HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 13 LEGAL•• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 So uth Frontage Road,Vai l,Colorado 8 1657 tel :970.479.2139 fax :97 0.4 79 .2452 web :www .cLvai l.co.u s Project Name:Connors ja cuzzi Project.Description: ORB Number:DRB030486 Jacuzzi spa in backyard Participants: OWNER CONNERS,TIiOMAS J. PO BOX S48 VAIL CO 8 1658 lice nse: APPl1CANT CONNERS,TIiOMAS J . PO BOX 548 VAIL CO 816S8 LI cense: Project Address:2427 GAR MI SH DR VAIL 10/28/2003Phone : 10/28/2003 Phone : Location:2427 GARMI SH DR Legal Description:Lot:13-A Block:H Subdivision:CO NNERS DUPLEX Parcel Number:2103114 130 16 Comments: Motion By : Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/29/2003 CO nd:8 (PLAN):Nochangest o thesep lans m ay be m adew ithout the w ritten consentof Town of Vail sta ff and/or t heappr op riate r eviewcommittee(s). COn d:0 (PLA N):ORB approval does not co nstit ute a permitf or building.Please consultwith Town ofVail Building personnel prior t oconstructionact ivit ies. Planner:Elisabeth Ecke l ORB Fee Paid :$20.00 ..•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOF VAIL,COLORADO Stat e ment •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ta tement Number : Payme nt Method : R 030005018 Amount :$2 0 .00 Ch e ck 1 0/2 8/20 0307 :3 2 AM Inlt :OF Notat ion :#384 8 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Loca t ion: This Paymen t : DRB0 30 486 Type : 2 10 3 11 4 130 1 6 2 4 27 GARM ISH DR VAIL 242 7 GARMISH DR $20 .00 DRB·Mlnor Al t ,SFR/D UP Total F e es : TotalALL P mts : Balance : $20 .00 $20 .00 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AC COUNT IT E M LIS T : Accou nt Co de OR 00 10000 3112200 Descripti on DES IG N REV 1 E~FE ES Cu rrent Pmts 20.00 54759'l\JO• RECEIPT -Th eTown.of Va il •2~(\3 (• 1\)J(\))t1.)(.1'1 tv:'Y:> DATE Jtln RECE IVED t ROMADDRESS _ --,~DOLlARS s ~- Permit Numbers _ HOW PAiD-Cash __Ol,,#?:A/~Poli ce Receipt Numbccs "';-:-_ By 1 ')IIU([p~ •• Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail ,Colorado 8 1657 t el:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.van.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmust receive approvalprior tosubmittinga bUilding permit application.Please refertotnesubmittalr equirementsfortheparticular approval that is requested.Anapplication forDesignReview cannot be accepted untilall requiredInformation Is received by theCommunity Development Department.The projectmayalsoneed t o be reviewed by the Town Council and/o r thePlanning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit isissuedand construction commences within on e y ear of the approval. / Description of the Request:~/7«'</o='<'2/_~~<L.!'-"""",-,'--==--,,","'-~='---_.>L~"-"_--"='­A /,r~d c,/C e".ad dZ location of the Proposal:lot:I)Block:to/"Subdivision: Physical Address:_"?"",--,!>',--,,"'::.7L-_-'>.~=!1L:..u.z----,=L.-_--'-_-""'=",,-,"------,..LJ.'--~_ ,T Mailing Address: c/ Owner(s)Signature(s)j;:"::L?2..--/-:::;,====="-------:7.,,------------ Forconstructionofanewbuilding or demo/rebuild.. For anadditionwhere square foot:a~~'8dde d toany res"or commercial building(includes 250 ad't!ltions &inter'versions). Forminorchangesto buildings and sit~~·ents,suchas, reroofing,painting,window addltJo~,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Forminor changes to buildingsand site Improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,w indow additions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. For revisions to plansalready approved byPlanning Stafforthe Design Rev iew Boa rd. f 'I~\"r ?(.-~1 ~~-,1\;:\.. "-0"'c -."0 <- e!.Y..S $1.00 persquare foot of t otal sign areas'r ~ ~ $20 $20 No Fee $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 o Separation Request Name of Applicant:-"-..:.:'---_=-=~~__-<--=-="'_''''''''__ Mailing Address: e-mau Address :J;/7 Type of Review andFee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition o Minor Alteration (m uttl-family/commercial) ,~MinorAlteration~(single-family/duplex) o O1anges toApproved Plans For Office Use Only: Fee Paid :CheckNo.: Application Date: Planner: By'=_ DRB No.:T'ri':'7il Project No.:ri31Th 3 .O "-"-"l •• JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRJTTEN APPROVAL LETTER /J,descr iption)_"'-'!'-L-=_£..4-__'-'-==_="'-'-_'-'-'---=-::....c,-_-"-.<..<:=;;.<'---==~ beensubmi ttedtothe Townof Vail Commun ity Developm ent Department for thepropo sed impro vements to be completed attheaddres s noted above .Iunde rsta ndthat thepropo sed improvements indud e : -r/0 Ifurth er un dersta nd that minor modifications may be madeto the pl ans ove r the cou rse of the review proce ss toensu re complia nce with the T own'sapplicabl e codes and regu lations. / S igna~ /t;.i 1 -<0=» (Oate) Page 2 of 12/02/07/02 •• TOWNOFVAIL d MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information : T hisap plication is required for proposals inv olving min or exterior alterations and /or site improvements. Proposals to add landscapi ngd o not require ORB app roval unless they invo lveth e add ition ofpati os, water fea tures,g rading,o rtheaddition of re taining wall s. I.SUBMmA~REQ UIREMENTS oStamped topographic survey*,if a pplicable oSiteandGrading Plan,if applicable" Q Landscape Plan ,if a pplicable" oPhotosor drawingswhich dearly conveyexisting conditio ns- oPhotoso r dr awingswh ich dearly conv ey the proposed bu ildingo rs ite a lteration(s)'" ::J Exteriorcolorandmate rial samp les an dspecifications. oUg hting Plan*a nd Cut-sheet(s )for p roposed fixtu res,if app licable D W ritten approval f rom a condomin ium association or joint owner,if app licable ::J The Adm inistrator and /or ORB m ayreq uire th esubmission o f add itiona l pla ns,d rawings, specifications,samples an do ther materials (i ndudinga model)if deemed necessaryto de terminew hethera project willcompl y wi th Design GUidelines or if the intento f the pr oposal is not dearly i ndicated. Pleases ub mit t hree (3;copies ofth e mat erials no ted with a n asterisk (*). T o pogra phic survey: D Wetstamp andsignature of a licensed surveyor D Dateof survey D Northarr ow andg raphic barscale o Scale of 1"=10'o r 1"=20') o Lega l d escription a nd p hysical address o Lotsizeand b uildable a rea (b uildable ar eaexcludesred haza rdava lanche ,slopes grea ter t han 40 %,a nd floodplain) oTies t o existing benchmark,e ithe r US GS landmark orsewer inve rt.Thi s inf ormation mu st be dearly stated o nth e survey D Property boundaries t o the nearest hundredth(.0 1)ofa foot a ccuracy.D istances and bearing s and a basis of bearingmu st be shown.Showexisting pinso rmonuments fou nd andthe ir re lationship t o the e stablished corner. ~Show rig htofw ay a ndproperty lines;induding bea rings,distances a nd curve i nformation . ~Indicate a ll easements identified ont hesutxlivision p lat and recorded against the property a s indicated In th e t itle report.List an yeasement restr K:tions. DSpot Elevations attheedgeof asphalt,alo ng t he streetfro ntage of the property at twenty- five footintervals (25'),andami nimumof o nespot eleva tions o ne itherside of t helot. u Topographic co nd itions a ttw ofootcontou r Interv als o Existing tr eeso r g roups of trees having trun ks with diameters of 4 "o r mo re,a s mea sured from a poi nto ne footabov e g rade. DRock o utcroppingsand other significant natural feat ures (large boulde rs,intermittent streams,etc.). oA ll ex istin gimprovements (includingfoundation walls ,roof overhangs,buildinq ov erhangs, et c.). o Environmenta lHaza rds(le .rockfall,d ebr is now,avalanche,we tla nds,fl oodplain,soils) Page3of 12/02/07/02 •• Gas Electric a Watercourseset backs,if applicable(show cente rline andedgeo f st ream or creek in addition totherequired stream or creak setback) u Show all utility meter locati ons,Including anypedestals o n siteor int he r ig ht -ot-way adja centt o the site.Exactlocation ofexist ing ut ilitysources andproposed service lines f rom thei rsourceto t hestructure.Utilitiestoinclude : Cable TV Sewer Telephone Water o Size andtypeof drai nage culvert s,swales,etc. D Adjacent roadways labeledand edgeofasphalt for bot h sides of t he roadw ay shownf ora min imum of 25 0'ineither direction fro mproperty. Site a nd Grad ing Plan: o Sca le of 1"",,20'or larger oProperty and setback lines oExist ing andp roposedeasements o Existing andproposedgrades o EXisting and proposed layo ut ofbuildings a nd other st ructures indudingdecks,patios,fences and walls.Indicat e th e f oundationw ith adashed line and t heroof edgewithasolid line. D All proposed roof r idge lines with proposed r idgeelevations.Indicate existing and p roposed grades show n underneathall roof lines.Th is will be usedtocalculatebuildi ng heig ht . D Proposeddriveways,indudingpercent slopeand spotelevation s att he p roperty line,garage slab andasnecessary along t he cente rline ofthedriveway t oaccurat ely reflectgr ade. DA4'wideu nheatedcon crete panat t he edge of asphalt fo rdri veways th at exit thestreetin anuphill direction. o Locat ion s of allut ilit ies includingexisting sou rces and proposedservice linesfro m sources t o t hestructures. U Proposedsurface dr ainageon andoff-site . Q l ocation ofla ndscapedareas, U l ocationof lim its of d istu rbancefe ncing :.J l ocatio n of all requ iredparking spaces :J Snowsto rage areas. U Proposeddum pster locat ionand detai l ofdumpste r enclosure. ';]Retainingwa lls withproposedelevations at to pand bottom of walls.A detailedcross-section and elevatio n draw ings shall be p rovidedo n t heplano r separate sheet .Stamped engineerin g d raw ings are requ iredforwalls between 4'and 6'feet inheight. :J Delineat eareasto be phased and app rop riate tim ing,ifapp licable Lan dscape Plan: oScaleof1"=20'orlarger a landscape p lan must bedrawnat t he samescale as t hesite plan . a location of exi sting tr ees,4"diameterorlarger.I ndicat etr ees toremain,t o be relocated (i ncludingnew location ),andto be removed.large stands oftreesmaybeshown(as bub ble)if t he stra nd is notbeingaffectedby t he proposed improvementsandgr ading. o I ndicateall existing ground coverandshru bs. oDetailed legend,listingthe type andsize (caliperfordeciduous trees ,height forconifers, gallonsize fo r shrubs and height for foundat ionshrubs)of all t he existing and proposedpla nt mater ial including groundcover . o Delineatecr itical rootzonesforexisting tr eesi n closeproximitytosite gr ading and construction . o Indicatethe locat ionof allproposedplant ings. oThelocation and typeo f existing and proposed wate ring systems to be em ployedincaring for plant mat er ialfo llowing its in stallation. Page4of 12/02/07/02 •• aExist ingand proposed contour lines.Retaining wallsshallbe included w ith thet op of wa ll and the bottom of w all e levations noted . Li ghting Plan : u Indicate ty pe,locatio nand number offixtures. UIncludeheight above grade,lumens output,luminousarea a Attadl a cut sheetforeachproposedfi xture . II.REPAINTP ROPOSALS For allproposa ls to repaintex isting buil dings,t he followi ng supp lemental informat ion isreq uired: aColor ch ipo r color samp le includingth e manufacturer namea ndcolornum be r(s) aArch itectura l elevatio n dr aWings w hich clear ly Indicatethe locatio n ofp roposedcolors (ie. siding,st ucco,Window t r im,doors,fascia,soffits,et c.)The f ollow ing is a n example : FASCIA WINDOW T RIM TRIM BAND I I I UPPER STU CCO S O F F IT LOWER S T UCCO Page 5 of12/02/07/02 SOUTH E L EVAT ION WE ST E LEVATION Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Ma l erial • Siding Oth er Wall Materia ls Fasci a Soffits Windows Wi ndow T rim Dams DoorT r im Hand orDeckRails Flues Flashing Ch i mneys T rash Encl osures Greenho uses Retai ning Wa lls Exterior Ughti ng Other Notes: Please specify themanufacturer's name,t he color nameand numberandattacha color chip. Pa ge6of12/0 2/07/02 • PROPOSED LANDSCAPING • I I [ PROPOS ED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOV ED Botanical Name Common Name Quant ity MinimumRequirements for Landsca ping:Deciduous Trees -2 "ca liper Coniferous Trees -6'in heigh t Shrubs -5 Ga l. ~Square Fo otage GROU ND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEOF EROSION CONTROL Please speci fy other landscape features (l.e.retaining walls ,fences,swimming pool s,etc.) Page7of12/02/07/02 •••mlITY APP ROVAL &VERI FICA TION Th isfo rm servest o verify t hat th ep roposed improvements will not i mpactanyexis ting o rp roposed ut il ity services,and also t overifyservice ava ilabili ty and locatio n fornewconstruction andsho uld be used i n conjunction w ith p reparing yo ur uti l ity p lanandscheduling i nsta llati o ns.Asiteplan ,in clud i ng grading p lan,fl oor plan,and e levations,shall be submitted t o the fo llowi ng utilitiesfor a pproval a nd v e rificatio n. QWEST 97 0.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott carring ton9 70.468.6860 Jason Sha rp 970 .384.0238 EXCELHIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.26 2.4076 (t el) Contact:Ric h Sisnero s HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949 .5892 (tel) 97 0.949.4566 (fax) Contact :Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970 .2 62 .40 24 J imO'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 97 0.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax ) Contact:Fred Haslee COMCASTCABLE 97 0 .949 .1224 x112(te l) 970 .949.9138 (fax) Contact:fl oydSa lazar A uthorized S ignature Com ments j I NOTES : 1.If th e util itya pproval &ve r ificatio nf orm has signatu r esf rom each oft he uti litycom panies,a nd no comments a remad e directly on t he fo rm,th e T ownw ilt presumeth at t he re a re no p roblems and the d evelopment can proc eed . 2.If a uti lity company has concerns withthe proposedco nstruction,t he uti lity representativeshallnote d irectly on the utili ty veri ficationf orm t hat th ereisaproblem wh ichneeds t obe resolved .The issue shouldthe n be detailed i n a n attachedletter t o t he T ow n of Vail.However,pleasekeep inmi nd t hat it is th erespo nsibility of the ut ility compa ny and th e ap pl icantto resolve ide ntifi ed problems. 3.T hesever ificationsdonot re lieve t he co ntracto r o fth e responsi bility too btainaPublic WayPe rmit f romt he Department of Public W orks at theT own of Vail.Ut ility locations mu stbeob tained before di gging i n any pu blic right-of-wa yo reaseme nt w ithinthe T own of Vai l.A b uilding permit is not aPublicWay pe rmit an d must be o btainedseparately. The Developeri s required a nd agrees to su bmitanyrevised drawings t o the utilities f or re-approve!&re- ve ri fication ifthesubmitted plansare altered i n any way afterth e a uthorizedsignature d a te (un less otherwise specifically note d withinth ecomm ent a rea ofthi sfo rm). Developer's Signature Date • NOTES TO ALL APPUCANTS • Pre-appl ication Meeti ng A p re -appl ication meeting with T ownof Vail staff isencou raged .Th epu rpose o f ap re-application m eeting is t o iden tify a ny critical issues pertaining to the ap pl icant'sproposal andto determine the app ropriate d evelopmentrev iew p rocessforan ap plication .In many cases,the pre-application m eeting helpst o expedite the developm ent rev iew process a s attical i ssues areide ntified a nd dealt w ith in t he p reliminary stages .A pre -application mee ting ma y be scheduled by co ntacti ng J udyRodriguez at 970 .479.2128 or jrodriguez \C:d.vai l.co .u5 Time Reauirements The Design ReviewBoard meetso n t he 1stand 3rdWednesdays of eachmonth .Acomplete app licat ion fo rmandall accompa nyingmaterial m ust be a cce pted by the Commun ityDevelopment Departme nt prior to ap plication deadli nes.A schedul e of ORB meeti ngs a nd associated ap plicationdeadlines may befou nd onth eWorld W ide Web at http ://ci.vail.co.Ys/comm_dID'lplanning l drblmeetlngs/default.htm For a new residential development ,th e app lication d eadline istyp ically 3.5 w eeks p riort o aDesignReview Board hea ring . Reyiew Criteria The proposalwi ll berev iewed forcomplian ce with theDesign Guidelines assetfo rth in Titl e 12.(Zoning Regulation s)an dTi tle14 (DevelopmentStandards)of the Town of Vai l Munidpal COd e. Requirements for properties located in ha za rd a reas If a prope rty is located ino r adjacen t to a mappedhazardarea (i.e .snowavala nche,rockf all,de bris flow, floodplain ,wetla nd,poor soils,etc.),theCommun ity Development Department mayreq uirea sit e -specific geo logical investigatio n.If asite-specific geolog ical Investigationd etermines th a t the subject p roperty is locatedin ageo logically sensit ive a rea ,the property own er(s)mu st sign a naffi davitrecog n izingthe hazard re port prior t o t he issuanceo fabu ildingpermi t.Applicantsar estrong ly encou ragedtoco nsult w ith Commu nity Developmentstaffp riort o submitt ing a ORB a pplication t o dete rmine th erelatio nship of t hep roperty to all ma ppedhazards. R equired Plan Sheet Format Fo r a ll surveys,sitep lans,landscapeplans a ndo ther site improveme nt plans,all of the f ollow ing mu st be shown. 1.Plansheetsizemust be 24M x 36 M •For large p roj ects,larger plan sizemaybea llowed . 2 .Sca le.The mi n imum scale is 1M =20'.All plansmust beatthesame scale. 3 .Graphic bar scale . 4 .North arrow. 5.Title b lock,project name,p roject addressandlegal description . 6 .Indication ofplan prepare r ,add ressa ndpho ne numbe r. 7 .Dates of o rig inal plan prepa ration andall revisiondates . 8 .Vicinity mapo r locat ion ma p at a scale of 1""'1,000'orlarger. 9 .Sheet labels and n umbers . 10.Abor der wrtham inimum left side marginof 1.SM , 11.Namesof a ll adjacentroadways. 12.Plan legend. Page9of12/02/07/02 •• D esign Review BoardMe eti ng Requirem ents Fornewconstruction and additions,t heapplicant must stake and tape t heproject site t o indicate property li nes,proposed buildingsand buildingcorners.All treesto be removedm ust be taped .The applicantmust ensurethat stakingdone duri ng t he wi nter is notburied bysnow.All site tap ingsand sta king m ust beco mpleted priort otheday o f the ORB meeting . T heapplicant,orth eirrepresentative shall be presentatt he Design ReviewBoardHearing .Applicants w hof ail toa ppear before the DesignReview Board o ntheir scheduledm eeting dateandwho have not a sked inadvance t hatd iscussionon t heiritem be postponed,w illhavet heiritems removedfromtheORB age nda until suchti me a st he ite mhasbee nrepublished. If theORB approves t he applicat ion with condit ionsor modifications,all conditionsofapproval mustbe resolved p ri or t ot he issuance ofa bUildingpermit . Staff Approva l Th eAdministrator (a member ofth e planningstaff)mayreview and approve Design Review applications, approve with certa in modifications,deny t heapplication,orrefer th e application to t heDesign Review Boardf or adecision.All staff approvals arereviewed bytheDesignReview Board andany staffdecision issubject to finalapproval byth e ORB . Add iti o na l Reviewa ndFees If thi s application requiresaseparate reviewbyanylocal,state orFederal agencyother t hantheTown of Vail,th e application feeshall be increasedby$200.00.Examplesof such review,mayinclude,but are not limited to :Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits ,Anny CorpsofEngineers 404,etc. T he ap plicant shall be responsible f or payingany publishing fees in excessof50%oftheapplication 'fee. If,atthe ap plicant's request,anymatterispostponed for hearing,causingt he matter t obe re-pub lished, th en th e ent iref eeforsuchre-publicatio n shall be paid by the ap plicant. Applications deemed by t he CommunityDevelopmentDepartment t o havedesign,landuseor other issues,w hich mayhavea significant impact o n t he community,mayrequirereview by external consultantsinaddition to Town staff.Shoulda detennination be m ade byTown staff that anexternal consulta ntisneeded,theCommunity DevelopmentDepartment may hire the consultant.T he Departmentshall estimat e t he amountof mo ney necessary t o paythe consultant and t his amount shall be fo rwa rded to the Townbytheap plicantat t he ti meof fil ing anapplicat ion .T heapplicant shall pay expenses incurred bytheTow n inexcessoftheamount f orwa rded byt he application tot heTow n within 30daysofnotificationbytheTown.Anyexcess fu nds w ill be ret urned t otheapplicant uponreview comp letion . Page10 of 12/02/07/02 •• Survey/Site Pl an Review Checklist Departmen t of Com munity Developmen t 7S South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 816 57 t el:9 70.479 .2139 fax:9 70.479.2452 web :www.d.vaiLco.us "This checklist m ust be submitted p rior t o Public Works review ofa proposed development. Owners/Project Name:_ Project Address:_ Applicant:_Phone Number: Sub mittal Cl St amped survey o f property [J CiviVSite pla ns Survey Requirem ents; ::J Surveyor's wet stampand signature ::J Date of survey Q North arrow :J Proper sca le (1"'=10'o r 1"=201 :J leg at descri ption :J Basis ofbearings I Benchmark Q Spot Elevations u labeled right of w aya nd property lines; indudingbearings,dista nces andcurve information. 1:1 Lot Size oBuildableArea (ex cludes red hazard avalanche,slopesgreate r than40%,and floodplain) Site Plan Re qui rem ents ; CI La ndsca pe plan CJ Ti tleReport (SectionB) oEnvironmental Hazards (ie.rockfall,debr is fl ow,avalanche,wetlands,flood plain,soils) a Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) o Trees a la beled easements (l.e .drainage,utility, ped estrian,e tc...) a Topoqraphy o Ut il ity locat ions :J Adja centroadways labeledandedgeof asphalt fo r bot h sides of theroadway shown f oramini mum o f 250 'in eith erdirection fromproperty . I.Ac=s (checkall) a Driveway typeandfinis hed surfaceareshowno nthe site plan. aUnheated :J Heated(port ion In ROW in aseparate zone) aSnowstorageareas are shown onthe sitep lanwithinp roperty bou ndaries (30%ofd rivewayareaif u nheated;10%ofd rivewayarea jf heated) aAlldriv ewaygrades,d imensions,radiiaredear1y notedo n the site p lan and conform to Development Standards,p.11.Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not theaverage grade ):-:::c-:::cc-. cParking spacesand turnin g radiiarenoted on sitep lanand co nform to DevelopmentStandards, pp.12&14 II.Construction Site (check all) o Location of all utilitiesandmeterpits are show n o nth esiteplan. e Limitsof distu rbance constructionfendngisshown onth esite plan. o 1amaware th at ap provedStagingand ConstructionTrafficControl Plans,asper th eManual of UniformTraffic Contro l Devices,w ill be necessary priortoconstructi on. a 1 am aware th at aRevocable Rightof WayPermit wlff berequi red prior toconstruction. Page I I o f12/02/07/02 •• III.Drainage(checkall t hatapply) o The requiredValleyPanisshow n on the sitep lan asperDevelop ment Standard s,p.12. :J (Note :Valleypa n mus t not beheated ) o 4 FootConcretePan 0 8Foot Concrete Pan o Positive and adequate drainag e ismainta ined a t all times w ithin the p roposed site . oCulverts havebeenprovideda nd arelabeleda ndd imen sionedon t hesiteplan . o A Hydrau lic report has been p rov ided .(As requested byTownEngineer) I V.ErosionControl (Checkall t hatapp ly ) oDisturbance area isgreaterth anonehalfacre. o A separat eErosion Control Planhasbeen p rofessionallye ngineered andPEstamped. 1:1 Less thanone hatf acrehas beend isturbed,an d proper erosio n co ntrol d evicesareshown o n th e sit e p lan. V.Floodplain (checkallthat apply) :l Th e pro ject li eswi thin oradjacent t o a100yearFloodplai n. o100 year Floodplain is shownonthe site plan . oAFloodpla instud yhas been pro vided.(Req u ired jf floodplain is within co nstr uct io n limitsor a s requeste d by Town Engineer ) o The project d oes n o t lie wi t hin o r adjace nt toa100year Floodplain VI.Geolog ical/Env ir onmental Hazards(checka llth at apply) o Th e pr oject l iesw ith in aGeologiC/En vironmental Hazard a rea.(SeeDevelopment Standa rds,p.20 ) oA HazardRep ort hasbeenprovided Q Th e proj ect d oes not lie w it hin a Geolog ic/Environmental Hazard a rea. VII.Gradi ng(c heckalltha ta pply) o Existing and proposedg rades/contou rsa reprovi dedo nthesite plan. c All disturbed areashavebeen retu rnedtoa2:1 grade . D Alld isturbed a reas not returned to 2 :1 gra de havebeenProfessio nally Engineered withslope protection a rid/or stablesoils.PEsta mpeddeta ils are provided within plans. oOn ly ex ist ing cont oursare shownonth e site plan,the reis no proposed grading. VIII .Parking (c heck all ) uAllresiden tia l an dcommercia l parking spacesco nformtothe Deve lo pmentStandards,pp .12&15. I X.Ret a ini ngWall s(check a ll that app ly) UAll retainingwall s conform to th estandards In t heDevelopment Standards ,p.19. oA ll retaining w allsan dcomb inat ion wa llsover 4 fe ethave bee n Professiona llyEng ineered a ndaPE sta mped det ail hasbee nprov ided w ithinthep lans . oAll retaini ngwall s are shown o nth esi te plan,wi th labeledtopandbottom of w alle levationsand type of w a ll con struction . c No retainingw alls are required f or t h is pr oject. X.SightDistan ce(c heckall t hat apply ) U Propersig htdis tance has been attained a nd shown o n siteplan as per DevelopmentStanda rds,p.12. u Pro per sig ht distan ce hasnot been attained .Explanation why:_ Addi tionalComme nts Please prov ideany a dditionalcomm ents t hat pertain t o Public Works Review . Ap plicantsSignature _ Page 12 of 12/0 2/07/02 OEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I \Io::J 011 ,..:~"'-J fl(c"l ,11/L(fO {n NO TE :T HIS PERMIT MUST8EPO STEDONJ 08SITE ATALL TIMES ---TOWN OF VA IL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •• 242 7CHAMONI X LN 2 427 CHAM ONIX LN 210 3 -114 -09 -004 PRJ97 -00 50 AD D/ALT MF BUILDP ERMIT Permit t :B97 -0355 S tatus ...:'~R~~ VAIL VEIAp p 1ied •.:t1 0 /02 /1 997 I ss ued .•.:10/03 /1 997 Ex pires ..:04 /01 /19 98 J ob Addres s: Locat io n ...: Parcel No ..: Pro ject No ,: Description : REROOF FR OM WO OD SHAK E TOASPHALT SH INGLES Occupancy:Rl Type Cons truction :V I -HR Type Occupancy : APPLICANT /.J.~/5"/7 CONTRACTOR OWNER RUSTY SPIKE ENTERP RISES ,VAIL ,CO 81658 RUSTY S P IKE ENTERPRISES ,VAI L,CO8 1658 MAL IN JAMES 0 &BRETT DAVI D -J T 5 08 L INDENRD,BIRMINGHAM MI 48009 MUlti -Family Type V I -Ho ur Phon e:3 03 47 64374 P hone:3 034764374 TOV/Co m .Dev. Clean-up e'posit Refond .. app roved ~~ amount (f;f~~ dat e "a"/,,,f• valuation:5 ,000 Add Sq F t: fi re place In f o r ~at i on :Restr ic ted:Waf Ga s Appliance .:#ot Gll~l ogs :1I 0f Wood/PIll l e t: ****.~t**.****....*....***..***~**********t ...*****.*.**FEE S~KARY ••••**************,*******,******************************* Bui ld ing----->95 .00 Rest uarant Pl an Rev i~--).00 Total Calculated f ee i ---)2 79 .75 Pla"Cha,k--)6'.75 ORB Fee------->20 .00 Addhlonel r ...-----).00 I rw~~t;gU ;Cln >.00 llecre""tiol\Fee------>.00 TOUIL '.r .1t h e---->27 9 .75 \lill CaU ---->3 .00 Clean-Up DltpOlh-----)100 .00 Poylllentl---------)279 .75 TOTAL f EES -------->279.75 BALAN CE DUE --------).00 .*******~**.*..****_t**~******••••******.t.*.*******•••••**.*.rtW*••t ••******••************••***•••••••• N/A N/A Item:051 00 BUILDING DEPARTMEN T 1 0/0 2/1 997CHARLI E Action :APPR Item :0 5400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 0 /,02 /,1997 CHARLIE Actio n:NOT E 1 0 /03 /1 99 7 CHARLIE Act >on:APPR I t im :05 600F IREDEPARTMENT 1 0 02 /1997 CHA RL IE Actio n:APPR Item :0 5500 PUBL IC WO RKS 10/02 /1 99 7 CHARLIE Action:APPR De pt : CHAR L IE DAVIS Dept : PLANS ROUT ED TO PE RDOMIN IC Dept: De pt : BUILDIN G Di vi sion: PLA NNING Di visio n: P LANNING FI RE Div i si on: PUBWORK Di vision: See Page 2o ft his Doc ument for a ny c ond ition s t hat may apply to thi s permit . DECLARAT I ONS 1 hereby ac know ledge that I neVI read t his a pp li cation,f illed out i n f ull t he i nfor ..t 1on requ ired,COMpleted on a c cur ate plot pl an ,and s t at.that a lL the infor..tion p~ided a s requ ired is cor re c t .J agree to coeply with th e i n fo r~t i on and p lo t p lan , to ~ly with .ll Town ord in.nces and a t.te l aws,~to build t his structure acco rding t o t ne Town's zoning .nd subdivi si on codes ,design r evi ew .pprovad,Un1for.Bu ild ing Code .nd otnar ordln&nces of t he Town appl1c.ble there to. RE QUES TS FOR I NSPECTION S SHA LL BE MAD E TWEN TY-FOU R HOU RSIN ADV AN CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OF FICE FR~8:00 AM $:00 PM 5 /b'-'bO Ai~COR '1 e e ..•, REPTl31 04/01/98 08:01 REQUESTS TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR ~4 /I 1C18 , -', / PAGE AREA,C ====- "4 Dcc: SHINGLES Phone:30347&4-74 Phone: Phone:30347&4374 Act i .....lty: Addrps5 : Locatlon: Per-c e1; DE'scriptl0n: Applicant I OwnerJ Contractor: B97-03~5 4/1/98 Typ.~A-MF 2427 CHAMONI.x LN 2427 CHAMONIX LN VAIL VEIW THUNIT 2103-114-0~-004 REROOF FROM WOOD SHAKE TOASPHALT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES MALINJAMES0 &BRETTDAVID -JT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES Status:ISSUED Con!itr:AMF Use:V I-HR Ln f cr-ere t Lon ••••• Time EIol / / II Phone:476-4374 COlllunt.:WILL CALL MII<E -47fr4374 be Inspected ••.Action Comments 1Ji/luvW -- »: / Insppctlon R(>que~t Reql.l",.;ttH"':MIKE Rt'q Time:08:00 It(>m~requested to 01710')0 BLDG-Final '.•• TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 97 0-479-2 13 8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO PMENT 24 27 CHAM ONIX LN 2 42 7 CHAM ONIX LN 2103 -114-09 -004 PRJ97-0050 .lob Add res s: Lo ca t ion ...: Parcel No ••: Pro je ct No .: NOTE :T HIS PERM IT MUST BEPOST ED ON JOB SI TE ATALL T IMES AD D/ALT MF BUILD PE RM ITP e rmi t I :B97 -035 5 Status ...:'~R~~ VA IL VEI App lied ..:11 0 /0 2 /1 9 97 Issued •..:10/03 /1997 Exp ires .•:04 /0 1 /1998 APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE E NTERPRISES ,VAIL ,CO 81 658 CONTRACTOR RUSTYS PIKE ENTERPRISES ,VAIL,CO 816 58 OWNER MALIN JAMES D &BRETT DAV ID -JT 508 LINDEN RD ,B I RM INGHAM MI 4 8009 P hone:3034 764 374 P hon e:3 034764374 De scription: REROOF FROM WOOD S HA KE TOASPHALT S HINGLES Occupa ncy:Rl Ty pe Construction:VI -HR TypeOc cupancy: MU lti-Family Type VI -Hour Valuation:5 ,000 Add Sq Ft : lot Wood /Plillet : 1***I*I.I ••lllllllll*II*.IIII ••'••••*.I ••******************FEE ~~RY ****************~*****.*************.**************. Build ing-->95 .00 RU(UIIra nt Plan R~i_>.00 Tot al C.ll eul .t ed fe·I!!I.->279 .75 pllI"Ctwtelc -->61 .75 ORB FH---o 20.00 Addtt10N1l F..'----).00 In \lest 'lgat1on>.00 Recreation h e ----->.00Total Per.it h e-·--->279.75 \lill C.ll-)3 .00 U .....-up Depo,1t ---)100 .00 Paywnt .-------->279 .75 TOT Al FEES------>279 .75 BAL»f CE OOE -------).00 ~•••I.II.*W *W~~..*****~•••••••••••***..*********••••••••••••••*-***********Tt *iHrt. Item :05100 BUILDING DE~ARTMENT 1 0/02/1997 CHAR LIE Ac t,on:APPR Item:0 54 00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10/,'/02/,199 7 CHARLIE Act i on:NOTE 10 03 '/1997 CHARL IE Ac tion:APPR Itim:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 0 02 /199 7 CHARLIE Action :APPR Itim:05 500 PUBLIC WORK~1 002 /1 997 CHARLIE Act ~on:APPR Dept: CHARLIEDAVIS Dept: P LANS ROUTED TO P ERDOMINIC Dept: N/A / Dept : NA BUILDIN G Di vis io n: PLANN ING Division: PLANNING FIRE Div ision : PUB WORK Di vis ion: See P a ge2 of this Document fo r any c ondi t io ns that may a pply to t his pe rmi t. DECLARAT I OI'IS I hereby .ckroowl-.that I he ve reed t hh app ltUltion,fH l«l out i nf u ll the inf or_t'on requ ired,e:e:-pleted lin IIc:c ur.h p l ot p l8n,.nd .tate that a ll the inforlB t1on prov ided ••requ i red i.c:o rrec:t.1 8g ree t o COMp ly with t~i nf or..tion .nd p l ot plan, t o c08Pl y with a ll Town o rd1nanc •••nd ,tlte law~,and t o build thi,.t ruct ur.ac cording to tha Town'.zon ing and !ubd ivi .ion ecd ea,delllgn rev 1ew app ro ved,Un ito r .Building ccee an d other o rdl l'\ll nce.of the Town II ppl i c:able t hereto . REQUE STS FOR I NSPECTI ONS SHAU Bf ""OE TW ENTY-FOUR HOU RS IN ADVAN CE BYTEL EpHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OFFICE FROP!8 ;00 AM 5 :00 PM 5/";/"1 /1/l/Jf,W.~1 Sfl1d ClearHJp Deposi t To :RUSTY SPIKE E"'T .SI GNA T\JR E OF 6iOiNfi OR CONT RAif6R FORHI MSEL,'fAND OW NER •• ••****************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit I:B97-03 55 as of 10/17 /97 Status :APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type :ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Appl ican t:RUSTY S PIKE ENTERPRI SES 3034764 374 Job Address: Location:2427 CHAM DNIX LN VAIL VEIW TH UNIT 14 Parcel No:2 10 3-114-0 9-004 Description: RER OOF F ROM WOOD SHAKE TO ASP HA LTSHIN GLES Applied :10/02 /1997 Issued:10/0 3/1997 To Expire:04/0 1/1998 Co nditions : 1.FIE LD IN SPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TOCHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAN CE. 2 .ALL PENETRATIONS INWALLS,CEILINGS ,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVEDFIRE MATERIAL. 3.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQ UIRED INALL BE DROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1 991 UBC . 4 .FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTE D. 5 .ASP HALT SHINGLES MU ST BE40 YR OR BETTER 6 .ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP 32 P ER.~lIT ,_ Ilia**Cont ~cl Ea gl eCount y A SSCs so ~ff1 c e ~~a t 9 70-328-8640 f or Par cel 'AA TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PA RCEL ':2.to':;I I I 'f..09 u:n:PERMIT APPqCAT!ON FORM DATE :5j /2 9,tz7 tJ'APPLICATION MUSTBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELYORI T MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~***************.**.**********PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [l-Bu ilding [J-Plumbing [J-Electrical [j-Mechani"cal [)'(J-Other ~ Job Name:.H (//1;/lliC'lV J ob Address:27:2 7 C,I,,/?I trr\"I';:'1/</ -2..//A ,!-.if""',..)7<>.:vu 1ft''''''''''#-4-7,c,«."-\.L Le gal De scription:Lot 1'/Block Filing SUB PIYIS lON,lJ tl l1 DA ~"""°"'N'I'i.':7 Owners Name:~4 /J miL /;l,Ad dress:;:',;I.3/76 Itt/I>'-C>?IG tr.~9Y'71;?~9 Ar c hite ct :Address:Ph._.,,-_ Ge ne ra lDesc ript i on:&13f.-f"ir;(QJ?J/)S,1 j'A I;ds,RJ.;J/)j )~ Work clas s:[J-New [J-Alt eration [J-Additional [J -Repair [)<.J-other 'd:fd.-il Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ~m ber a ndType of F irepl aces :Gas Ap plian ces Gas Logs Wo od/Pellet ~*********************************VA LUATION S ********.************************ BUIL DI NG :,EI,ECTRICAL :,OTHER:$.52:l:V .~ PLUMBING:,MECHANICAL:,----.----TOTAL :$---, *CON T ~C TO R ~~Nr p~tIO~~******************~~~*~ e neral Contr acto r:<.»;~l::I17-0~o fVa il Re9 'NO:fC!oS-- Addres s:~'-.,I .-~hon e Numbe r:~7.4 -,()?Zif.... Elec tr ica l Contractor : Addres s: Town of Va il Reg.NO._ Ph on e Nu mber: Plumbing Contractor: Addre s s: Town of Vail Reg.NOo_ Phone Number: Mechani c al Contra ctor: Ad dress: Town of Vail Reg .NO._ Phone Number: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE : MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHERT YPEOF F EE: DRBFE E: Co mments: FOR OFFICEUSE ******************************* BUILDING PLANCHECK fEI;\:""";"'''.'f;'.,-_ PLUMBING P ~~'J'1Et :O ',:;;,~',1 MECHANICA ~•~.$c i(I:$E't~\2'~:~====RECR EATION :1 ·-~_~ CLEAN-UP D ~S i Tn t l 1 1"7 '. TOTAL PERM ~~l~~~:'1\\JJt'j IJ.,.;"':,:.;":---- BUILDING:~=:I.c.iW--,\-;;-_ ~~~~~~~RE :?fJ}!fIctQ uxU 76/21'4'1 , SIGNATURE :~ VALUATIONSQ.FT,GROUPTYPE (CLEAN UP BEPOSIT REFUND TO~ • lown 01 vai 75 soulh frontage-road vail ,colorOld o 81657 (3D3 )479 -2 1)8 or 4 79 -2139 • o fllc e of community d eeetcpment TO: F ROM: DAT E: S UBJECT : ALLCONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITHTHE TOWNO F VAIL TOh~OF VAIL PUBLI CWORKS /COMMUNI TY DEVELOPME NT MARc n 16 ,1988 CON STRUCTI ON PARKI NG &MATE R IAL ST ORA GE In summary ,Ordinance No .6 states th at it is u nl awful for any p erson to litt er ,track or d ep os it any soil,rock ,s and ,d e bris or ma te ria l,inclUd ing tra sh dum psters ,po rtab le t oilets and wor kmen v ehicles u pon any street,sidew alk ,a l l ey or p ublic p la ce or any p orti on thereof.Th e right-af -way on all Town of Va il stre ets and roads is a pproxi mate ly5 f t .off p av e ~ent . T hi s ordina n ce wi llb es t rictly enforced b y t he T own of vai l P ubl ic Wo rk s Depd rt I':lent .P er s on s found vi o latingt h is ordi n an ce will b e givena 24 hour written n oticet o r emove said mater i al. In th e event t h e p erson so n otifiedd oe s not comply with the noti ce with in t he 2 4 hour time s pe ci fi e d,the Publ icWorks Dep artment wi ll remo ve said mat erial at the expen se of pers on n ot ified .T he provisions of thi s ordinance s hal ln ot be a p plicable to c onstruction,maintenance o r rep air proj ects o f any stree t or a lley or any u tili t i es in th e rig ht-a-way . To r eview Ordi n anc e No .6 i n f ull,p l ease stop by the Town of Vail BUi lding Departme nt to obtain ac opy.Tha nk you for y our c oo peration on t hi s matter . (i.e .contractor ,owner) • 7 S south Irontag e-ro ad vail,colorado 81657 (303)47 9-213 8 or 479-2 139 • office of community devel opment BU ILDIN G PERf.:l T I SSUANCE TIM E FRAME I f tht s penmttre quires aTown of Vai l f ire Department App roval, Engi neer"s (Publ tc Works )rev iew a nd approva l,aPlann ing Depar tment re view or Heal th Depar tm ent r eview .andareviewby theBuild ing De partment ,the est imated time for a total r ev i e w ma y t akea s long as t hree wee ks. Allco mm erc ial ('l arge or small)a nda ll multi -fam ily permits will hav e tof o ll ow th ea bove me ntio ned maxi mu m r e qui rements .Resi dent ial and sma llprojectss ho uldt akea les ser amount o f ti me .However.if r e siden tial or sma ll er pr oj ects i mpact t hevar iou s above mentioned d e pa r tmcnt s ...,oi t h r ega r d t onec esse r y r ev i e w,t he se proj ec t s may e l so t ake th e three week period. Ev erya ttempt wil l be ma de by th is de partment t o ex ped ite t h is . permit as.s oon as pos sible. I,the undersigned.under stand t he planc heck procedureand ti me f rame. }!~~Ag rCetOY. )l #y ~I ))/?~7;h;1~4'--AO Pr o ject Na me Dat e Wor Shee t was urned l nt o t e C o~~unity D eve loom~~t De par tm ent. , ....•M EMORANDUM • T O: FROM: DATE: RE : A LL CONTRACTORS TO WN OF VA IL PUB LICW ORKSDEPARTMENT MA Y9,1994 WHEN A "PUBLICW AY PERMIT'ISREQ UIRED ',./u/;;,j ,/..~/ J ob Name:P<I r >f/J-t'-'V 7~iP.::1 IJft '(f7'--'/.J Date :;;,.;7 .,).'"7 7-?7 P lease ans\Vfir th e f ollowingques t io nnaireregardingth eneed fora"Pub lic W ay Per mit": 1)Is thisanew r esidence? 2)Is d emolition workbeing p erform ed that requ ires t he use ofthe right ofway,e asementsor publicprop erty? 3 )Is an y utility work needed? 4)Ist he d riveway beingrepaved? 5)Is d ifferent accessneeded tosite othe r t han e xist i ngdrivew ay? 6)Is a ny d rai nage work bei ngdo ne affectingt he righ t ofway ,easements, orpub lic p roperty? 7 )Isa "Revoca bleRight Of W ay P ermit" requ i red?. 8)A .Is t heright ofway,easements o r pub lic property t obeused forstaging, pa rking orf e ncing ? B.If noto8A,is a parking ,stagi ng orf encing planrequired by Community Developm ent? Ifyouan swer edyes toa ny ofthese questions,a"Pub lic WayPe rmit"m ust be obt ained . "Pub lic Way P erm it"appl ications ma y beob tained atthe Pu blic Work's office o r at Commu nity Developm ent.If you have a nyq ues tions pleasecallCha rlieDavis,t he Town of VailCo nstruction Inspector,at 479-2158. I have reada nd answe red all th ea bove q Uestion.a',_~ 4 $1 p j hFt~ffW7t-k-"'V4 ~q ~ J ob Name Contractor's Sig natura Date 1-26"18' R=85.0 L-39.02 T-19.86 SCALE:1"~10' DATEOF SURVEY:1 1/5/93 II lITUIY . Pfll.' ~UXAlI(JoI CIJl:Tn:A1t I ....1ItIy ~lNt tNI ~_,l ~c.rtI'IoII le _~ b'T.J e-......"""110 -,"'"'"~~l.,...,......-.I lMt II lie ""'".....,.wtlll'bl _t tit fWIc., ..~,.,<rlhIO'fll hInI 1IIIpI1 ,\.... ... 22.1' / 21 .0' CONe.RET.wAll. 79.8' / /r oo;' / / / / \ / i I ,.-I '......-• \,r,. o I ~:rASD.lEM!W fI'N«PrR TloIE PlAT or"u ......_.......__._. ) ) .-UlIt'~----_._~-_..,!ON "No 1l!llotSl :-------------;;ii'"-------------1~t .s.No.1M27 S 62"59'56"E-173 .96 !8UlCI<""........,;:::?---U N 62"31'01"W-145.13 LOT 12• LOT 14 •F~O PlAIN No.4-'....\ , , ioj • Fence Wall landscaping Other • APPUCATION FOR REVOCABLE PERM IT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBUC RIGHT-oF-WAY 'THIS FORII CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type 0<print) (//1 1(,,, DATE 7/,I /1 ,/I I OWNER OF PROPERTY--:""",,7,-,"---,J,,--~,t'''----'''CL<::!A<.-'--_--'--''-''=-'-''''..L-__ NAME OF APPUCANT ~u",1!",,,,u.L(-=--,-_ ADDRESS ~J.t j.7 C ad¢t/l t/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TOBESERVED : Comer lot _ LOT (J BLOCK ff SUBDIVIS ION C/-1 /'r "r (11 necessary,attach d esaiption on separate sheel),/' ./C ' Insidelot /' Attachplans showing enaoachment.property line ,sidewalks .curtls,Intakes,hydrants. me ters.manholes.any other affected app urtenance Inthe project area (to scaleor d imensioned)andsection (s)aswellas elevations (11 applicable). Does structure presently exist?(/?.s -/-6>'"'"(J .!J .w AI!/Ie><?""0/ Proposed dale for commencemeili'of construction -"'7'--:..]""I'-·"'q"',,"-_ In co nsideration oftheIssuance of a revocable permJl forthestructure aboveIndicated, aeolicant agree .~a~follou.'s: 1.Thatthe structure here in authorizedonarevocable permit basis isrestricted exclus ively toth e landabove described. 2 .Tha t the perm Jl ls limi ted specifical ly to the type ofstructure described inthis appl ication. 3 .Thattheapp lican t sha ll notify the TownMange r.orhis du ly authorized agent .twe nty- 'our hours i n advance of the timefor commencement of construction.In order that prope r inspection maybemadebytheTown. 4 .The applicant agrees to indemnJly andholdharm less theTownofVail .its officers. employees andagentsfromandagainstallliability.claims and demands on accountof Injury.loss or damage .Including without limitation claimsarisi ng frombo dilyinjury, pers onal inju ry,s ickness.d isease.death,pr operty lossor d amage.orany omerloss of a ny ki nd whatsoever.which arise out of or ar eInany manner connectedwith applicant's activities pursuant to thispermit .11 such Injury,loss,or damage Iscaus edin wholeorIn part by.orisclaimedtobecaused inwholeorin part by .the act,omission, error,professional error,mistake.negligence orother faun of the appIicanL his contractor or subcontractor orany officer.employee or representalive of the applicant. his contractor orhis subcontractor.The applicant agreesto Investigale.hand le respond to ,and10 provide defense forand defend agalnsl.any such liability.claims .or demands atthesole expense ofthe applicant Theappl icant a lso agrees to bear all othe r expenses relatingthereto,Including court costsand attorney's fees ,whether or notanysuchliability.claims.or demands alleged are groundless.false.or frau dulent. Applicant ag rees t o procure an d maintain .at its own co st.apol icy o rpolicie sof insurance sullicient toensu re against allliability cla ims,demands andother obligations assumed bythe applicant pursuant tothis Paragraph4 . App licants furtheragree to release the Town 'ofVall .its officers.agents and employees fromany and allliabi lity,claims.demands.0<actionsor causes of actions whatsoever aris ing out ofany damage.loss orInjurytothe applicant ortothe applicant's property caused by theTownofVall.ItsOffloalll.agents and employees while engaged In maintenance or snow removal actlvlties or any other acl!vlties whatsoever on Town 01 Vai l property,streets.sldewaiks,or rights·ol-way . 5.That the permft may be revoked whenever ~Is detennlned that the enaoachment, obstruction,or other stnJClure oonstilutes a nulsanoo.destroys or Impellll theuseof the right-of-way by thepublic,constitutes atraff ic hazard.orthe property upon which the encroachment,obstruction.or structure exists Is required foruse by the public;orn may be revoked et any timefor any reason deemed sufficient by theTownofVall. 6.That the applicant will remove.athisexpense ,the encroachmen~obstruction.or stnJcture ~in ten days after reoelvlngnotiooof any revocation of said penn~. 7 .That the applicant agreesto mainlaln any landscaping associated withthe encroachment on the rtght-of-way. 8 .That Intheevontsaid removal ofthe encroachmen~obstruction,or structure Is not accomplished withinten days.the Town Is hereby authorized to remove same and havethe right tomakean assessment against the property and collect the costsor removal Inthe same manner as general taxesare collected. 9.That the applicant hasreadand undellltands all 01 thetermsand conditions set forthIn this application . 10.Special conditions: ~,6?&t?,~.... • Signature of Property Owner (If Jo int ownelllhip,both signatures) APPROVED : Project Planner Director of Community Development Director 01 Publi c Works Town Manag er Date Date Date Date Dat e • '.••,. '. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION FILING "'';1"-4AJ .r~!.(BLOCK/JLOT SUBO IVISION JOB NAME _~==="""-_ ADDRESS .2 1".-2 7• The location of uti l it ies,whether they be main trunkl ines or propose d l ines ,m us~b e approved and verified by the followi ng u tilities for the accompanying site plan . Authori zed S igna ture U.S.West Co mmu n ications 1-800-9 2 2-1987 468-6860 o r 949-4 530 Public serv ice Company 9 49-5781 Gary Ha ll Hol y Cross E lectric Assoc. 94 9-5892 Ted Husky /Mich ael La verty He rit ageCa blevi sion T.V. 9 4 9-55 30 Ga ry J oh ns on Upper Ea gl eVal ley Water ,S anitation Dis trict ~ 47 6-7480 F red Haslee NOT E:These ve ri fica ti onsdo not relieve the contractor o f his r esp on s ib ility to o btain a street cut permit from the Tow n of Vail,Departme nt of P ublic Works and to obtain ut il ity l o cations b e for e digg ingi n anypU b lic r igh t-o fwayo re a seme nt i n t heTo wn o f Vail.A building permit i s nota stre et c ut p ermi t.A stre et cut pe rmit must be o btaineds ep arate ly. This f orm i s to verify service availability and l ocat ion.This should be used i n conjunction with pr ep aring you r utility plan and schedu l ing in st al lations. •Please bring a a i te plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &s an itation signatures . Address "." TOV C ontractor's LicenseNumbe rPhoneIf TOW?>OFl'ill/. £~/7 d/d-LI/.L.--'--.--===Legal Description ~Street Address APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERM IT 19 ~ 1.JOl;]r ,v EA',)/~ U/YA'li /uLuL 2.ExcavatingContractorName f -/- 3.Start Date Completion Date (Permit Expiration Dale) 4.Work is fo r (circle one)~ter Sewer _\:andscapio.g<:) GasElect ric Telephone TemporaryS iteA ccess CATV O ther _ 5.Trench-w idth _ (min.4') Length _Dept h _ BondAmount $_Permit Fee $_Total Permit Fee $_ 6.A LL MATERIAL,EQUI PMENT,A N D TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVI CES MUS T BEON TH E J OBSIT EBE FORE THE JOB I SSTARTED. _____________Ele ct ricians (4 79-2171)_ 7 .Rubber ou t-r iggers arerequ ired o n excavating equ ip me nt wh en w o rkin go nasp halt. Asp halt surtaces unde rneath the b uckets hall beprotected at a ll times . 8 .As ignature below indicates arev iew ofthe area a nduti lity l oc ations an dap provals .On cea llut ilityco mpany s ig natures a re obtained,permittee has opt io n ofrout ing appli cation through thePub lic Works o ffic etoo btain the necessary Townof Va il s ignat ures.Please allow o neweekt o pro cess. Upper Eagl eVa lley Water an d Sa nitation (4 7 6-7 480)_ Publi c Service Company (1-600 -92 2-1967) PS GO ~Na tura l Ga s Group (4 68-2528)_ H oly C ross E lectric Company (949-5892)_ U.S .West (1-6 00-922-1967)_ T el Cablevision of th e Rockies (949 -5530)_ Town of Yall : Irrigation (479-2 161) Public Works (479-2158)_ 9 .THERE W ILL B ENOTO TAL STREET C LOS UR ES!A construct io n traff icco ntrolp lan m ust beappr oved by th e Public Works Departmen t pr ior to issuance of t he permit. 10 .Al l excavati o nm ustbe d o neby hand wit h in 18 "ofut ilitie s -(Senate B i1l1 7 2). 11 .Permittee m ust contactPub l ic Works Departme nt at 479-21 58 24 ho u rspri or toco mmenci ngba ckfill o p erat io ns. Failu re tonotifythe Tow n w illresult i n forfe iture ofbo nd m oney.Scheduledinspecti ons w hichar e not ready may resu lt intheTow n cha rg ing the co ntracto r are inspect ionfee . 12 .I certify t hatI have reada ll hap ters of TItle 12 -Streets a nd S idewalks.of the VailMu nicipalGodea nd a ll ut ility co mpanyag reements,e d byme ,andw il la b idebythe s ame ,a ndth atallutil ities have bee n no tified as re quired . f -/-f'"=-..-::Date of Signaturel /--,----------- ATIACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUOING CON TRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets withnames ,bu ild in gs,a nd locat ion of cuts.USE DASH LINES FORCUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! W hile -Pub licWo rks Pin k -Commu nity De ve lopment '.- o - f)/l (U t v-oA 0<90 t2 0 4/J - Ye llow -F in ance /#(JJ //;r: /Nc E .J rT-_/ ~/J'vu ~/,v ,'u o a 0 .tf;71 L j ov &-rlvf l<1 i J II ;a,,~.fl v r "-',4 'r (~N<"#-/./1//-6. Go ld -C ontractor ~('A1'"~;",r(17 (..~ ".,, • • •'.•• 77/f /2 ,-h/:V'7 W-1 ij JOE S *'c;;:n,T //7 7'pur r v'o p<.-t /h l _.•••Project App lication Dale --'-''I-=-+J..C'------- Project Name :l onn..etS fr r'll "'"V I::-e c,=-t=cJ917v Pr ojec t Oescnonon :fII~~Ptt',#"t<-lrY I >:e J r.".y hrjf ,I-J Contact Per son andPh one JJq \I ~TtiV ,''1 -'-{ZG---rfOI Po.flo x 3 5 '/~,V~,'L,Co ""«:S8 • Own er .AddressandPhone.T T.'If (J,ewe CC,,'I.;t..5 C(·(Cf_Ik99 P o.~r::K S'fS 'va;(Co S (b"SB 13 Commen ts:_ Desig n Review Board Date _-"'.'-"'+---'--=_ ?Town Planner 0 Stat!Ap proval I)ECO "i fd>",,,,A,'r;-(CLc,,,,W;>,,,,,,,>1 1,..,V><-J~,..J <7((~(cr>A'5 3r~j(l/, ----=!-L0i '1 30 /6t . ;)rr:"-~~-("~-If;Sr::-v:!d ~;J~",{-r:::L;r),;,r fi MOI'~ lVi M 'ir.Ol f '''''J (iil _tJc.e "'8:«>C (..!5c_1'-S eJ q_~.....S) '5)5-1 aFr::-«v,'-ew '?{:,{g<-,S P 't;"C +0 tSS<.>q M-e e>f ("b ...,,(.,;....''''r.,'r ",c:-~(,,.,...c€r:...rO I''G J..t,,{:<;{d{'f>1 "(";<J hJ<><y f9.J,~~-/-'j't'<!'d-e,.(..f-k.-H'¢<.....~a<p,.,-f 1'''''1 ~<p ",,~/,-eic. L'."C~.d.6 :1 • ~-(N!K{-ccrf~_~v _ ~f,'e~(,x.-<:-Lc<.~ek 9C«b~:""-_ ~C ""'V'-Q...loC<.c K-Cb "-'{Sf-4L _ --------:-c----_---,-M~J(e Q/P'd-~1fJ~ --C<9ppe/'~/s ~c;;t>-"<;;-Cd'A.l.&.~£<C1,;.2'___ ____--=~__==-=:er:(.Cy...2-<0(.-~-k=-fo 1-(:-)(-/1 M/S..(L {~~3~__ ___±tf.l~_±Q ,?e -~~u..S-f--.Sr::t(G:k;.:2J _ ___/fqJ;Pi.(f K::>JJ-e.-f~~L -~L~~_-_ +<{S r~-=-;<'';;:(;;/l ____~~~~"'7 -fd:~.'.J h,--=:S2~~/~VJ=__~Cc::.da=::'C1I _ ____..L&2LR"--f..l!I':<:~'--..Sbu·(KG ((<fr'Q.Lcs -c ,l.c'(/oJ I ---€hs>£:O.:i OtP ~\p C k:,(cr.,vieTh /€~cPP C{~fl4/~"'''e)Jl''1. :2 -~~~k ~.,(Jp C9F ~(J't ""~>'e,..~~~-d (Q "'eMir ___--'Cot-£;<.<Jo.cL.ss-f-e.·);.s-r::~~f!0 -"----0 :;-:;;,k.FF F'-cJ (-eeL)e>c '*&''';5 fA:"Y'fo "~-<kv~cJr-ll1k~ ~" " -.' .. ..' , -'---'" dlS ..5 3 7/0 1,'i65, ~!j{'#S q?C? I S /IS flS Prooo sed No <;Z; Exist in g y e s _ 2 )Pe r ce nt Slope Date appr ove d 1 )Flood Plain 3'/6 ' i Reqr d 6 . ~li ~qOC P ermit t ed S l epe ~Act ua l Slope ;s~"~~"•R PZONE DISTRICTS Allo wed -l3 61 (56 ... \P O).@ I y/tS +42 5 '='3 ,"1 /8-, +425 '=~ 20' 15' 1 5 ' Fr ont Si des Rear 3,7 7'6'# Land s c op ing :6 o '7o ,."'t>.--'i'"0 /33 5 <t ~8'q i t _l ~~ Site Cov era ge :.=z.(f;A:, Setba c1:s Height Total GRF l\ Water Cour se Se tba ck __~~P r i m a r y GRFA _"';";r~D ri v e : Envir o nm ent al /Haz ards: --7 View Co rr'L do z Enc ro achmen t: ----~~S e co n d a r y GRFl\ __-;>"Retai n.i ng Wall He ight s Parking Gara g e Cred it Nit 10 Pr ev io us conditions of a pproval (c hec k property file): 3)Geo logic Ha zards ";j~:":'/~, a)Snow Ava.l anChe."",,.,..,.~,-,-.,,,,J-!;f;!,~ b)Rockfa ll ~""';k 'l c)De bris Fl ow ·t '"'~"""';l;' 4 )Wetl ands N O ..",'j;.,........, •~•,'-.¥.....5..~...".•.»0 .."::"'7:'~:'~"j.,'.',-~~~,·;)t· Does this r equest involve a 250 Add ition?p O .".'.':,1)'.~:':\;~:~'i How much of the allowed 250 Ad dition is us ed with ,this request?.#~,,~f :l ~ **Note:UnderS ectio ns 1 8.12.0 90(B)an d 18 .13 .08 01B)of th e ·';.;~n ic i p~l ·:~t.r;'',"Code,l o ts z oned Two Family a nd Prima ry /S ec ond a ry which a re les s than .;...:" 15,000 sq .f t.in a rea may not c o nstruct a sec ond dw elling unit.The ·'~':,. Community De ve lopment Dep artme nt ma y gra nt a n exception to this ·:~:~th ~~ restriction provided the applic ant meets t he c ri te r ia set forth und er >,'!;:'~~:' Section s 18.12 .090 (B)and 18 .13.0 80 lB)o f the Mun icipal 'Code i nclUding i"..••:: permanent ly re stricting t he unit as a lo ng -t erm rental u nit fo r fu11:-~',Y~'''' timeemp loyees of the Uppe rEa gl e Valley.L ,.'J ~~~~3 f12i ;;'.'sr "''''...,r ......" -{o ~I -..fts .....-Fi N JiM -R"qy-..'''''''I ,'"/,~'....~$-IoClQ-A ~iJ ~/,(,.'.. C lP'Vv"....'..,.,,''.'••,',i""i:': •• Returnto :J:M C.JD1 ,)-fk... Town Planner , INTER·DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT :Cs.>\vt .etS n ,',.,.q;.V I Sl?Cc~l-Y- DATE SUBMITIED:"'"&l 'I DATEOFPUBLICHEARING :T .....~;J COMMENTSNEEDEDBY:,..."I Of I BRIEFDESCRIPTIONOFTHEPROPOSAL: ;J eW {wc Ar "'~(r te £;J-€~c.-e -lo+1"'S /Ja f.I=k H I v'?i[KJcrs ~f..t..e.he,? -:<'-1:<'1 ~,.Wi t S.L,erPI'III-i- PUBLICWORKS Rev iewed by :/Yltt68teA(L.:; •.. Returnto ::;;IV>Cv tlJ ..die., Town Planner INTER·DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW !z.;"(;:/.c:;e co..JC>I'r v '"'l<",~RQs ,..~L {4' PROJECT:r n n",.D ,.s: DATE SUBM ITTED : DATEOF PUBLIC HEAR1NG"'::~S~=B===============COMMENTS NEEDED BY:_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHE PROPOSAL : /.I evJ -r1A-O Pa ~1 Cr f't-'~;oP~c ~ _Lo+/3 I bl.cck HI \!q :L (}qs _--;',Y::<7 C..-q ......;s ~oPt l ':"'.e- FIRE DEPARTMENT /J-Comments:/)u 'ftl.-~.....:>~/-<1 . -. ,.,.----.'••Wi N \","_.j,•,.• Project Application • •i ' 2 \)v-r /J(a;n-e Ce¥=1n e rs Cf<fq-118'C( Pc:~K S'f~,t/..,'(,Co ,8'{6sg Architect ,Addre ss andPh one -5 q ,..v'L.-E::'q S ~C o;...~~c-f jJ-ef'.~o.J;..J, t.:»Dale project Name :Con hoe!'-i1k~",;q::.==-..d..-~r~'3---.-,---------­ Pro jec tDescript ion :Ale w ~{:'cr""",(y ('e.s ,;JfPce j Contact Pars on andPhone [)a;Vf?XrW ('n '-176-710( P.o.lS~X 33<{Q?,Va:L .Co:SI6$~ /3 H Com ments:_ Design ReviewBoard o St aff Ap prova l~T o w n Pl anne r Date .t:hx>I I I u "'reVised 9/4/91 '.. DRB DA TE APP LICATION REC EIVED : DATE OF ORB MEET I NG : .********* f?5 i993~5 THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS S\lBMITTED *****.**** I .PROJECT I NFORMA TION: A.DESCR IP TI ON:rJ UplEX R",,,OE"'E ,'BFA €'800 o/F Co "''''E"R';(;)0 RL€J<;<:-_ B.TYPE OF REV I EW : _New Constru ction ($200.00)....._Mi nor Al t erat!"on -(~2Q .00) ____Addit ion (55 0.00)~o n c eP t u a l Review__~ C.ADDRE SS :,f?L/,£7 6 /!B./!l'§<h @ vE ------- D.LEGAL DESCR IP TION :Lot I ~Blo ck .t!E I~,2- Su bdi v ision V/!ol D 8~~"h"'Q",,,,"E,--_ If prope r ty i s des c ribed b y a meets a nd bo unds legal desc ripti on,plea se p rovideo na sepa rat e sheet and attach t o t h is a pp licat io n. E.ZONING:_...J.:Q~"'4P/LI€!O.I''-_ F.LOT AREA :I f required,appl icant mustp rov ide a cu rre nt st amp ed survey showi ngl ot are a. (J lot»J E.C ONN F.I2S s..qe !/At\ICa lo .§"lb ~8 Phone 51i -II Be, AP PLI CANT :7r.I:T.,,'c.''1<-'..:fL-S!::!="''''-7;':''i'::;;.::'-!'''--.,,-,7:::-::-----Address :R§;j9 .; NAM EOF Mai l ing G. H.NAME OF APPL I CAN T'S REPRESENT AT IVE:rJ",,,(,)I ..w;., Mailing Addre ss:(J.o .10 0,lt 3 3 "1:2.IId't.G6 16 .9 16$"8 Phone =47'-7 10 I 1.NAME OF OWNERS :~,t r:l '~"E Co.J""ll.:l "SIGNATURE (S): Mai1 i n gAddre 5 S:_="'-,...."'---"c.:..<"-=-":''''-'.....~'!:-'---,'~=--_(?o .lPox €:'fB !/A d G g lS).6 '658 ________________Phone 5:1Ci ~u as J.Condominiu m Appr oval if app li cabl e. K.ORB FEE:ORB fees,a s sh own abov e,are to be paid at t het ime of subm itt al of ORB appl icati o n.Later,wh en app lying for a b uildi ng pe rmit,please identify the a ccurate valuation of the propo sal.The Town of Vail wil l adju st t hef ee according to the table b elow,to ensure the corre ct f ee is paid. FEEPAID:$ FEE SC HEDULE : VALUATION $0 $1 0,001 550 ,001 $15 0,001 5 500,00 1 $Over -$1 0,000 5 50,000 $150 ,000 $5 0 0,000 $1,00 0,000 $1 ,000,000 FEE $2 0.00 $50 .00 $10 0.00 $200.00 $400 .00 $5 0 0.00 ."DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIr IS STARrED . ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSrRucrION IS ""NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 A pre -application meeting with amember of the plann i ng s taff is strong ly e ncouraged to d et ermine if a ny a d di tiona l a pplication informationi sn eeded.It is the a p pl ican t's r esponsi bi lity t o make a n appoint ment witht he st aff to determine i ft here a rea d ditional s ubmittal requi rements. Please note that a COMP LETE appl ication wil l st reaml inet he approval process f or your project . II.•PRE-APPLICATION MEETING:• II I.IMPORTANT NOTICEREGARD INGALLSUBMISSIONSTQ THE DRB : A .In add it ion to meeting s ubm ittalr e qu iremen t s,the a pp li can tmus t stake and tape the project site t o i nd ica te p rope rty line s,b ui ldingl in es a nd bu i lding corners .All t rees to be remo ved must be tape d.All site t apings a nd s taking must be complete d pr ior t o t he ORB site visit .The a pplicant must ens ure that staking d one during the wint er is not buried by snow . B.The r eviewp ro cess for NEW BU ILDI NGS n orma lly requ ires two separate meetingso f the DesignRev iew Boa rd:a conceptual approval a nd a f i na l approva l.Ap pli can ts s ho ul d plan on p resenting their de ve lopment proposal at a minimum of two mee t ings before obtaining final a pproval. C .Applicants who fail to appear beforet he Design Review Board on thei r schedu led meeting date a nd whoh ave not aske d in advance t h at discuss ion o nt he ir i tem b e postpon ed ,wil lh a ve their items remove d fr om t he ORB docket until s uch time as the item has been republished. D.The follo wing items may,at the discretion of the zoning admini strator,be approved by the Commun i ty Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing b efore the ORB may not be requ ire d): a.Windows ,s kylights and simi lar exterior changes which do not al ter t he existing plane of t he building ;and b.Building a ddition proposals not visible from any other lot or public spa ce.At the t ime s ucha proposal i s submitted ,appl icants musti nc lude lette rs from a djacent p roperty owners a nd/or f rom the a gent for or manag er of a ny adj acent c ond ominium association stating the a ssociation approves of the addition. E .If a prope rty is located in a mapped haza rd area (i .e . sn ow avala n che ,rock f all ,flood plain ,debris flow , wetlan d,e t c),a haza rd study must be submitted a nd t he ownermust s ign an aff idav it r eco gn i zing the h a za rd r ep ort pri or to the is suan ce of a bu i lding permi t. Applicants a re encou raged to check with aTown Planner prior to ORB application t o d etermine the relationship of the property to all mapped haza rds . F.For a ll r esidential cons truction : a.Clearly indicateo n the f lo or p l an s the i n side face of t he exte r ior s tructu ral walls of t he building;a nd b .I ndicate with a dashed line on the s ite pl an a fo ur foot distance from thee xteri or face of the bu ilding walls or supporting columns . G.If ORB approve st he a p pl icat i on with conditionso r modifi c at ions ,all conditions of appro val must b e r esol ve d prior t oTown issuance of a building permit. 2 ,.•LIST OF MAT ERIALS • COONE R.S rJvflEX LOT...!L BL OCK _H_SU BDIVIS ION VA ,!1Ji>S S..h>NI' 6A''''lOCk O R.-E 3800 s;,,-.Q .RIe .p J.:S j r I' The fo l lowing inf ormation is required f or submittal t o the Design Revi ew Board bef ore a fin al a p pr ov al can b e gi ven : A .BUILDING MATE RIALS: Ro of Siding OtherWal l Materials TYPE OF MAT ERIAL F,k>..~~I A"Roo".x;""",IES 'S T"Uc..c..O -t..A HA e,RA - COLO R IlJ EAnl EREO UJooD F asc ia S offits Wind ows Wi ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dec kRail s Fl u es Fla shing s Chimn eys Tra sh Enclo sures Gree nho us es Other C LAD B .LANDSC AP I NG:Nam eo f Desi gner : Ph one: PLANT MAT ERIALS: PROPOSED TREE S Bot anic al Nam eCo mm on Name 'S pauce Quantity Si ze* ~"I...e' ~e:c. EXISTING TREES TO BE RE MOVED *Indi c at e ca lipe rf or dec iduo us t rees.Minim um c alipe r f or deciduous trees is 2 i nches .I ndicate he ight f or conifer ous trees.Mi nimum h e ight fo r con iferou s t rees i s 6 fee t. 7 PLAN T MATERI a: PROP OSED SHRUBS EXI STING SHR UBS TO BE RE MOVED Botani ca l Name ~ fJe"E.,.,-,u..A .:JjJ ",pE I'-S Quan tit y S i 2 e~" II 5"/:It L. 5"b AL . *Indicate size of p ropos ed shrubs .Minimu m si ze of shrubs i s 5 gall on. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED ~Squa re Footage W'"r.l FLO<iJE/<S /PER Oi ,,,"S S Ob G/F TYPE OF IRRI GATI ON TYPE OR MET HOD OF EROSI ON CONT ROL C .LAND SCAPE LI GHTING:If ext eri or lighting is proposed ,please show th e number of fixtur es and l ocationsona s ep arate lighting plan.Identify eac h fixtu re from t he lighting plan o n the li st below an d provi de the wattage ,height above grade a ndt y pe o f light pr oposed . D.OTHE R LAND SCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa l l s,fences ,swimming p ool s,etc .)Please specify.I ndicate heights of ret aining walls.Ma xi mu m he ight of walls withi n the f r ont s etback is 3 feet .Ma ximu m he ight of walls el s ewhere on the p roperty is 6 fe et . 8 \UtilITY LOCATION VERIFI CATIO!t, VA"f S UB DIV IS ION f;)AS 'S G~o N E JO B NAME C Q,m FR.s Qu /l (e)( I LOT 13 BLOCK fi FILING 2 ADD RESS 21 27 <:SA Rl>1,~c.h f;)e',vE Th e l o cation a nd availa bili ty o f ut il ities ,whe ther they b e ma in t runkl ines or propos ed lines ,must b ea pp ro ved a ndv erified b y t he f o ll owi ng ut il it ies f or the ac companyings ite pl an. Author iz ed Sign a ture U.S.WestCommun i cati ons 1-8 00-92 2 -198 7 4 68 -6 860 or 9 4 9-4530 Public S ervi ce Company 9 49 -5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elec tric Assoc. 9 49-589 2 Ted Husky /Michael Laver ty S-'/tJ '7'5 T ,V ,Herit age Cabl evision 949-5530 St eve Hiatt Upper Eagle V al ley Wa te r &S an itat ion Dis t rict * 476 -7480 Fred Ha s le e J)/\-nt.q-MN NOTE :1. 2 .F or any new construct ion p roposal ,t he appl ica nt must p r ov idea comp leted ut ili ty v er ific at io n f orm. 3 .I f a ut i lity companyh as c on cern s with the pr oposed cons tr uction ,t heu ti lity representati ve shoul d not d i rect ly on the util it yv e rifi cat i on f orm th at t he re is a p ro bl em wh ich ne eds t o be r es olved .Th e i s sue sh oul d then b e spelled o ut in d etai l in an a t ta ched letter to theTown of Va i l. Howev er ,plea se k e ep i n mind that it i s the resp o nsib il ity of the utility c ompany t o re s olve ide ntif ied pr o bl ems. 4.If the u tili ty v erif ic at ion form has signatu res fr om each of t he utility c omp ani es ,a nd no c omm ents are ma de directly on th e form ,the Town will presume that there are n o problems and that the development can proceed . 5.These ve r ificati o ns do n ot relieve the contracto r o f his respo nsibility to obtain a street cut permi t fr om the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and t oo btain utility l o cat ions b efore diggi ng in a ny p ublic right-o f-way or e asement in the Towno f Vail.A b uildingp ermit i s n ot a street cut pe r mit .A street c ut permit mus t be o btained separately . *Please bring a site pla n,f loor plan,and e levat ionswhen obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures.F ire flow needs must be add ressed . 9 ••SFR, DATE : ZONE CHECK FOR R,R pIS ZONE DISTRICTS LEGAL DESCRIP TION:Lot ADDRESS: 13 Block fI 6 A I<M,3C"IJRlu E F i ling 2:::-_ VA Il D ~s S C~O U E OWNER TT COUtU E RS AR CH ITE CT D Av i D lR'",;'" PH ONE PH ONE t;4'1-[/89 -'\76 -7 10 I (J ue1e x (J vpl E", 18 B'iz S/F,**LOT SIZE ZO NE DIS TRICT __~~~~_ PROPOSED USE ~~~~----__ He ight Total GRFA Primar y GRFA S econda ry GRF A Setbacks Front Sides Re ar Water Course Setback S i te Coverage La ndsc aping Ret ain i ng Wal l Heights 3 '/6 ' 1:5'2:5'rF 300 rr _.f.'#~__ Parking ~Reqrd 8 Garage Credit (300)(600)(900)(1200)Boo Drive:Permitted Slope ~Actual Slope 8 7. Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corrido rEncroac hm ent:Yes _No _11 1 - Environment al /Hazards :1 )F lood P lain 2)Per cent S lope _ 3)GeologicHaz ards a)Snow Aval anche,_ b)Rock fall ":"C:-----==::--------c)Debris Fl ow4)Wetlands -'-_ Prev ious c ond itions of a pproval (check prope rty file)~:_ Does this r equ est involve a 250 Addit ion?~o How much of t he allowed 250 Addition i s used with this r equest?_ "Note:Unde r Sections 1 8 .12 .090 (B)a nd 1 8 .13 .080 (B)o f the Municipal Code ,l ots zoned TwoFamil y a nd Primar y/Secondary whicha re l ess than 15 ,000 sq .ft.in a rea ma y n ot co nstr uc t a se cond dwelling u nit.The Community Development Depa rt ment ma yg rant a ne xception to this restriction p rovided the applic a nt me ets the criteria set for th under Sections 18 .12.090(B)a nd 18.13 .080 (B)of the Municipal Cod e inclUding permanently re s tr icting t he unit a s a long-te rmr ent al uni tf or ful l- time employees of the Upp er Eagle Valley . 10 -._.--, • .. -, \ \ \ / / -.<E Ord er No.V19 849 SCHEDU LE A Am ount $5 4,000 .0 0 Add ress Il[C'V::4Y ,I 1 ~9J i l 1.Po licy Date: 2 .Name of Insured: December 0 9 ,1 99 2 a t 8:00 A .M. THOMAS J .CONNER S 3 .The estate or interest in t he land de scribed in this S chedule and which is cov er ed b y thi s po licy i s: A Fe e Simple 4 .Title to the es ta te o r i n te re stc ov ered by t h is po l icy a tt he dat e her eof i s vested in : THOMAS J .CONNE RS 5.The la ndr ef erred t oi n t h is po li cy is situated in Colo rado,and is des c ribed as fo l lows : EAG LECounty,.. LOT 1 3,BLOCK H,VAI L DAS SCHON E FILING NO .2,ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED P LAT THEREOF,COU NTYOF EA GLE,STATEOF CO LORAD O. === Page 1 This Policy val id only i f Schedule B is a ttac hed. 'eO ·1 TIM Owner Fo rm 2313 •OrderNo.V198 49 SCHEDULE B •p olicy No.AQl72750 • This policy does not insure against loss or damage by r eason of the following: 1.Rights or claims of p artie s in posses sion not shown by the publ ic records. 2 .Easements,or claims of easement s,not shown by t h~pUblic records . 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shorta qe in area , encroachments,anda ny facts which a corre ct survey and inspection o f th e premise swo uld disc lo se and whi c h are n ot shown by the pUblic records . 4.Any lien,or right t oa lien,for s ervice s,labor,or mate r ia l th eretofore or herea ft er fu rn i sh ed,i mpos ed by law and not shown by thep Ub lic record s . 5.1992 TAXES NOT YET DUE ORPAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS "OT YE T CERTIFIED TOTHE TREASU RERS OFFICE. 6 .LIENS FORUNPAID WATE R AND S EWER CH ARGES,IF ANY . 7.RIGHT OFPROPRI ETOROF A VEINOR LODE TOEXTRACT M ID REM OVE HI SORE THEREFROM SHO ULD THE S AM E BE FOU NDTO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISE S AS RESERVEDINUNITED STATES PATE NT RECO RDED Augus t 11,1 9 0 0,I N BOOK 4 8 AT PAGE 236. 8 .RESTRICTIVE CO VENANTS,WHIC H DO NOT CO NTAIN A FORF EITURE OR REVERTER CLA USE,BUT OMITTI NG RESTR ICTION S,I F ANY,BASED ON RA CE,COLOR,RELI GION, OR NAT I ONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN IN ST RUMENT RECO RDED October 10 ,19 69 , IN BOOK 21 6 AT PAGE 1 53 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUM E"T RECOR DEDOcto b er 28 , 19 6 9,I N BOOK 21 6 AT PAGE 284 AND AS AMEN DED I NI NSTRUME NT RECORDED February 1 6,1 970,INBOOK 2 17AT PAGE 7 7. 9 .RES ERVATION OF AN UNDI VI DED 1 /2I NTERESTI N AND TOT HE OI L,GAS AND MINERAL RIGHTSTOTHE AB OVEDEscRIBED LA ND AS S ETFORTH I N WARRANT Y DE ED RECO RDED DECEMBER 3 0,1 9 59 INBOOK 1 65 AT PAGE 133. 10.A PERPET UAL EASEME NT FOR T HE CONSTRU CTION MAINTE NANCEREM OV AL AND REPLACEMENT OF GA S LINES ALONG ALL DEDICATED ROAD S IN VAILDAS S CHONE FILING NO.2 AS DESCRIBEDI N I NSTRUMENT RECOR DED S EPTEM BER 6 ,1 9 6B I N BO OK 213 AT PAGE 3 44. >age2 TIM Owner Form 2313 --"01;•• Order No.V19849 SCHEDULE B • Policy No.AQ172750 11.UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OFSUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLATOFVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO .2. 12.EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLATOFVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO .2. TO ....IN OF V~IL Miscell aneous Cash ~35-11-93 f;:"'ce 1 P t It 123102 4cc'X'"t It CK *'--- T.J .I))HHERS"',PF:E PD DRE:FEE ~~ru()un t !.)-:~nd e t-ed ). 15:0 8:53 I tem paid Shange r~t Jr n e d > Rmount paid 0.00 TH ~N K YOU .',, ~ .~01 C·""m lO I OmER FEES ,.I I flt l :;.N roOC)<C l-<13 ISI GN A P ?L1 C A n O ~n &I s:o.oo l J ~I '"01 C""""13 IAoomONAr;SlGN AGE ,&E ISI.O'?ERsO .FT.J I I '"~I ., l .. •.i .:.~. !':: I .~••I ,• " I R OG ER I :E SU P .A .30:5 262 721 2 P .Ol June 24 ,1993 Mr .T.J .Co nnUC8 P .O.Box 5 48 Vail CQ 816 58 ',...'. Re i My l ot 14,YLG 2VAIL DE SC HO~~,VAIL ,CO Dea r T .J .I r r Gce ived y o uc l a tter r9qugstinq my pg rmi8~ion to aCCQ8 8 my l ot a nd ~h ang e the qrade a'not~d i ny our lett@c a nd ah own by t he .nc lo~ed topography map dated 4- 22-93 . ... OF JUN E ,1993 . +£. -2,"f DAYAGREEDANDACCF.PTED AT VAIL ,co.THIS 7-11 LT.J .¢5tiNERS _.~-- I h ere by gra nt y ou su.ch p ersu as Icn,p r ovide d that you agree to t he f o ll owin g stipu lation : It h Qxp re aa ly a gr e ed And llnde.r;ll t ood.b y and between t he parties t o t h iB a greement t h a.t RI CHARD MILLER sh all not h e liablef or any damage or in j u ry by v ir tue o f T.J.CON NE RS e X8 rc i s ing t he r ig ht of .ntry o r aCCQSS herein p ro vided whi ch may be 8ust ained byT .J .CONNE RS and l or its ag en ts or any othQr p ereo n . o rf or Any other damage o r in ju ry r esulting from the oarel~8~n0B G,nQql iqoncQ. or improper conduct on t he part o r any ot tho T.J .CON NERS 's a ge nt s .8m pl oy~e8. c on t a-ec t .o r e,or inv i tees .T .J.CONN ERS agre es t o i nd em nify an d.ho ld MILL.z;R h arm!Asp f roma nd a Qai n st apy a n d all cl~!QS aris ing f rom T .J.CONNERS'u se of the Pre mises by virtue of t hla right o f ac ces s o r entry.perm i t ted or GuffQrgd b y thQ T .J .CO tn:ERS i n o r a bout tha Prami Sl QG or Qh Qwh ere an dAhall f urther indemnifya ndho ld H ILL~R harml ess from an d a gainst a ny an d a ll c l aims ari ;ing from a ny ne ~l lge nce of t he T .J .c om~~RS ,or a ny of t hA T .J .CONNERS 18 a go n t s . Qmpl o ye g g •contrac torB,or i nvitQQ Q.an d f rom and a gain st all c ost s,attor ne y 's fee s,QXp On 90 9 an d l i a bil itieg i nc u rred i n the dQ f Qn~g of a ny such c laim o r any s Uch a ctionor prooeed ing br oug ht t he reon;and in case a ny a ction or proceeding be b r ought a ga ins t MI LLERby reas on of a ny s uc h c laim .T.J .CON NERS up on n ot i c ~ from MILLE Rsh a ll do fe nd t he s am e at T.J.CONN ER S '9 o XpQ n gQ b y couns el ~ati Bfactory t o HILL!R.T.J .CONNERS as a ma teria l p a rt of the co nsi derat ion t o MI LL ERp horAhy a29 ~e g a ll r i sk o f d~~e to prope rty or inj ury t o pGrsons. in ,upon o r a bou t the p r-e mi aea a r is i ng ou t o f an y c ause and T .J .CO:.l NERS hereby waiv ~d a ll claima i n rc n~n c t t h Qr~of aqainat MILLER . I f y ou s 9 rs8 ,p lease s iqn a c opy of this lette r and ret u rn t o myby fax (30S) 26 2-7212.On ly 1fyou ~~re e you ~A Y proceed . wish the beet i n YOUl'new c cn o t.ruc t I cn ,see y o u s hort l y. S i nce re ly 4 -.')./,~~_jl;.'~-;(,--h •.P:~./ RICHARD HI LL ER Antiq ue SOL.ID BRASS Black . Polis hed SOLIDBRASS Wh ite A ntique SOLIDBRASS Polished SOLID BRASS Polished SOLID BRASS_ Polished SOLID BRASS Clear 1-1 p-W.Max.~MI Clear 1-1 ~.W .Max.(M) Clear 1-1 oW.Max.(M) Clea r 1·1 oW.Max .(M) C lear beveled 1·1 ow.Max.(M) Cle ar beveled 1·1 oW.Max.(M) Textured clear 1--W.Max .(M) Texturedclear1·100-W.Max .(M) CO~""~5 E",'1". 0\:1....,•••__•..• Hgt.8 ~W idth 4 :V4~Extension 5W' Hgt.8:'Width 4~':Extension 5V.~ Hgt .8 ;'Width 4 31.';"Exte nsi on 5114 " Hgt ,10 V.:'W idth 4 3Y.c :'Extension 5:lA " Hgt.10 V.':Width 431.':Extension 5 3N ~ 7lh"Square,Hgt.5 ~ 9W'Square ,Hg t.5114"~O"f "lO L 1'i~""''''6 7$tJJ ,, / 1 I ! '. Ii I \. •Re v Lacd5 /2/92 •Da te Rec e ived by "e Community Deve lopment Depa t.W"ent :3 -I '-I -9S1' REC'D !It'~,,199( d r"t ( APPLICATIONFOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter 17.24 Va il Municipal Code) eNAI ~R-f MAILING ADDRESS _-'--::::---:---"="--_=L.<:;l-_ (PLEASE PRI NT OR TYPE)_!' A.APPLI CANT 'ZJ'-:-.t:lh--"'-"-'"'-"-'~_"________L____'="'_'='_'__, //0 B.APPLICANT 'S REPRESENTA TI VE,_.f::....:;4.:.::/'-'..c.....:{:'-_ C , PHON E,----''-2..:..::..''---__ D .LO CATION OFPROP OSAL : CHECK ,PAID,_.l!<:..__ Tw o mylar cop ie s ando ne paper c opy of t he subdivision p lat shall b e submitted to the Department of Commun i ty Development.The p la t sha ll include the f ollowing : 1. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMI TTED: APPLICATI ON FEE $1 00 .00 STREET ADDRESS _-'--:---='-'-__=.:..:..:'-_-"-''''-_==_ F. E. a .The final plat s hall be drawn by ar egistered survey or i n In dia ink ,or othe r substantial solu ti on ,o n a r epr o du c ibl e medi um (preferably mylar)with d imens io n of twenty -four by thirty-six inche s a nd shall be at as cale of o ne hundred fee t t o one i nch o r l arge r with marginso f one and o ne - half to t ~o i nches on t he l eft and one -h alf inch o n all ot he r s i des . b.Accu ra te d im en sio ns t o the ne arest o n e-hundredth of a f oot f or al l li nes ,angl es and curves used t o des cribe bound aries ,s treets,setbacks ,alley s, easements,structure s ,a re as to be r eserved or d ed ic atedf or p ubl ic or common use s a nd other imp or ta nt fea t ures.Al l cu r ves sh al l be circular a rcs and shall b e def i ned b y the r a dius,central angl e,a res c ored d is ta nces a nd bea ri ng.All dimensi ons,b o th linear and angu lar,are to be d ete rmined b y an a c cura te control survey in the fie ld whi ch must b al an ce and clo se with in al im it of one in ten th ousand. c .North arrow and graphic sca le . d .A sys temat ic i dentif ica tion of al l e xis t ing and p=opos ed bu il dings,units ,lots,bloc ks ,a nd names for a ll stree ts. e .An ide ntificati on of thes treets ,alle ys,park s, and o the r p ublic area so r f acili t ie s as sh own on the p lat ,and a dedication t her eo f to t he public use .An identif ication o f the ea seme nts as shown o nt he plat and a g rant the re of t o the p Ublic u se . Areas r e serve d f or f uture p u bl ic ac q uisit io n shall al so be showno n the plat . f .Awr itten surve yd es cr i pti on o f the a rea inclUding the total acreage t o the ne ar esta ppropriate significa nt f i gu re .Th ea c reage o f ea ch l ot or p arcel sha ll b es ho wn i n this manner as well . g.A .CriPtion o f all survey mo~ents,both found an et ,whi ch mark the bounda~s of the sub divi si on ,anda descript iono f all monum ents used in c onduct ing the survey.Monument pe rimeter p er Colo r ado stat ut e s.Twop erime ter monuments s h all b e establ ish ed a s ma jor co nt ro lmonuments, themate rials which sha ll b e det ermined b y the t own eng ineer . h .A statement by t he land su rve yor e xp la i ni ngh ow b ear in g b ase was d e te rmi n ed. i.Ac erti fi cateb y the r eg iste red l a nd su rveyor as ou tl in ed i nCha pter 17 .3 2 of this title as t o the a ccu rac y o f the surve y and p lat,and that the survey was p erformed by him in a cc ordanc e wit h Co lorado Revis ed S tatut es 1 973 ,Title 3 8,Article 51. j.A ce r ti fi c at eb y an attorn ey a dmit tedt o prac tice in the State o fColor ado ,o r co r po r ate t itle insurer,that theo wner (s)of r ec ord dedicating to t he publict he publ icr ight -o f-way,areas or f a ciliti esa s s hown the r eon a re the owners thereo f in f ee s imple,free and clear o f al l l iens and enc u mb ran ce se xcept as n oted. k .Thep roper form far fil i ng o f the p lat wi th th e Ea gl e County clerk and re c order . 1.Ce rt ificateo f dedication and o wnership.Sh ould the certi ficate of ded icat ion and o wne rs hip prov ide for a ded ica tio n of l a nd o r improvements t ot he p u bli c,a ll bene fi ci ari eso f deeds of t rust a ndmort gag eho lders on sai d r eal p ro pe rt ywill be r e qu i red to s ign the cert i fica te o f de dic at ion a nd o wne rsh ip in additio n to t he fee s impleo wner t here o f. m.All c urrent tax es must be p aid pri or to t he Town's app ro v al o f pl at .This i ncludes taxes which have b een bi l led but are n ot y et due .The ce rt ific ate o f ta xes pa id must b es i gned on the plat or a s t ateme nt fro m theEa gle Cou nt y Asses sors Office must b e pro vi de d wit h t he s ubmitt ali nformation stat ing t hat a ll taxes ha ve b een p aid . n .S ignatu re o f o wner . 2 .The p latmust c ont a in t he foll owi ng st at e ment : "F or z on in g purpo ses ,t he lots c r eated b y t his subdivision are t o be treate d as on e lot wi thnomore than twod welling un its all owed on the combin ed area of t he two l ots."The statement sha ll be mod if ied to i n dic at e thenumber o f un it s andl ots proposed." 3.A copy of t hed eclarati ons and /or covenants r elating to the subdivis i on,whi ch s ha ll a ss ur e the mai ntenance of a nycommon a re as wh ic h may be created.The c ovenants sha llr unwi th t he l a nd and s hal l be in a form suitable f or recording witht heEa gle County Clerk and Recorder. 4.Sc hedules A &B o f a t it le repor t. G.APPROVALP ROCE SS,RE VIEWCRITERIA Upon re cei vi ngt woc opi es o fac omple te s ubmittal a long with payment of the appr opr i at e fee,the zoning admi nistr ator s hallr outeo ne copy o f t he site map toth e to wne n gineer fo r h is re vie w.The zo ning a dm ini st rator shal lt h en c ondu ct th is r e view co ncu rr e nt ly.The town engineer shall r eview t he submittala nd re t urn c o mm e nts a nd n ot ifi catio ns t o the zo ni nga dmin is trator who shall t ra ns mitt he app roval , dis approval o r approva l with modi fications o f the plat within f ou rt een day s t o t he app li cant.Thez onin g administrator shal l s ign the p l at i f approve do r require modif icat io ns on the p lat f or app roval or deny approval due Revised 5 /1 /92 t o inco ns isteAics with t heor Lq Lnaj j y -"'.oved plan or failure to maJP ot h er requi red modifica t ~s o f t h e plat . HFILING AND RE CORDING The Depa r tment of Community Developm ent will record t he plat andany r el at ed co v enants with the Eagle County Clerk and Reco rder .F ee s fo rr ecording shall be paid by the applicant .The Comm u ni ty Devel opmen t De pa rtmen t will retai n one my lar copy o f thep lat fo r the ir reco rds and willr eco rd the remaini ng myl arc o py. Revised 5/1/92 •• If t his application r equir es a s epara te review by any l o c al ,State or F e deral agency o ther than the Town of Va il,th e appl ication fe e s hall b e increased by $200 .0 0.E xample s o fs uch rev iew,may in clude,but are note l imitedt o:Colorado Department of HighwayAcce ss Permits ,Ar my Corps of Engineers 4 04,etc .. The applicant sha ll be r espon sibl e for payi ng a ny pub lishing fe es which are i ne xcess o f 50 %o f th e applicati on fee .I f,at the applicant 's requ est,any matter i sp ostponed f or he aring,causin gt he matter to be re -published,t hen ,th e e ntire fe ef ors u ch re-publica tion shall be paid by the appl ica nt . Application s deemed by the Conununity De velopment Department to have significant d e si gn,l and us e or other issues which may h avea signif icant impa ct on the community may require review by con sultants other t han t own staff .Should a determinati on be made by the t own staff that an outside con s ultant is neede d t o r eview any a p pl i ca tion ,the Community Developmen t may hire an o u t side con su ltant,it s h al le st imate t he a mount of money n ecess ary to p ay him o r her a nd this amount shall b e f orwarded to t he To wn b y t he applic anta tt he time he f il es his application with the Comm uni ty Development Department .Upon complet ion of the review of the appl i cat ion by t hec on su lta nt ,a ny o f the f unds forw arded by the app licant for payme nto f th e co ns u lta nt whi ch have not b ee n paid to the c ons ultan t shall b er e turn ed t o th ea ppl icant.Expen ses in curr ed by the Towni n ex c ess o ft he amount f orwa rded by the a ppl icants h al l be pa id to the Town byt he a pp lic ant within 3 0 da yso fn o tifica tionb y the Town . • ORDINANCE NO.1 Ser ies of 1991- • ANORD INANCE AM EN DING TIT LE 17 OF TilE TOWN OF VA IL MU rHCIPAL CODE BY THE AD DI TION OF CH APTER 17.1 7 SCHOOL SITE DEDICA TIONS ; AND SETTIN G FORTH DETAILS I N REGARD THE RE TO. WHE RE AS the To wn Council ofthe Town of Vai l i s ofth e op iniont hat t he s ubdiv ider of l andineachmajorre sidenti al s ubdivis i ono r po rt ion o fa ma jor subdi v is ion wh ich i s intended for reside nti al use s hall all o catean d co nveys i tes a ndl and areas for schoo ls when s uch are r easo nably necessary to s erve the pro posed s ubdiv is i onand f ut urere sidentst her eof; NOW THEREFO RE be i t ordained byt he T O\1"Council of t heTown of ve t l , Co lorado: Section 1. Title 17 of t he Town o f Vail Mun icipal Co de is he reby ame nded by the additionof Chapt er 17.17,School SiteDedi c ati ons,t o r eadas f ollows: 17 .17.010 PURPOSE It i s he reby de c lar edt obe t he poli cy of theTown tha t whene ver th ere i s a maj or su bdi vl sio n ,which 15 su bdivided f or resi dent ial use or part ia l re sid ent ial use,the ow ner o f t he la nd s ha ll pro vide l a ndf or schoolneeds genera tedby the propose dr e s identi al us e.I t is the purpose of thi s c hapter t o require the dedi cation of la ndor t he payment o f fe es i n l i e u the r eof orboth to I fulfill su ch ne eds. Secti on 17 .17 .020.Schoo ll and de di c~t i on orc ashi n lieu t here of. Thes ubdi v id erofl and in e achre s i de nti a l major subdivi sion or portion of t hesu bd ivision which i s i nten ded for re si dential use,s ha ll al locat eandcon vey si tes in la nd a reas f or s chools when su char c r eason ably nec essary t o serv et he propo sed s ubd i v is i on and fu tur-e r-e s;dents thereo f,by t heapp1i ca t i on of the fo rmu las set for th below: Sin gle famil y and duplex or pr ima ry s eccndary . tlu mber of unit s x .0 1449 5 ::dedi catio nr equ irem en t ill acr es. Mult i -famil y. Nu mb er of un its x .002676 ::dedica tion r equi reme ntina cres . When la nd i sdedi cated for th epurpose ofproviding asch ools it e,it sha ll be th at wh ich is useable by t heEagle CountySchool Di stric t for s uch purpose , and shall be mai n ta ined byth eSchoolDis trict i nare asonable manner until ••.. dev eloped.Sa idland sha l l be heldbyt he TownofVailf or the Scho ol Dist rict un t il requ ired by t he School Di s tr ict .Int he event that t he Schoo l Dist ric t de te rm ines s ubse quent t o ded ica tion t hat th e ded ica ted sc hool site is not reasonabl y necessa r y.t he Town Cou nc il may.at the r equest of the School Distric t,sell t helan d . When s ites and l and area s f ar scho ols a renot reasonab ly neces sar y t o serve th e pr oposedsu bdivision a nd f uturer esid ents the reof,the Town Council,with r-accrrsnen dat i onsf rom t he SchoolDistrictand o ther aff ecte d enti ties,s hall req u i re ,i n 1 ie u of su chc onveyance of 1and.the payment in c ash by th e subdividerofa am ount nottoe xceed thefu ll marketvalue ofs uch sites and l and a reas fo r schoo ls . Th ef ullmarketvalu es hall mean the current marketvalue of un improved land .This value s hall be set annually by the To wn Counci l onan a cre basis with recom mendation s f r om t he SchoolDistrict.The same va lue per a cr es hal l beused t hroughou tt he t own . I f t he subdivider does not agree wi th t hevalue per ac re,th e s ub divider Imaysubmitthereportbyaqualifiedappraiserwho i sM.A.I.desi gna ted ,which es ta blishes a new val ue.The Town Council s ha ll r eviewthe re port and determine i fthevalue is reas onab1e .Based up ont heirr ev i ew ,t he Town Counc il wi 11 determine t he valueofs uch l and. Whe n mo ney in1t eu of land i sr equ ir ed or when mon ies havebeen paid to the Town Council f rom the sal eo fsuc h ded ic at ed s ite s fo rsch ools,i t sh a ll be held bytheTown Counc il f or t heacq uisition of re asonablynecessary si tesf or the constructi onofsc hool fac ilities ,f or the construction of emp loyee hou sing re quir edbyt he s chooldi st ric t.for t he purchas e of emp loyeehousing units for the sch ool d is t ric t,orfo r th e deve lopme nt of su ch s ite s.If hou sing units are purchased,a deed rest ri ct ionr estrictingt heir use tos choo l di s tr ict emp lo yee hou si ngsha ll be requ ired andownership sh allremai n inthe name o f the School Dis tric t.A subdivision schoo l dedic ation sh a ll apply only once tot he same land a rea .Dedi c atio ns hall not be r equiredofr e-subdiv isio nsoft he sam el andon a dedi cationt ha t ha s previously been made . Sect ion17 .17 .030.Town Exemp ted. The Town ofVail is s pec if ica lly e xempte d from th ere quirements of this chapte r17 .17 . Sect i on2 .If a ny pa rt ,s e ct ion ,subse ct ion ,s entence,c lause,or phrase oft his Ordinan ce is fo rany reaso nhel d t o be i nvalid .s uchdecisi on s hall not -2- -,•• af fec tt he va l idityof the rema ining ~Jrtions of th is Ordinance;and t he Town Counc il here by d e clare s it wou ld h ave pas sed thi s Or din an ce ,and each par t . se cti on ,s ubs ecti on ,senten ce,claus e ,or phrase th ereo f.r egar d less of t hefa ct th at a ny oneo rmorepa rt s,s e cti ons,subse cti o ns,s entence s,c lause s.or ph rases bedeclar edi nv al id. Section3 .The Town Co uncil hereby fi nds ,de ter mines ,anddecl a res th at th is Ord inance is ne ces sary and p roperf o r the he a lth ,s a fety ,and we lfar e o f t he Tow nofVai l a nd t he i nha bit ants hereof. Section 4 .Th e repe al o r th e repe al and re enactme nt ofany prov isi onof t heVail Mun ic ipal Code a spro videdi n this Ordinancesh al l not a ffe c t a ny r i ght wh ich has acc rued,a ny d uty i mposed ,a ny v i o la tio n th atoc cur re d pr i or to th e e ff e ct ive d a te he reof,anys ect ion co mmenc ed,nor any othe r ac tion or proceedings as comm e nce d undero rby v i rt ue o f th e provisio n re pe al e do rr e peal eda nd r ee nac te d .The r e pe a l o f a nyprovi sio nhereby s ha ll not r evive any prov is io n o r a ny or dinance previo usly r epealed or su per seded un les s e xpre ssly st a ted herein . Se c ti on 5 .Re pealer .All by law s ,o rder s,r eso lu ti ons,a nd ov di nances ,o r pa rts t he r eof ,i nc o nsi s te nt here wi th a r ehe re by r epea le d t ot heex t ent on ly o f s u ch in cons is tency .Th i sr epea ler shall not bec o nst rued to rev ise a ny bylaw , orde r ,res o lu ti on,or o rd ina nc e ,or part her e of,her et ofore r ep ealed . I NTROOUCED,READ ,AND APPROV ED DN FIRS TREA DINGTHIS 19th day of Peb r un r v s hall be held ont his ord inanceo n t he Febru ar v 19 Ch ambers of the Vai l Municipa l Bui ldi ng,Va il,Colorado . 199 1.Feb r uaryOrderedpublishedinfullthis19thdayof-".!'.!'-I-'"'-"''---_ Ken t R.Rose ,May or ATTEST : WU4.J 4>t2NlAuX"IWdv..<J Pa mela A.Brandm ey er ,Town Cle rk INT ROD UC ED ,READ, b y t it le on ly AND APPROVE D ON SEC ON DREADIN G AN D ORDER ED PUBLISH ED thi s 5t h d ay of Hardt ,199 1. ATT EST: . ..-,Q /.iJ.JJ A..w~<4'1'W4.uJ Pa me la A.Bra ndmeyer ,TOWn Clerk -3- • ORD I NANCE NO .2 Ser ie s of 1991 • Al l ORD INANCE AMEND ING TITLE 18 OF THE MUNIC I PAL CODE OF THE TOWNOFVAI L 8Y TH E ADDITION OF CHAP TER 18.67 VESTED PRO PERT Y RIGH TS ; AN DSETTI NG FORT H DETAILS I NREGARD THERE TO . NOW,THEREFORE ,8E I T ORDA INED 8Y TilE TOWN COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF VAIL , COLO RADO: 1.Titl e 18 is hereby amend ed by the add it ion ofChapter 18 .67 tor ead asfo llo ws : 18.67.010 PURP OSE Thepurposeo f this Chap ter is to provide th e proc edures necessary to im ple ment the provisi on sof Ar t icle 68of Title 24 ,C.R .S .,as amen ded. 18.6 7.020 DEF I NITI ONS A.Si te sp ec ific deve lopmen t plan shal l mean and be limited toa final majo r or minor s ubd i vis ionplat,or aspecialdeve lo pmentdistrict deve lo pment plan ., B.Ves te d prope rty r ight means t he fight to undert ake and compl ete t he deve lo pme nt and use of property und er th e terms and c ond i ti onsofthe si te s peci fi cdeve l opmen tpla n ,ands hallbe de em ed establish ed upon app r oval ofa site s peci fic dev elo pme ntpl an. 18.67 .030 NOTI CE AN D HEARI NG No site sp e cifi c developmentpl an sha l l be approved byth e Town Counc i l orany To wn board or c omm issionas app l ica ble ,unti l afte r a pub lic hear ing procee ded by wr i tten notice of suchhear ing,in accordance wi th Chap te r 8.68 ofthe Vai l Mun icipal Code.Su ch notice may.at t he opti ono fthe Town ,be com bined withth enot ice f oranyoth er hearing t obe held i nconj unction wit h t he hearing ont he s ite s~eci fic developmentplanf or t he su bject pr opert y . At suc hhea rin g,personswi than i nter est i nt he s ubject matter of thehearing s hal l ha ve anopport un i ty t o prese nt re levantor material e v idence as det ermi nedby the Town CouncilorTown boar d o rc ommiss i on as appl ic able . 18 .67 .0 35 AC TION FOR APPROVAL OF SITE SPEC I FIC DEV ELOPMENT PLAN - CONDITIONS Theact i on oft he Tow n Co unci lorTow n boar do rcomm issi on as app licable f or app rovalo f as itespe c ific develop ment plansh all be i nthe same fo rm as tha t required toapprove any r equestbeingconside r edf or t hesubject property i n c onjunction with thehearing onthe site s pec i ficdeve lopment plan ,suc h •• a c ti onbein g e ithe r by ordinan ce,res ol ut i on,or motiona s the cas e may be . I f anya ction by any boa r d or commi ssi onisa ppealed t o or c al l ed up by t he Town Cou ncil,a pp roval sh all bedeemed t ooccur when af ina ldecisio n of th e Town Counci li s r ender ed a ppr oving t he site spec if ic deve lopment plan .The a pprovalmay i nclude such t ermsandcondi ti onsasmay be r easona bl ynecessary t o pr otect th e publi c heal th,s afety .and we lfa re,and t he fa i lu ret oa bideby a ny s uch te rmsa nd c ondi t ions may .at the optio n of t he Tow nCounci lor Town boardor c omm iss ionas a ppli c a ble ,a nd a f t er publi c heari ng ,r esult i n t he for fe itureof ves ted pro perty r ights . 18.67.040 APPRO VAL -EFFE CTIV E DAT E A s i te s pe c i f ic developme nt pl an sh al lbe deemeda pproved upon t he effe ct i ve dat e o f th ea ppr oval ac t io nr elat ing ther eto by the Tow n Counc i lor t he Townboa r d or com mis sion a s t he case ma ybe . 18 .67.04 5VES TED PROP ER TY RIGH TS -DURA TION A.Aprope rtyr ight wh ich hasbee nves te d as pr ovided for in t h is Ch ap ter sha ll remainves ted f or aper io d of t hree (3)yea rs .Int heeven t amendmentst o a s i te sp ec if ic deve lo pme nt plan are proposed and approved ,t he ef fec tive d at e o fsuch amendmen t s for pur poseso f t he duratio n of t he ve s ted pr opertyr ig h t.s ha ll bet he da te of t he a pprovalof the o rig ina l site s pecif i c develo pme nt plan ,unl esst he Tow n Counci lor a pplic abl e boa r d or com mis sion sp eci fic ally f inds t o th e con t rary and i ncorporates suc h fi nding i n j i tsapp rova l of the amendme nt . 18.67.050 NOTICE OF APPRO VAL Each ma p ,plat,or site p lan o r oth er document co nst itut in g as i te sp eci f i c d evel opment pl an s hall conta in th e fo llowing la nguage:"Ap provalof t h is plan may cr ea t e a v este d prop erty ri ghtpursu ant t oArt ic le 68of Titl e 24 ,C.R.S .,a s amen ded ."Fail ure to contai n t h i ss ta t eme nt sh a ll i nva li date t he c rea ti on o ft he ve st ed prope rty r ig ht .In a dd it ion ,a not ic edes cr ibi ng genera l ly the ty pe an d in ten s ity of usea pproved,th es pe cif i c pa r cel or pa rce l s of property a f fected ,an d stati ng that aves ted p roperty ri ght has been c re at ed ,s ha l l be publishe d once.not moret hanf ou r teen(14)days after approvalof t hes ite s pec i fic developmentplani na newspa perof gene ra l cir culationwithin th e To wn. 18 .67.055EXC EP TION TO VES TI NG OF PROPERTY RI GHTS A vested pr ope rty ri ght ,even thoug h onc e establish ed a sprov i ded i n t h i s Ar tic le,pr ecludes any z oning or land us e act ion by the Towno r purs uant -2- •• toan in i t iate d measu rewhich would alter.im pair ,pre ve nt,d iminish.or otrerwise del ay t he devel opmentoruseofth e pr operty ass et forth in t he s ite spe cific developmentplan excep t: A.With the c on s e ntof t hea ffec tedl andowners;or B.Upon t he disc overy of nat ural or man -ma de ha zards onorinthe i ~mediate v i cini tyoft he s ubject pr operty.wh ich hazardsc ouldnot r eas onab ly have beend is covered at t hetim eof s it e s peci fic devel opm entplan a pprova l, andwhichha z ards ,i f uncorrec ted would posea seriou s threat to t hepublic he alth,s afety.and we lfare ;or C.Tot hee xtent th at th ea ffected la nd owner receives just compensa tion f or all co s ts ,e xpense s,a nd li abi lities in c urred by t he landowner .incl uding but not l imited t o all fees paid i n considera ti onof f inanc ing,and all arch itec tura l,plann ing ,market ing.l egal,and other consul tants fees incur red after appro val by t he Town Counc i l,or applicable t own boardor comm ission , t ogeth er with inter est t he reon at th e legal ra te until paid.Just compensa tion shall not in clu dea ny d iminutioni nt hevalueofthepr operty whichi sca used by s uchac tion . D.The es tablishmentof a vested propertyr ight pursuant tolaw shal l not prec lude theappl icat ion of ordinancesorregu lat ions wh ich are genera lin nat ure and are app l icable t o al l pr operties sub jectto l anduse r egu lation by t he Town ofVai l,in c ludin gbut not li mi ted to,bui lding c odes.f i re. plumbing.e lect r ica l a ndmechanical codes.housing ,anddangerous buildi ng codes,and de sign re view guidelines . 18 .67.060 PAYMENT OF COST S I na dd it ion toanya nd a ll othe rf ees andc harges i mposed by t he r~u n ic ipa l Co deo ft he Town,t heappl icantf or a pprovalof as ite specific development pla nsh all payal lc osts r el at ing t o suc h approval asa res ult of th e s ite spe c if ic development planre vi ew i ncluding public at ion ofnot ice s, pub li c he a ring,andre view costs.Att he option of t heTown,th ese c osts may bei mp osed a s af eeof I/~()~(?~__ 18.6 7.065OTH ER PROVISION UNA FFEC TEO Approvalo fas itesp e cific devel op me nt pla n s ha ll notconstitute an e xemp tion f romor waiver ofany pr ovisi onsof this Code pertaining to the develop ment and useof pr operty. 18.67.070 LIMI TATIO NS Nothin g in th is Chapter is i ntendedt o c reate any vested proper ty r i ght , -3- •• but only to implemen tt heprovi sions of Article 68ofTi tl e 24 ,C.R .S .,as amended .I n t he e ventoft herepe al of said Artic le or j ud icia l determ inati~n t hat said Ar tic le is i nva li dorunconstitutionalor does not a pplyt o home rule mun ic ipalit ies s uch astheTown of Va il,this Chapter s hallbedeemedto berepe aled,a nd t hepro visi ons hereof no longer e ff e ct iv e . 2.If anypar t,s ect ion,SUbsection,s entence,c la useor phras e oft his Ordi nance is fo rany r eason hel d t o be i nvalid,s uch decisio n sha llnot af fect the validity oft he re maining port ions of this Ordinance;andt heTown Co un cil hereby declar e s it would have pass ed this Ordinance,andeachpa rt ,sect ion, s ubsect ion,s entence,c lause or phrase thereo f,re gardless of t he fact t hat anyone or mo re parts,se ct ions,s ubsections,s entence s,c la usesorphrases be declared i nva lid. 3 .Th e Town Council he rebyf in ds,d etermines and declares that this Ordinance 1s necessary and proper fo r t he hea lth,safe ty andwelfare of the Townof Va il a nd t he inhabitants thereof. 4 .The repeal or the r e pealand r eenactmentofanypro vis ion of t he nun i c i pal Co de of t he Town of Vail a s pro vided in this Ord inance shall not a f f ect any righ t whic h has accrued,any duty impo sed,a nyviolatio n t hat oc curred prio r tothe effect ive date her eof,a ny pr os~rut ion commenced ,nor any other act i onorproc eedings a scommenced un der orbyv irtue ofthe pro vision r epea led or repealed andre enact ed .The r epeal ofanyprov i sion hereby s hallnot revive any ~rovi si on o r a ~y ordinance previously r epealedor s uperseded unles s e xpres sly stated herein . 5.Al l bylaws,o rde rs,r eso lutions,ando rdinance s,o r part sth ereof, i nconsistentherewitha rerep ea led t ot heex te nt o nly ofsuch i ncons istency. Th is r epealer shall not be const rued to revise a nybylaw ,order ,resolution, oro rd inance,o r part there of,t heretoforerep ealed . I NT ROOUCEO.REAO AN O AP PR OVE OON FIRST REA O!NG t his 5 th day of Horl"h 1991,a nda public hearing s hall beheld on this Ordinanceonth e ~day of MArch ,199 1,a t 7:3 0 p .m.in t he Counc il chamb e rs ofthe Va il Mun ic ipal Building ,Vai l,Colorado . Ordered pub li s hed in f ul lth is ~dayof ~~~__ 1991. Kent .Ro se,Mayor ATTES T: -4- -------------_._..... .'• .OlJ.lv 4 .@~ Pamela A.Bra ndm eyer,Town Cle rk •• IN TR OOU CEO,READ ,AND APPROVEO ON SECOND READI NG AND ORDERED PUBLI SHED b<g f.-fit.~t his rq4 day of A.M..u.Iv ,1991. ATTE ST: • -5- --------------------TOWN OF Vf=lIL Miscell aneous Cash 03 -15-94 11:19:05-------------------- F.'lI?ce-ipt.*'144 549 ~cc o un t.#CK #2029 TJ COt jNERS '--SUE:D r ~J ["UPLEX Amoun t t e n de r ~d )l00 .0e Item paid 01000041330000 RMoont paid 100 .00 e.oo THf=lN K YOU Your c e sh te r-REATHI=l-------------------- RECEIPT -11"Townof Vail DATE -"C.10,,-_N t?4588 1 RECEIVEDFRDM ------.:----'------------ ADD RES S _ ____~~DOLLARS $_ Permi t Numb ers _ HOW PAID-C,as"__Check _ Police Receipt Numb ers _ By --------- J ? 1t'0 .i 55.00 ' • $7.00 ' SO.25 • • S20,QQ j $5.00 ' 50.00 ' S36,oo• 32 .00• $36 .00 ' $30"'"• 200. S200 .OO · S2OO.OO S5OO.OO 1.500.00 1000 .00 S2 OO.OO 11'/0 -- 250.00 $250.00' s200.60 TOTAL: I [QTH ER OT HE R ADDRE.'iS,_ )f---210000 4 1540 ZON ING A ND ADDRESSMAPS (01 ()()()()4 24\5 UNIFORMBUILDINGCODE t 01 0000 424Jt-iiN IFORM PLUMBIN GCODE ,01 ()()()()42415 UN IFORMMECHANICAL CODE 01 ()()()()4241 5UNIFORMFIR E CODE t llloiiOO 42415 NATIONAL ELECfR ICALCODE t 01 00004241 5 OlliER CODEBOOKSf01()()()()4154L BLUIO PR IN~MYLARS i 0 1 ()()()()42412 XEROX COPIES ,01 00004 241 2STUDIES !'01 0000 4241 t-TOVFEESCOMPUTER PROGRAM!-0 1 000042371-PENALTY FEES I RE INSPECTIONS /01 ()()()()42332 OFF HO URS INSPECTION FEES }0 100004Im -CONTRA crORSLICENSESFEES 0 1 00004 1413 ,SIGN APpLIcATION FEE 0 1 ()()()()4141l]!';DDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE (51,00 PER SQ ,FT, 01 ()()()()4244Jl"I VTC A RTPROJECTDONATION~t~O~I~O<XJO 4 1j3lTPRE PAIDDESIGN REV IEW BOARDFEE 01 ()(J()()42371 I ~V E S T I G A T I O N FEJUBUILDING)r 31 ()()()()4511 0TOVPARKING F UND'~I ()()()()22m7 TOVNEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND •0 1 ()()()()2 11 12TAXA BLE @4'i£JSTATE •0 1 0000 41010TAXABLE @ 4%(TOWN 0 1 00004 2371 BUILDI NG INVESTIGATION OlliER PEe APPLICATION FEES 033~~-'!5il'- 0 1 oooo 41330-TcONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ?01 000041330 ,EXTERIORALTERATION(LESS THANl ooSQ',FT.1 .010000 41330 IEXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORETHAN looSQ.FT. ,0 1 ()(J()()41330 'SPECIALDE VELOPMENT DIS TRI £L.lNEW~ 01 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT[MAJORAMEND 01000041330 SPI\CIALDEVELOPMENTD ISTRICT (MI NORAMEND ::::'01 000041330 SUBDIVISION 'I /'iI,,_ "01 00004 1330VAR IANCE Ji01000041330-lZ0NING CODEAMEN[jMENTS I g :~0~1~0000~~4~1~33~Ojl RE Z ONING {J--------------------------- MO"'[Jc t.:.."[OA1"E ,7,Lti'1 ••FILE COP • PL ANNING AND ENVIRON M ENTAL CO M MISSION S eptember 26 ,1994 M INUT ES MEMBERS PRE SENT Greg A msden B ill Anderson BobA rmo ur Jeff Bowen Ka thy Lang enwalfer A llis on La ssoe Dalt on W illiams MEMBERS AB SENT STA FF PRE SENT M ike Mollica Andy Kn udtson Ji m Curnutte 1.A requ est for a varian ce to allowforawall inthe fro nt setback to exce ed 3feetlocated at 2427 G armischD rivelLot 13,Biock H,Vail d as Schone 1stFiling. Appli ca n t: Pl anner : T .J.Conners J im Curnutte Ji m Curnutte made a presentati on p er thestaff m emo .Hestated t hatstaffwa s re co mmending a pp rov al o fth e r equested wall height vari ancew iththetwocond itions outlin ed onP age 4 of t hestaf f memo . Dalton W illiams stated that hed idnot have a nyp ro b lem wi th the c urrent reques t fora w a ll he ight v ariance.H e said t hathewou ld like to seea s mall r owof bould ersinstead o f a concrete wa ll. All ison La ssoe slated t hatshedid nothav e aprob lemwi ththe requ ested w a ll height variancea ndth a t s he would liketo seea row o f bo ulders added abov e t he wall. Jeff Bowe n a greedw ithD alton 's a ndA llison 's comments . Greg Amsden sta ted t hat hehad noaddi tio nal com mentsc o ncern in gthe upper wall and as ked a boutt he pl an fo r the lower wa ll. J im Curnulle st ated t hatthe applicant had al ready applied l ora R evo cable Right-o f- Wa y per mit for t he lowerwall a ndth at th e lowe rw all w ould meet t he3-100t maximum w all he ight requirement . B obArmour,Bill Anderso n,an d Ka thy Langenwa lterh adno addit ional comments . Jeff B owe n made amotion to ap prove t h is request to all ow fo r a wall inth e f ront se tback to exceed 3f eet per thestaff m emo w ith the two c ondit ionsonPage4of the staff memo.GregAms densecondedthem ol ion . PillllRlIlg and E"vi/'o M nlal Comms,ion Meeting t.~l rlUI " S.pl lt_26.19'904 1 ••• Bi ll A nderson poi nted o ut t hatth e PEC'sapp rova l sh ouldbe f orth ee xistingwa ll on ly, a nd s hould no tbeconst rued tobeabla nket app roval f or a ny futu re wallt o exceed3 feet. Jeff Bowe n amended his motion to r eflectthatthe PEGwas approvi ng t he wa lla s it existstoday which exceeds t hem aximum w all h eight allowance by2 -1/2feet. Gr egA msden amended hisseco nd t o t he motion accord ingly. A 7-0 vote app rovedthiswa ll heig ht va r iance req uest. 2.Ar equestfo r aw orksession forama jor a mendme nt to th e GlenLyonSOD toa llow fo r a revisiont o themas terpl an t oall ow fo rt he expans ion 01 t heG len Ly onO ff ice Building located all000 Sout h F ronlageR oadWesVA rea D,Gle n Lyo n SOD, Applica nt: Planner: Ca lumet FederalS avi ngs a nd Loa n As sociates of Chicag o,r epresente d by P ierce.Segerberg a nd Associates Andy K nudtse n Andy Kn udtse n made a presentation pe r thestaff memo . Kathy Langenwalterstatedthat the re a re two maj orareaswhe re t his proposal v aries from what has b eenap proved in the p ast,w hich are buil ding height and fro nt se tback. J eff Bowen sta ted t hat hewasconce rned about t he su rface parki nglocatedin the s tream setback . Greg Amsdensaidthat if t hee ncroac hments we re "on -gra de"likea p arkinglot,that t heywouldbe okay. T hePEG said theywa nted mo re informat io n abo ut t he encroach ments b ut genera lly agreed w it hG reg.The PEe m embers d id not have c oncernsabo ut thep roposedu se, the landscaping,ort heem ployee h ousing. Dalto n Williams sa id that h e would lik e t o s ee t he archit ectu re sur round ing t he e mployeeho usingu nittobe r ef i ned. K athy La ngenw a lterco mmented tha t itwo uld be difficult to b uildP hase II of th isp roject wi thoutu ndergrou n ding t he overheadut ilityli nes. G regA msden asked whet he rIhe parking 101 ontheeas t s ide ot tn e p ropertyco uldb e r eworked . Ke n O'Brie n,t hea rchitect fo r th isp rojec t,sta led th at th eparki ng lo t co uldbes hiftedif n eedbe . Planning and E nY~o<1mvnllll Comminion Muting M;rnJle~ SepLembif 26,'994 2 •,•• TO: FROM :. DATE : MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 26 ,1994 SUBJECT :A request fora varian ce to allowforawallinthefrontsetbacktoexceed3feet loc atedat 2427 G armis ch Drive /Lot 13 ,Block H ,Vail o as Schone 1stF iling . Appli can t: Planner : T .J .Conners Jim Curnutte I.DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED T .J.Conners is requesting a variance toallowtorawall greater than3 feetin height tor emain inth e front setbackonLot13 ,Block H ,Vail das Scho ne 1st Filing12427 Garmisch Dri ve .11 appro ved,th ev ariancew ould all ow Mr .Conn ers toret ain thee xisting 5·1/2 f oothigh retaining wall located dire ctly northofth e d riveway serv ing his duplex.The original Des ign Revi ew Board (DRB)approved site plan forthis project showed tha t this particular area ofthelot w ouldb e regraded to am aximum slope of2:1(50 %)andthatnoretaining walls would b e nec essary.Th e applicant hasstated that th e original topographic i nformation that was pr ov ided atth e tim e01 d esignre view wasnota ccurate andit is impossible toach ieve any reasonab les lopeinthi s area w ithouta retaining w all.The applicant als o points out that the hou sew asc on structed inthe approved lo cation onthelotandthatth e building's height and g arage slab e levationa re also per the approved plan .Mr .Conners does not believ e thatitis p o ssible to installaseries of 3 ~foot highretain ing walls betweent he driveway andthe south fa ce o fth e buildin g and st illpro videf or be nches be tween them l or planting .Therefore.a va rianceis requested to allow the existing reta ining wall toexceed thema x imum height all owan ce by2 -1 /2f eet. Du ringa s ite vi sit to the applicant's property,th e p ianning staff observed th at the slop e directly a bovethe retaining w all exc eeds50%.Since th e applicant hasnot made application fora v ariance from t hem aximum slope requirem ent,staff will require that he make r evisionstothis area ofthe property to lessen the slope.Itwould appear that thisma y be accomplished through the addition alone 3 -1001highret aining wall located between the e xisting retaining w allandth e south sideofth e hou se . 1 - •• II.ZONINGANALYSIS Zoning :Primary/Secondary Residential • LotSize: Building Height: G RFA: SiteC overage: 18.892 square leet Allowed per PIS zoning 33 It. 4,989 sq.II. 3.778 sq.It. Existin g 26 II. 3,710 sq.fl . 2.645 sq .It. Setbacks:Front: West S ide: EastSide: Rea r: 20 II. 15 It. 15 II. 15It. Front: West Side: East Side: R ear : 20 It. 15 fl . 22 fl. 82 fl . Max imum Wall Height Allowed i n Front Setback :3 1eet 5·1 /2 leet III.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Uponreview 01 C riteria and Findings,Section 18 .62 .060 of the VailMunicipalCode.the C ommunityDevelopme ntDepartm ent recommends approval ofthe requested vari ancebased on thefoll owing factors : A.Co nsideration ofFactors: 1.Therelationship oftherequestedvariance tootherexistingor potentialuses andstructuresInthevicinity. T he wall in thefront setback is approx imately 5 -1/2 feet highforalength of approximately 30feet in thecenter afthe wall and tapers downtogradeatboth ends (see attachedphotograph).This wall is constructed ofstackedboulders which areapproximate ly 2to3feetin diameter,withthe exception of one s -toot diameterboulde rlocated nearthe wall's hig hest point.Stafffeelsthatthe boulderwai l isattractive,as it h as landscapingd irectlybehind it.Staffd oesnot feel that the relati onshipof th erequested variance toother exls tmq orpotential usesandstruct ures in the vici nityis negative . 2.The degree to which re lief I rom the strict and literal Interpretation andenforcemen t ofaspecifiedregulat ionisnecessarytoachieve compatibility and unilormlty 01 treatment among sites In the vicinity or to attalnt he obJectives 01 this titie without grant 01 special privilege . 2 ,.••• Staff believes tha t t heo riginal slope o f thesite ,exceeding 30 %.isa hardsh ip th at warrants awa llh eightva riance .G iventh ese un iqueci rcumsta nces at the s ite,thestaff believes t hat it wouldbeextre mely difficult to regrade th ep roperty toafi nished slo pe less th an 50%wi thout go ing ac onside rable d istance up th e hill on t he west s ideofth e house.Itwo uld be po ssible to con structase ries of 3 f ool h ighre taining walls.however it isstilln ot c lear w hetherorn ot thi scou ld be acco mplished wi thout ex posingmor eo f th esou ths ideo f theexisting buildin g .Oth erp ropertieswi thsimil arc ircumstances have had wa llheight var iances approved. 3.The effect ofthe requested variance on light anda ir,d istribution of population,transportati on and traffic facilities,public facilit ies and utilities,and public safety. Staff b elieves th at approvalatthe req uestedwa llh eightvariance w ill h ave no eHect o n t he above-ref erencedc riteria . B.T hePlanning a ndEnvironmenta l C ommissions ha ll maket hefo llowingfi ndings before gran tingavariance : 1.That t he gra nting oft he variance willno tcons titute a grant ofspecial p rivilege inconsistentw ithth e limit ationso nother pr opertiesc lassifiedin th esa medi strict. 2 .That the gr antingoft hev ariancew illn ot bede trimen ta l t o the publi c health ,sa fety or we lfare.o rma terially injurious t o propert ies or imp rovements inthevi cinity. 3 .That th evar ia nce iswa rrantedforo neorm ore ott he foll owingreasons : a .Th e strictliteral interpretationo ren for cement oft he specified reg ulation wo uld re sultinpr acticaldi fficulty or unn ecessary ph ysical hardship inconsistentw ith theobjectives o f th istitle. b .Th ereare exceptions o rextr aordinaryc ircumsta nces or co nditions a pplicableto t he s ame site o f th ev ariance t hatdon ot ap ply generallyto oth e r prop erties in t hesame z one . c.Th est rictinterpretationo r enforcem entof t he sp ecifiedre gulation would depri vethe applicantof pri vilegese njoyed by theown ers ofot herpr operties in t he same di strict. III.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Th estaffrecommend s approval ofth ereq uested wa llheightv ariance .We b elievethatthe reque stisc onsistent wit h t he cri teria as described above,as well ast hefind ings.Specific ally. staff believ esthat Finding B1 ismetinthatthere isnot agr ant ofspe cial pr ivilege .O ther wall 3 ••• h eightva riances ha ve beengran ted fo r s ituations similart o th is .F inding 8 2is m et,in staff 's opin io n,ast here willno t bea negative 'e ffecto n p ubliche alth,saf ety o r wel fare byap proving the req uestedv ariance .F inding 83b ism et,instaff 's o pinion ,as th eslope o fthe s ite isan extra ordinary ci rc umstance w arranting t he variance .S taff's rec ommendation fo r approval of t his w all he ight var ianceis gi venwith t heco nditionthat p riortoiss u a nceofa f inalC ertificate ofOCcupancy f or t hispro perty,the app licant shall : 1.Ad d an add itional retainingwall (3·1001 ma ximumhei ght )direcU yabove the ex isting 5·112 fo ot h igh'retainingw allino rdert oca uset hef inished gr ade betwee n t he e x isting reta ining w alla ndt hebuild ingto be reduced to as lope less than50 %.Staff w ouldr ecommenda d istance b etween the exis ting retaining wa ll a nd t henewr etaining wa ll ofat least 3 f eet in o rder toa llow fo r a n a dequate p lantingbedt o b e pro vided .T heap plicantshallth en provide a revised la ndscape pl anfor this a rea (i .e,additionalshru bsa nd gro und cover ) sub ject to staffreview and app roval. 2 .An e rosio n co ntrolb lanket s hallb eadded to allareas onth e l ot steeperth an 30%.p ert he originalORB co ndition ofapproval ofthis project. 4 c .8 •• o .'..-..~...- ( • •• \ \ • -.---------.----- • -----.-LOT /3 ---- ---.0 ---- - ----.'---------.'-.-- E :rCJo "'''TE 5q··.O~ 6 "R A ("e *,,0 ',6"---------~ ~'" ~---• - - --- To \ 60 52 .22 '----------..--------- .-"_.~_.-. ••RETAINING I/A lL U!TION CONN ORS DUPLE X A RESUBDJVI SION OF LOT 13 .BLOCK H.VAIL OAS SCH Ol lE.FILWG NO.2 TOWN OF VA IL.EAGLE COUNTY.COLORADO ,, ,,,,.-,.- \/ •......., ,.' ,AI 71!LI/4k~_ M.Darrel l White Re9Jstered Land Sur veyor 9337 P.O.80x115 Gypsum .CO 81637 Ju ly13,1994 ••• • "'(hov e 5'".B' s-l...\,L :Vj v\"d +0 woL L .As ~ r ;c-I-tJN oI..t {CH1Vo €t i c ~LL. PLql111fr (LcHJ r eV\) re ~e '-f"Ce.J 1f"e _~.:._·.7::::-._:.._....~~................•.'• RETAI NING WA LL LOCAT ION CONN ORS OUPLE X A RE5 UBOIVIS I0 11OF Lo r 13.BLOC K H,VAIL DAS SCHOll E.FILING NO.2 TOWN or VA IL.EAGLE COUIITY,COLORADO • ,,.. \/ \/ 'v" , \"l' '\-\ '1>11 i .'!, I t.( ./ / ~r 7{:""/7 W /!// ~6 r ,-"r f P'-E'T rv<0 ;<--( Z'!LILIJL",-__ M,D~rrell Wh ite Re g i stered Lan d Su rveyor 933 7 P,O.Bo x 115 Gypsum,CO B1637 J uly 13.1994 '.'I )~v..0,0--- T .J.Con ners Broker-Ccnsuttant P .O.Box 548 .Vail,CO 8 1658 1303)390-1189 AU ~Z 1994 8 -1-94 To -Plann i ng Commis sion TOV .COMM,DEV.DEPT. F rom -T .J .Conner s,Homeown er at 24 27Ga rmi sh Dr . S ub ject -Va ri an ce for a 5 f t .wal l within the Town setback. The o rginal si te plan a ss ubmitt ed a nd app rove dc alled fo r a2 t o1 slope with approp r iat e l an dscapi ng o n the Nor th side of the d rivewa y. Howev er,be ca useo f site s p eci fi c topo gr aphy,it was n ecessa ry t o ins tall a b oulder retain in g wall in th is area th at exceeds 3f eet an dg oes as hi gh as 5 f eet for app ro x 30 fe et in l en gth .The landsca per has stat ed t h at oian this ,Crysanthem maximus ,a nd d aisy will g row on t he pres en t slope . Conce rni ng ther elationship of t he reque sted va ri an ce to o ther e x i st i n g or po tenti al u se s,I do n ot s ee any c onfl icts . The r el i ef s ought is a 2f o ot h eigh ta ll o wance with out which the d riveway c o ul d not be constru cte d g iven th at the house is i n the correct s urvey e d l oca tio n. The va r iance will have no effe ct o nl ight ,ai r,d istributi ono f popula t ion e tc.a s ou t li ne di n item 4. Note -the s lope wi thou t t he re ta ini ng wall would e xc ee d1t oIa nd be i mposs ible fo r a ny p lant or gr assg row th . revised 10/5/92 ~~ Applic ation Dat et:"'o .,.17'P 1!7.'Y . PEC ME ETING DATE,_ APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE AUG 2 ,",, 1. I _ Th is proc edure is requ ired f or a ny project r eqtl.es e.:Lng !',a Vtv ,Jf·PT. v ari ance .The appli cati on will n ot be a c cepted u nt.il a ll 100. inf ormation is submitted. A .NAME OFAPPL I CANT__/<.-_......:-.:.'__-'-=="'-'-<1...1:.._ 2 /'6 ".,'7 tH "J ¢{ADDRESS _~:.L2...._....L i..d..JJ......:..!..:::::...._~=_ d "0 B .NAME OF APPL I CAN T 'S REPRESE NTATIVE r 4 / AD DRE SSi_.....!.&~_ C. D . PHON E NAME OF OWNE R(SI (type o r print)[O-j' OWN ER(S)SIGNA TURE(SI a/&.~ JA~7 AD DRESS PHONE LOCATION OFP RO POSAL :LEGAL DESCRI PTION:LOT c ' BLOC K II / E. ADD RESS /1 /DC'to , e(Z{C('t ad FEE$25 0.00P AID ./CK t ,91 10 BY THEFEE MUST BEP AIDBEF ORE THE CO MMU NIT Y DEVE LOPMENT DEPARTME NTWILL ACCE PT YOU R PROPOSAL. F .Stamped ,add r essed enve lo pes of the names o f o wne rs of all prope rt y a djacent to t he s ub ject propertyIN CLUDING PROP ERTY BEH IND AN D AC ROSSST REETS,a ndal i st of the ir n ames and mail ing add r es ses.THE APPLIC ANT WILL BE RES P ONSI BLEF ORCORREC TMAILING ADDRESS ES . II .A pre-app l ica ti on con fe rence with a pla n ni ng staff member i s st rong ly s ugges te d t o determine if any a ddi ti on al inf ormati on is needed.No applica ti on will be a ccep t ed unles s it i s complete (must include all i tems r equired by t he zon ingadm inistrato r).It is t he appl ican t 's respon sibil ity t omake an appoint ment with the sta fft o f ind o ut about add i ti on al submittal requ iremen t s. I II.P LEASE NOTETHATA COMPLETE APPL ICATI ON WILLS TREAM L I NETHE APPROVAL P ROC ESS FORYOUR P ROJECT BYDECREASI NG THE NUMBER OF COND ITI ON SOFAPPR OVAL THAT THEPLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM ISS ION (PEC )MAY .ST I PULATE.ALL CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL MU STBECOM PLIED WITHBEF ORE A BUILDINGP ERM ITI S I SSUED. =OUR (~)COPI ES OF THE F O LL OH I~C MUST BES UBMITTED: A .AWRITTEN S TATEMEN TOFTHE PRECI SE NATURE OFTHE VARI ANC EREQUESTED AN DTHEREGULATION I NVOLVEO.THE S TATEMENT MUST ALSO ADD RESS: 1.The re la ti ons hip of th e re q ue s ted v a r iancet o o t he r existing o rp oten tial u ses and s tructuresi n the vicin i ty . 1 r TOI.JN OF VR IL MiscellaneousCash OS-(12-94 16 :31:17 F.:o;:·ce i P t #153E.26 Rcco unt #CK #2098 THCIr'1J="6 CDt·jf-lEF.:S·'·.I.'RRI R~l CE Hffloun t t '2nde teed :>250 .0 £1 Item paid Rm ount paid 01080041330 000 250.00 Change r eturned ? THR NK YOU ,",'O Ut-cashi er HEIDI 0 .0(1 TOWNOFVAIL ~=&W0,H>q >"'»>~=""'>~ 1 ....:~~,:;::;...:.;:::.;IRF£R1 r-r Nn---===-• ACCOUNT NO. 01ססoo 41540 I ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS ''''''' DATE ~ ClIHCES MADfi I'AYARLR TO TOWN Of'VA Q.'; NO.TAX COSTRA.TOTAL~;'<:~ $30.00 • • :~ :,•;~". -""1• ,••l' 5 .00• $7.00 • $0 .25 • • $20.00 5200:00 . S200.OO 5200.00 $500.00 I00.00 5 1000.00 , $200.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 ITOTAL: o i 000l)"42412 TOVFEESCOMPUTERPROGRAM101ססoo42371PENALTY~ES /RE INSPECTIONS ,o i ססoo41332 PLAN REVIE\V RE -CHECK FEE $40 PER HR .'~QLOOOO 4 233 2 OFFHOURS "I NNiSP~E~CTil~O~NiF~E~ESt~~~~~==±==t==±=:~!===l~ot oooo 41412 CONTRACTOJl:S LICENSESFEES .-0 1ססoo 4 1 413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE t -0 1 ססoo 4 1 4 1 3 ADDITI0NALSIGNAGE FEE [~l.oo PERSO.Fr. >01 ססoo 4244 0 VTC ARTPROJECTDO NATION 0 1 ססoo 41 331 PREPAIDDESIGN REV l r~B~O;A~R~D~FE~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J01ססoo42371INvESTIGATIONFEE(BUILDINC;) 3 1 ססoo 45 11 0 TOVPARKING F UND ;0 1 ססoo 22027 TOV NEWSl'AJ'EinjISPENsER F UND »'0 1ססoo2 1 112 TAXABLE @4%(STATE) >••0 1 ססoo4 1 0 10 TAXAB L E~4%(TOWN) '1 :::'::11:::ססOO==4=2=32:=,-1 BUILDING INVESTIGATION,OTHER'~, f PEe A PPLICATION FEES >,01 ססoo 4 133 0 CONDITIONAL USE PERM IT 0 1 ססoo 4 1>30 EXTER IOR ALTERAIIOl'f[LESS THAN looSQ.FT.] 01 ססoo41330 _EXTER IOR ALTERATION [MORETHAN 100 SQ.Fr. ••»01 ססoo 4 133 ~_SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT [NEWJ _ '.~OOOO 4 !33 0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MAJORAMEND "~0000 4 1~~,SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT[MINORAMEND 1 --,!I OOOO 4 l3'''SUBDIVISION ':0 1 1330-------;V A,R IANCE _ !01 O NINGCO DE AMENDMENTS ;-OItJOoo 4 lJ30 RE-ZO NING.t <YrHER I I ----''''O'-'THER .M"J JRF£.RY :CASH! f [_C_OM_M_""__"~>=================================================================,•_to 1 •• CON NERS ADJACE NT PROP ERTY OWNERS Richard E.Miller 1400 CoralWay Miami,FL33145 JohnGrizzly SkyhighAssociation 24~Garmisch ,Unit1 V.,I,CO81657 Susan Solem Npine ChaletWest P ,O,Bo x 2621 Vail,CO8 1658 Johnand CarolMcClean 116East Henderso n Cleburne,T X 7603 1 q I'1"1 q 4 -Cdtfct rtISJ 0J\O.Lt Gr" •• THISITEM MAY EFFECTYOU R PROPERTY PU BLIC NOTIC E NOTICE ISHER EBY GIV EN Iha llhe PlanningandEnv ironmental Commi ssio n 01 Ihe Townof Vailwillho ld a public hearingin accordancewi th Section18.66 .060 oftheM unicipal Code of the T ownofVai l on Sept embe r2 6,1994,at2 :00 P .M.inthe TownatVailM unicipalBu ilding. In consideration of: 1.A request fora w o rksessl on fo r aSpecial Development Dist rict andamajo r cell exterior alteration toallowfo r the redevelopment and expansio n ofthe L 'Ostello Lodge locatedat705West Uonshead C ircl e/Lot 1,Block2,Va iVLionshead 3rd F iling . A requestforav ariance to allow forawa llin thefron t setback t o exceed 3fee t located a t 242 7 Garmisch Drivel1...ot 13 .BlockH ,Vaildas Schon e 1stFiling . Appi icant: Planner : Applicant: Planner: Alien.Inc.lJohn Dunn Randy Stouder T.J.Conn ers J im C urnutte 3.Arequest forfront a nd sidesetback variances toallowfora new residence to be locatedat 1788 AlpineDrive/lot 11,VailVillageWest 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Thomas T heys J imCurnutte 4.Arequest fora w orksesslon fora majoramendment to theGlen lyo n SODtoallow fora revisionto the masterplanto a llow for theexpansion oftheG lenl yon Office Build ing locat edat 1000 So uth F ronlage Road W esVArea 0 ,Gl en Lyon S OD . Applicant: Pla nner : Pierce.Segerberg and Associates AndyKnudtsen 5.Arequest for aconditionalusepermittoallow for atent to be used fortheVail Associatesskischool to be locatedso uth of the lionsheadCenterBuildingffract A , Vail lionshead3rd Filing. Ap plicant: Planner: JoeMacy,representing Vail Associates AndyKnudtsen TOY ·Cv,,,DR .,WEST 1 /2 MAR 23,lY~4 EL01043B93 -4 2 427 GARMISCH DATE, OlIDER t, PROP.ADDR ., OWNER /BUYER., '.First Amerian Heritage Title.Company . ~i -~-.~~ \, -~t PLE ASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMERS CHEC KED BEL OW, _____TO,CREEKSIDE MORTGAGE INC. P ,O.BO X 1856 (926 -6 7 88) EDWAlIDS ,CO 816 32 AT':N :LORI LIE COPIES ,0 3 _____TO ,FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE P .O.BOX 5690 (949 -4406 ) AV ON.CO 81620 ATTN ,MI CHE LLE COPIES 01 ______TO,THOMAS J .CONNERS P.O .BOX 54 8 VAIL,CO 81658 COPIES 01 ____TO,CO PIES ATTN , ______TO ,COPIES ATTN , ______TO ,COPIES ATT N, ______TO ,COPIES I ATTN I THE ABOVE IS ALIST OF CLIENTS TH E ATTACHE D TITLE COMM I TM ENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO .SHOULD YO U HAVE ANY QU ESTIONS REGAlIDING THE COMMITMENT, PLEAS E CONTACT FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY AT THE ABOVE PH ONE NUMBER . PLE ASE REV IEW THE CO MMITM ENT CARE FULLY ,TAKING NOTE OF THE FOLLOWI NG ITEMS CONTAINED THERE IN, SCHEDULE A,NEW EFFECTIVE DATE,REVISE LEGAL ,SCHE DULE B-1,DELETE ITEMS 1 AND 2,SCHEDULE B-2,REVISE ITEM #11 -_..............~~.~..., ~IRST AMERICAN P.O .BOX .0 HERITAGE TITLE 318 8ROADWAY EAGLE,CO.81631 SCHEDULEA C OMPANY Comm1tment No,EL0 1043893 -4 1.Comm1tmentDate,MARCH IS,1 994 at 8,00 A.M. 2 .Pol lc y or Po li cies to be issued :Po li cy Am ount (a) (b) Owner sPol i cy Loan Policy P roposedI nsu red : Pr op osed Ins ured: $0 .00 S125,00 0.00 (c ) NOR THAME RICAN MO RTG AG E COMP AN Y,ITSSUCCESS ORS AND /OR ASS IGN S P r oposed I nsured:S0.00 3.Fee s imple int ere st 1n the land described 1n this Co mm itment 1s owned,a t the Commitment Date by: THOMAS J .CONNERS 4.The land re ferred t o 1n this Commitment 1s described as f o llows: UNIT A,CONNERS DUPLE X,A RESU8DIVISION OF LOT 13 , BLOCK H,VA IL DAS SCH ONE FILING NO .2,AC CORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDE D MARC H 23,1994 IN BOOK 6 35 AT PAGE 55 8 , COUNT YOF EAGLE,STATE OFCOLORA DO (f or 1nformat1ona1 pu rposes only )242 7 GARMIS CH DR .,WEST 1 /2 PREMIUM , • Owners . Mort gage . Mort gage . Tax Cert . MAR 23,1994 1mf MR L S0.00 S2 87.00 S0.00 $10 .00 Form-1 00 . Form -1 40 .1 . Form-100.30 . Form-11 0 .7 . $30.00 $25.00 $58 .00 $20.00 Form AI;TA No .1344-B2 (CO -BB) ~l ~l n Language comm~e nt SCHEDULE B -Section 2 • Order No.EL 01043B93 -4 Exc epti ons Any parley we i ssuewill ha ve the f ollowing exc epti onsunl esst hey ar e taken care of t o o ur sati sfact ionl 1.Taxes and Assessments not certified to t he Treasurer 's Office . 2.Anyf ac ts ,right s,int er-ests o r cla ims Which are n ot shown b y the pUbl ic rec ords but whichcoU ldbe asc erta ined bya n ins pectiono f the land or b ymaki ngi nquiry of p erso ns in po ssession t here of . 3 .Easements,o r c laims o f easeme nts .not sh own b y the publiC r ec ords . 4 .Dl sc ~epanc i e s,con f licts in bounda ry e ncr oachments,a nd a ny fa cts Wh icha c orrec~ l andwo ul d disclose,and Which are no ts hown 11 ne5,s hort age 1n a r~a. s urvey a nd ins pect :on of t he byt hepub lic rec ords . S.Anyl ie n,or r ightt oa lien,f or se r va ces ,l abor o r mat erial heretof or eo r h ereafter furnished,imposed bylawandnot show nby the public rec ords . 6.An y a nd al l unpaid t axes,assessments a nd unrede emed tax sa les . 7 .RESER VATIONS AND EX CEPTIONS I N PATENTS AND ACTS AUT HORIZING THEIR ISSUANCE AS THE SAME MA Y AFF ECT THE SUBJECTPROPE RTY AND,SPECIFICAL LY,THE RIGHTSTODITCHES AND RESER VOIRS USED IN CONNE CTI ON WITH VESTED AND ACCR UED WATE R RIGHTS TOGE THE RWITH THE RESER VATI ONOF A RIGHT -OF -WA Y FOR DITCHES AND CA NAL S CO NSTRUC TEDBY THE AUTH ORITY OF THE UN ITED STATES AS SET FORT H I N THAT CERTA IN U.S.PA TE NT FI LED IN THE EAGLE COUNTY RECORDS. B.RESE RVA TI ONS AND EXCEPTIONS IN PA TENTS AND I N ACTS AUTH ORIZING THE IR IS SU ANCEAS THE SAME MAY AFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ,SPECIFICALLY,THE RIGHT OF THE PROPRIETOR OF A VE IN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFRO M SH OULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS SET FORTH IN THAT CERT AIN U.S .PATE NT FILEDI N THE EAGLE COUNTY REC ORD S. Affirmat i ve pr otection a g ainst i tem number 8 ,o f Schedule 8 ,Se c~i o n 2 wi ll bea ff orded t he lender b y means of Endorsement 1 0 0.3 0. WHICH DO NO T INC LUDE A INSTR UMENT REC ORDE D JUN E REC ORDE D FEVR UARY 1 6,1 970 RACE,COL OR ,CREE D,AND 9.COV ENANT S,CON DI TIONS AND RE STRICTIONS, FOR FEITU RE OR RE VERTE R CL AU SE,SET FORTH I NTHE 2 5,1 969 INBOOK 215 AT PA GE 4B2 ,AND CORR ECTION I NBOOK2 17 AT PA GE 77 .PROVISI ONS REGARDI NG NATI ONAL ORIGIN,IF ANY ARE DELETED . 10 .EASEMENTS,CONDITIONS,RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATIONS AS RESERVED ON THE REC ORDE D PLATS OF VAIL HEIGHTS,FILING NO.1, SC HON E,FILINGNO.2,AND,CONNERS DUPLEX ,A RESUBD IVISION OF LOT H,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO .2. SHOWN OR VAIL DAS 13,BL OCK 11 .Terms ,condi tions ,p r ovisions an d obligat ions of the Part y Wa ll Ag reement recorded MARCH 23,19 94 I N BOO K63 5AT PAGE 55 9. Col orado Form 100 will b e attached t o theMort gagee 's PoliCY upon re ce ipt (SEE CONTINUAT ION OF SCH EDULE B-SE CTI ON 2.IF ANY .ON NEX T ?AGE I ~CH~UL ~H -~e ce l o n 1 6ed~~No.EL01043B93 -4 • Requirements The following requirements must be met: • (al Pay the agreed amount s f or t he i nter est i n th e l and and /or f or the mortgage t o be i nsured. (b)Pay us th e pr emiums,f ees and charges for the policy. (c)Obtain a certificate of taxe s due fr om the c ount y treasurer o r t he c o unty treasu rer 's authorized a gent. (d)Provide us the "AffidaVit and Indemnity "sign ed by the parties li st ed in Paragraph3 ,Schedule A of this Commitment and n o ta riz ed . Ce l The follO Wing docume nts satis factory to u s must b e signed ,d e llvered a n d rec orded : 1 .Deed of T rusts uf fi ci en t to encumber t he fee s~~p le es tat e or in the l and des cr ibed o r r eferred to he rein fo r the ben efit of the I nsur ed,Sc~edule A,Item2B . i nt er est P r-cpos ec 2.Rel e aseo f the Deed of Trust f rom T HOMAS J .CONN ERSt o t he PUblic Teus tee o f EAGLE County f oe t he benef it of FIRSTBANK OFVAI L t o s ecue e a n indebtedness in t he p rincipa l sum of 5 1 45,0 00 .00,a nd a ny other amo unts a nd /or obligation s secured thereby,d ated JUNE 25,1 993 and recorded JUNE 29.1993 INBOOK 612 AT PAGE 552. 3 .Release o f Assignment o f Rents and other rights r ecorded June 29,1 993 1nBook 612 at Page 553 . 4 .Notice of Disburseme nt recorded June owner:Thomas J.Conn ers.P ri nc i pal Disburser:F ir st Bank of Vail . 29 ,1 9931n Contractor , Bo ok 612 at Page 5 54 . The Nova Gr oup. 5.The follOW ing i temsmust be accomp lished t o th e sa tisfa c tion of t he Compa ny relevant to the det erminationwh ether to issue Mec h anics L i en Prot ecti on i n connec tio n with a ny p oliCy of t itl e in s uranc et o be issued p ursuant to Schedule A,ParagLaph 2 (b),to -Wit: a )Furni sh a n Indemnity I i n form,c ontent,and witha signatory o r signat or ies acceptab le to the Company . b )Furn ish an Owner 's Aff idav it to the Company in f orm,c ontent,a nd with a Signat ory o r S ignator ies acc eptab le to the Compa ny. C )The title company issuing this comm i tment for title insu ranc e must prov ide c lo sing a nd sett lement services relevant to the t ran s acti on ,and i n c onne ction wit h such serv ices t he Comp any shall be f urn ished docu mentat ion showing the full purch ase p ric e of the prope rty,plu s any a dd it i o ns o r change o rder s ,was pa id by the purchaser . ••• f". o 0 \., o ,II;. l ~ •CHECK REQUE ST PREPARED BY:4v~&&...,,;7 i-U DATE:/-'l~~/9s' VENnOR NAME:(/ra ~.) VENDOR NUMBER :(f DESCRIPTION OFEXPENSE:CLEA.'l UP D EPOS IT REFUND F ORBP #&/.;>(', NA.'v1E OF JOB:~~~)~""l~ ACCOUNT NUMBER:0 10 00022002 AMOUNT OFREFUND :-e:~-d'J o .?J DATEAPPROVED:J -'1 -9("r> APPROVAL SIGNATURE :V ~U O~s::'l Jh ~ ! o 0 •0 • • POST I N A CO NSPIC UO US PL AC£ • • NOTE -CO PY OFPERMITT OBEKE PT ON JOBS ITE ATE J une 2 8 1 9 93CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT ~)0 ,6 '1/IIl m"PERMI T NO. i TVPEOFCONSTRUCTION 1 II 1lIIVV d epa rtment o f com mu nity development 2OCCU PAN CY GROUP ASE H IR M BUILDING 22 0 000.00 D IVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 Z el ECTRICAL 12 00 0.00TOBEFILLEDOUTCQMPlETElYPAIORTOISSUANCEOfPERMIT0 GENERALDESCRIPTI ON OF"WORK :~PL UMBING 160 00 .00TYPEOFPERMITPrimary/S~condar y Res id ence ~ ~< [Jl:BUI LDI NG lID PLU MBING >M ECHANICAL 10 000.00 [J ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION '-:;l "i fI.n '"f'l.n ().n "ECHANI GAL Q~..242 GArro s ch Dri ve TYPE GROUP G .RF.A V"LUAllON PERMITFEES s-; .EGAL LO T ,3 BLK "V R 3 36 88 BU ILDING PERMIT "bn nn ~DESC.FILING IT 'V M-I 948 PLA N CHECK ~JOBN AME :Conno n;Residenc e 4636 t o t 1 sf ELECTRICAL 19 4.00 OWNER NAM F TJ &D1 :l n ~Co nDp rs NEW!XX A t TERATION()A D DITI ONAL (I REPAI R (I PLUMBING 24 0.0 0/PC 6 0.00 41334-- M A i l ADDBES ~;1 18q.D Wf!I I NGUN ITS _ACCO MMODATION UNIT S __MECHANICAL Nop erm it is sued CITY (J PH.6-8584 HEIGHT I"'F r --"10 FiREPLACES --RECREATIONFEE 695 .00 David Irwin -----I:l.... ARC HITECT FIRM IN SU LA TION TYPE TIII(";KNESS R-VAll UE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 20 0.00 nn <::::, 254-B fL OOR CL EAN ,UP DEPOSIT ,./";;;;0 on --.10MAILADDRESS,~ 33 42 ,Va J,.\,.6 -71 01 EX T,WAllS \.-~CITY Box US E T AX ~"oar GE NERAL FIRM .s ccvc LuT].din Conf>t .. T OWNOF VAIL f'\S~o_.__143 -A T YPE n EC.GAS TOTALPE RMIT FEE S 4 230 .00CONTRACTOR.OF TEL ....... .-~.~SOLAR WOODHEAT CRFe ldmann 6 -2 5-93-------- FI RM Eagle/Summit Elc ctrt AD DI TIONAL PER MITS N EEDED :~UTll)ING OFFICIAL -,---DATE LEC TRICAL t:!!I NITIAL ~11!LC..!!InyJ::tJL ___6-25-93 _--I.2tiN Of VAIL AEG.N.<L..2lJ-E ..-- CONTRACTOR <;T CUT ONING AD MINISTRATOR DATE TElt:,,_.-71 0 -836 -3 559 .-,.•- ,.~t _{"Y ::;,O NING&BUILDIN G N OTE S:Al J ex te rior light FI RM J&C Pl umbing .•1"'~flK If.G Lt x t.ur -e s wil l ha ve bulb s of 7 5 warts of PLUM BING TOWNO F VAIL REG NO II S-P le ss ner snecs s u bm it ted b v Dave Ir....i n- CONTRACTOR DEMO s ee f ile. T ELE.9 8 4-2 635 FIRM I he reby ac know ledge t hat t ha ve readth isa pplicatio n,filled out i n f u l l th e i nf ormation r equired , M ECHANICAL completed anaccur ate pl ot p lan ,an d stat e th ata ll t he info r mation provided asre qui re d isc orrect.I T OWNOFV AIL R EG .N O .agree to com p ly w it h the informationandp lot p lan ,t o c omply w ith allT own o rdina nces an d slateCONTRACTORlaws.a nd to buil dt his s tructu ree cc crdlnq '0the To w n's,~f and su bdivision .s .d esignTHEreviewapproved.U ni fo rmBu ilding Codeand othero rdinance 0t he 7;PIi te t hereto . O THER FIRM CLEAN UP DEPOSITTO:,'~.-- TOWNO F VA IL REG ,NO , SIG NATURE O F O W7R CO NTRACTOR FOR H IM SELF CONTR ACTOR T ELE.ANDT HEO WNER. • -, ••TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:RE C O~UI~9 1993 tI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOTBEACCEPTED ~**************••••••*•••**•••PERMIT INFORMATION .**********.*************••** [Xl-BUilding (]-Plumbing (]-Electrical (]-Mechani cal []-Other _ Job Na me:CooM;?IL~RESicE/.:cE.Job Address:~"6 AR i"o&l<D R '~£ Legal Description:Lot 3 Block t!Filing__......z..~..;..__ IT C ON N OMiOWnersName:QIA ~f C,·...NcR$Address:ph :476 -f S6'1 Architec t: General Des cripti on: ':;:R "';1l)Address:CQ,x ,3 01 2.WI',I GelD, J?q .."04 '1>I '8 [7C!Wp.4 Rv R .E<lSlJ.!.!<()~EO!N!J;GdE,,-_ '7 --ti work Class:(Xl -New []-Alteration []-Additiona l (]-Repair (l-Other _ Number ot Dwelling Units:~Number o f Accommodati on Units: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances~Gas Loqs~Wo od/Pellet ~••••**.***********.**********••**VALUATIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*** BUILDING:$2 20,OOO '!S-ELECTRICAL:$I e.QOQ<$OTHER:$-1 2.0 00<$ PLUMBING:$'6 QQc'~MECIWUCAL:$10 oCDQ'fi.TOTAL:$J O {'looo-;:::'~••***.**••••~******.*••••••CONTRACTOR INFORMATI ON ****••••••••••**:****•••••• "eneral Congactor:~~JA 6Rt)\J~Town or vail Re g.NO.26:1 -6 Address:f6e;c J 01 z.II,k .ft6 S J P.hone Number :-4.76 -7/01, Electrical Co ntractor: Address: Plumbing Cont ra ctor:<8",11 Aq->&,rA l Floulz Address: Mechanical Contractor:<'3¢S LIII SIIFE'r#/E'TJ'I ( Addres s : Town o f Vail Reg.NO .I II -E P hone Number :'11 '1 -",/11 q T own o fVa il Re g.NO.1{,,3 -P Phone Number:3 2"-({-I/a Town of Vail Reg.NO.132 -1>1 Phone Number:624 -7 2 §"1 fr>O -- OFFICE USE •••••••••***•••••••••••••••*••• BUILDING PLANCHECKFEE :I ()0 /-, PLUMBING PLANCHECK FEE: MECHANICALPLANCHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES·.-,.. TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VAWATION BUILDING:Ctek ~ =2:[<:3 3 Ca'i?K SIGNATURE:c2;;C:Yd=M,,;r{6 -=,q <tt ZONING:qJl.¥'i .I ,....,.•SI GNATURE :7/I Comments:4 1(Plf:"",'~'"I ~r ~L,.f-c :".-l,I\t>c::(.-V,'ft'I 'Q'd.;,l t,A 'J.~~t:"75 w.....H~"",tF~S ,,",<,<;..p Cs-§c..'S lJ~_,'Ht'cf'/...y 'J '4,LJ ~./~l -V ,.."S -t--e;{-,'r ..; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE:IS</0 - PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:,'"'f/J - MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:"0,'Po'a ........ ELECTRICAL FEE:'c ..,- OTHERTYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE'~AA 14' ~CLEAll UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: • • lown of vai 75 SOU lh front ag"road wall,c o lor ado 81657 (303)4 79 -2 1.38 or 479-213 9 • o fficeot community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALLCONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WI TH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLI C WORKS /COMMU NITY DEVELOPME NT MARCH 16,1988 CON STRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summ a ry,Ordinance No .6 states th at it i s unlawful fo r a ny pers on to l it te r,track or d ep osit a nys oi l,rock,sand,de bris or materia l ,i ncluding trashdump sters ,po rtable to ilets and workmenv eh icles upon any stre et,s i dewalk ,alley or p ublic place o ra ny portion thereo f.The right-of -way on all Town of vail stre ets and roads is approximately 5 ft .o ff pavement. Thi s o rdin a nce will be strictly enforced b y the Town o f Vai l Pu bl ic Works Dep artment.Pers ons f ound violating this o rdinanc e wi ll be given a24 hour written notice to remove said materia l. In the e vent the person s o not ified does n ot comply with the not ice within the 24 hour time speci fied,the Public Works Dep artment will remo ve s a id materi al a t the expense of person not ified.The provisions of th is o rd inance shall not be applicab l e t o construction ,maintenance o r repair projects o f any s tr eet o r alley or any ut ilities i n the r ight-a-wa y. Tor ev iew Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Va ilBu i lding Departnent to o btain a c op y.Th ank you for y our c oo peration on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: )l._ '<posit ion/Re lationship ~D a te to Proj e ct (i.e .c ontract o r ,owner) •• 7S aouth fronlag .ro.d .,.11.color.do 81657 (303)479 -2138 or 479-2139 • officeof community deYelop"Mnt BUI LDI NG PEro~I T I SSU ANCE TIME FRA ME If t hispermit requiresa Town ofVail Fire Departm ent Appro val. Engineer'-s (Public Wor ks)review and approval,a Pl anning Department review orHealth Departmen t review .and a review by the Bu ilding Department.theestimatedt i me fora total review may ta keaslong as three weeks . All commer cial na rge orsmall )and all multi -family pe rm itswill have t ofo ll ow t heabovement i oned maxi mu mrequireme nts .Re sidential and sm all projec ts shou ld t ak e a lesser amount of ti me.Howeve r.if re s idential or sma ller pro jectsi mpactthevarious abov e men tioned departmen ts with regardt o necessaryreview ,t heseprojec ts may also ta ke the three week period . Ever y a ttemptwillbe made by th is departmen t to expedite t his permitassoonas possible. I .the frame, 1-Agreed undersigned . to by. understand t heplan c heck pro cedure a nd time , )t project Name ~Da t e Wo rk Corrm uni t y Sh e et wa s turned into t he Develo pm ent Department. ••• ROG ER :E:E S U P .A .:3 121 5 26 2 721 2 P .OI Juno 24,1993 Mr.T .J.Connoru P.O.Box 548 Vail co 81 658 ROl My lot 1 4,FLG 2 VAIL DE SCHONE,V A I~,CO Dear T .J .I I CQcoivod y our lQ ttor rQquQ3ting ffiy perm igalon to acce se my l ot 4nd change the grade as n ot@d in your 1 8tte~and uhown hy t he e nclou ed t opographymap d ated 4- 22 -93 . X heroby g nmt y ou s uch p~r:niuj.o n ,p r ov .i.do d.that you ag ree to t he foll owing stipula ti on: It 19 QxpJ;Qu ly aqre cd and u ndec s tood b ya nd between the parties tothis . a greement t hat RICHARD MIL LER sha ll no t b e lia bl~fo r any damago or inj uX"y by vLr'tue of T .J.CONNE RS exe rc t s Inc t hlJ r ight of entry or a CC<!BB h ar sLn provid lHl which may be Bu sta ined by T .J .CON NER S a nd/ori ts agent s o r a ny o ther p QrQ on, or for a ny other d amage or in ju ry r esulting rram the care leB en eso ,neqligQncQ, or imp roper c onduct on t he part of any of the T .J .CONNERS .~4gent B,e mployees, c ontractors ,o r inv itee s.T .J.CO NN ERS agree a to indemn ify and hold MI LLER ha r.mle ~5 from and a 9 ~1 n~t any an d all c l ~i ms ari sing f rom T .J .CONNERS 'us e o t the Pr emises by virtue of th is r ight of access or entry ,permitted or cuff Qred by thQ T .J .COUNERS in or a bout t he Pr QmiGQG or gl aewhe ro an d Rhal l fur ther i ndemnify and hold MIL LER harmles s from a nd again st anyand a ll cla ims ariGing from any nelJligence of the T .J .CONNE RS ,or an y of the T .J.CO NN ERS ''1 6<j QntG , emplo y eg ~.c ontractor s.o r invit~Q~.a nd f rom and ag.inst a ll costs,attorney's f oos ,GxponOQG a nd l i ablli~iog in¢urrGd in t ho d Gf9 nSO o fany suoh c laim or a ny auc h ac t ion or p roceeding brought t he reon ,and i n caee a ny action or proceedin g be brought Bgsin gt MILLER by reas on of a ny suc h c Ie im,T .J .COUNERS up onn et .Ice f rom MILL ER sha.l L d o fe na the lJame at T .J .CONt.lERS 'g QX PQnl;lQ by ccunae L ~atisfactory to MILLER .T .J.CON NERS as a ~at er ia l part o f the consideration t o MILLER ,berebv eeeuaee a ll r is k o f d&m8 Qe t o p roperty o r i njur1 t o pe rs ona , in ,u pon o r a bou tt he r-re su aea a ris i ng o ut o f a ny c ause an dT .J.co:mER S he reby WaiV QD a ll c lai ln 9 i n r(Hlf-0ct c horQof aqa i nllt MILLER . ... OF JUnE,19 93. .f.f.. .2,.v DA YACCEPTEDATVAIL,CO.THIS r:»L A GREE:D AU D I f y ou 8gr ee,p.l eaee s i9 11 ec opy of this l etter an dr e turn t omy b y f ex(30S) 2 6 2 -7212 .Only if yo u a gre e you n ay proceed .. Wi sh the b eet i n yo ur new co n ~t ru c ~i o n .se~you shor tly . sinco rely4~......../Z ~./4··-.;(/-'h+f'.f'~./ RlCHA RD MILLE R N OTE -CO PYO F PERMITTOBEKEPT O NJOB SITE J u ly 20 1993DATE,620 '{ PERMIT NO . 1 TYPE Of CONSTRUCTIO N 1 lIlII IVV 2 .OCCU PAN CY GROUP ABEH IR M BU ILDING 17 D IVISION I '2 2a 3 4 z ElE CTR ICAL -Q ~ GE N ERAL DE SCRIPTION OF WORK :<PLU MBING Iempo r,ary P owe r ~ ~<>M ECHANICAL TYP ,GROUP G .A.F .A vA LUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHEC K ~elECTRICAL ,n n n N'W Al TERATIQN (I ADD ITI ONAL (,REPAIR (I PLU MB I NG Vr1 OW F LlING U NI~S --ACC OM MO DATIO N UNIT S __MECtlAN ICAL ~.£. ~ HE IOH 1U"H N O FIREPLACE S --RECR EATION FEE ~O I NSULAT I ON TYPE THICK N ESS R.VA L LU E ~r6DESIGNREVIEWBOARD FL OO R CLEAN UP DEPOSIT ftr- EX T WALL S r.o.t-'U SE TAX RO O F 'G' TY PE ELEG G A S TOTALP ERMIT FEES Q. OF SOLAR WOODHEAT Erns t Gla t zle 7-19-9 3 UIU)INGOFF IClAL-------~,ff -----AODITIONAL PER MITS NEEOE D: x."INIT IAL 1---------------STCUT QNING ADMINISTR ATOR DATE BLA STIN G rzONING &BUllOiNGNOTES: PARKING DEMO I h ereby a cknowledge t hat I h ave re adt his apptlcetion.filled 001 i n full theIn fo r mation r equired, compl etedana ccuratep lot p lan ,a nd s tate t hata l l th e information provided a s requiredis co rrect.I a greet oc o mp ly w ith t h e i nf ormationa ndpl o t plan ,to comply wi tha ll T o w n ord inan ces and st ate laws,and 10 build t n!s structureacc ording10t neT own's >on;n9 end s U b~~n co des ,d eetqn re view a pproved ,U niform Building Code a nd o th?o f b 1 7~1 icabte 1hereto. ~~~rCO N T R~O R FOR HIMSELF ADTH C PLUMB ING C FOU NDATION !?,! o BU I LDINGrnELECTRICALoMECHANICAL 2485 G i h ,.CONSTRUCTION PERMIT .•tim tal ;.t\,f~O department ofco mmu nity deve lopment '\, TO B'FILLED OUT CO MPLE TELY PR'DR TO 'SSUA NC'DFP,i'l T YPE O FPER MIT \..'0 arm sc r v e ~L E G A L LOT 4 3 BLK ~ OESC FlUNG Va il Das S ch one J OB NAM E Co nne rs T emo Power OW NER N AME Co nner s -- MAIL AD DRE SS CITY PH ARC HITECT F!RM MAIL ADD RESS C'TY PH GE NERA L FIRM C ONTRACTOR TOWN QF VAIL AEG .NO. TELE FIR M Ea zl.ezSumrad t Elec tr ic EL ECTRICAL 2 13 -E CONTRACTOR TQWNOFVAl lREG,NO, TElE.7\0-""_'"0 FIRM PLU MBING TOWN OF VAil BEG C ONTRACTOR NO, THE FIRM M ECHANICAL C ONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAll BEG.NO. TELlO" OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAll REG N O CO NT RAC TOR T ELE. /0 Legal Description:Lot ~., TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT APPLI AT ON FORM DATE :(1,R"C'D JULc I >19 93 ••**•••**••***••••••**•••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••**••*•••••••••••**••••• _[J-Building [l-Plumbing ~-E l ectr i c al [J-Mechanical [J-Other __ Job ~am e :C OIJAI"'K:S Job Address:J lf gS Gt.R.,tn foe.H /3 Block 8'Filing U/JIL Dt>,SC f!0!J C • , Address:_____________________Ph •_ Number ____________Address : Number of Dwelling Units: ----=c-::C>7',--,==~,Ph .---------rt /jP J S w E.,:r o {: General Description :#;a2 E e Lf c;(t2,L ,,~c ,,{)n Tl'u v fl 7 7il?Al"rFdR ",eC · Work Class :[l-New [J-Alteration [l-Additional [l -Repair ~-Other _ of Accommodation units : NO.Town0 f Va il R,<e~g~....::.:.:=====Phone Number:_ Electrical contractor:f::ca1 'y'f!:'}f~::/!f l(,Co Address :/'a bX 7i/t(FP Ph ;'V ' Plumbing Contractor : Address: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Ga s Logs Wood/Pellet ~••*****.*****••*.***.**.******.**VALUATIONS ****.*.********************.***** BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$~===============PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL :$TOTAL:~ ~••*••*.*••*•••••••*••••••••CONTRACTO R INFORMATION ••**•••••*******•••••••••••~eneral Contractor :Town of Vail Reg.NOe _ Addres s:Phone NUmber : Town of Vail Reg .NO.~13 -f Phone Number:1 /9 -23(:-;355 '1 Mechanical Contractor : Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: -::l) OFFICEUSE **•••********••***•••••*••••••• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE : CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES : E/'...1z,4 }(r,,¥,,~BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: nGNATURE: FOR TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VALUATION • ••••••••••**••••****.**••**••••• BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE : OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments 0 _ .XCLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFUIlD TO: •• 75 loulh frontag~roa d vail ,c olorado 81657 (303)47 9-213 8 o r 479-2 139 •• .,..., office 01 c ommun lly devetepment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CO NTRACTO RS CURRENT LYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VA IL TO WN OF VAILPUBLIC WORKS /COMMUNITY DEVE LOP ME NT MA RCH 16,1988 CONST RUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6s tates t hat i t is unlawfu l for any pers on to l itter,track or deposit any soil ,rock ,sand,debris or mate rial,inclUding trash dumpsters,po rtable to ilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,side walk ,alley or public place or any portion thereof.Th e right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxi mat ely 5 ft.o ff p a vement. Th is ord ina nce will be strictly en forc ed b y theTown of Vail PU bl ic Wo rksDepartme nt.Persons f ound violating t his ordinance will be giv en a24 hour written not ice to remove said mate ria l. In the eve nt the person so notified does not compl y with the notice with in the 24 hour time speci fi ed ,the Public Works Department wi ll remove said mate rial at the exp en se of pers on not ified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not b e applicab le to construction,maintena nce or repair proj ects o f any street or al ley o r any ut ilitiesi n t he right-a-way. To revi ew Ordinance No.6 in f ull,ple ase stop by the Town of Vail Building Departme nt to obtain a copy .Thank you for y ou r c o o peration on this matter. ./ ;e a ~~2-E? "(7"'-"LV "'"/?_~os ition /Relat ionship t o project (i.e.contractor,owner) r''"?df!t;;9I'-Oate • PM • _____AM •INSPECTION REQU EST' TOWN OF VAIL CL C[,U ~.>C~L---=-_-,------==-_------=c---­ CA LLER ((,II (1 I (~I n,\t t f l Q,(')('0 ~) MO N l UES ~TH UR FRIGnCI'j1,SO 23Ln \-0 ) DATE R EADYFO A INSPECTION : LOC ATIO N :_~-,--46"'~-tI_,,"-"-'-l.--'---"=.L.-'--O.L..1.....!.....L...J.:.,..1....._ PERM IT N U MBER O FP ROJECT ']{:)O !Cr 3 JOB N AME I BUILD ING:PLU MBIN G : o FOO T I NGS I ST eEL o U NDERGROUND o FO U NDATIO N /STeEL o ROUG H I D .W.V. o FR A MING o ROUG H I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N SU LAT IO N o POOL /H.TUB o S HEETROCK N A IL 0 , 0 0 o FIN A L o F I NAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: !KlEMP,POWER o H EAT ING o ROUG H o EXHA UST HOO DS o C ONDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL )tAPPROVED »»o D ISAPPRov eD o REI NSP ECTION REQ UIRED C ORRECTI ONS : I NS P EC TO R ~~ ../ ._------_._--_.._-------_._--_.._-_. DATE nn PC ON ING I\.O Ml rlISTIlATOR eUIlO1NG ,ELECTRICAL0 t:.,P lUMIllNG~ ~<MECHANICAL 6000 .00> PERMITFEES tl UILDING P (fUo1 IT PLANCHeCK ELECTUlCA l M.Ur.lIllNG MECllNi lC Al I ,?n RECREATION FEE ... VAl UATlONn.n F 1\. __,,"0.F-!I.[Pl..ACES cno ue R-'> DlVl510tl ST .C UT TV"" ADDITION AL p eRMITS NCr:.DEO: v NOTE -COpy OFPERMI T TO BE KEPT ONJO OSITE D ATE NOVE}IBF.R 29 .1993 *"~5 b".. PERMIT NO.~~~ 1.rvrr 0 1'CON5TllUCTION 2.0CCl:IW lC YC ROUP CE N[lU.L D E::;CRI PTIONo r w onK :-;;;;;;,,"""'''''='''MEeHAN LeA l.PERl-lIT FOR NEW R(~SIl)ENC ES v .., PH. ptt390 -1l89 BOX 548 VA IL 81 658 CO NS TRUCT IO N PERMITr---~==='::"~ lliU>lL _ T o w r~O FV A I L REG .N O . CITY fi RM CI TY MAl i ADPfJCSS MAIL AQP !lf;";S~S~.E ,&_'_""_ NM1(TJ CONNE ReS _ "~F '...;.••IOliD DI 1m d epar tm en tofcommunity d evelopment ARCHITECT 1"'''''-1 - JODNAM E:CONNERS MP OWNER • --U~"S TlNC \lON1NC &OUILDlNG N OTCS: FIR M PAfl KING 1 _ PLUMB ING TOWN OF VA IL nEG N O ._ CONTI1ACTOR ---I P 'MO r :::-,cccr=wtumC &~"I hereby .:~~:::::=:::=~-=:p=i::~lIe::t i ~lUI;'1 ~~:~;:r :.~::::~U i <C d , MeCHANIC AL c cm ptctcu 'I n ac cu ratepl o t p lan.'lOd slat e t ha t 'III the i n formation p rovidedaa r equ ir ed isco rrect.I .TOWN Of VAil nEGNO,1 75-M as rcc to compl y WIth the Information :ln d pl o t p l an,to comply w ith 311 T,~iCino r din ances ar.d state CONTRAC TOR 945 86 I raws.a nd 10 b u ild thiS st ruct ure c ccorcnnq 1 0~it hC ToY:~mt"~zo~g~n d o vis ion cedes.d c,lgn TELE.5 -1 .!revi ew epprcvco.u mtcrm Cui Jding C ode and °~~r ~rd i 'l neeI he ...T ::"tJ.p licable ther e t o. OTHER :c":cRM~__________\\l\--.d 'I "I -,!&'-.~~-,-=-- !Q.WN O F V AIL n l::G.N O.~l SI G N *~~1i.OF O WN C o n CONTn.\CTOR r on H I M S EL f CO NTRAC TOR TELC.._f JL_.._.,....__AN OT •O WNER. C ENER/\L CDNTIlACTOR -"'-=-=-='-"''''-':>L _ T O ua FILLED O UT COMPLET tLY PAlOR TO IS SU I\NCC OF PERM IT TYPE OF PERMIT o BUIL DING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION il9?l~~C~~N ICAL 0 1-==:::--.--=-0-:==::----- ~L E C T RI C A Ll lf"l!tu!h..,----_------- CONTRAC TOR TOWN OF VA ll RJ:G.NO . T af-:. ~E G I\L LOT13 e LKH ESC.FllI NC VAIl.PASSCIlONE ---__.__.c-'-,__...__~.._._ NOTE -CO PY O F PE RMIT T O BE KEPT O N JO D$IT E NOVEMRFR 29 1993CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT ":DATE .••...,PERMIT NO..IOlinI l al 1.TYPE Of CONSTRUC TION IIIUl IV\{ d epartment o f co m mu nit yde velop ment 2.0CCUPAtlCYCnoup AlJ(lilR M CU llOINC. D IV1 5 10 tl I 2 2a 3 4 z ELE CTRICA L TO uu nu.r c OUT COMPLH~Ly PA IOR1 0I SSUANCE-O F PERM IT 0 t: TYPEOF PERMI T GENr ltAL DESCRIPTION or WORK :-c PLUMBING ME CHANICAL P ER.'11T FOR NEW RE S IDENCES ~ ~-c MeCHANICAl 6000.00LIBUILDING0PLUMBINGI'o ELECTR ICAL 0 FOUNDATION :.:!!,,';~C ~~~~~~~H 0 , TYPE CRO UP Co "F A V ALU ATION I PERMIT FEES II;EGAl LOT 13 e lK H ,R-j DUllOING PERMtT--- JESC .FI L ING VATI PAS S CHONE PLAN CHECK-- JO BNAM E :CONNERS MP ELECTRICAL-OWNER N""'[TJ CONN E ~S NI'W f lCK Al TER!-TIC'N I ),\O OITIONAL f )RU 'AIR {)r>LU r..lD ING--- MAIL AOQ lll:$S sox 5 48 O'N ~_LlI N r;UN ITS _2-__/l CCor,l MOOIITION UN ITS __M(CI 1AN ICAL I t o nnn "n n n O C 13~CITV VAIL 8 1658 PH390 -11 89 H t:.I(.,"tT It.rr .__"I O.f!k CPl..AC[3 --R EC ~EATlO N FEE._-------_.-_._--_.---- AR CHIT ECT f IRM IN SU LAI I ON TYPE THICK"'!:.SS n·VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW GOARD--------~-=J -fI..OOIl CL(AN ·UPDepOSIT I ~M AL~S LX T.\::~~-;_.--._-1 ---_.-----IC,TY P H.U SET AX------._--,----., ~o o,--~~r -"~~~WILL CALL 3 .00 ~~G ENER AL FIRM TYPE n.cc .Gr.S CONTRAC TO R TOWN OF VAI L R EG,NO ,0>----TO TAL P E R M IT F E CS 15 3.00 !:OLAR wooc .- T HE liEAT----_...------a,l'E~--d1r.2J.-9J -------- FJRM A OOlT IONI\L PER MITS N EEDED :u I D IN 'II L AE ClEC TR ICAl z,!'.~'=-T QWNOF VI\!L REG ,NO ,---------------C ON TRACT OR ST.CUT ON I NG ....OMINIST/lA 1QU DATE T H E.£ILASTINC-rONI Ne &BU ILOING NO TES;-fIR M PAflKl"lC PLU MBING TOWN Q F VAIL R EG ,N O .I-- CONTRACTO R OEMO, T EL F.~ ElllM ACCCRATi UE ~~lVC &sw I hereby acknowledge th aiI have read this app lication.fi lled cu t i n full the I n forma ti on r equi red. MECHAN IC AL L75-M c omplet ed an accura te pt ot p lan.end stale t hat a ll th e i nf orma l i onpro vided as required is c o rrect.I C ONTRACTOR TOWN Of V AIL REG .NO .agree to co mply with the tnto rmattc n an d protplan,to c omply w;'h a ll T~d;n an ce ,an d state T ELE ,9 45 -1586 la ws.a nd 10 bu ild ttua stru cture e cccrdt nq ,oc~he T o~~:~;ng an d'vtstcn coo es.dc,;g n OTHER FlffM rev iew app ro ved,U n i form Ou i lding Code an d 0 ~..~nee 'Qi ~:;,1\e:!i Ca b te t hereto . T QWNOF V All REG.N O S GN¢~RE OF QW N£t(ORC ON TRAC TOR f OR H IM SELF C ON T RAC TO R TE lE. AN D T •OWNER . ~-_...~.__. ..~_._-_._._.-_.-~, ...~TOWN OFVAIL CONS TRUCTIOAit PERM IT APPL ICATIONFORM DATE:{[-,Ie -t 3.. P ERNIT 3(P 53D •.. APP LICATION MU STBE F ILLED OUT COMP LETELYOR IT MA Y NO T BEACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••P EffilIT I NFORMATI ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [j-Build inq [j-Pl umbinq [j -E l ectric al 9\l-Mecha nical [j-Ot he r _ J ob Name:(O ,v\U1 ~n D ,~l'b-J ob Addres s:;;2,4 :f-7 ~5 rM I '»,", Le gal De s cr ipti on :Lot /~Block-.-ti-Fi ling SUB DIVISION : Own ers Na me: Arch itect : Number of Dwelling uni ts:Ol N U IT~er o fAc commo dat io n Units: ~mber a nd Ty pe o f Fi r epl a ces :Gas App l ia n ces Ga sLo gs Wo od/Pellet 1\*********************************VALU ATIONS ********************************* BUI L DI NG :$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ P LUHBING :$MECHAN ICAL:$,'-,I DO-Ul!e r:5:~£..T OTAL:$,-------- ~***************************CONTRA CTOR I NFORMATI ON *************************** "ene ra l Co ntr ac t o r:l ,j'l\4;<"S'\.(dl\.S1-I'.....<....-h.v-...Town of VailReg.NO .==-__ Addre ss :)L(,"-J ~'e"b)1 .c.o phone Nu mb er:j'i "-m== El ectr i c al Con tra ctor : Ad dress : T own o f Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Numb e r : .Plu mb i ng Contra ctor : Ad dres s: T own o f Va il Reg .NO ._ Phone Numbe r : Mec ha ni cal contract or:A<.Lv c"'d ~H .,...Jt;....~~'M Addr es s:!fo<2d11tel,5 If "..........r?st Ci ""1 1 e M a 'b.-.Z Town of Va il Re g.No./15-((\ Phone Numbe r:1"r -Iff(... 2>0 - BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZOIII NG : SIGNATURE : VALUAT IONSQ.F T.GR OUPTYPE ********************************FOR OF FICEUSE ******************************* BUILDINGPLANCHECKF EE : P LmlBING P LANCHECKF EE: MECHANICAL P LAN CHE CK FEE: ~~~~07~_n RECREATIONF EE:3.."0,e.t (ftx>'CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT : TOTA L PEffi1IT FEEl>:LIS",,3"'--__-,--_('M ~---Ilkl/!.3--',, BUILDI NG PERHIT FEE : P LU MBINGPERMIT FEE: ME CHANICAL P ERHIT FEE: ELECTRICA L FEE : OTHERT YPE OFFEE : DRB FEE: Comrnent s:_ (CLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFOliD TO: .. lown of vai 15 soulh rro ntage road vail ,colorado 8 1657 (303)4 79 -2 138 or 47 9 -21 39 • office o fc o mmunity dev elopment BU ILDIN G PERI·:IT IS SUANCE TI HE FRMiE I f t his penmt t r equires a Tow n of Vail Fire Depa rtment Approval . Eng inee r "s (Publi c t-:o rks)r eviewand a pproval,a Plan n ing Oe par bn ent revieloJ -or He a lth Departmen t review,a nd ar evi ew by the Bu il ding Departme nt,t he est itr.ated tim ef ora total r evi ew may ta ke as long as three weeks , All conmerc ie l (large o rs mall)and all mult i -fam il ypermitswil l haveto fo ll ow the a bo ve me ntioned max im um re qu i r ements.Re sident ial a nd sm all project sshouldta ke a l esser amo un t oft ime.Howeve r,if r estdent tal or sm al lerpro jec ts i mpa ct the va rious above me ntione d depa rtments with regard toneces sary re vi ew .th esepro jects may a l so t ake the three wee kper iod . Ever y attemp t wil lbemadebyt h is de pa rtment to e xped ite thi s permtt as ,soo n as possib le. 1.t he unde rsigned.unders tandt he planc heckprocedurean d ti me frame, 1-~"W ,'Ag r ee to by.',.' , ~D a t e \\'or k COIJlllU ni t y Sheet was turned in t o th e Dev e lopm ent Depa r tme nt. ~'\:i luwn ul vail ~ •-.,., ,, 75 sou lh frontage r oad vall,colo rado 8165 7 (303)479-21.38 or 479 -2139 o f fic eo f com mu nityd evelopmen t T O: FROM: DATE : SUBJECT : ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYLREGISTERED HITli THE T01 VN OF VAIL TONN OF VAIL PUBLIC NORKS/COHMUN ITY DEVE LOPHENT HARCH 16 ,198B COlISTRUCTION PARKING &IlATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No .6 stat es that it is unlawful f or a ny pers on to l itter ,track or dep osit a ny soil,rock ,s and ,d e bris o r material,i nclUdi n g trash du mpst ers,portable toilets a nd workme n v e hi cles u pon any street ,sidewalk ,a lley o r pUblic pl ace or any portion t hereof .The right -ot-way on a ll Town of vai l streets and roads is approx imately 5 ft.off pavement. T h is ordinance will be s trictly e n fo r ced by the Town of Vail Pub lic Wo rks Department.Persons f ound v iolatingt his ordinance will be given a24 hour writt en notic e to remove said mat er i al . I n t he event the pers en so notified d o es not co~ply with the not ice with in the 2 4 hou r time s pec ified ,t he Pu blic Wo r ks Department will remove said material at th ee x pense of person n otifi ed .The prov isions of this ordinance shall n ot be a pplica b le to construct ion ,ma i ntenance or rep air pro jects o f any streeto r a l ley or a ny u ti lit ies in t her ight-a-wa y . T o r eview o rd ina nce No.6 i n fu ll,p lease stop by the T own of Vai l Building Department to obta in a c opy .Thanky ou f or you r c ooper a tio n on this matter . R eada nd )t~~~~~__ "_b e&,i s c \C ""'X~-te&~o sit i o n /R cla t i on s h1 p t o project (i.e .c ontract or ,o wner) JC \H.:Io16-==7,-",2-~_ Date •• Plan Review Bas ed on : the 1992 Uniform Codes .. NAM E:CONNERS MECHAN ICAL ADD RESS :2 427 GARMIS H DR . VAIL ,COLORADO OCCUPA NCY:R3 TYPEOF CONST RUCTION:V DATE :11/2 4/9) CO NTRACTOR :~CCURATE HEA TING ARCHITECT :NO NE ENGINEER:N ONE PL ANS EXAM INER:C .F ELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements i n the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes .The falIqwlog is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or an y ordinance of the Town of Vail . 1 )COMB USTI ON AI R I S REQUIRED PERSEC .6 07 OFTHE ·199 1 UMC. 2 )ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPME NT MUS T CO MPL Y WITH SEC.70 3 OF THE 1 991 UMC . 3 )I NSTALLATION MUST CO NFORM TO MA NUFACTU RESIN ST RU CTIONSANDTO APPE NDIX CHA PTER 2 1 OF THE 1 991 UMC. 4 )GA S LI NE TEST AND IN SP ECTI ON I S REQ UIREDBEFORE CO NNECTION OF AN Y EQUIPMENT PERSEC.120 6 OF THE 1 991UPC. 5)GASAPP LIANCES SHALL BE VE NTED ACCORDING TO CHA P TER 9OF THE 1991 UMC. 6 )DRA INAGE OF ME CHAN I CAL ROOM S CO NT AININGHEATING ORHOT-WA TER - SUPPLYBOILERS SHAL L BEEQUIPPE D WITH AFL OOR DRAIN P ER SEC .21 19 OFTHE 1 99 1 UM C. 7 )F IELD INSPECTI ON I S REQUIRED F OR CO DE CO MPLI ANC E . 8 )P ERMIT ,PLANS AND CODE AN ALY SIS MUST BEP OSTED IN ME CHAN ICAL ROOM PR I OR TO AN IN SPE CTI ON REQUE ST . Town of Vail OFFICE COpy TownofVaB OFFICE COpy (,I I f ".IV-,:v t»-c e \\0,wIJI J ~tr" o I' ~'1.~o" ,z 2'.'115 'i I ' « \1>+f A-~'A "e \\~,.JV\\U o -.. -l ~w ~ l-•W W I Cf) o<:l (9 Z-I-« W I•W I-:t«r 0:./'~-q..·0 ::J ~~<'=.,"-0 .s """<s-O .s r-«0 c ("1.c•'"o :r'of -..)r(, I • To wn of Va il 2 5 S o uth Frontage Ro ad Va il,Colorado 8 16 57 (3 0 3)479-2 136 Name:CO NNERSDUPLEX I A Date :Ju ne 1 0 ,19 93 Occupan cy :R3 ,M l Type o fCons t :V-N t he Plan a na lys is based on 19 91 Uniform Buildi ng Code Address :2485 GARM ISH DR. Contractor :NOVAGRO UP Ar chite ct :DAVIDIR WIN En g inee r;T .BOYLE Pl ans Exam i n er :C.FELDMAN N NOTE:Th e c ode i tems l i st ed in this r eport are not int ended t o be a compl e te listing of a ll possible c ode requireme nt s i nt he 1 991 UBC .It is a guide to selecteds ect ions o f the c ode . ====================~~-======================================================== DI RECTI ON BOUND ARY NORT HBui lding EAST Property l in e S OUTH P r operty line WEST Property line S EPARAT ION AREA IN CREA SE 0.0 Fe et 21.0 Feet 1 6 .0 Fee t 9 3 .0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 0 .0 Feet 2 1.0 Feet 1 6.0 Feet 93 .0 F ee t EXTERI OR WALL FI RERATIN GS AND OPENINGP ROTECTI ON Tabl e 1 7-A &Tab le 5-A NOR TH EAST S OUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON -BRGOPNG BRG NO N-BRG OP NG BRG NON -BRG OPNG WALL WALL P ROT WAL L WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WA LL WAL L PROT R3 I h r*I h r*NOP OhrOhr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ml I hr*I hr*NO P Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr No ne OhrOhr None Th e e x te r io r wallsmay b e o f COMB USTIB LE material .S ec .2 20 1. None --No fire p ro tec tio n requirements for open ings . Pro t --Openings are t o b ep rotected with 3/4h r fire assembli es . 5 0%of the area of t he wall maximum.Sec.2203.(b)&Table 5 -A Maxi mu m singlewin dow s ize is 8 4 sq .ft with n o d imen si on greater than 1 2 feet.--S ec .43 06 .(h) NOP --Open in gs are n ot permitted i n thi swall . *--The se walls may be re qui red to ha ve a p ar apet wal l 3 0 inches above the roofi ng.The parapet wall is r e quiredt o h avet he s ame fire rat ing as the wall.S ee secti on 1 710.for d et ails an d ex cep tions . F L NAME AREA MIN.LI GH TMI N.VE NT NO .EXITS EGRESS 2Be droom #2 1 5 3 1 5 .30 7 .65 1 Yes •• 2 Ba th r o om 84 0.00 2 Bedroom 13 12 0 12.00 2 Mas te r bath 8 7 0 .0 0 2 Master bedroom 17 91 7.90 2 Ha ll s ,c losets ,et c .2 58 0 .00 TOTAL FOR FL OOR 881 1 Ki tchen 14 2 1 4.20 1 Of fice 77 10 .00 1 Lau ndry room 3 1 0 .00 1 Ba th r oom 38 0 .0 0 1 Liv ing room 18 918 .90 1 Din ing r oom 143 14.30 1 Halls ,closet s ,etc .1 53 0 .0 0 TOTAL FORFLOOR 773 B Garage 47 4 0 .0 0 B Furna ce room 39 0.00 B Ha lls ,clos ets ,e tc .151 0 .0 0 TOTAL F OR FL OOR 664 BUILDINGTOTAL 1654 • 4 .20 1 No 6.00 1 Yes 4 .35 1No 8 .95 1 Yes 0.00 1No 1 7.10 1No 5.00 1No 1.55 1No 1.90 1No 9.45 1 No 7 .15 1 No 0.0 0 1 No 1 0 .00 1 No 0.00 1 No 0 .00 1No 1Yes 1 FOOTNOTES: 1 )EGRE SS -An o perab le wi ndow or d o or that open s dire ct ly t o thee x teri or i s r equi red from t his ro om.Themi n im um clea r o pen ab le are a must meet t he f ol lowing.--Se c .1 204. 1)The minimum clear height i s 24 i nches 2 )The mi nimu m clear wi dth is 20 inches 3)The minimum c l ear area i s 5 .7s quare fe et 4)The maximums il lh eight is 44 i nc hes 2)Th en umber o f e xi ts i s b as ed o nTab le 33 -A (Dwellings) 3)A mec ha nic al ve ntilation system may be u sed i n i n lieu o f exteri or open ings fo r vent ilat ion .--S ec.1 20 5.{c) 4)The requ ir ement for a n egres s window in the basement i s ba sed o n Sec .1 2 04. ROOM DIMENSIONS : Hab i table s p a ce shall have a c ei l ing h eight of not l esst han 7 f ee t6 i n ches .Kitchens ,halls ,bathro oms and t oilet compartment s may havea cei l ing height of 7 feet mea sured to the l owest pro jection .If the c eiling i s sl oping ,then the minimum he ight is required i n on ly 1 /2 of the a rea . --Se c.12 07.(al Every dwelling unit shall h ave at l ea s to ne room which has n ot l es s than 120 s qua re fe et o f f lo or area .Oth er h abi table rooms except kitchens s h all h ave an a r ea o fn ot l ess tha n 7 0s qua re feet .--Se c .1 20 7.(b) Habit able r ooms ot her t hanak it chen sh all n ot b el es st han7 f e et i n a ny d imens ion .--Se c .12 07 .(c) GLAZI NG RE QU IREMENTS: All glaz ing i n h aza rdous l o cati on s is required to be o f safet y g lazing ma te rial.--Sec .5 406 .(d) 1)Gl azing in i ng re ssan d egress doo rs exc e pt ja l ous ies . 2 )Glazi ng in fix ed a nd sliding p ane ls o f sl i dingd oor a sse mb lies and panels in swing ing d o ors o ther tha n wardrobe d o or s . 3 )Glazing i n st orm d o ors . 4)Glazing in all un framed s wingingd oo rs. •• 5}Glazi ng i n doors and e nc lo su re s for h ot tubs ,whi rl pool s,saunas ,steam rooms ,ba thtubs and s howers .Glazing i n any portion of a bu ilding wa ll enclo s ing these compa rtme nts where the bottom exposed edge of the gl a zi ng i sl esst han60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet . 6)Glaz ing i nf ixed or ope rable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed e d ge o f the glazx ing is within a 24-i nch arc of either vertical e d ge of t he d o or in a c los ed position and wh ere the bottom exposed edge of t he gl az ing is less t han60i nches above the walking sur face . 7)Gla zi ng in an i nd ividual f ixed or operab le p anel ,other than those locations d escribed i n items5 and 6 above ,than meets all of the follo win gc o nd i ti ons : A.Expose d are a o f a ni n dividual pan e g r eater than 9 squ are feet. B.Exp osed b o tt om edge less than 1 8 inche s a bo ve thef loor . C.Ex posed top edge g re a te r tha n 36 in ches abo ve th ef loo r . D.One or more walk ing s urf aces within 3 6 i nc hesh oriz ontal ly o f the pl an e of the g laz ing. 8 )Gl azi ng in railings reg ard le ss o f hei ght ab o ve a walk ing surfa c e. I ncl ude d are st ruc tu ra l b alu ster p an el s and n onst ructura l in -fill panels . See exceptions . SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREME NTS : A smoke detector is required on the ce iling or wall a t a po i nt centrally located in t he corridor o r area giv ing access t o each s le ep ing area . --Sec .1210 .(a)4. A smoke detec tor is required on the c eiling or walli n each s leeping a rea.--Sec .I 2I O.{a)4 . A s moke detec to r is r e quired i n t he base ment .--Sec .1 210.(a)4 . As moke det ector is required o na lls tories .--Sec .1210 .(a)4. If the u pper l e v el c on ta inss leep ing room (s),as mo ke d etector i s required i n t he c ei ling o f t he uppe r l e ve l close to t he stairway . --Sec .1 2 10 .la )4 Smo ke detect ors are r equi r ed to be wired to th eb ui ldi ng 's p ower so urce and s hall b e equipped wit hab a tt ery backup.--Sec .121 0.(a )3 . De te ct ors shal l s ound a n a l arma ud ib le in all sleepi ng area o f the dwelling i n which they are locat ed .--S ec .1 210 .(a)4. OCCUPA NC Y SEP ARA TION: Be t ween the ga rage and the res id ence ,mater ials a pprov ed f or l hr fire co nstruction a re r eq ui red on t he garage s ide o nl y and any door s b etween t he garage a nd the resi denc ea re to be a s el f -closing 1 3/8 i nchs olid core door o r a20 minute fir e door .--Ta ble 5 -8 &S ec .503 .(d)exc.13 STAIR REQUIREMEN TS : A stairway in a dwelling must b e at least 36 inches wide.--Sec .3306 .(b) Themaximum rise of a step is 8 inche s and the minimum run is 9 i nc hes. --Sec .330 6.lc )ex c.11 P rovi de ah a nd railon one side a stairway 34 t o38 in ch es above the nosing if t here i s 4 o rmo re ri sers.--Sec .3306 .(i) Pr ovide a g ua rd rail whe re drop o ff is greate r than 30 i nche s.Minimum height =36i nches ,maximum o peni ngs ize =4i nc he s.--Se c .1 71 2.(a)ex c .#1 The minimum h eadroom is 6 ft .-8 in che s.--Sec.3306 .(0) ••• Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for Ihr fire-resistive construction .--Sec .3306 .(1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES : 1 )Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with ac ross -sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on t he inside with not l ess than 26g age galvanized sheet metal with all j oin ts locklapped .The outs ide must be 1 hr construct ion .All openings into any such enc losur es hall be protected by not l ess than a self-closing s ol id wood door 1 3/8 inche st hick or equivalent .--Sec .1 7 06.(f) 2)Gas vents a nd noncombus tib le piping i nst alled in wa lls passing th rough 3 floors o r l e ss do not n eed t o be i n1h our sha fts . --Sec .1706.(c) 3 )Shafts for g asv ent s,fa ctor y-built Ch imne ys ,p ip ing,or ducts that do not ext end throu gh n ot more th an 2f loo rs ne edn ot be in 1 hours hafts . --Sec .1706.(c) 4 }Al l other s ha fts are requi r ed t o be en c lose d in a1 h our asse mbly . --Sec .1 706.(a) CRAWL SPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1)P rovide vent i lation either by mechanical mean s o r by openings in exterior walls.Opening shall provide a net area o f not less than 1 squ ar e foot for each 150 squa re feet of a rea i n craw l space .Openings s hall be distributed on two opposite sides and b e locat ed as close to co rners as practical . --Sec .25l6 .(c)6.Not e:Vent open ings may be reduced to 10%of t he above if ground surface a rea is covered with an approved vapo r ba rr ier and the bui lding official a pprove s. For a664 .0 sq .ft.c r awlsp ace area: Ratio Mi nimum sq .ft .of vent 1 /150 4.4 3 2)Prov ide 18 -inch by 24 -inc h ac cess o pening to the crawl space a r ea .Note : opening may be r e qu ired to be l arger if mechanical equipment is l oc ated in the cra wl spac e.--Sec .25 16.(c)2 . 3)Unless the wo od is listed as an approved wo od of n atu ra l res ist ance t o deca y or t r eatedwo od ,the minimum clearanc eb e tween exposed earth and f loor j oist i s 1 8 in che s.The mi nimum clearanc e to b eamsa nd g i rde rs i s is 12 i nches .--S ec.2 5 16 .(c)2 . ADDITIONALREQUIREMEN TS: For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improveme nt surve y . shall be submitted and approved prior to request fo r inspe cti on . Such surve y frame All crawl spaces wi thin the t own of vail are limited to a earth t o structural f loor ceiling he ight of 5 ',be earth floor only ,be v entilated as per UBC 2516(c)6 with minimum access as pe r UBC 25 16(c)2 a nd maximum access o f 9 sq.Ft. Any bui ld ing site wi th as lope of 3 0 d egrees or more shall requ i re an engineer des ign .Suc h design shal l addr ess dra inage ,soil retainage , and structura ld esign. ..•• Exc ava ti onb elow slabso ng rade shal ln ot be p erm itt ed without p ri or a pprova l. Add re ss numb ers s h all be pos t ed p la in ly v isible and legi blef rom t he st reet . ForMl o ccupa nc y Slopeg a rage f loor t o a llow f or d ra inage to outs ide or provi dea floo r drai n with with s and and oi l in terc ept or t o dry we ll o r t o s ewe r.Any garagef loor dra in conne c tedt o se wer must b e appproved b y Uppe rEagle Vall ey Wat er &S a ni tation Dis trict . In ga rages withl i ving area abov e,the wall s of t he ga ra ge whi cha re bearing the are a above shall b e protectedwi tho neh o ur f ire resis tive const ruc tion .USC S 0 3(b). ,• Town of Vail 25 South Fron tage Ro ad Va il ,Colorado 81657 (3 0 3)479 -2138 • Na me :CONNERS DU PLEX Dat e :June 1 0 ,1 993 Occ upancy :R3 ,M l Ty pe o f Co nst:V-N Plan review based o n the 1 991 Uniform Building Code Addre ss :2485 GARM ISH DR . Con tra c tor :NOVA GR OUP Archi tect :DAVID I RWIN Engineer :T .BOYLE Pla ns Examiner:C.FE LDMANN 5 __========================================================================== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COMMO N WALL This exte rior wa ll is requ ired t o b e a Ihr fi re assembly.--Table 5-A Th is exte rior wa ll is requ ired t o b e a Ihr f ire assemb l y.--Tab le 5 -A Thi sp roject will require a site i mprovement s u rv ey . Thi ss ur vey s ha ll be s ubmitted and staff approved pri or to a re que s t fo r a f rame inspection .Unde rn o circums ta nces willa fram e ins pection be d one wi tho ut an approved si te impro vement survey . All areas deli neat ed as crawl spaces o rn onhabit. basement shall have l e sst han 5 'ht .fr om earth to structural fl o or /cei li ng above,be v entilated as pe r UB C 2516 ,with minimum access as per UB C25 16 a nd max .access of 9 s q .ft . Exterio r surfaces wi th s tucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UB C 4706 wi th2 laye rs of paper .Windows a n d d o ors ar e r equir ed to be adequate ly flas he d(not wi th ju st screed metal )A l ath i nspe ct i o n is required p rior s tuc co application. All new constructi on wi t hin the Town of Vail will be r equ ired to have a n i ni tial inspect i on by TOV Pub l ic Work s Dept .t o approves ite d rainag e and c ulvert in s tallation.Thi s approval must b e c omplete p rior t o any inspe ction by the Building Depart ment . This project is restr icted from the burn ing of wood in f ireplaces .Unles s t he lot is a restricted lot in siz e ,t hr ee ga s l ogs fir ep lac es and t hree gas app liances ar e p ermit ted p er u nita l lowed .Gas log c himne y se nc los ures s hal lb e one h r.protected . •• 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 1 8 MECH.ROO M In bat hrooms witha tub o rs hower and i n laundry r ooms amechanic al v ent ilation system con nec ted di rect ly t o t he outsi d e shall be p rov ide d.Bath rms whi chcont a in o nly a water closet or l ay .may be vent il ated wi th ar ecircul atingf a n.USC 120S (c). Domestic clothes dryer exh aust ducts shall be i nstalled as per UM C 110 4 and 1 903.Flexible du ct connectorsmayn ot e xc eed 6'in l ength and shall n ot be concealed wi thin const r uct ion.Ducts sha ll te rmina te ou t si de t he b uildi nga nd n ot e xce ed 1 4' lengt h. No d omestic d ishwash ing mach ine s hall be direc tly conn ec ted t oad rainage syst em wit ho ut the use of an approved di sh was her a ir-gap f it ting.UPC 608 . Cros s connection con trol de vices shall b e instal led to protect p ollut iono f po table waters up pl y by us e of a pp ro vedb a ck f low pre ve n tion devices .UPC 10 03. I sland f ix tu res s hallb es p ecial v ent ed a s pe r UPC 6 14 . Pl Umbing f i xtu res wit hmec han ical apparat us shall be suppl ied wi tha n access panel for inspe c tion and repai r o f equipmen t.UPC 904 . Domes tic ranges s hall havea verti calclearance ab o ve t he c oo king su rface o f not l esst han 30 "t o unprotectedc ombusti ble mat er ial .UMC 1 901 . A be droom ,b ath room,c lose t o r any enc losed space wi th a ccess th r ough such ro om shal ln ot b e u t ili zed fo r fu el bu rn ing appli canc es .A cl oseto r a lcove shall n ot be les s t han1 2 11wider th an furna ce wi th a mi nimum 3 "s pac e o n a ll s ides.UMC 704 . App rovedg as log s mayb e i nsta l led i n solid-fue l burningf irepl aces provided the i nstall at i o n i s acco r dingt ot he l isti ngi nstru c tion s,any damper sha ll b e removed or pe rmanently b locked ,and a safety shut off valve is p rovided .UMC 803 . Supp ly a mech an ical d rawing i ndica ting de sign o f s y ste m,size (BTU andv o lume)o f equ ipment,vent l ocation and t ermin ati on ,and cOmbust io na ir t o be suppliedp rio r to an y i nsta l lation . Due t o Colo ra do StateSta tut es ,al l s inkf aucett s and s hower h ea ds are requir ed to u tilize fl ow r es tri cti on d e vice s .Also ,t he maximum water clos et flush u sagei s limi t ed t oamaximum of 3.5 g allons pe r fl us h. • ..•• 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 Thee n closed u sab les pace under t he stairs is r equ ired to be protect ed b y I hr f ire -resi st ive c onstructi on.3306 .(1) The open side o f all d ecks,p orches ,stai rs ,etc . whic ha remore than 30 "a bove grade s ha l l be protect ed with a guard ra il .Openi n gs c an n ot exc eed 6 ".Withi n R'<I occ .and a l l R-3 ,h ei ght mi n .i s 3 6"-ou tside a-a oc c .he i ght min .is 4 2 ".USC 17 1 1. At e a v esa nd v all ey sa n a d equate underlayment sha ll be pr ov ided t o p rotect a s t ruc tu re from ice b uildup and wat er d amag e.Two lay e rs of f elts olidmop ped t o sheathing and between l ay e rs or a comme rcial wat er &ice s hiel d may be used a s p er T able 32 8 1. Any b u ilding s ite with as lope g reate rt h an 30 deg re es s hal l r equ ire engi neer des ignedd rawing s. Avalanc he area s shal l requi re suc h engine ere d d ra win gs a l s o.Dra i nage and struc tu ra l i nteg ri ty s h al l b e addre ss ed by such d raw ing s . Bec ause o f this p r o j ec t's l o ca t i on ,the fou n dation is r equired to be d amp proofed to prevent damage to area s b e lo w finish edg rade .UBC 1 70 7 (d l. Th e stru cture is r equ ired to b e a nch ored t ot he fo undataio nwith 1/2 inch ancho r bo l ts .The b olts must be i nto t he concrete o r mas o nry 7 in ches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet a pa rt .S ee code f or additional requireme nts .--S ec.2 907 .(f ) •~RETENTION •ENGINEERI NG ~I ~ORPORATED.\~- /J7..?Y/~#f/b",;-//%/~~~'::-, ;:-.5.(OYc'r/v'-/7/~)~=.~ ,:::<(6/7d):>/.",-:;> / '--. ~RETENTION ..ENGINEERING ~INCORPORATED a ECTNAM E J OBNUMBER SUBJECT k~""''-=>/s~.I--:-If /--=..fYS ?5'<.#"C.-70';//:;=£ZC',...~ I I /.0'" /1 /\"'",,~n/..",,~,,~ I /!~.-%41,r/j'...../d sT ;7f",,'e=/ ,I //;>;0;:'£~/c/",tJ'?f!L ~s;"-,,') ~'1~;"'"I / 'tj ~•1yt I 'JI,~ '!..~'~'\I /j ~".s, ~\'~+J '.~z ~ I ,I,~I h'~~i«(d.==/-#0, ! I , ".!"""""I,•I !\~I I I I ,j 1 ~,~/\ '. '.;,'-\ '\J ~, .'"?~',' 9'...<171 17)&=s:7 a ~"~ I7t\......,"o »,I~1 S\ I7C~~I I )1 :-(.,;\. I .£=sc ~-'" ,\~I\ I-I I /# ;?"'ff"ft,-/'/7/;,,,/)(;>~/7;#1",=~44<>)(:~::;,,)-..1,.3.]::>r .. g "/6/":'f'/:VCV?7<"/'r;'...;roe:=(Z.5-")(r~) 2.~=(/Z c.)(:f......)(S-:=)~~::><20 ""I- JJ1e =(z.~"')(5;O>lo)"/0?=/;<it ) /75'./:/</"'--/",,/,/7/;''1)-,A-I',.e:#:>=/Z.:i>V?S,3 :Iv =:S~Z8?~~ /R'4d. </ ~RETENTION •ENGINEERING ~INCORPORATED F :>.(5~/9)=(r ~2(k;p) T '"F5.(.5~",j =(.s;.:>~XO.S-:l/)-@§"?/.5Z>~ /,4'40 , O·7"- 1?--z:~ (L -z e) • ~RETENTION ..ENGIN EERING ~INCORPORATED I, i ~ !'" l ~ I ~ ~1'~e-"J ~II1.(:;'l:l "J ~'"I;)"" v?-l 1 ~I ~~I ~~~I '""i ....."JI,-"~,~'",!,! -r-,II I g j ('.'Il '::-;'I,':>;03 ~,i ~,'I ~ I''"I ";'\:i.'"I', 1 i!,I I'~ , ":"""\"j ,~:~~~,~~I,~,, r ".,,'''-I'~""'"""I ,'J ,.,., I ,,:,,I,I'\1 '\1 ',:-...I ""•c-,•~,"':.'):0 ! <l, ~ II ~, ~ ~~t::J,"l ~ "\0"~~'<}~~"~~~'", *~~ -',\..--,..,~~,~~'-:::. "\"i.~II "J'i '",'~,J'~I \ II '~ ~I {}..,;:,.. ~I ,Ii".'~ " -, -, ~"~:J.. <:t)~ II ' '1..~ \I, ....~t), ~.' ~~11 II II ""l~ ••TOWN OFVAil DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 479-2158 FIE LD MEMO To ,CQNNre<,f?v5 ' Attention :---r:-:r:CocJNE;"e S G,!lflM I S H D(2 Slgned,r2hJi~Dete:'Ih jqtj -r.-..".~'~~ATitle:..:z:::;.v s.a-:ClO e -o.&iH "r ,0 """-1 CONTRACTOR 'S COMMENTS Received by:Date :~_ W M<>-Conlraa", l'ino.-e<>n61maon Eng__ Carlary-Flie ••TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 479-2158 FIELD MEMO To :f -)CONNff?S Attenlion:&:l'L011'1 ~DrPT. PROJECT(LOCATlON):'1'/'J-7 C?A£V1'1 I SI -I D R. B-1 tl ls /q3 (j)All Mi\rr~Ir\<-,0 sr l1n"o.....C>F ".O:1A..i..~@ DQ\lJf W""'I I\((ys,>10 BE:-:r",-,~l.£"O ®ALL De I'\/Nr16C TO sr W"~I.<TNG.~pofJf'(7co! B YTODf'l'y ID/'J.~/cr3 (j)E~('\<Jmoe.\'V"J~I I?FVl1autC -T""Y\-NDeil1 o.,mf' ANI)'-t'U\'L'Q NOT Au.ouJ'o "TO PIl e.l(. 1"N --1">,""-l?<.>r'\O I oLJFQ NIlE:/., tflL M~r,-e'''l Slgned:~[f~oale :fO/'9/"I3 "'~f"g £i2f"MOIJe'"O Tltle::r!\J'Pf et:SR.Date:F=~H""=Ot t:'"OdD'• CONTRACTOR 'S COMMENTS Whne--Col>uaclor PWl--eo....lruclOn Eng;.- Canary-fl" ReceIVed}'Y:~e :,fJ '..' Cont rac tor'scopy t obekepto njo bslte. ••,TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT ,-•PE RMIT NO .0 02 52v J 1.2427 Garm ieh Drive (Job N_Of Lo <:alion 01 Worl<) , S INSPECTION REM ARKS:---'_ Bill to :Thomas and Diane Conners j, ! --. Receipt II :--,5l>9Cl3",8~---,_--;;===_ WATERSEWER A S-ELECTRIC _TELEPHONE C ABLETV LA NDSCAPINGTEMPORARYSITE A CCESS $75.00 Paid;Debbie:Roebnd (F'U~l;eWOf.') Permit Fee 3 .Work is for (circll:t one) 2.Baskins Con.cruction.P.O.Box 212 .EdWA rd"CO (ExcaVll~"lI ConI1acror'.Nam e ,Ad<lr ...,~n CIM .and LIe ,,,,,.No .) SK ETCHPLANOF WORK ATIACHED •,/IlPPLICATION F OR -'T OWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 q >. ~~= Street Addre ~ , • Phone It legal Description /~~~~,+' Address • 1 ,JobName 2 .Excavating Contracto r Name ", 3 .StartDate ..0 0 (pe rmit Expiratl0l).Date) 4.Workisfor ,¥:ircle one)WaterSewe r Landscaping GasElectric Telepho ne Tempo rary S ite Access CATV Other_ 5.Trench-wldth _ (min.4') Length _Oepth _ Bo nd Amount $_PermitFee $J 5 _[0 Total Permit Fee $_ 6 .ALL MATER IAL ,EQUIPMENT,AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BEON THE J OBSITE BEFORE THE JOB I S STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers arereq uired on excavating equi pment when wo rking on asphalt. Asp halt s urfaces underneath the bucket shallbe protected atalltimes. 2 -;- Public Service C ompany (1-800 -922-1987 ) PSC o-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949 '5892)ff·,../%5 y---_ U.S.West (1·800,922,1987)tJw ,~"7 t.fi[;7 TClcablev isionoftheROCkiesW{9:553 ~.,,~-t::.-30-2.? ~~:~i:~:~I~'2161 )~cQu-.'),Electricians (479-2171);;{2>lh,i 2;«' B.As ignatu re below i ndicatesa review oftheareaan d utility locations a nd approvals.Once allut ility company signatures are obtained,pe rmittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the ne cessary Town 01 Vails ignatures,Pleaseal low one week top rocess . Upper Eagle Valley Water a nd San itation (476 -7480) ",.{~,4"",-,.& I 9.THERE W I LL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSU RESl A construction t raffic control pla n must beapp roved bythe Public Works Department priorto i ssuanceofthepermi t. 10.All excavation mus t be doneby hand with in 18-of utilities -(Senate Bill 172). 11,Permittee m ust con tact P ublic Works D epartmentat479 -2158 24 hours prior to commencing ba ckf ill ope rati ons. Failure tonotifytheTownwillres ult info rfeiture ofbondmon ey.Scheduled i nspect ionswhic h are not ready may result intheTown charging the contractor a relnspectionfee , 12 ,I certify that I have readall chapters o f Tit le 12 -Streets and Sidewalks,of theVail Munici pal Code and aU ut ility compan y agreements,signed byme .a nd will abide bythesa me,an dthat all utilities have beennot ified asrequi red . Contracto r 'S Sign ature 01 Agree ment Date of S ignature ' /~, ,/ (~).L: f 1"<" c .,.,." T HISIS N OTPU .\ White -P u ~'No ,\(5 Yellow -Finance ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INC LUDING CONTRUCTION AFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets wit h name ,b uildings ,and locationofc uts .USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. ~:,.....----;--..."J 7".A .... /,"s #.•• CA L LER INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL PE RMI T N UMBERO F PRO JECT !J ~1e.4 79 ·2138 DA TE f -;2£-ez;:'J OB NA ME l=bJ2,Jl-'lJ,--,--O,-,-,&,,-,(.-=S~,.-It}}~Uc......,:1.,--,_'~8/illt?r.:5 READYFO R 1 1~~~O N :biz M O~(TU E;)WED T HU R FRI e PM LO CA TI ON :Stu I11I'.5c n- ~//3/{J {P BUI LDING:PLUMB IN G: o FO OTINGS /S T E E L o U N DERGRO U N D o FOUNDA TION I ST EEL o RO UGH I D WV. o FRAMING o RO UGH I WA TER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N S U LATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK N AI L 0 0 0hiFINALo F IN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANI CAL : o T EMP.POWER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXHA USTH OODS o CO NDU IT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o F I NAL o F IN AL (/tfAPPROV ED o D ISA PPROVED o REIN SP ECT IO N REQU IRED 67/11 N EEDS T o DA TE -----"--"-'--1----''--'----'-----'-'''"--'----IN SPECT O R PM_____A M •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWNO F VAIL 479-2 138 CQNNU s e,s C ALLER -r=r _ MON ~W ED THUR FRI ;)<..f 27 GMWlIS 1-1'-_ • DATE READYFORIN SPEC TION ' LOCATIO N : In ,5(0 "'PE"'R""M""¥IolN""U M B ER0FPROJ EC T BUILDING :PLUMBING: o FOO TI NGS I STE EL o U NDERGR O UND o FOUN DATION I STEE L o ROUG H I DW V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L I H .T UB o S HEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0I\:f FI NAL j?U8((C '-<...J '-'oR k:::::'o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .PO WER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAU STHOO DS o CON DUIT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 "0FI NAL I o F I NAL C , "P'A PPROVED , o DIS APPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQ UIRED, C ORRECTIONS'7 I 7 I I. D ATE ...L..l.L~==-_--'-='--_IN S PECTOR ('-Jlj~V<C , INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O F VA IL 4 79-2138 C ALLER NAME 6J==-'--=='7::~/"J':--:;-----==-------='-----D ATE PERMITN UM BER O F PROJ ECT tJ -g5-%JOB CO RRECTIONS : READ Y FOR I ~:,E C T I O N :hdA MO N (TUE§)W EDTHUR FRI -9 PM L cr-r J ~n-LOCA TI ON :>-¢l1<310e:, BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FO Ot iNGS /S TEEL o U NDERGROU ND --o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W .V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S H EER o GA SPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POOL I H .TUB , o S HEETROCK NA IL 0 • 0 ,0 I'd FI N A L o F IN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:0-,o TE MP.POW ER o H EATING ,~--~o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS IIoCONDUIToSUPPLYAIRC 0 0 ~ o FINAL o F IN A L .\..... \'C [if.PPROV ED ~o D ISAPPROVED o ~S P E C T I O N REQUIR ED 0~_._ V- PERMIT NUMBER 0 PROJECT 1~ INSPECTION :MON cL (j ;;;"-J-- READ YFO R LOC ATION :--='--"---"''--='---<27''=---=--'-'=''--'=~--t<-'-'---------- BUILDING:PLUMB ING: o FO OTINGS I STEEL o U NDE RGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S HEER o G ASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 '!;ljFINAL ,Te O 'L!.~·,t liz o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST H OODS o CON OUIT o SUPPLYA lA 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL o AP PROVED o DI SAPPROVED ~C TIONREOUIRED COR RECTIONS: rf).£2.11 JI••1.II ..,....0 .;a,t/ /'4)'i )/I,.'/L I ...,/l_.n/,.'./h A#./n ~~ A ),~»:~'..?::P.J!{.p ...,~.,.,I t:?'/' /;/III' , Vv ,----------------------- , DATE -''--'''-...L..::>-_IN SP ECT OR L::""''''''''''-''--_ PERMIT NUMBER OF P R OJ ECT DATE .&[3Q l:1c:;JOB ;"A ME .:1J _____A M r:) INSPECTION REaUE~ TOWN OF V AIL 479-2138 , • • THUR .FRIWED CALLER ... e ." INSPECTION:MON '2--JT '2--'1-b. READY FOR '. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRA MING ROOF &SHE ERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATlDN _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0---,-,----------- FINAL PLUMBING: o U N DERGROU ND _ o R OUGH/D .W .V._ o ROU GH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FI N AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.PO WER 0 HEATIN G _ o ROUGH 0 EX HAUSTH OODS o CONDUIT 0 S UPPLY AIR _ o 0 _ FINAL 0F INAL o DISAPPROVED 0RE INSPECT/ONR EOUIJ CORRECTIONS: ._______~£40 9 :30 G PMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL . 479 -2138PERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT JOB NA ME (lON N U So >I;LL ~'-:L MON ~WEDTH UR C,tte'M (5 tI READYFOR IN SPECTIO N : L OCATION ::J L/')7 D ATE 10 -3/-'15 -(0 /5(0 BUILD ING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FO U NDATION /STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH /W ATER ROOF &SHE ER o GAS PI PIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSUL ATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0I¥FINAL PuBLIC WO{Jk S o FINAL ELECTRICAL:,ME CHAN ICAL: •o TEMP.POWER o HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED /(DI SAPPROVED ,t REINS PECT ION REQUIRED C t.£.H?,/EOL ....:ILLJ.LP _B e ., JcftLLFoe CdM (X PrE ~ D.TC H MUST CORRECTI ONS:_:;:;-::--::-__-::_ D ATE 10 ·3/-'15 IN SPECTOQKk 01=. ..........~.....-~~".•INS~~ECTION REQUESTITOWNOFVAIL Lr71JAJ!k:ki . 7X".3 qDid?J INS PEOCJ\Oj Nj M O r UES WED T H U R ~A M e !2:t/d7 ~~S (?&(Y/ PERMITN UMBE i OF PROJECT DA TE 7 C2 9 JOB -, ,BUIL91N-'~~./Ll.PLUMBING :te FO O T IN GS /ST EEL OuJ\,ii).=<~I K 0 UN DERG ROU ND _ o FOU ND ATIO N /ST EEL ~.~~0 RO UG H /D W.V ._ o FRAMING ~~6'0 ROUGH I W ATER o ~~'?~;O~H~~~L I NG Ii db};d;0GA S PIP ING -------'----- o INSU LAT IO N /I 'DeA-I-~0POOL /H .TUB -----'------- o SHEET ROCK N AIL l-fw weeK.0 ------------- o o FINA L o o FI NA L <'I . o REINSPEC T IO N REQ U IRED, MECH AN ICAL: o HE ATING _ o EXHAU ST HOODS ,.-__ o SU PPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL f I ELE CTRICAL : o TEM P.POWER _ o RO UGH o CON DUIT _ 0 _ o F I N ~.II /I ll ~;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 'b(APPROV(D CO RRECTIONS : D ATE 7-3 0-93 IN S PECTO R :;;;;~- PMFRIWEDTHURVR'-'-,_ C 0/0&10 e ':::, I :c =_- •••INSPECTION REQUES"'[ PERMIT N UMB ER O F PROJECT TOWNO FV A I L DA T E S!3/'i 3.J OB NAME ---"o.='-"::~::::r~----",-J?-"F~5,-,1 "d.;i)n.l.C.E _ p.'-'*;2.93> READ Y FOR INSPECTION; L OCA TI ON ;ALi J-7 -...."(f t ,0 '''''''jMi'.'~"-n'............,.--..,.--..---...,.,,-#.. BUI LDIN G:PL UMBING: o FOOTI NG S /ST EEL o U N DERGRO U N D o FOU ND ATION /S TEEL o RO UGH /D .W.V. o FRAMI NG o ROUG H /W ATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU LATION o POO L /H .T UB o SH EET ROCK N AIL 0 ,Ill f/(cfS S +C lll..U E er w sQ 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL :M ECHANI CAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o RO U GH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL ,o FI NAL ~I ~REINSP ECT IO NREQUIRED g F DtbJ (I b I-JrrV IN SPECTO R -'-==="-''----j,j='''''''=7Z------D ATE ~~Jq3,..-, ••••INSPECTION REQUEST. TOW N OFVA ILrOIL1\..(..~&$::=1 ~cI<...( CAL LER L(I.~&CII '''O;('V~Ctct(Q'/')-Nt8 I N SPECTI O N ;M ON lUES W EDTH UR (§)-----A M 8 '9 Y~('-y(C ,,1'S'I,PI<:'.-» &/% BUILDIN ~m-~PLUMBING : -;1 FOO TINGS I ST EE L o U ND ERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STeEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WATER RO OF &S HEER o GASPIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATI ON o POOL I H .TU B o SHEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o F I NAL E LECTRICAL:MECH ANICAL : o TE MP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUG H I o EXHAU ST H OODS o CONDU IT ,o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ,tr;(PPROVED I o D ISA PPROVED o R EIN$PECTIQN R eQUIRED CORRECT ION S: ,.I FRI D.d ••INSPECTION REQUES"'[ TOWN O F VAIL J'Vrc..-t l=L CA LLER ·A~..- W c-e;r INSPECTION :~T LJE S W ED TH .2-y'_&J (1 A.-1l ~ _.~---,.--'........~., PERMIT ~M ~R i~R O J ECT D ATE PI @ "3 JO B R EADY FOR LOCA TlON '--.....;.=--'---'"-'--'---~+=='-'-'=="'--"'----'="'-''--'-#:L-_ BUILDING:j~)PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDER GR OUND )(FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I D W .V . o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WATER , ROOF &SHEE R o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULATION o PO OL I H.TU B o S HEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROU GH o EX HAUST H OODS o C ONDUIT o SUPPLY AI R 0 0 O Ft!A L o FI NAL ~rft.f PROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQUIREDe CORRE CT IONS: .Llu..l~d JL , =s DATE ----L'7''--''-''-'-7''--'-'''---INSPECT O R ••••INSPECTION REQUEST. TOW N O F VA I L i:~a u.../y;J CALLER I ~-<::::L9'C ~ (l§~~~.,Q,-;:-...._.AM e--'INSPE CTION :MON ??-V2-:t- READ Y FDR LOC ATION :=-'-'_Z-----'---"..a==--=="""="""==-="-'--'~_ ,DATE ---l..'-f-l--'--f-=- o REIN SPECT ION REO UIREDoDI5AFJPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING:~o FOOT INGS /STEE L J:!<UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUG H /D.w.V . o FRAM IN G o ROUG H /WATER ROOF &SH EER o GASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL /H .T UB o S HE ETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHA UST HO ODS o CONDUI T o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL -1"0 A PPROV ED., CO RRECTIO NS : DATE INSPE CTOR __---'=-_ \.,...•••e ..........---~__.......w·~__1'I!""'t'",,.....-r"-.,..... F I I PERMIT NUMBER O FPRO JECT Ie ('I J [c I~ •INSPECTION REQUES "'[ TOWN OF VA IL J C' IY' ------A M c;.;) I C, I T HUR C ALLER -----'----r'~---------- TU ES W ED I I ('I' M ON ( I NSPECTION :::'14 r r"" READ Y FOR LOCATION : . BU ILDING:PL UM BING : o FO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDA TION I STEE L o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF s S H EER o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETR OCK NAI L 0Ll • 19'rioiT.\11 1 t (y..r 0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ~P R O V E D o D ISAPP ROVED o REINS PECTIONRE QUIRED CO RRECTIONS : 1 Mr ()~, DATE IN S PECT O R _____A M G0FRI CALL ER • READ Y FOR IN SPECT ION :MO NTUE SWED LOC AT ION :__:)<:..4 ..=..::),,-7,--..:..('--,/--,-,'BliJI....-'c-'-=H:I:..--_ ••(fl ,I t,INSPECTION REQUESl: PERM IT N UMBER O F PROJEC T T OWN OF VA IL DA TE ~JO BN AME _--'I'------'J--;;----3'C::'f'l\"--!."'--'-I\"-'l"--"~"'__=-- I eel(FI ~I ~x- /CO RRECTIONS: BU ILDING:PLU MBING : o FOOT INGS /STEEL o U ND ERGROUND o FOUN DA TIO N /ST EEL o ROUGH /D.w .v . o FRAMING o RO U GH /WA TER RO O F &S HEER o GA SPIPINGoPLYWQODNAILING o INS ULATION o POOL I H .TU B o SHEET RO CK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o F I NA L ELECTRICA L:MECH ANICAL : o T EMP.POWER ?,HEATING o ROUGH o EXH AU STH OO DS o CO NDUIT o SU PP LY A IR 0 0 o FINA L o F I NAL o APP ROVED X D ISAPPROV ED )t'REI NS PECT IO N REOU IRE D D A TE ------':....::-/-..LL.;L.;,L..J~-IN SPECTO R 'CI&?'/).I~ ••INSPECTION REQUEST- T OWNO FV AIL CALLER '"Ii-- T U ES W.EDTH UR @ ffA.!vJw.A!/--""'1 . • IN SPEC TION:M ON ')o -j ';f READYFOR LO CA TION;__--,="--=--"--'-"-'-''--''.L.L='-''''---_-='--'-_ DATE PERMIT NUMBE R O F PROJECT ,I I r/(0,;,J OB B UILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROU ND o FOUNDAT IO N I STEEL o ROUG H l O W-V. o FRAMIN G o ROUGH I WA TER ROO F &SH EER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL I H TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 t'l:'l /;/t-f1..--. 0 f p 'o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRI CAL :ME CHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOO DS o CONDU IT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROV ED CO RRECTIONS : o DIS APPROVED o REIN SPECT IONREQUIRED INS PECTO RIDATE__....:..._ ----••I SPECTION REQUEST.I TOWN O F VAIL 17,)))A~ f'] • PERMIT NUMBER O FPROJE CT DA TE __I.]j {j;J O B N AME ------;"-7~J......o:L..~~~~-:;;C7l"_:::::.,..._;,_-- CALL ER ----f..Ll.L.oJ'-'--''-_-'-...L...L-LL...I.'-.=<-L-_--=>_ MON ~WEDTH U R FRI&xi ili J,"';(1.e:w67 INS PECTION : ;;<4 --9 J '----'<:±-"--"---"""--'-'-""'--'-"--"---='-------"'''-''-''''----'''''..:.e..:....!_ READY FOR LOC ATIO N : B U~L P L ~ (O ~FO OTIN G S /STEEL D ..u NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL ~O U G H /D.W.V.'RFRAM ING (~,o.4r,z;:TJ d !:J !r,(,"}')~O U G H /WATER ROOF &S EER X GA S PIPING p,F(Sl ,;ljJ~~o PL YWOOD NAILING o IN SU LAT ION o POOL /H .T U B o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL __ ELEC TRICAL:~E C HA N I C A L :) o TEM P.POWER ~:A T I N G o RO UGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLYA IR 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL .~ 9i"f(-PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONR EQUIRED ./CO RRECTIONS :3;e=~i~9 Qe-_ I DA TE _"-=---'-_-'--"._IN SPECTOR PM_____AMFRI ••INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL THUR CA LLER -'--'''-''-'.L.::.-'---J/~f---,~I--,\",-~if \\\1\1 HIT MO NT UES (~D.Yi' • JO B NAM E --'----'---~-=-----'--'--__,___;o"',___--~~----- INSPECTION ' ,:)4 ;)7 tr I ')ir READ YFOR LOCATION '_---""---=-'-_--'''--'='--'-=..L!_-'-..LL _ PER MIT N UMBEROF PROJECT DAT E ...],.:2 171 (1 3 BUILD ING:PLUMB ING: o FO OTING S I STEEL o UNDER GROUND o FO UND ATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D ,W,V, o FRAMING o RO UG H I WATER ROO F &SH EER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o P OOL I H _T UB o SHEETROCK NA I L 0 0 0 o FINA L o F INAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EATING /o ROUGH o EXHAUS THOODS o C ONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL b /APP ROVED ...,,/ ,,'" CO RRECTIONS: o D ISAPPRO VED o REI N SPECT ION REQUIRED • D ATE -'1'-'-=---_INSPEC T O R _____AM ® ••INSPECTION REQUESl: TOWN OF V AIL~r ,-j).Q S-iS;d .;;;:(')9 - / JO BNA ME -------!..-'~'_P._L,2..~~,.._J.!;,~'-'=~-'=':'..!,(P....!.. IN SPEC TION : r9 READ Y FOR L O CATI ON :---!.L......:::I-"=-!-.L~;_"!~.:.:..=-l.d-::!~!;...------------- D ATE __---'=-+----'_ PERMIT NUM BER O F ROJE CT q BUILDING)PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OU ND o FOU NDATIO N I STEEL o ROUG H I DW,V, o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER o RO OF &S HEER o GASPIPING~L YWOOD NAI LI ,N,~1 I b1CINSULATIONI,",/l o POOL I H.T UB , o S HEETR OCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP,POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o E XHA UST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR . 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL,"n:PPROV ED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTIONREQUIRED ~g RR E C T I O N S: PER MIT N UMBER O FP ROJ ECT ..,-..•••INSPECTION REQUEST. TO WN OF VAI L DATE CA LLER (~- PM_____AMFRITHURTUES~EE) /...,r/,j I NSPECT ION :MQN -v.~7~Y?i READY FOR L OCATION ._---'----'---'--_'-''--'''----'-''-'----'---'--_ oREIN SP ECTION REOUIREDoDISAPPROVED BU ILDING:PL UMBING: oFOOTINGS I STEEL o UN DERGR OUND oFOUNDATION I ST EEL oROUGH I DW.V. o FR AM ING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOFsSHEER oGASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU LATION oPOOL I H .T UB \0 S HEETROCKN AIL 0 ;:J /.,()Lot /I.J ,,1/......,(Jl J f-,";,,(I,0 /o\INA J &..JTi'&{1 "£0 a)7,o F INAL ~ ELECTRIC AL:M ECHANI CAL : o T EMP .POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ./.s APPROVED 5-;{ C ORRECTIONS:_ DATE /2-rs .9.1 INSPECT O R ••INSPECTION REQUEST./!T OWNOF VAIL L /)~ 1.7id~012 "£L,·&,-...d:t I:;;;>.,t FRI AM e i:'n ...............,.•.,._.- \ C ALLER :::::::::"CU"'-':77L.!.=...c""'L..--"'=:....::~;::: READYFOR INSPECTION :MON T UES LOCATION :~·I t/7 f=.=..'_..,..:,~"-'-==....,'"""~-"".£J'--_ PERMIT N UMBERO FPR JECT 1/L/qYJOB,D ATE ~BU ILDING:PLU MBING: o FOOTIN GS I STEEL o UNDERG ROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL CJ;R OUGH I D .W.V.4 /5"-,~O U G H I WATER /"cJ .e s::r-I;D FRAMING I ROOF &SHEER •jI o PLYWO OD N A ILIN G o G ASPIPING o IN SULATION o POO L I H .T U B o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FIN AL ELEC TR ICAL:M ECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL DATE _I--~....J.",,-_INSPECTOR •;/~.INSPECTION REQUE'ST.V !L-701.0 TOWNO F VA IL ~2£~Sc~1-far- (/~~PM ))/ CALL ER TU ~.RFR. ~£ T INSPECTION :MO N2V,~'?- DATE -....L+_---'---f....L+_JOBNAME ---'=7Ff-T---.,------f:-----::;-f~---_:__f READY FOR LOCATl ON:-----'-"-"'-~"-"-----"==-'-~'-"---'-'''-''=~~.....4_~------- BUILDING:PLUMBING: oFOOT INGS /ST EEL o U NDERGROU ND o FOUN DATION /STEEL o RO UGH I D .W.V. o FRAMI NG oROUGH /W ATER ROOF &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU LA T ION o POO L I H .TU B o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FINA L ELEC TR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EATING 'p::R0UGH oEXHAUS T HOODS oCON DU IT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 oFINAL o F IN AL A PPROVED 6 .;f o DI SAPP ROVED o REIN SP ECT ION R EQU IRED~O RR EC T rD N S: D ATE --'_-'"''-~-'--_IN SPECTOR ZnvJ?I7tJ~ // ----c:5J PM •979-067'1'• INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OFVA IL T HIJRFRI eQU!p/,[ C ALLER Skve MO NT UES ) ..• JO BN AME --'='==:...!;:~---;--;-c---------- READ YFO R L OCA TlON:~2Jt.LL_£'Z.!:.L!1.L£.CLj~-L:;a~l:..:d,~:!d -====~__ D ATE /-//-79 PERMIT N UMBERO F PROJECT BUI LDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEl o UNDERGR OU ND o FOU NDA TI ON I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILINGPINSULATIONoPOOLIH.TUB o SHEET ROCK NA IL 0 0 0 a FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXH AUST H OODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o F INA L CifP PROV ED o DISAPPROVE D o REI NSPECTION REOUIREDo CORRECTIONS: = INSPECT O R --'-"'-'--'--"-_"-'--'-_//1 ~/'1yTI • DATE _----'+--'--=:.,~=---- ••~INSPECTION REQUES'; TOW N O F VAIL IIh-d'LLJ CALL ER .-p i l --M.<~,lA'>--!j t >:;t . ,"!$')W ED.TH UR ~FRI ----""~PM ?Ii t",."t- f V.,J • READ YFO RINSP ECT ION :MON '.L c../J-;LOCATION :----=-'--=-"'--~"'---=-""""'-'----'""7;--,~-_;;-T------- DATE PERM IT NUM BE O FPR OJECT ()1'IC/3 JOB I I , BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDA TION /ST EEL o ROUGH /OW-V. o FRAMI NG o ROUG H /WA TER ROOF &SHE ER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNA~4 o POOL /H .T UB):!;IN SULATION D t '}-..L,....:=" o SHEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELEC TRICA L:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATI NG o ROUGH o EXHA UST HOODS o CON DUIT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 o FIN'lL o F INAL L'1',(PFflOVED CO RRECTIONS: o QI $A rPROVE D o REI NSPECTI ON R EOUIRED DATE --"-,'-'---'OL.-,"-'<-''---INSPECTOR ____---'-rAM PM ~ INSPECTION REQUE"sT. /7 TOWN O F VA l ':;fT {,J(('<~£./Z,. /?~J'" WED CALLER --~:......,I--'---b7''''''c..:::':''>O'''--------- TU ES P ,. • INS PECTION :MO N ~L,J? READ Y FOR L OCAT ION :"O"~=--"'-__.,-.'-"---.c..:..."---'---'--"--'=_~=L--'---_ PERMI T N UMBERO F PROJECT DAT E //w n ~J OBNAM E -__-L_L---::---::-.!::...---.:L.l....C-~~.=:L,..__ BUILD ING :PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS /STEEL o U ND ERGROUND o FO UNDAT ION /ST EEL o ROUG H /DWV. a FR AM I N G o ROUGH /WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULAT ION o POO L J H .T U B ;(SH EETROCK N A I L 0 0 0 a FI NAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO N DUIT o SU PPLYAI R 0 0 o FINA L o FI NAL AP PRO VED o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SP ECTION REQUIRED C O RRECT IONS : OA T E --'7-''-'-''''''7''--''7''---IN S PECT OR R= L..--- FRTHUR. /' •INSPECTION REQU~S"'( TOW N O F VAIL taSt);7d?ff~-3 :n-r~ -r-_____A M PM C ALLER r;;;;;:;-:-'''-'<...L&'-~f-...LL'---'~'-=2U.'-'-:::~'--.Z T U ES (/) M ONINSPECTION: ....;lc -J READ YFO R LOCAT ION :__';:::::;~:""'::>!...2_~~::?L:L~~~&::t:!..6.~~=:'::"__ PERMIT N UMBE R O F p rOJECT DATE I (ic(J OB NAME ------h"'---:-:f-'""'-"-':::2~~-'---:__:c__-- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTI NGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o FO UNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEE R o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .T UB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL '-ELECTR.!5AV MECHANICAL: .-o TEMP .POW ER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUSTH OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR v Sf>1 J )/t!(J!=!c 0 o FIN AL o FINAL o REI NSPECTION REQ UIREDoDISAPPROVED/~A P P R O V E D ~ CORRECTIONS :_ INSPECTOR =-"""-"-"-"'-"-'-=--=,.-"'-'-+c''--------D ATE -''---'"'---'=._--<-=-_ PM I,I\I •INSPECTION REQUE'S :'( T OWNO F VAIL ('("'/fI C ALLER j,11 ttl V,~ T U ES W ED T HUR 0'~1 J AM 11 '1 (I)('I 'd ,/:::.),, MON f _ • INSPECTI ON : A 1 7/q4 READYFO R LOCATION '-----'--'--'-''-~--'---'--'-''--''--''-'-->..,_J'-'---'-''--''-----'-=.,J_-------- DA TE -,'--,1_-,--,--,-,__JOB NAM E ---''--'-'---'-:-"~.~...._ PERMITN UMBER O FPROJECT o REINSPECTION R EQUIRED ,{,.£.I K I 4.et',g"..1r o D ISAPPRO V ED 7.t If •JU-,c P<c , -"~zd B ..k!' 'I BUILDING :PLUMB ING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FO UNDA TI ON I ST EEL o ROUG H I D WV. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o POOL I H .TU B o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MEC HANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATI NG o ROUGH o EX HAUSTHOOD S o CO NDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0, o F INA L o FINAL . c:.l "'APPROV ED r, "'I-"'".CORRECT IONS, (IINSPECTOR_...::c--"-...L..__'_-'-_D ATE __-"-"---''-_ PERMIT N UMB ER O F PRO J EC T DATE 3 \11 [0'1'J OB NAME READY FO RIN SPEC TION : L OCA TI O N ,-dJ ~7 eTION REQUEST T OWNOFVA I L '"•479-2138 (1 q.I\.*~..L,h',-'-,--------,--~--,-----~7' C ALLER £ill.,Tl\j I C if\E !f 1 1 t t Ml'JJI .tE:k!C.J MONl UESW EDT HUR 8 AMPM (=:C1 rm \\·t:i-l+--~'-'rW-",-·~----------- ----- BU ILD ING :PLUMBING : o FOOTING S I ST EEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUNDAT ION /STE EL o ROUGH I DWV. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROO F &S HEER o G ASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU L AT ION o POO L I H .TU B o SHEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL "o F I NAL ELE CTR IC AL :ME CHANI CAL : D ·TEMP.POWE R o HEA TING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 I9:F INAL o FINA L X -fPPROVED CORRECTIONS' o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPEC TION REQU IRED / I D ATE .....;I----'-"-_"---''---_INS PECTOR ---'-'---€V PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O F VA IL C ,..,'/7<1 -Ol.'~I:>ONN<e~Lr ,DFN(~ CALL ER I --~ M QN T UES WED TH UR Cth?MI $H De JO B NAM E _--"''-'!!==:::;.:;:-!='£..::'-'....!==''-S _ INS PECT ION : ?'1J.7 o 7 DATE 5 1<;,1'l<1 R EADY F OR LOCAT IO N ,_---"'''-'=-L__---'--..2.£==l-''>-'''--_"''''''..t:....~_ P ER MI T NU MBER O F PR OJECT •• BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTI NGS /STEEL o U ND ERGROU ND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o RO UGH /DWV. o FRAMING o ROUG H /WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULA TIO N o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK N AI L 0 ~J<OLJ6H (,PA Of C tt ft'"k 0 o FI NAL o FI N A L ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TE M P.POWER o HEAT ING o RO U G H o E XHAUST HOODS o CON D UI T o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o F INAL o FIN AL o A PPROVED COR RECTIO NS, r-~C -I C ()-:<L 9'1 ¥'REINSPECT ION REQU I RED A PP Pou Ft')GeMr' .'~.. C,O g tol''''.-i DA TE -..;<l.2f-.:+:,"I-------INSPECTOR ()U;Q:I~ !'\')1\)J 3V 'J &'I '/J"") c -J ~ .<;!()f'9 G''P x ......c:.z ~G'(T>::;: ~X ~~~ <fl~:;t;'\\ oEI,q ~If\ 1(~CJ ,j,f.J ..,lI l'J Jr 1\ -SQ"'\~~X VI "- ~")\1 a<i "J 0 t i b ?• o PE RMI T NUMBE R O FPRO J ECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL C'"Nt..'f e <:,e f'"S--,-....-CA L L ER ='_...L-"--~~ M ON TUES W ED 6i)FRl C!h7M,~t-! J O BN AME __~-'-""-"=='-------=~~_ INSPECTION : '1 <IJ 7 Sin INDATE_J..-"--"-,"--L-'---I-_ READY FOR LO CAT ION : C ORRECTIONS : BUILDIN G:PLU MBING: o FOOT INGS I ST EEL o U ND ERGROU ND o FOUN DATION I STE EL o R OUGH I D.W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SH EER o GASPIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL I H .TU B o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 ~fO u<2 H Gf r1l)E D i'"..r '-.,.,;0I o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRiCAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HE AT ING o ROUGH o E XHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL WAPPRO VED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REQUIRE D '\ DA TE --'--I--''-''''+-+-";t-------IN SPECT OR QLL , ", ~..-'---- _............ ,I I !I II I I ,I ,,I , I I I I I , I I I I I I 1 II-I I I I I .!I .,I ., I III'I ~,.I I I I ~-....'-.9 t-{.O"i:I , I C ,I .~.~ I II<.9 l":c--.'I I II" j I\t j J;:j ~v .i I -•\I)-::;.'1 ,Q ~....:....I ,-;--i ll I I I I'I ({\C!.i oll ,0 1 ~.,I I-J I ~n',"?G'.'1 :-;I !~!r-'I'.VJ ~c-I 0:''Sd cr-.II 'Pi I I I 1900,0 ,0i\r-r-t>'!-~<J<:l I I I I Is.,...;"'",~+1{o j i-I II ICfJ()\::l ___ I 1 I I I ,,,"i - A M9 •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL ' CONNt:PS Pr~~ CALL ER IT T U ES WEDT HUR ~ bwlMl S rl D e • READ YFO R INSPECTION :M ON LOCATION . PERMI T NUM BER O F PRO JECT D ATE '1 -J 3-<tc;J OBN AME ----'---"===>-_-"-"'--">~----_ BUI LDI NG:PLUM BING: DFO O TINGS I STEEL D UNDERGROUND DFOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH /D .W .V. a FRAMI NG DROUG H I W ATER ROOF &SH EER D GA S P/P INGoPLYWOODNAILING D IN SULAT ION DPOOL I H .TUB D SHEETROCK NA IL D 1!If I c o /2,2"(I,I ",p ~D7 DFINAL o FINAL ELE CTRICAL:MEC HANI CAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEATING D .R OUGH o EXHAUST H OODS DCON DUIT D S UPPLY A IR D D o FINAL D FI NAL D A PPROVED )I D ISAPPROV.ED CORR ECTiO NS :CD Peers T DrBP\s M US T "'"(2(,"'1 b I rc H '1M Ii: ~.REIN SPECT/ON RE QUIRED l?P k?o ""C'v E:n '~lJ TH (',apr t"'Yv $r DATE -'----"-'-L,H =-----INSPEC T OR ~. INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL • /'479 -2138 ...!...-f=.c=--f-'---L--JO B NAM E LA!~,'3Rc f(0 q CA LLER ....--,--,J .C~n ~~I I R EAD Y FO RI N SPECTION :M ON n ~U E S WEDT H UR ~~....)P M L O CATIO N ::2 fj .;;;":1-'IJ,-(l/vy."'"(!L ~?... BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FO OTI N GS I S TE E L o U NDERG ROUN D o FO UNDATI ON /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o F RAMING o ROUG H /WA TER , R OOF &S H EER • o PL YWOOD NAI LIN G o GAS PIPING o I NSULATION o PO OL /H .T UB o S HEETRO C K NA IL 0 0 "'i:C.O 0 I P::fIN A L -o F INA L \ ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST H OODS o C ONDU IT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FI NAL o F INA L o A PPROVED C ORREC T IO N S: ):1 D IS APPRO VED ):(REIN SPE CTI O N REQ UIRED •J PM_____AM INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O FVA IL 47 9-2 138=rT C (WNUS CA LLER S~E INSP ECTIO N :M ONTU ES 6>THUR FRI ~1.{;17 61'1£ty\1S,H D""R _ DA TE PERMIT N UMB ER O FP ROJECT 9/fp 195 J OB NAME READY FOR LOCATIO N : BUILDING:PLU MBING : o FOOTI NGS I ST EEL a UND ERGROUND a FOU ND ATIO N I STEEL a ROUGH I D .W.V. a FRAM ING a ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SHE ER a GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION a POO L I H .TUB a SHEETROCK N A IL a ;:::LBu(Woe ks,\-Ii.,..,Alftl."a• a FINA L a FINAL ELECTRiCAL:MECHANICAL: a TE MP.POWER a H EAT I NG a ROU GH o EX HAUS T HO ODS a C O NDUIT o S UPPLY A IR a a a FINAL a FINAL a A PPROVED CO RRECTIONS :CU/h>1 a DI SAPPRO VED O'"TZ'+f'.D. it REIN SPECT ION REOU IR ED,,..... CArt r ''''-1 O!rrr DATE _INSPECTOR o •INSPECTION 'S CO MP LETED • The itemsbe low needt o be c ompl et e b ef ore g iving ape rm it af inal Co fO. Please check off i n the box prov ided. FINAL PLUMBING o DATE: FINALMEC D I CAL IMPROVEMENT SU RVE Y DATE : I , RESIn .NAME :CfSJt<¥!€1':s ij FINAL ELECTR ICAL I 3/W:jq<{"DATE : •0! FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: DATE : 0 TEMPORARY COF 0 DATE: ···0 CERTIFI CA TEOF OCCUPANC Y DAT E: D LANDSCAP INGDUE DAT E: WES T SIDE: FILE NAME :_--:=~~~==_.L.-l --:"-'-"""~__ 10' 11 /5/93 1=2~18' R=85.0 L=39.02 T=19.86 SCALE:1"- DATE OF SURVEY: , 3 MPROV£MEN T LOCA nONCERnFlCATE further c er-tlf)'that the ;mprovernenta onthe above descrIbed pa rcel on th II dote.••'105/93.exc ept utility connections.01""ent'rely within the boundar'es of the coecer.except as shown,thct th ere ore no en croa chments upon the dOlSlCrIbed premises b y im provements on ony odjolnlnO premlae8. except as tl"lldicated.and tha t tn eee Is no ccpcreot evidence OK sl9'"'of ony easement crossing Of"burdenin g ony port of soid parcel.exc ept as no ted. / Dcte.1/-/(,-?3 5?=~~::6% Stan Hog f r Ccrc-cec p.LS.2659B h ereby ce r n lty tha t t his Im provem ent Location Certlflcctewee prepared for T.J.Connors.th at i t i s n ot c land survey p lat or imp ro Y'6mont survey plot.Qnd thot It Is nott ob er etiedupon f or es t ablishment at fen ce. but/d'ng or oth er future im p rovement lines. n UTILITY PED. 22.1' WATER _ ~<' NDEP CONSTRUCllON JOB No.1587 2'r... / / DRVEW AY DECK '2.7' IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE LOT 13,BLOCK H \I VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING No.2 TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY,COLOR ADO ~CONC RET WALL 79.6 ' 222' 'lECK I 16.2' / I- I r-; 0.7'r-, r-8./,'1'l>a, <, -c, OvERHANG SA.-ECKER 1,I 12/9.3 BLOCK RETAINING 1{~ ;/ /'I BLOV 173.96 15.0' I E NOTE'EASEMENTS HOII ARE PERTHE PLAT Of VAIL flAS SC tlw FING No.2 ONLY."10 rrr ESEMCI-liAS f)ONE FORTHE FXISTANCE OF ANY OTHER E~SEMENT~ 145.13 s 62"59'56" I N 62"31'01"W ~\ BLOCK RET WAlL-- LOT 12 LOT 14 .44 ACRES 242~GARMISCH DRIVE LOT 13 I II NOTICE ,t.,ccord nq to coc-ecc 0 ....you must commence eny ,ego action t>a8&d upon any d efect in tru8 survey wlth·n three yoor.a fter you I'Orst dteccver such defect.in no event.may any action based upon 0") d efect ·n this survey be commencl!Kl more than ten yecra from the date of the certificotion shown hereon. FOUND PLANNo.4 REBAR FOUND PLAIN No .4 REBAR \ \ ~ 0Clo l'o N Z I w FOUND AlU M.CAP ONANo.4 REBAR ~__---------------'~~~~'::-:F~-~~~~----;w--------:-l'./L.S."10.1682' ..-..- o I"') ow § Q... Z => :''99 HIGHWAY 6 .I<24,EAGLE VAIL POBOX 12JO EDWARDS,CO.61632 (303)9 49-1 406 'Plan '~. r - ,.,- .'" ,, lIpprovet/..n Denied -:O ' , ..,I • to rn..,,,,"uance n:,r gr S::bClt,cltIO ,IS shall appro ,";-:1 an y vi or of arv y Olt,..r or a a p,nit b.lsea up,~nn'event t~8 btJ l <,lion 01 erro rljata.' --- •• -'~--.. • ----.-r:- I , I I .jia- ...I JJ~'Q "... .:-.. L:.•;A ~ , .I , "' .. I't ." ~l .•',--=-ll p'\I ., ;rIr .I III[,. / ./ '\"--.;;. , , I 1 I \, r - " \ -_.-=:;.:.- -----I ~.• ,.- , -I / / «: ::z:-N c to I[JCL'~.7 /.5"//1/ 7E/~~ £U///~ .- I. I '. ----" --.----- - .f/.7/'~0>",- /N/-bf'=~4 ~ ------- --. 60 I / ,--, ~--....",/ +\ ·..'.r NOT ICE : Accordingto Co lor ado law,you mus tcomme nce anyl egal acti on based upon any defe ct in t his s urveywith in th reeyear s af t er you fir st di scov er such def 8ct. In no even t,may any action based upon any defec tin thi ss ur ve y be comm enced moreth an t enyears from the da te oft he certif ication s ho wn hereon. DATE: March 12,1994 Zon ing Adm ini strat or Townof Vai I OWNER:DianeC.Conners P.O.Box 621 7 Va i I ,CO 816 58 A.D.,19 SURVEYED BY : M.DarrellWhite LS9337 Box 115 Gyps um ,CO 81637 303/524-96 23 SS OWNER :Thomas J .Conners P.O.Box 54 8 Vai1,CO 81658 COUNTY OF ___ STATE OF CO LOR ADO Attes t: th is day or _ Town Clerk Town ofVail ARe subdi visi on of Lo t 13,BlockH Va il Da s Schone ,Fi ling NO.2 Town ofVail,Eag leCounty,Co lorado REC'O MAil '991' containi ng 18 ,892 square feet ,more orle ss,ha ve by thesepresents l aidout, platted and subd ivided thes ame in to lots a s shown on thi sf inal pl at unde r th e name ands tyleof CONNER S DUPLEX,as ub divisio ni nt heTow nof Vail,Ea gle Co unty,Colorado;and do hereb y accept ther espon sibil ity f ort he comp letion of r equ ired im provem ents;anddo hereby dedicate and se tapa rt a ll oft he public r oad s an d oth er pub lic i mp roveme nts and pl aces a sshown onth eaccom pa nyi ng plattotheuseoft he pu blic f orever;and do her eby dedicate th ose portion s of saidrea l property which areindica ted asea sem entonth e accompanyin g plat as ea se~en ts f orthe purposes ho wnhereon;and do her eby grantth e ri ght to i nst a ll and mai ntain necessary structure s to t he t:nt ity respons ibl e for providing these rvicesf or wh icht he easeme nt s are esta blis hed . Executed th is day of ,A.D.,1994. By :"D"'ep""'u7i't7."y------------ CONN ERS DUPLEX Eagle Coun ty Cl erkand Recorder AGENT: Notar yPublic CERTIF ICA TE OF DEDICATION AND OWNER SHIP Th e foregoin g Ce rt ificate ofDedicati on and Ownership wa s acknowl edged before me this day of ,A.D.19by Addr ess LOT 13,BLO CK H,VA IL DA SSCHO NE ,FILING NO.2 This final pla t isher e by approved by t he To wn of Va il Z G ~i~g Ad minis trator Dated tru s da y of ,A.D.,19 My comm ission expi res Wi tnessmy ha nd an d se"'"a'l.------- Kno w a llmen by th ese pre sentstha tth e und ersi gn ed beingso l e owne rsinfe e s imple of all t ha tr eal propertys it ua te dinth e Town of Vail,Ea gle Coun ty, Colorado,desc ribedas f oll ow s: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTI FICA TE TITLE CERTI FICATE Decl arati on sorProt ective Coven antsar e fil ed i n Boo k atPage asDocument No.-------- CLER K AND RECORDER'S CE RTIFICATE Thi sPlatwasf iled forr ecordi nthe off i ceofthe Eagle CountyClerk an d Recor der at o 'clock .M .,on t his :;-:-day of ,19 an d is dulyr ecor ded in Bo okatPage as Do cument No.----- does hereby cer t i r y ti ,iJt I "a ve examineo Lt h!~T~I~tlr.e~t70~a~I~I -'-la~n~dr-s~sh~0~w~n~u~p~0~n-.oth~ls Plat and that Ti tl e to s ~ch landsisve sted i n f r e-ce-a'--n'--d"""'c'Ie'--a~r""""of,.......,a-.-l....l --r"'1i'""'e-=n"'"s-,"""'t:-::a--x-:-es".......,a-=n.,.d-e~n,--c--u-=m bL:r~a:-::n-=c7es"",---C:e""'x-:-ce~p"'t""""a-:-s """'f'"'0....1...1o"..w-::s'"':---- COLORADO .' Fouind Rebwr ondCop LS 116B27 2 000 R =8 5 .00' Ll =14°10'37 " Arc =21.03' L .C.=S .33°JB'/B"W. 20.98 ' SC AL E:/":/000' AHA o 500 /0 00 VICINITY SKET CH R =85.00' Ll=/2°07 '23" Arc=17.99' t..c:=s.46°47'19"W. 17.95' OF VAIL.EAGLE COUNTY.TOWN VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL INGN O2 CONNERS DUPLEX A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT /3,BL OCK H andsealt his l1.+fd ay of ;vt",.h 7/1 £itff-:(dU Reg is tered Lan Surveyor 93 37 I n Witness whereofI have set my hand A.D.19 I ,M.Dar rell White,do hereby certify that I am a regis tereaLan d Surve yor l icensed und er t he l aw s of t he State of Co lor ado ,th at th is platist r ue , corre ct an ,d complete as l aidout,platted,dedica ted and sho wnhereon ,t hat such plat 'wa s mad e fr om an accura tes urveyof s aid property by me and under my sup ervi sion and correct lys hows th e lo cation and dimension s of the lot s, easem ents a nd stree ts of said s ubdivisionas the s ame a restakedupon t he ground in compliance withapplicab ler egul ation sgoverni ng t he subd ivisi on of land. SU RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 3020/5/0 SCA LE:/":/0 ' jo For zo ningpurposes,the tw o lots c reated by this subd ivisionaret o be treated as one e ntitywith no more th an one two family residence allowed on t hecombi ned areaofthe two l ots. BE AR I NGBASE: S.62°59'56 "E.bet wee n rebar found atthe NWcorner andr eba randcap LS 168 27 fo und at t he NE cor ner ofLot 13,Bl ock H,Vai l Das Scho ne Subdivision ,Fi ling No.2.