HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK G LOT 13 AND 14 LEGAL•• &.~.~~~ A~_I'~~ ~- /YfS- ", • 'rown of Vail Buil ding Depa rtment 75 South Frontage Road VAIL ,Co .81658 •--- 2328 Ga rrnisc hD~.W Bo x2775.vail .l:~:~;:~~~:7~:P Vai l,july 1 0 .19B7 Ref :Garmisch Drive (at West-Vail) Gentlerren , afte r a l onga nd costly lawsuit concerning the s ett l ing of our ho use at 2328 Garmisch Drive (West -Vail)d ue to water run-offs ,which al so invol ved the town o f Va il ,Ih ave to c all youra tt enti on again to t he ope n construc- t ion site in front of our buil di ng o n Garmisch Drive (owne r:Mr .Jim Demar- tin ,tel .476 -5134)which still contribu tes t o t hep roblem . Since the town o f Vail is at t his poindbrepa ring a d re na ge system and the paVi ng of the Garmisch Dr ive i t is mas i u r gent,to take t he appropriate steps to stop the da nger of the landsl ide a nd t os top al so t hw constan t mu d and wate r build -up . I furthermo re want to call your atten tion to the revegetation of cons truc - tion a reas by law b ut never en forced on the mentioned bui lding site . ,,-, ~"__-:.9 ,,-' ----;:" --;; ,~...::-.:,- 11'11111111111 a 'II I I ~1 1 1 1 11'111111111 11 a ll llllllill Tim Gumina Project Engineer Restruction Corporation P.O .Box343 Sedalia ,CO 80135 Phone (303)688-8244 Myles A.(Tony)Murray,P.E. Presid ent Restruction Co rporation P.O.Box343 Sed alia,CO 80135 Phone (303)688-8244 NOTE -COP Y OFPERMITTOBEKEPT O N JOBSITE g 11 85~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,,--DATE 002195"•PERM IT NO .lin I III I.TYPE OFCONSTRU CTIO N J ll llllVV. department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A BE HIRM BUILDING 10 0000 D IVISION 1 22a 34 z ELECTRICAL T OBEFI L LED OU T COMPLET ELY PRI OR TO ISSUANCEO F P ERMIT 0c TVPEOFPERMIT GENERAL DE SCRIPTION OF WORK :-c PLUMBINGRepairFoundation"~ ~ 0 BUILDING 0 PLUMB ING >MECHANICAL 0 El ECTRICAL (]FOUNDATION 0 MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G ,R.F.A .VALUATIO N PERMIT FEES ~L E GAL LO T J 3 -14 BLK G V R-3 100,000 BUILDI NG PERMIT <>'nn OESC.FILING Fil in g #2 PLAN CHECK 2 16 .50 ~JOBNAM E:La mpe House ELECTRICAL OWN ER Wolfgang Lampe HEW(l ALTERATION ()AoOmONAl(l REPAIR (Ji l PLUMBINGNAME f!23 28 Gann isch M AIL ADpRESS DW ELL ING UNITS __ACCOMMOOATlO NUNITS __M ECHANICAL CITY PH .6 -4 106 HEIGHTIN FT,NO .FIREPLACeS RECREATIONFEE INSULATION:TYPE T I KNESS R-V ALL UE lrI lJlARCHITECTfiRMDESIGNREVIEWBOARD flOOR ,~CLEAN·UP DEPOSI T 250 .00 ~MAIL ADDBESS E XT.WA LLS I\'500 .00 <; CITY PH.USETA X ~ROOF GENERAL FIR M Denver Grout jng Seryj ce -C '". TYPE EL EC .GAS 1 ,39 9.50CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.TOTAL PERM ITFEES :-- O F SO LAR I !>,\-11 000 TELE.HEAT Gary Mur ra i n 9 /11 /85 ADD ITIONAL P ERMIT \~EE~DJ\J --- FIRM UIL DING OFFICIAL ------DAft -- LE CTRI CAL ....~y :~INITIAL Jick .£7 1man__J.!1f)/85 ____ ONT RACTOR TOW N OF VAILREG .NO .ST.CU T ~~ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE -- TE lE ,BLASTING "-~~')~\.ZONING &BlfL.DING NOTEl f iRM PAf\KING \l v »;v revegetae any an a ll disturbed s o il s PLUMBING TOW N QFVAIL.REG .NO ....."1 ~r-,"". CONTR ACTO R OOMO ~h ":A~(l Md 'I..uJ.10 TE L.E. I ~":IJ'1-'h ',,'1 FIRM Iherebyack nowledgetha t I have read th is a ppli cation .ilt ed o utIn full th~I nformationrequ ired, M ECHANI CAL c ompletedanaccurate plot plan.an d state t hat a ll t he information p rovided as requiredisco rrect.I CONTRAC TO R TOWNQFVA l lREG .NO.agree to co mply w ith t hein formationandpl ot p lan ,t o comply with a llT owno rdinances a nd state T ELE laws ,an dto bu ild th iss tructurea ccording to the Town ~~~a nd.;,;t,lslon.;lodes,de sign OTHER FIRM review approved.u nlfo'F BuildingCo de '~J'nc e s theT applice Ie )hereto. ~.tz.Sc hm id '}',;,/,>~ TOW N Of VAI L.REG .NO .d'"(3 ds ttl If 110 32-S IGNATURE OFOWNER 0 C~C T~~R I-1\M SELF I ' CONTRACTOR re re.C \)..!.l.Y ANDTHE OWNER.LIi ';-1 ....prtntery ....'1 V NOTE -COP Y OFPERMITTOBEKEPTONJOBS ITE 1CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT~~DATE ,- I:"·Dill:; e- PERMIT NO.•~ 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION I IIIIIIVV. department 01comm unity development 2 ,OCCUPANCY GROUP A BEHIR M BUILDING DIVISI ON 122a34 z ELE CTR ICAL I, T O BEF I LLEDOU T CO MPLETELYPRI OATO I S SUANCEOFPE RMIT 0 ~ TYPE OF PERMIT GE NER A~I~E ~,~:Tl O N ~~W O RK :-c PlUMBING~ ~<I0BUILDING0PLUMBING>MECHANICAL 0 ELECTRICAL 0 FO UNDATIO N 0 ME CHAN ICA L 0 TVPI'GROUP G .R.F.A.VAL UATION PE RMIT FEES ~lEG A l l OT BlK ,BUILDING PERMIT OESC .FILI NG 1 1n PLANCHECK "JOBN AME:EL ECTRICAL I L ••<,I..,n.OWNER NAME NEW !)ALlEBATIO N (J AD DITI ONAL (I REPAIR ()PLUMBING MAIL AD DRESS '..r ,', DWELLING UNITS ~_ACCOMMODATION UNIT S __MECHANICAL " CITY PH .,I-l EIGHT IN FT.NO .F IREPLACES RECREATION FEE I---- AR CHITE CT FIRM I NSULATI ON:TYe<THfCKNE SS R·YALLUE DESIGN REVIEWBO ARD FLOOR ..,'1 CLEAN ·U P D EPOSITMAILADDRESS,l -, EXT.WALLS .r n CITV PH .U SET AX ROOF \1 F IRM ••, GENERAL TVPE ELEC.'Y"GAS I .,CONTRACTOR T OWN O F V AilREG .NO .O F TOTAL PERMIT FEES SOLAR I V ~.WOOD TELE.H EAT r~r ,1/ A DDITIONAL P EA MIT \NEE ~Eb:\A'\l J B UiiOING OFFIC IAL ------DATE ----- FIRM LE CTRICAl f 'I ,~INITIAL 1,111 TOWN OFV Ail REG .N O .STCUT '<~CONING ADMi NISTR,UOR --------- ONTRACTOR D ATE TH E.B LASTING KK,"'<)'7_~~,IN G &B ~ILD ~NIlI~N OTES ; FI RM ,,\~v '\\I,~I {I II 1 •••,1 s PARKING PL UMBING T OWNQ F VAil R EG .N O .,,I • CONTRAC TOR DEMO II •r T ELE. F I RM Iherebyac knowledgeth at In ave readt h is a pplication.f illedou t i n full t hJ i nfo rmatio nrequired , M ECHANICAL co mpleted an accuratepl otpla n,a ndstatetha t a ll th e in formation pr ovidedas requi red i sco rrect.I CONTRACTOR T OWNO F VA il REG .N O .agreetocom ply w ith t he i nfo rmati on a ndpl ot p lan ,toco mply wi th a llT own o rdinancesand stale TELE. laws,andto build t his structureacc ording t ot heT own's zoning and su bdivisionco des,d esign reviewap proved ,Uniform Building Co dean do ther o rdinances of th e Town applicablet hereto. OTHER FIRM I 7 T OWN O F VAILRE G.N O.S IGN ATUR E O F OW NER O RC ONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CO NTR ACTOR TElE.,I -A ND TH E OWNER.",-Iv ~,1 KKSN A I~c o'"",,'ea Consulllng Eng;",-,.. Co,potlte He .do','-ie's • C<:.'"'-10 Sr""''l~ G c n~oad Sll "n ll' b"",cs C:>....,,"" _'"~r''l'''n. ;,de "'~I\C''''D,,~'.')In... enC~;D ""'01 :::: Ekr>1 <><' ~~'~,"",""""'l>s..,L'''".C''1 IJ'ln Aug ust 26 ,1 985 Mr .Myl es Murra y,Pre sident Res truct i on Corpor ati on P.O.80x 343 Se da li a .CO 80 135 Fast -Track Re pairs lampe Reside nce 232 8 Garm isch Driv e Va i l ,Col ora do Dear Mr .Mu rray : We ha vebeene ngaged by Mr.Wolfgang l ampe t ode sign app ropr iat e repairs fo r th e s ubj ect res ide nce l ocat e d on Lot13 of t he Va il DasSchone Subd i vi sion.Mr .La mpehas a l soas ked t hat you r firm do t he con st ructi on work,worki ng closely wit h KKBNA on a f a st -t ra ck pr ocedure t ominimizeth e t i me topro j ectcomple t i on . If t he work re quires you to subc ontra ct par ti c ular t as ks ~we r eques tt hat you di s c uss th e s el e ction ofs ubcont r act orswith us be f or-e maki ng f i naldec is io ns. We expectcerta i nr e quirem e nt stobe i dent ifi edonlyby ex po sure o f c ond i tions as a r e s ult ofot he rwo rk.I n par ti c ular, ex cavat i onwor k 'a round t heres i dence will a l lowust o det e rmin e th e mos t appropr iate desi gn fo r s ubdrainr epair a swe ll as f i nal procedu r es f or un derpi nningt he east fou ndation wa l l.Th us,we will be working clo s ely with youduring c ons tr uct ion to reac h a ppr opr i at edecis ionsi na ti me l y ma nner. Alt hough s pec i f i c t a sks cannot y et bede fined i ngr eat det a il . t he f ollowi ngoutl in e o ff er s ac le ar pi cture of t hes cope and q ua li ty o f wor km ansh ip a nt i c ipat ed: 1.Bui ldi ng Per mit s:Th is wi ll i nclu de wo r k in g wit h Wil lia m Andrews,Town En ginee r,an d Ga ry Mu rrai n,Buil ding I nsp ect or ,both at 75 So .Fr ontage Road ;phon e476-20 00. 2 .Repa ir of Main St ru ctu r e :I nt er sections off oundati on wal ls notprev io us ly re infor ced are t obepi nn ed t ogether with s tee l dowe ls in epoxy ;c racks which ha ve deve loped i nt he f ou nda tio n walls a r e to beepoxy g ro ut ~d to r e e s t ~b l i s h f ull £"9 '"H""9 Eo ,"~One . 1945_1985 J~,~~"'",," ',''"N H .......- ....:--.'El"9" -",.'~B fl '"~-,,<; ,I d rr .~"0 "... ",p,=C:~'lW :l~.,~~''''''''9 )~,"c'r.'3 ~,e .<•~G "e'"D ~".'.A J.'''...~' ",J",q 11,,-'''''Ol,h'"./<>.".,,"0,',,J..,a ><.,,,"C "'~",<,',. "':~'l (;><'~~"',",,-(-'".1'~"., ""-"..,M.". :;Jo ,.,"oJ .."'-'":,,,+8 0 ""d','""~~",-,,~, (};,~Tr.,~l o"\"_~"~ A "''i......~G~','"....., A c",~""-;,,.~"00..:("'. l ~'\0 ~'-'-, Res t ~ti an Corporation Aug ust 26 ,1985 Page2 • st rengt h;i n th e deep secti on of t he foundati on .th e t opof the f oundat ion wall s a re t obet iedto the fl oor syst em fo r in creased l a tera l st a bil ity ;the t opof th e foundation wa ll att hechi mn ey i s to be br acedsoas t o pr ovide mo redire ct l ongi tudina l st rength;and t he areaof t he main entran ce. in cluding th eco lumn t o t he roof .i s to be mod if ied soast o fu nctio nin tegr ally wi th th e main s tructure (this wi ll requ ire rem ovalof theex ist ing found ationsy stem in thi s a rea and repla cem ent witha different str uct ural sy stem). 3 .Soil/St ructure Interac tion :The east f ound at ion wal lhas set tl edduet o softer f oundation s oilsthan un der othe r portionsof t her esidence;th is wall is to ber einforced withunderpinningdeveloped fr om th e in s ideof the str ucture;drilled-in-placecaiss ons are a nti cipated at a spacingy et t o be det ermined . 4 .Subdrainage Control:There sidence now has adra inage sys tem which is inte r cepting and col lec ting gro undwater .but Which i s not discha rgingth e wateraway f rom t he resi dence - inf a ct.t hepre sent di sc ha rge is directly in to .the zoneof the f oundation a long the east wal l;anew di scharge sy stem will be r equir eda longth e west and eas t wa ll s to assure pos it ive discharge to the su rface wellbe low t he resid ence. While compl eti ng this wor k 'andth e above me ntio ned im pr ov emen t of soil /s tructure interaction .open areas inth e foundation walls ar e to bec losedby concrete extens ions of th e stepped foundation sys tem. 5 .SurfaceDraina ge Con tr ol :Mor e pos itiv es u rfa cegrad ingis tobe esta blished between t he residen ce a nd theroa d t o a ssure f l ow away f rom th e r esidence(i n this area ,c ha ng es are al so to be made in the so i l a s describe dbel ow);a long t he east and we st sides ,at th e roof drip l ine .a concre te tn te rceptor-ysp la sn blo ck will beadded to pre vent dire ct infiltra ti on to t hebackfi ll (chang es wil l also bereq uire d i nt hebackfil l a longwith t he c hangesbeing madeint he s ubdrain throu gh t hese l anes). 6 .Lowe r Reta iningWal l:The f rontfa ceoft he cri bbing is to be r e inforcedsoas to preventf u rth e r vertical compression; t he f ace is then tobe c l added wi th an add it ionalsys tem bo th fo rs tren gthenin gand appearance;t he ove r all wa ll is to be s trengthened by changes i nt he s oil suppo rt which ar e notyet fin alized. 7.Uppe r Re taini ng Wa ll s:Thef ront face of each wa ll is tobe reinfo rcedsoas to prevent vertical comp ress ion;t he top wall on the east side is to be dismantled a~d r ~c o ~st r ;~t p d ••Restr uction Corporat io n August 26,1985 Pa ge 3 • in apositio n c lose r t o the r oad(soas t o r educe t heload on the wal l below i t);t her a il i ngs at bot h the westand eas t sides a re t o bere co nst ructed in a ma nn er providin g increased st re ngth a nd safety . 8 .Soi l s Excav ation and Recompacl ion:A zone be l ow the lo we r r etain i ngwa ll ;s t o be excava ted and re c om pacted to provide i ncreas eds uppo rt o ft hat wall ~s pecif ic ar eas a ndmet hods will beprovided ;bet weent her es i denceand t he r oad,a depthof three feet wi ll beexcavated and r ecomp acte d - addit ional depths may bere qu i red immed iately a djace nt to t he northfo und ation -s pecif ic a re asand methods wi ll be provided ;co ntrolle dr ecompa ction o f so il wil l ber equ i red for the r econs truct i onof t he upper east c r ib wal l;backfi ll al ong t he west ,south and eas t f oundation wa lls i s to be rem oved a nd r ecompactedfo llowing comple t ion of t he s ub drain system -i nt hese areas .dept h of exca vat ion 1sa nt icipated tobeto abou t sev en f eet above th e l owest f ootings - s pec if ic pro cedures to bees tabl ishe d a s conditions are exposed.Top zones of t he reestabl ished backfil l nearthe r esidenceare to be co~pacted andgr aded s o as to l im it inf i lt r ation of s urface water. 9 .Cosmetic Repairs in t he Up per St ructure:Fol lowing comp letion oft he above t asks.r epair wi l l ber e quiredi n the upper structuret o f ix s uch t hings as sheetrock c r acks and poorly al igned doors ;suc h wo rkwil lnotbe the r esponsib 11ity of Restruction Corpora tion . As noted inth e above l i st ingof co nstr uction ta sks,many tas ks a r e i nte rre l a ted .Further.many c an be explicitly de fined on ly a s ar esul t of obser vation s int hef i eldas c ondi t i ons are e xposed.Conseque ntl y .KK BNA wi ll work close ly with you during t he const ructi on process.Alt hough KKBNA wil l be respo ns ible f oral l engin eer ing decis i on s ,you are e ncourag edt ooffe r s uggestionsf orpr act i c al cons truc t ion proce dures bas edonyour exten sive expe rien ce wi th t hi s t y peof s truct ur a l repair .Als o. y ou areencouragedt o work wi th us .aswellastne To wn of Vai l . t o esta bl i shse qu enc ing of t asks whi ch wi ll a ll ow al lworkt o b ~ comp le tedbefo re i nflue nce by lat efa ll weath e r /t em perature c ondit ions . S i n c e~e l •<;b '(:/<..,d;~-/'.j t.~.>_ Al l e n G.Thu rman Color adoP.E.No .60 56 AGT:et , KKBNA Inco'por.'OO Consu l11 n9 En q .~,·~,. Co'po'.'.H<>.",c .",." 425'"''''''''9 Wllul ~dli.C.,.•.uo !lC03J 30 343'6 '00 • C~""'4<lO $\>,~9 'o "~'~<>J(I S:.-'ngl E~....a'c . CV'ot3 ·JIJ lOS ''>g e~, S~"~,a"c ,=c,s".",",. • ;josto.- ','.s••:·~"""SOl'La,n.c". I,;lan \ August26 .1985 Mr .Myles Mu rray,Presi dent Re struct ion Cor por ation P.O.Box 343 Seda lia .CO 80 135 Fast-Tra ck Re pa lrs Lampe Res idence 232 8 Ga rmisch Drive Va il,Col orado DearMr .Mur ray: We have beenengaged by Mr .Wo lfgan g Lampe to des ign appr opr ia te r e pairs fo r th e su bject residencel ocated on l ot 13of the Vail OasSc hone Subd iv is ion.Mr .Lampehas also ask ed that your fi rm do t he const ru ct ionwork,worki ng c l ose ly with KKBNA ona f ast -track pr ocedu r e to mi nim i ze the ti meto project comple t ion. I fth e workr equires you t osub contra ct pa rt icu lar t as ks,we r equest that youd is c uss the s e le ct io nofs ubcontracto rs with us befo re ma king f i naldecisi on s . We expect certa i nr equiremen ts to be id entif i edonlybyexposure ofc onditio ns as a res ult ofot her work .I n particu la r , e xcavat ion work around the r es i dence wi ll al lo w us to determ ine t he most a pp ropri ate desi gn f orsubd rainrepa ir as we l las fi nal procedures fo r und e r pi nning the e ast f oundat i on wall .Thus ,we will be workin g c lose ly wi th youdur in gco nstruction to r each appropr iate dec is ions in a t i mely man ner. Alt hou gh spe c ific tas ks c annot yet bede fined i n great detd il, t he f ol low ing out l i ne of fers a cl e ar picture oft hes copea nd qua l i t yof work manship ant i c ipa te d : 1 .Build i ng Perm its:This will i nc l ude wo rk in g wit hWill i am And re ws ,Town En ginee r ,an d Gary Mu rrain ,Bu i l ding Ins pector,bot h at 75 So .Front ageRoad ;phone 476-2 000 . 2.Repa ir of Ma i n St ruc t ure:I nters ect ions of f oundationwa ll s no t pr ev iously re in forced are t o be pi nnedt ogeth er w i~h stee l dowe ls i n epoxy ;c racks wh ich havede veloped i n t he f oundatio n'....a ll s ar et obe ep oxygrouted to re es t eb l i s n fu l l Eng'n ...."nlj Eo."~~"e 1'Jo.l 5 _'9B5 fM.·~~A"",~ '.':-AA ...!',,,,,,,n .....-...'1''<1"' Ho-h",'I A'o ~""'J J.,_,R C ••,s N'"''F Ount., lJ"'od f F le ......g D ".,0 Co ,A.~·e J,...j G .~",D~.l ~~.'--"" '?;~I'l""""',r-';]II O:;J,..",'-':" \".0_'-"1\"~'A"Q '.t ,'.0 "e'~'., ..~....~.:o "''''''''1;{)"c·.·•J •,e. "~",\\1 ~~ :'l<>-••~··O "c,. :1,;••.•il C '.~~ ....,""..I"""A' ::J:-·P..l.·')~~_,.,': ~-.;.~'-(""~".'-u ,.~;.,.;:-O 'T\D'-....'"~. L·...;~.:.- Re st ~t i o n Corporati on Au gust 26,1985 Pa ge2 • st re ng th ;i n t hedeepsec tion of the f oundati on,the to pof th e f oundati on wa ll sa re t o be ti ed to the floor system for in creasedl ate ral sta bil ity ;t hetop of th e foundat ion wa ll at t hec him ney is to bebr aced s o a s t o pr ovide more direct l ongitud inal s tre ngth;a nd t he area of th e main e ntrance , i ncluding th e co lumn totheroof ,is t o be modifi edso as to f unctionin tegrally with the main stru ctu r e (this will r equirer em ovalof the e xisting founda tion sys t em i n t his a rea and r epl aceme nt wi th a different st ructura l syst e m). 3.So i l/Structure I nte rac ti on :The east fo undation wallhas set tled duet o s ofter f ound~t i on soi ls t han un derot her por tionsof the resi dence;this wa ll i s t obe re inforced wit h underpinning de veloped from th e i nside of the st r uct ure;dril1 ed-in -place caissonsar e ant icipated at a s pacing y et to be dete rmined . 4.Subdrainage Co ntro l:The r esidence now hasa drainag e system which is inte rcept ing and c ollecting groundw ater ,but which i snotdi scharging the wate r away f rom the r es id ence - i n f a ct .t hepresent di scharge i s di rec tly into the zoneof th e f ound a ti on along th e east wall;a new d is cha rg esys tem will ber equired a longth e westand e ast wall s t o ass ure posit ivedischarget o the s urfacewellbel ow th e r es i de nc e. Whi le comple ting t his work and t heabove men tio ned improvem ent ofso il/s tru c ture interact i on,open areas in the foundation wa lls a retobe c losed by concre teexte nsions of th e st eppe dfou nda t10nsystem. 5.Sur face Dra inage Co nt r ol:More positive s urface gra dingi s t obe estab lis hed betw eent he r eside nce "a nd the roadt o a ssur ef low awa yf rom the resid ence (i nt hisa rea,c hanges are a lso t o be ma de inth eso il as described below);a lo ng t heeas t and we st si des,at t he r oof drip l ine,a concrete i nte rce ptor/splashblo ck will be added to pr eventdi rect i nfi lt ration to t he backfil l (c hanges wi ll als o be r equir ed inth e ba ck f il la long with t he c ha ng es be i ng ma dei nth e subd rain t hrough these zones). 6.lower Retaini ng Wall :The fr ontfa ceof the c ribbi ng is to be rein forced so a st opre ventfu rthe r vertic al c ompr ession ; t he face i st hen tobe cladded wit han additional system both f or s tren gtheningand app earance;t he overa ll wal l is tobes t rengthened by changesin the soi l su pport which a re not yet finaliz ed . 7.Uppe r Reta ining Wal l s :The f ront face ofeach wall is t o be r ei nforcedsoas to prevent ver t i c a1 compr ess i on ;the t op wall on the eas t side is to be di s mantled d~d r econstr uct ed •Re st ruction Corporation August 26,1985 Page 3 • in a posi tion cl osert o the r oad(soas t o r educe th e l oad ont hewall bel ow i t);t he ra i lings at both t hewe st an d east s ides are t obe reco nstr ucted i n a mannerpro v i ding in cr eased strengthan ds a fety . 8 .Soi ls Excavat ion a nd Reco mp action:Azone below t he l ow er r et ainin g wall ;s to be excavatedan d r ec ompa cte d t opr ovide i ncreasedsu ppo rt of t hat wa ll -spec if ic a r easandme thods wi ll bepro vi ded ;between t he r esidence and t he r oad,a dept h of t hree feet wi l lbe excavated a nd r ecompacte d - additionaldepths may be r equir ed i mmedia t e lyad jacent to t henorth f ounda ti on -sp ec if i ca rea san dmet hodswi ll be provided ;controlled re c ompa cti on of so il will bereq uir ed fo rt he r econst ruct i on of the upp er east c ribwa ll;backfi 11 a lo ng th e wes t,so uth and eastfo unda t ion walls i s t o be r em oved a ndrec omp ac te d fo l lo wing comp let ion of the s ubdrain system-in t hesea rea s,dept h ofexca vation i s anti cipated t obetoabouts even f eet abo vet he lowestfo ot ings- spec if i c proce dures t o be est a blished asconditio ns a re exposed .Top zon esof the r ee st a bl ished ba ckfi11ne ar the r esidence are to be c ompact eda nd gra ded so a s to l i mit in fil tr a ti onof s urface wa te r . 9.Ccsme tt c.Repairs in t he UpperSt r ucture:Fo ll ow ing compl et ion of the abov e tasks ,rep a ir wil l bereq uiredin the upper structu ret o fi x s uch things as sheet r ock c racks a nd poorly al igneddoors;suc hwork wil l not be t he responsibi l ity of Res tr uction Corporat ion . As no ted in the above l i st i ngof constr uct ion t asks.ma ny tasks are i nt e rr ela t ed.Fu rther ,ma ny ca nbeexplic itly def ined onl y asares ult of observat i ons in t he field as condi tions ar e e xposed .Consequent l y .KKBNA wi ll wor k clos ely wit h you dur ing th e constru c tion process.Al thoug h KKB NA will berespons ib le for all e ngin eering dec isi ons .you are e ncou raged to of f er suggestions for practic al const ruct i onprocedu r es based onyour extensi ve e xper ience with this t y peof struct ur alrepa ir,-\1so . y oua re encouraged to wor k wi t h us.as well as the To wn of Vail , to e stablishse quenc i ng of tasks whi ch wi ll al low a l l wor k t o be compl et edbef ore in f luen ce by late fa ll wedthe r jtemperature condIt 1ons , S'a·n.mC/~.'_c />.rt--".I ./I ~a ').~._-~. Alle n G.Thurm an Co lorado P.E .No .6056 AGT :et • .J /to .SO Lac>r o CJ X I~,,"'I\~I X X X uunnm c BUI LDING PERMIT ElECTRICAl PLA N CIlECI< REC REA TION FEE TOTALP ERMITFE ES 1/"-9 of ,~-C) DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ClEAN,UPOEPOSIJ c-.;5 °.0 6 USE TAX •.~-1'/'0 .Dn D.!!.-II PER MIT FEE S -.I </<5 0 0 WOOD ....~.,..~.m ..',6'II PLUM BING L1ECH ANICAl e" THICKNESS R·VA llUETY!,E ,UA IE SOLAR r rec . ,~ HE"IGHTJtHT._NO.FIREPLA CES INSULATI ON: r v"WAll S FL OOR ROOF TYP E O F HEAT I .tYP E OF CONSTRUC TION I I/Ill IVrS) :,OCCUP ANCVGROUP ABE fl e M DIVISION J 2 20)Q ELE e·-··'o. XeENE."O E~"D tlO'WO .K'_~PLU "DlNG X =0;,.,'<::i7s(,'>MECHA'HCAll I X_pI?'J ,h TOTAl:::112":-,["""I/;;:;"mo NEW'I ALTERATlO t ll )ADOIlIO·..•••""n un.U OWELll NGUNtTS _ACCOlAYOOATIONVNlTS ----J- She-e.! o PLUMBING ~FOUN DATIONo ,.\::::1I K m Pp II UAll "1:1/n n 0 u Sf>'""'.......-' .-!.t?mPi LOT /')-0:=BLK ,G FILING ~",,2,-_ ~la~fimi ltY depar tment o f co mmun ity d ovelopment o BUI LDIt'GoELECTRICALoMECIIAf~lCAL JOB NAME: L EGAL OESC. OWN ER L oca l A d d. GENERAL IFIR M fkn V("?G .t2cdin i"pt~ CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG,NO. TElE 4t:q //-'?~ ""':',11<,;</'IR -:YJz ni ns soc!a 1-=, EOj,..,.,.<:R>MAIl AODRE"g l.20 .s0,.g:dda 8 l ~ eITV ,*,~I '"i,,'1,,1('P H .~::i!lJ qS1 pf('£stLFYlOUT diW'~\I\I W Pfl \~R ~o 1.~mC A ~mR MITTYbEOF'PEIH,t1 t I~..J f J 1 il bW1'DDBE "2 3 .:28 <:Zzy.m t5(9 b t ,A ddress OS ,1J 'U ft llJ?CITV M .. • X X ( x X X X FIRM ELECTR ICAL _TRACTORI TOWN QF VAIL REg .NO , HlE f1RId PLUMBING CONTRAC TORl TOWN QF VAll REG NQ , THE ADDITIO NAL PERMITS NEEDED: 1.!i ..CUT 9l"STI NQ •....KI NO CELIO lli!ill.!..-DA"TE---- ZON IN.;i &BU ILDING NO ES; •~0>,LX..\n ..."\('C. II (1 ,'-,1...>,."-,.,- "I FI RM c~~;~~~~~~TOWN OF VAll REO.Np. -----Illl! O THER FI AlA I TO.....N O£...IM!L REONQ CONTRACTO RI THE. Ihereby ack now ledgo th at Ihavereadthisappll callo n,filledout In l ull tho Inlormallonrequ Ired, complet ed an accurateplotpla n ,and statetha i a ll th e Info rmalf o n provid ed as required isc orrect.j agr ee to compl y wllh th o tnt crmaucn and plot p lan,10 comply wilh all 't own ordin ances and state laws .and 10bu ild lhl s structur e Dccordl ng10t he To wn's zonIng a nd su bdivision cod es.d ~si9n r eview approved,U niform Build ing Codeandc u-er ordinances ol lhe Townapp licable the ret o..,.. .~. XXXXX XXXXXXXX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e SIGNATUREOF OWNER ORCO NTRACTORFOR HI USELF .AND THEOWNER. I, ----,,"'... I NSPECTION REQUEST 'f OWN OFVA IL CA L LER ""'-JL.l.-"lr$.J.LLbLJ'-f.1--'-''"'S..,----::::--_ MON TU ES WEDTH UR FRI • READY FORINSP ECTIO N : L OCATIO N : PERM IT N U M BEROFPRO JECT DA TE ISlA :;<gs JO BN AME -_-lL.!J.'.f2.:.Lf,~!1=~ti~~Lf1._---_ BUILDI NG :PLU MBING: o FOO T IN GS I STEEL o U ND ERGROU ND o FOUND ATION I ST EEL o ROUG H I D .W.V. o FRAMING o RO UG H I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N SUL ATION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 09\---ft It')1[1 1115 (f t1>()j-q.~o 0 )o FINA L o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o COND U IT o S U PPLY AI R 0 0-o FIN AL o FIN A L // t l6;A PPROVED /CORRE CTIONS : o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTI ON R EQUIRED .2 ,,,"om _...,, • I NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVA IL '. /'-r-.i)r7 . T HURFRI fI/ll1tj/:M A M ~o ~ 1./MC£M~ •;<115 R EADYFO RIN SPECTION : LOCA TION :1.O L.'?v'Ln DA TE --'--'4-~'--l,;,+-J..L-'---JOB N AME --'(l.fl1:Li-4?5-~1-:o~tL~~~~~------- MON (;J WED Z a v K..-rr A "'a Lt' o REIN SPECT ION REQU I REDoDISAPPROVED BUILDI NG :P LUMB ING : o FOOTIN GS /ST EEL o U NDERGRO UND·WFO UNDATION /STEEL e £,C'A ,v o ROUG H /D WV. o FRAM ING o ROUG H /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL /H .TU B o S HEET ROC K NAIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o F IN AL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ~ "-=P."O"'APPR OVED-'- CO RREC TIONS : I NS PECT OR -,..",........ • INTE R-DEPART MENT AL REV IEW • , PROJ ECT:.~r'" DATE SUBMIITED:_ COMM EN TS NE EDED BY:__ BRIEF DESCRIPT ION OF THE PROP OSAL: &8"'-.-.1 c DATEOF PUBLIC HEARI NG._ PUBLIC WORKS Rev iewed by:-'-C-L-'-~Date Coom ents: FIRE DE PA RTMENT Re viewed by:'....;Date._ Corrments: POLICE DE PARTME NT Reviewed by:---'Date,_ Coom ents: RECREATI ON DEP ARTME NT Re vi ewed by :----'Date,_ Coom ents: .v. ,..\:..,. ." .., .> ~.-... .'>• •fPc Ground Engineering Consultants,Inc.: • May 17.1985 Subject.Lampe Residence, Val1,Colorado Job NU Mber 84-101 long &Ja ud~n,P.C. 1600 Ogden Street oenver.Colorado 80218-1414 Attentfon:Mr .Gary Blum Gentl8lRen : We have reviewed the comment s outlfned tn Fox &Assoc1ates' letter of AprIl 22.1985 concernIng the subject property. In general,we understand that Fox &Assoc1ates has concluded that the proposed remedial measures are inadequate because a deta1led geotechnical analysts hAS not been completed.Specif1cally,they are concerned about the ov erall stab IlIty of the sIte.the stabIlIty of the proposed lower w.l1,the upslope slurry cut-off wa'1and the bear1ng capac1ty of the foundat1on matertals.Each of these 1tems are adressed below. SIte Stabllltv!It I.our opInIon that the existing buIldIng distress Is directly related to Improper design and foundat1on placement at the southeast corner of the structure.Presently there 15no eVfdence that the ove rall site stability i s suspect or has changed s ince t he original design was completed in 1980.Based on these observations, the request for an overall stability analysis is beyond the scope of work required to rehabilitate the structure. Lo.er W.ll Stabilityl The existing wall is experiencing major distress.It appears that the cause of this damage is assocfated .fth not only the lateral earth pressure resulting from the backfill but also the structural components of the .Ill syste..Thfs wall syste.has been retainfng the slope with some movementl and has not fafled. We hive analyzed the overall stability by assumfng a shear faflure along the fnterface of the existfng slope and the fill material wIth a factor of safety equal to 1.ThIs analysfs requfres several assumptions,however it can be used to evaluate lateral pressurel for the desfgn of .....------6039 Wtfol AllUt1Ctl.8 ,S ultc 145 •Lakewood,Coloredc 80226 ·(303)235-0404 --------- • ••• remedfa'measures.Based on our analysfs.we recommend that latera'earth pressure computed on the basts of an equivalent fluid unit weight of between 80and90 pcf be used to de.fgn the remedt.,correct tons.The actual de"gn value will depend on the amount of existing fill which I. r ••oyed and replaced under controlled compactfon. Using a value of 90 pcf concrete cantilevered w.'1 will perform adequately If It Is our opinion that both the and the proposed tl.ber crib wall they are properly constructed. Slurry Cut-off W.11;We understand that the proposed slurry cut-off ••'1 is desfgned to reduce surface w.ter Infiltration Into the foundation .aterlal.,It Is our opinion that this system will not be effective.We would recommend that 1t be deleted from the proposed re~ed1al Measures.A more posftive solutfon would be surface treatment consfsting of gradfng away from the bu1lding and placement of curb and gutter along the roadway to reduce surface .ater from inffltration tnto the subs011s. Founda~1on Bearing CaoleftVt Based on the avaflable information,the ex1stfng foundatfon settlement resulted fro.1nadequate foundat1on mater1al 1n the southeast bUfld1ng corner.Th1s poor bear1ng capacity resulted fro_ fill .aterlal which was Improperly placed Inan old dralnlge ditch located on the site.The original salls Investigation andour SUbsequent evaluat10n along with the general bu11dfng performance indicates that the natural sofls can support the remedial foundation loads as des1gned. If you have any quest10ns concerning these comments or ff we can provide additional assistance,pleas.contact us. Sfncerely, GROUNO ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC. RtIM~k~~ O ' •.f£c Ground EngineeringC o n su ltants,Inc. 5011 Inv~stiga t ion • Job No .84 -10 1 LANPE RESlDEXC E Lot 13.Va il Das Schone Sub di v is ion 2 328Ga rmis c h Dr l¥c Va il .Co I oradc Prepa redf or: Long a nd J a udon 1600 Og denSt ree t Denv er.Colorado802 18 -1414 Jul y 23.1984 "-------6039 W..:..,.\la m cda.Sui te 14-5 •l.akcwnClrl ,Colorado 80226 •(ana)2:i.').{)4.(U ---------- •• TAB LE OF CON TENT S Conclusions .•... Scope and Purpose of Study Field a n d Labora to ry Invest igations. Foundation Subsoils . Conclusions and Recomm en dations. Limitations ...•.. Figure -Loc at ion of Te st Pi ts Figure 2-Logs o f Test Pi ts .. Figure 3-5 -Swe ll-Co nsol idation Tes t Resu l ts . F i gure 6-1'loisture -D en s ity Rela t ion ship.. Ta ble I-Su~ma r y of Labo r ato ry Te s t Resu lts -i - • Page 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-9 10 II • CON CL USION S • 1 .The structure is unde rgoing dis tress as ar es ul t o f f oundation se tt l ements c ause d by ove rloadin g the f oundation materials . 2.Remedia l un derpinn ing should be completed as s oon as practica lt or educea ddi tionald is tress . SCOP E A.~D PURPOS E OF STUD Y Th is r ep ort p resen t st he r e sults o f a found at ion inve stigationfo r the Lampe Res idence loc a ted a t2 328 Carcis ch Drive .Vail.Co lo r~d o.The app roximate pro jec t s i te 1 s s hown onFi gur e 1. A f ie ldex plo ra tion program was c ondu ct ed t oob taini nf ormation ont he fou nda tion b earing materia l sa ndd evelop pre liminary reco~~enda tions fo r remedial fo unda t ionr ecomm e ndations. This r e port h asbe en p r epa r ed to sucrnar ize t he d a ta ob tainedand p resent o ur conc lu s ions a nd recoccenca tions based onou r findi ngs . FIELD ~~O L\BORATO RY 1~~ESTI G AT I O NS To eva luate the f ound ation material s.t wo te st p i ts weree xcavateda t the ap p roximate locations s hown on Figure 1 .Thet es t pits were excava t ed with a t ra c k backhoe .Duet o the site c o ns t r ain ts .thed epth o f t he tes t pit swas limi ted t oa maximum of six feet b elow t h e bo ttom of the footings. The test p its were logged by a repres ent ative of Ground Engineering Consultants .I nc .Logs of the test pits are shown o n Figu re 2 .The f ield rep re sen ta t ive also ob tai ned samples of the subsurface mate r ials fo r laboratory tes ting.The samples c ons is ted of bu l k d i sturb edsamp les and a lso r e la t ive ly undis turbed ha ndd rive sampl es .The hand d rive samp ler ob ta ins a2 -inch diame ter by4 -inch l o ng s amplebyd ri v i ngt he sa~pl e r into the various s trata vith as ledge ha mme r . -1 - ••A labo ra to ry p rog ramwas conduc ted t os tudy the eng ineering charac te r is t ics of t he cateria ls ob tainedi n the tes t pits.Lab orato r y t e sting ~as pe rformed t o determine the c lassification ~co is tu re co nten t. dry densi ty .moisture-volume change charact er is tics a nd st rength.Results of the labo ratory t e st inga re shownonFigu re 3 t hrough6 andon TableI . FOUNDAT ION SUBSOIL S The foundatio n s ubso ils encount e r ed in ou r tes t pits co ns i s t ed of fill a nds ilt over ly ing c lay .The fi ll ma t e ri a l con sist edp r ima ril yo f s i lt v i th occass iona l g rave ls an da sphal t pie ces .The s i ltwass imi la rt o thef lll ma ter i al and gene ra l ly s of tt o me dium stiff an d c layey.Due t o the compos i- tion of the fil l and n atura l s ilt.it uas di ffic ult t o define the exac t hor izon ta l a ndv ertical limit s of the fill mate ria ls.The ove rburd en ma terial 1 s und e rl ainby cedium s tiff to stiff clay .The c lay is s i lty t o sandy v ith g ravel ,c obbles and b oulders .The pr ~sencc o f the g ranu la r mater ials mad ei t d if fic ul t to o b tain high quality samples wi th the hand drive sys tem.Al t hough t he d epth of t he test pits was limited by th e a va ilab le e quipment.it appea red the perce ntage of granu la r ~te r ia l inc r ea sed wi th de pt h be low t h e footing e l evation . No f ree g roundwate r was e nc o u n t~red in t he test pi ts d ur ing o ur f ie l d investigation.Howev er .severalzon es of wet s oilwere observe d.These wet z oneswere gene ra l ly loca ted i n t hes il t l ayer .Also .an und erdrain was e nc o un t e r ed a pp roxima t e ly 18 inches a bo ve the foo ti ng.Thi s line was s evered du r in g the fi eld inve stigat ion andi t was ob se rved to be carrying a trace of vater . -2 - ••CONCLUSION S AN D R ECO }~ffi ~AT I O N S Based on vi sual obse r vat ionsand laborat ory t est resu lts ,the fi ll and silt ma terials exh ibit l ow bea ring capacities andund ergo co nsolida t ion upon l oading_The d ist r ess in the b uilding is t he result of excessive f oundation sett lem ent caused b y ove r loading t he fill and silt materials beneath the fo undation. Since thee xisting foundations ystem i s inadequate ,we r ec ommend tha t the structure be u n derpinned to provide additional support to the f oundation. The c lay so il will provide asu itable bearin gs t ra t um .We r ecommen d t hat a n a llowa ble bearing pressure o f 1.500 psi be usedt o design a n underp inn ing sys te m suppor ted on the c lay stratum.The design DU st take into cons idera t ion all bui ld ing l oa d s a s well as the surcharge load s c au s ed b y t head jacent r etaining wa lls a nd backfill materia l. Other r emedial f ounda tio ns ys tems may be f eas ible ;howeve r ,we r eco mme nd tha t t he f ound at ion l oad sb e s upported by the c lay st ratum o r dee per s t ra ta . If d e eper s trata are s e l ec t ed.ade tailed bo ring pro gram s hou ld bec ompleted to d etermine a ll J wab le b e ar ing p ressures . The on -site r e tai ning wall s and backfill materia l ad jacentt o the struc tu re a re exhibit ing ongoing dis t ress .The large sett lemen ts a ssoci a ted wi th the di s tre ss app ear to be t he resu lt of poo rly compacte d backfill .The magnitude o f addit ional se t tlement i s di ff icul t to quan tify since the composition .and horizontal and vertica l l imits o f the fi ll a re no t known. Howeve r,based on the avai lable data,we would a nticipate additional movem ent.The only positive means to reduce future se ttl ement would be to c omple t elyr emove the bac kf ill mate rials .reconstruc tt he reta iningwalls on prope rf oundationsan dr ecompa ct t he backf ill mate rials undercontro lled conditions . -3 - ••In addit ion t o t heunderpinning and other s i te work ,we recomme ndt h at the bui lding b e p ro tected wi th anun derdra in system.Thedr ains hou ld consist of d rain fi lt ers surrounded by free drain ing granu lar ma terial.Thed ra in lines shou ld be p laced at the foot ing eleva tion a nd g radedt oagravi ty o ut le t. Thes i te drainagei sex tremely impo r tant t o r educe fu ture bu il ding dis tress . We r ecomm end t hatt heg round surface surround ing t heex terior o f the build ing bes loped to d rain away fr om the b uild ing in a ll d i rections .This i sa lso important in the fron t of th eho use adjacen tt o the ent ranc e and garage ar ea . The roo f downspouts andd r ains should d ischarge well beyond t he l imi ts of all backfill. LIHITATION5 This report has b een prepared in accordance wi th generally accep te d so il and foundation engineer ing prac t ices in th is a rea for use by the c l ient for design of reme dial repairs .The r ecomm enda tions are considere d to b e the minimum improvemen ts r equire d t o minimi ze add it ional damage.It s hou ld be note dt hat these remedia l measures shal l beco mpleted as soon as p r actical.The field investigation was conducted under the gene ral unde rstand ing t he repairs wo u ld be completed th is summer;consequent ly .the wall backfill .unde rdr ain system and site drainage which were d istu r bed were n otr econ structed to a h igh level o f serviceabi l ity.The co nclus ions an drecommendat ions ou t lined i n this repor t are based upon theda ta ob tained fr om t he test p its a t the loc ations ind icated.Thena tu re ande x tent o f variat ions of t hes ite s ubsoils ma y n ot become evidentun til exc avat ion i spe r fo rmed;therefor e,we recomm endon -s ite obse rvation of excavat ions a ndr emedi al meas uresb yaso ile n gineer . GROU ND ENGINE ER INGCONSULTANTS,INC . /~:1 ~~ -4- •Test Pit 1 •Tes t p it 2 -,10 5 o 5 LEGE ND Bo ttom o f foot ing NO TES Topsoil Fi ll,si l t,c l ayey,occ assional g ravel an d aspha lt 9 ieces Silt ,sandy t o clay@y,soft to mediums ti ff .mois tt o we t, dark brown t o black ,occassiona l o rgan ic t ops oi l Clay ,v er ys il ty to s andy,me dium s tiff t os t i ff ,mois t ,brown. occassio nal gravel ,cobb l es and boul der s. Hand d rive sa mple 1 .Te st ~it s we re excavated withaba ckhoe onJ uly 6.198 4. 2.No groundwa ter Wi\S encoun tered at t het imeo f our investi gat ion . 3 .The logs s how on ly ap p roximate bounda riesbe tween the var i ous strata . Job No.84-101 Logs o f Te st Pits -6 - FICURE 2 • \ \ 1 N ~ ~ 0-- ~~•~•0-... ~ 0 ••... 0 \ \ -e "0 0sx:0 "' c 0 0 -c•-~••e 0-•"e '"es d C \-' \ • ------ J ob xe ,8 4-101 Lo cation o f Te st Pit s -5 - ~•-•u• o ~ FIGUR E 1 .00 :;"0'I Test pi t 1 @ 3 ' • Fro m ' 1.0 10 APP LIED PRESSUR E -ks l • :).1 MciS lure Co nlent,.18 .8 percent Dry Unit Weight :86 .0 pe' Sample or:Cla yey silt From:Test pit 1 @ 2 ' <;-....... F' I I \ ,!\ r\ I ,,\! 'r I I ,, I I I i I I IiI !•. 10 o c.3 6•••"~8 8 ...2 ~c••"•40. 01 i o..to '00 APPLIED PRESSURE-ksf SWELL-CONSOLIDATIONTE ST RESU LTS F ig .3 '001.0 10 APPLIEDP RESSURE -ksf Moisture Content :18.4 percent Dry U nit Weighl =96 .2 pd Sample Dr:Sand y clay From;Te st p it 1 @ 5 ' I'--- I <, <, I ! I ,, i I , 1 I I II JJLJI..,.. 10 0 w C•"u 2"•0. C 4 0...•••6"0.e 0o 8 i w C•U "•0., Co ~•••"~o " 2 6 8 I, 10 1--'--+-+-+++-HH+--t-++H++-~--+---!HH+++t1 i 0.1 1.0 10 APPLIED PRE SSURE -kSf '00 SWELL-CONSOLIDATIONTESTRESULTS-Fig.4 1\Xl1.0 10 APPLI EDPRESSURE -k., ,.. •M o i s ture Content ·20.3 percl'l"l l 0 "1 Uni t Weigh t :92.5 pcl SAmpie 0 1:Clayey silt From :Tes t pit 2 @ i' ----.......<, t-- I -. , ""I•I H--{I I I 'Iiii!..LJ 0 uc 2....•u "•0- 4 c 0 ~•6••"0-e 0 8u 10 I I Moi$lu re C o nl ~l •tM!"-..nl ICryUno'Wl!iqhl •", S a m p1"~;I._._-- I From:, .. , I ! 5 100 F i ~---,,--_ 1.0 10 APPLIED P RESSURE -ksl SWEL L ·CONSOLIDATION TEST R ESUL TS .- 0 .1 \ 1\12'++-H -+++HH +-+'tf-'H\ Z EROA IR VO I DCU RVES1\12°++-H -++++-H+++-f-v.--\:--j\ "'++-HH -+++-H-+++-H-++-iTt-\ SPECIF IC /GRAV ITY H +++-H-+++-HH-+++-K-jlet'v'S PEC IFIC GRAVI TY 2 .80 2 .70 250 1\ SPECIFIC GR AVITY I 1\ I \ 11 I I 1 I I "'1\ I I 1 I 1 I r--1 \I '[ I Hi I I1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 '1 1 I I 1 1 1 f I I 1 11 1 1 II I 1 I 1 I 1 I J I JJ J I J II II t I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I z ur o >-c: o u, () 0- J >-... Ul I I I I I I o 5 TO I'I 20 25 30 35 M OIS TURE CO NTENT -PER CENT OF DRYWEIGHT HOLE DE PTH SAl.1PL E MAXr.u.l CPT~.U.I ...COMPACTIONTE ST I'N CRY I.QGME SO IL D eSCR IPT ION NO.FEET NO.ceSrTY CCNTENT 1 0 -3 106.1 16 .1 Silt .sandy .c layey I JOB NO.:8 4 -101 .-.. LL 26 PI 2 -200 76 •DA TE:7/1 9/20 F IG.NO.6- -10 - G round E ngi n e erin g Con su lta nta ,I n e. TAaLE S U MMAR Y O F LAB O RA T OR Y T E ST RE SULTS S Ud''l.C LO C_t IO..<;"4 (l4l ,0 .. ....1 ....11.1.""'U'UL "("ce..,Uf[ROC"C.l l ..,n U,«o",,"(O WO 'HljI,(Din r «h ",:(0"""(5 5 '''(S O'l 011 OCI""(O "'I (..T O (HS lTT G"'V fl.""0 1<0.:00 I..,a",o "l 'STlClI '5 '"C "<;I>'D[t .l{;.c~t Yr{HOLE Ir[(1)l ~'.l ,,.en 1"'.1 1";'.1 ~,(V C I.""1 ,..tl Cl Il'ST) ('Y.I 1"1.1 1 0.2 20 .8 9 1.0 69 26 4 1350 C 1.1"C"s Ll.t 11.0 19 .9 94.3 72 2 7 4 1500 cj.avev .". 1 2 .0 18 .88 6 .0 75 2 7 6 Ck avev .,,, 1 3 .0 17.7 98.5 80 26 9 Sand -, 1 4 .0 15.1 10 7 .8 64 29 13 16 00 <-"d "-,,," 1 5 .0 18.4 96.2 2 9 12 ~,nd'-, 2 0.3 2',0'•71 28 5 r '". 2 1.0 20 .3 92 .5 .6 9 2 9 6 Cl ayey s il t 2 1.8 19 .8 100 .0 77 22 3 1150 Clayey silt 2 3.0 18 .2 10 0.8 7924 8 1300 Sa ndy cl ay •I C i IFII I I I• .r ,j j •1,,... I . ....-~1 t I •,... j i, ,....!.i I,. ..---- .I _ '.., , a I .d<.•.•8060.51 .0 1o.te~I.,,·r.....-no. -I"--• ......,·-j-I-,----+....- .. .~_.:...::..:-_-- '. ..---~-~- -~__A ',~ .•. • -! ~LAMPE RESIDENCE "'-'lEIL/'c.A.~:,jOUc? ...... , ., , - ,..,.,, ...,. KICBNA ; ."z,.-t--.'--'-I --'-'--~-;;I rr ~(C ,. ·I--'r-~·--'\_..C -._A-r"'~e-~'-~--'--.'-A-r"~o-?..____---\"'~=.,0 I"...r;1----'-0+--.-.-1··..··--------.., '.;.I +.---_---~- '<1 £'n"-! o o .------;..-.------_..__._~. .-----_._._-~--------------_.----;- __________~.~___i ----. ------_._--;--..-.~----_._-'-_._-- ,.L'.-,__:_----+--:--,_.,_---:-.,....-:--.--------,. I ---'----------------------- .__._....__.- KICBNA Mal ......c '.e..--. LAMPE RESIDENCE ,8060.5 1.01~--.-r -~..,.~.... -.--W !-l C?A1l0 1J ~HAfJ6JE:~a-I ..I ...~ , ;-...",I -~+-,-. ,.--.., !-, .-,.'----••-l, --' I ---:..::-.:.....---;---=-.:.....-;-==-.-;~~---l....-.:.....----:----+---;.c.-----;--r---T--++-, 1 l, ~-: o , ! ,- o .- i 1 1--' II'I,}-:'''\I'-- ,i---j -'~J-:- II i -+-'"--.-I ''''-' -,., • '-~---------;----.---'--- ..:.i : ! -----;--- ------~- KICBIIA c "4e.....-. ~LAMPE RESIDENCE Wgl _4+~.;!l060.51.01 ~""Of"'E?~66QTtKJE"6f1L.iAl..lc-.ct ......I --0 '--' • f ,9 '"'1 ':;:'~,•, • I ·1, ,.,,,, .j j --, T -j t- I j,t'-r .., i ._~----~.---- __---l._ e:-,r l~.-~-----~ BA=ea-1~---'--'­ ___b-~L::i<J=AU----,_,--- ~_.--~ ,,' , a o .,. I l----~-_,__'_ .~r-~-' I ,-------;----,------.,-,---~------'--+-"----.-;._---- -11-------- ., ---------'- :AP4i~a:>~o.'------~~~.--1_+-'r_ -----------:--~/;/l..II~--r-~- --1---_ .. .~8060.51 .0 1"""!Jot)no.~LAMPE RESIDENCE 111""411"-'---------"'-="""------ SoOtoct _1"Of'i?Rfl.LE':'"5LV11-l KJAL.L ........C ._I~ KICBNA o '.,""".."'""-~~",>"zr a T-,-•i- ....L ,--r r i I ..".,_I f.--,-_._,.--:-_~--- --~----------~-------..--~--'----'---,--- .-'~----------~--------_. -----~ ._._----- -r--r-t-r- ,-;, ---'~-~___r_~-. ---------- --------'--------..-- _._-_.._------ -;----'--------- .---,----~~)(I ~-F9::¢~~__:J ~_r.'-'---, I!A I ,--j ":~V~ ;-iY;-.- " -----L.....II,--...L-,----- --~.-------_._- '------- -----~,,~- --------- ,,------,-~-~-- ----,----"-- , " -,' o ~--------'----,---- -'-'--,---------,----'------- .__.._~--'- ._--------- ~------,,------- ----,---- ~\\\\llWftll","Jf.+, -~\~Q'E,;-AlJ I'~//.;c------------------------'---#~\......Sl':~~().·tb \>~!E"~;.~---Jl..,.."------------------------$!f ••~0 ',::.;::::.'..:::...s-:'ti --.1:.-,~*~__42_5 .1~,!----='tP·....·..,-,-~:,A ',.......p . -~..,'0 ·...·t.•-Q.~:.--------------------------------"/~l'"•••N •••~?-# -~"'I 9.,:-~*{\*~------'---------~---------------­ /fIll nuP-" , ICICBNA.......... ~LAMPE RESIDENCE ~1 Doto8-t"'~no.8060.51.01 ~:ra E':E:5~~C7f"kJALL---~'_01 •-.,••-•+ -------~~~~----- -,~,,-, ~-- e -•j . -, i I' -c ,. ,- :').-n 1--_', -i I.;---------'-~----_+_---I~_r___~-. ;--oj A-r?~I H W ~i --------l-I t :''•.,,,.1 •..I'.•!----'-~---.:.:...-T_-~-.--:..-~--------~.............-~-~-.........-~-t,-~- -..•-r":-I- -------'---~----'---'- o -------------_._-----_.__._--~ ------- I.: T ---I----I --·-1-1-.--'-'----1-'-'---'[-e-.:-:__ ,i J ••f' --,-..........,--...........-I I !I -;,,,-,,, - ,__L_,_., I ,.7ii;}-,~!~_.-ott II•1ta~.i,!.-,a ,- -£._~J ---I d-",,!:&_-3;,I ;Ii -t-t ._.--j--' •,_.,.- '::. ".- .. -''-------~----------t---- ,--'--------------- -.----------- -_.-------- --------_.---~- • --11 r.\.~ehn &f.i.lssociates inc.•Professional Eng ineers COMMERCIAL DESIGN &DEVELOPMENT -SITE PLANN ING &ENGINEERING August 29 ,1985 Wolfgang Lampe C/O Edwards Builders Inc. P .O .Box B Edwards,CO 81632 Re:2328 Gaimisch Drive,Va il .CO . DearMe.Lamp e, We under s tand that youhave e lect ed to proceed with repairs to your r esidence.We a lso unde r stand that the se r epair s will probaly be mos tly cosmetic with litt le o r no under pinni ng of t he foundation . It i s our opinion that this is an improper a pproach to the pr obl em . Our studie s have indicated that without s tructura lr epairs tothe founda ti onyou can exp ect continued mo vem ent of the stru cture wi th resulting da mage to the upper levels of t her esidenc e. Since our company i sno longer involved i nany aspect of thi s project , an y plan s we prepared ma y not be used for con struction without o ur specif ic written c onsent .We request that all plan s that we have furni shed yoube ret urned to this office . c .c .Bi ll Andrews (Town Engineer ,Vai l CO) c .c .Richard Sue d kernp (Gro und Engi neering Cons ultant) _______8 120 SHERIDAN BLVD.SUITE 320C.WESTMINSTER.COLORADO 80003 _ (303)429-1957 (0 C.r:-..."'....I ~.,~£l ~t:t;f PC8'}5 ~Pu-t' /rt L f)MP€50 . hU :" (),f ~t?tT f >C Ho~t!. (i '-I "-'c Ivt:7 .--Z fill:...0(;'o ~r.rf /2 o ,c./3 KKBNA -,~ Con_"lI Enqo....." Cotpot...~-. 4<".1 '1<-c."'O _"~.e.-_80033 :103 U161DO • Cooo::._~ ~Sllt"£~".'lIOC;O'_ • August 26 ,1985 Mr .Myles Murray,President Restruc t ion Co rporat ion P.O.Bo x343 Sedal ia ,CO80135 Fas t-Track Rep airs LampeReside nce 2328 Ga rmi schDrive Vail.Colorado Dea rMr.Mu rray: We have beenengaged by Mr.Wol fgang La mpe to design appropria te r epair s for the s ubject r e si dence located on Lat13 o f the Vail Oa sSchone Subd ivision .Mr .Lampe hasa lsoas kedt hat your fir m do the cons truction wor k.working closely with KK BN A on a f ast -tr ack pr ocedure to mi nimize t he t ime to pro ject completi on . If the wor k r equi res you to s ubcontractpartic ular tas Ks.we re quest that you d iscuss th e se le ct io n of subco ntra ctors with us bef ore ma king fi nal decisions. Wee xpect certainr equirements to beid entified onlyby e xposure of c ond it ions as a result of other worK a Inpar ticul ar. e xcavat ion work a round the residence wil l allowus to det e rmi ne the mostapprop riate des ignf or su bdrain rep air as we ll as fin al procedur e s f orunde rpinning the eastfo undation wa lla Th us,we will beworking closely withyouduri ng const ruction to reach appr opri at e decis ionsina ti mely ma nner e Alth ough sp e cifi c t asks cannoty et bedef ined i n great detai l, t he following outl ine offers a clea r pictureof the sco peand qua lity of workmanship a ntic ipated: 1.Buildi ngPermi ts :This will in clude working wi th William Andrew s,Tow n En gine er,and Ga ry Mu rrain,Bui ldi ng In spector,both at75 So .Frontage Road ;phone476-2 000. 2.Repair of Main Stru ctu r e:Intersections ~f f oundation wall s not previously rei nforce d are to bepinned to gether with st eel dowe lsi n e poxy ;c racks whichhavedeve lopedi n the f oundation wa llsa re t o beepoxy grouted to r eest abl ish f u ll ~,R D.>_,....ro_. o.ood E r...-qo_0 GoIuDoIr .IKl<O ~~,.~.-...._.._Ol)o4 K_ ............0 _...'}'O $"~",*"G __o-_o~_ _.-Oon.It_O _ ..........B O_...._"P .....ar KKBNA KKBNA THO ......L.McMINN,III--~ ALLEN Go THUItllAM,PoL-.-- My lesA.(Tony)M urray,P.~ Ptonident Restruction Corporation P.O.Box 343 Sed alia,CO BO l35 Phone 13031 68 8-8244 •Rest ru cti on Co rpor ation Augu st 26 ,1985 ..1 Pa ge2 ,1.<, \, s trength;i n t hedeeps ection of the foun dat i on ~t he to p of the f ound a ti on wa lls aret o bet ied to t he floo rsyst em for i ncr eased l at er al stabil ity ;the t opof th efou ndation wa ll at th ec him ney is to be br aced soa s t o prov i de mo re dire ct l ongitudi nal s trengt h;andt he a rea oft he main e ntra nce. i ncluding t he co lum n to the roof,is t obe modi fie d s o ast o f unction i ntegrally wi tht he main st ructure (this wil l r equire removal of the existingfou ndati on system i nth is a rea and r eplacementwith a different s tructu ralsystem). 3.Soi l /Structu re I nte ract io n :The east fo undati on wa ll has s et tled due to s ofte rfo unda tion so i ls t han underothe r por tions of the residence;t hiswall i st obe r einforced wi th underpinningdeveloped fr om the insi deof the structure;dri ll ed -i n-pla ce ca issons are a nticipated at a s pacingye t to bedeterm ined. 4.Subdrainage Co ntrol:Th e re s idenc e now has a dra inage sys tem wh ich is i nte r cept i ng and colle cti ng gr oundwa te (,_b ut which i snot dischargingthe water away fr om th e r esidence - i nf act,thepre sent discha rge is directly into t hezone of th e foundat ion a long the e ast wa ll;-a new-di scharge system will be r equiredalong t hewestandeast wall s to assu re pos itiv ed isch arget ot hesu rface wellbel ow th e r esidence . Whil ecom pl et i ng this wo rka ndt he abovementio ned im provem entofs o il /stru cture in t era c tion .open areasi n the f oundation wal ls a re to bec losed by conc r ete exten sions of t he st eppedfoundat ion syst em . 5.Surfa ce DrainageControl:More positives u rfacegr ading is t o be es tab l is hedbetween the reside nce and t he r oad to as sure flow aw ay f r omt he res id enc e (in t his area ,c ha nges are al so t o bemadein t he soil a sde scr ibed bel ow);along th e east andwests ides,at t hero ofdripl ine.aconcrete i nterc eptor/splash bl ock wi llbeadded t oprevent d irect in f il trat ion to the backfill (changes wil l also be r equired in t he backfi ll a long wi thth ec hang es be ing mad e i n th e subdr ain t hrough these zones). 6.Lower Retaining Wa l l:The f ront f aceoft he c r i bbing is to be r e inforced so astoprevent fur ther ver t i cal com pression; t heface is then to be cladded wi th anaddi tional system bo th for stre ngth en ing and a ppearance ;th eoverall wall is t obe strengthened by changes int he 50 11 s upport whi ch are no tyet fin alized . 7.Upper Retai ning Wa lls:Th e front f ace ofeachwall is to be ~rein forced soas to prevent ve rtica l com pres sion ;the top wallontheea st si de is to be dismantled and r econstructed •Rest ruction Corporation Aug ust 26 ,1985 Page3 • in d po sition c loser t o thero ad (soas t o r educethe l oad on t he wal l below it );t he railings at both the west and east si desa ret o be r econs tructed 1n a ma nner providing in c r easeds tre ng th a nd safety . 8 .Soils Excavation and Rec om paction:A zonebelowt hel ow er r etainingwall is to bee xcavateda nd recom pacte d toprovide inc reas eds upportofth at wa ll-speci fic a reas and me thods will be pr ovided;betweent he residence a nd t he r oa d,a dept hof th reef eet wi ll beexcavatedand recom pacted - a ddit ional depthsmay ber eqUir ed immed iate l y ad ja ce nt to thenort h foundat ion -s pecif ic a reas andmethods wi ll be -provide d;controlledr ecompacti on of501 1wi ll bere qu ired for the rec on s tructlonoft he up per east c rib wall;backfill alo ng t hewest .south and east f ound ation walls i st o be r emoved andrec ompactedfollowing comp letionofth esu bd rain system -int hese a reas .dept h of excava tion i santici pated tobet o abo utseven f eeta bovethe lowestfo otin gs - spec if icprocedures to be est ablished ascond itions a r e e xposed .Top zones of the reesta blis hed backfill nearth e res idenceare t obe compacted and gr aded soasto li mi t infil trationofsurface wa ter . 9.Cosme t ic Repairsi nthe Upp e r Structure:Followi ng comple tion oft he abov e t asks,re pair wil lbe requ ired i n the upp er st ructure to f ixs uch thing sass heetrock c racks and poo rly aligneddoor s;such wor k will notbet he r esponsibility of Rest ruction Corpo ration . Asnot edi n the above li sti ng of construct ion t asks.many ta sks are int errelated .Fur t her .many can bee xplici tly defined on l y asa r esultof ob s er vati onsi n t he f i e l d ascondit ionsa re e xposed .Consequen tly.KK BNA wi l l wor kc lo se ly withyou duri ng thecon str ucti on process .Alt houg h KKBNA willberes ponsible foral l en gineeri ng dec is ions.you are encou raged to offe r suggestions f orpr actical const ruction procedu res ba sed on your e xtensive e xp er ience withth istyp e of struct uralr epair .Also, you ar eenco ura ged to wor k with us,as wel la st he To wn ofVail , to establis h sequencing of t asks whi ch will al l ow al lworktobe com pleted be f ore influ en ce by late fa ll we ather/temp er ature conditions . \\... '.,..,) ".-.- 6056 Thur man P.E .No . Alle n G. Co lorado AGT:et • L.AW OF FI CES O F LONG s:JA UDON • J05 1':PH C ,JAUD ON J"''''I':!'1 .....D1 I':RII I':Fl D AVID e H IOO 'N!; "REOi!:A,CII VI.l.GNG G ARY B.BL U '" M ICH A EL.T.H<:o C ONN ELL. o E:RA l.O D .P RAT T ST EP ME N H O P I\I N S R OB I':RT Iol .B A LDW IN BAI'I BAR A N .PI '3 4,.I\0 LAU RI':N '3 TA RN I':'3 DU NCAN May Zq.1985 Mr .Bill Anders ,P .E . Town of Vail E ngineer 75 South Frontage Road Va il,Colorado 81657 PR orESSIO ..."'L CORPO RATIO N n oE BAILEY H "'''I S ,O''l '600 OO Ot ..SHle:U OENVER,COLORA DO B OZIS ·1414 C3 0 3J 832-1122 LA,WA I!:N CII!:A .L ONG 0,.CO U NSEl. Re :T heWolfgang L ampe Residence 2328 Garm isch Dr ive Vai l ,C olorado De ar Mr.Anders: I wou ld l ike to confirm o u r conversation of May13 .:1 985 .in which we discussed both the proposed repairs fo r the Lampe residence and s upporting retaining wall and a ny addit iona l engineering or permi t r equirements that might issue from your office regard ing same.It is o ur understanding tha t you wou ld fo llow the recommendations of t he s upe rvising engineer on th e project a nd would not require any t hing specia l beyond t hat engineer's recommendation. It is also our understand ing t h a t your main concern is that ad rainage sy stem be in s talled ,t hat t he south retaining wall be rebut tt;a nd t hatt here be s pecial treatment for any erosion problems that have occurred in order to protect all the nearby property owner s. As we also discussed .you h aveno t seen a n y of the official reports or repair pl an s since the ,1983 r eport repai red by Lin col n -Devore .I a m currently in vestigating the possibility of h avinga llt hatin forma tion r eleas ed to you. both t o br ing y ou up-to-da t e w itht he proposed repair r ecommendation s a nd pl an s and to comp lete the Town of Va il 's fi le .I fI obtai n s uch a ppro va l. I willf orward su c h docu ments to you .Int he a lternat ive.Iam explo ring other a venues of hav ing th is information provided t o you . Wea lso d is cu ssed the f act t h at you h ave doubt s as to the condition o f t he ea st r etain ingwa lls ,but th at our expert.Mr .Joe .Jehn ,has assured me that these w a lls have s e ttl ed but h ave not failed .I f you do require addition a l d oc umen ta tiono f h is con clus ion.p lease letme know . Ou r client ,F ritz S chmidt ,h as informed met h at on Wednesday .May 22,1985. the re was a ne ighborhood meeti ng i nWest Vail to d iscus s the a ss essment • Mr .Bill Anders,P .E. M ay 2Q,19 85 P age2 • for n ew ro ad s to b e built in the nea r f ut ure.I neluded in t hi s proposed plan for the building of new roads was the road directly above th e L ampe residence.I c onveyedt his in formation t o our expe rt .Mr.Joe J ehn,and h ee mphasized that any repair plans and procedures th at wemay propose fo r t h e Lamp e resid ence will be effected by the building of th is road. T h e r e for e .he reque st s that we be allowed to add our input to the planning of this ro ad prior to any construction .T her e fore,please send me addi tional documentation of th e proposed plan s and let me know yo ur time schedule fo r th e b u ilding of th e road direct ly a b o ve th e l ampe residences o that I can forward this information to Mr.Jehn , I f y ouh a ve any question s concer nin g th ese matters,p lea se conta ct me immed iate ly .I look forward to your conti nued a ssi stan ce in 't he fi nal r esolution of these matters . Very tru ly yours.~~ (;':Nja1'<'1/.~~rv,b-- B arbara N.P isanko BNP l ie c c:Gene C ommander ,E sq. Joh n W.Dunn,Esq. Nei l C.Bruce,Esq . Sherw in V .Wittman .Esq. J im Ca s ebolt.E sq. Mr.F r itz S chmidt Ms.Me lody T icknor KKBNA I ncorDO'~I "" Co n~..llIng En g ,neers Ce.""tala r1eao "...,.,..,s , COIOtaM 5ll<''''lS G.....",OO<l Spnnq& E<lw~'''''~o'''''O • Sa lld.e C~y ~'" Field Tri pI nfo rm at ion AugustI ,1985 AN TI CIPATE D CONS TR UC TION LAM PERESID ENCE VAI L,CO LORADO l.L>\"l'1 ~\,ct G.- v'\)'~:,*~ The l ampe Res idencein Va il ,Col orado,has re cei vedcons ide rab le structural damageasa r esult of differential moveme nt .This dama gei s to ber epa ired and cor rect i ve steps aret o be taken to mi nim izet hepote ntia l fo r suc h damage t o reocc ur. KKBNA has beenaskedtodevelop conce ptsand provide cost e stimatesfo r t h is work.The attached list of work tas ks ;s bas ed on our prel im inary assessment of selected data.This list wil l be ref inedbased on add it ional preconstruction info rm at io n, our enginee ringanal ysesand de signs,and ou r i nterpre tat ion of spec ific condit ions ex posed duri ng t he co nstruct ionpr oces s. Despite the li mitations of the list of work ,we in viteyou t o prov ide abes t e sti mate a nd anappa rent not to exce ed f oreach work ta sk.Obv iously,you cannot beheld to est imates made on anunfixe d sc opeof work,but we must start some where with the process of jointly prov iding t he most cost -effect iv e. s t r uctur al lysou nd soluti on. Thank you for you r understa ndi ng and assi stan ce. Thomas L.McMi nn I II Allen G.Thurman ;:n'l'r.••·'~CI hC .I'~~e~ '~J5 -.~a~ D....,E >wo'''' "'",~a ",...sa",," ..k>I>n ':;Bt,~n : H ""'~'<l B e'QWn "Q ..."'••A .0 .... "."F D uc.Dll'DaVId E Fr.mo<IQ O..Yl<lO.Co"a""", ./.i!C k 0 G~'"'" oN"FI H.."""e~ oN""B fta"",'" flCWn G.H'lf'ComOt' Cudl",A"'Men DCa',"~n 'lOll ~""s Ke,e"",., C ",nfoS 0 Ke.<lS .<Jh",';"'.."00"""""0 ,<",.....W,U..,mB 0 "". "'".'....1-11><<:<1",,, Oon f ,""C l.<lt .y"';",lfO...,"s....,"",u..o ..A .r...,....,.. -\o<;<~'"lO',,",oCS LlrJf>a,o C """'"', ",,'.,U lO:","', ,• 1.Remove fil l adjacent to t he st ructure,e xca vating a tren ch wide enou gh to cons tru ct a dr ain appro xim atel y at foo ting depth.At this ti me,it is belie vedt he c r i br etaining wa lls on t he e ast and wests ide soft hehome donot need t o be removed ;r ather,the drains wi ll be pun ched through the walls.The f i l lcanbet em por ar ilypl acedin the empty lot ju stea stofth e Lampe r esidence. 2.Cut t hrough t he c rib retaining s tru ctureat t he s outhend of the lot .Trenchback6 f eet and4 feet below the bottomof t he c ri b to exposet hee xi sting conditions for engineering r evi ew . 3.Constructaf ooting drainar ound the outs i deof the r es i dence.As sume4-inch extra s trongPVC pipe,gra vel bac kfill a vera ging 18i nches by 18 inch es a r oun dt he pipe, and f il te r cl oth around the gravel. 4.Constru ct and instal l as umppump fr omalo w po int i n the drain by e xtendingt hedrainunder t he foot ing t o the in teri or oft here sidence near t hemid-point of the south f ound a ti on wal l.Cre ate a day li ghted,heats trip d is charge on t he s urface t o app roximat ely 10 f eet from t hebui ldin g . S.Whi le t he backfi ll is remo ved.·chemi ca1ly gr outse lect ed zones ofso i lbe low t hee xis tin g f ootings.Ass ume a zon e 5 f e et by 5 feet will r ec eiv e re sin in t hree i njections al ong 2/3's ofth e east wall and 1/4of t he s outhwall . 6 .Epoxygrouta ll s ign ificantfound ati on wa ll c racks(all but any hairl inec racks). 7.Construct add it ional s tructural memb er s to st iffen t he overa ll f oundat ion system.At t his t ime,assume th is wi ll r eq uiret wo a -inch north /south walls in t hel a rge,pr e sent ly openbay1nth eso uth t hird of t her esidence .For fo rmi ng cost s,ass um et woopenings fo rac cess;a ssume r einforcing t op and bot tom a nd around the opening s;ass ume at ta chm entt o the existin g wa l l s by reinfo rcing pl aced indri lled and epoxiedholes. 8 .Ba ckf i ll ad jacent tot he st ructure.Assume t he exist ing s oil c anbe used .Assume 90 percent densi ty to the t op t hree feet.As s ume 95 per centdensity for the next two fe et a ndexten dt hisz one four fee t pas t t he cut line of the backf il l.Top out with one f oot ofl oose backfi ll ata grade ba sically co ns iste nt wi th t hepr esentcondit ion. rep airs int he or otherwise c osmetic pai nting complete a ll wil li nclude a a l eve lpas; e fund a ti on was bo lts s re quir wi ll Thi s e r st ructur t htopof the anch E:Theowner s uperstructure . Ja ck th e grout t Len gt n •,• fini shing the e xten ded f ound a tion and s iding.No st r uctural rep airs ar eanticipated above the f ound ation walls. 10.Rep air t he three upper c rib r etai ningwalls as di s cus se d during the f ield t rip. 11.Ex cavate and r e c ompact to 95percent density the t op three f eet of fil l behindt heupper r eta ini ng wal ls whi ch form th e pa rkingare a betweent her esidence and th estree t.Repair th e di sturbed s urface. du ring t f ie ld tri p.r e mo ve t he he south a f th e1at j c o ru et d a nt lle d b f111 t 9 5 pe r nt optimum ""-'iLte',d ma ter n betem ps t oc kp i led t he east . NOT E:Co nstruction access will be fr omt hel ott o t he eas t. The ow ner wil l c om ple te a ll fin algradingof the lot e xcept inare as havings pecified densi ty ba ckf ill.Hewil l a ls o be respo nsibl ef or required t op soiling e xcept i mme di ate ly adj acent t o th es tru cture,andhewillhandle a ll vegeta tion re quirements both i nt he subject l ot and i n used areas of t helo ttot he east . 13.Preidenti fie d potential additi ons /deletionsin clu de: 3 .Doub le the le ngth of drain cons truct ion fo ritem3. b .Add 50 percent to t he grout zone vo lu me fo ri t em 5 . c .El imina te gro uti ngreq uirem entsof it em 5. d .Rep lace t he abovedes cribed i tem 12 wit ha wh al er system additi on t o the e xis tin g retain ing walla s disc ussed dur ingt he f ir i o, 14.Additio ns/del etions di scussed during the f ield trip: a . b. c . 15 .Provide buil dingpermits ,li ving expenses for const ruct i on crewsand construct ion management,const r uct io nmobil iz ation and demoliti on,construct ion gener a l expenses a nd sup erv is ion,and profit . NOTE:I f desired,t he costs ofi tem 15ca n be distributed withint he co s tsof the ot her items. • ••• Port ions oft h is work wi ll probably bedone on a desi gn/cons truct fas t -track s chedu le asactua l conditions are e xp osed.I f no wor k could begin before September1,what is your best estima te of t he dateaf compl et io n? ~~~~~~.If i tems 1 t hr oug h4could beginAugust 15 ,what 1S your best es timate of dateof compl e t ion? Item5 may r equ ire s ubcont ra cted s ervice s and equipment .We ma y req uest i denti fi cation of t he compa ny a nd i nfor ma tion about its expe ri ence in simi l ar s oils . , •••• DONALD f CORDOVA LARRYNHARRIS Town of Vail Buildi ng Official 75S o .Fr ontage Road Vall,CO 81657 DONALD E.CORDOVA.ec • An OR N [y.yA l ~lA\lr,' 2 50 BlAkE S TR[ET BlJ ildiN {j 1441 18TH STRE ET D l~V[R .Coloead o8 0202 p m)29 b·8bll April 24.1984 .." Re:Wolfgang Lampe 2328 Garmisch Drive Vail,CO 81657 Gentlemen : Enclosed please find Mr.Lampe's Notice of Appea l of the Orde r for Repa ir or vacat ion . Res pectfully yours, DO NALD E .CORDOV A,P .C . DE C/tdr cc:Columbia Savings &Loan Ass oc. Kissell Company Transamerica I nsurance co .~\ Mr.Wo l fga ng Lampe • •• ~O T IC E OF HEARI NG IN TilE MATTE R OF TH E DA.'lGEROUS BU ILDI NGLOC ATEDON LOT 13 , BLO CK G ,VAIL DAS SCHONE 2 nd F I LING Kin dly t ake notice th at Wolfga ng La mpe 's appe al fromt he findi ng to th e Town of Vail Build ing Official that the a bo ve- refe re nc ed bu ild ing is u nsa fe will be hea rd a t t he Tow n o fVail offices,loc at ed a t 7 5 Sout h Fro nt ageRo ad ,Va il,Co lo radoon __J uJ Y.<5'L,~'1984 a t I"O":",O"OA,,,M:L...__'a t wh i c h ti mea n d • pl ac e y ou may a pp ea r and be h eard i f y ou !'iO d es ire. /d<~~7-.!- '-Wil d ing O ffi ci al J uly 2 ,1984Date:_-'''''-'.:L''-'--'-'=_ CERT I FlCATE OF IIAI LING Ih ereby ce rti fy t hatI h ave p lac ed at r ue a nd correct co py of t he a bove Notice of Hearin g,1 n th eUnite d St a tes mail ,p o st age prepaid,ad d ressed to Donald E.Co r dova,atto r ney f or the appe lant,Wolfgang Lampe ,at 25 0B lake St re et B uildin g,1441 1 8th S tre et ,Denve r,Colo ra do 80202 ., -,r:/-,-4 / I ,,,-/-'-..' Su bs c r-ibed a nd s wornt o before me this C ....; f \nr~o t a r y :f'/~'l Arl ~1 .....rv.u.i ....:'l (0 .Dc. My comm i ssio n e xp ire s;9"''''''''''''''0 »c j i\!'b 1984. S lb5! •••.. '"..- I N THE MA TT ER OF THE OANGE ROUS BUILDINGS LOCATED ON LOT 13 BLOC K G.VAI L DAS SCH DN E 2ND FILI NG NOTI CE AND ORDE R FO R REP AIR OR VAC ATION TO:WOLFGANG LAMPE 23 28GARMISCH DRIVE VA IL.COLO RADO 81657 • KIND LY TAKE NOTICE t hat the Town of Vail Building Dffic ial i n accordance wi t h the Uniform Bu ild ing Cod e .1982 Edition.as adopted by the Town of Va il and t he Uniform Code forth e Abatem ent of Dange rous Bui ldings.19B2 Edit i on.has i nspectedthef ollowing descr ibed s i te : Lot 13 .Block G.Vail das Schone 2nd Fi li ng.comm only known a s 2328 Garmis ch Drive.Va il.Color ad o Uponinsp ect ion it was found that the con ditions of thefo undations on t he si terend er the s ite da ngerousunderSect ion 302 oft he Unifo rm Code fo r t he Abate ment of Da ngerou s Bu i ldings~198 2 Ed i tion,as fol lows; 1 .Sec tion 302.(5)Whenever any portionor memberorappurtenance th ereof i s li kely t ofa il ,ortobecome det ached or disl od ged ,or t o collapse an d the reby i njure personsor danage prope rty .The f oundationhasexperienced substant ial movem entscaused by i mproper draina ge .Stress crac ks arevi sib l e inthegarage, staircas e,livi ng room and ki tch e n are as .Retai ning wa ll s loc ated east an d s outh of thes tructure have det eriorated and appear t obenear fai lure. 2.Section 302.(8 ii i)Whenver th e buildin g or struct ure,or any po rti on t hereo f,because of t heremoval,movementor i nstabilityof any portio n of the ground necessaryfor t he purpose ofs uppor ting such bu i ldin g. The Townof Vail Bui ldi ng af fic ia1 hasdeterminedt hat t he bu ildi ng is un safe andshal l notbeoccupiedor otherwise usedin its prese nt condit ion.Yo u andeach of youare hereby ordered toobtain the necessaryand prop er perm it s f rom t he Tow n of Va il o n orbefore Apr il 3D ,1984 t ocomme nce proceeding t o causeall there pa irs .If repairs hav e not comn enced by t hatdate of April 30 ,1984.orders tovacatethe building wil l bepost ed to preventfur ther o ccupancy un ti l t hewo rk i s comp leted . All work shall be do nein a t imely manne r.and not to exc eed fo rtyf ive (4S) days from the da te penmit i s i ss ued . ••.'".NOTICE ANO OR DER FOR REPA IR OR VA CATI ON -2- " An yperson hav ing any record tit leor l egal interest in t he buil ding may appeal thi s Not ice and Order t ot he Bo ardof Appe a ls ,providedt heappeal i s ma de in wr it ing as pro vided by t he Un i form Codef or t heAbate me ntof Dan gerous Bu ildings,19B2 Edi tion ,and f i l ed witht he Buildi ng Offic ial wi th i n thi rty (30)dayso ft hedateof t his Not ice and Order .Fai lure t o appeal will const i - t ut ea waiverof al l right s to an admini s tra tive hearing and determi na tion o ft hematter . Dated :_+_-,~~_...u.:""",i.-_ CERTIFICATE OF MAI LIN G State ofCo l ora do ) )ss CountYJb f E ag ~)= I,t:.qb":~4 i f :.,e---hereby ce rti fyth atI am overtheage of)fa y~ars and am notaparty t o t hi s ac tion ,and tha t I have caused t obe se rved bymail ing,a Not ice and Order fo r Repai r of th e fou ndations an ddrainage l ocatedat Lot 13,Block G,Va i l das Sch one 2nd Fil i ng,a copyof whi chappears on t he f or egoi ng.Sa id rn ai Iin g t a keplaceat.U ;I (?~/v _rio ., ________,on or abo ut ~J"I t ""-.,at or a bou t I :J-j -~M. ·k.jdL--,of ~/9d'V ~~,~t2&at" Subsc ribedand swor nt obefore me t .111 -", ,, t '" ,"/1'\•",,'.\ . lown of vai 7 5 sou th frontage r o ad van.c ol orado 81657 (303 )4 76 -7 000 Augus t 18 ,1983 Mr.Hal fgang Lampe 2328 Garm isch Drive Va il,Colorado 8 16 57 Dea r rok .Lampe : o ffi ce Dr co m munityd eve l opment .Re :Wat er and/o r ea rth movement damage t o 2328 Gram isc h Dri ve. Aft er v isi ting you rr esidence at 2328 Garmisc h Drive and rexiewing r eports by Linco ln Devoreand ColoradoSt ructura l Cons ultants ,Ltd, i t i s imperat ive t hatco r rect ive meas ures be ta keni mmedi ate ly to s tabi l ize the foun dation and r etaining wall sofyou r reside nce. It appea rs that th e conditio n of yourf oundati ons and retaini ng wa l l s a re approachingo rare at a critica ll evelof safety.The unu su ally r ainy summe r has p rob~bly aggravated t he situation evenf urther,thus emphasiz i ng the nee d fo r i mned i ate a c ti on . I wo ul d su ggest that the recommenda t io ns of li nco ln Devore be f ol l owed precisely and th at Lincoln Devorebe r et ained a s a cons ult a ntt hroughout t hereh ab il itation pro cess . Please adv ise me how you a re proce ed i ng with repa irsa nd yourt i me s che dul e within 15 days.Any del ay i n r epairs would f orce us i nt ocondemnat i on pr ocee di ngs a gai ns t your r es ide nce . I f youhaveanyques t io ns,please conta ct med i r ect l y a t 476-70 00 e xt 250. Sincere ly. K:{}~ Bi 11 Andrews Town Eng i nee r 8A /bb cc :Ga ry Murra in -TO V Buildi ngInsp ecto r l a rryEskwit h -Town Atto rney Fr it z Schm idt -EdwardsBuilde rs,Inc. UNITEDSTATES POSTAL.SERVICE OFAC IAlIU~H i)-s,,", ,J ~~~'~!:~----_._---- • RETURN TO - ')~I.I Co 8/6£7 (City,State,and ZI P"'Cod~;:")---~"-- "f;7 ,U-IW~~C!i=-_._ •• -• ••- ., ,~11 .......-. RETURN RECEIPT .REGISTERED ,INSURED AND CERTifiED MAIL-.._. •STICK POSTACE STAMPS TO ART ICLETO COV ER FIRS T CLA SS POS TA GE. w.,R T1FIE DMA IL FEE ,AMD CHAR GES f OR AHlSElECTE DO P Tl O~A l SERV ICES .Isu Ironl } 1.II \'')u y;;nlltllsret!ipt po stmar ~e<t.SliCktile glJlT'ntOsl ub cnllle le n portIOn ot ire adore~s see 01':I'~ai1 :(:·e,II IVl ng the ItclIiptanatlled,ana present tile art-de al.post Ol ilte !IoelVlc e WIllOOW or ""1Id I:to yJ:Jr r\ll al earrltr .Ino v lra ,rwoel ' 2 I:VI1 ~00 nel wan!!hISrec eot poslm.lf ~ed .S!ll:kt~.e glJ mn-ed s:u~on the len CQI1 00 01the eceess soe Ol:he art.cle.ll.UI.detach ~rela,n Ihe .~e l p1 .1"11 m.ll 'me art tit t. 3.11 you ~anl areturn receot.wrlie lhe certlfled-rna;l num ber .1 0 yGlIl'name aAO adCI ltSSon a reIUln:;' recec:r.aal..f orm 381'.arKl auscn it to me lronl (lime art.cletly mea ns01l tll!gunt \ede1lll5 "sp ~;e IJlllITII S.OIhefW lse.all,x lo oac~01mltte.EnCorse Iront 01 article RET UR N RE CE IPT REQUESTE D '" atllacent to the numbef ~~ •.tI '(JIl want celiver'1 rutrot led 10 Illeaoeessee.OflC an autl\Of lZed o19'!nl 01the addressee.~,t en30rse R£S TRC TEO OElI vt.RV onthe lrontol lhe anlC le ., 5.[n ter lees lor tile SCfVi(es req~es!ed iI'I l ~appropnate Spaces on the Iront 01ItIlS receipt .Illelurnrl!(~pt is requested.checkme a pPl ~DIe Dlotks in Item 101 For m 381I .1 • o .','t ."",.Il!lhl$receipt anll present ft 11you make Inqulf y V C l'O:1919 )l):'-~~I •¢• .~ ~hn &lasso.ates inc.•Professional Engineers COMMERCIAL DES IGN &DEVELOPMENT·SITE PLANNING &ENGINEER ING .' t r ,"". "..":--.. m =-;-':"---- u :I I.".,..1";-----..--I,JL...;'.:~~~~Ji --_.~ May 8 ~1984 Lon g,J audon 16 00 Ogden St. De n ver ,CO 80218 Att n:Gary Bl um Re:2 328 Garmi sch Drive,Vail,co . De ar Gary: At you r r eque st we r e-i n spect ed the above ment ioned resid ence • on May 3 ,19 84.The reas on f orr e-i ns pection was to verify the e xi st~ng c ond it ion o f th e r e side nce and to determi ne if the d istr ess a s origina lly noted is s ti ll o ngoin g.Ouro bser vat ions are as follows. OBSERVA TIONS The hous ei sc ont i nu in gt o unde r go d is tr e ss at this t ime. Thec a use of t he dis tr ess i s diff ere nti al movemen t of t he fou nd- ation s ystem.This differe ntial movement is a pp arently c aus ed by s et tl eme nt of th e be a rin g s oils.Th ed istress in the build ing is pri mar ily l i mited to cosmetic damage at this time with th e exc eption of the foundation wall which is s erverly cracked in some areas. . that the following me asures be und ertaken 'a s RECOMME NDATIONS We recomm end soon a s po ssible . 1)Perform addi t ional subs oil investig at ions as per Ground Engineering Consultants,Inc.,letter of May 4,1984. 2)Install a pr ei rneter dra in s yst em a s p er my or igi nal report. ..'.3)Other remed ial measures as may be n e~e ssary based upon the r esults o f the subsoil investigat ion. It i s our opin ion that the structure i s saf ea nd habitable at this point in t ime.While the drywall cracks i n th e upper levels of -8120 SHERIDAN BLVD.SUITE 320C.WESTMINSTER.COLORADO Boo03 _ (303)429·1957 -' the house are unsightly and are an indicat ion of distress,there i s •• no reason to believe that the house will fail structurally at this .. time.However,if remedial measures are not undertaken during the u pcoming con struction seas on,it is possible that they heavy snows of next winte r will damage the structure beyond repair. As related to you e arlie r.we will require a ll a vailablei nf or- mat ion on the design and construction of the bu ilding in o rd er f or us to render an opinion as to the specific re as on for the failu re. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact t his office. In c. -----------~ehn &associates (303)429 -1957 in c.------_ :d)i!hn &lasso.ates inc.•Professional Engineers COMMERCIAL DESIGN &DEVELOPMENT·SITE PLANNING &ENGINEERING Long ,Jaudon 1600 Ogden St. Denver,CO 80218 May 8,1984 :.".r::..--_...c ..'. Attn:Gary Blum Re:2328 Garrnisch Drive,Vail,CO. Dear Gary: At your request we re-inspected the above mentioned residence on May 3,1984.The reason for re-inspection was to verify the existing condition of the residence and to determine if the distress as originally noted is still ongoing.Our observations are as follows. OBSERVATIONS The house is continuing to undergo distress at this time. The cause of the distress is differential movement of the found- ation system.This differential movement is apparently c aused by settlement of the bearing soils.The distress in the building is primarily limited to cosmetic damage at this time with the exception of the foundation wall which is server1y cracked in some areas. RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that the following measures be undertaken 'as soon as possible . 1)Perform additional subsoil investigations as per Ground Engineering Consultants,Inc .,letter of May 4,1984. 2)Install a preimeter drain system as per my original report. 3)Other remedial measures as may be necessary based upon the results of the subsoil investigation . It is our opinion that the structure is safe and habitable at this point in time.While the drywall cracks in the upper levels of • _______8120 SHERIDAN BLVD,SUITE 320C,WESTMINSTER,COLORADO 80003 _ (3031429-1957 the house are unsightly and are an indication of distress,there is •• no reason to believe that the house will fail structurally at this time.However,if remedial measures are not undertaken during the upcoming construction season,it is possible that they heavy snows of next winter will damage the structure beyond repair. As related to you earlier,we will require all available infor- matico on the design and construction of the building in order for u s to render an o pinion as to the specific reason for the failure . If you have any questions,please feel free to conta ct this • office . Inc . -----------dJehn &lj,ssociates inC.'------_ (303)429-1957 P 67 1030093 ~~."",,"NO£It""''''''Complet'''''''''''''''em-''''l''.a,....",.-""'...,.,'".-----. I AddyOUr tddress in the MRETURN TO"soece i on reverse . (OONSULT POSTIIASTER FOR FEES) I ,.nw foI~nl seosce is requested (chec k OOC'). rn Sbow 10 ",non.and date ~••...._.•..•.•.•..~~ o Show to whocn,date,and ..:kITe.0(lklivery _--& ,.0 R ESTRI ~DEU VER Y ....J (no _'**'4 tM'-7 jft G dw'f"l I•.,u.·tbt. rIM,.,..."-"It jH.) TOTA L '- ik-=!!!~JYtI'I Of'tawlCf:: M DIlEGIS1'QIm OWSURS) 11 [NWlTFlED El eee ;1 0 ElPf1U8 .AI.~(ANaya obtIlIn lllgnlture 0'adell tine Of'agent)P~I blve rece ived the art icle described above. jig SIGNATURE 0 Add retiee 0 Al.I lhoriud agenl I .).,....~~f1.!.d...--,-= ~1~~~~.--k3~ o ~!I-:-::====:-~~7.UMAal!TO ClfLM'l1llECAUllE: ~ UNITE DSTATESPOSTALSERV ICE Of"FIClA~BUSINU . Pf/olALTY FOA F1'II VAn US(TO AVOID 'AYln"T OF POSTA GE.I30Q RETURN ... TO .... Town of Vail Bu ilding Depar tment (Name o r Sender] • 75 South Frontage Road (Street or P.O .Box) Vail,Colorado.81657 (City,Si ale,and Z IP Code) ~•SENDER:Complete it ems 1.2.3.and 4 . i Add your address in the "RETURN TO"space!!on r 8Y8l'89•.-Ji'(CONSULT POSTMASTER FORFEES) i t .The rotIowilll service is requested (cbedt 0-).o Show to wbona and dale ddivercd .._._.•_........-I ~Show 10 whom,date.aDd address of ddiVCT)'_-& z.O RESTRJCTED DELIVERY -J (llw rr:stttnal ~1«is ~ill""""• •rww.~jH.) TOTAL ____ Kissell Co. 30 Werder St . U NITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OffICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTI ONS MIl ru -.dill,MIlZIP Code a "IpICt MIooI'. .c..-_\J,3,"••"_ AIlaIll ............pnils.................... lllIlInt ....,..........,._.- RETUR N •TO PDU.LTY.OR PRIVATI! USE TO AVOID PAYIlENT Of "'OSTAG(.1)00 • Town of Vai l-Bui lding Departm ent (GM) (Name o f Send er) 7 5 SouthFrontageRoad (Street or P.O .Box) Vail.Co.81 657 (Ci ty,S la te,andZ IP Code) ~r:.~SEH=:::D:::E ::It-:Co~_~"~il~om~.~,:".:::2-:.3:".~ond""':".----., oJ Add youraddtS$$ln the "RETUR NTO"apace ~o n IWerse. N (CONSULT POSTIIASTER FORFEES) j 1.The ro llowina service is r eq uelled (check one).o Show to whom and date dehvered ..._...............-t ~Show to ""born.dale,and address or de livery ..-t I.0 R ESTRICTED DE LIVERY -4 (nt '"'~.w."0W7 fw iI ~lit *'dltiott lIP dw ,..,.",.""/pI~) TOTAL '- P 454 039 705 ~Wolfgang lampe i ~~~~.Ge~i~~~59r .:u 4.TYP£OF 1oEJMCE:'~0 "EGISTPED O-...ol_~ClcotlWU 0 CODoD."'US 11M.s (A1w.,.obUIn ~of IIddrnsee or llgent) ~I ha ~received l he article dncntll!d above. :zI 0 AddresIee 0 A uthoriD:d apt ~ " UNIlEO STATESPOSTALSERVICE Of"ICLlL ."0 SEND ERINSfR o"-,,......-..-:"',;;,;""--.·~i."i'r;d --..,.....·_·"~~I __,.............~,\, •1*11 ...........,....._.- RETURN •TO Town of Vatl -Bu ilding Dept .(GM) • (N ame or sender) 75 So uthFrontage Road (S treet or P.O .Box) Vall .Co.B1657 (City ,S late,and Z IP Code) ,0 ---rl ~•e;'SENDER :Comple te Items 1,2.3.and 04.f 'Mdy<:uadaess inll1e"AETURNTO" !on fWersa ..- ~(CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) ii 1.'The following service is requested (cheek cae).o Show 10 wborn and date ddivend _ &1 Show to whom,dare,and address of ddivery...:-. J.D RESTRICTED DEUV£RY -J (n,~~/«if ~;.,.u1dtM ",-,.,....~),0 TOTAL L.........•• a.ARTICU:&DClAOfIU)10<. •Columbia Savings &l oanAssoc. ~1--.Po 0 0 Bo x 17127 z Denver,Co.80217•....""OF aatVU:"""'".......~n o flEGIIttRED 0 WSUFlED P 454 039 706~ .!i •~,~~IED 0 coo'.OPRESS Ill..... I (Alwaya obbln IIIgnature or addreuee Of'agent) I have ~~article:d c:scribed above i\.ATUR /Ad DA."oriud 'B"",,.')-0<..~I?TI 01'OD,MJIY I,....~~.a ., i ..AOOAOIEFI...-&(cw,If ---O •.p."11 \.\ ~I l~'1§.,1984 ~,1.'*Akl!TO DOJ'tbII lIECAlR:...=--/~ L....o- J 1 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE .OFfIC'W..IIUSlNESlI PENALTY fOR PRIVATE USE TOAVOlDPAVMUIT Of POSTAaLt3OCl RETURN ..TO Town of Vail -BU ild ingDept .(GM) • (Name of Sende r) 75 South Frontage Roa d (StreetorP.O.B ox) Va il.Co .81657 (City,State.and Z IP Code) T 901 N.ffontoge IlOQlj PO b lJO Vol .Coiofodoe1668 T~(303 )47o-;n48 uJ d&d ->"OA"dYe.!:J d ~ (.A/Ii.../'"-;-s:'-r • 7S south fro ntage roa d vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 BOAR D OF APP EA LS MEET ING Ju ly 25,19842 :DOP M • office o f communi ty developm ent I.Ca 11 Meet;ng toOrder I I.Ro ll Call -Determina t t ono f Quor um I ll.Subject ofmeeti ng -Wolfgang -LampeAppeal -Va il DasShone Board Me mber sPre se nt:George Kn ox Dave Green Ji mVi ele Att or ney f or Defenda nt:DonaldE.CQrdova Town o f Va il St aff:Gary Murrain -Bu ilding I nspector Bill Andrews-Town Engin eer Larry Eskw ith -Town Attor ney Re gina Er l andson -Secr etary J im Vie le -Cha i rma nofthe Boa rd: Onl y one item on t he ag endath at i sr egard i ng a na ppeal relat ive tot he s o ca lled Wolfgang -Lamp e Project -Va il Das Shone .Fi r st th e is suewas heard f rom th epoint of t he Town of Va i l St a ff an d then the presenta tionfrom the aff ia nt.The nac ontinuanceo f t he di scus si on. Larry Es kwith-Town Attorney: My name ;s lar ry Es kwi t h,I amth e at tor ney fo rt he Town of Vail,re pre senti ng t he Townof Va i l co nce r ni ng Mr .Dona l d E.Cordova .representing thedefe nda nt, Mr .l ampe.he is here,l ampe i snot.Thismatt er aros e.due toanot i ce to r epair or vacate,wh ich wa ss entt o Mr.Lampe-the date that i t was se nt wa s Ap ri l16.1984 .th e noti ce re quired that th e r e pa ir workbe comm e nc edby Apr il 30,1984.and if th e r epa ir work wa snot socomm encedth e bui l ding wo uld bevac ated.That ord er wa s appealed by Mr .Lampe ,anda no ti ce oft his a ppea l hear ing wa sse ntt o Mr.Cord ova,a nd conseque ntl y he and I are hear t oday t o argue thi s matter .I believe th at an a greement ha s beenre ached between my self a nd Mr.Co rd ova pri or tothet ime t hat th i s hearing,and that we ha veas tipulated ord er for theboards re view.That ord er is th at t he repai r wo rkwillbe comm enced onthepr opertya nd com pletedwith in g s eventy f i ve(75)daysf r om t oday's da t e.Tha tt he probl ems s et f orth inthenotice t ovacate wi l l be correc ted wi thinth at per iod of t ime .Further that t he applic ant or t hea ppell ant will notr entthepr emi ses unti l t he r epair wor k is compl eted to t he sa t i sfactionof t he building department,a nd tha t Lwo ul d •• l iketosee that t heLampes not utilize th eir ow nhouse f or th e peri odof time ,which i t r emainsunrepaired.Mr.Co r do va wou ld like t omake a pleato yo u to al lowt heLampe sto use the pr emis es. Mr .Dona ld E.Cordova -Atto rneyf or t he Lampe s: Irep resent Mr .Lam pein connectio n wit h thi s ma tter.Ishould advis eth e boardt ha t we have f i ledsuit on beh alfof Mr .lam peagain st t hegener al contrac tor ,wh o i n turn has Tha t ma tter,becauseof t heheavydocket in t he Co untyof Va il.i ssetf or apr e-tri al conf erenceinOctoberof 1985 ,des pite my e ffor ts t o try to get on t hea ccelera ted docke t,a nd t ha t the conve rsa tio ns withth eSupreme J ust ice a nd with J ud icia l Ad mini strato r,Iwas un able t o accelera te t he ma t ter o nt he docke t,so Icana ntic ipa te we aregoing t o get no help th r ough t he court system at thi st ime.On t he i mm edi a teba si s,in t he comp laint t hat I f il ed, Idid al lege t hatth e bu i lding was da nge rousa nd i t was baseduponsevera l reports t hat we have ha dandI am not byappealing thi s ma t ter s uggest ing t hat I reel t hat it i sa ny thing but da nge rous.I dobel ieve,howeve r,th at it is hab itable,I wou ldnots ubjectt enantsto i t.bu t my c lien ts .I don't know if you are acquainted with Mr .Lampe ,but his pr imary res idencei s i n MexicoCity. He c omestoVail j ust per iodica l ly,du ri ng ag ive n year ,he i s now in t he Un ited Stat es,but he is i n San Francis ico f ort hree weeks .I do not know i fthey i nte nd t o occupy th eprem ises at all bet wee nor i nAugust and Septembe r .I do not get t hati mpres si on from t hem.Id idprovtc e 11r.Eskwith a copy ofa t hework th at I got from a professionalenginee r,Chen a nd As sociates.I nc " i t i s dated May 8th ,198 4,butI was only able t o get from Mr,8l oom.who representsEdwar ds Buil dersyesterday.t would like t o,s ince I didnot have a copy madef oreach of you,Icanju stre adth e pert inenti nformation.and give it to yo uf oryour r eview.He s ta tes th at th ey r e-d nspec ted t he r-esi denca on f1a y 3rd.1984.the r easonwas t over ify th e exts ti ng cond itions oft he r e si d~n ce a ndt o determine th at t he dis tress that wa sori ginallynoted is s ti ll onqo tnq ,and the,y o bservedth at th e house is continuingt ounde r go the dis tress a tth is t imet th eir o pinion is that the ca use of th e di stress was a di,ffer enUalmovementof~he fo undat ion sys t em .Apparently cau sed by th e byse ttl em ent ofthe be.Q.ri n9 so il .Si nce t hed istress i spr im arilynotedt ocosme tic dama ge a tth tst tme ,with the except ionof t hef ound a ti on wall.which i s are c racked i nsome a reas\Thenth ey mak esome re comm endations for r epair,a ndth eysa id, un i s our optmon th att he structurei s safe and hab itable a tthi spoi nt i n t im e,while th e dry wall c racks inth e upper levels ofth ehouse are un s igh tl y a nd are an indi"c ation of di stress t here i s no reasontobel ie ve t hat th e ho use will f a il str ucturally-a t thi s -time.However,if the r emed ial measures are not un der ta ken,dur ingtheupcoming cons truction season.it is poss ible that th e heavysnows of next winter wi ll damage th es tr uc ture beyo ndr epair .Tha t is essentia lly ourposition tn requesti'ng th at the La mpes bea llowe dto i nha bit th e residence until th eseve nty f iveday peri od that we have agre edupo n to ma ke th e r epa ir s unti lco ncl ud ed .I perso na lly wou l dnot and canno tin deminfy orhold the ci ty ha rmless f ora ny damage th at might occurt o the La mp es.Howe ver. it 1s my opi nion tha t s incethe y are well aware ofthe co ns truct io n de fects t ha t i f th ey doi nhab it it -i t is c er tainly at th eir own r is k.Thati st he only reason f orrequest ingth att hey be a l lowe d t o i nhabi t ther e sidenc e.because t hey a rer eally not here very of ten.and when theycome t o Va ilthi s i sth e only place t hey have to s tay un l esst hey r ent some thing.Att hist i me I wo uld •• to hand you acopyofth is ,maybe we could make t hat a part ofthe record. Other than that J am in agreement with the st ipulation that was stated by Mr .Eskwith.What we are t rying to accomp l ish i sto get theins urance co mpa ny or the genera l contracto r and some o f the s ub-c ontractors toget togethe r and ma ke the repai rs andthen we canf ight over who owes th e money . buta tthi st i me ,my c lient does nothavethe $75 .000.00 to make the necessary repa irs . J im Viele -Chairman: Thank you.Mr .Cordova Larry Eskwith -Attor ney: I wou ld l ike to r espondtot he request ma de by Mr .Cordov a.I have no problem with the Lampes occupyi ng thepremisesso l ongas we get a r elease f orofa ho ld ha rmless agreement from t hem re lieving the Town ofthe l iabi li ty shou ld they beco me in jured whi le ut i l izing t he structure. I t hink t hat is afa ir request.I wou ld ask that i ndetermi ni ng that the La mpes shou ld bea llo wed to uset he premisest hata ho ld harmess agreeme nt be i nc l udedint he stipula tion a nd give n tousa t t het im ethey uti l izeor occupy the prem ises . Geor ge Knox -Board Member: Wo uld there be l imitonthe date of tha tl enght of time?It seemsto me l ike that thewin ter i s gett ing bea crucial po int,a nd seventy five days·i t doesn't seem that Mr.Cor dova i s getti ng any further l ongwith the in surance and t he people a nd getti ng thema ll together t hat i n seventy f ive daysyou are goi ng tobeable to do it. Donald E.Cordova -Attorney: They haveundertaken some tested -they have done some drilling tode termine what t he problem i swith t he so il ,and the ini t i alco nc lusioni stha t it wi ll not properly compact and it is my fee l,and ofcourse there is no guarantee that onceth is order i sextended that they will getin there and do t he job,because damages -they have to mitigate thedamages.They cannot allow this residence to remain there un-repa ir,a nd they are l ook ing at thecos t rep laceme nt of a half mill i ondo lla r home as opposed to putting $75 ,000.00 i n repair.I thin kt heya re c hoose to make the repair . Dave Green -Boa rd Member: Mr.Cordova,I went upth is morn ing and l ooked at the property ,and two th i ngs were pretty apparent to me.Number one ,the soil a c ti on obv iously i s mov in g. Pa rt of my hesita nts orr eluctancetobe wi ll ing to l et t he Lam pes move i n while the r epair work is under way is the fact that the mo istu re co ntent of thesoi l i s extreme lyhigh t hisyearas you a re we l l aware we have hadsubsta ntia l soi l problems earl ier t his spri ng,and we are no w i nth e mo nsoo n season.The soi l is cracking a nd showi ng considerable lu minousofmoist ure movement dow n hil l and tothesoutheast,and It hi nk that there is nodra ina ge system that Iceuld •• see aroundt he building or a tl eastth ey coul d have been destroy ,wha t I could see o nthe s ur face t oday.Better start li quidatinggrou ndwaterpercu lation and prevent;ng mo re move me nt y e t ,and I wou l dt hi nk tha t the Tow n kn ow;"g wha t the cond iti ons arerig ht now ,t o all ow the la mpes t o move i n withou ta ho ld harmle ss agree me nt,bu t bejeopardizi ng th is po sition. Dona ldE.Cordov a-Attor ne y fo rth e Lamp es ; Wel l,[ca n ap precia teth at .As I discuss ed with Mr.Eskwith I understand and ca n seethe risk.however,I am not au thori zed by my c li ents Ji m Vie l e -Cha irma n ofthe Bo ard: I sthe re anyo ther discussion. Larry Es kwith -Town Att orney : The only th ing Ihave t osays i s that if the bo ard a pprov esthe s ti pu la tion verba lly t oday.myse lf a nd Mr.Cordovawi ll havea stipu lated order prod uced i n wr it ingf or th e signa ture o f t he chainna n. Jim Viele -Chairma n oft he Board: Any other disc ussi o n from the board?commen t s -opi ni ons . George Knox -Board Memb er : I j ust ca n vt fi gureout how theyaregoing toge t i't fixed,if hedoesn 't have the 575.000 .00 i norder to start wo rk i ng on it a nd hegottogotothe i nsurance companie s i norder to do some goo d.I do n'tsee how you can get i tdonein seventyf ive da ys . Do na ld E.Co rdova -Attor ney forthe Lampes : The i nsuranc e i sgoing to do it.Theya re go ingt oput up the mo ney to get it done .All the peop le they hire.at l ea st s a re onaco ns ultant basis . Bu t whether or no t the in surancecompa ny au thorize s the paymen t I know that Ji m Viele -Chai rman of t he Board : You saying Mr .Co rdova t ha tin yo ur judgm ent t his sti pu la tioni f proba bl y a key in ge tting some ac tio n. Do na l d E.Cordov a-Attor ney f or theLam pes: Yes. Ji m Viele -Chai rman of the Bo ard: Iguess my own po i nt of view is see ing t he Tow nl oses noth ing essen tial ly by enter ing i ntothe sti pulat ion that seems asthough our ri ghts wo uld st i ll be pla ced i fnoth inghappened du ringt he seventy day s.I per sonal l yt hi nk I wo uldlo ok strongly in tosup port ing conf i rmation at that po int ofwhat we havet hat we haveo ther measures ava ilab le t ous at t hat poi nt,but from my own po i nt of view thesugge st edstipul a t ed se ttl eme nt ci f :'Je a gm ~nt'1i1 a~eS a l otsense .I hav e toco nc urwith Mr.Green,ho wever,t hat Ith i nk the •• Town would ta ke un-do ris ks i n allowing occupan cykno wing t he problem s , ackno wl edgingthe engineer's letter that probab ly s truct ura lf a ilu re is unlike l y,but1 1m surethere is still aposs iblity there.and Ith in k if theowners are willing totakethe ris k of occ upancy well that perhaps s houl d bet heir decisions.I see no reason at al lf orthe To wn of Va il to s ha rether iskwithth em . LarryEskwith -TownAttor ney : To ju st perha psc larifythe Lam pes that if t hey do n't get this done in t heperi ods etf orthi n order .We hav ece rtain rights thataregiven to usi n cou rtsinthe uniform co de .We c an e ither go i n and do there pa ir ourselv es and go a fte r the lamp es f or that mo ney,wecan treat it a sa pu bl ic nui sance e ss ent iall ygo down a nd des troy th e bu ilding so it is not that is doesn 't saytha t wea re un prepared f or further ac tion. Jim Viele -Chai rma n oft heBoard: Iftherei s no furthe r di scuss i on Iquess we would be ratherready for a mo tiont o di rect the To wnt o prepare for t hiss tipulated judgment. Larry Es kwith -Town Attorney : It wi ll be a stipulated order . Dave Green -Boar d Member: Mr.Cha innan.Iwould move tha t the Town e nte rin toanagreement - as tipu lated order fo r repair with t he appella nt andt hat furt her t he orderbeaccomp lis he d wi th i nth e next seventy f ive (75)ca le ndar days . a nd t ha t a s a thi rd po intthe La mp esnot bea 11 owed to re -oc c upy t he prem ises until suchr epair i scomple ted a nd appr oved by the Tow n's Eng ineer George Kno x -Board Me mb er : I 'll se cond i t . J im Viele-Chai rm anofthe Board : Furth er discussion ?No further discu ssion -t hoseinfavor respond by say ing "I". MEMB ERS: I J im Viele -Chai rma n ofth e Bo ard: Thoseoppo sed ?-una ni mous. l:\~~\1\?24 .6574931("lr~~I PT FOR CERTlFI£D MAil\.\~NO INSU RANCE toVER AG E Pfl OVIDED- NOT FOR IN TERNA TIONA LMAIL (see Reverse l ~1AOE .E R T I F I ~D H E •~SPECl,o,L OEU'o'ERY~c 'RE STHICTEO DEU\lERY• '.. • • .' •STICK POSTAGE STAMPS tnARTICLE TO COVER fiRST CLASS PO STAGl •• ~"Jl T l f I EO MAlL FEE ,AND CHAR~.ANY SELEC TED OPTIONAL SERV'efS ISM Ironll ' I')'OIl want til s tecept posin;,)r~ed 511<.",_glllTlfTllld stLlb Dfl the Iltt p<;mKln ol!heeecessSide c!''M artde IN,""the lapl artadled ,and creseru rre aniCle a,a POS!011/Ce sevce w ~dow or -.and 1110 your filIal camero (no ertr,a Cllarllf f 2.II you do R;lI ....anl tim rectr;lt post1l¥keCI.slICk tile ~$h.1lon ttle!ell PMIlYl orthe address side olille N1lC1e _dale.detach ¥Ill r!!l,un the rllUllpl ,"CINiI ttle MIICIe 3.If rou ....olI'IIa morn rKI!tp(erne t~certI ed"fT\il~nurnflef R)'QUI name.and ollldrMs!rla r~um rete ~T eee.fofm 3811.and illl.Jdl4 lllihe IronT 01 tile ir1ic1e by means olltle g ee endsII spp pent'lls Ol~er'A'lse ~1I.'0 ll.al:k 01 J"ICIe Endorse t onl 01 ""rcle RET URN RE eflPT REOU ESTEO .adjacenl to tne number 4 I'YOu ....~nt delivery restreree to the eocressee.or 10 an aulholll811 agent I)!the iK!(Ilessee eos .xse RESTRICTED DELIVUlV Dflthe frDflt of Itll'!~rtdfl 5,Enter fees!Of TIM!services requesletlln HIl'~pprllp'<ale spaces en tile Ironl ot thisrececr.II return receIpt IS rtKluesled.che1:k theapplIcable blocks in hem Ia!Farm JaIl 6 5.Jve tmsrecept and creseot ItII you make InquIry ENDER:Complete hems 1.2.3 .and ...• Add yot.r'add ress in the MRETlJRN TO"apaca on reversa.• Ii'(CONSULT POSTIIASTER FOR FEES)· i 1.The rollnwing snvioe is req~ed (check ~). ,3.Show to whom and dale ddivered "..••_M ~ o Show 10 w hom.da le.and addreu 0(ddiYU)'M -.I 2.0 RESTRlcrED D ELIVERY -I (~_rtn«I~/«i:I ~iIl#JM,1ioII IIIJ oW _nr ........-"-J TOTA L ~ ~ .~•~ "J•'"" 'iO ~,,~ ~ JS '".. J ...~N-'0 "q 'l:::t ':Q3] u 0a~~or • IL ~• L1.@ V; 0 io fJ 1 vi g ~ 0 ~: •!'~ z -l 0:: ,. :>0 II: til- 0:: .. -'• • ."---.t11 lown 01 vai 75 s o ult,fr o nlageroa d va il ,c olor ado 8 165 7 (30 3)4 76 -700 0 Augus t 18 .1983 Mr .Wolfgang Lampe 2328GarmischDrive Vail.Co lorado 8165 7 Oear-Hr •Lam pe : .. office of co mmunity d ev elopment -Re :Wat er and/ore arth movement damag e t o 2328 Gra misch Dri ve. • Afte r vis i ting your resi dence at 2328 GarmischDri veandr eviewi ng rep orts by Lincoln Devore and Col orado Struc tura l Cons ulta nts ,ltd , it is im per ati ve tha t correc tive measuresbe take ni mm ediatelyt o s ta bil ize the f oundat ion a ndr etaining walls of yourr esidence . It a ppears that thecondi tion of you r foundati ons and retain ing walls a re app roaching o r a rea ta c r iti ca ll evel of s a f ety .Theunusua lly r a iny s u~e r has pro babl y a ggravated the situa tio n evenf urther .t hus emphas i zing the need fo ri nme diatea ct ion. I wo ul ds ugg es t t ha tt he r ecomm enda t i ons of Li ncol n Dev ore be f oll owe d precise l ya nd th a t Li ncoln De vo re be r eta i nedas a consultant th r ougho ut th ere ha bi l i tat ion pro cess. Pl easeadv i se me how you are pro ceedi ng wi t hr epa ir s a nd yourt i me s ched ule withi n15days .Any delay inr epa i rs woul d fo rc eus i nto condemnat ion pro ceed ings aga ins t yourr esidence . If yo uhaveanyques tions .pleas e cont ac t me d irec tly at 476-7000 ext 250. Si nc erely , t1:{)~ Bi l l Andr ews TO'.'ln En ginee r BA(bb c c:Ga r y Mu rr a in -TOV Build in gInspecto r Larry Es kwith -Town Atto r ney Fr itz Schmi dt -Edwar ds Bu ilde rs ,Inc . to wn of vai 75 south Irontage road va il,colorado 81657 (303)476·1000 DaveGree n P.O.Box 250 Va i l.Co lorado .81 658 De ar Dave , • office'of community d evelopment J uly 20 .1984 • Encl osed is apacketo f i nf ormationOn the ,",olfgan9 l ampePro jec t tha t i stobe r evi ew edby the Boardo f Appea ls a n Ju ly 25 ,1984 , at lO :OOA M.I hope this wi ll beo f somehe lp toyou t ounde rsta nd theproblems andt he projec t. Sincerely , Gary Murra in BuildingIn spector GH/r me __e ~":i lown 01 vai 'Ii 75sout h fronlage r oad vail.colorado 8 1657 (303)4 76-7000 Mr .Bil l Ruoff %Ru off Partnership 500 Lionshead Ma ll Vail .Co lorado.8 16 57 Dea r Bi 11 • e offic e or co mmunityd evelopment • Encl osed i s a pa cket of infor ma tion o n the l~o1fg a ng l ampe Project that is to ber ev iewed by the Board o fAppe a ls o n July 2 5.19 84 . at lO:OOAr~.I hope thi s will be of some he lp t o y o uto understand theproblems and theproject. Si nc ere ly , Ga r y Murra in Buil ding Ins pector GMJ rm e • ;·. r- 7 5 s ou th Ironl age roa d vatt,c olo rad o 81657 (303)4 76 -100 0 r·~r .Ji:r:Viele ',Duddy -'.ri ele Cons t ruction P .O.50x 331 Va il,Co lo rado,81 b~8 Dea r Jim , • o ff ice 0 1 com mun ity d eve l opm ent J uly 20 .1984 t· ..' •.c Co:••., •• E nl1 o ~E'd i sa packet o f in fo rmat ion o n the ~':olf9ang Lampe Proje-c t that i s to be revi e 'we d by the Boa r d of A;J peals onJu ly 25 ,1984, at I O :OO;"~~.J hope t hi swi ll be of s ome he l pt o yo u t o u nde r s tand the:pro blems a nd t he projec t. Sill cerely ,... ,;;..''1 /.Ga ry t·',urt"a ln Bui lding l ns aec t o r 75 sou t h f r o ntag e r o ed va il,colora do 8165 7 (30 31 4 76-7000 Mr .Geo rge Kn ox 303 Go re Creek Dri ve Vail ,Colorado ,8 1657 Dea r George , • ctnee of community d evel opm ent Ju ly 20 ,1984 Encl os edi s d packet of i nform ati onon th e Wo lfgang la mpePr oject t that i s t obe rev iewed by t he Board of Appea ls on J uly 25 ,1984 . a t 10:00M1.I hope this will be o fs om e helptoyout o understand t hepro lem a nd thepr oject . _Si ncer e ly . /S=--,)",-C"'c..,..~_ ./C:'''t CO GaryMurrain C Bu il ding In spector Gfl/r me •• NOTI CE OF HEARING I N TilEMATTE R OF THE DA.'WE RO US BUILD ING LO CA TED ON LOT 13, BLOCK G,VAIL DA S SCII ONE 2nd FILING Ki ndly t ak e n o ti ce that Wol f gang Lampe 's app ea l fr om th e f i n d i ng t o the To wn of Vail Building Offici al t h at t he above- r e f eren ced building is un saf e will b e h e ar d at t h e Town of Vail offices ,l o cated at 75 South F ro n tage Road,Vai l,Co l o rado on __JUJ Lfo.5~.,1 984 at l.-Q.:OO AM"--__,at which time an d p l ac e y ou may a p pea r a nd be h eard i f yo us o d es ire . /-------~ Offi cial ( Ju ly 2 .1984Date:_---->!!!.!."--'~="'-_ CERTIFICATE OF MA I LING .',';/J (\"I.,.Su bscr -i bed and sworn to before me thi s d -day of ~.1984 . Hotary :r..w.tM .s ,O£M,4t.rt.~P.O .13o~585 Ud.i1 eo 8 Jt.5to', My comm issionexpires:9/M'W""o I hereby ce rti fy t h at Ih a v ep lace dat ruea nd cor rect copy of t he ab ove Notic e o f I l o u.r-Ln g,i n Lh e United States mai l,postage prepaid,address ed t o Do nald E.Cordo va,att orney f ort he a p pe Larrt ,Wol fgang Lamp e,at 250 B 'l a ke St r eet Buildin g ,1 441 18 th Stre et,Den ver,Col orado 80 20 2. • lown of vai 15 south lr o nlag e ro ad ....ai l,c olora do 816 5 7 (3 03)4 76 -7 00 0 • office o f comm unit yd eve l o p men t Augus t 18 ,198 3 \. ;-1r .Wolfgiing lampe 23 28Gar mi sc h Dri v e ) Va il ,Co l or ado 816 57 Dear ft,r.l ampe : Re:vatc r a nd/o r earth mov em e n t d ama q e to 232 8 Gr amisc h Dr ive . 12.c G,Itf '"3 VI1.~<:.'('<-0 'l C 2.!': Afte r v isiting you r r esi d ence at 2 328 Garmisc h Drive an d rev i e wi nq r epo rts by lincol n Devo re an dColorado St r uctura l Cons u ltan ts ,Ltd . it i s i mpe r at i vet hat cor rec tive meas ur e s be t aken i mme di a t e ly to slab i li7cth ef ound at i on a nd re tain ing wa l ls of your resid ence . I t appears t hat t he c ond i tio no fyour f oun da tio ns andr etai ning wa ll s a re a pp roac hin gora r ea t a crit i ca ll e ve l o f safety .The unusuall y rai ny su mme r has proba b l y ag gravated t he s itu a ti o n eve nf urth e r ,lhus em pha s i zi ng the ne ed for i mme dia t e actio n . I wo ul d s ugges t t ha t t he r ecomm e ndat i onso f l i ncol n Devore be f'o l I o ,...e d pr e ci s ely a nd t ha tl inc oln Devo re be r eta i ne d as a c o ns ulta nt t hr oughou t t he r e hab ili ta t io npro c es s . Plea se adv is e me hOI'"yo u are proceed ing with repa irs a nd y our t i me s chedu le with in 15 d ays .Any de lay i nr e pairswould fo rce us into co ndemn atio n pr o ceedingsaga ins t you r r e sidence . If y ou h ave a ny quest i o ns ,pl eas e co ntac t me direct ly at 4 76-7000e xt 250. Sincere l y , IL(J~ Hi 11 Andrews Town Engi nee r BA/hb cc :Gar y 1·'lu rrai n -TO V Bu ild ing I ns pe ct or t arry Eskw i t h -TOI';n Atto rney E dw arcs B u i Ldc rs P .O .BoxB Ed wa rd s ,CO 8]6 32 ] J J I • • 1.("1 "'.otOf G:aM J uncl'on.Ce o 8 1 ~1 (3..'13 )2 4U:9f.3 •• J une 1 4,1983 •• I VAIL 0,'\5 SHO:-lE SUBD IV ISION Att n:Fritz Schm iejl RE :V rSUl\L I NS PE CT I O N OF SI 'fE CON DI'rIONS L O'f NO .1 3 /}lIe 6, Ge ntle men : VAI L,COLORA DO T =a n smit led he rein are tIl e re su lts a nd ob servations of a vi su ali nspec t ion of t he st .ru c Lurc a t;t he above referen ced site .The site is loc ate d o nar-o la t i ve Ly s t eep so ut he as t f acing slope . Re spectf ul ly n ubrn i t.t c d , L INC OL N~De VO RE TEST ING L~~O RATO RY ,I NC . By '__rJdJt;stJl4-7'",_td:~__ h'a l t.e rE .\'~n d e r p ool Civi l E n gi ne er Gr andJ unc t i on Off ic e Rev i e we d by : \.;r:V/jb LDTI,.Job ;~o .4 8 541,(;S ••• NOT ICE AN D ORDER f OR REPAIR OR VACAT ION I N THE MATTEROFTHE DA NGE RO USBUIL DI NG S LOCATED ON LOT 13 BLOCK G ,VA IL DAS SCHONE 2ND FILING APPEALOF WO LFGANG LAM PE 2328 GARMISC H DR IVE VA IL,COLOR ADO 8 1 657 1.The l eg al inte rest o f Wo lfga ngLamp e is as the o wner of t he abov e-de s cr ib ed bui ld i ng a nd rea l p rope rty. 2 .The Appea l is fro m th e findi ng th at th ea bov e-named b u ild ing is a da ngerous site and t hatt he b ui ldingi s un safe . T he i mp rope r drai nage is a r esult of the Town of Va il ls f a ilure to reduce the a mou nt o fwaterf lowing do wnh ill.Th e To wn of Va il has n otb lack -topped the r oad t o the no rth of the dwel l ing nor has i t main ta i ned i ts ditches i n su ch amanner as to c atch th e wat er a nd r out e i t t h roug h the d itc hes. 3.T he App el l ant seeks to s et as i de th eOrder fo r v aca t ion o f t he pre m ises.T he ow ner of th e r e sid en ce i sp r esent ly i nMe xi co C i ty a n dn ot ava ila bl e f or a minimum o ft hr eewe eks .Th e ho use is pr es entl y un o ccu pi ed and acc ording ly there is no d a nger si nce t here aren o oc c upant s . It i s r e qu e sted t hat t he Tow n of Vail i nstall a sub-s urface d ra in in the road above t he house a nd clean t he d it ches above so as t o • i nsure • that the runoff water wil l f low • away from the house . Eve ry effort should be made to black -top the road to prevent puddling and mud holes . Respectfully s ubmitted , DONALD E .CORDOVA ,P .C. BY :~~~on E .Co r do va ,'106 9 Atto r ney f or Appel la nt , wal f ga ng L ampe 250 Blake Street Bldg . 1 441 18 th S t reet Denver ,Co lo rado 80202 (303)296 -B631 STATE OFCOLORADO COUNTYOF ) )55 . ) VERIFICATION I ,Don al d E.Co rdova ,of l awf ul a ge , amt he a tto rn ey for t he Appellant Wolfg an g fore goi ng Appe al,a nd upon in formation an i nfo rmation co nt ai ned t he rei n is true . u pon oath state t hat I Lampe ,name d in t he be l ie f sta te t hat t he My Commission Expires ,•DONALDE.CORDOVA, A TT ORNEY S-AT-\"'\W 2 50 BlAkE S TRHl BlIildilliCj 1441 18TH SUllO D ENVE R,Coloeedc 80202 P O,)2 96-86'1 r ' PC.• DONALD E.CORDOVA LARR Y NHARR IS Town of Va il Bui ld ing Off icia l 75 So.F ron tage Road Vail ,CO 8 1657 Apri l 24 ,1 984 Re :Wolfgang La mpe 2328 Ga rm isch Drive vai l,CO 8165 7 Gent lemen: E nclosed p leas e fi nd Mr.Lamp e's Not ice of Appe al of t he order for Repa ir or Vac at i on. Respec tful ly y our s, DONA LD E .CORDOVA ,P .C . DEC/td r cc :Co lumb ia Savings &Lo an Assoc . Kis se ll Company Trans ame ri ca I nsur anceCo . Mr .Wo lfga ng Lampe You a re s um m oned a ndr equ ire d 10 fi le ......it ht h e clerk of this COU rt an answer o r o ther r e spons e 10 the anached compla in t within rwem y(20 )d ays aft er l hi ~s ummons i s s erved on y o u i n (h eS tate of Col orado,orwi thin thi rty (3D )da ys af ter t his su mmo nsisse rved on you o utside t heSl ate of Color ado. If y ou fa il to fil eyour a nswer or o ther r e sponse 10 Ih e com plain t i n wrilin g within t he applic ab l e time period, ju dg mem by de fa ult ma y be entered against you by the cou rt for t he r elie f dema nded i n t he compla i nt,withou t any f u rthe r n otice t o you. y. -,t .•..;, d - J AN .'.'1 1"'1'. (303)832 -1122 E /I,GI.E RETUR."i OFSERVICE Gary B .Blum ,#3BSla l \"":,,,t~~m.Ylll fP\;,.1I1 'H ('II~Ckri.CJ fCo uft Attor neys for T hi~ti~~··'i!lltg:rn·~I~f'tawa~tts 1600 Ogden Stre et Denver ,CO 80218 T his s u mmo nsis iss ue dp ursuant toR ule 4,CR ept a s amended. A COP)·of the com p lai nt m ust be s e r ved with t his sum mons . D ale :J a n tiary 6.19 84 S tate of _ Coun ty of I decla re under o atht ha t I servedt his summons and a copy ':I f th e complaintin t his cas e on t he d efe ncar-t i n_______C cumy on a t at t he fo llo wi ng loca tio n: [h ll T ..... Th e P eo ple of the S late of Colorado To t heDe te ndanus)named a bove: ·. ,D1STRlCT C OliRT.E .:"GL::::i · .,.CAS E!\O .B 3 CV -.164:: i !i 1 SUJ\.l~IO ~S i ll hU.LL"G~L '\.:I .J..o.M,.'J.r'oC f..r'Ial.n1:.l.t't:v ..c.D V'i .M.l'.U S EO ..:..L,o,t.:<.S J..l.N C.D e~'eric arrt a nc rn i I PartyP l ain t ifI v .T HE BO k~OFCOUNTY COK~IS~I O N ER5 0 THE COUN TY OF !I EAGLE,COLORAD O ;JAMESR .GUFF EY;,HIGH COUKTRY F OIJN D".T ·,·,I NC.;". J OHNSON,KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES ,INC .;LINCOLN DEVORE TESTI NG LAB o RAT OIISKEIECONSTRUCTION,INC .;T HE TOWN OF VAIL ;and WRI GHT RETAINING WALLIThird-Pa rtv D eft2!1c an ts .. , 1I,.. !II, :i Ii II I I'Ii !I I ' ""'I I IIIi I, o I a mov ert he ag eof 18 y ears and a m n ot i nte res te d i nno r a part )'tothi s case . D a l eoPrivateprocessscrvctoShenff,-..,.Counly Se rvice S _ M iI ~a ~~S _ D ••• o by handi ng i lia a p er s oni dentified 10 mea s th e d efend ant o by leavin g itw ith the de f endant who r efused service . D by leaving i lwith designat ed to receive s erviceforth e d efendant. Sma ry Public " O J anemp rec 10 s erve the defe ndam on occasions b ut h ave n OI been ab le 10 loca le t he d efe ndant. Return 10 t he plainti ffis made 0 0 -::_ S igned und er oath b eforeme o n _ , 'II,..;1.. ii I';, "Ii I 'd 11 .'.. ~,,• ." D.ISTR ICT COURT,COUNTY OF EAGLE ,STATE OF COLORADO Case No.83 -CV -46 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- WJLFGANG LAMP E, Plainti ff, v , EDWARD S BUI LDERS,INC .,a Colo rado cor por at io n, De ~endant and Third-Pa rty Pla in tiff, v. TriE BOARD OF COUKry CO~!Vl1 SS lONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAG LE , COLORADO ;J A\IE S R .GU FFEY;HIGH COUNTRY FOUNDATIONS ,I NC .,a Co lorado cor pc re t i on :JOID:SON ,J{U};'KE L AhTJ)ASSOC IATES,INC .,a. Colorado c orpo ratio n;LINCOLN DEVORE TE STI NG LABORATORY,I NC.,a Colorado co r po re t i on;SK EIE OJNS TRUCT ION,INC .,a Co lo rado eo r p or e t l cn ;THE TOWN OF VA IL,a "Mun i c i p a I c orpora ti on;and ~EIGHT..RETA INING WALLS,a Colo rado business , Third -Party Defend ant s. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CO~S NOW Defendent and Thi rd-Party P la int iff Edward s Builde rs ,I nc.,by a nd thr oughi ts atto rneys,WNG &J AUOON, P .C.,an d alleg es as fo llows fo r its Third -Party Com plaint a gain st Thi r d-Party Defendants ca pt io neda bove : PREL IM INARY ALLE GATIONS 1.Defendant and Third -Par ty P laintiff Edwards Build er s, Inc.(hereinafter "Edward s ")is a corpora tion organi zed and existing under law a nd doing bu si ness wi thi nt he State of Colo r ado. 2 .Third-Party Defenda ntt heBoa rd of Coun ty Comm i ss ione r s of the Coun ty of Ea gl e,Co lo rado (he reinafter "Ea gl e")is aboard o r ganized and exis t ing under Co lo r a do la w in Eagl e,Co lo rado . :~.•• .' JIi //l "~,....-o: "198</ 3 .T hi rd-Part y D ef endant J ames R.Guffey (h ereinafter u'Guff ey ")is an a rchi tect licen sed and d oi ng bu sin ess in the State of Co lorado . ., Inc. a nd of 4.Third -Party Defend ant High Country Foundations, (he rei n after "Hig h Country ")is 8 c orp oratio n organized exi st ing unde r law and d oingb usi n es s wit hin t he State Co lorado. 5 .T hir d-P arty D efendan t John son ,Kunk el a nd As s oc i a t es; I nc.(he rei na fte r "J ohnson K un ke l")is 8 c or po ratio n org anized a nd e xist ing und er law a nd doing bu sin essi n land su rveying, c iv i l eng in eering,and mapp ing with in the State of Colorado . 6 .T h ird-Party De fe n dan t Linc oln D eVore Te s ting Labora- tor y,Inc.(h erei naf ter "Linc o ln DeVore ")is 8 co rporation o rgan ized a nd ex is ting under l aw and doin gb usine ss a s engineers and geo logi sts wit hin the State o fC olor ad o. 7 .Th ir d-Pa rt yD ef en dan tS keie Const ru c ti on,I nc .(herein - a f te r "Sk ei e")is 8 co rporat io n o rga n ized a nd e xi sti ng under l aw a nd doi ng b us ine ss w ithi n the St a te of Colorado . 8 .Third-Pa rty Defendant The "ve t I")is a mu ni cip al it y organ i ze d Va i l,C ol o ra do . Town and of Va i 1 ex is ti ng (here i nafter und er law in 9 .T h ird-Party Def en da nt Wr igh tR et aini ng Wa lls (he rein - after ~~W r i g h t ")is a bu s ine ss or ga ni ze d and c o nducti ng bu sin ess i n th eS tate o f Colo r ado . 10 .P1ainti ff Wo lfgang Lampe (here ina ft er "Larnpe "}e nte red in to agr e emen t w it h Defe ndan t a nd Third-Party P la inti ff Edwa rds fo r se rv ic es i n erecting a re sidence o n hi s property on or abou t May 1980... 11.Defen dant a nd Th ird-Party Plain tiff Edwa rds performed some work o nt he Plaintiff 's propert y,however,a ll the named Th ird-P arty De fen da nts also p articipate d in the er ec tion of the r es id enc e,ei ther directly or i na consultant ca p ac ity . 12.De fendan t and Thir d-P art y Pla int iff Edw ards se rv ed with aC ompl aint,a co py of which i s attac hed Exhibi t A.The Compla in t alleges b reach of co ntract, wa rran ty and negligence. has been h ereto as breach of 13 .E dwards i n co rpo rat es by refe re n ce t he a bo ve pre l i minary ~lle ga t i on s i na ll its cl ai ms for rel ie f. -2 - "• FIRST CLA IM FOR REL IEF • (Claim agai nstEa gle for Ne gli g ence ) 14 .Th e Boa rd o fC ou nty Comnis s ion er s Eag l e,C ol or ado,is empowe re d b y st atut e t o pr ope rt y wit h in t heco u nty boundaries . of t he C ou nty of a c t in res p ec t to 1 5.Building inspecto rs e re emp l cye d by E agle County to inspect and approve ongo ing constru ction and to issue certifi - cates of occupan cyf orcomp leted r e sid en ces . 16.Eag leC oun ty Buil d in gi ns pect orsh ad adu ty to perform t hei r inspecti ons of the const r uct io n o n Lampe's pr o pert y wi t h th es kill and k now ledge o fr eas onabl y c ompe tentb u il ding inspectors. 17.Eag le Co un ty Build ing i nspectors brea ched t he ir du ty and knew or s hould hav e kr.own that Edwardsa nd L ~p e wo uld fore~ee 8b ly sustain los ses and dwmages because o ft he ir b reach. 18.Eegle Cou nt y Bu ild ing i n sp ec t or s were n eg lig en t i n i nspe ct in g a n dapp rov ing th eo n goi ngc ons tru cti o n and in i s su ing certif icat es of o ccup ancy . 1 9.The neg ligen ce of the EagleCoun ty bu il ding inspectors proximatel yc aused damages and l osses su stai ned by L ~p e alle ged in his Complaint...- 20.If Edwards'n egl igen ce c ausedo rc o nt ri buted t o L&n p e1s damages,which Edw ar ds den i es,t hen Edwards'n e glig ence was at mo st t he an te cedent ,s econ dar y,r emot e an dp as si v ec ause of Lampe'sdamagesan d losses,if any ,wh er eas Eag le 's negli gence was t he sol e,prim ary ,prox imate and active ca useo f Pla int i ff 1s allege di nju ries an dd am ages. 21.Eagle has b ee n ser ved wi th not ice of t hi s claim p ur- suan t t o Section 2 4-10 -101 e t se c •,C .R.S.1973 . ~~EREFOREt Edwards p rays as herein af t er set f or th . SECO ND CLA IM FOR REL IEF (C laim a ga inst Ea gle f o r Fa ls e Represen t at ion) 22 .Edwards i nco r po r atesby r ef er ence paragrap hs 14 t hr ough 16 of F ir st Cl aim. 23 .Eagle County building i nspecto rs false ly r eprese nt ed to Edwa rds encLampemate ria l f ac ts regar d ing t he ad e qua cy,s uf fi - cie ncy and proprie ty o f th e cons truc tio n,k nowingt he r epr es en ta-. '-3 - •.'r: tions to be fa lse or be i ng aware t h at they did not know whethe r f t .was true or false,intend ing by t heir action th at Edwards and Lernp e w ould be induced to rely upon such rep r esent ations a nd continu e in the const ru c tio n of th e residence . "~J-v-, ,".,/.- . ; 24- li on so f possessed Edwards a nd L wn pe j u stifia bly r e li edont he r e presenta.- Ea gl eCo un ty bul Iding i ns pe ct ors s ince t he in sp ect ors superio r knowle dge t o t hat of Edwards and L ~pe. 25 .E dwar ds and L~pe have sust ained damag es resu lt ing from Eagle County Bu ilding inspectors 'false representation . 26. suant to Eag le h as been serv ed wi th n ot ic eo f Se ct ion 24 -10 -10 1 et s ea .•C.R .S.19 73 .-. t hi s claim p ur- thi n gs an plans a nd co nstruc - des i g nI ng WHEREFOR E Edwa rds'prays as here i nafter se tf o rt h. TH IRD CLA IM FOR REL IEF (C lai m aga ins t Gu ffey for Neg li ge n ce) 27 .Guffey was em plo y ed by Lampe t odo those architect do es i nclUding but not limited to preparing sp eci ficat ions for Lamp e 's residence ;s u pe r vis i ng th e tion o f the r eside n c e;desig n ing the r etai nin g walls ; the p a r king lay ou t,and s upervising soil t est ing . 28 .As an a r c h i te et,Guffey h ad a du ty t o employ t hat deg re ej o f k nowledg e,s kill,and jUdgment ord inari ly po ssessed by rnemb ers of his pr ofes sion and to perform faithfully a nd dili- gently a ny serv ice unde rtaken as a n arch ite ct in t he manner a r ea sona bl y car eful a r ch i tee twoul d do unde r th e same o r simi lar ci rc umstanc es. 29 • plan s and s t r u c t i o n Guffey br e ached t h at d uty in n egligently pr ep ar lng the specification s ,and in ne g lig ently super vising t he con- of th e r eside nc e. 30.Ast he p roxi ma te res ul t of t his breach ,L ampe h ass us- tained the dwnag es a l leg ed i n hi s Comp la int. 31.If Edwards'n e gl ig enc e caused or contribut ed to Lwmpe's d e.:nag es ,which E dwards den ies ,then Edwards'n e gl igen ce was at most the a nt ec ede nt,secondary ,rem ote an d passi ve cause of Lampe 's d amages and lo sses ,if any,wherea s Gu ffey's neglig en ce was the sole,p rimary,pro xima te and a cti ve cau se o f Lamp e 's ~l l e g e d inj ur ies and d amages. ~HEREF OR E ,Edwards pr ays as h er ei naft er s etf or th . -4 - •• FOURTH CLAIM FORRELIEF J .-. .... (Claim a gainst Guf fey f or B re ach of Co nt ract )';', "0( 32.Th er e exis t ed a contract be t ween L am pe an d Guf fey "\in whic hGu ffeywas t ope r fo rmt ho sese rvi ces an ar c hitect prov ides\r inc lUdi ng b ut n ot l imitedt o d e si g ning p lans a nd specific ations, advisi ngL empe a nd others;and s upervis ing the c on struction and er ec tion o f t he re si de nce.E dwa rds and others were to be nefit from th is con tra ct,bo th d ir ect ly and indirectly . 3 3.Guffeyb reached the co nt r act terms a nd the du ty owed b y defe cti ve o r defi cie nt p er fo rma n ce caus ing Edw ar ds a nd Lam pe to sus t ai n dwma ges and lo sse s. h~E F O RE,Edward sp r ays a s he reinafter set forth . FI FTH CLA IM FOR RELIEF (Cla ima gain st HighCo unt ry f or Ne gligence) 3 4.H igh Co un try wa se:np loyed by Lampe ,E dwar ds a nd others t o p erf orm wor k o n the p r o pert y in c ons truc ti ng th e re si denc e, i n cl u din g but n otl imited to work o n the footin gs for the r e si- de nce,c onst ruct ing the wall s of the re s idence a ndc on st ru cting th e ret a in i ng wall s. 3 5.H igh Co unt ry ha d th is wor k in a sk i l L f uI, manne r . a dut y to "Edward s and pr u d en t ,rea so na b le Lwnpe t op erform and wor kmanl ik e 36.Hi ghC ountry fa iled to exercise reas on able care a nd failed to a p ply prudent c ons tru ctionp rac tices in the pe rformance of i ts work th ereb y constructing f ooting s and walls that did not com p ly with the plans and specif ications provided to it, br each ing t he d ut y ow edby it . 37.As ap roxi mat e resu lt o fH igh Co untr y's b r ea ch,Lampe h as .su sta ined t he damag es and lo ss esa l leged in h is Comp laint. 3 8.If Edwa rd s'ne g li gence c aused or cont ribu ted t o Lampe'S d am ages,wh ich Ed wa rds 'deni e s,th en Edwa r ds'negl igen ce was at mos tt he a ntec e den t,s eco nda r y,remot ea nd p ass iv e cau se o f L am pe 's dwn ag es and l osses,i fa ny,whe reas Hi gh C ountr y's n egl i - gen cewas t he sale ,pr ima r y,prox imate a nd ac t iv e cause of L ampe 'S al le ge d injur ies and dwna ge s. WH EREFORE,E dwa rds p r ays a s h er ei n af t er set forth . -5- •• SIXTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF ", (Claim Aga i nst H i gh C ountry f or B r eac h of Contr act )........'<~... ·0--"':":. 3 9.There ex i sted a n agre eme nt b etw een H igh Cou n tr y and ..........' Edward s,L~p e and o the rst h at Hig h Cou nt ry would per form wor k on th e pr operty to i ncl u de bu t not 1 imi t ed to work on the fo ot ings f or the resi den ce,c on struc ti ng t he walls of the re si d ence ,and c onst ructing the r etai ning wal l -so E dwards and oth e rs were to benefit fr omt his con tract,both "dir e c t ly an di n di rectly . 4 0.H i g h C o unt ry b re ac h ed i ts duty ow ed und er t he ag r eerne n t by d e fe c tive pe rform an c e,ca usi ng E dw ards an d Lam pe t os us tain d~~8ge s an d lo ss es . hr.ffiREFOR E,Edw ar ds pra ys 8S h erei nafter set forth . SEVENTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (C laim Agains tJ ohnsonKunkel for Ne gl igenc e) 4 1.Jo hn s on Kunke l was e:n p l o y e d by L ampe ,E dwa rds a nd others a s an e ng ineer ing fi nn skil led i nl a nd s u rveying ,civil e ng ineerin g,map pi ng a nd structural engineering t o do th e f o llowin g ,i nclud ing but not limited to desi gn ing the f oundat ion o f the res i de nce ,d e si g ning the r eta inin g walls n e ar t he res i- d e nc ea nd c o nfo rming an y of i ts des ig ns t o re q u ireme nts and rec omnend ation s f rom t he soil test ing f i rm. 42.John son Ku n k el had a dut y to E dwardsa n d Lampe to per - f orm th is work in the ma nner a re a sona blyc areful st r uctu ral eng ine er would do under ~he swn e o r similar circumst anc es . 43 .John son Kun k el breach e d th at du ty in f ai l ing to design both the r es ide nce and the r etainin g walls in conformity w i.th the r ec ommend ati on s of the soil test i ng fi rm.. 44.As th e pro xi mate resu lt o ft his br each ,Lampe h as sus- t a in ed the d wna ges all eg ed in hi s C ampl aint. 45.I f Edwa rds'ne glige n ce cau sed o r contribu t ed to Lampe 's d amag es I whi c hE dwar ds deni es,th en Edwa rd s'n egl i g encewa sa t mos t th ea ntece de nt,s econ dar y,remo t e an d p ass ive ca use of L ampe's damag es and losse s,i f a n y,wh er eas John s on Kun kel's ne gli gen ce was the s ole ,primar y,p r oxi mate a nd a c tiv e cause of Lampe 's al leg ed inj ur ies an d dam ag es . \"1i ER EFORE,E dwer d s p ray s a she re inaf te r set forth. -6- • EI GHT HCLA IM FOR RELI EF • (Cl aim agai nst Jo hns on Kun kel f or Fals e Repr es en ta ti .on).•.~" 4 6.E dwards i nc or porates by r ef erence p er a gr ap h s4 2a nd 43~..-.l of t he se v enth c la im. 47.John son Kun kel repr es ented to Edw ards a nd Lampe mater ial facts regarding the adequa c y,suff ic i enc y and prop r iety of its d es ign a nd i ts c onfo rmi t y to th e rec orrrnen datio ns of the s oil test ing firm k nowing the repre se nta ti ons t ob e fa ls e or b e ing awa ret hat i t did not know wh et her it sr e pres e nt ations were true o r {e ls e,i nt en di ng b y i ts act i on t hat Edwa rds and Lemp e wou ld be induced t o r ely u pon s uc h re p re se nt at i ons and c o ntinue in th e c on st ruc tio n o f th er es idence. 48 .Edw ards a nd L~pe ju sti fiab ly re lied on the r epre senta- ti ons o f Johns on Kunkel si nce it pos sessed super ior k n owl edge to t h at o f Edwar ds s nc L ~pe • .~9.Edwa rds and Lwnpe h ave sus teined damag es resu lti ng fr om J ohnso n Kun ke l 's f e l se r e pr e se ntati on. WHER EF OR E,E dwards pra ys as he re i n aft er set forth. NINTH CLA IM FOR RELIEF (Cl aim Aga instJ ohn sonKun ke l for B r each o f Contract ) 5'0'·.There e x i s ted a na gr e emen tb etwe en Jo h ns on Ku n kel and E dwa rds,Lam pe and othe rs th at J ohn s on Kun kel would pe r form the services of an enginee r ing f irm skilled in land surv e ying,c ivil engineering,mapping and s t r uctural engineering to do the followin g,including but n ot limi t ed to de sign ing the foundation of the res idence,d e signing the retainin g walls near the resi d ence and con fo rmi ng an yo f i ts de signs t o re qu ireme nt s and recorrme nd ati onsf rom the soil testing f irm.E dw ards,Lampe an d others were to benef i t frorn th i s agreemen t,bo th di r ectly a nd in di rect ly. 51.Johns on Kunkel bre ac hed the terms of the agreement and i t s dut y ow ed under the agreem e nt b yd efe cti ve perf orma nc e, c a us i ng Edwa rd s and L wnpe t o s u sta in dwnag es a nd losse s . "~ER E FOR E ,E dwards p ra ys a s he re inafter set for th. ·-7 - •• TEh~H CLA IM FOR RELIEF (Cleim Against L inco ln DeVore fo r Neg ligence)· ""..:..52 .Lincoln DeVor e was employed by L ampe and Edwa rds to provide services as an engineering firm ski lIed.in soi 1t es ti ng, re porting and advising t o pe rform t he Col lowing,includi ng bu t not limited t o t esting soil on Lampe 's p rope rty and providi ng r ep orts rega rd ing b u ilding a nd -co n s t ru c t i o n req u iremen ts for 8 r esidenceon th e prope r ty . 53.L i n coln DeVore had 8 duty to Edwards and Lampe to per - form its test s and to provide reports in 8 manner a reasonably careful so i 1 testi ng f i rm would do u ndert he same o r simi lar c i r cums t a nces , 54 .L incoln DeVo re breac he d th atd ut y in fa i li ngt oob tai n accu rate i nformation a st o t he t ypeo f res iden ce whi ch was p lanned on be ing constr ucted,in f aili ng t o con tinuou sly tes t the soil as to its con sistency throughout the prope rty and to make any changes in its reco:nnendatio ns,and in fe il ing to t est t he s oi 1 used for b ackfi 11. 55 .Asa pr oximate resu lt of this b rea ch ,L ampe has sus - ta ine d the damages a l leged in his Compla int . 56.If Edwards'neglig ence ca use d o r contribu ted t o L ampe's damages,which Ecwa rds denies,then E dwards'negligence was a t most Jhe antecedent,secondary ,r emote and passiv e cause of Lampe 's damages and losses ,if a n:',whereas Li n coln DeVore's negligence was th e sa le,p rimary ,proximate e nd ac ti ve c au se of Lampe's al leged injuries .e no damages . WHEREFORE ,Edwa rds pr ays a s he rei nafte r se tf or th . ELEVENTH CLAIM FOR REL IEF (Claim agains t Lin coln DeVore f or False Representati on) 5 7.Edwa rds inco rpora tes by re ference p ara gr aphs 5 3 a nd 54 of t he Ten th Cl aimf or Reli ef . 58.Lincoln DeVo re r epre s ented to Edwards and L empe mate rial facts regard ing the adequacy,sufficiency and p ropriety of its testing and recommendations knowing t he representations to b e false or being aw are tha t i t did not know whe ther its rep resent ations we re tr ue or false ,in tending by its ac t io n t hat Ed we r dsa ndL ampe would be ind uced t o r el y upon s uch r e prese n t e t lonse nd con tin ue in the cons tructio n o ft he resi - dence. -8- ••.t '..•• 5 9 .E dwardsa nd Lampe j us t i fi a bl y r el iedo n the re pr esen ta - i i ~n s o f L i nc olnDeVo r es in ce i t possess ed s u pe r io r kno wledge 10 the t of E dw ar ds a nd Lampe.~"~.~:.-. 6 0 .Edwa r d sa nd L ~p e h ave su s ta ined d~a ge s r esu lt i ng f rom L inc o ln DeVore 'sf al se rep resentati on . ~'-J ~~LF TH CLAIM FOR RELIE F (Claim Aga in stLi nc ol n DeVo re fo r Bre ach of C o nt rac t) 61.There e x is t ed an ag reeme n t be tween L i n coln DeVor e a n d Edwa rd s,L am pe a nd o th er st hatL inc o ln D eVo re wo u ld p ro vi d e the se rvices o fa n en gin ee ring fi rm s k i l l ed i n soi l te st i ng, r ep ortin g a nda dv isi ng to p er fo rm t hef ol low in g,l nc lu dln gbu t n o t li mi ted t o te s ti ng t h e s oil o n L empe 'sp rope r ty and p ro v idin g repo rt sr e gardi ng b uildi ng and c onst ruct ion i mpr ov em ents for 8 r esiden ce on t h e p rope r t y.Edwa rd s,L ampea nd o the r s were t o ben efit f rom t h i s ag ree men t ,"b ot h di rectly an d i nd i r ec tl y. 62 .L i nco ln D eVor eb reache d t he t er ms o ft he ag re eme n t an d its du ty o wed u n d er t h ea g re ementb yd efect iv e pe r fo r ma nce, ca u si n g E dw ard s and L wnpe t os ust ai n dam age s and l os ses . ~~E FORE ,E dwa r d s pr ays a s he re i na ft e rs et f ort h. TH I RT EE ~7H CLA IM FOR RELIEF (Cl aim agains tS ke ie for Negl ig en c e) pe rf or mtoandLampeSkeiewasemployedbyEdwards a nd compa ct in g onh is pro p ert y. S ke i eh ad ad utyt oEdw a rd s a nd L empe t o per f orm thi s s ki l lful,pr uden t,r eas on able a n d worJo1la nli ke manne r. 6 3 , t re nc hi ng 64 . wo rk i n a 6 5 .S k e i e fa i led t o exe r c ise re aso na b le c a re a nd f aile d 'to pr uden tl y a ppl y c ons t r uctionp ract ices in th e per formance o f i ts wo r k t h er eb y imp rop e rl y a nd i ns uf fi ci en t ly com pac t ing t he earth o n Lwnpe's pr ope rty,b r ea ch i ng t he dut y ow edbyi t. 6 6.Asa p roxima te r esu l t of S ke i e 's bre a ch ,L am pe has s u sta in ed th e d mn ages a lle g ed i n his C omp l ain t . 67 .If E d war d s'ne glig en ce c aus ed o r con trib ut ed t o L rump ets d ama g e s ,Wh ich Edw ar ds de n ies,then E dwards 'n eg lig en ce was at mo st th e a nt e cede nt,seconda r y,remote and passi v ec ause of L ernp e t s dama ges a nd l oss es,i fa n y,whe reas Sk e i e's ne gligenc e ...-e st h e sal e,primary,pr oximatea nda ctive c au se of Lam p e's a ll eged in ju ries and damag es . '·9 - \\REREFORE ,Edwards pra ys85 herein af ter se t forth . ,'.... ..•1»__ r-/.,.'.r .~0'I ._._".",.,:-'",...,...,~,•1 "'\ '..'..." FO URTE ENTH CLA IM FOR RELIEF (Clai m agai nstSk eie for B re ach o fContract ) 68 .There exis ted an agreeme nt be tween S ke ie an dE dwards, Lampe and o thers tha t Ske ie would perform trenehin&an d c cmpa c t i n gon Lampe's pr cpe r t y ,..Edwards,L ampe and ot he rs were t o benefi t fran this agreem ent both di re ctly a ndi ndi re ctly . 69 .Skei eb rea ched the terms of t he agreeme nt an d th e du ty owed by it under t he a gr eement by imp rop er ly and in su fficientl y c o:npac ti ng the eart ho n L ampe'5 pr op er t y,c au s i ng E dwards an d Lwnpe t o su sta in d~ages a nd l osses. ~~~E FORE,E dwards prays a s here ina fter set f ort h . F IFTEE~C~IM FOR RELIEF (Claim aga in st Vail for Ne gligence) 7 0. we st ve i 1 Ono r a bo ut Decemb er 3 0,-1980 , t hat incl uded Garmisch Drive. Vai 1 a n ne xeda n a re a i n 71.Vail underto ok ,by anne x atio n,t he dut yt o prov ide a nd to maintai n pr oper d rainage ditches adja cent roadways,i nc l ud i n g t hat for Garmi sch Drive . 72 . e xi s ting drai nage Vai lha s breached i ts d uty b y neglig en tly ma in ta ini ng dra inag e ditches and i n fa i li ng t o provide ap propr ia te di tches o n Ga rm ~sc h D r i ve a ndt hes urro unding a rea . 73 .Vai lk newo rs ho uld h av e k nown th a t l an d own er s would foreseeab ly s ust ai ni n j ur y an d dam ag es b ecau s eo f the i mp ro pe r drainage o f wate r,t heo ve rsatu r at ion of t he so ilb eca us e 'o f th e i mp r ope r dra ina ge,soil e ros ion and downhill mo vem ent of t he so i 1• 74 . s usta ined T he neglige nce by Lam pe allege d of Vail p rox i mat e ly in his Complain t . ca u sed dama g es 75 .If Edward s 'n eg li ge nc e ca used o rc on tr ibu ted t o Lrumpe 's damag es,wh ich Ed ward sd enies ,the n Edwa rds'n eg li g enc e wasa t mo st t h e a n t eceden t ,secondary ,r e mo te and passive c auseo f L~~pe's dama ge s and lo s ses,if any,whereas Vail 's negl ige nce was t he s ole,p rim e.r y,pr ox ima te and active c au se of Plaintiff's a l leg ed i nj u ries a nd d~8ges . 7 6 .Vai l h as been s er v ed with n oti ce o f th isc laimpu rs uant t o Sect io n 24-10 -101 e t seQ .,C.R.S.1 973 . -1 0- SIXTEENTH CLAIM FOR REL IEF (Claim against Wright f or Neg ligence) ~~L~EFORE,E dwards prays 85 herei nafter s et torth. -c ,/ -" <:..:.':....--. •• 77 .Wr ight was employed byL emp e to build the retaining wa ll s and to place the rock beh ind the retaining walls to conform to the designs prepared by the s tructu ra l eng ineer ,the soils engineer,the architect a nd others. 78.Wright had a duty to Edwards and Lampe to perform this work i n 8 skillfUl,prudent ,r easonable and wor kman like ma nner . 79.Wright failed to exercise rea sonabl e cere and failed t o prudently apply construction p ractic es in the p erformance of its wor k t he reby construct ing reta i ning walls that buckled and collapsed and d id not co.:nply w it h t he d e si gns of the structural en~ineer an d others,brea~h i ng t he duty owed by it. 8 0.The n e g l t g enc e of Wrig ht proximately cau s ed damages su stained b y Lampe alleged in his C~~plai nt. 8 1 .If Edwards'neg l igen ce cau sed or contributed to Lam pe 's damages,which Edwards denies,then Edward s'neglige nce was at most the an tecedent,sec o nd ary,remote and passive cause of Plaintiff's damages a nd losses,i f a ny,whereas Wright's negli - gence .....as the so le,pr imary,prox ima te and a ctive cause of Lampe '.s.a ll eg ed in jur ie s and damages. WHEREFORE,Edwards prays BS hereina fter set forth. SEVENTEENTH CLAIM FOR REL IEF (Claim Agains t Wright for Breach of Contract) 82 .Th ere existed an agreement between Wright Bnd Edwards, Lam pe an d others thet Wright would build the r etaining walls and p la ce the r ock behind the reta ining we t t s to conform to the requ irements of t he struc tur al engineer,the soi l engineer,the arch itect and others.Edwar ds,Lam pe and others were to benefit from this agreement,both directly and indi rectly. 84.Wright breached the terms of t he a greement and i ts d uty owed under the agreement by constructing reta in ing walls that colla psed a nd buck led and did not con form to directions and re qui rements,caus ing Edwards an d L ampe to sus t ain damages and lo ss es. ..h~E FOR E ,Edward s pra ys as hereinafter se t forth • -11- .. . 5 e t • ~:~tREFORE,Edwards prays as follows fo rth in this Third-Pa rty C~~p lain t:....:. 1 •T he t if L amp e secu r e s j u dgmen t a ga i n s t Ed ward s,then: E dwa r dss ha ll b e en ti tled t o judgme n t o vera nd a g ai n st ea ch ......J ca pt i oned Thi rd -Per ty De fen dan t a nd in demn ific ation f or t he ~oun t of any j u dgme nt r endered ag ai ns t E dwa r ds ,in clUd ing in te res t a nd co sts awa rde d t o Lampe a sp art o f h is [u dgrnen t ag a in s t Edwa rds. 2 .Th a ta dete rmin a t io n b e mad e o f E dward s'an d e a ch ca pt io ned Thi rd -P art y Def end ant's pro r a ta sh are of t he ir c omm o n l iab il it y,i fa n y,to Lam pe .Edw ar ds furt herp rays t ha tj udgme nt bee n t ered in fa v or of Edw a rds a n d aga in st an ya nd al l t he Thir d- Par ty Defe ndan ts f o r any mon ie s pai d b y Edwar d s to Lempe Which i s in ex cess o f E dwa rds'pro r at a s hare of th e c orrmonl L a b L l Lt y of Edwards a nd any a nd all th e T hir d -P ar ty D ef e ndants to L ampe ,a ll p ur su ant t o ?ection 13 -50 .5 -10 1,~seq .,C .R.S.1 973. 3.T h at Edward sbe awarded its at torneys'fee s n ece s si- ta ted by the d efe nse o f t heun derly ing c laim and its p rose c ut io n of t he Th i rd -par ty c laim . 4 .T h at Ed wardsb e a ward edi ts c o sts and e xpe nses as are allow ed by l aw. 6 . pr op er •.. f o r s uch o t her an d fur th er r eli e f t he co u rt de e~s LONG &J AUDO N,P .C . '<, B y:'"trw,,p '5 .11 /~i,-<JI- Ga r y B.B l urn ,Reg~.3892 Attorney s f or De fe nd an t Edwa r dsBu il de rs ,I n c. 1 60 0 Ogde n St r eet Denve r ,Colo ra do 8 0218 (3 0 3)83 2 -11 22 CERT I FICATE OF ~"J LIN G I her e by c e r t if y that I h av ed Ulys e rv ed t he f or egoing THIRD -PARTY CO~1P LA J N T b y p lacing 8 tr uea n dc o rr ect copy there of i n t o an enve lope addr es sed t ot he a t to rn ey of r ecor d li st e d be low -1 2- ••E:./~12C -GL E:Co £./v.,... UI,Jy S "'-0 ,J .11t:RIP!' /'1N 1 a1984 . p r o per p os ta ge affixed th ere to an d de posi t ini s ~~e into t he Mai l s th is 1,',-da y o f !L--r -'"'<-...,-j..-,f9 8 ~ •'C i/-'-. with u.s . Do nald E.Co rd o va,Esq. 1441 18th Street,#250 De nver,Colo rado 8 0202 .. -13- .... DIS TRICT COUR T ·COU NTy 'OF EhGLE .SThTE OF COLORhDO Case No. COM PLAINT WOLFGANG LAMPE , Plainti ff . VS. EDWARDSBUIL DERS,INC..II Colorado cor por ation . Defenda nt.. I-.. ••p '-..'.. COH ES NOW th ep l ain t i f!.Wolf g ang Lam pe .by and through his at to rn eys ,Don al d E.Cor do va .p .e ..and f or h is Co mpla int a gainst t he de fen da rt Ed ...'a rds Bu ilders,Inc .•states as follows: GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 1.At all times relevant h ereto.pla intiff has b ee n the o wner o f cert a in r eal property a nd i mp~ov eme nt s ther e on l ocated at 232 8Gar mi sch Dri ve,Vai l.Co l orad o.Sa id real property and i mp roveme nt s are u s ed by th e plaintiff as a part-time residence. 2 .At all t i mes r ele va nth eret o,d efe nd ant .Edwards Builders,Inc ..(~E dw a rd sM)ha s been a corporation or9anized and exis t ing und er law a nd doing b usi ne ss within the State of Colorado . 3.On or about May 6 .1980,the plaintiff and "Edw~rds" entered into an agreement whereby "Edwards"agreed to cory -struct a resid ence for the plaintiff on the real property located at 2328 Garmisch Drive.Vail.Colorado .This residence was to be used by the plaintiff as a pr iv ate res id ence and "Edward s"agreed to be t he g eneral contractor for the con struction thereof. 4.On or about Fe br ua ry 1981,Edwards completed the c o nstruc tion o f the resi d en ce and a ll of the work pur su ant to the a gre eme nt,exc ept for th e lan dsca p ing a nd ob tai ne d a temporary Certif i cate of occupancy . 5.The land sc a ping was c om pleted in J une o f 19 81 and a tu l l and f inal Ce rti ficateo f Occu pa n cy was o btained. 1 EXH IBIT A ow•----............"';:"'U ..1'(11"1" OC T 3 ••M3I.1 1:10 6 .Sub s equent to the complet ion of the residence and l~nd scaping .t h ere h as been cons ide r able s hifting of t he fo unda - .tion of the home and r eta in ing wall s .shifting o f Isoil ,c racking of wall s and wat er l e ak age..."'~'" 7 .T he p laintif f has su stained damages .i ncluding ,but n ot limi ted to ,a deteriorat ion in the c onditiono f the r esidence wh ic h make s it unsafe and uninhabitable.a decre ase in t he valu e of the building.c osts of prof ess ional inspe ction o f the build- ing,costs of rep ai rt o t he foundation,walls,doors .d ra inage system and cos ts of repla cement of the hom~. F IRST CLAIM FORREL IEF 8. through P lai ntiff h er eby incorpor ate s 7 of his Co mplaint r as if f ully by refe rence parag raph s 1 set f ort h herein . 9.·Ed w ~rd s ·failed t o exercise reason abl ec are and failed t o pr ude ntl y app ly const ruction pr ac ti ce si n conne c tion w i th t he c onstru cti 9n of t he r esidence in the fo llowi ng p a rti culars:T he fo u nd ation steps a re improperly c o ns tru ct ed,the f oo~i n g wi dt hs are t oo narr ow and not continu ous at t he foun dation steps.t he s t ep fo oters ha ve bee n i mproperly .inst alled.the exte rior b ac ~fill was n egligentlyp erf or med .the footing bases along the do~nslope wal ls were improp erly graded ,·Edwards·was negligent in the s elect io n of t he s ub contr~ctors and negli gent i n s upe r- vis~ng th e m. 10."Ed w a r d s ~fa ilure to exerc ise reasonable care a nd app ly pru d ent c onstructi o n pract ices in conn ection with t he c onstru c - tion of t he reside nce.select ion of the subco nt ra ctors and .. f a ilu re to pr o ~erly su pe rvise the work of its su bcontractors ha s r esulted in the following defects to the r esiden ce: (a)SubFtantia l failu re ,de t er ioration,leakage .c r ack ing of the int eriorwall s,crac kin go f the i nte ri or f oun- da t ion s,settling a nd Sh ifti ng of "the r e si d en c ~, movem ent of t he foundat i on and sloughing a way of t he l and s caping an d backfill. (b l The insta b ility of t he f o und ~t io n a nd t he mov ement as a result there of has c a u seda deterioration in the c ondi - t ion of th e r es id e nce which makes it u ns afe a nd uninha- hitab le an d SUbje ct t o clo sure and c ondemnation h y the Ci ty o f Vail ,has caused a decrease in the v al ue of t he b uilding.l oss of tenant i nc ome a nd o t her c osts and expense s. 11.As a direct and proxi mate r e sult of th e negl igen ce o f "E dwards ft ,the plaintiff has susta ined dama ges as complained o f he reln ,a nd pl a in t i ff prays f or r e lief as requested be low ." 2 ', .•v;}•SEC OND CLAIM FOR RE LIEF OCT 3 1 19S3 .1 2 . t hr o ug h ., P lai ntiff h ereby i nc or p orates by r eference p aragra p hs 1 o f t his Compl ain t.a s if f ul ly s et f ort'h h ere in...__~...---._- 13.At t he t ime of c o n t.ract in gf or t.he con structi on of the res ide nce,t he plai nt iff made k nown t o MEdw ar ds M and "Edwards· had reaso n to k now o f the p art icul ar p urp o se for which the bu ild i ng was to b e us ed by the pla i ntiff.that is that the bui l di ngwas t ob e us ed as a part-ti me reside nce and for rental purp oses . 14.T he pla intiff rel ied on MEdwar ds "s k ill o r jUdgment t o select a nd fur nish suit able c on stru ct ion mater ials and goods for t he construction of .sa id bu ild ing a nd "Edwards"knew o r h ad r eason t ok now of t h e p l ainti ff ls r e li a nce . 1 5."Edwards "wa s in th e b us i nes s o fc o n st ru ct in g re si - d ent ial buildings and ha ds uperior sk il l a nd knOWl edge to that o f t he pl aint iff. 1 6.The resi d ence and i ts com pone nt pa rts were no t su itab le and fit f or the p artic ul ar purp ose for wh ich th e same was war ran t.ed . 17 .Asa direct a nd proxi mate r es ult of th eb re acho f the imp li ed warra nt yo f fi tn es s by "Edwa r cs "the plaint iff has s ustai ned damages a s c omp l a i ne d o f here in ,a n d p la i ntiff prays f or relief a s r equ es ted below. TMIRD CLAIM FORRELIEF B rea ch of Co nt rac t l B.P laint if fh ere by i n co rp orates b y r ef eren ce para gr ap hs 1-7 of t his Compla int,a s if ful ly set forth h erein . 19 .Th e c ont ract be t ween "Edw a rd s"a nd th ep laintiff re qu ir ed "Edwards"to fu rn isha ndc on s tru c t.i n a w ork ma~li ke ma n ne r,a re sidence f or the plainti f f1s use an d t h at of h is tenants ,a nd "Edwar ds"ag r eed.as part o f sai dc o ntra ct.to f urni sh a r e si dence of good a nd d urable q uali ty.. 20."E d wa r d s "fai led t o furn is h and c on struct a r esidence of the qual ity .du r ab ility an d i n the man n er promised. 21 .As a dir ect and pr oximate r esult o f the b reach of c ontract by "zo ve r d s",pl a in tiff h as susta ined damage s a s 1\c omplained of herein.a nd pl a in tiffp ray s f or r eli ef as r eque ste d b el ow . WHERE FORE,t.he pla i nt iff pray s t hatt h is Co urt enter a ~ Ord er a nd j udgmen t award ing pla in t iff c ompens at ory d amag es in the ~moun t to wh ic hp lai n tiffi s e ntit led ,which am ount is n ot yet 3 t."-."c..I....·•..L COt ;-.;.."., ...-.I ••(l CT 3 1 15J3 defin it e ly ascerta i ned .but is estirn~ted to be no t less tha n S2S 0 ,ooO.OO ,f or co sts i ncurr ed h er e in.exp ertw itness fee s , inter e st fro m t he da te o f tilin g t.he Compl aint,attor ne ys 'f ee s a nd for s ucho ther an d f urt h er rel ie f as t.he Co urt 'dee ms .ju st . PLAINTIFf DEKANDS A TRIAL TO A JU RY Respectfully su b mitt ed, DONALD E .COR DO VA ,P .C. 0 0 cl dE .Cord"ov'a.'."i O-69 At t orney for Plai n ti ff 250 Blake St.Bld g . 1441 18th St reet De nv er,Colorad o 9 02 02 (303)296-8631 Pla int if f's Addre ss: 2328 Garmisc h Dri ve P.O .Box 2775 Va il,Colora do 81 657 • 4 •..~ .'\rl');"::1~,~~O ST r.UCTUR AL COtI SULTAN TS LT D.I eI S\D ,O,BOX 2 13 ~,WESTMINS 1 ....:--:•::"I_O R ADQ 80030 " .' • PHONE:303-.......:'.....;::: I ..", :", , ~"t. ,t (, STRUC TURAL RE POR T AND REC OfV1 EN DATIOftS , • " ,; " " ,, " PREP ARED FOR : TRA NSAM ERI CA I NSURANCEGROUP P.O.BOX 17005 DENV ER ,COLORA DO B0217 ATT N:,fIR,SCOTT SMlT H " PROPER TY LOC ATED: 232 8 GARM IS CH DRIVE LOT 13.DAS SC HON E SUB DIVI SION VAIL.COLORADO 8165 7 LAM PE RESIDEN CE .. ", r. ,' ",•" , '\ ",'i'·... .' \i ".. '..,, ,,"..'"..'·. \, •:.. I .," I I I, I 1 , 1 I I I NSPECTI ON RE PORT 07/02/B3 07/27/83 ,, .':, J:.., " , •(, l , ,i ", t- •..··, :"l r 03U ('I nt to y ourr eques t. ...~t :,~:ul..j ",..:p "ope rty . .prob le ms •.c e t ernn n-c.:••:':$~ r e present ati vesf ro m th is office conducted an inspec ti on ~~~~~~~~e ~~~~~a :~~~e ct ~,on was :to noteany struc,t"ur al ·•,· Th ere , The structure is a 3 story home ~jith a stu c ccc xter t or and clay til e r oof. is a ser ies of-,crawl spaces under th e home.;.. ,, Thehome has beenbuilt ona steep hil lside.Crib walls hav e been constru 'ted a ~ rou nd t he h011 e to r et ain f i 11 materi alandl evel t he si te.One wall i s locatedon th e d ownhill s ide of th e hone.Tw oc ri b walls are on the northeast s ideof 'thehone . A fourth wall is on the s outhwest side .,.,. The f o ll ow ingwas obse rved: FOU NDATION:I ' " •.'., .The foundat ion for this hone is stem wall and sp read footin g.Th ere are 3 steps in thefo unda ti ononth e 'southwe st s ideand4 stepson the ICIl"theast s id e.Th e 'fo oting at the .l ow e st s tepon th e n ortheast wall has not been com>truct ed ass how nont he .pl ans ,The step 15 co nsidered to bee xcess iv e,Thes oil a.1ong the northeast wall is wet .ua ter fl ow has undennined the foo tin g at t hes ten ,Seeencl osedp i ctur es ,I and ,2..',',. J.. Cracks areev ident 011 .3 wa ll s of the l ~e st c rawls pace.Th e southea st wall i s c racked at the northe ast co rner of the chimney .This crad:;is approxima t ely .l ~"wide at the top .Cracksorig inate r r-cn the c ornero f the s tep oe t he northeast wall . 'Thes e crac ks ca nbe seen i n pic t ure N 1.The northwes t wal 1has hairline vert ical 'cra c ks in vari ousl ocat ions ..Th esec racksca n also be seenfrom theopposi te side of th is wall. :.There is a l i:z"crack 1nth e s outheast corner o f t he crawl '-$l ace under the bathr oom by th e front ent ry.See pi ctu re!3. ., Ho neyconbed conc rete is evid ent from insi de and o uts i de the fe unda t i on see p i ctures ,4a nd #5.·Th i s is due t o i mjj rOper vib rd t i on of t ile conc et e dur i n g cons tru c ti on ,... INTERIOR:" Cra cks a re e v ide nton all 3 le vels o f th e hone in wall s run ~ng southwes ttonor th- east.Doo rs on sa idwa ll s a re r acked .S~e d oors are nO 'lage r operab le .Window f ramesa rer acked,a lso resulting i n \>/indow s t hat are notiperab le .Ca bine ts'in t he ki tc hen ar e bei ngpulIe d away from th e wa lls.' fX TlRIOR: , As much asb"·.of set t lement hasoccurred by t he front entry .See pic tures 'f .,7. and I8 . Crac ks a re eVi d e ~t 19 the .nort he a s t co rner o f the home an d t ~no rthea st co r~er of th e ch inney,The chjnmey c rackhas been patched .'. The r e taini ng wall on ,th e dow nhill s ide of t on mids ecti on of the wa ll a re;crushed. th e home is f alln g •.Ti mbers in th ebot- ""1 ,• CONCl U,I O:.S AND R E COI~~E N DA TlO NS : ','.. The d i str es s o bserv ed in t hi s home is ar esul t o f t he se tt lemen t of t he nor theas t comer of the foun dation .Se tt l eme ut is due t oove rloa din qo f the native so il s an d .c) impro per bui lding techn i ques.An in specti on e nd r eport \o ldS reque s te d ,of Ch en a nd ' Associ ate s.to d etennine t he ca use o f .foun dat ion s o il s ettlement an d me thods 'be st suited l ::c or r ec tt he probl em.It was de t etmtn ed by the r e port th a tf oundat ion se t- 't i 'II '.~i 1 t may b e:d ;JC t o ~'J 1 1 d i ng l o ads.e xces si vef ill.s a turati on o f fo unde tf on s oi l s and m l rs i dec reep .~It ~.,o;.f l'rt hers t a te dth at drai nage i mp rove n ~nt s and f ill remov- a l would he lp a lleviate t he pr ~~~c ~.How eve r .i t was ;r e comm e nd edt hat a det ailed s ubs ur f a ce tnves t t qa t ion bec unduc t e u r.o e val ua t e th ef ill andf o undation s oil s.See attached Ch en andAssoc iates let ter dated Ju l y 18.1983.. We re c oome nd t nmed ta t e r e me di a l steps be taken to attempt to s tab il ize the found ati on. The s e steps would r ed uce t hes urchar ge ont he hil ls ide bydewa t er ing the so i l a ndr e - roving aport i on of .t he fill.Duri ng i mp li n ~en ta ti on o f t hese steps .an inve stigat i on shou ld bec ont inue d to ve r ify su bs u rfac eco nd iti ons and c r ack non t to rs sh oul db e in- stalled onfound ati on wall crac ks to detect f ut ure mo ve me nt . I ~e d i a t e steps t o stabili ze th e fo undation: 1.Insta llation of a 's ubsur f a ce drain alon g both s ides of the home .This dra in s houl d be in stalled.3 1 f ront he f oot in gs to prevent undermini ng of th efound at i on. The drain sh ou ld be ·at lea st a sdee p a s t he t o po f the f oo t in9 .Adep th to (he bo t - t om of t he f ooting wo uld be bet te r.Rigid pipe sho uldbeuse ds o t hat the we i ght o f ,I th e fill ,will no t c o ll apset he pipe .See at ta c hed detail 0-7... I ' 2 .I nsta ll ation of a s u bsurface drain i n t he r oad above t he ho us e.This drain sh ould bea tl ea s ta s dee p ast hef oot ingson the uphi ll side of,the home ..... 3.Remove 4 1 o f fill from the downhill sideo f t he home .A va riance fr om the city of Van will f irst hav e to be ob tain ed . It is em phas ized th at theses teps are att e"ll t s t o s ta b ilizet he fo undation .'.Structu ra l re pairs a r e ne eded,how ever r e pairs c an bet t e r be de t ermi ned after t he found a ti on ha s stabil ized.Any s truc tura l rep a irs ma de be fores tab il iz at ion of the foundation has occurred nJ (l y have t ober epe ated . I fwecanbe of fu rth er as sista nce.please conta ct us. 7t/~~//~ Dav id P.Krick ba um ' Colorado Structura l ·Cons ul ta n ts DPK/p b Encl osu re s:3 .J•t ,J:.Je hn,,E, ., cc :Fritz Sc hmidt ." I I "' -2- " : ~.~' .,~,. II, I •Johnson,Kun ke l &Asso ci ates,In c. LAND S URVEVING'CIVil.ENGINEERIN G·MAPP ING June 14 ,1983 F ri tz Schmidt BoxB Edwards,Co l orado 81632 Re:Lampe Residence Lot 1 3,Vail Das Schone Subd JK/83/095 Dear Fritz: .. At y our request I a rr anged for LincolD Devore Soi ls Engineers to exam ine t her eferen ce d p roje ct. Our s ite investigati on w ith you o n t he 2 3rd of May , 1 983 indicated a continu ation of the findiDJs of the p r ev i ous "field reconnai s ance o f Ju ly 19 82 .Ground ~ter ap p ears to be still "pres cnt w ithin the e xte rior f ooter ar ea and a d di - t ional s ettlement has occurr ed noti cably at th e south east c orn er .Ad ditiona l ly e xt erior fi ll i s c ontinui ng to s ett le a long the east side of the building . It was a lso no t ed t h at a large pondiTg ,area ac ross t he street f rom the resid enc e was present .Th e roadway d itches and drainage s ho uld be improved to r emove ~e water and p re - v ent infiltration of moi sture into t he subwil s . Lincoln Devo rei ndi c at ed that t hey woad c ontact one of their eng i n e ers and would p rovid ~y ou with ~.wr itt e n repo rt conc ern in gt he si te conditions and t he ir rsrommc ndat ion s . S hould you n eed additional h elp ,pleare advi se . S i nce re ly , ~{!J jJlcc Jrc-------c . hn L.MacK own ,P.E. JLM /gg .P.o .Boll 4 09 .113 Cn l4lll S treet.Ea gle.C olorold o 81631 •Pb oe:(303)3 28-6368 •Tr ansamenc a Insu rance Se rv ice s • liI r T'i!'l !>a ml'!f.ca Ins..,n ee:G 'Ol'p S700 S O :.r t:~, SOl lIe 100 r -o 60 _i 700 5 C~"I"e r.Color ado 302 17 r30 31771·7150 ClR TIFIED NO.P22562 7 F08 J une 27 .1983 Ba las I nv e sl ~nt Company . Edwar-ds Bu ilde rs ,Inc.and Fr ilzSch mid t,In diviua lly 5700 Edwar-d s .Iccess Roa d Id c ard s,Co lora do 8 16 32 RE:Cla im ::0.8 239 0 70 Po li cy iJo .'s 138 910CS a nd previ o us po l icy Da t e of l os s:Repor-ted a s 5 -26 -8 3 De a r i ir.Sch midt: This l e tter is to fo ll ow-up on our dis cus si on inuh i ch we a dv ised y ou that we felt you should put the City of Va il and t he t wo neigh bors acros s t he s trcc t from 2328 Ge rr a i s c h Road on notice o f a po s si b le c la im a n d /o r damages th at may have s uf'f'er e dasa res u lt o f wa ter a nd/o r ear th nove nen t p roble ms . He f ee l yo u s hould p ut t hem on notice wi th ce rtifie d l e tte r ss o tha t t he app ropr ia te pa r t ie s l ooking afte r t hese peo ple wil l bei nvo lved .I n a dd it io n , we v oul d lik e t o l.now,o rha ve cop ies o ft heducu me nt sde s cr ibing the l e ga l own e r of the prope rty at 2328 r..ennis c h provided to ou r o ff ic e a t yo ur ea r lies t conveni ence .Thank y o u . Sin cere ly , /~~ Sco tt Sm ith ~nve r Clai ms Re pres e nta tive ss.u. " -, ,' .. I-:;.,.'. /"......". • ··, .I I ,'· .. . Jul y 18 ,19 83, Vi sual Inspection ,'La.~. Res ide n ce ,2328 Gannisdl Drive ,Lot 13 ,Vai 1 , DasShone S ubdivi sion ,Vail , COlo rado ,z .. Subject : •,. chen an d a ssociates CONSULTING GE01ECH NICALEN GINEERS • .. ...~O UTH zu."~H1l n •(;J [N YU I.COLOU oO -.;l:t2J .:1':111 "Jl ~ , Job No.26 ,458 .Jehn and xs eoct aies ,Inc. 8 120 Sher i dan Blvd .,i32 0C we s trr~nst e r 00 800 03 e.' ,- Attn :J oe .I ehn ';,· At you r r equest ....e made coscrveti ons of the d i s tre ss at the subject r es i.dence onJ uly 15,1983 .The p .r rpose o f OJr s ite vi s itwas to evalua te the build ing di s t.r es e and to review tile r ered i ej lTI?a5 UreS ou t lined by Li n coln DeVor e .in their l etter dated June 14,198 3 .-rn e di s tre ss we no ted appear s to I:P-"as O'Jt lined in l e t t e rs of J une 14,19 83 by J oh nson ,Kunke l cirrl As scct a tes ,"Inc .and by Linooln DeVore .. \ ; The g oenera l co nclusions f r an OJr i nspe ction i s that the di s tr e ss to the res idenoe is pdma dly aasccf ated with f ound at Ion noveme n t ,The f ou nda tion ncverrent rray ce the r e sul t o f subso il consolidation caused t:rj the bc i Id i.nq loads and also the surcharge associ a t ed with tile large f i lls s ur roundi ng the residence .'The se oond i t ions maybe a39ravat ed by hill side creep and also saturat ion o f the f ound ation materials fran surface d c ai n aqe , To e valu ate the potent i al rra qn i t.ode o f edd i t I o na l.I o undet.I on s ett l eme nt ,~r e conreod that a de ta iled subsurface inve s tigation be cond ucted .The inve st iqa ton should ev aluate the fil l mate ria l s as ~ll a s f ound a tion so ils .Based on the a va il a ble subsurf ace I n rorrra r.Ion ,i t is posai bje l o ng -te nn seeet e none ma y occur as a r e sult of thef ound ation l oads and the fill surcha r g e .Once trlditi on al s ubs urfa ce i nf o rmation is ava i lable ,the n remed ia l alternativ es can be tho ~h l y evalua t ed . , Interim remed ial nee su res such as d r a inage Improv crcnt.s and fi ll r en o vaj shou ld r edu ce the oo-going di stre ss .Howe ve r ,the y may rot be the JTlClS t oost -e ffe et i ve soluti on to the ov eral l buil d im rroveme nt.,and subsequent d istress . RJS :FS conce rn fnq this l etter ,p l ea se co n tact us . S ince rel y ,, ('"ri m MTI ASSXIATES ,I NC. cr -rces .C.&.S;>l R .CO tOj:ll;OOS':>;\!J.oG S .Gt HN.OC O S PRII.';S •$lo tT l .&.~E CITY I NTR OOUCT -::O:-J : ••••• A t th l~)"c qu est o f Mr.F r i tz Schm i d t ". o f Ed....·ar d s Bui ld e rs ,Lnc ,,pe rs o n ne I o f t his Lc bo r-e t or y b ave vi s i t ed t he dupl ex res i d e n ti ~l struc t ure lo ca te d a t 2 328 Ga rroisch Dr ive in t ~c t ow~o f Vail,Colo rado.7h e site i s locate d n or th o f I nters tate 7 0 near the We st Va i l e xit .T he s ite i s a r cl a- t ive ly steep h i l lside ..·..h i c h s lop es d o wn t o werd t:1C so uth an d sout heas t . x ea r Ly al l of t .o t No .1 3 a nd mu ch o f the su r roun d in g hil l side h~s b ee n re worke d by c ons tru cti o n a ctivi t y i n t he pas ~f e w ye ar s .~1 uc h o f Lo t i co .1 3 ha s rnce Lve d f ill . At some l o c ati on s ,thi 5 f i ll appea rs t o b e 20 t o 25 f eet th i ck . The re is e v Lden ceo f h il Lsi.de cre ep an d con so l ida tion wi t h i n th is fi 1 1.It is also l ikel y t ha t so~e conso licat io n a n d adcit ion ~l h ill si d e cree p has oc curre d wi thi n t he u n der ly in g nat iv e s oil a s a resul t of the sur cha rgef ill .The fi ll is p r csen t Ly conf i ne d b y a serie s o f ra i lroad tie retai n i ng wa ll s ccn s truc led a t v ar ious l o c a ti ons.Two of th es ewa lls a re L oc a t .ed o n s o ut-hwc s t,a nd n or th - ea s t e nd s o ~the b uild ing .A fi fth c ri b r e ta in ing wa ll i s l oc ated s outheast c :(be low)th e s tru ct ure .All o f t hese wa lls exh ibi t some e vid ence o f mo vem e nt an d d istre s s a s a result o fh i ll s ide cre e p an d conso lidat ion .The c ri~wa ll be low the bU i lding ,i np artic u- Lar ,is be Lnq c rus he d by t h e hill side creep a nd conso Li d e t i on . 'r he o the r we L'l s sh o w s i gn s o fh e i n qp ull e da per t. The rc~i dcn ti a l sl ructur e l o~at ed o n Lo t;No .1 3 :5 .•pp ro x i r.a tc l y three s tories in heigh t.The ex t e r> ior \.,I a 1 1s ar-e f i n i s hod '.·.-it hw h i t.e s t u c co .7 ~e r o of is covere d ·....i t;"c La y ti le .A l r..~e fireplace c;"in~~y o fs t ene ~a sc n r y i s, -1 - ••••• located ncar th e rai dd l eo f tl l'-r.ou th ecsc facing ....-e Ll ,'i'hc h~se o f t he exter ior ....·a 115 is a Lno t r i mrnc d wi th the s tcnc masonry . '. There is very little ev i dr-nce o f bui lding rao v cme n t;or d amage o n the exter ior with the e xcep ti o n of the entry ways on the north...-es t, siee .'i'h c s i gn so fb u i Ld i n qmovemen t;a nd carna ge o n the n o r t .b....·es t s ide consis t o f entry .....a y slab settlement ,b e ck f i Lf sett lement , and settlement of p Len t.c r s a ...'o y fr om p o s ts.Th ere arc in~iciltions of diffe re n tia l bu i Ld i nq mo v cmcn t;.....ithi n Lhc structu re nod th i s will be described '...i thin the b ody of this r ep or t. The g eneral c onclus i on tr am o ur visual ins pect io n is t hat damagi nq ~~OUllts of hi ll si de c ree p ,COll soli - datio n and fou ndati on mo vc rnen t h av e occurred as a resu I t of o n eo r more of the fo llOwing c o~dilion5 :(1 )Deep we tting a nd saturation o f the surcharge f il l and f ou nd ation soils .(2)Overl oading t.he nd t i~e soils with a l arge f i ll.(3 )F 'ou nda t i on s wh i.c h ar c dis- con tinuous be ne a t h f ourr da t.Lon we L l s .(4)Di sc on t inuous f o undation walls ~nrl insufficient cro sstie w~lls to r es ist hil ls ide creep _ (5 )I mproper ly cons t rac t od and or c ompactedf il l .(6)Undo 1'- mining of foundat ions b y erosion and p oor draina~e . There are se veral ot.her ccnlribu ting fact ors ,such as ,p o or s urface d ra i n eq e ,imp r oper ly c onstructe d o r i n a dequa t.e retaining wa Lj s ,i mp r-ope r Ly c o ns t r uc t.ed dra ins and i ffi?roper ly pre?arcd founcati on a r eas .O ther fact ors which cou Ld not be observed du r i nq o ur v i s u eIi ns p ecti on cou ld also b e involvc ~s uch as :i mprop e rly placed or il1Sufficie nt 1'e infor c- ing se ce l ,l o w s t r e nq t .h o r hcnc y -cc o rab cd c o ncrete ·....e t r s ,)0\.... --,. •••• M0il!:\lTC :fi to s top or g r ea tly s lo w d ow n t h es ett leme nt a nd hi )}~ide cr rep wo uld cons is t of co ns tr uc ti ng a r.e ep p erimeter c himn ey dr ain ac~O S S the uphill sl oe o f t he site c onn ecte d to a g rdvit y ci sc~~rge at b o th en ds .T h i s dr ai n ~u s t b ei ns tall ed at a dept h b e l o~th e o ri gi na l qrou nd s ur face a nd a t a n el e va ti on a t l Cds t h e l ow the no rt h ~e st f ou ndati on wa ll ~o ot i n g 5 .An inspection of the ope n e x cavat io n wi l l he requ ired to es t ablis h t h is e levation .The d iscont inuous f ootings s ho uld be connec t ed b y prope rly dc s i qne cl an d rei n force d f oo t i nq s.T he d i s con t i n uo us fo unde t i on ·...-a J Is s hou ldb e cor.nec te d a nd r ei n fo rce d t o ac t a s au ni t .Add iliond l cross t ie ~a ll s or rig id ly a Lt rlc he d stee l hcams a nd ~~acing sho uldb e added ~hp.re ~equ ire d to make t:1C fo unda t ion sys tem morc ri g i d and be t t o r eb Ie t o res is t hi ll - si de creep .~h erc possib le .the deep oversite f il l shoul d b e r c -nov ed a nd not r ep Lacc d .I f a h ig h fi ll is ~equired by lor-al bu ildiny coucs ,i t.shoul d be consL ru cle d t o a ve ry co arse gr ain ed , ope n grade d ,free dra in ing ma t.eri al .All f i ll p lac ed On th is s i t .e ~U5 t be pro pe rly be nc h ed or n o tch ed in to the n ative s lo pes . Fill shou ldn ot be p laced o n s lope s steepe r t han 5 :1.hOe ....tou Ld r o corrme n d Lh a t;a I I fi l l aq.a i ns t;t he uphi l l ....·a l1 s o f t his s tr uc - t.u r e be r emo v ed an d n ot r ep l a cod i n all e r ca s c x ce p t;th e qa r a q e d r i ·Jc .....e y .The e ntry \·;.1y 5 1 nbs a nd p Io nt.e r-s shou ld b e replace d wi th woode n dec ks an dwa I k -...a y s ,A pr ope r l y dc s Lqnod perimete r fO~:ldat io n d rai n shoul d b e i ns ta lled dra un d the buildillg an d CO~:lect~d to a gra vi ty discharg e .Ke r.i t.i one I r-e corr..me nda lio ns arc i nclud~d wit hin t he booy o f ~h:s ~epor t . ,. L11S re~~rt ~il l not relev~!the 5t,ruct~~~Q~preven t a ll futllrc fou n- -]- •••• site and p rc ven t large amounts of a dd i t.i ona I mo vc rn en t.,I t is f elt th a t re lc v "li ll g th i s s t r tlc lu rc wou ld b ~ver y d i ff ic u lt a nd ver y expens i ve at this site ." Due to t hest .cnp s t opc s ,undcr- pinning is no t p ra c t i c eI since some h illside C1C'CP ....·i ll c ont inue regard less of th e repairs and im provements con 5trucled .The mos t pr act ica l sol u tio n is to rei nforce t.he ex i s ting founda tio n t.o mak e i t as r i g id .~5 pos sible ann t herefore ,able t.orcs i s r.i nte r - na l d ifferentia l ~o v e ment a nd t he as soc iatec cr ~c kin y ~~d be nding . -1,- G ~:~ER.r."L : •••• The p u :po se of this vi s ua I inspection ......as to d etermi ne t.he cause of :sevI!ral dr ywa ll a nd fo un~ation wall cr acks ,s ti cking d o ors ,and s ettl eme nt of e n t ry way fl oor slabs ,p lanters ,an d the p~rking area .No subsurfa ce s oi ls exp lor a tion ·.....15 co nducted du r Ln q ou r ir:s pe c tion .lt ov....c ve r I a l etter r-e po rt c oncerning t he sub~\lr face s oi l cond itions c nco u n- t .e r e d o n th i 5 s it.e in :.~r.y o f 1 980 ,....-e s re v i e .....e d p rior to t .h i 5 'i n s pc c t i on .We have n ot neo n a ny top ograph i cal map s of t his s ite pr epar ed bef o re o r a ft er t he co ns t r u c t i on on t h is s ite .Dur ing our mo s t ~ec e nt vi s it ,t he f 0 11 n d~t i on 2 es ign a nd or ig inal archi- te c tur al ur z wi ng ~erc ~ad c ~~a i la b l e [or a brief re vie w.Howe ve r , thes e plans ....'pre n ot p r o v i dc df or l ater r eferen ce o r compLe t.e r eview .Chdr~CleJ "i sti cs of t he s oi ls ,~iit e l opog ra phy and con - st r uct i on rna t .er ia Ls u se dwe re e x en i n cd wi th regard to crack s, s tic king do ors and settl ement o b se r ve dd u r i n q OU1-inspec tio n. R e c o ~~e n dali o ~~ar c i n cluded to stabi l- ize the s ite a nd s t r u c t.u r e and to mi nimize add i t i o na I darna qe as mu ch as is possibl~. 7h e r ecommen catior.s c onta ined herei n a re co ns i de red to be the mi n.imumLrapro vcme n t .s o n this site as it e xist s to pro t ect the cx i s t i nq s t r-uc t ur e and rn i n i mi ze addit.i onal da ma ge .The s equen ce in wh i ch i.mp ro verac n t sare raa de is im porta nt to o v er a ll s ite s tab il ity .Unde r no eircums t<1 nce s s ho uld t he-- h ill ~ou~d~r v o f t h~si~e .-------~----- ?he p u r p os e o f thi5 rc -..i f~"'"wou Id be t o i dc a t i f y poss ib le -~- •••• ba za rds c au se d b y the c on ~tll1<.:'li on se que nc e and veri fy that t he plans f o lI o .....t h er ecommen d o t i on s con t<1ined he rein. The G~~o te c h ni c al Eng in eer ma kes n o ....-e r-r a n t .y ,either expressed OrI rap Li ed ,as La t he find ings , rc c oramen da t i o ns ,sp(>~ififa tjo:ls o r profess i onal ad vice ,e xcep t t he t th ey ......e re pr ep ared in e cc o rde n c e ·....i Lh qe ne ra Ll y accep te d profcG ~ion a l c ;)gi ncer ing pr~cti cc in t ~c f i elds o f found at ion engin ee ri n g ,:;o il rne ch an ic ~an d engincc~-in g ~e olo gy . 'r opoqr-e p h i c a 11y I th e si le a nd su noun- ding a rea c:onsi sts o f a mode r c t e t o stee p,so u thc.e s t,f ac i n q hi 11 - s ide .Natura l s lope s iHC o n t he o rd e r of 2 5 to 35 d egrees from t he hod zo nt al . Garmi s ch Driv e . L o t No .)3 i s L oca Le do n the s o u t h cas t;s in e o f T he sur-f a cc t .op oq ra ph y o f Lot No.13 ha s b ee n ch anc ed a c orrs i d er a ble amou nt by the con s tr uc t ion .In qe n e ra 1 . a majo r ity of th es i t cb a sre c o i ve d fill .At some locations , t h is f ill a ppcd rs to ne 2 0 to 25 f e et l ~i ck .The fill i s th ick - es t in L;e a ~c a o f 1,3 ,4 ,a nd 8 on the at ta ched Si te Sketch . ve q c ta t i.o n o nt he n r ope s abo ve th e site ~a5 no ted t o co ~~ist o f sage b rus h an d sparse g rasse s t o a d isLa ~c e of app ro ximat el y 80 0 to 1 000 fee t.7 he siop es a bo ve this ar c co ver~d ~i Lh Aspen t re es .';"...'0 n ea r ly f lat benc he s h ave be e n cut a cro!;s this slope above Garn is ch Dr iv e.One bench cros s es the s lo pe in the vici ni ty o f t he point --e r k e d 7o n t.he a ltached S i t.e Ske t.ch .The secon d be nc h is l oc at ed belc....·t his poi nta n d d i sc he rq es s u r-fa ce run off c o Ll c c t o d o n th is b e nch i nto the o pe n ex ca v e t i o n sh own a s poi nt 6 on t.I .e s i t e S ketc h . ,:";,c 5 01::;c :·::~cs ed in t h e op-an C"XC ·1 Va.- ti o n a t po in t G ~er c :l otcd t o c c n s i s t G- il ver y .,s ••nc y c i "'y ma t.r Lx •••• con tai ni n g ma ny s ub r-ou nd e da nd su ba n q u ln r q r eve I an d cobb l e s i z e r ocks .Oc c ~sio n~l bou l der si ze r ocks we re .,!50 n ot ed .One ve ry Lar qc b o ulde r is e xpose d in the n )<HI c ut•....cs t;o f ·Lot No ~13 ne ar t he p oin t ~a r k e d 1 4 .'r he s e mate ri als a re we a t be re d f r om the Mar o o n F o ~a tion whi c h o ut c rops a bo ve th i ss ite .7he y ha ve be en co l lu vi al ly t ran s p or ted Lot he s i te b y n Gti or.o f g r avi ty a nd wat er over a r e lat ive ly l ong peri ou o f .....1 me • Du ring o or ins pectio n,t hes l op es above the opc n e x c ev a ti on ,6 ,werc ca r efu l ly e x emi n ed f or ev i - dcnce o f i n~i t nbi li ty o r :(!Gc nt /ndSS w ~s t in g.N on e we sf ou nd. 'r hcr e is e v id en ce of mc de r a t;c hil ls ide c reep i nLhe f orm of thi n s kin or sur f a c e d e b ri s was h a nd sl i ppag e c orr:bi ncd \.....i t.h f re quen t In gen er al ,Lhe n ati ve s lopes we re n ote d t o be relat i ve ly stahl e a t t his l i ~e . T h e ne t.ur-e1 s l opes o n Lot No.1 3h a ve b ee n cove r e d by f i 11 e xce p t in the s ou t .h oa s t.p e r t .I n t hi 5 ar ea , th e na tu r al ve c c t a t .i o n ·.....as no t ed t o h e q ui te thi ck a n d co n s ist e d of q rass c s ...:h ichu se l arg e a mo u n t s o f mois t ure ,Th eu o i I in thi s area wa s d c1 ~P b ut not we t .~t t he c ontact b et~ee n ro ad f ill a n d t he na tu ral sloDe s we st o f Lo t No,1 3 ,the nati ve vege tation ....t e s n ot ed t o co~s i s t o f l ow s ~qc b r l l~;h a nd s p ars e srasse s . Th e f i lI on Lo t No .1 3 h as b ee n p l ace d i na seri es of t llrc e benchc s in a n effor t to ~ed uce t he s tec ?ne ss o f s l opes on th iss ite .The b e nchc cn t.a t n i nq th e par ki ng a z n a was ap?ar e n tl y pl ace d ap proxima lel y i ~vel ,h c ~ever .th i s ar ea h~s expe r i cnced ~8t o 2 ~L nche s of ae t.t l c rac n t;s i nc e cons tr uc t ion ,'ih is b e nc bi s h~i.::0 c on f i a ed b y a ra i L ro n d t ie r c t a in i n q v-a l L up to 1 5 -i - ••••Th e orie n tati o n of these r ra('~s i n di ca te that the fi ll l S crce p- in g o r s lowl y s L i pp i n q r1 ow n~lj ,p c toward th e e as t .Thi s is t he ~re a ,1,i nd i c a~~d o n th a Si t ~S ketch .Th e te ns io n c ra cks were no t e dt.oc on ti nue to b e y o nd t he p oint mer k e d 3t.o t he ea st and a s ~a r ~e st as the gar age doorway .It wo ul d appea r thrl.t the -p ar-k i n q ar e a ,par t of t he r o a d ,an d t.he entry ....·a r fi lla re al l .i nv o Lv ed i n the d o-...m sLopec r c cpi n t h ds a re a . A se-c ond c rib i-e t a i n i nq ....·alla ppr o x i.« m a t e Ly B fe e t h igh is L o cn t .cd .'1 sho rt d i s t.anc e down s lo pe f r o rn t he p a r k ing a re a .Th e ba c k f i I 1 be h i n ct his we L l.i s s l c ped to --. war -d the ""a ll a t a slope o f a pp r o x i me t.el y 5 :1 .This i s t he a re a mar k e d 4 o n the 5 i to Sk etch.The re ta ini ng wd lls a n d f il la ll s h c ~·e vi de nc e o f some hil l s id ~c~e e p ,Th e up p er r eta in ing wa ll is s p Li t.t.i n q o pe n a t the b o tt om n ea r o ne co rn er .The t o p o f t h is wa ll is p u l l in G a way ~r o m t h e b u il d ing a t th e co rn er .The l ower r et a ini ng wa Ll.i s <l1 S 0 n e t t Li n q a n d r o t a tt n q i'i '-"dY f ro m the build- ing . '1\-.'0 s i mi Le r bu t muc h s ma Ller r a i Lr -o ad l ie ::etain ing wa Ll s a r-e Lo c a t.c d a t t he sou thw es tc o rne r of t he b uil ding .See p o int 5o n t he Si te Sketch .B o t.h o f th ese w a Lk s have e x?e r ie nc e d so~c s et t lemen t an d hill sidec r e ep ,He .....e ve r ,th e a mc u n t;ha s b e en much s -a a l Ie r t ha n tha t ob s c r ve d at t h e:nort hea st c or ~er 0:t he b ui ld ing. 7 hc 'fif th rai lr oad t i cr etainingwall is l oc at ed so ul hc~s t of th e du?lcx .This wa ll i s a pp r oxi ma te l y a to 10 f e et hi gh .7he a rea a~o ve th is ~il l l ,8,is il ~ode rate l y s t c e~sl ope o f 2:2 o r3 :1 (Jio ri7o~ta l :~el t ic a l )1;0 rne j o r t ensi o n ho sce c se da Ler cc '-':"-;'_:-.t o f d i s t resa c :1 C mo verae nr;in l .he re t.e i n i n q, -s - •••• Several t ies ,ah X 8~,1 1 ~ve l ~c n c r \lsh ed at mid -spa n by the co ns o Li d a t i o no f the f il l b ch i nd the walL ,9 .7he ..,:al leLso has a definite b u l ge ,pdrticl l]~r l y t ow ar d th e (!nst e nd .F rom o ur inspe c ti on of the cr a v...l space in t he are a o f point 13,i t would appC'~r tha t the backfil l ~l o n g t he s ou the a st Wrl l l i s app r oxi ~at e!y 1 4 to I S ~cet de ep .T h e we i g ht o f ev en a mo is t . low de ns ity fill o f thi s h c i q b t;v ou Ld be o n t he or de r o f1 500 p ou n05 ?er squ are foo t .If this fill vc r e t o be cc r-ewe t,t he ·...e i.qb t;o f t.b i s fill co u j d he noa r Ly 200 0 p s f .,..su r ch a r qe fill of t llis d epthCOllld ,b y i t~~l f ,C dllS C some 5c ttlc~cnt .p ar ti cu- larly i f fou ndations als o a p ply 1 0 00Lo 1 50 0 ps f to the so il . As previ o usl y r ~por t ed .cUl s in exces s of 8 fee t i n he i ght could re su l t in ur.sta ble s lope condi ti o ns .AltllOlJgh it was n ot stato d , fills in exces s of B fopt i n h eig ht co ul d elsa ca use u~s ta bl e sl ope c onditi ons .T he dc p th a nd e x Lcn t;of fi ll p lac ed o n this S1 le is be l i c ve d to h e a majo r c o n tribut ing fa ctor to t hes et tl e- me n t ,h i ll side creep,f ou nd e t.i o nd i s t.z o ss a nd d ry ....'a ll crac ks we obs erved . S urf ace d ra in a ge I n t }le vi c inity of i.o t No .I 3we s no ted to r e n qe f rom v c,:y poo r to g ood.The o pe n excd v a tio ~,6,n Or t h~es t o fLot No .13 hct s for ~e d a c los ed c cpres- s i an wh i ch i s t.r a pp i.n q reLa t i v c Ly l c rcc n mo un t s of .....e t .e ri n t he 5 0i l S e bcv e Lot.x o .13.Withollt a s~r!ac c o llt1 et .this wa ter mu st e i t-h er e vapor ate 0 ::s ee p b y ,;ru"1i ty a wa y f rom th ea re a . No.13 ""~he pe r -k i nq a t-ee ,1 .i'l nc cn s t c n t r y '..;;:;.y ,2 ,a lso tra p sur face r un o f f i n t.he f o unde t i o n a r-ce . t ....·o e nc Lcu od p L an te rs • --. -9 - •••• se t t Led s e ve zeI i u c hc s .;..p i p Lnq cb en neI h as d e vc Lopnd i n Lhe s outh planter and ~n ter co l l ec ted 10 this p la nter drains t ot he f oundation w.,l l an d S f:'CP5 down to the f o ot in gs .The mos t o bviou s settl eme nt is l Oc a l (~d i n thi s e n trywa y.One plante r ~a l L which ",'as intended to s uppor t;a dec ora t ive roof p os t ,has se ttled a pp r o x i ma t.e l y 6 .i nc bc s .O ther p arts o f t h is planter appear t o have se t.tl c de vc n mo r-e . ~o of g u t ~e I S h uve b cp-n in stall er.on the no rt.hw c s t,part o f t h e s t ruc t.ur e .Dcwn s po u t s f rom these qu t.Le rsa r'e d i ech er cq di n to i1 r-u r i ed P VC pi pe .T hi s pi pe pa s se s t .hr ouc h the uppe rr c t a i n i nq weL'l ap pr ox i me t.e l y <:~to 5 fe et be Lo w the t op .This pi pe e ppee r s to have s e tt le d J r.o 6 i n cbe s as a r es ult o f c on sc Li da t Lon of fill b eneath the pipe .The pi pe b eyond the uppo r wall ha s sett led even mo r e .l'I.4 to 6 in c h sec tion of pi pe has b e en .sddc d to Lh i s line v....he re a p re vi ous bre ak h ad OCCl lr rcd CllC to Ullc vo n s ett le ment .This dlain i s "di s- c he r c e d o ve r t he e dce of th e second re t a i n i n q wal Li n t he vicin ity ." o f the arc~marked 4 o n t he al tdc he d Sitc S ketch.No o ut lets fo r s u bs ur f a ce or pc r i me t.e r d ra i nsc ou ld be loca te d curing our fo un - ~atjo~i ns pe cti on . 0 :1 l his s ite . E~o ~;ion ha~;n o t b e cn a majo r problem 'I'he re has be en some mi.n or erosi on al ong t he ao u t h-. wes t;wall .....here e a ve sdra i n onto ;1 s l ope wi th out vc q e t .at i o n cove r .Th e ar ea is unde rl a ye rc d by polye t hylene pla stic fi lm . 'I hc film h 03S p re ven te d dee pc rc s i on i n t his erca .Dur ing o ur v i sit ,'...-e note d tlie t,e r;i rr i qe t i o n s y st em ba s b e en insta lled a:-Oll'l O t;:e hu ill1in Q . a t ~n ay 10cation s. ~rrin~]0 ~~ca ds ar c v d ~y ~ea r th e btli lding -10 - .-•• th is s ite t o a void e r os i on and p r eve nt sQ l'J~alin g th e d eep fi lls . Deep wetting o f the filIon this site wi l l c nu se add itional se t tle ment an d c ou ld cau se t he f ill s lo p es t o 1,)CCOi.1C uns tab le a nd ra pidly s li de o r fl Q~d o ~n t he h il l ,p os sihly tak ing the building with it . Dur i ng o ur visit ,~c note d that a fire h ydr ant in t he e rc a mn rk e d 14 o n t he Sit e Sk et ch is disti nct ly ti lte u n o~nhi ll t C ~nrd the sou t heas t .This i s a poi nt o f (;o n - s i de=d blc c on ce rn s ince i t ~o uld sU09c st th at d n are a much la r qe r than the fi lls on Lo tNo .]3 er c i n vo I vc d in t he s Lo pc movem0 n t s which "e oU5e ~vc d .Thi s is t.he o nl y i ndica ti on we co uld find ,h owe ver,which s u qqes t e dLarq e sl ope move.no n ts l7.a y be Lnvo Lvod .The f ire h yd ran t;whi ch is o ut 0:pl umb ,co ul d p oss i b Ly b e-a t tr Lbut e d t.o i tso r i q i na I in s tallation or s e t t Le rnen t;in Lhe wat erline t re nc h after in slal1~tion.R cg~rdl e~s of the cau se , we fee l the s lopes ari d ro ad'....a y s in t h is ar ea sh o uld b ep e r i o d i c aLk y c heck ed Lo dc t.c c t;as e arly <IS p o ssibl e any l ar ge s ca le s l o pe move ment which may b e d ev el o ping ,i f a ny. Dnmoge to the e x te rior of the b uild- i nc o n Lo tNo .13 i s li ~ited t o th e e nt ry ways .Bo th e ntry way s h a~e sett led s one cc1 uslng cracks i n maso nry ~n c g aps to a ppear b e neath de co r ~t i vc po sls . ~ent i sr el ati ve ly s mall. At t ile ~o lJth~e st c c rn er,t ile net tle - Th e po n t;h as s et tl e d abo ut 3/4 of. an 'i nc h and t.he r a i lroad t iev:all h e s Dul led e way fr om th e p os t about 1 t o l~i n ches . Scttle ~0r l L a t the n o ~t h ~a gt e n tranc e i s se ve r c . e pp r-o x i ma te 1 y 6 -11 - a nd·..·a t e r. -.. i s •••• p iping into t.he fo un da t i on o ro o i n t.he wcs t p Lan t.n r .The e n t.ry way patio h as al so sett leds e v e ra j in ch es .N ~x t to th e d o o r ~ay , '. this s e t t lemen t e ppc ar st ob e o n the o r-de r o f l~Lo2 in ch es . I n sid~t tl"s tr u ctu re ;there a re a v ery l ar ge nurabe r of cr ac ks in t h~\<",1 115 a n de ei 1 i nq .No atte mpt will be m~de ~o l oca te o r de scriLc all of t~e s e crac ks .S ome f ol l ow al o ng joints in t.he d rywn l I .....hile o th er s arc ji'l ':i 'Je d d i.a qo-. n ~l crac ks o ri ginating i n th e COr~~TS of ~i n d o¥s Gnd d o o~s . Seve rald oo rs al so bin d or st i ck ."tie ra a j or i t.y of t.b e n c c oors a re Loca t.e d .i n walls wb i ch er ca pp r ox i ma t.c Ly pe r a L le I to Garmi sch Dri ve . doo r . In ea ch ce s e,the d o or ja mb is o ul o f sq ua re w i thth e The pe tt e rn o f d rywa L l.CT .1d:s d na s t i c ki.nq d oo r s i s r:o n- si stc nt wi t.h s e t t.Lemen L of the no r thc as t;a nd s outhwes t bu i ld i n q ....al Ls rela t.Lve t o the c e ntr al pn r t;o f the b u i Ld i n q.The l arg es t d ry,...a l l c rack s were l o cated e ro und w i nd ows i n the sout hea st. f a c ing wal l n ear t hec a st c or ner.The o ri ent at ion a!lh (!sc c r~cks indi ca te t ~~t th e n orthe as t ~i d c of t ~e bu i ld i ng .p arti - c ular ly n e ar t~e Cds t c or Ile r ha s sett led rel ative t o the cen tr al part o f the s tru ctu re . :...5 p re v i ou s Ly r e po rt.ed,t hes t ru c t ure is b ~s i ca]ly a t h re e ~;t u r y structu re .Ii o'...-e ve r•there nrc one an d t;'....o s t.o r y sec t i on s ,.....-i t .h t hc one story are a be i n q l ocat ed f arthest u phi ll .1:1 the o nest.or y portion,a n i nd o or h o t tu b has ex pe r L '- cocoa about o nei n ch o f v~rtical move ment rc :aLive Lo th es urroun - d ing fl o or.Th e h ot tub is s uppo r t c d in t he cre -....1 spac e by i ts o wn isolatQd pr.c fou~G<1 tio :1 .Vc ~l-e irl ~cl-~e~tha t t hi sh ot t ub F c ::~da ti on l o ads f or ;-.5 r.r cv i cu s L y rc p c rt.e d , -. •••• t~e f o undation E.·.i1 5 .r r-e rn i ldl y e x pens i v e a nd ;"1 r-d n imum f o un d at i on pr essu re of 50 0 psf WitS r oc ommc n ded .It i sp ou n i b Le t hat uub- su rfac e moi st ure!ha s ca u se d t he h ott ub to h c avn . ·....h ere the ex t .er i o r f Ol;'1 Cati o n so il s h ave b ee n h c av i Ly l oad ed by bu ildi ng l oads nl H~a d e ep fi ll,i t is p os si bl e t.he t;t h e e xteri or fou nd at i o n s h a vQ 5 e lt l ~d r ~l at i vu t o t il e l ig ht ly lo a~ed h o t tub f OI1:1 oo.t.Lon .Th e o if fcr<~nt i"l movemc nt;cb serv cd neal-t he hot t u b ;:la y ve ry po ss ib ly !)Q a combina tio n o f th e se t wo f ac t o rs .Sma ll t.o mode r ate i n c =(.-.-lSCS i :1 soi l mo i s t.uc-e co n t.c n t,wouLd cau se 1 i g htl y l oa~cd f o un d at i on s to h~a vc wh il e d eep wett i ns ~:l d sat ur ~ti o n o f bac kf i ll a nd h ea v il y l oade d f oun d e t i o n s co ul d Ci!US e the Eoo t i nq s to .sc tt.Le. n c~th t h e s tr llc tur c :"cv ca lcd ~;c v c r al i nsta nc es o f po o r qu a li Ly const ruct ion t.e chn i ques wi t h in the fOlln r.a tio:1 s ys t em .Th e f oo t- in ss ....ie r e foun d t o h ed i s con t i nuou s a t s c ve ra I Loc e t i o ns ,s uc h a s poin ts 10 ,1 1 ,]2 ,e n d 13 a s r-erk ed o n th eS i te S k e t c h ,In !'tos t i ns tanc es ,t hiso c cu rr ed a t a ste p i n the f oun da ti o n \,,,11 .Th e f oo t i nq wou I d be s i mp L y ondc d e t;o ne e Lev e t i o n en d b egin e q a i n o n a benc h a t a di~!er0~t elev ation .A t rne l ocation ,th ~5 ste p ~as 8 fe et in h ei ght .~n O:1 e i nte r ior w~11 ,b o th t he f oo t i ng a n d t he f o u nd a ti on we l 1we re d isc on t i n u o us .F or s cc ee unk n o '...n r ce so n ,a 2 inc h thic k ?:an k H ?S plac e d bc t -...cee n th e f o u nda t i on ....·131 1 e nd t he f oo t i n q at s.e ve reI step s i n th e f ounde t i o n s ys tem . I n ot he r wo rd s ,a t s ome j oc e t Lon s ,t he Eou nd e t i o n \~·::!1!.rc s t s o n a wo od pl an k over th e "co t i nq . _....,,,......-e d.j e •••• o f a very stee p ba"k ;,n c wo ul d l o se th ei r f ou nda t i o n S''':PPO l:t i f t he b a nk s hou ld so t t le o r c o L'la p s e.In th ear ea o r {J oint 10 1 the f o oting hil s l -e en u n de rm i n e d b y ....va t .e r er o si o n an d i s pr ese ntly suspen de di na i J , 7 h er e ar c s i gn s t hat ea r L i.e r in t he s pr ing s nowm eLt;»ou s c n ,fre e waLe rh as r uni nto t he cra wl.s pace at thi s loca t i on po nd i nq -e r cun d t he Lowe r l eve l fo ot ing s.Thi s a r e a o f p ond ed w ~t er wOII !d he at t he ca s t c or ll cr o ft he s t r tlC - t he s out h~as t fou n ~nt i o n t.u rc ,t he are a o f q rca t e s t;b u i Ld i n q c a ti on ~al1 c r ac ks ~ere o~5ervcd i n sett lement .Sc v e r a I fo u n- ·...·a 1 1.T hi s ....·all i s 16 f eet i n he igh t ..an d backf il led or.t he o u t- s i de to wi th in o n eo r t wo "c e t o f th e to p .Th e f o o t i n c b e n eath t.h i s ".'a l l wa s no t.c d t o r-x t c n d into t he cra v....l s pa ce app ro ximatel y 12 La 16 i n c h es .The fo u nd=tio n pl an s call for a fo o ti ng np p rox i - mat.e ly 10 inche s w i dc be n ea Lh th is \.:..a Ll,.Dia g on a l c =ac ks \.:cr e al so n ot nrl in the northe as t !o und at i on w~11 n c ~r p o in ts 10 a nd 11 s h o wn o n t he s i t.c Sk etch.Th ese c ra c ks bcq i n n car th e Io u n- dat io n wal I s tep .c ~~c ks we re al so nO led in f01J l1 d at io n c ro s s- wa ll s ne ar po in ts 1 0 n n d 11 . I n the c r~w l space ~t poin t 15 ,we f o u nd th a t th e I'ouridc t i o n ·...a ll h as cr acke da n d s cpe ra t .ed a t th r c e co r ne rs .The si ze o ~thes e c r ac );s and the amoun t o f moveme n t, - su gge s t t h at rei n for ci ng stee l ~i\S n o ~present a t tJlcs e l cc a t io ns . ., .-•• CO NCLUS IONS !,NO n E(")l ~li:lI::Nr~\Tlol:::;: II.v i s ue I e xami na t i on cannot be co n- sider ed s uffic ien t to prrc i~e ]y ~etermine t he c alIse of all of the d emaqe wh i c h 11 <\5 Oc cur red a t 2 3 28 Garmisc h Drive .There fo re , t he foll o .....i ng re c on.ne nda t i o ns -au s t be s ome wha t.ce ne re I i n ne t.ur e , Any unu sual c on d i t i o n s,a d d i t i o ne I dama qe ,o r found a tio n move - men t shou ld b[~r cport~d to r.i!l Col n-Oe Vore so that c h~nge s i nt he recomrne nda t i o ns ra a y b e rnade ,if n ec cs sar y .u oveve r •ba se d upo n o ur ob ser v e t i on s 0 :th e s ite l CP OYI,:?hy .dre i n e qe ,c on s t ruc t.i o n wh i ch h as occur red ,and Llio (~a ;~d~c observe d,t he foll ow in g =e c o~~enda tio n s are ~ace . The ~a m il se our-er ved o n this site c~n be att ribut ed to o ne o r more of t he f ol lo·...·i ny co nd it io ns .(1 ) J c.p r o pe r Ly placed f il l,(2)poor ly c orape ct.ed fi ll ,(3)fill s o f ~uc h dep th t h at t_he f ound at ion soil s we r e over l oa ded ,(4)ver y poo r d ra inaqe c ort d i t.L ons i n f o un da Li.o n areas .(5)poor s u r f a c e d :a i nage ncar the s ileo (6)i m?~opcr ly p laced or insu ff icien t re i n fo r c i n qs te el .(7 )i mproperly p la c ed f ou nda ti o n s ,(8 )d is - c ontinuous f ou n da ti on w ~lls .and (9)inadequa te reta in ing wall s. 7~~marc i~portant o f t ~e s e f ac~ors is t hep o or subsu rf ac e dr ai n- ~g e co nd itions a nd t he dCIJ th o!f i ll . ';'he f o lLo wi nq r ec o mmen de t i o ns er e co n - side:ed the rn i n i ~um co ~r ec ~i v e ~0 a s u r c s neces s ar y t o stab ili ze t he st ructure a t 2328 G ~r~isch Dr i ve and r educe t he amoun t of d~1 itio~3 1 bu ilrlinq rl a rna ~e.All fi ll whic h has b een p laced 'lhis -1 5- 7 his ••••• f il l sho u Ld no t h er cp Lac ed c >:C(·pt.i l 3 r cqu i r ed t o p ro t ec t;t o un - d a t i orr s f rom fr o st damage a nd t op c o v i d c en try fo r v e hi cl es i nto t he g ara-..:c .Ret.e i ning s t.ru c Lu rr -s s ho uld be c cn s t.r uc t.e d o n ea c h sid e of the d r i v e .....a y r.o co n fi ne the ~~ll a nd r es i s t;t he su rch arg e l OGd~~P?li cc b y pa :.~eng p.r ve hi cles .Th i 5 co u ld b ee ccorap I i s hed by in s ta l li~g cro s st ic s b ct .....ce n t he .....a l ls at f req U€l l t iJ 't e J ~als. Thes e c r c ss t i e s shoul d be oe ~iC')r:l:d t o w i t bs t.and the ho r Laon t e I -::e ~si le En trance t o th e s t ru c t.ur-c c oul db e pr ov ided :J Y wo od frame de c k ss pe n n i nq f rom t.he r o ad ....·a y to t he T::C pl an t er s s ho ul d be r cmo ve d t o l o we r t he su r char ge over f ourid a t i ons and aq a i ns t,Lo unde t i o n we L ls • 1 \su bsu rf ace p or i pbe ra I dr e i n , .i nc Lud i n q an e dequa t;c q r avo I co L l ec Lo r,san d Li l t.e re nd pe r- rora te d e =a i~pi ?c,ShO \l ld be co~st r ucte{!~~oun d t he o u tsi de of tt l~b u il~i~g at foun da t i on level .Dry wel ls sho uld no th e us ed e n ywher c o n th is s ite.T h ~d .i s ch ar qc p ipe shou ld be given a Lrce g ravity ou t Le t to lhe g ro und su rfac e . A t h i gh er a l li t\l(7.CS,s uc h a s t hi 5 area ,dif ~ic \l l ty wit h free zi ng o f d ra ir.agc l in ps a t ti,e d i5 chArg e point i s ~~ob ab lc .T id s c an h e OV C 1COlT ,e u y d i sc h a r q i.nq i n t.o a p rotected ,c oa r se r cc ka nd c obb l c fill o r pc s s i b Ly a sha 11 0 '...'s u -np wi t h pum p .Bot h s houl d b e p )rlce d we ll ~wa y f ~o m an y b uil oing . As an aL t.c r-nc t Lv e ,heat t.ape s c ould b e use d o n l he pipe a t the discharge p o i n t;. s llch -...-...........<=- ....-.~.......",";.:....~C.~._._(1_~e ...,.,.......'.. ,--'.- is r.o t. ., ••·1',">" •• '1': •• c .J 1 •,-J .v. .r•t ~',I ,'.......,.H .l I ,1 ..,,:1 ,-~c "-.; ,,>j',r:.;)"..;.:]),,,,i t.:~C•",..j ~':',.;.!.. ,1 --I.:{', "~I:'-..:;.:'~J y-" ,.,. '. Tilll c \'". ,I '"•1 ,r' )I ]:-;,.> " .. .,';;!• .i ", .. .~•~1\', " :-")i r 1 1 •:1 (J •••• 11r ior t o p:acing any fill,t l1C gr olln d s u r f a ce s ho uld he s co r i fil 'cl t o <'1 d e p th of a m.i n i murn o f 6i n che s a nd re comp ac t .e d l o ."1 mi n i r -u m o f 9 5%o f th es oi ls me x i mum modifie d P ro c t.o r d ry d ensi ty ,i .ST1·1 D-1S!:o7 .!'!o i st u r e conte nt du r i nq c orn- pac t io n s ho u l dh e rn e i n ta i nu d a t;its P r-oc t.or o p tim um moist ure c ont en t,+2 %. On...:.<;th e s ite ;;~S b ee n p ::opf"rl y p rc - p ar ed ,ar a i L r-o e d tie ..·..all cou ld b e con s tr u ct.e d to sta bi lize t his b anK .'J'h i s ra i L ro ad r i e ...:al l ....'o u I d b e simi l ar to the e xi st ing ~all~~ith t he f o ll o w~n g e xc ~E t i~~.(1 )'t'b i s wa l l rnus t;be La ye d bac k s o t hat it i sn os t.c nper t h an 2 :1 (Ho r i a on t a L: Ver t i ca l ).(2)1"0 vc r t i ce I s e ct i on of the Hil1 1 should b e q r ea t;» e =t ha n4f e et in he ig h t .(3 )'?i e be ck Li es shou ld b e Loc a t ed a l t he e nd of e ac h ti c and ~t I n i ~-s ?an o f ea c h t i e.(4 )1\11 fil l p l ac0 ~b eh in d th is ~al l s h o ul d consi s t o f ope n gr ade d g ra vel cobb l e s ilnd b01.l ldc:'s j,\(!ct in g t he fo ll owi ng c riteria .All r oc k shou ld b e a no u La r-t o s u b e nqu La r ha v ing the f oLl.o wi n q g rad a t ion . S i a e I 8 " 12 " 6".".. 2 " 1 /2 " s 4 'i F :'ne r 10 0 8C -40 60 -20 4 0-1 5 20 -1 0 1 0 -0 5 -0 Ei9h~ee n inches b eLo -....t he e le va ti o n 0:G~r m is ~h Drive.a l z:e ~o f g ~oon d s t ab i l i za~i o n fab ri c ,s uch a s t-H ra fi ~OO X .s ho u l d be pl ac ed o vert h is f i l l. se ction c ou ld t.h o n b e cc.ns t r ...:ct·..dov e r t.h i s f i ll . The r oa d wa y :.::,-,:-r.o p css i bl e ,c c w o u L d r c ccrrmen d t h a t t he dept h o ~~ill n0 ~(.y ~.:~j 8 f re t a t an y l ocation o n t h i s -.. -:c - •••• lo t.We r ecoqn i ae ,hOW('V('I,t ha t l oca l b uil ding cc dcs re s tr ic t '...he e xpc se d h ei g ht o fa s t t uc t u r c at t hi s site .'rnc 14 to 1 5 ~oo t bac kf ill dep th a Lo nq t he 5 0u th (!C:l,st .....a ll cx i s t .s t o mee t th at req u i r eme n t.If this n~'i ll irc~cn t ca.n no t b e wa i.v cd,....·e would.re CQJII - men d t he f o Lk ow Lnq rae a su r c s be t a ke n t.o l i mi t.con s o Li d e t i o n sett le ment and hi ll~i oe c"ccp ~s r ~ch ~s p oss i ble . ~f t c r a ll po ssib le fi l l h as bee n r c- rao ve d f r om the south .....o s t,n o r t.hwe s';an d n ortheast Hal ls ,and a p rope r Ly size d pe r Lphe r a I drai n he s b e e n .i nst .el Le d e r o u nd t .he n t.ruc t ure ,we·...o uld rcc o mmo n d tha t t.h e v rct.a i n i n q \.,:a 11,9 .be r e .eovc d along with a ll of t he fil l ~C't·...-ce n t he bu i Icing a nd thi s ..·:all .Aga in,a ny t o puo i I .....hi ch ~a y ha ve been l ef t belowt.h i s fil l sh ou Ld b e reraovc d .whc rc u a tc ra l s l opes areu to c p c r th an :::1,the sl opes s hou ld b e c ut to f o rrn a n e a rl v l e v el b e n c h o n ~~i ch to p la cc f i ll . a r~i lr odd t ie r~tai ning ~all s i ~il a r to t h e o n e p ~ev i o t :sl y descr ibe d cou ld he c o ns t r uc t.o d t o c .e e t,t heLoc aI bu:"lding c ode . r e quire ments for ma xim um e xpo s e d b c i Ld i n q h e i q h t .Th e coa rs e q r a ve I f il l b e hind t his ....·;]11 c o u Ld b ec ove re d with 12 to 18 i;"\che s of t o?so il.'Th e r,,=,tai :l in.;s::ru ct ure co ul d b e ~a y ed o ut t o for m"series of s ta i r s t c pp i n qp Lan t cr b o xc s d own t .he slope . pc po i r t ot he s t r-uc t.u r e at 2 328 "0 Ge rm i sc h Dri v e s h ould c ons i n t;o f c o rr c c t I nc f c unde t t o n d e f i c i encie s a nd c o smetic p atch i ng of dry ~~ll c~~cks .We do no t fee l tJl~t s u f f i c i e n t.f o und a t i o n mo vc rac n t;h as o c cure d to jn s t i I y th e cost s o rr i ss i nce culd mos t c es i L y ~l':'·:~l ';·",,·:(~J :l !)G i ns te l Lct j on o [th e ..•• dra~~.Ad di ng the se sect i o n~o f rooting c ou ld co n si s t of dr il l iny a nd o poxy i nq th ree ~4 d ia mete r rei nfor-cing bars 1 0 i n c h e s i n to the e x i s ~i n g f ooti ngs an d pl.'l.cing a c O;1 ne cting c onc rele f oo ti ng bene~t h fo undati o ~~a l ls .This f o oti ng should be a min i i:l um of 10 .inchc s Lh i c k an d the w idth eh ou L d be Lbe t;sh c'...-n o n t he f ou n -. da ti on cesign for th is buildin'}.Prior to pl a ci ng c o~c r et e, al l ce br i s ,fil l,a nd s ofts o i 1 sl.ou ld he r-emov ed [rom t he fo ot ing are a . w h c rc the i:1 t,o r i o rEound e t i on Wil 1 1 i s d i sc on t i n u ous ,t h i s ·....al l sho u ld be j oi r.ed b y Go ...:el ing ann epoxyi ng re infor cing ba rs into the e~isting ~all and c asti n g ac on cret,e con n ec tingwaL lb e twcc nt.h era .An a dditional cross ·· ·...·all s ho uld be a dd e-d in the s ou thc ..r s t '.::-.1 W!sp ac e ,1 3,to pr ovide a dn i~io r.a l f o u ~da tion s tif fne ss.This w il l aid the strllclure i n re s i s ti nq di f f c r c n ti aI r:'IO'J(?:~"-!I1 t and h i 11side cr e ep,'I'h i s cro s s-....·all s hou ld be de s i qnc dt o t ra n s f e ri ts Loe ds i nc omp ro a -e s io n ~nd t e nsi o n .As a n a ltern a t i ve to a c ast-in -pl ace c on c;clc cross t ie wall ,a s er ies of stee l b eams ~nd c ros s b races cO\l ld a l so be used .Again ,re g~rd lcss o f t he material ~s ed f o r this c ross ,..all,i t 511 0\.:.1d b e d e s i q nod to t ra ns fe r its J c ec s in com- pr essi on and t en si on . The se ct ion o f f cunde t i on ....'all which h a s s pL i t;m .;ay a nd s e tt Led nc a r !Joi nt]5 co c Ld be remove da nd re p laced w i t.h a reinf or ced co nc re te we L l .Reinforcing Lar s s hou Id b ed owe Led a rid epoxye d i nto t hc c x i s t.I nq wa Ll s . placi ~g any [ound ~t ic:15 i n this n~~~,a ll f ill t10bri s a n ds of t hl l ~O'...l :1 - -2~- .... :Juring t hese repair s.t h e a f r r-c t c d po r tio n o f t he b uil di ng rau s t; ~c a se rie s o f ?os ts and r ~d~,b lo~ks or other suitabl e mate ria ls to p r e ven t;damage du rin gr c pn i r-c o nst ru ct ion . Poun de 't i o n re in fan:i nq an d cons t r uc-' t i.o n ro comme nde t i on s .i nc I ude d bc rc i n ar c con s i de red the mi n i mum re qu i r ernen t s fo r t he I ounde t.Lo n tYI-..8s anticipated in the re po r t; a nd on the so iL sf ound on the s i t c .7;;cse rc cc.rcnenda t i on s mus t; no t t~con struer1 as a found ~tion design .Th e founda tio n com - p onen ts must be individually designee whe n the l oads wit hi n th e 5 t r uc t.u r-e a rc k no .....n. In specti on of the o ye n e x ca vati o n i s r-e corr..mende d curin g dr-a i n i ns La Lla t i on an d f ounda t i o n repa irs t o i dc n t i f y <l oy very 10'....dcn s i t.y req i on s ....'h i c h wo u ld r e q u i r-c den s i - fication o r remova l.This inspection would a lso i~cntify dn y ur.u s u e I subs urface co nd.i t i on swh i c h -cc re no t appe re n t;I rom o ur visual i nspecti on. I t is believed that per tinent poi nts co~cer~in 9 ou r ViS\lal e xan in a tion of t he site a n~su rro\lndi ng area h~ve been covered in lh is repor t .I fs o il .drainag e,or f o-a nde t i on co nd i l ions other-t.ha n t hc seo u tli ned he rc i n ar en ot ed dv r Lnq fill removal .drai n installation.0:-foundatio n repair , these ahou Ld UC reporte d to l...i nco Ln -iDe vor e so t he t.changes i n re c omme nde t i ons car:be me de ,i :nc ccs na r y .If question 5 aris e or :urt;,er i.n f o rma t i o n is ro qu i red ,pLee nc feel Lr ce to con t ec t. L\ncol:-:-DcVorc at .fny time . -2]- •.- • :00 .L40 f([l (A ltJ(l .....,"CC:U RA ;:T S~A"O"'1l0S ;LOR":::O ~:n25.O R \"'AS!llI~G 1 ON.0C .2 0'''2•I SYII BOl $IS .o.\'All-"IHl 01.IHOUlST \-,-'---- I-E L OCAn CIoJ DIAt,IZ A '-'l -T ~/3 )00 ,£D,,;.$5 1701,'''-_~"B . ~8 .§-/:t<I-1r:u;H .D.?,"J/,'lii-}.!J.c>~ [=-1 .. P ri ,r.~ry hi Eh..."y , hI"s o-ra c e ---..--i S ~",~.CIf)'~.;:;h"'"r. ~3':::s"r ~.,r . . I,...'II I C-OLCR..e.ro :COlC?AOO 5PR I HGS :- f'U£9 LO .C.LEN'lfO OQ Sp,,:tlO ,. GR :'~D ,:1,;IlCT IO H .U 'J'C'ROS E . WY CI.l IHG:P.OG~:~~_-,-'.-'..::_ __-..L--...: j ---,~, ~I \:: '-...@ I _/ ,/!J~ <t oO·\<, 0'i'-,<, \~-,.r, ":,"..-c.",, ~'\\(j , N o S CAL /': .,-.r:SJ:E 7C )/ J~G-~.t?'-':15C .z1 a e , /3 , / --------=-~- Gr:-:A D&.B trA M T ype. UNDE J2 -S L AB I IN rE:£IOIr.r YrG ., ~ l I 2 ::'E S : S:ze o f per f'c r-a t.cdp ipe sa n d f il l er va ri e z ....~:..;,;:",_'1.<:,:':=st ccmoon . J ~a vel si z e ccpe nds G :1 size o ~?ipe r~~;~!"~~i on~:g 5 ~ 3"'_:1c fi 1 r.c r 'O"JS t depend o nna ti v e so !1 n.l"!~n us t f '!')1 1 r;l ·.~ i )2.5;iJil te r ="+?)15~fi 100e r <"3) 1 5',.<:baa e 85 "bas e g r ave L c 2 Yo ci":r.eu~o f p c!"to ra tiol"!. th e 7 cr ::a :hi -vt ck s bu rg C:-i tc r f e • )(l:~[1 1 t e r 12 l 58.-----c5():~bas c - r":-.:s t s r equ i r-cd "o r s ~~b i 1ity and J e :-:,::.h ,-·f rt l t.er li :~e .The sund fEt.e:-r-ay b e r ep la c e d ..:~_h a-;appr-oved :'i1 te r f abri c. ~}l D1:-e to Sc pe !":c=-a t~c.'Ie?,P'...C c,:-~:·~;,~e bl,;:-C . .,.f'Le x'i bLe ?i ;-.e ;:-20::;be u sed '.:.0 c ,:,pt::c :~L~f'e e;.Lu t :n '..:~:b e c er e f'ul Ly Gra ded .3 "f)exi b l ,:";,e 1-a:(o e us e d t.o a de p t h of 7Fe e;a n d shcuI d ce c e re r aj I v .::!'a de d . ,:"gid l 'i pe only tc be u s -e d be Lo-...e -:l:f·.h c ;''7 f c t:'~b IO'1 :r..·t:!'o:.·'d sc r f'e c e. 1 1 p i:r~t o ---se2a ic a t e.mi n Lmum i:!"P..~r:o f l.h :;<:.:"!:'u:d o ':iJcil1 !..:"cvr.ce t.i o ns . ,:;':.fAll t o t oe f r e e,gravity o u t f 'e l I if ,<;.::;;.11 pc s s i t le.i)s e zt.rr.p "l r:c pu mp onl y i f n o ~a v i t y ou tfa ll e xi s t s , -:':".(H t.Lcn s c an 'varyc ons t d cr ab j.y,and cac hs I t e :';i.~'b evar t ec I e 'is t-o q ue Li Ly o f s A.n d o r r aveIr e qui r e d .All sites shoul d b e i ::::pc:cted :'C ':'e:l::"::l:r-e t.he a .aoun t a :"lC q ceLt t yo f p.:<c.f i1 t e~r-equ tr e d,'..:r.:e:::s a ~~iJ.:r::-:~:..::r>::'r.~t.'3.11 p.:.i ·1 :'1 i s \..::ed as s t;o ..-n . ,-'-_. .~,...L.'.'\~,; _0 -__-_ 0 - [ L LI NCO LN De VO R EJ~£S c;,N !:U~S ' ___5~Cl"~tS7 S G C t..OR A.;:lO;C Ol;O RAPO S?R :lof GS , ?U Et!lO ,Gl EHWOOO :Ji'IHN OS , GP::.,,-o J U ti(;TIO ~,N OST R OSE I ,,',(,U I NG:R OC K S PR :NG S ===-..::\.1 .. UncolnDeVore 1000 West Fillmore5 1 Color adoSprings.c ere-ace B09 07 (30 3]632 -3 5 93 H ome O ffice Edwards Bu i lde rs ,I nc . Bo xB Edw ard s,CO 8 1632 Attn:F ritz Schmidt Re :So i ls I nves ti ga t ion Lo t1 3 ,Vai l Da s Schone Subd . Va il,Co lor ado Gentleme n: ... June 3 ,1980 At your reque st ,Lin c oln -De Vore per so nn el hav ee x amin ed t he nature a nd cons is tency of t he soil s in the area of the above r eferenced cons tru cti on s i te .Two test pit s were placed a c ross t he s it e ,l oc at eda s sh own on th e a t tached T est p it Lo cat i on Diag ram .The l ocat ion of t he s it e i tself ha s been i n d i c at e d on t he att ached Gen era l Si te Loca t ion Diag ram . Althoug hL in c ol n-De o r e h ~n ot seen a set of const r uction drawings for the p roposeda:\ng le fam ily d wellingu ni t,we fee l tha t it will be ~a s ic a l ly .a Jf ram e s truc ture of mo re o r l ess con - ven ti onal des ign.\Foundatip nl o ad s fo r s tructures o ft h is n atu r e are norma lly l igh ~.~dium weigh t in magnitude . Ass hown o n th ea ttached T e st P it Logs a nd soil s u mma r y shee t, bas ica l ly o ne s ingle so il mate r ial was encountered d u ring o ur s ubsu rfac e exp lorat ion p rog ram.Fort h e purpose of th i s r ep o rt, t h is so il mate r ial has been de sig nated as So il Ty pe No.1.Soil T ypeNo .1 classi f ied as a l ow plast ic ity s i l t (ML)of f ine gr ain s ize .Gene rally speaking ,thes e mate r ials a re of low p last ic ity , l owp erme ab il ity a nd low dens ity.These s o il s ha veas l ight te n- d en cy t oe xpand upon t he add it ion of mo isture ,with swel l p ress ur es on t he orde r o f 5 00 psf being co ns idered typi ca l. Wh ile t his mag ni tude of e xpa n sion should not be s uff icien t to a f fe ct th e s tru c tu r a l memb e rs of t he b ui ld i ng ,it ca n cau se some mov e ment be neath li g htl y loaded floo r s lab s on grade and o th er f la twork .The se so ils wil l also have a tend enc y t o lo ng t e rm co nso l idate under app lied fou ndation pressu res .However ,i f the a llowable bear ing value s g ive nh erea re no t e xceeded ,we feel t h at d if fe ren t ia lmoveme nt as a result o fl o ng ter m con so l ida tio n wo uld b e to lera bl e.This so il g roup was found t o have a n 602Easl &hsr-eet F\J ooIO .Colo 8 100 1 (303)54&1150 P O BoK t .127 G len wood SjJfI !'.9S.Co loA 1601 (303)945-602(1 B6 qcse mo m f1<1la Mon trose .Cos o B 140 1 (303 )2 49·7B3B PO BoK 1882 Grand J uocuon Co lo tll 501 (303)242 -8960 P a Bo ~1643 R oc ~Spnng s.'Nyo 82901 (307)36 2·2649 •VailDaBSc hone Subd . Ju ne 3,1980 page -2- • a llowable bea ring value o nt heo rde r of 1 500p sf maxim um .Thi s mat erial co ntains de trimental q ua nt it ies of s ul fa t es. Since the exac t magni tude a ndn at ure of the foundat ion loads are n o t preciselyknown at the pr es ent t ime ,th ef ollowing recommen - d atio n s must b e s omewhatg en er al in nature .An y special load so r un usual de sign c ond iti on s sh ou ld b e reported to L inc oln -DeVor e so that change s in th ese r eco mmend at ions may be mad e i f nec essary . Howeve r,ba s ed upon o u r a na lysis of t he soil c ond iti ons a nd pro- ject c ha ract er isticsp re v i ously outl ined ,t he f ollowi ng r ecommen- da t ions a re made . It is r ec omm end ed that a shal lOW fo un da t ion s yste m co ns isting of c on tin uo us footings beneat h a ll bear ing wa lls and i S Ol at e d sp read foo t ings b enea th co lumns a nd o the r po ints of c oncen t rated l oa d, be us ed to transfer the weight of the p ropos ed s t r uc tu r e .S u ch a sha l low fo u ndation sys te m may be d esigned on t he basis of a maxi - mum a l lowable bearing capaci ty o f 1500 psf a sa n o verall s i te ave r age .A minimum pre s sure of 5 00 ps f will b e required . It s h ould be noted that t het er m -foo t ing s·a s u sed above i nc lu- des the wall on g rade o r *no f oo ting-type of fou ndatio n s ystem . On t his particular site,the use of amor e c on v ent i ona l f ooting, the u se of a -nof ooting·,or the u seo fv oid s wi ll de pend e n tir e l y u pon the f oun dati on l oads e xe r te d by t h e s tr u ctu r e . The possibility f or lat eral d own sl ope cr e ep ex i s t s o n this s i te . Because of th is gradual downs lo pe mov ement,a s t r on g po tent ia l fo r dif fe rentia l movement t h roughout th es truct u r e exists .~ The re fo re ,oppos ing e x te r io rl oadb ea ring wall ss h ould be cr o ss- conn ec tedt op rov ide additional rig id i ty . Whe re a sh a llow foundati on s ys t em is used ,wewo uld recomme nd t ha t th e conta ct s t re s sesb e ba la nced b eneatht he f oundat i o n com po nents .Most buildi ngsa r ei nva r iably mo r e heavily l oaded o n s omewa llsa nd co lumns than on o t he r s.T hea mount o f t hi s vari at ion may tend t o be qu ite h igh .Wewould r ecomme nd t hat th e size of the foundati o n c omponent b e va ried i n direct rela ti on shi p to the actual l o ad being ca rried ,t hus maint ai ni ng appr o ximat ely the same pressure o n th e soil at all point s.Using th e crit eri on o fd ead l oad onl y fo r s i ng le-s to ry s tructu res o r dead l oad plus o ne -h al fl i v e load for multi -s tory struct ur es and str ucture s co n - t aining ba sements ,wewould recommend t h at the co ntact str esses b e nea th th e load b ear ing walls b e ba lan ced t o withi n +300 psf at all point s b eneath t he f oundati on wall .I s olated i nte r ior c olumn p ads should be de signed for pr e ssu res of about 150 p sf mo re than the averag eo f the pres sur esb ene at h the l oad be a ring wall s. To h elp e nsure t hat th es t r uc tu re move smo r e o rl e ss as as in gl e unit ra the r than i n a di ffere n t ia l manne r,we would recommend tha t a ll s t e m wa ll s be s upport ed by a g rade beam capable of Vall Das Schone Subd . June 3 ,1 980 Page -3- s pa nn ing at l east IS fee t .T hi s gr ad e b eam woul d apply to bot h int eri or and e x te r iorl oad b ea ring wall s.Su ch a gr ad e be am should be horiz onta lly re in fo r ce dc ontinu ou sl y ar ound th e struc- tur e with no gapso r br e aks in reinfor c ing st e el unl ess they ar e s p ec ially d esig ne d.Beams should b e r e inf or ced at bo th t he t op and th e b ot t om wit h t hema jor re inf or ceme nt b ei ng pl ace d nea r the bo t tom of t he se ction .Alli nt eri or be aring wa l ls sho u ld r est o n a grade be am a nd fo undat io n system o f t heir owna nd sho uld notbe a l lowedt o rest o n a t hic ken ed sla b se ct ion o r"shove l"f o oting. Wh ere t he stem walls ar e r ela tiv e ly s hal low,ve r ti calr einf or ci ng will p robabl y not be n ece ssary .However,wh er e t he wall s ret ai n / so il in exc ess of about 5 f ee t in he igh t,v er ti cal r ei nf or ci ng m ay be n e c essaryt o r esi st the a ctive pr es su reo ft he so ils al ong the wall ex te rior.To a id in d e signing such v er tical rein forcin g,th e fo l lowi ng e qui va lent fl u id p ress ures c an b e ut ili z ed: 501 1 Ty pe No.1 -59 pcf It s houl d be noted that t he a bo ve va lues sho u ld be mo di f i ed to ,/ t ake i nto ac co unt a ny s urc ha rge loads appl ieda t t het op of th e wa lls as a r e sult of s to red goods ,li vel oads o nt he f loo r, ma ch iner y,o r any o t he r e xter na lly a pp l ied fo r ces. Thi s building i sc ut i n t o a hil lsid e ,ma kingt he "u p hi ll"wal l 1 re ta i ning wall .T h i s wall must be d es i gne d to reta in t he ba nk. Th e abo ve equivalen t fl u id p r es surev alue may be used fo r t he p ur p ose of d esi gning this wall. Due to the r elative st eep~ess o f the s i te (s l opes up t o3 3 de g ree s),it is re co mm end ed that anyc ut s be lim ited to a maxi mu m o f 8 fee t in h eigh t.S ho u ld c u ts i n e xcess of th is 8 fe et be des ired ,a detail ed slope st ab ili ty an al ys is shou ld be pe rfo rme d. Wh e re f loors lab s are u se d,th ey may be p laced di r ect ly on grade o ro ve ra compa cted g ravel bla n ke t o f4t o6 in ches i n t hi ckn es s. Un der n o ci rcums tances s h o uld th is g rave l pad be a l lowed to act as a wa tert ra p ben eat h t he f loo r s l ab.A v apo r ba rri e ri s recommen de d be nea t ha nya nd a ll fl o or s lab s o n gr ade which wi ll lie b elowt he f in i sh ed e xte ri o r g round su rface .All f il l p l aced be neat h t he inte rio r f loo r s labs must be c ompac ted t o at least 90%of i ts max imum P rocto r d ry de nsity ,ASTM 0 -698 . All f loo r s l a b s on g rad e must be co ns tr uc t ed t oa ct i ndep e n d e ntl y of t he o the r st ruc tur al po rt i on s of the bu i ld ing .T hese fl o or slabs shou ld cont a in deep con st ructi o n or c ont ractio nj oi nt s t o fac ilitate eve n breakage and to he lp mi nim ize any un si gh t l y c rac ki ng wh ic h co u ld r es ult f rom d iffe ren t ia l movemen t .Flo or s l abso n g rade should be placed i n se ctions no gr e at er t h an 25 fee t o n as ide .P r i or t o c ons t ruc t i n gs l abs on g rade,a ll •Vai l Las Sc ho ne S ubd. June 3 ,1980 Page -4- e x is tingt opso il a nd o rga n ics mustbe rem ov ed fr om t he building interior.L ik e wi s e,a llf oundation s must pe n et ratet he topso il laye r. Any interi o r,n o n-load bearing pa r tit i o n s which will be con s tr uc te d to res t on the fl o or s lab s h ou ld be co nst ruc te dwith a minimum spa ceo f 1 in cha t e i the r t he top or bo t tom o f the wall .The bottom of th e wall wo ul d be the pre f erred loca t ion f or t his space .This s pa ce will allow f or any f utu re potential e xpansion of t he subg ra de soils a nd will pr event d amage t o t he wa ll and /or r o o fs ecti on above whi ch c oul dbec aus ed b y t his movement. Adequat e draina ge must be p r ovided in the fo u n da tion are abo th d u ri nga n da fter cons truct io nt o prevent th e po nd i ng o fwat er. T he g round su rfacea ro und t heb u i ld i ng s h oul d be g ra ded so that s urface water will b e ca r riedq u ic kly away fr om the s tr uc tu re. T h e minimum g ra dient within 10 fe eto ft he b u i ld ing wi lld epe nd u pon sur fac e l an dsca pi ng.Bar eo r paved a re as should maintain a min imum gra di ent of 2%,whi le l and scape d ar eas sh o ul d mai nt a in a min im um gr a di ent o f 5 %.Ro of drain s mu st b e c ar r ied ac ross all bac kfil l ed areas and d ischa rge d well aw ayf rom t he st ructu re . A s ubsu rfa ce periph eral d rai n,i nc lu d in ga n ad eq uateg ra ve l col l e ctor ,s and f i lte r a nd pe rfo rated d ra in p ipe ,s ho u ld b e c ons truct ed ar o und t he o uts i de o f the b uil ding at f o u nda t ion l evel .Dry wells sh ould n ot be u sed a nywhe re on th i s s i te .T he di sch arg ep i pe s ho uldb e gi v en a fr ee gra v ity ou t let to the g rou nd s u r face.I f "d a ylig ht"i s no t a vaila b le ,a s eal ed su mp a nd pump shoul d be us ed . An y r et ainingwa l ls p laced o n t hi s s ite s ho uld be e qu ippe d with an a deq ua te dr a in syst em in o r de r t o in sure p o s i t ive d r ainag eo f the r et ai n ed so i l .T h i s dra in s ys tem typica lly wo ul d co ns i st o f a proper ly f i ltered g r ave l co l lec to r a n d di scha rge pi pe ,with the pipe h a v ing a f ree d raina ge o utl e t to da yl ight .An a ltern at ive t o t hi s t ype of system would be to u se an adequ atel y fil te r ed grave l co ll ector behind the wal l,wi th "weep holes "th r ough t h e wa l l t o provid e an ou t le tf o r moist u r e.How eve r ,c are s ho u ld be take n with th i s t y pe o fi n s tallation su ch t hat mo is tu r e fr om "weep hol e s"d oe sn ot s a tu ratet he so i li mmediatel y in fr ont of the wall .It s hou ld be poi nted o u t tha t th e equivalent fl u id p ress ure val ue g iven p rev io us l y ass u mes that t he soi l behi nd ttl e wal l is i na d r ain ed co nd i t i on . T o g ive the build inge xt ra l a t er al sta bility and t oa id in t he r ap id ity of run off,al l bac kf i lla r ound the buildi ng a n d in u ti- li ty trench esi n t he vi c in ity o f the s t r uctu re s hou ld be com- pac te dt oa t le ast 90 %o f its max i mumP roc tor d r y de ns i ty ,ASTM D-6 98 .T he na ti ve ma t er i al s enc oun tere d on t hi s s i te mayb e us ed fo r b ackfi l ling purposes ,i f s o des ired .All bac kfi ll must be e- Vai l Las Schones S ubd. June 3,1980 Page -5 - .. c ompa cted to the r equ ir ed d ensity by mecha n ical means.No wate r f looding technique s of a nyt y pe s hould be u s ed i n the plac ement o f filIon thi s site. Alls t ruc tu ra l fill p la cedon thi s site shou ld b e c on struct ed in lif ts n ot to excee d6i n che s aft erc ompac ti on,whil emain ta ining a t leas t 95 \of itsma ximumP ro ctor dry density ,ASTM 0 -698 .hil s t ru c tural fill soil must be c ompac ted mecha n ica lly ,and be placed at ap proximately its Pr oc tor o p ti mum mois tu re c on te nt , ~2 '.To insure t he qua li ty o f th e c omp ac ted so il ,we mus t re com- mend that frequent dens ity ch e cks bet ak en. The soils on thi s site wer e found t o co nt ai n sulfate s i n de tri- mental quantities.Therefore,a Type II Cement woul d b e r ecom- mended 1 n all concrete in cont act wit h the s oil .Under n o ci rcumstance s should calcium chl o ride e verb e add ed t oaTy pe I I C ement .In t he event tha t Type II Ce ment is d if f icu lt to ob ta in , aType I Cementmay be used ,but o nly i f it i s pr otectedf rom t he soil s by an impermeable mem brane. The open founda tion exc a vation must be i n spe ct ed pri or t o t he p lac ing of f o rms and p ouring o f concr et e to es ta blish that ade - quate desig n bearing ma te r ia ls hav e bee nr ea che d a nd that no d ebris ,80ft spot s or areas of unu su ally l ow densit y a r e located wi th in th e fo undati on region .All f i ll placed below the foun- d atio ns must b e f u lly c o nt rolled and tested to e nsu re that ade - q uate dens if ica tion has o ccur red . I ti s bel i eved th at a llp e rt inent point s conce rn ing the s ub s ur - f ac e so i ls on t hi ss i te h av e been cov er ed i n this r ep ort .I f qu e sti on sa r is e o r further informati on i s r eq uired ,p lease fe el f ree to c on tact Linco ln-DeVore at any ti me. Resp ectful ly submi tted , LI NCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORA TORY, </.m~~~ci s M nu s s en Civil Eng ne er y~~~ PM/lab LD J ob No .GS-1391 ,3 4 03 2 cc :LDTL -Gle n wood s pri ngs I NC . P .E . .. \ )~I ,, ,,I V C'-'\ ( <,,) '~......... ~'..,, ._~.--.~..-,.--....... "-',•,'. :,"-..-.c, --._.,, .-,'""':;H '~~S 'J-~,:.:--, .----.0 ..'.....:::...'......:_.~:..:._._~-_._.- ,,,--~~_"":-- "":::-~ ~-" ",II .........0 "...~."..0 I \a '. t ...... \ .."/." -_."~ -r, ---- ,, , .~. ,• .5C.A,LE ...1".z.,O OO· LINCOL N 1 ')OeVORE ..ENG INEERS · GEOLOG ISTS COLORA.DO :COLORADO S PRINGS 'l PUE B LO,GLE NWOOD SPRING S. GR AND JUNCTIO N I MONTROS E. WYOMING :R OCKS PRINGS Y"Naturaldry densit y Wo Natural Moi sture Conte i'll I 9/12 Sla n da rd penelrOllon dr ive Number,indicot ll 9 b ~"'1 TO dr ive Ihe spoon 12-into O·o und. ST 2 -V2"Shelby thin wall sample IB.-DlslurbadBul k Samp le ®Soil lYPIre lafed 10 samples in report W1 Weothered Malericl I~'W.Topof formaTion Form DOL OMITE CLAYS TO NE COAL SILTSTONE MARLST ONE LI MESTONE SHALE SA NDS TO NE GYPSUM X" ---- 1"1 1';:~/,1.--,'II I'\'GRANITIC ROCK S,-,-.. KDESCRIPTIONS' ~O£SCfflPrION 9··o4i~~~~CONGLOMERATE Othel"Sedimentary Rocks I?:;~,"" Wel l-graded Sond Clayey Sand Sil l y Sand Poorly-graded Sand Clayey Gravel Well-~ro ded Grovel Silty Grov el Poorly -graded Gro vel Low-pbsticity Sill Low -plasticity Cl oyCL GM 'II J :l ~:SP " v II!MLfli7Lllj II !I i ii SM I I'II V....:;j SC"/,,7 SOlLS DESCRI PTIONS' .mm.ltKJ.l!£SCRrPTKIN ~ ~~---Top soil-.. ~Man-mode Fill ++. '\+++DIORI TICROCKS )':~H'·.\\: :':~.~'-io~.#GABBRO ~S eis mic or Ru;st ivily Stat ion . Lil'110l ion ind icates a ppro•. Ien91h 6 orienfotion of spread IS .Se ismic,R-Res ist ivity) Samples maybe bulk .standard spl iT sp oon (bolh distur bed I or 2·V2"I.D. 'nin wa ll ("und istur be d")She lby tube samp'es .See 109 tor type . 'll Te101 Bori ng Loca tion lZJ Test Pit Lcccticn The borin9 logs snow subsurface conditions otIhe doleso ndlocalions s tlown ,and ilis not wcrrc ntedIhallhey are repr esentctive ol sues or rece ca nditians at ether loc ations o ndtimes . STandardPen elraTion Drive5 a re mo de by driving a s lon dar d 1 .4~S p l il sp oon scmplar into Ine ground by dro ppin9a 14olb.weigh!3 0·,ASTM Ie.s l des ,0 -1 586. AN DE SITE Olher Igneous Rocks BASALT TUFf a ASHFLOWS RH YOLITE BRECCIA a Othe r Volcanics ....-.............".;.;,-...:.",~.6".•,~ D :..""'>......•.•.~o ~ ."'~'0 ·.,,,. .....l-... High-plast icity Or g a n ic Cl Oy Pool We ll-g raded Grove l, Stl ly WeH-gradedGro ve l , Clayey Poo rly -g ra ded Grovel , Sill y Poorly-g rad ed Grove l, Clayey S ilty Grovel, Cla yey C layey Grove l, S ilty Well -(Jroded Sond, Silt y Well -g raded S and, Cl ayey Poo rly -g rade d S and, S illy Poorly -graded S end, Clayey Silly Sand.Clayey High-plasticity Cloy Low-plastic ity Organic Silt ond Cloy High-plo slicily Silt SW/S M GM IGC SW/SC OL GCIGM GPIGM sPlSM MH SMISC PI 0NIGC SCISM Clayey S ond,Silly CL/ML Silty Cloy L')lI HCOt N ClIl,OAAOO'CoIo,ado Spr inQ1,Pueblo, o.VOH E ~"-i......'-'of>'''O''c...n~'10/lT£S lI'tG ....._.~••.' l AeO"'ATo""G r o~d Jun crion.-w'l'O.-Rock Sp ,mQ1 EXPLA NATION OF BOR EHOLE LOGS AND LOCATION DIAGRAMS • .-TEST HOLE NO. TOP ELEVATION T.P ,-\T ·V.<a Mo .L.,"'~.T .•.U , CLA"(£Y.,.....C.LA "C"Y .,~;.:leo'''' !!tA104()Y .,([)~lo(t:Io"("CD 5 MO\&T.,HO\~T.,5 561"T Y O S ""T O "I"-M..,~\R""'" SUt-T'T ,ut>SCAn """"'MALL T .&.,,"'.......,&ou,,"bO'.5>w ..e.OUL.nU\'!o T .... "'TO /O '"I •..,"..at>3 'TQ,6 '"W.o 8,,"0 \01101 ~'&.•-. 10 T .....CD S1ta","!- T~e 10 15 15 2 0 20 25 2 5 I I ~LO T I:> \VA,\~tJ ..... ~\S U&blV l'i>\O ..c T.P.•~\ o\.... fA \-----T·~··l \-.... \ nE\..b,l.O (.,~.:TI O W \ O~t:lo \"TC.~ \ \ 5CALE ...I ".4 0 ' LINCOL NI')D eVORE ..EN GINEERS· GEOLOG ISTS COLOR ADO:COLOR ADO SPR INGS. P UEBLO .GlE,.WOOD S PRINGS. GRA NO J U N C;T10N .M ONT ROSE. W YOM I NG :ROCK S PRINGS ... to • SUMMARY SHEET Soil Somp le ML Test No .3<4o ~ Location L OT \~,VA',-b ....e,lb",o ...€s ...'u>Date '!5o -C!.7.ao Bori ng f\.b .\Depth !5 '(T 'O"~L) Samp le No .I Test by l(,.$. Natura l Wate r Con tent (w)1&.9 % Specific:Gravity {Gs}I n P la ce De n s I t y (T o)pcf SIEVE A N AL YSIS, Sieve No.%Pa ssing Plast ic l imit P.l.ee .a % liquid li mit l.L.~"e.% 1 1/2"Plasti city Index P .I .7 .0 % I"Shrin kage li mit % 3/4"Flow Index 1/2."100.0 ShrinkogeRa tio % 4 99."-Vo lu me tr i c C hange % 10 g e .9 lineal Shri nkage % 2 0 se .e. 40 9 0.9 100 "".. 200 7 ".5-MO IS TU RE DENS ITY ,ASTM ME THOD Opti mum 1v'o ist u re Con tent -W O % Noximum Dry Dens ity -Td pef Ca li fo rn ia BearingRat io(ov)% Swell ·I Days ...e % HY DRO MET ER ANA LYSIS ,Swe II o go i n s t ~ps f Wog ain 14 .D % G rain size (mm)%BEAR ING:. ozo "'I e.House l Penetro met e r(e v)I$CO 1"f 00"....Unconf inedComp ression (q u )ps f Pla te Bea r ing:1"f InchesSe ttlem e nt Conso li da ti o n %unde r 1"f PERME AB ILITY , K(ot 2 0"C) Vo id Ratio Sui Fa tes e ooo":ppm. SOIL ANALYSIS LI NCOLN-DeVO RE TES TING LAB ORATORY CO LORAD O SPRI NGS ,CO LOR ADO v.oo---- •DONALD E.CORDOVA,f'C • An oNNfy yAT ~l.Aw 2 50 BI A.h STREET Butldle q 144 1 181H STREET DE NVER,CO lO RA do 80202 POl)29b ,8bl I DO NALD E.CORDOVA LA RRY N HAR RI S June 28 ,1984 Town of vail Building Officials 75 S .Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:Wolfgang Lampe resident 2328 Garmisch Drive Vail ,Col orado 81657 also known as Lot 1 3,Block G vail Das Schone ,Second filing Dear Gentlemen: On April 25,1984 ,we f orwarded ,on behalf of Mr.Lampe,our Notice of Appeal of the order for Repair for Vacation .This was done pursuant to 550 1 of the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Building ,(1976 edit ion).We have received no word as t o the time and place of the hearing on this appeal.As the maximum time allowed by 5501 of the code has elapsed without action by the Board of Appea ls,it is our position t hat the Notice and order for Repair and Vacation is a n ullitya nd has no effect .Therefore we do not intend to be bou nd by it . I f you disagree with this position,please advise the undersigned immediately ,and provide your reasoning and citation of authority for your pos ition . Very truly yours , DONALD E.CORDOVA ,P .C. .c:1J~ Larry ':(Harris for Donald E .Cordova LNH/lrb cc Mr .Larry Eskwich Mr .Wolfgang Lampe D DO T UST ....-,..'" Uft'I IS•I e,aD Q.'AU INS PILI,.110 .I CCUI'ft II't llJTa CX'WWaDCI . ;::''"-;;'-"...c ~ :.. '"~ .................~.MIIIIt,~QRI'fI-......~...."~A ~~). U,'L - ........,......._I.a.-'IlI)--....l <Ii L_......,.~"~.r .....""'IIow "'"I""... _,."rlw fI'''''"'''.._•.....,...-t.•'011 '....._••dl rr .,,'''.w I .......U.,... 'I t )<'\1 iii ,Un:la ,..~,,_"--'<>1 '''''K'U<_l.-d .. oJ.~-")un.__It'potto..~.ltWlt ....1..1OOn "'Iu.,,,..,••I~....""R•................,..~..._.-.-., , U-~,...._....... 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Ll MILlA '",,,IOn •,,".....~ Po,"-....,•.....,..,_.,...--""'-,Of n-...n ",.........~.."••"""11 ,,,, ~,.~~~..ot,_fl ."•",,.,-..,........"..................,•,.U "'........-~.."""......'.t.a.n""•:!tr1II,.....~..•..\:."....-.-...-. .._...f ..• I .~I.• • o&k- •• IN TH E MAT TER OF THE DANGERO US BUILDING S LOCATED ON LOT 13 BLOCK G,VAI L DAS SCHONE 2ND FI LING NO TIC E AND ORD ER FOR REPAIR OR VACAT ION TO :WOLFGANG LAMPE 2328 GARMISCH DRIVE VAIL,COLORADO 81657 • KINDLY TA KE NOTIC E that the Townof Vail Building Official in accordan ce with t heUniform Bu ilding Code,1982 Edition,asadopted by the Town of Vail and theUniform Co def or t he Abatem ent of Dange rous Bui ldings.1982Edit ion,has inspect ed the foll ow ing described site : Lot 13,Block G,Va il das Schone 2nd Filing.comm only known as 2328 Garmisch Dri ve.Vail ,Colorado Up on i nspection i t wa s found t hat thecondition s of t he foun dations on t he site render the site dangerous under Section 302 of the Uniform Code forthe Abat ement of Dang erous Buildin gs,1982 Edition .as f ollows : 1 .Sect i on 302 .(5)Whe nev eranyport i onor member or app urte na nce t hereof is li kelyto fail ,ort o become detachedor dislodg ed,ortocollap se and thereby injurepersonsor danage property.Th e f ound ation hasexp erienced sub stanti al mo vemen ts c aused by i mprop e r dra inage.Stre ss cracksare visi blei nthegarage, sta irc ase,l ivingroom and kit chen areas .Retaining wal ls l ocated east and south of the structure have deteriorated and appear tobenear failure . 2.Sec tion 302.(8 iii )Whenver th e building or structure,or any portion t hereof,because ofth e remova l,movemen t or insta bi l ity ofany port ion of theground necessaryforthe pur pose of supporting s uc hbuilding. The Town of Vail 8uilding afficial has determined that t he bu ilding is un safe andshall not be occupiedor othe rw ise used i ni t s pres ent condit ion.Yo u and each of youare hereby orderedtoobtainthenecessa ry and prop er permits fr om the Town of Vail onorbefor e April30,1984 to comm ence pro ceeding to c au se all therepa irs .If repairs havenotcommenc e d by that dateof April 30,1984 ,orders t o va cate the building wil lbe postedto preventfur ther occupancy until the wor k i s completed. All wo rk s hallbe done inat ime ly mann er,and no t to exce edfo rt y five (45) daysf rom thedate perm it i si ssued. ..-.•NOTICE ANO OROER FOR REPAIR OR VACA TION -2-• Any person having any record title or l egal i nterestinthebuilding may appea l th is Noticeand OrdertotheBoard of Appea ls,provi ded the appea li s ma de i n writ ing asprovided by th e Uniform Codeforthe Abate ment of Dangero us Build ings,19B2 Ed i ti on ,and f iled withtheBuildingOff ic ial with in th irty (30)days of thedate o f this Noticeand Order.Fa ilure toappea l wi ll const i- tut e a wa iver of all r ights to an administ rative hea rin g and det erm ination ofth e matter . Oated :'---I---~'r:f-e::..._fL:::i-__- CE RTIF IC ATE OF MA ILING State of Co lorado ) )ssCoun~k.f :agr;)- I ,./!~~~L~here bY certify that I am over theage of 8 years and am notapartyto t hi saction,and thatI ha ve caused tobe served by ma ili ng ,a Not ice and Order for Repa ir ofth efounda tions and drain age l ocatedat Lot 13 .Bloc k G,Vail das Schone 2nd Filing .a cop y of wh ich appe ars on the f ore go ing .Said ma i l i ng take place at.Uti;I (?_/4'-~d~~, _________,on ora bout 7"'-:;,..If"".,at orabout I:>Y /M. Subscribe d and sworn tobefor e me t is ~~~ ,,, 0'."..\.\ of ~/§/'f/ ~rr<~ea02~.J 75 NOTE -C OPYOF PERMITTOBE K EPT O N JO B $ITE MAY 3 11994~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DATE ,,6 0" ",-PERMITNO.riO I III 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION ll1t11 lVV department o f commu nity d evelopment 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EHIRM BUILDING I "nn n n n DIVIS IO N 1 22a3 4 z ELEC TRICAL T OB E F ILLED OUT C O MPLETELYPRIORT O I SSUA NCE OF PERM IT 0 t: GENE RALDESCR IP TlONO FWORK :<P LUMBI NGTYPEOFPERMITCONSTRUCTION13'X1 6 1 DECK &STAIRS ~ ~<M ECHANIC ALKJBUILDING0PLUMBINGDOWNTOIT,REPAIN T TRIM I N > 0 ELECTRI CAL 0 FO UNDATION EXISTING CO LOR 0 ~~~~A NI CAL 0 TYPE GROUP G.A,FA.VALUATION PERMIT FEES _G AL LOT 13 BLK V R3 BUILDING P ERMIT ,??nn ESC.FI LING HA ll..DAS SCWO NE PLANCHECK D BN AME :LAMPE DEC K ELECTRICAL OWNER NA M ai Q L ~~G ANG LAM PE N EW (l ALTERA TI ON {l ADD ITI ONA L I XY.REPAI R l l PLU M BING, MAI L AOQRESS DWE LLING UN ITS __ACC OMMODATIONUNITS __MECHANICAL C I TY 0 11 -5 2 5-6 2 5-~39 I-IEIG HT INFT --NO,FIREPLAC ES --RECREATION FEE ARC HIT EC T f i RM OWNER INSULATION'TYPE TH ICKNESS R-VA LlUE DESIGNREVI EWBOAR D FLOOR CLE AN UPDEPO SITMAILApDRESS EX T,WAllS CITY PH .USETAX ROOF G E NERAL FIRM BR OWN_WOI.1N CONST I WILL CAL L 3 ,00 CONTRACTOR 100 -A TYPE ELE C GAS TOTALPERM ITFEESTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.O F 8 14,00 949-4 186 SOLAR WO OD T ELE.HEAT DAN STANEK 5 -26 -94 FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:l8uliDING OFF1 C1AC ------liAIT ----- L ECTRICA L ,"INITIAL ~.:"ll =SE>;--~-U-94 ___-----N TRA CTOR TOWN O F VAl lREG.NO.-$T.CU T ONINGAOMINISTR ATOR DATE TELE.BLAST ING Iz-ONING &BUILDINGNOTES: FIRM '"•""'0 17/0 1PARKING P L U MBI N G PLANt:.HU "r lU'PLAN TEDTOWNOfVAILREG.NO. C ONTRAC TO R DEM O TELE, f i RM I h ere bya c know ledge t hat I h a ve r e ad this appli cation.fill e d o ut i n full thei n fo rm a tionr equi red , M ECHANICAL c ompleteda n acc u ra t e p lotp l an .a nd state tha ta ll t he i nfo rm at io n p r o v i d ed a s r e qu i r e d is c orrect.I CO NTRACTO R TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.agree t o co m p ly w it h the infor mat i on a ndp lot p l an,t o comply w i th all T owno rd i n ances and st ate TELE,laws.a ndt o bui ld t h is structure acco rding to t h ~,~~o n i n~~n~diV i si o n co des,d esign r evie wa pproved ,U nif orm Bui l ding Codea nd r In n ee>c ,h eTn a ppl ica ble t he r eto . O THER FIRM CLEAN UP DEPOSIT T O'If---<---- TOWN OF VAIL REG.N O Br-lll.lJ"'r\-l.J~'I~~5t ~SIGNATURE OF OWNERORCONTRACTO R FOA HIMSELF CON T RA CT OR TELE.'B<>y 70 1 Uc./CO 'aIr..~g AN O THE OW NER I I-__-J ,-.--_......_...•_.- ALL ~OISTS I\Rt tJdL""N\~i'b ;;I.}C(;t' ~w· I ~·0,<- GT rr) 6 ......Level ,~-, ._----_...__.~..------_..------ S TA IR'S '""rl a·~S B L---S+-srr" CO."",\••".,)b ~'''''/-o ..J...0 , ~T AI R S DO WN 'l"o /3 'Y/&'b e d <. b Ve.Po r,+., »a:w Ol f,I .....J 51'41'",L"otl,,;, ~Y I ~ II 'D 'L 6)'0 --., I ., i G ,_..J W\T ~s.,;;) Block'-;) DEC- IL._ ,,•'. (';;:Y:"';-.,•t ~I /P -TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO.f '":.c'~P E~I T'(5 PERMIT APPLlCA ION FORM l "'J /-'7 .....-7 '\ DATE:s:~'I M~Y ,5 ;gg,U/JU APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR I MAY NOT ·BE ACCEPTEDtI.Vi'\>.':'II,!.U_',U~I I. ~********•••***•••**.**.*.***.PERMI T INFORMATI ON **••••*••••**•••**••••••••••• (~-Building (]-Plumbing []-Electrical (]-Mechanical (]-Other Job Name :L~",i"<-[).cl(.Job Address:,;z3O'a 6 ••~,sL 1)../r.u.4-u..,. V I Legal Description:Lot 13 Block G.Filing SUBDIVI SION:V••Il;:>...5cA".'LP\lc.-c..~&s F:t'..~s .;1.30·1 01l -5;l.~-~ OW nersName:lJ.,ry",U L.."',c......Address:!F'~d,"(>D./?eh,-t Ph,-53 3'j' OViOO ~",."c4 b .F='..•Architect:OW........Address :Ph ._ Gene ral Desc ription:Co>o;f .....+.3'm:..k.<t<;in,;w.-.io :i "B q·ufTI',.....I~"_~f/,,c,,!c ,..•• Number of Dw ell ing Units:I Contractor: Electri ca l Address: Plumbing Address : Contractor: !JIlt, Town of vail Reg . Phone Number: T owno f vail Reg . Phone Number: NO,_ NO,_ NO,_Town of Va ilReg . P hone Number: Contractor:M echanica:l-=::::::::::.:...==~'1~========Address : ?"-0 .d--:f\.4 J</I.1 /'tf k~.o'!.~..-...4-:f OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE :.1m- PLUM BING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHE CK FEE: RECREATIONFEE:~.~((Ij (t"(a..(O CLEAN-UP DEPOSI T: f L.·rrc:~'-tf.j;/TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING:l a~,~~ SIGNATURE :t[VH K_1." ZONING: SIGNATURE : ittl TYPE Gp~U:f SQ.FT .VA LUATION )1 . Co mments •------------------..,.=":-,-:'i"'--,:::;=..,::;:.....:==--~.....::"_'_'==:,.:-_'..,.....,.- ********************************FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE::>,,l..~- PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: ME CHANICAL PERMIT FEE : ELECTR I CAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE: '. • •••• 75 southtrontag_t'OII d Y8il,colorado B1657 (303)479 -2138 o r 479 -2139 officeofcommunitydevelopment BUILDING PERMIT ISS UANC E TIME FRAM E If this permit requires a Tow nofVail Fire Departme nt Approv al, Engineer'·s (Pu bl ic Works)reviewanda pproval,aPlanni ng Depa rtme nt revi ew or Hea lth Depa rtme ntreview,and are view by t heBuildi ng Department,th e estimated time for a total review may take as l ong asthree weeks. All conmercia l [large orsmall)a nd all multi -family permits wil l have tof ollowt he a bo ve mentio ned ma x imu mrequiremen ts.Res idential and smallproj ects shouldtakea l esser amount of time.However,if residential or smaller proj ects impact thevarious above mentioned departments with regard to necessaryreview,these projects may al so takethe three week period . Ev ery attempt wil l be made by this department to exp edite th is . permitassoonas possible . It the unders igned,understand theplanc heckprocedure and time frame . 1-Agree&!L8A<r-- ~Lp<-j).k (Hi Project NamEI' ~Da to Work r;au9..r.turned into the Community Development Department. , ."" lown 01 val 75 south frontagl!rOld vail,colorado 81657 (303)4 79 -2 1.38 or 479-2139 • offIce of community development TO : FROM : DATE : Sl'BJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIlE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS /COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,19 88 CON STRUCTIO N PARKI NG &MATE RIAL STORAGE In s ummary ,Ordinance No.6 states that i t is unlawful for any p erson to litter,track or deposit any s oi l,rock,s and,d ebris o rmate ri al ,i nc luding trash du mpsters,portable toilets and workm en vehicles upon any street,s id e walk,alley or public place or any portion thereof .T her ight-of-way on all Town of Vail streets a nd roads is approx i mately 5 ft .off pavement. Th is ordinance wil l be strictly enforced b yt he Town of Va il Pu bl ic Wor ks Depart ment.Persons found v io lating this ordinance will b e given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public·Works Depa r tment wi ll remove s aid material at t he expense of p erson not ified.T he provis ions of th is ord inance shal l not be ap plicable to construction,ma intenance or repai r proj ects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-wa y. To r e vi ew Ordinance No.6i n full ,pl ease stop b y t he Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank y ou fo r your coope r ation on thi s matter. ;eadf():/w6::by: "6<.<roe ~13",--tIM"4."x:«:~o sition /R elat~on hip to P ro je ct (i .e .contractor ,o wn er) ~Date 0~1rr '. TOWN OFVA IL 75 SOUlh Fron tage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 303-479-2138 /479-2139 FAX303 -479-2452 •• Dep artment of Commun iry Development INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1 .HEA T LOSSCALCULATIONS. 2.TO SCALE FLOOR P LAN OF MECHANI CAL ROOM WITHEQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TOSCA LE,WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ANDBTU RATINGSOFALL EQUIPMENT IN ME CHANI CAL RO OM. 3 .SHOW S IZE AND LOCATIONOF COMBU STION AIR DUCTS,FLUES , VENT CON NECTORS AND GA S LINES. 4.NO TE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQU IPMENT WILLALSO BEIN STALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM . FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS I NFORMATIONWILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT . • ..... ,••• • 75 south tront.ge rC*I Yell,colorado 81657 (303)478-2138 (303 )47t-2139 office of community de¥elopment NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Ef fective J une 20 ,1991 ,the To wn o f Vail Building Departme nt ha s d eveloped the fo l low ing procedures to e nsu re that new co ns truction site s have a de quate ly es tablished prope rd ra in age fr om building sites along a nd a d jacentt o To wn o f Vail r o a dso r streets . The Town of Vail Public Works Department.will b e required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of t empora ry or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site . S uch approv al mus t b e obtain ed pri or to any r equest fo r inspection b y the Town of Vail Building Depa rtme nt for footings o r temporary e lect ri cal or a ny other in spe ction .P l ea se call 479 -216 0 t o r e qu est an i ns pecti on f rom t he P ub lic Wo rks De pa rtment .Allow a mi nimum of 24 hour no tice . Also ,.th eTown of v ail P Ublic WorksDepa rt ment will be approving al l final d r ainage and culv ert in stallation wi th re sul ting r oa d p a ~c h i n g as n ece ss ary _Su ch appro va l must be obtained p ri or t o F ina l Certifi cate o f Occ u pa nc y i ss u ance. Date _~JI-'-"---_"---=----'---'--'-...L _ n'\1/(£,,,/I "'~"(:/,('1 t /I 1/J,,..or-,I , .1 I.,)."1 1\-"$/0 7 ", I , I /rf •.........,I) , J .I l I , ~ign Review Action FA TOWN OF VAIL Owner,Address and Phone:"-''-'-''---j---=T--'-~....,....L _ Category Nu mber _ Project Name :__---.~.!L""_r-'--'---IJc..::.-'---.....--------------------- Buil ding N ame:_ Project DeSC riPtion:,"',,-",.,(;;=(__L:l--...:~L_____'t_.___"____":...!____L~~_c..l._---L"---__"_L""?'--- '.'-/../:,-O' •.-/,J •d J,//!/?/-?/s:, r .i.I';.<, ,.;,,j I /I~t'--Ii Subdivisio n J',./ir ,s,.6."..., r:nr It !\4 Arch itect/Contact.AddressandPhone:----';7'-~'O""~--<--'---"-'---------------- legal Descriptio n:Lot If Block 1 ProjectStreet Address:"ZS /J Comments :I ,(,k J I ,/r.( Board I Staff Action Motion by:_ Seco nded by:_ o Approval Vote:_ o Disapproval?Staff Approval Conditio ns :_ • Town Planner Date:--"~_"_I'--LZ---------ORB Fee Pre-paid _£=--,-?-,/-,,-,-,.za:_ -. ..••MEMORA NDUM •• TO : FROM- OAT:4- RE-~ ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOFVA IL PUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT MAY9,1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAYPERMlr'ISREQUIRED JobName:La.M V~l'l'tt- Date:5 .,'1" Please answer t hefalowing questionnaire reg ardingthe need f or'a"PublicWay Permit": 1)Isth is anewresidence? 3 )Isa nyutility workneeded? 4)Isthe dr iv eway beingrepaved? 5)Isdifferent acc ess neededt o site ot her thanexisting d riveway? oJ J YES NO ;7 V /' j J J J A.Isthe right of way ,easementso r public pr operty to beused fo r stag ing , parking o rf encing? B.Ifno t o 8A,isaparking ,sta ging o rfencing plan required byCo mmunity Development? 2)Is demo lition workbeing perfo rmed thatrequires theuseof the right of way,easementso r publicproperty? 6)Isany d rainageworkbeing do ne affecting the rig ht ofway,eas ements, o r pub licproperty? 7)Is a "RevocableRight 01WayPerm it" required? 8) If youa nsweredyes to anyof theseque stions,a "Pub licW ay Permit"must beobtained. "PublicWay Permit "applicationsmaybeobtained at thePublic Work's office orat Community Development.If youhaveanyquestionsplease callCharlieDavis,the Town ofVail Con struction Inspector,at 4 79-2158. Ihavereada nd a nswered a ll t he a ave qte s ti ~rs , ~m ....1>..4..7L JJ.-..0 oW- J obNa e Contractor's S ignature "UBUC WAYPERMIT PROCEsf8 How itrelatestoBuilding Perrnlt: .... 1)Fillouttheourchecklistprovidedwithabuilding perm~application. If yeswasansweredtoanyoftheabovequestionsthena"PublicWayPermit"is required.Youcanpick upanapp lication at eitherCommunity Development, locatedat75S.Frontage RoadorPublicWorks,locatedat t309 VailValley Drive. 2)Noticesignoffsforutilitycompanies.Allutilitiesmustfieldverify(locate) respective utilities priortosigningapplication.Someutilitycompanies require up toa48hournoticetoschedulealocate). 3)Aconstructiontrafficcontrolplan mustbepreparedonaseparatesheetofpaper. This plan willshowlocations ofall traffic controldevices (signs,cones,etc.)and theworkzone,(areaofconstruction,staging,etc.) 4)Sketchofworkbeing performedmustbesubmittedindicatingdimensions(length, width &depthofwork).Thismaybedrawnonthetrafficcontrolplanorasite planforthejob. 5)Submitcompleted application tothePublic Work's officeforreview.If required, locateswillbe scheduled fortheTownofVailElectriciansandIrrigationcrew .The locatesaretakeplaceinthemorning ,butmayrequire upto48hours toperform . 6)ThePublicWork's Construction Inspectorwillreviewtheapplication andapprove ordisapprovethepermit Youwillbecontactedastothestatusandanychanges thatmaybeneeded.Mostpermitsarereleased ~hin 48hoursofbeing received, butplease allow uptooneweektoprocess. 7)Assoonaspermit is processed,acopywillbefaxedtoOornrnunltyDevelopment allowingthe "BuildingPermit"tobereleased.Pleasedonotconfusethe"Public WayPermit"witha"BuildingPermit"todoworkonaprojectsite itsell. Note : "The above process Is lor work Ina right-ol-way only. "Public Wey Permit's are valid only until November 15th, •Anew Publfc Way Permit Is required each year. • Pl an R eview Basedon the 1991 UniformCode s NAME:LAMPEDECK ADDRES S :2328 GARMIS CH VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R-3 TYP E OFCO NSTRUCTION:V DATE :5-17 -94 CONTRACTOR :BROWN-WOLI N ARCHITE CT :NONE ENGI NEER:EWING PLANSEXAMINER :DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Theitemslistedbelowarenotintendedto be a complete listingofallpossiblecode requirements intheadoptedcodes.It isaguidetoselectedsectionsofthecodes . Thefollowingisnottobeconstruedtobeanapprovalofanyviolationofanyof theprovisionsofthe adoptedcodesoranyordinanceoftheTown of Vail. I.SMOKE DETECTORS AREREQUIREDINALLBEDROOMSANDHALLWAYSAS PER SEC 1210OFTHE 1991 UBC. 2.ASTRUCTUAL ENGI NEER MAYBEREQ UIRED TOAPPROVE THESTR UCTUAL CHANGESBEFOREA F RAMING INSPECTIONISAPPROVED . 3.FIELDINSPECTIONSAREREQUIREDBYTHETOWNOFVAn,TOCHECKFOR CODECOMPLIANCE. 4 .FOOTINGSTOBE AMIN1 NUM OF48 "BELOW GRADE . 5.STAIRWAY TOMEETSEC .3306 OFTHE 1991 U BC. ~ign Review Action FWm TOWN OF VAIL Date _-I-="---'-~_Category Number #1-an AlI!f,~'" Project Name:~-'Oed ~ 8 uildin g Na me:----;--;;--.,------,----------:;--------;;.---c,-------,----- Project Description :tJ.))M /1~~p{!;n,~tzUl(It/if...4tk~ UvIFlwrit'.r;.,)7 vr Owne r,Add ress andPhone:hJA1vJa"..Ui /' Arc hitect/Co ntact,Address and Phone :b.c~"'--<~&~_ Zone District _Legal D escription :Lot (?B lock G-:Sub d iv is io n !4UL M ~dk.!. P roject Street A ddress:?)d i ~;~~'j)£. Comme nts :_ o Approval DR B Fee p re.p ald _f l-"2-d'--_Date:_-'-_-'--'--1-_ o Disap prov al !statt Ap pr oval Conditions :--,------,---:---:--:------,----...,--.,.--.:-----,->-----~~r;s:=------ (f)(Jld Wrh ~t .ip~; -DES IGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION .TOWN OF DATE RECE IVED : DATEOF ORB MEETING: VAI L.COLORADO ENi'D JUl 2 5 1!i9i ********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FO R REVIEW. **••****** I .PROJECT INFORMATION: " II . A I •~'-'.t.."«"";.. B .TYPE OF REVI EW : _. oil, .I.rl I.' , C . D. I f property is d escribed by a meets a nd bounds l~l .rn ~A DEV DEPT des crip tion.p l ea se prov id eo na separa te shee t arta a ~~~'.. to t his applicat i on . E .ZONING: F .NAME OFAPP LI CANT: Ma i li ng Address:----~~~~~~-=~~~,,~~~~~------- REPRESENTATIVE:~';:,.,,,,,\r:;w ..".(J"I .~c:«~ -,7~1 Vol (ll)Sf' Ph one -'I ,-6 'I NAME OFAPPLI CANT 'S MaiIi ng Add r es 5 :------'="-=---'=+-:?=.2L.="......".iL;-7>:;:---"=----:,....,,."'_ NAME OF OWN ER(S): OWNER (S )SIGNA TURE: G . H . Ma i 1 ing Add res s :----"='---='-=.,.--.,.----*~__i:_>_:;=-----------z.<>775 V.,f.~S;(,<;,g _________________________Phone tcn --'troL FEE PAID :CHECK FEE SCHEDULE : VALUIITION •n •'"nn n •............ V J..V ,v vv ~u.u u $1 0 ,0 01 $5 0.000 $';. $5 0,0 01 $15 0.000 $1 00.00 $15 0 ,0 01 $500.000 $20 0.00 $50 0,0 01 $1,000.000 $4 0 0.00 $Ove r$1,000.000 $500.00 APPLICAT IONS WILL NOT B EPROC ESSED WITT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Cond o min ium App roval if a pplicab le .~_ DRB FEE:ORB fees,as shown ab ove .are t o be paid at the time o f submit ta l of t he ORB application .La ter,when a p plyingf or ab uild ing p ermi t.please iden tifyt hea ccurat e v a luat ion of the prop o sal .The Towno f Vail will adjust the f ee a cco rdi ng to t he t ab le below,to ensure the co rr ec t fee is paid . I. J . DES IGNREVI EW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APP ROVAL UNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 Ap re-a pp licat ion meeting wi th a member o f the p la~~ing st af f is encour aged t o determi n e if any a ddi ti o nal appl ication inf ormati on is n e e d e d.It is t he app li c ant's res po nsibili tyt o make a n a p poi ntment with t he staff to d etermi ne i f the re a r e addi tiona l subm it ta lr e quiremen ts . Pl ease n ote t h at a CO MPLETE app lica tion will s treamline th e review p r ocess f o ry ou r pro j ec t. II.PRE 'APPLICA~MEETING:.. II I .IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUB MISSIONS TOTHE OR B: A .In a ddi tion to mee ting subm ittal r equ irem en ts ,t he a pplic an tmus t stake a nd t a p e t he p ro j ec t site to indi cate p rope rty lines .bu ilding lines and bui lding co rners .All tree s to be remov ed must be t a ped .All s ite tapi ngs and staking must b ecomp l eted pri or t o the DR B si te v is it .The appl ican t must e nsu re that stak ing do ne during t he winter is n ot bur ied by s now. B .Th e review proce ss for NEW BUILDI NGS normal ly r equires two separa te mee tings o f the Desi gn Review Board :a concep tual rev iew and a fina l rev iew. C .Applicants who fai l t o app ear b efor et h e Des ign Re view Bo ar d on their sc he duled meeti ng da te a nd who h a v en ot aske d in a dvance tha t discussion on the ir i tem be postponed ,will have their i tems removedf rom t he OR B agenda unt il s uch time as t he it emh as b e en republis h ed. D .Th e fo l lowi ng items may,at t he d isc re tion of the zoning administ rato r,be appro vedb y t he Co mm u nity Deve l opment Departmen ts ta ff(i .e .a fo rma lh e aring befo re the ORBmay no tb e requi r ed ): a .Wind o ws .sky ligh ts and s imilar e x ter io r changes wh ichd o no ta l ter t h ee x i st ing p lane o f the b ui ld i ng;and b .Building additions not vis ible f rom a ny o t h erl ot or p ub lic space .At t het ime such ap roposal is submit ted,a pp lican ts must i nclu de l ett er s fr om a d jacentp rope r ty o wne rs and /o r fr omt he agen t f or or manager of any adjacent condominium a ssoc ia tion stating the asso ciation ap p roves of t hea d diti on . E .I f ap rop erty is l oc at ed i n 'a map p ed h azard area (i .e. snow ava lanche ,r ockfa l l,f lood pla in,de bris f low, wet land,etc .).a ha za rd s t udy mu st be s ubmi tted and th e owne rmust sign a n af f idav it recognizi ng the haz ard repo rt p r io r to the i ss uance of a building p e rmit. App licants a re encou r aged to check withaTown Plann er p r io r to ORB appli cation to de termine t he rela ti onship o f the p ro pe r ty t o all mapped h az ards . F .Fo r all res i dential construct ion : a .Clea rly indicate ont he f loor p lans t he i nsi de fa ce of t he e xte r io r structu ra lwalls o f t he bu il ding ;an d b.Indlcate wl th a d a shed li neont he sit e plan a four foo t d is t anc e fro m the e xterior face of t he bu i lding walls o r support ing co lumns . G .If ORB approv es th e app lica tion with c onditions or modi fication s.all cond it ions o f approv al must b e a ddre s sedp rio r to the a pplication f or a b uilding p ermit. 2 TO loJt·-I OF Miscell a neo us Cash 14:10:39 ~'_~~i~~~1 ~:44 0 ~__oGr l ~CK #642 1=-:1..:1 '.''C.:':C~:ir l S T",pF:E F'n I[:o [iF:E: Ii ..ed .>20 .00 :t·2ffl paid Rmo unt paid 20.00 :-;....d ;';:>_ THRt..J K YOU -~---~""'~..'-"-"-'.....------ ~6883 ---~-_...... POUe<R<ipt Numbe"::--;r----- ",fI "7f k" I HOW PAlD-Cash __Otec /t 'l Z/Pennlt Numben ---__71'-ff-..-r- DATE_I-.::c.::--!,~__ RE CEIVED FROM ,::!?f;~~""71~~'.!..::~~~f!!.~--------- ADDRESS_---..L'-""--!...~-.I!!iJ!.__L!"_.J1L~L _ ,.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I 1\ S50.00 • $36.00 • $32.00 • 536.00 • $3 ~()()• • DArn CIU'£K.C;MADE 1',0.YARI .!':TOTO WN Of VA rL NO.TAX COSTHA-TOTAL"':._ACCO\!I'IT NO,. 0100004 1540 ZONINGANDADD ~S~MAPS • ;010000424 12 XEROX COPIES t ~9'JOO 42412 STUDIES j 01 (j(j(j(j4 2412 TOVF EES COMPUTER PROGRAM ...0 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES I RE I NSPECTIONSll--iji 000041332 PLA N REVIE WRE CHECK FEE S40PERHR . 50.25• • S5.00 • l.~010000 42371 BUIL DING INVES TIGATION OTHE R t PE C A PPLICATION FEES i -..!1!!JQQlL41330 ADD r[IONALGWA -'250 •010000 41330 CONDIT IONAL USE PERMITI01000041330·EXTER IOR ALtERAfl ON [LESS THA N lOOSQ.FT. 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION[MORE THAN100 SQ.FT . g 01000041330 5PEc;rAL DEVELO PM ENTDISTR ICT(NEWIi!0 1 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENT DISTR ICTjMAJOR AMEND 0 1 00004 1~~5PEC IALDEVELOPMENTDlSTR lcr-iMINOR AMEN D 01000041330SUBDIVISION •01 060041330 VARIANCE10\0000 4 133~0ZONING CODE AMENDMENTs ,01 00004\~RE ZONING i OTHER OTHER 5200.001 5200.00 5500.00' 1.500.00 1000 .00 S200.00 5250.00 250.00 5200.00 J.9 TAL: ,~ I ~.COMMtN"rs'!i ,.' l ---------------------------j. { CASHI REC ,nv: ~'•":"- ,.,-",,",-' /24,·1Date--J-Jl-'...:...:-'----'---=--"-'-'-'-~-'--------q ~ign Review Action F" TOWN OF VAIL t 4:...t1 :1:1.1 .1 'II Categ ory Num ber +_ Project Nam e:-6---"''-''J....'-_-'~:..£.b._ Build ingName:_ kJ Z ·'l ~ ..I t.",,«I J.",,' ,;9 'a',..r ~c >{e!1 Project DeSCf1p tlon:.__--"="-_---L--'----=-=__."...""'~-.!L"___"'_"""''_____''''____''_''.!....:_L.d.'..L.L'¥__-- Owner,Address and Phone .:-'>.L.4L-,:;....<"">,_.f-_-,..'''--_ /.<1 •.& 1/1 ~L -"sAc y.<L, 1',,)/5,.. Atchitect/Co ntaet,Address andPhone:--.!>-r"c-"-"-'-'--...L==="-L-------------- '"1'''''/,(",S "td=<Leg al Description:Lot 1J BIOC k._---""'----S ubdivis ion'_J.:~~lI2.'_='~I!..d.:=L Zone District -'-""---__ c--r (cfZ ~G .•.<,.' u, ProjectStreet A ddress :.---'--=_-=-_-".L!!L.J>..J.-'-'---.:J-_ Comments:-''''''"'-_''''''~..,.,-'-'''''---=---t::..-'.''''-:u'-''''-''----'CL...nLJ.'-<:;..J.''--------- Board 1Staff Action Motion by:_Vote:_ Seconded by:._ o Approval o Disapproval )tStaff Approval CO nditions :_ TownPlanner Date:------"f-'-"''----<-L ---------ORBFee Pre-paid ----'$':"'--'?:....<;.O"'·--'d':....<:<Q'---_ • \ -c-,ICd\.- @ ,.~.-.~ --y \\ @ •(3) ~ • --J' ~",.,.... "'.'.'.",'-"','-'. '.- /\..'- -~,-"\,. .. • '~.. '. 'I'~, .-..---,. ,"•#••• ! \•, ,, ',I ,,,,,'""t •,, I, I " I "I ,:"',.,. ".~,.':"-,, ,,~~.,,.. , Ii .,--..•., '"•I ! j ~ 'i I I !, ;, ) NlLl-ol -sr~J1t::;rl-- , / r ,, ". ," • ., .,'0 .;...'" "--':':'11 .... ..','r~ c····".. ".' ,, •-\:- " " .' ...... I ,"~.'~,I">l?-•." .... '., '. :..... ,,JoI" ';:,~, ~'-.',1 .... :~;; .~.'-- r.. " .' .', c:..- ", '. ,. f I. .~.- ., .;.;;.; "~-, I---r wo , '. " ,. ,'. , I .", " r, ,, ," i .• ,', ~"'.... "" ; " , r; ;-'" ., .).'".",, :~:,. ..:¥; '''"1-..' ,.. .~~x.",..,... .,. ~~- TOW N O F URIL Mis cellaneo us Cash 0 4-(18-94 13:18:09 Pt:'ce i P t·It 1 47(129 f:kcoun t #CK #54 18 E:F.:Ol,.lt·H.,JO L I H·'·.DPE:FEE Hmour,t.tende toed >20 .00 I t ern paid Rmount paid (11 [100041331 (1(tO 20.(1) Change re turned ~ THRNK YOU \'o ur casrlier PEl=I THR 0.00 5.00 .. $50 .00 .. DAn< C.HRCkS MADE!:PAY AB 18 TO TOWN OF'V Ail • so.TAX COST HA.TOTAL " ;2'7'(/-fl<J o I ... ....COOUNTHO . ",on=It fo .' ,, <0 1 fXX)(]41540 ZONl?'\GAN DADDRESSMAPS 010000 4Z41 5UNIFORM BU1LDI:<G CODE $36.00 • 32.00 .. ~36 .oo ' .00 • • S7.00• $0.25 .. • 55.00 .. SZO .oo i•••· · ,PEC APpLfCATION FEES :,0 OOOil"4 1 3~D D1T I O NALG RFA d 'Z50'. 1 01 0000 4 1330 CONDITIO NALUSE PERMIT10100004m0-lEXTEIl.l OR ALTERATION [LESS tHAN 1oo SQ.FT.) i 0 10000 41 330-i EXTER IOR ALTERATION [MORE THAN 100 SQ.FtT i 1 4 nj~_.S P ECI A L DEVELOPMENT Dlsmi Er NEW ;0 1 0000 4 1330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENT DISTRICTMAJORAMEND ,0 1 0000 4 n'io~SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTIMINORAMEND] 0 1 0000 4133 0 SUBDIVISION 0 1 00004 1330 VARIANCE 01 00004 1330 ZO NINGCODE AMENDMENTS 0 1 00004 1330 RE ZO NING OTHER OTHER 5ZOO .OO 5ZOO .OO 5500 .00 1,500 .00 51 000.00 5200 .00 5250.00 5250.00 5200.00 COM~E.,-rs ;'1 ,I MO 'L[I C"-'" ...VI.! o DATE:1-'. ·---.._---.----_..__.------._----~--------~--..---..._- 46 2 7• "J RECEIPT -.,..'Town of Vail DATE -;:..I:G=;~/I'''--.19 )0 J)RECElVEDF RO M_-"f-r--'-'-''-=-=--''-'--''-''--'-"-''--_ ADDRESS ----;---,-...L.¥'--1!"'L-_:;:--,....,--::::r.-_ !U 'I a ft '1I )b",,I I f'"~.k: Pennit Numbers ---,,,_ HOW PAI[}-Cuh'.pI.,-_OIe Ck _ I Pollee Rtc ~iP t ~b e rs _ By----------- 1994 9 /4 /91,revised DA TE AP PLICATION RE CE IVED: DATEOF DRB ME ETING: , AP PLI CATION -TOWN 'OF VAIL ,COL ORADO REC'DAPR 6 ORB•• ********** THIS APPLICATIO N WILL NOTBEACCEPT ED UN TIL ALL REQU IRED I NF ORMATI ON I S SUBMI TTED ********** A.DESCR IPT~ON : PROJECT I NF ORMA TI ON : REVIEW: ZON ING: T E . ____New C on str~ction ($200 .00)-JL-Minor Alterat ion ($2 0.00 ) ~Add i tio n ($50 .00),6 __Conc eptual Re view ($0 ) C ..ADD RE SS:15lZ28 ~~>n I $~\:),;~I LJ·';'Vv'.\. D.LEGA L DESCR IPTION:Lot /3 BlOc'k _G'-'.'_ Subdivis ion II ",I 'I).,5 d'r "~ If property i s des cr ibed by a mee ts a ndbo unds legal d escription,p lease pr o vi deona sepa ra te sheet and a ttach t ot hisa pp li cation . F Ie; B . 1. F . G.NAME OF Mai l ing AP PLI CANT :--_"':"::"::':~IF-:"+-=-+-=-------Ad dress :""'="'__-,;:.,,-.,,-_ H. 1. ~~·GU"<' """I ~8Phonel.7 _...0 F EESCHEDULE , J .Condomin ium App ro va li f a p plicable . K.ORB FEE:ORB fees,as shown abov e,a ret o bepa i d a t the t ime of s ubmi tt al of DRB app li cation .Later ,when applyi ng fo r a building pe rmit ,p lea se i den tify the a ccu rat e v aluat i ono f the p ro posal .The Towno fVai l wi ll adjust the f ee acc ord ing to thet ab l e b el ow,t o ensu re t he correct f ee i s p aid .,~c.....l- FEE PAID :$00 r VAL UATION $0 -$1 0,000 $1 0 ,001 -S5 0 ,000 $5 0 ,001-$1 5 0,000 $1 50,001 _-$500 ,00 0 $500 ,001 -$1,0 00,0 00 $Over $1 ,00 0 ,0 00 FEE · $2 0.0 0 $5 0.00 $100 .0 0 $200 .0 0 $400 .00 $50 0.00 .*DESIGN RE VIEW BOARD APPRO~EXPIRES ON E YEAR AFTER FINAL AP PROVAL UNLESS ·A cBUILDING PERM IT ·IS ·ISSUE D AND CONST RUCTIO N I S STARTED. "NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCE SSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SI GNATURE 1 •II .PRE APPLICATI ON MEETING: ,•. '. A pre-applicat i on meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if a n y additional applicat ion i n fo rmation is needed.I t i s the applicant 'S r espon sibility to make an a ppo i ntmen t with the s taff t o d etermine if t he re are additi onal submittal r equirements . Pl ease note that a COMPLETE application will stre amline the approval process for your project . I II .IMPORTAN T NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB : A.In addi t ion to me et ing s ub mitt a l r equ ir ements ,the a pplica nt mus t s take and tape the proj ec t s ite to indicate property lines,bu ilding line sa nd building co r ners.All trees to be r emov ed must b et ap e d .All site tapl ngsa nd staking must b e comple t ed prior t o the ORB sit e v is it.The applicant mus te nsure that staking done duri ng the winter is not buried b y sn ow. B .The revi ew pr o c ess for NEW BU I LDINGS n ormally requ ires t wo separate meeti ngs of t he Design ReviewBoard :a c oncept ual approval and a fi nal approva l.Applican ts s h ou ld plan o n present ing their d eve lopment pr oposal at a minimum of tw omee tingsb efore Obtaining final a ppr o va l. C.Applicants who fail to appe ar b efore t he Des ign Review Board on their schedu led meeting d at e and wh o ha ve not asked i n adva nce that discussion on t heir item be po stponed ,will have thei r it ems r emoved fr om the ORB doc k et until such t ime as the i tem has been r epublished . O.The foll owing i tems may,at the discretion o ft he zon ing adminis tra to r,be approved by t heCommuni ty Deve l opme nt Department s ta ff (i .e.a form al h e ar ing b efore the ORB mayn ot b e requ ired); a .Wind ow s ,s ky lights and s imilar exteri or changes which d ono t al ter the ex isting planeo f the building;and b.Building add i ti on proposa ls n ot visible fr om a ny o t he r lot or p u bl ic s p ace.At the t ime such a pr o posal is s ubmitted ,app li cant s must i nclude l ett ers f roma djace nt p roperty owners and /or from t h e a g e ntf or or manager of any adjacent c o ndominiu m ass o ciati ons tating the associat ion a ppr ov e s o f the add it ion . E.If ap r ope rty is l oc ated in a mapped haza rd area (i .e . s n ow aval a n che,rockfa ll ,f lood p lain,deb ris f low, wetlan d,e tc ),a haza rd s tu dymust be s ubm it ted and the owne r mus ts ign an affidavit r ecognizin gt he h azard r ep ort prior .t o the issua nce o f a building permi t. Applicants are en c ourage d t o check wit h aTown Planner p rior to ORB a ppl i c a ti o n to determine the relat i onship of the p rope rty to a ll mapp e d hazards . F .Fo r a l l res iden tial constru ction: a ,Clea rl yi ndicate on the f loor plan st he inside f ace of the e xte rior st ru ctu ral walls o f the b uilding ;and b.Indic ate witha dashed line o nt he site plan a f our foot distanc e fro m the ext erior face of the building wall s or support ing columns . G.I f ORB approves -thea ppl ica tion -wit h c ondit ions o r mod ifi cat ions ,all c onditi ons of approva l must be r es olvedp rio r t o Town i ssuance o fa building pe rmit. 2 -I V.NEW CONSTRUCTI , A.Three c opie s of a rec ent topogr aph ic su rvey .st amped by al ic e ns ed su rve yor ,at a sc al e of I "=2 0'or l a rge r, o n whic h the f ollowing i nf o rmationi s pr ovide d: 1 .Lo ta rea . 2.Two fo ot co n t our intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 ac res or mo re ,i n which case ,5' contour interval smay be accepted. 3 .Existing trees o r groupso f treesh avingt runks with diameter s of 4"o rmore ,as measured fr om a p oi nt o ne fo ot above grade . 4 .Ro ck outcropp ings a nd othe r s ig ni fican t natu ral features (large boulders ,int ermittent streams , etc.). 5 .Ha za rd a reas (avalanche,r oc kfa ll,etc.), ce nterl ine o f st re am o r cre e k,r eq uired c reek o r st ream se tbac k,lOO-year flo od pl ai n and sl o pes of 4 0%or mo re,if appli cabl e. 6 .Tie s to exis ting benchma rk ,e i ther USGS landmark o r sewer i nvert .This in formati on should be clearly stated on th es urvey s o that a ll measurements are based o n the same starting point . Thi si s part i cul arly i mportant for h eight meas urements .See P o licy On Sur vey I nformati on , f or mor e informati on regardi ng su r veys . 7 .Locations o f thef ollowi ng : a .S ize a nd type of drai nagec ul verts ,s wales, e tc .must be s hown. b.Exa ct locat ion of ex isti n g u tility sou r ces and proposed servi ce lines from their s ource to the structure .Util it i es t o include: Ca bleTV Sewe r Gas TelephoneWater El ec tri c c.Show al l utilit ymeterl o c a ti on s,in clu ding a ny pe des tals to be located on site o r in the r i ght-of-wa y adj acent t o the site.Re vocable permit s from the Town of Vai l are r e quired f or improveme nts in the ri ght -a t-way. d.P ro per ty lines -di stances and beari ngsa nd a basis of b earing mus t b e shown . e .Alle as e me nts (Tit le rep ort mus ta lso include e xisting e aseme n t loc at ions) 8.Existing and finished g rades. 9.Provide spote levat ions of t he street,and a minimum of o ne s pot e leva t i onon either side of the l ot,25 f eet out f ro m t he side pr operty l i n e s . B .Site Pla n 1 .Loc at ions of t he f ol l ow ing : a .Proposed su rface d ra i nage on and off site . b .Proposed d riveways.Percents lope and spot e levations must be s hown . 2 .All existing improvement s inc lu d ing st ructu res , l andscaped are as,s ervice a rea s,st orage a r eas , walks,driveway s,o ff -street -park ing,loadi ng areas,retaini ng walls (witht op and bottom of wa ll sp ot elevatio n s),and other existing s ite i mprovement s. 3 3.Eletllions o f top of roof r i d O~(W i t h exist ing and pr op osed grades shown unde rneath).These elevations and grades mustb e provi ded in order f or the staff to dete rmi ne b uildi ng he igh t.All ridge liness ho uld be i ndicat ed o n t he site p lan . El evati ons for r oof ridg es sha ll als o be i nd icated on t hes ite plan wi th co rr esponding fin ished an d ex ist ing grade elevat ions . 4.Driveway g rades may no t e xc eed 8%u n le ss approved by the Town Engin e er. C .L and sca pe Plan (1 "=2 0'or large r)-3 copies requi red 1.The fol low ing i nf ormat ionmust be p rovided o n the lands c ape p lan .The location of existing 4" diamete r o r l arge r tree s,the location ,s ize, s pacinga nd t ype(common and l atinname)of a ll existing and p roposed plant material .All tre es to be saved a nd to be r emoved must also be indicat ed .Th e p lan must also differentiat e betwee n ex i sting a nd pr opos ed ve geta ti o n. 2.Comp lete the a ttached lands cape mater ials list. 3.The location a nd type o f exi s ting and propo s ed wa tering sy st ems to b e employed in ca r ing for p lant mater ial f ollowing its i nst allat i on . 4.Exi s ti ng and p ropo sedc ont our l ines . NOTE:I n order to clarify thei nt er-rel ation o f the various deve lopment pr oposal comp onents,please inc orporate as much of thea bov e in formation a s possible onto the site pl an. D.Sign o ff fr om each uti lity com pan y ve rifying the l ocat ion of util ity se rv ice a nd avai l abil i ty (see a t ta c hed). E .A prelim in a ry tit le repor t must accompany a ll S Ub mit tals,to i n su re prope r ty ownership andl oc at ion of ~e asementso n property . F .Architectural Pla n s (1 /8'1 =l 'or l arg er,1 /4 '1i s p ref erred scale f or re view)3 cop ies r eq uired . 1 .Sc a led fl Oorp lans and all elevati o ns of the proposed development.El evati ons must show both e x isting a nd fin ished g rades . 2 .On e set o f floor plans must be "red -lined"t os how h owt heg ross res idential floor a r ea (GRFA)was c a lcu lat ed . 3.Red uctions o fa ll elevations and the sit e plan (8- 1 /2"x 11 ")for inclusion in PEC and /o r To wn Council memos mayb e requested . 4 .Ex terior su rf ac ingma te rials and mate ri al co lo rs shall be spe c ifiedo nt he att a chedmater ia ls list . This materi als l ist mus t be compl eted a nd submi tt ed as a pa rt of ORB appli ca tion .Color chips,siding s a mpl ese tc .,shou ld be p res ented to the Design Revi ew Board me eting. G .Zone c heck list (attached)must be completed if project is located within the Single-Family,Primary /S e condary or Dup lex z one districts . H.Photos o f the e xis t ing site and whe re app l icab le ,of ad jacent structu re s. 4 I.The Z On i ~A dm i n i stra to r and/or D RB ~Y r equ ire the submi s sion of additi onal plans,dr awi ngs , spe cifications ,s amples ando ther mat eria ls (including amode l)i f deem ed necessary to d eterm ine wheth e ra pr oj ect will comply withDes ign Guidel ines. V.MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERI OR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or ske tches which clearly c on vey the redevelopmen t proposal and the lo cation (site plan)o f the rede vel opment propo sal mayb es ubmitted in l ieu of the more fo rmal requir e ments set f o rth above ,p rov ided all i mp o rtant specifications for the prop osal including c olors a nd materialst o be u s ed ar e submit ted. VI .ADDITIONS -RESIDENTIAL OR COMM ERCIAL A .Origi na l fl oor plan s with al l specifications shown. B .Th ree sets o f propo sed f loo r pl ans 1 18 ft =l 'o r larger (1 /4"=l'i s p refe rre d) c .Th reec op ieso f a site plan s howi ng existing and prop osed const ruct ion .I n dicate r oof ridge elevations wi th ex isting and proposed grades s hownun derneat h. D .Elevati on so fp r opo sed addition. E .Ph otos of the exi s ting structure. F.Sp ecif icat ionsf or all materi als andc olor sam ples o n mat er i als l ist (attached ). At t he request o f the Zoning Adm in istrat or y ou may al sob e required t o submi t: G .A st ateme nt fr om e ach ut ili ty v e ri fyi ngl o cation of service and avail a bility .See a tt ached utility .location v erification f o rm. H .A s i te impr oveme nt survey,s tamped by r e gi st ered p rofes si onals u rveyor . I .A prel iminary title rep ort,t o v e ri fyo wners hip o f p rop erty,which li sts all eas eme nt s. VII .FINAL SI TEPL AN Once a bui lding p ermit has been issued ,a nd c o nst ruction is un d erway ,and bef ore t he Building Depar tment will s chedule a fr a min gi n spec tion,t wo copie s o f an Improveme nt Loc a tio n Ce rtifi ca te s ur vey (ILC)s tamped b yar eg i stered pr ofes sion al engineer mu stb e submitted .Thef oll owing informat ion must be p rovided on the ILC: A .Build ing location(s)with t ie s to property corne rs , i .e .di stances and a ngle s . B.Bu i lding dimensi ons t o the nearest tenth of a foot. c.All utility s e rvice line a s -bu ilt s,showing type o f material u sed ,and s ize a nd e xac t l ocat ion of lin es. D.Dra inage as -bui lts . E.Ba si so fb e aring to tie t os ec tionc orner . F .All property pins are to be either f ound or se t an d stat ed o n impr o vement s urv ey. G .All e a sements . H.Bu ilding floor ele vati o ns and all roo f ridge elev ation s wi th existing and proposed g ra des sho wn unde r the ridge line s . 5 VI I I.CONCE PTUAL DE1IbN REVIEW , A.Su bmittal requirements :The o wne r or authoriz ed agent of an y pro ject r equ iringd es ign app roval a s pr escribed b y t hi s ch ap ter may submit plans for con ceptu al re view by the Desi gn Revi ew Bo ard t o theDepartment o f Commun ity De ve lopment .The conc eptual re view is intended to give the a ppli cant a ba sic understandi ng o f t he com p atibi li ty of thei r propo s al wit h the To wn 's De sign Guidelines.This proce d ure i s re comm ended p r imari ly for appli ca tions more c omplex than single- fam ily a ndt wo -fami ly r esidences .However,deve lopers o f single-fami lya nd tw o-family pro jects sha ll n ot b e exc lud ed from t he opportunity to reque sta co nceptual de signr ev iew .Completea ppl icat ions mus tb e submi tted 1 0 day s prior to a sche d ul ed ORB mee ti ng. Thef ollowing information sh all be s ubmitte d fo r a con c eptu al r eview : 1.A c onceptu al s ite an d lan ds cape plan at ami nimum s ca le of one in ch e q ua ls t went y f eet; 2 .Con ceptua l elevatio ns s ho wing ex teri or materials and a de sc ri ption of t he cha rac te r o f the prop osed structure o r st r uctures; 3.Suff icient i nformati o n to show the p roposa l c ompl ies with t he de ve lopment st andards o f t he z one d istrict i n which the p r o j ecti st o be l ocated (i .e.GRF A,s ite cover age c alcu lati ons , n umber o f p ark ing space s,e tc .); 4.Compl et ed ORB application fo rm. B.Proced ure :Uponr eceipt o fa n application fo r conceptu al design r e view,theDepa rtme nt o f Communit y Develo pm ent s hall r ev iew t hes ubmitted mate rials fo r gener al comp liance with t he ap pr o priate require ment s of the zo n ing code.If t hep ropos al is in ba sic complia nce with the zoning code r eq uire me nts,the p roj ect sha ll be forwarded to the ORB fo r conceptu al review .I f the app lication is not g enerally in complia nce with zoning code requi rem ents ,the applicat iona nd submi t tal mater ials shal lb e re tu rn ed to the a p pl ic ant wi th a wr it ten exp l ana tiona s to wh y the Comm un i ty De velopment Depa rt ments t aff h as f ound t he p ro j ect n ot to b ei nc omplia nce withz oni ng code requ irements .Onc ea comp lete app lic ation has b een r e c e ive d,the ORB s hall revie w t he submit ted c o nceptua l r eview appl ica tion and supporting ma terial i no r de rt o de termine wh eth er o rn ot the project generally c ompl ies wi th the des ign guidelin es .Th e ORB does no t v oteon c onc eptu al r e vi ews.The p ropertyo wner o r hi s r epres ent a tive sha ll b ep resent at the ORB h earing . 6 , LI STOF MATE RIALS • SUBD IVI SIONLOT__BLOCK NAME OFP ROJECT :_ LEGAL DESCRIP TION : S TREET AD DRESS: DESCRIPTIONOF PROJECT: The fol lo wi ng informat ion is requ i red fo rs ubmittal t o t heDes ign ReviewBoard before a f i na l appr oval can be given : A.BUI LDING MA TERIALS : Roof S i di ng Ot her Wall Mate ri als TYPE CO LO R Fasc ia Soffi ts Windows Window Tr im Door s Do or Trim Hand o rDe ck Ra ils F lues F la sh ings Chimne ys Tr ash Enclosur es Gr e enhou s es Oth er sls n«: A!c>ne. ,, B.LAN DSCAPING :Name of De signer: Ph one:{ PLANT MATERIAL S:Bo ta nic al Name CommonNa me Quant it y S i ze * PROPOSED TREES E XIS TI NG TREES TO BE REM OVE D *I ndi c at e ca l iper f or deciduous t re e s.Mi ni mu m calipe r f or de c iduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate he ight for c oniferou s trees .Minim um h e ight f or c on ifer ous trees is 6 f eet. 7 PLANT MA TERIA': P ROPOSEDSHRUBS E XIST ING SHRUBS TO BEREMOVED Bot.an ica l Name common 'me Quanti t y S ize* *Indicat e si ze o f propose d s hrubs .Mini mum si ze of s hrubs is 5 ga ll on. Squa re Foot age GROUN D COVERS S OD SEED T YPE OF IRRIGATION TYPEOR ME THOD OF _ EROS IONCONTROL C .LANDSCAP E LI GHTING:If exte rio r l ighting is p rop os e d,plea se show t he numbe r of fi xture s and lo cationson a separate lighti ngp lan.I de ntify e ach fix t uref rom the lighti ng plan on t hel ist b el ow an dp rov ide the wat ta ge,he ight a bo ve g rade and t ype of light pr opo sed. D.OT HER LANDSC APEFEAT URES (retai ni ng walls,fe n ce s,s wimm ing poo ls,etc .)P l ease spec ify .I ndi c ate h eig hts of ret aining wall s.Maximum height o f walls within t he fro nt setback is 3 fe et.Ma ximum height of wal ls elsewhere ont he property i s 6 fe et . 8 •• ~L I T Y LOCATION VERIFICATI Jit SUBDIVISION JOB NAME _ LOT ADD RESS BLO CK FILING _ The loc a tion and availabil ity of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lin es ,mu st be approved and verified by the following utilities for the a ccompanying s i te plan . Autho rized Signature U .S .We st Communications 1 -800-922 -1987 4 68 -6 860 or 949 -4530 Public Se rvice Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Ted Husk y/Mic hael Lave rty He ritage Cab levision T .V. 949 -5530 S teve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water &San i tation District • 476 -7480 Fr ed Haslee NOT E:This form i s t o ver ify se rvic e availab ility a nd location.This sho ul d be usedi n con jun ct ion wi th p repari ngy our uti lity p lan and sche duling ins tallations . 2 .F or any new cons t ruction prop os a l,t he applicant must prov ide a completed u til ityv e rification form . 3 .If a utility company has conce rns wi th the p roposed co nst ruct ion ,the ut ility r eprese ntative s hould no td irect l yon the ut ility ve rif ication f orm that t here is a prob l em whic hn eeds to be r es ol ve d.The issue shou ldt hen be s pel l ed ou ti n d etai li n an attached l etter to the Towno f Va i l. However ,plea se ke ep in mind that i t is the responsibility o f the utility company to resolve identified problems. 4 .I f the ut i lity ve r ificat ion form ha s sign atu res from each of t he util i ty c omp an i es ,a ndn o comments are ma de dire ct ly o n t he form ,the Tow n wi ll pre sumet h at the re a r e n op ro blems and that t h ed ev el opmentc an pro ce ed . 5.Thesev e ri fications do not relieve the cont ractor o f his respons ibility to obtain as treet cut permit from the Tow n of Vail ,Depa r tment of Publ ic Works and t o obtain ut i lity locations befor e digging i n any public right of way or easement in t he Towno f Vail .Ab uilding p ermit is not a street c u t pe rmi t.A stre et cut perm it must be obtained sep a r ate ly . *Please bringa site plan ,floor p l an ,a nd elev a tions when obtaining Upper Ea gle ·Valley·Wat er -&-Sa ni tation signatures.Fire flow needs mus t be add re s sed . 9 • DAT E: •SFR ,R, ZONE CHECK FOR R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS •• LE GAL DESCR I PTION:Lot ADDRESS : ___Block __Fil ing _ OWNER _____________PHONE _ ARCHITECT PHONE _ ZONE DIS TRICT _ PROPOSED US E _ **LOT S IZE Hei ght Tot al GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks F ront Si des Rear Allowed (30)(33) +.Q.:i.-'---- +425 -0 _ 20 ' IS ' I S ' Existing Proposed Total I Wa ter Course Setback Site Coverage La ndscap ing Reta ining Wall Heights p arking Gara ge Credit Drive : (30)(50) 3 '/6 ' (300)(600)(900)(1200)_ Permit ted Slope ~Actual S lope _ Date a pp ro ved by Town Enginee r: View Corri dor Encroachment : En vir onmen tal /Hazard s: yes'_ 1)Flood Plain NO'_???_------- 2)Pe rce nt S lope _ 3}Geo log ic Hazard s a)Snow A valo,a~n:c~h~e:=:=========b)Rockfall _ c)Debris Flow _ 4 )Wetlands,_ Previ o us con ditions of app roval (check property file)":~__ Do es th isr equesti nvolve a 250 Add ition? Howmuc h of the allowed 250 Addition is used with thi s request?__ "Note:Unde r Sections 18 .12 .090(B)and 18 .13.080(B)of the Municipal Code,lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which a re less than 1 5,000 sq .f t.in area may not construct a second dwelling unit.The Community Development Department may grant an e xception to this re s tr iction provided the app l icant meets t he cri teria set for th u nder Sec t io ns 1 8 .1 2.090 (B)a nd 18 .13 .0 80(B)of the Mu nicipal Code i n cluding pe rmanently r es tricti ng the u n it a sa .long -term rent al u ni t fo r fu ll- time e mp loyees of the Up p er Eag le Valley . 1 0 •..• , .-.•Project Applica tion • Project N ame:J cM 11\./~ Pro ject Descrfpuc n :_1'\eAt;0y±:Sba.Lr- Con tact Perso n a ndPh one Date _ -s de l..ill-P Y0,-&1h 1/\0- A rchitect,Addressand Phone :,,0":::-T"-'l£1*--t="-"T~.t.l~----:;;--------------- DesignReviewBoard M otion by: Second ed by : Dale _ DISAPPROVAL o Sta llA pproval DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO~. 1 .~• DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING : •revised 9 /4 /91 /'.....,... **...."'****** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMA TION IS SUBMITTED•••**•••llI'* I.PROJECT INFORMAT ION : A.DESCRIPTI ON :p 3'0"'1£.1-"f etJ re ge::s I pe NCB E. B .TYPEOF REVIEW : ____New Construction ($200.00)~M i nor Alt er ation ($2 0.00) Addi tion (SSO.OO)Conceptu al Re v ie w($0) C .ADDRESS :g '$2 &C::;;4~I-\IS!L D:t!r:<:;.rIY~f;.-=--_ D .LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot I ~•I~__Block _C;~__ Subdivision VA II_~.,.~D!:.ltg. I f property is described by a meets and bounds l egal description,please provide o na separate sheet and attach to this appl ication. ZONING:~Q!1"1ectpV"b 12.-e'7;~J . F.LO T AREA :I f requi red ,applicant must provide a current stamped survey sh ow ing lot area. G .LAMPl';. Phone 41(D ·410a,. , 0 . APPLICANT 'S REPRESEW'JTI~~l:ON K~s Address :t .o.~o'"~t=.k Cc1-O~ Phone 15ZS-(Q"267 NAME OF OWNERS : NAME OF Mailing "SIGNATURE (S): Mailing Address: H. 1. J . Pone Condominium Approval i f applicable. FEE $20 .00 $50.00 $1 0 0.00 $20 0.00 $4 0 0.00 $500 .00 -$10 ,000 $50 ,000 $15 0 ,000 $50 0 ,000 $1 ,0 00 ,000 $1 ,00 0 ,000 VALUATION s 0 $1 0,00 1 $5 0 ,001 $150,00 1 $500 ,001 $Ove r DRB FEE:DRB f ees,as shown above,a re to be pa ida t t he t ime of s ubm ittal of ORB applicat ion .Lat er ,when apply ing fo r a building p ermit ,p lease identify the a ccurate valuation of the p ropos al.TheTown o f Vail wil l adjust the fee a cc ordi ng to the t able below,to ensure the co rrect fee i s paid.$~D C! FEE PAID :_d __- FEE SCHEDU LE: K. "DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR.AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLES S A BUILDING P E RM IT I S ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. ""NO APPLICATION WILL BE PRO CESSED WI THOUT OWNER'S SI GNATURE 1 A pre -applicat ion mee ting with a member o f the planning sta ffi s st rongly encouraged to det ermine if any add i ti o na l appli c at i on info rma ti on is nee de d.It is the app licant 's r espons ibi lity to make an appointment with the st aff to dete rmine i f there ar e additiona l submittal requ irements . Pl ea se no te t hat aCOMP LETE appl i cation wil l st re aml ine the ap pro val process f or y our project. u .PRE -APP LICAT Ait MEETING:•~. III .IMPORTANT NOTICE REG ARDING ALLSUBMI SS I ONS TOTHE DRB : A .In addit ion to mee tings ubmitta l requ i rements ,t he applicant must stake and tape the p roject s ite to indi c ate property lines ,bu i lding l in es a nd bu i lding co r ners .Al l trees to be remo ved must b et aped .All sit e tapings and stak ing must be c omple ted p ri o r to the DRB site v isit .The applicant must e nsu re that staking done d uringt he winter is not buri ed by snow . B .The review pr oce5s f or NEW BUILDIN GS norma lly requires two separate meetings o f the Design Rev iew Board :a conc eptual appr oval an d a final appr oval.App l icants sho uld plan o n present ing their development proposa l at a mi ni mu m o f two meeti ngs bef ore obtaining f i nal approval. C .Appl i ca nts who fai l to appear before the Design Review Board ont he ir sc hed uled mee tin g date and who have n ot a sked in a dvance t hat discussi on on the ir item be p ostp on ed ,will h ave t he i ri tems removed from the ORB doc k et unt il such t ime as the item h as been r epubl ishe d. D.The follo wing i tems may ,a t t he dis cretion o f the zon ing a dminist rato r ,be approved by the Comm uni ty Dev e lopment Depa rtment staff (i.e.a form al hea r ing b efore t heORB mayn ot be required): a .Windows ,s k ylights a nd simi la re xte ri orc hanges which d ono t al ter the exist ing plane of t he b uildi ng;and b .Building addi tion pr oposal s not v isible fro m any o th er l ot o r p ubl ics p ace .At the t ime su ch a prop o sa l i s s ubmitt ed ,app li can ts mus t inc l ude l e tters fr om ad ja c ent p r ope rty o wners and /or fr om the a gent for or man ager o fa ny a djacent condomin iuma sso ci ation stat i ng t he associ a ti on a pp roves o f the addi ti on . E .If ap r ope rty i s l ocated in a mapped hazard are a(i.e. s now a v ala nche ,r o ckfa ll,f lo od plain ,debris f low , wet land ,etc),a hazard s tudy mu s t be submitt ed and t he o wnermust signa n a ffid avi tr ecognizing the ha zard rep ort pri or t ot he issua nce o f a buildi ng pe rm it. Appl icants a re e ncouraged to check wit h aTown P lanne r prior t oDRB applica tion to determine the relation ship o ft he pr op erty t o all mapped hazard s. F .Fo r all residential construction: a .Cl ear ly i ndi cate o n the flo or plans the i nside f ace of t he e xte rior s t r uctural walls of t he build ing;a nd b.I ndi c ate wi tha da shed line o n the site plan a fo ur foo td istance fr om th ee xte r io r fa ce of the building wal lso r suppo r ti ng col umns . G.If DRB appr oves the application with con di tions or mod i fic ations,al l c onditi ons of approva l must be r es olved pr i or t o Tow n issua nce of a bui lding p e rmi t. 2 /.•LI ST OF MAT ERIALS • I NAME OF PRO JECT :L A""1?.E.'R"'''--=$ZJ''-'P'''E.'''-I:N"CE=_ LEGAL DESC RI PTI ON:LOTI M j BLOC K .if-SUBD IV IS ION VA "·t>AS S ~t.j£ STREET ADD RESS:2 ~2-&C:::Al2,,:?!lS"H pg.,V e; DESC RI P TIO N OF PROJECT :A po "'Snug.yJAY cA N 't>Ee.t:Lc:;£7P 1=>c I S Tl N <'BeSIPENce. The f oll owi ng in f o r ma ti on is r equ ire df or submitta l t o t he De sign Rev i ewBoa rdb efo rea f i nal app r ov al c an b e gi ven: A .BUILDING MATER IALS: Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials TYPEOF MA TERIAL j..loN6 CO LOR Fasc ia So ffi ts Wind ows Wind o wTrim Doors Doo r Trim Han do rDeck Rai ls Fl ue s Fla shing s Chimney s Tr a sh En clos ures Gre en houses Ot he r =1--- B .LAND SCAPING:Nam e o fDesigne r: Pho ne: PLANT MA TERIA LS: ~O P QSED TREESrr~~ EXISTING TRE ESTO BE RE MOVED NON.€.- otanic al Name Qu an tity 3 Si ze* 2~"c:. t=>:1J. s ~J . 71~' ~'1 .1 . *Indica te calip e r fo r d ec idUOU S tree s.Minimumc ali p e rf or d e ciduous tr ees i s2 i nch es .I ndi c ateh eightf orc o n iferou s t rees .Min i mum h eiahtf or c on iferous t re es i s6f eet . 7 PLANT MATERI .: PROPOSED SHRU BS EX ISTING SHRUBS TOBERE MOVED Bo tan ical Name Quantit y S i ze *... I *In d icate si ze of proposed shrubs.Mi ni mum size o f shrub s is 5 oa110n . S quareFo otage GROUND COVERS SOD S EED TYP E OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION C ONTROL c.LANDS CAPE LIGHTING :If exterior l ighting is proposed ,please show the number of fix tures and locations on a separate lighting plan .I d ent ify each fixture from the l ighting pl an on the list be lo w and p rovide the wa ttag e,height above g r ade and type o f light p rop ose d. '!-(0,>1 'i wi Wl f!L D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES <retain ing wal l s,f ences,swi mm ing poo ls,e tc .)Ple ase s pecify .Ind icate height s o f ret a ini ng walls .Maximumh eight of walls wi th in t hef ronts etb a ck is 3 f eet.Maximum he ighto f walls elsewhe re on the pr op erty is 6 fee t....jf,'1 J A<o "£e"CE ~'"FiT: 8 ~5 1~------------------- T OWN OF VR IL Miscellaneous Cash 68-17-93 Re-ce ipt.#'1281157 Ik c:ount tt 6.IO L F G ~NG LAMF'E 'DR S FEE ~mr.JU n t t eocer-ed ) I tem paid 01£1C0041331000 Change r ~turne d ) 16:14:46 20 .00 AMoun t.paid 20.00 0 .00 THRNK yO U You r cashie r RE~THA N?45116", REC~lVED FRO M ADDRES S _ DATE _..!--'-_,...;L'-_.197 ' 5"!1.,---------- --::.:--...-------------/-------------- I,-..,,.RECEIPT _The Town of Vail I I I I (i ; ____~IlOL LARS $_ Perm it Num bets ~------Pollee Re ceipt Numbers _ HOW PAiD-cam Check _By ----------- " " .~ t l tl5250.C'OI . 5250.00 5200.001 P LEASE MAK E CHE CKSPAY A TO T HE TOWN OF UAY.~ J.01 0((l041:!-~O I S?EClAL DEVElOPMENT DISTRICT MINOR AMEh'D I I S2OO .OO I•0 101."'00 41330 1SU3D1\<lSIO:--l 010000-l1 :13U ;VA RJ AN·CE 01 ooco s 1330 I ZONTNG CODE A.\.1E),/DME."lTS 0 1 ססoo 4 1330 R£.ZOND"G 01eeoo -!-~"':'-~l'~"~""~;~::::;~'-~=-.~:·i '~X~~'·""~-~'l l :q DEPA RTM E:-iT OF COM :VI UNITY DEYE LOP:V lE NT '~I~SALES ACnO;.l f OR:-'f "4~I ')'J,I ·7 5 SOUTH fRO!j.1'AGE ROAD .f:.•'!/}V~I L .COL~_81657 /1a,._ •I'.I ~IE I A r'j',"."-().,/'/y!~~DATI:I ll ,(.3 Uy"",~••.~...........,-,,-_~/""'->\O'~~~"'%"'_<'1.~""",.~"",.'"..,...""'.-.~~C t:\lf.AC C O lj;-l T;;,;~O"l:~"'~l'l:.:I~~"'i""~.o!~~~t,N't::J TF.:-'fr;:q;;~~!i~;4.~O :~;t.CO S T,,;EA~'C~O T.,\Ll~~ ~"~01 ססoo 4 15.:0 IZCl\"L\'G AND ADDitESS MAPS I S$.OO ,~* '"0 1 fr.."OO <42 41$I UNTFOR.\1 BUJtDD:G CODE I s~O .OO ~*~01 ססoo 42415 I UNT FOR..\1 PL ·UYlB~G COOS I .S36.00 I ~*~0 100.:;.0<1 2·1]5 .J U NlF OR.\"~fE C H;J'''C).LC O D E I 5j1.00 1!.*.,I I 'ilJt0100C'0.4 1HS UNIFOR.MFIRECODE S ~6.00 .i~*r}01000lJ~2 .4 15 IN,\1l0l'lALF.lECTRJCALCODE I I .5 ;0.00 ~*i 0 1COOO .&2 41S IOTi iERCODEBOOi<S 1 I ;....*a 01 rooo ",,,I BLUePRIN1'S ('IYLAns)I I 57.001 ~• ~0 1 (IOIJoH2':12 I XeRO X COPtES/STUDlES I I 50.251 ;..*. ,..II I "If 01 ('«JJ ~2 :;'il I P£.,'lAI.7Y FEES I RE·INSPEC110NS .~ ~.)01 ro..~':13 j2 i ?LA.'l REVIEW RE·CHECX FEE 1:S-::0 PER HR.)I I 1 ' ~01 oc<o '2m I OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES II I i,0 1 C'OOO':I01 12 I CONr..t..\CTORS UCF..'.'SES FEf.S I II ~ ~oloc<o'mo I DTIlER FEES II {~~:=;:;:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C E IS!.OO PER son )i i s2°"'1 ~J 01 C«'!J-4 1.;.;O 1'..-rCARTrR01F.CTDONATION I l :r iU-0 1 oet!4 1?3 t ..)/PREPAIDDF.-S 1GNRE.VlEWBOARDFEE /~~~~~01 r00042412 I BU ILDING-CONSTRUC TION pe"~I T COMPUTeR DIKS l -.nn (I'*,...*------oT "ITC 0 0 nU l TAX 4 %t!J~'·0 1 00 0 0 410 10 TAX (4%)~~0 1 0000 42 371 IN VEST I GATION F ee (BU ILDING)TOTAL'~~'..DUE.;;; I !01<"{?~:"(""~~'"·'A'Y~'%'\C;~'r};~iiiit·;r,"";<W '<C:"\"!"".""~l"'~~rG'J:!;t¢~;'f;t.~'i".''q,V,~1!l1:<J ~111·1?~i--~,dl ~~·~~~';VA!:.P E C;A r r [;:J C~n o :"';F.F.E.S ~'~Wi;n;,:;~·:.W"~~YJ~:::tWt~1;J",.~';%.,~~IM ' ..:0 1OOOO~1 3jO IADOITl ONALG RF.-\"2.5 0--=t ·2_..' ,•0 1 ססoo.1 1330 I COl\'DlTIONAL USE PER..\Or .-1 5:::(10.00 ~~0 IC'OOO'1330 IE>.:TERlORALTER ATION LESSTHAN100S .FT.I 5 200.00 1r:01 ססoo 4 13:10 IEXTERIORA LTERA110N ·'MORETHA-'"loosO:rr.l 5500.00 i'i 010C'000I133O IsPE CIAL DEVELOP.\iE....TDl STR1CT NE\5 1.S00.001 ~01OOOO 41:no SPECI,\L DF.vELOP~IE~"DI5TRJCTT"tAJOR A.Jv1END 5J .000.00 revised 9/4/91••~,~\\~DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO I ,t ~f v (.D J 0 .,,\-1;n ~I y DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED :Il£LlJ AU G 17 1992 --,'_Iv '\l\v i-/.I)J "~DATE OF DRB MEETING :q (l /c /4 2--~,\\,',,.,I \'.v-v1;:.V ,.._~\i Y '\'••••••**** .s-'"'1,r ~THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT HE ACCEPTED O·\'\-\\..;UNT IL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ""••****.*** O f Fo x mr<,I OR ezrAl !$-k'¥'t p ec K A.N D :::;4 L e E><?, B.TYPEOF REVIEW : New Const ruction ($200 .00)~Minor Al te ration ($2 0.00) ____Addit ion ($50 .00)Conceptu al Review (SO ) C.ADDRESS:2 ~2S C::;AI2.MISH Dcz.lv'.€. D.LEGAL DESCR IPTION :Lot 1%./1-1 Block .!cL"'--_ Subdivision VAIL Q.....s 5 c..ttONf.. If prope rty is described by a me et sa nd bounds legal descript ion,please provide on a se parate sheet and attach to th is applic ation. I .PROJECT I NFORMA TION: DESCRIPT I ON :C_!,;D:!::"l!::5[;<.l.§G?"J,l!CJJill!02JM~...J;:.E.....J::;UEJ:lli:!&~2I<~'""'~::""- 2".1 I=l.ooB TO sV"«A Q €=,NE.-IN E.ZON I NG:CDmQ]E u=$1.- F.LOT AREA:If r eq ui re d,appli cantmust provide a cu rrent s tamped survey showing lot area. G .NAME OF APPL ICAN;~:~~A N~N.e.;"'~~K3;A~r:~'.E.~~LA~t-1~e~<~~~~~===Mailing Address:=0"-2 77S-\I~"..C-c'B {~5a Phon e +7(,.4'0(:., I. J. Phone 32.<;;-<£,'-''1/"b;;;,·41 eX;, Condom in ium Approval if applic abl e .~~£ K.DRB FEE :ORB f ee s,as shown above,are to be paid at the t ime of s ubmittal of DRB application .Later,when apply ingf ora building permit ,please identify the accurate v aluation o f the proposal .The Town of Vail wi ll adjust t he fee according to the table b elow,to ensure the correct fee is paid.~1'8~~k~ FEE PAID;$~1 /7'/~ VALUATION $0 $10 ,001 $50 ,001 $150 ,00 1 $500,001 $Over -$1 0 ,000 $50 ,000 $1 5 0,000 $500 ,000 $1 ,000 ,000 $1,000 ,000 I:EE Q -2 Q...OP $50 .00 $1 00 .00 $200 .00 $400 .00 $500 .00 *DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS ABUILDINGPERMIT IS STARTED . ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS ""NOAPPL ICATION WILLBEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 ••II .PRE -APPLICATIQN ME ETING: A pre -appl i cat i o n meetingwithamember of the planning s taff is strongly en couraged to determine if any a ddition al a pp li cation information is ne eded.It is the applicant's r esponsibility to make an appointment with the staff t o d et ermine if there are additional submittal requirements . P lea se n otet hat aCOMP LETE application will streaml ine th e approval process f or your project . III.IMPORTANT NOTICEREGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TQ THE ORB : A.In a dd it ion t omeeting submittal requirements ,the a p pl ic ant must s ta ke and tape the pro ject site t o indicate p rope rt y lines ,bUildi ng lines and bu il ding corners .All trees t o be r emoved mus tb et a ped .All s ite t ap ings and stak ing must be complet ed prio r t o the ORB site vi sit.The app l icant must en su re t hat staking d one du ri ng t he wi nte r i s n ot b uri ed by snow. B .The review process for NEW BU ILD INGS normally r equires t wo separate meet ings o f the Design Revi e w Board:a conceptual approval and a final approval .Applicants should plan on p resenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obta ining fin al approval. c .Applicants who fa il to appear bef ore the DesignRev iew Boa rd o n thei r s c hedul ed meeting d at e a nd who ha ve no t a sked in advance that d iscu ss iono nt h eir i tem b e postponed ,will have their items removed from the ORB d ocketu ntil s uch time as the item has been republished. D.Th e f oll owing items may ,at the discretion o f the zo nin g admini st rat or ,b ea pproved by t he Commu n ity Dev elo pm e nt Departments taff (i.e.af o rm a l hear ing bef ore the DRB mayn ot b e requi red ): a.Windows ,skylight s and s imilar e xte ri or c ha nges whi ch do not alter the exi s ting plane of the buildi ng;and b .Bu ilding additi on proposals n ot visible from any other l ot or publ ic space .At the time such a p rop osa li s submit ted ,applic ants must include l et te rs fr om adj ace nt property owners and/or f r om the agent f or o rman ager of any ad jacent condominium as socia tion stating t he associat ion a ppro ve s of the addi tion . E.I f a pr operty is located i n a mapped hazard a rea (i .e. sn ow a valanche,rockfall,flo od plain,d e bris flow, wetland ,e t c),a ha zard study mustb e submitted a nd t he owner must sign a n affidavit recogni zing the ha z ard r ep o rt prior .t o the issuance of a bu ilding permi t. Applic ants a re en c ouraged to check wi th aTownP l anner pr io r to ORB appli cati o n to d etermine the r ela ti onship of t he pr operty to a l l map p ed h azard s. F .Fo r all r e si d ential c onstructi on: a .Cl ea rly in dicate on the floor plans t he inside f ace o f the exterior structural walls o f the b uild i ng;a nd b .I ndic at e wi th a d ash ed line o n the site plan a fo urf o ot distance from the exterior fa ce o f the b uild ing walls or s uppo rting columns. G.I f DRB approves the applicati on with conditions o r modifi cati ons ,all condi tions of a p prov al must be res ol vedp rio rt oTown issuance o fa b ui ldin9 permit. 2 IV,NEW CONSTRUCrtik •A .Three copies of ar ec en t topogra ph ic surve y,s ta mp ed bv a li cens ed s u rve yor ,a t a sca le o f1 "-20 'or larger, on which t hef ollowing informati on is pr ovided: 1 .Lot a rea. 2 .Tw o f oot c ontour i n terval s unl ess t he parcel c on sists o f 6 acres or mor e,in wh ich c ase ,5 ' c ont our i nterval s may b e accepted . 3 .Existing trees or groups o f trees having trunks with diame ters o f 4 "or mOr e,a s measured fr om a p oint o nef o ot above grade. 4.Ro ck outcroppings and other signifi cant natural features (large boulders,intermittent streams, e tc .)• 5 .Haz ard a reas (a v al anche ,r oc kfall,e t c.), c en terlin e of stream or cree k,re quired c re ek or stream setback,IO O-yea r floo d plain and slopes of 40%o rmore,if a ppli c able. 6.Ties to existingb e nchmark,either US GS landmark o r sewer invert.This informations houldb e c l ear ly .stat ed o n the survey so tha t all · mea su reme nts a re b ased o n t he s ame starting poi nt. This is particularly importan t f or hei ght meas urement s.See P ol icyOn Surv ey Inf ormation, fo rmore informa ti on regardi ng survey s. 7 .Loca ti ons of t he f ollowi ng : a .Size and t ypeo f dr ainage c ul ve r ts ,s wal es , etc.must b es hown. b .Ex act l ocation of ex is ti ng ut i litys ources an dp ropos ed se rv ice lines fr om the ir sou rce t o t he structure.Util i ties to include : Cable TV Se wer Gas Telephone WaterE lectric c.Show all u tility mete rl oc a ti ons ,in cluding a ny pedesta ls to be located on s iteo r in the ri ght-of-way ad jacent to t he s ite .Revo cab le pe rmitsf rom the Town of Vai l a rere qu ired for i mprovements i n the r ight -at-way. d .P ropertyl ines -dist ances a nd b earings and a b asis o fb eari ng mus t be s hown . e .Alle asemen ts (T itle report must also i nc lude e x ist ing e asementl o cat ion s) 8.E xis ti nga nd f in ish ed gr ad es. 9.P rovi de spote lev ati ons of the s treet,a nd a mi nimum o f one s pote leva tion one ithers ide of th e l ot,25 feet out f rom thes ide pr operty lines. B.S!te P lan 1.Locati ons of the f oll owing: a .P ro po sed su r fa ce d rain ageon and off site. b .P ropos ed d r ive ways .Percent slope a nd spot e levat ions must be shown. 2 .All e x isting imp ro veme nts i n cluding st ruct u res , l ands ca p ed a reas ,s ervi ce area s,storagea rea s, wal ks,driv eways ,of f -street pa rk in g ,l oa di ng are as,r etain in g walls (w i thtop and b ott om of wa ll s pot e levati o ns ),and ot her ex ist i ng s ite im provement s . 3 3.El~tions o f top of r o of ri ctJlt (with exi s ting " a nd p r op osed gra des sh own unde rnea t h).These elevations a nd gr ad es mu st be p rovided in order f or t he st aff t o determineb uildingh eight .All ri dge liness houldb e indicated o n the s ite plan . Elevations for ro of ridges shall also be indicat ed on the site plan with corresponding f inished and existing grade elevations . I 4.Driveway grades may not exceed 8%unless approved by the Town Engineer. C.Landscape Pla n (1"=2 0'o rl a rger)-3 c o pies r equi red 1.Thef ollowi ng informa tion must be provided on the lands cape plan .Thel o ca ti on of exi sting 4" diameter o r la rger tree s,the location,s ize , spacing and type (common a nd latin name)of all ex isting and prop osed plant material .All trees t o be s a ve d and t o be removed musta lso be indicated .Th e plan must als o differentia te between existing and prop osed vegetati on. NOT E: 2 .Compl ete the atta ched landscape materials list. 3 .Th e location and type of exi s ting a nd propos ed wat ering syst ems t o be empl oyed in caring for p la nt m~terial f oll owing its i n st allation. 4 .E xi s ting and pr oposed c ont our lines . I n o rder to cl arify th e i nt er-rel a ti on o f the v ar i ous devel o pmen tp ro po sal com ponen ts ,pl ea se in co rporate as much of thea bove info rmat i on as pos sib le onto t hes ite pl a n. D.S ign off fr om e a ch utility com pa ny ver ifying th e locati on o f utility s ervi ce and ava ilabi lity (see a t ta ched). E .A pr elim inary title repor t must a ccompany all sub mittal s,to insure property owners hip and locat ion o f all ea semen ts on property. F.Arc hit e ctural Plan s (1 /6"=l'o r larger,1/4"is preferr ed sca lef or r evie w)3c op ies required . 1.Sca led floor plan sa nd all elev ations of t he proposed deve lopmen t.Elevati onsmus t s ho wb o th ex isting a nd f ini s hed g ra d es. 2 .One set of fl o or plans mu st b e IIred-lin ed"to sh ow h ow the gross residential fl oor area (GRFA)was ca lcul ated . 3 .Redu ct i ons of al l elev ati ons and t he site pl an (S- 1 /2 11 x 11")f or in clusion in PE C and/or Town Council mem os may be requ ested. 4 .Exteri or surfacing mat erial s and mat er i al c o lo rs shall b es pec ified on t he a t ta ch ed materia ls list . Thi sma te ri a ls list must b ec o mple t ed and SUbmitt ed a sa p art of DRB app lica ti on .Co l or chips,s i di ng samplese tc.,sh ould be presented to t he Desi gn Re vi ewBoa rd mee tin g. G.Zone c h eck l ist (attached)mus tb e completed i f project is l o cated wi thin the Sin gl e-F amily ,Pr ima r y/Se condary o r Duplex z on e di stri cts. H.Ph otoso f the e xisting s ite and wh ere a pplicable,o f adj acent structures. 4 1.The zoni~Administ rator and/o r DRB 4Ily requi re t he submission of additional plans,drawings, specifications ,samples and other materials (including amodel)if deemed necessary to determine whet her a project will comply with Design Guidelines . V.MINOR ALTERATIONSTOTHE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos o r sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment propos al and the location (site plan)of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth ab ove ,provided a ll important s pecifications fo r the proposal including colors and materials to be u sed are submitted . VI .ADDITIONS -RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A.Or iginal f loo r plans with all spe c if icationss hown. B .Three set s of prop os ed floor p lans l/S "-l'o rl arger (1 /4"=l'i sp referre d) C .Three copies o fa site pl an showing existing a nd propo sed construction .Indicate roof ridge elevations with e x isting a nd propo sed grades shown underne ath. o.Elevations of proposed addition . E.Photos of the existing structure . F.Specificati ons for all material s and color s amp les on materials l ist (attached). At the request of the Zoning Admin ist rato r you may a lso be required to submit: G .A statement f rom each ut ility verifying location of servic e and a vail a bi lity .Se e attac hed ut ility l ocation ve r ificat ion fo rm. H.A site i mprovement survey,stamped by r egi s tered professional survey or. I.A preliminary title report ,to verify ownersh ip o f property,which lists all easeme nts. VII.FINAL SITE PLAN Onc ea bui l di ng pe rmit has been issued ,and con struc tio ni s underway,a nd before the Building Department will schedule a framing in spection,two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC)stamped by a registered professional engineer must b e s ubmitted.The follo wing information must be provided on the ILC: A.Building l oca ti on(s)with ties t o property corne rs, i .e .distances anda ngles . B.Bui lding d imens ions to t he n earest tenth of a f oo t. C .All ut il ity s ervice line as -builts ,showing type of ma t eri al used ,and size and ex act location of line s. D .Dra inage as -builts . E.Ba sis of bearing to tie to section corn er. F .All property pins are to be either f ound or set and stated on improvement su rvey. G .All easements. H.Building floor elevations a nd all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ri dge lines. 5 VIII ,CONCE PTUAL D ~GN REV IEW •A.Submi tt al requirement s;The owner or authorized agent of a ny project requir ing design approval as pre scr ib ed b y this c hapter may submit p lans for c onc eptual r evi ew b y t he Design Review Board to t he Department of Commu n ity Devel opment .The conceptual review is intended to give t he app l icant a bas ic understanding o f t he c om p atibility of t h eir proposal with t he Town's De si gn Guidelines.This pro cedure i s r ecommended primaril y f or applications morec omp lex t han si n gl e - fa mily a nd two-family residences .However,developer s of s in gle-family and two-family projects shall not b e e xclu de d from t he opportunity to requ est a conceptual d esign re view.Compl ete app lications must be s ubmitted 10 days pr io r to a schedu led ORB meeting . Thef ollowing i nformation shal l be subm itted for a conceptual review: 1.A conc eptual site and landscape plan at a minimu m scale of one inch e qua ls twenty f eet ; 2.Conceptual ele vations showing e xteri or materials and a de scription of the charact er of the proposed structure or structures; 3 .Su ffi cient i nforma ti on to show the propos al c ompli es wit h t he d ev el opment standard so ft he zone di s trict in whi ch t he p roj ect is to be located (i.e .GRFA,s ite c overage ca lculati ons, nu mb er of parki ng spaces,etc.); 4.Comple te d ORB app l icati on form. B .Procedure :Upon receipt o f an applicati on f or conceptuald esign rev iew ,the Depa rtment of Comm unity Dev el o pm ent shall review t he s ubmitted materi al sf or gener al complia nce with t he appr opriate requirements o f the z oning c ode .If the propo sal is in bas ic compliance with the z oning c ode requiremen ts ,the p ro ject s hall be f o rwarded t o the ORB for c onceptu al review.I f t he ap plicati on is not g enerally in compli a nc ewi th z oning c ode r equ i rements,the application a n d subm ittalmateri al s sh all be re turned t o the appl ic ant withawr it te n explanat io na s to why the Community Deve lopm e nt Department s taff has fo und t h e pr o ject n ot t o be i nc ompliance wi th z oni ng c ode r equirements .Oncea complete a p plicat ion h as been r ec eived ,t he ORB s ha ll r eview the submitted c on ceptua l r e vi ew app licat io n and suppor t ing material i n o r de r to d e te rmin e whe ther or n ot t he p rojec t generally comp li es with t he de sign guide li nes .The ORB d oes n ot v ote on c oncep tu alr ev ie ws.The p roper ty o wner or his r epresent at ive shall be present at the ORB h earing . 6 ••LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT :LA"-'iP~Re-s lDE:"'-1ce LEGAL DESCRIPTION :LOT I'!\4 BLO CK ~SUBDIVISI ON VA'"bA~5<"_"'.... STREET ADDRESS :Z.~2g 4~M'?t±'DR.I\I<=O DESC RIPTION OFPR OJECT :F-Xre-5,lors "'~\ER'/pp.e.pf,ANO Cj A"Z-f='oIlb Q /• L ...t-JOSe.AP'N S The fol lowing information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board b efore af inal approval ca nb e g iven: A .BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof S id ing Other Wall Materials Fa scia Soffit s Windows Window Trim Doors Do or Tri m Ha nd o r Dec kRai ls Flues F lashings Chimn ey s Trash Enclo s ur es Gr eenh o u s es Other TYPE OF MA TERIAL Cpp l>.$="S t-+~ -rt,fl1 4...-...hi COLOR B.LANDSCAPING :N ame o f Desi gner:<5-rEPH€=N ~iC'I-lA~D" Ph one :~2 ~-c:.2 B7 PLANT MATE RIALS: P ROP OSED TRE ES Botani calNam e 'f90!:W'i !g!rn l?bO !~$ ftt~-M PLJ"'''f>~S Co mmon Na me ASE EN Ouantity Si ze* G 1!"-•C&r.... 2 ~~BI EXI STING TRE ES TO BE REM OVED *Indicate cal ip er for deciduous t rees.Minimum ca li per for d eciduous trees is 2i nc hes .I ndicate height fo rc oniferous tre es .Mi nimum hei ghtf or c oniferous trees i s6 feet . 7 PLANT MATERI ~:Botanical Name C omm o ~ame f fg\erl CD'5A fc:e ·mu...A R o 'i-A 'R<..J<O"?A ~"Swt $tJ C> A '14..../JCt.J ...e..4 t.b!lfoUA "'325"I ,grSf e pt P ROPOSED SHR UBS Quantity S ize* -;,S fi¢L. 2.2cA <'" :2;,2 :z .....~ '3 5:;.......~. • EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of pr opo sed shrubs .Mi nimum s izeo fs hrub s is 5 ga llon. GROUND COVE RS SOD SEED Square F o otage TYPE OFIRR IGATION TYPE OR ME THOD OF f\4eJ DtJ",.J P ':YDNS C e;M"!t~ EROSI ON CONTRO L c .LAN DSCA PEL IGHTING :I f exte rio r ligh ti ng is p roposed ,please sh ow the number o ff i xtur es and locat ions o na separa te li ghting pl an.Identify each fixture fr om the light ing plan o n the l istb elow and p rovide the wattage ,height above grade and type of l ight pr o posed. CJQ ):.,r <:: D.OTHER LANDSCAP EF EATURES (retaini ng wall s,f ence s,swimming pools ,e t c.)Plea se s pec ify .I n di cate he ights o f re tainin g walls.Maximum he ighto f walls wit hin t he fro nts etback i s 3 feet .Max imum hei ght o f walls elsewhere on the prope rty is 6 fee t. .t=C NGE 8 •~L I TY LOCATION VERIFICATI ~.. • SUBDIVISION _ JOB NAME _ FILING _BLOCK _LOT _ ADDRE SS _ The loc ation and ava ilability of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or pr opo sed lines,must be approved and verified by the f ollowing ut ilities for the ac co mpanying site plan. Au thorized Si gnatu re Upper Eagle Valley Water ,Sanitat ion Distr ict * 47 6 -7480 Fred Ha sl ee U.S.We stCo mm u ni cati on s 1-800 -9 2 2-1987 468 -68 60 o r 9 49 -4 530 Publi c Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Hol y Cross Elec tric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Ca bl e vi sion T:V . 949-5530 Steve Hiatt NOTE:1.Th isf orm is t o verify s erv ice avai labi lity and l ocation.This sho uld be u s e d in conj unct ion wit h preparing yo ur utility plan and scheduling installations. 2.For a ny newc onst ruction proposa l,the app licant mu st provide ac ompleted utili ty verification f orm. 3 .I f a u tility company has concern s wi th the propos ed c on struction ,the utility r epre s entative should n ot directly o n the uti lity verificat ion f orm that there is a problem whic h needs to be r es ol ved.The issue sho uld then be spelled out in de tail in an a tt ached letter t o the Town of Vail. Howev er ,p lease keep i n mind t hat i t is the re sp onsibility o f the utility compa ny t o r e solve i den tified pro blems . 4 .If t heu tili ty ve rif ica t ion for m ha s s ignatures fr om each of the utility companies,and n o comments are made di rectly o n the fo rm,the Town wi ll p resume that the re are n o problems a nd that t he development can proceed . 5 .Th es e v er i fi c ations d o n ot r elieve the cont r act or of h is respo n sibility t o obta in a st reet cut p erm it fr om t he Tow n of Vail ,Depar tment of Publ ic Wo rks a nd t o obtain uti lit y l o cations b ef o re d igging i n an y p ublic ri ght o f wayo r easement in the Town of Va i l.Ab uilding pe r mit i s n ot a street cu t pe rmit .A street cut permit must be obta ined s epa r at el y. *Plea se b r inga site plan ,floor plan,and elevati ons whe n obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Wat er &Sanit ation signatures .F ire flow needs must b e add res se d. 9 •SFR , ZONE CHECK • FOR R,R p is ZONE DISTRICTS • DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot I~;'t ADDRESS:2 0 2 g ~A g Vh r:1H ']:'.'r?'VE OWN ER A NNE M!~!E LAME'F !Pa r .,g&r.IT P HON E 4'71/.-4.l"'CX=.="--_ ARCH ITE CT 5ffiPt!€>-I R ,ctiA R..'73 PHONE 328 -tQ?J3 7 ZONE DISTRICT ~C~~~~~m~~~~e~66-_ PROPOSEDUSE e!SWt-eIT'AL PEr.1</q <:t C50 AJ:P.-11 -.(. **LOT SIZE ~+.'S=Ac.gES (30)(33) '6~..~f"""--- Height Total GRFA Pr imary GRFA S econdary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Allowed +425 ~._ +425 .,__ 20' 15' 15' Existing Proposed 10' I Toeal Water Course Setback S ite Coverage Landscaping Ret aining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: (30)(50) 3 '/6 ' __Reqrd (300)(600)(900)(1200)__- P ermitt ed Slope ~Actual Slope _ Date approved by Town Enginee r: Vie w Corridor Encroachment: En vironment al /Hazard s: 'les'_ 1)Flood P lain No'_1?1,_ 2 )P e rcent Slope __ 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Aval"a~n:c~h:e:=:========::b)Rockfall _ c)Debris Flow __ 4)Wetlands,_ P r eviou s c onditions of app roval (check property file)":~__ Does this r equest invo lve a 250 Addition? Howmuch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_ "Note:Under Sections 18.12.090 (8)and 1 8 .1 3.080(8)of t he Municipal Cod e,lots zo ned Two F amily and Primary/Secondary whi ch ar e less than 15 ,000 sq.ft.in area may not construct a second dwel ling unit .The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provid ed the applicant meets the criteria set fo rth under Se ctions 18.12.09 0(8)and 18 .13.080(8)of the Municipal Code including permanently rest ricting t he unit as a long-term r ental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagl eVa lley. 1 0 '"u, .'"-">".••~-~e .:;,"~0- ~,:-.;".J -"~c "~...~u,J ~ ~-I cr w 0 0 -0: !)i 3 :-~., •'"11.-w ~•0 -.J Z '--I•>~cr~,~D Z .~0--c .~,I~c ~I:'U ,•I-.0 0--,, 0 -c ~ ••...•c ~~.x ~"-".'.''!u 'I: 0 c '.-j'~ '"~"w ., ,,"H,',"~"'"':.,.,,,·•·..,DEPARTME:'iT Of COMMUNITY DEVELOP~IE NT SA LES Ac nON FOR:-.1 JJ4ck ,• e,.,'., .S5.00 sso.oo 536.00 S32.OO •• • •• •• •• 536.00 I .530.00 I I S7.00 so.zs ] I I ,520.00 •r •, •·•,-, ; t.. 525 0.00 5150.00 $200.00 $200 .001 5200 .00 $200.00 S5OO.OO SISOO .OO I $1,000.00 $200.00 / ;C ' •• Ivrc ART r ROIECTOO NAnON IPR E PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE I AD DIn ,'AL R A -~O" IC O"UITIONAL USE PER.\DT IEXTERI OR ALTE RATION LESS THA..'"100S .FT_ I E.XTERlORALTF.RATION MOREmAN tOOS .FT. ISPECIA L OE VELOPME~I DlsTRlCT E SPECJAL D E VElOP~fE!\"T OISTRI CT MAJ OR AME."lD I SP£CLA L DEVEL OPME:-rT DISTRIC T MlNOR AMf},1>! ISl:"BDl vlSI ON .VARJ AJ'':CE I ZO:"/JNG COcE A.\1E,;'1DMENTS RE·ZONING I 2112 TAX 14% 41010 TAX (4%) ;C O ~I M E :-'IS :-,," '..0 1 COOO.:2,u O •1---"'=7'="-+==..:..:.====="'----------t----,--f-:,=,.-+==~_j }. :010(0004I33J ... '.'. "."-'-','... :..-"A /(!U f <-'-"\ ''"~'>''.".;,~~,,.;.-:;.-....:-;.~""'''f >t .¥>k.L·-·-rM)'t':":"0 :~""');~~',..\.~1'.;'<"'~'''''1 ,~, ..._---- TOWN OF VAIL 7 5 Sout h FrontlZge ROIlJ Vail ,Colorado S 16 57 JOJ .479-2138 /47 9-21 J9 Novembe r 26,1992 AnneMarie Lampe POBox 2775 Vail,Co lorado 81658 •• Dtpartmrnt of Community Dtvtlopm ent RE:Lots13a nd14,Block G ,Vail DasSc hone Dear An ne Marie : Asyou r r equestto constru ct anexterior st airway.a newd eck.a nda gazeboh as n ot b een active forsometime.I am wri tingyouto letyouknow that I a m crosing th e file.The Town will keep th e Informationyou submittedonrecord.so that if yo uw ouldlike torea ctivateyo ur request,youca nusethesame plans.Before youcan cons tructan acce sso ry bui lding on the lot adjacent toyourre sid ence at 232 8 Garmisch Drive,yo u m ust fi rst vacatetheproperty line separatingthe Jo ts .TheTown cannot allow acce ssoryuses ona lotun less ther eisapr imary use onth esamelot. If you haveany questions about this .please donothes itate toca ll me .Ica n be r eachedat 479 -2 138. Sincerely, INS eTION REQUEST TO WN OF V AIL '''. 479-21 38 Lnrmu CA L LER -4ld -'IntiI'/1 • PERM IT N UMBERO FPROJECT DATE 8 1:=5 I94-__J OB N AME ....".='---"+'~_ ., I N S P ~S;~t 'l MONTU ES WED n U R F RI ----READYFO R AM I PM L OCATION :-\'-),/,~"'.rv)i{)(,H-\2l \r(j (rt'\t n':;'fl r hi I I f Irl r •rr h--r\~r ') -' BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTING S I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. IiFRA MING 11'1'eu C I·';o ROU GH I WA TER R OOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .T UB o S HEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o F IN AL o FINAL ELE CTRI CAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS, o CO ND UIT o S UPPLY AI R 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL U 'I ROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REQUIRED- CORRE CTIONS : D ATE --.4-,'<-,,-/'--!...L_--INSP ECTO R " PM_____A M INs.eTION REQUEST T OWNOF V AIL •-•• 479-2 138»ce.e.,J OB N A ME -------,L~I'--....,..-=-,.9-=-=-+_-~~~~~ CA L L ER _-A:...u~W:24bLb..L!:l:.t!1':....:!~?6 I N SPECTION:M ON -TUES WED T H URd3c?Z (CO /(db'S &< I RE ADY FOR LOCATION:_--6.z-~<LL='------"'-'---''-d.L'--'=-'''--='.l....<=l....-_ I D A T E __----';4;"'-1.__-- ".-)-I •('BUI LDING:PLU MBING:.. 0 ,\o FOOT ING S I S TEEL .t j o U NDERGRO,UND /,-o FOUNDATI ON I S T E~L o RO UGH I DW.V., IY ;R AMING o ROUGH I WATER - ROOF &S HEER ,-/o G AS PI PIN G[]PLYWOOD N AILING ~-• '<, c I NSUL ATION o POO L I H ,T U B o SH EETRO CK N AIL o .' 0 0 J, o FIN AL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: ~:--o TE MP,POW ER o H EATING o RO UGH c EXH AUST HOODS u CO NDUIT o SU PPLY A IR o 0 'f o FINAL o FIN A L o A PPRO VED J;S D ISAPPROVED 'fR E IN ~':.:CTI O N REQUIRED • ,"• CORR EC TION S: \ \ \, /, 1 DA TE ----/-.-/-o-"""':;,L-'-f'-----I NSPECTO R I c ,~ IN eTION REQIIEST T OWN O F VA IL Y •.- I _479 -2138 UI/11t~IJecl!-, CA L L E~Llc!J J5/tflt/!7 !fr(/)),..(-!tb)A/(}4 1':lAc / T UE SWEDT HUR FRI A M BREADYFORINSPECTION:9 PER M IT N UMBERO F PR OJECT ~-j-1Cj L OCATION :~;;'2f?(:11("'J5<:-h a- (I/{'5f fail )/'1'7 9'/£. BUILDING:'/..d''''Ah,J 5J'"'j ~P>,u -PLUMBING: )(-FO OTI N G S /STEEL fe Jl1A ild/t.""."o U NDERGRO UN DJ o FOUNDATIO N /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. a FRAM ING o ROUG H /WA T ER , ROOF &SHE ER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POO L /H .T UB o SH EETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FI NA L ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: n T EMP.POWER o H EA TI NG ~ o RO U G H -o EXHA UST H OO DS o CO N DUIT o SUPP LYA IR CO"+ 0 -0 °I FJNAL -,o FINAL,. r f cfJ-PPROV ED LA';;'O RRECT IO N S: \.. o D ISAPPROV ED I r o REIN SPECT IO N REQ U IRED I D AT E "1 INS'ECTION REQtlEST T O WN O F VA IL /IJ 47 9-2 138 1-4IJYlIS /CWldt -~ CALL ER tiC/'I3rrJ wA! r UES W ED T H UR e AM c9 • PERMIT N UMBEROFPROJECT D ATE lj-t -¥JO BN AM E --'--'-"'-!;.L..;'=----;,,..:-::--=:..r:.=:::....='-------- READY FO RINSPEC TIO N,MON LOCAT ION ::232$r:Ill';1//.5cII /Jl?Jtl£- ClIf'1 '1/fff" BUILDING:P LUMB ING: o FO OT INGS I STEEL o UND ERGROU N D o FO UND ATIO N I ST EEL o ROUGH I D .W .V. o FRAMI NG o RO UG H I WATER ROO F &SHE ER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULATI O N o POO L I H .T UB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 l;(FIN AL o FI NA L I ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL, o T EMP.POWE R o H EA TIN G o RO UGH o EXHA UST H OOOS o CO N DU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FI NAL o F INAL r:PRO VED o D ISA PPROVED o REIN SPECT IO N REQU IREDr- D A TE ---"-7L.-<'-/---L =---INS PECTO R Cd...J---- NOTE -C O P YO FPER MIT TO B EK EPTON J OB$ITE DECEMBER 8 .1993CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT~},~..,DATE -:~PERMITNO.655 11.111 91 1.TY PEO FCONSTRUCTION rum I V II department o f comm unity d evel opment 2.OCCU PAN CVGRO UP ABE HIRM f-"~U~Il~D~,"~G'--+-t Z ELECTRICAL T OBEFIL.LEO OUTCOMPLETELYPAIOATOI$SUANCEO FPEAMIT DI VISION 12 2a 3 4 g f------,I----------------f TYPE OF PERMIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK ;:;PLUMBING I nl"ln n n INSTALLING GAS FIRE?!ACE I NSERT ;t 1-.c:...----t'lJl\!lL.lll.l.------------toBUILDINGKXPLUMBINGCONVERSION>~.::EC::.H:::A::.NI::C=Al:t.:lll'o,'oo!JJ...JlJ!nn --toELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 ,TYPEGROUP G ,A FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES _ G AL LOT BLK V-N R-3 BUILDI NG PERMIT ESC FI LING VAI L DAS SCH.PlAN CHECK 08 N AMEL AMPE CO~V ERSlON elECTRICAL O W NE R NAM EWOI FGA~G LAM PE NEW (I ALTERATI ON (ADDITIONAL {)REPAIR ()PlUMBING MA IL ADPRESS DWELlINGUNtTS __ACCOMMOOATION UNlTS__MECHA NI CAL !I}-------+--------j CITY PH .k _l,I nk HEIGHTINFT.__NO,FIREPLACES __I-_R~E~C_R~EA~T~ID,,-N_F~EE=-__--l ---j ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATI ON :TYPE THICKNES S R-VALLU E DESIGNREVIEW BOARD MAILAnORESS FLOOR I II II--C~l~E-AN-U-P~D-E-PO-.-T----l-----------j EXT.WAl lS CITY PH.USE TA X .-.-.I_'.'00'g--------j-------j GENERAL FIRM ...tLid=sh-~~i;;'~I CONTRACTO R TO WN O F VAil RE G.NO.T ~:E ELEC.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES FEESWAIVED TELE .HEA T SOlAR ,WOOD -DA!I -E IAtlElC .12 ~7 =.9 3._ FI RM A DDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UILDI NGOFFICIAL DATE LECTRICAl s.!!I NITIAL ONTRACTOR l aWN OE VAIL REG.NO.ST.CUT CoN IN'GADM'iN'iSTRATOR-----DATE---- T a ~L _BLASTING !ZONING &BUILOING NOTES:_ f iRM AI PINE MECHANI CA l PARKING PLU MB ING 14 2 P --------f--+-+---- C ONTRACTOR T OWNOF VAi l REa .NO.-OE MO 11---------------------- THE.926 -24 12 f i RM Ihe reby a cknowledge thatIhave read this app lication,f i ll edo utinf ull t he i nf o rmat io nrequired, MECHANIC A complet ed anac cura te p lot p lan.a n d statet hat allth ei nfo r mation pr o v id ed as req uired i s co rrect.I C ONTR AC TOR T OWNOF VAi l REa .NO .agr ee t o c omply wi th the i nformati o n a ndp lot p lan .to c omply with all T o wn o rdinances a nd state TELE l aws.a ndt obuildth isstructureaccord ing tot he Town's z oning and s u b divisio n co des,des i gn .review a pproved.U nifo r m Buildi ng Cod ea nd O ~~;H o rd ihawes of the own apP ~le t hereto. OTHER FIRM ,("-n .i~;J+c-« TQWNOF VAil REG.NO.p IG.NATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRAC TORFOR H IMSELF CO NTR AC TOR THE.'A Nlft HE OWNER. ~N OTE-CO PY O FPERMI TT OBE K EPT ON J OB$ITE DECEMBER 8 .19936.0 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ~DaE 6 --1 PERMITNO.:n 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION IIIII1 I VV :ommunity de velopment 2.OCC UPANCYGROUP ABE H I R M r-B~U~IL~O~'N~G'---+-t z ELECTRIC41~ETELVP A 10 R TO I S SU A NC EO FPE R M IT DIVISION 122.11 34 Q I-'----'----j------------------J ~ R "IT GENERAl OESCRIPTION OFWORK :,...,-:-::-:-==--111 <PLUMBING 1 000·· IT t'l:V "/"'l:I'tl I~S TALLING GAS FIR!1'LACE:INSERT ~I----+"""".uc.uu'--------------toBUILDINGl.U.P LUMBING COHVKR.SlON >f-M_E_C_"_AN_'_CA_L+"2'O""'OO,,.•""'OO'--1oELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0.'~:;;j,,"";-~~~,"'1)TYPE GROUP G.A,F.A.VALUATION P ERM IT FEE S t GAL LOT BlK V-n R-J BUILDING PERM IT ESC FILING VAIL DAS SCH -~j.PLAN CHECK JOB N AME:LAMPE CONVUSION ELECTR ICAL OWNER NAME WOLFGANG IJIII."{PE NEW (1 ALTERATI ON(XX ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR()PlUMBING MAIL AD DRESS OWElll NGUNITS __ACC QMMOOA TI ONUNITS __MECHANICA L11------+-------1 CITY PH 6-4106 HEI GHTlNfT __NO.FlflEPlA CES __RECREATI ON FEE 1/--=c.....:.~--+-------1 ARCHITECT FIRM '.INSULATION:TYPE TH ICK NESS R-VAllue DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 11------+-------1 MAI L AOPRE SS FlOOfl CLEANUP DEPOSIT -----EXT.WA llS U----------+---------4 CITY PH .USE TAX.~ROOF II---------t--------j G EN ERAL FIRM t1 iI .j '-&~I CONTRACTOR TOW N QF VAI L REG .NO.:~E ELEC GAS TOTALP ERMIT FEES nES W'AIVED TElE.HEAT SOLA1'l WOOD .llAll ..5'IME1l..1 2:7:9.1 _ ~FIRM AOO1Tl ONA L PE RMITS NEEDED:Ui lOINGOFFICt4l DATE LECTRICAL Y N INITI AL CONTRACTOR TOW N OF VA il REG .NO.ST.CUT ----ON ING "'-OM-INISTRATOR ----DATE---- TELE.-,..BLASTING ZON ING &BUIL DING NOTE S:_ FIRM ALPTNE MPCHANTC !!PARKING PLUMBING 14 2-P --------11-+--1----11 _ CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAll REG .NO.DEMO TElE.926-2412 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.:.-:iiiii-:iiiiiiiiii_-.u.------------------..1 FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ap plicati on,fi lled out i n fu llthe information requi red, MECHANI CAL c ompletedanaccu rate p lot p lan,and state that a ll t he information provided as required is c orrect.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAil AEG.NO.agree to comply with the i nformation and p lot plan ,to complywi th a ll Town ordinances and state TELE l aw s,a nd tobu ild this structure accordi n g 10t he Town's z oning and subdivis ion co des ,de sign review approved ,Uniform Building Code and othero rdinances o f the Town applicable t hereto. OTHER FI RM ,i-.J (,t/>---.T - TOW N OF VAll REG .NO.IGNATURE OF OWNER OR CON TRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRA CTOR TELE.AND THE OWNER., -.~ ~ • /0 1/:5 PERMI T n!c C;b lTOWNOFVAILCONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE :IIfC'O Ofwe'",.,C2 lon,tI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY 'OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~••***********.**.**.**.******PERMIT INFORMATION *******•••••*.*••********.*.* []-Building y<l-Pl umbing []-Electrical [j -Mechanical []-Other __ Job Name:U/t:>Lt""C/I"'C 111 1'1 /<'Job Address:"232,'8'CI1)(1 '''~H {).L , Architect: .'Work Class:[j-New [>1-Alteration []-Additional [j-Repair []-Other _ Number o f Dwel ling Units :I Number o t Accommodation Units: ~mber and Type o f Firepl aces:Gas Appli ances Gas Logs Wood/Pell et ~******••******.*.**********.*****VALUATI ONS **••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BUI LD ING:$7 "C ".C>O ELECTRI CAL:$OTHER:$ XLUM BING:$,,.c ,cc ECHANICAL:$'ji!,'§';leDo TOTAL:,;-.--------- ***************************CONTRACTpR INF ORMATION *.********.******••••****** eneral Contractor:K rJ (?r ~?g D 5 I C.Town o f Vail Re~NO . Add res s:r q 70 Jl I 0 r:Number:i7 t>;m Electrical Contractor:~Town of Vail Reg.NO o _ Address:Phone Number:, Plumb ing ~t ra c t o r:[lLI'l;',m <'c /".",,,,c/ll.- Address :t!..O·-<36,.:'(.q z~IkJc;?'v Mechanica lContractor : Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO ./,(/2.P Phone Number:4 7t'c-?'/lI t_ Town of Vail Reg .NO._ Phone Number: O FF ~CE UR E ***••*****•••••**.*******.***** BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: ME CHANICAL PLAN CHE CK FEE: RE CREATION FEE: CLE AN -UPDEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES' FOR******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELE CTRICA L FEE: OTHER TYPE OFFEE: ORB FEE '.• TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: ,)k Y.-I SIGNATURE: ZONING: ,.SIGNATURE: Comments :.tIF./"r>/A/~J.t':~/./~'/II /~/~J C;71 II A.?!'I '?,d T A.t",-'/0'#""~,,C '..t,d',,//- ff .1 r»:-z:~"'."..•,v~/J ..../r/·-•,. XCLEA1I UP DEPOSIT REFUND ••.. , 75 s oulh rrontag.ro .d n il,col or.do81657 (303)479-2138 or 479 -2 139 office of commun ity d evelopment BUILDING PE ~1 IT ISSUANCE TIM E FRAME If th Is permIt requIres a Town of Vai l FI re Depa r tme nt Ap proval, Engineer''S (Publ tc Wor ks)re view and approval,a Planning Department revieworHealth De partm ent review,and arevi ew by t he Bui lding Departme nt.t he estimated time for at otal review may takeaslon g a st hree weeks. All corron erc ial (large orsmall)and all multi-famll y permits will ha ve to follow theabo ve ment ioned ma ximu m require ments .Residential and sma ll pro j ectsshouldtakea les ser amo unt of t i me .Ho wever,i f res idential or sma ller pro j ectsi mpa ctthevariousabove mentioned depar tm ents with r egard to necessary r e view.the se projects may al so ta ke the three week perIod. Every a ttem ptwi llbe made by this departm ent to exp edIte thIs pe nm 1t assoonasposs ible. 1.theundersigned ,understand the plancheck procedure and ti me frame . y.~~-J-_---, )t {,t.'Jc.U L~/~,,(C Project Name ~I L -2 .~9.3 Date Work Sheet wa s turned into th e Co mmunit y Develo pm ent Departm ent . ••.. • • lown of val 75 south 'ront_g_road "all,colorado 81657 (30')479-2138 Dr 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CtlRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Va il Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written not ice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in fUll,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Departcent to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter . ;~c ~it (~by: ~C:ft~~~~ShiP to project (i.e.contractor,owner) W"r-z.,-r Z -t'1-3 "'Date •••.. ____---"<:AMPMTHURFAI -,1 ',.......1, ..••INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O F VAIL I \-I f-=-J OB NAME l j 2...- _CAL LER /-:--l ------''=c.:c,:--;jJ\C t ' I NSPECTION :~_T UES WED "..,-41'\\-11 DATE READY FOR LOCATION :-'-=_-'------'--=-_"-_ PERMIT N UMB ER OF P ROJECT <'f'Y...a3 !, BUILDI NG :PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS I STEE L o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEE L o ROUGH I D.W .V . o FRAMING o ROUG H I WAT ER ROO F &S H EER }(GASPIPING /i/"-S.z=o PLYWOODNAI LING o I NSU L ATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP .POW ER a HEATING. o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o F I NAL fi!PPR OV ED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SP ECTION REOU IRED C ORREC TIO NS : 'C[)4t:lt4 P A,,'£a"I~r , DA TE (Z -/3 -93 I NS P ECTOR ~ PERMIT N UMBEROF PROJECT ION REQUEST' T OWNOF VAIL 479 -2138 PM_____A MFRI D ATE ....:.--='-"--'--'-"--__J O B NAME ,/~c ~/.._ C ALLER _ REA D YFO R IN S PEC T ION:MON T UE S W ED J H U_ L OCATION ,2 i?~G#K -'5"H BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT ING S I STEEL o UNDERG RO UND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUG H I DW V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROO F &SH EER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 QJINA L o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POW ER o HEATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o F INAL o FIN AL pyeER OVED o D ISAPPRO VED o REINSPECTION R EQUIRED CO RRECTIONS : DAT E -'-_-"----'--'--_INS PECTOR EAGLE COUNTY ••f , .j ep t-,of Co mmu nity Development -Box 179 EAG LE,COLORADO 8163 1 TELEPHONE 3 03/328 ·7311 BOARD O F'COU N TY COMM ISSIO NERS Ext 241 ADM INISTR AT IO N E xt 24 1 A NIMALS HE LTE R 949-4292 ASSESSO R E xt 2 02 April 2 7,1 981 BU IL DING I N INSPECTION Ext 226 o r 229 C LER K & RECORDER E xt 211 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ex t 242 EN GINEER Ext 23 6 ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH E x t 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 2 47 LI B RARY E xt 255 PUBL IC H EA LTH Ea $le Ellt 252 V'II1476 ·5844 P LANN I NG Ex t 226 o r 2 29 P URCHASING / PERSONNE L !t:')::l2 4 5 R.,OAO B.BRIDGE Ext 257 St1ER IFF E~g r e Ellt 2 1 \ Basalt 927·3244 G ilman 8 27 ·575 1 SOCI AL S ERV I CES 3 28 ·6 328 T REAS URE R Ell t 201 Rona ld Sa ldy Co lumbia Sa v ings &Lo an Denv er Technological Cente r #14 P .O .Box1 71 27 Den v er,Colo ra do 80 2 1 7 RE:Fritz Schmi dt -Vari anc e«~ f orLot s 13 &1 4,Bl o ck ~L:, :Il-~a il Das Sc hone -2 32 8 Garmi s ch Dr .•Vail,CO . Dear Mr .Saidy, Enc lose d pl ease find c opi es of Eagle Count y d ocuments g ra nti ng Mr .F ri tz Schmidt ,doin g bu siness as Dalas I nve stments,a varian ce to allow a 1 0 foo t se tb ac k o nLot s 1 3 and 14 . Pl ease c a ll me if yo u have any qu es tions . Sincer e ly ,~:::~ Planne r SV /jk c c:Frit ~Schmidt Ene. "• \ A ct lcn of Z:'('Ii ng So.:ud of Adj u~trnun t 0 "vcrtcoco A pplieuti on A p;>ro°/{l l C( e eoet ucoe:OM 'B0"i1t L.oTS "I"I D Fe\;T"I N6Th'>'O if I tv S7InI-O r$~p"", De ni al );s;t rc ae cos e (e ee O:~r of u-c B oa-d ,ll~l=hod) 1'<,..,""'".......~Pr -f'~orr ""~ A ND Cu",a e u "-or 3.;>P e¥r li':l'r<....s 1",0 ......Ft>->->.<-t I·fo.,)<.. I. "Z-• 3 . ,'.',' N ote :S ection 9 .0/••10 "-Wa1s from t h~ElORrd ' An y I urtho r £:ppc !ll from t hod ccfelon o f t M Gour d rn o y 00 m o:d"to Ih i:>c cc rts ,£<:1 p ro v j~c ~l u y I f'w ,p rov:c!t..d ,ho wovo r , th£:1 ~u c h rli-~r en l is m ude p rio r 10 twonty (20)oJ~Y5 f oll ow in g th~d a t e o fu .a notttt cc t tcn of the I:kli.,"d '~o oc tctcn, ...0.: " ......,).,~.-.­ ..•f ....._-..... EAGLE COUNTY • DE PT.OF PLA NNI NG &DEVELOP ~ENT -Box 179 EAG LE .CO LORAOO 8163 1 T ELEPH ONE3 03/3 28-731 1 BOA RD OF C OU NT Y COMMISSI ON ERS Ext 241 A DM INISTRA TION E xt 24 1 AN IMAL SH ELTER 949 -4292 AS SESSO R E xt2 02 • Ju ne 21,1979 ( , BUILDI NGI N I NSPECTI O N Ellt22 6 or 229 C L E RK to RECO RDER E xt 217 COUNTY A T T ORNEY E xt 242 E NG I NE ER Exi 236 E NVI RO N M E NT AL H EA L TH E xt 2 38 EXT E NSION AG ENT El(t2 47 L 1BRAR Y Ex t 2S S PUB LIC H EA L TH Ea gle E xt 2S2 Va il 4 76·S8 44 PLANN ING Ex t 22G or 229 PURCH ASING/ PE nSO NN EL Ex t 2 45 R OAD &.BRIDGE E xt2 S7 SHER IFF Eagl!!E xt 2 11 B,l$al t 9 2 ]·3 244 Gi lman 8 27·5 751 SOC IA L SERV ICE S 3 2 8·6328 T H:EASUflER E xt 20 I Balas Inves t mentCompany P.O.Box B Edw ards ,Co lorado RE:Fi le No.Zv-73-79 At the ir mee ting on 20June1979,th e Eagle Cou nty Plann i ng Comm iss ion recomme nde ddenialo f yo ur requ est f or va riancet othe minimum l ot s iz e ,min i mumf ront se t back and max i mum c urbc utbecausethe di fferences fr om t he sta ndard srequired inthe regulations wo uld be t oo gr ea t. Th i s recommen dation will bef orw arded t o the Zon ing Board of Adj ustme nta tt heir mee ting on12Ju ly 19 79 beginning at 10:00 a .m .,550 Bro adway,Eagl e,Co lorado. If yo u ha ve any qu estions ,pl ease contact t hi s offi ce . ~~ Planner SV/jk cc :Zoning Bo ard o f Adjustmen t i nclud9 sorva y or map: .•..4 \PPLICA TI ON ~OR VN1 IANC ~ f r o m the Z ~nin g rt osc tut lcn o f Eeql o Oo.euy I core-coo t o t he Z(JOing Bo ard of Adjuutrnent s (min irrvm 5 copies r ~lrcd;p ri nt o r ty po,oxcept s l g~ture 'S ) Section 9 .04 .05 1 .At''J lJrltH~...l'II'ld S eoCtiOIl NUIYiL<!'r(s)o r Z onlllQ R0 30 lutlon from w t 11t;'/h1urY'_.k- 2 .Ple $Ont Z()I'"Iet B /3 H &11 4.Lc"931 descriptio,",o~f>I'o:Y.'rty q"CI eo .!;Uhdlv iilion N ~J.Y:-'#'-.L{./,--,tI.,,-,t7.<.:.s",,-_",-,,==,,-,__---,Lot 7 Slk....L...~ b .metes A "lCi bo.Jn ch (m..y be e t tecbed) 5.Br i of P ur pose e-e R CJ ~on for VuriMce (rnuy bo o!lachcd): f3 ,,:/d !}<'Q'd(.(plod e».3 ..,(tJ!:: 6 .At t ach >:!'xplono lio~,h~t 0 (,0 or mora c!l nd it iolls exi5t unck r Sec .9 .04 .06 ,1-~. "yZs'o office u se .- • Fil a N o .2(~7.J .7 ? FC'0 Pald-d..z:Ot? Oalo r eed,4/7 f by :--- Appli U'ltlcn rejo<t ....'co i T".~or."1fll cl i}lor Pu:'>lic HC),IIirlQ bccou:lo: w r11 ~U~Xl'\._~_ CJ O ;l"'1I 1.~l ro ll.>( P U.l ol or ? •• (C".d'C''7Si (c.:l1 6S7 (17 .8'0 J Q ~ (C ,J"I t :'-7 ;//fWSClJ1?~q/Ut I1Ilfl Box 7S~yg ;/ !1,<un sIRo,'J /OC'rqltl /-1 I S I..y 01 SOl Ot"!mt7"!Sl/<i ~d ,5 /e/Y /i~ 3/I3 ..JI'!,..ncIJe-An,i3 cx 3 13'1 y;,;t It)7(/1"tlun /,A,,/?/,..j tf r4(;,1Y1;r1uJ i;J tl /-f. 57.?1 Sou //,a~rl<'l1 ""'4J I ,'ill.-lon , ,)0'!?a dI'J,'/r J u1''£'8"1 332..Y 011 1 (j It.fcllu s h ,..,(]Os-<,/,J I Yen/'a- /725 c;/I!a.sp ie 1'3('.dolp/:?{C,so 3'0:; 71 /%/la-,R".J.Jel If;I O/a na.80'1.'::<"7'(t d r .:»/G57 8),«(.(nrl1~t'~ER i C t Po/mm Jp",,,,{f3 C '1..3£:J..L J''o i('i 1 6 ,:,-7 1/8ele ;?l'?q ~l/Ifn.!o/?/n I Fytl 35Ft S o.E I ,..weN!6 ~&W'Jn ,I ).CCJ.f0:< Ie)(;q(X tldNA'/)'t7M -.!",s'tS r;,~AtltlCSJ'f?/~'JS !Jo l.7:l.<1 (b,.1'0_7'07 II)6 Lql:z ,{.,E/?/?t'.J1 8 o _x :<'1-;;l.'-Xtl/I <flrs7 1:<)f.)~!'1tu d/f')7 d me.s ,L,_13 t2 X 6''11 Yo/I t 1 Co r I:»)!f1r't'1?dq!e 4'_!3ox GOf l /ai].0 I ssr (''/)...s4/m (},?j'i?Y'·}~111m,-;:;3 3 I1lp /ne ffri re IPS/Oil ,~,I %OY ;J. 'S}0RdoYtl 1 00 17 dl/:2 "3JI'p_u,kRQch /JIve!,f)mm?(0,to,,-o 7 '6/4 ir..-R /1Ia.n /1JlJn Z£lC'_Utf!'S1..f)I'IJ~e tfu!f'woce!to,OOQIS 7/~/1<-3c j ""fll 9.~,13 0J I3 FdW l1 r</j co.J'/6'Y :z.. IS)£/?/-(jfi.1 ;«06MI .E./7S Ed.;LlJd(,:'W«I?~<4jt7jCJ /I ..ft'611 ''Ij Jr/esl v,,1il !Jey,CORfORtlJ ,b.~- 1'0 :ZeJtlS /70s(;o4 on e 1'6 /1 9 /q2({c:lll'cc:Jtr'rc.&061/ ::l.O) ScJ m e /~kC EI'?/~h J>S L;1t j ;;/;'&lJ lti If/:'Ie,s I i &CJb18 • 4-:4;/)(ytlP,,/'Qrft'/ifJRt/rdal WI/!/7c1 /;;n l 'nIS~ 14c J/"I I./(I «sr »«cI7Jl7f i?7r/l/cj tldJ t7<c nl ;:';«(J/-,<'I'i.//(5 //7iJ/?ctl l'i.ltll'/kS /A((b/('}1'>11/ell/? tJ"nd ifJ?f'nJjJt7N"/'1 /)1'/It'lj)de'I"?)('I;'. -I/ull/'"Ytt/?;"ClJ7 Ce,1/1/R ll'nl ecl,f1/il/l7 c!if'/;p~cI(r <&nl,qq.l'i.f ;"lie ;;'/;'J I CIne!f:.tllYpc>re c9jIIJ/s /(esC?llIl/on Ur-l lif'I'ltls1f'r-l .Plan. ~)Ilk:JTf'f'UC/tTV1[l.<.'QUW:>u s:e:It:>I I\!~£)../];)p~LrF/ Wf\lE5>1%1l<-b;7V L-oT 1'-1 £\13 f:-"B ~~L..-.OT I :'€?I I /tty])lkg-l1W L oT '1 fOiC...A eess -::H::OIY}OftftmDtJI X .£1>,jlJ snrnrv c::,'f'U6 1f\}&;C7;trt<t?1 ls t :-ff J::P-.~,w . 5 -2-'1 -7 9 . EAGL~COUNTY... • EAGLE.COLO RADO 8 1631 TE L EPHONE 303/328·731 1 BO ARD OF CO UNTY C OMMISSIONERS E xt 24 1 •• ADMIN ISTRA TION E xt 2 41 ANIMAL SH E LTER 949-4292 A SSESSOR Elet 202 BU ILD ING I N I NSPECT I O N Ext 2 26 or 229 CL ERK & REC OR DER Ex t2 17 COUNTY A T TORN EY Ext 2 42 Septem ber 13 .1979 BalasInvest men t P.O.BoxB Edwar ds.Co lora do 81632 RE :File No.Zv-73-79 ENG I NEER Ext 236 E NVI RONMENT A L HEALTH E ;,;t2 38 EX TENS ION AGEN T Ext 247 LI BRARY £X t 2 55 PUBLIC HEALTH E;Jgle Ell t 252 Vail 476·5844 P LANNING Ell t 2 26o r 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONN E L Ex t 245 ROAD &.BRIDG E E xt 2 57 SHE R IFF E ag l ~Ellt 211 Bnal t 927·3244 G il man 8 27 ·5751 SOCIALS ERVI CES 328 ·6328 T R E ASURER Ex l201 At th eir meetingof Sep t ember 13 ,1979 .t he Zo ning Boardof adjustmen ts appro ved part o f anddenied part of the va r ia nces . ForLot 13 -App roval -Front setba ck o f10 f eet in steadof25 feet .and a c urbcutof32fee t instea dof24f eet for the si ngle f a mi 1y house. For Lot 14 -Deni a l -The th e minimum l ot siz e f ora duplex a nd approva l fo r f ronts etbackof 10 feet i nst eadof 25 f eet anda curbc ut of 32 feet in stead o f24fee t for the sin ql ef am ily ho use. The re asons f or thedenia l on l ot 14 are th at t he varia nce was fe lt toogrea t•suffic ient ev i dence of hardship ha s not been gi ven and t hevar iance if gr a ntedwould const itu te are zoning . If yo u ha veany qu esti on s .pl easecontac t thi s off i ce . C\.~luQ(t;"" (J;;Wi 11 iam s Zo ning Ins pec tor JI·//j p cc :Zon in g Boa rd of Adjust me nts ....,. c:..:.:y N'' <1..'_p'.tt;,I·'·_,.,:L '.'. t;.'J \I ~--r:'"':,~I'i'"'H.:v'J .••••__.- M -~-I 'I..J G CF ...............• .cc-' EAGLE COUNTY Dep a r ~ent of Planni no andP..0 .sox 179 . EAGL E,COLORADO81 631 TELEPHONE 303 /328-7311 BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSI ON ERS Ext 241 A D MIN IST ~A TlON E llt 2 41 •Devel opm ent Certif ied #44428 12 • 15 Aug ust 197 9 ANIMA L SHE L TER 949·4292 .' A SSESSOR Ex t 20 2 B UI LDING I N I NSPE CTI O N [1(\226 o r 229 CLERK & R ECORDER Ed 2 17 CO UNTY AT T ORNEY Ext 2 42 ENG IN EER Ext 2 36 EN VI RON MEN T A L H E ALTH Ext 238 E XT ENSI O N AGENT Ex t 2 47 L IBR AR Y Ex t 2 55 PU BLIC HEA LTH E ag le Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PL A NN ING Ext 226 or 229 PUR C HA S I NG ! P ER SONN E L Ell t 24 5 ROAD &BR IDGE E xt 2 57 SH ERi fF Eagle f llt 21 1aasan927-3244 GHm,ln 827 -5751 S OCIALSE RVIC ES 32 8 ·6328 T RE ASU RER Ext 20 1 Balas I nvestment Co mpany P.O.Box B Edwa rds,Colorado81632 Re :File No .Zv -73-79 Variance At thei r Public Hea ring on 9 Augus t 1979,the Zoning Board of Adjus tm ent r escheduledyour hea ri ngtothe 31st of Aug ust 1979,beca use of l ackof a quo rum .Sub se quen tt othi s me eti ng, some oft he members ca l led th is off ice and sa i d t hat up on c heck i ng th eir schedule s ,they would not be abl e t o a tt end th e 31st meeti ng beca use ofprevious c onmitm ents .Becauseof not beingable t o have enough members t oa ttendt he r eschedul ed meeting ,we wi ll have t ohave t he hea ri ng on the 13 September regular ZoningBoardof Ad ju stmen t meeting. We ar esorryf or the i nco nveniencet hi s mioh t havecaused youa nd if you hav e any qu estions .please contact this offi ce . J m Hill i am s oni ng Ad ministrator J W/kp c c:Zonin9 Boa r d ofAdjustment Board of CountyCommi s sioners .P Li CATION FOR VARIANC E • from the Z on ing Reso l ut i ono f Eag l c C ounty I Colorado to the Z oni ng Board of Adju~trnents (minirTW.l m Zceer es rt;tq.J irod i pr int or t ype,except s i gnetures) S ection 9 .04.05 (Requ i r ed Fee is $35.00) Fllo No .2 >f-f ?-!'V Fee Paid 3EC ~ D ote r eed.~Jd by,--- Rec ei pt #t(l 9 :t: ApplIo~'/Owne,eoyv./'>0£2!22 /iBU IL-OIiiU?5 Moll A""'o"eO .eo><!OJ I::Q,.yAF?OB ca P",..,.,"'72(,-~'25/. 1.AcgutOtlOfl and Section N~mber(s)of Z7 Aotlo lution f rom which verterce I s sought : 8."4.08 €e~LMINIMIAY cugeCUT• 2 .P re sent Zone 61 NSLe.~,....,., 3 .OenerallocaUon of ~rtx.(In rcl8t1on to 8 Town ,Aoed,Stream o r other lendmarl<): VAIl-~~HONe GARMl'5CH PfZ.J~~a::.-----"",- 4 .Legal deseript torr of property ,:__~-z.---1:3 8.Suixl ivl slon Name VAle....QA60 $1:i2Ne:Lot.M.Blk-i§'.or , b .metes and bounds (may txt attached)inc lud&survey or 1T\8IP : 5.B rief P urpose £lnd R e cson for Varl ence (may be a UIId"1ed): DoteSignatureofalthorlzode;;p li c ~t:OWflel'?"p;o=-_ ~euSF'F'POM ~/~C:CJT p..A IN'MVH~ '""R:>~T'unl.rt.e.<e1Iel2p ~I"T"S _LoT L-iNE.VAC4710N TO BUlt.O PC.JFf..S><OIoJ TYVO €>IN6/..E ~JL.:-r Lo'71::> 6 .A.lta ch e~[OlrlQtion that one or more ccrc fucne e xist under S e c.9 .04.06 ,1 -5.- 1,2,'2,4,? 7 .s teteo-eot : A c omplolo li sto r e ll ow ners cco-eeeee ,of t hft p roperty prccceec 10:Vo.ri once &rid o f 011 owne es of 0.11 odj ecent properties Is e tt cched hereto;lhl s s lgn~to r y is pr oporty u.,lhoriz;e .Iil eppl i Ion V8I'1 !Itnted berece , office usc da'. Application eceectee es complete f or Public """",Ing 00'--:;:::;:-_ Application reje<:tod o s i ~l ct e for P ublic Heating ceceoso : b y:-p'7,~::':":'7jng,."-""""""m'7in'7'.",""",,,""o,,-------- P a.;JO 1 o f 2 EAGLE COUNTY C~ni ty De ve lopm ent P.O .60x 179 EAGLE ,COLO RAOO 8 1631 T ELEPH ON E 303/328·7311 BOAR D O F COUNTY CO MM ISS IONER S E ll:t 241 •• February 15,1980 A DM I NISTRATIO N E xt 241 AN IMAL SHELTER 9 49·4292 AS SESSOR Ext 202 BU I LD ING I N I NSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 C LERK & R ECORDER Ex t 21 7 COUNTY A TTORN EY Ext 2 42 E NGINEER Ext 236 E NVIRONME NTAL HE ALTH Ed 2 38 E X TENSION AGE NT [lit 2 47 LIBRARY Ellt 255 PUBLIC H EA LTH E''lle Ext 25 2 v ,i14 76·58 44 P LANNING Ex t 226 o r 229 PURC HASI NG! PERSO NNE L Ex t 245 ROAD &B R I DGE Ex t 251 SHER IFF E,q le Ext 2 11 Bu~lt 927-3244 G ilman 821-5751 SOCIA L SERV ICES 328 ·632 8 TR EA SURER Exl201 Ba las Inv estment Compa ny P.O.BoxB Edw ards,Co lora do 8123 6 Re:Fi le No .7v-73-79 At their meet i n9 ofFebruary11,1980,t he Bo ard of County Commiss ioner s determ ined th at th ey ha d no jur isdicti on in y ourr eques ttoappl y apreviou s ly gran ted varian ce t oa new plan,andthey referyout ot he Zo ning Board of Adj ustme nts. If y ou haveany questions.plea se c ontactt his of fi c e. Re spectfull yyours, .A '40 ?L/'t£.~.gA.x.I.-susan Vaughn Planner SV/jh cc :Board of County Comm issioners EAGLE COUNTY Commu nity Developme nt P.O.Box 179 EAGLE.CO LORADO 8 163 1 TE LE PHONE 303/328-73 11 BOARD OF:COUNTY COMM ISS IONER S E.t 24 1 ADMINISTF'l.AT\ON E xt 241 •• 13 Fe bruary 19BO AN IMAL SHELTER 949 ·4292 ASSE SSOR Ext 202 BUILD ING IN INSPECTION E.t 226 o r 229 The Eag 1e Va 11 ey Eagle ,Col ora do Enterp ri se B1631 CL ERK & REC ORDER E xt2 1 7 COUNTY ATTORN EY Ext 242 E NGINEER Ext 2 36 ENVI R ONMENTA L HEALT H Ext 2 3 8 E XTENSION A GE NT Ext 247 LIBR ARY Ex t 2 55 P UBLICHEA LTH Eag le fli t 252 Vail 476 ·5844 PLANNIN G E )(t 226 or 2 29 PUR CHAS ING ! P ERSONNEL E xt24 5 ROA D &B RID GE E)(t2S 7 S H ER IFF Eaqle E xt 2 I I Basal t 927-3244 G i lman 827-575 1 SOCIA L SER V ICES 328·6328 T REASURER E x t 201 No tice of Pu bli cHearing Zoni ng Boardof Ad juseme nt 13 March 1980 Please pub l ish thea ttach ed Notic eofPubli c Hea ring a sa Legal Not ice i nth e21 Feb ruary 1980 pub lic ation ofyour pape r . Please bi ll andsend affi dav it ofpubl ication to this of fice . Tha nk you ,,,--,.a7.L.,,.~;/4::"__'7V K th erine Peterson o f ice Ma nager ...NO TICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ... COUN TY OF EAGLE.CO LORAOO Not ice i s Hereby Given t ha t t heEagle Count y Zon ing Board ofAdjus tm ent will hold a Pu bli c Hearingbeginninga t10:00 A.M.on13 f~rc h 1980. in accordancewit h Section9.04 ofthe Eagle Co unty Zoning Reso lution. Said Hearing will in cludethefo llo wi ng: File No .lv -87-80 -Edwards Builders Request:Va riancef r om the Minimum Curb Cut and Setback,Sec tion 3 .04.08 of the Eagle County Zoning Re solut ion Locat i on:Va il das Sc ho ne Subd ivi si on,Lot s 13 and 14 .Bloc k 2 Th i s Hea ring wi ll beheldin theMcDonald Bui lding,Count y Commiss ioners Mee tin g Ro om #103,550 Broadway ,Eag l e,Co lorad o. Personsbei ng af fec tedbyadec is io n ont his requ e st arerequired t o ma ke commen ts tot he Comm i ssi on by appearing att he Hearing .orby subm itt ing s tatements i nperson by mailt hru the Secre tary. by:KatherinePeterson Secr eta ry,Dep artme nt of Commu nityDevelopment EAGLE COUNTY Comm un ity Deve l opm ent P.O :sex 179 EAGLE .COLOR ADO 81 631 TELE PHONE •303/32 8 .731 1 BOARD O FCOU NTY C OM MISSIONERS Ex t 24 1 •• February22,1980 A DMIN I STRATION Ext 24 1 AN IMAL SHE LT ER 9 49·429 2 A SSESSOR E:d 202 BUILD I NGI N I NSPECTION Ext 2 26 o r 2 29 C LERK & R ECORDER Ext 2 17 COUNTY ATTORNEY E:d 242 E NG I NE ER £xt 2 3 6 E NV IRO N M EN T AL H E ALTH Ext 2 38 E XT E N SI O N AGEN T E x t 247 LIBRARY Ex t 255 PU BLIC HEA LTH Eilgle Ell t 2 52 Vili1476·5844 P LANNING E xt 22 6 or 22 9 PU RC HAS ING ! P E RSON N EL Ext 245 R OAD &BR IDGE: Ext 257 S H ER IFF E I~l e Ext 2 11 BUil it 927·3244 Gi lm iln 827·5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-63 28 T REASURER E llt 2 01 EdwardsBui ld ers P .O.sox B Edwar ds ,Col or ado Re:Fi le No.Zv -87-80 At their re gul ar meetingon 20 February 1980,theEagle County Planni ng Commi ssion re comm endeda pprovalof your variance applicat ion . Thisreco mme ndat ion wi l l be fo rwardedto the Zo ning Board ofAdj ustme nt on 13 Marc h 1980. I f youhave any qu es tio ns ,ple ase conta ct t hisof fice. Res pect f ul ly y ours, .~~li a m s Zoning I nspect or J!~/jh cc:Zoni ng Bo ard of Adj ustme nt ---./;l,;;5- ,UILDINGDI V I SIO N INSPEC N REGUEST P.O.BOX 179 PH ONE:328 ·6339 EAG lEe 0UNTY DATE ?-d(,,-PtJ JO'NAME ~/?-d,,=,~<7_/'.d,#/~/ TI ME RECEI VED AMPM CALLER V?!42 -"y',".6 r?n.-a,g:./7??-,./~ / BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ~ENnlATION TANOPIPE HEATING woe SFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: LO CATION _o OTHER 0 PARTI AL. "',-./...--.,'-' FRI-------AMe ;J/c READY FOR INSPECTI ON TU e.--8 THUR ;-C2~]1 '#1 _C:/u .?,;,/ M DN .- • l'J APPROVEO 001 S APPRO VED o REINSPECT u;:(UPON THE FOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS £~e?C;6.12 tr,,,,-I e ",i ./.~-<..I /;/",I co:'><-z; DATE •• \ \ . ~UCW~'2"l,/Cj8C) eaqle CClUVlt1 CCmW1;oe.;0V10,~ a::;.'lIe COUYl-fJ I ~o n::td.o Cj0I'l~V\I I aM-'\rtZqu~OJ VlIUW~~you .J.o ~!XWjaM~pr-evie-uslt.-j rt?Cle.ved ~ /Of.:.I"?t:%A"Id 14-,bl~'2 I Uai I ciae.<aoVJCln<z-, subdivi-e.ioV'\+e ~dupl0X pr..citecf-~#le -two lo-hs. I ha.,u/2,,-ool(l.l.d ua.-Yia-vlalU7 -k>l1lJ1ui rrz.d ~~!.1o-vd ~~a1=:..a-Yld »1~iH1VW1 cur-bcu-l-~cza.ch of'-I-h2,+u..o 10k. dlXZJ -+0 -fhz,~do ~Q-!-e..',+i-a.My ~I/I+deGire -fo uaook -tn¢. ().OrYIW10Vl 10+,,'r,e ~J~1?a.-).1d 14 ~-+c bUild a..dup4/2,x <:H1 +hz,-+-wo \~. I ~I i.J-i~~Ij ~~~.r-..(+,~ lJaIV",Gz.M~-fc +h<Z.dupkz¥.pr-oi0d-+0 VI'1iVllrni~oeHe dl~t'UPhG-Y1 ~d -to provide ad~u~a~-Ib -the uy}tf.e,. ~IIYI ...... 1 CA SH....0.C K . .. PERMIT VA LIDAT IONCASfi....0 . • C K . • PLANCHECK VALIDA TION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION •. 0 •••• Jurisd iction of ••,,• App li~n t ro com pl ete numbered ~s on ly. ,,•r=,;:~'".,/s,.,.-:Rei.J,/_,s I ~I//f/;;I/,Ids s("hd'n~ ~o~_0 .0<.~)LO.4:5 'Ei1~~~~./'3 twd /4-:I 0 ".n ....."....u , 2"'£,jW'd I?d.s'13 a ,'1/';~-;;....p"13 0./3"·lIl.3"J tiS'/:~/// ~O .··AC 'O .....,~..O~.U'ho...LlCen c ..0 • 3 1/~II ."."HU T0..0."._1"""'I,.A DO.U t h O .....'........... ,lA"-"EoG .R.GOFFEY'""73'2 =co .'32e-~8 -/2.q~CO . h o ".U".....,.A "O""U .""......run ..... s 1,.1"0 1 ".....1,...o"..[,t t U ..u . 6 u u o ~."'1,.0 '''' 1 f?l:;S{OEN 77A L- 8 elw of wor k :)(N'W o ADDITION o ALTER ATION o REPAIR O MOVE o REM OVE . 9 Oestflbr work :~X -' 10 Chlngeof use from Chfngl of U$I 10 11 Val uation 01wor k :$/GS soa .tJV P LA N CH ECK FEE ~'l5~.~P ERMI T FEE SWJ·:'Xl SPE CIAL CONDITIO NS;T yp.o 0 1 Oco up,ne)' Co ...t .a ,o up Oi o l,ion S ,,.0 1 B tClg ,N I,I.oI M.. ITot ,115Q.f l .S ior les 0 ".L Ola F l ••u ..F ir.S pri nkle .s ..PPuc ""o ....CC(,,(O flV .("04 tHft"'O IIV "PP~OV .P 'UOI 15lIu ....c.e v Z one Zone Requl.e"D ves O N' No .0 1 O FFSTREETPA RKING jPA C£S : DW.Il'",U nits co"e.e"u ...,o"e •.., NOTICE SP'!'ci;ol A pp.o nls R e qui..d Rec t'i"tod NOI R equired S EPA RATE PERMITS A RERE QUIR EDFO R ELECTR ICAL ,P LUMB-ZON ING IN G .H EATIN G ,V E N TILATING O R AIR CONDI TIONING.HEALTH O £PT .THIS PER MIT BECOMES NU LL AND VO ID I f WORK O R CO NSTRUC- TION AUT HOR IZED IS NOT COMM ENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR FIRE DE PT . IF CONSTRUCTION O R WO RK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDON ED SO ILRE PORT FOR A P ERIOD OF 120 DA YS AT ANY TIM E A FTER WORK IS COM MEN CED.O THER t Specllyl IH EREBV C E RTIFY TH AT I H AVE READ A ND EXA ...INEO THIS APPL ICATION AN D K N OW T,",£SA"'E TO Sf:T R U E A ND CDR A£CT . ALL P ROVIS IO NS O F LAWS ANO OROINA ",CES G OVER N ING T ,",IS TY PE 0 '-.....O RK WIL L "E CO Mpt",IED WITM .....METH £R S P£Cl fIEO H ERE I N OR NOT.'HE GRA NTING O FA PERM IT DO ES NOT ~GO V E AU:~V 'O,;';'~LA"O AC AN CE L 'H EPROVISIDOFA""V OT MER TATE OROC AL LAW REG ULA TING CO NST •T O N OAQ.E~;;;:l e E ~/;;;;;:, s ..~..".E o r C"~T ...C TO .O.,,"TNO.'IU ..,_Ul NAT .•......".........,,OAU I ',..,-",/ WH EN PROPERLY VAL IDAT EDliN THI S SP ACE I T HISIS YOUR PERMIT a~ • F o,m 100.1 1-11 INSPECTOR 2 CASHM.O .CK.PERMIT VALIDATIONCASHM.D.CK .PLANCHECK VALI DATION PLUMBI ....ERMIT APPLIC ION . •,••• Jur isdic tion o f "•••••A pp l icanr to co mple te numbered SpaCflS only."••~O."00 11 us Garm i sch Drive ,Vail Ih s Sc h one ,Va il Wes t ,Co lor ado.j ~O '.....I'"I,..ee Va il Q~~A T"C..~..S ..l '"••u ~1 D rSC II .Lots 1 3 &14 !l!ls Schone ,Filing 1/2 0 .....""'"""DO "."".....C.U,WJ l fgang Lampe Bo x S EO wa rds ,Col.926 -JJ51 CO ....H.OII "A I '"OOllC"..........'Cl ...e ..... 3 SENNO SC tEIDEnGER ,INC .2702 W,Cort ina Lane ,Va ll ,Color ado 476 -S7 J7476 ""CII"'"Oil o n ,eM."..A IL "O OU SS ....0 ....,e.....MO •• '''<''O UII ..."ACDII I U "N O ...co«....'0". s.....,.......,.A O"U U .....c • 6 .".._"~'L O '''C 1 8 Clan otwork:JiJ NEW o ADDIT ION o A LTERATION o REP AIR 9 O ~utlb t work:Plumb ing PERM IT FEES N o .l y,.of F i.tu..or Item ,_ SPECIAL COND ITIONS '.;WAT ER CL.CSE T (TOIl-ETI •- BATH Tu8 - LAvATORY (WA SH BAS IN)- SHOW ER 7 KITC ....EN S INK"OI SP.Y 2 D I SHWASHER If"- A",,e_Tl o ..ACCf 'T!0 IIY .l ....SO·fC ~f O I8 Y ........Oll E O fO"'ssu ....u I Y I ~UNDRY T f;lAY Z C LO TMES WASHE:R - 2.WATE:f;l ME:ATEf;l - NOTICE U R I NAl.. DRINKING FOUNTA IN I H EREB Y C ER T IFY T HAT I HA V E READ A ND EXA MIN ED THIS I FLoeR ·SINK OR DAAIN iI -APPL IC AT IO N AN O KNOW THE S AM ET OBE T RUE AN D COR REC T . A Ll-P R OVI S IONSO F l-A WS A ND O R DINAN CES GO V E R N I NG T H IS SLOP SINK T YPE OF WO RKW ILL BE COM P LIE D WIT HWHE T HER S PEC I F IE D G AS SYST E MS ,N O .O U T LE T S H ER E IN O R NO T .'"'G RAN TING O F A P E RMI T O DES N OT WATER P IPING"TREATING EQUI P . P R ESU ME T O GIV E A UT HO R lTV T OV IOLATE O R C ANC E L THE.WASTE INT ERCEPTOR P ROV I SIO NS O F AN Y OTHER S TATE O RL O C AL LA W R ECU L A TIN G C O N S TR U CT IO N O R '"'P ERFORMANCE O F C O NST RUC T IO N.V AC UUMBR EAKERS ~WN SPRINKL ER SYSTE M SEWE R CESSPOO L /&1'(C kh'/c/(.(1(it'i:lilt),['(J SE PTIC TANK"P IT S';.....II ..~0 'CO..YAHYO "0 .AV ...O",no tJ'e '0 &"' PERM IT •If)- ,..Y ..0 '0 ........"0 .....A II ,~o ~..0 &•.,TOTALFEE 'IV - WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED li NTHIS S PACEITHI S ISYOUR PER MIT I "J ~~., C R C®" F arm 100.2 1 1 ·13 mseecroe ••0 ......'.0 ..:I NT."NA T I ONAL CO H ......H C.0 ...U ILD IN G O ....IC IAL••0_•••_O .K ........,~....0 .......,....,...."....'._•• 3.'ELECT~Al PERMIT APPl8.TION , 0 ,•0• J urisdiction of 0 000 00 AppliC8nt to comp/~te flumber8d spaces only.0•• "..I ...""Cl i b A I2.MI<;C t1 D RIVE.lLtc:-.s T v AI L.1,oy .0.'0"IVA'/L D n A 'UC"U'~"UT ILCU, 10"'0,I >,+I '-j -Oil '><c HL'IJ E" ......c.....,.."O OIOCO'..."dIU 2 (S'O\A..'Ar<.oS I)UlliKR S 8-0 WA "--0<;C e'. cO ......Cl0.....,L '''''''C ''........c "';C...e ..... J A t2.~11(')<.GLC=~I l!.1 C.e rR"('x"'/-1<7,)./\lAI L ('0 .l{7 b·(7-J.b q q-/ •"eM"HT O'"I"C..t".....,.."OOI U •........1 ..,ee"n ..... 4 c ...,.........,..,,"o"u ....."..,L I ce ...,...... S ,,'''Oc''......'L "C""C".....c .. 6 u n ",I UILO '''' I 8 CI I"of work :riNEW D ADOlllON o A LTERAT ION o REPA IR 9 Oncribe work :Tf2 H FD/::f\R..l.f ELE C.T I:-I CA L fE:IU1 IT I f'tfit /T tf-17 3, I PERM IT F EES N o.Eo<h 'ft sPEC IAL COND ITIONS :T oUl RECePTACLE Outl'" LI GHT SWITCH TOlal LI GHTIN G F il(lurn "",llC,,I,O",",CCE.TtO I V '......SC..l CK[08Y "'P PROVED FOR ':;.su .....CE ,y FI XTURES R ANOESCL O .DRYER WTR .HTR . N OTI CE G ARBAGE D rs I'.ST A .C OOK TOP I HER Eav C ERTIFY T HATI HA VE R EAD A ND E XAMINE DTHI S DI SH .WASH .C LOT HESWA SH. APPLI C ATION A NOKN OW T HE SA MET O B E T RUE A NO C ORRECT .S PACE HTR _ST A .APPL.'"H .P .MAX. ALL PR OVISI ONS OF LAW SA ND OR DIN ANC ES G OVE RNIN G TH IS T YPE O FW ORK W I LL BE C O MPLI ED WI TIi WHE TH ER S PECIFIED MOTORS ,H .P. H ER EINO R NOT .TH E GRAN TING OF A PE RMIT D OES N OT P RESU ME TO GIV E AUTH ORITY T OV IOLAT E OR CANC EL THE P ROVIS ION S OF AN Y OTHE R STATE OR LOCAl..LA W REGU I..ATING CO NSTR UC TIO N OR T HE PER FORMA NCE OF CO NSTR UCT ION.N O.TRANS . S IGNS N O .LAM PS TEMP.POWER U POLE L UN DGO . '~'~L (/~7,Lt/110 S ERVICE 0·200A 201·.00A {o N EW .01 400A S '~~"'V U o,P 'o ~~oo ..,•o oo ....~~O .'uO UUT "O.Tl I OCHANOE OV ER IliOO A -,PE:RM IT ISSUING F EE •.•.....,'u ..,,"-C ATt TOTAL I"EE .)•.s-00 C A SHM.D .C K.M .D.CASH PERMIT VA LIDATION CK .4- WHEN PR OPERLY VA L IDATED liNTH IS Sl'ACE)TH ISIS YOUR PERMIT 190/ PLANCHECK VALIDATION ~-;tF o r/» 6P "/7':;':r"I NSPE CTO R Form 1 00.3 n -13 ••0 .....".0'"I~T I;R"'''TIONAI..CO ~"£RII!:~C II!:0 ..8U 'LD1 ~G O ..",CIAI..S .'_....0 ......."'u...0........'T ......e ..L...._ 3 CA '"M .D.CK .PERMITVA LIDATIONCA'"M .D.CK . ElECT ~AL PERMIT APPLI ~TION PLANCHECKVA LID ATION RE CE1.VEO SE.P 23 1980 .,•••• J urisd ict ion of ••Dept-01 1'1 '.O I~i &ll ~""•••_'i~flt1tl1ttmp /e tll num bered space s on ly .••••J •ADD"uS 6-Ar<.H ISCH DR IV E WEST VA IL 1:::;:I "{3+I Lj I ".IVA 'IL DA <.;sc HO.'J 5"G "-AUACO..O ....~I.,l- 0 ......".,L ..oo .n~......o _1 2eDJJAR.O $5 U I LDER ~E:OiIJA RDS'co . 1 0 .......1'1'0.....'L AO'_""•"0..'.'Cl ...."D .3 A R~HER E LECTR IC CMP BoYdq;J.1 VAIL L/7b-17.26 qq7 ".c""ll-'o.0.11''''''...'I "0 0"•••..~o'...'.I ..n ..0 . 4 """"11".....,.a OO"U a ....0 ..'L 'C USI ..O . 5 L I "o l"......"00 _•••......... 6 ~u o~."'.,,.... 1 8 elm ofwork :}(NE W o ADDITIO N D ALTER AT10N o REP AIR 9 DllIcribe wOlk:DUPLE:)({?E<.;I D£tJCE -3 700 S q.FT. PERMIT FEES No ..""F .. SPE CIAl.CONDITIONS :Totl'R ECEPTACLE Outlet. L IG HT SWITCH T ot/ll LIGHT I NG Fi_lurn ""O'.'C."O ""eCI "no ...'.,"'.S C"fCKlD IV ."P"OV[D 'Oil 'SSU"otC~II'F IXTURES RA NGES C LO.D R YE R WTR.H TR. NOTI CE GAR BAGE D ISP .STA .COOK TO P IH EREBY CER TIFY TH AT I HAVE R E AD AN D EX A MINED TH IS C ISH .W A S H .C LOTHES WASH. AP PLIC ATION ANO KNOW TH E SAME TO BE TRU E AND C ORR EC T,S PACe.H TR .ST A.APP L.""H .P .MA X. ALL PROV IS IONS O F L AWSA ND OR DI NA NCES GOVERNING T HIS TYPE O F WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WI TH WHET HER SPECIFI ED MOTOR S ,H ,P. H EREINO R NO T .TH E G R AN TI NG OF A PERMI T DOES N OT PRESUME TO G IVEA UTH ORITY TO V IOLA T E OR CANCEL THE PROV IS IONS OF ANY OTH ER S TATE OR L OC AL LAW R EGULATING C O NST R UC TION OR '"'PERFORM ANCE OF CONSTRUCT ION .N O .TRANS. SIGNS N O .LAMPS T EMP ,POWER LJPO LE U NO GO . /~Cf/a2 J!to SE RVI CE 0 ·200A (201-40 0A /~<..<..o NEW 401-4100A.'.~7 0 .C O~"Cyo.o......~O .,..O ..,.~~•I ,o ..n,o CHANGE O V ER 600A PE RM IT ISSUING F EE •~~,••••..~••I~•o ..y c TO TA L F EE • WHEN P ROPER LY VALIDATED li N T HIS SPACE.TH ISIS YOU RPERMIT "'ee , ~.#"7~~rr Bu,..~~rts« I N SPECTOR F orm 100.3 11 ·'3 ••_:IN TE RNA TIO NA.L CO N ..llRll NCI:0 ..IIU'LO ING O 'C.A.LS ••_"'~~._D .WH I"""••,t &~,..,._ • /7:XJ REo.UEST• BU ILDING D IVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 EAGLE COUNTY OATE JOBNAM E ,~.~~/!<"~""::::4'p .~ TI ME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER a~-?U ...,.-:::.~-( BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING IN SULATION __ROUGH V ENTILATION FOUNDATI ON SHEET ROCK STANDPIPE HEATING fiNAL w oe SFRAMING HOODS FINAL PARTI AL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTI AL PARTIAL LOCATION:L OCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY F OR I NSPECTION MQN TUE WED TH UR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :_ o REINSPECT~A PP R O V E D DO ISAPPROVED o U PON THEFOLLOWINGCOR RECT IO NS: CORR ECTlONS _ DATE 7 -;J-y-,0, 23 June1980 Eagle County Comm i ssione rs Eagle County Offi ces Eag l e,Col orado81631 De ar Gentlem en: I would like toreques tt obe heard atone ofyour meeti ng s,at the ea rliest conv enience,concerninga l otl ine vacat ion between lot 13 and 14,Vai l das Scho ne,Ga rmisch Drive ,Vai l,Colorado. Thank you ..;:;.<-- r S in C ~relY ,n /£tz ~;'YJAJI/ Fr itzSctmid t •~/1'3:5 BUILDINGD,V'SIDN INSPEC~N REGUEST p .O .BOX 179 .;(f /.~-;-. PHDNE ,328 -6339 ~/..~EAGLE COUNTY • DATE !?-d'c2 -,fo JDBN A ME ~.~5-~J 'r::~~~;,; TI MERECEIVED AM PM CALL ~:4 ';,,/c ===L/', ~/.?;?/ PARTIAL ELECTRICAL LOCATION: BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL FOOTI NG INSULATION __ROUGH VENTflATlON FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING wo e SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : D OTHER D PARTIAL LOCATION _ FRI --i(§)PM /"..",./.-. READY FOR I NSPECTION WEO ~ /1 c;J;L "a ,tJ.-, o APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D RE INSPECT [~rUPON THEFO LLOWING CORRECT IONS :,f CORREC T IONS r ~71/"),/1,:;/-<-r4; 6.«L1 "...-,Gj(,<e:/'fda ,,"':>'14 ,-.,.,:t /.I.-~,- DATE ,'.•• • EAGLE COUNTY , BU IL DING D IV ISION ~r P.O .BOX 17 9 PHONE :328 -6339 •INSPEC6N J /73:r REGUEST • BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATI ON: COVER PARTIAL LOCATION : PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL YENTllATION HEATING HOOD S PARTIAL LOCATION : ELECTRICAL EMPORARY PARTIAL LOCATION: D OTHER D PA RTIAL '?~J /0.'30/d R EADYF OR I NSPECTION {1 ;N;t;,~WED ~UR COMMENTS :~~/,.h //"/-->~1'c:;:C',,7,;-/" LOCATION _ FRI AM PM •Y .---I~f~"/;{......,..'" '" [B1\p PROVED D DIS APPROVED D REINSPECT D UPON TH E FOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS : CORRECTlONS,_ • 17j5 REGUESTN EAG LE COUNTY -:ii",ld.l l ~ INSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE :328·6339 DATE JOB N AME T I ME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER _ BU ILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL fOOTING INSULATION _ROUGH WENTrLATION iTEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATrNG ROUGH woe SFINAL HOODS FINAL ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: {•.J ,J o O THER 0 PARTIAL.L OCATION _ R EADYF ORI NSPECTION o D ISAPPR OVEO , o REI NSPE CT THU RWEOMONe COMM ENTS:,4 fu-;.'\,,,ce ·.7 ' D UPON T HE FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: CORRECT IONS _ 7 ~i:«:JcP DATE • j /J"J REB UEST EAG LE COUNT Y ~=(:.~• • DATE JOBNAME ---'==::,:;-"""""''9='-.....==''''-'==--'-'':.,.:,;------ TI ME RECEIVED A M PM CA LLER ~==,.::.L,.'----------'-------- BUILDING DIV I SION P.O.Box 179 PHONE:328 ·7311 BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL r-FOOTING :INSULATION __;:ROUGH :-VENTlLAT;ON -~DaA RYI':FOUNDATION •~H E ET R O C K II ~~T ANDPIPE •!i EATING ROUGH ~E N EE R ..FINAL woe S_FRAMING ••~OO O S ~FINAL fFINAL ROOF !sMO KE DETECTOR D pARTIAL I D pART'AL D pARTlAL D pARTIAL "D pART'AL LOCATION :LOCATION LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :.( •, ,<",.~, o OTHER 0 PARTIAL LOCATION _-- REA DY FOR I NSPECTION MONTUE WED FRI COMMENTS:_ z 001 SAP PRO VED o RE INSPECT o U PONTHE FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIO NS: CORRECT ION S _ DATE // / -#,/~ N REGUEST •• BUI LD ING DI VISI ON INSPEC p.O.BOX 179 PH ONE :328-6339 _/EAG lEe 0UNTY J I D ATE f /';1 1 0 JOB NAME b:1(>;LJ!d_M/~fi:4,.., TIME RECEIVEO AM PM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH ~ENnlATION iT EMPORA RY F"OU NDATION STANDPIPE HEATING wee s FRAMING F INAL HOODS FINAL f iNAL SMOKEDE TECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOC ATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PAR TIA L.LO CATION _ , R EA DY F OR IN SPECTION MON rUE WE D THU R CO MM EN TS'~44 U?:<t %.0 :'~~d FR I A M PM u;}APPROVED o D I S APPROVED o R EINSPECT o UPON TH EFO LLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS _ D ATE • /73'.£ REGUEST•N EAGLE COUNTY #. INSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O .Box179 PHONE:328-731 1 DATE //--.:?-,f',,?JOB NAM E -::?-r....?P '"'cL ~ TIME RECEIVED AM PM CAllER \/:..v _/.../.. ~"/-d"../-ff e-' BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL---I-FOOTING I-INSULATION _I-ROUGH •VENTILATION iTEMPORARY I-FqUNDATION I-SHEETROCK I-STANDPIPE •h ATING ~O UGH I,:;;;rFI N AL wo e S ~OO OSFRAMING:-VENEER l-•fiNAL FIN AL ROOF ~M O K EDETECTOR D pARTIAL D PART I Al D PARTIAL D pARTIAL D PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : -- I- o OTHER 0 PAR TIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR IN SPE CTIO N MON TUE WEO ~'~:'~-f w ~"o/'~/-11 -0 u(, FRI c I .,:3d AM 6 (4 , ~P P R OV E D OD ISA PP ROVED ¢'UPON THE FOLLOWING COR RECT IONS '~ C ORRECTIONS LIP ~_1It/J~ o R EI N SPECT DATE BUILDING D IV ISION p .O.BOX 179 PHONE:328·6339 •c iiL .....J BUILDING COVER PLUMBIIliG MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PARTIALPARTIAL VENTrLATION EATING OUGH STANDPIPE woe SFINAL PARTIALPARTIALPARTIAL FOOTING FOUNDATION LOCATION :LOCAT ION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PAR T IAL LOCATI ON _ MON T UE fikr t READY F OR I NSPECTION W E ~ 4 ~,(/ AM o REI N SPECT~R OV E D 0 DI S APP RO VE D o U PON T HEFOllOWINGCORRECT I ONS: CORRECTIO NS,_ DA TE ::Ii I?,s: REGUEST•N EAGLE COU NTY Ch.~4 t"';u11:- IN SPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.Box 179 PHONE:3 28·7311 DATE Irl-I JOBNAME, TI ME RECEIVED AM PM CAllER BUILOING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL :;FOOTING """':VENTILATION"INSULATION _~~OUGH •iTEMPORARY •FOUNDATION ~HEETR OC K li t-TANDPIPE .~E A T I NG •tROUGH •FRAMING i-VENEER ~FINAL WD es .HOOOS •FINAL '_FINAL ROOF SMOKEDETECTOR D pARTIAL [E9ARTlAl LJPARTIAL D pARTIAl D pARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : •/- "<M, 0 o OTH ER 0 PART IAL.LOCATION _ ~R O V E O TU E • READY FORINSPECTION WED THUR ,I _. DOISAPPROV EO FRI /1:,;10"~M o RE INSPECT I o UPON TH EFO LLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------ DATE J'2 -1_&F _ C OU N TY J73S N REBU~STINSPECBUILDINGDIVISION p.O.Box 179 PHONE :328 -731 1 DATE r It.'i JOB NAM E TIMERECEIVE D AMPM CALLER __'-"''''-'=;-_'''-='''''-=''---_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL I-;.;INSULATlDN __"'"";~E N Tl L A Tl O N ~TEMPORARY;-FOOTING ,""ll'OUGH == FOUNDATION •SHEETROCK ~STANDPIPE I-~E A TI N G ~ROUGH ~FINAL W De sFRAMINGI-VENEER '""~OOD S III FINAL ::FINA L ROOF ~M O K E DETE CTOR D pARTIAL D PARTIAL D pART,AL :JPARTIAL D pARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : ,, ! o OTHE R 0 PAR TIAL.LOCATION _ MaN TUE R EADYFO RI NSPECTION6THUR FRI AM PM COMMENT S:-;-_ ITJ APPROVED DD ISAPPROV ED o R EIN SPECT o U PONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECT I ONS: CORRECT IONS------------------------ OATE :-H-I ./.:5 ';). INSI=!EC N REGUEiOST E AG LE C OUNT Y rACUYL /J.(-/l!='SCPcl SflLI>1 i JOB NAME ----""TI,...,""':-'----'f=?---.,-!-"==-'------- AM PMCALLER ----"""'''''Ltr--'"''''-''"-''-'-.L<1'r--------- i BU ILD ING D I VI SION P .O.Bo x 179 PHONE :328-7 311 DA TE ~~~O TI M E RECEIVED ~G BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ,-:INSULAT ION __:ROUGH :IvENTI LATION ..-----,-FOOTING Iii TEMPORARY-FOUNDATION ..~H E E T R OC K •STANDPIPE •~E A T I NG ~ROUGH ~~L ~R A M I NG ,p '_f.tENEER •FINAL woe S .,~OO O S FINALIii FINAL '.J I ROOF SMOKE DETECTOR D pART'AL D PARTIAL D PARTIAL D PART I AL O PARTI AL LOCATION ,LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCAT ION : --c.f=.../ltl\,." I'r L,t!1 - o OTHER 0 PARTI AL.LOCA TI ON _ R EADYFOR IN SPECTION MON TU E WED THUR cYl-------AMPM COMMEN TS'_ ~OV E D o D I SAPPRO VED o RE INSPE CT D UP ON THEFOLLOWINGCORR ECT IONS: CORRECT IONS _ - <:J 7 '.- DATE .vJ ~·.~/;J/'/~!fO, ...-.-,. BU ILDING DIVI SION P .O .Box 179 \'l~INSPEC REOUE·ST. BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL "'"O 'NSULATION_:InOUGH "-OEMPORARY1-FOOTING I?~ENTllATION ::::::FQUNDA nON :=SHEETROCK J ~STANDPIPE ;:::::HEATING ~ROUGH woe SI~FRAMING Po VENEER .i:FINAL HOODS r:>FINAL::-~SMOKE DETECTORXFINALROOF DpARTJA l I.:JpART I AL U PARTlAl VARTIAL QPARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION'LOCATION: o OT HER O PARTIAL LOCATION Lr,-t \?:Jt.)4- t=.)J.;;r ~9dINAI-CD.1;;§F O R I~},d N •'Ch..~'-'L..k lJtt;4...J-(0\~ MQN V~.)WED THUR ~F Ffl _---=-=-:='_AMPM COMMENTS'/~.{;O &r-Y.tJ '=~<;/1 ..-.,l c ]7""../ INSPEC /'/3S- N REGUEST• '-No '''~)Rfij COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL Fllll'rJN?---~"" INSULATION __•ROUGH •k/ENTlLATlON ~TEMPORARY "" FOUNDATION ~I!i HEETROCK •~TAND P I PE •~E A TI N G ~ROUGH I-Ff\AMING ..~E N EE R •FINAL woe S •~OOO S il'FINAL FINAL ~OO F --SMOKE DETECTOR D pART,Al O PARTlAl D pARTlAL D pARTIAL O PARTIAl LOCATION:LOCATION LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: •, o OT HER 0 PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECT ION LOCATI ON _ MON TUE THUR FR I I~'PM COMMENTS ,_ o APPROVED ODISAPPROVED Urtcr)2S>e) ~N S P EC T 7"'/,vAn/'{JJ'/NL'i-/l/tJ r C A)AUJP -;f..f.,,.At'l".~1.'9h/((,'TCO.•,....,~N.~{.1'1/,n;7 WI) • DATE 3 -A -'ilL-_ EAGLE COUNTY Com munity Deve lo pment P.O.Box 179 EAG LE.COLORAOO 81631 T ELEP HONE 303/328.731 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMM IS SIONERS Ext 24 1 ADMINISTR ATION Ext 241 AN IMA L SH E LT ER 949 ·4 292 ASSE SSOR Ext 202 BU ILDING I N I NSPECTI ON Ext 2 26 o r 2 29 CL ERK &. RE CO RDER Ellt 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 2 36 E NVIR ONMEN TA L H EAL TH Ed 2 38 EXT ENSION AGENT E xt 247 LI BRAR Y Ext 255 P UB LI C HEA LTH E a ~le Ext 252 VaI1476 -5844 P LANNIN G Ext 2 26 o r 22 9 PURCH ASING ! PERS O NN E L Ext2 4 5 ROAD &.BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2 11 Bu.alt 927-3244 Gilman 827·575 1 SOCIAL SE RVICES 328 ·6328 TREASURER Ext 20 1 Jul y 16 .1980 Fr itzSclmi dt c/o Edwa rds Bu i lders P.O.Box B Edwards.Co lora do 81632 Re:Lot Line Vaca tion .Lots13 &14 -Vail das Sch on e De ar Fr i tz , On July 14th1980.the Board of Cou nty Comm is sioners approved your requestfo ra lot line vacati on between l ots 13a nd 14 i nVail das Sc hone s U bd iv i s i o n .~L- If you ha ve any furt her questions ,plea se contact t his offi ce (L L0~ Gl1 iams Zo ni ng Inspector JW /jh cc:Boa rd of County Commi ssi on ers ../:;:::> ::::;:/~,:'''':;' P208 092 280 ~AGLECOUNT~ Eag le,Colorado 81631 CE RTIFIED MAI L :__~~~~~__ Boardor Cou nty Comm issionen Ext 241 O erk and Recor der Ext 217 ..""'" Ext 20 2 TELEPHONE 303 /32&-7311 Sh,nrr Ea.gte:Ext 211 Basalt ;927·3 244 Gilman :8 27·5751 Tr easurer Ex t 201 Adm lntSlrat 'o:l Ext 241 Anirtul Shelter 949-4292 Da t e:August 6,1982 Ap plicant :Edwards Builde rs Mail in g Addre ss :....:P..:',,;;O.:.,..:Box=:..=B __ Edwards ,Colorado 81632 Buildin9 InspeC't io!l E..;t 226 or 229 Co mmunity Development Ext 2 26 o r 229 Cou nty Attorney Ext 263 Re:Building P e rcit :....:#..:'1;,,;7,,;;35::....__ Le g a 1 Desc r ip tion of Prop erty :Ga.nnisch fbad Wes t Vail-V ail Das Schone lot 13,14 En¢neer Ext 236 Enviro nmental Hl!Mhh Ext 238 Ext ension Aqent Ext 24 7 Library Ext 25 5 Pu blic Health [alli e :Ext 252 V .i1 :4 76 ·5844 De ar Sirs: Upon rev iew of t h e Ea g l e Coun ty Bui ld ing Departmen t 's file s ,th is o f fi ce has dete rm ined that t h er e h as b e en n o recent c onstructi on or building activ ity pursuant to t he ab ove -re fere nc ed bui ldin g permit.The l a s t in sp ection r eco rd ed was dat ed 1.I301'c1l 23 ,1982 and involved a n Building/Elec tri cal In spec cLon , tEinspec tion The 1979 Uni form Bui ldin g Code ,Section 303 (d), adopted by t h e County o f Eag le.Co l orad o,p ursuant to the Eag le County Build ing Reso l ut ion ,19 80 ,as a men ded .r equi res e vid ence o fc onst r uction progr ess eachc ons ecu t ive 180 day s or th e building p e rmit r elat ivet here to becomes nul l and v oi d . Per sonnel Ext241 Pur chuinq Ext 245 Roadand Bridge Ext 257 In order t o keep the ab ove -referenc ed b u il din g p e r mit active.pl ea se conta ct t he Ea gl eCounty Buil din g Departme nt for a p rogress i nspe c t ion wi th in t h ir ty (30)d ay s fr omt her ec eip to f this l et ter . Your fa ilur e t o do so will leave th e County n o al t ernative but t o c on sider s uch building pe rmi t to have expir ed . Soci.a.1 Services 328-6328 • I T .Tit.?·C '11'11 11t. F iW ft rrl ~1I1 n ti "r ~,VIC . r ~~1 r /l",n M l'>,Colorado H1.(,97 ARC I rrrCTli RAL CO!":'I -Or..rrn :b; 7.702 •CortiJ ~a IA lIO 1/'l11 t Cnl OTA1Jo Hlh57 1Q f..-j/37 #/735 -'n "'~J"#'!h....4 11 ProV ~y OUT ut:1II1:1 And s~lf 1..~at i o n s ~u hnl 1t.too for 1l f ;llr~"X o n hot ',I..ot s t )::Io n d 1').,VAll.r l\S SC !Q.l::3rjlVIV1SIO ,I .l'a ,,:to Coun t V .~ln "l'l no 'li t .!. t 'i "f ol l o vin "!'>tlpulatto ns l r-o adrlitiof'al I1vl na;un it S'Ul ll be d mmlopt'f t o n t hft,sp byo lot~ befo r -e l').q~1{i oo:ar,rJ o bLR1nl T'lP'a pp rova l fJ"OrTl Io';'"l ,"'lA Cou nty . t o car-e or~',ar o h stl"llc tion fl,o n county roed ,lo rt1 i c'l I'IUl';t bn o oe- pl nt('l l~'c'l e a r-At all t.ll'1'JEts IDlA o f l and sc ~pi np .l nel ud lnr t Ye~s . r;lI.l,1 n $e he ldfll ~~r.r . ,-T'",,,/."l.».J If,Q -.... O r-/'''''J'.y ,:;C \: J utiy '('roxl'l1 ,Con aut tan t '~7 6-52 5 5 &1{~~4;~6="J1 ? c sc ,I eo t .,o f f'l.ann1.rtc';ll (ld teve'l o oe o r rt. i:A fl.lfJ Coun ty REC EIVED OCT 3 0 19i1O Permit No . (./17 /'to D at~efe7rCd EAGLE COUN TY BU IL ~G PERM IT APP LICATION • FINAL :C /O INSP E ~N...-!-ANDSCAPEINSPECTION AM R evi ew Ro u ting Form ("'f Primary R out in g ()R erout ing ~~~ Appli cant /,,07 ,,,....I i.{t/a:J.Du.-a S~h~ Loca t io n Plallnillg Commissi on Fi le No ,_ Rev i ew end ret urn toth e C o unty Buil ding Offi ci al wi thin6 w ork i ngd a ys P lanning :Comp l ies with : Subdi v isi on R e gulati ons Zoning R egul ati one Site P l an (Lands cap ing) Yes N o Reviewed b y :D ate :_ §§ o 0 Recommend Approval:---,_ Co mmellts :--A :=52'!c::-,.,.....10+:Ua ne Re(9LlI/?'e <,=7"?IL ~Ta b L/M ob .'!"A-'(rtL('Ie e };'e ,,,>Ei:?'O ~/)A-r;C4 ?. Oomrnents :~_ 12 .I Z!I'h P "/O r:"':t eL 8A<.J<ID'5p ~FI(!f"!.(j r PcJ~3c;?I RL btr.. Me.0 W?:'WOlLO:57U.Dt/Y='<¥lU e .el?:?D ?i2«t\IMllc-IJ C ounty E n ginee r :R o ads I G rad ing 00 D ra inage 00o0 R ecomme n d Approval :_ --------Recommend Approv al: o 0 8 B D O Comments:----:_ Count y He alth :W ater S an it ati on P er c.t e st Fi nalI nspection:C /O R ecomm end Approval Comme nt s : DO F ilia l I nspe ct ion:L and sc ep i ng R eco mmend Ap pro val 0 0 Commen ts :_ by _C /O I ssued Fi nal F il ing D ate _ Date _ _EAG LE COU N TY 8 UI ~G PE R MI T A PP LI CATI ON • FINA L :C /O I N S P E~N ,L AN D SCAPE INSPEC TlON~RM R eview R outing Form ()Pr im ary Rout ing ()R erouting Date Referred P ermit No . it>T I <,-/t.f Loca t ion rt.~'!to .;1 Sr{~ P lann i rlg Comm ission Fi l e N o ._ R eview an d ret u rn t o t heCounty B uil d in g O ff ic ia lw ithin6 w orking d ays Pl anning :Comp lies w ith : S ubdivision Regulations Zoning R egulations Si teP lan (Landscap ing) Comrneuts : Yes No 88o0 :7 J8 0 /. Reviewed b yr Oate :,_ Recommend Approval :-~~:.a,tl-'~"-,z..-,,,--­ " ( 00 8 8 D 0 Recommend App roval:_ Comments :_ C ounty Engineer:Roads G rading Drainage ___G -Zc%6 Final Inspection :C/O R ecommend Approval Comments : 0 0 F ina l I nspect ion:L andscap i ng Recommend App roval 0 0 Comrnents :_ by _c/o I s s ued Final Filing Date _ D ate _ EAG LE CvuNTY Eagle .Co lorado O FF IC IAL RECEIPT ~.;13 19 ..<'LDaleRECEIVED D F --====---"""''''''~<_._ l :2v ,&o C HECK - CASH ACCT . AMO UNT I TEM CODE ! Bui ldi ng Permit Fee , Application For 't,M#~LLJ -r-.53 ,"0 Subd ivision Appl icat ion Z oneChange I Cond itiona l Use I Special U se V ar iance- Appeal Fee I Code .(Bu ild ing)(Zon ing){Subd ivlsion)1 I __--'T"o"tal Rece ived'-d n o·p ay men I of ilny rtern N ~7008 DEPT.FILE COpy V"'L'O"TiO~ BUILDING , PERMIT r__==_ BUILDING DIVIS1 Aof EAGLE COUNTY,P.O"OX 179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)32B·6339 Fr itz Schm idt Edward s Builders DAT E ]5 ,l ill y 19 8 0 PERMIT NO .1 715 P.O.Bo x S,Edward!Co lorado m557 P ERMITTO Cons truc t Dup lex (TV ..,0''MPIIOV [I,'E NTI I S TORYeo, ($TRUlI AT (LOCATIO 'll Sh Z OIol INGGarro;sch Road .West Va iJ/Va il d~a ~s --,,~c~~own~e'-DISTRICT'~_ I NO.l tnREul·-- '"(C RO$''TRU ll•Lm:w~'~'~'========J:!:~!::!~~========~::=======;~~~~~=======j Vail das Schone (TYPEl revegeta ted to prevent excess so jlsbollldbepromptly Erik Edeen Nativ e grasses e rosion. < ~B UILDING IS T OBE FT.WIDEBY F T .LO NG By FT.I NHE IGHT A ND SHA Ll..CONFORM I N CONSTRUCTION ci ~TO TYPE USE GFlOUP BA5 EMENT WIl.l.LS OR F OUlol OA Tl ON ,;;;;-;_ •o ...RE """R KS:....J""UlLe~:r.a""""'--'''"lli.La..,n''--IlI:DIDjil.lJ'-':e>t.e!j.eJI.<1.'''''LJ.l.!...jlu:''''lU'-':Al-''''''--'>l.I.LL.-------- Pla n Check Fee -$295 .25 16500000 ~~~M I T $l:\Qn ~n, -p,R~:~I LO ING DEPT ~ !CUBICfSQUARl f l IT ) Edl.l/ards BII;l ders P OBox Hi Edwar ds.Co lorado 8163 2 AA~~$V OLUME "'''''''''''''';;c;;;,,ES TlM Il.TED COST {Affidavit on reven.lid.of application to be completed by authorized agent of owner) Ihereby ce rtify thotthe proposedworkisauthor ized by theowner ofrecord a ndIhovebeen authorized by t heownerf a make t hisapplication ash is a uthorized agent . ••• SIGNATURE OF AGEN T _ (CITY)(STREET)(N UMBER) ADDRESS __-..",==---,==,------,,=,---_ A PPROVED BY TIT LE _ DATE 19 _. ·.. County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N!1901 TE MPORA RY Job Name ..E.~.w ~.r _~.~..~~j J~~.r ~__. Garmi sc h Or ive.West Va il Dat e of Appli cation 22 Ju.1y _19 ~Q . Electrical Co ntractor Ar.cher Ele.c.tr!c . P.O.Box 292 1 Va i l.Co lorado 816 57 BuildingVal uation $.A ppl icant __... S I&Ul ll A Electrical Valuation S __. APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspectio nFee $15.0Q . $.......22...Ju.1y ..l9SQ ...... D ace To tal Fee $15.--............................~,.~~oii&S~. Date Paid 22 ..J ~Jy ..l .9.aQ . Rece ivedBy .)~}_Q,h t:l 71 ~?',) Buildi ng pe;lii #1735 t? Receipt #6740 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON "OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 43 HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIREDFORINSPECTIONS I Countyof Eagle ELECfRICAL PERMIT N~2001 ••• Job Name ~~~I.a r ~~B.~.t1 ~.e r ~7..J pt'..!~L !LV.a.i.)d.a.~...5.c:h p ~e (Du p l ex) ..Se ptember 24 80DateofApplication........................................................•...........19 . Electrical COntractor .__..J~r.f .~.~.!:..~J .~~!.t:'.~.~___. Build ing Valuation $. Elect rical Valuation $. Applicant . S ianature APPROVAL S Penn lt Fee Inspection Fee TotalFee 53.60$. $. 53 .60$. Plan Cbecllu ..~;,.~. Da te ..'l:.l'!:.,tf~. O.te .9/2 3/3 0DatePaid . Received By ~:_.~~~..~.~.~_. Re ceipt #7003 Bldg .Pe rmi t #1735 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUI RED FORINSPEcnONS EAG~';CO UNTY .19 ~RECEIVED OF ----'!!.==-"'-"""''fi'''''''«--- • CASH I ~SH E CK A CCT. AMOUNT ITE M CO DE I I Building Permit Fee , A pp licat io nF or ~_.p 1...-73';- i.~,'I V ,0 . v I ISubdivisionApplication I Zone Change I C ond it iona l Use i Specia l U~ V ariance ~-- A ppea l Fee Co de :(Bu i lding)(Zo ning)(Su bdivision) , I I I 'It,JOTotalReceived,, Eagle .Colorado O F FIC IAL REC E IPT Da le ~:to JL-.-.,..4c.J".e,.~ ----~AM 4._ 7/uJ !2 By _7232 A ll I t e m s ':He re ce ived l o rco llecti on only and thl \l e ee ,pl ~h d "be can ce lled fo r n o -pay men to f an y ,tern . Bt <-L WILl-II\-n'\.S ·2.12)PI"moved t hat the I o ll ow i noResou lut io n be adooted: ••"" B O~RD OF ft.DJUSH!E IH STA TE OF COLORADO 7-'8 0 BEFORE TIlE ZON ING COUN TY OF EAGLE . RESOL UTl ON NO .__J£::.='.\.L _ IJH ER EAS.J;t:wI 'Clb Rv'UN e ~did file a nap pli cation wt th t he Plan ninn De par -tm ent of t he Cou n ty o fEagle .Sta te o f Co lorado .on or a bo ut t -ZC(-80 fo r avar iance fr om t hes tr ict appli ca tion of theZon ing Res olut ion ,Co untyof Ea~le .State of Col orado.1974 .as amended,with respec tt o Lars J ~119.1)("Z.v 'A~J?J1~\J ""(Property de scr t nt t on )l oc ated wit hin t he unin co rpo rated a rea o f E a ~e Co un'y .Co lorado :a nd !4 HEREAS .sa id a ppl icat io n reques ted a va ria nce to S ~£rJ)it (1(5 \\c..ve g cu-r;S and ImEREAS .the Zo ning Boardo f Adjustme nt i s vested wi th the cowert o g rant or deny suchvar iances byvirtue of Sec tio n 30-28-117 a nd 30-28-118 C.R.S. 1973.as amended,and Se ctio n 9 .04 ofth e Zo ning Resolution,County of Ea gle ,Sta te of Co l orado,1974 as amended;and !·JHER EAS ,a pub l ic hearing vias held before th e Zo ning Boar dof Adf us tme nt on 3 ""\3 -'60 :and WHERE AS,basedon th ee vidence .t esti mony.ex hi bits ,st udy of the mas te r plan fo r the un in corporate d a rea of th e Coun ty,comments oft he Ea ~le Coun ty Plan ning Depa r tment ,comments of public of ficials a ndage ncies ,a nd comm ents f rom t heaopl ic ant and all intere sted partie s ,the Zon ing Board of Adj ustment f in ds a s f ollows : 1.Thatproper pos tin g,pub l icat ion andoubl ic not i ce was oro- vided as r equired bylaw f or th ehear ing befo r t he Zo ning Bo ard of Adjustme nt. 2 .That th e hearing beforet he Zo ni ng Board of Adjus tmen t was ex tensive a nd comple te,th at all per tinen t facts ,ma tters and i ssueswere subn lit ted and t hat a ll i nt eres ted nar ties were heard a tsa idhearing . --·-3 .-Tha t a n unnecess ary and unr easonable hardshipwil l be i mposed on t hepro perty owner if theprov is ions ofth e Zo ni nq Resol ution are s tr ictly e nforc ed . 4.Thatthec i rcunsta nces creating t he hards hipwere i nex istence on t he effect ive date of t he zoning regula tions fromwhichthe •••.'. th e Zon i nn Board of Ad.i us tmen t , I '?:,1);!:.d ay of ~, (l IMIE),.j),vot i nn C!:<'s )(110) (l IA·IEl i:-;..<)on><'.X t1:,"-,vot t no ~sY (I ~D) .--~11/•fI f'ti<!:::.\(lI NI iU;~w fi.!/J.!.",t~.=-e-.>-vo t ing '0:V (No ) This res o lutionado p ted by S vo t ~rf County o f Eaol e •St ate o f ea l o l"ado .th is 19$. \ ••," variance i sreq ues ted .orwere created s ubsequentlyt hrnuoh no fa ult of th e app li ca nt. 5 .Th at the prooe rty f or whi cht he vari ance i s r eoue sted possesses e xce pt iona 1 ne r-r owne ss ,shal lownes s .sh apeo r to poor-aohy wh i en does not occurge nera l ly t o ot herpr operty in th es ame Zone Di stri ct. 6.That theva r ia nce .i fc ranted ,\1;11 not df mt nt s ht he v al ue,u s e o re njoymen t o fad jacent p rope rt ies ,nor c u rtail desi r able Li qht , a ir a ndopens pace i nt he ne i qhborhood. 7.That the varia nce,if o ranted,wt ll not be t1i rect l y co ntraryt o thei nte ntand pur poseof th e Zoni ng Re soluti ona nd/or t heMaster Plan of th e Coun ty of Eag le .Sta te of Co lorado. 8 .Thatt he f o 110w;no sp ec if ic f ind i nqs of fact we r e asce rt ained: (St ate spe ci fi cf ac ts i.e .traff i c ,con oest i on ,pa rking e tc.) N O\~.THEREFORE,bei t r es o lved by the Zo ning Boa rd of Ad.iu strnen t ,Coun ty o f Eagl e ,St a te o f Co l orado : THAT,the a ppl ica ntt s r e q uest an d hereby i sapp roved . for a var i ance t o m I pJ $l;:-r '!'At K /v-Jp ''Z..3 'Z.CoO l cf:'0'be C~U;W15 . f o ll owi nq r es tr i ct ions : -R.<>Nl '?~c f'",-el'f THAT,sa i dvaria nce i s cond it i onal upon the M I IV,S-,.,-"B1\-c.J:..~10 '-H:.o "" z -3z..f'U,,-<:--vR~C~ --r'~Ilte-l,.br .....N O;'f...r1Wr uTS /3 (1+.B.,;;-v'~ TH A('=frlfc J1"o1"a ti~t~~~'"?of~;j r~;~ut i~h"'m Jl ~u ltZi n !-r~{a'ri nq a ndpo ssi bl er evoc at i on . {h'V ,,,,,,-i l ,,-I U!4.,(se co nded t hea dopti ono f the f creqot nq Re solu tio n .The ro ll ha ving bee n cal le d ,the vote wasasf ol l ow s : ALL 'JOI STS "'Itt. WdL""NI~~t>Ol·Xr;a· • "-Level .-...'------------- (.yc.R. »o: GQ "t,I "....J st"<;\.,..Ltl h JJ ~J 'J.Y,;,. JS'H Ci'yr 0 ~,AI"'S 5 TA '"'"50 S"rAl R S D OWN 1"0 'I -d-~1:>'-1 3 'Y/&'!)eo k.(,"f,a 'j?S E'"""'s -/-0 S irt--...Co.,,-t ,ltv ..,..)6.13 ',KIll'De"I<.14 - 0 Q ''''''LA ....,}.•I I --"XI:>... To n of Vail FF IC 'ECC py IL _ r- W4 1""'"'2.eJ "XG "Po stCTyr"~() Q_-I ,, ,,,,- \ ./ / / ./ ./ / / / ~c::.-~--'"?-----.> z._ '... ", " ,., " .'..f f...... i ,..">" U5 ... J t~( I I I I I I _______.__J I , I'------- ~_J I L .-! I I I 1-----~ A I1'-I__ I ---. .<,O'"EIJ 1--. .o;l tA ~io t1 A~I\\ '.(<;.-ruc.::-cJ ).J. / • r-- r--- r-- r-- r-- -;----, -f--"-"'-- ~ '" "C!-'........... I -.i'--- I I ~l al•I '~.r--I ,.c:t 1.9-.+.... EJ.LVAiIO •• ., u I ~I ~, ~: ~: 2 I ,1 - ---------------- >-0_ C";=~~o I '0 r,~~c .........·~r----------~?;<..) 0-FLL. l.L.o u • \.t \v ,....------------,r---------.--.---HI~ ~""r-------,U c '\ ,/ u -,, /3/)C I~/ DECK. , --f--.--f---.._.. "\ I nN \t----.,..--::;:fl-------------_ ,~....../', _:~~=l :---_--.:...-.~-~~Ii --~ ~-----=-.~_c::::_- ----+--C o h ~tr ~~~Jev ~(j eck.("ot-mor e. t .(-t-J..~~H "c)"Pr-Jf'O(.(nd)-/3 {'Xli:;,I L-..,.--------------t I------:_-~~....,.I -1 ~.-.--.- I} 3 0 'J"rJe .s 5 .~~. .J ___._.I ,....------------ 'J l~'(l ~,~::'.1 f.m;'~j.::~~ 1::·t1 1•d ~\)i \~;H:t-\ ~J'. 11l8 L~JC()I~A9 a ~1 Iunllll"n 8 lIP")0IIMOj "'Elep A.1 t()~pIJ!Ml\lll:lUf 'ads 'Wgj{1 PI ES UI UOJ.lO 10 UOlpOJ J O~ 6t:l iiuuln 9J JOl/l1GJSW I WOJI te"lllo 5 u I PI!~Q ~ul I 'OMJC l OU Uc~·,;~12P 10 410 puc suoq nH !~ad s 'weld uodn P~s~~'....·c:;.''',-":I~'-":~-"'~'--------------------lI 10 e ~'!i i1::.3lLi 'I}O ~!B ::!!r s p n f &41 J()3~rJl;·tH!i)O J ~U ;);~r j>~:1 .'0 S l:'O'~~!i ::iJ ~,t~(J!S~;\(,:I J fliH!f;f.~;'i~10 :J('~~r l-'~!\k ;c;-",-t--'----------r~---------......,rf> ue J'J .j l.:~;:l:J.l .~.j :;~r~q t ,~·'~U 4 -,;:..;:.':!'to',:;'::J ~:~\'.,;;:" r::J :;t.:~iC o t ;;:\.O ;t ~r.:;:;1~'~!;;U :::Fl ':';Jjtt .'",:~'';:',1 .~,'