HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK G LOT 2 LEGALTOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 9 70-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOT E:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBS ITE AT ALLTIMES AD D/ALT MF BUI LD PERMIT Permi t #:BOO-0169 J obAd dress:245 6 CHAMONIX RD Location ...:2487 CHAMONIX RD Parce lNo ..:2 103 -14 1-06-000 Proj ect No .: Status . (F BLDG )App lied . Issued .. Expi res ..: ISSUED 07/19/2000 07 /24/2000 01/20/2001 Descript ion: RE-SIDE 1/2 OFBLDGS HAKE FOR SHA KE APPLICANTSNOWCAP ROOFING P .O .BOX 2 0 9 4 ,EAGLE,CO 81631 CONTRAC TOR S NOWCA P ROO FING P .O.BOX 2 0 94,EAGLE,CO 81 631 OWNER CHAMON IX CHALETS CONDO ASS . P .O.BOX 1 37 5,VAIL,CO 81658 Occupancy:R1 Type Cons truction:V-1HR Type Occupancy: Mul ti -Fam ily Not in table ! Phone:970-328-3320 Phone:970-328-3320 Phone:476-3308 TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-upDesitRefund approved amount date Va luat ion :7,000 Add Sq Ft : Firep lace Information :Reotricted :#0£Ga s Appliances :#0£Gas Logs:#0£Wood/Pe llet : Bui lding -----> Plan c heck---> Investigat ion > Will Ca ll ---·,. l:s .ao 7 1 .75 .0 0 ].00 Restu ara nt Plan Review--> ORE Fee -----------------> Recreation Fee ----------> Cl ea n-Up Deposit --------> TO TAL FEE S--------------> .00 2 0.0 0 .00 100 .00 312 .75 Tota l Calc ulated Pees ---> Add iti onal Fe ea ---------> To tal Pe~it Fe e --------,. Pa yments ----------------> BALAN CE DUS-------------> 3 12.75 .00 312 .75 3 12 .75 .00 Item:0 5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 7 /19 /2000 JRM Action :APP R APPROVED I tem:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMBNT 07/19 /2000 JRM Action :APPR SAME FOR Item :056 00 FI RE DEPARTMENT Item:0 5500 P UB LIC WORKS Dept:BUILDING Dept :PLANNING SAME N/A Dept:FIRE Dept :PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division : See Page 2 of t his Document for any conditions that may app ly to this permit. DECLARATIONS I h e reby acknowledge that I h a v e read t hi s a ppl ication,f i ll ed o ut in f u ll t he information r e quir ed ,completed a n accura te p lot p l an ,a nds tate tha t al lt h e i nformation prov ided as required is c orrect .I a gree to c omply with the i nforma tio n and p l ot pl an , to com ply with a ll Town ordinance s and 9tate l aws,and t o bui ldt his struc ture a c cor ding to the Town 's z o n ing and s ubdivi sion c o des ,designr eview a pp roved,Uni f orm BUi lding Code and o the r ordinance s of t he Town appl i cable t her eto . Send Cl e an -U p Depos it To :SNOWCAP ROO fING S IGNATURE i§;::O>mhR OR CONTRACTOR.FOR HI MSELf'AND OWN ER aEQUESTS FOR INS PECTION S SHALL BE MAD E TW ENTY -F OUR HOUR SIN ADVANC E BY TELEPHONE AT4 79 -2 138 ORAT 03R OFFICE FRO M 8:0 0 AM 5 :0 0 PM <)fJ -tfL ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Pe rmit #:BO O-01 69 as of 07 /24/00 Status:ISSUED ***************~**************************************************************** Permit ~JPe :P~D/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Applican t:SNOWCAP ROOFING 970 -328-332 0 Job Ad dress: Lo ca tion:2487 CHAMO NIX RD (F BLDG) Parc el No:2103-141-06 -000 'Desc r iption: RE-SIDE 1 /2 OF BLDG SHAKE FORSHA KE Applied:07 /19 /2000 Issued:0 7/24 /2000 To Expire:01/20/2001 Conditions: 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 .ALL 'PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS ,AND FLOORS TOBESEALED WITH AN APPROVED F IREMATERIAL. 3 .S MOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.31 0.6 .1 OFTHE 1997 UBC. 4 .F IRE DEPARTMENT APPROVALI S REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE S TARTED. *************************************************.****.******.** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORAD O Stat e rnnt *******-******************************************************** Staternnt ~umber :REC-0 657 Amount:31 2 .750 7 /24/00 1 3:21 Pa yment Method:8 283 Nota ti on:SNOWCAP ROO FINGI ni t :IN 31 2 .75 3 12 .75 .0 0 AD D/ALT MFBUILDPERA-MF (F BLDG) Tota lFe es : Total ALL Pmts: Ba lance : 3 1 2 .7 5 BOO -01 69 Type : 2 10 3-141-0 6-000 24 56 CHAMO NIX RD 24 87 CHAMO NIX RD Perm i tNo : Par celNo : S i te Add res s: Location : Th is Payme nt .***********************************.*.*.*********************** Account Code BP 00 10000311 11 00 DR 0 01000 031 1 22 00 P F 00 100003 11 2300 AD D2-DEP08 WC 001 000 03112 80 0 De script i on BUILDINGPERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEWFEES PLANCHECKF EES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFEE Am oun t 11 5.00 20.00 74 .75 100 .00 3.00 PREPARED 9/26/00,10,38,24 PROGRAM MR415U Town of Vail CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUN D REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION 1944 BOO -0169 SNOWCAP ROOFING DEP08DEPOSIT D2 TX-DATE 7/25/00 AJ-DATE 9/26/00 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 100.00 DEPOSIT -ADJ AMOUNT 100.00 ADJOSnlENT AMOUNT 100 .00- AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE, GRAND TOTAL: D2 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 .00 100.00 - .00 .00 DEPOSIT COUNT , G/L BATCH CREATED , 1 BATCH -02573 2000/09 USKRID-JPOPECK AP HELD COUNT-1.00 AMOUNT -100.00 Ele ctrtcal (Mechanical (Other ~ Addt=;-\+-'--:::~__:_'_'''''''-'-.J.<.L':_........~'"4-'~''''':;_:_.-PhonoN-.TI.l:-:)'p8 \J o:d •c .>.~I (.,5 >? -'"""7'"'---------<---pll"one#_ cJ .5{dcwct U__ Repair ~Other 1)4 ~~C-L NumberofAccommodation Units :~_ Alteration (I 1,:",11 1..-r ~l r ['",wiling U ni ts: I.r c ~1 f.)(:scri pl ioll:L OI__.Block Filing-,-.--:-_-,---Subdivision ~_ ~~;me ._.~~K..-'3c:eMle:L Nu mber :\w l T~pc of Fi '<':pJat'E:S :Gas Appliances Gas Logs WoodlPellet._ m '1l 1J 1 ~!(;:3: l'I.'.'i'"IBI NG S ...._..._ VALUATiONS ELECTRICAL:S~_ 1vfECHANI CAL $_ '~tl ~~'\.\ OTlIER:S TOTAL s CONTRACTORINFORMAnON r?!.';'~l C 9.!tt!l!f ~.9 .r::~~j2 -1 ~G ~&;r\,?~Address:_eO Go)·~d..S t;"dwa ,ek Lt>.311.:,3;( } r()'\1I "r \'3iIRcgjsttati()nNo.__~?>d---S Phone #3 ?,<g -':3 3 20 ~ J 0 '.'11 nf 'I.w Reg istrati onNo . Address:.......,'--_--:;--:-_ _________Phone 11 --":.....<.... Address:_ To"1\<)(',!:til Registration No.Phone #_ Address:_ 1n"II n f V;l i lRcgisnaticn No.Phone #---------.L...!:-:~--~-__:_-- FOR OFFIC~USE BUILDING:SIGNA1UR~E,....;.--------·_---- ZONING: SIGNATU-==R:C:E=-:------------- ~~~i\N UJ'Pj;PO§>JT_t\E [l),!'ID 10:.-:--_ It£'r'ED JUL 1 9 roM PROPOSAL ====================================================================== SNOWCAP ROOFING,INC. P.O.BOX 325 EDWARDS,CO.81632 926-3320 DATE:JULY 18,2000 PAGE:1OF2 PAGES ====================================================================== PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: NAME:DICK BREWER ADDR:P.O.BOX 1375 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 PHONE:476-3308 WORK TOBE PERFORMED AT: JOB TITLE:CHAMONIX CHALETS ADDRESS:2487 CHAMONIX LANE VAIL,COLORADO 81657 ARCHITECT:N/A DATE OFPLANS:N/A be for the ====================================================================== We hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials as specified below: To re-roof partial sidewall,with tear off of existing sidewall down to the plywood.To furnish and install replacement sidewall consisting of #1 Grade Class B Medium Shakes,with underlayments of Vycor Ice &Water Shield,36 &18 inch 30 pound felt. 1]Vycor Ice and Water Shield will be applied shingle fashion, on top of plywood sheathing.Vycor to be applied over the entire sheathing surface,lapped three inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps. 2]The Ice &Water Shield will be covered with a layer of 36 inch,30 pound U.L.roofing felt by Tamko,lapped four inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps. 3]Sheet metal flashing,as needed for this job,will installed using shop formed 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal, wall flashing,step flashing,and drip edge flashing. 4]Each course of shakes will be laced with 18 inch 30 pound Tamko roofing felt.The Class B Medium Shakes will be laced at all corners.Class B starter coarse will be installed at all bottoms. 5]This proposal includes air staples/nails,nails,mastic, and delivery fees,as well as any and all other miscellaneous materials required for a complete system,labor,and clean up of all waste roofing materials. 6]Due to the inconsistency of the construction materials market,material prices can fluctuate rapidly.Any price increases prior to our purchase (typically 30 days prior to dry-in)will cause the contract price to increase accordingly. 7]If daily installation/removal of plastic is required,this work will be charged extra at the rate of $40.00 per man hour and $50.00 for a supervisor.Reinforced plastic (20'x 100'rolls)will be charged extra at $120.00 per roll,or current cost.All extra materials used will be charged at Snowcap's cost,plus 15%. ------------------ CHAMONIX CHALETS PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES JULY 18,2000 8]Upon payment in fUll,Snowcap Roofing,Inc.will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing specified in this proposal against leaks caused by faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of roofing completion.SUbsequent interior damages are not compensable,and T &M fees will be charged if our investigation finds Snowcap's workmanship not responsible for the leak(s).. ====================================================================== COST:All material is Guaranteed to be as specified,with the work performed in accordance with the specifications submitted and completed in a workmanlike manner for the sum of:approx.$7,000.00 (The actual cost will be based on the actual time and materials used) TERMS:Net 30 days,no retainage,2%per month charged on overdue accounts,as well as any legal fees incurred.Workmans compensation and PUblic Liability Insurance,will be furnished by Snowcap Roofing, Inc.No additional work shall be performed without a signed change order. Respectfully Submitted:Snowcap Roofing,Inc. Per:_ Note:This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 10 days. ===================================================================== ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL:I authorize you to proceed with the Work as specified herein.I guarantee payment according to specified terms. SIGNATURE,,DATE,_ **Return one signed copy to our office.** ===================================================================== \ C 'h <A-~on ,v: L\~~l J(-\-s REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 1219/11/2121121121 1219:1218 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:9/11/2121 PAGE J AREA:JRM ==================~==============================================~====~======-== Activity:BI2I121-12I169 '3/11/2121 Type:A-MF Stat us:ISSUED Const",:AMF Addt'ess:2456 CHAMONIX RD Location:2487 CHAMoNIX RD (F BLDG) Parce I:211213-141-1216-121121121 Dec:Use:V-1HR DescTiption :RE-SIDE 1/2 OF BLDG SHAKE FOR SHAKE Applicant:SNOWCAP ROOFING Phone:9702l-328-33'~e Owner:CHAMoNIX CHALETS CONDO ASS.Phone:476-331218 Co n t r-ac t Ot':SNOWCAP ROOFING Phone:97121-328-332121 Inspection Request Information ••••• Requestor:SHERRY Phone:328-332121 Req Time:1218:121121 Comments: Items requested to be Inspected •••Action Comments 1211211219121 BLDG-Final Ti me E>q I A Inspection History ••••• Item:121121226 FIRE DEPT.NOTIFICATION Item:12112151121 driveway grade final Item:1211211211121 BLDG-Footings/Steel Item:1211211212121 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Item:12112152121 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item:1211211213121 BLDG-Framing Item:1211211215121 BLDG-Insulation Item:1211211216121 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item:1211211217121 BLDG-Misc. Item:1211211219121 BLDG-Final Item:12112153121 BLDG-Temp.C/O Item:121121531 FIRE-TEMP.C/O Item:121121532 PW-TEMP.C/O Item:121121533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O Item:121121537 PLAN-FINAL C/O Item:121121538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Item:121121539 PW-FINAL C/O Item:12112154121 BLDG-Final C/O MAY 17 2012 TOWNOF VAIL ~fj Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado8 1 tet:970.479 .2139 fa x:970.479 .2452 w eb:www.ci.vail.co.us Home Occu pation Pernu.J'---::~:,u.:~~~~--­ Application General Information: Ahomeoccupationisause conductedentirelywithin adwell ing andisincidental and secondarytotheuseofthe dwelling fordwellingpurposes.Homeoccupation permits must be renewed onanannual basis.Approvalsforhome occupations shall lapse if notpursued withintwomonths ofapproval. BusinessName:OIA.--r--;:;h::;---r2r=:US-4 Description ofthe business:O u-t 00 012..Gc~(g.~?4c..r::)1I11,vU<.r-:~ U/2.l.ute.+54-Le;. ________________Phone:'1'lQ :J ?0 -,L C02 EmailAddress:j111<kiX;/;rR fi2t:p ""tC/l-S (Fax:9 ft')t../?6.,-~]0 ,,vG! HOMEOCCUPATION INFORMATION Number of employees:-+l------------------------- Hours of operation:_'6"""'---_-........5::.....-_ Equipment/vehicles (including number)tobeused:R~S 0 ~..q L ;J....TOVm O f~~' ;'OHI GN-REVlE\.1 ~Where are materials/equipment to be located:G,4-Q..AGc //~.~\ Willclientsbecomingto the home:AJ c IJA~:s·)7·1 :::i!1¥itr~:5";!">:~ Estimate number of client visitsper week:%~i4 '.i~ 1::1AFP ~~!!'!~~t-""---o Please attach written approvalfroma condominium association,an or7an ]010£ owner,if applicable. o The Administrator may require the submission of additional plans,drawings, specifications,samplesand other materials (including a model)if deemed necessaryto determine whether a project willcomply with DesignGuidelinesor if the intent of the proposalis not clearly indicated. Location:Lot).Block:e:..Subdivision:l/A-~L-fus S Cd +OJ.J e:FIl....1 A.J <0 .d2.... PhysicalAddress:2'-f r;,0 G4I2fi11'>"Ci-f l/A-t L- ParcelNo.:').1 0'11 'fH b (0 .2-'5 (Contact EagleCo.Assessorat970 -328-8640 forparcelno.) Zoning:R~lDt~.q c... Name(s)ofOwner(s):k11/ifE cf:£,//Vtl L Y J<U)!;.c-X Mailing Address:2-<.i t:<(p Gv'~1 S c..1-1 llA L LI Co f?L657 ________---::;?.--:----:-__---,=----""'"Phone:370 Y 7<;,-fo (Q S O Owner(s)Signature(s):U~A:/,.2;.2:~ Name ofApplicant:m lC ~&1=cE"L f.<;t 0 $/12. Mailing Address:__~=-J?-:..c....rz.t....:....::~=_=__------- Page I of 3/04/15/0 2 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT CONDITIONS Allhomeoccupationsmustcomply with the following regulations at all times.If any conditionis violated at any time,the home occupation permit may berevoked. 1.Theuseshallbeconducted entirely within adwellingandcarriedonprincipallybythe inhabitants thereof.Employees,otherthan inhabitants of thedwelling,shallnotexceedonepersonatanytime. 2.Theuseshallbeclearlyincidentalandsecondarytotheuse of thedwellingfordwellingpurposesand shallnotchangetheresidential character thereof. 3.Thetotalfloorareusedforthehomeoccupationshallnotexceed one-fourth of thegrossresidential floorarea of the dwelling,orfivehundredsquarefeet,whicheverisless. 4.Thereshall be noadvertising,display,or other indication of thehomeoccupationonthepremises. 5.Sellingstocks,supplies,orproductsonthepremisesshallnotbe permitted,provided that incidental retailsalesmaybemadeinconnectionwithother permitted homeoccupations. 6.Thereshallbeno exterior storageonthepremises of materialsor equipment usedinthehome occupation . 7.Thereshallbenonoise,vibration,smoke,dust ,odor,heatorglarenoticeableatorbeyondthe property line,asaresultofthehomeoccupation. 8.Ahomeoccupationshallnotgenerate significant vehicular traffic inexcess of that typically generated byresidentialdwellings. 9.Noparkingorstorage of commercialvehiclesshallbe permitted onthesite. 10.Ahomeoccupationpermitisvalidforoneyearand must berenewedbythe Administrator inorderfor thehomeoccupationtolegallybecontinued. Iagree that thehomeoccupationwillbeincompliance with all of theseconditions. ~~ (Signature) Page 2 of 3/04115102 (Date) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRIITEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(print name),-',a joint ownerof property locatedat(address/legal description)--1 providethis letter as written approval of theplansdated whichhave been submittedtotheTownofVail Community Development Department fortheproposed improvements tobe completed attheaddressnotedabove.Iunderstand that theproposed improvements include: ~"""­~-... I further understand that minor modifications maybemadetotheplans over thecourse of thereview processtoensurecompliancewiththe Town 's applicablecodesandregu lations. (Signature) Page3of 3/04/15/02 (Date) ~'.TOWN OF V AIL,COLORADO TIJMi Of'V~'~.APPLI CATION FOR BU SINESS AND/OR SALES TAX LICENSE Mail To:BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Town ofVail (No te all activities conductedund er this licen se) Sales T ax Administrator Ret ail Sal es(specify):t?2 -,:\(c.<0 1c..ib$ 75 South Frontage Ro ad Res taurant /Ba r: Vail,Colorado 81657 Lo dging: Phone:(970)4 79 -2 125 Professional (specify): Fax:(Y70)4 79-2248 Se rvice (s pecifytype): E-mail:slononvi'vai l go v.co rn O ther:Website:va ilgov.co m Pro ductor ser vice so ld:PL.EASE RETA IN A CO PY FORYOUR RECORDS A separate application must be tiled for each busin ess location inVa il.Please type or p rint andfill out completely. TYPE OF LICENSE APPLIED FOR:FOR OFFICE USE ONLY o RETAIL SALES TAX LICENSE (NO C HARG E)Acct.# Is requ ired fo r an y persontoengage ill the bus iuess of sellingtangi ble Pers onal property and ce rtain serv ices at retail a nd fo r both mer ch antslocat ed wit hinthe Town o f STAX License# Vailan d th ose mer chant s locatedo utside t hetown ,butw ho makesa les and de liverieso f tangi ble ~rsonal property intothe Tow n of Vail by mail .co mm o n carrier o rtheir ow n conve ya nce .Business L icense # BUSINESSLI CENSE (SEE FEE SCHEDULE)CS License Ii Is req uiredf or an yperso ntomaint ain .operate orengage in an y bu s ines sa ctivity on premises w ithin theTo wn of Vai l.CL Li cense# To receive the Sales Tax Newsletter by e ntail,please go to our website Issue D ale Cycle__ vailgov.com C lass There you can signup for the Sales Tax Newsletter under the District section E-Services Type of Ownership:~;o le Proprietor __Partnership __Corpo ra ti on --Other LLC IfCorporation,Re gistered A gent: TradeNameofBusiness:o ~{fI-I'c::---rCE f NameofOwner ship (ifotherthantrade name):/h I<d-Dvt::7J /q .12.E3. Physical Addres s:2c.;~re G4@.~I SL/-I Mailing Addre ss: _Vtl-'L-Co,~(Ce C+ Business Phone /I 1?Q 3 1 ~-2CCl2..F c d c ral ID /I 90-0lp.2i3j6.2....Colorado SalesTax /I OI :FP IS J -COOO LocalManager-Representative:f/h I ~t<LOS.~R..CP '?U Y 76 -(.,c::''!,O Na me Home Phone # 2.LfVL,.G,4 12-MI S LI-(V frll.-c:[1(057 Home Address Ci ty Sta le Zip IsyourBusinessoperatedfrom yourhome?No ~I f yes,Home OccupationPermitis required) ~ SALES TAX REMITTANCE INFORMATION Nameofpersonpreparing SalesT ax Return !h::2 ~G {lh A<--I/S 0N Business Phone /I y7G -2"3& Choose one :_Employee ~co un tan t I Bookkeeper _Other(specify) TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTHLETICCLUB / SERVICEHOMEOCCUPATION FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUSINESS LICENS TING (Required byOrd inance 1128 ,Seriesof1992) TRADE NAM E _.=.....c"'-'---'--_--'-"~-'----"-__"'__"'~'____'____ MAILING ADDRESS 2 Lf &6 C;!4 ~J1/l,.s.L/-I A.DETERMINE ZONE __Zone 1 -Cascade Village to Manor Vail(southsideof Interstate 70) ~ne 2 -Outlying areas,i .e.WestVail,Sandstone ,Golf Course ,EastVail B. FEE SCHEDULE ZONEl ZONE 2 Construction $325.00 $243 .75 Athletic Club $600.00 $450 .00 Service $325 .00 $243 .75 Home Occupation $150.00 $112.50 c.TOTAL FEE DUE =$1/2.,50 Quarterly pro-ration is allowed for newly opening businesses only.Re-opening seasonal businesses are not eligible for pro-ration. OpeningJanuary1throu gh Mar ch 31100%ofthefeeisdue . OpeningAprilIthroughJune30 75%ofthefeeisdue. OpeningJuly1through September 3050%ofthefeeisdue. Openingon orafterOctober I 25%of thefeeisdue THERE ISA $100.00 MINIMUM FEE SIGNED UA t>-(,r1-d-~ PRINT NAME Ii1I C l.bJ.-~{k;.or;.32 DATE S-/;&/;2. TITLE 0 w ~_h:?i?-k--s PHONE 9 7d J &-2.00.:( I 1030 OUTTHEREUSA,LLC .2466 GARM ISCH DR. VAIL,CO81657-4209 ", "•f.' ()lJ 'j~J}~/'~*~ Innova ti ve Gea r Des i gne dB y T he Best ,:.~~_.__.~~..~:.•-_:.:. t-1I1(1~1(1.()SI~lt ."' ~~;:~:-:. \~:.. '-.',. I ':~v•I 91U :nc,?uu?.:i : f .~t ll(9'()i JT T I 'lIm "II S A C:(l~1 II'WW,()tJ T T I 'lI m d 'S~\,C:!l,~IX l~....-~-, ... •e - •e: PO ST I NA CONSP ICUOUS PLACE PLANS IN SLOTNOTE-COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE IN ON JUNE 12,1991 DATE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,004952...,PERMITNO. ......tBWD I 131 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I IIIIIIVV ~:1 .department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 240,000 {. DIVISION 122034 z ELECTRICAL 8,980TO;':!r:IfILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT 0•>=c~w.r~b31~mfTWf ~~:PRlMARY! «PLUMBING 15,200TYPEOFPERMIT~ ...J-c MECHANICAL 11 ,000IXkBUILDINGtxJPLUMBINGSECONDARYREISDENCE> !XX ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION TOTAL 204,8100 !XX MECHANICAL d D\\~l;.\C'~"''''\\'\\.~\-PERMIT FEESTYPEGROUPG.R.F .A.VALUATIONtLEGAlLOTzBLK11c....V-N R-3 *3204 204,810 BUILDING PERMIT 1,006 VAIL DAS SCHONE li2 DESC .FILING PLAN CHECK 503 JOB NAME:KLOSER RESID.ELECTR ICAL 168 OWNER ~&EMILY KLOSER NEWKXX ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 160 MAIL ADDRESS POBOX 3314 DWELLING UNITS -L ACC OMMODATIO N UNITS __MECHANICAL aNL PH .6-1749 32 1 RECREATION FEEHEIGHTINFT.__NO .FIREPLACES --511 ARCHITECT PARADIGM DESIGN INSULATI ON:TYPE THI CKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD -FIRM 100 -~~PO BOX 731 FL OOR FB 9"30 CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 500MAILADDRESS VAIL PH6-6397 EXT .WALLS "6"21CITY USE TAX ..9 t FIRM ~~,'i-.~S-.-Q~ROOF "12"38 ~~~r Jo~E N E RA L q4A .QQ 4§NTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO.\'-\~-\.-TYPE ELEC .GA S XX *xx i 1I1l11l111 @ ~~TOTALPERMITFEES TELE \~-D\\C\OF (.SO LAR WOOD MICHAEL WHITAKER JULY 3,1991HEAT 1::.--------_.---------- FIRM WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE ELECTRICAL 14S-E s.!::!.INITIAL SHELLYMELLO JULY 3,1991 TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.f---------------CONTRACTOR ST.CUT X ~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE !949-1403TELE.BLA ST IN G XPEERLESSMAINTENANCE ZONING &BUILDING NOTES :-FIRM PAR KING PLUMBING 173-P X I TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR DEM O x TELE 453-6325 '<, )FIRM ASSOCIATED MECH.I hereby acknOWledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required , MECHANICAL 148-M completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I ~CONTRACTOR IOWNOF VAIL REG .NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state 468-0161 laws,and to build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,designTELE.review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ~E R FIRM FULL CIRCLE BUILDERS ~~J ' 256-B CLEANUPTO:H,.t.<L..Ose'C..:c;.~~~L .a-<-d==---: ~\~\'TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.JJ II J IIIIII f'.O./3 o'i..3 "3 ''-I SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTeACTOR TELE .476-2850 V"~L AND THE OWNER . -.~., .. NOTE -COPYOFPERMITTOBEKEPTON JOBSITEmJUN121991DATE~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (, (S~I I 'II "1952•t 111111 l o(£J J:) PERMITNO. l.TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION iJepartment of community development a OCC""",,GOO","'l:.BUILDING O1.L£O,(X)n - I TO 6 !!FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT ~IVISION ~3 ~/z ELECTRICAL ~/q<t{)-0,-~/S;'2eo -TYPEOFPERMIT ~'~""""'~"0'00"',~::>PLUMBING N:D A.ey 7?..e;sIJ:)@-{C ...c MECHANICAL /tooo --~BUILDING 8 PLUMBING >eELECTRICAL FOUNDATION :7 0 4,f It)- MECHANICAL 0-TYPEGROUPG .R.F.A .VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT Z-BLK c..J -~.t~~2dt ~P+I r;?t D BUILDINGPERMIT I r-xJ? DESC.FILING V AIl..-P AS Se.tiONe -z PLANCHECK ~o3 JOBNAME :KLoSER..~~~~,~I.t ~ELECTRICAL /~g ~OWNER NAME }1l~",=,Er'.H l.'{\C[csee..NEW (Xl ALTERATION(J ADDITIONAL(J REPAIR()PLUMBING 100 MAIL ADDRESS "'7-0.'E:oc 331t.l DWELLING UNITS L ACCOMMODATION 'UNITS__MECHANICAL S v1I,~.~~{'U(J JIA "'.... CITY VAI L..cO 'f){b'5E PH.41rVr=rc£q HEIGHTINFT.~NO.FIREPLACES -L RECREATION FEE 7)j 1 ARCHITECT FIRM5tW..A D IG,M YE:Sr bN.INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESSR-VALLUE t o o~MAILADPRESS ,±?o.l3d<.::r3l FLOOR £:$'1/1 ]I::;CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 5 0 0 CITY \}AtL Co PH .liJ ~-(p31.:EXT.WALLS II 6 II ;2/USE TAX ROOF I j /2 1 1 38 ,;JC;~t1-)(GENERAL FIRM VCONTRACTORTYPEELEC.GAS TOTAL PERMIT.FEES VTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF J /7 ,"')U L¥\ HEAT SOLAR WOOD v-2;?;Zfl-f//~/~~l.t3/pl-TELE . FIRM WI-'h-r"'!2"4?.l\/pR....£kE(.ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:~tffi,D'll ~@',C I A L iT!Qf~~'V -'1(;'---tLECT.,CAL TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO .14 '2"f:1.N INITIAL f-U l L ~_LL t __/./3 f __-~-- CONTRACTOR ST.CUT V ONINGADM INISTRATOR DATE/' TELE.q"q-IL/a~BLASTING V ~ONING ~BU I W~NG NOIT~:,, FIRU ry~U3S5 ).1J{f-H'lT~1)1'1 A-1(PARKING V 1 ~L-d I .;A>:!,U A rnXIPLUMBING-Xv'k'1A'1 ~\II Lb~1 lTOWNOFVAILREG.NO .I =t "3 P -:CONTRACTOR •DEMO U /1 TELE .t.!J:;3 -/pUS".j ~FIRM h ~oC/~~I hereby acknowledge thatIhaveread this application,filled outin full the information required, MECHANICAL TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO.JI:Jq"{'-f'i?f.1 completed an accurate plot plan ,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR agreeto comply withthe Informationand plot plan,to comply withallTown ordinances andstate TELE .'i'8 -cl lal laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design FIRM Fuu (!JF!U£~<Pvc review approved ,Uniform BUilding Codeand oth ~nanceLe~PPlicable thereto. i'}fHER-~(/.o"/~~//_u-~.LI91CoHsz.tmW TOWNOF VAIL REG.NO.25&t3f..<~~IGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE .LI:;(p -:£gSD AND THE OWNER. ·.I 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2~39...-officeof community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval. Engineer"s (Public Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department r.f!view,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated timefora total review may takeaslong as three weeRs . All commercial (large orsmall)and all multi-fa mily permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryreview,these projects may also ta ke the three wee k period. Every attempt willbe made by this departmentto expedite th is perm it as,soonas possible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplan check procedure and time frame. Agreed toby. Project Name -. Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. J " ,. 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 officeofcommunity development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUC~~ON PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: ~~• Date " themjmuellereo.,inc . 24 July 1991 Mike and Emily Kloser PO Box 3314 Vail,Colorado 81658 Subject:Kloser Residence Lot 2,Block G,Vail das Schone Filing 2 vail,Colorado Dear Mike a~d Emily: At your request this office has made a visual inspection of the concrete wall forming for your residence.The forming has been completed in accordance with structural drawings as prepared by this office dated 11 July 1991,the following is to be noted: a)WALL REINFORCEMENT-The wall at section E on the west end of the garage has been reinforced on the wrong side.Add the correct reinforcement to the west face of the wall per plan. b)REINFORCEMENT GRADE-The concrete contractor has requested to use #4 Grade 60 reinforcement in lieu of the #5 Grade 40 reinforcement specified on plans.This substitution is acceptable for the design loads. c)FOUNDATION WALLS MISS FOOTINGS-There are two locations where the foundation walls miss bearing upon the footings.The wall at the location on the east end of the south garage wall has been reinforced with 2 additional Grade 60 #4 bars to span the missed footing.The footing at the location on the west end of the south wall of the secondary living room has been repoured.The new footing will be poured with the wall pour • ....he ~~o~;ng T,dl'be connect.ed t~th~"'x~-+-~~g foo+-~ng T,T ~th 44..:.-..--.....••#oJ _.._____....,;)_-....J _.......~.....•l i" dowels @ 24"on center transverse.Reinforce the footing longitudinally with a single Grade 60 #4 bar. The completion of the above noted items was verified by Dan Stanek- TOV Building Inspector.If you have any questions regarding this project,please contact this office at the phone number shown below. CiVil,architectural and structural engineering •p .o.box 2747vail,colorado 81658476-2627 TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM File KristanPritzandGaryMurrain July3,1991 SUBJECT:KloserResidence,Lot2,Block6,VailDasSchoneFiling2 Duetotheexcessiveslope(greaterthan30%)beneaththegarageoftheproposedresidence, wehavedecidedthatthecrawlspacecreatedbyasteppedfoundationbelowthegarageshall beallowedtohaveaheadheightwhichmayexceed5feetinheightfromthesurfaceofthe earthtothebottomofthestructuralmemberabove.Itshouldnotbe considered GRFA . ityDevelopmentDirector [J c ~INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: .- -' u I ' DATE: FINAL BUILDING DATE: DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: ',:;~;.:..~'-~:~~..,'.-~:;..'. ::<'.•.... ......,.I have read the survey policies stipulated in the Town of vail memo dated April 3,1991 and commit to adhering to them. Signature .;.:: Print Name Date /Cf9/ Job .....: :::'.' Legal Descript ion: c:\krlstan\memos\s urvey .po l Lot --'Block 'L ,Subd i vi s ionc...:...;.;..;;..,--,-,_-,,-,,-,-_~~ .f.';:.._--...----._... .'..• Town of Va il Community Development 75 Sout h Frontage Roa d Vail ,Colorado 81657 (303)4 79-2138 • Pro j ec t Numbe r:6129 1 Addre ss :2466 GARMISH Oc cupan cy:R3,M1 Type of Con st :V-N P lan analys is bas ed o n the 1988 Uniform Buildi ng Code Name:KLOSER RESID ENCE &EMP HS . Date :June 28 ,1991 Contractor:OWN ER Architect:P ARAD I GM DESI GN En g i neer :MARK MUELLER Plans Examiner:MICHAEL WHITAKER NO TE:Th e code it ems listed in this report are not intended t o be a complete l isting o f a ll possible code re quirements in the 1988 UBC .It is a guide t o selected se ct ions of t he code . Portions of t he mat erial cont ained in t h is program are re produced fro m the Unif orm Bui lding Code (1988 edit i on)with permission of I nt ernationa l Co nference of Building Officials =============================================================================== EXITING AND LIGHT/VENTILATION REQUIREMEN TS FL NAME AREA MIN .LIGHT MIN.VENT NO .EXITSEGRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Master bedroom 229 22 .90 11.45 1 Yes 2 Master bath 990 .00 4 .95 1No 2Ba th ro om 38 0 .00 1.90 1No 2Bedroom #1 130 13 .00 6.50 1 Yes 2Be d ro om #2 118 11 .80 5 .90 1 Yes 2 Stu dy 137 13 .70 6.85 1No 2Ha lls,closets,etc.388 0 .00 0 .0 0 1No TOTALFOR FLOOR 1139 1 1 Garage 730 0 .00 0 .00 1No 1 Livi ng/D i ning 51 7 51.70 2 5 .8 5 1 No 1 Kit chen 189 18 .9 0 9 .45 1 No 1 La undry room 7 6 0 .00 3 .80 1 No 1 Ba th room 5 1 0.00 2 .55 1 No 1Ha lls ,c los ets,e t c.337 0 .00 0 .00 1 No TOT AL FOR FLOOR 1900 1 B Sta irwe ll 153 0 .00 0 .00 1 No BMe chanical Room 80 0.00 0 .00 1 No B Kitc hen/Liv i ngRoom 237 23 .70 11 .85 1 No BBedroom 165 16.50 8.25 1Yes BLa undry room 56 0.00 2.80 1 No B Hall s,closets,e tc.74 0 .00 0.00 1 No TOTAL F OR FLOOR 765 1 Ye s BU ILDING TOTAL 3039 2 ••• FOO TNO TES: 1)EGRESS -Ano perable window or door t hato pen s di re ct ly to the e xteri or is requiredf rom this room.The minimum clear o penab le a rea must meet the follo wing.--Se c.1204. 1)The mi nimum clear height is 24 inches 2)The minimum clear width is 20 in che s 3)The minimum clear area is 5.7 squar e feet 4)The ma ximum sill height is 44 inche s 2 )The number of exits i s based on Table 3 3-A (Dwelling s) 3 )Amechanical ventilat ion systemmay be used inin li eu of exterio r op en i ng s for v ent il a ti on .--Sec.1205.(c) 4)The re q ui rementf or an egress wi n dow i n the basement is based on Sec .1204 . ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habi tabl e spac e s hal l havea cei ling height of not less than 7 fee t 6 in ches.Kitc h en s,ha lls,bathro oms and t o ilet compa rtments may ha ve a ce iling hei ght of 7 fe et measured to the lowest proj ec tion.I f the ceili ng i s sloping,t hent he minimum height is requ ired in o n ly 1 /2 of the a rea . --Sec.120 7.(a) Every d wel ling uni t sha ll have at least o ne r oom whic h has n ot less t han 1 20 squa re feet o f fl oora rea.Other habitabl er oomse xce pt k itchens sha ll have an a rea of n ot le ss than 70 squ are feet.--Sec.1207 .(b) Habitab le room s other than a kit chen shall no t be less than 7 feet i n any dimen sion.--Se c.1 2 07.(c) GL AZING REQUIREMENTS : 1 )All g la z ing in h azardo us locati o ns is requ iredt o be of safety glaz ing ma teri al .--Se c.54 0 6.(d) 2)Note windows and doo rs i na t ub or s ho wer a rea a re required to be sa fe ty g lazed rega r dl es s of t heh e ight a bove the f loor .--5406(d)5 . SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke dete ct or is r e quired o n t he ce il ing or wall a t a poi nt cent ra l ly located i n t he corrido r o r areag ivi ng acces s t oe achs leeping a r ea . --Sec .1 21 0.(a)4 . The smoke d et ector i s required to b ewir ed to theb u ildin g's power source.--Sec.1 21 0.(a)3. A smoke det e ctor is requi red i n the basemen t.--Se c.1 21 0.(a )4 . A smoke de te cto r is required o n all s tories.--Se c.1 21 0.(a)4 . If the upp er lev el c ontains s leep ing room(s),as moke detector is required in the c eili ng of t he upper leve l c lo se t o the stairway . --Sec.1 2 10 .(a)4 OCCUPANC YSEPARATION : Betwee n th e gar ag e and the r esi de nce ,materi al s appr o ve d for 1 hr fire cons truc t ion are requi red on t he garage side o nly a nd any doors be tween th e garage a nd the r e sidence are t ob eas elf -cl os ing1 3/8 i nch so lid c ore door.--Tab le 5 -B &Sec .503 .(d )ex *3 ..•• STAIR REQUIREMENTS: As tai rway i na dwelling must be at least 3 6 inches wi d e.--Sec .3 3 06.(b) The max imum rise of a step i s8 inches and the mi nimumr un is 9 i n ches. --Se c.330 6.(c)ex c .*l P rovidea handrail o no ne side a stairway 3 4 to 3 8 in c he s a b ovet he no s ing i f there is 4 or more risers.--Sec.3306.(j) P rovi d ea guard rail where drop off is greater than 3 0 i nches .Mi n imum he i g ht =36i nches,ma ximum openi ng size =6 inches.--S e c.1 711 .exc 1 Th e minimum headro om i s 6 ft .-8 inches.--Sec.3306 .(p) Enc lo se d usable space u nder the stairs is requi redt o b e pr ot ec ted a s requi red f or 1hr fire-resisti ve c onstruction.--Sec.3 30 6.(n) ATTI C REQU IREM ENTS: 1 )P rov ide an acce sst o all a ttic areas with a cl ear h e ighto f 30 i nc hes or more.The minimum si ze is 22 inches by 3 0i nche s.The re must b e 30 inc hes or more clear h eight above the access.--S e c.3 205.(a) 2 )P r ov ide ventilation in all attic areas.The ne t f ree v ent ar ea is to b e not less than 1 s quare foot f or each 15 0 squa re f e et o f at t ic ar ea . The vent area mayb e 1/300 if at least 5 0 %o f the r e qu ired ve nti l at in g a rea is provided by ve nt ilators located i n t he upper por ti o n o f t he att i c.The upper ven til a t ors mus t be at least 3 f eet above thee ve o r co rn i ce v ents.--Sec.32 05.(c) CRA WL SPACEREQUIREMENTS: 1 )P rov i de v e ntilation either by me chanical means o rb y o pe nings i n exter ior wa lls .Open ing sha ll pro vide a n et area o fn ot l ess t ha n 1 s quar e f o ot f or e ac h1 50s qu are feet o f area in crawl space.Open i ngs s ha ll be d istr ibut ed on two o pposite side sa nd b e located as cl ose t o co r ners as pra c tica l. --S ec .25 16 .(c)6.Note:Vent openings may be r edu ced t o 1 0 %o f thea bo ve i f gr ound surface area is covered with an appro vedv a po r barr i er an d the b ui ldin g official appr ove s. F ora 7 6 5.0 sq.ft.c rawl spa ce area: Ra tio Min imu m s q.ft.o f ven t 1/1 50 5.1 0 2 )P r o v ide1 8 -in chb y 2 4-i nch acces s ope ni ng t o t hec r awl space area .Note : ope ni ng may be required t ob e large r if mecha nic a l e qui pmen t i s l ocated i nt h e cra wl space.--S e c.2 516.(c)2. 3 )Unless t he wood is lis teda s a n approved woo d of natu ra lr e si s t ance t o deca y o r treate dwood,the minimumc le ar ance b e twee ne xp os ed e ar th an d f loor j o ist i s1 8 inches.The mi nimum clearanc e t o b eamsa nd g i r de rs i s is 1 2 inche s.--S ec.25 16.(c)2 . AD DITIONAL REQUIREM ENTS: Fo r R3 occup a nc y THI S P ROJECT WILL REQUIRE A S ITEIMP ROV EM ENT S URVE Y.S UCH SUR VEY SHALLBE SUB MITTED AND APPROVED PRI OR TO REQ UEST F OR FRAME I NSP ECTION . ALL CRA WL S PACES WITHIN THETOWN OFVAIL ARELIM IT ED TO A EARTH TO S TRUC TURA LFL OORCE ILING HEI GHT OF 5 ',BEEARTHF LOO R ON LY,BE VEN TI LATEDASPER UBC 25 1 6(C)6 WITH MINI MUM ACCE SSASPER UBC 25 16 (C)2 AND MAXIMUM ACCESS OF9S Q.FT. ,,..•• EXCAVAT ION BELOW SL ABSON GRADE SHALLNOT BEPE RMITTE DWITHOUT PR IOR APPROVAL . ADDRESS NUM BERSSHALL BEPO STED PL A INLY VIS IB LE AND LEGI BLE F ROM THE S TREET . Fo r Ml occup an cy S LOPE GARA GEFL OOR TO ALLOW FORDRAINAGE TO OU T SID E ORPROV IDE A F LOOR DRAIN WITHWIT HSAND AND OILI NTERCEP TORTO DRY WELL OR T O SE WER .ANY GARAGEFL OOR DRAI N CONN ECTED TO SE WE R MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLEVALLE Y WA TER &SANITAT ION DI STR ICT . IN GA RAGE S WITH LIVING AREAABOVE,THE WALLS OF THE GARAG E WH ICH ARE BEAR ING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BEPROT ECTEDWITH ON EHOUR FI RE RESIS TIVE CONSTRUCTION.UBC 50 3(B). ..• Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 • Pr oject Numbe r:61291 Address:2 466 GARMISH Oc cup ancy :R3,M1 Ty pe o f Const:V-N Plan review based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Name:KLOSER RESIDENCE &EMP.HS Date:J une2 8,1 991 Co ntractor:OWN ER Archite ct:P ARAD IGM DESI GN Engineer:MARK MU ELLER Plans E xaminer:MICHAEL WHITAKER P o rt ions of the material contained in Uniform Building Code (1988 edition) Conference of Building Officials this program are r e produ ced fro m the with permission o f I nt e rn at ion al #I DENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUI RED ============================================================================= 1 El ectr ic al Wo rk 2 I mpro vement L oc at ion Certif icate 3Crawl Space Max. Height with out app rov al 4 Fo r Future Reference 5La th i ns pe ction Requi red All electrical work is to be com plete to t he requirements of the la te st Nat iona l Ele c trical Co de, all T own of Vail Ord inan ces,a ndHo ly Cross Requ irements. This project will requ i re a si te imp rovement s ur ve y. This su r vey shall be submit te d a nd staff app roved prior to a r equestf or af rame inspection .Unde r n o circumstances will a fra mei ns pe ction be done without an approved site imp r ovement surve y. All areas delineated as crawl s pa ces o r nonhabit. baseme nt shall h a ve less th an 5'ht.fr om ea rth to struct ural floo r/ceiling above,be ve nti lat ed as pe r UBC 2516,with min imum acce ss as pe r UBC 25 16 a nd max.access of 9 sq.f t. On ly one woodb urning fi replace may be inst all ed per d welling un it wi thin the Town of Vail .Gas applian ceswith "B"vents on ly are no t restricted under t h is regula ti on.Gas log a ppa ratu s' r etrofitt ed within wood burni ngc himn eys are r estric ted as such. E xter i or surfaces with stucco s hall b e provide d wi th e xterior metal lath as per UBC 4 706 with 2 layers of paper.Windows an d do ors are required to be adequat ely flashed(not with jus t screed meta l).A lath i nspection is re quired pri or s tucco a ppli cation. ..•• 6 Survey Foundation 7 Public Works i n spection for drainage first. 8 Bathroom and/or Laundry Ventilation 9 Domestic clot hes dryer moisture exhaust 10 Al lc ombustion ai r from outside 11 Mechanical equip. size relative to size of mech. room. It is recommended that projects within the Towno f Vail which are owner/builder constructed have foundations staked out by a licensed surveyor to avoid possible errors in the location of the structure . All new construction within the T own of Vail will be required to have a n initial ins p ection by TOV P ublic Works Dept.to approve site drainage and c ulvert installation.This approval must be co mplete pri or to any inspection by the Building Department . In bathrooms with a tub or s hower and in laun dry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided .Bathrms which contain only a water closet or 1av.may be venti lated with a recirculating fan .UBC 1 205(c) Domestic clot hes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC 1104 and 19 03 .Flexib le d uc t connectors may not exceed 6 'i nl engt h and s hall not be concealed within c on st ruc tion.Ducts shal l terminate outside the building a nd not e xc e ed 1 4' length. In buildings of unusua lly ti g ht c on structi on (all new construction with in the Tow n of Vail), combustion air shall be obta in ed from t heo u ts ide. Such combustion air open ings shall be as p er UMC Ch . 6. Furnaces not listed f or closet o r alc ove installation shall b e i ns tall ed i na ro omo rs pace having a volume at le a st 1 2 t imes the vol ume of the furnace .A boiler unit will r equi re a spac e 16 times larger than the boile r.UMC 504(b) 1 2 1 3 14 Supply drawing with mech.infor- mation prior to mech .installation Flow restrictors Handrail with 4 or more risers Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system,size (BTU and volume)of equipment,ven t location and t ermination,and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes,all sink fau ce tts and shower heads are required to utilize flow res triction devices .Also ,the maximu m wate r close t flush usage is limi ted to a maximum of 3 .5 ga ll ons p er flush . A handrail is required along a sta irway .It i s required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nos in g of the steps and if the side is open,the ma ximum s i ze of an opening in the railing a t thes tai rway is 6 inches.--Sec.3306.(j)&1711 . .,•• 15 Guardrail detail 1 6 Storage area un d er stairs 17 Fi eld verify 1 8 Ice and Water Sh ield I nspection r equired 1 9 Submit Soils Rep ort A 36 inch high guardrail wit ha max imu mo peni ng of 6 inches is requied where step i s greate r than 3 0 inches to floor or grade below.--Sec.1711. The enclosed usable space u nder the stair s is required to be protected b y I hr fire-resisti ve construction.--330 6.(m) Unless the lower l ev el i s cl earl y sho wn as a basement (6'or l ess from floor a b ove t o gra de for 50 %of building p erime ter),a3 level d welling will require 2means of exiting fr om the 3rd.level i f 3rd.level exceeds 500 s q.ft .UBC 420 &UB C 3303 (a). At eaves and valleys an a dequa te underlaymen ts h all be provided to protect a structu re fro m ice bu ildup and water damage.Twol a yers of fe lt so l id mop ped to sheathing and bet ween l ay ers o r a commercial water &ice shield may be u s ed a sp er Table 32 Bl. Incl ude a copy of t he soil s repor t for thes ite to b e built on .--Se c.2 905.(b)&(c) •fI •• 10,454 NO 2 .0 YES 2 .0 2,613 .6 850 3,463.6 2 ,090.9 0.0 2 ,090 .9 6 ,272.6 3 ,204.0 259.6 2 19.0 1,900 .0 1,139.0 0.0 0.0 3 ,258.0 600.0 CREDIT 0.0 3,463.6 2 ,658.0 805.6 5 46.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 546 .0 0 .0 CRED IT 0 .0 805.6 5 46 .0 259 .6 600.0 0 .0 STAIRANDMECH. ROOMOFBSMN T CONSIDERED PART OF PRIMARY UNIT SECONDARY UN IT ISOLATEDFROM BLDGATSTAIR A ND MEC HANICAL ROOM fI ,.' 453432 8 -557 P-300 JOHNNETTE P HI LLIPS ••07/0~/91 15 :30 PG 1 OF 2 E A GLE COUNT YC LERK,CO LORADO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS REC 10 .00 m JIIN 1 .DOC, 0 .00 Rl00 \ WHEREAS,M Ike ~eMily t<1..loQ';;,e~...:.'I _ described as: is the owner of the property Blo.:.k C::t)VCA "\'Q..::>~~~hh~#2.I ,,1G\..d Lo\=.~. ~4(P~6MIM.\.'::>\o\)\.(Go\.~l )[0 . herein referred to as the "subject property"~and WHEREAS,the owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of the SUbject land for the benefit of the owner and the Town of Vail, Colorado (lithe Town"). NOW,THEREFORE,the owner does hereby i mpose,establish, acknowledge ,declare,f.or the benefit of all pp.rson~who ~ay hereinafter purchase,or lease,or hold the SUbject land,the follo wing restrictions,covenants,and conditions,all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be binding upon the owner,its respective grantees,successors,and assigns. 1.The SUbject property has a secondary employee dwelling unit in the approximate size of S fue,.:,h wltl red ~'4'hdy +11D (74-:6 )square feet . The secondary employee unit located on the SUbject property shall not be sold,transferred,or conveyed separately from the primary dwelling unit located on the SUbject property for a period of more than twenty (20)years and the life of Tiffany Lowenthal,from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for sa id secondary emp loyee dwel ling unit. 2.The secondary employee dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30)consecutive~and,i f it shall be rented,it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley.The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to inclUde the Gore Valley,Minturn,Red Cliff,Gilman,Eagle- C": C": Coo .-..• PG 2 OF 2 Vail,and Avon,and their surrounding areas.A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30)hours per week. 3.The secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time shares,interval ownership,or fractional fee ownership. 4.The provisions hereof may be enforced by the owner and the Town. 5 .The conditions,restric1.ions,st.ipula1..-LOllS,al1.:'l ag.1.'et::iill"rr::'s contained herein shall not be waived,abandoned,terminated,or amended,except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the owner of the subject property. 453432 8 -557 P-300 0 7/03/91 15 :30 Manager ACKNOWLEDGMENT '-'Thefor~going instrument was acknowledged before me this 2/5:f day ~f_,.<";'/~.~:'.'·c .~,19~,by ~V .P-NI fIF_S _ .-"':-:'~:.'~~-:f~~~~:,:¥.. to''''''_:.'.,...;'..:!....,.).•~'.!:;'.J.4- -.:',.'," J :,. '". .,.,.:.'.-.'..)'.~:.:.~-;....-,->~'.';:.."........' .'.,;:..'.1 ;.~ My commission expires: PROPERTY OWNER ~6 .~ NotaYPublic /5 S .~ru . Address Vo"jl,Go ~lb51 ~ C-:looo By:--,"'"--r....L...J'--"--"-+--+-_=-~::::.L.=-_ ACKNOWLEDGED instrument was acknowledged before me this IS~ay of _'_---'~@::.Z=~=-----,1989"',by E rnl kt 'Klo~!?C/9 '1/-, Date --l..ILf--lJL-.....L---- Project.Application Contact Person andPhone ." ~t ·. Architect,Address andPhon e:_ Comments:_ DISAPPROVAL to/r/r;I .Dat e --""~...,J-J'-'--I----- DesignReview Board Motion by : Seconded by : ,. 1-0 o Staff ApprovalTownPlanner ~ Summary:p.J.I4L.L..£L><-=""------,WL.W!~___F_-==---1..~~~.L+---=f_=_-_47~l....5<!=..l.---- Date : .~,:..:...\.".\.~..-..~'. ._-------_...---------_._--------------"----~.~""'.:.._----------_.. ..•e ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS DATE:\].1-'S -:...I __ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ....ao.."-'-__-:----;-PHONE _ Total ...1;j efl.C?--2lf&.-S' 2 ,1...J7 z[;__ .:)OS.zc; ~ e 20' 15' 15' (30)(33) +@%f1~25) =~ Front Sides Rear Setbacks Secondary GRFA Total GRFA Height Primary GRFA ARCHITECT PHONE __~_ ZONE DISTRICT _fib (~rrsl-n'ckd) PROPOSED USE -2.lf;wl~~ciOJv( LOT SIZE _---.:I045U (,l4~) Allowed Existing Proposed ...(}- Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping (30)(50) ~ l{2.,J 2 .0 ---J,<"":"";;;;'_ Retaining Wall Heights 3'/6' Parking Garage Credit Drive: __Reqrd (300)~(900)(1200)hOD Permitted Slope ~Actual (rf)b) Slope e/11J View Corridor Encroachment: Date approved by TOW~gineer: Yes No ???_ Environmental/Hazards:1)Flood Plain _ 2)Percent Slope _ 10 ID ~\'rtrhilHovv cr......Jt;r CY Does this request involve a How much of the allowed 250 clrM(~tV.; WW ~/~U ~tvAcfA 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche _ b)Rockfall _ c)Debris Flow __ 4)Wetlands _ 250 Addition?NO Addition is used with this request?__ e.e. oJ ... ~"lu sa:h/I ~d:lf-..t,A t-<'U<':J 0,-- /fr-4S L ttll!"'-!eve\1()~\ .ja n''j( 7&5 Ilt·...1/11 11-'."'']'5 I 7 tth~/'61 /ce-~cJ-'Vj 7 b ECI yfl 5'! ii Ire-I I<;'Ace i t/~C'~l IAt{/J.Jt-'Gel jA1"J~r &~t tt~l Bt>d / K..cI 2- <;iz.{~ 7.;21 11 3?' I~ (/8 1'37 d d.1 't:c::::ilb7-It)(.q I J f V".ter J""f-c::r-Jl 5~OL- Project Application Date --'-"--1-4--'------ Project Descrip tion :---lf1u.&'~(,-,(.J-)---l--'-"-+--:"""''-'''-L--'Uf---.!d...,,-----==---'--__ C ontact Personand Phone Owner,Addressand Phone:-----f-.I-f--!-+..:.""'------'''-----<..''''--'-'c:...<.J:J.::f-~'''---.L-'='''--C--...--------- Arch itect,Address and Phone:_ C omments :_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by: Seconded by : Date ----""'+-,H-.L....f------ D ISAPPROVAL D ate: Town Planner ~4f ~LV~ o Staff Approval - j~i~tt;r~t~~mW~t1t1*t4J*@$t4~t&'tt~~mr:$:..\t@~l:tilit{W$ltl~t*~w:t:.$~"%k%%:%~t1:--®1t&*t~J~ttiWfm%WW trf:Wt~~~f:f~~§Jl~i:W~#W~f j~@j iiili I TOWN OF VAIL ~:::~;:;. It:~l~j ~'f DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTE9 Wt~'{2 2 \9 9' ::::I SALES ACTION FORM*::~;:: g~; ;~~! ~@~: tID ;:;:B~ :;::~:;; ~I~:;;!Ac¢oDII _-Riii::=::::::'·,11l~t:;::::=.:01 ססoo 41330 COM.DEV.APPLICATION FEES )000:-/OO~{::;:::. ~)1 . ;~01 ססoo 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 ססoo 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00f~- xcc- r~;:01 ססoo 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 ~~:I ~01 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00:~i:;~l:01 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 I!I 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECIRICAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS(I: ;::):01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00It01000042412XEROXCOPIES/STUDIES $0.25::::::~. I~~:01 0000 4237 1 PENALTY FEES /RE·INSPECTIONS:~~il!~~01 0000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECfION FEES 11!ilir 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 11 01 000041330 OTHER FEES ~~:}01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00:*:;:: #~01 0000 -~::;:~ -~::;::: t~~ 'l~~~i~;;;;.:..; ~~~j :~~::: .~:..... r;~in; ~flli~ji '.:.:.~: ~f:f;:::;:;: :;~:::: ::::~:..;.;.;.:. ;11 K/tJ~::::" si!i COMMENTS:.;@;;:;::Sooty -;.::;;:;;)1 A J/,..IU /I I //J.::::;.;.,..., !!ll "--M;OY\./i'.-lVv .././.".,j'JI/YJ L/UlL-...!>V UD .......rJ r/ /1 L/ ::::;~:. ~i~j: ti!':i W)·;:·~:··:gWnt@;#Mtitt)ttLttWt.ttttWtN:tifMttMi:tit.&14t.\%%'iitWiW@;;MWWHitkWW MMm·tkW;ldt;:·n·i ;:yt:m:·tM:tPk :,:~·,:+@.,,~I~I I no,-··,>n-·II:::lH...1.. 00-001 ~pa.tep~a1 lunow~ 33.:J ddtl iH:]~W ~}·.;~3S0TI ;::itlHJ I (,I ~~!:::#>tJ #.~un(cc'!j 96£ll0 #l d1a~ad ~6-:::'-sO -,I t:l1~1 ..::JO 1"--11....0...1.. ••iJ r.r~4.J _I ......a AP PLICATIO N FOR SECOND ARY UNI TFOR LOTS OF LE SS THAN 15 ;000 SQU AR E FEET IN THE R ES ID ~~TI AL ZONE DISTRI CT ~~D I N TH E PRI ~~RY/SECONDARY RES IDENTI AL ZON EDISTRICT PHONE 41£0 -\7'4-6) ,"1\\~i;E=IM.:>.>..I...",l,lf--............,""'"""-'-'--_ 331it-\/";.....\,.....(.....O...._~~~_-) ADDR ESS Po B o., N~~OF PE TITIONERA.1. B.NAM E OF PE TITI ON ERt S REPRESENT ATIV E 'i?o.CQ,c!';'JK' ?O?>a~:r31 \10 ;I C.0 t f;,(bSg,I ( t v.","(!I S IG NATURE,-f..I.'J...L..ILlI'....f--1L.::.~ALcc.==__ C. D.LOCA TI ON OF PROPOS AL LEG AL DESCRIPTION: eSq"-WI ,e,I,.;D,'Jq.t Ij (0. Lot 2..Block L..1 Filing .2.<\1£...;I ~S:I..0-'\J2.. E.FEE :$100 F.A list of the namesand mailing address es of owner s of all property adjacent to the subject property. I I.CRIT ERIA TheCommunity Development Department and Design ReviewBoard may grant an e xception to a llow thea ddition of a second dwelling unit if the fo llow in g c rit eria aremet: 1.The second unit sh all not exceed forty pe rc ent of the total GRFA allowed on the lot ;and 2 .The Co mmu ni ty Development Dep artment sh al l fin d th at th e granting of the e xception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other p rop erty in the area in which the s ub ject property is situated ;a nd 3.That novariancesf or se t back s,he igh t,pa rking,s i te coverage or landscapin g, site de velopm ent or g ross re sidential f loor a re awouldbe a pproved unless the granting of s uch a varianc e b enefits th e v isu al app earance of the s i te an d s u rroun ding a re a;and (OVER) Application for se~ary Unit -2-• 4.That fifty percent of the required parking must be enclosed,and S.The architectural design of the structure and the materials and colors must be visually harmonious with their sites and with surrounding sites and structures,and must not unnecessarily block scenic views from existing buildings;and 6.Access to the secondary unit must not adversely affect the privacy of adjacent structures;and 7.The applicant must demonstrate'that the site has the ability to double its capacity for handling trash and outdoor storage. III.RESTRICTIONS Pursuant to Ordinance 22,Series of 1981 of the To~n of Vail,prior to issuance of a building permit,an agreement to the following conditions must be signed by the property owner or owners ona form provided by the Department of Community Development: 1.That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold,transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit for a period of not less than the life of Trent William Ruder,a life in being,plus twenty-one (21)years from the date that the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for said second un i t,and 2.That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30)consecutive days,and that if it shall be rented,it shall be rented only to tenants who 'are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley.The "Upper Eagle Valley"shall bedeemed to include the Gore Valley,Minturn.Red Cliff,Gilman,Eagle-Vail,and Avon and their surrounding areas.A "full-time employee"is a person who works an average of thirty (30)hours per week,and 3.That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of timeshares,interval ownership or fractional fee,and 4.That a declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. IV.TIME REQUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st,3rd,and 5th Wednesdays of each month.The proposed plan and all required materials must be submitted 17 days prior to the date of the meeting. ,•, If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are note limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc.. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,the Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it shall estimate the amount of mone y necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. tit PARADIGM .. DESIGN I ~.~------------,----:o-- Shelly Mellow Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail,Colorado 81657 5-17-91 RE:Kloser Residence ORB Application This is the list of adjacent property owners by lot. Vail Das Schone Filing 1 Lot 19 Block A Lot 20 &21 Block A Vail View Tounhouses Tonnie Ferguson vf 7102 Westerway Dallas,Tx 75248 Vail View Townhouses Ventures / 1433 North 3rd Ave. Phoniex Ar 85103 Vail Das Schone Filing 2 Lot 1 Block G John Bishop v' P.O.Box 1285 Vail,Co 81658 Lot 3 Block G Ann Post V 1578 South Syracuse st. Denver Co 80231 Lot 6 Block H Sunlight North Condos Lot 7 &8 Block H Corporate Vail Inc v/ P.O.Box 176 Vail Co 81658 W &W Associates ~ P.O.Box 101 Vernon Hills II 60061 ~~~.~%,.~\.>0\\ 1\"\S-~&\'r-C\\.\;\)W ~ s -\"\-\\\. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS P.O.BOX 731 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 303-476-6397 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on June 5,1991 at 3:00 p.m.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request which is Homestake for a second unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot less then 15,000 square feet,located at 1004 Circle.Lot 4,Block 6,Vail Village 7th. Applicant:Mr.and Mrs.Stempler 2.A request for a second unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot which is less then 15,000 square feet,located at 2466 Garmish Drive.Lot 2,Block G,Vail Das Schone Filing #2. Applicant:Mike and Emily Kloser 3.A request for a which is less Chamonix Lane. second unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot then 15,000 square feet,located at 2349 Lot 12,Block A,Vail Das Schone Filing #1. Applicant:Gary Rothbart 4.A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Molyneax Residence located at 1528 Vail Valley Drive.Lot lA,Warren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant:Mr.and Mrs.Molyneax The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on May 17,1991. t;·16 ~I ' I();J~ ~11W()-C0vi{i ~rn~ -~rlilcr--=~~ FILING \JU t!Do ...,:'x S 019 E ?-. ,.• UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION __.;.;;..,;;,~_;;.....;;;.......;..._-.;;;.__;.;;;...=_ JOB NAME _K \p :?e ~R....e_>......!C""'k""*"""c...'_...._ LOT "2 BLOCK 6-=;.:....----- Dr \10..\\.(0 ) The location and availability of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan.' I -7 -"Lb-'.... u.S.West communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Steve Hiatt Of V'JI<.r K:. Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitaticn District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee Authorized Signature :z P~_ C'MJ.}j ~. 300r &7-?/ ; NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *Please bring a site plan,floor plan,and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &sanitatiqn signatures.Fire flow needs must be addressed. • .....,_._-------_..__. ZO NE CHEC K FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZO NE DIST RICTS DATE:tJ ·'l.·q_i __ LEGA L DESCRIPT ION:Lot L Block k-Fili ng Vtu '(Dr s ?(}z.m'CL ...1i ~'V? ??-J 7lS _ -S O S .2 [~ e (30)(33) -=-2kI ~ +~(425) =~ Total GRFA Hei g ht Secondary GRFA ADDRESS: OWNER j ?{QSf.x PHONE _ ARCHITECT 12V)C~PHO NE __---..,.._ ZONE DISTRICT -£(6 C~1{(r-ceJ-n'ckd) PROPOSED USE -r/6 v0J ~~'\&.CLr LJ( LOTS IZE __I n 4 s 4~(,l 4 ~) Allowed Existing P ropos ed -f}- Primary GRFA Setbacks Fr ont Si d es Rea r 20' 15' 15' Wate r Co urse Setback Site Co verage Land scaping (30)(50) ~ (172720 --l':"":"';::"_ Re tai ning Wall Heights 3'/6' P ermittedS lope ~ActualS lope Pa rking Garage Credit Drive : __Reqrd (3 00)~(900)(1200)hOD Vi ewCor ridor Enc roac hme nt: Date a pprove d by TOW~gineer: Yes No ???_ E n vir o n mental/Haz ards:1)Flood Pla in _ 2 )P erce nt S lope _ 10 ID ~\.W'tf,ht«1fWv ~f¥'-JtK (y Does t hi s request i n vol ve a How much of t he allowed 250 cL~0\-,t VLtV1-'tv". \\favlt eU'l 0t v- \:Ld;;d~\'0.CO~,S 3)Geologi c Ha zards a)Snow Avalanche _ b )Roc kf all c)Debri s Fl ow _ 4)We tl ands _ 250 Addition?N O Addition is used with this request?___ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW -r .'l ~J ~cvy ees ~clvv"-eX PROJECT:-----~~~~::A""~~~~~=ii~ITcC~HiEEAARR:lIiN~G~~=TI~=DATE SUBMITTED:d---',-'770 DATE OF PUBL _~---:...~__ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:'=~?~~~~~~~--- BRIEFDESCRIPTIONOF THE PROPOSAL: 11~I~!C\~,·-}-'~\\i\V~ S //.J l-:(Ol\.<l f .....J l..:!c'.J.J)()(J _I~ c{"3 1-J~~ Q:..o r c -.i1'e."&t-,yo 3 CI.-.J- o.{8,~~%. l ', t-t s FIRE DEPARTMENT Date:Reviewed by:_ Comments: PUBLIC WORKS~/~it II Date:Reviewed by:c-~~CI ~_ ~co~ent s :-I I).~it.l-i ..[,,.....\ 81•.1..c-{ C.41·(/t POLICE DEPARTMENT Date:Reviewed by:_ Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date:Reviewed by:_ Comments: revised 3/11/91 RECEIVED APR 30 199.1 • INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW z:::::I PROJECT:r J OW f DATE SUBMITTED:IV ,/fU DATE OFPUBLIC HEARING _---,::::---''--'---':-_ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:~ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHEPROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Date: C~FIRE DEPARTMENT ",/.'..,.- Reviewed by·:-----/'/:<:6 .:;6 Comments: Date:J -/-;/ ;:)/1/<>c e--=__.Y_'Q ./V V POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: revised 3/11/91 • • J ... •I DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED:_4=-22 -4 i DATE OF DRB MEETING :5 -15 -91 , *••*.*•••* THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORKATION IS SUBHITTED •••*.*.*•• I .PROJECT INFORMATION: A. B. C. D. E. F . G . H. 1. J . K. DESCRIPrION:-'-A...,V1'-Ue;..uOO="-----t"""--'~9......;;;;....~l;;"W~=..'-------- !.N1 ~0\- TYPE OF REVIEW: ~New Construction Minor Alteration Addition conceptual Review ADDRESS:'21 We (1<l.J=MI ....l b p~\/'11 \(Q . J LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot .~Block -=9=--_ Subdivision \/,.,,\Dc,>Sc bnM FiJ,~;;Z I '{tC!I Co 1 If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide ona separate sheet and attach to tpis application. ZONING:'Pm"",,"Y -'2€cpe:d*'1 t6,d/?:if<<'. LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area..,1,,4 k<:c.."">/0 '\';8 .~':>.~. NAME OF APPLICANT:M ,,~e.F ,....:,I K\d'.12-\ Mai ling Address:R o Bw)<::.~i"'l-Y VA ;'CO !jlk S f?Phone 41<..>-11404 )- NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:RQld ':r ~~<:.i CC"1 Mailin:Address:!P.Be ,7 ?>\'.1 '-.10.,L I (Q 'S H:«''S Phone 4J(p -Ie ::>,?7 NAME OF OWNERS:~I~'~'~.I 1\'\0'£r *SIGNATURE (S):3 Mailing Addres s":~~ \f '!I \(0 31 b SfI,Phone 1-1c..-17 4-P); Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:ORB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a b uilding permit. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE $°- $10,001 - $50,001 - $150,001 - $500,001 - $Over $10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 .NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE with th~Sign guidelines.The D~oes not vote on conceptual reviews.The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:/(J"""rf'g..:....l....:.I_-&..R~e..~...;:loijC..:.~.t.~V!II-(.;:;Q~____________=\ -"l~LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT-2::.-BLOCK -'a-SUBDIVISION \Co'",f>r.s >S l-,.o JIQ..2- STREET ADDRESS:14 (eL~'dOOM ,'*Dr ·'Ill sI I P $1k5'Q~~>"''='_...Q.I.IOO..~l.. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:\')to')()cuM eN -=;ccrda ..·\4 tAl '!I i j ---- The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials TYPE OF MATERIAL C "do c :>h ll3f-..jk COLOR V\s:k.rp..1 ner, 0 1 .oC>pi L "1i:&J1-'I p h:)'?c<¥'I ""'-'PC"O(..,!"-p l 4 Ji£II I Md,.,I )\d ?Q !!\.e..d-"'(*'(P"?>.w::.d:) "'"ebb\ Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:Po/Q..d'¥;;:'t~·Efl c l.,~1I Phone:41 ...._=~t1 PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name C\, ouantity £0 size" ~~~l\~lO '0•~jo 5\ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Y'Pf\J2", *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum ca.;Lj,p'er .fQI: 7 ...deciduous ~s is 2 inches.Indicate~ght for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet •. p~MATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. ~Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION (?D O C. TYPE OR METHOD OF -t"""......,......~'---------------­EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 8 -------------------------- , MINNESOTA TITL ~. Policy Num ber AZ 943042 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE,THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED INSCHEDULE BAND THE PROVIS IONS OF TH ECONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERED F. TITLE INSURANCECOMPANY OF MINNESOTA,here in called the Comp any,insures,as of Date of Po licy shown in Schedule A.aga inst lossor dam age,not ex cee ding the amountof ins urance stated in Schedule A.and co sts,attorneys'fees an d ex pe nses wh ich the Company may becorn e ob ligate d to pay her eun der,sustained or incu rred by the insured by reason of : ,.Titl e tothe es tate or inter est descr ibed inSchedu le A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2.Any defect inorlien or enc urnb ra nce on suchtitle; 3.Lack of aright ofaccess to and fro m the land ;or 4.Unrnark etab ility of such title. INWIT NE SSWH ERED F.the sa id Tit le In sur ance Cornp anyof Minneso ta has caused its corp orate nam e an d seal to be here un toaffixed by its duly aut ho rized officers as of th e date shown in Sche dule A,the po licy to be val idwhen co unte rsigned by an authorized officer oragent of the Co mpa ny TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Stock Company 4(}()SeJXIIld AIenue South,MinneiJfJO/is,M",,,esora 55401 AUlhol iled Signa/D iy IIM lulln#)]l)8 86 25M u Ulay.s nau p rUVIIJ(l lUi [IIU UUIUII ~U UI d ll I II~lJIU U HI all uuq auun COIISISlill g uf actions or pro ceedings nm menc ed against slJcK?d.or a defense inte rpo sed agai nst an nsured in an actionto {)nfn ,~n trac t forasale '1M Owners Form 2312 W llI1l11 JU uavs lIIUllJdlllJ l.•Policy No.AZ943042 (Cominuedon Il1.\ifJe /iiii.llfilp) File No.V15603 SCHEDULE A Amount $42,000.00 Address VAIL DAS SCHONE Policy Date: Name of Insured: August 07,1990 at 8:00 A.M. MICHAEL KLOSER AND EMILYMILLER,as Joint Tenants The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest covered by this pOlicy at the date hereof is vested in: MICHAEL KLOSER AND EMILYMILLER,as Joint Tenants The land referred to in this pOlicy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is described as follows: LOT 2,BLOCK G,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO. ,. ., t 'j i i :. I r, < f, '.~, ~ I, : f i ;; I Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. ----.-.---._----TIM Owner Form 2313 No.V15603 olley No.AZ943042 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1.Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the pUblic records. 2.Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the pUblic records. 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shortage in area, encroachments,and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4.Any lien,or right to a lien,for services,labor,or material theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and not shown by the pUblic records. 5.1990 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 6.LIENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES,IF ANY. 7.RIGHTOFPROPRIETOROFAVEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THEPREMISES AS RESERVED INUNITEDSTATES PATENT RECORDED August 11,1900,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 8.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN AFORFEITUREOR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR,RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED October 10,1969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 153 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED October 28, 1969,IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 284 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED February 16,1970,IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 77. 9.RESERVATION OF AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST IN AND TOTHE OIL,GAS AND MINERAL RIGHTSTO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND ASSET FORTH IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 30,1959 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE 133. 10.UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 18,1983 IN BOOK 366 AT PAGE 123. Page 2 •11.UTILITY EASEMENT SEVENFEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE EASTERLY LOT LINEAS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLATOFVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2. BOOK 12.A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF GAS LINES ALONG ALL DEDICATED ROADS IN VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2ASDESCRIBEDIN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 6,1968 IN 213 AT PAGE 344. "f l !,, ~ :13.TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO.2,FOR WEST VAIL LOCALI~=~~OVEMENT DISTRICT NO.1 RECORDED FEBRUARY ",1988 IN BOOK 478 AT PAGE ~ "":, ) J ~ ,, .! "?"":;;,•j "~ J .·f' Page 3 ••Project Application Date _ Pr ojectNa me :-"I...L..."'--'C......<=......:.----------.,.------------..----"""7r""------_ Proj ectDesc r i ption :---"<""'"''-lL<b'''-...L:''''''r'''--'''-----'---''''--------U-'-''¥---1I''----tt---t.,...UL--'-''''''''\----cI"£.~~-''-''>.L.------ Contact Person a nd Pho ne Arch itec t.Address and Phon e : zLegalDescription:Lot __......0...-__,Bl ock __-""''-----__ Cornrnents.._ DesignReviewBoa rd Da te _ Mot io n b y : Seconded by : DISAPPROVAL Summary :_ ~a ff Approval •ciL-~eVised 9/4/91 ORB APPLICATION-TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED :~.....l-_1S..:..:,--,,-.-D)----,-...:.l _ DATE OF DRB MEETING : ********** THISAPPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTILALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** ''-.j \\\~ ......::Jy;c cp c )!c\t tl-+-'l Ro\,,,\x,",v W,t X ~Eft A \l )ec.;t-.j £1e \I d=h r ,A,"vi fC c -""!?,,,,;?cl.("r ,"":3 t -s-t :D CI I ,Q:A <>rl-D AC:hOf\ B.TYPEOFREVIEW: ____New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C.ADDRESS:~4 loCo Cd Ct,-w \\=;'l.,D ["U"'-I'\CD - D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 2 Block ---,=C:;;:~,--__----,_ Subdivision \L,'\O n<=,Sc c.\lXQ E I,";o ?!\),,:((0 If property is described by a meets and lbounds legal descr iption,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E. F. G. ZONING:Yr ,11\-\",,...,,-S>e (r0""L.D ' I { LOTAREA:I f required,applican t stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF Mailing \),u I must provide a current ,;;:1,4 UC f<: H . 1. J.Condominium Approval if applicable. '1-J I ~-If 401 410-(P",c K.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid . FEE PAID:$ FEE SCHED ULE: VALUATION $0 $10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over -$10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 *DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NOAPPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 •4IIIt LIST OF MATERIALS l l-S-q [ NAME OF PROJECT:k \cc ,y "YS e S I c\<:V\c e ...,r:U",I \.,-\"')LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT__,,-BLOCK ~SUBDIVISION +>C CS-h",9 n 1V1.~'""" STREETADDRESS:::::1 ~Ho(~(-,0.;-0 i9",\),\)(,;\(2 ,81l-59.> DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:F ,dHl ;'c d-W lO ca,0+"<Nr4 w£\N ,~)(?s+OJ;l e ",,+,,"V'p O fPc.."Ct (,~o:cIU1-'"Y'j QC I:\'ne l The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR SW Jc:o J, SW 300..2- Sr.-v 3 003 I • ., (.I, Soffits Windows Window Trim D 00 rs (,AIU'<O~ Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LUe,:>+-ElE'0<t..f,v",Siding ~tw ~\')($Rt'''5":X"'r'>(e el,,"- O~f&iJ::1 I a t:m ia ~s S,dl~~v +o~R O I ,(\Ioo\<1M '~s -\-oNL Fascia B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical NameCommonName Quantity Size* PROPOSEDTREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. 7 PLANT MATER. PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TOBE REMOVED Botanical Name Quantity Size* *Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. ~Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPEOR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage,height above grade and type of light proposed. D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc .)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 8 ." D at e_I I /7AJ i9(•Project Application Project Name :-.kJ i Q~_-+-~....::-S.::...:I-=·clvvvtL-----,-~=-~_ P "j '''D ,~,;p H ""C~to a ~~_ Co ntactPersonand P hone Owne r ,Add ress a nd Phone:Miu~:=>'~---1kJ WAC p,0\tn¥3 7:2(4 A rchitect ,Addressan dPh one:_ ql-__'Fi ling -'L\,'-"'-'-~:w,.Ll=--'"""""'-'='''"'_l_'=!..._..<r...._ C omments :_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Mo tion by : Seco nded by :_ A PPROVA L D ISAPPROVAL 6fu ~,n ~~"--------- D ate:J ~J W CU _I 1 ~Staff Approval •f#reViSed 9/4/91 DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: I~-''i -li l ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION:KeMAde 5"1OtJE.FiZ.oJ.-t J0.CL.e-Ii. E. B.TYPEOFREVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)__Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C.ADDRESS:).'-1&(,C-::oAIV·1fSIf D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot)....Block (9---'=------- Subdivision V ALL bASc..Hq"-JE If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:Pf2iAr!Y9i SeCOlJ~A&-J, F. G. LOTAREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:At fU-!4i:I.-kt-.A)~~ Mailing Address:p,Z Go,,",n 1"1 v'41f-"c.?-?blG::>,:)X _______________Phone --:&J ~{?-17¥9 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address :_ ________________Phone __ H. I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SI?~TURE (S):,&o-L..t;>~ Ma~l ~ng Address :'_--=-=--_ ________________Phone _ J.Condominium Approval if applicable. K.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID:$ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $a $10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over -$10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 *DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 .....•• liill I ~TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM DATE:\'\M~~,-'~'\\ ACCOUNTIiiol ';;·i t.l:~ili ~:i;i:l ::-:.;::·'i;:ili ~.!;1 HtEM ~~ij )~~:~:1 :!t~;~·~t ~It ;1 !§,!;;*rl *No::i:ili ';!cosT;EAj ~~~[ToTAi;':; 01 000041330 COM.DEV.APPLICATION FEES 01 00004 1540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 55.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUll..DING CODE 550.00 ....01 0000 4241 5 UNIFOR M PLUMBING ,'ODE 536.00 .)01 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIO NAL ELECTRICAL COD E 530.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOO KS ,.}0 10000 41548 BLUEPRINTS (MYLARS )'X 57.00 s::\n \'-f'! I•••••···01 0000 4241 2 XEROXCOPIES /STUDIES SO .25 I 0 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES /RE-INSPECIlONS 0 1 0000 42322 OFFHO URS INSPECIlON FEES ';,0 1 0000 41412 CONTRACTORSLI CENSES FEESIiI:01 0000 41330 OTHER FEES I ':01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 Ii 0 1 0000 \\I ',: I,'.t\~l(,J \C\ l it Ii L I>I ;1 C'r -,~~\-;-....-~,,,\-\."~~"''''''~,\~~t C OMMENTS ::::..'~.:.:.:.. :':'.':':.;:;:..:~. i -,\,\'r-,r-.......\~c--..,','r-,c-,\.>:'s'.'\\ \-...~'"N x--..\\'-i '\J...\..>\\('\~\\\).\':--".:\..\\.\"l\'\Y .~<--::-J I ')1 '\...\'.\,,")."\, ,.....-V I,,>\\.....~...\\:'\-'\~'\\'\\\'.,\\do.."\,,'~'\:\Y,,,~\\.".\\ \~ •• TOWN OF V-=-IL Miscellaneous Cash 10-31-91 Recelpt ~079755 Hcc:ounl *I U #2221 t'1 IKE I(LOSEp····!·NLHPS Hmoun t to?nde reo]i Item paid (11000fN1548000 Ch."nqe ret.utT,pd / 11:54:51 56.!Cl,e:l Rmount paid TH~NK VOU , SOILS AND FOUNDATION I NVESTIGA TION FOR PROPOSED RESIDEN CE LOT 2,BLOCK G,VAI L DAS SCHOt lE FILIi'IG NO .2 VA IL,COLORADO PREPARED FOR: .JOliN CLEl1EPITS /4..c)~eP_~. PROJECT NUMBER V-50 55G MAY 1985 e. TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS 1 SCO PE 1 S ITELOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1 SITE INVESTIGATION 2 SUBS URFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION S 2 PROP OSED CONSTRUCTION 2 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 SLAB CONSTRUCTION 3 GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM 4 REINFORCING 4 CRAWL SPACE COVER 4 BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE 5 LAWN IRRIGATION 6 MISCELLANEOUS 6 TEST LOCATION SUMMARY OF TEST PIT GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM DETAILS Drawing No.1 Figures No.1 &2 Figure No.3 Figure No.4 e. CO NCLUS IONS 1.S ubsoil condit ions ar ef airly uniform o ver the s i te ,cons i sting of s i lty g rave l. 2 .The p roposed re sid enc es hou ld be founded onc onven tional spr ead f ooti ngs designed for a maximum s oil bearin g pressure of 2000 psf . SCO PE Thi s report presents the re sults o f a Soi ls andFoundation I nvestigation for the prop osed residen ce on Lot 2,Block G, Vail DasS choneFiling No .2,Town of Vail,Eagl eCounty,Colorado. Th e in ve stigation was prepared by me ans o f test p its andl abo- ratory te sting of s ample s obtained from the se t est pits . This investigation presents a description of surface and s ubsu rf ace conditions e ncounte red a t th e sit e,recommend ed found ation systems,allowab le desi gn pre ssur e s,a nd g roundwater condition s as well as design and constru ction crit eria i nflu e nced by th e subsoils . S ITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPT ION The s ite is l ocated at 2466 GarmischDrive,Vail,Co lorado . The l ot i s dow nhill fromt he road,and dra ins t o the east. Vegetation cons ists of grasse s and weeds. e. 2 SITEINVESTIGATION Thef ield inve s tiga t io n perf ormedon May 1 6,198 5,co n- s i s t o d of e x cavati n g,l ogging,and sampling two tes tp it s. The l oc ati ons of t he test p it s a re shownonDraw ing No.1 . S ummar ies of th e te stp it l ogs are detailed o n F ig ure s No .1 and2 .A summ aryo f th e te str esultsi s sho wn on F ig ure No.3. Thet e st p its wer e e xc avate dwith aco nve nt io nalb ackho e. A sa III p 1e 0 f th es 0 i 1 s Iv a so bt a ine d f ors iev ea n a 1y sis tes l.in g . SU BSURF AC E AND GR OUNDWATER CONDITIO NS Re fe r to the summa ryo f test p its ,Fi g ure s No.1 an d2 . Su bsur face con di ti ons ar e fa irl yun ifor m,cons ist ing o f to pso il o r fill to a d ept h of tw of ee t,u nder lai nby siltyg r ave l. No g roundwater was en countere d in e ith er o f the test pi ts at t het i me o f exc avati on. PRO POS EDCONSTR UC TION We un ders ta nd that th e p ropose d r esi denc e will c onsi st o f atwo -story structure utilizing wood frame type of construction. There wi ll bea walk -out type basement a rea. FOUNDA TION RECO MMENDATION S Lo w to mode r at ely consolidating s oi ls will been count ered i n th eex cavation.The proposed re si d ence should befou nded on e. 3 FO UNDATI ON RECOMMENDATIONS -continued c onven ti onal type spre ad footings desi gned for a maximum s oil bearing pressure of 2000 psf.At this pressure,fo~ndati on settlements will be tolerable.It would be a dvisable to pro- p ortion footings soas to minimize differential settlem ents. The bottom o f the footing should be placed aminimum of 4 8 inches be lo w f inal gr ade f or fr o st protect ion . SLA B CONSTRUCTION The upper natural soils will provide a dequate support for slab-on-grade construction .If clean,granular soils are imported to be used ass elect fill no problem with capil lary rise of moistu re will occur.However,if the select fill contains some clays or fine materials,there is always the possibility of capillary rise of moisture. We suggest that the plans and specifications be prepared with a specified minimum of 4 inches of clean,washed grave l immediately under the floor slabs.The purpose of this clean, washed material is to break capillary rise of moisture to avoid problems with bonding of asphalt tiles to floor slabs and other prob lems associated with mi nor amounts of moisture . We suggest densifying the surface of fill or natural soils with a vibratory type compactor immediately prior to placement of floor slabs.Slabs should be constructed i n accordance with ACI recommendations to minimize the risk 0:"shrinkage problems. e. 4 SLAB CON STRUCTI ON -con tinue d Slabs s hou l dbe sco red into maxim um 2 00sq ua re f o ot ar eas to loca l iz e and cont rola ny crack in g. -k GR OU ND\1A TER AND ORAl N S YSTE M Whi le little o rn o gr oundwa terwase ncoun te red at t he ti me t h e field i nvest igat io nwasco nducted,i t i s possibl e th aL seas onal variati ons will c ause fluctu ation s,or for awater t abl e tobe present in the upper soils during the s pringmonth s,or a fter a prolonged period of r ain . A per iph eral drain s ystem asde t ailed on Figure No.4 s houldbe installed. REINFO RCING Foundation walls sho uld be well-reinforced to minimize th e effects of differential movements.Refer to foundation d e sign s for reinforcing details. CRAWL S PACE COVER When moist soils are encountered in the e xcavation,the groun d surface in crawl space areas should be c overed with an impervious moisture barrier sealed ag ainst the footings.This will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area and will e. 5 CRAW L SPACE AREA -conti nued also present the mo ist fo undat ion soils from dry ing a nd shr inking, which cou ldp o ssi bly cause t he s tr ucture t o se tt le . BACK FI LL AND S UR FAC EDRAINAGE Thepo te n tiall y co nso lida ting fou nda tio n so i ls e ncou ntered inpo rtions o f the si tes houldbep revent edf ro m b eingwetted a f te r c onstruc ti on.Ge neral ly ,thi sca nb e acco lnplishedby in surin g th at the backfill pl aced a rou nd th e foun d ation walls will n ots ettlea fter completion of c onstr uct io n a nd that th e b ack fill materi al is r el ativel y imp eryiou s.Wat er should be added to back fill mat erial to allow pr op er c o mp act ion --do not pu d dle . Sur fa ce wat er run n in gt ow ard the st ru ctur e fr om up slo pe a rea s should be diverted a round an da wa yf rom the building by meanso fd rain age s wal es o r ot hers imi lar measur es . The final grade shou ld have a positive s lope awayfrom the fo un dation walls o n all sides .A mi nim um o f 12 inches in the first ten feet is re commended .Downspouts and sill cocks should di sch ar ge into splash blocks that extend beyo nd the limits of th e b a ckfill.S p l ash blocks s houlds lope from t he f oundati o n wall s.Theus e of long dow nsp out extensions i np lace of s plash bl ocks i s advi s able . 6 LAWN IRRIGATION Do not install s prin kle r s ystems ne xt to f ound at ion wall s, por c h eso rpatio slab s.I f s p ri nklers y ste ms are installed, t he spr inklerh eadss houldbep la ced so that the spr ay from th e h e ads,und er full pressure,d oes not fa ll within five feet o ff ounda ti on walls,p orche s or p at io sl abs .Lawn irri gation must be con tr oll ed . If the fu tu re owners desire t o plant n ext to f~und ation wall s,por ches or patio slabs,an d are wi lling to as su me the ri sk of stru ctural d amage,etc.,then it is advisable to plant only flowers and s hrubbery(no lawn)of varieties that require ve ry little moisture.These flowers and shrubs should be hand- ~I ate r ed 0 n1y. NI SCEL LANEOUS Some of the soils at the site are potenti ally consolidat ing and th e owners should be cautioned that there is some risk of future damage .The contractor is directed to those items covered under BAC KFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE an d LAWN IRRIGATION. Oure xperience has shown that damage due to swelling or consoli- dating soils usually results from saturation of the foundation soils c ausedby improper drainage,excessive irrigation,and poor ly consolidated backfills.The el imin ation of the potential so ur ces of excessive water will greatly minimize the risks of con struction of this site. e. 7 MISCELL ANEOUS -continued This report has been p repare d f o r the e xclusive use o f John Cle men ts f o r the speci fic appl ication to the propose d reside nce located on Lot 2 ,Block G,Vai l Das Sc ho n e Filin g No .2,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado . The f indi n gsand recom mendat io ns of t h is r eport h ave be en obta ined i n acc orda nce wi th accep ted profes s io nal e ngi nee ring pract ices i n th e fi el d of Founda ti on Eng in e er inga nd So il ~Iecha ni cs . impl ied . Th ere is noo th er war ranty,eit h er e xpr essed or S ince re ly , LOT 3 I I•; Tes tPit #2 I , LU :>......LOT 20:: Cl :r:u V1 z I0::e~I, C!J Test Pit #1 I I f / LOT 1 TEST LOCATION N.1.5. •PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 2,BLOCK G,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 VAIL,COLORADO FOR JOHN CLEMENTS PROJeCT NO.'V-5055G CRAWING NO .I 1 PIT NO.1 DESC RIPTIONOF M ATER IAL I I - I ..'" No groundwater ~ncountered. I I GRAVEL f _. ~ottom ofExcavation 6' /~T..n."".+p-I-LT-y--------------~~----.-~----. ~..'?"~ ,..~',C J .~( /0"•C ~'.O ·,?.( ;:.:~q. 6 0 ~ .\1.( 2·tif - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - 10- - - - -- - - - - 15 DRAWN BY': SUMMARY OF TEST PITS PROPOSED RE SIDENCE LOT 2,BLOCK G,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 VAIL,COLORADO FOR JOHN CLEMENTS IDATE' •n~~~~ PROJECT NO.,V-5055G FIGURE NO.'1 PIT NO 2 DESCRIPTIONOF MATERIAL I I Bott om ofExcavatio n6 'No groundw at er e ncounte red. ".o .. I I / ---I--..---------~-.-..-.-...---·.._---------1'l SI LT Y GRA VE L f i rm ~('~l ore grav e l wit hdepth .0 •, .~.~:.: o ·:00 ~" -t---t---r·..."d"J.:J.\---------------j----------I-------- - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - - -- - 15 SUMMARY OF TEST PITS PROPO SED RESIDENCE LOT 2,BLOCK G,VAIL DA SSCHONE FILING NO.2 VAIL,COLORADO FOR JO HN CLEMENTS DRAWN'B Y :IS CALE 'I04T[' PROJE CT NO.'V-5 0 55G FlGIJRE NO ,'2 F orm R-5 11/79 ,, U.S.STANDARDSIEVEOPENING I NINCHES U.S.STANDARDSIEVENUMBERS HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 11/2 I 3 4 1/2 3 4 "0 I~'4 I",~.rv 7 10 0 "•'0100"..I I I I ,0 .l-I-----._---.·--.-._-._._-------"_..-l-I-----..I---10901\--.---'-"--_.-~f-f-_.---...-.._. 1\-l-i--.._--_._..-2080'\ .f-l--.-·.1---1--..... 70 _...-----....30 :-, -1-~ I"..-.-1-----I---.-.060f'" ~ ..-1---~-------....-- ~o 1---.I---_.-__0-_I--....._..._-.-~o :-= 0...-t--"..--.-----0; t--..J<40 ._-~---.-------_._-6 0 ~...-..._....-..m-'".. 0 ~0;30 70 •~•I-...-.....-.---------.__...... 0III-..1--020-·-.---------.00....-I-e ----_...._----------.--.------...'E --I---•10 80 u-..e ..•f---...--"-u ~ !.0~00 ___l....6.'0,:-1.-100100so106I0.6 OJ 0 .01 o.oos ,0 01GroinSi,6 in Mi llimeters Cobbl ..I Grovel I Sond I coor...I line ccerse T minlum I fine I Slit or Clay GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART • PROP OSED RES IDENCE JIALOT2,BLO CK G,VAIL DAS SCHO NE FI LI NG NO.2 :. VA IL,COL OR AD O FOR JOHN CLEM ENTS PROJECT NO.V-505 5G I I FI GURE NO .3 e. Foun dat ion lola ll Fe lt Paper Bac kfi II mo i sten ed and wei I compacted-, 4 "Oi arneter Pe rfo ra tedP ipe sl oped a minimum of 0 .25% t osewe rl a t e ralsub drai n, su mp pumpo r dayl iqhted L_-,m~~---7L-C1===~:=~/o1~i :n i mum o f6 "o f 3/4 i nc h qrave IPolyethelene/lo isture Bar rie q lued t o f ound a ti on wa lI DETAIL S OF PEn I PHERAL ORA I N SYS TEll FOR FO OT I NG TYPEFOUNOA TI 01 1 F I GURE 4 e.-. Fe I t Pa per Ba ckfi II moi st ened a ndwei I compact ed-, 4"Diameter Perforat ed Pipe sl opeda minimumo f 0.25% t o sewerl ateral s ubdrain, sump pump or dayl i~hted Foundat i o nWa II L------:7m<m~---/L...v7=::::~~~t;1 i~n i mum 0 f 6 "of 3 /4 in ch !1ravelPolyethelenet10istureBarrlor nlued to f oundation walI DETAIL S OF PERIPIIERA L DRAIN SYSTE I1 FOR FOOTING TYPE FOUN DATI ON FIGUR E 4 .'\ -{ '. ••~.r ~.. \ ••I •'t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o S-w-- .PLUMBING:'\a~~~0 UNDERGR J~ND •--:..-.:....~~;)0 ROUG H /DW.V._......,..----'----'-__~ o ROUGH /WATER ~__-"--__= o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB rrr:---------,,-----....,!--'- O --'--__~--- o o F INAL .......-..,.......,..""""'~ , B4.!LDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL;-. READY FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING '"ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---,---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o --;--_ o FINAL .."', o REt'NSPECTION REQUIRED *--.~.'J~t-.' MECHANICAL:....., t I ~l , • 1,. ( I~ -. o DISAPPROVEDr \' o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT\. ". t . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION RECU'ESTn[).TOWN OF VAIL c ~;&,,::,~e t?#l<~J!,...,~-U WEDTH UR FR I AMPM ..-.,-.....-, , READY FOR L OCATION : BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND F UGH /D W .V.---'@7f--,-,,(J=~~=<-----U.""-""='=""'-----,...Ja""rr o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o o o F INAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o RO UGH o CO NDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST H OODS _ o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED J Gnr Ir~ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED . DA T E ----'~""""-'=-f--'-~----- FRI D--1, INSPECTION REbu'l:ST PERMI TNUMBEROF;.PROJECT ~liTWN.O;F VAIL DATE /0!?I q )J OBN AME ---L---=-¥~r-==--=~---.~~~~~""7""'r--7"l-:~- f-CALLE ~'CLI .aLtO r READY FORIN SP ECTION :M ON ;T,~U/R 8 PM LOCAT ION :;;2,t/fRG _,~ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o RO UGH /OW ,V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GA S PIP ING _ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL OU NDATION /STffi -~~~=-~~~_ o FRAMING ROO F &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------'~-- o INSULATION o SHE ETROCK NAI L ):t::L=~~~.E:."'-~~~~TI~~~~'i_ 0 _ o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: .0 TEMP,POWER 0 H EATING _ o ROUGH 0EXHAUST HOO DS o CONDU IT 0 SUPPLY AIR o 0 _ o FINAL ,0 FINAL _... o DISAPPROVE D 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: (]),41 "R c D ~~.~j;;r&o/,c Jkr1 INSPECTOR/0 -9-91DATE-PrL---J-.~~------ Lfq~INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT N UMBER OF PROJECT T OWNOF VAIL DA TE JtfCl5 J OBNA ME --..6JOSE/L €R>/DED1S C ALLER 1)rzl.X.E CAf\.)TQrU READ Y FORIN SPECTION :C8 T~ES W ED THUR FRI AMP M LOCAT ION:zL.){O{P nA(Zfl)/SH .{)QJL':G ' BUILD ING: o FOOTINGS /ST EEL Q F OUND ATIO N /STE EL o FRA MING ROOF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND o ROUG H /D .W.V._ tJ,.."ROUG H /WA TER 7{.GA S PIPING ------------ o POOL /H .T UB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL:.o TEMP.POWER o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 o FI NAL -, APPROVED CORRECTIONS : ~{~da;.dt o DISAPPROVED MECHAN ICAL: o H EAT ING _ o EXH AUST HOODS _ o S UPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ----=:."c..---;,.'-7-,f-r'---'5'''-,oL--INSPECTOR .~ ______AM 6)FRI INSPECTION REOU~ST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ----'---+-----'-~+-f'-J OB NAME ----'--;-"7 .-..::.-.---.-::::""T=T=----;--~,__rT_--___r.__.,,-- READY FOR INSPECTION : L OCATION :d¥~C; BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL ./o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRA MING R OOF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o IN SULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDER GRO UND o R OUGH /DWY _ o ROUGH /W ATER _ o GA S PI PING o POOL /H .TUB _ o o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TE MP.POWER _ ~O U G H (0 CONDUIT o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HE ATING _ o EX HAUST HOODS _ o S UPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL o REINSPECTION REOUIREDoDISAPPROVED~A PP R O V E D ~ CORRECTIONS :_ ,- DATE _=--_-=-=--_-'-L _INSPECTOR ~SHOP • .--...r FR I "05:', INSPECTION REQ~·ST (\\'\_TOWN OF VAIL -_. ~\l"f::J<\',.~\~2>\..:~\'§,,~,:&S?~ -----c8 PM CALLER R EADY FORINS PECTIO :~\~~N L OCATION :\\&\& PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE \\J -'S\\-C\\JOB -...-......~... BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT ING S /STEEL o UND ERGRO UND o FOUNDATIO N /STEEL o ROUGH /D W .V. -.....~.o ROUG H /WATER [R OOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL n FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS n CO NDUIT o S UPPLYA IR /i \\~~'(,~J),b {t'-~J,Pu<r0P--~,r-,_-\.-,~?:,.,-I,)?MI7I o FINAL oFI NAL \ ¥APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSP ECTION REQUIRED I DATE '"/ INSPECTOR /'/~ ____----'€;)PMTHURWED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 1</O S ~--------------- CAL LER mi K-.L - J OBN AME R EADY FO R I N SPECTI ON :MO N T UES LO CA TION :;)t.!G:h G OY-a)is<:.h.._ ,.....,..,.t?s-r .- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEC T DATE }O /3/I qI i .., BUILDING: o FO OTI NGS /STEEL-.",-._ o FOU NDATION /STEEL rlFRAMI N G G OO F &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o IN SULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o U NDERGRO UND o R OUGH /D W .V._ o ROU GH /WAT ER _ o G AS P IPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o RO UGH o Cf NDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: ~H EA T I N ~_ ~E X H AU S T HOODS _ o SU PPLY AIR _ 0 __--=_ o FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPR OVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED IN SPECTOR FRITHUR • READY FOR L OCATION:---l...d:..-L-L~"F---L....<:;t:.t:.L.!o~~~~---------------_ PERMIT N ~MBER OF PROJECT DA TE '11 /1;1 J JOB ...........,.,......~.. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o o o FINAL ELECTRICAL:J1 tr-:r EMP.POWER 'x:J)/'l (II U ( o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINA L _ ~A P PR O V E D ~~)/ J CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ~.-"=-L.L--'-'~__--'--,-=-"""_C:..__h_<-------6-Cf I1/-DATE -J-.L-_--->-<'-----"'---'-_ ____----'~PM I NSPE CTION RE OU ST TOWN OF VAIL NA ME ---'r--'>,,->,<-d'-..J."""-t''---------,r''''':<-,------------ READY FOR LOCATION : PERM IT N UMBER OF PROJEC T DATE '\\-s -\J\\JOB - BUILD ING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEER~o LYWO OD NAILING NSULAT ION _ SH EETROCK NA IL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLU MBING: o UNDERGRO UND o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 -----:_ o o FINAL r ! ME CHANICAL : o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS ~---- o SUPPLY AIR 0 -='-_ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ APP ROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION R EQUIRED CORRECTIONS : @ ?a'/~A4"/?5"Z;;4///Zl/.ra//p7At~ DATE --~'+-6¥--.-J."-+----INS PECTOR LO CAT ION : READY FOR INSPECTION : CJ7= L/fV~INSPECTION REQUt:ST P ERMIT NUM BER OF PROJ ECJT OB NAME ~o _/J Tl O.WN O FV AIL DA TE 11 1 !'f /1/-.~_~r-_McJ-,--...----_~_---.::=--_ CA LL:R ..~4;;SCi?~-~ M ~T UESWED THUR ~~PM ~~o--e=ZZ~ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UND ERGROUND o FOUNDATION /ST EEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L /H .TUB ~S H EE T R O C K NA IL 0 0 0 o FIN AL n FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CON DUI T o S UPPLYAI R 0 0 o FIN AL o FINA L ("~O V ED o D ISAPPROVED o REI N SPECT ION REQUIRED DATE --,.-=--L-~,L----'---_IN SPECTOR INSPECTION REQU ST /~=O F V A I LCAL~~~~> THU ~..@ 1&PM~{}N T UESW ED07ALed~ D ATE --+---f-...L-f---'--'--JOB NA M E READ Y FORI NSPEC TION : L OCATION :CZ1 o POOL /H .TUB _ \ o o FINAL 0 _ PLUMBING: o U NDERG ROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ _____________:0 ROUGH /WATER _ o GA S PIPING BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEER o PLYWOOD NAILING o INSULATION o S HEETROCK NA IL _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: '~E wr-POWER ,~ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ o F INAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHA UST HOODS o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINA L ~A P PR O V E D ~~ CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED IN SPECTOR :2",viP/1M: ;;>~/ /1-(S...-'9 I,DATE _-+--'----------J.-'--"-_-'---'--_ 1/ READY FOR INSPECT ION : LOCATION :C2 '!ft;{:; BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROO F &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB, ~0 '!JJJ ,Ail 0 ~'ttn 0 i 6 FI-;:AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:- o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~aR O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR --------i~PM INSPECTION REGlUEST TOWN OF VAIL leU T HURFRI D ATE -...L...:..-f---I'---'----'----J 08 N AM E ---1.~~~~~~~~~~-____,'_,;_-__,___-__..._- R EADYFOR INSPECT I 9.N ~. L OCATION :__--'~~__=_-=U-----':.=..::.-=-=-~_=""'___!...F_------'='------------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I S TEEL o FOU NDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION ----;---,---_ 9f SHEETROCK NAIL oho IN sM/IQ..S 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UND ERGRO UND o ROUGH /D W.V ._ o R OUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o F INAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o F INAL )e(APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT/ON REQUIRED DATE ---'-----7"-'--'===--'~<-.L."-----IN SPECTOR INSPECTION REQU ~~TOWN OF VAIL NAME ~-\(k ST ____-'@ PM -. CALLER READY FOR INSP~q\O ~C'\MON TUES WED THUR LOCATION :~\~~~~~'S:', PERMIT NUMBER OF PR ~JECT DATE ~~-~JOB BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION ~H E E T R O C K b ---=""?""....,.."."'"""-:l~'---'---- PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D W .V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _---"-_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o S UPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR C~ C ALLER INSPECTION REQUESTL~OWN OF VAIL~~!:,~& PERMIT NU ~ROJECT \\"-DATE ~-\'A -%J OB NAME ~~s: €D @ PMMONTUESWEDTHUR~~~~,~'\'\~~) READY FOR IN ~C:~ "',LOCATI0N :__~.y:>"-~""_~~L-"'J'-------''--'''~;>'''''''>':>''''>'''>-,,-,:''''>''>......-.>o,..L''---''<-''--~....L:.._ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDAT ION I STEE L o R O UGH I D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SH EER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 .' 0 ~0t o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HE AT ING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 (0 ~I N A L ~~'"~~'-~"'\~\~.~o FINAL /A P P R O V E~o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 1 -.I ,( .. DATE _~~"":"'-_--'--'--_INSPECTOR Ae ffi~,//'/' ~SHCf ...-,...~ PM INSPECTION REQUEST ~.TOWN OF VAIL ~~~h \~~:Q ?§:,'S~~~. READ Y FOR LOCA TION :----'.,-'""---O...::"""--'''''----'~~......o....>...>..:''''"'''-=--"'''--''~~--''-~------------- PERMIT N UMBER OF PROJEC T D ATE ~-S -%JOB NAME _---""'~'-'--'-.:::..i~...&..-....._____,.-~--___,,-~,._,..~____>.,.- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o RO UGH /D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER RO OF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO ND UIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 ~f\~I NA L o F INAL ~A PP R O V E D ~o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED D ATE /-6 =-' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ~~. \:)\"1 ..><CALLER ----"-_-'--""'-'L_-'-~JOB N AME -----"-'~Y-...L:s-"'-----i.::~~~~--------- PERMIT NUMBER OFPRO JECT M PMTHURFRI LO CA TION :_~..D-----""'~,",--~~"":>""'~~l...L..:~~~~_ R EADY FORIN SPECTION : ~~ / BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL 0 UN DERG ROUN D _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUG H /D W .V._ n FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ RO OF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------0 GAS PIPING o INSULATION 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o ~-------'O ~F INAL C'>~\)0 FI NAL E ~ECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FIN AL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUS T HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o F INAL _ o APPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ---t:;~~-/-~=-----I NSPECTOR ~.... . INSPECTION REQUEST 11 /;;,'J/TOWN OF VAILr\j:d/f-U-~'\&.0' '-~'/CA LLER 7-3''U/.....,.j!(,itA ~C ___ M O ~J 4 T UES ':"ED ~~F R I ----~a PM PI<f ir hYLI.<l -f'L-_. ~. READY FOR I N Sr;fj!.~N~ L OCATIO N :_~2S.~~~~,--,<O'='-_--:7-'=''-'4.l:J...LL.L..-'''''''''.L:3.''':==-_-'<:=~~_ . -' BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO T INGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION bl ~POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 1I ~o./V1 0 )Q'FINAL -r,C.O.1/JV rf'WJ(o FINAL {JELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL /">11/L o REINSPECTION REQUIRED~~R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: S//;?-edQ> DAT E ----OJ"7-'SL.-7'~<:....,,;:;.-----INSPECTOR ____-.~PM . INSPECTION REQUEST r TOWN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION :@~.TU S W~D THUR di/(;{a ?~j J READY FOR L OCATION: ~:49~ P ERM IT N UMBER OF PR ~T D ATE '2/2/1V 'JOB NAME -----L--=fL-'-L-"""'~:----_____!..:;..+.=_=~------ BUILDING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o FOU NDATION I STEEL o FR AMING ROOF &S HEERo.PLYW OOD NAILING --------- o I NSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL --.---+f----'---- PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o RO UGH I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H .TUB '---_ 0 _ o o FINAL o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUI T 0 _ o FINAL _ , ELECTRICAL:/MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL , INSPECTOR o APPROVED ':P-DISAPPROVED ft--REINSPEC T ION REQUIRED CORRECT IONS:....5L/1f;~£/10 &Mc (,UCLr'.<&tl/!/~t')£,/2 to '1 74 /9 2.:- DATE -.........'-7£----'7---'--='------ _____AM ~ ;Ii. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL J OB NAME ---.,~~=..,/2.-z.-3 .'1/.DATE READ Y FOR LOCA TION:_----'-"'--"----=.::::....=:...--""'=-':=0...:..-.:..----=:._ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ! l o REINSPECTION REQU IRED . PLUMBING: o UNDERGRO UND "o ROUGH /DW.V .", o ROUGH /WATER o GAS PIPING,. o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING o EXHAUST HOODS '0 SUPPLY AIR 0 o FINAL INSPECTOR BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDA TION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------,-- .""o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ DATE -L-=:.__=--....L-L-_ 0 I)i(FINAL .. j ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER o ROUGH o CONDUIT ~ 0 <o FINAL ~P PR O V E D CORRECTIONS: " ____AM ~ ~ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL T /1~ /j?5~'"~~~'\~ PERMIT NUMBER OFPRO JECT 'x ,,- DA TE /.2 7f6 -9/,>J O~NA ME ==!;:\~~::;::::"~",~~e?,J~_ .d 'ecA L~~~--";\,z:,~~~=..o:::..-_ READ Y FOR INSPECTIO N:\~~T.U E:':YV,~D\T HUR LOCATION :c?2i1P6 ~. " BUILDING :PLUMBING : ...:._"..I~o FOOTI NGS /ST EEL o UND E RGROUN D o FO UNDATION /S TEEL o RO UGH /DW.V ,.... o FRAM ING o ROUGH /W ATER ROOF &S HEER o GA SP IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL /H ,TUB ~-o SHEETROCK NAIL /'0 ------;--,-_.---/ , ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT ---"_ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o S UPPLYAIR ---''--_ 0 _ o FINAL .~........... -. DATE /7 /~1I ~RE I N S PE C T I O N REQUIRED CtJ.- ,I TOWNOF VAIL "3 / DEPARTMENTOFPUBLICWORKS Y/0 479-2158 FIELDMEMO To:t1!lt k [let oSFR Attention :CC)/IlI\[)L V C tb.)C k PROJECT (LOCATION):2.Y&:;'~G fit2'!1J1 1S H DK telD £-12 [>FS FINtJk (.0 ftpPR.ou,£()E>J PUEL I C 0oiu:.:S CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Received by :Date:_ White-Conlractor Pir*.~ns1rUCIion Engineer Canary-File ----€!iJ PM ,~... eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL k'-j05Cr CALLER tJIl "t.t::.... MON T UES &T HU R FRI Garmi j t-h o a.J cc RE AD Y FORIN SPECTI ON : L O C A TION :_2=--..clf-"'~--"'&=--------'~-'---'-'-'-'-..,u...t:.--'---'-_----''''---''''--'--!_----''-'='-_----lI--'---'''''-L---L-_ PERMI T NU MBER OF PROJECT D ATE -II /17 /qL JOB NAME _-=~'-=-''--------:'''-_ I I ·."., BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UND ERGRO UND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F&SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING ~ ....,7oINSULATIONoPOOL/H .TUB -0- o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 }(Dcc.L S to ir S (3 ldSi dC 0 I o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 - o FINAL <'0 F INA L o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAfJPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE __L.....'-7L--L.-C-~~~__I NSPECTOR ~---L:...J_=--=--=------=:-'-_ EST -{1 THUR FRI --- % INSPECTION REa~,.A TOWN OF VAIL L !./:.~\ I r/r'/1.//CALLER READ Y FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :dY fofp PERMIT NUMBEFj/OF PROJECT ~I".,"DATE /~(/2 JOB ,~U I ':9 I N 0 o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o r--... )(FINA J;2I'K <,k;;h ,1-115 ;(I)ted PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I DW.V.-:-_ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR ~_ 0 _ o FINAL _ G -i<PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAF'PROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PHmTSIlOI' PM ..~'I'' I I I ....l ~ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL --o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D.W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 ,...--_ o r---'Or ' NAM E _---''---''-~'='_~'----_,:;~~~~~____._.~-__.._;:__---__=_ -----"'="~~~--=~~~~~. BUILDING: FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL ~----- 0 _ o FINAL READY FORI LOCATION :-~"----'-=-=--"":::"',e,..}.~-'-'-',---,-,"""--'-~-'"-L'----'-------~~~L4A _ "'l _..",..",--...'...-.~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ~~-C\-C\\JOB ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.ROWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL "--_ r APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -'- DATE --£--f--'--'-f--:.....L.------ !~•'I ....'INSPECTION REQUEST OWNOF VAIL ~. R EADYFOR L OC ATION : DA T E -+-f-f-'+-t-++--JOB N AME ---L----t~=-...,O""-..--L..-...r;_=~"'---_.f_;__t_+rr±::~+cl__Jl.~ BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FO UNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL '---_ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND o RO UGH /DW.V._ o ROUGf:UWATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ o o o FINAL - \ELECTRICAL: K TEMP.POWER ----------- 1 0 ROUGH o CO NDUI T 0 _ o FINAL _ ME CHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPP LY A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED~PPR O V E D ~~ CORRECTIONS:'fT-11 _ II D ATE _-'--~<-<-_...L-_INSPECTOR ,:;::z!/ljt- ;/ •• Zoning Violations on Lot 2,Block G, Vail Das Schone #2 August 18,1982 Gary Murrain and Peter Patten went tothe site on the above date at about 10:30 am and found the lot was 90 %dirt and there were stacks of lumber on the property.It was obvious that the lot was being usedto store lumber and that trucks were driving ontothe lot topick up thelumber. Thereis no approval from Department of Community Development touse the lot in this fashion. We spokewith Len Vogelaarabout this on the site at the above timeand date and told him the lot must be revegetated andthe lumber removed by Frnday,August 27,1982.He clearly understood this and agreed. Signed, •• Pursua nt to Ordinance 22 ,Sor ies of 1981,of the Town of Va il ,1,t he Subdivi si on,do h ereby agree that : 1 .The s econdary dwe ll ing un its hall n otb e sol d,t ran sferred or co nveyed s epa r at el y fro m t he primaryun it for a p e r iod of not l oss than t hel ife of Trent Wi ll iamRuder,a life in b eing,plU S t went y-one (21)y ears fr om the dat et hat th e Ce rtifi c at e of Occup ancy is i s sued for s aids econd un it ,and 2 .The secondary dwelling unit sh all not bel eased or r ent ed f or any p eriod of less than thirty (30)consecutive days ,and that if it shall b e rented, it s hallb e rented only to tenants who are full timee mp loyees in th e Upper Eagle Valley.The "Upper Eagl e Va lley"s ha ll b e d eemed to include the Go re Valley,Mintur n,Red Cliff,Gilman,Eag le -Vai l,a ndAvon a nd th eir surrounding a reas.A "full -time emp loyee"is a p.e rson who works an a verage of thirty (30)hours p er week,a nd 3.The s econdary dwellin g un ~t shall no t b e divided into a ny f orm of timeshare s, interval own ership or fra ctional fe e,and 4.Ad eclaration of cov en ants andr estrictions shall be fil ed of record in the Office of the Eagl e County Cl erk and Recorder in a form app rov ed by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the r estrictions herein s hall r un with th e l and.The recordi ng shall occur prior to the issuance of a certificat e of occupan cy for said unit. Own er box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 June 5,1981 John Bishop Box 1285 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear John: • department of community development RE:DRB Submittalof 6/3/81 Lot2,Blk.G,Vail Das Schone #2 ) At theJune 3 meetingofthe Design Review Board,your submittal was given final approvalwiththe following stipulations:add 2 blue spruce,with changes inaspenasnoted on plan.Approval was for a primary/secondary residence witha total GRFA of 2604 sq.ft. pending passageof Ordinance #22. Si~ Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ :df • Date 6)<~/~I /7-9-S ) 1.f7(;.·3(,,73 ProjectApplication• Project Name:B;6~P 1-6-~.~u...-' Project Description:9,~~I...~,'1 ~ ;;l.Lito '!!C AiO Ad .:s ~(i~ (,4..'l-I fk,10.PI":S "2 Contact Person and Phone --='---L..I!~--l,2:....t::.~~!........:=.~t-----l.:~~~~4--------- Owner,Address and Phone:_'C:::-'--<...:A-M,-,=-==~,-----_ , Arch itect ,Address and Phone:).A.I C J",Ae I 0e fl.#.tt.,A) ~2 ,Block _b,=--__Filing --"---'----..::....--..::I::::L..L..L..O.~_,Zone _Legal Description :Lot Comments:_ c l.? I Date ---''---~''''''''''--_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by :--F-L-~=!'-'-'--L-~:......=::.-=---..J!!!:....--- Seconded by :__-'L----'----''-=-----''>=-_ 1~APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date :-~b-':;Z=~~L.....J:""------- o Staff Approval tIM printery /vilil _----I (t9x /)BS ) 47(,-3C,73 S/o/fl/)Date --=.,L..:::7!---=---'------- Project Application B ,.~14 or--f2 -e I /)G0 cr;:.Project Name :--'-=------:f'-----=---==:::...:....:::'-='-------------_ ProjectDescription :51 n~,/p ~I I Y !1.(tt.d C r":•!(, Owner Address andPhone:2 t/t,R l:JA12M (~¢h ..J12. l/,rA-r'(,.,I ~/o jJ/(P~~ .M"cft Aet-Pf?f2 K-I 'A)Architect Address andPhone :--'--'------'-_....:::..-_ ~K 13>/un«: Zone:_ Zon ing Approved: DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by:BuY/) Date _--:..-_--'--.:::_ DISAPPROVAL Date : Zoning Administrator c:/?()/~v 7 Date: Chief Building Official ~,LIST OF ~~\T E JUi\LS • OF PR OJEC T~p:g.t::P::..=S"-"lof-~::.fJ","""c::.,,-,,E.=-_ LEGAL IlESC IUI'TlON :LOT Z BLO CK 6 Fl~r N G \JA'Ll»rr:.~I!-DIJE .#--z. DESC iU PTl O:,OF PROJECT ~1~M''11 <;~O ~'D 1~"-r::::u?l£?<-7~<;,PWcfi IE Aff@//En g'1 T/lfl:NN tl(.\J~IL .t±c;./I.)4jLJ!.CknJl'1]?t;mur.J<e,If iJ££J1Ea Nf.G£ssA,4'1 l be f oll owing i llform3ti oll is required f o r submitt 31 by t he appl i cant t o t he De sig n Review Bo ard be fo r e a fina l approva l c an be given: A.BUILIlING ~\A T E R I A L S Roof Sidi ng Oth e r Wall Materials Fas ci a Sof fits \1indows Wind oh'Tr i m Door T ri m Typeo f ~1a t c r i al Hl;O\'\Jt:1 Wf ll,Hf <:::eM~SHA)'$S ""Bw.H-SA"'"'''''C£Q.4lt PL1lVDOO 11l.L.A ClAr.> Color 0e.'11-1P!l.$h,'fZW.S"*911 DA.2!<.8JZoioVJV ~...rr 1lA.I1~Jl'.T1}::S5 (,D, DV-U1 PI c Sen7\JZ.4uS:#:q II 11 3nd o r Deck Rails F l ues Fl 3 s hing s Chi l1 ncys Crc cnh o u s c s Oth er ~4 )('~STf'L 1uBe. 6"LV.I I!O=.:,...}=---"":..=.I.:..!-L.L""--'==>!=--~~=_'_'_ 6 JlLV )!lOr-.) I ';it..\h:;~ap,!lg I-JDUJ:. B.PLANT H\TE R li\I.S (Vcl:c ta t i vc ,Land s capi ng ~1:Ite r ia ls ilH~4Jd ing Trees,Shr ubs,a ndGroun d Cover ) Bo t n n i ca l N:lm,~ Be SA~,..J C1 ~?-bL ~Ut r~")Qf'_l).l-!k.."T.fg~J.Dlllt:S t1JtL U ~tkit__ c;--=ill~~\114~&l~_ (0I2 IJ~~EA1.k:S.'i_1 _ -_._------- Co mm:ln Kame ~LD l5'L t.)~~gvd'-...-..' ASf't=1-J t-\OfA "&~~"(B~0 (0'"n do-)""fGfl,.P'LE.L,U\G 1?Eo D~~lo\Jooo Quan tity Z- 'Z... I I ~ 8 18 7 "?I I<..-3 I I2-3 4ig.ov~£..IoI/~_1e13C-'"H I )'of C;f.oJ~v!t1ZIr;,./E-S lb Pr <::.t+t:.l \)1:'Dlff~J,J T f u:w~<::OLO~S TH~I."I H o ()T ~.....!~..'i~.'~'>O N__ ,I2 F'bTS 1't?Prtox I bOO $(;l .FT. ~·LISTOF M/\TEltIA I.S • PllOJECT~e-=t:.c:r=.::.=o;=IIDf-...."~",,,,-,,~=E.=--_ L EG AL I>E SC IU I'T IO N:LOT 'Z-BLOCK L,FI LI NG \JA I LD-v:.~tl-Dwf .#-'Z. LJE SCiU PTI O:,OF I'ltOJECT 132wIM:'1/S:~o.Jt>"r~~-r::::v?L.S;>(."l?P-.IPEuc.5 If A?u/Jllb) 5'1 ~NN of VA-IL.«A <;11J~t£FAnII'11?ffio£.ud.IE l2Ut1E?t4G1tSSAM Th ef'o ll o win p i nf orma t i o n is r cqu i r cd fo r s ubm i t t n l by the a p plicant to the Des ign Re vi ew Boa rd before ;)fi nal a pproval c an be g ive n: A.BUI LDING ~\A T E RIA L S Roo f Sidi ng Other Wall ~l;)tc r ial s Fa s ci a Type o f ~bter ia l HtoQl'\Jt:1 WE I"1fT <::':DII~SI1Aj<:$S Color ~"TT 1 LJ.'1~~T ~ss IotJ, Du o "'"f'1 L Sen0)Z.A1..>.S:#:q Jl Oe.'tHPl L $p,'/1UJ.JS*9/"l DA@<.lSl29"'-',v .-r .:# QU1'1"/'-<;'fHlIgA<Js q n l2:w.tl -SA""IJ C£J2¥PL;lVDOD 11 LLA C~-'..:J:)=---,-,,,-,-,=,-"-==-=-_ Wint!m.T r i m \'/j nd o ws S o ff it s Duo r T rim Hand o r Deck Ra i ls F lu e s F la shin gs Ch i mncys '%x'%STU'L JuBI; (l It L'",I ~oJo-l 6 Pr l.V lllo ,.,,) C l'i'1PlL ~JO 10 ,..,Io'trt-~fAs< O ~-:U:'Ttl H.qT~H U1>1rl<-;:.oup FASCIA "c:"#Tb MAT<:.n uL'1MPIL ::>OUP --SIO'''''''' DL'1f1ftl.ScnIliA:q 1"7 Grcc nh o us c s Oth er B.I'LA~T ~·l·\TE IU :\I.S (Vt'!:d at i v c ,Lan d s ca p i ng ~l a te rial s inlSl,l.ldin t:T rees ,Sh ru bs ,and Ground 'Cov e r ) Bo t nu i c a l Narn e ComT'l on Name Quan ti ty Size Be ~A'B1-J4Jf.~S L1L....lJUt ~l.Dl;tl.lfc:;,P1ZiJd"=-z:~I ~......" II~9J,~-:T.rg ~Lll ~S A$?~..:J lfo 8-10 riA-LV ':>~A \-\OfA '&~~(B~0 8>I IS-L:, S<1 ~~~\LI214J!r g,1 $(OHr10>JrGfl.PLE.L,LAc.18 I I2-3 (~l}.,;;>_'KMI&_'iJ_1?£o D~(ryLVOOO 7 I J2-~ L3f2.0v.,::,~_?v tp.1~Sf.A HI>'Or C;foJf1 VhiZler/cS lb ~c..nfl \J)::'Dlff~~T FLcW~.<::OLD.r.S TH)!.DoJI,HOlJT ~.!:'!}J_'l-_'iE ,,"~o~_ "'2 Fb,S ___,LIST OF W:rEIUAI.S _ r J<O J I:C T~~.J:::F:..=S'-'JIaf-l-'k=+J"'-I.:::~::!:E.=-_ L EGA L Il ES CH II'T10N :LOT -z..BLOCK L"F1LING \JA'L~~lI-DAJE:.#:"Z. DE SCIU!'TI O:-:OF PROJECT ""TIII1M.'1/C;~OI-.l'D"~"1 ~pL,fu(."l?JS.<;IDfNc.S IF J+.f'IgD'I~ ~~M VA-IL A £'o~<£llilL'1?wL2E&.f IE nf6t10 IJEcL!!/t&'7 111 e f o ll owi ng i n f o rm a t i o n is r equ i red f or su bmi tt n lb y th e app licant to the Des i gnRevi ew Board !Icfo re :J fi n al app rov:J 1 can b e g i ve n: A.BUILDIN G ~t,\T E R I AL S Ro of Siding Oth er Wall M:Jte r ia ls Fa s ci a S o ff i t s ''!i n do h'S \'I in do h'T ri m Doo r T r i m Hand or Deck Ra i Is F lu es Fl as hi lll(s Ch i mncy 5 Type of ~b te ri al H~QliM Wf lt,ttT CfPA~SH"'~S \,llov-t:.,ru>ovf,.CaM.'!- f ,~,TIE.UT.INJtllS ~H -ShloJlJ CEJ2¥PL~IVDCO l1u-A CLA-D I"Z C E.t>~~ '34 x,%$T!'L 1uBf, LJ1tl.v .I go~ 6p,1.\!\1Zo"'" l;tlo \!-c:;EODV£408f?, IJDUE. Color OViI1Pl'-C;;EI1-;T~#91- OU111 PIC.::;E ...;T~...,$.:U 707 Q.'1I-1Pll.Sh/-r~*ell I D~~WN .-t-.:#. OU1>1PI'-<;t=t1~gil ~~TT 1 LJ.H'3t.c.T -»:SSb1:), [&'1I1P)(.~0~#Cflt Crc cn h o usc s Ot h c r H .PI..\NT ~t\T EI(j AL S (V cl:da t iv c,La nd sc ap in g ~1 a t er ial s i.nc Iard i nj:'l'r cc s ,Shrub s,and Gr ound Cover ) Be §.A'B!4 Cz EJ..l S G!:-WOr ~.k:fbl_Wh.'"trg~~S t14_LIJ ';.~__ <S~~!lL\1~~~S!__ {0 12 IJQ~J~~_.:t _1 _ ---------- Commo n N:lme ~L.01:5L0f C;P1ZiJc4..-.,. ASf"~1J BDrA "6~~(B~~ (0,..,n DoJ~IZ.PLE.L,LA '- 12'£0 l::>;"'kJOOO Quan ti :), 1.. Ito 18 7 Size ,,' I I8-10 5 'I-'" Z 'I-3 I I 2-~ L3@-oV NO Io V ~_1e~A HIl4 of C;fovl1 V!tlllf.TI£=.S lb "c.t+t:.l \l J;'Dlfft:,l2£lJT fl.L:W~.COLD.f:.S TH~t)<HOt.JT ~~!)J~_'f."E.~SOI'J I\?pJto,<1"'00 S<;>.FT. •• SFR, ZONE CHECK for R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS Proposed _--C-~=--~'---_""'; Proposed _-<:-==--_ Writ,~~S~E#g Miff (tetrA! Prim3ry Proposed _ SecondaryProposed_ ;)bl3A11owed---~="-'"""-'-=---------------- Pri ma'ry Allowed --------- Owner Architectt"".>f ._----L-.J~--.L..L-==.!~_ Zone District __---'--+-.;..7_-+7_.Proposed Use _ LotArea IO~tfrr /Height Al Io wed J.9 ' 7 Setbacks:Front-Require-cf26i -'-Proposed ------+.:,L:..~-b........-------- Sides-Required 15'Proposed --I-_~'-----.;.:.----------_ Rear-Required 15'Proposed ~~~~ Watercourse-required Proposed --------------~r--- GRFA: GRFA: 20°,0 '20e,o~ c;S-Ocb o(c:.. ok £6% Z O :l i n~P D :'O V d I....~Date :-,n----L-I ~:.--__.--_.---- • Subdivision Lot Block Fil i ng ?.- ENG I NEER I NG CH EC KLIST tM.<...OA s SC.H ;·~6" 2. ••• '. 1.Su bmitt al I tems (Acceptable)(Not Acceptable) (A)Ta poMap ~~ (B)Si te Plan ~ (C)Util ity Plan v (D)Tit le Repor t ~ (E)Su bdivision Agr eem ent(if a pplicable)--- 2.~ngin eer i n g Requ irements (A )Culv ert Size No,...,€" (B)0 r i veway Gr ade (8 %maxJ '(""A"c"7t-ua-;l;-{)_--"'CO"-.'?:.L-L.2"_ 3.SourceofUt il iti es (A)Electric / (B)Gas -'.,'-/---------- (C)Se wer (D)Ha ter (E)Te 1ep hone ..JIJe,-_ (F)T.V .j--"------------ '1.Co mmen t s : Approved:s-/;s/s/ Disapproved:------------ Depart ment of Pub li c Works Bill Andr ews •I I... -'- ORB SU BMI TTAL CH ECK LI ST NEW CO :-.r STRllCTIO N 1.Stamp ed topograph ic map (2 copi es 2.Site pl an showin g utilities (2copies) 3.Utili ty l ocationve rification 4..Preliminary t itl e report (1 copy) S•.Landscape Plan (2co pies) 6.Arch ite ctu r al p lans (2 c op ie s) (all floors and a ll e levat ions) 7.Materials li st (1 set ) 8.Col orSamp les (1 set) 9 .Subd ivi sion a gr e em ents (if applic ab l e) t-H NOR ALTERATIO NS TO THE EXTER IOR OF BUIL DINGS I .Photoo r sket ch s howing a lt erat ions (2 c op i e s ) 2 .Site pl an (2 co pi es) 3.Mat er i a ls pecif i c at ions (2 s et s ). 4 .Color samp les (2 s e t s ) 5.Le tt er of a pprovalf romco ndoa ssoc . (if a pp li cabl e) ADnTTl ONS -RESIlJEN TIAL OR C O ~1 f.1 ER C I A L 2.Ori gin al fl oor p lan (2 cop ie s) 3 .New flo or p l an (2 cop ies ) 4.Sit e p l an (2 c op i es ) 5.Elc va t i ons (2 co pies ) 6.Pho t os of e xi s ting s tructure (1 se t) 7 .M ~1 e ri al s pe cifi c:ltions (1 set ) 8 .Co lor samp l es (I s et ) Proj e ct Name --''-''~.:.;:;-::::=:::::::-..::-~._ Checked bY'-==+::::J~_ D*e;jL//)jJ ••.,,,... Policy of Title Insurance Issued by Transamerica Title Insurance Company SUBJ ECT TO THE S CHE DULE OF E XCLUS IONS FROM COV ERAGE,THE EXCEPTIONS CON· TAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF,TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,a California corporation,herein c all ed the Company,in sures,asof Date of Poli cyshowninS chedule A,a ga inst loss or d amage,not exceeding th e amount ofIn surance st atedin Schedule A,and costs,attorneys'f ees and expenses which th e Company may b ecome obligated to pay hereunder,s usta ined o r Incurred by the in sured byr eason of: 1.Titleto th ees tateor interestd escribedinScheduleA being ves tedoth erwise th an assta tedth erein; 2.Any d efect inorlien or enc umbrance on s uchtitl e; 3.Lacko far ight ofa ccesstoandfr omtheland;o r 4 .Unmarketa bility or s uchtitl e. In Witness Whereof,'I'ranaamerica Title Insurance Company has caused this policy tobe signed and sealed b y its duly authorized officersasof Date of Policy shown inSch edule A. Transamerica Title Insurance Company B y By ~~''7.p~ -- President Se crclary SWULE OF EXCLUSIONS FRO WVERAGE TheIollowing matters are expressly excluded fromthe coverage ofthispolicy: 1.Any law,ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances)re stricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy,use o r enjoyment of the land,or regulating the character dimensions or location of any improvement now or h ereafter erected on the land ,or prohibiting a sepa rat ion il ownership or ar eduction in the d imensions or area of the land,or the effect of any violation of any such law,ord i nance or governmental regulation. 2 .Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of poli ce power unless notice of the ex ercise of such rights appear. in the public records at Date of Policy . 3 .De fects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims,or other matters (a)created,su ffered,assumed or agreed toby thr insured claimant;(b)not known t o the Company and not shown by the p ublic r ecordsbu t known toth e i nsurer claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policj and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder;(c)resulting inno loss or damag e to the insured claimant;(d)attaching or created subse quent to Date of Policy;or (e)resulting in loss or damage which would not have b een susta ined if the insured claim ant hadpaid value forth e estate or interest insuredby this policy. CONDITIONS A ND STIPULATIONS 1.DEFINITION O F TERMS Th e fo llowing t erms wh en used inth is po licy m ean: (a)"insured":t heinsured named inS chedule A,and, s ubjectto an y r ightso rd ef enses th e Co mpany m ay ha ve aga instth e named insured,th ose who s ucceedt o th e int er est ofsu ch insu red byop eration ofla w asd istingu ished from purchase incl ud ing,but n ot limited t o,h eirs,d istributees, d evis ees.surv ivors,p ersona l r ep r es entatives,next ofk in,o r corporate or fiduciary succes sors. (b)"insuredc laimant":an i nsured claim ing loss o r darn - a ge h er eunder. (c)"knowledge":actual knowl edge.not con structive knowledgeo rno tice which m ayb e impu ted toan insuredby reason of any public re cords. (d)"land":th e land d escribed.s pec ifically or b y re ference in Schedule A,and improvem ents affix ed th ereto w hich bylaw const itute real property;pr ovided .however,th e term "land" d o e s not includean y property b ey ond the l ines of th e area s p ecifically described or r efe rred t o in Schedule A,nor any r ight,t itle,in te rest,esta te or easementi n abutting stre ets , ro a ds,a venues,all eys,lan es ,ways or w aterways,but n othing h ereins hallmod ify or limit the ex tentto which a right of ac cess toa nd from th e land is insured byth is policy. (e)"mortgage";mortgage,d eed of trust,trus t deed,or oth er s ecurity in st rume nt , (f)"pub lic r ecords";th ose r e cords which bylaw impart con struct iv e notice of matters relating tosa id land. 2 ,CON TINUATION OF INSURANCEA FTER CO NVEYANCE O F TITLE Th e co verage of this poli cy shall co ntinueinforc e a s of Date ofPoli cy infa vo r ofan insured so longa ss uch insu r ed r etains an estate orint erest in the land,or h oldsan indebted- n ess sec u redbva purc hase mon ey mort gageg ivenby a pur- ch aser fr om such insured ,or so long ass uch i nsured s hall ha ve liab ility byr eason ofco ven ants o fw arrant y mad e b y s uch ins ured inan v transfer or conveyance ofsu ch estate or int er est;pro vided,'howeve r,th is policy shall no t c on tinu e in forcei n favor o f an y purchase r from such i nsuredof e ith e r s aid "s tate or interest or th e indebtedness secured bya pur' chase money mortgage given to such insured . 3.DEFENS E ANDPROSECUTION OFACTIONS -NO TICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CLAIMANT (a)Th e Company.at its own cost and without undue d elay.shall provide for the d efense ofan insured inall litig a- ti on consisting of actions or proceed ings comm enced against su ch insured.or a defense inte rposed a gainst an insured inan action to e n forceacon tract fora sale of the estate or interest in said lan d.to the e xte n t t hat s uch litigation is founded u pon a na lleged defect,lie n,encumb rance,or other m atter ins ured agai nst byt his policy. (b )The insured s hall not ify th e Company promptl y in w riting(i)in case any action or proceeding is begun o r d e - fense is interposed a s set forth in(a)above,(ii )inca se kn owl- ed ge sha ll come toanin sured h ere under of any claim o fti tle or interest which isad verse toth e title t oth ees tate or int erest. asinsured,and wh ich might cause losso r da mage for which th e Company may beli able by virtue of this po licy,or (iii)if title to t he estate or inter est,as insured,is rejected as u n - ma rketable.If such prompt n otic es hall not b e g iven toth e Co mpany.then asto s uch insuredall liabili ty of the Company shall c ease and t erminate inregard to the matter or matters for whi ch such prompt n oticeis re quired;provided,however, that failure tonotify shall inno case pre judice the rig hts ofa ny such insuredund er th is policy unless th e Co mpany sh allbe pre iudiced by such failure and t henonl y t o th ee xtentof such prejudice. (c)The Company shall have the right at itsow n cost to institute a nd w ithout undue d elay prose cute any a ction or pro ce eding or to do anyo therac t which in itsop in ion ma ybe ne cess ary or d esir able to establish th e t itle to the estate or int erest as i nsured,and th e Company m ay take a ny appro- priate acti on under th e t erms ofth is policy,whether or n ot it shall be liable thereund er,and s hall not thereby concede liability or wa ive any provision ofth is po licy. (d)When ev er th e Company s hall have brought any a ction or interposed ad efe ns e as req uired or permitted byt he pro- visions o fth is po licy .th e Compa nym ay pursue an y su ch li tigation to final determ ination byaco urt ofco mp etent juris- diction and express ly r es erves the rig ht,initssol e d iscr etion, to appeal from any adverse jud gm ent or order. (e)Inall cases where this policy permits o r requires th e Company to pros ecute or provide for the d ef ense of any action or proceed ing,th e insured h ereund er shall secure toth e Company the r ight toso prosecute or provide defensein such action or proceeding,and a ll a ppea ls t herein,a nd permit the Company to use.at its option,th e name of such insured for such purpose.Wh enev er requested by the Company,such insured shall give th e Compa ny all reasonable aid in any such action or proceeding,in effecting s ettlement,securing e vidence , obtain ing w itnesses .or prosecuting or defending such act ion or proceeding .and th e Company shall reimburse such insured foran y expense so incurred . 4 .NOTICE OF LOSS -LIMITATION OFACTION In addit ion to the notices required u nd er paragraph 3(b) of these Con di tions and Stipulations ,a stateme nt in wriung ofan y loss or damage forwh ich itis claim ed the Company is liable under th is policy shall b e furnished to the Company within 90 days alter such loss or damage shall ha ve been d e - termined andno r ight of action sh all accrue toan insured clai mant u ntil 30 days after such statement s hall have be en furnis hed.Failure t of urnish such statement ofloss or damage shall t erm inate a ny liability o fth e Co mpanyun der this policy as to s uchlosso rd amag e . Continued on Front of Back Cover ._CIATION OWNER 'S POLICY-..ORM 11-18 70 (A MEN OED '0·'7·70 ' ,.OR U SE W ITH COL.ORADOR EGION AM E RICA N LA ND TITLE A 680 SCHEDULE A Amount ofInsurance 5 18,000.00 Date of Policy March 12,1979 8:31 A.M. 1.Name of Insured: HODGE &BISHOP,LTD.,a General partnership Policy No.4102033 3Sheet1of__ .2.The estate or interest in th e land d escribed herein and whi ch is covered by this policy is: INFEESIMPLE 3.The es tate or interest referred toh erein is at Date of Policy v ested in: HODGE &BISHOP,LTD.,a General partnership .. , ,.ORM NO:-C·6000.2 ------.--______ "'0""US~WITH COLORACO REGION A LAND TITLE ASSOCIAT ioN LOAN POLICY'M'E'Nucu·.._••__•__ •1"0ft u.~WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER "S POLICY-ORM 8-1870 (AMENDED 10.17.70) SCH ED U LEA-Continued The land referred toin this policy is situated in the Slate of Colorado.County or Eagle •and is described as follows : LOT 2, BLOCK G, VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.2, according to the recorded plat thereof .. ---.-1'0"US'CWITM COLO"ADO "C'~rc"..LAND "'LA .._...~ IP.O"U.I:WITH COLORADO AEGI~ERICANLAND TITLE A6SOCIATION OWNER'.B"V-P'ORN 8-'.70 (AMI:NCI[D 10-17'70) SCHEDULE B This Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1.Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2.Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the public records. 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shorta ge in area,encroachments,and any facts which a cor- rect survey and in spection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown hy the public records. 4.Any lien,or r i ght to a li en,for se rvices,labor,or material heretofore or h ereafter furnished,imposed by law and not shownby the public re cords. 5.Taxes due and payable;and any tax,s peciala ssessm ents,c harge or li en imposed for water or sewer service,or for any othcr sp ecial taxingdi srrict,The 1978 General taxes paid,according to tax certificate dated March 3,1979 . 6.The right of the proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom,should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted, as ~eserved in United States Patent recorded August 11, 1900 in Book 48 at Page 236. 7.An undivided 1/2 interest in and to the oil,gas and mineral r ights therein as reserved in deed from Peter E. Katsos and Catherine Katsos to Gust Kiahtipes and Nick Kiahtipes,recorded January 2,1960 in Book 165 at Page 133. 8.Restrictions,which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause,but omitting restrictions,if any,based on race, color,religion or national origin,as contained in instru- ment recorded October 10,1969 in Book 216 at Page 153, October 28,1969 in Book 2 16 at Page 284 and February 16, 1~70 in Book 217 at Page 77 . 9.Easement and right of way 5 feet in ~idth along all site boundary l ines for use of uti lity service lines and for the construction ,erection and maintenance thereof, together wi th the right of ingress and 'egress thereto,as reserved in instrument recorded July 7,1965 in Book 190 at Page 559. 10.Easements as shown on the ·recorded plat of Vail Das Schone Filing No.2. • Continued fromBack of Front Cover • 5.O PTIONS TOPAYOR OTHERWISE SmLE CLAIMS Th e Company shall ha ve the option to payor otherwise s ettle for or in th e nam e of a n insuredcla imant an y claim in- sured a gainst or tot erm inate all liability and obligations of t he Com pany her eunder by pa ying Or t endering pa ym ent of t heam ount of insuranceu nderth is po licy t ogether with a ny costs .at torneys'fees and expensesincu rredup t o the tim e ofs uchpaym ent or te nderofpaym ent,by th e insured cla im- a ntand aut horizedby th e Company. 6.DETERMINATION AND PAYMENTOF LOSS .(a)The l iabilitv of t he Co mpany un der t his po licy s hall In no case exce edth e lea st of: (i)the a ctual losso f t he insured cl aimant:o r (ii)th ea mountof insurance inS chedul e A. (b)T he Company will pay,in add ition toan y loss insured a ga inst by thi spo licy ,all co stsimpo sedu ponan in s ured inIit i- Ratio n c arriedonby the Company forsu chi nsured,a nd a ll costs,atto rneys'fees and ex pensesinlit igation carriedonb y su ch ins ured wi thth e w r itten authorization ofth e Company. (c)Wh en liabili ty h as been d efinitely fixed ina ccordance wi thth econditionsof this policy.th e loss or damage shall be p ayable within 30da ys th ereafter. 7 .LIMITATION OFLIABILITY Noc laim shall arise o rb ema intainedun der t hispo licy (a)i fth eCompany,a fter having r eceived notic eo fan a lleged d efect.lien or en cumbrance insured a gainst h ereunder,by liti gation or otherwise.removes su ch d ef ect,lien or e ncum- br anceo restablishes th e title,as insured,within areasonabl e t ime after r eceipt o fsu ch notice ;(b)i n the e vent of lit igation un tilthere h asbee n afina ld et erm inationby a court ofcom - p et ent jurisd iction .and dis po sition ofall a ppealsth erefrom , a dverse t oth e t itle.as insured .as providedin 'paragraph 3 h er eof:o r(c )for liabil ity voluntarilyassumedbyan insured in settl ing an y claim or s uit w ithout prior wrillen consent of the Company. 8 .REDUCTI ON OFLIABILIT Y Allpa ym ents under this policy,ex c ept p ayments made for costs,attorn eys'feesa nd e xpenses ,sh all reduce the amount ofth e insurance pro tanto.Nopa ym ent shall b e made without producing thispolicy for e ndorsement of such paym ent unless th e policv b e lo st or d estroy ed ,in which c ase proof of s uch 10'5 or d estruction shall be furni shed toth es atisfactionof t heCom pany . 9.LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE It ise xpressly und erstood that th e amount of insurance under thi s poli cy shall be reduced by a ny amount the Com - pany maypay under po licy insuring e ither (a)a mortgage s hown or r eferred to inS chedule Bhereof wh ichisalien on th ees tate or int er est cove red byth is po licy,or (b)a mortgage her eafter e xecutedbyan insured whi chisach arge or lien on th e es tateo r interest d escribed or r ef erred to inS c hedule A, a ndth e amount so pa id sh all bede emeda payment und er this poli cy .Th e Company shall hav e th e option to apply toth e pay- m ent of any such mortgages any amount that otherwise would b e payable hereund er to the in suredow nerofth ee state or interest covered by this poli cy and the amount so paid shall b e deemed a payment under t his policy to said in sur ed owner. 10 .APPO RTIONMENT [fth e land d escribed inSch edule A cons ists of two or more p a rcels which a re not us ed asa single s ite,and a loss is e stab- lished affecting on e or more of said parcels but not all ,th e loss shall be computed and se ttledona pro rata basis asif t he amount of insurance under thi s policy was divided pro rata asto t he valu e on Date of Policy of each separate parcel t othewh ole ,exclusiveof any improvements made s ubsequent t o Date ofPolicy.unless aliability orvalu e has o therwise bee na greedu pon 8.!>toea chsu ch parcel byth e Compa nya nd the ins ureda tth e tim eo f t he issuanceof this pol icya nd s hownbyan exp ress s ta tement he rein o rby a n e ndorsement at tachedhereto. 11.SUBROGATION UPONPAYMENT OR SET TlEMENT Whenever the Company sh all have settled a cla im under th is policy,allri ght o f s ubrogation sha llvestinth e Company unaffected bya ny act o fth e ins ured cl aim ant.Th e Co mpan y shall be subrogated to and be entitled toall ri ghts and reme - dies wh ich such in sured claimant would have h ad aga in st any p erson o r property inr espect to such claim hadth is policy not be en issued,and if requested by the Company,such insured claimant sh all transfer toth e Company all rights and remed ies a g ainst any person or property n ecess ary in order t o p erfect su ch r ight of subrogation and sh allpe rmit t he Company to us e th e n ame of such in sured claimant in a ny transaction or litigation invol ving such rightso rr emedies .If the pa ym ent do es not cover th e lossofsu ch in sured claimant,th e Company sh all be subrogated to such rig hts and remedies inth e pro- portion which said payment bears toth e amount of said loss . Ifloss should re sult from an ya ctof such insured cl aimant, su ch act shall not v oidth is policy,but the Company,in that e vent,s hallbe required to pay only th at part of any lo sses in s ured a gain st hereunder wh ich shall exceedthe amount.if any,lost to the Company byre ason of the impa irm ent of the right o f s ubrogatio n . 1 2.LIABILITYLIM ITEDTOTHISPOLICY Th isinstru menttog etherw ith alle ndorsementsa ndo ther instruments,if any,a ttached hereto byth e Company is the entirepoli cy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss Ord amage,w h ether or not based on negligence.and which ari ses out of the statuso f the title to th e estate or interestco v ered h ereby or a nya ction ass erting such claim,sh all be r es trictedt o the prov is ions a nd conditions and stipulationso fth is poli cy. Noam endment of or e ndorsementtothi s policy can b e made except byw r iting end orsed hereon or attached hereto signed by e itherth e Pr esident.aVic e President.the S ecretary, anAssistan t Secretary,or validating office r or authorized s ignatory of the Compa ny. 13 ,N OTICES,WHERE SE NT All not ices required tobegi ven theCompan ya nd any statement in writ i ng required tobe furni shed th eCo mpany s hallbe addressed to T ransamerica T itle Insurance Company. P.O.Box605,Denver .Col orado 80201. ~ I SC ALE I"=10' DATE OF SU RV EY9 /2 0 /9 / u 19LOT FND ,No.4 REBAR I I l, I , I I II I..., 103.78 ' -- TR ."EVE"WALKOUT {lOUSE {~OER CONSTRUCTI(,i N ---+----.L©__." / vrv I FENCE LOT 3 '- rr-------27ii:~L--J ~120' B UILDING OVERHANG NO DRIVEWAYAT TI ME OF SURVEY I IBOX ~ PH ONE ""0 I{) w> cro 30 • 1 , r t his Impr ovement Location Certifi cate va s prepared ,that it is not al an d survey plat,an d that it is not to be reo ied o f fence,building or o ther fut ure i mp r0 vement VAILDASSCHONE FILINGNo.I LOT 20 Date:/(I-7-U I MP RO VEMENTL OCATI ON CER TIFICATF I further certify that the iaprovements o n the above descr ibed parcel o n this date,9 /20/~,except utility connections,are entirely within the boundarie so f the parcel,except as shown,that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any ad;o~nlng premises,except as indicated,and that there is no apparent evl~~~Qr sign of any easement cr ossing or burdening any part of said pa~61,exc~t as noted. I hereb y certify that for MIKE KLOSER su r vey p la to r improve ment up on for the establishment 11 nes. HULY ,ROSS ELECTR EASf MfNT BO X LOT 21 , -+ FND BEN T No 4 REB AR ? I; I • LOT2 024 AC STREET ADDRESS'S 2466 GARMISCH DRIVE "O· UT L'TY EAS EMENT ~ / 2 4 , LOT o U> 10 '"~.., '"I ,;;--/-I )1 /' / ~~. ti L I / ru (f) ~cr (3 /' ,/ NOT E ROO F PEAK ELEVA TIONSAREASFOL LOWS ; A),8046 9 / B,'0052 6 Cl 'B05 '6 D),8 050 9 552°'0'52'W ,4 593 ------ 5EWER EASEMENT {BOO K 406,P~E 905' f::,=07°20'02" R =125.00' L =16 .00' T =8.01' ROlTR ICK A KEY OCTOBER 1COLORADO No.2 COUNTY, IMPROVEMENT LOCATON CERTIFICATE LOT 2,BLOCKG VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE 2 ,1991 NCYrrCL A c cor-d i.nq t.o Colorado Law you must coeaeen ce any legal act r on based upon any def ec t 1n this survey wlthLn three years after you tlrst dIscover such defect .In no event, ma y an y e.c t.i on based upon any defect 1.0 t1li~su r-ve-y be commenced more t han ten years t rom the da te of the ce r t 1 t i.cat.a on h:IW wards,{~lb3~ )0394914.,