HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK G LOT 9 SET 1 LEGALJ Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depar tment ofCommunity Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail.Colorado 81657 te l :970 .479 .2 139 fax :9 70.479.2452 web:www .v ai lgov.com VtcdtiaO ?clJ tr1l.R-~J. ~rrl bJK.G- Project Name:NEHER STAIRS/HOTTUB Project Description : ORB Number:DRB070562 FINAL APPROVAL FORTHEI NSTALLATION OF DEC K STAIRS ANDHOTTUB Participants: OWNER SOHAM INVESTMENTS LLC 10/09/2007 2400 GARMISC H DR VAIL CO81658 APPLICANT JORGE A.NEHER 10/09/2007 Phone:970-331-6780 2400 GARMISCH DR. VAIL CO81658 Project Address :2400 GARMISCH DRVAI L Location: HANSON CHALETS 9B Legal Description:Lot:9BBlock:Subdivision:HANSON CHALET Parcel Number:2 103-114-1102-3 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR DateofApproval:10/10/2007 Cond :8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Townof Vai l staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approvaldoesnotconst itute a permit forbuilding.Pleaseconsu lt with TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond :201 ORB approvalshallnotbecomevalidfor20daysfollow ing thedateofapproval. Cond:202 Approval of th is project shall lapseandbecomevo id one(1)year following thedate of fi nalapprova l,u nless abuilding perm it is issuedand construction iscommenced and isdiligently pursued toward comp letion. Planner:NicolePeterson ORBFeePaid :$20:00 c __. Departmentof Commun ity Development 75 South Frontag e Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review OJ SI J-CV}- General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreview mustreceive approval prior t o submitti ngabuilding permit application.Pl ease -b referto t he subm ittalrequirementsfor theparticular approva l that is requested.Anapplication forDesign Rev iew cannot be accepted until allrequired information isreceived bytheCommunity Developm ent Department.The project may also need to be reviewedbythe TownCouncil and/or thePlanningand Env ironmental Commission.~ Design review approval lapses unless a building pennit is issued and construction commences within ft".-.. one year of the approval.1\V'I: DeSCr!tion of the Request:~~Jl t tr·\,(fD~t ~el{<+0 I llJett lev d q{tf).&~o\1 1&\1 i S!Q"e ?_~O _of ~{I ~I Location of the Proposal:Lot :.fl..D-BIOC k:Subdi vision:~() Physlm'Add...ss;;;1'\00 C..I\jl.i\'\I.'>[f4 P,?,vE INbT 1l41L A2QdJtI ~ Parcel No.:2l.Q3J IY\,0 .2 3>(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970 -328-8640 forparcelno .) Zoning:~0l'4 ("re;.~\-J,JU Name(s)of Owner(s):SOH AM -bb&Do..t-,::(l~CL M f\JOIli rl l'lf !!'ler E-mc"-•• -------------------Phone:-------t+r-n-------r:,.--- Name of Applicant_:t+l::tt-~Ir\\j Mailing Address:II JI ·. OeI4>O<ho"'~~"~" Macleod Dixo n,s.c. (.'.UI ~.. (.lIlja"Al...ty lo.o~:o R .,,.....,. <------- (entro San 11Jl",",le-e (opemico,Piso 8,A,.BI...<fin.La (as"lI..,a,(iI'olGlS1Ofi().v.n"L.Oia Je l ~t"""t""'I ~I 64)7715 ~W,-lij It Sut,B·A Miam\FL 33166 PO.Box 0200 10.M,a,;,FL JJI02·0010 b www.madeoddlxon.com Jorge A .Neher SoclOi Partnef i ft jorge.ne her@madeodd ixon.com Direa:+582 122760005 Te l:+582 122760000 Fa x:+582 1227600 11 +582 1227 60033 J.\••••__••-----••-,·-··--r-..,.-._-......0',r retaining walls,etc. Forrevisions to plans already approved by Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board . $20 No Fee Brooke Ferris As soc iate Brol<er Brook e@va il.net WI·NI.PrudentiaIColoradoProperties.com Colorado Properties 511 E.Lionshead Ci rc le,Va il.CO 81657 Bus 970 476 ·2482 800283 ·2480 Ce ll 970 376·0531 Fa'97 0 476-6439 :;~: Engli sh.Spanishand frenc h Spoken "'.'0".~".' fa)AnindepenclemlV llW'ltKIlRl ooemedmerrtJ8I aI Prudential RNI utale A,thllilles.Ir( GB Prudential ("Ill ':ll~'U"1ll 1I uu ............' "Changesto Approved Plans o Separation Reque st Type o S o C o N o P Pla nner: For Office Use Only: Fee Pa id:7 C)Check No.:_-'-'-_ lL-7 rC )Meeti ng Da te :_---'~_=__---':-.-_ ·, Detailedproposalforimprovements on2400GarmischDr. WestVail ,Co .81657 HiHeather Iamsendingyouthedrawingoftheworkwewouldliketodo ,Ididitmyse lf so itisnotvery professional ,butIthinkyo u canclearly understand thelocat ion ofthestairwayandthehuttub . Thehuttubislocatedapprox .5feetdiagonal towhe re thestampedsandstonefloorofthepat io ends ,itwillbehalfwaysunkunderthegroundanditwillbefin ished withwoodtomatchthewood oftheupperleveldeck .Wewillmakealittlewalkway fromthepatiotowardsthehottubwiththe exactsamestamppatternandfinishofthepat io floor. Asyouwillseeinthedraw ing,thestairwaywilllandonthewestsideofourhouse ;itwillbevery simple ,madeoutofwoodexactlytomatchtheupperleveldeck. Nextspringwewillhavegrassplantedsurroundingthehottubandalloverthegarden . Ihaveagreat qualitycontractor andIwillmakesurethatthefinishesandqualityarethebest. Heather thankyousomuchforyourtimeIreally appreciate yourhelp . Talktoyousoon Dan iella •• •• •• I V/VO/"-V VI I I .v£.rnf\.'tI J£...II"t;",12JVVI/VVL JJINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN API"kOYAL LETTEk ,, I 1,(print namett\e&.t G,~\II-f llL.~/tj~~owner of property located at d3qR (p.f\,«(V\\&C-tt VJ7:,)Q ,provide this !ettar as written approval of the plans dillB;l-.Ct}5 I 200:r-Whlc:h have been submitb!d to theTownof Vail Community Development Department for the proposed lmprovementl;to be COOlpfeted atthe address noted above.I underst2lnd ignaturo)(Om)c:~~'.{d~~ Addltlonillly,p ease check the 5~ment below whichIs most .pp11ca61B til you: o I uf/der.;fmIr/that mInor modiflr:«irms maybe made tD the pmns uver the aJlne ofthe TrMeV'I process 10ensure crmpliBnce with the Town:S appliaJbIe codes and regufatiDns. (In/rial M") etJJ-[tequest that rAl mod1fla1t1ons,~'nor Of otherwise,whidl BIf!made tD the plans Ol'!!l'the etNJtS8 ofthe ll!Vh!w procr:ss,be bIought to my lIttr:ntlon by the Bppllr:8rlt frJr /Jdd1timl.1 MpprDVB/Iif:fore ~]irurlher~bY~:~ICO~ (In/rial It",)es P'fer Cf ~~• Jolm prrJpmy_r~''''''Inu.J /DlI&'2f)QfS, F:\alev\FORI'IS\PeImI13\F'18Mlng\Old ftIrms\d!'b.;nlnclr'_1!L8·2&-2007.dac Page zor 13 H-2331-1 DUPLEXPLAT VAIL DAS HANSON SCHONE FILING CHALET NO.2 ,LOT 9,BLOCK G ~ I~ ~J_ ._rao_~..._"'..-----....---_._-_.__'....s._ :::..::.::.~:-....:..;,--_....-- ~~~i=L ~~~~~~....:..- _ll '"efrrp I-_..~ ~-~-------~_...~~Ya.._,,:__._ slId(t1I''''nr:1 TO 1_ _...-f el 'S ) ~.-::.~~~...._~---...i.a$t~ _....~iu..~,_, ~:,t~_P;72r l'Z ...,.._~ ___~z.....,_~,._....,_... -~---__---~..._----------........__.....__-._--_....._..-_.._------------------..~-=-==~~~-:..r~~.:-...---_..._----l.o __...!!....._..~...I1._ cnnrrol\l1 ...~m!l """~c.oGll U!l OWl ...-'''S'T __.-..-..----....._--_...--_._---,_._-....__..-_..--'~"""'-_..-lot _.,..,....,__..0._..._ .._M,....._.._lfooIo ·_.._._11-13 _ _.._.,_..._t.-<s_....__--..-__-r.::::'-........_-"""',~,~_.__.. ~t ::.::.~__~:,'=...."":::,r;:.":"::.r:2 .._....&"_.._E e-__. -'''''--''--..--_-...------------...._-_..-__..._~.....G.._..._..l'oo ,_..-.~_.~,----_...-..........._-----_..-..--........"'-_.._--_...----.._--_.._-_..._-_.._-........_..-------......._-----.::::::......-.._-_...--- nUNC I , TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLECOUNTY,COLORADO LOl10 LOl 14 VAJl Q.tS SOleM f ILING 1 r..__......____-------,---__.....______"'10..__._...-_........_._..__......__.......- INOC __' ;:--:n ~~~..".1~'" ~~:::~~~l M "~l'.y~_ ~"":"-"'::;'":1..'::::-..::.':'..7'::;;::.:':':- ---~_..--.......,.....--_._..,_.::..::::::.'=---='------_.-••_.....__,,4'1'1'1''''.. ..........__._----_-_,.,_......_n h!W'" / " EAST PAAClL AlPEN CHAI.FTS CUl-'\..£X 0.('0;.)= --........... I ~ IolCT-o S~ ~ ~,C ~S'UI.-:;..._..I">f I I I / I ,,/' V-/. / \ \ I __~__ I -i I~---I 'L_~,L I re- ~-I c=.--I l )(\t\\I\~ -----~~ I I ~.,i ~ I I I '~ ; ~[O?O~Sbl<U,MOu\~I)\Quj t,o~~;Qu) ----::'--- t f i )C r>@ 1~ to +(."ch @ \0 " , I - l",~l,.'ft~I '"f'o ,¥ I.. / /f:.N~"'£\ F \..)00 6!Jl~_.-_._~.'-,_..•---_...._----.--..-..--... :-....._-_._._.._.~.-.__..--__------_.-.~- ;; i• JI O·L~'"\'l s.\.~\n(~f'S 10(08/2007 16:43 9709268887 FO X HO T TUBS PAGE 02 ...:~ :. 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",:~,~:.,. \1 ***•••****••***.**.******•••*••••••***•••••****•••****•••******•••*******••***.**••****••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *.***••*****.******••****••••***•••••********•••••••*.*.**•••*•••••••*.*•••*******••*****••* Statement Number :R070002137 Amount :$20.00 10/09/200709 :46 AM Payment Method :Cash Init:JS Notation :$/JORGE NEHER Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB070562 Type :DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2103 -114 -1102-3 2400 GARMISCH DRVAIL HANSON CHALETS 9B This Payment:$20 .00 Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0 .00 ***••****•••••****••••*.*•••••••••••••****••******.******•••••*••**••******•••*****•••*****. ACCOUNTITEMLIST: AccountCo de DR0 01 00003 11 2200 Desc ripti on DES IGNREVIEW FEES Cu rrent Pmts 20 .00 Project Name:Snownow LLC Project Description: New Primary/secondary Participants: DRB Number:DRB030240 OWNERSnownow,LLC GregAmsden 06/23/2003 Phone:476-8610 500SFrontageRd Vail,CO 81657 APPUCANTJohnG.Martin,Architect 06/23/2003 Phone:477-2476 POB621 Vail,CO 81658 Project Address:2388 GARMISH DRVAIL Location:2388Garm ish Drive LegalDescription:Lot:9Block:ASubdivision:VailDasSchoneFiling2 Parcel Number:2103 -114-1101-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:Woldrich secondBy:Rogers Vote:3-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:09/03/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate reviewcomm ittee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoes not constitute a permit forbuilding.Pleaseconsultwith TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:CON0006282 The applicant shouldamendtherevisedeastand west dormers onthesouthsideof thema in roof tomatchthe previously submitted design . Planner:Bill Gibson DRBFeePaid:$650.00 \, Application for Design ~eview DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 .web:www.ci.vail.co .us General Information: All projects r equiringdesign review must receive approvalprior tosubmitting abuilding permit application.Please referto th esubmitta l requirements fort he particular approval that isrequested.Anapplication forDesign Review cannot beaccepteduntilallrequired informationisreceivedbytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalso needto be reviewed bytheTownCouncil and/or the PlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within oneyearoftheapproval. DescriptionoftheRequest: Location of the Proposal:Lot:'Block:6-SUbdiVision:J/P'"'~SG-~Z. PhysicalAddress:2 ~9B 6i~IScH P£.......,.~'f"\/Art(" ParcelNo.:'2'0'1 t\"l II t:1'11 (Contact EagleCo .Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no .) Zoning:frl'tt ...,/ya:uJ('A,C'j _ Name(s)of Owner(s):$""0'11 /Joy ~I...L t.-• Mailing Address:~54~oog,.;S~"~~~~~~~c......,...lL~~~~~~~~!..----- $(~SB; 417 -z.y 7l.P ..(7')-22.$7 RECElVED 1I 1 ~?'.l ?Or3 Typeof Review andFee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review NoFee ){NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 Minor Alteration $20 (single-family /duplex) 0 Changes t o Approved Plans $20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild . Foranaddition wheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding (indudes 250additions &interiorconversions). For minorchangestobuildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping ,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painti ng,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. For revisions toplans already approvedbyPlanning Staffo r the Design Review Board. '------------------------'7f/bs JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER ;VA I ,(print name)-J,a joint ownerof property locatedat (address/legal description )--1 prov ide t hisletteras wr ittenapprovaloftheplans dated w hichhave been submitted tot heTownofVailCommunityDevelopment Department forthepropo sed improvements tobecomp leted attheaddressnotedabove .Iunderstand that the proposed improvements include: I f urtherunderstand that minor modifi cations maybemadetotheplansover t hecourseofthereview processtoensurecompliancew ith theTown'sapplicablecodesandregulat ions. (Signature) Page2of 12/02/07/02 (Date) NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thereviewprocessfornewconstructionnormally requirestwoseparatemeet ings oftheDesignReview Board:aconceptualreviewandafinalreview.Applicantsshouldplan onpresenting their development proposalataminimumoftwomeet ings beforeobtainingfinalapproval. 1.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ;(StampedTopographicSurvey* }(SiteandGradingPlan* )(Landscape Plan* liD ArchitecturalElevations* @ Exterior colorandmater ial samplesandspecifications.-1"0 ~Su8KI1'1'W Jl1 ArchitecturalFloorPlans* "LightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures-5f~L.AfJl75('~P'V't.,) ;g(Titlereport,includingSchedulesA&Btoverifyownersh ips andeasements* rJ~Photos of theexisting siteandadjacent structures,whereapplicable. tJ600 Writtenapprova l fromacondominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. ,.,Po 0 Site-specificGeologicalHazardReport,ifapplicable* ;If{The Administrator and/or DRB mayrequirethesubmissionofadditionalplans,drawings, specifications,samplesand other materials(lncludinqamodel)ifdeemednecessaryto determine whether a project w ill complywithDesignGuidelinesorifthe intent ofthe proposalisnotclearlyindicated . Pl ease submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted with an asterisk (*). Topographic survey: 'J!Wetstampandsignature of alicensedsurveyor IJ;Dateofsurvey rJI Northarrowandgraphicbarscale It Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20') "r3'Legaldescriptionandphysicaladdress iiV Lotsizeandbuildablearea(buildableareaexcludes redhazardavalanche,slopesgreaterthan40%, andfloodpla in) rii Tiestoexisting benchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewerinvert.This information mustbeclearly statedonthesurvey ~Propertyboundariestothenearesthundredth(.01)ofa foot accuracy.Distances andbearingsanda basisofbearingmustbeshown.Showexisting pinsormonumentsfoundandtheirrelationshipto theestablishedcorner.rJ!Show right ofwayandpropertylines;includingbearings,distancesandcurve information . ~I ndicatealleasementsidentifiedonthesubdivisionplatandrecordedagainstthe property as indicatedinthe title report.Listanyeasementrestrictions. '1/SpotElevationsattheedgeofasphalt,alongthestreetfrontage of thepropertyat twenty-five foot jnterve's (25 '),andaminimumofonespotelevationsoneithersideofthelot. ~Topographic cond itions attwofootcontourintervals · ~Existing treesorgroupsoftreeshavlnq trunkswithdiameters of 4"ormore,asmeasured from a point onefootabovegrade. V Rock outcroppings andothersignificantnaturalfeatures(largeboulders,intermittent streams,etc.). Page3 of 12/02/07/02 Gas Electric v/Allexisting improvements(includingfoundationwalls,roofoverhangs,buildingoverhangs,etc.). 13'EnvironmentalHazards(ie.rockfall,debrisflow,avalanche,wet lands,floodplain,soils) CV Watercoursesetbacks,ifapplicable(showcenterlineandedge of streamorcreekinaddition tothe requiredstreamorcreaksetback) [;il.I Showall utility meterlocations,includinganypedestalsonsiteorinthe right-of-way adjacenttothe site.Exact locationofe xisting utility sourcesandproposedservicelinesfrom their sourcetothe st ructure.Utilitiesto include: Cable TV Sewer Telepho ne WaterJSizeandtypeofdrainageculverts,swales,etc . r./Adjacent roadwayslabeled andedgeofasphaltforbothsidesoftheroadwayshownforaminimum of250 'in either d irection fromproperty. SiteandGradingPlan: C3"Scaleof1"=20'orlarger Q/Propertyandsetbacklines !J'Existing andproposedeasements 2'Existing andproposedgrades Ii Existing andproposedlayout of buildingsandotherstructuresincludingdecks,patios,fencesand walls.Ind icate thefoundationwithadashedlineandtheroofedgewithasolidline. riI Allproposedroofridgelineswithproposedridgeelevations.Indicate existing andproposedgrades shownunderneathallrooflines.Th is willbeusedtocalculatebuildingheight. r;t Proposeddriveways ,including percentslopeandspotelevationsatthepropertyline,garageslaband asnecessaryalongthecenterlineofthedrivewaytoaccuratelyreflectgrade. Nko A4'w ide unheatedconcretepanattheedgeofasphaltfordriveways that exit thestreetinanuphill direction. ~Locations of all utilitiesincludingexisting sourcesandproposedservicelinesfromsourcestothe stru ctu res. 'J1/Proposedsurface drainage onandoff-s ite. '1 Location of landscapedareas. 'Ji Location of limitsofd isturbance fencing r/Location of all requiredparking spaces ~Snow sto rage areas. A}fi"o Proposeddumpste r location anddeta il of dumpster enclosure. 0'Retainingwallswithproposedelevationsattopandbottomofwalls .Adetai led cross-section and elevationdraw ings shall beprovided on t he plan orseparatesheet.Stampedengineer ing drawings arerequired for wallsbetween4'and6'feet inheight. IV Ie 0 Delineateareastobephasedandappropr iate t iming,ifapplicable LandscapePlan: ~Scaleof1"=20'orlarger wi Landscapeplanmustbedrawnatthesamescaleasthesiteplan. ~Locationofexisting trees,4"d iameter orlarger.Indicate treestoremain,toberelocated(including newlocation),andtoberemoved.Largestandsoftreesmaybeshown(as bubble)ifthestrandis _j notbeingaffectedbytheproposedimprovementsandgrading . 'O¥Indicate allexisting groundcoverandshrubs. oj Detailed legend,listingthetypeandsize(caliperfo r deciduoustrees,height forconifers,gallonsize fo r shrubsandheightforfoundationshrubs)ofalltheexistingandproposedplantmaterialincluding g round cover . \I Delineate critical rootzonesforexisting trees incloseproximity tositegradingandconst ruction. ~Indicate the locationofall proposedplantings. \JI Thelocationandtypeof existingandproposedwateringsystemstobeemployedincaring forplant mate rial follo wingits in stallation. Page 4 of 12/02/07/02 /Existingandproposedcontourlines. bottom ofwallelevationsnoted. Retainingwallsshallbeincludedwiththetop of wallandthe Architectural FloorPlans: ~Scaleof 1/8"=l'orlarger;1/4"ispreferred [)/Floorplans of theproposeddevelopmentdrawntoscaleandfullydimensioned.Floorplansand buildingelevationsmustbedrawnatthesamescale. iY Clearlyindicateonthefloorplanstheinsidefaceofthe exterior structural wallsofthebuilding. cu Labelfloorplanstoindicatetheproposedfloorareause(l.e,bedroom,kitchen,etc.). IiII Onesetoffloorplansmustbe"red-lined "indicatinghowthegrossresidentialfloorarea (GRFA)was calculated .SeeTitle12,Chapter15-GrossResidentialFloorAreaforregulations . "'Providedimensionsofallroofeavesandoverhangs. Architectural Elevations: rJI'Scaleof1/8"=l'orlarger;1/4"ispreferred rY Allelevations oftheproposeddevelopmentdrawntoscaleandfullydimensioned.Theelevation drawings mustshowbothexistingandfin ished grades.Floorplansandbuildingelevationsmustbe drawnatthesamescale. 0"If buildingfacesareproposedatanglesnotrepresentedwellonthenormalbuildingelevations,show thesefacesalso. "Elevationsshallshowproposedfinishedelevationoffloorsandroofsonalllevels. W All exterior materialsandcolorsshallbespecifiedontheelevations .-10 (3£~vg~I'tl~.f" o Thefollowingshallbeshowngraphicallyandfullydimensioned:fascia,trim,railings,chimney caps, meter locations,and wi ndowdetails..-r;,~~fI-(,'("("6-1/ r;/Show allproposedexterior lightingfixturesonthebuilding.-"?~c;;:~'-Htr f\.A~ !IV"Illu strate alldecks,porchesandbalconies. ~I ndicatetheroofandbuild inq drainagesystem (l.e,guttersanddownspouts). if Indicate allrooftopmechanical systemsandallotherroofstructures,ifapplicable. CI""Illustrate proposedbuildingheightelevat ion onrooflines andridges.Theseelevat ions should coordinatewiththefin ished floorelevationsandthedatumusedforthesurvey.@ ExteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesshallbesubmittedtostaffandpresentedattheDesignReview .Boardmeeting.-7C se;~z,6E-(1t-r~ Lighting Plan:-~L..A.ND5G04~P(..J..,.J r/Ind icate type,locationandnumberoffixtures. ry'Inciude heightabovegrade,lumens output,luminousarea 0/Attachacutsheetforeachproposed fixture . II.IMPROVEMENT lOCATION CERTIFICATE (IlC) Onceabuildingperm it hasbeenissued,andconstructionisunderway,andbeforetheBuilding Department willscheduleaframinginspection,twocopiesofan Improvement location Certificatesurvey(ILC)stampedbyaregisteredprofessionalengineermustbesubmitted.The follOWing information mustbeprovidedontheILC: o Basisofbearingandtietosectioncorner o All property pinsfoundorset D Building location(s)withtiestopropertycorners(ie.distancesandangles) o Building dimensions,includingdecksandbalconies,tothenearesttenthofafoot o Buildingandgaragefloorelevationsandallroofridgeandeavelineelevations o Alldrainageand utility service li neas-builts,showlnqtypeofmater ial,size andexactlocation o Alleasements Page5of 12/02/07/02 Building Materials Roof Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material .. Notes: Pleasespecifythe manufacturer's name,thecolornameand number and attach acolorchip. Page6of 12/02/07/02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING BotanicalName CommonName Quantity PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TOBE REMOVED Mi nimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees-2 "caliper Coniferous Trees-6 'inhe ight Shrubs -5Gal. ~Square Footage GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEOFEROSIONCONTROL Please specify other landscape features (l.e,retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) Page7 of 12/02/07/02 UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION Thisformistoverifyserviceavailability andlocationfornewconstructionandshould be usedin conjunctionwithpreparingyour utility planandschedulinginstallat ions.Thelocationand availability of utilities,whether theyaremaintrun k linesorproposedlines,mustbeapprovedandver ified bythe followingut ilities fortheaccompanyingsiteplan. Authorized Signature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384 .0257 (fa x) Contact :JasonSharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact :BrianSulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566(fax) Contact:TedHusky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024(tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact:KitBogart EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089(fa x) Contact:FredHaslee AT&T BROADBAND 970 .949.1224x 112(tel ) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact:FloydSalazar *Pleaseprov ide asiteplan,floorplan,andelevation s whenobtainingapprovalfromtheEagleRiverWater &SanitationDistrict .Fire flowneedsmustbeaddressed. NOTES: 1.If theut ility verificationformhassignaturesfromeachofthe utility companies,andnocomments aremadedirectlyon t heform,theTownwillpresumethattherearenoproblemsandthe development canproceed. 2.If a utility companyhasconcernswiththeproposedconstruct ion,the utility representativeshall note directly onthe utility verificationform that thereisaproblemwhichneedstoberesolved. Theissueshouldthenbedetailedinanattached letter totheTownofVail.However,pleasekeep inmind that itistheresponsibilityofthe utility companyandtheapplicanttoresolve identified problems. 3.Theseverifications donotrelievethe contractor oftheresponsibility toobtainaPublicWayPermit fromthe Department ofPublicWorksattheTownofVail.Utilitylocationsmustbeobtainedbefore digginginanypublic right-of-way oreasementwith in theTownofVail.Abuildingpermitisnota PublicWaypermitandmustbeobtainedseparately . Page8of 12/02/07/02 NOTESTOALLAPPLICANTS Pre-application Meeting Apre-application meetingwithTownofVail staff isencouraged.Thepurposeofapre-application meetingisto identify anycritical issues pertainingtotheapplicant'sproposalandtodeterminethe appropriatedevelopmentreview process foranapplication.Inmany cases,thepre-applicationmeeting helpstoexpedite thedevelopmentreviewprocessascritical issues areidentifiedanddealtwithinthe preliminarystages.Apre-applicationmeetingmaybescheduled bycontactingJudyRodriguezat 970.479.2128 or jrodriguez@cLvail.co.us Time Requirements The Design Review Board meetsonthe 1stand3rd Wednesdays ofeachmonth .Acompleteapplication formandall accompanying material mustbeacceptedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentprior toapplication deadlines.Ascheduleof ORB meetingsandassociatedapplicationdeadlinesmaybefound ontheWorldWideWebathttD:/IcLvail.co.us/commdev/plann ing/drb/meetings/default.htm Foranew residentialdevelopment,theapplicationdeadlineistypically3.5weekspriortoaDesign ReviewBoard hearing. Review Criteria Theproposalw illbe reviewedforcompliance w ith theDesignGuidelines assetforthinTit le 12,(Zoning Regulations)andTitl e 14 (DevelopmentStandards)oftheTownofVailMunicipal Code. Requirements for properties locatedinhazardareas If aproperty is located inoradjacenttoamapped hazardarea (i.e.snowavalanche,rockfall,debris flow, floodp lain,wetland,poorsoils,etc .),theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayrequireasite-specific geologicalinvestigation.If asite-specificgeological investigation determinesthatthesubjectproperty is locatedinageologically sensitivearea,thepropertyowner(s)mustsignan affidavit recognizingthe hazard reportpriortothe issuance ofabuilding permit.Applicantsarestronglyencouragedtoconsult withCommunityDevelopment staff priorto submitting a ORB applicationtodeterminetherelat ionship of thepropertytoallmapped hazards. ReguiredPlan Sheet Format Forall surveys,siteplans,landscapeplansandothersiteimprovementplans,all ofthefollowingmustbe shown. 1.Plansheetsize mustbe24"x 36".For largeprojects,largerplansizemaybeallowed. 2.Scale.Theminimum scaleis1"=20'.Allplansmust be atthesamescale. 3.Graphicbarscale. 4.Northarrow . 5.Titleblock,projectname,projectaddressandlegaldescription. 6.Indication ofplanpreparer,addressandphonenumber. 7.Datesofor iginal planpreparationandallrevision dates. 8.Vicinity maporlocation mapatascaleof1"=1 ,000'orlarger. 9.Sheetlabelsandnumbers. 10.Aborderw ithamin imumleftsidemargin of 1.5". 11.Namesof alladjacentroadways. 12.Plan legend. Page 9of12/02 /07/0 2 Design Review Board Meeting Reguirements For newconstructionandadditions,theapplicantmuststakeandtapetheprojectsite to indicate propertylines,proposedbuildings andbuilding corners.Alltreestoberemovedmustbetaped.The applicantmustensurethatstakingdoneduringthew inter isnotburiedbysnow.Allsitetapingsand stakingmustbecompleted priortothedayofthe DRB meeting. Theapplicant,ortheir representa tive shallbepresentattheDesignReviewBoardHearing.Applicants whofailtoappearbeforethe Design ReviewBoardon their scheduledmeetingdateandwhohavenot askedinadvancethat discussion ontheiritembepostponed,willhavetheiritemsremovedfromthe DRB agendauntilsuchtimeastheitemhasbeen republished. If the DRB approvestheapplicationwithconditions ormodifications,allconditionsofapprovalmustbe resolved prior tothe issuance ofabuildingpermit. Staff Approval TheAdministrator(amemberoftheplanningstaff)mayreviewandapproveDesign Reviewapplications, approvewithcertainmodifications,denytheapplication,orrefertheapplicationtotheDesignReview Boardforadecision.Allstaffapprovalsarereviewedbythe Design ReviewBoardandanystaffdecision is subjecttofinalapprovalbythe DRB. Additional Review andFees If thisapplication requiresaseparatereviewbyanylocal,stateor Federal agencyotherthantheTownof Vail,theapplication feeshallbe increased by$200.00.Examples ofsuchreview,mayinclude,butare notlimitedto:ColoradoDepartmentofHighway Access Permits,ArmyCorpsof Enginee rs 404,etc. Theapplicantshallbe respons ible forpayinganypublishing feesinexcess of50%oftheapplication fee. If,attheapplicant's request,anymatterispostponedforhearing,causingthemattertobere-published, thentheentirefee f orsuchre-publication shallbepaidbytheapplicant. ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmenttohavedesign,landuseorother issues ,whichmayhaveasignificant impactonthecommunity ,mayrequirereviewbyexternal consultants i naddit ion toTownstaff.ShouldadeterminationbemadebyTownstaffthatanexternal consultantisneeded,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhiretheconsultant.The Departmentshallestimate theamountofmoney necessary topaytheconsultantandthisamountshall beforwardedt o theTownbytheapplicantatthet ime offilinganapplication.Theapplicantshallpay expenses incurredbytheTowninexcess oftheamountforwardedbytheapplicationtotheTownwithin 30daysofnot ification bytheTown.Anyexcess fundswillbereturnedtotheapplicantuponreview completion. Page 10of 12/02/07/02 Survey/Site PlanReviewChecklist Departme nt of Com munity Development 75 South Frontag e Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submitted prior to Public Works review ofa proposed development, Owners/Project Name:7 Ml."NO<A/•l..L..c...-4k-fZfw{~tt PVPL-G:)( ProjectAddress:.z~B~GAfZN(~c..t1 1Al .w.()AH.../Lor"'t,Bc,04:(;,v',4U...~ I p J ~:A.1lf Z. Applicant:-JOt.4 C;.Hti",·"'hn PhoneNumber:"f'n-Z "£74> Submittal )5.Stampedsurveyof property )("Civil/Site plans Survey Requirements: r.!/Surveyor's wet stampand signature r;t'Dateofsurvey q"North arrow ;Y Properscale (1"=10'or1"=20') ~Legal description ~Basis ofbearings/Benchmark r:/SpotElevat ions r:.:/Labeled right of wayand property lines; includingbear ings,d istances andcurve information. ~,LotSize ~Buildable Area(e xcludes redhazard avalanche,slopes greater than 40%,and floodplain ) Site Plan Requirements: X .Landscapeplan}l(Title Report(SectionB) (lJ EnvironmentalHazards(ie.rockfall,debris flow,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) \d Watercoursesetbacks(if applicable) r,;r Trees r;t Labeled easements (l.e ,dra inage,utility, pedestrian,etc...) )If T opography Ilf Utilitylocations ~Adjacentroadwayslabeledandedge of asphaltforbothsides of the roadway shown foram inimum of2S0'in either direction from property. I.Access(checkall ) ~Driveway type and fi nishedsurfaceareshownonthesite plan. y{Unheated 0 Heated (portion inROWinaseparatezone) ~Snowstorageareasareshownonthesiteplan within property boundaries (30%of driveway areaif unheated;10%of driveway areaif heated)/J All driveway grades,dimensions,radiiareclearlynotedonthesiteplanandconformto Development Standards ,p.11.SteepestSectionDrivewayGrade (not theaverage grade):_;f Parkingspacesand turning radiiarenotedonsiteplanandconformto Development Standards, pp .12&14 II.Construction Site (checkall)Z Location ofall ut ilities and meter pits areshownonthesite plan.~Limitsofd isturbance construction fencingisshownonthesite plan. ~Iamaware that approvedStagingand ConstructionT rafficControlPlans,as pertheManual of /Uniform Traffic Contro l Devices,willbenecessary prior to construction. ~Iamaware that aRevocableRightofWayPermit willberequired prior to construction . Page11of12/02/07/02 III.Drainage(checkall that apply) NAo TherequiredValleyPanisshownonthesite planasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. o(Note:Valleypanmust not beheated) o4FootConcretePan 0 8FootConcretePan ;d Positiveandadequatedrainageismaintainedatalltimeswithintheproposedsite. pA 0 Culvertshavebeenprovidedandarelabeledanddimensionedonthesite plan. rJA 0 AHydraulicreporthasbeenprovided.(AsrequestedbyTownEngineer) IV.ErosionControl(Checkall that apply) ~~Disturbancearea is greater thanonehalfacre. tJA.0 AseparateErosionControlPlanhasbeenprofessionallyengineeredand PE stamped. ji!{Lessthanonehalfacrehasbeendisturbed,andpropererosioncontroldevicesareshownonthesite plan. V.Floodplain(checkall that apply) 1J Ie 0 The project lies within or adjacent toa100yearFloodplain. o100yearFloodplainisshownonthesiteplan. oAFloodplainstudyhasbeenprovided .(Requirediffloodplainis within construction limitsoras requestedbyTownEngineer) ;/The project does not lie within oradjacenttoa100yearFloodplain VI.Geological/Environmental Hazards(checkall that apply) oThe project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazardarea.(SeeDevelopmentStandards,p.20) oAHazard Reporthasbeenprovided .,d'The project does not lie within aGeologiC/EnvironmentalHazardarea. VII.Grading(checkall that apply)r:I.Existingandproposedgrades/contours areprov ided onthesiteplan. 7'All disturbed areashavebeenreturnedtoa2:1grade. j!J All disturbed areasnotreturnedto2:1gradehavebeenProfessionallyEngineeredwithslope protection and/or stablesoils.PE stampeddetailsareprovided within plans. oOnlyexistingcontoursareshownonthesiteplan,thereis no proposedgrading. V1JI.Parking(checkall) /5 Allresidentialandcommercialparkingspacesconformtothe Development Standards,pp.12&15 . IX.RetainingWalls(checkall that apply) A All retaining wallsconformtothestandardsintheDevelopmentStandards,p.19. .6 Allretainingwallsandcombinationwallsover4feethavebeenProfess ionally EngineeredandaPE ./stampeddeta il hasbeenprovidedwithintheplans .To 8~~Nr1'''.P6Allretainingwallsareshownonthesiteplan,withlabeledtopandbottomofwallelevationsandtype ofwall construction.. o No retainingwallsarerequiredforthisproject. / )[ o SightDistance(checkall that apply) Proper sight distancehasbeenattainedandshownonsiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. Proper sight distancehasnotbeen attained.Explanationwhy :_ AdditionalComments Pleaseprovideany additional comments that pertaintoPublicWorksReview. ApplicantsSignature ~..,.. /' Page12of 12/02/07/02 MATERIAL 4 COLOR 5OARID ASPHALT SHINGLES ELK PRESTIOUE — 30 YEAR "SHAKEWOOD" METAL ROOFING METAL ROOF "MORIN" STANDARD COLOR "DARK BRONZE" GALV. METAL DRIP EDGE PAINT TO MATCH FASCIA / WOOD COLOR FASCIA 8 SUB—FASCIA 51IERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT — SOLID STAIN "FAWN" SOFFIT OLYMPIC STAIN — 121 "REDTONE CEDAR" PRIMARY STUCCO SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT — SW 2046 "SNOW GOOSE" BASE AND GAP STUCCO, DECK COLUMNS ,HERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT — SW 2041 "PICNIC TABLE" CEDAR VERT. T8G SIDING + TRIM SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT — SOLID STAIN "FAWN" WINDOW/DOOR STUCCO HEADER 8 TRIM SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT — SW 2041 "PIGNIG TABLE" GARAGE AND ENTRY DOORS SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT — SOLID STAIN "FAWN" WINDOW WOOD TRIM SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT — SOLID STAIN "FAWN" DECK RAILING AND POSTS OLYMPIC STAIN — 121 'REDTONE CEDAR" METAL MESH RAILING WILLIAMS CLEAR STAIN HT IRON" DECKING WINDOW ALUM. GLAD STANDARD GLAD COLOR — "VINTAGE BURGANDY" FMK PR. T'OLE — 30 YEAR METAL ROOF "MORIN" . Ar0 J STANDARD COLOR "DARK BRONZE" -- SAN i^i -A P A:NT CIIERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT SOLID S AIN kN' SW 2105 "WROUGHT IRON" Snow Soos. SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT OLYMPIC STAIN SW 2046 "SNOW GOOSE" 121 "REDTONE CEDAR" SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT STANDARD GLAD COLOR SW 2041 "PIGNIG TABLE" "VINTAGE BURGUNDY" New Custom Duplex Residences For: John G.Martin-Architect Snow Now,LLC DATE: 1-15-03 P.O.Box 621 Phone: 970477-2476 Lot 9,Block G,Vail Das Schone No.2 Vail So 8168 Fax: 974477-2476 2388 Garmisch Dr.,Vail,Colorado CB www4o6�utieam pin.martinl*kcom - SHEET NO. Project Name: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departm ent of Community Develo pment 75South FrontageRoad,Va il,Colorado8165 7 te l:970.479.2139 fax :970.479.2452 we b:www .vall gov.com DRB Number:DRB030062 Project Description: Participants: Conceptual rev iew of newPIS wi th EHU OWNER SnownowLLC 03/17/2003 Phone:476 -8610 RobertA.Rymer,Manager 5005FrontageRdEastSte112 Vail,CO81557 APPLICANT AMSDevelopment,Inc 03/17/2003 Phone:475-85 10 GregM.Amsden,President 5005FrontageRdEastSte112 Vail,CO Amsden@vail.net 81557 Project Address:2388 GARM ISH DRVAIL Location:2388Garmisch Drive Lega l Description:Lot:9Block:ASubdivision:VailDas SChone Filing2 Parcel Number:2103-114-1101-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Action:CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 Aconceptual review isNOTaDesign ReviewBoardapprova l. Planner:BillGibson ApplicationforDesign Review Department of Commun ity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970 .479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web :www.cLvall.co .us General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesig n reviewmustreceiveapproval priorto submitting abuilding permit application .Please refertothe submittal requirementsforthe particular approval that isrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannotbeacceptedunt il allrequired information isreceived bythe Community Development Department.The projectmayalso need tobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanning and Environmental Commission . Design review approval lapses unless a building permit Is Issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:/lkw PR.;,,·lItf01-SF W!J!Jt'rfL ,/ ENPW'Kf tfo (jJ/tJ 4~IJA )i C VA-iL DAS Sc I-kJAl E FiL,A)6--1f2.. (aJl.J....:H AIJSod 6+:~u:() Location of the Proposal:Lot:.!L Block:G Subdivision: Physical Address:2388 q-ItR.wlLsCtf DRiVE ParcelNo.:ZW 3.ll4110.11 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at970-328-8640 forparcelno.) Zoning:'PRiMM·f -SH12/J.DA'i...'j Name{s)ofOwner{s):SIJOW/JOW LLC .-1?oJ3tRTtt.R YMER....I H ItI11&ff'L..- Mailing Address:500 So FR OJJrA~RD.f its"Sf£'112 .!IHL I Co.81b51 ---------;;:oo=....,---.--'--'--\---:===_Phone:_+1.....t0:.<--.......SLJ.?JJ"""'-"'o _ Name of Applicant : Ma iii n9Address:--.5.!D"",,--,,",...,['---'-""''-'''-'.!..U<''''----'-=-=''----'='-'''''--f---'''-''--='--+-'IL!.1.L''''-r..........'-'--'-''=''-''''''''-I-- Owner(s)Signature(s):--1~('7"""--1>--ffl:::-~~f.W'I..-<'::...-_------------ S .J)i?VeWfJ rl1~~~c .-i'<"Z).HJl)/:•Pf2.Eojol:- Fiw";Tnr.-f 120110 EIISr/JrE'J1L!VIbL I CO.P,J ill ______---:-__------,.-----,-__Phone:+1b -8 b.1Q E-mail Address:~e!l @VeL!I .V1e±Fax :.4.J.,Jbr-.=---<;8u b.""'3w.T _ Type of Review andFee: ~Y1nJ:i5 _ C Conceptual Revieov NewConstruction Addit ion Minor Alteration (multi-fami ly/commercial) Minor Alteration (sing le-family/duplex) ChangestoApprovedPlans Separation Request $50 NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. For construction ofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild . Foranadd ition wheresquare footage is addedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding(includes250 additions &interior conversions). For minor changesto buildings andsiteimprovements,suchas , reroofing,painting ,window addit ions.landscaping,fencesand reta ining walls,etc . Formino r changesto buildings andsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting ,window additions,landscaping,fencesand reta ining walls ,etc. Forrevisionstoplansalreadyapproved by Planning Staff orthe DesignReviewBoard . CheckNo.: For OffiCe~OnIY: FeePaid :_By :--------;o.-7(...-~O_==="..,.. ApplicationDae :DRB No .:f)&j~O~+3=--}o,{X:'J+.-JJ~(pO-"",,-._ P1anner:,_.ProjectNo.:_.-J:!fto ~-f}OC/S=~ , CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Theconceptualreviewisintendedtogivetheapplicantabasicunderstanding of thecompatibility of theproposalwiththeTown'sDesignGuidelines.TheDRBdoesnotvoteonconceptualreviews. Completeapplicationsmustbesubmittedtwo(2)weeks prior toascheduledDRBmeeting. I.SUBMITTALREQUIREMENTS Aconceptualsiteandlandscapeplan at a minimum scaleof 1"=20'orlarger; Conceptual architectural elevations showing exterior materials anda description ofthe character of the proposed structure or structures; Completed ORB application form. Written approval from a condominium association,landlordand joint owner(if applicable). II.PROCEDURE Upon receipt of an application for conceptual designreview,the Department of Community Development shallreviewthe submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of thezoningcode.If the proposal isinbasic compliance with thezoningcode requirements,the project shallbe forwarded tothe ORB for conceptual review.If the application is not generally in compliance withzoningcode requirements,the application and submittal materials shallbe returned tothe applicant with a written explanation astowhythe Community Development Department staff hasfound the project notto be in compliance with zoning code requirements. Oncea complete application hasbeenreceived,the ORB shall review thesubm itted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether ornotthe project generally complies with thedesign guidelines.The ORB doesnot vote on conceptual reviews . III.DESIGN REVIEW BOARDMEETING REQUIREMENTS Fornew construction and additions,the applicant must stake and tape the project siteto indicate property lines,proposed buildings andbUilding comers.Alltreesto be removedmust be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done duringthe winter is not buried bysnow.Allsite tapings and staking must be completed pr ior tothedayofthe ORB meeting. The applicant,or the ir representative.shallbepresentattheDesignReviewBoardHearing . Applicants whofailto appear before theDesign ReviewBoardon their scheduled meeting date andwhohavenotaskedinadvance that discussionon their itembe postponed,willhave their itemsremovedfromthe ORB agendauntilsuch time as the itemhasbeen republished. Page 2 00/07117/02 I ,(printname)_ JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER provide thisletteraswr itten approval oftheplansdated whichhave description)-rr-_ beensubmittedtotheTownofVailCommunity Development Departmefortheproposedimprovements tobecompletedattheaddressnotedabove.Iunderstandthatthproposed improvements indude: ----------1N/A Ifurtherunderstandthatminor mod/~ii~ns may be madetotheplansoverthecourseofthereview process toensure compliance withheTown'sapplicable codesand regulations. (Signature)(Date) /Page3 .f310711 7102 ·John G.Martin -Architect WW\Vojohngmartin.oom Fax Memo To:GregAmsden From:JohnG.Martin Date:3/1212003 Re:2388Garrnisch Drive(Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone #2) SubJ:Lot 9 Gannisch Zoning Calculations P.O.Box621 Phone:970-477-2476 Vail Co 81658 Fax:970-477-2237 john .martinll@attbi.com Gross Residential Floor Area(GRFA)Summary Area Unit A(large unit)Area Units B &C (small units) Floor Gross GRFA Floor Gross GRFA Garage (646sJ.)14s.f.(over600)Garage (613sJ.)os.t (582) Third124s.f 105sJ.Third 115sJ.95sJ . Second 872sJ .815sJ.Second 661 s.t 611s.f. First 892sJ .819s.f First 661 s.t 596s.t Total 1888 s.f,1753 s.1.Total 1437s.f.1302 s.1. Gross Area Total Units A+B+C =4762 s.1. GRFA Total Units A+B+C =4357 s.f,(not to exceed6,222 s.f,+500 s.1.credit =6722s.1.) Site Coverage =2483.5 s.1.(not to exceed3223 s.1.) Height =Exceeding 33 feet by12"In several places. Driveway Area =20%ofsitearea =4298s.t 10%if 30%grade triggered =2150s.f . Note:we will be over driveway areadue to existing site conditions. Seedy gloss.1-119....4O·W.Max '(M)_ HgI.·10:Wid1tl6'h'.Ex1enslon 7' Hgt .fiom coni..of wall opening 3'h'. U.L.IIsIo<l IorIMlllocalioo . K·990a OlOE B RICK . Seedy gloSS .Hig ....IOO ·W.Max.(M) OKI ,8W,Kg!.15W .U.L.listed for wet locat ion. K·940a O lOE B RICKO Seedy gloss I·light,IOO -W.Max.(M) Hgt.14W .Wid lh aw,Extens ion 9 W _ Hgl.from cenl er01 wall ope ning4W. U.l.listedfor wellocotl on. K ·9479 VER DIGR I S K -94 79 Ol OE 8RI CK ~ lor ,9 i BLOCIL 6-I VA-it...DAs ~Jlo0E (;w ,vq-2. ."2338 G~I4'i I .~~D r~v~VAiL,CO . UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION Thisformisto verify service availability andlocationfornewconstructionandshouldbeused in conjunction withpreparingyour utility planandschedulinginstallations.Thelocationand availability of util ities,whether theyaremain trunk linesorproposedlines,must be approvedandverifiedbythe following utilities fortheaccompanyingsiteplan. Authorized Signature ~-QO -03 -NoT ItPPtl rAW- uilLIQL6T ·-'25F fS ff S'9 3-00% QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384 .0257 (fa x) Contact:JasonSharp £0*Gvn:J:''flo't1o M'35 c..ell:'-. EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS (j)/(J ----------- 970.262.-4679 (tel)-4&to .)Ql.\ Contact:BrianSulzer EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fa x) Contact:FredHaslee HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970 .949.5892 (tel) 970 .949.4566 (fa x) Contact:TedHusky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.~(tel)-4035 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact:KitBogart AT&T BROADBAND 970.949 .1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fa x) Contact:FloydSalazar *Pleaseprovideasiteplan,floorplan,andelevationswhenobtainingapprovalfromtheEagleRiverWater &SanitationDistrict.Fireflowneedsmustbeaddressed. NOTES: 1.If the utility verification formhassignaturesfromeach of theutility companies,andnocomments aremade directly ontheform,theTownwillpresume that therearenoproblemsandthe development canproceed. 2.If a utility companyhasconcernswiththeproposedconstruction,the utility representative shall note directly ontheut ility verification form that thereisaproblemwhichneedstoberesolved. Theissueshouldthenbedetailedinanattached letter totheTown of Vail.However,pleasekeep inmind that itistheresponsibilityofthe utility companyandtheapplicanttoresolve identified problems. 3.These verifications donotrelievethe contractor oftheresponsibility toobtainaPublicWayPermit fromthe Department ofPublic WorksattheTownofVail.Utility locationsmustbeobtainedbefore digginginanypublicr ight-of-way oreasementwithintheTownofVail.Abuilding permit isnota PublicWayperm it andmustbeobta ined separately. Page 8of 12/02/07/02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TOBE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Minimum Requirements forLandscaping:DeciduousTrees-2 "caliper ConiferousTrees-6'in height Shrubs-SGal. ~Sguare Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION IYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Pleasespecify other landscapefeatures (i.e.retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) Page7 of 12/02/07/02 ~ru ~b~4l:l~tl I U ='4"lbtlbSI JuN-23-20a3 08 :36 FROM:AM50EN D~UIS ~OW~ER 9704?S8637 ~9 f BUX:IL 6-f \4\i....!>As S:~£ButJQ-2. 2338 GAAr\1sot ~VIh'-.CO · 9«J -.fJ1Z-1981 UTILITYLOCATION VI:RIFlCATlON This form is to verify service availabilityandlocation for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utiUty planand scheduling instaUations-1he location and avanability of utDi~ies,wht:!tler they aremaintrunk Unes or proposed lines,must be approved andverified by the following vtili:ies forthe accompany ing site plan. AuthorIZed Signature Date ~-&0-03 QWEST ~-$R3l1 970.384.0238 (tel)583-~ 970.3S4.02S7 (fax) Contact:Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970,262.~(tel)-404(1 Jc,., contact:Brian Sul2er HOLY CROSS aeCTRIC ASSOC , 970 .9'l9.S892 (tel) ~~t:~.4~~~~.d'2 ~ EXCEL ENERGY970.262.~(tel)-4035 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact:Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER &.SANITATION DISTRICT"* 970.476 .7480 (tel) 970 .476.4OB9 (fax)~lP~j}=Contatt:Fred Haslee ~ ATBe.T 6ROAD6AND 970 .949.1224 x112 (tel)-2Sl-1arr 970.949 .9138 (fax) Contact:Aoyd Salazar "Please provide a site plan,floor plan,and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water 8r.sar\itatioo OistriCt.Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1.If the utility verification formhas signatures from eachofthe utility companies,andnocomments a re rn<lde directly on the form,the Town will presume thaI there are noproblemsandthe deve'opment can proceed, 2.If"I,Itility company has concerns \Nith the proposed construction,the utility representative shall nOl:e directly on the utility verifICation formthat there is a problem which needs to be resolved . The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.However,ple<lse (eep inmind that it is tr.e responsi~i!ity of theutility company end the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3.These verificationS do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit fromtheDepartmentof Public Works attheTownof Vail.Util ity locations must be obtained before Q.[qgffig inanypublic right:-of-way or easement within the Townof Vail.A building cermit isnota Public Way peanlt andmust be obtained separate ly. PClge 8 of 12/02/07/02 9704'76863'7 PAGE.02 ******.************.******.***.**.*******•••••••**••••***••••••*•••*******.**••••••********* TOW N OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ***************************************.***•••*********••••••••••**••******•••••••*********. Statement Number: Payment Method: LLC R030004223 Check Amount:$650.00 06/23/200304:28 PM Init:JAR Notation:101 Snownow Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : This Payment: DRB030240 Type : 210311411017 2388 GARMISH DRVAIL 2388 Garmish Drive $650.00 DRB -New Construction Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $650.00 $650.00 $0.00 ****************.************••••**********••••••••••••*••••••••••••*••••••••••••••*••****** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Accoun t Code DR 00 100003 11 220 0 Description DE SIGN REVI EW FEES Curr en t Pmts 650 .00 FILE COpy Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June30,2003 JohnMartin POBox621 Vail,CO81658 RE:Snownow LLC-New Primary/Secondary Residence 2388 Gannish Drive/Lot 9,Block G,VailDasSchone2nd Filing Dear John, Town of Vail Staff is currently reviewing theDesignReview application forthe proposed Snownow LLC Primary/Secondary residence locatedat2388 Gannish Drive.As youareaware, the proposed driveway areaforthis residence exceeds the maximum driveway area permitted by Section 12-21-14,Vail Town Code .Pursuant tothissection,the maximum driveway area permitted onthissiteshallnot exceed ten percent (10%)of thelotsize(i.e.2,149sq.ft.).Any deviation fromthe maximum allowed driveway areawill require Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a variance from Section 12-21-14,Vail Town Code,priortothe issuance of Design Review approval. Pleasefind enclosed aTown of Vail variance request application .If youhaveany questions or comments,please feelfreeto contact meat(970)479-2173. BillGibson,AICP Planner II Town of Vail Enclosure:Variance request application 1oRECYCLED PAPER ·. Date:12-12-2002 Property Address: 2388GARMISHDRIVE FormDElIVERY 11lTlf 1<EPoRT I Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Our Order Number:V278525-2 Land Title Guarantee Company YOUR CONTACTS Date:12-12-2002 Our Order Number:V278525-2 Property Address: 2388GARMISHDRIVE BuyerlBorrower: ROBERTRYMER Seller/Owner: SUSANC.HANSONANDRICHARD J.HANSONALSOKNOWNASRICHARDJEFFREYHANSON ********************••••••*******************••••*****.*********** Note:Once an original commitment hasbeenissued,any subsequent modifications willbe emphasized by underlining or comments. ****************************************************************** If youhaveany inquiries or require further assistance,please contact one of the numbers below: For ClosingAssistance:Wire Infonnation:For Title Assistance: DanielleStoltz Bank:FlRSTBANKOFCOLORADO VailTitleDept. 108S.FRONTAGERD.W.#203 10403WCOLFAXAVE .RogerAvila P.O.BOX357 LAKEWOOD.CO80215 108S.FRONTAGERD.W .#03 VAlL,CO81657 Phone:303-237-5000 P .O.BOX357 Phone:970-476-2251 Credit:LANDTITLEGUARANTEECOMPANYVAlL,CO81657 Fax:970-476-4534 ABANo.:107005047 Phone:970-476-2251 EMail:dsto1tz@ltgc.com Account:2160521825 Fax:970-476-4534 Attention:DanielleStoltz EMail:ravi1a@ltgc.com or reetions to any 0 our oIce ocatlons. ESTIMA TE OF TITLE FEES AltaOwnersPolicy10-17-92 $800.00 AltaLoanPolicy10-17-92 $140.00 DeletionofGeneralExceptions1-3(Owner)$30.00 DeletionofGeneralException4(Owner)$10.00 DeletionofGeneral Exceptions 1-3(Lender)$30.00 DeletionofGeneralException4(Lender)H...QQ EndorSementAlta9(Lender)$72.00 EndorsementAlta8.1(Lender)$30.00 EndorsementAlta4 015.1)(Lender)$72.00 TaxReportSCH#R041487 has beenorderedfromEagleCty $15.00 TOTAL $1,205.00 Needa map or directions for your upcoming closing?Checkout Land Title's website at www.ltgc.com fordirecti f 4Offil' Form CONI'ACT THANKYOUFORYOURORDER! • Chicago Title InsuranceCompany ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: 2388GARMISHDRIVE Our Order No.V278525-2 Cost.Ref.: 1.Effective Date:November IS,2002 at 5 :00 P .M . 2 .Policy tobe Issued,and Proposed Insured: •ALTA ·Owner 's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured : ROBERT RYMER •ALTA·LoanPolicy10-17-92 Proposed Insured: ALPINE BANK $155,000.00 $108.500.00 3.The estate or interest in the land described or referred toin this Commitment and covered herein is: AFeeSimple 4.Title to tbe estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested In: SUSANC.HANSONAND RICHARD J.HANSON ALSOKNOWNAS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON S.The land referred toin this Commitment is described asfollows: LOT9 ,FINAL PLAT ,A RESUBDIVISION OFHANSON CHALET,VAILDAS SCHONE FILING NO . 2.ACCORDING TOTHEPLAT RECORDED JULY 22 ,1994 INBOOK646ATPAGE56,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO . ·- ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 1 (Requirements) The following are the requirements to be complied with: Our Order No.V278525-2 Item(a)Payment toorfortheaccountofthe grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration forthe estate or interest tobe insured. Item (b)Proper instrument(s)creatingtheestateor interest tobe insured must be executed and dulyfiledfor record. to-wit: Item(c)Payment of all taxes.charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which aredue and payable . Item(d)Additional requirements.if any disclosed below: 1.EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS .CONDmONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OFVAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 2.WARRANTY DEED FROM SUSANC .HANSON AND RICHARD J.HANSON ALSO KNOWN AS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON TO ROBERT RYMER CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 3.DEED OF TRUST FROM ROBERT RYMER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USEOF ALPINE BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $108500 .00. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR TIlE OWNER'S POLICY AND MORTGAGEE'S POLICY. NOTE:ITEMS 1-3 OF TIlE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED . UPON TIlE APPROVAL OF TIlE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OFA NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT,ITEM NO.4 OF TIlE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO.4 OF TIlE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED ASTOANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORKOR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SUSANC . HANSON AND RICHARD J.HANSON ALSO KNOWN AS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANYLIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT TIlE REQUEST OF ROBERT RYMER. NOTE:ITEM 5OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE s-i . NOTE :UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OFALL TAXES,ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ : ·. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B-Section1 Continued: (Requirements)Our Order No.V278525-2 TAXESAND ASSESSMENTS FORTHEYEAR2002ANDSUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM7UNDERSCHEDULEB-2WILLBEDELETEDUPONPROOFTHATTHEWATERAND SEWER CHARGES AREPAIDUPTODATE. •*••••••••NOTICEOFFEECHANGE,EFFECTIVESEPTEMBERI,2002 •••••••••• PursuanttoColoradoRevisedStatute 30-10-421,"The countyclerk and recordershallcollecta surcharge of$1.00for eachdocumentreceivedforrecordingor filing in hisor her office.Thesurcharge shall be in additiontoanyother feespermittedbystatute." AltaLoanPolicy10-17-92 DeletionofGeneralExceptions1-3(Owner) DeletionofGeneralException4(Owner) DeletionofGeneralExceptions1-3(Lender) DeletionofGeneralException4(Lender) EndOrsement Alta9(Lender) Endorsement Alta8.1(Lender) Endorsement Alta4()15.))(Lender) TaxReportSCH#R041487 has beenorderedfromEagleCty TOTAL SHO.OO $30.00 $10.00 $30.00 H:..QQ $12.00 $30.00 $12.00 $15.00 $1,205.00 F orm CONTACT THANK YOUFORYOURORDER! ChicagoTitleInsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT ·. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V278525-2 The policy or policies tobe issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: I .Rightsorclaims of parties in possession notshownbythepublic records . 2.Easements,orclaims of easements ,not shown bythepublic records . 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shortage inarea ,encroachments,andanyfactswhicha correct surveyand inspection of the premises would disclose andwhicharenot shown bythe public records. 4.Anylien,or right toalien,for services,labor ormaterial theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed bylawand not shown bythe public records. 5.Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverseclaims or othermatters,if any ,created,first appearing inthe public records or attaching subsequent totheeffectivedate hereof but prior tothedatethe proposed insuredacquires of recordfor valuetheestateor interest or mortgage thereon coveredby this Commitment. 6 .Taxesor special assessments which are not shown asexistingliensbythe public records . 7.Liensfor unpaid waterandsewer charges,if any . 8 .In addition,the owner's policy willbe subject to the mortgage ,if any,DOted in Section 1 of ScheduleB hereof. 9.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OFAVEINORLODETO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HISORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 11,1900,INBOOK48 ATPAGE236. 10.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DONOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASEDONRACE ,COLOR,REUGION, SEX,HANDICAP,FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGINUNLESSAND ONLY TOTHE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A)IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42,SECTION 3607OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR(B)RELATES TO HANDICAP BUTDOESNOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS ,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER10,1969 ,INBOOK216AT PAGE 153ANDAS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 28,1969INBOOK216ATPAGE284ANDAS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 16,1970INBOOK217AT PAGE 77. 11.TERMS,CONDITIONS ,PROVISIONS ,EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS AS CONTAINED IN DOCUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 14,1970INBOOK219AT PAGE 311. 12.RESERVATION OFAN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST INANDTO THE OIL,GASAND MINERAL RIGHTSTOTHEABOVE DESCRIBED LANDASSETFORTHIN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 30 ,1959 INBOOK165ATPAGE133. ... ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB•Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No .V278525-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13.TERMS,CONDmONS ANDPROVISIONSOF DOCUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 3,1982IN BOOK348ATPAGE157,158,159AND160 . 14.EASEMENTS,CONDmONS ,COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS.RESERVATIONS ANDNOTESON THE RECORDED PLATOFVAILDAS SCHONE,FILING NO .2. 15.EASEMENTS,CONDITIONS ,COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONS ANDNOTESON THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT OFHANSON CHALET RECORDED JULY 22,1994 INBOOK646 ATPAGE56 . 16.TERMS ,CONDmONS AND PROVISIONS OFACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 18, 1998AT RECEPTION NO .676689 . ACCESS EASEMENT ThisAccess Easement ismadeeffecti ve as ofthe __day of ,2003,byand amongRonald A.Jones("Jones"),SusanM.Solem ("Solem"),_ (""),Theodore S.Wrrecki ("Wirecki"),Snownow LLC("Snownow"),Philip Bennett and Mark Yare (''Bennett''),AlanJ .Suridis ("Suridis"),Ulrich Peter Haller ("Haller")and Norman H.Broten and Charlotte J .Broten ("Broten"). 1.Recitals.Jones,Solem,,Wirecki,Snownow,Bennett,Suridis, Hallerand Broten,(collectively ,the "Owners"),areseised of an estate infeesimple of those parcels of land located in Block G,VaildasSchone F iling according totheplat thereof,County of Eagle ,State of Colorado,assetforthonExlubitA attached heretoand incorporated hereinbyreference(the "Properties").The Owners desireto create an access easement acrosstheir respective Properties as depicted onExhibitB attached hereto(the "Easement Tract")forthebenefit of one another,allin accordance withthe termsand conditions setforthinthisEasement. 2.Grant ofAccess Easement.Now therefore,in consideration ofthe above stated recitalswhichare incorporated hereinandfor other good andvaluable consideration,thereceiptandsufficiency of whicharehereby acknowledged,each ofthe Owners does hereby GRANT,BARGAIN,SELLAND CONVEY toeach of the other Owners,theirlessees ,licensees ,successors andassigns ,andall employees,customers, guests andinvitees of sameandin common withall others havinglikeright,a permanent, perpetual,andnon-exclusiveaccesseasementfor purposes ofpassingandrepassingalong and over the Easement Tract fromand onto the Properties or anypartthereof.The easement granted inthis paragraph shall:(i)be permanent,perpetual andnon -exclusive; (ii)beforthebenefit of the Properties oranypart thereof,forall purposes connected with goingtoandfromthepublic roads and rights-of-way toandfromthe Properties;(iii)shall servetorestricteach of the Owner's respective righttoerect ,maintain,place or leaveany obstruction,fence,wallor barricade orto take any other action,thatwouldinanyway obstruct orhindertheaccess granted hereby;(v )shall restrict each Owner fromparkingin the Easement Tract;(vi)shallnotrestricttheuse of any of theOwnerstousethe Easement Tract inanymannernot inconsistent withthe covenants and conditions contained herein;and(vii)shall constitute a covenant runningwiththelandin perpetuity andshallinuretothebenefit of the Owners andtheir successors andassigns.The Easement Tractisnotapublicroad dedicated totheuse of thepublic,anditsuseshallbe limitedto those partiesdescribedherein,their transferees and respective invitees. 3.Vacating Prior Easement.By execution hereof,each of theOwnershereby vacatesand releases anyprior general easements of record or easements created byany other claim across the Properties forthebenefit of the Owners except forthefollowing easements: a.VailSkyHigheasement(include recording date ,reception,book and page) t b.Alpen Chalet Townhouse cross-unit easements (include recording date, reception,book and page) 4.Enforcement ofRights.Inthe event any party hereto fails to discharge its respective obligations hereunder,any other party hereto shall have the right to enforce this Easement byan action inlaw or in equity (including asuitforspecific performance) without thereby waiving therighttoalso recover inan action for damages any such sums expended by such other party atits discretion in performing such obligations.In the event that any party hereto institutes alegal proceeding against the other party to enforce the obligations arising hereunder,itshallbe entitled to recover andthe court shall award reasonable attorney's fees (including those incurred on appeal or whether or notsuitbe filed)and costs if the court determines such party has prevailed in the legalor equitable proceeding . 5.Repair and Maintenance.The Easement Tract shallbe repaired and maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Repair and Maintenance Agreement among the parties of even date herewith,a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C . 6.Covenants Running withthe Land.All rights and obligations arising hereunder are covenants running with theland,binding upon andinuringtothebenefit ofthe respective parties and their respective successors in title. 7.GoverningLaw and Venue.Thelaws of the State of Colorado shall govern this Agreement.Anylegal action instituted hereunder shallbe brought in Eagle County, Colorado. 8.Signature.Each party hereto represents and warrants that the person or persons signingthis Easement on behalf of such party isduly authorized todoso.Each party is hereby estopped from asserting that itorany party signing below didnotlegally execute this Easement with all necessary or required authority. 9.NoPartnership.None of the terms and provisions of this Easement shallbe deemed or construed to create a partnership between or among the parties hereto in their respective businesses or otherwise,nor shall they cause the parties hereto tobe considered joint ventures or members of any joint enterprise.Each party tothis Easement shallbe considered a separate entity andno party hereto shallhave the righttoactas agent forany other party hereto unless expressly authorized todosoby written instrument signed bythe authorizing party. 10.Amendments.Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein,neither this Agreement nor any provision maybe waived,modified,amended,discharged or terminated except byan instrument in writing signed byall of the parties hereto and recorded inthe Real Property Records of Eagle County,Colorado . 2 11.Counterparts.Thiseasementmaybeexecuted in counterparts,each of whichshall bedeemedanoriginaland all of whichtogethershallconstituteoneandthesame instrument. IN WITNESSWHEREOF,thepartieshavereadandexecutedthisEasement effectiveas of thedatefirstabovewritten. RonaldA.Jones SusanM.Solem Sue Ann Dangler TheodoreS.Wirecki SNOWNOWLLC By:_ RobertM.Rymer-Manager PhilipBennett MarkYare Alan J.Suridis UlrichPeterHaller NormanH .Broten CharlotteJ.Broten 3 STATE OF TEXAS ST ATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by Ronald A.Jones. Witnessmy hand andofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foreg oing instrument wasacknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by Susan M.Solem. Witnessmyhan d andofficial seal My commission expires:_ Notary Public ) )ss . COUNTYOF ~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____,'2003,by _ Witnessmy hand andofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Pu blic 4 STATE OF TEXAS ) )ss. COUNTYOF ~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____-',2003,by _ Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ______.,2003,by Theodore S.Wirecki. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF KANSAS ) )ss . COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument wasa cknowledged beforemethis__day of _____,2003,by Robert M.Rymer,as Manager ofSnownow,LLC. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 5 STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___"2003,byPhilip Bennett. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF ) Theforegoinginstrumentwas acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by Mark Yare. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. Mycommissionexpires _ Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,byAlan 1.Suridis. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 6 -, STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,byUlrich Peter Haller . Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis __day of ____,'2003,by Norman H.Broten. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis __day of ___"2003,by Charlotte J.Broten. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public 7 EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS Ronald A.Jones Unit1,Alpen Chalets 2428 Garmisch Drive Townhouse,according tothe Vail,CO .81657 plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Ronald A.Jones Unit2,Alpen Chalets 2428 Garmisch Drive Townhouse,according tothe Vail,CO.81657 plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Colorado . Susan A.Solem Unit3 ,Alpen Chalets POBox2621 Townhouse,according tothe Vail,CO .81658 plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Colorado . Ronald A.Jones Unit4,Alpen Chalets 2428 Garmisch Drive Townhouse,according to the Vail ,CO.81657 plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Theodore S.Wirecki,MDPC Retirement Plan West Parcel.Alpen Chalet 140 Albion Street Duplex,according totheplat Denver,CO.80220 thereof,County ofEagle,State of Colorado. East Parcel,Alpen Chalet Duplex,according totheplat thereof,County of Eagle ,State of Colorado. 8 Lot9,Block G,VaildasSchone SnownowLLC SubdivisionFilingNo .2, 500S.Frontage RoadEast,Ste.112 accordingtotheplatthereof, Vail,CO.81657 County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Philip Bennett Unit1,Building2,Alpen Mark Yare Chalets Townhouse,according 2121N.Frontage Rd.,#181 totheplatthereof,County of Vail,CO.81657 Eagle ,State of Colorado . Alan 1.Suridis,Unit2,Building2,Alpen 25LanarkRoad Chalets Townhouse,according Yonkers,N .Y.10705 totheplatthereof,County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Ulrich Peter Haller Unit3,Building2,Alpen P.O.Box3502 Chalets Townhouse,according Vail,CO.81658 totheplatthereof,County of Eagle,State of Colorado. NormanH .&Charlotte J.Broten Unit4,Building2,Alpen %Norman H.Broten Chalets Townhouse,according 8104-AvenueSE totheplatthereof,County of Jamestown,N .D.58401 Eagle,State of Colorado. 9 EXHIBITB LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT TRACT (INCLUDECOPYOFREDUCEDSURVEY) 10 EXHIBIT C REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION This Repa ir and Maintenance Agreement and Declaration (the "Agreementand Declaration")ismadeeffectiveas of theday of ,2003,byand amongRonald A.Jones("Jones"),SusanM .Solem("Solem"),(""), Theodore S.Wirecki("Wirecki"),Snownow LLC ("Snownow"),Philip Bennett and Mark Yare("Bennett"),Alan J.Suridis ("Suridis"),Ulrich Peter Haller("Haller")and Narman H . Broten and Charlotte J.Broten ("Broten"). 1.Recitals.Jones,Solem.,Wirecki,Snownow,Bennett,Suridis, Hallerand Broten,(collectively,the "Owners"),are each seised of an estate infeesimple of thoseparcels of landlocatedin Block G,VaildasSchoneFiling No.2,according totheplat thereof,County of Eagle,State of Colorado ,assetforthonExhibitA attached heretoand incorporated hereinbyreference(eacha "Property,"andcollectivelythe "Properties").The Owners(collectively,the "Easement Users ")arepartiestoan Access and Utility Easement of even date herewith under whichtheOwners created anaccess easement across the Properties, asdescribedonExhibitB,forthebenefit of the Owners (the "Easement Tract").The Easement User s desiretosetforththeirrightsandresponsibilitieswith respect tothe construction,repair, replacementandmaintenance of the improvements tothe Easement Tract,andany other work reasonablynecessarytomaintainthedrivewayina good,safeandsightly condition,including butnotlimitedtoremoval of snow and ice,andthe application of sand,saltor other materials todiminishsnoworice,in accordance withthetermsand conditions setforthherein. 2.Construction.The construction tobe performed pursuant tothe provisions of this Section 2shallbe referred toasthe "Improvements." (a)TheOwners,according totheir percentage interestssetforthin Section 3(a),shallberesponsibleforall costs associated with:(i)surveyingthe Easement Tract;(ii)legalreviewandfinalizingthe Easement Agreement andRepairand Maintenance Agreement,and (iii)anyadditionallandscape and/or retainingwall requirements,not contained withinthe boundaries of Lot9,Block G,Vaildas Schone FilingNo .2,bythe Town of Vailfor approval of sucheasement. (b)Lot9 Owner shallberesponsibleforall costs associated with:(i) theengineering ,designing ,gradingandpavinga twenty (20)footwidedrivewayonthat portion of the Easement Tract thatliesonLot9,Block H ,Vaildas Schone Filing No.2 (From eastern entrance of Easement Tract onGarmischDrive down toAlpenChaletsDuplex,then east across Lot9tothe western boundary of Lot10),and (ii)complyingwithalldrainage, retainage andlandscaping requirements set forth bythe Town of Vail. 11 3.Repair and Maintenance. (a)Repairs andmaintenanceshallbemadefromtimetotimetothe ImprovementsastheEasementUsersholdingamajority ofthepercentageinterestssetforth belowshalldeterminefromtimetotime.Eachpartyheretoshallberesponsibleforthecost of repairingandmaintainingtheImprovementsinthefollowingproportions: EasementOwner Percentage Interest Jones 25 .00% Solem 8.33% Dangler 8.33% Wirecki 8.33% Snownow 16.69% Bennett/Yare 8.33% Suridis 8.33% Haller 8.33% Broten 8.33% (b)EasementUsersholdingatleast20%of thepercentageinterestsset forthinSection3(a)shallbeentitledtocall,orwaivethecalling of:ameeting of theEasement Usersforpurposes of determiningassessmentsuponalltheEasementUsersfortherepairand maintenance of theImprovements ,whichmeetingshallbeheldinEagleCounty,Colorado. Notice of suchmeeting,oraballotorconsentcontainingawaiver of meeting,shallbesentto allEasementUsersattheiraddressesonrecordwiththeEagleCounty Assessor's officeat leastthirty(30)dayspriortothedate of themeeting.Thedecision of theEasementUsers presentatthemeeting(andthosevotesreceivedbyvia fax,e-mail,proxyordirectmail) holdingamajority of thepercentageinterestssetforthinSection3(a)shallbebindingonall theEasementUsers . (c)If anyEasementUser fu.ils topayanyassessmentwithinthirty(30) days of themeeting of theEasementUsers(a"DefaultingEasementOwner"),thenany of the otherEasementUsersmaypaytheDefaultingEasement User's share of theassessment.The DefaultingEasement User's share of theassessmentshallaccrueinterestatthegreater of eighteenpercent(18%)perannumorfourpercent(4%)higherthantheprimeratepublished fromtimetotimeintheWallStreetJournal.TheDefaultingEasementUser 's assessmentand theinterestaccruedthereonshallbesecuredbyalienagainsttheEasement User's Property. Toevidencesuchlien,theEasementUser(s)entitledtosuchlienshallprepareawrittennotice of liensettingforththeamountowed by theDefaultingEasementUserandthelegal description of theLotsubjecttothelien.Suchnotice of lienshallbe recorded inthereal propertyrecordsinandforEagleCounty,Coloradoandmaybeenforcedbyforeclosure of the lieninlikemannerasamortgageonrealproperty,subjecttothelien of first mortgagesand 12 firstdeeds of trust,but superior toany homestead exemption in accordance withtheprovisions of Colo.Rev.Stat.38-41-201 etseq. (d)Each Easement User agrees toprovide,withinfifteen(15)days of receipt of request byany other Easement Usera written statement indicatingthe amount of any unpaid charges or assessments duefromthe requesting Easement User undertheterms of this Agreement and Declaration,anyexistingdefaultsunderthis Agreement and Declaration bythe requesting Easement User,andany other informationdeemed proper bythe responding Easement User.Intheeventthatthe Easement User requested toprovidesuch information failstodosowithinsuchfifteen (IS)dayperiod,suchfailureshallbedeemedconclusive evidencethat,exceptforliens secured byanotice recorded in accordance withtheprovisions of Section 3(c)of this Agreement and Declaration,no amounts dueunderthis Agreement and Declaration areunpaidbythe requesting Easement User,andnodefaultsbythe requesting Easement User existunderthis Agreement and Declaration. (e)The Easement Usersholdingamajority ofthe percentage interests described abovemayforma nonprofit corporation or other association for purposes of administeringtheir respective rightsand obligations underthisAgreementand Declaration.In theeventa nonprofit corporation or other association isformedbythe Easement Users ,the estoppel letter described in Section 3(d)shallbeprov ided bysuchentity rather than Easement User requested toprovidesuchinformation. 4.GovernmentalCompliance.The construction of the Improvements and therepairandmaintenance of the Improvements shallbedoneinfullcompliancewithall applicablefederal,state andlocallaws. 5.Enforcement of Rights .Intheeventanyparty hereto failstodischarge itsrespective obligations hereunder,any other party hereto shallhavetherighttoenforcethis Agreement and Declaration byanactioninlaworinequity(includingasuitforspecific performance)without therebywaivingtherighttoalso recover inanactionfordamagesany suchsums expended bysuch other party atits discretion inperformingsuchobligations.In the event that anyparty hereto mustinstitutealegal proceeding againstthe other partytoenforce itsrights hereunder,theprevailingpartyshallbeentitledto recover andthe court shallaward reasonable attorney's fees(includingthoseincurredonappealor whether or notsuitbefiled) and costs fromthenon-prevailing party insuch amounts asthe court deemsproper. 6.Covenants Running withtheLand.Allrightsandobligationsarising hereunder are covenants runningwiththeland,binding upon andinuringtothebenefit of the respective partiesandtheirrespective successors intitle . 7.GoverningLawandVenue.Thelaws of the State of Colorado shall govern this Agreement and Declaration.Anylegal action instituted hereunder shallbe brought inEagleCounty,Colorado . 13 8.Signature.Eachpartyheretorepresentsandwarrantsthatthe person or personssigningthisAgreementandDeclarationonbehalf of suchpartyisdulyauthorizedto doso.Eachpartyisherebyestoppedfromassertingthatitoranypartysigningbelowdidnot legallyexecutethisAgreementandDeclarationwithallnecessaryorrequiredauthority. 9.NoPartnership.None of thetermsandprovisions of thisAgreementand Declarationshallbedeemedor construed tocreateapartnership between oramongtheparties heretointheirrespectivebusinessesorotherwise,norshalltheycausethepartiesheretotobe consideredjointventuresormembers of anyjointenterprise.EachpartytothisAgreement andDeclarationshall be considereda separate entityandnopartyheretoshallhavetherightto actasagentforany other partyheretounlessexpresslyauthorizedtodosobywritten instrumentsignedbytheauthorizingparty. 10.Amendment.Exceptasotherwisespecificallysetforthherein,neitherthis AgreementandDeclarationnoranyprovisionmay be waived,modified,amended,discharged orterminatedexceptbyaninstrumentinwritingsignedbyall of thepartiesheretoand recordedintheReal Property Records of EagleCounty,Colorado. 11.Counterparts.ThisAgreementandDeclarationmaybeexecutedin counterparts,each of whichshallbedeemedanoriginalandall of which together shall constitute oneandthesameinstrument. 12.Further Assurances.EachpartytothisAgreementand Declaration agrees toexecuteanddeliver other documents ,instrumentsandcertificateswhicharereasonably necessarytoimplementfullytheprovisionsandintent of thisAgreementandDeclaration. INWITNESSWHEREOF ,thepartieshavereadandexecutedthisAgreement and Declaration effectiveas of thedate first abovewritten. Ronald A.Jones SusanM.Solem PhilipBennett MarkYare Alan 1.Suridis 14 Theodore S.Wirecki SNOWNOWLLC By:-=--=------::=------:--::----Robert M.Rymer-Manager STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF ) Ulrich Peter Haller Norman H.Broten Charlotte 1.Broten The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___"2003,byRonald A.Jones. Witnessmyhandandofficial seal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis__day of __------',2003,by Susan M.Solem. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires :_ Notary Public 15 STATE OF TEXAS ) )ss. COUNTYOF ~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____,2003,by ' Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public ) )ss . )COUNTY OF--------' STATE OF TEXAS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____,,2003,by __ Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )5S. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by Theodore S.Wirecki. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 16 STATE OFKANSAS) )ss . COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis __day of ___,2003 ,by Robert M .Rymer ,as Manager ofSnownow,LLC . Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires :_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,byPhilip Bennett. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrumentwas acknowledged before methis __day of ___,,2003,by Mark Yare . Witnessmyhandandofficialseal . My commission expires _ Notary Public 17 STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __day of ___"2003,byAlanJ.Suridis. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003 ,byUlrich Peter Haller. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires._ Notary Public STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____.,2003,by Norman H.Broten. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 18 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )ss . COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by Charlotte J.Broten. Witnessmy hand andofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public 19 rIle COpy Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado8165 7 9 70-479-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July16,2003 John Martin POBox621 Vail,CO81658 RE:SnowNowLLC -New Primary/Secondary Residence 2388 Garmish DrivelLot 9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2 nd Filing DearJohn, The following isacopy of theTown of VailPublic Works Department review comments forthe proposed Snow NowLLCproposal: I.Show spot elevations on concrete panat lower driveway area.Lot8accessroad 2.Isthereplanstoplanstorebuild concrete pan.concrete panonlot8accessroad 3.Hastheaccess easement been approved?Dotheyhave permission to regrade? 4.There isagradeissueonthewestside of unitB.retaining wall required tomeetTown of Vail standards .AdjustandRevise 5.Concrete walloneastside of UnitAis shown at 7'6".Maxheight allowed is6ft.Iswall apart of Building foundation?Maxheight allowed is6ftinheight.adjust andrevise . 6.Provide stamped approved drawingfor retaining wall4-6 'in height fromalicensePE. 7.NorthEast portion of lotwhere driveway turnsdownfrom Garmish Dr.disturbed grade is shown at1:1.Adjustandrevisetomeet TOV standards .AGuardrailwillalsobe required inthisarea.Showonsiteplan. 8.Provide detail stamped information on Guardrail fromalicensePE . 9.Showa guardrail alongGarmishDr.above area where proposed 10'retaining wallis proposed. 10.Proposed retaining wall of lOft inheightwillrequirea variance.When excavating for wall,provide detail information onhowbankwillbe stabilzed to prevent GarmishDrive fromfailingduring constuction andinthefuture.Safety concerns. 11.Showlimits of disturbance fence within entireareas of construction,to include construction onaccessroad. 12.Show 4 ft concrete panatGarmishDriveandaccessroad. 13.Provide additional grading information on access roadonlot8 .Showwheregrade elevation of 8036will connect to existing grade. 1oRECYCLED PAPER Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970 -479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us If you have any questions or comments,please feelfreeto contact Greg Hall with the Public Works Department at (970)479-2158 or 479-2160. Bill Gibson,AICP Planner II Town ofYaii 2oRECYCLED PAPER Date:12-12-2002 Property Address: 2388GARMISHDRIVE Farm DELIVERY 11lT1f f?EPo RT I land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Our Order Number:V278525-2 Land Title Guarantee Company YOUR CONTACTS Date:12·12·2002 Our Order Number:V278525·2 Property Address: 2388GARMISHDRIVE BuyerlBorrower: ROBERT RYMER Seller/Owner: SUSANC.HANSONAND RICHARD J.HANSONALSOKNOWNAS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON **************************•••••***********************a********.** Note:Once an original commitment has been issued,any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underllning or comments. *******************••***********************************•••**••**. If you have any inquiries or require further assistance,please contact oneof the numbers below: For Closing Assistance:Wire Infonnation:For Title Assistance: DanielleStoltz Bank:FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO Vail Title Dept. 108S.FRONTAGE RD.W.#203 10403W COLFAX AVE.RogerAvila P.O.BOX357 LAKEWOOD,CO80215 108S .FRONTAGE RD.W.#03 VAIL,CO81657 Phone:303 -237-5000 P.O.BOX357 Phone :970-476-2251 Credit:LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY VAIL,CO81657 Fax:970-476-4534 ABANo.:107005047 Phone:970-476-2251 EMail:dstoltz@ltgc .com Account :2160521825 Fax:970-476-4534 Attention:DanielleStoltz EMail :ravila@ltgc .com or reenons toany 0 our oIce ocations. ESTIMATE OF TITlE FEES AltaOwnersPolicy10-17-92 $806.00 AltaLoanPolicy10-17-92 S140 .00 Deletion ofGeneral Exceptions 1-3(Owner )$30 .00 Deletion ofGeneral Exception 4(Owner)$10 .00 DeletionofGeneral Exceptions 1-3 (Lender)S30.00 DeletionofGeneral Exception 4(Lender)ss.ss. Endorsement Alta9(Lender)$72.00 Endorsemen t Alta8.1(Lender)S30.00 EndorsementAlta4 015.n (Lender)$72.00 TaxReportSCH#R041487 has beenorderedfromEagle Cty $15.00 TOTAL $1,205.00 Needa map or directions for your upcoming closing?Check out Land Title's web site at www.Itgc.com ~di'f 40fflceIocati F orm CONTACT THANK YOUFORYOURORDER! ChicagoTitleInsuranceCompany ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleA Property Address: 2388GARMISHDRIVE Our Order No.V278525-2 Cust.Ref.: 1.EffectiveDate:November15,2002at5:00 P.M. 2.PolicytobeIssued,andProposed Insured: "ALTA"Owner's Policy10-17-92 ProposedInsured: ROBERTRYMER "ALTA"LoanPolicy10-17-92 ProposedInsured : ALPINEBANX $155,000.00 $108.500.00 3.Theestateor interest inthelanddescribedor referred to inthis Commitment and coveredherein is: AFee Simple 4.Title to the estateorinterestcoveredhereinisattheeffectivedatehereofvestedin: SUSANC.HANSONANDRICHARDJ.HANSONALSOKNOWNASRICHARD JEFFREY HANSON 5.Theland referred tointhis Commitment is describedasfollows: LOT9,FINALPLAT,ARESUBDIVISIONOFHANSONCHALET,VAILDASSCHONE FILING NO . 2 ,ACCORDINGTOTHEPLAT RECORDED JULY 22,1994 INBOOK646ATPAGE56,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOFCOLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section 1 (Requirements) The following are the requirements tobe complied with: Our Order No.V278525-2 Item(a)Payment toorfortheaccountofthe grantors or mortgagors ofthefull consideration fortheestateor interest to be insured. Item (b)Proper instrument(s)creatingtheestateor interest tobe insured mustbeexecutedanddulyfiledforrecord, to-wit: Item(c)Payment of all taxes,chargesorassessmentslevied and assessedagainstthesubject premises whicharedue and payable . Item(d)Additional requirements ,if anydisclosedbelow: 1.EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TOTHE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONSOF THE TOWNOFVAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVEBEEN SATISFIED. 2.WARRANTY DEEDFROMSUSANC.HANSONAND RICHARD J.HANSON ALSOKNOWNAS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSONTOROBERTRYMER CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 3.DEEDOF TRUST FROM ROBERTRYMERTOTHE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OFEAGLE COUNTY FOR THEUSEOF ALPINE BANKTOSECURE THE SUMOF $108.500.00. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONSfMODIFICATIONS AREFORTHE OWNER'S POLICY AND MORTGAGEE 'S POLICY . NOTE :ITEMS1-3OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS AREHEREBY DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OFTHE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OFANOT ARlZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT,ITEM NO.4 OFTHEGENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILLBE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS : ITEM NO.4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONSIS DELETED ASTOANYLIENSOR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROMWORKOR MATERIAL FURNISHED ATTHE REQUEST OFSUSANC. HANSONAND RICHARD 1.HANSONALSOKNOWNAS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NOLIABILITY FOR ANYLIENS ARISINGFROMWORKOR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OFROBERTRYMER. NOTE:ITEM5OFTHEGENERALEXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IFLAND TITLE RECORDSTHE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE B-l. NOTE :U PON PROOF OF PAYMENT OFALLTAXES ,ITEM6WILLBE AMENDED TOREAD : ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section 1 Continued: (Requirements)OurOrder No.V278525-2 TAXESAND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR2002AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 wru,BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAIDUPTO DATE. **"'*******NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE,EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER I,2002 ********** Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421,"Thecounty clerk and recorder shallcollecta surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording orfiling in his or her office.The surcharge shallbe in addition toany other fees permitted by statute." AltaLoanPolicy 10-17-92 Deletion of General Exceptions 1-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Owner) Deletion of General Exceptions 1-3 (Lender) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Lender) Endorsement Alta9 (Lender) Endorsement Alta8.1 (Lender) Endorsement Alta4 (115.n (Lender) Tax Report SCH#R041487 has been ordered fromEagleCty TOTAL $140.DO $30 .DO $10.00 $30.00 ss.ss. $72.DO $30.00 $72.00 $15.00 $1,205 .00 F orm CONTACT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V278525-2 The policy or policies tobe issued will contain exceptions to the Coli owing unless the same are disposed of to the satisCaction of the Company: I .Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown bythe public records. 2.Easements,or claims of easements ,not shown bythe public records. 3 .Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shortage in area ,encroachments,and anyfacts which a correct SUIVey and inspection of the premises would disclose andwhicharenot shown bythe public records. 4 .Any lien,or right toa lien,for services ,labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and not shown bythe public records . .. 5 .Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,created,first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior tothedatethe proposed insured acquires of record for valuetheestateor interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6.Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens bythe public records. 7 .Liensfor unpaid water and sewer charges,if any . 8.In addition,the owner's policy willbe subject to the mortgage,if any,noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OFA VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HISORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST II,1900,INBOOK48 AT PAGE 236. 10.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASEDON RACE.COLOR,RELIGION, SEX ,HANDICAP,FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLYTOTHE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A)IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42,SECTION 3607OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR(B)RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 10,1969,IN BOOK 216AT PAGE 153ANDAS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDEDOCTOBER 28 ,1969IN BOOK 216AT PAGE 284 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 16,1970INBOOK217AT PAGE 77. 11.TERMS,CONDITIONS ,PROVISIONS ,EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS AS CONTAINED IN DOCUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 14,1970 INBOOK219AT PAGE 311. 12.RESERV ATION OFAN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST INAND TO THE OIL,GASAND MINERAL RIGHTS TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND ASSET FORTH IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 30,1959 IN BOOK 165AT PAGE 133 . , ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V278525-2 Thepolicyorpolicies to beissuedwill contain exceptionstothefollowingunlessthe same are disposed ofto the satisfaction of the Company: 13.TERMS ,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DOCUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 3 ,1982IN BOOK348AT PAGE 157 ,158,159AND160. 14.EASEMENTS,CONDITIONS ,COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONS ANDNOTESON THE RECORDED PLAT OFVAILDAS SCHONE,FILING NO.2. 15.EASEMENTS ,CONDITIONS,COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONS AND NOTESON THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF HANSON CHALET RECORDED JULy 22,1994 INBOOK646 AT PAGE 56. 16.TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OFACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 18 , 1998AT RECEPTION NO .676689. ACCESS EASEMENT This Access Easement ismadeeffectiveas of the __day of ,2003,byand amongRonald A Jones ("Jones"),Susan M.Solem ("Solem"),_ (""),Theodore S.Wirecki ("Wrrecki"),Snownow LLC ("Snownow"),Philip Bennett and Mark Yare (''Bennett''),AlanJ.Suridis("Suridis"),Ulrich Peter Haller (''Haller'')and Norman H .Broten and Charlotte 1.Broten ("Broten"). 1.Recitals.Jones,Solem,,Wirecki,Snownow,Bennett,Suridis, Hallerand Broten,(collectively ,the "Owners"),areseised of an estate infeesimple of those parcels of land located in Block G,Vaildas Schone Filing according totheplat thereof,County of Eagle,State of Colorado,asset forth onExhibitA attached hereto and incorporated hereinby reference (the "Properties").TheOwnersdesiretocreatean access easement across their respective Properties as depicted onExhibitB attached hereto(the "Easement Tract")forthebenefit of one another,allin accordance withthe terms and conditions setforthinthis Easement. 2.Grant ofAccess Easement.Now therefore,in consideration ofthe above stated recitalswhichare incorporated herein andfor other good andvaluable consideration,thereceiptandsufficiency of whicharehereby acknowledged,each of the Owners does hereby GRANT,BARGAIN,SELLAND CONVEY toeach of the other Owners,theirlessees,licensees,successors andassigns,andallemployees,customers, guests andinvitees of sameandin common withall others havinglikeright,a permanent, perpetual,andnon-exclusiveaccess easement for purposes of passingand repassing along and over the Easement Tract fromand onto the Properties orany part thereof.The easement granted inthis paragraph shall:(i)be permanent,perpetual and non-exclusive; (ii)beforthebenefit of the Properties orany part thereof,forall purposes connected with goingtoandfromthepublic roads and rights-of-way toandfromthe Properties;(iii)shall servetorestricteach of the Owner's respective rightto erect,maintain,placeorleaveany obstruction,fence,wallor barricade ortotakeany other action,thatwouldinanyway obstruct orhindertheaccess granted hereby;(v)shall restrict each Owner fromparkingin the Easement Tract;(vi)shallnot restrict theuse of any of the Owners tousethe Easement Tract inanymannernot inconsistent withthe covenants and conditions contained herein;and (vii)shall constitute a covenant runningwiththelandin perpetuity andshallinuretothebenefit of the Owners andtheir successors andassigns.The Easement Tract isnotapublicroad dedicated totheuse ofthe public,anditsuseshallbe limitedtothosepartiesdescribedherein,their transferees and respective invitees. 3.Vacating Prior Easement.By execution hereof,each ofthe Owners hereby vacates andreleasesany prior general easements of record or easements created byany other claimacrossthe Properties forthebenefit of the Owners except forthefollowing easements: a.VailSkyHigh easement (include recording date ,reception,book andpage) 1 b.AJpenChalet Townhouse cross-unit easements (include recording date, reception,book andpage) 4.Enforcement ofRights.Intheeventany party hereto failsto discharge its respective obligations hereunder,any other party hereto shallhavetherightto enforce this Easement byan action inlaworin equity (includingasuitforspecific performance) without thereby waivingtherighttoalso recover inan action for damages anysuchsums expended bysuch other party atits discretion in performing such obligations.In theevent that any party hereto institutes alegal proceeding against the other party to enforce the obligations arising hereunder,it shaJI be entitled to recover andthe court shall award reasonable attorney's fees (including those incurred on appeal or whether ornotsuitbe filed)and costs if the court determines such party has prevailed inthelegalor equitable proceeding. 5.Repair and Maintenance .The Easement Tract shallbe repaired and maintained in accordance withthetermsand conditions of the Repair and Maintenance Agreement among the parties of even date herewith,a copy of whichis attachedhereto asExhibitC. 6.Covenants Running withtheLand.Allrightsand obligations arising hereunder are covenants running withtheland ,binding upon andinuringtothebenefit ofthe respective parties andtheir respective successors intitle . 7.GoverningLaw and Venue.Thelaws of the State of Colorado shaJI govern this Agreement.Any legal action instituted hereunder shallbe brought in Eagle County, Colorado. 8.Signature.Each party hereto represents and warrants thatthe person or persons signingthis Easement on behalf of such party isduly authorized todoso.Each party is hereby estopped from asserting that itorany party signing below didnotlegaJIy execute this Easement with aJI necessary or required authority. 9.NoPartnership.None ofthe terms and provisions ofthis Easement shallbe deemedor construed to create a partnership between or among the parties hereto intheir respective businesses or otherwise,norshalltheycausethe parties hereto tobe considered joint ventures or members of any joint enterprise.Each party tothis Easement shaJlbe considered a separate entityandno party hereto shaJI havetherighttoactas agent forany other party hereto unless expressly authorized todosoby written instrument signedbythe authorizing party. 10.Amendments.Except as otherwise specificallysetforthherein ,neither this Agreement norany provision may be waived ,modified,amended,discharged or terminated except byan instrument inwritingsignedbyall of the parties hereto and recorded intheReal Property Records of Eagle County,Colorado. 2 11.Counterparts.This easement maybe executed in counterparts,each of whichshall be deemed an original andall ofwhich together shall constitute oneandthesame instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties havereadand executed this Easement effectiveas ofthe date first above written. Ronald A.Jones Susan M.Solem Sue Ann Dangler Theodore S.Wirecki SNOWNOWLLC By:_ Robert M.Rymer -Manager Philip Bennett Mark Yare AlanJ.Suridis Ulrich Peter Haller Norman H.Broten Charlotte J.Broten 3 STATE OF TEXAS STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument wasa cknowledged before methis __day of ____"2003,by Ronald A.Jones. Witnessmyhandand o fficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by SusanM.Solem. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public ) )s s. COUNTYOF ~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforeme this __day of ___----',2003,by _ Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires.__ Notary Public 4 STATE OF TEXAS ) )ss . COUNTY OF ......) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____,2003,by _ Witness myhandandofficialseal . My commission expires._ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methi s __day of __--',2003,by Theodore S .Wirecki. Witness myhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF KANSAS ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___"2003 ,by Robert M .Rymer ,as Manager of Snownow,LLC. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:._ Notary Public 5 STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___"2003,byPhilip Bennett. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires,_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by Mark Yare. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis __day of ___,,2003,by AlanJ.Suridis. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 6 STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____,2003,byUlrich Peter Haller. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ____,2003,by Norman H.Broten. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___,2003,by Charlotte J.Broten. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. Mycommissionexpires------ Notary Public 7 EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS Ronald A.Jones Unit1,Alpen Chalets 2428 Garmisch Drive Townhouse,according to the Vail,CO.81657 plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Colorado . Ronald A.Jones Unit 2,Alpen Chalets 2428 Gannisch Drive Townhouse,according tothe Vail,CO.81657 plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Susan A.Solem Unit3 ,Alpen Chalets PO Box 2621 Townhouse,according tothe Vail ,CO.8 1658 plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Ronald A.Jones Unit4 ,Alpen Chalets 2428 Gannisch Drive Townhouse,according tothe Vail,CO.81657 plat thereof,County ofEagle, State of Colorado. Theodore S .Wirecki,MDPC Retirement Plan West Parcel,Alpen Chalet 140Albion Street Duplex,according to the plat Denver,CO .80220 thereof,County of Eagle,State of Colorado. East Parcel,Alpen Chalet Duplex,according to the plat thereof,County ofEagle,State of Colorado. 8 Lot 9,Block G,Vail das Schone SnownowLLC Subdivision Filing No.2, 500S.Frontage Road East,Ste.112 according to the plat thereof: Vail,CO.81657 County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Philip Bennett Unit I,Building 2,Alpen Mark Yare Chalets Townhouse,according 2121N.Frontage Rd .,#181 to the plat thereof:County of Vail,CO .81657 Eagle,State of Colorado. AlanJ.Suridis,Unit2,Building 2,Alpen 25 Lanark Road Chalets Townhouse,according Yonkers,N.Y.10705 to the plat thereof:County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Ulrich Peter Haller Unit3 ,Building 2 ,Alpen P.O.Box 3502 Chalets Townhouse,according Vail,CO.81658 to the plat thereof:County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Norman H.&Charlotte J.Broten Unit4,Building 2,Alpen %Norman H.Broten Chalets Townhouse,according 810 4-Avenue SE tothe plat thereof:County of Jamestown,N.D.58401 Eagle,State of Colorado. 9 EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT TRACT (INCLUDECOPYOFREDUCEDSURVEY) 10 EXHIBITC REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION ThisRepairandMaintenanceAgreementand Declaration (the "Agreement and Declaration")ismadeeffectiveas of theday of ,2003,byand amongRonald A.Jones ("Jones"),SusanM .Solem ("Solem"),(""), Theodore S.Wirecki("Wirecki"),Snownow LLC ("Snownow"),Philip Bennett and Mark Yare ("Bennett"),AlanJ .Suridis ("Suridis"),Ulrich Peter Haller("Haller")and Narman H . Broten andCharlotteJ.Broten ("Broten"). 1.Recitals.Jones,Solem,,Wirecki,Snownow,Bennett,Suridis, Hallerand Broten,(collectively,the "Owners"),areeachseised of an estate infeesimple of thoseparcels of landlocatedinBlockG,VaildasSchoneFiling No.2,accordingtotheplat thereof,County of Eagle,State of Colorado,assetforthonExhibitA attached heretoand incorporated hereinbyreference(eacha "Property,"andcollectivelythe "Properties").The Owners(collectively,the "Easement Users")arepartiestoanAccessandUtilityEasement of evendateherewithunderwhichtheOwners created anaccesseasementacrossthe Properties, asdescribedonExhibitB,forthebenefit of theOwners(the "Easement Tract").The Easement Usersdesiretosetforththeirrightsandresponsibilitieswithrespecttothe construction,repair, replacementandmaintenance of theimprovementstothe Easement Tract,andany other work reasonablynecessarytomaintainthedrivewayinagood,safeandsightlycondition,including butnotlimitedtoremoval of snowandice,andtheapplication of sand,saltor other materials todiminishsnoworice,in accordance withthetermsandconditionssetforthherein. 2.Construction.The construction tobe performed pursuanttothe provisions of thisSection2 shall be referred toasthe "Improvements." (a)TheOwners,accordingtotheir percentage interestssetforthin Section3(a),shallberesponsibleforall costs associated with:(i)surveyingthe Easement Tract;(ii)legalreviewand finalizing the Easement AgreementandRepairandMaintenance Agreement,and (iii)anyadditionallandscape and/or retainingwall requirements,notcontained withintheboundaries of Lot9,BlockG,VaildasSchoneFiling No.2,bythe Town of Vailfor approval of sucheasement . (b)Lot9Ownershallberesponsibleforall costs associated with:(i) theengineering,designing,gradingandpavinga twenty (20)footwidedrivewayonthat portion of the Easement TractthatliesonLot9,BlockH,VaildasSchoneFiling No.2 (From eastern entrance of Easement TractonGarmischDrivedowntoAlpenChalets Duplex,then eastacrossLot9tothewestern boundary of Lot10),and (ii)complyingwith all drainage, retainageandlandscapingrequirementssetforthbythe Town of Vail. 11 3.Repair and Maintenance. (a)Repairsandmaintenanceshallbemadefromtimetotimetothe ImprovementsastheEasementUsersholdingamajority of thepercentageinterestssetforth belowshalldeterminefromtimetotime.Eachpartyheretoshallberesponsibleforthecost of repairingandmaintainingtheImprovementsinthefollowingproportions: EasementOwner Percentage Interest Jones 25.00% Solem 8.33% Dangler 8.33% Wirecki 8.33% Snownow 16.69% BennettIYare 8.33% Suridis 8.33% Haller 8.33% Broten 8.33% (b)EasementUsersholdingatleast20%of thepercentageinterestsset forthinSect ion 3(a)shallbeentitledtocall,orwaivethecallingof,ameeting of theEasement Usersforpurposes of determiningassessmentsuponalltheEasementUsersfortherepairand maintenance of theImprovements,whichmeetingshall be heldinEagleCounty,Colorado. Notice of suchmeeting,oraballotorconsentcontainingawaiver of meeting,shall be sentto allEasementUsersattheiraddressesonrecordwiththeEagleCounty Assessor's officeat leastthirty(30)dayspriortothedate of themeeting.Thedecision of theEasementUsers presentatthemeeting(andthosevotesreceivedbyviafax,e-mail,proxyordirectmail) holdingamajority of thepercentageinterestssetforthinSection3(a)shall be bindingonall theEasementUsers. (c)If anyEasementUserfailstopayanyassessmentwithinthirty(30) days of themeeting of theEasementUsers(a"DefaultingEasementOwner"),thenany of the otherEasementUsersmaypaytheDefaultingEasementUser 's share of theassessment.The DefaultingEasementUser 's share of theassessmentshallaccrueinterestatthegreater of eighteenpercent(18%)perannumorfourpercent(4%)higherthantheprimeratepublished fromtimetotimeintheWallStreetJournal.TheDefaultingEasement User's assessmentand theinterestaccruedthereonshall be securedbyalienagainsttheEasement User's Property. Toevidencesuchlien,theEasementUser(s)entitledtosuchlienshallprepareawrittennotice of liensettingforththeamountowedbytheDefaultingEasementUserandthelegal description of theLotsubjecttothelien.Suchnotice of lienshall be recorded inthereal propertyrecordsinandforEagleCounty,Coloradoandmay be enforcedbyforeclosure of the lieninlikemannerasamortgageonrealproperty,subjecttothelien of firstmortgagesand 12 firstdeeds of trust,butsuperiortoanyhomesteadexemptioninaccordancewiththeprovisions of Colo.Rev.Stat.38-41-201 etseq. (d)EachEasementUseragreestoprovide,within fifteen(15)days of receipt of requestbyany otherEasementUserawrittenstatementindicatingtheamount of any unpaidchargesorassessmentsduefromtherequestingEasementUserundertheterms of this AgreementandDeclaration,anyexistingdefaultsunderthisAgreementandDeclarationbythe requestingEasementUser,andanyotherinformationdeemedproperbytheresponding EasementUser.IntheeventthattheEasementUserrequestedtoprovidesuchinformation failstodosowithinsuchfifteen(15)dayperiod,suchfailureshallbedeemedconclusive evidencethat,exceptforlienssecuredbyanoticerecordedinaccordancewiththeprovisions of Section3(c)oftbis AgreementandDeclaration,noamountsdueunderthisAgreementand DeclarationareunpaidbytherequestingEasementUser,andnodefaultsbytherequesting EasementUserexistunderthisAgreementandDeclaration. (e)TheEasementUsersholdingamajority of thepercentageinterests describedabovemayformanonprofit corporation orotherassociationfor purposes of administeringtheirrespectiverightsandobligationsunderthisAgreementandDeclaration.In theeventanonprofit corporation orotherassociationisformedbytheEasementUsers,the estoppelletterdescribedinSection3(d)shallbeprovidedbysuchentityratherthanEasement U serrequestedtoprovidesuchinformation. 4.GovernmentalCompliance.The construction of theImprovementsand therepairandmaintenance of theImprovementsshallbedoneinfullcompliancewithall applicable federal,stateandlocallaws. 5.Enforcement of Rights.Intheeventanypartyheretofailstodischarge itsrespectiveobligationshereunder,anyotherpartyheretoshallhavetherighttoenforcethis Agreement andDeclarationbyanactioninlaworinequity(includingasuitforspecific performance)withouttherebywaivingtherightto also recoverinanactionfordamagesany suchsumsexpendedbysuchotherpartyatitsdiscretioninperformingsuchobligations.In the eventthatanypartyheretomustinstitutealegalproceedingagainsttheotherpartytoenforce itsrightshereunder,theprevailingpartyshall be entitledtorecoverandthe court shallaward reasonable attorney's fees(includingthoseincurredonappealorwhetherornotsuitbefiled) andcostsfromthenon-prevailingpartyinsuchamountsasthecourtdeemsproper. 6.Covenants Running withthe Land.Allrightsandobligationsarising hereunderarecovenantsrunningwiththeland,bindinguponandinuringtothebenefit of the respectivepartiesandtheirrespectivesuccessorsintitle. 7.GoverningLawandVenue.Thelaws of theState of Coloradoshall governthisAgreementandDeclaration.Anylegalactioninstitutedhereundershall be brought inEagleCounty,Colorado. 13 8.Signature.Eachpartyheretorepresentsandwarrantsthatthe person or personssigningthisAgreementandDeclarationonbehalf of suchpartyisdulyauthorizedto doso.Eachpartyisherebyestoppedfromassertingthatitoranypartysigningbelowdidnot legallyexecutethisAgreementandDeclarationwithallnecessaryorrequiredauthority. 9 .No Partnership.None ofthe termsandprovisions oftbis Agreementand Declarationshallbedeemedorconstruedtocreateapartnershipbetweenoramongtheparties heretointheirrespectivebusinessesorotherwise,norshalltheycausethepartiesheretotobe consideredjointventuresormembers of anyjointenterprise.EachpartytothisAgreement andDeclarationshallbeconsideredaseparateentityandnopartyheretoshallhavetherightto actasagentforanyotherpartyheretounlessexpresslyauthorizedtodosobywritten instrumentsignedbytheauthorizingparty. 10.Amendment:Exceptasotherwisespecificallysetforthherein,neitherthis AgreementandDeclarationnoranyprovisionmay be waived,modified,amended,discharged orterminatedexceptbyaninstrument in writingsignedbyall of thepartiesheretoand recordedintheRealPropertyRecords of EagleCounty,Colorado. II .Counterparts.ThisAgreementandDeclarationmaybeexecutedin counterparts,each of whichshallbedeemedanoriginalandall of which together shall constituteoneandthesameinstrument. 12.Further Assurances.EachpartytothisAgreementand Declaration agrees toexecuteanddeliverotherdocuments ,instrumentsandcertificateswhicharereasonably necessarytoimplementfullytheprovisionsandintent ofthis Agreementand Declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thepartieshavereadandexecutedthisAgreement andDeclarationeffectiveas of thedatefirstabovewritten. Ronald A.Jones Susan M .Solem PhilipBennett MarkYare Alan J.Suridis 14 Theodore S.Wirecki SNOWNOWLLC By:_ Robert M.Rymer -Manager STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Ulrich Peter Haller Norman H.Broten Charlotte J.Broten Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis __day of __---',2003,by Ronald A.Jones. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis __day of ___"2003,by Susan M.Solem. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 15 STATE OF TEXAS STATE OFTEXAS ) )ss . COUNTYOF ~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methisday of _____,,2003,by _ Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires __ Notary Public ) )ss. COUNTY OF -i) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methisday of ____,2003,by _ Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires __ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of _____,2003,by Theodore S.Wirecki. Witnessmy hand andofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 16 , STATE OF KANSAS ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrumentwas acknowledged beforemethis __day of ____"2003 ,by Robert M .Rymer,as Manager ofSnownow,LLC. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis __day of ___"2003,byPhilipBennett. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal . My commission expires,_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrumentwas acknowledged beforemethis __day of ___,2003,byMarkYare. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. Mycommission expires,_ Notary Public 17 STATE OF NEW YORK) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of __-,,2003,by AlanJ.Suridis. Witness myhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __d.ay of ____"2003,byUlrich Peter Haller. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. My commission expires _ Notary Public STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of ___"2003,by Norman H .Broten. Witnessmyhandandofficialseal My commission expires:_ Notary Public 18 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) )5S . COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis __day of __-----',2003 ,by C harlotte 1.Broten. Witness my hand and offic ial seal. My commission expires,_ Notary Public 19 Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com RohnRobbins,LLC POBox6133 Vail,CO81658 V4£Ll~.5d1rmL-frl ~ /.r1,b/I::-G- FILE COpy August15,2005 Re:Newresidence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchoneFining2 Mr.Robbins,. ThisletterisinresponsetoyourletterdatedJuly22,2005,inwhichyoustatethatyourclienthas expressedconcernthathisaccessisbeingblocked.potentiallyonapermanentbasis,bytheownersof thenewhousebeingconstructedat2388GarmischDrive.OnJuly29,2005,Iaskedmembersofthe PublicWorksDepartmenttovisitthesiteandverifythattheprojectiscomplyingwiththeapproved stagingandconstructionplan.OnJuly30 ,2005,IwasinformedbythePublicWorksDepartmentthat theproject.asidefromtemporaryblockageoftheroadforconstructionandstagingpurposeswasin compliancewiththestagingplan.WithregardtoensuringpermanentaccesstheTownhasno standingtoguaranteeaccessforyouclient. InmyletterdatedNovember15,2004,staffencouragedyouandyourclienttopursueanamicable agreementregardingaccessthroughtheeasternmostaccesspointlocatedat2388GarmischDrive.In previousdiscussionstheTownhasinformedyouthatwebelievewehaveactedresponsiblyinregards totheissuesofaccessforhomeslocatedonLots6-9.BlockG,VaildasSchoneasallpropertieshave accesstotheirproperties.Yourclient,iftheybelievetheiraccesstobeunsafeinthewinter,should feelfreetotalktotheTownregardingpotentialimprovementstotheiraccesswhichwouldmakeita year-roundaccesspoint.Previously,youhavestatedyourbeliefthatyourclienthasasolidcasefora prescriptive easementtobegrantedduetothelengthoftimeyourclienthasutilizedthedriveway accessat2388GarmischDrive.Staffbelievesthatyouroptionstoguaranteepermanent access across2388GarmischDrivearetoeitherreachasolutionwiththeownersof2388GarmischDriveor pursuetheprocessfordeterminingtheexistenceofaprescriptiveeasement. Pleasereviewthesecommentsand ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisletterpleasecontactmeat 970-479-2148. Withregards,~~~~O~~L~p~'F SeniorPlanner Cc:File MattMire,TownAttorney I."RECYCLED PAPER.." ~U~.12.2a0S 10:00AM ROHN ROBBINS JD NO.199 P.2 c o v E R FAX s H E E T To: Fax#: Subject: Date: Pages: Bradley Snyder,Esq. 303/534.5274 Lots 6-9,Block G,Vail das Schone,Filing NO.2.Town of V ail August 12,200S 2-.including thiscover sheet CJ Original will follow:0 via U.S.mail;0 via UPS;0 By hand;0 Onrequest o Simultaneous e-mail transmissionifOriginalwillnotfollow DearBrad: Please recall thatwe spoke,via telephone,on August 3.2005.Thattelephone conversation was infollowuptomyJuly22,2005 correspondence in which I requested,on Mr.RonaldJones' behalf,thatyour clients,EricPriebeand Heather Gisondi ,eitherexecuteandretumthe Easement Agreement which I enclosed or,alternatively,provide written assurance to Mr.Jones thattheydonotintendto,andwill not,interfere with Mr.Jones'access tohis property viaeither theeastorwest driveways servicing the property. Whileyou advised methat Mr.PriebeandMs.Gisondi would neither execute the easement nor providethe written assurance requested,you further advised thattheyhad"no intention to"and wouldnothinderMr.Jones'access viatheeast driveway portal nor across the common drive. RohnK.Robbins ~rom the desk of... 9701926.4461 F~970/926.4471 Mobile:97ll1376.5102 e-mao:robblM@eoforado.net LawOffices of Rohn K.RQbbins,LlC P.O,~6133 Vaa .CO81658 On August 10,2005,I was advised bymyclientthata"no trespassing"signhadbeenerectedat thesouth border ofthe common driveway near the Priebe-Gisondi residence which is nearing completion of construction and,although theintentofthesign was unclear,it was directed to thewestinthe direction of Mr.Jones'residence.Icalledon that dateand,as usual,reached your virtual receptionist,leaving a message foryou to kindly return my call.Thepurposeofmycall was to clarify theintent of theno trespassing sign:whether it was meant to warn asto trespass tothe residence or intended toinhibit ingress and egress overthe common drivetothe eastern driveway portal.I,of course, presumed the former based uponyour assurances. You returned mycall yesterday,August lIlli,butasI was in trial preparation,Iwasunableto take the call.In AUG.12.2~0S 1~:01AM ROHN ROBBINS JD NO.199 P.3 your message.youadvisedthatyouareoutoftown,in California.forthenext several days. Alsoonthe u-,1 was informed bymyclientthatMr.Daniel Ozark,atenantofMr.Jones' neighbor,SusanSolem,was deniedaccess from the eastern driveway portaltohisresidenceand thathisway was intentionally blockedbythedriverofan Audi ,Ms.Gisondi, Pleaseacceptthisletterforthe several purposes identified below: •tosolicityourpromptcalltodiscussthese matters; •tosolicityourassurancethatno interference withMr.Jones'rightof ingress andegress overanduponthe eastern driveway portal isintended; •toseek clarification astotheintentofthe"no trespassing"sign;and, •toadvise that no interference withMr.Jones'right to access tohispropertyoverand acrossthecommon driveway from the eastern driveway portal will be tolerated. As you know,Mr.Joneshas been trying to work cooperative withMs.Gisondi andMr.Priebe andtheir predecessor-in-interest,Greg Amsden ,since at least December,2002.In thattime,he hasexpendeda considerable sum"jumping through onehoop after another"intheassurancethat inso doing,thismattercouldandwouldbe finally resolved,alltono avail. Youshouldbe advised,andsoadviseyourclients,that Mr.Joneswillsimplysuffernofurther abuse of his rights andthatany interference whatsoever withaccesstohisproperty will resultin theimmediatefilingofanactiontoquiettitle.As wehave discussed (andasI discussed with bothMr.Amsden andyourclientspriortoyour representation ofthem),the only certain result of'formalizing anaction will be considerable expenseand inconvenience to all.That notwithstanding,Mr.JonesisconfidentthathewillprevailbeforetheCourt based,in part,upon the substantial and overwhelming evidencewhichIhave previously providedto you. Despitetherelative lack of cooperation todate,Mr.Jones remains hopeful that Mr.Priebeand Ms.Gisondiwillfinditintbeirbest interests toresolvethismatter informally and to work cooperatively,as neighbors,to find a reasonable solutiontothiscontinuingdisputeshortof formal process .Ifnot,however,andif Mr.Jones'rightofaccessis interfered withinany way, hisnext resort will betocourtwithoutfurthernoticeorattempttoreach informal resolution. r am looking forward toyourtimely reply,promptlyuponyour return from California. / Sincerely yours, ::::::.}~~~ROb' cc R.Jones W.Campbell M.Mire,Esq. AUG.12.2005 10:01RM ROHN ROBBINS JD NO.199 P.4 IfytN>do not ree1!ive aD (I:l~cs,or hll1'c (lmblcm~"';Ib dUa transmittaJ.p1ca.<c 011.(970)9Z6~461. (;oolid,'Rtilo!ity Noli"" 'fbi..""'lll!lIgc is Inlmdcd fur die us.ofthc bull.idual 01'mlily 10 wbich il is addressed :and may contllin mformalion that is privileged.confidential and OIxcmpt from disr/nsurt'under aplIlkablelaw.rf!he readclr or this _go L.nnt the intended recipient.01'the ""'plc.ye.Ill'alt""t ro.poIUlhl.fOl'd..livctin:the me_go solcl,yto tIIl'inll!nded ......ipl.llt.you al'"hereby Dori6.d that ~ny disseminalion,d;"lributiun or copying of this commUlllalioD Is .tricdy prohibited,lfy<IU Ita,..re~vod this c,ummuni...tion In error,plone notify us immediately by leIephooo and return the o~ninal -.sal!"to \IS at tha below Ilddl't'SS ";a the (l.s.Postal Senice.ThlUlk yolL October 24, 2003 Mr. George Ruther, Chief of Planning, Town of Vail Mr. Bill Gibson, Town of Vail Planner Mr. Greg Amsden, Snow Now LLC Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Planning and Environmental Commission on July 28, 2003,which Peter Haller and I,two of the owners of Lot 10, attended, Item 2 of the agenda was a request for a variance from Section 12-21-14E(2) to allow for the construction of driveways and surface parking in excess of 10%of the total site area located at 2388 Garmisch Drive Lot 9 Block G, Vail das Schone, 2°d filing, Said property owned by Snow Now LLC. After discussion and public input, a motion was made that before a building permit be approved to Snow Now LLC, an access easement would be agreed upon by the owners of Lots 8, 9 &10. The motion to approve with the above condition was passed unanimously. If the Town of Vail has, or will receive, a request from Snow Now LLC for a building permit for Lot 9 will the Town of Vail remind Snow Now LLC of the easement stipulation in the motion in the July 28, 2003 meeting? We understand that the easement itself is an agreement among the owners of Lots 8, 9 &10, but believe that the intent of the motion made at the commissioner's meeting was that an easement signed by the owners of Lots 8, 9& 10 would accompany the request for a building permit for Lot 9. As of this date we have had no communication from Snow Now LLC regarding a permanent access easement for our properties. As owners of Lot 10 we want to be assured that conditions of the motion made at the July 28, 2003 meeting will be followed before a building permit is approved for Lot 9. Page 3 of the included minutes contains the motion. Sincerely, 144/171-1LgeiviAjk , Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departmentof Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name:SnowNow,LLC Project Description: PEC Number:PEC030034 Variance from Section 12-21-14E(2)to allow forthe construction of driveways andsurface parkinginexcessof10%of the total sitearea. Participants: OWNERSnowNow,LLC 500SouthFrontageRoad Vail CO81657 APPUCANTSNOWNOW,LLC Project Address:2388GARMISHDRVAIL 07/28/2003 04/27/2007 Location:Koellhoffer future residence Legal Description:Lot:9Block:ASubdivision:VailDasSchoneFiling2 Parcel Number:2103-114-1101-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:cahill SecondBy:Lamb Vote:7-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:07/28/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:CON0006006 The applicant shall submit tothe Community Development Department acopy of an executed access easement with the owners ofLots8and10,VailDasSchone,Filing 2,prior totheissuance of a building permit. Planner:BillGibson PECFeePaid:$500.00 ·, TO : MEMORANDUM PlanningandEnvironmental Commission FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Community Deve lopment Department Ju ly 28,2003 Arequestforavaria nce fromSection12-21-14E(2),Restri ctions In SpecificZonesOnExcessiveSlope s,VailTownCode,toallow forthe constructionofdrivewaysandsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthe totalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDas Schone2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: SnowNow,LLC,representedbyJohnG.Martin BillGibson I.SUMMARY Theapplicant,SnowNow,LLC,representedbyJohnG.Martin,isreque sting a variancefromSection12-21-14E(2),Restrict ions In SpecificZonesOnExcessive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowfortheconstructionofdrivewaysandsurfa ce parkinginexcessof10%ofthetotal sitearea ,locatedat2388GarmischDrive (see Attachment B).Basedupon Staffs reviewofthecriteriainSectionV III of thismemorandumandtheevidenceand testimony presented ,theCommunity Development Departmentrecommendsapprovalofthisrequestsubjecttothe findingsnotedinSectionIXofthis memorandum . II.DESCRIPTION OFREQUEST Theapplicantisproposingtoconstructanew primary/secondary residenceat 2388GarmischDrive.Thepropertyhassteepexistinggradesandiscurrently undeveloped .An existing driveway onthesitecurrentlyprovidesaccesstothe adjoiningpropertieslocatedbothtothewestandeastofthissite(i.e.lotsLot8 and10,BlockG,VailDasSchone2nd Filing).Theexisting driveway is5,635sq . ft.inarea(26%ofthelotarea).The adjoining Lots8and10wereboth developedunderEagleCountyjurisdiction,laterannexedintotheTownofVail, andarecurrentlylegally non-conforming inregardtomanyofVail's development standards.Theex isting driveway wasconstructedwithoutformaleasement agreementsgrantingtheadjoin ing propertiesaccessthroughthissite. The applicant isproposingtomake improvements totheexistingdrivewayto bringthedrivew ay intoconformancewithTownofVaileng ineering standards . Theapplicantisalsoproposing togrant easements totheadjoin ing Lots8 a nd 10foraccessthroughLot9.Theapplicantisalsoproposingtoconstructanew primary/secondary residenceonthissiteandprovideatotalofthreenewsurface parkingspaces.Thetotalareaoftheproposed driveway andthenewsurface parkingspacesis6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthetotalsitearea).Architectu ral plansof the applicant's proposalhavebeenattachedforreference(seeAtta chment D). •Th is sitehasex isting gradesinexcessof30%andis therefore subjecttothe '.prov isions ofSection12-21-14 (RESTRICTIONS IN SPECIFIC ZONESON EXCESSIVE SLOPES),VailTownCode .Section12-21-14,VailTownCode , ~requ ires that(inpart): Notmorethanten percent (10%)ofthe totalsitearea may be covered by drivewaysand sutface parking. Section12-21-14 ,VailTownCode ,limitstheamountof driveway andparking areaonthis siteto2 ,149 sq.ft.(10%).Theexisting driveway providingaccessto Lots8and10is5,635sq .ft.inarea(26%ofthetotalsitearea).Therefore,even thoughLot9is currently undeveloped ,itis non-conforming inregardtothe drivewayandsurfaceparkingarea requirements ofSection 12-21-14,VailTown Code.Theapplicantisproposingtoincreasethe non-conformity ofthissiteby making improvements totheexisting driveway and constructing threenew surfaceparkingspacesforatotalareaof6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthetotalsitearea). Acopyofthe applicant's letterofrequesthasbeenattachedforreference(see Attachment C). III.BACKGROUND The applicant's proposaltoconstructanew primary/secondary residenceat2388 GarmischDrivewas conceptually rev iewed bytheTownofVailDesignReview Boardat itsJuly16,2003 ,publ ic hearing .The proposal iscurrentlyscheduled forfinalreview bytheDesignReviewBoardat its August 6,2003,publ ic hearing . AtitsJuly 16,2003,conceptualreviewofth is proposaltheDes ign Rev iew Board statednoobject ion totheproposeddr iveway orparkingareas.TheBoard'sonly recommendationtothe applicant concerningthedriveway designwasto increasetheamountofproposed landscape plant ings to improvetheappearance ofthehills ide andtoscreenthe driveway and associated retainingwalls. IV.ROLESOFREVIEWINGBODIES Order of Review:Generally,applications willbereviewedfirstbythe Planningand Environmental Comm ission foracceptabil ity ofuseandthenbythe DesignReview Boardfor compliance ofproposed buildings andsiteplanning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action :ThePlanningand Environmental Commissionisresponsibleforfinal approval/denial/approval with conditions ofconditionalusepermitsand variances . ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionisresponsiblefor evaluatingaproposalfor: 1.Relat ionship and impactoftheuseon development objectivesofthe Town . 2 >• 2.Effectoftheuseonlightandair,distribution ofpopulation, transportationfacilities,utilities,schools,parksandrecreationfacilities, andotherpublicfac ilities andpublicfacilitiesneeds. 3 .Effectupontraffic,with particular referencetocongestion,automotive andpedestriansafetyand convenience,trafficflowandcontrol,access, maneuve rability,andremovalofsnowfromthestreetsandparkingareas . 4 .Effectuponthe character oftheareainwhichtheproposeduseisto belocated,includingthescaleandbulkoftheproposeduseinrelationto surroundinguses . 5 .SuchotherfactorsandcriteriaastheCommissiondeemsapplicableto theproposeduse . 6.The environmental impact reportconcerningthe proposed use,ifan environmental impact report isrequiredbyChapter 12 ofthisTit le. Conformancewith development standardsofzonedistrict Lotarea Setbacks Bui lding Height Density GRFA Sitecoverage Landscapearea Parkingandloading Mitigation of development impacts Design ReviewBoard: Action :TheDesignReview Boardhas NOreview authority onaconditionaluse permitorvariance ,butmustreviewany accompanying DesignReviewBoard appl icat ion. Town Council: ActionsofDesignReviewBoardorPlanningand Environmental Comm ission maybeappealedtotheTownCounc ilor bytheTownCouncil.TownCouncil evaluateswhetherornotthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission orDesign ReviewBoarderredwith approvals ordenialsandcanuphold,upholdwith modifications ,oroverturntheboard'sdecision. Staff: Th e staff isresponsibleforensur ing thatallsubmittal requirements areprovided andplansconformtothetechnical requirements oftheZon ing Regulations .The staffalso adv ises theapplicantastocomp liance w ith thedesign guidelines . Staff providesastaff memorandum contain ing backgroundonthepropertyand providesastaffevaluation oftheproj ect withrespecttothe requiredcriteria and findings ,andarecommendat ion onapproval ,approvalwith conditions ,ordenial. Staff alsofacilitates thereview process. 3 V.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staffbelievesthatthefollowing provisions oftheVailTownCodearerelevantto thereviewofthisproposal: TITLE12:ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 12-60:Two-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential (PS) District(inpart) 12-60-1:PURPOSE: Thetwo-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sitesforsingle-family residential uses or two-family residential usesinwhichoneunitis a larger primary residenceandthe second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment,together withsuch public facilities as may appropriately be located inthe same district.The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended toensure adequate light, air,privacy andopenspace for eachdwelling,commensurate withsingle- familyandtwo-familyoccupancy,and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards. Chapter 12-17:Variances(inpart) 12-17-1:Purpose : A.ReasonsForSeekingVariance:In order to prevent or tolessensuch practical difficultiesand unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement,variancesfromcertain regulations maybe granted.A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshipmay result fromthe size ,shape ,ordimensions of a site or thelocation of existing structures thereon;from topographic or physical conditions onthesite or inthe immediatevicinity;orfrom other physical limitations,street locations or conditions inthe immediate vicinity.Cost or inconvenience tothe applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall notbe a reasonforgranting a variance. B.Development Standards Excepted:Variances may be granted only with respect tothe development standards prescribed foreachdistrict , includinglotareaandsitedimensions,setbacks,distances between buildings ,height,density control,building bulkcontrol,site coverage, usableopenspace,landscaping andsitedevelopment,and parking and loading requirements;or with respect tothe provisions of chapter 11 of thistitle,governing physical development on a site. Chapter12-21:HazardRegulations(inpart) 12-21-1:PURPOSE: Thepurpose of this Chapter is tohelp protect the inhabitants of theTown fromdangersrelatingto development of flood plains,avalanche paths, steepslop es and geologic ally sensitiveareas ;toregulatetheuse of land 4 ,. ,. areaswhichmaybe subject tofloodingandavalancheorwhichmaybe geologically sensitive;andfurthertoregulate development onsteep slopes ;to protect the economic and property values of theTown,to protect the aesthetic and recreational valuesand natural resources of the Town,whicharesometimes associated withfloodplains ,avalanche areasandareas of geological sensitivity and slopes;to minimizedamage to public facilitiesandutilitiesand minimize the need for relief in cleanup operations;to givenoticetothe public of certainareaswithintheTown wherefloodplains,avalanche areasandareas of geologic sensitivity exist;andtopromotethe general public health ,safety andwelfare. 12-21-14:RESTRICTIONS IN SPECIFIC ZONESON EXCESSIVE SLOPES: Thefollowing additional special restrictions or requirements shall apply to development onanylotin a hillsideresidential,single-family residential, two-family residential or two-family primary/secondary residential zone districtwheretheaverageslope of thesitebeneaththeexisting or proposed structureand parking areaisinexcess of thirty percent (30%):... E.Sitecoverage as it pertains tothischapter,as permitted by sections12-6A-9,12-68-9,12-6C-9and 12-60-9 of thistit/e,is amended as follows: 1.Notmorethanfifteen percent (15%)of thesitearea may be covered bybuildings,except in conjunction with a typeIemployee housing unitin accordance with chapter 13 of this tit/e,inwhich case not morethantwenty percent (20%)of thesiteareamaybe covered by buildings;and 2.Notmorethanten percent (10%)of thetotalsiteareamay be covered bydriveways and surfaceparking. VI.SITE ANALYSIS LotArea: Zoning : LandUsePlan Designation : Cur rent LandUse : 21,492 sq.ft.(0.49 acres) Two-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential (PIS) Medium Density Residentia l Undeveloped Development Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides : Rear : AliowedlRequired 20ft . 15ft ./15ft. 15ft . Proposed >20ft. >15ft.1 >15ft. >15ft. Build ing He ight:max.33ft.(slope)/30 ft.(f1at)<33ft. Density: GRFA: 2units +1TypeIIEHU 5,249sq .ft. 5 2units 4,637sq .ft. SiteCoverage: LandscapeArea: Parking:Primary Unit SecondaryUnit 3,223sq .ft.(15%) 12,896 sq.ft.(60%) 3spaces 3spaces 3,035sq.ft.(14%) 13,000sq.ft.(60%) 4spaces(2 surface) 3spaces(1surface) ·' VII.SURROUNDING LAND USESANDZONING LandUse North :Low-Density Residential South:Low-Density Residential East:Medium-Density Residential West:Medium-Density Residential VIII.CRITERIA ANDFINDINGS Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary A .Consideration ofFactorsRegarding Variances: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Theproposed driveway andparkingareaswill accommodate vehicular accessandparkingforthissiteandprovideaccessto Lots8and10.Staffbelievesthattheproposed driveway and parkingareasareinkeepingwiththe character ofthe neighborhood andthatthe applicant's proposed improvements to theexisting driveway willbe beneficial totheexistingandpotent ial usesandstructuresontheadjo ining Lots8and10.Additionally, Staff believesthatmaintainingaccesstoLots8,9,and10through theexisting,common driveway willcreatelesssite disturbance thanrequiringeach property to construct aseparate driveway connectiontoGarmischDrive. 2 .The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staffdoesnotbelievethatthe topography ofthesiteconstitutes an extraordinary circumstance or 'except ional condition .Other propertiesintheTwo-Family Primary/Secondary (P/S)Districtwith similar topographic conditions havebeen successfully developed withoutvariances . Staffdoesbelievethepresenceoftheexisting driveway onthis site thatprovidesaccesstotwoadjo ining propertiesisan e xtraordinary circumstanceand exceptional condition .Staffalso believesthe applicant isrequestingtheminimumamountofrel ief from t hestrictand l iteral interpretation and enforcement ofthe 6 zoningregulations necessary toachieve compatibility and uniformityamongsitesinthevicinityandwithinthe Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential(P/S)District.Therefore ,Staff doesnotbelievethisproposalwill constitute agrantofspecial privilege. 3 .The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,and public safety. Staffbelievesthatthis variance will facilitate theapplicant's proposed improvements totheexisting driveway thatwillimprove bothtrafficflowandpublicsafetyonLots8,9,and10andon GarmischDrive. Staffdoesnotbelievethattheproposed variance willhavea significantnegativeimpactonlightandair,distributionof population,publicfacilities,andutilities. 4 .Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B.ThePlanningand Environmental Commission shallmakethefollowing findingsbeforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnot constitute agrantof specialprivilege inconsistent withthelimitationsonother propertiesclassifiedinthesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotbe detrimental tothe publichealth,safetyorwelfare,or materially injurious toproperties or improvements inthevicinity. 3 .Thatthevarianceiswarrantedforoneormoreofthefollowing reasons: a.Thestrictliteral interpretation or enforcement ofthe specifiedregulationwouldresultinpracticaldifficultyor unnecessary physicalhardship inconsistent withthe objectivesofthistitle. b.Thereareexceptionsor extraordinary circumstances or conditionsapplicabletothesamesiteofthevariancethat donotapply generally tootherpropertiesinthesame zone. c.Thestrictinterpretationor enforcement ofthespecified regulationwoulddeprivethe applicant ofprivileges enjoyedbytheownersofother properties inthesame district. 7 IX.STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval ofavariance f romSection12-21-14E(2),Restrictions InSpecificZonesOn Excessive Slopes , Va il TownCode ,toallowforthe construction ofdrivewaysandsurfacepark ing in excessof10%of thetotalsite area ,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9 ,Block G ,Va il DasSchone2nd Filing.Staff's recommendation isbasedupontherev iew ofthecriteriainSectionVIIIofthismemorandumandthe evidence and testimony presented,subjecttothefollowingfind ings: 1.Thatthegrant ing ofthevariancewillnotconstitutea granting ofspecial privilege inconsistentwiththe limitations onotherpropertiesclass ifiedi n thesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthe variance willnotbe detrimental tothepublic health,safety ,orwelfare ,ormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesor improvementsinthevicinity. 3.Thestrictliteral interpretation or enforcement ofthespecifiedregulation wouldresultinpractical difficulty or unnecessary physicalhardship inconsistent withthe objectives ofthistitle. 4 .Thestrictinterpretationor enforcement ofthespecifiedregulationwould deprivetheapp licant of privileges enjoyedbytheownersofother propertiesinthesamedistrict. X.ATTACHMENTS A.Public Hearing Notice B.V icinity Map C.App licant's Letterof Request D.Archi tectural Plans 8 THISITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE Attachment:A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENt hat thePlann ing andEnv ironmental Comm ission oftheTownof Va il w ill ho ld apubl ic hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 oftheVa il TownCodeon July 28,2003,at2:00 P.M.intheTownof Vail Mun icipal Building .In consideration of: A request fora worksession todiscuss aproposedmajor exterior alterat ion,pursuant toSection 12-7B-7,Exterior Alterations Or Modifications,VailTown Code ,toallowforalobbyand elevator additiontotheLodge Tower South Condominiums,locatedat164GoreCreekDrive/LotsA ,B,& C,Block5C ,Va il Village FirstFiling .. App licant: Planner: LodgeTowerSouth Condominium Association,represented byStanCope George Ruther Snow Now ,LLC,representedbyJohnG .Mart in BillGibson Applicant: Planner: Arequestfora variance fromSection 12-21-14E(2),Restrictions In Specific Zones On Excessive Slopes ,VailTownCode,toallowforthe construction ofdrivewaysand surface parkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsite area,locatedat2388 Garmisch Drive/Lot 9,BlockG , JlJI'ii"VailDasSchone2nd Filing. Arequestfora variance fromSection 12-60-6,Setbacks,and 12-60-9,SiteCoverage,Vail TownCode,toallowforaresidentialandgarageaddit ion,locatedat1868 West GoreCreek Drive/Lot 47 ,Vail Village West 1stFiling. Applicant: Planner: JohnandBobb i-Ann Houtsma Allison Ochs The app lications andinformation abouttheseproposa ls areava ilable forpublic inspection during regularbus iness hours attheTownofVail Community Deve lopment Department office ,75South Frontage Road.Thepublic is invitedtoattendtheproject orientation held intheTownofVa il Community Development Department officeandthesitevisitsthatprecedethepublichearing.Please call(970)479-2138 foradditionalinformation. Sign language interpretation isavailableuponrequestwith 24-hour notification .Pleasecall (970)479-2356,Telephone fortheHearingImpaired,for additional information . Th is notice published intheVail Daily onJu ly 11,2003. 1 .- ~::SU1).1ECT ¥lZofl€\t>1( TEXACO us I n I 18 23'1 • ROo Tax Report Page : Schedul e#Acl MklCombOwnFullName LotBlockFilingNo Subdivision NameProperty Address #Bedrms #FullBa #3/4Ba #1/2Ba Acres R012761269350 WIRECKI,THEODORE S .,MDPC ALPEN CHALET 2418 GARMISCH DRW 3 2 .0 0 .16 R013856 2693 50 HINE ,WILLIAM J.&JANET M.-JT ALPEN CHALET 2418 GARMISCH DRE32.0 0 .1 R013359 342120 SOLEM,SUSAN M .ALPEN CHALETS 2428 GARMISCHDR3 5 2 .0 1.0 0 .08 R013364 342120 JONES,RONALD A.ALPEN CHALETS 2428 GARMISCH DR4 5 2 .0 1.0 0.08 R013369 342120 JONES,RONALD A ALPEN CHALETS 2428 GARMISCHDR2 5 2.0 1.0 0 .08 R013372 342120 JONES,RONALD A.ALPEN CHALETS 2428 GARMISCH DR1 52.0 1.0 0.08 R01 3381 342120 HALLER,ULRICH PETER ALPEN CHALETS 2378 GARMISCH DR3-B252.0 1.00.1 R013384 342120 BENNETT,PHILIP -YARE ,MARK ALPEN CHALETS 2378 GARMISCH DR1-B25 2 .0 1.0 0 .1 R013389 342 120 SURIDIS,ALAN J .ALPEN CHALETS 2378 GARMISCH DR2-B25 2 .0 1.0 0.1 R013409 342120 BROTEN,NORMAN H .&CHARLOTTE J.ALPEN CHALETS 2378 GARMISCH DR 4--B2 52 .0 1.0 0 .1 R012907 625210 SCHWARTZ,DAVID B.&ABBY S .-VAIL DAS SCHONE 12349 CHAMONIX RD54 .0 1.0 0.2 R012908 OZERSKY,DAVID VAILDAS SCHONE 12359 CHAMONIX RD 0.2 R012909 529920 SANDS,PAUL,RICHARD D.&VAILDAS SCHONE 12369 CHAMONIX RD54 .0 0 .22 R012818 417590LANES ,ANDREW &CAROL A.-JT VAIL DAS SCHONE 22397 GARMISCH DR43.0 0.47 R012819 WIRTH,G .HUDSON VAIL DAS SCHONE 22377 GARMISCH DR 0.41 R0 18718 MILLER,RICHARD D .VAIL DAS SCHONE 22417 GARMISCH DR 0.48 R018719 775670 EARLE,JAMES H.&DEBERAH J.VAIL DAS SCHONE 22407 GARMISCH DR 66 .0 0.51 09-Jul-2003 1"1,11"",1,1,,1,111,,, WIRECKl,THEODORE S.,MDPC RETIREMENT PLAN140ALBIONST DENVER.,CO 80220 I"I""11,11",I,1,1",1 JONES,RONALDA. 2428 GARMISCH DRAPT2 VAIL,CO81657 1"1",,11,11,,,1,1,1,,1, HALLER,ULRICH PETER POBOX 3502 VAIL,CO81658 1"1,,,,11,11,"1,1,1,"1 HINE,WILLIAMJ.&JANET M. 2418 GARMISCH DR1 VAIL ,CO81657 I,.1""11,11,,,I,1,1",1 JONES,RONALDA 2428 GARMISCH DRAPT2 VAIL,CO81657 1"1,,"11,11,"1,1,1,"1 BENNETT,PHILIP -YARE,MARK 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL,CO81657 -IT 1"1,,,,11,1111,1.1,1111 , SOLEM,SUSANM . POBOX2621 VAIL,C081658 1111111111,11,,,1,1,1,"1 JONES,RONALDA. 2428 GARMISCH DRAPT2 VAIL,C081657 ,"1111,,,1.,,111,,,,1,1. SURIDIS,ALAN J. 25 LANARKRD YONKERS,NY10705 ,1,1,1,,1,,1"111,","11 BROTEN,NORMANH.&CHARLOTTE . %NORMAN H.BROTEN 8104-AVENUE JAMESTOWN,ND58401 ,1"1,1,1,,,1,111,11,1,1, SCHWARTZ,DAVID B.&ABBYS.- FRIEDMAN,STEWART &HINDI 668FL. CINCINNATI,OH45215 1,1"11,",,1,11,1",,1,1 OZERSKY,DAVID 124 QUARTERDECK MALL MARINADELREY,CA90292 1,,111,,11,1111 ,1,I,I,,,I SANDS,PAUL,RICHARDD.& MARGARITA S.-JT2369 c: VAIL,CO81657 111111,11,,,,11,1111,1.1, MILLER,RICHARDD. 1400CORALWY MIAMI,FL33145 1"1,11"",1,111",,11,, LANES ,ANDREW &CAROLA. 1153 DETROIT ST DENVER.,CO80206 1"1""11.11,,,1,1,1,,,1 EARLE ,JAMESH .&DEBERAHJ. 2407 GARMISCH DR VAIL,CO81657 -J ,11"11 ,"11",,11'11I 1,1 WIRTH,G .HUDSON 3540MERLELN NORTHBROOK,IL60062 Attachment:C SnownowLLC 500S.FrontageRo ad East,Suite112 Vail,Colorado 81 657 Jul y 9,2003 Town of Vail Community De velopment C/o Bill Gibson 75South Frontage Road Vail ,CO.816 57 RE:Request for Variance -Section 12-21-14 Planning and Environmental Commission 2388 Garmisch Drive (Lot 9,VailDasSchone Filing 2) DearBill: Attached isan application for review of theabove referenced variance bythe Planning and Environmental Commission on July28 ,2003 . T he properties totheeastandwest of the subject property wer e constructed intheearl y 1970 's whenWest Vailwasparto f E agle Count y.A drivewaywas o riginallybui lt toserviceafourplex at2418 Garmisch Drive (Building1,Alpen Chalets).Late r,aduplex was constructed at 2398 Garmi sch Dri ve(A lpenChaletduplex)and another fourp lex wasbuiltat2378 Garmisch Drive (Building2,Alpen Chalets).Theowners of2378 Garmisch Drive useda roughed-in roadgrade , withoutanyformal easement,toaccesstheirfourple x.Al though the owners of these adjacent properties ha ve been crossing thesubj ect property w ithout an y recorded easements ,suchac cess has been contested by pre vious owners of the s ubject property .Thedr iveways ha ve beenin ex istencefor approximatel y thirty years. Theareaco vered by the pre-existing driveways on the subject property is approximately 5,635 square feet,The applicant is proposing aduplex structure onthe lower half of thesitethatwill utilizethe existing driveways and preserve physical access to adjacent properties.The applicant will be bringing theexis ting driveway uptocurrent development standards with regard toslope andwidth,thusthe request fortheaddit ional site coverage total of 6,486 sq.ft.The applicant will alsobe recording aformal easement,tobe executed byall property owners of Buildings Iand2 , Alpen Chalets,theAlpenChaletduplexandthesubject property addressing theuseand maintenance of the existing and modified driveways. Reason For Variance Pursuant to Section 12-21-14 of the Town of VailCode,the maximum driveway areape rmitted onthissiteshallnot exceed 10%of thelotsize,or2 ,149 sq.ft.Theappl icant proposes tousethe Vo ice :(970)-476·8610 A Co lorado Limited Liability Company Fax:(970)-476-8637 existing driveways onthesite,but current development standards requireslope modifications, turn radius modifications and widening (per Public Works andFire Department). The variance is required asastrictorliteral interpretation of the specific regulation wouldresult ina physical hardship and practical difficulties for adjacent property owners inthataccessfor fire protection wouldbe dramatically effected if the applicant constructed a duplex onthe upper half of thesiteand eliminated the eastern half of the existing driveways. Criteria For Granting Variance The granting of the requested variancewill enhance existing and potential uses and structures in the vicinity by providing better fire protection,legal access anda driveway that conforms to current development standards (including pavement and drainage).Adjacent property owners use the effected driveway areasonadailybasis,thusthe overall positive effects associated withthis variance willbe substantial. The granting of the requested variancewillnotbea grant of special privilege asthe existing driveway surface isa pre-existing condition andthe applicant isonly requesting the amount of site coverage necessary to accommodate current day development standards,which willmake the driveway compatible and uniform to other properties inthe vicinity. The granting of the requested variancewillhavelittle or no effect onthelightandair, distribution of population orutilities.The granting ofthe requested variance will improve vehicular circulation and dramatically improve fire protection and public safety forthe property owners utilizing the driveway under consideration. The granting of the requested variancewill specifically comply with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. If you have any questions concerning this requested variance,don't hesitate to contact meat (970)-476-8610.I believe the proposed development of2388 Garmisch Drive willhelpsolve numerous accessandfire department issues that have been outstanding and unresolved forthe past three decades. Sincerely, 1--I r 0fUll0J1I1"""'-":1----~~~l 'llilOOOlp§I...-.-- I .~--.....""":m i.Attachment:D t1llli:-n-¥.,t\lI'la;~~-..--1ll ....1..-.~-1IfIR'fl ~Il1jOf""IJ-I ~~d.r>s ""d""'"'P." '~ \ I I \ \ 1 \ I \ 1 I. J I \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ EXISTING COHG. 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An application forPlanning andEnvironmental Commission review cannotbe accepted unti l allrequiredinformation isreceived bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentTheprojectmayalsoneedto be reviewedbytheTown Council and/or theDesign ReviewBoard. Type of Application and Fee: Rezon ing MajorSubdivision Minor Subdivision Exemption Plat MinorAmendmenttoanSOD New Specia l Development District MajorAmendmenttoanSOD MajorAmendmenttoan SOO (no exterior modifications) $1300 $1500 $650 $650 $1000 $6000 $6000 $1250 $650 $400 $650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 Location of the Proposal:Lot:~Block:6-Subdivision:V..,-1L J)/t5 dOiol\JC 'HUI'X.-No,2. Physical Address:2388 Gi1ewt jsot .fA \1;- Parcel No.:2.10 3n4-1W.fr:(Contact Eagle Co.Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no .) Zoning:n iMI11lY -2£Co IJD4 r1-'( Name(s)of Owner(s)::;;;/JOWillW H e -80££"12.1 A.'RYH[IL-,'M4u¥:£fL.. Mailing Address:5w S .FroVltJe,12J ,fost,cite..il L,'Vl1i(CO .8th5 r ~_Phone:4=t(,-8(,JD Owner(s)Signature(s):~_ Name of Applicant:AMS .Develo~"'J€V1t ,<We...-(Jf?E6rYI1..-1 ri .AMS.0 fl\)I -Ht-0iitM"" Mailing Address:5»s.t:"fDll1oj€eJ .[os ±;sS-k.112 ,\k I ;CD.8/651 _______________Phone:_4%_-8LULb,,,,,-1OLL-_ E-mail Address:(LwI~d E:vl@ vW l.!l\et Fax__41 b-PJ,31 Check No.: For Office Use&.nly:/11'1 Fee Paid :.1OD·~_,04-By:J-I u Il~~_ Application Date:PEe Nb.:'_·v__.....r _I:::::_l.......;U",I:',-,-_-,0""-,,,?'--'......_ P1anne r:ProjectNo.:_ Page1 of 6-0 7/18 /0 2 Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements GENERAL INFORMATION Variancesmaybegranted inordertopreventorto lessen suchpracticaldifficulties and unnecessary physical hardships aswouldresult fromthestrictinterpretationand/orenforcementofthezoning regulations inconsistentwiththedevelopmentobjectivesoftheTownofVail.Apracticaldifficultyor unnecessary physical hardshipmayresultfromthe size,shape,ordimensionsofasiteorthelocationof existingstructuresthereon;fromtopographicor physical conditionsonthesiteorintheimmediate vicinity;orfromother physical limitations,streetlocationsorconditionsintheimmediatevicinity.Costor inconveniencetotheapplicantofstrictorliteralcompliancewitharegulationshallnotbeareasonfor granting a variance. .; I I I. 9 9 9 9 9 a II a a a a a SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Fee:$500.00 Stamped,addressed envelopes anda list of the property owners adjacent to the subject property,includingproperties behind and across streets.Thelistofpropertyownersshallinclude theowners'name(s),corresponding mailingaddress,andthe physical addressandlegal description ofthepropertyownedbyeach.Theapplicant isresponsible forcorrectnamesandmailing addresses. ThisinformationisavailablefromtheEagleCounty Assessor's office. Title Report,including Schedules A &B Written approval fromacondominium association ,landlord,andjointowner ,if applicable. A written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulatlon(s)involved,includinganexplanation of why t hevariance isrequired andwhythestrict orliteralinterpretationofthespecificregulation(s)wouldresultina physical hardshiporpractical difficulty. A written statement addressing the following: a.Therelationshipoftherequestedvariancetootherexisting orpotentialusesandstructures in thevicinity. b.Thedegreetowhichrelieffromthestrictorliteralinterpretationandenforcementofa specified regulation is necessary toachievecompatibility anduniformityoftreatmentamongsitesinthe vicinity ortoattain theobjectivesofth is titlewithout grantof special privilege. c.Theeffectofthevarianceonlightandair,distributionofpopulation,transportation,traffic facilities,utilities ,andpublicsafety. d.HowtherequestcomplieswithadoptedTownofVailplanning policiesanddevelopment objectives. Stamped Topographic Survey (Four complete sets of plans). Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets of plans). Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of plans). Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans). All plans must also be submitted in8 .5"x 11"reduced format .Thesearerequired forthe Planning andEnvironmental Commission members'informationpackets. Additional Material:TheAdministratorand/or PEC mayrequirethe submission ofadditionalplans, drawings,specifications,samplesandothermaterials ifdeemed necessary topropertyevaluatethe proposal. Page 3 of 6-07/18 /02 Snownow LLC 500 S.Frontage Road East,Suite112 Vail,Colorado 81657 July9,2003 Town of Vail Community Development C/oBill Gibson 75 South Frontage Road Vail ,CO .81657 RE:Request for Variance -Section 12-21-14 Planning and Environmental Commission 2388 Garmisch Drive (Lot 9,Vail Das Schone Filing2) Dear Bill: Attached isan application for review of the above referenced variance bythe Planning and Environmental Commission onJuly28 ,2003 . The properties totheeastandwest of the subject property were constructed inthe early 1970's when WestVailwas part of Eagle County.A driveway was originally builtto service a fourplex at2418 Garmisch Drive (Building 1,Alpen Chalets).Later,a duplex was constructed at2398 Garmisch Drive (Alpen Chalet duplex)and another fourplcx wasbuiltat2378 Garmisch Drive (Building 2,Alpen Chalets).The owners of2378 Garmisch Drive useda roughed-in road grade, without any formal easement,to access their fourplex.Although the owners of these adjacent properties have been crossing the subject property without any recorded easements,such access hasbeen contested by previous owners of the subject property.The driveways have been in existence for approximately thirty years. The area covered bythe pre-existing driveways onthe subject property is approximately 5,635 squarefeet.The applicant is proposing a duplex structure onthe lower half of thesite that will utilizethe existing driveways and preserve physical access to adjacent properties.The applicant willbe bringing the existing driveway upto current development standards with regard to slope and width,thusthe request forthe additional site coverage total of 6,486 sq.ft.The applicant will alsobe recording aformal easement,tobe executed byall property owners of Buildings 1and2, Alpen Chalets,theAlpen Chalet duplex andthe subject property addressing theuseand maintenance ofthe existing and modified driveways. Reason For Variance Pursuant to Section 12-21-14 of the Town of Vail Code,the maximum driveway area permitted onthissiteshallnot exceed 10%of thelot size,or 2,149 sq.ft .The applicant proposes tousethe Voice:(970)-4 76-8610 A Colorado Limited Liability Company Fax:(970)-476-8637 I 'II •") 'I existing driveways onthesite,but current development standards require slope modifications, turn radius modifications and widening (per Public Works andFire Department). The variance is required asa strict or literal interpretation of the specific regulation would result in a physical hardship and practical difficulties for adjacent property owners in that access for fire protection would be dramatically effected if the applicant constructed a duplex onthe upper half ofthesiteand eliminated the eastern half of the existing driveways. CriteriaFor Granting Variance T he granting of the requested variance will enhance existing and potential usesand structures in the vicinity by providing better fire protection,legal access anda driveway that conforms to current development standards (including pavement and drainage).Adjacent property owners use the effected driveway areas on adailybasis,thus the overall positive effects associated withthis variance willbe substantial. The granting of the requested variance willnotbea grant of special privilege asthe existing driveway surface isa pre-existing condition andthe applicant isonly requesting the amount of site coverage necessary to accommodate current day development standards,whichwill make the driveway compatible and uniform to other properties inthe vicinity. The granting ofthe requested variance will havelittleorno effect onthelightandair , distribution of population or utilit ies .The granting ofthe requested variance will improve vehicular circulation and dramatically improve fire protection and public safety forthe property owners utilizing the driveway under consideration. The granting ofthe requested variance will specifically comply with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. If youhaveany questions concerning this requested variance,don't hesitate to contact meat (970)-476-8610.I believe the proposed development of2388 Garmisch Drive willhelp solve numerous access andfire department issues that havebeen outstanding and unresolved forthe past three decades. Sincerely, 07 /14 /2003 *******************••**••******************************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07-14-2003 at 07:27:25 Statement **.***********************************************************••••+.*••********••+**•••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: snownow LLC R030004298 Amount:$500 .00 Check 07/14/200307:27 Init:DF Notation: AM check #104 Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: PEC030034 Type:PEC -Variance 210311411017 2388 GARMISH DRVAIL Koellhoffer future residence This Payment:$500.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $500.00 $500 .00 $0.00 ***.**********************.*+**••••••••*•••****•••••*•••**•••••*•••**•••**••**••••**••***••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accou nt Code PV 001000 031 12500 Description PEC APPL ICATION FEE S CurrentPmts 500.00 Department of Community D evelopment 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-213 8 FAX 970-4 79-2452 www.vailgov.com Rohn Robbins,LLC POBox 6133 Vail,CO 81658 vw:.e d(UJ 5vhtf"Y10l1;1'/'/s- lof"11 blJ::,G- FILE COpy July 29 ,2005 Re:New residence ,located at 2388 GarmischD rive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDas Schone Fining 2 Mr .Robbins , This letter isin response toyour letter datedJuly22 ,2005,inwh ich you state that your client has expressed concern that his access isbeing blocked,potentially ona permanent basis,bythe owners of thenew house being constructed at2388Garm isch Drive .On July 29,2005 ,I asked members ofthe Public Works De partmentto vi s it thesite a nd verify t hatthe project is complying withthe approved staging and construction plan .On July 30 ,2005,Iwas informed by the Public Works Department that the project,aside from temporary blockage o ftheroadfor construction andstag ing purposes was in compliance with t he stag ing plan.W ithregardto ensuring permanent access the Town hasno standing to guarantee ac cess f or youcl ient. Inmy letter dated November15,2004,s taffen couragedyouand y our clientto pursue an amicable agreement regardi ng access t hroughthe easternmost access po int loca ted at 2388 Garmisch Drive.In previous discussions the Townhas informed you t hatwebe lieve we have acted responsibly in regards tothe issues ofaccess forhom es located 0 11 Lo ts 6 -9,Block G ,Va il dasSc hone asall properties have access to their pro perties.Your c lie nt,if t hey believethe ir access tobe unsafe in the winter,should feelfreeto talk to th eTo wn r6gardi 'lg potential im p ro veme ntsto t heir access w hich would make ita year-round access poin t.P .-evic.;usl y ,yo u hove st atedyo ur be lief th ai you r cl ient hasasolid case fo r a prescriptive ease mentt o ba ';J ranted du e t o the lengthof ti meyou r clienthasu tilized the driveway access at 2388 G arm ischDr ive.Sta ff be lieves that your options t og uarantee permanent access across 2388 Garrn .sch OIWE:are toe itherreach a solution w ith the owners of 2388 Garmisch Driveor pursue the process f or determi ning thee xistence ofa prescriptiveease ment. Please review these com ments a ndifyou have a nyq uestions regard ing thisletter please contact meat 970-479-2148. With reqards,~W'W~Pbell Senior Planner Cc:File Matt Mire,Town Attorney ''''.lIE:CYCLE:D PAPElI.... LAw Offlm Of 80""K.R0881"~,LlC P.O.Box 6 133 Vail.C O8165 8 9701926 .4461 Fax:9701926 .44 71 e mail:robbins @ colorado.n et July 22,2005 Warren Campbell De partment of Community Development 75 S .Frontage Rd .West Vai l,CO 81657 RE:Lots 6-9,Block G,Vail d:IS Schone,Filing No.2,Town ofVail Dear Warren : Enclosed.please find copy of your No vemb er 15,2004 letter a ddressedtome (received by this o fficeon January 12 ,2005)a nd of m y Oc tober 2 5 ,2 004 letter to Matt Meier.I amad vised by m y client ,R on Jones,th at ac cess tohis property,via the east dri ve,has been blocked byMs .G isondi and Mr.Pri ebe forthelast approximately two months. While Mr .Jones believed the denial o f a ccess tobe co ntrarytothe Town's permitted requirements forthe site,hehas remained s ilent until now,having been ass ured byM s. Gisondi,M r.Priebe and/or their agents ,that denial of hi s access was temporary and required to complete construct ion .Heis now under the impression that Ms .Gisondi and Mr.Priebe intend to permanently deny him access fromthe east dri ve. In light of the foregoing ,I haverec ently corresponded with Brad Snyder,legal counsel to Ms .Gisondi and M r.Prie be ,asking thathi s clients either execute an easement ag reement (a copy of which is enclosed here with)o r,a lternatively ,provide Mr .Jones with their written assurance that they donot intend to ,andwillnot,den y Mr.Jones access to h is property from eith er the eastor west driv e . In speaking with Matt Meier early today ,he advised thatIno tify you of the above to solicit your invol vement in the matter a ndto en sure Ms .Gisondi 'sandMr .Priebe's compliance wi th all Town of Vail requirements . Thank y ouinad vance fo r your anticipated involvement and cooperation. Please feelfreetocall if!ma y a nswer an y qu estions or concerns or if I may offer any clarifications.I a m looking forward t o hearin gfromyou soon . • W .C""'llhell Pa :!t'2 .July 22,211 11:'i M y bes tregards , Rohn K.Robbins RK Rldar e ncls ccM .Mei er,Esq .(w /e ncls) • ---- Department of Community De velopment 75South Frontage Road Va il,Colorado 8 1657 970-479-2138 FAX970 -479-2452 www.v ailgov.com RohnRobb ins ,LLC POBox6 133 Va il ,CO8 1658 RECEI'JED JAN 122005 November 15,2004 Re:Newres idence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9,BlockG ,VailDasSchoneFining2 Mr.Robb ins , This letter istoinformyouthattheCommun ity Developmentstaff ,perourmeet ing,hasvisited thesite identifiedabove inordertoengagesomeoneastotheconstructionscheduleand intentionsofthe ownersofthenewstructure .Severaldaysafte r ourmeeting ,I wenttothesite ident ified aboveand e ngaged oneof theworkerson t hesiteasneither t heownersnortheforemanwerep resent.Ina candid conversation ,staff was informedthatthereisnointentiontoblockaccesson theroadin quest ion asthe four-plex totheeastusestheroadtoaccessthei r propertyasdoesyou r cl ient to t he -west.I was informedthatallpavingofthenewlyaligned andconstructedroadwilloccu rintheSpring of 2005astheex istlnq roadw ill be usedforconstructionaccessand maybedamagedduring t hat p rocess ,t herebypa ving theroadatthe lastposs ible momentbeforeoccupancyw ill reducethe possibilityof damage tothe road. Obviously the conversation mentionedabovedoesnot assureaccesstoyou r client inperpetuity .Staff wo uld en courage yo u a nd you r clienttopursuean amicable agreeme nt inregardstoaccess t hrough the eas ternmost accesspoint.You m aywe ll becorrectt hat your client hasasolid case fora presc riptive easement.TheTownbe lieves t hey havedoneactedresponsibly in thissitua tion to insure adequate accesstoallproperties .Yourclient ,iftheybelievetheiraccess tobeunsafeinthew inter , should fee l f ree tota lk totheTownregard ing po tentialimprovementstotheiraccesswhich wouldmake itayea r-round accesspoint. Pleasereviewt hesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestionsrega rding thisletterpleasecontact meat 970-479 -2148. With regards, ~Pbell Se nior Plan ner Cc :File .....: UW OFfKB Of ROHn K.ROBBln~,LLC P.O.Box 6133 Vail,CO 81658 9701926.4461 Fax:9701926.4471 email:robbins@coJorado.net October 25 ,2004 MattMeier,Esq . Town of VailAttorne y 75S .Frontage Rd .West Vail ,CO 81657 RE:Lots6-9,BlockG,Vail das Schone,Filing No.2,Town ofVail DearMatt : Please beadv ised thatthisofficerepresentsRonJones,owner of Lot7and co-owner of Lot6 ,Block G,Vaildas Schone FilingNo .2,withintheTown of Vail.As youmaybe aware,anew residence ispresent ly under construction onLot9,withthe street address of2388 Garmisch Dr.Thecurrentowners of thatlotare Heather Gisondi andEr ic Priebe. Asyoumayknow ,Ms .Gisond i's andMr.Priebe's predecessor-in-interest was Snownow,LLCand Colorado limitedliabilitycompanyinwhichGregAmsden of AMS Development,Inc .inVail,wasaprincipal.For substantially longerthan the statutory period requis ite to establish a prescriptive easement,Lots6through9,inclusive,have shared a driveway w ith awestandaneastcurbcut /portal exiting onto Garmisch Drive (please see attached e xhibit:exist ing driveis highlighted). In or about January of th isyear,Mr .Amsden ,on behalf of Snownow,contacted the other lot owners withan interest inthedriveway easement and proposed a written driveway easement andma intenance agreementwh ich wouldformalizethe prescriptive easement.Mr .Amsdend id so in contemplation ofthe construction of a proposed 3-unit, townhouse style development onLot9.Theproffered easement agreement contemplated a 13-member ownerassociationwhichwouldbe constituted of all owners of allunitswithan interest intheexistingdrivewayanddrivewayportalsas depicted on the enclosed exhibit. Although Mr .Amsden apparentl y negot iated earnestly,oneormore of the owners balked at his proposal ,to my und erstanding largely asa consequence of the proposed • ,--. M.Meier,Esq. Paee 2 Octoher 25,2004 assocratron ,AsI understand it,oneormore of the owners simply didnot wish tobe burdened with the responsibilities,obligat ions and /or maintenance contributions which mayhave been required of them asa consequence of the proposed association.Ultimately,negotiations failed and,inor about mid-March of thisyear ,Snownow,byand through Mr .Amsden,applied to the Town of Vail Department of Community De velopment fora variance,which variance sought to "...establish an access easement forthe eastern parcel of Lot 8 and the owners of Lot 10."(See, enclosed letter from Warren Campbell,Senior Planner,to Snownow,LLC,c/o Greg Amsden, dated August 4,2004).Mr.Campbell advised that ,"Staff has determined that the western parcel of Lot 8 does notneedtobe included inthe access easernent.i.as no portion of the ex isting or the new dri veway,associated with your proposed development,encroaches onto that property"(August 4 th letter.~3). Within its Memorandum report ,datedApril 12,2004 (enclosed),the Community Development Department made the following observations : "Staff believed that maintaining access toLots8.9and 10 through the existing common driveway will create less site disturbance than requiring each property to construct separate driveway connection to Garmisch Drive."(p .7,~1); •"As this property and the neighboring properties never hadaformal access easement agreement the Town required the applicant to establish a legally recorded access agreement forLots 8,9 and 10.The applicant has proposed an access easement agreement which includes Lots 6 ,7,8,9 and 10.If recorded it wouldestablish easements forallthe properties acrossall the lotsmakingthe existingsituation legal "(p . 7,~2)t; "Staff firml y believes thatthe 1'J1plicallt must have anaccess easement in place for all tire properties that the proposed driveway will cross andbe improved upon.To not have an easement in place would mean that atany poin:in the future tllat any owner not included asapart of/Ire access easement could limit access to neighboring property owners"(emphasis added)(p .2.,3). On or about August 10,2004,thisoffice contacted Mr .Amsden,during the course of which conversation,Mr.Amsden expressed Snownow's willingness to formalize an easement agreement between the owners of Lots 6 ,7,8 &9 for ingress andegress over the drive. +Asdiscussed below.staff was mistakenthatafermal aecess easement does not exist.Altbough convoluted,whenvnriousrecordedinstrumentslirecumulated,a continuous easementservicingand affectingallaffected lotsdncs,infact,exist. • M.Meier,Esq . Pll;:e 3 Oclllber 25,2110 .. In reliance upon that representation.andathis request,this office prepared a draft easement agreement to affect that purpose.Itisworth noting,too,that in our various conversations,Mr. Amsden hasatall times acknowledged that there unequivocally exists prescriptive rights inall the owners toan ingress/egress easement over and upon the drive including,without limitation, both portals onto Garmisch Drive. Notwithstanding Mr .Amsden 's agreement on behalf of Snownow to enter into the easement agreement,Snownow applied for.and apparently was granted a building permit inor about early to mid August,2004 andat about the same time,transferred fee interest inthe property toMs. Gisondi and Mr.Priebe. On September 9 .2004,this office commenced discussions withMs .Gisondi and Mr.Priebe, attempting to encourage their cooperation in executing thedraft Easement Agreement to the mutual advantage of theLot6 ,7 &8 owners aswellas their own.Ms .Gisondi and Mr.Priebe have found a multitude of waysto rebuff,ignore anddelay dealing withthis matter and have moved forward with construction without addressing the fundamental matter of the easement. In responseto their rebukes.this office researched the presently existing filings with the Eagle County Clerkand Recorder as discovered.in addition tothe unequivocal prescriptive rights possessed by the variouslot owners,the following pertains : J.Amap recorded at Reception No.110984",dated June 25,1969,establishes the original configurations of Lots 6 ,7,8 &9,among others . 2 .Amap recorded at Reception No .129604,dated March 11 ,1974 ,realigns Lots7 &8to their present configurations . 3 .A Correction Deed recorded at Reception No.147329,dated December 17,1976,notes a "roadway and access easement"over Lots7 &8. Accordingly,as Mr .Jones has titleinterestinLot 7,this instrument grants hima titl e interest inan easement over Lot 8. 4 .An Easement dated September 16.1975 recorded at Book 241,Page 836,grants an ingress and egress easement toLot5ove r Lot6 . •all recorded instruments arc recorded ill therecordsoftheEagleCouoty Clerk &Recorder. • M.Meier,Esq. P,,~e" October 25,20114 Accordingly.b...taking the Correction Deed (#3.ahove)and this Easement collectively.a continuous title interest is established continuously over Lots 5,6, 7&8. 5.An Improvement Location Certificate dated October 29,1997,recorded at Book 251, Page 53,notes "Roadway access easement"benefitting Lots5,6,7 &8. This reiterates and supports the assertion made inthe indented,italicized note immediatelyabove. 6 .Exhibit Drawing byEagleValley Surveying,dated October 29,1997 (the same datesas #5,above)notes "easement"inthe present driveway location over Lots5,6,7,8 &9 . Although this is not a recorded instrument,ifsupports the instrument recorded atBook251.Page 53 t 5.above)andestablishesthat the "roadway easement" extends upon,owr and across lots 5 through 9.inclusive. 7 .An Easement recorded on November 19.1998at Reception No.676689 notes that the owners of Lots6&7havea "driveway,parking,etc easement"over Lot 5.It further notes that the owners of Lots6,7,8,9 &)0all "utilize the existing driveway"over Lot 5for access to their respective properties and "have requested"that the Lot 5 Association "document such easement by executing this Easement ," This instrument establishes a reciprocal universal ingress/egress easement over and across Lots 5 through 10,inclusive. This Easement furthernotesthatthisgrantof easement overthe property of Lot5is "...in the same location asisthe currently Existing Easement"(i.e .•the one noted above reciprocally benefitting lots5-10 .inclusive)and further notes that.....this easement is additional toanddoesnotmodifyornegatethe Existing Easement." Taken together,the above recited instruments establish a continuous (and overlapping)title interest over and across Lots5through10,inclusive,for the purpose of ingress and egress reciprocally toalllot owners .As noted before.the title interests outlined above are in addition to the undeniable prescriptive rights whichhavebeenlong established on these lotsand which interest weII exceed the statutory time requirements. In light of the foregoing,this office advised Ms .Gisondi andMr .Priebe that although their execution of the draft Easement Agreement wouldgreatly simplify matters and effect a • M.Meier,Esq. Pall"5 Oclohcr 25,2004 considerable costsavingstobothMr.Jonesandthem,Mr.Joneswassecurethat,if necessary , he could effectively movetheEagleCountyDistrictCourt for declaratory relief andthatthe Court wouldfindin favor of the proposition advancebyMr.Jonesthathisrightstoingressand egress overthe existing dri ve arebothprescr iptive andofrecord.Similarly,anyandall of the other ownerscouldassertandprevailuponidenticalclaims . Although it was hopedthatin consideration of theforegoing ,Ms .Gisondiand Mr.Priebe would finditin their own self-interest toexecuteandreturntheeasement agreement andwouldfindit fully appropriate underthec ircumstances,instead,Mr.Jones'entreatieshavebeenmetwith sil ence. Inthe context of theforegoing .M r.Jonesisconcerned ,baseduponrecentactivityuponthe construction site,thatthe concerns presaged inthe Community Development Department's April J 2 ,2004 Memorandum report,maysooncome 10 fruition,towit,that .....any owner not included asa part oftile access easement could limit access to neighboring property owners" andthat the Gisond ifPriebe projectmayshortlyblockaccesstotheeasternportaltoGarmisch Drive .So doing wouldnotonly interferewithandimpedeMr .Jones 'title and prescriptive interests inthe easement androadwayaccess,butwouldalso: I .CauseMr .Jones 'propertyunduehardship(including,withoutlimitation,palpable financialloss):and 2.Effect unnecessary hardshipand inconvenience toMr .Jonesand/orhis tenants; In consideration of thesepotential losses.Mr .Jones ,by andthroughthisoffice,has demanded o f Ms .Gisondi andMr .Priebethat,incon sideration of hisinterestsinthedriveway ,that: I .They notblocktheeasternportal of thedr ive orcauseittobeblockedatanytime; 2 .Any reconstruction orre-paving of thedriveinthearea of theproject of construction will takeplaceonlyinthes ummer monthsandwillallowforMr.Jones 's unimpeded access duringsuchperiod of construction;and 3 .Thatthefinishedsurface of thedrivewillbe substantially aspresentlyexists. Again ,Mr .Jones'requestshave beenmetwiths ilence fromMs.Gisondiand Mr.Priebe. As one of the obligations of theTowninissuingabuild ing permitisto ensure that easements a nd other rightsarepreservedby thepermitee,Iofferthis correspondence asMr.Jones 'request • .-- M.Meier,Esq. P:rl~e6 October 25,2004 that the Town either: I.Require execution of theEasementAgreementbyallparties ;or,alternatively, Instruct theLot 9 owners that they must honor the existing easement andtakeno steps during orafter construction toblockor otherwise interfere withrights of the other lot owners (i .e.,5,6.7 &8)whoenjoy ,andhaveaninterestin,thedriveway including, without limitation,boththeeastand west portalstoGarmischDrive . While I haveinmy possession copies of all the above-referenced documents,asseveral of them are either of architectural sizeandor of poorprintquality,Ihavenotmade copies foryou . However,all documents areavailableattheoffice of theEagle County Clerk &Recorder (either orbothon computer harddriveand/oronmicrofiche)or,ifmore convenient foryou,I would be pleased tomeetwithyou accompanied by the documents forfurther discussion.Iwillalsobe pleased to provide youwithacopy of thedraft Easement Agreement onyourrequest. Yourkind response tothis correspondence.once youarefully apprised of all the facts,wouldbe most appreciated .Thankyouinadvanceforyour anticipated involvement and cooperation. t: My warmest regards . Pleasefeelfreetocallif I mayanswerand questions orconcernsor ifI mayofferany clarifications.Iam looking forwa~:~U.~.!!~aring fromyousoon . Rohn K.bbins RKR/dar encls 3('otaltng16 I'{/~C's) cc R.Jones ivlafax 11'11 ends) • EXHIBIT VAIL SKY HIGH CClNIlQNlHIlAII (LOT 5) .~.' PART rI'LDT • VA~DAt ~~~~a MO,2) (R[C,,llD9~) LOT 10 SIllET 2 OF'2 .:co'---'-------------- L _ Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Snownow,LLC. c/oGregAmsden 500SouthFrontageRoadEast,Suite112 Vail,CO 81657 August4,2004 Re :Snownow,LLC .Newresidence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9,BlockG,VailDasSchone Fining 2 Mr.Amsden, ThisletteristoinformyouthattheCommunityDevelopmentStaffhasrevIewedyourproposalto establishanaccesseasementfortheeasternparcelofLot 8 andtheownersofLot10.Perthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionapprovalofJuly28,2003,therewasoneconditionof approvalwhichstated; TheapplicantshallsubmittotheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentacopy of anexecuted accesseasement with theownersofLots 8 and 10,VailDasSchoneFiling 2,prior tothe issuance of a buildingpermit. StaffhasdeterminedthatthewesternparcelofLot 8 doesnotneedtobeincludedintheaccess easementdescribedaboveasnoportionoftheexistingorthenewdriveway,associatedwithaccess to yourproposed developmentencroaches ontothatproperty. ., Itappearsthroughdiscussionthatyouarenearcompletionofobtaininganexecutedeasementfor accessacrosstheeasternportionofLot 8 andarewillingtograntaccessforLot10acrossLot9.Staff willconsiderthecondition ofPlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionsatisfiedonceanexecutedand recordedeasementispresentedtostaffwhichprovides cross-accessfortheeasternparcelofLot 8 , Lot9,and Lot10.Anychangetotheapproveddrivewaywouldcausestafftoreevaluatethe determinationsmadeinthisletter. Pleasereviewthesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisletterpleasecontactmeat . 970-479-2148. Withregards ,~:q~(;JCV\A.vA WarrenCampbell SeniorPlanner Cc:File o nscras»PAPER ".--. ORIGINAL MEMORANDUM TO:Planningand Environmental Commission FROM:CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE:April12,2004 SUBJECT:ArequestforavariancefromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsIn Specific ZonesOn Excessive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofdrivewaysandsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthe totalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG.VailDas Schone2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: I.SUMMARY SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden WarrenCampbell Theapplicant,SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden,isrequestinga variancefromSection 12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsInSpecific ZonesOnExcessive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowfortheconstructionofdrivewaysandsurface parkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive (AttachmentA).Theapplicantreceivedapprovalofthisrequestfromthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiononJuly28,2003,with onecondition. Thatconditionstated: The applicantshallsubmittothe Commun ity Development Deparlment a copyofan executed access easement with the owners of Lots 8 and10, Vail Das Schone Filing 2 ,priortothe issuance of a building permit. Theapplicanthasworkedoverthepastninemonthstomeettherequirementsof thiscondition.Theapplicanthasbeenabletogetallpropertyownersexceptfor theownersoftheduplexonLot8toagreetoanaccesseasementagreement. TheapplicantisreturningtothePlanningandEnvironmentalCommiss ion toask thattheconditionofapprovalberemoved. BaseduponStaff'sreview ofthecriteria inSectionVIIIofthismemorandumand theevidenceandtestimonypresented,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartment recommendsthatthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission deny this variancerequesttoremovetheconditionofapprovalfromJuly28,2003 , approvalofthisvariancewithoneconditionsubjecttothefindings notedin SectionIXofthismemorandum.Denialofthis requestaffirmsthePlanningand Environmental Commission's decisionfromJuly28,2003. II.DESCRIPTION OFREQUEST TheapplicanthasbeenapprovedbyboththePlanningandEnvironmental CommissionandtheDesignReviewBoardtoconstructanewprimary/secondary ".-.- residence at2388GarmischDrive.Thepropertyhas steep existing grades and is currently undeveloped.Anexistingdr iveway onthes ite currently prov ides access totheadjoining properties locatedbothto the westandeastofthissite (l.e,lotsLot8and10,Block G ,VailDas Schone 2 nd Filing).The existing d riveway is5.635sq .II.in area (26%ofthelotarea).The adjoin ing Lots 8 and 10wereboth developed underEagleCounty jurisdiction,later annexed intothe TownofVall.andarecurrentlylegally non-conforming in regard tomanyof Vail's development standards.Theexisting dr iveway was constructed without formal easement agreements granting theadjoining properties access through thissite. OnJuly 28,2003,the applicant proposedtomake improvements tothe exlstlnq driveway tobringthe driveway into conformance with TownofVail engineering standards.Theapplicantalsoproposedtogrant easements tothe adjoining Lots 8 and10foraccessthroughLot 9.The applicant also proposed to construct a new primary/secondary res idence onth is siteand provide atotalofthree new surface park ing spaces.Thetotalareaofthe proposed driveway andthenew surface parkingspaceswas6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthetotalsitearea).This site hasexistinggradesinexcessof30%andis therefore subject tothe provisions of Section 12-21-14 (RESTRICTIONS IN SPECIFIC ZONES ON EXCESSIVE SLOPES).VailTownCode .Sect ion 12-21-14,Vail TownCode,requires that(in part): Notmorethantenpercent (10%)ofthetotalsiteareamaybecoveredby driveways and surface parking. Section 12-21-14,VailTownCode,limitsthe amount of driveway and parking areaonthissite to2,149sq .ft.(10%).Theexisting driveway providing access to Lots8and10is5,635sq.ft .Inarea(26%ofthetota l site area).Therefore,even thoughLot9is currently undeveloped,itis non-conforming in regard tothe driveway andsurfacepark ing arearequ irements of Section 12-21-14,Vail Town Code .Theapplicanthadavarianceapprovedon July 28,2003 ,which allowed an Increase inthe non-conformity ofthissiteby allowing improvements to the existingd riveway and construction of threenew surface park ing spacesfora totalareaof6,486sq.fl .(30%ofthetotalsitearea).Thecond ition of approval stated: The applicant shallsubmittothe Commun ity Development Department a copyofan executed access easement with the owners ofLots 8 and10, VailDas Schone Filing 2,prior tothe issuance ofabuildingpermit. The applicant hasmadeattemptstocomplywiththis condition of approval.After nine months ofworkingwiththeadjacentproperty owners the applicant hasbeen abletogettheownersofLots6,7,9,and10toagreetoan access easement agreement.The applicant hasnotbeenabletoreachan agreement withthe owners oftheduplexonLot8 .Lot8containsthesouthwestern portion ofthe approved dr iveway curvehead ing totheeastwh ich will service Lots9and10. Therefore ,the applicant isreturningbeforethe Planning and Environmental Commission toaskthatthe condition of approval fromJu ly 28 ,2003 ,be removed .AcopyofaleIterfrom the applicant dated March is,2004,which describes in greater detailthe applicant's request .hasbeen attached for reference (Attachment B).Amap depicting the easement proposed bythe 2 ,,-.- applicantwhichdisplaysthesmallareaforwhichanagreementhasnotbeen reachedisincludedforreference(Attachment C). III.BACKGROUND •ThispropertywasannexedintotheTownofVailbyOrdinanceNo.26of 1986. •OnJuly28,2003,thePlanningandEnvironmental Commissionapproved theapplicant'svariancetoincreasetheareaofthedrivewayonthesite. •OnSeptember3,2003,theDesignReview Boardapproved theapplicant's proposal. IV.ROLESOF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review:Generally,applications will bereviewedfirstbythe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission foracceptabilityof useandthenby t he DesignReviewBoardforcomplianceofproposedbuildingsandsiteplanning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action:ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission isresponsibleforfinal approval/denial/approval with conditions ofconditionalusepermitsand variances. ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionIsresponsiblefor evaluatingaproposalfor: 1.Relationship andimpactoftheuseondevelopmentobjectivesofthe Town. 2.Effectoftheuseonlightandair,distribution ofpopulation, transportationfacilities,utilities,schools,parksandrecreat ionfacilities, andotherpublicfacilitiesandpublicfacilitiesneeds. 3.Effectupontraffic,withparticularreferencetocongestion,automotive andpedestriansafetyandconvenience,trafficflowandcontrol,access , maneuverability.andremovalofsnowfromthestreetsandparkingareas . 4.Effectuponthecharacteroftheareainwhichtheproposeduseisto belocated,includingthescaleandbulkoftheproposeduseinrelationto surroundinguses. 5.SuchotherfactorsandcriteriaastheCommissiondeemsapplicableto theproposeduse. 6.Theenvironmentalimpactreportconcerningtheproposeduse,ifan environmentalimpactreportisrequiredbyChapter12ofthisTitle. Conformancewithdevelopmentstandardsofzonedistrict Lotarea Setbacks 3 - BuildingHeight Density GRFA Sitecoverage Landscapearea Parkingandloading Mitigationofdevelopmentimpacts Design Review Board: Action:TheDesignReviewBoardhasNO review authority ona conditional use permitorvariance.butmustreviewanyaccompanyingDesignReviewBoard application. Town Council: ActionsofDesignReview BoardorPlanningandEnvironmental Commission maybeappealedtotheTown Councilor bytheTownCouncil.TownCouncil evaluateswhetherornotthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission orDesign ReviewBoarderredwithapprovalsordenialsandcanuphold,upholdwith modifications,oroverturntheboard 's decision. Staff: ThestaffIsresponsibleforensuringthatallsubmittalrequirementsareprovided andplansconformtothetechnical requirementsoftheZoning Regulations.The staffalsoadvisestheapplicantastocompliancewiththedesign guidelines . Staffprovidesastaffmemorandumcontainingbackgroundonthepropertyand providesastaffevaluationoftheprojectwithrespecttotherequiredcriteriaand findings,andarecommendationonapproval .approvalwithconditions,ordenial. Staffalsofacilitatesthereviewprocess. V.APPLICABLE PLANNINGDOCUMENTS StaffbelievesthatthefollowingprovisionsoftheVailTownCodearerelevantto thereviewofthisproposal : TITLE 12:ZONINGREGULATIONS Chapter 12·60:Two-Family PrlmarylSecondary Residential (PS) District (in part) 12-6D-1:PURPOSE: Thetwo-familyprimary/secondaryresidentialdistrictis intended to providesitesforsingle-familyresidentialusesortwo-family residential usesinwhichoneunit isa largerprimaryresidenceandthe second unit is a smallercaretakerapartment,togetherwith such public facilitiesas mayappropriatelybelocatedinthesamedistrict.Thetwo-family primary/secondaryresidential district is intendedtoensureadequatelight, aIr,privacyandopenspaceforeachdwelling,commensuratewithsingle- familyandtwo-family occupancy,andtomaintain thedesirable residential qualities of suchsites byestablishingappropriatesite development standards. 4 Chapter12-17:Variances (In part) 12-17-1:Purpose: A.ReasonsForSeeking Variance :Inordertoprevent or tolessensuch practicaldifficultiesandunnecessaryphysicalhardshipsinconsistentwith theobjectivesofthistitleaswouldresultfromstrictorliteralinterpretation and enforcement,variances fromcertainregulationsmaybegranted.A practicaldifficulty or unnecessaryphysicalhardshipmayresultfromthe size,shape,or dimensions of a siteorthelocationofexistingstructures thereon,'fromtopagraphicorphysicalconditionsonthesite or inthe immediatevicinity;orfromotherphysical limitations,streetlocationsor condItionsintheimmediatevicinity.Costorinconveniencetothe applicantofstrictorliteralcompliancewitharegulationshallnotbe 8 reasonforgrantinga variance. B.DevelopmentStandardsExcepted:Variances maybe granted only withrespecttothedevelopmentstandardsprescribedforeachdistrict, inclUding lotareaandsite dimensions,setbacks,distancesbetween buildings,height,densitycontrol,buildingbulkcontrol,sitecoverage , usableopenspace,landscapingandsite development,andparkingand loadingrequirements;orwithrespecttotheprovisionsof chapter 11 of thistitle,governingphysicaldevelopmenton a site. Chapter12·21:Hazard Regulations (inpart) 12-21-1:PURPOSE: The purpose of thisChapteristohelpprotecttheInhabitants of theTown fromdangersrelatingtodevelopmentoffloodplains,avalanchepaths, steepslopesandgeologicallysensitiveareas;toregulatetheuseofland areaswhichmaybesubjecttofloodingandavalancheorwhichmay be geologicallysensitive;andfurthertoregulatedevelopmentonsteep slopes;to protecttheeconomicandpropertyvalues of theTown,to protecttheaestheticandrecreationalvaluesandnaturalresourcesofthe Town,whicharesometimesassociatedwithfloodplains,avalanche areasandareasofgeologicalsensitivityandslopes;tominimizedamage topublicfacilitiesandutilitiesandminimizetheneedforreliefincleanup operations;togivenoticetothepublicofcertainareaswithIntheTown wherefloodplains.avalancheareasandareasofgeologicsensitiVity exist;andtopromotethegeneralpublichealth,safetyandwelfare. 12-21-14:RESTRICTIONS INSPECIFICZONESONEXCESSIVE SLOPES: Thefollowingadditionalspecialrestrictionsorrequirementsshallapplyto developmentonanylotinahillsideresidential,single-family resident/aI, two-familyresidentialortwo-familyprimaryisecondary residentialzone districtwheretheaverageslopeofthesitebeneaththeexisting or proposedstructureandparkingareaisinexcessofthirty percent (30%):... 5 E.~ite coverageas it pertainstothischapter,as permitted by sections 12-6A -9,12·68-9,12-6C-9 and 12-60-9 of thistitle,is amended as follows : 1.Notmorethanfifteenpercent (15%)of thesiteareamaybe coveredby bUildings,exceptinconjunctionwith a type I employee housingunit inaccordancewithchapter 13 ofthistitle,inwhich casenotmorethantwenty percent (20%)of thesitearea may be coveredbybuildings;and 2.Not more than ten percent (10%)of the total site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. VI.SITEANALYSIS lot Area: Zoning: LandUsePlan Designation : Current land Use: 21,492 sq.ft.(0,49 acres) Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S) Med ium Density Residential Undeveloped max.33 ft.(slope)130 ft.(flat)<33 ft. Development Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Building Height: Dens ity: GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscape Area: Parking:Primary Unit Secondary Unit Allowed/Required 20 ft. 15 fl./15 fl. 15ft. 2 units +1 Type II EHU 5,249 sq.ft. 3.223 sq.ft.(15%) 12,896 sq.ft.(60"lo) 3 spaces 3 spaces Proposed >20 fl. >15 fl./>15ft. >15 ft. 2 units 4 ,637 sq.ft. 3,035 sq.ft.(14%) 13,000 sq.ft.(60"10) 4 spaces (2 surface) 3 spaces (1 surface) VII.SURROUNDING LANDUSESANDZONING Land Use North :Low-Density Residential South:Low-Denslty Resident ial East:Medium-Density Residential West:Medium-Dens ity Residential 6 Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary VIII.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A.ConsiderationofFactors Regarding Variances: 1.The relationship oftherequested variance to other existing or potential usesand structures Inthe vicinity. Theapproveddrivewayandparkingareaswillaccommodate vehicularaccessandparkingforthissiteandprovideaccessto Lots 8 and 10.Staffbelievedthattheapproveddrivewayand parkingareasareinkeepingwiththecharacterofthe neighborhoodandthattheapplicant'sapprovedimprovementsto theexistingdrivewaywillbebeneficialtotheeXistingandpotential usesands tructures ontheadjoining Lots 8 and 10.Additionally , Staffbelieved thatmaintaining accesstoLots 8,9,and 10 through theexisting,commondrivewaywill createlesssitedisturbance than reqUiring eachpropertytoconstructaseparatedriveway connection toGarmisch Drive. Asthispropertyandtheneighboringpropertiesneverhadaformal accesseasementagreementIheTownrequiredtheapplicantto establishalegallyrecordedaccessagreementforLots 8 ,9,and 10 .Theapplicanthasproposedanaccesseasementagreement whichincludesLots 6,7 ,8,9,and 10.If recordeditwould establisheasementsforallpropertiesacrossallthelotsmaking theexistingsituationlegal.Theapplicanthascurrentlynotbeen able 10 reachagreementwiththeownersoftheduplexonLot 8.It isbecauseofthislackofagreementthattheapplicantIsreturning beforeIhePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiontohavethe conditionotapprovalfromJuly 28 ,2003 ,removed . Stafffirmlybelievesthat theapplicantmusthaveanaccess easementinplacefor allpropertiesthattheapproveddriveway willcrossandbeimprovedupon.Tonothaveaneasement in placewouldmeanthatatanypointinthefuturethatanyowner notincludedasapartoftheaccesseasementcouldlimitaccess toneighboringpropertyowners. 2.Thedegreetowhichrelieffromthe strict and literal Interpretation andenforcementofa specified regulation Is necessarytoachieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsites in the vicinity ortoattainthe objectives of this title without agrantofspecial privilege. Staffdoesnotbelievethatthetopographyofthesiteconst itutes anextraordinarycircumstanceorexceptionalcondition.Other propertiesintheTwo-Family Primary/Secondary (P/S)Districtwith similar topographicconditionshavebeensuccessfullydeveloped withoutvariances. 7 H?we~er,staffbelievedthepresenceoftheexistingdrivewayon thissitethatprovides accesstotwoadjoining propertiesisan extraordinary circumstance andexceptional condition.Staff also believedtheapplicant requestedtheminimumamountofrelief fromthestrictandliteral interpretationandenforcementofthe zoning regulations necessarytoachievecompatibilityand uniformityamongsitesinthe vicinity andwithintheTwo-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PIS)District.Therefore,Staffdid notbelieve this proposalwouldconstituteagrantofspecial privilege. 3.Theeffectoftherequestedvarianceon light andair, distribution of population,transportation and traffic faclllties , public facilities and utilities,and public safety. Staff believed thatthis variancewillfacilitatetheapplicant's approved improvements totheexisting driveway thatwillimprove bothtrafficflowandpublicsafetyonLots8,9,and10andon Garmisch Drive. Staffdidnotbelieve thattheproposedvariancewouldhavea significant negative impactonlightandair,distributionof population,public facilities,and utilities. 4.Such other factors and criteria asthe commission deems applicabletothe proposed variance. B.The Planning and Environmental Commission shallmakethefollowing findings beforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotconstituteagrantof special privilege inconsistent with the limitationsonother properties classifiedinthesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegranting ofthevariancewillnotbedetrimentaltothe publichealth,safetyorwelfare,ormateriallyinjurious toproperties or improvements inthevicinily. 3.Thatthe variance iswarrantedforoneormoreofthefollowing reasons: a.Thestrictliteral interpretation orenforcementofthe specifiedregulation wouldresult inpracticaldifficultyor unnecessary physicalhardshipinconsistentwiththe objectives ofthistitle. b.Thereare exceptions orextraordinary circumstancesor conditions applicable tothesamesiteofthevariancethat donotapplygenerallytootherproperties inthesame zone. 8 c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecified regulation woulddeprivetheapplicantofprivileges enjoyed by theownersofotherpropertiesInthesame district. IX.STAFFRECOMMENDATION TheCommunityDevelopment Department recommendsthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission deny thisvariancerequesttoremovethecondition ofapprovalfromJuly28,2003,fromSection12-21·14E(2),RestrictionsIn SpecificZonesOn Excess ive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionof driveways andsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsite area,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9,BlockG,VallDasSchone2nd Filing . DenialofthisrequestaffirmsthePlanning andEnvironmentalCommission 's decisionfromJuly28,2003.Slaff's recommendation isbaseduponthereviewof thecriteriaInSectionVIIIofthismemorandumandtheevidenceandtestimony presented,subjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.Thatthegrantingofthe variance willconstituteagrantingofspecial privilege inconsistentwiththelimitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillbedetrimentaltothepublichealth, safety,or welfare,ormateriallyInjurioustopropertiesorimprovementsin thevicinity. 3.Thestrictliteral Interpretation orenforcementofthespecifiedregulation wouldnotresultinpracticaldifficultyorunnecessaryphysicalhardship inconsistentwiththeobjectivesofthistitle. 4 .Thestrict interpretation orenforcementof thespecifiedregulationwould notdeprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersofother propertiesinthesamedistrict. X.ATTACHMENTS A.VicinityMap B.Applicant'sLetterofRequest C.Mapdepictingeasement D.PublicHearingNotice 9 Attachment:A Snownow LLC 500S.Frontage RoadEast,Suite112 Vail,Colorado 81657 March 15,2004 Town ofVaiI Planning &EnvironmentalCommission c/oBillGibson 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO.81657 Re:Removal ofaConditiononVariancegrantedfor2388GarmischDrive (Lot 9,Block G,Vail das SchoneFiling2 ) Dear Bill: Attached isacompletedapplicationforanamendmenttothePlanningand Environmental Commission's impervious(driveway)sitecoveragevariancegrantedinJuly 28,2003 forthe property locatedat2388GarmischDriveinWestVail. Thebasisfortheoriginalvariance was toimprovetheexistingdrivewayon applicant's property (used by 10neighboringhomeowners)tosatisfyrequirements of the Town of Vall PublicWorks Department and theFireDepartment.ThePECattacheda condition tothe variancerequiringtheapplicantto establish aneasementfor allportions of the driveway,both onand off the applicant's property,beingusedbyadjacent property owners(BuildingsIand 2,AlpenChalet Townhouses,and A1pen ChaletDuplex). Theapplicant approached all theownersregardingthiscasementand,aftertwelve months and numerous redrafts,isstillunabletoobtainmutualagreementamongstthe10neighboring property owners.Severalowners do not wish tosignany document,regardless of it's content.Theapplicanthasspentconsiderabletime,money(legal fees andsurveying costs), and has had losta $675,000 sales contract duetodelaysinstart of construction.Thebuilding permithasbeenapprovedand has beenreadyforissuancesinceDecember,2003. Sincethe requirement foraneasementimposedbythePEC is notfeasible,the applicant is requesting removal of this condition.Allimprovementsforthenewdrivewayare located on the applicant's property exceptforasmall,triangle-shapedparcelowned by AlpenChalets Duplex (See attached ExhibitAoutlininglocation of parcel).Applicant will indemnify,defend andholdharmlessthe Town of Vail,its representatives andemployeesagainstanyclaims, demands,loss,damages,liabilityor other expensearisingout of any actions taken bythe Town of Vailinapprovinganyaspect of the applicant's proposed improvements . Voice (970)·476.8610 amsden@vail ,nel Attachment:8 (970)-476·8637 Fax ·" -, If youhaveanyadditionalquestions,don't hesitateto contact meat 476-8610.Thank you tor your timeand consideration oftbis matter . Sincerely, Cc:Robert A.Rymer-Manager ofSnownow LLC ".. ...-..r--------- EXHIBIT A PART OF'lDT8 V~L D.IS ~~NO.2) (REe.,1I0e M) RAOIVS •135.00" DatA ..20'8'00· AIle •01.9r OtORD •61.0' BAG -tf39°"2'QIJ"'E<, VAIL SKY HIGH CONOOI.IINllAlS (LOT 5) LOT 10 PDCtiDt\oc.~.".,rrt .,;;.Whllh ~,h~.~,".5~ CaItMf ~k A~ru~"1 SHEET 2 OF 2 Attachment:C ,.-- EASEMENT GRANT AND AGREEMENT This Easement Grant and Agreement (the "Easement Agreement"or,attimes,the "Agreement")is made effective as of September _'2004 byand among Ronald A.Jones ("Jones"),Susan M.Solem ("Solem"),Heather Gisondi ("Gisondi")and Eric Priebe ("Priebe"). Jones ,Solem,Gisondi and Priebe shallbe collectively referredtoasthe "Owners". For andin consideration of therec itals in Section 1 of this Agreement,which are incorporated herein bythis reference,andfor other goodand valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of wh icli are hereby acknowledged,including,but not limited to the mutual grant and covenants contained inthis Easement Agreement,the Owners grantthe following easement and make the following agreements and covenants: 1.Recitals.The Owners areeach seised of an estate infee simple of that certain real property located in Block G,Vaildas Schone Filing No .2,Town of Vail,County of Eagle,State of Colorado,according tothe recorded plat thereof:assetforthon Exhibit A attached hereto (each of which isa "Property"andall of which are "Properties").The Properties consist,collectively of Lots6,7and9and that generally square portion of Lot 8 which is hatched on Exhib it Band identified as "Part of Lot 8 Block G,VailDas Schone Filing No .2,)(Rec.#110984)"onsaid Exhibit B,Block G,Vaildas Schone Filing No.2 .The Owners desire to create an easement foraccess and related purposes along, over and across the tract depicted and described on Exhibit B attached hereto which lies within Lots 6,7and9andthat portion of Lot8 previously described insuch Block G . Vaildas Schone Filing No .2 (the "Easement Tract"or,attimes,the "Easement"),and the Owners also desire tosetforth various rightsand obligations of the Easement Users in connection with such Easement,allin accordance withthetermsand conditions set forthin this Agreement. 2.Grant of Easement.Each of the Owners of the Properties on which the Easement Tract is located does hereby GRANT,BARGAIN,SELL AND CONVEY to each andall of the other Owners,andin common withallothers having likeright,a permanent, perpetual ,and non-exclusive easement along,overand across the Easement Tract for the purposes of access,ingress andegress ,and passing and re-passing (butnotfor parking) along,over and across the Easement Tract,toandfromthe public roadknownas Garmisch Drive and each of the Properties andanypartthereof,andalsoforthe purpose of carrying out work and other actions permitted,authorized or required under this Easement Agreement.The easement granted inthis Section 2 :a)is permanent,perpetual and non-exclusive;b)isforthe benefit of each of the Properties and each legally subdivided part thereof existing fromtimetotime;c)is of the benefit ofeach of the Owners and their/its respective heirs,devisees,successors and assigns including,but not limited to ,the respective successors intitle of each of the Owners (each of the Owners and each of their/its respect ive heirs,devisees,successors and assigns being sometimes Easement Grant and Agreament Page J Dated:Septemher 9,2004 '- herein called an "Easement User"andmorethan one of thembeing sometimes herein called "Easement Users");d)herebyrestrictseachEasementUserfrom erecting, maintaining,placingorleaving,or permitting theerecting,maintaining,placingor leav ing ,of an y fence ,wall ,barricade orother obstruction,or from takingor permitting the taking o f any other actionthatwouldinanyway obstruct orhindertheaccess,which is reasonably necessary inorderto carry outany construction orotherworkwith respect toany of the Properties orany of the improvements thereof formtime to time,or which is reasonably necessary tocarryoutanyworkoractionwhichispermitted ,authorized or required under this Agreement ;and ,e)herebyrestrictseach Easement Userfrom parking or permitting parking intheEasementTract,except fortemporaryparkingwhichis reasonably necessary inordertocarryoutanyworkor other actionwhichis permitted, authorized or required underthisEasementAgreement,andalso,exceptas otherwise provided inthis Easement Agreement;provided.however,and notwithstanding anything tothe contrary contained inthisAgreement,doesnotrestricttheminor encroachment of a portion of aparked vehicle ontotheEasementTractsolongassuch encroachment does not unreasonably obstruct orhindertheaccessgrantedbythis Easement Agreement,andthisEasementAgreementdoesnotrestricttheuse of the Easement Tract inany manner whichisnot inconsistent withtheterms of thisAgreement.Each Easement Usermay permit its respective lessees,licensees,employees ,customer,guests, invitees and designees toavailthemselves of therightsgrantedtosuch Easement Userin this Section 2 .TheEasementTractisnotandshallnotbea public roaddedicatedtoor fortheuse of thegeneralpublicandmaybeusedonlyby those partieswhohaverights granted under this Easement Agreement. 3.Existing Recorded Rights and ObligationslUnrecorded Rights .Theterms of this Easement Agreement areinadditionto,andshallnotlimitinanyway.anyrights or obligations underany easements or instruments whicharecurrently of recordinthereal property records of EagleCounty,Colorado,except that totheextentthatany of the terms of this Easement Agreementconflictswhichtheterms ofany easement or instrument currently of recordinsuchrealpropertyrecords ,theterms of this Easement Agreement shallgovernandcontrol.Furthermore,totheextentthat any of theOwners may currently haveanyrights ofaccess ,ingress,egress,passingorre-passing over or across any of Lots6,7,9 orthatportion of Lot8previouslydescribedin Block G,Vail das Schone Filing No .2,Town of Vail,whicharenot currently of recordinthereal property records of Eagle County,Colorado,each of theOwnersfor itlhimlher-selfand its/her/his heirs ,successors andassigns,herebyreleasesanyunrecordedrights . 4.Easement is Appurtenant.The easementgrantedinthis Easement Agreement shallbe a.ppurten.ant toeach Property andtoeachlegallysubdividedpart thereof existing from time to time andmaynotbetransferredseparateorapartfromsuch Property orsuch legally subdivided partthereof. EnS"","1lI GrtUU nnd Agreemelll Page 2 Dated:Septemher 9.2004 -- 5.Enforcement of Ri2hts.In theeventthatany Easement Userfailsto discharge any of its obligations underthisAgreement,then,any other Easement Usershallhavethe rightto enforce thisEasementAgreementbyanactionor proceeding atlaworin equity (including,without lim itation,suitforspecificperformanceandsuittorecoverdamages). All remedies for enforcement of thisAgreementshallbecumulative,andthe exercise of one remedy of enforcement shallnotprecludeorlimitthe exercise of anyotherremedy of enforcement.Failure byapartyto enforce anyprovision of thisAgreementshallnot operate asawaiver of anyotherprovision of thisAgreement.In theevent ofa legal action or proceeding relatingtothisEasementAgreement,whether at laworinequity, the prevailing partyshallbe entitled torecover,andtheCourtshallawardtothe prevailing party ,its reasonable costsandexpenses of thelegalactionor proceeding including,without limitation,reasonableattorneyfees. 6.Reasonable Exercise of Riehts.Notwithstanding anythingtothe contrary contained inthis Easement Agreement,therights of apartyunderthis Agreement shallbe exercised only ina manner whichshallnotunreasonablyinterferewith,impedeor impose uponthe rights of any other partyunderth is Easement Agreement,or unreasonably interfere with, impede,or impose uponthereasonableuseorquiet enjoyment of any of the Properties, orany legally subd ivided part of any of theProperties existing fromtimetotime . 7.Covenants Runnin2 With the Land.In additionto,and without limiting the prov isions of Section 8 of thisAgreement,theterms of thisEasement Agreement shallbe and constitute covenants runningwiththeland of each of the Properties andeachlegally subdivided part thereof existing fromtimetotime,andshallbe deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument bywhichanyright,titleorinterestinany of the Properties oranylegally subdivided part thereof existingfromtimetotimeisgranted,conveyed or otherwise transferred ,whetherornotsetforthorreferred to insuchdeedor other instrument. 8.Bindin2 EtTectlBenefitlLiability.In additionto ,andwithout limiting the provisions of Section 7 hereinabove ,but subject tothelast sentence of this Section 8:a)theterms of this Agreement shallbebindingon,andinuretothebenefit of,each of theOwnersand eachit its/his/her heirs,devisees,successorsandassigns;and,b)theterms of this Agreement shallbepersonal covenants forwhicheach of theOwnersandeach of its/his/her heirs ,devisees ,successors andassignsshall be personallyliable.However,and notwithstanding theforegoingoranythingelsetothecontrary contained inthis Agreement ,whenever apartytransfersall of its/his/herinterestinaProperty ,suchparty shallhavenofurtherrightsor obligations underthisAgreementwithrespecttosuch Property,except thatsuchpartyshallcont inue tohaveallrightsand obligations with respect tosuch Property whichhaveaccruedunderthisAgreementpriortosuch transfer includ ing,without limitation,all obligations withrespecttoabreach of violation of this Easement G""nt and Agreement Pagel Dated:SeplemlMr 9.2004 Agreement binding onsuchpartywhichhas occurred priortosuchtransfer. 9.Governing Law and venue.Thelaws of theState of Colorado shall govern this Easement Agreement.Anylegalaction instituted hereunder shallbe brought in Eagle County,Colorado. 10.No Partnership.None of theterms of this Easement Agreement shallbe deemed or construed to create a partnership between or among any ofthe Easement Users ,norshall any of the terms of this Agreement causeany of the Easement Userstobe considered to bea joint venturer or members of any joint venture enterprise witheach other.Each Easement User shallbe considered a separate entity,andno Easement User shall have the right toactas agent foran y other Easement User,unless expressly authorized todoso by written instrument signed by the authorizing party,except that an Easement User shall have the right tocarry out anyworkand other actions whichare permitted.authorized or required under an of theot her terms of t hisAgreement. II.Sienature.Eachparty hereto represents andwarrantsthatthe person(s)signing this Easement Agreement on behalf of suchpartyisduly authorized todoso .Each party hereto is hereby estopped from asserting thatitoranyparty signing below didnotlegally execute th is Agreement w ith allnecessary and/or required authority. 12.Further Assurances.Eachpartytothis Easement Agreement agreesto execute and deliver such other documents ,instruments andor certificates which maybe reasonably required to implement fullythe provisions and intent of thisAgreement. 13.Joint and Several Liability.If thereismore than one partywhoownsa Property,each of such owning partiesshallbe jointly and severally liable witheach other under th is Easement Agreement with respect tosuch Property. 14.Partial Inyalidity.Ifany provision of this Easement Agreement is determined tobe invalid,illegal ,or unenforceable,the remainder of this Agreement shallnotbe affected thereby and,inlieu of such provision,thereshallbeaddedasapart of this Agreement a provision or provisions as similar intermstosuchinvalid,illegalor unenforceable provision asmaybe possible andbevalid ,legaland enforceable. 15.Headings.The headings of the sections inthe Agreement arefor convenience of reference only andthe y shallnotbeusedto construe this Easement Agreement. 16.Exhibits.The Exhibits attached heretoandreferredtointhis Easement Agreement are hereby incorporated intoandmadeapart of thisAgreement. Easement Grant and Agreement Page 4 Dated:September 9,1004 - 17.Effective DatelRecordation.ThisEasement Agreement shall not become effective or binding onany of theownersunlessall of theOwnershave executed this Agreement andithasbeenrecordedintherealpropertyrecords of EagleCounty, Colorado .However,whenall of theOwnershereindescribedhave executed this Agreement andithasbeensorecorded,thisEasementAgreementshallbeeffectiveas of thedatefirstwritten above. 18.Counterparts.ThisEasementAgreementmaybeexecutedin duplicate counterparts,each of whichshallbedeemedanoriginalandall of which taken together shall constitute oneandthesameinstrument,providedthatall of theOwnerssignatleast one such duplicate counterpart. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thepartieshavereadandexecutedthis Easement Agreement effective as of thedatefirstwrittenabove . Ronald A.Jones Susan M.Solem STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ----- ) )ss . ) HeatherGisondi EricPriebe The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforemethis day of 2004 ,by Ronald A.Jones.-----' Witness byhandandofficialseal. My commiss ion exp ires :----- Notary Public Easement G,alll and Agreemenr Page 5 Dilled:Seplemhe,9,2000/ .~- ST ATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF _ ) )ss . ) '- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis_day of __----' 2004,by Susan M .Solem. Witness by hand and official seal. My commission expires :_ Notary Public ST ATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis_day of __--' 2004 ,by Heather Gisondi , Witness by hand and official seal. My commission expires:_ Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of 2004,by Eric Priebe.---' Witness by hand and official seal. My commission expires :_ Notary Public Easement Grant and Agreement Page 6 Dated:September 9,2004 Owners Ronald A.Jones Ronald A Jones Susan M.Solem Ronald A.Jones Heather Gisondi &Er ic Priebe Heather Gisondi &Eric Priebe EXlllBITA Description of the Properties The Properties t The real property described in the deed recorded in Book 675atPage963as Reception No.571977. The real property described in the deed recorded in Book 722atPage432as Reception No .617975 . The real property described in the deed recorded in Book 495atPage262.andalso the real property described in the deed recorded in Book 637at Page 206as Reception No . 533258. The real property described in the deed recorded in Book 743atPage75as Reception No .639022,andalso the real property described inthedeed recorded in Book 743at Page76as Reception No.639023 . The real property described inthedeed recorded as Reception No .819113 and knownas Lot 9,Final Plat,A Resubdivision of HansonChalet,VailDas Schone Filing No .2,according to the plat recorded July22 ,1994in Book 646atPage56,County of Eagle,State of Colorado", The real property described in that plat recorded in Book 215atPage482as Reception No .110984 (part of Lot 8, Bock G ,VailDas Schone Filing No .2). t All references toa recorded deed or other instrument shall mean an deed or other instrument recorded intheOffcieofthe Clerk and Recorder ofEagle County,Colorado. ~Upon completion of the residential improvements,this Property willbe subdivided intotwo (2)parcels which are anticipated tobeknownas:Lot9-Aand Lot 9-8. Easement Grant and Agreement Page i Dated:September 9,2004 ·---....- EXHIBITB Legal Description andSurvey of Easement Tract (see ,followingtwo(2)attached sheets) Easement Grant and Agreement PageR Dated:September 9,1004 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departmentof Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 f ax:970.479.2452 web:www.cl.vall.co.us Project Name:Snownow LLC changestoappro Project Description: PEC Number:PEC040014 APPLICATION TO REMOVE A CONDmON OF RECORDING AN EASEMENT FROM ASITE COVERAGE,GRANTED ON AUGUST 28TH,2003. Participants: OWNER Snownow LLC 03/15/2004 Phone:476 -8610 RobertA.Rymer,Manager 500SFrontageRdEastSte112 Vail,CO81657 License: APPLICANT AMS Development,Inc 03/15/2004 Phone:476-8610 GregM.Amsden,President 500SFrontageRdEastSte112 Vail,CO Amsden@vail.net 81657 License: Project Address:2388 GARMISH DRVAIL Location:2388 Ganmisch Drive Legal Description:Lot:9Block:GSubdivision:VailDasSchoneFiling2 Parcel Number:210311411017 Comments:Withdrawn BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:WITHDRWN Date ofApproval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approvalshallnotbenotbecomevalid for 20days follOWing the date of approval. Planner:Warren campbell PECFeePaid:$250.00 • Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment . 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970 .479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequ iring PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionreview must receiveapprovalpriortosubmittinga bui lding permit application.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapproval that isrequested. AnapplicationforPlanningandEnvironmental Commissionreviewcannot be accepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.Theprojectmayalsoneedtoberev iewed bytheTown Council and/or theDesignReviewBoard. Type of Application and Fee: o Rezoning o MajorSubdivision o Minor Subdivision o Exemption Plat o Minor Amendment toanSDD o NewSpecial DevelopmentDistrict o Major Amendment toanSDD o Major Amendment toanSDD (no exterior modnicetions) $1300 $1500 $650 $650 $1000 $6000 $6000 $12S0 o Conditional UsePermit o FloodplainModification o MinorExteriorAlteration o MajorExteriorAlteration o DevelopmentPlan ~AmendmenttoaDevelopmentPlan o ZoningCodeAmendment o Variance o SignVariance $650 $400 $650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 Location of the Proposal:Lot:~Block:G-Subdivision:,-L!.LL.Io<-:=.L-"'-"",,",,'4'""=>.o.----''--'-''''-=''''--'- Physical Address:Z3C61J 6"A-ll..Wiscft---"'Ia=:...:..::dJ::...:l€=-....,-_ I();\\l.{l \0 \'1- Description of the Request:J$l:t1Olf A m/IDID'bN (f REi[)t~l~AN Efl.$EN~),lT ROW] A SITE @f"l't!l(*r6tUr1iffiD aJ~!2 8 llf-2003, Zoning:--J....J~---------------------------- Name(s)of Owner(s):_;:"S~~~W~!JO~W~.Ll:=G=-_ Mailing A~dress:fin S ,:vtW;ed .&rtf cSk-Jl2..,JlrnLJD .8/~_eLf SO _________-,..,-_V----=~_.__Phone:7¥))-4%-?iliiO ~"tbl{7 ,K ~ Owner(s)Signature(s):_~~\Jd~~-=-..Y:~2Zli~_-=;;::=-~------_ Name of Applicant:_L1.!...-I>L--""~=~~.lY..J'_+_===--_tr=I&.I.t-!..1-'-""""'~,L------­ Mailing Address:-SIM1E ItS /t-(30Lff- ________________Phone:-SIlW1t!/tiS 1T1j(M;>-- IJta -4lCJ -8h31 REC'D MAR 1 5 2004 Fax __-"''-J...'<'----+J..::......-...::.=:+-_E-mail Address:o.""'SdeVl@ viii ,~d- For Office Use Only: FeePaid:a-S O .-CheckNo.:\u-=ro Application'Date:_ Planner:_ PageI of 6-01/18/02 ************************************ ************************************ ******************** TOWN OFV AIL,COLORADO Statement ***.****.***.*********************** ************************************ ******************** Statement Number:R040005489 Amount :$250 .000 3/15/200403 :06 PM Payment Method :Check Ini t:DM Notatio n:#1670 GREGORY AMSDEN Permit No :PEC040014 Type: PEC-Amend t o Dev Plan Parcel No:2103114 110 17 Site Address: 2388 GARMI SH DR VA IL Loca t ion: 2388 Garm isch Drive Total Fees: $250.00 Thi s Payme nt:$25 0 .0 0To tal ALLPmts:$250 .00 Balance : $0.00 ************************************ ************************************ *************••***** ACCO UNT ITEMLIS T : Accou ntCode De sc r iption Cur rent PIn ts PV 00 100003 112500 APPLIC ATION FEES 250.00 PE C Tax Report Page:2 OwnFirstNameOwnLastNameOwnerAddress OwnCity Own State Own ZipOwnZip4SaleDate Transfer Ami 75S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO81657 $ RONALD JONES 2428 GARMISCH DR APT 2 VAIL CO 81657 07-NCMlmber-1997 $318 ,000 SUSAN SOLEM POBOX2621 VAIL CO 81658 $ RONALD JONES 2428 GARMISCH DRAPT2 VAIL CO 81657 24-March -1997 $307 ,400 RONALD JONES 2428 GARMISCH DRAPT2 VAIL CO81657 07-September-1995 $275 ,000 THEODORE WIRECKI RETIREMENT PLAN140ALBIONST DENVER CO80220 28-Augusl-1992 $160 ,000 WILLIAMHINE 2418 GARMISCH DR1 VAIL CO81657 23-January-2oo3$399,000 JAMESEARLE 2407 GARMISCH DR VAIL CO 81657 1Q-September-1993 $350 ,000 ANDREW LANES 1153 DETROIT ST DENVER CO80206 26-January-2oo1 $480 ,000 NORMAN BROTEN %NORMAN H.BROTEN 810 4-AVENUESE JAMESTOWN NO 58401 s ULRICH HALLER POBOX3502 VAIL CO 81658 18-Apri~1995$236,000 ALAN SURIDIS 25 LANARK RD YONKERS NY 10705 04-Seplember-2002 $352,500 PHILIP BENNETT 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO81657 Q5.May-2ooo $345,000 G ,WIRTH 3540MERLELN NORTHBROOK IL60062 29-April-1994 $80 ,000 PAUL ,SANDS MARGARITA S.-JT2369 CHAMONIX LNVAIL CO 81657 06-Seplember-1989 $34 ,000 OZERSKY 124 QUARTERDECK MALL MARINA DELREYCA90292 08-Augusl-1982 $52,500 DAVID SCHWARTZ FRIEDMAN ,STEWART &HINDI668 FLAGSTAFF DR CINCINNATI OH45215 s 15-Mar-2004 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section 1 (Requirements) The following arethe requirements tobe complied with: Our Order No.V278525-3 Item(a)Payment to or fortheaccount of the grantors or mortgagors of thefull consideration fortheestate or interesttobe insured. Item (b)Proper instrument(s)creating theestateor interest tobe insured mustbeexecutedanddulyfiledfor record, to-wit: Item(c)Payment of all taxes,charges orassessmentsleviedandassessed against thesubject premises whicharedue and payable. Item(d)Additional requirements .if any disclosed below: 1.EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS.CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OFVAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 2.WARRANTY DEED FROM SUSANC.HANSON AND RICHARD J.HANSON ALSO KNOWN AS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON TO SNOWNOW.LLC.A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 3 .DEED OF TRUST FROM SNOWNOW.LLC.A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF ALPINE BANKTO SECURE THE SUMOF $108,500.00. NOTE:ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FOR SNOWNOW.LLC.A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DISCLOSE(S)ROBERT A.RYMER AS THE MANAGER(S). THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS AREFOR THE OWNER'S POLICY AND MORTGAGEE'S POLICY. NOTE:ITEMS1-3OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OFA NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT .ITEMNO .4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEMNO .4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED ASTOANYLIENSOR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORKOR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OFSUSANC. HANSONAND RICHARD J.HANSON ALSOKNOWNAS RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FORANYLIENS ARISINGFROMWORKOR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SNOWNOW .LLC.A ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section1 (Requirements) Continued: COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Our Order No.V278525-3 NOTE :ITEM5OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILLBE DELETED IFLAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE B-1. NOTE:UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES,ITEM6 WILL BE AMENDED TOREAD: TAXES ANDASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR2002AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES AREPAIDUPTO DATE. *********.NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE,EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER I,2002 •••••••••• Pursuantto Colorado RevisedStatute 30-10-421,"Thecounty clerk and recorder shallcollectasurcharge of $1.00 for each document receivedfor recording or filing inhisorher office.The surcharge shall be inadditiontoany other fees permitted by statute." ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B-Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V278525-3 Thepolicy or policies to beissuedwill contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed oftothe satisfaction of the Company: I .Rightsorclaims of partiesinpossessionnotshownbythepublicrecords. 2.Easements,orclaims of easements,notshownbythepublicrecords. 3.Discrepancies,conflictsinboundarylines,shortageinarea,encroachments,andanyfactswhichacorrectsurveyand inspection of thepremiseswoulddiscloseandwhicharenotshownbythepublicrecords. 4.Anylien,or righttoalien,forservices,laborormaterialtheretoforeorhereafterfurnished,imposedbylawand notshownbythepublicrecords. 5.Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverseclaimsorothermatters,ifany,created,firstappearinginthepublicrecordsor attachingsubsequenttotheeffectivedate hereof but prior tothedatetheproposedinsuredacquires of recordfor valuetheestateorinterestormortgagethereoncoveredbythisCommitment . 6.Taxesorspecialassessmentswhicharenotshownasexistingliensbythepublicrecords. 7 .Liensforunpaidwaterandsewercharges,ifany. 8 .Inaddition,the owner's policywill be subjecttothemortgage,if any,noted in Section1ofScheduleBhereof.~ 9.RIGHTOF PROPRIETOR OFAVEINORLODETOEXTRACTANDREMOVEHISORE THEREFROM SHOULDTHESAMEBEFOUNDTO PENETRATE ORINTERSECTTHEPREMISES ASRESERVEDINUNITEDSTATESPATENTRECORDEDAUGUST11,1900,INBOOK48 ATPAGE236. 10.RESTRICTIVECOVENANTSWHICHDONOTCONTAINA FORFEITURE ORREVERTERCLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANYCOVENANTORRESTRICTIONBASEDONRACE,COLOR,RELIGION, SEX,HANDICAP ,FAMILIAL STATUSORNATIONALORIGINUNLESSANDONLYTOTHE EXTENTTHATSAIDCOVENANT(A)ISEXEMPTUNDERCHAPTER42,SECTION3607OF THEUNITEDSTATESCODEOR(B)RELATESTOHANDICAPBUTDOESNOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINSTHANDICAPPERSONS,AS CONTAINED ININSTRUMENTRECORDED OCTOBER10,1969,INBOOK216ATPAGE153ANDASAMENDEDININSTRUMENT RECORDEDOCTOBER28,1969INBOOK216ATPAGE284ANDASAMENDEDIN INSTRUMENT RECORDEDFEBRUARY16,1970INBOOK217ATPAGE77 . I.TERMS,CONDITIONS,PROVISIONS,EASEMENTSANDRESTRICTIONSASCONTAINEDIN DOCUMENTRECORDEDDECEMBER 14,1970 INBOOK219ATPAGE311. 12.RESERVATIONOFANUNDIVIDED1/2INTERESTINANDTOTHEOIL,GASANDMINERAL RIGHTSTOTHEABOVEDESCRIBEDLANDASSETFORTHINWARRANTYDEEDRECORDED DECEMBER30 ,1959INBOOK165ATPAGE133. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No .V278525-3 Thepolicy or policiestobeissuedwill contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed ofto the satisfaction of the Company: VI3.TERMS,CONDITIONSANDPROVISIONSOF DOCUMENT RECORDEDNOVEMBER3,1982IN BOOK348ATPAGE157,158,159AND160. 14.EASEMENTS,CONDITIONS ,COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONSANDNOTESON THERECORDEDPLATOFVAILDASSCHONE ,FILING NO.2. ~~15.EASEMENTS ,CONDITIONS,COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONSANDNOTESON THERESUBDIVISIONPLATOFHANSONCHALETRECORDEDJULY22 ,1994INBOOK646 ATPAGE56 . l 1 ~;ERMS ,CONDITIONSANDPROVISIONSOFACCESSEASEMENTRECORDEDNOVEMBER18,V'.1998ATRECEPTIONNO .676689. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note:Pursuant toCRS10-11-122 ,notice isherebygiventhat: A)Thesubject real property maybelocatedinaspecial taxing district . B)A Certificate of TaxesDuelistingeachtaxing jurisdiction maybeobtainedfromtheCounty Treasurer's authorized agent. C)The information regarding specialdistrictsandthe boundaries ofsuchdistrictsmaybeobtainedfrom theBoard of County Commissioners ,theCounty Clerk andRecorder,ortheCountyAssessor . Note:Effective September 1,1997,CRS 30·10-406 requiresthatalldocumentsreceivedforrecordingorfiling intheclerkand recorder's officeshallcontainatop margin of atleastoneinchandaleft,rightandbottom margin of atleastone half of aninch.The clerk and recorder mayrefusetorecordorfileanydocumentthat doesnot conform,exceptthat ,the requirement forthetopmarginshallnotapplytodocumentsusingforms onwhichspaceis provided for recording orfiling information atthetopmarginofthedocument . Note:Colorado Division of InsuranceRegulations3-5 -1,Paragraph CofArticleVIIrequiresthat"Every titleentityshallbe responsible forallmailerswhichappearof record prior tothetimeofrecording wheneverthetitleentityconductstheclosingandis responsible for recording orfiling of legal documentsresultingfromthe transaction whichwasclosed".Provided thatLandTitleGuarantee Companyconductstheclosingoftheinsured transaction andis responsible forrecordingthe legaldocumentsfromthetransaction,exception number 5willnotappearonthe Owner's Title PolicyandtheLendersPolicywhenissued . Note :Affirmative mechanic's lien protection fortheOwnermaybeavailable(typicallybydeletion of Exceptionno .4ofScheduleB,Section2ofthe Commitment fromthe Owner's Policyto be issued)upon compliance withthefollowingconditions : A)ThelanddescribedinScheduleA of this commitment mustbeasinglefamilyresidencewhich includesa condominium ortownhouseunit. B)Nolaborormaterialshavebeenfurnishedbymechanicsormaterial -men forpurposes of construction onthelanddescribedinScheduleA of this Commitment withinthepast6months. C)TheCompanymustreceiveanappropriateaffidavit indemnifying theCompanyagainst un-filed mechanic's andmaterial -men's liens . D)TheCompanymustreceivepaymentofthe appropriate premium. E)Iftherehas been construction,improvements ormajorrepairs undertaken onthepropertytobepurchased withinsixmonths prior totheDate of the Commitment,the requirements toobtaincoverage for unrecorded lienswillinclude:disclosureofcertain construction information;financial information astotheseller,the builder andorthe contractor;paymentofthe appropriate premiumfully executedIndemnityAgreementssatisfactorytothe company,and,anyadditionalrequirements asmaybenecessaryafteran examination oftheaforesaid informationbytheCompany . Nocoveragewillbegivenunderanycircumstancesfor labor ormaterialforwhichtheinsured hascontractedfororagreedtopay. Note:PursuanttoCRS10-11-123,noticeisherebygiven: A)Thatthereisrecordedevidencethatamineralestatehasbeensevered,leased,orotherwise conveyedfromthesurfaceestateandthatthereisa substantial likelihood thatathirdparty holdssomeorallinterestinoil ,gas,other minerals,orgeothermalenergyinthe property;and B)Thatsuchmineralestatemayincludetherightto enter andusethepropertywithoutthe surface owner's permission. Thisnoticeappliesto owner's policycommitments containing amineralseveranceinstrument exception,orexceptions ,inScheduleB,Section2 . Nothinghereincontainedwillbedeemedto obligate thecompanytoprovideanyofthecoverages referredtohere in unlesstheaboveconditionsarefullysatisfied. Form DISCLOSURE 9/02/ver 4.0 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Flnanclal Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1,2001 We recognize andrespectthe privacy exyectations of today's consumers andthe requirements of applicable federaland state privacy laws.We believe thatmakmgyouaware of Iiowweuse your non-public personal information ("Personal Information"),andto whom itis disclosed,will form thebasisfora relationship of trust between usandthe public thatwe serve.This Privacy Statement provides that explanation.We reserve therighttochangethis Privacy Statementfromtimetotime consistent with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business,we may collect Personal Infonnation about you from the following sources: •From applications or other formswereceivefromyouor your authorized representative;*From you~transactions ~th,or fromtheservices being performed by,us,our affiliates,or others; •From our mtemet websltesi •From the public records mamtained by governmental entities thatwe either obtain directly fromthose entities,or from our affiliates or others;and •From consumer or other reponing agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Infonnation We maintain physical electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized accessor intrusion.We limit accesstothePersonal Information onlyto those employees whoneedsuchaccessin connection with providing products or services toyouorfor other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Infonnation Wemayshare your Personal Information with our affiliates,suchas insurance companies,agents,and other real estate settlement service providers.Wealsomay disclose your Personal Information: •toagents,brokers or representatives to provide youwith services you have requested; •tot1iird-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketingor other functionson our behalf;and •to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or servicesthatwebelieveyou mayfind of interest. In addition,wewill disclose your Personal Information whenyou direct or giveus permission,whenweare required bylawtodoso,orwhenwesuspect fraudulent or criminal activities.Wealsomaydisclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy lawssuchas,forexample,when disclosure isneeded to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement,transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies isto record documentsinthe public domain .Such documents may contain your Personal Information. Right toAccess Your Personallnfonnation and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cenain states afford youtherighttoaccess your Personal Information and,under certain circumstances,tofindout towhom your Personal Information hasbeen disclosed.Also,certain statesaffordyoutherighttorequest correction,amendment or deletion of your Personal Information.We reserve the right,where permitted bylaw,to charge a reasonable feeto cover thecosts incurred in responding tosuchrequests. Allrequests submitted tothe Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shallbein writing,and delivered tothe following address: Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc . 4050 CalleReal,Suite220 Santa Barbara,CA93110 Multiple Products or Services Ifwe provide youwithmorethanonefinancial product or service,youmayreceivemorethanone privacy notice fromus.We apologize forany inconvenience thismaycauseyou. Form PRIV.POL.CHI lu"2.'::; i I I I --- tJ(~,n , - \ \ \ e...l'fo'.M.I~q \(.>u "Lc".. #03 07-$c.. K~1"t ~1I\...,..t\ln (c.s.PT'of SIre:~"N at'0 (I~) _.,Ba';";>ER 'RAI i.~ .[jaFriP'Ri\i.i.~. .8<?...!.:~~.HA.':!: ~''''--... IIl1jQ 4 U,\1 • ?t>14 .~...--.. -=-·~·r" --'\-~ \'\ --GARMI 5tH <,.... EI~lllCf.R.ED f31Jx~ RE'A'NII-l(;;HAt .l -4 '...0'11 /:'1611/l -,cp ·(j:~j ~i.i.";-·f;(j;jPa :~ 001 ,Of '·LA,I.L •804:2 '-._._ .--------~----..-. 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I ':,,;h .,•.'.;.~;/'.J I(;>·..,;>,-,..,' ..•I ';,:, ORIGINAL MEMORANDUM TO:PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission FROM:CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE:April12,2004 SUBJECT :ArequestforavariancefromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsIn SpecificZonesOnExcessive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofdrivewaysandsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthe totalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9,BlockG,VailDas Schone2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: I.SUMMARY SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden WarrenCampbell Theapplicant,SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden,isrequestinga variancefromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsInSpecificZonesOnExcessive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowfortheconstructionofdrivewaysandsurface parkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive (AttachmentA).Theapplicantreceivedapprovalofthisrequestfromthe PlanningandEnvironmental CommissiononJuly28,2003,withonecondition. Thatconditionstated : The applicant shall submit tothe Community Development Department a copy of an executed access easement withtheowners of Lots 8 and 10, VailDasSchoneFiling 2 ,prior tothe issuance of a building permit. Theapplicant hasworkedoverthepastninemonthstomeettherequirementsof thiscondition .Theapplicanthasbeenabletogetallpropertyownersexceptfor theownersoftheduplexonLot8toagreetoanaccesseasementagreement. TheapplicantisreturningtothePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiontoask thattheconditionofapprovalberemoved. BaseduponStaff'sreviewofthecriteriainSectionVIIIofthismemorandumand theevidenceandtestimonypresented,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartment recommendsthatthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission deny this variancerequesttoremovetheconditionofapprovalfromJuly28,2003, approvalofthisvariancewithoneconditionsubjecttothefindingsnotedin SectionIXofthismemorandum.DenialofthisrequestaffirmsthePlanningand EnvironmentalCommission'sdecisionfromJuly28,2003. II.DESCRIPTION OFREQUEST TheapplicanthasbeenapprovedbyboththePlanning andEnvironmental CommissionandtheDesignReviewBoardtoconstructanewprimary/secondary residenceat2388GarmischDrive.Thepropertyhassteepexistinggradesandis currentlyundeveloped .Anexistingdrivewayonthesitecurrentlyprovides accesstotheadjoining propertieslocatedbothtothewestandeastofthissite (i.e.lotsLot8and10,BlockG,VailDasSchone2nd Filing).Theexisting drivewayis5,635 sq .ft.inarea(26%ofthelotarea).TheadjoiningLots8and 10werebothdevelopedunderEagleCountyjurisdiction ,laterannexed intothe TownofVail,andarecurrentlylegallynon-conforming inregardtomanyofVail's development standards .Theexistingdrivewaywasconstructedwithout formal easementagreementsgrant ing theadjoiningpropertiesaccessthroughthis site. OnJuly28,2003,theapplicantproposedtomakeimprovementstotheexisting drivewaytobringthedrivewayintoconformancewithTownofVailengineering standards.Theapplicantalsoproposedtogranteasementstotheadjoining Lots 8and10foraccessthroughLot9.Theapplicantalsoproposedtoconstructa newprimary/secondary residenceonthissiteandprovideatotalofthreenew surfaceparkingspaces.Thetotalareaoftheproposeddrivewayandthenew surfaceparkingspaceswas6,486sq .ft .(30%ofthetotalsitearea).Thissite hasexistinggrades inexcessof30%andisthereforesubjecttotheprovisionsof Section 12-21 -14 (RESTRICTIONSINSPECIFICZONESONEXCESSIVE SLOPES),VailTownCode.Section12-21-14,VailTownCode,requiresthat(in part): Notmorethanten percent (10%)of thetotalsitearea may be covered by driveways and surface parking. Section 12-21-14,Vail TownCode,limitstheamountofdriveway andparking areaonthissiteto2,149 sq.ft.(10%).Theexisting drivewayproviding accessto Lots 8and10 is5,635 sq .ft.inarea(26%ofthetotalsite area).Therefore ,even thoughLot9iscurrentlyundeveloped,it isnon-conforminginregard tothe driveway andsurfaceparkingarearequirementsofSection12-21-14,VailTown Code.TheapplicanthadavarianceapprovedonJuly 28,2003 ,whichallowed anincreaseinthenon-conformityofthissitebya llowing improvementstothe existing dr iveway andconstructionofthreenewsurfaceparkingspacesfora tota l areaof6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthetotalsitearea).Theconditionofapproval stated: The applicant shall submit tothe Community Development Department a copy of anexecuted access easement withtheowners of Lots 8 and10, VailDasSchoneFiling 2,prior tothe issuance of a building permit. Theapplicanthasmadeattemptstocomplywiththisconditionofapproval.After ninemonthsofworkingwiththeadjacentpropertyownerstheapplicanthasbeen abletogettheownersofLots6,7 ,9,and10toagreetoanaccesseasement agreement.Theapplicanthasnotbeenabletoreachanagreementwiththe ownersoftheduplexonLot8.Lot8containsthesouthwesternportionofthe approveddrivewaycurveheadingtotheeastwhichwillserviceLots9and10. Therefore,theapplicant isreturningbeforethePlanning andEnvironmental Commissiontoaskthattheconditionofapproval fromJuly28 ,2003,be removed.Acopyofaletterfromtheapplicantda ted March15,2004,which describesin greaterdetailtheapplicant's request,hasbeenattachedfor reference (AttachmentB).Amapdepicting theeasementproposedbythe 2 applicantwhichdisplaysthesmallareaforwhichanagreementhasnotbeen reached isincludedforreference(AttachmentC). III.BACKGROUND •Thispropertywasanne xed intotheTownofVailby Ordinance No .26of 1986. •OnJuly28 ,2003 ,thePlanningandEnvironmental Commissionapproved theapplicant's variancetoincreasetheareaofthedrivewayonthesite. •OnSeptember3,2003 ,theDesignReviewBoardapprovedtheapplicant's proposal. IV.ROLESOFREVIEWINGBODIES OrderofReview:Generally,applicationswill bereviewedfirst bythe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionforacceptabilityofuseandthenbythe DesignReviewBoardforcomplianceofproposedbuildings andsiteplanning. PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission: Action:ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionisresponsibleforfinal approval/denial/approvalwithconditions ofconditionalusepermitsand variances. ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionisresponsiblefor evaluatingaproposalfor: 1.Relationshipandimpactoftheuseondevelopmentobjectivesofthe Town. 2.Effectoftheuseonlightandair,distributionofpopulation , transportationfacilit ies,utilities,schools,parksandrecreationfacilities , andotherpublicfacilitiesandpublicfacilitiesneeds. 3.Effectupontraffic ,withparticularreferencetocongestion,automotive andpedestriansafetyandconvenience ,trafficflowandcontrol,access, maneuverability ,andremovalofsnowfromthestreetsandpark ing areas . 4.Effectuponthecharacteroftheareainwhichtheproposeduseisto belocated ,includingthescaleandbulkoftheproposeduseinrelationto surroundinguses. 5.SuchotherfactorsandcriteriaastheCommissiondeemsapplicableto theproposeduse. 6.Theenvironmental impactreportconcerningtheproposeduse,ifan environmentalimpactreportisrequiredbyChapter12ofthisTitle . Conformancewithdevelopmentstandardsofzonedistrict Lotarea Setbacks 3 BuildingHeight Density GRFA Sitecoverage Landscapearea Parkingandloading Mitigationofdevelopmentimpacts Design Review Board: Action:TheDesign ReviewBoard hasNO review authority onaconditionaluse permitorvariance,butmustreviewanyaccompanyingDesignReviewBoard application . Town Council: ActionsofDesignReviewBoardorPlanning andEnvironmentalCommission maybeappealedtotheTown Councilor bytheTownCouncil.TownCouncil evaluateswhetherornotthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionorDesign ReviewBoarderredwithapprovalsordenialsandcanuphold,upholdwith modifications,oroverturntheboard 's decis ion. Staff: Thestaff isresponsibleforensuring thatallsubmittalrequirementsareprovided andplansconformtothetechnicalrequirementsoftheZoningRegulations.The staffalsoadvisestheapplicantastocompliancewiththedesignguidelines. Staffprovidesastaffmemorandumcontainingbackgroundonthepropertyand providesastaffevaluationoftheprojectwithrespecttotherequiredcriteriaand findings,andarecommendationonapproval ,approvalwithconditions,ordenial. Staffalsofacilitatesthereview process. V.APPLICABLE PLANNINGDOCUMENTS StaffbelievesthatthefollowingprovisionsoftheVailTownCodearerelevantto thereviewofthisproposal: TITLE12:ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 12-60:Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) District (in part) 12-60-1:PURPOSE: The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sitesfor single-family residential uses or two-family residential uses inwhichoneunit isa larger primary residence and the second unit isa smaller caretaker apartment,together withsuch public facilities as may appropriately be located inthesamedistrict.The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended toensure adequate light, air,privacy and openspaceforeachdwelling ,commensurate with single- family and two-family occupancy,and tomaintainthe desirable residential qualitiesofsuchsitesby establishing appropriate site development standards. 4 Chapter 12-17:Variances (inpart) 12-17-1:Purpose: A.ReasonsForSeekingVariance:Inordertopreventortolessensuch practical difficultiesandunnecessaryphysicalhardshipsinconsistentwith theobjectivesofthistitleaswouldresultfroms trict orliteralinterpretation andenforcement,variancesfromcertainregulationsmaybegranted.A practical difficultyorunnecessary physical hardshipmayresultfromthe size,shape,ordimensionsof a siteorthelocationofexistingstructures thereon;fromtopographicor physical conditions onthesiteorinthe immediatevicinity;orfromotherphysicallimitations,streetlocationsor conditionsintheimmediatevicinity.Costorinconveniencetothe applicantofstrictorliteralcompliancewith a regulationshallnotbe a reasonforgranting a variance. B.DevelopmentStandardsExcepted:Variancesmaybegrantedonly withrespecttothedevelopmentstandardsprescribedforeachdistrict, includinglotareaandsitedimensions,setbacks,distancesbetween buildings.height,densitycontrol,buildingbulkcontrol,sitecoverage, usableopenspace,landscapingandsitedevelopment,andparkingand loadingrequirements;orwithrespecttotheprovisions of chapter 11 of thistitle,governingphysicaldevelopmenton a site. Chapter 12-21:Hazard Regulations (inpart) 12-21-1 :PURPOSE: ThepurposeofthisChapteristohelpprotectthe inhabitants of theTown fromdangersrelating todevelopmentoffloodplains,avalanchepaths , steepslopesandgeologicallysensitiveareas ;to regulatetheuseofland areaswhichmaybesubjecttofloodingandavalancheorwhichmaybe geologically sensitive;andfurthertoregulatedevelopmentonsteep slopes;toprotecttheeconomicand property valuesoftheTown,to protecttheaestheticandrecreationalvaluesandnaturalresourcesofthe Town,whicharesometimesassociatedwith floodplains,avalanche areasandareasofgeologicalsensitivityandslopes;tominimizedamage topublicfacilitiesandutilities andminimize theneedforreliefincleanup operations;togivenoticetothepublic of certain areaswithintheTown wherefloodplains,avalancheareasandareasofgeologicsensitivity exist;andtopromotethegeneralpublichealth,safetyand welfare. 12-21 -14:RESTRICTIONSINSPECIFICZONESONEXCESSIVE SLOPES: Thefollowingadditionalspecialrestrictionsorrequirementsshallapplyto developmentonanylotin a hillsideresidential,single-familyresidential, two-familyresidentialortwo-familyprimary/secondary residentialzone districtwheretheaverageslope of thesitebeneaththeexistingor proposedstructureandparkingareaisinexcessofthirtypercent (30%):... 5 E.Sitecoverage as it pertains tothis chapter,as permitted by sections 12-6A-9,12-68-9,12-6C-9 and 12-60-9 of thistitle,is amended as follows : 1.Not morethan fifteen percent (15%)of thesiteareamaybe covered bybuildings,except in conjunction with a typeI employee housing unit in accordance with chapter 13 of thistitle,inwhich case not morethan twenty percent (20 %)of thesitearea may be covered by buildings;and 2.Not more than ten percent (10%)of the total site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. VI.SITE ANALYSIS LotArea:21,492 sq.ft.(0.49acres) Zoning:Two -Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S) LandUsePlan Designation:Medium Density Residential Current LandUse:Undeveloped Development Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Setbacks: Front:20ft.>20ft. Sides:15ft./15ft.>15ft ./>15ft . Rear:15ft.>15ft . Building Height:max .33ft.(slope)/30 ft .(flat)<33ft. Density:2un its +1 Type IIEHU 2un its GRFA:5,249 sq.ft .4 ,637 sq.ft . Site Coverage:3 ,223 sq .ft .(15%)3,035 sq.ft.(14%) Landscape Area:12,896 sq.ft.(60%)13 ,000 sq .ft.(60%) Parking:Primary Unit 3 spaces 4 spaces (2 surface) Secondary Unit 3 spaces 3 spaces (1 surface) VII.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING LandUse North:Low -Density Residential South:Low-Density Residential East:Medium-Density Residential West:Medium-Density Residential 6 Zoninq Two-Fam ily Pr imary/Secondary Two-Family Pr imary/Secondary Two-Fam ily Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary VIII.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A.Consideration ofFactors Regarding Variances: 1.The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential usesand structures inthe vicinity. Theapproveddrivewayandparkingareaswillaccommodate vehicular accessandparkingforthis site andprovideaccessto Lots 8and10.Staff believed thattheapproveddrivewayand parkingareasareinkeeping withthecharacterofthe neighborhood andthattheapplicant's approved improvements to theexisting driveway will bebeneficialtotheexisting andpotential usesandstructuresontheadjoining Lots8and10.Additionally , Staffbelievedthat maintaining accesstoLots8,9,and10through theexisting,commondrivewaywillcreatelesssitedisturbance thanrequiringeachpropertytoconstructaseparatedriveway connectionto Garmisch Drive. Asthispropertyandthe neighboring propertiesneverhadaformal accesseasementagreementtheTownrequiredtheapplicantto establish alegally recorded accessagreementforLots8,9,and 10.Theapplicant has proposed anaccesseasementagreement which includesLots6,7,8,9,and10.If recordeditwould establish easementsforallproperties acrossallthe lotsmaking theexisting situationlegal.Theapplicanthascurrentlynotbeen abletoreachagreementwith theownersoftheduplexonLot 8.It isbecauseofthislackofagreementthat theapplicantis returning beforethePlanning andEnvironmental Commission tohavethe condition ofapproval fromJuly 28,2003,removed. Stafffirmlybelieves thatthe applicant musthaveanaccess easement inplacefo r all properties that theapproveddriveway will crossandbeimprovedupon.Tonothaveaneasementin placewouldmeanthatatanypointinthefuturethatanyowner not includedasapartoftheaccesseasementcould limit access toneighboring property owners. 2.Thedegreeto which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specifiedregulation is necessary toachieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity orto attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staffdoesnotbelievethatthetopographyofthesiteconstitutes an extraordinary circumstance orexceptionalcondition.Other properties inthe Two-Family Primary/Secondary (P/S)Districtwith similartopographic conditions havebeensuccessfullydeveloped without variances. 7 However,staffbelievedthepresenceoftheexistingdriveway on thissitethatprovidesaccesstotwoadjoiningpropertiesisan extraordinarycircumstanceandexceptionalcondition.Staffalso believedtheapplicantrequestedtheminimumamountofrelief fromthestrict andliteralinterpretationandenforcementofthe zoning regulationsnecessarytoachievecompatibilityand uniformityamongsitesinthevicinityandwithin theTwo-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S)District.Therefore,Staffdid notbelievethisproposalwouldconstituteagrantofspecial privilege. 3.Theeffectoftherequestedvarianceonlightandair, distributionofpopulation,transportationandtrafficfacilities, publicfacilitiesandutilities,andpublicsafety. Staffbelievedthatthisvariancewillfacilitatetheapplicant's approvedimprovementstotheexistingdrivewaythatwillimprove bothtrafficflow andpublicsafetyonLots8,9 ,and10andon Garmisch Drive. Staffdidnotbelievethattheproposedvariancewouldhavea significant negativeimpactonlightandair,distributionof population,publicfacilities,andutilities. 4.Suchotherfactorsandcriteriaasthecommissiondeems applicabletotheproposedvariance. B.ThePlanningandEnvironmental Commissionshallmakethefollowing findingsbeforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotconstituteagrantof specialprivilegeinconsistentwiththelimitationsonother propertiesclassified inthesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotbedetrimentaltothe publichealth,safetyorwelfare,ormateriallyinjurioustoproperties orimprovementsinthevicinity. 3.Thatthevarianceiswarrantedforoneormoreofthefollowing reasons: a.Thestrictliteralinterpretationorenforcementofthe specifiedregulationwouldresultinpracticaldifficultyor unnecessaryphysicalhardshipinconsistentwiththe objectivesofthistitle. b.Thereareexceptionsorextraordinarycircumstancesor conditionsapplicabletothesamesiteofthevariancethat donotapplygenerallytootherpropertiesinthesame zone. 8 c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecified regulationwoulddeprivetheapplicantofprivileges enjoyedbytheownersofotherpropertiesinthesame district. IX.STAFF RECOMMENDATION TheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsthatthePlanningand EnvironmentalCommission deny thisvariancerequesttoremovethecondition ofapprovalfromJuly28,2003,fromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsIn SpecificZonesOnExcessiveSlopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofdriveways andsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsite area,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2nd Filing. DenialofthisrequestaffirmsthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission's decisionfromJuly28,2003.Staff'srecommendationisbaseduponthereviewof thecriteriainSectionVIIIofthismemorandumandtheevidenceandtestimony presented,subjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillconstituteagrantingofspecial privilegeinconsistentwiththelimitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillbedetrimentaltothepublichealth, safety,orwelfare,ormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesorimprovementsin thevicinity. 3.Thestrictliteralinterpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregulation wouldnotresultinpracticaldifficultyorunnecessaryphysicalhardship inconsistentwiththeobjectivesofthistitle. 4.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregulationwould notdeprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersofother propertiesinthesamedistrict. X.ATTACHMENTS A.VicinityMap B.Applicant'sLetterofRequest C.Mapdepicting easement D.PublicHearingNotice 9 Attachment:A Snownow LLC 500 S.Frontage Road East,Suite 112 Vail,Colorado 81G57 MarchIS,2004 To wn of VailPlanning &EnvironmentalCommission c/oBillGibson 75 South FrontageRoad Vail,CO.81657 Re:Removal ofa ConditiononVariancegrantedfor2388 Gannisch Drive (Lot9,BlockG,VaildasSchoneFiling2) DearBill: Attachedisa completed applicationforanamendmenttothePlanningandEnvironmental Commission 's impervious(driveway)site coverage variance granted inJuly28 ,2003 forthe property locatedat2388 Gannisch DriveinWestVail. Thebasisfortheoriginalvariancewastoimprovetheexistingdrivewayonapplicant 's property (usedby10neighboring homeowners)tosatisfyrequirements ofthe Town of Vail PublicWorks Department andtheFire Department.ThePEC attached a condition tothe variancerequiringtheapplicanttoestablishaneasementfor all portions of thedrivewa y,both onand off the applicant's property,beingusedbyadjacent property owners(BuildingsIand 2 ,AlpenChalet Townhouses ,andAlpenChaletDuplex). Theapplicant approached alltheownersregardingthiseasementand,aftertwelvemonthsand numerousredrafts,isstillunabletoobtainmutualagreementamongstthe10neighboring property owners .Severalowners do not wishtosignany document,regardless of it's content.Theapplicanthasspentconsiderabletime,mone y (legalfeesandsurveyingcosts), andhashadlosta $675,000 sales contract duetodelays instart of construction.Thebuilding permithasbeen approved andhasbeenreadyforissuancesinceDecember ,2003. Sincethe requirement foraneasementimposedbythePECisnotfeasible,theapplicantis requestingremoval of thiscondition.Allimprovementsforthenewdrivewayarelocatedon the applicant's property exceptforasmall,triangle-shapedparcelownedbyAlpenChalets Duplex(See attached ExhibitAoutlininglocation of parcel).Applicant will indemnify,defend andholdharmlessthe Town of Vail,its representatives andemployeesagainstanyclaims, demands ,loss,damages ,liabilityor other expensearisingout of anyactionstakenbythe Town of Vail in approvinganyaspect of the applicant's proposed improvements. Voice (970)-476-8610 amsdenrQl\'aiJ.nCI Attachment:B (970)-476-8637 Fax If youhaveanyadditionalquestions,don't hesitateto contact meat476 -8610.Thankyoufor yourtimeand consideration of thismatter. Sincerely, -Project Manager Cc:RobertA.Rymer-Manager ofSnownow LLC EXHIBIT A RAO!US -1~0Cf OE1.TA •2&'8'00· ARC·61.9r 0f0RD •61.43' BRC -N39"2'oa'E <, VAll.SKY HIGH CONOOUlNlUt.lS (LOT 5) PART Of'LOT B (1lLOCI<G, VAl..OAS SCHONE FlUNC NO.2) (REG.,110984) LOT 10 PtX'+iDt\DC G.~t'\-f .,;;.Whi~~,\i~,~~._0 0' Ca"tIDf ~k A~ru~M SHEET2OF2 95]South Frcnra~Road Wesl $ulltl06 Van.CO81657 (5170)419-8698 ·In (g7tJ)4 79"0055 Attachment:C ·.~,.1Wt'''1 ;"t \' ,, ~.)A.")i • ;,tt ." "(J."Jn, -r BOfi.i)ER ·HAl i.~ '['op rjf·Hiii.i.~. eor.Of'HAI .I.'---._-_.~. -, ~'---.... 6Q5(14 "'-'-- G ·· .'-Il'","u.:I (ellf,J \'. "\(''f"~.':~~---~·-~fW.l 'i':·}'r'-\WI'lL,_..__..\,no;;OF HAl):-r'.\.l ual .o..!.~!.:---\.\---.'---~Ii'<5 E ":- '.s -:»603;::(;"-, :)i':: '"...'"'0•~i !~!i::~.~Jmmlll"f1 ---- II \;>. bq c ~._,__.• ...-._--.. ----\-.... \1\ --.--""i"41 Ul \1•j (."J\~.l>4 \('>u/'"l.t:!,..GARMISc-n,,;10'07_•• EII6IIa:f.RED f3lJx~."I if/GIl'K~M ~vl.:("'~nRErArN/I./G ..-w l _",.l -fCip (j:~ii\j.i .";i50~o ;.....,-.{'c..PYOF SeTe; uar.Of I'l~_l =flO-12 '-00f .'\._---_._----.- -.........-.. (S5tJ '0'"••••••"..'"" o "0 " :::::::::::::t :::::.:::::::::::::::\..;~!:M~::::::.":::::::::~~:::: ",..........\... '. " 1 -,' ~f .-- -'--_.....---- .-' -\-"--'''''' I f """'f" EI-Ic;"'IEf:RfD /Jloc.I:. ;.'RETAINING ~..10''0"I EIGlH '.,lOP OF ..w:i.•flO-16~~ BoT.OF HAlL =-0036'-8" '.''. ,I ~-:.,.........;. ., .1"--l "'~:i·!',i'".~,"L:~·"f.iI'''II :.:~.".. \:l':.fl.-I·."''..::.'.'.....'0:'7"""..",'~;"'l '•.'-•~j'~::~)~:.·.~·:~/1 U·f :.;_~.;,11 -,'";.-~:,'"..~~_--.~., ,.,I.'".i-t :~:.~:.,y <",.;...,":.I~,i ,;..·~£~·/-·~.~i ;:·;':','.1 ~1 1 ~.I.;:'~·~;:Jo t ;i};;j!l '.:,.. J V,;;.!~·;;',P~\JCE "~i~.r:..";:.:t ;...~~('..~.....,~-.·:r·;;>·,..~;r';j~:1.'·'.i ~e LAH,j!:'CjF;t ;~·ir··.., ::.i '.)'r.!"I ~,....,:"..,~'"".j !:-..~,'.1'1:••••1 ••'':" Ai lJ ;',:···~:7f."R;.Af'Fj c :.;t't.••16'.I M:r..',',,~..~~;l .t '·"It :j.~".:"•".>,~~.,~.~~:..:•L "" ;I ~;:i ':{..,f--::{loiJ,.s;t:It.°G;:niJ;J;..·.:.::.ll .!~;,.:;~,·:t.::-:":·:.»:)}(::;:::,:,:::;:,,'.;. .~L~~c'-"--.j••_........_.•_-_..._~:--,---L ..~.,.;......;.....'-'----".'..".:.- .- \.-"~I '.,.,7 ,~ASFtJki ~Y-.· I ..,.:.".,--~" Slifer Building,LLC Warren Campbell THISITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ofthe Town of Vailwillholda public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6,Vail Town Code,on April 12, 2004,at 2:00 PMinthe Town ofVail Municipal Building,in consideration of : A request forfinal review ofa variance pursuant to Section 12-60-6,Setbacks,Vail Town Code, to allow foranew primary/secondary residence to encroach intothe front andside setbacks and a variance from Chapter 10,Off-street Parking and Loading ,Vail Town Code ,to allow for required parking tobe located within the public right-of-way,located at 2830 Bas ingdale Blvd.lLot 5 ,Block 9 ,Vail Intermountain,and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant:W .L.Broer Construction Planner:Matt Gennett A request for a minor exterior alteration pursuant to Section 12-7B-7,Exterior Alterations or Modifications,Vail Town Code,to allow fora commercial addition tothe Slifer Building,located at230 Bridge Street/Lot B,Block 5 ,Vail Village 1st Filing,and setting forth details in regard thereto . Applicant: Planner: A request for a conditional useperm it pursuant to Section 12-16,Conditional UsePerm its,Vail Town Code,to allow for a temporary seasonal structure within the Lionshead MixedUse1zone district,located at715 West Lionshead C ircle/Lots 4&7 ,Block 1,Vail Lionshead 3rd Fil ing and LotsC&0,Morcus Subdivision,and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant:Vail Corporation;represented by Mauriello Planning Group Planner:Warren Campbell A request for conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12 -7E-4,Conditional Uses,Vail Town Code,for an amendment tothe existing private club(Le.parking club)conditional use permit, located at12VailRoad(Vail Gateway)/Lots N&0,Block 50,Vail Village 1st Filing,and setting for details inregard thereto. Applicant:Vail Gateway Plaza Condominium Association ,Inc .,represented byGreg Gastineau Planner:Bill Gibson A request fora variance from Section 12-21-14,Restrictions In Specific Zones On Excessive * Slopes,Vail Town Code,to allow forthe construction of driveways and surface parking in excess of10%ofthetotalsitearea,located at 2388 Garmisch Drive/Lot 9,Block G ,VailDas Schone 2nd Filing,andsettingforth details in regard thereto. Applicant:Snow Now,LLC Planner:Warren Campbell A request for a work session to present an overview ofthe proposed redevelopment plans for the Lionshead CoreSiteHotel,located at675 Lionshead Place/(a complete legal description ofthe proposed development siteis available attheTownofVail Community Development Department upon request),and setting for details in regard thereto . Applicant:Vail Corporation Planner:George Ruther The applications and information abr Attachment:0 able for public inspection during regular officehoursattheTownofVail Community Development Department,75South Frontage Road .The publicisinvitedtoattend project orientation andthesitevisitsthatprecedethepublichearinginthe TownofVail Community Development Department.Pleasecall(970)479-2138 foradditional information . Sign language interpretation is available uponrequestwith 24-hour notification .Pleasecall (970)479-2356 ,Telephone fortheHearing Impaired,for information . PublishedMarch26 ,2004 ,intheVailDaily . officehoursattheTownofVail Community Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad.The ••'publicisinvitedtoattendproject orientation andthesitevisitsthat precede thepublichear ing inthe TownofVail Community Development Department.Pleasecall(970)479-2138 foradditional information . Sign language interpretation isavailableuponrequestwith 24-hour notification.Pleasecall (970)479-2356 ,Telephone fortheHearingImpaired ,for information. PublishedMarch26,2004 ,intheVa il Daily. ·.. Departm ent of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 970-479 -2452 www.vailgov.com Snownow ,LLC . c/oGregAmsden 500SouthFrontageRoadEast,Suite112 Vail,CO81657 August4 ,2004 Re:Snownow,LLC.Newresidence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9 ,BlockG,VailDasSchone Fining 2 Mr.Amsden , Thisletter istoinformyouthattheCommunity Development Staffhasreviewedyourproposalto establishanaccesseasementfortheeasternparcelofLot 8 andtheownersofLot10.Perthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommiss ion approvalofJuly28 ,2003,therewasoneconditionof approvalwhichstated; Theapplicantshallsubmitto theCommunityDevelopmentDepartment a copyof anexecuted access easementwiththeownersofLots 8 and 10,VailDasSchoneFiling 2,prio r tothe issuance of a buildingpermit. Staffhasdete rmined thatthewesternparce l ofLot 8 doesnotneedtobe includedintheaccess easementdescribedaboveasnoportion oftheexisting orthenewd riveway,associatedwith accessto yourproposeddeve lopment,encroachesontothatproperty . Itappearsthroughdiscussionthatyouarenearcompletionofobtain ing anexecutedeasementfor accessacrosstheeasternportionofLot 8 andarewillingtograntaccessforLot10acrossLot 9.Staff w ill considertheconditionofPlanningandEnvironmentalCommiss ion satisfiedonceanexecutedand reco rded easementispresentedtostaffwhichprovides cross-access fortheeasternparcelofLot 8 , Lot 9 ,andLot10.Anychangetotheapproved driveway wouldcausestafftoreevaluatethe determinations madeinthisletter. Pleasereviewthesecommentsandifyouhaveany questions regardingthisletterpleasecontactmeat 970-479-2148. Withregards ,.)MJ·'1 .rIJ\/1_}I~l;0Ci.JvwY\ltlYli' Wa rren Campbe ll I SeniorPlanner Cc:File I.""..R ECYCLED PAPER.... ·" Department of Community D evelopment 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Snownow,LLC. clo GregAmsden 500SouthFrontageRoadEast,Suite112 Vail,CO81657 April27,2004 Re:Snownow,LLC.Newresidence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone Fining2 Mr.Amsden, ThisletteristoinformyouthatthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiontabledyourapplication yesterdaytoMay10,2004.IwillbeoutoftheofficeonMay10thasIamon vacation fromMay3rd throughMay14th.YouwillneedtomenolaterthanApril29toletmeknowifyouwishtoproceed forwardorifyouwouldliketobetabledtoMay24,2004,orJune14,2004.Thiswillprovidemyselfor GeorgeRutherw ith time todraftamemorandum.Pleasekeepinmindthatyouroptionsregardingthis appl ication are: 1)ReturntothePECwithyourcurrentrequestto remove theconditionofyourprevious approval.Staffwillonceagainrecommenddenial. 2)AgreetosomesolutionwiththeHines'sregardingsigningtheeasementatwhichpointyou canwithdrawyourcurrentapplication. 3)Obtaincourtdocumentswhich verify youindeed have aprescr iptive righttoutilizethe dr iveway atwhich pointyoucan have theHines's signtheeasementorproceedforwardwith yourapplication. Ihopethishelpsestablishyouroptionsregardingyourapplication.Please review thesecommentsand ifyou have anyquestionsregardingthisletterprior tomydeparturepleasecontactmeat970-479- 2148. Withregards, tJCW\J;v\ WarrenCampbell PlannerII Cc :File l".RECYCLED PAPER.., Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado8165 7 970-479-2138 FAX970-4 79-2452 www.ci.vail .co.us Snownow,LLC. c/oGregAmsden 500SouthFrontageRoadEast,Suite112 Vail,CO81657 March28,2004 Re :Snownow,LLC.Newresidence ,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone Fining2 Mr.Amsden, ThisletteristoinformyouthatstaffhasreviewedyourapplicationtoreturntothePlanningand Environmental CommissiontoreviewtheapprovalgrantedonJuly28 ,2003,withonecondition,to construct anewresidenceat2388GarmischDrive.TheoneconditionoftheJuly28 ,2003,approval stated: Theapplicantshallsubmit to theCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentacopyofanexecuted accesseasementwiththeownersofLots 8 and10,VailDasSchone,Filing 2,prior to the issuance of a building permit. Peryourapp licationitisyourdesiretohavethisconditionremovedandyourapplicationapproved withoutthisrequirementasseveralpropertyownersarerefusingtoworktowardsasolution . Staffisawarethattherecurrentlyexistsagraveldrivewayonyourpropertyandneighboringproperties . Inordertomaintainaccessfortheexistingresidencesandestablishaccessforyournewresidence you desiretoimprovetheexistinggravel driveway.Theapproved improvements wouldoccuronall properties uponwhichthegravel driveway currentlyexists. TheTowncannot approve of improvements uponprivatepropertywhichanapplicanthasnotbeen grantedpermissiontoperform.The improvements totheexistinggravel driveway willneedto have the agreement ofallpropertyownersaffectedastheTownhasrequiredintheoneconditionofapproval fromJuly28,2003.Accesseasementsacrossallpropertiesmustbeestablishedinordertobringthe ex isting non-confo rming gravel driveway intocompliancewithcurrentTownofVailZoning requirements . YouarecurrentlyscheduledontheApril12,2004 ,PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionagenda. Staftwillberecommend ing that theconditionofapprovalremain.Pleasereviewthesecommentsand ifyou have anyquest ions regardingthisletterpleasecontactmeat 970-479-2148 . Withregards,no..~.M~~p~ Planne r" Cc:File ·" Jerry and Janet Hine 2418 Garmisch Drive,East Vail,Colorado 81657 April 28,2004 Mr .Greg Amsden AMS Development,Inc.,Snownow,LLC 500 South Frontage RoadEast,Suite 112 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Access Easement Lot9,Block G,VailDas Schone Dear Greg: Wearein receipt of,and have addressed the items inyour letter dated April26,2004 : a)Wehave removed thedeckasyou requested. b)Wehave retained legalcounselto assist withthe remaining issues ,andAccess Easement.George Gregory isour attorney.He informed us that itwilltake several weeksforhimto review the existing documents.His phone number is 926-2285 if you would liketo contact him. c)Wehave prescriptive rightsfortheuse of our stairs.Wewillnotshareinanylegal expenses todraftan agreement fortheuse of ourstairs. cc:Warren Carnpbell-Town of Vail Community Development Matt Mire -Town of Vail A ttorney George Gregory,Attorney ·., Jerry and Janet Hine 2418 Gannisch Drive,East Vail,Colorado 81657 Friday,April 23,2004 Mr.Greg Amsden AMS Development,rnc.,Snownow,LLC 500 South Frontage Road East,Suite112 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Aeeess Easement Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSehone Dear Greg: We have reviewed your letter of April 20,and itis unfortunate that wehave reached an impasse.This could have been settled in January when we proposed that we exchange the portion of our property that you need fora turning radius (approx.230sq.ft.)in exchange for our stair encroachment (afew inches)and deck encroachment (approx.60sq.fr.).We have been veryfair and forthright in our dealings withyou,and that proposal was more than reasonable.We were puzzled by your only apparent response of placing surveyor stakes on both sides of our deck where it crosses the property line,and no further reply to our request. W/e could only presume that youwereno longer interested.You haveonly contacted usa couple of timessince January,2003 when astack of documents wasfirstlefton our doorstep.W/e have spent a considerable amount of our time reviewing and researching your documents and requests.You have never demonstrated any sense of urgency,or real interest in resolving your turning radius issue,asthishas been going on for over 15 months.You have now stated that you don't care if the project getsbuilt,as your partner would liketo liquidate the property andretire.r am enclosing the Ml.S listing where you areinfacttrying to sellthe vacant land.Your listing states that the building permit isreadyat the Town of Vail.We are not aware that the permit has been issued.The Vail Board of Realtors may alsobe interested in these falseclaims . Prior to our conversation withyouon Monday,April19,your last attempted contact was on Easter Sunday,April 11.\'(/e were out of town that dayforthe Easter holiday .You left a phone message stating that you wanted to resolve this before your variance meeting the next day with the Town of Vail.You offered one half of the deck easement,and tobuilda new half deck.That however,was not what we requested.Half of a deck is of nouse .Would you have accepted one half of the turning radius easement?r don't think an attempt to resolve thingsinthe24 hours prior to your hearing withthe Town of Vailwasthe best approach, either.Especiallyafterwehad not receivedany response fromyoufor over three months. Wie areaware that our deck is encroaching on Hanson Chalet Property,asithasformany years without incident or dispute.Weare thereforeremoving itas soon as possible.Wewill make our best effo rts to meet your unreasonable deadline of April30,which iselevendays afteryou presented uswithyour request. Asforthestair encroachment,itis our onlysuitable means of accessto our home.The encroachment isvery minor,onlyafew inches,andthestairshave been inplaceandusedby the occupants of 2418 Garmisch Drive East for almost 30years.You speak of prescriptive rightstoa portion of our property in your letter.Webelievewehavea prescriptive rightto theuse of our stairs.Your request forusto remove them isvery unreasonable andpetty. Your legal threats,and presumed contact with our mortgage company arealsojustan attempt to intimidate us.You know aswellasweknow,that once thedeckis removed,and thestair encroachment is resolved,therearenoissueswithus. Regardingtheaskingpricefortheusage of a portion of our property located inthe proposed easement tract,itisno more unreasonable thanyourinitial request in January,2003 where you (a)Presented an Easement Agreement without disclosing that a portion of our property would become an easement.That failuretodisclosemadeus distrustful of any further negotiations,or documents that wereceivedfromyou. (b)Presented a Maintenance Agreement,which would expose usto expenses associated with all of the properties involved inthe proposed Easement Agreement.Wehaveavery smalllot,probably the smallest of all of the properties youare involving,andthe portion that is currently an easement isflat,and without issues. In November,2003,you presented us with abillfor$4,799.25as our share of your development expenses.Thiswasmerelyan attempt tohave others payyour development costs.This again made us distrustful of anything wereceivefromyou . Youlater stated in your letter dated January 2,2004 that Snownow,LLCagreed to absorb our portion of the casement expenses in exchange for keeping the negotiations confidential, aswearctheonly easement user not payingfor your new improvements.This isin direct conflict withyour letter dated November 18,2003 that stated all of the owners of Building 1, Alpen Cha let Townhouses wo uld also not besharing inyour proposed expenses.Iamalso aware that the owner of thewestside of the Alpen Chalet duplex informed you that they were not goingtosharein your expenses,aswellasatleast one owner in Alpen Chalet Townhouses,Building2.Again,youwere deceptive,andtriedtomakeit appear that you were offering something and negotiating,wheniffactwe never have,and never willbe responsible forany portion of your development expenses.That was not avery tactful way to try togain our cooperation. ·. Your letterd atedApril19,2004 offered the stair encroachment in the o pening of theletter, andb y th e closeo fth e letter,characterized itastr espass,and demanded that wc remove it byA pril 30.Wecanonl y presume that yo uhave withdrawn tha t from yo urnegotiations.It seemed to us,averysm all thing toaskin return for your abilitytom ove forwardwitha project that stillhas considerable profit potential,andresolve your problem withyour turning radius . It seems that yo u should now redesign your turning radiusin such a manner that isdo es not cro sso ur property.We regret that thissituati on h as deteriorated to thi s p oint,but your unwillingne ss to settl e inatimel y,and mutuallyagreeable manner hasmadeitso.If yo u h avea re sponse tothi s letter,pleased o so b yA pril 30,as wefeel15m onths is an excessive unt o ftime tosettle this. Cc:Warren Campbell -Town of VailCommunity Development Matt Mire -Town o fVai!A ttorney (--'{Ie apol ogize forthe length of this letter,but itwas n ecessary in ord erto provide some historyfor Warren Campbell and Matt Mire .) .., Slifer Smith &Frampton -Property Detail HANSON CHALET Filing 2 Lot 9 $295,000 PROPERTY DETAILS. Area:VAIL Zoning:DUPLEX Taxes:2026.0 Transfer Tax:1.0 Acres:.49 Block:G County:VAIEA PageI of I Remarks Price includes approved plans for 4BA,4.5BA,2,737 sq.ft,primary residence and3BR,2.5BA secondary residence.Fabulousviews andsun .Building permit readyatTownofVail!Arare opportunity tobuya•ready -to-build 'project atarawland price'Permit set 0 plans InADF office for review. ForMore Information Contact Bridge Street Office Phone:(970)476-2421 Fax :(970)476-2658 TollFree:(800)544-2421 Email:bridgestreet@sl ifer.net Sitzmark Office Phone :(970)479-2020 Fax:(970)479-2029 TollFree:(888)412-6620 Email :sitzmark@slife r .net Listing Information Courtesy ofAMSDEN,DAVIS &FOWLER http ://www.vailrealestate.com/printproperty .cfm ?propertyid=10772 4/2 1/04 .' ~.... Snownow,LLC 500 S.Frontage Road E.a.~t,Suite112 Vail,Colorado 81657 April 20,2004 William 1.and Janet M .Hine 2418 Garmisch Drive,East Vail,CO.81657 RE :Access Easement Encroachments and Trespass Alpen Chalets Duplex Dear Jerry and Janet : Thank youfor spending time to review the proposed access easement for Alpen Chalets Townhouses,Alpen Chalet Duplex andthe Hanson Chalet properties.Snownow,LLC ("Snownow"),is willing to address all your requests outlined in Items #1-#4in your letter dated April 19,2004.The easement document can be simplified to eliminate all of your concerns regarding the formation of an association ,payment of monthly fees,etc..Snownow has paid all legalfees (three re-drafts of easement document)andall surveying costs to date with no reimbursement from any of the proposed easement participants.Snownow is also willing to grant an easement for your stair encroachment in exchange for your execution of the simplified easement agreement. Your request for Snownowto purchase a portion of your property (approx.230 sq.ft.located within the proposed easement tract)for $50,000 is unacceptable and very unreasonable.This property has been used by the property owners in Alpen Chalet Townhouses,Building 2 ,and Hanson Chalet without dispute over the past 25 years and each of these property owners have prescriptive rights touse that portion of your property that is located within the proposed easement tract. This letter serves as notice that you are trespassing on Hanson Chalet property (Lot 9,Block G, Vail Das Schone Filing No.2)through the following encroachments: 1.Encroachment of deck on subject property. 2.Encroachment of access stairway on subject property. Snownow LLC ("Snownow"),the owner of Hanson Chalet,is requesting removal,on or before April 30 ,2004,of the encroachments described in#1and#2 above.Inthe event the said encroachments arenot removed by this date,Snownow shall take necessary legal actions tofilea quiet title action for trespass and have the encroachments removed from its property bythe courts. Voice(970)..476-8610 amsdenfalvail .net (970)..47~637 Fax The Town of Vailw ill be contacted andmade aware of these encroachments to prevent issuance of any future building permits onyour property.In addition,copies of any legal filingswillbe forwarded tothe lending institutions having encumbrances onthe Alpen Chalet Duplex #I property. I believe Snownow hasbeenmorethanfairintheir dealings with you with regards tothe proposed easement.Iregrethavingto proceed withlegal actions regarding the encroachments and proposed use ofa tract ofland thathasvery obvious usagerights.Ihave always believed in working things out in person rather than seeking legal action to enforce existing development and access rights .Unfortunately,wedonotsee eye-to-eye with regards tothis situation. Sincerely, c .-Project Manager Cc :Lee Sachnoff -Krendl,Krendl,Sachnoff &WayIWarrenCampbell-Town of Vail Community Development Dept. Matt Mire-Town of Vail Attorney Cherry Creek Mortgage Department of Commun ity Dev elopment 75So uth Frontage Road Vail,Colorado8165 7 9 70-4 79-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August1,2002 Jeff andSusan Hanson Fax :956-761-5300 RE:ProposedResidence atLot9,BlockG,VaildasSchoneFiling NO.2 Dear Jeff andSusan, TheDesignReview Boardhasreviewedtheplansfortheproposedprimary/secondary residence located atLot9,Block G,VaildasSchone Filing NO.2 .T he following weretheircommentsand concerns : 1.Continuetheroofformthroughouttheentirestructureandthenaddsheddormers wherestructurally appropriate. 2.Providedetailsonthestonecap. 3.Providetrimonthewindows. 4.Thebasicformofthehouseisok ,butthedetailsneedwork . 5.Snowispushedtothefront doorofthehouse,whichisnotveryappealing. 6 .Therewillbealotofgreenmetal roof.Considerusingadifferent roofmaterial onthe dormersandporches. 7.T hesouthelevationisvery visible.Considermoredetailonthiselevation. 8.Columns ontheporchshouldhaveadefinitebase,not besmallposts. 9.W indow openings needtrim . 10.Theentryneedsmoreofastatement.Consider addingawindow bythefrontdoor. 11.If t hereistobeaprowroof,itneedstobeonboth sides . 12.Ontheeastelevation ,the windows needtobeacompositions,notrandom. 13.Thewest andtheeastelevations aretoodifferent. 14.Thestairs should cometothefront door,ratherthantheside. 15.Reconsidertheentryintothesecondaryunit. 16.Stepthestonedown -it 's notnecessarytodoithorizontally around theentirehouse. 17.Reconsidertheroofattheentry. 18 .Cons ider doingsectionsthroughtheproposedhouse toexplore v iew lines. TheDesignReview Boarddoesnotreviewplansinregardstoeasementissues .I haveno faxablesketches oftheproposedaccess -you will needtoask Garthortheengineerfo r drawings ofthe access.Ihavenocop ies ofother agreements with theneighbors regard ing ingress/egress other than theones provided tomebyyou.Finally,Ihavenoinformation regarding anydisagreement withtheDesignReview Boardfrom 2000.Ibelievetheconcernat t hattime wasregarding theissueofaccess .The Design ReviewBoarddoesnotlookatissues regardinglegalaccess.TheDesign ReviewBoard reviewapplicat ions forcompliancewiththe DesignGu idelines.A nyconcernoftheirswouldfocusonthedesignofaccess,noton t helegal o Rf.Y:YCI.EDPAPER '"... issues and requirements oftheTown .Should youhaveany questions ,pleasedonot hesitate to contact meat 970-479-2369 orviaemail ataochs@cLva il.co.us . Sinc/JZJJf2relY,/) I I ,-III. '-:"( Allison ocns ,AICP Planner II TownofVail ~Dtl<5 Schanz.:L Iff C1,bloc?G- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us Project Name:SNOWNOW LLC Project Description: ORB Number:DRB040523 CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS:CONVERTING 374SQFTOFCRAWL SPACE TO GRFA Participants: OWNER SnownowLLC 10/01/2004 Phone:476-8610 RobertA.Rymer,Manager 500SFrontageRdEastSte112 Vail,CO 81657 Ucense: APPUCANTEric And Heather Priebe 10/01/2004 Phone:476 -6369 2558Arosa,#B Vail,CO 81657 License: Project Address:2388 GAR MISH DR VAlL Location: LegalDescription:Lot:9Block:GSubdivision:VailDasSchoneFiling2 Parcel Number:210311411017 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/08/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for build ing .Please consultwith TownofVail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following thedateofapproval. Cond:202 Approva l of th is project shall lapsean d becomevo id o ne(1)yea r follo wing thedate offi nal approval,un less abuild ing permit isissuedandconst ructionis commenced andisdiligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Bill Gibson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 l MInor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review ..DepartmentofCommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 81657 t el:970.479.2139 fa x:970.479.2452 .web:www.vai lgov.com El;E:IVt:D OCT 01 2004 TOV-eOM.DEV. General Information: All projects requiring designreview must receive approval prior tosubm itti ng abuilding permit application.Please refer to thesubmittal requirements for .the particular approval that isrequested.A;,application forDesign Review cannotbeaccepteduntil all required information is receivedbythe Commu nity Development Department.The project may also need tobereviewedbyt he Town Council and/or th ePlanning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the ap proval. Description of the Re quest:O~e.~~c.\)~3~~S,V.c.'U'N\...~\'~'TO L\~\tq(.,5~k:.e llNb£,\l.,t.>ew <':>lt~"n~~c;.(t4rN c C)~'VL.'·U:=',\C:lN') p..,~·\~-,mLe..W\Nt)C)\J ~_~~~.~.=..o-_ Locati on of the P ro p osal:Lot:--5-Slock:(.,Subdivision :\jl\L t>~~cJ:;)..,<:>p.,\ltf\\~ Ph ysical Address:.'X1:>G'\$..G~~~,---_ Parcel No.:~~,\1.\\9\.,(Contact EagleCo .Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Z oning :_._.I2\.)t'l.1v...I t>(l.\M."'~'SJ;=ce=~=t>::...:~-",--,,-----:-_ Name(s)of Owner(s):__~_c...~~_k.-~~~~C('L.~~(fo~t'\l!.\U..'j ~\SON~0 Mailing Address:#55Cb ~$p\."'~I '-Jp..\\-CO q.\<OS":\- Ph::~~c.-y.",\~.~'(.w""';A(.c.eu. Owner(s)Signature(s):-c;...~~ Name of Applicant:-,f:.;=c;""\C..__-'~:....l!!>~"'~~~=-_ Mailing Address:__~•_ _______=---:-::-:::-:=::=-=--::-Phone:-:-_ E-mail Address :f~~9q~f)JUNO.CAt!'Fax:,_4......,-"C.W<----"G\<.;~1<..4~c.._ Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review NoFee 0 New Construction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteratio n $250 (mu lti-family/commercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20-,(single-fami ly/duplex) Changes toApproved Plans $20 0 Separation Request NoFee Plus $1.00 persquarefootoftotalsignarea. For constructionofanewbuilding ordemo/rebu ild. For anaddit ion wheresquarefootage isaddedtoanyresidential or commercialbuilding(includes 250 additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changestobuildings and siteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowaddition s,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc . Forminorchangestobuildi ngs andsiteimp rovements,such as, r eroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingw alls,etc. For revisions toplans alreadyapproved byPlanning Staff orthe Design Review Board.. 10/01/2004 07:54 19707480852 OCT 01 '04 01:43PM "1AIL BOXES ETC VAIL KHDLLC PAGE 01 P.2 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITrAL REI1UIru:MENlS General Jnl'ormatlon:,. This applIcation Is reqUired for propo!!!I!Involving min",'exterior ,Iterations and/or site im;lrovemenrs,Proposals to edd IlInc!s@plng do r,..'t require :1RB BPProV~"J.l!llm they involve tI'Ie eddltton of PlItlog,water fallture$,grading,or th ·~t:ddltlon of rwtIinlng Wttll:il. ••1. AIIl)llDe5 0(AppltciltJon lire complete Checknst is ccmpleted iilnd sIgned ·-a-Stamped Topcgrllpl'lll:Survey.,if IIpplia ble "Br-Site ilnd Grading PIII;'-,Ir IIppHcable oQ..1.Ilnd!c:ape Plan-,If eppllcllbll lJ Architectural Bevlltlons-,'If appnc:Cilble '-e-Exterior c:olor Ind materIal samplel end tilleclfication,. a Ard:llteewral FIDClr pilJns-l',if applicable -.Q.Ughtrng Plan-and Cut-sheet(s)fer proposed flxtul'l!s,1l'.lilPI-!icable -&-Title report,Including Schedules A &.B te verify Dwnershlp 81\.1 8111I1mllr.:s· C PhotDs of the existing site Ilnd lIdjllcent !tr1.Ieruru,whm appi -:able... "B-,Wrl~en approvlIl from a condominium assocfation,landloni,and Jolr.t LlWrIer,If appfiCllbl., "Gt-,SIte-specific [itelogleal Ha:zlrd Report,If .p~liable· ~The,AdministrrJror anellor ORB mav I"lIQuire the lubmissror._.a~ljltlf'n81 plln", drllwlngs,speclfieatlons,Rlmpll!lll lilnd othl!lr matedlls (includir.~"mod,":11'defmed necesary to determine whether"project will ~p1y with Desi1n Guidelii es or if the Intent oP the l'ropo!lll 15 not deeJtly.ind~ated.·'. PI'tlJ;,ubmt,Ihrll (3)copt"~I Ih,mfl,.riflu nolltl with 1111 .Gst.,;",("j. ··For Interior eonverslons with nQ extedgr chongc;s.the submIttal r~quiremt;:':5 lr.ctJde a cOrolplete set of existing and proposed floor plans,il tItle repOrt,IIr d wrltter 11=pr·.'\'11 from B condomInium a5S10CI8tion,landlord,end :Joint owner,If a~~'iCllble. MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TOBUILDINGANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information:J' This application is required f or proposalsinvolvingminor exterior alterations and/or sit e improvements.Proposals toadd landscaping do notrequire ORB approvalunless they involve t he addition ofpatios,wat er features,grading,ortheaddition ofretaining walls. /. I.SUBMITTAL RE UIREMENTS** AllpagesofApplication are complete ,Checklistiscompletedandsigned · -B-StampedTopographicSurvey*,ifapplicable "i3-Site andGradingPlan*,ifapplicable .,Q..Landscape Plan*,ifapplicable o ArchitecturalElevations*,ifapplicable '-B-Exteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications. o ArcbitecturalFloor Plans*,ifapplicable ~Lighting Plan *andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures,ifapplicable -'B--TItle report ,includingSchedules A &B t overify ownership andeasements* o Photosof t he existing site and adjacent str uctures,w hereapplicable. '1:>Writtenapproval fromacondominium association,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable 'B:.Site-specific Geological Hazard Report,ifapplicable* ~TheAdministrator and/or ORB mayrequire thesubmission of additiona l plans, draw ings,specifications,samples andothermaterials (including amodel)if deemed n ecessary t odetermine wh ether aprojectwillcomplyw ith DesignGuidelinesor if t he intentoftheproposal isnotclearly.indicated.'. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materialsnoted with anasterisk (*). **For interiorconversionswithnoexteriorchanges.thesubmittal requirements includea complete setofexisting andproposedfloorplans,at itle report,andwr itten approvalfroma condominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. Ihavereadand understand theabove listed submittal requirements: Project Name:SNO"-l NoW LL<:- Contractor Signature _ Date Signed _ ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Sta tement Number: Payment Meth od : R04 0006806 Amount:$20 .00 Cas h 10/01/200403:47 PM Init :J S Notation:$/ERIC PRIEBE P ermit No : Par cel No : Site Add re s s: Loc at i on : Th is P ayme nt : DRB 040S23 Type : 21031141101 7 2388 GARMISH DR VA IL 2388 Garmisch Drive $20 .00 DRB -C hg to Appr Plans Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Bal ance : $20 .00 $20.00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Ac count Cod e DR 00 100003 112200 Descr i ption DES IGN REV I EW FEE S Current Pmts 20 .00 09/30/20 04 14:43 FAX 9704772237 JOHNG MARTIN [41 02 John G.Martin,ArdUk!t u.c d ;A"V>riI.aD P.O.Ilai 4iOl ~m-3~91 ~aI'I'"f.w m-~"'j r~~ Memo 1bl Eric P riebe From:John G .Marti n Da!ll=9I29f2.004 Ra Lot 9 ,Block GoVaDDas SChone 2 -Garmish Duplex underconstruction SUb(:New GRFA armlysis ZOning:PI1mafy /8econdary Zoning(Lot size over 14,000 s.t) Site Area =.493 acres x 43 ,560 d.=21 A92 s.f../ ..NewGRFAAJIowed:.46%site area <10,000sJ.= .38%sitearea <15,000 s.f.= .13%site area of6,492 s.t = Total = 4,600s.1."...' 1,900 s.f.or' 843 s .f ..... 7 0343 s.t.V' Primary Unit (60%)=4,405.8 $.f•.I Secondary Unit (40%)=2,937.2 s .t.(max.)tI' ..Previous GRFAa1Jowed =5,248 sJ. Pr1malY Unit(60%)=30064 sJ.8econdary Unit (40%)=2 .184sJ.(msx) ..Additional GRFA allowed by new regu!;ltions =2,095 d . Primary Unit (60%)=1,341 s.f.addftIonaJ 8eeandaty Unit (40%)=754 $.f.add~1 New GRFA Calculations of existing ;mprpved plans: Unit A (Primary Unitl Lower=1239 s .f ~ Main =1362 sJ. Upper =388 sJ../ Talal =2,989 s.f../ (N«to exceed 4.405 s.1.) Unit B fS8condary Unit) Lower =1015S.f../,/ Main '"1015sJ. Upper =530 sJ../ Total =2,560 s.f.,/ (Not to exceed2 0937 sJ.) / Summary;The ownenvould like to addan additional 374sJ.ofGRFAto theUnitB (secondary Until on the second level in an existing design crawlspace beIowltle garage.The unit is allowed to haveup to 377 sJ.added (before calculating basement exclusions)therefcre,1tle ownershou ld be allowed to add the total of 374 s.t to ttle UnitB (8ec::ondary Unit). (confirm these rneasun:mentS and calculations to be SCCUTate .Signed:~~ /JohnG.Martin c.;/-e.q.f0 '1 NoW:The GRFA has been calculated to the exterior face of walls ancI has inclUded any CSlling areas greater than 16 feet in height from thefloor below.The basement pe~ntage exclusions have not been used.If they were to be calculated in the future then even more GRFAwould likely he availabie to the owner. I '. 191m Go Martin,Ardtitect,UC ~'lid INGUJr;ES VAULTED ~UPPER LEVEL AREA MAIN LEVEL 1!O.l!rni t1lll PhQne:9R>-3mS92 ¥.ro 'l ~l For.97lI-l18-Q;93 ~ LOWER LEVEL UN IT B NEVi eRFA CALGULAlID AREAS SHOnN HATCHED (TYPICAL). UNIT It .... ...-, I r ~~; ,~!1-=1,-, r.E I 1 -'- ',~ .:3 TOWN or \it,ll C"---~wOE~'L51' OINIUG ROOM DAT e,-~lli /rt.!6t( STl-\r r -U c,p-J=A AF~=1201 SQ.~T . GROSS AREA =1%1 SQ.~T,UNIT B ;01 i "._ r Gr<FA AREA =S3S 5a FT. GR05S A REA =101:;sa.FT, '"//1\, /I , /I -, /I \ //I \'" /I \ /I \ /I \ //I " I I , /\ 1 /:" /UVlNG \ ~',ROOM ~~ I I I I I I I DINING ROOM KiTCHEN \ I I I -t- .------------- \ ,-------------,/,-----------1 1 ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I ' I _ r- I ~----I I II I I ) Ir -----1 5I?r-----.J1 I I I I I I I if:I 1 I I ! / ) I I I I / / / I (,/1 0,... I " / ':1,,1' Q'-f " s~~;!I iii ~ "m ~ 9-j 0- ';;\~~~ ~ (I)0 '9;;a-2: )., ..; ~ .:l1' I i ', " lnmbe r New Custom Duple x Resid ences Fo r:SlaDl p John G.Martin -Architect Cons ultants;Revision s:Issu e l)"I,,; O(Y[l llPfR: 9 Snow No w,LLC p ,n,Z ~l Hl j,,,,,,,?'~-I1J ·l\1 b C/CJ.lAtroWtll f1 ty I I:H-CH -2i)l))!::E!L:h !!!:'\il H;1 )~\.I ;'!.:.'illl_\__ Viil ,Co iI65!fl .:91Jl i))·sm 970-476 -8 Gltl ~!'lli.~lL Q'L:~~~~~~0l _._li--t . Lot 9.lIIo ck G.Vail Das Schone No.2 ;;;i~~~1oLiI1iu.1 a1 }IIl.IW,&i l@,w,u "/'Q(t $IIiUCTl.lAAI.f/llilrlUlt ~lJ ;kllll2-P~r~'!~~J:t·..!.~·2 l)(i~__K~U t ~lIlol dI OllI~ '1 /i)-~4 !1 -5 .:J ~1 I 2J BB Gannlsch0 1'"Vail,Color ado --------_._-._-_.-- --~ L-.______ (=~) ...._... C;l I:?: iT1 O J .~1'-1 ITI,,,. 111:.~~ ":··1 (5 .".. I I I I I I ilJ U ....,t!/''I / / / / I / 10'-1" I I I II I I / q'-II I I I 8~?['Jiil~ II ii1 g 9-J ~ r' -...---cI) 0---e, ")-j -.. , .: '" ,j ,1 ..• ....i [-It ';",~ \.-\~ ,,' Iiilh er Ne wCUl1 0m Duplex Resid en ces1101':Stamp Consultant s:Revision sr _. John G.Ma rtin-Arch it ect Issu e n.lle:-OlVi1.l)tlE R:~lY '1i:11-0 1-2001 I)SnowNo w,LLC p m ~l ll1 IL",~m-llJ ·2\1'r,,~M.M /)~~~~~~«.L_!li:.~!:~~~·!~__. ·t V.iI,C08 I'iS r,"91~')~lIli !J0·41tl ~8~1l)Qll.%1 '~J2"O:l:~~!!.::~~~__,. ~Lot 9.111o ck G,Vail DasSc hone No.2 Ii ~iI'.}ib~W1 li:JLflJl jJ.lUll.lil!&lU@~IWnlt SIRUC TLliW.fIllIIllUJ\:JllllJlolj Peo nit 5l:1:~t-J.t ~~~!__.KIl..t Cnwl101ll1 ~/O~~4 ~~s m --238 8 Cal'mlsch Dr .,Va il,Co lora do -_.---_........,"-'-_. <3 n ~~n , ~~~,-o .. ~~~;sQdo2:"... :J n .:: .!!I '"I J;''E Ii -f •c,-e ~a;'"~n 5 ~E '"~,c ~::>0 :~:!: "I;;"'"f# J,i c ~J-----j-----j ~ ,Iro,LL LfTU T'f 1..CGATlOHS. t'C::iOK -t.P50.AND LlJi3 TO I1E"'T!:R~SHAUee "la.o ~6'r c.o'H':"RJroG.l.cR~ORe ~a-srr o: ca<5m>:.na< --5--..,.". --~--......""--6 --_ --E--a.EGTOlGITf --N-c;.Aa.,i;1V --FIH -~ ~l.IoM~ 1Il_,3 .~.........~>d.ouo,......~~ A ~~.L.~~ AI GCVER ~•~l't:PLAN ~FLOOR P\.J-N -~I RO LEV13.. A3 FLCC'R PI...AN -~L...."'Ya. M Pl..CICR PLM -PlRST LEVa. AS ROO!'"'-"" HI B.EVA11Ol-I'DUH ~ A1 B...EVA11G'N -sc:::;mf A6 !3..eVA"nQrl •~r NIl ~ATle;:t.t -i'E5T I-i/JI<Tt I IvoOer '"~,7 -10'"""J-"poaf. T......5tcrl.....~'t ~~~r...x."'ot ""':~~'ll .I /::KJO~of uM:~'Co ~~T~. T':P"'V ~t.d ~.~-.... ~"'~..aII I~,"""","",,",, L:>~""""3 "-"I""n Lf!G . Hodo ~_It~~""'"e.tOftIDrIII to aw:~"'l#l9 pt>r...,.ec. R~.~li;:lI 00'","~....-eo. tDf.o.L .'''''0," r+olo _00'"0l)6 no-.:-"lt:IOf'~ tar.6t..IZ .~. ZONING,PRIMARy F.ofCONDAR'r LOr AAJ5A ••4'13 ACIll3 =2 1A'12 SF. .30%5l0f'!3 ,0,'16 .UNP~fOO _ SITE CO'JERA(;E. MAXl HJM J ~of LOT AR£A ::3213 5 .F. ~5ITE~==S.F. 6RFA, 6RFAHA.xJH.H~0:6 222 s». (5E:CDN?~LtUf HAx.4C5l •2le-4 SFJ 6Rr.A.TOTAL PROP05e>"'04631 s F . ~AR'(""r F'ROA:>SfIl •201!J6 !iFJ I.A1<D5Uf'l;ARj;A, HlN II'1.t"l em.OF lOT AREA :5 12 "ec1b 5.F PRQP05ED LANOSC-Af'E AREA =13.000 S.F. (\JPPER AND 1-OI"IEK 5 1110 DIS~AREAS) DRIV-~Y COIfRA65. MAxtH.;H 10%OF lL>T APJ;A ,..2J4q S F . ~DRN5'<Ay ~.b4eb S.F.eees S.F.Cl.i<.'<l'IITLY EJ<I5TING FOR AGGE55J EVILD1 NGo HEI6HT HAxlHlt'l a ~'-o" ElJILDIN6 HE IGI!T ~•32 '-10' UNIT A (FRIMARY) eecse AAEA -""(GVTSlDf FAGE ~Ho'W (IIEtt:t"f ACE OF tW..LJ """""I2>'l >J'.Li>'5O 11-40 !J'.......~S.F•.......1>61 ""_ IIPf'fR,131Sr..........""SJ'. TOTAL 21"Sr .TOTAL.2ilJ ~. 6A1lJQO 540~r .§;:;;H;\65 0 $1. UNI T B (SECONDARY) eeeeeAAEA -""tarrsIDf FKE OF ~(lH91DE f .a.Gf CF HAUJ """""I01S SF.""""'"<G6 S I'. >WI<""'SF.............$1'.-.~S.F.""""'"2U 5 .F. Tor.....~s..F.Tor.....:>0<»sr. 6AkQl 5365.F.8JJU6EI 0;;. I~COt£llla)TOTAl....4'tM SF.I6RFA~TOTAL .~SF. -- ,/ / i or 12 LOT10 ----- »>: I ~ (50'R.O .'lI.) ---'-7 OO!IJ .LJ• .-/I --I ..-,;. -- GARMISCH I --~~----------~.--. ~­ _. 19zttnr...,.,Pw o=t,ItM ~~~~~""""k>A"faw:l~~!ifto$4toor.-.a...n~.,.....-tp_~fm/c.~~~ bt ...o.-r~""'*"-:;t~..-.uo.QI'd~~bjthlte--o~.cro:Io.--tf\oc:I.do~of~n-.~=~~~~~~=..-~~-:~~~~~dd~CIJ'II4:>~~~r;r~oI~~h:t'W~o2\(I~""~~1l 1a """~kn<tnr:ldn.Arct&w.l===-:.=~~====~~~~~c:..~~~~,';..e-~.:II r~~o«fla ~cl~t:lmed«l.-.p"""'Df~dl't:lrt.lh:i~P"J'C1d~ Cqfm:.¥'t r b:v-. 1M ~........-~fcr ~wrfl'ShJl ol l ~I'r3 ~~~~~Te-d ::.gqe l~~~leGCf"7 UlClO~.O"d~1<:.o:It:Io:n.. ~"t»....".,....,..t""oI~_a..t.tr~~~~~~c.~la-b.iIl<JIoq~a>c:l~bj~_ -- :H AL!TS DUPLEX :ST FARCEL - ---------------------1 I I I i I I I I I I I I I I ---------------------~ ir--- L G) G) r-"HD C--RT'N ~L-!I... ~-_.._.....0JJ ~:. ~~f;-iT:u r I'..]o l2Ll-':'!'o /(,s::_.,.-::-,. t ._ (.li m ~ , \ -I ' rJI..;:::=·~·"'""'···"=l r-.J""",.!....1.c.::J l l ~,,- ;", L_~ ===~.~J!lm~~.",c> ~~ I'·it ~[t::L·t.~r J I~l~"-..----~. _..I I[~I ~i,cz =i tv (;'I (;'I W ~u> J>.U> ~l 1>~in "1> <J/" l>l -I\'~ (J\iil P ~~~ ~r C 0 :z II ~=i I;;rn >'::JJ rm<I~,rn (;'I ~ron ~(f> r 1>(J\ a 1>1> 0 fil AI :rJ 1>1> -0 " i,I ~~ ;::; \~ Z ~<J/ (P ~P ~~ Shee t Num ber Ne wCu stom Duplex Re sidenc es For:Stamp John G.Mar lin ·Architect Cons ultants Re vision s:Is sue Dal e: Snow Now,LtC ooo.orm ll.E.'l ""11-03-1003 C:J.~~~\:!'!l;'.,~:(J~"C~-,C (j ~?O.....tll !'bOll<:91l4TI·llj&Cleo;!Amid.,A2 l'ill,Co 81 i58 fIX:'10..179·1111 110-476-6610 t,rto Submi t 12.:o.~-2G-2C)(}3 Lot 9.Block G.Vail Das Schone No.2 ~jO!i...".u"""""",S1R\lClV!W.DlC lNtlR:euilding Permit ~l:09-19-2003 ~Conatilgnb _of__ilU-S49-IJil 238 8Garmis ch Dr.,Vail,Colorado DINING ROO M -_._----~--_.---_._~._-----;,..< ..., C-R=A AREA =1201 SQ.FT. UNIT AUNITB 1/8 "-1·-0' M AIN LE VEL FLOOR PLA N ,------------------,r---------------, I I I ~==========~'L ----..J10'-L I I I I I I I r ----L ------------l ,_=__O ~=_1 1 I GROSS AREA =IIZl 15 SQ.FT. Gr<i"A AREA =':l3':l SQ.F T. KiTCHEN I I I 1 1 pt<-I' L I ..., DININ G ROOM ,------------, 1 1 ------------1 1 ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .1 I Ii ·~JI " "tim~~ Gl i~-..~cs rrl F\/I I ~I \I 16 \1m~ rrt / "eo;"';':tJi;i;i;'-:~--. \ /--"--~.,--"'°ft f?f48Mtw ~"H:±&'M§ltf '----n~ i\...."..·..,-~·-· ·1III I-H-I-H ~ /~l /I I "-, '<, '<,"<,... ~.......~£~// <,!f!i!ffi .> '<,CS ~»»/ ........~../"'K-.>»: ....->......... --........//"<. ,.r/-<,'........ ......... ,../.'"~/"-/'<,<, ~:~~I, ~! I I~,I; !; ~... ~~ '!lJ -"11"1"q :n rm .~ rii,- ."roo::n l Jr; Z .:n ~~ ShtdNullI ber New Cuslom Duplex Residenc es For.Stam p John G.Martin·Architect Consultants lIevi sions:Issue Oa(e; Snow Now,LLC ?o.&xllI 1'0"",m.l71~116 tl\W)'m "''''I ,1I -~1 -2IlIU )~fi 'l ,Lt'JI,l 11',iih <"1:1••.'.!l .J:\."'9 ....... 1\4-Vail,Coi I'1i Fa:riU-4J9.i111 rt7G-47&-8610 i,,~j ~Ilt m l '1:C !i -~f.-2,;{1 j...~~~snwCT\Jltll.(t':::Ni£R:Building Ptrmit Set:09-1 9-2003Lot9,Block G,Vail Das Schone No.2 W CooIlillonlJ ~iO-"UI -Si:Wl ;__...of__2388 Garmisch Dr"Vail,Colora,lo-- ,~ ~ ~•Q hiii! •~~ ~~ "-at 2 '~'A'.'~."L A''O '~'A'A .'-,.,L b ,..I~~..g i'\~b ~ ,I'"l \~9!~"i:ii ~d >:fii li~I ~~I ~1ft ,1 I \ I I I 1 I I /I''"I~ I I ,I I L ----.---~~I ~-_-_-JJI f I i'I' I II 'I II III II 1.11 II I I II r---- I I I I I \ -m~» ~(Jj<i l ~m<):>< I ~'7 Shed Nineber New Custom Dupl exResidences For:Stamp John G.Martin·Architect Consultants:Revisions:Issue Date: Snow Now,He DEVELOPER:REV ":11-01-200 ]P,OJl lll UI Ibot ~m-l71-111\~.."""""\~PII ~:t:JolM !i I -t\G-'\·\·'l{\:jl AS VoiI,C.81!i!l Fa:m4n.illS ~7l)-.76-86 10 UHf St '~'l1lt ,::.:Ui::-~':;.~;:iJUl n~M1iD..mrJ J1'ilI'i'I~••SlRUC1tlM 00hEEft:Buildi n9 Permit Set:09-19-2003Lot9,mock G,Vail Das Schone No.2 ~'til COf,il,lnQnU-,~7o-~\I ·5~~1 ____UJ__238B Garmis cb Dr~Vail,Colorado -_.- .. .1 tiq ~~ "iii ~-! I !r-----1 I .~ I I I I I I Ii II I 'I III I I I II I I I I I I I II I ~____I II I ~----= I I I I I I I I 'I ,I I II I IU I II I ~~I ;1 lj ~~~I I~.~~~~r I,.J J'10'-1''J ~q'~'L, iP~~ ~~ ~ ~~ II rn_(f) i:j -l m h"; <~o:z: 1CO!'2'-<>i ' Shed Number New Custom Duplex Residen ces For:Stamp John G.Martin -Architect Con sultants:Revi sions:Issue Date: Snow Now,LLC OMLlli'{R RE'I M',11-0J -200JA91,0,&,111 I\;Olll:r&.471 ·111b ~.,"""""CoH,.'~.h'!'il i '"(i~-fA -L(;'J\ hil,M l6lI 11£9JIl.4J9.l llS ~7o-4 76-81iIO I)~a (jt;L-nij ~/'Oa-:hi-J.lJJ} lot 9.lJIock G.Vail Das Schone No.2 '""'~~Ji@iiiiQOUli nufUW.OOtnR;8tJilding Permit S~t:09-19-2 003 kRW CQflWl10ntl L-_of_ ",o-'U·I~1l 1 2388 Garmi sch Dr.,Vail ,Colorado Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com RohnRobbins ,LLC POBox6133 Vail ,CO81658 November15,2004 Re:Newresidence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchoneFining2 Mr.Robbins, ThisletteristoinformyouthattheCommunityDevelopmentstaff,perourmeeting,hasvisitedthesite identifiedaboveinordertoengagesomeoneastotheconstructionscheduleandintentionsofthe ownersofthenewstructure.Severaldaysafterourmeeting,Iwenttothesiteidentifiedaboveand engagedoneoftheworkersonthesiteasneithertheownersnortheforemanwerepresent.Ina candidconversation ,staffwas informedthatthereisnointentiontoblockaccessontheroadin questionasthefour-plextotheeastusestheroadtoaccesstheirpropertyasdoesyourclienttothe west.IwasinformedthatallpavingofthenewlyalignedandconstructedroadwilloccurintheSpring of2005astheexistingroadwillbeusedforconstructionaccessandmaybedamagedduringthat process,therebypavingtheroadatthelastpossiblemomentbeforeoccupancywillreducethe possibilityofdamagetotheroad. Obviouslytheconversationmentionedabovedoesnotassureaccesstoyourclientinperpetuity.Staff wouldencourageyouandyourclienttopursueanamicable agreementinregardstoaccessthrough theeasternmostaccesspoint.Youmaywellbecorrectthatyourclienthasasolidcasefora prescriptiveeasement.TheTownbelievestheyhavedoneactedresponsibly inthissituationtoinsure adequateaccesstoallproperties .Yourclient ,iftheybelievetheiraccesstobeunsafeinthewinter, shouldfeelfreetotalktotheTownregardingpotentialimprovementstotheiraccesswhichwouldmake itayear-roundaccesspoint. Pleasereview thesecommentsand ifyouhaveanyquestions regardingthisletterpleasecontactmeat 970-479-2148 . Withregards , {Jwa~Pbell SeniorPlanner Cc:File r ..RE C,'CLED PAPER.., ; ,.----..'-.::\7©......rr··.·'..... ,•I ·•,:!.J~/...,U LAw Offlm Of Roun K.ROBBinS,LLC P.O .Box613 3 Vail,CO 816 58 97 0,.926.4461 S1(,-S 10 } Fax:970f./26.447 I email:robbins @ colorado .net October 2 5,2 004 MattMe ier.Esq . Town of VailAttorney 75S.Frontage Rd .West Va il,CO81 657 RE:Lots6-9,Block G,Vail das Schone,Filing No.2,Town of Vail DearMatt : Pleasebeadvisedthat thisoffice repres ents RonJones ,owner of Lot7and co-owner of Lot 6,Block G,Vaildas Schone FilingNo.2,withintheTown of Vail.Asyoumaybe aware,anew residence is presently under construction onLot9,withthe street addres s of2388 Garm isch Dr.The c urrentowners of thatlotare Heather Gisondi andEric Priebe. As you ma y kno w,Ms .Gisond i's andMr.Pr iebe 's predecessor-in-interest was Snownow,L LC and Colorado limitedliabil ity company inwhichGregAmsden of AMS Development ,Inc .inVail,wasaprincipal.For substantially longerthanthe statutory period requ isite to es tablisha prescriptive easement,Lots6through9 ,inclusive,have sharedadri veway witha westandan eastcurbcu t/portal exit ing onto Garm isch Driv e (please see a ttached exhibit ;e xistingdri ve ishighli ghted). Inor about January ofthisyear.Mr .Amsden,on behalf of Snownow,contacted the other lotownerswithaninter est inthedri veway easement and proposed a written dri veway easement and maintenance agreement which wouldformalize the prescriptive easement.Mr.Amsden did soin contemplation of the construction ofa proposed 3-unit, townhouse s tyle d evelopment 011 Lot 9.Theproffered easement agreement contemplated a13-m ember owner association whichwouldbe constituted of allowners of allunitswithan interestintheex isting dri veway anddrivewayportalsasdep icted on the enclosedexhibit. Alth ough Mr .Amsden apparentlynegot iated earnestly,oneormore of theown ers balk ed athi s proposal,t o my und erstanding largelyasa consequence of the proposed • M.Meier,Esq. P,,~e 2 October 25,21111~ aS SOcIatIOn.As1 understand it,oneormore of theowners simply didnotwishtobe burdened withthe responsibilities,obligations and /or maintenance contributions whichmayhavebeen required of themasa consequence of the proposed association.Ultimately,negotiations failed and,inorabout mid-March of thisyear,Snownow,byand through Mr .Amsden ,appliedtothe Town ofYail Department of Commun ity Development fora variance,whichvariance sought to \.~~'O" "...establish anaccessea sement fortheeasternparcel of Lot8andtheowners of Lot10,"(See ,../}ro\ICtr;;" enclosed letter fromWarren Campbell,Senior Planner ,to Snownow,LLC,c/oGregAmsden,\''<l \...~~I) datedAugust 4,2004).Mr .Campbell advisedthat,"Staffhas determined thatthewestern \,JJ'~,\ parcel of Lot8doesnotneedtobe included intheaccess easement...as no portion of the existing orthenewdrivewa y,assoc iated withyour proposed development,encroaches ontothat property"(August 4 1h letter .~3)}JIOlff M.of -r.~ Withinits Memorandum report ,datedApril 12,2004 (enclosed),the Community Development Department madethe following observations : "Staff believed that maintaining accesstoLots8,9and10throughtheexisting common dri veway w i II create lesssite disturbance than requiring each property to construct separate dri veway connection toGarmischDrive ."(p .7,~I); "As this property andthe neighboring properties neverhadaformalaccess easement agreement theTownrequiredthe applicant to establish alegallyrecordedaccess agreement forLots8,9and10.The applicant has proposed anaccess easement agreement which includes Lots6 ,7,8,9and10.If recorded itwouldestablish easements forallthe properties acrossallthelotsmakingtheexisting situation legal"(p . 7,~2)+; "Stafffirmlybelie ves thatthe applicant must have anaccess easement in place for all the properties that the proposed driveway willcross andbeimprovedupon.To not have an easement in place would mean that atany point in the future that any owner not included asa part ofthe access easement could limit accessto neighboring property owners"(emphasis added)(p .2,~3). OnoraboutAugust10,2004 ,th is office contacted Mr.Amsden,duringthecourseofwhich con versation ,Mr.Amsdenexpressed Snownow's will ingness toformalizean easement agreement betweentheowners of Lots6 ,7,8 &9foringressandegressoverthedrive. t As discussed below.staff was mistaken that a formal access casement docsnotexist.Although convoluted,when various recorded instruments arc cumulated.acontinuous easement servicing and affecting all affected lotsdocs,infact.exist. ~f1I.?I ~Vf 00 o» I\'1.Meier.Esq. Pa~e 3 October 25,21111~ In reliance uponthat representation,andathisrequest ,thisoffice prepared adraft easement agreement toaffectthat purpose.It isworthnoting ,too ,thatinour various con versations ,Mr. Amsdenhasatall times acknowledged that there unequivocally exists prescriptive rightsinall the owners toaningres s/egress easement overanduponthedrive including,without limitation, both portals onto Garmisch Dri ve . Notwithstanding Mr.Amsden's agreement on behalf of Snownow to enter intothe easement agreement,Snownow applied for.and apparently wasgranteda building permit inor about early tom id August,200 4 andat about the same time,transferred fee interest inthe property toMs . Gi sondi andMr.Priebe. On September 9,2004,th is office commenced discussions withMs.Gisondi andMr .Priebe, attempting to encourage their cooperation in executing thedraft Easement Agreement tothe mutual advantage of theLot6 ,7 &8 owners aswellastheirown.Ms .Gisondi andMr.Priebe have founda multitude of ways to rebuff.ignoreanddelay dealing withthis matter andhave movedforwardwith construction without addressing the fundamental matter of the easement. In response to their rebukes ,thisoffice researched the presently existing filingswiththe Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as d iscovered,in addition tothe unequivocal prescriptive rights possessed bythe various lotowners,the following pertains : I .Amap recorded at Reception No .110984*,dated June 25 ,1969 ,establishes the original configurations of Lots6,7,8 &9 ,among others. 2 .Amap recorded at Reception No .129604,datedMarch11,1974 ,realignsLots7&8to their present configurations. 3 .A Correction Deed recorded at Reception No .147329,dated December 17,1976,notes a "roadwayandaccess easement"overLots7 &8. Accordingly.as Mr.Jones has title interest inLot 7,this instrument grants hima title int erest in a n easement over Lot8. 4 .An Easement dated September 16.1975 recorded atBook241 .Page836 ,grantsan ingress and egress easement toLot5overLot6 . •all recorded instruments are recorded inthe records oftheEagleCounty Clerk &Recorder. • 5. M.Meier,Esq. P,,~c .t October 25,200.t A ccordingly.hy taking the Correction Deed (#3,above)and this Easement collectively,a c ontinuoustitl e interest is established continuously over Lots 5,6, 7 &8. An Improvement Location Certificate dated October 29,1997,recorded atBook251,~ Page53,notes "Roadway accesseas ement"benefitting Lots5,6,7 &8.",of \ This reiterates and supports tile assertion made inthe indented,italicized note \ immediately above. 6.Exhibit Drawing ~y Eagle ':,a.lley Surveying,dated Octob~r 29,1997(thesamedatesas ~~ ~5 ,above)notes 'easement In thepresent dnveway location overLots5,6,7,8 &9.\JJ"":, ~'w ~Although thisis nota recorded i,.tstrument,ifsupports the ;;;;"l1nent recorded M ? p~at Book 251,Pag e 53 (;;5,above)and establishes thatthe "roadway easement"~ •~'~_t::~extends up on,over and a cross lot s 5 through 9,inclusive. 7.An Easement recordedon November 19,1998at Reception No.676689 notesthatthe ~ owners of Lots6&7havea "driveway,parking,etc easement"overLot5 .Itfurther notesthattheowners of Lots6,7 ,8,9 &10all "utilize the existing driveway"overLot 5foraccesstotheir respective properties and "have requested "thattheLot5 Association "documentsuch easement by executing thisEasement." This instrumentestablishesarecipro cal universal ingress/egress easem ent over and acro ss Lot s 5 through 10,inclusive.No '\f ~~ This Easement furthernotesthatthisgrant of easementoverthe property of Lot5is "...inthesame location asisthe currently Existing Easement"(i .e.,theonenoted above reciprocally benefitting lots5-10,inclusive)andfurthernotesthat "...this easement is additional toanddoesnotmodifyornegatetheExistingEasement." Taken together,theabo ve recited instruments establisha continuous (and overlapping)title interestoverandacrossLots5throughI0 ,inclusive,forthepurpose of ingressandegress reciprocally toalllotowners.Asnotedbefore,thetitleinterests outlined above are in addition to the undeniable prescriptive rights whichhavebeenlong established ontheselotsandwhich interestwellexceedthe statutory time requirements . Inlight of theforego ing,thisofficeadvisedMs .GisondiandMr.Priebethat although their execution of thedraft Easement Agreementwouldgreatlysimplifymattersandeffecta • :\1.Meier,Esq. Pa~c 5 October 25,200-t considerable cost savings tobothMr.Jones andthem ,Mr .Joneswas secure that,ifnecessary. hecould effectively movetheEagle County DistrictCourt for declaratory relief andthatthe Court wouldfindinfavor of the proposition advancebyMr .Jonesthathisrightstoingressand egressoverthe existing driveareboth prescriptive and of record.Similarly,anyandall of the other ownerscould assert andprevailuponidenticalclaims . Although itwas hoped thatin consideration of theforegoing ,Ms .Gisondi and Mr.Priebe would finditin their own self-interest to execute andreturnthe easement agreement andwouldfindit fully appropriate under the circumstances,instead,Mr.Jones'entreaties havebeenmetwith silence. Inthe context of theforegoing,Mr .Jonesis'concerned,baseduponrecent activity uponthe construction site,thatthe concerns presagedinthe Community Development Department's April 12,2004 Memorandum report,maysooncometofruition ,towit,that "...any owner not included asa part ofthe access easement could limit accessto neighboring property owners" andthatthe Gisondi/Priebe projectmayshortlyblockaccesstotheeasternportalto Garmisch Drive .Sodoing would notonly interfere withandimpedeMr .Jones'titleand prescriptive interests inthe easement androadwayaccess,butwouldalso : 1.CauseMr.Jones'property undue hardship (including,without limitation,palpable financialloss):and 2 .Effect unnecessary hardship and inconvenience toMr.Jones and/or his tenants ; In consideration of these potential losses ,Mr.Jones,byandthroughthisoffice,has demanded of Ms.Gisondi andMr.Priebe that.in consideration of his interests inthedriveway ,that: I .Theynot block theeasternportal of thedriveorcauseittobe blocked atanytime ; 2.Any reconstruction orre-paving of thedriveinthearea of the project of construction will takeplaceonlyinthe summer monthsandwill allow forMr.Jones 's unimpeded access during such period of construction;and 3 .Thatthefinishedsurface of thedrivewillbe substantially as presently exists. Again,Mr.Jones 'requests havebeenmetwith silence fromMs .GisondiandMr.Priebe . Asone of the obligations of the Town inissuinga building permitisto ensure that easements and other rightsare preserved bythepermitee,Iofferthis correspondence asMr.Jones'request )\J D ~• • M.Meier,£"1' Page 6 October 25,2011-1 thatthe Town either: I. 2 . Require execution of the Easement Agreement byall parties ;or ,alternatively , Instruct th e Lot9 ow nersth att heymust honor theex isting easement andtakeno steps during oraft er construction tobl ock oro therwise interfere withr ights of the other lot owners (i.e..5,6.7 &8)w ho e njoy,andhave an interest i n,the driveway includ ing, without lim itation ,both t heeasta ndwest portals to Garmisch Dr ive . While Iha ve inmypos se ssion cop ies of all t heabo ve -referenced documents,asseveral of them are either of architectural size andor of poor print quality,Ihavenotmade copies foryou . However,all documentsa rea vailable atthe office of theEagle County Clerk &Recorder (either orbothon computer hard dri ve and /or on microfiche)or ,ifmore convenient foryou,I would be pleased to meet withyou accompanied by the documents forfurther discussion.Iwillalsobe pleased to provide y ouwithacopy of thedraft Easement Agreement on your request. Y our kind response toth is correspondence,once youarefullyappri sed of all the facts ,wouldbe most appreciated.Thank you i nad vance foryour anticipated i nvolvementand cooperation. Plea se feelfreeto c all ifImay answer and questions or concerns or if!may offer any clarifications.Iamlook ing forwardtohear ing from yousoon. \ '.My warmest regards , Rohn K.bbins RKRJdar encls 3(o rating J6 I'a~es) ccR .Jones (Via /ax mo ends) • 'Dec-OS-l OOS 04:42pm From-Go re RQnr ·urveyi ni,LLC EXHIBIT 9T04T900~5 PART fE'LOT I V~~OAS ~~~~1Il0 '0.2) (R£C.,1101M) ~AOJIjI •1~5.00' aa.rA g a&,I'OO" ARC •81 .QT CHOAQ •61."'· 1iJ110 ..N,sU"42'otI'E ""'-.... ~ VAlL SKY HtCH C:CNDOIIHllAlS (LOT IS) ,D115Ot<tI1 hO/llalf !oat W"l !lil!tfl'" VII:,'0"6$7 ff7Cl '79-:693''''1m)m".1S loOT 10 SHEET 2 OF 2 ·:c.,.---,.----------------. : II......aq Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Snownow,LLC. c/oGregAmsden 500SouthFrontageRoadEast,Suite112 Vail,CO81657 August4,2004 Re:Snownow,LLC.Newresidence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone Fining 2 . Mr.Amsden, ThisletteristoinformyouthattheCommunity DevelopmentStatt hasreviewedyourproposalto establishanaccesseasementfortheeasternparcelofLot 8 andtheownersofLot10.Perthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionapprovalofJuly28,2003,therewasoneconditionof approvalwhichstated; TheapplicantshallsubmittotheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentacopy of anexecuted accesseasement with theownersofLots 8 and10,VailDasSchoneFiling 2,prior tothe issuanceofabuildingpermit. StaffhasdeterminedthatthewesternparcelofLot 8 doesnotneedtobeincludedintheaccess easementdescribedaboveasnoportionoftheexistingorthenewdriveway,associatedwithaccessto yourproposed developmentencroaches ontothatproperty. Itappearsthroughdiscussionthatyouarenearcompletionofobtaininganexecutedeasementfor accessacrossthe eastemportion ofLot 8 andarewillingtograntaccessforLot10acrossLot 9.Staff willconsidertheconditionofPlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionsatisfiedonceanexecutedand recordedeasementispresentedtostaffwhichprovidescross-accessfortheeasternparcelofLot 8, Lot 9,andLot10.Anychangetotheapproveddrivewaywouldcausestafftoreevaluatethe determinationsmadeinthisletter. Pleasereviewthesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisletterpleasecontactmeat 970-479-2148. Withreg.ards,!l~' {!bv\iJY\Lev WarrenCampbell SeniorPlanner Cc:File ..t,)RECYCLED P.<PER ORIGINAL MEMORANDUM TO:Planning andEnvironmentalCommission FROM:Community DevelopmentDepartment DATE:April12,2004 SUBJECT:ArequestforavariancefromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsIn SpecificZonesOnExcessiveSlopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofdrivewaysandsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthe totalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9,BlockG,VailDas Schone2nd Filing.. Applicant: Planner: I.SUMMARY SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden WarrenCampbell Theapplicant,SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden,isrequestinga variancefromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsInSpecificZonesOnExcessive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowfortheconstructionofdr iveways andsurface parkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive (AttachmentA).Theapplicantreceivedapprovalofthis requestfromthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiononJuly28,2003 ,withonecondition. Thatconditionstated: The applicant shall submit tothe Community Development Department a copy of an executed access easement withtheowners of Lots 8 and 10, VailDasSchoneFiling 2,prior tothe issuance of a building permit. Theapplicanthasworkedoverthepastninemonthstomeettherequirementsof thiscondition.Theapplicanthasbeenabletogetallpropertyownersexceptfor theownersoftheduplexonLot8toagreetoanaccesseasementagreement. TheapplicantisreturningtothePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiontoask thattheconditionofapprovalberemoved. BaseduponStaff'sreviewofthecriteriainSectionVIIIofthismemorandumand theevidenceandtestimonypresented,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartment recommendsthatthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission deny this variancerequesttoremovetheconditionofapprovalfromJuly28,2003 , approvalofthisvariancewithoneconditionsubjecttothefindingsnotedin SectionIXofthismemorandum.Denialofthisrequestaffirms thePlanningand EnvironmentalCommission's decision fromJu ly 28,2003. II.DESCRIPTION OFREQUEST TheapplicanthasbeenapprovedbyboththePlanning andEnvironmenta l CommissionandtheDesignReviewBoardtoconstructanewprimary/secondary • - residenceat2388GarmischDrive.Thepropertyhassteep existinggradesandis currentlyundeveloped.Anexistingdriveway onthesitecurrentlyprovides accesstotheadjoiningpropertieslocatedbothtothewestandeastofthissite (i.e.lotsLot 8 and10,BlockG,VailDasSchone 2nd Filing).Theexisting drivewayis5,635 sq .ft.inarea(26%ofthelotarea).TheadjoiningLots 8 and 10werebothdevelopedunderEagleCountyjurisdiction,laterannexed intothe TownofVail,andarecurrentlylegallynon-conforminginregardtomanyofVail's developmentstandards.Theexistingdrivewaywasconstructedwithoutformal easementagreementsgrantingtheadjoining propertiesaccessthroughthissite. OnJuly28,2003,theapplicantproposedtomakeimprovementstotheexisting drivewaytobringthedrivewayintoconformancewithTownofVailengineering standards.TheapplicantalsoproposedtogranteasementstotheadjoiningLots 8 and10foraccessthroughLot 9.Theapplicantalsoproposedtoconstructa newprimary/secondaryresidenceonthissiteandprovideatotalofthreenew surfaceparkingspaces .Thetotalareaoftheproposeddrivewayandthenew surfaceparkingspaceswas6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthe total sitearea).Thissite hasexisting gradesinexcessof30%andisthereforesubjecttotheprovisionsof Section12-21-14(RESTRICTIONSINSPECIFICZONESONEXCESSIVE SLOPES),VailTownCode .Section12-21-14,VailTownCode,requiresthat(in part): Notmorethanten percent (10%)ofthetotalsitearea may be covered by driveways and surface parking . Section12-21-14,VailTownCode,limitstheamountofdriveway andparking areaonthis siteto2,149 sq.ft.(10%).Theexistingdrivewayprovidingaccessto Lots8and10is5,635sq.ft.inarea(26%ofthetotalsite area}.Therefore ,even thoughLot9iscurrentlyundeveloped,itisnon-conforming inregardtothe drivewayandsurfaceparkingarearequirementsofSection12-21-14,VailTown Code.TheapplicanthadavarianceapprovedonJuly28,2003,whichallowed anincreaseinthenon-conformityofthissitebyallowingimprovementstothe existingdrivewayandconstructionofthreenewsurfaceparkingspacesfora totalareaof6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthetotalsitearea).Theconditionofapproval stated: The applicant shall submit tothe Community Development Department a copy of an executed access easement withtheowners of Lots 8 and 10, VailDasSchoneFiling 2,prior totheissuance of a building permit. Theapplicanthasmadeattemptstocomplywiththisconditionofapproval.After nine monthsofworking with theadjacentpropertyownerstheapplicanthasbeen abletogettheownersofLots6,7,9.and10toagreetoanaccesseasement agreement.Theapplicanthasnotbeenabletoreachanagreementwiththe ownersoftheduplexonLot8.Lot8contains thesouthwesternportionofthe approveddrivewaycurveheadingtotheeastwhichwill serviceLots9and10. Therefore,theapplicantisreturningbeforethePlanning andEnvironmental Commission toaskthattheconditionofapprovalfromJuly28,2003,be removed.Acopyofalelterfromtheapplicant dated March15,2004,which describesingreaterdetail theapplicant'srequest,hasbeenattachedfor reference(AttachmentB).Amapdepictingtheeasementproposedbythe 2 - applicantwhichdisplaysthesmallarea for whichanagreementhasnotbeen reachedisincludedforreference(AttachmentC). III.BACKGROUND •ThispropertywasannexedintotheTownofVail byOrdinanceNo.26of 1986 . •OnJuly 28.2003 ,thePlanning andEnvironmental Commissionapproved theapplicant'svariancetoincreasetheareaofthedrivewayonthesite. •OnSeptember 3,2003 ,theDesignReviewBoardapprovedtheapplicant's proposal. IV.ROLESOF REVIEWING BODIES Order ofReview:Generally,applicationswillbereviewedfirstbythe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission foracceptabilityofuseandthenbythe DesignReviewBoardforcomplianceofproposedbuildingsandsiteplanning . Planningand Environmental Commission: Action:ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission isresponsibleforfinal approval/denial/approval with conditions ofconditionalusepermitsand variances. ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission isresponsiblefor evaluatingaproposalfor: 1.Relationshipandimpactoftheuseondevelopmentobjectivesofthe Town. 2.Effectoftheuseonlightandair ,distributionofpopulation , transportationfacilities,utilities,schools ,parksandrecreationfacilities , andotherpublicfacilitiesandpublicfacilitiesneeds. 3 .Effectupontraffic,withparticularreferencetocongestion,automot ive andpedestriansafetyandconvenience,traff ic flowandcontrol ,access , maneuverability,andremovalofsnowfromthestreets andpark ing areas . 4.Effectuponthecharacteroftheareainwhichtheproposeduseisto belocated.including thescaleandbulkoftheproposeduseinrelation to surroundinguses. 5.Suchotherfactorsandcriteria astheCommission deemsapplicableto theproposeduse. 6.Theenvironmentalimpact reportconcerningtheproposeduse.ifan environmental impactreportisrequiredbyChapter 12ofthisTitle. Conformancewith development standards ofzonedistrict Lotarea Setbacks 3 ...-. BuildingHeight Density GRFA Sitecoverage Landscapearea Parkingandloading Mitigationofdeve lopment impacts Design Review Board: Action:TheDesignReviewBoardhasNO review authority ona conditional use permit orvariance,butmustreviewany accompanying Design ReviewBoard application. Town Council: ActionsofDesignReview BoardorPlanningandEnvironmental Commission maybeappealedtotheTown Councilor bytheTownCouncil.TownCouncil evaluates whether ornotthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionorDesign ReviewBoarderredwithapprovalsordenialsandcanuphold,upholdwith modifications.oroverturnthe board's decision. Staff: The staff isresponsibleforensuringthatallsubmittal requirements areprovided andplansconfo rm tothetechnicalrequirementsoftheZoningRegulat ions.The staffalsoadvisestheapplicantasto compliance withthedesign guidelines. Staffprovidesastaffmemorandumcontain ing background onthe property and providesastaffevaluationoftheprojectwithrespecttotherequired criteria and findings ,andarecommendationonapproval,approvalwith conditions,ordenial. Staffalsofacilitatesthereviewprocess. V.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staffbelievesthatthefollowing provisions oftheVailTownCodeare relevant to thereviewofthisproposal : TITLE 12:ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 12-60:Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) District (in part) 12-60-1:PURPOSE: Thetwa-family primary/secondary residentialdistrictisintendedto providesitesforsingle-familyresidentialuses or two-family residential usesinwhichoneunitisalargerprimaryresidence andthe second unit is a smallercaretakerapartment,togetherwithsuchpublicfacilities as mayappropriatelybelocatedinthe same district.Thetwo-family primary/secondary residential districtisintendedtoensureadequatelight, air,privacyandopenspaceforeachdwelling,commensuratewithsingle- familyandtwo-family occupancy,andtomaintainthedesirableresidential qualitiesofsuchsitesbyestablishingappropriate site development standards. 4 - Chapter 12-17:Variances (inpart) 12-17-1:Purpose: A.ReasonsForSeekingVariance:In order to prevent ortolessensuch practical difficultiesand unnecessary physical hardsh ipsinconsistentwith the objectives ofthistitle as wouldresultfrom strict or literal interpretation and enforcement,variancesfromcertain regulations may begranted.A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshipmay result fromthe size.shape.ordimensions of a site or thelocationof existing structures thereon;fromtopographicor physical conditionsonthesite or inthe immediatevicinity;orfromother physical limitations.street locations or conditionsintheimmediatevicinity.Costorinconveniencetothe applicant of strictorliteralcompliancewith a regulation shall not be a reasonforgranting a variance. B.Development StandardsExcepted :Variancesmaybe granted only withrespecttothe development standards prescribed foreachdistrict, includinglotareaandsitedimensions .setbacks ,distances between buildings.height,densitycontrol.buildingbulkcontrol,sitecoverage, usableopenspace.landscaping and sitedevelopment,and parking and loadIngrequirements ;orwithrespecttotheprovisions of chapter 11 of . thistitle.governing physical development on a site. Chapter 12-21:Hazard Regulations (Inpart) 12-21-1:PURPOSE: The purpose ofthisChapter is tohelp protect theinhabitants of theTown fromdangersrelatingto development of floodplains ,avalanche paths. steepslopesand geologically sensitiveareas;toregulatetheuse of land areaswhichmaybesubjecttoflooding and avalancheorwhich may be geologically sensitive;andfurthertoregulate development on steep slopes;toprotectthe economic and property values of theTown.to protect theaestheticand recreational values and naturalresources of the Town,whicharesometimes associated withfloodplains,avalanche areas and areasofgeologicalsens itivity and slopes;tominimize damage to public facilitiesandutilities and minimize theneedfor relief in cleanup operations;togivenoticetothe public of certainareaswithintheTown wherefloodplains,avalancheareasandareas of geologic sensitivity exist;and topromotethe general public health,safety andwelfare. 12-21-14:RESTRICTIONSIN SPECIFIC ZONESON EXCESSIVE SLOPES: Thefollowingadditionalspecialrestrictions or requirements shall apply to development onanylotinahillside residential,single-family residential, two-family residentialortwa-family primary/secondary residential zone district wheretheaverageslope of thesite beneaththe existing or proposed structureand parking areais inexcessof thirty percent (30%):... 5 ,/""'0- E.Sitecoverage as itpertainstothischapter,as permitted by sections 12-6A-9.12-68-9.12-6C-9and12-60-9 of thistitle,is amendedasfollows: 1.Notmorethanfifteenpercent (15%)ofthesiteareamaybe coveredbybuildings,exceptinconjunctionwith a type I employee housing unitinaccordancewithchapter 13 ofthistitle,inwhich casenotmorethantwentypercent (20%)ofthesiteareamaybe coveredbybuildings;and 2.Notmorethanten percent (10%)of the total site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. VI.SITE ANALYSIS Lot Area:21,492 sq .ft.(0.49acres) Zoning:Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S) LandUsePlan Designation:Medium Density Residential Current LandUse :Undeveloped Development Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Setbacks : Front:20ft.>20ft. Sides:15ft ./15ft.>15 ft./>15 ft. Rear:15ft .>15ft. Building Height:max.33ft .(slope)/30 ft.(f1at)<33ft. Density:2units +1TypeIIEHU2units GRFA:5,249sq.ft.4,637 sq.ft. Site Coverage:3,223 sq .ft.(15%)3 ,035 sq.ft.(14%) Landscape Area:12,896sq.ft.(60%)13 ,000 sq.ft.(60%) Parking:Primary Unit3 spaces 4 spaces (2 surface) Secondary Unit3 spaces 3 spaces (1 surface) VII.SURROUNDING LANDUSESANDZONING LandUse North:LOW-Density Residential South:Low-Density Residential East:Medium-Density Residential West:Medium-Density Residential 6 Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two -Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary VIII.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A.Consideration ofFactors Regarding Variances: 1.The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. Theapproveddriveway andparkingareaswill accommodate vehicularaccessandparkingforthissiteandprovideaccessto Lots8and10.Staff believed thattheapproveddrivewayand parkingareasareinkeepingwiththecharacterofthe neighborhoodandthattheapplicant'sapprovedimprovementsto theexistingdrivewaywillbebeneficialtotheexisting andpotential usesandstructuresontheadjoiningLots8and10.Additionally, Staffbelievedthat maintaining accesstoLots8 ,9,and10through theexisting,commondrivewaywillcreatelesssitedisturbance thanrequiringeachpropertytoconstructaseparatedriveway connectiontoGarmisch Drive. Asthispropertyandthe neighboring propertiesneverhadaformal accesseasement agreement theTownrequiredtheapplicantto establish alegally recorded accessagreementforLots8,9,and 10.Theapplicanthasproposedanaccesseasementagreement whichincludesLots6,7,8,9,and10.If recordeditwould establish easements forallpropertiesacrossallthelotsmaking theexistingsituationlegal.Theapplicanthascurrentlynotbeen abletoreachagreementwiththeownersoftheduplexonLot8.It isbecauseofthislackofagreementthattheapplicant isreturning beforethe Planning and Environmental Commissiontohavethe conditionofapprovalfromJuly28,2003,removed. Staff firmly believesthattheapplicantmusthaveanaccess easement inplaceforallproperties thattheapproveddriveway willcrossandbeimprovedupon.Tonothaveaneasementin placewouldmeanthatatanypoint inthefuturethatanyowner notincludedasapartoftheaccesseasementcouldlimitaccess to neighboring propertyowners. 2.Thedegreeto which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary toachieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staffdoesnotbelieve thatthetopographyofthesiteconstitutes an extraordinary circumstance orexceptional condition.Other properties inthe Two-Fam ily Primary/Secondary (P/S)Districtwith similartopographic conditions havebeensuccessfullydeveloped withoutvariances. 7 ,-. However,staff believed thepresenceoftheexisting driveway on thissitethatprovidesaccesstotwoadjoiningpropertiesisan extraordinary circumstance andexceptionalcondition.Staffalso believed theapplicant requested theminimumamountofrelief fromthestrictandliteral interpretation andenforcementofthe zoning regulations necessary toachievecompatibilityand uniformityamongsitesinthevicinityandwithintheTwo-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S)District.Therefore,Staffdid notbelievethisproposalwouldconstituteagrantofspecial privilege. 3.Theeffectoftherequestedvarianceon light andair, distribution of population.transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,and public safety. Staff believed thatthis variance willfacilitatetheapplicant's approved improvements tothe existing driveway thatwillimprove bothtrafficflowandpublicsafetyonLots8,9,and10andon Garmisch Drive. Staffdidnotbelievethattheproposedvariancewouldhavea significantnegativeimpactonlightandair,distributionof population,public facilities,andutilities. 4.Such other factors and criteria asthe commission deems applicable tothe proposed variance. B.The Planning and Environmental Commission shallmakethefollowing findingsbeforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthe granting ofthevariancewillnotconstituteagrantof special privilegeinconsistentwiththelimitationsonother properties classified inthesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotbedetrimentaltothe publichealth,safetyor welfare,ormateriallyinjurioustoproperties or improvements inthe vicinity. 3.Thatthe variance is warranted foroneormoreofthefollowing reasons: a.Thestrictliteral interpretation orenforcementofthe specifiedregulation wouldresultinpracticaldifficultyor unnecessary physical hardshipinconsistentwiththe objectives ofthistitle. b.Thereare exceptions or extraordinary circumstancesor conditions applicable tothesamesiteofthe variance that donotapply generally tootherpropertiesinthesame zone. 8 • c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecified regulationwoulddeprivetheapplicantofprivileges enjoyedbytheownersofotherpropertiesinthesame district. IX.STAFFRECOMMENDATION TheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission deny thisvariancerequesttoremovethecondition ofapprovalfromJuly28,2003,fromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsIn SpecificZonesOnExcessiveSlopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofdrivewaysandsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsite area,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2nd Filing. DenialofthisrequestaffirmsthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission's decisionfromJuly28,2003.Staff'srecommendationisbaseduponthereviewof thecriteriainSectionVIIIofthismemorandumandtheevidenceandtestimony presented,subjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillconstituteagrantingofspecial privilegeinconsistentwiththelimitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillbedetrimentaltothepublichealth, safety,orwelfare,ormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesorimprovementsin thevicinity. 3.Thestrictliteralinterpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregulation wouldnotresultinpracticaldifficultyorunnecessaryphysicalhardship inconsistentwiththeobjectivesofthistitle. 4.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregulationwould notdeprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersofother propertiesinthesamedistrict. X.ATTACHMENTS A.VicinityMap B.Applicant'sLetterofRequest C.Mapdepictingeasement D.PublicHearingNotice 9 .' Attachment:A .. Snownow LLC 500S.FrontageRoad East,Suite112 Vail,Colorado 81657 March 15,2004 Town of Vail Planning &Environmental Commission c/oBill Gibson 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO.81657 Re :Removal ofa Condition on Variance granted for 2388 Garmisch Drive (Lot 9,Block G,Vaildas Schone Filing2) Dear Bill: Attached is a completed application for an amendment to the Planning and Environmental Commission's impervious (driveway)site coverage variance granted in July 28,2003 for the property located at 2388 Garmisch Drive in West Vail. The basis for the original variance was to improve the existing driveway on applicant's property (used by10 neighboring homeowners)to satisfy requirements of the Town of Vail Public Works Department and the Fire Department.The PEe attached a condition to the variance requiring the applicant to establish an easement for all portions of the driveway,both on and off the applicant's property,being used by adjacent property owners (Buildings 1 and 2,Alpen Chalet Townhouses,and Alpen Chalet Duplex). The applicant approached all the owners regarding this easement and,after twelve months and numerous redrafts,is still unable to obtain mutual agreement amongst the 10 neighboring property owners.Several owners do not wish to sign any document,regardless ofit's content.The applicant has spent considerable time,money (legal fees and surveying costs), and has had losta$675 ,000 sales contract due todelaysin start of construction.The building permit has been approved and has been ready for issuance since December,2003. Sincethe requirement foran easement imposed bythe PEC is not feasible ,the applicant is requesting removal of this condition.All improvements forthe new driveway are located on the applicant's property except forasmall,triangle-shaped parcel owned by Alpen Chalets Duplex (See attached Exhibit A outlining location of parcel).Applicant will indemnify,defend andhold harmless the Town of Vail,its representatives and employees against any claims , demands,loss,damages ,liability or other expense arising out of any actions taken bythe Town of Vall in approving any aspect of the applicant 's proposed improvements. Voice (970)-476·8610 amsden@vail .nel Attachment:B (9701-476-8637 Fax If youhaveanyadditional questions,don't hesitateto contact meat 476-8610.Thank.you tor yourtimeand consideration of thismatter. Sincerely, Cc:Robert A.Rymer -Manager of Snownow LLC ., .fEXHIBIT A PART OF LOT 8 V,\Jl OAS =~UNO NO.2) (REc.,110_) 1Wlm·13Ma' DEl.TA _25'8'00· ARC.01,97" CHOIlO -61.43' eRG-.39·...00"1: <, VAn.SKY HIGH CONDOI.IlNlUlolS (lOT5) LOT 10 Pce+iDt\oc.~~rrl .,;;.tJh~f1p,\;~.~".~O' &""N!f ~h 1t~rurWt11 SHEET 2 or 2 Attachment:C