HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 PARCEL A TRACT D WENDY'S 1 OF 2 LEGAL/ 6 MACTEC -+--eng ineering and c onstructi ng 0 better tomorrow Aug ustI ,2006 Mr.Bill Ca rlson Town of Va il 75Sou th Fron tageRo ad Vail,Col orado 8 1657 Follow up Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report w endy's Property 2399North Frontage Ro ad 'Vest Vail,C olorado MA CT EC Project #4663060006.03 Dear M r.Carlson: MAC TEC Engi neering a nd C onsult ing ,Inc.(MACTEC)is pleased to presen tth eenclosed Follow upPh ase IJ Environmental Sit e Assessmen t(ESA)Re portto the To wn of Va il.The r eport d etails thefi ndings o fPh ase II ES A inves tigative activi tiesperformed Ju ly 17 ,2006. If you have an y q uestionsregardingtheenc losed repo rt.please feel freetoc ontact To m Colwell at(3 03)29 3-6053 . S incerely, MACTEC En gineering and ~ a m Col wcl Sen ior Geolo gist TEC /lll/cgh Att ac hment onsulting,Inc. At~ Hu gh Ilcnda Se niorPrincipal Consultant MACTE C Engineering an dCcnsoltinq.Inc. \4062 Denve r WestPOIk woy,SU Ite 300 ·Golden,CO 8040 1 •Phone :303 .292 .5365 •303.292.5411 www.mcctec.ccm /l MACTEC engineering and constructing a better tomorrow I :NOICE RellIit to ::.v.::TE ::tnqineerl1l9 ,Consulting.Inc . Federal 10 68-0146 861 7 477 Collect ion Center Dr ive Ch ic.lgo.1 1.6069)-0076 To,'t'OWN 0 1'VAIL 75 socra FRONTAGE ROA:I VAI L,CO 8 H57 ~ork site ,23 99 NORTH F RON TACE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 16S7 Attn:B:1.L CARLSo...'1 I>l:O}t1ct Name Proj~ct N u m~r : vail PMSC 11ESA 4 6 6]060006 r nv ot e ..DAte Inv oice NumbclC : OB/Ol /2006 82154 01 nee Date : l erml:l 09/01 /2 006 30 NET Fo r p rofellllion ",l S e lv :'CtllJ h um:07/1 5/:.1 006 throu'Jh:07/28/2006 Va il phase II E5A,2Ui N.Fror.tllge Rd Follow ~u p Ph aee II ESA B i ll ing Totals Project Sur=.,u:y Previously Billed Current I nvoice Total Billed To Ddle Auth o rized Budget Tot al Billed To Date R~maining Autho~ized Budg et Outstanding Invoi ce s 7,700.00 100.00," 7 ,700 .0 01 00 .00\ 11 ,5 00.00 7.700.00 1 9 .2 00.00 19 .200 .00 19,200.00 0 .00 Tota.l F ee ,hUM 7 ,700 .00 7 ,700.00 Previou sly 8 i 11 M. (1.00 0.00 currene Billing 7,700.00 7 ,700 .00 Invoi ce NUlI'ber 82136S) Im'oi ce D.>" Bi ll -Th r-u DUe 14 -Jt:L -C6 D.>y. Due Dat e Outstandi ng 1 3-AUG-C6 1 4 Ot igir.al """"'" 3 .BCll.00 aai snce"". 3.600 .00 Direct invoice qu estions to: TOll'.E Col~ell ,Ptojec~Manager MAGEe Engineering and Comulting ,Inc . 14062 Denver We~1 Parkway,Sene 300 •Golden,CO8040 1 •Poone :303 2Q2 .5365 •303 .2Q2 .54 11 www.modec.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOLLOW UP PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT WENDY'S PROPERTY 2399 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL,COLORADO Prepa red ror : T own o fVail 75South FrontageRoad Vail.Colorado 8 1657 Prepa red by : MACTEC Eng ineering and Co nsult ing,In c . 14062 De nve r We st Parkway.Su ite 300 Go klt:n.C olorudo 804 0 I MACTEC Proj ect No.4 66 3060006 .03 A ugust 1.2006 MACTEC Eng ineering and Consul ting ,In c . 14062Denver We st Boulevard,#300 Golden,CO 80401 -(303)292-5365 www.mactec.com TABLES 1.0 I NTRom :c no:\,1 3.0 I'II ASE II FlEL O I;IIVEST IGAT IU N .5 TABLE OF CONTENTS MACTEC .Inc. SiteLoca tion Map Soil Borin g/Mon itoring We llLocation Ma p Soil T otal Petro lcwn Hydr oc arbon Concen tra tion M ap Groundwa ter Ben zene Concentration Map I .Suil Labora tory Analyt ica l Resul ts 2.Gro undwater Laboratory An a lytica l Results 2.0 BACKG R OUND 3 4 .4Groundwater Analytic al Results 8 4 .3 Soil Analytical Resu lts _7 4.0 I'IIASE III NVESTIG ATIO"R ESULTS .5 4 .2Hydrogeology _7 4 .1 Geology 7 APPENDIXES FIGURES A BORING LOGSrrEMPORARY MONITORING WEL L CONST RUe-nON DIAGRAMS B SO IL AND GROUNDWATER Al'ALYfICALRESULT S 5.0 C ONC I .USI ONS M iD R EC OMM E l'O DATl O"S 10 466305000<>0.1 &'112006 k>l......up Ph~~II ESA I. 2 . 3. 4. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 .0 INTRODUCTION M ACfEC Engineermg and Consulting ,Inc .(M ACfEC)has pre paredthi s r eport to de tail the fi ndings of a Followup Ph ase IIEnvironmentalSit e Assessment (ESA)p er formed J uly 17 ,2006 .Th e Followup Pha s e U ESAwa s pcr fonned at theWen d y 's Prope rty located at23 99North Fron tage Road inW estVa il. Colora do (subject property)(Fi gure 1).Th e W endy 's Pr operty con sists of a r es tauran t bu i lding,pa rkin g lot.and landscaping.Th eFollowupPhase lJ ESA was conducted onbehalf of the T ownof Vail in acc ordance wi th MACfEC 's proposal dated J une12.2006. Th eob jective s o f t he FollowupPhas e IIESA were to gather add itional s ubs urface so ila nd gr oundwater data toaddr ess poten tialimpact 10 the s ubject property [rom anadjacent ga ss tation property (former Texaco)thatwa sidenti fied a s a leakin g underground sto ragetank(L UST)s ite. MA CTEC pcrfonned th e Follow up P hase II ESA b yco mpl eting the following act ion s: •Ob tained uti lity lineloc ationsin t he vicinity o fpro poscd bo ring locations and develo ped a si te sp ecific hea lthan d safety p lan. •Reta ined a geoprobe s ubcontractor to p erform install ation of borin gs an d temporary monitoring we llsin 5 locations . I •R eviewedso il co resto assesss oilconditions.Screened soilcor es utili zinga photoionization det ector (P ill)t o identify the presence/absence of vo latile petrol eum con stituent s in the subs urface .Co llected so il sam ples forlaboratory anal ysis o f petr oleum hydrocarbons . Installedte mporary groundwat er m onitoring wells to co llect r epresentative groundwat er sample s . Th e find ingsandco nc lusion s presented he rein are ba sed on MACfEC's ob servation s o fexi sting conditi on s dur ing P hase IIESA activities performedo n Ju ly 17 ,200 6andp reviou sly onMa y 19 ,2006 . •Documented the me thods,find ings,an dco nclusionso f the F ollowupPhase I I E SA . 1MACTEC,Inc. Submitted so ilandgrou ndwater samples toa la boratory for analysis of'benzcnc.to luene.ethyl ben zene.xylenes (BTEX);methyl tat-butyl e ther (MllJ E);andtotal petroleum hydrocarbons (TP H)a s gasoline an dd iesel. 466306006 OJ 8.'1.'2006 Follow ~p Pbase U E$A I I I I I I I IntroductiDn I The profe ssiona l oprmon s expre ssed herem are based uponlim ited data :no other warrant)'isg iven or implied byth is report.Thi s report was p repared for theso le use of the Town o f Vail and their counsel. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I theonl y intended ben eficiari es of MACfEC 's wor k .Noother party shouldrel y onthe information contained inthi s re port without written consent o ft heTown of Va il and MACTEC. I I 4 bbJO(iXXl(,0 1 61.5I2U(J{)Phase II [SA MACTEC,Inc.2 2.0 BACKGROUND Prior tothe p erformance of the Follow upPh ase II E SA,MA CfEC pe rformed aninitialPhase II ESA of thesubject property inM ay20 06 an d a Phase 1 ESA o f the su bj ec t property in June 2006 . MACfEC was informedthe Town o fVa il i sconsideringthe Wend y 's property forafutureFire Sta tion development.Prio r to imp lementing t here -develop ment,the Town of V ail requested additional s ubsurface sampling toident ify if the adjacent LU ST property has impacted th e s ubject property. TIle ini tialP hase IT ESA performed on May 19 ,2006 consi sted of thein s talla tion of threeso il borings a long the boundary ofthe subject pr opertyfacingtheidentified LUST s ite .Bo rin gsSR-l ,SR-2 ,and S R- 3 were in stalled(F igure 2).Wh ile ad va ncing the borings .continuou ss oil co resw ere re viewed b y the on s ite MACTE C geologist and s cree n ed with a photoionizationde tector (PID).Soi l sample s were co llected from th e s oil in terva l exhibi ting the hi ghe s t PID reading .Soil samples were analyzed for benzene . to luene .eth yl ben zene ,and xylenes (DTEX)andtota l p etroleum hydroc arbon s,as gasoline anddie sel. Laboratory results indicateddete ctable concentrations in SD -1 and Sll-2.S ll 43 d id n ot exhibit an y detectable concentrations.Soillaboratory re sults fromthein itia l Ph ase II ESA are included in Table 1.A c ompletede scriptiono ftheaction s an d fin dings o fthe Phase II ESA are d etailedina report t itled "Phas e !I Environmental Site As sessment Report,Wendy's Property,2399 N orth Frontage Road.West Vail. Colorado ."dated June 5.2006. 3MACTEC,Inc. A Phase I ESAwa s pe rformed m Ju ne 2006to identify recogni zed environmental condition s associated with the s ubjectpro perty.The Phase I ESAwa s pe rformed in accordance wit h ASThf E1527 -05 to provideall appropriate inqui ry of the s ubject property .The PhaseI ESA identified a r ecognized en viro nmenta l condition forthe s ubject property associatedwi ththe p resence of th e adjacent ga sstation to the eas t.Th e Phase 1 ESA did n otidentifyany addi tion al re cognized environmental condi tions .A 4 t>1t .1{~Kl b ILl 8iV2006 Fulll..",up Phase II ESA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Field Investigation complete description of t hea ctions an dfindings of th e Phase I E SAar e deta iled in a report titled "Rep o rt ofPhase IEnvironm ental Sit eAssessment,Wendy 's Restaurant Property ,239 9 North Frontage R o ad, Va il,Colorado 8 1 65 7,..date d June 20 06. I I 4(,(,3()(,()()IIl1Il1 ().'S!20()(,Phase II ESA MACTEC .Inc.4 3.0 PHASE II FIELD INVESTIGATION Phase II Field Inv estigation Te mporary monitoringwellswereInstalled intotheb orings .Th e t emporary monitoringwe lls were installed toidentify theoccu rrence and cond ition of gro undwater at thesubjec t property.The m onitoring we ll s we re construc ted of one-inch PVCwe ll casing and slotted scr een .Asa ndfi lter p ack w a s in stalled a tth ebott om of e ach we llup to approximately on e-foot a bove thesc reened interva l.Th e rem a in in g Borings were in stalled utilizing a tr ack-mountedGeoprobe®h ydraulic pu sh pr obedr illing rig .S oil samp leswerecollected continuously w ithfive-foot lon g sampling rods .Soil samp les we re coll ectedin one -inch dia meter acetate liners advanced into thesoil w it ht hedirect p ush rod s .The acetate liners were cu t openand reviewed bythe on-site M ACTEC geologist an d geologicallyl ogged an d screened wit h a P lD.Completeb oring lo gs with lith ologic d escription s ar cpresentedin Appendix A. 5MACTEC,Inc. The field effort for the FollowupPhase II soil andgroundwater sampl ing wasperformedJuly17,2006. The sample locations wereidentified by MACfEC and c leared for utili ties by co ntacting t he U tility Notification Center o f Colorado (UNCC).To furt her asses s t he pot entialsu bsurface enviro nmenta l impactsatthesite,}.{ACTEe installed 5borings inth esou theast comer of th e subject property .The bor ingswere conv erted totem porarymonitoringwe lls .Boringandtemp orary monitorin g well lo cation s arcpresen ted in Figure2 . The soil samp le was collectedfromthe interval exhibiting the highes t PIDrea ding fro mthat boring .If n o PID readings we redetected,th esoi l samplewasco llected att he discretion of t heon-sitege ol ogist.Th e collec ted sampl es were then labe led and p lacedina p re-chilled cooler and sh ipped un der c hain-of- cust ody pro tocol t o theE SNRo cky Mo untain Lab oratory in Go lden,Co lorado.The soil sampl esw ere ana lyzed for BTEX;methyl tort-buty l e ther(MTBE);total vola tile petroleum hy drocarbons (T VPH);an d total volatile petr oleumh ydrocarbons (fEPH)byE PAM ethod s 8260 and 80 15. ~f>t>3 0 {)()(){l()O l (oJ'5 /2()()(.Phas<:II ESA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _________________________-'P"h,'a"s.,e"-!I'-I.!:!FteJd Investigation annular s pace was left o pen.Specific boring and temporary momtoring well cons truc tiondeta il s are presentedinAppendix A. After allowing groundwater t o s tab il ize ,groundwater mea surement s were performed .Measurable groun dwater was detected ltl m onitoringw ells MW-6 and MW-7 .The remainin g in stalled monitorin g we lls d idno t exhibitgro und water.A groundwater sample wa s collect edfromtempor ary m onitorin g wel l MW-6.The quantity of groundwaterpresent In temporary monitoring well MW-7 was inadequate for sampling .In M W-6.groundwat er wa s co llected u til izing a peri stalt ic pum pan d polypropyl ene tubing. W at er w'3.S poured into triplicate 40mi ll iliter (ml)vials wi th septum li ds .TOe via ls were co mpletely filled ,lea ving n ovoid space .Thevials were th enla beled and immediately p laced in a cooler w ith ice . Gro un dwater sa mpleswer e hand delivered to t he laboratory.The w ater sampl e wa s s ubm ittedfor a nalys is o rBTEX ,MTBE,TVPJI ,an d TEPH .Du e to t he lack of orinsuffi cientgroundwater,no groundwater sa mplesw ere coll ected in t emporary mon itoring wells M\V-4 ,M W -5,MW-7.and MW-8. Upon co mpl etion o f t he Geopr obeca boring and sa mp lingactivi tie s.the temporary we ll c as ings w ere re moved an dea ch bo ringwasb ackfilled w ith be ntonite chips,hydratedinfive footlift s .The ground s ur face was re s tored to pre -e xi sting conditions with native soiloras phalt. 6MACTEC,Inc.410(1 306000601 f .5.7006 I'11a.<c IIES.... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 .0 PHASE II I NVE STIGATION RESULTS 4 .1 Geology The geologygenerally co nsisted of bro w n clays with va ry ing amounts of siltandsan d from the surfaceto 17 fee t below ground surfa ce (h gs).Ge ologi c descriptions ar e included wi th the log s presented in Appendi x A. The laboratoryanalyzed so il sa mple s c ollectedfromthe SB4,Sa-5 ,S R ·6 ,S B-7,and SB·8 fo r BTEX. MTBE,TVPH .and T El'llper leaking underground s toragetank(L UST)r equirements for C olorado.Soil la boratory analytica l re sults werecomparedto Colorado ri sk-bas ed corrective action (RB CA)action levels a s de tailed in Colorado L US T requrrernents.The s oilana lytical re sultsco mparedtoDep artment of 4 .3 Soli Analytical Results Soi ls screened wi th a P ID indicated d etectablt:concentrationin SR-6 .Detectab le Pill read ings o f0 .2 were measured in 5B-6 from 12to15feetbg s.Nod etec table PID r eadin gs weremea s ured int he remaining borings installed onJul y17.2006.Complete PID screeningre sults accom pany their r espec tive bori ng log s (A ppendix A ). 7MACTEC,Inc.466306006 OJ &'1/20061'01l0\\'up ~n F_'\A 4 .2 Hydrogeology Moist to saturated so ils wereo b served in t he fi ve borings Installed on Jul y17.2006.Ho we..'er, measurable groundwater wa s n ot encounteredin te mporary monitoring we lls !\of'V-4 ,MW ·5.and MW-8 . Mea surable groundwat erwaso b served in temporary m on itoring wel ls MW-6 and M W~7 .G roundwater wa s measured in M W-6et ad epth o f14feetb gs and in MW-7 ata dept h of 16 .75 feet bg s.G roundwate r oc currence andde pth was noted todi ffers ignificantly during the J u ly 17,2006 inve stigat ionascompared to thecondition s observed du ring th e Ma y 19,2006 investiga t ion.This difference is lik ely ex plained by d ifferencesina vailable w ater from snow mel t andra infall in M ay an dJu ly . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Field Investigation Results A groundwater sample wa s collected from te mporary monitoring w ell MW -6 .The remain ing tem po rary Labo r and Employment.Oil a ndPubli c Sa fety D ivision (OPS)L UST Tier I Ri sk B ased S cr eening Levels (RBSL)arc pre sented in T able1.As dep icted in Tabl e 1.s oi ls collected fromSB-4t hrough 5B-8 did n ot Groundwa ter laboratorya nalyticalre sults were compared to established OP S LUST RB SLs. Com parisonsto theOP S LUST RBS l.s may be refin ed based upon the current and futur e landus e o f t he s ubjectpro perty .By completing a Tier IandTier 2 RD CA evaluation of the release and i ts potential receptors .site-specificRB SLs for t he subject property can be de fined.Fa ctorsincl uded inth e Ti er I and 8MACTEC,Inc. Groundwater Analytical Results4.4 Tier2 evaluation o f RUSL s could include : sampling (MW-7).The laboratory analyzed the groundwa ter sample collected from MW-6 for B TEX. MTBE.TV111l .and rEPH b y EPA M ethods 80218and8015 . measured in S B-8at a d epth o f 12 feetbgs .Soi l TVPH re sult"arc presented inFigure3.The s oil monitoring wellswer ee ither dry (MW-4 ,MW -5,and MW-8)or did not produce enoughwa terfor indi cate concentrations exceeding the benzen e RBSL.The on ly detectabl econcentration (Toluene)wa s laboratory an alytical reports fortheco llected so il sa m ples ar e pre sented In Appen dix B. •So iland groundwaterc oncentrations and depths •Open ex posurepathways based u pon property use Ingestion Inha lation Dermalco ntact •Groundwater ve loc ity information •Depth below grade of current and planned bui lding struc tures •D etailed future land use in formation Gro undwater usage •Potential deeda nd l anduse re strictions 46610600)6 01 6.'S.'2 006P~II es.... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Field Investigation Results The groundwa ter analytical re su lts compared t o OPSLUST T ier 1 RBSLs arepr esented in Table 2 .As depicted In Table 2 .benzene .....as de tected ex ceeding the benzene RB SLin monitoring we ll MW..(j . Ad ditionally,other detectable pe troleum const ituents were identified in mo nitoring well s l\.fW -6 however; theremai n ing d etectedc oncentrations d idno t exceed esta bli s hed RHSLs .G roundwater was n ot present in m on it orin g wells MW -4 .M W -5 ,an d M W -8an d in adequate quantities for samp ling were presentin MW -7 .C onsequently,n o groundwater samp les wer eco llectedfromthose we lls .Benzenec oncentratio ns in groundwater are presented In Figure 4 .The groundwater laboratory analytical report s for the collec ted groundwatersa mplesare pr esented in Appen dix B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 466JOtiOOO(.O I 6.'5/2006 Pblolole II ES A MACTEC,Inc.9 • A GENDA Date :May 11 .2009 /'I "".""II. lit'~,'",• Subject: Introductions KickOff /Programming Meeting Vail FireSla tion #3 Vail.C olorado Proj ect #09 083 A lE Team •Bel ford Wa tk.ins Group -Archit ect •VA g .Inc.-De sign Consultant.l andscape Archite ct •M onroe &Newell Engi neers -Structural Eng ineer •BeaudinGanze -M e c hanical and Elec trica l Engineer •Marcin Engi neering -Civil Engineer Design Advi sory Group Communications I ...L •Owner's R e presentative ls~awt>t-<>p",..",.....g.~....<7"'f o Ma inC on tac t <;(-- o CC •Belfo rd Watkin s Group a Do n wotkins .don@bwaorch.com a Mark Belfo rd -mark @bwgorch.com •M ethods a E-M ail o Meeting M inu tes o Drawings o FTP Site /'.0.flt ../3 ,,,, 1'",-/(<>JUII _'.(0 Xt,J1J Schedule •Antici pated l ongTerm Schedule o Sch ematic De sign o Design Development o Entitle ment o Construction Docum ents o Bid o Constru ction Spring-Summer 2OCt9 Summer -Fall 20)9 Summer -Winter 2009 Fall 2009 -Winter 2010 Winter 20 10 Spring 20 10 -Win ter 20 10 , •Sh ort TermSchematic Design Schedule o Prog ra mmi ng o Spa c e/Site Planning C onc e p ts o Re fined Spa c e /Site C o nc ep t s o Initia l Sch e matic Desig n o Pinel Schema tic Design Review o Comm u nity Presen ta tion M.QY II.1009 ~ June 22 J uly 6 p<-<_ku...tUv f:.- 5,-~J~C{V;Jc::. Sch ematicDes ign Process • • • • • • Program ming Space/Site Pla nnin g C ost Modeling Schema tic Docum ents c SitePion o FloorPla n s o Bu ildinga e vouon vxestn e ucs o Building Sec tio ns o Prelim in ary Ene rgyEffic ien cy Eval uation a Preliminary Building System s/M ate rials o Id entifySpecial Sys tems o C onstructio n cos r Es t imates 1--_b I F f J ts" PrajeetBu dgeting (Iv.....::>/-~O S pl.U-?~I Y Determine To wn p rbn n in g/e ng ine eri n g re q u irements Support Information •Survey •Drainage Conc ep t •Soils re p o rt Susto inablllty •Why G reen? o Red uce Impact o n C o mm un ity o Red uce Energy Us age o Reduc e C02 o ReduceWa te r Use o Reduce Wast e o Reduce Im pac t o nResources o Im proveInterior Enviro nment •USGBC a nd LE ED{l eadershi p in Energy a nd Environment al De sign) o Defines Green/High Perfor mance Bu ildin g o Set Q uant ifiable Torgets a ndG o a ls o UtilizesExisting,Proven Technologies o Enc ouragesInt egratedDe sign a nd Construction Benchmar k.and Com p ariso nacrossBuildings Demo nstrat e sEnvironmental Comm it m en t ~C;v-u-n ~;~uJ)~''''--tJo"~'ev ~ 4CA I t.eer» 51-l-q-<I vf ~"-I.Q ~ C;'1\..(,Lu<A."-tv ~ ~Au c&p1'<h , Expectations •Fi re De part ment •To wn o f Vail •O thers Programming •Site o Impac t o n surro u ndingpr operly owne rs o Coo rd in a tionwi th HousingPro je c t o Respo nse on toN .Fronta ge RoadWe st a Use Categories t o b e a cco mm o dat ed •fire Station Fire Department Administratio n CommunityRo om •Res ident Fi re figh terDorm itory •PossibleA mbulanceSubsta tion o A p para tu s ci rculation -b ock-in VS.d rive-through o Pa rking o Ut ilities-I T-;"~LL •Building o Ap p ara tus Area •Ba ys •Bunker Gear •Bun kerWasher •Bio Deco ntamin a tion •Tool Room •SC BA •Ho se Drying (Tower?I •EMT Sto rage •G e n e ral St or o qe •G rou nds Storoge o Shift Qu arters •Da yro o m •O ffic er'sO ffice •Kitchen •Din ing •SleepingQ uarters •Bathrooms •l aundry •Toile l •Ja nitorial •Exercise Room De ck •General Storo qe o Adm inistrativ eO ffices •lin eO ffices •Pre vent ion O ffices •Training Office •C hie f's Office •Co nfere nce Room/T ro in ing •C opy Room •Storage •Toilet •Ja nitoria l o Pub lic Spa ces •Entry •Re ception •Pu b lic Toile ts •Com munity Room/EOC/Tra ini ng •Stora ge o ResidentFiref ig hter Dor m •living/DiningArea •Kitch en •Dorm Ro oms •Bat h roo ms •General Storage •Ja n iforial •laundry •Meeting/Study Roo m o Ambula nce Sub sta tion •living/Di n ing Area •Kitchen •Sleepi ngRoo m s •Bathroom •G eneral St ora ge •Ja nitorial •l au ndry •Am b ulance Bay •Aest he tics I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 .0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Ba sed upon the Follow up Phase II ESAfie ld work pe rformed on Ju ly 17,2006 ,thefo llowing conclusionscanhe drawn: Soil La bo rat ory A n a lytica lRes ults -Aller reviewing the soi lla boratory analytical re sul ts.field ob servations.and OP S LUST RBSts.soi ls concentratio nsin soil bo ring s on thes ubject property d id not e xceedthe Rll SL s.So il in bori ng 5 8-2 (c ollectedd uring the Init ia l Pha se II ESA)was fo undt o exceed the R BSL for benzene.however the so il bo ringis locatedsout h of the s ubj ectp roperty boundary. G round water L a boratoryA nalytical R e sults -During the Follow up Phase II ESA,groundwater was no t detected in moni toring well s MW-4 ,MW-S,and MW -8.Groundwater was m ea s ured in monitorin g we ll s MW-6 andM W-7.Th e quantity of gro un dwa ter de tected inMW -7 wa s inadequate for sa mpl ing . The lacko f gro undwater during t he Fo llow up Ph ase II ESA may beare s ult of l ess a vailab le groundwater (no snow melt and assoc iated run-o fTin Jul y)when co mpared tothe initial Phase II ESA performed in Ma y .Groundwater analytical results were compared to Ol'S LUST RBSLs.This comparison indicated gr oundwater concentration s for benzene exceeding RB SL s in monitoring well ~fW-6.Previously, gro undwater h ad been fo un d to e xceed RB SLsinmon itori n gwe lls MW .l and MW-2.Conseq uently , s ub surfacegroundwaterpe troleumimp act from theadj acent LUST sitewa s ide nti fie d in th e so utheast comer of'theWend y's property.During the Follow upPha se II ESA,groundwater w as fou nd to be absent inthe areas we st o f monitoring well MW--6. C on sid er a t ions for P r o pert y R edevelopment -Th efollowing c onsiderat ion s s hou ldbe ad dressed dur ing planning for property redevelopment: •Soil was notfoundtoex ceed RBSLs on the s ubjectproperty.During the investigation .soil s containingimpact were ea silyidentifieddu e (0 gra y and green stainingas well as a s trong petroleum odor .Dunng excavation o f the pr o perty.if s uchsoil s are encountered.they s hou ld be segreg ated and s amplin g should he performed to charact erize the s oilsfor disposal. 4f>6 30600 6 03 MACTEC,Inc.10 8/112006 Follow up I'ha.\c II FS" I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I Conclu sions a ndR ecommendations •Groundwater was found to exceed RB SLsfor Be nzene on the southeastcomer o f thes ubject pro perty (MW -l and M W-6).G roundwater wa s not observed in temporary m onito ring wells ins talled we st o f MW -1 and MW ~6.C onse quent ly .i f de-w ateringo fthe southea st comer ofthe subjec t propertyis required.spec ia l consideration s may be requiredford ischarg e of the groundwa ter. •Two Frenchdra ins were reportedly installe dtohand le water flowacr os s the property.Infuture develo pment ,theFre nch drai n s will like lybe i mpo rtantfor s itedrainage . •Prior t o initiating property redeve lopm ent ,MAC fECrecommends contacting Mr .Larry Delio a t theOPS .Mr.Delioi s the project manage r fortheadjacent LUSTsite remediation.TheTownof Va il is notre quiredt onot ify Mr.Delin ,however ope n communica tion s with Mr .Delinonthe plan s to redevelop the property adjacent to the LU ST s it em ay pro ve useful i f any Is sue s are encountered . •I f'possible ,lim it s ubsurfaced is turbance in the southeastarea o f the s ubject property.Avoiding d isturbance of t he impacted areawou ld redu ce the p otentia l foren vironmentalhand ling and disposal iss u es forthe re novationproject. •Retainthe Ph as e I and I I ESA documents as proo f o f theco ndition o f the property .pnor to the ac quisitiono fthe property b y the Town of Vail. I I 4/1 630tiOOO 6 01 615/200<>Phase lJ (,SA MACTEC,Inc.11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLES ------------------- T A B LE 1 S OI L LABORATORY ANALYT ICA L R ESU LTS W ENDY'S p RO PE IUY 2399N orth F ro nt a ge Ro ad \VestVa il,C olo r ado J ul y 17,2006 CP S LUST RB S L =R iskBasedSc reen ingLeve l from Ta b le 5 .1 in Storage Ta nk Regulati ons7C CR 110 1·14 .RBS l.s pre sentedassu me s ubs u rface so ilsin a no n res ide ntial se llin g . MTDE =Methyl T ert -Buty l Ethe r T VPH =To ta l Vo latile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gaso lin e Ra nge O rganics) T ENt =T otalEx tra ctable Pe tro le umHydrocar bons (Die sel R ange Or gan ics) mglkg =mi lligrams p er k ilogram (partspe r mi llion (p pmj ] ND =none d etec ted NA =no t app licah le Bold =c oncentratio n abo ve T ier I RB SLs S ample Sample E t hy lSample#Dep th Benz ene To luene Xy len es MTIlE TVpH TEpnDate{feet}Benzene S B-l 5119/06 8 N O ND NO 1\"0 N O N O N O S B-2 511 9106 13 2.8 m wkg 2 .5 mg/kg 12.0 mg/kg 61.4 m g/kg 0 .8 6 ma/ka 794 .0 mg/kg9 3.5 rug/kg SB-3 5/1 9/06 9 ND N O ND N O N O NO NO S B-4 711 7106 I I ND N O ND 1\"0 N O N O NO S B-5 7117/06 I I N O N O ND NO N O NO N O S B-6 7117 /06 12 ND N O NO ND N O N O N O S B-7 7/17/06 12 ND N O N O ND N O NO N O S B-8 7/17/06 12N O 0.0015 mg/kg N D N O N O N O NO ors LUST 0 .26 m g/k g 140 m g/k g 190m glkg NA N A N A NA ........-;RUSL *-- --- Follow up Phase 11 ESA -2399 N orth Froutage Road,Va il C O MACTEC 4 66 3060006 .0 3 ------------------- TA BLE 2 G R OUN DW ATERLA BO RATORY ANALYTI CA LR ES ULTS W EN DY'S PROPE R TY 23 99 N urth Frontage R uad west Vail,C olorado Jul)·17,2006 S a mple #I S ample Benzene To luene Eth y l Xy lene s M TBE TVP II T E PIIDateBenzene MW-l 5/1 9/06 2 7.5 ~e lL 161 u Q/L 5 .1 u e/L 84.4 ~&L 6.1 ~g lL 3 .27 111)1,L ND MW·2 5/19 /06 8 1.8 ua/L 19.0 u .1L 1090 ue/l,855 II.L 22.8u z/l.24 .9 Ill.L 5 .0S m e/L M W·3 5119/06 NO N D NO ND NO NO N O M W-47/17/06 DRY D RY D RYDRY D RYD RY DRY MW ·5 7117 /06 DR Y D RY D RYD RY DR Y DRYDR Y MW -6 7/17/06 10.91!glL 2.9Itg/L 2.3 u g/L 3 .4 ltg/L ND1.83 mg/L NO MW ·77/17 /06 DRYDRYDRYDRY DR Y ll RY ll RY M W-8 7117/06 DR YDRYDRYD RY DR Y D RY DRY OPS LUST 5ug /L IOOO I,g/L 70 0 "gi L 10,000 u g/L 2 0u g/LNANARUSL"- -- ·OPS LUST RUSL "Risk Ba se d Sc reenin g Leve l from Table 5 .1in Stora ge Tank Regulations 7e eR 1101·14 .RBSLs prese nte d are protec tive for groundwater inge stion . MTDE -Methyl Tert -Butyl Ether TVI'II -Total Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gaso line Range Organic s ) TEPH "Total Extracta ble Petrol eum Hydrocarbo ns (Diese l Range Organics) ~l gIL -micrograms per Liter [part s perbillion (ppb)) mgl L -milligrams per Liter [parts per millio n (ppm)] DRY ·The monito ring we ll didno l produce sufficient water for sampling N il ..no ne det ec ted NA ..no r applicable Bold ."concentration above Tier IRBSLs Fo llow upPh ase II ES A -2399 No rthFrontage Ro ad,Va il CO 4663060006 .03 M ACTEC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURES SITE LOCATION \ I ~------------------' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I/MACTEC SiteLocationMap We ndy 's P roperty 2399 N ,Fro ntage Road V ai l,CO FIGURE 1 REVISEDDATE ------------------- 465 J060006 46t\.ID60 02d..07 13 06 RL8 2 rtGUR[ Monitori ng Well Rood,Voil,Co DATt 0 7/17/0 6 Exp lana tion •SoilBo ring -+Groundwater B-2/ MW -2• Site Pla n We ndy's Pr operty 2 399 N.Fron tage APPROVED TEe / ~i-7/"W-7 U '/"W-•5B-8/"W-8 Lan dscap ing JOB NUr.lBER 4 663 0 6 000 6.03 MACTEC "\ /'\-:\./\./ Trash 56-3/"W-3Dumpster Pad Mounted (J \ Shell Gas St ation \Transfor me r Asp ha l t \ Po ving MAw ~ RLB o PVCPip e Fr ench Dra in Syp hon Brea k.ood ~t' ~~{o9 Gross Voc a nt ---, I I I I I V --- Reside nti a l lo ts /'»: /' /' /'Gross <, ------ I N I,"se I ,I SCAlE IN l'F.:0 ------------------- Vacant 4 66JOOOOO /l "611 J06004 .dw 07 J l 06 IRS I ~ I,"ec I [! SCAL£'N FtET ...-r: ,N.,.-•Trash .,000/V0/-~Dumpster 'I/P''(J<"0 (o¢/ ,;..PodMou nted .Transfo rmer "\ \ \\ \OB-J/MW-3'e.ND \ \ She ll Gas S tation 3 R£VISEO D.l.T'E 08/01/06 Explanation •Soi l Boring ..Groundwater Monitoring Well 79 4 TVPH Concenlratio n (in m illig r am s per kilog rams) Soi l Tota l Vo latileP etrole um ~IG UR l Hyd roca rbonCon centra tionM a p Wendy'sP roperty 2399 N.FrontageRoad .Vail,CO APPROVED WE TEe 07/17/06 Asphal t Povtnq /2 B-7/MW-7 .\S8 -6/MW-6 e ND /,NO SS -5/MW-J )SS-l /MW-l SB-B/MW-B·kNO •)/NO . NO 0 8-2/c, / MW -2 of'?o~ SB-4/MW-4 //Q:94 't;,r.,vN,.?8 0(:' .~'V ({. ~ / \ lands ca ping \ Wendy's Res tau rant MA CTEC ORA WN RLB o PVCPipe French Drain X. SyphonBreak oot'! ~{\ ~,,/'9 (oQ Gross ~ J J J I J V --- Reside ntia l lots ./ ./ ./ ./ ./Gross <, ------ ------------------- <4 663060006 <4 66JOEOOJ.d..0 1 3106RLA 4 She ll V-rf Gos Stotion "1 ~. ~J-(. ~11 Explanation •Soi l Boring ..Groundwa ter Monito r ing We ll 10.9BenzeneCo ncent ratio n (i n m icrograms pe r li ter ) \ \ \ 8-3/Mw-3 .NO Groundwa te r Benzene Concentrati on M ap FI GUR E -'\ \ / Asphalt Paving U8-7/MW- •0')' S8 -5/MW- •O'Y 5B-8/MW-8 D')' /s'" {f o -&s ~ l and scaping JOB tliO u flER 4 663 060006.03 MACTEC o PVC P ipe French Dr ctn Syphon Break or/'! ~('\ 1f!~(o'Q Grass ..0 ('1......Tr ash ('\u V -Dumpster <¢rfr"()Id ·Q~o¢/ '"Pad Mounted .......Transformer Vaca nt ---, I I I I I V -- Res identi al lots ./ ./ ./ »: ./Gross <,---- I N I 0 "ec 1 !, SCALE IN fEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A PPENDIX A BORI NG LOGS ITE MPORARYMONITORING WELL C ONSTRUCTI ON DI AGRAMS SB-4/MW-4 light Brown moist,soft,plasticC LAY . tra ce S ilt.noodo r Tra ce Gravel li ghtG raymo ist,firm CLAY,with Silt, noodor Bla ckpl astic eLAY.traceSill, organic.biomass,noodor Ang ular G r avel Black d ry CLAY ,so ft.o rganic, biomass g rass and roots, 9 7 6 • o o o o o o Boring L og a n d We ll Co mpleti onDi agram W endy'sR estaurant,2399 N . Frontage Rd .W ,V ail.CO z-DATE~ E •>TOC £L£VATJo."'·~e,8e">•E •&~0:GSELEY.A TJON D <;~.'"t;'l ~~il NORTHING•£A.STJ....·G•0 RU %m m n EQUIPMENTGeop robe 0 7-66 W ell Completion 0 0 .-w sz;;:",m 0 ::J Field Geoklgist:Tom Co lwell Casi ng: o to9 .5 feet ,f-i nch-inn er-diameter, Schedule 40 PVC blank casing. Screen: 1.inch-inncr-diameler.Sc hedule 40 PVC O.01o-inch slots 9 .5 to 14.5 feet below g round surfa ce. T ota lBo ringDepth: 15 fec i b e lowgroun d su rfa ce . MATERIALS USED: l.5-inch d iameterbo rehole 0 to 15 feel belowground surface. T opof cas ing 1 toot above ground surface I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---:-::-----;;:::;::-;-::::-:::::;--~-==~-_-------.:. 14MACTEC JO B N UM8ER 4663060006 APPROVED App roved '1<' DATE 7124/06 REVISED DATE Page1of 2 REVISED DATE SB-4/MW-4 Graymoist,soft.plasticCLAY.trace S lit ,noo dor very moist to saturated .no odor 77":,1 DA TE 1,'24!06 12 14 13 15 o 0 o 0 Bori ng Lo g and W ell Compl etion D iagram Wen dy's Restaurant.23 99N. Fronta ge Rd.W .Va il .CO AP PROVE D -"""" e-DA.TE ~ E •> ~~0 TOC ELEVATIO ,V•e ue•..&~cc as ELE JIA TJON D 0 ,.0is~~~"-N ORTHING•g F.A.ITJ....'U•0 .."s:m m n 15."EQUIPMENT Gepp robe DT-66 WellCo mp le tion c c .-•:0 ~~~m c ::l J OB NUMBER 4 663060006 I ORAWN PAM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,------==------;:;;:;;::;:-;-::::~------ IPMACTEC Page2of2 REVISED DATE Page 1 of 2 SB-5/MW-5 B rown dry S AND .trace Si lt ,trace Pebbles ,ang ular ,no odor GrayBrown d ry ,softC LAY.wi th Silt, no odor DATE 7/24106 2 1 3 9 4 8 00 5 G rayroa d GRAVEL AN D SAN D ,f in e 6 grain ed .a ngu la r,noo dor Brown moist,soft ,p lastic C LAY , tra ceSi lt,i ron staining ,no od or 0 0 7 o 0 Bo r in gLo g a nd We ll C ompletion Diagram Wen dy'sRestaurant.2 399 N. F rontage Rd .W.VaU .C O APPROVED Approvad 'fC- JOB NUMBER 466J060006 Topof casing 1 fool above ground surface T otal Boring De pt h : 15 t eet belo w ground surface. F ield G eologi st TomCo lwe ll Casing:oto 9.5 feet,l -inch-inl'lElr-diameter , SchMule 4 0PVC blank ca sing. MATERIAL S USED' Screen: l-Inch-Inner -diameter ,Schedule 4 0 PVC O .O l ~i nch slots 9 .5 to 14 .5 f eet be lowgro und surface . 1 .5-inch di amelBr bo rehole 010 15 f ee l b&low ground surface. 1 1 1 1 1 ----,,----,----,----.,---_ 16(MACTEC 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 REVISEDDA.TE Page 2of 2 SB-5 /MW-5 DATE 7124105 1 4 13 1 5 -'--- oo 00 LightBrown saturated eLA Y.with S itt,sand s tringe r.no odor 11 -~ '" 0 0 12 Bor i n gLog a nd Well C omplet ion D iagram Wendy's Restauran t,2399N. Fro nta geRd .W ,Vai l .C O APPRoveD ApproverrJC.. z-DATE7/17106 "[•>TOC EL EVA TION~8e"•i -~••<r GS ELE YATION~--><~"~~i5 ,\'ORTf//!\!G•§o ~EA ST/XI,•.:l %0 <D 0."EQUIf'M£h7 GeoprooeDT-660~!?s:C <D :3WellCompletion~~",,,,0 JOB NUMB ER 46 6306000 6 I DRAWN PAMIr---...:===----~~-~~----;:::-:-:-::--:-::-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I------:::------------;;:::;:::-;-::::-:::::;--------- IP MAC T EC REV ISEDDATE Page 1 of 2 SB-6/MW-6 G ray dryS A N D,w ith Grav el,fi ne grai ned .no odor Bl ack soft ,plasticCLAY ,with Sill ,no coer Very m ois t tosaturated ,no od or U ght B rown soft .plas tic CLAY.trace Si lt,no odor 'x,>:,p'll Light Brown dryCLAY.with Sa nd,no 000' DATE 712 4106 9 6 7 5 8 o o o o o o Bori ng L ogand WellCo mplet ionDiagram We ndy'sRestaurant.2399 N. FrontageRd .W,Vail,CO APPROVED Ap prOV ed ~0 e-DATE 707/06 t •>TOCELE VATION~8c"•>•••a:GS ELEVATIO NE"'~~<;'""~~~.,VORTHISG £ASrT.I!,'G0•.,0 ~•Q ~"'"'"~.0 £QUlPM£hT Geoprobe DT -56cER£,c .:l'"•We ll Comp letion 0:0:c ::J JO BNU MBER 4663060006 T opofcas ing1 fool above gro und surface Fiel d Geologist T om Colwell 1.5-inch diameter bo reho le 0 to 15feet below ground surface . MAT ERIA LS USED: Casi ng : o to 9 .5 feet,t-incn-jnoer-dra meter . Schedule 4 0 PVC bla nk casing . Screen: t-ncn-lnner-dtameter.Schedule 40 PVCQ.01D-lnchslots 9.5 to 14.5 f eet be low g round surface . To ta l Bo ring De pt h: 15 feet be low g ro und s urface. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAWN PAMI---==-----=~_-----=:~------:=--:-=-- I -----------;;:::::-;-:=--------- 16MACTEC REVISEDD A TE Page 2o f 2 SB-6/MW-6 Ligh t Brown satu rated CLAY ,with Slit,no odor 14.5 to 14 .6 feet:S and stri nger DATE 7 124 /06 15 14 o 0 o 0.2 13 Boring Log an d Well C om pl et i onD iagram W end y's R estauran t,2399 N. Fron tageRd.W ,Va il ,CO AP PR OV ED APp r()\l~ '.... '"DATE7/17106 '[•>TOCELEVA TION-e 0 <"0,•e •X"0:GS ELE VATJON a 0 ><;!.2~s:~6 NOR7'lI/NG•~u D F.A.\TIXG•0 ~0 ~'"n "HQWPMENT Geoprobe 0 T-66~c ~:€We llCo mp letion ~~~0 ~ JOB NUMBER 466 3060006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----:-::-----------;;:::;:::-;-:::-=:::;--------- I ~MACTEC REVISED DATE Page1 of2 SB-7/MW-7 light Brown d ry .fir m CLA Y .withS ilt , no odor Light Gray dry,firm CLAY,with Silt, noooor Ligh tBro w n dry,friab le SA ND .trace Pebbles,ang ular,no odor DATE 7/2 4106 9 8 oo B oring L oga nd W ell Co mpl et ion Diagram Wendy's Res taurant.2399N . F rontage Rd .W,Vail.CO APPROVED ApproverrfV ?:DA.TE 7/17/0 6•E ~TOC ELEVATION11~ "e JI !~0:GS ELEVATION ~0 ~.~."~~~;:,\'()R17I1NG".'-'~l:."AST/NG•0 s:m m o •a.EQUIPMENT GeQProbe O T·66ccE"•s: WellComp let ion 0:0:~m 0 5 JOB NUMOER 4663060006 MATERIALSUSED: Field Geologis t TomColwell Casing : o to 12 f eet ,1-i ncJr.inner-diameter. Schedule 40PVC blank casing . 1.5-i nch diameter borehole 0 to 17 feel below ground surface. Top ofcasing 1 toot above ground surface Scre en: t-lnch-mner-dla mete r.SChe d ule 4 0 PVC O.01D-lnch slots 12 to 17 fee t be low ground surface. Total Boring Depth: 17 feet below ground surface . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --:--~~~~~--~ l ilMACTEC I DRAWN PAM REVISED OAT( P age2of 2 SB-7/MW-7 Light Brown mo ist to s aturatedCLAY . tra ce Silt ,no odor DATE 7124106 17 ,. o 0 o 0 o 0 Boring L og and We llCompletion Di agram Wend y's Restau rant.2 399N. Frontage Rd .W .Vai l ,CO APPROVED--Approved I v e DATE 7/17106 "[•>TOC ELEVATION~a &u >••"••cc GS E/.£JlATJO N~-a a ~<!;:0 ~~~.~NORT/I!,""G £A S17XGu~""•%~n a l::QUJPMEA7 Geoprobe DT·66go~"WellComp letion ..ii:t'l m 0 CJ J OB NUMBER 4663060006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-:-------;;:::=;-:::=:;--_ I ~MACTEC I DRAWN PAMI ----=.:..:..::-=-----_=...L...::::-_-=~_____,=___=__:_=__ I I I I Boring Log and Well Completion Diagram We ndy'sR estaura nt 2399N. Fron tageRd .W ,Vail .CO REVISED DATE Page1of 2 S B-B/MW-B 9 6 7 DATE 7/24/06 8 oo JOB N UMBER 4 663000006 I I I I DRAWN PAM I I I I I I I I I Page2 of2 REVISEDDATE SB-8/MW-8 Brown saturated,soft plastic CLA Y . with Silt.no odor DA.TE 7/24106 11 14 15 -,--"""" a a 12 N ~ '" 13 o 0 10 a 0 B oring Log and Well C ompletion DIagram Wen dy 's Resta u rant ,2399N . Frontage R d.W ,Vai l,C O APPROVED Approve~_ E ~DATE 7/17/06 >TOC ELE VATIO N2~8"••lt ~GS £LE vAna ....'e •-<r 0 ],<"U ~~>-•-."NORTH /NG £ASTlNG~o .<:0 <D <D n c-"EQWPMENT Gecorobe DT·660s: Well Completion 0 .-~S~~",<D 0 JOBNU M BER 4 663060006 I DRAWN PAMI----------==----=c ~'_'______~______=___=,__,_,__ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----::------~-=:::;-------- 16MACTEC I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B SOIL AND GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 'ESN OCKY MOUNTAIN E NVIRO NMENTAL SERVICE'S NElWORK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tuesday,J uly 2 5,2 00 6 M acTec E&C Mr .Tom Colwell 14062 D enver We st Pk wy,#3 00 Go lden,CO 8040 I RE :Wendy's V ail Order N o.:0607010 D ear Tom : ES N Rocky Mountain r eceiv ed 7s amplc(s)on 711712 006 fortheana ly ses p res ented i n th e f ollowing re port. E nclosed are th e analyti calre sults and qu alityco ntro l d ata for th e project carried out at our laboratory in Golden,Co lorado. T heseresultsa rea ccompaniedby a project n arrativew hichd iscuss sam ple re c eipt.holding t imes an dm ethods used for analysis. An y unus ual circum stances related to thi s project that effect th e r esults are di scu ssed inth e na rrative . If yo u s hou ld have an y question s,ple ase call . Sin cerely , St eve Merritt ESNRocky Moun tain 1 30 Capita l Drive.Suite C~o l d e n .CO 80401-5654 i eb Site :wwv:.ESN-RM .com JOJ.27R.1911 Fax :303 .278.0 104 E-Mail:i nfo@ES~-RM.com PageI of2 Analy st Co mment s : A ll sam ples were received and a nalyzed wi thin theEP A rec ommended h olding tim e s. Samples we re an a lyzed usingthe methods ou tlined inth e fo llowing references: T est Methods for Evaluat ing Solid Waste.Ph ysica l/Chemical Methods .5\\'846.3rdEd ition. Da t e:25-Jul-C6 CASE I\AR RATlVE MacTec E&C Wendy's Va il 0607010 Pro j ect : La b O rder: ES N Rocky Mou ntain BatchQ C-Pri or to analysis,the project samples are associated with a Q C batch.This ba tch is the n pre pared an d analyzed a long 'with Q Csa mples prepared a t the same ti me and us in g th esam e reagents and standards.The QC s amples a ssociatedw itha sam ple ba tch may in clude Method Blanks (MB),Laboratory Control Samples(LCS),Sample Duplicates(DUP),and M atrix Spi ke s (MS).The re sults of the hatch Q Cs ample s arein cluded intheQ Cs ectio n of the r e port. Su rro gate Recov eries -Some m ethods re quire the addit ion o fs urrogate co mpound s andare mon itored to determi ne the efficacy of th e analytc re cove ry fromth e sample matrix .In cases w h ere m ultiple surr oga t es are added a tleast one m ust bere covered within Quality C ont ro l li mit s for theda ta to beac cepted . Sample s were received on 7117106 fr om fvtACTEC E&C a nd were accom panied by a chain of c ustody fo rm .The samples an dthei r c ontainers a p peared to be in good condition a ndth echa in of c ustodyform wasco mplete and accurate . C LIENT : Met hod Blank s ,Tr ipBl ank s and l nstrum ent Bl anks -Bl anksa rc analy ze d aft er ea ch initial calibration ,continuing c a li brat ionveri fication.and after samples determi ned to have hi gh con centration so f analytes to verify s ystem cleanliness.Me th od blanks are anal yzed to veri fy th e cleanline sso f procedures requ irings ample preparation priorto analysis .Trip blanks are pre pared by the la boratory andac company the samples to verify that th ere "va s no co ntaminati o n du ring tran sport. One o fthe two surroga terec overies f ortheBT EX r e sultsis ou tside Q C li m its forsam ples SB-4-11 . S 8 -5-11 and 5 B -6-12 .The se re sul tss w ere c onfirmed in se con dary a nalyse s and ar e attr ibutable to s amplem atrix . Calibration -Th e laborat ory instrumentsar c calibrated usi ngm ethod appropri ates tandards .O n ea chda y projectsam plesare anal y zed th einstrumentca librati on is verified using am idlevel Co ntinuing Ca libration Verifi cation(C eV).C alcu lation s are c arried o ut by thedata syste m to c ompute the actualco ncentrat io no f analyte in th eoriginal sam ple . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLIENT : Project:MacTecE&C LabOrder:60 14606070 10 ~?1IMA Laboratory Manager CASENARRATIVE Pa ge2 of? I I ESN Rocky M ountain D ate:25-J ul-U6 Cli ent S ample 10:S R-4-11 T ag Num ber: C o llectio n Hille :7/1712006 1):4 0:00 AM n ate Received:7/1712006 Ma trix:SOIL CO_ORO (SW3550A)A nalyst:GJ 10 rnglKg 1 7121/2 006 7 0-130 %REC 1 7/21(2 006 Swa020 (5030B )An alyst RB 1.0 ""l1<g 7 /2212006 5 4 3 :19 PM 1.0 IJg/Kg 7/22120 06 5 :43:19 PM 10 IJg1Kg 7122120065:4 3:19P M 1.0 ",,11<,7122J2006 5 43 :19 PM 2.0 -,712212 006 5 4 3:19 PM 1.0 IJglKg 7/2212006 5 43:19 PM 7 0-1JO S %REC 712212006 5 43:19 PM 7 0·130 %REC 7/2212006 5 4 3 :19 P M SW8015BM (50308)Analyst:RB 100 -,712212006 5 -4 3:19 PM 50-130 %REC 7122120065 '43:19PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C LIE NT:MacTec E&C Lab Order:0607 010 Pr oject :Wendy's Va il Lab 10 :0 6070 1O-001A Anal yses OIESEL RA NGE ORGAN ICS D ies el R ange O rganiCli S urr :o-Terphenyl BTEXSOIL Meth ylll!rt-butyl ether Benzene T olue ne Etnylbenzttne M ,P-Xylene c-x ve oe S Urf Bromofluorobenz eM S un:Trifluorolo luene GASOUNE RANGE ORGANICS G a5(lltllf!Range Org aniCs s orre-arcrncn ucrccenzene R ~u ll NO 80 . NO NO NO NO NO NO.., 851 NO 599 limit Qu al Unit s nr Date An aly7.ed I I Q Ulllilicrs:Va lue exceeds Maxrrn um Comammanl L n tl E VBluc:OMWC quenu tancn ranl;\'C J ."n al ~l c de tected be low qUllnlit3110Tl hm iL' S Sll1lc Rc:co \~outside llCa:plcd reeevery IirrutJ R Ana l)1\;de tected In the assccrecc M ethod i.ll3 n ~ H Holding times lo r preparation or 1I lla l y ~i s ex ceeded NDXot Detected at the Reporting Limit Page I 0£7 I I ESl':R ockyMo untain na te :25 -Jul·06 I I CLIENT : Lab O rd e r : Proj ect: La b fI): MacTcc E&C 0 6070 10 Wendy's Va il 06070I0-OO2A C lien tS ample 11):$8-5-11 T a ~Number : Co llect ion Date:7 /17120069:55:00 AM Date Received:7/1712006 M atrix :SO IL I I I I I I I I I I I I I A na lyses D IES EL RANGE O RGAN ICS Die"1 Range OrganICS SUrf,o-Terphenyl BlEX SO IL M ethy l terl-butyl et her Benzene T olue ne Etnylbenzene M .P-Xyle ne e-x seee Surr:Bromo nuorobe nzene SUIT';Trifluorotoluene GASOLIN ERA NGE ORGANICS Gasoli ne Range OrganICS s ee-4-Bromofluorobef\Zene Result ND 83.7 ND ND ND ND ND ND 64.S 648 ND 53 .3 Li mit Qu al Units DF Dale Ana lyzt'd CO_ORO (S W3550A I Ana lyst.GJI.mgJKg 1 712tf2006 70-130 %R EC 1 7f21/2006 SW8020 (50308)Analyst RBI.IJg/Kg 1 712212006 6 :04 55 PM 1.0 "''''g 1 712 212 0066:04 55 PM 1.0 """g 1 7/2212 006 604 55 PM,."""'g 1 7f2212006 6 (l.4 55 PM 2.~IK9 1 7f2212006 6 .04 55 PM 1.0 "''''g 1 7/22/20066 :0455 PM 70-130 S %REC 1 7/2212 0066:04.55 PM 70·130 %REC 1 7122/2006 6 .04 55 PM SW80 15BM 15030Bj Ana lyst ·RB 100 ,""'g 712212006 6 :04:55 PM 50-130 "REC 712212 006 6 .04.55 PM I I Q ualifien :Value exceeds M aximum Co nlllminant Level E Value above q uanllullu>n range JAnalytc detected below quantuanon limits SSp ike Recovery o uts ide acce pted recover y lrmus B Anllytl:dclmed in the mslx lllltd Melhod Blank H Holdin g lime s fo r prepalluhm or 01 0111)$;,ex ceeded NO Not Dcle>:lc d at tbe R eplllti n ~Limit Page2 of 7 I I ESN R ockyMo unta in Date:25-Jul-06 I I CLl E"T: Lab Order : Pr oject: L2 b 10 : MacTec E&C 060 70 10 Wendy 'sVail 0607010-O03A Client Sa mple10 :S8-6-12 Ta~N um ber: C o llec t ion n ote:7/1 7/2006 10 :15:00 AM Date Received:7/1712006 Ma lr h::SOIL I I I I I I I I I I I I I A n al )'~e s DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS Diesel Range OrganlC3 Surr:o-T erphenyl BTEX SOIL Methyl tert-bulyl elMr Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene fA.P·Xylene o-Xylene SUrT :Bromofluorooenzene scrr Tflfluorotoluen e GASO LINE RA NGE ORGA NICS G aso line Range Qr Qa nics Surr;.....Bromofluorooenzene R esult NO 853 NO NO NO NO NO NO 60 .' 845 NO 57 .8 I.imit Qu a l Units Dr Dale An alyud CO_ORO (SW35SOA)Ana lys t:GJ '0 mgl Kg 1 712112006 70-130%REC ,712 1/2006 SWB 020 (5030B)Ana lyst:RS '.0 ,,'K,1 7122:2006 62633 PM 1.0 IJglKg 1 7/2212 006 626.33 PM '0 ",,!Kg 1 7f22/2006 6 .2633 P M '0 ,gIK,1 7122:2006 626 33 PM 20 ,gIK,1 7122.'2006 626.33 PM 10 IJQ IKg 1 712 2120066 :26:33 PM 70-130 S %REC ,712 2120066 :26 33 PM 70-130 %REC 1 712212000 6 :26-33 PM SW8015BM (5 03 08)A nalys t:RB 100 1J91K9 712212006 6:26 :33 PM 50-130 %REC 712212006 6 :26:33 PM I I Q ual ifio:n:Value ncuds Mv;lmum C OnJaminanl Leve l EValue :\ho~e quan nranon rang e J An alyle detected belo w 'l llallt ila lion limits S Spike RecoveryOUIS ldc IIcc epled recov ery lim its. BAnalyte d etected in tne ~i 3t(d Method Blank H Holdlnl1 time s for preparenouor ana I Y ~I~e ,,(<<(\cd f'.iD NotDetecte d Rl the Reportiull l irnil Page3of 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESN Rock)'Mo u ntain Date:zs-ia-o« C LIENT :M acTec E&C C lient Sample 10 :SO·7·12 Lab Order:0607010 T ag Number: Project:Wendy's Vail C o llectio n Da le:7/17,"2006 10:39:00 A ~ La b 10:06070 10·004A Da te Received:7/1712006 I\t a trh::SO IL An a lyses R esult limit Qual Unit s OF Date Analyzed DIESEL RA NGE OR GANICS C O_O RO (SW3550AI A n alys t:GJ D iesel Range O rganics N O 10 mglKg 712112008 Sure o-Terplle nyt 108 70-130 %REC 7121f2 006 BT EXSOIL SW8020 (5030B )A na lyst:RB M ethy l te rt-b utyl ern e-N D 1,0 ~glKg 1 7/22/200664 8:13 PM B enze ne ND 1,0 IJg IKg 1 712 212 006 6 4613 PM To lue ne ND 1.D ,gIK ,17/22 /2006 6 4 8 13 PM Elhylbe nzene N D 10 JJglKg 1 712212006 6 48:13 PM M ,P.Xylene N D 2 .0 ]JglKg 1 7f22J2 006 6 4 8 :13 PM o-Xyle ne ND 1.0 """"1 712212006 6 :48:13 PM Surr:Bromoflu OI"obe l\lene 70 4 70-130%REC 1 7/2212006 6:48 .13 PM SUn':Trrftuorotoluene 84 .'7Q.130 %REC 1 712212006 8 :4813 PM GASOLINERA NGEO RGANICS SW8 015BM (5030 B )Ana lyst:RB GasoUne Ran ge O rga nics ND 100 -,712 212006 6 :48:13 PM Su rr.4 -Brcmofluorobenzene 60 .8 50-130 %REC 712 212006 6:48 .13 PM I I Qulifien :Value exceeds Maximum Contaminllrll Level E Val ue ebcve q Uillllltalion rM ge J A n al~le de tecte d belo w quanutanon limits S Spike Recovery outode a ccepted recover)'limits R Anary ie d ele cled in the a ssocrarcd Method Hlank H Holding times fur p repetanon o r an al)"$j$exc eeded Nfl Not Dete cted ill the Reponing Lmnr Page 4o f 7 I ------ limit Qu a l U n i t~DF Date An alyzed CO _ORO (SW3550A )A nalyst GJ 10 mglKg 1 7/21 12006 70-130 %REC 1 712112006 SW8020 (5030B)Analy st:RB 1.o ."",1 7/2212006 7:09'54 PM to "'''''1 7122J2006 7 :09 ~PM 1.o "'''''1 7122J2006 7 :09 54 PM 1.o ~g !K g 1 712212 006 7:09:54P M 2.IJglKg 1 7122/2 0067 :09 :54PM,."'''''1 712 212 006 709 54 PM 70-130 %REC 1 712212 006 7.0954 PM 70-130 %REC 1 712212 0067:09:54 PM 5W8015 BM (5030BI An alyst:RS 100 "'''''7/22f2006 7 :09:54 PM 80-13.%REC 7/2212 006709 54 PM NO NO "NO NO NO n o 93 .S NO 6 87 NO 838 Result C li en t S a mple In:S D·8 ·12 Ta g Number: C o llectio n Dal e:7;\7/200610:58 :00 A M Dal e Received :7/17 /2006 Ma trix :SO IL Dale:25-Jul-06 ~=--~ Mac'TecE&C 0 6070 10 Wend y's Va il 060701 0·005A BTEX SOIL Meth yt lert.wtyl ethe f Benzene Toluene Ethylbe nzene MP-Xylene c-xvene SUrf:BromoftuoroDenze~ SUrf:T rffiuOfotoluene Ana lyses C LIENT: Lah Order: Project: Lah 10 : ESNRockyMo unta in ------------- GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS Gas oline Rang e OrganICS S urf :4-Bromofluo rotM!nzene D IESEL RA NGE O RGANICS D iesel Range Org an Ics Su rr:0-Terphenyl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Valueexceeds MlU:U1lum Co ntarJlln lnl Level E Value a bove quan tltation renge 1 Anol lyu:(\eleeted below qu antitlt lon limits S Sp ike Re covery outside accepted recove ry limits --~----- B AnaI)'tt d ete eled in the a.\.;od:ued Method lJI.lll1k H Holdin,:t une,rot preparaJion Of a n aJ~sis t"lcceded ND No t Dete cted I I the Re rort ml]:Lnn u Page 5 o r 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESN R ock y Mo u nta in Date :25-Jul-06 ::::-=.....---==------==------- C LI ENT:MacTecE&C C lie nt S a mp le 10:MW-6 Lab O rder:0607 010 Ta g Nu mber: Project :Wen dy's Va il Co llection Da ft :7/17/2006 12:10:00 PM l ah 10 :06070I 0-OO6A Dat e Received:7/17/2006 Matrix:GROUNDWA TER-------------------~---- Ana lyses Res ult L.im it Qu a l Units OJ .Dat e A n alyzed DIE S E L RA NGE OR GANICS CO_ORO (S W35101 A na lyst'GJ Diese l R ange Or ganiCS ND 300 m gll 71 21/2006 s cr r:GoTerphe nyl 10'70-130 %REC 712112006 A ROMATI c VOLAT ILESB Y GC SW8021B 16030BI Analyst RB Met hyl te n-butyl ethe r ND 06 ,gil 7/2112 006 6 39 03 PM Be nzene 10 _9 0.'"Il 712 1120066:39:03 PM Toluene 2.0 ',gil 7/2 1120066:39 .03 PM Ethyibenzene 22 0'-712112 006 63903 PM m ,p-Xylene 17 1.0 "Il 712112006 6 :39.03 PM c-xvieee 17 0'"Il 7121 120066:3903 PM S urr:4-B rom oflu orobenzene 116 10 -130 %REC 712112006 6 .39.03 PM S urr.a .a ,8-triftuorololuene 12.70-130 %REC 7i 2112005 6 :39 :03 PM GASOLINE RAN GEOR GANICS SW8015BM (50 30BI A nalyst RB G asolineRa nge O rga nic s 1630 1000 ~9 1 L 10 7/2212006 3 :54 -52 PM SUIT:....aromcfluorobenzene 64.2 70-130 %REC 10 712212 006 3 :54:52 PM I I Q ua lifirn :Value exeeecs Maxuuum C:on lanllnanll.eyel E Value above quantllaliO Il range J Anal)'te de lecled below (juanl llallOn hm iL\ S !>plle Reeo1:<:no O\lUl do:accepted recovery lim itS B Analy te de tected In the associ ated Method Blank H Hol dlOg times fo r pre parat io n or a na lysis exceeded J\'D NOI De tected al the:Rcport lOg l imit Page 6o f 7 I I ES~Rocky Mo u ntain Dote:25·Jul-U6 GAS OLINE RANGEORGANI CS Ga soline Range Organics SUrf 'e-ercrnonecrooenze ne AROMA nc VOLAT ILES B Y GC Metny ltcrt-bulyl et her Benzene Toluene Elnylbenzene mn-xv ene e-xyiene Su r r -a-srcmcn uorcoeneere Surr-a ,a.a-trifluorotoluene -------------- Limit Qu alUnits 0..Dale A nalyzed SW80 218 (5030B )Analyst:RB 0 .5 IJglL 71211200 6 7:00:4 1 PM 0 5 ""Il 7/2112006 7:00 41PM 05 .'"7/21120067004'PM 0.5 .gll 7121f2006 7 :00 :41 PM 10 "'"7121 120067.00 41 PM 05 .'"7121120 067.00:41 PM 70 ·130 %R E C 7/2 1120067:00:41 PM 70 -130 %REC 7/2 1120067 004 1 PM Analy st RB 712112006 700:41 PM 712112006 7 :00:41 P M (5030B).'"%REC C lient S ample 10 :TripBlank T ag Number: C ol teetton Date:7114/20062 :40:00 PM M atrix:WATER SW8015BM 100 50-130 NO NO NO NO NO NO 72 .2 888 NO 5 83 Result Date R eceived:7/\7/2 006 MacT ec E&C 0607010 Wend y's Va il 0607010-007A C LIENT: Lab Order: Project: I....a hID: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------I I I Qu ali fi ~l1i ;Value exceedsMaximum Co maminant Level E Value aeo ve quan tuaiion rang t J Anal~1e dl:lc'~ted bclo ,,"q uanlilalion h mll ~ S Sp i l~RU tl\try our~ilk accep ted reGO \ery limits B Analyle detected III th e a,~oc l al e d Method Bl an ~ H lI oldinl!ume sfor preparaucn or a naly~i5 exceeded ;.;-0 NOI Detected at the Reponmg L,mn Page 7 o f! ------------------- ESN Rocky Mountain -- Date:15 -J ul-06 ------------ C L I ENT : Wo rk Order : P r oje ct: Mac Tec E&C 06070 10 60 146 A NALYTI CAL Q C SUMMARY IU;PORT 'I'eseC od e:802 t w Sample10:M B LK-6 65 Clien\IO:ZZZZZ SampType :M BLK Balch10:8 65 'r estcooe 80 2 1_W reetnc :S W80218 Umts IJQil. 150308) Prep D ale :7121121)06 Ana lysis D ate -712 1/20 06 R unNo _726 SeqN o :7948 An a lyte Res ult p a l SPKvalue SPKRef Va l %REC Lowlimit HighUmil RPORef Val %RPD RPOUmit Q uat Methyl tert -buty l ether Benzene T e>Iue ne Elhylbenzer.e m,p-Xyltme c-xve oe S UrT 4 ·Bromo floo robenz ene SUrf .a,.,a-lrrfluo rolo luene ND ND ND ND ND ND 35 .09 49 .81 0.500 0 50 0 05<lO 0 .500 1 00 0500 o o 5<) 50 o o 70 .2 99 .6 70 70 130 130 S ample10 l CS -665 C I'lIn l 10:zzzzz. Samp Type:L eS Batch10 :66 5 'te sicooe :8021_W 'r estn o SWB02 1B Units :1Jg'l (5 030B) Prep Date :712112006 A n al~sis Dale 7121/200 6 Ru nNo :726 Se q No:1947 A nalyte Res ult p al SPK v alue S PK RefVa l %REC l owUmit HlQh Umit RPO Ref va t %RPO RPDlirn ii Qua l M elhyllt!rt -bul yl ether Benzene Toluene Elhylbenzene m.p -Xyten e o-Xylene SUrf 4 ·Bromolloo rob enzene Surr:a .8,B.frifluorotoluene 8 300 10 58 1065 9868 23 33 11 .44 12.OS 9876 0 .500 0 .500 0.5llO 0.500 1.00 0500 o o 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 o o o o o o o o 83 ,0 106 106 98 .7 117 "'121 988 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Sa mple 10 :060 7013-001AM S crent 10 zzzzz. SampType MS Balch 10 66 5 'restccoe:S021 _W TeslNo 'SW8021B Un its :1Jg/L (503 0B) P rep D ate :712112006 A nalysis Da le 712112006 R unN o .126 SeqNo '795 1 E V allie a t..l ~e qUAnlllMli o n r An ~e NO NOI Detected .lI the Reponllljl.limt %RPD RPDlimi!O ua t J A r ld l~le de lrCled below q lll 'lilBlio n li mi ts ~Sp ile Reoo\,r~o uts ide ,,,el'l ed ,e c""I~'limi ts %REC LowUmi lH,ghU m il RPD R eI V al 82 .6 70 1 30 108 70 130 106 70 130----- o o 0 .256 10 10 10 S PK va lllll SP K Ref Va lpal 0500 0 5<)0 o soc---- I I llvldlll ['.nm e s 1<",prepcratron or B lI al)'~I~e xceede d R R ru ou tside eccc pred recoverv 11I1I'IS 826 1 to SO to .84 Result lJ ,,~llt1fr S : M ethy llert-butyl ether Benzene T OIUll nll Ana lyte Page I of l{ -------------------------------- ------------------- Analy le Res ull pal M elhyller1-butyl ether NO 0500 Benzene NO 0500 Tolu e ne NO 0 .500 Elhylbe nzene NO 0 500 m ,p.-Xylene NO 1 00 e-xviene NO 0 .500 Su rr.4-BromoJ1 uorobenzene 4 2 .52 0 Sur r.a.a .8-tri nuorolo luen.e 4 9 .17 0 MacTcc E&C 0607U I 0 60 146 0 0 30 0 030 0 256 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 50 0 8 5.0 70130 0 0 0 50 0 98.3 70130 0 0 0 SPK value SPK RefVa t ANALYTI CAL Q C SUMMARY R EI'OIH Tc ~t Cod c :1'1021 _W Prep nate:712112006 Ru nNo :7 26 Arwlysi.,Da le :7J21120oe SflqNo:1951 %REC LowLi m it H ighl im lt RPC Re I Val %RPD RPDl iml\Qua l 102 70130 118 70 130 109 70 130 92 .0 70 130 99.1 70 130 P repDale :712 112006 Run NI)726 An a lysisDa te :7 /2 1/2 006 5 eq No :7950 %R EC l owllmitHighLimil RP ORefVa l %RPO RP OUmit Qu al o o o o o Units:~IJI'L (5030BI Units :~gl L (50308) 10 20 10 50 50 SPK va lue SPK Ref Va l 'restcoce:80 21_W r esue c :S m021S r eetcooe :80 21_W T es lNo :SYV 8021B 0 ,500 1.00 0 ,500 o o pal 1018 23.64 10 ,85 46 ,01 49,56 Result Sam pType :OUP Batc h 10:665 SampTy pe :M S eeee m 6 6 5 S ample 10 :06D7013-001AM S Clie nt to :ZZ2Z2. El hy lbenze ne m.p -Xyfene o-Xylene Sur r 4 -Bromofluorobenzene SU rf 'a.a.a.tnnccrctcioeoe A nalyte Sampl e10:0 6 0701 3.o01 AOUP elie-ol lO lZZZZ C I.I F-NT: Work Order: I'r flj ~cl : t}u.hfltt"F.Valne .buH quanlil.tlc n rllille ND No'Detec t ed ~Ilh e Rtl'".liogl lnl l II lI uldin,Ilnll:S for I"I cp"llion III a na l~~I~e ~CC'e<kd R Rr n c ueside aa:Cl'led reeovery h m.H J Ana l}'c:dc:lc:c led be l""'IU l l1 l1l1 ion hm lls S Sl'lkc:Recovery UUISldc acce:pl cdrc:c:o l-o;:l )'lunus r aKr!2 0/8 _._----.--~----------_.-------------_._----_.----------------------~---------------------- C LIENT: W OI"k Order: Projcc l : Mac'T ec E&C 06 07010 6t11 46 ANA LYT ICA LQ CSU MMARYR E I'ORT T cst Code:BTRX_S-G C Tes lCode :BlEX_S ·OC U nits :IJ9"Kg P rep D ate :712212006 RunNo 727 r esINa:S W8020 (5030B )AnalysisD al e.7/22120 (MI SeqNo:7818 pal S PK va lue SPK Ret Val %REC Lowlimit Hig hLlmit R PCRef V a l %RPO RP DLim,1 Q ual 10 20 0 8 5,4 70 130 1.0 20 0 "8 70 130 ,0 20 0 6 32 9 7.6 70 130 1.0 20 0 "8 70 '30 2.0 40 0 "'70 '30 1.0 20 0 H16 70 '30 1.0 '00 0 92 .5 70 130 1.0 'DO 0 93 .6 70 '30 Te stCode':B TEX _S .G C Un its :I.IWKg l eslNo :S W8020 (5030B) p al SPK ...atUll SPK RftfVa l %REC '0 20 081 0 1.020 0 934 '0 20 1.4 76 ..8 10 20 0 88 9 't est ccde :B TEX _S.GC Units '~g Tesl Na :SW802 0 %RPO R POlimil Qual %RPD RPDUmlt Qual Run No .727 Se qNo '782 6 RunNo :727 SeqNo 7819 '30 130 70 70 70 130 70 130 70 130 70 130 LowLim il H '9hLim ii RP CRef Val Pre p Da l e :7/2212008 A na lysis D ata 7 /221200 6 Prep Date .7/2 21200 & A nalysis Date "7/2212006 72.4 8" %REC L o wl i m ~Highl,m i,RPC Ref V al o o (5030 BI '00 100 SPK 11 3lueSP K R @(Val '0 ,0 '0 1 0 2.0 '.0 '0 1.0 P OL Samp le 10 MBlK-668 S ampType:MBlK C lllmllO:ZZZZZ Batc h 10:666 A n a!yte Result M Slhy t l ertbuty l ethe r NO Benzene NO Toluene NO Et hy lbe nze ne NO M ,P.Xylene NO c-x ve ne NO S unB,omonuorobenzene 72.4 1 S un ,T rifl uorol olue ne 89 .1 1 Samp le I D LCS-666 Sam pTy pe :LeS ctentm ZZZZZ Balch 10 :666 Anll lyle Result Mnlhyl te rt-butyl et her 17 .09 Benzene 19 .77 To lu l'M 2 0 .15 Elhylbenze ne 1a .9 1 M ,P-Xylene 44 60 o-Xylf'ne 2123 se nBromol luorobenzene 92 .52 Surr:Trinuorotoluene 93 .65 Sampk!10 .06 07010.ooSAm s S arnpType :M S C 1 1 ~nl IO :58-8-12 Batcl1 10 .666 A nalyle R es u ~ M ethylte rt -buty l ether 17.41 B e nZflne 1868 To luene 1943 E lhy lbe n lene 17 .71 QII Htl lir l J :E V ~I \l c ebov e quantuauon range NDNot Uc ae c te d HI the Re p o r1lJl ~Lnn t I I I lol <l ilill l iine s rill prepat anon o r all "ly ~i s excee ded R RI'U o u t;io:k acce pted recov e l~'111111 " J A nelyte detecte d !x II,"1I 11 al l il alK>n Iimlls S S pike Re t t>v el}'outside eccepted rccoverv limits Page J ol R ------------------- C LIENT: Work Orde n Proj ect: MacTee E&C 0 6070 10 60 146 ANALYTICAL Q C SUMMARY R EP ORT Te srCo d e:HTF.X_S-GC S ample10:06 01010 ·00SAms C lient10 .S 8 -S·12 S ampType :MS Bat ch 10;6 66 't estceoe :B TEX_S ·GC Unrts 'IlglKg 'rest n c:S W8020 (5030B ) Prep Dal e :71221 2006 A nlllylol!'D ete :7 /2212006 RunNo.7 27 Seq No :7 826 A na lyt e Result p al SPK value SP K Ref Val %REC LO'M.lmil Hillhlimit RPD Re fVI I %RPD RPO Um~Qu al M ,P -Xylene a -Xyle ne Surr:aromcnucrcbeoeene S u rr:Tri fluoro lol uene 4 2 .19 20 ,23 92 .50 89 .97 20 1.0 1.0 '0 40 20 100 100 a a a a 105 10 ' "6 90 .0 70 70 70 70 '30 '30 130 '30 S ample 10 cuen rm 06 070 10·00:5Adup 5 8-8 -12 SampType Oup Ba tch 10 :666 'r estccce:BTEJC S-GC TestNo:SWB020 Un its :~glK g 150308 1 Pre p Dal e . Ana lys is Da te : 712 21 2006 7f22/21J06 RunNo"721 S eq No:1 825 A na lyle Result p al SPK val ue S PK RefV a l %REC LowL imrt Highlimrt RPD Re i Va l %RP D RPD UmilQ ua l Methy l ter1-bulyl ethel Benze ne To luene E lhylbenzene M ,P ·X ylen e o-Xyle ne Su rr:Bromonuo robe f\lllne Surr:Tnnaorotofuene NO NO NO NO NO NO 67.85 8 5.61 10 1 .0 1 0 1.0 2 0 1 .0 1.0 '0 '00 '00 a a 6 78 65 6 70 70 130 130 a o 1476 a a a a a o a a a o o o a 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 s Q lI~lifj n s :E V~l ll t IIhuve quanntaticn range N D Nol [!elecled al t he Re po rlm"L uut H I loldillll limes f,"preparalion IIr all al~I's exceeded R IU'Uuulsu1e accented recovery limils J Anfllyle detected lido...q unnueuon lumts S Sprke Recovery outshlcuccepted r ccoverv lnmts P a~~·1 0//? ------------------- Sa mp le10 :060701 0..Q OliA MS S am pType :MS C lient10 :ZZZZZ Ba lchID:6 88 A nalyte Result D ies e l Ra nge O l g a n i ~2 18,3 SUrf;o.Ierphe ny l 5 5 .70 Sample I D 0 6070 10-<105A OUP Samp Type DU P creouo ZZZZZ Balch10 :668 A natyl e Re sult Diesel Range O rganics ND S Urf:o -Te rphe ny l 4 2 .44 POL SPK v a l ~SPK Ref Val paL S P K vene S PK Re f V el TestCode DR O_S TeslNo CO_OR O 13070 ANALYTI CAL Q C SU MMA R Y RE PO RT 84 .9 Test Codc:IJIlO_S P re p Da le :RunNo:731 Anll ly.is D ale :712112006 Seq No19 43 %REC LowU nit HIQ hUmil R PDRefVal %RPD RPDlimit D ual 873 70 130 11 1 70 130 Pre p Date .Run No 731 A nalysis Da le 712112006 Seq No:7942 %REC Lowt..Im ll Hig h Llm lt RP D RefVal %RPO RP DUnii Qual o o o Un its :mgIKg ISW3 550AI Units:mg l Kg (S W 3550A) 50 250 50 10 0 .50 10 0 ,50 't e erc coe :ORO _S l es lNo :CO _O RO Mac'Tec E&C 06010 10 60 146 C LI ENT: W or k Ord er: Project : Q Ul lifi rr.:f V~lu~above q u antllalolln IWlg.e Ni l N ,~(De tec ted a t Ihe Repcuing Lm et I I I lol~lnl!nne sfOi pre paration Ul a l1ll1 ys ll exceeded R I{I'IJ outside lI<:Cer 1ed letUvel y limits J Anlllyle detected be tow Il Il~l l illllio n li m Its S Sp ike Recovery Ol umt e lI\:ce pted r tco ~e~li lllits Pa~I'5 0/8 ------------------- MacTec E&C 06 070 10 6 0 146 C LI ENT : W ork O ..der: P roj e ct: Samplll lO :MB-6 67 C ~ent 10 :zzzz.z. A nalyle Oi88tll R ang e O rgan ics Su rr.0-Terphenyl Samp le 10 LCS-66 7 Chl!lnl 10 :ZZZ2Z. A n Aly!e D iesel Range OrganiCS S urr:o ·1e rphenyl Samp 'e 10 0 6070 10-0G6AMS C lient 10 :MW-6 Ana lyle Diesel Ri nge Orga nics Sun :GoTerpheny l Sample10 06 07 010-006ADUP C lient 10 :MW-6 An alyte Diesel Rarlge O,ga nics S urf:o -Terphenyl SampType :MBlK Batetll D 667 Result NO 4 256 SampType :LeS Balch 10'667 Result 31 .6 1 5.125 S8mpT ype :MS Batch 1066 7 Res ult 2724 5 805 Samp Type :CUP Batch ID :661 Result NO 4 .265 ANALY TI CAL Q C S UMMA RY REPO RT T('~t C ndl':U RO W 'r estccoe :DRO_W Units :m glL Prep Da le :1121/2 006 Run No:72 9 T e stN o :CO_ORO (SW351OJ Ana lysis Dale :7121/2008 SeqNo 7 936 pal S PK va lue SPK ner var %REC l owlimi!HilJM Limrt RPC Re r v.!%RP D RP Dlim ,1 Qual 3 00 1 00 5 0 85 .1 70130 restccce:DRO_W Units:m gi L PrepDale 712112006 Run No :729 r esiN !)CO_ORO (S W3 S1 01 AnalysisDale:7/2112006 Se QNo :79 35 p a l S PK v a lue SP K Re f Va l %REC LowLiml!H lghLi mii RPC RefVa l %RPD RPOUmil Qual 300 25 0 "6 70 130 1 00 5 0 103 70 130 'restccde ORO_W Un its :rngtl Prep Da le.71211 2006 Ru n No:7 29 T esl Na :CO_OR O ISW35101 Analysts Date:712 112006 secuc.79 34 p a l SPKvalu eSPKRe f Val %REC l owLimit HighLimlt RPDRefVal %RPD RPOLiml 1 Qual 300 25 0 10'70 .30 1 00 5 0 "6 70130 TestCode:ORO_W I.Jr1lt s:mglL Prep Da le 712112006 Run No :7 29 T eslNa :CO_ORO (SW3510)An alysis Date:7 121120 06 Se qNo:7 9 33 pal S PK ~alue S PKRe l Va l %R E C l owLim it H ighUmll RP D Re f Val%RPD RPOLlrnlt Qual 3.00 0 0 0 100 5 0 853 70130 0 00 QlI IUn tr.:F.ValuI:above q uanti.lllon "nJI: NO Not Detected Milli e Reporting 'Inll I I fh .lJing limes lo r prcr a,.u<l n "r wlal~s i s exceeded R RI'O (l\J1 ~I "'e lI«cpt<:d fI:C O"'CI~limits J A"lllylc d eketed below q U31t11 llliun tilll;t i S S ,,,l.e Recovery (\1I1,,<k accep tcdrecovery hm lls r age 6 (JI B C UENT : Work Ord er: l 'rIJjl'd : =~._- M acIcc E&C 0 607010 60 146 ANALYT ICAL Q CS UMMARY REPO RT ----- --~_.-- TC!ll tC mlc:(;RO _S ---_._~~~---------- 'r e srcoce :GRO_S Units:IJglKg Prep Da le '7/22120 06 Ru nNo :728 TestNo:SWS01 58M (5030 8)Analysis Oats :71221 2006 Seq No :7878 PQL SP K v alue SPKReIV al %REC LowL imit High LirTlll RPD Rs rVal %RPD RP DLimit Oual '00 '00 a 90 .9 50 130 1.00 100 0 81.7 50130 T esiCode :GR Q_S Unll s j.lglKg Prep Da l e:112212006 TeslNo :SWB015BM 16030BI Analysis Dal e .712212006 paL SPK va lue SPKReIV.I %REC Low Liml1 H'!lhUmll RP D Re'Val 100300 a 89.0 50 130 1.00 100 0 765 50 130 r eetceoe .GR O_S Umts IJWKg Prep Da le :7122120 06 l e slNo :SW8015BM 15030B)Analysis D ate :712 2/200 6 paL S PK varoe SP KRef V al%RECLowLlmit ttlghLim lt RPD RefVa l '00 0 '00 100 0 59 .3 50 130 0 TestCode:GRO_SUnit s:..~Kg TeslN a :SWB015BM (6030BI SPK valueSPKRe I V al %R PD RPDlimil Qua l o 30 o 0 %RPD RPDLimii o unt %RPDRP DLlmttQua l RunN:)'728 Seq No 7885 Ru nNo:7 28 S eqNo:1 879 R unNo :728 Seq No :7886 13050 PrepDat e '71221 2006 A naJ)'$i$Date 7/22J2006 61 .8 %REC Lowlimit HlghLlmrtRP D RerV a l o100 100 1 00 p aL Sample 10 :M B LK-666 Samp Type :MBLK C lienl lD zzzzz Batch 10:66 6 A Il Alyte Result Ga so line Ran ge Orgll nics NO Su rr :4 ·8fomofluol obenzene 6 1.78 Sample I D :L CS-666 SampType :L eS Client 10:=Bat ch I D:668 Analyte Result GasolineRange Organics 272 .7 SU IT :"'-8 romofluorobenzene 8 1.69 S ample 10 06 07 010-OO SAms SampType :M S Che ntl C:5 8-8·12 Batch 10 ... A nalyte Resul t Gasoline RangeOrganics 266 .9 S urr-e-eromo noc rote nzene 78 .52 S a m p~I D :06 0701 ~05Adup Sa mplype:d up Clienl lO:5 8 ·8 ·12 Batch to '668 A nalyle Result Gnollne Ra nge Organics NO Sur f :4 ·Bromo fl uor obe nze ne 59 32 r)".1ili n ,:I·.Vll i lle above {f uall\it m lOn range NU NOI Dc leo:k d DI lhe Re poning L emt I I H"ldiu lt limes lor prc p.'lr ~uo n or lIJ1 a l \~is e :..ceeded R RrU UUI51dc acc e pted r e emc~limits J ....nlll )ICde tected below queuna non hm lr ~ S Sr's..c Recov e ry o umdeaccepred recoce rv li mit, Page 7 of8 ----------------------------- C L I ENT :1vl ac'I'cc E&C ANAL YTICAL Q C SU MMA R Y R EI'ORT Wo rk Ord er :0607 0 10 Pr oj e ct:60 146 Te-stCode :(;IW W S am ple 10:L CS-665 Sam pTyp e :Les Te sl Code :G RO _W Un lh~·~gfL Prep Dal e '712112006 Ru nNo725 C lienllD:zzzzz Ba l ch 1066 15 TeslNa :Swa015BM 15030 8 )Anillyai.Dah l"71211200 6 SItQNo :7911 An alyt e Res ult POL SPK value SPK RefV al %R EC Lo.....l.lm .H igh l im~RPC Re lVal %RPD RPDltnit Q ual G aso line Range O rgan fCS 1327 100 150 0 88 5 70 130 S UIT:4 -Bromoll uo robenzene 5 .385 1.00 10 0 538 50 130 Sa mple 10:0607013.Q01AMS Sa mpType :M S TestCocIe :G RO _W Units :~L Prep Date '71211200 6 RunNo :7 25 C lienl ID:zzzz:Batch10:665 TeslNa:SW8015BM (5030el AnalystS Date:7/211200 6 SeQNo :7917 A naly l e Resull P OL SP K v alue SPK Re I Va l %REC LowUmri Highllmit RPD Re t V al %RPO R POLimJl Q ual GasolineRa ngeO rganics 14 1.0 100 150 0 9 4.0 '0 130 S urr:4 ·B romo nUOf obenzene 3865 1 00 '0 0 71.3 50 130 Sample 10 :D6070 13-o<11A DUP S ampTy pe :Dup TesiCode :GRO _W Unrts:v glL P rep Da le 112112006 Run No :125 C lient ID:zzzzz Batch ID :665 Tes lNoSW8015BM (5030B I A nalysis Date :112112006 Seq No:19 16 A nalyte Resull P O L S PK va lue S PK Ref V al %REC Lowllm,1 H ighLimilRP D Rei Val %RPD RP OLlmit Qual Gasoli ne Ra nge Organics ND 100 0 0 30 S urr.4-Bromofl uorobft nlene 37 .22 1.0050 0 74 '50 130 0 0 0 QUlIlili tn:E V"h~above quanl1hllillll range 1"1)N III [)elecled al l he Rq''l'r lillJ!LII II I II lIo lrtlnil!hllJe$for prepa rlllinu 01 analysts exccclkd RRPIl o lll,ide accep led recove ry junu s J A ll a l~le dele "led he l n '~'l llllll llniio n Iimlls S Spike Recovery 01l15 1d c ec ccptcdrecovery lmtits r ag/!8 0(8 -------------------ESN ROCKY MOUNTAIN Chain of Custody Record Cl,enl 'i~----'::'1 ES NPTO/ect#:C/J/q /0810 :eootrol #:,-<CQ 7C IC Addren:f 'Y%~1~1(V""..CIit!nt Projecl MAn ll ller:Clie nt ProI ectIt : <-D r iED C:?'Q::<.p l "',*",N ~"\.feol <,VQ ;\ ",,"00 .3")3 aQ'3 c»,3 ,..3 ::J3 0('ifZ,-5</77 "",,""""'M';13 93 N ,F;'¥ll~,(d e-«..~rec--::JwcPtl rrgrJ a-.r.:;:rYl or"KE __Pr"I"'~V 9 :1 ro SAMPLE INFOjiMATION-::"'- g ~ ~a £ ~iii 8§'....~;;:; ,"g -~~""~~g ~a,Gi <3. ,'{C ~IA nx ;<1.,-1 Ix ~ IXIX ["wl P<IXI IX - I I-/rl <-I YL (/Q ').. [1 = 0-1u 2 -z5'{:J",I 1;7-.1 tI=rz. !1 ~\I !I ~ t t 17/rJ 1:J'7SS>I<y.' II}.11//'1 I p c;-'1<;,,' I 'h /,'7 loHnl S ~..I ,~h /l'7 l l?~"I I ,;=- Sa mp le \dentilicatoon ";"'-<I '/I 5 11,-7 _lri. SI3 -f.'-)~ c,p -c;;-I I /1)-'0 'I'd. /ti l..-C. -r ::>/0 .~""-...~Sampler Nil "'e :lorY)\.....::h'e Sa mpler Signatu re:~--~.-~ .01 ~A~~C!I::I::OAt"U,.,.1:I:r'll::u..I::nD ABBREVIATIONS ANDOTHER INFORMATION 1 I[F.l ::':~ype n! PI I---H-++-H u J j J ~ ~ Commoots "...:= !, a: ""~7 /I /~i I ~ -'/"II •T'fl)8 ,).;) a I .~";n 1 (?Yl 07 .-___,Roijnqu lstl!ld by lpri nl):___~._ .=~----:-.~-:"':-"": lhcd by (pml)_ Sign ilturfl - ESN Rockv Mountain.130 Capita'Drive.Suite C ·Golden,CO 80401 •303.27 8.1911 •FAX:303 .278.01CU •E·mall:Lab IJ1i.ESN ·RM .com Pil llfl __er • WWN OF VAlL . fltij fdi?~,tV,;;;;;ht£t:'-J Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORM Department of Com munity Development 75 Sout hFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:97 0.479 .2139 fax :970.479.2452 web:www .....auccv.ccm Project Name:TOV WNED Y'S PARKING LOT Project Description : PEC Number:PEC07006S ANAL APPROVAL FOR ACONDmONAL USE PERMIT FOR THETOVWENDY 'SPARKINGLOT Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 10/18/2007 75 S FRO NTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 APPUCANTTOWNOFVAIL 10/18/2007 Phone:970-479-2100 7SS FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO81657 License:463-6 CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL 10/18/2007 Phone:970-479-2100 7SS FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO816S7 Licen se:463-6 Project Address:2399N FRONTAGE RD WVAIL Location:FORMER WENDY 'S SITE Legal Description:Lot:Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-9 Comments:CUP Expires2years from appr oval BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:Kjesbo Second By:Viele Vote:7"(}-() Conditions : Action :APPROVED Date of Approval:11/12/2007 Cond :8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and /or the appropriate revi ew committee(s ). Cand :300 PEe approva l sha ll not be not become valid for20 days foll owing thedateof approval. Cond:CONoo09608 Conditional Use Per mit expi res 2 years from dateofapp roval (11-12-2009) Planner:Nico le Peterson PECFee Paid:$650.00 • $400 $650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 X Conditional UsePermit o Aoodpla ln Moo ificationoMinorExteriorAlteration o Major Exteri or Alteration o Devel opment Plan o Amendment to a Development Pla n o Zoning Code Amendment o Variance o Sign Varia nce $1300 $1500 $650 $650 $1000 $6000 $6000 $1250 Type of Application and Fee : o Rezon ingoMajorSubdivisionoMinorSubdivision o Exe mption PlatoMinorAmendment toan SO D o New Specia l Development DislJid: o Major Amendment to an SODoMajOrAmendmenttoanSOD (no exterior moditk:ations) Conditional Use Permit Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmenta l Commi ssion review must recei ve approval prior to submitting a building permitapplication.Please refertothe submittal requirements forthe particularapproval that Is requested . An applicationfor Pl anning and En vironmental Commission reviewcannot be accepteduntil all requi red lnformation is received by tne Com munity Development Department.The project mayalso need to be reviewed by theTown Counci l and/fX the Design Revi ew Board . Departmentof Comm unity Development 7S South Frontage Road ,Vail ,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2128 fax:970.479 .2452 web:WNW.vailgov.com Oesaiptfon of the Request: Location of the Proposal:Lot.12",.d A Subdivision:(}y..:.I D ..,ScL..,hQ fit.:;f IY.VJ Mailing Address:_--'-2-.......::..:.......:L====r:....J="-'_ Parcel No.:J.I 0 ~1/4 I C;D I '1 (Contact Eag le Co.Assessor at 970-328-86 40 lor parcel nc.) Zoning:C",,",,,tru1U d-~Q Core 3 Name(s)of Owner(s):JPNVl rrf ilai./_ 1 2 ).fi..-,dl....v-g,R . I_________=~--__:_---P h o ne :_ Owner(s)Slgnature(S):~.t,~~..J /~.11.01 _ Name of Applicant:TP V -.Jo t.....G...efe 'll)I 97'1.,2 170 Mailing Address:-,-,-__--;=;;;--;;-;;=_ _________________Phone:_--L...L-'-'-='-L'-'-_ E-mail Address:Fax _ For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:.---.Check N ~ Meeting Date:1f.1 Z -0 pta nner: rl'D'\r )/,'-f-By :-/'U .1"-.0- PEC No.: Project No.:•~- F:\CXle<AFOR MS\Permits\Plarri1g\PEC'oalnd itional_use.doC Page1015 "voe ••• MEMOR ANDUM TO :Pl anninga nd Environmental Commission FROM:Community Developmen t Department DATE:November12.2007 SUBJECT:A req uest for final review of a conditiona l usepermit,p ursuant t oSec tion12-7D-2, Co nditional Uses,VailTown Code,t oa llow for the development of public buildings. groundsandfacilit ies (parkinglot)locatedat2399 NorthFrontageRoadWes t , P arcelA ,Vaildas SchoneFiling1,and settingforth detailsinregardthereto . (PEC 07·0065) Applicant: Planner: I.SUMMARY TownorVall Nico le Peterson T heA pplicant,T ownofVail,is requesting ap proval ofacond itionaluse permit p ursuant to Section 12-70-2.Conditional Uses.Va il Town Code,toallowfo r th e development of public b uildings,grounds andfacilit ies (parking lot)located at 2399 North Frontage Roa d West , ParcelA ,Vai l das Sc hone Fili ng1,a nd se tting fo rth details in regard thereto . Based u pon Staffs rev iewof t hec riteria in Section V II ofthi s m e morandum an dt he evidence and testimony prese nted,theComm unity Developmen t Departmen t recommends thatthe Pl anningandEnviro nmental Co mmission approves th e Conditional Use Permit. 11 .DESCRIPTIONOF REQUEST T he Town of Va il is requestin gapp rovalof a co nditionalu sepermit toa llow fo r a p arkinglot asthe subject property's primary use after demolition of the existing bui lding (fo rmerly Wendy's restaurant)locatedat2399 North F rontageRoad West (Attachment A).The proposed pa rking lot wi ll consist of 75parki ng s paces,includinq the requ ired3 handicap accessible,to be ut ilizedfo r g eneral pu blic park ing .Site p lans ofthe ex isting co nditions an d proposed parkinglota re attached fo rthe Comm issions review (AttachmentsBand C). III.BACKGROUND Th e T ownof Vail purchased th esubjectpro perty in Se ptembero ft his year.T hed emolition oft hefo rme r Wendy's bu ilding isscheduledt oco mmenceth is m onth .T he Tow nof Vail wis hes toc reate a public pa rkinglotfor ge neral public u se.Fo llowingt he demolition,t he former struct ure's location w ill be packed wi th road -millings to create asolid,level surface. Theproposed parkinglotispla nned tobe re-s triped asillust rated a n thesitepla n.Two la ndscape islands wi ll r emain asexis ting a ndone landscape island will be partially removed t oacco mmodate a nadditi onal row ofp arking.T h e p arameterso fthe ex isting park ing a rea will notc hange and parkingw ill be a ccessed byt he exist ingdrivewayo ff oftheNorth Frontage RoadWest. IV.ROLESOFREVIEWING BO DIES O rder of Review;G enerally,co nditionaluse permit appli cationsw ill bereviewedby t he Planningand Environmental Commission,andthenany accompanying design r eview ap plication will be reviewedbythe Design Review Board . P lanning and Environmental Commission : T hePlanningand En vi ronmentalCo mm issio nis responsiblefor f inalappr oval,a pproval withm odifications ,or denial ofaconditionalusepermitapplication,inaccordance with Chapter 12-16,Conditional Us e Permits.VailTown Cod e. Design Review Board: The Design Review B oard hasno r eviewa uthority ove r aco nditionalu se permita pplication. However,t he Design ReviewBoardis responsiblefor t he fin alapproval .approvalwit h modifications,o r d enial ofan yacco mpanying d esign re view application. Town Council : TheT own Coun cil hasthe auth ority tohear and deci deap peals from any decision , determi nation ,or i nterpretat ion by t he Pl anningand Environmenta l Com miss ion and/or DesignReviewBoa rd .Th e T ownCo uncilm aya lso callu pad e c is ionof t he Planninga nd Environment alCo mmiss io n a nd/orDe s ignRev iew Boa rd . V.ZONING AND LAND USE ., • LotSize : Pro perty Zo ning : Surrou nding : Pro pertyLand Use Designa tion: Surround ing: 1.247 acres =54,3 19 squ a re feet Com mercial Core3(CC3)District Wes t -Tw o-F am ily Primary/Secondary Res iden t ial(PS)District East -Commercial Core 3(C C3)D istrict North -Two -Family Primary/Secondary Re sidential(PS)District So uth -NorthFro ntage RoadWe st a nd Interstate-7 0 Community Commercia l (Former Wendy 's Restaurant ) W est -Med ium Dens ity Res idential(Residential) East -C om munity Co mmercial (Gas Station) Nort h -Me d ium Density Residential (Vacant Land ) So ut h-(Nort h Frontag e Ro ad We st andInterstat e-70) VI .APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS A.Vail Town Code Se ction 12-70:COMMERCIAL COR E 3(CC3 )DISTRICT 12-70-2:CONDITIONAL US ES: Thef ollowing conditional usess hallbe permittedint he commercialc ore 3 district, subject toi ssuance of a conditional u se permit in acco rd with thepro visionsof chapter 16 of thistitle :Public buildings,grounds ,andfacilities . Se ction 12-16:CO NDITIONAL US E PERMITS (inpart): 12-16-1:PURP OSE;LIM ITATION S:In orde r to p rovide the fl exibility n eces sary t o achievetheobjectives ofthis tate.specifieduses are p ermftted in ce r/aindistricts subjectt o thegra nting of a conditio nalusep ermit.Because of theirunusualor specialcharacte ristics ,conditional uses require reviewand eval uation so thatthey may be located properly withrespect tot he purposes ofthis titleand wi threspect to their effects on surrounding properties.Thereview p rocess prescribed in this chapte r is intended toassureco mpatIbilityand harmonious developmentbetwee n 2 /. conditional usesan d s urroundingproperties and thetown a tlarge .Uses listed a s conditional usesintheveno ue districts may be permitted subject tos uch conditions and limit ations as the town m ayp rescribe toensurethattheloc ation and operation o f the condftional useswillbein acco rdance withde velopmentobjectives o f the townandwill not bedetrimental toother usesorprope rties.Whereco nditions cannot bedevised to eonieve theseobjectives,appl ications forconditionaluse p ermits sh all bed enied . VII.REVIEW CRITERIA Before actingona conditionalusepe rmit appl ication ,the Planni ngand Environmental Co mmissio n sh all co nside r t he following cri teria wit h respect t o the p roposed u se : 1.Relation ship and impact of the use on th e development objectives of the Town . Staff believe s thepro posed conditionaluseper mitis consistent witht he development object ives of th eTown.Theproposal willimprove the utilityofthe subjectproperty by creating m uchneede d park ing for thegene ral public. 2.Th e effect of theuseon light andair,distribution of population. tran sportation facilities.uti lities,s chools,parks and recreation f acilities , and other public faci lities needs. Staff be lieves the proposalw illhaveapos itive effecto nth epublic need for additionalpark ing .T he p roposal willprovidefree ,off-street pu blic parking for skierparkinga nd ove rflow parking duri ng peakbusinesshou rs .Two existing landscape islan dsand on epartial island willbemaintained as part ofthe proposal . 3.Effect upon traffic with particular ref erence to cong estion,a utomotiveand pedestrian sa fe ty and convenience,t raffic flow and c ontrol,access, maneuverability,andremova l of s now from the street and parking areas. Staff be lievesthat th eadditional pa rking wi ll have a posit ive effectonautomotive t raffic .Thepro posa l w ill increasepa rk ing co nveniencean dmitigateco ngestion caused byon -st reet (FrontageRoad)parking and lackofpark ing f orskiers .T he off-street park ing willimprove str eet access,maneuverab ility andsnow removal. There isanexisting sidewalkco nnection totheeast th at w illa llow safe pedestrian travel tos urroundingbusinesses.There is an existingbusstopwest ofthe proposedpark inglotand Staff iswork ingwith the Town T ransportat ion De part ment toco ordi natean additionalbus stop atthe subjec t location. 4 .Effect upon the ch aract er of thea rea in whichthe p roposedu seist obe lo cated ,i ncludi ngthe s ca l eand bulk of the p roposed use i n relatio n t o su r rounding uses. Staff believes theproposed addition w ill have no negative effectuponthe character of t he area .Theproposed parking w ill ut ilizethesitefor public benefit and conven ience . 3 VIII.STAFFRECOM MENDATION TheCommunity Development Departmentrecommends thatthePlanningand Environmental Comm ission approvestheConditional Use Permit pu rsuant to Section 12- 7 0-2.Conditional Use s,VailTownCod e,to allowfor thed evelopment ofapub lic p arking lotloca tedat2399North Frontage RoadWest.Par cel At VaildasSchone Filing 1.and setti ng fort h detailsi nregar d thereto. Sho uldthe Planningand Environ mental Co mmission c hoose toap prove this request;the Community Development Departme ntreco mmendstheComm is sion pa ss the fo llowing .motion: "tne Plann ingand EnvironmentalCo mmission approves the conditional use p ermit pursu ant t oSectio n12-7D-2,Conditional Uses,VailTownCode,to allow forthe developmentofpu blic buildings,gro unds and facilities (parkinglot)locatedat 2399 North FrontageRoad West,P arcel A,Vail das Schone Filing 1,andsetting forth details in reg ard thereto ." Shouldth e Planninga nd Enviro nmental Comm ission choose t oapp roveth is request.the Community Devel opment Departm ent recommends the Commi ssion makesthe following findings: "tne Planninu and Environme ntal Commission finds th e followingbased upon analysis of t her eview crit eria outlined in section VII ofthis Staffmemorandum: 1.The p roposed c onditional useperm itisconsistenl with t hedevelopment objectiveso fthe Town . 2.The prop osedcondi tionaluse p ermit will have n o negative effecton lightand air,distributionof pop Ulation,transportation faci lities,utilities,sc hools,parks and recreation facilities,and otherpUblic f acilities needs . 3.The p roposedconditionalusewillhav e noneg ativeeffectupontraffic with particul ar referenceto cong estion,automotiveandpedestria n safetyand convenience,trafficflowand control,acce ss,m aneuverability,and remov al of snow fromthe st reet andparking area s. 4.The prop osed conditional use willhave no n egative effect upon the character of thearea inwhichtheprop osed use is to b e locat ed,including the scale and b ulkofth eproposed useinrelation tosurrounding uses." IX.ATTACHMENTS A.Vi cinity Map B .Existing Conditi ons C .Propo sed Parking S ite Plan D.Public Noti ce 4 .\ ... a...::; ~c'us -c Cv E -5.. ~ Former Wendy's!:Site -CUPfor Public P,rrking !lot ParcelA .Vail das Schone Filing 1(2399 North'Frontage Rd West) "Planning and En vironmenta l Commission-No-l'e mtSer 12.2007· ~H m i~f1IiI1S!ii£i"Ii .....__..._..two ..,,"'__...__.........._...,_..._....-_.----..,........_- ~~ ~ A ttachment B E XistingCo nditions e'"IN i ~' -'la'oort I __~---....."'-----~'2'21 "-_w~" -I Ja88'MEA$,'" I ITl ~I "'"t\;1 -I o,r;,-c I;~ve- I ()ol,.~eo t- 0"--,t "I' ~ '" 6 ., I . Attac hment C Proposed ParkingSite Plan 7 Town of Va a Ni cole Peterson A ttachmentD Notic e ro .~ TH IS ITEM MAY A FFECTYO UR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTice IS HEREBY QVEN t hai the P lanning and Environmenta l Commission ofthe Town of Vai l wi ll hol d a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6.V ail Town Code,on October 22,2007,at 1:00 pm in t he Town of V ail "Municipal Bui lding,in consideration of: A request lo r a final review of avariance,f rom Section 14-3·1 ,Minimum Standards, pursuantto Chapter12-17 ,Va riances,VallTown Code,to allow fo r deviations fro m minimum d eflection angle for driveway a ccess,located at 2755 Snowberry Oov elLot 10, Block9 ,Va il Intermountai n Subd ivision.and setting f orthd etails in reg ardt hereto . (PEC07.Q062). Applicant :Dave Hil b.represen ted byJ ohn G .Marti n,Architect Planner:Bi ll Gibson A request fo r a f inal review of a ma jor exterior alteratio n,purs uant to Section 12-7H-7 , Majo r Exterior Alteratio ns or MocfrficaUons,Vail T own Code.toa UOW'for the construction ofa dwelling unitat the Llcnshead l nn,l ocatedat 705 Wes t Lionshead C ircteIPart of Lot 1.Block2 .V ail Uonshead Fili ng 3,an d sett ing fort h details i nr egard thereto.(PEC0 7- 0061) Applicant U onshead Inn ,LLC ,rep rese nted by Mau riello Planning Group,LLC Planner.Bill G ibson A request fora final review of avari ance f rom Section 12.60-6.Setbacks,Vail Town Code,pursuant to Chapler 12-17,Va riances.toallow for an ad dition w it hinthe west side setback.located a t 2570 Bald Mountain RoadlLol33.B lock 2 ,Vai l V illage Filing 13 .and setting fo rth de tafs in regard Ihereto .(PEC07-OO36) Ap plica nt Ed Williams,represented byWil1lam Hein Associates Planner:B ilGibson Arequestf ora final recomme ndationtothe Vai l Town Council,pursuant to Section 12 -3- 7,Ame ndment,V a il TownCode,ro-prescri bed regulation amendments to Ti tle 12,Vail TO\M1 Code,to require publlc art tor certain d evel opmenta ndr edevelopment projects In Uonshead Mixed Use 1,Llonsbead Mixed Use 2 ,Publ ic Acco mmodations,Pub l ic A ccommodations 2 ,Commercia l Core 1 ,Commercia l Co re 2 ,Commercla l Core 3,Ski Base Recreation,Ski Base Recreation 2and Special Development Di stricts,and setting fort h de tails i n regard thereto.(PEC07 -0033) Appfi cant:TOlM'l of Va i P lann e r.R ach el Friede A requestfora final review of a co nditiona l use permit.pursuan t toS ec tion 12-9C-3, Con dilional Uses,Va ilT own Code,to allow fo r mod ific ations toapubl ic building (emerg ency powe r genemtor).loca ted at 75 South Fron tage Roa d West(Towno fVa il Administratio n B ullding)lUnpla Ued,a nd setting forth detalls In regard thereto.(PEC07- 0063) Appficant: Plan ne r : Page 1 8 ., • TRAC T 8 OWNER:sesr V"'Il.ASSCCIATLS LTD W£,NDY'S PARKING DCt'fOL J nON 75'5Plt c £s ....m.... LOT 11 IT 1 2 ·, TRACT B 0\IIIIDt:"EST V.....ASSDOA.'ItS LlD 130 I L.DI IJ G- C eo o i t i o o » WeA)DY 5 E x!S TIIJ6- ~ '0. \ ".. LOT 11 0'IIl«R:WAAK YAM -. THI S IT EM MAYA FFECT YOURPROP ERTY PUBLI C NOTICE NOTIC E IS HEREBY GIVENt hat t hePla nninga ndEnvironmental Commission of the TownofVa il willho ld apub lic hea r ing in accordance w ith sect ion 12-3-6 ,V ailTo wn Code ,o nN ovember12,2007,at 1 :00 pm inthe T own ofV a il Mun icipal Building,in co nsideration of:I A req ues t for final reviewof ama jorexteri or alterati on.purs u'J ~N ~Section12-7H-7,Vail T ownCode ,to allow fort he co nt inuation of oper ationof ,3 ,tehl pp rary sk iert icketingoffi ce a nd loa ding andd elivery f acilities ,located at Tr act s l iC ;J ~·n d i ~l i ~rr abe ll e ).Li onshead Filing 1.andTra ctsGa nd H ,Va ilLi onsh eadFi ling 3;:an d a req ue$Uo r fina l re view of a m aj o r exte rior alt era ti o n.pursua nttoSectio n 12:iT.f:VJ7 ,V ail Town Cci~~f toallow fo rth e co n str uct io n ofask ier drop -off park inglot ,10c a te CJ at Tr a ct A.Va il [Io'n shead F iling3 (genera lly located be twee.n Antlers a n~L.io~l ?quare lod,ge ,betw een t l ~~~~e ad Pl a ce andGoreC reek),and selti ng f orth d etailsmrega rd l hereto:U(P EC07.Q064):'!.1 A ppl icant Va il Resorts ,re presentedby BOb :S't ~zek l ll I Jl' Planner:Bill G ibson 1'1''l'I!lilll' '1 1;11111111",n,,!.vi \01 A req~est for fi nal ~v i ew o fa con~i~,jonal .l!'!,~~,pe rmit 1~~rs ua nt to Secti?n 1~-~D -2 ,~6 ..-< Co nditional Uses ,V all T own Code .t?!l all oW :fQFi j:Y]~de ve,Ip'~.ment of p ublic buildinqs,\"l~V grou nds andfa cilities (pa';k;~g lot)'o ca t~o~"f?~(ce t if\l lva ii ca sSc hone F iling 1 ,and sett ingforthdeta ils i n r~g a id .t ~erelo .(PEC07 jP065)"!III' Applicant:T°:il!Pfl~a il II I '11111 Planner:NI 91 I ~relerson ,IIII IllItit,,'illlil JlIlIllIl!lIlJ't "I,· The a pp li ~~!!cm ~j '~lnd in"fo rm ~tion abo ut t ne !pr oposals areava ilab le for pu blic inspect ion d uring ofijce 'hdurs !a t t he Tow r-ofV all Community Deve lopmentDepartment.75 Sout hFro':1 1 ~ij ~!'Road ,Th!~I p.~Rl i C '(~I (I;Wlite d toattend p roject o rientation an d t he s ite vi sitsthat p rece ~~,~he publi c hea~i ,:g in tn ~J ir.ow ~of Vai!Co mmunityDevel opment Department. Please 'ca l 97 0-479-2 138 ~o r a ddlt ronallnform al lon . "11 1 'I!/I Siqn l an g ua ~l ',~t;l t e r p ret a t \~H l i S a va ilabl e upo nrequest ,wit h 24-h our notifica ti on .Ple ase ca ll 970-479-2356.Teleh,one fortheHea ring Impaired ,for information. "IIIII!rI)IIII" Pub lished O cl ober 262 007 ,in f heVa il Da ily . Pag e 1 •, Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 7 5 Sout h Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:9 70.479 .2139 fa x:9 70 .479.2452 web:www .vallgov.com Project Name:WENDYS TREE/PARKINGl OT Project Desc ription : ORB Number:DRB07 0648 ANAL APP ROV AL TO RE MOVE A TREE,REMOVE PARTIA L LANDSCAPE MEDIAN AND RE -STRIPE PARKING lOT Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 11/08/2007 755 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO81657 A PPUCANT TOWNOFVAIL 11/08/2007 Phone:970-479-2100 GREG HALL 75 5 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 8 1657 li cense :463 -8 Project Address:2399 N FRO NTAGE RD W VAIL location: FOR MER WEN DY'S SITE LegalDes cription :Lot :Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHO NE AL 1 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-9 COmments: BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: COnd itions: Action:STAFFAPP Date 0 1 Approval :11/12/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN ):No changes tothese plans ma y be made witho utthe wri tten co nsen tof Town of Vail staff and/or the appropri ate review committee(s ). Cood:201 ORB approv alshall not become validfor20days foll owing the dateof approval , pu rsuant to the Va il Town COd e,Chapter12-3-3:APPEALS . Planner:Nicol e Peterson ORBFee Paid :$250.00 (Contact Eag le Co.Assesso r at 970-328-8640 for parcelno .) emf' Departmentof Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design ReviewWWN~ Location of the Proposal:L,,,,,,':b~~~i;;;:k:::'~:::..Subdivision:LJ a-;I L>tt£ pl.Lv . Desaiption of the Request:_~~~~,---J.../~t..c~\----''::::.ct:.!1a~--.::o>..--,.---LU~~Oo:::: General Information: Allprojectsrequiringd esignreviewmust receive approvalpriortosubmittingabuilding permit applica tion .Please refe r tothesubmittal requirementsfort he particula r app roval that is requested.An application fo r Design Review cannot be accepteduntil allrequired info rmation IsreceivedbytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalsoneed to be reviewed by theTownCounciland/or thePlanning andEnvironmentalCommission. Design revi ew approval lapses unlessab uilding penult i s Issued and co n struction co mmences;within on e y ear of thea pproval. 3- Namo(o)of Ownor(o):-=t-'''''-)''rY>!.~",---"D,--rL-_-,UL13N'''·-"{_ Mailing Address:!,.-r ,::[;""~-<&!..--tI-t-I Phone : Ownor(s)Signaturo(s):,.9=~------------------ Nam e of Applicant:~a e.Q I e.1iI"',e-_ Mailing Address:Sf\..y»..I 6.r 6 f~ Physical Address:J?q q f\!l,,-H £-.~ Parcel No .:02 /0 '3 1l1J!;D I "l Zoning:C,e rynh2 v'cA a Q E-mail Address : Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptua l Review No Fee 0 r4~Constructio n $650 0 AdditiOn $300 ~no r Alteration ...A25O'-to ulti-family/com'merdal) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans $ 0 Separatio n Request:No Plus $1.00 per square f oot of total signarea. For construction ofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. For anaddition wheresquare footage i sadded to anyresidentialor commercia l building (indudes250additions &interior conversions). For minor changes to buildingsandsite i mprovements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscap ing,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Formi nor changes to buildings and site im provements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc . For revisions to plansalreadyapproved by PlanningStafforthe Design Review Board. Planner: For Office use"OnlY'-'/()..V• Fee Paid :O1eck NO ,:_-=-=_By:,~'2 Meeting Da te :~I 2..:,--07 ORB No.:\?RBe.7 0 roy <S /lI P Profect No.:~0 7 'o~3 -. THI S IT EM MAYA FFECT YOURPROP ERTY PUBLI C NOTICE NOTIC E IS HEREBY GIVENt hat t hePla nninga ndEnvironmental Commission of the TownofVa il willho ld apub lic hea r ing in accordance w ith sect ion 12-3-6 ,V ailTo wn Code ,o nN ovember12,2007,at 1 :00 pm inthe T own ofV a il Mun icipal Building,in co nsideration of:I A req ues t for final reviewof ama jorexteri or alterati on.purs u'J ~N ~Section12-7H-7,Vail T ownCode ,to allow fort he co nt inuation of oper ationof ,3 ,tehl pp rary sk iert icketingoffi ce a nd loa ding andd elivery f acilities ,located at Tr act s l iC ;J ~·n d i ~l i ~rr abe ll e ).Li onshead Filing 1.andTra ctsGa nd H ,Va ilLi onsh eadFi ling 3;:an d a req ue$Uo r fina l re view of a m aj o r exte rior alt era ti o n.pursua nttoSectio n 12:iT.f:VJ7 ,V ail Town Cci~~f toallow fo rth e co n str uct io n ofask ier drop -off park inglot ,10c a te CJ at Tr a ct A.Va il [Io'n shead F iling3 (genera lly located be twee.n Antlers a n~L.io~l ?quare lod,ge ,betw een t l ~~~~e ad Pl a ce andGoreC reek),and selti ng f orth d etailsmrega rd l hereto:U(P EC07.Q064):'!.1 A ppl icant Va il Resorts ,re presentedby BOb :S't ~zek l ll I Jl' Planner:Bill G ibson 1'1''l'I!lilll' '1 1;11111111",n,,!.vi \01 A req~est for fi nal ~v i ew o fa con~i~,jonal .l!'!,~~,pe rmit 1~~rs ua nt to Secti?n 1~-~D -2 ,~6 ..-< Co nditional Uses ,V all T own Code .t?!l all oW :fQFi j:Y]~de ve,Ip'~.ment of p ublic buildinqs,\"l~V grou nds andfa cilities (pa';k;~g lot)'o ca t~o~"f?~(ce t if\l lva ii ca sSc hone F iling 1 ,and sett ingforthdeta ils i n r~g a id .t ~erelo .(PEC07 jP065)"!III' Applicant:T°:il!Pfl~a il II I '11111 Planner:NI 91 I ~relerson ,IIII IllItit,,'illlil JlIlIllIl!lIlJ't "I,· The a pp li ~~!!cm ~j '~lnd in"fo rm ~tion abo ut t ne !pr oposals areava ilab le for pu blic inspect ion d uring ofijce 'hdurs !a t t he Tow r-ofV all Community Deve lopmentDepartment.75 Sout hFro':1 1 ~ij ~!'Road ,Th!~I p.~Rl i C '(~I (I;Wlite d toattend p roject o rientation an d t he s ite vi sitsthat p rece ~~,~he publi c hea~i ,:g in tn ~J ir.ow ~of Vai!Co mmunityDevel opment Department. Please 'ca l 97 0-479-2 138 ~o r a ddlt ronallnform al lon . "11 1 'I!/I Siqn l an g ua ~l ',~t;l t e r p ret a t \~H l i S a va ilabl e upo nrequest ,wit h 24-h our notifica ti on .Ple ase ca ll 970-479-2356.Teleh,one fortheHea ring Impaired ,for information. "IIIII!rI)IIII" Pub lished O cl ober 262 007 ,in f heVa il Da ily . Pag e 1 •, Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 7 5 Sout h Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:9 70.479 .2139 fa x:9 70 .479.2452 web:www .vallgov.com Project Name:WENDYS TREE/PARKINGl OT Project Desc ription : ORB Number:DRB07 0648 ANAL APP ROV AL TO RE MOVE A TREE,REMOVE PARTIA L LANDSCAPE MEDIAN AND RE -STRIPE PARKING lOT Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 11/08/2007 755 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO81657 A PPUCANT TOWNOFVAIL 11/08/2007 Phone:970-479-2100 GREG HALL 75 5 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 8 1657 li cense :463 -8 Project Address:2399 N FRO NTAGE RD W VAIL location: FOR MER WEN DY'S SITE LegalDes cription :Lot :Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHO NE AL 1 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-9 COmments: BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: COnd itions: Action:STAFFAPP Date 0 1 Approval :11/12/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN ):No changes tothese plans ma y be made witho utthe wri tten co nsen tof Town of Vail staff and/or the appropri ate review committee(s ). Cood:201 ORB approv alshall not become validfor20days foll owing the dateof approval , pu rsuant to the Va il Town COd e,Chapter12-3-3:APPEALS . Planner:Nicol e Peterson ORBFee Paid :$250.00 (Contact Eag le Co.Assesso r at 970-328-8640 for parcelno .) emf' Departmentof Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design ReviewWWN~ Location of the Proposal:L,,,,,,':b~~~i;;;:k:::'~:::..Subdivision:LJ a-;I L>tt£ pl.Lv . Desaiption of the Request:_~~~~,---J.../~t..c~\----''::::.ct:.!1a~--.::o>..--,.---LU~~Oo:::: General Information: Allprojectsrequiringd esignreviewmust receive approvalpriortosubmittingabuilding permit applica tion .Please refe r tothesubmittal requirementsfort he particula r app roval that is requested.An application fo r Design Review cannot be accepteduntil allrequired info rmation IsreceivedbytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalsoneed to be reviewed by theTownCounciland/or thePlanning andEnvironmentalCommission. Design revi ew approval lapses unlessab uilding penult i s Issued and co n struction co mmences;within on e y ear of thea pproval. 3- Namo(o)of Ownor(o):-=t-'''''-)''rY>!.~",---"D,--rL-_-,UL13N'''·-"{_ Mailing Address:!,.-r ,::[;""~-<&!..--tI-t-I Phone : Ownor(s)Signaturo(s):,.9=~------------------ Nam e of Applicant:~a e.Q I e.1iI"',e-_ Mailing Address:Sf\..y»..I 6.r 6 f~ Physical Address:J?q q f\!l,,-H £-.~ Parcel No .:02 /0 '3 1l1J!;D I "l Zoning:C,e rynh2 v'cA a Q E-mail Address : Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptua l Review No Fee 0 r4~Constructio n $650 0 AdditiOn $300 ~no r Alteration ...A25O'-to ulti-family/com'merdal) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans $ 0 Separatio n Request:No Plus $1.00 per square f oot of total signarea. For construction ofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. For anaddition wheresquare footage i sadded to anyresidentialor commercia l building (indudes250additions &interior conversions). For minor changes to buildingsandsite i mprovements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscap ing,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Formi nor changes to buildings and site im provements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc . For revisions to plansalreadyapproved by PlanningStafforthe Design Review Board. Planner: For Office use"OnlY'-'/()..V• Fee Paid :O1eck NO ,:_-=-=_By:,~'2 Meeting Da te :~I 2..:,--07 ORB No.:\?RBe.7 0 roy <S /lI P Profect No.:~0 7 'o~3 -. THI S IT EM MAYA FFECT YOURPROP ERTY PUBLI C NOTICE NOTIC E IS HEREBY GIVENt hat t hePla nninga ndEnvironmental Commission of the TownofVa il willho ld apub lic hea r ing in accordance w ith sect ion 12-3-6 ,V ailTo wn Code ,o nN ovember12,2007,at 1 :00 pm inthe T own ofV a il Mun icipal Building,in co nsideration of:I A req ues t for final reviewof ama jorexteri or alterati on.purs u'J ~N ~Section12-7H-7,Vail T ownCode ,to allow fort he co nt inuation of oper ationof ,3 ,tehl pp rary sk iert icketingoffi ce a nd loa ding andd elivery f acilities ,located at Tr act s l iC ;J ~·n d i ~l i ~rr abe ll e ).Li onshead Filing 1.andTra ctsGa nd H ,Va ilLi onsh eadFi ling 3;:an d a req ue$Uo r fina l re view of a m aj o r exte rior alt era ti o n.pursua nttoSectio n 12:iT.f:VJ7 ,V ail Town Cci~~f toallow fo rth e co n str uct io n ofask ier drop -off park inglot ,10c a te CJ at Tr a ct A.Va il [Io'n shead F iling3 (genera lly located be twee.n Antlers a n~L.io~l ?quare lod,ge ,betw een t l ~~~~e ad Pl a ce andGoreC reek),and selti ng f orth d etailsmrega rd l hereto:U(P EC07.Q064):'!.1 A ppl icant Va il Resorts ,re presentedby BOb :S't ~zek l ll I Jl' Planner:Bill G ibson 1'1''l'I!lilll' '1 1;11111111",n,,!.vi \01 A req~est for fi nal ~v i ew o fa con~i~,jonal .l!'!,~~,pe rmit 1~~rs ua nt to Secti?n 1~-~D -2 ,~6 ..-< Co nditional Uses ,V all T own Code .t?!l all oW :fQFi j:Y]~de ve,Ip'~.ment of p ublic buildinqs,\"l~V grou nds andfa cilities (pa';k;~g lot)'o ca t~o~"f?~(ce t if\l lva ii ca sSc hone F iling 1 ,and sett ingforthdeta ils i n r~g a id .t ~erelo .(PEC07 jP065)"!III' Applicant:T°:il!Pfl~a il II I '11111 Planner:NI 91 I ~relerson ,IIII IllItit,,'illlil JlIlIllIl!lIlJ't "I,· The a pp li ~~!!cm ~j '~lnd in"fo rm ~tion abo ut t ne !pr oposals areava ilab le for pu blic inspect ion d uring ofijce 'hdurs !a t t he Tow r-ofV all Community Deve lopmentDepartment.75 Sout hFro':1 1 ~ij ~!'Road ,Th!~I p.~Rl i C '(~I (I;Wlite d toattend p roject o rientation an d t he s ite vi sitsthat p rece ~~,~he publi c hea~i ,:g in tn ~J ir.ow ~of Vai!Co mmunityDevel opment Department. Please 'ca l 97 0-479-2 138 ~o r a ddlt ronallnform al lon . "11 1 'I!/I Siqn l an g ua ~l ',~t;l t e r p ret a t \~H l i S a va ilabl e upo nrequest ,wit h 24-h our notifica ti on .Ple ase ca ll 970-479-2356.Teleh,one fortheHea ring Impaired ,for information. "IIIII!rI)IIII" Pub lished O cl ober 262 007 ,in f heVa il Da ily . Pag e 1 •, Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 7 5 Sout h Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:9 70.479 .2139 fa x:9 70 .479.2452 web:www .vallgov.com Project Name:WENDYS TREE/PARKINGl OT Project Desc ription : ORB Number:DRB07 0648 ANAL APP ROV AL TO RE MOVE A TREE,REMOVE PARTIA L LANDSCAPE MEDIAN AND RE -STRIPE PARKING lOT Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 11/08/2007 755 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO81657 A PPUCANT TOWNOFVAIL 11/08/2007 Phone:970-479-2100 GREG HALL 75 5 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 8 1657 li cense :463 -8 Project Address:2399 N FRO NTAGE RD W VAIL location: FOR MER WEN DY'S SITE LegalDes cription :Lot :Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHO NE AL 1 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-9 COmments: BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: COnd itions: Action:STAFFAPP Date 0 1 Approval :11/12/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN ):No changes tothese plans ma y be made witho utthe wri tten co nsen tof Town of Vail staff and/or the appropri ate review committee(s ). Cood:201 ORB approv alshall not become validfor20days foll owing the dateof approval , pu rsuant to the Va il Town COd e,Chapter12-3-3:APPEALS . Planner:Nicol e Peterson ORBFee Paid :$250.00 (Contact Eag le Co.Assesso r at 970-328-8640 for parcelno .) emf' Departmentof Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design ReviewWWN~ Location of the Proposal:L,,,,,,':b~~~i;;;:k:::'~:::..Subdivision:LJ a-;I L>tt£ pl.Lv . Desaiption of the Request:_~~~~,---J.../~t..c~\----''::::.ct:.!1a~--.::o>..--,.---LU~~Oo:::: General Information: Allprojectsrequiringd esignreviewmust receive approvalpriortosubmittingabuilding permit applica tion .Please refe r tothesubmittal requirementsfort he particula r app roval that is requested.An application fo r Design Review cannot be accepteduntil allrequired info rmation IsreceivedbytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalsoneed to be reviewed by theTownCounciland/or thePlanning andEnvironmentalCommission. Design revi ew approval lapses unlessab uilding penult i s Issued and co n struction co mmences;within on e y ear of thea pproval. 3- Namo(o)of Ownor(o):-=t-'''''-)''rY>!.~",---"D,--rL-_-,UL13N'''·-"{_ Mailing Address:!,.-r ,::[;""~-<&!..--tI-t-I Phone : Ownor(s)Signaturo(s):,.9=~------------------ Nam e of Applicant:~a e.Q I e.1iI"',e-_ Mailing Address:Sf\..y»..I 6.r 6 f~ Physical Address:J?q q f\!l,,-H £-.~ Parcel No .:02 /0 '3 1l1J!;D I "l Zoning:C,e rynh2 v'cA a Q E-mail Address : Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptua l Review No Fee 0 r4~Constructio n $650 0 AdditiOn $300 ~no r Alteration ...A25O'-to ulti-family/com'merdal) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans $ 0 Separatio n Request:No Plus $1.00 per square f oot of total signarea. For construction ofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. For anaddition wheresquare footage i sadded to anyresidentialor commercia l building (indudes250additions &interior conversions). For minor changes to buildingsandsite i mprovements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscap ing,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Formi nor changes to buildings and site im provements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc . For revisions to plansalreadyapproved by PlanningStafforthe Design Review Board. Planner: For Office use"OnlY'-'/()..V• Fee Paid :O1eck NO ,:_-=-=_By:,~'2 Meeting Da te :~I 2..:,--07 ORB No.:\?RBe.7 0 roy <S /lI P Profect No.:~0 7 'o~3 •• 1R ACT B LOT 11 , ~I .8 ~ :11 - in _"'4 O N '!" <0o OJ WENDY'S PARKtNG f)£~o:I nON 7S'SPAces \l (01 ----------- --------- ------ ..•. Page 1 o r2••.. ACG.-mt Num ber :R028417 Parcel Number:2 10311415019 Tax Are a :SC103 Milll evy :46.3410 Owner Name/Address :CNllNCOME FUND IILTO ) POBOX 1671 ~ ORLANDO.FL 32802·1671 ~S legal Description :(SUB:VAll DASSCHONE ~~_SC:(11\/'"---- Printa ble Details Phys i cal A ddress: Acres ; PARCEL A RESUBTRACT 0 VAIL AREA o Property Tax Valuation Informatlon A ct ual ValueAsse ssedValue Val ue Land 1154300 334750 Improvements 312700 906aO Total 1467000 425430 / )L HT t/J!~ Sare HIstory Recep tion Number.nla Book :0460 P age:0386 Sale Date :4/1/1987 Sale P rice :651600.00 Deed Type:WA RRANTY DEED Grantor nla Remarks:nla 1-1')}J 1/157 Improvement Inf onnatlon Residential Buildings:0 Commercial Buildings:1 Heated Areas SERVICEAREA MAINFlR AREA Total All Areas SERVICE AREA PATIO CANOPy MAIN FlR AREA 1550.000 1750.000 3300 1550.000 1715 .000 298.000 1750.000 Build i ng Characteristics (First Improvrnent InAc c ount) ABSTRAC T_CODE ACT_YEAR_6lT AIRCOND ARCH_STYlE BASEMENTFINISH SPEC .PURPOSE -IMPROVEM ENTS 1987 NONE RESTAURANT NO BASEMENT http://fcs .cagleeoonty.us/patielprintahledetai ls.efm 09/11 12006 Prin table Detai ls '.••Page2 of2 "FS 2.00 BEDROOMS0.00 BUILDING_TYPESPECPURPOS CONST_QUALAVERAGE DEP03 YEAR-1987 EXTER IOR_WALL WOOD SIDNG FIXTURES12 FLOOR CARPET INV FRAME WOOD FRAME GARAGE NOGARAGE HEATINGJUEL ELECTRIC HEATING_TYPE ELEC BASBD INTERIOR_WALLDRYWALL NEIGHBORHOODVAILDASSCHONE ROOF_COVER BUILT-UP ROOF_STRUCTURE FLAT ROOMS 2 S HAPED NlA STORIES STORIES1.0 SUPER_NBHOWEST VAIL COMMERCIAL UNITS 1 USE_CODECOMMERC IAL WALLJ IN NlA Tax History Tax YearT ransactionTypeAmount 2005TaxAmount 19714.86 2005TaxPayment:First Half -9857.43 2005Tax Payment:Second Half-9857.43 2004Tax Amount 20301.1 0 2004TaxPayment Whole-20301 .10 2003 TaxAmount 19810.58 2003 Tax Payment First Half ~990 5 .2 9 2003 Tax Payment;SecondHalf -9905.29 2002 Tax Amount 19507.24 2002 TaxPayment:Whole-19507.24 2001 Tax Amount 18517.70 2001 Tax Payment:Whole -18517.70 http ://fcs.eag lecount y.us/p atie /printabl e _detai ls.cfm 091 11 /2006 •'.•,-o WA.RR ,l,I\T Y n EED nusDFLD._....l.t "'l"April -1 -70 Trscl 0 Ml<OCi"tea ,L td •• COlorado L i nlited P art.ne rs hip e-,..E4q le ~U.I ncorae Fund PartnerShip ...81 .•.~._.1,.....-._,,_ I I .Ltd.,a Fl Or ida Li mited 1 ~6 6 1 0 .'tJ.D....3E.k.... J!i ..h·".:.:1••• U CLf err.h [:CfC..i,.., ;: S ec attached Exhibi t ~A ~ ,a resu bdhhton of Tract D. Pa rc el A.A resubdlv ision o r Vai l Das Sc hone Fi linq No.1 . .c cord l nqt.o thll plat r ecord ed March Z6,198]in Book 459 lit. 1'4911 798 •COun ty of Eag le ,Stat.e ot COlo r.do _......,......_--." ..........lwped ....t_..,.,-""'"01 ...__••thelr _~...,._Ill ....-,._'"_....,..,.____.-1'...._.._.,__~a l "·o.ItLoVfI"AI<O I'l;)Rf"oU DUtl':D"'WIn'_........._ '<I t:.~~!4',.1-70 T uet 0 A..oeh .tes ,Ltd.,<::>~...··.Po CO l o rado Li lD i t ed Pa rtne rship, ...........~IIV .·~8 .*,,,·:1.1 (,l.,·e l ~pm.nt •'0~::'" TOGr1lIUI .~...000~.,......._.00<l .._"""'"""'r "'...._---"".""...........___~._.__...._'_-_-.1""-"_"-. ~.._...~.~""~.":1 TO ....\'I;.~DTO IM)l.I)..._••t heir _••"1'/_._AooI ..._'t helll villa ....._~.....-.........e s _._.-._... _11IO rn-"t.he i ~otICI ,..._.....,,_.,r .._...,.j""""1'o/___ ..-..-..._-_......f"O'l ._.,..."".__1<_...............-,..a-,'"100 ...........I 101 10 __-,._.___.-._*__.....__._-=-.-..----.....-_.__--......--..-"'---. A~~...iJ).JL-,I' -,-)-:iT...__....__...._o.i'.......C",_,,,, ..lst ...,....Apr il .r!8 7 ·" c .r.uason tr;hth,I'resBcnt of We5':"VAil DCV~lo_p"'en t,c.o",",.at ion, ."'_"~.'1 -/"-"_",~,,,,,:...,.wL •<"---J'•.-......:.....••..:" r,:__..'r - ,I iI"';;--:'i /I'.~!1 ''''.0..-_"("iIt_-.,. •Co lor.do COrporation .Ge n eral Partne r o!1 -70 Tract D As sociatel,Ltd ••'-A~a d o ·L1 l1 i t ad·.Partn u ~:..~=-=--"""·------=:..,;~; "....l:1.N-.I-U .""'....'n.lIl ''''''-......,."01 _....,_no ....._........_.,_.~.:~~. t :":iJi l 'l'~. ,l,f)o 1 ::l'") , I, ~II51-!I II I, III I, II 'I, ,I I,,, II!! ",, •• Ex hibi t I I A" 1.1 98 7 Reai Es tate taxes,payab le J anua ry I,1 988 . 2.Ri ght of Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to e xtract and remove his ore therefrom s hou ld the s ameb e found to p e ne trate or intersect the premised as reserved in Un i ted States Patent recorded August II,1900 in Book 48 at Page 236 . 3.Restrictive Covenants,which do not conta in a for feitur e or reverter c lause,but omitting restrict ions,if any, ba sed on r ace,color,religion ,or national origin,as contained in instr~~en t r ecorded July 7,1965,in Book 19 0 at P age 559 a nd as ampnded i n i n s t r~~ent reco rded May 22 ,19 68,.in Book 212 at Pa ge 829 a~d r ecorded Jun e 19 , 1968 in Book 2 12 at Page 966 and as "mended in instrument recorded Feb ruary 1 6,197 0,in Bo ok 217 a t Page 78. 4.An easement and right of way five f.eet i n width a long all site boundari es for u se of utility s erv ice lines and for the construction,e rec tion and maint e nance thereof,together with the right o f ingress and e gress thereto a s re s erved in instrument recorded Ju ly 7 ,lS 6j i n Book 1 90 at Page 5 5 9. 5 .Easement as g rant ed to Vail Vil l ag eWest and Sanitation District in i nstrument recorded December 7 ,198 1 in Book 332 at Page 991. 6 .Easement as g ranted to Vail Village West Water and Sanitation District in instr~~ent recorded December 7,1 931 in Book 332 at Pa ge 992 . -------e l--------e f---- -. -._~,- :.. • ...,.. ~,,'.\~ , " ,. ,,.''. ,\.~,.r -•••'".,.·1'··.:··:;·..:Th ...+- L',\ \" "r I, I I I , !, \ \ .' _I >~, ......:..,:;,...- .'::.. ,,: " \ v. ,00 1 thh . . "ty .CO t?Or d:lon O>ci>. ,., ,., , .' ",,,>.....,.. .-,","::.~.'.~,",~.._..~...:/1 ~'·'.4 "e--- ..., .. .,, .• _I '. Vol "" , t y ~r .t1 CC)...... ••Pre &l".t ..1'- I ,'"I ; • -, i.'. ,. .... ,. •A~T TO"PRO:/:ECTlVE COVJmA~ KNOW ALL KEN BY THESE PllESElITS,th.t Veil City Corporation, 8 Co1 0redo ccrpor,ticc,being the e~er of reel eet.t.loc,ted within the subd1v1e1on nemed ~RESUBDtvI8ION OF V~lL DAS SCHONE. FILING NO.I,Eegle County ,Stete of Colorado,and proteot1ve cov.nente recorded July 7,1967,1n Book 190 at Page 559 of the E.glc Cou nty Re cord.neving been i~po ••d upon .oid subdivision, does hereby imp oeo 'ddi tional covcnente upon .eid re.l eetete i n eeid subdivis ion .0 own ed . RESIDENTIAL USAGE- Thef ollowing described prop.rty loc,ted in A RESUBDIVISIOII OF VAIL PAS SCHONE,FILING NO.1,deaignoted u pon the plat '. ''com~ero101''ahen not b.8ubj.o~to tbis ....ndJl.nt:All or Block "A","B",end thoao troet.de.igaoted on the p lat tt ••d'in tbe of rice or the Clerk and Recorder or Eogl.County,State or Colonde,sa "A"."B",COM!IERCIAL "C",OOMllERCIAL "D"•.All otber .la te oball be uee d only f or private reai deneeo with uouol ep- pur tenent gerege,and other oQvered structures,••ch to cont.in not more thin tvo Rep,r,te 8p.rt~ents .od must be coot81no d within o n,'truct~re end under one common ~oot,and in no wey be used for eny oo..~rc i.l purpo.o.n or ro~eny type or kind of eq uip- ~ent or Meteriel store g•• Signed tbio 8tb day of _M",~,.y ,1908. " ,,;-...... ",..I ~P 6 ','1'1 •,,',V oj I .tJ '"..·\I",v., ........\•••••""J '-' ':'...•..:../~ .'.~...n ;'J:_.,...'._!.: ,O '....;~:.....·..:~s ·.......... .•~...:.-.'.1:r ':'O ''''-.('.".....~... ,1'".'•'i I ..'"v..."~~..'"":),,,,-!,,-,,.,, .'I .\:,.".'......._._-"" VAIL CITY C RPORATION ••'Color.do corpor.t1 B )'....~•.,(r... ren A.Rm a STATE OF COLORADO '.C\t )'4no COUNTY OF .DSf:'1 EP. } }SS , ) ~tt Tne for~~rin otrUM.nt wes ooknowledged before me this dey of •1966,by Dev1d G.ElJnore••s President. on 'rlnk A.0 a1,a.Viee-president ot v"n City Corporation • •c c Ic eedc corporation..",.;.'~'J 'JC!':;'...•.,..v .......",L .,,,.,-"."0'. M)'commission upl,...~JqJ/}.:'",:,..-::;;ri ..::'\.';,\::"r ,;"':j .......'.,_~.•.:·..i:.,:i,:',:" WHn.o./fl)'handand offic101 ••01.~~\'1,":,,'1" ~....'.'. S O '-.·•:'.~....~. -::;.'):.....••••~.:"--'/"r,"/1'"',.'•......''''·1'~"..,'I,..IJ .I ~l'-.", I,.. " " j : "I '".,' :... ,.. ";'"",.., ', I I,' ,, ".. •,..-..'. !".",'':'::.. •"".'~'••j..~~':" ,,> .., ';~~:."..>, .:"#~I •.'-i'~;".:.,' r •~.... r , • I ,', ". .. "f, ,,,,,..';e.. ~, ~.., ~'"'.',- "' '..' ,-, .i, i",; r, ", , "l "",.,,.. ~_. -',' \' '"> ,' " "."., ~ ',' ,, I •• J'>..;.__.......-~••_ lOf ow "u.K&1l'BY rBESE PimSERTS.th.t Veil Cit,.Corporation, •Colorado c orporatloD .belng the o wner ot re.l ••tete looated withJn t he lIubdhill10n neMd.A HEStJBDIVISIOR OF VAIL DAS sewn, F ILING No.1.~Sl.Count,..Stete or Colorado,and prot.atty. eovenente reoorded JUl 7 7.1967 .in Book 190 .t Pese SS9 or the Eag l.Coun t,.Reco rda ~v l DB b.en imposed u pon .ald subdlYi.ion . do ••hereby l mp ose a dd iti on.l cove na nts upon 5.1d rel l est.te i n••14 8"b dlvl.lon eo o wned. RESIDENT IAL USAGS The ro~10~lDg oe.cribe4 prepa rt7 lo oated in A RESUBDIVISI OH OF VkIL DA S SCIlOlfB,PILDG 1'0.1,dealgn.ted u po n t he p iet all "eo~~rcl.1".~ll Dotbe lubJect to tbl •.-endment:A~l o r Bl oc k -Aw,"B",.nd tho ••trlct.de.lgn.ted on th.plat rl1e4 10 the ottice or the Clerk .nd Reco rder or Eng le Countr.State or Colorado,aa _"",'"'8",COKMBRCIAL "C ·,COJill'mgCIAL "0"."11 other Iota aball ba uaad o a17 tor privata raaidane••wlth u.~a l ap . pu rtenaat ~r.g ••a nd o t her c ov ered structurea .e ach to contain Qot ~r.than two .epar ata a partments and suat b acon ta i ned wi thin 0 0.struc t ure and under one commo n r oot.a nd in no wa ,.b e u eed tor an ,.COllm er ch l Durposea n Or t or a\';t ;rpe or k ind ot e quip. ment or m.ter!ol .tor age. S igna ci thb ..nh...-dl"ot .....HA..T ,1968. RPORArI OI,•ColoradoVAlLany corpo raU aa.I )COtlllTY OP ",,;.~._.,,-'__-, S!A!B Of COLORADO • :108225 , • S tAte Ot'CO lo- r >!corded in t n. an architectural com- A .Ran dall and Buckley 190 at page 559,VAn City Cor- reason,then ..neY JIlCrrhe r or members shall be VAIL ~S SCHONE,FILING NO.I,Eagie County, .,- s erve p ursuant to a 3 id covenants Lmpoae d upon WHE REA S,s aid cove nants p rovided that MIn the eve nt ~REAS,Howard T.Yates and Buc kley P .Witteborq h ave one .o£rnore o f the committee members ahall become incapab le d is•••ociated themselves f rom the committee a nd are th~retor e 1n- , .'?-naced b yVa il City ~rpo ra t i on ~;and capGhl e o t servi ng a ny longe r. NOW,THE REFORE,VailCity c orporat i on does he reby appoint TIBeR C.GARTNER a ndLOUIS F.LIVINGS'l'ON to be n ew _embers en the architectu ra l commi ttee tor A ResUbJ iv is ion o f va il Da s Schone,Piling No.1 . IN WITNESS WHEREOP th is d ocun,ent is e xp.cut ed b y the un~.r8i9ned t hi s 6 th day of June.19 66 . • Done in the County of Ara.pahoe,state of COlorado . 'y , ,e v e i n - ~' ."n l ., 1.:$'day ..." of oecember,1969~by Frank "A.Randall &5 Vice Preaident of vail City corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My C~~eion expirea I ,.~i"-~,,,~~~'""~"j'7,--,"'l'-'CL"",'-,- ".":<,:.";:'-.'"..,.',\:;'!\:;':\'''';';'''::.~. :~:;::·:~~~:':~·;~·····\···~:·:::::f~:,~~;-i: '.:..···::>·:;,8·.JL~~t .--':'.:.:.~;~~~~:\':':~'/.... ,. " ,~'..', c -..". " ::;:. ~;- " , -.'- "_.t,- " ," e .-'."'- 1:t.2G35 .., .'.. FooS s,-'-'-::-__ ST \KOF COLORADO,!:.: I::AGLI::COUNTY.S '' ',hereby certify thot th i si ~iument WO$filed For 'r..cord }n my ;ciffic e the )£doy of_"~~4 1',19~O 'ot 51 ~1 ""Iqj1 "on d i~00 1;,;,&"ded in Book~L:LP~g~"/i'Y , ~o~~~," '.t-.,,;:....;.••.l " -:, "" .v .', and ·o'th ~r pet s kept,rdhed lUll ~ • " ." '" • ,,.'.. " \ ! ,' .,.." ~'....' ....,\ -,. ~"~i . ';:,>'>-,:.~", !\ ,I " " <n. be '~. ,«< by t'- "'", '",. \..., ", ,' ,\~" ;..\,~ I "; " .,\~..,, r.\, " "\',, ~..:",'\''h'.'.....~.".,. '.i ,".'_,.'.~:",..•••.<..::~._'. '-'.~,....-.\.....:.~, ~~r usP ,:\J.OCAT ,. I I I • \ \ .. __I '. ., '.. undliraiped this . ./ "'.~.-~....~,...,....~..".. ",-... ~;,n..i--, I • ,, .' , • ,, >-.~.,. 1 .. '.. -I •_--<.. \ ,', " .". ~.,/ ".'-...... .. "..:. •» •> ......".' ._------_•.-..--:-- J •• -.cO"Oft It 1:'C)(l.'."l ~o~r ,JolM,...tlr ,,~,•..•,".,r.Y TH£Sr.PR£S ~'" -"!~~Ifelt i 1 1)0••"....,"~,·or ""r ,,\lo,",r o ~T",., '-'."......o ~h"r .,el ..,~.....l ol ~"l"""'Ol\s i d ~".t lo.....!....I ,' .,h ',.h're'i ~t",1 e ~"0'0'1 ,,~,,·;1 .t,!'fDby l e l1 s r d co','; I,'"".,':,nAv e ,I""t ;-;~..",...""S."H.~tD "D I I O'·,<;'.,'''''-,,,,,,·,~!..l ",,=,nor.t '>:>n ,,~.","Su t"o f C o l o !o ~".~I ;-"1,,"~,;;,..••!;>r.o ""rt ~·"It ..."'I't h':Co ..nt,o~::""'1·... 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',,~,.;,..'1"r th""l t c orn er 0 1.J,·,t 1 1.Bl oc l<",",t hl"~c "S ·",.;, -~·H·I~·l:;:,u,.plr"U,,1 tc t h ·-:>:"",th')rl .,.UII "e!".t d 1.':0 :! 1 2 ~.~•...·T ;t ihill ct So "th )J ·~:··;t -i.H.J17 f....t _n °...,.1 ·.1' :e.-t.·10-;'.'n f tcr,d ""••0"I h O'X".t:O:"(Jst"rly 1l1qh t -ot -::., t "...:'''''''It e u ;.r t q ~"e.,.7r.o;"icb.·.oO i'l't l a .SCUtl>~~'(.~' ""~'.7"."!·~.,t f rO'"th..)\".-1i 9 111 :'1 t . 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K ·.~t !>;u.r end S.n i,t.tion 0 ;""1'1"1''h.ll co"'tit'l tl I ts ...·.:,.......:.t ~"r!ccn...~t ••(ell ('>V s, ,"t s ~c"1.\.......<1 ."~h.I V."t t h o ..th ",."".- :"~~~:'~~~·~~~~o ~~~~i ~n s~~~I .,~_:..~~.l ~r,:f i i ~r~~':r ~Y :,....,, ,.",,"I..,t~,··..~t t "'T ,\""q..d ,.~,r."',<)"1 I1 "nt O:-I t.to, '!ho (..ciUtl ·"....t:o l l..d ill t he _b<>".,-i1 ..~.::.:•.": ........'~~...,~.~:~be ::st ..llui .'".\..10 I>t ....it t he ....::\..,:.,,'-. "K<;;••••",""'''1.c f the I ..r f ll(,·':n·~P (O le ~t .rv..uo.."";."", ..""".,.."II.·.bov ...-d ••"r .!l_·...rr..!>"'u'l In<!.ub l .."t t o t!'l ,' I?:1'.·......'+..~,i "l co,.....t I,,·,·, l~n . ..,c "". ~~<.1 /,'.,.;/.'~~'.,;'~,.A ..''jU:,...t{,L",,",,{~__.•::,._.~...I • ;.···'1 a l oc vcIC l""::~t co r .......-:, • u . • :-1)'eOlllnUUOIl -, /",1;0:,,",~.",:~(..' •• !~ ~Il<'ilt -i\,f~'\i'}nji~K'fii~~t.,.."~¥~\~;t!~i~1~int~f~~~11~r\~~nl~~!'ai!~4fMiri~~~lih'()n,'.f.<,~,-u;!t~jh;~!ldl'r.Ht'%J<>Il'"' l.\!t,nr l1'T'"t ~M_fo-"lIttl".I~":ll'lt\nntul M .'l ~~",·.('r ".. MN'''\'h to-In11""'M \~l 'f'~••rr.V ill'"•J",ij~".,'~·v:,'\1 ~).n!~i IHr~U..I\.1 ~""F)t M l'h :..irl.'.1 .''". "-('161 ,....",;'"r.A~MtltIl·~-...,.,q!i'thlll''lflf~tkic ". r 101,1 I\f IM~II".~J\.';.~rll.lI:4 ,r..,.loft",!,!rill'f.,.. 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IIff(lrt.al'lC'e-o (\.t ue ""'.(I11l\l r.~by thof-".,,;:I ·!f .·f ~ ",'''1 "'.1 ..,and f>o\nJ tation fl l etr l C"t "h a ll ;:o:;'1 ••••·_·ll ·."" A.Ht·_,·.:t ••.0 eo".t<lIl .5 f ollnws :. -, -.~ .' ~.Til..1.'.:.l l.l )UI In l h .t .n (I ,(,.,.I.,.:.••••--=,..n ~1 I Allw l ol.~.J.~'••':_'I ,1... .~I r •.••(t••·"b X lr~ulI .U~...nd ""IUf ll.':'lt .I f ,r,.:.••J ,.'.~'.; ••.•I·..,~r ,.t ;.:.0 Iou b .....~·..".l loW'.t l ...l l tI...U,",/~J :.••:.,..,l .i.;•.•f .: ::"il.l l :.J r .00 "''',1\I ..""<:"'10 11"':1"lC r "('''~1 ..I '!.-._•.•_•••__~...'1 ..._• _.:_.o.k.'l,,,•.t,,t ...h a ll e...l [l C.'til l.:..·01(....·".r '/0.:'"I "."1 .",'.l).• ....:......"~i·1.l...,...:II ..oLtI ..,..,-t "'......,·.I..J,_l,......1-."_.:.~••'.:.'._."~..:I.J "I '~_...,1"«.1 v ,.':j •...1..,~,"'1..0.:..:....~.~, ......:._.it'l l ..!::'''1 1 ;0"":'',,,..1 .(........:..~••-,,'1'-:1 ••_....~'-• .•.........:.1.~~....,.I l l 1·"IA 1:.",Hr ,l l llt .....:0 111,......"._:'. :••;......'•••1.1 ';>:. ,.lit such llln",a.,d HI lh......·.-..,..1 ~:'\.'r.T •'\",.... ".,.,n .....~'l lwc h.'...II."llIdl bo,."bal.dl>n "d.'.1'1 ".,,;,....\•.,- •.~t J ..1'1 •.•o,ll"n t ~('Ifl till;!L·.~"'I1 ",,,t 'IIIh.ll1 .~.l!·,,,·, 1".::~,t ....'..id ...,""II'J"'",..t .h ..~1 '••Il'.......~_ ,-,' •• . 'tl"!,-I ~ • .'.-~ ~Ij'\"~'f\1':"·ll .l ,l N (1 I ~_.- •,••••J~ ,'(\P~'i'\''or-.\.--s::---• 'j 1 -"I". I ..'.: •• ~·S 8 9 4 ·8 •..•:I~J.... ..u 7 JI ,,0 .....•-.I UC lE CT .er .:!.ASD El"'T llC'RJ'fl.'DIT (Pa rcel "A'""II 9 I U '"l ']8 li n I I Thu ElI.'ieUn t A&reel"eTl[11 Mll de t l'l$I~i day o f Ap ul .1987b~an d b etween 1-70 Trac t D A"Del at.s.L~a Colorado l ~~ted paTLr.arahlp.whose addrea.1&=/0 Dlarelch ,A"DC •99 33 Lawler Ave 1307,Skokla.11h.ru.1.a 60077 (herel l'laft e r r e fen:ed to .a "1-70")and em.InLlxle Fund II ,Ltd.•FlorIda I1J111.ted partner,hlp,",ho.e addres:s 1 .c/o Centenn lal I nve't rr;e nt C~p.D.Y . Attn .Robert A Bourn e,122 E COIO ~l ~l Pr lv e,SUlta 201 ,Or l~n do. F l en.d.328 01 (h e rtnn ...Cte r r efe rre d t o as "eNL") WHf.REAS ,1-70 1&t he own .:o f r ea l p ropert,S lru ate 10 Eagl e County,Co lorado d e.el1bed .a Trae t D Ii r eau bd lvll l00 of VallO•• Schone Flltnl Ho I ,Town ot Vall ,And W EREAS',on.1':••_",reed t o p urcb.ue,and 1-10 ha ~agr ~ed to .e ll ,a por tlon of aald T ra ~t D,de s C'n.bed as P ar ~e l "A",a resubd1v lSlon of Tr.llct D ,a ".,ubdlvl .lon of V.tl Ca.Sc hona Fl l tng No 1 ,Town of Vatl ,and _~R EAS .t hapo rt1 0n of ,a ld Tract n be lng ret alnad by 1-10 fo ll~na t b a CQnlu=matlon o f the above-desc rlbe d lIa l ~transact10n 1.da c r lbed a,Pa rca l "8",a r elubc!lVl a l On o f Tracc D,a r aaub- dtVla1vn of Vall 04.Schon e F111ng No I ,Town of Val l,and WHEREAS,l n cOnne c tlon wl ch auch ••l a c ransact lon ,CNL de.l re .co grant an e ••eme nt t o 1 -10 l n a cc ordance wl th the te~. of thia Ea .eme nt Agr eement , NOW,THE RE FORE ,1n co nslder atlon o f t h e purc h••a and .ale of t he above -descr ibed Far"a l "A".an d f or othar va luable CO Dald- e rat 1on,tha r ec elpt and .ufflclency of wh~ch 1 .hereby acknowl- ed gad,the partles her eto asr••a.foll owa I CRL bareby I r4nta a nd conv ey.to 1 -10 an .aall1Jlen t a s d aa"r l bed on Exhlblt "A"attM ched her e re 2 Th.pcr pese of tha d.ac:rlbed e.lllllement .ha ll be to provlda amergancy acca..an d .econdary acce..by cwo ax le l ....n - get've hl cl u be tween Par cel "B"&II ducnbed he Teln Ul No rth Frontagl Rd We.t,a~ragle Coun ty.Colorldo publlC r oad . 3 The e a a ~en t g ranted h~reln ahall be non-exclua lva I t I I racognl led that the a re~aff.cted b y the ea,e.ent zay u ltlmate - l y be l ncorporate d m ee pa ved or sur fa~ed <III rea.for vehlcular cl rc ~l a tl on s ervI ng a comme rc lal esta bl Ishm e nt t o be uev el op ed on P,lIrcel "A"by em.Exce pt f or the purpose .ap eclhed an pa ragraph 2.1 -10 s h"U not u ee or permlt.t he U5;a o ft hea ••_ut a rea ln any m.nnar whIch inter fe re.or 1 .Inconl l.t.ent Wit h .uch Ul e,or o t her p~nal.tt et uee ,of '.rtel "A "and the a ••emel:t a re.b y CNL ~I n the e v ~n t that ,In c onne ctlon Ylth the dav elopaent of Part el "8",I t.becceea necea.ary Cor 1 -10 t ou tl l u:a the are. affect.ad by t he ea se mant prlor to t he pavlr.L or .urfae lns o f auch .ra4 by CNL,1 -10 ah...II have the r l Sht ,b u t not the o b l1 sat.lon. to ,at l ta lola .xpen •••con struct .~l n t.\n.an d r apa l r a r oa dw .y over,upon.acrOl5 .lind through t he .rln afCeeted by the e ••a~nt t-10 .hall prolllptly r~.tora an d re vltgatate any ..ra.,other t ban the .url.ce .lind .houlde rs ot such roadw.,t ,"ffetted by such .COIl.t ruCt l OD Cpon d evelop~nc ot P..rcel A"by CNL.t he .rl• ...ffectad by t hl:a ...lenlant _yo ol t CNL't a"le expeuse ,ba Incorpo - r a ted anc e pave d o r sud..ced a r ",.'fo r verueuter cltculattan .lOa rltS c ribad III T.·r :.tgraph:l CN1.,hO....ever,shall not be o b1:l.gdted a t any t l ~\0 c~n~t Tu ct ,~a ln t a 1n ,or repalr dny l mpr o v e ~e n t wh a t.o- ever on r dr e-(".... 3 Any t.t-TT .O"o f ..rQa dway v.L:h,n the ea ••t'la f .t ar ••wtu C'h h ••n ot ~e~n l ~~~r ~O rn t ~~l ~t O v.hleular c l rcula tlOn arwa .(or the bf'l"e!lt or CO'IT .sr.all h .....J rta l n~d b ~'1·7 0,at ltl ,ole a"tpen .e, 1n goot rtpaJr anD Ir u,cord .n ('~wlth lh.r u l ~a a nd regulatIon.of t he County o f l A£l .'r d t he ·.u....,o f Vall I n a ddlt lon to t he !ore l!'01ng ,I-IO abd!~proltlpll y hp.ar a t it.soh expense!a ny •• d~g~~o th~@ n ~e m e n ~area o r other port loa of Parcel NAn re8ult- lng f rom the u se o f,or the constructl0n .~lnte na nce~o r repal r of 1.tlprovell>ell[s Io'lch ln.t he eallcl'Ient by 1-7 0 or 1 [8 SUCC ...scve , aSSlgns ,[anants.c~stomers.or l nv lcees. 6 The easement ~ranted heretn IIh.11 be perpetual.shal l run v1t:h and burden Parcll!!"A"as de s e'r-abed he re rn for the beceflt o f Parcel ''D''.and shall be blnd:mg upon CNL ,1 CS suee.sli or.and .aS81gn.,~or tbe benefl.t !1-7 0,l.[S sucees sors ,aSlllgtls .t e n- a nts,cua[ocers,a nd lnvlteea 7.The e a.e~t gracted beTeln ~1 be rea!lgned bl CNL •• Doay be requlred by the Town of Vano r other goverNli.ental or q ualil-Iove~ent.l Corlty or as m.y b.ne cessary to al low future d e velo pDI e>lt u pon 'a rl:el "A"or to eccceecd aee reab.grm:.nt of t:he park1ngan d v e hreutar C1rcu la c1.on areee ,provi ded,h owev er,t hat t he COlt o fl uch r e a11~~e nt I ha ll be t he IDle ex pe nse o f CNL ,1t:1 Iuccel.ora o r aSl1gnl,and furt:her pr ov1ded that no such rea11gn- ment shall de pr1ve 1 -70,1tS s uccllls,ors or aSl 1gns,of relsonlble accellS to Parcel "8"for t he purposes descr1b ed be re1.n.My such rea1 1~nt .hall be accomp11shed b y the r ec ordatlon of an Am end.d Easement Agreemen t,Wh lCh makes r eference t o t h1sor1g1.n&1 Ease- ment Agreement and h execured by t he parties h.rlt to,the ..r succlltssors or a.slgna ,to Wh1 Cb1S art.ched an amended Exh1.b1.t "A" aett1l18 forth the lega l delcr1pt10n of the reallgned ••aemen t. 1 -70,1ta succeasor.or asalgna,mA y r efuse to e Ke cute s uch am en~n t 1f t he f,ropoled real lgnment doel not proV1de r eas onabl. aceee et oParcel 'B"for the purpo.es de lc r1bed harain,1f lub l t1 - ecee u aprovlllll8 nts have not beee c OI,structed W1.th ln s uch rlla lign- eeee c o rl'lplace r oadl serv1ng Pareel "B "wh 1C~h 1llUlt b it replaced aa a r e sult o f tbe real1~c ,i f a dequate proof of payment f or aueb 5ub.t1tute 1mprove~ntl baa not been s u bm1.tted t o 1-70,or if lucb r ea lignment does no t1n other r espect.confot:=t o the r equ lremti uta o f tb1s E ase~eft t Ag re e ~n t . 8 .CNL warrant"!and re pr.sents tha c l t hal go od .and lawful righc co grant the easement deacrl.bed b e rean ,a nd that 1t V1ll warrant a nd defend t be t1t le and qU1et posses51on and ItnJoyment of s uch ease~nt aSS1ftit the lawfu l cl.~1 of all persona whatloever. 9 .Pr10r to t he eceeencemene of any work wl.th1.n the ar•• a ffected by thlt eeeeeen e ,on beha lf of CNL,1 -70 shall POlt and keep posted wT1.tten not1ce of nonllabll1ty l.n a con spicuoul place vith1n the easement ar_1.D t be manne ....pe;nll1cted b y the Colorado mecn.nlc's l~en ICarutel tach party herKby 1udemn1f1ea t he o tber a gal.n.t any lo sl or dltlll.E.ge ,l n c:lu~h n !i rea.onab le at:t:o rnllya Ieel. r esultl.ng fr om any c la1t1l &r111n&out o f the ut:11 :u.et10n o f 'le easement or t he cona cruc[10n,~ln tltnanc.,o~repalr of ~r ov e ­ ~en[a thera1D by the 1nd~1fYln8 party ,1tl succa ••ors,a lsign l, t enanrl,customax.,anva eeee ,CO Dcractorl,or empl oyees I e xclud- 1118 .however ,cl.1~a rls1ng out of the negl1gence or lntentlon...l aet or om18l1.on of the pa ....ty claunng lndetanity .and f urther prov1dlngt hatpromp t notLce o f the asaer~lon of a c la1m 1 5 glven by tne pa rty clum1nF 1.ndemnlty t o the l ndemnlfy lng r arey by person.l servl ce o r by m4illng such not1ce,ce r tlfled mA1 ,r etu rn r~-e 1p t reque5 ted ,t o the l nd~1!y~ng party at the a dd r.s.atated At-av e o r at sucb addru a as may be h erelfLe r deSlgnated by sucb part,1nWTlt1ng . 1 0.Tbl':terms of t h :u Easement Al!i'C~t!"lI\ent Clay be Blllend."d , vaave d or lDod ..f1.ed o"ly l-y iI Vt:1.t1.nfr,executed by all of tha part1ea hereto In ch.avent ot any aet10n to enforce the tlgbt. of any party hereunder.the preva11inc party In such acercn shall ba en t 1.rled to recover 1 ts r ••son.hle at torneys'fees and co.t•. CNL INCffiff FUND 11,LTD a r lo ~dl l l.m ..ted p artn ar ~h l P,, 1 -70 TRACT D ASSOCIATE S,a Colorado llmlted partnersh lp By W e~t Vlll Development Corporatl0n ,gener~l p~rrner By ~.·~-i4J{, , •• " STATE OF Chlt>l..-Ado ) cctnrrr OF CAfU-~.. -~""o~t~.~ty~~i!1't~c!,-1l,,1.Ll&,,~.~~G-? ~\'CTA .?Jo\~ •:...1 \,,"'"-''>l STATE OF ILLI NOIS )\,\.!/='JC /.,,, ).."-"".'-..-'.'¥ COUNTY OF COO K )....:~(01..0-#'...........,r? The f or e go l~~l nstrument v as a cknowledged before ~e t.hlS 5 /~r­ day of M orc z...•1'87,b y G Hudson Wuth ,as puudent 0 West Va l 1~~velop~ent Co :p o rat10n,gener al partn er o f 1 -70 Tract D A.aoeLate a ,Ltd.a Colorado 11~ted partne rshl; Th e "c re go ~na 1n~t rumen t was dckno wle dged befor@ ~r h15 ~ day o f 'lJ.,Jr J1 ,19£7 b y Robe rt A seurne ,a s g ener al p a rt.ner of CNL I nc lI1¥fund II .Lt,,4 •a FlorJ,(\a 11l11 :Lt.ea p artneuh1P..Jut .)0''''8/41,.Wood,lin IJ.J/:Dmu,"/I1 -+c«:J ....I ~~tn 911 n y h and a nd o ff1C141 seal My CotmlU S10ll expueG &-7""7 Wlt.ne••my hand a nd of£lcla l s eal .."My ~~.non expues y !oJ..f{;,' .~ -',-IIJ'''1 ....-.Notary lPubllc ./"/".::A ~. 1370 09 /00 -2 wd153 3 ,•• It t"Q1 t,foo t ,,1411 IItdp of hnd lD 'Ired A.A J.uubdhhloa 01 Trac t D,A ""\IW bhlon of VaiL 0..SthODe lU1.ZlI1Io.I,a Cl;ordbl to t h e _,t ....._1 r ~ord'"111 the afUe.01 the bile CO\m r".Calon.do,CL .rk II'"....codu. ~,.1t4 t ..'eet oe uth 'Wit o f t he '011_1nl "UCd M'eent.dill.: '-lbl11tl1 It •polllt OIl tile C ~lin.of hre d.It md I ,..1.It.b "')- dtyilloo ofTeller D.A "lIuldly l.1oa of VaiL Da,Schone 'll1ftl Ro.1 "h.ate th.".It a ouber l ,.CO eDit o f .l.1el 'lrcd A b••n N)1·)1'Z,"Z lJl .50 hilt ; thn.c:.5]1",'00"1 lU .06 t u e;r b.,..ce 506 ',11]'00"1 5J .U f ed l cHat.147' 04'5)"'15.00 h .t to t h.polllt CIt h rwo1r.....OIl the .ouc.....uul,.U ...01 aat' '&reel A vb ....,.1M _n ...url,.COnM!t of Hid 'lrcd I bean 1.,·ZI 'n". 116 .SO f••e , thlll .ld.lln..of ..Id t "lIftty !oot to unUa.tlce at th.bouD4ul..of Dan:4-:r _Pil .t~,at.t o h , .aid Par cal A. ~1.COrco t:m ,••- COlorado '.L ."!.16817 ~'.< .'-,) <. ~. .' .."."'.,.,. T'U,U • ,• U.SDlO>'I ACIlF.F.Y.r1l'TcPuc,,1 •!"l • J o t:l tt·t1 ..I'f-L...=-.~.\'..'.- t.lt~!CIf u:~r .' •..l ~3 3811':'8" Th u £'&SeI\en "P"eeoent u ..."'e t hu I~d.I,of Api'll.1987 by oUI C between 1 ·,,)f uct D ""neU t u.~.Colorado l U'lte d p artnenlup ....bo ...add te..u tl1.ecru:l>,"..DC.9 933L.......Ave #307.Skob",Ilh..o u ';0071 (hnunaftu ufarnd to .."1-10") and CXL Inc~FuDd I I,Ltd ."Fl or1 e.1 1.a1 tad partnar lh1p.who•• elid .....u elD Ce'ftt..mJ.l"""n_nt CoapIor.)'.Atttt .tow.t A !ou.nl.,122 t Colonial D.·:L~·••S'nte 202,Or IQldo.n onda 32801 Cbunn.ftar urenad t o ••"CHL") VHElu.s ,1-10 u the ovn a ..0""ual p rop 'ut ,u tua te 1.n ~!" CouDt"J'.COlorado ~u'r1.bed ••haec II ........h.hvuu."of Vul •• SchOll.r1.h~110.I ,TOWD of Vul ,_d Wlfl:REA.S ,an.h••&&uad t o pure ......and 1.70 b aa &&T eed to u·11."p artloD of ••l d Tr act 0 ,d ".C.l b.d ...rarcel "A",.. "••u bdlV1U .on of 'IractD ,.."••Ub.J lv U1 0 n of Va,l 041 .Schonl' T~l.UIS No 1,'J'ovn of Vdl .....d .llF:l£AS.t he po ~non o f ,,~d TY,e t D b .~...re ta ll••d by 1 _1 0 f ollc>V1'lS ~luI eou_t~on of the abov.-d ucrlbed uIe ttm.achOD ~.d "illr~b.d a,'"rc.1 "Boo .a r".ub d ~v~,~on of Tra.,t D ,•r ".u b- d1~,~OD of V.1I n••Sc b on.F~I ~nA "o I ,Town o f V.~l .and VHEK!AS.~c-~.,t~_WI th .uch ••1 ,t r 'naa .,t ~oa .t-70 .!cu""to STaat &:l"::!:-..t to CHI.1D a "e ordaJl."Y1th th.t ~ o r thu ...._t Al;r,-.,t. Jm\1 .'nlRllI.FOR!.l n ill onnderatlol1 of tbe pur cha ••lLIld ,,1&o f t h e ab oYa-duct'll>ed P&'reel ""H.&A d for o tbar v alu abh eouud- a rat u><>.t lul r •.,alpt aDd ,ufhilllenc1 of wb ...,b ~.h ..reb,.a.,ltIIowl · edS l'd.~p.rt'..he r ..tO ...,....,fOI l.,.. 1 1 -70 h neb,.lrant ....d .,on...e,..t o CIJ1,aD ..._ot •• de.erlb,d on Exh lhlt "A 'tta"h,d har,to ~Th.purpo."of the de ,cr l~.d ,••emen t .h.l l b,to provlde ped e.tr~.o .BDCrl"P".'.nd ....h l.,ul.r l l1 l"'"end 'aI""by two 1U.1.p&un\&lIr Tan.,••IM ~...p u.,,,l "A"••de •.,rlbaol b.re.... •"a.-tx ao ad .an Eaab Counry.Color .d.o puhlu ro.d .",d for t b,l r..tal l.tlem.u n ._ln r_.,a ...11I rapa l r o f un d.rp-ound ...,.....e.,.nd ut ~l ltle.Y<>r "'Ct p ~o ••a.C NL (01'Ippr oprla t ' l!ioverTlmOlntal or qUllll -ao v.rnDe ntal ",nthl).h.nha ve th a n a h t. bu e e h ,llno t h,",b~:o..a,t ..d .t o .,oa.tru.,t ....lnt&l a.0 1'1'."'11'a r~ay _I'.lip"".a "1"oe e ...J t h r oulh r h l p ortlOl!.o f ',rul ,.. ,ff.cud by tbe t and t o p.rfon aueh eon.tn>ctum o r a:&,,",.tlO"....,b.,,",ce ...no or eonV.D ~"'t fo1'the p lKc.eat of ut ~ht ,.or e CU·V1 C.llne.!u ~h worl<.ha U be'eond1.lcta d .t thlt .o le ~oat and ":pe n ..of CNL ,Th ,e .a~n t Irant.d h.r'~D ,""'II bit n on -.ac lu'l¥P 1 pr.,.,1.e1,.d .howoeve.r.thl.t 1 ·10 .h,U ee e U'I .or I~ant to any t h ~1'd y,arty tbe n ah t t o ",...til.a ..~nt Or od••r portlO1l of 'art.l 'a"1 ft aD,.I'Itnner ~Deo r••~.te1lt 01'~n an e..rt.r,nc•.."tb tb.'.... I ran t.e1 to CNL f01"th.&I.t~nt .no r ,h,Il1 -10 d ~t'"o r dI ,trO)'. or p .....\t .ny t loU'1I plrt,.t o <!amIa '"o r c1 u tro,.••ny rc;.Idv.l,.. ''''"l '''."t uu.l ~ty t q>l:ov",_nt p l.e.e1 ove r.UP01l ••ero••or thr ....,."t h.p.or t:l.Olll o f '.n.l .....ene=beud by tM "..,.,t . ~.fYClpt f o r d ..pU1'pO.e.Ip.c~fuel t n p lr.ph 2 .em. .h.nn ot ......the .r ..A .f'utltCl by t h"e u es>lt at f ol'.1lY purpon wtllch UIIt "",u ,,~bl,.I nt,.,.f.1'"VJ.tb o r 1Ill1'........bl,obe t r"ef l 1 -70 ',p ,.......tt.ec:UB"o f the ..·.....n ..'!po r t.on o f P.r"al"1\"em.. .ar....to ku'p .r .ptw ....nt.contt ruL t ad t,,.It wltlo.1'I t h.......n t ar..L".00 11I ".,..d t tl O'"'1'.0 r"'p',r f,xtC'pt ,e t o "-a'vh~cb ra.ulta f r D&l t M u~.o!..u e to.~~ro~l'I'oen t.by f ·1~.u ••u eeu .or •• •~I1.pl .t",nant .,.,u.t""",,..Or I P "~r _.1 ,N/..n .cco r d."t'"¥:lth •• ~h.ru les and r .~l .t l on .o f the County of £aile and town ~f Vail CHL ~rtb.r alTee s t o r ..egatata Or och.rwla.r.p.~r arc••y~t ~p tha •••_at o r orhlr POtU.on.o r P..rral "II "vh:u;:h 1.,1 dMllol &ld o r d4aturbad b ~rOAd Or other construction.or vblch are da.agad a l • rcaule ti t the u n of the .........ae by em.Or 1CI e ue e •••OI'l . asl1.PI,ten_rl,l;"'lt_rl ur In<ont ....1 pr_lded.h_ar,tha t auch ISteelllf!nt tg r ._glt ata o r r epair shall not &fher ctn.', r1ght t o COII _truct or lN J.n ta=•r o.d....y ••e 'rvaeea ,or u tilit l., within e e e I ree a fh c tad by t b••a ume nt.noll'sb .ll t h e II••of luch r eadYa ,..l e rvltll,o r ut:a.h ..r lel conlCl.tute "d .....,"'''t o.o r u n rea.OfI.IIJ)b oh,tructllnl o r l ot .rreranci yirh c hi v.••of ,t he 1''''lll1ng pa rtl-OCl o f r'reel wI ". S .The ....emelle crantH herein lull be pe rp.tual ,a hall=W1th ar.e!buroko PUCII "...II d l.en.bad hllIu.!!for the bench.t of :r.rcel "A"....d .b.n b.b lnd lll,lli I.tp on 1 -10 .It..cucc•••o r.an d all l ID'.for the benefit of CHL .I t.l uce •••o r ••I ••lsn"t enant •• c u.t~r ••and LbVl t •••• 6.The c••~n t scant.d h.r ,in eay be r ••l Lgucd b y 1-10 I' ..y b.r .qw.rcd by the Town of V'LI or odler SO.'r1llDI!l:ltl l o r qua.l-,(IV .~ta l en ncy or al -r b.D.e....ry CD .11 _f uture de/clop.ent upoD '.rcal ")".prOVLded.bavt"e r.t h.tt he eee e of sucb r ••l l gnzeuc .hell be the .ole eI p ~l a Df 1 -7 0.i t.IUCca ••o rl or a ..1Jl1"and f urth.r p rO'fided t hlt no ncb rc .li ~t .hlil depr l '"OIL ,I.tl Iucc".or.o r a"Lsn',01 r e uon.bll IC C"I to flrc al "A"tll r ~.purpOI"dllcr ib.d h e rull .Any l ucb n .Ugn- _nc ,hall be .cc01Djll u hcd b y the r e co rdat iol>of &D AlI.nda d !.ace_lit ASre ....eDt •..,Inch 11111.,.retare ou t o th i.o rl'LDIl &1111- man t "p"I ~t an d 11 .....cu t.e1 b yt be parh••bU·leo ,thell" IUCce ••o r.or a .,ign a,t o v la ch i.attacb.e1 .n ..e Dd .d txhtblt "A- "tUnc for th the le,at da.crlptl.OD.of t he reahgnad ....._t. CHL.i r,.accc'lor.or a "lgn....y r.tus.to ez.eut.aacl>...ud- ..-o.t lf ch.propoced r edl&rDent do ••lIot prMtlde r .....01lcIb h aec.~.co r arc.l "A".1.f 'Ub .tl tu t .""",r n t l h I'"not b..11 con.tructed vt.tb1.n .ucb r e.l1.~t ta r'thCe rald l.uti liUe•• Or ••r "1.ce .I ,~ng P.rcel n A'¥b1.eb ~a t e rep llced I'I r'lult of th e r e .ll8~t,I t Id e~u.ta p r oof of p.yment t or l uc b .ub.tl- CU te tmprovn:aant.hI'not b.....l u blllt t ,d to CNL ,o r if .uch r'.ll.f~nt do.1 ~o t 111 o th .r r ••pect.co nfonD to th e r.qul rEment. of tb •l.a ••Mnt Agr.e-ftt 1 1 -'0 WUTlIltl &lid r epr.s.ntl tha t it b ..'/lOd t itl.to t be Ir".ef fec:ted by the .asc:rlb.d e ..~t .that 11:h.l1 ,ood and l_f...l ntht t o Ir.ott b.a aa-.,t .al(:ribecl b.r l1n ,I nd that i t WJ.ll V.rrlll r an d d.t.nd t b e title .nd qUlet po ••ell1.0n and eo JoY- _nt of /luc b .&I_t .t a l n l t t he lavful e lahll of I U p etlona vh.t.oeve r. 8.Pn.or t o t he cot1llllnc._nt o f I ny v ork vit hlft the ar•• •Hec:ted by t he •••_t.011 b.half of 1 -70 ,cr:L lba ll po .t ~ k.ep po .ta4 VT1.rtlD GOt1cel of r~11.bll1.ty 11\•~onI.p icuau.pla c. v1 ~the •••.-ent a r.a 1ft the sanner perNdtt.d by t h.Color.do aach&ni c'.11an It .~t ,.rach pa r ty ~cre b y LDdemnlfle.t b.oth.r I &u n .t .ny lOll o r u-,•.l n cludu :g r ...onehle attOrTl.YI f •••• r uulun&rree an y elu..arll1I1J out of the u U 1Lnt ion o f t M e,a_t.t pr t he C:Onl t nac:t LO n/_inc.nane.,or r'pau'of llIIpr_.- Il\entl t l:t eretn by the Uld clll n l yl.ng party,It ••uc ee ••o "••I"igr>" tenant..eu.t~tl.Lbvlteel.coner.etorl .ar employ....11- e ludlnc .bovevet,el.~.ar1..1n&our of th c ne&l ll.nee o r 1.lIt.n- h and aee 0 "ola.U I1Dn of the party clll..u>',1!ld •.-lty and. fw-ther prov1.dlnl that prowpt noUce o f tha ..~ertI.D1I of •cla1ll 1.1 '1V~by t he p.rty c:l l 1.a.n,I.I\d..-o1 ty to t he ln d ~\fl l n g plrty by perlQl'l .l a e rne.Ot b y ...1.11.r\g .ueb eee r e ••certL u:d IIl.ll l. renrrn t"lto;o 'lpt r equllted.t o th.lndIILllLf)'t"B p..o:ty It t be addrell s t ac.d ,bo~e Dr /It .uc:h I dd rc.a II Illy be heraaCter d ••1.lbeted b)' .uo::h polrty ln "".1:1njt 2 •• 9 T~u n ..o f thu E."f'_nt Agre.-nt 1IIll 1 b ........n ded • ..alved o t .,"thad OtIly b,..."T lt1.l1&e ••cutad by al lo [t he PU"tl ••h er e to :n the eva"t o f any attl.on to .,,(orca the rIght . o f any p arcy ha t.unde r,the pl ~.11~party 111 .lIth a c tlOD .ha ll b.e ntl c).d c o tacev .1:Ita re••onabl••ttD ~.J.·(•••and COltl e m,I NC OM!ruN !)II,LTD ., ~'Fl~'"1...",",,,,,,,,, r ~er t DUrnil', I nerd putue .!'• ·h-·)....t- 1 -70 T'RAC"l:D ""SOC rATES ,LTD •• Color.do 1:I....l.t"d parmerah1p By "~e .t Va ll ~v.lop••llt CorpcraCloD,lene ra l pa rtner e % II aOll lt l:,r e al a nt STATE OF ILLINOIS I ,lO a. COL1lTT 0 1 COO J.) Tho~.IO l n &In .t~n t .....c k n owl e~&.d ba fore m.Cbl l :)JJJC: day of ""'tb •19 87 by C RlJdaun W"n h ,..Pn8l.dentol' Weet V...ve op"'ltnt Corpo ra tJ.otl .g.ne ral part n.r o f 1-10 Tra<:.t D A.aoclat •••Lcd ••Colotad4 l~t.~partr r ah1r V1t ne.~~'J hand end offlC1al .eal . "'c~ra:.on ex plre.(.,~'!' Mho: 1)1C .09l00.~ "d iS) 3 ,•• "__.r f_viM .UlJ .f 1_1.r arcot.1 l .A a....·••1I ..1d r bat.D. "1'0'1&1...of ,.n _1_r l.l..l.a&k.1 ._cn tll.aa u _r reao U tho _Ut e-.1 _&as.l a e-~.e-~.Cl.u'k _-..-. l:rla t .............a U .o f t IN foU _tat ....,..U>eoI ....u l ll....• ktl.Nl.l l1.l1 at ..PDU~on Lbo e:.-oa Un.o f h.~.A .....t ,..1.............. ''''1.10 1""of tT..,.D.........W !yul...o t '.U 1lU 1._~110 .1 vt>aw:e tM _.__d J UI ~.of ....1lI Pncci l w.ar.101·U 'U~t l .~f eet l ~1D1"U'lllI"'II 21 .11 I .c••....,.....·5'·01"'1:111 .71 f .....u me 1•• c>r .....'--_eliot _t ul,l lae ot u U 'Y"ood......17 _r_ -,.11..o f 0.-..1.0;-..~•.u _I "","Ilul r COI'M'l of J'.~A ~....Sn "U'4 2"'V 211 .91 het n..ol.u-.d t .o.n . ._... o. _. { I .._-..-... • Recorded at _ Rec e pt1.0n No. RECORDING REQUESTED D¥; WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO : Vail National Bank P.O .Box 2638 Vail,Colorado 81658 • o'cl ock •M. Recorder _ :1 0 0932 ....%r' '~1I;f 1L?Z .... J,.nll:':;·:JlIL..-:'" E.u:U-CTY.l£tJl.3[. i.f<I!10 ~7 AM '81 RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT THIS RIGH T OF ENTRY AG REEME NT ~s ma de th1.S ~d ay o f ~,19ar-betwee n VAI~NATI ON AL B~~K (-Bank n ), whose address 15 P.O.Box 2638,Vall,Colorado 816 58 ,a nd CNL INal1E rom II.LID .(-Landlord"),whose address 16 122 E ,mr ClfTN.DRIVE .surm 202 OOAN[X).FL .32801 and wmp VAIL PltRINEF§HIP ,LTD .l·Ten ant i ), who se addreS 6:15 P.O.BQ{1 458 QU liN .CO.8 0435 WIT NE SSE TU FOR VAL UE l endi ng $200,000 .00 a gr ee s as foll OWS; RECEIV ED,and a s An I nducement to Bank 1n fund s (-Lo a n-)to Tenan tt he parties 1 .Tena nt h as r ented from Landlord by Lease dated the 1ST day o f APRIL ,1 987 ,a pp rox J.l'la te ly squ are fee t ~n (LEGAL DESCRPT ION)---- A TRACT OF IAND IN VAIL,CDIDRAOO AND 1u...J..~I'm OR HEREAPIER S I 'lUATE 'IHERD:N ('!HE "PREMISES"),WHI OI TRPCI'CF lAND IS DESClU BED rn EXHIBIT "N','Premises'),f or a term c ommencIng the 1ST d ay o f APRIL ,19 87 ,and eXpl.rlng the 31ST day of MNnI ,D 2007 ("Leas e ').Thi""""Lease (does)(does no t)l nclud e a n o p t ~o n t o e xtend for 5 y e ars . 2.To secu re r e paymen t of the Lo an,Tenant h as g r antee Bank a secur J.ty ~n tere st 1n the furnlt ur e,f ~x t u res , equapment;and r.n ve nt.o r y o f Te nant (·Collateral·)now o r h erel.nafter located 1n the Prem 1.6es. 3.L andl ord agre es t h at any l 1en 1t may n ow or h ereafter ha ve o na ny £u rn1 tur e,fixt ure s,equ ipme nt o r l.nventory of Tena nt 1n the Premls es shall be subJ e ct and s ub or d in ate t o an y l Ien to be granted b y Te nant t o Bank for pu r pos es o f s ecu r1n q t he Loan ,or any re newa ls or ext ensIo ns the reo f.In the eve nt o f any ~efaul t by Tenant und er the Loan . Landl ord a ndTena nt hereby g r antt o Bank t he rlght t o ente rupon t he P r emises ;t ake ~SS~S 6 1 on of and remove t he Col lat eral. 4.I n t hp even t o fa ny d efault b y Te nant u nd er any of t he t erms or cond1 t lon s o f the Lease,La ndl ord w111,wlthout _F O~::0 01 Vail Natl onal 9ant.-1- •• pre )UdlCe t oa ny rIghts 1t may have a gal nst Te nant,gIve Bank wrItten no tlce o f such d e faul t. 5 .NeIther thIS Agreemen t nor the exerCI se of a ny remedIes hereunder shAll create any llablllty on the part of Bank with ~e s p ec t to the Lease o r Tenan t 's o bliga tI ons thereunder. 6 .All co sts a nd expens es,i nc luding reas o nable attorneys 'f ees incurred or paId b y Bank 1n exerCIsing a ny rIght o r rem edy conferred hereby,s h a ll -become addItIonal ob ligAtions u nder the Loan secured h ereby .The pa rties a gree to perform s uch further acts,and make ,execute a nd dellver such further docume nts or in str um ent s as Ba nk d eemsr ea sonab ly nec ess ary t o effectuate and car ry out thIS Agr ee ment. 7 .This Agreement may be fi led In the real estate r ecords of t hec ounty 1n wh1ch the Premises described above 15 s ituated .ThI S Agr e ement shal l be c onstrue d a ccord~nq t o the laws of the State o f Colorado and a ny con trovers y ar1 s~ng t herefroms hall be g ove r n ed by th e laws o f the State of Colorad o . Thi s Agreement shall be b ind1ng u pon and 1nure to the ben ef~t r f the part1es hereto,the1r p ers onal represent ativ es l 5ucces~' a nd as s1gns . IN WITNESS WHERE OF.the partie s have executed t hl S Rlght of Entry Agreement ,t he day a nd year f1rst written a~ave . OF LAN DLORD BY~_By,;-i;o l YU:JJ (1m"~~M.Dl ffiIN·9 ,C"O"N"S"E"N"T,-,,,,---,,===,,, ~PARlNEl1SHlP.A <rJIJJW:tJ =BANK, PARrnE:RSHIP VAIL NATIONAL BAN K THE UNDERSIGN ED,L andlord,h ereby c on s ents t o and agre es to be b oundby the pr ov lsIo ns o f t h1 5 Right of Entry Agreemen t. IN WITNESS WHERE OF,the unders igned ha e exe cuted th IS Consen t of Landlord t.ha s 15'IH d ay of _-"JrnE"""--,19~. LAN DLORD: CNL IN<XME FlND II,LID FORM :001 Vall Na t Iona l Bank-2- I •• HO Lt CR OSS ~LC C TAJ C AS S OC I A T J O ~.~C~ lJ ,,!l)~r ~OUHLI "IGI!T-::r -n:o.y v.:'leY.~~':' CS~I H=~E F :~D 1 1.LTD., ~~R!~~LIN IT~O PA~~a~SK r p .:.1 ' .'.1.'':-..~,..,.' (~.r .!".ft~f e~ll .d ·G~a 'tor ·l.~c r e 9 ~a~dval~a .1e co "••d .:.~!o o.t~.r~ce l ~t whe:~of l ~t 3 r.o~:t5 2 ll e:':,':)'l l e"~~.0:10tl ll h~r o by 'l eant 11 lltO !iQLY CliO",)'l':'P-C1"l.:C :o.SS C::IATION,I NC .,'Jl e coper ae r ve c.:o rpo r llt .l.O '.l hc1 ~?Cst o '·tc~aJd re ••l '~.O.D rll~Qr 2 l ~O .G lo ~wo~1 Sp r '~9" Colo rado lh.'.l na !te ~c al led ·::.n t.~·l ~n ~t c l ;~G~c:e~,~r ~.n ~ ."1 9n.,the r ight o f l n ~r ~8 'and eqre,.r ,ro,.:-,d,o r ~r .~t ~r. s lt~at.I n th4 Coun ty o f C8qlo,State of Color~=;,ie ,:cl b.~•• folIo",,,, Par:.l A••r e aubdl.ll10 n of Tr.~t D••re,ub~lvls10 n o f Val .Das S ch one rl 11~No .I ,&CCO rd I09 to th.p l.~r~e ocd.d ~.c e ~26 .1 '87 j.ft I!oOI<4 ~'a t P aqft H 8.III tM:Eaq 1'!Coun ~y COll.Ct'lOIl••,t ~l •• C01<;>(..do . A~d ,to L~~st cu ct .c.c on s tr~~t,c .palt ,c"an ?~,.~l a c 9.,r.-phas~, o~rat.,a nd "lllta in an u nde t 9 ~ou n d alactclc t tan .~lS$)On ot dla tc I!)a Uon Ilne,or bo t h.w ~th the U"dflC'irQ ..J nd va u lt,s .COUdUl';, flsto te1 .n~eqQl~nt ua .d ?c u s .able 111 c o ~ne =t lon t b~[~w lt b , ~e~bct w l t~.a aoe ~at.d ~~l~Dt r~ul r .!a ~va q rou n d,wl tb ~o th. abovn ..n t ~one4 1 .~d1,.,)~n ~n ••••~not do~c r.bed a l ~=1 1041: An e aa~n';t en 1101 faet In vl dt ~,t~e cent.rllDe f or &aId 8.a.ceot ~ln9 a n ~nd e t 9 tound powe r l l ~a s conlt~cte4 .the .~~t CX 1 ~a t 8 l CC.ti On of wh ~ch u pon th e above descr ~~ed p t ope rty .a s howno n ~.h .b~t A aLta~h ed h f!ts t c a n d made a pat t h Ol t_of by r .f.r .llc •• The cl'ibLi bereln irao t .d Specl :lca l ly al low Graotea ~o i ns ta ll a441t ional u n~:9rc u ~d ~~/or p ad -MOUnted r.c l l l ~l es w i th ~n ~ba e&5-.eot 4escr.bed by ~h.a ~ta ebed eXh ibit . Toq.th.r w I ~h t he r 19h~t ~r~v.a nv and a ll t r ....b roab ,vaqutat lcn and ob.~tuc tlCnS .I~hln .aid S~t!p or l and .h~n ao ch 1 .tOla~c n a ~ly nece~~ary f o r e ~.l~p~"'llt ae j.o n an d uae o !t ~e r 19htl beC e1nabove q ran t e d.~r ~r tb.~xOltc lae ~y Grantee o f any c ~.ea t 1 9~ta h ereunder . Gr.nt••a ha ll p rompt!y r astora the ~ur[ace o~t he q ro un d t~ltG fo~c C On d~tl0n.~s nc.tly a ~I 'practicab le ,and a h al l p ro ~p tly r e pla¢O an y an d al l tra.s,bru$~.a nd vaqet.tior,r .mov ed c c d .~a ge4 by G:antee . Gr an t or agreea that a ll ra c llll1ea In.t.ll.d by Gr.ntee o n t ~~e d .scrlb.d land.,sh.ll c e ..i n t he pcoperty 0:Grante.,~d s ha ll be ce-o~.bl.a t the option of Cr ant... Cra ntor covenanta that it 1 $th~~er or the above des crlbed l andS a nd t h at t h e sa id l and s .c e fr ee and cleat ot eneu~~ranc~s an!l iens of whatlcaver ch .cactec ,esce pt t ~O $q he lj by the ro llc.l n~1 70 "AVE A~O !O HOLD,~a ld r iqht -of-w ay and .a s~ot.t ~.th .t wIth all and sioqular,t he r 19h ~s and pr ,vlleqal a ppe rtel 11 lnq t herato ,unto Grant ..,.ta a uccasso r ••nd ••a 19 11s .for~v .r . •• f•;: to o •>'-,~'"'l:':"':'".,~ ""."..- • •0l~. '"!t .•0_-·.-i f :•• o "·'-:!:'0.I ;;., i ..~ •••.a ;:a••,ii "I".e .F'h ':'h' r~</."./"J"f J '~\ \ \. /' ./ .··E"·HrS n ..··A '.' ..-.,....,.,..__..-'0.. .' 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'110 •..."Ih_·.,.....£0..n'1_'10'h :,•.,.,6•UI"~~hl.l"...f TUCI e . •....u'f l ..I.'..~..r ••11 D••S '1110'J ••1 ••••••1 ••••••~,I., .....c d.d II......n."".~.I "eo ,.,.'91 1.C1..ol U n ..r t'. ki!:,M.lr:,t ,..lttll':',f;d..l::e:':'b:;sl~:"·'~:..e,~:';f:I';.:;ef I ","l:erllfl f I..o~ut f .'1....of Ille "'1 0',u .'aul ......I ....hlto ..,.r._li..t 1 ed ..,'1 th o 1..1 . ~.fl 'l w_.ft&1 lI rbllh,""0 1'11 11,fo ,...,d.",..o•1I.~i t ..o f ,'"..,..dot I....I ..t'''1UI,,_••u "'""'II '"1_.10 10 .......,••,...,...._.,t cu l ...u ,cIi,IoU .,U_I .ic•. Ttl•••••'u•.,..,l tol.CotI'u e t .,Ih cl .l lo 11 h ..._...._,..."'_,,1e '",i . :.T:~'~f o ~~..r.~:":I :t:H~~":.:~~~I.e.oc.UI .h ll ..1 ..t ,"..... t .h ,1M i.e_,.1 ,M _hl l_t ...c ,.1.e-.._t i al fI ..of .toeci,_••{of t",,a ..I e..!,i .I....ec _..ldI __ .....C ee l ....,"--•c_1 in 1M ,_..I '"n ~I-l -I_.If t 1M "-"-'...."1.,tI..,.1."r.:UI-l .f _."_ l l ee ..d'r ~f....".cda I '"Ie c it I CoM\K ••_1 ..1..1.'II 'f t ,c .11 ,_,"I _,d '.c fo r 11 ~.l.c uPM.i......t o .1M ,..--'...It_cat ••a.the ......(,conI ..N ...r . ~.L t-.t _.,..4 11 .Ltll • •'1 ••1••LI .I ••'?r •••c.bt , r . r, •• •• •• •• ,)'/,,,.., .U TI 0'"'}1M ).. u . WI"nICu,...,TIi _.{fiel .1 ~_i..I ,h.., ......l'lIIIo,!IIooo..~_ ",~""""'''''lC..IU-------.....'". NOTE -COPY O F P ERMIT TOB EK EPT ON JO BSITE ""So::; 5/7 187DATE 002812 ,,-,-r,.-.. PERMIT NO. I .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 1 IIlIll VV 2.OCCUPAN CY GROUP ABEH IRM BUILD ING 345 .000 DIVISION 1 22.3 -4 z ELECTRICAl 40 .000 Q GENERAl DESCRIPTION OFWORK :~PLU MBI NG 18.000 ones t oryres ta urant :> ~ ~MECHANICAL 3 7 .000 440000 TYPE GROUP GR EA.V ALUATION PERMITFEES V A-3 B UILDING PERMIT 1 .830 8-2 PLAN CHECK 1 189 ELECTRiCAl <411 , NEW (X )AlTER ArrD N ()ADD ITIO NAl ()REPAIR f )PLU M BI NG 180 <J ~OWEL.l INQ UNITS __ACCOMMOOAT IONUNITS __MECHANICAl 555 HEIGHTlNn.-M-NO.FIREPlACES --RECREATIO N FEE ,"n ~r-.I NSULATION :n'PE THICl<NESS A-YALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ,on fl.00A NIA C LEAN·UPDEPOSIT .on ~~ EXT.WALLS batt 6"19 o oon f...J r'-USE TAX ."""batt 12"30 :1 10 TY P E ere c. I G'S TOTAL PERMITFEES lU .,U4 OF SOLAR WOODHEAT jiar,t.Mur rain_br __2/1/87 ___ ADDI TIONAL PER MITS NEEDED:U ILDI NG OFFIC IAL ilATE --- s:"-~f---------------ST,CUT X O NING ADMINiSTRATOR DATE ou.snNG X "hNG &BU ILDING NOTES: PARKING 15 1 5 a fa st track oermi t andu X datedol ens a re re c utrec as n"... DEMO X current correct s heet. I her eby acknow ledge that Ih ave read thi sa pplica tion ,f ill edo utin fu ll t h e I nfo rmation re quired, co mp leted an acc ura te p lot pl an.a nd statet hat all t he I nfo rmat io n provided as required isco rrect.I a greetoco mplywith t he i nformat io nand pl ot p lan,toc omply w ith all Town ord inances andstate laws ,a nd tob uildt his structu re according t otheTo wn's zon ing and subdivision codes,des ign reviewa pproved ,Un iform B uilding Code and oth~dinance~oOe ~ap P li ca bl e t hereto . Cl ean up to Francis Construc tors •I(•/ P .O.80x 2872 Grd.Jct 8 1501 SI GNATUREO F OW EROR C ONTRACTOR '"F'O'R H IMSELF A ND TH E O WNER. IX!PLUMBING IX!FOUND ATIONo ~CONSTRUC TION PERMIT II ~ d epartment of community deve lopment iii BUIL DING iii ELECTRICAL iii MECHANIC AL TOBE flL.LED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTOI SSUANCE OFPER MIT T YPEO F PE R M IT ItfaGAL LOT BlK 'ESC.FILING OBN AME :WEND Y'S OWNER NA ME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . ARCHITECT fi RM Witter Architects MAil ADDRESS PO Box 4786 CITY 468 PH.22 77 fiR M FRANCIS CO NS T.I NC. G ENERAL CONTRACTOR TO W N O F VA I L REG .N O .1328 T ELE.434-9093 "R ~0;.>""""'$''£~,,~ LECTRICAL TOWN Q F VAll REG N O ,'A~~ONTRACTDR T<LE \·:>':'.4\"-~)::)~ flBM PLU MBING TOWN OF VAI L BEG .NO . CO NTRACTOR TElE. fiR M MEC HANICA CONTRACTOR T OWN QFVA IL BEG .NO . TE LE . OTHER FIRM TOWN O F VAll REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. h ,- NOTE -COPY O F P ERMIT TOB EK EPT ON JO BSITE ""So::; 5/7 187DATE 002812 ,,-,-r,.-.. PERMIT NO. I .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 1 IIlIll VV 2.OCCUPAN CY GROUP ABEH IRM BUILD ING 345 .000 DIVISION 1 22.3 -4 z ELECTRICAl 40 .000 Q GENERAl DESCRIPTION OFWORK :~PLU MBI NG 18.000 ones t oryres ta urant :> ~ ~MECHANICAL 3 7 .000 440000 TYPE GROUP GR EA.V ALUATION PERMITFEES V A-3 B UILDING PERMIT 1 .830 8-2 PLAN CHECK 1 189 ELECTRiCAl <411 , NEW (X )AlTER ArrD N ()ADD ITIO NAl ()REPAIR f )PLU M BI NG 180 <J ~OWEL.l INQ UNITS __ACCOMMOOAT IONUNITS __MECHANICAl 555 HEIGHTlNn.-M-NO.FIREPlACES --RECREATIO N FEE ,"n ~r-.I NSULATION :n'PE THICl<NESS A-YALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ,on fl.00A NIA C LEAN·UPDEPOSIT .on ~~ EXT.WALLS batt 6"19 o oon f...J r'-USE TAX ."""batt 12"30 :1 10 TY P E ere c. I G'S TOTAL PERMITFEES lU .,U4 OF SOLAR WOODHEAT jiar,t.Mur rain_br __2/1/87 ___ ADDI TIONAL PER MITS NEEDED:U ILDI NG OFFIC IAL ilATE --- s:"-~f---------------ST,CUT X O NING ADMINiSTRATOR DATE ou.snNG X "hNG &BU ILDING NOTES: PARKING 15 1 5 a fa st track oermi t andu X datedol ens a re re c utrec as n"... DEMO X current correct s heet. I her eby acknow ledge that Ih ave read thi sa pplica tion ,f ill edo utin fu ll t h e I nfo rmation re quired, co mp leted an acc ura te p lot pl an.a nd statet hat all t he I nfo rmat io n provided as required isco rrect.I a greetoco mplywith t he i nformat io nand pl ot p lan,toc omply w ith all Town ord inances andstate laws ,a nd tob uildt his structu re according t otheTo wn's zon ing and subdivision codes,des ign reviewa pproved ,Un iform B uilding Code and oth~dinance~oOe ~ap P li ca bl e t hereto . Cl ean up to Francis Construc tors •I(•/ P .O.80x 2872 Grd.Jct 8 1501 SI GNATUREO F OW EROR C ONTRACTOR '"F'O'R H IMSELF A ND TH E O WNER. IX!PLUMBING IX!FOUND ATIONo ~CONSTRUC TION PERMIT II ~ d epartment of community deve lopment iii BUIL DING iii ELECTRICAL iii MECHANIC AL TOBE flL.LED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTOI SSUANCE OFPER MIT T YPEO F PE R M IT ItfaGAL LOT BlK 'ESC.FILING OBN AME :WEND Y'S OWNER NA ME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . ARCHITECT fi RM Witter Architects MAil ADDRESS PO Box 4786 CITY 468 PH.22 77 fiR M FRANCIS CO NS T.I NC. G ENERAL CONTRACTOR TO W N O F VA I L REG .N O .1328 T ELE.434-9093 "R ~0;.>""""'$''£~,,~ LECTRICAL TOWN Q F VAll REG N O ,'A~~ONTRACTDR T<LE \·:>':'.4\"-~)::)~ flBM PLU MBING TOWN OF VAI L BEG .NO . CO NTRACTOR TElE. fiR M MEC HANICA CONTRACTOR T OWN QFVA IL BEG .NO . TE LE . OTHER FIRM TOWN O F VAll REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. h ,- •• vJ&..JI:J,/'~ c.""~...d-.",,,t-\0 -r:c.,o.\....>.rL.,. I -e,\c...~-\0 Cc.~""'ilNecl.W c.,..\\<.~dXc,~",. «I I.~I h..~J C C>~,W~c.~Y',,,.>.J CoJ4/'\0 ~,......""1 l\4\'lS 7 c.:>r +~"E'.C:>fa \,....''"Ill'''ll..c\ 'f-(k ~cl.s(c.~"J::'.r~)vd-'07-e~0 F-0<-~.(wL........1"""'5 c\..ro f) ••Project Application • ~A.l A i't-:'P S-,....JContactPersonandPhone Project Name:\.~='"1_1<:..:...--r-r-_ Pr oj ect Description:I tb ~c:c +p....-._--'~=,..'-_ \.VOwner,Addressand Phone :---->;¥-O:'-l--"'-'-.L-..J,,~'"'"U"--.u-''------------- A rchitec t,Add ress and Pho ne :r>./<J Legal D escript io n :lOI Breck Filing •Z one _ Comments :_ Design Review Board Date _ M ohon by : Seconded by : APPR OVAL D ISAPPROVAL .(f, ~• o f I'(~+ ~\S la "Approval --.... J .--.•Project Application • Dol.(,I 1l'7 *'.(\C ""•r ) =;v 2,1 IJContactPersonandPhone LegalDescription :lot Block _Filing .Zone _ Comments:_ r e,I Design Review Board Date _ M ot ionby: Seconded by: APP ROVAL DISAPPROVAL \ ~\j v •I ~If,, J )~l '")"\To wfl Planner Dale:L,<,(1 , r o StaffAppro val "tv •• DENN IS ANDERSON ASSOC IATES ,INC. Landscape Arctutecture •Plan01ng •Visual Commumcancn May 25,1 987 Rick Pylma n TOW NOFVAILTOWN PLANNER Dep t .of Commu nity Developmen t 75S .fro ntage Rd. Vail ,Colorado 8 1657 Dear Rick : • By v ar yi n g t he s iz es we will ma i nta i n t he ap p roxi mat e linea l f eet ,a nd a chi eve a mo re natu ra ll ook i ng Lan dsc ape as demonstrated i n th is sk et ch. Asp er ou r mee ting wit h La rry Benwa y o nMay 22 ,1 9 87 ,t his l et t er de sc r ibes t he c ha n ge s I would like to make to t he Wen dy 's a t v ai l La nds cape Pl a n datedApril 2 7,1 987 . 1 .Bec a use o fr i che r s o il condit ions tha n or igi nally a nti cip ate d ,s ub st i tut e Colorado Blue Spruce fo r the Austr ia n Pi n e . 2.v ary t he si z es of t he 1 0'Sp ruce .The P lan sh ows 27 -1 0 ' Spr u ce or a to tal of 2 7 0 'Li n eal F eet ,I wouldl i ke t ov ary t hes izes t o1 0 -7 '(6-8 '),1 0-1 0 '(9 -11 '),7 -13 '(12-14'). 10 '1 0 '10 'v.s .1 0'7 '13 ' T hank you fo r your t ime a nd i f yo u h a ve a ny q ue stions .p lease do nt h esi tate to c all . S i nce re ly , ~6 De n ni s Ande r son Su,11;l310 va.t NilllU1 llll U<3nK E3Uldl'lg 1013 South ~fO~lagf~Roadwest •VOl',Cotoruoc 81657 •(303)476 6405 • • •lifter-Mountain ..EngineeringUd. Ma y 19,1987 David Pa inter Franci s Co ns truct i on Box2B72 GrandJ un cti on,CO 81502 Re :Wen dy's s i te .Vail ,Colorado Project No .V-7069G Dear Oav id: • As requested.on Ma y 19.1987,an in spe cti on was ma deofthe f oundati on excavation fortheabove-r e feren ced s ite.Backf ill of t hef oundati on fo ot ing was complete and c ompactiont e sts we re ta ken i nthef ootin g areas .Results wereas f ollows : Test Loc ati on Dry Density %Moisture 1 SW corne r o fbuild ing 11 9.6 12 .9 2 Mid point,west wa ll 122.6 9 .1 3 N wall at tM cor ner 124.9 12 .0 4 EwallSof NE corner 11 5.6 17.1 5Swall at SE corner 126.2 11 .8 I have not li stedapercentage of standard Proctor .Th e so i l splaced inthee xcavat io n differ f ramthes01 1ss ampled atthe borrowarea.The ba ckfill edso i ls were very fi rm and t hesheepsfoot com pactorused to com pact t he f i 11 had l'w a lked"a ut of t he f ill.My understand109 fr om ta Hi n9to you 1sthatthe f 11 1 1s atl east tw o feet thick and wasplacedinthree I itts . Ba sed on the tes ts ta ken and m¥observations a tt he site .the f ill shouldbeadequate to s upp ort200 0psf . If you ha ve any questions ,please feelfre etoca l l. GT'\:cjn 80_No i 76 A~on ,Co lQlWO 6 16:;>0 9 .g.S07Z 0'....'.8i3·\'))1 1420 Varlce Sl reO l L.l_eWOO<J,Colorado 60 1 15 P hQ ~2 32 -0 1 ~1l • •I r:ter-Mountain ....Engineer!ngUd. I~ay 19.1987 David Painter Francis Co nstruction Box 28 72 GrandJ unction,CO 8 1502 Re:Wendyls site,Vail,Co lorado Pro ject No .V-70 69G Dear David: • Proctor tests havebeen pe rfo rme d on the im port s oils bef ng used forthe above -referen ced site .Th e Imported salls are bei ng s upplied by th e Tow n ofVail . Cu rve No.2 i s f ora c layey si lt ma ter ial with f ragmented rock. Th e stan dardProctor results for t his s oil are : Ma xi mu m dry densHy 11 2.2pcf Optimu m mo is turecontent 15.8% Curve No.31s for a gran ularso il cons ist ing ofs an d,gravel an d c obbles .The standa rd Proctor res ults for this so il are: Ma xi mum drydensity 135.0 pcf Optim um mo isture conte nt 7.5 % My unde rstanding is that the i mportsoi ls are being used inthe parking l ot a reas and for the bu ilding foundat ions .Onlyt he granular s oilsshould beused un derbuilding f ounda ti ons . If you hav e an yques ti ons,please feel freet oc all . GTA:cjn 80.11I0 gil A'o'O'l .ClJ IO<.oo 11 1620 i<f'i-!10 12 D.......!9).1 531 U 2Q v ......,Siltel lak ...OOCI .CoIo.ado 8021 S Pt.on-2JN)1se • 75sou th fr ont.llge ,oad va il,c olora do 81657 (3 03)4 76 ·7000 No vember 30 ,1 9 87 Mr .Denn is Anderson De nnis Ande r son Associates suite 310,Vai l Na tional Bank Bldg 1 08 South F ront age Road Wes t Vai l,colorado 8 1657 Re :Wendy 's Landscaping De ar Denn is : • otllce of community development o o o o o Our j oi nt inspection of the Wendy 's Res taurant landscaping of 11/12/87 r evealed some d iscrepancies with the approved l andscapep lan.The fo llowing mat erials s t il ln e ed to b e install ed: Ii t am junipe r a t e n try 1 spru cea tn o rth side of b uildi ng ,5 dogwoods on eas t p ropertyl in e Al l seedli ngs and 3 1 sp ruce as specified above Retaini ng wa ll Seed and mulch o f a ll di s turbed ar eas As we discussed ,i f you will p res ent a cost e stimat e for comp let ion of t hi swork,t heTown o f Vai l will bond the l and scaping r e quirements until thes p ri ng of 1988 .Upon r e ceipt o f the r eq uired bond,the Towno f Vail will i ssuea Final c erti ficat e of Occupancy fo r Wendy 's Res taurant . s~~~~ Ri ck Py lrnan T ownPla nner RP :br c c:Pe te r Witte r E 1 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE., TH E FOL LOW ING I S NEED EDFOR F ILI NGPERM I T 'x.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,OAT.f rom condo a ssn .(IF APP LICAB LE)-..L Letter•lown I lal t TVPEOFCONSTR UCTION I II til I V t£)..v 2.2Se ts pf con nl et edr aw in gS/e xolanat i on d epartment of community d evelopment 2 ,OCCUP AN CY GROU P ~B E H IR M BUILDING '(C/r nr Y ****PL EA SE FIL LOUR WIiER E TilE (X)MARKS ARE! I 2 2-6)4 z ElEC TRICA L ~O OO O -)( TO BEFILLED OUT COM PL ETELYPRIO R TO I SSU AN CE Of PERM IT DIVISION 0t:I rt:000 'X"G E N E ~~~:S::~~~O N OF WO RK :-c PLUM BING --TYPE OF PERM IT -/~ ~ rr(PLUM BIN G <371 0 0 0 -XDtBUllOING[,',,>MECHANICAl IE'ELEC TRIC AL [FOUNDATION "7"-'II' .J;),/i.-I!"')~)( Gf MECH ANICAL . TYPE G ROUP G,R.FA VALUATION PER MIT FEE SXLEGALLOTBlK-:V I--fr -j -BUILDING PERMIT /8:10 - :·~SC .FI LING IL1.---PLAN CHECK /I ~Y -X BNAME :/rkJ)(JI/S ELECTRI CAl ,,<,to - OW NER N AME NEW !ALT ERA TION ()A DDITIONAL ()REPAI R ()PL U MBIN G /iJd ~ X MA I L ADDRESS DWEL L ,"G U ~~+N "S _M ECHAN IC AL ssS ~ CI TY PH I-iEIGHTINFT.__NO E ~__RECREATIONFEE ),'7,/0 - ARCHITECT :,~=1::~INSU LATION:m E THICKNESS R....AllUE DESIGN REVI ew BOARD 100 - FLOOR /.d1....ClEAN -UPDEPOSlT SOd - CITY -n u ,,/P H ~ZZ1i eXT.WAl lS /'117-1 c :17'U SE TA X 1;1.'7 nd - FIRM £4,..,;.,(o...,!;j:-,e , ROOF /3#1 rf I I<..,1CJ X GE NE RAL IJ z./>TYPEELEC.I GAS TOTAL PER MITFEE SCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.N O .O F I(')":0 <,1'.;-- TEL E '/?Y-7tJ/'.?1ZS.c.h.SOI.AR WOO D .~ft...:£~~":i rr -----HEA T f i RM AD DITI O NAL PERMITS NEE DED:OU ll DlNG O FFI IAL A E CTRICAL !.!i I NlTlfiTOWNOFVAILREG_N O ,X ----------------O NTRACTOR ST.CUT ONING ADM I NI STRATOR D ATE TELE .BLASTING X II Z O NING &BU l lD INQ N OTE S :..-/4'1 J /~..r..:. X FIRM /../1 0.1 JC-r-.,,...---.;...,.-..,,..-...""-~-o:PAIlK1NG I~IPLUMBING ~.,c-r:.n,.....;-r;r: CONTRACTOR TOW N OF V A il REGNO DE MO X /-~""7/~..t....5 ,C~FC '_IJ /-t:~?;A (,~t?L}Jc - T a;L E. -c, .>-r..-,..~_ FIRM I he reby ack n ow ledg e t hai I h ave re ed Ih i s applicatio n ,filled o uti n f ull t he i nform ation re quired ,' X ME CHAN I CAL compl e ted anac curate p rot p lan,and sta te t ha t a llth e i nfo rmation p ro vi ded a s req u i red i sc orrect.I CON TR AC TOR TO WN O F VAIL REG .N O ,a g reeto c om p lywi th t he in formationa ndpl ot pl an ,toco m ply w i tha ll T o wn ordinances a nd state THE _l aw s,and to b u il dth i sstru ct ur e acc o rd i ng tot heT own's zoning an d s ubdi ...teton c odes,de sign OTHER fiR M review approved .U nif orm B ui ld ing C odea nd o the r ord in a.JW$sA1-~own a pplicab l e the re to . ~X "/...'--tJ,/h-. TOWN O F VA ilREG .NO _I 7 ~.%O f M NER O RCO NTRACT OR FOR H IM SE LF CONTRAC TOR TE lE.AND E WN ER ,..._,.., x * •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL 479-2138 •j)t/)~y ),./~/c;U -i~/kJ'kJ CA LLER b~t:l -U q 9'o -(J -!~TES WE D T U FRI ~PM ~,J !/J •v t}cJ REA DY FOR LO CATI ON :__-='-...LI~_~'-.t-=="'-''--'''","",,~-='''--'-'''=''---_ PERMIT N UMBE R,0 j'PROJECT D ATE /jrl5 JOB NAME I BU ILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I STE EL o UNDERGROU ND o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUG H I DWV. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATE R RO OF &S HEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N S ULAT ION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FI Ni\k o FINAL. -')ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: !;J"}EMP .POWZ o HEA T ING faOUG H t /du 4-tt,;W J?o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NOUIT CJ o SUPPLYA IR ~0 I o FINAL o FI NAL R~A PP R O V E D o D ISAPPROV ED o REINSPECTION REQ UIRED ;r ,6+4 If (,(I'17 I Q I r h >f'CO RREC T IO NS:> = D ATE -'----'--"---r-=---INSPECTOR ----;:c"'='---'~-"'-'-'--''-7'---':;;z'------ NOTE -CO PY OF PERMIT TO BE K EPT ON J OBSITE JANUARY 27 19 94~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT .. • .,DATE ',6579..PERMIT NO. lID I •111 ITYPEOF CONSTRUCTION rnm tvv de partment o f co mmu nity deve lopment 2.OCC UPANCYGROUP ABEH IRW BUILDING D IVISION 1 2 2111 J4 2 elECTRICAL ,non on TOBE FILLED OU T CO MPLETELY PRIOA TO I SSUANCEO F PERMIT Q GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOFWQRK :~PlUMBINGTYPEOFPERMIT~ADD Fl ,AcpmEI I GHT S_CmIDII ITS TO BE ~o BU ILDING 0 PLUMBING BUR IED l:i SPRING >MeCHANICAl a ELECTRICAL o FO UNDATI ON O?~~~H ~N I C A L o o nm TYPE GROUP G,RF ,A .VALU ATION PERM IT FEES LEG AL LOT BL K BU ILD I NG PfRM IT• ...............t.1~\JT\V I cDESC./FILING PlAN CHECK .OB NAM E :WI;~D Y 'S FLA GP\l LE LIGHTS ELE CTRICAl ,n .nn OWNER ENDY cnUl RAnO PARTNERSH P NEW I I Ai.TERATION (I ADDITIO NAl.(••,..R EPAlR()PLUMBING "-MAIL AD DREsS'BOX 1458 OWEL l I NGUJ~I TS __ACCO tM.tOOATtONUNlTS __"ECHANICAl.-~-CITY DILLON co 804»468 -511 HE IGHT '''1FT __NO .F IREPLACES --RECREATIONfEE INSULA n ON :TY PE TH IC KNESS A-VA.LLUEARCHITECTfiRM,,~I II DESIGN REVIEW BOARD It-::;- MAIL ADDRESS Cl£AN·UPDEPOSlT &-_~ cur PH .US ETAX-O ~::W~L LS WILL CALL 3 .0 0 G ENERAL FIRM ITYPEELEC G'S -CONTRACTOR TO WN Qf VAIL REG .NO ,TOTALPERMIT FEES 5 3.00OF TEL'SO""WOOD H EAT ERN ST GLA TZLE 1-27-94 ~UILl5iNG OFFiCiAL ------D ATE ----- FIRM "AlLEY ~IDE ELECT RI C A PDITIONAL PERMIT S NEEDED l ECTRICAl 2 14-E z,~.lli!!!&to:.-------TOWN O f VAILREG.NO .-------NTRACTOR ST.C UT OHING ADMINiSTRATOR DATE THE.9 49-1 747 BLAS TING tz ONING &BUIL DINGNOTES : FIRM SEE A TTACHED LIGHTING SHEET FOR APPROVEDPARI(I NG PLUMBING LIG HT FI XTURES. TOWN OFVAI L REG NO DE MOCONTRACTOR TO'< f iRM I he reby acknowledge that I h avereadthisapp lication,f illedo utinfu ll t h e i nf o rmation required , MECHAN ICAL c ompletedana cc urate plot p lan ,andstate that a ll th ei nformatio n provided a s requ i red isc orrec t.I CONTRACTOR IOWN OF VAIL AEG .NO .ag ree toc o mp ly with th e info rmation and plot p lan ,to c omply with all Town ordinances andstate laws,andtobui ld thi sstructure accord ing t o theT own's zoning and SU bd~isi on codes ,de signTELE.review approved.Uniform Buildin gCode and ~~ce~~t he\:?W '}'llP P liC a b l e th ereto. OTHER FIRM -;~,,( T OWNO F VAIL REG .NO.SIGNATURE O fOWNER OR COnCTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.AND TH EOWNER. ••, TOWN OF VA IL CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT APPLITN FORM DATE :-,Jf-'''''7'=- PERIIlT ,fa 5'7 9. APPLICATION MUST BE FILLE D OUT COMPELYOR IT MA Y NOT BEACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• []-Buil ding []-Plumb ing [)<)-El ectrical []-Mech anical []-Oth er J ob Name:dIe/vl?)''5 Job Addr ess:2-3'1 9,1/,~f4zz. Legal Descr iption :Lot Bl ock F iling SUllp tyISIQN: h /..A..//.t!!<Jy,.",lj Ow ners Nam e:/4/pp U A M"",..,."6"..,.;,,,M dres s:d!t7J /ffg Rc,w..".U2 Ph ·L~-5".1'2 Architec t:~/Addres s:Ph._ Gene ra l Des c rip tio n:/f'zl,f}R 4,1;0/tF"ktFdh -c~d:-z6 k £v-,",,/<;o ,,#$~/&N;'.,.IV Work Clas s:[]-New []-Alte rat ion P<]-Add itiona l []-Repair[]-Other ~_ Number of Dwelling u nits:~Number o fAc commodation Units:~ ~mber and Type of Fi replaces :Gas Appl ia nces Gas Logs Wood /Pellet 1\***........•••*\*****************VALUATIONS *********************••••*•••••** BUILDING:$ELE CTRICAL:~t?""t:'~OTHER:$ P LUMB ING :$MECHANICAL:$•TOTAL:$i---:;n 7",-"':;:-- ~••••••••••••••••••••••:!:••CONTRACTORINFORMATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••~e n e ra l Contractor:~~Town of Vail Reg.NO o __ Ad dress:I Phone Numbe r: Electrical c ontracto r:(~$/LlC ~cAt'£4z,T Address :WK 772 eo ~ Plumbing Co ntr act or : Ad dress: T own o f Vail Reg .No .O!Hu Pho neNu mb er :9¥?-/Z t/7 T own o fVa il Reg .NO ._ Ph one Number : Me chanical Co ntractor: Address :Town o f Vail R.•e~g~.~N:O~.:.====Phone Number :_ OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPLANCHECKFEE : PLUMBING PLANCHECKF EE: MECHANICAL PLANCHECK FEE: RECREATI ON FEE : CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERM~Si~~t/l 5 3 ,00 ********************************FOR BUI LDING P ERM IT F E E: P LUMB ING PERMITF E E: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE : ELECTRICAL FE E: OTH ERT YPE OF FEE: DRB F EE: TYPE GROUP SQ .FT.VALUATI ON BUILDING :-Z r - SIGNATURE: ZON ING:, ~SI ~2,~:Comme n ts :oJ L ·"'~/."~,.kv ...L ,>U (/d '.;/" XCLEAIl UP DEPOSIT EEFDllD TO: • • town of VBI 75 south fronta ge road vail .colorado 81657 (3.3)4 79-21)8 or 479-2139 •,•r- office of community development . TO: FR OM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORSCURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIlE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 1 6,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MA TERIAL STORAGE In s u mmary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any p erson to litter,track or de po sit any soil,rock,sand,d e bris or mat erial,includ i ng trash dumpsters,portable to ilets and workm en v e hicles upon a ny street,sidewal k,alley or public pla ce or any portion thereof.The right-o t-way on a llTown of Vail streets and road s is approximately 5 ft .off pavement . This ordinance will b e strictly enforc ed b y the To wn of Va il Pub lic Works Depa rtment.P ers ons f ound v io lat ing th is ordi nance will b e given a2 4 hour writ te n not ice to r emove said mate r ia l. In thee vent the pers on so not ified does n ot comply with the n otice within the 24h ou r time spe ci fie d,th ePu b lic Wo rks Department will r emove said material at t he expen se of p erson noti fi ed.Th e provi sions of this ordin ance s ha ll not b e applicable to construction,maintenance or rep air proje cts of any s treet or alleyo r any utilities in the r i ght-a-wa y. Tor e view Ordina nceNo .6 in tu ll,please stop by the Town of Va il Building Depa rt~e nt to obt ain a c op y.Th ank you for your coop eration on this matter. ;~J?ml e ~e d b y: "r;;;;;;:;t:D~~d-~o sit1on /Rel tionsh ip t o proj ect (i.e.contractor,owner) ~Da t . •• 7 5 south frontage road nil,colorlldo81657 13.3)4 79-2138 or 479-2139 • office of community development BUILDING PEffi1IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pe rm it requires a Town of Vai lFi re De par tm ent Approva l. En g i nee r '~(public Works )r evi ew a nd a pp rova l,a Pl ann ing Depa r tme nt re vieworHea lth Depa r tm ent review,and are view by theBuilding Departm ent,the est ima ted time f or a t otalre vi ew ma ytake a s long asth ree weeks . Allcosmerctat (large or small)a nda ll multi -family perm its will have to fo llow the abo ve menti oned ma ximum re quireme nts.Residenti al and small proj ectsshould takea l esser amo untof ti me .However,if res i dential or sma ll erproject s i mpac tthe vari ousabovementioned departm ents with regard tonecessary re view,th ese projects may a lso take the th ree week peri od . Every attempt wi.ll be ma de by this departmen t to expedite this pe rm it asSQon as possible. t .the un dersi gned,un derstand the plan c heck proced ure a nd time f rame .. , OVE R VOLTAG E OPERATION-Generalssrv ies t ungsten h alogen lamp s sl\ould no t be op erated at voi tagosgfc ilar than 1 10%ra,e d volt8g8 o r eX!reffie kmp lif.r educ tion may occur.Specia l s ervice tu ngsten h.:lJo sen lamp s having acol or temperature rill lnOo f 3 400K sho u ld net bo o pe r- ated It voltage s gre ater than 10S%rated bfe . U ND ERVO LTAGE OPERATI ON -GE t ung sten-halog en lamps can beused f or undervohagoo perat io n .On t ransfo rmer t vped imm ingdevic- es,J..m plileIs pr edictable d own t o 90"ra led vo ltage .Below 90,,"rat edvol t ego lamp life w ill incre ase as '110 11119 0 isreduced b ut,not ata p r edict- a ble re te .On sem i-conducto r d imming da vie cs.lamplife can besho rtertha n who n used 0 1}transformer type dImming d evices end is no t .prlldict ible.. ,INITIAL LU M EN S -Ratingsare based on phot ometry o f lam ps t hat havo been op ereted fo r a brie f peri od(10 hours mallimum),at rated volts . OPERAT ING POSITION -Lim itationso nlamp op erating po sition areshown in the "Oeseript io n':column ,Thof oUo wing abbreviatio nsare used:. BOTH -Burnbase down 10 hor ilontal. HORIZ.-Burn ho rizontal w ith m aximum 4'tilt . II no limi t3tion isshown .th o lamp may be operated i nanyposi tion ':.: .; ... "' • MR·16MR·l1 •......-..'.'. .'::-, ~.j ~, "'v.f j AOP Rltld VIlI~Addilian.1llnform.tiall Fil"II ar A'B Appru Oml rit19 Wu"Coy SII QUirtL mi nt MOL teL Lill Luwns Bulb Bm Cod.Ou aiptiu Amps 0 •.fa lltnalu ss -61 Ou ign (in.1 (i ll.)Haun JnL -IMun GE PRECiSe-LA MPS Precise"Lamps e re co mpact 12-vOIIOUBr1 l1inO'lamps w ith twg.j nch llnd one a nd three quarte r inch di3me ler Mul ti·Mi rror·facet ed dichroic re- nectcrs.A pplicat ions includ8 di splay lighting ,down'ghting and spo tl ighting .Beam epread s sho wn are t o 50'J{,o f c enterbeam candlepower. Lamp s may be o perated in any po sit ion.. 20·75 WATT S , \ C.P. '0 200 ,, e.p.·, "50 C.P."· "'''' 8 9 5 ::.. ?,~.{: eee 2.60.::!C......,..,..,,10 ..~.!..."..~ 500 3500 600 "\!l00 600 .'8 100 6 30 ·C.I'.:::';:'::;,t:,c:o f>3 0 .;(·c.r..'..'2 100 .";.~.."r .~•v.. 2 60 ,if ~~ eso.:C.P.,· '~~':.27 50 ' 4 60 .>-·'c.P.·,· "'.':1300 4 GO .':'C.P. •.5 850 2110 .:.e....·..•.,,~:IS ~' ~~,:.,~. '000 <000 <000 <000 3 500 3000 · ".;.:: ;,.'.~ .,..\t::.. lV. m lV. lV. C-G H . e.e l'Y., CC-6 .tV. e., " Cc-<. ·f '--.: C·,, C·, C~ c-e ce-' C·,,~3~,.. C~,~-3000..-ce ·'.I'3 000 e.,,~-3000 . ';..-..'~. C-$"..3000'.... CC-tll •.I'-.3000 , NJorrow SIXII .292 5 1C..•' A pprll.&am Spr.ad:,~" 13'(13 21 ......:-, Vwy NIno....Spo l .':·'."l., 282~l(.Appnc.a..n " S_d:1"11]21 '.".' f bod 29251(.AI»<..,"'" BI ..&lTl seer 11]21 f lood (1 32) Nw ow Spot (l32) V,ry twrow Spot.32 00"- A PfIl'Il.BNnl.Spr •..:!;9 ".'11 3 2 1 '~'-"";":' Narrow f lood . 3 QOOK.Appnl .Bcwm Spr.1¢2T(132).' Nl n ow Flood ..- 305OK.Appra.allm , Sprlld:3 2'113 21 N..ro....Spot.305oOK. Ap pr-a .8 .....S prn<t 14'(1]2} Narrow S POt 29501(, a n..,S~:l cr1132)"'; S pol 2 9 5OlC .a llm " SptNd:20 'lI3 2}..' t4rro....f lood 29501('..• a llm Sp'lId :3 0'11321 N.....ow SIXII 2 51 501( 806m Spt .ad:10'11321 ". SlXIt 29501(.8Mm ". Spr ud n '(1321 . N..-ow flood-29SOK • 8Nm S pr.aad:30'1'3.21 " " 12 12 " r a t z " " Q20M R11l/VNSPIEZXJ '6P I(sa " Q2 0MR16/fl(8Aa I6PI(12 ". Q35MR l l1 /SPIFRAI I PI(""035MRll1 fF"'FM W)SPl(12 "035MR1a /NSPlFII8j SP I(""Q42MR111/V NSPIElY)lIPIl.'2 " Q42MR'I/N f UEYSI6PI('2 " a SOMR111fN Flfl IEXI(I'PIl.12 2. Q2 0MR1G/NS PIESXj GPI( 147 87 Q SOMR1 1f11l S plDtn 6P I( ". V ALUAT ION $~$10 ,000 $1 0 ,00 1 $5 0 ,0 00 $5 0,001$1 5 0,00 0 $150 ,0 0 1 $50 0 ,0 00 $500,001 $1 ,0 00 ,000 $.Ov e r$l r OO O,O OO J:'~~. $2 0.00 $5 0 .00 $1 00 .0 0 $20 0.00 $4 00 .0 0 $50 0.00 ROOESSE I~OU'J.'-{)WNE~>005~GIuI:l:mu: 1 I • IN ECTION REQUEST TO WNO F VA IL 479-2138 /lkll!iJY's FLfi6eft~LJ[,/I-rS CALLER p lVn Hi /JJ ,je..R~JOB N AME --"==-=-=:::-"':""""7¥.'-'-'JL:-:-~-""L'--'-=----- PERMIT NU MBER O F PROJECT D ATE /-2$-t/'l I N SPECTION ,(MOrY TURe /GREADYFORWEDTHURFRI PM ~3q q N l-(tl/1';""f'~d.L OCATION, I rn-/71J.7 BUILDING :PLUMBING : DFOOTINGS I STEEL D UND ERGROUND DFOUNDATION I STEEL D ROUGH I DW.V. DFR AMING DRO UGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER D GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATIO N D POO L I H .TU B D SHEE TROCK NA IL D D D -11 'N A L o F I NAL MECHAN ICAL:ELECTR ICAL: DTEM P.POWE R D HEATIN G DROUGH DEXHA UST HOODS D CONDU IT D SUPP LY A IR D D f,J FINAL ~J .tJ /o FI NAL -. D REIN SPECTIONREQ UIRED 'I .....,h...,I D D ISAPPROVED J..)..p , "c lIr i ---=---=-"---=-"'-''-'---=----'-:=-'-'''7-'''---- D A PPROVED CO RRECTIONS, , IINSPECTORtDATE_"-_--==-__--=-_ -", • - o'Sign ReviewAction Fa, TOWN OF VAIL q Date ----==~I-:..L-'--------- ,J Arc hitect/Contact,Address and Phone :__-,,-.,LI "',,_ i 7 rJ)"Z (",)f b)/,)!,..) ...........~i ..(Ii ,;.fJ ,",I;j Legal Description:Lot __B lock Subdivision ZoneDistri ct ('t:~ Project StreetAdd ress:2 11 '1 AJ &,..1....."i?d (:(/'7.f-" u COmme nts:-:=,-_ Board I Staff Action Motion by:_ Secondedby:_ o App rova l Vote:_ o Disapproval /n:.Staff Approva l Conditio ns :_ TownPlanner ORB Fee P r e "peid _~::..c.__'!._-z /1/eZ1 Date:--'c...L -"lc..L-"-_ ••:::ov isod 9/4 /91 DRBAPP LICAT ION -TOWN 'OF VAI L, DATE APP L ICATI ON RECEIVED : DATE OF ORB MEETING : TIllS APPL I CAT Ion WILL NO T DE ACCEPTED UN TIL ALL REQU IREDI NFORMATI ON IS SUBM ITTED ********** (,lJlt p-I'A " ,/I ,L h '-r,f.;r d I,PROJECT INFORMATI ON: A,DES CR IP TION:Wt::N I~'{·S.(J~/I::>'--~f L 's..\trllJ <;,. \.\.p s;.Rf\.bE.I±Db :<.L<.tt-T 5.c.i'-es.']<1l-I<G"e"~/7.-J1:.. fl'1.TVttZS ~r1 C)..o '-h:>s 0'P,;;g mJh,l 1,1 FAs....TIJ &-,...--R."s.R.ss.,.:....r\T7'c:J:Vi=T1 C~ <:.tttw Cn;C""vn 4""..,H-,u+fk"~"""..,+"Ltw l.J M..noJ-,tb...t.,,,.. B TYPE OFREVIEW '~LJ ~""-'S'+<a.U>"'C -1J£E\?Gb ~"-~,;- •"S",Lv 0.,rY.JJE.U .hL G.>ffS I'r-r ~....llillU-S ...TS J,o __New Con st ruction ($200.00)__..-11_ii rno r Alter at ion ($20 .00)~",.:l,-l"T. Additi on ($50.0 0)Co nce ptua l Rev iew ($0)-.-- C ..ADDRESS:.::>.3'1't N fu "'7lt4€£p Wss ,- D .LEGAL DESCRIPTI ON :Lot Block ___ Subdivision _ I f prop erty i s de scribed b y a De ets un d b ou nds legal de s cr i ption,p lease pr ovide ona separ ate sheet and attach t o this ap p lication . E,ZONING: F .LOT AREA:If requ ired ,a pplicantmust p rovidea cu rre nt s tamped surve y sh owing lot area . G .NAME OFAPP L I CANT :\,aJEND 1lfH&OJIj(QN!?BSdtP Mai ling Address :Co b(lf.,.I'1='>~;p ,u "....>c...,•,!(ll.-<.j'7C"S~L~I.b.<-='--"-::p:-;:h...,o...,n...,e--...,'1T,"'a-...,--::s:=I.,.I:-:7:::-------- II .NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT 'S REP RESENTATIVE:Ge.l~f'rIS-.J)1 o-cl Addre s s:~t£ Ph one I ,NAM E OF OWN ERS : ·~;I~~~~d~~~sP=cJn..v L,A.~~'-------------_~one _ J ,Cond om i ~ium App rova l i f a pplicable. K.ORB FEE:ORB f ee s,as shown above ,ar e to be pa id a t the t ime of s ubmittal of DRB applic at ion .Late r,wh en applyi ng for a building p ermi t,p lease i denti f y t he accura te valuat ion of the p roposal .The Towno f Va i l wi ll adjust t h~f ee ac cording t o the tab le b elow,t o ~ e n sure the cor re ct fee i s paid .c-1 Ii (.'.:l'1hl'/ F EE PAID :$dtl ,,-e<'-r/r FEE S CHEDUL E :I 11+2-'15'1 .VALUATION FEE .®- S 0 -$10 ,000 S 2 0 .00 $10,0 01 -$50 ,00 0 $50,00 $5 0 ,00 1 -$150,000 $1 00 .00 $15 0,001 _-$5 00,00 0 $200 .00 $5 00,0 01 -$1,000,0 00 $400 .00 $Over $1 ,0 00,0 00 $500 .0 0 .•DES IGN REVI EW BOARD APPROVAL EXJ?IRES ONE YEAR 1'-FTER F INAL APP ROVAL UNLESS A BUILDINGPERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION I S STARTED. **NO APPLrc.n.TION WILL DE P ROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER 'S SI GNATURE Wn>.:,-J.::.l...c:GR 1<, (~r:.uJ~~\. •II .PRE -APPLICATION MEETING :• A p re -appl icat io n meeting withamember o f the plann i ng sta ff is strong ly encouraged to d eterminei f any add it ional app li cation information is n eeded .I t is the appli cant's respo ns ibi l ityt o make a n app ointme nt wi th t hes taff to d et erm ine if t here a re a d di ti onal s ubmitt alr equirements. P lease n o te that a COM PLETE app li ca t ion wi ll streaml ine the ap proval p ro cessf or your proj ect . I II.IMPORTANT NOT ICE REGARD ING ALLSUBMISSIONS T O THE ORB : A .In addition to meeting submittal requireme nts ,the ap plicant must stake and tape t he project site to i ndicate property lines ,building lines an d b ui ld ing co rner s.Al l t rees to be rem oved mu st be ta ped .All site tapi ngs a nds t aking must be comp let ed p rior t o the DRD s ite vi sit .The appl icant must en su r e that st aking done du ri ng the win ter is not buried b y sno w. B .Th e r eview process for NEW BUILDINGS no rmall y requi res two separate meetings of the Design Rev iewBoard:a conceptual approval and a fi nal a pp roval.App lican ts sh ould plan on presenting their deve lopment p roposal a t a minimum o f two mee tings before obta in ing fi na l approv al . C .Appli cantswho fail to appear befo ret heDes ignRevi ew Board ont hei r scheduled meeting date and who haveno t as ked in advance that discussion on the ir i tem be p ostpone d,wil l have their items removed fr o m t he DRB d o cket unti l suc h time as th e item has be en r epu bl ished. D.The f ollowing i tems may ,at the d iscre tio n o ft he zoning administrator,be approved b y the Commun ity De velopment Departme nt staff (i.e .af ormal heari ng be fore the ORB may no t be requ ired): a .Win dows,s kylights a nd similar ex te rio rc hang es which do not alter the existi ng plane of the bu i ld i ng;a nd b .Building addition p roposa lsn ot v isib le from a ny othe r l ot or public space .At t h e times uc ha p r opo sa li s submit ted ,applic antsmust inc l ude lette rs f rom a d jacent prope rt y owner s an d/or from t he a gent for or manager of any a djace nt c ondominium association stating t he associ at ion a p proves of the additio n . E.I fa prop erty is l oc at ed in amappedh a za rd a re a (i .e. s now aval an che ,r ockf al l ,f lood p lain,deb ris f lo w, wetland ,et c),a haza rd study mus t be s ubmi tt eda n dt he o wner must sign a n a ffidavi t r ecogniz i ng t he ha za rd r ep or t prio r .t o t hei ss ua n ce o fa bu i ld ing permit . Appl icants a re e ncou ra ged to che ck with aTown P lanner p rior t o OR B app licat ion to de t ermi ne the relati ons hip of the property t o all mapped h azar ds . F ,For a ll res ident ial const ructio n: a,Clea rly indicate on the floo r plans the i ns ide f ace of the e xterior structural walls of the building ;and b.Indicate with a d ashed l ineon the site plan a four foot distance from the e x terio r fa ce of th e building walls or supporting co lumns . G .If DRB app roves the app li cat ion with condit io n s o r modificatio ns ,a ll c ond itio ns of approval mu st b e r es olve d prior t oTown issuance o f a buildi ng permit . 2 •IV .NEW CON STRUCTION • A .Th ree copies of ar ec ent t op ogr aphic su r ve y,s tamned b v a licens ed su r ve yor ,a ta sca le of 1 "20 'or larg er, on which the f oll owin g in fo rmat ion is prov ided : 1 .Lot ar ea. 2 .Two foo t contour i nterv al sun l ess the parcel cons i sts of 6 acres o r mo rc ,i n which case,5' co nt our i ntervals ma y be a c cepte d. 3 .Exis ting trees o r groups of trees ha ving tru nks with diamet ers of 4 "o rmore,as meas ured f rom a p oi nt one f o ot a bo ve g rad e. 4.Rock out croppings and o t her signif icant na tu ral features (l arge bo ulde rs ,inte rmitt en t s tre ams , e tc .). 5.Hazard areas (av al a nche,rockfall ,etc.), center line of s tr eam or creek ,requir ed creek or st ream se tback ,IOO -y ear fl ood plain a nd slopes o f 40 %or mo re ,if a ppl icab le . 6 .Ties to e xist ing benchmark ,ei the r USGS landma rk o r sewer i nv ert .This in for mation s hould b e c learly stated on the survey so that all me as uremen t s are based on thes am e starting po int . Th isis partic ul arly i mpo rt an t for h eig ht measurements .See P o licy Cn Survey Inf ormati on, f or more i nfo r mati o n r eg ard in g su r ve ys. 7 .Locations o f thef oll owin g: a .Siz e and typeo f dra inage culvert s ,swale s , e tc .mu st b es ho wn . b .Exact locat ion of exi s ting uti li ty sou rces and proposed service li nes fr om thei r sourc e t o the struc ture .Utilities t oi ncl ude : Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Wa ter Ele c tric c .Showa ll ut ili ty meterl o catio ns,i nclud ing any p edestalst o b e l ocatedo n site o r i nt he right -of-way a djac ent to t hes ite .Rev oc able pe rmi ts fro m the Tow n of Va il ar e requi red for i mprovements i n the r ight -o f-w ay . d .Property lines -distances a nd be ar ings and a b asis of bearing must be shown . e .All easement s (Title report must also i ncl u d e e xis t i n ge asement l ocat ions) 8 .Exis ti ng and fin i shed grades. 9 .Provi de spot elev ations o f t he st ree t,and a mi nimum o f one sp ot eleva tiono n either s ide o f the l ot ,25 feet out fro m t he s ide property l i nes . B .Site P lan 1 .Lo cat ions of the fo llowing: a .P roposed su rf ace d ra i na ge ona nd off site . b .Propo sed d riv eways .Per ce nt s lope a nd spot eleva ti onsmust be s hown. 2 .All e x ist ing i mprovemen tsi ncl ud ing s truc tures , landscaped areas ,servi ce areas ,st o rage areas , walks,d riveways,off-street parki ng ,l o ading area s ,r etaining walls (wi th top a nd bot t om Of wall s pot elevat ions ),and othe r exi sting s i te i mprovements. 3 3.El e v u~ons of top of r oof ridgeS~ith existing an d p rooose d gr ades shown un derneath).These e levat ion s a nd grades mus t be provided in order f or th e staff to determine building h eight.Al l ridge lines sh ould b ei ndicatedon t he site plan. El evat ions for ro of ridges shall also be indicated on the s ite pl an with c orresponding fini shed and e xis ting gra de e levat ions . 4.Dr iveway g r ades mayn ot e xceed 8 \unless approve d b y the TownEn gineer . C .Lan dsc ape Pl an (1 "=20 'o rl arger)-3 cop i es requ ired 1 .The following in forma ti onmus tb e prov ided on the landscape pl an .Th e loca t io n o f e xisting 4 11 d iamet er o r larg er tree s ,the l ocation ,s i ze , s pacing and typ e (co mm o n a nd latin na me)of all e xisting and p r opos ed plant materia l .All t r e es to be s a ved and to b e r emoved mu st also be indicated .The p lnn must al so differentiate betwee n e xi sti ngan d pr oposed vegeta tion . 2.Completet he atta c hed landscape materials list . 3 .Th e location a nd t ype o f exi sting and p ropos ed water in gs ystems to b ee mplo yed in caring for plant mat e rial fo llowing it s installat i on . 4.Existing and p r opo sed contour lines. NOTE:In order to c lari fy the inter-relation of t he various d evelopment propo sal components,please incorporate as much of t hea bove informati on as possible onto t he site plan. D .Sign of f from ea ch ut il ity company verifying t he locat io n o f ut i lity service and ava i lab i lity (see att a ch ed). E .A prelimi nary t it le report must acc ompan y all submittal s ,to i nsur e pr op erty o wnership and l o cati o n o f all e as ementson pr op er ty . F .Architectu ral Plan s (1/8 "=l 'o r larger,1 /4"is p re fe r red s ca le f or r ev iew)3 copies required . 1 .Sca led =lo or plans and a ll e l evations of the propos ed dev el opme nt.Elevations must show both e x istinga nd f in i shedg r ades. 2 .One set of f lo or p lans mu st be "red-lined"to show how t he g ross reside nt ial floor a rea (GRFA)was ca lcu lated . 3.Reduction s of all e levat i ons and t he site plan (8 - 1 /2"x 11 ")f ori nclus ion in PEC and/o r To wn Council memosmay b e request ed . 4 .Exterior surfacing materials and mate r ial co lo rs shall be spec ified o n the a t tached mate r ia ls l i st . Th is mater ials list must be completed and submitted as a part o f ORB app l icati on .Colo r c h ips,siding samples et c .,sh ou ld b e presented t o the Design Re view Boa rd mee ting . G.Zone c he ck l i st (attac hed )must be completed if project i s located within t he Single -Family ,P rimary /Secondary o r Dup lex zone d i st ri ct s . H.Photoso ft he ex isting site and whe re applicable ,o f adj acent s t=uc tures . 4 ••t.TheZo ning Adm inistrat or a n d/o=DRB may r e quire the submiss ion o f a d di ti on al p lans ,dr awi ng s, spec ifi cati ons,s amp l es an d othe r ma teri als (i nc luding a mod el)if d ee me d nece ssa ry to d e te r mine whe ther a project wil l co mply wit h De si gn Guidelines . V .MIN OR ALTERATION S TO THE EXTERT OR OF BUI LD INGS . Photos or ske tches which clearly c onvey t he redevelop men t p ro po s al an d the l oca tion(si te plan)o ft he redev elopment propo sa l ma y be submitted i n lieu o f the mo re f orma l r equirements set forth a bove ,pr ovi deda ll impo rtant s pecifications for the proposal in cluding co lo rs a nd mat er ial s to be u sed a re submit t ed. V I .AOOI TIONS -RESIDENTI AL OR COMMER CIAL A .Ori ginal fl o or plans with all spec ificat ion s shown . B.Th ree se ts of pr op os ed f loor plans 1/8 11 =l'o r la rger (1 /4"=l'is preferred ) C.Thr e e copies of a site plan showing e xist i ng and proposed c on struct io n.Indi cate r o of ridge e l evations wi the x isting a nd propo sed gr ad es s hownu nderneath . D .Ele va tions of p ropose d a ddit io n . E .P h otos of t he e xisting st ructure . F .Spec if icat io ns for all mate rials a nd colo r samples on materials li s t (at t ac he d). At the r eque st of theZo ni ng Adci nistrator you may als o be requiredt o s ubmi t : G .A statement f rom ea ch ut il ityv erify in gl oc at ion of serv ice and avai labi li ty .See at ta c hed utility l ocati on verifi cation f orm. H .A site im pr ovement surve y,st ampe d b y reg iste red profes sion al surveyor . I .A pr eliminary title r ep or t ,t ov erify owne rshi p o f p r operty ,which li s ts a lle asements. V II.FINAL SITE PLAN On ce a building pe rmit has b een is sue d,and c o ns truct ion i s underway,a nd bef ore th e Bui l di ngDe pa rtment wi ll sc h edule a framing in spect ion ,t wo c o pies o f an I mprovement Locati on Cert ificate s urvey (I LC)s tamp ed b y ar eg istered pr of es sional e ng ineer mu st be submitte d.The fo l lowing informat ion must b e p rov ided on the I LC : A.Buildi ng l ocati on(s}with ties t op rope rty corners, i .e .distan c es a nd ang le s. B.Bui ldingd imensio ns t ot he n ea r es ~te nth o fa fo ot . c .All utility service line as -builts ,sho wing type o f materia l used ,and size and ex ac tl o ca tiono f lines. D .Dr a in~ge as -buil t s. E .Ba si s of b e ar ing t o tie to s ec tion co rner . F .All pr operty pins are to be eith er fo u nd o r set a nd s tat ed on i mpr o v e ment survey . G .Al l casements. H.Building f l oo r e levati ons a nd all r o of ridge e levat ion s wit h existing and pr o po se d grades shown u nde r the ri d ge l ine s. 5 VIII.CONC EPTUA L DE SI~RE VIEW • A .Submi t tal r equirements :Theo wner o r a uth ori zed a gent of any project requiring des ign app r ova l a s pr es cribed b y t his ch apter may s ubmitp lansf or c onc ept ual re view by t he DesignRe view Boardt o the Depar tment of Comm uni tyDeve lopme nt .Thec onceptua l r e view i s intended t og i ve t he appl icanta bas ic unde rstanding of t he compatibility o f the ir pr opo sal wit h the To wn 's Design Guidelin es .This proce d ure i s =ec omm ended p rima rily f or applic a tions more c omplex than single- fa mily a nd tw o-family =esidences .However,develop er s of s in gl e-family and tw o -fa mily p rojects s hal l no t be e xc lu ded fr om t he opportun ity t o request a conceptual d esign r evi ew.Complete applications must b e sUbmitted 1 0 days prior to a schedule d ORB meet ing . The f ollowi ng i nformat io n sha ll be submitted f or u concep tual review : 1 .A conceptu al s ite a nd landscape pl an at aminimum sca le o f o ne inche quals twenty f e et; 2.Concept u al e levat ion ss howi ng e x te rio r mate r ials and a d escr ipti on of t he cha racter o f the prop osed struc tu re or structu re s; 3 .Su fficient i nforma ti on to show t he p ro posal c omp li es with t he deve lopment standards of the 2 0ne dis trict in whi ch the proj ect i s to b e located (i .e .GRFA ,s ite cove rage c alcu l ations , numbe r of p a r king spaces ,e tc .); 4 .CompletedDRB appli cation fo rm. B .P ro ce d ure :Upon rec ei pt of an app l icationf o r conc eptual de s ign re vie w,the Depar tment of Commu nity Deve lopm e nt s ha llr evi ewt he s ubmi t te dmateria ls f or g ene ra l compli an ce with th e app rop riate requ i rementso f t he 20nin g c ode .I f th e proposal is in b a sic c o mp li anc e with th e z on in g c ode r eq u irement s,t he project s ha ll b e f orward ed to t he ORB fo r concep tu al rev iew.I f the appli ca tion i sn ot ge ne ra ll y in c ompli ancewi th zon ing code r equir emen t s,th e a pp li cati on a nd submitta l mate ria ls sh all b e return ed t o th ea p pli cant with a wri t ten explanati on as to why the Commu nit y De velop~ent Departme nt sta ff has f ou nd the pr o ject not t o be in complian ce with 20 n ing co de r eq u ir emen t s .Once a complete appl ic atio n has been r ec e ive d ,t he ORB shall rev iewt he submitted conceptual rev iew a ppl ication and suppo rt ing mate r ia l in order t o determin ewhether or not the p ro ject g en erally c ompl ie s wi th t he d es ign gu idelines .TheDRB doe s not vote on con ceptualr evi ews .The prope rty o wne r o r hi s represe n tative s hall be presc nt a t th e ORB h e aring. 6 •L ISTOFMATERIALS • S UB DIVI SI ON _ NAME OF P ROJECT:_ LEGAL DESCRIPT ION:LOT BLOCK ST REET ADDRE S S: DESCRI PTI ON OF PROJECT: The f o ll owin gi nformat ion is r equi re d fo r sub mit tal to the Desi g n Review Board b ef ore a fin al app ro val can be g ive n: A.BUILDI NG MA TERI ALS: Roof S i d i n g Ot he r Wal l Mater ials F ascia S o ffi ts Windows Wi ndowTrim Doo r s Do or Trim Hand o r De ckRails F lue s Flashings Chimney s Trash Enclosure s Gree nhous es Other TY PEOF MA TER IAL COLOR B .LANDSCAP IN G:Name of Des ig ne r: Ph on e: P LANT MAT ERIALS:Bo ta nical Name CommonNameQua nt i ty Size * PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO VED *I ndicate caliper f or deciduous trees .Minimu m ca l iper f or de cid uous t rees i s2 in ch es .Indic ate hei ght fo r c oni f er o~s trees .Mi nimu m h ei gh t for c on ifer ou s trees i s6 feet . 7 PLAN T MATER IALS'Rotanical PRO PO SED SHR UBS EXISTINGSHR UBS TO BE REM OVED Name •Comm o n Name Quantit y S ize '" *I ndic ates ize of pr op osed s hrubs.Mi nimum size o f shrubs is 5 g all on . Squ are Foot age GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF I RR I GATION TYPE OR METH ODOF _ EROS IONCONTR OL c .LANDSCAPE LI GH TING :If e xterior lighti ng i s pr op os ed ,pl eas e s how the number o f fi xt u re s and l oca ti ons on a separ ate l ighting p lan .I dcn tify c a ch fixt ur e from t he lighti ng p lan on the list below a nd pro vide t he watt age,he ight above g rade and type of light p r opose d. D .OT HER LANDSCA PEFEATURE S (re tai ni ng walls,fence s ,sw imming p ools,et c.)Pl e ase s pec ify.I ndicateh ei ghts of r etaining walls .Maximumh e ig ht of wa lls wi thin the front s etback i s 3 feet.Maximum height o f walls e lsewhere o n the propert y is 6 fe et . 8 ••UTILI TY LOCAT I ON VERIFICATION .S UBDIVI SION JO B NAME _ LOT ADD RESS BLOC K _FILI NG Thel oc a tion a n d ava il a bi l ity of utilitie s,wh e th er the y be main trunk line s or propo sed line s,mu st b e approved a nd v eri fi ed by the fo l low ing utilities f or the ac compa nying s i te pl an . Aut horiz ed S ign~ture U .S .Wes t Co mmuni catio ns 1-80 0-922-19 87 4 6 8-6860 or 9 49 -45 30 Public S erv ice Comp any 949 -5781 Gary Hall HolyCro ss Elec tr ic As s oc. 949 -5892 Ted ~u sky/Michac l La v erty Herita ge Cab l evi sion T .V . 949 -5 530 Ste ve Hia tt Upper Ea g le Valley Water &San itat ion Dis t rict * 476 -7480 F r ed Ha slee NOTE:1.This f orm is to veri fy se rv ice avail ab ility a nd location.Thi s shou ld b e used i n co n junct ion wit h prepa r ing yo ur u t ilit y plan a nd scheduling i nst alla tions. 2 .Fo r any new con st ruc tion proposal ,the app li c ant mus tp rovidea comple ted ut il ity verificat ion form . 3 .If a utility company has c onc e rns with the p roposed c onst ructio~,the util ity rep resentat ive should n ot di rect ly on the u tility verificat ion form that the re i s a prob lem which needs to be res ol v ed .The i S5ue s hould then be spelled ou ti n de ta il i n a n a tt ached le t te rt o the Towno f vail. Ho wever ,p l ea se keep i nmind th at it is t he responsibi lity of the u tility company to reso lve ide nti fie d problems . 4 .I f t he ut ili ty v er i fication f ormh as s igna tu re s fr om e a ch of t he utili tycompa nies ,and n o c omments are ma ded i rectly ont he fo rm ,t he Town will p re sume that there a re nop roblemsa nd that t he development c a np ro cee d. 5 .These ver ifi cat ions d ono tr el ieve the contrac to r of his r esp on sibility to obtain a stre e t cut p ermi tf romt he Town of Vai l ,Depa rtme nt of P ublic Wor ks an dt o ob tni n ut ility locat ions before di gging i n any public r ight-o fway or easement i n the Town o f Vai l.A bui ld ing p ermit i s not a s tree t cut permi t .A street cut p ermit must be o btained se par at ely. *Pl e ase bring a s i te p l an ,f l oor pl an,and elevations wh en obt ai ning Uppe r Ea gle Va l ley Water &Sani tation si gn atures .F i re fl own e eds must be add r es sed. 9 DATE: •SFR ,R, ZONE CHECK FOR R P I SZONE DISTRICTS • LEGAL DES CRIPTI ON:Lot ADDRE SS: O\'INER ___Block __Filing _ PHON E _ ARCH ITEC T _ ZONE DIS TRI CT _ PROP OSED USE """"L OT SIZE _ All owed PH ONE _ Existing P ropos ed Total Hei ght To ta l GRFA Pri mary GRFA S eco ndary GRFA (30)(33 ) ___+425 =._ +42 5 ='--- S et ba ck s Fron t Sides Rear 2 0' 15 ' 1 5' I Water Cou rs e Se tback S i te Covera ge Landscaping Retaining Wall Heig hts P ar king Garage Cr edit Dri ve : (30)(5 0) (300)(600)(9 00)(1200)_ Permitted Sl ope -!!-Actual Slope Date appr oved b yTo wn Engineer: Vi ewCo=ridor Encro achment : Environment al /Haz ards : Yes'_ 1 )Flood P lain NO,_???_--------- 2)Perce nt S lope _ 3)Ge olog ic Hazards a )Snow Avalda~n~c~h:e:=:=========bl Rock fa ll _ cl Debris Flow 41 We tland s Previou s c ond it ions of approv al (c heck property fil e )~:_ Does this r eque st involve a 25 0 Addit ion ? Howmuch of t hea l lowed25 0 Add it ion is used wi th th is re que st ?_ **Note :Under Sect io ns 1 8 .1 2.09 0(8 )an d 18.13.08 0(B )o f the Mun icipal Cod e,l o tsz onedTwoFa mily and PrimarY /Sec ondary whi ch a re l ess than 15,000 sq .ft .in a rea may not c o nstru ct as econdd wel ling unit .The Comm unity Deve lo pm entDepa rtme nt ma y grant an e xce pti ont o this r e striction p ro vi ded t he applic a nt mee ts th ec riteria se tf or th und er Se ct ions l 8 .l2.090(B)a nd l8 .l3 .080 (B)of the Mu ni cipal Code in c lu d ing pe rmane n tl y res t ricting the unit as a lo ng-te r m r entalun i t f or full - t ime empl oyees of theUp pe r Eagle Valley . 10 -f ,j UrHDNIA LIGHrlNG -AACHlTiCTURAL O UTDOOR LIGHTING ,.,..,...........,... .".•.-,.. ••,,.-.. """....."•-.. .~.".. • ~"',od .~io~-~~nt 118' thd:.tempered Q!iISSlens 1"'s Is Sl'Qj ,ect 10 dooi lQine wil~lou'~~ On~p jllC &,trillmta l1l'ltd .,lrI()Q lzCd alumtn llm refleCtO rwIllisctIlI-speculi/llfllSh ~ BlI1oo\tl S:TVP&III euI.;)/l &S1rlOO\iotl .Hl\l h $peCu Ll'_s~men 'l'd.'1'1'"IV,~1 1ec10'with InlejlJalod lanlp shll!ld ~dot-alSl 3 It1flltr'UII' 000r I r.r.m ~with casl-¥l'*lll~ piI1s 011 pde sido!a llirMf. Owl'.-mbly ISS«lI<"ed lrt _tlIpl....eanbinJl 'on·l1e all ~t.o'~M Sietl =nIS."..... t·,.,'..., •Orce nnq rorormano n Exa mple KA D4005 R3 T8 $POO4 ONB •- w ,~ UU54$",-lA/I lI~w_ w_ IU 115!....I ~~_., 110 rlSl....IIICo1uf1 I_I"....' ~_I··.ml~~ ~._I'1 ..m) JloufI<II'oi<W ....j R<lu'IlII'Oi«II""1II)-_......(.....)__""_lV_1 ...ft_W ....1 ·1"SI'(QI_..~_..--_....._....tom 00IlM.."...1 __ r_-...,,-.~,._...- 1 'blo ..H IdIo '"!flll'"''H '<III'"~"........-h_5~.".,.Il lzr ,•.,W 2-111'00 l:ro-liO 12\1·2811 rnrn·110-3:'0'UIJ-m"~•. H rroo 1 1$-\'1(1 12HelI 1'252'JC 0 .~m I ~m -I ~-""".."130-1110 .»rn "'rn ·1:W:>",1 1»3\10""'~.._.......,. U,men Sl ons/Optlom _.,e-. DOlI 0...B""'"ISIiAIW<l ID"lIO/ll _~ 1lIIII -..1I<......---b .PIU """"11 _"--DelI:0.... DTli ,"""lir .... DIll Ilr'""'"lin _.. ~io," PlI ~E""""HO<ip(I '2\l.%iIII.24<1~1 '13 ~1 ...1_-lO<I.I'l()ol1'l1 "".~I II,U ....~...."i"'"C I'll 11I;.....'''''"t.o<t PI 12/l'I.1 HS """'"Sft s_l~'.....1 ~V...,..GuI<~I r~..1IoOO\ll" la ' J.l411 IOiOI""... Il·M'-(..J '"" H -lff(<<~'''1 1 -'~(I"<nll ,~LfTHONfA LfGHTfNG "RC HIU CTU""l OUT OooR l IGHTING .."",,---,-'.,........,. ~.....,.. ~~·1.'.,... ~..." -,~UrHDN'A UGHr'NG AAC IIITECTVAAL OVTOOOFl UGHTING ,~......IN,~''''n ,~,.,n ..",'".,."~,,•,~..,"~",~•• ~.,.."~, ~,.".",'-".,e '" ~......,-~, ~,. '0' ~ '".,.'r ....''". Rupd.a.-as!~ lloof 1r.ll1IIlI wi1l cls!'1II porlI ~n IN*s,cle Dllud:n DoOf'~IS <;eaJrel!~ tr<oQIJI~~ ,twlf<s sttelSC ~ ~. ".. ~. ",I. •O rcennq Informat ion •- --.I'll KU.IA '_loco 0(11l'0 i'oa 2~ ru ""'A '_-1.0<0 r(()INI 1'(4 ......1_',0<'P(1480'11 ( PO "fI'A1_·10<0 re,21M 11$_li4I_!~'""",1 lPG _G...di """""_1 "",-_.r_ SF ~r"'1U1l2n.3-llVl ""'~ OF DoobMr_\2lIlI.2'1l .4llG\tl""I S I'I'~rtllM l _-l oc'I\oI:cI>IO<l<""'I' OIlS 00001l_...5,ol ... ~__..."'0"_....... _1~I WI _Il3 ..-.l --,,,... 001 !lwO_I $URII>I nl 0..000<0 80 .,."." lJIII_..."""--*-OIlA ""',......,....... OGC CIIoo G<.., DID ,c.r- OU "'9"''''''on """"81 .. ~Poio ~'-""IS-~ ~·_llI'.m l ~_""I"'''''J~_""'r.r""1W«<I f'oIc O''NJII....m) WOOll PoioO'......!t"_) w...9r.....'.·.ml ',..sP<IOt._""""""_"--_...._.DMlt,IlO'lI .._._....... ,.,.".rn '"~ 0(1 20, -~",." (>III""".. III 1 '1~1".1II[_ A..."......-l ro;l ..Ir+:S '''''''"~r.....,~,",..., ~,~ ~~ ~­1W1 1lSlll ~,~ ~- t:..-_A<ldcu """",,,,,.'AJII _ 1___So.,hIIf/,1),.........,........... ,F."....2",.....fI,_..Jfhlon.J F_...fl".... 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F ",§...2 <ll 'f .~1 i ~~~'='l'~i i.H ~~td~f~I --------,__~M,--\...-A ~f~l p n u'~"'~·~n ·:r"§-'f .;o.tl 'i!";F."~(J}I,."~·ii ~l!'~!"'.~~o ••Ordering mronranon -~- 0·.__E ~amplt :KAO 4005 R31 8 SPD04 ()NII 1-1··-II==:r::=1~1---1 1----=---( T__""'l1l/I"'.O«lot.._......._ "......l"......",....'10'....I f........rl_ T_Sin aI'""w .'w ..'"w 'w oo uo,'lO !111-7llD '20-<'90'~~',...,......,.I;oIH!IIl' NII'OD rr.i-lIl11 rn,~rn ~',~~!tH$Q'125 <90' "00 no 1'10 1:1ll·1M no,~·mrn ':!OJ.:I'IIl 'TJIl-'OO "....._.'WII .,......",.._..W<IIlIlI _..........._-_... ~,~..oow .__ ~,~ uo_u o_ U OU10l ~m . "0 000. '"(I(S t l'l"lUt:wooll-, R.(lI'S ll'P'....c.".. F",_d"""" '.~••rnu, m Tl (110 ~,. "m .--'U ~ ~,llQt ._._.'~~ ~.......1<'..'"1sumor . SoI ..,.~[!rw m ) ~_P"'l'-'''''l_"""(9"'''")""',",,,Polo ..w..10') WOOll w..[1') w ..II<"·...1 Pwn-."",,,-, II i>ofIVItf>ls.o il lV.211J.<1VI""10 01 l'IoubIo ".,.(7tIf 1.O.48CVj ....III itA NI'''.''''''Iori R-"""oN\' ~s Ouortl ......~_ '"Soclod __loo¥POflDr_ -.1 _(Oll_.AJ.....l_01 - Dill 00"Or"""lS:a'lW<l1 0 111 llMtll...."" OMIIoI_fi,...,. .~-O._ OIlA _.._... ~--OOC GItOo .. O'G r G,"'" DIfI Br"",A.. ~~~ Wn"'''''''''"",1olW.'...loU<>I'(mo.lOt .I'M IOU hfWo I"'''",-f<'I'((J.l1V) I'U ",IAAT"""-toc,Pl(IMl/J C' I'fJ 1II 1_-(0<."1(17/VI 11$:;..,.';IOtOl I"''''''''' 'IG V._G....",~". Drmenstons /Opticns Ho"sH S"le Sh.eld (I1 S) !P ',a ' III "V",:!AW",,'H"."il l .....,'·\11"1 41$,,,,) "'or.o "·'11"141 H OI) Dep lll ,.,..-,'81<'"I ,~J.lTHONIA ~/GHTING c &n CH'TFtTIJ RAL OIJTDOOR LIGH TIHG ""...,.._"..-_......,..,........"'..._,,,...'..,...,.,......, ...-..00 ..'·...,'-'"'_,,,..,...0 ••'_"""""''''••'"""'"'".00< ..".,,- ~,..,,-,-,..._..>20111 ••w ~,"".'¢-~""",,,,,--,,,,,,",,,~~,;!>*,,,,.:<'".';;""i ';~'\<~:'~':~""-<i .""'~~""~·~<"";"""',>,,!",,,,,X ~._~"i <0<~;:~"~i ;~_l ;:;O 'i ~~;\<; •!./.rV'}r-:<I ~fWC'Hlrr NO. ,T OWN OF VAI L, ,, (Je~:p ~D~AR""""O 'COMM U N nY D """,D 'M »NT <,, NAM".4~-,/~2;(V{/ AO ORllSS DArn r ROlECT C lrn:cu NADfi ~AYABLH TO TOWN O PV A fI. ACCOU N'f NO ."""NO,T AX COST FA rcrxr, 0 1lXXXl 41540 ~INOANDADDRESSMA PS 5.00 •,,0 1 (XXX)42415 UN IFORM BUILDING CODE S50.00 •,, 0 1 lXXXl 4Z415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CO DE $36 .00 • , ·0 l lXXXl 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CO DE S32..00 ;•·0l lXXXl424 1 UNIFORM FIRE CODE S36.oo ••01 (J(J()()424 15 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CO DE •, •0 1 (J(J()()424 15 OTIIER COllE BOOKS •·0 1 lXXXl 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLAR S)57.00 •, 0llXXXl42412 XEROX COP IES I so:25- 0 l lXXXl424 12 STUD IES • 0 1 42412 TdVFEES COMPUTER.PR OGRAM $5.00 • 0 1 <XXXl4237 1 PENALTY F EES I RE INSP ECTIONS 0 1 <XXXl413]2 PLAN REV IEW RE CHECK FE E (540 PER HR .( 0 1 lXXXl42332 OFF HO URS INSPECTIONF EES 01 om 41,i t 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES·0 1 ססoo 4141.3 ,SIGN A PPLI CATION FEE 20.00 : I 4 1413 IADDIJIONAL SIGNAGE FEE (SI.OO P ER SQIT.Ie01oobo42440VTCARTPROJECTDONAnON••0 1 '41 3 :PREPAID DESIGN RE VIEW BOARD FEE .:?r',/;.J(".• ;0 1 ססoo 42371 INVEsTIGATI ON FEE BUILD ING';----;;.;_.- TO V PARK ING F UND ·:-4poo<>45110 t 01 ססoo 22027 TOY NEWS PAPERDIS PE NSER FUN D •01 ססoo 2111 2 TAXABLE @ 4%(STATE), ·-0 1 ססoo 4 1 0 1 0 , TAXABLE @ 4%(TO W N)~ OllXXXl 42371 BU ILDINGINVESTIGATION ~-, OTIJER •,.'·'. ~"PEC APPLICATIO N F EES Tj" ~"13]O NAL •5200,00,0 1 (J(J()()4 13]0 CON DIT iONAL USE PERMIT S2OO .00 s t .'t 0 1 oooo 4 l33ii ~E XTEIU ORALTERATION ILESSTHAN 100Sg ,FT.)5200.00 ••t 0 1 (J(J()()41330 E XTERIOR ALTERATION(MORE,THA N 100 SQ .FT.]S500,00 •·0 1 ססoo 41330 SPECIALDE VELO PM ENT DISTR ICT(NEW I .S I ,00 •0 1 (J(J()()413~~_SPEC IAL DEVELOPMENTDI STRICT MAJOR AMEND 5 1 000,00 "0 1 (J(J()()4 1330 SP"c:IAL DE VELO PMENT DI STRICT (MI NORAM END ]5ZOO ,OO "01 ססoo 4 1330 SUBDIVISION , ,01 ססoo 411!:±VARIANCE S250.00 ,..11 1lXXXl41 33L ZONI!'G CODE AMENDME NTS S250.00 0 1 ססoo 4 133 0 ,RE ZO NING S200,OO ,, "IOlliER ,.., ",IO TI IE R , ~TOTAL: ! ;COMMI::."llS: , , MO "I e l(.I I OATE:---I.,Ra;.IlY: •• • -------- TOWN O F VAIL Mi sc~)laO@OUS Cash 16 :10:30---------- ~~~2ipt ~14 ~43 4 ecce In'~CV #;"389 ~irt·...,~'~~t r-I1PTt ln''::HTP-·.C,PR ..t t ·'':'\"''::lr€,d FEE 2 £t .(l(t I t,;>r()p ai d Ataol..r.t pe i d 20 .00 THANK "-.-"O U RE CE IPT -Jhe Town ofVail DAT E •1,,-9 __N ?4549 7 / RECEIVED FROM _ ADDRESS £..-_ ! ___________________OOu.ARS $_ Pemnt Numbers _Police Receipt Numbers _ HOW PAID-Cuh,__Check __8y _ .Sign ReviewAction ~m TOWN OF VAI L 7Iu Flo"' J I ·hulf I /"~1 Category Number_----''---_ Project Name:+.1.1L/<'"''''=rI~'I_.2·J__-"?P'~'----_ I Building Name:-----'l .l<~d"",r'...:''--_ Project Descrip tion:.p 1 ,,~.,2 I ,Jlh.,I I T I K l1Je",( PLI /3 "'" /~~,.y"I -<.J.r f A ',,/.1 l q(f'!J,ll n "r:~4JJ Arch itecVCo ntaet,Address andPhone:--'--2 -">"-'--#f--'---'iL""""-------------- ,,,~d~c'!)"LtLegalDescription:Lo t Blo ck Subdivision L ". ProjectStreet Address:'2 '3 tj 1 IJ·b,<><.fh ,Pi ,J ZoneDistrict _ Co mments:_ Vote:.:L_-=-_ Board /Staff Action Motion by:__-----,Anv-'-'.f...:..I-_ c:=R~Seconded by:,='-'-'==--_ RApp roval o Disapproval o Staff Approval ;)I d/j/)'U'"I r ..;,r/",b I.(J /r.,I ",,, T "'~..:J ....1..(.4 ,.fLy"-h J -er ...... 4"';1'1 3"Afl1l<Y~f •<,r(,.."'"'/u,«/(,/<t7~?-~f.f;,JIr '7 1 1 1 r-7, Town Planner /rL (dAa)(>rJK.\2 lc a 4&",1->'./1...j Date:/2,b r/4 r ORB Fee p re.paid_...:"=---=2 ..cl',---,,1""""'L'_ Fromthedesk of ..• .------I /'-ec«:e I tL 1}l L-7\.~ Alldy Knudtsen \ -QUAR TZlI NE"LAMPS • MA·11 MR·1 6 • OVERVO LTAGE OPERATION-Generals ervice tun g sten ha lo gen lamps s hould not be o perated 81vOlta ges gr eatllf th an 11 0 %ra ted vchage or exueme lamp life redu c t ionmay occur.Special s ervice tung sten halogen lamps havi ng"co lorte mpe rature rating o f 3400K shou ld not b e coer - at edatvoltag es greeter than 10 5"(sled lire. U NDER VO LTAGE OPE RATION -GE tungsten -halogen lamps can be usedfo r unde r voltag e operation .Ontr ansformert ype dimming devic - es.lamplite Isp redictable down t o 90%,ated voltag e .Below 90%rated v olt age la mp lif8 w ill incr ease as voltage is reduced but.not at a pl'edte:t- a ble fate .On seml-cood\letor d imming d evices.lamp lif e can be shotte r t han whe n used o n t ra nsformer type d immi"9 d evices and is not prsdiC1 ibla . INITI AL LUM ENS -Raungs ara ba sed on photometry o llampllt hat have been operated for ill br ief period 110 ho urs maxirrwml,al rated v ohs. OP ERATING P OSITION -Limitations o n lamp operating po sitiona resho wn int he"Oescr iption "co lum n .T he fo llowing abbraviat ions are used : 80TH-Burn beee down 10 ho ri ~o n1a r. HORIZ .-Burn hor izontal w ith maxim um 4't ilt. If flO limitation issho wn .the Jemp ma y b e opere red in any p osit ion '"R,,"V,..Addili,u l 1,loflll ,li,.f i,,"-U tt '"...... Orderi.,W...c...S..Quaru mUI MOL ltl lit,"""~".'.n C....U,,,"plion Am "llty-f'llinoin pg.87 UUi t ll r.1.1 ti ll .)HOII1 IlL "i¥'M," GE PRECiSe-LAMPS Precise"Lamp s arecompact 12-vol t O uanzl ineo lamps w it h t wo -inch ando ne and th ree quarter in chdiam eter M ulti-Mirror 'f aceted d ichroic re- flecto rs.Applications Includ ed isplay lighting.downfigh1ingand spo tlight Ing .Beam spread!>shown are t o 5 0%ofcenterbeamcendlepcwer . Lamp sm ay be op erated in an y pos ition. 20-75 WATTS lo'Il·ll 2....t7t96 Q20M1U 1JS P [FTCJ &PIC "..""..29SOK.BMm C,,~2000 260 C ,...SprMd ln13.21 "50 11 181 Q2 0M Rl1 /NfLffTOl &PIC "..NIn'ow Flood-.295OK C..,~2000 260 C.P . Se,'"Spread;30113.2).'00 17 t85 Q20MR11/NSP jFT81 IIP IC t a ..tulTOW Spat 29 50<cc-e ,~'000 260 CP _ Ile¥o S pt"d:to"I13 .2)'900 11t89 036MR11fSP[FTFI IIPIC ta .."".295OIC.Burn C·,,~-'000 "0 C.P . Sprud:20"113 .21 27 50 11190 Q3!i MRl1jNflifTHi IIPK 12 "Narrow FIood--.29501C C-6 ..2000 eeo C~_ Sel'"Spr..t 30"1132)1200 171811 a3IiMR11 /NSPtfTEj 12 "Nenow Spa!"50'cc.e ,~-2000 '60 C ,P . e-n Sprud:'01132) 6_ ""'·la 2....,.789 Q2QM R1a/NSPIESX)IlPIC "..Hwrow Spo1 .29.2 1i1t..C..,~2000 260 c .e. G)(5 .3 Apprx.BIll'"SprlIad;3350 13·113.21 1494.2 Q20MR1 8/VNSP IE..VQ II pl(t a ..V&fy N.:In'ow SpaL cc-e ",'000 265 C.P. 1,0'2925IC .Appnt.a-m 6200 SprlIld:T I13.21 [s ;f\.,.190 Q.10MR111/FUBABI IlPIC 12 ..-Flood .29.26 1C.Apprll.C....-eooc 26 0 C.P . e-n SpNCt 40"113.21 -526 >19983 Q36M R1'/S PIFRAI IIPIC 12 ..Spot 113.21 C-',.eeoc 600 '900 >19'984 Q36 MR1'/f L(f MW)aPK "..Flood 11321 C-6 ""eoco 600 1500 >199a2 a3 I5MR16{)iSP IFR81Il PK "..Narrow Spot (13.2)C-6 ,~socc 600 ''''''-14 945 Q42 MR1IlNNSPIElY)aPK 12 ,.Very Narrow Spa!.3 2ClO1(.CO..,~-3500 ""C.P . ApJ:n.lle afTI SprNd;g "13 tOO 11321 t.786 Q4.2M R16 /Nf UEYSIIlPK 12 ..Na..o w Flood.CC -e ..'500 ''''C P o 3OOOK..A pprlt.e u m -"00 SprNd:27"11321 t all3 .Q!l OMR1a/N f1,J1 (EXIQ 'PI(12 ..PWrow f lood,C-6 ,.,«oc 8 9 15 -C.P• J 05OIC .A ppn.s-n ..so Spr c.<t;3.2"(132) 14187 m.oMR UI/NSPIEX1'1 IiPK 12 ",.,'OW Spo1 .3060K.C-',~-.000 '"C.P. Apprll.a-m SprNd;'0200 14 '113.2) 58 >New Prod",,!Li1Ifing l Zll:PlfJ U1i :-I J "O'J UJ a ..."t lH•\I\L Lt.lll lllr.r LD " FAX CQV BR SSSE t •,". ",.. ..,'.' DATE, TO , COMP ANY , FAx'.~q-a,Lj~S=L.....:CA:::..L-_ rROM.--R&S\D:(II/AL/..C'f Lv"O E £I..Cere,c1H .. ,OF FGS.Lf _ COMMEN T S.[::,.,0(,.'/-S f',(()c U+l(OU T A S.cL A-6 FbL E" ...LlJ y12 QtJ1 OF \JALLPA-tUt IrJ6 S,7/ZUc:JU-l2C. I Icw.e...3 QfY'I W eh &;:V" C 11 II t<:4-n ¥g(J.'£~frdrt J' I)cy>y""../7'"/{,r s ,y ",",-,,,({$ -z-)(,.['t',<;;tf'<'(l e, ...--.'J tA ~,(('-I h"r ~ f \·,~r<t t.J ....l..,)/jr _/r*-~1 ",". P.O.BOX 5080 ·AVON ,CO LORADOS1620·(303)949-1747 ·FAX (303)645-"'144 ,, c.., "~ ~-, ~~ ~, ~co ~ '" 0co~ ""-'"-... .., ~'""~='"~•:c ~...---se -o,. ".., seo-< ~;. e- I;; '"~ '"..."'0 -e-l;; '"~.. Jt.. PIt.P- Wll t" 't'O ..II'TC.l\t BZ.11 l "S,o l IO ·S p Ol 17'~p o t JO ·"looa B-...J ,fA C A T ~L9C "U~!E~LOGIC i1R Z -1-9 _1 1 ';';"\Hll z e d BlZronle ~r~r ( 1'1l l' MCl un ll Ri S h lld cl lll lt I I -HIl "."C OI ...£\"'1 I e' r i n I .!ol! ) h.u p lf':His 11 -I . 5.,...T , tall !,T 'lf'=---.J O -H~O th ..r s l o ·rHO"':), 1 1 -""'6 (20 11 )• 1 2·MC(10lJ ), I J-FTO(l OW ), l _u"l.A,lt (S :....dud ) *1l .DlJ "nl ip tu Ltln !T,p t 9-CJ ~~rI St8,d ~r.} 10 -~pr "i d 1 ].II I ·l l l l i "~"~1°'6' ", J t.v D, ~.4 112 .. 1 )/tI ~ ~ -r -I / 1'i4 , ,',~--"':..', I ~ <, •"ole ~Oo "",.I,g ln c lI ~f rfqlu,,,d fn 'h f'l ov ~D~kz ~nt.l ~i ~i ng. ,- Fo r 'I.e lI iL h R••at..Tr...s io ("lIler. 51 ,.S hut"Tl20/60 Ad nI OO-T IJ OO '(,4<:;- :,on !lt ..u e ae o u . '/ OJ o oI l\J ...~n\l. e......L' f o r "~.'l ~n ~0 ,1 10 11 5 S e. A C C r 5 &O '~~''h r r \~'S U I.I ~'1 /1 2 t f2"Pipt"T hr lldd ____ :Sl1 1C'One "0"RlnIJ ---............ )\ f<, Al l p r ee e s t cn .t t:h ~lled Fl!!'at uTe ll : N ote:L"u lP ,IlH"f(:,9 St'd o ne i ncll r iO.'t cne , @ Av •.I.1 "'bJ l:l in ."cn!n .,d trals .P r e f i x S Qri(!l!I d ...i ~n.tl t)I'..nth "11 ".S ~c i l y "NAT"f o r NHl u r .a 1 8 t ;!S lil ,"Pol "f er Pol i sh ..,1 Hr "s s o r A PIl W'fl flr cotl col c r i n t il ",f111 1 slt !oKI tun . B -K LIGHTING C lear .~e nl p tf ..r1 .qj as s It'lI ~.f <l t:to ry !i HII:t>d. G..~lt e t e d l e n ~elf',l o r N r ~.,~ti.q t1t opt lc.l COlfl p ot rtlllc r l. 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THIS APPLICATION WILL NO T BE ACCEP TED UNTIL ALL REQUIRE D I NF ORMATION I S SUBMITTED ********** I .PRO J EC TINFORMA TION: A.DESCR IPTION:\,,)E..<.lp V'S 0 1 Cks,v...,I.-:I",}TALL a l.jOO W/l-TT" Ih FTA t th4.t..lb€F Lon i>J...l C'_rl-7S I n !i t um l .J~fE "1ft.F II I O ~LY 1,,"'m LJ Pp Ft.A.c;*&"0 (sec:/-W?"f.lc H-e"2»Pa:>moN of L IG.#-TS ~.u.0=:O~i:>AoJ A"F"«.IJy>,~"'b e:il ,-,""fie "ole +- B .TYPEOF REV IEW:B Q"I ~·I"""b VJ~1;'<'50- ____New Construct io n ($200.00 )~M i n o r Alter at ion ($20 .00 ) ____Add it ion($50 .00)Conce ptu a l Rev iew($0) C.ADDRESS: Blo ck _LEG ALDESCRIPTION :Lot S ubdivis io n _ I fp rope rt yi s d es cr ib ed by ameets an d b ounds legal description ,please provide on as epa rate s heeta nd attach to t h is app licati on . E .ZON ING:C-omJ?7EAc ,,J!-L D . F .LOT AREA :If r equ ired ,applic ant mu s tp r ov ide a c urrent st amped s urvey s ho wi ng l ot area .t .I Gbc~ G.NAME OF APPLI CANT :~CoUJl?BJx)%KnJe.r;sth t' Mailing Add re ss:PO no)/,1'IoS8 "DILLON C O'i W,/;r£Ph one Lh z-£1 ,'7 '---<, H .NAM EOF APPLICANT 'S REPRESENTAT ~:G EN£MERl>/,.J ) Ma iling Addres s:Stfn'C '-.___________________________Phone s:ihr'Iif' 1./ I J .Condomi nium ~p prova l i f ap pli cab le. DRB FEE:DRB fe es,as s hown above ,a re to be paid at thet i me of submitt al o f DRS appli cati on .Lat er,wh en a pp ly in g fo r a bui l ding permi t,please identi fy the accurate v aluat ion of the prop os al .The Town of Vail will a dju st the f ee accordin g t o t he t abl e be low,to e nsure t he correct f ee is pai d .$~O.§1. FEE PA ID :_0< K. FEE SCH EDULE : VALU AT ION $'0 -$1 0,000 $1 0 ,001 -$50 ,000 $50,001 -$1 50,000 $150 ,00 1-$5 0 0,000 $500 ,00 1-$1,00 0,000 $Ove r $1 ,000,000 FEE $2 0.00 $50.00 $10 0.00 $200.00 $400 .00 $500 .00 ,•DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BU ILDING PERMIT I SI SSUE D AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED . **NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WI THOU T OWNER 'S S IGNATURE '-' 1 ••LIS T OF MAT ERIAL S • A .BUILDING MATER IALS: Roof Siding OtherWal l Mat er ia ls Fascia Sof f its Wi ndows Wi ndo wTri m Doors Do or Tr i m Hando r Deck Ra ils Fl ue s Flashi n gs Chimneys Trash Enclo s ure s Gree nhous es Other r::LAG ;;.-Pu JE:L./t;;,.rr /J q BL OCK SU BD I VI SI ON TY PE OF MATERIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAP ING:Name of Des igne r : Phone : PLANT MA TER I ALS :Botanical Name Com mon Na me QUf.n tity Size* PROPO SED TREES EXI STINGTREE S TO BE REMOVED *I nd i c at e ca liper for deciduous trees.Mi nimum c cliper f or decidu ous trees is 2i nches.I ndi cate he i ghtf orc oniferous t rees .Minimum height for coniferous tree s is 6 feet . 7 03 -25-93 O!:30?Y.?,OM D ~N ED LIGH TI NG NORTH STAR LIGHTING'S • ----~ 2 150 WfS T 1elhSTRE ET.P.O.so x 15038 .BflOAO VIEW,Il UNOI$60153·6038 .3 12-88 1-4330 ·TELEX 72·1523 .FAX 3 12 ~8 1-4 00 e ... \. I '.,I·I '.:..'-~...f ·'i .:.I "·I :.r ,I . ~(..-••r I '" '••1 -,"'''-,,.'~ .,..... i ,....', " ChaIJenBer II features an improve dadvanced design re sultin ginthe mo st lightweight,com- pact,and versatile mid.wattag"floodlight In today's mar ket.Ch allenger /I comes com" pletoly prowired fo r easyIn,to''.t ion arid 'erv· icing .Fearurc5 include a weather-resistant powder co ating;energy efficien t ope ration, and Challen ger 1/Is avaJlable for yoke or knuckle mounting. UGHTINO FOR COM MERCE •INDUSTRY •SPOR TS SECTIO N 2 Page 33 ~AC T O"Y """UD TWIST LD C K P HOTO Cl;LL R ECEP l "RPC" PAGE 13 •1.'"I XTERNA l 'US t AAL lAJTBI",._".._..,.. DOlo/bl l F...."O f t il"S TA I N!..!&!STeil S1A ....T Y C AII!.I "SC" • ........,............'."......,...~,......"C WIMn ClnMr ""14<1 1.."1.".. LA M-SUPPOI'IT-w- VANDAL I'IESIITANT " P DLYCAI'IBDNA Te 5H I !LD "P L" ,f" ?' X-I "(C'rI . I UACC'I'I.."""" - -vr-1'011 AIIIIlfrjQ.410 '11 o"Oo'I ilO'OTAl. 58-3 WALL 0 "CLAMP t-lUUftf T ING BRACKIT INCt.UC,S 2 "U"eO t.TS -- '3Jx. '"n, '"""lI _U5I I ~IT S,t~/~"I"ViS tJ~ fO lZ ~iJ "7 tf.-.CHrruaJ €.E.fLJI 1 -WI:.S""t.tO---, I _MIWMPllW 5lJ -N'O $',2 ••6 SB -S Ah O 98-3 PIT .2 TO 1.'1.'1 1P1 l iZ((21(,-1.'4 0 .0,1 k _MrT.4I.k"UDI l.l_MUlCUIl'l'.....~1I SU pel I TOP ~O UfojT IN G BRACKn WITH (]A SK !T !~W I ~I N Q C O M~APTME NT AOAPTS HO~IZONTA L OP VERTICAL M O UNT I ~G "'OKE ~ccuc"'SET scaews 3'I 1413 S O C;fllllav llla llii.0I'll~.....Ili.:11141 3 80- 1 01 :d•.,cord lIrIO:h ."o/Ice :I withle "tMh ,tQ"irtd. l ."'Il .r-ql 1llfllllloecl----_. 1 _YOK.IIllO;JHTlM.__K ~UCl(l.E MOU/(flHG sa-2 ~R k CR1ZONTAL "'OKE \4~U N T I NCi 18:'AOJl,:S TMl:'fr INCLUOes 121 ':1"BOl1'S ORDER ING EXA MPLE ,1-', ••J:!..,..'._,of'" ~"'';'d'/".~.? UliIT ~....,...:I p'",.J'i BFAB X XXXXX lot UP---- fot;W '~IJII '\000 I 1_IQOll.WAn .J ,\,' VB -2o-S3 V!:30PMF,eMD ~N ED LIGH TI NG ••SPECIfiCATIONS HIG H QUA UTY POIIC ELAIN sccsrr 'MT'"N.CI((L PlAno I.,AM P CIUI' S<;R ~"'"SHELL AN D S~R 1 N O LOA OtO C[NUR CO NTACT. • S uitable forWet locations OM·PIECE ,W ~T HE !l.PlIOO f CMT t'lLU · '-II~UM LAMP HOUS ING. 5'n.J lC)Y 1 HOLl MOU~Tt ..O 'l'Okl fO MD Of HIG H STR("'4CT H 6061·T6 NON-eORItOSlY l ALUMINUM., -,l,' CAtALOG NU MBER WAnAGE lAMP BALlAST YOKE MOU NT SFC -471 L5·120H 2S0 High Pressure So di um CWA SF C·671L5 ·120H 400 Hfah Pressure Sodium CWA SFC·471 H·120H COf'dULT 2S0 Met al Halrde CWA,ACYOIV SFC·671H·120H CO~~LT 400 Metal Halide CWAfACTOIY KNUCKU MOU NT SFC·474lS.1 20H 2S0 High Press ure Sod ium CWA SFC -674 L5-120H .400 High Pressu reSodium CWA SFC·474H .120H CONSULT 2S 0 Metal Halide CWA."cy on SFC ·674H-120H CO,.,,'UlT 400 Metal Halid.CWAFACTORY CHAUtNC[R U "avallabl.few 120,lee.240,2n or "80 wolt ,..wrl ~4M'l'(MllkJpI .YO ~"I.aa llttt no,l Da ,240.Un ACCESSORIES MUST BEO RDER ED WITH FIXTV RE WMfI ord,nn,add .uffix 'Il xture' "V"-vt scr • '"LS '"-La mp Support '"F--Sinsle Fuse }Externi ll y '"OF'"-Dou bl.Fus e Fused Balla,t '"RP C'"-Factory Wired Twll t lock Photo-Cell Rece ptacle '"SC'"-~,y Stai nless S te ~safety Cable "3/16/3S0"-3'16/3 S0 Cord Fo t'olher lenJtht change the 3 10 length desired ~c '"-Wir e Cu.rd '"pt'"-Polycarbonate ShIeld (can be added separately) '"0 '"-De fl e ctor NOli:D,flector.I f'a hlppl(llndlvld uln.,.'pt clfy o n.01'IWO whon ord,rInV' SECT ION 2 Pa80 , 08-2 6-93 01 :30PM FROM~G N E D LIGHTING •P03 FE AfURES o ENER GY EFF ICIE NT OPERA TIO NFROM AVAILABLE CHOICE OF 250 OR 400 WA TT HIGH PR ESSURE SODI UM ORMETAL HA UDE lAMP. o COMP LE TE LY PREWIRED FOR EAS Y IN STALLAT ION AN D SER VICI NG, o ALL STA INLES S STEE L HARDWARE . o WEATHE R.RES ISTANT DURABLE 'POLYM ER' DURO NODIC BRONZE POlYESTER POWDER COAT ING. o U.L.LISTED HIGH POWER FACTOR CONSTA NT WATTAGE AUTO ·TRANSFORMER BALLAST WILL START LAMP S TO -20'F. '.-. MOUNTINGS AND BRACKETS ~HOU LO BE oRonED A.S SE PAIlA TE fl'EMS , S I·~·90 ,- ltNlJCKl EMOUf'oT ",1lh pkettd wi,."(ompartment Illp nlJ 2·p ip'IIIII'(1"'·a ,oJ f~cI OfY INU:llId oniy 51·2 FOR I'lOIUZONTAL YOKI MOUNTl.'IO 180'.dJ l.ll ablt l/'Jd llCl n (2)~.bolb se -s POU t op MQU NT1Nc;IMCkn with tafke1ed wuinl ~m p'l'lm.nt ad.pU horilonl.ll or vertlc.al moyntl n8 yoll Include.J t.t w ewl ''''WAll OR ct.AM1' MOUNTINC ,AACICET lnc1u clc1 2 "lJ'Boiu 51,.,AND 58.'f IT 2 TO 2'r'1 ·PI PE SIZ£(]¥lI .2t,0 .0.) ....-. ) :;;,,'.-..;,. ..",",' " ,'.. •-v';,•.""r'"•>" .0.. i :.~. .';..;:~;":.'1.'" "., 89/29"93 0 6:~3.......................................... .' .. :.;,' .. .CorpOral.Qlffcs: DBSIGNED UGHl'ING CONCIlP'f8,INC. 2161.D Dublin Road Columbus,ohio 43228 1-800.248-5483 FAX,1·614-486-5508 ""2 TOI ..d:t.,.;I'llAn:.=r&=......0=.'-""i'--_ .L J I Fmt tWlE ,Wtfl(flf"",s'--__'--_....:....__..;...._ rAXI.LIeu·~.~...01:...-._ CI'lYI --,-_ ----~~---..-.-.-~---_~..-.---_. PWl.(!CJd tJVlfllld . FIRM NAME.CESIGNED LIGlll'ING WlCl!1'I'S •CllUlilUS I 0IlI0 .Cl'lYl__~~!.!!.e.L_=~_......;.._ FWI 1-614-486-5308.- woo.N'.HlPlI OF PAlllS ·.I lNCLUllINa 'll1lS <XNEI\SllEI:I' .I F YOU HAVE 1m QUES'l1ONS OR I'RCIlU:HS CONCEJUlIm ntIS TIlLElXlP'f,l'UASE ClIU..1-614-486-4004 • NATIOOAL WIITl'S LINE,·1-800-24 8·S4 83 Rl!I'W\KS .~e"'e:11I6 ~d;J iilii at!'Sit,.".6")'!'Ii~e'" mlff.r J"i!1I"rJIt'''If j)/(rl.fttL (J~,~"r AI¢'" w"I/If",tI~r"R//4R ~d .2.S"()4Allj 1'f~T;,t ~~, ,4 Mot.ollf?r I'I~/iltll"'''!?d At;-~.r~I!.z;.mml- L~iI!1'MS.t!ur /?1M (f H..".\It".,'Vqq ·/?PtlC '"""",~ .L(r ,M~1rNf1M/Il~ARv("'Ny tpli".m;-,,/s dt.,. Jf.f ow /Jr ¥"';V&rtg--"ta ·. ..rA,~L P'f-12:. --.--- 'AGt ~ I :: I ZE i 1'~~;; 11lM l.lJ Mli:N. ll!:lM EJrFJg.INgy I NG.MAX 1K11N Cl',NDl.II:PCIfI;P.. MAX~NUM ~PL~POWiR HOlIlZON T~IUlo!SPI\EAl) Vl:l\Tl:CAL Il~SPP.EAD tOTAl.I.UMli:N. TOTAl.EFfI CIEN CY 7 11 X GV 23 ~~2, 66.0'UUI. 12331.AT 130.'DItQ 124,5 DEG 24S 00 . 58.a 0.0 II ,4.7 V AX1A1.CANDL!r OWER Dlli IIOR1I.CEG V!Il.T . ,v,-,.. 8S .0 2s .85.0 O. (n 75.0 ·U6 .".0 et. ".0 1270.".0 303 .\.I It I 9 '"•5 .0 35i2 •n.o UU . ":U 4S .0 GUO .4S .0 5333. 35.0 IPS3.'S iO 7082 .t,v •...J ....r n.o 1066$.25 ,0 U31 . •:VI lS .0 11397.15.0 11691. )0 O'5 .0 Ui52 .5 ,0 122g~. 0 .0 ~a 021 •0 ;0 12028. -5,0 lU52 .-5 .0 11540. -U .O 11317 .-11 .0 usn. 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I ,I -- Police Re ceipt Nu mhcr s _ ,By ---------"'::..:..-_- N OTE -CO PY OFPERMIT TO BE K EPT ONJO BSITE~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DA TE July 17 ,1993 62 1h.-..PERMIT NO.•IIIII III ITYPEOFCO NSTRUCTION I IIIII I V V department of co mmunitydev elopment 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE HIR M BUILDING 1000 .00 DI VISION 122a34 z ELECTRIC AL TOBE FI LLEDOUTC OMPLETEL vPAIORT01SSUANCEOF PEAMlT 0 GENE RAL DESCRIPTIO N OF WORK :~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITEmbeddedaluminumflagpole.~ ~< [lj BU ILDING 0 PLUMBING >MECHANI CAL o ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATI ONoo~~CH AN I C A L 0 GA F ,A VAL UATIO N PERMITFEESTYPEGROUP L EGAL LOT BLK V B-2 B UILDtNG PERM IT 35 .00 OESC.FlUNG PL AN C HECK 2 3 .00 JOBNAME :We ndy 's Flagpo le El ECTRICAL OWNER NAME WE ND Co lo..Partne~p.N EW (XX ALTERATION(,AD DITI ONAL (,REP AIR ()PLUMBING MAllADDRESS 160 US U K)'6 0209 DWHllNGUNITS ACCOMMOOATlONlJNITS __MECHANICAL-- CITY PH 46 J -Sl 1 7 HE IGH TI Nfl --"'0 .f iREPLACES --RECREA TION FEE ~~AR CHITECT FIRM INS ULATI ON T'l'PE TI-tIC KNESS R ·VAllUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD -;!CJ 'c'G>IJ .t/ FlOO~CL EAN ·U PD EPOSIT I t:Jt.MAIL ADDRESS EXT WAll S k3CITYPHUSETAX.. ROOF G ENERAL ~anko &Sons Cons t ruc t tor '"3 75-8 TYPE ELEC GA S ~,=CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .N O .OF TOTALPERMITF EES 845 -752 8 SOLAR WO OD TElE.HEAl Ililt.!...s.tanti ____._7-=23--%l_----- FIRM A D DITIONAL PERMITSNEE DED :UILDING OFFIC IAL ATE ELECTRICAL ,!!!.!:ill.!ah lJilllQt~Il.e vliIL-__B:l=9L __ TOWN O F VAI L REG .NO .---CONTRA CTOR Sf C UT ON ING A DMIN I STRATOR DAT E THE .B LASTI NG Z O NI NG &B UILDING NOTES ; FIRM Annr oved as ncr ORB conditions (he LahtPARKING PLUMBING -----ma te ria ls ...)Field i nnsec t ion r e l"luired TOWNOF VAIL R EG N O .CONTRA CTOR OEMO for code compliance . TElE flB M I hereby acknowledge that I haveread t hisap pl ication.filted o utinfullt he i nformationre quired , MECHAN ICAL co mpletedan accurate pl otplan,and statethata ll the I ntcrmattonp ro vide d as required i sco rre ct.I C ONTRA CTOR TOW N O FVA IL REG .N O .agree to c omply w ith t he i nformationand pto t p lan ,t o compl y wi th alll-=iord inances andstate l aws ,andtob uild this struc t ure ecce-orne t oIhe T o wn's ,on;ngand ;';~:1!:de s ,desiqnTELE.review approved,Uniform Bui lding Co deand o thez~r dina~s ·~~j~0':J,..P Plj C ,le theret o. O THER FIRM '1-,,,')j TOWNO FVA IL REG N O (s~~~,r~~WNE R O R ""C ONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CO NTRAC TO R TE LE .ANHE OWN . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLI ~W5'&Ff'~99 JDATE:_ PERM IT -Other _""__.......~ ]-Electrical []-Mechanical J ob Address:.!:OJ.~:.3?:1.q':L.._'-nrJ..:.'-J.:L!~~u.':!:!.....£..._ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLE TELY OR IT MAY NO T BE ACCEPTED ******••••***•••••••••••••••PERMI T INFORMATION *********•••**••***•••••••**. -Building [l-Plumbing [ Job Name :LV e'N'}'> Legal Description :Lot Block Filing S UBDIV I S I ON: Owners Name :"'"''''tiD 0(".•0.e i@ ~dd r e s s :IWCt 'i@ytS 9"&0.20 ;1 Architect:Address:_____~--_Ph,---- General Description :If M i5 e-')DE D fr/,..,\'M !I!,jU n F ~rY;'-'o",\..J"''''-_ Work Class :b<l-New []-Alterat ion [l -Addit ional [l-Repai r []-Other,_ Number of Dwelling Units:Number o f Accommodationu nits: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet "*****************.*.*.*****.*••*~VALUA TIONS *********••••****••••••*••******* ,BUILDIN G:$12<l ,00 ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$;----,=.......r-r-r-r-__ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL :$TOTAL :$'1;;ld .@~•••••••••~•••••••••••••••••CO~CTOR INFORMATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••"~neral contraetor :f)ArH~~':'t ~~"--,~\i:o l,)Town of Vail Reg.NO .,3 1,:r-O Address:00,100 >('8 ~:;;::;;;:;c oV ii ,Slb2Q Phone Number :2'1"--1:5'"<28 i Electric aul~C=o:n~t:r:a:c~t:o~r~:~=============Address:_ Town of Va il Reg ,NO ,_ Phone NUmber: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone NUmber: Me chanical Contractor: Addre ss: Town of Vail Reg ,NO ,_ Phone NUmber: OFFI CE USE ••••******************••••••••• BUILD ING PLAN CHECK FEE:d??,- PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECKFEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT : TOTAL PERM IT FEES: FOR Ale), .*••••************************** ~-BU ILDING PERMI T FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: ME CHANIC AL PERMI T FEE: ELE CTRIC AL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE : EL GROU P SQ .FT .VALUATION //A'....-,'- comments: I-//V/.7/,<:",:,-,/R../ ~r:u.A1f UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO : BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZON ING: S IGNATURE : -., town of val 75 s outh t ronlage road yail.co lorado 81657 (303 )479 -2138 o r4 79-2139 office of community development TO : FROM: DATE: SUBJ EC T: ALL CO NTRACT ORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO WN OFVAIL TOWN OF VA IL PUBL ICWORKS /COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16 ,19 88 CO NS TRUCTION PAR KI NG &MATERIALSTORAG E In summary,Or dinanceNo.6 statest h at i t is un lawful for a ny p erson to litter,t rack or deposit any s oil,rock,s and,debris o r material,including trash dumps ters,portable to i lets and workmen vehic les upon any s tree t,s idewalk ,a l ley o r public place o ra ny p ort ion t hereo f.The rig ht -ot-way on a ll Town o f Vai ls tre ets and roads i s ap pr o ximately 5 f t.off p aveme nt. This o rdinance wi ll be strictly e n fo rced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department .Persons found v iolating t his o rdinance will be give na 24 hour written notice to r emove s aid mate rial . I n the event the pers on so notified does not comply wi th t he notice within the 24 h our t ime specified,t he Publi c Works Department wi llr emove said ma terial a tt hee xpense of p ers on n otif ied.The p ro visions o f t his o rd in ance shal l not b e appli cable to c onstruction,mai ntenan ce or r e pair proj e ctso f anys t reet o ra lley or any utilit ies i n the right-a-way . T o review Ordinance No.6i n full,please s top b y the Town of Vail Building Depart ment to obtain a copy.Thank you for your c ooperation on this matter. Rea ~a nd a know1 ~ t oP roJect (i .e.c on tractor ,owner) .. 75 ,outh frontage road n il,e~or8do 81657 (303)479 -2138 or 479-2139 office of community developmenl BUI LDING PER MIT I SSUANCE TI ME FRA ME If this perm it requiresa Town ofVa il Fire Departmen t Approv al. Engineer "s (Pub lic Works)reviewa nd approval,aPlanni ng Depa r tm ent reviewor Heal th Department review .and areview bytheBuilding Department,the estimated time f ora total r evi ew may take a s long asthr ee we ek s. All comm er cial (l arge or sma ll)a nd a ll multi -familypermits will have to fo l low t he a bove menti oned maxi mum r equirements.Re side ntial and sma l1 proj ects shou ldta kea l esser amou nt o f time .How ever,if r e sid entialor smaller projects impact the various above mention ed depar tm ents wi th regard to necessary review.these projects may also takethe t hree week period. Every attempt will be made by th is departmentto exped ite this permit assoonas possible. I ,the unders igned 9 underst and t heplanc heck procedur e and ti me f rame '. ned into t e Depa rtment. ... ---- <0 \. --~--- ~t ? , -,°<0 \ -i \,..4iff;;r ' ~ '" ~-~I '0 =L:> <'<::;7 = \L::>.~=PI CI •UP VI~OOV -------0'0 ~f1 .ott> ~-~ I '"-I ~ ~-I ~ I --~<.;- "0-9 $,'0 ."":.0(' 0'0 I(f)'1';:; -1 i'(/".-( ~<s -......... I II I I ) " IlIX'U JUl 23 1993 '( INSTALLATlONINSTRUCTIONS FOR 30 'ALUMI 'IUM FLAG POLE 1 .DIG HO LE 30"SQUARE (OR ROUND)BY 42 10 DEEP . 2 .REMOVE THE LIGHTNI NG ROD AND 6 "SQ UARE STEEL PLATE FRO M THE BO TTOM OF TH E FOU ND ATION TUBE.LOOSE N THELOCK NU TS AND POSITION TH E6"PLA TE I N TH ECENTER OF THE L I G H~I NG RO D.SECURE A LOCK h11T ON EITHER SI DE OF THE PLATE.THE TH IRD LOCK NU T SHOU LD BE POS ITI ONED APPROXIMATELY }"FROMEI TH ER END OF THE LI GHT NING RO D. 3 .SCREWTHE LIGH TN ING RODI NT O TH E BOTTO MPLATE ON TH E FO UND ATI ON TU BE AND SECU RE WITH THE LOCK NUT. 4 .PLA CE TH E FOUND AT ION rUBE I N TUE CENT EROF TH E HOLE AND WHILE HOLD ING ON ROU GH VERTICAL.POUR CONCRETE I NTO THEn OLE UN ':IL THE CONCRET E HAS COVERED APPRO XIMATELY i OF TH E BOTTm-l OFTHE FO UND ATION TUB E.CARE SHOUL D BE TAKE N TO PRE VEN T ANY CON CRETE FROM ENT ERING T H ~FOUND ATI ON TU BE AS THIS WILL CAUSE DI FFICULTYINLEVELING THEP OLE ~IEN SET . 5 .AT TH IS PO INT .COMPLETELY LEVEL THE FOUND ATION TU BE US ING THE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF THE TUBE ONLY .DO NO T ATTEMP T TO LE~EL US ING THE UPPER EDGE OF THE TUBE AS THIS EDGE I S NOT ALWAY S CUT P:::RF ECTLY ST RA IGHT . 6 .FORM UP THE EDGES OF THE HO LE USISG 2 X 4 's (O R LARGER),OR SONOTOBE IF POURIN G A ROUND BASE ,WITH TH E FOUNDAT I ON TUB E I N TH E MIDD LE.CAREfU LLY FINISH POURING THE REMA INING CONCRE TE TO THE TOP OF THE FORM .DO NOT DISTURB TH E LEVE L OF TI lE FOUNDAT ION TU BE IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!! 7.DOU BLE CH EC K THE LEVEL OF TH E FO~~AT I O N TUBE .~TRO WEL THE SURFACE AS DES I RED . LETTHIS I NSTALLATlON S ETFOR ATLEAST 72 HOURS Bd8ll:g;~'~~a lt b lE FLAG POLE.,/ Plan B U i ~jJ....Hf 3l1 h fl~ NOT E:THE ABOVE MEANS OF I NSTALLATIO N IS ONE THA.t HA S B~USED Wl R 0 YEARS BY THE MANU FAC TURER.I F ,HOWEVER,YOU HA VE .~~OTH E R METHOD OF I NSTALLAT I ON, DO NOT HESITATE TO ATTEMP T.tIE DO RECOMMEND THAT-THE AB OVE MF.A SUI~iM ENTS W BE USED AND KEEPIN MIND THAT TH E FLAG POLE WILL ONLY BE AS STRAI GHT AS THE FOUNDATION TUB E. •;>.1I'!.it r j Q U.9.C. O·d p ilmlt oracorcvet 01 ptans Nl:! "cM ~tr L'e d -c be a pe~m ll lor .or an ~'v 3-:y 01 tneprcv.slcnsOf t his cede .,.,•.'.\0:tl1e j'J flscicallan.The i!-sua ,1te et l ;"'-:up,,,"p.ar.s .spec:lica :tC r:S.ana ottle r oau 3I)a" Jil l to!'h 'I':::II1Q oHiclal from tneraalHll requ Iring U··f' ..';.n cr1 e-rors In wo p ~a ~.S r~i fi~!OnS and othr' •:..F I ~,7 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR EMBEDD ED ALUM~UM,FLAG PPLE~. ~f0 7/;;22/93> ~ 30'LICHT COMM ERCIAL FLAG POLE -DI MENSIONS (RECOMMEND ED) '. PAC KEO DRY SA ND BE TWEEN POLE AN D TUBE AFTER ERECTI O N STEE L uo rroe PLATE ~A --+-+---~ ( ~tC'O JUL2 3 1993 N OTE:FOUNDAn ON DIME NSIONS ARE FOR GOOD,FIRM ,DRY SOil . IFPO LE ISINS TALLED IN SANOY OR HEAVY FROSTA REAS.C HECK WITH LOCALENGINEER FAP.UlIAR VlilTH AREA FORINCREASEIN DIMENSIO NS. POLE IS ONLY A S STRAIGHT AS THE GROUN D TUB E.EXTRErI.E C Akl:::5110UlD 8 t:T AKEN TO INSUREATRU E VER TICAl. STEEL SUPPORT PLATE -~t~:::£~~jit~~~i~~~l- GnOUND SPIKE ----+--------1 G .l.. B-----4I SPEC IFICA TION S FOR IN STAL LA TION ---_·------1 A -30"5~ B •36 "1 '>' C •42 "/,y D 36 "<'.1 E •8"I' F •6"Go G •6"?- "t ~...,.' '<>. "II"N Oel-'J J if .L 8Y .z.£'/_,.4-/ V A iL I DAT E.Z <'->'<-,.\ PM ? ----Ic--(AM '-- FRI •INSPECTION REQUES T.· 1_T OWN OFVA IL \l!~(-I C i.c: • PERM IT N UMBER O F PROJ ECT D ATE ~JO BN AME _bJ {[\D y '<., ..C ALLER _,---'---'=tFL....:F_---'---"----"--'---'------'----_ READY FORINSPECT ION:\MO N _~'r ~S @ )THUR L OCAT ION:--'<-,-J,~t \.\,te l ~f----'--------------- BUILDING :PLU MBING : o FO OTIN GS I S TEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SHEE R o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL /H .T UB o S HEET ROCK NA IL 0 0 0 ',, o F IN AL o F INAL ELE CTRICAL:•MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDU IT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL 'R.APPROVED CORREC TI O N S: o D ISAPPRO V ED o REIN SPECT ION REQ U IRED D ATE Y //1-,1 -5 n:=~)T FRI -----'c{:~PM-"'----- tit .~ INSPECTION REQUEST • T OWN O F V A IL .., T UES N AM E .WU f\JDIf ~,6._..l.)_---;,.--_ CA L LER ~,--I -,-I -'-+:O,--,_-,--,,--,-=-----,------,,,,,,.-_ MON 1\) JO B REA D Y FOR L OCA nON :_--'--"'--.-L-L-'-+_-LOL_---.JC-.JCU-l.L..L='-'..L__1=..-'=,L _ :~fL d lf PERMIT NUM BER OF PROJECT OATE ;;;'1'":)I q "2rI o REINSPEC T IO NREQUI REDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT I NG S I ST EEL o U NDERGROU N D '/,'0 F O UNDATION /,$fEEt:o ROUGH /D W .V. o FRAM ING oROUG H /WA TER ROO F &SH EER oG A S PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POO L /H.T UB o S HEETROCKNAIL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: oTEMP .PO WER o H EAT ING o ROUG H o EXHA U S T H OODS o CO NDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINA L o FIN AL ~-.. J,'fPPROV ED c!o RRECTI O N S: DATE 9 ·?-'7 i •,• '-f4,4lfu~l?l2 /IIt-;T Project Application g1¥1)'1 ~/l·47.4/-'1 /!ikt tr-"il///#54~b a.M. tfa'=b/,Il/4!/c:~M;-D &"",r/D(>l?/?Tk r,6&? 812 .fk,y /£5'#a w.1'!,C!1 &'??/.?->'W'-7/;2- owner.Ad dress anoPh one tAlcMf'>\!4 (L tif/{!ftJ;'-:;'/tr?rlj tJ-y /f'~,4 '1f.,f'S'fff7 j-.-(,AX' DtU6H L"c A /)</?5"''Y//f -';//-:7- X on,,,,Pers o n an o Phone Ar chite ct.Addres s a ndPhone : ~c~PY~Q l egalDescription .l ot Block FIling __.\I-.UJ~,b,..!!o!J~~O ,~one _--,-_ C omments:_ Design Review Board D ale _ Mo non b y : Seconded by: (t P P R O V~ ./(If'.IR-I")"'" D ISA PPROVA L Summa ry -{(il//;)®A0 ;:0 LIS hA~""'.-s /.x 8 / - To wn P lanner q?z;h ? o S i aft A pproval July 9,1993 "01 TIM DBV LIN,Start Planner Town or Vail (279-2452) DATE :JULY 9,1993 TO: St18Jt:CT:RE-STAINING OF WENDY 'S OF WEST VAIL wendy's ot West Vail,1nan effort to co-oper&te witn guidelines establlshed by the Town Council and the Desiqn Review Board, propose that the re-staining with existing colors which include.: Wood Areas:Olympic 911 Tranaparent stain «;7/j_-;.4MC 4's £)r,-,.r; Red atripinq AS currentl exists stucco Areas:Beig9 sign Background:Chanqe from Red to 8e iqe to accommodate new Red letters,already approved by ORB. We would tollow up on the suggestion by one of the ORB aellbers ,and ask that we be allowed to display a Wendy's ~laq,smaller than the 5 foot X8 toot U.S.Flag,under the US.Flag on the pole which has already been approved. Jz-~~);n~~~"" Marketing Directo cc:J .simmons W2.ND c:c:Jl.OftADO PARtNEft$HIP I e.o,8 0X lUI,Dlu,oN.co a04M /SOs-46J.Sl Il '//.8 '5s81 revised 9 /4 /91 DRB AP PLICATION -TOWN O ~~L.COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVE D: DATE O ~ORB MEETI NG: ********** s I....~1'1,3 THIS APPLICATION WILL NOTBE ACCE PTED UNTIL ALL REQUI RE D I N ~ORMATION IS SUBMITTED ****111 ***** I. A ..--">..!:..::....;;!-'-"t.l.t.L-.!:e.'-'~':""',..l.I.u.t1'!J=_E;),T ':'!\'DR Wy ..i:l 'Il',..., _-----,t...-..::c'-::--~./..:...'-~.jfl J. Bl ock __ ___Min or Altera tion ($20 .0 0) ___Concept u al Revi ew ($0) B .TYPE ~REVIEW: ____New Construction ($200 .00) _____Addition ($5 0.00) C .ADDRESS:_",4J"""<;-V",,,I>",-,Y_'~"'--___ D.LEGAL DESCRIPTI ON :Lot __ Subd ivision --'__ If property is d es cribed by ameet san d b ounds legal des cription,plea sep rov ideona separate s heetan d a t tach to this applic ati on. E . ~. G . ZONING: LOT AREA:If required ,applicant must provide a current stamped s urvey sho wing l ot are a. NAM E O~APPLICANT :\....I GNe \JAI '--(?fl il~:IbP Mail ing Addre ss :c;S Q mO XJ&.J S g D llk O N 'GO goq 3 5'"Phone 15'-SI 17 H .NAME OF APP LI CANT 'S REPRESENTATIVE:3 ,..,...S,,""mo.;)~I-~~..J Mail tr>g Address:po 7Yt,./Yr"Y J.J 1 cu:()rJ <'-0 eo ~~~Ph one 'i (,d -S !,-Z I. J. K . NAME OF OWN ERS:'~~T~,k ~ .SIGNATURE (S ):C:"--A_-y Ma il ing Address :JC ii "f!fS;f'-¥,£-k 8 0 ri,-Ph one _--"-""-__""-'-'-<--__ Condominium Appro val i f a~Pl i c abl e . \ ORB FEE :ORB fee s,as sho wn above ,a re t o be p aida t the time ot submi tt al o f ORB app licat ion .Late r,when applying for a b uilding pe rmit ,p le ase i dentify the accurate valuat ion of the p ropos a l.TheTown o f Vail will adjust t h~fee acco rding t o the t ableb elow,tO I I~?~ en sure the correct f cc i spa i d.'..~t-)I.J1. FEE PAID:$2}'-<,JtJ \1"11; FEE SCHE DULE: VALUA TION $0 $10 ,001 $5 0,0 0 1 $150 .00 1 $500 ,00 1 $Over -$1 0.00 0 $5 0 .000 $15 0 ,000 $500 ,000 $1,00 0,000 $1 .000 .00 0 FEE $2 0 .00 $50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $4 0 0.00 $500 .00 ,*DES IGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXP IRES APPROVAL UNLESS A ,BUI LD ING PERM IT IS STARTED . ONE YEAR AFTER F INAL I SSUED AND CONS TRU CTION I S **NO APPLICATION WILL BEP ROCE SSED WIT HOUT OWNE R'S SIGNATURE '- 1 LIST OF MAT ERI ALS The fo llowi ng informa tion is r e qui red for s ubm ittal t o the Design Review Boa rd before a final approval can be given: A .BUILDING MA TER IALS: Roof .Sid ing Other Wall Materi als TYPE OF MAT ERIAL COLOR " Nameo f Designe r:-'-_ Phon e:_ _________Wu '),2< LANDSCAPIN G: Fas cia Soffits Windows Window trim Door s Door Trim Hand o r Dec kRails Flue s Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Othe r B . ,', PLANT MA TERIALS:Botanical Name Co mm on NameQua nti ty Siz e* PROP OSED TRE ES EXISTING TREE S TO BE REM OVED ," :.,.:-r,;*Indica t e calipe r for d e ciduo us t rees.Minimum cal i per f o r ..,d e cidu o us tr ees i s 2 inch es .Indic ate hei ght for c onifer ous tr e es .Minimum h eightf or conifero us tree s i s 6 fee t. 7 P LAN T MA TER IALS: PROP OSED SHRUBS EX ISTINGSHRUBS TOBE REMO VED Bota ni cal Name Common Name Qua nt itv Siz e*• " *I ndicate siz eo f propos e d sh rubs.Min imum size of s h r ubs is 5 gallo n. Squa reF ootag e GROUND COVER S SO D SEED TY PE OF I RR IGATION TYPE OR ME THOD OF _ EROS ION CON TROL C .LANDSCAPE LIGH TING:If exterio r light ing is p ropose d,pleas e s how the number of fixtures and l oc a tionson a separ ate lighting plan .I dentify ea ch f ix t ure from t he lighti ng pla n o n the l i st below and provide the watt age,h ei ght a b ove g r adea nd type o f light proposed. " D.OTH ER LANDS CAPE FEA TURE S (re tai ning wal l s,f en c es ,s wimming p o ol s,etc .)Pl ease s p ec ify.Indicate hei ghts o f r e t aining wal l s.Maximum he igh t o f wal ls with in t hef ront setback i s 3 fee t.Max imum hei g ht o f wall s elsewhere ont he p roperty is 6 feet. 8 ,, - - - - - - •-~, " .' - 'c --- --'-~~-- -- r.)0'0 ·o.~. \ ----- ---- ) f. / / \ • .!;.It: "--""""''''''''-'-'--+-'<-'''''''-'='''==~~------------+----·-l-~:::-:-:+----ii'a 5'* • ~.... ------------------- TOWN O F V RIL Mi scel laneous Cas h 05-27-93 14:20:55 -------------------- Receipt 8 124056 Rc coun t #CK "11 96 GENE MERDI RN /WEHDV'S'PRE Amount tendered > PD DRS FEE 2 0 .00 I t efll:paid 0 1000041331000 C h~retu rned ) Aaoun\pa i d 20 .00 ,-. •, "~. I f THRN K YOU Your c ash ier JENN IFE R---------- RECE)PT -The Town of Vail .,19 N9 47862 "I-,,/", ~ , ,"";,- ,•< T /,DOLLA RS S ~rmit Numbers _.,/ HOW PAID -Caw Check _ Police Receipt Numbers _ By ---------- ----------------~ ------- .. Project App lication (pE#,p'/l:> Le ga l D escriptio n :l ot Bl ock F iling ,Z one _ Com ments :_ ----""'""--=::::::------------------------------.:J Des ign ReviewBoard D ate _ M Olion by :_ Seconded by :__====:::-_ D IS APPROVAL Summa ry to,\1G)~;!Iff :Z1 £raw 7"",6"/ tiS FLA'f ~5 ~8 ', -' Town Pla n roer qWr3 o Staff Approva l '"0)'9 0 .0 Q ,J")a 39 0 ]')03a 0 38 0 J7 037 0 lEo 035 a ~0 ar 021 028 0 15 0 2.0 13 01 10 10 019 0 t,013 a It 0 10 4 SSa aaaaaaaa 4 3 43 138 138 165 63 -1 2 9 9 AIM I NG CO ORDINATES x v Z 14 5 145 144 144 84 20 75 20 5 aaaaaaaa 8 90 270 90 270 31 5 ([] 58nsu 5 ft ft 30 30 30 3 0 30 30 30 30 32000 PHO ITOM ETRIC TY PE -1 wA TT S )wIDTH 1 .2 LENGT H -1 .2 HE IGHT BALL AST BALLAST-LAMP -1 37 a TO 90 DEG REE S 30 :0 TO 180 DEG RE£S 4 3 4 3 1.38 1 3 8 165 63 -:2 gO) R[S TA URA NT B2 3 3 2 73 10 ,57 2 4 B2 PA'IK::o.lG LO 20o SR02 SYM 4 X-COORDV-COORD Z-COO RD ORIENTTILT [45 145 144 1 4 4 84 20 75 205 2 47 TOTAL NU MBER OF"LOCATIO NS 11920-40902 L ITHON IA ARCHITECTUR AL OU TDOO R' KAD ,,/lOON R'3 DIE-C AST CUTOF"F"LUMINAIRE M,,/lO Q/U -400 WATT META L HALIDE SPACINGLEF T-TO-RIGHT S PACING TOP-T O-BOTTOM 5 METER ISNOR MA L ,0 PLA:o.l E LUMIN AI RE LABEL KAD-,,/lQO M-R3 I(AD-,,/lQQ M-R3 «AD-,,/lOQ M-R3 KAO-,,/lQOM-R3 KAD-40CM -R3 KAD-400M-R3 KAD-400M-R3 KAD-400 M-R3 CAD SYMBOL CA D SYMBOL S IZE PHO TOMETRIC ~I L£NAM E :C:'FHO TO'LI TH ONIA'KIAO'120 40 902 .IES LUMENS 3 2000 LL ~72 SPIN0 IESNA90 [TEST l [MANUF"AC J [L UMCAT ) [LU HINAIRE I (LAMPCAT J (LAMPl TIL T-NONE LA~PS·1 LU MENS/LAMP. LUMINOUS DIMENSIONS (F"EET fA CTORS MULTIPLIER·32 NUMBER Of VERTICAL ANG LES NUMBER or HORIZONTAL ANGLEs KAD-4 QOM-R3 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AVERAGE fc MA XIMUM 3 ,52 B ,1'3 MINIMUM ,33 AVERAGE/MINIM UM MA XI:-1 UM/MINIM UM AVERAGE TIL TED LAMP CORRECT ION rACTOR APPL:I ED LUM INAIRE K AD-~DOM-R3 STA TISTICAL AREA AVERAGE MA XIMUM OBSTRUCTI VE SHAPE :END OBSTRUCTIVE SHAPE HEIGHT 25 TRANSMITT ANCE 0 RE FERENCE POINT X 4 B Y 4 0 Z 0 P OINT P OINT LIGHT P LANE :\lENDYS HEIGHT TRANS MITTANCE REFERENCE POINT : X 51 Y 40 Z0 " " ., '" ,.... .. ," '" ," ," VNEDi 'S HAMBURGERS PARKING L OT L IGHTING MAINTAIN ~D I LL U MI NA N C ~ L~Y~LS LLF;~.72 R~YISED TO 4 ~~VATT MH 3~'POL ~S OPTION 2 S CAL~:1";2~' F ILE VEND1 S2 .A GI DAT~1B J AN 1qq4 " ,., 1 8'91 .5 OHO)6 0780 62 30 0 25 0 1 1 010810 6<l " ., I 86 t 51 I 16 L72I]6 10] c " 0B501>80~ ee 26 'J8076 02 0 81 0 61 0 .& 00 0 81 0 6])0 0 08 072 0 043 o 6 90 ,.., 96 "133 )8 5 5]16]05 901621]]05082 ~]2027]1 3 1]375 n.OCt 0 810 &1 0 .8 16 2 71 2 0 20 ...068 013.5291 ]0 2 86 2 "]0 1 1 % 19 05 0870 69 0 55 sc ,. se, .•6 )591 ')<1 065057 120 00 0 79060 .6 ,n 159 1291050850&& I:::..:::j:: .9 :J<l 12'0 103091069 5 2 085015 0600 .8 ]O «O ]7 0 ~O~On0 120 I e015 sc 0"2 0 »0 29 0 2 "0 12 0 19 a 16 a I]0I I ]19 2 n '"2 10 2 ]] 1 0 .6 0 "0 0 )6 0]1 0 1 6 022 0 19 0 '6 0 13 0 II 0 O"J 0 DB 0 20920 80 0 6705 " .,t:n 17 821 9lJ 72 1 76162 sc 0 ')]OU 0720r.2055 o sa 0 81 0 72 0 r.z 0 5 3 ..2 31 235 '" ~..5 21 "87 6 19 3'J 1 31 24 I II ", ,.., ,,., 3]1 2 .I ••1 19 I 1 2 1 11 I 1&I 69 1 4 ' &4 1 .9 I 42 10 63159631U153130 ,. 18 20 " ].,]'I a 1827 2"2 2 192192 17 "l'19')]77]2 lOI 2 In 521)51"1 a I.81 1 6 2I ••I 1 6I Irll'5 110]2"'26'92 00 55 s 3'J 6 18 1 11 6 60 613 5 8 )6 16 r.6 7 1 2.r.36 s &'l 30]58 08.76"" " ., 6.2'5686311 '". 1.14 150 1 .36 128 118 OU0780000~0870~O~O~OOOO~071 0f02 II ]12 •• 2922]5. ,,.,'" ]]2153;11 ]lJ J ,1 .".0 5 .86 .13 O'J 08 02 2 88 21 ,., I91I 68 1 ~I 53 5&&4 I '5 1 6.1 5 ]I "I I 2 6II a "a a.-0 73 0 6 2 D ·"0 ..,0 40 0 ·n 0 '"0 "1 0..,0 4 3 0 '"0 Jill 0 )8 0 .n 0 33 0 Xl 017 0 1"0 2C 0 1 1 0 '5 0 U 010 00'9 05 1.15 .19 97 I D'J 1.21 5&].,]..8 0 1 I11 t 1 1 1 .., :11151116 ee I 51 1 2 1825')]]. 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