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v~deU ~D>te-fil,;2. In-I,bIt O: Project Name:SURIDIS RESIDENCE Project Descrip~ion: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:ww w.vailgov.com DRB Number:DRB050547 CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS (FLOOR PLANS,WINDOWS,PATIO/HOT1UB) Participants: OWNER SURIDIS,ALLIS.&JOHN,SR10/10/2005 15ERITALN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 ARCHITECT RKD ARCHITECTS 10/10/2005 Phone:970-926-2622 PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS CO81632 License:COOOOOl770 APPLICANT RKD Architects,Inc .10/10/2005 Phone:476-9228 Maggie McManus 1000LionsridgeLoop3D Vail,CO Mcmanus@rkdarch.com 81657 Project Address:2468 GARMISH DRVAIL Location:2468GarmischRoad Legal Description:Lot:1 Block:G Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:2103-114-0102-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/13/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or theappropriatereview committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN ):DRB approvaldoesnot constitute apermitfo r building.Pleaseconsultw ith Town of VailBuilding personnelpr ior toconstructionactivities. Cond:201 DRB approvalshallnotbecomevalidfor20daysfollowingthedate of approva l. Cond:202 Approvalo f t his project shall lapseandbecomevo id one (1)yearfollo wing thedate ~'. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departmentof Commun ity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequiring design reviewmust receive approval prior to submittingabuilding permit application.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticular approval that is requested.Anapplicationfor Des ign Review cannot be accepted untilall required informationis receivedbytheCommunity Developmen t Department.The projectmayalsoneedto be reviewed bytheTown Council and/orthe Planning and Environmental Commission . Design review approval lapses unless a building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. A?P f.OVt\?PLANS,.tv\\N~ U \'lWT I\~b \),)ltJOOW Location of the Proposal:Lot:1 Block:(.,Subdivision:V~\\...1)p\s'<i::.\--\ON €2 Nt:> Physical Address:2-1:-\L,f:>L-t ARr'v\\~C.4 R.D!\1) Parcel No.:2 103\~0 I 021,.(Contact EagleCo.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no .) Zoning:_ Name(s)ofOwner(s):h\..&N SDR,\\)\S Mailing Address:15 L.~N 1\~~~~'I DN¥..EtS I ~'1 lDJ=O.....,S=------_ -----------=-'j7/7t----r----.P~onJ::_:\\y .l.j q y ....:...--"'2:..>~"_'lc.>oIL,"___ Owner(s)Signature(s):__.....a....'A-=~~(>::-~~""""'=:....:::.--------------rr Name of Applicant:R K\>b,U\:\\I ELTs )Ir-JL Mailing Address:P O ~S~S EDwJ:\~S,c.o ~~3 2 ______________Phone:'9 ~d>I7_CO Z............1=--__ E-mail Address:Sn ow(G?("KC!OJc:h co;;)Fax:'3,="'2..<0.'\~2. tI ~.o Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi -family/commercia l) 0 Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) J5(Changes to Approved Plans $20 0 Separation Request No Fee Plus $1.00per square footoftota l sign area. Forconstructionofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. Foranaddition where square footageisaddedtoanyresidential or commercial bU ilding (indudes 250additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes to buildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping ,fencesand retaining walls,etc. For revisionstoplansalready approved by Plann ing Stafforthe Design Review Board . Planner: ~:~r:ce Us.2.er ~Check No.:It-8~By:(<.v'L l.) 1(-z.-<)5 DRBNO .:~G Z:B~S-()S tt IMeetingDate:.J..2--=B=-~----Protect No.:fRCS63 -06 CSj ********•••••••***************************************************************************** TOWNOF VAIL,COLORADO Statement ***********************************.****••••*.*.*.****************************************** StatementNumbe r: Payment Method: R050001 686 Amount :$2 0.00 Check 10/10/200502:39 PM Init :JS No ta tion:1 680 /RKD INC . Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB050547 Type:DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 2103-114-0102-2 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road Total Fees :$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts :$20 .00 Balance :$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST : Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGNREVIEWFEES Cur rent Pmt s 20.0 0 TRANSMITTAL teets,ine To: Company: Via : Bill Gibson Town of Vail Hand-delivery From : Date : #ofpages: JackK.Snow,AlA 10/12/05 Re:Suridis Residence -2468GarmischRoad,Vail DearBill: Peryourrequest,attachedare3copiesoftherevisedSite ,Landscape, Grading &LightingPlan.Pleasenotethatextensivelandscapingalready existsontheeastpropertyline.Wehaveplantedthree8-footsprucetrees tothenortheastofthehottubasyourequested. Thankyou. RKD Architects,Inc.Designand Construction I ~7 M.in ~l rpPI ~lIilP (;004 -P ()Ro x ~O ~~-Frlw.rrl,101m.rio R lfi D -tq70l q )fi-)fi ))-(Q70l q )fi-qRn r.x MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thisapplicationisrequiredforproposalsinvolvingminorexterioralterationsand/orsiteimprovements. Proposals toadd landscaping donotrequire DRB approvalunlesstheyinvolvetheadditionofpatios, waterfeatures,grading,ortheadditionofretaining walls. I.SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** oStampedTopographicSurvey* oSiteandGradingPlan* o Landscape Plan* oArchitecturalElevations* oExteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesand specifications. oArchitecturalFloorPlans* oLightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfi xtures oTitlereport,including Schedules A &Btoverifyownershipandeasements* oPhotosoftheexistingsite andadjacentstructures,whereapplicable. oWrittenapprovalfromacondominium association,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable oSite-specific Geological Hazard Report,ifapplicable* oTheAdministratorand/or ORB mayrequirethe submission ofadditionalplans,drawings, specifications,samplesandothermaterials (includingamodel)ifdeemednecessaryto determinewhetheraprojectwillcomplywith Design Guidelines orifthe intent ofthe proposalisnotclearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted withan asterisk ("), **For interior conversionswithnoexteriorchanges,thesubmittalrequirementsincludeacompletesetof .existingandproposedfloorplans,atitlereport,andwrittenapproval fromacondominiumassociation, landlord,andjo int owner,ifapplicable. Ihavereadandunderstandtheabovelistedsubmittalrequirements: ProjectName:T {- Contractor Signature =-t:llt ~lb0It, Date Signed,_ Page 3of13/06/06 /05 Topographic survey: •Wetstampandsignature ofalicensed surveyor •Date of survey •North arrow andgraphic barscale •Scaleof 1"=10'or 1"=20') •Legal description andphysical address •Lotsizeandbuildablearea (buildableareaexcludesredhazardavalanche,slopes greater than 40%,andfloodpla in) •Tiestoex isting benchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewerinvert.This information mustbe clearlystatedonthesurvey •Propertyboundariestothenearest hundredth (.01)ofafootaccuracy.Distancesandbearings andabasis of bearingmustbeshown.Showexlstlnqpinsor monuments foundandthe ir relationshiptotheestablishedcorner. •Show right of wayand property lines;includingbearings,distancesandcurve information. •Indicate alleasementsidentifiedonthesubdivisionplatandrecordedagainstthe property as indicatedinthet itle report.Ustanyeasement restrictions. •SpotElevationsattheedgeofasphalt,alongthestreetfrontageofthe property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'),andaminimum of onespotelevationsoneithersideofthelot. •Topographic conditionsattwofootcontourintervals .: •Existingtreesorgroups of t rees havingtrunkswithdiametersof4"ormore,asmeasuredfroma pointonefootabovegrade.' •Rock outcroppings and other significantnaturalfeatures(largeboulders,intermittent streams, etc.), •Allexisting improvements (including foundation walls,roofoverhangs,build ing overhangs,etc.). •EnvironmentalHazards(ie.rockfall,debrisflow,avalanche,wetlands,floodp lain,soils) •Watercoursesetbacks,if applicable(showcenterlineandedgeof streamor creekin addition to therequ ired streamorcreaksetback) •Showall utility meter locations,includinganypedestalsonsiteorinthe right-of-way adjacent to thesite.Exactlocation of existing utility sources andproposedservice linesfrom their sourceto the structure.Utili ties to include: •cableTV SewerGas •Telephone WaterElectric •Sizeandtypeofdrainageculverts ,swales,etc . •Adjacentroadways labeledandedge of asphaltforbothsides of theroadwayshownfora m inimum of 250'ineither d irectionf rom property.. •Siteand Grading Plan: •Scaleof 1"=20'orlarger •Propertyandsetbacklines •Existing andproposedeasements •Existingandproposedgrades •Existingandproposedlayoutofbuildingsand other structuresincludingdecks,patios,fencesand walls.Indicate the foundation withadashedlineandtheroofedgew ith asolidline. •Allproposed roof ridgelineswithproposedridgeelevations.Indicate existing andproposed gradesshownunderneathallrooflines.Thiswillbeusedtocalculate buildingheight. •Proposeddr iveways,includingpercentslopeandspotelevationsatthe property line,garageslab andasnecessaryalongthecenterlineofthedr iveway toaccuratelyreflectgrade. •A4'wideunheatedconcretepanattheedgeofasphaltfordriveways that exit the street inan uphill direction . •Locations ofallutilities includingexisting sourcesandproposedservicelinesfromsourcestothe structures. Page4of 13/06/06/05 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970 .479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:SURIDIS CHANGE Project Description: ORB Number:DRB070202 FINAL APPROVAL FORA CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS (WINDOWS,GARAGE AND ENTRY DOORS) Participants: OWNERSURIDIS,AW S.&JOHN,SROS/14/2007 15ERITALN SMITHTOWNNY 11787 ARCHITECTRKD ARCHITECTS 05/14/2007 Phone:970-926-2622 POBOX5055 EDWARDS CO81632 License:COOOOOl770 APPUCANTRKD Architects,Inc.05/14/2007 Phone:476-922B MaggieMcManus 1000LionsridgeLoop3D Vail,CO Mcmanus@rkdarch.com B1657 Project Address:2468GARMISHDRVAIL Location:246BGarmischRoad Legal Description:Lot:1Block:GSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:2103-114-0102-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:05/15/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O • (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoes not constitute a permit forbuilding.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 . DRB approval shall not becomevalid for 20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 - ·.'~.... "..'. ..'.•...Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate of finalapproval,unlessabuilding permit IsIssuedand construction Iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion . Planner:Bill Gibson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 05 /14 /200i 08 :18 FAX F R O ~05 11 2007 02:S7/S T.2 :56 1f!J002 I'UUL Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departml!nt of COmmunltv Development 7S Soutl'l Frontilge Road,vall,Color<ldo 81657 tel:970."179.2128 fax:970.479 .2'15'- web:www.vai19oV .a:ml ~AY 14 2U07 (Contact Eag le Co.Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) ~L~tJ SUR.\1)\S Lp\NI\'~~ OW l"r-.....\fl\ILGeneralrnformation:_.__ AIlprojects requiring design review must recelve approval prior to submitting a building permit application.Pleilse refer to the submittal requiremcn:s for the particula r approval that Is reques ted.An application I'or Design Revtew cannot be accept ed u n~"all required information Is received bY the COmmunity Dcv\:lopment Department.The project rT1<1Y also need to be re--icwcd by tile Town Coundl and/or me Planning and environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a bUilding permit is issued and com:truction cernmenees within one '/CC1r of the approval. Location of the proposal ;Lot:~Block:---h-.SUbdlvlslon:_V.~'A....:;.:IL:-oR,,-h~~,--,;......;..:=;-=-----,:::-__ Physical Address:"2.Y1.0 B b A-l<.!YU ~C 1j...._-""R.;:.;O;...;;P\....:;t>-...:-_ Parcel No.:7,\03 \\YO 1°1 L Zoning::r5 Name{s)of Owner(s)::....;..._-.,;-=---'---=---"":...-_ Owner{s)Signature(s):-.--l.~~~:::..-H~...t!.~~~~~=__ R.~J::> Mailing Address:.........:?'-'D:::..-J,BD=-Y.=--":::.....::......;;;..=--.:::;.;;;.._....:....;::.:;;~_+__".;~~__=?.:,.:..~~=~ ~O'H l::-c.TS I INc.. SO 55 E'Dw f\-~D~,C.D CO t (.,'3.L- _____--;;-:-~'"="~....",..-:-:---=--Phone:""10•"11.".2l.,."l.."'L E-m::JiIAddress:$NDvJ6~~P-c~l.I-\·COVli1.Fax :9,D·9'2.(,''93~"2- Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptu31 Rev iew No Fee 0 New Construr;t1on $650 0 Addition $300 0 Minor Alter<ltioll $250 (mvltl·famlly/r;rJmmerclal) 0 Minor Alterlltion $20 (slngle-family/duplex) ~Change:;to Approved Plans :r ZO 0 Separatlon Request No Fee e1l.J:i $1.00 per square footof total elgn area. For construction of a newbuildingordemo/rebuild. For an addltlon where square footilge IS added to any resldentla'or commercial bUilding (includes 250 additions &Ino::ri or converstons). For minor changC5 t'Cl buildlnoS and site improvements,such es, rc-roofing,painting ,window additions,landscaping ,fences nnd rel<lini0i}wall s,etc. Forminor ehanges Co l:iul lding$and site Improvements,such <IS. re-roofing,painting,window <lddltJons,landscaplno,fenees and rernln lng walls,etc. For ~sions to plans !llready approved by Planning Staff or the Design Re view Board. For Office..O~I /_( Fee!paid;.Check No .:_2~VU1_---:._ Meeting Dale;"...-(p -07cPlanner: *************************.*.*.************************************************************** TOWNOFVAlL,COLORADO Statement **************••••************************•••**.******************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: ARCHITECTS R070000704 Amount:$20.00 Check 05/14/200703:31 PM Init:JS Notat ion:2661/RKD Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address: Location: DRB070202 Type : 2103-114-010 2-2 2468 GARMISH DR VAIL 2468 Garmisch Road DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Total Fees :$20.00 This Payment:$20 .00 Total ALL Pmts :$20.00 Balance:$0.00 **************************************.***************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 2 0.00 ~tiM 5d7mtz--hI ·.:L- /D-I-'I bt-G- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtm ent of CommunityDeve lopment 7 5 South Fron tageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:97 0.479.21 39f ax:970 .479 .2452 w eb:www.vailgov.com ProjectName:SURIDIS RESIDENCE ProjectDescription: DRB Number:DRB060202 CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS (PAINT COLOR) Participants: OWNERSURIDIS,ALUS.&JOHN,SR05/31/2006 15ERITALN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 APPUCANT RKD Architects,Inc.05/31/2006 Phone:476-9228 MaggieMcManus 1000Lionsridge Loop3D Vail,CO Mcmanus@rkdarch.com 81657 ProjectAddress:2468 GARMISH DRVAIL Location:2468GarmischRoad LegalDescription:Lot:1Block:GSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:2103-114-0 102-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:06/06/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriatereview committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approvaldoesnot constitute a permit forbuild ing.Pleaseconsultwith Town of VailBuildingpersonnelpriorto construction act ivities. Cond:201 ORB approvalshallnotbecomevalid for 20daysfollowingthedate of approval. Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate offinalapprova l,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:BillGibson DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 ChangesToThe Approved Plans Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2128 fax :970.479 .2452 web :www.vailgov.com $10 ((.0 (.D~O ~.ToDescriptionoftheRequest:--='---'--__----'----'----'----''--..:..-:'--_ General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsforthe particular approvalthat isrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The project mayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within one year oftheapproval. LocationoftheProposal:LOt:_\_BIOCk:~Subdivision:~\L \)PI.~S \"\0 N€2 ~p Physical Address:2'-\Co5 t1f\'R.N\\~01 'K.t>JlIS) ParcelNo.:'2.\0311 4 b ,0 1-2.(Contact EagleCo.Assessorat 970-328-8640 forparcel no.) Owner(s)Signature(s):_ Name of Applicant:~\(.'D ~~c..4\!e:c..\~I Mailing Address:?O~)(5C:5S Zoning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s):I\'-t\N SIJ~Q\S> Mailing Address:'l-i?Ll\N~~V-~D '1o~"'&S I N'j \DI bS ______________Phone:~11.-1 .4""'1.'2.3\(0 E-mail Address:S NDvJ @.2.'(Df\'eU -\.COyv\ TypeofReviewandFee: jlJ ChangestoApprovedPlans Submittal Requirements: $20 ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReviewBoard. 3SetsofPlansAddressingProjectChanges Signature of Homeowner(s)orAssociation Planner: ForOfficeUse On!tl ICC/"":I 1/D -L. FeePaid:Z6 Check No.:+--=1:........:c1'----'_r;..n.7 -<..J MeetingDate:'7 -5--{}b DRB No.:\)~E>o b ()26 ~ ~b ProjectNo.:=Y KJ OS 0 0<8 F:\cdevIF ORMSIPermitslPlanninglDRB\drb_change_to_approved_pla ns _1_page_05-11-2006.do c ******************************************************************************************** TO WNO F VAIL,C OLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** S tateme nt Numbe r: Paym ent Method: R0 6000072 3 Am ount:$20 .00 Check 05/31 /200 60 2:0 2 PM Init:JS Notation :1 9 91/RKD INC . Permit No: Parcel No: Sit e Add ress: Location : DRB06020 2 Type : 2 103 -11 4-0102 -2 2 468 GARM ISH DR VAIL 24 68 Garmisch Road DRB -Chg t o Appr Plans To tal Fees:$2 0 .00 Thi s Paymen t:$20.00 Tot al ALL Pmts :$2 0.00 Ba lance :$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNf ITE M LIST : Acco unt Code DR 0010000 3112200 Des c ription DESIGNREVIEWFEES Current Pmts 2 0.00 f ~)rChilects.inc TRANSM ITTAL To:JoeSuther From:Jack K.Snow,AlA Company:Planning Department Town ofVail Date:512612006 Via:Hand-delivery #ofpages:3 Re:Suridis Residence/2468 GarmischRoad,Vail DearJoe : Iamnotsureifyouarethe appropriate personto contact withregardtothisremodel. Wewouldliketo request staff approvalofaminor modification tothe exterior stucco color.Enclosed,pleasefindarenderingshowingthe prior colorsapprovedaswell asarevisedrenderingshowingtheproposed modification wearerequesting. Thank youforyour assistance. 137 main street ,suite G004 p.O.box 5055 edwards ,colorado 81632 (p)970.926 .2622 (f)970 .926.9822 www.rkdarch .com FASCIA TRIM. WLOR TO MATCH KViAL PAINT "MONTEREY GRAY' HINDOH TRIM.HE TAL CLAD WLOR TO MATCH ExISTIN5 (SIM ILAR TO POZZI Pb02 SMOKE! EXTER IOR F INISH:STUCCO COLOR T OMATCHSTO CORP10612 , AUTUMNWHEAT _.- ~ I ;;::SO~U;;.:·I~·Il~W~K~s:",r :.;I ·~.;::;K~S "':.;'_:C:_TI VE MODIFICATION REQUEST 5/26/06 FAS<;.IA "TRI M . W LOR TO MATCH K WAL PAINT '1-1ONTE REY 6RAY" WINDOW "TRIM.METAL C LAD W LOR TO MATCH EXI5TlNe (51MlLAR TO POZZI Pb02 5/-'OKEi EXTERIOR F INI5H .511JC.W "A' COLOR TO MATCH 6EN.JAMIN MOORE PAINT5,PO-IBS EXTERIOR F INI5H.511JC.W "6" COLOR TO MATCH 6EN.JAMIN MOORE PAINT5 PO-3 SOU TII WEST I'ERSPI-.:CTIVE I PRIOR SUBMITIAL Project Name: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmen t of Commun ity Developm ent 75South Fron tage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d .vail.co.us DRB Number:DRB030005 Project Description: Participants: Add ition includes250sq.ft.toexisting 3-car garage andEHU unit of 1175 sq .ft. OWNERSURIDIS,ALUS.&JOHN,SR01/20/2003 15 ERITALN SMITHTOWNNY 11787 APPLICANT RKD Architects,Inc.01/20/2003 Phone :476-9228 MaggieMcManus 1000Lionsridge Loop3D Vail,CO Mcmanus @rkdarch.com 81657 Project Address:2468GARMISHDRVAIL Location:2468Garmisch Road Legal Description:Lot:1Block :GSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:2103-114 -0102-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Action:APP ROVED Conditions: Cond:CON0007126 T he applicant shallrevisetheplanstoadd two pillars, identicaltothose found onthe south elevation,tothe east elevation directly belowtheproposedEHU loft,which must bereviewedbytheTownofVail Community Development Department for approval prior tothe submittal for a building permit. Planner:BillGibson 01 /17/03 FRI 18 :57 FAX 9149661142~1 (1~(2~~3 17 :138 9 7047691323 ---r.-..-_.--"- REALTY CORP.RKD ~001 PAGE 13 2 Application forDesign Review Department of Commullity Development 75 South Frontage Fload,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.4792139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.ci.vail.co.u$ General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application.Please refer tothe submittal requiremenl$for the particular approval that is requested.An appIicatioll forDesign Review cannot be accepted until aU requiredInformat;ion is received by theCommunity Development Department.The project may also need tobereviewed by theTown Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapaes unleGll a bl.lildl119 permit is Issued and construction commences within one year 01 the approval. Description of the Request:At::DrtJVN~INt,Wpll\.lb 'Z5D61.tb 1'D ef,1<IIi'\b; ::ScAR VAR~ANt:>pHIA Ub:lIT or 1115"50').f+ Sllp Location of the Propasal :Lot:-L Block:~Subdlvision:VMLt-A<91:10",,11;;;F-lkltYb NA Z, Physical Address:24\pe,bY?MlbLH"Rp \I,tl.;1L-.CO\X>AQO BllD"S3= 'K Parcel No.:2-'03i 140 10 l..-"2--(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970·326·6640 lor parcel no .) Zoning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s):.A.l 'eM §Mglb\S Mailing Address:"2.5 ~~g.k,~ 'iOJ'-lKR¥S I t-N .1~7---T -1--1-Phane:""4."'¥J4 Owner(s)Signature(s):~=--fJ"+-;."..k4="'~'--=---------------- Name of Applicant:~,AJ2C.t-fTJ"F:;7AS,I tJ c.. EO 20 2003JA Forconstruction 01 a new buildingorderno/rebuild. For anadditionwhere square footage is edded to any re;idential or commercial building (Indud6S 250 additions &interior conversions). Fo(minorchanges to buildings and site improvements.such as, reroofing.painting,window adcfJtions ,landscaping,fences and retaining walls.etc, Fer minor changes to buildings and sile Improvemenl$,sUCh as. reroofing,painting.window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls.etc. For revi&ions to plans already approved by PlanningSlaff /0 Design Review Board.v Plus$1.00persquare foot ct total $Ign area. $250 $20 No Fee $50 NoFe<:l $650 $300 Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (:3ingle-famlly/duplelC) Changes to ApproVed Plans Separation Request Mailing Address:leo t-IOt::lS\2\D6E I !pop '§Ie pb \fArlL,CDvPRAPO @Ile'S"?t Phone:-"lo.41u-.'1'l-'2.!3 NlMyri ..f\.~~1.J..6 E-mail Addrass:l1:Jt1'nti¥I{)S:i)tl!l;bdr-r;M .C4yYl Fax:17Q.4-7~."lez..3 Type of Review and Fee: SignsAConceptual Review New Construction Addition For Office~nIY; Fee Paid:Check No.:By: Application Oae :-DABNo.:1!#~,3-Z*f5 fi..,,~;of 12107/17102 Project No .: 01/17 /03 FRI 18:5 7 FAX 9149661142 £11 I lE./.2 [1eJ 3 17:[18 97eJ4769[123 ---./.-REALTY CORP. RKD I(J 001 PAGE 02 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road.Vail.ColomdCl 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.ci.vail.eo.lJS General Information: An projects requiring design review must receive awrcval prior to sUbmitting a building permit application.Please refer to the submittal reqviremenls for the particular approval that is requested.An application forDesign Relllew canoot be 8c::e:lWted until all required information is received bythe Community Development Department.TIre project may aJso need tobe reviewed bythe Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commlsslon. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit Is Issued Bnd construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:At::cnJQI-J~lNLkVP!tUb 'Zg:J?1.f-4-.-tp fPil<T1NbJ 2>cAR f:Jp.E~ANt>WIA UNIT aE 1115"51 -f+ Loeatlcn 01 the Proposal:Lot:-L.Block:Go!Subdlvision:VNt ~SfI:!otJK P-Ikl",,",NA 7-- Physical Address:MltJe,bM2,MIb.GH ~D W<IL-,CO!.N?M')O BIlc?"S3- Parcel No.:___(Contact Eagle Co .Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no .) Zoning:_ Bile Name(s)of Owner(s):AI I E:'N.s.yglb!$ Mailing Address:"2-'5 L-..p..WIooc.g.k.~ 'k2t:.U'::E?:RS ,14':1 .'~+-;--Phone:"'1'4.:144 Owner(s)Signature(s):~l.-,,,.u=""~:...-=-_,I Name of Applicant:~AJ2C.HrrEZ;rS,IN (. Mailing Address:Icx2 U ONSI2It'>€e;;I nop ?Ie:p'b \1Mb .CO\r?RArQO 6!loS"T Phone:4'170.4110.'1'2-2..5 E~mall Address:t'YlWn411LJ5~12t=t>"rCM.Ct!JX'l Fax:170.41/IJ .GfQ2-3 ... Type of Review and Fee: Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multl-family/commen::ia~ Milor AlteratIon (silgle-famllyldupfell;) Olanges to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee Plus$1 .00 per squarefootof total sign area . For constructlon of anew building or demo/rebuild. Foran addItion where square footage is added to anyresidemialor commercial building (Includes 250 additions &interior eonverslQns). For minor changesto buildings and site improvemenls.suc:tl as. rerocfing.painting.window adcfrtions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls.etc. For minor changt'$to buildings and site Improvements.su:h as. rerocfing.painting.window additions,landscaping.fences and reta.ining wall:;;.eto . Fer revisions to plans already approved byPlanningSIaff or the Design Review Board. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:-Check No .:By : Appllcatlon Date:DABNo.:~~.~.nf 12107/17/02 Project No.: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTING FORM Routed To:LeonardSandoval ,PW Date Routed:01/27/03 Routed Bv:BillGibson DateDue:02/05/03 1 Project Name:Suridis 1 Project #:I PRJ03-0007 I Activity #:I DRB03-0005 Description of work:I Add ition andEHU Address:1 2468Garm ish Road Legal:1 Lot:1 1 I Block:1 G I Subdivision:1VailDasSchone2na Filing Status: D Approved D Approved with conditions [g]Denied Comments:Date Reviewed:1-29-03 bFD rtNdddiFDrtDIreepamentssues.eeaitiona review ovIre epamen . NeedTitleReport Showonsiteplan-Alimitsofdisturbanc e fence . Erosioncontrolisrequired ,showonsiteplanorprovide detail. Showonsiteplan-Drivewayfrompropertylinetoexisting edgeofaspha lt.A4'concretepan is required. First 10'ofdrivewaygrademustbeat8%orlessfromthe insideofconcretepanatcenterlineof driveway.Adiustandrevise.Maxunheateddriveway qradecannotexceed10%. Showonsiteplanwhatallweathersurfacethedrivewaywillbe. Showcrossslopeelevation ofturnaroundarea.Crossslopeelevat ion cannotexceed8%. Showonsiteplan-allexistinqparkinqareas . ARevocableRiqhtofWayPermitisrequiredbeforetheBuildingpermitisapproved. LSandoval I,~LE COpy Department of Community Develo pment 75SouthFrontage R oad Vail,Colorado 8165 7 9 70-4 79-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci .vail.co .us F ebruary5 ,2003 Maggie McManus RKD Architects ,Inc. 100 Lionsri dge Loop ,Suite 3D Vai l,CO81657 RE:Suridis -A ddition andEHU 2468Garmish Drive/Lot I ,B lock G,Va ilD as Schone2nd Filing Dear Maggie, Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the Design Review application foranaddit ion andEHUatthe Surid is resid ence locatedat2468Garm ish Drive.The following isa summary of the preliminary comments from thatreview: Planning Department I.Site and Grading Plan: •Identify which parking spacesare designated forusebythe primary unitandtheEHU. •Show all unenclosed surface parking spaces witha 9'X 19'box andall enclosed par king spacesw ith a9 'X 18'box.P lease be aware that units of lessthan2,000sq .ft ,of GRFA are r equireamin imum of two parking spacesandunit s w ith 2 ,000 sq .fi.ofGRFAo f mo re are required a minimum of three parking spaces. •Showexist ing and proposedsite coverage and landscape are a calculations . •No improvements shall be permitted w ithin the utility easements wi thout theexpress written consen t of a ll groups party t osa id easement. •Showa ll setbacks. 2 .Archi tectural Floo r P lan s: •Sub mit one se t of floorplans "re d-lined"indicatinghowbo th t he existinga nd pr oposed grossresi dential /loo r areas wereca lculated. 3 .Theexte riorlightingplanmus t berevised so th at the totalnumber of exterior lightson the propertydoesno t exceed aco unt of o ne pe r1,000square feet o f lotarea . 4 .A llDesignReviewapp lication feesmustb epaidinfull prior tofinal DesignReviewap proval. IoRECYCLED PAPER Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Co lorado 81657 970 -479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us P ublic WorksDepartmen t I.Identifytheproposedlimits of disturbancefenceanderosionco ntrol methodsonthesiteplan. 2.Identify thedrivewaymaterialonthesite plan(snowmeltheating ?). 3.The cross slope grade o ftheve hicle turnaround area shall not exceed 8%. 4 .Onthesiteplan,showtheproposed drivewaydesignlocatedbetweenthepropertyline and the edge of asphalt of Garmisc h Drive . 5.A4footwide,unheated concrete panshanbeinstalled betwee n the drivewayandGarmisch Drive ,showonthesiteplan. 6.The site plan must be revise so t hat the fi rst 10 feet ofthe d riveway d oes not exceed 8% grade from the inside of the concrete pan at the centerline of t he driveway.Please be aware that an unheated driveway cannot exceed 10%grade . 7.ARevocableRight -of-Way Perm it sha ll berequ ired forallexistingand proposed improvements withintheGarmischDriveright -of-way prio r tothe issuance of a b uildingpermi t. InordertoremainontheDesignReview Board's February19,2003,publi c hearingagendafora"fina l review",threesets of revisedplansaddressingtheabovelisteditemsmustbesubmittedtothe Community DevelopmentofficebynolaterthanWednesday,February 12,2003.If youhaveany questionsorcomments,pleasefeelfree t ocontact meat(970)4 79-2173 oratbgibson@ci .vail.co .us . Sincerely, BillGibson,AICP P lanner II Town of Vail 2 .o RECYCLED PAPER c Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-4 79-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March4 ,2003 .. JackSnow RKD Architects,Inc. 100 Lionsridge Loop,Suite3D Vail,CO81657 RE:Suridis-AdditionandEHU 2468 Garmish DrivelLot 1,Block G,VailDasSchone2nd Filing Dear Jack, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the revised Design Review application fora proposed additionand EHUattheSuridis residence located at2468 Garmish Drive.Thefollowingisa summary of the comments fromthatreview: I.Prior tothe issuance of finalDesignReview approval,allDesignReviewapplicationfees mustbepaidinfull. 2.Prior tothe issuance of a building permit,a Type IEHU restrictive covenant shallbe executed withtheTown of Vail Department of Community Development to permanently restricttheuse of theEHUfor employee housing. 3.Prior totheissuance of abuildingpermit,a revocable right-of-way permitshallbe executed withtheTown of Vailforall existing and proposed improvements withintheGarmischDrive right-of-way. 4.Priortothe issuance of a building permit,the express written consent of allgroupspartyto the18footelectricalutility easement must submitted tothe Town of VailDepartment of Community Development forthe proposed roof eavelocatedwithintheeasement. 5.Onthe building permit application set of plans,aspotgrade elevation below of eastemend of the proposed roof ridgeline (elevation 8054.416)mustbe shown toverifythatthe roof ridge doesnotexceed33 feet inheight. 6.Onthe building permit application set of plans ,address allsite drainage issuesperTown of VailPublicWorks Department requirements. If youhaveany questions or comments,pleasefeelfreeto contact meat(970)479-2173. Sincerely, ~~??-r-4.A- BillGibson,AICP Planner II Town o fVail Enclosure:Type IEHURestrictive Covenant form 1oRECYCLEDPAPER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTING FORM Routed To:Leonard Sandoval ,PW Date Routed:03/03/03 Routed By:Bill Gibson Date Due:ASAP I Project Name:I Suridis I I Project #:I PRJ03-0007 I Activity #:I DRB03-0005 Description of work:I REVISIONS Address:I 2468 Garrnish Road Legal:I Lot:1 1 I Block:I G I Subdivision:I VailDas Schone 2M Filinq Status: D Approved r8l Approved with conditions D Denied Comments:DateReviewed:3-4-03 b F DdddiFDoIreepartmentssues.Nee a itionareview JV Ire epartment. As proposed -dr iveway isat10%gradet oco ncrete garage slab .Nopos itived rainageisshown in front of garage to prevent surface water from entering garage .Some formofpositve drainage isrequired.Show onsiteplan.Keepinmindifswaleis proposed infrontof garage,the grade between the concrete slabof garage andswale cannot eceed4%.PerTownofVail standards , themax crossover grade cannot exceed14%.Ifatrench dra in is proposed .show location of dra in and davliqht locat ion . Provide pos itive drainage awayfromlowpointofexist ing SFR near Pat io.elevation of 8022.0 . Shown onsite plan. LSandoval ~ ~ ~/Nkrt>v4J1fi l,MmNrc'-u DtO~k.\V"'"~/ Id ?"~/ <,<.» <,)t9()~r n-(...f.,os /I)-h I <,IJM(l(~ <, A.t.Iviwf1-(I'~ ;v';'>",.<,,./J1lft1..(fl/J}lYU fR~oIe-It>It;?(). JttA-i .~- ..t It?l/rA/~.~~h , 7 r\a.;W'A"f~. /\, <HIlI,;\j1 (-f1I1~vlfllh~,F "!,ole../j)h/Yrrr .....Jt'l't'Jo':~ l/~,. f.l-tl.Mr s rtll"~t _~ v TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 4, 2003 Jack Snow RKD Architects, Inc. 100 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3D Vail, CO 81657 RE: Suridis—Addition and EHU 2468 Garmish Drive/Lot 1,Block G, Vail Das Schone 2"d Filing Dear Jack, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the revised Design Review application for a proposed addition and EHU at the Suridis residence located at 2468 Garmish Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Prior to the issuance of final Design Review approval, all Design Review application fees must be paid in full. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a Type I EHU restrictive covenant shall be executed with the Town of Vail Department of Community Development to permanently restrict the use of the EHU for employee housing. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a revocable right-of-way permit shall be executed with the Town of Vail for all existing and proposed improvements within the Garmisch Drive right-of-way. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the express written consent of all groups party to the 18 foot electrical utility easement must submitted to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development for the proposed roof eave located within the easement. 5. On the building permit application set of plans, a spot grade elevation below of eastern end of the proposed roof ridgeline (elevation 8054.416) must be shown to verify that the roof ridge does not exceed 33 feet in height. 6. On the building permit application set of plans, address all site drainage issues per Town of Vail Public Works Department requirements. If you have any questions or comments,please feel free to contact me at(970)479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail Enclosure: Type I EHU Restrictive Covenant form %.1 RECYCLED PAPER RKLI. DESIGN-DEVELOPMENT-CONSTR VCTION 1000 LIONSRIDGE LOOP, 3P VAIL, COLORADO 81657 PHONE: (970) 476-9228 F. X. (9.7.j?)476-9023 TRANSMITTAL (0 1 To: Bill Gibson From: Jack Snow Company: TOV Date: 8/13/03 Via: HAnd #of pages: I Re: SURIDIS REMODEL UPDATE HI Bill: Please find attached revisions and additional items for the Suridus Remodel. Outstanding issues were : 1 Fees: Paid. 2 EHU Restrictive Covenant: Signed and Notarized. (Original in the mail) 3 Right of Way Permit: Complete. 4 Holy Cross Easement: Complete see attached. 5 Spot Elevation: Spot Elevation is now in the plans.This necessitated a change in the framing,which is reflected in the attached construction issue blueprints. 6 Drainage at the garage: A drain was added. This is shown on the attached sets. Thank you for your help, I believe this addresses all the issues. Please call me if I can be of any further assistance. Since - , Jack Snow RKD Architects GROSS ti<<` O � i < 3799 HIGHWAY 82•PO. DRAWER 2150 • GLENWOOD SPRINGS,COLORADO 81602 r O (970)945-5491 • FAX(970)945-4081 d.>> SSO�O August 6, 2003 Ms. Maggie McManus RKD Architects, Inc. P.O. Box 5055 Edwards, CO 81 632 Re: Holy Cross Energy Underground Utility Easement at 2468 Garmisch Drive, Vail (Lot 1, Block G, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 2) Dear Ms. McManus: This letter is in response to our conversation and your fax of August 4, 2003. Holy Cross Energy hereby agrees to allow the proposed three (3) foot encroachment into an existing (18) eighteen foot wide Holy Cross Energy Underground Right-of-Way Easement by your roof overhang at the above mentioned residence. The proposed encroachment is shown on the attached sketch and said easement is recorded in Book 366 at Page 123 in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, or require further correspondence regarding this matter, please feelfree to contact me. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ENERGY 7a.ti 0 /a Michael A. Mikolic, Staking Engineer MAM:vw Enclosure Mikolic\McManus . . �yi F se?; rer p ,+ (_ 'J '� T A 6 PAGE t HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. - ,ii, UNDERGROUND RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, '•7r.; ill 11 7.1 n '63 • HODGE AND BISHOP, LTD. • (hereinafter called "` ': ntu.". ) , :cr a good and valuable consideration, the • receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto HOLY CROSS • ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. , a cooperative corporation whose post office address is P.O. Drawer 250, Glenwood Springs, Colorado (hereinafter called "Grantee") and to its successors and assigns, the right of ingress and • egress across lands of Grantor, situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as follows: Lot 1 and Lot 2 ot. Block G of Vail Das; Schone, Filing No. , as recorded in Book 282 at Page 777 in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, State of Colorado. And, to construct, reconstruct, repair, change, enlarge, re-phase, operate, • ' and maintain an underground electric transmission or distribution line, or • both, with the underground vaults, conduit, fixtures and equipment used or • . useable in connection therewith, together with associated equipment required above ground, within the above mentioned lands, upon an easement described as roliows: The southeasterly eighteen (18) feet of said Lot 1 The southeasterly ten (10) feet of said Lot 2. Together with the right to remove any and all trees, brush, vegetation and • obstructions within said strip of land when such is reasonably necessary for the implementation and uee of the rights hereinabove granted. After the - exercise by Grantee of any of its rights hereunder, Grantee shall promptly • 3 restore the surface of the ground to its former condition, as nearly as is �' practicable, and snal;. n,.om..-ly ,..'place any and all trees, brush, and vege- '` tation removed or damaged by Grantee. Grantor agrees that all facilities installed by Grantee on the above described lands, shall remain the property of Grantee, and shall be • removable at the option of Grantee. Grantor covenants that he is the owner of the above described lands and that the' said lands are free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever • character, except those held by the following: • „ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, said right-of-way and easement, together with all and , singular, the rights and privileges appertaining thereto, unto Grantee, its , , successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESTB WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be duly executed ,on this / - day of ; , t`;i—' • 1983. • HODGE AND BISHOP, LTD. , T BY: �G2 ..J C 6 1' -- BY -- STATE OF COLORADO ) .. ) ss. J COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrahleut was acknowledged before me this G -- day of '. ,g�'c!S7/- , 1983 by ',.71:4g A- ,g/Sh 6.,n,�./ /g,/,,..1,.. and by A for HODGE and BISSHOP, ?,TD. ► 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal. �/j CJ %/ My comm?ssion expires: y- Y-a?a' %� `�."r T-- -- �. Note ry Publzc,- Address: A'o.,c 7/.2 _ --- " `. (Jvb h3--96G6 :;r.st Vai.i ,'onversior..:3-18-E3) ■.,.I.. 4-,...cJ., iV.V1 Jfu470Juc.7 KY\L I-74C7t EJ3 Fs i .••.∎. I'd . f11 • X 4.:i4 . _di 6 O ••►.•,:••.•. \ 8 1r1:!.•••••.:.•k co O N O V ••••I� elk'' i N O4 ..-.s0•❖❖$i ` \ri /0.4;;;,,,,tov / , , r e . ....,, §/ N:;,.... ........i ! -.Jr-— - 7<i ■• b! . Ailk / ,11.1:,„4 ''V;: -.,,,,,. / •Ii.` may. •� � � \moo '" V1 . -11 $14., ! / i 1 s Ph ....Atak2 i "-", GA1 / G 0 ii• . • !: /ijr`•,-,. iiff*7 , **4, i istv, A It. 1 f ,/ . . ...‹. .":"ZZ'.. -.4. /14111741111111" 1 Fl ''...---..•-•,/4,,,,. /. 4-- „ 04 / ., .. , ---.,.......„ I e? .. 4..., %, .■...Nri 0 ......--.4::.,-----„ (.- --. /,,..._ / / ';18 / bl' ... ;' - ,,, -7-__ ,,i .-- ..,H ., / , , / i q4111P *4 --....< -1 ---- 47,-->-... t --... 4,1 \\\\ T O. \ i- C-/?. p Q 1 • 1,11 ? • ti /Ji • • s , � PROTECT. JC•p fl 02150 *WE DATE . . SURIDIS REMODEL - "T "' n' 2468 GARMISCH ROAD VAIL, CO. 81657 08/0112003 10:01 9704769023 RKD PAGE 02 1 N b ; co 3 i 3 a \ .. .2 I t9 a 0 9. . 3 P n i k I 11* 1.. /..-."'. . ' - 4 - . ilproilt ' 4 , , F ,. .. -11-r` • .;::!:_:.;.::::;:l:i:7 i : ': \ - e, . I; L,,,,,,:..... „.„ •I.4.,1, \ eiiii\.< !a n Mb' 416.- -- y:. :;71W40.7. CIW'''Nii,.. . w 4 /./ -'"- --- L,.' \,x010) -P r::.',� I:- Vr. ,,fel."44‘.‘t,,' , itor ,S i Air ji -7,ot......„:iit .., . # . \ t' i121 " It r , .. . , ..._.. , ,,,, •. „............ > . .14*0/ w . ,.., ,A(*ii,? .. •••141, / z . t ' , — ,': $_;4/i ,„ ,g' ,,,-.....:,.,,, *tit. iw...t.. / . ...4014 � 1 ir'97A, . , ” 1 i� , � N \ V,Q Pt,' 0 1,,,./417- ,QP MIT 0,pi fr.• -iN N• P1J sr.,-„ - _ ..4 *%4 9q 8-8 a ,, v , r 8 Q I Ma M WW J)6#: 021 GO "\2''''' wm SURIDIS REMODEL o•n�� . • 2468 GARMISCH ROAD - • VAIL, CO. 81657 I 08/04/2003 22:36 FAX VI 001 UttS../'1b173 14:53 9704769023 RKD PAGE 02 TYPE t EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS, is/are the owner(s) ("the Owner")of certain property legally described as: _ ^and commonly known as: ("the Property"); and . • WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located on the Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town of Vail,Colorado ("the Town,") NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for the _ benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1. The Employee Housing Unit(EMU), containing square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type I EHU which must comply with all the provisions of Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail as amended. 2. The Type I EHU shall not be subdivided or divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee, 3. The Type I EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. The Type I EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty(30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this paragraph,a full-time employee Is one who • works an average of a minimum of thirty(30) hours each week on a year round basis. The owner of the Type I EHU shall rent the unit at a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower thari those market rates prevalent for similar properties in the Town. The Type I EHU shall be continuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed five (5) consecutive months. • 4. Occupancy of the Type I ENU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. S. If the Type I EHU is constructed without a dedicated garage, a minimum of seventy-five (75) square feet of storage area in addition to normal closet space is required for the exclusive . use of the occupants of the Type I EHU. • 6. The Type I EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access from any EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be attached, • 7. The Type I EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom, 8. The Type I EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the single family or two family dwelling only if it is to be used by the Owner of the Type I EHU as a permanent residence, For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one,whenever he or she Is absent has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence_ In determining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the Owner of the residence into account= business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children If any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. Thirty (30) days prior to the transfer of deed for the Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set,forth herein and shall include an affidavit affirming that her or she meets these criteria. I/ • Type I Revised April'13,2000 Page 1 OT 2 1 08/04/20b3 22:37 FAX 2002 07/31/2003 J.4;53 9704769023 RKD PAGE 03 9, No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the Type I EHU shall submit two(2) copies of a sworn affidavit on a form to be obtained from the Community Development . Department, to the Community Development Department setting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unit has been rented or owner-occupied throughout the year, the rental rate, the employer, and that the tenant who resides within the employee housing unit Is a full-time employee In Eagle County. 10. The Type I EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail, Failure to do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction end In accordance with Chapter 3,Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. 11_ The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated,or amended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation By: Town Manager STATE OF COLORADO s5, COUNTY OF EAGLE • The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this__day of , 20 by Town Manager. Notary Public: My commission expires: • By: and P n •rty • e Property Owner STATE OF U FW VorLI(.- ) ss. COUNTY OF W TG ) The foregoing instrument Was acknowledged before me this _5 day of 11-(,(L` -S-T , 20 0 3 by GA-A) ✓r• 54 �� L) and DANIEL PARTRIDGE Notary Public: _ Notary Pubhc SIA nRlstaw�G** No.31-9436814 My commission expires: Qua1tlled In Queens Co Term Expires January 16, zoo k/ Type I Revisad April 18,2040 Pape 2 of 2 08/04/2003 22:36 FAX 2001 ..11/2110:3 14:53 9704769023 RKD PAGE 02 , TYPE I EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS, Alan J. Suridis is/are the Owner(s) ("the Owner") of certain property legally described as: Lot 1, Block G, Vail Das Schone 2nd Filing and commonly known as: 2468 Garmisch Drive ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located on the Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town of Vail,Colorado ("the Town,") NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land arid inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1. The Employee Housing Unit(EMU), containing 1,172 square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type I EIdU which must comply with all the provisions of Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail as amended. 2. The Type I EHU shall not be subdivided or divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee, 3. The Type I EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. The Type I EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty(30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is one who • works an average of a minimum of thirty(30) hours each week on a year round basis. The owner of the Type 1 EHU shall rent the unit at a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower than those market rates prevalent for similar properties in the Town. The Type 1 EHU shall be continuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed five(5) consecutive months. 4. Occupancy of the Type I EHU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. 5. If the Type I EHU is constructed without a dedicated garage, a minimum of seventy-five (75) square feet of storage area in addition to normal closet space is required for the exclusive use of the occupants of the Type ] EHU. 6. The Type I EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access from any EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be attached, 7. The Type I EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom, 5. The Type I EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the single family or two family dwelling only if it is to be used by the Owner of the Type I EHU as a permanent residence, For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which fine's habitation is fixed and to which one,whenever he or she is absent has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence_ In determining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the Owner of the residence into account' business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children If any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. Thirty (30) days prior to the transfer of deed for the Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth herein and shall include an affidavit affirming that her or she meets these criteria. Type I Revised April la,2D00 page 1 of 2 08/04/2003 22:37 FAX Z002 07/31/2003 X4:53 97©4769023 RKD PAGE 83 • 9, No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the Type I EHU shall submit two(2) copies of a sworn affidavit on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department setting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unit has been rented or owner-occupied throughout the year,the rental rate, the employer, and that the tenant who resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. 10. The Type I EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. Failure to do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction and In accordance with Chapter 3, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. 11. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation By: Town Manager STATE OF COLORADO as, COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this,day of , 20 by , Town Manager. Notary Public: My commission expires: • By: / / _� � and Pr.erty • e Property Owner STATE OF P FIAJ k/or2.IC.. - ) ss. COUNTY OF (A D rc, --sTkvt. ) The foregoing Instrument Was acknowledged before me this S'day of 16'11-S—r 20 u 3 by A'-' ' ✓� 54 .,"b and DANIEL PARTRIDGE Notary Public: Nnrary P,tbl Sf tytNanrYnl* No.31-9438614 My commission expires: Qualified In Queens Co 'term Exp res January 18, zoo Type I Revised April 18,2000 Pape 2 of 2 FOXCHASEII SAN JOSE.CA ARCH ,JONES·PETERSON 9 Shaper Lighting 685 Shield Downlight •A cl ean simpledes ign thatis available for damp orwet locations . •Solid bronze construction thatis ma intenance free. •Damp location fi xtures have open topsfor uplight spill. •Wet location fixtures havesolidtopcovers . SPANISH BAY TOWNHOM ES MONTER EY.CA ARCH,ESHERICK .HOMSEY .DODGE &DAV,S LAMPS I BALLASTS Incandescent:1•75W max (A-191, 1 •PAR 30 75W. Fluorescent:1 compact 26W (F26DTn . Specify voltage .Incandescent avai lable 120V only. Standard Ballasts are Electronic (SSB).4.pinlamps required . See 'Ballasts'and "Lamps'inSection G .Lampsnot included .See 'UserGu ide"for information onsla rting temperatures of fluorescent fixtures. MATERIALS I FIXTURE LOCAnON U.l.listedforweio r damp exterior locations .(Interioruse available by special order.)SolidBronzeconstruction For allfinishes. Note:Topis open for damp location,closed forwet locatian. Damp location fixture isnot suitable for wet locations. FINISHES NBZ -Nalural Finish Solid Bronze (weathers to adark bronze patina .) 5GB -Semi-Gloss Black SGW -Semi-Glo ss Wh ite CC -C ustomColor,Semi-Gloss VG-Verdi·Gris SZ -SatinZinc MOUNTING Stondord -4'J-Boxorstuccoring. For rear co nduit mounting,s pecifysuffix C. 1"4%"~ + ---n-Closedtopforwetlocation,LJ opentop """.p locof00. ForDe corative Punch-cut Patterns, coliRep or factory. •For surface-mounted conduit power feeds,callRepor factory. •For additional solidmetalfinishes,call Reporfactory . MOUNTING SPEC NO. LAMPING INC CF 1/26 C -R.eor Condu it Mounting (NoSuflix •J80x Flush Mounted) it Shaper Lighting Copyrighte 1998 1141 MarinaWaySouth,Richmond,CA94804-3742(510)234-2370 Fax (510)234-2371 ZONE CHECK Date:#1 Legal description:Lot I Block t£ Address zrc~~<r";i.h.Pelve. Owner Sw l d;S Phone ---.:.-_ Architect f!j({)Phone --,,..-----'---'_ Zone disu;ct,_--l...fLb=.-_-'-Proposedusc _ Lotsize 0.1.1(V?t /10 ,V?'I i Buildablearear',----------- Allowed Existing .>,7N ¢' =(3*'f#-,o)1 , Total GRFA 7"1,/+as?? PrimaryGRFA +(4Y),,(6?£t )='3~Cf~Z~ OfU &=sadety GRFA +~:5)(675*)=57JD e Proposed +=..(,,,'1 +'Z?tt)= +in,.,.= .*675::;425 creditplus 250 addition Docsthisrequestinvolve a 250 Addition?_-""!!<Z..----''''"'''''_ Howmuch of theallowed 250 Addi tionisused with this request?0 7.1 d1. Site Coverage U('I¢;~)19(,'1 ¢+(p'IJit ::;UIZ '!Z?7 Height (30)(33 ) Setbacks i Front 20'v" ,I ./,Sides ·15'i ./,Rear 15' ]V .1.2;1¢(r7~'. Landscaping 1 Iinimurn ~/?;jJJ@ ~8ic)~?;I{)~t/!I .., > Retai ningWallHeights 3'/6' Parking Required $""'"'Z.Enclosed Garage Credit Driveway Permitted Slope (0 %ProposedSlope _~"O~__% ComplieswithTOV Lighting Ordinance Arc finished gradeslesstban 2:1 :50%) Yes j/" Yes / No,_ No,_ I I I)PercentSlope «>30%),-L:t'-'-'-_ 2)F,loodp lain 3)Wetlands,-I--_ 4)Watcr CourseSetback (30)(50),-4-_ 5)Geologic Hazards --,1-__---2__ a)SnowAvalanche -l-_ b)Rockfall -f ~- c)DebrisFlow 4-__,---_ Environmental/Hazards .., ; ol/AIPreviousconditionsofapproval(checkproperty file);---J!JfLL----------- ~, Isthe property non-conforming?Describe:--~'U~S'-rl-LO!.--:....-CJ=-------- 'i ., J I,. ,~ < DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST · Project:~_ o SURVEY o SITE PLAJ"I Scale Benclunark Legaldescriplion LotSize Buildable Area Easements . Topography 100 yr.floodplain WaterCourseSetback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcyations " o FLOOR PLJ\NS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRF A Crawl'AtticSpace EHU o BUILDING FLEVATIONS Scale ·:::olor'u\1atcrials JtoofPiteh o LAi'WSCAPE PLAJ'! Existingtrees Froposcdtrees I cgcnd BuildingHeight Scale -. MISCELLANEa'JS Cando Approval rue report (A &B) Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope RetainingWalls Fences Parking/Garage TuruingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage FireAccess Utility verification Conn Photos ofsite Building material samples c.o.Verification Sun'Shadc Angles Ut lilies (underground) View Corridors Vaiances P la';restrictions ~: TOWNO F VAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 NOTE : •DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY IVELOPMENT THISPERMITMUSTBE POSTEDON JOBSITE ATA LL TIMES ADD /ALT S FR BUILDPERM IT Permit#:B03-0170 JobAddres s: Location: Parcel No : Project No : 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmi sch Road 21031 1401022 Status ...: Appli ed ..: Issued : Expires : ISS UED 07/0312003 091 10120 03 03/08/2004 07/03/2003 Phone:970-376-4581 07/03/2003 Phone:970 -376-4581 OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR07/03/2003 Phone: 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 License: CONTRACTOR CONWAY BUILDERS P .O.BOX 2729 AVON,CO 81620 License:244-B APPLICANT CONWAY BUILDERS P.O.BOX 2729 AVON,CO 81620 L icense:244-B Description: Addition includes 250 sq.ft .to existing 3-car garage and EHU unit of 1175 sq.ft. Occupancy :R TypeC onstruction:VN TypeVNon-Rated Va luation:$170,000.00 AddSq Ft:1193 FireplaceInfonnation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0 #ofWood Pellet:0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••F EESU~~RY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building-->$1,385 .75 RestuaranlPlan Review->$0.00 Total CalculatedFees->$2,468.44 Plan Check->$900.74 DRBFee----->$0 .00 AdditionalFees-->$75 .00 Investigation->$0 .00 RecreationFee---->$178 .9 5 Total Permit Fee--->$2 ,543 .44 Will Call->$3 .00 Clean-upDeposit--....->$0 .00 Paymenls---·---->$2 ,54 3 .44 TOTA L FEES----->$2,468.44 BALANCE DU E---->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Action :AP Action:DN Action:COND not exceed 12 Approvals: Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/09/2003 GCD Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/25/2003 bgibson 08/28/2003 bgibson loft level storage shall Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Access opening to sq .ft .in area . ••PAGE2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit#:B03-0170 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09-10-2003 Status:ISSUED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit Type: Applicant: JobAddress: Location: ParcelNo: ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT CONWAY BUILDERS 970-376-4581 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468GarmischRoad 210311401022 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 07/03/2003 09/10/2003 03/08/2004 Description: Addition includes250sq .ft.to existing 3 -car garageand EHUunit of 1175sq.ft. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Conditions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TOCHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond :16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC.3I0.9.1OFTHE1997UBC. Cond:CON0006094 Access opening t o loftlevelstorageshallnotexceed12 sq .ft.inarea. Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/06/2003 1s PW conditions 09/10/2003 1s ••Action:COND They meet DRB and Action:AP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seepage2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayapplytothispermit. DECLARAnONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired,completed anaccurateplotplan , andstatethatallthe information asrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved,Uniform Building Codeandotherordinances of theTown applicable thereto. I /)' REQUESTS FORINSPECTIONSHALLBEMADETWENTY·FO UR HOURSINADVANCE B TElLEPH9NE).T 479-214~ORAT OUR OFfICE FROM8 .00 AM -4PM. /~/I CONTRA T R •• •••**••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***••••••**••••••••*••••••**•••••••***••••••••***** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***••••••**••••••••••••••••••***** Statement Numbe r: Payment Method : Builders ,inc .1 2020 R030004 654 Amount :$2 ,543 .4 4 Che ck 09/10 /2003 10:16 AM Init :DDG Notat i on:Co nway Permit No :B03 -0170 Type:ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT Parcel No :210311401022 Site Address :246 8 GARMISH DR VAIL Location :2 468 Garmis ch Road Thi s Payment:$2 ,5 43.44 Total Fees: Total ALLPmts: Balance: $2 ,54 3.44 $2,543 .44 $0 .00 **•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••*****•••••••••••••••••••••••••**** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Ac count Code BP 00100003 111100 CL 0010 0003123000 PF 00 1000031 12300 RF 11100003112700 WC 00100003112800 Descri ption BUIL DI NG PERMIT FE ES CON TRACTOR LICE NSE S PLAN CHECK FEE S RECR EATION FEE S WILL CAL L IN SP ECTION FEE Current Pmts 1.385 .75 75 .00 900 .74 178 .95 3.00 ..•• tc.! OTHER:$ TOTAL:$ Labor &Materials ContactandPhone#'s :310 "/(,,7 ~J e 3rlD-<,-r'1 G .C.o~_LoN.c..~-u.'\ ELECTRICAL:$ MECHANICAL :$ APPLICATION ;I L L:~T B/~I~CCEPTED IF INCOMPLE;~o~~tu:1'fjD 3 -t/XS1- if'Zo-t3.If ~_B.l;lilding .':~":l i t ~:.,.",-_ g7'il;jl~j.1~jlnsp.!l~liqfls) 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 !b=====~~~~=~======50~~==db====_=~===~ Off:For Parcel #Contact Eaqle County Assessors Iceat 970-328-8640 or visit www.eeai e-countv.com P~rc ~ljJ 21u3 11'1 at oLL. JobName :5<.u-J -- c,Y\.\..o&.e.1 JobAddress :.;z.~&f G ail'VlA i 5~(<ot.UC(,llrl<'I I Legal Description II Lot:{II Block:(;II ..L.II Subdivision:Ve..-;/Lb.<:Sd.-.o..e~~II r-umq: OwnersNameA lof\5..Pf'\J,1 Address :-;).4 (p 't Gll;l r M<"L.e:t..'-.Ie.<,\I Phone:I Architect/Designer :R.k'O I I\G • Address:l3.1j,~"1 <;....;;h~G,00'+U<VA'~I Phone C,2G.-9R22.I Engineer:I Address :II Phone:I Detaileddescriptionofwork :~-\,6/'<>-f 3 <:..0<.~<::J<:>"'-<UJ e o-~=tt:.n"-e.toe..Qroo "'" ,..,~.~;\- WorkClass:New()Addi tiO ~Remodel()Repair()Demo()Other() WorkType :Interior()Exterior ()Bot'ii"»;r II _ anEHUexistatthis location:Yes()No()II=()Two-family ()Multi-family ()Commercia l ()Restaurant ()Oth~, No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding :,No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding:"3 II NofTypeofFireplacesExistino :GasAppliances m GasLoos (0)Wood/Pellet (e)WoodBurnino P ) I~e ofFireplaces Proposed :GasAppliances D )GasLoos (0)Wood/Pellet (d WoodBurnino (NOT ALLOWED) FireAlarm Exist:Yes ()No()II DoesaFireSprink ler SystemEx ist:Yes ()No ()I **************************************FOR OFFle EUSE0NL y************************************** l \Vailldata\cdevIFORMSI PERMITSIBLDGPERM .DOC 0712612002 TOWNOFVAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO8 1657 970-479-2138 ••DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D EVELOP MENT NOTE:THISPERMIT MUS T B E POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ADD /ALT SFR BUlLD PERMIT P ermit#:B03-0 170 JobAdd ress: Location: P arcel No: Project No : 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468Garmisch Road 210311401022 Statu s ...: Appl ied ..: Issued : E xpires : ISSUED 07 /03 /2003 09/10/2003 -12/1 6/2005 includes 250 sq _ft.to existing 3 -car garage and of ll75 sq.ft. LA ~I¥c.n ()K.1 21$105- E"Pti!r~ts:,/tsloJ, Phone :970-376-45Bl07/03/2003 SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN, l5 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY CONWAY BUILDERS P.O.BOX 2729 AVON,CO Bl620 License :244-B CONWAY BUILDERS P .0.BOX 2729 AVON,CO Bl620 License :24 4-B OWNER APPLICANT Description: Addition EHU unit CONTRACTOR Occupancy: Type Construction: R VN TypeVNon -Rated V aluation:$190,000.00AddSqFt:1193 Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #ofGasAppliances:0 #of GasLogs:0 #ofWoodPellet:0 '"'"'"'""'"''"****'"***'""''"'"***.t."'.*'"'"'""''"'"'""'••t **.***'""'"''"*.FEE SUMMARY'""'.**"'"''"'""',.."'••*.***'"'""'"''"**"'*"'*' Building----->$1 ,4 9 7.75 Restuarant Plan Review->$0.00Total CalculatedFees-e-$2,6 53.24 Plan Check-->$973.54ORB Fec--------------->$0.00 AdditionalFees------>$130 .00 Investigation->$0.00Recreation Fcc------>$17 8 .95 TotalPermit Fee---..>$2,783.24 Will Call---->$3 .00 C lean-upDeposit-------->$0.00Paymcnts--------------->$2 ,78 3.24 TOTALFEES->$2 ,653.24BALANCE DUE----->$0.00 A ppro vals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/0 9/2003 GCD Action:AP WiiJ 20 0~Action :AP PLANS APPROVED Item:0540 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 7/25/2 003 bgibson Acti on :DN LATESTREVISED ••08/28/2003 bgibson Action:COND Access opening to l oft leve l storage shall no t exceed 1 2 sq .ft.in area. Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/13/2004 Mcgee Action:DN Revisions a nd addit ion place house in n on-compliant condition . Strut cure is apx 70 feet beyond fire dept access.No staging is prov ided.Driveway grade is a t 10%.Existing conditions wi th improvements do n ot meet minimum TOV Design Standards. Dates on s ubmittal and revisions do not correspond. Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/06/2003 Is Action :COND They meet DRB and PW condi tions 09/10/2003 Is Action:AP 04/15/2004 I s 10/20/2005 gc Action:AP Action:AP Revisions a pproved. Revision approved . Sec page 2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayapplytothis permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknow ledge that r havereadthis application ,filledoutinfullthe information requ ired,comp leted an accurate plotplan , andstatethatallthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreeto comply withthe information andplotplan,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobui ld this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes ,designreview approved,International Building and Residential Codesandother ordinances of theTown applicable thereto. REQUE STS FORINSPECTION SIIALL BEMADE TWENTY-FOUR 1I0URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2 149 ORATOUROFFICEFROM8 :00 AM-4PM . • PAGE 2 • ******************************************************************************************************** Pennit #:B03-0 170 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 04 -18-2006 Status:ISSUED *********************************************************************.********************************** PennitType: Applicant: JobAddress: Location : ParcelNo : ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT CONWAY BUILDERS 970-376-4581 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road 21031140 I022 Applied: Issued: To Expire: 07 /03/2003 09110 /2003 12/16/2005 Description: Addition includes 250sq .ft.to existing 3-car garageand EHU unit of 1175sq.ft. **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):(SFR)SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313OFTHE2003 IRe. Cond:CON0006094 Access opening to10ftlevelstorageshallnot exceed 12 sq .ft.inarea . •• """r(S FirMN /ItfI&,~Na'..e Al:tten.flho:IN.,Z41 U~h ~8~or'lTooI8l1l1 F Of a.a 1 ~and "ll~CodM U$ltlhlt GenIntoSutton (In ToolS .. 'PERMITS'Pllls 'Nl-Bit 1:l_.............AlI'"""....._-,,-,._._.._..._._.._.--..-,.-"--"-"-I'S~-N~~:Gm-jj;;t:-015-!y;;;'~';'5:ii--'''- ~. •• 'PERJUTS'PI,wfi.lZ-Bi((j %tO•._......AlI.......;,;._-----._.._.,_,-_..r S~'~-'E:232--I.iltf~-OiS--_.-.-,.-.-,.-,-'.'-~._.-..- WatlC. JAN-03-1900 17:49 ••PO Box 2729 Avon,CO81620 970-653-9999 970-653-8589 fax g.regc@centurytel.net P.01 October 7,2005 Re:Parcel 21031140102-2 TOV: ~o ~-0 \"1 0 Thegeneral contractor responsibilities fortheremodelon2468Garmish, parcel #2 ~031140102~2 havebeen turned overto Allen Suridis. I :57(0 ·L "Af)fJ ~TO PtCLAu rr &~-0170 ------.....~---.-tf110//60 GregConway Conway Builders _M.···- TOTAL P.01 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 ••DEPARTMENT OFCOMM UNITY DEV ELOPMENT NOT E:THISPERMITM UST BE POSTEDONJOBSITE AT ALLTIM ES ADDIALT SFRBUILD PERMIT Permit #:B03-0170 ISSUED 07/03/2003 0911012003 03/08/2004 Status...: Applied..: Issued: Expires : Jo bAddre ss: Location : ParcelNo : Project No : 2468GARMISHDR VAIL 2468Garm isch Road 2 10311401022 ~K S O~-O O O I OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S .&JOHN,SR07 /03 /2003 15 ERITALN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 APPLICANT CONWAY BUILDERS 07/03/2003 Phone:970 -376-4581 P .O.BOX 2729 AVON,CO 8 1620 License :244-B CONTRACTOR CONWAY BUILDERS 07/03/2003 Phone:970 -376-4581 P.O.BOX 2729 AVON,CO 81620 License:244-B Description: Addit ion includes 250 sq.ft.to e xisting 3-car garage and EHU unit of 1175 sq.ft . O ccupancy:R TypeCons truction:V NT ype VNon-Rated Valuation:$190 ,000.00 AddSqFt:1193 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances :0 #ofGasLogs:0 #ofWoodPellet:0 *****************•••************••*************.*.******************FEESU~~Y ************************************************************ Building----->$1,49 7 .75 R estuarant Plan Review->$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees-->$2 ,653 .24 PlanCheck-->$973.54 DRB Fee-·------------>$0.00 Additional Fe<:s ------->$130.00 Investigatio n->$0.00 Recreation Fee-------->$1 7 8.95 TotalPermitFee------->$2,783.24 W ill Call------>$3 .0 0 Clean-up Deposit·······--->$0.0 0 Payments------------>$2 ,783 .24 TOTALFEES----------->$2,653.24 BALANCEDUE------->$0 .00 ******************************************************.***************************••**********.**************************.*.********************* Approvals: Item:0 5100BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/09/2003 GCD Action:AP 1 1/21/2005 GCD Action:AP PLANS APPROVED Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/25/2003 bgibson Act ion:DN LATEST REVISED I tem: 08 /28/2003 bgibson l oft level storage shall 05600 FIRE DEPARTME NT 05/13 /200 4 Mcgee addition place house in Action:COND Access opening to not e xceed 12 sq.ft.in area . Action :DN Revisions and non -compliant condition. ••Strutcure is apx 70 feet beyond fire dept access.No staging is provided .Driveway grade is at 10%.Existing conditions with improvements do not meet minimum TOV Design Stanaards. Dates on submittal and revisions do n ot correspond. Item:055 00 PUBLIC WORKS 08/06/2003 ls Action:CONn They meet DRB and PW conditions 09/10 /2003 ls Act ion:AP 04/1 5/2004 ls Action:AP Revisions approved . 10/20/2005 gc Action :AP Revision approved. ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Seepage 2 ofthisDocumentfor any conditionsthatmayapplytothispermi t. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledgethatIhavereadthisapplicat ion,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed anaccurateplot plan ,andstate thatallthe information asrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocompl y withthe information andplotplan,tocomply withallTownord inances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure accordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes ,design reviewappro ved,InternationalBuildingandResident ial Codesandotherordinances of theTownapplicablethereto. R EQUESTSF ORINSPECTION SHALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HO URS INADVAN CE BY TELEPHONE AT479-2149 ORATOURO FFICEFRO M8 :00AM -4 PM . SIGNATURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNER ••PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B03-0170 CONDITIONS OFAPPRO VAL as of 12-14-2005 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type : Applicant : JobAddress : Location: ParcelNo : ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT CONWAY BUILD ERS 970-376-4581 246 8 GARMISHDRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road 21031140102 2 Applied : Issued: T oExpire : 07/0312003 09 /10/2003 03/08/2004 Description: Additionincludes 250 sq .ft .toexisting3-cargarag e and EHUunitof 1175sq.ft. **************************************************Cond itions ******************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCOD E COMPLIANCE . Cond:16 (BLDG.):(SFR)SMOKE DETECTORS AREREQUIREDPERSECTION R313O F THE2003IRC . Cond :CON0006094 Accessopeningtoloftlevelstorageshallnotexceed12 sq.ft .inarea. •• **********••*******************************************************••*********************** T OWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *****••**************************************************•••******************************** Statement Number:R050002161 Amount:$239 .80 Payment Method:Credit Crd Builders -Credit 12/14/200510:19 AM Init:DDG Notation :Alpine Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address: Location: B03-0170 Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT 2103-114 -0102-2 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2 468 Garmisch Road Total Fees:$2,783 .24 This Payment:$239 .80 Total ALL Pmts:$2,783.24 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES Current Pmts 11 2.00 127.80 10 /13 /2005 12 :29 ~~1 FRO M •10 022050 .10:3.T.l0 :29 I4J 001 PO Ol ~P L J C A "O N WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF :NCOMP~~;.~;E~!!.i::~":",,q7~QL10~)--0 I"0 97i.~47.s~2H9.1:(Insp,e:cti.ons) "REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL_BUIL.DING PERMIT TOWNOJimIL Separate Permits are required for electrical,plumbing,mechanical,ete.l 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Genera l Contractor:TownofVail Reg:No.:Contact and Phone It's: jkA-f'J S S L-(4.(01 .s 3i-~-l.-.9/'/~9,/23/h ATTENTION:JR,CHARLIE,GREC,DORIS coruracrcr Signalure ;at-J LL_...--(/ COMPLETE REVISIONS E:VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) REVISED AMOUNT :S ELECTRICAL:s OTHl:R:s PLUM6ING:$MECHANICAL:s ReviseD TOTAL:$ -M?e.t{~t'}&te-IN ~- For Parcel #Contac:t Eaqle couotv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eao{e·county~com I J ob Name:~;~~~"it'~~c.e.I Job Address:Z~,,~C\olrl''''':-'1'~\)Ai ...~o ILegal Description II Lot:\-'I ~IO~~Go."Filing:i.II SubdivIsion:VAil".o,...'io-:.:.ho~~.._.'I OWM rs NamG :A.·~~I Address:-IS;'t:.b-cA.'L.~c;.....~c.:.:>lIfJl-(,II Phone:'l~-SS'Z .~~ Areh i Lecl!De~~~AI't'.\.\~:..rA"~Add reSS.ip.D.~~o95 c:P~D ~ca 1~:'i70 1u=.~"'"l;::' EngiMer:Addrc$s;..··.....'._._.._.Phone: REASONFOR REVISIONS:- 11\0.0 11::'{~l:7 I,I Th I 1....t'7 u>c.u.....U r A )!'7'">I_):.,~Ph-r"U> Work Class:New ()Addition ()Remodel (-II Repair ()Demo ()Other() Type:Interior ()Extorlor ()Both (v)Docsan 15HU exlst at this location:Yes (V)No() Type 01 Sidg.:$lnDJ~f",mily ()Two-fa mily (>"5 MultHam ily ()Com mercia l ()Rr.:s La uranl()other () No .of Existing Dwelling Unitsinthis bulld ln;:\No.of Accommodation Units in this building : Nofrvpe of Fireplaces ExistinQ:Gas Appliances UJ)Gas !.OClS ()WoodfPeliet ()Wood BuminQ(1 l~ireClaoes Proposed:Gas Apollances r"/l Gas LOI:IS ()WoodfPelJet(1 Wood 6umlng (NOT ALLOWED) II uoes a r-ire AlarmExist:Yes (v1 No()II Does aFire Sprinkler System Exist Yes ()No(frl' .....,."'-..~--*..."Il"'4'·FOR OFFICE USE ONLyw "_..... :rvps ..t.Con6triJclii:;n:..::·:::;~::::::::;':::..-: 'Oc c:uoancV'Gr"UD:"'",....:,'"......',...'..', l:!at~'Recelved:::'::,:"':T'",","'., \\V"IIIJ:l:l<a"'dov \FORMS\PERMITS\RevIGed 81d9 p<lrml ~doe 031':<12003 Oct-13-05 11:OZam Frcm-T ovm OF VA I ~MMUN I TY DE VEL OP ~E N T 970 479Z 45Z •T-9Z7 P.00Z/00 3F-152 Project Name:SURIDIS RESIDENCE Design Review Board ACTION FORM Dapartment of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com ORB Number:DRBOS0547 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS (FLOOR PLANS,WINDOWS,PATIO/HOTTUB) Participants: OWNERSURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SRIO/IO/2005 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 ARCHITECT RKD ARCHITECTS 10/10/2005 Phone:970-926-2622 PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS CO 81632 L~ense:COOOOOl770 APPliCANT RKD Architects,Inc.10/10/2005 Phone:~'lZ4 {(.,'Z"Z. Maggie McManus 1000UonsridgeLoop3D Vail,CO Mcmanus@rkdarch.com 81657 project Address:2468 GARMISH DR VAIL Location:2468 Garmisch Road legal Description:Lot:1 Block:G Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:2103-114-0102-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By; Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/13/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes totheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Townof Vail staff and/ortheappropriaterevIewcommittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does notconstitute a permitfor bUilding.Please consultwith TownofVail BUilding personnel"priortoconstructionactivities. Cond:Z01 DRS approval shall not becomevalid for 20 days followlnq the dateof approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one(1 )year fol lowinq thedate Oct-l3 -05 11:OZ am From -TOWN OF VA I ~UNITY DE VE LOP~NT 970 479Z45Z •T-9Z7 P.00 3/003 F-15Z of finalapproval,un less a buildingperm it isissuedand construction iscommenced and is diligently pursued toward comple tion. .Planner:BillGibson DRBFeePaid:$20.00 a,_,] ~~_P~a=g !!11 From: To: Date : Subject: CharlieDavis Chad Gummere 04/19/20061:16:31 PM Re:2468 Garmisch Dr . Mr,Gummere and Company, Hereissomeadditional information Icontactedtheownerofthisprojecton Thursday the13thofApriland discussed theitemsofconcernon thisproperty.AlanSu ridis committed forflyingherefromN.Y.thisweek .Hedidthatandmetwithme yesterdayafternoon . There isa current issuedBuildingpermitonth is project(B03-0170).Thispermithashadnoactivityshown onissince 12/15/05 .Thecurrentbuilding code willallowpermitstocontinuetobevalidandactiveaslong asworkscont inues onthesiteinevery180daysorless .Thecurrentexpirationofthisperm it wouldbe 6/15106.Mr .Suridiswas n otifiedofthisissueandhas committed tocontinueto complete thisproject. Healsohas committed tothefollowing : 1)Cleanalltrashanddebrisfromthe property 2)Removetheparkedandabandoned vehicles fromthesite 3)Removeplasticandtarpsfromthebuildingthatisblowinginthewind 4)Secureor remove scaffolding currentlyonthesite 5)Backfillexistingopentrenchesonthesite 6)Contactall adjacent propertyowners affected bythisproject 7)Resumeworkonthebuilding Alloftheseitemsshalladdressedstartingtoday.Incremental progresstogetthissitebackinto complianceshou ld begin. Mr.Suridisalsogavemehiscellphone number toforwardtoanyone interested inthisprojectandwou ld likeaphonecallifanyadditionalissues come up.Frommyperspective ,heseemsverywillingand cooperative toobta in compliance and become agoodneighbortothearea .Feelfreetocallhimifthere areany concerns at914-582-6841 CharlieDavis ChiefBuildingOfficial TownofVail >>>Chad Gummere 04/19/2006 9:38 :05 AM »> 4/19/06 Mr.DavisandMr .Carlson , Re:2468 Garmish Drive- Simplykeepingyoubothposted .Iam working toallieviatethecomplaints &problemsregard ing th is constructionsite.Work isinprogresstohavetheprivatevehiclesparkedonsiteremoved .Iwillagain checkthesitetodayfortherecent complaint offall/healthhazardsandperform proper followupiftheyare found. Chad Gummere ConstructionTeam ICEO (970)376-2582 cc.Bill Car lson ;DirkEtheridge ;GregDenckla;JackieOgden ;PamBrandmeyer;Russ •18 /eo.l /2885 18:37 MO NROE &NE WELL• Monroe &Newell Eng ineers,In c . FIELD REPORT PAGE 8 2 /8 8 Vail ,Colorado Denver ,C olorado Dillon ,Col orado Date:September 30,2005 Project:Suridis Remodel 2005 Weather:Sunny Project #6829 Location:246B Garmisch Road, Vail,Colorado Temp:550 at4:00P.M. Town of VailOFFICECOpy To:Alpine Building and Development,Inc. PO Box 5240 Avon,CO 81620 The purpose of thissite visit wasto review existing deck and dormer framing. The following wasnoted: 1.The dormer atthe west side of the master bedroom wing appeared to have been constructed in compliance with standard framing requirements for overframing. 2.The deck framing atthe west side of the master bedroom was progressing.The contractor shall frame the deckas shown inthe attached structural framing plan and details. Waterproofing and drains shall be installed perthe architect's requirements. 3.The deck at the west wall of the employee housing unitshall be constructed per the attached framing plan and details.Waterproofing and drains shall be installed perthe architect's requirements. 4.A circular stair totheloft shall be constructed perthe attached partial framing plan.A HSS 6x6xY4 steelbeamshallbe placed below the floor framing centered under the stair base.A(4)-2x6 anda (4)-2x4 post shallbe installed each end of this new beam inthe closet side walls of the lower level. 200S Platinnm Sponsor TIll::Colorad o Ch apter of The Am erican Institute of Architects www .m onr oe ~new e]l.c om 7 0 B enchmarkRoad.Suite 2 04 •P.O .Box 159 7 •Avon ,Co lo rado81 620 (970)949-77 68 •FAX (970)949-4054 •email;a von@mo nr oe-n ew ell .com •1 El l 0,4/2005 10 :37 970'34 9405 4•MO NROE &NEWE LL••PA GE 03 /08 5.Acolumnistoberemovedbelowthesoutheastcolumninthelivingroom .The contractorshallinstallanewtransferbeam ,columnandfootingpadasshown inthe attachedpartiallivingroomfloorframingp lan anddetails. 6.Attheentrystair/kitchen wallanewsixinchstandardsteelpostshallbeinstalledunder anexistingkitchenceiling steelbeam ,asshownintheattachedsectionSTI. 7.Nootherexceptionstothestructuraldocumentswerenoted. Very truly yours, MONROE &NEWELL ENGINEERS,INC. HannesSpaeh,P.E . Principal 2 PAGE 0 4/08 ;:002 NEW ELL.MO NROE &9:52()'O 09 :5 .os 19 zos .!v .._~r J;"'_Ill u ,J) Q...-"'-::L ·1 0/84/2005 FROM PAGE 05 /08 DATE _ SHEET NO._ cHE CKED BY'_ MONROE &NEWELL... JOB 6UP=IP~ CALCULA1BlBY !~~.Monroe &Newell Eng1neers,Inc. HI:3710/84 /20 05 SCALE 0 6/0 8PAGE DATE _ MONRO E &N EWELL ~ SUP-IPlc? CALCULATEDBY'~~S SHEET NO._Monroe &Newell Engineers .Inc. ttl :3 7ll')/04 /21305 SCALE 0 7 /0 8PAGE OF ---,,-_ CATEJO -i CATE _ MO NROE &NE WE L~ ~U~IDI~ SHEETNO._ CALCVLATEDBY,_--fr ~• CHECKED BY._ Monroe &Newell Engineers .Inc . 10 :3710/04 /20 05 SCALE i ll !i i j j !!I !I l!I .!!i ll 1 I I ,!!iii i i :1 i ._...1.._..._!I !t :I !I I i,1 I J I:···-I ····j···..I ··-:..···I···..+··,I';..-;..·········1 ········T ..·1...i t..-·~:·-·r ..··:-·-..··-..:"-i'.i·---·k"i -.-:·-;r~·r ·l ·--!--··._.+~b!...j~r:t ~·rr'··z:··i..-f -...---i-'-i-"--:-.-j ·-·;·..·-·l·L-...!'..,.--....!..'1 t "1#1':--,J::·w."I~e2·I''''~r'-1'-r "i----· ,,_;i I 'I:!i 'I I ~I,!:r I :!1..:1 1 I,t I I I1 •I I"T'T'T'T'T'"i ~....-····-;·-··:-··']'-·"I"--T ---·'---r ··'1 ..-..'1··-I-·1'···"--i -:--.i -l../....I 'T"T"'l'i ·_-_··~_···_:--i-······--l -··-'-··!··_--;_·_·~+_·,··_·-t o ~!I I !I J !.:,t·········T'·······,1····""t'..."\-'·'--1 .-...-~k -~·-·f·J ·.±;f .....-~.;M;JkL+.-.i.-.-"1--'-~._.-i--n-r-'-t -·--~-+----j--+-.-.jl-'-r'---r--'+--'j.:.:.;....-.,-. ._..y .",.+c:f"4----r -,.-+-7 "·f -·-A~·I\.:..-.--;.--l_..·i....:-..L ~H ..·-..+·-·-~5 ··I 'i ·i-2 -·:-·+··-'-------c·r-·-· ...--~~;.e~.~__+----..~I I ·--~*,;'_;:·--·-.J-+;;~-+...;'---1 '-.......i -c~--·1e;·:61+O-6+--+·--·I-----~ ..-..:..j +-'+"-'-i --:'.+-,41 :c-..f ~;ldi -~~E1 i~J ;·L l ..-;:~;~·~n ~..t -·--·j--..J::;=r -+,..+----t -.- j ,,!I t r ,;;;-~I -r,N .I r J I •I I-.-..,,-·-_·t ...-r---r -1 ";--'-'-r ..--;-----~...-~t1 ··T "r-':-;-.T:!"-"1-'...:--:--'-"1';"i -",1"--",.....r -'-'j'"'-T 1-·----i..-L --.!..---L ...;'-·:----·'·--..L.-f --.·""",L...l 'r -';-,--I -~..-J-L '·r·-J·L+..:..L-..l..--l -!--.~-.·f _·I....·_·~_·__·L !._.....I I I t ,r !I r4J-t----r 1JIiII'!-'-i --~I ~I !!I "i I I ! 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Depending on the location and ava ilable space,different mounting arrangements are permitted.A manifold may be mounted on the surface ofan interior wall ,between open floorjoists,inattic spaces,crawl spaces ,with in a partition wall,or inside an enclo- sure. The CSST Capacity Tables include losses forfour900 bends and two end fittings .Tubing runs with a larger number of bends and/or fittings shall be increased by an equivalent length of tubing tothe following equation :L=1.3n where L is add itional length of tubing and n isthe number of additional fittings and/or bends. Each portofa manifold can be taken as an additional fitting.For examp le:the tube running from the lastportofa 3-port manifold should have 3.9 feet 13 ports/fittings x1.3)added tothe run length forthe purpose of sizing.This method is applicable forall manifolds whose ports are equal or greater insize than the pipe connected tothecorresponding port. The installation of manifold assemblies using a pounds-to-inches regulator must bein accordance with all local codes,and the fo~ lowing guidelines : a) b) c) A manifold assembly directly intergrating a pounds-to-inches regulator shall be installed in an accessible ,ventilated loca- tionsothat the regulator can be inspected ,maintained and serviced if repair or replacement is required. \AX.t'D-L-e-CD~\-t '}..L{-Of\.bck s,tcfL A manifold assembly without a regulator can be concealed .Q{-\X>lk?V V\. For manifold systems that use a pounds-to-inches regulator installed behind an access panel,all tubing penetrations inthe cabinet should be sealed,caulked or grommeted .The cabine t must be ventilated through the panel/door and notintoa wall space . Rg.4-67 Mani foldf abr ic ated f rompipe n ipplesand teesocose t;ne ro qu :::Itor erevcted presswe low pressure --from .0.mete -t o app liances ~-~--~---§-------------~t--I -~-------=§=Iotr ..........-----=5 t o ------=---§----5---=§=5 -----=-----!::§-CpprOWd --Sl'!ut -off verve -== d rip leg sed ;men :!rop Fig.4-66 d)Open face cabinets,which open ontothe normal room environment, may be utilized without the need for ventilation or penetration sealing requirements. Fig.4-68 Gastite Division /Trteflex Corp . www.gastite.com •800662{)208 57 603 Hendee Street Springfield.MA 01139-0054 LimitingOrifice Appliance Pressure -......~(Outlet) • Adjusting Screw Rg.4-69 •Installation Practices LinePressure (Inlet).. 4.8 Pressure Regulator 4.8.1 Description 4 .8 ..2 Sizing Instructions :;";" b)The Maxitrol and OARA regulators supplied by Gastite are designed to supply the highest performance as Pressure Regulators and Gas Appliance Regulators .They feature precise regulating control fromfullflow down flows.They can be used asa single stage regulator,reducing pounds pressure to normal burner pressu re. also be used asa line regulator on equipment already fitted with an appliance regulator. c)The materials ofall component parts are carefully selected and corrosion resistant.The housing are ma de of drKl~ die cast aluminum ,the diaphragm and self-aligning valve seat are made of natural rubber which is selectedto ambient temperatures of -40 to205 degrees F (-40 to 96 degrees C). a)Une Pressure Regulator Selection The Maxitrol and OARA Regulators are typically used ina2or5 PSI gaspiping installation to reduce supply pressu re to _ ance within required operating ranges (typically 4"WC -7"WC natural gasor IO"WC -l1"WC LP gas). a)A CSST system utilizing gas pressures exceeding 1/2 PSI shall include a regulator tolimit downstream app!" ply pressure to1/2 PSI.The regulator shall have a lock-up feature that will limitthe downstream pressu re to To select thecorrect regulator for pressure regulation,the following information must be established : •Ava ilable inlet pressure range atthe regulator inlet •Desired outlet pressure •Required maximum flow rate •Desired inlet pressure atthegas appliance •Refer tothe tables below to select the correct regulator to satisfy system requirements. For natural gas,the regulator outlet pressure issetto 8"WC and the appliance runs are sized with a 3"WC pressu re will allow for 5"WC inlet pressure at the appliance .For propane gas,the regulator outlet pressure issetto II"WC and me ~~ ance runs are sized with a 0.5"WC drop.This will allow fora 10.5"WC inlet pressure atthe appliance. Section 4.0 b)Appliance Pressure Regulator Selection -refer to manufacturers bulletin. Gastite Division I T1teflex Corp . www.gastile .com •80066UI208 58 603 Hendee SIr.,;: Springlield,MA 0113;";:(-:; Installation Practices pacity Tables • Table 4-7 Regulator Capa~iIy lor Natura l Gas withanS"w.C.Outlet Pressure Capacities -0.64 spgr gas expressed in CFH (m3lh)-Operating Inlet Pressure r OotietPressunl 1/2psi 134 mbar)3/4psi 152 mbar)1psi(69 mbar)1-1/2 psi (103)mbar 2 psi (138 mbar) 18 ·300 S"w.c.14514.11 200 15.n 25017.11 25017.11 250 17.11 s-eoo S"w.c.335 (9.5)475 (13.5)550 (15.6)550(15.6)550 (15.6) S"w.C .690 119.51 970127.51 1000128.3)1000 128.31 1000 128.3) '0\8"w.c.16014.51 200 15.61 200 15.61 200 15.61 200 15.6) 0 "01 8"w .c.345 19.6)425 11 1.91 425 111.91 4251 11 .91 425111 .91 ,OPO)8"w.c.650 (18.4)900 (25.5)900 (25.5)900 (25.5)900 (25.5) lor most typical 2 PS I parallel systems when trunk run is siZed to deliver 1 PSI to regulator inlet . Table 4-S RegUlato r Ca pacity lor Natural Gas with an 11"w.c.Oul lel Pressure capaci ties -0.64sp gr gas expresse d in CFH (m3Jh) Operating Inlet Pressure Outlet Pressure 1/2 psi (34 mbar)3/4psi 152 mbar)1 psi 169 mbar)1-1/2psi (103)mbar 2psi (138 mbar) 0"1-300 11 "w.C.93 12.61 In 14.91 225 t6.41 250 17.11 250 17.1) gl1-600 11 "w.C.211 16.01 391 111.11 511 114.5)550 /15.61 550 115.61 11 "W.c.441 112.5)S16123 .1)1000 128.3)1000 128.3)1000 128.3) ?OI 11"w.C.12013.41 200 15.6)20015 .61 200 15.61 20015.61 IOPD\11"w.c.260 17.31 425111 .91 4251 11 .91 4251 11 .91 425 '11.91 tOPO)11 "w.c.490 (13.9)821 (23.2)900 (25.5)900 (25.5)900 (25.5) mosttypical2 PSI parallel system s whentrunk runissized todeliver1 PSI toreg ulator inlet. li"es in-field adjustm ent toobtain output pre ssu re of 11". Table 4-9 Regula tor Capacity l or Pro pane with an 11"w.c.Outlet Pressure caoacllies -1.52 soor oas exoressed in MBTU Operating Inlet Pressore Outlet Pressure 1/2psi(34 mbar)3/4psi 152 mbar)1 psI 169 mba r)1-1/2 psi (103)mbar 2psi 1138 mbar) '11-300 11"w.C.147 270 355 395 395 111-600 11 "w.c.335 620 810 870 870 11"w.c.700 1290 1585 1585 1585 '().11 "w.c.190 315 315 315 315 ~,::m 11 ""'"41n 670 670 67n 670 ,GPOI 11 "w.c.m 1300 1425 1425 1425 ~lIlOSt typica l 2 PSI parallel systems when trunk run is sized to deliver1 PS I to regulator inle t hs in-fieldadjustmenlto obtai n output pressu reof 11 ". Tabl e 4-10 largestSingleAppliance Servedby Regulator Capacitie s-0.64 spgrgasexpressed in MBTU T325 -3-X /ReoX-300 140 T325-5-X /ReoX-600 300 T325-7L-44 900 T325-3L48 IOPOI 200 T325-5AL600 (OPO)425 T325 -7L-210D IOPO)900 .;Tltellex Corp. ::n •800662.Q208 59 603 Hendee Street Springfield .MA 011~54 Ag .4-71 CheckBall • Ag.4-70 Reg Iator ®-STUB Mounting Suspended below CeIlIng-- /VentTube •Installation Practices The regulator shall be installed in an accessible location with an approved shutoff valve on the inlet side and a union [If required by code)on the outlet side so that it may be inspected ,maintained and serviced if repair or replacement is required .Gaslite recommends a drip leg sediment trap on the inlet side of the regulator and may be required by code.The Gaslite REG-STUB provides an easy mounting solution with an integral drip leg. Shut-off valves should be opened and closed slowly.A rapidly opened or closed valve can "shock"the regulator causing abnormal behavior. The vent-limiting orifice isa fail-safe device that permits free air move- ment above the diaphragm du ring normal operation.In the unlikely event ofa diaphragm rupture,the vent limiting orifice will limit gas escapement to 1.OCFH natural gas at2 PSI and 0.65 CFH LP at2 PSI. Both values are below the ANSI standard of2.5 CFH .Note:The vent· limiting orifice doesnotalowgas to escape to the environment during operation. Do not leak test the vent orifice with liquid leak test solution .This action will contam inate the internal ball check mechanism or plug the breathing hole resulting in erratic regulator performance UpsideDown Vent Umiler Removed b) 4.8.3 Installation a) e) d) c)The regulator is suitable for mullii>oise mounting .When using a vent-limiting orifice however,the regulator mounted ina horizontal upright position . f)When using a vent-limiting orifice,the maximum inlet pressure is(2 PSI Propane)and (5 PSI Natural Gas). g)When using a vent line,the line must beat least the same size as the regulator vent connection,and cannot em~' length of30 ft.The vent shall be designed to prevent entry of water,insects or other foreign materials tha tc blockage of the line.Do not ventto appliance flue,pilot light or building exhaustsystem. The regulator may be mounted horizontally,with a vent tube installed in the venting port.The end ofthe tube must ~ downward,and should be designed to prevent water and foreign material from causing a blockage.Another alte rnative . door plastic vent protector designed forthe regulator OutdoorMountingOptions: h)The DARA regulators and the Maxitrol series regulators have a lower temperature limitof -40 degrees F.The perature limit and rust proof construction design enables the regulator tobe used for outdoor installations .To nrl.ll'lili. the potential for moisture condensation and freezing problems inor around the vent port,the vent-lim iting must be removed for outdoo~installations. The regulator may be mounted upside down with the open vent port facing down .Consideration must be taken t oe is adequate clearance for snow buildup. Section 4.0 Ag.4-72 Ag .4-73 Ag.4-74 Gastile Division /Trteflex Corp. www.gastile.com "800662-0208 60 603 Hendee Sire€: SpriJgfield,MA 01 13=-::-: _:ion 4.0 Installation P!tices •Casttte H ~ .5 Adjustment Adjustm ent can be accompl ished byfirst removing the regulator seal capto expose the adjusting screw.Turning the screw clockwise will increase outlet pressure ,turning it counter-elockwise will decrease pressure . Th e average propane gas appliance is designed to operate at10to10-1/2 inches water column pressure.Thus,the Po unds-to-l nch es regulators for Propane Gas are setto derIVer 11 inches water column outlet pressure under load to allowfor0.5 inches water column pressure drop in the tubing . 603 Hendee Street Springfield.MA 0113~461 Performance If spring adjustment will not produce the desired outlet pressure,check to make sure the main supply pressure is ade- quate.If the main supply pressure is adequate,consult factory for other line-regulator options .Do not continue to turn regulator adjusting screw clockwise ifthe outlet pressure readings donot continue to increase.Thismayresultin over-firine duetolossofpressurecontrol,shouldtherebeasubsequentincreaseininletpressure. A performance test should be conducted while operating all appliances at full load .This will testif adequate pressure is reaching each appliance under full-load conditions .To accomplish this,measure the line pressure at the appliance connection wh~e operating the appliance. The inlet pressure fora typical gas appliances under full load conditions should measure a minimum of4 inches of water column pressure for natural gas and a minimum 10 inches water column pressure for propane.If these pressure ranges cannot be obtained ,a slight adjustment tothe service regulator orthe pounds-to-inches regulator may be necessary to increase line pressure . The2 PSI system pounds-to-inches regulator can be adjusted with an outlet pressure ranging between 7to9 inches water column pressure for natural gas and 10to12 inches water column for propane .The regulator mustbe adjust- ed according tothe manufacturers recommended procedure.A pressure gauge mounted just downstream ofthe reg- ulator can monitor the set pressure under various loads. Th e regulator is pre-set and labeled at the factory for either natural gasor propane .The average natural gas appliance is designed to operate at3to4 inches water column pressure,and a pressure difference of1to2 inches of water col- um n across the appliance regulator which wiD prevent slow regulator response.Thus,the appliance regulator will oper- ate bestat4to6 inches water column inlet pressure.The Pounds-to-lnches system regulators for Natural Gas are set to deliver 8 inches of water column outlet pressure under load to allow for3 inches water column pressure drop inthe tubing. Gast:e Divis ion/T1teflex Corp. .gastite.com •~62-o208 -5.4 TOWN0FVAIL 75S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL ,CO81657 970-479 -2138 ••DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT Permit #:B03-0170 ISSUED 07/03/2003 0911012003 03108/2004 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued: Expires : J ob Address: Location : Parc el No : Project No: 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road 210311401022 f «"50 3 -000 1 OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR07/03/2003 15 ERITALN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 APPLICANT CONWAY BUILDERS 07/03/2003 Phone:970-376-4581 P.O .BOX 2729 AVON,CO 81620 License:244-B CONTRACTOR CONWAY BUILDERS 07/03/2003 Phone :970-376-4581 P .O.BOX 2729 AVON,CO 81620 License :244-B Des cription: Addition includes 250 sq.ft.to existing 3-car garage and EHU unit of 1175 sq.ft. Occupancy:R Type Construction:VN TypeV Non-Rated Valuation :$190 ,000.00 AddSqFt:1193 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances:0 #o f GasLogs:0 #of Wood Pellet:0 ****************************:tl***************************************FEE SUMMARY ****************************************••************"'''''''**''' Building---->$1,491 .15 RestuarantPl anReview->$0.00TotalCa lculated Fees-->$2,65 3.24 Plan Check-->$9 13.54 DRB Fee------------->$0.00 Additional Fees------->$130 .0 0 Investigation->$0.00 Recreation Fee-------------->$178 .95 TotalPermit Fee------>$2,183 .24 WillCall----->$3 .00 Clean-up Deposil------>$0 .00Payments-------------->$2,783 .24 TOTALFEES---------->$2,65 3.24 BALANCE DUE----->$0 .00 ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/09/2003 GCD Action:AP 11/21/2005 GCD Action:AP PLANS APPROVED Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/25/2003 bgibson Action:DN LATESTREVISED 08/28/2003 bgibson Action:COND Access opening to loft level storage shall not exceed 12 sq.ft.in area. Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/13/2004 Mcgee Action:DN Revisions and addition place house in non-compliant condition. S trutaure i s apx 70 f!lt b eyond f ire dept access .N~ staging is provided.Driveway grade is at 1 0%.Existing conditions with improvements do not meet minimum TOV Design Standards . Dates on submittal and revisions do not correspond. Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/06/2003 Is Ac tion:CONn They meet DRB and PW condi tions 09/10/2003 Is Action :AP 04/15/2004 Is Action :AP Revisions approved. 10/20/2005 gc Action:AP Revision approved . ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Seepage2ofthisDocumentforanyconditionsthatmayapplytothispermit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledgethatIhavereadthisapplication ,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired ,completedanaccurate plot plan ,andstatethatallthe information asrequiredis correct.Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotplan,tocomply withallTownord inances andstatelaws ,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningandsubdivision codes,design rev iew approved ,InternationalBuildingandResidentialCodesandotherordinancesoftheTownapplicablethereto. REQUESTS FORINSPECTION SHALL BEMADET WENTY-FOUR HOURS INADVA NCE BYTEL EPHONE AT479 -2149 OR AT OUR OFFICEFROM8 :00 AM -4 PM . SIGNATURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ••PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B03-0170 CONDI TIONS OFAPPROVAL asof12-14-2005 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type : Applicant : JobAddress: Lo cation: ParcelNo : ADD/ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT CONWAY BUILDERS 970-376-4581 2468 GARMISHDRVAI L 2468 Garmisch Road 210311401022 Applied: Issued: T oExpir e: 07/0312003 09 /1012003 03 /08/2004 Description: Addition includes250sq .ft.toex isting 3-car gar age and EHUunitof1175sq.ft. **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond :12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TOCHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):(SFR)S MOKE DETECTORS AREREQUIR ED PER SECTION R313OFTHE2003IRC . Cond :CONOOO609 4 Accessopeningtoloftlevel storageshallnotexceed12 sq .ft.in area. •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number:ROS0002 161 Amount:$239 .80 Payment Met hod:Credi t Crd Builders -Credit 1 2/14/200510 :1 9 AM I n it :DDG Notation:Alp ine Permit No : P arc el No: Site Address : Location: B0 3 -0 170 Type: 21 03 -1 14-0102 -2 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road AD D/ALTSFRBUILD PERM IT To tal F ees :$2,783.24 This Payment :$239.80 Total ALL Pmts :$2 ,783 .24 Ba lance :$0.00 **************************************************************••••************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Accou nt Code BP00 100003111100 PF 001000 031 12300 Description BUILDINGPERMIT F EES PLAN CHECK FEES Current Pmts 1 12 .00 127 .80 FRCf.1.:I<t'R.J'lLANY •.FAX t-lJ. k E:?G,0Vj II #DO?>··151/0 2.Lf &i C A fMlI S:C I-l 7208 713137 3 .SeP :2 7 2005 10:3 0PM P i 5447S .Valdai Sir. Aurora,CO 8001 5 TellFax :1-(120)--870-1373 kpnengincering@comcast.net KPN Engineering LLC September 27,2005 TOWN OF VAlL Building Department VAIL,Colorado 80112 RE :Suridis remodel Dear Sir or Madam: o In regards to the post being partially cutfor plumbing pipe in area be low the second floor,I reviewed the condition.To correct thesupport condition the contractor build4-2X4 post 32 inches away in the wall of the laundry closet which rests below on 2-3 ~x9 ~2.0 PARALLAMS.Now the parallams span between this new post and the beam on the outside edge of the house bearing only partially on the cut post.I found thatthe modification satisfies the loading requirements and does not undermine the stability of the structure.Attached please find partial sketch of th e area in question and observation photographs, Please feel free to call if you have an y questions or need further information, Managing Member ;H f1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lSI ~ 3: ;-s W ro -J ~ I • ~~~ ~~~ <,~<, ~:t\~ \J ~lA ~~~~~l\t \.~<,\I)~Iv)"'-~\)b ~~~(:~~~o I... l/) 'Q•t") -v- NEW 4 -2X4 POST DOWN TO 2-~"x ~"2.0 PARALlAMS BELOW APP/3D· .. I lit cRetJ.1.' /'J1i w tPo'5 T ~"X~"2.oElIPARALLAM e16"O.C. 9JI TJ I ~PR I 1!t oR 16"llo .cll ("Nt .) Jill ~1-~IIx~ft 2 .~pMRAuhss ~ ~ ~ t 16"O.C. h ••5447S.ValdaiStr, Aurora,CO80015 T o:lJFax :1-(720)-870-1373 kpnengineering eecomcast.net KPN Engineering LLC July 5,2005 TOWN OF VAIL Building Department VAIL,Colorado 80112 RE:Suridis remodel DearSirorMadam: In regards tothe supportingofcut off lengthofthe3 Y2"X7 !/2"LVL,we provided header madefrom C7X9.8 connected asshownon SK-l. Plea se feelfreetocallifyouhaveanyque stions orneedfurther information. Cordially, );4d ~~1r"/Pf9.jJ'$?'ZY'~~ Krzysztof P.Nawalany,P. Managing Member APPROVED COmmunity Develocxnent Department Building S8f8tY and Inspection Services OFFicE'COPY Sectlon ....._.... ____International Building CodIIIntImIlIonai Residential Code Val idity 01 permit.The Issuance OlE of apennil shall notbe ccnc truedtobeapennitlor,or an of.any violation 01 any 01 I :l ~provisions ollhls code orof8llJ onlInance of the jurisdiction.Permits presuming to give~Iovlalateorcancel the provi sionaof this codeor otheronllis..Clf thi )IIlsdlctloli shall not be valid -~:issuance of a pennitbaledonconstrUcllllndocumenlsand other cata shall not prevent the building aIIIcIII fJan reqWfng the correc ticnoferrorsin theconstruellon~andothet'datL The building officia l is also But/1OrlZed to pl'lMlrtl occupancy or UlIIoIa strueIure wherein violation 01 this code or of any oIheronlinlnClllClf this jurisdiction .k ...CJ :: PLANS EXAMINER:N G7V DATE:[)'f(O:5 "0 2-~"DIA.A307 /THRU BOLT @ 3"GA.-: 3-1 /2"x7 '-1/2" EXIST lVl . S...' 3-1/2"X7-1/2"/ EXIST lVl KPN Engineering LLC Structural Engineer 5447 S.VALDAI STR. AURORACO.80015 Tel./Fax .1-(720)-870-1373 JOBNAME:SURIDIS REMODEL LOCATION:VAil,COLORADO 2-3/8"DIA.LAG . ~-J/2"DIA.A307 THRU BOLT @ 3"GA. DRAWN BY:K.N.ICHECKED BY:K.N. SCALE :3/4"=1'-0" DATE:6/13/05 CONTRACTOR: DESCRIPTION :Floor Joist Support JOB NUMBER SHEET sk-1 £ •• Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 970-4 79-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Guidefor Means of Egress from Existing Buildings AMeans of Egress system isdefinedinthe International Building Codeas: "A continuous and unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal egresstravelfromany occupied portion of a building or structure toapublicway.Ameans of egress consists of three separate and distinct parts:exitaccess,theexitandexit discharge."Forthe purposes of thistraining session wewillfocusontheexit,exitdischargeandthepublic way. TheExit.Thisportion of themeans of egress system canbebest described asthat portion that leadsan occupant fromtheinterior of the building tothe exterior of thebuilding. Thisis generally achieved bya door thatopenstothe exterior of thebuilding.To determine whetherthisexitis "required"forthe occupied portion of thebuilding,in generalterms,therewillbeanexitsignand illumination (lighting)identifying thisforthe occupant. The ExitDischarge.This portion forthemeans of egresssystemcanbebestdescribedas thatportiononthe exterior of the building,leadingthe occupant tothe public way.Thisis generally achievedbya sidewalk,ramp,stairs,balconies ordecks.Theexitdischarge connects theexittothepublicway. ThePublicWay.Thepublicwaycanbeastreet,sidewalk,bike path or other publicly owned property thatisnotpart of the construction orownedbya private individual. Generally,allutilitymainsarelocatedwithinthepublicway.Thepublicwayisusedfor vehicleaccessto properties andthisincludesaccesstothe property for emergency vehicles.The Building Code recognizes the public wayasa component toprovidea clear,unaffected property thatwillbe available tothegeneralpublicand emergency personnel atalltimes. Checklist orItemstolookfor During Construction Activity 1)Anythingbeing constructed inVailhashadto obtain approval.Askforthe "Approved"field stamped drawing.Thiswillincludea staging plan,atraffic controlplanor building permitsiteplan .If thisis unavailable ,thenthe contractor '.)RECYCLED PAPER • KPN Enginee~~~ •5447 S.V aldai Str . Aurora.CO 80015 TelJFax :1-(720)-870-13 73 k pnengineering ripc omcast.net APPROVED Community Development Department BUilding Safety and Inspection Services July5 ,2005 TOWN OF VAIL Building Department VAIL ,Col orado 80112 RE:Suridi s remodel DearSirorMadam: Seetio:1 .._-:-~~~~:---: __.•-~~::ion a l Building Codellntematlonr.l r-:J~,_:ntial Code V:--::li t The issuan ce or granti ng c!_"':,:1 notbe .;.J be apermitfor,or anapprova l cf,e.G}•._..I n of Bny of'ens olthis codeorofany other ":~:na nce oftho jurisc :.:71 its presuming togive autho rity tJ v.ot ateor cancel the prove'.:.:codeor other ordinances ofthe juri:diction shall not be valid i c cuanceofapermitbased on constru ction documents and other data :hall not prevent the building official from requiring the correction of errors inthe construction documents and other data.The bulIding official isalso authorized toprevent occepancy oruseofa IllJUCtUre where in violation of thiseorofanyotherordinances of Iliajurisdiction. PLANS EXAMINER:"'-;''-...,K,,;,,;.,;;;,-.__OATE:6g'i 8-et!) Inregard s tothetrussbeari ng lengththe conditions were corrected by providing fullshim s underthe trus ses.Attach please find observation foot s. Plea se feelfreeto callif youhavea nyque stions orneed further information. cp::;~~ Krzysztof P .Nawalany,P .E Managing Member EXHIBIT LOT 1,BLOCK G,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 TOWN OF VA IL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO LOT2 J. SCALE:1"=3 0' / / / RADI US =125 .0 0 ' DELTA =33'29'46" ARC =7 3.08 ' TANGENT =37 .62' CHOR D =72.04' BRG =N27 '51'07"E VAIL DASSCHONE FILING No .1 VAILDASSCHONE FILING No.1 NOTES: 1)THESOLE PURPOSEOFTHISEXHIBIT IS TO SHOW THE ELEVATI ON OFTHE NEWt.Y CONSTRUCTED RIDG E BEAM ONTHEEXISTING STRUCTURE ANDTHE LOCATION OFTHEFOUNDATION UNDER CONSTRUCTION ONLOT 1.OTHER FEATURESMAY EXISTON LOT 1 WHICH 'M:RE NOT SHOWN HEREO N. 2 )THE BOUND ARY DIMENSIONS,EASEMENTS,SEmACKSANDRIGHTS OFWAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PERTHE RECOR DPLAT FOR THESUBJECTPROPERTY ANDTHE SITE &GRADINGPLANPREPARED BY RKDARCHITECTS,INC.. DATED 07/02/2003. 3)NOTICE:ACCOR DINGTO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPONANY DEFECT INTHIS SURVEY I'<lTH IN THREE YEARSAFTER YOUFIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT,INNOEVENT,MAYANY ACTION BASEDUPONANY DEITCT INTHIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THANTENYEARS FROM THEDATEOF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREO 9 53 So ulh fro nlagt Road West Suitf'l06 Vail.CO81651 (970)479-8698.fax (970)479 -0055 IHEREBY CERTIFYTHA TTHISEXHIBIT WAS PREPARED FORCONWAY B UILDERS,THATITISNOTAL AND SURVEYP LAT,AND THA T IT I SNOT TO BEREUEDUPONFOR THEESTABLISHM ENT OFFENCE,BUILDING,OROTHER FUTUREIMPROVEMENT LINES. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE IfJPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THEABOVE DESCRIBEDP ARCELONTHIS DATE,9/30/2003,EXCEPTUTILITY CONNECTIONS,AREENTIRELY I'<l THIN THEBOUNDARIESOF THE PARC EL, EXCEPTASSHOWN,AN DTHAT THERE IS NO A PPARENT EVIDENCE ORSIGN OF ANY EASEfJENT CROSSING OR BURDENINGANY P ARTOFSAIDPARC EL EXCEPTA S NOTED."\U.l '~\\>\'"lII'iJ ll.,~~~\l)O RlCJ.t'''''''~ /.I ~.~H.~~\~U rft~~n.~~~!=-SA'"'M7.U-::E=L-'H:7."'=-EC=K-=E=R~1 ~"'":: COLORADOP .L.S .No .30091 ~~\,,,_I •2 J ~,,-,,(l'iii!..-..;'..10 _...~"".""__~'~r "~"'/0 ---~~~.,.,~ • Monroe &Newell Engineer»,Inc. • V ai l .Co lo r a d o D en v e r,Col ora d o Dill on ,C o l orado Date : STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS,DETAILS,AND GENERAL NOTES FOR SURIDIS RESIDENCE REMODEL 2468GarmischRoad Vail,Eagle County,Colorado M&N#6347 Prepared By: February 13,2004 ,"-2003 Ptetinum Sponwrn.t__u.o"..., I "~_""- Monroe &NewellEngineers ,Inc . POBox1597 Avon ,CO 8 1620 \\'W\\·.rno n r o e -n e w e II .co m 7 0 Ren c h ma rk Road ·Sui t c 20 4 •P .O .B ox 1 5 9 7 .A v on .C o lo r a do 81 620 (9 7 0)9 1 9 -77 68 •FAX (970)9 ,j9 ··105,j •ema il :a vo nss m o n roe -n e we l l .c o m r •• r ::r \'0 ...9 -=t4-~ N 00 u,~Cl~o Cl NclE"12E:53 Ff)(2.. r£..A1J t-lc1E$~~P,.g,TIAL I2GOF 11,I I I I-1'1 ::-l-0 :. h _fl -L --_"III >>~<0 (f)lft:~Cl W <0-V)g 5 Clw~)/I"7/~\'Iii :::l '":J o <0 W W 0 J:-c J:~f/ll'MV ,en o o 'Ve1LIFy &£*M FIeLD .................u Q).5 ~riQ)<.lZ.s'cC ~~ (tJ)(NFl Q) 0 I-tZ,:'ICR l:: 0 ~ •• ( -J--II >... III .. 0 ib ~ o w 5 0zw Iii :::>'"o o III W ~W 0 r <i'i,'"o No~: J2€..S3 Foil.. f'L.AN ",rm:s '-' (fl~ (?')-'1'/2 LVI..-M I.v Flab ~1.cV ?A(<.:'Lfr G PwofL PL.A-N YI/I'.;.('--0 " ~)~ (}j -2'1-/c M r"; FI~L.C vUUFy )Z'I'{p /lr1 1:..tj.1\ ~1,..l4 ('u'A-LL.I -------~L.--------~ Dl?'O\tl wA'U- /' AT 1'-4"1 VElZ.l F-y IrJI I fiELD II I I I I . ::------~~J -=--------:J ~L (~)Ic\lALL wlWL x Z'I-tI A'r I '-'lll ~'~.., 'It :'I Monroe .ewell Engineers.In c . J OB 5 U i?-I DIe t?emoD8.,..*l'c 3 4J SHEETNO.5>OF ---.--_ CALCULATEDBY ~DATE 0'2-2.4-0'-1 CHECKED BY D ATE _ , ,_.._.._......_--.._. ....1.......•.-1 . ...LI·t. ······..1······+ ..... .... ............•.•....•..........-;. ........;c... i--··--··:i j I -!-_~_.._..t,. ."... ......,1."..1... SCALE .....i ...L_~ :: .···~i ·············+.........•-: 1 .i .._.1...-._.....L.. i ·4··...1 .1..1 ..of ~~i;;.._~_"..J . L l~ttt~*4t~~~;'[~f .....,l ,~............•.,i...,;:;~_·1-_..L...__..l._. ..........,.....i ~~~l··········r .........,..~"... .:i ;;i :::'!i ii .~~E:·j ~~£lP=as~i jp ~~J;~I vftf1 ~H-r =~i~~:I~l~h 3):_~l ll±1+Qj"_, i .1 1 1....................,;.1...............L ._......•tp ·~f{ttJ~tt~Yr;~~rt Jt ·~ l ~-r ...-i ·-··;·j.IN 01 ...~AU..,71)J BJ..-Dem/)~L -,_J .. ;1r. • PROJECT:SURIDISRESIDENCE M&N #:6347 DATE :FEBRUARY 13,2004 GENERALNOTES 1.LIVELOADSUSEDINDES IGN: • A. B. C . D. ROOF TYPICALFLOOR WIND 1.BASICWINDSPEED 2 .EXPOSURE EARTHQUAKE 80PSF 40PSF 80MPH B ZONE1 E.LIVELOADSAREREDUCEDPERCODEIFAPPLICABLE . 2 .TESTING.INSPECTIONSANDOBSERVATIONS : A.CONTRACTOR SHALLPROVIDECOORDINATIONFORSPECIAL INSPECTIONS OFTHE CONSTRUCTION (PAIDFORBYOWNER)ASOUTLINEDINTHE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ANDLISTEDBELOWINCONFORMANCEWITHTHEPROVISIONSOF CHAPTER 17OFTHEUNIFORMBUILDINGCODE .SPECIALINSPECTIONSHALLBE PROVIDEDBYAQUALIFIEDSPECIALINSPECTINGAGENCYAS APPROVED BYTHELOCAL BUILDINGOFFICIAL . B.THEFOLLOWINGWORKSHALLBEINSPECTEDBYTHESPECIALINSPECTOR: 1.CONCRETE a .THETAKINGOFTESTSPECIMENSTODETERMINE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH . b .PLACEMENTOFREINFORCEMENT :SPECIALINSPECTIONNEEDNOTBE CONTINUOUS ,BUTMUSTBEDONEONCE PLACEMENT ISCOMPLETEDAND PRIORTOCLOSINGTHEFORMS.ITEMSTOBECHECKED INCLUDEBAR SIZE ,GRADE ,QUANTITIES.SPACING,EXCESSIVERUST,ANDPROPER CONCRETECOVERAGE. 2.STRUCTURAL WELDING a.ALLWELDINGSHALLRECEIVECONTINUOUSSPECIALINSPECTION EXCEPTTHEFOLLOWING: 1.)WELDINGDONEINANAPPROVEDFABRICATOR'SSHOPIN ACCORDANCEWITHSECTION1701. b .THESPECIALINSPECTORNEEDNOTBE CONTINUOUSLY PRESENT DURINGWELDINGOFTHEFOLLOWINGITEMS,PROVIDEDTHEMATERIALS. QUALIFICATIONSOFWELDINGPROCEDURESANDWELDERSARE VERIFIEDPRIORTOTHESTARTOF WORK;PERIODICINSPECTIONSARE MADEOFWORKINPROGRESS;ANDAVISUALINSPECTIONOFALLWELDS ISMADEPRIORTOCOMPLETIONORPRIORTO SHIPMENT OFSHOP WELDING. 1.)SINGLEPASSFILLETWELDSNOTEXCEEDING 5/16"INSIZE. 2.)WELDINGOFSTAIRSANDRAILINGSYSTEMS . 1 •• C.ITEMSTOBECH ECKED ARETHE CERTIFICATION OFTHE WELDERS , WELD ING PROCEDURES ,MATERIALS,VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELD SIZE , LENGTH,QUALITY,QUANTITY AND SPACING . C .STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS 1.STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MAYMAKEPERIODIC OBSERVATIONS OFTHE CONSTRUCTION ,SUCH OBSERVATIONS SHALLNOTREPLACE REQUIRED INSPECTIONSBYTHE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES ORSERVEAS "SPECIAL INSPECTIONS"ASMAYBEREQUIREDBY CHAPTER 17OFTHEUN IFORM BUILDINGCODE . 3.FOUNDATIONS A.MAXIMUM SOILDESIGNPRESSURE ASSUMED INDESIGN1200PSF B.CONTRACTOR TOFOLLOWALL RECOMMENDATIONS INSOILS REPORT NO.3162 BYLKP ENGINEERING ,INC.DATED OCTOBER 13,2003. C .AL L FOOTINGS ARETOBEPLACEDONFIRM,UNDISTURBED,NATURAL SOILOR PROPERL Y COMPACTED BACKFILL,APPROVED BYTHE SOILS ENGINEER.BACKFILL SHALLBE COMPACTED TO95%(MINIMUM)MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY PERASTM D1557UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED INTHESOILS REPORT..IF SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED REMOVESOILAND RECOMPACT WITH APPROVED FILL(RE :SOIL REPORT FOR DESCRIPTION OFBEARINGSOIL). D.CENTER FOOTINGS UNDERCOLUMNSORGRIDLINES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ONPLANS. E.NOTIFY SOILS ENGINEER WHENEXCAVATIONIS COMPLETED SO THAT CONDITIONS MAY BE INSPECTED PRIOR TOPLACEMENTOFANYFILLOR CONCRETE. FOOTINGS SHALL NOTHAVEJOINTSINA HORIZONTAL PLANE.E >."I':.;IIIM~ '/f;1/~:I~H ~~ ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING SHALLBEIN ACCORDANC !i/(I/lflll\II\\I\\1 WITHACIBUILDINGCODE318LATESTEDITION,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.USE STANDARD HOOKSFORDOWELSUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. B. C . 4.CONCRETE A.ALL CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SHALLBEMADEWITHTYPE .!L!.!PORTLAND CEMEtw~\~\;'~'~I 't~l"" STONE AGGREGATE ANDSHALLSATISFYTHE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS :..#~~~..ot~~l:t~.lt~<;;).~..,S 8,0 .o ~"'Ijs; CONCRETE ITEM FC MIXTYPE ~21:~~~\'% ;;.""",-:e=:25 1~8 ~ FOOTINGS 3000 psi STD ~\~- 5.REINFORCEMENT A.ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TOASTM GRADE 40 . B.REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION: 1.CONCRETE POURED AGAINSTEARTH 2.CONCRETE POUREDINFORMS (EXPOSED TO WEATHER OREARTH) 3" 2" C .REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT AND TOLERANCES SHALL BEIN ACCORDANCE WITH 2 6.STRUCTURAL STEEL D. •• SECTIONS7.5 ,7 .6 AND7 .7 OFAC1318,LATESTEDITION. NOSPLICESOFREINFORCEMENTSHALLBEMADE . A.ALL STRUCTURAL STEELSHALLCONFORMTOASTMA36EXCEPTWIDEFLANGEBEAMS WHICHSHALLCONFORMTOASTM992,(50KSI)ANDEXCEPTPIPECOLUMNSWHICH SHALLCONFORMTOASTMA53 ANDTUBECOLUMNSTOASTMA500 ,GRADEB,LATEST EDITIONS.STEELSUPPLIERMAYPROVIDEASTMA572,GRADE50ATHISOPTION. MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDEDITEMSSHALLBEA36STEEL. S.ALL STRUCTURAL BOLTSSHALLBEA325NINSTALLEDTOAMINIMUMSNUG TIGHT CONDITION .ALLANCHORBOLTSSHALLCONFORMTOASTMA307UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE. C.STRUCTURAL STEELSHALLBEDETAILEDANDFABRICATEDIN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE LATESTPROVISIONSOFAISC"MANUALOFSTEELCONSTRUCTION ." D.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED,USESTANDARDFRAMEDBEAM CONNECTIONS WITHSTEEL BOLTSPERAISC"MANUALOFSTEELCONSTRUCTION"TABLEII-AAND/ORAISCSIMPLE SHEARCONNECTIONMANUALWITHA325-NBOLTSORWELDED EQUIVALENT.SELECT CONNECTIONTOSUPPORT60%THETOTALUNIFORMLOADCAPAC ITY FOREACHGIVEN BEAMANDSPAN. E.ALLWELDERSSHALLHAVEEVIDENCEOFPASSINGTHEAMERICANWELDING SOCIETY STANDARD QUALIFICATIONS TESTSASOUTLINEDINAWS-D1 .1. F.MINIMUMWELDSTOBEPERAISCTABLEJ2.4BUTNOTLESSTHAN3/16"CONTINUOUS FILLETUNLESSOTHERWISENOTED. 7 .NON-SHRINK GROUT A.NON-SHRINK GROUTSHALLBEPROVIDED: 1.BETWEENCOLUMNBASESANDCONCRETEOR MASONRY SUPPORTS. 2 .GROUTSHALLBECOMPLETEANDHAVEAMINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF6000PSIPRIORTOADDINGBUILDINGLOADSABOVE. 8.WOOD A.ALLFRAMINGLUMBERSHALLBEDRYDOUGLASFIR,LARCH,GRADEDBY WESTERNWOODPRODUCTSASSOCIATIONANDCONFORMINGTOUNIFORMBUILDING CODEASFOLLOWS: 2"THICK -4"TO6"WIDE(WALLSTUDONLY)STUDFb =700PSI 2"TO4"THICK-6"ANDWIDER NO.2 Fb =900PSI 5"THICK-5"AND WIDER NO.2 Fb =1250PSI NOTED ALLOWABLE STRESSESAREMINIMUMSANDFOR NONREPETITVE USESPRIORTO ALLOWABLESTRESSINCREASES . B.FASTENALLWOODMEMBERSWITHCOMMONNAILSACCORDINGTOTHEUBC SCHEDULETABLE23-II-B-1UNLESSOTHERWISENOTED . C.PLYWOODDECKAND/ORORIENTEDSTRANDBOARD . 1.PANEL THICKNESS SHALLBEASSHOWNONTHEDRAWING .APPLICATIONSHALL BEIN ACCORDANCE WITHRECOMMENDATIONSOFTHEAMERICANPLYWOOD 3 ,.•• ASSOCIATION. 2.EACHPANELSHALLBEIDENTIFIEDWITHTHE GRADE-TRADEMARK OFTHE AMERICANPLYWOODASSOCIATIONANDSHALLMEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OF U.S.PRODUCTSSTANDARDPSI,LATESTEDITIONFORPLYWOOD.ALLPANELS WHICHHAVEANYEDGEORSURFACEPERMANENTLYEXPOSEDTOTHE WEATHER SHALLBEOFTHEEXTERIORTYPE . 3 .FORFLOORINGUSE 3/4"T&GSTURD-I-FLOORSHEATHINGGLUEDANDNAILED WITH 100 NAILSAT6"ONCENTERALONGPANELEDGESANDAT12"ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS . 4.FORROOFUSE 5/8"(40/20 SPANRATING)EXPOSUREISHEATHINGNAILED WITH 100 NAILSAT4"ONCENTERALONGPANELEDGESANDAT12"ALONG INTERMEDIATESUPPORTS. 5 .EXTERIORWALLSSHALLHAVEONELAYEROF 1/2"EXPOSUREI PLYWOOD OR OSBSHEATHINGNAILEDAT6"ONCENTERALONGPANELEDGES . 6.FLOORANDROOFSHEATHINGSHALLBEINSTALLEDWITHTHEFACEGRAIN PERPENDICULARTOSUPPORTSWITHENDJOINTSSTAGGERED . 7.INSTALLSUITABLEEDGESUPPORTBYUSEOFPLYCLlPS ,TONGUE AND GROOVEPANELSORSOLIDWOODBLOCKINGSUPPORTS. D.PREFABRICATED WOODMEMBERSSHALLBETHETYPENOTEDONTHE DRAWINGS AND SHALLBE "BCI-JOIST'ASMANUFACTUREDBYBOISECASCADE CORPORATION. ALTERNATESSHALLBEREVIEWEDBYTHEENGINEER.TOBECONSIDERED, ALTERNATES SHALLHAVEALOAD CAPACITY INBENDING,SHEARAND DEFLECTION EQUALTOORGREATERTHANTHESIZESHOWNONTHEDRAWINGS .WEBBLOCKING ANDBRIDGINGTOBEASREQUIREDBYTHEJOISTMANUFACTURER. NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS9. E. A. B. LAMINATEDVENEERLUMBERMEMBERSSHALLHAVETHEFOLLOWINGSTRESS CAPACITIES:FB =2800PSI,E =2,000,000 PSI,FC =750PSI,FV =285PSI.BUILTUP MEMBERSSHALLBECONNECTEDINACCORDANCEWITH .MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATIONS.CONTRACTORSHALLHAVETHEOPTIONOFUSING3 1/2"OR ~~W.~I ·'~I:r)'i 'l . 5 1/4"WIDEMEMBERS.-$~~\)\.\~G !S/t l~~&-r:::",r ........t;:~./~~.~~5 p S.¢~...<-;'!!J.<:::i .~..,,,\c;it <..:;:~("'1.-......•• ELEMENTSSUCHASNON-BEARINGPARTITIONS,ETC.ATTACHEDTOANDIOR 1~:-=-,~~~~r SUPPORTEDBYTHESTRUCTURESHALLTAKEINTOACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS ANu':~ OTHER STRUCTURAL MOVEMENTS.~.'~ ?'::i FIREPROTECTIONFORALLSTRUCTURALPARTSSHALLBEPROVIDEDAND SHALL ME 'HI1I/I1li ~II\\\\\\~~\; ALLCODEREQUIREMENTSFORTHETYPEOFCONSTRUCTIONSPECIFIEDBYTHE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS.STRUCTURALSTEELMEMBERSSHALLBECONSIDERED UNRESTRAINEDUNLESSOTHERWISENOTED. 10.GENERAL A .ENGINEER'SACCEPTANCEMUSTBESECUREDFORALLSTRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS . B.VERIFYALLOPENINGSTHROUGHFLOORS,ROOFANDWALLSWITH.MECHANICALAND ELECTRICALCONTRACTORS .VERIFICATIONOFLOCATIONS,SIZES,LINTELSAND REQUIREDCONNECTIONSARECONTRACTOR'SCOMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY. C.PRIORTOINSTALLATIONOFMECHANICALANDELECTRICALEQUIPMENTOROTHER ITEMSTOBEATTACHEDTOTHESTRUCTURE,ENGINEER'SAPPROVALOF CONNECTIONS ANDSUPPORTSSHALLBEOBTAINED .UNLESSSPECIFICALLYDETAILEDON ARCHITECTURAL ANDSTRUCTURALDRAW INGS,RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALLFURNISHALLHANGERS,CONNECTIONS,ETC.,REQUIREDFOR INSTALLATION OF 4 HISITEMS . •• D.WATERPROOFING,VAPORBARRIERS,ETC.,SHALLBEASSHOWNONTHE ARCHITECTURALDRAWINGSANDASINDICATEDINTHESPECIFICATIONS. E.ALLMASONRYANDSTONEVENEERSSHALLBEATTACHEDTOINTERIORAND EXTERIOR WALLSASSPECIFIEDINSECTIONS1403.6.4.2 AND1403.6.4.3 OFTHEUNIFORMBUILDING CODE. F.ALLDIMENSIONSONSTRUCTURALDRAWINGSSHALLBECHECKED AGAINST FIELDAND ARCHITECTURALDRAWINGS . G.CONTRACTOR SHALLVERIFYALLASSUMEDEXISTINGCONDITIONS.IF CONDITIONS AREDIFFERENTTHANASSUMED ,NOTIFYENGINEER. 5 Uar-23-04 02 :52pm From-TOWN O~L COUMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9704792452 ~T-5ge P.OOI/OOI F-240 Project Name:SURIDIS RESIDENCE Project Desaiption: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,CoIOrildo 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us DRBNum~:D~O~ CHANGE 1U APPROVED PLANS Participants: OWNER SURIDIS,AW S.&JOHN,SR03/12/2004 Phone: 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 Uc:ense: APPUCANT RKD Architects,Inc.03/12/2f)Q4 Phone:476-922B Maggie McManus 1000 Uonsridge Loop 3D Vall,CO 81657 ueense: Project Address:2468 GARMISH DRVAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:1 Block:G subdivision:VAIL DAS SQ-lONE FIL2 Parcel Number:210311401022 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:03/23/2004 Cond:8 (PUIN):No thanges to these plansmay be made without the writtenconsent of Town of Vail staff and/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond:0 (PUIN):ORB approval doesnot constiMe apermitforbuilding.Please consultwith Town of VailBuilding personnel prior to constnJction activities. Cond:201 ORB approvalshallnot become valid for 20 daysfollowingthe date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseand bec.ume voidone(1)year following thedate of finalapproval,unlessabuildingpermitis issued andconstructionis commenced andis diligently pursuedtowardcompletion. Planner:Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 TOWN Of VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2135 •VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT • NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOI3SITE ATALL TIMES JobAddr ess: Location : Par cel Nu : Proj ect No: ALARM PERMIT 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garm isch Road 2 1031 1401022 =?R3D 'S-000 1 Permit #: Status ...: Appli ed..: lssucd ..: Expires ..: A07-0076 '&J -s -0 \"1 0 ISSUED 08 /14/2007 09 /14 /2007 03 /1 1/2008 OWNER SURID IS,ALLI S.&J OHN,SR08/14/2007 1 5 ERITALN SM ITHTOWN NY 11787 APPLI CANT THUL ELE CTRONIC SYSTEMS 08/14/2007 Phone :970 -949-4638 P OBOX 534 AVON CO 816 20 Lic ense :112 -S CONTRACTOR THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 08/14/2007 Phone:970-949 -4638 P OBOX 534 AVON CO 8 1620 License:112-5 Desciption: Valuation: INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM $2 ,100 .00 ......................................................................FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Elcctrical------->$0.00 Total Ca lculated Fees->$31 0 .75 DRB Fee------>$0.0 0 Additional Fees----->$0.00 I nve sli gat jon---~>$0.00 TotalPennit Fee---->$3 10 .75 Will Call------>$0.00 Paym enls-----_··-->$310 .75 TOTAL FEES-->$31 0.75 BALANCE DUE----->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals : Item:056 00 FIRE DEPAR TMEN T 08/1 6 /20 07 DRhoades Action:ON Denied.Plans not stamped and devlces /l oca1 hand drawn .Incomplete submittal. 08/22/2007 mcg ee Action:AP Special circumstances with regards to plan buil di ng permlt issuance have been taken into conslde rat ion in granting thlS perm: ext e nuating circumstances. This pe rmit is valid as submitted for this work only. Any fu ture building or a l arm p ermit s will require f ull compliance with current code . ...••.•••••.••..•..•...................••.•...•................•........•...•.••..•...........•..•..••..••.••.••.••.•....................•.••.••. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARAnONS Ihereby acknow ledge thatIhavereadthis !ication,filledout infull the info rmation r!red,comp leted an accurate plot plan, andstatethat allthe information asreq uired iscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotp lan,to comply witha ll Town ordinances andstatelaws ,andtobu ild this structure accordi ng tothetowns zoning and subdivision codes,designreview approved,InternationalBui lding and Resident ial Codesandotherordincethe Town app licable thereto . REQUESTSFOR I NSPECTION SHALL BE MADE nVENTY-FO\IR HOURSIN , 1\TlJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNER OC T-30-2033 22 :39 •CO t,ij:1y B.J;LDERS 970 653 6 0 29 P .31..........-.....---......'~......... 5447 K V~ldlli Str Au rora UJ !I(J('I ~ Tel/¥<..1·(720)-ll 7ll-I373 kpnl.:lllIin""""illl(;.gwlll\;a)!.Jel KPN Engineering ILC October 31,2003 TOWN OF vxn, ChiefBuilding Official 75 S ,Frentege Rd. VAn",Colorado 316 57 RE:Suridis remodel Dear Sir or Madam: Itt tegards to the ladder framing on North side of the roof,We reduced the length of thelookoutrafters,which enter the eKisnn,:roof;and to compensate for nns we provided 2-2Xl 0rim joist at the end anacheq to ends of taften;.w~made a change to the roof nailer chan~.jn~fmm 2...1Q to 9 lIZ"L VLto be able use continuous member. Please fl:(J!free II>call if you have any questions or need further informaticn. ;Z;tP~"~~~,..", Krzysztof'P ,Nuw<llany , Managing MtlUlber TOT AL P.01 REe'D OC T31 20 03 Feb 22 05 02:56pI" t "'FEB-21-2005 23:55 JeFF Craig• POBox2729 Avon,CO 81620 970-653-9999 970-653-8589 fax gregC@centurytel.net 19Feb05 p .2 P.01 Re:Building Permit #B 03-0 J70,Suridis Residence,2468 Garmish Dear ta Lof Vail Building Department, :1 ranted to update on the progress at 2468 Oarmi.sh and let you know we will be submi~for the DRB for some cosmetic changes as recommended by Greg the Inspector.Due to funlllinf,priorities which are now straighteued out weare progressing steadily and expect to finish Ut9 job by May .I request an extension of the existing building permit and wnat to let you mow JaCk Snow,our architect,has revislons and updates to the existing plans which wewillbe submitmi8 for revision (0 the permit Also,the lead plumber has changed from Vail ValleyheatinrtdPlumbingtoAvalancheHeatingandPlumbing(Mr.Jeff Craig). T si y i I Feb 22 05 02:57p Jeff Crair;•(Si!iJ 328-4421 p.6 \INSPECTION RECORD TOWNOFVAIL BmLDING DEPARTMENT Building Penn it No .Bo3 ---GilD ~c.....--""'!....f-L4...-.L_-Type of Construction V-N Owner \~lob Ad""",_-,",,"--,,~-><-~.....>o<lf-'S.'-'-=--'---'--'-?":'---L>o..-=--'Date Issued~-01 ,03 NatureofWork:.{).LJ.~l&J;,£':.!L,/-l~~~~S:::..---:-_-:-__ DONOT place concrete until above hasbeen signed. Contractor (LJ».IL""'.L INSPECTOR MUSTSIGNALL SPM':I S PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION'-.DATE INSPECTOR REQ Access (PUblic Works) Culvert &Drainage (Public Works) Above must be signed before any other inspections )MfT1 ~~ur. Terncorarv power f--..IJ (J~)... Footincs/Steel ~1f-eP~.3fI../or-Jt'(.~,~...tr:>.......... Foundation/Steel C.~-.:l 'f-r~1\.A '~\..t--'(.-I ~~ Weatherproofing . DONOT place floor until above hasbeen signed. Electrical Groundwork Plumbin Groundwork) GasPiin Groundwork DONOT cover work until I Rough Electrical Rough Plumbing/D.W.V. Rough PlumbingNVater Rough Gas Piping Rough Heating &Ventilation RougM Drivewav Grading/Slope Roug~Sprinkler Rouali Alarm Wiring rFRAMING ILC Above ,"ust be signed prior to framing Inspecuon. Framirjtg Insulation I Sheet IRockNail..' Exterior stucco Wire Nallmg j -d•above has been signe . , \ Jeff Crai~• ~al Electric IF~nal Plumbino Final Mechanical ~ Public Works TC -'-- I - Plannina DentT0 Approval tire DentTCO A~~I Approval !!uildina DentT roval 1Public Works F'CO Approval - IP!ann!!:J9 Dent ~~~~IC/O A roval - ~~re Dec!FinalClO ;:'~,Acoroval Fmal C~rtificate f rovaloOccuoancv I . ..:;;r""- \ \I Feb 22 O~Or 57p \- \ \ REQUES'.oR """Po1W"Y CEonF.cA"fE of occuPANCY ORFINAL CER"F1C,"E O. OCCUPANCY \AUST eE (>j~E IN """SON.R£fU'",HIS BOOK '0 'HE COMMUNin' OE\fEl.OPIJEsT DEPAR-rM ENT TQ REOUES T 'OC OR FINAL ClO 'NSPECTION .\'$40.00 REPlACEME."iT CHARGE FORA LOS'INSPECTlON CARO. FOR INSf'ECTIONS CALI-419.'149 •24 HOURSIN ASvANCE •MaNOAY THROUGH FRIDAY FOR F'RE DEl'T.INsFEC"O~S CALL 479-225'48 HRS IN ADVANCE MOKDAY-FRIDAY~f.l2 mMS mgUI1<£,"'sP£crr"N£ \ I I Feb 22 05 02:56p \- Jef'f'Craie;•(Stjl 328-4421 p.3 _ I BUILDING PERMIT MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT: B03-0170 .«CONTRACTOR:CONWAY BUILDERS I i I JOB NAME:SURDIS REMODEL I JOB ADDRESS,'2468 GARMISH RD I ll"PORTANTDOCUMENTSENCLOSED INSPECTION PHONE #479-2149 \ THIS BOOK MUST REMAIN ONJOBSITEAT ALL TIMES I...( ! I ) Feb 22 05 02:56p Jeff Craig ••1.._• Avalanche Plumbing &Heating,Inc. P.O.Box 428 Eagle ,Co.81631 I I Fax Form (SjiJ 328-4421 Phone (970)328-4421 Fax (970)328-6272 p.1 To:~uJn 0+UaJ.l Fax #L/7?c2)1ScZ..Date._ Phone #179-d /3 ~Total Pages _ Message j2 )ea.se...s--b r+-+b i S Qe c m ;+,t p~\;c£cb'e-n. I .A.s:l'-+-ll-'" ..FROl.i ..:-.:~e·:FAX ·..m.·:'120B101373 RE:?G/ZIVl11 11=B03-tb17Q :J.'f(g.j CAlM'll J:GH KPN 'Engineering LLC September 27.2005 TOWN 0'VAlL Bujlding Department VAlL,Colondo 80112 RE:Suridis remodel DearSir or Madam: '5447&Valdai SU'. .AU1'QJ'Il,CO 8001S TelIFlIX:1~(7;!O)-i70-1373 IcpoI:llglnaerig@comcat.net In regards to the post being partially cut for plul!1biDg pipe in area belowfhe second floor,1 reviewed the condition.To COIl'eCt the support condition the eontraetor build4-2X4 post 32 inches away in the wall ofthe 1auDdIy closet which rests below on 2-3 l'x 9 Y.z 2.0 PARALLAMS.Now the puaIlam8 span between this new post and the beam onthe outside edge of the hoU$IJ bearing only pertially on the cut post.I fO\ll1d that the modification satisfies the loading requirements and does not tU1dI!rmine the stability of the structuIe.Attaebed please fiod partial !Iketcb of the area in quemon and observation photographs. Please feel free to call lfyou ha.tte any questions or need further information. /~~F:/~t'-:~~~ULo<""- KIzysztofP.Nawalany,P.E Manaiing Member •FFfI</>[].:7208701373 &.~200S le:30PM P2 . ~ ......- .O-.~ ?"U/eI1/)5 If£SIPFIUC£ 2.46'8 (7,4R f11 SC II /&:JAr> Vffl/.....I WbOl?A-PO TOWN OFVAIL 75S .FRO NTAGERO AD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 'PARTMENT O F COMMUNITY DEVE!PMENT NOTE:THISPERMIT M USTBEPOSTEDO N JOBSITEAT A LL TIMFS ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #:E03-D194 -:i$03 -0l l0 Job A dd ress: Location : Parcel No : Pr ojectN o : 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 G armisch Road 210311401022 -\"~TO::'-cco 1 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Exp ires ... ISSUED 10/08/2003 10/08/2003 04/05/2004 10/0S/2003 Phone: 10/0S/2003 Phone: OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR10/0S /200 3 Phone: 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 117S7 License: CONTRACTOR ARCH ELECTRICINC P.O.BOX 6522 VAIL,CO S1657 License:336 -E APPLICANT ARCH ELECTRICINC P.O.BOX 6522 VAIL,CO 81657 License:336-E D esciption: Valuation: WIRE ADDITION $1,500 .00 Electrical-->$5 0.00 Total Calculate d Fees->$53.00 DRBFee-->$0.00 Additional Fe",>$0 .00 in vestigation->$0 .00 ToblP~tF~>$53.00 Will CaJI-->$3 .00 Payme nts >$5 3.00 TOTAL FEES->$53 .00 BALANCEDUE-->$0.00 Approvals: IEem:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10/0S/2003 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT .***********"**ltl\"*"**********"1l*******"'1r********>1*****_***"'*********11-***.**.*********"****_********************************_*_**_************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . DECLARATIONS Ih ereby a cknowledge th at I have read this application,filledo utin full the information required,completed an a ccurate plot plan,a nd state that all th e information a s required is correct.I agree to co mply with the information and pl ot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and s tate laws,and to build this structure according to the townszo ning > SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF and subdivision codes,design revie!pproved,Uniform Building Code and!er ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ~~~UESTS FOR h'lSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOUR HOURS I ~VA/;JE B //LEP~OJl"AT 4 ~1149 ORATOUROFFICEFROM8:00AM-4 ~J0t4 ftfestC(JJt?! APPUCATIoALL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL!OR UNSIGNED Project #:_-:-_-=-:--::----:-=--::-- Building Permit #:BO 30 17 0 Electrical Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 7SS.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION IContactand Phone #'s: Sco~3/~-4,Q7 COMPLETE SQ.FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor &Materials) I AMOUNT OF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE:II ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$/500.00 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.esate-countv.com for Parcel # ParceL#- JobName:Job Address:,.... - Legal Description II Lot:II Block:II Filing: II ...n: OwnersName:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork: ~re I /.k..~A \~~I",", Work Class:New()Addition()Remodel ()Repair()TempPower()Other() WorkType:Interior ()Exterior()Both()Doesan EHU existatthislocation:Yes()No() Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding: Isthispermitforahottub:Yes ()No() DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes ()No()II DoesaFireSprinkler System Exist:Yes()No()I ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******************"***************** Other Fees:Date Received: ORBFees:AcceDted By: Planner SicJn-off: IIVailldatalcdevIFORMSIPERMITSIELECPERM,DOC 0712612002 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S .FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL ,CO81657 970-479-2138 NOT E: •.e DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THISPERMITM UST BEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES JobAddress : Location : Par cel No : ProjectNo: ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2468 GARMISH DR VAIL 2468Garmisch Road 210 311401022 \?\<-50 3 -6CDl Permit #: Statu s ...: Applied ..: Issued... Expires ... E05 -ooo7 ISSUED 0111 8/2005 02/0312005 08/02/2005 OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR01/18/200S Phone: 1 5 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 License: CONTRACTOR ARCH ELECTRIC INC 01/18/2005 Phone :970 -376-4797 P.O .BOX 6522 VAIL,CO 81657 License:336-E APPLICANT ARCH ELECTRIC INC 01/18/2005 Phone :970-376-4797 P.O .BOX 6522 VAIL,CO 81657 License:336-E Desciption : Valuation: ELECTRICAL FOR SMALL APARTMENT ANDGARAGE ADDITION $12,000.00 JJ .~C1I L{'u *********************************************************************FEE SUMMARY ******************************************************-***** Electrical-------->$21 6.00 TotalCalculatedFees»>$219 .00 DRB Fee------->$0 .0 0 AdditionalFees------->$0.00 Investigarion--->$0.00 Total Permit Fee--->$21 9.00 Will Call------>$3 .0 0 PaymenlS ------------>$219 _00 TOTALFEES-->$2 19.0 0 BALANCE DUE---->$0 .00 *****************.*************************••*****************.********.*****************••***************.************************************** Approvals : Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 01/18/2005 JS Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ************************************************************************************************************************************************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ************************************************************************************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowled ge thatIha ve readthisapplication,filledoutinfulltheinformat ion required ,completedanaccurateplot plan ,and statethat allthe informationasrequirediscorr ect.Iagreetocompl y with theinformation andplot plan ,tocompl y witha llTown ordin ances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structureaccording tothetownszon ing andsubd ivisioncodes,de sign re viewapproved,Uniform BuildingCodeand otherordinancesofthe Townapplicablethereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BEMADETWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUROFFICEFROM 8 :00 AM -4 PM. • ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method : 1703 R050000098 Amount:$219.00 Check 02/03/200504 :33 PM Init:DDG Notation:Arch Electric Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address : Location: E05-0007 Type: 210311401022 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road ELECTRICALPERMIT Total Fees:$219.00 This Payment:$219.00 Total ALL Pmts:$219.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 WC 00100003112800 Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Current Pmts 216 .00 3.00 Contact and Phone #'5: 5 ~Cl;1 -3/Cc-'-tlC1 ,CO I!'A. Town otvan Reg.No.: '3 G APPLICATIWVXLLNOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOM~~~~'3 -ace-; 8 .B~1r~Pet'mit #:PC?-I I 0 EIectric3I Permit #:t::'-7 970-479-2149 (Inspections) mmMH rrA~N 755.FroDtage Rd. Vail,Colorado 8165 COMPLeTE SQ.FEETFOR NEW BUILDS and VAWATIONS FORALL OTHERS (Labor IlL Materlall) AtJOONr OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:j 00 0 ELECTRICAL VAWATION:$/7,000 .0 0 contact &Qle OJun 4SS1 vs OIIiceat970-328 8Ii4O or rdslt www..~.~.com Ii7r Parcel # Parcel #:2-1U?\t40 to:?2- JobName:SUQ\6 I s 'Re.S Job Address'.~c..r\.o?l../M'QCAV"IIV\\~~ Legal De-.'iptiun I Lot:I I BIodc G I Fil'utg:2-I SCIMivlsiclr".:Vo..·\\Dt\S ~(..ijG\J b Owners NlIme:A \0.V"\~~,..:,<)\-!>Address:a.4tt8 lo(,~0M\~t2cveJ Pholll!: Engineer:Address:Phone: OeI:ailed description of wolfe A~d\~~VY\t1..\\~""~I/\-\--.y 3 (.o.v-~Y(.o..frl-Q WorkQass:New~Addi:Ion ()RemodeI()ReplIlr ()Temp Power()Other () Work Type:Interior ()ExterIcr ()Both 9\>I Does an a...exist at this location:Yes()No() Typeof8ldg.:SlngIe-ramIy()DuJ*x(~1UHaniIy()COnImeIdal()~()Other() No.of Existing DweIing UniIs In this 1IuiIdi1g:I I No.d Aonla,iOdation Units In this building:2 Is this permit for a hot tub:Yes ()No M Does aFireAIann Exist:Yes()NoM I Does a Rre Sprlnlder S\IStem Exist:Yes()No\><) ......·•·••·•····**·•••·"**..·FOR OFFICE USE ONLy·..•••..••••••..•••..•..•..••..••..•••..•••• TOV-COM.DEV. TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-4 79-2138 NOTE: DaRTM ENT OFCOMM UNITY DEV ELOIENT THISPERMITMUST BEPOSTED ON JOB SITEAT AL L TIM ES Job Addre ss: Location : Parcel N o : Project No MECHA NICAL P ERMIT 2468G ARMISH DRVAIL 2468Garmi sch Road 2 10311401022 '1K315 3 -0:0 7 Pennit #: Status...: Appli ed ..: Issued_.: Exp ires ..: M03-0209 ~3 --0 n O ISSUED 10/16/2003 1 1/07/2003 05/05/2004 APPLICANT Vail Plwnbing &Heating 10/16/2003 Phone:970-390-5993 P.O.Box 952 Minturn,CO 418 Metcalf Rd.#5 Avon,CO 8162081645 275-M OWNER LI S .&JOHN,SRI0/16/2003 Phone: TALN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 License: CONTRACTOR Vail Plwnbing &Heating 10/16/2003 Phone:970-390-5993 P.O.Box 952 Minturn,CO 418 Metcalf Rd.#5 Avon,CO 81620 81645 License:275 -M Desciption:EH UA DDITIONTO SINGLEFAMI LYINSTALL NE WBOI LER F LUE ,CONTROLS Valuation:$22,500 .00 FireplaceInfonnation:Restricted:Y #ofGasAppliances:0 #of Gas logs:0 #of Wood Pellet:0••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••****••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SU~1 MARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mcchanica l-->$460 .00 Restuarant Plan Rcview->$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees-->$578 .00 PlanCheck-->$11 5 .00 DRIJ Fee-------->$0 .00 Additional Fees----->$0 .00 Investigation->$0 .00 TOTAL FEES-------->$578 .00 TotalPcnnitFee---->$578 .00 Will Call----->$3.00 Payments----------->$578 .00 BAlAN CE [)lJE-------->$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••*•••**•••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/21/2003 JRM Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . Cond :22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER SEC.701 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG .):INSTALLATION MUST tltFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRU~ONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST .UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond :32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST . Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALLBE EQUIPPED WITHA FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.1022 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC . ***********•••*****•••*•••**••***************.*••••*.********•••••**••*•••••••••*•••••••••••**.***••••*.**••***••••******.*************••***.**** DECLARA nONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired ,completed anaccurateplotplan , andstatethatalltheinformationasrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocompl y withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructure according tothetownszoningandsubdivi sion code s,designreview approved,Uniform Building Codeandother ordinances of theTownapplicablethereto . REQUEST S FOR INSPECTIONSHALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONEAT479-2149 ORATOUROFFICEFROM 8:00 N,,1-4PM. ;Jd ~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWN EF ONTRACTORINFORMAT TownofVail Reg.No.:Contactand Phone #'s: ~75'-/11 "1~-:ECU -{;"?'9.? o o TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: m Layout drawn to scal ..-!H>"Ih imensions SizeandL eSize and APPUCATION4ILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLE.R UNSI.{j Project #:r 1 0 Building Permit #:_J 6 Mechanical Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Mec hanical Contractor: v~il PiWJn'~,r E-Mail Address: 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 1 Contractor Signature:AL COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor &Materials) I MECHANICAL:$,;2R/(;~.-----..II co~/e County Assessors Office at 9 £328-8640 or Visit www.esale-countv.com for Parcel # iPa rcel #/.2 /05 I l if ~I o;z..L...---- ./e.:».':Jo b-Name:Sa..-dJ/s Job Address:,,2/f~fr ?~~,<.J../2"t. legal Description II lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: Owners Name:#/~,.,ti:t:'''''-cl,-:;;"Address :f<.~?g ~r.n,,?"J.f2;{.Phone :L1.,.t--~/'// Engineer :/ZKIJ.Address:f.'d.we;>~"'/wrA5 Phone: Detailed description ofwork:~IIU ""U-f,m f.;~r1")""/''7 '.:T'7 s:I-c.#I n -e n./f.:>..,.r/oe--r 1/...(J0-e.rn-;/.-,k. Work Class :New()Addition (-"")Alteration()Repair ()other () Boiler Location:Interior (X)Exterior()Othei ():1 Does an EHU exist atthislocation:Yes ~)No() Type of Bldg :Single -family ()<:)Dupl ex ()Multi -fam ily ()Comm ercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.ofExisting DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:II No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding: No/Typeof Fireplaces Existinq:Gas Appliances (e91 Gas t.ocs (B-)Wood/Pellet (~Woodsumlno (-e-) No/Typeof Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances <e-)Gas Logs ~)Wood/Pellet (~Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Isthisa conversion fromawoodburningfi replace toan EPA Phase II device?Yes ()N0rt') ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************** Other Fees:Planner Si n-off:Acce ted B: DRBFees:Date Received: IIVaill.dalalcdevIFO RMSIPERMITSIMECHPERM.DOC 07126 /2002 • Fjl '----'t"?)\fI "7-·JC ..)."'....,t "7"\'1 ~tl.l'/ •Page 1 •******************************************************************************** HEATLO SS Vers 5.0h Copyright 1986-1996,Th o mas and As soc ia te s,Bellaire,MI (616 )5 3 3-8472 ,(9 70)9 4 9-910 1 1 0-09-2003 VA IL P&H 81657 390 -599 3 SURIDI S RES 2468 GAR MISCH RD .VAIL ,CO Hea tloss is ba sed o n a Des ignTemp.Diff erence o f90 T he BTU 'S per f oot of radiat i on i s55 0 To tal BTUH fo r the outs i de walls are To tal BTUH f or the Ex posedOpenings a re to ta l BTUH f or the ceilings to ta l BTUH for the floor s BTUH i nfiltration fo rt heo peni ngs is TOTALBTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS to ta lf eeto fr adiation requi re d thi sr oom BDR M 2 CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.00 FEET,VOLUME IS 1 ,1 04CUB IC F EET 1EXPOSE D OPENINGS,T OTALING »»»»»»»»»»»3 2.5 SQUAR EFEET 3 EXPOSED WALLS,n oti ncluding openings,TOTALING »»163.5 S QUA RE FEET ROOM S IZE IS 11.5 LONG by 1 2 .0WIDE,TOTALING »138.0 SQUAR E FEET WINDO W TY PE IS:U-Valu e .361,Double Pane,LoweCo ating,Cle ar Gla ss WALL TYPE IS:U-Va lue.06,Frame I nsula t e d CEI LI NGTYPE IS :U-Value .0 3 3,Unc onditioned Att ic S p ace Above FLOOR TYPE IS:U-Value 0 ,Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLO SS 883 1,056 4 14 o '9 4 6 3 ,299 6 .0 The The The The The THE Th e I ~ To ta l BTUHf or the o ut si de wal ls are Tota l BTUH f or the Exp os edOpe ni ngs are tota l BTUH fo r the ce ili ng s tot al BTUH f or the fl o ors BTUH infilt rat ionf or the ope nings is TO TAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS total feet o f radia tion required th is r oom The The The The The THE The BDRM 3 CEI LINGHEI GH T IS 8 .00 FEET,VOLUME IS 8 82 CUBIC F EET 1 EXPO SED OPENI NG S,TOTALING »»»»»»»»»»»2 5.0 S QU AREFEET 3 EXPOS ED WALLS,n ot i n cluding openi ngs,TOTALING »»15 9.0 S QUAREFEET ROOM S IZEI S 10 .5 LONG by 1 0.5 WIDE,TOTALING »11 0.3 S QU AREF EET WIN DOW TYPE IS:U-V al ue .36 1,Double Pane ,Lowe Coa ting,Cl e ar Glass WALL TYPE IS:U-V al ue .06 ,Frame Insulat ed CEIL ING TYPE IS :U-V alu e .033,Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS:U-V alue 0,Floor over any Co nditioned Space HEATL OSS 8 59 813 331 o 728 2 ,731 5.0 •Page 2 • 280 CUB IC FEET 0.0 SQUARE FEET 0.0 SQUA RE FEET 35 .0 SQUARE FEET To tal BTUH f or the o utside wall s are To tal BTUH fo r the Exposed Openings are tota l BTUH f or the c eilings t otal BTUH f or the f loors BTUH infi ltrat ion f or t he openings lS TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS t o tal feet o f rad iation requ ired this room BAT H CEILINGHEIGHT IS 8 .00 FEET,VOLUME IS o EXPOSE D OPEN INGS,TOTAL ING »»»»»»»»»»» o EXPOSE D WALLS ,not inc lud ing open ings,TOTALING »» ROOM S IZE IS 7.0 LONG b y 5.0 WIDE,TOTAL ING » WINDOW TYPE IS:U-V alue 0,Noo pe nings i n this r oom WALL TYPE IS :U-Va l ue .0 6,Frame I n sul at ed CEILING TYPE IS :U-Va lue .03 3,Unconditioned At tic Space Above FL OOR TYPE I S:U-Va l ue 0 ,Fl oor over any Conditi o ned Spa ce HEATL OSS o o 1 05 o o 1 05 0 .2 Th e T h e Th e Th e Th e THE T he \ 481 CUBIC FEET 0.0 S QUA RE FEET 27.5 S QUA RE FEET 96 .3S QUA RE FE ET To tal BTUH for t heo ut si de wall s are To tal BTUH f or the Exposed Openings are t otal BTUH fo r the cei lings to ta l BTUH fo r the flo ors BTUH i n fil trat ionf or the o pe nings i s TOTA L BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS tot al f e et of r adiation requi red this r oom The The The T he T he T HE The S TORA GE CEILING HEIGHT I S5 .0 0 FEET ,VOLUME I S o EXPOSE DOPENINGS,TOTALING »»»»»»»»»»» 1 EXPOSED WALLS ,no t including openings,TOTALING »» RO OM S IZE I S 5.5 LON G by 17 .5 WIDE ,TOTALING » WINDOW TYPE I S :U-Va lu e =0,No open ings in t his r oom WALL TY PEI S:U-Valu e .06 ,F r ameI nsu lat ed CEILING TYPE IS :U-Valu e .033 ,Unco nditi oned Attic Space Abov e F LOOR TYPE I S:U-Valu e 0 ,Fl oor ove ra ny Conditioned S pace HEATLOSS 1 49 o 28 9 o o 43 8 0 .8 BDRM 1 CEILI NGHEIGHT I S8 .00 FEET,VOLUME I S 1,058 CUBIC FEET 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS ,TOTAL ING »»»»»»»»»»»39 .0 S QUA RE FEET 1 EX POSED WALLS ,n ot including open ings,TOTALING »»53 .0 S QUA REFEE T ROO MS IZE I S 1 1 .5 LON G by 1 1 .5 WI DE,TOTALING »132 .3 S QUA REF EET WINDOW TYPE IS :U-Va lue .361,Doub l e Pane ,Lowe Coat ing ,Cl e ar Gl ass WALLTYPE IS :U-Va lue .06,Frame I nsulated CEI LINGTYPE IS :U-Value 0 ,Cond it i oned space above FLOOR TYPE IS:U-Va lue .035 ,F loor over Expos ed Spa ce HEAT LOSS Th eTot al BTUH f or theo utside walls a re 2 86 •Page 3 •TheTo tal BTUH f o r t he Ex po sed Open ing s are 1,268 Thet otal BTUH f or the c ei lings 0 Th et otal BTUHf or the f loors 42 3 Th e BTUH i nfi l t ra t i on for the openings i s 1,136 ~THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROO M IS 3,113 The to ta l f eet of rad iati on r eq uired this room 5 .7 1 26 CUB IC FEET 0 .0 S QUARE FE ET 16 .0 SQUA RE FEET 15 .8 SQUAR E FEET Tota l BTUH for the ou t side wal lsa re To t al BTUH f or the Ex posed Ope n ing s are t o tal BTUH for t he c ei li ngs t o t al BTUH f or t he floo rs BTUH i nfil tration for the openings is TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROO M IS tot al f ee to f radi a tion re q ui red this room BD RM 1CLOSET CEI LING HEIGHT I S8 .00 FEET,VOLUM EI S o EXPOSED OPENI NG S ,TOTALING »»»»»»»»»»» 1 EX POSED WALLS ,no t incl uding open ingS ,TOTALING »» ROOM SIZE IS 3 .5 LON G by 4 .5 WIDE,TOTALI NG » WINDOW TYPE I S:U-V al ue =0,No ope ningsi n t his r oom WA LL TYPE IS:U-Value.0 6 ,F rame I ns ula ted CEILING TYPE I S:U-Va lue 0,Co ndition ed s pace above FLOOR TYPE IS :U-Va lue .03 5,F loo ro v er Expos e d Space HEATLOSS 86 o o 50 o 136 0.2 Th e Th e The The The THE The \ ;) To t al BTUH for the outsi de wa lls are Total BTUH fo r the Exposed Opening s are to talBTUH fo r the ce ilings t ot al BTUH fo r the f l oors BTU H i nfiltrat ion fo r the op en ings i s TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS to tal fee t o f rad iat ion requ ired thi s room T he Th e T he T he T he THE The BATH CEIL ING HEI GH T IS 8.0 0FE ET ,VOLUM EI S 36 0 CUBICFEET 1EXPOS ED OPEN INGS ,TOTALING »»»»»»»»»»»6.0 SQUAR E FEET 2 EX POS ED WALLS ,not in cluding opening s,TOTALING »»1 02 .0S QUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 7 .5 LONG b y6 .0 WIDE,TOTAL ING »45 .0 S QU AREFEET WINDOW TYPE I S:U-Value .361,Double Pane,Lowe Coa t ing,Cle ar Glass WALLTYPE I S :U-Val ue .06 ,FrameI nsulated CEILINGTYPEI S :U-Value 0,Co nditioned space above FLOOR TYPEI S:U-V alue .03 5 ,F l oor over Expos ed Space HEATLOSS 55 1 1 95 o 144 175 1,065 1.9 LAUN DRY CLO SET CEILING HE IGHT IS 8 .00 F EET,VOLUME IS 1EXPOSED OPEN IN GS ,TO TALING »»»»»»»»»»» 120 CU BIC F EET 6 .0S QUARE FEET •Page 4 •»»3 4.0 S QUARE FE2 T »1 5.0 SQUAR EFEET e Co at ing,Cl earGlass To talBTUH fo r the outside wa l ls are To tal BTUH for the Exposed Open ings are to ta l BTU H for the c e i lings to tal BTUH for t he floors BTUH in fi ltrat i on f or t he o penin gs is TOTAL BTUH FORTHIS ROOM I S to tal fe et o f rad i ation req uired this room 1 EXPOS ED WALL S,n ot including o pe nings ,TOTA LING ROOM SI ZE IS 5.0 LON G by 3.0 WIDE,TOTALI NG WIN DO W TYP8 IS:U-Value .361 ,Double Pane ,Low WALL TYPE IS :U-Val ue .06 ,Frame Insulated CEI LI NGTYPE IS:U-Val ue 0,Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS :U-Valu e .03 5,Floor over Expos ed Space HEATL OSS 1 84 1 95 o 48 1 75 602 1.1 The The T he T he The THE The 1 32 CUB IC FEET 0 .0 SQUARE FEET 4 4 .0 SQU AREFEET 16 .5 S QU ARE FEET To tal BTUH f or the outside wal ls are To ta l BTUH f or the Exposed Op enings are tot alBTUH for the c ei l ings to ta l BTUH fo r the floors BTUH infi l trat ion for the opening s 1 S TOTAL BTUH F OR THIS ROOM IS tot al feet of radiation requi red t his r oom ENTRY CLOSET CEILINGHEIGHT I S 8 .00 FEET,VOLUM E IS o EXPOSED OPENI NGS,TOTALING »»»»»»»»»»» 1 EXPOS ED WALLS ,not i n c lu di ng openings,TOTAL ING »» ROOM SIZE IS 5 .5 LONG by 3.0 WIDE ,TOTA LING » WI NDOW TYPE IS :U-Value 0 ,Noo pe n i ngs in this room WALL TYPE IS:U-Value .0 6 ,F rame Insu l ated CEILING TYPEI S:U-V a lue 0 ,Co nditioned s pace above FLOO R TYPE IS:U-Val ue .0 35,Floor over Expos ed S p ac e HEATL OSS 2 38 o o 5 3 o 291 0.5 The The The T he T he THE Th e To tal BTUH f or the outs ide walls are To t al BTUH fo r t heExp os ed Openings are tot al BTUHf or the c eil ings total BTUHf or the f loo rs BTUH inf ilt rat ion f or t he o penin gs is TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS to ta l f e et of r ad iat i on requ ired this room T he The The The T he THE The KIT /L IV/DINING CEIL ING HE I GHT IS 12.00 FEET,VOLUME IS 4 ,9 14 CUB IC F EET 7 EXPO S ED OPENINGS,TOTALING »»»»»»»»»»»1 60 .0 SQUARE FEET 3 EXPO SEDWALLS,not i nclu d ing open ings ,TOTALING »»5 60 .0 SQUARE FEET ROOM S IZEI S 1 9.5 LONG by 21 .0 WIDE ,TOTA LING »4 09.5 SQUARE FEET WIN DOW TYPE I S:U-Val ue .3 6 1,Double Pan e ,Lo we Coating ,Cl ear Gla ss WALL TY PEI S :U-Va lue .06,Frame I ns u l at ed CEILINGTYPE IS:U-Va lue 0 ,Conditioned space abov e FLOO RTYPE IS:U-Va lue .035,Fl oor over Expo sed Spa ce HEA TLOSS 3 ,02 4 5 ,200 o 1 ,310 4,659 14,19 3 25.8 ....•Page 5 • T OT ALS ******************************************************************************** FEET FEET ?EET FEET FEET CUBI C S QUARE S QU ARE SQUA RE SQUAKE 9,457 268 .5 1 ,159 .0 0 .0 1,013 .5 HEATLOSS 6 ,260 o 8 ,727 1,13 9 2 ,029 7,819 Tota lBTUH f or thewa lls above g rade are Total BTUHf or t he wa lls b elow grade are Total BTUH fo r the Ex posed o peni n gs are t otal BTUH fo r thec eilings to t a l BTUH for t he floo rs BTUH infi ltra tion for t he openingsi s The The The The The T he V O Lm~E I S »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»> EXPOSEDOP ENINGS,TOTALING »»»»»»»»»»»»» EX POSED WALLS,above grade n o t i nclud i ng open ings TOTALSQUARE FEET,o f walls bel ow grade FLOOR fu~D CEIL ING SIZE IS TOT ALB TU H,T H IS B UI L DIN G2 5 ,973 The t o ta l f eet of r adi at i on r e qu i r ed 47 .2 ******************************************************************************** :J VS7 s' 01-c e A 3 (J.-0-0" tFrK 36 ~Scoct 1.(00 V S u s-~ fJ(u.s fo crD End of repo rt -(if { rit ( ( :). s ~I - I7 -(I Lit -tJff It f.I{-w1I {I I as.'[o >iI TOWNOF VAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 ••D EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEV ELOPMENT NOTE :THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONJOBSITE ATALLTIMES JobAddr ess: Location : ParcelNo : Project No: M ECHANICAL PERM IT 2468GARMISHDRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road 21031 1401022 ''""?'It"ro 2>-0 00--, Permit #: Status...: Applied ..: Issued..: Expires ..: M05-0029 150 3 -6 \1 0 ISSUED 02/24/2005 0511712005 I lI13/2005 .OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR02/24/2005 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 APPLICANT AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATING02/24/2005 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:197 -M CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATING02/24/2005 Phone:970 -328-4421 P .O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:197-M Desciption:COMPLETE MECHANICAL WORK Valuation:$8,600.00 Fireplace Infonnation:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances:0 •••••••••••••••******•••••••••*********•••**•••••••••••••••••••*•••••FEE~~Y •••••••••**.**.**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #of GasLogs:0 #of Wood Pellel:0 $0 .00 $0 .0 0 $22 8.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> DRB Fee---------> TOTALFEES > $180 .0 0 $45.00 $0 .00 $3 .00 MechanicaJ-> PlanCheck-> Investigation-> Will Call----> Total Calculated Fees->$228 .00 Additional Fees---->$0 .00 TotalPermit Fee-·---->$228 .00 Payments-------->$228.00 BALANCE DUE----->$0.00••••••••••••**.**•••••••••••************••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**.***.*************••*.**.**•••••••••••*****.******************************* Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/24/2005 JS Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT PER GREG DENCKLA CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . Cond :22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPERSEC .701 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.):INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond :25 (BLDG .):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERM INATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond:29 (BLDG .):ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1 997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OFTHE 1997 IMC. •Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING . Cond:32 (BLDG .):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYS IS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALLBEEQUIPPEDWITHA FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.1022 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. **.*****.***••••••••••••••••***•••***••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••****.***••••••••••••••***** DECLARATIONS Ihereb y acknowledgethatIhavereadthisapplication ,filled outinfullthe informationrequired ,completedanaccurat e plot plan ,andstatethatallthe information asrequiredis correct.Iagreetocomply withtheinformationandplotplan ,tocompl y w ith allTownordinancesandstatelaws,andtobuild thisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningandsubdi vision codes ,de sign reviewapproved ,UniformBuildingCodeandotherordinancesoftheTownapplicablethereto . REQ UESTS FORINSPECTIONSHALLBEMADETWENTY -FOUR HOURS INADVANCEBYT ELEPHON 479-2149 ORATOUR ornca FROM 8:00AM-4 PM. SIGNATU ONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF •• **********••********************************************•••********************************* TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R050000611 Amount:$228.0005/17/200511:09 AM Check Init:LC Notation: #6305/Avalanche P &H Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : M05-0029 Type: 2103-114-0102-2 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:$228.00 This Payment:$228.00 Total ALL Pmts :$228.00 Balance:$0 .00 ******************•••*************•••••••************************************************.** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 180.00 45.00 3.00 Jei Craig p.4 J TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the fol/owing: E:TI"'-"ALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 8165 £-!ft~ V~ APPUCATION WILLNOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETEOR UNSIGNE n-.,.-,. /Project #:--L~~:""':::;':;~ ~Building Permit #:----l'L..l¥~L.L_'4_ ~Mechanical Permit #:("'-,V 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaafe-countv.com mr Parcel # Parcel #I I Qemcd€-/JobAddress:.a '/6??tA,-,");L<::..AJobName:Su..rbhs Legal Description II Lot:~Block:II .II Subdivision:-g:I OwnersName:Address:II Phonei I Engineer:Address:I Phone;~t 1 /L.I I Detaileddescriptionofwork:I ~'-.JI ..--- I Addition¢Vy'ork Class:New()Alteration()Repair()Other() Bpiler Location:IInteriOr <xr Exterior()Other()Doesan EHU existatthislocation :Yes()No() Type of Bldg:Singleffamily J>6 Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()other () Np.ofExisting Dwrlling Unitsinthisbuilding:No.of AccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding: N ~fType of Fireplal:es ExistinQ:GasAppliances()GasLoas()Wood/Pellet()Wood surnlnc () N ~/Type of Fireplaces Proposed:GasAppliances()GasLogs()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurning(NOT ALLOWED) ~thisaconversionfromawoodburningfireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes()No() 'II, ~ \\\I ..iI\~",t ..\,.ri ..,,\J;'f'l lJ lI.AC:\P J4't)l.Jl'T"'N:'\~,n:U"·Un'CDl.A rwv- TOWNO FVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: ~EPARTME NT OFCOMM UNITY D EVtOPMENT THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED O N JOBSITEAT ALLTIMES JobAddress: Location : Par celNo : Legal Description: Project No: MECH ANICAL PERMIT 2468GARMISH DR VAIL 2468 Garmisch Road 2 10311401022 "y1<..P ':'00 0 -7 Permit#: Status. Applied ..: Issued..: Expires..: M06-D 270 ~3-0 ({() ISS UED 10/02/2006 101111 2006 04109 /2007 OWNER SURIDIS ,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR10/02 /2006 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPL Y,INIO/02/2006 Phone:(719 )591 -0020 1685 PAONIA COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO 80915 License:323-M CONTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY,INIO/02/2006 Phone :.(719)591-0020 1 685PAONIA COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO 80915 L icens e:323 -M Desciption:INSTALL 4GASFIR EPLACES WITHVE NTING Valuation:$12,399.59 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #of GasAppliances:2 #of Gas Logs:2#ofWood Pellet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••**.*****••*•••*••_**_.*.*••*.****Ift.*••••_••FEE SUMMARY _••••••••"'•••••••_•••••****.**.**_.**_••*.*.*•••**••**"'**.**' Mechanical--->$260 .00 Restuarant PlanReview-->$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees·->$5 88 .0 0 Plan Check--->$65.00 roTAL FEES----->$588.00 Additional Fees------->$0 .00 lnvestigation->$260 .00 Total PermitFee------->$588 .00 Will Call---->$3.00 Payment,---·_----->$58 8.00 BALANCE DUE ----->$0.00 .**lftt *_•••••",••••••",••••_•••_••••••_••••••••_••••••••*_*.Ift __•••**••••_*__••*••**.***.***••**••••••••••••_••••"'.*•••••*"'."''''._'''*.'''••_••••__•••••••* Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/10/2006 GCD Action:AP Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPRO VAL Condo 12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . Condo 22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER CHAPTER 7OFTHE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGCASMODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond o 25 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5OFTHE 2 003IFGC . Condo 32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOANINS PECTION REQUEST . **••••••***••••*****••******************************************.****************.**.*******••*****************************************.********* D ECLARATIONS IherebyacknowledgethatIhaveread th!PPlication,filledoutinfullthe informati!eqUired,completedanaccurateplot plan ,andstatethatalltheinformationasrequiredis correct.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocomply withallTownordinancesandstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningandsubdivisioncodes ,design reviewapproved,InternationalBuildingandResidentialCodesandotherordinances of theTownapplicablethereto. R EQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBEMADETWE NTY·FOUR HOURSIN A D PM . SIG RFOR HIMSELF ANDOWNEF •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R060001684 Check Amount:$588.00 10/11/200603:23 PM Init:DDG Notation :Medina 1476 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: M06-0270 Type: 2103-114-0102-2 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:$588.00 This Payment:$588.00 Total ALL Pmts:$588.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 PN 00100003153000 WC 00100003112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 260.00 65.00 260.00 3.00 •• Provide Mec hanical RoomLayout d rawn to scale to Include: Mecha nical RoomDimens ions Co mbustion Air Duct Size and Location 900 l .:'G d3S Fl ue,Ventan dGas Li neSizeand Location HeatLossCales. Eq uipm ent Cut/Spec Sheets I Q.WN OF VAll MECHANICALPERMIT APPLICATION Perm it w illn otbe accepted w ithout the following : APPLICAT ION WILLNOTBEACCEPTEDIFINCOMPLETEOR UNS ~~_\ ~TOWN~ 75S .Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 ..~ Labor &Materials II T own of VailReg.No.:I Contac t andPhone #'s: II 3 :;2 '3 .-?t'f{27-9C'21 CONTRACTOR INFORiVlAT ION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Ii~~==::===":""""=======~II E-Mail Add ress: ~c~ II Phone : Yes ()No (.l() I Doesan EHU existatthis location:Yes ()No().I J No.ofAccommodation Unitsinthis bUild ing~------1 Repair(Other()..1 Commercia l ()Restaurant()Other()"'I Addition()Alteration () Interior ()Exterior ()Other( Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at970-328-8640 or visit www eagle-county c om for Parcel #.". ij~Parcel #3-lc--z,"t../o /tP;;-?- i JobName:50fZ,u l S 'j2 e5'DF~JobAddress:;::W:~y ~JslI-;i2-t::> ILegal De sc riP t io ~~I I Lot:~Block:U II Filing:II Subdivision: IIOwnersN~fjfZ.ID/S Pef.-..,n.j IlAddress::;-S-LJhJ~gD II Phon e: o -/O"{)G FOOFFICEUSENLY***************************** ~-'O t h e r Fees :----·,-....--:PlannerSi n-off: :~Q ~~fe'lis :.n~!I te ~ece~iv=ej-d:~~------r.:..===""-":.l.-'.------:I-1 "~"""'Th""""'"I ~~5ifflJ (JJ;!0:l ~lt •• **********•••********************************.***************••••••**••**********••••••***** T OWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************.***********************************•• Statement Number: Payment Method : Gregory R060000 918 Amount:$47.00 Cash 07/05/200609 :59 AM Init:C Notation:Cash From Dave Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: B03-0170 Type: 2 103-114 -0102-2 2 468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road ADD/ALT S FR BUILDPERMIT Total Fees:$2,830.24 This Payment:$47 .00 Total ALL Pmts :$2 ,830 .24 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES Current Pmts 4 7.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75S.FRONTAGEROAD VA IL,CO8 1657 970-479-2138 N OTE: DIRTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOtENT T HISPERMITMU STBEPOST ED ON lOBSITEATA LLTIM ES JobAddress: Location : ParcelN o : ProjectNo : PLUMBING PERMI T 2 468GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 GannischRoad 21 031 140I 022 ?'R ..)0'3 -0007 Penni!#: Status ...: App lied ..: Issued..: Expires ..: P03-0118 ISSUED 10/0112 003 10/06/2003 04/03/2004 OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR10/01/2003 Phone : 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 License: CONTRACTOR Vail Plumbing &Heating 10/01/2003 Phone:970-390-5993 P.O.Box 952 Minturn,CO 418 Metcalf Rd ,#5 Avon,CO 81620 81645 License:308-P APPLICANT Vail Plumbing &Heating 10/01/2003 Phone:970-390-5993 P .O.Box 952 Minturn,CO 418 Metcalf Rd,#5 Avon ,CO 81620 81645 L icense:308-P Desciption:INSTAL LTIONN EWDRAI N AND VEN TSYSTEM.ALSOIN STALL NE W PORTABLE WAT ER SYSTEM Valuation:$12,000.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted:11 #of GasAppliances:11 #of GasLogs:11 #ofWood Pallet:11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Plumbing->$180 .00 Restuarant PlanReview->$0.00 Total CalculatedFees-->$228 .00 PlanCheck->$45 .00 DRBFee------->$0 .00 Additional Fces--->$0.00 Investigation->$0 .00 TOTALFEES >$228.00 Total PermitFee--->$228 .00 WillCall->$3 .00 Payments------->$22 8.00 BALANCE DUE---->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/01/2003 DF Action:AP Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECL ARATION S Iherebyac knowledgethatIha veread t hisapp lication,filled o utinfullth einformationrequi red,completed an accurateplot plan, andstatethatalltheinformationas requiliS correct.Iagreetocomplywiththe info!tion andplotplan,tocomplywithall Townordinancesandstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes ,designreview approved,UniformBuildingCodeandotherordinances of theTownapplicablethereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBE MADETWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC E BYT ELEPHON E AT479-2149 OR ATOUROFFI CE FROM 8:00AM-4PM.iJd . OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: 343 R030004845 Amount: Check $228.00 10/06/200310:37 AM Init :DDG Notation:Dale Bullitt Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: T his Payment: P03-0118 Type: 210311401022 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road $228.00 PLUMBING PERMIT Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $228.00 $228.0 0 $0.00 *********************************************•••**••••************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Co de PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 WC 001000031 12800 Descripti on PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERMIT FEE S WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Curr ent Pm ts 45 .00 180.00 3 .00 N NTRACTORINFORMATION TownofVail Reg.No.:Contactand Phone #'s: 30&-F '17p-J>"itt-5:"7'7'.J APPUCATION ILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET~RUN~~N ",-r Project #:~_2.L--_1jJJ=-__-r_ Building Permit #:,_ Plumbing P rmit 970-47 21 (I s ions) Plurpbin!il Contractor: y",;!p~~- ==~==:=!=!!======~===========91 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II PLUMBING:$/2.,"t?.?.-II Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #~//l 3//+'L?/lJ fL .12- Job Name:y;f.I"'"p{,s l2of-~tW Job Address:.2 'Ib 8'"C?A-rrYI ,-.J.24, Legal Description II Lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: Owners Name:/f/(W-J ~",,.:d;~Address:.z "6 ffj G"-'r .....-~I,12-.c Phone:lf7~-~II'1/ Engineer:?J:::P Address:H7 /lIA,'1 ~.""p,,{tt~$Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork::r»r 5 fc;.II ,n ~'",....'·n ~Ye--~I sys:~"".HkfT ~"1 ~kl/sn-.:.w p,lwti<WI>/<.r :$Y'f..4n,. Work Class:New()Addition ~)Alteration()Repair ()Other() Type of Bldg .:Single-family ~Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing DwellingUnitsinthisbuildlnq:II ..,.J .• 11 Unitsinthisbuilding:II I Isthisa conversion fromawoodburningfireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes ()No (X')I ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRBFees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Sian-off: IIVailldala\CdevIFORMSIPE RM ITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 0712612002 •• HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479-2139 . Check all that applies. 1.Which Department(s)did you contact? Building _Environmental __Housing __Admin __ Planning _·_DRB PEC _ 2.Was your initial contact with our staff immediate __slow __or no one available ? 3.If you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis?Yes I No If no,why not?_ 5.Was this your first time to file a ORB app __PEe app __ Bldg Permit NI A 6.Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you : 54321 Name:_ (knowledge;responsiveness ,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.54321 8.What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter?_ 9.Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime?_ Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey .We are committed to improving our service. TOWN OF VAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO81657 970-479 -2138 ••D EPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS P ERMIT MUS T BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P05 -oo12 Job Address : Loca tion: Par cel No : Project No: 2468 GARMIS H DRVAI L 2468Garmi sch Road 2 10311401022 Status...: Appli ed ..: Issued..: E xpires ..: ISSUED 02/2412005 0511712005 11113 /2005 OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN,SR0 2/24/2005 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 APP LICANT AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEAT ING02/24/2005 Phone:970 -328-4421 P.O .BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:236 -P CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATING02/24/2005 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License :236-P Des ciption:rough inandset trim Valua tion:$6 ,250 .00 Fireplace Infonnation:Restricted:11 #of GasAppliances:11.**.*****••••••••••••••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEESUMMARY ••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #ofGasLogs:11 #ofWoodPallet:11 $0.00 $0.00 $134 .25 Restuaranr PlanReview-> DRB Fee-----------> TOTAL FEES > $10 5.00 $26.25 $0.00 $3.00 Plumbing-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> Total Calculated Fees-->$134 .25 Additional Fees----->$0.00 Total Permit Fee--->$134 .25 Payments--------->$134 .25 BALANCE DUE----->$0 .00•••**.**.*•••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/24/2005 JS Act ion:AP Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT PER GREG DENCKLA CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••••***.*********************************************************.**********•••••••••************* DECLARATIONS Ihereb y acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required ,completed an accurate plot plan ,andstatetha t allthe information as required is correct.Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotplan ,tocompl y w ithall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothetownszoningand subdivisioncodes ,design re view approv ed,Uniform BuildingCodeand other ordinances of theTo wn applicablethereto. T 479-2149 ORATOUROFFICEFROM8:00AM-4 •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method: R050000612 Amount:$134.25 05/17/200511:10 AM Check Init:LC Notation: #6305/Avalanche P&H Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: P05-0012 Type: 2103-114-0102-2 2468 GARMISH DR VAIL 2468 Garmisch Road PLUMBING PERMIT Total Fees:$134.25 This Payment:$134.25 Total ALL Pmts :$134.25 Balance :$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 WC 00100003112800 Description PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERMITFEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Current Pmts 26.25 105.00 3.00 Feb 22 05 02:57p Jeff Craig•£9701 328-4421•p.5 APPUCATION I TownofVailReg.No.:ICo~ct,..as (;f ~JU...J-I- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 1\110N FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) APPLICATION WILLNOTBEACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETEOR UNSIGN Project #:--::-""":":-1~7-:~r-",,=-:~~Building Permit #:~~~~7-7::;" ,~L r:1.6 ~I Plumbing Permit #:-&'f V "L""'l'Q 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 7SS.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 (fAf()t).lC ek/ll [J.rtYl;f 'S/flCe..Sumevr'e.a.lf~G.c./jol.J (j (0 cAlofd iaArA?**I*******t************~*************FOR OFFICEUSE ONLY**·********************************** C1 ntact Eaqle County Assessors Office at970-328-8640 or visit www.eao/e-countv.com For Parcel # ~arcel # I lS\.~nJ ;s ~V\oJ.eJJbName:JobAddress :j}Lj68 {;.J..cc.r.IYliS \. L ~al Descrtption II Lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: I C fvners Name:Address:Phone: E gineer:Address:Phone :\ r:~1~:tSC ~iPtion of w,.7(,;'.(SiJfTleo)~AI rrf1r)~{)~l n"~1 JM,j~;:~~1 ~J '}.,rYJ,.,'n rJ..VI,s-d V 't.Addition ()c6 ' .'V , ork Class:New()Alteration ()Repair()Other() T peof Bldg .:singltfamily»6 Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Other() ~o.of Existing DWflling Unitsinthis building:No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building: ~fromawoodburningfireplacetoan EPA Phase n device?Yes()No() I -• j Other Fees:Date Received: ORBFees:Accepted By: Planner Sian-off:. ..~-..•• 09-12-2007 4:33 pm C/ AlPID Information Requested Inspect Date:Thursday,September 13,2007 Inspection Area:GO Site Address:2468 GARMISHDRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road Page25 Activity : ConstType: Contractor. Owner: Descript ion: B03-o170 Type :A-BUILDSubType:ASFR Occupancy :Ose:VN SURIDIS,ALAN Phone:(914)966-1132 SURIDIS,ALL!S .&JOHN,SR Additionincludes250sq.ft.toexisting3-cargarageandEHUunitof1175sq.ft. Status:ISSUED InspArea :GO 09:30AM 970-445-0161ED-or-970- 390-7352C.A. LCAMPBELLKEnteredBy: Requested Time: Phone: Requested Inspection(s) Item:90 BLDG-Final Requestor:SURIDIS,ALAN I ED Comments:PEREDFIRESIGNEDOFF AssignedTo :SHAHN Action :TimeExp: Comment:CHECKEGRESSWINDOWINAPT B""E""u"R"'O"O."M..... Comment:APPROVEDFORTCO. ITEMSTOBECORRECTED:HANDRAILORLANDINGATEXTERIOR STONESTAIRSTOBBQ SPACEAND2NDENTRANCETOLOWERUNIT.<, SMOKEDETECTORINDININGROOMASITITTHEUPPERMOSTLEVELFORDETECTION . ALARMSYSTEMTOBEINSATLLEDANDOPERATIONALBYAUGUST15TH 2007. Comment:ALARMNEEDSTOBEPAIDFOR,ISPECTEDANDFINALED A-I~.43/0 .1£ 05/08/06 Comment: 10/18/06 Comment: Inspec1ion History ~ Item:10 BLDG-Footings/Steel +UFER grd **Approved••~~ 09/22/03 Inspector:CDAVIS Action:APAPPROVED Comment:EXCEPT3PADS 10/07/03 lnsoector:JRM Action :APAPPROVED Comment:APPROVEDPADS 09/27/05 Inspector.JRM Action :APAPPROVED Comment :APPROVEDFOOTERFORRETAINWALLALONGGARAGEHOUSE2#4THRUOUT12WIDE FOOTER 05/01/06 Inspector:SHAHN Action:CONDAPPROVED/CONDIT IONS Comment:INSPECTEDFOOTERNORTHSIDE . COLUMNPADAPPROVEDPENDING STAMPEDLETTERFROMENGINEER.(5)#5EACH WAYINPAD. In!;Rector:GCD Action:APAPPROVED INTERIORPADPERMONROE/NEWELLLETTERDATED05-05-06COPYINFILE. Inspector:shahn Action :ONDENIED THEPERSONONSITEASKEDMETOINSPECTCORRECTIONSFORELECTRICDAL, PLUMBINGFIREPLACE,ANDFRAMINGUNDERONEBUILDINGINSPECTION .ITWAS OBSERVEDTHATINSULATIONISTOUCHINGNON-ICFIXTURES ,FIREPLACESDONOT HAVEREQUIREDCLEARANCESFROMCOMBUSTIBLES . THECORRECTGROUNDINGFITTINGWASINSTALLED . CALLFORREINSPECTIONONCORRECTPERMITS. Item:20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel ••Approved•• 09/24/03 Inspector.cdavis Action :APAPPROVED REPT131 Run Id:7066 • 05-17-2007 4 :26 pm Requested Inspect Date: Inspection Area: Site Address: • Page 16 Friday,May 18,2007 EG 2468GARMISHDRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road AlPID Information Act ivity:E03-0194 Type:B-ELEC ConstType:Occupancy: Owner:SURIDIS,ALLIS.&JOHN,SR Applicant:ARCHELECTRICINC Contractor:ARCHELECTRICINC Description:WIREADD ITION SubType:ASFR Ose: Status:ISSUED InspArea :EG Requested Inspec1lon(s) Item:190ELEC-Flnal Requestor:ARCHELECTRICINC Comments:finalreinspect AssignedTo:SHAHN Action:TimeExp: Requested Time:09:00AM Phone:970-376-4797 EnteredBy:DGOLDENK REPT131 Run Id:6694 • 04 -27-2007 4:20 pm Page 37 Requested Inspect Date Inspec1ionArea Site Address Monday,April 30,2007 GCO 2468 GARMISHDRVAIL 2468 Garmisch Road AlP/O Information Status :ISSUED InspArea:GCD SubType:ASFR use: Phone:970-328-4421 Phone:970-328-4421 M05-0029 Type:B-MECH Occupancy: SURIDISALL!S.&JOHN.SR AVALANtHE PLUMBING 11.HEATING AVALANCHEPLUMBING &HEATING COMPLETEMECNICALWORK Activity: ConstType: Owner: Applicant: Contractor: Description: Requested Inspectionlsl/'>---- Item:390MECH-Final Requested Time:08:00AM Requestor:Bob TaylorConstrution/Ed {I Phone:970-445-0161 -or-Bob390- I 4153 . AssignedTo:JMONDRAGON ~f\{)EnteredBy:LTILLMANK ,,"00 'e?T;~,\~J-tI;P~(V Inspec1ion History 0 ~1;Ls:jLY Item:200MECH-Rough ••Approved ••r r 06/20/05 Inspector:JRM Action:APAPROVE ? Comment:APPROVEDBOILERFLUE ROUGH"BATH FANS,DRYERDUCT STRUCTENGINEER LEITER WHEr<E GLULAMNOTCHED 09/29/06Inspector:JEC Action:APAPPROVED Comment:Secondrough inspectionaftermoreworkwascompletes .Checkforrecirc.line'suition insulationinspection 10/05/06Inspector:SHAHN Action:PIPARTIAL INSPECTION Comment:INSPECTEDDRIVEWAYLOOPFOR100#PSI. Item:310MECH-Heating ..Approved .. 06/20/05 fnsQector:JRM Action:APAPPROVED Comment:INFLOORHEAT100#AIRTEST 05/30/06Inspector:TLD/cia Action :APAPPROVED Comment:infloorheat100#testok 08/31/06Inspector:shahn Action :PIPARTIALINSPECTION Comment:Inspected (2)loopsfor100#airtestatentryandtwo decks > Action:APAPPROVED Action:ONDENIED Action:APAPPROVED 09/28/06Inspector:JEC Comment:Cancelled 09/29/06Inspector:JEC Comment:100psi snowmeltoutside PLMB-GasPiping ••Approved•• 06/20/05lnspector:JRM Comment:6 #AIRTEST MECH-ExhaustHoods - MECH-Supply'Air '"' 05/30/06Inspector:TLD/cia Action:PAPARTIALAPPROVAL J -:«: Item:320 Item:330 Item:340 Item:390 Item:315 REPT131 Run Id:6626 TO WN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTA G E ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT O F COMMUITYD EVELOPMENT N OTE:THIS PERMIT MU ST BE POST ED ON JOBSITE AT A LLTIMES PL UMBING PERMIT Pe rmit #:P01-00 98 Job Addr ess: Lo cati on : Par cel No : P roj ect N o: 2468 G AR MISH DR VA IL 210311401022 ~'tSD \-0 ){y lP St atus...: A pplied ..: Issu ed ..: Expires ..: ISSUED 0 9/1 4 /2001 09 /1 4 /2001 03/1 3/2002 09/14/2001 Phone:719-486-8425 09 /14 /2001 Phone: OWNER SURIDIS,ALLI S.&JOHN ,SR09 /14 /2001 Phone: 15 ERITA LN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 License : CONTRAC TOR PERKINSMECHANICAL 317 MT.SHERMAN DRIVE LEADVILLE,CO 80461 License:275 -P APPLICANTPER KINS MECHANICAL License: Desciption:GAS LINE FOR F/P ANDRANGE Valuation :$1,000.00 Fire place Inform ation:Res tricte d :??#of CasAppliances:??#o f Cas Logs:??#o f W{)()d Pallet:??tr *******1t***.**••*tr***********ll *."'".*•••:It****:l***********"•••*'"*''''FEE SUMMARY ******tr**************••••**1l-**__**_************.***.. Plumb ing-> Plan Chcc k-> lnvesnganon-> Will Call--> $15 .0 0 Restua ran t Plan Revie":-> $3.75 DRBFee---> $0 .00TOTA L FEES ------> $3.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $21.75 Tota l Calcu late d Fees-> Additional Fees---> Total Permit Fee--> Payments----> BALANCEDUE---> $21 .75 $0 .00 $21 .75 $2 1.7 5 $0 .00 .*.*.....***.******_***_*__"'***__*__*****1Ir**_....***..**_"'**_*_.....__**_....*",*..__.._*******__*__****__*_1>:**********"••*******"'*. Item:05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/14/2001 JRM Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANC E. ......*....****....*****_****.*******.****...*****1Ir*****_*...*..._***",__...to-.**********,..****_****",***","***_****__*_**."'.**••••"'****..-..._******* DECLARA TIONS Ih erebya ck nowle dge that Ih ave re ad th is applicati on,filledo ut infull t he in formatio nr equired,co mpleted a n acc ura tepl otp lan,and s tatet hata llth e inf ormation asr eq uired is co rr ec t.I a g re e toco mply w ith t h e inf ormationa nd plo t p lan,toco mpl y w ithall Town ordinances and s tate law s,andto build thi s stru c ture acco rding to th e towns zo ning a nd subdivisi on co des,design revie w approved,Unifo rm Building Code and o th e r ordinances o f the To wn applicable there to. REQUESTSFOR INS P ECfIOI\:S HALLBEMA DET WENTY-FOUR H OURS INAD VANC _ P M. SIC ~79-2138 ORAT O URO FFICE F ROM 8:00A M-5 ******************************************************************************************** TOWN O FVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Numbe r: Payment Method : R000001 382 Amount:$21.75 09 /14/20010 3:21 PM Check I n it :LC Notation:#1224/Sean's P lumb ing &Heating Permi t No: Parcel No : Site Address : Location: This Payment : P01-0098 Type: 2 1 0311 401 022 2468 GARMISH DRVAIL $21.75 PLUMBING PERMIT Tot al Fees: Tot al ALLPmt s: Bala nce : $21.75 $21.75 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accou nt Co de PF00100 00311230 0 PP 001000 0311 1200 WC 001000 03112800 Descr i ption PLA N CHEC K FE ES PLUMBI NG PER MIT FEES WIL L CAL L I NSPECT ION FEE Cur rent Pm ts 3 .75 15.00 3 .00 •APPLICATION WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETEOR UNSIGNED Project #::--~- ~'IJ J I \I -02.~L BuildingPermit#:!/I/o/_u/l.,"It.-U ./Plumbing Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 QJU-C ~rt +P.CONTRACTOR INFORMATION .PlumbingContractor:TownofVail Re~~o.:ContactandPhone #'s: AI ••-/'-).r:>L.-l-S -~\S -L-{Y&~~{25 ContractorSignature:w-tt-u.r .->/-{tuk y /:>./l-JI '-1 qn;/zfO , PLUMBING:$ COMPLETE VALUATION FORPLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) .00 Contact EaIe Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea /e-coun .com for Parcel #I Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above);:2/0/11 If0 /0 2."l.-- No () Phone: No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding:0 Address: Duplex ~Multi-family ()Commerc ial ()Restaurant ()Other() New ()Addition ()Alteration)Repair ()Other() aconversionfromawoodburningfireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding: criptionofwork : ,ncJJ Ol=~)(l":>Tta.)C;Gtf:.UI0E::c)1J ~\SES 10 .h'l:'~"<"S owner Nae:Address:Phone: I Legal Description II Lot:I Block: IJobName:I~LLA~o~~u'0t..IJobAddress:Zl(IoB Q,ARfY\I~ .1b AReplJ'se.E t "RAi-JGE IL Co Other Fees:Date Received: DRBFees:I-AcceDted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: ***************************************FOR OFFICEUSEONLY ***************************v:1,\. ~ REC'D SEP 14 2001 F/everyone/forms/plmbpenn TO WN OF VAIL 75S.FRONTA GERO AD VAIL ,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 D EPARTMENT OF COtv1MUNlTY DE VELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED O N JOBSITEATALLTIM ES Job A dd ress: Lo cation : Pa rcel No : Project N o : M ECHANICAL PERMIT 1984SU NB URSTDRVAIL sa me a s above 21010 9103026 Permit #: S ta tus ...: A pplied ..: Issu ed ..: Ex pir es ... M01-0152 ISSU ED 0 9/13/2001 09/14/2001 03/13/2002 OWNER FIRMAN ROYAL III &STEPHAN IE09 /13 /2001 Phone : 10 VILLAGE RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 Lice nse: CONTRACT OR P ERKINS MECHANICA L 0 9 /1 3/2001 Phone:7 1 9-48 6-8425 317 MT .SHERMAN LEADVILLE,CO 80461 License:107 -M APPLICANTPERKINSMECHANICAL 09/13 /200 1 Phone:719 -486-8425 317 MT .SHERMAN LEADVILLE,CO 80461 License:107-M Dcsciption:INSTALL BOILEREAST/WEST SID E O F BLDGFOR S NOWtvlELT IN DRIV EWAY Valuation:$22,000.00 Firep lace Informa tion:Restricted:Y #o f Gas App liances:0 #ofGasLogs:0 #of \"ood Pellet:0··*····,,··11-·..·"'**·__***_****·...•••__*__·_*··*****··..·_*--**FEE SUf\.1f\.1ARY *-_.._****...".__...._._.-.***...._*-_.__..-*--* ~Iecha nica 1-> Plan C heck-.-> Inves tigation-> Will Call--> $440 .00 Restuarant PlanReview-> $1 10.00 ORBFee-------> $0 .00 TOTAL 1'1'1'5 ------> $3 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $553 .00 Total Calcula ted Fees-e> Additi onal Fees---> Tot al Permit Fee> Pay m en ts--------> BALAJ\:CE OUE--> $55 3.00 $0.00 $553 .00 $553 .00 $0.00 ****..*••*******************..._********************_....*********************..**......*******.,,********..********'*....************__*****"'.k.*_",**_._. Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 9/14/2001 J RM Action :AP I tem :0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condo 12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condo22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER SEC.701 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1 997IMC . Cond o 23 (BLDG.):I NSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond :25 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond :29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST .UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FL OORING. Cond :32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHAN ICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPEDWITHA FLOOR DRAINPERSEC .1022 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. ****************...****************Ir*****************************************************'1\'**********************************"'********************* D ECLARATIONS HIMSELF AND OWNEr. 479-2138O R AT OU R O FfiCE FRO M 8:00 AM -5REQUESTSFORINSPECTIONSHALLBEMADETWENTY-FOUR H OURS IN A DV PM. I hereby acknowledge th at I h ave re ad this application,filled out infullthe information r equired,co mpleted an accurate plot plan,and state th at allth e information as required is correc t.I agree to comply with th e information and plot plan,tocomply with all Town ordinances and state law s,and to build this structure a ccording to the towns zoning a nd subdivision co des,d esign r evi ew approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinanceso ftheTown applicable thereto. ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *************************************************************************************~****** Statement Number : Payment Method: R00000138 3 Check Amount:$553.0009 /14 /200103:2 2 PM Init:LC Notation:#1 225/Sean 's Plumbing &Heating Permit No : Parcel No : Site Address: Location: M01-0152 Type:MECHANICAL PERMIT 210109103026 1984 SUNBURST DRVAIL same as above This Payment :$553 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $553.00 $553 .00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accoun t Co de MP 00100003111300 PF 00 1000 0311 2300 WC 00 1000 031 12800 Descr iption MECHANI CAL PER MIT r EES PLAN CHEC K r EES WILL CA LLI NSPEC TION FE E Cur rent Pmt s 44 0.00 11 0 .00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit w ill notbeacceptedw ithout the follow ing: DrzEiJ£~ APPUCATION WILLNOTBE ACCOjD IF INCOMP~~je~~~y,-",ft3o:...E)}",-L1,--,g,,--..-...:6:::....::::;;;[..!::.q-:...::5::::..ill ':5tj 3.Building Permit #:_ Mechanical Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials MECHANICAL:$d-d 000.00 Contact EaIeCoun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea te-cou Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above) Phone: Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork: Work Class:Addition(Alteration() BoilerLocation:Interior ()Exterior j)Q Other(Does an EHU exist atthislocation:Yes ()No() Type of Bldg:Single-family ()Duplex (1)(5 Multi-family (Commercial()Restaurant()Other ( No.of Existing DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding: Wood/Pellet ,WoodBurnin Wood/Pellet()WoodBurning(NOT ALLOWED) No() ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************************** Other Fees:Planner Si n-off:.Acce ted B:..J. ORB Fees:Date Received: F:/everyone/forms/mechperm ____c ... -'-.- ---_...:> -l-l--\--- \..' --\I --(- \------ --1-- _-/-r===-==-----=f:1-------L-=-.----- • Installation,Operationand Maintenance Instructions Installation, Operationand Maintenance Instructions for Mighty Therm Hydronic Boilers ModelH~,~ Sizes 17~~~Oo ofb .,.:. :555=== 0 === @ Document 10640 ooo "t- "~o J: FORYOURSAFETY:Thisproductmustbe installedandservicedbyaprofessionalservicetechnician , qualifiedinhotwaterboiler installationandmaintenance.Improperinstallationand/oroperationcould createcarbonmonoxide gasinfluegaseswhich couldcauseseriousinjury ,propertydamage,ordeath . Improperinstallationand/or operation willvoid thewarranty. AWARNING Ifthe information in this manual is not followed exactly,a fire or explosion may result causing property damage,personal injury or loss of life. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids inthe vicinity of this or any other appliance. WHATTODOIFYOU SMELL GAS •Do not try to light any appliance. •Do not touch any electrical switch;do not use any phone in your building. •Immediately call your gas supplier from a nearby phone.Follow thegas supplier's instructions. •If you cannot reach your gas supplier,call the fire department. Installation and service must be performed bya qualified installer,service agency,or gas supplier. Page2 TABLEOF CONTENTS LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS ' 20-1 . 20-2. 20-3. 2E. 2E-1 . 2E-2 . 2F . 2F-1 . 2F-2 . 2F-3 . 2F-4 . 2F -5. SECTION 1 . General Information 1A.Introduction 3 1B.Warranty 3 1C.TechnicalAss istance 3 SECTION 2. Installation Instructions 2A.General Informat ion 4 2B .Field Assembly 4 2C .SiteLocation 5 2C-1 .InstallationInformation 5 2C-2 .Outdoor Installation(U .S.Only)6 2C-3 .Flooring -TypicalInsta llation 6 20.CombustionandVentilation AirSupply 7 OutdoorAirSupp ly 7 IndoorAirSupply 7 ExhaustFansorVents 7 VentingofCombustionProducts 7 GeneralInformation 7 Replacement ofEx isting Boiler 8 WaterFlow System 9 Reversible Wa ter Connections 8 Freeze Protection 11 PumpRequirements 11 Variable WaterFlowSystems 11 SystemPressure Requirements 12 2F-B .Chilled Wate r Systems 12 2F-7.SystemtoBoiler Piping 12 2F-8.Filling theSystem :13 2G.GasSupplyandPiping 13 2G-1 .General Instructions 13 2G-2.SpecialPrecautions forPropaneGas 14 2H.Electrical Wiring 14 SECTION3. Operating Instructions 3A.SettingtheTemperatu re Control s 17 3B.Start-Up Procedure 17 3C.Adjustment fo r MinimumInputRate (Models with ModulatingGas Va lve)18 3D.Hi-LimitSwitch Checkoul.18 3E.Shut-Down Procedure 18 SECTION4. Service Instructions 4A.RegularInspection 18 4B.ReplacementofGasControls 19 SECTION5. PartsListforHHandPH Boilers 5A.General Information 20 5B.PartsList 20 M ighty Therm HH-PHHydronicBoilers SECTION 1. General Information 1A .Introduction T his ma nualprovidesinstallation and operatio n instructions fortheModelHHandPHHydron ic Boilers,Size s 175through400 .Review all application and installation procedures completely before proceeding withtheinstallation.Experience has shown thatmo st operating problem sa re caused by improper installation. TheHH-PHboi lers areo ffered inabasic configuration (see Figure1).OnPHboi lers t he pump is factory installed.OnHHboilersthep ump isfield installed. 1B.Warranty T he HI-I -PH boi lers areso ld wit h alimited factory warra nty. Makea ll wa rranty c laims toa n a uthorized Laars representativeor directly to th efactory.C laimsmust Page 3 inc lude t he boiler serialn umber andmo del (this informationcanbefoundon t herat ing plate), installat ion date,andname of theinsta ller.Shippi ng costs arenot inc luded inthewarranty coverage. Some acces sory itemsare shipped in separate packages.Inspectevery thing for damage immediately upon delivery ,andadvise the tran spo rter of any shortage so r damage.Anysuc h c laim ss houldbe filed w ith thetran sporter.The transporter wi II not accept a claimfromthe shipper,Laars . Th e warranty doe s notco ver damage cau sed by imprope r installation ,operation ,orfieldm odification . 1C.Technical Assistance Co nsult Laars oryou rlocal company representativewi th any questio ns or problems involving t he specification,insta llation and operation of Laa rs eq uipmen t.A n ex perienced tec hnical s upport staff isreadytoas sist in ass uring thep roper performancea nd ap plication of Laarspro ducts. I-v-jTOPTIONALL--u---DRAFTHOOD rVENTCAPFOR OUT DOOR USE C DRA FTHOOD MUST ITOPVIEWLBEINSTALLEDIN i THE FIELD I (:~Il SIDEVIEW ~ A HEADER~.LOCATION C- ;;.,<4 !INLj r~ET 8-'12 in . (2 16mm)5-1/2 In 40-9116 10 (1030mm) INLET O UTLET 30-311 6 in .(767 mm)(l40mm)~Uu~ L 2 6-112 in .-J (673mm) Gas Connection C'C Size Water C (Indoor (Indoor V Connect U.S.Only wi Vent wloVent Vent Nat .Propane Size A B (Outdoor)Damper)Damper)Dia. Size in .mm in.mm in .mm in .mm in .mm in.mm in .mmin .mm in .mm 175 0/.19 %13 1%38 18457 26 %673 14';'.357 28%724 23%597 6 152 250 0/.19 %13 1%38 22 %572 31 787 18';'.4 73 30%775 240/.629 7178 3 25 0/.19 %13 1%38 26 0/.679 350/.908 19';'.4 88 --25%65 78 203 4 00 0/.19 %13 1%38 310/.806 40 V.1022 22%57 5 --267/.683 9229 'Vent damper onlyre quired o nindoor installations.sizes 175 and 2 50 . Note :Dimens ions may vary. Figure 1.General Co nfiguration . Page4 LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS ' the rear of the plate andgently prying itup(see Figure2). b .Remove thetwoscrews attaching the adapter platetothetopassemblyandliftitout(see Figure3). c.Remove theventcapor drafthood fromits package. d.Disengage theflue transition ring fromthestack extension andplaceitontop of the collector assembly asshowninFigure4 . e.Slidethe adapter plateoverthe bottom of the stack extension asshownin Figure 5.Fitthe stack extension downovertheflue transition ring.Seatthe adapter plateonthetop assembly and secure itwithtwoscrews (see Figure 6). f.Findthevent damper box which is located inthe boiler package (boiler models175to250only) (seeFigure 8). g.Installthevent damper d irectly tothetop of the drafthoodoutlet.Thedamper operator should facetothefront of theboiler ,andtheflow direction arrowshouldpoint upward .Usethe vent damper wireharnessto connect thevent damper totheboiler.The bracket end of the harness shouldbe connected tothe vent damper actuator. Figure 3.Adapter Plate. FigureS.Vent Cap with Adapter Plate =========.:...-.JL..;l =L::::.l================================ Figure4.Flue Transition Ring. Figure 2.Top Filler Plate. 28.Field Assembly The HH-PH boiler is shipped fromthe factory withthetop assembly inthe low-profile configuration for outdoor installations. TheHH-PH boiler is design certified for indoor installation when equipped witha drafthood,which mustbe installed without modification.Checkthe rating plateonthe boiler forthe correct Laarspart number. Follow this procedure tomakethe conversion: a.Remove thetop filler plate,stamped "HOT,"by slipping a fine-blade screw driver intothe slot at AWARNING Fo llow local regul ations with respect toinstallation of carbon monoxide (CO)de tectors a nd manufacturer's maintenance schedule oftheboiler. Install the HH-PH boilers in accordance withthe procedures inthis manual (ortheLaars warranty may be voided),localcodesand ordinances.Inthe absence of such codes,installthe boilers in accordance with thelatest edition of the National FuelGasCode,ANSI Z223.I.In Canada,the installation mustbein accordance with CANI-BI49.1 or.2 andlocalcodes. The authority having jurisdiction mayrequirethe installation conform tothe Standard for Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically FiredBoilers, ANSI!ASME CSD-I.Any changes totheboiler,gas controls,gas orifices,wiring ordrafthoodmayvoid the warranty.Iffield conditions require change , consult thefactory. All gas-fired products require correct installation toassure safe operation.The requirements for boilers include the following: I.Field assembly of drafthoodandventcap (if required -see Section 28) 2.Appropriate site location (clearances)and flooring 3 .Sufficient combustion and ventilation air 4 .Adequate venting of combustion products 5 .Adequate water flow 6 .Properly sizedgas meter andpiping 7.Proper electrical wiring This manual provides the information needed to meetthese requirements .Reviewall application and installation procedures completely before continuing the installation . SECTION2. InstallationInstructions 2A.GeneralInformation .Mighty Therm HH-PH Hydronic Boilers Page 5 Figure6.Drafthoodwith Adapter Plate. Figure7.DrafthoodSwitch Receptacle. 2C.Site Location 2C-1.Installation Information AWARNING Improperinstallationor maintenance can cause nausea or asphyxiation from carbon monoxide in flue gases whichcouldresultin severe injury, property damage ,or death . Locatet heboiler t o pr ovidec learances o n a ll sidesfor maintenance andinspection.There mustalso be minimum di stances ma intained from c ombustible s urface s (se eT able1 a ndF igure 9 ). DRAFTHOOD Table 1.Minimum Boiler Clearances From Combustible Surfaces. Indoors Outdoors Clearance from :inch mm inch mm Top 37 940 Unobst ructed Water conn .side 12 305 Unobstru cted Oppositeside 6 152 6 152 Front Alcove Unobs tructed Rear 6 152 6 152 Vent "6 152 - Flooring Combustible Combustible Service clearance =36inches (914mm)at front of heater, and18inches (457mm)at waterconnection side. *1"(25mm)ifdouble wallvent isused. RoomInstallation (acceptable) ClosetInstallation (unacceptable) ~mlli llq j tl 0 +l-VENT DAMPER \."- VENTDAMPER I~~ HARNE SS AWARNING Donotforcemotor operation whenthe operator is fastened tothe damper bymovingthe damper blade,turningthe shaft,orturningtheposition indicator. h.Plugth e wiring forth e dr afthoodsw itchintoth e receptacle o nth e left s ide of th e vent damp er box(see Figure 7). i.Donotmodify the automaticve ntdamper device.Th e venti ngsys tem must be arranged so thatonl y the boiler is se rvedbyth e vent damper de vice supplied withthe boiler.Pro vide atle ast s ixinch es cl earance between theaut omaticve nt damp er and combu stible construction ,andbe sur e toall ow acc ess fors ervicingthedamp er. ..-...-...-...-..._. o A clos et is an y 4 s ided enclosure wh ich isles s th an16·t ime s the total volume of all the gas fired applianceswithin theenclosure. A room is anyenclosure w hich is at least 16·ti mes greatertha n t he total volu me ofall the gas fired appli anceswithinthe enclos ure. AlcoveInstallation (acceptable) A n alcoves uitable for t he installation of ahea teris a restricted sectio n 01 a room not se parated t ram t he roombya door o r penmen a nd which meetsthe minimu m cl earances s pecified in this manual. •Whenthe ce iling height exc eeds 6 f eet,yoo a re o nlyallowed to con sider 6 feet wh e n ca lculatingthe totalvo lume of the enclosure. Figure 8.Vent Damper Installation (Models 175and 250 only). Figure 9.Alcove Installation. Pa ge6 LAARSHEATINGSYSTEMS ' The boiler mustbeisolated or otherw ise protected fromany source of corrosive chemical fume s,suchastrich lorethylene,perchlorethylene, ch lorine ,etc .Installthebo iler so t hatt he gas ignition system compo nents are protected fromwa ter (dripp ings,s praying,rain ,e tc.)during operation and service.Locatethe boiler on awa terproof floo r witha floordrainanda6inch(152mm)minimum curbon allfour sidesto protect thebui lding if boi ler repair s arcneeded . 2C-2.Outdoor Installation (U .S.Only) ACaution Outdoorinstallations are not recommended in a reas wherethe danger of snow bloc kage ex ists . HH-PH bo il ers c an be insta ll ed in the "low-profi le ," gra tetopco nfiguration as receivedfromthefac tory, o r with anopt ionalvent cap/stack. Locatethe boiler inano pen,u nroofed area .Do not loca te theboi ler below or adjacen t toanydoo rs , wi ndows,louvers,gri lls.etc.,w hich co nnect inany waywithaninhabited area of a build ing,even though t he acces s might be through another structure suchas agarageorutilit y room (seeFigure10and Table I). T heremustbea minimum of 4feet(1 .2 m) ho rizontally betweentheboilerandanydoor ,window , or grav ity inlettoabuild ing (seeFigureI I).Also,t he hor izontal clearance s hou ld be maintainedfroma ny elec tric meters ,gas meters,regu lators,o r re lief equipment. If t he boile r isinstalled closetoa st ructure, p rotect itfromra in water runoff w ith raingutterson t he roof o r other measu res .Donot locatetheboiler ncarspr inkler systems that cou ld s pray wate r onit. Avo id locations where w ind deflection off nearby structuresmight cau se wind loading a nd downdraft c onditions.Where downdraft conditions exis t,loca tetheboilerat least3feet(0.9m )fromthe structure. 2C-3 .Flooring -Typical Installation A ll boi lers arceq uipped w ith as pecial base,asa standard pa rt of thebo iler .Theun itis d esigneda nd certifiedforinsta llation oncomb ustible floori ng. Neve r installthe boileronca rpeting .N ever store objects onoraroundth ebase of th e b oiler. Forroofto pinstallation ,seeFigure12through Figure 14. Concret eS labMustExt endOut A Mi nimum Of 12"(305mm)OnAl l Sides IN DOO R ROOM Un it (Side View) lY+---Unil ==::----:=--=----:---:---:-:::--==1 BaseBaseForCombustibleFloors Roof-Wood&SteelConstruction Figure 12.Standard Base for Combustible Floo r. Figure 10.Incorrect Outdoor Installation. Mount ing Platform Mus t Extend Out A Minimum Of 1T (305 mm)OnAll Sides Unit (SideView )20GA Galv anized She et Met al Cap ~Unit~I Base For Combus tible Roors I BaS~aSh ing ~OOf (f1 -m-------m ---~~~~~~~~----m -m -----m ll ~Ri ~(W )~ 1 __4ft. (1 .2 m) --4 ft ~1--4ft -.EEBI (1.2 m)D'(l .2 m ) Figure11.Outdoor Lo cation. Figure 13.Typical Roo f Mounting w ith Standard Co mbustible Mount Base . ·Migh ty ThermHH-PHHyd ronic Boilers Un it (Front View) Figure 14.Typical Roof Mounting. 20.Combustion and Ventilation Air Supply A ll indoor installat ions must haveope nings to o utside a ir forcom bustion,venti lation andd ilution of flue gases frominside t he b uilding (seeFig ure15a nd Tab le 2).Laars doesno t recomme nd indoor installations t hatdo n ot p rovideco mbustion a ir from outs ide thebu ilding. Boiler roomswh ich are confined spaces re quire two permanent air supp ly openings:onewit hin 12 inches(305mm)of the ceiling,the other within 12 inches (305mm)of thefloor. V ENT TERM INATED AT LEAST24 in.(6 10 mm) AB OV E ANY OBJ ECT W ITHIN 10 ft.(3.0 m ) ADEQUATE A IR SUP PLY TO AOOM TOPA ND 8OTIOMt.. Notes: 1.Th e drafthoodmustsitdirectly o n topofthebo iler asshown andmust not be altered in anymanner. 2.AnUnderwriters'Lab oratorieslistedvent cap is requiredtoeliminatedowndraft and allowthe boilertofunctionproperly. 3.Use approvedroof fitti ng. 4.Ven t damperis requiredon models175a nd 250 . Fi gure 1 5.Indoor Ins tallationVenting. Page7 Requ ired NetFree Opening Area Directly f rom Outside AtTop At Bottom Model in.'em'i n.'em' 175 44 284 44 284 250 63 406 6 3 406 325 82 529 82 529 400 100 645 100 645 Note:Forscreensorlouvers,add 50%. Table 2.A ir Openings to Outside. N O TE:Check wit h louver manufacturers for netfree area of lo uvers .Ifnotava ilable,add50 percentfor each screen/louver tot he netfreearea. Check a ll loca l codes ap plicablet ocom bustion air. 20-1.Outdoor Air Supply Wh en combustion air comes directly t hrough a n o utside wa ll,eac h ope ningmu st have a minimum free area of a tleastone sq uare inc h fo r eac h4 ,000 BTU/h input of the totalinputrating of all a pplia nces int he en closed area.(In Ca nada,refertoCGAB 149.1 and.2.) 20-2.Indoor Air Supply Confined andnon -confined areas ha ve different requ irements for installatio n.Consult thelate st edition of theNa tional GasCodefor installation requirements. 20-3.Exhaust Fans or Vents Any equipment whichuses air or remove s air fromthe boiler roomcanuseupthe combust iona ir s upp lyo r reverse thenatu ral draft action of the venting sy stem .Thi s could cause flue products to build upinthe boiler room .Moreairmu st be s upplied tomake u p fo r t he dec rease.T hism ustbe designed by aq ualified engineer. 2E.Venting of Combustion Products 2E -1.General In formation W hen installed indoors,th e d rafthoodandthe ve nt dam per device (models175a nd 250)m ustbe co nnected toave nting syste m without a lteration .The v enting sy ste m mustbe installed byaq ualified installer a nd in accordance wit hth elatest ed ition of ANS I 2223 .1.In Canada,theinsta llation must bein accordance w ith CANl-B149.1 or .2 ,an d a ny loca l codes that app ly. Th eve ntp ipemusthavea listed ve nt capand extend at lea st2feet(0 .6 m)a bove anyo bject within a 10foot (3.0 m )rad ius (see Figure 15). Page 8 NOTE:Do not use sheet metal screws atthe snap lock joints of Type B gasvent s. Do not weld or bolt the ventpipetothe boiler drafthood or the vent damper if oneis installed .The weight of the stack must not rest on the boiler.The drafthood and boiler top must be easily removable for normal boiler service and inspection. AWARNING Avoid ending boi ler vents near air conditioning orair supply fans .The fans can pickup exhaust flue products from the boiler and return them inside the building ,creating a possible health hazard. A void horizontal runs of thevent pipe,and90 degree elbows,reductions and restrictions.Horizontal runs should have at least a '.4 inch (6 mm)rise per foot in the direction of flow.Support avent connector for the design and weight of the material used to maintain clearances and prevent physical damage and separation of joints. Always use double-wal l or insulated vent pipe (Type 8 or equivalent). AWARNING Incold weather,uninsulated outside vents can chill the rising flue products,blockingthe natural draft action of the venting system .This can create a health hazard byspillingflue products into the bo iler room. Avoid oversize vent piping or extremely long runs of the pipe which may cause too much cooling and condensation of flue gasses. 2E-2.Replacement of Existing Boiler At the time of the removal of an existing boiler, the following steps shall be followed with each appliance remaining connected tothe common venting system.During the testing of each unit,the other appliances remaining connected tothe common ventin g system should notbe operated. 1.Seal any unused openings inthe common venting system. 2.Visually inspect the venting system for proper sizeand horizontal pitch .Determine that there is no blockage or restriction ,leakage,corrosion.or other deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition. 3 .Asfaraspo ssible.close allbu ilding do ors and windows.Also close all doors between the s pace in which the appliances remaining connected to the common venting system are located andthe other spaces of the building.Tum on any clothes dryer and any appliance not connected tothe common venting system.Turnon any exhaust LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS' fans ,including range hoods and bathroom exhausts,so they will operate at maximum speed .Do not operate a summer exhaust tim. Close all fireplace dampers. 4.Place in operation the appliance being inspected. Follow the lighting instructions fortheunit. Adjust the thermostat sothe appl iance will operate continuously . 5 .After 5 minutes of main burner operation ,test for spillage atthe draft hood relief opening.Use theflame of amatch or candle,or smoke from a cigarette,cigar,or pipe. 6.The tests should show that each appliance connected tothe common venting sy stem vents properly.Return all doors,windows,exhaust fans ,fireplace dampers and any other gas- burning appliances to their previous condition of use . 7.Any improper operation of the common venting system should be corrected.The installation shou ld conform with the Nationa l Fue l Gas Code,ANS I Z223 .1.When resizing any portion of the common venting system,the system should be sized to approach the minimum practical size.Referto the tables in Appendix G inthe National Fuel Gas Code,ANSI Z223 .1.(In Canada,at the time the boiler is removed from the common venting s ystem ,the common venting system should be resized.The installation should conform to CAN/CGA 8149.1 or.2 .) 2 F.W a te rFl ow S ystem 2F-1.Rev ersible Water C o nnections NOTE:This procedure isnot recommended for thePH pump-mounted models . Laars s hips the HH boiler with the water connections on the right side.The HH boiler canbe installed withthe water connections on either s ide.It could be necessary,or helpful,to switch the connections to the leftsideto improve access for installation service.Perform this modification before installing the boiler using the following procedures : 1.Remove the front cover. 2.If there isaventcap or drafthood installed,it must be removed before removing the grate top assembly.On indoor installations (models 175- 250),the drafthood switch must be disconnected atthevent damper receptacle on the left side of the boiler. 3.Iftheunitisinthe low-profile outdoor configuration,remove the hex-head screws and liftthetop assembly straight up (see Figure16). 4 .Remove the screws that fastens the fl ue collector hold-down clamps and remove the clamps. ·Mighty Therm HH-PH Hydron ic Boilers GAP C LOS URE -, DRAIN VALVE \. REAR T ILE COVER ~ {/// HEXHEAD SCREWS Figure16.Heat Exchanger Removal. _--REARTILE COVER 4J.-----FLOW SWITC H COND UIT _GROMMET '.."---...-'ru:'"~DRAI N e:?-"VALVE METALCHANN EL (FORCAP ILLARY T U BE ) T ERMINAL STRIP Page 9 Figure17 .Sensing Bulb Locations. MODULATING 5 .Remove theflue collector as semblyby liftingit o ut of the chassis. 6.Remove the s crewsthat fastens the gap closures andp ut thema s ide . 7.Remove the three grommets . 8 .Removet he drai n va lve a nd pl ugs.T here are two hex p lugs,oneonthe leftside ,and one ont he right s ide,near th erear of the jacket.T hed rain valve o rplu g is lo catedo n the left s ide neart he fro nt (see Figure 16). 9 .Remove th e four screws t hat faste n t hem etal channel cevering th eca pillary t ube ont her ight si de o fth ej acket.Lay th ec hannels as ide . 10.A temperaturec ontrol sens ingbulb is located in t he fro nt of the h eader,o n t he in let s id e,an d a manual r eset h i-limit sensing b ulb is locatedon t he ba ck s ide of t heheader,onthe out let s ide (see Fig ure17).R emovet he sesen sin g bul bs from th e header.Th efo llowing steps for removal apply toall se n s ingbu lbs : a .Ift here is m orethano ne cap ill ary tube coming o ut of theheader,la bel the capi llary tubes . 2·STAGEJON-QFF OPERATING CONTROLLER INL ET O UTLET HIGH LIMIT P age10 LAARSHEATINGSYSTEMS ' Fig ure 19.Hole Location,Left Side. 21.Installthe sensing bulb(s)intothe appropriate thermowe ll (keep in mind that the positions of theinletand outlet have been reversed.Thein let isnow behind the outlet). 22.Fas ten the cap illary tube(s)bysq ueezing the retaining clip together,then tighten the screw. 23 .Feedthe two brown wires through t hetopho le ontheleft side untilthe conduit e lbowis against the jacket. 24 .Fasten the conduit by s lidingthe retaining nut over the two brown wires (inside the control compartment)then screwing it down finger-tight onthe conduit elbow. 25.Straighten the capillary tubing andfastenitto theside of the boiler under the channel.Usethe se lf-tapping screws to fasten thec hannel to the jacket. 26.Attach the two brown wires to terminals NO.5 and 6onthe terminal strip.Keep allw iring away from surfaces thatwillgethot during boiler operation . 27 .Replace thegap closures and tighten the screws secure ly. 28 .Replace the three grommets andthecap . 29.Reinstall thedrain plug anddra in valves. 30.Slip theflue collector assembly back down inside the enclosure. 31.Carefully s lip ahand inside tomakesure there arenogaps between the heat exchanger andthe flueco llector. 2.4 in (6 1mm).~t 0.9 In.dia.(23rnmj~'"Ol ESI(),"i FRONT 2 .4 In,... (61 mm)l 1.9 i n. (48mm) ATT ACH CAPILLAR Y COVERS ON LEFTSIDE RETAININGCLIP b.Loosen the screw onthe capillary tube retaining clip ,then gently pry the clip apart until it comes freefrom the thermowell (see Figure 18). c.Pullthe sensing bulbs out of the control compartment. d.Gently pullthecapillary tubes intothe control compartment. e .Pu II the temperature sensing bulb out of the header,and temporarily route ittothe front of the heater. I I .Usea pair of diagonal cullers to cut the wire bundle tie inthe control compartment. 12.Onthe terminal strip,disconnect the two brown wires from No.5 and No.6 terminals. 13.Remove the flow switch conduit retaining clip andthe elbow leading into t he jacket. 14 .Reach inside the control compartment and release the retaining nutinthe upper right comer.The nut should only be finger-tight. 15.When the conduit is pulled away fromthe jacket, pullthe two brown wires out of the control compartment.Coil the conduit and wires on top of [he heat exchanger. 16.Usea chassis punchtoputtwo 7/.inch (22mm) holesin the front left side of the jacket (see Figure19). 17.Remove the front andreartile covers (see F igure 16). 18.Lift outtheheat exchanger assembly,turn it180 degrees,and re seat theunitin the boiler with the water connections onthe left side. 19 .Reinstall thefrontandreartile covers . 20.Pushthe capillary tube(s)out through the lower ho le in the lefts ide of the jacket. Figure 18.Capillary Tube Retaining Clip. ·Mighty Therm HH-PH Hydron ic Boilers 32.C hecktoma ke surethe wiri ng isno t pi nched against s harp edges .o r rest ing onthe co llector assembly . 33.Replacethetwoflueco llector ho ld down clamps. 34.Replacethe top assemb ly andfastenitwiththe hex-head screws. 35.Reinstalltheventcapor drafthood ifonewas removed. 36.O n indoor installation s,plugth edrafthood sw itchin to the receptacleon the left side of the boiler. 2F-2.Freeze Protection Boiler installationsare notreco mmended in areas where the d anger of freezing existsunless properprecau tions a retak enfo r freeze protect ion .Th e preferred method of freezep rotection for hydronic systemsis bymaintaining a mi xture of 50%wa ter a nd 50%pro perly in hibited HVACg lycol.T hismi xture w illprotectt heb oiler to tem peratures of a bout-35°F (-37 °C).T oge tth e desired temperaturerise across theboi ler wh enth ism ixture is used,increasethe wate r flowby 15%a bove theo riginal reco mmenda tion .Increase t heheadloss requirement by20%. 2F-3.Pump Requirements H igh recovery,lowvo lume wate rboilersneed enough water fl owfo r efficient o peration .Thesyste m pumpmust developeno ugh pressure to overcomethe pressure drop of the boile r p lus t he press ure dro p of theentirecirculation sys tem atthe flowrates se lected from Ta ble 3. T he correct flowrateca n be verified by c hecking the temperature rise of water asitpasse s through the boiler.Tocheck the te mpe rature rise ,measurethe d iffere nce in water te mperature between the boi ler inleta nd o utlet to d etermineflow .Forexam ple:Ifa Size325 boiler isinsta lled;t he inlet water temperature is 160°F(7 10C);a nd theo utlet wa ter Page 11 temperature is IS 5°r (S5°C);thenthere isa 25 °r (14°C)temperature rise .PerTa ble 3this eq uals aflow rate of20 G PM (l.3 L1s)a nd a head loss(pre ssure drop)of2.1 feet of water .Ifa higher temperature rise ismeas ured ,flowmustbe increasedbychan ging the piping or pumpsize . 2F-4.Variable Water Flow Systems T here canbereduced water flowt hrough the boiler inheati ngsystems using zo ne valves ,zone pumpsor3-way va lves.T his c an resu ltinah igh temperatureriseacrosstheboiler .laa rs recommends primary-secondary pumping fora ll variab le flow systems.Thebo iler pumpinapr imary -secondary system maintains co nstant flowth rough theboile r eve nth oughthe system flowisva riable.Inapr imary- secondary systemthepressure d rop of theboile r is not addedtot he sys tem (seeFig ure 20). CONVECTORS,~O :~D S O RFANCOILS \v v ZO NE VALVES fi6AhA \A V" H A AhAvv EX PANSIONTANKT~ SYSTEM PUMP BOI LER PUMP ~ (LOCATION VARIES WITHMODEL)MODELHHOR PH BOILER 0 Figure 20 .Primary-Secondary Schematic. TemperatureRisein "F a c 20 a F 11 °C 2S aF 14 aC 30 aF 17 aC 3SaF 19 aC Size GPM Us H/L ·GPM Us H/L·GPM Us H/L·GPM Us H/L· ft m ft m ft m ft m 175 14 0 .88 1.0 0 .3 11 0 .69 0.6 0 .2 9 0 .5 7 0.5 0 .2 8 0.50 0.3 0 .1 25020 1.26 2.1 0.6 16 1.00 1.2 0.4 13 0 .8 2 0.8 0 .2 11 0.69 0.6 0 .2 32525 1.58 3.4 1.0 20 1.26 2.1 0 .6 17 1.07 1.4 0.4 15 0.9 4 1.1 0 .3 4003 1 1.96 5.2 1.6 25 1.58 3.4 1.0 2 1 1.32 2.3 0 .7 18 1.13 1.7 0 .5 Water Flow -GPM or Us "Pressuredrop(head loss)throu gh the boil er,expressed in feet or metersofwater (H 2O). Table3.Temperature Rise . Page12 LAARSHEATINGSYSTEMS. 2F-5.System Pressure Requirements The HH-PH boilersa rede signed too perate on cl osed,pres surizedsys tems.i\m inimum of 12 psi (82.7kPa)shouldbe maintained o n t he sys tem where b oilersupplywat er temperaturesa re 2 00°F (93°C)o r less.Ifhi gher temp erature sa rerequired,theminimum system pressure shouldbeatlea st 15psi (103.4 kPa) a bovethe water vapor pressure corresponding tothe el evated water temperature. Do notuse th e HH-PH boilers too perate o n ope n,pressurized syste msunl esst he s upplywater temperaturesareke ptbelow 180°F(82 °C),a nda minimum o f5psi(34 .5kPa )static head is maintained attheboiler. HIGH·L1M IT DRY WELL 2F-6.Chilled Water Systems If theboiler is parto f a re frigerationsystem, include ther ightva lvestoisolateth e boiler from the refri gerationsys temdu ring tim es wh en theboil er is notoperatin g. When th e boiler piping isconnected to heating coil s,whicharecl ose to refrigerateda ir c irculation, install flowcontrol valves o r o ther a utomaticmethods to preventg ravity c irculation of th e boilerwate r d uring the coo ling cycle. 2F-7 .Systemto Boiler Piping I.Install gateva lves atth einletan do utletto the boi ler soit ca nbe isolatedfo r se rvice .Figure21 illustratesa n ex ample of syst empipin g. Figure 22.Pressure Relief Valve. 2.M akesureth e pre s sure re lief valve (see Figure 22)ha s itso utlet piped to adrain orfloors ink. Pays pecial attention t o reli ef valvesettingsin installationswher e the boiler is located onthe groundflooro f a tall build ing,or wh eret he o peratingtemperatureo fth e b oilerisa bove 21 0 °F(99 °C).Inb othc ases ,t he staticpressure of t he system is raised.T his\vo uldbringraw water into thesys tem.Th efactoryw ill furnisha 75 psi(5 16.8kPa)setting unless aspecia l sett ing iso rdered . 3 .Installalowwatercu toff de vice if the boi ler is installeda bove radiat ion level. '---SO ILER A floattypelow water cutoff isused. A nelectronic lowwate rcutoff is installed, wired ,andtestedonaboiler inLaars factory. Method1 Method2 TE MPERATURE AND PRE SSUREGAUGE " '\THEIMOMETER I ISOLATION /'VALVE S~...I Notes: Select Method 1 or 2w hen using lowwater cutoff accessory. S TRAI NE R P RESSURE REDU C ING VA LVE METHOD 1 BLOW DOWNVALVE AIR CH ARGE R AND T ANK DRAINER CHECKVALVE MAKE-UP WATER SUPPLY Figure 21.System Piping . MightyThe rm HH-PHHyd ronic Boilers 4 .Install manuala nd/oraut omatic air ve nting devicesa th igh points inth e sy stem togetrid of a ir. 5 .Installa correctly s ized ex pansion or compressiontan k in accordance wit hth e manu facturer's in structions. 6 .Supp ort thewei ghto f a ll waterand gas pip ing with suitablehangers orfloorstands. 7.Checkp iping d iagrams withlocala pplicable plumbing,h eatingand bu ildingsa fety co des . 2F-8.Filling the System I.C loseall a irventsandop en themakeup wat er valve.Let th esys temfill s low ly . 2 .Ifa makeupwa ter pump isused,a djustthe pressureswi tch o n t hepump ingsys temt o maintaina tleast12 psi(82.7kPa)atthe highest pointinth e heatingloo p. 3 .Ifa water pre ssure regul ator is inst alled on t he makeup wat er line,adjust the pressure regulator top rovide atleast 12 psi(82.7kP a)a tthe highest p ointin th e heating loop . 4 .Open ai r ve nts o n a ll radiationun itsa tth e high points inth e pip ing throu ghout th esys tem, unless aut omatic air vents a re installed atth ose points. 5.Run thesystem cir culat ing pumpfor atleast 30 minutes w ith theboiler shutoff. 6 .Recheckalla ir ventsasdescribed in Ste p 4 above . 7 .Withthesys temfullo fwate r andund er normal operatingpressure,theairpressure intheexpan sion tankshouldbe at least 12 psi(82 .7 k Pa). 8 .Start up t heboilerfollowing th e instructions ~ found o n t heinside of th e boiler. 9.Operateth ew hole system,includingt hepump , boiler ,a ndradiation unit s for1 hour. 10.Shutdownt heen tire systema ndvent a ll radiati on unit sa ndhi gh points in t he sy stem pip ing as described in Step4a bove. I I.Closet hemak eupw ater va lvea nde heckthe strai nerinth e pressure reducing va lve fo r se diment o rdeb ris.Reop en themak eup w ater valve. 12.C heckth eg augeto ma kesure t he water pressure isr ight,a ndche ckwaterlevelinth esyst em.If thewa terlevel indi cateda boveth e boiler shows thatwater isa tth e h ighest pointin t he c irculatin g loop,th en th esystemisrea dy fo r o peration. 13.W ithin 3 d ays of start-up,rechecka ll a ir ve nt s andex pansion tan k asdescr ibed inSteps 4and8 above . Page 13 2G.Gas Supply and Piping 2G-1.General Instructions Review the foll owing in structions before continuing th einsta llation. I.Gas pipin g install ation mu st be in accordance wi thth e lateste dition o f A NSIZ2 23.1.In Canada,th e installation mu st be in accordanc e wi th C ANI-B149 .1o r.2andalllocalc odes thatappl y . 2 .C heckth e rating p late to makes ure theboiler is titt edfo r t he ty pe of g asbeing used.Laars boilersa renormally equipped too perate below a 2000 toot (6 10m )altitude.Boiler se quippedto o perate a t higher altitudes have appropriate stickers o rtags atta ched. 3 .Ifagaspressurereg ulator is required ,th e installationmustbe inacc ordancewi thth e latest e dition of AN SI Z223 .In Ca nada,th e installation mu st be in acc ordancew ith CAN 1- B149.1o r .2 andalllocal c odesthatappl y. 4 .Thefi gures inT able 4 s houldbe used t osizethe gas pi pingfrom t he g asm etertot he bo iler. Distance fromGas Meter or Last Stage Regulator 0-100feet 100-200 feet200-300 feet o-som 30-60 m 6D-90m Boiler Nat.Nat.Nat. Sizein .mm in.mm in.mm 1751 25 t v.32 t 'l.32 250 tv.32 tv.32 1Y2 38 325 t v.32 t Y2 38 t Y2 38 (400 t v.3z-o.1);2 38 2 51 Notes: 1.Thesenumber s are fornaturalgas(0.65Sp.Gr.)and arebasedon Y,inch(13mm )watercolumnpressure drop.Checksupply pressure withamanometer,and localcoderequirements forvariations.Forliquefied petroleumgas.reducepipediameteronesize,but maintain a Y,inch (13mm)mini mum diameter. 2 .Check supplypressure andlo calcode requirements before precedingwith wo rk. 3,Pipefittingsmustbe considered whendetermininggas pipesizing . 4.Forpropanegas:Reducepipediameteronesize,but maintain a Y.inch (t9mm)minimum diameter. Table 4.Natural Gasand Propane, PipeSize Requirements. Page 14 MANUAL SHUT-OFF VALVE,--.<-..., 3 '(76 mm)l--.!~ MIN .-r--NIPPLE CAP Figure 23.T-Fitting andSed imentTrap. 5 .Insta ll a sediment tra p (drip leg)ahead of thegas co ntrols (seeFig ure 23).F it thetrapwit h a t hreaded ca p whic h c an be removedforcleani ng. 6.Installa manualgasshut -off va lvefor service andsafety.Chec kt he localcodes. 7.Disco nnect thebo iler a ndits individual shut-off va lve fromt he gas supply system during pressure test of the system at pressures higher than Y2 psi (3.4 kPa). 8.Gassupp ly pressures tothe boiler are l istedin Ta ble 5 . Suppl y Press ure Natural Gas Propane Gas Water Column in kPa in.kPa Minimum 6.5 1.6 11 2.7 SeeRating Plate Maximum 10 2.5 14 3.4 Table5.GasSupply Pressure Requirements . NOTE:T he boiler a nd a ll o ther gas ap pliances sharing the boi ler gassupp lylinemustbefir ing at maximum capacity to proper ly measure theinlet supply press ure.Lowgas pressure eo uld bean ind ication of a nundersizegasmete r a nd/or obstructed gass upplyline. 9 .Donot exceed the maximum inlet gas pressures specified .Excessive pressure w illresult in da magetotheheate r's gasco ntrols.The mi nimumpressures specified isforgasinp ut adj ustment. 10.T he correct b urnermanifoldgaspressu re is stamped on t he rating pla te.T he regu lator onthe gasvalve is preset atthefactory ,anddoe s not normally need adjust ment. LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS ' II .Beforeo perati ngthe boiler,testthec ompletegas supply system anda ll co n nectio ns forleaks usi ng a soap sol ution . ACaution S ince some leak test solutions(including soap and water)may cause corros ion orst ress crac king,rinse thepiping with water after testing. 2G-2,Special Precautions for Propane Gas P ropanegasis heavierthanair.T herefore,do notinsta ll bo ilers usi ngpropanegasin a pit or loca tions w here gas m ightco llect.Loc ateboilersa safed istance frompropane gas storage andfilling equ ipment.Consu ltlocal codes andfire protection authorities abou t specific installation rest rictions . 2H.ElectricalWiring AWARNING Elect rica lly ground t heboilerin accordance with the latest editionoftheNatio nal Electr ical Code,ANSII NFPA 7 0 .In Canada ,use C22.1 .Donotrelyonthe gas or water p ipingtogrou ndtheme tal pa rts of the boile r.Often ,plastic pipe ord ielectric unionsisolate the boilere lectrically.Se rvice a nd ma intenance pe rsonnel w howorko n oraro und theboilermay be standing onwet fl oors and couldbee lectrocuted by anung rounded boiler. I.Check boiler wiring andpumpfor correct voltage,frequency,andphase.Ifthepump circuit is other than120VAC,checktomake surethe boiler is provided withana ppropr iate transformer. 2.Wi re theboi ler andpump exactly ass hown on t he wiring diagramfoundontheinsi de of the bo iler.SeeFigu res 24a nd 25fortypical examples of t he wiringd iagram. 3 .Electrically interlock thepumpan d bo iler so the boi ler can not comeonunless t hepump is ru nnmg. 4 .Connect a ll fie ld-installed devices (draft swi tches,relays ,timers,o utdoor temperature reset devices,ctc .)(see Figures 24 a nd25)to t he bo iler wiri ng atpoin tslabeledField Inte rlock . •Mighty Therm HH-PH Hydronic Boilers Page15 TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM: IGNITION SYSTEM NO.1-STANDING PILOT ON/OFFOR MECHANICAL MODULATION Example shown :HHandPH Hydronic Boilers (175-250)Version B Natural or Propane Gas Wiring Diagram H Schematic Diagram Power Switch N V.nt Damper andDraflhood Sw itch.M.Reset A lternate Wi ring for Indoor Instllilation Only Vent Damper Receptacle 0nI0fl Switch "--Bump --Low," Wat.r ., Cut4.)ff,'115V9----....... oo Pilot Burner with Thermocoup le y Gas Valve BR r---- I 115VI6OHz I Power I low Water II Supp ly I Cul.()ff ,-..-.~ III :II III .~~~t-o--o--iil~."II(Hot)I (Hot)On/OIl (HoI)II I Switch II I II I (Neutral)I--••I I IINeutnd)I·----8ump I ,r:-_.J BK W Grounding Co nductor rp;m;';i:-d:d;nPH-a pw ~ I models.Fieed s up plied on I IHH &V'N model s.___________.J AltlHTllte Wiring For Indoor Instal latIon Only y R w Vent Damper Plug LEG END -ALTERNATE CONSTR UCT1ON 81.•BLUE -i!)-TERMINALSTIlI'BK _BLACl< -+)-(i)-VENT DAMPER CONNECTOR BR.BROWN==~~~":::24 V OR.GREEN -FACTORYWIRIN G 11W O·ORANGE -_.FlEW WIRING 115V R •RED W-WHITE Y-YE LLOW IF ANY OF THE ORIGINAL WIRE AS SUPPLIED WITH THE HEATER MUST BE REPLACED IT MUS T BEREPLACED WI TH APPLIANCE WIRING MATERIAL (105"Cj OR ITS EQUIVALEKT.WHITE WIRES TO FUS IBLEUNK MUST BE REPLACED WITH WIRE HAVING INSULATION RATED AT ZOO·C (AVAILABLE FROM FACTORy)_ TH (Ma In) TR H016460 0C G as Valve Figure 24.Typical Example of Wiring Schematic,System 1. Page16 LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS . TYPICALWIRINGDIAGRAM: IGNITIONSYSTEMNO.12-ELECTRONICIGNITION ON/OFFORMECHANICALMODULATION Example shown:HHandPH Hydronic Boilers (325-400)Version B Natural or Propane Gas Wiring Diagram H Schematic Diagram N OnIOll Switch -Er -Pump lowWoter " Cut.()ff "115V BR Y1 w SRI 1"'1.1 FlowIIi:"I Control BR BR r ---- I 11SVl6OHz I 31 '~I I I Power I~501 '-"c:.~r I,S~Pt-; 'II WW II1 BK QBK BKQ :II,~l'l!~+().-'"'O-_~~.I II (Hot)i (Hoi)On/Off (Hot)(Hot)II •Switch ~II 1 II I (Neutrall i'---..I 1 8 I(NeutrallI 1----Pump I 1--1 BK WGrounding.'-----=-...,Conductor R r----------, I PumpIneludedonPH &PWII~;:::;;=~:r:'PIi.d on I -----------"" y Transformer BK (Ho~Q BR(Hotl 2AMP F.... 7 RR R H I-Llmlt c=l BR96-t_-+---'=---, MV Gas Valve Main PV PVIMV Pilot Flow Control 6 GNO'"5 '--------r0UV 24V CGND) !-------t'.()MV 2 3MVIPV PV 9SPARK PlloiBumor ~ with Spark ElectrodeJSenBor ~~ Pilot Burner with Spark Electrode/Sensor nt-TR Alternate GasVatve IF ANY OFTHE ORIGINAl WIRE AS SUPPLIED WITH THE HEATER MUST BE REPLACED IT MUST BEREPLACED WITH APPLIANCE WIRING MATERIAl (ID5·C)OR ITSEQUIVAlENT.WHITE WIRES TOFUSIBLE LINK MUST BE REPLACED WITH WIRE HAVING INSULATION RATED AT 200 ·C (AVAILABLE FROM FACTORY). PV 0 PVI y MV MV BR I>Ic:I Gas Valve R ·RED W ·WHITE Y •YELLOW T~al Strlp LEGEND AlTERHATECOHSTRUCnON BL •BLUE ~TERMiNAl STRIP BK •BLACK --FACTORY WIRING 24VBR _BROWN ----FIELDWIR ING 24V GR •GREEH -FACTORYW\RING 115V 0 _ORANGE___AELDWIRING 11SV HD11560DF Figure 25.Typical Example of Wiring Schematic,System 12. Mighty ThermHH-PH Hydronic Boilers SECTION 3. Operating Instructions N O TE:Safe li ghtingand ot herperformance crite ria were metwi th t he gas m anifoldand contro l assem bly installedon theboi lerduring tests specified i nANS I Z2 1.13. AWARNING For yoursafety ,whenstart ing theboiler,keep your headandfacewellawayfromthelower firebox openingtopreventanyriskofpersonal injury. Vent pipes,drafthoods ,andboilertopsgethot ! T hese surfacesca n cause serious burns .Do not touch these surfaceswhi le theboileris inope ration. Addinga ventcap reduces thetemperatureonthe top. PROPANE GAS:Toavo id poss ibleinjury,fireand explosion,readandfollowtheseprecautionsandall instructions onthis boilerbeforelightingthepilot. Th is boiler usespropanegaswhich isheav ier than air andwillremainatgrou nd levelif there isaleak . Beforelighting,sniffatgroundlevel. If yousmell gas ,fo llow these rules: 1.DONOTlight matches.DONOT t urnelectric lightsor sw itches o n oroffinarea.DONOT use anelectric fan toremovethegas fromarea . 2 .Shutoffgasatpropanetank. 3.Telephonegascompanyandfire department for instructions.Giveyourname ,addressandphone number. Ifyourpropanetank runs out of fuel,turn offgasat theboiler.After theta nkis refilled ,theboilermu st berelitinaccordance withtheinstructions found on theinside oftheboiler.DONOTattemptrepairson thegascontrol orboiler.Tamperingisdangerous andvoidsallwarranties . 3A.SettingtheTemperatureControls Boilersare shipped w ith thetemperature control sensorbulb locatedi n thein let sideand t he hi -limit switchsensingbu lb isintheoutletside(seeFigure 17).Set th etemperaturecontrol (see Figure26)at the designed systemsupplyt emperatureless th e temperature drop inth esystem.Set t hehi -l imit sw itch l 5°F (SoC)aboveth esupply t emperature t o th e system. 3B.Start-UpProcedure L ightingi nstructionscanbefoundonthe i nside of t he boi ler.Tostartup theboi ler: I .M akesurethesystempump isru nning and t here i swaterfl ow. 2.Remove th econtrol access panel (front door). Page17 Figure 26 .Temperature Controls. 3.Set t het emperature control (see Figure 26)to i ts lowestsetting. 4.T urn electricpowerto theboi ler OFF . 5.Turn themanualgasvalve OFF . 6.Wait 5 m inutestoclear out anygas,then smell fo r gas.Besure tosmell nexttothe floo r becausesome gas i s heavier th anair and w ill settle onthefl oor. 7.Tu rnthemanualgas valve ON .(Fo r astanding orcontinuous pi lot system,fo llow the l ighting andshutdown i nstructions.) S.Resetallsafetydevices-high limit.lowwater cuto ff,etc . 9.Set t het emperature control to th e desiredsetti ng (seeFig ure 26and section3A). 10.Replace th econtrol accesspanel. I I .T urn t he electric powertot he heater ON. ACaution On aboiler eq uipped wi ththeven t da mper device , the damper must be intheope n position whenthe main burnersareoperating. Iftile boiler will n otoperate: a.T urn off allmanual gas supplyvalves. b.Turn the mai n electrical sw itch OFF . c.Turn thegastothe boiler OFF .Follow t he in structionsfou nd o nth einsi de of thebo iler and call a qu alifiedprofessi onalt echnicianorgas supplier.- Pag e18 LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS • PILOT FLAME PATIERN MAI N BURNERFLAME PATIERN STAND ING PILOTELECTRONICPILOT O ilt hewa ter circulating pump in accordance with t he manufacturer's instructions. Ifast rai ner is used ina pressure re ducing va lve orin the p iping,c leanit every 6 m onthsin accordance wi th the manufacturer's instructions . At startup and every 6mo nths after,lookatthe pilot and main burner flame (see Figure 27).Use inspection mirror.Characteristics of agood flame are: a.Blue in color b.Flame isnot lifting off the burner ports Inspect t he venting system forb lockage,leakage, a nd corrosion atleas t once a year. Keept he equipment area clear of combust ible material,gasol ine,and other fla mmableliquids and vapo rs . Be sure a ll comb ustion airan d ven tilation o peni ngs are notb locked. Chec k fo rb lack carbon soo t builduponthe ex ternal surfaces of th e heat exchanger every 6 mon ths .If cleaning is necessary,seet he instructions inthis section. 7. 5 . 1. 4 . 6. 2. 3. Table6.Modulating Valve Temperature Setting. 3D.Hi -Limit Switch Checkout After running theboi ler foralong enough period,b ring the water temperature w ithin the range of the hi-limit switch and slowly back off the hi -lim it setting unti l the boiler shuts off.The ma in burners should re -ignite when thehi -limit switch is reset and turned back uptoits original setting .Thebo iler should now rununtilit shuts off a utomatica lly on operating control. When allthe safety shut -off devices have been tested,refer to Section 3Afor t he proper settings of the temperature controls. 3E.Shut-Down Procedure Shut the boiler down following the instructions foundontheinside of the boiler. Where there isa danger of freezing.shut off the water supp ly and remove t he d rainplugson both s ides of t he boi ler jacket.Drain every part of the system subject to damage from freezing temperatures. 3C.Adjustment for Minimum Input Rate (Models with Modulating Gas Valve) A djust the red knob ont he modulating gas valve tot he d ialn umberfort he desired water temperature (see Tab le 6).Adjusting thered knob to number"I " sets thegasflowrate to minimum.The control is factory set at "5"which is satisfactory for most installations. Temp. Dial No .of 'C 1 140 60 2 152 6 7 3 165 74 4 177 81 5 190 88 6 202 94 7 215 102 8 227 108 9 240 116 SECTION4. Service Instructions 4A.Regular Inspection NOTE :After installation andfirst startup ,check theheat exchanger forb lack carbon soot buildup after the following periods of operation:24 hours,7 days, 30day s,90day s,and once every 6 months thereafter. Ifc leaning is necessary,seethe instructions in this section.Figure 27.FlamePatterns. Mighty Therm HH-PH Hydronic Bo ilers 8 .On a unitwiththe optiona l low water cutoff. c heck the device to besureitis functioning correctly. 9 .Do-not u se theboiler ifan y partha s beenund er water.Repla ce an y part o fthegasco ntroland control sys tem,oran y tilema terial o rinsulation whichhas been under water. 48.Replaceme nt ofGas Controls AWARNING Nev er attempttorepa ir thegasvalve.Such attemptswillvoidthewarranty ,andcou ldleadto dangerousres ults . Ifthe gasvalveis foundto be defecti ve,replace itby following the se instructions : I.Turnallel ectrical power t o th e boiler OFF. 2 .Turno ff themainga s supply atthe manual gas cockorthegasmeter. 3 .Removeth e front access door onth e boi ler . 4 .TurnO FF thega sva lveto theboi ler following theshut -down instructions found o nthein sideo f theboiler. 5 .Disconn ect the service unioninthega s line ,and unscrew themaingaspip e fromthegas valve (seeFigure28). 6 .Removethe two screws that fastens theanti - rot ation bracket o n t helefts ide of the gas valve (seeFigure 2 8). i~,~~~ "~~~ Fi gure28.Burner Rem oval andGas Valve . ACaution Sincesomeleaktestsolutions (includingsoapand water)maycausecorrosionorstress crack ing,rinse th e pipingwith water aftertest ing . P age 19 7.Remove t he pi lot gas linea nd thermocouple s hield,if pre sent,from the gas valve . ACaution Label allw ires befor edisco nnectionwhenservicing controls .Wi ringerrorscan ca useim properand dangerousope ration.Verify proper o peration after servicing . 8.Tagand remove all wires fromthegas valve terminal s , 9 .Pull t he burner tra yo ut of the boiler (see Figure 28). NOTE :Dueto s harp edges onthemetal burners, wear protectivegl ovesfo r the ne xtsteps. 10.Hold the g as burner o r pilot burn er firml y ,and pu sh it away fromthe manifold untilitis clearo f the o rifice.Slide the burner tobe replaced out o f the burner tray (see Figure 28). II .To replace thega s burner,insert the burner into the s lotatthe rear of the burner tra y.lineitup w iththe proper orifice and s napitintopositi on . 12.To replace the pilot burner,install th e pi lot a ssembly o nthenewpi lot burner and install itin the b urner tray. 13.Screw thenewgas valve onto themanifold pipe. Make sure the arrow onthe bottom of thegas va lve that indicatesthe direction o fgasflowis in the proper directi on .Also makesurethebra ss fitting isontheri ght side. 14.C onnectthe pilot gas tube tothe pilot as semb ly and t he ga s valve . 15.Slide the burner tray back intotheboiler and fastenitwiththetw o brackets. 16.Install t he anti-rotation bracket totheinnerpanel and fas ten w ithtwo screws (see Figure28). 17.Install the manifold bracket andfastenwith screws. 18.C onnectthe serviceun ion inthega s line.and sc r ewthema in ga s pipetothegasval ve (see Figure 28). 19.Turn ONthega s va lve tothebo iler fo llowing the lighting instructions found ontheins ide of the boiler. 20.Turn onth e maingassupplyatthemanualgas cock orth ega smeter. 21.Check thesystem for leak s using a soap so lut ion. 22 .Reconnect thee lectrical wires tothe gasvalve following the wiring diagram foundonthein side o fthe boiler. 23 .Install the front a ccessd oor ontheboiler . 24 .Turn allel ectrical power tothe boiler ON. Page20 SECTION5. Parts List for HH and PH Boilers LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS. 5A.General Information To order orpurchas e partsfortheLaar s HH-PH boilers,contact your neare st Laars dealer ordi stributor.If they cannot supplyyouwithwhatyouneed ,con tact: Laars Customer Service,6000 Condor Drive,Moorpark,California,93021 ,Telephone (800)900-9276 ,or 20Industr ial Way,Rochester,New Hampshire 03867,Telephone (603)335-6300. In Canada,contact480S.ServiceRoad,Oakville ,Ontario,Canada L6K2H4 ,Telephone (905)844-8233 . 58.Parts List lent Description Part Number PILOTGASSYSTEM 1.Burner.Pilot Only, Standing Pilot,Nat.W0036300 StandingPilot,Propane W0036400 2 .PilotThermocouple Only W 0036500 3.PilotBurner ElectrodeAssy.,Nat.W 0030600 Electrode Assy.,Propane W0039600 4.PilotBracketShield 10461100 5.CeramicInsulator Assy 10418805 MAINGASSYSTEM 6 .BurnerTray Assembly Nat.110,On/Off 10571802-05 Nat.liD ,Mech.Mod 10572102-05 Nat.li D,2-Stage 10581802-05 Nat.Standing Pilot,On/Off 10571602-05 Nat.StandingPilot,Mech .Mod10571902-05 Propane 11 0,On/Off 10737502-05 Propane 110,Mech.Mod 10737402-05 Propane 110 ,2-Stage 10737302-05 Propane Standing Pilot,On/Off10571702-05 Propane StandingPi lot,Mech.Mod10572002-05 7.GasValve . Nat.110 V0073500 Nat.StdgPilot,(Model175)V0058900 Nat.Stdg Pilot,(Model250)V0073300 Nat.StdgPilot,(Model325-400)V0049900 Propane 110 ,0/0,MM (Models175thru400)V0073600 Propane 110 ,2-Stage (Models175thru250)V0073100 Propane 110 ,2-Stage (Models325and400)V0073200 Propane.Standing Pilot V0073700 8 .Burner,Main L0052300 9 .Burner,Mainw/PilotBracket 10457500 10.Orifice,MainBurner,Nat.L0032200 Orifice.MainBurner,Propane L0032900 11.BurnerTrayWeldme nt R0099502-05 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12.HighTensionLead 10449513 13.IgnitionControl(nat.Gas)E0094001 13.Ignition Control(LPGas)E0111500 14.Transformer,115V/24V,40VA E0086100 15.FuseHolderw/2AmpFuse 10690300 16.Fuse ,2Amp E0084400 17.FlowSwitc h E0013000 18.Fusible Link (175 thru250)E0099403 Ilem Description PartNumber 19.ToggleSwitch E00770 00 20 .Hi-Limit,ManualReset E0015900 21 .TempController,On/Off E0014400 2 1.TempController,Two-Stage E0093200 24 .Switch,Drafthood E0121000 25 .Automatic VentDamper w/wires(175and250)E01411 02-03 VENTSYSTEM 26 .VentCap R0318602-05 27.Draflhood R0318702-05 28 .DrafthoodNentCap AdapterPlate 10535302-05 29 .FlueTrans ition Ring 10515502-05 30 .TopAssembly 10568007-10 31 .FlueCollectorAssembly 10564802-05 32 .TopFillerPlate 10535202-05 33 .Clip,BaffleRetainer S0083900 34 .Baffle,HeatExchanger(8)10697402-05 FIREBOXCOMPONENTS 35 .Tile,Side T0021400 36 .Tile,Front T0021502-05 37 .Tile,Rear T0021602-05 38 .TileCover ,Side 10167300 39 .TileCover,FrontandRear 10314902-05 40 .Insulation ,Jacket 10458902-05 WATERSYSTEM 41 .Bracket,HeatExchanger 10457000 42 .Heat Exchanger,TubeAssy. Copper R0095502-05 Cupronickel R0095602-05 43Plug,1/4InchNPT P0026800 44 .In/OutHeader CastIron(S0079100),2-Pass 10593700 Bronze(S0081700),4-Pass 10546900 45 .ReturnHeader Cast Iron(S0079200),2-Pass 10593800 Bronze(S0075900),4-Pass 10546800 46 .HeaderGasket(18)R0050800 47 .Bolt,DomeHead(8)F0046100 48 .Bolt,Flat Head ,SquareNeck, 3/8Inch,16x2-3/4Inch .F0041 000 49 .Screw ,HexCap F0031700 50 .Gasket CastIronFlange S0076500 BronzeF lange 50028000 BronzeFlange 50053100 Mighty Therm HH-PH Hydronic Bo ilers Page 21 PartNumber Ilem Description PartNumber 51 .Nut F0040800 52 .Washer F0011100 53 .Flange ,1-1/2in. CastIron (80076400)10573600 Bronze(80071800)10489400 54 .PressureRelief Valve (125psi)A0001200 55 .PumpandRainshield Assembly 175 10565604-07 175thru 400 10565603 250 10565605 325and400 10565606 56.Valve ,Drain P0058700 57.Well ,TempControl ,1/2InchNPTE0025900 58.Nipple,Brass,3/4Inch P0025300 59 .Nipple Bronze P0075700 Cast Iron P0024400 60 .Tee Bronze P0075600 CastIron P0071700 61 .Bushing,Brass P0018500 62 .Bracket,HoldDown 10726300 63 .Clamp ,HoldDown 10726200 JACKET COMPONENTS 64.Jacke t Assembly 10568302-05 65.Door 10461707-10 66.Deflector,Rear 10563707-10 67.Deflector,Lower 10563607-10 68.GapClosure ,In/Out 10448202 69.Gap Closure,Return 10448302 Page22 LAARS HEATING SYSTEMS • 39 Figure 29.Parts o·l agram. 47 28 \ 19 55 G ""C"NC'I ~~-~ RATO NG I ( CfRtl f lEO I i:I.ama j 'c/ -------------------------------------------~--- ooo V-..... V- o:r Waterpik Technologies ,Inc . 6000 Condor Drive ,Moorpa rk,CA93021 •805 .5292000 •FAX805 .529 .5934 20Indu strial Wa y,Rocheste r,NH03867•603 .335 .6300 •FAX603 .335 .3355 480S .ServiceRoad West,Oakville ,Ontario ,Cana da L6K 2 H4•905 .844 .8233•FAX905 .844 .2635 www./aars.com Litho in U.S,A e Laars Hea tingSystems 0005Document 1064 C •• Project Name:SURlDIS RESIDENCE Project Description: • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number:DRB040070 CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Participants: OWNERSURIDIS,ALll S.&JOHN,SR03/12/2004 Phone: 15ERITALN SMITHTOWN NY 11787 License: APPllCANT RKD Architects,Inc.03/12/2004 Phone:476 -9228 MaggieMcManus 1000LionsridgeLoop3D Vail,CO81657 License: Project Address:2468GARMISHDRVAIL Location: LegalDescription:Lot:1Block:GSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL2 ParcelNumber:210311401022 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:03/23/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval doesnot constitute a permit for building .Pleaseconsult with TownofVail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 X \ DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfo r 20days following the date of approval.\Y ~ Cond:202 ~\) offinal approval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion . Planner:Bill Gibson DRBFeePaid:$20.00 MAR-8-2004 08:23 FROM:~ ,'0 .:1 /0 ,:1 1 :£00'1 <:,:1;'it:>',HO::l'<., 119709269822 P.l rf-tlr,X"CI' Application for Design Review c.pal'lmllnl 01Coarnrnlnlty DeliilkJplill!Jld 7&SOUth FI'IIIltllgll Rocul.v~QllgJado 81887 tel:970.479.215 fair :970.479,2j52 well:www.c1.V8iI.co.1II RECEIVED AK 1 \Lv General Information: All projecIa '*!Umg delIgn r'lNI8w must .-1Ye epprowl prior (0 ~II building permit apclI!I """"..PlMsu refer 10 d'Ie Ulmfttal requlrvmenll'l for lNl PlItICUW approval tIlaI ill ~Nt applIcBtion lor DlIllIgn AlM$w CIlmO\be lKlC8IIfad until lIII I'lIqUimd InbmBUon is ,..MId by the Corm1unlty O'W...........1 DepBr1nlent.11le project may aItIO need (0 be reviewed by the Town ColIlei 1ftJIOr the PIsnnlng and EnvIronmental Cnliii~. Dalgl'l rwte••pprov"III~um-•IIUlIdlng permll ..IMUlld and ~comnM!rlllM wlUlln on.yeIIr Of tllfllflPRlYIIl, +0 fen&iahootadcli±iPkl of :::..ty l!c..±V (~,5\@htl'i ....21l::;O;c ~(' Description of the RaquMt:(""el/lf.,lpY) Soma,\('dpy t"v\('f'"-to ¢iX'$1iY'\~ -!:!=wyf g ....~'I'!QQd,-,..]DD.'ailOLoL ..-- LaeatfonofthePrvpoeal:Lot:_....LBtock:~SUbdvisIon ·Yai 1 Dus Sdw r1'l.2"J fdil'lj flhySlCalAddrwu:.z::{vf>G:,frrUvl/5H pL"\/~i L cO I "ll £05"3-. PIIrceINo.:2./03 lJ!f!?Jc:Lz'(CDnJactEagloOldlCS IDul~forparallno,) ZOnIng:115 HameCa)of Qwner(II):-Al~al!Jn~4!-..u.I£LJL.I4.IlZI..._ Mamng AdcItesI:.J.,;.L..!:.I-:;l1J~~~..-.!.=..=>..&.~,..+l2bJl4!~~.J:".~-~;...LJ~:..-- Owner(.)SlgnatureC.):_~ut.~~_."..<;~~~~!:2::::~_ Ntlme of Applicant:1?,?"D A.P--<:d--\'n;-c..:c>,,N (.., Mailing Addreu::"PQ"Fv~?Qss l;;;i.J>\Nf«2.-~,!Q 1)\\o"3?- ________~'Phone:CO O.C1"b.lg ,'2..(.p2 z;.. E-rn.1I AdcIre!Is;ffiOW G)r lui.even.u:::nL Fax:0(J D.°O:lp .q 13 z.;z- Typo of ReYiew _net Fee: •SIgM •CQn::leptuaJ AMaw •NewConItructIon •Adcfilloo •MInor AJlerallllll (mulli-famiyfcommen:ta) •MIi'lor AIIerallllll (slngte.familyfllUplelt) D a.nges to I\JlptgWdPlans •Sepandlon Fleq!JQCt •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method : R040005484 Amount:$20 .00 Check 03/12/200409:45 AM Init :JS Notation : Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment : DRB040070 Type: 210311401022 2 468 GARMISH DRVAIL 2 468 Garmisch Road $20.00 DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $20 .00 $20 .00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** AC COUNT ITEMLIST : Ac coun t Cod e DR 0010 0003 11220 0 De scr ipti on DESI GN RE VIEW FEE S Cu rr en t Pmt s 20.00 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT 25 ~iPLANCHECK13L/.s- ELECTRI CAL ~ PLUMBING 3375 MECHANICAL rJ1RECREATIONFEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN·U P DEPOSIT USETAX PERMIT NO.003321 BUILDING 1000 z ELECTRICAL0 ~PLUMBING:::> ...J..MECHANICAL> TlIJTA L $1,000 PERMIT FEES tz ONING &BUILDI NGNOTES:_ TOTAL PERMIT FEES $38 .00 GARY MURRAIN MAY 23 ,1988 1--------------------BUILDINGOFFICIAL DATE BETSY RO SOLACK MAY 2 0,1988 l;oNING ADMiNiSTRATOR ----DATE---- I NITIAL R-VALLUE VALUATION 1,000 I IIIII IV V AB EH I RM TH ICK NESS 1 1l \~ GR.F A . NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE MAY 20 ,1988 DATE T YPE __N O .FIRE PLACES GROUP R-3 TYPE v WINDOW BEDROOM #2. 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP DIVISION I2 2.3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPT ION OFWORK:_ MOV E WINDOW-AD D FIXED GLASS EXT.WALLS HEIGHT INFT . FLOOR ROO F DW ELLING UN IT S __ACC OMMODATIONUN ITS __ INSULATION : NEW ()ALTERATION <X}{X ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR () PH.6-3673 PH. BOX 1285 1 BISHO P WINDOW ADDITION MAIL ADDRESS NAME J OHN BISHOP CITY VAI L CITY MAIL ADDRESS BU ILDIN G ELECTRICAL MECHAN I CAL ~""Jlawn-'-='OIr:::::',a'!n UI '., department of community development txJ D D OW NER ARCH ITECT ~FI!LlRJ!lM,--_ TELE. F R OWNE R /JOHN BI SHO PGENERALul.uw.M '---....:....:c:..c..:;__ CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TO BEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETEL YPRIORTOISSUANCE OFPERM IT TYPE OF PERMIT L EGAL l&~s ~c .-.l....':~~~=====:::::::::::::==-I JOB NAME : IttLECTRICAL uFICL>.RwM _ C ONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . TELE. FIRM P LU MBIN G CONTR ACTOR TOWNOFVAI L REG.NO. TELE . PARK ING DEM O X X FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREGNO . TELE. OTHER ;..F;;..IR.;;.M'--_ I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread thi sa pplication,fill ed out in full the i nf o rmation requ i red, co mpletedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information p ro vided as required is correct.I agree to comply w ith the information and plot plan,to comply with all T ownor dinances andstate laws,andto build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes ,design rev iew approved,Uniform Bu ilding Code and otherj1rd inances ofJ'lr Tow»appl icable thereto. k 4ilU/&/1!·1Jii/~ TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. CONT R ACT ORTELE. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CON TRACTOI FOR H IMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. the p rintery /va il " NOTE-COPYOF F ERMIT TOBE K [PT ONJOBS !TE 53c.1 · XDATE 5 .....)£)-ktr THt'FOL LOW INGIS NEEDE D FOR FILING PER MIT' ) n l.Let t er fromcondo a ssn.(IF I\PPLI CABL E 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION /11 111 IV (§)2.2 Se ts pf compl eta drawing s/e xp 1ana t i 0 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IcfM G,jl LUIrlG /Oc?o.,,.'.y. ! 1 2 2&4 z a ECTRICAL XDIVISIONQ'-- J ENERAL DESCRIPTlON;;I WORK: ....PLUMBING 'X-c -_#-- jrDQ ::lNM0(/E'__t-U"".au):-'..X.\E /)t..e:o 0 )M2 ;).J J II\.WvJ >MCCHANICAL -~ ~. '\rze4.VOO7v1 ~d-..TOT AL /UI)"c...,.X TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A .VALUATION PER M IT F EES U-~./~/fX/),~--,'2.5.c o-BUILDINGPERMIT '. PLAN :::HE CK /:3 r: ELECTRICAL *NEW()ALTERAT IONI )ADDITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUM.1 ING MECHANICALDWELLINGUNITS__ACCOMMODATI ON UNITS__ HEIGHTIN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES RECR "ATION FEE-- INSULATION :TYPE THICKNESS J R-VALLUE D ESIGN REVIEW BOARD - ,//---FLOOR ./CLEAN·UP D EPOSIT --/1//EXT.WALLS USE TA X ////17 -ROOF 7 V G4TYPEELEC.0 TOTAl.P I;ijMH fEES -~~,~OF SOLAV ., HEAT WOO D /~~~ ADDIT IONAL PERMITSNEEDED :-,~~~;?--------------O U I L DI NG Ok~~L'D ~~~s:!l ~,S -So:2-J 'J'; ST.CUT /A TONING I,DMIN ISTRATO R---0 E--- BLASTING I II ZON ING s BU ILDING NOTES : PARKING I 77 \/DEMO Ihereby ac kno wledge t hatIh avere ad this a p plicatio n,!ille d o ut in fu llth e i nformation r equired, compl eteda n a ccurate plot p lan,a nd stat e th at allth e In for m ationp rovided a sre quired i sco rrect.I a greeto com ply with the information a nd p lot p lan.t e co mply wit h all To wn o rd i nances a nd sl ale l aws,and tob uild t his structu reacc ordi ngtoth e To wn 's z oning a nd subd ivision cod es,d esign rev iew approved.Un iform Building Code and other o rdinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. XX ---SI GNATIJREO FOWNER ORCO NTRACTOR FOR HI MSELF A ND T H ~OWNER. o P LUM BINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TYPE O F P ERM IT cif BU ILD INGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL L EGAL LOT I B LK 6 DESC .FILING V D5 ;2.lA-ol ..::f I 'I)fILL:, -,BNAME :B /5 LLOf1 OW NER NAMEJO~V\.Bi d lc-<1p MAli ADDRES S tK 12 85- CITY VtH'[.,.4-7 6 - PH..'3"7 ~ ARCHITECT FIRM ~~~ CITY PH. GENER AL FIRM 5cl-t v\B {~Lur CONTRACTOR TOWN O F VAILREG .N O. TELE . FIRM .ECTRICAL TRACTOR TO WN OFVAILREG.NO. T ELE. FIRM ~ PLUMBING TO WN OEZEG.NO. CONTRACTOR TE LE.-F~M / M E CHAN ICA L T WN O ~REG .NO. CONTRACTOR 7 TELE. OTHER FIRM ...........-== TOWN OF;;C;;;;;.NO. CON TRACTOR T ~?. 'h e pd"'.ry'",.,l tr ( x x X X ., .~\ ,~wnorvi,i ~:; d epartm ent of comm unity dev elopmen t "'****PLE I\SE Fl LL OUR IoJ HEHE THE (Xl ~lI\RK S AHE T O BE,F'LLED OUTCO MPLETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCE OFPERMIT () t tow n nlty de velopment •.. -----AMG ~. INSPECTION REQUESl: I TOWN OF VAIL ') j,-.)/}I i:V cs>--{~ I ?-U NAME CALLER MONTUESWED @~FRI .>V(57 Cta.-JM I /b '7 )I READYFOR I NSPECTION: LOCATION :=---'-----'..........:'--__-;-=--=---..<....::...;'-'---=---"--''---_ PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ~/~..Jy y'JOB f I BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEE L o FOUNDATION /STEEL "C/FRAMING ---l.l~·~-=.-_ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POO L /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL . o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING -,-_ o EXHA UST HOO DS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL o D ISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUG H o CONDUIT 0 -=-_ t1 I-'?lfNAL /.,IoAPPROVED, I P ORREC T IONS: I /J DATE --'--.'---"~:...;--:e.:7-----INSPECTOR I ) /. r / 1M>p rln.rylll a il .~ NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE DATE 6/25/85 00 2113PERMITNO.1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I 11111 'i~2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH (RM BU ILDING l,UUU DIVISION 1 22a f)z ELECTRICAL0 ~PLUMBINGGENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK: Roof repair re-roof ridges and ::> ...J« fl at sect ions >MECHANICAL 1.000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V R-3 1,000 BU ILDING PERMIT 17.50 PLAN CHECK 8.75 .~~ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS --ACCOMMODATION UNI ~~N MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT.NO .FIREPLACES (f ,..i RECREATION FEE ~~INSULATION:TYPE THICKl)lo.sll i 'I 'R'-vALLue;J'"DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR ~~I ,t-r _CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT ~IJ) f'1.-;.ft ~\\At 11I r I,i ,9/'/.\1)EXT .WALLS USE TAX \<V'~Il',n 1.:"~~ROOF ~u )~!~D ~TYPE ELEC .TOTALPERMITFEES 26.25OFYSOLAR 1=._-_Steve_Pat~rso ttX2 fiJ2.5~5....____HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:~UILDING OFFICIAL ~DA E 1..~INITIAL I--~QIDaLA....-B.ra lID.6J2 5LB5..-__ ST.CUT ~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE'- BLASTING X 1z0NING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING ~ 1'-DEMO I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan.to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws.andto build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. !1iJ ~J SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo x!XJ BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL ).~CONSTRUCTION PERMITIln~ department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT ~lEGAl LOT BLK DESC.FILING JOBNAME :BISHOPRESIDENCE OWNER NAME John Bishop MAIL ADDRESS 2468 Garrnjch CITY PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRMB &M Carpentry 155-B CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE . OTHER FIRM SnowCap Roofi n9 TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . the printery lvsll / / / / / / I MECHANICAL PLUMBING I I/} RECREATION FEE DESIGNREVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT USETAX BUILDING 0 00(7 X z ELECTIlICAL X 2 X~ -t PLUMBING:> ..J X«MECHANICAL> TOTA L I ()Of) PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT //<<,-c? PLAN CHECK ';i--.>~. elECTRICAL . 1 R·VALLUE ( IA~ 'I U j mlcKNE SSTYf'E __NO.FIREPLACES I 'DATE SOLAR ELEC. INS ULATION: HEIGHTIN FT. FLOOR DWELLING UNITS __ACCOM MOD ATIONUNITS__ GR:F.A. EXT.WALLS ST.CUT BLASTING ROOF T YPE OF HEAT DEMO ADDITIONAL PERMITSN EEDED: s: PARKING - I .TYPE OFCONSHlUCTIONIIIIIII ~~ 2.OCCU PANCYGrlOUP ABE H I ~M DIVISION 1..2,2~f"-;) XGE:NE ~L D ~SC :"1l 9N OF W~RK 'I(;f,fI.!(~r:If' K(toor f::.!.d /j £5 _t:!1J t 5 41 [h lJ~X ,/X-------------------------- ~EW I )ALTERATION()ADDITIOtIAL ()REPAIR () WorK ommunity development 7,~t41 (!Je lJo;:fij;. GENERAL FIR IJ I U.._0 CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .I ...r,~~.t:> FiRM pE~A'SEJ.lFf E~Tdlfr1M E R\Y p-m~R ~O ~rt~~~tA~H1RMIT TYPEOF PEnMd' -o BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 ELECTRICA L ANTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. =.~~~==i =T"",E~LE=.=======~=-==-= FIRM PLUMBING TOWN O:<..F..!.V~AIl,!"L..!:R!.5E~G~_N~O~._ CONTRACTOR - TELE . ======1 THE _ x X LEGAL LOT BLK I X DESC .FILING X JOB NAME:)()?~"'i rl()/t1r-/. X OWNER I -'.s.1/1 -;z..·dn 0 Local Add., X DRESS X dress 2 t.f (,5{(?#!p!!£.f/-. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS . CITY PH. ,. fiRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TO WNOF~V~A~IL~R~EG~N~O~.__ -===~tTElE _ OTHER FIRM ~6"W'CD P'k(J.ilAJ TOWNOFVAILREG .NO.(32 5 CONTRACTOR TELE. Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadth is application,filled oul Infullthe Information required, completed anaccu rate plot plan,andslatethatallthe i nformation provided asrequ ired is correct.I agreeto comply withthe informatio n and plot plan,tocom ply wilh all T ownonJinancesandstate l aws,andtobu ild this structure acco rding tothe Town's zon ing andsubdivision codes,design reviewapproved.Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances oftheTown applicable thereto, XXXXXXXXXXXXX ~:.&4 7lJ~7 -;'SI~G~N:::AT:?U~R~E~O:;.!F~O""'W""N~E-R""'O""R-C::-O""'N""'T""R""A~C::-TO::-R::--=FO::-R:-:-:H~IM':':S:':E::-=LF -ANDTHEOWNER. tt4 ,"",.".....,. Note toPlanners: • Lot1,Blk G Vaildas Schone • We have had complaintsaboutthe retaining wall and lackoflandscaping on this property.(Particularly from Shirley Cadell who lives directly beh ind thehouse-476-2783.)The Bishops have agreedtoseedtheback of their property this fall 1984.The retaining wallhas been approved by the building department. • EAGLE COUNTY Co mmunit y Development P.O.Bo x 17 9 EAGLE ,COLORADO 81631 T ELEPHONE 30 3 /328-7311 BOARD OF CO U NTY CO MMISSIONERS Ex t241 AD MI NIST RATI ON Ex t241 24 r~a r c h 1980 • A NI MAL SHELTER 949 ·4292 A SSESSOR Ext 202 B UILDI NG IN IN SPECTION E xt 226 o r 229 CLERK & RECORD ER E x t21 7 COUNT Y ' ATTO RN EY Ex t 242 ENGINE ER E xt 236 E NVI RO NMEN TAL HEALT H E xt 238 E XTENSION AGE NT E xt 247 LI BRAR Y E x t 2 55 PUBLIC HE A LT H Ea gle Ext 25 2 Vail 47 6-5844 PLAN NI NG E xt 2 26 o r 229 PURCHASI N G / PER5 0 NN EL E x t2 45 R OAD &B RI D GE E x t 25 7 SHE RIFF Eagle E xt 2 11 Ba salt 92 7·324 4 Gi l man 8 27-5751 SO CIAL SER VICES 328-6328 TREASUR ER Ex t201 Joh nBishop P.O.Box 1285 Va il ,Colorado 8165 7 Re:Lot1,Block G,Vai l das Schon e Su bdivi si on On Ma rch 24 ,1980 ,I ma de a non-site ins pecti on ofy ourhouse and i ndica ted t o yout hat we,t he Co unt y,would have ~ro b l e ms withyour hou se if you tried toput another unit in it. This letter is to advise you that if the s econd unit comes ,about ,asi t l ooks like it is,thenthe County will have no other recou rse buttopursue thi s ma tterwithl egal action . If you have any question s,please contact thi s office. (\I _111/;\~~~~QmWi 11 i ams 1 7-"I\~o n l ng ns pector J W/adj cc:Boardof Coun ty Co mmissioners Coun ty Attorn ey,Beth Ri gger t Planni ng Dir ector,Terrill Knigh t TEr.1POlU\nv Certificate of Occupancy Courity of Eagle Depa rtmentof Pl anningand De velopment Bui lding Division II •-, Th is certificate i ssued purs uant to the ~e quirements o f section 306of t he Un i f orm Building Co de certify ing t hat at the ti me of issua nce this struc ture was in ccmo lianc e wi thth e var i ous r es olut i onsof t hecountyre gul ating buil dingcons t r uc t ion 01'use for the following: NAME JohnE.Bishop Use Zone RSL R-3Group-------- v Single Fam ily "Residence 1377Type Co nstructio n__--'--__Fi re Zone 3 UseClass ific ation__~,-,,-"~--,--,::;c.;....:-,-,,---,-,-=..::...:..::..::.:..:..=.=---_ Bu ilding Permit No. John E ."B ish 6~;·B 6x 1285,Vail ,"C o l o r~d o 81 657O,-mel 'of Sui1d ing__--=...:=:..:---=-.:........::....:...::c:..=.l:....<..."..::-:::..:..:...-..=..::."-=-''----'-=--=-..:...L.-=:....:...:::.:...==:...-,---''=''-'--_ Block G:Vai l das SC honeii$".. '"ild i"OffiCi'~ "Date ,;J-L/:..-g'd ~~__~Q Lot1 ;Bu i 1ding Ad dres s -=-=-.:........::..z-..::....:...=..::.;.:........:=-=-----=--=--'-'--===-=-=..:.:.==--,c:;>,-__'---_ • DEPT.FILE COPY VAL IDATION BUILDING I I ~ PERM IT .------:':"':-:-==~-- BUILDING DIVISIONOF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 May 17 John E.Bishop ConstructSlngle Fam ily Residence (TY P E OF I MP ROVEM ENT) ADDRES S _~:;..:...--=..:=-=-~,.,..:,.::..,:,~---=~_ (PROP OSE D U S E) (CONTR 'S L ICE NSE I (N o.1 (S TREET) xu (CROSS STREET) VaildasSchone '(CROSS ST REET ] (T YPE) PLA NNING DEPT:FOR SINGLE FAMILY ONLY. o ZTOT YPE USEGRDUP BASEMENTWA LLS OR F OUNDATIO N -,-------,_ "0:o u,REMARKS :----.:....::::..::.::~~--.:::.::.:.....:....:~.:::.:.:......::~=::..:.~~~.!._=c=..!~_ (CUBI C/SQUARE FEET) John E.Bishop Box 1285,Va il.Co.81657 (Affidaviton reverse sideof application to be campleted by authorized agent of owner) DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FORCERTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY and COMPLIANCE Tobefilledin by eachdivision indicated hereon upon completionof its final inspection. Remarks _ Approved by Date _ • BUILDINGS PLUMBING PermitNo._ PermitNo._ .Approved by Date _ Remarks _ ELECTRICAL PermitNo._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ OTHER PermitNo._ Approved by .Date _ Remarks _ OTHER PermitNo._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ :w'ZST VAn.ARC.I IT~TURAL c.m;fJ~'/3 77 BOX 604 • VAn..COLORADO 81657 TO,Mr.John Bishop We approve your plans for a one family house on Lot 1,ffi.ock G,Va il Das SCh8ne, Filing 12,Eagl.e County,Colorado with the following stipulations, '!here is to be no exposeQ foundation or exposed etal. No ears or other obstructions on county road,which must be completely olear at all timos . If you put in an additional dwelling unit,you must seek and obtain approval from the Eag1 County Dept.of Planning and Deve1oJ:lllent as t he lot appears too small for two dwelling units under t he CoWlty Zoning Resolution. 476-5255 KARIN SC HEIDEXiGER. STEVE BOYD ,Consultant r 1KCV7~», LOUIS F .L IVINGSTON, ~·!1 .j Any future additions,alterations including color changes,etc.must be sul:m itted f or approval to the st.Va il Arc hitectural Committee. S:ince building a nd pa r king take up so much of lot,we would like to recommend as much landscaping as possible,including treos. r>:/.:l~./C -:-., RECE\\!EU t\U li 1.3 19191. July 30,1979 e ,e ,I:8pt.of P.l.anning and Development Fagle County RECEIV ED AUG 13 1979 Dept of Plannmg 4 U",1. E.!g/e,Cou nty,Colo 2....:._';,; PL M ~G PERMIT APPUc!TIONUB . 0 <;•·z Jurisdiction of ~•.0 0•Applicanr ro complete numbered spaces only.~•·J0 8 .00111 E SS I co'NO.IOL G V~'L-~~i1.l'AXL.£".I..;1~s.f;"i T"~:;5H r.r.T I1DESC".f 2 °~bW "".IL ADDIIIES5 %,.t PKDIH, B,~,.p 13x I ~es VJ4tL--a k ~/bS/7 If'7ly~b7~ 3 CO N'·~/~•••/Id.eA MA IL .001ll (SS _MONE:L ICr....S£so . 5 ~lZ ~.Ai3 0 Ve. .l"C HIT.EC",Dill OE S 'fNEP'l ........,1..00"[5 5 ,~IZ...P>40H[l.ICJ:N5[NO . 4 -n.:C.{t412-k:-170 'i!>GGtieul'\LJA·t'<.."LJ,7 b r-0 5 tj L{., [N (O ''''EE_.......11..AODNES5 PHONE L I C[.HSIE H O . 5 r;.vi.(3.:ry(~JV 2'J20 IE-I'l6 JE 12.J A vo0 0L1e -S4-2.{) ..[N O [A """""L "'OOllt[SS 1111'......," 6 f~V Ci-hL-f:o,J 7--~'S""uJ A<.I £T VAt"v L(.-7~if{)~ US L or 8 1,)1I.O I'H' 7 12c ~,cl€7J Ge 8 Class ofwork:D'NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR S.a A-.r 9 Describe work:zsz»N ~{)J ~""'~1 r '77 trx , PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fi.tuN Of Item F_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS :4-WATER CLOSET (TOILET)S 1I oa .q BATHTUB "C Oi.I-LAVATORY (WASH BAS IN)J?0 0 I SHOWER .:I.00 -1...K ITCHEN SINK &OISP.~I!JO (OISHWASHER ...0 0 APPll C ATIO~.CC(P TE0 BY P lA~S CHECKEDB Y APPRO vED fO R ISSU APliCE B Y LAUNORY TRAY (CLOTHES WASHER 00 (WATER HEA TER ;1.CO NOTICE UR INAL OR INKING FOUNTA IN I HEREB Y CERTI FY THAT I HA VE READ AND E X AM INED T HIS , APPLI C ATI ON AND KNOW THE S AMET O BE TRUE AND C ORREC T.FLOCR '-SINK OR ORA IN ...DO ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOV ERNING TH IS SLOP SINK TYPE OF WORK W ILL BE COMPLIED W ITH WHE THER S PECIFIED GASSYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS HEREIN OR N OT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMI T OOES NOT WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHOR ITY TO VI OLA TE OR CANCEL T HE WASTE INTERCEPTOR PROVIS IONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW RE GULATING CONSTRU CTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF C ONSTRUCTION.VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM I ••~.n CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK"PIT ".HAT U.[0'CONnAtTO."G:.,[D'''NT bA';'[7t7On~,~PERMIT S 10 De> TOTAL FEE S J.I4.s ,;.....•01"O WNllll ,,.OWH[f11 8 uILDII:It (O A L t 00 V WH\:NIROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT J~77 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .O.CASH e RC ®M Form 1 00.2 11·73 INSPECTO R ".O",D......0 ..:INTERNATIONAL CONP'ERIENCIE 0,..aUILDING O"''''ICIALS.eNe e .WORK""N MILL 1I0AD ••"ITT.....CALI"....., •r __.• County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Name J.Qh.r.1...~j .!?~.9.p...::kQt .l,...J:n .~.~G y.~U ~.~~?<;.hq[l .e #2 Date of Application ~.~.~~..~9.79,..19 . N~ Building Valuation 1484 $. Electrical Contractor................................-.--. Applicam···s··t·lI·n··a·t·u··r·.························...--. Electrical Valuation $. APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $).~.~.?~. $. $~.~:.~~. -.Plan Che~k~;··-. ...~. Chief Butlding Ottlcl ·D~i~····-··············_··········· ··D;;i;······························· Date Paid .....91.19119...................................... Received By ~.:.~~l .~.~.:.. Receipt #5189 Bldg.Permit #1377 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANCENOTIC E REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS 3., 0 5~•z Jurisdiction of "•»0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."•·Joe ADOII'[55 I COT N O .I""f,I'VAu.('JAs ~tw~2 ttJ 67 SE_E....TT...CHED SHEET )l.EGAL 10ESCR ., I--t'I tAL 2o w:1 t-tu (J;6 (-t-o I'" """'IL AD DRESS ZIP I PHONE IN /'2 65 VA L-C-o/o.f'l1t;S;:/7 Lf7fc,"3 1.73 3 CONTR~~/(k ,{dc:r'-./.....AI L AODRESS PHON E LICEN SE N O . ARCHITECT O R DES Il:N£R MAtL ADDRESS P HONE L I C E /II S E NO. 4 /i 1v\.CI A-Je-!.L 170f]GE::tJfWA'b e.(1M \"lI7 &-os-q,/ E NG I NEER ~yJt.M AILA D DRES S PHONE LI CEN SE NO....,.. {2 c.Q.AvOJJ5(,,t...\0621>~L G q l(q-J;lfUJ L E N DER CI1t'L~,H..J ~(!t>, M A LL AD D RES S BRANCH 6 £.\1.c;ld-~u)A-v-Si I (A,',4 7h ...<toQJ US E O F'8 U I LD IN G 7 ~l i)0.JG£ 8 C lass of work :~EW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR . 9 Describe w ork :~5-ZO ~H-.N WJ Cbn.~TI2u.c'j1 D..,.J PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECIAL CON DITIONS 'Total RECEPTACLE Out lets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING F ixtures APPLICATION ACCEPTED BV :PLANS CHE CKED B Y APPROVED FORISSUANCEBY F IXTURES RANGES CLO.DRYER WTR .HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE DISP.STA.COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY T H AT I HAVE READ AND E XAMINED THIS DISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH . APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME T OBE TRUE AN D CORRECT.SPACE HTR .STA.APPL.112 H .P .MAX . ALL PROVISIONS OF L AWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERN IN G THIS TY PE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLI ED W ITH W HETHER SPECIFIED MOTORS,H.P. HERE IN OR NOT.THE GRANT ING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESU ME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCE L THE PROVISIONS OF ANY O THER STATE OR LOCAL L AW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORM AN CE OF CONSTRUCTI ON .NO.TRANS. SIGNS NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER DpOLE DUNDGD. SERViCE 0 -2 00 A 201-400A ONEW 401·60 0A S1·M=ga:~'Lrl (g 1/;;;9 o CHANGE OVER 600A PERMI TI SSUING FEE $ TOTAL FEE $3s-.;IXSIGN,I!rJ At 0 "OWNER I F"O W NEA B U ILDER ).O ATE} WH~ROPERL Y VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /484 PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDAT ION CK.M .O.CASH INSPECTOR F orm 100.3 11 -73 REORCER FROM :INTERNATIONAL CONF ER ENCE OF BUILDING O FFI CI ALS.5 3.0 S .WORKMAN MILL ROAD.WHITTIER,CAL I "'••o"t>t 3liONAlPERMITAPPLIElECTR..' 0 <;••z Jurisdiction o f "•.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."-•J OB A Oo I'I ~5S LO T NO.I"'·IT.ACT O SE E A T TA CHED S HE ET)en"IlDE5C... OWN ER MAI L.A OOI'l ESS Z,P P HONE 2 CON TRAC TOR ""'AI L ....D DR ESS P H ONE L ICE NSE N O. 3 ARC H I TECTO R D ESIC NER MAI L AOO"[55 P HONE L ICENSE NO. 4 ENGINEE R M AIL ADDRESS P HONE LICENSE NO. 5 L ENDtR MAIL A DD IlIES.s &"ANCH 6 USE Of B UILDIN G 7 8 Class of work :ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work : PERMIT FEES No .Each F ee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Total RECEP TACLE O ut lets LIG HT SWITCH T otal LIGHTI NG Fi xtures APPLI CATIONA CCEPTEDB Y PLANS C HECKED BY A PPROVEDFOR ISSUANCE BY FIXTURES RANGES CLO.DRYER WTR.HTR . NOTICE GARBAGE DISP.STA.COOK TOP I HER EBY CER T IFY T HAT I HA VE R EAD A NDE XAM INED T HIS D ISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. APPL ICATIO N AN DK NOW THE SAME T O BE TR UE AND CO RR EC T.SPACE H TR .STA.APPL.liz H .P.MAX. AL L PROVIS IONS OF LAWS AND OR DINANCES GOVE R NIN GT HIS TY PE O F WORK W ILLBE COMP LI ED WITH W H ETH ER S PECIFIED M OTORS,H .P. HE RE IN O R N OT.TH E GRA NTINGO FA P E RMIT D O ES NOT PRESU ME TO G IVE AU THOR IT Y T OV IO LATE O RC ANCEL THE P ROVISIONS O FA NY OTHER S TATE OR L OC AL LAW REGULATI NG CO N STRUCTI ON OR T HEPE RFOR MANCE O F CONSTRUCTI ON.NO.TRANS. SIGNS NO .LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SERVICE O·200A 201·400A ONEW 401-600A SI GN ATURE O F'CONTRAC TOR O R AU THO RIZED ",(OI[.NT (DATE)o CHANGE OVER 6 00A PERMIT ISSUING FEE * S IGNATUR E O F OWNE R IF OWNEIlI !IU IL DER,(OA T EI TOTAL FEE *WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH PERM IT VALIDATION CK .M.O .CASH r "~IL Form 100.3 11-73 H4 T laR /i:A '-I__."__" iiA'&I;E COUNTY • EAGLE,COLORADO81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 BOARD OF COUNTY COM M ISSIONERS E xt 241 CERTIF IE D r~A IL RECEIP T #f?,t3-02Sl.2.97 ADM INISTRATION Ext 241 TO: ANIMA L SHELTE R 949-4292 °ASSE SSOR Ext 2 02 J ohn Bishop Box 1285 Vail,Colorado 81657 B UILDING IN INSP E CTION Ext 226 or 229 FR OM:EAGLE COUNT Y DEPART ME NT OF COMMU NITY DE VELOP ME NT C LERK & RECORDER E xt 217 CDUNTY ATTOR NE Y E xt 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 Thro ugh personal knowled ge,i.e.onsite ins pection ,by a n Ea gle County Zoni ng Official,it hasbeen determined th at theuse located on or near your establishment orotherw ise indicatedherein, Lot1Blk G,Vail DasSchon e,Wes tVail Building #1377 is in violatio n of th e Eagle County Zoning Resolution1974,asamended, Sec ti on(s)3 .03.02(2)and3 .03.04 ;two dwelling units ina single family zone.Alsono building permits. Sect ion 30-28-124 C.R .S.1973,asame nded.Pen al ti es.(1)(a)it is un- l awful to erect,construct,reconstruct,or alter a ny buildin gor structure invio lat ion of any re gulation in,orofany provis ions of,anyZoni ng Resoultion,or a ny a mend ment thereof,enacted oradoptedby theBoardof County Co mmiss ioners undertheauth ority ofSection30-28 -101 et s eq. C.R.S .1973,asamended .Any person,firm,or corporation vio lating any suchreg ulation,prov is ion,or amen dment thereof,ora ny provision of Section30-28-101 et s eq.C.R.S.197 3,as ame nded ,is guilty ofamisdemeanor and,upon conviction the reof,shall bepunishe d bya fine ofnot morethan one hund red doll a rsorby i mpri sonment i nth e county j ail for no tmore t hant endays,orbybothsuch fine andi mpriso nment.Each day during which s uch ille gal erec tion,constructi on,re construction,or alterat ion continu es s hall bedeeme da se para te offense. TREASURER E xt 201 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 SHE RIFF Eagle E xt 21 1 B asalt 927-3244 (b)(I)"t "1 f 1 t °b i ldi 1 d '.1 t iGilman827-5751 1 lS un aw u 0 useany Ul i nc,structure,ora n i n V10 a t on SOCIAL SE RVI CES of a ny regulation in,orofany provision of,a ny Zoning Resolu ti ~n,"or any 328-6328 ame nd ment the r eto,enacte d oradopted by th eBoardof Co untyCorrm iss loners underthe authority of Section 30-28-101 et se q.C.R.S.1973,a s amende d , Any person,firm,or corporation violat in g anysuchregul ation,prov ision, or amendmentth ereof is gui ltyofa misdemeanora nd,upon conviction th ereof, shall be punish ed by af ine of not moreth an on e hun dred dollars,orby i m- prison ment in the count y jail for not mo reth an t endays,or by bothsuch f ine and im pri sonment.Each day during wh ich s uch ill egal use of a ny building, struc t ure,orla nd cont inues sh all bedee me d as eparate offen se. PURCHASI NG/ PE RSON NE L E xt 245 PLANNING E xt 226 or 229 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagl e E x t 252 Vail 476-5844 ROAD &BRIDGE E xt 257 LI B RAR Y E xt 255 E XT ENSION A GE NT E xt 247 ~'-\-• (2)In case any bu~ldin~or structure is or is proposedtobe e rected, constructed,rec onstructed,altered,orused,orany lan d is or is pr oposed t obeused,in violation ofany reg ul ation orpro vision of any Zon ing Resoluti on,or amen dment there to,e ncacted oradoptedby the Boardof County Comm issio nersunderthe authority gra nted by Section 30-28-1 01 et se q.C.R.S.1973,as .amended,theCounty Attorney ofthe Co unty in whi ch such buildi ng ,s tr uc ture,or l and i s situa ted,in addition tooth er remediesprovidedbylaw,may institute ani nj unction,manda mus, abatement,or other ap propriat e action or proceeding toprev ent,e njoin, abate,or remove such un lawful erection,cons t ruction,reconstru ction, alterat ion,or use. Section Twelve of t heEagle Co unt y Zon ing Reso lution ,1974,as amen ded. Vio lati on,Pen a lty and Re med ial Ac tions . Any per son,f irm orcorpo ratio n,whe ther as princip le,agent,employeesor otherwise,who sha ll useany la nd or e rec t,construct,reconstru ct,alter or change theuseofany buildi ng or structure inviolat ion ofanyprov i sions oft his Resolutio n shall be fi ned an amount notto exceedonehundred do l lars for ea ch violation,suchf ine t o insure to t he County ofEagle .Eachday a violation sha ll be deeme d a separate offense. If anyland is usedorany buildingor s tructure is erected,constructed,r e- con s tructed,al te red or used inviolat ion ofany provision of this Reso lution, the County Commissioners bythe County Attorney,t he Distri ct Attorney of EagleCounty,orany owner of real estate within the Zo ne District inwhich s uchl and,buildi ng,ors t ructur e i s situ ated,inaddi t ion to other r emedies provid ed by l aw,may institute i njuncti on,mandamus,abatement orany other approp ri ate action orproc eedings topre vent,e nj oin,abate or remove s uch unl awful erection,cons truction,recons truction,changeo r use;and the f ine hereinunder provided mayberecove red in that sa me civil act ion wherein such i njunction,mandamus,and/or abatement is sought,orse parate a nd distinct procee dings may be instituted seeking var y i ng formsofr elief asthe 1aw maya11 ow. This l etter is notice that youand/or your firm or estab lishment a re in viol ation oft he Ea gle Cou nty Zonin g Resolution,1974,asamended. This is theonl y noticeyou wi ll receive.If you do no t take action within thi rty days of receivin g thi s l ett e r (certifi ed mail),this office wil l ta ke acti on t o 1.Remo ve offendin g use at cost to viol ator. 2.Issue misdemeanor summons andcompla int f orms to violators withthe assi stan ce of th e EagleCounty Sher iff 's Departm ent,and pursuethe ma xi mu m pena lty allowab le under l aw. I f youhaveany quest ions fe e l free to contact this of fice.· Sincerel y, l:::,~~ Ea gle Count y Zoni ng Offi cial cc:Be th Rigger t Boa rd of Co unty Commission ers L - Mny 3,197 9 TOLL FREE ~[R S: •Vail -9 ~25 7 Basalt -92 7-3823 Jo hn E.Bishor Bo x 1285 Va il ,Co.816 57AD11.liH ST RA1'I ON Ex t 2~I l ':!\,::~n r ~«:..,:,!;n',I\'Ii '~.. H •·H~~·"'!ll ,'-..!\::'$,-0 ......-1f L!\j U U • DEI'Mm :E::r or PLAtH lI NG r,m:V[l.o:,!m n Ef.\GLE ,CO Lo n :\DO n ll;:~1 T EL EP H ONE 2-03 /n e ·n I I B O A RD O FC OU NTY COr.1 :_:I S SI O N E H ~ Ext <'.4 1 A NIM/\L S H ELT E R 9 -19-4 2 92 A SS ES SOR E xt 2 0 2 BUILD'NG IN IN SP ECTI ON Ex t 22 G or 22 9 CL E R K & RE CO RD ER Ex t 2 1 7 COUN TY AT TO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 23 6 RE :I\p pl i ca tio nf orBuil di ng Pe n nit in Eagl e County Lot1,Bl k.G Vaildas Shone -Denied Th e Eagle CountyBuil di ng Dept.r equires th at applic ations for Building Pe r mi ts i n Eag le Cou ntybero uted t oth e Ea gl e County Pl anning,Enginee rin g, andEnv ironmental Hea lt hDepar tm entsf or th eir cornrr:ent s pr ior tois suance ofth e permits .Yo ur.a pplication wa sro uted on 4/23/79. Lis t ed bel ow a r e th e comm entsa nd rec omm end at ions wh ichwere made by t he abovedepa r tme ntsd urin g th e rou ting procedure.If you have a ny questions or wish to get afu rther expl anation,ple ase contact the appropl'iate dept. ENVI RO NM ENTAL H EALTH . Ext 23 8 EXT E NSION AGE NT Ext 24 7 LIBR ARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH EagleE x t2S2 Vail 475-5 844 PLA NNING Ext 22 5 or 229 PURC HASI NG/ PERSONN EL Ext 24 5 HEALTH:Approved. ROAD &BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERI FF E agle E xt 211 Basalt 9 27 -3 244 Gil man8 27-57S1 SO CIAL SERVICES 328-5 3 2& TR EASURER Ext201 .~ It would betoyouradvantag e if youbegin to resolv e anyprobl ems and/or requirem ents uS s oonaspos sible soasnotto delay the issuance ofyour building per mit any longer thanneces sary . .cL~~ Les Dougla s Ea gle Co unty Building Official 1377 REGUESTN EAGLE COUNTY ~/. £~ INSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE f."-It JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---''----_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBINGMECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTfLATION STANDPIPE woesFINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: l!.c o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION i THURWED FRI I;;0/7'AMPM //~1tO(jJ ~~~A ~t(;/Ar ~~ MON o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE -19'-71 I - 1~77 N REI3UESTINSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 EAG L E CO UNTY DATE U Irt/7 JOI;lNAME._~2.U-<"--------l.:RLl.I 4.,~L ~d t-t _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER -------1f--------------- .BIJILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE FRAMING woe SFINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER o PARTIAL.LOCATION I READY FORINSPECTION ./ TUE WED THUR FRI '!>-AMM COMMENTS:B(o tI'-I '"?!((L.t(M ~'Icmf-k . REI NSPECT skJ Co",{."".,/"I '~(:It rl....".j 2 t;"..,O "C LrD - GU.ll ,.,.JV I'lQryJ Wi.'"((ltMi IZJ APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED Io UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECT IONS eM "2-8"r-r <t~ _b.l:\((1 I,1M I n I IlM ,,,li-'..<.tDL,;s'---=--"=------'-~-'---____.!_:'__"'L----'...lS.f '------ \ea "",I,k ~L.,l \It!,!12 ....,1:(;4 \t DATE EAGLE COUNTY ~ l1~ ,;1//377 REGUESTN v INSPEC JO~NAME AMPM CALLER __----'''----_ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE to -I... TIME RECEIVED p :()~ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING FRAMING woe S FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ M ON READY FORINSPECTION f}...7 "r:: I WED b FRI------AMev ~-----r /c;:<71 /)tc 0r7..-f?/"7_.V f , r-l2J APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE I PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY 7377 REGUESTN VENTrLATION PARTIALPARTIAL /L(P' INSPEC• PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL BUILDING BUILDING D IVI SION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JO!3 NAME.--+:-....::--'----'-:--~~"'--~=-;-_;'j_____=_''''l-------- TI MER ECEI VED AMPMCALLER ---=':=;;:..i--:::-~'-='''--~~O___=__=.,...,..,....=..:''-''-------- ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATI ON _ READY FORINSPECTION MON WED THUR FRI __--:~-"-_ COMMENTS:_ D REINSPECTDDISAPPROVED D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------- DATE BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 INSPEC N REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY 1~77 ' •DATE JOI3 NAME,_-"'---'-_ TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER --,-"__-'-----'-=-_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE ROUGH FRAMING woes FINAL FINAL FINAL SMOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI ~_AM PM COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------- DATE /977 REBUESTONINSPEBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE Y~;t,JO.BNAME TIMERECEIVED_/AMPM CALLE R --'-T<::::,-<;;...;:;=:.....:..--"C>;.-'-£..l-'-'~'-;;-"'-'-"'---------- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woes FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ (, / GJ REINSPECT FR I,=----,--,--AM PM )WED READY FORINSPECTION ,.--:;;:;I ,;;J~ ~~",./ TUE •v ,,---:--I "....-..., --/' < _o~~I "".'",/P'£7 N"~tt!' 4A I -h'-A ,c _) DATE 1 A-(~'J- MON o APPROVED I (I V CORRECTIONS I-I -'-j!-Ti_T---~"---~,.-----~::...-..r==~--~----- f COMMENTS:....:.../-------'-!-~'--=-'-''--~-___,_..;,_:'-'-¥_S--~~~'-<-.<:..!-------- /371 REGUE~TON EAGLE COUNTY INSPE s.:JOBNAME.. AMPMCALLER -----'--<-'-'~____''-''-.:........J'--'-:_'_t.......+-'oL.--=-'"''-........--- BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 DATE :<'I h.'"D TIME RECEIVED It')'01) BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL v ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: e o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION o REINSPECT ". o DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE -/I...IS 77 INSPEC.ON RE13L,JEST EAGLE COUNTY /~.:..I A -/ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 DATE r;/1-/t?'JOBNAME .-----'--'<-'..:....;.T----.::......:...:c..:z..;~=---------- TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ -. PARTIAL eLECTRICAL LOCATION: VENTrLATlON PARTIAL MECHANICAL LOCATION: PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL LOCATION: PARTIAL COVER LOCATION, PARTIAL FRAMING o OTHER o PARTIAL.LOCATION v-<//a READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM--)£/ COMMENTS,f-~Kf (I , l!d APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT CORRECTIONS _.p::.:...=:.£..-L-=---"-'=-..::..!-.Z....:,...,::.........::..-:.;:!'------=.:...::..!.-~~~"--------------- DATE .1r-.rtit • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 <;••z Jur isdiction of ~~0·-Applicant tocomp leten umbered spaces only.~••JOB ADD'"ESS 1 LEGAL I LOT"l 10 L(;IW\TiL bAs S f1t>AJG 05££ATT ACHED S H EE T) OE seR. 2 0WH.:JO hV1 e .Bi5t-ta ()M AIL ~;;'J::L 1&>/0 PH ONE t2(;3C;;~/b S1 l.f7b ·%73 CONTIilACTO R MA IL "'0 0"£5 5 P HONE 000 A.)/::n-/f;~~;ldtde.3 S AM E: ··~..W,("~)clAtii2.ADO ...._ PH ONE L ICENSE NO. 4 ."I Ll-7b -05 94 B -I ~Lft.{ ENG I NEER R ~~l~;~Z~M :'~.PHON E L ICENSE NO . 5 ItM ~AvoN ,<2a>!u .9 4-9-5L/20~"V :J::::; l.END tR M AI L AOD R ESS IHI:A"'CH 6 - U SE 0"B U I L.DINGt4 7 f{!:ers(~ce 8 Class of work:dHl'EW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR OMOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work :J.,,'.LA.-a ee.!........:e:1"hnJ .az-c;,~~t1&1;. lrt~~1.J'T~,q ,, v ~10 Change of use from /~->Ch ange of use t o 5;.9·:> "Va luation ofwork:$'7~000 ~P LAN CHECK F EE r lrc .~IP ERM IT FE/:3 :r3.00 S PECIAL COND IT IONS :T yp eo f O ccupanc y Canst .G r oup Di v ision Siz eo fB ldg.N o.of Ma >c t (T ot al)SQ.F t.Stories o cc.L oad F ire U se Fi reS prink lers APPLIC ATION ACCEPTED B Y PLANS CH ECKEDB Y A PPROVED F OR ISSU ANCE BY Zone Zo ne R e qu tred Dves DNa N o .0 1 OF FsTREET PA RKING SPACES, D wellingU n i ts Covered I U ncovered NOTICE Specia l Approvals R e qui red Received Not R equired SEPARATE PERMI TS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICA L.PLU MB·Z ON I NG I NG.HEATING.VE N TILATING OR AIRCO ND ITIONI NG .HEALTH DEPT . T HIS PER MIT B ECO MES N UL LA NDV OID I F WO RK OR C ONSTRUC· TION AUTH O RIZE D ISNO T C OMMEN CED WI THIN1 20 D AYS .O R F IRE DEPT . IF CO NS TR UCTIO N OR WOR K IS SUSPENDE D OR ABAN DON ED 501L.REPORT :. F OR APE RIOD OF 1 20D AYS A T A NYTI ME A FTER WOR KIS O THER (Specify)COMME NCED . I HEREBY CERTIFYT HATI HAVE R EAD AND EXAMINED T HIS APPLICATION AND KNOW T HE SAM ET OBE T RUE AND CO RRECT . ALL PROVIS IONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES G OVERNING THI S T YPE OF WORK W ILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHE THER SPECIFIED HERE IN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OFA PERM IT DOES N OT PRESUME TO GIVE AU THORI TYT O VIOLATE OR C ANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF AN Y OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R EG ULATING CONSTR UCT ION O R THE PERFORMANCE OF CONS TRUCTION . r-./1 .- ~H~:~fi:~~4/~7;'f C ATEI 'wtftN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE I THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /3 '17 INSPECTOR PLANCHECKVALIDATION F orm10 0.1 1·77 CK .M.O.CASH PERMITVALIDATION CK .M.O. ~~ CASH ,.-..• INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE .REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS : SETBACK TRENCH REINFORCING . FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHERPROOFING. CONCRETESLAB . . FRAMING .~-.. INT .LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT.LATHING MASONRY .• \ FINAL USESPACE BELOW FORNOTES,FOLLOW-UP,ETC. 1 • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION, 0 ~•·z Jurisdiction of ">•0 0• Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."·•Joe ADD"[55 L OTNO .I OC~IT "OT,..~ L EG.L I I IOSEE.A TTACHE D 5 HEE TItOEseR.t f-I ~ OW N E R I M AlL F.":ZiP t P HO ttE 2 I I '\I 1(1 "7/j I L.I ,'-...."- CO N TRACTOR M AI L ADD"£SS P HO N E L I CENSE NO . 3 ,I,,/•,II..~ ""CH ITECT O R O E5 1 c;.~£Fl:•MA I L A OD R £55 tl"HONE LIC ENSE NO . 4 I (J ~~ oJ.J l,/>I •l <. ~"[NC5I N EE R r .<,~M AI L A.C O ltr.55 P ",O N E LIC ENS E NO . 5 "I';:;. /I ~ 1 "t»I -,. ~ L.EN D E IIt ""A I L A DOJltES5 e ""'~C H 6 . U S E 0 "8 UIL D ING 7 ,~t 8 Class 01 work:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work:-~-i ,.,~,.-f I I ~ 10 Chang e 01useIrom Change 01 use to 11 Valuat ion 01 work:$,I,J PLA NC HECK FEE IPER MIT F EE SP ECIAL CONDITIONS:Type of O cc upancy Con st .G roup D ivision Size a t Bldg .N o .o f M ax . (Tota l)Sq .F t.S tories occ .Load Fire Use Fire Sprinklers APPLICATI O N ACCEPTED BY .PLANS CH EeKE 0BY APPROVED F OR ISSUANCE BY Zone Z one Req uired DYes DNa O FFSTREET P ARKING SPACES 'N o.o f C ove red I U ncoveredDwellingUnits N OTICE Special Approv als Required Received Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EL ECTRICAL,P LUMB·ZONING ING.HEATING.VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING.HEALTH DEPT. THIS PERM IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC- T ION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITH IN 1 20 DAYS.OR F IRE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCE D.OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AN D EXAMINED THIS APP LICATION AN D KNOW TH E SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS O F LAWS AND ORDIN ANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPEC IFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE G RANTING OF A PERM IT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE O R CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL L AW REGULATING CONSTR UCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . (-.... S'G N A TU~E 01"COHT.-....C TOI'I OR A UTHOR IZED AGEN T ,(D A TE) 4'l J I GNA Ti.,l RE 0 "OWN ER I ,.O WN£I'I B UIL OE")DATU WHEN PROP ERLY V ALID ATED (IN TH IS SPACE'THIS IS YOUR P ERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATI ON CK .M.O .CASH PERMIT VALID ATION CK.M.O .CASH Form 100.1 1-77 EXTRA COPY, EAGLEC O UNTY BU lLa P ER MIT APPLICATION .__. FI NA L:C/O INSP E CTION ,LAN DSCA PE I NSPE c;rn)N FO RM Review Rou ting Form ()P r imary Routi ng (~Rerouting .£-'1-7'1 App licant /377 Perm it No. t-ar , Locat ion P f enni nq Comm ission Fil e No._ Rev iew and return tothe County B uild i ng Offic ial w i th in 6 work ing days Plann ing:Compl ies with:Yes No Rev iewed by.:Date:5 r f r 1' Subdiv ision Regu lat ions Q 8 Zoning Regulations ~ ~(~~iiJr"g)[l]0~0 Recommend Approval:~~g;-:"'-aa>"--_ Comments:>'lllr,ut fAi,,1l .y OIJ)k{.~ 0-/7-'7 Recommend Approval:~e.tJt;;.4f' DO 00 00 ~O Comments:------_._---------------''----------- County Eng ineer :Roads Grad ing Drainage County H e al th :Water Sanitat ion Perc.test 00 86 ----00 Recommend Approv al : Comments:------------------------------- Final Inspection:C/O .Recommend Approval Comments: 00 F ilial Inspection:Land sc ap ing Reco mmend 'Approval 00 Co mm en ts:------------------------------- by _C/O Issu ed F inal Fi li ng Date _ D ate _ Date Referred '1-;;.3-7,9 EAGLE C OU NTY B Ul La PER MIT APPLICA TIO N • FIN AL:C/O INS PE C TIC?N,)...AND S CA PE INSPE CTION FO RM R eview Routing F orm (~Pri m ary Rou t ing ()Rerouti ng U,;f.B~Permit No . £r (~e:f W,/I~ Location Pf anni uq Commission File No ,_ Review and r eturn to the County Bui ldlnq Official within 6 working days Planni ng:Compl ies with: Subd iv ision Regul at ions Zoning Regulations SiteP lan~) ~";<I~"c l gn-~.. County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage Yes No R eviewed by:Date:4-7...7 -79 §i D~ o 0oD /'.D ",Q___.~0 Recommend A pproval: County Health:Water Sanitation Perc"test Comments :----------------.".........-.,...--.......~--------- Final Inspection:C/O Recommend Approval Comments: 00 F ilial Inspect ion:L andsc api ng Recommend Approva l 00 Oornmen te :------------------------------- C/O Issued final Fi I ing Date. by _Date _ REGlJEST 11 /3'77EAGLECOUNTY .;)MAjiAV o INSPEC~N•BUILDING DIVISION P.o.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE <j(-3 JOBNAME.--~-"'==-=-i-'--~=-::~='---'------------ TIME RECEIVED f5 JO ::'~P M CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY SHEETROCK STANDPIPE FRAMING woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATiON:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAl.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON .TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE ... INSPECeON REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY -i ;377~/f.rlJ I -• J08 NAMI;---=';-..::JL..L.:....:...:-~---''--L.C=-;;'---'------------ AMPM CALLER _ I BUILD ING DIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE q/7-72 T IME REC ~IVED -'i :15 PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL OODS VENTrLATION MECHANICAL PARTIAL ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL 'PLUMBING LOCATION:LOCATION: COVER _________0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ BUILDING READY FORINSPECTION @ COMMENTS: TUE ~r v WED THUR FRI AMPM , APPROVED o DISAPPROVED ~EINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- ~~\:~--J ~j£I:c "r=-::-:-fL~P(r-=-:-'"r:~--'-----":-~------~e<.-l-,LL.._l:.,-t:;r_~I>fbL-'=t_-=Ia~~J?=/~=_______==_'_~_ -------------t-!fn>.pLf-l------'"""=~..------- DATE I ' REGUEST.. /'/77EAGLECOUNTY <;11--14&2'1 • INSPECeON•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE 7;/10 121'JOB NAMI;--brJ~/~I/!~/---""C:,:..a.....<""",--""",-,---------- TIME RECEIVE6 q :Q &:)AMPM CALLER-_ c _"_ o OTHER _ BUILDING COVER MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTILATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION EATING FRAMING FINAL SMOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: READY FORINSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI I:;;/(0 i AM , 6~/Jdi;.o~t:wfl o REINSPECToDISAPPROVED UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- REGUEST ~.~.INSPEC'ONBUILDINGDIVISION:::::rt=I"7 P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328 -6339 DATE __....L....:"---:=::.JOBNAME ...x::=?-i~~:a..._=_..lC~~l!.......!:~..L--_;__------'--- TI MER ECEIVED AMPMCALL EFt-::::----===",.-;---"T7-----'--'--'-"'-:-'--;-'-'--'-'-"-"-'--_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING FRAMING woe S FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECT CF~------A M PM DDISAPPROVED TUE h"fqcp--_~-'----'----------------- MON APPROVED COMMENTS:--.........J'-'--''---------''-~~:.....;.q.....;~f__------------------- o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------'----------------------------- WAilJJ,I I'd $"b~,!.--.,...__:s"____.Jq':,:...<__~==L.---=-=...w...------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 ~S P E C .ON REGUEST,", DATE JOB NAME __---:."..!-I __-;---"-_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION TANDPIPE. FRAMING woe S PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :_ ~r A P P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE R EBUEST.... {/; r NSPE CBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 DATE JOBNAM£ -'"TI MER ECEIV EDAM PM CAL LER ----....,,--7.Z:7f.~':"'"7_--+;!_~_:;:_...,.._,:'-6-+-----Jr+-'-L-'-__::7' BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCA TlON _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED FRI ----'J....:.;-"-'?:"'-'-'I'I AM ~ COMMENTS :_ lkl APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT ::> - ~UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS,---,H~~~~~~iif''''-------------------- DATE /31-7- INSPEC REGV~~T EAGLE COUNTY JOBNAME (l,l I, CALLE R 1-'----_Cl~,"'::"'::I...-~,",-,-,.L..<7f-!----_ j BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328·6339 DATE I~I f J h e;I ).I TIMERECEIVED //l :( PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY FINAL 5MbKE DETECTOR LOCATION: PARTIAL LOCATION: PARTIAL PLUMBING LOCATION: PARTIAL COVER LOCATION , FOUNDATION BUILDING D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON D DI SAPP ROVED D REINSPECT DATE l~/317 REGUEST.. EAGLE COUNTY >.-Y !i,'( "-1 &-=</.Td BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 DATE ,I ,I -~I~J!f JOBNAM E -"-"--'--'e:.-_'--'-'-'-"--'-'---=~'__'___'__'_'=_'__'____ T I ME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _~"'-'-'--'--'---'-::..:..:..::.-;'__'___~'_=___'_'_'__+_--'----- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATlON TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK 'STANDPIPE EATING ROUGH woes FINALFRAMINGFINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON T TUE ·;Jcv, THUR ,'11 [B~OV E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT [1}PONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONSA~~+--=;-,?L--,~~~~~~O::::::b-------,---,-----""-'=:'==='--"---- DATE ..."......•• -,- -)~'~"'"~--==-e:~~~5 ~~~~~~~-----. -: tII I / / // I / / //) //;// / / If /// II //I / / I I ~ I /~ I I I I i I f I I I 1 I 1 I I I I t I I I I I II-. -~i---,--J- ~t~l ~r~:1f1Y J/1 4H:t?~,1f~1t?1M'-1 ?~ I I I II