS I I 010000 4 1332 i PLA."l REVIEW RE-CHEC K FEE [S40 PER HR.] 0 10000423 22 I OFFHOURS INSPECTION FEES I I 010000 4 1412 CONTRACTORS U CE.N SES FEES 01 000041330 I OTIlER FEES 01 000041413 SIGN APPLICATI ON FEE S20.00 01 000041413 ADDITIO NAL SIGNAGE FEE [51.00 PER SQ.FT.] 0 1 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATIO N 01 0000 41 331 PRE PAIDDESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE /"-)t~?-;,;0"---," 01 0000 I .i•••••;:,,··.·'••,••i:···.··;·;·:'r·r t'{:··H ••',.,.",:,.,:"..,'::>-r":"'2 $2 ~;.!-:" ":'.,:,: 0 1000041330 I ADDITIONALGRFA "250" 0 1 00004 1330 I CONDITIO NAL USE PERMIT S200.OO 01 ססoo 4 1330 I EXTERIOR ALTER ATIO N[LESS TIl AN 100 SO.FT.]5 200.00 0 10000 4 1330 EXTERI OR ALTER ATIO N [MORE TIlAN 100 SO.FT.]5500.00 0 1000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPME NT DISTRICT [NEWl si.soc.oo 01 00004133 0 SPECIAL DEVELO PMENT DISTRICT [MAJOR AMENDl 51,000.00 0 1 00004 1330 I SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MINOR AMEND]5200.00 0 1 ססoo 4 1330 I SUBDIVISIO N , PJ 0 10000 -1133 0 .VARIANCE 5250.00 lI t!0 1000041 330 I ZONING CODE AM EN"DMENTS $250.00 i f-II01ססoo41330RE-ZO NING 5200.00 0 1 0000 PH WI ·c o ~nvI E NTS :\'1 :::"">.....,......,·······.':i:"":'" .-e 5/DC/'Jr-S.", .' Ale t/,;.,/l/e...1J 0 ~> ,;?~9g ,lJRo~A RJ<.· U4-tC e.a 81 (68(._- /f7{,'-SS"'30 VAIL rnA1JAG .co . :(0 \G O~b c:(2 bE 1::ce VA\L c-o .8 1658 1.1-7(,-if')"~ To LOoE To C.OOE. S ,l 5 4 F T . .,.I -7".3 -0 )(31-~ wooo ~"~E.rneu v)I N 00 tJ C-0\-'L e 6 T 5 }t..Ju G E' trJA i.c: :rAJ 5:.1 A LL WOOD W I A)()O".)'/LJo ~r /-1 tJ C=S r FIR s,T L E tJ L oAJ 6"13 Ei-t::J Roo (1\A Pr.J (3EOl2.oo fV\.W AL.L-J -SIULCD TYPIU~L o;U C:of2 AJC J:: r"LJ OUT SJDG. • .." Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes •• NAME:NELSON REMODEL ADD RESS:2498 AROSA DR. VAI L,COLORAD O OCCUPANCY:R TYPEOF CONS TRUCTION:V DATE:6-1-92 CONTRACTOR:VAIL MANAGEMENT CO . ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1.SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS ASPER SEC.1210 1991 UBC. 2 ..FIELD INSPE CTIONS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 005495 1.000 II 0 PLANS PERM IT NO .----'''--='-=---=--.:;.....::..- BUILDING --.....--..---.-.."..- IIIIII IV V ABEHIRM NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE IN ON MAY 26,1992 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION 2 .OCCUPANCY GROUP CONSTRUCTION PERM IT TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELYPRIORTO ISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT MECHAN ICAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEESVALUATIONG.R.F.A.GROUPTYPE zDIVISION122.3 4 0 1--+-1 GENERAL DESCR IPTION OFWORK :II~ INSTALL WINDOW 1111'BEDROOM NORTHWEST :ll----+-----------------t.. COMER.,BASEMENT UNIT.>D PLUMBING D FOUNDATION q 498 AROSA DRIVE @ BU ILDING D ELECTRICAL D MECHANI CA L \ <;T7.5:TO 23 3S $58 . BUILDINGPERMIT MECHANICAL USETAX ELECTRICAL PLAN CHECK PLUMBING TOTAL PERMIT FEES SIGN I(TURE OFOWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORH IMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. ZONING &BUILDING NOTES :.JiO!l!l!1liLJ~~.J.'jL__ MATCH F.XI!M'ING WINnoW'll:. RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD \1:ttA N~6't5'EPbt K_J D STANa JUNE1 1992 BUILDING OFFICIAL ------t ATE ----- _SHELl.!KELW JUNE..L ..1.992 _ ONING ADMINISTRAT OR DATE 1 000ov Ihe reby acknowledge that Iha ve readth is application,f illed out i n full the information required , completed anac curate plot plan,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I ag ree to comp ly with the info rmation and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws ,a nd tobu ild th is structure according tothe Town 's zoning andsubd ivision codes,des ign review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Z ·r;?'..../C C .2~/) ST.CUT X BLASTING X PAR KING ]I: DEMO .,. ADD ITIONAL PERMITS N EE ~E D: Y !i INITIAL DW ELLI NGUNITS __~\C OM M O D AT N UNIT&...'Jr- HEIGHTIN FT.W:$'i R EP L ~rJS II~ INSU LATION :TYP t l}i l ~~~SS 'I\;VALLUE FLOOR ~(\V ,,\'\,I\. EXT.WALLS •Y (\l :tr O~" R NEW()ALTERATION()ADDITIONA(:XX REPAIR () e LEGAL LOT 12 BLK 6 DESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE II NEVl~ JOB NAME :NELSON REMODEL NAME NEVIN NELSO~- OWNER MAilADDRESS 2498 AROSA DRIVE CITY VAIL PH476-0796 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM VAIl.KANAGME!IT CO. CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .147-B TELE.476-4262 FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO . TELE . FIRM PLUMB ING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOW N OFVAILREG .NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . C ON TRACTOR TELE . - NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE MAY 181992,005476PERMITNO. 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 4,000 DIVISION 1 2 2.34 z ELECTRICAL N/AQ GENERALDESCR IPTION OFWORK :~PLUMBING 1,000REPLACEMENTOFWATERHEATERS,REBUILI :::> --'«MECHANICALLANDSCAPETIMBERRETAININGWALL,DRY-> WALL PATCH,REPAIR DECK OVER GARAGE TOTAL:5,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R3 BUILDINGPERMIT qr;00 ~PLANCHECK 62,00 ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION QUO ADDITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMBING $15,00/PC-$4 It41 34 ~ MECHANICAL ~ DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMO DATION UNITS __,~HEIGHT INFT.--NO.FIREPLA CES --RECREATION FEE IN SULATION :TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT J~\:100.00 ~I">EXT.WALLS ~~USETAX ROOF ~.I ~TYPE ELEC.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 276.00 OF HEAT SOLAR WO OD CHUCK FELDMANN .-____5D'}j9;]__ ADD ITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL ---DATE 1.!i INITIAL ---------------ST.CUT 70NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTIN G IzONING&BUILDING NOTES : PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out in fu ll the information required . completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the informat ion provided as required is correct.I aqree to comply w ith the lnforrnation arid plot plan .jo comply with all TO.~:'"andstate laws ,and '0 bui ld th is "'00'0"accord inq to tho Town's ~~.,0 cod".destqn review approved ,Unilorm BUildi ng Code and other orzol aIi able thereto . CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:.'Y71 ~ ,1/,,4/£..#;',;1'!'4H~SI~~oyJHtR oij ~/tTOR FORHIMSELF-010 I ~(J Ye ~ANDTHE OWNrn: VaJ-<,CA ~/6 ~::;-'---" p .•~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 10110 fal ~ep8rtment of community development TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT T¥PE OF PERMIT 8 BUILDING }Q9 P LUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 ')f,a "A l>rva « EGAL LOT 12 BLK C ESC.FILING VAIL DJlS SCHONE #1 JOB NAME :NELSON REPAIR OWNER NAME NEVIN NELSON MAILADDRESS 2498 AROSA DR CITY VAI L CO PH.476-0796 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM VATI MANAGEMENT r:o CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .147-B TELE.476-4262 FIRM N/A ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. TELE . FIRM "AIL MANAGEMENT CO PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.147-B CONTRACTOR TELE.476-4262 FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . TELE . OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . C ONTRACTOR TELE . ... DATE - 100 - ~',,'..: No.S4 7 ~·PERMIT CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT USE TAX IGNATURE OF OWNE 0 AND THE OWNER.L / ONINGADMINISTRATOR BUILDING 11- z ELECTRICAl IY t?2...//O~~..PlUMBING:> -'..MECHANICAL> r:,/1!n PERMIT FEES BUilDING PERMIT • PlAN CHECK - ElECTRICAL PlUMBING MECHANICAl RECREATIONFEE ZONING &BUilDING NOTES:_ ,..--------- A R-VALLUE VALUATION 111111 IV AOEHI l{-M AOOIliONAL I)RIPAIR GRF.A . NO .FIREPLACES UEC SOLAR GROUP I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out In full the Informalion required. completed an accurate plot plan.and state that allthe lntormeuon provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the Intormation and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws.and to build this structure according tothan's and subdivision codes.design review approved,Uniform BUilding Code and ot r rdlesofhe Town applicable thereto. .i-J.A A TYPE I IV!'!or C ONSTRUCTION 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION I "l 2.4 GENER At DESCRIPTIONOFWORK:....£...,.."""'W<.!::..:>I.""-''--''~II ~~ OW[LlINGUNIl S _;?_IICCOMMOOATIONUNIIS __ TYPE OF HEAT "EIGIlt IN Fl ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y !! BLASTINO DEMO PARKINO ST .CUT NEW(I ALIEnATION I INSULATION 'TYPE THICKNESS:~:f=-~=I J"--:':-':':"=a-~ __I _OAS __ WOOD PH . PLUMBING IL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT VA I L-1'1,t:jN /'r&.UJ . /97-/3 CITY CITY NAME Nel1~""/Ve-/'S OI1 TOWN OF VAil REG.NO. OTHER FIRM----------- ARCHITECT uFI"RM"'-_ MAil ADDRESS TEl E.-9? rll //-,,.¢('vv ./-//111 JOB NAME : LEGAL DESC . OWNER CONTRACTOR TElE. MECHANICAL ElllM,_ CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG.NO. TElE. GENERAL [Jflll1R.IIIM....J:j~.::::......!_:.:..!_.~~,__O!===:~_ CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. TO 8E FillED OUT COMPlETElY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT ~BUILDINGoElECTRICIlLoMECHANICAL •• 75 south Irontage road vall,co lorado 81657 (303)4 79-2138 or 479-2~39,.- •• olllee of community d evelopmellt BUI LDI NG PER f·aT ISSU ANCE TI ME FRM E If thts permtt r equiresa Town of Vail Fire Department Ap proval, Engineer"s (Public Works)review and approval.aPlannin g Dep art ment revieworHealth Depa rtmentreview.and a revie wbyt he Bui ldi ng Depar tm ent,the estimated timefora total re view mayta ke as lo ng as three wee ks. All commercial (large orsmall)and all mult i -f am il y pe rmi t s will havetofol low the abo vementi oned maxi mumr equiremen ts.Reside nti al and small projects s hould ta ke a lesser amo unt oft i me.Howeve r,if res ident ial or smaller projects impactt hevari ou s a bov e me nt ioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryre vie w,these pro jects may also takethe three week period. Every attempt willbe made by this departmenttoexpedite this permitassoonas possible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureandt i me frame. Agreed to by. Project Name Date WorkSheet was turned into the Community Development Department. •••• 75 south frontage road vail.colorado 81657 (30~479-2~3a or 479-2139 office 01 community deve lopment TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL FROM:TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/Cm1HUNITY DEVELOP:'lE~lT DATE:MARCH 16,1988 SUBJECT:CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. 4tJII1-!C'AAII/'e Cc .~.../""L frlJt1.IJ'j~V'rh ;U'JI1)41JS~.Ht!-'l.-1 Co . Position/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) R~end.ged by:r rr: I .'/J 7'"rc.o 10 ......",,-.;; .M..~ Date .. "... / _____u'clock M.•_-er-----KeCO • NEVIN M.NELSON SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED DOUGLASCountyof ,i wh o",legal address is I' .:V,, ~/ '1lS DEED.Made this d ay o f •19 ,.<"""""11 COMMERCIAL FEDERAL BANK,A FEDERAL SAVINGS /BANK,F /K/A COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ','f ASSOCIATION~ol'llw •5 1ale ofHo/,';uJ./'g ranrorts).and NEBRASKA I Coumyo f .S lah:nf Co lorado ,gr.t n l~c(s): 1OFVAILDASSCHONE,FILING NO. LOT 12. BLOCK C. A RES UB DIVISION WITN~~~S ETII .Tha ''he g ran'orls ).torund ill cunvulcr ation or the ""11 or ($142.000.00)ON E HUNDRED FORT Y TWO THOU SAN D AN D NO/lOOTHS**************************************************I ~U ~R S, I 1IlL're ceipt und vuffic icncy ofw hich is hereby ill.:k IlO\vh:d~l..·d.h;l S grante d.ba rgained,sold :'lIIU conv eyed,and by the se IJrc ,cllts 1I1 )ES granl . II h.lr~i.lill.sdJ.n'lt\'I,.'Y and confinu.unio thc ~.-;mI C l'(s ),HIS heirs and 'Issigns torever,all lhe realproperty,!t)gclhcr wuhimpmvemerus, 1 '1 if «ny,sttuarc.lyin g undbein g in the Coumyof EAGLE .State of Colorado , q r I ul'sl"r ihcd;I\follows: I, 'Iu,I '1 'i i :1 i' !I 24 98 AROSA DRIVE.VAIL,COLORADOulsoknownhysrn..ret and numberas : 'Iii 11 SUBJ ECT TO GENERAL TAXES FOR TH E.YEAR 1992 AND SUBSEQUENT YEA RS,COVENANTS, III CONDITIONS,EA?E ME NT S,EXCEPTI ONS .RESERVA TI ON S.RESTRICTIONS,RI GHT SOF WAY I.OF RE CORD IF ANY. II • I, '1 I I '!II Toe;ETIIEK with <t il and !\in gular th e hc redi tumcntv and a ppurtenancesthereto ~Iong jn g .or in a nywise a ppertaining.andthe reversion and rever..lo nv.n..nunindcr anti re mainders.rents ,is'iuc!'I un d pmlils the reof:..ndallthe est ate,righI,title,interesl ,c l..lm unddemand w hatsoever o f (he :I !-!r;lltlnrhl.either in law or equit y,uf.in and Itlthe "hove hurpained premises.with Ihe hereditament s and appurtenances; TO II.\\'E ANI>TO 1I01.1l the said premises uboveba rgained :1110 described withthe appurtenanc es.unt o thegrantcc(s).THEIR heirs and ~s ,i gn ..forever.Th e gri.lIllor(s).for IT ..c l FITS heirs and personal rep rcscntati ve-,o r S U l·ce!l.~Ur).tl(ES coven ant anda gree Ihal IT ..1\;\11 ~I IJ will \Vt\RR ANT AND I D REVI :R 1)1:I :l :ND the al'l()w-h:lrgilinC:ll premi ses in the qui etundpe aceable possession o fthe grant.:e(s). HI S hci r-,aru l a'\o s ig n~.agai nst all a nde....'e r y I'k.:T\t 1R nr pcr~un s daiming the who le o r any pari thereof,by,th rough or under the !:!r;J nll)rhl. INW ITNESS \VHEH:EOF.(he:u Hmtor(s)h.$cxc ...·Uh.·J thi s dCC ll U II the dille .;cl forth a bove . COMH ERC IAL FEDERAL "BANK.~\~OD~/JAVIN GS BA NK,F/K/A COM}1ERCI AL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1>.'\'\\VI "11K.A ,,","~"l"()~$,~,..:09.~ORA t""("~"-r~.i'''7'~~~l \,..~--.,.:*.~(/II-:'----A"""'--\----~--=1:'------.SINCE IB81~;E ::=--,.C"J .:-~"'"-,--..x;lU,~-."..,........$ ~~J"I;;i <",/oJ;<;,.::~,'Tn ",,\,", STATE Or:o{'OI~l't~*l'.e-:'t1/,I......\" ., " •••••• 1/ •• ~/OdD _.._ ?DO$-... ,. /I «()O O~ )f I 3 oo'2Q- • Plan Review Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes • NAME:NELSON ADDRESS:2498 AROSA DR. VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R3 TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE:5/19/92 CONTRACTOR:VAIL MANAGEMENT CO. ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: PLANS EXAMINER:C.FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1)SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIREDPER SEC.1210 1991 UBC. 2)GUARD RAILS ON DECK RAILING MUST BE 36"AND VERTICALSPACINGS NO MORE THAN 4"PER SEC.1712 1991 UBC . •• • PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEE L _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRA MING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FI NAL PLUMBING: o UNDER GROUND _ o ROUGH /D .W .V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ y\lo to r h Lon C (;;) o FI NAL _ /'1../)/1 (--.fl""Y r'I-'ROVED-r-& CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED .4 o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE __-=~L.....,<,---/---'-=-__IN SPECTOR -'......;~=-"~'-='-"=----=_ D wr..PECTION'S COMPLETED The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING •• FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: 0 FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: 0 IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: [] DATE: RESID.NAME: D o o FINAL BUILDING DATE:~/{793 TEMPORARY C OF 0 DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: PM_____A M ,'"INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . J OB NA ME /1'~J./)U '$./.t ~LJ(_~~..!-L-___C ~LLER ,;t:U d.~?t~ REA DY FOR IN SPECTION /;M ON T U ?~)~E D ~FRI LO CATION :o?i/?~U-l ~-J~h~~<-.'./ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND _ o FO UNDAT ION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW.V ._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------0 GAS PIPING ------------ o INSULATION 0 POOL /H.TUB _ ~H E E T R O C K NAIL ----------0 ---T)-A'---------+------ •0 XLj.ZJ .-//-/ob A:.J.k,?a.Zi:u o F INAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o F INAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o F INAL _ ~~;<P R O V E D 0 DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS:::!-u1z Lc d 7fl o REINSPECTION REQUIRED &1 ///')/'"I~(/e a.COCJ", DA T E -~4--""'4-,,L.-!.--=:""----I NSPECTOR •~.•INSPECTION REQUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL ...1. DATE S ->\"'~J OBNA ME ~-~)(~~~~CALLER ~\__L ~~~~S(C 'I·c READYFOR IN S P E ~\'Z..~'l MON TUES WED THUR ®A MPM L OCAT ION :d;",,~~---.,~',-,,,')...1;:)) BUILDING :PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL t OUGHIOWV . o FRAMING OUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:ME CHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY A IR -I 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _I NSPECTOR • 75southfrontage road vail,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 August 26,1991 Commercial Federal Mortgage Corporation Attn:Ka thy Anderson Post Office Box 1103 DTS Omaha,Nebraska 68101 • officeof community development Re:Loan Number 9755808,Caroselli 2498 Arosa Drive,Lot 12,Block C,Vail das Schone Dear Kathy: We understand that the above property is in foreclosure,and your firm is currently responsible for this property.The Town of Vail has received a complaint that the grass on this lot has not been mowed for many months. A lawn that is not taken care of creates an uns ightly yard,and reduces the value of adjacent properties.The uncut lawn also decreases the value of this property,as well.We are requesting that you make arrangements to have the lawn mowed by Monday, September 14,1991. We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.Thank you very much for your cooperation.If you have any questions, please feel free to phone (303)479-2138. Sinc rely, ?'~t&~.( )' Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician • officeofcommunitydevelopment /~lO Ck C---- j Vaildas Schone Filing --- ». #tV/IV )./lL:7tJ;V 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 June5,1984 Dear Lee, Lee Caroselli 193 Gore CreekDrive Vail,Colorado 81657 or.28 acresLotsize:~1 2 ,25 0 square feet "Zone:Primary/Secondary Existing dwelling units:3 The VailPlanning Office has no official records for your four-plex property.The only unofficial information we have is: -Itis my understanding that a triplex exists onthe property and that the fourth uni t hasnot been constructed.A fourth unit would notbeallowedunderthe present zoning.The existing triplex is considered tobea legal non-conforming structure. I also talked withJimRubin,Director ofPlanning for Eagle County. He said that your building was built prior to County zoning.For this reason,the County hasvery little information onyour property. Because the Town recognizes the triplex asa legal non-conforming use,the following zoning regulation applies toyour triplex: 18.64.090 Restoration " Whenever a nonconforming use which doesnot conform withthe regulations for the district in which it is located,oranonconforming structure or site improvement which doesnot conform with requirements for setbacks,height, Carosell i \June 5,1984 Page Two •• density control,building bulk control or site coverageis destroyed by .fire or other calamity,by act of God or by the public enemy,its use may be resumed orthe structure may be restored,providedthe restoration is commenced within oneyear and diligently pursuedtocompletion.All new construction must conform tothe applicable Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code and other relevant codesregarding safety and construction which arein effect at thetimere- building isproposed. Thank you forbeingso patient whileI researched the property.Please call me if you have further questions. Sincerely, ~ttC\t\~At "KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP:br .... .."'."..