HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK E LOT 5 LEGALoo t)f k*r-z-',J P+'*N.A Maro lorimer t\ .3 atb^r^'*r, lqqs 0 tr/lO L)q I vv- ^-^r\rruQ ;vv,tl'L4-, cr'&- & P {),<-- 't) 1l**a I qr'lil Mvt. a."4 U"- f^3 ,-7 x^-r- 1^ , P.O. Box 3069 Vail, Colorado 81058 3031476-3437 Pl'1/1-?1/4-o hw=4--, Q 5 3-7 ,.+-.Sar- DATE: 'L-:- I,EGAI, DES IPTION: Lot ADDRESS:: Primary/ SecondarY BIock Subdivision PHONE Pr{oNE ,:-: ) :'245- Single FamilY ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS I2l$1 11S z1 7 / 52( r .'v-.r f OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE T.^.n c T TF HeighL .-T.OI,A1 GRFA Pfimary GRFA Seeenearf-e+tfft 7\lo,f 1 = jZs55 BUILDABLE LOT AREA ExisLj.nq ProPosed^ Total z\ ,,,' \} .,),' 'Vr,.C7 -11425 425 Allowed (30) (33) 20, 15', 15', -- -z cJe 4I' ,.r4t = ,dcuacxs FronL S ides Rear S Si E.e Coverag e T o /' rzf,andscap iog lro /' Ret.aining wall lleighLs 'farking rG6rage Crcdi L f_-Drive: z-lT-7- zsI Z11zl 'i $2oo\ 9v1{ Complies wiLh T.O.V. LiqhLing Ordinance Yes n6ou"t Course Set.back (30) (50) ;6o Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES- NO- "--Envi ronmen LaI /I{a za rds :1) Flood Plain L'-)v\ Ll' \ 2\ PercenL SloPe (< > 30%) 3 ) Geologic tlazards a) Snow Avalanche fl 7^' b) Rockfall , ( ,.f-t' c) Debris FIow ^-,1").. 4 ) Wet,lands View Corridor EncroachmenL: Yes Permj- tt ed SloPe % Proposed SloPe % 3'/6' ? fneqrd t:oor4@)soot e4# J,sas,;'tf -l btfl i./ I ).1 Z:! / -d.-',,'/'uttI ' t 34'l 3 z- Encl r-,.'rrrrocl- , t-ho L,t e\.uvv - .----T-/-f- . V.u d"+<- Does Lhis req'nesL irrvuive a 250 Aciciit'iolr? JU- How much of Lhe uriot"a 250 Addition is used'wiLh this previous condiLions of approval (check properLy file): ,k //li s),-c,\ 11.0/'tJtt.' | ,,,,, I///n,.,,t7-.' /.,- 10 L- /" L -ty-..,.,- ^ Jl *u*/ L</r f, J^4 2 z) L i s.ze s') ^''- d /",2a, Ar,or-A -r*b r)o,," 7_,.. tf\ h. ", J /,,,u_ d1-*,Je ) ,r.. $ e q,* /.,.- (.) ,., {.u- - *f &J'-' / dt o'>r 7t-" L ' "'nt 'tu(('t-7 ) ,.A.< 7c.,,r . J A , f -.'"''/'\ ik fL-' *'d/--7'> "i : t ,o (o-'^ '*-, n/ / ,c) ' ) 1r-- J J < r:zjl4 ,l Ln . ,D) .an/ 4.J." "n--- t) ( ,./' */ .jr\:- n,/ *"1 1\ ,^, A /t".--,,7s r),'l"l"t /rt,,t h .r/ ,'1t ( /(c-.Q ;/" -'/y'zv *.rfJ .' zT.\ s, /- .. *7 {'-l' {,'''- (., 7 z\ r*--w t LI u--r^--n .- r/t'/' rr.7oror-,- 7f '? .--! ".r-""N /, J% ? a .! f ,n..,,r*I .n;-}..-1 ..D-e .-,7 / -.1.y"n / A Ar TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmenlal Commission Community Development Department FIL T n^, i 13 tt nnpvUL'T I July 12, 1993 A request for site coverage, setback and wall height variances to allow for the construction ol a garage and storage area, located at2942 Bellflower/Lot 8, Block 8, Vail Intermountain. Sally Dean and Larry Roush Tim Devlin I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is reguesting sile coverage, setback, and wall height variances in order to construct a two-car garage and storage area connection to an existing single lamily residence located on a Primary/Secondary lot which is less than 15,000 sguare feet in size. The 8,059 square foot lot has average slopes which exceed 30%; therefore the allowed site coverage is 15o/o ot 1,209 square feet. Since the slopes exceed 30o/o, a setback variance is not needed for the proposed garage. However, a setback variance is needed {or GRFA (the proposed storage area connection) in the front setback. The existing house has approximately 796 square feet or 9.9% of site coverage. The proposed addition has approximately 700 square feet (576 square feet for the garage and 124 square feet for lhe storage connection). The interior dimensions of the garage are 225 teel width by 225 teet length. Therefore, as proposed, the project would have 1,496 square feet or 18.56% of site coverage. A variance is required for the additional 3.56% site coverage or 287 square feet. The garage is proposed to be located between 11 and 20 feet into the 20 foot front setback, which is allowed without a variance because the slopes exceed 30%. A 105 square foot storage/entry vestibule encroaches into the 20 foot front setback a distance of 4 feet, so a setback variance is necessary to allow for this addition. Currenlly, parking for the property occurs primarily on Town ol Vail right-of-way at the base of the front yard, which has a slope of approximately &5olo. Under current zoning, the property would require two (2) on-site parking spaces. The site cunently has three partially on-site spaces. Please see the attached "Existing Sile" and "Garage Plan" drawings. The wall height variance being requested is for fre proposed wall in front of the garage and on the east side of the driveway. The proposed wall is to be part of the exterior steps that lead to the entry on the second levelof the structure. The wall ranges from 4 to I feet in height; 3 feet is the allowed maximum for walls located in the front setback. Therefore, a variance is required for the 1 to 5 feet of additional wall above the 3 feet height limit. Please see the attached "Garage Plan" and "Side Elevation,, drawings. a. ,"'- ''t t., MIKE McGEE 'GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner Landscaping: Date: Datc: v\-efc ,4p //,?.fu-z /-da/s 'qrut ll'Distributed to the Fire Department, public works, and Landscaping on * zl I s/ ? J- . INTEB.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBM TE OF PUBLIC NG 2l'z COMMENTS NEEDED BY: z II< BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 144,1'lr ^h , I .rt*-e 4 (a--^'-1rcaW 01'r Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: oIU: MIKE McGEE GREG HA TODD OPPENHEIM Relurn to Rcviewod by: Commenls: Datc: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnls: Date: ,t'{ff.f,'(i,, ,tr/, i r(,, tr,.it.1t(1i,r,i,1 . t,1ri,t1r. 1/t ,ii,.. ,rirlt | ,rrrii.1,,11,11,1, 1,,, l,rf,i1ri,ir1'.:r lir 111.',rli, lri'frirlllli:lrl, i iri ,ir; e,1ir11,,,;111i1 l_;ffr,.i.,.;f1iir fg,tfr INTER-DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW ATE OF PUBuCHEnM-7; COMMENTS NEEDED BY: z- IIE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ilJ I I t tKdtd;1 | t+rt D t fi."._t z, y-- i J.. ., 0 g^--'^ \ r"\ ?rr [4qrtrrezp.1.. u.b..\6 ( N-rzt ,,, rser,{ril tc ?-o' cu hJ.^\i\b c, <.\i ul) Landscaping: Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: PROJECT: DATE SUBM N\ted o.j4r$!fri! .-tr,r{ r,r\\h coir\or,rr,, S.led cr L\ t\e \€r$r( t $ir\\ s\\ ct <y.\\\$). c.\\wr\t A<,ve, .*acrurr-'?. TO: MIKE o McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER COMMENTS NEEDED BY: z I t{ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Return to Andv Knudlsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Date: Date: ftJ,('1"i,, )t .l * ,.k- d {^* \ oq..\/u Date: Landscaping: Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: ll Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landsca ping on t zl I s I 4 r DATE SUBMITTED: .ZIII^ bRre or pUeLIc HEAEING -Z 7; t.tr..A 7 /7419a DESIGN o REVTEW BOARD ,l -PROJECT TNFORMATTON: DESCRIPTION: APPIJTCATTON - rOWN O DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:***tt**t** Y ***rt****** I. A. u,ntPr B. New Cons E.ructionAddirion ($s0.00) ADDRESS: ($200.00) Minor Atr.erarion ($20.00) --lConceptual Reviehr ($0) D. F. I. ,J. H.NAME qF OWNER(S) APPLICANT'S PRESE}IIIATTVE:Address: Y.E NAME OF Mail ing A' R'i Mailing Address: APPr.rcATroNs wrLL Nor BE pRocEssED rtrrilo7? )J,INER, s srcrvA?[na Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are L,o be paid a! thetime of submiteal.of Lhe DRB applilacion. Lit.er, whenapplying for a buirding permit., plbase ident.ify the accuratevaruation of Ehe proposar. The iown of vail wilr adjust thefee according co Lhe table below, Eo ensure bhe correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION ,h n 'h ,i r\ ^^^+ |-, 9 J.vruuu$ ro, 001 $ s0, 000$ 50, 001 - g 150, 000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, oo0 $500,001 - 91, 000, 000$ Over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNLESS A BUILDING PERI1IIT ISIS STARTED. LEGAL DESCRIPTToN: T,ot 1 Block Esubdivision vArL Q/{s ffi"r,-ra +i - - If propert,y is described bydescri-ption, please provideto t.his applicacion. a meets and bounds legalon a separaLe sheeE and attach ZONTNG: NAME OF MaiIing. APPLICANT: Address: @-- FEE iD ZU. UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION Pt. N +Mc,1 rr. III A pre-applicaeion meet.ing hrit.h a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to det,ermine if any additionalapplicat.ion information is needed. It, is the applicanL,sresponsibility to make an appointment, with the llaff t.odetermine if there are addicionaL submittaL requirement.s.Please noEe E,hat a COMPLETE application wil1 streamline thereview process for your project. A.In addition to meet.ing:submittal reguirement,s, Eheapplicant must st.ake and tape the projecE site toindicaEe property lines, building lines and buil_dingcorners. All Lrees to be removed must be taped. AIIsit.e t.apings and staking must be compLeted piior to theDRB sit,e visit. The applicant must ensure Lha[ stakingdone during the winLer is not buried by snow. The revie\^r process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requireshwo separat.e meetings of the Oesign Review Board:.aconceptual review and a final review. Applicants who fail Co appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting dat.e and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their it.em bepostponed, will have their items removed from Lhe DRBagenda unt.il such time as Lhe iLem has beenrepublished. The following iLems may, aE the discretion of thezoning administ.rator, be approved by the ConrnunityDevelopment DepartmeriL staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not. be reguired): a. windows, skylights and similar exterioJ chanqeswhich do noL alLer the existing plane of Chebuilding; and b. Building additions not. visible from any other lotor public space. At the t.ime such a pioposal issubmitted, applicanEs must include let.ueis fromadjacent property owners and/or from t.he agent foror manager of any adjacenL condoninium associat.ionstaLing Lhe association approves of Che addition. If a properLy is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfatl, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, et.c. ), a hazard study nusc be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing tne nazarareport, prior t.o the issuance of a builainq iermit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-t-own pi"rrrr.tprior to DRB applicatj_on to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all residential const.rucLion: a. Clearly indicate on Lhe floor plans the inside. face of t.he exLerior sLructural walls of thebuildinq; arid b. Indicate wit.h a dashed line on the site pLan afour foot disLance from the exLerior facl of thebuilding wa1ls or support,ing columns. If DRB approves the application with condit.ions ormodifications, alI condit.ions of approval must beaddressed prior to Lhe applicaLion- ior a buildingpermi L. B. c. D. F. G. rv. NEr{ coNsrRucfu A. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped bya Colorado professional Licensed-surrreyor,-at a scaleof 1', = 20, or Larger, on which the followinginformation is provided: l-. Lot area, and buildable area when differenL thanIoL area. 2. Legal description and physical address. 4. ExisLing trees or groups of trees having Lrunkswith diameters of 4u or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock ouLcroppings and other significant naturalfeaLures (large boulders, int,ermit,t,ent streams,et.c. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfaI1, etc.),cent.erline of streams or creeks, required creek orstream setback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40% or more stratf Ueclearly delineaLed by cross hat.ching. 7. Ties to exisLing benchrnark, either USGS 1an&narkor sewer invert.. This informat.ion must be clearlysLat.ed on Lhe survey so thaL all measurements arebased on Lhe same sE.arE.ing point. fhis ispart.icularly imporcant for det,ermining buildingheight and driveway slope. See policy On SurveyInformaLion, for more information regardingsurveys. 8. Locat.ions of Lhe following must. be shown: Two fooL conLour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which tase, 5,contour intervals may be accepLed. a. Size and Eype of drainage culverts, swales,etc. b. ExacL loca!.ion of existinq utility serviceli.nes from Lheir source Eo Lhe sLructure,includinq: Cable TV Telephone Site Plan L. Locations of Lhe Sewer Water \JA D EIec tric c. AII ulility met.er locations, including anypedesLals Lo be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent. Eo the site. d. Propert.y lines - distances and bearings andbasis of bearing. e. IndicaLe all easement.s identified on Lhesubdivision plat. 9. Provide spot elevat,ions at the edge of asphalt,along the sLreet. frontage of Ehe property attwenly-tIve toot. inLervals (ZS,), and a minimum ofone spot. elevaE.ion on eiLher side of the lot. a. Existing and following musE, be shown: finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. O"n percent. sropeand spoL elevations at the properLy line,garaqe slab and as necessary along thecent,erline of the drive t,o accurat,ely reflecE. driveway grade. d. A 4, concrete drive pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exiL the st,reeL in an uphill direction. 2. A11 existing inprovetnenEs incl_uding st.ructures,landscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas.,walks, driveways, _off -st.reeL parking, loadingareas, reLaining walls (wiCtr top and bot.t.om ofwaIl spot elevat,ions), and other exist.ing site irnprovement s . 3. In order to det.ermine proposed building heightselevat.ions of aII top roof ridges, and eaves whendetermined necessary by the zoninq adninistraE,or,shall be indicat,ed on the site plan with exist,ingand proposed contour l_ines shown underneath. Landscape Plan (1" = 20, or 1arger) - 3 copies'reguired L. At a minimum, the following information must beprovided on Lhe landscape plan: a. LocaEion of exist.ing Lrees 4,' dj.amet.er orlarger', b. Type, size and locat,ion of all existing andproposed plant material, c. Location of aII Lrees to be Lransplanted, d. A deLailed legend of atl proposed .plantmaterial including common and taCin names. 2. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be employed in caring- forplant mat.erial following its insLalLation. 3. Existing and proposed contour lines. Ret.ainingwalls should be included wich Lhe conLourinformaLion wiLh t.op of wal_l and bott.om of erallelevations IisLed. 4. CompleLe Lhe aLtached landscape materials list. D.Figg+ff flom ?agh urilirv cornpanv verifying chelocation of uririry servi-E-End-Eiailabiiiri (s;eatt.ached utili,ty verif icat,ion form) rel F, accompany all and identifyproperLy. submitLals,all, easements Eo insureaffecting B mustpropercy ownership t.he subj ect. Arcbitectural plans (L/9" - 1, or larger, I/4, lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies ire reguired. 1. Floor plans and all elevat.ions of the proposeddevelopmenL drawn Lo scale and fully dimensioned.The elevaLion drawings must show bolh existing andfinished grades. 2. One set. of floor plans must be ,'red-linedr to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFR) wascalculated. 3. Exterior maLerials and colors shall be specifiedon Ehe at.Lached maLerials lise. rhis matlrialslist must be compleLed and subrnit.ted as a parL ofthe application. Color chips, siding sanpiesetc., shall be present.ed at the nesign nlview : H. Photos or sketches which clearly convey t.he redeveropment,proposal and the tocat.ion (sit,e plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submit.t.ed in lieu of t,he more formalrequirements seE fort.h above, provided all importantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials t.o be used are submitted A. Original floor plans with aII specifications shown. r!{ee sets of proposed floor plans L/gtt = 1, or larger(L/4" = t, is preferred) c. Three copies of a sile plan showing existing and.proposed construct.ion. IndicaLe roof ridge elevationswiLh existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. ElevaEions of proposed addition. E. PhoLos of the existing struclure. F. Specifications for alI mat.erials and color samples onmaterials Iist (atLached). At, the request of t.he Zoning A&ninistrator you may also berequired to submit: Bof meering. Der.airs incruaA, buL nor limiredLo tascia, Lrim, railings, chimney cdp, mot€r , locaEions, eEc. must be shown qraphicifly andfully dimensioned. Zong check list (attached) musL be compleLed if theprolect ts locat,ed wiEhin the Single-Family,Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of Lhe existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent st,ruct,ures. The Zoning AdministraLor and/or DRB may require Lhesubmission of addit.ional p1ans, drawinls, - specifications, samples and other mat,eiials (includinga model) if deemed necessary t.o determine whether aproject wilt comply wibh oelign Guidelines. A sLatemenL from each utiliey verifying location ofservice and availability. See attached utilitylocation verification form. A siLe improvemenL survey, stamped by registeredColorad.o Professional Lricensed. surveyor. A prelirninary LiLle report., Eo verify ownership ofproperLy, which lists all easement.s. I It VI VII. FTNAL STTE PLAIV Once a buJ.rctrng permlt has been issued, and consLruction isunderway, and before the Building Department will schedule aframing inspect,ion, Lwo copies of an Improvement Locat.ionCerEificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submibted. The followinginformation musL be provided on Ehe ILC: A. Building locaLion(s) wiL.h ties to properl.y corners,i . e. dis t.ances and angles . B. Building dimensions Eo the nearest, LenLh of a foot. c. D. E. H. arf utlity service line as-builtsi showing rlpe ofmaterial used, and size and exact Location of lines. Basis of bearing to tie to seetion corner. All property pins are to be either found or set andstat,ed on improvement survey. AIl easemenEs. Garage slab elevations and al_I roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. l VIII . CONCEPTUAI DESIGN REVIEW A. Sgbmit,tal reguirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project reguiring design approval as prescribed,by chis chapE.er may submit pl_ans for conceptual reviewby Ehe Design Review Board to Che Department ofCommunity Development.. The conceptutt review isintended to give the applicant, a basic undersLanding ofthe compatibility of tbeir proposal with the Town,sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than singLe-family and two-family residences.. However, deveLopersof single-family and two-family projects sha1l not beexcluded from Lhe opporLunity t,o reguest a conceptualdesign review. compreLe apprications must be suLmicted10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeE,ing. The following informaLion shall be submit,ted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual siLe and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twent.y feet; I 2. concept.uar erevacions showing exterior materiarsand a descripE.ion of Ehe characLer of the proposedstructure or s Lruc tures; 3. Sufficient information t,o show the proposalcomplies with the development. sLandardi of thezone district in which the projecE. is to beIocated (i.e. GRFA, siLe coverage calculations,number of parking spaces, €tc.); 4. Completed DRB application form. B. procedure: Upon receipt of an applicat.ion forconceptual design review, the Department of CommunityDeveropment. sha11 review the submit.ted maLeriars forgeneral compriance wit.h t.he appropriaLe reguirement.s ofthe zoning code. If the proposat is in bjsiccompliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to tne pne for conceptuarrevj_ew. If the application is not generally incompliance with zoning code requirefrenus, Eheapplication and submiE,tal mat.eiials shall be returnedLo the applicant wit.h a writLen explanation as co u,tvt.he corununity Developmenu neparcmeirt sE.af f has foundt.he project not to be in compliance wit.h "onirrq codJrequirement.s. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB sha1l review ehe subrnitted conceptuatreview applicat,ion and supporLing mat,eriar in ordei eodetermine whether or not tne project generalty complieswith the desigrn guiderines. ine-pnn ioes nor vote onconceptual reviews. The property oh,ner or hisrepresentaLive sha11 be presenE. at. t.he DRB hearing. I,IST OF MATERIATS NAME OF PROJECT: ?iC,\ AOOiTIOq LEGAL DESCRTPTIoN: LoT 9 BLocK E SLTBDIVISION tl,a*^- D4s 1c./-ron-.e tr-;,*LII'STREET ADDRESS: 25 The following information is required Review Board before a final approval A. BUIIJDING }IATERIALS : Roof Siding Other Wa1l MaLerials Fascia Soffits wi-ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Itand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses . Ret.aining Walls ExLerior Lightinq Other TYPE OF I,9- c.ax^-. .lfuqol -k *tE for submit.tal can be Qiven: MATERfAIJ to E,he Design COLOR Designer: Phone: B.LANDSCAPING: Name of pr,ANT *t"*lr: BoLanicaL Name ao*rl"u*. ouanr.itv size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *Indicate caliper for deciduous t.rees.is 2 inchesi IndicaEetrees.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 qallon. TVDe GROI'ND. COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Mininum calioer forheight for coniferous Souare FooLaqe 4 c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, preaseshow the number of fixcures and tocaciois on a separaEelightinq plan. rdentify each fixLure from the ri;hti_nq pranin the space below and provide the heiqht above giade, -type oflighE.proposed, lumen out.put, ruminous area and i cut sheet. ofthe Iiqht fixt.ure. (Secrion tg.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walIs, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) please specify. rndiiate heights oi'recaininf,wa}Is. Maximum heiqht of warrs within the froni setback is3'- Maximum heighc of warrs ersewhere on the-fiop"rcy is 6,. D. SUBDTVISION JOB NAMELOT + ELOCK FILING ADDREsS 251t, T ,o> l&. fbt-r> The location and availabiliLy of utilities, whether !r9$ lines or proposed lines, must be approved andfollowing ut.ilities for the accompanying iice plan. they be mainverified by the ' Dat,e U.S. West Communications l, - 800 -922- L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 5781cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 9 49 - 5892 Ted Husky/Michael IJaverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. NOTE: o\r^*]. 949 - 5530 c-Steve Hiat.t. {beJavta1Tupper Eagle valley wacer // | r-.\6,Y-- \ & sani Eat.ion ois t rice y' - -L ' * 476-7480 / 0- Fred Haslee l---'/ 5. * Please bringobt.aining Upperflow needs must This form is Lo verifylocaLion. This shouldpreparing your uLilit.yinstallaLions. service availabilit.y and be used in conjunccion withplan and scheduling For any new construction proposal, the'applicanC musL provide a compleLed uLility verification form. If a uLiliLy company has concerns wit.h Lhe proposedconstrucL.ion, the utility represent,ative should notdirectly on Lhe utility verificat.ion form Lhat Lhereis a problem which needs Lo be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled ouL in deLai1 in an at.tachedIetter Eo the Town of Vait. However, please keep inmind Lhat it. is the responsibility of Lhe utj_f iLtcompany bo resolve identified problerns. If the utilicy verification form has signaLures fromeach of the utility companies, and no commenLs aremade directly on the form, Lhe Town will presumeLhat Lhere are no problems and that the developmenEcan proceed. These verificaLions do noL relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a streeL cut. permiLfrom the Town of Vail, Department of public Worksand t.o obLain uLilitv locations before diocrinq inany public right.-of-way or easement, in che Town ofVail. A buildinq permit is not a st.reeL cut permit. A streel cuL permiL must, be obtained separaEely. InsLallaLion of service lines are at t.he expense andresponsibility of the property owner. a site plan, floor p1an, and elevations whenEagle Va1ley waE,er & Sanitation signatures. Firebe addressed. Single ZONE CHECK FOR 1y Residence, Duplex, ZONE DTSTRICTS ,/Secondary LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lot 6 Block -L suUaivision VAI^- T'. 5cr6{e fiq^5{1 ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHTTECT &*Leu F. NA<$,.p, hrUt^<ftvrT.P/4JuoNE ZONE DISTRTCT ?h. PROPOSED USE o/zUL.:lF Lotffi grllA . ?*'l\.6 21 .q+ 4zq,,uz.b,N +({ o ! am1 t Primary DATE: Allowed (30) (33) LgjL;x$ BUTLDABI-,8 Exis tinq -- 'L1t6l'{\ tlA4L.*'aFLOT AREA .Z%l k44.= Proposed Total Encl Height TOTAl GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear 2a' 15' 15, 2e4b.+ttSite Coverage Landscaping Ret.aining WaIl Heights Parki.ng Garase crediL (300)(m) (900) (1200)\--l Drive:Permj. t. ted SLope t proposed % Complies with T.O.V. LiqhLing Ordinance Yes Slope No WaLer Course Setback Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 Envi ronmen tal /Ha za rds : (30) (s0) NOX__ Percent Slope (< > 3O%) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow 4) Wetlands View Corridor EncroachmenL: yes n 3'/5' Reqrd ll ?-(? (s0r) 1) 2',, vEr a Flood Plain No Does this reqriesL irrvuive a 25A A<i<iition? 1g-How much of the alrowed 250 Addition is useffi-is Previous conditions of approval (check property file) : l_0 reguest? \?'l sF routsd 2f24,,3 Date of Application Date of DRB Meeting Date ol PEC Meeting (if necessary)_ AppLtcATtoN FoR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) I. TYPE OF BEQUEST Y Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning statf is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for uo to 250 souare feet if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vait code are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description:r-ot_ A Btockl FifinS t/A[ D49 9t#{o*.€ fir,\$t z'\ l-Zone District ( I->.._-----. c.NAME OF APPLICANT: Addr"rs ?.o. Bo* 14fr{ VAt., /o B D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE; QNuEA A, Addrr"s ?.b.b"* A65 rtA,.. t c, btofb NAME OF OWNER(S): * Slgnature(s Address F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittat of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. I > J The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submittal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This inlormation is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Association approval (if appticabte). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department ol Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shall be paid by the appticant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have signilicant design, land use or olher issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town statf that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be lonrrarded to the Town by the applicant at he time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of lhe application by the consultant, any of the funds fonrrarded by the applicant for payment ol the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrvarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. "toi".a Lo/5/s2 O , ?v1 APPLICATION This procedure is requiredvariance. The applicationinformation is submitted. JAI 2 3 1ss5 TOR A \fiARTAIICE for any project request.ing awill not.be accepted until all Tt)\l -[0lV|lt4, DEV, '..' tll I. A. NAME OF APPLICANT B. c. D ADDRESS PHONE NAME oF AppLrcANT, s REpRESEwxrwr, (1 . AA.g c*tor. A+4t fiuz+ Q.c. apopass (.O .bov 1b5 vxt , 6 6/8 PHoNE 6n-5L45 NAME OF owNER (S) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (type or print)ArLc SIGNATURE (S)- t/a PHONE LOCATION OF BLocK E ADDRESS PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: LOT 5 FILING VA4^ Qoro - :l t FEE $2s0. o0 ,or#fftL "x + 3Q? eu $o,u,.+Qfeci /rflqf @THE FEE UUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a 1ist of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application wiLl be acceptedunless it is complete (must incLude alL items required bythe loning administrator). ft is the applicant's. responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. ITI. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAJ'ILINE THEAPpRovAr, pRocEss roE-fr-un pnoJEcr By DECREASTNG THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI,L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRTTTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance t.oother existing or potentiaL uses and structures inthe vicinity. t ,/no"cation Da lotl ft;c MEETTNG'DA I r/ \-_ ./ 2' Tff:i'ff.::"::i:i'::'::5 ::A::;.:l':;'.o' I specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,dist.ribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies with Vail's Comprehens j.ve Plan. A Lopographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least Ln = 2Q' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of aII existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least L" = 20, showingexist.ing and proposed buildings. A1I preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scafe and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preliminary titte report to verify ownership and easements If the proposal is located in a rnulti-family development which has a homeowners, association, thenwritten approval from the associatj.on in support of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning adminj_straLor. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administralor. IV. TIME REQUTREMENTS B. D. E. G. A. B. A.v. The Planning and Environmental Commissi_on meets on the2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accompanying rnaterial (asdescribed above) must be submitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the pEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designated submitt.al date. A11 PEC approved variances shall_ lapse if constructionis not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate review by anyIocal, State or Federal agency other than the fown oiVail, the application fee shall be i ncreased !:rrr5200.00. Examples of such review, may includel but arenot limited to: Colorado Departnent of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t oi tneapplication fee. If, at the applicant's requestr anymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter robe re-pub1j.shed, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shal1 be paid by the applicant. B. -. \ .''I- c' fr:f1ilfi:ff"o;:T:o"lLlli.::yE::1il";:l:oT::'",other issues srhich nay have a significant impact on the. community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Shoul-d a determination be nade by the townstaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Communj-ty Development may hire anoutside consultant, it shal1 estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shallbe forwarded to the Tovrn by the applicanL at the timehe files his application with the Community DevelopmentDepartment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of theconsultant which have not been paid to the consultantshall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. ./ January 20,1995 RE: TICCI IBSIDBNCB SITB COVBIAGB RBQUBST We are asliag for a 500 square foot Site Coverage Variance in order to construct agarage/entryway/fanily room addition to the Ricci home. L The relationship of the reouested variance to other eristing or ootential uses and structures in the vicinity. This lot has site ooverage in ercess of that vhich vould currently be alloved under the revised definition of site @verage adopted by the Tovn in 1991. The house vas originally desigaed if, 1972 urhen site @verage vas often not even considered. Houses from this time on small lots have particular difficulties vith site coverage. Problems vith small lots were noted in Tom Brauns'vork for the Tovn in coniunction vith the redefinition. 2. The degree to vhich relief from lie strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a soecified requlation is necessarv to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or attain the obiectives of this title without grant of special privilage. We are applying for a site coverage Variance for vhich we believe will be of benefit to the neighbors, the Tovn, and the Riccis. If the Riccis vere starting a home from scratch a 2 car garage muld be incorporated into a plan in a straight forvard mantrer under the eristing zoning. The Riccis' main hardship is the circumstance of their eristing home. The Riais' home vas origiaally construsted in the 1972-74 period. It vasn't planned to inmrporate the intricies of current zoning. They are a family of 6 people living in Vail full time. They have a small lot, and all small lots have site coverage challanges. Any fanily of 6 has large transportatiotr requirements. Short of a demo-rebuild they have no option but to ask for a site coverage variance in order to construct aZ cat garage. The advantage to everyotre is that the addition vill allov the ovners to keep their cars enclosed and off the street. Around the nev addition the ovners vill provide landscaping to blend the nev building vith the site. The eristing home is set twards the north side of the lot v"ith the limitations of depth and site grading. Without maior modifications to the eristing site or home, the depth requested is necessary to accomodate cars and provide an entry for the house. 3. The effect of the variance on lisht and air. distributionof population. transoortation. traffic facilities. utilities. and oublic safety. All parking will be kept off the eristin8 roadway, the garage vill not bring any additional occupants into the home, it will only cover eristing on grade parkrng on the site. Other than that the construction of the addition vill have no effect. {.Hov your reouest comolies vith Vail's Comorehensive Plan. The tovn enoourages garages for enclosure of automobiles. oo g F !i TOWN OFVAIL *"."-,*" /C31 / DEPARTMF-\T OF COII]\tUNIT}' DE\ELOPMENT CHECKS MADE PAYAELE TO TOWN OF VAIL ACOOT]NTNO.ITLII 0 0000 41 540 ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0 0000 424t5 UIIIFORM BUILDINGCODE s54.U0 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLtA4BINC CODE s39.00 0 0000 424t5 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 oo00 42415 UNIT-ORM FIRE CODE s36.00 0 0000 424l 5 NATIONAL ELECTzuCAL CODE st7.00 0 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0 0000 4 548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS $7.UU {. 0 0000 424t2 xFRox coPlEs s0.25 0 0000 42412 STUDIES 0 0000 42412 TOVFEESTOMPUTER PROGRIIM $5.00 0 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE.INSPECTIONS 0 0000 4 t332 PLAN REVII]W RE.CHECK FEE IS4O PER I{R. 0 0000 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPI.-CTION fEES 0 0000 4 4t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0 0000 4 413 SIGN APPLICNTION FEI]520.00 0 0000 4 413 ADDITIONAL SIGNACE FIJF- ISI.OO PER SO.FT, 0 o000 424,VTC ART PROJI..CT DONAI'ION 0 0qpe4 "PRE PAID DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE 24t)).60 0 0000 4237 r INVESTIGATION F'EE (BU LDING 0000 451r0 TOV PARKINC FUND 0 oooo 22027 TOV NI:WSPAPI.-R DISPENSER FUNDf 0l 0000 2t t2 TAXABLE O 4% (STATE * 0l 0000 4t0t0 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN 0 0000 4217 |BUILDINC INVESTICNTION }TIIIJR PF-APPLIEATTOFITEEX 0 0000 4 ji0 ADDITIOT.'ALGRFA "250"SZUU.OU 0 0000 4 330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.oo 0l 00004 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS TTIAN lOO SO.FT.$200.00 0l 0000 4 330 EXTI:RI0R ALI LRAI lON MORE TIIAN IOO SO.FT.s500.00 0 0000 4 310 SPI]CIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEW $1,500.00 0 0000 4 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMI]NT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $1.000.00 n 0000 4 3J0 SPECIN L DEVELOPMENT DISTR]CT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 0 0000 4 330 SUBDIVISION 0 0000 4 3J0 VARIN NCE s250.00 0 0000 4 330 ZONING CODE AMIJNDMT,NTS $250.00 0 0000 4 330 RE. ZONING $200.00 OTTIER OT}IER ITOTAL: a_ Mo,r----- -, *.,,[96s rcAsHr-r \e=- REC. BY:- r,it a TOht}| GIF lJFl I l- ttircrllrrqr Gdt Ol-25-95 tt:27t59 RecNiFt | 166188 Accounl. * O( ll 365 RICCI\.DRB FEEililt- ter,orrco Itrr Prid h'nr Prtd 610@4r3srm z@'fi Cti",.q. returrrd > g'ffi Tt#r'I( 1/EIL! Vour caCticr nmTln l ao TOWN OF VAIL ,-. Y( 37a DEPARTIIIENT OF COM:ITLNTN' DEIELOf MENT / rr' e4on. [ ,''.,-J! CIIECKS MADE TAYABLE TO TO\AN OF VAIL AC'OIMT NO. 0l 0000 4l 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 TNIFORM BUILDING CODE 554.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLI.JMBING CODE s39.00 0l 0000 42415 UNI I'ORM MI]CHANICAL CODE $37.00 0t 0000 42415 f UMI.ORM FIRE CODE s36.00 0l 0000 424r5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s17.00 0r 000042415 -OTHER CODE llOoKS 0t 0000 4t 548 W $7.00-mTmTzTt |TEROX EOPES $0.25 0t 0000 424t2 STUDIES 0l 000042412 -TOVI.:EE S CO MPU T E R PROG RAM s5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PL^N REVII:W RE-CIIECK I;EE tS40 PER I{R. 0l 0000 42332 OT'F IIOURS INSPECTION }'EES-TTT000Ti:tTt ffis 0 t 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0l 0000 41413 N DDITIONAL SIGNA(;E FEE ISI.OO PHI{ SO,F'I-. 0t 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONAI]ON 0l 0000 41331 IPR-PN ID DLSIGN RI-J/ILW BOARD TI:F: 0r 0000 42371 -I NV€ STIGATION FEE ( BU I L D I NC ) 3l 000045110 ITOV PNRKINC FUND ot oom 22027 ITO-N EW S PA P ER D I S P ENS Tl R F U N D* 0l 0000 2ll 12 TAXABLE 'd 4% (STATE * 0l 0000 41010 TAXA BLE (a, 4% (]'Ow\ 01 000042371 BUILDING INVIISTICATION OTIIER 011000T13i0 iADDITIONAL CRFA "250 !i200.IJU 0l 0000 41330 EONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l 0000 4r330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS TIIAN IOO SQ.FT.$200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTITRIOR ALTLRATION MORE TIIAN IOO SO.FT.s500.00 0r 0000 41J30 SPDCIAL DEVELOPMENT )ISTRICT tNEW $ I,500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT )ISTRICT IMAJOR .4MEND s 1.000.00 0l 0000 4 r330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND 520t|.00 0l 0000 4,t3f,Q SUBDIVISION 0r 0000 {I.i30_),VARIANCE s250.00 ./)t 0l 0000YrJT0 ZONING CODE AMIINDMITNTS $25U.UU 01 0000 41330 RE - ZONING s200.00 OTI]ER OTHI]R ITOTAL: a(rMMFNTsi Mo.4 J ___l cK.d {REC. 8Y: t lbh.fU "q'l 16893 RECEIVED FROM Permit Numbers l.r.id&r,*-,irfrrry|freeitEr.rfti*,.! i!r-,r .!s-'. |-ai"' i"i$r,ildiJ;+;r'-.r]Lr- , r, r'' P^ru -**ll }jLb TOhtFl (fF lJFlIt- Fliscel laneous Cash Er 1-25-?5 15: lB:41 Eeceict S 1861S? Flccc,unt fl t:K * 366 l.tffl{cv RICr:I ''i.rgRIFl.lCE filir,:unt iendered ! Iten Paid s 1S66€141356ffS9 f,han,;e returned :l 259. BS flrount paid :5S. BB E. elff THFIhI|< 1iOIJ 'y'c,ur ca=hier REFTHR Decign Revieuv Eoard ACTIOil FORI'I Dspertment of communlw Developmenl -- zs ioutn Frontage Road, Vall, colondo 01657 ief : 970.4?9.?139 lat::' 970'479'2432 webl www.vailgov'cgmogafrn$ff1lElGLffiia.{l DRB Number: DR8080117 Prciect Neme: Project DescriPtion: Project Address: l'egal Description: Parael Number: Comments: RICCI REROOF REROoF:REPLACECEDARSHAKEWTftctAssAASHPHALTcoMPoSmoNSHINGLESoWENS CORNING WOODCREfi Participants: OWNER RICCI' NANCY A' PO BOX 1484 VAIL a412512008 @ 81658 APPUCANT Ti'IT SPECIALTY CONSIRUCTORS ' MlZslzOoB Phone: (719) 487-30t4 PO BOX 2370 MONUMENT coLoRADO 80132 License: 813-8 2575 DAVOS TR VAIL Location: LOU 5 BIOCK E SUbdiVISION: VAIL DAS SCHONE RL 1 2103-142-0400-1 Motlon BY: Second BY: Vote: Condltions: BOAR'D/STAFF Acrrol{ ACTION: STAFFAPP Date of APProval: 04/25/2008 fffff No changes to these prans may be made without the written consent of rown of Vait stiff and/or the appropriate review commrtteels)' i;trfi DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building' Please consult with io*n 6r vuir eiritoing personnel prior to construction activities' ffir1oot*, approvar shail not become varid for zodays_foflg1ing. the date of ),p-pri,Gr, brti,lJti to tt't" viiiio*n coat, chapter 12-3'3: APPEALS' Cond: 202 (PIAN): Approval of this poect 'hlll?ff-"-':d-5*T: Y3o":l"il"l,:,i,ll'",J'nn(ru{ll); frPPT(,YoI rJr r,,,J l,'vrrrt . sued and construction is ir'r" a"t" of'final approval, unless a building P"'t1l-t-:tl- Planner: RACHELFRIEDE DRB FEE PAid:i20.oo Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' ,Please refdr t6 tne submittat requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revierl cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign reiriew approtal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:t-, Location of the Prcposal:Loh 5 e|ocr' € physicaf Address: 25?b pnVoS 'f?' t)ntt , Ct>co , Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: iTv\Lq/A, A\\ 5n\At<lf ) - \q,zoqoo \ /name1s1 of owner(s): l'lRPc A, 'l2-t <-<1 MairinsAddress; ?a 'r<oX t 494 Unru, Co ' 8t 6 5b - Owner(s) Signature(s):\"-4-- d Name of Applicant:5 /Ee\ Yq u V C-(o[L-](_.. Mailing Address:lo. r3ox 3fo ME <o 3?o - 33\ ^ 5()8 \Phone:^3o E-mail Address:@Fax: (Q"r-'L Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review D New ConsbuctionD Addition D ,d D tr Minor Alteration ( multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (inctudes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windo,v addiuons, landscaping, fen@s and retaining walls. etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site re-ioofing, painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board. No Fee Hpn 24 OB O4:51p hr-r{-0b l2:30n FrorT0fi Nancg Ricci 0F |,Att @nJillrY oEvEloPEtr gr?o -4?9 -2S93 t7017tta!l t-0tl P.001/001 F-175 p.1 Mirior Exterior Alterations adJri-u"n for D€sign Review *m D€plrt''.! dcdnTl9!!.Yrl,:!HniT zs frfrIdffdt qg""i'-vJi' coto'"qc aros7 ;il lib:ffi;irs -'q- sz YYezlsa $|ab: u/rv|v-t,a lov.coflr ffiMW*.*ffi*rffiGenalcf tfformdon:ffi&.lffi.ry1':"*g:t;g5$"jffiffi'trffi6firy #,ffirFffiw u ruffi#Fd ffigtl-U&Trst6 ffi 'n,,*#rffiHi il-e.u***isffi* ffi ffirt$fg:""Jtr-g;Hffi Tilltw;e;irnmcnccrwir'rrin o,raicar orun ?Ptoval')e- LocttsOlr ot th. ptoFos.tr 'lduJ-gtock-9- SutrttlvHon: y r - \ (J/F \' 'r s-- __ PWcaf AdiMl 'r ru7 v' -- - - -r azn-??r-r;iro ror oarcd rto.) (Contac Eagls @' Asseslror eE 970-32s-e54o 6q6 9arcd tto') Parcgl tlo-: zonlno! /to..(r)of orrndt): H.ltlngAddfcslt oarstil sigltatrG(3)i il6iF sf AnPllcetrt: Addrct3ro- 93r^: E:m.il Addre$l fY?6cf Re\rls rrrd Fee: g Signs O conafld Rsvlqu El NeutGn$rrdono Add[o|r !,lhor AEado[r (mdti&|nlv/Goiltmsdal illnd AltltaEgn (lirEHbltl|urouPLx) CharEE! to AFFrot gt Phns Phl' $1.00 Pcr querc foot of tfil dgn r;re' ffif S. HH,T[?'=' *ffi ffi"Yffi ,€il "*tr.ioofrrE Pdndrut, rrr[roo$ HT[n"#l5e*;t-. al'tDdv aeprqvEd bt P|trning $f or rhe Dctign Rdvlcu, E@rd' g ,{ o r-t ls0 t{o Fee t63o 13(n t25o f20 $20 !b Fsa PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Buildinq Materials Tvpe of Material .t , ,t ? Color As PI\ALT 4owfo 11 Ttot'J Sv'rr r'r('t'rl-! ll to€, c,ua::,4 "{l tA%rlg-"L,hts x' oaful .owV3*r.grsr" l'.(ul Roof sic[E Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: AsfF^ e Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attaltlt{dqtdP'tlRn OESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPRO,A{. F: \cdev\F0RMS\Permib\Planning\Old forms\drb-minor-alL8- 28-2007.d0c Page 5 of 13 I a a a Snow stomge areas' Proposed dlmpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure' Retaining walls with propotJ J"u"tions at top and bottom of walls' A detailed cross-section and ;1gvat# drawings itrait Ue provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings at" teqiit"d for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height' Outin"ut" ateat to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan; Scale of 1" = 20' or larger Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan' Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated tirif uaing new localion), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if in" itrunt is not being iffected by the Proposed improvements and grading' Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs' Detailed legend, liiting the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers' gallon size for shrubs and heignt f# foundation ihrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction' Indicate the location of all proposed plantings' rn" to.ution and type of exisiing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation' E itting and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted' Ligh$ng Plan: Indicate type, location and number of fixtures' Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture' REPAINT PROPOSATS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) Architectlral elevation drawings w[ich clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie' siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, sofflits, etc') a o o a a a o a a F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drlo-minor-al!-8'28-2007'doc Page 5 of 13 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatemeNt Statement Number: R080000531 Anount 3 $20.00 04/25/2OO8O8:53 A!1 Payment Method: Check Tnit: RLrF Notation: 6265 TNT SPECIAITY CONSTRUCTORS Permit No: DRBogoll7 rlrl)e: DRB-Minor AIt,sFR/DttP Parcel No: 2LO3-L42-O4OO-L Site Address: 2575 DAVOS TR VAfIr L,ocation: Total Fees: $20.00This Payment: 520.00 Total AL,L Pmtss: $20.00BaIaDce: $0.00+a'+******{'********+**f*+f*at*ftt*lt*t+*++t++++l******a+**l*****++t*********ra**'t'tt**t'}l*++++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accoult Code Deacription Grrrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL2?OO DESIGN RSVIEVI FEES 20.00 a b+ i B-LL e Va"Id". f.L/''^- I TO: DATE: RE: FROM: BUILDING PERMIT # DECEMBER 9, 1993 EXPIRED PERMIT .GARY MURRAIN, CH]EF BUILDING OFFICIAL THrS PERMIT HAS BEEN VOIDED PER sEc 304(d) oF THE 1991 U.B.C. EXPIRATION OF PIAN REVIEW. t,^ r'1 ltr;d l>FtoIEtrr I lt1-t-zt'lr 9lFa Hto&lE1 Atalrl]t4tH Fd t<?tz OH Ps) o(tzzx<lp oF .60 F F a =o zz I I I c-'t Io\l9r o\l(! I 14 lz' F.J I I I t{l Fl . IrM.r+lEl I I I I I IF lo I I I I I I l- r(J rtrIu-iototzr6 t= GI Or tr b |4 z H.t) z oo o al) r.u uJu- tr =E UJ LLJ lrJo i (ro F z (r tr uJz B l! ulcr: z o o o c)tt .o (! 3o F q) drt\ ac. E o o o c O ==f6 E 6 = l q) o 3 .9 0) .:x;(/,rY"o)o:!E9UEr; =e*€;EE3E=EF P 6E:Oc-o> ef:E:EE;e'==9c9cF d6;:rr=>6i);: o.NiEE,*OOc cEoSSesf!iaeo- (! cL-o=-o(E:O- oiE-ols*e€ gE E g o(!:--i;EEc-s=: c; o (/) ar O-.!l 9EESgg1= O(s=X 7i (g X:J6R 6o B69E9E areEg: .if (r') \f 00 cn+ ort'l FI CN -ir N .d' @ & antu uJ LL E =(ts LIJ J F ts = UJ(L z 6 =fdl utull!z tr TJJ e. o 3! lu z 6!Jo tltl l-l lEl. 19l- ltsl* lal ' lFa Iill''xl xHl _ ;?l 6 5rl. 3 68tEo kqlq chls2 la EAR,ca I< lEuao lts HEE (JI >E _I z Fo- ao1>Q(JQzt!<oq o-Y z9 f LL E o o @ z Eo z tr IIJ F =llJz llJ(L z Eoo u,/l c! z C) IF F 5az tzlzOa < (.)o< > i:i>ERr6o<z F z 9z -_: F t!- OEtror C{\ornrn Ir\ c,l @ lA{ |trt l- |tl*l .;l.l -l "l ElFI *I FI JIHl <lzt >lEl u-l:lt oltrl zl =l =lgt olrJ-l Fl zl ol uJl :l al>l q.l ol zl 3lolFI I I I I Iolzl olutl :l al>l lLlol Pl e .it \o C-l.$ IF\N @ I IclII@lFl-l .l =.1ollrll 5l al>l |!l :l =lolFI z F tsz A& =e I I-lrlol -I-l l .lol =.1(9l Pl...r <lrr>l Ilr-ll-\ol6l zl@ =lFI q C.'zH FqE Fl ts Hz (f) @\o I\o F\rir- Ir-{ | (Jl.+Frl6El-1 >.1 - (Jt xzlo<l aclzl-l fr, =l x ill i =J<l <4= rltrl =trl H H rJ z lrl l14 |tzltol -18 |d-l l?llalLtF{IHt<t>rnl tvtz F"i JlL rn.ir c{rn IF. N. GE o- FlH tso (n X UJ o F Fz 2 I LIJ E ir uJ \JZ --.t E<oOF =<)|.-< iF =z E:P =<fac d6 F uJL <F uJ<zturF(1 Zo a<.;o9,:o oz F =Gul.L FfH EF.z- e; oZ,z bcod * =z-f I \oJo F-o- L!- rn(\ t{l Tr r-r }4J r_i L_J ..i3 =Ei-i'\ r 6il> F gJ l! u.J z oI F(rIE h=-i ar O. IJJ>a!Or!9o 6(r:>ut-ut JJ t! F o Ec -9o ott J E Eo(, o FFF G Lr) LOtll ,/\ql l,l I F Fl zH .J)z uJF,o -)zo Fo uJY IJJ6^ Oo,Fq F =gllJo' tc r.r- E lz Qz tH Igurbkzo ts =E. LrJ o-zoFo3 E,Fazoo ,vl[\lr", uE Nl3\Ii oF c,FI =:E (,z J tr,,o = olt $ *ftt d H H an F z cgtg!EE;o6.c ior(,a a6:o'6 -o't o, rtc ae oF' F€o-.EoCo 9Sr'5CC EEFO .eF oo 3EEg66 EodlcD or .E:E i.;5Jcl5-anE s€ !f =!'^oo9 EOg6 "3g, -9t>SE -'- oe6s'=go g8E E:g;os =.= 6F3C .E gEc-oc:i :€P3'i =c96 ESE E E-s-oo-'= (, e;etq! i.Y- 6 CL.g O. sEEo- o-E*: Ei;: E E.Eos= FEF =oeeC(! 0'-.g; 0, --.gsfi;gsr o 6:i J:EH;8 eg: e5g anult!tt E =EllJo-J FoF n*(>\ (dv: = ,,, 2Z99 x>= a!, 06b(Jz h*v= HgFO;ai an uJo ul tr z s-| -'.1NI l{\ l! z F = E oz Y=F <t Jg) ?lol HI:t olH I I 3|!rl 5l fl- uJ =z @ 99 =ff=Fd.e() :''l a =Ft-o2 o trp x\\0 oze'' F,,F =E-- E 621 ar -.:g,(gN UJ o z,:9 oo =z dP dl :E? =o* =Hg F =lE uJGtto utoz l(t LoF 9lc Jl-ut :-h=dtr =o-Ot!!roiutxo-:>Lr t-luJJ lr ul t0oF .' E o o oat : E EoC' o tro E oclott zo F UJV UJo oFt lrJ tt oO I uJFoz F =g. UJo-z9F(J f E, 6zoo 75 soulh trontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 oltlce of communlty dev€lopmenl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If ttti.s per4!.t lequires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval, Engineer"s..(.PyUt i's Works) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Departmentreview'or Health Department review, and a review by the Euilbing Department, the estirnated time for a total review may take as longas three weells:. AII commercial (large or smal'l) and all mult.i-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if lesi.dential on smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s.qon as possibl e. I', the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Date llork Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Development Departrnent. / 75 soulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEL,OPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your fn surn:nary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and,workmen vehicles upon any street,, sidewalk, alley or public P1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wi.ll be strictly enforced by the Toin of Vailrg!]ic works Department. persons found vi6rating this ordinancewi-lr be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said nateriar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with tbenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance strltf not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiLities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail Building Departroent to obtaincooperation on this rnatter. acknowl contracto wner) July 8,t992 Tom d Ylil 75.$outh Frontrge Roa<t V. Vad, m. t1657 Attn Dal Stenek Ae you requested, the follo\rilg ts r tist of materials for ths Riociresidenerenodsl Roof-cedar sha&e* "'-"' trim-cedar stained soffits- I rf T&0 stgitred walls-stuoco to [atrh erlstinB ftre liq-salvanieed vindorrs-qlad Rr)X ?nq VAI rn RtAqn Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform codes NAME: RTCCI ADD DATE: 7-6-92 ADDRESSI 2576 DAVOS TRAIL CONTRACTOR: CARPENTRY BY HAND VAIL, COLORADO ARCHTTECT: AASI,AND OCCUPANCY: R ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PI,ANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenents in the adopted codes. rt is a guide to selected sestions of tlre codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codee or any ordinanee of the Town of vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.]-2 10 1991 UBC. 2. EGRESS WINDOWS TO COMPLY WITH SEC.]-204 1991 UBC. 3. FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48II BEIOW GRADE. 4. STAIRS AND HANDRAILS TO COMPLY WITH SEC.3306 1991 UBC. 1)p,u on') tc i+6!,F'L T ,fin" ,[' t: /trf To: Planning and Zoning-Town_of.Vail Fromr Thomas and Nancy niccl.]y'4z2czpz Utrz-^_- Re: Permit Extension on RemodeL-2576 o^K= Trail Vail, Co. Date: December 28, L992 At this time we would like to request an extension of our buiJ-dingpermit. Our remodel was never etarted due to the fact thecontractor of our remodel at 2576 Davoe Trail informed us one hourbefore loan closing that he could not etart our project until September. This project was originally scheduled to begin in June. Because of our schedule with children, this would have placed a hardship on our fanily at the beginning of the school year. fiign Review Action TOWN OF VAIL FOn oate 3ltsl4f Project Name: Building Name: owner,Addressanaenone: Tant E hl A ^' 1 2-c-', ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: 4 Jn*, k--* lt-,-tPa8ry:r:r t / ca t,a5-& firegatDescription: r-ot S Btock 6 suooivision t2; | 4o,o S,lcau* f I Zone District /"trf Project Street nadress: 25 1 k, D os ts '7^r*; I Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Kt4o JS^.*- vot"' f - D seconded oy G ^?a A,r^. J-^ @ u D Disapproval D StaffApproval , Conditions: oate: 3l,sf4f # z-t-o - zfi) d z<u ^ u a'r- ^'v7 "2 DRBFee pr.-p^i,aii fi o- 0fz8 ao 3a4l / cu-,v*7* t7a f f",/)*-1. rt I dv<-., ..t Aff^a- lt t4- "J-L,G"..lr-*l tLy t'I 14,- bf t,> 4 44,\ A1 k:l 1.,v, . J f M,, def r i c.a.s *-= ^J *. l .*"-J<-1,.;, L( t,{.- !3 -\- L--,-J--L; , lp,; lt uok !+ ; I . f^d- Acz+l- e4cetu-ltot^ ' u rr*-."*' dK t r r.r d*-* , t f s 2c<.a2e Vtf*V- 6*J. 'l-, <-/zt/er tr^r % t o' Pse {;c c-io Q*f -{{ ' A&x"^. {L Zsa c.-r--/s d. lFL tr-.-,l +f d:fr J-ff aY' otr* '{ f/-*. -- l 4 D./"r/q' p{n'- lr..kqte t4 4/\f6*e- @ $"A^, /752t.# a( z(vzf ! r 57d{ ;: A. --F-*- z' *t ( et Scr,t-,. i;I L'/-- - ' i tf s;k ) -/"",-nl ^./ u.fit.-.-.---/,. "-/-'-,,cI Q 4rz/ nl"/L 0d/"__ Cr> 6'-4' J-n? ^ o fr--,.{. si?€ u /"9, fl**f lh,/^2*{ L/o ,L ao , a-"\ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Filing. Applicants: Planner: Tom and Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen Aasland Andy Knudtsen DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST coverage allowance in th; Prim;rviSecondaryfiesidential 111"^9i:Ii:!-Pl!:9*F+i*H The applicants, Tom and Nancy Ricci, are proposing to demolish their existing detached one- car garage and replace it with in attached two-car garage, a second. story lamily room., and an entrance to their notL.- n *tiance is required Oecause the additions exceed the site The allowed site coverage 'sis 2,319'4-square fegt (or 20'6"/o)' anO tne pi'oposeO site coverage is 2,682 square feet (or 23.97o). The additional tl3i|'6 square fbetbf slte covJrage rlqulres a variance. They are also req.uesting to expand their tiuing 1.oor by approximatet! ee "qrar" teet, as well as raise the roof ridge over the living. ,.oori Oy A teet. 'ine living ioom addition will be located over an existing lower level and does not count as new site coverage. Other changes that will be involved with the proposal include removing the T-1 11/plywood siOing tnat iurrently is in place above and below the windows on the residence' The applicant is priposing to cover the trim and plywood with a stucco finish. Landscaping will be changed' as'tour largi aspens will be removed as a result of this proposal. The applicant is proposing to reptaceinese with lour 2-inch caliper aspen. The driveway grades do not change as the proposed two-car garage will be located in approximately the same place as the existing one- car garage. II. HISTORY OF LOT 5 on February 26, 1990, the Planning and Environmentalcommission (PEC) approved.a variance request lor a Setback encroachment. In order to construct a new master bedroom on the lower level, the applicant proposed to encroach 3.5 feet into the 1s-foot rear setback' The oesign Review eoaril'(ona) approved the proposal on March 21, 1990. In addition to the setback variance to allow tor tne master bedroom expansion, the applicant also proposed expansions to the kitchen and a second floor deck which did not require variances' on June 3, 1992, the DRB approved a 250. Though the 250 was granled, the addition was never constructed. The current proposal includes 6+.3 square feet of the 250' The applicant has submitted the 250 request and it will be scheduled for a DRB review il the variance is granted. Section 18.71.020 requires that variances be approved by PEC prior to the DRB i"ui"*ing the pqect, when both approvals are needed for one project. 185.7 square feet of floor arei will remain for future expansions, assuming the variance is granted by the PEC and the 250 is granted by the DRB. III. BACKGROUND The staff has researched projects in which similar requests were made, and has summarized them below: At the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a 3.56% site coverage variance (287 square feeQ, a setback variance (4 feet into a 20{oot setback), and a wall hoight variance. ttie request tor site coverage and wall height valiances were approved by the PEC' bul tle. . setbaci variance lor GRFA-was denied. lf should be noted that the staff recommended denial of the variance, but the PEC approved it. The interior dimensions of the garage were 22.5 by 225 teel, and the area of me lirage calculated for site coverage was 576 square feet' At the Taylor residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance for 1.g% (12i square feet) in order to construct a garage and building connection on tho property. It should be noted that the allowed site coverage on this lot is 20olo (not 15%)' and the applicant was also granted a variance to construct the garage in the lront setback (the slope on'this lot did not exceed 30o/d. The approved interior dimensions of the two-car garage were 21 teelby 20 feet, for a total interior area of 420 square feet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage. At the Mumma residence, the applicant requested and was granted a 1% site coverage variance in order to construct a garage addition on a lot that exceeds 30% slope. The 17o overage on site coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feel. The interior dimensions of the-approved garage measure 20 feet by 20 feet, tor a total interior area of 400 sguare feet. The garage contributed 442 square feet toward site coverage- Smail Residence. 4238 Nuqoet Lane (Seotember 1992): At the Smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 22 teel8-inches by 22 leet 3-inches (5O4 square feet). Please note tnat i siie coverage variance was not necessary as a part of thls roquost. Testwuide Residence. 898 Red Sandstone Circle (Auqust 1992): At the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and lront sstback variances in order to construct a garage addition to the existing residence. The approved garage had interior dimensions oI 21 .5 teet by 24 leel, with a total interior area of 516 square feet.- Please note that a site coverage variance was not neoessary as part of this request. Dean/Rousch Residence, 2942 Be Tavlor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Road (Mav 1993): RicciResidence O O For comparison purposes, the proposed variance is for 3.9% (433'6-6quare feet)' The garage contributes 557 square leet towards site coverage- The interior dimensions are 21'75 by 24'0 feet (with a small"ngr".uiouiof on" side;. Thetotal interior area of the garage is 521'5 square feet. rv. zoNlNG STATISTICS Lot Siz6: Zoning: Height: GRFA: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Slte Coverage: Landscaping: Retaining Wall Heights: Parking: ' '| 1,242 square feet Primary/Secondary Residentia' Allowed 33 feet 2,810.5 + 425 + 250 = 3,485.5 sq' ft' 20' 15',n 5' 15 20% or 2,248.4 3q. ft . 60'/" min. or 6,745.2 sq. ft. 6 feet 3 spaces required Proposgd 33 feet 3,3299.8 sq. ft. Front: 21' Sides: N/A Rear: 23.5' 23.9'/" or 2,68i1 sq. ft. 6,598 sq. ft - soft (58.7%) 191 so. ft. - hard 676s-q:E-ral-(so.c'2") 6 feet 4 spacos proPos€d V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the. Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.There|ationshipoltherequestedvariancetootherexistingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' Staff believes that the proposed addition will be compatible with the surrounding development. We oetibve that the additionat mass and bulk associated with the proposal is similar to the mass and bulk of surrounding homes. staff would like io doint out that the site has significant evergreen landscaplng around the perimeter of the home, and that the addition will be buffered by the existing landscaping. 3. B. Thedegreetowhichre||effromthestr|ctand|itera||nterpretatlon "nO "nftt""tent of a speclfled regulatlon is necessary to achleve-- liriliidiiitv ano uniroimity orrc_lynent among sites in the Yicinitv iiiJ"it"ln ine ob;ectlves & tnts tltle wlthout grant ol speclal privilege. Staffhastraditiona||ysupportedsitecoveragevariancerequest:and.setback;;4";; requests wiren ii involves constructing garages'^and. when the.- ;;;;t d6 not negativeti impact adjacent properties'. St{i:li"-"-o^that it is beneficial to the community to htow iriOividuats to construct garages' as it typically improves tn" "pp6.t"nce. of a site' In this case' the applicant will be ,i6motiining a one-car garage and replacing it with a two-car garage' ln addition to site coverage variance requests for garages, staff hals. supporled requests for connections-betn'een the residence anO tne garage' This is true in ititr"" of the examples provided in ths background section of this memo, wntn requlreC site coverage variances. In eJch case, staff has worked with tre apptiiant and the arcniiect to minimize the amount of variance needed. ]n tn" 6if, statf believes ihat each final variance request has been for the minimum amount of site coverage necessary' Staff believes that the reduction in the size of the garage since the previous FEC neiring, to 521.5 sq. ft. brings the proposat within the scope of what has been approied in the pait. Statt Oelieves it meets this criteria as the variance ,oufOiit be a grant of special privilege, since other variances have been "pJro""O for siriitar situations i; the past. Furthermore, staff believes that the tocation and size of the existing building are physical hardships which make the "rp-iio" impossible without j variance. We think that the size of the two-car gaiage which is proposed is reasonable and should be supported' The efiect of the requested variance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of poputatlon, transportation and traffic lacilitiss, public facllltles and utllltles, and Publlc safety' staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts on the abovg- referenced criteria if the proposal is constructed' before qrantino a variance: 1. That rhe granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special priuirege inconsiitent with he limitations on other properties classified in the same dislrict. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safe$ or welfare, or materially injurious to properties 0r improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict litsral interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumslances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district' V!. STAFF RECOilMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the variance. We believe it meets the criteria, as discussed above, as well as the findings. Specifically finding 81 is met, and statf's opinion, as the variance will not a grant of ipeciat privilege as this type of request has been approved several times in the past. finOlng 82 is met, in staff's opinion, as there will be no impacts to the public heaftfi, safety or wLffare. Finding B3c is met as a strict enforcement of the site coverage regulation would deprive this applicant from constructing an addition to his home that hai been granted to other individuals with similar situations. Therefore staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. That the variance approval is contingent upon the Design Review Board (DRB) making the necessary findings and granting the "250" to this applicant. lf the DRB dloes not grant the '250", this variance approval shall be void' 2. Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall agree to plant four 2- inch caliper aspen adjacent to the entry to mitigate the loss of the lour existing aspen trees. 3. Prior to submittal to the DRB, the applicant shall amend the elevation drawings of the residence to show the specific exterior treatment that shall be used to replace the existing T-111 plywood finish. F E VERYoI'IE\P€CWEIIOSE l@t31 3 2. 3. b. c. o' lr' rl i :.i :l .: .: : -';' '! :i ._t .: .i 'l'a ;l .: .1 ...! '.: 'I |,| :i .: ,:i !l |, I.i '-i ..:} r': XN iI lili rl i r{b 'T/.t\\D/ \\ ""..'gifu"" O-**rr*---;,: i l. {--t'v$nj\-- \ -\,r' / o I jn I S t] j.,; it' fl G i.: ':l i'1. irl i. a t-T- I I'*1 I - --t I t-- -l II I I I :, '; i: .;' rl.. tt. I'.' , a ""at \..\ \ \_I I I \I \\t\\\\\A \. \L 'o.{ crl A AAa-6rDO-W o il- ils !rilfi :ilH .'lE ,LF ,i ; t /.l I II//III -) flit m^drrq O-.S+F+,D o I,t tl i ,t: .j.:::' ' i.:l ..': .'!,. !_.' j. '': i -: :.- : ! :: I :. |- 1 J- l' \') !, t:' I I t .ri .l I i -l- : -l . t.. ,,t t: I.l lrlr I l t ilF I ?rlr $oPy -r Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny the request for an outdoor dining deck, with instructions to the applicants that a streetscape bench or benches be placed against the wall ol Pepi's as originally approved by the PEC, noting also that the standard village trash receptacle should be placed in ihe alcove along with the bench(s). The applicants wondered what size the streetscape benches were? Staff described the benches. Bob Armour seconded Jetl Bowen's motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 4-1-1. Henry abstained; Kevin voted against the motion, however, he liked the idea of the tables if the issues could be worked through. 5. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located at 2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1 st Filing. Applicant: Nancy Ricci, rcpresented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Ardy Knudtsen Andy presented the project per the statf memo. Andy presented, on page 2 of the memo, five other exarnples requiring this type of approval. Andy expressed concern about the original size of the variance and that the applicant had decreased square footage to bring the site coverage variance within the range of previous projects, Staff recommends approval with three conditions on page 5. Greg Amsden asked for public input, there was none. Bob Armour motioned that a request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located at 2576 Davos Traililot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing be approved with the staff's conditions on page 5 of the staff memo. Jeff Bowen seconded. Vote 6-0. 6. A request for a front setback variance to allow for the redevelopment of a residence. located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 1 1 -A, Block 7, Vail Village 'l st Filing. Applicant: John Krediet, represented by Steven RidenPlanner: Randy Stouder Randy presented the project per lhe staff memo. Building overhang is 7'from front property line, chimney and stone veneer is .5'from front property line, stone work extends beyond overhang. This would allow more of the front building in the setback. Three areas of intrusion into the front setback 13'5" and 16'for front of house. Gonditions, level of demo, nonconforming currently. No additional height in front setback, applicant has removed dormers that would have extended above that level. Stalf recommends approval, reshingling roof. Greg Amsden stated the Commission hadn't had many questions since items were addressed from the last meeting. Bob Armour asked about driveway elevation' Steven Riden, project architect, replied that Forest Road is about a foot and a half down from garage. Jeff made a motion to approve a request for a front sehack variance to allow for the redevelopment of a residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing in accordance with the conditions which are contained on page 4 and 5 of the statf memorandum. Kevin Deighan abstained due to a conflict of interest. Vote 5-0-1. Greg Amsden requested a 15 minute break before the next item. Phnnlng end E /lronrnerial Corrmbsion M.rch 13, 1995 lrlnut6 I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: n->4 .- ltr Tom and Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen Aasland Andy Knudtsen Applicants: Planner: <-. / ar ir iJt^Y+ N "*L: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 27,1995 A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located at2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5. Block E. Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, Tom and Nancy Ricci, are proposing to demolish their existing detached one- car garage and replace it with an attached two-car garage, a second story family room, and an entrance to their home. A variance is required because the additions exceed the site coverage allowance in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. The allowed site coverage is 2,248.4 square feet (or 20o/o) and the proposed site coverage is 2,774.9 sguare leet (or 24.77o1. The additional 526.5 sguare teet ol site coverage requires a variance. They are also requesting to expand their living room by approximately 66 square feet as well as raise the rool ridge over the living room by 8 feet. The living room addition will be located over an existing lower lerrel and does not count as new site coverage. Other changes that will be involved with the proposal include removing the T-111/plywood siding that currently is in place above and below the windows on the residence. The applicant is proposing to cover the trim and plywood with a stucco finish. Landscaping will be changed slightly. Approximately one to two large aspens will be removed as a result of this proposal. The applicant is proposing to replace these with two 2-inch caliper aspen. The driveway grades do not change as the proposed two-car garage will be located in approximately the same place as the existing one-car garage. II. HISTORY OF LOT 5 On February 26, 1990, the Planning and Environmental Gommission (PEC) approved a variance request for a setback encroachment. In order to construct a new master bedroom on the lower level, the applicant proposed to encroach 3.5 feet into the 1S{oot rear setback. The Design Review Board (DRB) approved the proposal on March 21 , 1990. In addition to the setback variance to allow for the master bedroom expansion, the applicant also proposed expansions to the kitchen and a second floor deck which did not require variances. On June 3, 1992, the DRB approved a 250. Though the 250 was granted, the addition was never constructed. The currenl proposal includes 64.3 square feet of the 250. The applicant has submitted the 250 request and it will be scheduled for a DRB review if the variance is granted. Section 18.71 .020 requires that variances be approved by PEC prior to the DRB reviewing the project, when both approvals are needed lor one project. 185.7 square feet ol floor area will remain for future expansions, assuming the variance is granted by the PEC and the 250 is granted by the DRB. il. BAcKGRouNpa I ?ne statt has researched projects in which similar requests were made ilt.BACKGRoUND 3 , and has summarized them below: Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (July 1993): Af the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a 3.56% site coverage u^rr^"6D ji$arcJee|, a setback variance (4 feet into a 20-ioot setOiEk-), anO a wat nel-ght variancF The request lor site coverage and wall height variances were approved by the PEC, but the setback variance lor GRFA was denied. lt should be noted that the staff recommended denial of the variance, but the PEC approved it. The interior dimensions of tfagarage were 22.5 by 22.5 teel, and the area of the garage calculated lor site coverage wafpXOuare feet. Tavlor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Road (Mav 1993): At the Jaylqr residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance for Jgo 422''huare feet) in order t0 construct a garage and building connsction on the property. It:-h'orftFbe noted that the allowed site coverage on this lot is 20% (not 1sold, and the applicant was also granted a variance to construct the garage in the front setback (the slope on this lot did not exceed 30%). The approved interior dimensions of the two-car garagoryere 21 leet by 20 feet, lor a total interior area of 420 square feet. The garage contribute(rt62) square feet toward site coverage. .rz' Mumma Residence. 1886 West Gore Creek Drive (Februarv 1993): At the Mumma residence, the applicant requested and was granted a 1% site coverage variance in order to construct a garage addition on glol\hat exceeds 30% slope. The J%. overage on site coverage amounted to approximat{y.11/square feet. The inte/laf dimensions of the approved garage measure 20 leet by 20 feet,-I67a total interior area o(+OO\quare feet. The garage contributed 442 square leet toward site coverage -\,,' Smail Besidence. 4238 Nuooet Lane (Seotember 1992): At the Smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and GRFA addition. Thlht€rior dimensions ol the approved garage measure 22teel8-inches by 22leet 3-inches(504r$uare feet). please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as a pN/of this request. Testwuide Residence. 898 Red Sandstone Circle (Auoust 1992): At the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage addition to the existing residence. The garage had interior dimensions ot 21.5 feet by 24 t@1, with a total interior area feet. Please note that a slte coverage variance was not necessary as part request. Ricci Residence For comparison puposes, the proposed variance is ior 4.7"/o (526.5 square feet). The garage contributes 623 square feet towards site coverage. The interior dimensions ue 23.25 by 26 il of feet (with a small angle cut out of one side). ilr. zoNrNG sTATtsTtcs Lot Size: 11,242 square feet Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Allowed Proposed 33 teetHeight: 33 feet GBFA: 2,810.5 + 425 + 250 = 3,485.5 scr. fr. 3,3299.8 sq. ft- Setbacks:Front: 20' Front 21'Sides: 15715' Sides: N/ARear: 15' Rear: 23.5' She Coverage: 2W" or 2,24/'.4 sq. n. 24.7,/. or 2,7749 sq. ft- Landscaping: 600/" or 6,745.2 sq. ft. 6,598 sq. ft - soft (58.7%) 191 sq. ft. - hard 6,789 sq. ft. - Total(60.4%) Retaining Wall Heights: 6 feet 6 feet Parking: 3 spaces required 4 spacss proposad V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review 0f Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes that the proposed addition will be compatible with the surrounding development. We believe that the additional mass and bulk associated with the proposal is similar lo the mass and bulk of surrounding homes. Staff would like to point out that the site has significant evergreen landscaping on the perimeter, and that the addition will be buffered by the existing landscaping. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enlorcement ot a specitied regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity ol treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this title without grant of special privitege. B. staff has traditionally supported site coverage variance requests and setback variance requests when it involves constructing garages. statf believes that it is benelicial to the community to allow individuals to construct garages, as it typically improves the appearance of a site, ln this case, the applicant will be demolishing a one-car garage and replacing it with a two-car garage. In addition to site coverage variance requests for garages, staff has supported requests for connections between the residence and the garage. This is true in all three of the examples provided in the background section of this memo, which required site coverage variances. In each case, staff has worked with the applicant and the architect to minimize the amount of variance needed. In the past, staff believes that each final variance request has been for the minimum amount of site coverage necessary. In order to accomplish the goal of the minimum amount of site coverage needed, staff has requested that the architect bring the requost down to size, closer to the figures of the previous decisions. Staff believes that relief from a strict interpretation and enlorcement from the site coverage regulation is reasonable as the Town has consistently approv€d these types of requests in the past, but that the amount requested exceedg what the staff can support. 3. The effect of the requested varian@ on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, publac facilities and utilities, and public satety. Staff does nol believe that there will be any negative impacts on the above- referenced criteria if the proposal is constructed. The Plannino and Environmental commission shall make the followino findinos belore orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of lhe variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public heallh, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to pioperties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranled for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tiile. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the variance. Though it meets some of the criteria and findings, statf believes the garage should be reduced in size. lf the PEC determines that he variance should be approved, staff recommends the following conditions: 1. That the variance approval is contingent upon the Design Review Board (DRB) 2. making the necessary findings and granting the "250" to this applicant. lf the , DRB does not grant the "250", this variance approval shall be void. . ,Qn," ^, tDa'^' -2flPrior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall agree tofplanl-{rvo 2-inch caliper aspen adjacent to the entry to mitigate the loss of the existing aspen trees. 3. Prior to submittal to the DRB, the applicant shall amend the elevation drawings of the residence to show the soecific exterior lreatment that shall be used to replace the existing T-111 plywood finish. c:\Dec\memos\nccr.227 5 lrrl 2a _--i'i ii YI""+#P.Effi i|rym- \/,,, \ \ \.. t rlll' li Jf HF6 "K :)Y" ,' \// /T\vJlnrt2ilil< IF I l rlllr l; ft I S o J. -T-- I I I i *'t I- ---t I ----l I-f I-l I I .+= 1i fiiH r \24v-" \ \ ,\ o -r-:-- I I l,l II I Ii -t--7 ii i, 4, I I t' ..__N-.-- Ir ruIlF Rrq ei.o =-_ll il ,/, )7:Z)- V-:---42..r_- " '-rL--a-;'--i-t---a\ -fi rl iil qAllJ'l a_ 443 ^ b_'LPrIIICTT :#*#,i 'l'.'. ,- -- 4/ tr'l rii : i _9, ! .l i I i'IP.C. o o Project Application Date 6,3, 72^ Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Commenls: 5 . docx E , rr,^sl/;-/ D,. 1"L l( I ,.on" 7/3 25 ?6 --T:', .-- Tz*:l Design Review Board Date 6,2'zz Motion by: Seconded by:H 'tr r#ffi----rl--2 DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Date: D Statt Approval DR6 - 6, -,v $ --i$-Al/o*oL/e=28to.s+425 j,z 35,5 zSo:-gqt 4-- 3485.5 I 85.5 : - 34 rs.5 I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Staff will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on ituD€ 3, L992 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of GrossResidential Floor Area for the Ricci Residence located at 2575 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, vail Das Schone Filing 4.'l Applicant.: Nancy A. & T.J. Ricci The applicaLions and information about the proposals are availablein the zoning administratort s office during regular office hoursfor public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPI{ENT Published in the Vail Trail on May L3, L992. 75 South Ftonlagte Road Vall, hlondo 81657 ., '-' ,\\:'.^\ ^'.,V";:.'tcit'- r ''t\? ?(\ , o\' .,' .d. George & Debra Wrtap.oo P.0. Box 5590 Avon, CO 8f620 . ,, i- ;. ._:. ' r\ i t:. lu ': r'r1!;:.."r.--,.F * ur! 7a-z C)L:.v orlro'o* FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLO}IABLE GRFA : '-1.-) PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE Date of tppl tcatton--;/2Q!1( Date of DRB tleetlng lryE+\JvNe 3, t?fz A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff ls stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under wtlictr abuitionit GRFA can Ue iialato a slte. It should be uhderstood that this ordinanie ooes not assure each propertyan additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinini" airo"i-r"" sg6''250 square feet if certain conditions are net. Applicat-ions for additlons under this section will not be accepted unless theyare.complete. Thls includes all lnformatlon riquirea-on-this iorm ii weif-iiDeslgn Review Board subnrittal requiranents. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address tS76 T)Atrlos T,< . Legal Description: Lot 5 Bl ock E Fil ln Zone Distrl ct ?lS c. NAME 0F APILTCANT: N.Apcy 4, I 7-._T. 8, c r t Addres s D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: adar"tt box 3fi3 I/b | ,_ , C a phone_0,A7-g2!E NAr'rE 0F Ot{NER(S): Signature(s) Address submlttal requirements, shall be a flnal certlflcate of occupancy. property owners and of owners ofis available from the Eagle County 3. Condomlnium association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. G. Your proposal wlll be reviewed for compllance wlth Vall's Comprehensive Plan. gNq I honeS 76_- 688 E. ** F. Flling r.r (t-'fril0-* requlred at tinre of submtttat ,aJ +.U.tz The followlng information, ln addltion to DRBrequlred wlth thls submlttal: l. Verlflcatlon that the unlt has recelved 2. Names and mailing addresses of adJacentunits on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. 4 76- 68r. If this applicatlon requires a separate review by any local, Slate or Federal agency other than the Town of Vaj.l, the application fee shaLl be increased by $200.00. Exanples of such review, may include, but are note Iimited to: Colorado Department of Eighway Access Pelmits., Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50* of the application fee. If, at the appllcant's request. any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such le-Publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development DePartment to have significant design, land use or other j.ssues which may have a significant impact on the corununity may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant ls needed to review any application, the Community DeveloPment nay hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and thj.s amount shal-l be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Colrmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consul.tantr dnY of the funds forwarded by the applicant for palment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the aPplicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shalI be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Elock D Lot2V.D.S. lt 6re9g & Beverly J.Johnson 2566 Cetina Lgte Vail , C0. 8165? Lot3V.ll.S. l1 Salen A. Aaslard 8or 383 Veil ,' C0. 81658 Elck E Lotf V.D.S.*l ,,/Iilliar R. & Linda }|. Ayle$mth - Jennifer llichael I 4E Cumc Elen Ellm, Illinois l0l3? Jeffry T. * Judith A. Nichols l[?5-l llanns Ranch Road Uail , C0. 81657 Lot6V.II.S. ll llicheel P. & ltaro D. l.oirer Eox 3069 Veil , C0. 81658 f.Dt?V.D.S. lt ./llalter J.& Elizabeth D S,rcye" Y I. Peul Smyer 10dl Alada Ih. San Diego, CA. 72103 llrPk P. Steveng & ihggie lathy 25y'.7 I. bo6a lhive Vail , CD. 8l6Fl GALEiI A ATSLNTD, ARCHITECT Ricci Rmidrncr Adircrot Propmtir: Stevenr G?APR 2 o psz BOX 383 VA|L, CO 8 | 658 GALEN A. AASHND, ARCHITECT Block F LotlV.D.S.*l Helmut A. & Renate Lilisckies 2575 Davos Trail Vail , C0. 8165? Lot 2 V.0.S. Eeorge K. & Debra Box 5590 Avon, 80. 81620 El f riede l,leidnann 2565 Cortina Lane Vail , C0. 8165? Block B Lot 24 Vail Ridge Lary A. & Annie 1083 Lims Ridse Vail , C0. 8165? Sue |leidmann U, egne*erg / Loop ll 17 m?APR zOBsz BOX 383 VA|L. CO 8l 658 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Staff will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on ilune 3, 1992 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Ricci Residence located at 2575 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone Filing #J" Applicant: Nancy A. & T.J. Ricci The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adninistrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOI'IN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on May 13, L992. E'o APR 2 01992 O reviacd slllsL (DRB APPLIqATION - TOWN Otr \IAIL, COIORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: r'rs ePP,,r**fiiffi]liior "" A..EPTED ONTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORUATION IS SIIBITIITTED I. ***tt*tttt PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: F.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (5200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) x Addirion (sso.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 Block Ll-subdivision VAt Dns 3c rio il c: F tu t nl rt I If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to thls application. a meets and bounds lega1 on a separate sheet and \J. T t< ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NA}4E OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: applj-canL must provide a current lot area. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :6htep aAsLn ^/PAddress: I.NAME OF OWNERS: TSIGTIATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for'a building permiL, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table belo_vr- to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONs 0 - I 10,000I 10,001 - s 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500,001- - $1,000,000I Over $1r000r000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 9200.00 9400.00 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIE}T BOARD APPRO\TAT EXPIRES ONE YBAR AFTER FII{4I.. APPRO\TAIJ qNI'ESS A BUILDING PENUIT IS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPIJICATION TIILL BE PROCESSED I{ITEOI'T OI{NER'S SIGNATTIRE o PRE-APPL ICAT ION MEET ING :II A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication informati.on is needed. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETU application will streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. ALl trees to be renoved must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Conmunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of thebuildi-ng,' and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother 1ot or public space. At the tine such aproposal is submitted, applicants must. includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or frornthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfaIl, flood pIain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural wa1ls of the building,' and b. Indicat.e with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot dlstance from the exterior face of thebuilding wall-s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, a]L conditions of approval must be resofved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:u)\ ADf: tfto..t LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: J::::-g /'LOt 5 BLoCK e-SUBDIVISION UP6ITz51u D*vos loan DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLORA.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalL Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Cornrnon Name Ouantity Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for decj-duous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is S fee!,- Botanical- Name Botanical Name $orc€ PLANT UATENTAQ: PROPOSED SHRUBS co.*onQ"*" ouantitv Size* EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qal]on. GROUND COVERS qnn of proposed shrubs Type Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe %- a*>tn"A'rr'q SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please shovr the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the J_ighting plan on the list bel-ow and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaj.ning wal1s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Pfease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maxj-mum height of waLls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walLs elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. n ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6 Block e FiI ing v.o.s. # f ADDRESs, WZA 2+1tt D*vos 1L*tt PHONE PHONE 416- r$t\ bz1-sz4sARCHITECT zoNE DrsrRrcr ?ls PRoPosED usE ?f, **LOT SIZE Height Tota] GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining wal1 Heights Parking Cr rarra i'-ro^ i t Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : All-owed (30) (33) Zn5 1,.,"-r{+ +425= +425= Existinq Proposed TotaI 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) zf e'gd., 1,.r l.rIto L{'t'1 1d ertd\ Z9oz 3l ') ') ') Flood Plain Percent SIope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? ri, How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 1,8.1,2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary,/Secondary which are fess than 15r000 sq. ft. in area nay not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to t.hisrestriction provided the applicant neets the criteria set forth under Sections 18 .1.2. 0 90 (B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Muni-cipal Code incl.uding permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fu1l- time employees of the Upper Eagle VaIIey. 'Lz4bst 276?-.et ?.t / At Regrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope _.,1Q!_ Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes 1) 2) .(l No 10 ( G"r* LocATroN *^rrr.or,Q SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by t.he following utilities for the accompanying site pIan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications t-800-922-t98'7 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578]- Gary Ha1I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 4'16-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1. This form is to verify service availability andfocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing a utility plan and schedulinginstallations . 2. For any new construction proposal, the appticant. must provide a completed utility verj.fication form. 3. If a utllity company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representative should note directly on t'he utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. ff the issue is relatively complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attachedlet.ter to the Town of Vai1. However, please keepin mind that it is the responsibility of theutility company and owner to resolve identified problems. 4. ff the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and that t.he development ean proceed. 5. These verifications do not reLieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations beforediqqinq i-n any public right-of-way or easement inthe Town of Vai1. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. * Please bring a site p1an, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Va1ley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. ET APR 2 01992LTTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION site plan. Authori zed Sionature Da te Mountain Bell I -634-3778 lles*uern SloPe Gas Harry Moyes Pubf ic Service ComPanY Gary Ha1'l Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael LavertY Vail Cab'le T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle t/alleY t,later anci Sanitation Discri ct David Krenek e, ( t{o ttrts{ P /6 -8r * For ncw cons please fill ot ati:ched sheet t. suBDlvrsloN VAI DrS -< C /l. ,L/ C .los Hlrle Rtc<,l RCS(oe"rcE r.or < BLoCK - - --------!-b ^lFILING No / ADDRESS Z51K 9AUOS TPATL The location lines, must acc ompanY in g of utilities, whether they be approved and verified bY be rnain trunk the fol lowin g lines or Progosedutilities for the t-ts-g{ tibs< NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fro:n the Torvn of Vail, Departnent of Public l'lorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torrn of Vail ' A building Permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut Pernit nust be obtained separatelY. This forn is to verify service availablit'y and location' This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT ST\LES ACTION FORM *^rrul/era" 7€?tc)onre-14 t&-l-?a ZONL\G AND ADDRESS MAPS0l 0000 41540 01 0000 42415 UMFOR.\,I BUILDING CODE 01 0000 42415 0i 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE OTHER CODE BOOKS0l 0000 42415 01 0000 41548 01 0000 42412 ] XEROX COPIES / STUDIES 01 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE tS4O PER HR. OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES CONTRACTORS LICE\SES FEES01 0000 41412 01 0000 41330 SIGN APPLICATION FEE0l 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE I$1.00 PER SQ.FT0l 0000 41413 VTC ART PRO]ECT DONATION01 0000 42440 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEWBOARD FEE0l 0000 41331 CONDMONAL USE PERA{IT EXTERIOR ALTERATION0l 0000 41330 0l 0000 41330 0t 0000 4l:t30 01000041330 tsuBDIVIsIoN 010000.11330 :VARIANCE ZONING CODE AMEND0l 0000 41330 .-.. \ -TOLJhI BF LTF| I L Hiscellaneous Cstr E14-;ti-91 €t9:46: I1 ElF,:Fi F,t. * rit9{,198 t:lc':,irrnt i+ l::11 S 519?'"5199 I.JFI}.,II-:I'' IN T,.T F]IT:T-I\.PF]E FRIT' FESIEII EEI]IEI'J !ir-rFtFitr FEEr'FltilTI0l{nL ljF;FF Fltr'r,:,r trrl t *nderEd .l 3gB. 66 Item paid fflsnt Paid iri Bti18841. f,f,l. E[tE lEtB. EE ii i fJr-rfil-:l.i I :if FrlLlr-l 286. 8El rl;h.:n,]* rt? t r-rFrre,J i' Ll' An -l-HFlF.ll< vo|-l 1,r*r-rr cgshier STEPHffI'{IE TtltS l)nRtr, Mtrte rhis I St rtny,,f Auqustbctwretr t,llLLIAM A. BEVAN, JR. and MARTHA LYNN 6EVAN of tlrc, Corrnty of Eagie Cololado, of the first Jrart, snd It.coptior N.t.... THOMAS J. NANCY A. whose legal add ress is . l!) 83 !rnrI Slstc of Cou n tl of f6glg of Vail Das Schone, State of Colorado. RICCI and RICCI of the Colorado, of the second part: P.0. Box .|484 Vail, Colorado 8.l658County rrf Eaq I g anrl Stute of WITNESSETH, that the said party ofthe first part, for and in c'nsirlerati()n of the sum of ThIO HUNDRED Tl,lENTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS.----- DOI,I,A IrSsnd olher good and valuable consirleratiotrs to tht, sairl lriu tl of the fir.st part in lranrl plirl b.v the sairl ,arties of thesecon(l palt, t he leceipt where(rI is herctry con frsserl nnrl lck nou.lcrlgcrl, hts gr.a nterl, barglirrerl. sol(l l n(l convel,e(1, andby the're presents rloes grant, bargirin. scll, ccnvcy arrd rrrrrfir.rn untt) thc sairl Iartics of seconrl ptrrt, thcir. heirs nndassigns foreve r' Dot in ten ancy in cotrt ntotr brr t in j oin L t(,n irn(.1 , a ll t hc follou.in,I tlescribcrl lot @ C\I (\.1 o (Ulr- C' o land, situate, lf ing and being in the Lot 5, Block E, ResubdjvisionFilinq No. l, County of Eagle, alsokno*'n asstreetard nunrber 2576 lrlest Davos Trai I , Vai I , colorado 8]657 tainingtndtherevt,l.sionanr|tt,vetsirltts,t.t,ntaint|r estate, t.iAlrt, title, intcrfst. (lainr and to the above bar.gtined Jrrerrrises. sith thc lrererlilanrtnts an.l alrplrrt(.t.nces. To H'tvE ANI) T() tlol.l) i.he said Jtt'enrist,s nbott, l,n.*r,irr,,n rnrl rk,scriberl, u.ith thc app1rrtenances, unto lhe sai.lparticsofthesecotrl|pit|.t.tll(,irht'irsntrr|ttssillsfllrcl,t.l. thei r heirs and assigns, t hat at the tintt' of 111r, 1,n 51ali rrg rr nrl rlelir<.r'y r,f tlrcse pr.ese rrt s. he is s.ell seizerl 1f t 6e prenr isesabove conver-ed, as of good' sure, l)erfect. bsoltrt( arrrl inrlefeasible estlte ()f inh(.ritanr.c, in larr.. in ft e sinrplt, anrl hasgoo(l right' fttll porver antl lawful nuthorit)- to grrnt, bargain, sell anrl con'ey tlrt, sarne in nranner rnrl f.r'nr nfor.esaid.an(ltltatt|tesanlearefrceanr|t|c:tt.ftrrtrta||frrrtttr't.an(|othct.'{ritnts,l,|||'KI|i|ls.sales.ttt.ns. fi:ilff ,;"I:1":: :"*,.i:.. :;"1.:;::o:,nil.:i l,lil::,':;0,H.I:ar:o 1 e83 a nd de-clarations, restrictions, reservations and covenants., and exiepf Fjrst Deedof Trust recorded in Booi 256 at Page 547 v,hich grantees hereby assume and agree to pay. sut.vivorofthenr,t|tcit'trssigtrstltlr|thr',|tr',it.sttttl|ttssigttstlfstt<.|tstirr.ir.rlt larvfulll. clai nrinta ol t0 clui rrr FoREVER IIEF-END. The singulal nttnrhet shnll inclurle tht plut trl, t lre plrrral the sirrgrrl:rr. lnrl u, rtsc of lnl. g(,1rl1r shall tre applicable t.o allgendels. STATE OF COI,ORAT'O I ('ounr} or Eaql e i "- The foregoing instru nrcnt ',r'as acknor+,lrrlgcj lrcforc rrrt, t hisbv wILLIAM A. BEVAN, JR. and T4ARTHA rvr,rrulilvnn ).* August ., | 're83' 'gfffi Hffi 6#i^:,"'HALYNN'U'/,*,,;,p;[i!,1,2*t'ff:,lll1fl arctttilroriri"v'Y'rnr\I !=:,41|ii:',]":illfy 0rclt lttorir 6iu; ""' !- ,.{1liii""y (,';'-'{'"(', ,{t,uonver, Colorado 80209 / No' 921A. ttlRR,\\Tt t,t:ID.-ToJoinrlbnr.ri.- '*. ' *i"'...o'"- I{A LYNN BEVA I., Ir....... ..or.ftr.k ...rr. - flE? Ai,rl ,r!.. trr.:(.r)||t)tin. try.................. lljg;' "i:'''-1'. ?6 | s,rc(-._3-(p(/ nr.r-.S tl .r0i;'jl' . E/i(:[i't i t.: fiuc 1 {) zg ill '[J J..:3:E Iii:qJ c Ccun i;y S Lr'L.hc. Doc. F'cc or palr.el of {rnd State ofColorado. to wit: the rllJ arrrl tclr first JSEA I,I t 6 I lss trl' 4ratrrl..d rrrly'Jf ii'ifi I srr>1',h/%t, .. o,clock Rccortlcr. t., ,.-. 'l-j Flling No. 1, Eagle, SEaEe *tctrvr,.llr. I TIIIS DEED, Marle rhis jCr tfi4r"of Ocroberbclwccn TItoMAs J. Rrccr 11h" .Counry of Eagl eColorado, grantor(f and NANCY A. RICCI , t.€6 and State of ,n') whosc lcgnl addrcss is of the 2576 Davos Trail Road West. Vail , Colorado g165g County of Eagle and State of C<llorarlo, grantee/sf, r.:f:t"Ttl:iltiTt:T:":'{13Jjlt'J.*.sirjcrarion.rrhcsumor ren Dorlars ($rc.cc) ancr orrrer lhe receipt and sufliciency of which is hereby acknuvlerlgcd, has remiscd- rereacp,r <nr,r ^^-.,^.. 66LtAJl,{ these presents d€s ;r1i;, ;;iease, se,, convev an,r or rrr {-r ^,^l]illl:1.].*ed,.so,ltl. corrve)cd and eulr cLAIi\{o;, ;;;;:nffiT"':*",,,Tili;.j,jllJ,ill;_,m::il:iiiilly:*li;:ill'fi'' .T:'1".i:1,::[":.'_l,.Tlii;.111"11 ilTliJ:,ll"lll,i,lli'.llii;'il,ffI;,''",' ""J'u."'"Ju";';;':ilil"#:i'l'J'*f" ."un;',,,"";I';,:;;;'ll,::'-..:;''il;rmprovctnents. if any, situale, lying and being in the County of Eagl eColorado, described as follows:and State of Lot 5, Block E,according to theof Colorado Resu b d iv is ion recorded pla t of Vall Das Schone,thereof, County of also known by srreer and numberas: 2576 Davos Trail Road, West Vail , Colorado 8165g . #,:il:fi:il:,lft?'frTiii;iliiliii,lili,;llillli;ll,q',.i,hc i,pp,,r,cni,nccs an,r privircgcs rhcrcun,,, bckrnging or in the onrv proper "'.: ;.";;i;;; ;ehoor or rhc e,ant-cer/r. ' ;;;" "||.'.,:':lr-l::1il:";j;1'll" *,"tord), eirhcr in r"* "*q'i,y, ,, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The granrorlf ha" .^".u*iit,-il deed on rhe rlate ser forrh above. STATE OF COLORADO. Coully of SUMMIT Thc foregoing instrument was ackoowle<.lgcd bclore nre thisby THOMAS J. RICCI I l"30th day of Oc tober ,re86, re9026 JCilITHEI It Pllll.L ll'S F-r.cLE C IY. nEC0ll0Eit Ocr 3l l0 ort All '0[ No. 9J3, Rcr $ES, eurT CLA|M DEED Brrdford hbtirhint. j[25 W 6rh At!,, blcw,od. C0 t02t4 _ (]0J, 2ll.69m 3' I, I f trrro 2/7i Forn Z?lt lfl} ApR - u, tee2Pollcv No. 81671184 Anount tt72'OOO.OOLorn I Addrerc Flle No. SCHEDIJLE v7274 A >z t. ?. Pol tcy Drtrr June 06r l98S rt gtOO A.l,l. 3. 4. 5. Nrnc of Inrunrdr coLoNIAL sAvtl'log & LOAN AssocrATroN, F0RT l{oRTH, TExAs Thr crtrtc on lntrrcrt rn thc lrnd dcrcrtbcd tn thtr Gchcdurcand urhlch lr cncumbcr.ed bv thc lrrsurcd montacrc lrr A Fcc Thc cctrtc or rntorcrt rcfcnrcd to hcrern ir rt Drtr of portcvvcrtrd inr THOFIAS J. RICCI and NANCy A. RICCr Thc rrontrrrer hcFern rcfcrncd to tc tho incuncd mortrarcr rhdthc rrcirnmcntr thcrcof, 1f rnv, rnc dcrcrlbcd ae fcrrourl DEED ctF TRUsr DATED Hrv 31, 19g5, FRDH THof.rAs J. Rlccr end NANCy A. RIccITO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAOLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST I.'ESTERN NDRTGAGEcoRPoRATIoN To s€cuRE THE sutt oF .t72,ooo.oo REC0RDED Junc os, t9gu, rNBOOK 416 AT PAAE r 16. SAID DEED OF TRT ST IAS ASSIOT{ED FORT ]{ORTH, TExAs tT.I A6SIoiHENT TO COLONIAL SAVINOS & Ls,,,, ASSOCTATIONT RECORDED .June O5r t?BS, IN BOOK fl6 AT PAOE 6. ll7. Thc lrndrnd lr LOT S, TO T}€ -tt nrfcrrcd to tn thlr rotlcv la rtturtrd In EAGLE Gountv, colorrdordercrtbrd rr follourr BLocK E' REguBDIvtsIoN F VAIL DAB scHontEr FILil,fo No. tr ACCORDINGRECORDED.PLAT TrcREOF' Ofl.JNTY OF EAd-EI ETATE OF COLORADO. Puc I Thlr pot rcv vrr td onry r f Gchcdurc B tr rttechcd. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL 5UBI,II55IUN) IU tNE UrlD; 1. In addition to meeting submittal requ'i rements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property Tines and bui'l djng corners. Treel that r'lilI be removed should also be inarflO. This work must-be completed before the ORB visits the site. Z. The review process for NEll BUILDIIIGS rvil'l normally involve tt/o separate meetings oi-tt. Desi!n Review eoaiA, io plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled- me"Ling and who have not asked for a postionement will be required to be republ i shed. M? APR SUATECT VAIL DAS z orge2Tl '!r'1 5. 6. -/t"trrta Fornr 2331 CTIRB Flle No. V7274 SCHEDULE B-I Pollcv No. Bl67ll34 Thlr policv docr not lnrucc errlnrt lorc on drmrrc bv rcrron of thc folloutnrr l. Rlrhtr on clrlnc of prrtlct ln Forrcrrlon not rhoun bv thc rubllc rccordc. 2. Erlcncntr' or clrinr of crrcncntr, not rhoun by thc pr.rbllc F.condr. 3. Dlrcrerrnclrr' confllctr tn boundmv llnerr rhortrro ln rrtrcncroachncntr' lnd rnv frctr uhtch r conrcct ruFvey rnd inrrcction of thclrcnilcr uould dleqlorc.nd uhlch re not rhoun bv thc publlc rcconds. 4. Anv licn' on rirht to r llcn, for lcrviccs, lrboc, or. mi,tcriel thcnctofoecor hcrceftcr funnlrhcd' lrnporcd bv laur end not ghoun bv the publlc rccordr. 198:' TAXES NOT YET I}IJE AND PAYABLE. RIBHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REI'IOVE HIS ORETHEREFROII SHCil"ILD THE SAME BE FffUNB TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT THE PREI,TISESAS RESERVED lN UNITED STATES PATENT FECORDED Aurust ll, l9OO, IN BOoK 4g ATPAGE 236. THE COT.IPANY HEREEY INSURES AGAINST LOSS }IHICH THE INSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BYREASON OF DAI.IAGE TO EXISTING IT.IPROVET'IENTS, INCLUBING LAI"THS, SHRUBBERY ORTREES' RESULTINO FROI'I THE EXERCI$E OF ANY RIOHT TO USE THE SL{IFACE OF SAIELAND FOR TI.€ EXTRACTTON OR DEVELOPT.TENT OF THE I.IIIIERALS EXCEPTED FROH THEDESCRIPTTON OF SAID LAND OR $HOIIN AS A RESERVATTON IN SCHEDULE B-t. RESTRICTIVE GOVENANT9, l,fltICH DO NOT @NTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERCLAUS€' zuT Oi{ITTING RE9TRICTIOIIS' tF ANY, BASED Oil RACEr GOLOR, RELIOION,OR T.IATIONAL ORIOII*I' AS COMTATI{ED II{ INSTRUT,IENT REooRD€D gfl,.{-.Y 7r 1965 INBOOK I9O AT PASE 55' AITID A8 AhEND€D IN INSTRIJIIEfIIT RECoRIED .trJItIE Io, 196€ INBOOK ?12 AT PAOE 966 AND AS AMENIIED IN II.ISTRUI"IENT RECORDED NAY 22, 1968 INBOq( 2T2 AT PA8E B-29 AND INSTRU'{ENT RECOR9ED FEERUARY 26, 1970 IN BTIOK 217AT PAGS 78. AIII-EASEI'ENT AND .RId{?--OT }'AY 5 FEET IN }'IDTH ALO\E ALL SITE EGT.JNDARIES FORUSE OT UTILITY SERVICE LINES AND FG THE CONSTRIfTION, ERECTTON AIIDITAINTENANCE T|IEREOF' INSTR-F'IENT RECORDED d.rLY 7' 1965 IN BOOK t9O AT pAcE5$9. 7. 8. UTILITY AND INAINAOE EASET.IENT THROUOH THE EASTERI.Y 7 FEF'T PROFERTY AS SHOI.IT{ OI{ T}IE RECORI}ED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVTSISNscHoifE FILTNG I,lO. t. OF OF 9. ffitrD APR 2 0 i9q2 .:JE|*iiF. prtttcc Form 2331 CTIRB Pol icv No.81671134 Fllc No, V7274 9CHEDULE B-I IO. ENCROACHilENT OF DRIVET.IAY ONTO UTILITY EASEI,IENT A3 SHOI.'N ON IIIPR0VEIIENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE DATEI| I'IAY 9, I?85 BY EAOLE VALLEY EN6IilEERING & St RVEYINO' INC. r "lOB NO. 95S. THE CO01PANY HEREBY lNgJRgS AGAII'IST LO93 OR DAIIAOE BY REASON OFI ( I ) TI{E INVALIDIW OR UNENFORCEAEILITY OF T}€ LIEN OF TI{E TNSURED I,IORTAAOE RESI.T-TIN8 FROII THE PR0VISION6 TI.IEREIN I.IHICf{ PROVIDE FOR C1{ANOES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST.{2} LOSS OF PRIORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSI.'IIED NORTGAGE AS SECURITY FOR THE UI.IPAID PRINCIPAL BA-ANCE OF TH€ LOAN, TOOETI{ER }IITH INTEREST AS CHANGEDIN ACCORDANCE I.IITH THE PROVISIDNS OF THE INSURED I,IORTOAGE, HHICT{ LOSS tr PRIORITY IS CAUSED IN THE RATE OF INTEREST. "CHANOES IN THE RATE OF INTEREgT", AS LISEII IN THIG ENDORSEf.IENT, SHALL '.I€ANOI{LY THOSE CHANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST CALCTJLATED PURST'ANT TO THE FORT,IULA PROVIDED IN THE INSURED I,IORTGAGE AT DATE OF POLICY. THTS ENDORSE}.I€NT DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAI.IA6E BASED UPON (A) LISURY' OR (B) ANY CONSUI{ER CREDIT PROTECTION OR TRUTH IN LENDINB LAI.|. THIS ENDORSET.IENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERHS ANT' PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEIIENTS THERETO, EXCEPT THAT THE INSURANCE AFFORRED EY THIS ENT'ORSEI.IENT IS NCIT SUBJECT TO PARAGRAPH3(TI) OF THE EXCLUSIONS FROI4 COVERAGE. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESgLY STATED' IT NEITHER I.IODIFIES ANY OF THE TERITS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSE},IENTS' NOR TOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEI.IENTS, NOR DOES IT TNCREASE THE FACE A}IOUNT THEREOF. NOTE' ITE''IS !.4 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE FIEREBY DELETED. FORH TOO IS H€REBY ATTACHED AI.ID BECOT'IES A PART OF ThE $JIJLICY. IN HITNESS I.'HEREOF, THE COIIPANY HAS CAUAED THIS ENDORSETIENT TO BE SIO'{ED AND SEALED A3 OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS POLICY, TO B€ VAI-ID ${EN COU}ITERSTONED EY Ail AL'THORIZED CFFICER OR AGENT GF' THE COIIPANY, ALL tT{ ACCORDATTCE }ITTH TTS BY-LAI.IS. to thc nrtter! scHEDtr-E a-tr In r,ddltlonthr crtetc tubJect to oF lntcroet lnthc fol I oulnr cct forth ln Prnt thc lrnd dcrcrlb€dntttcrlr lf rnv be l nruFcd mortnrc I of thlr Schcdulcr thc tltlc to on rcfcrrcd to in Schcdul. A it rhounr but thc Compenv lnruncr thetthc I lcn or chrrre of thc pF loF to cuch nlttarr. NONE uPon rrld cstrtr or lntcccst It I ctz F =G, llJ.L o |n o\.ir \'F\ o aul UJu- =uJ o- ,#, aehsh *t) o\ Ol I z alt HEg! z FJ I I I I lo lr: c'\ t: I >.'r IE I I l< .H| .Fl,i{ ;;E l rJ-- -l;v l6E uJF F F == zz (n(u F z o =I @ .6 ?z $ \sq6 t! \ s{ ,\i Tl B $ Ns \q'q- olHI z FJ(J ci o oE -9l) ag.so CL(! c =r- o o o, (! = () 0) oo o) I co E o = l d Q) ooo.6 '.g E '=O(/);i*!oiE8Ea F.9 R8*r E e FlcX F 8e:6c-o> r fiE:"r.= nG >= Xc9dE - -= ct)B5t: EEAgElEo*.€35 g ceF Elsco- (g o--sEisoiE-orEfie€ D;(6; :EEH E6 F: -*cf(!o'-!c; o (, $IEEggt,E O(g=; Tfi E: EE-: F. eEg: - o (! -: u''t .v F\o(T \o f\ @ C.l N C\| c!'l + F !! o- z J co Y uJ z J GF UJ) uJ z =l o- .J 2 otu = UJlultz tr LlJ E 6 3llJ tu z -a o F ocuto A 2 lllJo x gJaf o tlJ ll.Jt! E =G UJ o- F z J () E ollJ tr z6 = J J =I IJJ = Fl H ts NOtrvn'tv l14 IHolE- lc:etu*l-rrQ"zf< =:EooE e6fiX FIQ a&(J rrlnn :<<E 22 U< =>G = ,,, z tr^ oo =\OZt!< v= o-9 FO dN lz|lll la-IHlv z tr J cc o c oe. ll, oo uJ oa nx J z E z tr IJJF 3 UJz I I I I u)tzlz9s4 <Oo< =FRr,-6o<z aFz. 91-..r =do =u,OI url-) a( uJzY() I UJC! F z F J laz I z z I = =F 3 Fl F. ol! UJ uJza =2 UJ(L z E z 6 o\r\rn* I& f- ncq rt?--t(r?5-rdo zH o(h ch LnoI FlH&fr U)z Fl IJJ trooo-z F(LI!Y llto o F = g. u.l(L lt (L o LuF z = =u.l tI-o+.l!E9E<ctlo .!) E2B9lt ir.EF E l- =t!-5 h=(, J;iI :FE 669 \urE XO-t x>€iiiFClsiro-!, =t:JH F E =E, UJ o-z9Fq)f E,F(nzoo lu F o F-lH M F--az.n9 P>,;od * =zf,f \o JO F a! tJ- t) e.lErf EEi-! -'i uJOEE__-Ltx X ttl I I I I I cil =.1(9l url 5l <l>l u-lolzt ..:3t 5ol uFI F I c cEl JI al>l ttlol zl 3l 9{FI -ir\o(\\:i IF\c{ I cal "tlF-l*l I dl =.1ol IJJI :l <l>l t!lol zl 3tolFI C.l F-F-Itl IF\N @ I l.t IJI rr_1 | I cil =.1(rl utl :l <l>lttlol zl 3l 9tFI F c F FlFI Ff = tr .if Nrn IF\N @ io- FfH ! I 'l t\u{cl CIolj Ja = z a =Fl =tr lolt;l\O.fl IcOl\o.fl lo-XI Fql Iolal IdaUI FI!:{ <H>dsJ><tr =(J z HHH H H z (.)a .t) FlH ul =z (D z I ul Ei\[! o2 "O <FCQLrl <ZEL!F(tZ oF-() EFzoo (J C)[!) UJ F lu =I E I I slNr frr I I J! : ttlN: I I ,al $r Al Ye ur6 ,l flr llr 'll 5l \-f, 3I\,\:r\ FC I g"i ge c !lEEg iffii .. >la uJ llJItrzotr =E UJo J zI troo ot o ozx A (, =Fq Jo = lll =o E 92 zuo ooF - 6z 3 e =E.ttoEE! EB<o* 7H6 s-t 'a -N(J G ll,c, z zoF G ta,F il g lol Hl fl bl pl r p f\ erl ! (\|! <)-g 4 /'-/ -( I t,, -, ':,1 ): . i/, _l t.,a-/ '/l :.Ai'-4,.'9r") €-lz-r cq,.t 'A<'rJ >:l) t di a.ft aai €J- il $t $l :Jls g =!o Jr cnJ ctz E =cgJ o- )i z EEoo =<iF :H?:;1 (J A;E trED E =E UJr o o- tr:E!rG o lrJoz oIoFaI E gJ F UJJc:aL' F o ul Jtt uJ @o iilFl illeu = lE30E l, * uJ r-rzo -t-bt3EFT2"E :! 'deE ,ffErE rf Fo c o(J e, UJ-Fo8D! ?5 routh ttonhg. ?ord v.ll. color.do E165? (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBTEqT: offlcr ol connunlty dcvelopmcnl ALL CONIRACTORS CT'RRENILYI.. REGISTERED WITTI IIIE TOIIN OF VAIL TOIIN OF VArr. PUBLTC I{ORKS/COMMI'NTTy DEVETOPMENI ltARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & }TATERIAL STOR.AGE In aunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unfawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor uaterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Publlc works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour uritten notice to renove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply wlth the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public l{orks Departroent will remove said uaterial at the expense of Personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to constructl-on, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) ^/ oz tr =g. u.lo- D @ atlu uJl! F =t IIJ.L dfrablel? uaLe sta '-{ | o .l o\o.Nl tsrr JFlr N r-t I F8I.,., JXItr F*6t I I I I &l Mr<lFHI () E,< i,.-l- -l'= l.-{ I dlF 9r f;rE 'l()t= t<lHiO HIEti t, uJ F F z = zz o!uF z z ! (o c6 ozz r! tr ='r l! F Fz Eo tculz3 =r urF!<FZ.\ YZo< Egoo.;o- 5ir;# oF\ EP-g; Cooc)NO,^c:,(u te-oeb!5ooPo o)cc(o E€ 3o(g cD or .9:E P'=9d!-o=,b l'f o9 e9'o-oo -; si o):t6E .9ooE ui otttoo c .o .9 :t at) D (! ct! .E N -Ul =oF {) c€ (Jo(g o, () at, .9 = o c(! a; 3(5 -i- q) '=g)('*iog8E eo6.e; 3EPc o xEc-o e:5 =sfj'5 =c96 35;_'; >,!a o=:EFFOo EoeF: i.=- (! CL(g O. sEE o4 dE*e E6:EE Eo(g=> iX.E! F PPC(! 0'- --Et,*:EiE!6> -r;EHp st6eFE-o cEg -o(! \o cna \o 4 tr =g, ut(L z c) =f a rJ)& GI :<(J uJ-(Jz J 9e. Fo UJ E z =l z I UJ rulutI-zotr ll,le.o uJ og co 3tut uJGzI llJo F UJ o- z o F uJof o UJut II = =E I.lJIL J F F z 6 =f J IIJ UJ z = 9z o uJ = H H NOtrvnlv^ Fl zHoH& ts lat)I<t&..H -X 5rll =oZ,zt'7 El-lobz H#wYE-H OJ N z9 =>E = .,, zo FYao1>(J (J<)z !L<oo-,,, ] 6.- ()tc) * (\l t\(r)\t HH z -k J l! ri o o u, o- F E o- IJJc NX ry zI = zotr 0tltlF 3 LIJz ll,tII Fzlz <oo< :al' =*9tr6o<z I I I =z, Itz 4rdo =trOT X X X X Fl i z Fo z Y llto -Jl<l trl zl zl .. >-lo uJ uJ UJzoF (r llJ IL J z Eoo ('\ I c'\ I& CN I o = I(lc.rl{f tout a F!L<oH a rn (\l C' Fl trr J J = UJ u- (! ul:) CI a zYo IF z F J oz \T* c') t I DAv/^l \ -l F U' zH a ul troooazo Fo-ulY IIJdl oF tr EOIJJ O\(L oitr- "lo1>q =xvdC)ilr?rl LrJ F!Jo=zo H &H ZtA.,9 I =-< Ad)o =z \o?: hdd N ..iE z_E=oi:r -1 -.iul6il= = uJ LLo.r, lrJE9E<ctl6A62AP€L 5gF :JF =uJ:-5 E=(, dtr: >(LI O r.r-E ooE 5pE X>o=Fc"1o-i!,=; F E =E, lrJo-z9F()f E,Fazoo trtrn I -E .tl FqI A IEt I I FllN Itr l-{ I HIJ Hl .;lgl Hl Elfltzl =31g9l t!| Fl ol =.1olurl 5l al>l t!lol zl il I I I (Jl =,|ot uJl 5l al>l ttlol il sOl uJFI F e.l F\ f'.rn IF. C.l @ I F1 I.t tlHl \olq;l rfl Itrll -r iFfl Ir'rl I>l .lfrll OlFlt zl 3l Elr'rl -.rlit elgt iltr1l qtzl:tl Efl FI llll(nI l'-rI lcoi.{'l\OH lco I Ic) l.{. I\oo l'-r IHt | +clx I dtolFIFC I()t Izlo I<la Izlltl'dl "J .:l flEPI HS,,1 <-dli 4a<) V)z H E{H a H (.) H& lr'I Itzl Y(JlJr/) |rlJ It(/)lt<l lFfIHnl<t> Ilotz F-..: JIL ul =z -) .d' C.lrn IF.c{ @ o- FJH F d'loc) X F llJ oo Aa a zrdFl E tl- 'll001r\l FlI I 2l olull 5lil>lttlol zl 3l PI z F F.l >.1 Hz 14pr M E F EFz t irI b2 F Fz J E F L!) 2? =<>ftf,Fd6() E -..r O<Far()ur<ztLUF(1 Z F UJ =T)<(Jfiflfo FilfINXJUU u, o 1 \d9) =I a!o u, ar) zoo tE€$e egEEir :EiiF$ gEEE$ e;;;€x EEEES t= o.o E iiiiE I oo)I z) IrtC' U o)H Eti\ iNil 3u, ?3 =o9 =<roO =3de FI EEE =lFt ,.i6;1 YY; El EEf Fl etE 8trtr Eg 5Ate}EEEEiBF8$:iEBE550 Bg,tc E u,ro.- o b =Elrlo-zo F C) =E, 6zo C) ZZI!o ooF. Az ; E =EF! s EiE t>B r? ,lEu I =|Daa ur c zzo u, F zo F 5)atlz t* o, 6 L1 x uJ =z tDq \ $- n'I ipir'.g E \ 5\s Eo \ $ s d\v($ :g I I I Ia\ AI .sl I au.lEqoI = tFlctlL\IA | '.t l$. lE I h\ Eo !q I\l ^,(l\ltl)l )t .sl Y-& LJ \t oz(' UJtgJ B02 F \ \.51 .tl -la\4qo u g t- r;l{lql I n {,,1 \\l \ +1 \,slN I IE& \ E oz (, u,tt\J s|ro EoF l^ 4'+ d EF H ff =3gg t!F tt\L' I Yg I I>* si UJF I =E ri YJF rc d olrJl lEl <l>ltrlol =0t uJ gt clu'z3o (t UJ () e,-rOr(FEC)uJ<ze, a^Z-o C) JE 6P =(,E<ir E 7t Zuro C) (9 =@ ==A ) )( )l) dE =3 iiF EE oEnHEEtrvzo() io sg ^ta,*F1.tA($,1,,'\1,\e- o ! -l' ;"rr. . . ^l.lI l't lnwn u llflI 75 ioulh trontagr roed r.il. color!do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce of communlty devefopmcnt ALL CONIRACAORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WT$I TIIETOI{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COUIInNITY DEVELOPMENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & Ii'ATERTAL STORAGE rn surnmary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ro"i, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash duurpsteri, portabre ioilets ana -- uorkrnen vehicles. |pon. any streetl sidewaik, arr.ey or publi-p1?:" or any portion theieof. rhe right-oi-""y 6n atl Town ofvatr streets and.59a-ds is approxiraately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirr. be strillry enforcid. by the iown of vaitPglli: works Departnent. pers6ns found .riSfiii"s this ordinancewllr be gtven a 24 hour wri.tten notice to remove-said material .rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with til--notice withi.n the 24 hour tine specified, the p"[ri. worksDepartment will remove said uateiiat at irte exp-nse of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance =h;it not beappricabre to construct,ion, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful.L, please stop by the Toern ofvail Buildlng Depart'ent to obtain a copy. rirank you f,or yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: PositionrzRerationship to project 1i.e. contractor, owner) Date lnwn 75 soulh trontage mad Yall, colorado 8165f (303) 4792138 (303) 479'2139 offlce of communlty deueloFnent P].aD RevieY Based oB the'1988 Uniforn Codes PRO.TECT NWBER: ADDRESS: I,OT 5, BIPCK E VAIL DAS SHONE #1 OCSUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N NAI.[8: RTCCI ADDITTON DATE:7/25/90 CONTRAerOR: CARPENTRY BY HAND ARCHITECT! GALEN AASI,AND ENGINEER: NONE PI,ANS EXAI{TNER: MICHAEL WHITAKER 1. coRREClroNs REgUTRED A mechanical vent systeru stra11 be installed in all bathroonsthat do not have operable exterior openings. This includes the existing bathroom with window removed. UBC Sec. 1205. A smoke detector sha1l be instalted outside of all bedrooms, interconnected with other smoke detectors within the resi- dence, and audible within sleeping areas. uBc Sec. 1210. Safety glazing for doors and all glazing within 12rr horizon-tally of door openings and less than 50rr off floor. UBc sec. 5406. steps from the naster bedroom to the existing residence shall be constructed as per UBC Sec. 3305. AII decks with more than a 30rr drop to grade must be protected by a gruardrail with a ninimum 35tr height. openings in suchguardrail shall not exceed 5 7/8x. UBC Sec. L7LL. Roof slope below deck to be minimum I/4r' Per foot. UBC Sec. 2511 (a) 6. Provide crawl space ventilation as Per UBc sec. 2516 (c)6. Dowel new foundation reinforcenent into existing foundation. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provide an air gap fitting for tbe dishwasher drain. UPC Sec. 608(d). 10. A 3otr clearance to conbustibles must be maintained over cooking surfaces. Irl{c Sec. 1901(a). DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER &<9ttrriw' WED THUR FRI fl,tl,A1u '* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:ZS BUIIDING: PLUMBING: ETFOOTINGS / STEEL D UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.f^&^sLEFl...^ tr cAS PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n T'l O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FINAL \dlreenoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED <.^t r"a{atze} -----@," CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INS CTION TOWN OF {r r>-o REQI/E$[ . VAIL rry*f 1.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES B-) !\2\dH! ;{ tr FporNGs / srEEL _ ET FOUNDATION / STEEL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr u tr tr tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tt.l INSULATION i tr tr E tr ffigr,*. trt SHEETROCK NALL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:$ECHANTCAL: E} TEMP."PoWEtrl tr HEATING tr tr. tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ... FINAL tr tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ft_.v{ June 21, 1990 Galen Aasland Box 383Vail, CO 81658 t RE: Ricci's Additj-on, West Vail-. I'{EC#512 Dear Galen: The existing foundation walls of the Ricci Residence are 8r CMU, ungrouted. To connect the new addition foundationwalls to the existing wall , one of the following require- ments has to be met at each connection: 1. Grout 2 cells..of the'existing CMU waII and grout in(3)-*5(x3'-0) horizontally as well as dowel (2)- #5(x3'-0) into footing to extend into new foundation wa1I. Drj-ll (3)-6" deep holes into existing footing and epoxy grout (3)-*5(x3r-0) into holes for connectionwith the foundation walls of the new addition. If you have any questions or comments, please ca11. Very truly yours, ltl' Hannes Spaeh, P,E. HS: lm cc: Sierra Structures tpJ-lq0 ,' onroe Engineering Consultants 2. P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd-. S307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 - u"''o' r*rt"r, f t^'ror!", - . - ToWN oF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON Q/>5 CALLER TUES "1(1 1 tHrJ* L (r fz7* zl2tV FRI AM ,,;;- PROJECTPERMIT NUMBER OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. n rTdrrrucs / srEEL - nl6uNonrroN / srEEL I/ FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER D o tr o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOLlH. TUB NAIL o o trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE l- ti -9a INSPECTOR Pliisrop v47l r r.rb #gg*o U, $F.qHEtT, @PM N REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED JoB NAME Kttft nootrroxl , cALLER C&&Y HAA\ / ,ttn,v rest ' BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND K noucn / D.w.v. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr cAS plplNc 3d/25* tr POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:. ,r tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D o tr tr n HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB FINAL FINAL /:ol:re Y-{'.?tt tNSPEcroR ffi*oe - ; 1-5':;n$rl,-i L ^.Jtr il r. .:^1i.ari}i'!. ,'+,,1. \-\31 [ ,:<rr-T.i *Jr{r..,. .t tNSPErcn*oN, $FLqJE$T g^$s--or @ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOOATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL gSnvrr.rc tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FrNfL tr FINAL tr APPROVED ,: CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR .ItNsPECfl*O!|, RFLqIESI N REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUM DATE \,,JOB NAME APPROVED - CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED ER OF PROJECT SALLER ,.'r n g(r r- r. l\-t .. 'r-Q ct ,/a,-\ t\ READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:MoNTUES/weoJTHURFR|-AMPM7.ra----\\ \ \--lLoCATION: i"'-) lU \)f\'Ucl\ BU!LDINGI tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: D UNDERGBOUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D EI FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL * '. - \ \t ."1DATE /1'i ( ) .1 /' rNSPEcroR CALLER TUES WED rns#g;*o5, T;,-qy€il tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED READY FOR INSP LOCATION: APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ,f,, I NSPE g;il*o N, $F.qffisr., tl READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE od- /'-7A JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL r tr FINAL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER - ROUGH CONDUIT tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL I neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oare ?/5€A rNSPEcroR r rv s #g;*r*o N, Tfi ,-crr#$r DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES PBOJECT THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL c tr tr tr D tr I D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ( tr FINAL.FINAL APPROVE tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 'l niFsrop DATE INSPECTOR tNsiEciloN REO[r5sF PERMIT NUM ROFPR DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JECT JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUILDING:. O FOOTINCTS / STEEL PL o E n tr o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL (rrrual ' D o FINAL ELECTRICAL: u rENlP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CON SUPPLY AIR D D FINAL FINAL dlAPPRo! CORRECTI tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEQUIRED oo-, ?- ga- ?/ rNSpEcroB l* torrrcrroN's colrPLETEn o The ltens below oeed to be couplete before gtvlng a pernlt a flnal C of O. Please check off la tbe box provlded. FINAL PLN{BINC 'L-f 43?6 tl DATE: FINAL MECEANICAI, [|FINAL ELECTRICAJ, DATE ! FINAL EUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: p$E, c- 22-9/ TE}IPORARY C OF O DATE: tT-vtt / iIiTi CERTIFICATE OF occl'PANcY LANDSCAPII{C DI'E DATE! FILE NA}TE: ?r,r/^t -a JqPtaa./ 4a UAu*4J tA* i'-'Project Application a?,s.qADlle t\ t , \-t D \,proiect Name: l\ t'ul Z'n-a.-d&'--4_ Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: G " / 4 "t^a.'* ( Legal Description: Lol 5 Block F Filing Ux/ l"- sJ*-"zone P/1 Com menls; Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: h/' r+tru{ [.o,, Approval August 8, l?9O To: Town o{ Vail Pl ann ing and Reu iew Depantment l^,e are requesting the el imination o{ 2 r,rrindows in the Kitchen addition, one on the Eaet End Wall and one on the lalest End tlal l. They are I isted "= @ windows on the f loon plan. lrle would like to add 3 skylights in the kitchen roof to add mone I ight and open up this noom. We would like to alEo delete 2 windows in the Masten Closet. They would iust take up needed shel{ epace and cauEe oun clothes to fade. These windtrrts ane I isted as windole on the floor plan. lrle would appneciate your inmediate attention on this matter, so that we can continue with our remodel. S i ncene I l,, Tom and Nency Ricci /ot r,nn" rd t{37 6 filccr AdJ'frou T, /v,/. "Th .r#^-L Z -ru( -a/. -8h; _.,4 ,/,.2.*>a-1-rt,,.{-a rns/t< a>:t g>> -L{/6q , e/g/ro 'l /#. /€;.i RHh, 'i,ol?-?? fU,-- aZZ -+.,^L 4 7tu% 'i 7^*( oo Lfr 5, 82,"/- E , /r;( /t- e,/"4 'l' 71. ?o GRF A ll[a*"Ll< z 2 tlo ' 5 Axis{. lrornscl = 4o 12 f (AT-^--rJ O -> T "6 Project Application j, 2t'7o pro,ecr oescrip rc^, LHx , 4z.l' | /t" J! n ZJfu ^ Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect,AddressandPhone: b A" / | ?4?-(-7?O 5 abcx E . ,r,^n l/ni! /o- 3t I , ,o^" phLegal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board a,21 ,70 @40 DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval APPLrcArroN DArr, tl5l4e DATE 0F Ong UftttHe : E['!; , r,_,J DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED**********THIS APPLICATI0N t^IILL NoT I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A ore-aool'i cation meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to l.[".iiE'i;-;;;".iliiionat information is needed. No application wiII be accepted ,ni.tt ii is comptete-(mJst ilqlyg. al'l items required Uy tne zoning administrator). il ii-1.," appiiilnt'i iesponsiUility to make an dppointment.with the staff to find out aUoui aitititionat submittal requirements. PIease note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number ot-ionaitions-of approvif tirat the'DRB may sti-pulatb. -ALL cbnditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0Nz # V-rr!4et, Acorao,* ql?a'u 4orno*s B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Lot Bl ock €Filins YDS#ILegal Description l)lrZoning f / > C. NAME OF APPLiCANT: Addres s D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: telephone 41u- Gb13 Address Yzo* V/zb Vetc, to bteST telephone 1(l-t--toltt E. NAME OF OI.INERS: Si gnature Address bo( l4?'4 x'Iac, , t o blr.Sr teiephone t[7t- -ct\tZ F.DRB FEE: VALUATION The fee will be paid at the tjme a building permjt is requested' FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000'000 $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 5o.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting subnrittal requirements, the appljcant must stake the.site lo inaicate p.op.riy iinei anA build'ing corners. I.gel that wi'll be-removed ihouta also be inarked. This work must be completed before the DRB vis'its the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design neview-goar|,-io ptan on at least two meetings for their approval' 3. people who fail to appean before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeiing and who have'irot asked for a postflonement will be required to be republ i shed. o 4. The following items no longer have to be presented-to-the Design-Rev'iew Board. iii"v,-rro*iu"i, h"u" to be firesented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. llindows, skylights and simi'lar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the bui'lding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fIoT ?ny other lot or public space' which hive had 'letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl.l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the follow'ing (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveYor's stamP. Z. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals wj'l I be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other s'ignificant natural features (large boulders' intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f] ood p1 ain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable- 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: - a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales' etc. b. Exact locations of a'l'l utilitjes to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Uti'l ities to include: cable TV Te1 ephone sewer gas water el ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevatjons e. Al I easements 8. Exi sti ng and fi ni shed grades . g. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areis, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking' loading areas, reta'i ning walis (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determi ne he'ight of bui 1di ng . B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and ava'ilabiiity. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany ail submittals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the locat'i on of 4" diameter or'larqer trees, other shrrulis,.afid-riative plants th, are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape area:s with the varjeties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. I' 2. Complete landscape materials 'l ist. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on-the site p1 an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The exjsting topographic and vegetational-character:tllq: may be a separate mab. The applicant muit stat<e ine site to show lot lines and.buiiding corners. Trees th;t will be'lost duling constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. 'g. iArchiiectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . i. Must inc]ude floor plans and all e'levations as they wil] appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. Z. Exterior surfacing materia'ls and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the matirials list available from the Department of Comunity Develop- ment. Color chips, sid'ing samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Admjnjstrator and/or DRB may require the_submission of additional .P'lans' drawings, specifications., samples and other material (inc'luding a model) if deemed necessiri tb determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines. II. I'IINOR ALTEMTIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indlcate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in 'lieu of the more formal requirement! S!vq! above' as 'lonb ai they piovide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor p'lans with a'I1 specifications shown B. Floor p'lan for addition - 2 copies C. Site p]an showing existing and proposed construction - 2 cop'ies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and co'lor samples on materials list avai'l able at Department of Cormun'ity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may a'lso be required to submit: G. Statement from each utiljty verifying location of service and availab'ility. See attached utility locatjon verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and'lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been jssued, and when the proiect is underway., the following wiit Ue requirei before any building receives a framing inspection from the Bu'ild'ing Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building'locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All uti'lity service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of materjal used' and exact locations. 2 coPies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. A] 'l easements H. Building f'loor elevations and roof ridge e1 evations. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: f20 n I DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther l^lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts lJi ndows [,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: by the appf icant to the Design Review PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Comrnon Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. (over) 'PLANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Nane Common Name Quanity Size.. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Ptanning and Environmental Cornmission Cornmunity Development Departnent Site Coverage 2248.4 Existincr Pronosed Total L744 589 163 r.589 setbacks to allow for on Lot 5, Block E, 2333 2220 February 25, 1990 A request for variances from side the expansion of an existing trome Vail das Schone Filing No. 1.Applicant: Tom and NancY Ricci I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCES REOUESTED The applicants are the owners of the above named property. located at 2576 Davos Trail, in west vail . The lot contains an existing single faroily residence. The owners are proposing f.o uuita a bedioon addition to the rear of the itorni which, if approved, would encroach 3-l/2 feet into the required 15 foot setback. The existing residence was constructed in 1971 and ltas placed on an angle to Davos Trail (please see site plan) 'itre original sifing of ttre hone on this angle has placed the buildin! 5 feet into the side yard setback. This encroachment is legal and is considered a pre-existing' non- conforming use. The property is heavily landscaped along the west and south elevations. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zone District: Prirnary/Secondary Residential Lot Size: LL,242 square feet GRFA Allowabl-e 2810.5 III. CRITERIA AND TINDTNGS upon review of criteria and Findings, section 18.62.06O of tire vail Municipal Code, the Department of Conmunity. Development rec-ommends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A.Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the recruested variances toother existincr or potential uses and structures inthe vicinitv. The original siting of the residence and tbe Locations of the mature aspen and evergreen trees on the property have essentialty dictated the Iocation of the proposed addition. Combined with the ownersr desire to naLntain views of the Gore Range, as well as the existing, interior layout ofthe home, the proposed location of the new addition seems logical . Although the staff believes that the addition could be slightly redesigned to avoid encroachmentinto the setback, we believe that such a redesign rnay result in an oddly shaped addition. We would recornmend, horlever, that the encroachment into the south, side yard setback be rernoved. This can be accornplished wittr a minor cbange in the footprintof the addition. We do believe that a physical hardship does exist on the site. We feel that the encroachments are very ninor and that the requested variance, if approved, would not adversely affect the privacy or use of any adjacent properties. The degree to which relief from the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified requlation is necessarv to achieve cornpatibilitv and unifonnity of treatnent arnongsites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectivesof this title without grant of sneci,al privil.ege. Due to the unigue siting of the home on the lot and the locations of the existing landscaping, the remaining buildable areas of the property aregreatly reduced. The staff is of the opinion that approval of the requested variance would not be agrant of special privilege due to the developmentrestrictions on the lot. The effect of the recruested variance on liqht andair, distribution of oopulation, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities andutilities, and public safety. This variance request, if approved, would not block any views, light or air on adjacentproperties and would have no iropact on transportation, traffic facilities, public safety, etc. 1. 2. 3. IV. FINDTNGS The Planninq and Environnental Conmission shall rnake the followincr findinqs before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitationsr on other properties classified in the sarnedistrict. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare' ormaterially injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: 1. The strict and literal interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficuLty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectivesof this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the sarnesite of the variance that do not apply generallyto other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of otherproperties in the sane district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of the requested variance with the condition that the encroachrnent into the south, side'yard setback be removed. We believe that this site possesses a unigue physical trardship given the existing siting of the home, the location of the existing, mature landscaping on the lot and the interior layout of the residence. we also belleve that a hardship would be inposed upon the applicant if the strict interpretation of the zoning code were to be enforced. A. B. c. 17 4,ii.1. Oe,' nrl.l;{11H I .2,\ souTt'MEsr aEvarrt{t:-7-Eif-- /:\ SOUT}E^ST.tE\AflCN DATE: ?'zz'1o LEGAL D6emmmN]-Gt- 5 Block ADDRESS: Ot,|NER ARCHITECT Kicc i Phone Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE He i ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng 20' 15' 15' (30) (50) 24"4 ( .L*+ge Sl ope Actua'l [/An'atce teTvestrcI al ryf,'a*'( o>t/ z'26'?o A]l owed (a)(33) 28tO.5 f ulq tb3l +_9,t7,5 = 22o?'/z f '/ (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50) (1oo) (25)(50) (2oo)(4oo) -a- -3 NO Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Geologic Hazards Comments: Gor,\ ',.lal l Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage So'l ar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta'l /Hazards : ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS E Filins l/A,:l /N gcl,tae ex;sf. Proposed nt ra(^l na!t_ pD.s = 23Zz'/2 { Zoning: Approved/DisapProved Date: Staff Signature PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONIIENTAL COI{IIIISSION FEBRUARY 26, 1990 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer Kathy Warren Dalton Williaurs Iten No. 1: staffKristan Pritz Mike Mollica Tom Braun shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack The Planning and Environmental Commission meeting was called to order at 3:oo p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. Motion for approval of ninutes with corrections was made by Jim Shearer and seconded bv Dalton WiIliarns. VOTE: 7-OfNFAVOR. A recruest for variances from the. side and re?r setbacks to allow for the exnansion of an,eTistinq horne on Lot s, Bloek E, Vail das Schone Filinq Ho. Iten No. 2: Mike Mollicathe east side explained that setback only. this This was a request for a variance for was discussed on the site. Motion for approval per the staff rnemo was made bv Kathv Warren and seconded by Connie Kniqht. VOTE: T.OINFAVOR. ftem No. 3: Applicant: CLinton G. Arnes, Jr. APPLICANT }IAS NOT PRESENT TABLED WITHOUT VOTE A request for a side setback vafiance for Lot 6. Bloc[ 2. vail villade sixth Filinq. Iten No. 4: Lot 15, Block 1' vail Potato Patch. ADPIicant: Bruce Kasson shelly l{ello explained that a residence had not yet been constructed on the site and that a hardship could not be found since the storage could be built elsewhere. A recruest for a side setback variancet for a aaragre and storaqe roon for a new residence' on Toqr Briner, architect for the proJect, stated that the applicant wanted to take advantage of this steep site and nake a garage with one space for vehicles that were not used very much. He stated that this was not storage but actually a three car garage and showed a nodel . He Eald that the third car would be roostly in storage and the variance that was being requested would be underground. Kathy asked,lWhy not just shlft the home 7 feet to the left?r! and Briner claiured that more trees wouLd be lost this way. Diana said she felt the only way she could synpathize with tbe request was if the footprint of a hone were marked on the pLat showing which trees would be lost. Dalton felt that he could not see any hardship on an unbuilt lot. Mr. Briner said that not everything rtas black and white. He felt they were not doing anything disastrous and that if more trees wou-Id be saved, he-felt the Planning Connission would support it. Connie said that she didn't have any problen with the property variance as it was underground, but that at a later tirne the owner may want to add to the top of it. Motion for deniaL per the staff neno was nade bv Dalton Williams and seconded by Jin Shearer. VOTE: 7-OTODENY Item No. 6: office exoansion. to the Vail National Bank BuiLding at 1208 south Frontage Road West. ? resubdivision of part of Lot D, Block 2, VaiI Jirn Shearer removed hinrself from the Board due to a conflict of interest on this item. Tom Braun explained that at the last neeting the Planning Comnission frla asked to have more infornation. One of the things they had wondered about was whether or not the Town could ask the Banl to have more parking than was actually required. - Larry Eskwith stated tnat the parking for the bank was consistent vith the parking code and that we could not ask for nore. The staff was still unconfortable witb the proposal according to Tom. Jay Peterson, representing the appllcantr.atated that the bank had between Uarch 15 and March 20 to exerclse their option. He repeated that he felt the conditions asked for plt then in the sarne losition as the hospital. If the hospltal gayktng was not started they canrt occupy their new space. He felt the same should be appLied to the bank. He added that by the tine of a TCO for the- bank in JuIy the parking structure would be under way. Kristan stated that a TCO for the hospltal addition would not be released untit they have obtained a building pernit for their parking structure. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Planning and Environmental Conmission Courmunity Development Department February 26, 1990 A reguest for variances from side setbacks to allow for the expansion of an existing hone on Lot 5, Block E' Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Tom and NancY Ricci I. DESCRIPTION OF rHE VARIANCES REOUESTED The applicants are the oltners of the above naned property. Iocated at 2576 Davos Trail , ln west Vail. Ttre lot contains an existing single fanily residence. The owners are proposing to fuifa a bedioon addition to the rear of the irori, which, if approved, would encroach 3-L/2 feet into the reguired 15 foot setback. The existing residence was constructed in 1971 and was placed on ai angle to Davos Trail (please see site plan) 'ifre oriqinal sifing of the home on this angte has placed the building 5 feet into the side yard setback. This encroachment is legal and is considered a pre-existing, non- conforming use. The property is heavily landscaped along the west and south elevations. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zone District: Primary/Secondary Residential Lot Size: LL1242 sguare feet Existing ProPosed Total 1744 589GRFA Site Coverage Al1owab1e 2810. 5 2244.4 1631 589 2333 2220 III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of tire vail Municipal Code, the Department of Connunity. Development recbnnends approval of the requested variance based upon ttte following factors: A.Consideration of Factors: fhe orlginal sitlng of the residence and the Iocations of the mature aspen and evergreen trees on the property have essentially dictated the Iocation of the proposed addition. Conbined with the ownersr desire to naintain views of the Gore Range, as well as the existing, Lnterior layout of the hone, the proposed Location of the new addition seems logical . Although the Etaff believes that the addition could be slightly redesigned to avoid encroachmentinto the setback, we believe that Euch a redesign may result in an oddly straped addition. We would recornnend, however, that the encroachment into the south, side yard setback be removed. This can be acconplished with a ml-nor change in the footprintof the addition. We do believe that a physical hardship does exist on the site. We feel that the encroachments are very rninor and that the requested variance, if approved, would not adversely affect the privacy or use of any adjacent properties. The degree to which relief fron tlre strj.ct andliteral interpretation and enforcernent of a specified recrulation is necessarv to achieveconoatibility and unifonnitv of treatrnent anoncrsites in the vicinitv or to attain the obiectives of this title without crrant of special privilege. Due to the unique siting of the hone on the lot and the locations of the existing landscaping, the rernaining buildable areas of the property aregreatly reduced. The staff is of the opinion that approval of the requested variance would not be agrant of special privilege due to the developnrentrestrictionE on the lot. utilities, and public safetv. This variance request, if approvedr would not block any views, light or alr on adjacent properties and would have no impact on transportation, traffic facilities, public safety, etc. 1. 2. 3.The effect of the requested variance on light and IV. FTNDINGS That the granting of the variance wlII not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with thelirnitations on other properties classified in the samedistrict. That the granting of the variance will not be detrirnental to the public health, safety or welfare, orrnaterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: L. The strict and literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectivesof this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunrstances or conditions applicable to the samesite of the variance that do not apply generallyto other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMITIENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of the requested variance with the condition that the encroachment into the south, side-yard setback be removed. We believe that this site possesses a unique physical hardship given the existing siting of the home, the location of the existing, rnature landscaping on the lot and the interior layout of the residence. we also believe that a hardship would be inposed upon the applicant if the strict interpretation of the zoning code were to be enforced. A. B. c. Flot""; --> (. trto^,a-^ ca ,t4.r4 "m4 4 24.-t zz/A-/// u Uole ,-l -o rf^%M /r,-'h / 4 Oe. nJ.lit1,.1 I .\ SOUTHWEST ETEVATION oo \) /t (t/4u-?tu /L ^-t A0+tU,t t*t -Jtl"*t'y eb, /9?0 4 4^.,^L /rt rL;addpa*,<t*T#ffiW* oM? - W-* lo frfir& oeqa,a,u-az,a;. S"aZA@" 4"t6 t*J-*/. Gson<in M. Chowopn CERTTFIED PUELIC ACCOUNTANT 225 WALL STREET - Box t6O3 vArL, COLORADO 8t65A 3()3 476-302() Town of VailVail, CO To lfhom it may Concern: I do not have any objections to the proposedladdition to their reeidence by Torn & Nancy Ricci. Si.ncereIy, %/4za& George 11. Cror'tder a RICCI ADDITIOI{ We are asking for a setback variance on the side and rear of an existing home, for a new addition. The purpose of the addition is to add a master bedroom suite for the parents, and increase deck space on the southeast for the family. The established side and rear setbacks are 15'. We are asking for 1*' relief on the side for the building,4*'relief on the rear for the building and 10'relief for the second story deck on the rear. SECTION III A. 1. The use of the building will be the same as existing and potential buildings in the neighborhood, single family or duplex homes. 2. We are asking for a maximum l0*'setback from the property |ine for the building and a maximum 5' setback from the property'l ine for a deck. The existing building a1 ready encroaches into the reai^ setback, as does the existing second 'level deck. The existing home was built in L97L. Because of its orientation on the building envelope and the slope of the lot, without demolishing the garage and reconfiguring the driveway, this was the most reasonable place for an addition. The neighborhood has many existing instances of side and rear setback variance approvals, including the lot immediately adiacent on the southwest. The neighborhood a'l so has many existing non-conformi ng setbacks, i nc] udi ng a home across the street, for decks and habitable space. 3. The requested addition will be used by the same family members vlho currently reside at the residence. The addition will not affect d'istribution of population, transportation, traffic facil it'ies, utilities or public safety. t W 60ft' (ryb|, P?.OJECT: DATE SUSI,IITTEO: CCI"','4ENTS HEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIRE DEPP.RT|.iENT PUBLIC HEARING PoLICE DEIARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Coninents: Revieued by: Connents: Reviered.by: CO;-.:uentS: 0ate ,l-, /:/r L'+r*.*L (nu A- I) Date i "i'.t .ij; REC i: €AT i 0t{ DEpAR-r l.liNT P.ev i er'red Coruients: V*k ei"/aA e,L Date lry' l6?z soE# I Pa^+(s- ,MlclA LL t, tz '.o>, s I '.1( o(YJaz Q8 -\/A.LL ) ta Zbs6 (aunr''t- n=61-aB v. 0.3 + ,,-lSoA - blhsa ___ b*t-aLot 7 ^{ A. 9vo* J*TL CD 8b?4 t-o?nxa LA-r o1 .+ L16 4 PUBIJIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN that the Planning and Environmental- Commission of the Town of Vail witl hold a public hearing in accordance with section 18.55.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on February 26, 1990 at 3:OO p.m. in the Toltn of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A reguest for variances from the side and rear setbacks to allow for the expansion of an existing horne on Lot 5, Block E, Vail das Schone Filing No.l. ,/ Applicant: Tom and Nancy ntcci / 2. A request for a conditional use pernit to rnodify an outdoor dining deck, an anendment to restrictions regarding two ernployee units. and a request for an exterior alteration, a height variance, a site coverage variance and a landscape variance in order to construct an addition to the Bell Tower Building at 2Ol Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Clark Willinghan ,/ BelI Tower Associates, Ltd. 3.A request for a side setback variance on Lot 15, Block L, vail Potato Patch. / Applicant: Bruce Kasson r/ 4. A Work Session on Air QualitY Jr rr i 5.A Work Session to tevLT the 1990 Recreation & Trails project schedule. J 6. A glork Session for Special Development District 22, Lot 1 - L9, Block 2, Lionsridge, Filing #t. / Appticant: Pat Dauphinais 7. A request for a Work Session to discuss an exterior alteration, strearn setback variance, site coverage variance, and conditional use for a deck enclosure and new outdoor patio for the Red Lion Building. Applicant: Frankie Tang and Landroark Properties 8. An amendment to Special Developnent DistricE 4, Cascade Village' to amend Area D, Glen Lyon Office Building at Lo00 s. Frontage Road W., Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: GIen Lyon office auilding -A Colorado PartnershiP 9. A request for an exterior alteration to the vaiJ.glo Lodge on a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Third Filing' Applicant: craig Holzfaster '-'t' I l-0. A request for an amendrnent to Special Developnent District 23 and a parking variance to allow for an office expansion, to the Vail National Bank Building at 108 South Frontage Road west' a resubdivision of part of Lot D, Bfock 2, Vial Village Second Filing. Applicant: Vail National Bank Bldg. CorP. A request for a side setback Village Sixth Filing. variance for lot 6, Block 2, Vail Applicant: Clinton G. Ames, Jr. l.L. ;.2. A request to amend a Special DeveJ.opment District for the Garden of the Gods on Lot K, Btock 5, Vail Vi.11age Fifth Filing at 365 ,/ core creek Drive. J Applicant: Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. Hill Fanily The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Comnunity Development Department office. Town of VaiI Cornrnunity Development Department Published in the vail Trail on February 16' 1990. ''ltor- l:ilc,l lor rocorrl Ilef.ttior No. . r. I). l0 . rt ... .u r,lolk ohy of .. ......, ,) t\t7i, , /i\ l c{(\ OJ OJu- (Joo 'l't r Is I ) tit,;D, rrll.rrt, r.rris |^lILLiAI4 A. I'lARTHA LYNN lSt rlrrr,,,r' AUquSt BEVAN, JR. and SEVAN re 83 rrrrrl Slate ofof thc QoLrrrty of Eagl e Colorado, of the first part, und THOMAS J. NANCY A. whose legal address is of the Colorado, of the second part: RICCI and A I l^C T P. 0. Box .l484 Vail, Colorado County of Eag 1 e 8.l658 and State of of Vail Das Schone, State of Colorado. IVITn-ESSETI{, that the said party ,)f thc fit'st Jrart. fot'{nd in crttrsitleration of the sum of Tl,lO HUNDRED TI,\IENTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS AND N0 CENTS------ r)ol-r.Arrs ando|ltergoo(lall(|va|ua[llet.onsit|t,t.atit,ttstrttlres:rit|l,l|t'l}'(,ftltcfir'st1lartin|ranr|p|ll secorrrl palt, t lle l.eceipt wlrereof is hel0lry <olfcssctl unrl acknou ltrlgerl, has granted, [r:rt glinerl, sold and cor'veye<1, and by thcse preserrts (loes grant,'Ia1glin. s(,11, conv(,y anrl <onfirtn utttr) th(' sai<l ;lartit's t,f sccond part, their heirs and assigns for.ercr. tr01 in tenanc),in conrnrorr but ilr joint t{,nirncJ, all ( hc frrllou'ing desct ilte(l lot land. situale, ll'ing and being in the Lot 5, Block E, Resubdivision Fjljnq No. l, County of Eag1e, ('orrltl of f 3gl g nlso knorvn as stt e(,t:*(i n,,,r,t,"'. 2576 I'Jest Davos Trail, Vai'l t ColOradO 81657 atrtl to the alxrve bat gilined pt ctttises. \\ it l] t llc he rcriit trttrt'trts :r tltl lll)l)tlrtcllAnces. TO IIAVE r\Nl)'l'O ltOl,t) rhe said 1r|entises abort, lrirlFajrrr.rl anrl tlesct'iberl. u ith the apl)!tt'tenances, ttnto the said their hei rs and assigns. that at. t lle tinte of t he rnscali ng ;urrl rle liver.r' of these pl €sents, he is well seizt'd of the Jrrenrises above convel'ed, as ofgoorl, sur.e, per.ft,ct. lt,solrrte anrl indefeasible estnte ofinheritance, in Inrv, in fce sintllr', antl has good right, full porver arll lawful nuthorit) to l{r'itnt, lrargtirr. sell antl convey th(, sanle in nranner atrd fot'nt itfot esaid' encurnblarrcesofulrateverkirrriornltur(.s('cr('r; eXCept Genefal TaXeS fOf the yean 1983 and subsequent years, easements of record or in existence, and recorded deil arati ons , reitrj ctj onS, reservatj ons and coVenants., and exceDt Fi rst .Deed0f Trust recorded jn Boo.i 256 at Page 547 vrhjch grantees hereby assume and agree to pay. antl tlrt;tlrorc l,;tt'I;tittctl ;ncrttisr.s irr lltt, rlrtit'1. attrl grt'rrctitlrlt'lltrj('s<i(tll (rf srttvivol t,f tlrr:ttr, thotr :tssiglrs irttrl tltc hcits atttl irssigtrs ol-str< lr stit vitot. larvflrllyclairrrirrgortoclaint the l holc ot iin] "rtrt tll('fc(,f. tltt'siri'l lrilt tl ()t 1llt' FOREV I]R t) T] T'E N D, shall be applicaLlt, to lll ger'tlrls, I.rw \1'lT:r"ESS WHERtIOI'thc sirirl prtttl a bo\'q u tltle n. Selle,l attd I)elrvererl rn tlre I't,'scttce of lt' of tlre lilst l)irIt ltirs lret t'rtttto slt ltis hatttl attll st'ill titt' The by STATE OF COI,ORA t)O 1I s.. ('ountl of EagI e I foregoinginstrunrcntrr'asackrr,'u'l,,tlgcdlrt'fort'tttt'tltis lSt dal of l^IILLIAM A. BEVAN, JR. and I'IARTHA LYNN BEVAry,,,'-\ -,-ic"inn.-^,""" 1,, l),., t'.), i Ii b ,/ .r/ re g3 arn_...3-Q(l lfrE 9 r-r .r(!il ii [:/,{]ii i i /iuc 1 2e lill '03 --3;3:E FlilJ.c Cc'.rni:,Y S Lrili:o Uoc. I'ce or parcel of and State of Colorado, to wit: t lrc siri,l !ltIt it's rrf t lrc sr.r'orrl l)irr(. I l|o i/Li"ttrt,t, 4. 6/{E/i' ITIILlAll-f . rrVANl-J[. --l August lgaitrsl ltll irn,l cvtr') lrtls(,ll ol' Itclsolls fit st I):r rt s lt:tl! ir ttrl rl ill \\'..\ lt ll.{ N'l' '\ N I I yt,rr r filst ISEAI,I ISEALI ./i'" ".t' ;', Q, Appl ication 0ate Flqo for all \ I.This wi'll A. procedure is required not be accepted unti'l APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE any proiect i nformati on Vr+tc PEc MEETTNG onrc 4?llo requesting a variance. The applicatlon ls submitted. YHUNI_!1b-bbl9 NAME OF APPLICANT lb t'.ln^r. ADDRESS D. B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE 4ENU ; ADDRESS &'{ ?D3 PH}NE 141-b1qb c. l.' NAME 0F OI.INER(S) (type or print) Tb,"t 1 til^t-"1 &ez-til ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIpTION LOT 5 BLOCK E FILING .=/*tc Dre Saa44r# ! E.FEE $IOO PAID CK # ID>G FRSM Qnzt 4- Ap,sca*n THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A'list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIN0 AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mai'ling addresses. THE APPLICANT l^lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I,IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUOE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTI'IENT }IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT EV OECTMTNG-THE NUI{BER OF CoNDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING.AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION I'IAY STIPULATE. AL! CONOITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERI',IIT IS ISSEED-. ' , III. FOUR (4) C0PIES 0F THE FOLLOT,ITNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: . A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEIIENT MUST ALSO AODRESS: AND THE PH\NE4lb-b6lt l. The relationship of the-requested variance to'other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to-which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of 1,.1::1ll:1..:g!lu_tion is-necessary.to.achieve corpitiuiiltvand unifonnity 9{ treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attii;'th;"objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. OVER 3. The effect of the variance on light iiinipo"tation, traffic facilities' . -2- and airr; dlstribution of population' utilities, and Public safetY. on the Znd and 4th l'londaYsall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of (as determined bY the zoningitaff before or after the desiq- Vari ance u6l B. A topographic and/or i.mprovement.survey at-a scale of at least l" - 20' stamped by a Coloraoo iiilnseA iurveyor inc]uding-locations of all-existing.lmprove- ;i"ir;-i;lirii"ri-siidls-Ina ltevations. -0ther elements which must be shown. Iie-pirrcing and-l6ading areas, lngress and egress, landscpped areas and uti'lity and drainage features. c. A site plan at a scale of at least lrt.20r showing existing and proposed buildings. D. All pre'liminary building i'levations and floor plans sufficient to indicate [t" iir"nrioni" g.n""ui-app.o"an.e, scale and use of all buildings and spaces -'/ existing and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements --F- If the proposal is located in a mu] ti-fami'ly development which has a homeowners</ '' iirJiji.iioh,-tt,.n written approval from the associati-on in-support.of.the' projebt musi i.-i.litiu"a Uy'i Outy authorized agent for said association. - G. Any additional materjal necessary for the review of the appl'ication as deiermined by the zoning administrator'. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and s'i te plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. : Time Requirments The P'lanning and Environmental-Corrnission meets 6i-"lin itd'tiin. n complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted.a m'lnlmum iEc il6ii;-fiearine.' No incomplete applications laiifiiitiitor) wiit be accepted bv the p'!anning nated submittal date. ,wtr, ') o-9. ' IV. tl' ./;t" l' i' o Application l4e ' '15[1D . '-,_--., PEC MEETING DATE VARIANCE t[o JAN 15XWo requesting a variance. The applicatlon is submitted. ADDRESS VA(L, (o bQoS vuonu 41b-bbl9 B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTTTIyI 1eu>t L. Arn*a-o ,hl-t{tTEcr ADDRESS &trc abg r.la.]f.:u alzrsb PH}NE_14?!!fo2 C. NAME 0F OI.INER(S) (type or p"int) To^ I l.t!",-t &aritl . Slqnature(s ) AoonEss 9o* Vnrc r c" . hlcr<E PH\NE4lb-b61, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR A I.Thiswill A. procedure is required for not be accepted until al'l \ any project lnformation NAME OF APPLICANT TO t llq. D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 5 BLOCK E FILING .--/*+t Dre +q*'"# | F. A list of the names of owners of a'll property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIN0 AND ACR05S STREETS, and the'ir mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADORESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )OETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l,tILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTMENT I.,liTH THE STAFF TO FiND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT EV OECRMSINFTHE NUI'IBER oF coNDITIoNs OF APPROvAL THAT rni punnTne.AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A EUILDING PERJ,IIT IS ISSM-. ' , III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: , A. l_lllllFry. STATEMENT 0F THE PRECTSE NATURE 0F THE VARTANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADORESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to-which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.of a-specified.regulation is necessary.to.achieve compatibilityand uniformit_y 9t treatment among sites in the viiinity or to ittbin ihe'-objecti'res of this title without grant of speciar privirege. OVER Vari ance -?- 3. The effect of the variance on light and air; dlstribution of-population'Jr ii:!.rp."iition,' lruiric facilities, utilities, and pub'lic safetv' A topoqraphic and/or lmprovement survey at a sca1e of at least 'lu - 20' stamped'un"i'cif i'riao iiclnsea lurveyor lncl uding_locat'ions of al I -existi ng. lmprove- ;irir;-iftirii.i-siid.s-ind llevations. -Other elements which must be shown. ;;;"il"ii;i-inJ-fouJing ireus, lnsress and esress, landscpped areas and uti'lity and drainage features. A site plan at a sca'le of at least'1" = 20r showing existing and proposed buildings. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate tt" iir.ntions-, general'appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proPosed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements If the proposal is located in a multi-family development.which has a homeowners associalion, then written approval from the association in.support,of.the pioJ.Ci mrs[ Ue received Uy'i auty authorized agent for said association' Anv additional material necessary for the review of the application as deierrnined by the zoning administrator., For interior modifications' dll improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning adninistrator. : IV. Time Requirments The P'tanning and Environmental-Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. '-A;ffii;te ipptication form and al1 accompanying matenial iis-a"scriuea auouij'f,rii-u.'iubmitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of ti iEC;;bii;-n"."inil.'.no-iniomplete apPlications (as-determined by the zonins administrato"t *iii ue-aiceptla bv thb planning itaff betore or after the desig- nated submittal date. B. ;"'x c. D. Vo&E. -, F. G. * I . tlQ .:t* .a, DtrtrMRTMtrNT @trL,I IJ T_J lJ !J IJ L=J LI_E@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM xxxxxxx ACcouNT # 01 0000 41330 COIJ. DEV. APPLICAT]ON FE=S 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+15 .I988 UNIFORI/ BUILDING CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}.{ PLUI|BING CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR}I MECHANTCAL CODE 01 0000 42415 I988 UNIFORI/ FIRE CODE 't 0000 42+15 1987 NAT]ONAL EI.TCI-RICAL CODE 1 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 BLUE PR|NTS (M\lnRs) 01 0000 42+12 xERox coPlES ,/ sruores 1 0000 42371 PENALry FEES / RE-INSPECTIoN 1 0000 +1322 OFF HOURS INSPECT]ON FE o't 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS UCEATSES FEES 1 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION J\ f tr t ^trt#-."- ' : <a- Tout}{ oF lJFl I l- Hisccllffeorts CiCl 61-t6-e6 -**--ylif-- o-rqinr * 83?942 :=_::,,:; i cx o lfli?.r, \Fpp FEE ffiHi';. f,FsLFHD nRL"- toa.as n*dr rr.r l tendefeo ! Iter Paid mornt Paid 106' 98 g180s941336@s CFranQ€ returned ) B' 66 THFIhII< VOLI Q,("l-----'--1t PUBLIC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Cournj.ssion of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Sectj.on 18.55.060 of the nunicipal code of tbe Town of Vail on February 26, L99O at 3:00 p.n, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for variances frou the side and rear setbacks to allow for ttre expansion of an exj.sting hone on Lot 5, Block E, Vail das Schone Filing No.l. Applicant: Tom and Nancy Ricci 2. A request for a conditional use perrit to rnodify an outdoor dining deck, an anendment to restrictions regarding two eurployee units, and a request for an exterior alteration, a height variance, a site coverage variance and a landscape variance in order to construct an addition to the Bell Tower Building at 201 core Creek Drive. Applicant: Clark Willinghan / BeLL Tolter Associates, Ltd. r 3. A request for a side setback variance on Lot 15, Block 1, vail. Potato Patch. Applicant: Bruce Kasson 4. A Work Sessj-on on Air Quality 5. An anendment to Special Developnent District 22, Lo|u I - 19, Block 2, Lionsridge, Filing #3. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais 6. A request for a worksession to diseuss an exterior alteration, stream setback variance, site coverage variance, and conditional use for a deck enclosure and new outdoor patio for the Red Lion Building. Applicant: Frankie Tang and Landmark Froperties 7. An anendment to Special Developnent District 4, Cascade Village, to anend Area D, clen Lyon Office Building at 1000 S. Frontage Road w., Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. . Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building - A colorado Partnership The applications and inforaation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Comunity Developuent Departnent office. . Town of Vail Conmunity Development Department Publi.shed in the Vail Trail on February 9, 1990. I I t $75 3outh lrontag6 road Yall, colorldo 81657 offlce ol communlty deyelopment GEROGE K BOX 5590 AVON CO welJ & DEBM WIEDMANN AlfrzOrdEr8stCI s16801iF33 1?'E:{ Otr't],,/t0 F I Project Application ''/ ,' )l,i , * Prolect Name: /,.--, (.- i Date Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Add ress and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL3- I Summary: E statt Approval AI|A[.I8E t -r,.i;/t' / | /. * ^ \-- .. /_ ) / - ,_5 i/ i i_, ,i _ ' T"*n Planner o APPLICATIOIT DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII,IG: DRB APPLICATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Raaress Z5'?(p gnvob T?Atu Legal Zon'ing Descri pti on Lot 5 Block d Filing C. NAME OF APPLICANT: *****THI5 APPLICATION l'lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with^a p] anning staff member is strongly suggested to . determjne it any"at;iii;;.i intormation is needed. No application will be.accepted untess it is compi"i"'iirit iq.!gg" all items required bv the.zgn!1s administrator). It is the appiiclni;i i"ipontiuit'ity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aoaitiinat-submittal requirements. Please note that a c0MPLETE applica- tion witt streamii;;;h; approva'l process for.your.projgc! by decreasing the number of condit1onr oi'ipirouii lhat the'DRB may sti-pulatb. ALL conditions of approval must be iesotvea before i Uuitaing permit is issued' B. F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1 ,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meetjng submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the s'i te to indicate p"op."i' i.1nes anA build'in9 corners. Trees that r'lill be.removed should also be marked. This work trst"be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEll BUILDINGS rvill normally'i nvolve tr'/o separate meetings oi-tn. Oeilbn Review eoaid,-io plan on at least two meetings for their approval' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meet.ing and who have'not asked for u poitpon.tent will be required to be republ i shed. Address tel ePhone 41to' Ugtl D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: JO daor.r, %* ?JaQ ,./xv rs.btusb telephone 141afis E. NAME 0F OWNERS: 'Tt{o,,,^r.a T i h{A^{a'{ A. &cct t Si gnature Address telephone 41b - Vbb be paid at the tjme a building permit is requested' FEE |. TITILIfi LOCATION VERIFIC.\TION t-l, r\ -/'SUBDIVISIoN YA/ UA< \ t t+^ t ) F site plan. Authorized Signature Da te Mountai n Bel I I -O J+-J / / O l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Publjc Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle t/al Iey Water anci Sanita',ion D'i scrict Dav'i d Krenek e, ( t{o tlds{ JoB NlutE Rtcct PestOe"rce LOT -^ __-___-_BL0CK E IFILING No i The location 1ines, nust acc ompany in g of utilities, rrhether they be approved and verified by be main trunk the following lines or proposeC utilities for the P /6 -?r t -ts-s{ * For ncl co ns pl ease fi l l ot ai'"ached sheet t-ttoq( N0TE: These verifications do noi relieve the contractor of his responsi-bility to obtai.n a street cut pernit frorn the Tor,rn of Vail , Departnent of Publ ic l',lo rks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tor'n of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut Pernit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction rvith preparing your utilj.ty plan and scheduling installations. Tnirc au tra tl FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE:88 RTI PTIOi -Block ts Filing ILEGAL DES : Lot ADDRESS: Ol.JNER ARCHITECT ZONE DIST PROPOSED LOT SIZE a5 qtr Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA .Setbacks: Front [r?./& t.zs Al I oled tJU/ \JJi f" 7blo.6 4" , I ?,,blp.n "t.\l,rot,t. f, Pro po s ed 4-1" 210, .11 71cll.11 . o L;-t' -ril- 29:-..: \, 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) t:oo@(e00)(r200) (6trool \Ldtsol frrG\ooor 461r^r{Si des Rear Water Course si te coverage ll ,24Lt 'z Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng 'lJal l Heights Parki ng Credi ts:Garage Mecha ni ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat ?.oqb.l1 5'18.D3 % ?-n 7e Drive: Slope Permi tted lt e*Ofs Slope Actual rts bf rgfs Envi ronmen ta I / Ha zards : Ava I anche Flood Plain Slnna l,|etlands - Geoloqic Hazards Comments : Zoning: Approved/DisapProved Date: Staff Signature NAI'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET AOO.RESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR LIST OF I'IATERIALS Ri.",6\4 i t rc" required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewThe fol I oli ng Board before A. BUILDING information is a final approval can be fiven: OF MATERIALMATERIALS: TYPE Roof Siding Other l,lal I l'lateri al s €l(l Fasci a Soffi ts l^li ndols i,li ndorv Tri m Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl as hi ngs Ch'imneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses Other B . LANDSCAP I IIG :Name of Des'igner: Phone: NA Nn PLANT MATERiALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE RETIOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* L[cn- \l clre for coni fers . . (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate heiqht )/t 4i' I Recorded at o'.n.f-- rt.. Rcception f.lo. THIS DEED, Made this f c\ rh6rrof october bctwccn THoMAs J. Rrccr *County of Eagle grantor(f and NANCY A. RICCI ritcrll/id, NO'/ 1 0leub ii t86 ,I?t^fl'.l1ttl;i^i?, 47 7 4l u<lg ' K ...J.::1..1..... improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the Colorado, described as follows: 2576 Davos Trall Road West Vai-1 , Colorado 81658 County of Eagle Lot 5, Block E, Resubdivision according to the recorded plat of Colorado and State of Countyof Eagle and State of of Vail Das Schone, Filing No. 1, thereof, Councy of Eagle, StaCe /i'lt'J E I i:'iit'}fr i] ;:' Oci 3l l0 oq ilt'86 whose lcgal addrcss is of the and Statc of Coloratlo, grantee/s/, WTTNESSETH, That the grantord/ for and in considcrntion of thc sunr of Ten Dol.lars ($f0.CC) and other good and valuable consideration 66Ltliill the receipt and sufficiency o[ which is hercby acknorvledgcd. has remised, released, sold. convelcd and QUIT CLAllv{ED, and by these presenrs d€s remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto thc grantce(/ her heirs, successors and assigns. forcver, all the right, rirle, interest. claim and demand which the granto(f has in and to the real pmpcrty. togcther with iti:iiirii!* f-.t.1lle Corrrrty l--.:s.i$. ngg, r"q- also known by strcet and number as: 2576 Davos Trail Road, West Vail , Colorado 81658 - TO I{AVE AND'IO HOLD the sarnc. togcther with lll antl singular thc apnurtcniurccs and pritilcgcs thcrcunk) bclonging or in anywise thereunto opFrtaining, and all thc estatc. right. titlc, inlcrcst anrl claim uhatsocver, ofthe grantori(;, eithcr in l:rw or er.;uity, to the only propcr use. benelit and bchoof of rhc grantcc(/). h er heirs and assigns forcver. IN WITNESS WHEREOR The grantor( has executcd this deed on the datc set forth above. STATE OF COLORADO, County of SUMMIT The foregoing instrument was acknowledgcd bcfore nre this bv TIIOMAS J. RICCI Mtr')tl$cii'.-99*M'* .t.'ll]tl'l"i{r,. *a!.:" r.t:(r.Y..'#1 s \).:-{iSi ruornn Y ';.(:)TAHY ir-?e-.-a i'-i ."'F.=r-A1 ?*':','."*','.i.$ti,!lil'ijrlj,liln . I f t', D";'JJij t'fi$[il[],'i'-u. - l"30Lh day of Oc tober ,te86 26 l9 90 . Witncss nry hantl and r.rflicial scal. No.933. Rev. 185. eutr cLAtM DEED Bradford PublishinS. 582J w 6th Avc.. bkc*rxxl, CO to2l.l - (!ol) 231.69(n :,.te 'i, ' 2- ?rccr kootllo"{ O,."t'i /re .'5 QXoye nJo\ "-tc<_v4@ ffi4A ef , Less =e '21 >feell+wa-u- L" ' bzq4 sF -'t . S f't(t I l" -<-(a:' ,/trL{'' t t'i .l J ( 1i 7- 11 r\r > Y\o r ctD* **' ra r.i h ' | -x( 91- l.J : 4 \'" TtltS I)nRtl, Mrute this I St rtrr.,,f bttwccn t,'|ILLIAM A. BEVAN. JR. ANd MARTHA LYNN SEVAN ,rt .. . .uclork ,t O l{r 83August Eagle a nrl Statc ofof t lrc CourrtY lrf Colorado, of the first part, and THOMAS J. NANCY A. whose legal add ress is of the Colorado, of the second RICCI and RI CCI P.0. Box 1484 Vai i , Colorado Coun ty of F.an lp part: 81658 a ntl State of WITN ESSETH, t hat the said par ty of t he first l,art, fol and i n consirleration of t he su nr of Ttl0 HUNDRED TI^IENTY EIGHT THOUSAND D0LLARS AND N0 CENTS------ Dor_r.Ans and ot.her good and valuable consideratiorrs ti) the said paltl of the first pirrt in lrarrrl pairl b.v the slirl p:rt'tits of the second par'1, the leceipt whereofis herctry confesseri anrl a< knouledgcd, has granterl. barg:rinetl. sold arrl <onvet-erl. and by these presents does grant.; balgain. scll. convtl'antl confirnt ulto th('s:rid palties t'f sceonri lrtrt, llrcil lreirs anrl assigns forever', not in ten ancy in co nr nro rr btr t irr joir t t ('n a ncl', all t ht' follorvirrA descrihcrl lot C\j (lJ (u L oo land, situate,lying and being in tlre Lot 5, Block E, Resubdivision Fjlinq No. l, County of Eagle Corrrr tl of f6glg of Vail Das Schone, , State of Colorado. alsoknown asstreeta'd nu-t ". 2576 l,lest Davos Trajl, Vail, Colorado 8.|657 taining rnd and to thc above bargaini'd prenrises, \ith the ht,rcrlitanrt.nts rnd nl)purten^nces. TO ItAIE ANt) T0 tlOl,I) rhe said Jrrenrises atrott, hargaine'd lnrl descliherl. u ith the apptrtt('nances, unto the said partics()fthesecolr(|pitI.t'thl'irheirsattr|itssi':tlsfrrrt.t'r't'A|l(ltll(.si|i(| their heirs and assigns, that at the tinte oI t he rn scalirr L a nrl rlt,livelt' ('f t lrese l)r'(,scnts. he is rvell seizt,<l of tltt' Jrrenrises above conveyed, as of goorl, sule. pelf<,r.t. ahsolute antl indefeasible est:rte of inh('rit:rnct,, in lau-, in fee sinrplr', anrl has good right, full porver and lawfrrl authoritt to gliurt. balgain, sell anrl convel thc sarne in nranncr itn<l firt nt aforesaitl. andthatthesan]earefreeirndc|eitrft.ottta||frrt'ntl.t.antitl|}tet'gt.lrtrts,lrat.gaitls.salt's.|it'ns,tax(.s'ass('s!nlc|lts{ni| encunrbt atrces of u'hatevel kind ol nrt ule so(,ri('r; gXCept Gengf al TaXeS fOf the yea n I 983 and subsequent years, easements of record ori n existence, and recorded declarationi, reitrictions, reservati0ns and covenants., and exceDt First.Deed of Trust recorded in Booi 2SO at Page 547 vrhjch grantees hereby assume and agree ro pay. las'fir lly < lainri ng or to clairrr FOREVER t)EF END. The singular nrrrnl't,r'shall include tht, plrrlal. the Plrrr':rl the singtrl:rr, itnrl tltt' ttst'rrf anJ gt'nder shall be:rpplicable to all gerirlers. l.N WTTNESS IVHEREOF the sairl party t'f the above *fitten. ..,.'..'r.'...'.,, . t: $llned. Sepled and Delivered rn the Pr esent'e of r1\ '(, STATE OF COI,oRAI)O I I1... I(rount!.of Eagle J ITheforegoinginstrunrentr.r'asacknoulcrl(r,dlrr.frrrtrrrt'llris lSt rl:r1 of AUgUSt .1983, ,:..::::,:::"i;.'i); ii,,liiJ^-THA LYNN "'2t' ,\,,{,ss ,,,n,^,,u^(l)(,/.,^,./t I LAND TrrLE GUA6h"N/EE iorurRNy ,!1t ,|/ , t\(, 1.,//-.( | ill1;iH,li:u[jiTlitjil;u"'" ''''1"t'ti;(-' '' :r" r {3 0 3)€2lqt s=:::::::r::: --;---r- : ::' r -',*(: No. 921A. $tRlt^\Tr tlr:l:D -To Joinr'lrn.nts.- '-. . *;j," o.",- ' 111. ...... ,rt l:('f;ll | )l: ll. ?rj arrr_-_.f,_Qr./ P^^.E_._Y trl .r0i:'jl ' 'E/,(;ii-i I :,i fruc ?2e lil '[|J -.]..;3;: or parcel of ?. first tlilrt lras lrelr.rnrt,, s:.,t his harrrl arr<l st,al tire rla] anti )t'itr first nn(l State ofColoratlo. to wit: ISE,\I,Il)MtwL|6srtri/11, I^JILLIAM A. BEVAN, JR. I' F,. cl n rr rnirr SLlr,c Doc. F'cc GRFA Check Riccl Addition Sept. 27, 1984 l l,l3l . 28 2;782 1,945 \\hJ're TIl,l l,fortrtto 2/73 Forn 231 I Pollcv No. 81671134 Ftle No. V7274 Anount j|72,OOO.OO Lorn * SCHEDLI-E A Addrecr !. Follcv Drtrr ,.lune O61 198$ rt SIOO A.lf. 2. l{roe of tnruncdr COLTXTIIAL 6AVIiSS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, FORT I.IORTH' TEXAS 3. The crtrtr or lntrrcrt ln thc lrnd dcrcrlbcd ln thir Schedulc and uhlch lr cncumbcr'ed bv thc inrured mortcero irr A Fcc 4. Thc crtrtc on lntcrcrt rcfcrrcd to her.*ln ir rt Drtr of Pollcy vcBtrd int THOf'IAS .1. RICC! end NAiICY A. RICCI 5. Thc moctlllc' hcrcln refcrrcd to rg thc inrurcd ncrtgarcr rhd tbc rstignmcntr thcrcofr if tny' rrc dc!cribrd ec follourrt DEED OF TRUST DATED Flr.v 31' 198$, FROi4 THOI-'IAS .J. RICCI and NANCY A. RICCI TA THE PUELIC TRUSTEE OF EAOLE COUNTY FOR THE USE CIF FIRST WESTERN HORTGAGE CORPORATION TO SECLFiE THE Su!,| OF |I7?tOOO.OO RECORDED Junc O5' l9B5' IN EOOK 416 AT PAOE 116. 6AID DEED OF TRUST l.lAS ASSTONED TO COLONIAL SAVINGS & L-'',' ASSOCIATIONT FORT IIORTH' TEXAG lN ASBIOM€NT RECORIED .lunc O5' 1983' IN BOOK ttl6 AT PAOE I17. 6, Thc lend rrfcrrsd to ln thlr rolicv lr siturtcd tn EAGLE Gountv' Colonrdc,'rnd lr drrcribrd rr follourr LOT 5' H-OO( E' RE9tJBDMSION F VAIL DAg SCI{Oi|E' FTLINB l'10. lr ffiORDING TO T}G RECOfiDED PLAT fI{EREOF, CqJNTY OF EAS.E, BTATE OF COLMADO. l-l >z Prrc I Thlr Pollcv velld only lf Schcdule B tr *ttachcd. 4. TIll tlortruc Forn 2331 CTIRB Fllr No. V7274 SCHEN-T-E B-I Pollcv No. Bt67lt34 Thir rollcv dorr not lnrurc.nlnrt torl or drnr'rc bv rcrron of thc follorolnrt t. Rlrhtr or. clrlnr of prrtlcr ln lollcrllon not rhoun bv thc publlc rrcordr. 2. Errcncntr' op cllhr of Grronentl' not rhoun bv thc rubllc rccordr. 3. Dltcreprnclrlr confllctr 1n bosndrrv llnlr' rhortur ln rner'cncro.chncntr' rnd rnv frctc uhlch r cornact ruFvcy rnd lnrpcctlon of thclrcnlrcs uould dlrclore rnd ruhtch rrr not rhoun bv thc rubllc rocondr. Anv lien' on rlrht to r llcn' for rcrviccc' lrbor' or naterlal thcretofonc or hcrceftcr furntrhed' lmrorcd by leu and not ghourn bv thc rubllc t'ccordr. 198!' TAXES NOT YET E.JE AND PAYABLE. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND R€I'IOVE HIS ORE THEREFROf"4 SHCtrILB THE SAI.IE BE FCIUNB TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PRET'IISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDEB Aurust tl' 19OO, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE ?36. THE COTIPANY HEREBY INSLIRES AGATNST LC€S }IHICH THE INSUREN SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF DAf.IA6€ TO EXISTINO IT.IPROVEI.IENTS, INCLUDING LAI.JNS, SHRUBB€RY OR TREES' RESULTINO FROII THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIOHT TO USE THE sLIIFACE OF $AIN LAND FOR T}€ EXTRACTION OR DEVELOP'.IENT OF THE }IINERALS EXCEPTED FROT.I THE DESCRIPTION OF SAIB LAND OR SHOI"IN AS A RESERVATION IN SCHEDULE B-I. REgTRICTIVE GOVEN.J.T:J' I*IICH DO NOT OONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAIJS€' 8UT OHITTIIIG RESTRTCTIOiIS, TF ANY, BAS€D ON RACE, GIII.ffi, RELIOIOi.I,M ilATIO$L ORIGTNT A3 9T}II|TAINED II{ INTITR.fiENT RECORTED UT.Y 7' t96!' IN BOO< I9O AT PAOE 559 AND AS AT€NIED IN INSTRIJIIENT REC€RIED JI.O{E IO, 1966 IN BOOK 212 AT PAOE 966 AND AS Al'lENttED lN I|'|STRU['1ENT R€CORDED nAY 22' 1968 IN BOCI( 2I2 AT PA€E F2' A'{D INSTR'TENT FECORIIEO FEBRUARV 26, I97O IN SO< 217 AT PAG 73, *{ EABEI€NT tr{D .RI6Tf' _gT }NY 5 FEET IT{ I.'IDTH ALO\trI ALL SITE Bq.,NDARtEg FOR IJSE OF UTILITY SERVICE LII{E8 $ID Fffi T}E OOh}STRT,CTIOII, €RECTIOf{ AND ITAINTENA'{CE TI€REOF, INSTRI.F,IENT RECORDED .'ALY 7, 1963 IN BOOK T9O AT PAOEstr. UTILITY AXD MAINAC€ EASENENT THROTIODI T}G SASTERLY 7 FEET OF SU&EICT PROPERTY AS €T{OT*{ ON T}lE RECORIED PLAT tr A RESUBOIVISIOTII OF VAIL DASsctfir€ FILTM) NO. t. 2 5. 6. 7. 8. ?. Pmc Tltt ttqrtrre Fonm 2331 CTIRB Pollcv No. 81671134 Ftle No. V7?74 8C1.|EIX.[-E 8-I rO. ENCROffi}II{ENT OF DfiIVEI.IAY OI{TO UTILITY EASEIIENT A9 SHq/N OTiI IT'FR0r/E}IENT LOCATTON CERTIFICATE I}ATED I4f,Y ?, 1985 BY EAOLE VALLEY ET{OINEERIITIO & 9UnV€YIilO' INC. ' .fOB ti0. 95€' T}E cOIIPANY HER€BY I'{6IIRE8 ACAIM}T LO6€ OR BAT{ABE BY REA8O]'I OFI ( I ' TI,E INVALIDIW OR UNEIIFORCEABILITY OF TI,€ LIEN OF TI{E II'I$URED ITORTOAOE RESTLTINO FROil THE PROVISIO{S T}EREIN I.IHICH FROVTDE FOft CHANOES III T}E RATE OF INTEREST. {2) LOAS OF PRIORITV OF THE LIEN OF T}IE INSilRED T'IORTOAOE A8 SECT'RITY FOR T}G UtfAtD PRIT{CIPAL BAI-ANCE OF TI{€ LOAN' TOOETI{ER }IITH INTEREST AS CHANGED IN ACCORDANCE l.fITH THE PROVISIDNS OF THE INS{,JRED I'IORTBAOE' t'fHlCH LOSS CrF PRIORTTY IS CAUSED tN THE RATE OF INTEREST, ,'CHANOES lN THE RATE OF INTERE$T"' AS USEE IN THIS ENDCIRSE|'IENT' 6HALL iIEAN OIS.Y THOS€ C}{ANOES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST CALCULATED PURSIJANT TO THE FOR'.II'LA PROVIDED IN THg INSURE! I+lORT8AC€ AT NATE OF POLICY. THIS ENDORSET'IENT DOES NOT IN9URE ABAINST LOSS OR DAFIAOE BA$ED UPON (A) USURY, OR (B) ANY CONSUT{ER CREDIT PROTECTION OR TRUTH IN LENDINI1 LAW. THIS ENDCRSE}'ENT IS }IADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERI'IS S.lD PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSET{ENTS THERETO' EXCEPT THAT THE INSURANCE AFFORRED EY THIS ENDORSEFIENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PARAORAPH 3(TI' OF THE EXCLUSIONS FROI{ COVERACIE. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESBLY STATED, IT NEITH€R IIODIFIES ANY OF THE TERITS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSET{ENTS, NOR IOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE NATE OF THE POLICY A}.ID ANY PRIOR ENDORSEI{ENTS, Nlf,R DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AI'IOUNT THEREOF. N(}TEI ITET'I8 t.4 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIO'IS '^" ITEREBY T}ELETED. FORil TOO IS HEREBY ATTACHED AND BECOIIES A PART OF Thc, ..rLICY. IN lflTi{ESA IHEREOF' TfE COIIPANY HA8 CAIJAED THI6 ENDffiSSI€NT TO BE SIOT.|ED AND SEALED A8 OF T}€ EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS F1S-tCYr TO E€ VAI-ID }I{EN COIJ}{TERSIOI{ED BY Ail AUTHORIZED trFICER OR AOEiIT OF TI€ COFIPANYT ALL tT{ ACCORDAI{CE }JITH ITS BY-LAT{s. In rddltlonthr crtrtcrubJrct tothe I lrn orrFlor to ruch filtt.rt. NONE SCHEIX-I-E 8-l I to thc artterr lrt forth ln Prrt I of thir Schcdulcr thc tltlr to or intcr,ott ln thr lrnd dercrlbrd or rcfcrrod to tn Schcdulr A l! the folloulnr mrttcFt, lf rnv be rhopn, but thc Conprnv lntuntt thtt chrpra of thc lnruncd $orttltc ulon trld artrtt or lntcrcrt lr Paro . o i" , DATE OF DRB MEETIi'IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with^a planning staff member is strongly suggested to a'eieimiirb it any aaaitionut information is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it is compieie (must include al'l items required by the zoning administrator). il ii-tn" applicint,s responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamiine the approval process for your projgct by decreasing the number Jf-Conaitions of iiprouat that the'DRB may stipuiate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APPLICATION DATE: Iq\1 - a B.(oLOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 11( q -11 I Legal Description 5 - BlockL0t Zoni ng b Fil ing APPL I CANT :c.NAME OF Addres s tel ephone 4D. NAME OF APPLiCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: JOI,T'T ?EUTA*S *94ttTEf daa".r, %* z-bQ rlxte ta.otusb telephone q+qfr= E. NAME OF OWNERS: S i gnature Address tel ephone DRB FEE: The fee wjll be paid at VALUAT I ON $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50 '001 - $ .-150'000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,0oo,ooo$ 0ver $1,000,000 the time a building FEE permit is requested. Board at their scheduled rvill be required to be '$ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 ,$100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addit'i on to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to jndicate p"op."i' iin.i .nO Uuilding corners. Treel that rvjll be removed should also be marked. This work ruii'Ue completed before the DRB visits the site. 2, The review process for NEW BUILDINGS rvil'l normally involve ttto separate meetings oi tt'. Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai ' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review meeting and who have not asked for a postponement republ ished. TITILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION sunorvrsror /41 Dns S t urt t,t F JOB NA.}IE LOT ,- BLOCK FILTNc d,r t ADDRESS The location of utilities, lines, must be approved and accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell t-oJ4-J//6 |^lesiern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/l,lichael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle t/alley t,Jater anci Sanitation Discri ct Dav'i d Krenek whether they be nain trunk verified by the following Author"'i zed Si qnature I ines or progos eC utilities for rhe Da te c, ( t-{o tlCs{ P /6 -8r E tEs{ * For ncrv cons pl ease fi i I or ati:cned sheei t+toq< NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contraccor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail , Departnent of Pubi ic l',lorks and to ob cain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Tor''n of Vail. A bui'lding pernic .1p is not a street cut pernit. obtained separately. A street cut pernit must be This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction trith prepering your utility plan and scheduling installations. DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTI0i'l: Lot ADDRESS: ,15 lb D;\! ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS 5 .-B'lock l:Filing I ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE OI.INER ARCH I TECT Comments: J+ Al I oued (30)(33) Prooos ed Height TotaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA .Setbacks: Front S ides Rea r Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parki ng Credi ts :Garage Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Sol ar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : 20' lqr 15' (3Q)(so) (3oo)(600) (eo0)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25 ) (so ) (2oo ) (4oo ) Slope Actual Ava I anche Flood Plain Slope Wetl ands Geologic Hazards Zoni ng : Date: Approved/Di sapProved StaT-s i gna ture ttro'NAI'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET A0D,RESS r OESCRIPTION OF PR LIST OF I'IATERIALS ; €L bl()[, E required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revierv can be fiven: OF MATERIAL \AJood Wood NA Nn The fol l orv ing Eoard before A. BUILDING information is a final approval MATERIALS: TYPE Roof Siding 0ther Wall l'laterials llFascia Soffi ts l,li ndols Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLAI{T I.IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pn0ne: EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED *lndicate ca'l i per for decjducious trees. Common llame Quanity Size*Botani cal Name il cn- for coni fers . (over) Indicate height ' plAitr NATERIALS: Botanical Name conrnon Name Quanitv size.. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO 3E REiIOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Souare Footaqe s0D SEED TYP! OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROS]OII CONTROL C- 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, svrimming poo1s, etc.) please specify. l ilo.l lur rF.o.rl thr .. llccrption.r_o. ... . . o l!r' ,,"O . . '\. t,. ln ,,' :l ,',1,i j '.)nL...t1 I / o1)x- .J.(?(/ r,^^. _ _-.l l.. ).lr'i'lr i .. [i liii i rr. ,) t\i / 't ./,", ),iU 'lltfsl)nnlr, Mr,rtt,rhis lSt rtnr,,,f bctwer.rt l.llLLIAM A. BEVAN, JR. MARTHA LYNN EEVAN of thc Coun1y rrf Cololado, of the first part, nnd Augu s t and Eagle l!' 83 itnrl Stll t'of TH0MAS J. RICCI and | .tii,. ? 'l 1 lll '!.1 NANCY A. RICCI I whose legaladdress is p.0. BOx l4g4 | .r-';_;,'- r.u.6ux tqdq | .l_r_1.r Vajl, Colorado 81658 l---i-- '--,'ia;,''ofthe ('orrnrv-"f '"'l (r'r^"' i ' """- --'{€' 'ri\J ' Va j I , -Col orado g165g L--i-;-otthe ('ounty,rf FaOle rrr,l Statc,,f i r-.---.<-d-..L\J Colora<jo,ofthe seconrl parti I f. ,' I a( 'r. :. I l, l, ' ' :: t)r;:. i -rr It'lTn-ESSETll, thst tltc said Dartl r)f thc first trn, t. [,,r'irrrrl irr r.orrsirlr.r.ati.rr,,f tlrlsrrrrr,,f L- -..'.-.-- C\j(\ qJ C,',u- (-, T|,lO HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT THoUSAND DoLLARS AND N0 CENTS------ r).)r.r,\rrs assigns foreler. lot in t('lancl irrcorrrnr,,rr hrrt irr joitrt tcnir!r(].. all llrl follirrlirrg rlr.scr.il,r,,l lot Ia nd, sit u at e. ll irr g arrd trt,ing in the ('t'rrrr11',,1 gUn', a Lot 5, Block E, Resubdivjsjon of Vajl Oas Schone, Fjl'inq No. l, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. alsoknourrasstr.e(.t1'(l nunrser 2576 |,Jest Davos Trajl, Va.i l, Colorado 8.l65/ nnd to tltt, a bove ba lgain rd pr.t,nrises, trit h tlr(, lt(,r(,(lit:llr.nts;rtrrl n l,l)u r t (,l it l (.os_ encunrbrancesof \trhareverkindor nrrtur'(,s,,r,.,.1 €XC€pt General Taxgs for the year: l983 and subsequent years, easements of record or in existence, and recorded declarations, restrictions, reservatjons and covenants., and exceDt First Deedof Trust recorded in Bboi 256 at Page 547 vrhich grantees hereby assunre and agree ro pay. FOREVF':R and l"lte nlxrvo lr;rlllirint'rl Ir'r.ruist,s il lll(' rlll(,t lrll lrt.lr,.r.irl,l,.,Ir,s.r.r.iorr of sur'!ilof (,l tlt(,ut. tlroit tssil.trs lrrrl thc ltir.s itrrrl irssigrrs of srrr lr srl.r ir.r,r.. las frrlll clainr ing o l to clrrinr l ltt rr.holc r,r.irrrr.,r:rri tlrt,r errf. tlr{,sirirl triu t\ r,fI lrl sh all lrr rpplicablt,to trll grrrrler.s, l.;{ \\'ITNESS \\'ll!IREOF the sl irl abole wf itte n. llrr. rirr'l |;rr tir'. r,f tlrr' \r (,,r,ii Iil t. l)r' ;rrirrtrsl lrll ;rtr,l , r, r\ l)r'rs,'r ," lr' r-"r{ frtst prrrl slr:rl! rrrr'l \\.rll \\ \lllt'\\'l \\l) I'artl 0fllrc ftrst |ilt t lrirs lt|r('urtt0 sl't lris lrlrr!l lrtlrl sr,;r] tir' ,lrrr rrrrrl rr,lrr iir-st ,' I glgned, Sep led .' l. 0/,i/fu,',1/ /:l (tlr|n/ l),riIfnArIT. sEVnN, JR.- -,t--and .ll Delivered in the I'tesgnle of :, l S li.\ l.l lsl:..\t I STATE OF COI,oRA I)O I l ...* ('(,untt of Eagle I The foregoing instru nrent u,as acknou lr,rlgr.r'i lrofrrrc rrc t lris IbY l^llLLIAI,I A. BEVAN, JR. ANd MARTHA LYNN , n,83 ffih \t \'l No.92lA, $,rR,rA\Tt rrr:t:n -T( Jo'.r ri nrnrr - ,i. ' --1i," "",,. tn August t Il ,,;1. No.9J3. fuv.3&S. QUIT CLAIM DF.EI) E.rdfordArhli(hinr.:\r25w.6thAr(.t.:,I.\r,irr.(offrzt4-(]or|:11.6,xn $ccordcd at o'ctn.rf- lt.. l'HlS DEED, Madc rhis hclrvccn filoMAS J. QUIT CLAtIvt DITEI) 4L\ rh 4u, pJ Ocrober RICC I l:trl,t i'vt rJ NOV 1 0 l,qub Ir jl lAir ljlij|r c,. 1,,,,,,,r, " ". r i,qi,;147 7 4l . L/',: I e' f t7. I /, r,l .i-sl..Y. --./ r'1t!riHF Il t l'fllt.Lll t i'r,cie 'c IY. lttcoll!:\r;r 0cr 3l l0 oq [l,|'0fi Rcceplion No.Rccorrlcr. t66 of the 'County of Eagle Colorado, grantorls/, an<! NANCY A. RICCI whosc lcgal addrcss is 25 76 Davos Trail Road Wesr Vail , Colorado 81658 of the Counry of Eagle improvcrnenls. ifany, situnte, lying and being in rhc Colorado, described as follows: LoE 5, Block E, Resubdivision according to the recorded plat of Colorado aod Stitc oI Cokrrado. g[antccy's/. Crrunty of Eag I e untt Sta(e ol' of Vail Das Schone, Fil irrg No. 1., thereof, Councy of liagle, Stnte and State o[ WITNESSETH. Thnt the grantor{/y' for and in considcrrtirrn of thc sunr of Ten Doi..l.a rs ( $l O. 0C) arr,.l o LIr c r'good and valuable conslderatlon LA6/./,A1.( lhe rcceipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknorvledgcrl. haS rcnriscd. rclcascd, sold. convs cd rurrl (.)tJll'CLAllrll:l). lltrlbl thesc presents d€s rentise, relcasc, sell, convey and QUIT Ct.AlM unto thc grantcc(l her hcirs. srrcccssors rrnrl lssigns. forcver, all the right, tille, interest, claim and dcmand which the grlntor(/) hi6 in and to thc rc l propcrt\. togcthcr \r,itll alsoknownbystrcetandnunrbcras:2576 Davos Trail Road, West Vail , Colorado Bl 658 10 IIAVE AND 1O HOLD lhc satttc, logcthcr wrth rll lnd singulnr thc ilppurtcnilnccs arrrl pririlcgcs llrcrcuntr) hcIrngilrg or in anywisethcrcuntoappertnining.andaI|thceslatc.ri8||l.titlc.intcrc.slanrlc||nl the only propcr use, benelit and bchoof of rhc grantee(/). h er hcirs and nssigns foro.cr, IN WITNESS WHEREOR The grantor(/) has execurcd rhis deed on rhc datc sel forrh abr)vc. O a te,.../ .Q..:J | :J.i_$ /0,2Q)c"{.'llc (.'o1rrt-v l__s','t. n^..'int^ ,// , ) ,)-/ri.'(1,((,t.tt ( /, ti _._'r, THO}IAS J. RICCI STATEOFCOLORADO. l ) ss' County of SUMMIT Thc foregoing instrument wari ackno^rledgcd bcfore nre rhis 30th day of Oc Eober by THOMAS J. RICCI te86. :vt;#e;,, : I e>-a i',?,1i PUBLIC ...'pi .,,,,'fili;rllJtt:: , 19 9 0 . Witncss nry hand and oflicial scal. rlil tl tll_- Name: : ..''L scpt. 20, I 9114 Project Appllcation Ricci [.ieCroorn Adlitirrrr Add I 6' X I Gr L erl rcom add ition to existino home. Proiect Proiecl Conlact Oescription: Person and Allen Tafoya 949 1809 (lJ) Owner. Address and Phone:T.J. Ricci 257C Davos Trail, Vail, Co.476-6413 Architect, Address and Phone:Allen Tafoya 949-1809 Legal Description:Lot .5 , Btock E , Fiting Flllnq 1 wo Family 7on" Pri Das Scfrone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: . APPROVAL \:+ DISAPPROVAL ) 'l\ '. 'l \ Town Ptariner E statt Approval xl l*l ,% tr+ 3= E IE 3=,r E E E= E= E E E E EE E E E HErE E E Star t' ef D,t_r^1 "t?l .1L Ut, +",, L?.?7 bDJv^( -t.?L pL lw 4 5?-# h.l,l t\ha, Aogtf.N qo'-*$-. # 2n0 z/ "wt$ $tQ51 ftL4oL +?.51 . --"-- -'.-' . , t4LQ'51 \ ,*^A U-r!, aD.95 l,+a.os bt 84 z5.do 84t.4 to.t U1",2r(( , A1.Ib - ,/'( 11s.4tt{. '.-' /xa\T.q,q;e ?)A'1.44{ *rlJ, Z1e7q,{uh!. t Sept. 27, 1984 GRFA Check Ricci Addition Lot Area 11,131.28 Af fowed CRFA 2,782 sq. ft. Existing CRFA 1,945 sq. ft. Allowed Increase 837 sq. ft. This Addition 256 sq. ft. TOTAL Remaining 2,201 sq. ft. 581 sq. ft. J"9E Yv"o-trtt (9 I, llJu \ \'(\*Xe sr\ ,/',d)tr Name ,of Proiect: Legal Description: Lot Description of Project : i Bedroorn Addition Block Filing Vail Das Schone File #1 l6rX16r bedroom addition tb. existing single family house. The following information is required Board before a final approval can be A. BUILDING MATERTALS Roof Siding Other Wall lvlaterials Fa scia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other for submittal by the given: Type of Material Redwood Deck applicant to the Design Review To match existing St ucco To match existinq NA 2 X 12 rough cedar To match existing Wood To match existing 2X6roughcedar To match existing Wood - flush To match existing 2X6roughcedar To match existing Wood To match existing Galvanized S.M.Painted to match adiacent material Color NA NA NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Con'inon Name Quantity S ize TREES SHRUBS lnwn n l|flI 75 south honlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty development .lanuary 24,'l 985 Al l en Tafoya Rouff & Associates 7735 East Gelding Drive Scottsdale, A2.85260 Dear Allen, Enclosed you will find a copy of the approval for the Ricci BedroomAddition. I have noted on this approvai sheet that the depth of the bedroom will be reduced to fifteen feet. This should insure that theaddition is within the fifteen foot setback;. As you know, standard Design Review Board submittal requipements wouldnecessitate a survey be submitted with thj s applicatiori , By locatingproperty pins' it was demonstrated on sight that the proposed addition wou'ld be within the required setbacks. in light of this, an improvement :yrvey was not required with this application. It should be noted however,that-the-building department will rbquire an improvement survey prior tothe framing inspection for this addition. At this time a preciie locationof this addition will be detennined to insure compliance with the re-quired setbacks. while our site visit'last fall iid demonstrate that theaddition is within the setback, it is the responsi'bility of the applicantto insure that this addition does not encroach into the-reouired iitteenfoot setback. I.hope all is going we'| 1 for you in Arizona. please stop in anO say "hello,, when you are in town. Sincerely, / \ \ nn' \D-Jv\ Tom A. BraunL Town Planner ENCL TAB/rme ztKlq"-- ffirT; drr zlzz lqs-"dl&*1*r6ry ' dN (=*)January 16,1994 Ricci Residence Adjacent Lots Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone f iling # I Lot 3, Block D, Vail Das Schone f iling # 1 Galen A. Aasland P.O. Box 383 Vail, CO. 81658 Lot 2, Block D, Vail Das Schone Filing # I Gregg and Beverly Johnson 2566 Cortina l,ane Vail, CO.81657 Lot 4, Block D, Vail Das Schone piling # 1 William R., Linda, Jennifer and Michell Aylesworth 425 Cumnor Glen Ellen, Illinois 60137 Jeffery T. and Judith A. Nichols 2925-B Mans Ranch Road Vail, CO. 81657 Lot 6, Block E, Vail Das Schone f iling # I Michael and Maro Lorimar P.O. Box 3069 Vail, CO. 81658 Lot 7, Block E, Vail Das Schone Filing # I Mark Stephens and Margie Worthy-Stephens 2547 ArosaDr. Vail, CO. 81657 Walter, Elizabeth and W. Paul Smoyer 4053 Alemeda Dr. San Diego, CA, 92103 Lot I, Block F, Vail Das Schone Filing # I Juergen Krogmann ' Ricci Adiacent LoEsI 17915 Cowan St. Irvine, CA. Y2714 Lot 2, Block F, Vail Das Schone Filing # 1 Elfride Devaney 2565 Cortina lane Vail, CO. E1657 Lil24, Block B, Vail Ridge Iarry A. and Anne H. Agneberg 2585 Davos Trail Vail, Co. 81657 ( r Ricci Actjacent L.'I- 1. Ef THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hotd a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on February 27,1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request lor a site coverage variance to allow lor an addition to the Ricci Residence focated at2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing' Applicant: Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen Aasland Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Simba Run) to allow for modilications to the previously approved development plan for the Savoy Villas Development located on an unplatted parcel at 1100 North Frontage Road. Applicant: walid Said Planner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow lor an expansion of the Aasland Residence located a|2527 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block D, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing' Applicant: Galen Aasland Planner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a CCI minor exterior alteration to allow for an addition to the Golden Bear retail shop within the A and D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeVLols A and B and a part ot C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee Hollis Planner: Randy Stouder 5. A request lor a proposed change to the Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request lor a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU located at 4040 North Frontage Road/Lot 3, Pitkin Meadows. Applicant: David Hilb Planner: George Ruther 7. A request for a front setback variance to allow for the redevelopment of a residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 1 1-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John Krediet, represented by Steven Riden Pfanner: Bandy Stoudel 8. A request for a side setback variance to allow for the construction of a new garags focated at7929,794A and 7948 Potato Patch Drive/Lots 10 and 1 1, Block 1 , Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicants: Cogswell, Clark, Willson and Ludwig, represented by Richard Hempleman Planner: George Ruther 9. A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage to be located al 4524 Meadow Drive/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: Richard Vossler, Timberfalls Condominium Association Planner: Randy Stouder 10. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 Cascade Village lo allow for the completion ol the Westhaven Gondominiums (The Buins) located at 1325 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, SDD #4. Applicant: Gerald Wuhrman, General Manager of the Westhaven CondominiumsPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 11. A request for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback and common area variances and conditional use permits to allow office on the third floor and to allow an outdoor dining deck to provide for the redevelopment of Serrano's, located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Reviewpoard will be reviewing the following application on March 15, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an addition at the Ricci Residence located al 2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5. Block E. Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicanb: Tom and Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen Aasland The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular otfice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on February 24, 1995. o o I t o z',A'-=-\. ,' --\ /1-\ { {--l\L/ Ids,Ell6.lm IP, 12ol -lpliI'li"l I,, I,DI5lIl,io I B',fi t \, II i I t:ilil ; I qa-LN a. aag-aNp AzCt_)tTLCT PC. tor trrt !a co aral|tL*b*t \'' -'r.\\ \\{^ al-...u. 7-.Yt t ) r----- -___-__ -J' I I o o o o o o b1 *.* 4>{ o o +LE.N a.44q-al0 APAITC,CI EC EI I.6 t- o o o o I I I o 6Atlr.l \. aaj'-atD AP.UlT-Cr PC \ o o / -r "-:-i. o .tE.T'I A AA3-AIDrcclAlDln 'f:aPafri-- PC. u tt L6- a o o m n E I \I\ s*\t?\I Tt c5t"rt o 4ALE-N A AA{AND_ aR.crtTEcr ---r I