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DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT --- rOWN OFVAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD J AIL ,CO 81657 17 0 -479-2138 ••w'"I L..(7 U«:(~s ~L ..p z.. I jl'[ NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE AT ALL TI MES MECHANICA L PERMIT Permit I:M96-005 5 Job Add ress :23 38GARMISHDR Location :2338 GARMISH OR Parcel No:2103 -114 -11 -0 19 P roject Number :PRJ96-0 090 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:OS /29 /1 996 Issued ...:08 /14/1996 Expires ..:02 /10/1 997 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT HILBDAVE- CUMMINGS GREG ,4 040N FRONTAGE RD E lA, YOUNG,SCOTT 44 61 DRIFTWOOD PL ,BOULDER ,CO 80301 YOUNG,SCOT T VAIL CO 8 16574774 Phon e :3035304138 Description: MECHANICAL WORK FOR NEW pis Valuation:1 5 ,500.00 Fireplace I"f o~ti on:Restricted :Y '01 Gas App liances :4 'Of Gas Logs:2 'Of Wood /pallet: t t~***~******t**'I'I'*"~****'********************fEE S~~RV ***I**I***II************~***~**********************'* ~e eh&n t ea l --->.320 .00 Restuarant Plan Re view-->.00 To tal Ca lculated Fees--->403 .00 Plan Che ck->80 .00 OR B fee---------->.00 Addit ional hes---->.00 In ves t i~ti o n>.00 TOTA L FEES ->403.00 To ta l Per.it Fee--->403 .00 will CaU->3 .00 Pay_nh---------)403 .00 BA LA NCe oue------>.00 **************************************************************••••••••**.*.*********.******************************************** Div is ion : Di vis ion :BUILDING FI RE Itim:0 510 0 BUILDI NG DE ~AR TM E NT Dept :0 8 14/1 996 CHAR L IE Ac t1 0 n:APPR CHARLIE DAVIS I tem:05 600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dep t: 08/1 4/1996 CHA RLIE Actio n:APPRN/A CON DITION OF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMP LIANCE. 2.COMBUS TION AIR IS REOU IREDP ERS EC.60 7 OF THE 1991 UMC . 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPEND IX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC . 4.GASAPPL IANCESSHALLBEVEN TED ACCORD INGTOCHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC . 5 .ACC ESS TOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OF THE 1 991 UMC . 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOO RSOF NONCOMBUSTIB LECONST. UNL ESS LISTEO FOR MOUNTING ON COMBU STIBLE F LOORING. 7 .PERMITLPLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PKIOR TO AN INSPECTION RE8UEST . 8.DRA INAGEOF MECHANI CAL ROOMS CNTAININGHEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQU IPPED WI TH A FLOOR DRA INP ER SEC. 2119 OF THE 199 1 UMC . ,******************************************************************************* DE CLARATIONS I hereby e cknow ledge t hat 1 have read t his appli cati on,fi lled out i n fu ll t he 1nfor.a tion requir&d ,co ~l e t ed en a ccurate plot ••plan_and s t ate tha t all t he in1 or~tio n pr ovided a s re qu ired i s to rre~t .1 ag ree to com ply with the i nforMation an d p Lot plan, to comply with a ll Town or dinances and state l aws,and tobui l d this st ruct ure acco rding tot heTown's ~a n i ng andsubdi vision codes,de li gn r evi ew approved,Unif orM Bui l ding Code andother ord inances of t he Town appl icable t hereto . DVANCE BY TELEPHO NE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OF FIC E FR OH 8:00 AM 5:00 PMREQUESTSFORINSPECTIONSSHALLBE~ADE TW EN TY -FOUR HOUR SIGHATU RE OF OWNER OR CON TRA CTOR fOR HI"SELF A N D<a m.~~~~~~~~~::::::~~~::==___ •• ~*******+*++•••••••***.***++**********************.***•••****••• rOWNOFVAIL ,COLO RADO Statemnt ~**.****.*••*.***.*•••************************••••••******•••••• Statemnt Number:RE C-0184 Amount : Payment Metho d:CK No ta ti on:.2060 1 50 .00 08 /14/9611 :26 r nit :CD P er mi tNo :M9 6-0055Ty p e:B-MECH Parce l No:2 103 -1 14 -11 -0 19 Si te Address:2338 GARMIS HDR Loca tion:2338 GARMI SHDR MECHAN ICALPE RMIT This Payment 1 50 .00 Total Fee s: Tot al ALL Prnts : Balance : 403 .00 403 .00 .00 Ac count Code 0 1 0000 4 13 12 0 1 0000 4 13 32 De sc ription ME CHANICAL P ERM ITFEES P LAN CHECK F EES Am ount 120 .00 30.00 ....-•• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 816 57 97 0-479-21 38 DEPA RTMEN TOFCOMM UNITY DEVEL OPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMITMUSTBE POSTED ON J OBSITEATALLTIM ES MECHAN I CA LPERMIT Permit #:M96 -0055 J ob Address:23 38 GARMIS HDR Loc at i on :233 8 GARMISH DR P a rcelNo ....•:21 03-114 -11-019 Pro j ect Numbe r:PRJ96-009 0 Statu s ...:I SS UED App li ed ..:OS /29 /19 96 Iss ued ...:08 /14/19 96 Expi res ..:0 2 /10 /199 7 OW NER CONTRA CTOR APP LICANT HILBDAVE- CUMMINGS GR EG ,4040 N FRONTAGE RD E #A, YOUNG ,SCOTT 4461 DRIF TWO OD P L ,BOULDER,CO 8 0301 YOUNG ,SCOTT V AIL CO 816574 7 74 P hone:3035 304 138 De scri pt io n: MECHANICAL WO RKF OR NEW P iS Firep lace I n to r ~t;on :Re str icted :Y 1I0f Gas App l ;anets :4 Va lua tion: 1I0f G~$logs:2 15 ,50 0.00 110 1 Wood/pallet : •U******************************************************",*FEE SUMI1 ARY ***********************************************i;**********l1 echenic al-->320.00 Restuarant Plan R e v;~-->.00 Total Calculated Fees -~)403 .00 Plan Ch eck-->80 .00 DR B Fee-----------).00Addit ional Fe e s----).00 Inve stigat i on>.00 TOTAL FEE S------------)403 .00 Total Per~;t Fee-------)403.00 \lill Ca ll-->3 .00 Payment s----------->403 .00 BALAN CE OUE-----).00 1********************************************************************************************************************************* BUILD ING FIRE Item:0 5100 BUILDING DE~ARTMENT Dept: 08 /14 /1996 CHARLI E Ac t>on:APPR CHARL IE DAVIS Item:0560 0 F IRE DEPARTMENT Dep t: 08 /14 /1996 CHAR LI E Action:APPR N/A COND IT ION OFAPPROVAL 1 .F IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TOCHECK FOR CO DE COMPLIANCE . 2.COMBUST ION AIR I SREOUIRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC . 3 .I NSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFA CTU RESI NSTRUCTI ONS AND TOAPPENDIX CHAPTER 2 1OFTHE 1 99 1 UMC. 4.GA S APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACC ORDI NG TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERM INATE AS S PEC IF IEDINSEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5 .ACCESSTO HEAT ING EQU IPMENT MUST COM P LY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC . 6 .BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIB LE CONST . UNLESSL ISTED FOR MO UNTING ON COMBUST IBLE FLOORING . 7.PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AN ALYSIS MIUST BEPOSTEDIN MECHAN ICAL RO OM P KIORTO AN IN SP ECTION RE8UEST . B .DRA INAGE OF MECH ANICAL ROOMS C NTA INING HEATING OR HOT-WA TER S UPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH AF LOOR DRAINPERSEC . 2 119 OF THE 1991 UMC. Di vision: Division: t******************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS 1 he re by acknow ledge t hat1 have readthi s appli cation,f ilted outi n ful l th e i nforma tion required,cDmp leted an accurateplot ••plan,and state t hat e ll the i nformationpr ovided a s requ ired is correct .1 ~gree t o comp ly with t he i n f o r ~t i o n andp lot p lan, t o c o~ly with all T~n o rd ;~nc es and state l aws,andt o bui ldth is str uc ture a ccording to the Town's zoning ands ubd i vis ion codes,desi gn re view approved,Un i fo r~BuildingCodeandot heror dinancesof t he Town app licable the reto . ~E Q U E S T S FOR IN SPECTION S SH ALL BE MAO E T ~E NTY-F OU R HOU R I NOVAN CE BY TELE PHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OFFICE FR~8:00 AM5:00PM SI GNATURE OF O~NER OR CON TRA CTORFOR HI MS ELF ANO~~~~~~:J~~~~:::::::;;;~::::=-___ --..••*.++************************************************************ TOWN OFVAIL ,COLO RA DO S ta te rnn t **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:RE C-018 4 Amount : Payment Me thod:CK Notat ion :12060 150 .00 0 8 /14/96 11:26 In lt:CD Permit No:M96 -0 0S5 Type :B-MEC H Parcel No:21 03-11 4-1 1-019 S ite Address:23 38 GARM IS H DR Location:2338 GA RMISH DR ME CHANICALPE RM IT This Payme nt 1 50.00 Tot al Fee s: Total ALL Pmt s: Bal ance: 4 03.00 40 3 .00 .00 ~*************************************************************** Acco unt Code 01 0 000 41312 01 0000 41332 Description MECHANICAL PERMI TFEES PLAN CHE CK FEES Amo unt 1 20.00 30.00 •• TOWN OFVAIL 7 5 S.F RO NTAGE ROAD VA IL ,CO81 657 970 -479 -2138 DEPA RTME NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THI S P ERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permi t I:M96-0055 Job Addre ss :2 338 GARM ISH DR Locatio n :233 8 GARMISH DR Parc el No•••..:2 10 3 -1 14-11 -01 9 Proje ct Number:P RJ 96 -0 090 Status ...:APPROVED Applied •.:OS /29 /19 96 Iss ued •..:0 8 /14 /199 6 Ex pires ..:0 2/10 /1 997 OWN ER CON TRACT OR APPLICANT HILBDAVE- CUMMI NG S GREG,4040 N FRONTAGE RD E .A, YOUNG,SCO TT 4 461 DR IFTWOOD PL ,BOULDER,CO 80301 YOUNG ,SCOTT VAIL CO 8165 74774 Phone :3 035304138 Descr ipt ion: MECHANICAL WORK FOR NEW pis Valuation:15 ,500 .00 'Of Ga s Appl i ances :4 'Of Ga$Log.;2 lIot WOOd /Pa llet : H-thUi ***********tllt .*t*****'*********FeE SUM ARY ***********H******t t ••••••*'***'***'**..**rt... l"eehan'ie.l--)320 .00 Rest uar¥lt Plan b v iev->.00 Total Ca l cul ated fees-)403.00 Plan Chec k->80 .00 ORB he >.00 Addit i onal F ~5 ----->.00 I nvest igation>.00 TOTA L fEES------>403 .00 Total Per .i t Fee >403 .00 wil l Cilll--)3 .00 Pl yllen U------)403 .00 BALANC E DUE-->.00 ******~..~••*•••**.*~**********.**.******.*~**...**..***..******.*.**.**••••***********************....*******..** Divi sion: BUILDI NG Div is ion: FIRE Dept: DAVIS Dept : Item :051 00 BUILDINGDEpARTM ENT 08/14/19 96 CHARLIEAc t lo n:APPRCHARLIE It~:0 5 60 0F IRE DEPARTM ENT 08 /1 4/199 6CHARLIEAction:APP R N/A CO NDITION OFAPPROVAL 1 .FI ELDINS PECTIO NS ARE REOUIRED TOCHECK FOR COD E COMPLIAN CE. 2 .COM BU STIONAI R IS REQU IREDPE R SEC.607 OFTHE 1 991 UMC . 3.INS TALLATION MU ST CO NFORM TO MANUFACTURES IN STRUCT IONS AN D TOAPPE ND IXCHAPTER2 1 OF THE 1 991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIAN CES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHA PTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED I N SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5 .ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT ~ruST COMPLY WITHSEC .505 AN D 703 OFTHE 1991 UMC . 6 .BOILERS SHAL LBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MO UNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR ING. 7.PERMITLPLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBEPOSTED IN MECHANI CAL ROOM PKIOR TO AN INSPECT ION RE8UEST. 8 .DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROO MS CNTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BO ILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOO R DRAINPERSEC . 2119 OF T HE 1991 UMC . *****************************************************.***********************.** DECLARATIO NS 1hereby atknow ledge t hat I nave reed th is applicat ;on ,f il led out i nfu ll t he in foraation r equired,completed an accura te plot ••pla n,end state that .ll t he inforaation prov ided as req uired is correc t.I agree to co~ly wi th th e in for.at ion and pLot plan, to eoe ply w1th al l Town o rdinances and state l aws ,and to bui ld th i ,s t r uct ur e.ccording t o t he Tow n ',zoni ng and s ubdi vis ion codes ,design re v ie w appro ved,Un ;f o r ~Buil ding Code and other o rdinan ces of th e Town app lica ble thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPE CTION S SHALL BE ~ADE T~E HTY-FOUR HOURS I N ADVA NCE BY TEL EPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OF fICE F~8:00 A"5:00 ," SIGNATURE OF OWNE R OR CON TRACTOR f OR HI"SELf AND OWNER PER1'lIT #_ ____________Address:Ar chitect: "-k *co nt a ct Eagle Coun t y Assess.Office •~a t 970 -3 28 -8640 for Pa rcel ~TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PAR CEL .:PERMIT APPLICATI~FORM DATE :«/''1 LZ 0 r / APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT HAY NOT BE .ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (j-Bu ildin g [J -P l u ~n (j -Electrical E,4 -Me chan ic al [j-Other Job Na me :~Ht L D /('um ~(1\f G '5 J Ob Address:;(;112.....~f2AAcE>, Le g al Description:Lot Ii--Block Filing SUBDIV ISION : Owners Name :W rr ?1t..~Address:2/0,/,it ~k-~-",.--,:=_ iI 91i:-3 5S"t__________Ph ._ General Descr iption:•• Work Class:~-N e w [J-Alteration [l-Additional [l -Repa ir[]-Other _ Numb er of Dwelling Units :Number or Accommodation Un its: ~mber and Type o f Fireplaces :Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~.*••*********.*******************VALUATI ON S •••****************•••*****.***** BUILDIN G:$ELECTRICAL :$OTHER :$,-========PLUMBING :$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL :~ ~**••*.*******.***••••*****.CONTRACTOR INFORMATI ON ****.*.*••••*******.***••••~~neral Contractor :Town o f Vai l R~:g~.~N~O~.~======Address :Phone Nutnb er: Electr ical Contractor: Address : Towno f Va il Reg .NO._ Phone Number: Town o f Vail Reg.NO ./'i:ft/7 Phone Numb er :jo 3-S Y 3 .y[Z't NO._Town of Vai l Reg. Phone Number: .Plumbi ng Contracto r: Address: Me chanical cont~rctor~)f ~~ Address:l oy?_~~~ ';:V7 V} *********••**~***••••••*****.*••FOR OFFICEUSE ***••**.*****••***••••••••••••* BUI LDING PERM IT FEE:BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:RECREA TION FEE : OTHER TYPE OF FEE:CLE AN-UP DEPO S IT: ORB FEE :TOTAL PERMI T FEES: TYPE GROUP Comments: SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: S IGNATU RE: xCLEAlI UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: • town 01 vai 75 lIoulh fronl8ge ro8d ",.iI,coloroldo 81657 (303)4 7 9-21 3 8 o r 4 79 -2139 • otlle.ot community d ~Yelopment TO : ·FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO WN OF VAIL TOWN OFVAILPUBLIC WORKS /COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In s u mm a ry ,Ord inance No.6 states that it is unlawfUl f or any p er son to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,d ebris or material,inclUd ing t r ash d u mpsters,portable toilets and wor km en vehicle s upon any stree t,sidewalk ,alley or pUblic place o r any portion thereof.Th e right-af-way on all Town of Va il s treets and roads is ap p roximately 5 ft.off pavement. T h is ord inance will be strictly enforced by the Town o f Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violat ing thi s o rdinance wi ll be given a24 hour written notice to remove said mate rial. In the e vent the p erson so noti fied does not compl y with the n otice within the 24 h our time spe ci fi ed ,the Public Works Department will remove said mate rial at the expense of person notif ied .The prov is ions of this ord in ance sha ll no t be ap plicable to construction,maint enance o r repair projects of any street o r alley or any uti lities in the right-a-way. To rev iew Ordinance No .6 in full ,please stop by t heTown o f Va il Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you f or your coop erat ion o nt hi s ~att er . R~nd a~knowledged by:v :~-""'_"--_ 'Cposition/RelationShiP to proj ect (i .e.contractor ,o wner) W"c(l(~1 /'?Y "Date I ..• lown 01 val 75south t ro ntag~r ~d wall ,eererece 81657 (30 3)479-2138 or 479-2139 • ortle_of community development BUILDING PERlHT ISSUANCE TIME FRMIE If thi s penmit requires a Town of VailFire Department Approval, Engineer '-s (Public Works)review and approval,a Pla nnil19 Depa rtmen t r eview orHealth Dep artme ntreview,andareview by theBuilding Department.the est imated time for a .total rev iew may take a s long asthre e weeks. All conmerctaj ·C1orge or sma ll)and all multi-fam ily permits wil l have to f ollowtheabove mentioned maximum requirements.Re sidential and sm a ll projects sh ould take a lesser arrount of time.However ,if residenti-al or smaller projects impactthe various abovementio ned departm ents with regardtonecessa ry review,these projects may al so takethethree week period . Every attempt will be mad e by this department to expedi te this permit as,soonas possible . t .theundersigned.und erstand theplan check procedure and time frame . 1-Agreed to by. ~pr o j ect Nam e )Coat e Work Conrn unity Sheet was turned in to th e Develo o~~~t Department. ,.•MEMORANDUM • TO: FROM : DATE : RE : ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED JobName:,t.J C7 ~~ Date:S -/I ~/9 V . Please ansvJ er,i efollowing questionnaire regarding t he nee ~I O ("a "Pub lic WayPermit": NO 1)Is t his anewresi dence? 2)Is d emolitio n workbeing pe rlormed thatrequ iresl heuse oftheright ofway ,easements orpub lic property? 3)Isa ny util itywork needed? 4)Is the d riveway beingrepaved? 5)Is di fferent access neededtosite other than existing driveway? 6)Isany drai nage wo rkbeing done affecting theri ghtofway,easeme nts, orpub licp roperty? 7)Isa "RevocableRight Of Way Perm it" required? 8)A.Ist herightof way,ease ments or public property t obe usedforstag ing, pa r1<i ng or fencing? B.If noto8A.isa parKing,stag ing orfencing planrequired byCo m munity Development? Ifyouanswered yes toanyof th ese quest ions,a "Public Way Permit"mustbe obtai ned. "Public WayPerm it"app lications may be obta ined at t he Public WorK's officeorat Comm unity Development.If youhave any questions please call Charlie Davis,theTown ofVail Construct ion Inspector,at479 ·2158. Ihavereadand answered alithe above questions. J obName Contractor's S i gnature Date •• PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROC ESS Howi trel ates toBui lding Permits: 1)Fi lloutourcheck listp rovided witha bu ilding permit a pplication . If yeswasansweredtoany oft heabove questions t hena "Publi c W ay"is requ ired.Youca n pickupanappl ication ateither Community Develo pme nt , locat ed at75S.Frontage Roador Pub licWo rks ,located at1309Va il Va lley Drive . 2 )Notice sign offs forutility companies.Allutilitiesmu st fieldveri fy(locate) res pect ive utilitiespri ortosigni ng ap plicat ion.So me uti lityc ompan ies requireup toa 48 hour noticeto schedulea locate. 3 )Aconstruction t rafficcontro Vstagingplanmu stbep repared onasepa rate sheet of paper.Ana pproved site plan may a lsobeused.This plan will show locations ofa ll traffic co ntroldev ices(signs ,cones.etc..)andthew ork zo ne,(areaof Co nstruction,Staging ,etc ..).This planwi ll expire on Oc t.15th.andw ill needto be resubmittedfo rappr oval thr ough thewi nter. 4 )S ketch of w orkbe ing performed must besubmitted indicati ngdimens ions (length, width &d epth o f wo rk).Th is maybe drawnonth e t rafficcontrolplano r asite planforthejob . 5)Subm it comp leted appl ica tion tothe Pub lic Wo rks'soffice for review .Ifrequ ire d . locate s will be scheduled fo r theTownofVail E lectricia nsan d Irrigati onc rew .The locatestakeplace i nthemorn ing but,may requireupto 4 8 hours to pe rfo nm. 6 )The Public Wo rk 'sConst r uctio nInspectorwill review the applicationan dapprove or disa pprove th epe rmit.Youw ill be c ontacted as tothe statusan danythat may needed .Mostpermits arere leased with in 48 hoursof being received ,butplease allowuptoo neweekto p rocess. 7)As soonastheperm iti sp rocessed ,a copywill be faxedtoCo mmunity Development all ow i ng the "Bui ldi ngPerm it"to be rel eased.P leasedonot co nfuse the "PublicWayPermit"w ith a "Buil dingPerm it"todoworkonaproject itself. NOTE: •The above process Is lor work Ina public way only. "Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. •A new Public Way Permit Is required each year II work is not complete. • TOJI'N\,;OF;;VAl~L~':; 75 Soulh Fronrage Road Vail.Co lorado 8 1657 303 .479·2138/479·2139 FA X3 03·479·2452 •• Department of C ommunity Development I NFORMATION HE EDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHAN ICAL PERM IT 1 .HEAT LOSS CALCU LATIONS . 2 .TOSCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN INTO S CALE,WITH PHYSICALDIMENSI ONS AND BTU RATINGS OFALLEQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3 .SHOW S IZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS ,FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. 4.NO TE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILLALSOBEIN STALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TOPROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. .•• 75 IOUlh frontagtJ rad n il,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)4 19-2139 • office 01 community dev~opment NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS E ffec tive June2 0,199 1 ,the T own of Vai l Bu i lding De par tme nt h as d evel oped the f o ll owi ng p roce dures to ensure that new c onstruc tion s it es h ave adequa t e ly e stablished proper dra i nage f rom b uild ing site s al ong and a dj acent to Town of Vail roads or st reet s. The Town of Vail Public Works Department wi ll be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on t o the construction site . S uch appr ova l must b eo bta ine d p rio rt o any r equest f or i nspe ction b yt he Towno f v ailBu il di ng Dep artme nt f or f oo ting s or t emp ora ry el e ct r ica l o e -"any other i nspectio n .P l ea se ca ll 4 79 -216 0 to r eques t an i nspect i on f rom the P ubli c Work sDe partment .All ow a minimum of 2 4 hour n ot ice . Also ,the 'To wn of Va il Pu blic Wor ks Depart ment will be approv ing a ll fina l dr ainage an d c ulver t i nstallati on with re sulting r o ad paLc h ing a s neces sary .S uch ap proval mus t b e obtained pr i or to F i n al Ce'rtificate o f Occupan cy i ssu an c e. I , ,, I I I I I i I I, I -:. 4 SHELVES ! CLOSET ~ ----'-::~--~-:£,'-. i I~TfffIT I I ~f-H-t1TI I~: t-....y lI\'f'F\CEC~, m Z -j ~1 -{ ------1-» I ~I., .L. II I,, I ~I I I Jl Q I \\,, • (j) -j 1> IU I '-'- t - [ [ It--Ijt I .- ------I---~-1 ---t -·-I ----._---J---.---.---_.--- I e{'30 (ID ~o £/~!-;-.'?3 A~-7-.7 '1 (;(/~7/ 7t.t 07?- (OOI /zr- 7 ' I i.j II ,;)'J .'/'••• Front View Side View Top View Cv.~AI,J...."r ;, \.J I 0 -- @ ""=~ o oc""'"CoI&P ~_t-I ~I ~F: n;n,pm.....-~~l'W tr.'~M I I I '~I I I I '-- 9.1/4'-~:-7"-: I I 1 01 .J!-(,17-G ,V ·l&" D ?-\-?J LI Minimum Clurances;Sides:6-i Rear;6-;Front:...-(sizes 50-100),Unobstructed (sizes 125-225);Top:23-(from top of boiler) "B Heatin9 cee.N eI 'B~NIH Dime nsions Input 8TUIHx1000 BT Ufth 1000 Soat'kInltien Standinq Pilot (inch es)Wate r G"Approx. BlUtH Not P,.N"P,.Not ".N"".Co nn .Conn.Wf:ight Sin ,1000 Go>Go>0.,0.,Go>Go>0.,G"A ,C D v (Inches)(nches)Cbs.)- so so ""36'31.•....85 .•80.'82.0 13-118 21·314 23-5<'8 21-],'.•'·1/•1"120 ; 7S7S "..50''50 ..0 as .,80.''"13-3/8 21·314 24 ·MI 21·314 ,1-1/4 1"", ""-'00 83~_-TI.2 '"8!ll-s.s.o~7 82 .1 1j:1lII_2 &~!:1L8 n ·3I4 ,1·"4 ..,'"~-'"1".06 ""..,83 0 ..,807 82 .7 1().118 28-1'.,,.""92·"•1·1/4 ..."8 160 160 133 135 115 .1 111.4 83.0 ..,81.0 830 so-aa 28-314 23-518 22·314 ,1·114 ...16. '"'"".190 161 .7 165.2 83.2 85.0 8 1.5 83.5 25-.5:8 31 -1 1'l 23-11.24 ·3/4 7 ,·1/.....'81 - A[(J.~S lll llF.~ Power Vent Kit -For ttYough-the-wall venting on 50,000 to 125,000 BTUthr sizes.Continuously rt9J lMed draft reduces energy costs by l'T'0in taining efficient combustion . Non'(ombus tible Base -M1N HH ERM Urrest be instal led on a Teledyne Lws non-com busti ble base assembly or other approved non-combustible surface . Base adds 1"to bo iler heights lis ted Intable. Non-Combustible Stand -For e.a!>t ma intenance accessib llityl a 19·V2 "high non-cornbusti blefloor stand is lSlso lSVailable. Compr ess ion Tank '-Air<harsed d iapt'ragm-typ< tank with automa tic rnakel4J water control. "'~TELEDYNE LAARS A.l;CIJl$~...Par1 No. Power Venl Kit (U.S.)~-1 2 S 10S7OOOO ''''"'''''50 -225 ..,.., """'-"""505 7S 10-46610 1 100&12 5 10-466702 160 10466 703 92'10466704 Hon<OlT'bustibl e Stand SO-l25 20 102800 160-22 S 20109900 'COIJl)l"euIOn Tank SO·1 25 """""160&22 5 AOO66900 WE'U Elk,"r TO11m YOII The hotwater spe cia lists at Te ledyne:laars wouldbe happy to put their over 40 yea rs of experience to wor1<fa )'CU .For esssterc e "choosing the right unit for )'OU'appr""tion -a ~you'd si mplylike to know more about our products,service s,and extensive warranty -Just call toll-free 1-8llO-362·S678 (U.S.). , t 20 Il"lli.Jstrlal WlJ Y,Rodlesler,NH 03867 •ret (800)362·5678,(603)335-6300 Fax :(603)335-3355 480 5.sevce Road West.OlJkvi l1e,CXItario ,C¥IadlJ l6K 2H4 •Tel :(905)8.(4-8233 Fax:(905)84.(·2635 60IXl Condor t:lriYe ,Moorp¥k,CA 93021 •Tel:(805)529·2000 F4lt:(805)529-59)4 ,• IMUD ROOM IiI ------,':/'-------~:X:®0 -~~ ./.rANK BOILE R.F ~c :. uP '.I ...~t'"":ECH ~-ih ·'L.- uP I I L .---+--+-+-+--+-+-I DI'{. STAIR r I L = I1-:_ I I I i ;.. ____--+-,__-1 1 ·---11--._.~..---~ s.2.70 f1 cO I~")01 ('0 2.1 o'7D f £ffr~!7 ."83 A ~-;-.-::;.'1 .§'J6 2 / c.~~2~ /,4 ~/i ~bl V :>~. 7':J('bIt -zo b:9rJ;)~ -+~/ .1/3/"6/1 M .(2!y ~t$rJ s~;\ ,,r:t7" • ~o ---j----t---I---l---I----I--.---- 'J /II .,''7""'",,..---'.,..'.... o Top View e,"4 ~'V '''i SideView IIIJ ;JJ:l1 ""-.....V;r .~ 0 I I I ~r I r I -9-1H'-:-r-: I I 1 01 .s:1f-.0 ,I21-1/2" (96.Lyob liu 50) o ." Front View ,IB ;?J-;'LI Minimu mqeea rces.Sides:6"j Reen 6"j Front:4"(sizes 50-100)/Unobstructed (si zes 125-225);Top:23"(from top of boiler) HUlins Ca p .Net lBR AfU..D im~nsions Input BTUIH.,000 BTUIH.l000 Soarlc I<ln ltion Sllmd lnCl Pilot {inches)WolIltr Go>ApPf ox. 'TU IH ""P,.""".""P,.""".Conn.Conn .Wei!ht """000 GO>GO>GO>GO>GO>GO>GO>GO>A ,(•V '''''''''ClOChes)(/t)S.) 50 50 .,o 365 37.4 ....as ...BO .'82 .0 t H:8 27-314 .3-5/8 21·314 •'·114 ,,,'". ~"ts .,..5<,55 .6 ....85 .'BO.'82.5 '~318 21-31 4 24-,1B 21·31..,1·1/4 ,,,12.~ ~100..}~,83 85_72 .2 n.".IL.....85J'-BO.'".7 ''''IB.J~~'24.11ll.2'.i!.314 s 1-1/4 ,,,".~"--f~06 ....".•83.e ..,BO.1 82 .7 16-711 28-314 ~318 ...~,.1·1/4 ,,,'38 100 160 133 t3S 115 .7 111.4 83 .0 ..,81.0 83.•...318 28-314 '~318 2\1 ·3/4 •'·114 ,,,,....,."186 ,..161 .7 165.\!83.9 85.0 81.5 83.5 "·318 31-112 23·1/4 24-31.,1·114 ,,,'81 AWliSUIII F.I Power Vent K1t -For througlHhe-wall venting on 50,000 to 125,000 BTUfh r sizes .Continuo usly regu lated draft reduces energy cos ts by mai ntaining efficient combustion. !lon.(ombu,tibI.Ilas<-M1NI-TH ERM UIT1Ult be inltall ed ona Telect,ne l.oaI;norKombustibi e bale assembly or other approved non-combustible surface. sese addl1 "to boile r heightl lilted in ta ble . Non-Combust ible Stand -For easy maintenance acc essi bilityt a 19-V2 "high non-combustibl efloor stand isalso ava ilab le. Compression Tank '-A1 r<harged diaph ragm -type tank with autornotic ma keup water control. -Not lI"Vaebk~CanIda. ~~TELEDYNE LAARS AcCtUo Sizu Part Ho. Powe r Vent Kit(u.s.)50 ·125 10S7OOOO (c.n.d.>'SO ·225 py... Hort-Com tMtlK s.sc 50 "75 10466701 100&125 10 ~6610!! 160 1Q.466703 '"lQ.466 7Q.1 Non<ombusttIIt S~50-125 "'02800160·225 ..,..... ·~T ank SO ·125 ........" 160&225 AOO66900 W E'RE I1LIIIl"TU IIELP Yu u Th e hot water specialists at Tel ed)11 e laars would be happy toput their over 40 years of expe rience to work for you.For ass istance in choosi ng the righ t unit for you r application -or if you'dsim ply like to know more about our products,services,and extensive warranty -just ca ll toll-free 1-800-362·5678 (U.S.). , r 20 hO.lstria lWlIy,Rodw:stu,NH 03867 ·Td:(800)362·5678,(603)33S-6300f ax:(603)33S-3355.. .oI SO S.sevce Ro"dWest.OaIcval e,Ontario,C.l6K 2H"•Tel:(905 )8«-8233 fax:(90S)8.01.01 ·2 6000 Concor Drtw:,Moorpark,CA 93021 •re )S29-2OOO fax:(80S)529·5934 \ •• REPT131 12/03/GE- TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 07,0.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:1 2/3/q. P AGE q AREA:CO ) ) Constr:NDUP US~: ESSU RE~" WEST 1/2 2C t WEST 1/2 22 PSI ('P EXTND RELF VA~\~O FLOR Ccca Statu~:FINRL Phone:47b -70~1 Ifo mtfn s',..........' - --J-" /'-.---•, \.--~.--, ----->,;--------------------- on:A PR 1 bs.a t r-t e S t on :PA EST 1/2 on:APPR AST UNIT-WATER PR Phone: Phone: Phonp;L -------------------------------- Acti Acti Actionl PA Act ion:PA Action:~PPR Act! uired UNITS TypE':B-PLMBpq.-0080 12 /3/q. 2 338 GARMISH OR 2338 GARMISH DR 2103-114-11-01<) PLUMBING FOR NEW PIS TIMBERLINE SERVICES HILS DAVE - TIMBERLINESERVICES r os ce ctt c n Hf s t or-v ..... Ite .:00210 PLMB-Underground 07/03 /96 Inspector:CF Notes:long turn 90's re Ita.:00220 PLMB -Rough /O.W.V. 08 /27/9~Inspector:~s 0q /~/9~Inspe ctor:F Iteg:002 PLMB -Rough/Water 08/211 11(lspect tJ r:5 Item:002 40 ~MB~G.5 Pi pi 9 08/27/96 I nspector:DS It~m:002q0 PLMB-Fin.l 11/0&/9&In5 p.ctoT~a CF ActIvity: Addl"'es'i: L acat i on: Par-c e 1 = Oe -scriptlon: ApplI cant: Owne r: Contractor: Inspection Request Infor matl0n ..... Requestor:DAVE HILB Req Ti~e:08=00 Com ments:UNIT A Lt ees r-e que s t ed to be Lns pe c t ed •••_B~ion 002q0 PLMB-Final //,toI I" ~-J( I • ---.,.-", \----t'l- .\ • (6-\ \ ---.-J 9>..../) •• REIJT 1 ;1 11/06/% TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 07:21 REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS F OR:t ll 6/q& PAGE 7 AREA,CD Activity:PQ&-0080 11 /&/q6 Type:B-PLMB Addr~ss:2338 GARMISH DR L o ca tion:2 338 GARMISH DR Peo -c eLs 2 1 03-114-11-0 111 Oe ~e r l p t i on :P LUMBING FOR !'lEW PI S UNITS Applicant:TIMBERL INE SERVICE S Own~r:HI LS OAVE - Con tract or :TIMB ERLINE SERVICES S ta tu "l I SSUED Dcc: Pho ne: Pho n e: Phone: Con stt':NDUP U"'PI In ..p.ction Req uest Infor eation •...• Requ.stor:T IM HILS Phone:*7&-0271 Req Time:0 8:00 Co.~entsl S IDE B -FINAL MECHANICAL Itegs requested to be In _s~p.-._C_t_._d_.__._.1C_Alc~'t~i~o~n C:.~Tl.~Exp00290PLMBFlnal~ I------------- Action:DA Actionl PA WEST 1/2 WEST 1/2 22 PSI WEST 1 /2 EAST UNIT -WATER PRESSURE 6lb s .•t r-testAPPR PA APPR Action: Act i on: Ite.: ItE'.: Itlfllt It e.: ~ni~e~;:~~-~l~;~~~~:~~:-----\\- It.MI 00210 PLMB-undergr~nd 07/03 /9&Inspector:CFActlon: Notl'~:long tur-n 90's reQ'Jired Itp,:00220 PLMB-Rough /D.w.v. 06 /27/96 Inspector:OS 09/10/9&Inspectorl CF Item:00230 PLMB-Rough/W.ter 08 /27 /9&In~pector;05- Ite.~00240 DLMB-Gas Piping 08/27/9&Inspectorl DS 00250 PLMB-PooI/Hot Tub 002&0 PLMB-M1SC. 00290 PLM8-Fin.1 00538 F IRE-FINALCIO --..L..J-,':it',y'-()'I r • POST INA C ON SPICUOUS Pl.A CE CHECK REQUEST /) PR EPAR ED I3Y :~1t1.()~,h v..fL J/DATE:dfrh -:r V ENDOR NAMIV )I A ')0 w /Ylr-l B iA:iJ e;'l, VENDOR NUMI3ER:("N<J) D ESCRIPTIONOFE XPENSE:CL EAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR III'II J?Lj(p ~0 J Y ~ t ~-;u-I (I," . N AME or JOI3 :, AC COUNT NUMBER:0 1 0000 22 002 v., 1>!.n~AM OUNT O f R EfUND: D AT E APP ROVED:d1 ir,19 ~r: APPR OVAL S IGNATURE:'\11 ~~~ ~,~ •• TO WN OF VA IL 75 S .F RO NTAGE ROA D VAIL,CO 8165 7 970-4 79-2138 DE PAR TY.ENT OF COMMU NITY DE VELOPME NT NOTE :TH IS P ERMIT MU ST BE POSTED ON JOB S ITE AT ALL TI ME S PROJECT TITLE:CUMMIN GS/HILB DUPLEX NEW (S FR ,P/S ,DUP)P ERMIT Permi t t :B96 -0 132 Job Ad dr ess :23 38 GARMISH DR Locat ion ...:23 38GARMISH DR Pa r cel No ..:210 3-114-11 -019 P roj ect No .:PR39 6 -0090 S t at us ...:ISSUED Appli ed ••:OS/29/1996 Issued .••:0 6/0 5/1996 Expires ••:12/0 2/1996 APPLICANT WOW-l1A BUI LDERS Phon e :30347 63254 2109-A CHAM ONIX LN ,VA IL CO 81657 CONTRA CTOR WO W-MA BUI LD ERS P h one:30 3 47 63254 2 10 9-A CHAM ONIXLN,VA ILCO 816 57 OWNER HI LB DAVE - Cm1MI NGS GR EG ,404 0 N FRONTAGE RD E lA,VAI LCO 81657477 4 De scrip tion:NEW PRIMARY SECONDARY UNITS Number of Dw elling Units :002 Oc cu p ancy Type Factor Sq .Feet Va luation Dwellings Zone 1 V-N 58 .70 3 ,357 1 97 ,055.90 Dw ell ings Zone 1 V-N Basement 17 .50 1,126 1 9 ,7 05.00 P ri vat eGa r ages Zone 1 V-N 2 1.3084 2 17 ,934.60 Su btota l:5 ,325 2 34 ,695.50 Table Date :05/17/1996 Total v alu at io n:23 4,695 .5 0 Town of Vail Adjusted Val uat ion:3 0 0,000 .0 00 f ireplate Inforution:~estritttd :Y 'Of Gas Appliances :4 .Of Gas log.:2 1101 1Jood /hllet: ••AI••tAi •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~f EE SU~AR Y l i.i •••ii *.i.*••i.i••ii••ii•••••iil.lii ••••i .~li .i.1 i i ii * Bu ildin g------>1,540 .00 Restuarant Plan Re vi ~->.00Total Calculated Fee s---)3 ,916.45 Plan Chlll;k --)1,OCI1 .oo DR8 Fee--------)200.00 Addit ional fees -).00 Inv l!s tigation>.00 Retreet10n Fee__---)672.45 Total Pe r.it Fee__---)3 ,91 6 .~5 l.Ii ll ClI ll--)3 .00 Clean-Up Depo sit----)500.00 PI~tl >3 ,916 .45 ........~TO:T~AL::.:F;EE~S====~>:..,..3 ,916.45 BALA NCE DUE ).00I•••••••••••••••••••••••,•••""".,.",•••,••••,•••••••••"••11••••••""••"•••",•••,••••,.,••••"•••'1.'."'••• Dept :BUI LD ING Divi si on: Division : Cost Division: Div ision : ENGINEER FIRE PLANN INGDivis i on : PUB WORKDept: PARDEE Dept: Dept: JIM C. sq .ft. Dept : Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OS/2 9/1996 CHARLIE Action:NO TEPLANS DAN 06/0 4/19 96CHARLIE Act i on :APPR Item:0 5400 P LAN NING DEP ARTMEN T OS/29/199 6CHARLIEAc tion :NOTE PLANS 05/3 0/1 996 J IMAc tion :APPR 4 ,0 97 Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 0 6/04/1 996CHARLIEAct ion :APPR N/A Item:055 00 PUBLIC WORK S 06 /03 /1996 LARRY_PAction:APPRLARRY Item:05550 ENGINEERING 06 /04 /1996 TERRI _M Action:APPR OK See Page 2 of th is Doc um ent f or any c ondi tions that ma y apply to t his pe rmit . •DECLARATIONS • I hereby ack.now ledge that 1 !'la ve read this appli cation,Hlled out in fu ll t ht i nf orNitioo r~l red ,tollpleted lin a ccurat e plot pl an,and s t at.thatI II t he ;nfor...t ion provi ded as required i$ee ere et ,1 agree t o cOJIIP l y with t he i ntonation andp lot pl an, to cOIlply lIitha U Tololfl o rdinance s and state l .",.,and tobuild tllia st ructure llcco rdi l'l9 to t he ToWl'l's zoning .nd subdi visi on code s,duign 'nil'"i1 pprovO!'d ,unitor.Build il'l\J Code and othe r o rdinance"of the Town appliuble t hereto. REQUESTS fOfl:INSPE CTIONS SHALL BE PlAC E TIlENTY-f OUll HOU RS Send Clel ll""Up Deposit To:WOW 11"BUILDERS OFFIC E f ROft 8 ;00 AX 5:00 p~ PAGE 2 w*_**•••**.**•••*••**_._...*••**_*_****.__._*_******.*w****.**••*.*********** COND ITIO NS OF APP RO VA L Permit f :B96-0132 as o f 0 6/0 4/96 Sta tus :ISSUEO .************••*.*.**_.*******-***-*-**----*-*-*-******************************* Per mit Type:NEW (SFR ,P/S,OUP)PERMIT App lica nt:WOW -MA BUILDERS Job Addr es s:2338 GARMISH DR Locati on :2 338GARMIS H DR Par cel No :2103-114 -11 -019 Appl ied:OS/2 9/1996 Iss u ed:06/0 5/19 96 CONDI TI ON S ******************************************************************************** 1 .THIS PROJECT WILL RE QUIREDA S I TE I MP ROVEMENT SURVEY .SUC H SURVEY SHAL LBESUBM ITTED AND APPR OVE DPRI OR TO REQUES TFOR A FRAME INSPECT ION . 2.ATTIC SPACE S SHALL HAVE ACEILIN G HEI GH T OF 5 FEET OR LE SS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF TH E STRUCTURAL MEMBER S OF TH EFLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTU RAL MEME BER S OF THE ROO FDI RE CTLY ABOVE. 3 .NO MEC HAN ICAL WORK CAN BE STAR TED UN TILA MECHAN I CA L PERMIT HAS BEE N OBTAINE O FRO M TOWN OF VAI L BUILDIN GDEPARTM ENT 4 .AL L S ITE GRAD INGINDISTURBE D AREA S MU STBE2:1 OR LESS •• TOWN OFVAIL DEP ARTMEN TOF COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAG EROAD VAIL ,CO 8 1657 9 70 -47 9-2 138 NOT E:TH IS PERMIT MU STBE POS TED ON JOBS ITEATALLTIMES PROJECT TI TLE:CUMM INGS/HILBDUP LEX NE W (SFR,P/S,DUP)PERM IT Permit t:B96-0132 Job Addr ess:2 338 GA RM ISH DR Locat ion ...:2 338GARM ISH DR pa rcel No..:21 03-114 -11-019 project No.:PRJ96 -00 90 Status ...:I SSUED Appl i ed ..:OS/29/1 996 Is sued...:0 6/0 5/1996 Expires ..:12/02/1996 Dept :PLANNING Division: PLANS JIM C. 4,097 s q.ft. De pt:FIRE Division: N/A Dept :PUB WO RK Division: LARR Y PARDEE Cost Dept:ENGINE ER Divis ion: OK AP PLI CAN T WO W-MA BUILDERS Phone:3034763254 210 9 -A CHAMO NIX LN,VAIL CO 816 57 CONTRA CTOR WOW-MA BU ILDERS Phon e:3 034 763254 2 10 9-A CH AMONIX LN ,VAIL CO8 1657 OWNER HI LBDAVE- CUMMINGS GREG,4040 N FRONTAGE RDE #A,VAIL CO 816574774 Description:NEW P RI MA RY SECON DARY UN ITS Number of Dwelling Un its:002 Occupa ncy Type F ac to r Sq.F eet Valuation Dw ell ings Zone 1 V-N 58.70 3 ,35 7 1 9 7,055.90 Dw el li ngs Zon e 1 V-N Bas ement 1 7 .5 0 1,12 6 1 9,7 05.00 Priva te Ga r ages Zone 1 V-N 2 1.30 842 1 7,934.60 Subtotal:5,325 234,695.50 Ta bl e Dat e:05 /1 7/1996 Total Valua tion:2 34,69 5.50 Town of Vail Adju sted Va lu ation :300 ,000.000 F1,.eplaee Info rNtion:Rutrictrd :Y 'Of Gas Appliances :4 10f G41s logs :2'Of lIood/pallet : ••••••••**••••**11 •••••1**11**111**•••••••••••••••••*******fEE SU""ARY t .t".".'."iI A'il_•••'_.'i'ii"'ii i""'i"i""'••****t BuHdi ng-->1,5l.O.oo /lutu.rant Pllln ll.t vi ...->.00 Totd C.lculat l!'d Fe ts->3 ,916.45 ptan Cheek->1,001.00 ORB FlI!e---------->200 .00 Additiona l Fell!S ---->.00 I"lIu t1gation>.00 Re creat10fl fee------>672.45 Totd Perllit fe~-->3 ,916.45 wil l Cll ll->3 .00 Clellr,-Up Oepos'it >500.00 PIlyw.lI!Ilt $>3 ,916.4S TOTAL FEES-->3 ,916 .45 aALAHt[oue-->.00 ......""."'••"."'"..,"'"'.,",."""."',"'.,,'1 ".'"""'.'**.'11 •••••••••••111 ••••'••••,••,.*.*•••••••••••*.1 ••••'**,*.**."I **~ Item:05 100 BUIL DI NG DEPAR TM ENT Dept:BUI LDING Di vision: OS /29 /1996 CHARL IE Act ion:NOTE P LAN S DAN 0 6/04/1996CHAR L IE Ac tio n:APPR I tem:05400 P LANNING DEPARTME NT OS/29/1996 CH ARLIEAc tion :NOTE 05 /30/1996 JIM Ac tion:APPR I tem:05600 FI RE DEPARTMEN T 0 6/0 4/1996 CHARLIE Actio n:APPR Item:05500 PUBLIC WO RKS 0 6/0 3/1996 LAR RY _P Action :APPR Item:05550 EN GINEERING 06/0 4/1996 TERRI_M Acti on :APPR See Page 2 of this Document for any co nditions that may apply t o this permit. •DECLARATIONS • I hereby lIeknolotled ge tM t 1 M Y'read tMs .pp li c.tion ,f ilted outin full t he i nforution r~ired ,ce-p l.tecl lin "curllt.pl ot p len,and s t .te that In th e 'infor llat;on provided iii required 1$correct.1 .~r"t o cOII ply with the 1n1orAtion .nd p lot plan , tocomply wit h a ll Town a rdin/lnces lind sutl l ill S ,and to build this s tructure according to the Town's zoning and s ubdivis ion codes,de sign r ••.ti N approved,unitor.BuHding Code lind othe r ord iNlnces of th.To\,/fl applicable thereto . Sind ClNn-Up D ~s;t To:110'I ItA BU ilDERS OffiCE f ROf'l 8 :00 Aft 5 :00 PPl :<- ER OR CON TRACTO R FOR HIMSELF AND OYN ER PAGE 2 ******************************************************._----*-----*--**---*----- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit f :B96 -0132 as of 06/04 /96 Status:ISSUED..._-_.._--_._.__-_._--_.__.._--_._---_.__.*----------_*.*** Permit Type :NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP)PERMIT Applicant :WOW -MA BUILDERS Job Address :2338 GARMI SH DR Location:2338 GARMISH DR P arcel No:2103-114-11 -019 App lied:OS/29 /1996 Issued:06/05/1 996 CONDITIONS **.*****••****************.***••******.****••***.****************••***********.* 1 .THIS PROJE CT WILL REQUIRED A S ITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY .SUCH SURVEY SHALLBE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIORTO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION . 2.ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAV E A CEILING HEIGHTOF5FEETOR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM TH ETOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL I~MBERS OF THE FLOOR TOTHE UNDE RSIDE OFTHE STRUCT URAL MEMEBERS OFTHE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE . 3 .NO MECRANICAL WORK CAN BES TARTED UNTIL A MECHANICAL PERMIT HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM TOWN OFVAI L BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4 .ALL SITE GRADING INDISTURBED AREA S MUST BE 2:1 ORLES S •• TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81 657 9 70 -4 7 9-2138 DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMEN T NOTE :TH I S PERMIT MUS TBEPOSTED ON J OBSITE ATALLTIME S ELECTRICAL PERM IT Permit t :E96 -0111 F RONTAGE RD E lA ,VAILCO 81 6574774 Job Addr es s :2338 GARMISH DR Locat ion ...:2 338 GARMISH DR Parcel No .•:2 103-1 14-11 -019 P ro ject No .:P RJ96-0090 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER EAGLE /SUMMITELECTRIC P .O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY EAGL E/SUMM IT ELECTRIC p.e BOX 744 ,FA IRPLAY HJ;LB DAV E- CUMMING S GREG ,4040 N CO CO 8044 0 CO CO 80 440 S ta tus ...:IS SUED Appli ed ••:OS /29/1996 Issued ••.:0 6/04/1996 Exp ires .•:1 2/0 1/199 6 Phone:7 19836 3 559 P hone :7198 363 5 59 Desc ription :ELECTR ICAL WORK F OR NEW pis valuat i on :10,00 0 .00 E"lectricOl l -> ORB Ffoe -) Invnt tgat1on> Wil l Call-> TO TAL FEES -) 225.00 .00 .00 '.00 228 .00 fetal talcul.t~,...-> Ad ::lit tOtlIlL FH'> Tot.t Per:a t t Fte > Pi ylllents ) BALAN CE 01J E-) 228 .00 .00 2211 .00 228 .00 .00 I tem:0 6000ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/04 /1996 DAN Action :APPR Dept :BUILD ING Division: CON DITION OF APPROVAL DECLARA TIONS I her eby .ek,nc,wol~e that 1 rev e read t llil Ipp liution ,filled ou ti n full t he inf o r..t ion requ trf'd ,clllllpleted lin ,(cur.te pl ot p lan ,end nete that I IIthe infor..t ion pr'O\f id~.s r ~'ir ed is correet .1 -srel!!to tOllP ly with t he i nforallt io"and p l ot p lan, to ee.p (y wi t h all Town o rdinance.and .tate l~l ,and tobuildt his s tructure accord ing to the Town '.lon ing and s ubdivi si on eod••,d..tgn review Il ppr l;lVed ,unHor.8u1ldil'lg Code WId otl'ler Qrd i ~(It$of t n.TOWI'I &ppli e.bl.thereto. REQUESTS fOR I NSPECTI ON S StlA ll Sf MDE TV ENTY-fOUR HOU RS I N ADVANCE BY TELE PItONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR Off IC E FROIlo 8:00 A"5:00PH •• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMU NITY DEVELOPMEN T NOTE :THI S PE~1IT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLT IMES ELECTRICAL PE RM IT Permit .:E96-0111 FRONTAGE RD E lA,VAIL CO 8 16 574 774 Job Add ress :2338 GARM ISH OR Lo cation ...:2338 GARMISH DR P arcelNo ..:2103 -114 -11 -019 Project No .:PRJ96-0090 APPLICANT CONTRA CTOR OWNER EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC P.O BOX 744 ,FAIRPLAY EAGLE/S UMM ITELECTRI C P .D BOX 7 44 ,FAIRPLAY HJ;LB DAV E- CUMMINGS GREG ,4 040 N CO . CO 8044 0 CO CO 80440 Status ...:I SSUED Applied ••:OS/29 /1996 Issued •..:06/0 4/1996 Expires ••:12/01/19 96 P hone :719836 35 59 Ph on e:7198 36 3 559 Descript ion:ELECTRICAL WO RK FORNEW p iS Valuation:10 ,00 0 .0 0 Eleetri ce l ---) DRB r ee -> In..."t ig,lIttee> will Call-> TO TAL fEES-> 22 5 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 228 .00 Total C~lc \l l .t ed hu-> .lddt tiOMl feu > Total Per.it I..> Pilyaenu--) BA LAN CE DUE > 228.00 .00 228 .00 228 .00 .00 ************U **********i*t**************************••***••********"****_********_"*******************************~ I tem:06000 ELECTR ICAL DEPARTM ENT 06 /04 /1 9 96 DAN Act ion:APPR Dept:BUILDING Di vis ion : CONDITI ON OF APPROVA L DECLARA TIONS 1he reby 8ckno'oo'lcdge tha t 1 /'l IlV8 ,...1.1 t /'l ts epp li clltion,fil led out i n fu ll the i nfor..tion required,c'*I)leted a n a ccurate p lot plan,and state that dl the infor _tion prov ided as req\,li red h correct .1 agree t o eDlIPly with tha info rllatiOll aNI plot plan, to co-p ly v ith all Town o~inon ces and ata te l ava,and t o but ld t his s t ructu re accordi ng to the Town's lon t~and slolbd1 vtsion cod",dea 1gn revie'ol approvl'd,Un ifor'a B<l llding Code and other ord iNl l'l cu of the Town app l1e.tbla th.r.to. REQU ESTS f OR I NSP ECTIONS SHALL BE !lAD E TIlENTY-f OUR HOURS IN ADVAN CE BY TELE PHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OffIC E f ROI1 8 :00 All 5 :00 PI' .'. •• TOWN OFVAI L 75 S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUS T BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES P LUMBING PERM IT Job Add ress:2338 GARMISH DR Location ...:2338 GARMISH DR P arcel No .•:21 03 -11 4 -11-019 Proj e ct No.:PRJ9 6-0 09 0 Permit I :P96 -0080 Status ...:I SSUED Applied ..:OS /29 /1996 Issued ...:06/04 /1996 Exp ires ..:1 2/01 /1996 APPLICANT TI MB ERLINESERVICES 226 N.W.FIRST STREET,MONTROSE,CO8 1401 CONTRACTOR T IMBERLI NESERVICES 22 6N.W .FIRST STREET,MONTROSE ,CO 81401 OWNER HILB DAVE - CUMMI NGS GREG ,4040 N F RON TAGE RD E 'A,VAIL CO B16574774 Descr iptio n:P LUMB ING FOR NEW pis UNIT S Va l ua t ion:20,000.00 •••••'II •••'••••••••••••**i ••••••••••••••'••••II ••••••*••"fEE SU"""RY •••••••1111111 ••*'•••11 •••••••••••***••••••••••••••1 •••••• Plu.b'i ng--->300.00 Re s tUlll rant Plan Rev i ew->.00 Totel C.lcu l ated Fee-s ->378 .00 Plan chec k->75 .00 TOTAL f EES >378 .00 Addit ional fee a--->.00 Inve n'gat;on).00 Tota l Pe,..it Fee----)378 .00 ~l ll Call ---->3 .00 Par-ent a )378 .00 BALAN CE DUE ----->.00••**••••••••*••I••I•••***••******~****.*********•••*.*.i*.*I**.*.*....****•••*.i •••••••*I.*.*I**I***~***.*i"i""""".""" Item:05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06 /04 /1996 DAN Action:APP R Dept:BUI LDING Division: COND I TION OF APPRO VAL 1.FIELD INSP ECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F OR CODE COMP LIANCE. DEC LA RATIONS I her eby a cknow l~.the t I have re.d th is appl ication,f ;l led out i n ful l t he in for.ati on required,ca.pleted an accu rat,plot pl an,end I t ate that al l the i nf or.ation prov ided as requi red ;5 co rrect .J Igr ..to ca.ply with the i nf o ~tion and plot plan, to ca.p ly with a ll Town ordi nances and state laws ,and t o build t hi s .t ructure according to the Town 's zoning a~subdivis i on cod••,d.s l;n review approved,Uni for.Bu ilding Cod e and other o r d 1 ~c ~'of the Town appli cable ther eto. REQUES TS FOR INSPECTION S SHA LL BE "AD E TWENT Y-fOUR HOUR S IN ADVAH CE BY TELEPijONE AT 479-21 OR AT OU ROf FICE fR~8 :00 A"5 :00 P" S G TU FOR HI "SEL f AHD OWN ER •• roWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1 65 7 970 -4 79-2 13 6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DE VELOPMENT NOTE:T HIS PERM IT MUST BEPOS T ED ON JOBSITE ATALL TI ME S PL UMB INGP ERMIT Job Addre s s:2 33 8GARM ISH DR Location ...:2338 GARMISH DR Parcel No..:2103-114 -1 1-019 Pro je ct No.:PRJ96-0 090 Permit #:P96-0080 S tatus •..:I SSUED Applied .•:OS/29 /1996 I ss ued ...:06 /04/19 96 Ex pi res ..:12/01 /1996 APPLICAN T TIMB ERLI NESERVICES 22 6 N .W.FIRST STREET,MONTROSE,CO 6 14 01 CON TRACTOR TIMBERLINE S ERVICES 226 N.W .FIRST STREET ,MON TROS E,CO 614 01 OWNER HILB DAVE- CUMMI NGS GREG,4040 NF RONTA GE RD E tA,VAILCO 616 574774 Des cri ption:PL UM BI NG FOR NEW pis UNITS Valuation:20 ,000.00 ....*****••**.*.***~********************••***.***********f EE SU "MA RY **********"'********************************************* Pl u.b;ng--)300 .00 Ile stuarallt Plan Reviev->.00 Tota l CaL cuLated Fee.->378.00 Plan theek-)75 .00 TOTA LFEES >378 .00 AddltfONll feu >.00 l "vest i~t ion>.00 Tota lPer.it h e )378.00 ihII c.ll->3 .00 '.r-nts >378 .00 BALANC E DUE >,00******************....*..******~**~..*****~**********..*****~~*****************~*..************.*•••••****••**** Itim :/05 100 BUILDING DE ~ARTM ENT 06 04 199 6 DAN Act,on:APPR Dept:BUI LD ING Division: CONDITIONOFAPPROVA L 1 .F IELD INSPECTIO NS ARE REQ UIRED TO CHECK FOR COD ECOMPLI AN CE . DECLARAT IONS I her eby ac knowledge thll t l Mile read thb app lh~at i on,f illed ou t inf u ll t he 1nlor _t ion r equired ,cOlip l eted an accu ra te p lot plan,and s tate t hat a ll t he infor_tion pro vided as r~u i red i t correct .I agree to COMply ~i th t he in foraation and p lot plan, t o ee.ply with all Town o rdinances and state laws ,end t o bui ld thi s s tructure a tt ordi ng to the Town 's zoning and s u bdivis ion code s,des ign r eview approved,Un ;for.Bu ilding Cod e and ot he r ordinant.,of the Tow n app l1toble ther e to. REctlESTS FORI NSPECTI Cl'tS SHAll BE MDE TllENTY -FOUR HOURS OR AT OU R OFF ICE FR ~8 :00 ~~:OO p ~ FOR HlftSElF AN D OWNER .:'".;. ••**************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO Stat ernn t **************************************************************** S tatemnt Numbe r:REC-0151 Am ount :3,716 .45 0 6/0 4/96 15:13 Payment Method :CK Notat i on:.1 1 7590 I nit:DS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pe rm it No:B96-0132 Type:B-BUILD NEW (SFR,P /S,DUP)PE Parcel No:2 10 3 -1 1 4 -11 -019 Site Address:2338 GARMIS H DR Lo c ation:2338 GARMISH DR This Payment 3 ,716 .45 TotalFe es: Total ALL Pmts : Ba lance : 3 ,91 6 .45 3 ,91 6.45 .00 **************************************************************** Acc ount Code Descript ion Amount 0100 00 4 1310 BU ILDINGP ERM ITFEES 1 ,540.00 010 0 00 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 1,00 1.0 0 01 0000 22002 CLEANU P DEPOSI TS 5 00.00 30 000 0 4 5032 RECREA TIONFEES 672.45 01 0000 4 1336 WILL CALL INS PECTION FEE 3.00 ••*********.************************••**************************** TOWN OF VA IL,COLORADO S ta temnt ******************************************************--*----*-- Statemnt Number:REC -0 151 Amount: Payment Method :CK Notation:1 1 17590 253.00 06/04/96 15 :12 Init:OS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pe rmit No:M96-0055 Type:B-MECH Parcel No :2103 -114 -11 -019 Site Address:2338 GARMISH DR Lo cat ion:23 38 GARM ISH DR MECHANI CAL PERM IT Thi sPa ym ent 2 53.00 Total Fees : Tota l ALLPmts : Balance : 25 3.0 0 25 3.00 .00 Account Code 0 1 00 00 4 1 312 01 000 0 41332 01 0000 41336 Descr iption MECHANI CAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEE S WILL CALLINSPEC TION F EE Amount 2 00 .00 50 .00 3.00 ••**.************************************************************* TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO S tatemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number :RE C-01 51 Amount : Paym ent Me thod :CK Notat io n:#1 175 90 3 78 .000 6/0 4/96 15:1 4 rn it :OS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No:P96-00 BO Typ e:B-PLMB P arc el No :2 10 3-1 14 -1 1-0 19 SiteAddre ss :2 338 GARM ISH DR Lo cation:2 3 38 GARMISH DR PLUMB ING PE RMIT Th is Payment 378.00 Tota l Fees: Tot al ALL Pmt s: Ba lanc e: 378 .00 378.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 0 1 0000 41311 01 0 000 41332 0 1 0000 4133 6 Des cription PLUMBING P ERM IT FE ES PLAN CHECK F EES WILLCALL INSPE CTIONFE E Amount 300 .00 75.00 3.00 ••**•••**•••*.**************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO Sta temn t **************************************************************** S tat e mnt Number :RE C-0 15 1 Amo un t: P a yment Method:CKNo ta tio n:#117 590 Permi t No :E96 -01 11 Type:B-ELEC Parcel No :210 3 -1 14 -11 -01 9 S ite Add re ss :23 38 GARMISH DR Locati on:2 338 GARM ISH DR 2 28 .0006 /04 /96 1 5:14 In it:OS ELE CTRICAL P ERMI T To tal Fees:2 28.00 Thi s P ayme nt 228 .00 Total ALL Pmts:228 .00 Bal a nce:.00-***,----,.".,._---*-*-*-***--".,•.*-**---,**""".********** Accoun tCode 010 000 41313 010 000 41 336 De scri ption ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CA LLIN SPECTIONFEE Amo unt 225.00 3 .00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO Staternnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number :REC-OISI Amount:2 00 .0 00 6/04/96 1 S:10 Payment Method:CK No tation :PRE PAID ORB Init :OS Permit No:B96-0132 Type:B-BUILD NEW (SFR ,P/S ,DUP)PE Parcel No:210 3-114-11 -019 Site Addre ss:2 338 GARNISHDR .Location :2338 GARMISH DR Tota l Fees:3,916 .45 This Payment 200 .00 Total ALL Pmts :200.00 Balance :3,716.45 **********************••*****.*.*.****************************** Account Code 01 0000 41331 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Amoun t 200 .00 ·**c o ~t a c t -~a~!e County ASge 8S~fflc e ~'~a t 91 0--,L.6 -B64 0 f or Par ce l '.TOWN OF VAIL CON STRUCTION PAR CEL D:2/03 -/1'1 -11-011 PERM IT APPLICAT ION FORM DATE:_ Y7~J;)Y~_____.,Ph.:tl£,-?C$J APPLICATION IlUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT HAY NOT BE )(••;~•••••••••••••*****•••••••PERM IT INF0RHATI ON ~*••••:.r \~v [,;{-Buildi!l'J [vJ-Pllll1Lb !!lg [v(-Electrical u1:::M ech oroi c al [J-Other Job Name:l..,."f~/I!A b?;d lL J ob Ad dr ess:_.L11.S..£r.l"",Coo""""r...:,b->-._ Legal Description:,Lot~Block.Filing SUBDI VISION: &rt:'j eu .....'o'\.-~.5 jU C ",,~tw.-......"L»:vp./ Owners Name:-J2....i....f:.H ,Jr Address: Architect:f)J!")'~'<Address:SaA-l-f!?Ph.~_..e General Description:.-!l!e.",P,<./--,,5__ work Class:[~[l-Altera~on [l-Additi onal [J~Repair []-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units :__~_N"mher ...f Ar.commoda t ton Units : * mb cr a nd Type o f Fi replaces:Gas Appliances~Gas Logs_~Wood/Pell~t__.. P£S boo DO***********~***~_***********~k VALV~JONS ******.*********************~****69,,-61.5 ,",y6,-OI,1 EU ILDING:L2J.,(;J;u{)ELECTRICAL :,/-o.(lCtl OTH ER:, PLUMBING :~~jl iJtoo ME CHANICAL :'...J..!::.l'rJC TOTA L:(]1x '£'CC,"-=-= X ?,,(,"0096 /'t1'1~-co55 *****••****••**************fOl'fIilACTOR INFORMATION *••**.****••••*••••••••,;......* eneral Contractor:1120",)t1k .JiclltliZL Town o f Vail Reg.NO.397-8 Addt'ess :210'1 A "/",~".;e.I.,LJL.-'/,.L.R Phone Number :'17(,"1.:,/...c,!i__ Electrical Contrac~r:E.,,~c,'$''':+f/",rI--Town of Vail Reg .IiO.:1,/3-t'_ Address :t o,&.<7i't r4 (~&J"..L•..Jf.J2 4-.£Phone Number:(ZAL~'lI\..:..~S9_ Plumbing Contractor :()1 ou.d-.,C;j••Pr,J;P I !l~r~Town of Va il Reg .N O.~7 P Address:!:l ]11 5 I!1 d-jc:/-JlL.MJWtO<51>,e:;Ji ~Phone Nun.ber :(,9 70 )J </t>~£.~ Mechani cal contractor :,~fr.;k f!«,.,J.---Town o f V,,~_l Reg.NO.i:&j;p Add ress:~Phone Number : BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYP,OF FEE: DRB FEE : .**.**********••*******•••••**••FOR OFFICE USE **.**••**.**.**•••••**••••••••• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CH ECK 7£E: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECKFEE: RECREATION FEE: -h-CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:.q.J;e>o "'1f-;rc TOTAL PERM ITFEES: -TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VALUAT ION - --...----.COmm (1,fi ts • • town of val 75 soulh lrontag..ro.d vail,colorado 81657 (303)479 -2 138 or 479-2139 • office at community developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS e:tJRJU:NTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16.1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand ,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable to ilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-oi-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be qiven a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Dep artment will remove said material at the expense of person not ified .The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in fUll,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. by: to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) ~.• 75southfront.g.r08d vail ,co lol1ldo 81657 (303 )479 -2138 or 47 9 -2139 • office of community de ...elopmel1t BUI LDI NG PERM IT ISS UANC E TIME FRA ME If t htspermit requ ires a To wn of Vai l Fir e Depa r tmen t App roval, Engineer '''S (Publ ic Works)review and approva l,a Planning Departme nt rev iew or He alth Department rev iew.and a revi ew by theBuil di ng Depar tment,the e stimatedt imef or a total r eview ma y tak e a s long a s th ree weeRs. All comm er cial[larg eorsmal l)and all mu lti-famil y permi t s will have to fo l low the abov ementi oned maxim um requir em ent s.Res idential a nd smallprojects shouldta keal e ss eramo un t of t i me .How ever.if res i denUal o rs ma ller projectsi mp actth e va ri ousabovemen tioned dep artmen tswith regard to necessary revi ew,these pro jects ma y al so ta ke t he three we ekperiod. Ever y attempt will be ma de by t his depar tme nt t o expedit e thi s . permi-t a s so onas possi ble . I .t he unde rsigned.unde rsta nd t he pla n c heck proce du re and t i me f rame . ~,5 -28 -96 Date Wo rk Sheetwas t urned in to t he Comm uni ty Devel o omD~t Depar tment. ,.•MEMORANDUM • TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'lS REQUIRED Job Name:&,ZtAU f7 r':,/Ai!£t3;~ Date r 5 -?i -96 ;;. P leaseanswer t hefo llowing questionnairere gardingt he needfo r a"Public Way Parmit": 1)Isth is a newresidence? 2)Is demolition work being p erformed that require s th e useof th e rig ht ofway ,easementsor pUbl ic property? 3)Isanyutilityworkneeded? 4)Ist hed rivewayb eingrepaved? 5)Is different access needed tosite othert han ex ist ing d riveway? 6)Isanyd rainage workbeing done affectingt he right of way,easements, or pub lic property? 7)Isa "RevocableRight Of WayPerm it" required? 8)A.Isth e rightof way,easemen ts o r public property t obeusedfo r staging, parking or fencing? B.If noto8A ,isaparking,staging or fenci ngp lan required by Commun ity Development? If youa nsweredyestoanyoftheseques tions,a "PublicWayPerm it"mustbeobtained. "Pub lic WayPermit"applications maybe o bt ainedatthePu blic W ork's officeorat Community Development.If youhaveany questions please call Char lie Davis,theTown of Vail ConstructionInspector,at 479·2 158. I have readandans wered a ll theabo ve questions. (L nV.w~/JIdI4 ~,~~M'"C) Job Narmi '/ontractosgnatUre r--,,1 g--.7P' Date •• PUBLICWORKS PERMIT PROCESS How itrelates toBuilding Permits : 1)Filloutourchecklistprovided withabuildingpermit application. If yeswasansweredtoanyoftheabovequestionsthena"PublicWay"is required.YoucanpickupanapplicationateitherCommunityDevelopment, locatedat75S .FrontageRoadorPublic Works,locatedat1309Vail ValleyDrive. 2 )Noticesignolfsforutilitycompanies.Allutilities mustfield verify (locate) respectiveutilitiespriortosigningapplication.Someutility companiesrequireup toa48hournoticetoschedulealocate. 3)Aconstructiontraffic controVstag ing planmustbepreparedonaseparatesheet ofpaper.Anapprovedsite planmayalsobeused.Thisplan willshowlocations of a ll trafficcontro l devices(signs,cones,etc..)andtheworkzone,(areaof Construction,Staging,etc..).Thisplanwillexpire onOct.15th.andwillneedto beresubmittedforapprovalthroughthewinter. 4 )Sketchofworkbeingperformedmust be submittedindicating dimensions (leng1h , width &depthofwork ).Thismaybedrawnonthetrafficcontrolplanorasite plan forthejob. 5)SubmitcompletedapplicationtothePublicWorks's officeforreview.If required, locateswillbescheduledfortheTownofVailElectricians andIrrigationcrew.The locatestake p lace inthemorningbut.mayrequire upto48hourstoperform . 6)ThePublicWork's ConstructionInspectorwillreviewtheapplicationandapprove ordisapprovethepermit.Youwillbecontactedastothestatusandanythatmay needed.Mostpermitsarereleasedwithin48hoursofbeingreceived,butplease allowuptooneweektoprocess. 7 )Assoonasthepermit isprocessed,acopywill befaxedtoCommunity Development allowingthe "BuildingPermit"to be released.Pleasedonotconfuse the"Public WayPermit"witha "BUildingPermit"todoworkonaprojectitself. NOTE: •Theabove process is for work ina public way only. •Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. •Anew Public Way Permit is required each year If work is not complete. \ 75South Frontage Road Vail,Col orado 8165 7 303-479-2/38 /479-2/3 9 FAX 303-4 79-2452 •• Department of Co mntun ity Development INFORMATION NE EDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1 .HEAT LOSS CALCULATION S. 2 .TO SCALE FLOORPLANOF MECHANICAL ROOM WITHEQU IPMENT DRAWN I N TO SC ALE,WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ANDBTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT I N MECHAN ICAL ROOM . 3 .SHOW S IZEAND LOCATI ON OFCOMBUSTION AIR DUCTS ,FLUES, VENTCONNECTORSAND GAS LI NES. 4.NOTE WHETHER EL EVATOR EQUIPMENT WILLAL SO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANI CAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERM IT . ,• 75lOuth frontage road Y"',coior8do 81657 (303)47&-2138 (303)479-2139 • ernceofc ommunity developmen t NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20 ,1 99 1,the Town of Va il Bui ldi ng Depa rtment ha s de v el o pe d the fol lowing proc edures t oe nsu re t ha tnew construct i on s i tes have adequate ly e stab li shed proper d r ai nage fr om bu ildi ng sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads o r s t reets . The Town of Vai l P ublic Works Department.vi ll be required t o inspect and approve drainage ad jacent to Town of Vai l roads o r stre ets and thei nstalla tion o f temporary or per.manent culverts at access points from the r oad o r streeto n t o the cons truct ion site . Such approval mus t be Obtai ne d p rior to a nyr equest f or i nspe ct i on by the Town of Vail Building Department for foo ting s or tempo ra ry e lectrical or any o ther inspec tion.Pl ease ca ll oi 7 9-2l60 t o request an inspection from the Pub lic Wo rk sDepa r tme nt.Allow a minimum of 2 4 hou r not ice. Also ,th eTown of Vai l P ub lic Wo rks Departme nt will be a pp ro ving a ll fina l drainage and cul vert insta llation wit h re su j t Lnq road pa~ching as neces sa ry.Such approval must be o bta ined p rio r to Fi nal Certificate of Occ u pancy issuance. • Town of Vail 2 5 South Fr ont ageRoad Vail ,Col orado8 1657 DO)4 79 -2138 • Plan analys is ba sed on the 1 9 91 Uniform Building Code f.J!,#rI./t) Project Number:PRJ96 -0090 Ad d ress:2338 GARH ISH DR Contractor:WOW MA BUILDERS Type of Const :V ·N Plans Examiner :DANSTAN EK Name :CUMMING S /HILB DUPL EX Date:June 4 .1996 Occupan cy :R3 ,Ml Eng ineer:TIMBOYL E NOTE:The code items li a t ~d i n t his r eport are not intended t o be a compl et e listing of all possible code requi rements in the 1991 UBC.It is a quide to sel e c ted sect i one of t he code . DIRECTI ON BOUNDARY NORTH Pu bl icway EAS T Pro p erty }ine SOUTH Pro p erty line WEST Buildinq SEPARATI ON AREA INCREASE 8 0.0 Feet 13 .0 Fee t 81.0 Fee t. 0 .0 Fee t FIRE PROTECTION 40 .0F eet 13 .0F e et 81 .0 FeQt. 0.0 F ee t EXTERI OR WA LL FI RE RA TI NGS AND OPENING PROTEC TION Table 17·A &T a bl e5 -A NORTH EA ST S OUTH WEST cee BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON -BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON 'BRG OPNG WALL WAL L PROT WALL WALL PROT WA LL WALLPROT WALL WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Oh r Ohr None lhr'"Ihr*NOP M1 Oh r Ohr None Oh rOhr None OhrOhr None I hr '"I hr'"NOP Nap OpeninQs a re not permit ted in th is wal l . FL NAME AREA MIN.LICHT MIN.VENT NO .EXITS EGRESS-------._.._-........._----------------.....----_._----_...._--_.....--- 3 Garaqe 421 0 .0 0 0.0 0 1 No TOTAL FOR F LOOR 42 1 1 2 Mud room 1 380 .00 6 .90 1 No 2 Me c hani cal r oom 4 7 0 .00 0.0 0 1 No 2 Maste r b ed room 236 23 .6 0 11.80 1 Yes 2 Master bath 1 27 0 .00 6.35 1 No 2 Laundry r oom 1 5 0 .00 1.50 1No 2 Hal ls ,c losets,etc .530 0 .00 0 .00 1 No TOTALF OR FLOOR 1093 1 1 Livinq r oom 209 20.90 10 .45 1 No 1 Dininq room 1 56 1 5 .6 0 7.80 1 No 1Kitchen 1 02 10.20 5.10 1 No 1 Powder room 2.0 .00 1.S O 1 No 1 Halls,closets ,et c.1 42 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTALFORFLOOR 6 33 1 B Bed room #2 1 56 15 .60 7 .80 1 Ye s B B ~d r o om #3 146 1 4.60 7 .30 1 Yes B Bath r oom #1 68 0 .00 3.40 1 No B Bath room .2 390 .00 1.95 1 No B Halls,clos ets,etc .7 40 .00 0.00 1 No T OTAL FORFLOOR 639 1 Yes BUILDING TOTAL 2147 1 •• FOOT NOTES: 1 )EGRESS ,An o pe rable wi n dow o r door that o pe n s dire ct ly to t he e x te r i or i s requ ired fr om thi s room .Th e mi nimum c lea r open able area mus t mee t t h ef o llow inq ...Sec .1 204 . I I Th emin imum c lear h ei qht i s24 i nch es 2 1 Themin imum clea rwidth i s 20 i nc hes 31The min i mum c lear a r ea i s 5 .7 square f e et 4 1 Th e max imum s i l l he ioht i s 44 i nches 2 )The number o f ex i ts i sb asedo n Tabl e 33 -A (Dwelli nQs) 3 )Amech an ica l v e ntil at ion sys tem mayb e used i n in li eu of exteri or o pan i nqs f or v en t L f a eI on ,--S o c.120 5.(c) 4 )Th er oq ui r e ment f or an egress windowi n t he b as ement ie based o n Sec.12 04. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habi tab le s pa c e s ha ll have a c eilino h e i q h t of n ot l ess than 7 feet 6 inches .Kit c hen s,h alls ,ba thr ooms and toile t compa r tmentsmay have a ce ili nq h e iqht o f 7 fee t mea sur ed to t he l o wes t project ion.If t he c eilinq i ss lop inq ,then t he mi nimum heiqht i s requ ired i n on ly 1 /2 of the a rea. --Sec .1 2 0 7.Cal Every d welling u ni t shall have a tl e ast o ne r oomwh i ch h a s not l es s than 1 20 squaro f e et o ff loor area .Othe r h ab i tabl e rooms exc ep tk i tche ns shall have an area of not l ess tha n 70 square f eet .~~Sec .1 2 07.(b ) Hab i tab l e r ooms other than ak itc hen shal l n ot b e less t han 7 fe e t i n any d imens i on .--Sec .1 207.(c ) GLAZING REQUI REME NTS : All q la zing i nh azardous l oc a ti o n s is r equ ired to b e of s afety q la zinq ma te r ia l.--Se c .5 4 06 .(dl 1 )Gl az i ng i n i ng r ess a nd egre ss d o ors e xc e p t j alousies . 2)Gl a z ing i n f ixed and s liding pa nel s of slidi ng do or assemb lies a nd p an e ls i nsw ing i ng doors o the r than wa rdrobe d o ors . 3 )Gla zi ng i n s Lormd o or s . 4)Gl azi ng i n all unframed s wi nging d o ors. 5 )Gla z ing i n d oo rs and encl os ur es f or h ot t u bs,wh irlpoo ls,saunas ,steam rooms ,b at htu bs and sho we rs .Gl az ing i n a nyp o r t ion o f a b u i ld ing wall enc l o s inq t h e s e compart men t s wheret he b o ttome x posed edge of t h e gl az inq is le ss than 60 in ch~s abov e as tand ing s ur f ace a nd dra i n i n l et . 6)Gla zingi n f i xed or operable pan e l s adj acen tt o a door where t he n ea re st expos ed edge of t he glazxinq is wi thin a24 -in ch a rco f e it he r v e r ti c al edg eo f t he door in ac losed p osit i on and whe re t he b ottome xpos e de dge o f the g lazinq i s l e s s than 60 inches a b ove the wa lking s u rf a c e. 7 1 Gla z i ng in an i n d i vidua l f ixed or o p era ble p anel ,oth er than t hos e l OCation s d escribed i n items 5 a nd 6 above ,than meet s all o f the followi ng c ondi t io ns: A.Exp o seda rea o fa n i ndivid ua l pane g r e at er t ha n 9 s quare f ee t. B.Ex p o sed b o t tome dge l ess t h an 18 inc hes above the f loor . C .Exp os ed to p e dge g rea t er tha n 3 6 inches above the floo r . D.One or mor e wa lki ng s u rf a c eswith in 3 6 inches horizon tal ly of t he p l ane o f t he glazi ng . 8)Glaz ing i n ra i lings r eqa rdl esso fh ei gh t above awa lking surfac e . In cl ude d ares tru ct ur al b aluster pane ls a nd non str uctural i n ·f ill p a n e ls. See e x cep ti ons . •• SMOK E DETE CTOR REQ UIREMENT S ; Asmo ke detector i s requ ired o n the ceil ing o rwa ll a t a point centrally l oca ted in t he co rri dor or a r ea g i v ing access t o each sleep ing area. --S ec .1210.(a)4. A s moke d ete ctor is required o n the cc il inq o r wall in ea ch s lee pi nq area .--Sec .1 210 .(a )4 . As mo ke de tector i s r e qui red i n the ba 8~me n t ..-Sec .12 10 .(a )4 . A smoke d etect or is requ ired o na ll s tor ies ...Sec .1 210.(a)4 . If t he upper level contains sleep inq r oom(s).a smoke d et e ctor is requi red i n t he c ei ling o f the upper l ev el cl ose t ot hes tairway . ..S ec .1 21 0.(a)4 Smo ke d e tect or s arer e qui redt o b e wired to t heb uilding 's p ower source and s ha ll b ee qu ipp ed with ab atte ry back u p ...S ec.1 210 .(a)3. Det ectors shal l s ound a n a la rm a ud i b le i n all sl ee ping a reao f the dwe ll ing in which th ey are l ocat ed.Se c .1 21 0 .{a)4 . OCCUPANCY SEPARA TION: Bet we @n the garaqe and t he res idenc e,mater ia ls app r oved f or lhr f ir e c on structi o n arp.r equi red on the gara ge side only andany d oo r s b e tw een t he qaraq e a nd the residence are t ob ea se l f'c l osinq 13 /8 i nchs ol id c ore d o or o ra 2 0mi nute f ire d o or ...T able S ·B &Sec.S 03 .(d)exC .#3 STArR REQUI REMENT S: A s tairway in a dwe ll ing must be a t l eas t 3 6 inches wi de .-.Sec.3 306.(b) The max imum ri se o fa step i s8 i n c h e s and the minimum r u ni s9i nches. -.Sec.3306 .(c)e xe .n l Prov id e a handr ail o n one s ide a stai rway 3 4 t o 3 8 inches above t he nos inq i f there i s 4 o r more r isers .--Sec .33 0 6.(i ) Provide ag u ard ra il where drop off i s gr e at er t han3 0 inches.Minimum h e iqht c 3 6 i nc h es ,max imum open ing s i ze -4 i nches ...Sec.1 712 .(a)exe .#1 The min i mu m headroomi s6f t.'8 inches ..-Sec.33 06 .(0) Encl osed u sa bl e spa c e u nder the stairs is requ ired to be p r otec ted as requ ired for 1hr f ire 'res is t ive cons truc tion..-Sec.3 30 6.(1) ADDITI ONA L REQ UIRE MENTS: For R3o ccupancy This proj ect wi l l r equ i reas i tei mprov emen t surv ey .Such survey shall be su bmitted and a pprov ed p ri or t or equ e st for f rame in sp ect ion . All craw l s paces within the TownOf Vail a re l imited to a e ar th to s truc tura l f loo r cei linq heiqht of 5 ',be e arthf loor only ,be ventila teda sp er UBC 2S16(C )6 with min imum acces s as pe rUSC 251 6(C)2 and max imum a c cess o f9 sq .ft. Any bu ildinq s i te wi th a s l ope o f 30d e gre es a T more s ha ll requi re an enqineer des ign .Such de s igns hall address dra inage,soi l retainaqe and structura l des ign . Excava ti on bel ow slabs on qrade shall n ot b e permitted wi thout prior a pprova l . Address n umbers s ha llb e p os ted p lainly vi sibl ea ndl egib l e fr om the stre et . •• For Ml occ upancy S lope garaqe fl o o r to a llowf or d r a inaqe to out s ide t o provide a f l oo rd ra in wi t h sandan d oil i nte rcepto rt o dry wel l or to s ewer . An y qaraqe f loo r d rai n conn e cte d to sewer mus tb e appr ovedb y Upp er Eaqle Va l ley Water &Sa n i tation Dis trict . I nq a raqes withl iv ing a r ea abov e.t he wall s o f the q araqe wii ch a re b e ar i ng the area aboves ha l l be pro tec ted wi th one h ou r f ire rR s i st ive construc ti on .U8C 503 (8). •• Towno f Vail 25 So uth F rontaQe Road v ail ,Colo rado 8 1 657 (303)47 9 -213 8 P lan anal ysi s b ased on t he 1 991 Uniform BuildinQ Code ~~~£44~, Project Number:PRJ96 ·009 0 Add r ess :2338 GARM ISH DR Con tra cto r:WOW MA BUILDERS Type o f Ca n st:V ·N P lans Exami n er :DA N STAN EK Name :CUMMING S/H ILa DUPLE X Date:June 4.1996 Oc cupancy :R3.Hl En gineer :T IM BOYLE NOTE :The c ode items l is t ed in this r ep or t are not i ntended to be a complete l iat inq of all p ossible cod e requi rements i n the 1991 UBC.It i sa quid e to se lected sec ti on so f the code. DIRECTION BOUNDAR Y NORTH Pub lic way EAST Bu il d i n q SOUTH Pro p erty line WE S T P ro p erty line SEPARAT ION ARE A INCREASE 80.0 F eet 0.0 Feet 81.0 Feet 1 8.0 Feet F IRE PROTECTIO N 4 0.0Fe et 0 .0 Feet 81 .0 Peet 1 8.0 Feet EXT ERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OP~NING PROTECTION Ta bl e 1 7 ·A &Table 5 -A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST oe e BRG NO N-BRG OPNG BRG NON ·BRGOPNG ARG NON ·BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WA LL WA LL PROT WALL WA LL PROT WAL L WAL L PROT WALL WA LL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr Non e Ihr *Ihr *NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None Ihr *I hr "NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Pr ot Openinqs are to be prote cted with ]/4 hr fi re a ssemblie s. NOP Openinqs are n ot p e rmitt 9d in this wall. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VE NT NO .E XITS EGRESS ]Garaqe TOTAL FOR fLOOR 2 Ma s le r bedroom 2 Mast er bath 2 Mechanical room 2 Mudr oom 2 Laundry room 2 Halls ,cl oaet a,etc . TOTAL FOR F LOOR 1 Li vin g r oom 1 Din i no r oom 1 Ki t chen 1 Powder room 1 Ha l ls ,c losets,etc. TOTA L FOR fLOOR B Bedroom #2 B Bedroom #3 B Bathr oom B Ha l ls ,c l osets,etc . TO TAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 4 21 0 .00 0 .00 1 No 4 21 1 113 11.30 5 .65 1 Yes 123 0 .00 6 .1 5 1 No 4 7 0 .00 0 .00 1 No 113 0 .00 5 .65 1 No 15 0 .00 1.50 1 No 6 30 0 .0 00 .00 1 No 1041 1 1 02 10 .20 5.10 1 No 141 1 4.10 7 .0 5 1 No 11 3 11.]0 5 .65 1 Nn 24 0 .00 1.50 1 No 210 0 .00 0 .00 1 No 59 0 1 13 0 13 .00 6 .50 1 Yes 136 13.60 6.80 1 Yes 53 0.00 2.65 1 No 16 8 0 .00 0 .00 1 No 4 8,1 Yes 20 52 1 ."•• FOOTNOTES : 1 1 EGRESS -Ano p erable wi ndow o r door t h at o pens direc t ly to t he e xte rio r is requ ired from this r oom .The min imumc learo penab le a rea must meet t.h@ f ollo wim;J .••S ec .1 204 . 1)Theminimumc lear h ei qh t i s2 4 i nch es 2 1 The minimum cl ear widthi s 20 i nc he s 3)T he min imumc lear areai s 5 .7 s quare fe et 4 )T h e maximum sill height is 4 4 inches 2 )Th e num b er of exit s is b ased on T able33 -A (Owel1i nQsl 3)Amechan ica l venti la tions ystemmay be u sed i n i nl ieu of exterior o p eni nqs fo r ven tilat ion .~.S ec .1 205.lei 4)The rAqu irement for an e qre s8 window in t h e b asement is based o n Sec .1 204 . ROO M DI MENSIONS : Ha b i ta bl e space shall have a c el1 1nq h ei qht o f not l ess than 7 feet 6 i nches .Kitchens,h al ls,ba t hro oms a nd t oilet comp artments may havea cei li nq h e iqht of '7 f eet me asu eed to t h e lowest proj e ction.I f the c e il ing i s slopinQ ,then the minimum h eigh t i s r e quired in only 1 /2 of t he area . .-s e c .1 207 .(a) Every d well ing un it s hall ha ve at lea st one r oom whi ch h as not less t han 120 square fe e t of floo r a rea.Oth er habi table rooms excep t ki t chens shall h a ve an area of not l ess t han 70 s q ua re fe et ...S e c.12 07 .(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen s ha ll no t be les st han 7 fe et in any d imension ...S ec.1207 .lcl GLAZINGREQUIREMENTS : Al l gl azing in hazardous locations is required to be of saf e ty g lazing ma terial..-Sec.5 406 .(d) 1)Glaz inq in ingr ess and e gress d oorse xcep t jalou si es. 2)Glaz inq in fix ed ands l id ing pan e ls o fs lid ing door assemb lies a nd p~n~1 8 i n swi nging doors other than wardrobe doors . 3)Glazing in storm doo rs . 4)G lazi ng in al l unframed ~winginq d o ors . 5)Glazing in doors and enc los u res for hot tu bs,wh i r l pools ,sa unas ,s team rooms.bathtubs and showers .Gl az ing i n a ny portion of a bu ilding wall enclosing the se comp artme nt swhere t h e b ottom expos ede dqe o f the g l azing is less than 60 inches abovea s tandinq s urf ace and drain i nl e t. 6l G l azing in f ixed or ope rabl e panels ad jac ent t o a door where the nea r est e x po sed edge o ft he g lazx ing i swi thin a2 4 -incha rc of e ither vert i cal edge of the d o or in a closedp os iti on a nd whe r e t he b ot tom e xpo sed edge of th eg la zing is less than 60 i nch es above th e wa lk ing su rf ace. 7 1Gl az ing i n an indivi dual f ixed o r o perabl e p anel,other t han t hose location s desc ribed i n items 5 and 6a bove,than me etsa llo f t he fol lowing condit ions: A .E xpose d a rea of an individual pane grea t er than 9 s qua ee f e et . B .Expo s ed bottom e dge l ess t h an 1 8 inch es above the flooe. C .Ex pos ed to p e d ge g reater t h an 36 i nches abo ve the f loor. D.One or mo rewa lk i ng surfaces wi th in3 6 inches h oriz ont ally of the p lane o ft he gla zing. 8 )Glazing i n r a i lings regard less of height a bove awa lking surface. Included are s tructu ral b a luster p anels and n o ns truct ural in ·fi ll p ane ls. S eee xce pt ions . •• SMO KEDETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A s mo ke de tec t or is r equi r ed o nt he ceilinq or wall at ap oint c e nt rally l oca ted in the co r ri do ro r a rea qi vinq a cc e ss to each sleepinq area . ..Sec.121 0.(a )4 . A s mo ke de te cto r is requ i red o n t hec e il inq or wall i n each s leepinq area ...S ec .1 210 .(a)4 . A sm oked et e ct or is r e quired i n the basement .--S ec .1 210.(a)4 . A smoke d et ec tor is r equired o na l l s tor i es.--S ec .1210.(a )4 . I f the upper level containss l eep inq room (s ).asm o ke de tect or i s requi red i n the ceilinq of t he u pper le ve l close to the s ta irway . --S e c.1 210 .(01.)4 Smok e det ectors a re r equ ired t o be wi red t o the bu il d i nq's power sourc e and sha ll be equipped with ab at tery backu p .--Sec .1 210 .(a)3 . De tec tors shall sou nd an al arm aud ibl e in all s leep i ng ~re a of the d wel li ng in wh ich t hey are l o ca ted..-S s e.12 10.(a)4 . OCCUPANCY S EP ~RATIO N : Betw@en t h e q a raqe a nd the r e sid e nc e.materi als approvedf or lhr fir e con stru ct ion a re required on t he garaq e si d e on ly and any d o or s b etween the garage and the res i den ce are to b e a sel f 'closing 1 3 /8 i nch so l id core d oor or a 2 0mi n u te f ire d o or ...Tab le 5 'B &S e c.5 03 .(d)e xc.#3 STAIR RF.QUIREME NT S , As tairwayi n a dwe ll ing must b e at l e ast 3 6 inche s wide.--Se c.33 0 6.(b) The max i mum rise o fa step is 8 i nc hes and t he m inim~~run i s 9 i nche s. -S e c.3306 .(c)exc .#1 Provide a handrai l o n o ne s ide a s tai rway 34 to 38 inches above the nos ingi f t here i s 4 o r morer ise rs .--Sec.3306 .(i ) P rovi de a guard rail wh ere drop o ff i s g r eater t han )0 inc he s .Min imum h e ight ~)6 i nc hes,ma ximum o pe ni ng s i ze ~4 inches .-.S ec .1712 .(a )e x c.#1 The min im um headroom is 6 ft.'B i nches .--Sec.]]06.(0 ) Enclosed u sa bl e space unde r the s tairs i8 r equ ired t o be p ro te ct eda s required f or I hrf ire -resist ive constru ction ...S e c.)]06.(1) ADDITIONAL REQU IREMENT Sl F or RJ occup ancy This pro ject will r equire a site i mp r ovement survey .Such survey shall be submit ted and ap prov ed p rior to r e quest for frame in spect ion. All c r~w l spa ces within the Town Of Vail ar e l i mi te d to a e ar th to s tr uc tu ra l "f loo r c ei li no heig hto f 5',be e art h Cloor o nly ,b e ven ti lated as per UBC 25 16(C)6 wi th minimum a c cess as per USC 25l6(C)2 a nd maxi mum a cc ess of 9 sq.ft. Any building si te with a s lope of 3 0 degree s o r more shall requ ire an eng ine er d es ign.Such d es ion sha ll a dd re ss dra inaoe .s oil r eta inage and struct ural des i gn . Exc av ation be low sl a b s on g r ade s hal l no t be permitted without pr ior a p proval . Address n umbers sha ll be pos ted p la i nl y visib le and l egible from the street. "".•• Fo r Mlo cc upancy S lope qara ge floor to allow fOT d ra inage to outside to p rov i de a f loo r d rain w ith sand and o il interc eptor to dry well o r to s ew er . Any qaraqe f loor drain c on nectedt o s ewermu st be approved by Up p er Eaqle Valley Water &Sanitation Dis tr ict. I n ga rages wi th l iv ing area a bov e,the wa l ls of the qa ra ge wii ch are b e ar ing the areaa bo ve shall be pro te ct ed with on e hour fir e resi stive construction .u ee 503(8). -, .,,...'.•• E N GIN EERING DESIGNWORKS .INC . 30965 Moff8t Avenue P .O.Box 17 5129 Steamboa t Springs .Colorad o 80477 (303)879-4890 (303)949·4823 FAX (303)819·4905 Subso ilI nve st iga t io n/Fo unda t i o nRec ommenda ti ons f or proposed ho us e at Lot 12,Blo c kG,Vail Das S chone SUbdi vis i on ,Fi l ing 2 v ai l,Colo rado April 28,19 95 Job #9 5232 5 Da ve Hilb 2923 Bel lflowe r, Vai l ,CO 8 1 6 57 \4"'1 C<1 -1%1 Pr e pa r ed f or :'J .;'--------~=:::- ... GENERAL •• This repo rt p resents the r e sults of o urg e ote chnical inve stig ation conducted on the site of the p ro posed h ome l oc ated at Lot 12,Blo ckG , Vail Das Schone S ubdivisio n,Filing 2,Vail ,Co lorado . T he investigation was p erfo rmed to p rovide su ff i cie nt i n fo rmat io n abo ut the s u pporting soil ma ntle t o enable a su itable fou n datio nd esign for t he p roposed home. T he concl usions a nd r eco mm end at i onsp rese nted h ere in are bas ed o n t he data gathered d uri ng o ur site a nd la bo ratory investig ations and o ur experience with similar soil condi tions .T fiis i nvestigat ion was co nduc ted in ac cordance with p rese ntly a ccepteds oilse nginee ring procedures co n sistent with t he proposed d evel opment a nd no warrantyi s i mplie d.Our inves tigatio n specifically d id not add ress a ny s lope stabil ity conside rations . FIELD INVESTIGAT IO N The s u bsu rface soi l condi t ions were e xp lored o n Apr il 1 2 ,1995 b y two ope n test pits dugwi th a John Deeret r a ck ho e.See Fi gure 1 fo rt he t e st p it locations.T he subs urf ace s oilse xpo s ed o n site a re profi led in F igure 2 .Laboratory s oil sampl es were o btained with a Hand Drive S amp ler.Unconfined penetrome te r tests we re pe rformed d uri ng t he digging operations.See Fig ure 2 for unconf ined val ues . LABORATOR Y T ESTING Labor at o ry t estinga nd a n alys isi n cluded s we l l-c on s ol i dation t e sti ng a nd was performed at the Enginee ri ng Designwo r ks,I nc .laboratory i n S teamboat Springs,Co lorado .See F igure 3 for de tai ls . PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTIO N Two sto ry c on ven tiona lly framed d uplex overwa lk-out basement . RECO MM ENDATIONS La bo ratory tes ts i ndic a te that t h e t an 's1 lty 'clays 'wi t h gravels a n d r o cks f ound a pp roximate ly l'b e low e x i sti n gg rade i n test p it #1 a nd 2 'b e low e xi sting g rade in test pit #2 a re s light ly expa nsiv e.Any co nve n tiona l f o undations ho u ld be des igned fo r 1 700 p sf max imum ,200 psf minimum s oi ls b ear ing p ress u re s a nd p lac ed o n the tan s L l.try clays with grave ls and )(P,/(i.. rocks.Sugge sted d es igna t-rest e q uivalent fluid press ure f o r retains I ~ b ackfil l:_i mpor tedg ravels --4S -pcf,o n-site clays (no tr eco mm end ed )-~f~ 8 0 pcf . Any f ound at i on a t t his site mus t be d es igned a n d co ns tructed in s trict c onformance with the follow in g p rec autio ns: 1 .Fou ndat ion g rade b e ams sho u ldb e de s ign ed and rei n fo rc ed t o s p an an uns uppo rted dista nc e of a t least 1 0 f e et . Page 2 Job #952325 4/28/95 ••• 2 .I nspect e xcava tion f or soil u nifo rmi ty a ndc on fi rm s oil t y pes match those described in this report p rio rt o any f oun dation o rf ill c o n s t ru ct io n .All loose o r sof tp ock ets of soil wi thint he loaded d epth o f t he footings should be r emoved and replaced with a well c omp act ed gravel ;o r th ef o otings extended t o l o we r,morec ompetent s oils . 3 .Co mpac ted g ranular s t ruc tural fi lls to b e compacted in 8"lifts to a min imum o f 95 \Modi fied Proctor Densitya t a moisturec on tentwithin 2\of o ptimum .P ro perly placed andc o nf ined washed roc kma yb e us ed i n l ieuo f compacted fills wh en p ro per ly v ibrated i n2 4 11 maximum lifts . 4 .Any f il l containing r ock shoul d be c aref ul ly mi x ed to avoid nesting and creation o f v o ids .Remov ea ll topsoil,o rganics,and o ther o bjectionab le ma te rial s prior t o placi ng fills.No c oncrete or fill s hall b e p laced o n muddyo rf roz en ground. 5 .Maintain r equir ed f ros td epth for fo otings subject to frost. S lab c onstruction i sn ot rec ommended,but if it is to be implemented, it s ho uld be cons tructed over f ills,as described above.The ris k of slab movement d e cre ases with i nc reased fi ll d epth.A minimumo f 10" -2 4 11 of f i ll is rec o mmended.S lipj o int all fl o or slabs at all inte rfaces and p rovide for p os sibles labmovemen tu nder partiti on wall s.Do not us e s labs f or b e ari ng of structural componen ts. 7 .Maintain thei n -situ moi sturec ontent a nd avoid weat he ri ng of the bea rings oilsa t all t i mes pri or to and a ft er placing f o otings. 8.P rovi de an adequa te underdra in system fr om the low areas o f the e xca vatio n.S lope 1 /8 "t o1 /4 11 pe r fo ott o a daylighting drain.T he unde rdra in system s hould includ ea pprovedPVCp ipe overlaid by washed r o ck,enca sedi nMi ra fi fabric .T est before and aft er b ackfill. 9 .Co n to ur the f inish g rading at a minimum 12:1 slope to dive rt all s urfac e drai nage at l east 15'away from all sides o f the structure. 1 0.Ex terio rb a ck f ill to be granUlar free draining mat erial,capped with a minimum 12 "l aye ro fwateri mpermeab le (eg.clay )material to dive rt s urfa ce f l ow.Geotexti le f abric is rec ommended below the c lay l ayer .Topso il c ant hen be plac ed ov er the clays. 1 1 .Slope stab i l i ty should b ea ddress ed by others in the design process . Page3 Job 1952325 4 /28/95 •• Signific ant 'c hanges i n the pro posed s truc ture or sub s oil c ond itio ns d ifferent than those logge d in F igure 2may al t er t hese r ecommendation s a nd sho uld be b rou gh tt o the atte nt i on of thi so ff ice . Si ncerely, Engi neering Desi gnworks,I nc. ~~:jl by :Pete r Wiegand,Geologist reviewed :Steve Le wis ,P .E. P age4 J ob#95 2325 4 /28/95 • Lot12,Bl ock G,Vai l Dos Schone Fi l ing 2 Vail ,Col orado FICURE 1 • ----~i S C h D ri v~ Tes t Pit #2 ~EB L 1 Site s lopes dow n tV l 'in 2 ' Pr opose d new ho use 55 I EB Te st pi t #1 Veget at ion:gros s &s hr ub (Not to scal e) Page 5 Job #952 32 5 4 /26 /9 5 --!.• FI GURE 2 • TES TPIT 1 TEST PIT 2 0 Top of ex ist ing grade 0 Top of existing grade Topsoi l with roo ts J;Fills 1 '1'-/~/I 0 2 '2 '- I-(j(/ Sl ig htly danp tan s ilty •3 'cl ay ',i th 257.grove ls &3 '-I-/1 roc ks «1'0) /,J-4 'o 4 '-1--Tan dense s i lty clay .ith 0 107.grove ls &roc ks «6"0) 05'-liano le 181 5 '-~ d 5tsf Pe netrometer • 6 '6 '-I-Bottom of excovat ion D -li<Jll'le /S:J &5195+tsf Penetrometer 7'-~ •- 8'-0 • 9'-1-0-Bottom ofexcovat ion Na te :Sa il classification by geologist's judgement ordy. No gradations or atherc lass ificati on tes ti")s were performed. Page6 Job #95 2328 4/28/95 -:.... ".•• FIGUR E 3 _x : ~".! ~.<l -'--'----.._-~'--.. <,--------...-"" ...........-..---------'. <,'<,"/>" ......... ------r---.. ................ ............... '" ~I "C r ea S e upon wetting, 0 .99 0 .9 8 0 .97 :;:: ........0.96 5i ;0 .95 ~0 .94 0.93 0.92 0 .91 0 .9 o ,2 , 9 5 232. 4 PRESSURE:(I(S F) 5 6 '19 "'9 1 .71 5 .13 7 • '9 9 Page 7J ab 1 9 5 232 .4/2 8/95 .'•• TOWN OF VA IL 7 5 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-4 79 -213 8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMEN T NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPO STED ON J OBSI TE ATALL T IMES ELECTRICAL PERM IT Permit #:E9 6-0111 FRONTAGE RD E #A,VAI LCO 8 16574 774 J ob Address :2338 GARMISH DR Locat ion ..•:2338 GARMISH DR Parcel No•.:2103 -114 -11 -0 19 Proj ect No.:P RJ96-009 0 APPL I CAN T CON TRACTOR OWNER EAG LE /SUMMIT ELECTRI C P .O BOX 744 ,F AIRPLAY EAGLE/S UMM ITELECTR IC P .D BOX 744 ,F AIRPLAY HILB DAVE - CUMMING S GREG ,4040 N CO CO 8044 0 CO CO 80440 S tatus .•.:APPR OVED App lied .•:OS /2 9/1996 I ssu ed .•.:06/04/1996 Exp ires ••:1 2 /01 /1 996 P h on e:71 98 3 63 559 P ho ne :7 1 98 36 35 59 Description :ELECTRI CAL WORK FOR NEW p iS valuation :1 0,000 .00 Eleetrice l --> DRB Fee --) Inve stiga tion> will Call--> TOTA L FEES -> 225 .00 .00 .00 '.00 228 .00 Tota l Ca lcu lated Fees--) Addi t ional Fee.---------> Total Permi t fee--------> Pay.ent s---------------> BALANCE OUE-> 228 .00 .00 228 .00 .00 228 .00 I tem:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/04 /1996 DANAc tion :AP PR Dept:BUILDING Division: CONDITION OFAPPROVAL DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknow ledge t hat 1 have re ad t his applic ation,f il led out infu ll the i nfor.at ion r equi r ed,comp l eted an a ccurat e plot plan,and s tate t hatal l t he ;nf o r ~t i on pr ovided as r equi r ed ;s cor rect.I agree t o conply with th e info r.ation a nd p lot plan, to cONP ly with all Town o rdinances and state l8W s ,and to bui ld this structure ac cording to the Town 's zoning and s ubdivision codes,des ign r eyi ew appro Ye d,Unifor MBuilding Code a nd other ordinances oft he Tow n appl ica ble t he reto . REQU ESTS FOR INSPE CTION S SHALL BE MADE TWENT Y-FOUR HOURS I N ADVAN CE 6Y TELE PHON E AT 479-2136 OR AT OUR OF FICE FROM8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATUR E OF OWN ER OR CO NT RACT OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ••TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 1657 9 70-479 -2 138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THIS PE RM IT MU ST BE POSTED ON J08SITE AT ALL TIMES P LUMBIN G P ERM IT J ob Address :23 38 GARMISH DR Locat ion...:23 38GARMISH DR P arcelNo ••:210 3 -114-1 1-0 19 P r oject No.:PRJ9 6 -0090 Permit I:P 96 -008 0 S t atus .••:APPROV ED App li ed ••:OS/29 /1996 Issued •••:0 6 /0 4 /1 996 Exp ires ••:12/01 /1996 APPLICAN TTIMBERL INE SERVI CES 226 N.W.FIRST S TREET,MONTROSE,CO 81401 CONTRACT OR TIMBERLINE S ERVICES 226 N.W.FI RSTS TREE T,MON TROSE,CO 81 401 OWNER HILBDAVE- CUMMINGS GREG,4040 N FRONTAGE RD E 'A ,VAIL CO 816 5 74 774 De scription :PLUMBING FOR NEW pis UNITS Valuat ion:20 ,000 .00 ****••••••••••*A'••*A ••••**********.**~**.*••••••••••••fEE ~MA RY *••••••••••••*••••~••••••***.*.*•••I •••*•••••*••*.*.*••• PL~i~>300 .00 Iln'tUilrWlt Plan Revi ew--->.00Total Calcula ted fH S->3 78 .00 Plan check->75 .00 TOTAL FEE 5------>378.00 "'d(ht;~l F...->.00 Investigation>.00 Tot al Per.i 't Fee---->3 78 .00 will Call ---)3 .00 Pay..,nt*--------).00 BALA NCE DU E------>375 .00•••••••••••**.*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~******.*******..~iiH.~.~..H.~.~.*H.~.~.*H.~.~*...**.*.*••*'****.*.1*•••••*.***11 •••*1.**** Itim:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN T 06 04 /1996 DAN Action :APPR De pt:BUILDING Division : COND ITI ON OFAPPROVAL 1 .FIELDINS PECTI ON S ARE REQU IREDTO CH ECK FORCODE COMP LIANCE. DE CLARATION S I kereby acknow ledge tNt I have relJd th is appl ication,1illed out i n 1ull t M in fo r..ti on requi red ,cc.pleted an acc ura te p lot p la n,and state that all the i n1o~tt on provided ••required i .correct .I agr~to COIlpl y with the i n1or..tion .nd pl ot pl.n, t o COIlply with all Town orcliNlnces and state laws ,i1nd t o build t his s tructure .ccording t o the Town 's zon i ng and lubdivision c ode s,design review .pproved ,un ifo~Build ing Code and ot he r ord;nances of t he Town applicable t hereto . REQU ES TS FOR IN SPECTION S SHAL L BE ~AD E TW EN TY-fOUR HOURS IN ADV AN CE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR Of fICE f RO"8 :00 AM5 :00 PM SIGNATURE Of OW NER OR CONTIUCTOR fOR HUlSELf AND OWN ER ·r,•• OF VA IL .FRONTAGEROAD ,CO 8 1 657 '47 9-2 1 38 DEPARTME NTOFCOMMU NITY DEVE LOPMENT ELECTRICALP ERM IT NOT E:THIS PERM IT MU ST BE P OSTED ON JOBS ITE ATALLTIMES Permit I :E9 6-01 21 ~ Job Add r ess:2 338GARMIS H DR Locat ion...:2 338GARMISH DR P ar ce l No ..:2 103-1 14 -11-019 Pro ject No.:P RJ9 6-0090 Status ...:ISSUED Ap pl ied ..:0 6/11 /1996 Issued ...:0 6/1 1/19 96 Exp ires ..:1 2/08/1 996 APPLICANT EAGLE/SUMMI TELEC TRIC CO Ph o ne:719 8363559 P .O BOX 7 44,FAI RPLA Y CO 8 0440 CONTRACTO R EAGLE/SUMM ITELECTRIC CO Ph one :7 1 98363559 P.O BO X 744,FAIRPLAY CO 80 440 OWN ER HILBDAVE- CUMMI NGSGREG,4040 N FRON TAGE RD E l A ,VAIL CO8 16574 77 4 Descript ion:TEMP POWE RTO NEW PRIMA RY /SECOND ARY v aluat ion:.00 Elec trical-> DRS h e -> I nves ti g.tion> lIil l ta ll-> TOTA L FE E$-) .00 .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 Total C.lculated fHS-) Addit ional f ees -> Total Pe r,i t Fee ) Par~nts -> BALl.HC E DUE ) 53.00 .00 53 .00 53.00 .00 I tem :060 00ELECTRI CA L DE PARTMEN T 06/1 1/1996 CHARL IE Ac tion:APPR FOR Dept :BUILDING Division : ERNST G CON DITI ON OF APPROVAL DE CLARAT IONS 1 her~acblowlfdg e that1 heve read t his .ppl1tlltion,f tlled out in f ull thei nfor..t 1on required,co.p t,ted .n 'ccurate plo t plan,and st ate t hat II I the infor ..t1on provi ded IS requ ired t,co r r~t .J agree t o comp ly with the 1nfor..tion and pl ot pl~, t o tOllPlr witha ll Town ordinances and s tate l WI,and 'to build t his s trvcture "cording to t he Town'.zonif'l!l and l ubdivis ion COOts,design rev iew approvN,unifor.Building Code and oth er o rdiMnus ofthe TOlom appli cable thl!rtto . REQU ESTS fOR I NSPECTI ON S SHALL.BE MgE TW ENTY~fOUR IOJRS IN ADVAN CE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-21 38 OR AT OUR OffIC E FROIt 8 :00 All 5 :00 P.. !•• OFVAIL .FRONTAGE ROA D ,CO 81657 479-2 138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JO BSITE AT ALLT IME S Permit i:~9 6-01 2 1 Job Address :2338 GARMISH DR Lo cation ...:2338 GARMISH DR Parcel No..:2 103 -114-11-019. Pro ject No.:PRJ96-0090 Stat us ...:I SSUED Applied •.:06/11/1996 Iss ued ...:06/1 1/1996 Expire s ..:12/08/1996 APPL ICANT EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO Phone :719 8363559 P.O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY CO 80440 CONTRAC TOR EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO Phone :719836 35 59 P.O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY CO 80440 OWN ER HILB DAVE- CUMMINGS GREG ,4040 N FRONTAGE RD E fA,VAIL CO 816 5 74774 '.. De scription :TEMP POWER TO NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY v alua tion:.00 elec:trical -:> DRB'~-> Investigation> \lill Call-> TOTAL f££5-> .00 .00 .00 3.00 53 .00 Total Calc ulated fees---> Addit;on.l Fe-u :> Totll Per.tt Fee :> "'.)'IIent,> aAl",AHCE PUE :> 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DE PARTMENT 06/11/1996 CHARL IE Action :APPR FOR ERNST Dept :BUIL DIN G Div is ion : G CONDITIONOF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknowledge that I n.ve r~this application,f il led out 1n full the info r.-tion required,comple ted an accurate plot ph,",and state thilt III th e lnfor&1ltion provided IS r~ired teeeereer .I ..gr~to ee-pl)'with the lnfor.ation Md plot plan, t o co~ly vith III Town ordinances and state lavl,and to build th ts struct ure according t othe Town '.loning and subd ivision code.,design rlvie'll approved,lKI ;for.Building Code andoth er ordinancts of the Town applicable the reto . REQU ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE KADE TWENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OfFI CE fROK 8:00 ~5:00 P" s: •• TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 816 57 9 70-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF CO MMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:TH IS PERMIT MU ST BEPOSTED ON J OBSITEATALL TIMES ELECTRI CAL PERMI T JobAd dress :2338 GARM ISH DR Location•..:2 338 GARMIS H DR Par ce lNo..:2103-1 14-1 1-019 pro jectNo.:PR J96 -0090 Permi t #:E96 -0121 S t a tus ...:APPR OVED Applied..:06 /1 1 /1996 Issu ed...:0 6 /11 /1 996 Ex pi re s ..:12 /08 /1996 APPLI CAN T EAG LE/SUMM IT ELECTRI C CO P h on e:71 9 8 3 63559 P.O BOX 7 44,F AIRPLAY CO 80440 CONTRACTOREAGLE/SUMM ITEL ECTRIC CO P hone :7 1983 6 3559 P .OBOX 7 44 ,FAIRPLAY CO 8 0440 OWNER HILB DAVE- CUMMI NG S GREG ,4 040NF RONTA GERDE #A,VAILCO8 1 65 7477 4 Desc r ip tion :TEM PP OWERTO NEWPRIMARY/SECONDARY valua tion:.0 0 **********~**.*.******.*.**•••*****************************FEE S UH~AR Y ********************************************************** Elec trieal--> ORB fee --) I nvest igation> Wil l ClI ll-' TOTAL FEE S---> .00 .00 .00 3 .00 53.00 Tot al cetcu tet ee f ee s -' Addi tional f ee s---------> Total P e r ~;t Fee--------> Pay ~en t s --------------, BA LAN CE OUE-------------) 53 .00 .00 53.00 .00 53 .00 •*Jt••**.**.*At At.A"*.**.*AtAt *AtAt .***********************************.*************...********....***'.,*******************•*•***.*** Item:0 6000 ELECTRICAL DEP AR TMENT Dept :BU I LD ING Division : 0 6 /1 1/1 996 CHARLIE Act i on:APPR FOR ERN ST G CO NDITIO N OF APPROVAL DE CLARA TIONS I hereby ac knowledge t hat I have r ead t his ap pli cat ion,fi l l ed out i nf ull t he i nfo r ma tion r equired ,coapl et ed an a ccurate p lot plan,and s ta t e t hat all t he i nfor~at i on pro vided 3S r equi r!1 is correct .I agr ee to comp ly wit h t he i n 1 o r ~a t i o n and p lot p l an, t o eo~ply with a l l Town or dinance s and state la ws ,and to bui ld t hi s st ructurea ccording t o th e Town's zoning and su bdi vision codes ,des i gn r eview approved,Unifor.Bui ldin g Cod e and ot her or dinancesofthe Tow n app li cab l e t her eto. REQU ESTS FORI NS PECTIO NS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOU RHOUR S IN At VAN CE BY TE LE PHO NE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFIC E FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 p~ SIGNA TURE OF OU NER OR CON TRACTOR FOR HIHSE LF AND OWNER CONTfrj ("TOe. musT UfOvTrE rNS . No n r:::t tc:..D G -1(-% ~'.'...pes"1G,-00'/0 PERMIT ,8 9&013',) ••·'"..-- I TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPTf3])i'J FORM DATE:~ J APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************••***•••****PERMIT INFORMATION ************.***********••*** []-Building []-Plumbing ~Electrical []-Mechanical []-Other _ J cb Name :M ilS A::-C{/7?InI",J [)IJfio'f7;"ddress:2 3 1 t?GAR rYJ)Sp ~V ,,o/L O A ?"'o,V Legal Desc r ipticn:Let /')..Block Filing SUBDI YISION:• Owners Name :&~/C0n ql ltJ r-Address :./tilt?:,)J OC{!'C}I /lmONIi£.J-/?t,-3 Jf! Architect :Add ress :Ph ._ General Description:76/rJ P FJ-.!f C t""R1C •• Number of Accommodation units :~ Work Class:[j-New [J-Alteration [j-Additional [j-Repair []-other -=~ Number of Dwel ling Un its:c:7 x:er a nd Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances~Gas Lo9S~~ood/pellet------ *****••••*******••••****.****.***VALUATIONS ••••••*••••••*•••**••***•••**•••• EQ6.-0 l~ BU ILDI NG :$ELECTRICAL :$>C OTH ER:$<-:='=======PLUMB ING:$MECHANICAL:$•TOTAL:'_ ~*••••***••**********••*****CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***••••*********•••••••*••*~ener al Contractor :Town of Vail Reg.NO ._ Address:Phone NUmber: Electrical Con tractor:£}06i-3~",;,'''T r£/..<'CT'Q/C ~ow n of Va il Re g,NO.[:5./3 Address:T?<,;(7'tt((,"2PI.I>(C.,~4 111()Phone Numbe r:'719_.1'3"'Jss1 ,/ PlUmbing Co ntractor: Address: Town o f Vai lRe g.NO ,_ Phone Numbe r: Mechanical Contractor : Address: Town o f Vail Reg .NO._ Phone Number: ••••••••*****.**••••**•••••••••• BUILDI NG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE : MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE : FOR OFFICE USE .**•••••*.********************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHEC K FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VALUAT ION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING : SIGNATU RE : Comments: ~CLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFUND TO: / .4 REPT13 '•. 06 /27 /96 07 :00 REQUESTS •TOWN OF VA IL I COLORADO FORI NSPECTI ON WORK SHEETS •FOR:6 /27/96 PAGE AREA :CD 1 ==~========================__c==============::========================__== Activity: Address: Locati on: Pa rcel: Descr iption: Applicant: Owner: Contractor: B96-0132 6 /2 7 /96 Type:B-BUILD 2336 GARMISH DR 2 336 GARMISH DR 2 103 -114 -11 -019 NEW PRIMARY SECONDARY UN ITS WOW -MA BU ILDERS HILB DAVE - WOW -MA BUILDERS Statu s:ISSUED Constr:NDUP Dcc:0007 Use:VN Phone:3034763254 Phone: Phone:3034763254 I ns pection Request I nf ormation ..... Requestor :DAVE HILB Phon e:949-2193 Req Time :01:00 Comments :WEST UNIT -476-0271 PAGER I tems requested to be Inspected ...Act ion c~~ent6 Time Exp 00030 BLDG -Framing AP...l::!!:1:"'t'O"'v:....::;f£>=:-;;-,------,,---.,-_:-::-_ __,;-(eoss Mftt.l.effbe.,['n!'rndS -!"\<-n'\t,=C:AW L Sp lI<....Ft7P(:'C<\flS.~_ __=;;-:-:;-:,.,..,-;----,=-:::::----,;,.----,--.,-;:-:::-__-fre D ~tQ u ,(.0>6<JTe'/CQt'rJ C<Z __-:-:-S1P<.\r f <A!1.?f~e r f>ra£,ICO EoR -!?=~'LJl/?:,p CfI U ",'·~ S '!f.tJC C t-I1\1'Uo CS -fYXL rcJ!!lLj:t~oJoJ WrlS Tr muO ecKY -('W O:Pi lIN'll ".1\E <:r W'Ns!NVL.__------------~~-:€neeInspectionHistory..... Item:00500 PW -Backf i ll Inspection Item:00501 PW-Temp.ac cess /dr a inage Item :00502 PW -Rough grade Item:00503 PW -Final driveway g r ade Item:0 0 51 0 dr iveway grade fin al Item:000 10 BLDG -Foot ings /S tee l Item:00020 BLDG-Founda tion/Steel 06 /1 4 /96 I nspector:EG Action:APPR APPROVED 06 /28/96 I nspecto r :CD Acti on :APPR APPROVED Item :00520 PLAN -ILC S ite Plan 07 /17 /96 Inspector:DOMIN IC Act ion :APPR for framing Item :00030 BLDG-Fram ing I tem:00 040 ••Not OnFi le ** I tem :0 0 050 BLDG -I nsu lation Item:00 060 BLDG -SheetrockNa il Item:00080 **Not On F ile ** Item:000 70 BLDG-Misc. Item:00090 BLDG-Fi na l Item:00530 BLDG -Temp.C/O Item:005 32 PW-TEMP .C/O Item:00533 PLAN -TEMP.C/O I tem:00537 PLAN -FINAL C/O Item:00539 PW-F INALC/O Item:00540 BLDG -Final C/O IZe;Y I0c 1-7 'Po LJ l-jl~-r I ')H 4::LJ mk' [1:.Yt=.L .:f&'11 I fl.;PLt,t~.. Yof-'",I Lv l l ~V1S1u \;IS.I DEHllCA L fV~f!.ol i\LJ t..J 11 S . lJPref..L.e-V t.L.vlo 1'='1 -:;'I H 1 !J I ':"....gtA I'-I?::t: ?IILL 1111.::\''1 J I!-z...1;=-:>liD "o/c. r ~~v'i ~~h I'"(p l'::.-"x..8 y~"""'A t'11-1-1V - ..4:-'"'/~'",::,"<.c)·~?{;,"F.LA I~~tl CvLl[HH(~:.'Iv-v 1 .;.:-.'1 "'1 ....J'«~4-;/~q,I'-.t3.f'.1 -e,A~) "J.oC.,.__.,,,,:.-,~~,,_,,:.'•__I;.."C '''~•• J SPE C:.!.P\.ATE POS lTll)<4[NG CHAAT .JOI NU .~Il nl Y:!lnJ a NGL EL~!lE Ii SPECI FlCATIIJtjS TOO cee BOt tolll :hC loeC 5 TOll Chord ,.e •l6,or ·l .er MSR sPf"/ESLP T :.-'4~•,.4 155 ,,-12 27 ,a -1170 Bot (hor a ,.e •:6 :10F .\.!:E I'lSR SPF/ESLP T 2 --3174 e e-10BO ,3 2666 ,,-20 98 1oIl/0 I'l l '",.••S TUO II .'000 'T 3'-3174 ,,-aa- liEa I:>ltC;t a ,T ,.,,.,•1650F"-1.!:E t1SR SPf/ESLJ> ,,,S) -5 50 .., a.a / 7 -\-12 ,, !111 M, .....72 7'5"'(7' 7 -0-0 S Uf'Cl ~"ll lJn1U!1"'.LOall l";tPSFJ TO-L ..80 .0:TCOl..-l'lr.'O:BCOl....10 .0 ; IncrtlS!!..I 000 LIVE LO AO DEF LECTION BASED ON L/J eD 6 -0-0 ,.. ,-<>-0 "" 1-!-12' lBS Z2U 2239 TIolIS fQlJSS IS OESI l>I'<EO us t NG f l«l&: CODE .e lS IC WINO sPE EO ·eo ~. f ~e 10 ~I ,'Do tt ~A ~n~rd I lv.l oad :ne,_ ~er USC niS Dee"c~~s l d er ed In t n l5 d eSI9" 0-9 -12T E NO VEA'T IC1LS .RE DESIGNED FOQ llllAl L0 10S O't.,Y . ICBO:THIS TRUSS H1S BEEN OES IGNEO IN .Io CCORQA NCE W1iK rceo IlES E A~REPORT 1607 . R-~OOO HOLDING V1LUES l llE 203 PSI I N S OU'!-'E~P!NE /OOUGL,I,S FIR-LIJlCI-I llCl 1!l2' PSI .N~E ~-F IR lsPIlUCE -P INE-F IR . BEAA ING >I ElJJ lAEl'ENTS BEaR ING lCT .SIZE REO.SiZE 8 1 5 .50 I n ......,In . 8L 5 .50 I n .'.4 6 I n . Uo llF l React ions 8L -7 IX'°T"BR ACE STIFfENER NA I LED FLAT TO EDGe t$1of.9 wIT H 8d '<A I LS AT 8 VCI-€S D .C .OR ..SC..l.B IOF TtE SA"":Ol!1ENSION &1'(1 GR ACE AS WE BI "'AIUO TO F ACE Of'WE B 1oI 1 TM 10 11 NULS .u 8 u-oes 0C .S U GGCRED. IME'lE I NDIC .'ED BY I-I SCAB Oil °T"BRAce: TO (XTE"4l FOR 90 1 OF wEB LENGTH . zz..z.=3 PLATIE COOl!SI'>O.CI NIlJ ~OOO USC 2 10 .00'0C co ......_..-.__...__......__.._..._---.....__..___.....-......_-..v_.. __._e-,_,.,••~_._•...~"... comoo..S"AJC)AOIIQ_''''IT ...OU''t ~WOOD......-........,fTTI'I _....,_......-:000 ..."u ....._""'__a,e.-__o..r ...._...----__....__.._----..__..-_.....__._-.---''''''----_._-_________••__•........,""C! -..e-:;~...ou ...~__p s.-_....._-----------_._-._--'--_.._.......---_...-_.-_._...._----(------..__._--_.._-_..._"'.-.............._......_._~~__u,.. Otv ~2 1 '!'rU55 "U~'1 ]/1 6'•\" sPE:Ut PL ATE P:lSI':I:lNIM>QtAR! .JOINU 1(:linl -e l lnl """"->t.EtUJ1l!fQ SPf:IF ItAt roe TOO tr d Bott:;:.cee ..."Tao t hor ::!2 .,165C F-L~E "'"S~/ESl...l>r ,.-u,.6 •,..149 •,-1229 •2 -ssc BOt Ch ord 2 .,:650F-I.5E '"SR SPF"/ESlP T2 '-]167 ea-l6 22 •a 2 160 •,-22 93 »ee "1 .1;'2.,STUD 10 ..000 'r ,.-]161 •,-51' !.lE!!P u:te ,,,,., 2.••1650F -L5E I"I$R SPF /EStP , •5 .02c.00 B2 '.2 B[...RIIOfG REQU IIlEMENTS BEIRING I Ct.S In:RED SIZE S I '.50 I n ,~.10 6 I ".e,5 .50 I n ,~.•6In . SUn oarCi IJ ll I Cl r "l Lo a Cl ln Q IPSFl TCl.L •90 .0:TCOL •10.0:Eitel -100: I ncrust •1 _0 00 LI VE L OI./)OEF L ECTION e "'SEO ON LI36Q 5 -0-0 1/6 -0 -0 6-0-0 re .""A~~30,~ s..'" 1,-,-" A.,.. • • -----1-!I •~~,, sP Oo8'12 .-1 1-0-0 2'3~!l -Q OYE RALL sP ...... ,):,..:?~S;'~: ,.. 6 -0 -0 ,,'" Til l!I',;':J ,,!:lOH lI:I d'or ct 11 ..11l8d c lie-&t2 DI!l""tl Be "<lIS b l!!!n c ~nSI O l!r 'd :n t illS oes r qn . 1 X."T"BR..a STIFF ENER ~I LE D FUT TO EDGE rJF 1ot:9 !.lITH ee "AILS AT a INOES D .C .l)Q I SCAB (OF THE S AlE D l~SSION I N()GRA DE AS WEB )NAIlED TO FACE OF WE B Il IT"10d "H l S I T8 I NCHES D .C,STAGGEIlEO, \MERE lNOIC ..tED BY '_I SC"'S OR "T"BR..ce TO EllTENQ FCA ~t.OF I/€B l E ~I "'. E ~~E R T1C A L S AilE oeSIGNED FOR n UL lO"'OS Ot«..y , l CBO'THiS TRUSSHIS BEEN DESIGNED I N a CCORDAN CE IO IT'"l CBO IlESe ...RCH REPORT 1607 1l-5000 !'1Ql DING VALUES AilE 20 3 PS I I N saull'''EIlN P INE/OOUGLA S F IR-L "'R(:H AN()152 P'H I N HE"-l'"lIl/SI'IlUCE-"'ItE-,oIR, n "IS TQtlSS IS DES IGN£O US I~TO«U8C CODE,BASiC OI IHO sP ~EO -80 MPH, ecc e »scoo vee ~4 DO·a C OATI! 8/8/96 co ....._.._.._---_..._--..-...._---..--_.....--....._-_._--..._._..._--~_..____~,.0'0 _-__.___...~!1Y 0lIH"0Cll.sr~_..-r"''''''l'l o::-6CTHl AlOllO <ON ,_,,__....._,_.-.-_.._.._-__-~----...."""'-...__.._-_.._...__....__-...._-..------_..__...__....__._.._•'7'7 ~..-",..__ ______•___.-._..~__""5'f ..........0(1 -..cH:I"'l".........,,~"""XID _,......._'''--_r'''......_--------__-"'.,_.-.-_..--..._....._....-......_--_...-_..-_.._--,-----"'----"--"--"-'---'---"''-'-''--....,_..-_TIIO ..__.._oo.-co-__lJl" ••This safety alert symbol is usedto attract your DANGER :A DANGER designates a condition A attentionl PERSONALSAFETYISINVOLVEDI When A where failure to follow instructions or heed warn - you see this symbol -BECOME ALERT -HEEDITS lng will most likely result in serious personal MESSAGE.injury or death or damage to structures. A CAUTION :A CAUTION identifies safe operating A WARNING:AWARNING describes a condition practices or indicates unsafe conditions that could where failure to follow instructions could result in result In personal injury or damage to structures.severe personal injury or damage to structures. HIB-91 Summarv Sheet COMM ENTARY a nd RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDUNG ,INSTALLING &BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOODTRUSSES e /tis the fBSDOnsibilitv ollhl1installf1((b.w~conlcacIot;hcJmmiconlnJctoc, 6rodorCK 8ftJClkm COfIDcIorl to rxooed"CiCll'jve.unIosd·sl01l.handle.insfa/lBOd bC8CJI metal plate CQOnecffd I'rOOd trusses to tHOl8Ct life and propertv The installer must exercise the same high degree of s.1fetyaW.1reness as withany other struclurat material.TPI does notIntendthese recommendations tobe Interpreted as superior to the project Architect's or Engineer's design specification forhandling .installing and b racing wood trusses forap articular roof ornoor.These recommendations are based upon the colle-c tive experience ofleading technica l personnelln the wood CAUTION:Thebuikler,building ccntractor.ucensed contractor,erector or erection contractor isadvised to obtain andreadthe eotirebooklet "Commentary and Recommendations for Handling,Installing & Bracfng MetalPlate Connected WoodTrusses ,HIB4 91"from theTrusePlate Institute. ......fiJ ..... TRUSS PLATE I NSTITUTE 583 D'Onofrio Dr.,S uit.,200 Mad is on,Willc onsin 5 3119 (608)833-5900 truss industry.butmust .duetothenatureof responsibllitles Invollled.be presented asa guide for the use ota qualified building designer or installer.Thus, the TrussPlate lnstllute.I nc .expressly disclaims any responSibility l ordamages arising from the use,applicatio n or reliance onthe recommendations and InformatIOn contained herem by building deslgners,Installers .and others ,COpyright o by Truss PlateInstitu te,Inc.Allnghts reserved .This document or anypart thereof must notbe reproduced In any form WIthout written pemnssion of tl'te publisher Printedin tM United States 01 Amenca CAUTION:Alltemporary bracing should be noless than 2x4 gra$:ie marked lumber.All connectlonsAshouldbemadewithminimumof2-16d nails .All ..trusses assumed 2'on-center orless .All mutti-ply trusses shou ld be connected together in accor- dance with design drawings prior to Installation. TRUSS STORAGE CAUTION:Trusses should notbe unloaded onrough terrain orun- evensurfaces which could cause damagetothe truss. DANGER:00 not store bundles upright unless property braced .00 not breakbands until bundles arelacedinastable horizontal osition. DANGER:Walking on truU8&which are lying flat Is extremely dangeroU&and should be strictly rohlbited. CAUTION:Trusses stored vertically should be braced to prevent toppling or tipping . 8'·10'1 WARNING:00 not break banding untillnstallatlOn begins.Care should be exercised In banding re- moval to avoklshlftln of InClMdual trusses. WARNING:00 not 11ft buncHed trusses by the bands .00 notusedamaged trusses, CAUTION:Trusses stored"I1Orizonially should be supported on 6 ockingto pnrventexcessrve lateral bending and lessen moistllrG gw. Frame 1 All teteralbraces lappedat least2 t russes . Attachment Required Continuous Top Chord latoral Bface ____ Requlr~ I 10"or G reater -L.",-=.,------l •• 6 '64 ere••lo nal e nin eer T OP CH ORD DIA G ONAL BRA CE SPACING (OB s) [#tru u es) SPOF SPF HF S '17 1 2 7'10 6 TOPC HORD LATERAL BRA CE S PACING(L.Bs) Istered SP ·Southern Pine SP F ·Sp ruce ·Pine·flr Diagonalb race a lsor eq ui redon en d verticals. MINIMUM S PANPITCH U to 24'3/12 Over 24 '·42 '31 2 T""_do tt..l ""brKH t>uo:.. ~.nd_coI'-._..""'''"- na lboacing.DIo.gooM I bf.cl"9.-1d bot....'Iood10"""''''1M top cIMwd __line.r._!Mod 10 _lIOpeldoe of ...."""~d. Over 42··~·31 2 Ove r 54'See.r OF·Douglas Flr·Larch HF ·Hem -Fi r I MONOTRUSS I WARNING :Failure to follow t hese recommendations could result In severe personal Injury or damage to trusses or buildings. I INSTALLATION TOLERANCES I length1-LQ"I -------....j ..."...",...",,,"",L """"."",",.,,,,,,,,.. T ru ss Depth O(ln) O(fn)e/so D(h) ,,.14'" 36 '3 4'3 ' eo -1·114"5'7,.t -t e- 00 'e-8' "S",..' 1 T 1 T r-LQ"I f l eaMr of 1./200 or 2" --11--·-LQ "I ------I "".I".".""". t leNe,of lJ200 "',. Maxim um Misplacemenl l ea.e,of I/0 /50 o r 2" Plumb line L(ln}lJ200 l(ft) 50"",.4 .", '50"3W 1 2.5' l(ln)lJ200 l{fIl 200","16 .7 ' 250"1 -1 /4 "2O.S' 300"1-1/2"25.0' OU T-Of·PLU MB I NSTALLAT IONTO LERANCES ,OUT·Of·PLANE INSTAllATION TO LERANCES. A DANGER:uritter no clrcumstancea should construction IOldlot any description bepllced on unbraced trusses. WARNING :Do not cut trusses.-=---__1IA Frame6 •• /l 30·or 5= stbcvef um-Tru $$e S ~In tho ho.i-bero rient U$O ntaldi rection to '0 brace spa cing.this Atta ch ment Required Conti nuous ~ Top Chord .11"'1"-, lalOfSI Brace TI---r,~Required 10"o r Graale ~i-L---, Att achme nt Required Lateral are ce -r1J:'t=:J Required I 10'o r Grollte r _L I-'=::::l Conti nuou s ---............ Top Cho rd .~ Id result Indatlonscou RALLEL2x4!2x6PAS CHORD TRUSTOPCHORDCE seve r I OJAGO NAlBRATOPCHORDESPACINGIDBsl LATERAL BRA e /I frus te li S PACINO(lBs )S P I DF S PF/H f 161 08'6 4 30"6 '4 2 M INIMUM DEPT H The end diagonal bfac:. fo r canlilevef Ii mcst be trull:o n v ertical Is a re eEnddlagonatbe d up Iendmulistabilityatruss.'(Ilem .both e nds 01th e ::Ii In line with the liUpport. SPAN OPCHORDOROTRUSS:TPARALLELCH4x2.. Frame5 ••WARNING :Do not attach cables,chains,or hooks to the web members . WARNING :Donot lift single trusses with spans gre ater than 30'by the peak . Greater than 60' Slrongbacltl SpraaderBaT Suon,b"kI L Sp reader Bar ~~~~.=_i]?1ZI?I:] I-App rodmalely ~ h to ¥,!rUSS length Greater than 60' To. Uno Ta, Uno At Of ebove mid -haigh1 MECHANICAL IN STALLATION T·S Une Lifting devices s houldb e co n nected t o the t russ t op chord wit h e c1os.c:l.loop anachment utilizingmat.rlal.such .. sUng.,chai ns,clb,",nylons trIpping , etc .of s ufficlent Itre ngth to ca rry t he weight ofthe tru ••.Each 1ru ••should b e .etIn p roper position pe r me bUildi ng designer'.tramlng p lan and held wit h the l ifting d evtce until 1he end.ofthe truss are s ecurely fa s1ened and tempo- r ary braclnIs Ins talled. T., Li ne I ~~~~---, 'm;;;;=;;;;-;==== T., Un. Toe In ,Dy 'or loss' ,. App roximately '/~trues length Truu spans loss 1han30 '. Approximately '/~to h truss !eng."h'---I '- less1han or aqulIl 10 60' I r Approximately .,f -'v._t O--.hJ_T ~~~~g ""''__ less tha n or equal to 60 ' , Approxlma1ely v.trulSs l ength Toe In ~ Spreoder Bar, To'}Uno CAUTION :Temporary bracing shown In this summary sheet Is adequate tor t heInst811allon ot trusses with similar configurations .Consult a registered professional engineer If a different A bracing arrangement Is desired .The engineer may design bracing In accordance wnh TPl's RecomQlended Design Specification for Temporary Bracing of Mera'Plate Connected Wood Trusses,058-89 ,andIn some cases determine that a wider spacing Is possible. GROUND BRACING:BUILDING INTERIOR IGROUNDBRACI NG:BUILDING EXTERIOR I =''',~".:~MJW\:'"' ",~"il~"'1'!iS::'jt"i'"f1loo: k l "1l""--,,.-I . I ar ""B'_ Veti ",(D 8yJ ~,,,••"'01""'..A CAUTION:Ground bracing required for alllnstallaUons.A Fra me 2 •• WARNING :Failure tofollowthese recommendations could resu lt In severe pe tsonallnjury or damage to trusses or buildings. PITCHED TRUSS • Attec hmont Req uired Cont inuo us Top Ch ord l ateral Brace ---.. Required I 10"o r Gre aler -.L 412 S '20 41 2 S'10 TOP CHORD MINIMUM LATERALBRACE P ITCH S PACING(LBS> 412 S'6 See.regi lt.red prof...lon 81 eng ineer OF·Douglas Fir-larch sp ·SOuthernPine HF-Hem-Fir SPF·Spruce-Pi ne-Fir SPAN Ove r 4 8'·60' Over 50' U1032 ' Oller32 '·48 ' ) "• • TOt>c:IooI'a 1"-.......t.l~bt...-:l ean bYe ... \og4ol1>e<.fId","uN eoI..,...Nt ...........dl-eo- ,..I btadnv-OJ.o9onoI_InQ_"'be ~.I k<l "'!hoiu_'lIIoH '"It>I "'"cllord .._.....h •••"'-10 I ....toIpelcM<Ifthil lop "",onl. , SCIS SORST RUSS I Top ........._•••lol l...,,,bJ_...nbucklc kogooIhM.nd __IoIf-i1I_.ie nodoego. ....bJ eclJ\1l.DlegonelbJecing ellowld M neik'd "'_.--ol l ...lop c lloJ d *I>c.."".1'... ...._10 1M Iopelde ol lhe tOl'c lloJd. ",MINIMUMTOPC HORD PITC HLATE RALBRACE DIFFER EN CE S PAC IN G(lBsJ Co ntinuousTop Chor d Late ralBraco Aequ ired -1- 10"or O restOt -.L Attachment Requ ired Ove r 28 '·42 '3 .0 6 '9 6 Olle r 4 2 '·60'3 .0 5 '53 Olle r 50'See a reglsl ered pr of es lii ona l engIneer SPA N TOP C HORD DIA GONAL B RACE SPA C I NG (DBs) II 1russes SP OF SPF HF U t o 28'2 .5 7 '17 1 2 OF •Douglu Fir -larch SP -Southern PIne HF .Hem -Fir SPF ·Spruce-PIne-Fir Frame 3 4/1 2 1 5 '20 1 5 41 2 1 5'107 4 12 1 5'6 " See •r ts lered rof...lon ale n InHr c e •Douglas fir-latch SP·Southern Pine Hf ·Hem-fir SPF·Spruce-Pine-Fir Over 4 S'-50 ' Over 50' BOTTOM CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE S PACING (DBSl [,.tru_) All lateral braces lapped alleast 2 trusses. I BOnOM CHORDPLANE BOTT OMC HORD LAT ERAL BRA CE S PACING(lBS> MINIMUM P ITCH • S PAN U to 3 2' Ov er 3 2 '-4 S ' • Bottom chord diagonal bracing repe;;ed at each end ofthe building andatsame spacing astop chord diagonal bra cing.-- Cross bracing repeated at each e nd of the building andat 20' Intervals. Frame4 '.~",'"0>,. It!~ WARNING:F.allureto follow these recommendations could reluh In severe ;personal injury or damage to trusses or buildings. Perman ent continuous lateral br acing ass pecifiedbythe tru ss engineering. /. I WEBMEMBERPLANE I 'w 0 "S ;'"1l"':a ....C ~<-Ii i c ~>:...-.,~2 J.R ~~~->••.....00 " ,.~~-.•.-~.~"'......•~...;1 g ~q 0 "n n c_-.-c n ~o .~-•1;I unn i:;;.<>0 *~z m co ,,~~--~l __77 a •n ..-~=~£...00•~.z:~~.!0 _•2 ......",.,",,jUg ~•...QQ :D •-<••...;s o f7111l <n •..-•,0 ,n '''0 '0 ~,n 'OX ......."..u~ -,"-' ,<~ "'7_':__c -8 ~-~~~(;1 "........... C a ,_m ",_%!•~0 -""•;00 :c ...~..c::••••'.•.....en...n ~0 m r-.0 ~8 <:t t::0 0 •,-"~..,.O~•c •.'".'"~~••......•en 0 •s -•~~~ih ~ZO •~-•"no ~~.-~N -O ....__n •-2 ••~..~~~•_(JI .....,C ,......OUl c •,"6~~=•~~~""~••z ~0 .~0 Ul n n 0 0 -t "Yl ..~m ,c ••m n ..~0 '~•'..:..~~•,.,,,,00 ,.__:O lll"'m <--'-- ~en CJ ""~~jf;lIm m z ~•g1lJ\C III -•••,.0 ••••IC-<JIll •~<t>•~~~,;~m~n ,~§~~,a •~<--.'"0 ,n _;j~"'~~~~.,-~"•,.,.,,N ""£~~•'..:t ,j Al ~•~ "on 0 -0 •~•Eo ,-~:~8 •.. ~n n.~-~~~~1!1!.,0 0 ~~c 0 • z __ r-~~•••n,u ~Z o~"•.- •on ;;~~~~,.,•0 ~~~-...0 ~ ~D n ,0 U uu..>-l ,.,••~..••·~8~;;.......- 8 0 ........_0...,,g..~~c. ~~e-f ~ ,.~ f o~. l ~;;mm g ~~~-0 __ -..-..•• ~.,,,~w m o .n..' II ••• « "w_ W b .. ,', 0 N_. n "W • 0 •••• n ,"".~•" !l!ljll!iilii •",•••"r .0 r ~ ..i i il ~I Ii W !1 ~•0- Z .~n m•Ow il l·li l I'"-~. ~r l l i llf l~I.-, <"rhl jihHH ,..-;; , IIiJ '!i l iIPl •, •;:;-r Sp '~~,•iill hj l!I!I !".I - •e <oc _,;z n •~.,-"•••...,•CO r- •~'l ll'II,II .•O "'al lIl a "•li l~;,>~•'hIli },:11 0'<JI ".. liil-"~'n-O 1 _'" "'0 '"0",!i!i\al \!i '!~g g<1 '-~ w n c.••m ""!;l llll ~H!,on -•~"~_.0<0 0 'UI I ··z•m •'n _ 11ph l!l !'!•R ,...~:;~ "••~•,- .1 i ,pdl Q ~t Q 0 0_• ,,-"~~~Il 'Z .,.., Ilh!HI I"0 :li .... .v-•:"1 r-• .';>".~.'•••••t~~.•-..or 0 .~~11 1l 1 1 "I /l f ;··'<s;:~•o .0 '0 •..t.e:\,,\~~l;....'p-'I'!I,l l ,..1 '1.?i~""1 t ;4 '&I~i l l ',e-l j ~~(-,I ~I '" l ill ,I t 'I !,-r \I_~~... .;,.'.";""~"'7l -.ill Plt i < 'l.",......,, 'I 'J "II :l:\:.",-,......"'1--r-,".....I .A ...th Z ..".............":.•.l: "'\"..........ro!".....,;:-. • ,•• -.-•,~Ou"..,..Z.,-~ gel 1 ';~ 0- ~•...oz.on.,,,,,,...·.,,., NNO •N ...............•....."'_0•I •• "o 0 N ' i W.g 18 ..... ". o....-.-.......... UlD ....O........... « O N n •,,:r.........._D'UO0__1/)..~ N _' '"~oo·nwo'._0 r-•, lo•• I'U "'''''''Il!~~ ....""f: ~....",__c; ~(Jl ..........S1 6~~;:::.,""le....!..Il::':'~, 2 ~§~~ ~Ul~~--0"...-" o ooo• ooo b ; • ~;;,. ••• ••••"""••.l '."0'••n••o -;-:•",-••.~ o.n.,-••0on0?J<,;;; o+ N t-i >---~-----< on "•• ~oo u<on•~ •g ~ o •,. --<-r c '"U c: '" o <1> '"~ '"OJ '"o CO 8 o CO ~ • -., o••,•j ", < "'o <•,•s ."~••, •• 12 •--:::-I 4 or o,ea -> Bottom chord diagonal bracing rep~ed at each end of the b uilding and atsame spacing as top chord diagonal bracing .---' SPAN U t o 3 2 ' Over 32'•4 8' Over 4 8 '•60 ' Ov er 60' BOTTOM CHORO BOTTOM C HORD DIAGONAL BRA CE MINIMUM LATERAL BRACE SPACINO (DBs) PIT CHS PACING(LBS>[#truSHtl) 4 /12 15'20 15 41 2 1 5 '107 4/12 15 'II 4 Se e .r l.lered 101....0081 .In.., OF·Dougl ••fir-larch SP ·SOuthern PlfM HF·Hem·Flr SPF ·Spruce·Pine-Fir All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. I BOTTOM CHORD PLANE Cross bracing repeated at each end of the ~~~~~~~~bU ll d l n 9 andat 20'~Intervala . Frame4 P ermanent continuous lateral b racing as specif ied by the truss engineering . I -f.'Ii:...1 WARNING :f,ailu r;:e tofo llow these recommend ations could resuh In A ..sever,pe~9.n.alllilju1Y 0 amage to t tus,e!J;ofbulldlngs... f I WEB MEMBER PLANE •• 4 12 8 '20 15 OF •Doug la.Flr·larch sp ·So u1hern Pin. HF •Hem ·flr SPF ·Spruc ..Pine-Fi r TOPCHORD DI AGONALBRA CE SP AC I NG (DBs> II 1tu l'•• Attaehm ent Required I PITC HED TR USS Con tinuous Top Chord Latelal Braee ______ Required I 10"or Grellter --.L TOPC HORD LATERAL BRACE SP AC ING(lBs) 4/12 6'107 412 S '6 4 See a r egistered p rofe..lonal e ngineer MINIMUM PITCH -Allialera l braces U 10 32 ' SPAN Over 32 '·48' Ove r 4 8 '·60' Ov er 60 ' • Topc_..t .....,.'-lll\rbtltOOd_INte~.. 1 000~.....nd_eoII....tIMI••I._d loow'> nalbo-Iftv.OIo.goMIIM-.el",_boo .....'"'"t<>!Mw_tA ltoetop __p"'11n. ...__to Itot~""tlMllop_d. WARNING 'Failure to follow these recommendations ccu rd result In severe personal InJuryor damage to trusses or:buildings. OF ·Douglaa Fir·larch SP ·Southern Pine HF -Hem-F ir SPF .Spruce-Pine·Fir SCISSORS TRUSS I TopC_d._...""....r!J'br..:N""n _U.. 1OVO'Itwr_""_""'~jflhH.i.nod ..go- ....brACing.llieo;Jon.r ",...iog .t>ould btr ...il«l lO t","und....od..of the lop "Iooo d _pu.f;". __101 ...~of _lop ,,1000<1. " TO P C HORD DI AGONALBRA CE SPACING (DBs) II t rU55eS All lateralb races lappedat least 2 t russes. TOPCHORD LAT ERALB RACE SPACING/LBS> MINIMUM PITCH D IFFERENC Attachment Requi red SPAN SPOFSPF HF U t02S'2.5 7'17 12 Con tinuous To p C hord l ateralBrace ------., Rcq uJled I 10'orGreater _L l<'--~ Over28 '·42'3 .0 6 '96 Ove r 42 '·60'3 .0 S'5 3 Over 60'see a registered professional en gineer Frame3 ••WARNING:Donot attach cables,cha ins,or hooks toth e web members. WARNING:00 notllfl single trusses with spans gr eater than 30'by the peak . - ...)0'10 '! ~ppro.lmale!y_ h to ....truss length Grealer than 60' '0 · Greater than 50' SlrongbatkJ Spr.aderBar To, U.. To, U.. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION To, U.. utling device.should be connected 10 the trUH lop chord with •~.Joop anachment utilizing materials such a. .lings.c~I".,cabl...nylon strsppmg, ete ,of sufflcl.nt IJ1r«lgth 10 carty the _~ht or the trun.Eec:h trun ~1cI be set In proper ~t11on pw the building de5igM"S framing plan and held wtlh Iha lifting deY~unUl the end.of lhe lrun ar.HCurefy fastened al'd lempo. ra brael Is Iostalled. To, U.o TOO Un. T~ln '/60"v· W U • ~r _"":::"'-T..,. Approxknalely V.to YI Uu ..length L...than Of ~U111 1060· I -ApproxJm.l_ty ~v.to YI truss length les.tholn Of eqUolI 1060 ' Toeln - Sprea4er Bar .~ Toe In Spreader &r 1---------:~ rr~ To,J APP,oxlmal~IY Approximately Un.Yo trun leflgth YI tru••length Tru~~~pans j.e.s.lhan 30'. CAUTIONTemporarybracingshownInthissummarysheet Is adequatefor me Instillatron or truss s wlth similar conffguratlons.Consult a reglstlN.a I'(ofesllonal errglnftr If •different'A bracing arrangement Is 6eslred.The eng ineer may design bracing tn acc9r~c;e wIth TPl's Recomm~nded Design Specification for Tempor.ry Br.cing 01 Metal ptat.e'on &Ct.d WooCi Trusse.,058·89,and In acme cases determine that.wider spacing Is possible. I GROUND BRACING :BUILDING INTERIOR IGROUND BRACING :BUILDING EXTERIOR I - ,"-A CAUTION :Ground bracing required 10r.II k'ts1allaUona. Frame 2 Attachment Requ ired Lateral Brace -1-1l:t:::=JRequired 10'o rGreater _L ~ Co ntin uo us ~ Top Chord "'fL--, lateral Brac e T>-,~::,Requ ired 10'o r Gre a la >---'-_., ~.-- Co ntinuous ~ Top Chord _............;; Idresultinendatlonscou PARALLEL2x4/2x6 TRUSSCHORD • llalorEnddiagonllillar;be dupli!1 lilablilty and,~~lItrulla ayatem .beth enda 0 RNING:FallurelO'Ollo:;::~:r:~~:es orbuildings.WA personal InJury orsevere I ~?:G~~~~~RACETOPCHORDCESPACING(DBs' LATERAL BRA If tru aaClI SPACING(lBs )S P I OF lIPf l Hf 1 6 108'6 4 30"6 '4 2 MINIMUM DEPTH webs In lInGw the support. lhG end diagonal bracG 'or canlllevered must bGtrussesrllcal placed on VG llh S PAN • LCHORD TRUSS:TOP CHORD4x2PARALLE I a rees Ilil rEnddlagonaatbeduplcandmus s1abllHya 'the truss system.both ends 0 Atta c hment Req uired Frame5 •• Diagonal brace a lso r equiredon e nd ve rt ica ls . Top ~l>ordeth .t.r ._.a J bo''''''''''''_1or 100000 Mt eo..........,.......r...llO cl~ ...Ibr ~..-'''9 01Mdd boo ..._ 10....,,1'61,_01 ....'....c""'d "",",,,"",U n• •'._lol he ~oI l "'""""c _ot. • Attac hm ent Req ulrod Co ntin uous Top Chord lateral Brace ______ Requi rod I 10"or Grea ter -.-L.IL,.,~ L..~<---All lateral braces l ap pedat le as t 2 trusses. TOPC HORD LATERAL BRA CE S PACI NG(LBsl MINIMUM PIT C HSPAN l OPC HORD DIA GON AL BRACE SPA CING (D Bs) (#ln llaesl SPOF S PFH F U 10 2 4 '3 /1 2 8 '17 12 Ove r2 4 '·42'312 7 '10 Ov e r 4 2'·5 4'312 6 '8 Over 54'See .re Ist eted rofllul onal e n Ineer OF·DouglasFir -larch SP -SouthernPine HF •Hem·fir SPF •Spruce-Pine-Fir WARNING :failure to followthese.reco mmendallon8'couJd resu lt In severe personallnju{Y or aamage to ruasea.or buildings. I INSTALLATION TOLERANCES I l e nll1 h l(in)---------1 f Lesaer ot LJ200 o r 2" I .....,... tllo)----1 ..~ L(ln)LJ200 L(h) zoe-"16 .7 '....1-1(4"20 .8' 300"1-1/2"2 5.0 ' 1 Lener 01 l/200 o r 'Z' L (ln)l/200 LIft) I ",.1 14"4 .•' 1 2"8 .',SO-3/4"12.5 ' -~+- ~~,....;. O(t!)1 ..:::::':'.:<:"::. T ".Yl a 5 '~LQn) e' 8'J.~S ' l W 2" 2" 3W 1 ·1 /4~ t -t 2" D(ln)O/SO '2" 4' ae- .O" 7 2" _.., l OS" ~Plumb Li ne Truss Depth Olin) Les.er0' _-'----,.:;:-!1/DISO 0<2" Maldmum Misp lacement O UT-Of ·PLANE INSTAlLATIONTOLERA NCES . e A~ll'ER:lind 9.cl lr0'~'.J:'.l!; construction I 8ds of any description on unbrace6trU8ses. OUT-Of·P LUMBINSTALLATION TO LE RA;ZN:;:C.:E;..S.~., Fra me 6 •.• This safety oakin symbOl ~us8CI to attract your DANGER :A DANGER designates a condition A attentlonl PERSONAL SAFETYISINVOLVEDIWhen A where fa ilure t ofo llow Instructionsorheedwarn - you see this symbol -BECOME ALERT -HEED ITS Ing will most likely l'86utt in serious personal MESSAGE.Inj ury or death or damage to structures. A CA UTION :ACAUTION identlfles safe operatin g A WARN ING:A WARNING describes a condition practices or Indicates unsa fe conditions that cou ld where f ailureto follow instructions could resutt In result in personalinjuryor damage to structures.severe personal injury or damage to structures. HIB-91 Sumrnarv Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLlNG,INSTALLING &BRACING METAL PLATE C ONNECTED WOODTRUSSES Cl It 13 !he cesoonsibjlrtvolltre inslB/ler(bUj1der bC/ikfnq COntTactof licensedoontnK:tor ef1JC/OforcroctioocoofT8C1Ot1 to properly f8C(livo unload Stof&handle tnstaM and ba!ce melDt oIara oonnected \\OOd trusses to orolocr life and D!OOlUtv.The Installer mustexercise the same high decree of safety awarenessaswith any otherstrudural material.TPIdoes nctjntend these recommendatiOns to be interprete d as superior tothe project Architect's or Engineer'sdesign speCification forhandling .In5lalling andbracing wood trusses fora particular roof orlloor.These recommendations are based upon the collective eKperience ofleadingtechnical personnel In the wood .......1U~ TR USSPLATEINSTITUTE 583D'OnofrioDr..Suite 200 Madison,WIsconsin 53719 (608)833-5 900 truss Industry .but must .dueto the natureof responsibilities involved.be presentedasa guide fer the use ofa qualified building designerorinstaller.Thus. the TrussPlateInstitute ,Inc.expressly disclaims any responsiblllty for damages arising from the use .applicationorrelianceonthereccrrenenceuonsand informatiOn ccntamed herein by building designers .inst3IIe~,and others.Copynght C by TrussPlate Institute ,Inc.Allrighls reserved .This document orany part thereol mustnot be reproduced In any formWithout wfltten permission 01 the publisher.Prmtedin the United States ofAmerica. <- CAUTION :All temporary bracing should beno less than 2X4 grade marked lumber.All connectiohs sllould bemad erwlth minimum o~-16d nails.All trusses assumed 2'on-center or less .AllmUlti -ply trosses 8hould~cbnnected together In accor- dance Ith.deslgn dr,awihgs ptlor to installation. AUYfON :Trusses should not I5e unloaded on rough terrain orun - even surfaces which could cause CJamage tothe truss. b\TRUSS STOR'AGE CAUTION;Trusses stored vertically should be braced to prevent toppling or tipping. WARNING :Do not break banding until installation begins.Care should be exerctsed in banding re - moval to avoid shiftin of individual trusses. DANGER:Do not store bundles upright unless property braced .00 not break bands until bundles are lac8d Ina stable horizontal Itlon. WARNING:Do not lift.bundled tnJ888&by the bandS .00 not use damaged trusses. DANGER:Walking on trusses which are lyingfl at Is extremely dangerous and should be strictly rohibited. Frame1 •• REPT131 1 2 /04 /9& TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 07:22 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:12 /4 /96 "'GE AREA: 10 CD ==========~~=_=&~_===_~_============v ==============================-===_=_== A ct rvrt Y I Addres s: Lot:'~tion: P ea rce 1 I Dp.sc rlptlonl A~pll cClnt : Owner: Contractor: B9&-0132 12 /4 /q6 Type:B-BUILD 2338 GARMISH DR 2338 GARMISH DR 2103-114-11 -019 NEW PRIMARY SECONDARY UNITS WDW-MA BUILDERS HILB DAVE- WOW-MA BUILDERS S t tu~:I SSUED Con str:NDUP Dec:0007 US~:VN Phone:30347&3254 Phone: Phone,3034763254 Lacks,Holds,and Not ice"..•. ACTIVITY Notice:TeO approved f o r-west unit only,all e xt er-r or-,all t e nd sc ap Ti It E xp 476-70~1Phon£l: Ins~ectlon Request Info.·.ation ••••• Requestor:DAVE HILB Req Tlae:08:00 Co.~.nt~: Itea~r equested to be In.pected •..Action Co.aents 000q0 BLDG Final J L ~cd __~zau;r =r ~~~~~===______:===m?m e;~_~~:~----- In.pection Hi5tory ••••• APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED WEST UNIT ONLY ENG LETTERS RECIEVED BY TCO APPR APPR APPR APPR Action: Action: Ac tion: ArtlCln: 00500 PW-Bae~fill Inspection 00501 PW-T~.p.access/drainage 00502 PW-Rough grade 1210503 PW-Final driveway gr~de 00510 driveway grade final 0001~BLDG-Footingti/Steel 0~020 BLDG-Foundat~~~/Steel 06/14/~6 In.pectorl tG ActIon:APPRAPPROVED 06/28/9&In.pector:CD Action:APPR APPROVED Notll!'s:ADJ STEEL M~T TO PROVIDE MIN.1.::5 "CLEARANCE FROM FORMS 00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan 07/17/96 Inspectorl DOMINIC Action:APPR ~or fra.ing 00030 BLDG-Fra.ing 08/27/9&In~p.ctor:CD Action:APPR 08/27/96 Inspector:CD Action:NO Notes:INSTALL CRAWLSPACE AND ATTIC VENTS ADD PACKOUT AT ENTRV CORNER FIRE BLICK DROP ILING ADD NAIL PLATE WASTE LINEIN MUDROOM 0 CU10/96 Inspector:r Act r on r APPR PENDING ELECT APPROVAL Not~s:FIRE STOP FL'Jl INGLOCATION FIRE BLOCKI 1UIRED 00040 **Not On File ** 01Z1050 BLDG-Insulation 1218 /29/9&In~p.ctor·:EG 0~/13/q6 Inspector:EG 1210060 BLDG-Sheetrock NaIl 09 /0b lq b t ns pector~EG 4 ....'n.--:>l at.T .,...G .............,~R It ••: It ••I It ell'll Ite'H I t em: Itellli Itellll Itellli It e e: I te ..: •• REPT131 11/0&/9~ TOwN OF VAIL,COLORADO 07:21 REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:tll &/9& PAGE 33 ARE"\,EG Actlvtty:Eq&-0111 111 &/96 Type:B-ELEC Address:2338 GARMISH DR Locatlon:2338 GARM!SH OR Parce-l:2103-114-11-019 D~scriptl0n:ELECTRICAL WORK FOR NEW PIS Applicant:EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO Owner:HILB DAVE- Contr~ctorl EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO Status:ISSUED CQnstr:NDUP Dce;U~e: Phonel 71983&3559 Phone: Phonet 719B3E>35S9 Phone:476-1lIl::'71 A*:r COli_pot s....I.f"R'. /~------------ Lns pec tt on Request Information •.••. Reque~tor:DAVE HILS Req Ti.e:08:00 COMments:SIDE B Ite.s reque~ted to be In~pected.•• 00190 ElEC-Flnal APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPR APPR Action: Actlon: Action:APPR Itelllt Ite",: It1l'.; ;;,;;~~.17;,:~:~~:~~:~~~~::~-:::::------:;;=-t?-jtt?~--~~------------ t~1 00120 ELEC-Rough 07/05/9&In~p~ctor:EG 08/28/96 In~p.ctor:EG Ite ••00130 ELEC-Conduit Ite ••00140 ELEC-M.~c. 08/30/96 In~pector.EG 00190 ELEC-Final 00224 FIR~-ALARM ROUGH 00538 FIRt-FINAL C/O / REPT131 2 03/96 TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO 07:06 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:12/3/96 PAGE AREA: 2~ EG Activity:E96-~111 121 3/96 Type:B-ELEC Address:2338 GARMISH DR Location;2338 GARMISH DR Parc~l:210~-114-11-019 Dee cr-i pb t on r ELECTRICAL WORK FORNEW PIS ApplIcant:EAGLE/SU MMIT ELECTRIC CO Owner:HILS DAVE- Contractor:EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO Sta.tU9:ISSUED Cons t r s NDUP Dce:Us~: Phone;71q8363559 Phon~: Phonel 7198363559 Phone:476-7051 Lne oe c tt cn Request Infor ••t a cn ....• Reque s e oe e DAVE HILB R@q Tl.e:08:00 Co ••ent~:UNIT A It@.srpquested to b~Inspected .••Act:;,~CO••.::~. 001~0 ELEC-F:nal 11~wd #;L Tl.eo Exp In pection Hlltory •••.• J e.:00120 ELEC-Rough 07/05/9&In~pector:EG 0a/28/~&"I nspect Ot':EG lte.:00140 ELEC-Misc. 08/.0/96 Inspector:EG ~.,0~J90 EaEC-Final '~1 /08 /9b Insp~ctor:EG tte.:00224 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH I t~.1 00538 FIRE-FINAL CIO • -----~--:-<:7 ~~-------------------- 1.2 -3·J6·/;;&:J&-- A~tionl APPR APPROVED Actlonl APPR APPROVED Action;APPR APPROVED Actlon :APPR APPROVED • •••• , ')'\ C\; Common Wall Agr eement Th is CommonWall Agreement is dated as ofOctober ;13 .1996by DavidG . Hilb and Greg Cumming s coll ectively,(the "Developer"). Recitals A.Th eDeveloper Ow ns the land and improvements located thereon as more part icularlydescribedon ExhibitA attached heretoandincorpora ted hereinbythisrefere nce (the "Pro perty "). B.TheDeveloper in tends to subdiv id e the Propert yinto lWO parcels as identifi edon Exhib it A ("ParcelA "a nd"Parce l B"). C.Parcel A and Par cel B shall share th e use ofa common wall as shown on Exhibit Batta ched heretoand made a part hereof by this referenc e (Ihe "Common Wall"). Agreement Now there fore ,th e Develope r here byset forth the followin g con cerning theCommo n Wall: 1.Thefollowing easementsareherebyc reated: (a)A Common Wall easeme nt isherebye stablished e ve r the part of the lot and par cels hereinabove described in wh ich any part of the Common Wall is located o r constructed .together with the right torestore any such Common Wall ortorest ore.replace, repa iror otherwise make ope rable any plum bing Jines ,electrica l line s,T .V .cable ,ven t stacks for plumb ing and heating ,electricity,pipes,and condu its servi ng improvement s using suc h CommonWall.Said Common Wall easement shall be across easement in fav or of each parce l., (b)An ease ment fordrivewa y,lawn i rri gationl ines,T .V .cab leli nesand utilityservices i s hereb y establ is hed for the bene fitof eac h pa rcel,as dom inan t tenement, over,under,andthrough the othe r pa rce l as the se rvient tene ment,to the extentof tha t port ion of the se rvient tenement upon whi ch a bu i lding is not currently si tuated. --.......-;-) <0> 605873 8 -709 Sara J.Fisher P-893 10/29/1996 03:09P PG 1 OF 4 Eag le County Cle rk &Recorder REC 21.00 DOC NOT ••• (c)Aneasement ishereby e stablished forthebene fit o f each parcel ,as dominan tte nement,and theothe r parcelastheservient tenement ,tothee xtent thatthe servient teneme nt may be encroach ed upon ,used ,or occupied by the owner o r ownersofthe dominanttenanta saresult o f anyconstruct ionerrors,err ors in surve y,errorsinplatting , movement o r subsidence of theimprov emen ts located upon any such parcel.or anyportion thereof. 2.T he Common Wall shall bemaintained ,re paired orreplaced ,if such dam age o rdestructionis not caused by either theowner o f Parcel A ortheowner o fPa rcel Bor their respective agents o r invitees,by theownero f Parcel Aandthecostsassociated with such maintenance,repair orplacement shall be shared equally by the owners ofParcel Aand Parce l B. 3.Ifthe Common Wallis damaged or destroyedbyeither the owner of ParcelA ortheownerof ParcelB o r their respec tive agents o r invitees ,then thepartythat caused suchdamageor destruction,o r whose agents or invitees caused such damageordestruction , shall be responsiblefor its immed iate repairor replacementat such party's cost. 4 .Theowner orowners of either of theabove-described parcel sshall not paintor otherwisesubstanti ally changethe appearan ceo f any portionofthe exterior o f th e improvemen tslocatedon such parcel without the writte n consent of theowner ofthe o ther parcel.Theowner orowners of eachparcel shall mainta in ingoodcondition andrepair the exteriorandinterior ofthe improv ements located upon such parcel.Noowneror owners shall doanyworkthat would jeopardize the soundness orsafety ofthe buildings locatedupon the above-described loto rreducethevalue thereof,withoutineverysuch casefirst Obta ining the consent o fthe otherowner.It shall be the furthe r dutyoftheownerorowners o f each parceltomaintain ingood conditio nthe real property appurten ant tohisor her dwelling unit, includingtheregular mowing.irrigating,and trimmingof lawns,removalofall debris or o ther unsightlyobjects form such real property,the removalof snow andicefromany driveway.parkingo r sidewalk located upon suchreal property . 5.Theowne r orownersofeach parcel shallobtain and maintain fireand all risk insurance,tothe extent obtainable ,on thedwelli ngunitandgarage locatedupon theparcel ownedbysuch owner o r owners,forthe full insurab le replacemen t costof such dwelling unit.includ ing the interior portions thereof.Each ownerof a parcel may requirecertifica tes fromthe other owner showing suchinsurance coverageat leastasoftenas annually.Inthe eventanowner shall fail toobtain and maintain such insurance,theother ownermay obtain such insurance onbehalfoftheownerwho fai ls toobtainsuch insurance,andthepremium costtherefor shall bepaidtotheowner paying thesame upon demand ,andifnot paid upon demand,such premium cost shall accrue interest atthe maximum rateof interest then permitted o n realestate mortgag es inthe StateofColorado,ore igh teenpercent(18 %)per annum,whichevershall be thelower. 6.Theeasemen ts,covenants,conditions,agreements,benefits andobligations contained in thisagreemen t shall c reatemutualand reciprocal righ ts,restrictions,bene fi ts and servi tudes uponParcelA and ParcelB,runni ng with the land.whic h shall beperpetual 605873 8 -709 P-89 3 1 0/29 /1 996 03:09 PPG2 OF 4 ••• and be bi ndingonallpartieshavingtherig ht.t itle o r inte rest in Par cel A o rPar cel B,oran y port ionthe reof,theirhe irs,s uccessors andassig ns forever ,a nd shallinu re tot he bene fito f anyhei rs,successors an d assigns. 7.The term sa ndprovi sion s of thisag reement shall begov erned by an dconstrued underthelaws of theStateo f Color ado . Executedasofthedatefirstsetforthabove. Da vidG .Hilb STATE OF COLORADO) )ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) Th e foreg oingi nstrument wasacknowledgedbefo re me thistbm~,19:lf:.by David G .Hilb andGregCummings. Witnessmyhandandoffic ial seal.~) Mycommi ssion expire s:'2?>91, 15 So Ilk/m w6 /&.tA9/~co d'/d.6 7 Address 23''''1>da yof .:..:.;:... ••.••\)L•••.',rI:J ••••••••'"/~.....~.;;....~., ..i r",!Ci:.t"-\sc.~J . ::.;f-•m ::..•0 •.\......)..::t .:o. ~~"'.-;:."••-1;:'"•-.t..,.....-.""'"....'Co _.-..:\,••"".l1r ;,l ••••• 'J'.0''JI ..Nt '" " -- 6 058 73 B-709 P -893 1 0/2 9/1 99 6 0 3:09P PG 3 O F4 605873 Exhibit A Legal Description Lot12 Filing1 VailDasSchone County of Eagle State of Colorado B-709 P-893 10/29/19 96 03:09P PG4 OF4 ,,' . ~o+1'1--,&1<.6- v".1D..J ~......e.#Z- --..-.._.....-.....--_......-.;,'~7'7-'-...--..>---::-_-E.~~-.•.~..'__~.~:E .. 1-I T OWNO F YAIL I Rf.C El/'T !'O.ifnI! c .,t-i;lb tU .'.utnIL....r Of CO.\1.\I L",-rn"DE\'L LOnlE.',..... :-"-'It ~..,oORL"..2.7;3X G"f"":\\..,II i-,76O.rE ,., ·"or r cr--.i:£.¥Ci/,."''''''j {.,-0 ·ntH'''~MADE ,,,,"ABU T O TOWl"or '"A IL·...CCOlJ:'''~O.-mM .....~O...T AX "--con '-'-TnT...t •· 0 1 4 1 40 ZONINGAADDR ES SMA • •01 0000 4 2415 U N I~OR.M B 11\,(ODE I S5 4~•- ~01 0000 4 2..tJ )RM PLUMBI?\G CODE SJ ..• ,.OJ 0000 424 15 t.:N I F OR~1 MI:.C HANI A C D ,5 37.00 •..I 4 ~4 15 U IF !Ii -,U DE I • "11 OU OO 42 41:>•ANALEL C r"tf{f.A c om:5 37 .00 • 01 0000 4241 5 OTIIERCODE HOOK •-0IOO()(l·H;:.4l':r,I B LUEP I .A RS •'-l 0 1 0OOO4 24 1 ~,OXCOP I 5 ••I 00004 2412 5 IES •.. ·01 00 4 2412 tQVFE ES CO MP UTER PROG RA:\1 5 5 .00 •.. "01 00 4.3 I PEN ALTY FE b I RE-D:SPE CTIO KS..01 00 4 1332 PL\I'REY ,RE-CIIECKFEE [S-l0 P ER HR .I ,~..01 00 4_.0 32 I F F 1I0UR ,-SPl:.CT10 N FEES:~~";1 4 12 CO~TR..A _,SES fE ES , .~lOOOO ~14b ..AP P lICA 10 .EE !I S 20 .oo ~ :..1 414 \}ADD Il IO :-J Al S IGNA ..1.00 P ER SO .FT .I c'..01 00 4:!.140 A P (J EeT DO A N I F. i 01 00 4 1.,31 I PRE PAID DE~RE V]E\A ..I,l 00()().113 71 I I NV ESTIGA "f..•j I lDI NG)-·I...II lK )C lO .:5 110 OV PA RKIXG 1'0..I 0000 :!~O27 ,•·WS PAPER 0 1 •SER FUN , --.0 1 0 000 21112 TA.\:,\BLE (Q;4.S4 STATE , -,'0I 00UO 'l 0IUiif BLE r..,.0 %TOWS I I ~U\00 ~:!I I D I~G I ~VLST I (lA TlON I ,·,I '. ~,.,. PEe APrLl cA r rox -0 1 OO~';1 3jU IADD ITIONA GR rA ~.,!52 00 .i0141,.,30 ,CO NDIT IONAL US E PE R-\llT S200 . (II 0000 41330 IEXH .R IOR .-\-\TION L ES5 1005 .FT.5200. _"0 1 00004 1330 E XTERlOR A Bf Tl O ~M9RE TItAN 100 S .FT .55 00 .00 .:...OI OOOO ~I .l.l 5 PEC IAL .,'.N Dl 5TR,.11'I,'· ..;.01 0000 4 1.13 0 5 PlC IAL DEY .PMENT.IJ1STR l AJC R AM DID 51.000.00 · -01 00 41 j j O SP Eci AL ptv ELOP\IENT-D15T MINO R AM .t:J\"D 520 .0 ..u,00 4 1.1.1 S D IVIS I ,,•·01 00 (10 4 13.3 V ARJA:-';CE 5 2 I(..:OJ ()(lUU 413 ._0 IZ I'I;-.;G co DE A M LNDMENTS 5 2..I oooo 4 13 ;0 I R ~O :-,l I ~G I 52·i .R I •.0 I ·R 1..TOTAL:)..-, ~ ·C O ~~H:~"'"TS : ~- -:-1/·CA SH C"-·!H l.O l ...J k£C.BY:f2V\ " TOI.o.If.,OF I ..)R IL .' I t.em p a'...Alllount P=ol d o• THf=lt-'K ',-'OU r--------------------------------l RECE IPT -r Townof Vail DATE u4 7:,'9 'II.. j),,i/o ~1.\1.. G IkO'e:-.jb ' ____________________OOllARS S 47711 Perm it Numben'_ HOW PAID-CuI>v'o,eek _ -------,----------------------- ~ign ReviewAction F'm TOWN OF VAIL /'f b t III :;If(. J IDate--...LLt-''--f-'L..''----------Category Number _ Project N a m e :~(,M1 ~H1"3 (tJ M l2i1-',,-,-,1e"''''---_ II" Build ing Name:~-_--------------------__,___---- Project Description:{£v,,"}e!!o <(¥II<vtd'--f'--"'='--"'---'==""-''-''''------''LM'''-''4.-./-Lf'-''-'----_ IN,Io dv oyl 0/\hv,Il l>; Owner,Address andPhone:Q v'e H-1.'2.1!:;6'--__..z.--'..:l.L4-'--'.!..E:.=--"--'.L!...'----.::i~=__"''_!...1__ Arc hitect/Co ntact.Address and Phon e:---"'7'-'----'------------------------ Leg alDescri ption:Lot p..Block 6-Subdivision _IJ,..(I /).rJ./tY 2(t '"#2...Zone District _ ProjectStreet Address:,23 ~t'(,M",,;(/.,~_ Comments:_ Board I Staff Action Motion by:_Vote:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval o Disapproval J{Staff Approv al Co nditions :_ Town Planne'fJ I Dete:II 1Go ) ORBFee p re-paid -lE"2,--,,Q"-,ea.:_ r....1...s l In /if.•• DATE RECEIVED: DATEOF DRB MEETING : DBSIGN RJlV:IBW BOARD APPLICATION •TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO ;\i)J I \~~l •••••••••• INCOMPLETB APPLICATIONS HAY NOT BE SC/!!'PtILBD FOR REVIEW • •••••••••• A. PROJECT INfORMATION : DESCRI PTION:~"i '"r.L:fry ...........(),;i}.<lC r .H,,,\/'• )...-J ""1-",('"",IN ..I1 ~''''''J /1 .:0 -",\.J B.TYPE OFREVIEW : /' ___/'~M i n or Alteration ($20 .0 0) ____Conceptual Re view ($0) &-,,["";Jc '---ADDRESS: ____New Cons truc t ion ($200 .0 0) ____Addition ($50 .00) L "'J'J'iC. D .L EGAL DES CRIPTION :Lo t \J =Block Subdivi sion \/_\f"I -.(1..____ \ ZONING:E. If property i s d e scribed b y description,please provide t o this application . f)!I) I a meets and bounds lega l o n a separate sheet and attach Phone NAME OF APPLICANT:J Av 'tMailinqAddress:2 J~'.2S;':"'~--':'''':'''--'=-:-'------------F. Phone NAME OF OWNER I S):vA...!;I)f-.\:\6 OfiNBR (S)SIGN.\Tll1!E:0:;:I~_ Mailing Address :~--------------_______________Phone _ G.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRE SENTATIVE : Mailing Address:~--------------- H . APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BB PROCBSSED WITBOu:r OWNER'S S I GNATURE I.Condominium Approva l i f appl icabl e . J.ORB FEE :ORB fees.a s shown above.are t o be paid at the t ime of submittal of the ORB applica t ion .Later ,when applying for a building p ermi t,please identif y the accurate va luation of the p ropo sal.The Town of Vail wi ll adjust t he fe e according to t he table b elow,to ensure the correct fee is paid . FBB PAID:•l Jll!I )CHIlCK II :DATIl ; FEE SCHEDULE; VALUATION $0 $10 ,000 $10,001 ~5 0,000 $50,001 $150 ,000 $150,001 $500 ,00 0 $500,00 1 $1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 DBSIGN RJlV:IBW BOARD AP PROVAL BXPIRES APPROVAL UNLBSS A BUILDING PBRMJ:T IS IS STARTED . 1 FEE $20 .00 $50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400 .00 $500 .00 ONE YEAR AP'TBR FINAL I SSUED AND CONSTRUCTION • •I I.PRE·APPLICATION ImBTDIll:• A pre -application meeting with a member of the planninq staff is encouraQed to determine if any additional application information is needed .It i s the applicant 's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements . Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your project. III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDnia AI,!,SUBMISSIONS TO TUB ORB: A.In addition t o me e ting submittal requirements,the applicant must s take and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and buildinq corners.All tre es to be removed must be taped .All site tapinq s and Btakinq must be completed p rio r to the ORB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow . B.The review proces s for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Desiqn Review Board:a conceptual review and a final review. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and whoh ave not asked in advance that d iscussion on their item be postponed,will have thei r items removed from the ORB aqenda until such time as the item has been republished . D.The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be approved by the Community Developmen t Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the ORB may not be required): a.Windows,s kylights and similar exteriorc hanges which do not alter the existing plane of the building;and ..- b.Buildinq additions not visible from any other lot or public space.At the time such a proposal is subm i tted ,appl icants must include letters from ad jacent property owners and/or from the agen t for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition . E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i .e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow , wetland,etc .),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must siqn an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with aTown Planner prior to ORB application t o determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards . F.For all residential construction : a.Clearly indicate on the floor plans the ins ide face of the exterior structural walls of the building:and b .Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G.If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications ,all conditions of approval must b e addressed prior to the application for a building permit. j- 2 •• Common Wall Agreement • ThisCommonWallAgreementis dated as of October '2-3 ,1996 byDavidG . HilbandGregCummingscollectively,(the"Developer "). R ecitals A.TheDeveloper owns the land and improve ments located the reon as m ore particular ly described on Exhj bit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). B.The Developer intends to subdi vide the Property intotwo parcels as identified on ExhibitA("Parcel A"and "ParcelB"). C.Parcel Aand Parcel Bshallshare theuse of acommonwall as shownon Exhibit Battachedhereto a ndmade a pan hereofbythisreference (the "CommonWall"). Agreement Now therefore,theDeveloper hereby setforththefollowingconcerningtheCommon Wall : 1.Thefollowi ng easements are hereby created : (a)ACommonWalleasementisherebye stablished overthe pan ofthelot and parcels hereinabove described in which any part of the Common Wall is located or con structed.together with the right to restore any such Common Wallorto restore,replace, repair or otherwise make operable any plumbing lines,electrical lines,T.V.cable.vent sta cksfor plumbing and heating,electricity.pipes,and condui ts serving improvement s using suchCommonWall.SaidCommonWalleasementshall be acrosseasement infavor of eachparcel. (b)An easement for driveway,lawn irrigation lines,T.V.cable lines and utility services is hereby established for the benefit of each parcel,as dominant tenement, over,under,and through the other parcel as the servient tenement,to the extent of that portion of the servient tenement upon which a buildi ng is not currently situated. •• (c)Aneasementishereby establishedfor thebenefit of each parcel ,as dominan t tenement,an d theothe r parcel asthe servient tenement,tothe e xtent that the servient tene mentmay be encroached upo n,used ,oroccupied by theowne r o r owners of the dominant tenantasaresult of anycons truction errors,e rrors insurvey ,errors in platting, movement o r subsidence of the improvements locateduponany such parcel ,or any portion thereof. 2 .The Common Wallshall be maintained ,repaired or rep laced ,if suchd amage o rd estructionisnotca used by eit her theow ner of ParcelA or theow ner of ParcelB o rtheir respectiveagen tso r invitees,by theo wner of Pa rcelA a nd t he co sts assoc iated with such maintenance,repairor placement shall be shared equal lyby theow ners o f Parcel Aan d ParcelB. 3 .If theCo mmonWallisda magedordestroyed by eit hertheo wnerofParcel A ort he owne r of Parcel B ortheirrespectiveagentsorinvitees,th en thepartythatcaused suchdama ge o r de struction,orwhoseage nts o rinvitee s causedsuchdamag e or de struction, shall be respons ible forits im mediaterepairo r replace ment atsuch party's cost. 4 .Th e own ero r owners of e ither o f t he a bove-described parcels shallnot paintor otherwise sub stantiallychangetheappearan ce o f an y port ion o f thee xterior of the improvementslocated on suchparcelwithout the writtenco nsent of th eo wner of the other parce l.Th e owner or o wners of eachparcel shallmaintain ing ood condition and repair the exterior an d interior of the improvemen ts located upo nsuch parcel.No owner or owners shall doanyworkthatwould jeopardize thesoundnes s or safe ty of thebuild ingsloca tedupon the above -described loto r reducethe valuethereof,without ineverysuchcasefi rst obtai ning the consent of the other owner.Itshall bethefurtherduty of the owner or owners o f each parcel to mai nta inin goodcond itionthe real propertyappurtenant tohiso r herdwellingunit , includi ng the regularmowing,irri gating,a nd trimm ing of lawns,removal o fal ldebriso r ot her unsig htly objects form s uch real pro perty,the removal o fsnowandicefro m a ny dri veway,parkin go r sidewa lk located upo nsuchreal property. 5 .Th e owner orow ners of eac h parcel shall obtai n and mainta infire a nd a ll risk insurance,tothe extent obta inable,o n t he dwelling unitan d garagelocated upontheparce l owned bysuch owner orowne rs ,forthefull insurablereplacementcost of such d welling unit ,including the interior portions the reof.Each owner of aparcelmay requirece rt ificates fromthe other owner showingsuchinsurance coverage at leasta s oftenas annually.I nthe e ventan owner shall failtoobtainandmaintain such insurance ,the other owner mayobta in such insurance on behalfo f the owner whofailstoobtainsuch insurance,and the premium cost therefor shall be paid tothe ownerpayin g thesameupon demand,and ifnot paid upon demand ,such premiumco stshallaccru e in terestat themax imum rate of interestthe n permi tted onrealestat e mortgagesintheStateo f Colorado,o r eighteen percent (18 %)per annum,whiche ver shall be thelowe r . 6.The easements,covenants,cond itions ,agreements,benefits ando bligat ions contained inthisag reement shall create mutual andreci procal rights ,restrictions ,benefi ts an d servitudes uponParcelA and Par cel B,run ning w ith the land,w hich s ha ll be perpetual •• and be bindingonallpartieshavingthe right ,titleorinterest inParcelAo r Parce l B,orany portion th ereof,the ir heirs,successo rs and assigns forever ,and shall inureto the ben efitof any heirs,successors and assign s. 7 .Theterm s andprovis ions ofthisagreementshall begoverned by andconstrued underthe laws of theState ofColorado . Executedasof the date firstsetforth above. DavidG .Hilb ~;£&.t W M%, Greg Cu ings STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) Tjle foregoi nginstrumentwasacknowledged before methis 2~ D:!roAeR .19~,by DavidG.Hilba ndG regCum mings. day of . /;:.; ••'••'I ..".~.......,"--.....'~r "'I!,~•..•• ..•••j,. 76 So FRo.;17¥6 Ro tE/,<.CZ!~/~-7 Add ress Witness my handa nd official seal.t / Myco mmissione xpires:.;a:J '7;;Z7I Exhibit A Legal Description Lot12 Filing1 VailDasSchone County of Eagle State of Colorado TOWN\'-OF:::::VA~[L~~i ••~FILE 1":-- Frz1l;!.D 75South Frontage Road Vail.Col orado 8 /657 9 70-479-2138/479-2139 FAX97 0-479-2452 October I 7.1996 Da ve Hi lb Greg Cummings 44 0 A Fall Li ne Dri ve Vai l.Co lorado 8 1657 RE:Ap plication fora d uplexsubdivisionplat D ea r S irs: Depo rtmen t a/CommunityDevel opment Ihave review ed yourapplicationfor [I duplex subdivision.T hefollowin gissuesmust be addressed on the plat, prior to a pproval and r ecordation of t he final plat I.Su bmi t a signed co py of'tbePartyWal l Agr eement on R 112 "x 11 "pap er . 2.Submittw o mylarswitha llrequired signatures,as well asonepaper copy showingthose signa tures. 3 .P lease s ubm it r ecording f eesviac heck ma de out to theEag leC ou ntyC lerk a ndReco rder .Thefeefor recording theplat isS 11 .00and the fccfor recording the PartyWall Agreementis $6.00 for t he first page and$5.00for eacha dditional page,Basedon thefax of yourcommon wall agreement,itappears that the total fccwill be S32.00, 4.Thecertificate of taxes paid mu st becompleted priorto approvalof the final p lat. 5,Thestreetname,G armish Drive ,is spelled incorrec tly on t he plan.It should be spelled "Garmi sh." 6 .T heTown ofVail recently adopted anordinanceregarding the title of pial'>.Please revise thetitle onthis plat to adhere to this new ordinance.To summarize: •the phrase "fin al plat"should be replaced with "duplex plat;" •on tbc second line of the title,after Vail das Schone,removethe -dashand replace that with a •comma; •on the fourth lineofthe title,replace theword"Colorado"with "Stat e of Colorado," Otherwise the duplex plat seems to be inorder.Please makc thesechangesandsubmit the correctedmylars with th e appropriatesignatures, }fyou have any q uestions please give me acall at 479-2148,Thankyoufor your cooperation. Sincerely. 9S ·I~ DominicF.Mauriello,AICP Town Planner o R1XYCL I:/lPAPl.'R updated 411 7195 ••]IP)l ~'©JltW tIf\\:MAR 11 1996 ~) Apph'otion Dote 3 -11 -V.DEPI PECMEET1NGDATE 4 -1G -9 6 APPL ICATION F OR A VARI ANCE 1 GENERAL INFORMATION This procedw"c is required forany project requesting II variance.The applicalion.willnot be accepted untilallthe in fonnation is submiued.. A .BREIF DESCRJPTlONOfPROPOSAL Requ es t fo r s i te cove r a g e var i a nce f r o m 1 ~;F9tte ~1r:l s~;;;;:'f ~it?:/fe B.NAME OF APPLJ-.:"ANT(typcorprint)G r eg Cummi n gs a n dDave H il b ADDRESS "t Og A Cha monixLa ne PHONE 4 7 6 -32 54 CITY,STATE.Z IP Va il .Co lo rad o 8 16 57 c.NAMEOF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATNE G reg Cu mmings a nd Dd VC Hilb ADDRE SS 2 1Q9A Chamo ni xLa ne Crn',STATE,ZlP Va il,Col or a do 6 16 57 PHONE 47 6 32 54 7>... S AM ESAME D .NAME OFOWNER(S)(type '"Prin~ OWNER(S)SIGNA TIJRE(S ~~_-.\4'Z'.'::'::=--""J<.U '5t,.l..~~""''''''=_ CITY,STATE,ZIP--"S"'A"M,,"'--_ E.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:2 338 Gar migh Dr i veVa il,Col or ad o 81 65 7 G12LOT_---'-"-,BLOCK_--"-__;FILlNG 2Va i 1 Das S cho n e STREETADDRESS 2338 Gar mi s h Dri ve CIIT,STATE,ZIP Vai l ,Co lo rado 81657 n..ill S2S0.00 PAID V;O C K.*8Y •.t,l1'\'llY\iV1 The fee !!!!!!!be paid before the Corrunwu ty Deve lopment Department will accept your proposal . Ill .ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIFICATION Stamped,addressed envelopes oftbe nam es of owners of allpro perty adjace nt to th e subject property INCLUDING PROPERlY BEHINDANDACROSSSTREETS.andalist of their names and mai ling addresses. THE APPLICANT WILLBERESPONSffiLEFOR CORRECT MAILING A DDRESSES. TV .PRE-APPLICATION CONfERENCE A pre-application co nference with aplanning slafT member is strongly recommended to determine if any additional infonnalion is needed.No app licat ion will be acceeted unless iT is complete Imust include all items required by t he zoning administrator).Itisthe applicant's responsib ility to make an appointment withthe staff 10fi nd out about additional submiual requirements . v .SUBMITTAL INfORMATION PLEASE NOTETHAT A CO M rLETE APPLICATIONWILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAl PROCESS FORYOURPROJECTBYDECREASING THENUMBEROF CONDmONS OFAPPROVALTHATTHE PlANNING ANDENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (pEC)MAY STIPllLATE.ALL.CONDmONS OF APPROVAL MUST BECOMPILEDWITHBEFOREABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. •, Revised 5/2/92 •Dat e Received by 4lte Community Devel opm ent Department :__ APPLICATIONF OR DUPLEX SUBDI.VISION REVIEW (Ch apt er 1 7 .24 Vail Municipal Code ) L ,J I"\IV\."~J ~r 1>\b ~1 '---_.PHONE 'i.lv L tJ L -7 o ~-\ &'l 1-H6 -Wio A ~,\\.,~G,.<1.') ;:-'"\\t,N . (PLEA SE PRINT OR TY PE ) A .APPLI CANT 'i);"J '- MA ILI NG ADDRESS,'-I--'-''':::.....-I''v:::.....-'--'__---'--''':..!..l.--'''-'-'-'''--__=_ \lA·,\..,L a B .AP PLICANT'SREPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS _______________,PHONE,_ C .PROPERTY OWN ER 'D;:"'v '-\i,-II:,"ci n')(J """"'~~ OWNER'S S IGNATURE ~.c-"W=:P HONE ~)O L.I')L-3z.''1 MAI LING ADDRESS '-\0 '-\0 11 If h-I\U A"-.\)r:>~vA.\.,CD 'Dr'5 7 D .L OCATIONOF PRO POSAL : {;oJ-I IV',S,L L, V~\I''L \l,,,,,,-PI L I NG,__'-'---_ PA IDJO O -00 CHECK ,/&05 J);lV iE.T-+tl {b -'L"7 --,QSTREETADDRESS--'_~_~"'_'-"==-----'-/)"-_-='-"'_'_'__'_'_=~__'__ LOT \L BL OCK G-SUBDIVISI ON APPLICATIO N F EE $1 00 .00E. F .MAT E RIALS T O BES UBM ITTED: 1.Two myl ar copi es a nd o ne p aper copy of the SUbdivis ion plat shall be s ub mitte d to the De p art men t of Community Devel opment .The plat s h all include th e following: a.Th e fin al plats ha ll b e d rawn by a registered su rvey or in Indi ai nk,or o t her s ubstantial so lut ion ,o n a r epr odu ci ble medi um (preferab ly mylar)with dimensi on o f twent y -f our by th irty -six i nches and shal l be at a sca le of o ne h un dred feet to o ne i nc h o r larg er wi th margi ns of o ne and on e- half t o tw oi nch es o n t he le ft and on e -h alf in ch on al l other side s. b.Accur a te d i mens ions to the neares t on e -hundredth of a f oot f ora lll in e s,ang les a nd curves used to desc r ibe b oun da ri e s,st reets,se tbacks,alle ys , eas eme nt s,st ructu res ,a rea st ob e reserved or d edica tedf or p ublic or c ommon u sesa nd other importa nt feat u re s .All curves sha llb e ci rcu lar a rcs and sha ll be defined b y the radi us ,c ent ra l angle,a re s cored d istan c es and bea ring .All dimensions ,both l inear and angular ,a re to be dete rmined by an accurate contro l su rvey in t he field which must balance and clo se wit h in a limit of onei n ten thousand . c .North a r row a nd graphic scale . d .A systematic identification of all e xisti ng and proposed buildings,u nits ,lots ,b locks ,and n ames for all s treets . e.An i den ti ficat ion o f t he st ree ts ,a lleys ,parks, a nd o ther p ub lic areas or f ac ili ties a ss hown o n the plat ,anda d edication thereof to t he pu bl ic use .An identificati on of the easements as s hown on the plat a nd a gran t the reof to t he pUbli c use. Areas rese r ved f or fu tur ep ub lic acquisit io n shall a lso be s hown o n the p l at . f.A wr it ten s urveyd e scripti on of t he a r ea i ncluding the t otal acr ea ge toth e nea r est app ro pr iate si gnifi cant fi gure.The acreage of e ac h lot or p arcel shall be shown in this ma nnera s well . g .A d~criP t i on of a ll su rvey m o~ent s ,b o th f ound a nd set ,whi chmarkt he b o und a ri es of th e subdivision ,and a d es cription of al lmonu ment s used i n con d ucting the s urvey .Monument pe r imete r per Co lo ra do st atutes.Two per imet er monuments sh a ll be e sta b lished as ma jor contr ol monuments , the ma t eri al swh ichs ha ll be determ i ne dby the t ow n eng inee r. h .A stateme nt b y the land su rveyor exp la i ni ng h ow bea ri ng base was determined. i.A certificate by the registered land s urve yor as o u tlined i n Chapter 17.32 of t hi s tit le as to t he acc ura cy of the surve y and p lat ,a nd th at the s ur vey was p erforme d b yh imi n accorda nce with Colo rado Revised Statutes 19 73 ,Tit le 38 ,Arti c le 51. j.A ce rtificate by an attor ne y admitted to p rac tice in t he State of Colorado ,or corpor a te title i ns urer ,t hat the o wner (s)ot reco rd ded ica t in g to the publ ic t he pub l ic r ight -at -wa y,a r ea s or facilities as shownt here on are the o wners thereo f i n fee s i mple ,f ree and c lea r of a ll li ensa nd encumbrances e xcept as noted . k .The p roper f orm for fili ng of t he plat with t he Eag le Count y clerk a nd recorder. 1.Certificate of dedication a nd ownersh ip.Should the certificate of dedicatio n and o wne rs hip p rovi de f ora dedicat ion o f land or im provement s to t he public ,al l be ne fici aries of d eeds of t ru st and mo rt gage holders o ns aid real prope rty wi ll b e requ iredt o sign t he c ertificate of dedicat ion a nd ownership i n a d ditio n to t he fee simple o wner thereof . ffi.All curren tt axesmus tb e paid prio r to the To wn 's approval o f plat.This includes ta xes which h ave b een billed b ut are not yet due.The certificate of ta xes paid must be signed o n the plat or a statementf romt he Eagl e County Assesso rs Office must be provided wi th t he submittal i nformati on stating t hat all taxe s ha ve b een pai d. n .S ignature of owner . 2 .Thep lat mus t contain the f ollowing statement : II for zon ing purposes ,the lo ts created b y t h is subdivis ion are to be t reated as one lot with no more than t wo dwelli ng un its allo wed on-the combined are a of the two lots ."The statement sha ll b e modif ied t o indicate t he n umbero fu nits and l ots proposed." 3 .A copy of t he declarations and/or covenants rela ting to the s ubdivisio n,which shall assu re the mai ntenance of an y common areas which may b e created .The co vena nts shal l ru nwi th the l and a nd sha llb e in a form s ui tab le for recordi ng with the Ea gleCo u nty Clerk a nd Recorder . 4 .Schedules A &Bo fa tit le r e po rt. G .APPROVAL PROCESS ,REVIEW CRITERIA Upon rece ivi ng two copies of a complete submittal a lo ng wi th payment of t he appropriate fee,the zo ni ng admin ist rato r shall route o ne copy of t he s ite map to t he to wn e ng i nee r for his review .The zoning admin istrator s h a ll th en co ndu ct this revie w concurrent ly.The town engi neer s hall re v iew t he submit tal a nd retu rn comments a nd notif icat io ns to th e z o ni ng a dmini strat orwhos h all transmit the app rova l, disappro val or a pprov al wi th mod if icat io ns of t he p lat wi thin fou rteen days t o t hea pplicant .The zo ni ng administ ra tor sha ll s ign t he plat if approved or r eq uire modifications on t hep lat for approval or deny ap p rova ld ue Rev is ed 5/1/92 to i n cons iste~es wi th the o rigi nal ly aptltvcd fai l uret omake other r eq ui red modificati on so f H FILING AND RECORD ING pl an or th e plat . Th e Department o f Commu nit y Develop ment will reco rd t he p lat a nd any r elat ed cove na nts wi th t he Eag le County C lerka nd Recorder .Fees fo r re cor ding shall be p aid by the appl ica nt .The Comm un ity Developme nt Depar t ment wi llr et ain one my lar copy of the plat for th eir r ec ords and wil lr e co rd the remaining mylar copy. Re vised 5/1/92 If this application require s a separate r eview by any lo cal ,State o r Federal agency other t han the Town of Va il ,the appl ic ation fee sh all be increa sed by $200 .00.Examples of s u ch r e vi ew ,may i nc lude,but are note limite d to:Colorado Depar tme nt of Hi g hway Access Permit s,Arm y Corps of Engi neers 40 4,e tc. Th e a p plicant shall b e responsible f or paying any p ubli shing fees which a re in ex c es s of 5 0\of the application fee.If ,at the applicant 's r equ est,any matter i s postpo n ed for heari ng ,c a us ing t he matter to be r e -publishcd,t h e n,the entire fee for s u ch re-p u blica tio n shal l be paid by the a pplican t . Appl ications deemed by the Comm unity Development Departmen t to have significant design,l and use or other i s sues which may have a signif icant impa ct o n the community may require revie w b y con s ultants other t han tow n s t af f.Sh ould a determi nation be made by the town sta ff that an o utside c o nsulta nt i sn eed ed to r eview any a pplicat ion ,the Community Development may hire an outside c on s ultant,it shall est imate t he amount of money n eces sary to p ay him or h er a nd t hi s amou nts hall b e f or warded to th e Town by the a ppli cant at t he time he f iles hi s app l icat io n with th e Comm uni ty Dev elopme nt De partment.Up on comple t ion o f the review of the a p pli c ation b y the c ons ulta nt,any o ft he f un ds f orw arded by th e a pp licant for p a ymen t of t he c on sul ta nt whi ch ha ve not b een pai dt o t he c o nsul tant shallb e returned to the a ppl i ca nt .E xp en se s incu r red by t he T owni n e xcess of th e amountf orwar ded b yt he app licant shall be pa id t o t he Town b y t he applicant wit hin 3 0 days o fn otif ication by the Tow n. •• TOWN OF VA IL1--'-'''-''-''-'''''-'-'-'''''-1 RLctU'T :"0._ -ADDR.I:!'O$_ tROJFCT T l lI:R ., . " S2 • • SJ .• $0 .25 • • I S • I I CJITo.:."1.loUDE hYAJJU TO TO\\....Or '·...IL "P :<o.···_..TU-~C'D"TT..\...--TCTU,' s~f::. S 3 9~OO • S37.·riI S36 .• S 37.0 {)•~ p .5 .rr.L .rrr.c ._0 M SS $40 ':R ARK !'U ND ~WSPAP ISPE:-;SER H JN'D A.\.,\BL [Q:4.,STATE Ax "E 1f;4 .0 %TOWX N :'\\"LS-TIG A J • NG "N O ;\00 '5 5 MAl'S L;NIF \1 UIL J:"G C . 'l fORl 1 FN CO DE ,RM M E 1D:NI A L co ns N ·1 lRE{E N A TIO~A ••A cor ~ _KS •S I !\.1 ARBLUE XERO I S 'DIE.S S CO ~1 1 T ·R P .N,\L E .S I Rc.-J~SP . PLA.R E\~\R ~.ECK rLE o IX PECT IO:"l FEES "IRA s L1ct~s ~r ·1:: 51 i;-.l APPLI CA N FE A IT I N~$AGE E ~ AR T P ;(TO NA 10 . )R·A ID DI:SIGN :\I ::1 ,\D x ST I A (I rE r..(H I LD l" -ACC'Ot/:'"T '\0.- -.....11 ()OQ 4 ::J lIO ••1 I()2~Ol ·0 100 00211 12--'"•0 1 0 000 4101 I :-100 42 371 , ~41540~4 2415 42 41:> .,OJ0000441 ;;.I O{)424] "4 .A15-100 4 _41;) ~I )1 4)4 ..()4 24 12';142412....0 1 ()()4 ~4 1 <.:~;~ii of I 00 4 2. ._41412 I 1 00004J4 ) 4;I 4 14 13 '"ffi'ii'l4244 loiii0 41331, I 4 237 1 ...•"".,.."".. .F .> 0 1 00 4 13J A JD ITJ :'-'A {jR A "2, 0 1 00004133 0 i •IlIONA .USI:PRMI 100041.>EX RIRt\•T!ON S STJI e 01 4133 ~RIO R A T ERATI ;'II ~l OR:T ltA~I I :"::i SPE A ...~.JP~ll"_N ~s .(:..:. ~0 1 00 41.>J •A LOE '.PM:-';M AJOR AME N-4l.il •~:MEr-;:T ,I ~1 !\OR A~iE!\ ~1 ~413.>i ~.oooo-mso A A:":CE -:..'1 (I(I().4 1330 1..0 11'\CO :A;LNDM I:NTS*"0 1 413?-:-ZONI NG .:R O THER $~')OO"O S~. S2 . 51.500. 1.000.00 O. $250 . S2 A ' -. C(l"""'C<Jn "- ". ---.CA SU I \'0 UC.Sy ·lAV • T O .....N OF V~I L Nisc~llaneous Cash • P~C~trt ~2n~S2A AC:CC'llrl t fl.C!'~t 613': Dqn!!)I-lILB'$lI8Dlil Item paid , AIllOUnt paid THRt-.t K ·....OU APPLICATION F OR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ONA PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY •• Fence Wal l Landscaping Other (Pl ease ty peo r print) DATE 5;30,66 OWNER OF PROPERTY G-t'25 elY'"t\1,'",-3 5 i:tJ c~(}of-f-!,L 1, NMIE O FA P PLIC ANT ~12 t Vno :;z;'1 s ADDRESS .!i.'!'f .;L __-fA C_,_b 1)(' Insi delo tCorner101_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION O F PROPERTY TOBE SERVED : LOT };J.,BLOCK &-SUBDIVISION ....ly'(~OI=:w.:7=L,"-::-J!)!:::..:q::o:s~=~=.,=_-"'.:::.. (II necessary.attachlegal descriplion on separatesheet). / l,;qC,G I A ttach p lanss howing e ncroachment,p roperty line,sidewal ks.c urbs,intakes .hydrants. met ers,manhol es.any ot her a ffectedapp urtenance int hepro ject area (to scaleo r dimensio ned'[ands ection(s)as w ell ase levati ons (if app licable). Do es st ructure p rese ntly e xist?A.J Q Proposed date lorc ommencementofcon st ruction --'='--'~=:::.--"'~"'==tc...L.....:.--'-=- DESCRIPTION O F STRyCTURE O~R IT~M(S)1N R IGHT-OF -WAY:1 _}L':Vl["J...SC<fPIj:f.Ct~';(f.;!t].'};,i ;-;%;f eeasse: -- In co nsideration o fth e is suance o farevocable perm it fo r th est ructure above ind icated, ap plica nt agrees asfollows: 1 . 2. 3 . 4 . T hatth est ructure h ereinauthorized ona revocable permit basis isr estricted e xclusively tothe land above de scribed. Th atthe per mitislimited sp ecifically t o th e t ype ofs tructure d escr ibed in t his app l icati on. Th at th eap plicant shallnotifyt heTo wn Manager,orhi s dUly authori zed aqern,tw enty- four hours in advance o f thet ime for commencement of c onstruction,inord er t hat p roperin spectionm aybe m adebythe Town . Th e applicant a grees 10 indemn ify andh old h armless t he Town ofVai l ,its office rs, em ployees andag ents f roma nd ag ainstall liab ility,claimsa nd demands onac c ount o f inj ury,lo ss or damage ,includ ing w ithout lim ita t ioncl aims arising from bod ily injury, pe rsonal inj u ry.sickness.d i sease .death,property losso rda mage.o ran y ot herloss of any k ind w hat soever.whic h arise out of orar e in any manner connected w ith a pplicant's ac tivitiespur suant t ot his perm it,ifsuch injury .loss.o r damag e is c aused in w hole or inp art by,o r Jscl aimed tobe caused in whole or inp art b y ,t ne .act,omission , erro r.professional error,m istake,negli gence o ro ther f aultoft he app licant,'his co ntractor or subcontractor or an y off icer.emp loyee orrepr esentati veofthe ap pl icant, h isco ntractor o r h is su bcontractor .Th e applican t ag rees to investigate,handle res pondto.and top rov ide d e fensefora ndd efend against,an y su ch liability ,c laims .or demandsa tthe sole e xpense ofth eapp licant.T he app lican t als o agrees 10 bear all ot her expensesrel ating thereto,including court costs and attorney's fees,whether or not an y such liability .claims.or demand s aH eaed are Qr("\lInrll,:o ~,?f ?!se .C:~!:,~ud :.:!~:::. T he appucan t agrees to pro curea ndm aintain ,at its own cost.a po licy orpo licies o f insura nce suff ici ent t o e ns ure a gainstalllia bility c laims .demands an d other obligations a ssumed b y th e applicant pu r suant tot h is Paragraph 4 .Th e applicant further agrees torelease the Town ofVail ,its officers.agents and employees from any anda ll liability .c la ims.demands,o ractionsor causes of a ct ions w hatsoever arising out 01 an y damage,lo ss o r in jury tothe applicant or totheapp licant's property c aused byth e Town ofVail,it s officers .agents and e mployees while engaged i n mainte nance or s nowremoval activitiesor any o theract ivities wh atsoever on Town o f Vail p roperty. s treets.sidew alks.o r righ ts-of -way. cc:::... C.lo ~~~3U l H-6H6 p-aUM U6/U~/~ij UJ:~~P PG 1 Ur ~ Sara J .~iBher Eagle Co u nty Cle r k &Hecorde r ttr:C 11 .UU vuc •• G es>, of -fl-o-e. c,C<1"AJ+s:,0 &-1 U +u r- fCC Th at thepe rmit may b e r evokedw henever it is determinedtha tthe encroachm ent, obst r uction,orother structure co nstitutesan uisance,d estroyso r impairs theus e of the r ight -ot-way by thepu blic,co nstitutesatraffichaza rd,Of thep roperty upon w hich the encroachment,obs truction.or structure existsis required foruse by t hepu blic;orit m ay b e revokedatanytimeforanyreason deemed s ufficientb y th e T ownof Vail. Th at theap plicant will r emove,athis e xp en se.theencroac hment.obst ruction,or st ructure w ithin t e nd ays afterrece ivingnotic e of a nyrevo cationo fsaidpermit. Th at theap plicant ag rees10 m aintainanylandscapingassoci ated wit hthe encroachmentonthe right-ot-way . Th at in theeve ntsaidr emovalof the encroachment.ob struction,or s tructureisn ot accom pli shed w ithinten days,theT own is hereby autho rized toremove s amea nd hav et her ighttomak e anassessment aga instthe property andcollect th e costsor remo val i n t he samema nneras genera l taxesarecoll ected . Th at the applicanth as readandunders tand s all of thetermsandcond itions setforthin th isapplication. Sp ecialc onditions: 7 . 8 . 5. 10 . 9. 6. 5 -3 0-76 Dale AP PROVED : H-6~ti p-:sUM ';"".•• TOWN OFVAIL COMMUNITY DEVEWPMENT APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE GR EG CUMMI NGS AND DAVE HILB PROPOSED PRIMARY/SECONDARY 2338 GARMISH DRIVE VAIl,COWRAD081657 To Whom It May Concern :April 29,1996 Dave Hllb and Greg Cummin gs YAJUld like to thank Communlty Development andthe Pl anning and En VIronmental Commission tor tabling our vartance request April 22,1996 . We would like to withdraw our site coverage varianceand YAJUld like torequesta vartance for GRFA inthe front setback Please amendour existing application Weneed GRFA in the front setbackduetothesitegrade.Wecannot conform to height restrictions,and conform tothe 15%silecoveragerule without GRFA in thefrontsetback This will be a beller useof GRFA onthe site! Thank you for your timeand consideration! Sincerely, DaveHllb and Greg Cummings ~~ '.•'1/;;;'2./qG ltD EeL /1A.-e-e -!/.2!_• /f,'{.b CVIlro,~,'.v.3 <g !Leu ','q.""ce -t;.q (Q ~-0 f IV o~-<;;I€.P "~~-~-?err- v-'c ·+L.<;,;-f-e c~~r-.:J ~ !?~,<J-Q .-S q ,~ lie(..4~.r -S <{,,,,,-~ .~r-e 5f--SI:?'~-e.. l!ep P'i--Y ~,...e /c:;;:a(;Ce ..f.o ~/(;(C9~ k a CCdoJ offC,'c ;'\~do<t>:~;v ~q"",-e ~ ~/.lt,'c ~a 9K ~,.....ct..~;::-#,;.; {::rrJ.p..;-{-c;.,~.J··ka CK vcd ;q".<.9C..p G--eiVe.~P'e.t L(-O O:f"~ - •• J ak e ran Heelen Managing Director Apri l10,1996 :..\2275Hall DayRoa d,Ban l! 'i ,<, 847.374.2111 Fax 847 .945.6569 P I .&E ·al C .9~annmg nvr ronrne nt ommrssion Town ofVa il 75 South Fro ntage Road Vail ,CO 8 1675 DearCommiss ion Members : We received y our Notice requesting variance fo r Lot 12,B lock G ,at2338 Garmisch Drive,Vail Das Schone #2 . Ast hisisa vacantlot,w here des ign canands houldb e within the established municipal codes,wewish to be registeredasbeing opposed totherequestedvariance. We tooare plannin gto construct a house andhave,after a lotofworkandstudyin g, managed to designourfuture residence according to thecode. We supportthe strong standthetownof Vail takes inadherence tothemunicipal code. Truly yours, ~~ JvB :bjr T TO: FROM: DATE: • MEMORANDUM PlanningandEnvironmen tal Comm iss ion Commun ity Development Depanment April 22,1996 • SUBJECT:A request for parking andsite cov erage variances to allow tor the construction of anewprimary/secondary residence,locatedat 2338 Garm ish DrivelLol 12,Block G,Vail Das SChone #2 Applicant: Planner: DaveHilbandGregCummings Jim Curnutte I,DESCRIPTJON OFTHE REQUESTS The appl ican ts arerequesting parki ng and site coveragevarianc esto allow forthe constru ctio n of anewpr imary/secondarybui lding ona steep101 offof Garm lsh Drive .Inaccordancewith Section18.69.050of the Townof Vail MunicipalCode (seeattachedcopy),theappliCanl is propos i ngtolocatetwo z -car attachedgarages Inthe front setback,withth e faceofth e garages attheprope rtyline.Paragraph K of Section 18.69.050 sta testh aIdeve lopment onlotswhe re the average sl opeofthe site beneath theexistin gor proposed struc ture and parki ng area is in excessof 30%,ma yinclude locating a garage inthefront setback (withoutneeding avariance ) su bj ecttoreview and approval by the Design Review Board.The Intentofthis section ofthe code is toallow for th e construct ion of agarag e at ornear street level (close to th e road ),in orderto reduce theamoun t ofsitedisturbance necessaryto construct a home . Since the appl ican t's lot has an average slope greater than 30%.they are allowed to place the garage s inthefront setbackarea,however,perSection 18.69.050,Paragraph E,themaximum sitecoverage a llowed onthe lot is reduced from the standard 20 %,down to 15%.The same phil osophy hold s for thesite coverage restriction ,tolimit overall site disturbance on steep ly slopinglots . Thepark ing requirement for theappIicanfs primary/secondary build ing isfive parkingspace s (three fortheprimary unitandtwofor th e secondaryunil).As is typiCal for theconstruction of a sing lefamily,primary/seconda ryor dupl ex bu ild ing ,the app lican tis providinga2-eargarage for eachofthedwe lling units.As mentioned pr eviously,thesega ragesw illbelocatedright onthe front prope rty line and dueto the limited width of the lot.there is no room fora fifth parking space on theprope rty. Thus ,the applicants are requesting relief from Section 18.52.060 ofthe Town ofVail Municipal Code,wh ich stales thaI all required parking be localed on I he same site asthe use for which Ills required.The requesled variance would allow the appllcanllo placathe Ihlrd required parking space (associaled with the primary un Ill,oll-s lle In the driveway adjacenllo Garmlsh Drive. Additionally,the appllcanls are requesting relief from Section 18.69.050(E)In order 10 exceed Ihe maximum slle coverag e allowed on Ihls 101 (15%)by403 sq.tt .,or2.6%. 1 ••, II.ZONING STATISTICS em pa rametersfromwhichtheapplicantis requesting variances arehighlighted LotSize:15.246 square fee t (the lot is vacant) Zoning:P rmary lSecondary R9S idential Allowed PrOPOsed GRF A :4,6 25 sq .ft.4,069 sq .h . Setbacks : Front :20"0'(ganlQO )20"(house) Sides :15'/15'15',lT Rear:15'TT S ite Coverage:15%Of 2,287.q.11.17.6'1.or 2.,690 aq.fL Landscap ing :600/.Of 9.148 sq .ft 7 5"'.or 11,48 1 sq .fl Retaining W all He ights:6 feet (max .)4 ',S"eet Park ing :5 apaCN req uIred 4 apa Cet on-.he a nd 1 spee.off-she III.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Uponreview of the Criteria andFindings for variances ,contained In SectIon t8.62.060 ofthe Vail Municipal Code.theCommunity Development Depanmen trecommends approval ofthe requestedparking variance anddenialofthe requested site coverage variance basedon the following factors: A .Consideration ofFactors: "Th erelallonshlpofth e requested v ariance toot her ex isting or p otentialu ses a nd strucmree I n t hev icin ity. Parlcing Variance Theapplicant is proposing tolocate the faceofthegaragesonthefront property lineas allowed by section16.69.050 oftheCode,subject 10 review and approval by the Design Review Board.Thisallowsthe applicant toreducesite disturbance ontheproperty,but It also results in thelocationof thethirdrequired parking space fortheprimary unit to be located off·sIIe.Theplacementof thetwogarages Inthefront setback and theprimaryunit's third required parkingspace i nthedriveway,off-site, shouldhave linleorno impactonsurrounding usesandstructures.The faceofthegarage,when constructed,will be located24feetfrom the edgeofasphalt. If the variance reques ti snotgranted,theapplicantwould havetoeither addan additional garagebay,proposeaparking d ed<!p latlorm,ormove thegarage outofthefrontsetback,further downthehili ontothe site. 2 ••= Moving the garage out atthe front setback.orenlarg ing thegarage .would resu rt in additional site disturbance on the lot which could havean impact on surround ing uses and structu res in the vic inity. Sae Co verage vensrc« All adjacent pmperties surrounding Lot12arezoned Primary/Secondary Residential.SInce there arenoexisting trees on the lot anda substantial portion of it has already been disturbed,in conjuncti on with the construction af Garm ish Drive ,staff does not believe there would be any significan tImpactsto adjacent properties ,11 the requested site coverage variance were granted .As men tioned previousty .the applicant is requesting toexceed themaximum site coverage allowed onthis property by 403 SQ.ft.This amoun t ofsite coverage overagewouldnot appear to resultin any signijicant changes tothearchitectural characterof the buildingit theproject were requiredtocome intocompliance withthesite coverage requir ement.In other words .it wouk:t appear that the building could be reduced by l 'around its entire perimeter and come Into compliance with the site coverage requ irement.However.this slight1y reduced buil ding footprint would not result ina significant change to the appearance ofthe building as k relatestoImpacts onadjacent properties. 2.The d egreet o which r elief from the strlct and literal Interpretati on and enf orcement ofaspecified regulatio n Isnecessaryto achieve compatibility and un"ormlty oftreatmentamongsitesIn the vicinity o r toattainthe objectlvas ofthistitla without grantofspacial privilege. Parlclng Variance The park ing requir ementforresidences with more than 2.000 square feet of GRFAis three spaces .howe ver .it is very typ ical to limit garage construction toa2-ear garage .Such Isthecase with the primary unit in this proposed primary/secondary structure .When thegarage isplacedin thefront setback ,thethirdparking space,(infrontofthegarage),isoff· site.Staff recog nizes thisasan Inherent problem withtheregulation and feelsthatthestrict andliteral Interpretation oftheon-siteparking requiremen t goesagainst theintentofthesteepslope regUlations that seek to reduce site disturbance . The applicant hasalarge enough driveway area in frontof thegarages to accommodate two cars infront ofeachgarage,thus,theapplicanthas provided eight parking spaces ,threemorethan required.Staff feels that eight par1<ing spaces will be adequate to servethetwo residences and leels that relief from thestrict andliteral interpretation oftheoff-site parking requirement is reasonable in this specif ic case. Site Coverage vsnsrce The greatest factor limiting the developmentofhomesInthis neighbo rhood isthesteep slopes.Most oftheslopes i nthe area exceed 30%andthus,site coverage is reduced to15%ofthelotarea.Trying to cons truc t aprim ary/secondary residence ona small lot with alimited 3 •••, amount 01sne coverage ,generallyrequires garages 10 beconstructed over ,or under ,ano th er po rti on of the house.However,th iS partieu lar pr imary/secondary residence has notbeendesignedinth is fashion .The two z-car garageshave beenpulled out 01 the footpr int of the house and placedwith in the fronlsetbackarea .Placingthegaragescloserto the road ,andinthe fron t setback,increases the mass and bulk ofthe main structure and increases site disturbance . AlthoughIhestaffdoesnotbelievethattherewouldbeanysignificant impacts to adjacent properties if the requested site coverage variance were approved.thestaff isunabletoIdentifyaphysicalhardshipthat exists on this lot wh ich would warrant the support of the site coverage variance.We find nothing unusua l about the shape ,size.or topography of Lo t 12,to justify th e variance andto be consistent With the IImiUiti ons on other properti es dassified in the same zonedistrict.We believe that it wou ld bea gran t of spec ial privil ege to approve a site coverage variance forthis property. 3.The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air,distribution of population,transportation and trafflc facilities,public faclillias and utilities,and public safety. Parking Variance Sla ff doesnotbelievethattherewillbeany negative impactsassoc iated withth is proposa l regarding this criter ia. sne Co verage Valia nce Staff doesnotbelievethattherewill beany negative i mpactsassociated with th is proposalregard ing this crite ria.. B.The Planning and Eny jronmental Comm ission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1.ThatthegrantingofIhevariancewillnotconstituteagrantofspecial prMlege inconsistentwilhthelirnltaflonsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin Ihesamedistrict . 2 .ThaIthegranting of the variance wiil not bedetrimental to the public heatth .safety orwettare ,or materially injuri ous to properties or improvements Inthevicinity. 3.That the variance is warranted for one or more ofthe following reasons : 8.The str ict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physicalhardshipinconsistenlwiththeobjectives 01 this tide. b.There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable 10 thasarna s~e ofthevariancethatdonotapply generally 10 otherproperties inthesamezone . 4 I •• c .Thestrict interpretationor enforcement of the specifiedregu lation woulddeprive the app licant of privilegesenjoyed bytheownersof other properties inthesamedistrict. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Sta ff recommends that thePEC approve thevariancerequest toal low forthe third requ ired parking space (for the prima ry unit)to be located off-srte.Sta ff feels that granting the off-site parking variance would not be materially injuri ous to properties in the viCinity .In fact the var iance would allow the applicant to develop thesite with less site disturbance and impact toexisting vegetation and surrounding uses and structures in the ViCinity .Staff feels thatthere Isan inherentflaw i nthe regulations thatallowagarageto be placedin the frontsetback,which therefore necessitates an off-Site parking variance.Thus,staff feels that granting the variance Is notagrantof speCial privilege and that the relief associated with the variance is necessary for thereasonableandappropriate development ofthe property. Staff recommends that the PEe deny therequesttoallowforadditionalsne coverage in excess ofthe 15%maximum allowance .Staff feels thatthe granting ofthe site coverage variance would notbe materially injurious to properties In the vic inity ,nor would it havea negative Impact on light andair,distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities .public facilities and utilities . and publ ic safety.It is.however .our belief that a site coverage variance would beagrantof special privi lege,inconsistent with the limi tations onthe other properties inthe Primary/secondary Residential ZoneDistrict.We also find that there areno exceptions or extraord inary circumstances on this lot that do not apply generally to other properties inthe PrimarylSecondary Residen tial ZoneDistr ict.Additionally,the staffhasbeenunableto identifya physical hardship to support asite coverage variance request. 5 • ZONING 18.69.050 Sp edal r estrictions for develcpmeats OD lets wberetb e nerage sl ope of tbe site b eneath the cx!sJ ing or p roposed structure and parking ana "is in exce ss of thirty percent io 'Hill s ide Re sideD· ti al,Single -Family Res idential,Two-Family Residenti al.a od Two-Family PrimarylSeuodary R esidential Zon es. The following additionalspecial restrictions orrequire- m ents shallapply todeve lopment onanylot ina Hillside Re side ntia l.Single-Family Res idential .T wo-FamilyRes iden tial or Tw o-Family Prim ary/S econdary Re sidentialZoneDistrict where th e:averag e sl ope:of th e sitebeneathth eexist ing o r pr oposed structureand puking area isin excess of thi rty percent (30x ): A.A soi l and foundation in vestigation.prepared by and bearing the se al ofa registe re dpro fe ssional e ng ineer shall be required. B .Foundations mu st bede signated and bear th esealofa registered,professio nalengineer. C .Atopographic survey preparedbya regist ered surveyor, with contourintervals ofn otmor e th ant wofeet (2 '). shall be required . D.Struc tures mu stbe de signed bya licensed ar chitect. E.Site c overage asit pertainst o th is Cha pter.as penni ned by Sections 18.09 .09 0.18 .10 .110.18 .12.110 and l 8.l3.0 90.is amended as follows :Notm ore thanfifte en perce nt (l5 %)of thesite areamaybe covered by build- ings;andnot mor e tha n ten percent (10%)of thetotal s ite area maybecov eredby driveways and surfaceparki ng. F .A s ite gradinganddra inage pl an shall berequi red . G.A detailed p lan ofretai ningwall sor CUtS a nd fi lls in exce ssoffivefeet (5 ')sh allberequired, H .Adetailed reve getationpl anm ust be s ubmitted. I.The Zoning A dministrato rm a y require an environ mental impact repo rtas p rovidedi n S ection 18 .56 .020. J .A mini mum o f on eco vered parkingspace s hall beprcvid- ed fo re ach dwelli ngu nit. • .•. I (Vail"U)498 -6 ,••:"?l H AZA RD REGULATIO NS :.;'.. K.Setbacks,as they ap ply to this Chapter,as required by Sections 18 .09.060,18.10.060,18.12.060,and 18.13 .060, are amended as follows :there shall be no required front setb ack ,for garages,except as may be required by the .D esign Review.Board..G arag e s located inthefrontset- back,as provided for in this Section 18.69.050,shall be limited to one story in height (not to exceed 10 feet )with the addition of a pitched or flat roof and subject tore view and approval by the Design Review Board. L.Retaining walls upto six feet (6')in height may bep er- mitted in the setback by the Design Review Board when associated with a permitted garage as referenced insub- section 18 .69.050K.(Ord.2(1995)§1:Ord.13(1994) §1) The Debris Flow and Debris Avalanche Hazard Analysis Map prepared by Arthur 1.Mears,P.E .,Inc. and d ated November.1984. 2..The Rockfall Map prepared by S chmueser andAsso- ciates,Inc.and dated November 29,1984. 3_All areas 'within the boundaries of theGeolo gic Hazards Map,Figure 3,prepared by Lincoln DeVore Engineers ,Geologists and dated August 16,1982. In,an]~c':"l o cated within t he b ound a ries "f the 'Linc oln ::''''·;v._~.;:.p 0 ::c.::OJ'area ''''·::tifted a sadeb risflowor dCbris avalanche area b y the Mears Map orin anyarea identified as a rock fall area by the Schmueser Map.no inItial application for a buil ding permit,grading permit or major or minor subdivision s hall be approved untila sme-specific geol ogic i nvestigation is complete .For the plZXpose of this Section.a site-specific geologic investiga- tian shall be deemed a detailed geologic investigation 18.69.<J:52 S pec ial restrictions f or development i n geologi - cally sensitive areas: A.The following maps are hereby a dopted astheofficia l maps of the Town,identifying areas of 'geologic sensitivi - ty= 1- B. ..'.".i;.. -.-../" 498 -7 (Vail 11·95) -Ii- --"""-"..., Qt)H .twQ pull lO6'unUlUn,j 6.~:1:MII __...",-".:_........ •§ "'.-,.- I, •I ••• §0-I- I'/I!./ •\ I I ~I ':I. -+-=ii§~ ~ ,....--,.., QTLH ."lla PUll t6U1WI14'n.7 6~, .4101 u~.....,....,....... ------,,--.'. ,, ... \ .-..., I ~---.',".;~I'i~ !t:~ <, ,..,.... 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'.r, I~! <$ I '....1...,L,..,..t···~.~j ; ,i 11/,,'.1', 0;':1--'.".".--.....~.;,','._. ~i t.!i •I !,~••I I iIi '.•I I I, 1 I I I i-,.I:i ill ..._. •••, i I-I I...~..~o ,'1"1"1"i..I--,.;I I I 0 ,ftI~!i I ':;llr ,I ::;p,, "I •I~1"I'll ill ~,, ""I:I'0 ,••W!i,l li!'.I!'!!J •11 I .\------~I ;_. w I • 'I ,I •r,!l IIiill :0 r ,Ii I'I •I • J" ;I \. ~ • /'_~~.7.._!Ii,I".'.,•J ,!+.. t 'II ,.I •'·.,J ,I ' II'II!I,!'..(,I II h '!~I 'L.,I '".III'I ·., ..,,_..,, -iii ,, '" 913 ~d .::-...",•• TOW N OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE GREG CUMMINGS AND DAVE HILB PROPOSED PRIMARY I SECONDARY 2338 GARMISH DRIVE VAIl,COLORAD081657 ToWhom It May Concern:March 25,1996 Greg Cummings andDave Hilb would like torequestavalianceforsitecoverage for a building siteinexcessof30 %average Slope.Sites lessthan30 %slopecanhave up to 2ll% sitecoverageandsitesovera 30%slope drop to 15%sitecoverage.Zoningregulation 18.69.05OE statesthatnotmorethan fifteen percent of thesiteareamay be coveredby buildings .In addition,wewould like torequestone required paJidng spaceinthepublic light ofway winch isinfrontofour proposed garage. Wearerequestinga 175%sitecoverage.In designing this slnJcture,the endosed paJi<ing area required a substantial amount of sitecoverage,yetweare still underthe allowable GRFA In orderto obtaintheneccessarysquarefootage,we would needtorequesta valiance for GRFA within thefront setback,asitecoveragevaliance,ora height valiance.Having watched council meetingsrecently,we realized thata height variance requestisalmostout of thequestion,and GRFA within thefrontsetback would require living spaceunderthegarage which wearenot comfortable with Therefore,weare left with this requestforasite coverage variance. Structures inthe vicinity wouldnotbe adversely effected bythis variance.The building totheeastwasbuiltonaslopegreaterthan 30%,beforethe 15%sitecoverage restrietton,andourdesignis similar tothis structure. The Town of Van requires five parkingspaces for ourproposedproject.Four of these spots arecoveredandwearerequestingonebeinthepublic light ofway.Wehave approximately 25 feetinbetweenthegarageandthepavementofthe streel Webelievethis isampleroomforone parting space,withoutlnterfelingwith TOV road maintenance. Without this valiance,wewouldneedtoaddanothercoveredgaragespace,thus increasing sitecoverage.orbuildasuspended parking space,which wouldincreasesite disturbance. These variances wouldnotbea special privIlege.Othervarianceshave been granted fora few pencent overthe 15%site coverage.Wehave woJi<ed withourarchitecttoreduce sitecoveragefromour iniital plans,andbelieveanyfurther reduetton wouldjeopardizethe quality and funetton ofthe structure.Wehavebeen careful withregardsto height andmass ofthe proposed structure.Welistenedto Town Council recommendationsnottopushthe heightandsetback restrictions soastoavoidother variances,There wiD benoadverse impact on light and air,distnbutionof population,transportation,traffic facilities,utilities, andpubhcsafety. Wewenttogreat lengths todesignastructurethat would compliment the surroundingareaandcomply with Vail's architectural design criteria Thank youforyour consideration! Greg Cummings andDave Hilb ~p",~~~ -..•• TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR VARIA NCE MARCH 11,1996 GREG CUMMINGS AND DAVE HILB PROPOSED PRIMARY/SECONDARY 2338 GARMISH DRNE VAll,COLORAD081657 ToWhom It May Concern Greg CUll .lIillgsandDave HUb would like to request a variance for silecoverage for a buildmg sileinexcess of 30 'l.averageslope.Sites lessthan30 'l.slopecanhave up to 2lJ% sitecoverageandsitesovera m slopedropto 15'l.silecoverage.Zoningregulation 18.69.D5DE slatesthatnotmorethan fltleen percent of thesileareamay be coveredby buildings . Weare requesting a 19'1.sitecoverage.In designing this structure,the enclosed parking area required asubstantialamount of sile coverage.yet we are still underthe allowable GRFA In order to obtain the nea:essa'Y square footage,we would needto request a variance for GRFA Within the front setbacl<,asitecoverage variance,ora height valiance.HaVing watched roundl meetings recently,we realized thata height vaJ1ance request isalmost out of the question,andGRFA \\1thin the front setback would require liVing spaceunderthegarage which we are not comlortable with.Therefore,we are left \\1th this request forasile coverage variance. Strudures inthe vidnity wouldnot be adversely effected by this variance.The building to theeast was buill onaslope greater than m ,beforethe 15'l.silecoverage restriction ,and our designis similar tothis structure. This variance wouldnot be a special privilege.Often ,variances aregrantedfor GRFA inthe front setbacl<,and we have been careful \\1th regardsto height andmass of the proposed structure.Welistenedto Town Coundlrecommendationsnottopushthe height and setback restrictJons soastoavoidother variances. There will be no adverse impact on light and air,distribution of population,transportation, traffic fadlities ,utilities,and public safety. We went to great lengths todesignastructure that wouJd compliment the surrounding area andcomply \\1th Vairs architectural design cr1lerta Thank you for your constderation! ~~ Greg Cummings andDave HUb Jf~ .'•••• FO~(4:\:2'TIlE FOLLOWING MUSTBE SU BMI ITED, statement oftbe precise n ature oftbc varien ce requested andth e regulation involoved.Th e stalc mcnt m ustalso addrc~: 1 .The rel ationship ofthc requeste d variance to other exisueg ce potenti al uses and structures in the vicinity . 2 .The degree towhichrelief fromthe strict orliteral interpretaJ:ion and enforcement of a specified re gulation isnec essary 10 ac hieve compatibility andunifonnity of treatment among sites in th evici nity or 10 a ttaintheo bjectives arthis t itle withoUl grant or special privilege. J .Th e effe ct of the varianceon lig ht and air .di stribution of population,transportation,traffic facilities,utilities,endpublic safety. 4 .How your request complies w ith Vail's Com preh ensive Plan. B.~grap hic and/or improvement lnDVCy at a scale of at least I"=20'stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor inc luding locations o fall existing improvements,including grades and elevations.Other elements which must be shown ar c parking and lo ading areas,ingress and egress.land scaped areas and utility and draina ge features. C .A site p lan at a scal e of at least I "=20 'showing existing and proposed bui ldings . O .All pre liminary building elevanccs and floor plans sufficient to in dicate the dimensions.,general appearance. scale and 11.'0(:of all buildings and space!existin~and proposed on the site . E.A p relimi nary title report to verify ownership and easements. F.Ifthe propo sal is located in amulti-family de velopment which hasa bcmeowncrs'associ ation,then wri tten approval fro m the association in sup porto f the project mwt be received by a duly au th orized agent for said association. G.An y addition al material nec essaryfor th e review of th e applic ation as determined by the zoning administrator. VI. •For interior modifications,animp rovement !illrvcy andsit e planmay be waived byth e zoning administrator. TIME REQUIREM ENts A.The Planning and Envi ronmental Comrmssion mee ts onthe 2n dand4th M onda)'Bof each month.Aco mplete app lication form anda ll accompanying malenal (as described a bove)muSE be submitted a minimum of four (4)weeks priorto t he dale of the PEe public hearing .No incompleteapplications (as d et ermined by th e 700ing administralor)will be acc epted by th e p lanning staffbcfore or after th e d esigned su bmittalda te. B.All PEe appr oved variances shal ilapsc if construction isnotco mm enced w ithintwo years oftbe date of approval and di hgently pursu ed to comp letion . VII .DOOR A.lfthis appl ication requires a seperare revie w by any Local,Statcor Federal agency otberthan theTown of Vail, the application fee sh all be increased by S200.00.Examples of such review,m ay include,but are not limited to ;C olorado Department o f Highway Access Permits,Anny Corps o f Engineers 404,etc . B.The applicant shal l be res ponsible forpay ing an y publishing fees wh ich are in ex cess ofSO%o fthe application fee .If,at the applic ant's request,any rnancr is po stponed for hearing,causing t he matter to be re-publishcd, then,the entirc fccfor such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant c .A pplication s deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land usc or other issue s whichmay havea significant impact on th e community may require revi ew by consultants other than town staff.S bould a de termination be m ade by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review an y ""VV:..i ......;Ull.Cullununily Develcpmem may mre an cc rsice consunent,It snen eeamate the amount ot money necessary to pay him or herand this am ount sb all be forwarded to the Town by th e app licant atthe time he files hi s appli cation w ith the Community Development Department .Uponcompl etion of the review ofthe application by the consultant,.any of the funds forwarded by th e app licantfor pa yment o ftbc consul tant w hich ha ve no t been paid to the co nsultant shall be returned to th e applicant Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be p aid to th e Town by the applicant within 30 da~o f notification by the Town . f:\ev eryooc\forms\variance.417 ••• ..,Ii TOWNOFVAIL CHl:C":....i1I1oUDI PAYABU TO TOWN 0 ..,..4IL !'IO.-.-T Ar'-...COSTKA.~•TOTAl,. DE r ....nlE..',-Of'CO \I M lJ:"lTY DE \"£WrM f....n >A,,,~re')Cu fY'fY\i0<),",,'>_ A !)[HlE!i...._ A PLA, ."" s- e, L!.•·•·~ N O AMENOMb flU o A :I. OR IN A lA I S . TI W 100S . RIC IC S RIC lIT lS M IM.OWlCU1111CASHI- ••• Miscellaneous Cash 09:29:03 R~Ceipt •1?5340 ~ccount •CK •791 ClIl'lM 11m:;.GREGORY 'Vl=lRI I=lt~C E RII,e'L'n1-t e nder ed >125.00 It.E!'fO p aid 01006041330000 Chang'?re tu rned > Amount pai d 125.00 e .fllJ TH ~N K Y OU ..'..•• ..---.~.....-......--._--.-- I TOWNO F VA IL lRF:c t:lPT !'riJ ~ ,~".Ut vid -fitIh D£"AJtnlL"o"O F CU~L'IL.....rrv M\'t:LO..M E.....c.'.-- II tu:-I AD Dn" DATE -e,, ;,PRo.JU.T cmcu "l.U)E .."vuu t o T OWN O F V AlL ACCOL"ST xc...'.."'"....---NO..--TAX -CO'J1'&A.~-TUTAL O~==4 1 40 ONI N A ~A DR .ss MAPS S .00 • b;;f 0 1 ~424 15 ~I DIN .• _1 4 1 MPLUMBI :• Hl4:1 UNIFORM M NIA 5 31 .• O DE 3 .•. til 0000 44 1 ~\RICAL 3 .• 0 1 41 41 5 • 'if OJ4 1 4 S M A )1!• 0 1 4 4 1 'ROP • ...0 10000424 1 sru ~~mt I :i 4 24 1 •C ~·R PROGRA.'vf i![• ~g:OO :I~I PENAL 'S I R ••S P A I :W RE-CII .$40 PER HR. ~I 0000433 2 ~I S INSP CTIO .~I 0000 4 14 .SES FEES :==:4 141 NA PLICA ... ~m 4 141 ADOITI A :gAG ..J.~01 0000 4244 rvrc AIr DONAn O N" =413.>1 PRPAlO 'REVIEW BOA ...01 423 71 IN'\'ES TRJ A I cJI'f ~ING 31 4 I IA ING FU.~ ..0 10000"••_ITOV I'1I'WS PAI'I'll:Dls r ITUND -·0100I 12 1 AXARL Ii -.STATE ~*0 10 000 4 nrro ~i¥lfAB l lv 4 .0%TOWN · 142 37 1 NVEST GA ~·,·-PEl:•- 0 1 , A o=-.5~·~41 3JO ComTIT!l •AL .P .AA .00 0 14 1330 EXT A .RATI S5 T HAN 100 5.FT.l 5200 .00 s-0 1 00 4 1 ,TE AL ~M ORE THAN 1005 .55 . 10000 I IAD m.15TRIC IN I 151;;.·"°E IA PM NT I l AiOR AMEND 51 ..--@l14tJ.IA~:,..AM END 52 . •§IE 30 A A ~52 50 ... ..or 4 130 ZO NI .AMEND 5 52 O• ~0 141 ~R ·ZON NG TH ER ~m · 0 A: ~CO""D""..(.j"Ji \~I (.~;VV1<VA ",.'.. J ~. ~CASH I Jc-K .~H..O W uc.oy.iN ••.".. -. TOWt~O F V ~IL Misce-l laneoous Cash 03-1 ;:)-96 0 9 :24 :22 R ~c ~i ~t M 195337 ~c c ount ~CY.#1469 HILS ,(.lA.JID 'IJQRI~NCE l=lh,oun t tende-red )125 .AO 1 t esn pai d Atiount pa id 0:100(1041330000 125 .00 Chango?re t.cr-ned >C.(to T H ~NK YOU Your cesru er DEN ISE ----------------------------------------..-- 47316iAmm~='2 _ ADDRES S RECEIPT -'Town o f Vail DA T E ~(\i [VU \\.1 ~ RE CElV ED FROM J )tW(~<3 rq] DOLLARS S Z5iJ '0 Q HO w PAJ D-Ca sh OlecklA!.4- Police Rej eiP I Numbe rs __ By [.u /J ~ ••-0 •• Order Number:.9S011525 •SClIEDULEA • I .Effective date:July 0 6,1995 at 1:3SP .H. 2.Polic)'orPolicies tobe issued: (a)A .L.T.A.Owner 's Proposed Insured: Amount of Insurance $11.0,000 .00 (b)A.L.T.A.Loan $5 0,000.00 Proposed Insured : S ONNBNALP PROPERTIES ,INC., (c)Leasehold $ Proposed Insured : 3.Theestateor interest inthelanddescribedor referred tointhis Commitment and coveredherein is fee si mple 4.Titletothe f ee simple estateorinterest insaidlandisas theeffectivedatehe reof vested in : DA Vlr HILB AND GREG CUHHINGS 5.The land referredtointhisCommitment isd escribed asfollows: S BE ATTACHED LBGAL DB S CRIPTION Purported Address: 2338 GARNISH DRIVE VAIL ,COLORADO 8165 7 STATEMENT OF CHARGES These charges are due and payable before Q Policy can be issued . •.. SCHEDULED Secti on I Order Numbe r :95011525 R EQUIREMENTS The follo .....ing a reth e requirements to b eco mplied with : • Item (a)Payment /0or fo r the accoUnI of theg rantors or mongagors of the fu llconsiderationf or theestate or interest tobe insured. Item (b)Prop er instrumemts}creatingtheestateorinterest to be insured must b eexecuted and duly fi led fo r record.to wit: 1.Exe cution of Certifica te ~Entity Tranaferor/Individual Transferor and its r et urn t o the office . 2.Evidence satisfactory to S tewart Title Guaranty Company that t he r e al estate transfer tax a ssessed by t he Town ot Vail has been p aid or that th e tran sac ti on is exempt from said tax. 3 .Deed fram Faessl er Gmb H Oftecschvang,a General partner.hip, vesting fee s imple t itle i n Dave Hilb a nd Gre g Cumm1ngs . NOTK : ON THB DKEDS NOTATIONOF T HELEGAL ADDRESS OFTHE GRANTEE MUST APPXAR DEED AS PER 19 7 6 AHI!NDHZNT TO STATUTB ON REC ORDING OF cas 38 -35 -109 (2). Trade Name Affid avit ot F aessler GmbH Oft .r.c hw~ng.a General par tne rsh ip .r e cord ed,Apr il 8.1981 in B o ok 321 at Page 329 as Reception No.21769 7.discl oses th ~t the f ol l owi ng persons and /or e nt ities are d oing b usiness under .aid name:Karl hein% Fa essl er and Margare te Faessler. 4 .De ed of Tru st fr om t he Borrower to the Publ ic Trustee Eor the use of the proposed lender to secure th e loan . NOTE:In the e vent a Power of Attorney is used in connection with this transaction,please note t he following requirements: Said Power ot Attorney must be dated no more than six months before date of s aid transacti on. Power ot Attorney must meet approval o f S tewart Title Gua ranty Company.and should be presented t oS tewart Tit le Guaran ty Company prior to c lo s ing by at leas t o ne week . :2:I -f6YlJ51V)/V~£>~s..~ 8S9f <6 '(JJ 1!1-1 Sl..L Z XQg OJ 8 c1w!?7 -r -f ./1 ~f !~ufJ J )-+6'1'1 ~'Yvyl ,"-='Y ..s s t;..~ g )9/<J.y 'oJ I(ro/\ Y'd 1'-0/\00 'O/"J:~a !.fJ<Jclo.Jd c'I-ONO r-'NOS JdI 5 5"d ~j-Sv"'''''''I ~~g.+ff! 2;}-j-6>1 ?.900 J '1 ~'VVv~I-.s<£.-e 7I y(}()jfJ YFOfIJ '(117 a(-J BIJ}Of,S ~ l-rM 'H '-9 ••....~. .'...••.. ------ ~-er+~GleN)tA.lVotV~ £./0 f3 errlv..Cr . La lorJo S pr;"'5 5 I Cd, ;l.;;;:ZC[c(~M<'J ~)c C60cJ06 Loi:'/0-.--_._-----.-------- J.ew rio. Po.Box ;q 7 1-j E.D!je.-I (l o.'3 J b3 ) ;4~q-..,;-;;('5 /9 c..L,.MIi'"h·k loT5 C(5--d-9 ....'"••• T HIS ITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NO TICE ISHEREBYG IVENthat the Planninga ndEnvironme ntal Comm ission ofthe Townof Va il will hold a public hearing in accord ance wi th Sect ion 18.66 .060 of the Munici palCode at the Town 01 Vail on Ap ril 22,1996 ,at 2:00 P.M.inthe Townof Vail Munic ipal Bu ild ing.In considera tion of: A reque st for an amend ment to Title 17of the T own atVail Munic ipa l Codeto allow for the inclusi on of a "Plat Tille Format." A request tor parki ng,GR FA in the front setback and sit ecoverage variances to allow for the construct ion of anew Primary /S econ dary resid ence locatedat2338 Garmish Driv e/Lo t 12,Btock G, Vail DasScho ne #2 App licant: Planner: App licant : Planner: Town of Vail George Ruther DaveHilb and Greg Cummings Jim Curnutte A request for a Major SOD amendment to all ow for the useoftheCascade Club tenn is co urt sasa conf erence /exhibit area ona temporary and int ermitten tbasis.locat ed at 130 0 Westhaven Dri ve/Cascade Village . App licant: Planner: L-O Vail Hotel,Inc .•representedbyChris Hanen Rand y Sto uder 111/1/1/1/1 Sign lang uage interpretati on available uponrequest wit h 24 ho ur not ification.Please call479 -2114 voice or 479-2356 T OOfor information. Commun ity Development Department Publish ed AprilS.1996in tile Va il Tra il. 1'.0.n...21J11 \'...I.l~I ~l (.~.li 00319-1 <)-1111 I I'.\X O lll!"·1'.1·711l•STEWART TITLE OF EAGlE.COUNlY,I NC . C I.()S ING AN n S Erl'l.EM E NT A GU EE J\.lEN 'I ' • is anlong ._("Sel ler"), ___.("Purchascr "), ("lIru\;cr"),alit!STEWARTT IT I.E O F EAG LE COUNTY,I NC..J Cn loraJd aCo lo ra do Ccrporn t.I ojj .__ ._-_._----- Il EC IT,'I.S I .S[,!J .l,1t A'IlI'IIlKllAS I,k IIJ\C emen-d into Lh:'l certain .V.'JC :mL J il m l /f;t.ml...J.\lliLRan ~h _G on t.r:a c r;t~B I I Y _and..-. ~llU _Ro n I J·:~:;t..!1 ~{,("I he CtllltUC\").dated Hc"lr~h 2J ___1 1l<1 ').",\I.'ring Ill.' Tms r\{;'H :E~lf ~"r,da ted .. .So n De~a l p Prope rti es ,Inc., Da\lid..JIilh ac dGregCunnungs . Faesa l.ur .Real.ty corporauon ("Cl os ing Agent"). ----- S.I!.:a l hl l lu rl'h J s ~uf tll;llccnain Ilr"IJl..'lly Ilhe"t 'rop cny")III E.Jg lc COUlU Y,Cotoraoo,andmoreparticularly lkscr iho:J ::,ro llow,: Lot 1 ~,lj Lnc k C,Vai l jns .Scho na ..fil ing No._2.__._.,, -'---'-._._._----- 1 $E1J JOIl:A."I)PlalClIASUl de sire thai Clilsing AgcIII close the transact ion contcmpfutcd under the Comracr purocuuto ILl:rcnns i lld provisions orthe Cooe acr.which term..and JW ovisior.s arc il'COlJ'IOl'"alcd he rein b y reference rncrcm. AGn EEM ENT 1:-0 rO .'\SIOCAAl lO:-<ur 11x:recit als antl lhc mutu al covenants a nd ohligat ions herein after SC Lforth.the panics tcrcto Iwn:by agree :IS follol',: I.S""·II..:l:."Tu li t l·t:llu lIl )lu .th CI.l 'MM;AtilJII T.Wilh h·'I'.:d 101 lhe "l llsing n f lille (lhc h n.K i n~')II )II\.:jStllflC"y anti pur51un l I"II~"b'~':lllCllb of Scl l.:r and I'Ul d l .I ~'St:1 1t>tlh in 11M:('unlJad ,which Jp ~UlCnls )hllll lo;:,J':<:ll ",d to Ix:i n ~lIUd illl1i In C1,,(i nt:Agenl 10,·"·'111 ....·1 .n.>s i~Ar<'''l .hall 1.1..tlto.!lul111win~: .\.b ,-"lU I"no.,(;"nIUl I :'liI;.(1 •."inl:Ag.:nl shall revew tho: ContraCI.m alc Icle !"'hOllc no ufic;u lons and inqlliries anoJ oblain vcnflcation (in .....riucn for m,urnc l nd lhin !pan ics pcmn ill ing)o r e,blinG loa n fI'lyulrs .horreo .....ncr assoc:illli"n d ues,insurancc I'f.:miunls and ioIoJ val"re m f~;i l ;i1 1<1 flCT ~1 prnf'Cr1y bles. II.l'II II'MI"n o ""Il}'I kI(TML"s.O <ll!Oing Agcnl s.hall pmvu:: scnve ner's au;.l;mn:II.Brll !...·,in the prep.nation o f d u ~i ng ,~,.:Llnll.'n IS requlr""!pun".."t III lh"Cunl'.II I.wilh s uch u si!illluce I-.:in&IimilC<lltl lhal ;a]lu".:J um!.:,C"I'll;i,I..b w _ C.1'lIt:r"u TlO:o!m 'S~T11 ,I:\I'-"I SlIU:lS,(1""i "I:A'~"T'I .h ~lI lrtol1y le the i"rllrmalin n &:llh <·(cd.,l.:t~·r mm ~t:akubliOIl S and I'rof a l it ~,s alltl pr':(l-"l1 c fi nal ~":ll l.:mc ,"~h .:"lS. U.C I.usl;\.';'C1usiug Abcn l ,h,,11 '·'.'hli n ;n ~III ..,Clu~in l:.p"'liCIII cI,,)inl:documenlS f...CllC("ull"".c.l pl;lin d usinr ·!t......m':utd),...' I'fl'JW<'d by QUlo ing AgcnL I C t:~i \'c :and 1I..:l'Ilsii fund",r...."MJ d ocun ""n Ll;,t1 isp.:rsc c1 usinl)d ".:lllllenlS an.ll'rcrafC 111<1 di\~r )c ("h.:ds, ~:.1"-,-"11 T II .-\J'Ii.S M:n o ,....If a 1.>.U '..SS l,I lllpIiUn dus ills.ur a llCW ],~m ciMinI:is require d pu uU;U1L 1<1 110.:lc;nns vf ItIc Conlnd (as il e 'ls!S on the dalc herroO.O ".;nl'Agent sha ll prepare !IUD Scll\emcnl Shexls.irre q ui lc.I,lCt:ordluan tlllCumc n Ll;.disperse loon clllsing d llcuIIJ<:nts :lnd I'rq':\1..,:md J i.llCTSC c h.x1s.III lit.: CVCIII lholtll !O:\ll a numpl ),.1I1 ur :II I<;WIOQ...i)1I\:1I!t:(WI ..r !hc amii'll:hul ....;as n"l d lSCluscd ..s ..r "IJUi l ~II"'''1 in til,'CUIIII:kI . O<>sil1 l:Abcnl .!latll.....c II",l i ~1 1I I"t ll:"I:"lhe ru rw.I ...·r.ill :1I 1,liliult ln :t11 n lh "r fces I>;I y:,hk h,Ch,~m~Al:,cnl l....,-eulI,kl, ~lId l an ~'LlIlI f"r sudl luall ~•.,.".'):l.".d 1,~1 1I i ll C1,,~i lll: A l:,clIl')Sd ....·dnh::III Pccs '\1ll 1 1'1~1l1:<·.ill dk-':I un Ih.:d.'I': h.;r "nr ;l/ld .",h i.:.....ilh Ih.:(·,,(......1...(""l11 ni .siIlIlCI uf 1"'11 1""''''''' I:.['ol :IIU\'''S ,,~u I l m.III.'I;':F I1\I....The:u.:al inn tlf :ony c .,.;ww lUI llt.'III,ltIilll::m.1d i s l"'I,i n ~Ilf :1lI)',1 ""lIn"'IllS nr flll,,15 h y C 10'\in~ '\I:,,'nl al!.:r Ihc Ct.»llll:)h.;aJ1 '>11 1)'II<:I<"luir"d tlf C lll\iu&Al:,:uI ill lhe C".:nt Ihal Sd h::I,l'u ,d ~Is.:1 a ",!n ."inJ>AGenl en lCI in l<'a ~I C rillcn C:;.l;I UW Il:f"cn ..-nl ..h.:rcill C'..c ro.....inUIUC llotU ;andCS<.TU fecs p..'n~i ninl:10 s u.h cKrow arc Spcc irKII11 y Sci rurlh. l Snt"'lct~~~cl r J'U I'UK\Il U II\"C I .C~~IM ;AI,u,,-,TIl':li ltlll..i n~ It a l"lIt l.·,.-Illsive l i~1 uf lll;lllt:rs 111..1 ('III\in&,\g""1 ,!totS hnlan,'IIlI"III lOI""'>I":..I,,,,"'...·1<.·rlll i,..•:11,,1 l"r ....h i.h n ,,,il '~A ""nt is n"I!i;,hl.:: ,\.1I11l <:(llIdc,1 1I"...h:IIII':\;1I111 11 1.l1..llOlhll .·U"h'·ll~. II .CLl m:1I1 1 ><:1 ~(lII :r l l lllll ><:l l )"L,,,·,. I '.UI,lity d ,.If!>c).,....II ;a,ck ~I ''''-,r ."."'al,'1 "/1 .1se 'f..T 1I..·h "lilll\. ""IIII\,t ,""/11.11..."1.L,I'r..-.:s , II.IInun,bly l ill':i.lu',;al"'""I ""I''',..elll ~hls :IIH]pt "~"J.s in ll til'Ih ~ Prnpt.·rly . F..Comph :lllCc \I·ilh l irniLJl iuH"till ltv;:.t{110.:I'rllp..'n y Sill.h as "lUlli nG and huiloJing Ilfdin;HlCcs ,,",1"')lIie;lilllls. F.1'f "p.>SCd imr rovc nlt:rtl :uSC\sme llls,'H,I ye l lien,ur fC ctKd . G,fu islenoe and premillms ur fir"and casually insurance. rulain ;ng IIIinfalllYlion glllhemJ hy a~in~Agenl rfUll SOUTt:C5 OIh..-r than C1tning AG~'II,Clmill&Agenl doc5 nne C\larantcc:lhc accuncy 01 an y ~Ild ,iu f"t"II~,lion ;lIIcl )I ull 1><11 I..~Ib l~";,("Ic)uh "f .:an y inaCl-ur:u:y in ~lI d ,i n fml1~lli,,". ~.·I:J-~'ro tl1 r Ail)TO ('1,".'>1"1:'\l;t:',..In ":I>n.I,""la u<>n III the al.ov<:t1dincd services 10 ts.:l'crrnrmed hy Ou\ill j;A l:..:lIl,the fnllo win ~ feesIIn,1 ,,,ull lo urst:rIIc nts 11I;a1l he ("<ti,]h i O"SIIII:'\I:.:nl .,111,.:O tlsinl:: A.A"Cll.ISillg Pee "in the a moonl u f S-.190.00 s h ll l 1~ paid by !he Seller alld S 100.00 )11.1111-:l'.u J t>y Ih" l'urCh lSCT . II.No lwi1h slal'ld ing any!h ing Cllflla incd hereina boveh ,,II.:c o ncary. in the eYe nl Closing AgC'nl pcrrOl1ll!l lny services lIlll.iJ.:of 1KlI"ma1 e1 ming scrvU$(called herein h S ~ci ai Sc r..ices).11 hSpt:CW Closin g Fee,"in addilion 10 lho::O lls in ~F('.:.in an I mount equal 10 the prtxl llCt of S5nOO p.:r hou r m ult l{ii C't1 hy Ih.: n umhcr o r hours srcnt hy O osing Agenl in perrnrmin!>such SpccilII Services s1la1.l be pa id by !he JI1 ny (Sel ler or jSllfch:lsell flXjllC'ling suc h Speci:d Scrvio,:s..Special Scr..iee,.11.111 indll,Jc. withoullim ilJ lion.mulliple levisions ol ""CUnlC'nI.liT 'lelllen,,'nl SlillC menlS.cme rg enq Of spc c i;t1 de livery rCl lllCSh ,u a vd III 1 1II l ~i d ..,nrrICC Sot Itlcalillns,d lll'l iC:rl;'lII "nol asscI,,!>I)'"r n\ld lll'l.: c losing paC bgcl,d OCIl mt:nlS lOr Cc.-R )l'.-.u .lenn',":<lull~li nl)anJ cducalion on \Cfminul.ogy,praclices tlr rrll(;etl ur<:~~"n "T3 ll y Lnnwn IlO<.l a.cccpl.:d in the CoI.lflll1"I,·a!.:"l:t l':.k ~:J "nJ /of 1.:11d in g community antl lime required 10 pursue u ti I...h:.!f o f a par ly lhc remalies 10 5Jili sfy lhe Icquil .:mc llIs ,pll"'I.i llns ~/ur con l;n G cnti ~or I ny lille commi unem.1'~1Il CUII lllll lnlCnl o r til I h ~ ContratL C.In IIJdiliun 10 Ihc Closinll Fex :1111.1 lbe SI',.:d;J a "sill ~F.:e,if a ny. di rec l 0 111 o f roc kc t c .lpe nSCli in cuned b}'Clmin;!AI:.:nl mcludins.,w ithout Iilllitalioo.s pecial PO '>I;,~C '"I 'f ~i b hl .l o n l: disL;IIlC<:t:;alls,r«unl;lIJ;rces.l:lll eCllclio.;..l.:s .s L.t".1,'I ,nru,b oll'!. fIXl rm .....ire IrandcR ::U1d (.If C"C nirscd :IIlJ t::.,h,,·r ·,.:h .·.l ~:m J ;lIlllrneys'fL'Cs sh:,11 1'>.,""id hy lhe I",")·,Sd k,."I·"...h"",rl l,.r wh"lIl Slldl .·-'I",n«:w;,s incuIT"". U.N........ilh lant.li ng ;any!hinJ:t:llflLli ncJ h':"'\lI I"I I.',"',Il;lr)'.ill 110.: cv,,"1111.I1 <.,.."inJ>Agcn l iu,,:IIn any :0.11,1\,,,,)','.......~,00 la.'r 1";,.,1 (;~..b in thc l"""par::UM>n "r:my d"sin",I.,lIl1"',,H "'.1 "·,,,111'1 C1using AgC'nl being rcq ue~l cd II>.lbtaill nr r "'IUI ":.1I.:h t1 "';U "~II 'a ud Cul ma,lu 1;,.....l'n>h ihi's Chhll'l:'\r""l 1""111 pr('pa,ing 5Uch tklCuln'nl.s uch fees til tu.h .hall l •l"i.1 h )'II " f'lU"ly (S..:lle r.Pur ch1Sl.'1 Of RlUk('r)rajlll.·)linl:t h:ll h ,lo.llI'"U Ii,.'1lI be I"epafl::d -I.Ih:r K '~~':"1""T\()S ~II NI)W A IIII ,\:'Ii l H~~I1r :-I H _lll:I'll l'I:llt"II"'1't:lI.Sdll.'r lind !'urc hl""r h.:n:hy rc!,,,·s""l.".,I'.,nl a ,...J U 'VL"T lanllll n ".ing Ag cn l:rs f"I1".....,,: .\.Se ller 1111<1 Purcha ser will dcli \<l.'r k.eI'''I''!>t\~""1 .•1I .1'11,:11 /1 ,,:,,1\, 1>:l y 1<'C1..si n j;A~':ll l ;,11 .11 111\a nd ,1o.'1~.',11'''':I"I.'.1,1lk:a ll "11 "'1 lh illJ:1 II<,:J1,;.:n al)'h"':IIISC I I ~C1 l1 ~ifl g IU".lIl :1'1'-'l'lir"ll p m ~u;tn t III the l e r m ~III Ih e C"II11;ll.:I , II.Sell.:r ;and IIul L'il a1>Cf wi11 c ach I"'y ,,,('1 '~lll to:1\.·.·"1.'~"If t..Iqc lhe:ClI....'/I!:."lI lhafJ:"I1",y:d,k hy 11"'111 ...~I"'".11.·,l lh·I ,·i'L C .ClIIS ;n!:A gc nl s h a ll n"l he li:,lIle fl"llll)':"11'11.,\,I"<ll n""1hi do hcrcuntlc r whilc ac l in g in I:llilli bilh 311.1 III II..:':\':Tc i.;e0 1 iI, o wn bcsIjutll:lIJ.:nL alld a llY Mol tluoe ....IIl1l ill~d 11)"'I I'UfSlI;U,1 I" lhc Itl vio:of its ".....n a1tomey "hall b.:,ulClIIsiw c \'wk nce III s'l(lI l)'xxI flLil h. I).Sellcr lind Purch uer I.£rtlC .joilllly lind sc.v..,rally,fur Ih..,rrucl v .:~. lhc ir beirs.pe fS(lfl,a)rcpn:scnlativa..,uo:c;csson :aml lllJ;g ,"Itt indemnify.defend and hold O osinC AgcnllwllIlen a.t 10any lillbilily byit incurred 5o:an y I1Ihdpenon or Cft lily hy reorson of ils having illCC Cpa.ed a nd c:nlCroo illln I h i ~,'~r~'C'n ""lIl .'If t""'"111l',:liun It<'rcwith.m,d III reimhllut'C1 ".i l'~AI:.·"I fur lill ih 1"1"'11"''') 1I11.IuJu,g ,y.'ll ""l llull i l~l h"l .~lh "I.'~";uW "Mill "",IS i'lI.'unt·d III (U1I1 ...·.IIl.,h.:1 ~"Il h ;.."I 1...111&A '':1ll .h ..J' l'IOl.'~:a lint all,l pr iul'1l<:11 1II"'Il"U J ':I'....h llialic bc rcuu,kr '" secure Lh.:1""(",I11...see ..f ~i.l ,,".·.·Il Io,·"I.of IIl<kn r ,ily :.nd Itt.: p.aymo."'llIf Clt"i ng Agell'"k1:\•.:11;11&':\:"..1CI ('('II'11,'\, 5 .,\t'lIUk l 1.Allll.."'I'IJ l k ..n l "~HI l:1.'ISI ,,;A I;P "l .Sd k r ;II ..l l'uI.·h,l....·'ha,-Ily s po 't.:ifl.a.lI)'.,ull""i,,,nnd .I,r,',-(C1 n'lIIl;'o\C;':IlI :l.\ (<>I lu,"'5: ,\.a'lSinl>A&.:nl,,,..I1I\1)',{/I."JUy (un..h In"M hy it (u,~'lk r a n,J Pu,c h:a >ot,'s rc:s P:Cll vC u c.J it 1k:I<;u,Kkr."tI .h.J r&c s :an " nh lig:l.llOI'IS ~y ..h1 ",by Sdk r :ul.l l·u n:h:a~·t r.-srcc1i vc1y.;u s p:(lro.>J he rein . II.Chnint:Ag CII l lll <l )'''';11l 1 ~''1 ;In)'.1..W'.....·ul lurui.hcJ II )'the h.II,!.:,ur p.'r'"tl (or r "lkn""1;';:I"nl ll1l'h·"J)o f a ny lien un M L·h:IrGe or :tSSO:~)llll:II1 H1 CI ~1I\O:~l illll wuh Ih,'l'ropc ny,cun ocming lhe ;a liI<'lllli n f ~u d l Ie n,clur~o:"r il~SO:)\Il ...'''1 wiltu'lll I lOl hll il)'or r,~ptl n s l b l li l )'fu ,II....;K'"CUr:Ky l1 f su.;h SI;,I':IIIo:I1 L C.All fUI ,.J~I"lay:lhl.:ulwJ..·r lho.:Cuu uact )h.4I1 I-.:p;rid 10Dnsil\b ASellL l)j )hU fSo.'nlo:lII of ;l.l1 y fU IIJ ~hc r.:Unlkl nS1Yh.:n ~,J(:hy chcd.01'C los inGAg,·nt.hut n llsin&Ag,:uI )h ..:ll be und.:r no ohlisal il.l "",1I :ll\.l lo:v cr to lli)!lur)e ;a llY fllml,'<'J lI"esc nl.:d oycheck, <lr3ft o r o lher ins l!ul1lo.:11 1d div c r,~l lo C I"s UlIo:Agenl ilnd flu c heck, .tt..rt o r olhe r inmulllC rll sh.tll lll:<I ':c lllcd l':Iyrro:n t 10 Clo..inl: A,enl ill compliol nce "",ilh my rClluircmcnl he reof u ntd ('1u)ing AgeM Iw been It.I vitetJ hy lhe hank in ..hle h d.::puli~W t such c:hec k.drl fl ~olher Ul slJwncllllus hccn lltlC'-.ndi ticlna lly hmored in immed ulely a u.ilahk fU lIJs by s uch btul.;, D.Oosing I\g ent nla)·rcimburoe ll ~U for ilI l fe.:s.ch arges and c.A['<'n \CJ and for l!;a ns iges Ill"e~p.:n>c s il may Incur in cn nocel illn here",ith frnm all "f Ihe rigl'l.lille anl!inlC re)1o f Sell.:r and Purc haser in and 10 Ihe J "eUU I<.'nlS and 11·...11 1<:5 dcpmir.:d ....ilh O w-ing Agen t her,:wh ler. .:.U ..I any li mein lho:J....l fI1l"m.l ,tee o f ib .Iul i<,.'ll untko r !his A b,,:c~n l il is n.:c,;:"u.ry fur a ••inl:Ag"III ','l\.'Cei ve.;ao;a:pl 01" ;00 I "l'l'<n ..n )·nn l ~":......·""1\1:("lfI·..r"..!In h:IVe I':~'n CJI eu lled l 1l" Iro"ucd by (11"on hehall n l ""1 u llhe flOlrl ies herclO.II ~h ..l1 not be I Io:~e ~~;u y rnr Cll\Sin,;AgeuI III :I>o:eTl a il1 ""h ~l ll e r or nUllhe pen nll Il({"rson s .....ltn haye (Xl·'"lr d .~lh ll C U III 1l1l 1,'l wisc i\\llCd I.- :Iullt",nlk';II<!J It..:"'lIltng h",I II,,,,:lulh..,nlY11I :ilI e)U~~U I':.s it n or lll h.:rwu.e iuu.:01 "ulhe nli.::a r.:~i J "'nting.IIr lhallhcy .rc lhoe J.tnlo:r-UOCl S IUlno.:tI Ih...relll ur t>lh.:r wi'lC I..fl'bS upon an y It:o luir<!n ll:n lSu f sueh i,u ll ulllt.'n h Ihal n~l)'h..'~:K'n IUl fur their ,-:o/"Ii,y . ....a'>li ing Abc nl is Ioo:r.'h)·."pr...~l y aU llt...r ',.:,1anJ Jircc,,'d III d,)r.:gillu a llYand a ll nU ll,.:""I ""';u ninl:'given by a ny of lhe rwl k:1 hcr.:to n r lIy ill'y lul..'r I lC ~..t1 llr ~1l "1 )".e ~ecpt.lIlg IM lly ("IfoJe ti Of [lfUO'::U o f ~n "rl.;llt.l Is herehy e ~l'fe ~,ly I Ulhnrm:tllO COI\l llIy "",ilh :intl oh~y any alloJ .ul uHku .jud.:nlC nts .....s.:c ~uf any r oun .Cl...iug A"enl "hall '"''1-.:luhle k.;Iny ur tho:p;rnIC 5 hcrclUor Iu a ny tllh...,pcr :l4:lIl lll'entily h y r,''''''''o f SIK h COt IlIIli;\I'I cc.nt .......II I1 ~I ..ndi"G ..ny .u.:11 •••I.:r.J....t g ll"'''I.1I"'lo....rL-..:: 00 s ubS('(ju e ntl)'re y cr ~u .n.>Jirl<':J .annulled .set :lsiJ.;or V:lC.l l(J. or fo u nd 10 have he ,,"enle ...:d ....1I"nlll Ju,i stliu i"n . G.If a l ;U1 )'lime a tl isl'u le shall cl i\!al In lit..:Jll lY u f a nsin g Abelll untler lhe l.:rn15 hefl:..f.lhe ri&hl "I plIssc~s illtl.litle 01'"proceeds (,f any ilem held h y O osing As e nl.lJr a£III a ny tl ~[l ul e .v is i n~ hl:1"'L-..::n lhe J'Qr 1 ~5 "'"tu ..ny IILtl h:r unJ.:r Ih i~AgrcemclIL O (l$ing Agent may dcpns il !his A "ree melll 8nJ ilems held by O l»ins.Age nl wilh Ihe O crk of the l}isinc i Coun of the Coun ly o f E:I ,Ie.SI;a le o fCtliuratJo.al1<l nl:t y inlcrple;xllhe pl,n ies herelo. Upon SO Ucpo~i li ng lhis Agl'l'el1 k:ltl a nJ il elll ~Ik:ld by C lus ing Agenl and filinl>ils UltuplaiU I ill inll·'l'lcaJcr.Onsing Agelll shall loe re l ~a.I from alil iahil ily llll.kr Ihe Ic u n ~he n:u f.If,hc Cntln ....-.:5 rwll JlfO Vi.k f"e re i'l1 hor""n ..'nI IO (,1.",int Aj;enl for "'''",,,'y,,'f,·cs .u ...l(:u,,1"'I"·U"",,·.........1t"dO<!inwrpk';to lcr a(l ion OU I '.:f1 II:Il"ellJ fu"d••t hcu l l".inll ,\,:.'ltI .II..JI II....o!" c laim cltfor..:by SoCpaD le Kboll in Ccun :lb"in)llhe pJflies. jointly 1I Ilt.1 ,;,e verally.for $:lidallom ..:ys·fees,ruSI.:111..1..:,\p...·rh..·~_ Or.if ~411y time in lhe opin ion o fCl tbing Agenl w..:h a d ,spItl': e s i ~l s .0 0 5ing Al:,o!nl may ill ils o flliun autl ""i,I...tll ]i;ot>ili l)"In ;"'1 p3tty here to or any other person Cl(e ntity,re fuse I,)per fo rm a ny Iurthcr ac ts he re undera nd refu se W de liver a ll)'doc uments IIr mnnie5 hdd hereunder unul d in:ercd III du SO 1'1)'('r J ~r IIf Com l. I..TnM I "A n o .~.If the Oosinl:,has 001 occuncd ",ilhin J(l Ja )~of us oril:inallocllaluleJ JaIr:.as SCI forth inthe C'''ltnCl.l1i.>\,ng A".:nl.;at in OflI ion a ny l ime \hereafter.may IC ml in.;I.\;!this AgrceU k:nl..Upon s....-h lC en,il"\;l.l"wt.(i)Ck>lii ng A Sen l (~u hjcCl III its 1 ~1l r il:hls SCi 1,"lh herein.lbo ve)sh all r.:tllffi It.Il d ueu noenLJ Ucpo s ited hercundce \<1 tho:parly ....hn delive red the sa m;:c ,\cep l doc llmcnlJ c xccut•-d hy 1.,lh Seller an,) l'ulchascT.which shall he markeLl cancelled and rc wineJ III the files ul Clos Ui S Ag<!n l;(ii)Clo sing Agen l.af tcr fe lmhlln <!me nt rill all Ices, cho1J ses ami c"'llI:n.s e lO Incrcfrorn 10which a o~i ng Agenl would have been "n lill.:d helc lloo..::r as i f Ihe Cl osinG haJ occurred,)!Il1 l1 return .all munic~ J e (lOS i,ed bcrcund.::r lO !he IWlY who deli"'ered tbc UlTlC:;lind (iii)Ou.in&: Agelll shall be rel i..:ved frum all funhc r lJbligluun5 and l iabllit),,:s hen:un.ler. 7 A s..\lWIi~n:,"T.No ass iGnm en t,transfer,({Hl YC )'a,;,.:or hyput hecalion of an y righl.l iLie o r in r.:re51 in and lu Ih..:s u l 'j ~,1 mallcr u f Ihis A gr~emc n l shall be b inLl inS upon C1osin,Agenl u nlc >~"lIllen nuli.:c thereof )h;ill b..:scrved upon O osing Abenland all f.:es.rum.lll<! u rmsc s incidcnllO such lI:ln sfer uf inlcrcu,.as .lcle m lirlt:tI t>y C1'>liing Af;enl,~;aliluve hc.e n p;r iJ 10Cl05inl:,A scnL II.N()l1n~~All noIius Of deliveries l'Ctjuire J IIno.:l lhis Agreen\Cn l shall re pc rsollaJty lOC:rwtl Of gi ven to)·cm ifkJ 111:11 1Ll ir..·clc.l II1 Ih<:l .:sptXlive uJ dress "f lhe p;,ny lOCI [ull h al ille cnJ \l(Ihi5 AgrO:Ole nL Any OOlites w given shall 00 tJ,.::e llJ<.::J ~rrc c lhc '"Ik:n actua ll)' n:eci vcU Of lhree wor king oJ ..ys after J e pu~i t in Ih.:Unilc....l ~l:tleS M a ~. p"s""e prep;.id."",hichever filll occw s .Any pnrl).to y M1i,"::ill given. n~y c1un ge tile atkll t:!is 10 ....hich fUl ure notic.e:s s l~.t1 he S<"1;1. 9.l'o liHTnt rAKTS.Th ilO Ag rcen J<.::1II llIay IIC ueculed in l...-n O( n ltwe cc>u nlcq>;trU.e ach of "",h ich sh :dl l-.:doen...-J hl h.'an ''t"lg''ll ]anJ all n f ""'hk-h togelher )hall ron)l ilUl e b ul llllCa nJ the \;lIlle ("I ~u'J I ull lTume nl. 10.l'IlUlet:0 1'LA.....T he IC rms 1I11d COlltJ l IIU tl ~uf tins Al:r.:enk:nl shall be cons true....inLe rprelcd ami e nfon :eLl in acwrtlance ..,tit lhe a[1floliublc b ....s of the Su-Ie of CoI.or300. I I.G tJlin u P ..OVISIO:<;'O.(I)Th i~Agreen }'''''1tlll'b.lll 'lIes Ih..:sa.: :l1..J enlire :l.G rcement belwee n the pall ielO :lnd Sll]...."etll"S ~Il)·,u1,llllI p,i'lI" or;rJ h:rfC)Cnl.i&li,,1li,promi se s.eo veTll1n ls.undehl;1I1 Jinl:or "l l'o.:r lI"Teeme nl'\,ir I ny.belween Ihe [lall ies lind their r1G ClllS11 11,1nUl'nu l b<: 11l,>J ified in an y manner Cll CC pl hya n imlTUl llC "l in ""'riling c .\ccuteJ h)'all n f Ihe (l3l1i cs hefelo , (b)No fa ilure hy any parly IO CIClC ise 3lly right 11 11~1)h:l\": slu.ll he d..."CI rx:d k ,he a wa iver o f !hat riGhl Of o f II",righl'..tI':ItI;II>J e,\.\..1 cunlflliancc ....ilh the te rms of Ihis Al:'CC l1 lC nf. (c)The r ansnrh huJinl:i u,ilircd in lI,is A~re\'n "'(ll :11"':in...1 "'Iy inlentlal \<1 inl\'rrrel o r d efine lhe lern lS lluJ cu l1 d i lion~.h UI ir,,1"3u ;,r<!llllentlctl for ll:aLl y rcferc nr;,,:pu rp m es or,]y. (tI)Alllo:rms ~J enr\llil intls o f Ihis A g r '·~t1Ie n l s l",11h:d.:em~.1 scver..h!..:.lbereful"C-,should ;my one o f mure o r lh.:sa nll.::....,,1..•••I1 ....J v.,i,1 and wK:nfln..:able .,hc re.,..."i ning pr.....isio..s s hall ha~e full f;lIo"::1 11...1 e ffCCl. (e)Th ilO Agrcemc lll .h;rJ 1 inure 10lhe ho.:ne fil o f a"J ~:r.1I he h illtl in~uJlun 811..1 Cllfura:ahle llgain Sl lh.:pan ie5 an,l lheir r o'~ro-·'ll ~~ he;".['<'!"Sollal ref'!'e scnl3-li\les.SUl:CC~SOIl nod a s si ~rt ~, (I)TIle ICrmSeller.l'>l rr;ha:.cr.ll rllLel llr C]m.i n~t\~.:lt l h"'r.:ill, ur ~II Y 1"..'It"IU llll~d in pial':Ih.:r.:uf.)h..11 indu.!..:Ih.:II".....I"...·• (emlllino:.singul..r.pl ural .imlividu.:l ls.p.1l1 nc~hil'·';or eltrpo ,,;ali..ns ..1I,'r..· ~1'1"'1t·;oI "'.:_ IN W ITNESS WI IE RE(JF Ihe u lld crsig llt'l,l h:l\'c c lCC u lc J Ih is clming al kl S ett lcmc n l Agree mentcr rt·cllve a ~of the <!all'first Wl lll ..-ri al.,\"\', .~-- -,S EI.I.ER : -~-- by : 20 Vail ,!l oad "'Il".l~" Va il ,-Co lo=do _D1 657 __ L _)_ Tl IIIUl'<:<OF. :l l1'.1>I.; ,'UI<CIIASER : 292]_Jle llflowe r .11 2 "'""'''"''~Vai l,Co lorado _B 1657 ('~';)-)I .I .: uu·".,_ I .".... CLOSING AGENT : S'l'I ~\\',\R TT I T LE OF EAGLE CO UNTYI INC .,a Colorado corpa-alio n DY:~""od y ea"pe"'l.,l'-_ MIre,,:P.O.Do,2000 .V~I .Colendo8 1658 ·Telephone:(30])!l49 -IO Il ••FINAL AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEMENT Re Commitment No.:9501152 5 STATE OF COLORADO,COUNTY OF EAGLE RE :Real property and im provement a located i n the county o f Eaqle,S ta te of Colorado,and more particularly described aa foll ows,t o witl LOT 12,Block G,Vall DaBSh one -F11109 No.2 PURCHASER 'S AFFIDAVIT : The undersigned ,PurchasSr(B)of the herein described property,to induce Stewart Title Guaranty company to lSBue Its ALTA LOAN or ALTA OWNERS Policies of Title Insurance,without including therein an exception 8S to mecha nics' liene or other statutory liens,i n connection with the property deacr i bed in .aid commitment,or any rights thereto,where no notice of auch liena o r rights appear of record,do hereby make the follow ing representations to Stewart Title Guaranty company with full knowledge and intent that sa id company shall r ely the reon: 1.That the improvement.on the real estate herein described have been f ull y completed and have been accepted by the undersigned .s completed and as eatiefactory. 2.That full purchase price has been paid by said purchaser(s)to said OWner-Seller . 3.That said premises (were)(wi ll be )occupied by said purchaser(s)o n or about 4 .That the undersigned are not aware of any bills for services,labor or materials used in connection with the construction of the improvements l ocated on said property which have not been paid . S .That the unders igned have not caused any materials to be furnished o rwork to be done on the improvements located on said property or said property itself, which cou ld give rise to a ny mechanice 'o r other statutory liens,c laims and/or li.ne for Buch material or work,a nd have not eXGcut.d any security agreements or financing statements tor materials ,appliances,fixtures or furnishings, placed upon the property hsrein described or installed in the improvements located on said property. 6 .In the light of the foregoing facts,the undersigned,in consideration of the issuance by Stewart Title Guaranty Company of a policy of Title Insurance c overing said property in th ~manner desired by the undersigned as set out above ,hereby promise ,covenant and agree to hold harm less,protect and indemnify Stewart Title Guaranty company,the Mortgagee and their successors in interest tram and aga inst those liabilities ,losses,damage,expenses and charges,including but not limited to attornies'fees and expenses of litigation by reason ot any mechanica'or other statutory liens claims and/or liens for services,labor or materials used in connection with the construction of i mprovements located on said property insofar as they p ertain to paragraphs 1 to 5 above. Dave HUb The foreqoing ..Q t"""-d.a y of CUMMINGS acknowledged,subsc ribed and sworn \~by DAVE HILBV AND GREG Witness my hand and official seal . Ky commission expires;L \2-""'-\'=.;,\"., No tary Public REAL••,OPERTYTRANSFERDECLARA'l.0N IS-DPT-AD FOR)(TDlOOO~2190 •• GENERALINHD ~TklN Purpooc :TIle ~fI"OfC"Y .,....f"0..:....111._i .......t.,.co-.,•10 -.bli......",aI.e of real pt'Optt'Iy r....p"'f'C"17 1u.purp-:a ud 10 ~l,. IJ ju.aako fo,...kll ...io *'>&1)";1.Rd"a 10 )9.I4.\CC,41.C .R .S. Ilcq'...fC_.....'All <:_\'.",.,j ~11o lAIc ,j""'''--\.U)'Ccc ...bali aod 10 lAC __,.de",...J nconJu for _OIdotiool __be ecc~""• R.al pn>pcrty lnallu ded TIoil d«io._01 be cO<llpk:<cd IllId oi,,,,,by tI:Ic InDIO'ltellu).....RllUe (buy«J.Ref....10 )9·14·102(1 )41',C.R ,S. 'cully 1M NODe ,,:•...:,,:\\1,el""''''''CUII"")'''''';Cd oell_lit i,ptue'atcd f«l"DIlO rQllio...1\.11 0111 the docl lnol;OI.I1I c clcrk and 'OCO Ncr DOlific.s Ihe COU lIl, l uc.I..".MIG will..,..nnen DOlice 10 !.b e ll ,anIu req llcll i"l ih.ll:a.d~l.nlio .be rcwl1lCd wi!h illlh il1y ct .,.•. .......ee by \he .""1Itcc 10...b ..>1 Ill"doel ,nlloa ......,.nl"ll;o I.h uouoor impoti .'1 pcuJly of 11'.00 or .25 "'(.0002.5)of lhc oalc pmc,""hidlcYcr ,t"'. n il pc ....",.......,.he i"'f'O-J rOC"....,.oubocqll cllI year IIuI Lhe 1 ""'_failllO oub.u.lllc doewuioa ...lli\u...propc l1Y il coavqcd .,ai ...A.llllllpl.J pc H It.... •rc "",food 10 llIe ~"'7 lreuu""for o;olloct ......lid ...10 39 .I4-I02(I)(bI.C.R.S. Coar.dulr.ol ily 'M);JonMI.....Iloed by IIle U ..._IO ddenm.Ui e 11<:1..1 vlJ_of l'C&l P"'P"").iach.diQI ;Cl!o l'lDll.....d cmcd r.......me I'UI P"'P"rt )'......fer declaru:;'"""ailabk 10 ....)~)...or N1 ).CU.ol...a t.up&)Cf....bj«l1O ooafodcalialily requ;",_au II prooo-;docl by I.....nu;llOU_il "'-qU •..-..d IO ..MC tbodto<:lanI iLobk-fur i~by."bu~er Of tbo tel1cf iftk.eUu filed 1lIc dod"ratio•. I .Addreu or Iqj;al dnc:riptiOG or ..ul prop.'rtJ'.f..-u me oorRlI:I IIft1el edd...,..or lc.1J de..:riptioc.or tbo real propt'I1y.Do_...awha, .oddruau or P.O.bo x aumbcn: LOT12 .Block Pc VAi l Pl 'Schone-F iliog No.2 4.What ~the cub do~ymmt:f.-er Uoc ._...of tloe.ea'"60 ....P"7-'if "7 .If il i••e..a MIc.-.«tbo IOI&l Wea ~ ,b \):)i\W,o ::>, 5 .l lid 100lli u ~priet'andud l'a trade 01"uwn ae!Irdiutc .'ktlocr ...y otI>ec"real.or pcnoclll PfQPCft,wu tnIiod or nllu.cd II pen"'"llle lr'a&M<:tioe..FM e uqolc•....t ·v...•if ....ac:_loot .....Indod ..lbc 6owo P")-or if 1110"ulc i.-c:1uodod ...._for repair ol lll"roof . V"No \,// ,.Did th t'huyrr rt'uiyr I nJ P""SOOII propertJ an the tranllctiOO !ladic.tc;r ....)pcnollAl propcny M deacribcd ia.rl .....ioclucled i"lloc IOUI :price.ll':,_'_'JiV.'<~_'_r'Ox iln&lc ....1...,II oI lIled _oftbe w e . I t JH.the approJdmale 'Value:,·.,--+1"',..,.,..,.-.,.----,..,.,..,.,..,. 7.Wen .-.iaffl'ri;bts iDcluded ill I hetU~~tn.lic_'f ..,....n _oIlIle ...Ileral ".llu ~1I......,rnd 10 \be •...wc.M;1leral ".bl i .ddi llOXl II All W«CII i...aen1I i.&Ad Illldct Ill"L-a ud al l ~y i ••","11 &tid pmileJeo. V"No !.C" 8 .WrnWllI~ri&bts ladudf'd iD the Silt!lalicAc if ..,._ril~-..=tnuietftd 10 tloc •.-..e.W.u,".M ildeli......tile ri .bllO ....tloe -...crol a -..ral_ot'__fw,....olMd dr..-.Io _ditdr.Ofuaal.fot'..dll"'tpoeeo"m .........Iliac.powet .ot'~i<:lice.W _ri.",. an:tad pn>pcny"7101d _lraaslernd KpAtUdy f....tlIc 1acd . VD No ,.It Ipplicab\r.),OU DUlJ in clude aood.....iU ror •IniQI bu'liHSS.ll'tbe oale price iaclo.odcd ....__til fOf coodwill 01..aa ·soi ".boni""••.i..ic..... tlo e awro,,;tMIe o:ouidcntK>.paid.Goad ....u il.Jc(•..l ..Ill.,be.di,Of od.........e or ".""..,...e-..bliobcd bu oi_oocupyiae Uie properI7 . GoodwiU ""I''''ICIIU tloe di !feteDCC bee _.tlo e ....~Io ....pric:c UId tlo e ....1"'"or 1lIc _..__• Appr oximate ....fue o r loOOwill!_~'c'\l"_(.('-(~_'__ 18.Was iess tblD 100..an lenosl in Ih"r ut p roprrly c OQ Yf'y td!Mut ·Vu·if 0Al)a p.n..l ioten!1\;1 loci".OOIl"'Cy ed.Marir.·~o·if thc .nntu illo .......,the beodil ol l llO S intuell i.tho rropen,. V"__No V- I I .Date o r l.'1o.Wla:EMu the date "J'O ........10 tlo.e 'r••.r.,ror lIl e Pf'OPC n,.....e.....lcud . ob I 3:7 I <15",•DlOOlh da y Jeat' IF TilE PROPERTYIS rlN~CEn.I'LYASE COMrL t:n:111-115 11.W as tbf'loaD._V or _uwd !bod icalc ;ftll.e ...........ned.""..."-'01'....-...1 _.,lIiot.illlIoaaOOl the pr'OPIln y. IJ .Wbll was Iblt IDlrreM ral e oa Ih"I"an!I'.at""1110.,~'IC'iatetell nil:10 be applioJ 10 111..."""'..-...d i.lIle 6111lllCiac ..rwtneOl. ::::-_.,.-'<L .. 14 .Whll WIS the tenn or the lou!Enter tAe .......o h,""'....&I .,;U upire before Ill.,k>u il M I7 ptid ..-..d ia \be 6 .....,...._._. (I07..........20 y"""ra .nc.)k 7"an 15 .W"re any point!paid!f..,1be 1"'1pU....of Illil doc ",,,,,,III••poi..,,"tkfi DCd II .f"",,,~c be l'lC C«Ilal l"Oll(:pcn:cllI o f the pri oc:ip.l lUrlOIIo l 0 1 the IoIU1 wto ..,b i .,'..lI c ~1 ,'"I>y the k "cr.1 !he lilll<:Ih,'.......,,_Ie.If ."1 f''''n11 _re pa id ill ......nn lt llo il ......i..J icalc h".......)wen:raid •..J if 0,,:1""'111 were p"i<!b)'tho ....y OT...ue r.o r bot.b. V"__No .....-- It )'fS.how m.any1 and b y whom!:-:,-iV.:...~(~."t-..'-:.....,....,....,. I ,.I~tllo 607 •.-II.aod 7eM.ODd 1oaYc=.lcuI..-or Iloepaftia .;••tlIc 0o.:Io-...n.;1Ifl tbc:peni_icktIIiftcati...or cacla. 51...,.11m ~..,of ')J"--.•<\s='' (GrlDt Gr)«;ra.nl H:=td.:V---'L1:t~~-=-:::.._--------- Dave tJfil b (GrantorHGnatee)1'[,"'_:(.:1'.,:;:;••,.-x:=-.. Greg Cunninqlll •WARRANrY DEED • THIS DEED,Made this ':t:\~day of June,1995,between SONNENALP PROP ERTIES,INC .a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Colorado,grantor,and DAVE HILS AND GREG CUMMINGS Whose legal address is 2923 BELLFLOWER,#2,VAIL ,COLORADO 8 1657 of the County of Eagle and State of Colorado,grantee : WITNESSETH,That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DO LLAR S AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,the receipt and sUfficiency of Which i s hereby acknowledged,has granted, bargained,sold and conveyed,and by these presents does grant, barga in,sell,convey and confirm,unto the grantee,h is heirs and assigns forever,all the rea l property together with i mprovements,if any s ituate,lying and being in the County of Eagle and State of colorado described as follows: TOGETHER with all and singUlar the h ereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging,or in anywise appertaining ,and the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders,rents ,issues and profits thereof,and all the estate,right,title,interest,claim a nd demand whatsoever of the grantor,either in law or equity,of in and to the above bargained premises ,with the he reditaments and appurte nances. Lot 1 2 Block G , VAIL OASSCHONE,FILING NO .2 according to the recorded plat thereof as Rec eption xe,110984 . . )I ::' \1\'.. as known 8165 7 by street and numbe r as:2468 GARMISH DRIVE VAIL ,CO TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises a bove bargai ned a nd described, with the appurtenances,unto the grantee ,his heirs and ass igns forever.And the gra ntor,f or itself ,and its successors,do es covenant ,gra nt,bargai n,a nd agree t o a nd with t he grantee ,his h e irsa nd assigns,t hat a t t he time o f the e nseali ng a nd delive ry of t hese presents ,he is we ll s e izedo ft he premises a bove c o nveyed,has good,sure,pe rfect,abso l ut e a nd indefeasible estate of inheritance ,in law,in fee simple,andh asg ood right,f ull p ower a nd lawful a uth ority to gra nt,bargain ,sell a nd convey t he same in manner and f orm as aforesaid,and t hat the same are fr ee and clear from all former and other ~rants,bargains ,sales ,liens,taxes, assessments,encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind o r nature soever,except Those matters set forth in Ex hibit "A"attached hereto a nd made a part hereof. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises i n the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee,his heirs and assigns ,against all and every person or persons laWfully claiming the whole or any part thereof.The singUlar number shall include the plural,the plural the singular, and t he use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders . IN WITNESSWHEREOF,The grantor has caused its corporate name to be h ereunto s ubscribed by its President,and its corporate seal to b e hereunto affixed . Sonnenalp Properties,Inc .,a Colorado carparaiton By ~J:g . Joh~nncs Faessler,P resident, • State of C~"..'d ""--"'-.: county of ) )55. ) • The forego ing in strument was acknowledged before me this~~aay of J u ne ,199 5,by Johannes Faessler as President of Sonnenalp Properties,Inc .,a Colorado Corporation . My commission expires C :;\l_\_~~\.'-'2.'-\. official seal. 19 S'\..,Witness my hand and Notary PUblic l•...'.. -.I ,:.,.., .. ... r:XHIBIT A •• Attached to and made a p art of Warranty Deed fro:~~~~~:.~ PROPERTIES,INC ..A COLORADO CORPORATION Gran~.).=:0 lam AND GREG CUMMINGS.Grantee(s).-- Taxes for the year 1 995,not y et a :lien due and payable.· Reservat ions and exceptions i n Patent s,o r Acts authorizing the issuanc e thereo f,i nclUdingt he r es erVati on a f t he r ight of proprietor o f a v ein or lode to extract and remO Ve h is ore there froms houldt he same be found to penetrate or i ntersect the premises as reserved i nUnited States Patent recorded August 11,1900 i n Book 4 8 at Page 236 . An und ivided 1/2 i nterest in and to the oil ,gas and mineral rights there in,as reserved in deed from Peter E .Katsos and Cather ine Katscs to Gust Kiahtipes and Nick Kiaht ipes,recorded January 2,1960 i nBook 165 at Page 133. Restrictions,which do no t contain a forf eiture or reverter clause ,as contained in the instrument recorded Oetober 10 ,1969 in Book 216 a t Page 153,October 28,1969 in Boo k2 16 at page 284 and February 16,1970 in Book 2 17 at page 77 as Reception No .112634. Easements and restrictions as shown on the plat of Vail Das Schone-Filing NO.2,rec orded in Book 215 at Page 482 as Reception No .110984. •QUIT CLAIM DEED • ~o Doc Fee THI S DEED,Made th is ~~d ay of June,1 995,between FAESSLER GMBH OFTERSCHWAN NG,A GENERAL PARTN ERSHIP of the Coun ty o f (~~\~and state of C.-.\t1 l(:\.(XJ ,grantor I and SONNENALP PROPERTIES,I NC .,A COLORADO CORPORA TIONwhosel egal a ddress is 2 0 VAIL ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 8 1657 of the County o fEa gle and State of COLORADO ,grantee: WITNESSETH ,Th at the g rantor f or a nd in c ons ideration of t he sum of TEN DO LLARS AN D OTHER GOOD AND VALUAB LE CONSIDERA TION t he receipt and SUff icien cy of which is h ereby acknowle dged,has remised,rel eased ,sold ,conveyed and QUITCLA IMED ,a nd b y thes e presents does remise,release,sell,conv ey a nd QU IT CLAIM u nto the grantee,his heirs ,successors and a s sig ns,f o rever ,a ll the r ight,title,i nteres t,cla ima ndd emand whi ch t he g rant or has in and to the real property,togeth erwi th im pr ovements,i f any situate,ly ing and be ing in the Cou nty of Eag lea nd state of Colorado described a s follow s: Lot 1 2 Block G , VAIL DAS SCHON E,FILING NO.2 according to the recorded plat thereof as Recept ion No.110984. as known by street and n u mber as:2 468 GARMISH DRI VE VAIL,CO 816 57 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same,together with a ll a nd singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging o r i n anywise thereunto appertaining,and all the estate,right, title,interest and claim Whatsoever,of the grantor,either in law or equity,to the only proper use,benefit and behoof of the grantee,his heirs and assigns forever.The singular number shall include the plural,the plural the singular,and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the grantor has e xecuted th is deed on the date set forth above. FAESSLER GMBH OFTERSCHWAN NG,A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP 1~ Karlheinz Faessler State of ~ County of _==;c=_ ) )55. ) .1 Th ef oreg oing i nst rument was acknowledgedb ef ore me this ~d a o f J ne ,1995,by J .,(~..?J!a-t.tet..{"ltA/as General Partners f Fa essler GMBH Ofter chwang,aGerner al P artne rship. My c o mm ission exp ires off icial seal. ,.,.... ~/5 ,19'1 ;-,witness my hand a nd ••TO BE FILLED IN PERSONALLY BY SELLER OR BORROWER INIUSOWN HANDWRITING INDEMNITYANDAFFIDAYITAS TODEBT S,L IENS,AND PO SSESSION USE SE PARATE FORM FOR EAC HPARTY GF#9 5 011 525 SUBJECTP ROPERTY;LO T12 ,Bl ock G,Vail Das Sc ho ne -Fil ing No .2 CO lorado Eagl e STATE OF :;:-_--"'''"''''''''=_ roU~OF _~~~_ Bdote mc ,the under signed .u tho ril ~e n Ihis lito)'p cr~n al l 1l1flpeared SONN EN~L P PROPERTIES ,I NC .!A COLORADO CORPORA TION Co.tnl:lor (i f new con ltruclioll) pononalJy luIo wn t o m e to be th e penon w hose nlm.::is sub scribed he reto IU\d u pon h iaol .h dcpolloC.an d Illy l that no p roteedingl in banktu plcy or I'«oive nhip have been in ~itll l cd by or against him I.lld that t he lTUllt ialltatUI o f amant haa not changed slnee tho dayo f acquilition of ia id property IlfId rep resents to the p urehuer and/or l...e.lldcr in th is lc &n5aCt ion that to my knowledg e lhuc uo: I .No W1paid d tbU for p lumbinS fiuura ,waler hcalcn ,floo r rllm~.l ir co ftdilionetl,r adio or tdevisioo IUJlenl\AC .carpaing,rurl , lawallpr iMJing system.,venetian blindli.win o.1ow sbade.,dr apatea,elocuie II{'Plianc:c.(iMUlI .W OC(p.ving .or IIppliance ,feneu,o r an y personal property or fiuuru W I I.N:localcd o n lh e .ubject property dGleribcld above ,an d lhaI DO sucll items have been pu rchued on timc paym cnt eoet recta,and Ihc:re ar c no ,"urity ;nlcrut o n .uch property ,"ured by fi nlUlcing l uumcnl,lC(:ur iry agreement o r (l(he rw i ~ except the follOWing : ~und PMn)'ApproUmite Am0u.01 2.No loans or tit'lll~(includi n g:Fedcral o r Sw.c Liell5 an d J udgement Lic n.)ud no un paid go vcrnmental o r auociaJ.ion tuCJI o r b5CIsmcnl5 o f &IIy kiDd o n .uc b p«rpcrty nctpt the fol!owinll: Cr t'dit or Appro mn.te Amount J .AU Jabot aDd ItU!a'W used ill tb.;W QliI.(IlQWD o f imp rovClIlCAla OD tb e abo vc tkacribcd pr operty ha ve bccII paid for and lhcre ar c IKl W no unpaid Iallot'or material c l.iml'llIinsa tbe irnpn;noemcZlU or th e property 1I poa wh icb _are .itualcd ,and I bcreby d ccluc 1hat al l ,"m. or m OIle)'due Ice t be erectiono f imp rovemcnu btvc boca (ully pa ~and lWi.rlCld. 4 .No p .rliCi in po _ion a lb a't ban .ffi ll'lt Cl ccpt u fo llowa :_ (It N ONE write NO NE on blank line) '5.To be 6Utd is il.SIo'e·'T1Ic Se ller i&nol .DOD-raKkIll a1ic:ft .forcip corporation .foreign partacBhip.fo reign uu_.roreign C$l.&tc or o ther fo reign cn lil)'(u d crlllcd in tbe IDtcnw Reven ue Cod e IlId Inc ome Tu Rcgulatio nl).Scllcc '.U .S employcr idcn lir.cltion Dumber (or IOCw leCoril)'num ber)i&:84-0892418 .Se ller '.add_(o ffkc:addrCII,i f Klllll r i.an Ullil),; bOll'Mladdrcaa irtclle rlsan indi vidual )i.:20 Vai l Road Vail ,Colorado 8165 7 Tbi ••tfida vit lIIlIy be.d i.c1oKd to th e Internal Revenue:Sct'\lM:c and is (u miabed 10 BuyCf 10 infn rm Buyer that w ithholding o f tax is noe required un der Sectio n 1445 o rthe 'ntutl&!Reven ue Code . INDfMN'rrY:IAGll f.f!TO PAY ON Dt-:MANU TO STEWART TTn.E GU AIIA.NTY COWPANY,mElt.SI ICCESSOIIS AND ASSIGNs .AlJ..AMOl1mS SECURfD BY ANY Al"D All.UEN S NOT SHOWN AI:IOVE TOUt-THEa wrra AU.COSTS,LOSSAND ...TIeRNEY'S PUS mAT SAID PARnES MAY 1N(''1JR IN CON Na'J'1ON YIt1li SIICH tr NMI!NT10NW U BrlS .PIIOVlOED SAID Lll::J'J S 1!I"l1If.RClI nENTLY Al'PLYTO MJOI PJ.OPl'JI TY,0 11 A PAIIT THL III:Of . 0 11 Alii !SU IlS I~J l ffll.Y ,·.-;r"'IIIJSHI !l1 At iAlNST SAm PIIOPDlTY AND ...IIE ClEATED IIY ME.KNOWN BY WE.O R HAVE!AN INCEYI1O:'l 0 ...rn ""QII TO nn!CONSrn.o.tA"I1ONOF TH lS TRAN SAnlOl';. I realize that the p urcbuc:lr IlId /o r Lend er in thi s trullldion IlrC rel ying on the rcp rncnl¥iona conu.ined.herein ill p urc huin.lime ...r lend inS m ~"C Jll ll ••_n and wou ld not p urch MC same o r lend mon cy therco ll unl e..lIid rc:p rcacnlalionl weee m lde .If S dler o r Borr oW<:r i .&II en .hi .ulh.9l:ity 10 sign o n it.heMIC. By: Pres id ann es nt rasssler, ("... ...Now}'PuN ic ~&II d for.n .\ ,,'.'el'lrA."""""",:,,~-C-".L)--;---- 'NOTE:Th i.Corm q be rllled Ua ..14 ';gncd by lel ia in cue o r .&10.If no ....0.it is to blliUcd ia and .i,nod by th o owne r-borrower . It th ere i .Illy new c:onlUucl ioo,lhe co nlracto r mu "iJ ';;:Joln in th i.form or r.1I ·~~.ign ..acparllC 000. -Ir Idler is ..llOQ'fClidcnl a1iea .foreign CO rponlioli.CllC .,·Call your manAlCI"or H oustoll Lcp 1)opuuMal. NOTE TO BUYER:Buyer 1Il~relAUi un til end of fifth w.abto yOlZ rou~tuablo you o t tnnat.1lDCI 1IHIIl rll.with 1bc leltenlal. Rcvcauc Sctvic:c it RCj uircd by re g:uUlioa or Ol~_ ••INFORMA1"10;'\/FOR R EAL ESTATE 1099-5 REPORT FILING as R~uired by the Internal Revenue Se rvjce SOL ICITA TION Section 6045 o f lhe Internal Revenue C ode,II .mcnJctl by t he T ax Reform Act or 1986 ,l"C'juin:s ID e repo nin g o f ce rtain in fonnation I II lhc IRS on real esta te l.nnu cLiu n•.The in fo nnation may al.lo be aenllO o ther third p arties .You are required b ylaw to prov ide !.he JeUle mcnt .gc:nL with your co rrect ....Il~y c r tdenl iftc.tion numbe r .If you do not pro vide the seujemeru ag ent with your correct ta x ~yc r idc ntilicalion n umber ,)'flU may be.subject to civil o r c ri m ina l pena lties imposed by law . File Num bet:"..._--:""""-'-'''-'':--_-:--,-,-:-_ Tupoll ycr 10 Type: INDIV IDUAL /BUSINESS SELLE R NAME:TAXPA YER III NUM8EK Name Line I :SONNENALP P ROPERT IES ,I NC.,ACOLORADO CORPORATIONB4 -089 241B Name lillC 2 :_ N.me Line l :_ ""Ime line 4 :_ MAILING ADDRESS Street:20 Vail Road ColoradoS...,,_===_VailCily:__..:.=0.:.-_ ZipCode :_ TRANSACTION I NH)RMAll()N cOliog Dale (MMDDYY):COAlnCl Sale.Pr ice:110 ,000 .00 Dccr iplioD or Prorcny :LOT 1 2,Block C ,Vail Da.Schone -Filing No .2 1:ktMl .........or "'"r......._Iopl. H u the sdler received (orwil l receive ]property (olhcr than cuh and consideration truled u cuh )o r se rv teet III part of the co nsideration Cor this tra n saction?AnsMr Y for YES:N Cor NO: I Cmullipk selle n ·ReqUCII is heRby ma de Ihal yo u allocali:Ihe sales price among Ihc selle n a .(oUowa: CER TIFICATION Under pcn akica of pe rjury,I ce rtify that !he number s hown o n !his fonn is my ecrrect Tax~yer IdentifICation Number.I Wo certify thai the o ther inronnatw,n shown here in is M rrc:d .I acknowledge receipt o fa copy o f thit fonn . DATE'_ Byl a ann'-FaesBler,Pres ident SElTLEMENT AGENT I NFORMATION SleWart T itle o f Eagle County,Inc . P .O .Bolli 2 000 Vail .C O .8 1658 Tu~y er 10 Number.84-IOSOO I2 S UBST ITIJTE FO RM 1099 Th it i.importanl tall inro nnation and is bein,furn ished to the Int ernal Revenue Service.If you .~required to file a return,I negligence pena lty o r Oltlcr sa nction will be imposed on yo u i fthi.ite m is required to be reported and !he IRS dcll::nnincl tha i it hal noI bee n reported . ! ••••IOlignReviewActionFA TOWN OF VA IL G Date 5/~3/cr6 g'Ll,!CClfV,i'VIl;'g 5 ,,0/5 flp £I /-(,[~I'CV'"W>/;''lP,ft"Mqr/~dol-R.R5r E ,va.-C r-e V r-e.uv 0 F Ale LV Pis ropS .. ..•. J '~' Category Numb er ProjectName:--L-'7-=;''--L-:;,-:::;='''''''.:c..:.cCo;J-=----'-'-"'''-----'-=-=<..L-----,--------=-_ Build ing Name: Project Descriptlon :_---..!~~=-""'--'-----'::O">:::-'-"'''-''''''--£::::.=-~'-lL:<...I.'''=''''--'-I-'-='--Lr:::.....;''--<- /I:cl"1./7G'-S;;;S-'! 8[16'57 Owne r,Addre ss andPhone:Gf"'..P8 G,...,vJ1 r~.9s y--tJg cJ..e.. ';1.IO q,A-C~I'lA<P/<.u·X La n-e ,VQI '(Co Arc hitect/Co ntact,Address andPhone :~c....~A-1.o r.f-,;, Legal Descriptio n:Lot I':::>'Blo ck G Subd ivis ion f1,;(11",,,,c;clc.o-Q .IE;;?ZoneDistrict A 5 Project St reet Ad dress:2-5 3'$'~r~r~t,.tJ['(U.'€ Comme nts:~141 -I4-€GvP~(iJ~ljiA 0i IYF S/ZqC 'Ii~Me Motion by: Seconded by: D Approval D D i ~p rov a l ~aff Appro val Co nditions:.tl~~:..Jd~~~1__:J':Q.::q.,!L...2l;f!l1h-.,~~~Lb.U.t9_.(iS.::fl!~~~'!I2j~ Tck P la nner ;;,fe. D ate:5 ~;3 Cf£ ~I 11-~DR B Fee Pre -paid ~OO 1 ..... ... \ \ '.5/;/C1 6 !2 RG>M +8 ,'~t .\:)/'t~, \}Li O tV 5 ~~;;j (;(!;4(a -h~c &~iI,<)f-eJ),,fw l-r",J ..-c -e t.>J '_0.+L.,=F ",..;-fr y tl-do ~cv.NI'5 l;"sIe~ ~('c-s f'I..c:d:.+j C""UX;;..)o4l/hQt-l-.~.J".p.C.o.P .....x.c4 IIJ ~CuM"V//~Q 5"-Ccp ~~a (I'''Vy{~ c?e;-p-e.w ~1I.1 ·IVQ.V;y 5"-€QP-<d qry -~e.1!)tR-6 c:I~s ~~4ifk ~~ of";,,,~~t-Q ;oJ.f~>~~1::Jy fJ~~6 '~.Q'oR~L.::e•....dJ ~cy;,,~-fo .-f Gc»c)~~lJ tt. (5;)(:--1-1.12.-io kRJ"A "K..f....v-<L~-eG:1~.s Ct"....oI..<t.s/'~J4I S :<-3:t:::~'B ............~y.--=r~~~ ,lo Ge ~ -w ~~""s 'bvrqa-Jy~'r"'~~ ~~~c~r '1 Lot:r _S -/c.:>c cC/--fer.tV -M o.fcf,...v(CCQ.""'S" ~~C I ~-dq,{l (,hro w .c.J d:: wa;x;p o{-C9;{k,QS£sfcr/J,/c;;s.~cl-.e.->;~ f'c9 f!:)+--f"'~s~y 1'.-VJ -eO?~~ U£I/IIA ~-~c...~-e oPo",,~-..f1ap b:.>oP/-w/C(t;qC( q s k ~Co.f CPN c:6('-"M.t'-'> ~IJ.+f\4l.~..fo (=ffP(lV~Cc9A.Jc.epf-'h.. C1:.-o:-fho<f\;z:..e Sr~?P •.. Design Review Action Fo rm TOWN OF VAIL • Owner,A ddress and Phone :G-reoj'C'''1d'''''(~8'S .;-f2gU£!(,'{h L(Y(;-"301Sl( ':J,I Ocr d C {.",,,""N If X Lq"u-<c VGlr'C Co !?/£S 7 Arc hite cV00nta<;t,Add ress and Phone :,""j--o l..M flA g v±/; ,~.J.'f 'It LEi gal Dascript ion:Lot 1;;<Block G Subdivision \..((nC!o;Scl""jV€.;;. Project Straat Address :2?"3 3 Z3'(;c,CM;.5?';J,.I:'"'R Zone District els ORB Fee pre.PaJd _iff-_-'--'''----_s 1 /Iq ~7 7Date:-~'-f--'--f-L"'-------- Comme nts:_-=--:-_-:-,------;-----,~--____;_----- TO.£~Plann er .I 'hb l .o-,~.0-,1 :.,, .In ~l.f) ~. ~-:r ~I.l\ N' .::» ~, J-. \\- LI1. ~II , '"ZJ -, W -•~)',()J l-ri ~<0 ><~.Ng-[) i.J1 \1 - l> o ~ I--~" 0 tn ~-•'", N .19-,b l .o-,~,0-,1 •ZONE CHEC K ,f OR S ingle Family Res idence .Dup lex , ZONE DISTRIC TS • Pr imar y/Se condary Al lowed ~~'i 5 d.f;SS r 1~,C>51+/;;?,OS,v. r • 5 ' 3 Q.51 "1 ' ---.::L- ....I!!!!IlI;ro'lJIMQ)~__ 'B'%propo sed Slope 20 ' 1 5 ' 1 5' 3 '/6 ' ..2-Re q rd p ermittedS l ope I ~c>=~¥$7 "'I,I Y't, Fro nt S ides Rea r 3,77 5 t sSO -.:l.b ~5 ~,~6 +4 25 =~,6 &f D /,510 +4 25 -1''1 3 5 ;-I Drive: Car age Cred it Re ta ini ng Wall Hei gh ts pa rk ing .»: Site Cov erage ':3~(F? ~""',e.Landsca pi ng ~ Prima ry GR fA Secondary GRFA Setbacks He ight Total GRfA Complies with T .O.V.Lighting Ordinance .,_Yes NO Do Finish Grades Exceed 2 :1 (SO%) Water Course Se tback Envi ronmental/Hazards: (30)(50) 1)Fl ood Plai n YES NO 6""""""",n ,.n 5 '''"'"".......2)Perce nt Slope «~~,__~~~~,~~~___ NO No ,/' 4)Wet lands__...L~~__7"_ yes,_ 3)Geologic Haza rds a)Snow Ava lanche&-_2~~.,---=---:, b)Rockfall ~Bi«~ c )Oeb ris Flow,' View Cor ridor Enc roachment: D06S this request,.i.nvulv8 c1 250 hauit.i ou?IJ O ,JJ /..4 How mu ch o f t he a llowed 25 0 Addi t i on is u sed with t his r eques t?~ Prev ious conditions o f approval (check proper ty file):~C'JI ~ •• '----- GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEI MER / Rclumto .".J 1M.CURNUTTE Town Planne r INTER·DEPARTMENTALREVIEW PROJECT :'Lb C"'/VlWJ ;"S ";t..V f'1";",",,"'y t:'Cu.d'f.I1',/a,$'')!=',(~ DATE SUBM ITIED:l DATE0 PUIJ LlC HEARING .,0 s/g-,COMMENTS NEEDEDBY :-"-1---=_ BRIEFDESCRIPTION OFTHEPROPOSAL: ('tE e /fpl'(ic..-RJ<'6.<.:-t-c·f r ",V'V4 ",~,...c -e 5 -10 r ",-f ~t"',,",'-/~+c'-<2. -F t"cS>t-'-f s';'-=;.iA ~'it"d ,l Q,>(l...-{e :1-c ~-f i ,,:::5 f'",,'/)f~lI'ft ,""J ,,/JCi c.t:!:- ,~t=F S;-f-ot>- Engin(!cring : Reviewed by:~__Date:_ Comments: Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date:_ Comme nts : Comments : Fi re Dept.:I Reviewedby:Aio NI '0 Dale:5 ( Dbr ck-Q "'--5> Distributedtothe Fire Department,Public Works,andLandscaping on_:Lt~~• •>,..'..... l..-•.------- TO:MIKE McG EE (jREG HAL L)TODD OPPENHEIMER R eturnto .'.JIM CURNUTTE Town Planne r INTER-DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW PROJECT:;[1 (",I"'WI;'"$"':w fl'!;"'AII''y ~f:t:c-4 ,tn'Y fi:,>/).",,~ DATESUBM ITIED:,DATE0 PUBLIC HEARING 0 COMMENTS NEEDEDBY:__.s/s:_ BRIEFDESCRIPTIONOF THEPROPOSAL:.-• ('lEe -1 pr l ic:..-R.f('f!ut:<c+r..r Vq ,·I"....C.;<S -10 !,v -t ~r:~'-IIU 1-(~ -Fv"S>rl £~.LA l rr-d.lw cw.-{t::::T-c,(--r'1.f;:S r l::''O p<Z!v'it /'PJ '~lJ'f c (:-~ ,r;,r-:i==s ;-(--e , Enginee ring: Rev iewed by:J Ol'L tJ\d ('r'\{"G1., Comm cnLs : Date:reo e..c.J c '"').<l '\UI (e.II::......e:\.)(,,\"50 .,\",)(~\~-e.-s ,C \'\~.(,,£.~Oat~ ?...b-J.(.u$'-..t.~\'-lo--Q\l{X"t 1 ll \"~...elC i.(.\l"'\\£',\:'-\0'Jl,Add.""e 0..0::0 (:,)u-ct.p ,~'t;$\'C.....t\0\ ttIe p Ion H",n::x.'.t ~t'I Qn ) ~....,;~nt:oo a:..'f....""...:..d 5 \'\.\0;1.\........-ve -\~. ~OI ""G ~'t.~'1(£\0 \0<.\<....tG.;:.O ~t ·\. Landscaplnq; Reviewed b y:Dale:_ C omrncnt c: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by:Dote:_ comments: Distributedto the FireDepartment,PublicWorks.and LnndSC3ping on_..L/-=-l-. •• TO:MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn to .JIM CURN1TITE Town Plnnn cr l)c:U",q :,JC ,t' y,- INTER -DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW PROJI'C T:f(;{..h ICr./l~,,,v \J F,·S :.:;;/(:-'0~I V DATE SUBMITIED::'!'\?'DATE OFPUBLICHEARING _:..I.'+--'-'--_--'-_ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:+_.....:..._ Engineering: Comm onls: Landscaping: Revi ewed by :Da le:_ Comm en ts : Fi re D ept.: Reviewedby:Dale :_ Commen ts: Distributed 10 the Fire Department,PublicWorks,and Landscap ing on --j •.~av~~-\'0 \ (~AP R4 1996 -f (\).~D Av e-~'I \\:, 6-TOV-e M.DEV.DEPT.r e), u 'V\M '~.s APR -D2-1996 08 :36 \..tID ~H I TE CTS P .C.30 3 949 5 200 P .01 2 0 314 2 ;~.__. ;N."me I Ct'I.a t...'t'1 :loi""''''''='''''''"'''''''e.".!'.".T.:lr<:;~-e-;j )"'S::;l=.....7Z-<>"'·"<:0<;;:.".-------,, :h....=·ir:::N:-:""'·r-;;,,";'.7 T.(,:i,C':.1o -Ind ..oc (;lI y,StalL'&tij"l (;nr.",, JO HN G MA RTI N :SHO 10 1 '·...._2 0 r.t,.;t..f3El=: 'r---" ::-:";c...~'fJ""'('<!.'~0 ...·11.1:DO'·~··~"'::,~' I ;»<>:.-'i<';:'7'f ~':~Jr~->-,-;:;;;""'==--- ,_._., NUMBEI=l JOHN G MARTI N PO BOX 29 79 AVON CO 81 620 LICENSE D BRUCE M.·DO UGLAS A I N '{/vi ""1':.'''.:l ~~";a-'ly Af){)RlS S fJf N Af,AE-G IVV J('.c j, I ..P M:'IS "I1Xi>'I w..."~I C:"1Ill L!U(lW 1$Y(I(JA lo'AL L ~"'&)'~r;:w.r.;,,,.:.."------ Po--• r;;r.t'~~'~I ~ ,'!',,:;1.".:(:"P;;Gi Si'f='\f\TlONS 0 7 /3 1 /9 5 II[X"ReS I S TATEO F C OLORA DO OCPAA1M E.NT OF R E G U L ATO ~,(A G L ~,y :!E S OF A RCiR'f'~!?.rS OF REG IS TR ATION S "\\...,...... BD OF EXAMI NERS LICE NS ED ARCH ITEC T 203142 (2/29/9 4 M JM9ER I$SLJ FD JOHN G MAR TIN PO BOX 2 979 IIVON CO 81620 I TOTAL P .01 •••.,,, I,, I,, I I, I I ,f,, I I ),, ,...-, ;,, ~-,--/--~~,\,, r,,,,,, r ~1/i ~! f /~~/~ - , (';-.,,I 1/I 'I I/.'Imn,11 111 I II :ll.1 11 1 i~,,,, ."',~~.cq~, f ,... ~t ~,,,1'-I, I,, I,/I I,, r,,, t,,,,,, I I II, I,, t, I "'''I ,I I ..."NO, !!:t t ~+~I, •Nichola s Lampiris,Ph .D. CONSULTING GEOlOGIST P.O .BQX 2 SILT,COlORADO 81652 13031876-5400 (2"HOU RS) Marc h 2 7.1996 Dave Hil b/Gre g Cummings 4 040 A,N.F rontage Rd.E . Vail CO8 1657 RE ILot 1 2,Fili ng 2 ,Va l de Sc hoen Dear Sir51 • Ah ome 1e to be built on t he above re ferenced property.The two car garage will co v er the enti re uphill fa cing p ortion of the hom e.Tha home will b e in the Medium Hazard Rockfall Zone mapped b y me in 1984 for the Town of Vai l. The topograph y above thi s lot 15 somewhat fa vorable i n that there is a gulley to th e west which will t endt o kee p roc ks (and debris)t o that side,above the lot i5 a n area o f eKeavaticn which also will slow roc ks .The o ut cropp attern hiQh on the mountain aide 16 very t hin and discontinuous,60 that frequenc y of falls will be q uite l ow.All con~ider8 d,includino the ~arage,it is p r ob ab ly not feasi ble to m i t i g ~t e a t t his site. The h ome wil ln ot i n crease rockf all ha zard to oth er proper t ies or struct urea or t o p ubli c b ui ld in0 5,rig hts-of -way,road s,streets, ea sements ,ut ilities,or faci l it ies of any ki n d.I f t here are oth er q ues ti on s p l e85e contact me . Sincere ly, ~7V(-/~- Nicholas L~rnplr1. Consulting GQoloOlst DATE RECEI VED : DATE OF DRB ME ETING: ·f P"•• ..•DBSIGN REVIEW BOARD •1~/I ~IT:Wlm]~~ APPLICATION •TOWN OF VA IL.J~LO ~2 5 1996 ~ 4 -3-9 6 [fN ~Ev .DtP '[ **•••*.*.* INCOMPLBXB APPLICATIONS HAY NOT B E SCH/WULlID FOR REVIEW• •••••••••• I •PROJECT I NFO RMAT I ON: A .DESCRIPTI ON :Propos ed P r imar y/S econ da ry , Lot 12 Bloc kG F i ling 2Va i lDa s Sc hone S Ubdi v i si o n Lo c at ed at 2338 Gar mis h Dr iv e Va i l,Colo rado 8 1557 2 ,25 4 s 9 .f t.Prima ry Unit with 469 5 9 .f t .g a ra g e 1 ,9325 9 .ft .Secon da ry Un it wit h 4 69 5 9 .f t.g ar ag e . B .TYPE OF REVIEW : __X__Ne w Con s t ru ct i o n ($2 00.00)Mi n or Alterati on ($2 0.0 0) ____Add iti o n ($50 .00)Conc e ptual Review ($0 ) C.ADDR ES S:2338 Ga r mishDri ve Va i l,Co lor ado 81 6 57 D .LEGAL DESCR IPTION:Lot 1 2 Bl ock Subd i v is ion Va il Da s S c h~o~n~e~~F~i~l'i ng 2 G If p rope rty is d e s cri bed by a meet s and b ounds legal d esc ript ion ,plea se provide on a separat e s heet and a ttach to this a pp lica tion . E .ZONING:P rim ar y/S e c ond a r y C umrnin as a nd Da ye Hi lb Ch llmQ n i x La ne Ph on e 4 76 3254 NAME OFAPPLI CANT :."."G"'r"'e"'o--".li2!J.uu..ll.>l"'-......J.L=""...Ll........"-__ Mai l ing Addr e ss:2 109 A Vu il ,Col o ra do 8 1 657 F. G.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRE SENTATIVE:Gr eg Cummi n gs a n d Da veHi lb Mailinq Addr es s:2 10 9 AChamon ix La ne Vail ,Co lo rad Q 81657 Ph one 4 76-3 251 H .NAME OF OWNER {S}:Gee Cummin s a n d Dave Hil b 476-3254 Cha mo n ixLane Phone __=="-'-'''-''-_ Ofil'lXR (S)SIGNATURE: Mai1 Lnq Addr es s:..,-;2"1"0"9,,A"-O====""c"'="---_=,....=,,,-,,.-_ Va il ,Co lo r ado 8165 7 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S S IGNA'I'IlRB I .Co ndomin ium App r o val i f a pp lic ab le. J .DRB F EE:DRB f ees ,a s s hown a b o ve ,are to be paid at the t ime of s ubmit t al of t he ORB appl icat ion.La te r,wh en app lyi ng for a bu il d ing permi t.pl ease i de nt ify t he accura te v alu ati on o f the p rop os al.The Town o f v a i l wi ll ad j ust t he f ee acco rding t o t he t abl e be low ,t o ensure t hec orrect f ee i sp a id . FBBPAI D;•2 00 .00 CHECK #;DAT B:BY; FEESCHEpULE ; VALUATION $0 $1 0.00 0 $1 0.00 1 $50.0 00 $5 0.00 1 $15 0 .000 $150.001 $500 .000 $5 00.00 1 $1.000 .00 0 $OV er $1 .0 00 .0 00 FEE $2 0.00 $5 0 .00 $1 00.00 $2 0 0.0 0 $400 .00 $500 .00 DBSIGN RBVISH BOARD APPROVAL BXPIRBS APPROVAL UNLBSS A BUI LD ING PERMIT I S IS STARTED. ONB YEAR APTBR FINAL I SSUBD AND CON STRUCTI ON 1 / •LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OFPRO JECT:Cumrn in gs/Hilb Pr imary/Se c onda ry LEGAL DESC RIPTION;L OT~BL OCK __G__SUB DI VISIONVail nas Sc h one S TREET ADD RES S:2338 Ga rmish Dri ve Vai l ,Colorado 8 1657 The fo l lowing i nformati o n is r e quiredf or submittal to t he Des i gn Revi ewBoa r db efore a f inal approva lc an be given: A .BUILDING MATERIALS : Roof Siding O ther Wal l Materials Fasc ia So ffits Windows Window Trim TYPE OF MATER IAL Asphalt Cedar Stucco Ston e Cedar (rough) l X6 T&G Ceda r Aluminu m Clad 2X6 Ceda r COLOR weac ne r e d \oIood Nat u ra l Ce da r Cr eam Natu ral Da rk Dro",n t-:a tu ral Ced ar Gree n wh en wi s idi n g Ru st whe n wi s t u c c o Nat u ra l Ced a r Doors Door Trim Wood Ra i sedPa nel 2 X6Ced ar Na tu ral Na t ural Ced ar Hand or Deck Ra ils F lues Flashings Ch imneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exteri or Liqhtinq Othe r Ceda rCustom ba ndsawn p at t e rnNa t u ral B Vents pe r code Gal va nized stee l pa in ted to ma tch facia No ne I nGa rage ~one Stone Cla d So f fit lighting pe r plan B .LANDSC APING ;Nam e o f Desi gn er:.:.A::n"d:..;y'--".:.'e:::n.:.k::..:.i::.s _ P hon e: 7 •• WOlte Shadow Your Shadow 261\·2P 26A3P Vanilla Cream Moondance 5fuuo 36A·2P 36A3P P opulu s T r emu loi des As oen s 14 Mi n .2 "§e dt wi2 ----- °9 WOO 10 5 Ga l. Oreo p hi IUs Snowbe rr y 10 5 Ga l. •PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS Bo tan ical Name •C OnutlOD Name OUan t ity Size * *Indicate caliper f or d e ciduous trees.Minimum c aliper f or d ecidu ous tr e es i s 2 i nches,Indicate height for c oniferous tr ee s.Min imum heiaht f or coniferou s trees is 6 feet. **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 galloD. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED ~a tu r a l Grass es No ne wi L d f L o ...·er Square FOQtage 80% 10 % TYPE OF IRRIGATI ON Aut omat icu nde r g ro und TYPEOR ME THOD OF ..-"R"e"v.=e.;jg"i-'t"'a"t"i"o"'n'---_ EROSION CONTROL C.LANDS CAPE LIGHTING:If ext eri or lighting is proposed,please s h ow the number of fixtur es and locations ona separate lig ht ing plan.Identifye ach fixture fr om the lighting plan i n t he s p ac e below and p rovi de the height above grade ,type of ligh t proposed,lumen outp ut,lum inous area and a cut sheet of t he lig ht fixture.(Section 1 8 .5 4.05 0 J) Non e O.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,f e nces,swimming pools,e tc.)Please specif y.Indicate height s of retaining walls .Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3'.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 1 • Reta i n i n g wall wi ll be s ton e cl ad .f'n bhe JojlH't IIn it C)I II j <1,1 E H ill he b ll i lt (r GfIl I5t rcc t l Q Jt Ol I.;g e nte r l OVRl .S pe ci fi c des ig n --;;-1 11 b e sgine ered a..f..t..e:L tl .tL tL a !",~r ov il.l . 8 1 . revhed ./1 7/94 •• TOWN OF VAIL UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION FORM JOB NAME Gr e g Cumm in gs an d Dave Bi lb "pr ima ry/Seco nda r y SUBoivlS i-oN Va il Das Sc hone LOT ~BLOCK G FILING 2 ADDRESS 2338 Ga rrn ish Dr ive Vai l .Colorado 8 165 7 The form is used to verify service a vailability and location.This should be u sed in conjunction with preparing y o u r util ity plan and scheduling installations .For any new constructi on proposal,the applicant must provide a completed utility v erific at ion form. The location and avai lab il ity of utilities,whether t hey be main trunkl ines or p roposed lines,must be a p proved and verified by the followi ng u t il ities fo r t he accompanying site plan. All authorizing signaturesn eed to b e o rig inals. Authoriz ed signature .yifPc ;;0/1 & .?-8-V;- .4 ,ev 0-....ti~\,,,{'1 -c'.~~~"'U,t ~\p i':>v'.A.\(lACI.4J ....... oc...-\-4-,...",......" \411.\&\\a.&t."3 -'6 ·~Io o f t he Rockies**Tel cablevisi on 949 -1224 Mar k Graves U.S .West Communications 468 -6860 or 949-45 30 Publ ic Service Company 949-6135 Gary Hall /Rich Coo ley'i j)#A,... Holy Cross El ectric Assoc . 949 -5892 Engineering Dept . Ted Husky /Michael Laverty ··Upp e rEag le Valley Water &Sanitation Distr ict * 476 -7480 Fr ed Haslee .*A site plan i s required.physica ll ocationo f known utilities must be s hown on t he site p lan.Utility l oc ationsmayor may not offer service t o the property line.Anyu ti lity extens ion required shall be the r esp onsibility o f the property owner . 1.NOTE:If a utility c ompany has concerns with the proposed const ruct ion .the utility r epresentati v e should not directly on the utility ve ri fication form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved.The issue s hould then be s pelled out in detail in an attached letter to t he Town of Va il.Howeve r.please k eep i n mind that i t is the r e sponsi bi lit y of the u ti lity company to r es olvei dent i fied p roblems. 2 .I f the u til ity veri ficat ion form has signatur es fr om each o f the ut il ity compa nies .and n o comm e nt s a re made d irectlyont he fonn .the Townwill presume tha t there are n o p roblems and that the deve lopment c an proceed . 3 .These verifications don ot relieve the contractor of his responsibility to o btaina stree t cut permit from the Town o f v ail.Depa rtment of Pub lic works and to o btainu t il i ty locations b ef ore digging in any public r ight ·of ·way or easement i n the Town of Vail.A building p ermit is not a street cut permit . As treet cut permit must be obtained sepa rately. 4 .Installation o f service l in es ar e at the respons ibi lity of the property owner . 9 expens e and/ / • • Q!?§)5 2-8 H ... fH 011 »->: co 0' -----\'-. ..-_.-.-..--" H 018 I 3 . -I w <i [oJ Z U :;: <i f- a::>-u a::0 <i ~Z a:: z <i f- W a:: f-m 15 •sing le Family ZONE CH ECK .l'OR Residence.Duplex, ZO NE DISTRICTS •primary/S econdary DATE:3/11/96 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 12 Bl ock G Subdivision Va il Das S c ho ne ADDRESS :2338 Gar mish D"r"ive Va i .l:""""'C o !o r a do 8 1657 OWNER Gr e g Cumm i n gs §.Da v e H i lb PHONE (9 7 0)4 76 32 54 AR CHITECT Gre g Cumm i n gs &Dav e Hi l b ZONE DISTRICT p rimdr yl S ec on da r y· PRO POSED USE P rimar y/Sec onda ry LOT SIZE 0 .3 5 acres 1 5 ,24 6 5 9 .f t .BUILDAB LE LOT AREA 15 ,24 6 sq .ft . Allow ~d Exi sting Proposed To t al He ight (30)(33)o 3 1.8 31.R 2 ,254 .2 +425 =2,679 To t al CRl'A Primary CRFA S econ dary GRFA 1,5 09 4 62 3 +ill =1 ,93 4 ° ° ° 41 86 .8 "'1...,\\.\ 4 .;S a ~ \'"'l..b1,~32 .& 4186 .8 "2....\\, ...,~,4 \"U... 1,932:-0 Se tbacks Fr ont Sides Re ar Site Co verage 2 0'30%pl US s lope 15 ' 1 5' "2..,.-"\D..:L-C 4 9 .2 _",0 __ 3 ft . 1 5 1 1 5 10 Lan ds capin g 60%100%80%80% Retaining Wall He ig ht s 3 '/6 ' Parki n g 5"'.Reqrd 8 CiJ raqc Cre dit (3 0 0)(6 00)(9 00)(1200)9 38 Sq .ft . Dr ive : h eated Permitted Slope 12 \proposed Slopc 10.8\ Compli es with T .O.V .Lighting Ordinance Yes "'x'-__NO Wa ter Course Setback (30 )(50)N/A xNO,_---"-__YE S,_Do Finish Grades Exce ed 2 :1 (50') Environm ental/uazard s:1)l'lood Plain N"'O'-_ 2)Pe rc e nt Slope «>30~)gr eater than 30% 3)Geologic Haz ards a)Snow Av al anch c,-",N~O~~~~~__ b)Rockfall :;RO .l'~ c)Debris Flow ....:;N"O'-__ 4)Wetlands,__"'N:.::O'-__ View Co rridor Encroachmen t:Ycs,_No .NO Do;;:;;;this re qu cs t,LnvoLve d 250 ;~du i t i ull ?~N,..O.,..",..,-;::-,..". How much of t hea llowed 250 Addition is u sed with t hi s reques t?NONE p rev ious c o ndit ion s of a pprov al (check proper ty file):_N~O __ 1 0 I • • ,', .' ," ~, • '",~,. '"-, \'-,;,. .\"'''-<>-~\ \'"-, ........ t ....,,'lI ,"o Z E ~'.:.. .... ")8 ',,1 Il ~".G I,f'Z'"If'N .'' C1 C) "< -\W ,N''",\ ".,, •.. \,, '. <s .. ~. 0 ' ""1~ ~5'9 7 / _. \-o "-c-_.~ 0 .'"Y~,.,. ",",.. ~.... _______~\C\ t ROAD t \<" ..oil'iAI \~..NZO 0,__---', ---f --109":84'\t,.- --- .--••ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS ,INC . 3096 5 Moffal Aven ue P.O.Bo~775729 Stf"amboat Springs .Colorado 8 0477 (303)879-4890 (303)949·4823 FAX (303)8 79·4 905 Subsoil Invest i gation /FoundationRecommendat io ns f or propose d hous ea t Lo t 1 2,Block G,Vai l Das Scho ne subdi vision ,Filing 2 Vail ,Co lo ra do Ap ril 28 ,1 995 J ob#9 52325 Prepared for:Dave Hilb 2923 Bel lflowe r ,#2 Vail,CO 8 1657 GENERAL •• Th is report presents t he results o f our geotechnical investigation conducted o n the site o ft he proposed hom e locat ed at Lot 12,Block G, v ail DasSchone Subdivision,Filing 2 ,Vail ,Colorado. T he inve stigation was performed t o pro vid e suf fic ient information about th e supporting 50il mantle t oe nab le a suitable f oundation design for the proposed home. The conclusions and recommendations presented herein are b ased on the data g a thered d uring o ur site and laboratory investigations and our experience with similar soil conditions .This investigation was co nd uc ted i n accordance with presently accepted s oils engineering p ro cedures consistent with the p roposed development and n o warrantyi s i mp l ie d.Our investigation specifically did not address any slope s t ab ili ty c onsiderations . FIELDI NVE STIGATION The subsurface soil c ondit ions were explore d on April 12,19 95 b y two o pen test pits dug with a John Deere trackhoe .See Figure 1 for th e test pit l ocations.The subsurface so ils exposed on site are profiled in F igure 2 .Laboratory soil samples were o btained with a Hand Drive Sample r.Unconfined penetrometer tests were performed during the di gging o perations .See Figure 2 for unconfined val ues. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing and analysis inc luded swell -consolidation testing and was performed at the Engineer ing Designwo rks ,Inc.laboratory in St eamboat Springs,Co lo rad o.Se e Figure 3f or detai ls . PR OPOSED CONSTRUCTION Two story c onv entional ly framed duplex over walk-out basement . RECOMMENDATIONS Laboratory tests indicate that thetan silty clays with g ravels and r ocks found approximately l'be low existing grade in test pit #1 and 2 'below existing grade in test pit #2 are slightly expansive .Any conventional f oundation should be designed for 1 100p sf maximum,200 p Sf min imum soils bearing pressures and placed on the tan silty clays with gravels and r ocks .Suggested design at -rest equivalent fl uid pressu re for r etained backfill :imported gravels:45 pcf,on-site clays (not recommende d): 80 p ef . Any foundati on at this site must be designed and constructed i n strict con fo rman ce with the f oll ow ing precautions: 1 .Foundat i on grade beams should b ed esi gned and reinforced to span an un support ed d istance o f at least 10 feet . Page 2 Job #952328 4/2 8/95 •• 2.Inspec t excav at i on f or soil u n iformity a nd conf i rm s o il t y pe smat ch those desc ribed in t his repo rt p r ior to a ny f oundation o r fil l co nstruction.Al l loose o r soft pockets o f soil with in the lo aded depth of the footings s h ou ldb er emov ed and replaced with awe ll c o mpacte d grave l;o rt he f oot ings extended t o lower ,mo re competent soils. 3.Compacted g ranular s tructural fills t o be comp act ed i n8 "l ifts to a minimum o f 95%Modifi ed Proc tor Den sity a t a moistur e con te nt wi thin 2 %o f o ptimum.Proper ly p laced and confin ed was h ed r ock may be us ed in lieu o f c ompac ted fil ls when p r ope rly v ibrat ed in 24 "maxim um l ifts . 4 .Any fi ll contai ning r ock shou ld be c a refu l ly mixed t o avo id ne st ing a nd c reatio n o f vo ids.Remove all topsoil,o rganics,a nd o the r objectionable ma te rials prior to p lacing f i lls.No concre te o r f i ll sha ll b e p laced o n muddy o r froze n g ro und. 5 .Maintain required frost depth f o r foo tin gs sub ject to fro s t. 6 .S lab construction is no t recommended,b uti f it i s t o be implem ente d, i t sho uld be construct ed o ver f ill s,as de scrib ed abo ve.The risk of slab movement decre ase s wi th i nc re ased f ill de p th .A minimum of 1 0" -24 11 of f i ll i s r ecommended.S lipjoint all fl oor s l abs at all interfaces and provide for po s sible s l ab movement under partition wal l s.Do n ot u se sl ab s for b earing of structural c omp onents . 7.Ma intain the in-situmo i stur e co ntent and avoid weathering of the bearing soils a t a ll times p rio rt o and af ter placing f o oting s. 8 .Provide an adequa te u n de r drain s ystem from t he l ow areas of the excav at i.on .Slope 1 /8"to 1 /4"p er f oo tt oad ay lightingd rai n.Th e u nderdrain system s hou ld i nc lude a pp rov ed PVC p i pe o ve rl a id by washed rock ,e ncased in Mirafi fab ri c.T est b e fo re a nd a f ter b ack fi ll. 9 .Co ntour t he fin i sh grading a t a minimum 12 :1 s lopet od ive rt a ll s urfa ce drainage at least 1 5'a way from all sides o f the structure . 10 .Exterior bac k fill to be granular f ree d raining material ,capped with a mi nimwn1 2"layer of water impermeab le (eg.clay )material to d ive rt su rf ac ef low.Geo tex tile fab ric is rec ommended below t he clay l ay er .T o psoilc an then be placed over the clays . 1 1.S lope stabi lity shoul db e addressed by o thers in the design process. P age3 J ob #9 5 23 2s 4 /28 /95 •• Significant changes in the p ro posed s t ruc ture o r subsoil conditio ns d iff e rent than those logged i n Figure 2may al t er t he se recomm end at ions a nd s ho ul d be brought to the a ttent ion of t his o ffice. S incerely, Engi nee ring Designwo rks,Inc . by :~~=w~~og i st reviewed :St eve Le wi s,P.E. P age 4 J ob #95232s 4/28/95 .-..•~ICU RE 1 • Test Pit L '2 -,,G \j .I::n I ,:,oeK ,a I Dos Sc ro ne F;l ing 2 Vai l ,Colorado ----~i s e h D riv ~ #2 f'-..)I EB ~ 1 Si te s l ooes, ,v l'in 2 ' do wn Propo sed new hou se 55 ' EO Test pit #1 ~ (Not to sea Ie) Veaet ation :ar ass &shr b .J ~ P age 5 J ob #95 232 5 4/28 /95 .'.• r I G'IPL ',7I'\.Ji ,_ • 1E5T PIT 1 ,eST PIT 2 0 To p ofexisti ng ,rcce 0 iop oi existin g groaeVJITopsoilwit:,roots 1/ Fi lls,L / 1'1', _I-I f '>~0 2'----L-'2 '-1:/51 igh tly dono tao s ilty • J 'clay with 25'-gr av els ~,'-....rocks «1'0)"/"1 /-I./-4 ',<'-....Too dense s ilty olay .it h 0 1):<grav els !rock s «6"0) 0 5 '--{Sa:cle /S1 <, "-~5 t sfPeoet rmeter -• 6 '-1 ., 0 -'-Sottom of excava tion -{Scrrl>le Iss &51 3D51tsfPenetrometer 7 '-~ "- 8 'iD- • 9 '-+-0-Bettom of excavat ion Nate:Soi l classi fication by geo lo gist 's j ~t only . No gradati ons or oth er cl as sificotion tes ti nc;s 'Il'ere perfo rmed . P age 6 Job 1 9 5 2 32 s 4/2 8/9 5 ,..•• FICU RE 3 952325 .... ,." 1.71 5 .13 o 0.' " , •76s4 PRES SUR E OCS F) ,,1 "'-; ,/ "'d -._-.-.r-"I-~._-.. <,-"-.-...---f--._-..-r-,---..--._,....-.---...,.""r---..-....t--.---..i---....... ---......... I---.• o 0 .92 0 .93 0.' O.W 1 0 .98 0 .99 0 .91 ~0 .96 50::i 0 .95 ~ ~0 .'4 Page 7 J ob 1 9523254 /28/9 5 •• I ,fi <;,(10)-U , nlJ CKJI M41>f!,.Y .UU TO TOWN 0 'VAIL --,'--"•••••lTF.M .•.__.-.•-•._.-~._-...-._':>1 0 :'"....,TAX'"'~1:'OlIT~...-TarAL • $5 .0 $54.00 0 S 0 $37 .00 0 0 S3 0 0 • 0 0.2 0 0 $5.0 ·• 52 ... s ·~o ~ =I ·· '. "..".•.c,-.....I200.0 0 S200. $200 . S5 0(.00 I ,.~II.~OO 20 .0 -• S2 0 .00 $2 o. S200.00 TOTAL:on •· SO.FT.l ).II R. N A 'FJ'I"lA DDRf..5S M AI >5 U Nl f 1iUI LOING CODE I U M I N G CODE R ~C H A N I AL CODE ODE A TION A ~Eel'AC ~ ~KS A RE ·O N, oruua HE pLICATfON FEES NA L (j A "2 0 A .PE IT _!!:.R IOR A T ERATIO N[L 'S S T IA IS .FT . :x1 C1 uO RAL T ERA TI ON MO RI ~TIt A N 1005 .r r. ~A .o p:-..S : S PEC IA DEVE LOPMENT IST RICT [M AJOR AME P~I :A ~E M I:NT m 5TRI M INORA MEND 5I I. V A A NC E E AM EN DMENTS ~"N !S M XI:::TI"f)1 ~ S TUDIES .,5 MP T E RPR JRAM r EN A ,b lN SP ·CT IONS 5LAN .~R ~~U EC K ;: f R s pi::ci lON FEES o ~S ES _ "i'IT',N A PPL CATIO ._ Am ~AGE 51. VTC A :UONAT~ PRE~PAID D ·G,~•--aC ARD F E E IA j:EE 8U1 DI NG -" ·rROJF.CT "AccotJII,,.l\Q • ·0 1 41 540 1 ססoo 4 2 41 5 -4 24 1 142 415 ""4 2415 OIO(.424 ~0 4 1 4 0 1 ()()OO 4 24 1 :.0 14 24 12 ...0 1424 12 Jf 01 0000 423 71 ...I100 4 1332 ~01 ~4 J 2 ·1 I ('j(j('f414 I ..01 41 4 1 ~0 1 ססoo 4 1 4 1 e I 1004 244O~4133 1 ...Oti>OiXf4 3 I 0 10000 4 1330 A 0 100004 133 ~I 41330 01 ססoo 4 13 30 .014 1330 il or-oooo 4 1lJO iOOOO 4 133 1 4 1.>30~; 0 1 0000 41i.;. 01 00 413 .01ססoo41 3:'0 •I )()4 II :.:.I ...027 •10000 11 12 .•·01 0 0 0 041010'"...0 4 2371 ,. COM M Dol'n: ~. "-·CAS U I.. •• • T OWt..J OF V R I L Misce lldOE'ous Ca sh P~~~l pt ~2 01335 ecce '..in t #cr f,::::::9 GF:EG (l.'riMIl lGS'pp[rRI D ~n,:>unt t ender ...d " ['F"8 FEE 200.eQ Item pa id RtKlU nt paid (1 1!J00L34 133 1COO •..··0 1_1 -------------------------------------------~--------- N ~47494 DoLLARS S ~(?(I -:; J La=, (/'I .c7 RECEIPT-~Town o f Vail ...--h .,.19 ,7f, RECEIVED FROM -'O::'--!-_---"---'--'-j-':L-_ AD DRESS ----'~_ DAT E 1 I, I ! !,, Police Receipt Numbers---:;-_ )c-:HOW PAJO-Cash aU~ck.!:J.t- Permit Numbeu --,_ Z9 z.,. 2019 """1987 21 eoy,•""SO I:E ""'''• 3 B37 36 3 5 34 BRANOCS S 00 4 2OlX)1992 '910 19 '0IlLCG~20n /95.!1 <,39 4 0 VAL HEI GHT S •.- • UNPL ATT EO 00 VAll OAS SCHON E 2 1ft• •z". • J SAFTWAYZ", ---e- VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NQ 2 ,, r ®' "2~'7 ........i;;'!.-;;.;,....-"'-.-r-, INTERSTATE 70reorIN1.(.\1 ' 5PRtJC£CREEK TO WN'0.4(S "'" 178 J23 zz •1185 '----:;A OR C 21 '''0 IIlPlfiE D~: • J 1974 "<00 a 199 4 I""0 7--7• ~1!l41 '9 ~' ~ HIG HLAND MEADOWS FILING NO.2 CASA en.SOL CON DaI.lrNIUMS 20', 20J4 ---_ 19 '0 2054 WHITE RIVER NATIONt FOREST 00 >71 II 20 n as 104 2 1 • iT REA MSIDE \~~~~~""TOWN OF VA IL 75 South Front age Road Vail.Colorado 81657 9 70-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970 -479-2452 May 21 ,1996 ••FILE COpy Department of Community De ....elopment Greg Cummin gs andDave Hilb 2109A Chamonix Lane Vail CO 81657 RE:PEe approval of parking vari ance and a vari anceto locate GRFA in the front setback,locatedat2338Gannish DrivcILot 12,Block G,Vail DasSebone#2. Dear Greg and Dave: Attheirmeeting ofMay20,1996,the Planning and Environme ntal Commissio n approved your requ est for parking and GRF Ain the front setback var iances forthe proposed residences ,located at 2338 Garmish/Lot 12,Block G,Vail DasSchoneFiling #2. The PEe app ro ved the variances with the following condition of approva l: Prio r tothe issua nceofa bu ilding perm it for the propos ed struc ture ,you shall provide documenta tion sufficient to indemnify the Town agai nst any damages which may o ccur to veh icles parked off-si te,in the pub lic right-of-way.Th is documentatio n sha llbe recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorde rs Officeandshallrunwith the property. If you shoul d have any ques tions or comments regarding the informa tion contained in thi sletter, please feel fr ee to call me at you rconven ience.Imaybe reac hed at 479M2 142 . ;:::~ Jim Curnutte Senior Planner cc:File ,S-P~{)~F~'£-9'•t; __'_jlt C£Zw Nl m,.:up I/~;-;cc ~~=---:f &-.e~Q.,-_c ;Pco -'..c.:.-/;.v;eP""v die /...,e MCfl'y-I' r.(Jc-(;/'e.._-1///a''I:. f l-e.~e V'--r -1 //'/•0 ':I Y__. ....&12.f-A (A'(·'A.7_'Ce tJ ...:;f -t.<-<t.$-s ..h ~/;~-f __.. .~r::(C al-)-;f.::;ofX=f-f lQ(;<..-'a:>"I"I'+_,.,/~, &-/ve.,::]-((//II ,Q "'"f'.....,.; &ex c.:C<.-~-I /r>:-.:cl.iz~B"""~~yu,,~-~ -c ~c-P~~e&Jl'02s/rc ~-f-I'';';a ,4:~)'~?-~. .(-~'1ov u.<","/F t"<;p~cf<;''''''Oh_~~__ G t''<..,Cj (/-~/.1:,... ~{~'$V1 l9 -{~f8 r fJ:l:'~qC~~(~~ G -I'-€.Cj 4 -,l..;-Cl-vQ...h -C(.ffJ)aw-e0 ~~,r "di:u;~ -!)d;J p c,c--1 0 .-cd&.'../.' l -!e-/U~/-;::?~,JL . b o O . I. ~;. •,... , !. .1----.--.-I -.---- I I ., 1, I.-_.-n" ,. -I'-- I:--I " ii I I, TO: FROM : DATE: • MEMQRANDUM Pla nni ng andEnviron mental Comm issi on Commun ity Development Department Ma y 20,1996 • ..-"",--.;py SUBJE CT :A request for aparking varianceandavariance to locate GRFAinthe front setback .to allow for the construction ofanew primary /secondary reside nce. locatedat2338Garm ish Drive/Lot12 ,BlockG,VailDasSChone #2 Applicant: Planner: DaveHilb andGregC um ming s JimC urnutte I.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS The applicants are requesting parkingandGRFA variances toa llow forthe construction ofanew primary/secondary building ona steep lot locatedon Garmish Drive .In accordance with S ection 18.69 .050 o f theTownofVailMunicipal Code (seeattachedcopy ),the applicants are proposing toco nstruct two ,2 -car attachedga rages inthe front setback,w ilh thefaceoft he g aragesat the p roperty line .Sectio n18.69.050(K)of t he Municipal Code ,sta tes t hatd evelopmento nlots wheretheaverage slo pe ofthe sitebeneath the existi ng or proposed structure andparking area isin excess of 30%,mayinclude the placementofgarages inthe fron t setback (witho ut needing avariance )subject to revi ew and approval bythe Design ReviewBoard.Theintent ofthis sectionofthecode isto allowforthe construction ofagarage at,ornearstreetlevel (doseto the road ),inorder to reducethe amount of site disturbance to construct ahome. Since the applican ts'lot has anaverage slope greater than30%,theyare allowed to propose the garages inthe fr ontsetbackarea ,however,per Sectio n 18.69.050 (E),themaximum site coverage allowed on the lotis reduced from the standard 20"10 ,to 15%.Thesame philos ophy holds for thesite coverag e restrictio n as exists for garages in the front setback,whic h istolimit overall si tedisturbance on steeply slopinglots. Theparking requ irement fortheapplicants'primary /secondary bull dlng Is five parking spaces (threeforthe primary uni t and two for thesecondary unit ).As istypical forthe const ruction ofa single famil y,prim ary/secondary ordupl ex building ,the applicantsare providing a 2-<:a r garage foreachof thedwelling units.As mentioned previously ,these garages will be located right on the fron t property lineandduetothe lim itedwidth of thelot,there isno roomfora fifth parking space onthe property .Additi onally,due to th e morerestrictive site coverage requirements. buildi ng height restrict ions andthe very steepnatureof this lot,theapplican ts haveverylittl e oppo rtunity10fUllyutilizet hea llowabie GRF Aonthe pr operty.T herefore ,appro ximately815 squar e feet01GR FAis proposed to be located directl y underneath thetwo,z-car garagesand within the front setback area. 1 •• Thus,the applicants are requesting relief f rom Section 18.52.060 01 the Town ofVall Mun icipal Code,wh ich states that all r equired parking be located on the same site as the use for which it is required.The requested variance would allow the applicant to place the third requ ired parking space (associated with the primary unit)off·slte,In the driveway ad jacen'toGarm lsh Drive. Additionally,the applicants arerequestJng variance approval to place 815 square feet 01 GRFA within the front setback area. II.BACKGROUND On April 22,1996 ,the app licants metwith the PEGto d iscuss their requests for parkingand site coverage v ariances (see att ached Apr il 22,1996,meeting minutes ).Inadd ition totheir r equest to locate o ne requ ired parki ng spa ce off -s ite.the applica nts we re requestingre lieffromthe15% site coverage allo wance in order to e xceedthema ximu m sitec overage all owed by 4 03squ are feet .or 2 .6%.Duringth atm eeting.the PEGe xpressedtheir support fo r the a pplicants 'proposed o n -sue p ark ingv ariancerequ est,however,th ey ind icated tothe applicant t hat t he fi ndings n ecessary t o grant th e site c overagevarian ce didnot appear to be met.S pecifically,thePEG f elt thatt he requesteds ite cov erage variance would be a grant ofs pecial privilege.inconsistent wit hth e l im it at ions ont he otherpr opertiesinth eP rimarylSecondary Residential Zone District. The PE Galso f e lttha t there w e re n o e xceptionsore xtr aordinaryc ircumstancesonthelot tha t d id n ot a pply generally tooth er properties in t he Pri mary/S econdary Re sidential Zo neD istrict. Add iti onally,t he PE ew as unable to identifya physical h ard ship to support the siteco verage v a ria nce request. Uponhear ing thePEC 's concernsrel atedto the s ite cov erage variance request,th e appl icants' request ed that the PEClabi e their applic ation unlilthe May20,1996PEGmeeting.Th e ap plica nts indicated t hatt ablingwo ulda llowthem tomodifythe ir appli cation t oco nformwithth e s ite coverage requi rements .Indo ing so however,the a ppl icantswere unabletof ullyu tilizethe ir GRFA allowance andf urther am endedtheir appl icationto indudethev ariance requestto locate GRF A inthetronts etback. 2 • III.ZONINGSTATISTICS • Thed evelopment p arametersf rom which theapp licant is r equesting variances are highlight ed belowInbold: Lot SU e : Zon ing : 15.246 square feet (tha lot is vacant) PrimaryfSecondary Fl8sidential GRFA : Sot backs : Front S it es; Rear; S ~e Coverage: Landscaping: Parking ; Allow ed 4,625 sq .fL 20' 15'/1 5 ' IS' 15%or 2.287 sq .ft . 600/0 or 9.148 sq.h. 5 spaces requ ired on-site Proposed 4,139 sq.ft.· 0' 15',1 7 77' 15%o r 2.287 sq .ft. 79%o r 12 ,05 1 sq.ft. 4 spac es en-she and 1 space o ff-s tte ·815 sq.ft of th is GRFA is propoSQCI to be locat ed below the two.2 -cargarages.i nthe from setback are a of the lot IV.CRITeRIA ANDFINDINGS Uponrevi ewo f t he Crite ria a ndFindings forv ariances,contained inSect ion 18 .62.060 o fthe Vail Municipal Code.t heCom mu nityDev elopmentDepartmentre com mends approval of the req uestedpa rkingvar iance an d theva riance toloca te GRFA inthe f ront s etback ba sed upon t he foll owing factors: A.Co nsiderati on ofFactors : 1.The relationship of therequested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures Inthe vicinity. Parking Variance T he applic ants arepropo sing to locat eth e face ofthegarag es onth efr ont propertyline asallowedby Section18.69.050of tneMunicipalCode, s ubject to reviewandappro val by t heDesign R eview Board.Th is allows the applicant to reduces ite disturbance onth e property,but it also results inthelocationo f t hethird requIredpark ing spa ce tor thep r imary un itt o be on-site .St aff be lieves tha t thep lacement ofth e tw o garages inthefron t set back andthe pr imaryunit's th irdrequ ired parking spac ein t he dr iveway.o ft-site ,should have littleo rnoim pact o n su rrounding uses a nd structure s inthe vicinity,Th efaceofthe g arages,whenco nstructed.will bel ocat ed a minim umof2 4 feet fromth e e dge of th e asphal ton Chamoni x Road . 3 •• If thevariance request isnot granted,theapplicant would have toeither addanadditional garage bay,proposeaparking deck/platform,reducethe size oftheprimaryunittolessthan 2,000 sq.tt,(to reduce the parking requi rem ent).ormove thegarage outof thefront setbackarea,further down the hillonto the site.Movingthegarageout ofthe trontsetback.or e nlarging t heg arage.wouldresultinadd itional sit e di sturbance onthe lot. which could havean impacton surrounding usesand structures i n the vi cin ity. Th e Tow nEng ineerhas expressed a concerntha t if thi s v a riance req uest wasg ranted,it may have a negative effect onthepublic way(carsparking a long Ga rrnlscn Drive)d ue tot heproposed l ossof theone requiredon- sitepark ing space .Howe ver .the Town Eng ineerha s ind icatedthathe c an support this request Iftheapp licantsw ere toagreetoa dd a n a dditional fo urfeet of pa vementon each sideof the pro poseddri veway. T his woulda llow fortheopport unity to pa rkoneadditionalca r offof Garmisch Drive ,infront o fthebuild ing .If approved,this driveway w ideningwo uld allowfors ix ca rsto be parkedinfrontofthega rages instead oft he fiv eas c urrentlys hownontheplans. GRFAWithinTheFront Setback Variance As mention ed prev ious ly,t he applica ntsa realso req uesting avariance to locateappr o ximately 815sq .ft.ofGR FA inthefront s etback ,d irectly below the two .z-car garages .Staffbe lieves that it is reaso nable to allow the appl icants to utilize t hea rea belowt he gar ages as habitable living ar ea.Theuseo f thi s sp ace willhave noeffec t o n the m assa ndbu lk ,or t he e xterior appearance,ofthe bu ilding .Due t o t he ex tremesteepnessof thislot(50%+),andthe more restrictivesit e covera gerequirem ents,the applicants are unable tofullyutilizetheir GRFAallowance forthisproperty w it houtus ingt hespac e belowthega rages.Staffbe lieves ther equested v ariance to locateGRFA inthe frontsetbackwillhave noeffecton e xisting o rpo tential use s andstructu res inthev icinity .Alladjacent property ow nersh ave be ennotified a nd noobjectionshave be en rece ived by staff regarding the GRFA issue . 2 .The degree towh ich relief from the s trict and literal i nter pretation and e nforcement of a specified regulat ion Is necessary to ach ieve compatibi lity andun iformity of treatment among s ites In the v i cin ity or to attain t he objectives o f this ti tle without grant of special privilege. ParkingVariance Th e park ingr equirement f o r resid ences withmorethan2 ,000 square teet of GRFA isthree space s.howe ver,itha s bee n ve ry typical t o build a two- cargaragew ith newco nstruction.Suchisthecas e withthe primary u nit inthispropos edp rimary/secondary structure.W hen thega rage is pla ced inthefrontsetback,thethirdparkingspace,(infront of the garage),Isott- s ite.Staffrecogn izes th is a saninh erentproblem withthe reg ulation and feels tha t thestrict andliteral interpretation ofthe on-s ite parking requirement goes aga inst theintentofthe steep s lope r egulations th at seek to reduce site d isturb a nce . 4 •• The appli cants ha ve proposed alarge enough dri veway ar ea infron t of the g arages t o accommodatefive c ars .Thu s,the applicants have p rovided nine parking spaces.four more than required.for theuseof thetwo residences.This figure will increase toten if the driveway widening,as recommended by theTown Engineer,isdeemed necessary by the PEe. Staff feel s thatni ne (orten)parking spaces will be ad equate t o se rvethe two residencesandfeels that relief from thestrictand literal interpretation oft heo ff -s ite pa rkingrequir ementisrea sonableinth isspecificca se. G RFA Within TheFront Setback Variance Staff be lieves tha t the d egreeto which re lief fromthe strict a nd literal Interpretation andenforcement ofthesetback regulation isbeing requestedisn ot excessive andis r eas onabl e in li ght oft he special circumstances o fth is site .As indi cated pr eviously In this memo ,th e more restrictivesite cove ragerequirement,inco njunction withthe ex treme stee pness oft he 101,p rovidesa hardshi p toth is applicant reg a rding their abi lity t o fullyutilize the allowable GR FA on the property,Evenwithth e v ariance approval.t he appfica nt will be leaving nearly 500 sq.ft.ofG RFA unused .due tothes ite coverage.se tb ack,an dbu ildingheig htrestrictions t hai ex ist on I hisp roperty,Sta ff believes mat t he gr anting at t his GRFA v ariance would no t b e agran t of special p rivilegeand would allow the a pplicant tobuildareaso nable amo unt ofGRF A onthe pr operty,the reby ach ieving compatibility and uniformity of treatme nt with other Pr im arylSecondary z o nedlots inthe vici nity. 3.The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distr ibution of pcpulatton,transportation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utilities,and public safety. Parki ng Variance Staff d oe snot believe that there wi ll b e a ny neg ative i mpacts a ssociated wit hthis pr oposal regard ing t hisc riteria . GRFA Withi n The Front Setback Variance Staff do es not be lieve that there willbe any negative impacts associated with this proposal regard ing this crite ria. B.T hePlanning and En YironmentalC ommission s hall make thefoll owjng find jngs be fore granting a v ariance: 1.That Iheg ranting ofthe variance will not constitute a grant of special pr ivilege inconsistentwiththeli mitations onother properties classified in thesam e district. 2.Th at me granting o ft he vari ance wi llnotbed etrimentalt oth e public health.safety o r we lfare,or ma terially injurious to pr o perties or imp rovements i nthevic inity . 5 •• 3.T hatth ev ariance is wa rranted forone orm oreofthefollowingre asons : a .Thestrictliteralinterpretationorenforceme ntofthespec ified regul at ion wouldresultin practical difficulty oru nnecessary physical hardsh ip incons istent withthe objectives ofthis title. b.The re are exceptionsor extraordinaryci rcumstances orcon ditions ap plicable to the sa mes iteo fthevari anceth at dono t apply gene rally toothe rpr opertiesin t hesamezo ne . c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthe spec ified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed bythe owners of other properties inthesamed istrict. V .STAFF RECOMMENDATION St aff recommends thatth e PEG approve the variance request toallowforthethir drequ ired park ing space (forthe primary unit)tobe located on -sneand the var iance requesttoallow for GRFA to be placed within thefro nt setback.Staff feels that the granting ofthe variances would not be m ateriallyinjur io us to properties inthevicinity ,infactthe variance wou ld a llow t he applica nt to developt hes ite withless sIted isturbanceandimpact toex isting ve getation an d s urroundingu sesa nd str uctures int hevic inity .S tafffeelst hat t hereisaninh erentf law inthe reg u lations t hatall ow a garage tobeplacedinthef ront setback which,inma ny cases, necessitates ano ff-site parki ng var iance.Thu s,stafffee ls that granting the variances is not a grant ofspecial pr ivilegea ndthatthereliefassoc iated w ith theva riancesis necessary fo r th e reasonable and appropriate developm entofthe proper ty. St aff reco mmendsth at th e PE Gmem bersdi scusst heT ownE ngineer'Srecommendedadditional dr ivewaywi dth an dd eterminewhe ther o rnottheap plicant s hall be requiredto ad dfourfe et of ad ditional a spha lttoeachside of their pr oposedd riveway .Ifso ,thisc hange mu st be reflected o n t he final drawings presented to theORBfor ti nald esign review approval. 6 • ZONING 18.69.050S pecial restrtctl cns for de velopmen tson lots where th eave rage slope of th e site ben eath the ex~s ting or propose d s t ructure a ndp arking a r !..3 'Is inexcessofthirtype rcent inHill side Re slden.. ti al,S ingle-FamilyRe sidential,Tw o-F amily Residential,and Two-FamilyP rim ary/Seconda ry Residential Zones. The followingadditional special restrict ions orrequire- ment s shallapply 10 development o nany lotin aHillside R esidential ,Single -Family Res iden tial,T wo -FamilyResidential or T wo-Family P rimary/Secondary Resi dential Zo ne D istri ct where theaverage slope of the sitebeneath th e ex isting o r proposed structureand parking area isin excessofthi rty percen t (3 0 C;(): A .Asoil andfoundation inv est igation.prepared by an d bearing the seal ofa registe r ed prof essiona l eng ineer sha ll berequired . B.Foundations mustbe de signated and bear t he seal of a registered,professional engin eer . C.A topographic survey preparedby aregiste red surveyor, withcontour intervals ofnot more than t wo feet (2'), s hall berequired. D .Stru ctures mu st be designedb y alicensed architect E.Site c overage a s itperta ins to th isChapter,aspermitte d by Sect ions 18.09.090 ,18.10.110,18 .12.110 a nd 18.13.090 ,isam ended a sfo llows:Not mor ethanfifte en percent (15%)of the siteare a ma y becove red bybu ild- ings;andnot m ore man tenper cen t (10 '70)of the to tal s ite area may be co veredbydri veways and surface parking . F .As ite grading and drainag e pl anshallbe required. G .Adetailed planofretaining wallsorcuts andfillsin exce ssof fi vefeet (5 ')sha llberequ ired. H .Adetailed reveget atio nplanm ust be submitte d. I.The Zoning A dministrator ma y requireane nvironmental im pact reportasprovided inSection 18.56.020. J .Aminimum of on e covered p arking spacesha ll be pro vid - edfor each dwellin g unit. • •. (V.i!4·95)498·6 ....•• :'C :\1 HAZARD REGULATIO NS ".".. K.Setbacks,as they apply to this Chapter.asreq uiredby Sections 18.13.060. are ame ndedas fo llows:there shall be noreq uiredfro nt setback for g arages.e xcepta s m ay be requiredby th e .Design Review.B oa rd.Gara ges located in the frontset- back.as provided for in this Section 18.69.05 0.shallbe l imited to o ne s tory in hei ght (not to exceed 10 fee t)with the a ddition of a pitched or flat roof and subjectto rev iew and approvalby the Desi gn Review B oard. L.Retain ing w alls upto s ix f eet (6')inhe ight maybe pe r- mitted in the setback by the Design Review B oardwhen associated w ith a permittedg arage a s referencedin sub- s ection 18.69.050K.(O rd .2(1995)§1:O rd .13(1994) §1 ) The D ebrisF low and D ebris AvalancheHazard Analysis Map prep ared by Arthur 1.Mears,P.E.,I nc. and dated N ovember.19 84. 2..Th e Roc kfall Map prepared by S chmueser and Asso - ci ates.In c.and d ated November 29 .1984. 3'_All areas 'within the boundaries of th e Geologic Hazard s Map.Figure 3.prepared b y L incoln DeVore Engineers.Geologists and dated August 16.1982. Ii::>.allj ~c.:i l oc a t ed w ith in th e bound arie -s nf t he L incoln ;:'-,-';~._...Co p 0::~"~:1 Y area :">':lti fte d as adebri s fl owor de::lJri s avalanche area by the Mears M apo rin any are a i <kntified as a ro ck fall are ab y the SchmueserM ap.no iIRtial application for a building permit.gr ading permi t or maj or or minor subdivision shall b ea pproved until a sik-specific geologic investigation is complete .For th e ptzrpose of thi s Section.a site-specific geologic inve stiga- ticm s h all be deemed a detailed geologic in vestigation 18.69.lJ52 Special restrictions for development in geo logl- cally sensitive areas: A .The foll owi ng maps are hereby a dopted as theofficial maps of the Town.i dentifying areas of "g eo logic sen sitivi- ~ L B. ::.'.'; \:~; 498-7 (Vai l11·95) Gene U sel ton seconded theam ended motion. G alen Aaslandm adea m otionto removet he co ndition onthe planters. B • Planning ~rd En v iro mn en~1 Comm ission M i nu tc~ Ap ril 22 .199ft • Dave H lib a ndGregCumm ings J im Curnu tte Applicant: Planner: Arequ est for parki ng and s itec overa ge variances to allow forthe constructio n ofa new primary/secondary r esidence.locat ed at 2338 Garmish Dr ivellot 12,Block G ,VailDas SChone #2 Jim C urn utte explai ned the background ofthe memo to the PEC.He statedthatthe applicant is movingtheg arager ightup t othe f ront se tback.Th ep roblem istha tt he p rimaryun itis over 2,000 sq uare tee t which r equires3 p arkingspace s .Th e request isto locateth e 3rd parking space off-site.The lot is ove r3 0%slo pe.andth ere is a more restrictive siterequirement go ing from 20-15%a nd the applicants ca nnot design ah ome to thei r sati sfact ion un less th ey e xceed the 15%m aximumsite cove rage allowa nce (by403sq .ft.or2.6%01s itec overage).Staff f eels co mfortableth at th ereareno n egative impacts on either request andthattherequests have no significant impact onthe neighborhood.Regarding the second request.the staff find s that t he d egree isthem inimum necessary andthestaffis in suppo rt oftheoff -site parking request.Staff has not be able tofi ndth atthecr ite ria fo r t hep hysicalha rdsh iphas be en met.S tafff eel s tha t th erewo uld b e a gr anto f specia l p rivilege if we leithemhave mo resite coverage.Sta ffh as requested d enialof th e sueco verage request.but approvalofthe other request. The motion passed b y avoteof 3-1 .Ga len Aasland,although in favor at t he gondola.voted ag ainstbec ause hewas n ot i n favo r ofthedivi ded wi ndows . Henry Pratt said this isafine d es ign approach,but I th ink that 's a d ifferentc onte xt.Iwo uld c ertainly encourag e them t odo it.b ut theya re meeti ng the guidelines andId on't t hink it's fai r to r equIre th em t odo it. Jack H unn stated that if they drew it uplike Gal en suggested.we m ightfindt hat it works against thepro portio ns ofthe build ing it serves andwi ll make the building a ppeartop heavy.R ight n ow t he win dow p roportionisvery appropriate tothe sca le ofthe b uilding.This building s houldn't be comparedt o ar etail buil ding. Gene Uselton asked if it would be appropriate tovoteonthe Individual co nditions. Greg Amsden said no. Henry Pratt asked if wehadan a mend ed motion .removing the condition onth e planters. Gr eg Amsden askedfora nother motion . Henry Pratt made a motion repeating wordfor word thepre vious motion w ith thede letion ofth e condition requ iring theSUbdivision ofth e g las s ,and m akingth at a recomme ndation only . Ge neUseltonseco nded themot ion . Themo non was voted on with 2infavo r and2 against.The monon f ailed. 2. Dave Hilb asked aboutthe To wn 'sintent ofthes itecov erage r estrict io na nd howdoe s th is app ly tothissite . HenryPratt doesn't wanttheapp licant to losethed esign effortandorthep rimary /second ary zoni ng. 9 • Plan ning and [invironmenta l Co mmiss ion M inutes A pril 22 ,1996 • G regCummingsstatedtha tt h eyfeelthis ist he best des ign. DaveHilbstatedthat if the y goto asi nglecargarage .theycouldloseappro ximately 200feetof s ite coverage.Dave feels thatthey have a go oddesignandhe feelst hatthey dom eetthe crite ria without thegran ting o f a spec ialpr ivilege. DaveHilb statedthep roperty totheeast is s imilarind esign towhat t heyare proposing. GregCumm ings statedt hat they do no twan ta lot 01 retaining wall s.wh ich theyma y have tod o. GregAmsdenaskedforany additional publiccomment. Ga len Aas landn otedt hat thepa rking var ia nce is co nsist wit h other properties.Heis however , notin s upport 01 t he sitec overag e varia nce becauset his wo uld be agran t of specia l priv ilege . t hinktherearc opportunities fo r additional GRFAwithin theex isting building s h ell.specifica lly und er thegarag e. GregAmsd en st atedt hatputtingaddit ional GRFAin the front setback w ould requirea variance . Gen e Useltonagreedw it h Galeno n bot h po ints . Henry st a tedhe had no problemwi ththe p arking .He a sked Mikeift he s itecove rage va rianceIs de nied,istheparking aspect of ittied t o thisd es ign and t herefor e is also t urned d own. M ike Mo llica sa id youcouldappro ve theon-sue parking var iancea nd deny t hesite coverage va riance. Dave Hilb sta tedt hat ifthey cou ld reducethe build ing b y afootalong thewholebuild ing,asper thestaffmemo,this w ould work .However ,the des ign doesn't'work accord ing toGreg C ummings. Greg Cum mings statedt hema inpro blem wit h t hepl anthat staffisreco mmending ,is thatit doesn't workwiththis design . G regCu mmings stated thathavinga gable end leavesalo t of room.Thef urth er yo u go back i ntoth e site,the mo re retaining walls needto be added,leavinglitt le ornoroomonthethird fl oor foramas ter bedro om . G reg Cummings un derstandingisthatagran t ofavari ance is bas ed onth ree conditio ns.ItemB d oesapply i n thei rs ituationastheyare n ot h armingthe s ite. DaveHilbsla ted that they worked v eryhardtomakethehe ight ofthebu ilding come under the allowable he ight.Thesitedis turbanceIsm inimal. HenryP ratt stated the issues hes ees wouldbeoneof special privil ege forthesi te coverage request.Hedoesn 't s upport thes ite c overagevariance,astheydon ot me et thec riteria .There a re allkind s of option s tous e. •• Gr eg Cummings s tatedthat if s ited istu rbanceis themainreason,it doesn't f it int o thiscrit er ia . GregAmsdenstatedthatoth er properti es ha ve 10 main tain this15%c rite riaa ndp eop le a reable tofollowthisr ule . Ga len Aas land stated thatman y other properties have thissameiss ue. Mike Mollica stat ed theprob lem thatstaffhasist he grant of special pri vilege . Galen Aasland asked if the applicant cou ld mod ify th e app lication a nd resubmit. Mike Mollica statedt hat theyco u ld con sider thisand reapply. Jim Curnutte statedtha t th e n ewappli cation w ould ha ve toco mpl y withthesit e coverage . Greg Amsden s uggestedthe applicant tab le thisfornow a nd reapply fora GRFA variance and no t ha vet ogoth rough the process all over .Gregsta ted other app licants have worke d with adding GRFA intothefront s etbacka rea tomakethiswork . M ike Molli ca s tatedthatth e date ofthen ext meeti ng fo r thi s wo uld beMay20.1996 . H enryPr att made amotiontotab le th is request unt il the Ma y 2 0.1996 m eeting . ,Gene Uselton seco nded th e m otio n . T hemotionto tablethispassedunanimous ly by avole of4-0 . 3 .A requestforanamendmenttoTitle17ofth e TownofVail Munic ipal Codetoallowfo r the inclusionofa ~P l a t T itle F ormat.~ Applicant: Planner: T own ofVail Ge orge Ruther I Geo rgeR uther stated that sta ff recomm ended appro valofth is item . HenryPratt made a motion to approvethis ite m . Gene Us elto n seconded t he motion. The mot ion passed unanim ously b y avot e of4 -0. P lanning lind Env ironnlcnlal Comm ission Minutes A pril 22.1996 10 .... \ i ! i = § • i •.I "I • / ------.---,-4 _'"11 '"q1tH iJl'I:cq pUt) ~6u}w:wn",6iJ"'~ 'MI l .7V.P'!,"4 n T"""........ •• ;I ••i ; I ._-_._,.."..""~ I , ~~rTi ~• ii1!li•"> "~j;"\,§;~:··:i ••,~I .; •• i j.H i u :i..","I i !•!!~ I " l j ' ( ,a',I I•"I, '",,i":;,I, 'I "I,",•,•,I I -, • I /, !1 i jj I''11, I .', i r!,,. " ..r ,.. • I -- -, '-----"\J ~ i ~~••"o' i I _......."'--, , ,...,~..,,,.....,..- L • I .'. \ ---:-... / • ~os.;:. -=~=...-~=: .•..9 QI, I 01 1 I r-:d:f 1 1 I I I 'lI, ,... -_.....~-- .............•.•.1...I 'I ••••••••••olj ./~ ".~'-:•l ••'.,;j,., '••••0 0 ~••••••••'Y........., . :'.I :"I :.. ~, • ,.,., 1• ,~ '\'0""""-, I I,.,, I •---_._...,--",...'''4 \'~",''''qn.H M Dq ptl.V s6ut~t.:lnj 6~J.:J 'm!,,,.~...,,:r '7~"P """" ... I,,, •II I~':;L :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 ' Q -z .I ~o:.1' •...I ;l"i ~ !,o ~:~,LQ~1, •.....-.._-~. i I \. ,/ ~ I"I, • ......~•._.h .....' , •.REC'0FEB 24 \9a9 , Annemarie Lampe 2328 Garrnisc h Drive.P.O.Box 2775 .Vail,Colorado 81 658 •303/476-4106 Town of Vail Attn :City Coun cil To a ll property ow ners o f West Vail,Va il Das Schon e,Vai l Ridge. Asa homeowner a t Ga rmisch Dri ve,I wou ld like to in fo rmy ou of a situation which I f ee l may a ffe ct our property v al ues. There has bee n ap ropo sals ubmittedo f rezon ing and /~vari ance of t he Pr ima ry/S e cond a ry Lots 11 and1 2,Blo ck G ,Va il Das S chone Fil ing 2,233 8 a nd 235 8 Ga rmls ch Dr ive,t o a h igher den sity of more than 2 units per l ot f or the con struc tion o fa 28un it Employee Housi ng Project. The astetic value of the s urr ound i ng l andscapea nd v iewswould b e d ec reased j ust as t he v al ues of n ei ghbor in gp rope rt ies throug h t he burden of additiona l t raff ic ,r e qu i re dp a rk ing s p ac e,t rash removal ,etc. Certainly t he re a re l arger tra cts availab le throughout t he Valley whic h a re more sui tab le f or a28 u nit -complex wit h i ts neces s ary faci l ities. I see no need t ry ing to squeeze ap rojec t of t hi ss ize in to two smal l Prima ry/Se condary lo ts l oc ated i n an e s tab li shed re side nt ial area .Iam urging you to contac t the Ci ty Counci l ande xpres s your conc e rn . A pe ti t ion ,signed bymanyc onc ern edp roper ty o wne rs o f West Vai l , oppo aing a ny rezon ing for t he purpo se o f t his project h as bee n s ubmitted t o t he City Council. s inl~c Annamarie i.£,pe €'ol,'h>IS ~J/a i /-(",1.£2. • PETI TION • We,t he owners and residents of properties in the vail das Schone area o fWes tv ail,recent ly found out that th e owners o f the Sonnenalp are p lan- nin g t o bui ld a n empl oyee housing pr oject on Garmisch Dri ve (Lot 1/~/~ B lo ck <5 ,Fil ing NrJ -..z 'Vaild as Schone). Garmis ch Dr i ve is a qui et r e sidential dead -end str eet and zo ned pri- mar y /sec ond ar y .We t heref or ep rotest any rez oning for t he purpose of e mpl o yee h ous ing . Nam e Address Si gnatu re Date 2-- -,</:r)--. -~-"I ;..../.L-~¥!--'-'~~:l..:lf".~Iil..L.t1:.2..C!W~-fJf,..J.J1M1:ll::L-.£::+=-=r::..'?!!l . • PETITION • We,t he owners and res i de nts of p roper t ies in th eVaild as S ch on e area o f We st Va il,r ec en tl y fo undou t t h at t h e o wners o f th e So nnen al p ar e p lan- n ing to build an e mploy ee hou sing pr oj e ct on Ga rmis ch Dr iv e (Lot Bl ock ,Fil ing ,Vai l das Sch on e). Gar mlsc h Dri ve is a q ui et r esident i al d e ad -end street and z o nedp ri - mary/seco nda ry .We t her ef ore pro test any r ezoning for the pur pose o f em pl oy eeho using . Dat e ,.., -' 'd),.../ TH I "LAN TIIt.OF"VAIL VAIL,C O LQltAOO DnACH AND I'nAIN THIS STATE MIiNTTH,......._..c eM_--.T _~._t>-..ow, ....NOT CO_aT ~__-"-"......_ca......""""&0. D AT I:DCSc:s 'PT I DM ....Cl U ..T ..a CT."I II.....auNT IOU'l£l 'l'1I:1 ••••,••••••"••,•"• •1..'0 0 .........'1'TD T ....."C'''l T "T"l .n ...,...",..."OU•••..'1''',.....CO ..T ""••'1'...,.,......,....••"...,'1'''',"'........1:>0 ...'1''''''1 0,.0 ..""""".u ..............n ......0"'''''',.......,..e:."'..."":D'""'..,. If _.D BUILDING DIViSiON OF EAGLE COUN1Y;P.O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE;CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT.FILE COPY V A L IOA Tl O N DATE 0649 Mar tinJ ones HUMBER Or D W ELLI NG U N ITS"(TYP E OF I",P re ass emble modulr HTI NO.~PEIitM IT TO 23 50C ha monix Lane ) BE TWEEN ~S UeDIY I ~ION co, _____F T,W IDEBy FT .L ONG !IV _______B AS EMENT WA L I.S OR F OUNDATION --,,;0;;,,-_ Original Permit _No .0478 (5 /13/76 ) o ~TOTYPE USE GIitOUP •oIL REM AR KS:_...l.u.:.""IllW.-"",,:nW~'--""'~""W:>""Ulv...L.1IJct>.L _ 300.00 'eU~l t/S o u ..r HEll M artin Jones Bo x 4 21,Vall.Color ado 81 657 AREA OR S ',',',""s 5.00VOLUME,.","""'''''''''''"';;-EST IMATE DC OST __-">!>"'''''_____,-"'_._-"'_'--_ (Affidavit on ieui.aid.of application to b4t eompletlKl by authorized ogent of owner) Iherebycertif y thot the proposed work i sauthorized bytheownerofrecord and Ihove beenauthorized by t heownert omaketh is applicat ion as his authorized agent. SIGNATURE OF AGEN T _ (NUMBE R) '. (STRHT)(CI TY)..' APPROVEDBY T1 TLE ~ DA TE 19_. \\ CERTIF ICATE I SSUED DA TE BUilDING 01 110 0 BUILDING PERMIT·EAr-LE cou T x 789 CC'URTH E,f G..C '",9 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY D"TE A pr il 20 1917 PERMIT NO .---..0...6.4..9 APPL.l CANT MarUI Joa••ADDRESS Box 421 .Van.C O 81157 CIOO.)I!oT'ffTl (COIOT"!>l.'Cr_!>11 r .....lIlbl.__I ar '!JIlt I NUMBER OF PERMIT TO STORY DWELLING UNITS I 'Y~1 01'1 "'~'O U "'I UI 'D.IPllo ~o!oro un l approx .2350 Ch._x La.oe ZONING AT (LOCATIONI DISTR ICT CIIO.I CST"H Tl ~SETWE!:N CIla_oJ"14M '"liorlJa r ..lop -.s Wut ""on ,uuTI le.OII U "IITI Yal l DU SgMU CO'ii S USDIVISION ,~BLOCK S IZE ~8 UILDING IS TD B!:n .WID!:BY !CT.LONG IV "'T .IN H!:IGIfT ",NO S ~ALL CONFORM IN CONSTR UCTION ~TO TYP!:USE GROuP 8A,$IE:~ENT "'ALL.S OR 1"000000AT ION >tn~l l•0 Urld,·l ....rlDlt _Ho .04"(5113/115)ItO.....AK.$; AREA OR 1111I1.gIII_11VO!..U "'£: IC"IC/SQUU(,"un ................._..........,........,......,.,.........,..m.,.."'.go"...,.,......".,........~.,........,.....,.".. OWNER "'arUI JOII••TO elE ~OH PR E"ISES ADDRESS Box 421 ,V.U,Co lo rado 81857 SEE AEW!R!U~,.,~l.OE #DITI.PHS OF CEI'ITlICICJlTIE DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FORCERTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY and COMPLIANCE To be filled in by each division indica ted he reon upon completionofitsfinal inspe ction. BUILDINGS Permi t No._ Approved by Date _ Remark s _ PLUlIAlNG Permit No._ Appro ved by Dat e _ Remarks _ ELECTRICAL Permit No._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ OTHER.Permit No ._ App roved by Date _ Remarks _ OTHER Pe rmit No._ Approved by Da te _ Remarks _ 1.BUILD G P ~Tt~!~C TION.,•,,•• Jur isdictionof "•••••A pplicant to complete numbered spaces o nly.0••~~I.,-O C;..JI-../'h t1 IV I )(L /1-1U J!_l'I 1J..<,7 1/14-1 V.1 .o ~~o ,...I>R a CY O t t U U CMt".....U )LE GALloucR, OWNU ..a IL ""O"U S V Jt-,L.,,,~..o ... 2 !Yo 111'<h ~,./(>M f'.S r,o ~?t 2..-.l5"I I..L-7 "t 7 f-Jf ?U CO "T"H ,<'"....,I.AO""us """...Ll eU _I "O. J L;~..._Q ....c ..IT CeT""f>U.GN C "....,I..o"Il US ...."...L'cl..n ..0. •"irtfltl,14-.,..I!«1/'"I t-'i 7 .-'1 7 «» '''G'"u"......,1.&OO"US •..0 ...L IeU'....0. s c uo._"'''"1."c o"e u IUN... 6 us.o ~I U I L O'''' 7 <:N (I~_R r <;'1+-/...£<.0 '"tot-If"."111 1'\'(1R-"./ 8 Class of work:O NEW o A DDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR ~OV E o RE MOVE 9 Doscr ibe work:f F A t;c;:.n..1.1/..."Or-Itt 0 tlk?_"i T I?,,//t<H '~ 7 10 Chango of use fr om Change of use t o 11 Va luation of work:$tf -"tJQ.AL Pl,.AN CHECK FEE IPER MIT F EE ,CO 11t'l SPECIAL CONDITIONS :T yp e "I OCCUPln :)' COOSI .Gr oup O lv;s lo o S iU,o f B ldll.N o.0 1 Moll •. (T OIII)Sq .F l .Sto d e.oee .Laid Fir.U"F ir .Spr;nlll"r, A""~ICATlOfO Acc nn D "'I",~lA "~C"(COCE O B"APf'RQYE Ofn ..IS$U ....Cf 8"Z one Z o "...Re q u ired D Y$$O N, OFFSTREET PARKIN G jPACES ,N o.0 1 Owe lll"9 U"lh C D"""""Un cove re" N OTI CE SPtIC;/I1 Ap pro val,R ...qu i n:d R eceived N 01 Req uired SE PARATE P E RMITSA RE REQUIRED FOR ELECTR ICAL,PLUMB·ZON ING lNG ,HEATIN G ,VEN TILATING OR AIR C ONDITIONING.HEALTH D EPT . THI S PERMI T BE COMES NU LL ANO V OID I F WORK OR C ONS T RUC- TI ONA UTHOR IZ EDIS NOT CO MME N CeD W ITHIN 120 DAY S.OR FIRE DEPT . I F CO NSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPE ND ED O R ABAN DON ED S O IL R EPORT FOR APE RIOD OF 1 20 DAYS A T ANY T IME AFTER WORK I S COMMENCED.OTHER (Speclfyl I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R EAO AND EXAM INE D THIS APPLICATI O N AND K NOW TME SA ME TO BE TRUE AND C O RR ECT . ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK W ILLB E COM PLI ED WIT H WMETHER SP ECIFIEDHEREINORNOT.THE GRA NTI NG O F A PERM IT D OES NO T PRESUME TO G IVE AUT HO RI TY TO V IOLATE OR CANCEL T HE PROV ISIONS OF A NY OTHER STATE O R LOCAL LAW REGULAT ING C O N STRUCTIO N OR TH E PER FORMANCE O FCO NSTRUCTION • .~~::;~~,.iii"'",,<0>q''Z/?7 A ~0 '"A Il .J I ~O t A J n ~~I //'W HEN PROPERLY VALI OATE D li N TH IS S PA CEI TH ISIS YOUR PERMIT A.o ......~.....,IN TE R NATIO N A l.C ONFE RE NCE OF BU I LOIN CO O FFICIA LS ' INSPECTOR e.wo .........."'~~.....0 ·"'..,.........C"L'~....... PERMITVA LIDA TIO NCASMM.O .OK. F orm 100.1 11·73 PLANCHECK VALI DA TION •INSPECTION APPROVALS •.. DA.TE REMARKS INSPECTOR F OUNDAT I ONS : SeT BACK TREN CH - REI NFORCING FOUNDAT I ON WALL & WEATHERPROOF ING CONCRET E SLAB FRAM I NG I NT .LA THINGO R D AYWA L L EXT .LA THING M ASONRY FINA L US E S PACE BELOWFOR N OTES ,FOLLOW-UP,fTC. 1•BUILD G PERMIT APPLIC TION..'••••• Jur isdiction of 0 ••0••A pplicant to c omplere numbered spaces o nly.0••Jni ","".~" .1~o~"0.I'"I,....c '~E "'~O ne AU AC"C O ••Ct TI1Ct~C •• .......e......rL .."....cs.".·"""e 2 CO"U ""O.....'L ..co ...,.~....0..1 LleU Sl<..... 3 ".C"'U C·...OI .....I .....'L "DO"H"•"I>"e L ICU S<to... 4 u "...n.....,L .00"C ".•"""1 L'U,,"C ..". S •1 ..........""OD "C ••.....e.. 6 ~u "••,,'L"'''' 7 8 Class 01 work :O NEW o AD DITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR O MOVE o REMOVE 9 Oesuibe wor k : 10 Challge ofus.from Cha nge of use to 11 Va luation of Mlrt :S PLAN C HECK FEE ·1 PE RMIT F EE sPE CIAL CONDI TIO NS:T yp"01 O ctu p"",y Coni!.Group OI~I~l on Sln'ol 8I(10 ·N o .01 M.". (T oU I)S q .F I ,St o,IIO'Occ .L oad Fir.u ..F I re sp .l nk lll '~ .......1lc:..T10 ~IloCC CP'fD.V ..L ....C;..t ClUD IlV •""ROVt O fOFt ,SS\JII ,<CE BY Zon.Zu "•R eq uired DV e~O N, N o.0 1 O F F S T REET PAR KING i PA CES ; Owel llnll U n,ts C owe r-.:l u n c o we r ed NO TI CE S p ~cl a l Appr ova ls Req u ired R ece ived No t Rvqu lrad S EP A RA TEP ERM ITS ARE REQUIRED F OR E LECTR IC AL.PLU MB·Z ON I N G ING .HEAT IN G.V EN TIL ATING OR A I R CON DITIONING .H EAL TH D EPT. TH IS PERM IT B ECOMES N UL LAN D VO I DI F WORK OR CO NSTRUC- T ION A UT HORI ZEDI S NOT COMME NC ED WITHI N 1 20 DAYS.O R F IRE DEPT . I F CON STR UCTI ONO RWORK ISS US PEN DED O R ABANDONED S OI l-REPO RT F OR AP ER IOD OF 120 DAV S AT A NY TIME A FTER WORK IS COMMEN CE D ,O THER tS Pfl:l f y) I HEREB V C ERT1FV THA T I HA VE R EAD AND EX AMINE D THIS APPLICATI ON AND KN OW T HE S AMET O BE TRUE ANDCQRRECT. ALL P R OV IS IONS OF LAWS AND O RDINANCES GOV E RNING THI S TVPE OF w ORK WI LL BE COMPL IED W IT H W HETHER SPEC IFIED ME R EI N O R NOT.THE G RANTING 0 '•PERM ITDO ES N O T PRES UME TO G IVE AU TH OR lT V TO V IO LATE O R C A NC EL THE PRO VISI ONS OF AN V O TM ER S TATE O RL OC AL LAW R EG U LA T ING C ONST RUCTION O R TME PERFORMA NCE OF C ONSTRUCTION . S '5••T U"~o r CO .....AC TO ..0"A U T~O.U CO ••c .",oATe I '''''AT ..•0 ......0.0 ....1 ••'~oc .1 DAH! WH EN P RO PERLY V ALI DATED li N TH IS SPAC E)TH IS 15 YO UR PE RMIT PLA NCHECK VALIDATION CK.100II .0 .CASH PERM IT VALIDATION CK.100II.0.CA SH EXTRA copy Form 100.1 11 ·1] ..•• .~..._,_'"v ••~._M.,,__. EAGLE COUNTY ,, FY'~/'.J I /,(,C /~B y (--./:!'./,(fl r t L -I£.._L / collec t ion onl y il nd t nts re ce.p t Shall be c a nc euedf o r Eag le,Colorado i OFFIC IAL R ECEIPT j o,'e-44 I</If ,1 9 ~! cYd..~/~/(7/&'z/UUCLILL j. I N~2205 R ECEIVED OF . CASH I "c;,,!;?;K AC CT. AMOU NT IITEMCODE ,, Build ing Pe rmi t Fe e ! ~.-::.f':,, Appl icatio n'Fo r I Subd iv isi on A pplic ati o n I Zo neChange I Co ndi tiona lU se I, Spec ial U se I, Var ian c e I, A pp ea lFee j I , Code:(Building)(Z onin g)(Sub division ):I I, I, ! I , To talR ece ived ~")\"J , I,..... A ll ,t@ m ~are r ece.ved l o r no-pa yme n t o f M'Iy i t em . i I I I I,,,, I I •• • '. _.--_._---_.-..-....-'--'--"",---.. SURVEYOR'S CERTIF ICATE 4040A N.Fro ntage Rd .East Va il,CO 81657 ADDRE SS: Dov e Hi lb EXECUTED this _.1:-_\._d ay of Q~~~J:__.A.D.•1 9 _~_. OW ER: CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION ANDOWNERSHIP Know 0 11 m en by t hese pres ent s thot Dov e Hilb,Gre g Cummings an d First Bonk of Eagle Coun ty. being so le owners infee simp le.mortg agee o r li enhold er ofallth at r eal property s ituated in the Town of Va il.EagleCou nty.Sta te Of Colorado describeda s fo llows: VailDos Schone -Filing No.2 .Lot 12.Bl ock G. contain ing 0 .3505 ac res more or l ess;h aveb y t hese presentslai d out,p hotted a nd subdivided the some into lots andbl ocksas sh owno n t hisDu plexP lot u mder th e nome a~d.style o f VAIL DAS SCt"i 0NE.FILING NO.2.ARESUBDIVISION OF LOT 12.BLOCK.9, a subd ivi sion In th e To wn ofVall,Co unty o fEag le;a nd d oes hereby ccce j»t the respons ibility for the completion o f r e quired im provements;and does hereby ded icate amd set a porta llo f the publ icro ods a nd other public improvements and places css shown on the accompanying pl ot t o th eu se of the public f orever;and does hereby de d icate those portions of said rea l property which are indicated as easennents on th e a cc ompanying plot as easements for the pu r pose show n herein;and dl oes h ereby g rantt he r ight to i nstall and ma intain necessory structures t o the entity rresponsib le for pr oviding t he services fo r which the easements ore estoblished . t o Restr ict ions as c ontained i nth e 2 16 at Page 153,B ook2 16 a t Page 77 . Thesol e pur pose of this plot is t o create Lo ts 12A and 12 B. Lo ts1 2A &1 2B are s u bject in s trument re c ordedin Book Pa ge2 84 a ndBook21 7 a t 6)Lots 12 A &12B o re subject to t he terms,conditions,reservations an do blig ations as contained in App li cation f or RevocoblePer mit t o Erect o rMainta ina Stru cture o n aPubl ic Rig ht of Way reco rded i nBook 6 96 at Page 308 . 7)Lo ts 12A &12B are SUbject to th eParty Wall Agreement for said lo ts as reco rded in Book at Page . 3)Monumentation os indicated hereon . 4) 5) DUPLEX PLAT VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.2 A RESLTBDIVISION OF LOT 1 2,BLOCK G TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL NOTES : 1)Dote of Survey:September.1996. 2 )Bearings are based upon the line connecting the monuments I ,d marking the so uth eas terly corner o f Lot 12,VailDos Schone -Filing No .2and the northwesterly corn er of lot 9.VailDos Schone - Filin g No .1 b eingS 4 5°25'00"W (see dra wing). 8)For zoning pu rposes,the lots c reated by this subdivi sion are to be t rea ted a so ne lo twithno more t han t wodw elling units allo wed on th e co mbined a rea o f t hetw o lots . I I I I I I I _~c.:.JU~·.E __ SEC .1.I SEC .13 I I TO WN OF VAI L BOU NDARY AAOSA DRIVE S UBJECT SITE SCALE:1--1000' VICINITY MAP JOB No.96DRAWNBY:s.. _Qll'A~__ Z oningAd min istrato r Town of Va il,Colora do ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIF ICATE Thisf ina l plot was -'!plI'aved by Administrator this ..A..-~day of A.D.1 ~Ja_. ATIEST: TownClerk Town of Va il,Co lorado I,Samuel H.Ecker.do hereby c ertify that I am aReg istered Land Surveyor li censed under the lowsof the Sta te of Colorado,that this plot ist rue,c orre ct an d complete p lot of VAILDASSCHONE,FILINGNO.2,ARESUBDIVISION OF LOT1 2,BLOCKG, aslaid out,plotted,ded icated and shown h ereon,t hat suc h plot wa sm ode from onac c urate survey o f said property by me a nd unde r my s upervi sion a nd correctly sh ows the location and d im ens ions of the lo ts,easements a nd stre ets of said subdivis ion as the some are sto ked upon the groun din co mp liance with appl icab le reg u lations governing t he subd iv ision of land.In witness whe reof,Ih aves et my ha nd and seal th is J..L~.day of _~;-~I1 ~.A.D.,1 9 _~_. ~,,1\111 II1I11111( -'-J.4\\\\!'\'"·r'"1111.....~,\J v 1''''C/,.;·...////. ----------~-:...--••'''1'''-<.Samuel H.Ecker $~"}'-11 .i.c ~·.(a ~:::<..i ~,0:-.,(.~..~ Colorado P .L.S.No .30091 ==:';;;,.,~~ ~-0:3 00:i1 :c s:::=-~~:~:=-:::..,.<>..:}<...:;:~<....,••••.....;-~ 'Z vJ1;,~~~~///O'fAL L ~\\'V \,,-$' /(1111/111 1111 \111"\ I.the unde rs igned,do he reby certify that the entire amount of taxes and a ssessments due a nd paya ble asof ~_3 1..U--l 1i~_ upon all parcels of real estate described o n th is p lo t are pa id..in f ull. Doted th is ~L~-l::.day o f _D...~,A .D.,1 9 _'1.~_. CERTIFICAT E OF TAXES PAID CLERKAND RECORDER'S CERTIF ICATE By :_ Deputy ThisPl ot wasfi led f or record in the Office of the ClerkandRecorder at ------o'cloc k ,o n this day of ,A.D., 19andisdu ly re c orded i n Book ,Pa ge No .. -------------------------Clerk and Recorder ADDRESS:0 246 Broadway Eag le,CO81 631 ADDRESS:2 019 Chrornon ix Lone Vai l,CO 8 1657 ...,,,!•• ATIEST: TITLE: SS SS SS BY: TITLE :_ STATE OF CoJgfB:eQ.) COUNTY OF jflglt~_) STATE OF d<?L~) COUNTY OF~~.L~) OWNER : The foregoing Certific ate of Dedic ation and Ownership was acknowledged before me this L::__da y of ~f:oj~,A.D.•19_3..£.by ~!...'L a:-!i~K..- as Sy ~i:.&~&:.~of First Bo nk of Eag le County. My c ommissionexp ires _-My CommlsslM f'<plres 02l-t6l2000_........~]~Witness ~O~.~~r>Q,_o fficial seal./)/'./ "'?-.--".IS'",(~/A~./,II ~/'7 ~_-".~••"....~'-..-=-.r=~-or c ..,,----..::-----I f!:..'..t\V ....'.NoryPu blic/i~'"~V·'.i%:z:::~O/CJ:&i%"I....-~.:"ll':\'-'":~;".pu~....0; ",'~'".····0"/',-rA 0<G .' "·"'1-'tE Q T ..,..•, "''t....•.•. My commission e xpires _...l:-Jl :...q1 _ / Witness my hand an d official seal.-1\/iJ:.hJ.L,sj:O§J._ N7ta-;Y-~~bIl C :. The foregoing Certific ate of Dedica tio n a nd Ownershipwa s ocknowlesdqed be fore me this .A1~!..day of __t2I!IP.!£.ib ,A.D.,1 9 !1.~_,by Dove Hilb. The forego ing Certificate ot,))e dic a tion a nd Owners hip was acknowledged before me t his ~...3._day of ~q6~,A.D .,19 44_,byGr eg Cu mmings . My comm ission exp ires __..!!2!jJ..)....'?..L _ Witness ""'y hand a ndo ff icials eal.-i 0 L.;;4....,;!6-/Notary~~' MORTGAGEE :First Bonk of EagleCounty STATE Od'l..D Io~ryf,'2..._) t:/}COUNTYOF --'¥f--) one duple x un it on e duplex u n i t USE 4 0 -20' 20 ," 233 8A Gar mish Drive 2338B Gar mis hDrive ADDR ESS LOT 8 SCALE : I , SCHONE No.1 / FOUND No .4 REBAR WIT H ALUM.CAP L.S No 1 1204 20 0 AREA 0.1 717 ac . 0 .1788 a c . VAIL DAS FILING Lot 12A Lo t128 PARCEL LANDUSE SUMMARY 9)NOTI CE : According t oColorado law you m ustcom mence anylegalactionbased upon any defect in this survey within thre eyears afteryou fir st discover suchdefect.Inno event,may any actionbased uponany defectin th is survey be commencedm ore thanle nyearsfr omthe dote ofthecertification shown hereon. LOT 9 44 .32' 40.76' CHORD LOT 1 3 BEARING N 6 0027'2 6"E N 4 0051'43"E ,.......FOUNDNo .4 REBAR WITH ALUM.CAP L.S .No.1 1204 2 2.5 2' 2 0.66' TANGENT LOT 10 ARC 44.55 ' 40.9 5' SET ANo .4 RE BAA WITH ALUM.CAP L.S .No .30091 / 1 25.00' 12 5.0 0' RAD IUS SETANo .4 RE BAR WITH Jl;,---ALUM.CloP L.S.No .30091 20025'2 1· 18"46'05" DELTA C1 C2 CURVE -- LOT 11 - A=39°1 1 '26" R=125.00' L =85.50' T=44.50' LC=83.85' CB=N 51°04'23"E SETANo .4 REBAR WITH ALUM.CAP L.S.No.3009 1 -......... rooo lion's Ridt}e Loop ,Suite 3-8.Vail,CO 8'651 (970).'6-8644 o or d '1n,d~f tift C -I r Su h j f t In his urvey b do the c rt,f,calion u +r mence 01 a lun bo li h ee y or ofter you f rst ;en\,r 0_~ny action ba J upon ny "omm ."e thor ten y or f mh hown hr r / I JOBNo 96 DR Wto.WJ. ~C>r..JN o ro/I10N -;£e6L .r-L~ ~ ClJYYI M l l\lk s/ the£>eEs rt THE ASEIot NTS HO N HEREO AF<PE T EP 1I Y 'II"PRe'DEC BL SCALE'1"-10' /,.--RO tl WALL- -rou DPIN AND LS No "204 ELEV 7186 LO T 8 / NAf 10$ 14 / IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CER TIFICAT E LOT 12,BLOCK G VAIL DAS SCHONE -FILI NG No.2 TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO / VAIL DAS SCHONE FILI NG No .1 LOT 13 C N LO T12 •RS R t.ll DR / / /'l"'? .... /~f),,(),~.,":> // /6f6<:5 ~rv bi /'? LOT 9 LOT 10 / ,/ PH Nf P'/ /CD / 'II R ENOUT PvC ( AT PH C PEe O ' ~. nnl 0 land rvey pial or rnpr overn nl survey pia' r ed upon f.,..lee ablishmen fence bUilding erl',y that th,s mp a --ment Lollar Cer tif ate '110 ,"UMMINGS her.~,. LOT 11 1=39"11 '2S- R=12S.00' L=8S.S0' 1 =44 SO ' c.:ONC WALL -- Jr '"'y thot th mer emeo o ve der bed p ,PI ' T /0/9 •e cep ut Ity nc .&ore ent ely w"n•e md of the pc r:..p",howp hot there reno cr..ochm p)(1 lh "ribed prerm e b Impr vel on Jny adlOintnQ premise. ex pi"Ind,ctee,and that th r e'no apparent evidenc or s n Rf ony ..asement crossing or burd n,ng any port of SOdJ'dparcelexce ,\1>1 1I1;l¥~tllll~x c:)\htGtS;~0 Ob ~..0/...<'4>~'""..\..JV£'••-¥~Dot.=r-_'1 "flo _______Z".,;,,<,~~!.~% c-omuel H.Eck -.Crj ~~~ C I redoPL 5 3~~'30091 :g §~o~.:::-E~~....~~~eF.••••~~~~JiJ ••••••••S'J $" 0/1}',j!ALL ~\\\)\\\\"'~ 11111"""11 1\\\\\ It.APRO t.AEN T LOCATIO CERTIFICATE h, not •, P C B !won.0 $'820.("0)478-86 ....