HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 13 LEGALI TOWN OF VAIL i 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \Pl ts St\rc- . .-(\),-^( Ao=SrLo-r.-- |r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO6-0021 Job Address: 2,+49 AROSA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Lncation.....: 2449 AROSA DR Applied . . : O2lO8l2W6 Parcel No...: 210314108005 Issued . . : O2/l6l2W6 IrgalDescription: ,\k Expires..: O8/l5l2W6 Project No ' DF oUNER SODERGREN, BRrAN & pArcE yl. 02/08/2006 586 SNOW RD SEBASTOPOTJ, CA 95472 APPLICANT 'JERRY SIBIJEY PIJITMBING 02/08/2006 Phone: 970-827-5735 P.O. Box 340 Minturp co 8154s I-,icense: 152-M CONrRACTOR T'ERRY SIBLBY PITUMBING 02/08/2006 Phone: 97o-827-s736 P.O. Box 340 Minturn co 81645 L,icense:152-M Desciption: REPAIR/REPLACE FLIRNACE WITH SAME SIZE Valuation: $3,554.00 FLeplace Infomation: Risnicrcd: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Peller 0 Mechanical-- ) Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > $80.00 Restuaraft Plan Review-> $20 . 00 TOTAL FEES------> $103 . 00 Additional Fees---------> FEE SUMMARY **,t**+*'t+ti.*!t{.******'r*:**{.x.'***l.t***************'li****,r:**'*:i**** S0 . 0O Total Calculated Fees-- > 5103 .00 90.OO Total Permit Fee--------> S103.00 Paym€nts---------- > S1o3 . oo s0.00 s3.00 BALANCE DUE---------> S0.00 Item: 051-00 BUIITDING DEPARII!{ENT o2/o9/2oo5 caunion Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARl'l,lENt ' CONDITION OF APPROVALiCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTBR 7 OF THE 2003 IMC Al{D SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOVIN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (Bt'De.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO I4ANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AIID CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIN.ICES SHAIJIJ BE VEIfIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 1 (BIJDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAIJ EQUIPMETIT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC,. Cond: 31 (BrrDe.):. Borr.rERS SHATJIJ BE MoIn{TED oN FIJooRs oF NoNco![BUsrrBr-,E coNsr. ItNIrEss LISTED FOR MOITNTING ON COMBUSTTBT_,E FLOORTNe. Cond: 32 i (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS Ar D CODE ANAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECTIANICA]' ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOIL,ER ROOMS SIAIJL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED ME;AIIS FOR DISPOSING OF I,IQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances, and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY.FOTJR HOURS IN ADV PM. FROM 8:00 AM - 4 oFo FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ' /./ *l'ttt**+++ttt*****+f i*+'tir*'i*****tl***+*********f * * + + + * ************{.**tf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *+********++*++t't*******+t+{.++rtl**f****++*+++f**++***++++++*+{r+****t*******ff****'}********* Statement, Number: R060000144 Amount: Palmenu Method: Check Plumbing 3 0782 $103 .00 02/L6/200601 : s4 PM Init: DDG Iilotation: aferry Sibley Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocatj-On: This bayment: MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 MO5 - 0 021 2103 - 141- 0800- 5 2449 AROSA DR VAIIJ 2449 AROSA DR 9103 .00 T!4lE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT Total Fee6: TOI 1 ALIJ ETNTS: Balance: $103 .00 $103 .00 $o. oo ++||''l*'t****+fa*'.****f***+****+***+l****f*+'|r|***+i{r****+f*************:1.'}'}*************'t***+**'} ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptsion Current Pmts MECHAIIT CAI, PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WII,I.I CAI.'L INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 3. O0 02/07/?^OO 10:4? FAI 5708276214I,. 1 Jerry Slblev Plbns INC @ oor IPPUCNNON WILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPI"ETE OR'UIISIGIIED TOV Prcject #: n06-oozl Building Permit #:- u*traiical rer-n *i I@5-@?-{ 97 O -47 9 -214i9 (Insp€ctiotu) 75 I Frcnbge Rd. vall, colorado 8165, pemlt will not be accepted witlrout the follwing: Prcyld€ l{oclranlcal Room Layout drawn b scale to indude: l- /A r=--;-;--r_svttrtjvlE FEB 0 7 2006 $1 ' 6 Mechanlcal Room Dlmrnelonso Combustion Air Duct Size and Locaton o Flue, Vent and Gas Une Size and lscafon o Heat loss Calcs. o Equlpmentcut/sPecShests at Parcel # 2t a-q / 4/o JrooJr- - rob Name: 5 eJqq /\44)robAddress: Al/? Ar^W-*fu- l-egat Dcscdpuon I mt ' I Block: ll Filingl subdlvltlon: Engineer:I Address:Phone:.--- - D&ifeddeFcriptionofryqrk .lt . eRp4lr'-r.- l-.-^ilo-<t- d tYn l*tno st ?-' -----T Work€as: New() Mdition( ) llt" Boiler Location: Int"tiol@ Ooes 'an enU o<ist at his location: Ve9lj-lto.(-} @ Duplex( ) ","l*htity( ) a.t*"i.l ( No. of &lsting Drvelling Units in this building: ----No, of Acommodation Units in this buildingl -No/Tvoe of FireDlaces Risdno:gas Rppttan wood Bumhg (NoTALLOWED) - * * *:r * *** * **{.**r**rk* ** * ** * FOR OFFICE Y** t*****+******tll.*:* *:Frt**** * ** F:kda,\FOR r4S\Pef rnlts\Bufl dheMnefi enlcalJFrmil-l 1-23-ZOO5.OOC LLl23la0/c6 @ oozSlbley Plbns INCferrv BI t $ s7082752t402/07/2000 10:47 FAI or@c .!lo)>Eb $€ EA OBEltJpb ef,g E. EO:3ct)II gC EE=<63 n sl \i$ F s {q $$ Ei 5 p il PiB $ e$ $ e* " : $l$ i Fig ou s(J IIIfilrbtro r-l3 rJ-o =F ] SR .Bs \ \-r_-'aJ . r1t;s-?hb;$ ...S s \9 *\o r{ j;"s I ${* $$$j _-$ !<€ "L $-ise<J o \ I / I CJ -( t, -: d -o's *9 02/07/2006 10:47 FAX, 97082752s1 Jerry Slbley Plbn8 INc @ oos FoFM NO. G11.487 REV, 1 .ffiffiffiffi wffit tLftffiffi,ffiffiffiffiffi CLASSIC SERIES" SUPER QUIET 80 80o/" A.F.U.E.* DOWNFLOW GAS FURNACES 50,000 to 150,0fl1 BTU/HR tl5to 44 kwl (U.s. e Ganddian Models) The Bheem Classic Sede6'Sup€r Ouiet t0 line of dornllour oas lulnaces is desisned for installalion h closots, alcove6, ititlty rmms, or adics. Tna deslgn is c€nlfled by CSA lnbmalional, Features r lnnovative desiqn |BsLdb in reliable, €ttici€nt oParalion at sound levels whiioh proride di€tnct comPetitive advBmage' r Patented h8at er(changer, constructsd ol boh stainlesg- ani- iruminlted steeifror the maxlmum in conosion resistancE. r Low profile n34 inoh" [664 mmJ dtsign is lighter and caEler to handle. and leaw€ room tor oPtional equlpmem. r l-etl or right srde las and electr'|c hlet oonnections with quick, sinPl€ changa r Direct Spark ignition. r lnbgraied boad with humidiler and eleclmnlc alr deaner hmkups, r Insul4ed blo et cotnPaffnctt helps to t€duo€ Jad€t los€ and ncri6e. I Prc.paint ga.lvanized sFel cablnel' r Molded pemanenl lllFr' r Grab-holes ln doorc to aid In aasy door removal and replacemed, A variety ol cooling coils and plenums deslgned b use with Rh€€m-Classic S6riesr Super Ouiet E0 gat lutnac€s ale ayailable ss ootional accessoti€€. lAF.U.e,l^r /rl Flrll Utlb&r Grlollttyt ellrrleit 5 ilcod||lcr rlh Dt'fltncBcf Etrot ttl F so.ltutil. FGLN. SERIES Models with lnput Rateslrom 02/07/2008 10:4? FAI s708275214 Jerrv slblev Plbns INc BEFOHE PURCHASIIIG THIS APPLIANCE, READ FROM YOUR RETAILER. @ ool IMPORTANT ENEROY COST A}IO EFFICIENCY INFOBMATIOI{ AVAILABLE PHYSICAL DATA AND $PECIFICANONS NOIES' Alknoddc $e t1$/, ogHZ, 10' Ges onncc{ion size l0r all modsls b r/t N P'T' O ln roeord8nce wilh D.o.E. hst procedures o So. Convs6lon Klt Index form for trhii"aiiiilrto der.ls in U,s, .lppllcatlons. For C edhn $plicttions, trl0ruce tlE lumect iBblhtlon Instrsc onr' iloDEt tuMlEBs H8tX.8lnlEs O6EAUEB 051tAUEF 0TEtwtEf OTIIAITER ||TEAilIEB IITI{IMGR lOEAMEB 't0l{AilER 1OEBilN 10ilEf,J8 lzEABJN 12IIARJR 1iEAruR 15ilARlR lnput+TU/Hr lklvl O , s0.000 t15l 75,000 [22 75,000 l22l 100,000 [29.s]10q,!qq[44l 125,0m [36.6]150,000 [441 Hsatino Caoaclty Bru/Hr lkwl o 11,000 [12]60,000 [16 60,500 lr sl 60,000 [231 81,000 [24]99,ooo lagl 120.000 t85l Hisj Al!4q!_bPqlkrul 4s.00_0-1131 67,600 fl9.81 67,s00 [19,01 90,000 [26.41 90,ooo [26,41 112,500 [S3]13s,000 [39.61 72.500121.21 s9,000 [26.11 107.500 [31.5]Hlgh Alt[udB 0utput Capaoiv tkwl s8.so0 fl0.71 $,500 n5,7i 54,000 [1s.81 72,000 t21,1 | Heat Ert. Sbtic Pre5surr lkPdl .10 [.0251 .12t.0291 ,12 (.02s1 15 I,0371 .1s[.ffi71 ,20 t,osl .20 t.051 olor',or (D ,( w) lmml 11 16 l2r9 x r 52l 11x7 1279 x l78l 11r7 [279 x 17E] 11x7=10'AM t27Sx178l l1r'10 1279 x2?A) 11 x10 tnsx254l 11r10 127912541 Molor tt,P. IWI-SPscds [W]- PSC Type Vz.a"PSC l37sl 1D-4-PSC t3731 Vr-{.P50 tsssl Vr+PSC t3731 Vra.PSCrt!91_ V!-4-PS0 t55rl V+4.PSC tsssl Moior F!/l Load Ampr all 7,1 c.9 7.1 0,5 OT 9.5 Hrating Sprsd MEI}LOW MED"HIGH MED.LOW MEtrHIGH MED.LOW MED.LOIY MEO.LOW coohg spood HIGII HIGH MED+IIGH HIGH MEO-HIGH MEO.IIIGH MED.HIEH Cooing GRI 6 5. [ktul E.S.P. (Nominal) [Usl 120n t5061 1200 ls66l 1600 l7$51 1200 ts66l 2000 Ie44I 2000 t!r441 2000 te44l haisd E.S.P (ln. Wc.) fltPaJ 0.5 [.121 0.5 t.t2l 0.s 1.121 0.5 t.121 0.s t,t2l 0.5 [.121 0.5 [.12] Tsmp66tlre Rlso Rangc 'F 25.55 [ 35-65 fi9,5.30,21 ?5.55 t13.$30.61 45-75:10'AM w41.71 40-79 1222-38,91 40-70 122.2-38.el 50-80 IA.8-44,41 MirL outlot Alr T6mp. 'F 15{t t68.31 lAq l73.sl 155 t68.sl 190 t87.81 170 t76,71 100 182.21 170 t7E,7l Shrdffd filbr lmml (11 14 x 20 1356 x 5001 12112x20 ls05 x 5081 12r 12 x20 1305 r 5081 l2l12 r20 lS05 x 5081 l2l14r20 1356 x 50El (414rU0 ts56 x 5081 (2r11x20 1355 r Slsl Approl Shippin0 Wblght (Lbs.) flol 85 80,61 105 [42,6] 105 147.61 trt 152.21 120 154,41 140 t63.51 150 t5E.ol AFutsElsctric lgnnion tilodtls O 80!6 80%[0tt 80%00rl 80t.60t6 IVIO NN NEUN RCNNO N_DOWNFLOW MODELS F Bhoom (nE Hga1h0 InP!l De!ionltion Beolric {tl0x hpul tffllb! Modol ,g!8- 05E osil s0,000 [15 kwl078 o7N 75,000 [22 kwlloE 10N 100,000 129 kwl 12E 12N 125,000 [37 kwl 15E 15N 150,000 [44 kwl _t- VarlatlolE A. Std. Cibinel I=t/Hr Crbinrt tl Blov{ot 003|gnaflon ll=11 x7 , 1279 x 178 mml fi'11x10 1279 x 251 mml ___E_ Fu!lTyp€ R = Netunl GEs, U-S. rnd CEnEdiao Sbndad Furnace E_!_ D03lgn Sodas G Gas Fumrc6 L Do$mflout Herting & Coolho Drsfgnailon S =50fi1200 CFM [236-5t6 Usl E = 110tr1330 cHtl [51e.628 Usl G.1450'1750 CFM [6E4.6e8 Usl J = 1600'20?5 cFM [65e979 Us] I I Dclgnertr iilc!|c ConverEionE Rheem M en utacturing ComPanY 02/07/2006 10:4E FAI 970e276294 Jerry Slbley Plbns INC B oor DOWNFLOW DIMENSIONS 119 mml t/.' [10 mml 106. mrnl lslt mml 235trl lst mml ?dh' F18 ml o{r.' [15? tntnl DIMENSIoI{S AND CLEARANCE TO COMBUSnBLE MATERIAL (|]{CHES) lmml I0TES: o May nqulrs r 3' ft6 mml b 1' ll0z mml 0r 3' 176 mml h 5' [127 mml adapler, O U,Y b. d [0 mml trnh ryPe B vato u,y b. d [o mml trnh rype B vat O Mry be 1'[25 mml wilh trPc B vcm. Fomrclt mrsl !ryellEd in rEaorlrnc. ulth th3 lhtlon.l tuelors god!, AISI 2223.1 rno/ot Can/EGl|l$ Infillltlor gcda! erd h cotd.i!! ||[ localcod.s- 4 Flhcem Manulaaturhg ComPanY tA'r 0lA, (lg m.nl tr' OlA. lSc nnl l.t'IllA. l!5 |'ml FFO T BI'TIT SIDE rr00Et RGLlt- 8ERIE5 I 0 G D E UFT SIDE RtStff sr0E 8A6l MP n$r VEIIT slttP. wEl8.(us.)lrsl 05 14 1355J 1?c,he1326 1ovi [2041 (l 13Vs [333 400 n 1 lzs 3 [76 6 t15?lo rs t38.61 n7 171h 4451 16tt/iz 1415 l2tlt ls0EI 18Vr [42?n 3(D 0 1 [25 17t a t15?l rJ r 0s [47,6] 10 (Al 17th 415)1 6tti !r 141 5l 12U! 13081 (T)16sh1122 0 3@ 0 tl?f I 176l 5 n52l O 115 [5121 10 (B'21 :5331 19tu 150a1 lgrio 0t 20r/r [5111 0 0 0 1 125:I Tb 611521@ 'I ZU tl{.q 12 ztth E22l 2grrfu 15991 1svr 3971 o 2sry! [6001 0 0 0 11?5 !tb E Il5Zl o 140 [63.5 15 24th Eul Arl/32l5$l 15V!3971 23Vr [60lll 0 0 0 r 125 sr/6 6 n52l rtl 150 I I Dlrlgn tgs meHc Coowr.bnl | /- ^ t,^ Qhrrlz- VOte o+ry' laf l3,Aff-' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.,179.2139 Jar: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailg ov.conn Proiect Name: SODERGREN REROOF Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8060210 RNAL APROVAL TO REMOVE CEDAR SHAKES AND INSTALL ELK P-PLUS 50 YEAR SHINGLE OWNER SODERGREN, BRIAN & PAIGE M, O6IOLIZOO6 686 SNOW RD SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472 APPUCANT ALPHA ROOFING LLC PO BOX 19414 AVON co 81620 License: 788-8 CONTMCTOR ALPHA ROOFING LLC 06/01/2006 Phone: (970) 949-5006 0610L12006 Phone: (970) 949-s006 Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: ' Comments: PO BOX 19414 AVON co 81520 License: 788-8 2.149 AROSA DR VAIL LOCAIiON! 2449 AROSA DR Lot: 13 Block C Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1 2103-141-0800-5 SEE CONDMONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of APProval: 06/01/2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building' Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design R Department of C.ommunify Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado I teli 970.479.2L28 tax; 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please retir t6 tre submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning. and Environmental Crmmission. boign reri"* approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description orthe Reque x, P.*r,x, 'tl*k . iFl*l( FIL P- Pb kO Ya,tl Location of the Proposal: Loufz-Block:C subdivision:fllto^z- $4AY -1-OWt'l Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: U v) w 6\ o N.\ro Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: 3O3- 441: o2-7E- $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor dlanges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, $tindow additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For rerrisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-fami lylcommercial) p Minor Aheration' (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans D SeparaUon Reguest 'i***** ****'1.'l"l'{.{.*******'t+***i.i'rl"l'*tl.************** *'l*!t * * * * * ****** *'}'l"l'{',1.**+**{.***{.************+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *t*********t+*+**,1'**************f f +++*****1.**t+*t++ * * * * * ******************:1.*:t:1.:*:!:i'i'i'i******** Statement. Number: R050000735 Amount: $20.00 06/01/200602:00 PM Palment Method: Check ROOFTNG Init: iIS Notation: 5976/ALPHA Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Locatsion: This Payment.: DR8050210 Typer DRB-Minor AIC, SFR/DUP 2103 - 141- 08 00 - 5 2449 AROSA DR VAIL 2449 AROSA DR Totaf Feea: $20.00 Total AIIJ Pmts : Balance : $20.00 $2o. oo $o. oo ****** + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********+**ri:i:;:!****r.***** ********f* * * * * * *'t*+********r.*l** * * l.,l 'lr ti 'i:1. * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtsion Current Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGIiI REVIEW FEES 20.00 o ELKd Confidence Built-in FOR PEACE OF I,'IIND, ASK FOR ELK Thc' rich coLrts of thc lrrrturill e rrv irot]nrc rtt l.le|r,.1 \ ith ittuLrvirrrvt pr()(luct cl)gineering t..r creltc ir linc ..rf l,Lril.ling pro.lrrcts n itl.t rrrrnrrtclre.l lreirLrtr', rclirLrilit) irn(l l'rr-otccti(nr. IJrriltlcrs, c()ntrlrcr()rs rnrl h\)n)c()\\'ncrs rlrtiorrrvi.le.lcpelrll 1'11 1l.r!' strL'ngth of Elk brrilJing prorlrrcts. I'rrxl in.lust rl -leirtling rrr'tirtr: Irro.lrrcts r() xd\',lnceJ c()u)p()site fencing.rnrl Jccking, Elk bLril'.ls conti.lcncc ilrt() cvcrltlling le mrrke. Elk's clrr,rliq lcirJershil,, hist,.rrr ,ri p1,r.1161 innrrvltiotr, rrn,.l 1.r,x ctr rtr.rrrrtrrctrrritrg crcclltnce ,i.l.l uP l() pearce Lrf nrinel. Whcn 1,,rr lrcell l() kn()\'1r,rr'r'e nrrr,.le thc nglrt chrricc in lrLriltling l.rt'.lrrcts, ask tirr Elk. PITESTIQUIJ (;RANI)E Ncu r,.r tltr I'rcstr..;rrc Irnc, I)rcstirlLrc ( innrlI I'rrnr]s ,r Jlrrtnlttii, lltt!c-sc,rlc lr,,,k t,, rrn1 r'LrLrf. lts llrrqr't.:i:e is scrl..l nr,,r'e liLe tile..l.itc.in(l \\1\),.1 :hake. \\'itlr i1 rni!lu(r nlD(lonr !ut,in!l the \iglrirllrrc l)rtsti(lu( I ltqir I ). lirriri',rr Lit,rk, PrcsrirlLr,. Ctrn.li' rr.lJs rr,ltstirrcrrr r ilPlrcrl l rer tr) nlrnY h()rier. l)fcsti(luc ( ilrrnrli c,r|r.ir: a -ltl-r'crrI linritcJ \\'lrrilnt\ ! lt lirrrite'.1 i|inil Nlrr.rDt\' ()l ul1 l!) 9Lr nrl)lr'r' ilnrl, like rrll l'resti.luc sliinglc., i: l.l- ( lllss 'r\" iilc-r'rrtctl. ll,ril\t\ l lirfic r\lrc\ll. ll,jft lli.lt -1r.t " l.i,l,l.t tl-,rrn .t rrr.lrrr,-l :lrrrgl... lrcutrlte: th,. tenrrunc.] l'r',..ti.lU..' ll(/r l),'/irritr,,rr l,',,k. IlL (llrr.: ',\" Irrr-rltLrl. I ll,ts r lrlrit.'.1 lrrr(l uilr rnt\ ul] ti)')tl rrrl.lr::' l'ri.rr.L tctl l'i r -l.r'i u,r' linrrt.,l s.rlr rrrrr,.r' ir rclLr.irng I nrl,rtllrr (],rrerrrt.lc l,rr !c,rr. -i fr,7.l": \ ith 1.1,1;11111 11|1.11611i,rn lirl.,'r ,rn,l nrrlr ni f"\'frir!r' Ii)f ule f!D) rirtirr:.r rerrr.. I'lLr.. illr , 'l'li()rI t 'r trrn.tt llihili r. ,'\r'uilrhlc in .\nti.;rr. !lrrr., \\'crtlr. r...lrr u,.1. ..|rl-llt,r,r.1 :rnJ lJlrlkrr,,, t.i. I I 'Se€|rrCuci flitBd vJarranly lrr ceia s Sperrr hrghwfd3!p c;tiof l'rclrf !!f s requr'{'d fcr 90 rrrrh I fn1,.c wr:i ,val,ir:y - S€e p,r!? l9 'o 'l€ta ls '"* lli ' i ll,tlIt rIar{t NT il!m I'lt L S lQt ll Il I (; ll I_ile lt,rtr.,,s (,lt ;l lr'(,(., I'resti.ltre /lqir /)r.,iirrrra,rr r',',tllrr( lIr.,l l(.\lLrfirl (()nrl\l(\il\ tlrrrr'' 1-le|siltr lr) lli( (\'(. ,'\ll!l l'lr'sli.lll('s \\'i([ lrll]g( ()l l)irllll('-ilisl)ir(](l !()l('r\ ni,rL. lirr,lirir: L)lre \\t ll-\Lrile\l ii,r'r',,rrr 1,,.rrlt rttr '.rrs1' lrt'k' Irr''lLr'l'"'l lrrr rrll lirt ol i,rr l,rctttirrtt ])tt'lttlttt l,r',,.1tt.t.. l;.lk's sigrrrrtrrlt lllq/r i).'/rrritrlrr l"'rk givts l)leslirltl('rllitlglcs lr tiill , I i t t I t t t ' i' I t I I I I ; t 1 t 1 t e ' t l ' t t l .. c , 'rtltlirlg tl' 1't lr illl(l 1( \l lll( t., I li,,ntr. ' r',',,1. lllt l'tt'titlLrt lrrrllih rrl.,, (.\'(l\ il \\ille '.ll,ritt 'rl :i:t's, tLrlLrt.s ,lr)(l \\rtlirlttt(: leillttlr'(l llllirlLgllrrLtl lllls Irr(}ellttt'r'. ELK COOL COLOR SERIES With Elk, your rocf can do a lot more than keep the rain and elements out. With the Elk Cool Color Series, your roof can potentially help save on your energy bill. The revolutionary new Elk Cool Color Series shingles slow heat build-up for a more energy-efficient home. The Elk Cool Color Series shingles are composed of highly reflective granules that bounce back the sun's rays and more effectively release absorbed heat. Elk Cool Color Series is the only cool roof asphalt shingle offered in multiple colors and two styles - Prestique Cool Antique Slate, Cool Barkwood, Cool Weatheredwood, Aspen White (see page 18 for color swatch) and Domain@ Wirslow' Cool Browncastle, to complement any home. Developed by Elk in conjunction with 3M, the shingles meet the initial ENERCY STARo performance levels. Best of all, you'll get peace of mind knowing that Elk quality and technology stand behind vour roof. (l()()t- C()t-()t{ Ot' l tOxs Prtstiqut (ixi Antiqrre Slatc lh.rkt',c (:,iJ tt.'rl\1,, \l llc.rrtlrc ( i"'l WcathcrtJ*r,.1 It,'rrlrur Wursl,s (]xrl lhourrcrltlc l]rt'r q,rt rrr ti",l \(rr rrl'ercJut"rl - i_. l'rt"riqrrc I I ir;/r I ).1,rrrrr',rr rn S,rnJ.rls,".l ll.'rr,1'rr llr.. I /rrl /', trr"tr,'',, Yi.lLi u' "l /\ THE PRESTIQUE GALLERY COLLECTION BY I]ART TORBtsS Thc Prcstique Gallen Collcction features timcless hues whosc rich irppcarirncc rcflccts thc splendors of thc naturirl rvorl.l. Tl.rcsc color blends arc th!' rcsult of our collirt'orirtiixr with intcrn:rtiouall,v acclaimcd artist Bart Forbcs. lr4r. Forhcs rrscr,l his artistic touch to help us crcatc cokrrs thirt are unique, yet in hirrmony witli tlreir surroun.lings. PrestiqLrc C)allery Collection HigA Definition shirrgles hrvc a 5O-_vear limitcd rvarrrrntv irnd up to a 110 nrph linriteJ wind wrrrrlnty.'r Pcrfcct -vour nrstcrpicct. with color-miltched roof acccssory print liud ri.lge products. ABOUT THE ARTIST Illrt li,rber ri a ut,r[] rcrvrunrJ arrrst t.lurr:.lisnnitirr ,rrrr.rl /,,.. t1rr.r.r,,.rr,,, / ir.-,y'TIr.,1."!.ir. ,orl rrrlrer u i lil'v iircrrirtrJ ltblii rtr,,rr I Ii, is /arnurs li,r Iir therr.Ll J,,rILtar{s ,rtLrl /r,n Ji:vprtrj 2r' crnrnron,,rarrr. Itr,ir,,gc n,o,r/^ /., thf t '.S I"rstal Sr:rt'i:e, nrchaltrs r/rr ''Anrcrr.,r rIc iI.,rrrr rjri | :clt,r ' See product limired warranq ior details. Spec al high.wind applicalon lechnique is requi.ed tor I t0 mph imfed (\r tlv I)uyL frcnirrsrrirr, thc snrcll ry' tAc scrr rnrxcs witlr tirc scerrt of Jolors ry' urn.ictlc.s rrf sa,qe lnrr.s/r. Further ull(rll.J ircs.l?l d?l(,r'?il{l{-\ cirr Lrkc beJ crrllcJ l-agrrn,i I)irLbb. Tltis sutr-blistcrc.l plu"tu wus t/rc ursplrarlol bcirirrrl \1.'eirt[.'r.'rl ,\rr.gc. lts Lir,rki hte-s icc renlniscerrl r,/ srlr-balccrl rrrrrJ, u,itir.irist tr hlrrt rf-trrrnn glcor. A tnic ttctrlr,rl, rk attlrcratl,\(lgc c(rnllcnic?lfs a bnr,trl f (ltlge (f urlcl irr' !'rlr)rs. t,:et+t4a /.-"-fu/- Irr lralrs rr/ t/rc grc.rl .S(nrl/rn,c-\t, .r .\r)rd(rl ltlcn,,l rl rcJ r,,clr rnr,l srnrllgAt crc,rtcs (ltr,c-i?1.\l)r? irg t,lctus. T[ls cler-c/rangirrg Jrctlijttr ttlrs titc ins/rirrrtirnr behirrcl -\rour,r Srrrr-sct. hr t Jusittn rl r nttnge nt(l b1outr, it sccnls t(l glott, tuit/r lIc carh-rrrrnrtlttg.)r -\cllilg stnt. Sictttt,t .\rrrrse t s rr. /r cirrrrrnnorr /lrr,: crukes tlrc tfunf Lnfu ol tcrr.r .ott(r tilc, rrulcnrg it tha ltarJatt crrttt/;li:tncttl to .\t?ica{, r(rlds rnl(l mo-ta ll'ic[ colrns. &/t*-" In Nc{r, Errgl(ur(1, rftoc is,r birl.s,urr /r,rcst l,r.,rnrJrri bl g,.,r,gcs ,orJ.n,rJi rlucls or rrtd siilc.nrJ stcclr cli/1.si lcs (rr thc otlrfl. As rhc.rrnr scts, tlre rrtqgcJ Ltnci-scr4x' crtsls l,,rrg .,laJ,,rr'.r .)|rr t/1r tldcs bcl rtt', crerrtirrg lxrols rrl r'rch, ,i,rr/< gr.ectt. l),tlsrttrt I:r)rcsl lrardiitcs ahcsc :ritttc /rrrrs, rnakirrg it v,ell-suicJ l,r tr tttrrtrt.l ,{ /trrnr sn,lts, DOMAIN WINSLOW SHINGLES For an authentic wood.shake appearance and all the fire protection and durabiliw of an Elk roo{ ask for Elk Domain Vinslow. The bold, wood-shake appearance of Domain Winslow adds character to homes and steep-slope buildings. Unlike similar pnr,lucts that can create an unattractive zipper-like pattern on the nxrf, Domain Winslow's unique random-cut design creates a natural look. The exposure range gives visual depth and added dimension to the nxrf. Domain Winslow is the next generation of modem shingles - it's bigger, better and faster to apply than competing products in the same category. In addition ro mecting UL wind resistant and Class "A" fire ratings, the product has a limited wind rvarranty for rvinds up to 110 miles per hour, with Elk Staner Strip Shingles and special application techniquesl Drmain Winslow has a 50-year limited wananty, including Umbrella Coverage for the first 10 years, u4th prorated application and material coverage for years 1 1 through 50.* An option for warranty transferability is also available. Domain lVinslow is also available with Elk StainGuard" treatment with a lO-year limited warranty. StainCuard treatment inhibits the disctiloration of nxrfing granules caused by the growth of algae, Dov nrn WINSLow CcllonsIIIII -cha.loy Cray Stonehenge * See page l9 and product limited wananty tor dstails. Special high-wind application technique is required fof 110 mph limitod wind wanaoty. l\'rrr,rirr Vrr.l,'q rn 5h,rJ,,w tirry t0 !-q--== -==-=-.-iL= -.- --lii+E== ::.. \-;--:-i;i- -\-a _=;=3_=p -;= --'-1-1.-. F IT IT lr RAISED PROFILE- SHINGLES Raised Profile shingles are a definite step up from ordinary shingles, in both looks and performance, Their true colors and dimensionality lend any home a subtle, even.toned look with the warmth of wood. Unlike untreated wood shingles, though, they have the marked fire-tesistance and durability of a laminated shingle. A large range of attractive colors makes it easy to find one to complement your home's exterior. No matter which color you choose, they carry a limited warranry of30 yearsl Raised Profile shingles are sure to accent the beaury ofyour home for years to come. .4, ,r' !.., i, CAPSTONE SHINGLES Do you miss the romance of days gone by? Then Capstone roofing is for you, Designed for homes with prominent roofs, Capstone has a classic slate-like appearance. It creates an indelible impression of deep shadows, particularly on homes with steeper roof pro6les. The word "timeless" can be applied to both Capstone's cottage look and its performance. It's made with Formula FLX| which makes it easier to install and reduces the risk of blow-off. \fe're so confident of its performance, we gave it a 40-year limited warranty and up to a 1 10 mph limited wind warranty*. See product limited warraoty for detaals. Special high-wand application technique is required tor ll0 mph limited wind warranty. 1-t Capstonc in Village Grecn ' CaFsk)nc in (;fluitc t; T-LK SHIN(; I-I' A NATO I\,{ Y Sutsr t.t, ( - | , \ I I ' ( , ! I I I \ r \l- ttt l- rrt t\ \ r.r'N I'tr. ' t-: ( rlr rrrrral['rrren |ill rgl,r* h,rsc rut,ing, (,,rln,s ,rn.l tire Lrlt'r of thrck u'plult t,t sul)(rior w,rrrqrft tnini{ SLLonJ l.')cr,n rLi.k ir\pn|rr 1\ ytmr irisurulfc (t (nrln mLliru F{nr.ti(in ExclLsirc h,n rr lrrtr,,l E,rnulcs (lhrtilLre f{rs anJ l}esn pe (irll.ry ( i'llectr,,rr only) fix txceptit'nal rlriclncss,rn,l trcauq -l wt' l,ryrn,'f lil.<r' glas*rcurli'rreJ,r.ph,r r rrrr hnnnirt.,l irro r sirrtrlc unit 'fhree^lnnensi rrrrl, r:rnLloDr'cur sr1:rirn. l'HI: L'ON.{PLETE Bl-K I{ () () l; SYSTEI\1 \Ulrctlttsc.1ttrcilnjutlctirltr\\'ir|l()tllt|I]]kc()nrp()I]elrts,E,lkslliIrgIes |lI()l('Lli()lt.1gainstwi]l(llttlt1ltrttisttttr.'..l.llcI-i.,trretlwtlcrIllrsthtll.lJc.| irirlerrsing Umltrclla Coveruge orr tlr('shinglcs t() sevcn ycirr\. lrr rrrtler to quirlity fin Elk's ticc 7-ycrrr'"1-rrll Systenr V':rrluttt." \'()u ntust use iill of the l)ro(lrrcls l-5 bcltirv ()r'r v()ul r()r)1. THI] ELK FULL SYSTEIVl WARRANTY Vhcn ,vou install the Complcte E.lk Rrxri Svstem using Elk Shinglcs anJ the featured products l-5, you will reccivc an improved 7-ycar non-pror:rted Iinritcrl rvarranry coverage. t 7 lcrrrs n()n-pr()riitcd covcragc lgainst dcfects in nllltcrials or man uf irc turing rv()rk nr irns l) ip ' ? lears non-prorated frrr uratcrials tnJ application l:ibor ' 7 vcrrrs absolute peacc of minJ Q Elk Pr.nrit,nr Shinglcs @ E.lk Higltl','int'" or EIk RiclgcCrcst''' Rirlgc \,'cnts p.1p1'1.1g efflcicr.rt vcntilation, reducing nroistrrrc rccumrrlation which carl diurirgc rtxrf rlecks iind other parrs of rhc structrrrc. These vents featrrrc ln innovrrtive design free nf filtcrs, which cirn clrg and rcducc pcrformarrcc over titne , @ ell All-Ct'nrare SeIf-AJhcring UnJcrLaymenr helps prevcnr watcr leakage cause,J by ice il,rms applicd Jirectlv ro the dccking irl applicarion. anJ winJ-.lrivcn rain. This producr is p()tcr)tial l!'lk:oncs prior to shingle @ Elk St",t", Strip is a greirr stirrt firr a ltsting r,r,rf which cirn withsrrrn.l scverc winils. These self-selling strips uo hcneath thc first corrrsc of shinglcs and irl rng the rakc c.lgc. Using Elk Startcr Strip with ccrrairr lilk shitrglcs along rvith othcr spccirrl iipplicirtion techniques cln incrcusc yorrr sliinglc's Limited wrnd rvarranty up to I 1C mplrt @ Af f Z 'RiJge or Seal-A-Ritlgc'" Hip anti Riclge Shingles crcirrc rrrritltrc rootlinc protiles u,hilc provirling extra protection agirinst l.'rki rrnd winLl blow-,,ffs. @ Elk V".r"Sl-rieltlu Un.lerlaylncnt is ir tit'crglass-bascJ undertirymr,nt oftcring cxccptional protcctitn agiunst ihmc tprcucl and pcnctrirtirlr. l-css scnsirive to rveather extrcmcs than tvpicirl rrn.lcrlirymcnts, ir lirys flirt ,intl rlftcrs incrensed morsture pr()tccti(nr. @ Stairr(iuard Treatment (check for availability) @ Elk R,",t fissgssory P:rrnr l() In ttt,'sl ltrcl. rrl tlre c,rtttttry tte otler oqrl {r11111-i1r Strrin(irrrril tr(',lln)ent norl' uith lt IC-r,clr lirrilr'rl ulrrrlrnr1,. (lhec k rvu',,v.clkc.rl,.1t 1111 l1r1 lrVlrilirhiliti. iD )'r)ur' rcqi()n. Z RiJgc is guillilrlec(l l() l)Lrt iln fn(l l() b,rt-ing rrrrllines. Its rrritlLre. lirltlctl tlcsign , t(.rrr'. ii Ir i1'L - I'r 'Ir|. r.r.,.r.lit " .lltt t ,-l,r.,tn tl',c lcrt{tlt ol tlrt riLlgc. Illk IlLl,l i\cr ers( rr\ I)iritrl ti rlnrrr]rrtttl tLr lrr'lp vcttt:., ()fllcr ircccs\Ori('s lrli rtrI in ne ri Elk r, t, ,1. EI-K I'I N ISII I \(; -f OI]CHL5 Iir,r,t ,\r ( | .S( rli) I) \l\ l I lrr ,t tll rtx t Iitt 'r 't. \jt,l t : I Ii(lrli 'irr r ri.l{e \.ettts lcirl ut ( ,rll irrr()\'irli\( tltsign lli,rt is lt.ec ol ll]tc:s tlrirl ailn el,,g rn,.l rt'rlrrcc perlirrtr)irncc ( )\'e r l ilr('. :.. \ li, !, rrr], 1,, rr n II \.rll' ',1.t r'.trr. .lerr.rl |.rl r. r,",l ,,1 l','rr,r, r'I lri:.\t ( rr( Scll-;\ - ll iil{(. lril, rrn,l ri.lge shinclts l.l()\i(le ( \lrr Irlr)t(rtir)l) llgllill\t l(rlks irn(l \\'in(1 I'1,,$-,,11'.-l lrt'ir ll" x Il' si:c is P1'v1.'a1 l('f sriur(l,rr(l ()r Iri')\t ilrinqli:- iJy(] l I i(lgr !cl)15. is spe6llilll llrrslr ing lntl \\ il lr ) ( rlrl' I-lk hip rrn.l ritlge rlring[s li)rr]r ir pr(rt.cri\e cirp rlL)ng tlre ritlges orrr l.[cnlitr)r rlrirr,.I]e rr,lrrrs. IIil. ;rn,-l Iitl.r shrnqle prttelener'. Nhiclt hip , ),.1 ri(lge lreirlr)tct)t is r-igltt ti,r r''.,rr. Z Rrrrt;t, I'rl.rrrr jlr I lr' .\\in I{1 ",,. / lir.l:c.rr'.1 HII' ANI) ItII)(; I,I'ROI)LI C'f S (rl \()lrr Ii\)1, itrtlrr,rViD. it: ],','k. Iltti're lrr',rillrl-l,. ilt ar)[)rs l]lrlliliil)g \',rl'\'r(gi()ltirll\'. T]ltr': lltl lllk,tller'r.t clt,rir.e. '\tk \'r.,ttt c()lltrrlctl)r Htr'r t l-.' 'r l|\'r \r r'llr\,t ('ii,-St,.r.t.-i\-litt,i;t. \\ | I 1t l;r rli\1Lrl..\ IrLX li L r:r( rc.r .,,1 1.. r .rrr.r , r r, i'r,rr I rlrr' ,rn,t Ilr',.1,. I I rrl.l,r\,,,'.1 Tlte tLrslic, slrutrrollr ll)lrcirr ln-c ()l IiiJgcOrcsr itnl.rrrls ir rriil) \u\)(l-likc l()(rk. Ritls('( ircsl is nr'r,.lt r.r il lr lrL,nnulrr Irl-X. liiJgrOrest lerrlrrrts rr 1)r)e-l)icee shil)olc ..lcsrgn rn.l is rri inl.grrl l\itIl i)l ir r(x)t'i lltric \ enlilirli('n \\ slrrl. t7 CHOOSING A COLOR For best results, your new rrxrf sh,lul.l complement -vour honte's cxtcri()r. Vhcn choosing a color, considcr lrorv it r.vill blend witlr your home's brick, stone, w(x)d anJ/or pirint colors. Before mirking a final selection, you should vierv five or six full shingles in natural daylight at a clistance, at various timcs of the day, wet and dry, to gct the full irnpact of the blending of colors and pattern-.. PnlsrreuE Gal-ltRy Cor-r-ucl tox Carutcltl PnusTrquu aNn R{lsED PRoFTL[ 'Available in Prestque Grand6 si2e tAvailablein Saised Profile and Preslique lonly "Avaalable in Prestique Plus and Prestique lonly We make every anempt to represenl our product colors as accurately as modern printing t€chnology allows. Nonelheless. we always recommend you view actual shingles before making a linal color choice. Nor ALL PRoDtJcrs AvAtLAaLE IN ALL C()LoRs lN ALL RDGloNs - CHrcK wNw.E[KcoRp.co]t FoR AvAlLABILlrr'. The appearance of a shingle color may vary depending on conditions and time of day. For instance, it will appear different in direct sunlight than it does in overcast conditions or wet weather. A Veadrredwood Presdqle H{gh Dq&tiion nrcf illuminated by direct sunlight a! midday. Iti \\'crrbcn.t S,rgc AntLclue Slatt+llirrtw,r'Ll* Fru;il (ircy Hrckoq,A1,L rr Whiti l t. h..1, ii'r .,\ ,ilrhil'rr')S,rnel,rlu,,,rl ((hcck li'r rvrihbiliry) VrlLage (irecn tlirchrvixrl 1chccl li'r,rvail,rb;lity)V cJgcwooJ " lchcck frir av,ril.rl)ilin)lcwrer (irc! ((hc(k t,)r uviiilxhility) The sam nnf in full sun during dr late aftemocn The same rcnf again, on an wercast day. '* '..;.:*I ,L \ tl, ,.', l / ELK LIMITED WARRANTY COMPARISON PREsneuE PLUS DoMATN VrNSLow HrcH DEFLWoN & & DOMATN GALLERY Colmc-rroN \Vrxslorv Cool COLOR SERIES CAPSToNE PRESTQUE GR{NDE, PRrsneuE I Hrcs Derwrroru & PRESTIQUE COOL Colon Srrurs 4C years 5-?** vcrrs non-prorrte.l covcragc for material anJ application labor rvuh FrcrareJ coverasr-' for renraur&r of lunite'l PRrsrlouE R4tiED PRoFItLHICH UEFJNIT]ON WtNo CovLF.{]E ' Lrniled wa(inty periods \rere extended effectiv€ Jaiuar'/ 2,2002. va|LeysAdctiora||y'E|lA|l-c,natese||AdhelinqUrdelaYrr|€ntisreq|reda|cnqlheIa proper r' F ac€d NA [S and E k Slarter Str p shin!les are requ 'ed See appl cat or irstrJcl ons printed on lh€ shifgle vfappe. ior add tiola reqrremells LIMtrtD \vARR{NTr-* UMBRELLA CovEeAcE 50 yean 5-7** vean non,proraeJ covetage ror maternL and applicatitn lahr wirh prorateJ corcrage for remain&r.f limitd 50 years 10 yean non.prorated coverage for material and applic.rtion hhx rvith FrorateJ covcrdge for rem nJer of fimitsl 40 vean 10 years non-prrrated coverage lirr materiaL and application labor lith pnnate,J mvcragt for remainder of limited warranry penotJ The disrincnve visurl.lcprh an,1 rexturc ,,r Prestique's Ffux/r DcJinnri,l look is renlnistent ,rr rcirl l<'.rl shinglc.. JC vears 5-7x* vcars non,prorated coverage ror m{tenirl and lFplication lah)r uith promted coveragc for rernainder (f linitLal warranry period lS lears 5,7** lears nrn-proratcd coveragc for nraterial and applicarion lahrr $th pturdteJ covcragc ftr remainJer of luniteJ warrant-v Period Stan iard: 80 mph StanJardr 80 nph Sran,lard' 80 mph L\rendri: 110 nphl E\tenJe.l: ll0nr,ht Lrtcn&rl llOnrpht St.rnelarJ: 80 mph Srrn.br,r: b.lmph :trndarJ, T0 rnpht.\tenJeLl: eU nlfilll OF SHINGLE TYPES/SIZESCOMPARISON R{rsEn PRoFrLr PRt\TreuE Hlr iH I)r,fl NilL,N PL[)'rrilL]r GMND' Hi(;H IfEFTNTTJL)N Raised Pr,rlile shurglcs fcaturc.r :trbtle, even-roncJ Lx'k with the wamrrh ofrl,r.'<1. h's tltc hitl Llr* ol Prc"tr.pe Hreh Dflrizr rxr l (nit e scale. .loli' biggcr rltrrr stanJarJ shinslcr, Cr':ruJf nrakcs an inrpressi 'rr lkt- rp other. L)r)vAN Wr\sLOu,CAP:TONE DesigneJ l,r homes rvlth stccp r,rrii, Capstorrr' shingles boast thc hx of slate at a tiacti()n (rf the cost. The boltl. rv,x -shakc rnpenrancc.f Donrain !0 inslow ailil-. narural ch.rrrcter to homcs anJ stecp-sl(ipe buil.lirrgs. 19 CROSSTIMBERS* COMPOSITE LUMBER The next generation of decking. Elk CrossTimbers decking stays beautiful longer - with no splinters, cracking or rotting to worry about. Elk CrossTimbers is a low-maintenance altemative to rreated wood and other composite decking and fencing. lt's a unique mixture ofoak and polypropylene that yields superior sftength, longevity and dimensional stability for fencing, decking and marine environments. And Elk stands behind CrossTimbers with a 2O-year limited warrantyl CrossTimbers is created u'ith multiple design opnons and the EZ-Build system, which makes corstruction a snap with concealed fastenerc below the surface for a smooth, seamless deck. CrosTimbers is designed u'ith strong, deep coloration so it will age to an attractive, natural look. CrossTimbers brings years of enjo'y'rnent with low maintenance - routine maiD.tenance usually includes no more than sweeping to remove loose dirt and pollen and cleaning with a commercially available deck cleaner. CrossTimbers' natural-looking embossed wood grain finish creates a beautiful deck. For the option of a different appearance, the reverse side has a smooth finish. CnossTrNrsens AGED CoLoRs * See oroduct limited warr8otv for details. of color and app€a16nc6 onlv. !lk r€commends viowing the oct!al prod!ct bofof€ making a final color doc sion. clossTimbersismadeofh6rd$/oodandwi||ao€tosnatura|beautY.Hardwoodscontaintanninswhich,i'erposedtothedghtconditions,mayda*eninspo0nsom6bo8rdsUd6oos' |fthishappens,theseshou|ddi8appearin60to120days'AskYourdiibuto w1,i,w.olkcorD.com. I Veatheredwq>dPcwtcr Crcy Sandal*'ood VcatheredwooJ z0 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us Project Namer SODERGREN RE-ROOF DRB l{umber: DRB040441 Project Description: REPLACE ENSTING CEDAR SHAKE ROOF WITH NEW CI-ASS B FIRE RETARDANT CEDAR SHAKES Pailicipants: OWNER SODERGREN, BRIAN & PAIGE M. 08/2612004 Phone: 686 SNOW RD SEBASTOPOL cA 95472 License: APPUCANT SODERGREN, BRIAN &PAIGE M.08/2612004 Phone: 686 SNOW RD SEBASTOPOL cA 95472 License: Project Addresst 2449 CHAMONIX RD VAIL Location: 22149 AROSA DR. tegal Description: loE 13 Block C Subdivlsion: VAIL DAS SCHONE RL 1 Parcel Number: 210314108005 Comments: SEE CONDnONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vot€: Date of APPrcYalz 0812612004 Conditions: @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stiff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 Minor Exterlor Alteratlons Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 f ax:' 970.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:;1<,ltatc (xt frr;tG CEhAtL fUnv^: l40t- uJrril N€a 1-LAS'5 AFtrue n(TAA>AJr c.eD.AtL5ilAke5 Locationof theProposal: Lot: I I elock: L Subdivision:(art Dar f qto"tI ?4.1 | 4oora LB'Physical Addressi ParcelNo.: el(]l.l I 0 6oOl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoningl Name(s) of Owner(s):h\,np * (a, t e fotvrrr,nzr) Mailins Address: 1L44 "t AGaf a l.&, VA r,- CO 8 tb5-T Phone: 41o 4l L z7+1 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:ftE) Maifing Address: 24q q A 9r+ Lrt Vnv C" 5tt"51 Phone: E-mail Addre ss'. 9, 9 ot ( an *E p O vJ o N-r)N e ( sr*'110 4'|t L74'l Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multFfami lylcommercial) K t,no,. Alterauon NL (single-family/duplex) \ tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request , h({. N(T $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Page 1of 12/04128104 {,+.L. No F." D"'isn *"u'"* tffiCD AUG z ,: 2004 JIC_ IJ TO}WM MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMIfiAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval gnlg5g they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS**,-F AX pages of Application is complete' 0 Checklist is completed and signedtr Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicabletr Site and Grading Plan*, if applicableD Landscape Plan*, if applicable k/*E Architectural Elevations*, if applicable F. Exterior color and material samples and specifications.E Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabletr Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableD Title report, including Schedules A & B to verifli ownership and easements* fl enotos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.tr Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableO Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noled with an asterisk (*). *xFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repoft, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:6a*,a- !, oe /LlrLs^.J() Cn contractorsignature \=)s-- }VV Date Signed 8lz-r Io.-t JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations, - . O.* ,aa,,zaoll(Date) (/ Page 2 of LZl04l2Blo4 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Color -- Roof ftn99 Pt (tA! AtrTA+D.ay!'c-EDAtu f t)Al<-t:7 Siding cu t tn (iloT u^(4 Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: I Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the coloi name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 1U04128104 +o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: ww\ /.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: DRB ]{umber: DRB010196 Prcject llescription: Exterior painting and repair Participants: OWNER SODERGREN, BRIAN & PAIGE M. 07115/2001 Phone: 231 NEY ST SAN FMNCISCO CA 94rtz License: APPUCANT SODERGREN, BRIAN & PAIGE M.07/16/2001 Phone: 231 NEY ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94tL2 License: ProjectAddrcss,, 2449 CHAMOND( RD VAIL Location: tegal Description: Lot: 13 Block C Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Numben 210314108005 Comments: Approved Per Plans Submitted TOI4'NM BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Acevado Vote: 4-0 Date of Apprcval: 08/03/2001 Conditions: C,ond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planning Staff at 479-2138 T#\i#c ftF A P P LI cr[Htsr.:Fp F *F#f; tH$ilffiytt A P P Ro vA L nx rr,., . *^9kJg,[***,*"**, GENEML INFORMATION f,r &.*Ltu!.$ g.A. This application is for any project requiring oesigil{dviEff edffiefrfiTfprUEcrfiequiring design review must receive Design Review appmval prior to submitting for a building permit, For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approlal that b requested. The application cannot be accepted until all'the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Boa rd approval expires one year aftler final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRTPTTON OF rHE REQUEST: 6,x(g rut orc h t 'v'r t * F t+r':o koatrL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: tOI 13 BLOCK: C FILING:t \ Vn rr^DA9 Scrrolr\) sz clne y,lt''':i.r,,i: V*i,., B. c. D. E. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARGEL #r Lt o3 l41 08005 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 97G328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: E€ I trc:l.tf t4g. ,.{An-, co NAMEOFOWNER(S): (3&tAp tOb€rLGA€Nl MAIUNG z44ot AaoSA >t?- owNEKS) SIGI{ATURE(S): NAME OF APPUCANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS; L741 H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEEtr NewConstruction - f200tr Addition - d Minor Alteration . Construction of a new building. $50 Includes any addition where square footage is residential or commercial buildino. Bt,\ot added to any S20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submiftal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PTEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF.COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. DrtrV €. JUt t 6 2961 TOWN OF IlAIL , Department ol C omnurity Developnwrt 75 Soah Frontage Road Itail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at l4qot ArnSo Dn-, Y4tu, Co ttt€1 .providethisteneras (address/legal description) ri writtenapproval of theplans aatea 7 I I bl6 t whicharesubmittedtotheTown ofVail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addres$ above. I understand that the proposed improvements include € XfU.rt-l o rt (n trt( tJd F fl4 PA t(L I further understand that minor modifications mavbe made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance .rith tbe Town's appiicable codes and regulations. (prht name) (date) $ o*ru"o o Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 r0ft\r GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMTTTAL REOUIREMENTS { Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existlng conditions. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be USCd. I Condominium Association approval (if applicable). ! If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. D { O LrsroFPRoPosEpMArERrALs O BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Onfr"+ ks Doop TYPE OF MATERIALI COLOR: K€YJ{Il( GK*y Sut zooS rl ll (*1 , trtrvt- f,aTtJ Tnn^-tls:lt--2-rt-23 o t JAr t,o a1 \t 1l * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet tle Town=s Lighting.Ordinance 12-11-51. If e$erior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separcte lighting plan. Identiff each Fxture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the l(Thting fixtu res. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanicai Name:Common Name:Ouantitv: Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: E{STING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: .'sllt - .a,-\I .':li r i'o'> deciduous trees - 2 inch caliDer coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe: .ir*$i . Indicate top 3 feet. o UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Cfed Husky;lohn Boyd) t.L.l. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-748'0 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor phn, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. ff the utility veriflcation form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the developrnent can proceed. 2. If a utiliry company has concems with the proposed @nsfuction. the utility representative shall note directly on the utjlity verification form that there ls a problem which needs to be resotved. The bsue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Publk Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Wlitv locatbns must be obtained befiore diooino in any public rightof-way or easement within the Town d Vail. A buildino oermit b not a Publ'tc Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibifity to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2L28. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meeG on the lst and 3rd Wednesdap of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Developrnent Depargnent a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) week prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your propoeal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forfi in Section 12- 11 of the Municioal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. ffa property b located in a rnapped hazard area (i.e. snow alalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debris flow, wethnd, etc), a hazard study must be subrnitted and the owner must sign an affdavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. ApplicanB are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazads. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all Surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24'x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed,2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow.5. l-rtle block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number' 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location rnap at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers.10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways.12. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applbant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their itern be posQoned, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved orior to the issuance of a building permit. ry, V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Re/iew applications, approve with cetain modificaUons. deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Deign Rwiew applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that b consistent with the architectural design, materiab and colors of the building, and approval has been receircd by an authorized mernber of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any applicaton b modify an existing building that does not significantly drange the o<isting planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, rnateriab and colors of the building, including, but not limited to ocerior building finish materiab (e.9. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lightjng, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dishes, windows, skylighG, siding, minor cornmercial facade impro\/ements, and other similar modiflrcations; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, removal or modifications to e)dsting landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A, If thb application requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Samples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Deparunent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publbhing fees which are in o(cess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicanfs request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the mater to be re-publlshed, then the entire fee for such republication shall be paid by the applicant C. Applkatbns deerned by the Cornmunity De\€bprnent Deparunent b hale design, lard use or sdrer issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Departrnent shall estimate the amount of nnney necessary to pay the consultant and this arnount shall be fonruarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in o<cess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 dalrs of notification W the Town. Any excF<s funds will be retumed to the applicant upon radew completion. u. TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO*'ittt***t**t*ilt'itr*'t**+**'t't**'t**++**+'tt*'tr*!i*'t*****++'f r******t:r*,rt*,r*+*'l**!*,r**+i.***a;;;tlt*:ltl*Slrtement Statement Number: ROOOo010?o Amount: g20.00 07/L6/2OOLL!:26 ArlPaymenE. Method:Caeh rniE; JAR t{otat ion : Permit No: DF.8010196 Ilpe: DRB - l,tinor AlterationParcel No: 210314108005Site Address t 2449 emIilOt{IX RD \rArL Lrocation: This Payment:s20.00 Total Pees: Total llIJIr ttnta 3 Balance : $20. oo $20.00 $o. oo ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri ption DR 00100003112200 DESIGI'I REVIEl"l FEES Current ffis 20 .00 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statenent llurnber: Payment l.{ethod: R0000010?0 etnounE: $20. O0 Caeh o7 /L6 /2OOLLL:26 Ini t : iIAR Statem€trt l***'i+*+!t+*+**t+** Al{ l{otat ion : PermLt No: DRBO1O196 Type: DRB _ Minor AlteratLonParcel No: 210314108005 Site AddreEe t 2449 CHAIT|ONfX RD \nfIJ Lrocation: Ttris Payment:$20.00 Balance: $0. OO**l**l*t**atrt,Sf iti*t+{'t't*t*r,ia**,t*+j},}*,t+**t*t*tt********,r**f ***{,****!f,rt**,tt**rr**,a*t+:t*:}t:*,t,}ti ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: T:::l: ::f------- Des*iption current pnrs DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEhJ FEES 20. 00 Total Feee: Total AIJr ttnta : $20.00 920. 00 oz E =E uJo- @ *, 1 (n IJJ IJJTI tr =G, uJc "ffi, '%,,,,** o\ @o\ ta)N H .J)H a z FJ J It!tl (9z J 6 uJ, F e, ? FIqrl =l =l<(lolzl =l9J thr l44.t4 71 IA a!! 5z z-q 5oq o =z -s' t ?I (-.' v ,) 2 4 ,:)v o o o .9ooE 6oEo,o t!J llJo .rot! Goho t zoo crl\o @ (rNc)za\Olr| .(JZ etrFHB<<<xtsJp<xAAX ts A z Fl o.c oo 6 oEoo CD =@ E o =l do o ct; .g 0) Ec6 F (, .E o o) Eooo(! E () o .9 I o o Ec6 si]6 F (! '-oo-.5i =56c|- EE-o9o('Cz;6 E.Et-6 FEo.; eEo'-ac @f E€E'o>|oEtrCo::669EqrEEOo)o6 o(, .2o E ooE o o, C' c Eg io G .9 o-o,6 .t2E o(Eo o q, E (uE 0,o)! -g =o J()6 .oo {,E o\c'l 11: lrl{ ,l- .. *r'a\/// 4 ol.if N + t)< E =Euro, atz 6 ,l {: x() u,, z Jo. J a F uJ ul (t2 @ =J J z. uJt UJ uJl!z uJEo uJe oc o ao;u,l uJIz0 ul F oo- UJ c z ul I x F ulu, at UJulII b =c IJJo. J FoF ozoJ @ J () e.FoulJul (9z :: =Jc I 1Io uJ. F1 H F NOTIVn]vA Fc F I 2 IEo; l!oz 9 a-aIuJ J E zgJo >or -r(tfs€ =(EN zzooho- 4i3 eoo1>E9lr<oqH6Ft.ini zHts HX () ts E H zIF J o- UJ F rq*r -o-utE J z Eo z9F eurF1 =uJz q) =zlz tr ao o Fzl z =ul3o t!o 5 uJ E ctz F z FI trI uJ = CE (o(t, UJzx 9 u,o- F 2 tr loz o3 .t Jl<lH =l zl .. >l ur uJ tlJzoF Er! o- 2 E X X ) F t- t"l=turto z o)gl I zY 4H ct) I& CD f- O z o9zQoo =zdP =fi;Hg o\ @ Ol rn e.l H UJF o ql tr(t, @o1zo Fo. lrJY uJo oF ts Eul o- lto o.oo I uJFoz tr Eu, bE32zE<cll€8IP9Ea95EF 1t* =IJJ-E 5EE >o.-c Eb9 \urE XdE ;T6, ulo-i!E H rmY'E - F =E. UJGzIF(J :)g, 6zoo ntn .lr1 |2lolErlcrlrltl I(,1 |<lal IH C'z Jtr Fo tr{ a I H CA & z El FJ (, ii =z co .) lol\o F4 INalll\O<lPli;tc:l+-lxl|.r fr2d> aq{E-c) z Fl Fl A IJJ 2 tn o\ I .+ o\ fl fl il z F H U)z L4< F-] ?lolllll :l al>l oz d u,lc oz3oF zl EI il>ltrlq zl 3lolH oz ciI.I G J a t!oz3o F t 9Pg3 =Fd6o oF(J tFzoo t! =Oz g. -rO<FGOuJ<ztUJF<t6 o m!! oc ,^c <.oUcH.O Jeo- cro-x<d, Hc':vc -=cro(') !-(-E) ,o G'o -rr Er L r{-rr- o- L(^ Ol {-).J G-, (UJ C\j C!o tr O o cF o O XX l: )O' )-)0) ).:;a i(g rcr3 IF 0)! o) oc ,/o b,.-- o (! o .=:) =E l 0) ao ! c,)'; r .Y, -c) 'cl ,q) )o lcoIv, ri6 -o 'iJ c f,L' & o) -c'-: ; .5:-o o.l :1 :( rc: !!oi Co 'o: '-- (l) (, guo e; tl";;:(!:-: r-' ] =-F--i l= cY'" oo:''-; > CIE tJ =-t -Y a.J o"(o o- rc:o ur- O-'; o- =- v(!C gcrr > .: :=s --c - *-c oo-. :'|!::o:8. 3 u >.: -YItrr (o! d->.9 .' i -o q); rI oorn-rCo,( .t^h: F = trJ z. 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C* L' a: t; a zl r^l url 1l zl>l OI-l alvi G L! I o I I I I I I I I I dlzl ol!Jl Gl JI <t>l rl.Iol-l Bt vl cCoF 2 trt Ll-' ;: C):'< JF!z E{ln .. O I .l :- 1i 1.. liri- :i .!t llJF z z ! o .tt z I I O\lF-{ | uJ -t< Nl IFl'l-l '&lF.rl I I I colol ot1 -l!!N:ENlo ill /.1 {r ! I J2 o> 5h s* u 4..41,an ./'4a-'2 1. 'h' v,'t .-l IAIpl zl<lrdlFll DArE /i o) 9! 6o>|Jo aato:rE Erc a\:oh/ Fgo: =oCaoc)NO EEcr..E iB eb!5oo BE P3oo EoocD ,. .= 9d. FgoO ol :E e9'-o- ocLc(Et3 o.9 .!E .9ooE ri c, o .2 E 3lo € o) '= N -oCl ''oF o o o) ; o g o .9 3 o o ! 6 .ti;(6 E6E'=9U)6ieE5h F:g EgF O YEc-o ET::€fd'l = EsE EEE FOO;?oEiB FE e.:- (E o-6 c|- FEE(/)-o.E*: E6:OE:- c.Yo(sH EdE:o e*C(6 0'- F-E 3,*:E:5;6>,9 6a .Y=E Hi; s .3'6 B9E ore5g -o(! 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".1\rl ..n I ! a!(L z J5 I rU ()z (L o E F J llJ z :.- o- J uJ UJ UJ lJ-z tr UJEou ; uJ UJ(E z 6 lJ.to FI6l RI BIo. ljtI f;l,uJl u,ot f ; fiil cr'.N,g,l: (J 5 9cF gJ uJ z f c (J z ul J Fo z o f 5o- -J F F 3o6 tLuJoz,iEv F1-<trz^ YZa< E o.9oEo)C cc EY3!o) F NOrlvn'tvAl. l* '?f #li EplE 6;1 Fg =Fd is #t tl IJ C llJ o- F 5lr_ fl$|q ;lcl iFl NI l:lllsll I l$il Jlll =t8t ; ill E ?Yll o : Ell =E?ll g: :ll l16lt llill 'l Eil g <ll = r! il5 i -ll uJ (5rll 3 trill " r 0 =Y { oz FIJ' IrDI at) I rrJ 1E l- IHt- ,.izloltrl1t .nlzl :.g u.:! ,. =*e€i X HT: S,E;E€3;isEgt - o.ji o :l -- c =(D-c= 0) (, Es*I:i E iE;5 E !a;gi6F.eg lE:eF EFg;i -68,5E f.r,f Eoa:<G -H*E Esg F^ <g5d i tJ O:-F-FC)... I :tr; E*-dI o' trl >'i3i =E-rEtcgo-Fi=E*i =8HE=g<=_rrq.lE iu'r6 *F** z <r9ze(no =zDf, a'Ptenn Fl =f sl :;€lrl =()*:l ;Hgxtrl! wtl4 t-- -l2\ Jl -J l!l lsl4 l< lJ|.\ t-_ i\t d-{ €- 'jj=z (DI t>l<lz sY\- r -.i -\l I-lFIol I I 1l l4 I )a{ .= (1 "t -l 'il --Yl-'l =lcltrl i; T TI "{l a/afloiclct J E !-- t (l.- Ao r o \J] I I =-l,l-\l >lFl otl -;- = c- io d u, oz olU :I al>l rr-lol 5lolFI )& ]- -l- il -rl I a \5n- tr- \J\ ui.) UJF tlfr I I I I I I I I =td o 1(rl UJ :I =l|!lol zl FI r-r- a\. I ]- ui trF oz o UJ JI s-lq.l zl 3tI =g. J<()(t u)uJ uJJOa E, u.lz =o F C) uJF (J EJO<FEOt!<ze,l!F6Zo() 6P i<irE r.rJ =Dt \JOa.* =t-t 1-a'6 (J i3::F7O<s Y,z =g Eir ry FEOz xxx.xv-.- '-/ F:=.E lrj4 (9 =J -\ u- Ef\P l\l o rrOt't u'luJ z, wulE-aa@2.x='oz.Jr)J-OF IJ-o-UJ tr.l ut' @ o.F F Glu-.\--t!lo s-lf ). 1 O J-lo r_lt+l HeJoE1Ox F EElrlo-zo F(J :) E,FQzo() e,o I)O INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -,_ - .JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: E FOOTINGS / sTEEL );tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FfNAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE . ,' . -:.ii.INSPECTOR ,. oo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME Oo INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR |NSpECT|ON: MON TUES 'WED _-.iT'HUQ FRt AM pM LOCATION: :1. ri BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V _ tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER . Flo.ltr n' eHtrtratr ijli'wob-o ru-iii_rruc tr GAS ptptNc _ tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT ol INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ot oor, -, tll '.i ii !.: i, tNAME_ t ' . "',\ tiJOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON, ,t; CALLER TUES'l) t;'.r ti BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ! neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED f- .' DATE /:INSPECTOR tr JOB NAME )q(,.i !--.) ol INSPECTION REQUEST "VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT spE L ,// b /r i' READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR '' FRI )\--- ,/'WED TOWN OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION /.STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr tr CONDUIT PROVED ,lcohREcrtotts: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR.: OJ ,y CT JOB trRPOF d BERIT NUM L PERM DATE -t,'1 /'al NAME Or INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED AM PM..) t./, /t -.J .., i r' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERE] FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING d tNsulnrroN di-- tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr tr FAAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED (' CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR.* at or INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL / /--\ \DATE (.'.-/:--'\ JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON ,4t.\ | ' ,/_.- V L- i CALLER READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr qNAL tr FINAL XPPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR.. PERMIT PROJECT tr JOB NAME MON tts*'!.*'"i' INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE -ti READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / O GAS PIPI WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING NG INSULATION tr POOL/H TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR or FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be como'l ete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. oo FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE : FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C of 0 DATE: o P roiect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: f Cont""t Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I4EETI|'IG: DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED**********THIS APPLICATIoN tllILL NoT I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A ore-application meeting with a pl anning staff member is strongly suggested to e.i;*;;E ii-iri aJJitionat information is needed. No application will be accepted ,ni.tt it.is comptet.-(rnJst inclgde all items required by the zoning administrator). ii ii-tti jppiii|ni;s iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find ort abort additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- ii'on will streamline the approval process for your projgc! by decreasing the number of-ionAttions-of approval ihat the'DRB may st'ibulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before'a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Goldqn flesidence FamiI Room Addition B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 2449 Atos Legal Zoni ng Descri pti on Lot 1t Bl ock C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Paul Golden Address 2449 Arosa Drive rr^: I a\^Val-lI. Lu.telephone W Vail Das SchoneF'iling lst.Filinq D. NAME OF i Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: vai I va l Ipy Brri I rlprs P.0. Box 2195 Vail, co. te] ephone 8?7-^1a4 E. NAME 0F OI,JNERS: Paul and Diane Golden Si gnature Address 2449 Arosa Dr. Vail. co. telephone 4J6=2J-6-A F. DRB FEE: The fee wil'l be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $l,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 '$ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property iines and building conners. Trees that wjll should also be markbd. This work must be compieted before the DRB si te. Z. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS rvill normally involve tvro separate meet'i ngs of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for the'ir approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeiing and who have not asked for a postponelnent wi'll be required to be republ ished. stake the site be removed visits the . ZoNE0CHECK SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Itlii Block c FilinsvailoasSchorTe 1st' ADDRESS: 2449 Arosa Dr - Vai l, r co. 6fi;;; ;::or,rNER paut ano SlliE-q4o"n ii22Z# ARCHITECT Vail vaIIev Builders ZONE DISTRICT P/S PR0P0SED USE SinoIe FamilY Res. LoT SIZE 11.250 so. ft . Al'lowed (30)(33) \t12 Proposed I ?oP ef'51'1 2680 ?Gvt:,;),.;,')0.-.*{<[ Exsisting Exsisting 70, Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence,/Retaini ng'dal'l Hei ghts Parkj ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai r'lock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : 20' 15', 15' (30)(so) (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) ( 50) (100) (25)(50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) 2859 Exsisting trvci cf i ng Exs-ist-ing e!.OJ:-sisting afl trve i Sling 25-eiLtlsting N/A N/A Slope Actual Ava't anche Flood Plain Sl ope l,letl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Comments: Pr.'.t.'so,-l addition will replaee exsisting eencrete PaEie' No other site features will be altered' Zoning: APProved/Disa Orr* oF MATERIAL' l'lXF, o[,!lRiF?l;- ' ne lst ' STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR n nishes to matc exsistino structure. The fol]owing infonnation is required for submittal by the appljcant to the Design Review Board before a fina'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION:1a Roof Si di ng 0ther l,{a't'l Material s Vail. Co 1x8 beveled RD/t,'lD to match e*sisting' '1 x 10 and 1x4 lo mat ch exsistinq. t/8n R/S cedar lv to match exsistin Anderson Clad to ma tch exsistin N/A Fasci a Soffi ts }li ndows t.|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther t\/ ft Painted metal where needed. l\/ H t\/ 6 t\/ |t B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name To Nrn" Landscaoino bv owner. Common Name Quani ty Si ze* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers' (over) hakes to match exsistin h exsistinq. PLANT IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name -J!!.[rF- None Common Name Quani ty Size Tvpe Square Footaqe s0D w;tl rrp rreert fn rpfrlanp any damaged lawn SEED N/ATYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL N/A c.0THER' LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences,swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Condltibn. lr Uoil Uolleg Buildsrs P,O. Box 2195 o Voil, Colorodo 81658 @ @ilclr€"{Affq J26sa 2P'JN. C-or t?. Pcsaa /r< (( tJli.b 43 xbur 7rr Pa'l''t'+ Pildroi of q*s7i,"c- fuquP€ -.4, Fe.. .\ C.--4rl ".. -\F;v,.r.sitrffii t-l tr 4L:- ?_<--Fi4o5 :- i\ F r-i- " il_- ' Project Description: o P roiect Application Project Name: F+vt- *t^l' ' tJ contacr person and en.* Pl'*J-]fCt E .S tTtL .Fc-+ fI Owner, Address and Phone: Architeci. Address and Phone: LesalDescriptio ^,r^ 15 4t8, Btocx { , F'rins gl4lL l4\ , zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Sum mary: ,t"tApproval TO t.lHOM IT li,IAY CONCERN I have reviewed Paul Golden's pl'ans of 'hfs proposed-fence,project.at.his:home at 2449 Arosa Drive, Vail Colorado. The materials that he -iJrtends to use are appropriate since these uiir'r be made oru!"#.'ff"*1ff of the fence is attractive and it is compatible with the architecture of the surround'ing bu'i1dings. Finally the actual placement of the the fence itse'lf wil'l not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. ^- --lLY\ I' i i(',trf)w ner's Address TO I,IHOM IT I4AY CONCERN I.have reviewed Paul Golden's pl'ans of'his proposed.fence,project at:his home at 2449 Arosa Drive, Vai'l Colorado. The materials that he intends to use are appropriate since these will be made of cedar. The design of the fence is attractive and it is compatible with the architecture of the surounding bui'ldings. F'inally the actual placement of the the fence itself will not detract frorn the appearance of the neighborhood. 0wner's Address 2,/?f fi.otogr..,e TO I.,}IOM IT MAY CONCERN I have reviewed Paul Golden's pl'ans of hfs proposed-fence,project at his home at 2449 Arosa Orive, Vail Colorado. The materiq.'ls that he intends to use are appropriate since these will be made "tr#^r-.H,ffirtgn of the fence is attractive and it is compatible with the architecture of the sumounding buildings. Final'ly the actua1 placement of the the fence itself will not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. o Tbwn oT Va'il Property Owner\ a4s-? 0wner'S Address TO [{HOM IT MAY CONCERI{ I.have reviewed Paul Golden's p1'ans of'his proposed.fence,project at:his:home at 2449 Arosa Drive, Vail Co'lorado. The materiAls that he ^intends to use are appropriate since these will be made rr#/qt*"rlll. ", the fence is attractive and it is compatible with the architecture of the surrounding buildings. Fina'lly the actua'l placement of the the fence itself will not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. .f ITTO I{HOM MAY CONCERN I have reviewed Pau'l Golden's pl'ans of hfs proposed;fence,project at:his home at 2449 Arosa Drive, Vail Co'lorado. The materials that he intends to use are appropriate since these wi1l be *ua" or?"t#.TfkO"rign of the fence is attractive and it is compatibte with ff3n"rk*7"7* the surroundins buildings. Fina'lly the actual placement of the the fence itself will not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. o/"/,' o' \ T0 u,tlol4 IT tr,lAY CoNCERN I . have reviewed Paul 6lden's pl'ans of 'hfs proposed .fenee, project .at :hi s' home at 2449 Arosa Drive, Vail Colorado. The materia'ls that he intends to use are appropriate since these will be made of cedar. The design of the fence is attractive and it 'ls compatible with the architecture of the surrounding buildings. Finally the actua'l placement of the the fence itself will not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. T0 I{HOM IT l,lAY CONCERN I,have reviewed Paul Golden's p1'ans of'his proposed.fence,project at:his home at 2449 Arosa Drive, Vail Colorado. The materialS that he intends to use are appropriate since these will be made of cedar. The design of the fence is attractive and it is compatible with the architecture of the surround'ing buildings. Finally the actual placement of the the fence itself will not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. 'Cr;/, e"A 'P,tn,(rao e S,-*r',v oz h =g, UJo oo toq ah IJJIu lJ- F = IJJo- 'tg'oz-t or:zgz D )I I Iq ,fiu oi",i" I I {rrf, N \* s llJ E F FI =o z ,iri lrl oz oz 6Il d! .tt (tzz E IJJz3 ul F z g) BgE(l) aE €!8: efJJ'6.9(,,o- a; F-\ET \ = +.--lW.sE ./?:/'Ea ooNO -of; -c.c1 eE(F O\ebv oo gE p8oo 8o6oD g5 E;EEoo ol =d.9 .99'cr EO.c(Ut; ge(!P o;i 6'=oU) g8E EEH6gr 'rSs <-' 3:gf; >=c96 EsE_'! >!l o= =e-=LceOO e;sI: f.=- 6 o-(o cL$Et U'- Q. =€:(E-'- EE EO (5: EFE;o eeC6 0'- lr|O*EE:-e?3;E> 9 (EE XEFEt E e6e9Eo PEg -o6 otf) (\l (O |<) <\l .{ CO ro\ (f, Orr{ ts E G,ulo-ozoJfE -() uJ-oz I J c. IJJ qJ az @ =l oz rou, u,l UJt!zo uJ Iu @ =UJ |lJcz a,ur F6oo- UJo o- z q,J x F lllol (n UJlu HFt lrJ o- Jd B z a0 9 llJ t! oz 6 = E 9z -() ul- c rFoo! NOTMtVA (ulJl ,tr lr-i-c lrrtl= rF lcrFIl!ol* Llodlo(utr-l= ;E 5u =.ttooc z. al)o-E tr+rC.Fa-o C) 8!*iG_.l!.Fz= uo (rt N zo6 >E =O zo F^ F9ito 9C)uzr!<o* CUFO i(\i +t (l,(F Eo C) ao =tt (U -)Z G'.cvl 'tf(l, z tr l! UJ F oolr,(O x L! J z F z UJ J =Iuz oFzlz9q.Fru<oo<oJ>EE|r xl!6o<z (t) =z, 9z do3d r|J olllz !o F i tr J z lt lo Fa Jl<li-l zl zl .. >l UJ alJ uJz tr E UJ o- J zIF z F(t) zv cE Cf, Id, ')./) -t .1) o.) @ I Ol(\J I (f, uJF o UJ tso @o?zo F(L IJJY t!o oF F =Gut o- l!o o.oo I IJJFoz ZJil*= J o- EEi =l!;dd= ts UJ lt ?!!E2E<of60EeB9tt irae'=E => =uJ-E b=t, dtr = >[: ouE oo9 iurE XO_E X>t q- o-iari uJ ID z o9ze dro !ffi ts =Elrlo-zoF() -EFazoo I --r\ ) Frl:*l -.1EIol 9la/, I I<nl(dlal I .r- |G' oz l.|- F (F oo!. Iod. anoE g (uT' o(5 ii z -) =.1olull 5l al>l ttlol zl elFI =.1olutl 1l al>l lrlol zl 3lolFI J =.1ol IJJI 1l <l>l H ol =.1ol IJJI 5l al>l ttlol zl =lIFI I I I I el sil uJl ccl JI <l>l xl =l sOt l!FI F' oL) .tJ an oc) P rd CL =tr e -rO<FGQur<zEUJF(\zo <oOF FS YF-z=,-. E2? =<z.EfFd6 E F EFz z - LlJ = E i'rgi b= , nntr ! oz t =Eu,o- I fi{ b9 U' uJ UJt! tr E UJ o-\ts t< g$ oul z z .O z = rr. u,o - o oF Fz o o u,lz3Oc E tl,6z =u,^aEv:r ulFI<FZa YZo< o; (l .Y', '=qt(,'XO gbE: EFe*€!*EE3f-.=oactFlc:o € gE:g E E s sE I =EE;3=.Y' - Fi i; re E :5 E'; !Ea:e E;;l: t"; t-g *$E;eJ € E;g! :(rr.eoo :EE g!, :''EEH('0'-:a-c=0rc,cie*i:e E T;:5 EEa:e gEgEi 0 h \ \ b.{ \ f\^) 0t \ \ b \ frt S... F = UJ z J 6 -ollJ oz c F u.l uJ z 6 J z ()ul = u,Itu.z9F uJEollJ oG oo 3ut uJGz 9, lllo F oo- uJo o-lz UJ) x F uJo au,L!u-F = u,,o J FoF z o o F UJJul z (D = J oz o uJ = I 3 NOUVn'lvA 1 { \( .1II 4 a r K 4 Y =Zzv-oooF^Vtzq 5 >es 9 of, ooGZt-()Oo!4QzXs-<9q iP-Gi6 sF9G rat(, ls J3 ls 1fr, t9td l3l tj z.IF f, { ci E ur os \ E o-l!E zItroo z9F e,u, J 3 UJz tltltl E2 z9o<oo< =HR'-6ci<z at,trz. 9z EO}EOI ) tr,l J ul2Y =F zI F Jl U'z -l 3 !ul It\ I r\c) I Nf o.r] o 3 \ = Flo Fo Jl<lH ._l zl .. >l UJ IIJutzoL uJ J z E N.t-- Nl-a I t= I (9z a 6 t.- t FI t- ozi d aa N H z. o9zE <r@ot2zFll6--?2 trDE Ef;=dd= tr Hlr :HEZE<of€frE9var EEE >t -t=u-lE FfrIB: EEI t=E i $l'=F E -l.=i i HoF D!tr I I I _l d I F -) 4) g L z =tr \.1 t l\r4 IA IUsd lld n ii z CD --'l I t. a\u 1 1 d1r{- 2 J s*l idctI E \'..\).? N\l* i.o- J s E tr ul c = F I I I olzl cil 3lolFI E o2 (t utq u- o1 21 3l 9l e 2 u = lt z 3cF e Id =.1olutl :l <l>l t!lq zlIq H o a.v (r7 IJJ t! F hrfl g 4 uJz =o Fo LIJL'r() t -rO<Fc(JuJ<zE U.I F "6a Je<oC)F;oHf4'lrjOo &,gP E3fFd6() --! trlo =F 13 YZ =g !9fr1i*\l'c5 qi sZ8 tc:sflil -.oa -] 1) -) -l ull-oclo-zo F(L ulY UJ(Il oF F Elu(L *l i€o{J ?d g ,.,lbEzo ts =E, lrJ o-zo FofEFazo() to ,*#&roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE 1 - JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES wED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ON / STEEL r.l ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trtr ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR Ettr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR f-\>'\\--\ \ oo D ) 5> I ln-J 6 Pr- t/4I4 t/) k u IU I 3 atI4-t6 { lu B + l.i-r! ov<' rlUF AT\) ha€6 9_ El-L .*' a E 4/7o & ^F-+) -J< ad a u aoa4 I t\,.=6 vlJ a U Q, o \0 ,.1r: i.i 'r ii.? ru,1.! '*1,"1lllfti r? I -'.,{ |t r l{,1.i , l;r*irir il.:(lff.lrTif*l 4iii?i .l!:1i;ii{if'lel"'+ltr|rt| ?rlI ,l| .l i11sli['ll"'t l'l lr:! I i!!rt I I llit':'l,t i i!; *Ft i,i Date Date I Date lo"'ll*i' :! ..1:Remarks ELECTRICAI,I Approv"ed by-7irlri ;, ; Permit No.ill OF NO. OCCUPANCY ioJ 81557 { C ONTR'S LICENSE} penvri ro can{t!'! r{gnler to qln0le-rfad*}v-drcil1-ng- l$Ti'.f*no'u"'.. I(ryFE oF TMeRoVEMENT) 'No. 'ienoposeo trsEt susorvrsroH Tal I das Schono #1 r-or 13 sLe.^ C "tlJ. BUILOING IS TO BE - FT.;* .- : ^' ;'.1 :'i ' -.',-TO'TYPE ] ' . ' USE W IDE GROUP FT. LOI{G BY Ar (LocArroN) 24/,9 . ' Arosa Drlve Z ON ING OISTR ICT(NO.)(STREET) ANO ( CF 055 STREETI1 ! J ro z BY-:FT, IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTR UCT ION ffi ffi BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNOAT ION a varlance H'ould ffi ffi ffil ffii ffi ffi ffi ffii ffii ffil (TYPE) l: AREA OR VOLUME do a garage, (CUBIC/SQU^RE FEET) Paul J. Golden ffir Hil I .a VailAssociabglnc. Paul Golden Vail Food Serv ice /&, 'zH*/Acl4M rhA'u'-W" ra ft av,Qa/'/eo'-u ,*-^.^h-* J'il C"H/ffirg otrr.ri/*& - --r- -- RECEIVED [lAR 28 i980 *L-'"1.";;'tff:" t -t*,/.t*( / Za- zry'-' ^a&aY| "a zflt p-^t. {nli*f ia u 3J h{ a, z - s )-. yn s,-'-h, aoxt yt c9 a!o&'r*en& *fuA.-!./.ZJ BUITDING DIYISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX I79 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - pH. (303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT oarE I April re 80 PERM|T No.1636 AppLrcANr Paul ,l . Golden ADoREss .-244o Arnsa--Drivpr Vai] , C0 81**r--r-=16- pERMrr ro Convert duplex to Sinile tf6asfr]v dwellinq(TYPE OF IUPNOVEMENT} - NO. - -IFiOPOSEO USEI NUMSER OF OWELL ING IJNITS I Z^ ;L AT I LocAT IoN ) ZON ING D ISTR ICT BETWEET{AND(cRoss srnEET){cRoss StREEf) o- @ oo z- Eo suaorvrsron Vail das Schone #1 Lor---fjl-e1o"* C "tlJ. BUILOING IS TO SE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. It{ HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM II{ COTSTRUCTION TO TYPE UsE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUTIOAT ION RE MA R KS: To do a garage,a variance woutd be needed. ,fu U_XL Plan Check F6e - $70.75 AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArEo "ost $ ------20.-000- FEE"'t $ 141 .50 OWNER (cuatc/SouaRE FE ETI Paul J. Golden rooness 2449 Arosa Drive, Vail, Colorado 81557 ;; (Aflidovit on rcvigo ride of cpplicalion to bo complelcd by qulhorized cgenl of owner) I Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION.t E aeue Co" pry PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOI\ WHEN PROPERIY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT 4 Ro s4 DR,U,trU Co r-o stLr T nEsuB Dr.r,groer oF t/AlL DA'{/.r. ^tt^"t"o.t..ttI DESCT, 8ibr7 cr,j*iZo otrtcE29.t1 ARrf,A LIC€N5E NO,tt, aicxrracr or oE3rarEi+ Vrltp FoRD LrN D sAV MAt L aoDiEs s SUlte|t I lC al,.SE tO. ABcrfrEds+ DLANUE& . ll00 c-11q1 _ ExG,'{EEi T11OltAgI 4AcHrrEcT FHoN. .al42r llc.|ls. r{o. , ENGI UEER Sea,!rrcet luc Pt-Azl Dc, LAtuREucEvtue GA, jclrt us€ ot tut Lorfr6 one (5rarG(E F4*tt t/noorrroH dnurennrron tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE oercribe work: Duprrr wtrL r3e couuERrED iut.) st^)GLE. Frrh tL// u6ne4 4 GaAA6E ,tttt c RF /tJir4ttEb oQ rbrERrca sloE. 4 NFU E R(r.uE.) r^rrA( BE Br, rLf,l0 Change of use from Srr,t'tE F,cn l6-/uaho, gta4l d a'"/ ll Valuation of work: $+ao, o@ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. ot Siori€3 5i.e ot Bldg. (Tot.ll Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklerr Required Dv.5 ENo OFFST REET PARKING SPAC€S,No. ot Owelling Unit! NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBEO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIF CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OO€S NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMATTCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5rcrl.lui! o7 coNriacTol ol auY4otrzED fl*,( lc,'tl' FI RE O€PT. SOIL REPORT MIT $.'fj-*02# cAsH PER2 +tu INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDIN FINAL: C/O INSPECTI Review Routing Form (PrirqaryRouting ( ) Rerouting ffiJ#JJ-,,iffJ::,,"NFo3 Permit No. Plannirrg Commission File No. Review and return to the county Building official within 6 working days Date Referred Planning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Commerrts: Comments County Health: Water Sanitation Perc . test Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No Etr 'ecommend App €_-HO Grading Drainage #E-8o D Recommend Approval : YesntrD tril tr n En n Dnn Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval trtr Co,'nments: Firral Inspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Comments: nqnn Filing Date by Datec/o Final lssued ; eActe cofirv O Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECETVED n . tor H".'": ft-d''l Date , tglo AMOUNT ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision A lication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Code: (Building) (Zonin )(Subdivision) Total Received All items are received no- pay ment of any item. Ne 7A2t for collection onty and this receipl shall be cancelled for., W,* 3 oo County of ELECIRICAL Eagle PMIVIIT Paul Golden - 2449 Arosa Drive Job Name...... D&te or Apprication...... . . l-"f lgl.9.:t..39.1.... . .. ..ts......99 .. .. Electrical Contractor...... .-...99..!.I........ Applicanr...--.- sEnature APPROVALS Plan Chccker Ne 20 05 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $..... ................. $................-.....-..... $.. -2.?.,.1Q............... $-................... ....... s.. ..?-2.:.i9....." . Date hid....... . 9 LzA /.9.9.. ' "^l lerReceived By. . . .Y: )Y.. ........ Rece'i pt #7021 Bldg. Permit #1636 THIE .rOB FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION {8 HOURS N)VANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ELE.TRT* PERMTT APPLrcolo* Juridiction Applicant to comptete numbered spaces onty. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION L'TY Vhit-tt6f7 I oErcr,VHL t- *, -... arracHED sHEErl Iv iu.(do. M II ADDiESS FI{ONE LtcENSE r{ O. aRcHrtEct oi oEsroNEi MA IL AOOIE5S LICENSE IJ O. ENGINEEh MAIL AODNEsS PHON E LICENSE NO. MA IL AOOiESS EiANCH usE oF 6url0rNc7 STU 8 Crass of work: D NEW t6oorrroru tr ALTERATT0N tr REPAIR 9 Describe work: TotalACLE ourt€ts SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPFOVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ruRE Of qoNTracror oi GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. % H.P. MAX. MOTORS: TEMP. POWER LIPOLE I.JUNDGO. PERMIT ISSUING FEE M.O. e+ P-*-rt416n /)#-/bryL''/ - / WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED N THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTORI Q*-"1 # zazr I I Form 1:o'INTERNATI()NAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' CAI.IF.9O'OI i'"f;f!8,[ ,t Bu}DlNG t(PERMIT ^,.',.^", ,rt l. e"r.o "^"--&*if-**. *fiilft,siill'dii, o-*ffik",, r?rflr drrllfrirrrr_.." * bivEi.lind'urrrs l 8. EAGLI ".,_., COURTHOUSE, EAGLE co."L (3O3) 328-6339 \'i2 JOB UUEATHER CARD PER M IT TO ZON ING Ar (LocArroN) ta40 ltl|l !{t| DrsrRrcr (NO.] {STEEETI BETWEEN ANO(cR055 S tRE Et)(CR055 sTREETI LOT,u"o'vtston Lor---JL eLoc x ---_c--srze .4AEA OR VOLUME OWNER BU ILO ING ADDRESS zll9 lFr. Flu!, YtfI. coftrrlc 81657 BY $ sueorvrsro Lor ---Jl_ BLocK ----I- SlzE - !eutlotxctsTosE-FT.wtDEBYFT.LoNG8Y-FT.|NHE|GHTANDsHALLcoNFoRM|NcoNsTRUcT|oN dl dzToTYPEUsEGRoUP-BAsEMENTwALLsoRFoUNoAT|oN I (IYPE) g. P "rro**., F |firfrG nrFl- - Ot to do rrr{ nhrilthil wr o rry ail }b l*rfp alr-lr do r SrrF, r rrln sld br rrdcd. Plu Chcr Frr - !10.75 EsrMArEo cost $---10-0EL-- FEE"'' $ tll-50 ( C UB ICl 5Q L,AR E FEET} ?rrl J. e.rol(h THIS PERMIT CONVEYs NO RTGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIDE}'ALK OR ANY PART THEREOF. EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDINC CODE, MUST BE AP. PROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES A5 WELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUALIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINEF FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IVORKS. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT OOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM THE CONDITIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE SUBDIVISION RESTRICTIONS. MI NIMUM OF THREE CALL INSPECTIONS REQU IR EO FORALL CONSTRUCT ION WOR K: I. FOUNOATIONS OR FOOTINGS z. PRroR To covERrNc struciun MEMAERS {READY TO LATH).3. FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE OCCUPANCY. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON JOB AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. WHERE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS RE. QUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. WHERE AP PLICABLE SEPARATEPERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, P LUMB ING ANO MECH ANICAL INSTALLATIONS. P LUMB ING INSPECTION APPROVALS HEATING INSP ECT ING APPROVALS T GARD So rT rS VrSrBtE STREET UILDING INSPECTION APPROV ALS TRICAL SPECTION APPROVALS l-/1-tu 6ta-Y, WORK SHALL NOT PROCEEO UNTIL THE IT.ISPECTOR HAS APPROVEO THE VARIOUS STAGES OF CONSTRUCT ION. t7'5-T*;.2a,/e?f i!Jo.-*2 FRIGERATION 'NSPECTION AP PROV ALS PERI,{IT lIoRK t5 P€RMIT IftLL BECOI'E NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION NOT SIARTED WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF DATE THE I5 ISSUED ^! ''OTED ABOVE. ' ''a'--*- INSPE cAil ,^ oRv | iitr];ffiffit'#**4u U. .l7l-(a /1"J6*T RECEIVED ,//T' JUt'j I i 1Ji-, Dept. ol irlitnnino r tagle, County, (, l.by 21; LPBO TOr l.fr, Feul tlolden 1& hereby epprov€ your plans submLtted for a eonvertlon frorn duplex to slnglefanlly house and addltlon of gerage. .ib uposed foundatlon, corrcreto, or expossd rnetal i{o ears or othor obstrrrctlons on county road, r.ihlc}r must be completely clear at all times Any future addLttons, alteratlons lneludtng subNnitted for approval to the Arehltectural c.c. Dept. of Plannlng Eagle County color chaqqes I etr, nust slso be Oonmlttee.^ )-7 _, rdrr.rflli F. PII{FCE, Consultant B?.7-fr,7i- /'ari.n Scrreldeggar, Consultant''tfi(-5737 I ./: /t'/ J@ Troxpl; ConJultanr 476-5?-55it,,lll LOUIS F. LWII\]GSToNl and Developaent BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 INsPEcT'& FTEclUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER , COVER INSULATION SHEETROCK VENEER- ROOF.: ,,:t PARTIA,L ,'.,i LOCATION: ROUGH STANDPIPE wDCSFINAL '.'. PARTIAL.,.,,,r' LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENT]LATION HEATING HOODS ELECTR]CAL -_.:_:: TEMPOFARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKE LOCATIONT .4tliir:' ;ir'r,, ,/. !,i ;- ,- 1r,, ',/ n orHrn ! panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON COMMENTS: TUE THUR FRI AM PM I neeRovED I uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsapPRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: tr nerNsPEcr DATE BU ILDING DIVISION P. O. 80X 179 PHONE:328-6339 INSPEGTInl EAGLE CO JOB NAME :/-tt'" FIEOUEsiT UNTY DATE TIME RECEIVED , , AM PM CALLER E orHen ! pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THU RMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM ElAppRovED LI UPON THE CORRECTIONS n orsnpPRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: fl nerNSPEcr DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E: 328-6339 DATE INSPECT'4 EAGLE COU FIEBUEST NTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PIVI CALLER BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING . FINAL , ' . PARTIAL , .:. ,LOCATION; .: ".' COVER INSULATION --- SHEETROCK VENEER- PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPEwocsFINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORAfiY ROUGH FINAL I orxen E pnRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMM E N TS; TUE FRI AM PM I nppBovED fl uporu rse CORRECTIONS I orsnpPRovED FOLLOWI NG COR R ECTIONS: fl nerNSPEcr '. .t.- ',DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E : 328-6339 INsFECTIll FtEOUESiT EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxrn MON COMM E N TS: E pnnrrnl. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION TH UR n orsappRovED ! netNSPEcr[J APPROVED LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: DATE .,' _ ,.: BU ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328,6339 DATE './ INSPECTI /QUI FIEOL'ESiT EAGL OUNTYEC JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER FOOTTNG FOUNDATION FBAMING FINAL :,ri: PARTIAL .LOCATION: COVER INSULATION SHEETROCK VENEER- ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION: ROUGH STANDPIPE FINAL WDCS .-.__-..**.:-:,, : PARTTA| '',: LOCATION: HEATING HOODS ROUGH FINAL SMOKE LOGATION E orxen MON COMM E N TS: I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PM APPROVED ! ueoru rHe ! orsapPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 NSPECTI EAGLE /4 Zbr FTEolJFFT couNfY ' JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E o*ren n pnnrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR --I @aee Rov E D E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNsPEcrr|\t HEepFFT * /b36 BUILDING DIVISIONI' P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE ?-rs-80 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER COUNTY ! ornen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl. '.... Qr44" THUR WAPP ROV E D n orsnppRovED n upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n nerNsPEcr DArE ? =l-{g a APUCATTON FOR vARtANCE from the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado to the Zoning tsoard of A.Cjustments (minimum 2 copies requiredl print or type, except signatures) sections.04.os (Required Fee is $35.00) Appl icant/Owner Mr. and Mrs.Paul J. Golden Fite No. ZV- ? 1- 80 Fee Paid 3 J;. Od Date recd. /-2/- tsd ovz / 1Z:,.--- Receipt #_L_A/!_ Mait Address 2449 Atosa Drive Vail-Co 8165 Office: 476- Home: 476-2L64 Resolution from which Variance is sought: No.l Frontyard (25 feet from 1 01or 476- t9B8Regulation and Section Number(s) of 3.05.07 llinimum Set Zoning Back proper 2. Present Zone RSl,l 3. Generat location of proPerty (in relation to a Town, Road, Stream or other landmark): Corner of bullding is 33 feet from existing shoulder of road (Arosa) and 49 feet from center of paved section of road (Arosa) Lot is located at corner of Arosa Drive and Chamonix Road in Vail Das Schon 4. Legal description of Property a. subdivision tl.*" Resubdivision Vai ot-!3 elt C , or, b. rnetes and bounds (mav be attached) '." 'S&\gl}tt or map: 5. Brief Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached): see attached exPlanation 6. Attach e><olanation that one or more conditions exigt under Sec'- 9'04'06' 1--5'-' frA;;naAeti"'priiF-eitt wttl-noC diminish value of' adjacent properties, but will in flct increase the value of these (see attached explanati 7. Statement: A complete list of all owners addresses, of the property Proposed for Variance and of all owners of all adiacent properties is attached hereto; this signatory is properly authorized to make application fgr Variance siated hereon. Paul J. Golden & Diane Dimit (wife to be ag 'Y_;;V"yy;icentl owner? Appl ication accepted as complete for Publ ic Hearing on Application rejected as incomplete for Public Hearing because: 10 off ice use by: pl anning administrator Page '1 of 2 date i 5. Brief Purpose and Reason for Variance A building permit has been granted for converting a duplex into a single family home. However, a varjance is requ'i red before a part of the structure can be converted into a 2 car garage. The specifics of this conversion are to construct a 9 foot addition on to the structure so that a full garage can exi st. Thi s conversion woul d actual ly be bui'l t on the ground presently used for the, front porch. So no additional space would be encroached on. Secondly, the introduction of the garage would e'l iminate al I cars parked along the street. Third'l y, the conversion of a duplex to a sing'l e fami'l y home wil I upgrade the neighborhood due to less population density. 6. the dorin grading of the dr.plel< as vel1 as the introdrcticm of a 2 ear ger;age wi1L i-qrorc the appearance of the neiglibortrood since tlre pres€rrt desigrr is not as appealing. Seccrrdly, the cr-nrent parking arralge- rrent ls cluEtered in natrre. The fs,er cars visibtre to the eye, the better. Einally, the slippery road tlat errists &ring the lrinter Mlths Pre\rents cars fura maldng the hill to the west of tbe dr+l-ex' Consequently, these sl-ide baclsuards fucr Arosa drive and ofEen cm close to tlre cars paded in otr pres€nt parlidng zcne. Itris preseits abaztd. By building a garage W and a'ay frcm tlre preserrt road, ttris bazard will be elimlnated. Frank Caroselli 2498 Arosa Drive VaiL, Colorado 81657 Ttmss M. Landar.r %&7 Atmntx M. Vail, Colorado 81657 Ctrad.es Lirrrsprth (? spel-ling) Apt. 1-3 t'Iortlridge Csrdo's c/o Wercheiner Cattle Co. lrnion Stock Yards South St. Pau1, Mirrresota l,tirnle Vail Developes Apt. 11 711 S. snith Ave. St. Paul, Mirnesota c/o I(m itube (see attadled Letter) (see attadred Letrc) To ltre Eagle Cor.lrw Pla'rning MminisEracion: .,',. I har,e revierved the proposed plan to converg I4r. Paul Goldsris dtpltix :" intoasinglefartilyhone.Ianapareoft}revariancett.,atisneede<i before cc'nsttarcEing the trro car garage' It appears that such a ccrnversictrt would not dinrinish the value of adjaca:t ProPerties buu, ': rather srhance tlds vahie. Flank Canoselli 2498 Arosa DriveVail, Colorado 81657 I have reviexved the proposed plan to converg !4r. Paul Coldst's drplix into a single fa'nily lrone. I an aware of the variance that is needeo''' .'.: before constnrcting the tr,m car garage. It appears that such a, ' .'."..:-. coil/ersicn vould noC diminish the value of adjacent Propertjes buC . , rather qfunce ttris vah:e. tl ': ' ' " 64_, TLrcsEs M. Lsda-r 2tA7 C:hawrrjxRd. Vail, Colorado 81657 EAGTE COUNTY Comnun ity Development P. O. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsStoNERS Exl 241 AOMIN ISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E5SOR Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN IN SP ECT IO N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 24? ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLANN ING Ext 226 ot 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l 1 Basalt 9?7-3244 Gilman 827-5751 sOC IA L 5ERV ICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 27 June 1980 Paul Golden 2449 Arosa Drive Vail, Colorado 8165 7 Re: File No. Zv-93-8O Var iance At their Public Hearing on 12 June 1980, the Zoning Board of Adjustment granted your variance request. A copy of the Resolution is attached to this letter. If you have any questions. please contact this office. ,,---) 2 /'<-/''""'-'% ./im toirf iams Zoning Inspector Jvt/kp cc: Zoning Board of Adj ustment moved thrt the BEFORE THE ZONING COUNTY c)F EAGLE, fo I I owi no Resou I ut i on be adooted : BOARD OF ADJUSTI]ENT STATT OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. ?. F O Resolution, County of Eaqle, State of Colorado, 1974, as amended, wjth respect to L{ t'S g*" ,*,t, *-- (Prooertv descripti on ) I ocated withjn the unincorporated area of fub%tffinty, ColoraCo: and I,IHEREAS,di d fi 1e an appl i cati on rvi th the Pl anni ncl Depa rtmen t of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on or about , for a variance from the strict application of the Zoning I'JHEP.EAS, said anplication requesterl a varjance to and l'llltREAS, the Zoning Board of Adjustment is vested rlith the Dovrer to qrant or deny such variances by virtue of Section 30-28-ll7 and 30-28-ll8 C.R.5. 1973, as amended, and Section 9.04 of the Zoning Resolutjon, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, 1974 as amended; and IJHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Zoninq Board of Adjustment on : and I'IHEREAS, based on the evjdence, testimony, exh'i bits, study of the master plan for the unincorporated area of the County, comments of the Eaqle County Planning Department, comments of public officials and aqencies, and comrnents from the aop'l icant and all interested parties, the Zonjng Eoard of Adjustrnent finds as follows: That proper posting, publication and public notice was Dro- vided as required by larv for the hearinq befor the Zoning Board of Ad.justment. 2. That the hearing before the Zoning Board of Ad,justment was extensive and complete, that a1l pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested narties were heard at said hearinq. That an unnecessary and unreasonable hardship wi11 be imposed on the propertv owner if the orovisions of the Zonjnq Resolution are strictly enforced. 4. That the cjrcumstances creating the hardship were in existence on the effective date of the zoninq requlations from l'rhich the varjance is requested, or tvere created subsequently throuqh no faul t of the aool i cant. That the orooerty for which the variance is reouested possesses exceptional narrov/ness, shallowness, shape or topoclraph.y tlhich does not occur generall.y to other oroperty in the same Zone D is tri ct. That the varjance, jf qranted, will not dininish the value, use or enjoyment of ad.jacent properties, nor curtaiI desirable liqht, a'i r and open space in the neiqhborhood. That the variance, if oranted, vtill not be directly contrary to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Resolution and/or the l\4aster Plan of the County of Eagl le, State of Colorado. 8. That the followinq specific findings of fact were ascertained: (State soecific facts i.e. traffic, congestion, parking etc. ) N0l.i, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Zoning Board of Adjustrnent, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado: THAT, the applicant's request for a variance to and hereby is approved. 4g -Tt3 gC*r*jS fd4L g=eT €er"lr Sff 6Ac-l( lrusrUro oltr ZS.Fa{(^$+€'€5 -i1+6 $fteft(za rs" THAT, said variance is conditional upon the followino restrictions: THAT, any violation of the terms of thjs resolution may result'i n rehearinq and possible revocation. H?b- GZggil seconded the adoption of the foresojn-q Resolutjon. The ro11 hav'i ng been called, the vote tntas as follovts: 5. ,'L ( NAirE ( NArllE (NANE ( NArl E (NAl4E voti ng ffi (Yes ) (llo ) (No) (No) (r{o ) (No) ting voti nq voti ncl &*arnntinn Thi s resol uti on County of Eao)e, n 8p. adoptecl nv -G-votlslt the Zo.ninq Board of Ad.justment, state of coloracfo, tnis tzt aav ot jSVIF ' EAGTE GOUNTY Corrnunity Devel oPment P:0. Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73t I AOARO OF COUNTY coMMrSSroNER5 Ext 241 ADMINISThATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BU I LOI NG IN INSPECTI O N Ext 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECO RDER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT EN5ION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PU RCHA5ING/ PERSO NNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l 'l Basalt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 June 5, .|980 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Golden 2449 Arosa Drive Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Re : Fi'l e No. Zv-93-80 At their meeting of June 4, 'l 980' the Eag'le County Planning Commission recommended approval of your reouest for variance to the minimum setbacks, finding that cument parking conditions create a hardship and a safety hazard. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Zoning Board of Adjustnents on June 12, 1980' at l0:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners meeting room' 550 Broadway' Eagle, CoIorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, Susan Vaughn Pl anner sv/i h cc: Zoning Board of Adiustments To the Eagle Cou:ty Plsming Adninistration: I harp revisred the proposed pLan to corrtert I'Ir. Pagl Goldenls &Ple:( into a single fanily tre. I a anare of the raariance that is needed before constructing the two @t gara1.r,. It appears that suctr a ccnsprsicn r,rculd not dirninish the value of adjacent properties but rather grhmce this vah:e. (^r,r-* s/*rrro ,fru/yya'. do*. [3 lo,K 7"' R il ci"Jeac^4eY", I a AS -. 4'ltOJ.tO ' ' Zui'a ' ? ' /4i "tt7LJ/_ , APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDTVISION REGULATIONS Pursuant to Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Edwj-n A. .fenks, builder and owner, hereby applies for exempt j-on from the provisions with said regulati-ons as to my" proposed development known as Subdivision of Lot 13, Block C, Resubdivision of Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1, Eagle County, Col-orado, and comprising .295 acres to be divided into two interests for the following reason: to make possible convey- ance in fee of one-half of a dupl-ex structure erected on said real property. It is understood that any actlon by this Commission granting said request for said regulations exemption applies only to the proposed development as shown on the sketch plan or other information attached hereto. t, I "(/ ' ./1" ,., / /c'(/.ttzu L/ /4""7":- EDVfIN A. JENKS DATED:RECEIVED: BY: RESOLUTION The foregoing application has been considered by the Board is not within the purposes for which were adopted and therefore said application BOARD OF COUNTY COMI{TSSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTYommended for approval by the le County P la;r:': ing Commission"gl this 15 day of nft-( , rgi3, whj-ch finds and derermj-nes that this Division of Lands the subdivision regulations is granted. Chairman .^ -- tl Phone 328-6338P. O. Box 789 r'-.pril ?7, '1973 : Edwln Jenks Box'1281 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Flle No. Se-13-73 Vall Dae Schone, Lot 13 Thls offlce has been requeated to notlfy you that at thelr regular meetlng on 25 riprll the Boeird of County Commiselorrrrs approved your Exemptlon request on con{{t)n that the rocommendatlonE of the Planning Commlsslon of 11 Aprll bc compl led wlth ( a statemont of wfilch you have already recelved)r Attached la,a copy of the approved €xemptlon appl lcatlon. lf you hava any questlons please contacl thelr Secretary '. the County Clerk or this office at the Corrrtlrctrse. RespoctfuLly, Mlchael S. Blair .Plannlng C lrector ' . CCl, Eo6rd'ofrCgunty CommlsslonErs':":.... ,'- i:1 j Oo P. O. Box 78!l Phone 328-7198 Aprll 13, 1973 Ecirln &nkr Box 1281 ., .. , Vdl, Colorado 81657 Re: Flle trlo. 9c-13-73 - Rcetbdlvlalon of Vall Das Sctpne At thelr Regular rncctlng on 11 Aprl! 73r tlt Plarrrlng Commlgclon rocomrnan# that thc Board of Ce.mty Commlaslonart approve your rcqrat for onrrptlon from thc Subdlvlclon Regulatlona on Condltlon thct: h (1) rF twth.tttulldlng takc place on cltlror hall of lot 13 ar rofered to; md(2) lf exlatlng bulldlng c'ta8.. to oxlat ;ny relulldlng would bc u"{rctarrtlaly to tho canra alzc and aftape of the presont oxlttlng b,rl ldlrqf and(3) suah r.otrlctlons shall be provlded In yanr proporty do€d roatrlctlong for Lot 13 ard roaordod wlth thc Clcrk and Rocordrr tor Eagle County. It lr preatrrnrd that the dced rootrlctlon Inrtrurnont wlll be flled prlor to flnal approval by thc Board of County Commlatloncns. The rccornrnondatlon wlll b; forwarded to the Board of County Commletlonoru lor flnal corrgldoratloni thelr next regular rneotlng la on 25 Aprll, dtrlng whlch tlmr thoy rnay conaldrr your appllcatlon. Rcepcttully, Mlchocl S. Blalr Plaffilng rOlr.ctor MSB/kt :. O To: Eagle County Planning Commission April 5, J-9.73 S e-,/3.7e From: Edwin A. rTenks Box 1281Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -476-5L49 Sirs : I recently submitted an application for exemption fromEagle County Subdivision Regulations to divide Lot l_3,.Block C, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 into two intereststo convey in fee one-half of a duplex ereited on saidreal property. Although I was advi'sed that my application was probabtysubmitted too late for the april meeting, I would app-reeiate being put on the agenda for interim considerationof this request Sincerely, h*fr/*./ Edwin A. //enks luun April 6, 1973 Michael S. Blair Eag le County P lann iP.O. Box 789 Eag le, Co lorado I I Subject: Lot 13, B lock C,Filing No. I Dear Mike, Resub. of Vail Das Schone box t oo vail, colorado Br6s7 303.476.5613 ng Commiss ion 631 The Town of Vail review staff feels that a further subdivisionof fhi$ lot should not be granfed as it would create two lotsthat would not comply with minimum lot size standards set fourthin the Eagle county subdivision Regulations. should the exisfingduplex be razed, the two lots would be unacceptab le for devel-opment Kent R. Rose , P. E. Town Engineer KRR/ tm BYRON D. BROWN Box547-vArL,coLoRADo 8r6b7 oFFTcETELE'H.NE: 476-22't'l REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridge Street & Gore Cre€k Drive l4arch 29, 1973 ltr. Mike Blai-n Eagle Corrty PJ-anning Ocrunission Eagle, Colorrado 81631 RE: A Subdivisiqr of tot 13, Block C, Resubdivisicn of Vail da.r Schoner FiLing No. )., blt Edr"rin A. Jenks Dean Mike: I have raeceived yorr letten and inforrnatiqr with regard to the ap,plicatian by Edwin A. ,Jenlcsr o<enpticn fron sub*ivisiorr negulations. I have qgain cnly cre itern I wish to ca] I attentiqr to and reecnnrend thaft the county pldnring board and cqnrrissidl nequest of }tr. Jenks. Tlre oniginal correnants for Vail das Sclone, Filing Ir caII fm duplexes only or a lo,t. I recorarend that a deed restniction be request- ed by the sellen that only cne rsrit nay be placed on the subdivided pa:ncels, and that any futrse buildings on nodificatiqrs to the lot must be with the approval of the architecturral cqrtrol c{nmittee as designated in the origirnl oo\renants. ,--/2d*'-- Brao$nt ,1? t rn,'\1.A a),r\-/ l\)11 RE: A SuMivision of Lot lJ, Block C, Resubdivislon of Vail Das SchoneFiling ltlo. 1, exenption from Subdivisj.on R egulations, APPLICAI'IT: Edwin A. Jenks, Orvner & Bullder tsox 1281 Vail, Colorado 81,657 Enclosed herewith i-s an application and plan subrnitted to the Eagle County Planning Corrnlssion for review and recor.mendation at their regular neeting on the IIth of April, 1pfJ. In accordance with C.R.S. 706-2-9) :_06-243 and I06-2-j4, I)6j, as amended, and Eagle County Subdi_vision Regulations, Section 6.00, 1972, you have 24 days within r^rhich to respond or the request will be deened to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Comrnission would sineerel;' aopreeiate .irour cor[nents and recop-mendations prior to the meetin-q ,-ls1s. ff ;rou riesire additional i-nforrnation or time, please advise this office. Thank you very much, l"lsB/kt 5a f,EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COUATHOUS€ ?. 0. Eox 789 f"ql", Col"-J" 8163t t4arch Z7r I97i COMMISSION 'ut4 tV Q". ."O" foll-or'in'; ',"t"n ,".,.'!", O COIOra|O irl r19 i6r-':i -'etf iCe Colorado Sta'e -iea.l,th 1ep', .o lo:^:la .1. te : :- | tlr lrik icj een lreaf th iinlr'^16s-'llectriC l^lorado .eolozical "'Jrve1' m{i{}t l'ountai-'ita*es Te1e. :rrrb,l.ic Service Cc. Tr'rr.n of Vr i 1 lioil ion s.:rv:. t ion School Dist n liJ0J I,'pPer J.rrf e ti"I lel,' can. nis*,. r.rail 1.ri11a f e r,'es'" later Vail 1,'i1b.qe .iest rli:'e No. County Treasuret's (Xfice, Eagle County, Colorado Eagle, Colo. 2s-\Eq t9 23 ----------.-TDOLLARS Treasurer s-,'ts Ua,.'7J*7. Cash Book Page-.-- rHE c. r. HoEc(Er co.. DEflvER (T a) Deputy