HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK E LOT 8 LEGAL/of t,6/L F l,'ru-ao" 54.rr-A Design Review Board ACTION FOR].| Depaitment of Community Development 75 Ssuth Frontage Road. llail, Colorado 81657 t€l:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2,f52 vreb: www.vailgrlv.com Project Name: MOUNT OF THE HOLY CROSS DECK Proiect Description: RNAL APPROVAL TO REPI.ACE DECKING AND GUARDRAIL Participantsr OWNER MOUNT OF THE HOLY CROSS LWH0912412007 PO BOX 1103 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT MOUNT OF THE HOLY CROSS LWHO9I24I2OO7 DRB Number: DR8070506 Prcject Address: t€gal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX 1103 VAIL co 81658 2557 AROSA DR VAIL Location: 2557 AROSA DR toE 8 Blodc E Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE RL 1 2103-142-0403-0 See Conditions BOARD/S]AFF ACTION Action: SI-AFFAPR Date of ApProvalt 1010312007 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this p$ect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009405 The applicant shall stain the entire deck (including existing portions to remain) the Ace Dark Walnut stain color prior to requesting final Planning Departmetn inspections. Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: 32o.qt Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tf]l| 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgw.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An appliotion for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Communify Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction ommences within one year of the approwal. Description of the Request= REPLa<e E{ts:rt'4c P4'Ytta Gttm fu4.LL . DZ c la s-r &ucf u ft,,& n) ILt-kt 4 1a k, F,(I.) o \,oq ID0Location of the Prcposah Lot: Bfocf: E Subdivision: vAtL DAS SCtJopL F)Ltt4- PhysiailAddress: 2 F.IL''A DL, VA, T. C-l.: E Parcel No.:2to314 zo 4o7o (Contact Eagle Co. Assessorat 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zonang:?5 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:9o{ VAI Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone: 1"o - LL :iLU 7a Name of Applicant 4 Mailing Address: f rEA t} 6i,ccl 6/(rt Ll'',6-bGt oPhone: Fax:t-11 6-'37<1E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceofual Review D New Constructiontr Additon tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign D tr For construction of a new building or For an addition where square footage commercial building (indudes 250 For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window additonq fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board No Fee retrrv E [il :J$:.,;i.:::1", U,} +*{l***+**++tt*{'*********++++********++++*$*l'{'+r!i**'i't'tt************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement f * * * + + t a * * t * * | * * * * * * + * + ***********+fl|t**'|**l'{r{.*****'}'t'l*** * * * * *********************'1.1.'1.{.{.{.**** SEaEement Number: R070001951 Amount,: $20.00 09/24/2007L1 :49 Atrt PaymenE Method: Cash Init: dIS Notation: $/MOUNT OF THE HOIJY CROSS IJIJUTHERAN CHI'RCH Permit No: DRB0705O6 Tlpe: DRB-Minor AIt, SER/DI'P Parcel No: 2103-1.42-0403-0 Site Address: 2557 AROSA DR VAIIJ IJocations 2557 AROSA DR Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total Al,t Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0,00 *'t*******t*t+**:t*!t'**'t**********r++*'it+'lt**+t{' * t t++tf ++************************'l*{'*** ***+++++ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri-ption Current Pmts DR 00].000031,1.2200 DESIGN REV]EW FEES 20.00 TETH iF:!l ul .l l-----ilj CX;\.j (>- {l Ipl zllulII tul>lolul tLl EI ;llul(f)l ot tLlbol-lfli-t- (C'l) I Izlol trl sl rulJI url Jl $lat.gt! <t;:ft -*l* o zl <lJILl ll tl =lFI\)lft EIol \DIzl t-l-ool+ tliA(-/ itg $IE ff?i T J cl SI ?t a fr-{o i;; EII I Eprxll r;e ri iI: fi[$:io <q9 Ef! 6!E \).. / '... I/ \<,/ dF-/ lr -.. ti {l4/' 5I,' 36 \ ir.,'.. "dtr..av ,... I ; Ft ! I I JI FItul 1l sl Eln<t;lt..l* o <'o)... I t"i* *[! tx* Irpi r-d T9 { $E HN*v tsp T9 i I $ * I x t & LgqB O4V>O102 '1lVA'V90EV Lgge zjl Vd=2J >2=A =9\^lOg>JVdH">JnH" NVX=HJ11 €90d2 A1c.H ;J 6X>YIU hLtrtz<9u 00 rL uJs -(n >'E ---i ,/,1r,, \l\ .. r r\r\rr r ,r( llr \r I ' r I COLOR AND A GLOSSY POIYtTRETFIANtI FINISH IN ONE EASY STI.,P. T7livl.; cr r,,;1lL f-rr-5lGN n[vir.''uv Sli.nFr APPrir)VAl- O 1? r.-,.l,j1l\) z 161-118 Dark Walnut,(- ---- i\r PLEASE I'{AKE TOWN OF VAIL D E PA RT;\{ E.\. T O F C O M ]VlLiN ITY D EVE L O P }IEN T' S.\LES ACTION FOR:\{ SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD L, C0L0MD0 81657 ZCTT\|O,d\D A D DR.ESS [{APS0l 000041J{0 0t c$30 424 t 5 UNT.TOR.\ { B TIILDDIG CODE 0l 0000 {24 | 5 UM FOL\{ PL UI'TB I,\-'G C ODE 0t 0000 42.il5 .l UMFoR-\'t j\fEcHAN'lcAL coDE UNIFOR,\{ FIRE CODE0t co00J2{r5 ol 0'10012{ I5 | N,rnoN..{L ELEcTRJcAL coDE oTltEn coDE500Ks0l 0000 {24 t5 ol o00o {ti4s I slug pgrrrs olylAlts 0l ocql {24 r2 | >:e aox copEs / sluDIEs 0t 00cor23?l PENA I.TY FEES / R E.L..-'S PECT] ONS ol c8co{t3j2 i pL,rvRpvtslvRE.CHEcKFEE tsroFER}iR. 0t 00co,(2323 OFF iIOURS DiSPECTION FEES CONT:I,\CTORS LICL\S ES FEE.S0l 00,:0.t 1{ l2 0t c{'004t330 loT}tER }-TEs SICN APPL]CATiON FEE.01 c0004r413 ADDITION^I. SICNAGE ;I,E [SI.OO PER SQ.IT.0l 0000414t3 0t c00c 421-{0 }TC ART FROJF.CT DONA]ION .II33I ]"IPRE PAJD DESIoN REVIE1VIOARD FEE OIMO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 lAx 0r 0000 42371 rNvEsrrGATroN FEE (BUTLDTNG)TOTAL DUE: 0l 0000{13 CONDTNONAL USE 0l cr0004t330 0l 0000 .,1 I 330 LYTERIOR ALTER.'\ 0t 00004| SPECI,\L DEVELOP.\ 0l 00cr0 .13i0 SPECLAL DEVELOPIfENT DISTRICT ll' SLEDIV]SION 0t 0000 r l3 CODE /I.VE\DTIENTSco00 .r 1330 * * * * * *' -Tt-!r;,i- . o o r" * 5S8 '? m'gg feunt Paid .20.08 9.68 t' TGtf.t|{ CtF LtFlIl- ilisccllamous Grdt tg-at-g5 14r66c52 ReceiFrt * 138454 tlccount * CK FIFIELD\DRB FEE Fmount Fnde r€d Itent Paid 8166s94r33taBB Change returned )I l\THFIHK I/OIJ OOI't't f{TY IE\lEL(FtCf{t Deeign Review Eoard ACTION FORM Department of Community Developnent 75 south Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:.97O.479'2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Nam€: HELBING/COFSIS DRIVEWAY DRB Number: DR8070514 Proiect Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A NEW DRIVEWAY FOR UNITS'A' &'8, Partlclpants: OWNER COFSKY, ROBERTA. 820 NEPONSET ST NORWOOD MA 02062 APPLICANT COFSI(Y, ROBERT A. 820 NEPONSET ST NORWOOD MA 02062 ProJect Address= 4946 JUNIPER LN VAIL 4945 JUNIPER IANE'A'-DECK; 'A &'B-NE 0912412007 0912412W7 LocaUon: legal Deecrlp,ton: Lot: 7 Blodc 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDmON Parcel Number: 2101-131-0202-7 Comments: SeeCondifions Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of APPtova|' L0/0312007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (Pl-AN)l DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prlor to construction activites. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constuction is commenced and is diligently pursued torvard completion. Condr CON0009403 The applicant shall contact George Chalberg with the Public Wo*s Department to complete a Revocable Right-of-way Permlt, prlor to starting the new driveway instafhUon. George Chalberg can be readted atg7}477-3517. Gond: @N0009[04 The applicant shall replace the drlvarvay in the emct location In whlch n odstscunendy. Cond: @N0fl)9405 The applicant shall install the concrcte driveuray pan per all Tourn of Vail speclficauons. If there are any quesuons regariing the specificaHons for the goncrete pan the applicant shall contact George Chalberg of the publlc WorksDepaftment at 970-q77 -3507. Warren Campbett DRB Fee Pald: f20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 Sou$t Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All pojects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitbl requiremenb for the partiorlar approval hat is requested. An application for Design Ret/iew @nnot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to be revlanved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deiign revlew approial lapses unless a building permit is issued and consbuction commences within one year of the apprcval, Description of the Request: LocaUonofthe Proposal: Lot 1 **'ffiiiT"aa Parcel No,! Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: F G,D \) g )s b E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptnl Review tr New Crnstructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-fa mi lylduplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request rebining walls, etc, For minor dranges to buildings and site re.roofing, painting, Wndow additions, retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board. No Fee U- r\ (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) cJu, $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consfiudion of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buitding (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, r+roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and@ tr tr Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: sEP-19-200t 01r33 PH A9ILE/2687 10:52 SCHE LRO 97932e7934 14326853341 P, 02 PAffi S4/A4c}+tP rctffi PNOPERTV OWIIER WFIf TETI APPNOVAL LETIER IIEUE rleus trta, furaj'{1 Pt*t'* t, te,t* ntq *l .5Sl( *?, !:Ld^.,,,. -'a irlnt svltr ol property lootcd at u UtPeft (atts provUe $le letter ar wrllten pprowl d tha plans dated haue bcen subrnlGed b 0|c Tt{,,rn of vrll Cornnunw D3tFlpgm6nt DEpllbrEnt for the uoposed inporcments to be Omdetrd at he addrcs noted above. I under$ad $at thr FapoFtd lm0fi|1Gl?|anE lnclliei Addlucnalty, plcrr drrct tlrr rtrlmLnt lrlorfl wltlct n mu +illdle to yolrl I ttrdctfirxl tM t &pr nffiFato1s ntf b tffie b AP Nffi atp dE nttw d tl1a rettew E Fnsuc en*one qflil, A,e rw* rylbblG da end ngulatum (nwallw+ tr r Etulgfffit il D\&WE nltw t ddr'trrdf-, whi6 ile mail b ttu ft$ o's a'e @utg of tta rwEr W b brurfit b ny aWWo W dp ffia6 fu M ryWtdl No6 u@il fiitlw twilw fu aP fowl (Initidlsr) lott D{qtrty ow'|. ktl| rniltr,d lyltffi$t !'t Fr\rd€|^Fffi'ls1,'E'mlt Fannlng\oE tb|nE\d&-mhfi-lll'F fF?m7'doc P4e 2 ot lt hF. Ls E.{\)$ It T *-*t6* S- : " luLt .',g ,5\* t-+ S.-S tr; r.Dl iNLL J.t- $- i"\(T5 M- $JL T -\ iLJ s:t ' $S{r'r-1r{*$ - /iH /"1 b9a { {?t#\rv''4"* Ila" +**+*+t+****'l***t*****ltt+++'i'i{'a'**************+******+{r't*1"*+****'t*++***++++***********{'*t*tt TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statenent Number: R070001955 AnounE: $20.00 O9/24/2OO7O3:29 PM Palment Method: check Init: iIS Notation: 4311/COITORADO MOT'IITATN HOME PROP Pemit No: DRBo7O514 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Parcel. No: 2LOL-L3L-0202-7 Site Address: 4946 .II'NIPER IJliI VAIIJ Location: 4946 aIITNIPER IrANE 'A'-DECK' rAr & rBr -NE Total Feea: S20.00 Thia Payment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Prnt8: 920.00 Balarce: S0.00 ********t************t**l************++*+**********+*r.**+t****l**1f,******+t********t++*+++i* ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO].OOOO371,22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 OF VAIL IGN REVIEIfi' APPROVAI' t, ^)(> t Application o Projec Proiect Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Summary: E Statt Approval to lAqb o o o ku,,ftft" wm4-t"f ?Ytb ^"'e A""g'Tn Mira : wY- wnh*z* "&f r 4l O:l' r- W"t'i W o'il'-J qPM yyrc{" u^ +C ,Le r'(> - l\\-/ \J f . ^--+tb''-\ o I J,:"4 , . .,",*e7€a <'3 f"n.o'lgr -li'::,v#fs{,*.:;'tr.'?uef 't .91*' ;;'r'" lie-1i s i",l..s ":f' o'{A ?irs ar y,*^ *iuu u f.{ 1, *J?:- }-- +b.r :t^ :,1 ff F-," | 't' I:-t'fi;\; ^t al +b,-1_ n,xf,^:';*i. {v,c,r ,^ttL'L I't;;?Hit +t rG {t^ e e rfrr^re( /r/(u"r ---'o ,,,t,_, 7a' 9*V*f w*ld t J -L g;*o'le( gb P,oga{cr'.J i I _:F\FA >L,:i7|;{iYiri te {'^e 4 f,rr'rrc( /\ l) I. v2 I ,y- +\ fo,e* \J? to^/ - 7\ ********** ISTS APPI..TCAIION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ttNTIL AI.IJ REQUXRED INI'ORI{ATION IS SITBI'{IrIED********** PROJECT TNFORMATION: lor ZS</7 Aro.uxA. DESCRIPTION': t.ET)<-e. U';t (nL.-, drt )r O REc'D ocT o 1 l99i O "."Q sl,tsL APPLTCATION - TO'IN.OF IIAIL, DATE APPTICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COIORADO I'.TYPE OF REVIEW: Addition ($50 .00). _Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS . > , c/ _t f ro.<l, ,Ar . D.. LEGAL DESCRIP?ION: LoT + BIocK E New Constrdction ($2O0.OOl Y uinor Alteration ($20.00) Subdivision T,OT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. NAI,IE OF APPLICANT:Ktv; "^2)tnrYress: a meets and bounds lega1 on a separate sheet and must provide a curuent H.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTAIIVE : Address: Phone I.NAME OF OIaINERS: *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of oRn application. Later, whenapplying for a building permiL, please identify the accurat,e vaLuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjusC the fee according to t.he table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: $ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 10,ooo $ 10, 001. - $ 50, 000.9 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 s500r 001 - $1r 000r 000I Over $1r 000,000 .* DESIGN REVIE}I BOARD APPROIICL EXPIRES ONE YE.AR EI'TER I'XNAT APPROVAI I'NI,ESS A BUTLDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRI'CTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WIII{ BE PROCESSED WITHOUT O9INER'S SIGNATURE i_.. 1 .t. K. FEE $ 20 .00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500.00 i'4h"5 If property is described bydescription, please provide aLtach to this application. ZONING: ' "t o, MATERTAL' ( e,n 4a c l^ royT BLocK sUBDrvrSroN L/o,i( ,,ta "/ rr.r L 0 n/-.J.u,.iL^ef NAI'TE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a finaL required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: A. BUILDING I,IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other lin.< B.LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES TYPE OF I4ATERIAL COLOR Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* 0al( EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. lndicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. oz tr =E UJo. |-\r U' uJ UJ lJ- F =uJ ,a t b-d-/- ud JO Zgett *r 4 -a-l.l I I I I I tyJ lo Ici' ?l(r)l t-rlt.F-l I I I ,< ,lal6 arl!+ J::.2 r6 trrJ 6rEl UJF 6 F FIz o 2 2 |ltltlxlil il. 1 $t*ilO-fl.ir &E+H dU 5{oQ =*J,;I5'I@"d..t Oe{z6ooN!r t t8l\t a)vq +r {Jr-lo q,t (d o.-t B;; 98" Eg E:E :iiE; iEE FE E€gE: g;Ee* SEasJ f E='gI I:tEg:3i 9d E= c) (/, E srlc€ ;ei:i icaig tf C\ talrr.s ==Eut z .J d) Yo UJI z J J EF qJ) UJ z = oz uJ = UJ uJ z tr uJEo UJ oto =I UJe.z 6 uJo F6 !! z IJJJ gJof an llJ UJ TL F- = IJJo- J FoF z @ 9e. F()u,Juj z = J 2 ()U. NOrlVntVA ,ltI ol 1 di>l-lo1 Q]q ,t ol Pq f{ 10t I 0l4 J(! ;ZZtL F o- Q=x f =YsP oE aocZt-C)O ar tt-1.<)zX tJ- <(oq i!i-Ellirr!a;z'. : ulr(\t(, =>E =(DN 0( +r r{ X z tr {t+(r o = t!(L xxE c z E o z tr E UJ B uJz trz:lzO(/, o< :E>(E 8o<z F 2 Ozza- do3trOI l f t! z orF z F Jlaz J 3 i ul o ; I _l -lI I IFI ;i il:.I zl zl .. >l uJo UJqJz g) F IJJ z E = 6 -T-- I Il.ol{3tduJla, c* r.r- (>og I Oo uJ tro @o-zo F.LlrjY uJ c0 ol- tr Gi;LIJ <h(L lJ-l\,, ,"1 E_+o{r'1rl u.lo=zo F =E lrJ o-zIF C) GFanzo(J F ruu i fi,r 23Zpol:-< = t! )iF-dd=* _ _ __o'l P<IULI E i-'E H=Irr o- trl}E EEI =E i Hl Ert jt -' H F cl F --i9 ,t= rt{ ot{ o r.! o) q) +)v) ri'i =z CD '_) ul 9 ls l- IHt(! t:l=l<lz t{ (d H F\\T c\ : \tN\o F- I i Frn .{.r{ Fo = G lIJ J = (L ts(J b0 itt c,o = It- IF c.l oz ,;1 uJl <l>l t!o z! 9l \o\o rf) Irn\t c : I I = oz ul = IL z 3o =E tr z o uJ J z3 F =tr ,.iz .; ur .J !r z3o|-= oz o UJ CE z3p uJJutF (r (Uz = F uJF I()E E -.r O<F(r(JuJ<ZELUFo6 JE<o(JF E3 gE !loz. t- =<ZE !zrro $F 13 gE Eoth =+EF]-o2 () ao(, U' JO TOWN OF PERMIT flEcnst vArrJ coNsr*u"*ro"-z 1993 APPLTCATION FORM PERI'{IT /I ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]- Number of Dwelling Units: / Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: JllT t4*a<.l- 9,^ P}l.. <t7t- 7/4 Ph. ,e4e{ E€ 4vr9-?qfl)-ott:eryfu.e _'J Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ************** )L/a. @ Address: Address: itional [ ]-Repaif Nunber of Accommodation Units. ) . rypnber and Type of Fireplaces: Cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet Z _ ********************************** VALUATIONS *********************************rl _.---durr,orue : rrrcrnrcal: $ @t s. tlSpo--iurr,orue , rrrcrnrcal: $ @t $. /t1to-- PLUMBTNG: T-- MEcHANTcAT: $- T-7TAL: $- fl*************************** CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************fEeneral Contractorz r^a R.afri Z r^*-. Town of Vail Reg. NO. ,-:>5 *************************l****** FOR OFFTCE USg ***************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: ?'1 - BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBING PERMIT FEEs MECIIANICAIJ PERMIT FEE3 ELECTRTCAI, FEE: OIHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES:-oT-w oot"t-----ffiLo;,. : l99t APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEI,Y OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ****************************'r PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [X]-other lott Job Name;Job Address: 2={=/> 4rufov tb Legal Descriptl.on: Lot Block Filing sunorvrsrow, owners Name: Architect: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: J I\'I\ T I Ur(,L : Comments: VALUATION fu 27/. 6/+-tn-ood $nrFCLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND e-*ri tkaz TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 75 soulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L,38 or 479-2L39 oo offlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH t_5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vebicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillfy enforced by the toin of VailpY!}ig Works Department. persons found violating this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said rnaterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puUfic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departrnent to obtain I copy. rhani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. and acknowledged on/Rer (i.e. contractor, owner) oo 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oftlce ot communlly developmertl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If thi.s perm.i.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineel"s (.PgUtic Works) reyiew and approval,' a Planning' oepariment review or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas th! ee weel(E. All commercial ('large or smal'l) and all mu'lti-family permits will have tq fcllow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.denti'al on smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso talte the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as. sgon as possible. I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time r,rr#;e*'-r'" \-rrl'nlrli l r , r.J !\-rslvy.'re'lr. .,lPqr INfiO ION REQUEST' 6/ rc'TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: 64ONT, TUES }6.' .a=O''.t / //,rr;27t READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr o tr tr tr n UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr 6 rrrunl D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr o n TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING HOUGH tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,\ f ,aq-t Oai .t ,r /.t4k'/..rr,2,v oere /-.r=y' a2t/ tNSpEcroR Profect Application t/ o"," 5/7/(z Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot atocx E , ritins l*: / il,t ScL-,-, Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ,^," t/l/ru DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Summary: -L /,^r", 5fi/42 Statf Approval -DRB APPI,IEITION - TO9IN OF \TAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: r'rs aPPLrcArfi;;;;iior ""uNTrr. Ar.L REQUr**O* *r*T*O*TRrtO* revised e/4/eL COIORADO MT MAY 8i 1992 I. ACCEPTEDIS SI'BIIITTED d wbr "@ PROJECT INFORI-IATION : A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition (S50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:rotT Subdivision ($200.00) / *ino. AlteraLion ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) Block E a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING:E. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: PI Mailing Address:_! must provide a currentapplicantlot area. H. I.NAME OF OWNERS: .i. K. t(NAME OF APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: LMailing Address: Phone []Arotr *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL the time of submittal of DRB application. tater, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail wJ-ll adjust the fee according to the table be1ow, to ensure the correct fee is paid. EEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o - $ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - I 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000r 000$ Over 91r 0001 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DEsrcN RwrEw BoARD AppRo\rar, ExprREs oNE yEAR ArrER Frl{Ar frtuJUV AppRovAJ. uNrrEss A BurLDrNc pER!4rT rs rssuED ero colisiiucrrbu tYran\ r -::I;;"rcArroN rrrrr,.. BE pRocESSED $rrr'o'r or{NER, s srGNAruRE 5t^rflL "*-*]"r.^l MEETTNG:rr. - A pre-application neeting with a mernber of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication inforrnation is needed. It is the applicanttsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional- submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property J.ines, building Lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking nust be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done durj.ng the winter is not buried by snow. B. The revievr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development. proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining fj-nalapproval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before tbe Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, wiJ.l have their items removed from the DRB docket until such tine as the iten has beenrepublished. D. The following J-tems may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,' and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is subnitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wet.land, etc) r a hazard study nust be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to alf mapped hazards. F. For aII residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walLs of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding waLls or supporting colunns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. G. rv. NEw coNsrRuca--- A.Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survey, stamped bva licensed survevor, at a scale of 1rr = 20, or larger, on which the following information is provided: Lot area. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted. Exist.ing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or nore, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (Iarge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, reguired creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 40? or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landnarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly inportant for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Informatj.on,for more information regarding surveys. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. nust be shown b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines fron their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone 2. ? 5. 5. Sewer Water GasElectric B. c. Show all utility meter locations' including any pedestals to be located on site or in the right.-of-way adjacent to Lhe site. Revocablepermits from the Town of vail are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearinq must be shown. e. A1] easements (Title report must also includeexisting easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of Lhe lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site Plan 1. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2. AII existing improvements including structures, Iandscaped areas, service areas, storage areast walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of wa1I spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. J. c. and proposed qrades shown underneath). Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to deternine building height.. A11ridge l-ines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8* unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The foLlowing infornat.ion must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4" diameter or larger trees, the location, size,spacing and type (comrnon and latin name) of aLlexisting and proposed plant material . Al-1 treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiaLe between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list, 3. The location and tlpe of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring forplant material- following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal conponents, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the siteplan. Siqn off from each utiLitv companv verifying thefocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . A prelininarv title report must accompany allsubmittal"s, to insure property ownership and locatj.onof all easements on property. ArchitecturaL Plans (t/8" = lt or larger, I/4" lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of Lheproposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of fLoor plans must be rrred-Iined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8-L/2" x tt"l for inclusion in PEC and/or ToernCouncil memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material coLorsshall be specified on the attached materials list.This naterials List must be completed andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchips, siding samples etc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board neeting. Zone check list. (attached) must be completed if projectis J.ocated within the Single-FamiIy, Primary/Secondaryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. NOTE: D. F. H. r. rne zonfAqnilj:gtTator and/or DRB& require the submissiEh of additionaL plans, dra*fngs, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deened necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILD]NGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be subnitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided aII important specifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAI A. original floor plans rilith all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans t/8" = 1' or larger(t/4'1 = L' is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. rndicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples onmaterials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See attached utilityIocation verification forn. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of ' property, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will scbedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stanped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinginformation must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location (s) with ties to properLy corners'i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot.. C. A11 utility service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact location of lines. D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A11 propert.y pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement. survey. G. A11 easenent.s . H. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shoern under the ridge Iines . VIII. A.Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with t,he Town, sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprinarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-fanily residences. However, developersof single-family and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to reguest a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. Tbe following information shall be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape pLan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the cbaracter of the proposedstructure or structures; 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Cornpleted DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt. of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject sha1l be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance wi-th zoning code requirements, theapplication and subnittal materials shalL be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not t.o be in cornpliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order tb determine whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. R NAI'{E OF PROJECT: 1EGAL DESCRIPTION: LOf STREET aOORESS: Z5 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: intx-fr;n LIST OF MATERIALS BLocK 1lJ&tz suBD rvr s r oN i'TNN A, The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wal-l Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings l-h i mnarrc Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAI,COLOR R LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. ""*J*or"*T, PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantitv Siz'e* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Type Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. IANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list bel-ow and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of 1i9ht proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwa1ls. Maxj.mum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maxinum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. D. L]TY LOCATTON VERIFICATI SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe folLowing utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West. Communications t-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 PubLic Service Company 949-5?81 Gary HalI Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitation District * 47 5-'7 A80 Fred Haslee NOTE: ].Thi-s form is to verify service availability and locaLion. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing a utility plan and schedulinginstall-ations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant. must provide a completed utility verificat.ion form. If a ut.ility company has concerns with t.he proposed construction, Lhe utility representative should note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. If the issue is relatively complicated,it should be spelled out in detsail in an attached Ietter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and owner to resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies' and no conments are made directly on the formr the Tovtn will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of VaiI, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of VaiI. A buildinq permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * PLease bring a site plan, floor p1an, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS DATE: IEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block _ Filing ADDRESS: OWNER Secondary GRFA + 425 =. Setbacks Front Sides Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total (30) (33) 20t 15, 15' (30) (s0) ARCH]TECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE 't*LoT sIzE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA +425= Retaining Wall Heights 3'/6' Parking Garage Credit Drive: Reqrd (3oo) (60o) (900) (t2oo)_ Permitted Slope ;Q! Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No ??2 Environmental/Hazards: L) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall c) Debris Flow4) wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file)_i Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Developnent Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.I2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fu1l- time employees of the Upper Eagle Va11ey. 10 t r- cf) @ O C) oz t- =E uJo- z r'\ ::Zt =z o- tt- dff Zrl =uJXdd= !!! u.l E QooIzo Fo uJY IJJdl oF F Gul o-bl> <.{* colli, '\toNlt:H;bkzo = uJ lr ;!{6YE<ctf,6A-e,E9fir 5EE drE h=E i*o x;E 669 EtrE XO-t x>6|ilF of UJ dt o-zoFof8,.F'a6{(J /f,:.> Uc.i ll=\(-'Jl ]E\>' I IV-s ct)lll z (,z ! o q5 z I I Ng !f- olE rd<{rFu16'iz :4>lo lotz ttuIF s5 C\l <\I\ I a so .dt-,5i>-lY rlHs-tx 3i=ro U'ul I,IJ Lr- F =Eul(L l"A gz o,r) bY. ,'t g q) !\ ?.. so-o c;.\sE oo cs lt R0)'E oo (5 (l) o() I @ E o =l o, 6 '.9 E o) atto U; o) s a U' ::T' l <t E6 o) '- oN -o Et\ o o o) t o() g () o .2 = o (! u;!(! o G o G v, (( .=o o c =F (! 't E ; = = c a(! E o .g 0)E. .c 11- '> CL Eoo o o(D EE6'-E E8 c.9.9a EEF'5 ;ocL'-oo65uq) =E.=>c9'- o,5co.9 T'6 iE EYI!.=- o6 'iG'- -c.OPEo E6IDE O(oic-c(5-Edo og(,, (6 or5;8o(6c-tE(!E >Eoo !r, cLoEl-o -o (t uJ urII E = Lrt o- J F E = UJ o-oz dJ IJJ uJ z tr UJ .. >lo UJ uJuzoF (r t! o- J z E o !,LzfzO('F !.1<oo< =HYr!3ci<z <t,F4,; 2= fio3trOI ll*t EI*l1l JIgl 1lq(,l ct =ltolqElqEl f,'El!!l! '-l(tt <)l - 'll- z tr tr 8 uJ J gJzt! oN (\l zo o =qJ =aD z9 CYooz>-o(Ja)zlr<ogulio-HIE .i$i z tr J LL c UJ J z tr z -k tu J =gJz + c,gos C'an an IUro .U (t =J t! I I I "rlJ Jo I 5 b{F o (-) an ii z dt _-l I r\.{- L (EC llJ =z Lo .u UI @ = @ (\t UJ = F. I fo- c\ (f G + o = tr C) ctt uJ o J = -o- Ic t tr c;2 ct UJE a rloz Bo =E oz out .E J l!oz =o =tr oz oulE J IIoz =o =& tr ctz oul J a u- z =F tr ^z ,i uJ J lt z3 UJJ u,l F G'U'orv5- O;<O = ^F\F5=3OKES F I.IJFr <F uJ<zEUJF(tZoo )t<o()F -< uJ l-t1urO AO G >Y =#)zrJ-oo JIY<F(JX;.) =#AFi,z =8 Eir =bi () <(J<tL!3 tt Entr i at) UJ uJ F = uJo-stl ill $r i \ l>+ ++ N*i. == ttt lr!lol> t-IG l* I 5 z qJz Bod l! lll6z.-3 crv <Fz.\o>vr< lE;*5 I EEI: E l*;gEsI F'sE:3 lE95:38 I ii5;5-r.=' - l-; >= y' c 9 6 F-P'- cLc -- E sE i,; EEAR P :€8Fs€esFE t; s"e g sE;eJgEig; E:TF5i F'E; eRcHE*rs =:=- o; q; c: o (D trlJ5,b sH=55 i HaEu *EFeE lEle$Ef;.i'-=ESgg: - O GJ i J (, \ \J V oo a d N F =ut z J f .D - z J J F qJ u, z J z I LIJ = r|Jt!ltz tr lu Lu E o ao 3g t! z 6 UJ v, uJ z g, x F |l,lo q qJ lllr+ F\ = LU J FoF z l Fol!Jul (,z = J 2 uJ = NO[Vn'lv^ rl I I u,F J= ti #a*€ z4o F4 E gE ts -E\9 G,y \J^r \tlIur.S 66Qs 3EP 6 9os!rl<(oo.H3>(JFc) -.t zo <lql cl-l *l BI I -lIl t N \ [;t<lo-lu, l" I t-: t<(lzloItrtoltoil'lIzlol al 9Jl :il -tl =tl!u tlztl lllltlII otrz:)z9roFUJ<oo< > lii>E6t <z u, tsz .. o,2=-iF uto3tr f\ \ z oPze tr)0 =z dP !Dn F UJo-lto!1 UtF() =zc<ctlov,G2lo*Fa9 =>F u,-FE h= ll" ld: ;l{zlA FIHE dl>l H r'l AI flq trl lttltltl lel lEl iflE9lt! Fl I olr!lcl JI <l *l zl 3lotFI I ol z.l ol uJlrrl *=l>l bl zl 3lg ,l "'l 3l fl* <F uJ<z.EUFAZo() J I F L! 2? =f)F:z o oFo c Fz o li: o =+Go2 oc) J<OffiilJO L 'e)a, :o v Lo-? -.--J. J*x22=FH< dd= Jt-lll -.h=fGo. LlJ:o-OLoo :>UF uJ(o oF -'E3 E Eo C' l-}' o I cct 0,l-Ff=E =+=€nDt TI9- (! Q)T E r) .= E-(:c o =---C)e =oJo i5 .. (D a:r Cf, 3oF .! S-rLtst4 o r > 'l'ifcl,\ E. 'i-: i ct r'>i4cf r-- '\ \J\ * N* hf' ,v,s{r:' : ..ir. j t,'l i;\ ,Ij\ i iry- :l I I I I I I t- N Tt T 1g N \\ t $t \s t/) \ R N s \ &("' 'qft lJJ@ ( a !:: (g ( iln ci o :': '1 6t v I l!n iu /{ I r'9i :5 3 = x t'\r---1-Sti\t \-J\,{ f.- ,1e\IEO \r _\r iIx\\l Vl if.. * n.N N{N >.e.oC) tt|I,tfr i'\,t'> v L\ :{{ ii .Y sX \b :', ,l \, t il) il /,', -"t ') 'NsilnoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL,'' /',, , DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:weo ( ;I,D FRr ' ,1"\ AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr ry tr HEATING CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR tt /{s-t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: S_ MON /4UES WED j- ,,/-*p--tt I r._- THUR FRIJ*, REQUEST VAIL : -1d PM ECTION ,TOWN 07 fz- cl FI ISIN \)r CALLER OArA(' AM- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr UMBING:L,U O FOUNDATION / STEEL ,:'. E UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr o tr tr d ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOI / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr u ROUGH D B D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FJNAL FINAL r^ ./VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ?-zz-3r INSPECTOR Projecl Name: Project Application zsi z tjtc:>f, n o^,, E-5-84 Proiect Description:K-/ t-r6 )kst-rt Contact Person and Phone Q4,-4ga'a owner. Addres " "nd Phon",-%-y'j ( tlrCr/6t' /L a-',Ae ,ct/' Architect, Address and Phone:ltxE Filing Design Review Board \ - _.-l\ ,,o \( IF- Date \"lll t'"'' r'/ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: t,' \ n i 1.\ri\ri., Vi :=:r Town Planner '(,,,',,\' ner6\)lrr 0 st"tt Approval ri^iri:1)r; ,,,ru..,,t.,' K47 W5r)r4-'-.t=t:-_* - ! LII;AI, +)!:sjclt t P'l'lON : l,O'l'_ ' ' tlt,OCK--_-l; I t. I lic _ L)liS:(ill I l)'f I Ol'l Ol; PROJ I:(;'I' The fo I lor+i ng inf ornat ion i s Board bcl'orc a final approval A. BUILIIIi{(; MATERIALS doof Siding Other l{al1 lvlaterials Fascia Soffits Windorvs l/indow Tri.m Doors Door Trirn Harrd or Deck Rails Flues Flashj.ngs Chinneys rcqrrircd for submi.ttal by carr be givcn: Tyge of l'frrtc::i.al thc applicant to thc Dcsign llcvicw Co 1or Trash Enclosures Grecnhorrs es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botani ca'l Name Common Name Quanti ty Si ze SHRUBS GROUND . COVERS 'sQUARt FooTAGE s0D SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wal ls, fences, swiruning pools, etc.) please specify. For homes with open spaces bet'*-een the roof and ceiling Straight Shaft u'here the skylite is directly above the area you wish to light. Cone Shaft-same as straight shaft except shaft is flared to permit greater ligltt distribution. Angled Shaft - $'hcre the skylite cannot he positioned directl-v above the area you ntish to light because of existing pipes, electrical wiring. duct'work, or limitations in the ru)fline. ,Bl## #D casement windows FRAME _ DRYWALL Scafe 3" = 1'- O" Bestclad Casement Window details are shown here at one-fourth and one-eighth scale. These are informational only, intended to illustrate typical installation methods. Bestclad Awning Window installation methods are simi- lar to those for Bestclad Casements. 12 Scale '11," = 1'- O" 8" MASONRY - DBYWALL 2x6FRAME-DRYWALL Details BRICK VENEER _ DRYWALL FRAME (STUCCO} -DRYWALL H EAD H EAD HEAD JAMBJAMB SILL SILL JAMB HEAD H EAD JAMB JAMBSILL SILL SILL BE KI^D CasementWindows Whttuws Bltsctr 4',9v." 1',2k" 1', 10" 1'2X" 4'9W' l'zX" rfn fn-ft rl-n-n!r20r2c 1tfr2022q 'U20Z2Cu m lfrn rrttn tn ffn lffn ffn-n m Nl2a22C rr20ac tTlLl l 2.t(zJylf.fntll 2tY20a2G mlrl M* t-ft||lt_Il zlizn'E t-T-t-n SrYt n2c I-tTTn fftazlc [-lTr flr3lrc lTt-nttrrtl Stft !42cfrfrn||ll 5f,taEac tilTntttllll/rl tu|lLc tfm rn|l2tc m-ll a;t|atc [rTnLLI-II allallc rTfntttll aw {2cfffnl||tl ffta3tcn-fltttllllLl tfil046c [l 3UiU2Cm twta2tc m tutStlc m !w${2c trtl|ltl 3f, 6aC TftlttlI Itl ruraacc $2a2lc l-TrT-t--ltttLtl n24 C[]_frnllltll fl2442C rrT--]-]-l fl2a5rc [T_T_I_Ntttltttlll al2$6c aila2lG t-T-fT_l fl2ttacff[n tt2ar2G [tT_n titatac |-T-fn||l fl2105G ItrA2$r|-n fl2altc|-rn llu|4Af[nllll lN2t5tc fl-t-]ttlllll 3U2.taG 2! ?!|?|C TT-lt___l_l ifl?,,',afftLLI 2V?|.2C TNltl zfltafaGfnLt'l 2II2t8aC ff@|8 fT-TTfItlttll fl2034c fl-tTTtttttll sUZrlC T_TT_IIl|lltl tf,2t5tc Tl-u-ntttlltttil ff20tEt {atac t-f-Tftrrttl atltE4cn-mttltl ryr20a2c t-l-fntttll tf,2a5ac fT-fnttttlttttt ar2!0tG :t2@I tT_n fl2014G Tfntlrl lr20{zc tT_f.ltlrt ttz06actrntttlllll 3 2ttC n 2it0a2G utlttIt|lac flt|l flfitac WOOD VENT.SIZE UNIT COMB]NATIONS Note: Any unit in vent-size combinations on this page can be ventilating or fixed. t0'1" l0'1u" t0'3x" 20' 4,f{" 6'2h" 8'3y" 4,2" 6'2X" a'3ya" 4'ly.- G'IA' 8'3" 6',1tX" 6'lllt" 8',1t" m|tonry opming f,oud oD,rin! UoitSizt 3'5y 5'2h" 3',8" 5'2X" 3',5E" 5'A' m zwla22cn2f !tc m tlr rT-l-n lrffn n tl-l rl-Tl-llrr-n ltr2t6lc mtl-nrTTrffiI-n 9'11{' 0'49(" g',4X" f|tonry op.nin! Rough op.ni4 Unit Eiz. tm tfl t[-f tfl 2!.6042.20C |-l----n|| tltttl 20.5064.20c tT---Iltttlllll 2!-600.20c 't1242.21CfT--Tttttltttl 2+4*an fT--Tttttlttrl 2+1?,&28 t-T-Tttttl ?o42,.-20C rfTttltl 24442-20Ctrlt|| tl 2t42ta-4rc r-t---Ttl| tltlrt 2!42at.20c tf--n ri423t.|lc tT-lllll 18{2t2.t6Cl-lllrl r642t+llc n---ntltlllll ra4ztltac tT_-n 1G343+t aCttT r&t+tz.tcG ttTt|| ll t6.!ta+|lc tT_-nI tl t$3atGt6c \ rT--rtttltrtl 2442t4dtC 11 EliBerllbod Casement Windows VERTICAL SECTION CASEMENT BOW AND BAY Wood Bow and Bay Windows *,ale 1%" = 1'- O" JOINING MULLION STBUCTURAL MULLION 90' @RNER MULLION WOOD CASEMENT BOW WINDOWS WOOD CASEMENT BAY WINDOWS Details BOW - 10' MULLION CASEMENT 45" BAY CASEMENT BOW JAMB SECTION CASEMENT 30" BAY BAY 45" MULL JAMB SECTION B*## J"D casement oi,,oo*" t'9x" 2'ty" 2'5v" l' 1\" l', fv" 2'3v" 18" 20" 21" i,Lrorry Opt, Rough 0p1 Unit Si.. S.rh Ots . G||!6 Siz. 2',9' 2'9%" 2'8t" z',7t4" 28" ;;al,;g :*Ei ar) arr ao arr rt ++++3 :-SEi ;;;i.,8 E 2t34C E 2u.2Cr 2ar4c E ,{'',c E 2a3rc E 2|42t E 2454C E 2||tc U ?f22C E 2@tc EMG E 2o|ac a 2!tac n 2000c ElSnc n ri2tc E r03ac U Itt2c I tattc I laoc ahF 2 oulx tt oz Fzul GLAZIXG - $.h sr. gl8od wirh 5/8" in3ul.ting 9ls5s s5 o.nuf.ctul€d by Eiltb6t Window.. All in. t|latim llaia ia hrrmaticallv iaalad and blddad witfi r dur.bla cxlrudod butyl lor daximum wlather't|lating glaia ia hrrmatically iaalad and blddad witfi r dur.bla cxlrudod butyl lor daximum wlather' .biliw. Th. gc.tcld C.3snrnl Picturo Window h|3 5/8" in.ulatinq qlrls m.do with .ith.r DS or HS ol.ts.bility, Th. gc.tcld C$snrnl Picturo Window h|3 5/8" in.ulating elrls m.do with .ith.r DS or HS Cl.ts d.o€ndino uoon riz.. So.ci.l insul.lino ql!a, it avsilabl€ for rltitudo! rbovo,l,O00 t€€t,,000 t€€t,d.p€odin! upon !i2.. Sp.ci.l in3ulrting gllar it availsbl€ for HARDIVARE - All inrid. 6rpolod hadw.r. ii loldtone T.uth hr.dv{.rr. Stu.dy tYork g.rr dud erm 3.|h oFrator, op.na and clolaa wirh .G.. Biliboat 6tclusiv. adioitabl. concaalad hing6 ara conatruclld of 3t.sl for maximum ltrength. A trndam .$h loc*ing iyllem i. u3€d on rll unil! thrl r€qtlire tuo locl(3. IYEATXEFSTRIPPII{G - For optimum w..t r.r.tripping polypropylcnd lo.t vinyl it u,€d on rll lour sid6 of th6 !$h, .nd ell intlrior lram€ opa ar€ westherrtrippcd with ! dual duro|'El€r bulb wrelh.r. 3trip, thrt r..irtr @mpr$don *t. SCBEENS - Scr.on ftamor src aturdv rcllad aluhinuh in loldtono $tin liniah. All rcr€.m are wi.!d with gunm€tal colorld lib€rlh$ ic..en cloth. STORm PANELS - Storm pan.k c.n b. in,tallad on th! €xt rior of th€ unit, lnd hwe a marln. glaz.d ahrminum auaroud . . . Solar tint d g16 RoG'! ar6 available, GRIILE llgaEnTs - Dilmond lit .nd Coloni.l lit wood grillo in3er$ sre.vail.blo froft 8iltbalt, Th... grillla an prgduc.d bV ! riljor grilla mrnuLcturt. for uae on tha Biltb€st unit, ASaE BLY AND TR IM - Individusl b6ic uni$ shill b. fumi.hed t.ctory..$.mblcd wirh..$ in.trll.d in th. trlme, md without trim, Trin ahdl b€.uppliod.s €xtra whon ap€cifi.d. 10 3'3"3'l|"4'7"5,3" 3,3\" '' ||14" 1'1|4" 5,3x" !',2t" t't0*"5'2X" 3'1L"3'9k"4'5x"5'.|y." 3f" 42" 50" 58" E 3.2tC E 3134C tr 3412Cr tt54cr l/16tc atF z o UJx l! E 4224C tr a2ttif. E 4242t E a25lc E 12ltc E 502tc E 5034C E 50a2c E 5l!/rc E rEgress Windows BESTCLAD CASEMENT SPECI FICATIONS FRAiIE - All b..ic wood trarre memb.r3 .r€ milled frorn .cloctcd w.ate.n Pin? fot a cl.r, natursl finidr, snd .l! poaarvativa traatrd in accordsnc! with NWMA Studard l.S.a. All axGrio. surtac.a 4.. cLd with herry extruded alumanum with .ealad, keyed or boaa€d joints. N.ilino lin or nailing br6ckali ar. .uail.ble fo( wall in$.lhtion. Esic irrnb widfi ii 4-9116". SASH - All r8h m.mbera ar! mill€d trofi 3clacted W€.tom Pin. stock fo. an.qually n.lural linish..nd are p.rswativ. t.€at d in accordhce wirh Nlt/MA Standard l.S-4. All ertarior surlscea lro chd wilh roll tormed .lu|ninum with ioin$.e.l6d durinq $!€mblY. Sa$ aro clamp glaz.d wirh all itinti wrl6t'r.iis' iant lrsled. Sarh aro acraw ghzad lrom tha inierior tor r€{laaing without rcplscing asrh m€mtErc. FllllSH PERFORIAI{CC - Alt 8.!tclrd produc{s are pro$cr.d bi. th.mor€tting corting f.ciory appliad to the.rlario. duminom surfds ooly. Thit finish will pB th€ tollowin! t .t : DRY Fllm HARDI{ESS - AAMA 608.7 - 1976 Ten6.3 FIt ADXESIO|}WET - Te.| 6.4FIT ADHESIO|IIDFY - Ted 6.4 COIOR UIUFORI{ITY - Te.t 6.1 SPCClrl-ARGL(NS - To3r 6.2 IiI?ACT TEST - Te 6.5 HltllDlTY TEST - 1e31 6.7 lF.der.l T.et.r€thod #llla Proccduo 6201 = lO00 Hn. @ loo$ R.H.)SALTSPRAY - Te316.7 lF.d€.!l T€.t Mo$od #141€ Procodur€ 606l -lq)OHn.) CHEIICAL RESIS' - T3.t6.611096 Mu.i6tic Acid Erick cl.lning,olutionl IIORTAF FESISTAI{CI - T6!t 6.6 DETERGETfY RES6T. - Tc.t 6.6 ACCELERATED EXFO. - T€lt 6.E lF.d.nl T$t Metfiod #141s Procedure 0152 for 6(x) H.s.) COLOR - Color.h.ll b. spacifiad *iih atandlrd color bein0 rfiito and .arthlon€ bronze. E 50tac fu Page 5 for Opening Specifications tl \,/t-\ t--.'<-:\I l'i S;,* rc"o \ 1..,t,- \U /vI r) /: i{ N..)i\',\ \rN' r,,,\ '\dtN{x(\ \H&, V' \i.-\ t'\KT{li \\,r> N^($(,\\tr-i\ ../v,> t ,,\ \ \)ii; .si /LI'.t It\), l_*c, nqIVl- BESTCffY A'IAIIABTE 'l I \ \ i I I \ \ I n N", ,(l 1r I f!r.-l s n { R\--_,-- ,-t\t\ i . 7 \ s\ & 6 'rr?/4 I .l _ _tr- R t\ \ $ \J l.- {\ \l \ s { \/l b.. R P NR 'hs$l NI Nai$t |trlui ilitll l I I I nfs { ') \ j ,a {E sr,$ $iN$$) -$$ $n q rrf \b a E d a! N \Ntr R I rr/ tt oI N a T,T'SI BUITDING DIYISION OF EAGLE COUNTY; P.O. BOi 789. couRTHousE, EAGTE; CO.-PH. (3O3) 32S.6339 BUILDING PERMIT 10 76orre Arrgrrsf 14 t9 7R rpplrcrrr George & GgiL Crowder rooness 'ERM rr ro Add Greenhouse 57 (CONTR'5 LICENSE) (--) sroRY NO. NUMBER OF OwELL ING Ul'll TS ITYPE OF IMPROVEME T}(PROFOSED L/3 EI AT (LOCATION) ZON ING D ISTR ICT lor ?- elocx E s-i'z e FT. WIDE 8Y - FT. LONG 8Y FT. IN HEIGHT A Io oo oz Eo suBD rv ts toN BUILDI}IG IS TO TO TYPE REMAR KS: SHALL COi.IF ORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION (TYPE) AREA OR VOLUME {CUBIC/SQUABE FE ET) George & Gail Crowder lsepgse Box 1603, Vail, Co. 81657 PI,I\N CHECK FEE $14.00 EsrrMArED cosr $ 1,1oo-oo FEE"'t $ zz-so BUILDING (Affidovit on ievcis ride of eplicsfion to bo compleled by outhorized ogenl of ovncr) I hereby cerify thot lhe ond I hove been outhor oufhorized ogeni. SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMEER) (STREET) . (C|TY) ..: APPROVED BY 'TITLE DATE 19_. rF Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. ' I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Sro € I oEscn.tflsee etrrcn eo sxeerl qf' (ot opce 1 M |L AOot ESS ZtPrp- EoYto"s /ara K/6s2 426 - MAIL AOOiESS PHOII'LtcEatSE NO. //, aRcH,ttEct oi oEStcr{Ei o Je BR.v [Yr LIC€NSE NO. 6A Wo exc ENGINEER LtcExsE l|o. MAIL ADoIE 35 6l^l{Ci usE oa !ut Lotr{ G7-- 8 Class oI worK: tr I{EW EI AOOITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR D MOVE tr REMOVE 10 Change of use from Change of uee to (O n r, ll vrluation o{ work: $ I tOO.AO PERMTT FEE 2-?, SPLAN CHECK FEE /?, O O SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total) 5q. Ft. No. of Stories Firo Spranklers Required D\l'es DNoAPPLICATION ACCEPIEO AY APPCOVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No. ol Owelling Uniti NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS AFE REOUIREO FOR ELECTBICAL- PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OB AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COMM ENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANC€S GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFTEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON. srGNA]uRE Ol CONTTACTOi Oi AUINOT|ZED AeErt - (DAtEl ZONING FIRE OEPT. OTHER (Splclfy! WHEN p8opEa|-y VAL|DATED flN THrs spAcEt THrs rs youR pERMrr /0.76 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION Q-trt* sr,z Form 10O.1 1.77 INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUrLDil|G PERMIT APPLICATION FINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting 8 9-28 (1 n|' t tlr-'-r** ApplicantDate Referred n ) s47 Crz+*at N*. Location P lannir rg Commission File Review and return to the county Buildirrg official within 6 working days loTo' Permit No. No. P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Commerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval No En n Yes H MX Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : ntrI D trtrn tr County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommerrd Approval : D Dnn trEtrtr .4 , to, 'o il/A Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: DN Firral Inspect ion: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: ND Final Filing Date by DateC,/O lssued /alw /=o o*N.. .$'q\ k N a Li'.'. k tJ I a..- r'.LLtl ,!.t, ,Y '.j 'tj (x $ 's IB hb i...(.il- 4 ,.r'r"J'i- r:'.i,... t..' .. t..' ,v \_i "c\Y -s? c.\-J .,\ //r', /r2 '/l 42/5 L.{.} ir tii /// /// / .ii".tl', / ' 't'-\ t. /:(.:];t-.::;' / o '/ p/-O/l / q;,i/ > l' ;* ggagh eo,la$.- /.^ i /S\€.?- {r$'/ / 8. /;# '\/ ,' / .t<, A''l r -, u'.!i I o,rziH.iA 'gia EAGLE OuNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIvED/ 'Dalr- a'-i-' Y ' lg78 or fu)l- Qu.,a'* B& /4a3 CHECKCASH ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Bu ilding) (Zonin )(Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for no-payment of any item. Ne 3917 AMOUNT collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for t4/ 0) N e Q: s.; ,lu ai\ ct Lrl C} tf. ci- .\\(\ "!v) .J (J) -\ \J ---- ;(/.s v)L\),' \J.1, .J.-Y,-\-.r .l--'-t. l\\_./ a \,tr r^) a (.i, eA.'\:_ ) \-/ \I =-..._- .-. \.. -J -J a f- - l.- st! c\$ -...'." '|'lunoc 'liul ,' "r' " "lrtliltll lr r. n ft \"1!'llr\l BIhI \-: 'i --, t"! -s t\ ('_ e.0 t BUILDIN€ DIYISION,CF EAGrE COUNTY; tr.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGLE; CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 (--) sroRY NO. BUILDING PERMIT s11g Arrgrrst 1A , =t9 78 _ pEaMlr No.707 7 rppr-rcl.rr Gerard & Marian GaEnon ro-on..r 2547 Arosa Dr.- Box 787. Vail (NO.) (STREET)( c oNTR'S LtCENSE) PERMIT TO NUMBER OF DWELLING UI{ITS (PROPOSED IJ5E ) ZON ING Ar (LocArroN) 2547 Arosa Dr. - West Side orsrRrcr (CROS5 STREET)CROSS STREE3 ILo o d' dz g lr suBDtvtsl Das Schone BUILDING IS TO BE -______________ TO TYPE ,-ot -f- ,ro"^L'T FT. LONG BY BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION HE IG HT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (TYPE' RE MAR KS: Plan Check Fee 914.00 EsrrMArED cosr $ 1. 100.00 FEE"'T $ zz. SOAREA OR VOLUME (cuatc/s0uARE FEETI o,rn.. Gerard & Marian Gag'oon roonEss Box 787, Vail, Co. 81657 BUI BY (Affidovit on ieveiic dde of opplicolion fo bc completed by outhorized ogenl of owncr) EAGLE CCuNTY . Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT C,21s Clr-+, f , rc29.ta AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Ao lication Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Variance Code: (Building (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection onty and this receipt shall be cancelled for no-payment of any item. Ne 3916 .BUIL a DIN G PERMIT APPLI toN o CAT . Juridiction of Applicant to comptete humbered spices only.' WHEN I SI L I OE!Ci.tls:e e,rucx eo sretrt IL AODFESS FXONE L'CENSE NO. AICI{I TECI Oi DE5IGREi PHOXE LICENSE NO. MAIL AOOI ES S ' PHdIE LICENSE XO. L'NOCi MAt L AODIESS usE oa !Ut LD t c 8 Class of worK: tr NEW dNOOITIOT f] ALTERATION D REPAIR tr MOVE D REMOVE I Oescribe work: l0 Change of use from t I Valuation of work: $PLAN CHECK FEE I+,OA PERMTT FEE 27,56 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. of Storiet Size of 81d9. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnkler5 Roouiro<t !.Vg3 !N6APPLICATION ACCEPTED AV APPROV€O FOR ISSUANCE BY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOF ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AtR CONDITIONING. THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COMMENCED. I H€REBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFTEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEpRovrsroNs oF ANv orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON. 5 r cNAtu tE o7 co|Ttactot ZON ING FIRE DEPT. OTHER (Spoclly) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION dru';rr*arc Form loo.l 1-77 VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PEFMIT VALIDATIONcK. INSPECTOR o t :j /-a . EAGLE couNry tr,,-oto pERMtr AppLtcATloN FINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting /o77 Permit No. Location tu/./f /Plannirg Commission File No. Review and return to the County Buildirrg Off icial within 6 working days I icant Planning: Complies with: Subdi vi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No Enn Yes EK X Date: Comments: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : ! D D D Tutr tr County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommerrd Approval : nil!n E Etr N.lair U€VSD N/A Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngtrtr Final Filing Date by DateC,/O lssued tu $ /:i:.: tu l{$ \ LOr.r; -- ,\ -... -i...(..t i :,^. Oi /r L{.}j- tj'r' L{.:t;'-.r1r"/ //1 $) 6) p- '".1 ffi) v $7'l$$'/ "fi L9T / qo'oo tfi;rri## ffi >ffiw%ifl aaa\b rX \, -a o N.I -\\. l\ I I I I I II 6n,q /:-i-;:;r /:#7-.i;' / 'iii5..x. i iI t--; i it'- S i r ; x/ //1 {::loa ?'/O ;r, \tvl :\ te {$\! \q .;'i !/i Y /."\'/ [y /" i /sx::.{$'/ / B: }#3 \/ ,' ./ ,s' tr t - n'Y/''/ ^u\L?TlZK_\_ t*!fi|,ffiffiv 7W '*^ /1"o' V(/ii:;!i7(A l$ ?..- V//r'riiz%A'1- ,W,W ,24/,2 ;-#r- *ir i:..i.il-4 (11o. o:e t:, L(.,/"\ \0 \:i ,l\ .i.tL? CX $ ri-07.1:i oo RF-e:ivf I) AuG 4 1919 r *.".J,"'$#. il: .Drf) vo cr)er\ P vr:F'aeo>s \ \JhO {o r'D o ! !v c, FI tt ^N3tsn\A*q.-bktr )L.9- \A 6'o 6r : 3 ! lD 3 + i U'o r"l c)r'rrl c)olcz N c)oron Eo eugf " County, ColoracJo r , CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT as authorized by Section 6.00, Zoning Resolution ot 1974 Plarrning Commission Action: Date of Pubtic Hearing 21 Septemher 1977 rir€No.za(-?-?7z.T* S. t,.- Approved x concJitions: 1. 2. & Denled 4 ,'I I'A- "r i-J'J v / o',vu. The school accomodab no more than 6 children The hours of operation be 9 a.m. to 12;00 noon The permit be for 1 year in order to ascertain neighborhood response to the operation reasons: Appeal of Planning Commission Action Board of County Commissioners Action! Approved x concliti ons: Parking area be area and that the of the operation. Price Date o{ Publ ic Hearing 17 October 197 ? improved to provide some vehicle standing permit be renewable subject to evaluation to Danied reasons : Board of County Commissioners za/a__Lzz tA)-,*P"{-A/ Chairrnarrdate Pt1ga ?- ol 2 Attest I DT I Iil 0 flil!DTIIEI.OIIilE[T Eagle, Coloredo 81631 IIBTTTTIT OT TI.AIIII McDonald Bldg. $50 Broadway P.O. Box 179 18 October 1977 Marian S. Gagnon P.O. Box ?87 Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: FiIe No. Zcu-3-77 At their Public Hearing on 17 October t977, the Board of County Commissioners approved your conditional use permit with the con- dition that the parking area be improved to provide some vehicle standing area and that the permlt berenewable subject to evaluation of the operation. It is the responsibility of the applicant to apply for a renewal in a timely manner. uestions, please contact this office. Pl anner ./ ,, ,/-F;a4 \/u TKldK cc: Board of County Commissioners Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 32M338 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (303) 32E-6339 IAOTE TOUNTI yog have llonirn Gaqhon Viirt €a"ly" [- earn'^3 Centct='\-z - 'As'/Y A RosA Dd(, Vai I 1?c -ov tt e \ I tGn--ron \../ ll t' NU,-:_€_ t1 -,TJ J f c u'> PcrL: fer \-\) OY- C 1t''a'n /D n"-t'n,r"" .1 ,'..,,, u,-v-{ ( \o'o' i"a''r": cl ,y"''i i"i ,, iir\..t 6f \ ci. up 0nY i"-rq \: frl lP t l; (o r,t rt f - /r/ I o BEB&&TffiEE{T McDonald Rldg. .26 0F P&fllftll 550 Broadway September 1977 Board of County Comnrissioner Rrblic Hearing 17 October 1977 DEVTIOPTfiENT Dagle, Colorado 81631 o !{6 P.O. Ilo AND x 179 l(athleen IelJ-, Edit'or Eagle Va11ey Erierprise Eagle,. Colorado e$37 Re: Please publish the attached Notise of Public Hearj-ng the 29 September 19?7 publication of your paper. Please bill- and send affidavit of publication to thi-s as a rrlegal Noticer! in Thank you,2/2"-z/r 4z'- l4ichAel S. Blair Director l{sB/kp I'Lrnning [)cplrt ntt nt/I'h nning Conrnrission: Subdivision, Ilczoning, Applir'ltions :rnd Ilovicw (303) 328-CJil8 llrriLling Olficirl: Iluikling l1'r'rnits :tnd lnslxrction, Zoninll Adrninislpnlien (3(13) J2tl-6339 TAOIE TOUNTT NOTICE OF PURLTC HEARII'IG Cou:rty of Ilagle, Col-orado Notice is llereby Given that the Eagle County Board of County Cornmissioners wi1l hold a l{:blic llearing on 17 October !977, beginning at 1:30 P.M., in accordance with Section 6.O1.OZ(U) and 6.Of.O), of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing.will j-nclude the following: Filc No. Zs-40-'l'7 - Canyolr Cjablc TV Requcr;t: Spc:ciaL tJsc I'crmit to olrcratc Cnblc 'fV S],stcm Location: /; mile nolt.h of JIrvy B2 on tlrc Irlo1'cl c)r'arvford property, more particular'ly <lcscribcd as follorvs : " A 1>arcel of land s j-tr-t;r{:ccl in l-}re Northoasl- Quartcr Section 34 ' Township 'i sout.h , Ir.ango B7 \tcst-, 6tl't Pl-'i trci.paI l'leridian ' county of llaqlc, Stal-c of Colcrr;rclo, trore pirticrrlarly clescribed as f ollor'rs: Beginninq at a poinL r,rl:encc the Ilast 1,/4 Corne:: of said section 34 bcars stjl"14 i 50 " li a dist-anc e of. I22B ' l'I f eot; thcn Ngf tl a rlistirnct of 25.00 fccL; tlrence l'lest a clj.sltrucc of 25'00 feet; Llrcncc sor-r.Llt ;r rlj.st-ancc of 25.00 fcct; l-lretrcc Dast a disLance of 2r:.00 fceb t"-lfr" poinL of begitrni'g, cot'rl-aining 2500 square fccl, nlorc or lcss. t/ File No. Zs-41.-77 - William Ruofl Spccial Use Permit Request: 1'o Construct duplex residence on lot esLc.l-llishcd as a trvo family lot . rvitl-rin thc Planncd Unit Devolopment on a slope exceeding 30%. Location: Iiaglc Drive iu lhe Eagle-Vail Subdivision, Filing #1 , Lot 7, Block 3,' Dagle County, Colorado. File No. Zs-42-?7 - Rocli}' l\{ountain Airrvays Requcst: Special Use Permit to operate a STOl,port Locat,ion: Approximatcll' 1 mile east of thc Community of Avon, Colorado, more . particularly clescribed as follows . /A.parcel of land locarecl r'rithin the County of llagle, State of Coloraclo lying rvithin Section 7,. T5S n Bt tl, and Scction 12, T5S, R 82 I'1, 6th P.If ., more specifically dcr;cr-ibed as follot+s :'/ " Bcginni.r, al.n" souLireast cor:ner ot'?l* zz, of Benchmarlc at Beaver .Crcelt Subdivision, Iiaglc County, Coloraclo; lhence N l-Bo 59.' 40" E. along the Easts line of Lbtt ?-2 a dlsLance of 996.00 feet to tlte North righc- of-way l-ine of Beaver Crcek Blvct.,; thcnce S 54" 22' 45" a distance of 1435.00 feeL; thencc S 24o 29'20" l{' a distance of 300.00 fecE; thence S 650 30' 1+0" E. a distance of 4223.00 feeu; thence S 24o 2g.' 20" I{' a dis- tance. of 380 feeL more or less to the Nortll rights-of-rvay l-ine of the Denver and Rio Grande l{estern Railroad; thence Itresterl-y along Lhe North righE-of-tvay line of rhe Denver and Rio Grancle l{esEern Railroad Lo the Point of Beginning. " E. Filc No. Zcu-3-77 - I\/iarian Gagnon Rcquest: Conditional llse Permit to opcrate Location: Vail Das Schone Subdivision, Lot a prcschool ?, I-ilocli D, Eagle County, Colorado. Thls Hearing slral I bc hcld in the Commissioncrs Meeting 550 Broadway, Eaglc, Colorado. Room,'McDonald Bui lding' .: Persons: being af fected by a decision on tlris the Board by :rppearing at the Hcaring, or by or by mail thru tl'rc Planning Dcpartment. to mal<e comments to statcments in person .. rcqucst are invited subrnittirrg writtcn Further inforrrration may bc obtaincd and comments subnrittcd, by contacting the Eoglc County Dcpartmcnt of Planning anrd Dcvclopment, 550 Broadway, Pr O. Boxl?9, Eogle, Colorado. Plrono 328-G338. " z"/ Mosvcll Barz, Englc Oounty, Clcrl<ond ltir:cordcr TA$I,E OOUNTT BgF&BT[flEHf OF PTAI{HII{fi AHN AEIIEIOPIJEnT McDonatd Bldg. 550 Broadway P.O. Box 179 llagle, Colorado El63l 22 September 19?7 Marian S. Gagnon P.O. Box 78? Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Zcu-3-77 At their regular meeting on 21 September 19?7, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of your Conditional Use Permit with the following conditions : 1. The school accommodate no more than 6 children- 2. The hours of operation be 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon- 3. The permit be for 1 year, in order to ascertain neighborhood response to the operation. The Bsard of County'Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on your Conditional Use Permit application on 17 October 7977 beginning at 1:30 p.m- in the County Commissioners' meeting room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle' Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. rKljk cc: Board of County Commissioners I'ianning I )c p;r r( nrent,/l )l;t nnirrg (irnrnrission: Sulidivision, llrrildinll Offit'i;rl: llrrikling I'ernrits irnd Itrslx.t'lion, Zoning llcinninll, Applic;rtions and llcvjew (30J) 328-03.j6 Adrnilisl lat ion {303) 3::tt-0339 '6 Bq .'i € o, i 6t -2: .: o.a 4 F=4.- ^n9o.:; -h;i:iq ot;> co 9n'.o-o F.c I3E ql ;q.ao- ? {P 3 ! ;EE3! $Er-E E J I 3;.EbFcd o F. !a i ! E'':tE : il", ;;lgi-1 q ? firstE riEii$ :::slt !:iiij,: ! *ru ;24.5_e _35E8:u EEg:3.! *jf$:i i.,: =lE c- tE:r ;!;;rl [+;lEl *i+;ts I; iFi ial;i ;*jf:* Ii5;E; 5i€:5'+ :8 t:l E€dri .:5tf!.E ;i;gF: i5;a3,S q: s.d ;i3g$ tig;Er ;{lE3{ r::l:i fi$ .:"iE !:;;; t;?sS: EEiCc;:E"!5*s ns s*a 3;gi;; ;s$g!: :j;i;;a;i$Eif i; ;*!-:F[E!r f.3{r : iBE * -;:!i I ; $:iii *$i{t fi FE *iig H3 IiE!i iEi:ii Eii: -;; r{€Bfs i; ;:fg iir;i;F ;Er t:i :tg€tit giiig: ii $giI ifffi;; ft;;;; ;ii;Hi$;ae{rH fF s*;:i, giE: E ii $ig! , $:* T iF I q!iiii , *Et j {'s; i€ s 35:$E i$;E!3: #etErii i;s*g:95#g € g E j* F$ €.*E-o 5ai-.=13i s5 3a Fe= d *c*-.'ri x a UA o :3.3.;* 5orI .6'6*; i^c ,. cFq;!u -,:Er.E idi.'-- :6i€e, ;e *ori e.ENL: <E ,a; ?9,9-;F .=.t ;.j r. 341I"3 lr = *F 3,€;*r i; '-o! ttt rt o I 94I t I .E irs93.q;: 3 3 *:" E. s I s hE c 3 5;s fr-g b; r.: *u .o9 ssu ,ll gg?;t i*;ii:;E, {i ; ?ii-;'uiitiiii3iii'iiii I r illil iiiiiff ;ii iisiiig l ii ifie ii ii $ii?f,r EeE;iiii t I F$F}#F* ii giliiifiii; Ei dF'rk 4co () t ,a :- =,3qE9-GD.5f{>t{GI GT =<! 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'd O. nt .rl tlo '!> 'o ^ta.o odoJcei,o 6l roo E '!, l|J! rr.i o!-{drroAtd (n 0,6 4A d c< oQA.gE c0 oo! rz t:laFod!LH Ot.n..r o F itF.r o o E o !t(!! o..rr i6 ! ..{ dldc- .E it o aEle 60F oi.rr dj(no E > ol*.r F oril El!4lc ! .. qi c ! tlod lrio o -o old cl.6 a ola.'xal ,. r,1 crl 4!t o ot o c, c41u4l tit n > r, tual E Elli a s: qt'a:tdlt ouqtEul olo.> dl..oolqr dln E $r !l t<l o rol E+{oT)l o iJ '5 ta E irql xl fl FIol ;l i5 s- ^ ,,6fr r.t3 o rE ,; qj o I irolil GI F! 5l *l 8tiD l; .,.,er ^ n,l- . t:l : o () q, d .1 U')o 3 .ou () o. '.)1!.* . "i::ta: Il. (, oi: i . G u a .c o.r ob -;"55. ! .'t,'i o, !-.3:iSr1 E 3 ri ,=!r:{, qi |lcvo, <Jd-,l:>r E oot r.-:!- O orru<, E a l!- t, co o ,oo o 'o>k! ta. { ' e 6.n ra4Fe't rJ inar !o +.r.f,oiJ01 ! a Jr|cF !oqi-Jol^ E J,AO 'Jo \:rr!d o cro.rt ocroo.3ibo 'NJ E Eq ! o,r{ ! r! dr oF nt rF --. !r u d, !J:OH !:ood rr l,'sE'.r) tt oqo; t olJ O0 e,J tij {j, b0 O r'.Hao 'ud \0 0J -c o oArr E TJN.:CO .a Jq.a0, or..J E cr totxE ,ari- F Elr.-Llo qcocr>d o o rr.J.r{ .ot: orlo .r{ !n,oE6 o rs o ttJ.,r aJ4!F4CJoE.rr Alo Ia> :iEt:-v)!...to> .o ^dd .oa.o H >en cr!!,4cd! c Es fi r..-rE.o L1 (!0)Fa !) E 'c F Orr op a.c rroAa rtor orc.o-.tqt(, ai<t ()erorco d d!.4 .:ro\ ,<h> xdoooe 3!cz,o ao5 c, Ec o tsq oa o .- o ,ed E ! , 'o.c b0a "'-F !!lwi!o!q)! Jt- F,tJ tt ) ! o, o ! .toF iaot .:cJoqocuFu'Hzo ilri-goook .ioc+r 6: !l: a +r .,.1 t! (n Err i (!, g' ..1 .'1 | rr A.r'l -6 u .,.1lt d. !=-!l!olo F Eao4E hFoFJEl L-c !FEoori@irro r o ! i ol p oFN (r E >i I N.{ a €lf rro r x.,{ I c,,r{El n ",: EIc >'s .@rc u .. d caJd F q'El , ol o E(v)r otl o o,o€ i EE,rot= o d -t Ft.o .td' r..o:l ot i.!,-tdr..xrlf, 0, ul-q cl:cp<l: ", o o o ulo olo cJe l,6l ,. l" Jon(/1ol l{lo>c,E otd r{r qt+ cJ .r{ ! ()t c oo.c r ,itt cJ ri= Hl = .{ E o . ,t.J llo o sl k u, = dl.: > E .r o q ola>.t z crl ,oJ!l:.-Jovrz rula olcJ dq.z .4lt FIL/)I 4 t{cJv 4<lo lole 4 o .rl !(l t k< aa () l&< ta e,t Qt!< rq () 6 n) EE = dor !.;an .d g ,(' r0.r, o .;. |iEEdo o .o oF JlIrt aar t . (,)r o. oE .rr t: c)Ei O O O C d.qo o o .co Edi(rO (' lEArioIr .J C !i . >!! >\ nt6 (, d.-l A.o E qi n oJ ri:c ct o6a. ) F A E! O F ! d o d >d s dd o,r i t, o irJ 3 t o c6., Fo. -o3€aj do{kca..lo t ..r 'rr E ar iDeo q{rr{ o.q rrli o u (, .r B 6 'n A60.4 J X3 h0 0 0t lic..6{JO dtd o.c!.ra.i o c nrF o!Elc cr! !Eo! iF,n O l! ! .o o E3 cro c tFooio.r€ orEidFCe4$ ,6aFo.d:tu i.aEAo\d|lnOd O.r{ ( E r'r rr >lU d n o-cc.t >.i q{ d i, o-ct!otio oe O -,c 1.lr o tr.{\o u o.c.s a'r, o od-c(!diDoD adq.J jl (l!i.0b0!ll) (!o >!p.,r o,a!n d E (J!.io.i{tI 'r 5 d'O J ' E>\i o ro.i E o4.o o0 {id|.GucdJ o:ro.JJo6odd@.io ri () q40Ec 1.4 r,a li-rrd t: o4,lq 3 k D (! d >F { uL! r1 0'!d o4rdrro6{i,r.d 0,, c o.> o:l rr orn a.i qrioo '! 0, -6 EJc r.lla r 4., o cr r:..o or! d ! o ., J .a F o cIo o.r:rc clDqroooloJ o o > o olr. o o* slH_c uio.,{ .rl(j !odulu . ut 3 n o o 4l.r r,.lI cJ { raJl 'r: -orr!-t r<tlur:ll: o c'(,; c o r-lN > Li r:.rrld .l-aF orJ {Jtr- 0, o eJ El!lJ o t.tr a4,.L)u el6 :1.) ,rrl r ol5 O t r r o,,r ot6 rt>r,o ol, d-roro iri utr r.:Jtu J olrr u 4'iu. ototc l, rrlo. r.: dlr, olt.l , Ic u ,q | .rl,fi o t: ql o !!t . ,1l.1tr),r +,1 4 A F{ 4 .ll;i ulijllq d !l.'{ } -t d ,rl o]lrfllo 'r .rl @tct Q 1.. .( 14 .J d >r,d'o'i a E >qtoc i qr .tq{ a .l!0,A-!at^Eo !oH C Fts@ oFE \t 'r{ o\ o> it{€o.E o at: (l r! dFg > a E4 au O E lJ.t } 0..o c L U (J Oq OF.ein dor:c'rJC ci tj O '!.ir. EouFloo E.E A..r F ov) d 50o {r t rr}lo c< o.rr (, u(rr +r ,i lia L-4 .rorn tio ! ot,/ !k i >c .rrlo oo!ri !l> ! r:e ,.rl F r!34 o lJl I o-c c rit e-(rJ @ d {llF c,u fll I cz r!o 'a o ot@t: 0/l t '. :,irr '4 dJ citi+r l Dt.'l.e fl lvr'.1!loE tr,l {'1 ,'iro .d o ,rlo u1 r)l(rH o, !i[1 olrut.qo. ! (nt c<tr,itu rrs I o.j "ln ol,'rl :J utF g i8.9" -*, fl {rl 6l nil FT -:l I il I lr- lj1,.. 6-E ,((). €.t 300!Fr C .,v O.)"i.a; i.!i !) tiI .t o0,EA o ..r oZ \A TJA! (ao6a. A,F a 4 d|,i ooE F< E F rr dr4 aaotr! iJ d !Ec ae c7 o '!J E CdE AE AE o o >rtJ 5! od o cr.o ic,A a E./ a! Ei oq d ^\t o!(J!c. tt nt3E!>r 6r. !oxFo . EoN O a EI-N AH oP o o d {rco >!0Jr)Er.iq o odEr. ..,1 rr a O ti 5 O! c-!! a(!>E 5 r ! 6 ' Clq)o aq! d E otd! ooootr o.i!.no. o Saooutzr, 3o s .tlo !.otl.a<Etc)t'.1N Fr > !' i.u otNI: CIN ll.o o aJt6a Fl .i t- 'rl\oi, 0, plol 0J c !r .ilq.U @ olll >oE luru olrl o .i 1, '!r'li t :rt.!t L r rr rrt Ia O alul or-tr inl O F ElNl 'd rr o u,l i.1 g B. <,q ohlgr s 3 qE 6t :IE .ol F 0Jl II{ I E rlt trq r,no !t6ra Ei o E,,co'a o Jror E i.l> I E oq 'q do >t n!!nt bo >! o oci!oorus t d r.-to tooltIr{ FO HOJOO.{Glr ri oq, c! o o.>..r 'E d, o d> tt.c or] ,o6ul!Jr, 50 iDrd orou{d'4 --.9?a,i 5;r i {,i l.Fo $.r 60 u <.) O.i D E\o'o ''{rrqtcr rE !n |J o\o6 Co'iFrE !O{'E t).^c>t\to Xr.t'J O r{:! rr o-c !uO IJE F0, fl tr O tr (,o c. oit r+{ o lrn o, oo, FUOiU!ad oor! ! o..t{ 0,r! E r o o o. lr >6 0 g o ,. cJ ar{ood ..{i., F rJ >.,{q o o. oaFd o.'{ o. n.r. O.rl> >dFuqt3.r{ O c. FI ir, ! d E c, dt{3<rlCJ!aF>f XOAr<t, k0rEr.4 ..O* 'rrtq o o.io cl F.l ,EcJ | ...i rl!J ! H! c" !l o olrt!o ol tr l.I.d.6 6'd crlo o4E or or .E i rr !: j4 ..1 u c)-6 0 rtt E olo c o NJ Z OIO 6lnt rl, r..{o a4lo lal3€ ao o E ql il E 9 E; .,6 ll 613 5i : b3 NEO o!Oqt\Oq)ooto u!i oo ! c oF.'l ..{ dXl{rr;rFl aqrX.acmc,o.oo{tt 'on o .r{ i o.t (1, r. .C r Jrro ! o. o r,n !.!i ri n -. 'i <i F 4 - '!'o nq, d o rd -+r t! ,C .Fl> od ci .or.aOO>tq{tcoo- otro i|E o d irr o! rr(, ! I a |,rcooot ec .tt n rr oF !o C O.' tO O.r{ O 'O 't, O..r qrl6 r{ c oJo du t d..{ rJ d -c, IouH> .d ts{u .dJio .rr iaA n A .u E ttlo0 . 6a ! r.o o!., xF{ 0, o o aa ort] a, d.c I E 6 o t 0) EAq F >' FF EAo J c, qr o -o ilt o, o 5.t{ ! 'n O i.r T, rU r{'g.or!A6!.'r.,{rr! Eo € d.c(, \o > 'r E o o > O F rr o.> (r! ..r > o,r .,i u aa @ cjonraS!lrjoFrr! ! EEo!o... o.o r, E (!..r a a E r..o !EJte.OEE0Jt !n OO!td,o oo.oYr,D!4 3 o>cac|pr31i (, 0J E Ji O d (nooEi dt{ooE a..Z.<eEt o q o 3 o d,.o i! o EF 6 ! o ! F |r o O J.i t 6o!q ,roo€q Frr,.$is0rE oFt!c,o diptri.oorHot .or{F a> otc..{ F..{rr o rrl(n l& O ..r +ll 3 Oo r{ o sl (t .,{ o'O llrct. !?.|.llo (! | ! rr -o drl.J | !.r{.g o..c rrtja = o. !! JaJtF o,cF EH Elqt F- Fitr o il.-lF cIruF6 irl EuF.Uo ;11-s 6-( | X El o I ). o E el I Ii\oLJ '. tl oFF-r|r !.. oJ El,o co !{ ,'dco 'ot otJ o.co nl'r' o olc co .uld El ul i A ELo olsH E!I ri lll! o Jl 6lElJ ,! c, '1.! 6lu E c o -16lEco olLl lin c r,1 0li !lo i.ro hl!.1.,{ 0rl cdql , .i orl'.'| oq c '+rld c'l rrl$r .5l.ylqrl cr! . rlpll qlc", rl-to 0l ol dl cJ o dl4 ol4 'nr o ul oro z crl dl!l! o z ol.r cJl d !i o ia {rl qjlZ &l€1(,ln Z dlx tal.c !.)lu llr.l !|.. t. .a.a.Ell<la(J rq< dd ntu<!,.<to E .J 3 .T 5 :: E t, o F 9 E o {rx z elf4l 5 :d 9F- F F. EF E @ oltrl 1l z i,| ol IAOIE OO[INTT $EFENTEIIEIIT BF P[$ffNIII& AruD 550 Broadway P.O. Box l?9 EHtIg t0Pr;!Enar Eagle, Colorodo 81631l\{cDonald Rldg. 22 September L977 Marian S. Gagnon P.O. Box ?B? Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Zcu-3-77 At their regular meeting on 21 September 19??, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of your Conditional Use Permit with the following conditions : . 1. The school accommodate no more than 6 children. 2. The hours of operation be I a.m. to 12;00 noon. 3. The permit be for 1 year, in order to ascertain neighborhood response to the operation. Ttre Board of County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on your Conditional Use Permit application on 1? October L977 beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the C,ounty Commissioners' meeting room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. /=y-t/tTerrill Knight Planner rKljk cc: Board of County Commissioners Pllrnning llt'p:trtntcnl/l'lannintrl Comrnission: Subdivisiorr, Iluildirrg Ofiicial: Iluiltling l\'rnrits anrl Inspt'ction, Zonirrg Rczoning, Applications antl Ikrview (3031 .i28-0331i Arlminist ll tion (J03) 321,1-03J9 DtPABTfTIElft 0I ILIlNHI McDonnld Bldg. 550 Brordway 25 August 19?7 Dtllil,0fttH{I Eagle, Coloredo 81631 a NO AIID P.O, Box l?9 Kathleen Lell Eagle Valley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Eagle County Planning Commission Publie Hearing 21 Sept 19?? Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 1 September L977 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of oublication to this office. Thank you, %-zz,Mibhael S. Blair Director MSB/kp .1e; Planning f)epnrtmcnt/Planning Conrmission: Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications and Revicw (303) 328{33S Building Offieial: ltuilding Pcrmits and Inspcction, Zoning Administration (3031 328.6&!9 EACTT COUNTT Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing beginning at ?:00 P.M. on 21 September 19??, in accordance with Section 10.04 and Sections 6.01.02(b) and 6.01.03, of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the following: File No. Zc-64-77 - Merv Lapin Request t Zone Change from Resource to Industrial l,ocation: Between U.S. Hwy 6, and the Eagle County Airport, more particularly described as follows : rtA parceL cif land bounded on the North by U.S..Hlghway No. 6, on the Eastby the Easterly line of sald Tract 55, on the llest by a fenceline which runsparalleI to che access road from U.S. Highway l{o. 6 to the Eagle County Airport, and on the south by properties held.by Eagle county (Eag1e county Airport) and Rocky Mountain Alrways, rnc.l more particularly described as beginning at Corner llo. 4 of Tract 55; thence S.89"10'46"II. approxiuately.472 feet along thesouthcrly line of said Tract 55; thence N.70"31tI{. 339.53 feet; thence N.89"09t1{. 1523.57 feer; thence N.00"51 '8. r99.97 feer; thence N.89o09tlI. 653.40 feet; Ehencd s.0oo51 tlJ. L99.97 feet; thence N.89'09tW. approxinately L7 82 feet to a fenceline; thence along said fenceline as follows:z/ . lH::ir;":.Hl: ::ffi-," { N.04o05'21"8. approximateJ-y 60.5 feet; t. L32.31 feet; thence N.4Bo05t36nE. 190.57 thence 1I.69"33q37"8..424.57 feet ro the. way boundary of U.S. Highway No. 6; ,/ hence N.40o12'06rtB. f eet; thence .. Southerly right:of thence, concinuing along thd South.erly boundary of U.S. Eighway No. 6 as follows: - .. 376.36 feet on the arc of a curve do the.left, havlng a radius. . of 5780 feet, to a polnt of tangency; thence N.Bg"33'09,.'8. 1535.70 feer; thence S.01"26r52tE. 20.O feetl rhence fgt.Ot " '1.'1:,; .;, e t..,2795 feet, to a point of tangency; thence S.81;22r52"E.. 1004.40feet; thence S.08"37.t08,'w.5.00 feet; thence S.gL"ZZtSZ,'8. toa polnt on the Easterly line of Tract 55; r/ t thence southerly, along the Easterry 1lne of tract.55, approximately 325feet.to the polnt of beginning. a SaLd parcel of land contains 36.7 acres, nore or less. Fild No. Zc-63-17 - Kelly Lyon Request i Zone Change from Resource to Commercial Limited location: One mile east of EI Jebel on Hwy 6r more particularly described as follows : .t ....Aparce|of|ands|fuated|nTractNo.52 of Section ll, Township B South, Range g7 Westof .the Sixth principal l.{arldian, lyiig Easterly 9i tne. Eastorty rightrcf -way llne 6t botoraOo)rare Haghway No. 82 and Weisterly of the Easterlyline of said Tract No. 52, said parcel of lpnd ls.'.described as follows: rz ' , : .- .,, ,- , .f. L '.':: I "Besinnins at a point on the.Easterly rishr-or-way ltnrr rr iaio j'ni!niruf:" '""i?'t;6i:;;,'i[iig "i','the Easterly line of ot said Tract tlo. 52, whence an lrol post withra brass;lcap;-;.fodnd{,,in place and properly marked for Angie foint No. 3 :of,Ti.icf No-, 5t.,irr iar;:.+'^i,^,!;!..snii anJ ""'n;:;5;;;l's.biio:;db',"i]'iuilil"i3i,)',.:.'?;"i:3"1#;n?lri.!+i.jarc of a curve to 1|r9 right, having a radius of - : ,,.,, tsii,aio:iJ"ti.,in",,"r,orwhich bearszN.22zttzln w. iro.zo ;";ti^ilifi^..,._,, ,,,...,: N.J9o05r00,l:lt..,ZB3.Z9:]?ls :ui9.rigntrcf-way line; thence NrBgo l5roo" E! " , ,., r44-s5. fe.ar *^,.a r;a,ri+_._,,J __._ , ,.',,, \,, _ney I r.u; l'ense t\rUy- l),UU,, E: rr .. 144,55.,te;etEasterly Iine of said Tract No. 52; th;;;u'-S]6f .- , j, ,,, . 95rggrr,f,.i.4'Easterly llne of said rract uo.;sii t;-;;; o"iii ot beor'in tno- t).;{r,.;', :r:,r. .E;;i;;;i ;;;;i ;:;; +;:il il::.;i: ;:"ffi: ol;ll'", uesrinr"r,9i.'.i:i iriililii;,, *,ijliil,li.: . :t :"rhe above described parcer orlrand iontuin" 0.72 acres,rror" g. i";j;,,;:liilr|ijii"i{irlllf;ft,;;ifii... r,,r .. . .... .. ,,:,.r:.,;..::i.:..i:.,;r,,:rr:,,:ir;rl,,rr*r;l1;.,.i,#liijiri,,j,;i,;i,!ifi:,j File No. Zs-40-77 - Canyon Cable TV Request: Special Use Permit to operate Cable TV System Location: t/ mile north of Hwy 82 on the Floyd Crawford property, more particularly described as follows : A parcel of lan<] situated in the Northeast Quarter Section 34, ioirnirtip 7 sout5, Range B7 i{est' 6th Principal I'leridian' county of Eagle' State of coloraclo, nore pfrticularly described as follows: Beginnin,l at a 1>oint vrhence the East 1,/4 Corner of said Section 34 bears SBl"14'50"8 a distance of L22B'II feet; then North aclistanceof25.00feet;tirencet{estadistanceot'21'00feet; thence south u aioiur.e of 25.00 feet; thence East a distance of 25.00 feet t"-ittu p"int of beginning, containing 2500 square fcet, more or less.t/ File No- Zs-41-77 - William Ruoff Special Use Permit Request: To Construct duplex residence on lot established as a two family lot within the Planned Unit Development on a slope exceeding 30%- Location: Eagle Drive in the Eagle-Vail Subdivision, Filing #1 , l,,ot ?, Block 3, Eagle County, Colorado. File No. Zs-42-77 - Rocky l\4ountain Airways Request: Special Use Permit to operate a STOLport Location: Approximately 1 mile east of the Community of Avon, Colorado, more ' particularly described as follows: r'A parcel of land located within the Ccunty of EagLe, State of Colorado lying within Section 7'.T5S n 8t w, and Section 12, T5S, R 82 I^I, 6th P.M., more specifically described as follorvs:'/ " Beginning at the Southeast, corner of Lott 22, of Benchmark at Beaver Creelc Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado; thence N l-Bo 59.' 40" E. along the East line of Lbtt 22 a di'stance of 996.00 feet to the North right- of-way line of Beave.r Creek Blvd.,; thence S 54o 22' 45,' E. a distance of 1435.00 feet; thence S 24o 29'20" I,.1. a distance of 300.00 feet; ihence S 650 30'40" E. a distance of 4223.00 feetr; thence S 24o 29,20" W. a dis- tance of 380 feet more or less to the North right-of-rvay line of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad; thence Westerl-y along the North right-of-way line of the Denver and Rio Grande \,iesEern Railroad to the Point of Beginning." File No. Zs-43-77 - Floyd Crawford Request: Special Use Permit to enlarge existing T?ailer ,45 units. Location: El Jebel, east of existing trailer park, more as follows: Park for approximately particularly described - A parcel of l.and in Scctlon 34, Tor.'nslrlp 7 South, Rangc 87 l{est of the Sixtlt llrlncipal Mcridian, s;ricl parcel of Iand being urore partlcularly des- cribcd as follor,rs, to wit: "' " Bcginning at thc Souttrcast Corner of said Section, Township, and Rangel thencc N.B3"15'I{. aJ,ong thc southerly 11ne of said scction approximaLely 1180 fect; thcncc N.1"09tE. ap1>roximately 2120 fect along ttre ccnterlinc of Dagrc county lload No. s-13; thcnce s.88"15'n. approximately 11E0 feet; thence S.1'09tW. along thc casLerly line of said section approx{mately 2120 feet tothe polnt of bcgjnning.,, - " said parcel of land for thc proposed speclal use permLt contalns approxi- tra tely 57.43 acres." File No. Zcu-3-77 - Marian Gagnon Request: Conditional Use Permit to operate a preschool Location: VaiI Das Schone Subdivision,lotT, Block E, Eagle County, Colorado. This l{earing slral I be lreld in the McDonald Building, County Commissioners Meeting ', Room, #toa, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. .' i' Persons being affected by a decis.ion on this request are invited to make comments to the . Commission be appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person . or by mai I thru tlre Secretary. ' Furtlr6r information may be obtained and comments submitted, by contacting the Eagle- County Department of Planning and Development, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Phone - 328-6338, P. O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado. 'byr Michael S. Blair Sccretary, Eagle County .. . . Planning Commission a EA!I,I COUNTT TK,/dK cc: Board of County Commissioners Planning department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection. Zoning 0t ILAItI{ll{E AI{! lEVtt0PI|lEI{I 551) Brordway P.O. Bor 179 Erglo. Cnloredo 81631 Septenber 1977 Rezoning, Applications and Review ($3) 328-6338 Administration (303) 32843i19 DTTITTHETIT McDondd Bldg. 2 Marian S. Gagnon P.O. Box 787Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Fil.e No. Zcu-3-77 Conditional Use Permlt lbe Technical Beview Committee for Eagte County (a group of technical advisers from various public agencies) reviewed your application on l Septernber L977. They offered the followj-ng cotnments to you and the Planning Conmission for consideratlon of approval and use of the'property: 1. Parking and .loading space should be shown on sketch plan. 2. The building housing the proposed day care center should neet all building requirements for such a use. 3. The perruit should be subJect to annual renewal and review. These comnents will be forwarded to the County Planning Department and Planning Commission for consideration at their meeting on 21 September 1977 any questions, please contact this office./;'{KrdTerrl 11 Kniehr/Planner / ",)"" ::"i ^ "::: : :l'::ff ,:'x H : :: :: ::;"' I ' ' Eagle CountY, Colorado (mlnlm.,rm 5 coples re$riredi .prlnt or typ€, except slgnatures) Fi l-.r # .?=,.4.2/:..d..22*-.- EACI :: r.ii.'. l:r..",i.l. COI'{1"4. Flfe No. zd,1 5- 77 Fee Pald $ff?d_ Date Recd. P -,t/- // - ayl//,Zhou Appl lcant Mail Address ,1/76-D818 1. conditionat Use sotrght (pressnt =o.,"$$!1-), 3. Generat Location of property O-\taC-hgd ::'"J"nil5::L::*$liT1 r'r"t.Sc h""r $hl' ot Y erx-Eo,4. 2. Zorp Dlstrict Me attached: l"' (sec. 6.ot.ol b) b. metes and bounds (may be attached): !!!g1! exPlanation of evidence (lnclude possible negative 5. Briof Purpose and Reason for proPosed use (may be gllactred):FiEC'J,lli C. ,.',/ MEETII{G OF, that proposed use ls compatible with surrounding uses: lrrpacts of proposed change) . ?. A complete list of all owrrers including addresses, of the property proposed for conditional use and ol all orrners of all adiacent properties is attached hereto; thle signatory is properly a,rthorizcd to make a6:pt ication as stated hereon ' Slgriature of authorized appl icent; Off ice Uee Appl lcatlon acc€pted as cornPlete for Publ lc Hearlng otr Appl tcation rejected as incorrrplete for Publlc Hearing becauss: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3, 5. The general location I/a of a rnile west of Center in West Vail.(west duplex). This location wiLl betotal of L2 children.present at one time. Friday from g-12 Fm. of the property is approxinately the Vail Das Schone Shopping The address is 2547 Arosa Drive used for a preschooL, enrolling a Only six children will be The schooL will operate Monday- 6. The Vail EarLy Learning Center at its original locationin West Vail is no longer in existence. I an takingthis school over frorn Mary Beacon, the director.It was a very successful operation and I feel thatin continuing the school it will be beneficial tothe residents of West Vai1. The location is in the process of being nodifiedespecially for a preschool. I do not anticipate any problerns with parking or outdoor play. 7.Mr. and Mrs. George Crowder 2547 Arosa DriveVail, C0 81657 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sinonton 2557 Arosa DriveVail, C0 81657 Mr. and Mrs. Geofrey Nicholls 2586 Eavos TrailVail, CO 81657 rl|I;,11-i{";lJ*coxlM' o ON PMI{ruIHfi AI{D DEVE I,8 PIJIEiIT Eeglc' Colorado 81631 DE Itlcllonald ltklg. NOTICE TO NOTICE COUNTY o PAS TITEIIT 550 llrondwoy P.O. llor 789 -. -- ' .:. PROPERTY OWNERS OF PUBLIC HEARING OF EAGLE, COLORADO ln accordance this letter will (x) conditional use, or, ( ) special use permit has been made for a use on land in the vicinity of your property. Fife No: Zer-3-77 with the provisions of Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution, serve to advise you that an application for For detai ls, please refer to the attached copy of the is desired, contact this off ice at the phone number application. lf further information and address given above. publ ic hearing on the applicationThe Planning beginning at Commission shal I hold a preliminary 7:00 P.M. on 21 Seprember L977 The Board of County Commissioners shal I likely conduct afinal publ ic hearing gpproximately 40 days after the Planning Commission hearingl additional notice will .be given of further hearings, if any. Al I hearings are held, unless otherwise announced, in the County Commissioners Meeting Room, 550 Broadway, McDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado- Your comments and recommendations on the proposed use are invited and should be submitted, inwriting, to this office, or, at the Public Hearing, so that they may be fully considered before any decision is made. For the Eagle County Planning Commission S- B /.4;-\ by: Michael S. Blair Secretary, Eagle County Planning Commission MSB/Kt Date mai lcd by: l)litnninll I )r,1r;ul rucnl /l'lr n nirrlJ (irntmissitu: Sulrrlivision. lhtiklirtg Offieial: ltuiHinlf l\.rnrits nnd lnspt'ctiou, Zoning tlezoning, Applieltions lnd Rovi<,rv (30:l) 32lt'6338 Adnrinistration (J03) 32t1.0$39 IAOI.T COUNTY /:{}7-.::r' /4 /,$ /r, o / 2-'.tgt'-Oe22.9 "'.f :'.t{.)i{ / ,\1, -dfi 'G'i''fiffi q\afw) r,fl wi/, i_iil,- Z qddt oood LOT 3u#:w $ 7,,!tEll 74 42/5t ,:i.#i- J:ir $ $ L{:i; t\ (B !s .$ q '..j ,l:.+- '{ LOr.5; o: EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT AMOUNT ITEM Build inq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision APPI ication Conditional Use Special Use Variance (Zon ing)(Subdivision) . Total Recelred Att item5 are received for no-payment of any item' Ne 264t RECEIVED ,') "t 7t_/ ,r 1ft.,1 DECLARATION OF PARTY t^JALL and EAS Et,lENT AGRE E14ENT THIS AGREEMENT, made thi s , 1974, by and day of bet\\'een' ------.-.:-------. herei nafter ca I led the First Party, andhereinafter called the Second Party; party and the second PartY are in the County of Eagle and State party owns propertY to the north party which proPertY owned bY follovls: ion'ision AND l^IHEREAS, the second party owns property to the south of property ovrned by first iarty which property owned by second party i s descri bed as fol I ows: I,I I TI.IESS ET H : I,.IHEREAS, the f i rs t owners of adjacent propertyof Col orado; and l^JH E REAS , the fi rs tof property owned by secondfirst party is described as on Al'l D tJHEREAS, the Parti es are the ovtners of a building containing two (2) resjdential units divided by a common ial I vrhich iommon wail is located upon t'he f ine di vi d'ing the property of the Fi rst Party and the property of the Second Farty, and l^lHEREAS, the Parties hereto desire that said common wall shalt be and remain a party wa1l, and terl y E23 .61Lot 7 nti nu- ' 42" -.:.1d tu ong he 0n along rue are d al:t A portion of Lot 7, Block E, A Resubdivis'ion of 'Vail Das Schone Fi'ling No. l, a subd'ivisi in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado descri bed as : Begi nni ng at the Squthwes t Corner of said Loi 7; tFence N 20"28'42" E 23.61 f eet al ong the i{orthvresterl y I i ne of said Lot 7; thence N 86'03'45" E Il0-53 feet to a poi nt Qn the l'lesterly I ine of Arosa Dri thencb s .l3"06'00" !'l 74.23 feet along said |^lesterly l ine to tIe Southeast Corner of saj Lot 7; thence N 67"16'44" l^l .l10.26 feet alon the Southwesterly line of said Lot 7 to the point of beginning, containing 5223.0 square feet or 0.1"|99 acres more or I ess. A portion of Lot 7, Block E, A Resubdivis of Vajl Das Schone Filing No. l, d subdiv in the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado descri bed as : Commenc ing at the $outhvtesCorner of said Lot 7, thence l\ 20"28'42" feet along the Northwesterly line of said to the true poi nt of begi nni ng; thence,.,co ing along said Northwesteriy line N 20"28 E 74.59 feet to the Northvrest Corner of s Lot 7; thence S 72'08'10" E 96.42 feet al the I'lortheasterly line of said Lot 7 to t Northeast Corner thereof which is a point the tlesterly line of Arqsa Drive; thence said tlesterly line S .|3"06'00" l'l 33.57 fe thence s 86"03'45" l/J .l.l0.53 feet to the t poi nt of beg inn'ing, contai ni ng 5365.7 squ feet or 0.1232 acres more or I ess. |,lHEREAS, gas lines for delivery of gas to the resident'i ai unit owned by First Party pass through and across the residential uirit owned by Second Party, said lines having been installed and located in sajd unit jn a portion of iaid un.it reserved for mechan'ical facil'ities' ind the meter for gas to the residential unit owned by First party is insIalled on the norther]y exterior surface of the resldential unit owned by the Second Party; and I,IHEREAS, water lines for del'ivery of water to the residential unit ovrned by Second Party pass throuSh qld acros s the res i denti al uni t owned by Fi rst Party, sai d I ines having been instal led and located jn said unit in a portion of ia'id unit reserved for mechanical facjl ities' N0I,l THEREF0RE, 'in consjderation of the mutual covenants and condit.ions hereinafter contained to be kept and observed by the parties hereto. IT IS HEREBY C0VENANTED AND AGREED, by and between the Parties hereto their hejrs' executors, administrators and assigns that the said wall shall constitute a party., vrall and the sajd Parties shall have the right to use said wa'll jointly. l^JHEREAS, dri veway access to the property owned by Second Party lies upon- and across property ovrned by First Party; and ITthe Parti es executors, aparty wai 1 b neg'l i gence orebuild or r Party for an IS FURTHER C0VENANTED AND AGREED by and between hereto for themsel ves , the'i r respecti ve hei rs , dmin'istratorso and assigns that should said e damaged or destroyed by the act, defaul! 9If one ot tfre Parties herbto' each Party shall enair said wall and shall compensate the other y'damages to the property of said other Party' FURTHER, that should party wa11 at any time while in use by both Parties as aforesaid be iniured by other cause thin the act or neg'l igence of either Party, the same ;h;ji Ue iepaired or reUiliti at their ioint expense provided that any sum received from jnsurance against such injury or destruciion shal l be fjrst appl ied to such restoration' FURTHER, in the event of injurY to ever caused, each Party shall have and enio premises of the other Party for the purp0se iepairs and restoration prov'i ded such ri ght be I imi ted to day'l i ght hours except i n 9a:9and i n such evenl the ri ght of access shal I in time. said wall how-y access to the of ef f ect'ingof access shall of emergencY be unl imited In case the party wa1'l , ori g'i na1., extended or restored, shall be total ly or partially destro;'s6., ejther party hereio may repa.ir or rebuild the same and the expense bf reouilding oi reirair.ing shall be borne equaliy by the Parties hereto thejr hejrs, or assigns- iT IS FURTHER AGREED that the Second Party' in consideratjon of ifre mutuat prom'i ses herein contained, and other vai uabl e consi derati on' to hi m hand pai d, the recei pt of whjch is hereby acknovriedged, does hereby grant, bargain' sel I and convey unto the firit Party, hjs heirs and ass'i gns the perpetual iight, privilege, and- easement to maintain gut i inbs througI ana across the resjdentia] unit owned by 5econd Party jn that portion of the unit wherein such gas I ines are n-ow located', and to maintain a gas meter on the northerly exterior suiface of the residential unit owned by the Secoird party on that portion of such exterior whereon 2- such gas meter.i sfurther descri beda part hereof. AND ITother al l ri ght compl ete us e , o hereby granted, thereto includithe unit of the now I ocated,in Exhibit A vrh'i ch said I ocat'i ons are and attached hereto and such IT IS FURTHTR AGREED that the First Party, 'in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, andother valuable consideration to him in hand paid, thereceipt of vrhich is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the Second Party, his heirs and assigns the perpetual r'ight, privilege, and easement to mai ntaj n water I i nes through and across tlre res i denti al uni t owned by First Party in that portion of the said unit wherein such uater lines are now located, which said location isfurther described in the aforementioned Exhib'it A. 5 upon IS FURTHER AGREED that each party gives s of i ngress and egress for the ful I and ccupat'i on and empioyment of the easement and all rights and privileges jncident ng the ri ght from time to time to enter other for purposes of repai r and mai nte the arty, for and taj ned, does assigns, n of theroperty of descri bed way fromaid ease-s andy and Arosa wever, easement he first and ame porti on eserved. AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the First Pin consideration of the mutual promises herein congrant, sel I and convey unto said second party' and an easement 'i n, to, upon, and over all that portio drivevray situated on the westerly portion of the p said First Party, the location of vrhich is furtherin the aforementioned Exhibit A, constitut'ing the Arosa Drive to the property of the Second Party' s nent being for the sol e and oniy purpose of ingres egress to and from the property of the Second PartDrive. It is distinctly agreed and understood, hothat the easement thus granted 'i s not an excl usi ve but is subject to the equa'l right on the part of tparty herein, his heirs, executors, administrators assigns, of ingress and egress over and upon the sof said driveway wh'i ch right is hereby expressly r IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that if one party to this agreement causes injury to the premises of the other party and such injury is the result of the willful behav'i or or misbehavior of said party or the result of his negligence 'i n faiiing to repair or maintain hjs premises in good repair then such party causing such injury shall be liable to suchparty so injured for the cost of such repairs. IT IS FURTHER AGREED and understood by the Parties hereto for themselves and thejr respective heirs, executors' administrators and assigns that this instrument shall be perpetual and that the covenants herein contained shall run with both parcels of land above described, but it shall not have the effect to convey to either party the fee to any part of the land owned by the other party. IN IdITNESS |,JHERE0F the parti es hereto hereunto have set the'i r hands and seals the day and year first above hJri tten. Party of the Second Part STATE OF County of )) ss l ng i nsThe this fo rego i day of trument was acknowl ,197 edged before ,bJme l.litness my hand and official seal My Commi ss i on expi res : STATE OF County of The forego'i me this _=_ day of )) ss. ) ng 'i nstrument was edged beforeac knowl 197 ,bJ l.litness my hand and officia'l seal My Commission expires: -4- F PLANTdING ANO , COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 780 Eagtr, Colordo til631 ?8 Jantary 1974 ': 'r'j- i" "'it -'r ,.,'1 'r.,, I1.,. ? ar I ..{.,3 {f ,-!.._* ., j .. . . : i.. .,\' 'ic. l. . I 'i,'r'- "1 ' ""'Ra: Fl|- Ho. l3el43-73 Exernptlon i'.-' -,,, .. ,."".!nii"t*'gia i.r' ;..,.,i.f , l"', ii.'. At thelr spcdlal rnoetlng on 28 Jnirry 1974r the Board of County Commlsalmeri ryproved yotrr Exomptlon coritlngnnt r.rpon thc follarlng condltlon: The follorlng etaternent artotrld bc Includad on ths Flnal Plat: "no furthel extensltnc on the maln etructure ahall bo permlttcd wlttrout the consent of the Eagle County Boryd ol Courty Commlcalbnera. There shall bo no Increage In the nunrber of 6relllrrg rrrlte, and comrnon wall structural type frcm that deplcted on thls plat'r. lf yol have rly qrretlona, plcaee csrtact thclr Secrctary thlc offlce, at the CourthouEe. Recpectful ly , Robcrt H. Barr Plannlng Aselstant FHB/Kt cc: Boar.d,of Cntnty r:'f, $tl ''1"!r. #" Oomrnllrlonta ''- APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FBOM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuant to Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations I (we) hereby apply for exemption from the pro- visions with said regulations as to my (our) proposed develop- \. -,- . \ment known as llw?tElr op t-oTn C//enis Tourat*ov*a) BLocK E tFtLtpl No. I VrttL -l'< SetloNE Located: And comprising Ol- following reason Vu Pce* It is understood that any action said request for said regulations proposed development as shown on mation attached hereto. 7Frr,13 @llti'Rluar-lo^'' c"o ' Be). t2z8 V*tt- aLo. 8l6s-t (Must Dated County Planning tion is granted. Commission at the divj-ded into approximately -ttUf interests for the lF,?-r.l. ts -toc@rwge^'rutthdl t5 ?oR. by this Commission exemption apPlies the sketch plan or uataoN granting only to the other infor- be signed by all the record owners of the property) Received By REC:IYID REsoLUrroN DEC ? ig73 The foregoing Application has been considered by the Board this ,."r,1rr,."","- ,:1.'^.:FA day of ,2 , w//which finds and determines that frsle cou$tv' col'' this Divi.ioo o{ Lands is not within the purposes f or which the Recommended for approval by the E bdivision regulations were adopted and therefore said Applica- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .7 S Ou&e of Eagle S I ifer, Chairman Coun Tcxar .il"c ra:u;r:ry lg7l.' l.tc recommdrdatione wlll df Cor.f,ty Corirrrrliotornrr bcglnnlflg at 9:0o A.M. Box 1228 rl Vall, Oolordo : ..-^if,ft: "f*TLu=.I* . COURTHOUSE . P. O. 9ox 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 18 January 1974 Texas Coaatructlon Co. Box 1228 Vdl , Colorado ,t -, At thalr rogulrii rndetlng C1{6 Jruc,y.{}Fly tb ft{artlng Commltdon rocommcndtd rprovd of yanr excrhptlbn i:ontlngoht ri:on ttrretottorrlng condltloru Thc followlng. std'ment ehould bo Incfudrd on ttr Flnal Plat: 'i no furthor or'ilbnslons on tfn mdn atructurc efrrll bo pormlttad wlttrout thr conrnt ol thc Eaglc Cowrty Eoard of Countf Commlaslonorc. Thsrs alpll be no lncrocr In ths nurrber of drelllngr and comnrco wall etruettrdtypr frcm trat chpletrd qr thlr plat". t You are aivaro ttrat a Flnal Plat rni.t b. r.Dmlttrd to thlE drpartment crd abo' a copy ef tfr party wall agrerrrnt that you wlll utllize with ttr eale of yrur pr6f.ct. tl yqr havo lry qrrttloru,or eommrr*a, yoLitr€ wolcorrp to contact thle offlce. Rcrpcctfully, Rob.rt H. Barr Plmnltrg Aaslstsrt RHB/Kt cc: Bosd of County Oommi$loncrg Phono 328-6338 Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 January 7, l97l+ Mlke Blalr, Planning Director Box 789 Fag'l s, Colorado 8L631 Daar ltEke: The Texas Constnrction Co. requesl for exenptlon was subnitted to the kg] e Courfty Soil Conservatlon Dis-trict for rerriew and conment. Slnce this is already parb of an approved subdlvieiont we would llke to recorilaend that the exeurption be granLed. We belierre that thls is the type of sltua- tton that tbe exemption was desi.gned to cover. Sincerely, f --/I L-<--.-:-g Q),^*J,"- .(?}o "1 Ross E. Chanbers Pregident -t *1 ltn" i,}/e-ghr .g*ffi }OHI{ I' VATDEHHOOFrct Governor JOHN W. ROLD Diroctol COLORAM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892-2611 January 7, L974 Mr. lIichael S. Bl-air Eagle Couty Planner P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair:RE: FILE N0. Se-43-73 EXEMPTIoN HEINIIS TOWNHOUSE In regard to your letter dated December 10, 1973, we feel that there is in- sufficient infornation to make recommendatlons at this tine. The decisionwill have to be adninis trative on your part unless additlonal technical Lnfornation ls supplled to us. S incerely ,#'4z9 L. R. Ladwig Associate Engineerlng Geologist LRL/je cc: Land Use Conrcission R-^llr/trn, t.-l) JAN e-- 1973 SlpL 0t planning & l.-1.{'-;frgle County, oe;l GEOLOGY SToRy oF THE pAsr... KEy ro rHE FUTURE c/4 PUBLI ERVItrE trOVPANV trF trtr RADO P. O. BOX 973 LEADVILLE, COLORADB El046Iffi MOUNTAIN OIV'9IclN January 2, 7974 I LO o trS ROBERT .', GOTTLEOIVISION MANAGER Enclosure w!I/sjb Mr. Michael S. Blair P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: I have received from you two requests for exemptions that are beginning to have a familiar rlng. These are the Robert Peterson and Texas Ccry appl-ieations. More and nore, duplexes are being divided into tvo separate properties or townhouses. I made a reply last June 8th concerriing Frank Dayrs application to do this very same thlng. I am encloslng a copy of that reply, and I wish to uake it a standard conment to al-l developers who want to divide one structure on one lot into two separate interests. This would be Public Service Companyr s reply to the taro current applications of Peterson and Texas Construction. If we canrt handl-e repl-ys in this nanner for this speclal group of applicants' please 1et me know. Thank you. Sincerely , til'o^ ddrr* 4^' Wro. Watson, Jr. Gas Engineer Tll'.n - f9/3 fl i- .-. JAI'I 3 "'L;;'dffi;:*,i.*, \:,V\ ROBERT J. COTTLEOtvlAlON tIANAc|ER PUEILIC SERVItrE ENi''';P,:.:'{Y clF trt]LtrRADO P. O. AOX 973 LEADVILLE. COLgRADcl 8N461 'z)'"-'.';l\"" "'- ^-A- ---_.--'-...**-j MOUNTAIN olvlSlclN 1rs, I,richael S, Blair, P}aruring Director P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado WW:bk a: Jwrc 8, 1973 Dear Sir: lrre would lj-ke to conunenf on Franl< Dayrs appliCation for exernptlon from subdivision regulations. The exisLing building presently has one gas service going io two meters Hhich arE located on one side of the dupLex. If thc house was nadg into two properLies, |he o}Iner. of lhe Broper".,y with the exj-s'uing meters could' conceiva6fy request thal the-ormer of the adjoining property remove h-ls meter. In this case, Public.Service Company would have to charge the owner of the adjoining propgrty $f'OO/ft'' fot 3' ner,s serwice trom his p"op""iy ILne to hii new meter l-ocati.on. Additional "*p.""u *oura also be incurrld from a p]-rnnber to move the fuel l"ines iniiae the house in order to tie in to the new meter location' If we may advise furLher in this natter, please give us a caLL' SlncerelY, Wn Watson, Jr. Gas Engineer R[Cgi l,it:D jil*ri*'!,'j o a EA.LE couNrY I DEPARTNENT OF PLANNIT{G AND DEVELOPMENT.COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phonc 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 7 Janrary 1974 Texar Corutructlon Co. Box 1228 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Fllc No. So-4il-73 - E:<cmptlon Helnlg Towrfrousot Thc Subdlvlelon Tochnlcal Rcvlew Commlttec, an organlzatlon o? govommcntal reprcocntatlve!, and thc Eagle County Plarmlng Dopartment, has revlewed your appllcatlon and would rccommond to the Plarnlng Commlgslon and Board of County Commleelonors the follorlng: 1. Tho follorlng staternont ghoufd bc Includcd on thc Flnal Plat: No furthor oxtcnalone on thc maln ctructure ghall bc pcrmlttcd wlthotrt ths coneent ol the Eaglc Comty Board of County Commlesloncrs. Thcre shall be no Increaar In the nurrter of chrvel llng unlta,and comrnon wall type from that dcplctod on thlr plat. 2. That all dlvlalonr of th|r typc In llcn ol epllttlng tho lot; that cuch unlta be mdc condomlnlum wlth gcnaral common olernenta rather than formlng lota lcsa thm 7500 Sq. ft. 3. Thcrc ls eerloue q.restlon aa to the lack of eeparate utlllty llnca In thcoc car.t rld pomlbb future problcmc therefrom relatlvo to regnllatlon, repall, and raplaccmmt, when thcy croes varloue lots. Addltlonal eomrnentr not yot rccclved from apeclflc agoncler may bc appl lcablc and roaronable. Recpecttully, Robert H. Barr Plmnlng Aerlatmt RHB,/kT cc! Board ol Cor.nty Commlaeloncrsl Plcnnlng Commlcelon; Staff .t, oo 4ufrt /t tngittzzzr, X"i CIVIL ENGINEERING . PIJ\NNING . SORVEYs 5UBD|V|5|ONS . W TER & sEWER 5Y5TEI\5 Kcnncth E. Richords Mr. Mlchael BLair Plannlng Director Eagl-e County Planning Cornmlssion Post Office Box 789 Eagle, Col-orado 81631- Re: Heinits Townhouses - 2 units Upper Eagle Vall-ey Sanitation Distrlct Dear Mike: We have l-ooked over the application and plans for Heinirs Townhouses on Lot 7, Bl-ock "Et', Resubdivision of Vall Das Schone, Filing No. 1 . The units can be served by Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Distrlct. The District ls now naking improvenents to its plant in Avon. As you also know, the treatnent plant wtll be expanded next year to double its present capacity. With these projected lmprovements ' adequate service will be provLded for the new unl-ts. Sincerely yours , RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Box 643 Vo il, Colorodo 8169 Phonc 476-5072 Dc nvcr 244-152 | December L7, L973 Rcgistercd Professionql Enginecrs Registered Lond Surveyors KER: cr cc: A1 Flewelllng, Superlntendent Jlm Collins, Manager Upper Eagle Valley Sanitati.on Distrlct Texas Construction Co. Kenneth E. Richards Engineer for the Dlstrict ,':n I Q>'t'-l t RFclir |lcts Dupt. ar o,- e,eb i,;,;:. No.23?83 ol Cotmty S;S Treasurer's Office EaSle Clunty, , Eagle, cgtora4o. L,k0' Colorado , e73 frrrpiupil nf a---DOLLARS , Treasurer Cash Book Page- (, Deputy rB. c. r,HorcxEr co.. oENlER (T 3) vr4 BYRON D. BROWN To*547-vArL.coLoHADoBr65T oFFrcErEtEpHoNE: 476-?211 REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridg€ Str€et & Gore Creak Drive Decsnbqr l-4, 1973 16r. Midrael Blain Eagle County Depafinent of Planning and Developrent Eagle Courty Cctrrt llouse Eagle, Colcurado 81531 Re: Exempticn fr.crn Subdivisicn Regulatios Fil-e No. Se-43-73, Tocas Ccnstrtrcticn Heinir s Tcr^nlrouse Dean f{ike: fn reviem of the plot plan, tte Vail Village In/est !{ater" and Sanitaticn District wqtld like to have the Ccunty malce sune that the units have independent waten shut off facilities externally to ttre units. Other than tlds, we are tdUing and able to serrrice these r:nits. DV',* D. Bact^trt sident, Vail Village trrlest Watert Sanitatibn District RECFIVED DEC 1 7 1973 Dept. 0l Planning & u'uel FEglo Counu, colo , Sin,/ o EFIG lNEERS, ll.'lc.R.ICHARD5 +': P, O, Bor 543 Vail. Coloredo 81657 Phon:176-5O72 Drnvrr Linr - 2d.l.l521 #, ..' ..'J.;" A' i)i: i|AiL DEC 71973 DeDt. 0i Planning & uov'L fsgls Cgl$lYJ @lo' i..-(-..., @z i-r.I;- I !)n:; i:i'C;:'itl::o.; i:.',iVi-i4(; i'Vi.'i :'5a' LiGAL DES g.R,IPTI,O!,I : A portion of Lot 7, Block E, A Resubdivision of Vail Dag Schone Filing No. 1, a subdlvision in the Connty of Eagle, Scate of Colorado described as: Cornnencing at the Southuesterly Corner of said Lot 7; Ehenee N 20"28142" E 23.6L feet along the Northwescerly llne of said LoE 7 to the true point of beginning; thence continuing al.ong said Northwasterly line N 20"281 l+Lt' E 74.59 feet to the Northwest Corqer of sald Lot 7; thence S 72"08110" Z 95.42 feet along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 7 to the Northeast Corner thereof which is a poinE on the Westerly Line of Arosa Drive; thenee along said Westerly line S 13"06'00" W 33.57 feet; thence S 85"C3r45" W 110.53 feet to the true poiat of beginning, contalnlng 5365.7 square feet or 0.L232 acres nore or 1ess. CIRIiFICAIION: I certify thaE on October 5, 1973, an luprovernent survey was uade under uy super.rision of the above described properiy and that to the rest of roy knowledge an<i bel1er, tire above plaE accuraEely represents the improvements ln relarlon to the property l1aes as sho\.rn r and that the location and dinensions oi all bulldlng improvemeots, easenenrs or rights-of -'.ray in e'ridence or kno.,En to me, and encroachnents by or on the premises are accurately shown. Tee above legal deserlptlon was prepared by ne and 1s accuraEe to the best of ny knowleCge. /i_7#!i/t / ///-.tt .*1i=.5i d {zz 'z6t9a J_#.:t ./ I'\*/.t\ /$xi^\ tu $ $ \ $ R,EGISTERTD ANO I.AND V I">sr I "o-'/ *(i FTI-CT7,5965,7aq,rt, c/212 a;c, A \ t*'grf*- $\f 'f'sff,f;u , *'oo''/ L- ---) | ,::,;i';_;l.i,ir- ..I .$ suRvrYoR No. 2/8, RtcfiARDs ENGr*#r. rNc. .t*o. rr',rro P. O. Box 643 Voil, Colorado 81657 tholl 47&5072 Drnvu linr . 2.14-1521 OAT .;iF:;i-!!-i,i']t: i4i.. e <k-i.0:r.5' d]74 lt, 'r) r\q $ .$ a; \ +a\ si)iiof,i;,- "D Lil:i.8 fo,i:;i.ii"jti ,"lti i A portlon of Lot 7, Block E, A Resubdlvisl-on of Vall Das Schone ?111ng No. 1, a subdlvlslon ln the County of Eagle, State of Colorado described as: Beglnniag at tha Southvas! Corner of sald I.ot 7; lhence N 20'28'42" E 23.61 feet along tha Northvesterly ltne oi satd Lol 7; thence lI E5"03r45" E 110.53 feet Eo a polnE on the Westerly 1lne of Arosa Drlvgi lhence S 13'05r00'W 74,23 feex along said r*Ies terly llne to the Southeast Cornar oi srld Lof 7; Ehence N 67o15144" W 1L0.26 iezt along the SouEhvesterly 1lne of sa{d Lot 7 to eha polnt of beglnning, contaLning 5223,0 square feet or 0'1199 acres uore or leas, CERTIFICATION: I certify that on October 5, 1973, an improvement survay r.ras nade under my super- vlsion of the above described property and ihat to the best of ny knowled3e and belief, the abova plat accurately represents the impto'rements in relation to the properfy lines as shown, and Ehat the locatlon and dlnensions of al1 building improrlernents, easerentsor ri3h,ts-of-way in evidence or kno.,m Eo me, and encroachments by or on tire prenlses are accurately shown, fhe above lega1 ,lescr!.ption was prepared by ae and Ls accurateto lhe best of my knowledge. fica/a,'/tic/t ' lt /a I =.-<<?r'^'P,' taft ,/ P){ t-t)/i 7lNl" I r-'i' t-i.-"'r .; i$Y =---l#J'rI__*Ag% do.&' PTLOT 7 i i223,o sg,/, z,t,zz/tq22,z)-/ 7, 4z 9tor47 iwiilVnry LSGAL DESCRIPTI,ON: AND LANO suRvEYoR No.3E/, cbuRrHouse P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8r63't 10 December 1913 Re: Exemption from Subdivision Regulations File No. Se-43-73, Texas Construction Heini I s Townhouse Applicant: Texas Construction Co. Box 1228 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle county Planning commission for review and recommendat ion at their reguf ar: meeting on 16 January 1974. ln accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963' as amended and Eagle county subdivision Regulations section 6.00 1972, you have 24 days within which to respond or the request wi ll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely apprec iate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, o e p il e Nr oF "=li,:r=,,:3 Xi,'J " = t" M E Nr S. Blair D i rectorP lanning MSB/kt encl . Appl ication SurveY re;';t o Foiltr? tERvr{:r:lulngurn, cotorado 81645 1,-tt t 'o -1lil." Prannrns October 16, L973 Mr. Mike Blair Eagle County Plannlng Dept. Eagle, CO 81531 Dear Mike: s's a- qd - 7Z Here are our comments on the sketch plan for the pro- posed Arrowhead at Vail development. Tho SaSlo eounty Manter Flan states that plannod eom- nunity development muFt be based on an lnduatrlal dcter-'mlnant, The determlnant suppCIrting thlc plan lE a sklEr€flr 8lnes the ontlra preposel lc bnsad on the suitebtlltyof the adJaecnt hlllslde for skllng, It iE v6ry lmfrsrtflntthat a tlrqrouqh analyele be nade of the feeters thet offpet akilng sultstrllityr Orrr trsale coneorn le that the Flan doee not sqnhaln