HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK E LOT 9 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Scalise Residence DRB Number: DRB020343 Project Description: Change to approved plan - Addition of GRFA in crawl space in east unit Participants: oWNER scAusE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHEO9126|2002 Phone: JAMES J., JR -JT PO BOX 2591 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPLICANT SCALISE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHE09|26/2002 Phone: 970-331-5422 JAMES J., JR -JT PO BOX 2s91 VAILCO 81658 License: Project Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL Location: east unit Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block: E Snbdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE RL 1 Parcel Number: 210314204012 Comments: no more GRFA remaining! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: A€tion: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz t010412002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005612 This addition of GRFA maxes out the availabb GRFA for the site, including all EHU credits. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 +toolJ- r tl r oEo U) -N:*(\ P$ =FiIcrl = (v) E6e6a+ EiEcl(J =o ? llj @-g ro 89 Eoq;6 5Sh5;x.t) =c!€x.oo(no:=o So- Lio gsi8p- (D E.sc{E gE oiJ E€E6(l)u.s9 ,Hs r=*- s :lLI'o', I ui F< cl +- F=tr E€ =<<_J _ = =:-- tl-l! r:(D o ao o !o@N EooE .gEo t',g,gL .Eg 6 9e €$H g Ips s$ i;gEFiE<6e F$uE= I0t4nm one year of the approvat. Description of the Req_uest: Parcet no.:Q! !E !q Z Oq O ta Application for Design Review Department of Community Dsrelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co,us General Information: fll,jJ?it*"::1Ti3s-,*tl9l^r1l-T 1u9f receiyg approval prior to submittins a buitdins permit apptication. ptease :f.1"':ll""::*:Yl,:::'l',:yf-l:' tr'u pa'uiJli add;l!r;r;;ffi;.?.T.,off;iil'"i#'A';ifi iJi[Tf:,:j 1...::.:l "jj.:l fll lTllfd ,inrormation is rejeivJ ;y-ii; a;;;;;v'ol,i5r[pil]"i' o""nfi;T;J= #: f:l:S-T::,:l::_1T_1.9.Ti:Yiewe! bv trr9 r.9yn co,*ir.'lv"iih pffiil ;il ffiffi#fi'i"il,lo,,J,ll 3"":'i:.'.T".il"tJJJ,T*,1"0*s untess a buirdins peimrt is'issueo "il tn"t;Gli##;ffi"::'#ilfiA d{t $0f\r{A(t rnot Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32g-g640 for parcel no.) Vai $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential orcommercial.building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).+z)u For mrnor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as,reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fencei and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,reroofing, paintingf window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee t Locationofthe proposat: tot: 9 gOct: e Subdivision: PhysicalAddress: & Name(s) of Owner("1, \ Mailing Address: ?O- B, Owner(s) Signature(s): Maifing Address: ?O ^ E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs fl Conceptual Review New Construction : Addition Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-famtly/du ptex) Changes to Approved plans ftparation Request Name of Applicant: 2S1t D U tr For Office4lse Onlv: tue Paid: JO RECEIVED *+****** ******+********++*:]t++.t r* * +* * ***** * * * ** * * * * *** * * * *++ * * * *+ * * * ** * * * * ****** ** * * + + * * ** * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***'t **i,i'i**,!**+**,r******i***********************t*t*+******************tlti+1.1.****{.*'}*** * +**** statement Number: R000003159 Amount: $20.00 09/25/200204:L9 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: aIAR Notafj-on: Permit No: DRB020343 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg t.o Appr Plans Parcel No: 2!03!420401-2 Site Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIIr Location: east unit Totaf Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 *+ **** * ********'t * ***,***** * ***,1** ** *,1.*{.*{.{.'t*** * *** ****{.*** *********** *{.***** ***1. ****1. * * ** * *** ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EhJ FEES 20.00 o Datc: l0 D Lcgal dcscri 0n: Addrcss Olncr Architcct Zonc disrict Lot sizc Total CRFA Prinary CRFA Hcigbt Sctbacks zoNE CHECK Filing Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc Brrildablc arca Existing Proposcd Total L+41+..-.----_.---.:_ l,gti *W1 = + (42:5) (67s')- Yn6,7f xrf't * t4lfl 't'lr4f ru@.**+ 1+:s1ff.sr1'=-!E Ittfl *frerl,tW=l+ffi--------tr* + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much .of thc allorvcd 250 A ddition is uscd rvith tlrii rcqucst? Sitc Covcralc * -= (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar 1 20' .15' 15, Minimum Allorvcd Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbts Parking 'Rquired Encloscd 3',l 6' G00) (600) (e00).(1200)Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics with TOV Lighring Onlinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l i50%) Enr.ironm cn !allllazards Pcrmiftcd Slopc __-%o proposcd Stope % Ycs.- Nq Ycs- Nq 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldall Prclious condirions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: I c) Dcbris Florv Projcct , .' . . Q SUR\TEY Scalc ._- Bcnchrnuk I +_ Lepl dcscription -..E !F- EascmcnB r. j;, ; : . Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Counc Sctback Environnrcntal }lazards Utility locations Spot clcvations Q SITE PLA}I DESIGN REVIE}Y CIIECKLIS T Project Name: Scalise Residence Prcject Description: Re-roof Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB l{umber: DR8010214 Participants: OWNER SCAUSE, DENNIS W, & DOROTHE07|23|200I Phone: JAMES J., JR -]T PO BOX 2591 vArL co 81658 License: APPUCANT SCALISE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHE07|23/aOOL Phone: 970-331-5422 JAMES J., JR -JT PO BOX 2591 vArL co 81658 License: ProjectAddress= 2567 AROSA DRVAIL Locauon: Legal tlescription: lou 9 Blodc E SuMivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Numberz 2LQ3I42O4OL2 Comments: Overturned by Council BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Sybill Navas Second By: Kevin Foley Vote: 4-2 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= O+122PScE t/zt/zaot Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department August 21,2001 Q,ftrn, qji( N' ti^i,, hvb lnrf 4-z WV+ 'rr'rd{ rl,Al' #tilW : rrrd/ uot .h it v ilt. frww An appealof the Design Review Board's denialof a proposed roofing malerial, located at2567 Arosa Drive/Lot 9, Block E, Vail das Schone 1" Filing. Applicant: Dennis Scalise Appellant: Dennis ScalisePlanner: Allison Ochs SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is located at2567 Arosa Drive / Lot 9, Block E, Vaildas Schone 1$ Filing. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant, Dennis Scalise, has standing to file an appeal as the owner of the subject properly. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Dennis Scalise, submitted an application to the Department of Community Development for the construction of a new residence and Type I Employee Housing Unit in 1999. The application was approved by the Design Review Board on July 7, 1999. At the time, the applicant requested that the Design Review Board consider stone-coat steel roofing. The Design Review Board did not approve the roofing material, instead approving asphalt shakes. The applicant applied for a change of roof malerial on July 23,2001. He again requested the stone-coal steel roofing. The Design Review Board considered the request on August 1,2001, and voted to deny the request, citing the finding lhat the proposed material does not comply to the design guidelines. The applicant then appealed the Design Review Board decision lo deny the proposed roofing material. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council uphold the Design Review Board's denial of lhe proposed roofing materials subjecl to the following finding: 1. That the proposal does not meet the intent of the guidelines as eslablished by Section 12-11-5 (Design Guidelines) and Title 14 of the Town Code and outlined in Section V of this memorandum. tv. v.APPLICABLE DESIGN GUIDELINES Design Guidellnes: 1. Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their sunoudings, and with Vail's environment. lt is not to be infened that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of sale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliane with the guidelines herein contained. Staff Resoonse: The Design Review Board and staff believe that the proposed roofing material does not comply with the design guidelines. The Board and staff believe that lhe proposed roofing material is incompatible with Vail's environment. 2. Roof surtacing materials shall be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. The predominant roof materials utilized shall be wood shakes and their use rb strongly encouraged. The use of metal roofs is arceptable, however in no instance will metal roofs which refled direct sunlight onto an adjacent property be pennifted. lf metal rooE are used they shall be surtaced with a low-gloss finish or capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal rools shall generally have a standing seam in order to proide some relief to the roof surtace and be of a heavy gauge. Asphalt aN fiberglass shingles shall be permitted provided that they weigh no less than three hundred (300) pounds pr roofing square foot and are of a design aN alor to be compatible with the requirements of this Section. Staff Resoonse: The Design Review Board and staff believe that the proposed roofing material is inconsistent wilh this section of the design guidelines. The design guidelines encourage wood shakes, standing seam metal, or asphalt shingles. The Design Review Board was specifically concerned with the appearance ol the proposed product, stating that it is more appropriate for a commercial use, rather than a residential use. The design guidelines are very specific as to what types of malerials are allowed and the Design Review Board did not believe thal the stone- coat steel roofing is an acceptable malerial. Aug. 2,01 From: Dennis W. DorotheaA, and James J. Scalise P.O. Box 259lVuL Co. 81658 970-331-5422 Re: New Constnrction Pri./Sec. Home 2567 Arosa Dr. West Vail Lot 9 Block E Vail Das Shone Filing I Roofing Material Denied by T.O.V. D.R.B. : A 40 year- Dull Finished- Stone covered- metal roofing The reason for this appeal is based on our interpretation of the Toum of Vail Development Standards Handbook section 10 {design review standards and guidelines} pmagraph 6 {roofing surface materials) ditrering from the T.O.V.- D.R.B. We feel that the guidelines clearly state that ametal - dull finish - roofing material, generally {not always} a standing seam, but a material that does show relief can be used" We feel the material proposed easily meets these requirements. Sincerely, Dennis James,mdDorothea Scalise o GERARD l ROOFING TEGHNOTOGIES ^ 9diCorrre S Er|. CA e0?1.2e.7 71./3294107', Dear Buil der/Contactor: Thank you for yor:r interest in Gerard roofing products. Gerard light-weight, stone'coated steei ioon"g proAurl -" desiped to compliment awide range of architecnral styles and are avaitabli in both a Mediteranean tile or wood shake profile' The enclosed inforrration describes the product and its benefits in detail. Additional information is available. by visiting our web site at http://r,rnrn,.gerardusa.com. Gerard roofing products are available factory-direct tbrough authgrized Gerard contractors' Please contacius if you are interested in becoming an appointed Gerard contractor, orwould like the narne for one in Your area. Please also let us know if you need aay additional specifications, sales or installation information. CaII toII free I -8 0 0-23-RO O FS GERARD n'Beeutiful Under AnY Condition" FA* ?r'/sa.-oc's A Cusro.n€r So.vic! Far ?14256-1476 I€OO-2}FooFS t\6lio'n'nde Belond The Forces of .\nlare GERARD t-)Y '(" 'p /atrF l \3/ ,/\ I/l ."'!7 *4V M6t8l cooEtmdio Associ8tion 6 \-/ X NationalRoofing ConFactors A!8ociation (f (' .o*''do,#iH'*aui'"," YTC,n \ r.,x Gerard Stone-coatedAccessories 0. Be sure you contrdor uses Gcnrd gore+ooted vtot flashings md fiscia metal o cmrplea the lob. Thce color-maciod accesories will ldp ptuide thrt ""t"rffYJHn"*"*,"-w rec€ived appraiEal codificabs and apprcvab 8s lollows. Tsst .€port copies E e evailabls on wrlten reque€|. AUI E Y@tz OERARO F@FINGI TECHiIOIOGIES REGIISTEFED TO ISO SOI c€EnF|c tEl{or6€e nApprorals K U.L. R 12596 Usted n NES/NER Natibnal Evsluatin B€po.r llo 423 \Accepnnces ,./ I ngeles, Calitomia, Rssesrch Repon No. nn-eaaZ ,\ / Dads County, Florida, B€port No.95.O5.01.02 Memberships ?EF\IY|il| I, /\P'\ 7 Variogetcd Golorr Thtilg t[€ €dltiDf lr{editerErEan olorc Gersrd hs! deElofcd r rw vu*gatbu d t[e ndonly llrshed olon. lte vrdegrtion devebped gir,6 s sooother hatritioD, or blendilg ofth€ Mediierrel|e!! colors. Meditarranean cslorr listed below th8! hlve 0 (V) aft€r their ru.Dq 8te variegation oloB. ln there cases the 0arhed oolon an m luger availabb. Beforc making r finrl color seiction. niev rctud product smples. fuistirtr toud h tou nen Gemrd mol Gerard Roofing Technologies, 955 Columbia Street Brea. California 92821-2923 F Ax714-i29-6643 email:info@gerardusa.com t€oo-23nooFs Internet: http://www.gergrdu!a.com Gor! ! Booing LdlnoaotF. is loLfy sr|!tr!.d h tlt m.rubn! ol icolhg Ptod|It! ls t ..b !xE|4h wiora|.|€ (Enldaa id cont ac|ort. Cdr!{rr..3 !r. olulrond that Ocr.d b rbi sll$.t- ,rU r.y cdrt.ctdr, blitttt s Tdaston Gar.d b nd lkDb lor lh! p€rlorherE ol lhe codrtlor s |!3por'|!ibb to. rny rort(lnr tlp tlLLd datru' Lbbilily it lifiiod axclrrsiv.t lo lh. lormB.r|d coodlio.E ol lh. O.rl|{l Warslly. ir| dLcl lt ha lirfla ltl ool l' cornpb|€d. Th. C:.raftt bgo 'td n5m. it! r6lab'!d l||<'.md<! ol G...d aootu€ tlci.Ebd.t. Copyng 2OOl GRIlol G.6td Aoofng T.cboroo'ei -l--l'-- CENAND Slone-coal€d v€nt flashing Slone{oat€d Fascia LOCAL DEALER LIGHTWEIGHT FrBE WIND HAIL SNow/ lcE EARTHOUAKE WEATHEFING/ WARRANTY ENvtRONME}.IT RESALE a Tne GeReRo Roor O Comparing manufacturers specifications, a Gerard roof weighs less than half (40% of the average composition or wood shake rool. So called lightweight fiber cement roofs are more than lour timls (4X) heavier than Gerard. Added weight means more stre.ss on framing and trusses which c6ntiibute to settling and eventual cracks in walls and ceilings. To limil the chances of rool collapse, all natioial building codes require additional support for any roofing system that exceeds 6 pounds per square foot. Because it is made of sieel, Gerard panels are incombustible and sale from exposure to airborne buming cinders. The palented interlocking tastening system prevents the panels from litting and allowing blowing embers to ignite the rooi deck. Where Class A is required, Gerard shorild be installed with sfecified undeilayments, as tested ASTM E-108, U.B.C-15-2 and U.L' 790 Class A fire tests. Gerard s interlocking panel and batten-mounting system offer extraordinary resistance to wind uplift. That is why derard completely backs up its claims with a separate 120 mph wind warraniy. Other manuiacturers may refer-to wind-driven rain tests but they remain silenl with regard to warranty protection. Independent testing by Underwriters Laboratories rated Gerard Tile and Shake an industry best, U. L2218 ChsJ4 hail resislant product. Most all of the other lested malerials (fiber cement, concrete tile, clay tile, composition shingles and medium cedar shakes), suffered severe damage under the same conditions. Gerard backs its hail resistant weatherproof perlormance witfr a ZV hail stone warranty. In some states insurance carriers even offer a discount lor installing a Gerard roof. Gerard roofs do not absorb moislure and therefore have excellent compatibility with snow and ice. The strong, stone-coated steel panels have been tested in excess of 224 lb. per sq. ft. before panel defoinration occurs. Freeze lthaw cycles do not cause the panels to raise because of their interlocking design and in-shear fastening system' Gerard s interlocking rool system adds structural strength to the roof. Many other listed rooling materials cannoi olfer this. Instead they rely upon the underlying deck for struclural integriiy. Additionally, Gerards ultra lightweighl-provides safety by reducing the threat of roof cotlips'e. The deat'h of several thouiand feople during the Kobe, Japan earthquake was attributed lo the collapse of buildings roofed with heavy roof tiles. In its survey_ ol roofs after the Northridge, California earthquake-(Jan. 17, 1994), the McMutlen Company found only minor damage to about 1% of the'homes protected by stone-coated steel roofs. ln conlrast' more than 50% oJ the concrele and clay roofs observed had significant damage. Many products rely on felt underlayments to maintain a sound waterproof membrane. Unforturiaiely, these underlayments become brittle and can lail causing a leak. Over time, all traditional roofing products will sptit, break, crack, curl, warp or absorb water. Not Gerard - wiih a heart ol steel, our Tile & Shaie deliver consistent all-weather performance for the life ot the original homeowner. . . we guarantee it with a limited litetime weatherproof wananty. Steel is 100% recyclable. Tirere is little waste and it can be recycled an infinite number ol times without degradaiion. Most often Gerard can be installed directly over an existing wood or composition rooi which eliminates tearing olf of the old roof and burdening over capacity landfills. Real estate professionals consider Gerard a premium roof that adds value to houses listed for sale. The appearance, long life, fire resistance and transferable warranty are ol major importance to the prospective home buyer. Gerard Roofing Technologies, Inc. 955 Columbia Street, Brea, Califomia USA 92821'2923 Tel:(800) 237-6637 Fax: (714) 529-6643 Intemel: http/ nvw.g€ratdusa.com E mail: info@ geradusa.com r€v.!y99 sr\all\Gersrdconparisonchari.doc @ noo*otirt hrb;rffhqhe nttbd|raldttt00fi't lur.B4OEl|&trt|!mrctttultrf ot{.iedttilr-r.t August2l,2fl)l To Whm It MayConcern: I h8l/e bccn actinc in selting homes iB wegt vail and tivod there, as nrcll, for Jrcan. After rwiewiag thc typc of roof tbat Dconis Scalisc is proposing for his ncw qnnuy/scc'ondry lrome on Arosa Drivq I give it 8 ftll vofie of app,roval and rhinlr thc Town of Vail shoul4 as *ell. Deoais has res€epb€d this carefirlly md wmts to p* a cuatity, long-lasting roof on his rery hom- ud is willing to pay morc for this rcof than o6cr tlpes of rooft-alr€ady approred by the Town- Thc new roof appears to meet all of thi Town of Vail guiilcliucs. I tlrnt tbal as mre aod rmrc pcople, rcbuil4 reryrodel md reroof tbcir hmes in thc Torrn of vail thcre wiu b€ an cxodrs tom thc old statrdad wood shake rmf into roofs more likc what ir being proposcd by Demis. Rmft lite this will mly eohmce the reiihbonhood and pro'perty values. I would cronage thc Tonm council to ovqtrm rhc denial ofthis tlae of roofby the Design Review Board. Thaok you fc your considerdion. Sinccrcly, Oa/21/2OOl 0E:59 FAI PRUDENTIAL GONE RANGT PN GOR.E RANGE PROPERTIES, INC. Eooz CR,S Associab Brcker 6nu.--,r--.€-. Date: 16 August 2001 To: Vail Town Council From: Carl Walker Re: Item for August 21,2001Meeting Apped of Desigr Review Board denial of proposed roofing material located at2567 fuosa Dr. lI-otg, Block B, Vail das Schone lst Filing I am the neighbor immediately to the north of the property noted above. After some investigation including inspection of the proposed roofing material' viewing of a descriptive video and reading product information, I have come to the conclusion that the proposed roofing materid is highly desirable and I welcome its use in our neighborhood. It is also my opinion that the proposed material is acceptable according to the Ta+n of Vail Dewlopment Standards Hurdbook, pg. 28, item 6. I urge the Council to reverse the decision of the Design Review Board in this case. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Cordially, n"l\ti. lhrJl U'tuatu \ a1,,r4 '\1^,a- tlcrqhbo ( ac(o3s -t1^. atrect ax\& dqre<- urith ?a*t>r ir)al[r-r \ h^'ve nc dajectrov. 4o An- propc-r?ci ,f.g vno)end-\ . --{,rlt:--1t'utt-; [\) t+'+rt-- Carl D. Walker 2557 Arosa Dr. Vail, CO 81657 476-521r T n-*- Thc NanouEolz ++- ZSf u P.+cr Ter.. X r,*". ^'to aBt'4r'a\'' 'fD Trle fRoPosd> RcsF*;,/r'<-? Itt / _./ t zJqb DAvcs TtzA'-L51L frro:a- Drtve August 15,2001 Design Review Board Community Development Department TownofVail Topic: An appeal of the Desip Review Board's denial of a proposed roofing material, located at2i67 Arosa Drive/Lot 9, Block B, Vail das Schone 1" Filing CommenUOpinion: I am tle owner of, tle residence located at,2579 Arosa Drive. Upon receiving yow public notice, I contacted Dennis Scalise and reviewed samples of the proposed Gerard roofing material. I have no obiections to vour approval of this appeal. I find this material to be superior to the installation of tar and gravel roofing, which is evident on several of the sunounding homes. Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions with regard to this correspondence. ,-t) Protect l{ame: Scalise Residence Proiect Description: Re-roof Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.4D.2L39 taxt 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8010214 Partacipants: OWNER SCALISE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHE0Z23/2001 Phone: JAMES J., JR -JT PO BOX 2591 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT SCAUSE, DENNIS W. & DOROfiE07l23l2O0L Phone: 970-331-5422 JAMES J,, JR -]T PO BOX 2591 VAILCO 81658 License: ProJectAddress= 2567 AROSA DRVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block: E Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE RL 1 Parcef Numberz 2LO3L42O4OL2 Comments: Does not comply to the design guidelin BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: DENIED SecondBy: AndyBlumetti Vote: 5-0 Date of APPrcval: Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerriew committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Plannen Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: l2O.0O euestions? cilh. Planning staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a buitding permit is issued and construction is DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REQTIEST: TOI'i/NOFVAIL B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT , q BLocK: B ,rt o, | \'6,1t\uSlo* ta Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. PTTSTCALADDRESS: )5 GZ crw"s< \n - lt il ,cn 8tt^5:+ PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: tE Po^ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): G.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 N/-Utno. Alteration - $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL, COLORADO 8165h t.0&/ 4 Depafiment of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. ci.vail.co.us JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER (print name) provide this letter as (address/le gal description) written approval of the plans dated which are submitted to the Town / / of Vail Community Development for the propo#d improvements to be completed at the address // review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. i / fint owner of property located at rnodifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the {p**or^ro (date) oo Questions? Callthe Planning Staffat 479-2!38 : E&t$fim@fr8lBt ffi MrNoR ALTERATToNS ro THE EXTERToR oF BUTLDINGS T0ltrN 0ru',,tflry AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additjonal building square footage is added will require an "additions" applicauon. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relerrant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be. used. tr Condominium Association approval (if applicable). tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. tr & D usr oF PRoPosEp MATERTA{) BUILDING MATERIALS:CQIQR: Roof Siding :Prtatz6 '_Lr<"oo+, Other Wall Materials Fasch SofFrts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other * Please speciry the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All sfterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If o<terior lighting b prcposed, please indicate the number of fix[rres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixhrre type and provide the height above grade, lumens ouput, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures, p,S)'"lo *nol --l @t-o^tooD A pac+) PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name: Common Name: Ouantity: slzg:i PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walb, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specifo. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walb elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form b to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 .168-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 (Ted Hust<y;John Boyd) T.C.r. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) x Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1, If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utilify companie, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will preume that there are no problerls and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on tie utility verification form that fiere b a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the uulity company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifhations do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Publh Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained bebre diooino in any public right-of-way or @sement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. u. PRE-APPUCATION CON FERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is requircd. No application can be accepted unles the nnndatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibifity to schedule thb rneeting by calling 970-479-2L28. TIME REOUIREMENTS fie Design Reriew Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A cornfl@ application form and all accompanying material must be aaepted by the Communify Development Departrnent a minirnum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Sectbn 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPUCANTS: A. If a property b located in a map@ hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, floodplain, debrb flow, wethnd, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affUavit recognizing the hazard report prior b the issuance d a buibing permit. ApplicanB are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submitbl of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site phns, landscape phns and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1, Plan sheet size must be 24'x36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the sarne scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. TiUe block, project name, project address and legal description, Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revbion dates. Vicinity map or locaUon map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side nnrgin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All tre6 to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prlor to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear befure the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their ibm be pos@ned, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB appro\res the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved pllQl to the issuance of a building permit. IV. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Rwiew applications, approve with certain modifrcations, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Rwiew applications may be staff approved: A. Any application fur an addition to an existing building that b consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application b modify an existing building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and b generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to ofterior building ftnish materials (e.9. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), e)fterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windo6 skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improvenents, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifrcations, site gnding, site walls, removal or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. ff this application requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200,00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be republbhed, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by tie applicant. C. Applications deerned by the Community Developrnent Departrnent b ha\€ design, land use or otler issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff, Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Departrnent may hire the consultant, The Department shall estimate the amount of nnney necessary to pay the consulbant and thb arnount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applhant within 30 dala of notifrcation by the Town. Any excess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion, VI. oo Ard1-{h fr,ndAuan'k nlrrria '['"tpa {"*ot"t" ' 5n&fi*-,4orlJorl h qantlqllk ftil *t {X rr" oo Aug. 2, 01 From: Dennis W. Dorothea A" md James J. Scalise P.O. Box 2591 Vail, Co. 81658 970-331-5422 Re: New Constnrction Pri./Sec. Home 2567 Arosa Dr. West Vail Lot 9 Block E Vail Das Shone Filing I Roofing Material Denied by T.O.V. D.R.B. : A 40 year- Dull Finished- Stone covered- metal roofing Adj acent Property Owners: Gary, Hall F. lot 10 - block E -Vail Das Shone Filing 1 Parcel 210314204013 2579ArosaDr. Vail, Co. 81657 Hugh Schmidt lot3 block E Heinis toramhouses Parcel 2t03142M0M 2596 Davos Trail P.O.Box 1455 Vail, Co. 81658 Hugh Schmidt M. lot 4 Block E Heinis townhouses Parcel 2t03142A4005 2596Davos Trail P.O.Box 1455 Vail, Co. 81658 Chrisfina andDavid Wilson 1ot3 Block C Vail Das Shone Filing 1 Parcel 210314205008 2572 Arosa Dr.Vail, Co. 81657 Mount of the Holy Cross Chwch lot 8 BlockE Vail Das Shone filing 1 Parcel 2103I42MA30 P.O. Box 1103 2557 Arosa Dr. Vail. Co. 81658 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Town of Vail Code on Tuesday, August 21, 2OO1, at 2:00 p.m. in ihe Town of Vail Municipal Building, located ai 75 South Frontage Road' In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Design Review Board's denial of a proposed roofing material, located a12567 Arosa'Drive/Lot 9, Blolk B, Vaildas Schone 1d Filing. Applicant Dennis Scalise Appellant: Dennis Scalise Plannen Allison Ochs The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspection,-during-. . .. regulirbusiness hours, in the Community bevelopment Departmelt, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. For additionSl info-rmation' contact Allison Ochs at the Department of Community Development at (970) 479-2369' ffi t,I TOWNOFVNL APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLAIINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION,DECISION BEING APPEALED: B. c. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON R.ENDERINC TFIE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: D. E. -.lrMATLTNGADDRESS: HC-Rrrr 2<ql Vc\r\ 81c,<B NAME OFAPPELLANT(S): Page I of2 REC'DAUGO2ZOO1 \tl Io F.Does this appcal involve a specific parcel ofland?If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes _1 no- Ifno, give a deailed explanation ofhow you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person." "Aggriwed or advcrsely affectcd persm" means any pcrson who will suffer an adverse effect to an intercst protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the generat interest in community good sharcd by all persons. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) ofall owners ofpropeny which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening baniers). Also provide addressed ana sampia envelopes fo: each property owner on the list. On separate sheets of paper, specifo the precise nah[e of the appeal. Ple"<e citc sitecific code sections baving relwance to the action bcing appealed FEE: $0.00 \)rIs G. Page2 of? o GEBARD BOOFIT{G TEGHI{OUIGIES 955c*nb SL B.{CAet2t-29.7 71al5294107 ' Dear Builder/Contractor: Thank you for your interest in Gerard roofing products. Gerard light-weighf stone'coated steel roofinjproducL are designed to complimeniawide range of architectural styles and are avaiiable in both aMeditenanean tile or wood shake profile' The enclosed inforrration describes the product and its benefits in detail. Additional information is available.by visiting ourweb site at http://www.gerardusa'com' Gerard roofing products are available factory-direct through authorized Gerard contr?cto$' please contact us if you are interested in becoming an appointed Gerard contractor, orwould like the name for one in Your area. please aiso let us know if you need any additional specifications, sales or installation information. CaIl toII free I -8 0 0-23 -RO O FS GEMRD "Beaufifal Under AnY Condilion" FA* ?r95394'l A ClJslomor Sgldc. Frr: 714/256-1474 1'8m-?3'RooFS f€donrA/ids OERARD Be.vond Tbe forces af Nalure ! Makes an v t Gerard Excellent Comparison Protection/Gerard Tile & Shake Excellent 1.4 lb./ sq. ft. Average Roof: 4.200 tb. Poor 9 -1 5 lb./ sq. ft. Average Roof: 36,000 tb. Fair 6 lb./ sq. ft. Average Roof: 18,000 rb. Good 3-4 lb./ sq. ft. Average Roof: 10,500 tb. Good 3.5 lb./ sq. ft. Average Roof: 10,s00 lb. Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent 120 moh Warrantv Fair **Fair Poor Excellent Hail Warrantv Good Fair Fair Poor Excellent lnterlocking design is strong & resists ice damming Poor Poor Good Fair Excellent Lighlweight + Added shear strength Poor Fair Good Good *.iffiiin,*":?llt Excellent Limited Liletime Warranty Good Fair Fair Poor Excellent No tear-off needed + Recyclable Fair Fair Fair Fair '': 't/t'': '.'.,.'..,. ReSale Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair Fair Ratings based on comparison with Gerard as determined from manufacturers' specifications, independent testing laboratories and published industry studies/statistics. . - Requires additional nails, clips and /or wiring in high wind areas. LIGHTWEIGHT FIRE WrNo HArL SNow / lcE EARTHoUAKE WEATHEFTNG / WARBANTY ENvTRoNMENT 1THE Gennno Roor O Comparing manufaclurers specifications, a Gerard roof weighs less than half (40% ol the average composition or wood shake roof. So called lightweight fiber cement roofs are more than four times (4X) heavier than Gerard. Added weight means more stress on framing and trusses which contribute to settling and eventual cracks in walls and ceilings. To limit the chances of rool collapse, all national building codes require additional support lor any roofing system that exceeds 6 pounds per square foot. Because it is made of steel, Gerard panels are incombustible and safe from exposure lo airborne burning cinders. The patented interlocking fastening system prevents the panels from litting and allowing blowing embers to ignite the roof deck. Where Class A is required, Gerard should be installed with specified underlayments, as tested ASTM E'108, U'B'C'15-2 and U.L. 790 Class A tire tests. Gerard s interlocking panel and batten-mounting system offer extraordinary resislance to wind uplift. That is why Gerard completely backs up its claims with a separate 120 mph wind warranty. Other manufacturers may refer to wind-driven rain tests but they remain silent with regard to warranty protection. Independent testing by Underwriters Laboratories raled Gerard Tile and Shake an industry best, U. L 2218 Class 4 hail resistanl product. Most all of the other tested materials (fiber cemenl, concrete tile, clay tile, composition shingles and medium cedar shakes), suffered severe damage under the same conditions. Gerard backs its hail resistant weatherproof performance with a 2Y hail stone warranty. In some slates insurance carriers even offer a discount for installing a Gerard roof . Gerard roofs do not absorb moisture and therefore have excellent compatibility with snow and ice. The strong, stone-coaled steel panels have been tested in excess of 224 lb. per sq. tt. belore panel deformation occurs. Freeze I thaw cycles do not cause the panels to raise because ol their interlocking design and in-shear fastening system. Gerard s interlocking roof system adds structural strength to the roof. Many other listed roofing materials cannot otfer this. Instead they rely upon the underlying deck for structural integrity. Additionally, Gerard s ultra lightweight provides safety by reducing the threat of roof collapse. The death of several thousand people during the Kobe, Japan earthquake was attributed to the collapse of buildings roofed with heavy roof tiles. In its survey of roofs after lhe Northridge, California earthquake (Jan. 17, 1994), the McMullen Company found only minor damage to about 1% ol the homes protected by stone-coated steel roofs. In contrast, more than 50% of the concrete and clay roofs observed had significant damage. Many products rely on felt underlayments to maintain a sound waterproot membrane. Unlortunately, these underlaymenls become brittle and can lail causing a leak. Over time, all traditional rooling products witl split, break, crack, curl, warp or absorb water. Not Gerard - with a heart of steel, our Tile & Shake deliver qigte4! all-weather performance for the life of the original homeowner. . . we guarantee it with a limited lifetime weatherproof warranty. Steel is 100% recyclable. There is little waste and it can be recycled an inlinite number of times without degradation. Most often Gerard can be installed directly over an existing wood or composition roof which eliminates tearing otf of the old roof and burdening over capacily landfills. Real estate professionals consider Gerard a premium roof that adds value to houses listed for sale. The appearance, long life, fire resistance and transferable warranty are of major importance to the prospective home buyer. Gerard Roofing Technologies, lnc. 955 Columbia Street, Brea, California USA 92821-2923 Tel: (800) 237-6637 Fax: (7'14) 529-6643 Intemet: http://www.gerardusa.com E-mail: inlo@geradusa.com RESALE rev.3/99 s \al[G€rardComparisonChart.doc ""tJ**jg*',"-(l ? ve receiveo appiaisa eancates ard approrrab as lollows. 'e Est r€pod clpbs 8ro svslhbla on writton Fqu€61 e ^A. '/e arrr f, FwwF\(ry"* CENARO ROOFINO TECHNOLOGIES REEETEREO TO ISO '(n1cEBTrFrc rE l€.a6692 t\ Approlals \ Be $re yulf cotrFed0r rses Gerfd gmecutd e66 flrdrinp od hscir neul o cmplete the job. Itese mlor-matded rrcsoric will help ptovi& tha 1,4, u.L. R 12s96 Llsred r t NESNER tlatiooal Evalustion Repon No.42:l lAccepances ,./ l I Los Angelos, Califomia, Res€qrch Bepon ruo. nn.z+432 /\ / I Dad€ County, Fbnda. R€pod No.95-o5-0t.@ lW Membenhips ?-fi( tT tllin hi/ \ lrlnrrsJ *.*db \ C: 11 \t;/ ,/\ t-' n n.x-@ /\ F/l ""^ '\ 7 *lV M€iial comtruc{ion A$ociaiion A \-/ A Nallonal Hoofing Cqtractors Aasoclation ' O^72 / I \ Nationd Assodadon Home BuildeE (-Jt/,l -c 'c. - GerardStone-coatedAccessories { Verlcgated Coloru Taling tie exirting Medit€nalean olorg, C€lard hss dweloped o ne* variegatbt of the nndonly flarhed @lors. '[he variegetion developed gives 8 snooth€r transitiorl or blending of the Mediterranean olon. Meditenaneal olors bted below that have a (V) afur tleil nsmg are valiegatiotr olor& Itr these ca!6 the llashed olors are no lonrer available. kfore makng a finalcoior selection, relisl ncturlprduct srmples. Stone-coated Fascia .A EENANO Gerard Roofing Technologies, 955 Columbia Street Brea, Califomia 92821-2923 F lX7l4-5294613 email.infoE gerardusa.com t.aoo.23BooFs Inlern6t: htlp://www.gerardusa.com Grad Fooitq TacnnobgN€s is soht sngegEd in r metr/feca/|o ol rooing pmducls kr r€sab htough vrhd€sa o di.lriblllors .nd €odracloF- coo6umelE ar€ caulionod that Gol6d 6 not allillat€d wih ary conldclds. buil(brs, o. dPPrcslo?s Gsrsd h not lialle b. rh. p€rlorh.rce ol ft! conl.lcto. or lllpo.Bblo lor any od('an$p Elai.d claims Llability i! limt€d sxclusiv€ly to th€ t€ms and conditldt! ol lhe G€.sd !'\,4fi!.1y, in ofioci ar rhs rimo lh. lEoi b €omPlsl€d Ths Gslad logo .nd nam6.r€ llgBl.r.d t|ed€ma.l(s ol GGmrd Fooling T€chnobgi€€ copyiight 2001 GFTlot o.rard Bool ng Tochnologlss. fiaishing hud h 'our mnr Gmrd mof. Ston€-coal€d vent f leshing LOCAL OEALER Aug. 2,01 From: Dennis W. Dorothea A and James J. Scalise P.O. Box 2591 Vail, Co. 81658 970-33r-5422 Re: New Consfruction Pri./Sec. Home 2567 Arosa Dr. West Vail Lot 9 Block E Vail Das Shone Filing I Roofing lvlaterial Denied by T.O.V. D.RB. : A 40 year- Dull Finished- Stone covered- metal roofing Adj acent Property Onmers: Gary, Hall F. lot 10 - block E -Vail Das Shone Filing I Parcel 2t0314204013 2579ArosaDr. Vail, Co. 81657 Hugh Scbmidt lot3 block E Heinis toumhouses Parcel 2103142M0M 2596 Davos Trail P.O.Box 1455 Vail, Co. 81658 Hugh Schmidt M lot 4 Block E Heinis tonmhouses Parcel 210314204005 2596 Davos Trail P.O.Box 1455 Vail, Co. 81658 Christina andDavidWilson lot3 Block C Vail Das Shone Filing I Parcel 210314205008 2572 Arosa Dr.Vail, Co. 81657 Mount of the Holy Cross Chwch lot 8 BlockE Vail Das Shone Filing 1 Parcel 2103142M030 P.O. Box 1103 2557 Arosa Dr. Vail, Co. 81658 Aug. 2,01 From: Dennis W DorotheaA, andJames J. Scalise P.O. Box 259lYa:d', Co. 81658 970-331-s422 Re: New Constnrction Pri./Sec. Home 2567 Arosa Dr. West Vail Lot 9 Block E Vail Das Shone Filing I Roofing Material Denied by T.O.V. D.RB. : Finished- Stone covered- metal roofing A 40 yem- Dull The reason for this appeal is based on our interpretation of the Toum of Vail Development Standards Handbook section L0 {design review standards md guidelines} paragraph 6 {roofing surface materials) differing from the T.O.V.- D.RB. We feel that the guidelines clearly state that ametal - dull finish - roofing material, generally {not always} a stand;ttg seam, but a material that does show relief can be used- We feel the material proposed easily meets these requirements. Sincerely, Dennis James ,and Dorothea Scalise Town of Yail Devvlopment Standards o Handbok 3.Exterior wall colors should be conryatible with the site and surounding buildings. Natural colors (earth tones found within the Vail area) should be utilized. Primary colors or other bright colors should be used only as accents and then sparingly such as upon trim or railings. All exterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished foundation walls. All exposed metal flashing, trinl flues, and roof top mechanical equipment shall be anodized, painted or capable ofweathering so as to be non-reflective. The rnajority of roof forms within Vail are gable roofs with a pitch of at least four feet (4) in twelve feet (12'). However, other roof forms are allowed. Consideration of environmental and climratic determinants such as snow shedding, drainage, and solar exposure should be integral to the roofdesign. Roof lines should be designed so as not to deposit snow on parking areas, trash storage areas, stainrays, decks and balconies, or entryways. Secondary roofs, snow clips, and snow guards should be utilized to protect tlese areas from roof snow shedding if necessary. Roof surfacing materials shall be coqatible with the site and surrounding buildings. The predominant roof materials utilized shall be wood shakes and their use is strongly encouraged. The use of retal roofs is acceptable, howwer in no instance will metal roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property be pennitted. If metal rooft are used they shall be surfaced with a low-gloss finish or capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal rooft shall generally have a standing seam in order to provide some reliefto the roofsurface and be ofa heavy gauge. Asphalt and fiberglass shingles shall be permitted provided that they weigh no less than tbree hundred (300) pounds per roofing square foot and are ofa design and colorto be co4atible with the requirements of this Section. Rooftop heating and air conditioning equipment, large vent stacks, elevator penthouies and similar features should be avoided; however, if necessary, shall be designed to be coryatible with the overall design of the structure or screened from view. Rooftop antennas shall not be permitted unless as allowed under a conditional use review as specified within the Zoning Code. Solar collectors shall lie flu on pitched roofs; however, when retrofitting an existing building with active solar, the collectors should be designed and placed in a nanner coryatible with the overall design of the building. Deep eaves, overhangs, canopies, and other building features that provide shelter from the elements are encouraged. Fenestration should be zuitable for the climate and for the orientation of the particular building elevation in which the fenestration occurs. The use of both passive and active solar energy systems is strongly encouraged. 4. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 28 { J **++*'t'i{t't't**|t*tt't**t+****++++****'f**f++*****{r***{'****++++*+++***++***+*'}*'}***rlr*************+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORN)O Stat€Nn€nt *********'l'l****il't:l*************{.1.'}+itd.*,t**{''t*,t,}t****+*{.t *'}++*****+*:t'lr*'l'l**{.*'t '}tI***r}*****'}* Statement Number: R000001115 Arnount: $20.00 07/23/2OOLO3:58 PM Palment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: L37 Permit No: DR8010214 Type: DRB - llinor Alteration ParceL No: 2LQ314204OL2 Site Addreee: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL, Location: Ttrie Payment : **'t'i***'*:| *****+**'* ** * * ACCOUNT IIEM LIST: Account Code $20.00 Descri pti on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES Total Fees: S20.00 Total AIrIr Pmt.s: $20 - 00 Balance :$0.00 * **!r****!t *'t,|{r*'1.:}****.t*:t**{.+*'}+'i{.*** *'} ******* **** '}'**+t * Current Pmts 20.00 I It- TYPE I EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS,t9 is/are the certain property legally described as: commonly known ("the Property"); andast WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the uso of a unil or apartment localed on the Property for lhe b€nefil of the Owner and lhe Town of Vail, Colorado ("the Town"), NOW THEREFORE, lhe Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for th6 benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or leas6, or hold the subject land the folloring restrictions, covenants, and conditlons, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon lhe Owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1.The Employee Housing Unit (EHU), containing / 9oO square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type I EHU which must comply with all lhe provisions of Chapter 13, TiUe 1 2 of the Town Code of Vail as amended. 2. The Type I EHU shall not be subdivided or divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee. The Type I EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle Gounty. The Type I EHU shalt not be leased for a period less lhan thirty (30) conseculive days. For lhe purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week on a year round basis. The owner of the Type I EHU shall rent the unit al a monlhly rental rate consistent with or lower than those markot rates prevalent for similar proporties in the Torvn. The Type I EHU shall be continuously rented and shall nol remain vacant for a period to exceed five (5) consecutive months. occupancy of the Type I EHU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. lf the Type I EHU is conslructed without a dedicated garage, a minimum ot seventy-five (7s) square feel of storage area in addition lo normal closet space is required for the exclusive use of lhe occupanls of the Type I EHU. The Type I EHU shall have its own enlrance. There shall be no interior access from any EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be attached. Tho Type I EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom. The Type I EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the single famlly or two family dwelling only if il is to be used by the orvner of the Type I EHU as a p€rmanent residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a presenr intention of relurning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of lhe duration of absence. ln determining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and s) ("the Owner") of \^s S Lo^'s '-^ 3. 4. o,n ";€Noo w oo . ral tS O *{;l $rOF6 o -: -a - -r- -l---- - 7. 8. ---aE-l --- - - - .- o() a o ||l aE lr Revlsed Aoril 18.2000 Page 1 ol 2 9. molor vehicle registration. Thirty (30) days prior to the transfer of deed for the Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submil an application obtained from the Community Development Department, lo the Community Development Department documenting that lhe prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forlh herein and shall include an afiidavit affirming thal her or she meets these crileria. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the Type I EHU shall submit two (2) copies of a sworn affidaMt on a form to be obtained from the Community Development D€parlment, to the Community Development Deparlment s€tting forth evidence establishing that the employoe housing unit has been renled or owner-occupied throughout the year, the renlal rate, the employer, and thal the lenant who resides within the employee housing unit is a full-lime employee in Eagle County. The Type I EHU shall be operaled and maintained in accordance with Chapter 1 3, Title 12 of the Town Code ol Vail. Failure to do so may result In enforcement proceedings in a court of compelent jurisdiction and in accordance with Chapter 3, Tille 12 of the Torvn Code of Vail. The condilions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property. iltZ,*.1 ,20ac 10. 11. By: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisZhay of or 4 t a. ?0.#,*) ,2, My commission "*pir""t &a-|/ 4 &a-g ,u, rno Property Owner Property Owner The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me tnisl|. Oay ot-&t - ,20 s z My commission expires: llllilllliltltill]llillltililillilllililillillilu?r!,,?,?,?:'2',",S.rr J Firh.f Eral., C0 323 n fi.gg O g.OO TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporalion ER f MAFYAUCI IT CASIER IS\j Revised April 18, 2000 Page 2 ot 2 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Job Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL [,ocation.....: 2567 AROSA DR ParcelNo...: 210314204012 ProjectNo : -?'eTq -6A5Q Fireplace Informalion: Restrict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Mechanical--> 5180,00 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call----> S45,00 DRBFee------------> s3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICALPERMIT PCrMit #: MO4-0180 \^."\ < B\n e OWNER SCAI-,ISE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHEOg/08/2004 Phone: JAMES ,J. , JR -iIT PO BOX 2591- vArr_, co 81_658 License: CONTRACTOR SCALTSE, DENNIS W. 09/08/2004 Phoner 907-33t-5422 P.O. BOX 2591_' VAIi,, CO 815s8License:259-L APPLICANT SCAL,ISE, DENNIS W. 09/08/2004 Phone: 901 -33L-5422P.O. BOx 2591- VAIL, CO 81558 Li-cense: 259-L Desciption: INSTALL SNOW MELT BOILER OUTDOORS Valuation: $8.500.00 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/0812004 Issued. . : 09/17/2004 Expires. .: 03/1612005 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY r.****+*'t*t,*'r*****,*t:r*,t*tr*,.'1.1.'****tr***,r*.r**r***rr't*r* S0 . 00 Total Calculat€d Fees-> S228 . 00 S0.00 AdditionalFees------>s0.00 BALANCE DUE----.>s0. 00 50.00 TOTAL FEES-----> $228.00 Total Permit Fee-------> 5228.00 Payments-------------> $228 . oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/L5/2004 JRM Action: APItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12(BI,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE l_997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,I-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND rO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPTIANCES SIIALI-, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIaPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 oF ,IHE ]-997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1"997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG. ) : BOTLERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOU}flTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRATNAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLy BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1_997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and staie that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buiLd this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT4 T OLtR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CO ANDOWNER ***+++++'i**it**tt*+**f't't'la{.'t****++++++'}t****f+**t*************r**++*****+++++++++++++******** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement {'*+*+****tlll+tt+{'*{'*t{'********+++++**'}t||****iaf******f*****+'t++++++++**+**+{'{'*{'******++'}+++ Statenent Number: R040006688 Amount: S228.00 09/17 /2OO4O2:34 PM PaymenC Method: Check Init: LT NotaEion: Scalise / ck#3370 ' Permie No: M04-0180 Tt4)e: MECHANICAI-, PERMIT Parcel No: 2L031,420401,2Site Address: 2557 AROSA DR VAILLocat.ion: 2567 AROSA DR Total Fees: 5228.00This Payment: $228.00 Total ALL Pmts: 5228.00Balance: $0.00*******++*{"}'}****'}*********************+*+**+*+t++**********+**************+++******'1.*f'}+++* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Currents Prntss MP OO1OOOO311].100 MECHANICAT PERMIT FEES 18O.OOpr 00100003112300 PLAN cHEcK FEES 45.00 WC OO1OOOO311.28OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO I LErE oR UNSTGNEQ _ l6 l_o ar{Project #: (t4 Permit Equipment Cut/Spec Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Da oR-. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION nical Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: 9:o - Town ofVail Reg. No.: MECHANICAL: $ 85OO? COMPTETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials Contact Assesrc Offie at 970-328-86zlo or visit for Parcel # ***** r(**** ***** ** *******FoR oFFICE USE ONLy****** *** ****tF*********** .'LCnt) t(,4( Job Address:B SL1 q reo lo ,' phone:3D3 -g-7 g- WorkClass: Newffi Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior pQ Other ( ) Type of Bldg: Singlefamily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (l) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No \\vail\data\cdev\FoRMswERMlTsMEcHtenv.ooc zf 07 n6DN2 Prujcct Nanrc. SCALISE SNOW MELT Project Nunrbcr: 03 l60l Project Qtrotc: 0l I6()t Designcd By: JDFIr VOELKER/TM SALUS. IN(1. Designcd For: BEAUTY WARE DENVER CO Notes: PLEASE READ ALL REPORTS Cr\RLI;LJt.l.Y. AND VEI{lFY ALL ASStJN4I''flONS (SQUARE FOOTAGES, R-VALUES, FINISH FLOOR C]OVERINCS. CEILING FIEIGHTS, E'I'C ) I,E'I DESIGNER KNOW IF ANY CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE NOI'E: AI,L DESIGN AND TAKE-OFF WORK DONE AS A CUSTOMER SERVICE. TM SALES,INC ASSIJMES NO LIABILITIES Zone | (Snowmelt) ,".,7**#k iftUTr- Lo_ory S_pq"t!gg!9lg Banded I Banded Spacing linl Area lftl Required [Ieat IBtu/hl lt8,3l8 Zone Specifications o0s Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) ZoneZ (Snowmelt) Heating Intensity [Btu/h ft'zl GAMGE 2 APPROACH * The flagged rooms may require auxiliary heat. Supply Fluid ["Fl Delta T PF] GPM Head lftl Radiant Panel Load IBtu/hl TubeType I Tube I No. of I Length [ftl ] Circuits 94 30 ,!q /'8 73)t04,1l5 5/8" E-PexB I 200 | 5 are on the smaller of Room Name ENTRY/GARAGE PART. Room S ifications Primary Area Ift'l 410 ifications Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smallcr of 157.8 64.680 55,869 * Heating i Intensity [Btu/h ft.l Required Heat IBtu/hl Z 0one Supply Fluid ['Fl Delta T rFI GPMlHeadlRadiant i ttl I PanelLoad 1 .,'-']Btq Tube Type I I I i I Tube I No. of Length [ft] | Circuits 94 30 rt4 {,i) I s6.er6 111PjI?L_ _l1r__ L_ 3 Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edgc losscs)osr 7.one ! (Sngwme_l!) Room Name Prima ry Area I Spacing Arerr lft'Ilfrllinl CAMCE I APPROACH * The flagged rooms may require auxiliary heat. Zone S ifi Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on tle smaller of Rcquirei Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) SSl0 Henting I ntcnsity lBtu/h ft'l 157.8 149.86e Bg_qqt!p""ifications Primnry I Banded I llrrrrrlerl I Radilnt i (irplcity I llltu/hl I r il,.rs.l . I Rcqui red Heat lBtu/hl Spacing Iinl ne cauoll Supply Fluid l"Fl Delta T rFl GPM Head tftl Radia nt Panel Load IBtu/hl Tube Type Tube Length lftl 94 30 29 ala l3 I.880 5/8" E-PexB 200 Zone 4 Snowmelt ificati * The flagged rooms may require auxiliary heat. Zone S ificatr Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smaller of Requred Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) R ri". or -l Circrrits I ----- , '--- ,- l2i _ ,_i "JProject Totals Radiant System Pumping Specs: 24.39 GPM at 9.57 feet of head Radiant System Boiler Load. 332892 Btu/h (excluding Suppl.v & Retum piping losses and Aux. Heat, if required) 3 125' of 5/8" E-PexB oom ons Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area Ift"l Banded Spacing linl Banded Area lft,l Heating Intensity [Btu/h ft'z| Required I Radiant Heat I Capacity [Btu/hl i [Btu/hl PATIO l0 288 157.8 45-434 39.245 * ne ons Supply Fluid ["Fl Delta T rFl GPM Head tftl Radiant Panel Load IBtu/hl Tube Type Tube Length [ft] 94 30 @ G9 39,980 5/8" E-PexB 200 Projcct Narne: SCALISE SNOW MELT ProjcctNumber: 03 l60l ProjectQuote: 03 l60l D'csigned By: JEFF VOELKER/TM SALES, INC. Scrial Numbcr. 1006 Designcd For: BEAUTY WARE DENVER CO Notcs: PLEASE READ ALL REPORTS CAREFULLY. AND VERIFY ALL ASSUMPTIONS (SQUARi] FOOTAGES. R-VALUES, FINISH FLOOR COVERINCS, CEILING HEIGHTS, ETC ) LET DESIGNER KNOW 1F ANY CFIANGES NEED TO BE MADE. NOTE: ALL DESIGN AND TAKE.OFF WORK DONE AS A CUSTOMER SERVICE. TM SALES.INC. ASSUMES NO LIABILITIES. Project Assumptions OutsideTemp rFl Elevation lftl Wind Speed lmphl Glycol Job Type System Chemicals -20 9000 l0 Propylene 50 o/ Residential No Zone L (Snowmelt) [5/8" E-PexBl Circuit Rounding. Manifold Distance: 0 ftSupply Water Temp: Max Tube Leneth: Delta T: Thickness Above Tube: GARAGE 2 APPROACH Slab Conductivrh': I Btu,ih-ft-F lrngth:30ft Width: 25 ft Area:750 ftz Max Snou{all:18 u/day Height Above Ground: 0ft Sheildtng:I Class:J Space Belorv:Ground Slab Insulation Area:7s0 ff Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 2in Exposed Slab Perimetcr: 0ft Heating Intensitl :157.76 Btu/h fr'? Tube Spacing:l0 in High Heating Intensify.'Arca: 0 fr? Zone2 (Snowmelt) [5/8" E-PexBl Max Tube Lcngth: Thickncss Abor,c i Tubc: ENTRY/GNRAGE PART. Tube Spacing: Exposed Slab Perimeter: High Heating Intensity Area: Heating Intcnsity: Zone3 (Snowmelt) [5/8" E-PexBl Min Tube Length:200 fr Max Tube Length:200 fr Circuit Rounding:25 ft Supply Water Temp:94.4 F Delta T:30F Manifold Distance:0ft Thickness Below Tube: 2n Thickness Above Tube: 2in Slab Conductivity:0.81 Btu/h-ft-F GARAGE 1 APPROACH Length:38ft width:25 fL Area:950 fr'? Max Snonfall:18 ir/day I{eight Above Ground: 0ft Sheilding:I CIass:.]Space Below:Grourd SIab Insulation Area:950 fr, Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 2n Exposed Slab Perimeter: 0ft Heating lntensity:157.76 Bru/h ft, Tube Spacing:l0 in High Heating Intensitv Area: 0 ft, Zone 4 (Snowmelt) [5/8" E-PexBl Min Tube Length:100 ft Max Tube Length-:200 ft Circuit Rounding: 125 fr Supply Water Temp:94.4 F Delta T:30F ManifoldDistance: l0ft Thickness Below Tube: 2in Thickness Above Tube: 2in Slab Conductiviry: i 0.81 iBtu,h-lt-F PATIO Length:18 ft width:l(r ft Max Snowfall:18 inlday Height Above Gror.urd: 0ft Class:J Space Below:Ground Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 2rn Exposed Slab Pcrimcter. 0fr 0iiTube Spacing:l0 in High Heating Intensitv Area: S lab lnsulation Area: i fi. Ii- it_ Page 14 Rcgue3tEd Insp.ct Oab:- lnsp.cfron AtEr:SltcAddr'$: Frld.y, Aprll 08,20lxi 25€7 AROSA DR VA]L 2567 ARC'SA DR ArF,D Infwdrrtotr - Aqv[y: 1[}4{180 Coft4 Typ.: o{tnerl ADplb.r|t Cohbrctor: Dorcdptbn:l$lhe: T\D.: &MECH OccuDairY: scALrsE. oexrus wlfffiH8hree r. a scAHsE, DENI{SVY. scALtsE. DEt{NilSW.scALtsE, DEt{NilSW. INSTALL SNOI,I' ['GtT BdLER OUIDOOIISt hr r.vlew - JirONtlDRAeO l Sub [,P€Us. ASFR 907-331-5442 s7-39t.542? SLt|3: l$StJEDlrr3pAr..r JRM Reoucsted lmpecuonfrl lbm: 390 tECH+lnd Rccnredor: SCALISE. O€NNIS W. / Donnb Conim.nE: $rown n/WLLCALL AcebnedTo: COAVIS- Ac0oN TtmErp: Inspecton Hltbrv "ADprowd * lbm: 31Olbm: 315 t/ECll-FhNl ..*- RcquesFd Tlmetr 0E:00 At' Phone: $7-g11-5422 EnteredBy: LilLLMAN K 340 330 3,10 3S0 lbm: ttrm: ibm: lt|m: 'nJp Acron: APAPPR.*hp'; AcdOn: APAPPROVEO 0. Phonc REPT131 Run Id: 3109 (! <./ I(b:8", E b 'it-t.:oJ6; li RE !q,EIE:E -: E6.,!f€€€bo'5 tE tr bo >- }.= U€€ G EF il g 9 F i9H!rE €: E t;';a'C,.2Yc"', ^^-.! (,.='r: E * U-d E o e.c.!, o b - l =;1 =56H'=i 9t;.e 5sF " q a-;t 5 H€iE€EiYii-gOXi 3 00 x- vt -)- f1 v--\ j ftnr \) col ft OI Fol IA-9t< 0)€ z & 'r- 5lr a,) U E F Dl ccl "l A E li(., >\ a Uar I I I I I I I I I oolrol -1l ool )'l ul >l :t6lrOl o'rl XI FOI olalJ 0Jl UI('l)l 0Jl 11l olnl sl Hl I a; ah t (c E (/' e. t< |- 3 I tr E q € r.|- | ^I I 3: I_ot I'o3 I xtr | E= | ar)il ;e IE.E bb I P -z-.F I*3 i Ixr.i I.Y tr= IvE.: IY-BP I.2 == |(J(aLlEs€ I E:3 |x:h I,;=e I .J o .Jf Ie9! I:!>Fl: gE I:5X Xlgtu .9til lbD Ol c +J rr iJ'h l/'F nlrr .i = -,11€: .ElEploo El:.Ytr ,XlY ='F VJI o!45 | 1...9 | E:; ijd;3 HiE.s dO.o cr X -S-c Lri x:= o6':e /.e;E 6.9€ H EO xnt! .5 ,e'i.p 4FE 6 'EPil3 € (,] '-r.: , .<S cFa >F z HUz ( F{ DUUo F{o HH r4 UH F{H Hfi fitU t- t.S\toi.\ q \oX OFrLJ n< co t $<iF OO.;HS< S.P €P*,F^ufs - iri\.x v 'F r-n E s,> s I P U .}\ 5 .Sle' oo Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 9ft .479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project llame: Scalise snowmelt boiler DRB Number: DR8040002 Project Description: Installation of snowmelt boiler within redwood fencing on northeast side of home Pafticipants: OWNER SCAUSE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHE01/05/2004 Phone: JAMES J,, JR .JT PO BOX 2591 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPLICANT SCALISE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHE0L|06|2O04 Phone: 970-331-5422 JAMES ]., JR -JT PO BOX 2591 VAIL CO 81658 License: Project Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block: E Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Numben 210314204.012 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actioni STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz O1106/2OO4 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ** *** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *'t * * ** * * * '3 't *'i *'** * * * * * *** * * ** * * * I TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * rt* * * * t {. t {. i * 'l * * *'a * * * * * * * ** ** ** '* * 'l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statenent Numben: R0q00053?5 Amount: +e0'00 0Il0hle00q1l,r5l, An Payment nethod: (heck Init: DFNotation: r?eA Pernit No: Parcel No:Site Address : Location: This Paynent: DRB0q000E Type: e1031q e0 q 0r? Esh? AROSA DR VAIL seo.00 DRB-Ch9 to Appr PIans Total Fees: Total ALL Pnts: Balance: $e0. B0 +e0.00 +0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003r1?e00 DescriDtion **1***t+t*ttr****+{.***.*'r*r***+*'r*'r*t *'r*r.**rr******* Curnent Pmts DESI6N REVIEI'l FEES e0.00 T0l4[,m one year of the apProval. Description of the Request: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. -Please refir t6 tne submittil requirements for the particular apprwal that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment'. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. 'O*ign ."ri"* approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within a? Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: I Block: 4 Subd PhysicafAddress: asb Parcel No.i A toa,l!)otlt: t".-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: l'77!: Owner(s) Signatu Name of ApPlicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-fam ily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consttuction of a new building or demo/rebuild' *SOO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. E-mail Address: tr + tr JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER TOl4IN I, (print name description) a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Gmmunity Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of l2l\Zl07l02 o TOI44VM MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS D Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableD Site and Grading Plan, if applicable*o Landscape Plan, if applicable*o Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* D Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)* o Exterior color and material samples and specifications. o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable o Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, draWings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a p@ect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the matefials noted with an asterisk (*). Topographic sun ey:D Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor o Date of surveya Nofth arrow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20')o Legal description and physical address o Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) tr Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer inved. This information must be clearly stated on the surveytr Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. D Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ).D All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). D Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of r2llZl07l02 u Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of exisUng utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water Electric o Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc. o Adjacent r@dways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan: o Scale of L"=20'or largerD Property and setback lines'o Existing and proposed easements tr Existing and proposed grades D Existing and proposed layout of buiHings and other structures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation wlth a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. a Locations of all utillties including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.o Location of landscaped areas. o Location of limits of disturbance fencing tr Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas,n Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. tr Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height. o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20'.or larger o Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.a Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover, a Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. a The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of LZlO2l07l02 o D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.D Include height above grade, lumens output luminous areatr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II, REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of t2l02l07lO2 PROPOSED MATERHLS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Materlal Golor Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of t2l02l07llz PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2/02107/02 oUTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility seryices, and also to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCET HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970,949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.762.4024 J im O'neal 97 0.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANMATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: 1, If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenLs are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed, 2, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diooinq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoarately. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utiliUes for re-approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Develope/s Signature Date NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-aoolication Meetinq A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application, In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.2128 or jred_Lig_uez@e!.,_yajLEg.$ Time Reouarements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planninq/drb/meetinos/default.htm For a new residential development the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set fotth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirements for orooefties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards, Required Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graohic bar scale. 4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. B. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1,5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Page 9 of t2lo2/07102 Desion Review Board Meetino Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aporoval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff,) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Deparbrent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Page 10 of L2lO2lO7lO2 TOI4'A'M Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Depadment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submitfud prior to Public Worlcs reuiew of a prcpored developmenL Owners/Project Name: Project Address: Applicant:Phone Number: Submittalo Stamped survey of property o Landscape plan u Civil/Site plans o Title Report (Section B) Survev Reouirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signature u Environmental Hazards (ie, rockfall, debris o Date of suruey flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) o Nofth arrow o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) o Proper scale (1"=10'or l"=20') o Treeso Legal description o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, s Basis of bearings / Benchmark pedestrian, etc...) o Spot Elevations o Topography o Labeled right of way and property lines; o Utility locations including bearings, distances and curve o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of information. asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown o Lot Size for a minimum of 250' in either direction o Buildable Area (excludes red hazard from property. avalanche, slopes greater than 407o, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: L Access (check all)tr Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. a Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)a All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- u Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 il. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.o I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 ot r2lO2/O7lO2 m. Drainage (check all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.D (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pano Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.u Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply) o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.a A separate Erosion C.ontrol Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.o Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The p@ect lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided, (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)tr The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologi{Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply) o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. s All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all) o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)a All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p, 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been atbained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. oPropersightdistancehasnotbeenattained'Exp|anationwhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Page 12 of L2/OZ|07/02 Applicants Signature pdr 0000 ( 204 8r | 5.](|r I4b JPeE I rfulo,? 5',,, f "^.-- O QSt--l CtvLc><,e DZ.V ..S .) ca | ,'r, ?n,,n (\ IO'n", .\. t;rtl'''tl .W rf Me, V*, // ' 4p ac! l+ 13. , lLbo< n 'r-L)t1l I .i--. | ' In, qrhhJ? . -F, r \I \ le LO ( CI-rO-tt --t/" ^J=€.-+\ ( f V,'....-, (*J+.t D*.--^; \f,t-',,-"'s 9rnI,,, 4lo sst{{2,.L pdr 0059 (2048x l5l6x24bjp€g) ttat/ b 104 Sc ^ l,'., Pr" ) l, ,r< )Sc 7 c s n, o L+, tulr /t a" ; f<,'# |l::ur*B.[r , r/ r\ €n^.,._< (rri:r* b;,f.):- v I O*Aa'At^' u"'S,nl''e- Qto-33t{V?.2__ o o tlfl ,,.,, pdr 0o5t{ ()04t(\ |5.1{'xl4b ipcFl , B.,'1. ,< Lc,<_.. f , ,^ -\J t ^ litz \ ' ,(x-r: , ,lc ., I Z<C'I Qrc,; 5^t"r^-, ^-\.q-{f l\"',lg.- {".o1,,0 n_ u.,^*t.^ BnL",-,>Fp -<< A Dre, Du" k- ft ^ l-. t 2 .,,1-,-L1.-1 tt'--{-,/ | t - ,) t\ r' /' -ba - - , \(' fi'( ,< :' t-f 7t: ?3r f '//Z- t: REID ocT - Izoor ORICIAIAL DEVELOPER IMPROVEM ENT AGREEMENT THIS AQREEMENT, made-and gntered by and among \zropis \JJ. Sc-.rq h<€ \ intothisa!2-dayor |\ecerntqe, 20oz (the "Develope/'), and the Town of Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as aooroval of theOa uot a Tem Certificate of Occupancy tl (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of lhe following: The Developer agrees to establish a cas[{gposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in t[e amount of $ SOO,F (25o/o of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: \ot'teo 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The oper agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ 2001 . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike h-anner, all impiovements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Develooment Deoartment and Public Works Deoartment of the Town of Vail. F:\cde!^Bif l\Proiecls\DlA\DlA Cash dratl 'l212o2.doc Paoe 1 of 5 conditjon^of t?-- !Ja"J,. CASH DE Receip[undsto:, a | ' Name: J)apPt ( )Cdlls€ D-t uoc 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit ?ccogqJ with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of S ' -fOaD€ (25% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnifu and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of lhe improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash drall_1212Q2.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refened to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 14 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall wananty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said imorovements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdev\Biff\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash draft 121202.doc Paoe 3 of 5 :t Dated the day and year first above wriften. STATEOFCOLORADO lrr. coUNTYoFEAGLE ) 'Mffi :;xo*s'?7"i#f BiT'"|ta:T,"*'Fe?!f ["ffi lTl"{".r"\ Witness my hand and official seal. I r'*on.' bf t(l@t =b.r"^t F, "*, *tt*i Town Planner STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss. COUNTYOF EAGLE ) The foregoing Developer llnprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 09 oav of}g-z-_*'-,..-Ve-.*.-, 2o}2-by Sf oc\-s- "?."-{L-€ --\J\ Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Flcde\ABill\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash d?ft-121?02.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTAGHED COPTES OF THE ESTTMATEp BID(S) Louoe t, "f^A t* =*n ,1 +Jo' %Vr^Es So",b - 3S,oP 4ts? ^J Make Su-ret '* q {R,o t.'j1 ' F:\cdev\BifNProjedsDlA\DlA Cash drall_121202.doc Page 5 ot 5 F 'o oz OE i-z FTU F.F oCo20 ; .; oFr HA h (or{ EAOQFT FI o \oo FloF a F1 14 o F E (.) F EI ci F U o cl o OEvz rit E ElF FtFzv :oFT Dts'az,olrE Itl FFHZ ooAE F a n F F z E(.) Z t'l r:lEEIo oErF CAo {o ()U A F () FlF p F zp FI ; FP ETEq 9ro 3 RECEIPT - The Town of Vail DATE : --"\'20 RECEIVED FROM ADDR-ESS Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash DATE RECETVED FROM The Town of Vail 20J" ' i...j 4-. By ADDRESS :lI9 540S9 RECEIPT _ N9 54{}?0 Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Che DATE RECEIPT J,r)zo-f; ,:: r I'RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Permit Numbers HOW PAID_I r., By DATE FROM RECEIPT - The Tov*n of Vail N9 S4{j'?e Police Receipt.Numbers - 'rl--:dR., . it \--' $4S?1 Police Receipt Numbers ;s'PjI.rr'e_ - The Town of Vail to*r** oF coMMUNrt, o^rto**U.r-^-\ >"-avL'u \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TIOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/tDUP) PERMIT Permit #: 801-0031 Job Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 03/07/2007 Parcel No...: 210314204012 Issued . . : 03/29/2Nl Project No : ?qSqS-O tob Expires . .: 09/25/200r otitNER scA.LrsE, DENNTS w. & DoRorr#,o3/oL/2oot plrone: JAMES iI., JR -iTT PO BOX 2591 VAIIJ CO 8L558 I-,icense: coNrRAcToR DENNIS W. SCAIISE 03/0L/2OOL Phone: 9O7-33L-5422 P.O. BOX 2591 vArL, co 816s8 License : 259-L Desciption: NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCEOccupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Dwellings nwellings 81. s0 3, 815 $311, 004 .00 ZoI'.e ! V-N Basement L7.70 351 #6,2L2.7O TO\^/NOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Private Garages zone 1 V-N Totals... Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y lnvestigation-> Will Call-->53.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> 21.30 !,L27 $24, 005. 10 4,!67 $34L,221 .8O* Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: W41,221'.80 # of Gas Appliances: 2 # of Gas Logs: 2 # of Wood Pallet 0 TOTAL FEE9--------> 53 ,646 .2s BALANCE DUE-----> B\V,e , Lot 1 Zone l- V-N FEE SUMMARY Building--> $1,708.00 RestuarantPlanReview->go . oo Total Calculated Fees--> 93 ,646 .25 $0.00Plan Check--> S1, 110 - 20 DRB Fee---------> $2Oo . oo Additional Fees-> $O . Oo R€creation Fee-----> $625 . 05 Total Permit Fee-----> $3 , 646 .25 S0. oo Pavments--------------> S3,646.25 90. oo Approvals:Tteim: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT !3/0L/2OO! CDAVIS Action: NO PT,ANS TO CIIART,IE O3/22/2oOr cdavis Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o3/22/2oo]- ao Action: APCR see conditions on permit o3/22/2oo]- ao Action: AP see conditions ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS O3/L2/2OO1 LS Action: COIID NEED LANDSCAPE PITAN, AIJIJISON TO ROUTE FOR: PERM]T SET. O3/2t/2OOt Ls Action: AP LANDSCAPING PLAN RECIEVED, OK. L SANDOVAL Item: 05550 ENGINEERING o PAGE 2 Permit #: 801-0031 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 03-29-200].Status: ISSUED PermitType: NEW(SFR,P/S,DUP)PERMIT Applied: Og/01./2OO1r Applicant SCALISE, DENNISW. & DOROTHEA A. & Issued: 03/29/2007 Job Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL Location: ParcelNo: 210374204012 CONDITIONS Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQTIIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SLIRVEY SHALL BE STIBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQLIEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:CON0004587 REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT REQUIRED FOR 4'CONCRETE PAN AND LANDSCAPING. Cond: CON0004588 NEED STAGING AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Enfi: 03/12/2001 By:l-S Action: APPR PLANS RECIEVED AND APPROVED. MINOR ADJUSTMENT NEED. VVILL MAKE OWNER AWARE OF ISSUE.( NEED 14'OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AT ALL TIMES oN AROSA DRIVE)'Cond: CON0004501 Must submit Type I EHU deed restriction prior to TCO Cond: CON0004502 Crawl spaces must be <5 ft. in head height o **++**********+++********O****++**r**+***r,i*******r*+r,,i,t **,r++a*+*+*r**++***r********* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADF - Shtement **:t* ******* ****'N('1.,**** * * ** * t **********,t**,t,*****'t******{.***+*+rtr}*rr**********r.:N'1.**'}*****+*****+ Statement Nunber: RO00OOO55O Amount: $3,545.25 03/29/200104:13 PM Pa].merrt Metshod: Check Init: CD Notsabion: 3273 Permit. No: BO1-0031 T)t)e: NEV{ (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT ParceL No: 2t03]4204072 Site Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL Locati.on: Total Fees: 53 ,646 .25 This Payment: $3,546.25 Totaf ALL PmtE: $3,646.25 Bafance: $0.00 **** ***** *+****+*** ** * + + t* + * * +* * * * +* * * *'t*****+**:f ** ********* **++****** * + * * + + * ** * * * +* * * * * {. +,1. I ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI'4IT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EI,{ FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES IIC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1,708.00 200.00 1.110.20 625.05 3.00 AppLrcATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLnR ul Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O-47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) MVNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! Conbct Assessors Offtce at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parce. # 1to3t.lL A4 o I D,_. lob Name5^ g,., D@, r..o./, fe- 12".t rob Address: ?SUT 0 raos,t [2i,.,. Legal Description Lot: !Block:t Fitins:Vq;\ \"rl|^ffl subdivrsion:{q i \ \n.(1",o,.rr. SYiss',U" T; F. ti :.tr^. "Htu.ttfu,, ,.on t'flliL,ttr.-llio+.. \r., "B*"tL ryl.f Auor, oo ttczo 'non\ro- 3'rcz"?i6 tn9'n""ttMn .L vl .^ , I #9ax; r, un {^',to- n rr^eR enone: g ?o 4 1L:u^t n Detailed description of work: /- * N- i;' " "' Wt vvvfra:-/ / g ra",ta fr{L\/ Work Class: ruew () Addition ( )Rel#el( ) Repair( ) oem{ ) other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (1) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family (X) ltutti-famity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: O No, of Accommodation Units in this building: fl f1 Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances f {claEfsq-.=-t (4) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NoT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (\)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( ) No (t ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMTT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ Z< O c) .r c :"ELECTRICAL: $ 25ro o r> ".'OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$2Sooo o'MECHANICAL: $ 3o .:ocl. ,'"4' ororAL:s 550.OOo,- REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION rGeneral Contractor: \e.,*,1 , Sca.l,i, Town of Vail Reg, No.:LSl-L Contact and Phone #'s: 9zo-3er -Eq?.2 Contractor Sig natq)^^_*=1 A]lc"o- o t:k*tr*:t*********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*,t*x**-J**rr*******r.**:t***************-s F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm RECD FEB 2I Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklist must be completed before a Buildina Permit apoliation is accepted, o All pages of application is complete , If Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form -wittAllrgop ot h5 - l-r/A ), outY /Vf,zB"l qppR.!v( | Ol-rly t0o.s 1iui *r t o - $A t-. I01'f1N 0r l",llt p la u Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family-complex X Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) rrlA Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring M /AArchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) " ' a Full floor plans including building sections and elevations({ sets of plans for Multi-Family andCommercial) \\, , E window and door schedute $T o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) { Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) { Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection t lu/Au Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrationsinaicatea lJf fl E Smoke detectors shown on plans q Types and quantity of fireplaces shown a') ApplicanUs Sign"tt D o Date of submittat: 'ZlZn f N F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Project Name: Dalle: fe-L bt o r Print name F: everyoneformtbldperm3 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": \ Is this a new residence? u Does demolition work being public property? YES X performed req YES NO ,'rfij9r" " the Right-of-Way, easements or o D D o Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? YEsX No YES No>- il - Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO X Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YEs_y:_ No_ ( Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO X If answer is NO, is q parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public WorK?YES_ Nb x Contractor Signature If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE OUESTIONS. Job or Project Name: Date Signed: NOYES F:/everyoneforms/bldperm4 Company Name See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plarl and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A l;tl(r . 1 , t, <ln-l^,,.. \ ,.,, \. , )'e/?te I SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Workt Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or derty the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building PermiY'. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. zfzafot F: /everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: r The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Cedificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 TVWNAF MATERIAT STORAGE A]TD CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10; DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice/ or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public WorK, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any *reet or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. o NoEce and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Publk Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A.1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED I No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any po*ion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violauon of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) Position or Relationship to Project: tt Date Signed: ZI,2{[,n F :/everyone,/formVbldpemT <\on Ihavereadandwi|lcomp|ywiththeabovecodeprovisions: \ Print lamel\5,^r-'-< J zt/t<< Signature KOECHI|{ CONSULTING ENGINEESNC., CONSALTING GEOTECENICAL AND MATERIALS ENdINEERS -(o tl 95b-7 tur-u.- fiy VJ, G" gtb{7 \ ," ^,'1' -f ' "Ll33l.S',v>7 , 5calitt k Le i \(t,c{ SOILS AND FOUNDATION II.I'/ESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 9, FILING I, BLOCK E VAIL DAS SCHONE STJBDIVISION VAIL. COLORADO ;"', l.Q+"J Prepared for: Dennis Scalise P.O. Box 2591 Vail, CO 81658-2591 8ol-063 1 ffifiilF'HbPv Job No.98-195 RtcDFEB282oo1 September 10, 1998 DENVER: I23U West Aloneda P*xty., Suite IjS, Laketood, CO 8022E (303) 9E9-1223 AVON: P.O, Box 1794, Awn, CO E1620-1794 (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE: (970) 468-6933 H y: :#*:: : :::i: ilf ' yiy; : : : il {l TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INVESTIGATION SUB SI'R.FACE CONDITIONS RADON EXCAVATIONS FOTINDATION FLOOR SLABS FOTINDATION DRAINAGE LATERAL WALL LOADS SURFACE DRAINAGE IRRIGATION COMPACTED FILL LIMITATIONS VICINITYMAP LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS GRADATION TEST RESULTS SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL I I 2 3. J 4 4 5 5 7 8 I l0 l0 ll l2 Fig. I Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig. 8 g .t r y::{:i}::!:"'!if !"I7xi,If;ri SCOPE This report presents the rezults of a soils and foundation investigation for the proposed residence to be located on Lot 9, Filing l, Block E (2567 Arosa Drive) in Vail Das Schone Subdivision, Vail, Colorado. The approximate site location is shown on the Vicinity Map, Fig. l. The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site and to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed residence. This report includes descriptions ofsubsurface soil and ground water conditions found in the exploratory borings, recommended foundation systems, allowable bearing capacities, and recommended design and construction criteria. The report was prepared from data developed during our field investigation and experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions in the area. The recommendations presented in this report arebased on the proposed residence construction. We should be contacted to review our recommendations when the final plans for the structure have been developed. A summary ofour findings and conclusions is presented below. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY l. The subsurface conditions encountered in the two exploratory borings were similar. The subsurface conditions consisted of approximately 0.5 to ftt H i. j :l .:::{:t'{:::::i::,:7'x::,n:!:; I .0 foot of topsoil underlain by a gravelly, silty, clayey sand with cobbles to the maximum depth explored of 40.0 feet. Laboratory tests indicated that the clayey sand has a low swell potential. At the time of this investigation, free ground water was encountered in the exploratory boring TH-l at a depth of 38.0 feet and in TH-2 at a depth of 28.0 feet. Topsoil to a depth of 1.0 foot was encount€red at this site. Topsoil will need to be removed from all construction areas. The topsoil may be used in landscaping areas. The residence may be constructed with a spread footing foundation system supported by the natural clayey sand. Refer to the FOUNDATION section of this report for more details. In our opinion, slabs-on-grade could be safely supported by the natural, sandy clays. Refer to the FLOOR SLABS section of this report for more details, Open cuts and excavations require precautions as outlined in this report in order to maintain the stability of slopes and sides of excavations. Because cobbles were encountered in the exploratory borings, we anticipate that heavy duty excavation equipment may be required to complete the excavations for the proposed residence. Drainage around the structure should be desigled and constructed to provide for rapid removal of surface runoff and avoid concentration of water adjacent to foundation walls. 9. The potential for radon gas is a concern in the area. Building desigrr should include ventilation systems for below grade areas such as crawl spaces and basements. SITE CONDITIONS The proposed residence will be located on Lot 9, Filing l, Block E in Vail Das 2. J. 4. 5. 7. 8. H .:::{:I}::::::i:::?x:,y;:!: Schone, Vail, Colorado. The lot is approximately 0.3 acres in size and is accessed by Arosa Drive which borders the east side of the site. The lot slopes down towards the southeast at an approximate grade of l0 to 15 percent. Overall drainage of the site is also to the southeast. Vegetation on the site consists of grasses. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We anticipate that a 2-story residence with a basement will be constructed on this site. The residence will be of cast-in-place concrete and wood frame construction. We anticipate excavations ofup to l0 feet will be required for construction ofthe residence. Maximum column and wall loads were assumed to be those norrrally associated with residential structures. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were investigated at this site on August 4, 1998, by drilling 2 exploratory borings with a 4-inc.h diameter auger at the locations shown on lhe Locations of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 2. A field engineer from our office was on the site to observe the drilling ofthe exploratory borings and visually classifu and document the subsurface soil and ground water conditions. A description of the subzurface soils observed in the exploratory borings are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 3 and on the Legend ofExploratory Borings, Fig. 4. d R tl H .::::: fr '{: :::: i: i:f ' x:ff; : : : Representative soil samples were tested in our laboratory to determine the natural moisture content, dry density, gradation properties and swell-consolidation properties. The results of the laboratory tests me presented on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 3, Gradation Test Results, Fig. 5 and on the Swell-Consolidation Test Results, Fig. 6. Laboratory Tests indicated that the clayey sand exhibits a low swell potential. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions encountered in the two exploratory borings were similar. The subsurface conditions consisted of approximately 0.5 to 1.0 foot of topsoil underlain by a moist, loose to dense, gravelly, silty, clayey sand with cobbles to the maximum depth explored of 40.0 feet. Laboratory tests indicated that the clayey sand has a low swell potential. At the time of this investigation, free ground water was encountered in the exploratory boring TH-l at a depth of 38.0 feet and in TH-2 at a depth of 28.0 feet. RADON In rece,nt years, radon gas has become a concern. Radon gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced by the decay ofminerals in soil and rock. The potential for radon gas in the subsurface strata of mountain tenain is likely. Since excavation for lower levels in the residence is anticipated, we suggest that the building be desigrred with ,_i f ''lji ) ..1 r1 :l H r: ::: ff[: :':: i: ilf ' x:"# : ! : ventilation for below grade areas. EXCAVATIONS We anticipate that excavations of up to l0 feet may be required for construction of the basement. Because cobbles were encountered in the exploratory borings, we anlicipate that heavy duty construction equipment may be necessary to complete the required excavations. Care needs to be exercised during construction so that the excavation slopes remain stable. The near surface soil, which consisted ofclayey sand, classifies as Type B soils in accordance wi0r OSHA regulations. OSHA regulations should be followed in all excavations and cuts. Approximately 1.0 foot of topsoil was found in the exploratory borings. All topsoil beneath the proposed construction should be removed. It may be used in landscape areas. Backfill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report FOUNDATION The subsurface conditions at the proposed footing elevation consists of a clayey sand. In our opinion, the clayey sand will safely support a spread footing foundation H I -:::{:*'! : : :::i: fxf ' I::f; : ! : r I system. We recommend that the spread footing foundation system be designed and constructed to meet the following criteria: Footings should be supported by the undisturbed natural clayey sand. Materials loosened by machine excavation should be cleaned from the excavation or compacted prior to placing concrete for footings. We recommend wall and column footings be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of3,000 psf. The base of the exterior footings should be established at a minimum depth below the exterior ground surface, as required by the local building code. We believe that the depth for frost protection in the local building code in this area is 3.5 feet. Column footings should have a minimum dimension of 24 inches square and continuous wall footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches. Footing widths may be greater to accommodate stuctural design loads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced to span local anomalies in the bedrock. Topsoil is not an acceptable foundation bearing material. Pockets or layers of topsoil, soft or loose soils may be found in the bottom of the completed footing excavations. These materials should be removed to expose the undisturbed natural soils. The foundafions should be constructed on the nafural clayey sand. The foundation materials contain cobbles and boulders. Rernoval of the cobbles and boulders may result in depressions and rough bottoms in the excavation. The resulting depressions can be backfilled with compacted backfill or lean concrete. Backfill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Fill should be placed and compacted as outlined in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. We recommend that a representative of our oflice observe and test the placement and compaction of structural fill used in foundation construction. It has been our experience that without l. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ld fl T: : {:*:: : ::: i: ilr r:f; : ! : 'l engineering quality control, poor construction techniques and habits occur which result in poor foundation performance. 9. We recommend that a representative of our office observe the completed foundation excavation. Variations from the conditions described in this report which were not indicated by our borings can occur. The representative can observe the excavation to evaluate the exposed subsurface conditions. FLOOR SLABS The soils at the proposed floor slab elevations consisted oftopsoil underlain by a clayey sand. In our opinion, the clayey sand will safely support slab-on-grade floors. We recommend the following precautions for the construction of slab-on-grade floors. Floor slabs should be placed on the natural clayey sand soils or compacted fill. Pockets of loose soils should be removed and replaced with an approved compacted fill. Topsoil to a depth of 1.0 foot was encountered at this site. The topsoil will need to be removed from all construction areas. The topsoil may be used in landscaping areas. Frequent control joints should be provided in all slabs to reduce problems associated with shrinkage of the concrete. Any conskuction area should be shipped of all vegetation and topsoil, scarified, and compacted. Fill may be required to establish the grade for slab-on-grade floors after removing the topsoil, or in excavations beneath slab-on-grade areas. Fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Placement and compaction of fill beneath slabs should be observed and tested by a representative ofour office. t ) J. 4. i f1 !i lEi E r::: ::fr ":' : : ::: i: fxf ' I::f; : : fr FOUNDATIONDRAINAGE Surface water, especially that originating from snow-melt, tends to flow through relatively permeable backfill typically found adjacent to foundations. The water that flows through the fill collects on the surface of relatively impermeable soils occurring at the foundation elevation. Both this surface water and possible ground water can cause wet or moist below grade conditions after construction. Since we anticipate below grade areas, we recommend the installation of a drain along the below grade foundation walls. The drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe encased in free draining gravel and a manufactured wall drain. The drain should be sloped so that water flows to a sump where the water can be removed by pumping, or to a positive gravity outlet. Recommended details for a typical foundation wall drain are presented in the Typical Wall Drain Detail, Fig. 5. LATERAL WALL LOADS We anticipate that walls will be planned which may require lateral earth pressures for design. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wall. Walls which are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfill should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls which are restrained should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. Basement walls are typically restrained. F i ri a1 v: :{:#: : : :::x: il": xfix : v: For design, an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf should be used for the "active" earth preszure condition and an equivalent fluid weight of 50 pcf should be used for the "at rest" earth pressure. The fluid weights are for a horizontal backfill condition- A ,,passive,' equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf can be used to resist the wall loads where the soils will always remain in place at the toe of the wall. The equivalent fluid weights do not include allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic Pressrues or live loads. A coefficient of friction of 0.3 can be used at the bottom of the footing to resist the wall loads. Backfill placed behind or a jacent to foundation and retaining walls should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. placement and compaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retaining walls, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wall. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of l'5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the gravel used in the drain. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at E i il y::::fr "::::::i:f:f 'x:xy;:!:; the bottom of the wall leading to a positive Cravity outlet. A typical detail for a retaining wall drain is presenJed in Typical Earth Retaining Wall Detail, Fig. 6. SURFACE DRAINAGE Reducing the wetting of structural soils and the potential of developing hydrostatic pressure behind below grade walls can be achieved by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the structure is completed. l. Wetting or drying of the open foundation dwing excavation should be minimized during construction. 2. All surface water should be directed away from the top and sides of the excavation during construction. 3. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the structure should be sloped to drain away from the building in all directions. We recommend a slope ofat least 12 inches in the first l0 feet. 4. Backfill, especially around foundation walls, should be placed and compacted as recornmended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. IRRIGATION Sprinkler systems installed next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs could cause moist or wet basement conditions or consolidation of backfill beneath these areas. This can result in settling of porches, patios, exterior steps and/or sidewalks. We recommend the following precautions be followed: l0 rll H j !l t-1;i:1 r::!:frT:::::i:",ti'x":f;:v: Do not install a sprinkler system next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. The sprinkler system should be at least l0 feet away from the residence. Sprinkler heads should be pointed away from the structure or in a manner that does not allow the spray to come within l0 feet of the residence. The landscaping around the sprinkler system should be sloped so that no ponding occurs at the sprinkler heads. If shrubs or flowers are planted next to the structure, these plants should be hand watered. 5- Control valve boxes, for automatic sprinkler systems, should be periodically checked for leaks and flooding' COMPACTED FILL Fill may consist of the on-site clayey sand soils or approved imported granular fill. No cobbles or boulders larger than 6 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas should be stripped ofall vegetation and topsoil, scarified, and then compacted. Topsoil may be used in landscape areas. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted to the recommended compaction shown in the following table. Recommended compaction varies for the given use of the fill. l. J. 4. il "l f'l HI y: ::: t"!: ::::i: ilr' y:;:; : ! :; We recommend that a representative from our office observe and test the placement and compaction of structural fill. Fill placed below foundations or slab-on- grade floors is considered structural. It has been ow experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques and habits occur which result in poor foundation and slab perfofmance. LIMITATIONS Althougtr the exploratory borings were located to obtain a reasonably accruate determination of subsurface conditions, variations in the subsurface conditions are always possible. Any variations that exist beneath ihe site generally become evident during excavation for the structure. A representative of our office should observe the completed excavation to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the exploratory borings and to veriff our foundation and floor slab recommendations. The placement and compaction of fill, as well as installation of foundations, should also be observed and tested. The design Use of Fill Recommended Compaction Percentage of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-6e8) Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-lss7) Below Structure Foundations 98 95 Below Slab-On-Grade Floors 95 90 Backfi ll (Non-structural)90 90 l2 H {-,J it .:::::iJ::::::i:il7x":f;::: criteria and subsurface data presented in this report are valid for 3 years from the date of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents ofthis report or in analyses ofthe proposed skucture from a soils and foundation viewpoint, please call. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. y, kgt' Scott B. Myers, Engrneer Reviewed by K*N",^ William H. Koechlein, P.E., President (4 copies sent) dur* +t l3 E ,_l n :t o ooR1ril^ Lf VAIL DAS SHONE c^F$9!s INTERSTATE 7O FIG. tJOB NO.98-'t95 VICINITY MAP oo ^+ A 1"=30' FIG.2 LOT 9, BLOCK !J rya U)ot { JOA NO.98-195 LOGATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS itili(i1:l:4tt:1 Itil:f:1 '.f z'.f iz:fz :zirttz :2i,,:z:2iz:2:z:z i z:r.iz:2 1r:,1i7i):/:2 i ?i2i7:i2/:,:r:2i2:2:r:,tr:) ;,i,ii, '.1:1:1:1 '.f,:1 '.4:atz:r:z:1if:4IZ:I :za2tz:2'.t:liziri?:2:z:2'./i2 12:2 iz:2:2:) i2i2 i 2:2i2:2ir:2 i 2i, i2:,t H orr.J.' u.o orr.H.?ouO ! I Filli1 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 11t12 22t12 WC=12 DD= 115 18t't2 WC=8 DD=116 -2OO=24 IuulII z I q ulo 15t12 WC=18 DD:1O8 38t12 't7 t12 26t12 20tI2 14t12 JOB NO. 98-195 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG.3 t,m! ='flmm H LEGEND: TOPSOIL Ir'r fTn SAND, Clayey, Silty, Gravelly, Cobbles, Moist, Loose to Vi:21 dense, Brown, Light brown. t1 i | ':- WATER. Indicates depth of water encountered while drilling. n CALIFORNIA DRIVE SAMPLE. The symbol 1 1/12 indicates that 1 1 U blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive a 2.5 inch O.D. sampler 12 inches' Notes: 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on August 4, 1998 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Free ground water was encountered in exploratory boring TH-1 at a depth of 38.0 feet and TH-2 at a depth of 28.0 feet. 3. The Boring Logs are subject to the explanations, limitations, and conclusions as contained in this report. 4. Laboratory Test Results: WC - lndicates natural moisture (7o) DD - Indicates dry density (pcf) -200 - lndicates percent passing the No. 200 sieve {%} 5. Approximate elevations are based on Arosa Drive at the southeast corner of the lot being 1OO.O. JOB NO.98-195 LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG.4 il ii rC"u,-sN coNSULING eruOt eens DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM sampte of SAND, ClaYeY, Gravelly Source 'tH-z SamPle l{o.ElevJDepth 9.0 feet Sample of Source Sample No.ElevJDepth GRAVEL 19 % SfLT & CLAY 24 olo PI.ASTICITY INDEX SILT & CLAY PLASTCTY INOEX LIQUID UIIIIT LIQUD LIMIT % % % FIG.5Job No.98-195 GRADATION TEST RESULTS ii i1 L :i H oo KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 10: Sample Source (pc0 % Natural Dry Unit Weight= 107.6 TH.I Sample No.Elev./Depth 14.0 feet Natural Moislure Contents l8 FIG.6Job No. of 98-195 SWELL.CONSOLI DATION TEST RESULTS it,l I H)o CLAYEY EACKFILL 1 \ 10 )==::E-=--_-:\- -\-------_---j-l\;---- a\ coHPAcrEo BAGKFILL (sEE a\ REPORT FOR BACKFILL Z\ RECOUMENDATTONS) n 2 tI , t/ ./ FILTER FASRIC \\ eRlveu ) t .12' PLASTIG ",i l BELOW GRADE WALL UAilUFACTUFED IVALL DRATI{ SHEETING PERFORATED PIPE 12' Mtil. NOTES: 1 . DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 II|CHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST. POINT ATIO CLO?E DO1VNWARO TO'A POSITIVE GRAV]TY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CA}I BE REMOVED BY PUI{PIilG. .2. THE DRA|}| SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RAilGSNG BETWEEI{ 1/8 INCH AIID I/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIT{. 3. GRAYEL SPECIFICATIOIIS: IIfASHED 1 l/2 lt{CH TO NO.4 GRAVEL fYITH LESS THAN ot PASSI'IG THE l{O;200 slEvE. TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL JOB NO.98-195 FIG.7 fl Ill 'l CLAYEY AACKFILL to 1l I MANUFACTURED WALL DRAII{ COUPACTED BACKF]LL (SEE REPOBT FOR BACKF[.L RECOMUET{OAttO|'|S) , It It , , J , t FILTER FABRIC PERFORATEO PIPE NOTE$: t. -DBAIIII SHOULD 8E SLOPEO OOWNWARD.TO A POS]TIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A .SUUP WHERE WATER CAN BE REHOVED BY PUIIPING. 2. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAIO ON A SLOPE RAITIG]NG BETWEEIII I/8 INCH ANO 1/4 INCH DBOP PER FOOT OF DRAN. 3. GRAVEL SPEGIFICATIONS: WASHED I 1/2 IIICH TO I{O. 4 GRAVEL TYITH LESS THAN3r PASSI{G THE NO.2()0 SIEVE. TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL JOB NO.98-195 FIG,8 the mj mueller co., inc. 19. Septenber 2oo2 l.lr. Dennis Scalise PO Box 2591Vail, colorado 8l-658 ',$D\ -* 0.Poui q-fl'& Subject: SCALISE PRIUARY\SECONDARY (East Unit)I.ot 9, Block E, Vail das Schone Filing 1-Vail , Colorado Dear Dennis: At the regueet of the Town of Vail Building Departnent, this officehas been asked to confirm that the following itens, have beenreviewed and approved by this office: a) I'PPER BATH I,FT The attic space above the upper bathroom, has been desigmedto accommodate a 4O psf live load. A ltl, L 3/4 x LL 7/8 yraE added to the framing beneath ttre new loft, to transfer the newsaII toad to the adjoining structure. b) NORTHIfEST DORIIER APEX The hanger shown on plans at the apex of the dorruer, was notinstalled. In lieu of ttre hanger, a piece of 3/4n diameterall-thread was installed thru the ridge and valleys, and 6- 5/8rr diameter lags were added into the end grrain of the ridge and two val-Ieys. UPPER LSVEL STAIR I,ANDING The support of the upper level stair landing, was changed fronnupr to the roof, to trdowntr to the main level floor. Thebearing of the new column, was blocked to the adjoining floorjoists, and wal.ls, beneath the new column. STEEL BEN,T PETETRATIONS 3-2 L12tt dianeter holes were cut through the center of the W1-8x97 garage beam to acconmodate wires. c) d) civil architecturaf and strucrural engineering a p.o. box 2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2627 4762637 lF Xl Page 2lr[r. Dennie Scalise 19 Septenber 2OO2 lltre iteue described above, were revieved for confomance with ttre L997 tBC as adopted by the TOV. see structural plans and specifications dated 28 Novenber 2ooo for the balance of ttre project. ff you have any guestions regarding this report, or the balance of the proJect, please contact tlris office at the phone nunber shown on the cover sheet. !lar TOWN OF VAIL ot*r"^r oF coMMUN,r" orurrot*, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 IJ,479-2t38v NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Project No : OWNER DEhINIS SCA,LISE 05/3a/20OL Phone: 970-479-0858 PO BOX 2591 VAIL, CO 81659 L,icense: COTfTRACTOR Kelly Electrical Services, T05/3L/200L Phone: 303-202-5030 747 Sheridan Blvd., #4B Lakewood, CO 802A4 License: 305-E APPLICAIfT Kel1y Electf,ical Se:rrices, I05/3L/200L Phone: 303-202-5030 747 Sheridan Blwd., #48 Lakewood, CO 802L4 License: 305-E Desciption: ELECTzuCALFORNEWRESIDENCE Valuation: $25,000.00 ELECTNCAL PERMIT Job Address: 2567 AROSA DRVAIL Location.....: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL I LOT 9 BLK E Parcef No...: 210314204012 Blscu.ical_> 545O.OO Permit #: E0l-0122 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05131/2001 Issued. . : 06106/2001 Expires. .: 12103/2001 FEE SIr\IMARY tr:r:r:r*ar:i***)r*,i:|,r'ra{t,rr**'rrrrrarrtr*a*'rrr***:r'}:r:}trrt*aatatt* Total Calculated Fees-> 5453 . 00 DRB Fee_> lnvestigation-> wilt cslt-> 90.00 s0 .00 Additionsl Fees-->90.00 Total Permit Fee-> 5453.00 Payments-----> Sil53 . 00 BALA"\CE Dt'E->so.0oTOTALFEES-> S4s3. oo Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMBfiI 05/3L/2OOL DFI-,OR.ES Act,ion: APPR CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA.IICE. DECLARATIONS reby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, compleled an accurat€ plot plan, and that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan" to comply with all Town inances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desiga review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI-,'ESTS FoR INSPECTIoN SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT OtlR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR o I o o * +;f ,1,|** * * * {r{' * ** +****f {r*** {r:f 't** **** ** ** * *,tr *'t{r* ***i** *** ** * ***** * ****dr {r,t * *{r*{r{r* {r {r tr ** ****:} *{r *{':i TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemetrt * *** ** *+*****'l* *{' {t {.{.** * {. * *** * * ***** * *+*'l**** *** {. ++********* ****** * ***'}'t** * * ***** ***,t* ****r!{'* Statement Numlcer: R0O0000905 Arnount: 5453.00 06/06/2OOLO3:47 PM Pal.ment Method: Check Ini!: DF NoEation: CHECK #105 Permit No: 801-0122 Type: EI'ECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03L42O4OL2 Site Addreee: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL IJocation: \/AIIr DAS SCHONE FIIr 1 IOT 9 BLK E Total Feee: S453.00 Ttrie Payment: $453.00 Total AIJIr tmts: 9453.00 Balance: S0.00 'lt*** {.****** *ir {r *r' tr {.{. *d' * *'* ** ** * **!t*+ * *d!** * * ** *** ****** * *+:t* ******* * *** * * '}{'*{.*'lt{' + + *{r++**+* **** * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMPORARY POI^JER PERI4ITS I'C OO1OOOO31128OO W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 450. 00 3. 00 APR- t S-O r 12 . 5E FROM ' TC'V-CO}I-DEV-DEPT.I D , 37AC732452 PAGE 6/ IO ;ffi4i5*"""" mfn0P 75 S- Fmutrgc Rd. Veil, Cdondo 81657 Col,lPLttt SQ. Flf FOR IIEW EUITDS and VALUATIOI{S FOR Att oTHERS (bbor e Habdals) AMd.JifTOFSQ FTIN SIRUCnrae # 4/b ELECIRICAL VALUATION; $ e ** * r* t* t*t*t* ttt*r **)altt*. *J.* * *t i**t ** FoR oFFIcE usE ot{LY***i r**:r* ** *:rt *}**t*t ***.€t* **f *-**i t El€djcal Cqntrador; Ke,llu Elecr.iatl S z.n.rie. e Tnc, Town ofvail Reg. No.: tus -F Contadand Phone #'sl Par;t f,re-son s I Ztl Ao|-Sob crrlinffirg9rut-te:: n*z&r^, As'g rc Otfre at 970-32E-8ilO & visit Palcal # robrudress: pS67 i/oSt l4 Wo*Class: NewX) Addtion( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower($ Other( ) Daes an EFIU exist at t}rls location: Y€s 0,C No ( )WorkType: Int€rlor( ) Exterlor( ) Both Type of Bldg.: $nglefemily ( ) Duder( QQ Multi-fimily ( ) Comnercid ( ) Re$aurant ( ) Odler ( ) No. of Aclofimodation units in $ls building:t'lo. of Exrstang D!\rellirig UniB in tfi6 bulrKl,ir:4'j. /.-- Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exisc Yes ( ) NoDoesaFareAtarmE)(ast: Yes(4 No( ) F:lqlerrcnerg.mCebcpcrm FEcDMnysl2a0l APR- l8-O I 12 , 59 FROM , TOV -COM- DEV- OEPT. o I D , I7O<l ?32452 o PAGE 7/ IO 3 rumvffi Amendmentto the 1999 N.E.C. Towlr of Vail Ordinance 10-1-5. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric neter, main disconnect s,rritch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel" The rnain disconnect swnch shall b€ located next to the meter on fte exterior rvall of the structure easily accessible. Att underground conduits are required to be 'nspected beforc back-filling the trench. In rnulti-hmily dwelling units, no electrical vriring or feeder cables strall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in cornrnercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 witl be permttted with the Town of Vail. rowN oF vArt ELEGTRICAL PERMTT gJIgF!-r"ryES All installations of ocerior hot tubs or spat require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attadred (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtaan a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot hrb or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structurat engineer must review the exigting condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with thls appllcation. If this is a remodel in a multi-famiV building with a homeowners association, a letter of perrnission from the association is required. : If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) seb of starnped drawings are reguired. 7 tt Date'signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have addiUonal questions, ple*econtacttheTown of VaalElectrical lrrspector at97O-479-2L47.The inspectorcan be readred on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morningg between the houts of 8am and 9am' You may also leave a noice mail and the inspectorwill call you back. u o I ]anrlreNT oF coMMriNrry orrrJnarvr (ot ?, &Ae Ud,<lZao 9ctr{.^'a-TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0238 Iob Address: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2557 AROSA DR Applied . . : 1'1'/19/200L Parcel No...: 21.0314204012 Issued . . : 11'/27 /2001' ProjectNo t QQ Ot-oL{b Expires. .: 05/26/2W2 owNER scALrsE, DgNNrs w. E DoRofHELi./Lg/2001 phone: TAI\'ES 'J. , ,IR -.JT PO BOX 2591 vArL co 8L658 License: CoNTRACTOR SCATTSE, DENNTS W. LL/L9/200L Phone:. 907-33L-5422 P. O. BOX 259r- VAII-,, CO I1558 Li-cense z 259 -T' APPI.,,ICAI\IT SCALISE, DENNIS W. & DOROTHE]-L/L9/2OOL PhONEl. 970-33L-5422 .TAMES iT., i'R -\'T PO BOX 2591 vAlL CO 816s8 License: Desciption: INSTALL HEATING FIREPLACE VENTING COMBUSTION AIR Valuation: $20,000.00 Fireplace Inforrration: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet Mechanical--> S4oo.oo Restuarant Plan Review-> So.oo Total Cdculated Feeg-> S5o3.oo Plan Check-> S1O0 . OO DRB Fee--> $o - 00 Additional Fees-> SO. O0 Investigation-> gO . 00 TOTAL FEES-> S5O3 . OO Total Permit Fee---> 5503 . O0 will call->93.00 Payments--> 5503.00 BALANCE DUE_> S0. 00 ;ffilG,ffiT,frfiilrffi;ffii;ffi LL/23/2ooL cdavis Action: AP o.k. to use gastite for underground follow manufacturer' s guidelines Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{rr CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond | 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLAIiIS Ar',ID CODE ANAI-.,YSIS MUSI BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECT]ON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR PM. ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 429-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OVVNEI o **+t* * *** {.++tf****|**fl+,|.*+****+** * *ir******f,4*+* *t*t,l.**l************* *l* ***a*****f*i*** ***+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement + * * ** * * *l * ** +t l:i * * * * * * ** * * * +* * * * *** * * * +* | * +f*l I * * * t ++ {.* ** * * +* {. * ***+ i. * * ** * * * ++ t * + ** * * *+ + * * ** * Statement Number: R000001788 Amount: $503.00 Lt/27/20Ot03:47 PM Pay'ment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #259lDennis Scalise Permit No: M01-0238 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21,0374204072 Site Address: 2557 AROSA DR VAfL Irocation: 2567 AROSA DR Total Fees: $503 . 00 This Palment: $503.00 ToEal Ar-,r, PrnEs: 9503 .00 Balance: 90.00 ********r******++*+**t********+*******+**,t**t*{.1**ll*+*i+**+***+*+*+:}+**********l+ll *{'++**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Curnent Prnts I'JP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FTES 4OO.OO PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 100.00 liiC 00100003112800 I^/ILL CALL INSPTCTI0N FEE 3.00 -o)3 Building tDxilfr Mechanical Permit #: 75 S. Frcntegc Rd. Vel[ Colondo 8165? Permit will not be accepterl wlthout the following: icrl Room Lyost dr.wn g rcalc to Roont RINFO @MPLETE VALUANOIEqR MECI{AT{ICAI PERIIIT labor & Materials) x * 'Y NOv 1 .t 20tJ1 TOV.COM.DEV. Contact and Phone #3: S.r. robttarn.jirol,r. t..JobAddress:; SLA euos .,13?.'li5 | *,.tott \\tot,-o - €ilF*is - Uq-.,{ rrs..& 0q*b,qs*,'o- ei,t WorkClass: Neilfr) Addition( ) Altenflon( ) Repah( ) Otrer( ) Boiler locadon: Interior (h Brter Does an EHU odst at this locatlon: y"s 0( ) tlo ( ) Tlpeof Bbgr slngre-famity( ) noex() r"r,rru-nmlrvt ) commerdat ( ) R6tauranr( ) ourerl 1 No. d Bdsflng Dwelling Units in mis UutUtn+No. d Accornmodation Unfts in this building: a conversion frorn a wood to an EPA Phase tr devie? Yes ( rt*rt*r***rt,t*{r!*,t*,trtr.***,t*,r|rFoR ri,*;1,****rfr,t F:/.r.tton /fiDnil/mrdrponn ON tl,f3 ***rf *:t|lrf ,l.i.,f *,ft !t*,t* wtraxstr 41.. tL. rJ.. i o*.',,.e^ttQ.1rL,f'tid.^Jhn.,,iJ;i.1:,.T{I;':#H.m,'*iffiffi ll":t .. d??f+ c,. {t, i ,,,,'1l{i:*tff;#lH}ffsi,;5ir''- \-rn" T1 r .,t . ,','i.:ll,i'rlllji,iiiil',.Fl;"*"y.-1.H9 n .- =. -]' ' '. ; '' l;' cl,icial from thereafter requiring t* ^TT:1 o, o O o B T$^ r r., p ilSf:,:j.1i:1.,".11:1"lI*'fifill::i " lt ) ''' -tl-;14 'l l.€t. rp. 1>e tq- r>aocs Bfa : l. ogc*,i.14 f< t<.ptio* - Sc c. ?oZ - | a,llow< I o Feu, p1, tr lru to ' sh Loc-.^tr;*) L "., ,r, ", f.^ (, o r- e5b1 Qrzo\,q {\ 33 t 6Li?e i , i.<., flt ;r=? taJesl U- - '' t Z RECEIVED NOl/ I 6 2001 V-con,t.oev. I I l'i.-o r.,r b r.. gt' o *, He-r. t t^".,^-g frE t t 1 A - (, aa o € (,v:ttr,i #y:F;{ D".Eo' u ? tr.9* , y tt* 0 t-r D r,. c.J- A'rr. 0^\0.\."'i,,, { "".r I r,,-., ,<- li"^ 'i, | ... , i IMi. i- ldocrr'. ;.-j;-.. - r,^..1 U"ls, l lr{t. n ,", ,., ,..,, i f.''r. ,, r t.'L,tt, t[* lB " L [tu,i :,.,.,-, t Rtl r,""' { ( rc"a 1a F loo n\ - Q"K"a,Q i]rr.c-o, 14 "r" /, ., u", , i ., I e, y?- s-r, L, .*j,-". r}'}f-,,ifl Buirdins sareu & lnsPec t jl lJ\;l l'a/ r,.' s-e L. ., i t ueu € y, o c 4 ., S.o**it e"#Xfmm,WJlffiy*i o \"* ^.,i*.1 : /B .sa rp : 5 "6u,1 T1TtffilD^"-.t L.,.,-.^-tad l?l'" fiila,,. cet lrr,r,i ;f" U Lo c-"fior', ttltulat l) e-, u is 39t'l q f.o li't rr-oga $ a .16 r -sttzz 8 r ue ') j -+.'0u. i r* lt'r t*r - ?l o duil fos-t -t p,T l- .{rfloop R^u,n'f Ne*.t [,\*r l-r ' ftr;o r.n Lor.o i'1', v Qo rro q.r dr".ee* |JoTc- M-qc.h"tur(rl t?.o* Ayevtu\una1 { r,-.-,',JL l 8 n' f- l g u..-t'' o a-; e A " stl i: ( t,i ^onor) 6,a.o*n c1Qd.rc,',i? g:{oop tr. ${etlaurLa( Q"ae< 0 Dtr.r 1., n ,o,,,_[ 0 lt sr{ 10"..:j.f,-* E1 f- 00.,.^b*r*,ro O-e e" Bn, lzr"- i F.--- 0,ao ur rJ * C SC. Sqve-, E-.,', Flot,-uatq-lc Seales Coru \oa po o B-r". ll{ tr z- lt :;;*.,1 B"ila.nc , lAp',f wt\\ Var-,t AIo*', zu-'tll"r C,{.""- 1-, 1 , .4g.'f:. Fo ,^ iti 15 * t" ,.,,-' U.J u'' | | tb outtNroL,- 8,cte-o 4l $"Jbc'R Nec..k "-.^d Te.rLsr, A.ro.tc,- . T r..T*k"{- a.\F" tur\\ porealtal g{hcL'.^!t. f;.<*e.€.rorL y'an t* 6ir'\ \ Bg r,.r${o.\\qt! in, a** rvg*l*f",t Bt t^& '.' Project Number: 03 l50l Project Quote: 03 l50l Designed By: JEFF VOELKER/TM SALES, INC. Serial Number: 1006 Designed For: BEAUTY WARE DENVER CO Notes:PLEASE READ ALL REPORTS CAREFULLY, AND VEzuFY ALL ASSUMPTIONS (SQUARE FOOTAGES, R-VALUES, FINISH FLOOR COVERINGS, CEILING HEIGHTS, ETC.). LET DESIGNER KNOW IF A].ry CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE. NOTE: ALL DESIGN AND TAKE.OFF WORK DONE AS A CUSTOMER SERVICE. TM SALES.INC. ASSUMES NO LI-ABILITIES. Pro r ect N ame : r.^"rfgrvrn, Room S catlons Room Name Primary Spacing Iinl Primary Area Ift'I Banded Spacing linl Banded Area tft1 Heating Intensity [Btu/h fl3] Required Heat lBtu/hl Radiant Capacity lBtu/hl UNIT l GARAGE t2 630 2t.7 13,681 13,721 FOYER laIL 125 16.5 2,061 ? 5?5 Zo ifications Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smaller of Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) Zone2 (Thin Slab Application) ne Supply Fluid ['Fl Delta T rFl GPM Head Ift] Radiant Panel Load [Btu/h] Tube Type Tube Length [ft] No. of Circuits 94 20 1.8 4.07 17,761 l/2" E-PexB 275 3 Room S cahons Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area tft"] Banded Spacing linl Banded Area tft'l Heating Intensity [Btu/h ft"] Required Heat IBtu/h] Radiant Capacity IBtu/hl LIVING/DINIG t2 378 22.0 8,298 r? ?i5 ENTRY/PWDR/STA IRS t2 180 I1.6 2,081 6,3 15 KITCHEN/FIALL l2 279 10.6 ? q55 o 7Rl Zone S catlons Supply Fluid ["F] Delta T rFl GPM Head Ift] Radiant Panel Load lBtLr/hI Tube Type Tube Length [ft] No. of Circuits 140 20 I.4 2.70 14,262 l/2" E-PexB 300 3 Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smaller of Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) Pump Specs a pplication)Zone3 (Thin Slab A Room S catrons Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area Ift'] Banded Spacing linl Banded Area tffl Heating Intensity lBtu/h ftil Required Heat [Btu/h] Radiant Capacity [Btu/h] BEDROOM #I 12 l6l zv.5 7 )6)3,706 BATH#IiBATH #2 12 77 16.4 1,263 1,768 BEDROOM #2 t2 144 25.U 3,3t4 BEDROOM #3 t2 t82 t5.2 2,758 4,183 Zone S catrons Supply Fluid [oF] Delta T rFl GPM Head tftl Radiant Panel Load lBtu/hl Tube Type Tube Length [ft] No. of Circuits tL7 20 l.l 3.91 r 1,365 l/2" E-PexB 300 2 Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smaller of Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) R Soecifications Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smaller of Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) Thermostat should be located in the room in which the radiant caoaciW is closest to the required heat. Project Totals Radiant System Pumping Specs: 6.47 GPM at 4.07 feet of head Radiant System Boiler Load: 64658 Btu/h (excluding Supply & Retum piping losses and Aux. Heat, if required) 3425' of l/2" E-PexB oom Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area 1ft1 Banded Spacing linl Banded Area Ift'] Heating Intensity [Btu/h ft'z1 Required Heat lBtu/hl Radiant Capacity [Btu/h] BED & BATH #4 T2 218 23.3 5,060 5,073 BED & BATH#s t2 225 22.8 5,t29 5,2t4 MASTER BED/BATH t2 3)2 18.7 6,590 8,174 LOFT/I{ALL t2 238 12.8 3,050 Zone S catl0ns Supply Fluid ["F] Delta T ["Fl GPM Head tftl Radiant Panel Load [Btu/h] Tube Type Tube Length [ft] No. of Circuits tt7 20 2.1 3.r9 2t,27 I I/2" E-PexB 275 ^ - ProjectName:SCALISEneSTOtn - ProjectNumber: 031501 Project Quote: 031501' Designed By: JEFF VOELKER/TM SALES, INC. Serial Number: 1006 o Designed For: BEAUTY WARE DENVER CO Notes: PLEASE READ ALL REPORTS CAREFULLY. AND VERIFY ALL ASSUMPTIONS (SQUARE FOOTAGES, R-VALI.,TES, FINISH FLOOR COVERINGS, CEILING HEIGHTS, ETC.). LET DESIGNER KNOW IF ANY CTTANGES NEED TO BE MADE. NOTE: ALL DESIGN AND TAKE.OFF WORK DONE AS A CUSTOMER SERVICE. TM SALES,INC. ASSUMES NO LIABILITIES. Project Assumptions OutsideTemp rFt Elevation tftt Wind Speed lmphl Glycol Job Type System Chemicals -20 9000 l0 None Residential No Zone l (Slab Application) [/2" E-PexBI Min Tube Lensth:200 ft Max Tube Leneth:300 ft Circuit Rounding:5ft Supply Water Temp:94.3 F Delta T:20F Manifold Distance:0ft Thickness Below Tube: 2n Thickness Above Tube: 2n Slab Conductivity:0.8 I Btu/h-ft-F UNIT 1 GARAGE Length:30ft width:2tft Total Area:630 ffJ Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:630 ft' Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating lntensity:21.72Bfi/h tr AL,l1.0.5 CFM:A.l Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceiling Height:10ft Wall Length:63ft Wall Height:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Window Area:66 ftz Window R Value:2.04 Door Area:t28 ft'Door R Value:2.5 Skylight Area:0ft' Exposed Slab Perimeter: 63ft Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 630 ft'Horizontal lnsu]ation Thickness: 2n Slab Perimeter lnsulation Lensth: 63ft Perimeter lnsulation Depth: 4ft Perimeter lnsulation Thickness: lin Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating lntensity Area: 0ft, FOYER Length:12.5 ft width:10ft Total Area:r25 ftz Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:t25 ft' Zone2 (Thin Slab Application) [1/2" E-PexB] Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating lntensity:16.49 Btu/h ACH:0.5 CFM:8.33 3 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceihng Height:9ft Wall Length:12ft Wall Height:8ft Wall RValue:13 Window Area:0ft, Door Area:2t ft,Door R Value:2.5 Slqylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Tile Floor & Mudset R Value:0.16 Exposed Slab P erimeter: t2ft Horizontal Slab lnsulation Area: 125 ft'Horizontal lnsulation Thickness: 2n Slab Perimeter Iasulation Leneth: 12ft Perimeter Insulation Depth: 4ft Perimeter Insulation Thickness: lin Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating lntensibr Area: 0ft, Min Tube Leneth:200 ft Max Tube Length:300 ft Circuit Rounding:5ft Supply Water Temp:140 F Delta T:z0F Manifold Distance:0ft Joist Spacing:16 in Joist Thickness:1.5 in Joist Conductiviry:0.078 Btu,/h-ft-F Subfloor Thickness:0.75 rn Subfloor Conductivity: 0.085 Btu/h-ft-F Thin Slab Thickness:f.5in Slab Conductivity:0.81 Bru/h-ft-F LIVINGIDIMG Length:27ft width:14ft Total Area:378 ft' Unhealed Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:378 ft' Indoor Desigrr Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating Intensity:2L95 Btu/tr ft2 ACH:0.5 CFM:25.2 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceihng Area: 0ft, Ave Ceiling Height:9ft Wall Length:40ft Wall Height:8ft Wall RValue:13 Window Area:JZ ft'Window R Value:2.04 Door Area:72 ft2 Door R Value:2.5 Skylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:1.3 9 Space Below:Heated lndoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 378 ft2 Horizontal lnsulation Thickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating lntensity Area: 0ft, ENTRY/PWDR/STAIRS Length:18ft width:10ft Total Area:180 ff Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:180 ft, Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating lntensity:I1.56 Bnt/h ft2 ACH:0.5 CFM:12 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceiling Height:9ft Wall Length:5ft Wall Height:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Window Area:0ft, Door Area:2rff Door R Value:2.5 Slrylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:1.3 9 Space Below:Heated Indoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 180 ft,Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 4rn Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating lntensity Area: 0ft, KITCFIEN/I-IALL Length:18ft Width:r5.5 ft Total Area:279 ft' Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:279 ft' lndoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating Intensiry'':10.59 Bru/h ft2 ACH:0.5 CFM:18.6 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceiling Height:9ft Wall Length:IIft Wall Height:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Window Area:12 ft,Window RValue:2.04 Door Area:0ft, Skylight Area:0ftZ Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:I.39 Space Below:Heated lndoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 279 ft2 Horizontal Insulation ThicLness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating lntensity Area: 0ft, Zone3 (Thin Slab Application) [1/2" E-PexB] Min Tube Length:200 ft Max Tube Lenetll:300 ft Circuit Rounding:)11 Supply Water Temp:l16.7 F Delta T:20F Manifold Distance:0ft Joist Spacing:16 in Joist Thickness:1.5 in Joist Conductivity:0.078 Btu/h-ft-F Subfloor Thickness:0.75 rn Subfloor Conductivity: 0.085 Bru,h-ft-F Thin Slab Thickness:1.5 in Slab Conductivity:0.81 Btu/h-ft-F BEDROOM #1 Length:t4ft Width:11.5 ft Total Area:161ft' Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:l6l ft2 Indoor Desiga Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heatine lntensir"*:20.268il1h ftz ACH:0.5 CFM:IU. /JJ Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceihng Height:8ft Wall Length:2sft Wall Height:8ft Wall R Value:I3 Window Area:t2 ft,Windorv R Value:2.04 Door Area:zl ftz Door R Value:2.5 Slrylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Ligbt Carpet & Pad R Value:1.39 Space Below:Heated Indoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 16l frz Horizontal lnsulation Ttrickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 rn High Heating lntensiry* ' Area: 0ft, BATH #IIBATH#2 Length:nft Width:7ft Total Area:7',1 ft, Unheat,ed Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:77 ft' lndoor Desigr Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating lntensiry*:16.40 Bru/h tr ACH:0.5 CFM:5. 133 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft' Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:il ft Wall Height:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Window Area:6 ft2 Window R Value:2.04 Door Area:0ft, Skylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad RValue:1.39 Space Below:Heated Indoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: //n'Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating lntensiS' Area: 0ft, BEDROOM #2 Length:12ft width:12ft Total Area:144 ft2 Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:t44 tr Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating lntensity:23.01Btunt ft2 ACH:0.5 CFM:v.o Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:28ft Wall Height:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Window Area:12 ftz Wndow R Value:2.04 Door Area:2l ft2 Door R Value:2.5 Skylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:1.39 Space Below:Heated lndoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 144 ft2 Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating Intensiw Area: 0ft, BEDROOM #3 Length:14ft width:IJ N Total Area:r82 ft' Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:r82 ft? Indoor Design Temp:68F Ma.x Effective Surface: 85F Heating lntensity:15.15 Btu,ft ft2 ACH:0.5 CFM:tz. tJ)Number of Storics:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:13ft Wall Height:8ft Wall RValue:l3 Window Area:12 ft,Window RValue:2.04 Door Area:2t ft,Door R Value:2.5 Skylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad RValue:1.3 9 Space Below:Heated Indoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab lnsulation Area: 182 ff:Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 4rn Tube Spacing:12ttn.High Heating Intensity Area: 0ft2 Zone 4 (Thin Slab Application\ IIl2" E-PexBl Min Tube Leneth:200 ft Ma-r Tube Length:300 ft Circuit Rounding:5ft Supply Water Temp:tt7.2F Delta T:20F Maaifold Distance:0ft Joist Spacing:16 in Joist Thickness:I.5 in Joist Conductivitv:0.078 Bfi./h-ft-F Subfloor Thiclness:0.75 in Subfloor Conductivity: 0.085 Btu/h-ft-F Thin Slab Thickness:1.5 in Slab Conductivity:0.8 I Bru/h-ft-F BED & BATH #4 Length:15ft Width:14.5 ft Total Area:2r7.5 ft' Unheated Floor Area:0ft'Heated Floor Area:2t7.5 ft' lndoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heaturg Intensity:23.26Btdh ftz ACH:0.5 CFM:14.5 Number of Stones: Exposed Ceiling Area: 2t7.5 ft'Ceiling R Value:30 Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:JJ II Wall Height:8ft Wall RValue:IJ Window Area:1A C+z Window R Value:2.04 Door Area:2t ft,Door R Value:t.) Skylight tuea:0ft, Floor Coverine:Light Carpet & Pad RValue:1.39 Space Below:Heated lndoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab lnsulation Area: 217.5 ft'Horizontal lnsulation Thickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating Intensitv Area: 0ft2 BED & BATH #5 Length:15ft width:15ft Total Area:225 ft' Unheated Floor Area:0ft.Heated Floor Area:225 tr Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Ffeating Intensity:22.80 Btu/h tr ACH:0.5 CFM:l5 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 225 ft'Ceiling R Value:30 Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:JJ IT Wall Height:8ft Wall RValue:l3 Window Area:24 ft2 Window R Value:2.04 Door Area:2t ft,Door R Value:2.5 Skylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:t.5a Space Below:Heated Indoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 225 ft2 Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 4ur Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating Intensity Area: 0ft, MASTER BEDIBATH Length:22ft width:16ft Total Area:352 ft' Unheated Floor Area:0ff Heated Floor Area:352 ft' lndoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating lntensity:18.72 Btu/h ft2 ACH:0.5 CFM:z).+o t Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling - Area: 352 ft?Ceiling R Value:30 Ave Ceihng Height:8ft Wall Length:36ft Wall Height:8ft Wall RValue:l3 Window Area:28ft'Windorv R Value:2.04 Door Area:2l ftz Door R Value:2.5 Sllrlight Area:0ffJ Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:1.39 Space Below:Heated Indoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab lnsulation Area: 352 ft'Horizontal lnsulation Thickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heatrng Intensity Area: 0ft, LOFT/TIALL Length:17ft width:14ft Total Area:238 ft' Unheated Floor Area:0ft,Heated Floor Area:238 ft' Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating Intensity:12.82 Bru/h ft, oo I ACH:0.5 CFM:15.867 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 238tr Ceiling R Value:30 Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:16ft Wall Height:8ft WallRValue:l3 Window Area:0ff: Door Area:0ft, Skylight Area:0ft, Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad RValue:1.39 Space Below:Heated lndoor Space Temo Below:68F Horizontat Slab Insulation Area: 238ft'Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating Intensity Area: 0ff! O t"-"^t 2/ Pro-jecf Narne: SCALISE SIDE 2 ProjectNumbcr: 031601 ProjectQuote: 03 160 I Designed B,'. JEFF VOELKER/TM SALES, INC. Serial Numbcr: 1006 Designed For: BEAUTY WARE DENVER CO NOTCS: PLEASE READ ALL REPORTS CAREFULLY, AND VER]FY ALL ASSUMPTIONS (SQUARE FOOTAGES. R.VALUES, FINISH FLOOR COVERINCS. CEILINC HEIGHTS. ETC.). LET DESIGNER KNOW IF ANY CHANCES NEED TO BE MADE NOTE: ALL DESIGN AND TAKE-OFF WORK DONE AS A w--.*-l+.,--, CUSTOMER SERVICE. TM SALES.INC. ASSUMES NO LTABILIT]ES oom )Declrlcatl0rls Room Name Prima ry Spacing IinI Primary Area Ift'I Banded Spacing linl Banded Area Iftl Heating Intensity [Btu/h ft'z] Required Heat IBtu/hl Radiant Capacity IBtuihl LJNIT 2 GARAGE t2 546 24.1 t3,17 5 13.209 MUDROOM ENTRY t2 203 18.9 3,839 4,882 Zon ifications Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the srhaller of Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) lication Zone Specificatiotls C JDES . Supply Fluid ["F] Delta T ["Fl GPM Head lftl Radiant Panel Load IBtu/hl Tube Type Tube Length [ft] No. of Circuits o7 20 1.9 4.61 19.154 l/2" E-PexB 275 J oom Jpeclrtcatl()ns Room Name Prima ry Spacing linl Prima ry Area lfr'l Banded Spacing Iinl Banded Area lft'l Heating Intensity IBtu/h ft'l Required Heat IBtu/hl Radiant Capacity IBtu/hl LIVING ROOM t2 1t)Z|J. z 7,t6l 7.t78 ENTRYiDINING/KI CHEN t2 lt)12.0 7 )75 7.143 BED&BATH#I l2 2-i5 20.0 < noo 6.691 in Slab A Pump Specs & Radiant Panel Load are calculated on the smaller of Required Heat or Radiant Capacity (+ back and edge losses) Thermostat should be located in tbe room in which the radiant capacity is closest to the required heat. Proiect Totals Radiant System Pumping Specs: 4.80 GPM at 4.61 feet of head Radiant System Boiler lroad 47952 BtuA (excluding Supply & Reh.rn piping losses and Aux. Heat, if required) 2400'of l/2" E-PexB Roor-n S catrons Room Name Primary Spacing linl Prima ry Area Ift'I Banded Spacing Iinl Banded Area lft'l Heating Intensity [Btu/h ft"1 Required Heat IBtu/h] Radiant Capacity lBtu/hJ MASTER BED & BATH t2 378 r 8.8 7 ,1t6 7,140 LOFT l2 231 18.2 4,196 4,357 Zone S catlons Supply Fluid ["Fl Delta T rFl GPM Head tftt Radiant Panel Load IBtu/hl Tube Type Tube Length [ft] No. of Circuits 109 20 t.2 t.67 12.133 l/2" E-PexB 225 Projecr Name: SCALISE SIDE 2 ProjcctNurnber: 03 l601 ProjectQuote: 03 l60l Designed B-v: JEFF VOELKER/TM SALES, INC. Serial Nurnbcr: 1006 Designed For: BEAUTY WARE DENVER CO Notcs: PLEASE READ ALL REPORTS CAREFULLY, AND VERIFY ALL ASSUMPTIONS (SQUARE FOOTAGES. R-VALUES. FINISH FLOOR COVERINGS. CEILING HEIGHTS, ETC.). LET DESIGNER KNOW lF ANY CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE. NOTE: ALL DESIGN AND TAKE-OFF WORK DONE AS A CUSTOMER SERVICE. TM SALES. INC. ASSTJMES NO LIABILITIES Proiect Assum OutsideTemp rFl Elevation tftl Wind Speed lmphl Glycol Job Type System Chemicals 9000 i0 None Residential No Iication E-PexB Min Tube Lenelh:200 ft Max Tube Leneth:300 ft Circuit Rounding:_ln Supply Water Temp:96.7 F Delta T:20F Manifold Distance:0ft Thickness Below Tube: 2rn Thickness Above Tube: 2n Slab ConductrvitY:0.8 r Bru,&-fr-F UNIT 2 GARAGE Lenglh:26 ft width:2l ft Total Area:546 fL'1 Unheated Floor Area:0ft:Heated Floor Area:546 ft: Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective S urface: 85F Heating lntensiry:24.13 Bru/h fi' ACH:0.5 CFM:36.4 Nunber of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0 ftl Ave Ceihng Height:l0 fr Wall Length.(16 ft Wall Height.8ft Wall R Value:l3 Windorv Area:66 fr'z Window R Value:204 Door Area:128 fr,Door R Value:2.5 S\light Area:0 ft' Exposed Slab Pcrimeter: 66 fr Horiz-ontal Slab Insulation Area: -54(r ft:Horizontal Insulation Thickness: lLn Slab Perirnetcr lnsrrlation Leugth: f,,t " S-partU, - (16 ft .lzrn Pcrimctcr lnsulation Dcptlr. iitii tlc"t'iu --- lntcnsitv Area: 4fi ii n,-- - Pcrimetcr lnsulal.ion Thickncss: lll I I I l I l-r:ngiir. I u.iLi rlnlrcrllltt I'l.ror Arcri l d ,l= MUD ROOM ENTITY Indobr Design Temp:68F Max Effectivc Surface: 85F Hcating Intensit-r i l1 ,t t,,n' ACH:0.-5 CFM:13.-533 Nurnbcr of Storics:I Exposcd Cciling Area: 0 fr' Ave Ceiling Height:9ft Wall Lcngth:35ft Wall Hcight:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Window Area:0ft, Door Area:2t fl,Door R Value:./..) Skalight Area:0ft, Exposed SIab Perimeter: 35ft Horizontal Slab Lnsulation Area: 203 fr'Horizontal Insulation Thickness: 2n Slab Perimeter Insulation Length: 35 ft Perimeter Insulatiorr Depth. 4ft Perimeter lnsulation Thicloess: I irt Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating Intensiry Area: 0 fr'z lication Min Tube Leneth:200 ft Max Tube Length:300 ft Circuit Roundtng:5fr Supply Water Temp:123 F Delta T:20F Manifold Distance:0f1 Joist Spacing:16 in Joist Thickness:1.5 rn Joist Conductrvrtv:0 078 Bru/h-ft-F Subfloor Thickness:0.75 in Subfloor Conductivitv: 0.085 Bru,h-ft-F Thin Slab Thickness:1.5 rn Slab Conductivity:0.81 Bru/h-ft-F LIVING ROOM Length:2l ft width:13 ft Total Area:273 ft' Unheated Floor Area-0 ft'Heated Floor Area:273 f|z Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective S urface- 85F Heating lntensitr':26.23 Br:j/h ft' ACH:0.5 CFM:18.2 Nurnbcr of Stories:I Exposed Cciling Area. 0 ft'? Ave Ceiling Hcight.9fr Wall Length:47 ft Wall Height 8fr Wall R Valuc:l3 Window Area:52 ft'z Windorv R Value.2.04 Door Arca:42 fL2 Door R Valtre.2.5 Sry-light Arca.0 rt, Floor Covcring: Space tJclo\v: Hu.iiclit,rt Si,rtt lnsulat ion A rcit. Light Carpct & Pad R Valuc:1.39 Hcatcd lrrdoor Space 273 li. Tcurp Bclow. Hui;oilt,, I I r'rsul iit t,rn Thickness 68F 4;l- - HighHeating l0ff lntensr! Area: Tubc Spacing: ENTR Y1D INING/KI T CFIEN Length:2l {t widrh:13 fr Total Area:273 1' Unheatcd Floor Area:0 ft'Hcated Floor Area:273 fl? Indoor Design Temp:68F Max Effective Surface: 85F Heating Intensity:12.00 Btu/h ft' ACH:05 CFM:r8.2 Number of Stories:I Exposed Ceiling Area: 0ft, Ave Ceiling Height:9fr Wall Length:15 ft Wall Height:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Windou'Area:0ft, Door Area:2t ft,Door R Value:2.5 Skalight Area:0 fr' Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:L39 Space Below:Heated Indoor Space Temp Belovr':68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 273 ft'z Horizontal Insulation Thicknes s: 4in Tube Spacing:12 rn High Heating Intensity Area: 0 ft' BED & BATH #1 Lengh:17 ft width:15 ft Total Area:2i5 fr: Unheated Floor fuea:0 fr'?Heated Floor Area:255 ft' Indoor Design Tenrp:68F Max Effective S urface: 85F Heating IntensiS,:20.00 Btu/lr ft, ACH:0.-s CFM:t7 Number of S tories: Exposed Ceiling Area: 0 ft, Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:34 fr Wall Height:8Fr Wall R Value.t3 Windorv Area:36 Windos, R Value:2.04 Door Area.2l ftz Door R Value:2._5 Skylight Area:0 ft' Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value 139 Spacc Bclorv:Heated Indoor Spacb Temp Belorv.(r8 F Horizontal Slab Insulation Arca: ;--; -; - -------I ul)c )pilclng: 2-i-5 ft. i1 in Horizontal lrrsLrlation Thickncss:;;---;-.-----nrglr rlcxung lntcnsitr,Alea 4rn iilr. - I ZonE3 (Thin Slab Application) [1i2" E-PexB] Min Tube Lcnglh:200 fr Max Tube Length:300 fr Circuit Rounding:5f1 Supplv Water Temp:t 08.-s F Delta T:20F Manifold Distance:0ft Joist Spacing:16 in Joist Thickncss:1.5 in Joist Conductivitl':0 078 Bru./h-ft-F Subfloor Thickness:075in Subfloor Conductivity: 0.085 Bru/h-ft-F Thin Slab Thiclness:1.5 in Slab Conductivity:0.81 Btu/h-fl-F MASTER BED & BATH Lcngth:21ft Widlh:l8 ft Total Area:378 ftz Unheated Floor Area:0 ft'Heated Floor Area:378 ft' Indoor Design Tcmp.68F Max Effectivc Swface: 8sF Heating Intensity:18.83 Btu/h It2 ACH:05 CFM:25.2 Number of Stories: Exposed Ceiling Area: 378 ft'z Ceiling R Value:30 Ave Ceiling Height:8ft Wall Length:39 ft Wall Heigltt:8ft Wall R Value:l3 Windou'Area.32 ft2 Windorv R Value:204 Door Area:2l ft2 Door R Value:25 Skylight tuea:0ft. Floor Covering:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:I.3 9 Space Below:Heated lndoor Space Temp Below:68F Horizontal Slab Insulation Area: 378 ft'Horizontal lnsulation Thickness: 4in Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating Intensitv Area: 0 ft' LOFT Lenglh:2l fr Width ll fr Total Area:231ft' Unheated Floor Area:0 ft'Heated Floor Area:23 I ft'? lndoor Design Tcnrp.68F Max Effcctivc Surl'ace . 8-5 F Heating [ntcnsitl :18. l7 Bru/h fr'z ACH:05 CFM.15 4 Nunrbcr of Stories: Exposcd Ceiling Arca: 23 I fi.]Ceiling R Value 30 Ave Ceiling Hcight:8ti Wall Lengtlt.i4 li Wall Hcight.tt tt Wall R Vrluc: D-*r Ar.a: '- .. 5[$ llght Arca t-) 0 lij 0 lr'? Yr1",:: Ar":-8 li?Windorv R Valrrc:1 A1 o _o Flo6r Covenng:Light Carpet & Pad R Value:1.39 Space Belorv:Heated Indoor Space Temp Belou':68F Horizontal Slab lnsulation Area: 23t fr Horizontal Ilsulatron Thickness: 4rn Tube Spacing:12 in High Heating Intensiry- Area: 0ft' Boiler GSC Series Gas-Fired Hot Water $ealed Gombustion Boilerc r lrsTAtLATr 0 1r r ltsTRUcT I 0 lts fhese instructions nust be aftlxcd on ot adlacent to thc bollcr Models o GSG-050 . G$C-075 o G$C-l00 o GSG-I25 . G$G-l50 g4@,@ WARNING: lmpmpsr installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenancs can cause propefi damage, injury, or loss of life. For assistance or additional inlormation consult a qualified installer, seMce agency or lhe gas supplier. This boiler requires a special venting system. Read these instructions carefully before inslalling. \ 7to '33 t s/a2- LJE,p p ,(, Qil ,a }St"l ar,^-^-*-D@ l/*.-Q ,(oh--d l'' &"-f CTIoI^-TNI BoilerC-o. rnrhchnr of lwfilc ||r |[ Pro(ft|3b P.0. Box 14818.3633 l. Street Philadelphia, Pennsytuania 19134 Tel: (215) 535-8900. Fax: (215) 535-9736. www.crownboiler.com Table of Contents Product Description Specifications..... Before Installing... Locating the Boiler. Air for Combustion and Ventilation Venting. Horizontal Exhaust System Design........ Vertical Exhaust System Design.. Air Intake System Design. ExhausVlntake System Assembly.......... Gas Piping System Piping. Wiring. Start-up and Checkout.... Service and Maintenance. Troubleshooting Charts...... Parts 2 2 3 3 4 8 I 14 17 18 27 27 31 37 42 47 51 I Product Description The CSC series boiler is a cast iron gas fired boiler designed for use in forced hot water heating systems. This boiler may be vented either vertically or horizontally with combustion air supplied from either outdoors or (under certain conditions) indoors. It is ideal for use in installations where a reliable source ofclean indoor combustion air cannot be suaranteed. The CSC boiler is not designed for use in gravity or "open" heating systems. II Specifications TABLE I : SPECIFICATIONS - IUODELS SHOWN ARE FOR NATURAL GAS, ADO "LP'SUFFIX TO MODEL NUMBER SHOWN FOR PROPANE MOOEL NUMBER (e.9. CSC-501P). PERFORMANCE RATINGS ARE THE SAME FOR BOTH FUELS Fl6tfE l: GENERAL t0lFltlfillD{ VEtIi IIIAR RETIEF VILVE I l/4 ffiltRN ils 0[,rEtttD,{I I/4 SUPPLY z- AIR tl{EI 0LLAR' t;:,, nol Y4 MIil IAPPIIS ilR tMl t0_LrR (s - r50) il[0t[il[!t0t[[![0 il00t[ililt0t[0t[0 MODEL'NO. sEcTtoNs INPUT (BTU/hr) Lr.o. E. HEATING CAPY. (BTU/hr) IBR NET RATING (Bru/h0 AFUE (%) FIG. 1 DIMENSION "A'(rN.) VENT COLLAR DIMAMETERS (IN.) WATER CONTENT (GAL.)INLh I EXHAUST c;sic-50 3 50,000 42,OOO 37,000 u4.0 15 1tz 4 3 2.9 osc;-75 /C,UUU bJ,UUU 55,000 63.8 1t2 4 2.5 csc- 100 5 1 UU,OUU U4,UUU /3,000 63.6 16 1t4 4 3 3.0 GSq- 125 0 I Z5,UUU r 05,u00 91,000 63.5 2'l 4 3 3.5 csc-150 I 'r 5u,uuu 126,000 110,000 83.3 23 3t4 4 3 4.1 csc-175 6 1/5,UoU I4 /,UUU 12E,000 63.1 26 1tZ 4 4 4.O csc-200 q ZOO,UOU r 0 /,0u0 145,000 u3,0 29 1t4 4 4 5.1 III Before Installing I ) Safe, reliable operation of this boiler depends upon installation by a professional heating contractor in strict accordance with this manual and the authority having jurisdiction. o In the absence of an authority having jurisdiction, installation must be in accordance with this manual and the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1o Where required by the authority having jurisdiction, this installation must conform to f,ie Standard for Conwb and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers (ANSVASME CSD-I ) 2) Read Section VI to verify that the maximum combustion air and exhaust pipe lengths will not be exceeded in the planned installation. Also verify that the vent terminal can be located in accordance with Section VI. 3) Make sure that the boiler is conectly sized: r For heattng systems employing convection radiation (baseboard or radiators) use an industry accepted sizing method such as the 1:B= R Heat Loss Calculation Guide (Pub. #H2l ot #H22) published by the Hy&onics Institute in Berkely Heights NJ.r For new radiant heating systems refer to the radiant tubing manufacturer's boiler sizing guidelines.e For systems including a Crown Mega-Stor indirect water heater, size the boiler to have either the DOE Heating Capaciry required for the Mega-Stor or the net rating required for the heating system, whichever results in the larger boiler.. For systems that incorporate other indirect water healers, refer to the indirect water heater manufacturer's instructions for boiler output requirements. 4) Make sure that the boiler received is configured for the conect gas (natural or LP). 5) For installations at altitudes above 2000ft, special orifice and pressure switches may be required. Make sure that the boiler is configured for use at the conect altitude. IV Locating the Boiler I ) Observe the minimum clearances shown in Figure 2 and Table 2. These clearances apply to both combustible and non- combustible materials. 2) Boiler may be installed on non-carpeted combustible surface. 3) The relief valve must not be moved from the factory location. 4) When combustion air is obtained from the boiler room, a 6" clearance is required from the inlet collar to any combustible or non-combustible obstruction. This 6" clearance is reflected in the Table 2 clearances. 5) The boiler should be located so as to minimize the length of the vent system. TABLE 2: CSC CLEARANCES (INCHES) CLEARANCES APPLY TO BOTH COMBUSTIBLE AND NON COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION F10.RE 2r ILEARA|{ES I0 ID1BUSTIS-E R iI}{-0f€NIIH-E I1ATERIAL IP I/IEI ilrililililililil1 oo tilililil[0til0tl m mt ml/E RELIEF VALVE 4 l/2 (ttr-s) 6 (tst-n I0 2m) FRD{I |/IET V Air for Combustion and Ventilation Suffrcient fresh air must be supplied for both combustion and ventllation. In general, combustion air is obtained in one of two ways: o Direct Vent Installations - Combustion air is piped directly to the boiler inlet collar from the outdoors. This is also sometimes called a "sealed combustion" installation.. Direct Exhaust Installations - Combustion air is obtained from the boiler room. In some cases, openings or ductwork may be run from the outdoors to the boiler room, however the ducting is not connected dtectly to the boiler. Air for ventilation is required to keep various boiler components from overheating and is alwavs obtained Fom indoors. To ensure an adequate combustion and ventilation air supply perform the following steps: MODEL RIGHT REAR UIKbU I VEN I (ouTDooR coMB. ArR) UIKEUIEAHAUUI (TNDOOR COMB. AIR) UIKEU I VEN I (ouTDooR coMB. ArR) UIKEU I EAHAUU I (TNDOOR COMB. AIR) CSL;.bO 6 5/E 1 USU. /5 6 5/E csc-100 6 b/u csc-125 6 b/6 1 u!iu-1bu 6 5/6 1 csc-1 /5 7 1t2 CSC-2OO 1 I 1t2 ALL BOILERS: TOP = 12 FRONT = 3 LEFT SIDE = 1 CLEARANCE FROM EXHAUST PIPE TO COMBUSTIBLES = 3 Step l: Determine whether the boiler is to be installed in a buildine ofunusually tieht construction - A building of unusually tight construction is defined by the National Fuel Gas Code ashaving all of the following features: e Walls and ceilings exposed to outside atmosphere have a continuous water vapor retarder with a rating of I perm or less with openings gasketed and sealed o Weather stripping has been added on openable windows and doors r Caulking and sealants are applied to areas such as joints around window and door frames, between sole plates and floors, between wall-ceiling joints, between wall panels, at penetrations for plumbing, electrical, and gas lines, and at other openings. Step 2: Determine whether the boiler is to be installed in a confined soace - A confined space is defined by the National Fuel Cas Code as having a volume less than 50 cubic feet per 1000 BTU/hr input ofall appliances installed in that space. To determine whether the boiler room is a confined space: I ) Total the input of all appliances in the boiler room in thousands of BTUftu. Round the result to the next highest 1000 BTU/hr 2) Find the volume of the room in cubic feet. The volume of the room in cubic feet is: Length (ft) x width (ft) x ceiling height (fi) In calculating the volume of the boiler room, consider the volume of adjoining spaces only if no doors are installed between them. Ifdoors are installed between the boiler room and an adjoining space, do not consider the volume of the adjoining spacer even if the door is normally left open. 3) Divide the volume of dte boiler room by dre input in thousands of BTU/hr. If the result is less than 50, the boiler room is a confined space. Example: A CSC-200 and a water heater are to be installed in a room measuring 6ft - 3 in x 7ft with an 8 ft ceiling. The water heater has an input of j0000 BTU/hr: Total input in thousands of BTU/hr = (200000 BTU/hr + 30000 BTU/hr) / 1000 = 230 Volume of room = 6.25 ft x 7 ft x 8 ft = 350 ft3 350/230= l.52.Since I .5 2 is less than 50, the boiler room is a confined space. Step 3: Determine what other uses (if anv) the boiler room will have - Also determine whether the building has an indoor pool. Step 4: Decide whether the boiler will be direct vented or direct exhausted - The boiler must be direct vented (combustion air piped directly to the boiler) if: o The boiler is to be installed in a laundry room o The boiler is to be installed in a workshop o The building in which the boiler is installed has an indoor pool It is also strongly recommended that combustion air be piped from outside when the boiler is installed in a building of unusually tight consffuction. If the boiler is direct vented 1) Combustion air piping must not exceed 35 ft of straight pipe plus two elbows plus terminal. See Section VI for additional information on air intake system design and installation, 2)Although combustion air is obtained directly from outdoors, openings may be required into the boiler room to allow for adcquate equipment venhlation. The following guidelines apply regardless ofwhether or not thc building is of unusually tight construction: Unconfined Soace- Natural infiltation into the boiler room will provide adequate air for ventilation without additional openings into boiler room. Confined Space - Provide two openings into the boiler room, one near the floor and one near the ceiling. The top cdge of the upper opening must be within 12" of the ceiling and the bottom edge of the lower opening must be within 12" of the floor (Fig 3). The minimum opening dimension is 3 inches. o Ifthe CSC boiler is the only gas-buming appliance in the boiler room, these openings must each have a free area of 100 square inches. r Ifother gas-burning appliances are in the boiler roorL size the openings in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions or the National Fuel Gas Code. Minimum opening free area is 100 square inches regardless of opening requirements for other appliances. . If the total volume of both the boiler room and the room to which the openings connect is less than 50 cubic feet per 1000 BTUihr of total appliance input, install a pair of identical openings into a third room. Connect additional rooms with openings until the total volume of all roorns is at lcast 50 cubic feet per 1000 BTUilr of input.o The "free area" of an opening takes into accourt the blocking effect of mesh, grills, and louvers. Where screens are used, they must be no finer than'/i' (4 x 4) mesh. .,** **,n7 $E IEXI FA ffiNlr[ stzE TOIIR OPENIII FI0IE l: ff]ILEP INIILLI0 ll A t0lFlft0 PltE VEI{IILAIIOI,I N IO{BIYIOIYVEMILAIIOI AlR FKII INIffi If Inside Combustion Air is Used Buildings of other than unusually tight consfuction: Unconfined Space- Natural infilnation into the boiler room will normally provide adequate air for combustion and ventilation without additional louvers or openings into boiler room. Confined Soace - Provide two openings into the boiler room, one near the floor and one ncar the ceiling. The top edge of the upper opening must be within 12" of the ceiling and the bottom edge of the lower opening must be within 12" of the floor (Fig 3). o Each opening must have a free area of I square inch per 1000 BTU/hr input ofall gas buming appliances in the boiler room. The minimum opening dimension is 3 inches. Minimum opening free area is 100 square inches per opening.o If the total volume ofboth the boiler room and the room to which the openings connect is less than 50 cubic feet per 1000 BTU/tu of total appliance input, install a pair of identical openings into a third room. Conncct additional rooms with openings until the total volume of all rooms is at least 50 cubic feet per 1000 BTU/hr of input. r The "free area" of an opening takes into account the blocking effect of mesh, grills, and louvcrs. Where screens are used, they must be no finer than %" (4 x 4) mesh. l) 2) Buildings ofunusually tight construction; a) Ifat all possible, direct vent the boiler (see (1) above.) b) Where the boiler must be installed in unusually tight constuction and cannot be direct vented, openings must be installed between the boiler room and the outdoors or a ventilated space, such as an attic or crawl space, which communicates directly with the outdoors. Two openings are required. The top edge of the upper opening must be within 12 inches of the ceiling. The bottom edge of the lower opening must be within 12 inches of the floor. Size openings and ducts as follows: o Vertical ducts or openings directly outdoors (Fig 4, Fig 5, Fig 6) - Each opening must have a free cross sectional area of I square inch per 4000 BTUAr of the total input ofall gas-fired appliances in the boiler room but not less than lfi) square inches. Minimum opening size is 3 inches.r Openings to outdoors via horizontal ducts (Fig 7) - Each opening must have a ftee cross sectional area of I square inch per 2000 BTU/hr of the total input of all gas fired appliances in the boiler room but not less than 100 square inches. Minimum opening size is 3 inches.o The "free area" ofan opening takes into account the blocking effect of mesh, grills, and louvers. Where screens are used, they must be no finer than %" (4 x 4) mesh. ttltTlLltE0 ltTlt N --\-\ lJR 0P0{0s - $E TEN M SIE tr PEr{li6 t0ltR F0lltG- VEI{IILAIEI) AfiL SPATE Ft0ft 4: All tn Fil 0JISIG USIllG Yt|{I[.lm mM sfiI ilf ATItt ALL AIR Ril.I IIUIm YIA VEIITII.AIED ITTIT ulcT fRoil tnlt SE IDfi FM SIEr Otsll6 N) trtI r.fftR Ps{ts FI0IRE 6: ltl- AIR Rtll UISIffi LUl{6 rE{IIIS INIO MILER MO{ TOIER PB{I}IG S TENFR IIT SIZE FI0-E 7: tll AIR FRO| 0|lTsltt 6lt$ l{Ilztlllll iltn ilro 80tLE[ ml ilntnillil. 0|ITs VI Venting There are two basic ways to vent the CSC boiler: o Horizontal ("side wall") venting using an approved AL29-4C sbinless st€el veDt system r Vertical venting using an approved AL29-4C stainless steel vent system In each case, combustion air can either be piped directly to the boiler (direct vent installation) or obtained from the boiler room (direct exhaust installation). This means that there are a total of four venting options. Table 3 summarizes these four venting options. One of the columns in Table 3 must describe the planned vent and air intake svstem exactlv. If tbe boiler is direct vented the intake system and exhaust system must bih be either vertical or horizontal. TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF VENTING OPTIONS ONE OF THE COLUMNS IN THIS CHART MUST DESCRIBE THE FINAL EXHAUST AND AIR INTAKE SYSTEM EXACTLY CLASSIFICATION USED IN THIS MANUAL HORIZONTAL DIRECT VENT HORIZONTAL DIRECT EXHAUST VERTICAL DIRECTVENT VERTICAL DIRECT EXHAUST UOMt'. AIR S(JURUb OU I UOORS BOILER ROOM OUTDOORS tsOILER ROOM EAFIAUU I 5Y5I EM: 5I I(UU I UKE PENETRATION WALL WALL ROOF ROOF MAXIMUM LtsNG IH: csc-50 - csc-150 csc-175,csc-200 30FT+1EL 30FT+1EL 30FT+1EL 30FT+1EL 22.5FT + 2 ELS 20FT+2ELS 22.5Ff+2ELS 20FT+2ELS NUMINAL UIA.: csc-50 - csc-150 csc-175,csc-200 2t 4"4', 'tr 3" 4" MATERIAL ALzs-4Ur)ALz9-4C(")AL29-4C(")AL29-4Cr) EXHAUST TERMINAL 9O ILtsOW OR COAXIAL TERM. 9U tsLBUW UK VH.1 TERM. tsY VENI MFR. (TABLE 6) tsY VEN I MI-R. (TABLE 6) urJMnuut t(JN AtK tN I AKE UYI' I EM: 5IKUUIUKE PENETRATION WALL N.A.ROOF N.A. MAXIMUM LENGTH 35FI +2ELS PEK PAKI V UI- THIS MANUAL oR sEcTtoN 5.3 OF THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE 35FT+2ELS I'ts,K I-AKI V UF THIS MANUAL OR SECTION 5.3 OF THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE utA 4"4" MA I EI{IAL GALVANIZED OR PVC GALVANIZED OR PVC IERMINAL 90 ELtsOW OR COMIAL TERM. 1UO ELBOW f) FLEX.L.INTL STAR-34 , ZFLEX SYE SER/ES //, HEAT FAB SAF-T YENT, PROTECH SYSTEMS FASNSEAT Horizontal Exhaust System Design 1) See Figure 8 for the general horizontal exhaust configuration, For the purposes ofthis manual, a "horizontal exhaust system" is one that exits the structure through a wall. 2) Approved Systems - Use one of these four apiroved vent systems: o Flex-L-Intemational,Star-34o Z-FLEX SIIE Series II ("Z-Yettll"l o HeatF ab Saf-T Vento ProTech Systems Fas,V,Seal 3) Exhaust Pipe Size: o CSC-50 to CSC-I50- 3"r CSC-175, CSC-200-4" 4) Maximum Exhaust Pipe Length: | 30 ft + (1) 90 degree elbow + termural o Reduce the 30-ft maximum straight pipe run by the equivalent length ftom Table 4 for each additional elbow. Example: A vent system is planned whichfor a CSC-150 which has the following components; 2 ft vertical pipe I 90 elbow 5 ft horizontal pipe I 90 elbow 3 f horizontal pipe I 45 elbow 4 ft horizontal pipe I termination elbow Since the boiler is a CSC-|50, all piping must be done in 3 " pipe. TheJirst 90 elbow and the tertnination elbow are not constuleretl From Table 4, the equivalent length of the 3 " 45 elbow is 4ft. The equivalent lmgth of the j " 90 degree elbow is 7.5ft. The maximum allowable run of straight pipe on this system is therefore: 30ft - 4 ft - 7.sft = t 8.sft Since the planned installation has l4ft of straight pipe, the length is acceptable TABLE 4: ELBOW EQUIVALENT LENGTHS FOR AL29-4C EXHAUST AND AtR TNLET plptNc (FT) NOMINAL SIZE I-I I I ING 3 rNUFt 4INCH 90 UtsU. ELB9W t.5 10 45 UEg. tsLBgW 4 5.5 HORIZONTAL CONDENSATE TEE TREATED AS STRAIGHT PIPE 5) Minirnum Exhaust Pipe Length: 2 ft + (l) 90 degree elbow + terminal 6) PermittedTerminals: o Direct Vent Boilers - Choice of Crown coaxial terminal or 90 degree elbows with rodent screens. If Crown terminal is used select one of the following: CSC-50 to CSC-150: Crown #50-003 3" terminal CSC-175, CSC-200: Crown #50-004 4" terminal . @!fu!4gs!fuilq - Choice of Tjemlund VHI series terminal or a 90 degree elbow with rodent screen. If the ljumlund terminal is used, select one of the following: CSC-50 to CSC-150: Tjemlund VHI-3 (Crown #50-032) 3" terminal CSC-I75, CSC-200: ljemlund VHI-4 (Crown #50-042) 4" terminal r lfan elbow is used for the exhaust terminatio& it must be of the same type and manufacture as the rest ofthe exhaust system. 7) Wall thimbles - Wall thimbles are required where the vent pipe passes through combustible walls with less than a 4" clearance. Use the appropriate wall thimble shown in Table 5. 8) Pitch of horizontal piping - A %" per foot pitch towards the outside is prefened. Alternatively, the horizontal piping may be pitched '/r" per foot towards the boiler, however a condensate trap is required. See (9) below. l0 FIG[RE 8or f[R]ZD,ITAL EXHAUST SYSTEI{ - trNERAt RE0llIRE|{NIS I/4' PER FT PIIT|I ]OXARM IUTS]tr TALL ]HIITLE REOUIREO il-IRE !/Efil PASSTS ll1R0llt| IOfiNTIB-E TALLS (IA8LE 5) 7.5 FI I,IAX RIS FM tst-50, tst-75 ($E rExT)ELilY TRIII'IATIO'I $[IIN ALSO PER4ITTEO: TfRl't_r.lo v}r-t TERTiilML (0lmtT ExfrAUsT) IRIIN IO-IXIAL TERI'IIML (OItrtI VENI) PIIINAL AIR I|\lTArc SYSIEI{I.{O] SI{T||| FI0.RE 8br I{RIZDIIAj- E)(HAUST SYSTEI - PIITH I0filR0S B0ILER I/1' P8 FT PIITH IIIAROS MILER IffIZO'IIAL OMIAIE TRAP 7 5 FT liAX. Rl$ Fm tst-il, tst-n (sEE TExt) SEE TEXI, FIG. fu FM OII{R REOIIRB€|'IIS PIPE IDIENSATE MAIN TO SUIIAELE LOIATION ($E IEXI) TABLE 5:WALL THIMBLES FOR AL29-4C EXHAUST SYSTEMS lt VENT SYSTEM VENT MANUFACTURER'S PART # 3INCH 4INCH FLEX-L-IN IL SIAR.34 st{w | -u3 SRW I .U4 Z.FLEX UYE D-Ef{,ED- ,/svsw fx03 SVSWTXO4 I,IEAI I-Ats SAF-TVENT 7393GG 7493GC PIIO TECI-I SYSTEMS FASMSET-t-sw t3 t-sw t4 9) Condensate traps -In some horizontal installations, condensate traps may be needed to prevent condensate from running into the boiler or collecting in the vent system. A condensate trap must be used if the horizontal piping does not have a continuous slope to the outside. If this is the case, put a trap in the lowest section of hodzontal piping (Fig 8b). l0) Use only a "horizontal" t)?e condensate Tee (Fig 9). FIB,RI 9 tD,ItrNA]E IPAPS I]ff IZDITTT NAP . IttEPIAEtT M |{]I IN VERTITAL TRIP 11) Maximum vertical run offboiler (CSC-50, CSC-75 Only)- To prevent condensate from running into the boiler, the maximum length of the first vertical section connected to the CSC-50 or CSC-75 is 7.5 feet (Fig. 8). Ifa greater vertical run is required, an offset must be installed with a condensate trap. 12) Vertical and horizontal sections of piping must be properly supported. See the "Exhaust/Intake System Assembly" section of this manual for more information. l3 ) Exhaust system piping must be accessible for periodic inspection. 14) Location of Horizontal Vent Terminal - Observe the following limitations on the terminal location: o Direct exhaust installations (installations using indoor combustion air) - Exhaust terminal must be at least 4 feet below or 4 feet horizontally from any window, door, or gravity air inlet into the building (Fig. 10). r Direct vent installations - Exhaust elbow or coaxial terminal must be at least I foot from any door, window, or gravity inlet into the building. o Direct vent installations using termination elbows - Maintain the conect clearance and orientation between the inlet and exhaust elbows. The elbows must be at the same level and their centerlines must be between 12 and 36 inches apart (Fig. I l) o The bottom of the exhaust elbow or coaxial terminal must be at least 12" above the normal snow line. In no case should it be less than 12" above grade level (Fig l0). e The bottom of the exhaust elbow or coaxial terminal must be at least 7 feet above a public walkway. o The bottom of the exhaust elbow or coaxial terminal must be at least 3 feet above any forced air inlet located within 10 feet. o A clearance of at least 4 feet horizontally or 4 feet vertically must be maintained between the exhaust terminal and gas meters, electric meters, regulators, and relief equipment. o Do not locate the terminal under decks or similar structures. . Top ofexhaust elbow or coaxial terminal must be at least 4 feet below eves, soffits, or overhangs. Overhang may not exceed 3 feet (Fig. 12). e Terminal must be at least 3 feet from an inside comer. o Under certain conditions, water in the flue gas may condense on the structure in areas around the terminal. Ifthese areas are made of materials subject to damage by flue gas condensate, they should be protected. o Ifpossible, install the terminal on a wall away fiom the prevailing wind. Reliable operation of this boiler cannot be guaranteed if the terminal is subjected to winds in excess of 40 mph. o The noise level in the vicinity of the terminal is approximately 65 dB (roughly the level ofa normal conversation). Care should be taken when the terminal is positioned in areas where this misht be obiectionable. such as near bedroom windows. 12 oo o Fl0lffi lh: LOIAIIO'{ 0F 0lREtl EXHAUSI TER|IIML trLAIlvE T0 flilmK, mRS GRAVIil trtNIt{S, Al0 GRAtr l O /- EINIUST EL80Y (SHlvN)0R VHI lfim /t | | | / r,--,trFr|'trriffi P q l#lI I l-'----r-qnlrl I lL-L_-l Ir- I t^ | 4 FI IIIN,r0 l2' r{lN. FI[LRt lOb: LtrATI0N tr 0lRttt VENI IERIIIMLS ffi.AItvE I0 llMInS, m, GRAI/IIY ffiN{MS, mA[E rmltp''r^. /- I0AXIAL TE$4hAL (51-0fll) m EnA-S' ELmlllrlts HtEl It | -l Lt2'rn I lt-r-ll rz nr'l __] L If Hl r2't{rll, | | l{ffi[At II{U.UE o o FI0-ff iOt: LmAfl0,l [F ix]'llllll IERllll{AL RELAIM I0 ltElERS N0 roRftD AIR II{EIS TOAXIAL ]ERI.IIMI ( SIITN ), E](HAUST ELBOI OR lHI IERIINAL FIITED AIR II{-ET IJAS I{EIER (S{}iN), EtEtlRIt IIIEP RETIIAM/S, RETIEF E[1,]IPI6.II mi --------r | : rt,rll tt Lnu,**'o; IJ of FI0.G ll: llLfl I0 Ell{llSl Etflll Ltrtlfil mrltn I0 Erllt 0tttR il0 uu. FRI{I VIET ;- lI I0 36' -f 12' l0 I' -1 aS0 86. Iil,tt Ettil| | l/ (0rEflvBrl0nY)rr-4r-r(.,.'*-JA)-+'\' \J V\ ^ppmirr\ Lsm. mrs \/ \ 8-n \-_ ILIEI$IE IIIII 8.fl1rffilnr tl0lE: IltEl Etlt ltSE nwnN 15 EffiES I0 mRff 0{ltNt tr Rillll UIR lt{10 nfi PPti[ FIfl.E 12: HNrl(tffi lffilMl. u{ERtltfiflCs Verdcal Exhaust System Design I ) Sce Figure 13 for the gcneral vertical stainless steel venting confrguration. For thc purposes of this manuat, a 'rvertical exhaNt system" is onc that exits 0rc stsucturc through a roof, 2) Approved Systems - Usc one of these four approvcd vcnt systeru: . Flex.L-International.Srar-34c Z-FLEXSTE Senes 11("Z-Vcnt II")c HectFab Saf-T Vent o ProTech Systems Fasl/^9eal 3) Exhoust Pipe Size: r CSC-50toCSC-150-3"r CSC-175, CSC-200-4" l4 4) Maximum Exhaust Pipe Length: o CSC-50 to CSC-I50 - 22.5 ft+ (2) 90 degree elbows + cap o CSC-175, CSC-200 - 20 ft + (2) 90 degree elbows + capr Reduce the 22.5-ft maximum straight pipe run by the equivalent length from Table 4 for each g!!l!ona] elbow. Example: A vent system is planned for a CSC-150 that has the following components: 2 ft vertical pipe I 90 Elbow I condensate trap which has an is 18 inch long run I 90 Elbow I ft vertical pipe I 45 elbow 2 ft sloped pipe I 45 elbow 7 ft vertical pipe I Cap Since the boiler is a CSC-|50, all piping must be done in 3" pipe. The Jirst two 90 elbows and the termination cap are not consid.ered. The condensate trap is treated as a straight length ofpipe 1.5 feet in length. The result is I j.5 ft of straight pipe and two 45 elbows. From Table 4, the equivalent length of the 45 elbow is 4ft. The maximum allowable run of straight pipe on this system is therefore: 22.sft - 4 ft - 4 ft : I 4.sft O Since the planned installation has 13.5 ft of staight pipe, the length is within the maximum limit. 5) Minimum Exhaust Pipe Length - 2 tt + (2) 90 degree elbows + cap 6) Permitted Terminals - A cap must be used which is compatible with the rest of the exhaust system. See Table 6 for the appropriate cap. TABLE 6: CAPS FOR VERTICAL AL29-4C EXHAUST SYSTEMS VENT SYSTEM VENT MANUFACTURER'S PAFt I # 3 INCH 4 INCH FLEA.L.IN IL 5'AI{-J4 SRRC-03 sr-(-{c;-u4 Z-FLEX D.ve Stsl<tEs ,,$vst(cx03 SVSRCXU4 HEAI I-Ats s-A/-- ' YE'V'53U0L;l 5400c1 I'KU I EUFI !iY!i I EMs '.AT'NJtsAL FSKL;J t-sFtc4 7) Condensate traps - A condensate trap is required on all vertical-venting systems. Install this trap as shown in Figure 13. On CSC-50 and CSC-75 installations, the maxrmum length of the vertical run before the elbow into the condensate trap is 7.5 ft (Fig. 13). Ifthere are additional sections ofhorizontal piping in the vent system, they must either be equipped with their own condensate Tees or pitched so that condensate will run into the one required trap. 8) Use only a "horizontal" type condensate Tee (Fig. 9). 9) Pitch of horizontal piping - Pitch the lowest horizontal section of piping %" per foot towards the boiler. Other horizontal sections (if any) must be pitched so that condensate will run towards a condensate Tee. I 0) Fire-stops and wall thimbles - A wall thimble is required where the exhaust pipe passes through combustible walls with less than a 4" clearance. Firestops are required where the vent passes through ceilings. These components must be compatible with the rest of the exhaust system. Table 5 shows wall thimble model number:s for the approved vent systems. Table 7 shows frestop model numbers for the approved vent systems. o TABLE 7: FIRESTOPS FOR VERTICAL AL294C EXHAUST SYSTEMS VENT SYSTEM VENI MANUFACTERER'S PART # 3INL;H 4 tNufi LEA.L-IN I L J'AK-J4 SRFSO3 t - -SU4 Z-FLEX .>-YE sEKIES //IVUFU UJ SVSFSXO4 HtrA I I-At' JAT.I VEIV '/3 /3GC PKU IEUH sYS I EMIJ tsASNStsAL FSF53 r-shs4 1 1) Piping supports - Vertical and horizontal sections ofpiping must be properly supported. See the "Exhaust/Intake System Assembly" section of this manual for more information. I 2 ) Exhaust system piping must be accessible for periodic inspection. l3) Location of exhaust cap- Observe the following limitations on location of the cap (Fig. l4): r The lowest discharge opening on the cap must be at least 2 feet above any object located within 10 feet.r If outside ah is used for combustion, the vertical clearance between the vent and intake pipes cannot exceed 24 inches. r If outside air is used for combustion, the vertical distance between the lowest discharge opening on the cap and the bottom of the 180 degree inlet elbow cannot be less than l2 inches. Ft0lE ll: VRIItll- vEl{T SYSItl1 NIt{6 Al-8-4t SIAIIIESS PIPE tIP tOfATIfl-E IIIH EIIAIIST SYSI}I FIRESIP TOIfATIBLE IIIH EXI{TIIST YSTE|'I PIITH I/4' PER FI IilARM MILER }NRIZOIIIAT IDIINAIE TEE RTOIIREO I- 7.5 FI nAX. 01 tst-50, tsr-7s AIR INIAKE SYSIEI1 (OIREII VEI{I IIISIILLATION ) I Ft0rft I/ERIIITL VENI IERIIINII-ilP ilAg_E b ) IM M, III.EI ILBOI III|| RtrNI StRffN (IF |ISEO) 0' l0 24' r2' r,[r{, 16 2) 3l Air Intake System (Ilorizontal or Vertical) CAUTION IF EXHAUST SYSTEM IS VERTICAL, THE AIR INTAKE SYSTEM MUST BE VERTICAL IF EXHAUST SYSTEM IS HORIZONTAL, THE AIR INTAKE SYSTEM MUST BE HORIZONTAL l) Air intake-piping materials: r Galvanized "smoke pipe" r Schedule 20 or 40 PVC Air Intake Size - 4" for all size CSC boilers Maximum Air Intake length: | 35 ft + (2) 90 degree elbows + terminal o Reduce the 35-ft maximum straight pipe run by the equivalent length fiom Table 4 for each additional elbow. Example: A horizontal air intake systemfor a CSC-150 which has the following components: I ft horizontal pipe I 90 Elbow 5 ft vertical pipe | 90 Elbow 5 ft Horizontal pipe I 45 degree elbow 4 ft horizontal pipe I 90 degree termination elbow Air intake pipingfor all size boilers is 4 ". The first two elbows and the termination elbow are ignored. This leaves I 5 ft of straight pipe and one 45 elbow. From Table 4, the equivalent length ofthe 4" 45 degree elbow is 5.5 ft. The maximum allowable run of straight pipe on this system is therefore: 3s Ji - s.sft : 29.5 ft Since the plannecl installation has only I5 ft of staight pipe, the length is within the maximum limit. Minimum Air Intake Length - 2 ft + (l) 90 degree elbow + termination Permitted Terminals - Choice of Crown coaxial terminal, 4 inch 90 degree elbow (horizontal venting), or 4 inch 180 degree elbow (vertical venting) with a rodent screen. If an elbow is used, it must be either galvanized or PVC, depending on the material used for the rest of the intake system. Two 90-degree elbows may be joined to form a 180 elbow when the intake is vertical. Location of Horizontal Air Intake Vent Terminal: Horizontal Ventins - Where the Crown coaxial terminal is used, see Figure l0 and the "horizontal venting" section for terminal locations. Where an elbow is used for a termination, the correct clearance must be maintained between the inlet and exhaust elbows. The elbows must be at the same level and their centerlines must be between 12 and 36 inches apart (Fig. 1 1). Vertical Venting - The bottom of the inlet elbow must be at least one foot above the roof. The inlet and exhaust pipes must be no more than two feet apart. A vertical separation of at least one-foot must be maintained between the opening rn the inlet elbow and the lowest discharge opening in the vent cap (Fig. 1a). 4) o, t7 (a) (b) (c) Removing an Existing Boiler From a Common Chimney Read this only if the CSC boiler is replacing an existing boiler that is being removed from a common chimney. This sechon does not aoolv to the installation of a CSC boiler. WARNING NEVER COMMON VENT A CSC BOILER WITH OTHER APPLIANCES In some cases, when an existing boiler is removed from a common chimney, the common venting system may be too large for the remaining appliances. At the time of removal of an existing boiler the following steps shall be followed with each appliance remaining connected to the common venting system placed in operation, while the other appliances remaining connected to the common venting system are not in operation. Seal any unused openings in the common venting system, Visually inspect the venting system for proper size and horizontal pitch and determine there is no blockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion and other deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition. lnsofar as practical, close all building doors and windows and all doors between the space in which all the appliances rematning connected to the common venting system are located and otber spaces of the building. Turn on clothes dryers and any appliance not connected to the common venting system. Tum on any exhaust fans, such as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so they will operate at maximum speed. Do not operate a summer exhaust fan. Close fireplace dampers. Place in operation the appliance being inspected. Follow the lighting instructions. Adjust thermostat so the appliance will operate continuously. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening after 5 minutes of main burner operation. Use the flame of a match or candle, or smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. After it has been determined that each appliance remaining connected to the common venting system properly vents when tested as outlined above, retum doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers and any other gas-buming appliances to their previous condition of use. Any improper operation of the common venting system should be corrected so the installation conforms with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1. When resizing any portion of the common venting system, the common venting system should be resized to approach the minimum size as determined using the appropriate tables in Part I I of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1. ExhausUlntake System Assembly I ) General Assembly Notes: a) Where the use of"silicone" is called for in the following instructions, use only the following sealants: o Flex-L-lnternational Star-34 - GE RTVI06 or GE 15806.o Z-FLEX SVE Series II ("2-Y ent Il") - CE RTV 106 or Z-Flex Z-Vent Sealanto Heat Fab Say'T Vent -GERTY 106r ProTech Systems Fasly'Seal - Silicone not required for joints between pipe sections.. Use the same silicone used to seal vent pipe sections to seal the boiler vent collar and the Crown coaxial terminal (if used). For ProTech FasNSeal, use GE RTV 106 for the vent collar and co-axial terminal.. Air inlet piping secfions are sealed with any general-purpose silicone sealant such as GE RTVl02. PVC air inlet piping sections are connected with PVC cement. b) Longitudinal welded seams should not be placed at the bottom of horizontal sections of exhaust pipe.c) Do not drill holes in vent pipe. d) Do not attempt to mix vent components of different vent system manufacturerse) In some cases, tlere are differences between the vent system installation instructions in this manual and those in the vent system manufacturer's manual. Where such differences exist, this manual takes precedence over the vent system manufacturer's manual. (d) (e) (0 (e) 18 2) Vent Collar Installation - The vent collar is shipped loose in the accessory bag along with the collar gasket and four 10-32 mounting screws. Mount the collar as shown in Figure 15. Ifdesired, the first piece of exhaust pipe can be connected to the collar before mountine the collar on the boiler. FIfl.RE 15: vtNT t0-LtR It{yltLAIIt}l \iE|\lT IO-LARy Fn tst-s - 150 4' FR tst-l?s, iln 10-12 stREr ({ RE0, ) t0-12 H_AT tAsr{R (4 Rm0. I l/El{I II-LAR IIYEI (O|[ SIZE FOR ALL MILERS) Optional Coaxial Terminal Installation - If the optional coaxial terminal is used, it should be installed in the wall before vent assembly is started. Install the terminal in accordance with the following procedure (Fig. 16): Remove the mounting plate from the outside terminal section. Position this plate on the wall in the desired terminal location. Mark the center of the round opening on the wall. Cul a 6 t/q" diameter hole through the wall at this location. COAXIAL PORTION OF INSIDE TERMINAL SECTIONT,IOffBE INSTALLED IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION Attach the mounting plate to the outside wall with the %x2" lag screws provided or other suitable fasteners. Tighten only until the heads ofthese bolts are snug with the mounting plate, Pass the co-axial section through the wall from the rnside and secure to the mounting plate with the four #8 x 3/8 screws provided. Apply a %" bead of silicone to the outside terminal section as shown in Figure 16. WARNING FAILURE TO APPLY THIS BEAD OF SILICONE CAN CAUSE FLUE GAS TO RECIRCULATE INTO THE AIR INLET RESULTING INA CARBON MONOXIDE HAZARD. Slip the outside section of the terminal over the mounting plate and secure with the six screws removed in step (a). To prevent rainwater from seeping behind the terminal, seal the terminal to the outside wall using any standard construction caulk. If the inside terminal section is not supponed by the wall through which it passes, install additional supports or bracing to support the termrnal. Bracing in contact with the coaxial section of the terminal may be combustible. a) b) c) d) e) r) o) h) l9 8'32 x lQ SEIF IAPPII6 Stffil (E REM. ) ! 8 S|ET rfTAt Stffits (4 REm. ) |IUI'ITING PLATE ($IPPEO I4O.}ITEO IO OUTSItr SEtT]t}I) MISItr $t]IIN t/4 )( 21A6 8!11 (4 RE00 ) FI0RE 16: I0AXIAL IERlllNll ASSEIS-Y APPLY I/4'SEAO T $ILIiIT l|ER[ tI}flJSIID{ A IR II}I{ITID'I (MY ff MSIIISTO AI tr, Mil, M TO E]IIIR SIE) E)0|AU5T tilMilt0'l tLAlf 4) a) Assembly of Flex-L-Intl. .tt4r-J4 Vent System: Star-34 General Notes: o Do not cut Star-34 vent components.. Support horizontal piping sections at intervals of48" or less.o Vertical venting systems must be supported by at least one Star-34 Firestop, An additional vcrtical support is required after any offset.. Orient Star-34 components so that the arrows on the piping labels are in thc direction of flue gas flow. b) Start at assembly of the vent system at the boiler. Removc the hose clamp shippcd on the CSC vent collar. Bcnd the three hose clamp tabs on this collar outrrvard slightly.c) Clean the exterior of the male end of the first piece of pipe and the inside of the vcnt collar on the boiler. Use a cleaner such as Methyl Ethyl Keytone (MEK) or naptha,d) On the male end of the pipe, apply a %" wide bead of silicone approximately %" from the end of the pipe and another Z" bead against the joint side of the stop bead (Fig 17). e) Insert the male end of the pipe into the boiler vent collar until it bottoms out. 0 Apply an additional bead of silicone over the outside of the joint and smooth out. Also apply silicone over the seams in the vent collar (Fig l7). g) Replace and tighten the clamp on the vent collar.h) Clean the female end of the frst piece of pipe. Also clean the male end of the next piece of pipe. i) Apply silicone as in step (d) (Fig 18).j) Align the longitudinal seams of the pipe and insert the male end of the second pipe into the female end of the frst pipe. k) Insert a StaR joiner band into the inlet of the beaded channel. Feed the joiner band in so that it makes its way around the channel and overlaps by approximately %" (Fig l8).l) Cut the excess joiner band so that it lays flat in the beaded channel (Fig 18). m) Fill the inlet of the beaded channel with silicone. Smooth the silicone over the channel inlet as well as the silicone between the female end and the stop bead of the male end (Fig 18). 20 Oo) n) p) o Repeat Steps (h) - (m) for the remaining Star-34 components, If a termination elbow is used, use this procedure to complete the exhaust system. To connect Star-34 to a Crown coaxial terminal, the vent system must be configured so that the female end of the last piece of Star-34 will fit over the vent connection on the terminal. Before permanently making this joint, clean both the male end of the terminal and the female end of the last piece of pipe with Methyl Ethyl Keytone or Naptha. Apply a % inch bead of silicone %" from the miile end of the terminal. Slip the female end of the vent pipe over the male end of the terminal until it bottoms out. Apply a second bead of silicone over the joint between the vent pipe and the terminal as well as over the channel inlet. Tighten the terminal clamp to lock the vent pipe in place. Aliow the silicone to cure for 24 hours before operating the boiler. s) a) FI6IRE 17: SIAR-14 tD'l|[tll[N T0 VEl,lT I0LLAR l/4'slllmt BEIN $AR-14 r{rtE Er[ REPIIIE TIO ilGl|lEil tLilf MnIH $Llttlt 0vm IIESE -[INN REIIOVE ILAIIP EFOE INERIIIS PIPE I[ \,INT ttrLAR $AS$rfLE0 lltNI ASSE|S_E0 "0lNI Fl0f,t 18: SIAR-34 ttlNtII0lS \[]01|] \tUtu't IVER I}IIS JOINT STAR ]4 FEMLE '*-''/ .TRIII JII.S BAI{1 IOVER YITH SItI[OI{ I.IIASSEIfLIO .OINT Assembly of Z-Flex SVE Series II: SVE Series II General Notes: . Non-expanded ends of SVE Series II piping sections rnay be cut using aviation snips or a 24 thread per inch hacksaw. File or sand the cut end srnooth before assembling, Expanded ends may be cut to adapt the SVE series II to the vent collar or Crown co-axial termurai. See the instructions below. 2l . Orientation ofSVE Series II depends upon the direction of vent system pitch: Horizontal vent svstems pitched towards the outside (Fig. 8a) - Male ends point towards the terminal. Horizontal vent svstems pitched towards the boiler (Fig 8b) - Male ends point towards the boiler Vertical vent systems (Fig 13) - Male ends point towards the boiler. .. Support horizontal piping sections at intervals of48" or less.r Vertical venting systems must be supported by at least one Z-Flex Firestop. An additional vertical support is required after any offset. b) Start assembly ofthe vent system at the boiler. Remove the hose clamp shipped on the CSC vent collar. Bend the three hose clamp tabs on this collar outward slightly.c) If the vent systan is horizontal with a pitch towards the outside (Fig 8a) it will be Decessary to cut the expandcd end off the first piece of pipe to make a "double male" pipe.d) Clean the exterior of the male end of the first piece of pipe and the inside of the vent collar on thc boiler. Remove dirt, grease, and moisture from the surfaces to be sealed. Dry surfaces or allow to dry thoroughly.e) On the male end of the pipe, apply a %" wide bead of high temperature silicone approximately % inch from the male end of the pipe. Apply %" beads ofsilicone along both sides ofthe longitudinal seam (Fig. l9).f) Insert the male end of the pipe into the boiler vent collar until it bottoms out.g) Apply an additional bead of silicone over the outside of the joint and smooth out. Also apply silicone over the seams in the collar (Fig l9). h) Replace and tighten tbe clamp on the vent collar.i) Clean the opposite end of the first piece of pipe. Also clean the mating end of the next piece of pipe.j) Repeat Step (e) (Fig 20).k) Align the longitudinal seams of the pipe and insert the male end of the second pipe into the female end of the first pipe until it bottoms out. l) Apply an additional bead of silicone around the outside of the joint and smooth out (Fig 20). m) Tighten the gear clamp. Maximum torque must not exceed 15 inJbs.n) Repeat Steps (i) - (m) for the remaining S\rE components. If a termination elbow is used, use this procedure to corrylete the exhaust svstem. If a termination elbow is used, a locking band or gear clamp must be used at either side of the wall penetation to prevent shifting of the vent system in and out of the wall. To join SVE Series II to a Crown coaxial terminal, a male end must be present at the end of the piping to be joined to the terminal. If the horizontal vent system is pitched towards the boiler (Fig 8b), it will be necessary to cut offthe expanded end of the pipe before it can be joined to the terminal. This male end of the pipe must be inserted into the terminal connection with at least a 1" overlap. It may be necessary to crimp the end of the vent pipe before it can be inserted into the terminal. Apply silicone to the male end of the pipe as in (e) above, insert into the terminal, and apply an additional bead of silicone over the outside of the joint. Smooth out the excess silicone and tighten the hose clamp on the tcmrinal. Allow the silicone to cure for one hour before operating the boiler. FI0.E l9; SIE WIES ll [0'lgTl0l I0 VB'll tfl.LAR UffiI]OII{AL SEA}1 SIIflr{ EM stt iltLE Eilo ftl'{lvE tlArf ffirffi IISTRIIrc PPE EPTAIE AIO IIO{IB{ IIIIP I[ VINI IOLLAR $MIH SIIIIOIE 0vR Tns Jotilrs II'IA55EIfLfl -OINI AS$tt|.I0 -0nrl o) p) c) 6) ^) FI0.RE 20:t\|E SERIES il t0l{ilEill$[ L0fitllolMr $Alr stut0r,t BEm SVE I{ALE EM AfPR0X, t' SVE FE|'IALT EI{ iIO]IEll ILAIP $MIH SILII]N OIIR T}IIS .[INI rj'ussrflE0 "0tr,rl AS$|fl_Eo -01ilr Assembly of Heat Fab Saf-T Vent: Saf-T Vent General Notes: . In general, Saf-T Vent pipe sections may not be cut. Exceptions to this are the Saf-T vent slip connector and connections to the boiler vent collar and Crown coaxial terminal. [n these cases, use a sharp pair of aviation snips, an abrasive cut-off, or a plasma cutter. See the Saf-T Vent instructions for information on cutting the slip connector. e Orient Saf-T Vent components so that the arrows on the piping labels are in the direction of flue gas flow . Support horizontal piping sections at intervals of6 feet or less. o Vertical venting systems must be supported by at least one Heat Fab support. An additional vertical support is required after any offset. Start assembly of the vent system at the boiler. Remove the hose clamp shipped on the CSC vent collat. Bend the three hose clamp tabs on this collar outward slightly. Cut the male "spigot" offofthe first piece ofpipe (Fig 21). If necessary, crimp the cut end of the pipe so that it can be inserted at least 1" into the collar. Clean the exterior of the male end of the first piece of pipe and the inside of the vent collar on the boiler with an alcohol pad. On the male end of the pipe, apply a %" wide bead of high temperatr-rre silicone approximately % inch from the male end of the pipe. Also apply a %" bead of silicone along the first 2 %" of the longitudinal weld. Insert the male end of the pipe into the boiler vent collar until it bottorns out. Apply an additional bead of silicone over the outside of the joint and smooth out (Fig 2l). Also apply silicone over the seams in the vent collar. Replace and tighten the clamp on the vent collar. Clean the male end of the next piece of pipe. Also clean the female end of the fust piece of pipe. Apply a %" bead of silicone around the male end of the second piece ofpipe between %" and3l8" from the end ofthe pipe. Also run a %" bead of silicone along the longitudinal welded seam from the end of the pipe to the top of the spigot (Fig 22). Align the longitudinal seams of the pipe and insert the male end of the second pipe into the fernale end of the first pipe until it bottoms out. With a moistened finger or flat tool, spread out any silicone that oozes out of the joint. Bend the locking tabs over the locking ring as shown in Figure 22. Apply silicone over any visible voids around the joint and smooth it into any crevices. Repeat Steps (i) - (n) for the remaining Saf-T-Vent components. If a termination elbow is used, use this procedure to complete the exhaust system. To join to a Crown coaxial terminal, cut the locking tabs offof the female end of the Saf-T Vent pipe to be joined to the co-axial terminal. Apply a %" bead ofsilicone around the terminal connection about %" from the end. Slip the Saf-T Vent pipe over the terminal and apply a second bead of silicone over the joint. Smooth the excess silicone over the joint, making sure that there are no visible voids in the silicone. Tighten the terminal clamp. Allow the silicone to cure for 24 hours before operating the boiler. b) c) d) 0 c) h) 1) J) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) LJ t Fl0ltr 22: S,cf-l \tiill mlEtlm\ LD{6llt0lML $il| LtrKIII RIIS SILItft{I trAIS SAF-I |,Et'/T illr"E Ero L"OIKII{6 IIBS c tl$0) EIO ] LtrKIII TASS WR I,ITKIII RII{6 10tilil6 RIr[ \- y6-i ygxl $nlll SILttS[ []VER IHIS JOINT FEITILE EIO UASSI€.EO.OINT ASTI'fl-EO .OIIII 7) Assembly of Protech FasNSeal: a) FasNSeal General Notes: . Do not cut 4" FasNseal pipe. The male end of 3" FasNSeal may be cut. Cut must be square to ensue a proper seal. r Orient FasNSeal vent components so that the anows on the piping labels are in the direction offlue gas flow . Support horizontal piping sections at intervals of6 feet or less. . Vertical venting systems must be supported by at least one FasNSeal support. An additional vertical support is required after any offset. b) Start assembly of the vent system at the boiler. Remove the hose clamp shipped on the CSC vent collar. Bend the three hose clamp tabs on this collar oucward slightly. c) Clean the exterior of the male end of the first piece ofpipe and the inside of the vent collar on the boiler. Remove dirt, grease, and moishre from the surfaces to be sealed. Dry surfaces or allow to dry thoroughly. d) On the male end of the pipe, apply a %" wide bead of high temperature silicone approximately li4 inch from the male end of the pipe. e) Insert the male end of the pipe into the boiler vent collar until it bottoms out. 0 Apply an additional bead ofsilicone over the outside of the joint and the seams on the vent collar and smooth out (Fig 23). g) Replace and tighten the clamp on the vent collar. h) All other joints in the FasNSeal venting system rely on a gasket in the female end of the pipe for a proper seal. ti0ttr 2l sAF-t VENI t0il|iEilt$'r T0 vEilT t[_rAR tsfiT!0lNAt sEArl stLltDt En15 IRII,P tUI IM ( IF I€IESARY ) NF -7IJT il$ 0ts0R0 ----r '$tm' REPLITE AllO ]II|]TEN II.AIIP RSO\'T ttAIIP BEFK INERT]M PIPE t[ 'itNI t0_tAR sff0lll llLIt${ [ViR IHESE JOINIS VFI VINI PIPE PREPARAIIOII UM$EIl&"EO JOINl ASIEI€IEO JO]NI 1A i) i) k) l) o CAUTION . MAI(E SURE THAT GASKET IS IN POSITION AND IINDAMAGED IN THE FEMALE END OF THE PIPE. . MAKE SURE THAT BOTI{ THE MALE AND FEMALE PIPES ARE FREE OF DAMAGE PRIOR TO ASSEMBLY . IF 3:'PIPE IS CUT, CUT END MUST BE SQUARE AND CAREFULLY DEBURRED PRIOR TO ASSEMBLY Align the longitudinal seams of the pipe. lnsert the male end of the second pipe into the female end of the first pipe until the bead on the male end contacts the flare on the female end (Fig. 24). Tighten the locking band with a nut driver. Repeat Steps (i) and (l) for the remaining FasNSeal components. If a termination elbow is used, use this procedure to complete the exhaust system. ToJoin FasNSeal to a Crown coaxial terminal, remove the hose clamp from the female FasNSeal end to be joined to the terminal. Leave the FasNSeal gasket in place. Apply a %" bead of silicone to the termrnal connection about %" from its end. Slip the FasNSeal female end over the terminal end so that there is an overlap of 1 % inches. Apply and smooth silicone over the outside ofthe joint including the rectangular hose clamp opening in the FasNSeal pipe. Tighten the terminal hose clamp to mcchanically lock the pipe onto the terminal. Allow the silicone to cure for 24 hours before operating the boiler. FI[l"Rf 2]: FA$6[AL tilltrll0i 10 vEl{T t[.LlR FA$Si$l mu Er0 SILTilE trAO trnE tlllf 8ffffi IIiSRIIl{6 PIPT tst vt|ll t0.LrR $nil stLlmt OR II1ESE JIIII tlusEq"s.00{l lssEilfl,s J0tNI FIB.E 24: FA$6E[L t0t€tll06 BEIO rltKi st-ff r,tALE EM I5 FftE T MilTS R 0[ER 0Ar'ilff FISNIAL MI.E EIO &A0 lN t0'r.tAtT Il]H FEMLE SI] IIAKE s|ltr IAIGI INIOE Il1N SIIID{ IS IN PLITE AII UIOAilA[M FASNEAL FEIIAII ENO TI6HIEN tLIIf nAs$nLE0 -0tllt ASSEilA-EO -I}IllT m) 25 ) 8) Assembly of the at intake system: a) Assemble the air intake system using either galvanized or PVC pipe. b) If PVC piping is used, use PVC cement to assemble the PVC intake system components. c) If galvanized piping is used, use at least two sheet metal screws perjoint. Seal the outside ofalljoints. d) 4" galvanized smoke pipe will fit inside the inlet collar on the CSC boiler. Depending upon the exact OD of the pipe used, it may be necessary to crimp this pipe. Secure with a single #8 sheet metal screw tkough the hole in the inlet collar and seal the outside of the joint with silicone. If PVC is used for the intake system use a short piece of4" galvanized pipe to connect the PVC to the boiler. Silicone the outside of the joint between the PVC and galvanized pipe. e) Either PVC or galvanized pipe will fit over the combustion air cormection on the Crown coaxial terminal. Secure the pipe to the terminal with at least two #8 sheet metal screws. Seal the outside of the joint between the inlet pipe and the coaxial terminal. f) Two 9O-degree elbows may be used to make the 180-degree air intake termination elbow used on vertical direct vent installations. 9) Condensate Traps: a) Trap should have the basic confrguration shown in Figure 25. All tubing is 3/8 I.D. b) All drain tubing must be acid resistant c) At least the first 6 inches of tubing must be silicone with a 350F temperatue rating. d) Pipe condensate to a drain or other suitable location. Make sure that condensate disposal method is in accordance with local regulations. Ensure condensate is not subjected to freezing temperatures. tl0jff 25: [0{[NAIE nP 0tlAlt I{RUOiTIL MAIN TIE -------t Al LtAsr 6' rust 8t stLlt0tt IUEII{ RATIO FtR ]$F ]/8' IO IL"8II[ (SIIIIDE, IY6O|i, OR SINII.IR) PIPI ru SUIIIfl.E I.OIAIIDI (TER[[lrE ff$t mm8'{srlt TRIP) 10) Rodent Screens: a) A rodent screen is provided with the CSC boiler. On direct exhaust boilers this screen is installed in the air inlet collar on the boiler and held in place with a few dabs of silicone. b) The Crown coaxial terminal has integral inlet and exhaust rodent screens. The rodent screen supplied with the boiler is not used when the boiler is installed with the coaxial terminal. c) In horizontal direct vent installations using termination elbows, the rodent screen provided is mounted in the air inlet elbow. A second screen is required for the exhaust elbow. This second screen can be any one of the following items: o A rodent screen provided by the AL29 vent system rnanufacturer. . A second Crown rodent screen (Crown 160-601). . A rodent screen made of stainless steel screen having a'/r" (2 x 2) or greater mesh. d) In vertical direct vent or direct exhaust systems, no rodent screen is required on the exhaust terminal. The rodent screen is installed either on the 18O-degree inlet elbow (direct vent installations) or on the boiler inlet collar (direct exhaust installations). 26 o VII Gas Piping Gas piping to the boiler must be sized to deliver adequate gas for the boiler to fire at the nameplate input at a line pressure between the minimum and maximum values shown on the rating plate. For more information on gas line sizing, consult the utility or Part 2 of the National Fuel Gas Code. Figure 26 shows typical gas piping connections to the CSC boiler, A sediment ffap must be installed upstream ofall gas controls. Install a manual shutoff valve outside the jacket and groundjoint union as shown. The boiler and its gas connection must be leak tested before placing the boiler in operation. When doing this, the boiler and its individual shut-off must be discorurected from the rest of the system during any pressure testing of that system at pressures i.n excess of % psi. When pressure testing the gas system at pressures of % psi or less, isolate the boiler from the gas supply system by closing its individual manual shut-off valve. FI0.RE 26: 6A5 t0l[tll0{ i0 illtER IAS SIFPLY l{ilillrL $r|JTtrF l/ilvE ?a'NilM JOI|{T U|IIO{ ITE tAP y l{t{, VIII System Piping CAUTION r INSTALL BOILER SO THAT THE GAS IGNITION SYSTEM COMPONENTS ARE PROTECTED FROM WATER (DRIPPING, SPRAYING, RAIN, ETC) DURINGAPPLIANCE OPERATIONAND SERVICE (CIRCULATOR REPLACEMENT, ETC)o OPERATION OF THIS BOILER WITH CONTINUOUS RETURN TEMPERATURES BELOW l20F CAN CAUSE SEVERE HEAT EXCHANGER CORROSION DAMAGEo OPERATION OF THIS BOILER IN AN SYSTEM HAVING SIGNIFICANT AMOUNTS OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN CAN CAUSE SEVERE HEAT EXCHANGER CORROSION DAMAGEr DO NOT USE TOXIC ADDITMS. SUCH AS AUTOMOTIVE ANTIFREEZE. IN A HYDRONIC SYSTEM Standard Piping Figure 27 shows typical boiler system connections on a single zone system. Additional information on hydronic system design may be fornd n Installation of Resiclential Hydronic Systems (Pub. #200) published by the Hydronics Institute fui Berkely Heights NJ. The components in this system and their purposes are as follows: 27 1) Relief valve (Required) - The relief valve is factory mounted and must not be moved. The relief valve shipped with the boiler is set to open at 30 psi. This valve may be replaced with one having a setting ofup to 60 psi. If the valve is replaced, the replacement must have a relief capacity in excess of the DOE heating capacity for the boiler. Pipb the discharge of the relief valve to a location where water or steam will not create a hazard or cause properly damage if the valve opens. The end of the discharge pipe must terminate in an unthreaded pipe. If the relief valve discharge is not piped to a drain it must terminate at least 6 inches above the floor. Do not run reliefvalve discharge piping through an area that is prone to freezing. The termination ofthe reliefvalve discharge piping must be in an area where it is not likely to become plugged by debris. DANGER r PIPE RELIEF VALVE DISCHARGE TO A SAFE LOCATION . DO NOT INSTALL A VALVE IN THE RELIEF VALVE DISCHARGE LINE o DO NOT MOVE RELIEF VALVE FROM FACTORY LOCATION o DONOTPLUGRELIEFVALVEDISCHARGE 2) Circulator (Required) - Although the circulator is shipped on the boiler return, it can be installed on the boiler supply. If the circulator is moved to ttre supply it should be positionedjust downstream of the expansion tank as shown in Figure 27. 3) Expansion Tank (Required) - If this boiler is replacing an existing boiler with no other changes in the system, the old expansion tank can generally be reused. If the expansion tank must be replaced, consult the expansion tank manufacnuer's literature for proper sizing. 4) Fill Valve (Required) - Either a manual or automatic fill valve may be used. The ideal location for the fill is at the expansion tank. 5) Automatic Air Vent (Required) - At least one automatic air vent is required. Manual vents will usually be required in other parts of the system to remove air during initial fill 6) Low Water Cut-Off (Required in some situations) - A low water cut-off is rcquired when the boiler is installed above radiation. In addition, some codes such as ASME CSD-I require low water cut-offs. Codes may also require that this low water cut-offhave a manual reset function. The low water cut-off may be a float type or probe type but must be designed for use in a hot-water system. The low water cut-off should be piped into the boiler supply just above the boiler with no intervening valve between it and the boiler. Use a low water cut-off that breaks the 120 VAC supply to the boiler. Do not attempt to wire a 24- volt low water cut- off into the boiler factory winng. 7) Manual Reset High Limit (Required by some codes) - This contol is required by ASME CSD-I and some other codes. Install the high limit in the boiler supply piping just beyond the boiler with no intervening valves. Set manual reset high limit as far above the operating limit setting as possible, but not over 240F. Wire the control to break the i20 VAC electrical supply to the boiler. 8) Flow control valve (Required under some conditions) - The flow control valve prevents flow through the system unless the circulator is operating. A flow contol valve may be necessary on converted gravity systems to prevent gravity circulation. Flow control valves are also used to prevent "ghost flows" in circulator zone systems through zones that are not calling for heat. 9) Isolation Valves (Optional) - Isolation valves are useful if the boiler must be drained, as they will eliminate having to drain and refill the entire system. 10) Drain Valve - The drain valve is shipped in the boiler parts bag. Install it in the location shown in Figure l. Piping for Special Situations Certain types of heating systems have additional requirements, Some of the more common variafions follow: 28 l) Indirect Water Heaters - Figure 28 shows typical indirect water heater piping. Boiler piping is the same as for any two- zone system. Figure 28 shows circulator zoning, which is usually prefened for indirect water heaters. Size the circulator and indirect water heater piping to obtain the boiler water flow th,rough the indirect water heater called for by the indirect water heater manufacturer. The standard CSC control system will operate two circulator zones. See the Wiring section of this manual. Fl[]lRE 27: SlAl0lffi PIPING I FRs4snrEr ISI-ATItlt VAtVtS II]IOI,IAIIt AIR WNI TOTDIAIERLINI--\ ftLt t0fiTR[ hLVt TIKI]LTTOR (ItT tOtAIID{) L[ll |IAIER tUl-lFF IIA}i. RE$I HI[|] IIITII IXPNSilII IAN( tNtULIIOR (y0, LmAIIOl.l) RTLI€F YATIT l\Gravity and "Large Water Volume" Systems - The piping shown in Figure 29 will minimize the amount of time that the boiler operates with retum temperatures below 120F on these systems. A bypass is installed as shown to divert some supply water directly into the retum water. The bypass pipe should be the same size as the supply. The two throttling valves shown are adjusted so that the retum tempffaturc rises above 120F during the first few minutes of operation. A three-way valve can be substituted for the two throttling valves shown, If the circulator is mounted on the supply, the blpass must be on the discharge side of the circulator. Low Temperature Systems - Some systems, such as radiant tubing systems, require the system water temperature to be limited to a value below the temperatue of the water leaving the CSC. These systems also typically have retum temperatures well below the 120F minimum. Figure 30 illustrates the use of a heat exchanger to connect a CSC boiler to this tlpe of system. The heat exchanger will permit the transfer ofheat from the boiler water to the low temperature system while holding the system supply and boiler retum temperatures within their limits. For this system to work properly the heat exchanger must be properly sized and the correct flow rates are required on either side of the heat exchanger. Consult the heat exchanger manufacturer for sizing information. The water in the boiler is completely isolated from the water in the system. This means that separate fill and expansion tanks are required for the heating system loop. There are several other ways to connect low temperature systems to the non-condensing boilers like the CSC such as four way 6i1ing valve and variable speed injection pumping systems. Systems containing oxygen - Many hydronic systems contain enough dissolved oxygen to cause severe corrosion damage to a cast iron boiler such as the CSC. Some examples inciude: o Radiant systems that employ tubing without an oxygen barrier. o Systems with routine additions of fresh water I Systems which are open to the atmosphere If the boiler is to be used in such a system, it must be separated from the oxygenated water being heated with a heat exchanger as shown in Figure 30. 2) 29 FI0-E E: Il0tEtl lllER I{ATER B0ILER-SII PIPI|\I T FRD| sYsTS{ rO SY$E|I _J IIOIffIl IAIA EATEP FL[]Y ID{IKL VAIVES trIJIRH] IN IIT, Ml{E ysIEr,{ PRPRLY SNM I,I,H. ilK. ff{o nlf PPI|I FI0-tr 29: BYPASS PPIi{G FHll SlSTEtt IOSYSIEilJ I$IAIIO,I VALVE EYPASS LII{ TItrIILN VAL\IT Consult the heat exchanger manufacturer for proper heat exchanger sizing as well as flow and temperatue requLements. All components on the oxygenated side of the heat exchanger, such as the pump and expansion tank, must be designed for use in oxygenated water. a) Piping with a Chiller - If the boiler is used in conjunction with a chiller, pipe the boiler and chiller in parallel as shown in Figure 31. Use isolation valves to prevent chilled water from entering the boiler. 5) Air Handlers - Where the boiler is cormected to air handlers through which refrigerated air passes, use flow contol valves in the boiler piping or other automatic means to prevent gravity circulation during the cooling cycle. Ft6ft I: IS0-[Iff]l f B0ltfR FR0{ ySIEll IllH A HEll ExtHA}l[ER I snEr I FR0' sYsrEl rfAt E[r-ftfffIBf / PRESS EATf SEPIIITE tIPIIAIN, EXPINION IIK. FILL, I}O IIR I/B.II FOR $S]E}I Fl0ft ll: IHILIER PIPllG IO SYSIAI _J IHILLTR BOIIJR S{II-FF ut'/Es T||ILLER $I|JI-OFF vrtvEs IX Wiring WARNING All wiring and grounding must be done in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction or, in the absence of such requtements, with the National Electical Code (ANSVNFPA 70) Single Zone Wiring 1) Line Volage (120 VAC) Connections (Fig 32) - The line voltage connections are located in the junction box on the right side of the vestibule: o Black - Line voltage "hot"o White - "Neutal" for boiler and circulatorsr Red - "Heating" circulator "hot"r Blue - "lndirect Water Heater " circulator "hot" (This whe is not used in single zone installations). Green - Ground connection 3l 2) Maxirnum circulator continuous cunent draw = l0A 3) Low Voltage (24 VAC) Connections (Fig 32) - These connections are screw terminals located on the front edge of the relay board: r T-T Heat - "Heating" thermostat connections r T-T DHWH2 - "Indirect Water Heater" thermostat connections r Heat anticipator sening for both thennostat connections is 0.03 A. 4) Priority Switch - When this switch is "on", the "heating" circulator is turned off when a call for heat is present from "indirect water heater" zone. It is used to ensure that the entire output ofthe boiler is available to the indirect water heater. This switch should come from the factory in the "off' position and should be tumed on only when absolutely necessary to provide adequate domestic water. CAUTION A PROBLEM WITH THE INDIRECT WATER HEATER ZONE COULD RESULT IN A TOTAL LACK OF HEAT AND FREEZE DAMAGE TO THE BUILDING IF THIS SWITCH IS IN THE PRIORITY "ON'' POSITION. . ENSURE THAT THE PRIORITY SWITCH IS'OFF" WHEN IT IS NOT TO BE USED. . SET THE PRIORITY SWITCH'ON" ONLY WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. . DO NOT LEAVE THE PRIORITY SWITCH "ON" WHEN THE BUILDING WILL BE EMPTY FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME. 5) Auxiliary Jumpers - Two jumpers are located on the relay board as shown in Figure 33. They are present for connection and configuration ofan auxiliary conhol. Unless instructions provided with the contol call for these jumpers to be moved, they should remain as shown in Figure 33. FIIURE ]2: SINILE Z0NE FIEL0 tilRIN[ Zi/AtIIJERI4OSTA, @ RELAY MARO FNEO OISTOI,{NETT ,T-.l |IEAI 1' t[NNEtI IONS [REEf'l wn}/l [R0$n BLATKPOIER HII SIIPPLY NEUIRAL -------------4-K;r'IIHIIE JU|ITTION 8[X iN VESIIEI-ILE I{IRE NUT I20 VAt FAI]ORY IIIRINI 120 VAt FIELO I|IRIIiE 24 VAt FIELO IIIRIiiI t IRtUtAlOR EEId iifi H? )) ))-rl IIT )z FIIURE ]l: FAIT0RY SllTtH / JUI{PER I0NFI6URAII0N .tltftR-tNl' AtR0ss PINS 2 Al0 l PRIORIIY SIIIItH'OFF- RESET JUIIPER IN PLATE Resel [o nt ro I \ upl rulru / @ u:ru E|9-r-E l) ,I Wiring Variations Two Circulator Zones - Figure 34 shows wiring for two circulator zones. The second zone may be either an indirect water heater or a heating zone. No additional electricil controls are required to operate two circulator zones lvith a standard CSC boiler. Hybrid Zone Valve/Circulator Zone System usrng Honeywell V8043Fs - The system shown in Figure 35 is useful when zone valves are to be used for space heating zones but not the indirect water heater zone. Two circulators are wired into the CSC boiler as shown in Figure 35. The zone valve end switches are corurected in parallel and connected to the "T - T Heat" thermostat connections. A separate transformer is required to power the zone valves When a given heating thermostat ialls, it opens the zone valve to which it is wired. When the zone valve opens, its end switch makes, sending a call for heat to the CSC board. This starts the heating circulator and fires the boiler. The indirect water heater thermostat is connected directly to T-T DHWH2. Upon a call for heat, it starts the indirect water heater circulator and fires the boiler. If the priority switch is "on", a call from the indirect water thermostat also tums off the heating circulator. Three or More Circulator Zones - Additional relays must be used in systems with three or more circulator zones, One less relay is required than the number of circulators to be zoned. In Figure 36, Honeywell R845As are used to contol the all but tne of the circulators. The "heating" zone circulator connection is not used. A call for heat ftom either one of the thermostats connected to R845As willitart its respective circulator and cause terminals 5 and 6 to make. This will send a call for heat to the "T-T Heat l" thermostat connections causing the boiler to fire. A call for heat from the "Zone #3" thermostat will enersize the "Zone #3" circulator and lue the boiler' JJ FIIuRE i4r T[0 tlKtrAI0R Z0NE FIELO vlRtlfi 'z0t'rE 2' 24 l/rt Rtil [R I I |1 IHERIflSTAT,ZONE 1' 24 VAt R[014 IHER14[STAl ffi n:m EEI #trt*m--l RELIY ilARI] FUSEO DISTONIIIT .T.T ITAT I' []*ftTI0ls t2nl6n/r :R[N0 --------\- ffEi"' Htr -_qrobl S]JPPLY I{EUIRAL .uNtil0r 80t IN \/ESTIilTE I T]RE NU] Iro VAt FAIIIRY IIIRII|I 120 VAt F]ELO Y]RIN6 & VAt FITLO IIIRING 'z0t l' flR[.t_AIm 'z[r[ 2' HEAIIII OR I Ii H. TIRTULATIR oo o o o FIGURE l5: HYBRI0 z0NE VALVE / tlRt|lLAIm zff'lE syslEt4 llstt[ ||0{EyrELt v80i]Fs - FIEL0 HRIN6 IIS]RTtT IATER |]EiTER IIiltrTAI24 ltLT IR'I6RRE 6MUilO ,IIW,iz' rilrsIt0N 'r-rErT t' 0{gII0|l5 tLsE0 0tst0ritrEtl na/wl POITR SUPPLY l{l -----------qrocz IIT|lTRIL JJ{IIO{ flU n yt$tmE r ItRt llUI I2O \lAt FAITIRY IIIRINI I2O VAt FIELO IIRINI 24 l/At FIELD IIRIiII nlilM uRt[uI0R I, r, fi, tnu_ltm E-IY BOIRO J{ FIIiURE 16: TI{EE [R ilmE []R[ULAI0R Z0IES - FtELt ilRlffi 1W60/l MIER StPPtl IP[JII) H[l --ol'osl IIEUIRAL Rg 0lsll{gr I IIRE tlUT I20 VAt FATTI]RY IIRING I20 VIt FIELD I{IRII.I[ 24 VAt FIEII IIIRING RTLAT EOANO CSC Control System - Sequence of Operation (Refer to Figures 37, 38, and 39 for CSC ladder and connection diagrams) When no call for heat is present and 120 VAC power is supplied to the boiler, the transformer is energized. The "PWR" LED connected across the ftansformer secondary glows. Assuming that no call for heat is present from the "DHWH2" thermostat connections, a call for heat from the "Heat l" thermostat will apply voltage across relay coil 1K and the,,Heat" LED. When the lK relay coil is energized, contacts lK1 make, starting the heating circulator. Contacts 1K2 also make, sending power to the high limit. Assuming that the high limit is made, both relay coil 3K and the "FAN" LED are energized. This causes contacts 3Kl and 3K2 to make, starting the combustion fan. 5) Once the combustion fan has created an adequate pressure differential across the pressure switch, the pressure switch will make. Voltage is then applied across both the "pRESS" LED and the ignition module.6) The red LED on the ignition module will illuminate as soon as voltage appears across the "W" and "CiCOM" terminals on the DSI module. The DSI module will then start a 30-second pre-purge period during which nothing will happen.7) After 30 seconds has passed, the DSI module will initiate an ignition spark and apply 24 VAC across the "MV'; ierminals on the gas valve. 8) If main flame is established before the 4 second trial for ignition penod has ended, the spark will stop and the main oumer will stay lit until the call for heat ends, the high limit switch opens, or the flame signal is lost.9) After 4 seconds the spark will stop but the gas valve will stay open for one additional second. If flame is detected durrng this last second, the gas valve will stay open as in (8). 10) If no flame is detected during the 5-second trial for ignition, the control goes back into the 30 second pre-puge. Steps (7) (8) and (9) are then repeated four more times. If main burner is never established during these 5 tries for ignition, the control goes into a soft lockout, during which the red LED on the module flashes. The DSI module will stay in lockout for 8 hours or until power to the module is intemrpted. After 8 hours it will repeat the ignition sequence outlined above. I I ) A call for heat from the DHWH2 thermostat will energize relay coil 2K and the "DHW" LED. Relay contacts 2K1 make starting the domestic water circulator. SPDT Contacts 2K2 trip, breaking one current path to relay coil lK and energizing the high limit. l2) The "priority switch "SWl" is "on" when it is open and "off'when it is closed. If the priority switch is "off', a cunent path will still exist to relay coil 1K after the 2IC N.C. contacts have opened. If the prioriry switch is "on" (as shown in Figure 37), relay coil lK will be de-energized, causing contacts 1K1 and lK2 to, open. The "heat circulator will be de- energized, but the bumer will continue to fire because the 2K2 N.o. contacts are made. 1) z) 3) 4) 35 oo o o o C= r.-.rr-u r-t &E- -r-J-t/, <, 7E--J <a/) o_< t-lJ tIJu. o_ &,-.,-., i --- -J C/, t..t ==-t=i L-r-r iE422=C= < _J t_rJF{ Cl- --JHdu=t- cl-< r_|-J =:Jtt- E, e!E IIJ . IJ-J > ts- a/, c./, =-==*==e5 -.IIJ(/,>-a/) z.E =:t5l -e. rlJ =ctzr-=t -L--J =E) t_J<:> :sr -.<Ll- < !H EE 3R EE rdY['ln]s dll{tljsNvdl u.t-l.ct- =---) E!fl IJ-J ==,-.-1 e, =iEr-.< lJ-l r-5 .--Jcr- -JEIe. -i-J I-JJ(/l r.-.lJe. c\SZr r c\:zC\J 3< -IiE IJJu. --(/) ua/) a-IIJ r--rK -r-t >- e. -l CL I-J - F.---r --- a./, E < ::> N -<@. < e.g <..J LJ.J < E:r- -E t- L.IJ&. L-t- t/,t/, 36 t20 vAt HIT VAt NEIJIRAL FI6|.RE n: LIE V&IAGE LAO0ER 0lA[RAll = =E La-, IF AXY tr IIf ORIGIML IItr AS SIfPLIEO TIIti THE APPLIANTE I{IISI tr REPLAIEO, II ruY 8E REPLITEO IIIIH TYPE AIII1 (IOst) OR ITS EOUI!/ATENT IX Start-up and Checkout NOTE SAFE LIGHTING AND OTHER PERFORMANCE CRITERIA WERE MET WITH THE GAS MANIFOLD AND CONTROL ASSEMBLY PROVIDED ON THE BOILER WHEN THE BOILER I.INDERWENT THE TESTS SPECIFIED IN 22l.l3 Use the following procedure for initial start-up of the boiler: l) Make sure that the boiler and system are filled with water. 2) Check all new piping for leaks and purge piping sections that are filled with air. See Part 4 of the National Fuel Gas Code for additional information on testing and purging gas lines. WARNINCo NEVER USE A FLAME TO CHECK FOR GAs LEAKS.O MAKE SURE THAT THE AREA AROUND THE BOILER IS CLEAR AND FREE FROM COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, GASOLINE, AND OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND LIQUIDS. WARNINGO IF ANTIFREEZE IS USED IN THE SYSTEM, IT MUST BE A NONTOX]C TYPE SUCH AS PROPYLENE GLYCOL.o NEVER ATTEMPT TO FILL A HOT EMPTY BOILER 37 o) o o Ellua -!g E T EgEE9Edxi-J.i-- 9EEltr EETE I Ir* I st =E < at4 -, -)H-t- u.< rJ_l *^ <LU- -) a/)..t..'...-|--'| .LJ -azu_H l-J \../ u. >-< --JIJ.Jd, t-J(/)t-J <^ I/' IJJ+FL4-&- - LIJ L-l_ =(/t - ==t-J Ll- g |j)< =1<.urJJ !'-1 >-(Aq,< LIJ &. L-' LLJ_JtJJ €trdR=g - O- l/t LJ-J> <:> a/)< f-------'l -t t il-'" I, I T-JJoz c./) l).'/)|_LIJ H&.-o_ tA -.--J -r-j] -cl ct).+ --J tflmlL_{_-]___Jot-r ll rl tl ll ll tl tl ll ll tl ll I' rl =<oz< -z.E L--J L.l-, -.-.(-J -J<z.u. TJJ -. 1--J(/) .:,irrl l-.Lu. - Ll- oo +E EEi f,tq.(l\rE iFn-m oo"}- EdE !!E 38 o J) 4) 5\ 6) Vent system must be complete and free of obstructions before attempting to fire boiler. Make sure that the silicone cure time called for in the vent assembly instructions has passed before firing boiler. Inspect all line voltage wiring for loose or uninsulated connectlons. Start the boiler using ttre lighting instructions on the opposite page. Upon initial start-up, the gas train will be filled with air. Even if the gas line has been completely purged of an, it may take several tries for ignition before a flame is established. If more than five tries for ignition are needed, it will be necessary to momentarily interrupt power to the boiler to reset the ignition control. Once a flame has been established for the first time, subsequent calls for bumer operation should result in a flame on the first try, Inspect the flame visible through the window. The flame should be stable and mostly blue (Fig. a0). No yellow tipping should be present; however, intermittent flecks ofyellow and orange in the flame are normal. FttlJRE 40: tst &JRilER FLlllE 8Nl€R -SIE VIEV DAR( BLIjE UIIER |IIN]EL 8) Check the manifold pressure and adjust if necessary. To do this, use the following procedure. a) Connect a manometer to the line pressure tap on the gas valveb) Check the line pressure with atl gas appliances on and off. The line pressure at the boiler must be within the following limits regardless of what combination of appliances is firrns: '7) c) If the hne pressure falls outside of these limits, find and correct the cause of the problem before proceeding further.d) Connect a manometer to the manifold pressure tap on the gas valve (Fig. 4la).e) Disconnect the silicone regulator tube from the hose barb on the gas valve (Fig. alb),1) Read the manifold pressure. It should be set at: Line Press (inches w.c.) Min. Max. Natural Gas LP Gas5.0 I 1.014.0 13.0 Natural Gas 4.0 LP Gas 8.0 WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE EXACTLY COULD RESULT IN OVERFIRING OF THE BOILER AND A CARBON MONOXIDE HAZARD. Manifold Press. (inches w.c.) 39 FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING A. This appliance does not have a pilot. lt is equipped with an ignltlon dovlce which automatically lights the burner. Do not try to light the burner by hand. B. BEFORE OPERATING gmell alt around the appliance area for gas. Be sure to smoll next to the floor becaule aomo gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GASo Do not try to light any appllanco.. Do not touch any electric awitch; do not use any phone in your building.. lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phon€. Follow tho gas supplier's instructions. STOPI Read the safoty Informallon abovo on this label. Set the thermostat to lowest setting. Turn off all electric power to the appllance. This appliance is equipp€d with an ignition device which automatically lights the burner. Do not try to llght burnor by hand. Remove control access panel, GAS CONTROL KNOB (sHowN rN "oN" POStTTON . lf you cannol reach your gas suppller, call the fire department. C. Use only your hand lo turn tho gas control knob. Never use tool3. lf the knob wlll not push In or turn by hand, don't try to ropalr it, call a qualiffed servlce tochniclan, Force or attompted repalr may result In a fire or exploalon. D. Do not use thls applianc€ lf any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified service tochnician to inspoct the appllance and to replace any part ofthe control system and any gas control which has beon under water. WARNING: lf you do not follow these Instructions oxacfly, a flre or explosion may result causing proporty damage, personal iniurv or loss of liie. OPE RATING I N STRUCTIONS 1. GAS INLET Set the thormostal lo lowest sotting. Turn off all electric power to ihe appliance lf service is to be performed, Remove control access panel, '' ftlloni;t"trd knob clockwise 7. Walt five (5) mlnutos to clear out any gas. Then smoll for gas, includlng near the floor. lf you smell gas, STOPI Follow ..8" in the safuty Information above on this label. lf you don't rmell gas, go to the next step. * Ij Il rt"lti,tltrol k nob counterclockwise fa L Replace control accos3 panel. 10. Turn on all electric powor to the appliance. 11. Set thermostat to deslred setfing. 12. lf the appllanca will not operate, follow the instructiong "To Turn Off Gas To Appliance" and call your servico tochnician or gas supplier. 4. Turn gas control knob clockwlse to 'OFF." Do not force. 5. Replace control access panel. 2. 3. 4. TO TURN OFF GAS APPLIANCE 1. 2. 3. oo o o o 40 g) If a manifold pressure adjustment is needed, make the adjustrnent by turning the regulator screw clockwise to raise the pressure and counter clockwise to reduce the pressure (Fig 4la).h) If a manifold pressure adjusfrnent is rnade, repeafsteps 1a;-1cj to te certain that the line pressure is still within acceptable limits. i) Reconnect the regulator tube to the hose barb on the qas valve.j) Replace the cover screw on the regulator. k) When the regulator cover screw is replaced, the manifold pressure will appear to change. This is because, once the ' cover has been replaced, the gas valve regulator starts to maintain the conect manifold pressure between the manifold 3nd the qombustion chamber, rather than between the manifold and the boiler room. This apparent change in manifold pressure is not a cause for concem as long as th" uboue pto""dure hus b"en followed. 9) Before disconnecting the manometer fiom the manifold pressure tap, perform a test of the flame supervision system. To do this: While the boiler is operating, hrm the knob on the gas valve to the ',off' position. Wait 5 seconds and tum the knob back to the ..on" position. The manifold pressure should remain at zero until the next try for ignition, approximately 30 seconds after the valve was rnitially closed. Fl6l,RE 4lo: 6A5 VAL|,E trTAIt I.(ANIFILO PRESSURE ]AP - $s ilrltl -- 6A5 It{-El LINE PR$SIIRE ]AP IAS VAWE . TOP VIEI{ I{SE BARB RE6|rI]M TOJIIItIEt|I rJrDtR t0I/tR StREii) a) b) c) l91 l]by the- boiler temperature to increase to the high limit sening. Confrm that the high limit shuts down the burner. I 1l lit.! or disconnect the pressure switch tube that is connected to the fan. The bumer ihould go out after a few seconds.12) Confirm that the thermostat/s cycle the bumer and appropriate circulators 13) After the boiler has operated for approximately 30 minutes, check the boiler and heating system piping for leaks. Repay any leaks found at once. 14) Inspect the vent system for flue gas leaks. Repair any leaks found before leaving the boiler in operation. NOTE IF CO OR CO2 READINGS ARE TAKEN, BE CERTAIN THAT THE CAS VALVE TUBE IS CONNECTED AND THE REGULATOR COVER SCREW IS IN PLACE BEFORE TAKING A FLUE GAS SAMPLE. WARNING FAILURE TO REPLACE THE REGULATOR SCREW COVER OR RECONNECT THE TUBING BETWEEN THE GASVALVE AND THE INTAKE BOX COULD RESULT IN INPROPER GAS PRESSURE REGULATION AND A CARBON MONOXIDE HAZARD 41 FI0IRE 4lb: RtA0lNE IINIFIL0 PRESSURE U- ItlE I{OIIIIEIER IOlit.{EIIEO IO IIANIFO.O PRESSIIRE ]AP OISIOI,|ITTI REIIIAIIR IUBE TI|ILE REAOIII IIIN]FILD PRE$NE X Service and Maintenance The following routine maintenance should be performed on an annual basis: 1) Tum off power to the boiler 2) Remove the burner tay from the boiler. To do this: a) Remove the intake cover. b) Remove the four allen screws holding the elbow flange onto the gas valve. c) Remove the three 8-32 screws holding the manifold gasket plate to the intake box d) Remove the four Z-20 nuts holding the burner assembly in the boilere) Disconnect the ignition wire from the electrode. f) Carefully remove the burner assembly being careful not to damage the firedoor insulation or the manifold gasket. 3) Inspect the flue passages for signs ofblockage. If there is any carbon in the combustion chamber or the flue passages, clean the heat exchanger before proceeding further. See the procedure on page 44.4) Remove any debris found in the combustion chamber 5) Inspect and clean the bumers. Make sure that all bumer ports are free of obstructions. If bumers show signs of deterioration, they should be replaced. Some discoloration around the bumer ports is normal.6) Inspect the electrode. Electrode tips should be as shown in Figure 42. Inspect the porcelain for cracks or other deterioration. Replace electrode assembly if deterioration is found. DANGERO IF ELECTRODE MUST BE REPLACED, USE ONLY AN ELEC"TRODE ASSEMBLY APPROVED BY CROWN BOILER COMPANY FOR USE WITH THIS BOILER.O IF THE IGNITION MODULE MUST BE REPLACED USE ONLY A IINITED TECHNOLOGIES MODEL 1016-461 OR OTHER MODULE SPECIFICALLY APPROVED BY CROWN BOILER COMPANY FOR USE ON THE CSC BOILER. MAXIMUM TRIAL FOR IGNITION IS 4 SECONDS. 7) Inspect the insulation in the front and back firedoors for deterioration. Hairline cracks in the insulation are normal. These cracks are not a problem as long as the insulation is otherwise intact. 8) Reinstall the bumer assembly. 9) Inspect the ignition wire for damage. Replace if necessary. | 0) Inspect all boiler wiring for loose connections or deterioration. ^"1 Fl6lRE 42: ELEIIR0DE P0SIII$I LEFi ANOOE IBLERANTE = Y]2 FRIIIBURNER tEN]ER R]6HI ANOOE IIERANIE = 1/16 FMl'l ftNIER AN[OE l/B t/- l/t6 trAP SIOE VIET IOP l/IEI INNER FAIE OF FIREOMR ) )1n4 t/- t/tE l 9/lB r)r16 1-1116 CAUTION LABEL ALL WIRES PRIOR TO DISCONTIIECTION WHEN SERVICING CONTROLS. WIRING ERRORS CAN CAUSE IMPROPER AND DANGEROUS OPERATION, VEzuFY PROPER OPERATION AFTER SERVICING l1) | ?\ t'l\ Inspect the pressure switch hoses for deterioration. Replace the intake cover. Clean out any condensate or other blockage found in these tubes Disconnect the vent system from the boiler using the four l0-32 screws in the vent collar. lan housing for corrosion damage. If damage is found, replace the fan assembly. Inspect the vent system: Inspect the blower wheel and t4) a) Make sure that both the inlet and exhaust terminals are free of obstructions.b) Make sure that all vent system supports are intact.c) If inside air is used for combustion make sure that the air inlet screen is clear and that there are no objects or other obstructions within 6" of the vent terminal.d) Inspectjoints for signs of condensate or flue gas leakage.e) Ifthe vent system contains a condensate trap, make suie that the trap is in good condition and clear ofblockages. l5) Inspect the boiler and hydronic system for leaks. Some CSC boilers have flanged supply and retum connections. These flanges are under the right sidc jackei panel. They may be inspected by r.*ouirrg ttre top o. rearjacket panel . Three'/o inch plugs are located under the left sidejacket. These should also be inspected periodiially for ieaks. 1 6) Place the boiler back in operation using the procedure outlined in ,,Start_up" CAUTION WATER LEAKS CAN CAUSE SEVERE CORROSION DAMAGE TO THE BOILER OR OTHER SYSTEM COMPONENTS. REPAIR ANY LEAKS FOT'ND IMMEDIATELY 43 Heat Exchanger Cleaning Procedure I ) Turn off power to the boiler 2) Disconnect the vent system from the boiler by removing the four l0-32 screws holding the vent collar in place 3 ) Remove the top jacket panel. Ifpossible, remove the rear and left side jacket panels 4 ) Unplug the fan and remove the fan cover plate 5) Disconnect the pressure switch hoses 6) Remove the bumer assembly (see (2) onpage 42). 7) Remove the two %-20 nuts and washers holding the flue collector onto the heat exchanger. 8) Score the silicone seal around the flue collector with a utility knife or similar tool 9) Pry the flue collector off of the heat exchanger, being careful not to damage the flue collector or fan. l0) Clean the flue passageways using a stiff bristle brush. Be certain that all foreign material is removed from the gaps between the fms I 1 ) Clean the bottom surfaces of the heat exchanger 12 ) Put a light in the combustion chamber and look through the flue passages from the top to verifli that they have been thoroughly cleaned. l3 ) Apply a heavy ( 1/4") bead of silicone with a temperature rating of at least 400F around the perimeter of the heat exchanger. 14) Set the flue collector onto the block and press down so that the flue collector is set into the silicone applied in the previous step. 1 5 ) Replace the t/q-20 nuts and washers that hold down the flue collector 1 6) Apply a bead of silicone around the outside of the joint between the heat exchanger and the flue collector. I 7) Reattach all the jacket components except for the fan cover plate I 8) Reconnect the "positive" pressure switch tube to the flue collector (Fig 43) l9) Install the fan cover plate 20) Connect the fan to the relay board and reconnect the "negative" pressure switch tube (Fig. a3). 2l) Reconnect the vent system. WARNING SOOT DEPOSITS IN THE FLUE PASSAGES ARI' A SIGN THAT THE BOILER MAY BE OPERATING AT HIGH CARBON MONOXIDE LEVELS. AFTER CLEANING THE BOILER OF SOOT DEPOSITS, CHECK BOTH CO AND CO2 LEVELS IN THE VENT BEFORE LEAVING THE BOILER IN OPERATION. CO AND CO2 READINGS SHOULD BE BELOW THE MAXIMUM LIMITS SHOWN IN TABLE 8. Service Notes I ) Measurine CO and CO2 - If it is necessary to check CO or CO2, the best place to take a gas sample will usually be at the vent terminal. Table 8 shows tlpical and max um readings for CO and CO2 on both natural and LP gas. Do not leave the boiler in operation if the either the CO or CO2 exceeds the maximum limit in this table. Some causes of excessive CO or CO2 include: o Inconectly sized or drilled burner orifice o Partially plugged flue passages . Improper manifold pressure o Partial blockage of vent or intake system o Foreign material in bumer venturis or bumer ports o Missing regulator cover or disconnected regulator tube o Damaged fan impeller or housing r Damaged or missing fan gasket . Leak in seal between flue collector and heat exchanger. o Distorted or missirlg combustion chamber floor . Damaged base . Flue sas leak in the concentric section ofthe coaxial terminal 44 TABLE 8:TYPICAL AND MAXIMUM ACCEPTABLE CO2 AND CO READINGS IN FLUE GAS NAIURAL GAS LP GAS TYPICAL CQ2 ("/o)U.U 9.5 MAXIMUM COz l%)v.c 11.U TYPICAL CO (PPM)20 20 MAX.co (PPM)70 70 2) Orifice Size - Sea level orifice sizes are: Natural Gas - 2.30mm LP Gas - 1.55 mm Consult your Crown representative for correct orifice sizes for use at altitudes above 2000 ft. Orifice for this boiler cannot be drilled in the lield. 3) Operatine the Boiler with Intake Cover Removed - For inspection and troubleshooting purposes, this boiler may be started and run with the intake cover removed. When this is done, a resonance ('hun) may be observed. This is normal and shouid disappear as soon as the intake cover is replaced. WARNING DO NOT LEAVE THE BOILER IN SERVICE WITH THE INTAKE COVER REMOVED 4) Pressure Switch - This boiler is equipped with a differential pressure switch. The positive side ofthe switch is connected to the flue collector. The negative side of the switch is connected to the fan housing. The pressure at both tappings is actually below atmospheric ("negative") with the fan tapping being the more negative of the two pressures. Figure 43b shows the correct method ofreading the pressure across these two tappings. Greater combustion airlflue gas flow will result in a greater pressure differential. The pressure switch elechical contacts on this boiler are set to open as the pressure drops past the following settings: CSC-50 to CSC-150: 1.86 +/- 0.06 inches w.c. CSC-175, CSC-200: 2.06+/-0.06 inches w.c. The differential for both switches is 0.07 inches w.c. These are sea level pressure switch settings. Consult your Crown representative for possible variations in settings at altitudes over 2000ft. 45 FI0IRE 4lo: PffSSnE ylltl] t0NltfllNS IISI BARB O{ FN HOSE EARB Ot'| FLII t[-LEilM tst EOILER - FRO|/T \IIEY Y]T|1 mm REil0vm PRE$AE \XITtH 'I[[ATM' t0'il{tllD'l 'mstIIYE', t0{rf tilON Io o FIfi-RE 4lbr IHEiKINI PRESSURT AIRISS PRESStr SUIfi tst 8IILER - Fff},IT VIEI IIIH OmR REnl/m $NIII\lE IlONOITER o o 46 oo o o Tlils pAcB tMEIwot{ALLY LEFT BITNK" o TROUBLESHOOTING Call for heat from "HEAT 1" zone 120V across black&wtite line loltage connection? -Tripped breaker -Loose connection in 120V field wirirg -Loose comection in 120V hamess -Defective transformer; replace relay board -Defectiw circulator -Loose connection in 120V circ wirirE -Defeclirc "HEAT 1" relay -Defec'tiw 120 \olt hamess -D6f€cti!e r€lay boad 47 oO o o o Call for heat tuom"DHWH2" 4t.|e 4V across "DHWH2' T-T? 20V across blue&white circ wires? -Defectiw circulator -Loose cornection in 120V circ wiring -Defective DHWH2 relay -Defective 120 rolt harness -Defective tstat or zone contol , Contin-ed on reld page 48 Conlinu-.d from previots page \?>'<qNNClpck pr€ssue across swtch (page 45)h #NXZx12"_1 CiEck for 24V bet!€en orarEe wire on L4080D & "C/COlvf terminal on DSI rncdule -Partially blocked air iriel or elnaust system -Heal e)aharEer blockage -Leakirg, plqged, or misconrpcted s€rEirB t bes -Defectiw frn -Power swply less than 102 rolts N ,/roN.. \presenrLl -Defecliw pressue switch -DefeclirB 24 rclt harness -Defecli\,e relay boa.d LJnplug fan ard check for 120V asoss fun receptacle on relay board "I Check for 24V betlwen yellow wire on L4080D and 'CiCOM' teminalon DSI npdule .4*N.K"Z-MissirE reset jurnper -MissirE jumper"CNl" -Detecli\e 24 \olt harness -Defective relay board N <'>Oafuclive 24 \Dlt harness Oefectiw reby board -Boiler ofi on tigh limit -D€fecti\E limit corfrol -Defectirc fan relay -Defective relay board -Defecti\e fan Mlnimum difiersntial oressuro requlr€d to start boihr (roa lovel setdnos) csc 50.150-1.99" WC csc 17$200-2.19. WC 49 30 second prepurge present while-Defective module -lmproper electrode gap -Cracked elecbode porcelain -Defective spark cable 24V at gas valve while spark -Defective DSI module -Defective 24 volt ignition hamess -Defective gas valve -Gas ralve knob "off' -lmproper electrode position or gap -Gas line not purged -Plugged main bumer ports over elecfode -lmproper electrode position or gap -Heat exchanger blocked -Defective DSI module -Crack in electrode porcelain or spark cable insulation -Poor ground connection on gas var\e -Defective 24 volt ignition han€ss Does gas val\e stay open after trialfor 24V across w& c/coM? -Defective ignition module 50 PARTS KEY #DESCRIPTION r,a I I. trK CROWN P.N. qUAN IITY PER BOILERORCROW|TE|\|;- 50 75 100 1:z5 150 175 zo0 UUMPLEIEHLOUKASSY.bu-or3 60-014 b0-015 60-016 tru-u l7 00-018 b{J-u19 N.A.Lb,FT ENI] SECTION 60-011 1 ea.I ea.1ea.1ea.1 ea. N.A.RIGHT END SECTION OU.Ul Z 1 ea.1ea.1 ea.1ea.1ea. N.A,IN IERMEDIATE SECTION tio-o06 'I ea.z ea.J ea.4 ea-c ea.b ea.I ea. N.A.PUSHNIPPLE ut-000 4 ea.b ea.d ea.1U ea.12 ea.14 ea.16 ea. 2 UAliE ASSEMEILY bu-'t1J 60-114 bo-t 15 6U-116 60-1 60-116 uj-l19?ITEAR I-IREDOOR rea 60-203 60-204 60-205 60-206 w-207 6{J-20E @-209 ITEAR FIREDOOR GASKET 90-046 u./ ll o.9 tt 1n 1.4 ft 1.b tt 1.6 ft tltl UHAMBEI{ I-LOOR I ea.60-223 60-224 60-?25 6,U-226 60-227 6tJ-226 60-229 NTAKE COVER INSULATION 1ea.tt0-613 60-614 61F615 60-616 blu{t17 60-016 bll-ttl9 N IAKE COVER 1 ea.bu-z13 60-?14 o0-215 6fJ-216 a0-z1 I 60-21E 6U-219 fl SIGI1 I GLASS FRAME 60-055 1 ea.'I ea.I ea.1ea.1ea.I ea. 9 SIGH I GLASS GASKET 60-056 1ea.1 ea.1 ea.1ea.1ea.1ea. 1U SIGHT GLASS 60-052 1 ea,1ea.1 ea.1 ea.1 ea.1ea. REAR FIREDOOR INSULATION 'r ea,60-533 60-534 60-535 6{J-536 60-537 b0-536 60-539 12 LUE U(JLLE(; I (JI{ ASSY.1 ea.bu-123 60-124 60-125 60- 126 6g-127 00-12E tr0-l29 '13 FAN A55Y.60-001 1 ea.1ea.1 ea. 13a IEPLAUE, I-AN UAPAUI IOR 60-o03 'r ea.I ea.'I ea.1ea.1ea. 14 COLLAR GASKET tt0-6{JU 1 ea.1ea.-r ea. 15 VEN I COLLAR 60-603 6U-603 60-603 tr0-603 60-603 60-004 00-@4 16 FAN GASKET 60-002 1 ea.1ea.1 ea. 17 FLUE COLLECTOR LUG bu-501 z ea.z ea.z ea.z ea,z ea.z ea,z ea. 16 HIGH LIMIT WELL J5-1U1U 1 ea.1 ea.1ea.1ea.1 ea.1 ea. 19 rIU X J/4 SHbE I METAL SCREW 90-054 4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea. 2t)3/4 NPT PLUG 95-046 J ea.3 ea.J ea.3 ea.J ea.3 ea.d ea. 21 SPARK CABLE GROMMET ou-u05 'I ea.1ea.1ea.22 3/ts' SAh FLAI WASHER 9U-06U 6 ea.6 ea.E ea.d ea.6 ea.6 ea. 3/6' USs FLAI WASHER ('}90-u36 E ea.6 ea.I ea.u ea.I ea.6 ea.6 ea. 23 J/6-1o X 3/4' CAP SCREW 90-035 d ea.b ea.d ea.B ea.u ea.6 ea. 24 IU-24 A SI4 H.W.H sUKts,W 90-216 10 ea.1U ea.12 ea.1Z ea.'12 ea-1Z ea.12 ea. 4.32 X 112" 'F" SELF TAP SCREW 90-223 14 ea.14 ea.14 ea.14 ea-14 ea.14 ea.14 ea. 26 1U-24 I INNERMAN NUT 90-217 10 ea.1U ea.12ea.12 ea.1Z ea.12 ea- 27 1t4-20 X 1 1/4" rAP BOLT gQ-214 4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea. ?A 1/4-20 NUT 90-202 1U ea.10 ea.tu ea.10 ea.-ru ea.10 ea.1U ea. 29 1/4' USS FTAT WASHER 90-215 E ea.d ea.6 ea.6 ea.6 ea.E ea. 30 1t4-20 X 11/4"STUD 90-216 2 ea.z ea.z ea.2 ea.z ea.z ea.z ea. 31 1t4-20 X 3t4 CAP SCREW c0-213 z ea.2 ea.z ea.z ea.z ea.zea.z ea. 32 ru-32 x ]/u LU. HUSE tsARts 90-222 z ea.2 ea.2 ea-2 ea.zea-Z. ea.z ea. N.A.'r0-32 ss NU r (usE wrTH 90-222)qtl."rl q z ea.2 ea.z ea.I ea.2 ea.z ea.z ea. u6-16 x 1 1/2" STUD C)90-22t)u ea.d ea.6 ea.u ea.u ea.u ea.v FLANGE GASKET T)60-401 2 ea.z ea.2 ea.z ea.z ea.z ea.2 ea. 35 I-LANGE C)ti0-400 2 ea-2 ea-2 ea-z ea.2 ea-2 ea.z ea. 36 3/6-16 NUT (')90-221 u ea.6 ea.u ea.6 ea.u ea.b ea.E ea. 37 1t4 X 1 ',lt4 X 3t4 BLK TEE 95-100 1 ea.I ea.1ea.1 ea. J6 3/4- ASME RELIEF VALVE 9F040 1 ea.r ea.1 ea.1 ea. 39 ta4z x 1t2" K.H. SUREW 90-058 4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.l ea, 40 rIO FLAI WASHER 90-057 4 ea-4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.4 ea.l ea. N.A.IU.I OZ I UUE SILIUUNE UEALAN (FOR BOILER JOINTS ONLY)90-045 1 ea.1 ea.1ea.1ea.1 ea.1 ea. N.A.AIR INLET SCREEN 60-601 1ea.1 ea. r Approximately 600 of the first CSC boilers are equipped with the supply and rehrm flanges shown. Subsequent boilers will have blocks tapped 1 %" NPT and the above astrixed flanges, flange gaskets, 3/8 studs and 3/8 nuts havi been replaced with I %" NPT nipples. JI \ \ \ I I c\ oFNg N Og)EI R-N RNrl \/i\\rt IT \ (-/M \\ \ \\tlll/ t I c\J co cn o - c\ r\t r?-r d Os-:-- 52 oo o o o oo o PARTS o o KEY #DESCRIPTION !ttt.v|a CROWN P.N, qUANTITYPEffi 50 75 10u 124 150 1t5 200 41 MAIN tsUHNETt 6G500 z ea.3 ea.4 ea.5 ea.b ea.r ee.6 ea. 42 FIKEUUUTVMANIFULU ASSY.1ea.60-543 60-544 bG545 60-546 @-547 ttu-546 60-549 43 FRONT FIREDOOR INSULATION 60-523 60-524 6G 525 tto-526 @-527 6U-526 tto-529 44 (jAU VALVE (NA I UAS) (csc-50 - csc-l50) d5-/5(Ju vR8205M'131 1ea.1 €a.1 €a.1 ea.0 ea.0 ea. +4 GAS VALVE (NAT GAS) (csc-175, csc-200) 35-i.bUU vR8305M2177 0 ea.0 ea.0 ea.0 ea.0 ea.1 ea.1 €a. 44 GAs VALVL, (LP GAs) (ALL SIZE LP BOILERS} 35-7550 vR8205M2484 1 ea.1 ea.1 ea,1ea,1ea.1 ea.16a. 45 J/4- 9U DEGTTEE FLANGE (INCLUDESORING&ALLEN SCREWS) J5-1U55 HONEYWELL #393690-5 1 6a.1 ea.1 €a.1 ea.1ea.1 ea.1ea. 46 MANIFOLD GASKET PLATE 60-150 1 ea.r ea.1 ea.1ea.1ea.1 9a.'t ea. 47 MANIFOLD GASKET 00-151 1 ea.1ea.1 ea.1 ea.1 0a.1ea. 4E ELEU I KUTJE AsSY.42-000 1 ea.1 ea.'I ea.1 ea.1ea.1 ea.1ea. 49 MIUA !;IGI1 I GLASS 6U-U50 1 ea.I ea.1ea.1 ea.1ea.1 ea.I ea. 50 6-32 X 114" SOCKET HD SCREW 90-066 1ea.1 ea.1 ea.'r ea.1 ea.I 94.I ea. 50a #6 FLAT WASHER 90-067 '| ea.1ea.1 ea.1 ea.r ea.I ea. 50b 1/6' ALUMINUM POP RIVET 90-066 2 ea,2 ea.z ea,z ea.z ea.2 ea.z ea. 51 #A X 3/E' SHEET METAL SCREW 90-o56 6 ea.12 ea.16 ea.2Q ea.z4 ea-2E ea.62 ea. NAT GAS SEA LEVEL ORIFICE 60-020 2 ea.J ea.l ea.6 ea.I ea,u ea. LP GAS SEA LEVEL ORIFICE 60-021 z ea.J ea.I ea.c ea.b ea.r ea.U €A. 53 ORIFICE WASHER tt0-030 2 ea.J ea.4 ea.9 ea.b ea.7 ea.u ea. 54 1/6 UAs VALVts IIU\;ts BAT{B (HONEYWELL #394537)35-1060 1 ea.1 ea.1ea.1 ea.1ea.1ea.1ea. 53 oo \ (( -o (::'Ff 54 o o o ao o PARTS o o KEY #DESCRIPTION |Jat r, tJn( cRovVN P.N. qUANTIIY PER BOILEKOFGROWI\TEN:- 50 75 100 1;l5 150 175 zu0 LEF I SIDE JACKET PANEL 60-302 'r ea.1 ea. TtIGF1 I SIUE JACKb I PANEL bu-3u1 I ea.1ea.1ea.1ea.1 ea.I ea. REAR JACKET PANEL 1ea.b0-304 o0-304 tr0-3u5 60-306 bu-3u/60-304 60-309 5E I (JI' JAUKts,I PANEL 1 ea.60-324 60-tz4 60-325 60-326 60-321 60-32E 60-329 FAN COVER PLATE 6U-3UU 1ea.1ea.1 ea.I ea. ti0 NNER PANEL 1 ea.60-334 tto-334 tro-335 60-336 bIJ{J rr 60-3116 00-339 b1 uooR 60-314 60-314 60-315 60-310 60-317 60-31E 00-319 62 DOOR KNOB 90-210 z ea.z ea.2 ea.zea.2 ea. 63 vJz x'lt4- r1.w.Ft. sL;t<tsw 90-21 1 z ea.2 ea.z ea.z ea.2 ea. 64 HONEYWELL L4OtsUU LIMI I 35-3300 1 ea.1 ea.1ea.'I ea.1ea.1ea.1ea. #6 X 3/4- SHEET METAL SOREW 9{J-U46 2 ea,z ea.z ea.z ea.2 ea.2 ea.zea. 66 UI 1016-461 DSI MODULE 42-500 1ea.'I ea.1 ea.1 ea.1 ea.1 ea. 67 StsA LtsVEL PT{EssUI{E SWI IL;H (csc-50 - csc-150)60-009 1 ea.1 ea.1 ea.1 ea.1ea.0 ea.0 ea. 67 JtrA LEVEL }'KEUDUKE bWI I UH (csc-175, csc-200)60-010 0 ea.0 ea.0 ea.0 ea.0 ea.1 ea.1ea. ti6 KELAY UUAKU. UUMI'LE I E 4Z-WZ 1ea.1 ea.r ea.1 ea.1ea.1ea.1 ea. 66a Rb,PLAOE. RELAY FOR 42-502 4Z-UJ3 3 ea.J ea.3 ea.J ea.3 ea.J ea.J ea. b6D KE|;b I PLUG FUt{ 42-5U2 4Z-A)4 I ea.1ea.1ea.1 ea. I RIIJICATOR GUAGE 95-U36 1 ea.1 ea.-r ea.1 ea. 70 uoof{ tsl-tAcKE I 60-303 2 ea.z ea.z ea.2 ea.z ea.z ea.2 ea. 6-32 X 1/2" SCREW 9U-U52 b ea.o ea.6 ea.o ea.6 ea. 72 B-32 NU I 90-053 b ea.6 ea.b ea.b ea.6 ea.b ea.b ea. 73 #1O X 112" SHEET METAL SCREW 90-:112 zb ea.26 ea.26 ea.26 ea.26 ea.zb ea.zo ea. 74 4X4JUNCIIUNBOX gtt-055 1ea.I ea.r ea.1 ea-1 ea.r ea.1 ea. 75 JUNU I IUN tsUX L;UVE|{90-u54 1ea.1 ea.1 ea.1ea.1 ea.I ea.-r ea. N.A.1ZO VOL I HARNESS 1 ea.9G1UU5 9G1005 96-1005 gtr-1uu5 96-1006 9(n100ri 96-100tt N.A.24 VUL I FIAT<NbSS 9t'.1004 9G1004 9(n 1004 96- 1004 96-1004 gt'-1uu4 9(n1004 Gi{OUNU PIG IAIL 9b-1U]b 96-1015 9o-1015 9tt-1ul5 9tt-1015 90-1015 gb.tu r 5 N.A.IGNI I IUN I1AKNts5S 1ea.96-1010 96-1010 9tr-1010 gtt-1010 96-1011 90-1011 9G101 N.A.SPATTK UAtsLE 4Z-O25 4?-025 42-O25 42-OZ5 42-O30 42-030 42{3t) 55 oo o o o LJ-) I I \ LN I t \ tr\ F7 tlMV/ F \ /,"/ __cfCO rj-) <- s.', '/ ,t s \J/ | 56 o o o o o o o o o o o o cRoI _rNI BoilerC-o. It||Hnrd iltlt l lldl| Ftfit! P.0. Bor 1481E .3E0il l. Sfrot PhlMd$h PomsutYub 1913{ cso.tp/lGlilr utoc'. 3c. 2oo l I 2: l3PM BOILiR CE s?o-4?s-rN0.9127 P. l/1 e.z l- 6ll-a7(".itUa - l1"b O'dt€.oa3*ot r bott'> 'it"'*rQ er.ToW. 1l,tt-oT s ioa 3Y t '>' fia, ll C RCylNc €,ng^\r, u',, Sc,a l,< t f=/ Qlo ?A 9to \/o ,' | ,Lu-Booa f(,-u " '33t- sq)e- q' .---l (n^*B'1^ 5a.o^,> ffo.r,c 1i1Ftooz *i4. De.t<fee.r \ O.'9r\..<'.4ft I I I t E a, l5 + IJr |. (,,u-* (sc tottr", tc,a rlSi Rr^, see P. te L^--4+1le lr8rr' A^n ,l fr*:WDt-U*| 4,t^-4 i 18' fu-.e"'{ -t tl -G v,.rtr^{< O"tt $c.k {r.rrrt< $Bao6- Balo.*' S"c.A< \ "? 0^ -\g*, pr s JC/tdlsE, ^$o TW l-rr# Enatr = Y -+ =- =-. MENSIONS PERFORMANCE ' Not€: 55 1 20 b not eqip9€d wllh a t6e, d.ain and rellel valvo ' Nole 1: B[.d m tm]f unt ratot temp. *lttt ?O:F r.np. tb. , Norr 2: Ba$d on l4O-F tlnk wltar tarnp. wlth gO F tanrp. dso ' Nota 3: Braad on 2O'F tamp. d.op acao$ tt|6 coll rt[h mtr. coil ou9ut ol 110'F. .nd OHW rl lito'F OverallDimensions JASS 20 L OB. DB/XL JASS :'O L DB. DS/XL JASS {O L DB - DB/XL JASS 60 DB - IE/[ .r^ss 8rt Db . Da/xL JASS t2o OB. DB/XL T 69 7/t6',051916"551316'g llz €2f 59 3tr u 5t 38'30 r916'/rc 1e/16'$ rlf 17 36 7lr 27/a'5 1?16'51316'6ltz atl 7 314', w 10'16'16'20?E 20 7/8'27' x 27ta'71A/16'7 13116.61t7 618'7 3l{j 20 |yr6'u 1u16'2213116't 30 g8' 2 74 718'55 3/4'65 34'701t2',69 t/2' JASS DB SERIES Boller Supply temp. = 180'F JASS 20 L DB JASS 30 L DB JASS 40 L DB JASS60 .IASS 80 OB DB JASS lm D8 Boiler Output Btu/hr 100000 100000 100000 150000 187500 187500 lsl. hour delivery USGPH 191 201 211 317 401 441 2nd. hour delivery USGPH 171 171 171 zJt 321 ,ra I Pressure drop coil tt. water 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.2 GPM for Pressure droo GPM t0 10 10 tE 19 19 Boller Supply temp. = 2OO'F JASS 20 L DB JASS 30 L DB JASS 40 L DB JASS60 JASS 80DA DB JASS 120 D8 Boiler Output Btu/hr 130000 130000 130000 195000 243750 243750 1st. hour delivery USGPH 193 203 213 320 ; 405 445 2nd. hour delivery USGPH 173 173 173 260 ,tza 325 Pressure drop coil tt. water ?A 3.8 3.8 11.3 r 5.1 5.1 GPM for Pressure drop GPM 13 13 tc n?4 24 Top Coll Psdomtnca Coil Output Btuihr 45000 45000 45000 67500 67500 84375 Pressure droD coil ft. water u.o 0.6 u.o 1.7 1.7 0.8 GPM for Pressure drop GPM c 5 7 I JASS 60 JASS 80 DSrXL i OA/XL JASS 120 DB /XL JASS /() L DB'XL JASS 30 L DB/XL JASS 2() L DB /XLSoiler Supply temp. = l8O' F JASS r20 DB/XL JASS /O L DB/XL JASS 30 L DB/XL JASS 20 L DB/XLEoiler Supply lemp. = 200' F Data prwided for gen€ral indication only DB . JASS DB/XL SERIES TAl| MANUFACTURING LTD. IUNUUTTCTUNCN OF BOILEBS, HOT WATER TANKS AND HEAT EXCHANGERS ioo scnoot-HousE srREEr, coQUlrLAM, BRlrlsH coL cuttbryffi- Wo.ou"" oot#t *tHH'*,.;r;'..,o= es' c"fuS',.'or"ntn*n r{tfiorErd b F ff$ nd xddo /\"..---\__\ \ oolt r tl s r oEo @ -Al+b (\ PSl3-ifo = (Y) Hde6o+ 8E F lll oJ r4t896e,O 61o 5Eh5;/ t&t ;N@x.oodtOt=O Ea jo Egf8s(,) E.e(\t= gE ou EgEd Os.e, I .HE ^do:j.4illrro lg t € IItI s I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ef ; Fg Etlo do 6I"g ,:a o u E.s!lo I 5 E! "rt EE ii!llt ,E E.5ll €e B ;{ 5€ €g: g€ f!, Ti E$ gs E.t.g .gE. Etgt rE ti tstEtg IEt9 Tt I tat II F t tI f, ii ii rl I E II !t I I t F R F E Eoo o I( .Eg 6 9e F €*E g 5es sfr t;sf EiE<r*p l$uE= II IIt o Ac @ (o 60(\ I Eoou .goo F.,t,tl ool! F ll r o GoQ -c\ltt N P$!E-*EHd€6(/) + TE (U ? uJ@ Jlo89EC;6 5Sh5iA.t) =c{t5otrlo:=o So- jo ESk8r- (/) 8.3c!E gEou E€tr6 Or- .c!2 g ,gs L,6l L,9, soocl o Ac 9oEooE .oEo ?,'t,€ I .gg 6 ge B*€ H FEE Fd;; b .so =#O 9!$h I;gEFi€<6'e lg6EH TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 toorrr* oF coMMUNrt orurtoMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P01.-0067 Job Adtuess: 2567 AROSA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1 LOT 9 BLK E Applied . . : 06/26/2007 Parcel No...: 270314204012 Issued . . : 06/27/2W1. ProjectNo : {f|fqg 4(AQ Expires. .: 12/24/2001' owNER DENNTS SCAJ,TSE 06/26/2OOt Phone: 970-479-O858 PO BOX 259L VAIIT, CO 81658 L,icense: CoNTRACTOR DENNTS W. SCAr,rSE O6/25/20OL Phone: 907-331-5422 P.O. BOX 2591' VAIL, CO 8 L658 I-'icense: 259-L APPLICANT DENNIS W. SCAIISE 06/26/2OOt Phonez 9O7-33L-5422 P.O. BOX 2591 VAIL, CO 8155I License:259-L Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION Valuation: $25.000.00 Fireolace Inforrnatioru Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas [ngs: ?? # of Wood Palleh Plumbing-> $375.00 Restuarant Plan Review->So. 0o Total Calculated Fees-> $471 . ?5 so. oo Additional Fees->$o.oo FEE SUMMARY Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call-> s93.?s DRB Fee-> 90. oo TOTAL FEES-----> S4?1. 75 Total Permit Fee--> 5471.75 93.00 Paymentsr-_---1 S471.75 BAt \NCE DUE_> So. oo IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIqT o6/27/2oot cdavis Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond 3 L2 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: CON0004830 Gas pipe sizing and schematics are reguired at time of gas piping inspection DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have reft}ris application, filled out in full the inldrmation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform puilding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR PM. \ OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF BYTELEPHONE AT AT OUROFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 'i'i***** + * + t a' * * {' '} r} * * '} * * * f * ** *+ t+* ** 'l' 't * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * t * * * ** ** '1. * * * '1. * * * * + | + * t * +**+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **'* + * * * * * * ** * * + * * * + * * * * *1* tt ') * * * * * * * * * * *******+**** ******** * * * * * + * +* r. * * * * * * * * 'i * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * Statement Number: R000001011 Anount: $471 .75 06/27/200104r28 PM Payment Method: check Init: L,C Notation: #11?/Dennis Scalise Permit No: P01-0057 Tlpe: PLIJMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L42O4OL2 Site Addrees: 2567 AROSA DR VAIIJ I,ocaIion: VAIIJ DAS SCHONE FIIJ 1 IJOT 9 BI,K E Total Fees: $47L.75 Thia Palment: 947t.75 Total AIJr, Hntss: 547t.75 Balance: $0.00 * ff* * | f+ *:lr++ +* * t* + * *t* ******* ** ** * * *a f * **a* * * * *l* * ** * lt* * * | f* t t * ** * f * *** * * *+ l. * * ** * * * *****+flf ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts cL 00100003123000 coNTMcrOR LTCENSES 3.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 93.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 375.00 APPucArrolLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rilcoMprlRur Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (In spections) s-33 t -<q COMPLETE VAIUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (tabor & MaErials) oo, oo Assessrc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Address:"] 567 O aogA [R:obr'rame:-JoR 1 i. a Qp-s r bq ^J C { o t-ts 4rz ,-c Work Class: Newffi Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair ( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********rr*************************** Houteoro: DATE ROUTED: RESD JU ,@"t"mm*--$#i Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Developmert Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)47s-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conhct? Building-'1 Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planninga_DRB -. PEC Was your initial conbct with our sbff immediate no one available ? siow t 4.Was your project revieured on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were requhed to wail how long was it before you were helped? if no, why no? 5. Was this yourfirsttime b file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A rate $e performance of the stafiperson who assisted you: 2 1 - Name: availability) of $e Front Service Counier. 5 4 3 2 1 8. Whatis the Countef lime of day for you to use the Front Service 9. Any commenls you have which would allow us to better serve you ne,\ttime? Thank you for kking the time b complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. 1?.t7"20A2 Inspection Flequest l"tep,orting vAiL- fo ro'{s.ie oF t(equestlrl h tspeet Oare: itresdat, Dec€fitr?! t? i.,"0;: lnsoec$on nrga: JfiM $ite iAcldr*ss; ?567 .&R(]sA iili i "qll 2S5? AR(JSA n{:( Page 40 6,59 am AIF,D hforFatloq RequetEd,!nsBggttolligi t;lil-C238 I}p*: B"MEit{ s*Alrsr ur*"*' * itlHj$nr^ *. * S':AL!$E. DENl.ll$ lry ii ilQFlQlllfi$.i. t' Pho*e: SCALIEE. DENlllS VtJ. Phc,rie: ifigTALL HEAT!|IG FIRFPL,$'CE VEi.t flF:G COlgl&U*TiOlJ AtP ROUTEP TO Cl-{ARl-lE FCf FEVIElrJi}Pr}ROtnL'j . llrFi CIRE$ ';'7f,1i.t i 'i4i:? :tcii- i:1 . 5.1:2 lnt ]feii 8r': DGULSEI'J K Item: J$0 Mf;qH-Final Roqu€$tor: Sg/d.LcE. OEMJls1 ,iil ,/*s5f,']f;,JMot{ttlRAcot\pN rinrst.vr' 4tb' -'z--**" og,,O3tj2 insp€cior. ddd\fis Aclion .EPCR l|PpeCjVa.I)iCg-tqRECTlCti REeO ctdnmcnls: Iamovq E&ftrri4t ffom Itw{nr uft'6r fl|rl "().X. ror kli/eat bflthro('m {${h e ts b€ ie$s lhan 3 ftotn 'ori-rdqw llem: 3tO MEcH-+le6llnu t 1/24'01 hsneckrr. cjo,iit fi.:tlcn: PA PARiIAL AFF'IiOUAL ;omrnenlsi |ll sLAE HgA't l".il''igs BEHllltr EA:lr GApiGE g0# AIFTE'iT DU21|O2 lnsw$or: cd&rfs Ac!,ion FA pAi?llAL APPR'-]VAL CrmmenBi We-eT grDE Cf.JLr [.;SLAB HEA1 lrNEs 8$B ,qlFt fEs { O3/14/O! Instrccti'r' cd€'ri3 Ar:l.r.n' PA- PAjR ilAl. APPRCI/.AL aomt$ents: wsi"t shs dll in-tlcor radlsnl heel! uones tF!:iEd nt 95# airtesl PLt B Oas Pirlrrs "" Auuevert '" | 1'2&gt Insist; t: ' ''dar!s Altk r,: Pl FAIiTiAL tljSr{Cl lON COmments ;pprrivrd sie€rr& fi,, llan i rg ir€rng f kri , rr drhrgr('it!'rd. .3te+tF cr.pill' lE rc'rt€Ct and th€ nght tlp€ of m€tp.ids rlssd p€f nranula': lbtsrg rsq.Jl! unr:n|1. A ; rrl$*t sLtir)rt ii rg{'rir*d L.fli* o€sthe rg tun..\'r aiflest lt t€(.r,1!,:c Dzt21to2 tnsr)cctc r: ;dsvi\ ' ActiDn. +rA PAR1 FL /:rir"iiilvA|- Comm€nl6: lvesT Slt)E $NL'l 78# ATFITES T RETOCATE GASTIf: LINE A tvtfjlMlrill OF 5' FROt,l B,:i,-.fF E VENT t)g/0gDi tr|spddor: c*pvtr iltton .AF APiSFC'uE [, {: $mrn<nll|: ,'aii,rnil pfli piptr:g,ils# elri+sr MECH-E rlr*ust f l.).r.Js " l,'lFDl'rStrPPty A.nfuEci.l_Mlsc. ." Atrfr,rJeg ". 0.4'23lti; hiDeC:: ; JR0, ' i.rti4n. aF pFFR:)'JE!- i.:m.:renE: APFROVED F/P CFi4SE eTF;Lrt,.TtiFAL FItAMING BEFi't'i4 WAU- iS APPRO!/€D Ot( TC) ccltsEAr Tt) Aflu :lTcNF_ 08i 2SO2 insp€clc.r' .lFM .iiijofi ;rF AF,FR{IUED Cefim€r,ts. .dr.f;F0.r,;E3 ii.l FLL1ffi Fi[i-r i;:aST t;tD&; 1ilt, # AtR TE:,ffi€n 390 M€CH-Fh6i ltem 315 em: 32C rtem' 330 nemi 34# Sub T!.pe ADI ;F $falus: l$iSUED lDnp Area. JR&l | /-1 /\.4t1 - | /'f )/,l/. u/ a ./{?equ -.ste,j i:rte: C'€i:00 Aft!c'hlno- 9tl7-331 .542? 90-o*w COPY 6CI1 Inrpecdon qeqqlgt R€qucabd Inlo€ct Drto:- Insprddm Ane: SlbAtrrca3: A/P,Dlnftrmttql Acfvk EDIS1 Tl,r: &zuLeConstTni: Ocqrri*y. Oiyri.r: SCALISiE. DEi*.tlS W. & DORO'I}EAA &Conf.chc O€tl[8 W. SCAU8E).!dbilhn: fiCW PRIIARY/8ECO].IOARY RESD€NCE Phom:D.!dFdm. rGW PRmARY'AECOIDARY RE.l*dc.: rcsLd lodrrh fidf ffin ofL&dc.: rcst d bcfirbfidr ffin otttr '|rtfDo - DFLoRES Coilrn nt FOt hpnTlotllFn^ff.Kl n C RO|TTED TO AU.I9ON - CDAt/lsCffi[ t-C hfilbo rxl filnslq r.Cd - ^OCHSCo|rffiru Fourd.ilfi.n liantrE fC r*uh.d - AO(Co|rffiru Fourd.ilqr .||(tiantr|o ft mlhrt - AOcxSComnxII PII'{S ROT,TED TO CHARI.E D. AItsFN (D, ATFFN O. A}{) PI.H.IC UYORXS FOR R€T'EW OI9 Etgll$d&rll lon(il Item: 00 Bl-DGflndRoqursr SCALIS'E, DENilS W.Cottirrdr: h,u.L CALL: FOR FIML ABlgnplJo: cQAvls FORI'ED lsn' APCR ATPFOVED€ORIiECIION -ADr| SFEETTO 6"b. 1368 Ur.dn€.&y. ocbb.r 29. 2003 2567 AROSA OR VAIL Sub Ty!.t3.NDUP VN $7€31.6422 drc.rp6 {r uvTe C /o-:\ /F{zr-IH ( )tt)'Pt-,, tt ' v v' - REtlOt E ll^L LOoSE xATERl t FRorl FOffi FRICR TO c€lrlcfiElE 0S?AO1 IrD.6r: fiL Acdon: APAPPR€nEDCdrr€rds: AFFFOiTED 7 m FOOTS Ar{) SOIIO TLEE$ IIYEST A!0 Sflrltl SDE l(}!t3aol [ro.ebr: fila lctont AP AFFRCRJEO Comnnffi; APPFOI/ED 6 SO[tlO n BEg AtD I FOO'rER EAST sltEhn: 20 BtD(}Fom&Io|YSha "ADD.orr..l" txt 25,Ol hmciof: JRli Comnsrb: APFRO/ED ticpocfor: GRG A.don: APAPFROI'€D Ac6on: APAPPROVED.lcifmnafinottl hco€cioc JRll Acuon' APAPPROVED APFROT'EDFOOIER FOR Ti'E8T RETAFGIIGWA|-L Oi{.YrPhft EApFrlrnd' ?9^--_-- -* A&oftiid "or: CoAiEtriflToit Y E}.IG|IEERED SOTUTKII.ITO STAR L'$DilG SiJPPORT ATFRAK*re STMP t{C'T ACCEPTIAIE -SttPOrRT COLlJl|lI CARFtfrlG TtE mR*R(SOt T]l ]tAS BEEN FE:LocA-.' TIG UIEST. El{OfrtEER APPROI/AL RCqtnED Cr|IfspDi cm|rrrd b rFrla roorn o.k by pbnnhg s €.ld h flr il tdl|!. l|,bdtedfDT(n/ cttn|E dc S6 crtid h {rH c*|g h qpp.r bd!3ooflrrllc hd hdgl* | brtrEtf,d nilrtar -coarc0ongrddcffilhndunDf,Fv{dd|rrr dd po6f losfport'cldarw ds[| hrr<lrg Or(.bhrlrl$Fpott t,&,rW ttgnDatt drt *Daurd nquhad lor bo{.d tro&s lfilo !$d D6mr An-rtU |||f of *rptod wil r(l|;rlr crtrdo.r| ln.o.s0on HEbfl 071301Co|mrr|l: Bf?3/01 Conrn.|tr: CXlafE hrF6r crfficoftItrrls: -rl tnt hri 604 Pw-Rooqhmd.lbm: flXl Pw+tnfdiirnvqdelh|n: 10 ELDcrFF|horEbfEl7/O1- hdp€cbr: ( Co.rm.|{3: Il|r'TAtlf ST.EGRIOE ^.ilofi: APAPPRoVED Acdon: PAPARTUL APFR€N/A REPIt'131 bs8rrc. hepccilon Rcqqcrt c4nilil,tr SffiFrirha-ilb ncrvro +pror*rg frd; lriit di iE nlu ln$crm frr 5a) E|.De'fflihdon - - ADo,rovld -txxptl? h.pdon CSI/IS f"ton' PAP RTnLA+ROVAI cdrmdrb: wEsTt uTot{-YUglgm b.croc G.byE A.ilon: APFPROVEDConffi: lrf,rr[ cor|tcfraB mrdabn: 6O B|.De'$d€ctNrf -ADDmrd-f'i7utfrl h.esc GRO " Acdon: PAPARTIALAI'PROVACo||ftnrb: 3 tifr|! illi, Fl Dr}|oclsd tilr d. slrtr dradt|ro om .1d.. o7ffiro.l h6D..ror:' coAvls' Ac0oil'FAPfirTlTLIFRO[/ACodm..{l: T.IPFER I€\,EL PARTY WALLS H.'ST h}STAl. DMFT STOPPII.IG AT ALL FLOORIIYAI,I- ASSETE.ES 07/1101 h$cbr: eiRG AE{oft: PAPJ1'ITIAIAPPRoI/ LCorsn*: PrfiocH pr|yrnl 3acdon.tntotl}l ||row -crI.'Jb lffin APAPPRCII/EDCoflffi: PARTY }YAI DR}T^II AIID ASSEISLY IJFPPER MEATASTWILL(l3rlg,@ trsoccbr: tr lrdon: PA PARTUL APPROV L CoItI.DrIr: APFRC'VEDWEST SD€ ONT-Y@n|t@, k|resbr JRl, lcdon: AP APPROVEOCoil''i'B APPfiO/EDEASTSF€ ffLETE 70 EtIX$*c. -Aoqonsrl-1$2itn1 h.fdoc c6 uS Aclbn: APAPPRCnEDCoflrrr3{r: EXTERIOR STEATTg|G h6PECTF}-.Itlfin/ol flsg'rcloc cda,b Ac{on APAPPROTED Coomenlr: sfuiro lslh. |IFodonsffip.!|.cfinbt€$J|.d$ H.D6Ffd - -ArDrolrd-01fl9ffi h|9ccloc tr' ,.Coo: APAPPROT/ED Conm.rts: X+RO[/ED WfOt T FHil- hISP€CTIO{.| BEI,G P€RFCF|GDldn: SX) BtUR'f.np.CrO -^lf|q|r|d-12a3ttll lmFm ct5YbCof|rnfi|t: Et t'rl ^dn: ^PiPPROI/EO unt OFFBACK A.ilon: IFAPPROIIEO 4.flo0: APAPPROIIEO Acdon: APAPPROhIED 0f&y03 h.o€dor: .ftM rHon: APAPPROT/EDcomsis: FPRC tEo E sT sDE.. @RRECTTCHS t€EtrD FOtt C-O. hlsTllt STEPS OECKSOiTTOGRADE. COi|PI"EIE ICARTH EXTETG'OI.I OF RTYERROCK AT KfTC}GN SOE F'Plrm: ffP FW-IEIIP.G/O "ApFDrrod ?' lztl8rq| irtD.cbr: h -' lem: tit3 Ptll*TEf|P.Co -ADDro{ut" _ 1er!9@ lElilcro.: c.o.g.lem: 5O7 Pt I{'FNAL CJObm: SI9 Pt rft{ALC/Ol0lgm brpeaor:""rmocO'* REPT131 Run Id: 1368 oo Frgffo-- '"'Hflt]T1ffi1fir.ffi"* _ Pascl3 Rcqtlchd lnspcctDrEr Eddrn S€phmbcro5, 2003 Inrorcdon Anr: CD Slb ftHrece: 2587 AROSA DR VA|L VA[. DAS SCHOIG FIL I LOT 9 BL'( E @P.be[D!se! lnroccflon Hlrbn nilr ?tO *u:: "*t shtn: hrDAmr: lsst ED CD Pfronr: Phonr: Plpnr: 97G479{E6E 907-331-5122 9'7.331€4i12 <-----' 'V . : l$r*t*: ooavtl ComtnariE: bofi iltrrilyrffid{,l|hhnComnrnlr: bofi ilt|rrry rf|d racon hry unnr .pp|o*|dHrl {,l|h hn lbol rEbf cdtrsrri H[dn: 22O PttFRouo[r/D.W,V. "Arp|ovul"AI2IM TrEbl: CDA\iISi.' Acdon: PAPARTULAFPRC}VAI-@,Eilf'l llorbt: cDA\iltt" Acdon: PA Cofiilnxilt: DU[\, TESTED WITH WATER CC'Lt.h,|N TEST STR P WASTE thE AT GARABE LC,CATlOtrl O7IIX}m HCbI: CDAVE ACUON: APAIPRO\iED Comncnir: EAST l,t\flTWATER COLLhOI TESTirnr: 2il0 PltBRouohlv.!ff @,fr|lidl tw *fpxovotl " cDAVtS" Actol: AItAPPROI/ED Ac0otu PAPARTIALAFPROVAL lbm: 2.Obm 260br: 2tD i.m: 2!n Coilrnaob: 07twf'z PLtt&Flmt 1A1&,t2Conrrr{r: 01t2gG! Co||trndilr: : CDAUS LOCATED OI.I liiAN St FPLY IS IIOT A TESTABTE TTSS FWTI'ITTHE WATER DfiSlRICT REOUNES Ac0on: AP,IPPROI/ED tnilT grif ARTEST " Aptrot td "hCo.cbr: JRM- A.ilon: APAPPROVED DMVEWAY SI{'YYilELT AFFRC'I/ED {W AR TEST hcocgbr: JRII IcdoIT; PAPARTIALAFPROA/AL T c.O APPROVA ON THE EHU ON&Y KITCI€N A}ID 1 BATH GROIP IYORKNCilrD.cbr: €CD A,s'tori' P PARTIAL APPRO{/AI PMIARY APPROI'ED FOR CO SECONDARY }IAS REOS TSPECTION FOR REST OF BATH ROOilS. REPT131 Rtrn Id: L28O n ti'' t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, APril 5, 2000 3:00 P.M. MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Doug Cahill SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 11:30 pm 1:30 pm 1. Daly-782 Potato Patch Drive2. Young - 1452 Lions Ridge LooP 3. O'Brien -2992 A Bellflower4. Vail Golf Course pump station - 700 S. Frontage Rd' East Driver: Brent PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS swearing in of reappointed DRB members, clark Brittain and Hans woldrich. 3:00 pm 1. z. 2 Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. Election of 2000 Chair- Clark Brittain 2000 Vice-Chair- Bill Pierce 5-0 5-0 Vail Golf Course - Pump station. 700 S. Frontage Rd. EasVTract A, Vail Valley 4"' Filing. Applicant: vail Recreation District, represented by Jim Meyer MOf tOru: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Ann TABLED (Staff shail review based on the applicant revising the building materials and proposing additional landscaping) 4. O'Brien residence - Separation request for detached garage in setback' 2992 A Bellflower/Lot 10, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Applicant: J.P. O'Brien MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the large conifer by the power pole on the northeast corner of the property be preserved. 1 o 5. lllig residence - Appeal of staff approval of remodel and addition. Allison 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, VailVillage 6'n Filing. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 (Pierce recused) MOTION APPROVEDTO UPHOLD STAFF DECISION Scalise residence - Final review of proposed dormej changes. 2567 Arosa Drive/Lot 9. Block E, Vail das Schone 1"'. Applicant: Dennis Scalise MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Doug Cahill 10. Vail Athletic Club - Final review of a redevelopment plan. 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract 3, Vail Village 1"' Filing- Applicant: VML, L.L.C., represented by Tom Braun MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Doug Cahill APPROVED WITI.I 3 CONDITIONS: 1. Provide a fireplace layout to verify the vent location. 2. That a landscape plan be provided prior to building permit. 3. That an outdoor lighting plan be provided. 1 1. Daly residence - Final review of residential remodel. Brent 782 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Andrew Daly, represented by Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Mdrpru: BillPierce SECoND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That there be a clipped hip on the west dormer and the easternmost & westernmost roof. VOTE:5-0 Allison Allison George 7. Mountain Haus - Exterior paint color change. 292 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Mountain Haus, represented by Fritzlen' Pierce, Smith Architects tvlOTlON: Doug Cahill SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 5-0 APPFOVED 8. Landmark Condominiums - Exterior paint color change' -- Allison 6101612 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'" Filing. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association, Inc., represented by Geoff Wright MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED W]TH 1 GONDTT@N: 1. That the General Store accent color be reviewed by the DRB. g. Young residence - Conceptual review of new single-family residence with an George employee housing unit. 1452 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike Young CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1. An additional stone column will be added adjacent to the entry stairway to be consistent with the columns proposed for the new garage. 2. The stone will be carried to the top of the southeast corner of the home on the first level. 3. A "limits of disturbance" fence and some form of erosion control will be added to the site plan prior to building permit issuance.4. A P.E. stamp will be provided for the combination retaining wall detail drawing. 5. The earthwork behind the garage addition shall have a finished grade not to exceed 2:1. 6. A drainage swale will be provided behind the garage to provide positive drainage away from the structure. 12. West Vail Lodge - Conceptual review of a proposed redevelopment plan' Brent 2211 N. Frontige Rd. (Wist Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail das Schone #3' Applicant: Reaut Corporation CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE '13. Perot residence - Conceptual review of a new single{amily residence. 84 Beaver Dam Fload/Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village 1-" George/ Ann Ann Allison Allison Dominic Allison Applicant: Jim MorterMOTION: SECOND: TABLED UNTIL APRIL 19. 2OOO VOTE: Staff Aporovals One Track Mind - Temporary event window signs. 392 Hanson Ranch Roict/Loi 1 , glock 5A, Vaill/illage 1"t Filing. Applicant: Tom and Ken Gart Base Mountain Sports - Temporary event window signs. 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: Tom and Ken Gart Vail 2'l - Remove wooden facades. 511 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: Vail 2'l Condominium Association, Inc. lllig residence - Remodel and addition. 70-G W. Forest Rd./Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6rn. Applicanr: cliff lllig Lionsquare Lodge - Remodel of pool area. 660 West Lionsiead PlaceffractA, Vail Lionshead 'l"t Filing- Applicant: Lionsquare LodgeCondoAssociation Slifer Smith and Frampton Real Estate- Flat screen TV inside window. 230 Bridge StreeULot'B, Block 5, Vail Village 1"t' Applicant: Brigit Taylor Christoffersen residence - Patio enclosure. 4770 Bighorn Hoad unit B-2lVail Racquet Club Townhomes. Applicant: Ralph and Barbara Christoffersen Ann Ann .! Thornburg residence - Exterior window replacement and deck alteration. Allison 14608 Greenhill CourVlot 20, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Tom Thornburg lllig residence - Addition of exterior door. Allison 70-6 W, Forest Roacl/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6h. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine Nye residence - New hot tub. Ann 2581 Larkspur Lane/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Richard and Kristen Nye Dowie residence - Interior conversion. Ann 795 B Potato Patch DriveiLot 26, Block 1, vait Potato Patch 1" Filing. Applicant: Robert Dowie, represented by Eric Johnson Willaman residence - Additon/attic space conversion above garage. George 1458 Greenhill CourVlot 21, Glen Lyon Subdivison. Applicant: Verne Williman Lyons residence - Addition to living room under existing porch roof. Ann 441 5 Bighorn Road, unit #1/Lot 1 , Victorians at Vail. Applicant: Gary and Jan Lyons The applications and information about the proposals are availab_le for public_inspection dujing regular office hours'in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138lor information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 47g- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. i-!! .i :.nIPr.Tr r, "f "'.4, r-if , '"44frrqy..fYj' r- - ,l Project Narre: Scalise Duplex PRJ99-0106 Project Description: New single fami$ residence with EHU Owner, Address, and Phone: James Scalise / Dennis and Dorothea Scalise PO Box 2591 Vail, CO 81658 970-479-0858 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Same as Above Project Street Address: 2567 Arosa DR LegalDescription: Lot 9, Block E, VailDas Schone 1't ParcelNumber: 210314204012 Comments: Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL BuildingName: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Board/Staff ActionBillPierce Action: Hans Woldrich Consent Approved with conditions 1. That the railing be all wood with the post being the same size as the support. 2. That the west elevation wood trim be removed. 3. That there be no corner boards. 4. That the skirt board be removed. Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $200 Town Planner: Date: 717199 hoject Name: Scalise Duplex VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ I DRBAPPR DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, July 7, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PRO.JECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community D,evslopment Department MEMBERS PRESENT BillPierce Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich SITE VISITS MEMBERSABSENT Melissa Greenauer Chas Bemhardt (PEC) 12:ff) pm 2:00 pm 1 . Flinn - 265 Forest Road2. Village Center Condominiums - 124 East Meadow Drive3. Barrett - 1397 Vail Valley Drive Driver: PUBLIC HEARING. TOWN COUNGIL CHAMBERS 1. Wiley residence - Final review of a new primary residence and Tpe llemployee housing unit. 1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, VailVillage Firt Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the materials be reviewed by staff. 2. Flinn residence - Conceptual review ol a new primary/secondary residence Allison and Type ll EHU. 265 Forest Road / Lot 21, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Applicant: Mitchell Studio, LLC, represented by Steve Riden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 3. Glen Lyon Office Building - Final review of an amendment to SDD No. 4. Dominic (Cascade Village)located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg TABLED UNTIL JULY 21, 1999 3:00 pm Allison rl 6. 4. Austrian residence - Final review of a remodel.of a primary/secondary residence. Brent 696 Forest Road / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing.Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. Neil Austrian, represented by Robert L. Arnold MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That a bay window, cantilevered down to floor level with the maximum protrusion allowed under the regulations, be required.2. That fire access issues be resolved prior to building permit.3. That Public Works issues be resolved prior to building permit. 5. MJL Development - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. Brent 4355 Bighorn Road i Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 3'o Addition. Applicant: MJL Development, represented by Steven James Riden, Architect CONCEPTUAL.NO VOTE Scalise residence - A final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1"' Allison Applicant: Dennis Scalise MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the railing be all wood with the post being the same size as the support.2. That the west elevation wood trim be removed.3. That there be no corner boards.4. That the skirt board be removed. 7. Village Center Condominiums - Final review of a master plan for exterior George improvements to Buildings A-C. 124 East Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"t Filing Applicant: Stephanie Lord MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Clark Brinain VOTE: 2-0-1 (Bill Pierce) APPROVED WIT}I 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That Town of Vail approval be granted for sidewalk improvements on Town property.2. That the applicant submit outdoor lighting information for review and approval. 8. Banett residence - Conceptual review of a new residence. Allison 1397 Vail Valley Drive I tol7, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing.Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz Architects CONCEPTUAL.NO VOTE 9. Town of Vail-Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence, Allison 2657 Arosa Drive// Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE al 10. Town of Vail Arosa/Garmish Park - Conceptual review of a public park. Allison Lots 1 ,2 & 3, Block H, Vail das Schone 2497 , 2485,2487 Garmisch and the unplafted portion of the sE 1/+, sE vz, sw /z of section 1 1, Township 5, Range 81 wesl.Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 1 1. Town of Vail- Conceptual review of a 4-plex and duplex. Allison 2477,2485,2487,2497 Arosa Dr. / Lots 1-4, Btock H, Vait Das Schone.Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Staff Approvals Cascade Hotel - Pool deck improvements. George 1300 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Development Area A.Applicant: L-O Vail Hotet, Inc. Slifer Smith & Frampton Vail Associates Real Estate - New wall sign & display box. Brent 230 Bridge StreeUSlifer Building. Applicant: ssF /ARE Hilliard residence - Landscape plan. Brent 2049 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Vail Valley 3ro.Applicant: KiwiandLandonHilliard Gateway Unit #5 - One-yr. extension of previous approval for a residential addition. Brent 12 Vail RoacUA portion of Block 5D, Vail Village lst. Applicant: VailApartments,lnc. Brown residence - Change shingles, new rock veneer at base, new log deck. Dominic 2556 Cortina Lane/Lot 1, Block D, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Byron Brown DeMott Gallery- New wall sign. Brent 100 E. Meadow DriveAy'ailVillage Inn. Applicant: John DeMott Shonkwiler residence - Interior remodel of 186.5 additional square feet. Allison 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5'n.Applicant: Robert Shonlsiler Yaros residence - Reconfigure proposed driveway. George 51 19 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Ron Yaros Ferry residence - Temporary unpaved parking area. ., Dominic 1007 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n. Applicant: Kaye Ferry Bakalar residence - Minor revision to previously approved plan. Brent 780 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 17, Block 1, Vait Potato Patch. Applicant: John & Christine Bakalar It I Olson residence - Entryway remodel. Brent 1 785 Sunburst Drive/Unplaued. Applicant: Curtis & Kristin Olson Oilily Vail -Addition ol condenser unit for A.C. Brent 278 Hanson Ranch Road #1o2A/Lots A&8, Block 5A, Vait Vi[age 1o.Applicant: Oilily Vail Birch residence - Split-rail fence at rear of property. Brent 1773 Shasta Place/Lot 13, Vail Village West Filing 1. Applicant: Kathryn and David Birch Marshall residence - New grade level deck & spa, Brent 4494 Streamside Circle/Lot 13, Bighorn 4n Addition. Applicant: J. Marshall Hansen - Addition and interior conversion. Brent 775 Potato Patch/Lot 19, Block 1, Potato Patch.Applicant: David ln,'rin Wallach residence - Re-paint. Brent 21'19 Chamonix Lane/Lot 12, Vail Heights. Applicant: Barry Wallach Lodge at Lionshead Unit 350 - Window and storage addition. Brent 380 E. Lionshead Circle/Lodge at Lionshead Phase ll, Unit 350. Applicant: Victor & Maria Chigas Schwarzreich residence - Front entry improvements. Brent 421 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 3, Block 4, V'ait Vittage 3'd Filing.Applicant: Steven & Elaine Schwazreich The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. o ZOI{E CHECK q Block E Filin o Orrncr Architc-ct Zonc disrict Lot sirc Total GR-FA Primary GRFA Sitc Covcragc ..!(5ur Sctbacks Allorved Existin e = 4a"o.15 Pronncai Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc frinarq ?* w / hlv IJUrtOabi c arca - 3t+1 I ^trl 38+1 +(425)(67s1= 720!.6 + (125) (675*) ! tWt e + 14ffi * 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addjtion Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? nA, Horv much of tl:c allorvcd 25C Ad.dinon is uscC wiih this rcqucst?nq + 1357 =2m*##"*r,-= l+$q wn & ry atw = 9t88 r6l 4rra(30|;;)/l-/ Froni Sidcs Rcar 4z , 20' .,15' 15, 4^--7 -rJ \ 15 Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcig!rs Parking Garagc Crcdit D-ir.cw'ay Complics rvith TOV Liglting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd -aradcs lcss than 2:1 (50%) Enviro nm cnial./} lazards ,n ^Prcvious conditions of approval (cbcck prop.of filc): /r/A 0 Lcgal dcscription: Lot Minimum ltil, 1tM.g 3',t6' n.quta-[- (3oo)(60;*r@ Pemittcd Slopc l0 7 pioposcd Slopc l0 n Y., / No Ycs_ No I) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) 2) Floodplain .- 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Remaining gl?,15 Is thc propcrfynon-conforming? OxnAc: flfu2, I DESIGN REVIE1V CHECKLIS T Projccf --. Q SUR\EY Scalc Bcnchrnark :- Lcgal dcscription ' LotSizc i-r. BuildableArea Eascmcng Topography l00yr. floodplain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmenal }iazards . _-._ Trees Utiliry locations Spot clcvations tr SITEPLA]'I Q FLooRPLA].rs Scalc GR.FA 250 additionat GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILDI.IGELEVATIoNS Scalc :_ ColorWatcrials Roofpitch tr I.$TDSCAPEPIJu.I ExistingEccs hoposcd rees Lgcnd MISCEIJANEOUS C.O. Vcrification Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (ur:dcrground) Viqv Conidors Varianccs plat rcstictions Building Height Condo APProval Encroachmcn* Tidc rcPort (A & B) Sctback Utility.vcrification form Sitc Covcnge EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DeclisBalconics Building matcrial samples Garagc conncction Sitc Gndcrslopc Rct,;'ringWalls Fcnccs TumingRadius Drivcnay (access and gndc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss 'd ComJnity Development Plan notog Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:4t2t99 Return Bv:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Froject kgal: Project Description: Scalise Duplex 2567 Arosa Dr Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone New primary/secondary residence lst Approved _x_Denied (cite deailed reasons)Approved with conditions Need Title Report Primary driveway and driveway between both units need to at 15 ft wide.( Any area of 90 angle.) dust and revise. Driveway proposed is too steep. Max grade is 8% for the first 10-ft. then 10% is allowed max rrnheated,l2o if heated. Please remember that the pan elevation is the same on both sides so start the measurerrcnts at the driveway side ofthe pan , and not the street side. Drive area between the primary and secondary units cannot exceed 8% max cross slope. Show in site plan Cars in garage in secondary unit camot get in or out of garage with a 20' centerline radius. If not able to adjust site plan to worko a different entrance to garage is required. Is driveway heated? And what is the driveway to consist of. Asphalt, Concrete, Brick Pavers, Etc? Need to show top and bottom elevation of*et retaining walls . r^)all> o ver 4 *a .rtrtat P. (7. 5 Please show elevation ofgarage slab on both units. Elevation of patio area Show on site plan, Snow storage area. fuea needed is l0% if driveway is heated and 30% if unheated. Snow storage must be within lot boundaries. What is the total length of culvert proposed to buded. 'ti < af, Curluc. l- . // hz*4,'x%o' utal Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 5-4-99 F:\EVERYONE\DRIAROUTING9SROUING\PL,tsLICWO\IIVIASTER.FRM commrly Development Plan Routil|ro.t Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:4/2/99 Return Bv:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Scalise Duplex 2567 tuosa Dr Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone lst New primary/secondary residence Approved Denied (cite deailed reasons) -x-Approved with conditions Need Title Report 4' concrete pan to TOV standards Show on site plan , 100/o snow storage for heated trea, 30o/o for nonheated area within lot boundaries. Heat is allowed up to concrete pan on driveway, but area in right of way is to be in separate zone. No heat in concrete pan. What is driveway to consist ofl (Asphalt, Concrete, Pavers...) Cor*uly Development ptan Routifro., Greg Hall, Public Works hoject Name: hoject Address: Project Legal; Project Description: Scalise Duplex 2567 tuosa Dr Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone lst New primary/secondary residence Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)_x_Approved with conditions Need Title Report 4' concrete pan to TOV standards Show on site plan , 10% snow storage for heated uea,30o/o for nonheated area within lot boundaries. Heat is allowed up to concrete pan on driveway, b concrete pan. What is drivewayto consist ofl (Asphalt, Concrete, pavers_) Reviewedby: LeonardSandoval Date reviewed:6-3-99 \I LN , I REVTSED 5/6199 i. 1,,., r-:,{ bVr iDESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, May 5, 1999 3{t0 P.M. PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE 11:00 pm 2:00 pm PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH- TOWN COUNC1I ChAMbETS MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce (left at 5:00 p.m.) Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) srTE vrslTs 1. Vail Interfaith Chapel- 19 Vail Road2. Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road3. Adams-765 West Forest Road4. Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle5. Scalise - 2567 Arosa Drive6. Lot 25 - 1854 Glacier Gt,7. Wiley-1538 Spring HillLane8. Valleau - 4839 Meadow DriveL Shaper - 2645 Bald Mountain Road10. Lot 4, Gore Creek Sub. -5166 Black Gore Drive11. Kinzelberg - Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates George MEMBERS ABSENT PUBUC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. The Marriott (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark, Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 2. Lionsquare North - New awning. 660 West Lionshead Circle/Lot-8, Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: LionsquareNorthCondoAssociation MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED - Subject to final staff review. 3:00 pm George Dominic t REVTSED 5/61993. Adam residence - Conceptual review of a proposed remodel. Brent 765 West Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village 6"'. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Filtzlen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 4. Henkes residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2824 Snowberry Drive I Lot 17, Block 9, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 5. Wiley residence - Conceptual review for a new primary residence and Type ll Allison employee housing unit. 1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Valleau Hesidence - Conceptual review of a remodel/addition to an existing residence. Allison 4839 Meadow Drive/Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth. Applicant: Bob & Kathy Valleau MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED Scalise Residence - Conceptual review gl a new qrimary/secondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1' Allison Applicant: Dennis Scalise CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Waterhouse residence - New garage. Jeff 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vait Village 1". Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE 9. Shaper residence - Review ol a new garage. .. Jeff 2645 Bald Mountain Roacylot 10, Block2, VailVillage 13"'. Applicant: Steve Shaper MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19, 1999 10. Vail lnterfaith Chapel - Remodel/addition at existing facility. Jetf 19 Vail Road / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE; 5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19. 1999 7. 1 lt.r o REVTSED 5/6t99 'l 1. Kinzelberg residence - Conceptual review. Jeff Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Harvey Kinzelberg, represenled by Hans Berglund GONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 12. Grand Traverse Lot '16 - Final review of a new single{amily residence. George 1800 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 16, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 4-0 APPFOVED PER REVISED PLANS 13. Lot 25, Glacier Ct. -Conceptual review of a proposed new primary/secondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 14. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicantr Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 15. Dobson lce Arena - Conceptual review locker room/loadiqg dock expansion. George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 16. Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision.- Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence.George 5166 Black Gore Drive/Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision, Applicant: Greg Amsden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Stafl Aoorovals Brooktree Condominiums - Stairway/landing replacement. Brent 980 Vail View Drive/A portion of Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: BrooktreeTownhomesHOA Burillo residence / Northwind development - Revised landscape plan. Brent 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 16, Block 1, VailVillage 1"' Filing. Applicant: Northwind Development Flizk residence - Bedroom/dining room addition. Brent 740 Sandy LaneiLot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing f2. Applicant: Oscar Rizk REVISED 5/6/99 Axelrod residence - Exterior repaint. George 2578 Arosa DriveiLot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Art Axelrod Ketcham residence - Changes to driveway. Allison €01 Glen Falls Lane/Lot 1, Forest Glen. Applicant: Linda Ketcham Bemdt residence -Site plan changes. Allison 756 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Bemdt MacLean residence - Interior conversion of crawl space. George 1330 Sandstone Drive, Overlook, Unit #1?G-4, Vail Lionsridge. Applicant: John Maclean Walzer residence - Addion of stone veneer to deck rail and chimney. George 333 Beaver Dam RoacUlot 41, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: George Schaeffer Construction Co. Timber Falls Buibing #18 - North side deck e)dension. Brent 4459 Timberf alls Ct. #1 8/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: Timber Falls Phase lX Association The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Qucstions? On. PlanningStaff at479-2 l2tt CRIPTION fNm-ilflv APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOl'i/N OFVAIL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is tbr any projcct rcquiring Desigrr Rcvierv approval. Any project requiring dcsigt revierv nrtrst rcceive Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pemrit. For specific information. sec thc submittal rcquircmcnts tbr the particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc acccpted uridl all the requircd inforrrration is submitted. The projcct may also nccd to be rcvierved by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Euvironlrrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval expircs one ycar after final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is stnrted. OF THE REQUEST;rJt* (n,,sl,z,.v*iop 'rA c. E. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 9 BLOCK: t FILINC: .I' I PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 4 5 PARCEL *:2 lo3- l4toq 6 | L (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Ol'tlcc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC:exttt n L NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: o\vNER(S) SrGNA c.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILhIC ADDRESS: pnoi'rE: 1 70 ! -7 q-Q-EEE- H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: ,\ tlov Construction - $200 Constnrction of a ncrv building. D Addition - $50 lncludes any addition rvherc squarc tbotage is added to any rcsidcntial or cournrcrcial building. E Minor Alteration - $20 Includcs ntinor changcs to buildings atrd sitc inrproveurents. such as, rcroofing..painting. rvindorv additions, landscaping, fcnccs and retaining rvalls, cto. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of subnrittal. Later, rvhcn applying ibr a building pcrnrit, plcase identify the accurate valuation ofthe project. Thc Town of Vail rvill adjust the fec according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBI\{TT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVTITTAL REQUIREI\TENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIVIENT OF CON,IIVTUNITY DBVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADo 81657. Irs€ -?u. N.rl.)ts r^'\ tstJt6 LIST OF PROPOSED I}TATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:*BUILDING N,IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soltlts !Vindorvs Windorv Trirrr Doors Door Trirr Hand or Deck Rails Flires Flashings Chiruicys trastr ts nctosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Othcr D"rp (J^*l hcDruooo SoIt-U7,teLtJ4^.^ t bggp ilo^.t Zea,roo D (e.b arc A *; [e,csou CelsatL.l,Uoot) A l--H vbc,*s on l Tntl Lite CoL"r,c No o p V/ort f 5+ ,^.. , ,- lltrf N^ot P"1,.*"r/s,n*,ia _q . I uo r.,,', rz<-D |,tatr-l \f Cuao u C-p-l.ora ,r 11/L,te , ilcor.* Pcdooog ae'-f lP,,s * Pleasc speciiy the manul'acturer's color, number and attach a small color chip **All cxteriorlightingllttstlneettheTorvn'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifcxteriorlightingisproposcd, pleasc indicate the nurrrber offixtures and locations on a separatc lighting plan. ldentity each fixhue type zurd provide the height above grade, luntens output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shect ofthe lighnng fixhues. Natn"-( f wa;t-< "otlhoFd*"oo M<t.,^,,,...( ^lla .. Updated 6/97 I PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Sizct LE { (1q I3 cl PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Age trr- Lr lr.c S*:\€dsa- Eqat rt*q.--,----=- *M ininrunr f t <Y O lrr-e-eS l(Lqeu€-D for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc \A'\b'.*'so E \ (rooo Typc F lo r^, ^f -. Ya* )rprai -L-\c'u S\.'to-,-. hn*-.?'do.tio OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speci!. Inilicate top and bottonr clevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feel Maximum height of arA, lA, 'lvalls elsewhere on the propcrty is 6 feet. t-tc.rPl u UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This foml is to vcrifi7 scrvicc availability and location for nerv construction and shoulrl bc uscd in conjunction w'ith preparing your utility plan and schcdtrling installations. Thc locatiorr arrd avaiiability of utilitics, whcthcr thcy be rnain tnrnk lincs or proposcd lincs. nrust be approvcd and vcrifled by thc follorving utilities for thc acconrpanying sitc pll.rn. Authorizcd Siqnaftrrc Datc U.S. West C'ournrurrications r -1t00-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc Cornpany 9.19-5 78 I Cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.I. 949-55 30 Floyd .Salazar Eaglc River Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7481) Frcd Haslcc z. ? . ,\ , f n>34- t-(ttr.c.{-eA t-atC&p,qt 5n- QJt^,-l^.-0 -r"q &,,* Lt -27,,-77 ,[ z ,{LA, * Plcase brir:g a site plan, floor plan. and elevations rvhen obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signahrres. Fire florv necds rnust be addresscd. NOTES: l.If the utility verification tbnlr has signatucs fionr cach of thc utility cornpanics. and rro conrlrent.s are ntadc directly on the tbmr, the Torvn rvill presume that thcre are no problems and thc developrncnt cau procccd. Ifa utility conpany has conccnrs with the proposed construction, the utiliry represeutative shall note directly orr the utility verification lbmr that thcre is a problem r,vhich needs to be resolved. Thc issuc should thcn be dctailcd in an attached lctter to the Torw ofVail. Horvcver, please kecp in mind that it is thc responsibilify ofthc utility conrpany and the applicant to resolve identified proble ms. These verifications do not rclieve the contractor of the resnonsibilitv to obtain a Public Wav Pcnnit fiom the Dcpartnrcut of Public Works at the Torvnlof Vail. Utility locations nrust bc obtained before diggine in any public right-of-rvay or easerrcnt rvithin thc Torvn of Vail. A 3. Updated (r/97 I. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application confercnce rvith Torvn of Vail staff is rcqrrircd. No application can bcacccptcd urless thc rrandatory pre-applicatiort tnceting has bcen conrplcted. It is the applicant's responsibiliry to schcdule this nrccting by calling 910-479-2128. II. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Dcsig:r Revierv Board nreets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of cach nronth. A conrplete application tbrrn and all accornpanying lllatcrial nrust bc acccptcd by thc Conulunity Developnrent Dcpartrnent a tnitritnutt't of thr-ce and a half (3 l/2) rvccks pdor to tlrc date of the DRB public hcaring. III. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal rvill be rcvicrvcd fbr cor:rpliance rvith thc Dcsign Guidelines as sct ibrth in Section 18.54 of thc Municipal Codc. ]V. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa property is located in a rnapped hazard area (i.c. snorv avalanche, rockJhll, floodplain, dcbris florv. rvctland. ctc). a haard shrdy nrust bc subnrittcd and the orvrrcr nrust sign an affidavit rccogniz'ing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuance ofa building permit. Applicants are cncouraged to chcck rvith thc plannin-9 staffprior to subnriftal of a DRB application to determine thc rclarionship ofthc propcrty to all rnapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Forrnat. For all survcys, sitc plans, landscape plans and other site inrprovenrents plans, all of thc follorving rnust be shorvn.[. Plansheetsizcntustbe24"x36". For largc proiccts. largerplan size nny bc al]orved.2. Scalc. The nrinirnunr scalc is I "=20'. All nlans must be at thc sanre scale.3. Graphic bar scalc. 4. North anorv. 5. Title block, projcct narnc, project addrcss and legal description.6. Indication of plan prcparcr, addrcss atd phone nuurbcr. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all rcvision dates.8. Vicinity map or location nrap at a scalc of l "=1.000. or largcr.9. Sheet labcls and nunrbcrs. I 0 . A border rvith a mininrum lcft side nrargin of 1.5,,. I | . Nantcs of all adjaccnt roadrvay.s. 12. Plan lcgcnd. C. For nerv constnlction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project sile to indicate property liues, proposed buiidings and building comers. All trees to be removed nust be taped. The applicant nrust ensure that staking done during thc rvinter is not buried by snorv. AII sitc tapings and staking must be completed prior to thc day of the DRB mceting. D. Applicants rvho i'ail to appc?r befbrc the Design Revicrv Board on their schcduled mecting date and u'ho havc llot asked in advancc that discr.rssion on thcir itelr bc postponed. rvill have their itents rcmoved fionr the DRts agenda urtil such time as the iteil has becn rcpublished. E. If thc DRB approvcs the apptication rvith conditions or modifications, allconditions of approval nrust bc rcsolved pdql to the issuarcc of a bLrilding per-nrit. Updated 6i97 .' ii. . STAFF APPROVAL Thc Administrator rnay rcvierv and approvc Dcsigr Rcvicrv applicatiorts, approve rvith ccnain rnoditications. dcny thc application. or nray rcitr the application to thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board for dccision. AII staff approvals arc subjcct to final approval by thc DRB. Thc lbllorving types of Design Rcvierv applications nray bc staff approvcd: A. Any application fbr arr acldition to an existing brrilding that is consistcnt rvith the architcctural desigrr' nrotcrials arirl colors of tfic building, an{ approval has becn rcceived by zur authorizcd tllcntbcr ofa condonriniunt association, if applicable: B. Any application to rnoclify an cxisting building that does not sigrificantly change thc cxisting planes of thc building and is generally consistent rvith thc architcctural dcsign. materials and colors of the building. including, but not linritcd to cxtcrior building finish matcrials (e.g. stonervork, siding' roof materials. paint or stain.), cxtcrior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fenccs, antennas, satcllitc dishcs. rvin4orvs, slrylights. sicling, nrinol conrrrrcroial f-acade irlprovcnlcnts, and othcr similar modificatiorrs; C. Any application for sitc improvcnrents or rnodiflcations including. but not linlitcd to' driveway modifications, site grading. site rvalls. rerrroval or modifications to cxisting landscaping. installation of acccssory stnlctllrcs or rccrcittional facilitics. VI. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. lf this application rcquires a soparatc revierv by any local, state or Fcdcral agsnoy othcr than thc Torvn of Vail, thc application fcc shall be incrcascd by 5200.00. Exantplcs ofsuch revierv' may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaffment of High$'ay Acccss Perrnits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc. B. Thc applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fbes rvhich are in exccss of 50% ofthc application fbe. li', at thc applicant's rcquest. any Dlattcr is postponcd for hearing. causing the matter to be rcllublishcd. thcn thc entirc tee tbr such rc-pLrblication shall be paid by the applicant' C. Applications dccrncd by thc Comurunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartltrcnt to havc dcsign. Iatld ttse or othcr issucs rvhich r.nay havc a siglificzurt inrpact on thc cotutnuniry nlay rcqr'rire rcvicrv by cotlsultants in additrol to Torvn statl. Should a deterntination bc nrade by the To*'n staff that an outsidc consultant is necdcd. the Conluunity Dcvclopurcnt Dcpartrncnt ntay hire the consultant. Thc Departrrent shall estimate the aurount of monry ncccssary to pay thc consultant attd thisantottnt shall bc tbnvardcd to the Torvn by the applicant atihc tinre of liiing an application. Expenscs incurred by thc Towl in cxcess ofthe arnount tbnvardcd by the application shall bc paid to the Torvn by the appliczurt rvithin -30 days of notitlcation by the Torvn. Al]y cxccss funds rvill be rerumed to tho applicant upon rcvie'',v cotnnletiott Updatcd 6i97 APR 2€ ' 33 9: 3@ a4/2a1l999 E9:59 I U.S, wc$t Co fi nunl(:Etiohs t.t00.022-t 987 a6E.6E60 or 949-fJ!0 Public Scrvicc Cctptny 9{9,5781 Oary Hrlt Holy Crors Elct*dc Ar*oc. 949.5tf92 Tcd Hrsky/John Boyd T,C.r. 949-5510 Floyd Salezar Eaglc Rivr wrnr & Senitrion Di$dg ' .176-7480 Frcd lln*lcc oeGE , aa? PAGE E23B3s|I63 DENNIS+DEr =U rfftl lrY I oe ^ "loil,vFRrrtqal'rpfi This fofltt it to vorift rctvicl avdl'bniry md locrlton fd ncw comtildion rrld rhould bo urd h conjuncion with prqrring your utitity pr"i enJ rcfrlfuliug insnllationr. Thc locstioil md $nihbitity o?ttiilhicr. whahrr rhsy [c'iain'tn n! lincs r proporcd liicr. muct bc agprovcd ud vcrificd by lhc following utilitic for the scrEom|lnFng sitc pbn. &tbqLd.gilllofe rl! 4Arln r Plcasc birg a ritc plan. floor plur. cnd clcveliong whcn obnining Upcr E4le vallcy Wficr & Sanit tion signnhrrcs. Firq llorv nccds m$S ba rddrsod, .xqies: L lfthc utility vcrification fornr hrs si8hrhrrcs fronr erch ofthc utiliV compcqics. ud no Qomrnctltr erc mndc dircctly on thc fonn thc Tom will prcu,rnra lhrt tlrcrp are no Jroblcms md thc dcvctopn*nt ra r plwcca 2, lf r utility comptny har conccnr s'ltlr thc pcoposcd corrdruction. thc utllity qrfiroilraivc shdl noa diradly ar tho ulility vcdfic$iq frrm thst thctl ir e problom which acodt to bc rcrolved The irmo rhould thrn bc dctailed In an rtadrcd hta to thl To*n sf vril. Horrctr, plcace lcqr in mind tbat ti is tc EgoGdbility ofttc urility company and lhr applicart to rcsotvc idertlfiod pmblonrr. Thcq vcrificatiors do not roli:vo the aonlnstor of tho rcipmsibility to obain I hUic Wry Pcnnit fronr tho Dqatrmont of fublic Wo*t rt ttc Twn uf Vril. lJtiliV lutionr nustlq ohtdncdicfnndigginsiourypuUbdgnt-of-myorcascnsrtwitiindrcTownofvlil. A build4rcrmit irmt a tublic$ry pcrurit rnd mu* bc olllbd rf+*cly. t, Upddd6/9? 3R3s94a863 PnGE. OA? BESTCOPY A\,AII.ABTE s-G ,:i -3 , ',,i, .... l', ,#ffi -flilrfiffiffi ffi $iffii 56, Ee Udb ;ii ..: |.:'.$ BA't5bd tu10I EEZ' 19Cc 9\",&,\stP 9r,,ro z:34 PM J:::U: XAVON, COLORADO. -'.1nf, G': - -:r: ->i-.t-= =: s =f Autlgrircd Sionntuc Dtts ], t,::ro Ot,:g r sitc plao, floor plau. rnd qlcvotiorrs rvhen.\ignflnlccs. pilr llorv rrccdl nlrsl bg addresscd. NOTES; l. 7 P. ( E"h ,/r/"t obtaioing Upper Eagle Vallcy Warer & Sanintion pn1 PAGE This fonll ir to vctlly trcrYtcc ovniiabillty ind locrrdon for rerv comtrucdon ud should be ursd in oonjuoctlon wirh prepring your ulitity plon snd sohcduling inrtalletions, Tha locltiou urd avaihbillty of utiliticr' whaher lhcy bs ,llairt tr n\ litrg;t o( Frloposcd liucs, nru-.tt he app"o"cd rnd vcriflod by thc follorviag tttitl(cr fOr thc rrccortpurying ritc plrtt- U,S, Wcrt Conrnrunicntionr l.l|00.922- l9f? 468-6860 or 949"4910 Ptrblic Scrvicc Cotupilry 9.r9.578 | Cory Hrlt Holy Cror:l Elccric Assoc, 94e-slC2 Tcd Hurky/lohn Boyd T,C.t. 949"5J10 Ployd Satazu Erglc Rivcr Wntcr &, S.lritrtio.t Disrricr r 476"741a1 Frcd Haslcu j lf thc urility vcrir'ication fbrnr has oignlhucs ftonr cach of ihc rrtirity conpanicl. and no;tJ'ili1]:;:'Jff:1ff:'J.:" thc ionn. 'r'. ro,"' ,"iir p.let,rnc tha*hsrc iu-c no probrcms and ff r utility compfiy h$ conqcyr.ls rvith tlta proposcd consr,Jclr0n, tbe utility rcprqalBtive shtlltrolcdircctly on lhe utility uenfc*ion ,b;,;ilr-;h*;'r'p,oUrcnl rvhich nerds to b€ r!!olve( ifr'liHT$:,TT:l,,'.',':?'"irr au anachcd tottc,. toih'c rown orvc..';;;;;;,;i;r. r<tcnrilirdprobrcn* 'ronsibilityofthsu lityssllpanyrnd,rr""ppl-*ii.*iri't JiffiH,ltill[:j.t-Tfii|j:".' rhe conractor of rhe resp..,s,biliry r0 obtai' a frrbric lvay ooreincd hrf,ore rriqdro in "n-'',:Ll*lY,::\:tltt Torvnlot'Varl. u,iii,rr*"'i""- ","*L*:-qH+{ng&gius'"nrp,ilri'"cil:};;;'r:l'J-otvati'u$itlilocatiruuutlbghuildins pc'nrrr i.i;;i;iii; tyqz*rarirctuus-lq"r,jfi":*:,:y,Torvn or Vsir, a Updatcd (r/9t nFR.a9. 1999 1e:3Sf4 U.S. Wcst Corrtuunlcrtions t -$00.922.19t7 46t-6860 or 949-{J10 Public Servics Corupaoy 9{9-5?t I ftry Hall Holy Cro*r Elcctrie Arssc. 949-5892 Tcd Huv\/John Eqd T.C.t. 9{e-5530 Floyd $larar Feglc Rivcr Wrrcr & Sanitrtion Dirtricr r 476-?4E0 Frcd tiaslcs I-fl-Y CRGS VRIL Fn. 1eE P. 1 Tlti.l fonn is !o vcritl scrvicc ovrilabitiry ild locedon for new constnrction and shoukl bc uscd in 990ju6sjio,rlsithPrqr|dngvourudlitypturand.rehcdulinginrtattetions. rmtoqtioneniiilriuriioruriut.s,whcrhcr thcy bc nnin nrnk lincs or prolrescd rirrs, onir bc nppror.d and verificd by rt e rotro,,vinls ur;rides rnor rhcacconrpanl ng sitc pltrn. Atnhorizcjt Signarrql ene 7'e?rn? t Plooec bring e siF plan. floor platr' a d elcvadons whm obninirrg upper Eaglc veltcy watcr & sanitation;igniuurcr. Filt flow nccds rnwr be addrccscd. NOTES. l, 1 If thc utitity vcritication tbon hu eignrturcs fiom cach of mc u*ity corrparics. rnd nocontmcnts erc Dadc dirtc,tlv,on thc ibmr. the Torvn rvill prcsunrc that rhcre nrc no poblcrRs rndthe dcrclopmsnt on fro.""o. lf rtility cgmpany hrs concenr5 Mth thc proporcd sonstnrction, rhc utility rcprc.s€lrtarivc sh.ltootc.directly on the utility verificrtion cotti.rr"rtrtcrc isl'probtcn rvfuch nceds t0 bc FsolvsdTho isuric rhould rhol bc donirad in "n .,t".rr.J i.i"i i"L', r",-, of vail. Hcrvevcr, plcrsekcep in nind ther ii is rhe rcsponsiufl iry oriic uail "o,n'p"r,y."a rhe apF,rican*o rcsolvcidertificd problcnu. Thqa vailicaions do not rtricw 1!e connactor of thc rcsponsibiliry to obririu a public wayPotit trornthe DeDadroclt of pub[" t;d-s;i ;hc i-o.ilIof vrit, Ittiuw roca;ons njus oc lblliTr4-bcfon $qing in ruypubtic righr.of-wly.oi cascnrcnt rvirhin rhc To.rvr: of Vait. A;ii**.'r"r, Updrtcd 6/97 TILE NPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 9, 1999 Dennis Scalise P.O. Box 2591 Vail, CO 81658 Fax 303-984-0863 RE: Scalise Residence, located Lr256'l Arosa Drive lLot9. Block E. Vail Das Schone 1". Dear Dennis: The Community Development Depaftment has reviewed the plans for the Scalise Duplex rcgards to GRFA and site coverage. The Scalise Residence has been analyzed according Primary/Secondary Zoning. The analysis provides: in to Standard Allowed Proposed Remainine Lot Size: zurng: Site Coverage CRsA With EHU bonuses Primary EHU Landscaping 11,843 sq. ff. Ptinury/Secondary 20o/o or 2,369 sq, ft. 2,188 sq. ft. 3,385.75 sq. ft. 181 sq. ft. 213.75 sq.fr4,060.75 sq.ft. 2.201.45 sq. ft. 1,859.3 sq. ft. 7,105.8 sq. ft 3,847 sq.ft. 2,358 sq. ft. 1.489 sq. ft. ok The Scalise Duplex is now under on both site coverage and GRFA. You also meet your landscaping requirement. Any changes to the driveway may have some effects on your landscaping requirements. but you have abundant square tbotage to wolk with. Thank you for youl patience. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 4'79-2369. S incere lv. /1 tl a '' ,/')/ /ll /l/f a /r./+(/(/*- w)L Allison Ochs Planner Town of Vail tr*""nuo" o* --.v TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 9, 1999 Dennis Scalise P.O. Box 2591 Vail. CO 81658 Fax: 970-479-6430 RE: Scalise Residence, located at2567 Arosa Drive /Lot9, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1". Dear Dennis: The Community Development Depaftment has reviewed the plans for the Scalise Duplex, to be located ar 2567 Arosa Drive. The following comments and revisions must be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval. 'J4 Please provide a title report, including schedules A and B. 2. The primary ddveway and the driveway ilea between both units need to be 15 ft. wide. (Refer to the Development Standards regarding any driveway area with a 9O-degree angle.) Please adjust and revise. 3. The proposed driveway is too steep. Maximum grade is 8oh for the first l0 ft., then maximum allowable grade 1s l0% unheated md 12 % heated. Please remember that the pan elevation is the same on both sides so start the measurements at the driveway side of the pa.n, and not the street side. 4. The drive area between the primary and secondary units cannot exceed an 8% maximum cross slope. Please show on the site plan 5. The cars in the garage of the secondary unit cannot get in or out of garage with a 20' centerline radius. Ifyou are unable to adjust the site plan to allow these parking places to function, a different entrance to the garage may be required. 6. Is the driveway heated? Please indicate driveway materials. 7. Please show all top and bottom elevations of brick retaining walls. Walls over 4 ft. require P.E. stamp approval 8. Please show the elevation ofthe garage slab on both units. 9. Please show the elevation ofthe patio area. t *n "uo r ro 10. Please provide calculations fol proposed snow storage areas. All requiied parking and accessl areas shall be designed to accomrpdate on-site snow storage. A minimum functional area equaling 30% ofthe paved area shall be provided contiguoui to tle paved area and designed to accommodate snow storage. Turf areas and other areas without trees may be utilized for this purpose. If driveways are heate4 then the minimum snow storage area may be reduced to l0% ofthe required parking and access areas. 1 1. Please indicate the total length and size of the proposed culverr to bury. 12. As discussed, one of the units must be deed restricted. I have included a copy of the deed restriction. 13. Please provide a grading plan 14. The sight distance (20'x 250') for the back out drive must be achieved. 15. Retaining walls must be 2' off property line. MSE block walls may require a geogrid. Geogrids cannot extend across property lines. The Scalise Residence has been analyzed according to Primary/Secondary Zoning. The analysis provides: Lot Size: Zonng: Standard Allowed Prooosed Remaining With EHU bonuses 4,060.75 sq.ft. 11,843 sq. ft. Primary/Secondary 20Vo or 2.369 sq. ft. 2,422 sq. ft. 3.385.75 so. ft. 4,287 sq.ft. 2,667 sq.ft. 1,620 sq. ft. 20'lt5'/15' 4 spaces 7,008 sq. ft. Site Coverage GRIA Primary EHU Setbacks 2,201.45 sq. ft. 1,859.3 sq. ft. 20'/15'/15' -53 sq. ft. -226 sq. rtl -1 spaces -97.8 sq. ft. Required Parking 5 spaces Landscaping 7,105.8 sq. ft Building Height 33 ft. The Scalise Residence is over on maximum alloqabie Site Coverage and GRFA and under the minimum requirernents for Parking and Landscaping. vSite Coverage: The Scalise Residence is 53 sq. ft. over the allowable site coverage. Site coverage refers to the total horizontal area ofany building, carport, porte-cochere, arcade, and covered or roofed walkway as measured from the exterior face of perimeter walls or supporting columns above grade or at ground level, whichever is the greater area. In addition to the above, building area shall also include any porfion ofa roofoverhang, eaves, or covered stair, covered deck, covered porch, covered terrace or covered patio that extends more than four feet (4') from the exterior face of tle perimeter building walls or supporting columns. {GnF.l.: The Scalise Residence is 226 sq. ft. over on allowable GRFA. Please refer to chapter 15 of the Zoning Code for exclusions of GRFA calculations. The secondary unit can be up to 40% of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. The allowable GRFA for this lot is calculated as follows: Lot Size: I 1,843 sq. ft. 11843 * .25=2960.75 Primary: 2960.75 * .6 = 1776.45 (60% of allowable GRFA on the lot) 1776.45 + 425 = 2201.45 (425 fo each allowable dwelling unit) Secondary: 2960.75 * .4 = 1184.3 (40% of allowable GRFA rxr the lot) 1 184.3 + 425 + 250 = 1859.3 @25 rrdiir atd2.50 bonus for EHIJ) 1859.3+2201. 4S = 4, 060.7 5 sq. ftTotal: (The primary unit can exceed 60% of the allowable GRFA, but the secondary unit must rernain under 40%.) lParking: Please denote another parking place for the primary residence on the site plan. Parking spaces axe required to be 9' by l9'. This third parking space rnrst function independently of the secondary unit's ability to park and exit the driveway. Building Height: Please denote all finished elevations on the site plan in order for staff to detemrine building height. Include the finished elevations of the all roof eaves and ridges. A roof plan may be helpful. Building height is the distance measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof or eaves to the existing or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive) located directly below said point of the roof or eaves. Within any building footprint, height shall be measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roofto the existing grade directly below said point on a proposed or existing roof. The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Scalise Residence on May 19, 1999. The following were some of their cotrcerns: t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The driveway appears to be too close to the property line. The garage accesses should be consistent. Board members had concerns regarding the use of the wood, stucco, and stone. The wood applications seem to fragment the architecture. With the entrance to tbe residence under the garage, the house lacks a sense of arrival. The deck(s) needs to be pulled back from the corner. Ending a deck corner is difficult architecturally to do. Members expressed concern regarding the blank wall on the left elevation. It needs something to break it up. Board members expressed difficulties with the proposed roofing materials. While it is not expressly forbidden by the Design Guidelines, it is to the discretion of the Board to approve or deny proposed roofing materials. must be submitted by 8:00 a.nr. on June 2, 1999 and meet the approval of the Comnnrniry, Development Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (970) 479-2369. Sincerelv. Itlu* / L Allison C. Ochs Planner I Town of Vail 5:t5OPy TOWI,IOFVAIL 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2|N Fil(970479-2157 l. 1 June2l, 1999 Dennis Scalise P.O. Box 2591 Vail, CO 81658 Fax 303-984-0863 and 413-665-4008 RE: Scalise Residence, located Lt 2567 Arosa Drive / Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone I't. Dear Dennis: The Design Review Board reviewed the Scalise Residence on June 16, 1999. The following were tbeir comments regarding the proposed architecture: Materials need to be continued arouud to other sides of tle residence. Placing certain materials only on the front gives tbe residence a 2-dimensional feel. The duplex appears to be a mirror image. Separating oue of the garage doors could help to alleviate this appearance.3. The deck raining massing needs to be carried to the ground (i.e. continue the stucco to the ground). 4. Please provide a variety of materials.5. The entry-way should be pulled out.6. The dormer features are too identical.7. The first roofing material is inappropriate. The asphalt shingles arc fine.8. Please provide a protective fence for existing trees.9. The primary side's domrer is too high by .5 ft. Please revise this elevation on the site plan. If you have any questions, please do not besitate to call me at 479-2369. Sincerely, -.-1 /kW^ Planner Town of Vail {g.nn "oruo porm'noichr - ,'a Ordeq No. V25L865 ^^\i+z :1"!:'tf"#"'YZ ?Oq'r bePce r*o,.,oc $rgo, ooo. oo SCHEDUI.B A .rrddress LOT 9 BL,K E IJAIL DAS SCI{I{OE FLG 1 1 . Policy DaEe: ,fuly 24, 1998 aE 5 : O0 P. M. 2. Name of Ingured: DENNIS l{. SCALISE, DOROTI|EA A. SCALISE, AI,ID JAMES J. SCALISE, JR. 3. The egt,at,e or interest in ghe land described in Chis Scheduleand which iE covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4. Title t,o the esE,aEe or int,ereat eovered by chis policy aE thedate hereof is veet,ed in: DENNIS W. SEAI,iSE, DOROTHEA A. SCALISE, ATiTD JAMES J. SCALISE, JR. 5. The fand referred Eo in Ehis policy is situaced in EAGLECounty, Colorado, and is described as follows: Lor 9, Br,ocK E, A REsItBDrvrsroN oF vArL DAg scHoNE, FrLrNc No.1, AccoRDrliIGt ro rHE RECoRDED PLAT THEREoF, conlfry oF EAGLE,STATB OF COIORADO. '} IrAl,ID TITL,E GUAR.ANTEE COMPANYPage X Thls poLicy valid onLy if Schedule B is ar.Eached. Form,AO/CttI "t ilHJ: v261665 ]ricv No. CTEU251856 l_. 3+: f:li:L-d:?:. nor. insure asainsE ross or damage (and rhe Companywlrr noE_pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenseg)-which arise by-reason of: General. E:rceptJ.ons : Righte or elaims of parties in possession not, shown by thepublic records. Encroachment,g, overlaps, .boundary Line dispuEes, or othermatterE which would be disclosed'by "r, ...iii.ie'survey anainspecEion of the premiees. EagemenE,a, or claime of easemenE,s, noE shown by the publicrecorde. Any lien, or riqht to a lien, for services, rabor, or materi.arheretofore or hEreafr,er f;ilis;Ji,-i;p;;;'b;-i;; and noE shownby the public recorde. 1998 TA:GS NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AI{D ASSESSMEMTS NOT YET CERTTFIED TO "HETREASI'RERS OFFICE. RIGIIT OF PROPR,IETOR OF A VEIN OR. LODE TO EXTPACT AI,ID REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROIII SHOULD TI{E SAITIE BE FOUIID TO PENETR,ATE OA TNTBRSECT THE PREMiSESAS RESBRVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED EU TUSC TT, 1900, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGE 236 REsrR'rerrvE covENAMrg, h't{rcH Do Nor coMrArN A FORFETTURE oR REVERTERCLAUSE, BUT OMTTTING RBSTRICTIONS, IF ANY, EASiD- OI,I RACE, COLOR, R,EIIGTON,oR NATToNATJ oRrcrN, As coNTArueo rru TNSTRUMENT necoRDepJuly 07, Lg6s, rNBOOK 190 AT PAGE 559 AlrD aS emeNDeD IN INsrRUMet',lr nacOnoED itarch 22, 1968,rN BooK 212 AT PAGE 966 A?'lD As alnplrosp rm msinuarNT RECoRDED May 22, 1.968,IN BOOK 21'2 AT PAGE 629 AND AS AIAsNDeo IN INSTRIIMENT REcoRDsp rEbnueRY 26,1970 IN AOOK 21? AT PAGE 78. A}I EASE[,TE![T AND RIGHT OF WAY FIVE FEET IN !{IDTH ALONG ALL SITE BOT'NDARIESFoR UsE oF U:rrLrrY sERvlcE rrNes-.qND FoR THE CoustnucrroH, EREcrroN A1lDMATNTEM\NCB THEREOF, TOGETHER witH rHn p.rGHT oF icREss AND rNcREss THERETo I3rl"*r"r RESERVED rN rNsTRtn4pus-naconoED JULY z, ]Jes rN BooK iiO Ar paes EASEMEYTS, RESERVATIONS A}ID RESTRICTIONS AS SI{OWN OR RESERVED ON THERECORDED PIrAT OF A REST'BDIVTSiOIi-'OF VAIIJ DAS SCHONE FILING NO. ]-. EXISTING LEASES AND ?ENANCIES. 7. 10 Page Form.p0/CHI OIpr No. VZE1866vSCHEDULB B Jr:.cv No. crEU261s6E ITEM NOS. 1 TIIROUGH 3 OF THE CENERAI, EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. fTBM NO ' 4 OF TIIB GENERAIJ BXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO AI\ry IJIENS RESULITINGFROM WORK OR MATERIAIJ CONTRAC"TED FOR OR FURNISI{ED AT THE REqUEST oF MARKA. ST{EAREIIGIEII and GERIR.I,D A. SWEARENGEN.CITICAGO TITI,E INSUR.N{EE COMPAIfY SFTAI,L HAVE No LIABILITY FoR AI,IY LIENsARrsrNG FROM tfoRK oR IIATERTAIJ FURNTSHED AT THE REeuEsr oF DENNTSl{' scArrrsE, DOROTHEA A. scALrsE, Al{D .tA},tEs ,t. scArJrsB, JR.. Page --1-$ . -{ : i-ri. Jcelvt 2Se- o 5cA!^& 2€ct Gn4--.- t I 5.*4, itr 2S L1 A'vsa o ScAlv\ ?5Lz O tgos a