HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK G LOT 10 LEGALD EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT '"o~\0 E(\(q-I U(}...A.\~s.e-C-.~~ NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUSTBE POSTED ON JOBSITEATALLTIMES TOWN OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGEROA D VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address.: Location : Parcel No : Project No : ADD/ALTMFBUILD PEIUvUT 2378 GARMISH DRVAIL 2388 GARMISH DRIVE 210311411008 '7 lD O-:>O'(~S Permit #:B03-0344 S tatus : Applied : Issued : Expires : ISSUED 10/30/2003 10/30/2003 04/27/2004 10 /30 /20 03 Phone : 1 0/30/2003 Phone :97 0-328-41 85 OWNER BRO TEN,NORMAN H .&CHARLOTT1 0/30 /20 03 Phone : %NORMAN H .BRO TEN 810 4-AVENUESE J AMESTO WN NO 584 01 License : CO NTRAC T OR HO RIZON ROOFING INC. P.O.BOX 1867 EAGLE,CO 8 1631 L ic ens e:1 87-S APPLICANTHORIZON ROO FING INC. P .O .B OX 1867 EAG LE,CO 81631 Li c ense : Desciption: REMOVEEXISTINGBUILTUP ROOFI NG,INSTALL ICE/WATER SHIELD MEMBRANE A ND 50YEAR DIMENSIONAL ASPHALT SHINGLES Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy:?? Valuation:$23,430.00 Add SqFt:o Fireplace Information:Restricted :Y #ofGasAppliances:a #of GasLogs:a #of \'\'ood Pellet:0******************************************"'***********."4-_-*."'*--*._._-FEE SUMMARY **************************_._*--***-***********-****** Iluildin g-->$377 .25 Restuarant Plan Review->$0.00 TotalCalcu lated Fees->$6 25.46 Plan Check--->$245.21 ORBFee------>$0.00 Additio nal Fees--->$0 .00 Inve stigatio n->$0.00 Rec reation Fee >$0 .00 To tal Permit Fcc-->$6 25 .4 6 Will CaIl-->$3 .00 Clean-up Oeposit-->$0.00 Payment.>$6 25.46 TOTAL FEES--->$6 25 .46 BALANCE DUE-->$0 .0 0---*_._---_.__.----*_.....-*-_._-*----*----**---******--*--*------*----*-_.--***********-*- Approvals: Item:051 00BUILDING DEPARTM ENT 10/30/2 003DF Act io n:AP I tem:0 5 400 PLANN ING DEPARTMENT Item:0 56 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:055 00PUBLIC WORK S *******************:>1<****:>1<*******:>1<****:>1<****:>1<*:>1<***:>1<*****************************************"'******:>1<*********************************************** Seepa ge 2of this Document for any conditions th at m ay apply tothis permit. DECLARATIONS Ih ereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out infullthe information required,completed an accur ate pl ot plan,and state that allthe information asr equired iscorrect.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and st ate la ws,a ndto build this structure according toth e towns zo ning a nd subdivision cod es,d esign review approved,Uniform Buildin g Cod e and other ordinancesofth eTown a pplicable th ereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSHALLBEMADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT479-2149ORAT OUROFFICEFROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. FOR H IMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B03-0344 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL asof10-30-2003 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applicant:HORIZON ROOFING INC 970-328-4185 Job Address:2378 GARMISH DRVAIL Location:2388 GARMISH DRIVE Parcel No:210311411008 Description: REMOVEEXISTINGBUILTUP ROOFING,INSTALL ICE/WATER SHIELD MEMBRANE AND 50YEAR DIMENSIONAL ASPHALT SHINGLES Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.):ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORSTO BESEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIREMATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKEDETECTORSARE REQUIRED IN ALLBEDROOMS AND EVERYSTORYASPER SEC310.9.1 OFTHE1997 UBC Cond:1 (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ISREQUIREDBEFOREANY WORK CAN BESTARTED . Applied: Issued: To Expire: 10/30/2003 10/30/2003 04/27/2004 /l '( COMPLETE VALUATIO SFOR BUILDING PERMIT L abor &Materials APPLICATI •--I '·~"''"'".:'ij " BING:$ =========="""'!I=E=L=EC=T=R=IC=A=L=:$=======1OTHER:$-1.7IMECHANICAL:$IF"T=O=T=A=L=:$=';;;""";""""~";;;;''''';'''====ll 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail ,Colorado 81657 For Parcel #Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328·8640 or visit www.eaale-countv .com Earcel#Z l 0 3-\\4---1\-O0e:. JO~Name:q~LE::(~-r-~vJ,J~u~JobAddress :Z3~L"V3 p.LA I~~Dj2-\'Je::-L.\?~~ LegalD'escription II L ot:I lol~II Subdivision: ~1~eJ.s~.r:e :1Pl%....&....I II Phone: Arch itect/Designer:I Address:Phone: Engineer:Add ress:Phone: Detailed d e~n ofwork:1"1CPl'--"~.~';;>"TI"'t..~U I"'(-"r-(~;::,r ',.JV,.I,.....~~...Mb~~?\\1~oo!lo\"'-"'E:<-~~I ~~.'-(~I"'(Z¥~\(Q~f"~~~~-;5j\-,r\'..~"=:.to.....2.-1::>~•L ~~I~c>'-'"J Wo rk Class:New ()Addition ()Remodel ()Repair K)Demo()Other () W ork Type:Interior()Exterior l)<t Both()Doesan EHU exist atthislocation:Yes ()No)<1 Type ofBldg.:Single-family ()Two-family ()MUlti-family ~Commerci al ()Restaurant()Other () No.ofExisting DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:.4-No.ofAccommodation Unitsinth is building: No/Tvpeof FireplacesExlstinq:GasA ppliances()GasLeos()Wood /Pellet()WoodBurning () NofTvpeofFireplacesProposed:Gas Appliances ()Gas t oes ()W ood/Pellet ()Wood Burninq(N OT AL LO'A/crI\ DoesaFireAlarmExist:Ye s ()No ()II DoesaFire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes ()No () **************************************FOROFFICEUSEONLy ************************************** Other Fees:.~ ORBFees: Public Wav Permit Fee: Type of Construction:- Occupancy Group: Date Received: IAccepted By:. Planner Sign-off: IlV ailldatalc devIFORMSIPERMITSIBLDGPERM .DOC 0712 6/2002 -02-20-2004--- 7..JLam__ Inspection RequestRepong _AU..e>Q.I Wft ..O_ --Page 5 ID mtonnatlor. Requested mspec Date: Inspection Area: Site Address. Frtd 'I.F~bruary 20.2004 JRM ?'37e GARMISH DR VAIL 2388 GARMISH DR! ActMty l onst Type Owmr App'cant 81)3-0 <44 Type .F OC_U~I\C . BROTf I.NORMAN H &CHAR OT r J HORIZONOOFlNGINC. u T AMt' Us f 'Ion .970-328-4185 II ISSUED In .p 0\188:JRM tern'90 LD(,·Flnal RfIq lor HORIZO!'RCO -ING !NCJPam Comments.re roof \sslgnod To:CD JlS Ac1Jon:TImeExp: !J:Ispecnon H!stQfi nem:226FIREDEP I NOTIFICATION Item:90 BlDG·Final Item.21 PlAN-llC foundlltlon PlGn Item:22 PLAN-ILC Site Plar. REP'-::.1 Reque Il'd rim :08:00 AM Phone.970-328-4185 tntereo~'LCAMPBE:.LL K Run 1d 1647 "'.TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTME NT OF COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPME NT kof Cf ~\\{Gr U ~C1YS;.1.. NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUSTBE POS TED ONJOBSITE AT ALLTIMES Job Address : Location: Parcel No : Project No : PLUMBING PERMIT 2378 GARMISH DR VAI L 2388 GARMIS HUNIT #8(DOWNSTAIRS) 21031 1411 008 ~~C-L Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: POI -0074 ISSUED 07/26/2001 07/26/2001 01/22/200 2 OWNER BROTEN,NORMAN H.&CHARLOTT07/26/2001 Phone: %NORMAN H.BROTEN 810 4-AVENUE SE JAMESTOWN NO 5840 1 License: CONTRACTOR JERRYSIBLEY PLUMBING 07/26/2001 Phone:970-827-5736 POBOX 340 MINTURN CO 81645 License :134 -P APPLICANT JERRYSIBLEY PLUMBING 07/26 /2001 Phone:970 -827-5736 POBOX 340 MINTURN CO 81645 License:134 -P Descipt ion:RUNGASLINE TONEW COOK TOP Valuation :$875.00 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:11 #of Gas Appliances:11 #of Gus Logs:11 #ofWoodPallet:11 ****fEE SIJM\fARY :t.u:••••••••••••••••••••• Plumbing->$1 5.00 Restuarant Plan Review-a>$0 .00 Tota l Calculated Fees-»>$21.75 Plan Check->$3.75DRU Fee----->$0.00 Additional Fees----->SO.0 0 Investigation->$0 .00 TO TALFEES------>$21.75 Total Permit Fee------>$21.7 5 Will Call-··->$3.00 Pllyments-------------->$21.75 BAlANCE DUE-->$0.00............................................................................................................................................". Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 7/26/2001 DF Action:AP I tem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION O FAPPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG .):FIELDINSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEC K FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ..". DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowl edge thatIhave readthis application ,filledoutin full the information required ,completed anaceurate plotplan,and state thatallthe informationas required iscorrect.Iagree to compl ywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocomply with allTown ordinancesandstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure accordingtothe town s zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Uniform Building Codeandother ordinances ofthe Town applicabl e thereto. ,'" REQUESTS FORINS PECTION SHALL BEMADE TWENTY-FO UR HOURS IN O UR OFFICE FROM8 :00 AM -S PM. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION '~~D \ ~\\Y <"\ APPLICATION WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE ORUNSIGNED ~c:Project #:_ Uc ~I ;~~Building Permit #:---l(','"*...,-----,i-:r~'+1.Y (f)\-Plumbing Permit #:(,-( 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II PLUMBING:$~l S C22.II Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eeate-countv.com for Parcel #I Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)z..l O ~l~4 u OO~I I JobName:'f\.trr-(Y'\A-5 {'o~IJobAddress:'"Z.tf>6 ~&-Ar(Y'\"\<E:.\\~B~~~\.r ~ I Legal Description II Lot:,Il Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: OW",",Name:(\Qf""""e~res"II Phone:41(g -losQ Engineer:Address:II Phone: Detailed description of ~k:eoo~--\op\'1){'\4P6 ~E..-f\e.YJ WorkClass:New()Addition ()Alteration ()Repair()Other () Typeof Bldg.:Single -family ()Duplex ()Mu lti-family f:I..:J Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other() No.of Existing DwellingUnitsinthis building:No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building: Isthisaconversionfromawood burning fireplace toan EPA Phase II device?Yes()No() ***************************************FOR OFFICEUSEONL y ******************it****************** Other Fees:Date Received:. ", ORBFees:AcceDtedBv:J--,I r..\.N::: Planner Sign-off:»,." F/everyone/forms/pimbperm .,... HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479-2139 - Check all that appfles. 1.Wh ich Department(s)did you contact? Building _Environmental __Hous ing __Admin __ Planning _-_ORB PEC _ 2.Was your initial contact with our staff immediate __slow __or no one available ? 3.Ifyou were required to wait how long was it before you were he lped?_ 4.Was yourp roject reviewed on a timely basis?Yes I No If no ,wtiy not?_~----:----------- 5.Was th is your first time to file a ORB app __PEC app_"_ Bldg Permit N/A 6.Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5 43 -21 Name:_ (knowledge ;responsiveness ,availability) 7.Ove rall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.54321 8.What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter?_ 9.Any comments you have which wou ld allow us to better serve you next time?----------------- Thank you for tak ing the time to complete this survey .We are committed to improving our service.- •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name:AlpenChalets Townhomes re -roof Project Description: DRB Number:DRB030474 Remove existing tarand gravel andreplacewithSO-yearPrestique asphalt shinglein "weathered wood". Participants: OWNER BROTEN,NORMAN H.&CHARLOTT10/21/2003 Phone: %NORMAN H.BROTEN 810 4-AVENUE 5E JAMESTOWN ND58401 License: APPLICANT HORIZON ROOFING INC.10/21/2003 Phone:970-328-4185 P.O.BOX 1867 EAGLE,CO 81631 License: CONTRACTOR HORIZON ROOFING INC.10/21/2003 Phone: P.O.BOX 1867 EAGLE ,CO 81631 License:187-5 Project Address:2378GARMI5HDRVAIL 2388GARMI5HDRIVE Location: Legal Description:Lot:10Block:G Subdivision:ALPEN CHALETS TOWNHOUSE Parcel Number:210311411008 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/29/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsult with TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. TO 54647 y" < r ) DATE J(j l-z I RECEIVED F ~OM ~I \...J...1~1)-=.):..,:f""':)L.l-,---!::.....L -'-":;-:"~~_ ADDRESS J r----.-.-.-~----·--._-- I RECEIPT _Th e Town ofVail l -f ..P/?_/1/IC()D Police Rece ipt Numbers _ By 1-e/)vel II t<-=t 1;'3;:>3HOWPAID-'Cash __Check__ Permit Numbers ---,---,.--:-:-:-_ •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAlL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method: R03 0004970 Amount:$250 .00 Check 1 0/21/200309 :05 AM Init :DF Notation:CHEC K#9 323 P ermitNo: Parcel No : Site Ad dress: Location: This Payment : DRB030474 Type : 210311411008 2378 GARMISH DR VAI L 2388 GARMISH DRIVE $250 .00 DRB -Minor Al t,Comm/Multi To tal Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $250 .00 $250.00 $0 .0 0 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Acc ou nt Cod e DR 00 1000 0311 2200 De scr iption DESI GNREVIE WFE ES CurrentPmt s 250 .00 •• Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.c i.vail.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequiring design reviewmust receiveapprovalpriortosubmitt ing abuilding permitapplication.Please refertothesubmittal requirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformation is received bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobe reviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthePlanning andEnvironmental Commiss ion. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Zoning:---,_ Name(s)of Owner(s):iJ Of2..f.f\~B \"2.0~ Mailing Address:Z'?o f2 C::tP<JZ..M l ~?:l ..\D!Z-,\t k-I ~s '-J P>\l--~d~12!?ne:~~-)aSS Owner(s)Signature(s):~~1 Name of Applicant:\~J2..\"'Z-0....\E--=o:....:0'--lFP,!...C,..!=.cL-.....,.,i _ Mailing Address:e·.?·P.:::>O 'f 1.'0 ""'1 ---::_lbA GLo/::..-~.giCo~)Phone:3"Z-t:3 -4\'6.l..::6=--S;;..._ E-mail Address:Fax:'3z..e -q;:~ No Fee $50Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. No Fee $650Forconstructionofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. $300Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor ~comerdalbulling(includes250additions &interior conversions). ~Fam qr chanestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re 0 I~,paling,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand re ling walls,tc. $20Forminorchanstobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. $20ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe Design Review Board . MinorAlteration (multi -family/commercial) o Changes toApproved Plans o Separation Request o MinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) For Office Use Only: Fee Pa id:Check No.:__By:~~~~~Application Date:DRB No.:I J 4 Planner:Project No.:;~~==~=========== Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addition •• JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(printname)V-fffEf2 ,a joint ownerofpropertylocatedat(address/legal _---'----J..-=-+-.-'---=-whichhave beensubmittedtotheTownofVailCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentfortheproposedimprovements tobecompletedattheaddressnoted,above.I understan ~e proposedimprovementsinclude: -'-'-_'~£f:f!!!~~-_~~.~R>:v!m/;;."·'_tM!'..'-.', 7&;~tr ~~:;£ I further understandthatminormodificationsmaybemadetotheplansoverthecourseofthereview process toensurecompliancewiththeTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations. (Date)(Signature)jIedl1J-+---f- • Page 2of12/02 /07/02 • NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS • General Information: Thereviewprocessfornewconstruction normallyrequires twoseparatemeetingsoftheDesignReview Board:aconceptualreviewandafinalreview.Applicantsshouldplanonpresentingtheirdevelopment proposal ataminimum oftwomeetingsbeforeobtainingfinalapproval. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS o StampedTopographicSurvey* oSiteandGradingPlan* o litnrls,;mp Plim* .0 Architectural Elevati~ns*. oExteriorcolor andmaterialsamplesandspecifications. oArchitecturalFloorPlans* o LightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures oTitlereport,including Schedu les A &Btoverifyownerships andeasements* o Photosoftheexistingsiteandadjacentstructures,w here applicable. o Writtenapprovalfromacondominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. oSite-specific Geological HazardReport,ifapplicable* oTheAdministratorand/or DRB mayrequirethesubmissionofadditionalplans,drawings, specifications,samplesandothermater ials (includingamodel)ifdeemednecessaryto determinewhetheraprojectwillcomplywithDesignGuidelinesorifthe intent ofthe proposalisnotclearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted withanasterisk (*). Topographic survey: oWetstampandsignatureofa licensed surveyor o Dateofsurvey o Northarrowandgraphicbarscale oScaleof 1"=10'or1"=20') o Legaldescriptionandphysicaladdress oLotsizeandbuildablearea(buildableareaexcludes redhazardavalanche,slopes greater than40%, andfloodplain) o Tiestoexisting benchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewerinvert.Thisinformationmustbeclearly statedonthesurvey oPropertyboundariestothenearesthundredth(.01)ofafootaccuracy.Distancesandbearingsanda basis ofbearingmustbeshown.Showexisting pins ormonumentsfoundandtheirrelationshipto theestablishedcorner .. oShowright ofwayandpropertylines;including bearings,d istances andcurveinformation. oIndicatealleasementsident ified onthesubdivisionplatandrecordedagainstthepropertyas indicatedinthetitlereport.Listanyeasementrestrictions. o SpotElevationsattheedgeofasphalt,along thestreetfrontageofthepropertyat twenty-five foot intervals(25'),andaminimumofonespotelevationsoneithersideofthelot. oTopographicconditions attwofootcontourintervals oExisting tr ees orgroupsoftreeshavingt runks withd iameters of4"ormore,asmeasuredfroma pointonefootabovegrade . oRockoutcropp ings andothersignificantnaturalfeatures(largeboulders,intermittent streams,etc.), Page 3of 12/02/07/02 •• Gas Electric oAllexisting improvements(includingfoundationwalls,roofoverhangs,buildingoverhangs,etc.). o Environmental Hazards (ie.rockfall,debrisflow,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) o Watercourse setbacks,ifapplicable(showcenterlineandedgeofstreamorcreekinadditiontothe required streamorcreaksetback) o Showall utility meterlocations,including anypedestalsonsiteorintheright-of-wayadjacenttothe site .Exact locationofexisting utilitysourcesandproposedservicelinesfromtheirsourcetothe structure .Utilitiestoinclude: cable TV Sewer Telephone Water oSizeandtypeofdrainageculverts,swales,etc. oAdjacentroadwayslabeledandedgeofasphaltforbothsides oftheroadwayshownforaminimum of250'ineitherdirect ion fromproperty . Siteand Grading Plan: oScaleof 1"=20'orlarger o Propertyandsetbacklines -~._'"...."-.-<-, oExisting and proposed grades oExisting andproposedlayoutofbuildingsandotherstructuresincluding decks,patios,fencesand walls.Indicatethefoundationwithadashedlineandtheroofedgewithasolidline. o Allproposedroofridgelineswith proposed ridgeelevations.Indicateexisting andproposedgrades shownunderneathallrooflines.Thiswillbeusedtocalculatebuildingheight. o Proposed driv eways,includingpercentslopeandspotelevations atthepropertyline,garageslaband as necessary alongthecenterlineofthedrivewaytoaccuratelyreflectgrade. oA 4'wideunheatedconcretepanattheedgeofasphalt f ordrivewaysthatexitthestreet inanuphill direction . o Locationsofallutil ities including existing sources andproposedservice linesfromsourcestothe structu res. o Proposed surfacedrainageonandoff-site. o Locationof landscaped areas. o Locationoflimitsofdisturbancefencing o Locationofallrequiredparking spaces oSnowstorageareas. o Proposed dumpsterlocationanddetailofdumpsterenclosure. o Retainingwallswithproposedelevationsattopandbottomofwalls.Adetailed cross-section and elevationdrawinqsshallbeprovidedontheplanorseparatesheet.Stampedengineeringdrawings arerequiredforwallsbetween4'and6'feetinheight. oDelineate areastobe phased andappropriatetim ing,ifapplicable LandscapePlan: oScaleof1"=20'or larger o Landscape planmustbedrawnatthesamescaleasthesiteplan. o Locationofexisting t rees,4"diameterorlarger .Indicatetreestoremain,toberelocated(includ ing newlocation),andtoberemoved.Largestandsoftreesmaybeshown(asbubble)ifthe strandis notbeingaffectedbytheproposedimprovementsandgrading. o Indicate allexisting groundcoverandshrubs. oDetailedlegend,listingthetypeandsize(caliperfordeciduoustrees,heightforconifers,gallonsize forshrubsandheightforfoundationshrubs)ofalltheexisting andproposedplantmaterialincluding groundcover. o Delineatecriticalrootzonesforexistingtreesincloseproximity tosite gradingandconstruction. o Indicate thelocationofallproposedplantings. o Thelocationandtypeofexisting andproposedwateringsystemstobeemployedincaringforplant materialfollowingitsinstallation. Page 4of 12/02/07/02 •• o Existingandproposedcontourlines.Retainingwallsshallbeincludedwiththetopofwallandthe bottomofwallelevationsnoted . Architectural FloorPlans : D Scaleof 1/8"=l'orlarger;1/4"ispreferred D Floorplansoftheproposeddevelopmentdrawntoscaleandfullydimensioned.Floorplansand buildingelevationsmustbedrawnatthesamescale. D Clearlyindicateonthefloorplanstheinsidefaceoftheexterior structuralwall s ofthebuilding. D Labelfloorplanstoindicatetheproposedfloorareause(i.e.bedroom,kitchen,etc.). D Onesetoffloorplansmustbe"red-lined"indicatinghowthegrossresidentialfloorarea (GRFA)was calculated .SeeTitle12,Chapter15-Gross ResidentialFloorAreaforregulations . D Providedimensionsofallroofeavesandoverhangs. Architectural Elevations: D Scaleof 1/8"=l'orlarger;1/4"ispreferred D Allelevationsoftheproposed developmentdrawntoscaleandfullydimensioned.Theelevat ion d rawinqs must show bothexisting andfin ished wades.Floor plans andbuildingelevationsmustbe ,.'dr awn'aHti Ei same scale.''".-'-". o If buildingfaces are proposed 'at'angles not represented well onthe normal buildingelevations,show thesefacesalso. D Elevationsshallshowproposedfinishedelevation offloorsandroofsonalllevels. D Allexterior materialsandcolorsshallbespecifiedontheelevations. o Thefollowingshallbeshowngraphicallyandfullydimensioned :fascia,trim,railings,chimneycaps, meterlocations,andwindowdetail s. D Showallproposedexterior lightingfi xtures onthebuilding. o Illustrate alldecks,porchesandbalconies. D Indicate theroofandbuildingdrainage system(Le.guttersanddownspouts). D Ind icate allrooftopmechanicalsystemsandallothe r roofstructures,ifapplicable. D Illustrate proposedbuildingheight elevationonrooflinesandridges.Theseelevationsshould coordinatewiththefinishedfloorelevationsandthedatumusedforthesurvey. D Exterior color andmaterialsamplesshallbesubmittedto staff andpresentedattheDesignReview Boardmeeting . Lighting Plan: o Indica te type,locationandnumberoffixtures. D Includeheightabovegrade,lumens output,luminousarea D Attachacutsheetforeachproposedfixture. II.IMPROVEMENT lOCATION CERTIFICATE (IlCl Onceabulldlnq permithasbeen issued ,andconstructionisunderway,andbeforetheBuilding Departmentwillscheduleaframinginspection,twocopiesofan Improvement Location Certificatesurvey(ILC)stampedbyaregisteredprofessionalengineermustbesubmitted.The following information mustbeprovidedontheILC: D Basis ofbearingandtietosectioncorner D Allpropertypins foundorset D Buildinglocation(s)withtiestopropertycorners(ie .d istances andangles) D Buildingdimensions,includingdecksand balconies,tothenearesttenthofafoot o Buildingandgaragefloorelevationsandallroofridgeandeavelineelevations D Alldrainageand utility servicelineas-builts,showinq typeofmaterial,size andexact location D Alleasements Page5of 12/02/07/02 Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material • Other WallMaterials Fascia ., Soffits Windows Window T rim Doors Door Trim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Pieasespecifythemanufa cturer's name,the colornameand number and attach acolorchip. Page6of 12/02/07/02 • PROPOSED LANDSCAPING • PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name CommonName Ouantity Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees -2"Ca liper Coniferous Trees -6'inheight Shrubs -5 Gal. ~Sguare Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED I RRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifyother landscape features(l.e .retainingwalls,fences,swimmingpools,etc.) Page 7of 12/02/07/02 • UTILlTY LOCATION VERIFICATION • Thisformistoverifyserviceavailabilityandlocationfornewconstructionandshouldbeusedin conjunction withpreparingyour utility planandschedulinginstallations.Thelocationand availability of utilities,whether theyaremain trunk linesorproposedlines,must be approvedandverifiedbythe following utilitiesfortheaccompanyingsiteplan. Authorized Signature QWEST 970 .384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fa x) Contact:JasonSharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact:BrianSulzer HOLY CROSS ELECfPlC ASS0C 970.949 .5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact :TedHusky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038(fa x) Contact:KitBogart EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DISTRICf* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact :FredHaslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x112 (tel) 970 .949.9138 (fax) Contact:FloydSalazar *Pleaseprovideasiteplan,floorplan,andelevationswhenobtainingapprovalfromtheEagleRiverWater &SanitationDistrict .Fireflowneedsmustbeaddressed. NOTES: 1.If the utility verification formhassignaturesfromeachofthe utility companies,andnocomments aremadedirectlyontheform,theTownwillpresume that therearenoproblemsandthe development canproceed. 2.If a utility companyhasconcernswiththeproposedconstruction,the utility representativeshall note directly onthe utility ver ification form that thereisaproblemwhichneedstoberesolved. TheissueshouldthenbedetailedinanattachedlettertotheTown of Vail.However,pleasekeep inmind that itistheresponsibilityofthe utility companyandtheapplicanttoresolveidentified problems. 3.Theseverificationsdonotrelievethe contractor of theresponsibilitytoobtainaPublicWayPermit fromthe Department ofPublicWorksattheTownofVail.Utilitylocationsmustbeobtainedbefore digginginanypublic right-of-way oreasementwithintheTownofVail.Abuildingpermitisnota PublicWaypermitandmustbeobtainedseparately. Page8of 12/02/07/02 • NOTESTOALLAPPLICANTS • Pre-application Meeting Apre-applicationmeetingwithTownofVailstaffisencouraged.Thepurposeofapre-application meet ing istoidentifyanycritical issues pertainingtotheapplicant's proposal andtodetermine the appropriatedevelopmentreviewprocessforanapplication.Inmany cases,thepre-applicationmeeting helpstoexpedite thedevelopmentreviewprocessascritical issuesareidentifiedanddealtwi th inthe preliminary stages.Apre-application meetingmaybescheduledbycontactingJudyRodriguez at 970.479.2128 orjrodriguez @ci.vail.co.us Time Requirements TheDesignReviewBoardmeetsonthe1stand3rd Wednesdays ofeachmonth.Acompleteapplication formandallaccompanyingmaterialmustbeaccepted bytheCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentprior toapplicationdeadlines.A scheduleofDRBmeetingsandassociated applicationdeadlinesmaybefound onthe WorldWide Webathtt g:/lci.vail.co.us/commdev/planning/drb/meetings/default.htmFor anew ,"residential 'development,the application deadline IS typiCa llY '3.:>WeeKS prior to 'a Deslgh 'Review Board hearing.'" Review Criteria TheproposalwillbereviewedforcompliancewiththeDesignGuidelinesassetforthinT itle 12,(Zoning Regulations)andTitle14(DevelopmentStandards)oftheTownofVailMunicipal Code. Requirements for properties locatedinhazardareas If apropertyislocatedinoradjacenttoamappedhazardarea(l.e.snowavalanche,rockfall,debrisflow, floodplain,wetland ,poorsoils,etc.),theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayrequireasite-specific geologicalinvestigation .If asite-specificgeologicalinvestigationdetermines that thesubjectpropertyis locatedinageologicallysensitivearea,thepropertyowner(s)mustsignan affidavit recognizing the hazardreportpriortothe i ssuanceofabuildingpermit.Applicantsarestronglyencouragedtoconsult withCommunity Development staff priortosubmittinga DRB applicationtodeterminetherelationshipof thepropertytoallmappedhazards. RequiredPlan Sheet Format Forallsurveys,siteplans,landscapeplansandothersiteimprovementplans,allofthe follOWing mustbe shown. 1.Plan sheetsizemustbe24"x 36".Forlargeprojects,largerplansizemaybeallowed. 2.Scale.Theminimumscaleis 1"=20'.Allplansmust be atthesamescale. 3.Graphicbarscale. 4.Northarrow . 5.Titleblock,projectname,projectaddressandlegaldescription . 6.Indication ofplanpreparer,addressandphonenumber. 7.Datesoforiginalplanpreparationandallrevisiondates. B.Vicinitymaporlocationmapatascaleof1"=1,000'orlarger. 9.Sheetlabelsandnumbers. 10.Aborderwithaminimumleftsidemarginof1.5". 11.Namesofalladjacentroadways. 12.Planlegend. Page 9of 12/02/07/02 •• Design Review Board Meeting Requirements Fornewconstructionandadditions,theapplicantmuststakeandtapetheprojectsitetoindicate propertylines,proposedbuildings andbuildingcorners.Alltreestoberemovedmustbetaped .The applicantmustensurethatstakingdoneduringthewinter isnotburiedbysnow.Allsitetapingsand stakingmustbecompletedpriortothedayofthe DRB meeting. Theapplicant,ortheirrepresentativeshallbepresentattheDesignReviewBoardHearing.Applicants whofailtoappearbeforethe Des ign Review Boardontheirscheduledmeetingdateandwhohavenot askedinadvancethat discussion ontheiritembepostponed,willhave their itemsremovedfromthe DRB agendauntilsuchtimeastheitemhasbeenrepublished. If the DRB approvestheapplicationwithconditions ormodifications,allconditionsofapprovalmustbe resolved prior tothe issuance ofabuildingpermit . Staff Approval approvew ith certa in m Gd jfi :::~tjc:-:~,·::!cr.y the applicatlon,or refer the applicationt othe Design Review Boardforadecision.All staff approvals arereviewedbythe Design ReviewBoardandanystaffdecision is subjecttofina l approvalbythe DRB . Additional Review andFees If thisapplicationrequiresaseparatereview byanylocal,stateorFederalagencyotherthantheTownof Vail,theapplicationfeeshallbe increasedby$200.00.Examples ofsuchreview,mayinclude,butare notlimitedto :ColoradoDepartmentofHighway Access Permits,ArmyCorpsof Eng ineers 404,etc. Theapplicantshallbe responsible forpayinganypublishingfeesinexcess of50%oftheapplicationfee. If,attheapplicant'srequest,anymatterispostponedforhearing,causingthematte r tobere-published, thentheentirefeeforsuchre-publication shallbepaidbytheapplicant. ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmenttohavedesign,landuseorother issues,whichmayhaveasignificant impactonthecommunity,mayrequirereviewbyexternal consultantsinadditiontoTownstaff.Should adeterminationbemadebyTown staff thatanexternal consultantisneeded,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhiretheconsultant.The Departmentshallestimatetheamountofmoney necessary topaytheconsultantandthisamountshall beforwardedtotheTownbytheapplicantatthetimeoffilinganapplication.Theapplicantshallpay expenses incurredbytheTowninexcess oftheamountforwardedbytheapplicationtotheTownwithin 30daysofnotificationbytheTown.Anyexcess fundswillbereturnedtotheapplicantuponreview complet ion. Page10of12/02/07/02 •• Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Departm ent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www .d.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submitted prior toPublicWorks review ofa proposed development. Owners/Project Name:_ ProjectAddress :_ Applicant PhoneNumber: Submittal o Stampedsurvey of property o Civil/Site plans..-.~-.-. Survey Requirements: o Surveyor's wet stampand signature o Dateofsurvey o North arrow o Properscale (1"=10'or 1"=20') o Legal description o Basisofbearings/Benchmark o SpotElevations o Labeled right ofwayand property lines; includingbearings,d istances andcurve information . o LotSize o BuildableArea(e xcludes redhazard avalanche,slopes greater than 40%,and floodplain) SitePlan Requirements: o Landscapeplan o TitleReport(SectionB) o Environmental Hazards(ie.rockfall,debris flow,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) o Watercoursesetbacks (if applicable) o Trees o Labeledeasements(Le.drainage,utility, pedestrian,etc...) o Topography o Utility locations o Adjacentroadwayslabeledandedgeof asphaltforbothsides of theroadwayshown fora minimum of 250'in either direction from property. I.Access(checkall) o Driveway type andfini shed surfaceareshownonthesiteplan. o Unheated 0 Heated (portion inROWinaseparatezone) o Snowstorageareasare shownonthesiteplan within property boundaries (30%of driveway areaif unheated;10%of driveway areaifheated) o All driveway grades,dimensions,radiiareclearlynotedonthesiteplanand conform to Development Standards,p.11.SteepestSectionDrivewayGrade (not theaverage grade):_ o Parkingspacesand turning radiiarenotedonsiteplanand conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II.ConstructionSite(checkall) oLocationofall utilities and meter pitsareshownonthesiteplan. o Limitsof disturbance construction fencingisshownonthesiteplan . oIamaware that approvedStagingandConstruction Traffic ControlPlans,aspertheManualof Uniform Traffic ControlDevices,willbenecessary prior to construction. oIamaware that aRevocableRightofWayPermitwillberequiredpriorto construction. Page 11 of 12/02/07/02 •• III.Drainage (checkall that apply) oTherequiredValleyPanisshownonthe siteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p .12. o (Note:Valleypanmust not beheated) o4FootConcrete Pan 0 8FootConcretePan oPositiveandadequatedrainageismaintainedatalltimeswithintheproposedsite. oCulvertshavebeenprovidedandarelabeledanddimensionedonthesiteplan. oAHydraulicreporthasbeenprovided.(AsrequestedbyTownEngineer) IV .Erosion Control(Checkall that apply) oDisturbancearea is greater thanonehalfacre. oAseparateErosionControlPlanhasbeenprofessionallyengineeredand PE stamped. o Less thanonehalfacrehasbeendisturbed,andpropererosioncontroldevicesareshownonthesite plan. V.Floodplain(checkall that apply) o Theprojectlieswithinoradjacenttoa100yearFloodplain. -0 AFloodplaln study has been pro vided.(Required -:f-ft o c d t::!~:n -i s ,w i t h i n construction I!m :~or 3 ~ requestedbyTownEngineer) oThe project does not liewithinoradjacenttoa100yearFloodplain VI.Geological/EnvironmentalHazards (checkall that apply ) o Theproj ect lieswithinaGeologic/Environmental Hazard area.(SeeDevelopmentStandards,p.20) o AHazard Reporthasbeenprovided oThe project does not liewith in aGeologic/EnvironmentalHazardarea. VII.Grading(checkall that apply) oExisting andproposed grades/contours areprovidedonthesiteplan. oAlldisturbedareashavebeenreturnedtoa2:1grade. oAlldisturbedareasnotreturnedto2:1gradehavebeen Profess ionally Engineered withslope protection and/or stablesoils.PE stampeddeta ils areprovidedwithinplans. o Onlyexistingcontoursareshownonthesiteplan,there is no proposedgrading. VIII.Parking(checkall) o Allresidential andcommercialparkingspacesconformtotheDevelopmentStandards,pp.12&15. I X.Retaining Walls(checkall that apply) oAllretain ing wallsconformtothestandardsintheDevelopmentStandards,p.19. oAllretainingwallsandcombinationwallsover4feethavebeenProfessionallyEngineeredandaPE stampeddetail hasbeenprovided with in theplans. oAllretainingwalls areshownonthesiteplan,withlabeledtopandbottomofwallelevationsandtype ofwallconstruction. o No retainingwallsarerequiredforthisproject. X.SightDistance(checkall that apply) oPropersightdistancehasbeenattainedandshownonsiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. oPropersightdistancehasnotbeenattained .Explanation why:_ AdditionalComments Please provideanyadditionalcomments that pertaintoPublicWorksReview. ApplicantsSignature _ Page12of 12/02/07/02 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9/28/84DATE 001886 III III Iv'fi!PERMIT NO. •1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI (9M BU ILDING 30,000.00 DIVISION 1 2 2.~4 z ELECTRICAL 4,000.000 GENERAL DESCRIPT ION OFWORK :new oundation ~PLUMBING 1,000.00 new $ner sewer-inside remodeling :) -'<everythi ng wi 11 be like before >MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 15000.00 BUILDING PERMIT ?1!1.!10 PLAN CHECK 107.75 ~ELECTR ICAL 48.00 NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (\/)PLUMBING 10.00 p-JDWELLINGUNITS__ACCOMMODA TION UN ITS __MECHANICAL HEIGH TINFT .__NO .FIREPLACE S _2_RECREATION FEE V)'j... INSULAT ION:TYPE THIC KNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD I ~FLO OR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 250.00 0)~ EXT.WALLS USE TAX ~~175.00 ROOF ~~t'- TYPE ELEC .GAS TOT~L PERMIT FEES 806.25OFSOLARWOODJi~~~~-~---'-t:ti>fLvV __HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UILDING OFFI IAL DATE 1..!!INIT IAL Kristan Pritz 9/28/84 ST.CUT IzoNING ADMIN ISTRATOR ----DATE---- BLAST ING !zONING &BUILDING NOTES: PA RKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appl ication,filled out in full the i nformation required , completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws.and to build this structure according to the Town 's zoning and subd iv ision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and Z ordinan?!tp-the Town applicable thereto. return clean up to:-:IJI/.J ~f:J,.PETER HALLER -Box 3502 ../,//'-~'f'?,;.... Va il Co 816§8 ~IGNATl1RE-Of""o'WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ,•ANDTHE OWNER . [XJ PLUMBING D FOUNDATION D 00 BUILDING 00 ELECTRICAL G:J MECHANICAL i ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ' .tD '~ department of community development TOBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT ~L'GAL LOTIO BLK G DESC.FILINGYA Va il Das Shone #2 JOB NAME :HALLAR REMODEL OWNER NAME Peter Haller MAIL ADDRESS Box 3502 CITY Va il ,Co 476-4700 PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . Haller Canst. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO.118L TELE .476-4700 FIRM same asabove ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM Benno Scheidegger PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.124P CONTRACTOR TELE .476-5737 FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the printery /vall CALLER (~~.~. INSPECTION REQUE:~I J A OWN UF V AIL . N AME __N1J LIL GR G~trri--0v-e ~__ ."j ~_.C(C,tf5( -7---;-'-'---=-AM ,(P ~)READY FOR LOCATI0N :--'=e::::=.-'-'-..u...'""-----,/-+-.......,.,"--"-'-"-~I_---''--''~=-'-..L--tl_-'-''-~v--_I'--_f.=:l6>_A :""-":---1 PERMIT NU7ER OF PROJECT DATE "5 ll/L JO B L!9;0 -. BUILDING: o FOO TING S I STEEL o FOUNDATI ON I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATI ON o SHEETR OCKN AIL _ o /'~L PLUMBING : o U NDER G ROUND o ROUGH I D .W.V ._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o G A S PIPI NG o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER 0HE ATING _ o ROUGH 0EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR o 0 _ L -0F INAL _ o DISAPPROVED 0REIN SPECTION REQU IRED CORRECTIONS : .~ DATE :;;-23 -£5 INSPECTOR WorK /),.,..",....,..<'), I DATE , l " I.TY~E OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIII IV _. mmunity development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI M BUILDING J '3Cl,0dO DIVISION 12 2.4_z ELECTRICAL ~/OOOETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMITQ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK ;I 1?LJ 1m ...~/f./Ctz t-II ()t1rJ..PLUMBINGMITfh<.·/O,,,,,'w :...(,.)!P/1:1,?/{r;o -:::> -' J •..MECHANICAL -0 PLUMBING o f?1tj II,/1,(u:l ,6"""'/Ir /I-I yJ e::1 > 0 FOUNDATION V H lr.l...J ) L 0 TYPE GROUP G .RF.A .VALUATION PERMIT FEES 1.J-R-~3$LiCJ 010BLKC,--BUILDINGPERMIT !J.,/S ,~O .2 II-,c..s-..tCA;n,'11..,e PLANCHECK 107.7~ 'J.,du.?I-lIut/c>r'.J-;);'f.<n ELECTRICAL 'f~."CJ (l J..///)J ll r/2-.-. lo.c-dNEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (')4 PLUMBING DRESS 10 )2502 OWELLINGUNITS __ACCOM MODATI ONUNITS __MECHANICAL 'I t (/,0 PH."-'1 I?V HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES --2..-RECREATION FEE r\- IN SULATION:TYpE THICKNES S R-VALLUE DESIG N REVIEW BOARD 0 FLOOR CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT ,f 50.ocJDRESS EXT.WALLS USETAX I 7~.oc.JPH. ROOF /J1§t !r>(I TYPE ELEC .GAS y.-TOTAL PEBA-,1IT FEES --Lb ,":.!';FVAILREG.NO .OF '6 ...~- SOLAR WOOD ~~4 ?-e 'il--NHEAT fh !J ref/ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDE , 1 lU I~~~I C I A~1t --q~-----f~INITIAL _till _,_---~~d--FVAILREG.NO.lONINGl~DMINISTRATOR .ST.CUT ;f .ATE A •"/.).r-;..J ~IN',-BLASTING II //I ZONING &BUILDING NOTES :'r'J:«Z _,1 vv ,-,.-11/I --(7-#PARKI NG -'fr FVAILREG.NO./I f I lr7/-,')7.3 I DEMO I : I hereby aCknOwl~dge that I ha~e read this application,filled out in f ull the information requ ired, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct .I FVAILREG.NO .agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with a ll To wn ordinances and state laws,and to bu ild this stru cture according to the Town's z oning and s ub divis io n codes,d es ign review approved,Uniform Building Code and othe.r Ordil;}~o wn a pp licable thereto. SIGN xtfITE OFNEROR CONTRACTOR FORH IMSELFFVAILREG.NO . ANDTHE OWNER LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN 0 TELE . LEGAL LOT ..ESC.FILING JOB NAME:~ OWNER NAME FIRM OTHER FIRM FIRM TELE. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TO WN 0 CITY MAIl AD CITY 11. ARCH ITECT FIRM MAILAD TOWN0 CONTRACTOR TELE . PLUMBING TOWN0 CONTRACTOR THE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN 0 TELE. TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPL TYPEOFPER [2i BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICA• e . &MannikSmith consult n 9 eng nee rs STANLEY H.SMITH,P.E. 8600 W.14th .Ave. Suite 1 Lakewood,C olorado 8 0215 303/232-0480 October 1 ,1984 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado 8 1657 Attn :Gary Murrain RE :Foundation Wall Reinforcement Units 4 &5 2388 Garmish Drive Vail ,Colorado Dear Gary , PEETER MANNIK,P.E. 0331 Metcalf Rd. P.O.Box 5570 Avon,Colo.81620 303/949-6736 At the request of Peter Rock ,I visited the subject project site on September 28 ,1984 to review the changes made necessary by the partial failure of the south foundation wall below first floor l evel .At the time of the site visit the Contractor had installed an eight inch steel beam to support the wall above the failed area and forms and reinforcing steel were in place for anew8 " concrete wall in l ine with the existing foundation wall . The Contractor 's observations indicated that t he eX isting footing is approximately 2 '-6 "wide ,which results in a 2000 p sf average total load foundat ion pressure and is within the recommendatins . Based on this I approved this change as a satisfactory so lution to r epla ci ng the foundation wall . On Septemb er 29 ,19 84 ,I again v isited the site to obse rve the exposed below grade west found ation wall .Since there were not any cracks in the wall below grade the length of the north -south reinforcement wall was changed from 12 '-0"to 6 '-0 ". Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions in regards to t he above . Sincerely , 9ddla~ Peeter Mannik ,P .E . XC:P eter Haller NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OCT.24,1988 DATE 0 038 73 PERMIT NO. t.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 9,000 DIVISION 122.34 z ELECTRICAL 0 ~Ab~lfCWM'2lPdb9f 1RJlfL'D UP.~PLUMBING=>--'<MECHANICAL> TOTAL ~,UUU TYPE GROUP G.R.FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES VR 3 9,000 BUILDING PERMIT 108 PLANCHECK 54 ~~ELECTRICAL ~ NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAI~PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL ~~ HEIGHT INFT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE ~'-s. INSULATION:TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT.WALLS -NONE -USETAX ROOF TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $262.00OFSOLARWOODHEATJOENORRISNOV.23,1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:~UIi.DING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s.!!INITIAL X 1----------------ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING X !zONING &BUILDINGNOTES: PARKING X **TO MATCH EXISTING. DEMO X I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan.and state that all the information provlded as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan.to comply with all Town ordinances and state',W,.and to build 'h"structure accordinq '0 the T~,','0"'.,"drd""'O';~d,,'., review approved,Uniform Building Code and ot ~lf /.e To n ~ca b l e th reto. CLEAN UP TO:ACE ROOFING /A.f~/'I 1/,IAA.-. PO BOX 276 SIGNA~tE OF OWNER or CONTRACTOR 7 R HIMSELF GLENWOOD <:P.('0 81602 ANDTHOWNER. DRIVE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ~oo TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERM IT BUILDING 0 PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION MECHANICAL 0 2388 GARMISCH IltiEGAL LOT -r //}BLK rv ESC.FILING ~AIL DAS SCHONE JOB NAME:HALLER RE-ROOF OWNER NAME PETER HALLElit MAIL ADDRESS PO BOX 3502 CITY VAIL PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM ACE ROOFING GENERAL 127-5 CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE. -ELECTRICAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the printeryiv aiI •.. ·x I DATE I);1/~__ QAIE T ', 1.-, ,\I (60 ". PEfll.1lT FEES ELECTRICAL PLUMOING TOTI\L BUILOING PEnMIT REC nEAltON FEE MECtlANICAL PLAN CIIECK ELECTRICAL DESIGN ntv uw OOAno USE TAX _04 CLEArl ·UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES 'Z b ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:-,-_ ,.. 'ONING AOMlNISlnATDR VALUATION r 11111 ,:0 GllF.A. NOTE_COpy OF.fEAMIT TO BE KEPTON JOB5tTE ~L.--r:1 X DfIlE lO -Z.l{-1lJ6 I THE rOLLOlWIG IS ilEEDED FOR FILlIIG PERI·I!T: 1.Le t ter from condo assn .(I F I\PPLl CI\DLE 2.2 Sets pf completa driJ~lings/e xpliJnatil)' .UUILUII1G '1'--fx:J.U-'>'X X GnOUp ?--~1---1----- I .TYPE OF CONSTIlUCTION I![IGltT"H T.__No.rIl1EPLA CES -------INSULA TlOIl :TY PE 1I11 CKNE SS R-VALLUE n.oon I ,.. I I " EXT .WALL S nOOF TYPE £lEC.I GAS OF .woooHEATSOLAn ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: 'J..!!.~ ST.CUT DLAST 1N G -- PA nKlflG -- DEMO .. IIEI'I()AlI EnAi ioll ()Ao oiilOii Al(I REPAin ~-'PLUMBlflG ...v --------1--------1 O\~ELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODA l iON UNITS_ TYPE .~_I _'_- CONSTRUCTION PERMITr--L:.!!.~==~--, [L ECTIlI CAL 0 FOUlJ ~~N o MECIIM~I.<i ~ll P ~......fY.li .'<d ,\Gil LEGAL LOT C}OLK 3 Gj DESC .FILING Vc.,'J de.S 0 ~OONAME :t+aI {(..;r-f!L....r--0 0 f- OWNER UI\I~F 'f (''''f='r tt«!J.....et: IAAII AnonF55 f(')~.,(~t::0 7 CITY VO ,'I PII. ARCHITECT f1nM MIlILt.DOIlESS CITY PII. ..-s:~;J}kGENERALFIIIM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VA IL nEG.NO.\d-'?CS THE. EillM LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO, TELE . E1Il.M PLUMOING CONTRACTOIl TOWN OF VAIL nEG .NO, ,TELE., !:J.ill.l MECIIANICAl CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. _.!!':._~~. OTHEn FIllM IO vm OF VAIL REG.NO. CON TRAClOn 1 Ell,. ( x X ."~.,".)'~-:.~~'~..:~('\ ..'"...:,>," .',lown onail " dcparlll1~nt 01 community rl(~Vclol'll1r.nl AHH I'LEI\SE FI LL QUIl HI\EHE lilE (X)I·II\RKS I\HE' TOBEfiLLEDOUT COIA PLETEL YPAIOATO ISSUANCE Of PEAMIT TY PE OF PEflMJT ~U r L O It I G 0 PLUMo rllG x x • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • officeofcommunity development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The ri.ght -of-way 'on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft ,off pavement . This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Tmrn of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. '".Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) Date /, PM_____AM eTION REQUEST \ TOWN OF VAIL FRITHUR 367 0 LOCATION :---=::...=-=-----7'--=--L-~-'-"'~------------------- READY FOR INSPECTION : 33t?Jl PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE l ')-'/7 /1 {/JOB NAME ----'--=---;,-r--'---'---""-----=------,..,,------------ CAL LER ~----'-'---=--...........------l-=--.:=-----.:=----<--'---L..>..--==r------- MONTUESWEDf'rrl-J'Y\I S-C l BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ i FINA L PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ~A P P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -I~"-.,---.pe:--+-p=-----,NSPECTOR 90/~ 75 south f ronlage roa d va il,color ad o 816 57 (303)47 6-7000 Peter Haller Vai l Racquet Club Restaura nt 4770 Bighor n Road Vai 1,Colorado,81657 De arPeter, • office ofcommunlly development Apr il 2,198 5 I just want ed to conf i rm ourd iscu s sion co ncerningthel ands caping a t your unit i n West Vail.Theonly s ite wor kr equ ired before you are issued your fina l Certificate of Occup ancy wi ll beto clea n up the a reaa ndpl ant as eed mi x in ordertorev egatate the hillside .Yo u had ment io ned th e pos sib il ity of adding so me t rees a nd shrubs to your proper ty.Whi leI wou ld cer tainly encourage you t o a dda dditi onal pl antings,this wou ld notbear equirement before yourf inal Certif icate o f Occup ancyi s is sued.Pl ease don't hesitate t o call me wit h any qu estions you may have.I 'll be sure topass this informat ion along to Gary sohe i s awareofwhat yourland scaping r e quirem ents are. Town Pl anner TB/rme DATE INSPECTION REQUEST J I TOWN OF VAILa'f:r- Hfif!f-'Y COn.rrCALLER__---!_....::...:......!...~_=__~!.:....2..~:....__ NAME --_-----l--=:=-..::::.....:..-l.....:>....L.:....__ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /7-II 0 Itt/JOBI/ -----8 PMTHURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: 2~~YLOCATION:_----'~...L.-'-L.!!....-__--1-~~.!....!.....~~I..__ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB • o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 . )(F-tNAl -7~c.yu o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FJ.NAL o FINAL :a:APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED5 CORRECTIONS: A f/(// 7 -/-f,~ INSPECTOR ~=-~;z-~===-------- ,....//7 -/Z...;-~-DATE _:......:..._..:......:==--_ Vh~;r~-//~{70p NSPECTION REQUEST I J i JO!!N OF VAILHI.J~~{[)(.!N~NAME READYFOR L0CATION:-'=':::..:..---'--'--'-'--''''------+..L.L-'-'-...:-'--'--''-'-'--'---'-....L:...-'-=--'-'----b-'----'--J'--'-----''-----.,L.--=::!P-A..,..-=~ PERMIT NUMSER 0JF PROJECT DATE 5/'7 ~JOBtI BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o / l[y ~A L C'~O PLUMBING: o UNDE RGR OUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: "# DATE ;;-23 -l>INSPECTOR &kl~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST. '/("I'4 TOWN OF VAIL/7Q.co:/"I.~· ~£1/n,&LCALLER_---:.......!E.:.L.:::.::::..-....L.L...:...~==---_ JOB NAME -~--:"""~=---...!-1.~~=--_C;!;.~_/L-,)-Xr /%%15" DATE ~--READYFOR INSPECTION:MONTUES r WED ~THUR FRI LOCATION:J ?vj7 /YO z""'Z d~r~2~. ...-_____AM PM / BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ / .0.FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL 0 "APPROVED I o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / // • I, INSPECTOR __-=,..-<.-.~:...L---=--__.......:.....:...-.:...-____"=_____DATE ---:.I--".L~--,,-_....L._...L-_ _____AMPMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST I'TOWN OF VAIL ~..e/ LITo f r] c, THUR J I c((, READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I d ~_"!..I'I J +~DATE /J JOB NAME __---'--..,......--=-_ CALLER 5"1~c9 TUESWED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB I}SHEETROCK NAIL &./'!I9£CT./v A /° 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 D/FJ,NAL o FINAL Ui--APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l,1 ~=-..:::..;::::....~~=-.-::._-e:::::=----------DATE --,-''--0.---'--_ I AM 'PM / INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL MONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:--'--~_"____==_=_~__~:......:s.L------------ PERMIT NUMBER OFPROJEC T DATE (//7 I~If JOB NAME _-'---__~:..,..::::_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB ~:/SHEETROCK NAIL 0'; 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL /I o FINAL ~ /// o APPROVED ?DISAPPROVED / /G -REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE -=-__-'---_INSPECTOR -.-.:..--""=----=:..::-=,..L.----:=--::===--_ ·. INSPECTION REQUEST P E(;'.......TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME _.....L..!....!..."":""!O'.J,:..!=!5.__---'~~2...~_ CALLER MON TUES WED THUR @READYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL ROUGH I D .W.V. 9(:RAMING ¥aOUGH I WATER I ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 "D J~AL o FINAL ·fr-APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIREDI.A / CORRECTIONS: DATE d -2 -H INSPECTOR / _____AMPM / FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL~-\I I r CALLER \--i \f TUES &THUR f READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION :-=--.::...-....:..:...__.::...-_---''---':-.-.:...-!..-_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I I au D BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL £t ROUGH /D.W .V . ,IoFRAMINGGl.ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER b GAS PIPING .o PLYWOOD NAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL ..,o FINAL -.,/./,/ o APPROVED ~~I SA P PR O V E D /../, O ~REINSPECTION RE IRE CORRECTIONS: -V'I - ,/ DATE _--.!-~_-=----:::::..-----=--_INSPECTOR _-:::-....::.E~::..L.~=-~::...--------- _____AMPMFRI INSPECTION REQUESTGTOWNOFVAIL j~CALLER --L....!.-4~'--'--'~=~~--------~W E D THUR 4 rr I:G: READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :----'~:....::___'____'__'~__"'''''_'_'_:_'.L----------- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE )j//'/JOB NAME --L.-L....:.--=---=-__=_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL [jJ ROUGH /DW.V., o FRAMING m ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER I o PLYWOOD NAILING GJ GAS PIPING,' o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL /;?o FINAL ./"7,/ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: fO~D I S A PP R O V E D ,// [J~EINSPECTION REQUIRED ------ DATE ---;.LJ...<"----_---'-__,.:-_INSPECTOR PMTHUFRIAM ~/h-.-.I INSPECTION REQUESTHqr,/...-.J TOWN OF VAIL c/-hJ( WED c'/,,('- NAME ~!.-.:...,..-._..::-.:::::..._ READY FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:-=---=----__~__=::::.:~:._...::..:::::..__~__..:...._ PERMIT NUMBI;R OF PROJECT DATE /11/;'1%'f JOB o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDO-APPROVED /#" J///C RRECTIONS:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 <.:VINAL o FINAL , hINSPECTOR_--,.-=.--'---'-"''----'-__--='--''--'--_DATE --'--=------===-"--'-----+r----'--- NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BEKEPTON JOBSITE •DA-.g '27'gq~II ..0018 40PERMITNO. 1.TYPEO F CONSTRUCTION III II II VV 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP AB EH IRM BU ILDING D IVISION1 22a34 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERALDESCRIPTION OFWORK :~PLUMBING take oyt concrete floor.drywall ::>..... '">MECHANICAL TYPEGROUPG .R .FA VALUATION PERMITFEES BUILDING PERMIT PLANCHECK ~ELECTRICAL NEW ()ALTERATION()ADDIT IONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATIONUNITS __MECHANICAL f-.)r HEIGHTIN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATIONFEE p-,-:::j.. INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD I "-.'~l:X1 FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ~c:::: EXT.WALLS USETAX ~ROOF DEMO 10 ,00 ~~TYPE ELEC.GAS TOTALPERMITFEES O F SOLAR WOOD HEAT I-______-.Murrain ...B J2Bf.BL ____ ADD ITIO NAL PER MITS NEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL DTE 1..li INITIAL 1---------------ST.CUT hONING ADMIN ISTRATOR DATE BLASTING tzONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application.f illed out in full the information required . completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that allthe i nformation provided as required is correct.I agree to comply w ith the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,andtobu ild this structure according tothe T~~;S ~and subd iv ision codes ,design review approved ,Uniform Build ing Code ando ther or I apces the Town applicable thereto. /17(l IN Cl.!GN\tr1'tJR~OF 6"WNEB-OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF A ..u I n"un,'t:H. PH. MAli ADDRESS CITY JOBNAME :~~l<J<3tlOO<>OOOO< FIRM OTHER ;",FI:.:,;R.:;,;M _ TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . FIRM CONTRACTOR TELE. ARCHITECT l-FI"'R""M'--I ,.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ·t O I ~ department of community deve~p!r'J!nt "~ FIRM TELE. OWNER NAME Megapol j tan Mort MAI L ADDRESS1230S Parkter Rd CITY Denver rn AO?l'H . LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVA IL REG .NO . TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO . TELE. GENERAL uFI.o.RmM _ CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . T OB E FI LLED O U TCOM PLETE LY PRIOR T OISS UANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMI T o BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0EMDEMO ~L E G A L LOT #10.BLK G DESC.FILING Vail Das Schone #2 the prlnle,.,/vall War\( I DAT~--, 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV .. ommunity development 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING ,z ELECTRICALDIVISION1220340ETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT~GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK :PLUMBINGMIT:J -'""MECHANICALGlPLUMBING> ~FOUNDATION L TYPEGROUPG .R.F.A .VALUATION PERMITFEES BLK BUILDING PERMIT PLANCHECK ELECTRICAL U /./.IhMk NEW()ALTERATION()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR()PLUMBING PRE;?OWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL IhA.PH .HEIGHTIN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES RECREATIONFEE-- INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSITPRESS EXT.WALLS USETAXPH. I!I?IJ dlV ROOF TYPEELEC.GAS TOTALPERMITFEESOFVAILREG.NO.OF L(l/"c.;.!/:.h SOLAR WOOD HEAT 'fbi.::.{II//(((:=-(&ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s:!i INITIAL F VAIL REG .NO .~ONING ADMINISTRATOR ---------ST.CUT DATE BLASTING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: '0"10 s;tr?-.1-.. PARKING'.IV F VAIL REG .NO.DEMO : I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application,filled outin full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I F VAIL REG .NO .agree to comply w ith the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town 's zon ing and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. F VAIL REG .NO.S IGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER . MAILAP CITY LOT_ FILING LEGAL DESC. FIRM M CITY PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN 0 TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN 0 CONTRACTOR THE. MAliAP THE. GENERAL FIRM ~ CONTRACTOR TOWN ARCHITECT FIRM FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN 0 TELE. TOBE FILLED OUT COMPL TYPEOFPER EtI BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICA 6 LECTRICAL W NTRACTOR TOWN 0 TELE . • •• ...-..the uet Gub .....J,:\~urant .Id 81657·303-476-47004695VailRacquetClubDrive•Vail,Co ora 0 \J H ighline Centre 1230So uth Parker R oad De nver,Co lorado 8 023 1 (303)75 1-5100 ••MEGAPOLITAN MORTGAGE COMPANY VICTORIAL.S LUSHER ExecutiveVicePr esident August 21,1984 , RE;Unit No .5,Lot 10,Block G, Vail Das Schone ,Filing 2, West Vail,Colorado TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; Megapolitan Mortgage Company,as owner of the above described property ,has given Mr .Ulrich Haller our permission to procure a building permit from the town of Vail .Pursuant to a contract dated July 16 ,1984 between Megapolitan and Mr .Haller,Mr .Haller is to make certain repairs on the above described premises before we close . Please accept this letter as authorization to issue said building permit to Mr .Haller. Sincerely , :A PO L I T~MORTG';"~Z.ANY ~jI /PUL /~/1~c'orla L.S{usher Executive Vice President '-------------OFFERINGOURYEARSOFEXPERIENCE TO YOURFUTURES INCE 1965 ------------~ _____AMPM /8 'I 0 eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL . o t ~uy FRI INS flCiI/~y {3",€,11CALLER TUESWED Ua.YYh l I D/3lr i~O B NAME ----'---'---':..-..:::::::.....::....' J IDATE LOCATION:---"'='----"""---'''----'''----=r--=--=--~.:......:..-=~----------~----- READYFOR INSPECTION:MON 3,f",t' o REINSPECTION REQUIREDnDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: IoFOOTINGSISTEELm UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL I.'GJ ROUGH I DW.V. / o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING.. o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0, o ,FINAL n FINAL ?0-1\PPROVED I CORRECTIONS: / DATE ---f:....:::...-~---=-------INSPECTOR =---~~~=-_ thf prlnlHy /vail INs.eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ". R;;-C... //'...,.,, CALLER MONTUESWEDTHURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:.....:..----'-_ • o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND r-iri FOUNDATION /STEEL /,/6/4:-'L.-A'"A o ROUGH/D.W.V., o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING- o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 ;IoFI~AL o FINAL -...;.-D'APPROVED /CORRECTIONS: ·A • • INSPECTOR ----,.~~:...,...::---'--::.::..:.:..--__:::==_=__'~-----/{-zDATE"""-"----;--_ _____AM -I I'I/. •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR L --I..r:I( CALLER MONTUESWED {,(I '"n-;I s:c / .t:-(I .•I ;'2..It.If 'I JOB NAME/---------==-------------DATE READYFOR INSPECTION : ?~.. LOCATION :~,-1 t:J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT <::/'I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW,V, o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPING IoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 Jd Flt§i._~AEU /"t7 .c7e:P o FINAL ~ ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 O)}INAL o FINAL r({APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED<--J / CORRECTIONS : DATE ....,.,c...-..e---..:::..---:..----- NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE \ ATE 4/26/84 •D ,--.001675 111111 ,~£.1 1\1 PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE HR BUILDING 21,200.00 DIVISION 12 2~z ELECTRICAL 900.00a GENERAL DESCRIPT ION OF WORK :add iiona1 300 ~PLUMBING 2.500.00 in existing spacein bedroom floor :J -'...both new kitchen cabinets and counte >MECHANICAL tops and rip outold closets,remove "'....~v I IIVII UIO'"11I::t.'"~'''"101 n'"II TYPE GROUPG.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V-lh R-3 21,200.00 BUILDINGPERMIT 152.50 PLAN CHECK 76.25 ELECTRICAL 35.00 £NEW()ALTERATION ~)ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 30.00 DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATI ON UNITS __MECHANICAL ..../7 HEIGHTINFT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE -dJ INSULATION :TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ~J FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 N~ EXT.WALLS \.£"+USETAX ROOF C) TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 393.75OFSOLARWOOD~G OFFICI;~-v~~---'f5~j f'J:.-HEAT ADD ITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED: 1.!!INITIAL I-s.L Tom ~aun....:._4/l7/8~-----ST.CUT bONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING IzONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application ,filled out in full the information required , cornpleted an "'C""..plot P'''.andstate that ,II '~;tJl!1r"~"!jJ;:.as required ls CO,,",.,apre '0 comply with the information and plot P"".10 C~'h ,"T.W"ord inances and state laws,and to build th is structure according to the To 'Z In an ubd~n codes,design review ifrfroved,Uniform Building Code and other or.In0 the wn a cable thereto. RETU CLEAN UP TO: Brown Wolin -Box 701 ~v~-4 Vail,81658 SIGIlATURE OFOWNERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. Q PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT T'fPE OF PERMIT Q BUllDING !il ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL LOT 10 BLK G DESC .FILING Vail DasShone #2 JOB NAME:Wedel Remodel 84 OWNER NAME Jan Wedel MAIL ADDRESt 900 Wes t Dean Rd. clT.,Mi lwaukee,WS PH.o _"..1<""', ARCHITECT FIRM wner MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM Brown-Wolin Canst.Inc GENERAL 101BCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.94q-41Afi FI~Owner ELECTRICAL f inseectlon falls owner CONTRACTOR TOWN ~F AIL~EG .NO.•mas emp ore electr Ie TELE.contrac or FIRM Benno Scheidegger PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .124P CONTRACTOR TELE.476-5737 FIRM none MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM Morken Drywall TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .249S CONTRACTOR TELE. the printery /val! /00.~O--- BUI LDING :).I;;-.."a E"0 0 ~"'-'.$'''''.:~~ELECTRICAL 171/Lv"e.v--~oa 'll'I ~t,h<., PLUMBING :I ;J..$'oo MECHANICAL 0 PERMIT FEE,S r BUILDINGPERMIT /S;2.-S -0 DESIGN REVIEWBOARD PLANCHECK 76.:?S PLUMBING .S'a .0 0 USETAX ~T 7l""fL RECREATIONFEE ELECTRICAL S -s-:0 0 MECHANICAL CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT TOTAL !PERMIT FEES ZO NING &BUILDING NOTES :_ ~IN G O FFL.--DATE ----- 1-\,,>&1"'''':·;/C l.;d __ I7ONI"GADM INISTRATOR iliE'-4 + r f-"-- I WOOD ~AS / THICKNE SS R-VALLUE __NO .FIREP LACE S TYP E SOLAR EL EC . I J "..,,''):!'......T""....v .~, TYPE GROUP G .R.F.A .VALUATION EXT .WALL S FL OOR DW ELLING UNITS __ACC OMMODAT ION UN ITS __ INSULATION : HE IGH TINFT . PAR KING ST.CUT I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appl ication.f illed out in full the i nf ormation r equired. completed an accurate plot p lan ,and state that a~1Itheinformation prov ided a s requ ired is correc t.I agree to comply w ith t hein forma tion a nd plot pla n ,o mply wit h all T own ord in ances and s tate la ws.and tobu ild thi s struc ture ac c ording t o t he ~:'s zo nin:f;fand S Ubd~i~v iS io n c odes.d esign re view a pproved .Uniform B u ilding C ode and oth rn nll 0 1 Town a p licable t hereto . IN.J2 -L ~'"J(,-wrl.U J... SIGNATUR E O F OWNEROR cm/TRACTOR FORH IMSELF A NDT HEO WNER..I · ROOF ADDITI ONALP ERMITS N EEDED:AIfT?'\'""- y C:-..INiTiA L --/" DEMO BLA STING T YPE OF HEAT NEW ()ALTERATION 't')ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR IX!) I.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION I IIII II ~~~llhe"1.~...,........::::=::;:::;:;:=:;:==__...:.;;;,,;;;;;,,;;=w 2OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IM \~",,".,ttl DIVISION 12 2afi)4 .1 ~"',~t-----t-"+--.:...c:..--'---~'---..!-t..:...::.==-.>..:a""'-=" GENERALDESCRIPTION OFWORK:"A),II P.'~ri/~ !'/~~:.J-1,/;..<w KlJ .(..,.<:..,.I".d<<:!-<:,"..v-.,..:w<,::t-----t--=--"'-.::..-------------I '"1,1.~G..-.,.:/-;.../tJ.J/.+,,,,,,.Jt cf't,',d ..d-->1--+-_-==---1 ..I l.O 0 j 'c Id f7c I.'>e+4 f(~-p".;:J.,..p IJ~...- PH. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo WacK mmunity development TELE. CITY 129 BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL OTH ER LEGAL LOT /0 BLK (t) DESC.FILING lj..,I Da"~."e,f'(I'14~ JOB NAME :We.de (P-e '-1I0JJ B4- OWNER r~~W~~ Woo Wl""t lAo",..."KJ CITY.J.! ..W'lo <-H,;ll ~'7"'~,1"'c....k...~1 PH.4 14 -;\- ARCHITECT FIRM Q{J)"'~ FIRM Bu 04)'"ev-' LECTRICAL ( NTRACTOR TOWN OFVAILREG.NO . TELE . MAIL AD"'D<UR~ES...SL__ FIRM N;-I'-e.-,Md-"'i!.~J)I'V ~ /.;...."("--I TOWNo r VAILREG .NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM ljr-o "',",~Wa /Ii!Gn.s -f DcGENERAL CONTRACTOR TO WN OFVAILREG .NO .IO I-!3 1+'f -f-tfi (" FIRM M ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOW N O"-,F_V!.!A",I.!:.L.!..!R.!:.E""G,,,.N",O~.,--_ TE LE. TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT .. )..~ '3"I;)..we.. / (U ftl/ • Se£:-T181J £JteJel /<'U~W dV-/(.: /J<w a.i. N~WJ'r . ;J4J Ti I-:h->.fl.•..,.... ~Aldt ;'f !l~J!.E.t /Vew B-ldv-,,,.1 . /lJe w ~ jJ~\),,,1.",L R~vn~t IJ ~­ 'J+r-IA J w-J ~:JI b"i,..... I~Jc'.....J D.h t?~~ B~I -: Fire 13 1'0 III 0 ' o 0 o ../0 / /. .,',...,"e-L ~BI'~•;)/LJ .",JI>Wo'Co I ~ 10wn 01 alDevelo pm ent Health ,-' -"I I Plan ~ ~jJt,.v 1).W 'B f)../ {(----~ •••~+o..<-IL WQ.~!.~-j)...!"v--' r--e foJJ -p,.<>-k:.U ......-fr,teirC.- --- W-D \ To wn 01 Va ilcommunity Develapmer.t Ik alth I 'I Denied6-------- Fire o /N j,.J/lw • _,--'(;'10"-+-+I b "~ ~ C',,"fE ', ~.:..."._..-....--....., ,..,------""--~.,."---_........-........·---...--"'....'.,--_...---..........=:l!=:IlOZ_.....M:IIZWl:_:::KI__OZI~ •.aJJK~J.J 't .• T3 ro ,,.,H'I -&.10 (""CJ,.,J ,"]:.lA <- ..__...•_.•._..,.._..•""'"•.__,•~~o.. ---------_._., _....."'--_... ·.'.c·..• ~".,: •o .:'.,. ""''',_,,_0._.._._..-k'3 '){J,...J"...... l -~-;-'-------~~---_.-__-.___._----..--- f';-~___::_---.:-----jl ·i~···.~_._-_._..'.... r ..•... -. --'..-~ "\~-~- -_._-_.~- • Denied ';.,3." "'~"':":;"'_".';:1\"'~''''~~'_~~.~., "_.,..~ OA1E : I I6=~-------- •••.•'r «, ".,' c...~,~:.,·_~":~~."?>-..-_...L.._. ..',)""', r. ~'...~.~.' , ......... -_·.~.:T·.:..... •"p••.•••o·~._.," ;;;j(;.,....",~~.~;. .;.:...;.":: ;.~:ci;;.:;...:.:i.~•. Ih7~INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL _____AMPMREADYFORINSPECTION: CALLER _ MONTUESWED THUR FRI LOCATION:.?J CoS?~,""I.e H-1,-: BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ ~~I N A L ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ DflNAL V~J-r 7 PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D.W.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ~c:f'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE +:........::=....:...:0:.--------INSPECTOR eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL . ~o ? INS f CALLER ----''-----'-----'---=::..:.-----'_ READYFOR INSPECTION: /~ MON /,~ TUES WED THUR /, FRI _____AM /./I' PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D.W.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o F INAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ____=_/-=--~____=_---='"'---''---_INSPECTOR ----'----":,-:...-"-"'--""'---"--_..<....:>.----"----'_ / _____A M PM eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL . FRI I "I I (I rJJI'JOB N AMEDATE / I .\ CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION :MON TUESWE D TH UR J r:/ LOCATION : CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING.- o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB rr'SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER oH EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLYAI R 0 /7 0~~d o FINAL 4/ /;/// ~~PROVED /-'%:~/e:e I S J \F'F'R ~~..-cr ~~,.8 ~~=:lIiO U I R6 D Q«,~ DATE --'--"'---<-....:....----=_INS PECTOR PMo..:-AM/ ; eTION REQUEST TOWN OFVAIL . FRI I' v Je.c I CALLER <- MONTUESWED GUR) <>/"..r f It fie 1 / I (/)7 JOB NAME =-_~~---='---~~='--------- I IJ,I,/',k'/1 .f /("»r: I .f -BUILDING:PLUMBING:I j "t-. •o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND , o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V.. G FRAM ING o ROUGH I WATER /ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING :P'INSULATION . o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:I MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL "'... DATE READYFOR I NSPECTION: )...0 vLOCATION:=L-':':~l..2.A __+.!.:-::"":"':'::"':'..l..-:.~-::!-":'-----l-~=---"'-...:z..~__ 0 0 'J\:PPROVED ./ CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -'-~-"-'-'--"'-_INSPECTOR --"'=---,,£.-~~~:==--_ 1M prinle.,/YIli PM_____AM INSP eTION REQUEST ,TOWN OFVAIL . JOB NAME J,/~~/·R of ,~4"/, CALLER _~fi:...:'J_="--,,--==-,,,-,-~~_ MON T UES ~E D THURFRI ~;.,.,,s--r ,.(//,(/~ READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:)T'l? BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH/D.W.V._ o ROUGH/WATER _ o GASPIPING ._ o POOL/H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL , o APPROVED / "CORRECTIONS: •I '"'I n DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -----------------------------------'---.. INSPECTOR , /'<IDATE_---'.__-'--__-'--_ PMFRI / CALLERIt- INSPECTION:/7.MON /TUES)WED THUR »"'~ti -r:ru,It 'vt1..A/l ".tL ~I fl Ie I ~j Ii t ,I - LOCATION:, '---J .LSI .t-tt-,·C fA., BUILDING:PLUMBING:· o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND (o FOUNDATION /STEEL !!l.ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING .10 ROUGH /WATER ROOF&SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL DATE _-'-----,'---"----'__JOB NAME _-'--=-':'-=~=-=-~~--!..."':""::"~~"':':"':"_ ItL~Yvt READYFOR c;.-v G APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED '.___=--=:=::."----=....:..::...=c.-..:.--=..:::..:.:._ • DATE ~<---_--'-'_'---_INSPECTOR ., • J ProjectApplication 144 -4/86 Da te __~~~~_ Project Name:--"'--=-=e..='-----'---'-=..:.-=~f--------------___,__."._-_.,.-~-{}J~J K€hlod J Project Description:1<-ep ~r.Ll(.W,..dcJW wf/..rtf£.U rl J Contact Person and P ho n ~5 ro<.<J 1\-£,J ot'!C<n1St.Lc.., Owner ,Address and Phone:~""tJJ~(J /900 ~?(}.I '7 1-4'4-~5~-S'1'5 A rchitect ,Address andPhone:_-=--""-=ll...-__-=--....::==-.:::...;~_._:....::.::..!!:..='___ G DesignReviewBoard Date _ M ot ion b y :_ Sec ond ed b y :-:====-_ ~DISAPPROVAL \~"l I Da te :----++-=?Ul-+-f--------- ...-••""l p~(~((jJ, J~iL ~t J4j:!J'/~cut ~tJJ(j;J . JLj~~~J .7L.~~;iL 1JL'~~2.~:t~£4~L4 .~7 .JL /N fL::tJ1Lf.*7 ~L /.·~~.Jt.~~:.IL ~..;iL ~Li¥. (dl2lclf ?£t;:-/l.J/Il!ct7/2 (-lJfJb- •••• 144-4/86 3Az/81-7 J Sa 'I\.(..i,I;..J I?N t.t . d.~-{".p D(Jy Date _-'~::""""::+---':':......L _ ProjectApplication Pro ject Na me :WeJJ KerrtDJJ ---,-,~_i__r__.__,_ Project Description :Koe.I4.C LT<.iN ,.,J04J IAI¥ldl.Un I C on tact Per sona ndPh one broloOn.-l-Job'l C-cr>1sf.The-. O wner ,A ddressand Ph one:~"'"lJJe.{]/90 D S ,~1'7 1-4-M _--L)~S-=~_-..L.5...!-7'~~-L-_ Ar chitect,Address )and Phon e:Q w l'l '"'\L"'<j'~e-tt s Mo QC G DesignReviewBoard Dat e _ Mo tion b y : Se conded b y:-=====~---- D ISAPPROVAL tr.-printeryl 'lall • 7Sso uth f ro ntage roa d vail ,colorado 8165 7 (303)476-7000 February29,1984 To Who m I t Ma yConcer n: • officeofcommunitydevelopme nt Re:Lot10 ,Block G,Vaildas Schone 2 Alpe n Chalet s Lot10,Block G,Vail dasSchone #2in t he To wn ofVailis zoned Pri mary/Secondary Re sidentialwhichisaduple x zoned istrict. Our reco rds indic ate that th ere are 8uni ts on thi s lot which com- pr ise sal egal no n-confonn ing situation on the property withre spect t o dens ity control. Sin cerely, A.PETER PA TTEN,JR As s is tantDire ctor of Plan ning APP:bpr "-T 'f>,..' ~.ro., E;<I,>T.T-4IC.tE EO L.D"IG A~I"'I~ I'ffiM t>SUI'10 t e,..,.....1'1 f-V,..Ii I J ~l\n (~,,)(......0I To "-"'t LINfO NIOW ~l,.'"'".'t~ALL ,\ "'0·,or MIN -~r"O'-'t'I - ~l ~';,Dtlte<..TIO c 11.£IU;Mf......~1ll£...EDC GP1E,,"....pole I)EV&..o1'€sooo PSI COM E~~~ l I'>E ;\'>IM A 1;,';f3KAIJe ~Wi GO'"~Ok.M -0 AST M A"~S LAil ...Ll -0 ,o" MIH 1 1 J '-//p 4-11'fA W 1,"(LA,.r..ar oF'4" ,,--_..1.._"'_'=~'~'Y"4<:>"MAX IIA €e"ALL w'TII ",PI;_ ......Ql.YI. ere T Y.I~E·""{ 4LL ,,£N,"C)pJ SA ~)fl F b.ttl(.(W N F Ii !!>Ail.'.>IlG."M INI"'JM. "... I'4', .,.".p ~o or- S 3.l'>t2Ac.E"~)(.'~TING.',,"cAvAi ~c..OIJ~T .J(.T eW WALl O N SOU'rn <;\1)1<.\0.1 0 l?AC.1L~tLL E'XCAVA'TIO"I OleW l To ~,,"C.AJ'"),.."FOIl....&IN \.0\,\vue !o; Sll)~. ,o' 4~11'n " I 'S~'-TI"~06 '/t'.I'o· l::L.ION ::'E...oW CO L'Io<£S"'Mt lit.T • --'«) "4 n it \00'~ iJ'Rl E"1\1 t';,loc A/.I',u,J..:.E. rON!.rlJLl 04~ •o , ,o , I +~ 11:'1='or WAil A~ ~14 ,l..OO 8 i0oi1):0 , , I • 1 __ o '1 .L o Health Fire DS8eJ:r ION "A I -:J o IYt '.;I!'''' TO va,.'>TL ..5 ~0'"~~'I.' ~'Z~4." Town of Vail Community Development o o Plan ,x ~T I-l(,.FOO?c.. "'lvTII DE ~A Approved Denied ..:ul O t'8-1 I A ..Go·I fiT .•/>££of ~~I"',I:>LOCl<W"'~... ~~",e-e;:)P .\A.1 1 0<0 'Z.o'v!-oti ~~o PA"G, FilL r;ilL \011 ITH ,""I-lc.'Nil ~e PtA ~\lEW JJA L. ~, T 'GO I ,.I IJI t-:--' -Po l::A lI.ll-!C,PA~T . Tryl CAL ':>EO."E' I )l.\'Il .o«i~()~ ElC.':A A'ION / t I I PLAc.E T I",:-..A",E A T Cu.e.t.IN E...,~T WA.LL .. • AWl..o~LIMIT Of ~~I,T (Of/c..SUI,"'0 1tE,....II-< r:- -,- • II~'-'--J~1~ T (q \ • ~---...., 4'O~,. tf N>W,'DOl,"10'-10 oNW •• _."CA J I"lI.A.G 'C,(...Go""l "..."T1.,r,eK ~ ~04.Si\l.,..~c ~ECT·I;.~Tl-lv<, ~l(l~T INr.F'OOTIl-l& I~'0" FOUNOATION •~1'1 •• r -- 1/-- .- r-: ......--- r r::-- j ~I. \) • ..Validityof Permit Sec.303 (c)1982 U.S .C ...GOi'" 1Of 1 o \84~8'....-- Si-lE'E"r N O. PEElER MANNIK.P.E. 0331 Metcalf Rd. P.O.Bo~5570 Avon.Colo.81620 303/949-6736 Mannik engineers I="~'" F'll~lI"L G.E' EW Il.hllJ rotC' toe 'lO OF & o I.,tOl SOl L £o',>U G'F '2.000 PSI" 500 PSI='AT INTE1I.l0~B~It-l PA I<.TITIoI-!':> FROM 1\o.I'I'n.·MOl)~1-l60\"'~~~INC.,1...,0'1 STANLEY H.SMITH.P.E . 8600 W.14th .Ave. Suite 1 Lakewood,Colorado 80 215 303/232 -0480 consult ng S mit h \;'!'I FOU I... A,.F-xT.Vv )....) PElt ll.ELD1'1M ~Ii (O~ A'<JON,GO\.O A00. 5.A.or.co ~oN e><.T ~oc-,WA.v...'.> G.ILO JT W ITl<Iii "liE t"I rs "J... t,;.;......,"1"-.('/-... 11.>'(P!'1 OA.TE q.50 --I ll.e 1')10 I.l- '2.,gg G",,,-'>1)" VAl I Co OeA DA TE: The rss ua nce or granting of a pe rmit or ap pr ova'of 01 .ns >~ specifications shall not be construe d to co a permit , ap provalof,any violation of any of the pre -!ans oj It _'. orof any otherordinanceof the jurisdica ion.The issu ance a permit ba sed upen plans,soecrncancns and othe .~;.ta r.1.:. not prevent the building officialfrom tnsrearter requiflng t nc correction 01 errors in sai dplan s,spe cifica tions and othe r data." '2 ..~r.,.,T.ww. _______'~-.1_.-.-f ",../ I q'9",.-1 ". I'G." J'--,r ..... '/'2 o.I'0" WA.L I1.E\N~. ~Se <ecr .:A" L ..4-L COlLU€U.."At\e 11" "A,\l ~'M\.W Aol ~.,