HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 11 LEGAL•Ilp~er-Mountain .M.Engineeringud. Septembe r1 ,1 993 Ms .Rom a Chmie lewski c/o Mr .Don Pre sley RE:Adde ndum to sal ls and F ound ation Inve st igation Report Lot11 ,Block H,Va il Das Sc hone fili ngNo.2 Town of Vai l,Eag le Count y,Co lorado P roject No.9 J560G Dear Ms .Chmiel ewski : Af ter the soils and Foundation I nves tigation Report was written a site plan for t hep roposal construction on Lot 11 ,Block H,vail Das Schone Filing No.2,Town of Vai l,Eagle County,Colorado ,was ma de availa ble to us for a rev iew . It wa s obs erv ed on th e site plan,that the east side of the proposed r es id ence h a s a walkout b asement with a 2 feet cut from t hee xis ti ng c on tours .T h is cut added toth e minimum fro s t depth of 4 fee t is 6 feet b elow the e x isting grou nd surface,wh ich is 2 feet short from the 8 fee t mi nimum founda tion depth recommended in t he so ils r epor t. The fou ndation excavation s hould be ob served by our office i no rder to d etermine if the so il at 6 fee td epth b elowt he surface is c a pable o f suppo rti ng t he r ecomme nd e d 1 500 p s f,b ea r ing capaci ty . I f you h ave any questions ,plea s e do not hesitate t o ca ll. F or Inter-Mountain Engineeri ng ,LTD . Lui za Petrovska Proj e ct Engineer \",,''I\''l~!.....Rev iewed b y:~~~~v rJ 'S;4~§r',Cf:'-•••••,......~1 0 ~tt \S'~E~;;:1~..,.:;:...,~.'('0 0 0 \('-. "'("'-c,~!l'--h '. s«fe'r I.spt~e Y.,7 il El ::;i;: Vi e t:deilt'''t&"./'~'",{,:"""%.'=;1 .0'd,J ~':..~/~~••N I\I,.••~or.·,~~~o~.~'""'~OF CO\.~~''11111 •,\\'\._'411/11 11111\\\\1 Box N o .976 •Avo n.Colorado 81620 •949-5072 D enver693-1531 1420VanceStreet .Lakewood.Colorado 60215•Phon e:232-0 158 /r{(~-WJ I!~&U I 1'{l l t /~~r •Ilpter -Mountain ..Engineering-Ltd. SOILS AN DFOUN DATI ON I NVE STIGATI ON FOR PROPOSED RES IDENCE LOT 11,BLOCK H ,VA IL DAS SCHON E FILING NO.2 T OWN OF VAIL,EAGLECOUNTY,COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MS .ROMA CHMIELEW SKI P ROJECTNO.93560G AUGUST 1 993 Box No .978 •Avon.Colorado81620 •949-5072Denver 893-1531 1420VanceStreet .Lakewood.Colorado80215 •Phone:232-.<J1 58 SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 11,BLOCK H,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MS.ROMA CHMIELEWSKI PROJECT NO 93560G AUGUST,1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCT ION FOUNDATION RECOMMENDAT IONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM REINFORCING CRAW L SPACE COVER BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE LAWN I RRIG ATI ON MISCELLAN EOUS 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 LOCAT ION OFTEST PITS SUMMARY OFTEST PITS SWELL-CONSOLIDATION GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM DRAWING NO .1 FIGUR ES NO.1 -2 F IGURE NO .3 F IGURE NO .4 FIGURE NO .5 1 CONC LUSIO NS 1.SUbsoil conditions a re n on- uniform overt he site with 2 feet of topso il ove r 6 fe et of clayey- gravelly SAND i n Test Pit No.1 and 3 feet of topso il over 5f eet o f sandy-silty CLAY in Test P it No.2 . 2 .The propos ed residence shouldb e founded on undisturbed c l ayey- gravelly SAN D or sandy-s ilty CLAY on conventional spread f oo ti ngs design ed for a maximum s oi lb e aring pressure of 1,500 p st,at aminimum depth of 8f e et b elow thee xisting ground surface . 3.Th e lot i s not cla ssified as Geologica lly Sensitive area on t he Offi cial Map s fo r the Town of Vail, Ordi nance No .5 . SCOPE This repo rt presents the r esu lts of a Soi ls a nd Fo undat ion Investigation for the proposed res idence to be const ructed on Lot 11,Block H,Vail Das Schone ,Fi ling No .2,Towno fVa il,Eag le county,Colorad o.The investigation was prepared by means o ft est pits and laboratory test ing of sampl es obtained from these pits. The purpose of t h is foundation e xploration was t o determine the various soil profile components and the engineering c haracteristics o f the found ation materia lS ,and to provide 1- c ri ter ia f or use by t he des ign e ngi neers a nd a rch i tects i n prepar ing t he f ound a tion design,f romag e ote chn icalp oint o f v iew . BI TE LOCATION AND DESCRI PT ION The s ite i s a 0.24 acre l ot located a t 2445 Garmisch Dri ve , north of I-70 in th e Town of Vail,Eagle County ,Colorad o.The topography of t he l ot is mod erate t os teep.Drainage is to t he east,towards Garmi sch Drive .Th ev egetation consists of sagebrush,grass and wi ldflowers .The lot is vacant with an o ld jeep t rail crossing ove r i t. SI TE INVE STIGATION The fi eld inves tigat ion performed o n Augus t 19,1993 , consisted of excava ting ,l og gi nga nd samp l ing 2 test p its .The l oc ati ons of the t e s tp its are shown on Drawing No .1 . The test pits were e xcavatedwith a conventiona l backhoe. S ummar ies o f t he test p it l og s are deta i led on Figu res No.1 and 2 . Laboratory samp les were obtained a t se lected int erv al s b y dr ivi ng alICa l ifornla ll h and sampler i nto u n disturbed soi l. Granular soils were sampled by b u lk sampling . These samp les were returned t oo ur laboratory ,i n s pe cted a nd classified in accordance witht he Unified So il Classification System and the test pit logs we re edited as n ecessary .T oa id in class ifying the soi ls encountered ,and to determine general so il characteristics ,selected labo r atory tests (moisture content,unit weight ,grain s ize distribution ,swell consolidation)were pe rformed on repr esentative soil samp l e s.S ummaries of t he tes t results are s hown on F igur es No.3 and 4 . SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Refer tothes ummary o f test pits,Figure s No .1 a nd 2 . S u bsur fa ce conditions a re somewhat e rrat ic .T e st P it No.1 had 2 f e et of T opsoil,ove r 6 fee to f claye y-grave lly SAND and Test p it No.2 h ad 3f e et of Top soil over 5 f e et o fs andy-silty CLAY . We und erstand that no o v er lot grading h as been done p r ior to thi s inve stigation. No groundwater wa se ncountered in a ny o ft he t e st pits a t the time of excavation. The Offici al Maps f or theTow n of Vai l we re r e vi ewe d,a s per Ordinance No.5 .The l ot i s n ot c lassif ieda s Geologically Sensitivea r ea . PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No spe cific d e sign data had b een provided,but for the purpose of this a na lysis,it has been pre sumed that the proposed residence will cons ist o f2 floors without a basement,a nd that load will b e light.It the pr oposed project diff ers significantly fr om thi s u nd erstanding,a r e vi ews hould be made after the plans a re more comp let e. FOUNDATI ON RECOMM ENDATI ON S Clayey-gravelly SAND and sandy-silty CLAY wil l be encountered in t he foundation excavation .The proposed residence should be founded on conventional type spread footings designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 1,500 pst .At this p ressure,sett lements are anticipated to be approximately one inch.The footing ss ho uld be constructed on the und isturbed clayey-gravelly SAND o r sandy- si1ty CLAY at a minimum depth of 8 feet below the e x isting surface.The footing excavations should be relatively smo oth,free of debris ,organics,loose soil ,frost,and standing water.Any over -excavations should be backfilled and compacted to 1 00p e rcent within 2 percent of opt imum moisture as determined by as tandard Proctor test (ASTM 0 -698 ).A representative of this office s hould be c ontac ted t o inspect t he f ounda tion excavation t o ve ri fyt hat the soi l cond it ions are t he same as t hose an t icipa ted in th is repo rt . After a ll of t hef i nal g rading is completed ,the b ottom of the foo ti ngs s hou ld b e covered wi th a minimum of 48i nches of ba ckfill for frost protection. Voids l eft by the r emoval of cobbles i nt he bot tom of t he foo ti ng excavation should be fille d withl e an con creteo ra granular soil wi th amaximum particle size of 3i nches c omp acted t o 1 00 percent of standard Proctor density (ASTM 0 -698 )within2 perce nt of optimum moisture. SLAB CON STRUCTION All excavations made for the foundat ions must be p roperly ~ backfilled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of t he maximum standard Pro ctor d ensity (ASTM 0 -6 98).Th e on-s ite soils exclusive of Topso il a ndo rgan ics are suitable for use a s b ackfill.Before the b a ckfill is placed,all water and loose debr iss houldb e removed f rom the se excavations .Material containing t op soil,o rg anics,o r frost s hou ld not be used in ba ckfill ing. Prior t o the co ns truct io n of concr ete floo rs,the undisturbed s u bgrade should be proof c ompacted with a loaded rubber-tired l oader to a uniform high density .Special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities have b e en installed. The fl oor slabs should be reinforced ,a nd joints should be provided a t the junctions of the slab and the foundation walls,so that a small a mount of independent movement c an occur without causing d amage.The slabs should be sc ored in accordance with the Am er ican Concrete Institute's recomm end ations to c ontrol c racking. A granul ar mat (-3 /4 inch gravel,withl e ss than 5 percent p assing No .2 00 si ev e)s houldb e provided b elow the f loor slabs. Thi ss hould b e a min i mu mo ff o ur i nc hes in thickness and compacted. The purpo se of thi s granular mat is t o prov ide a ca pillary break betwe en t he s u bgrade a nd thes lab . GROUNDW~TER ~NO DR~IN SYSTEM Whi le n o ground wa ter was encountered at the time the field inv est ig at i on was c onducted,it i s p ossible that seasonal variations will cause f luctuati ons ,or for a water table to be ~ present 1n the upper soils during the spring months ,or after a prolonged period of rai n .A foundation perimeter d raina s detai led on Figure No .5 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface wa ter infiltrating the footing s ubsoil s. ReiNfORCING The foundation should be well re inforced and rigid enough to withstand d ifferential settleme nts.Foundation walls r etaining earth should be designed to res i st an equivalent fluid pressure of 50 pef for an "act i ve"case a ssuming a l evel drained backfill cond ition . C~W L SPACE COVER Wh e n moist so il s a re encountered i n the excavation,t heg round surface in crawl space area s should b e covered with a ni mp ervi ou s moi s ture barrier sea led agai nst the fo otings .Th is willh elp t o reduce h umidityi n the crawl space a r ea. BACKfILL AND SURfACE DRAINAGE Th e backf ill p laced a rou nd the foundation wal ls must not se ttle after comp letion of cons truct ion and the top o ne foo t of t he backf ill material must be r elativ e ly impervious .The on-site s oils exclusive of Topsoil and organics are su itable for use as backfill . Backfill should be moistened or dri ed to n ear its optimum moisture content and compacted to a tl ea st 9 0p ercent of the maximum standard P r octord ensity.s tructu ra lb ackfill should be compacted to a tl ea st 95 p ercent of the maximum s tandardProctor 2 density. Surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by means of drainage swales or other similar measures . The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides.A minimum of 12 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended.Downspouts and sill cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the limits of the backfill. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. Ll\WN IRRIGl\TION Do not install sprinkler systems next to foundation walls , porches or patio slabs.If sprinkler systems are installed,the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure,does not fall within five feet of foundation walls,porches or patio slabs.Lawn irrigation must be controlled. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation walls , porches or patio slabs,and are willing to assume the risk of structural damage,etc.,then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn)of varieties that require very little moisture.These flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. .!! MISCELLl\NEQJ!S The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the on-site field exploration.The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular times designated.Subsurface conditions at other locations and times may differ from the cond it ions at these locations.The extent of any var iations between the test pits may not appear evident until excavation is performed .However,only minor variations are expected.If during construction conditions appear to be different,this office should be advised so re- evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Roma Chmielewski for the specific a pp lication to the proposed residence structure to be located on Lot 11,Block H,Vail Cas Schone,Filing No.2,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado. The find ings and recommenda tions of t his report have b e en prepared in accordance with l ocally accepted p rofe ssiona l engineering standards for similar conditions at this t ime.There is n o other warranty,either expressed o r implied. Sincerely , INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING ,LTD. Luiza Petrovska , Project Engineer Reviewed by : •Spanel ,P .E. ident --) No rth -, -, ""Lot 10 "-,\ -,-\--\lIpi t -1/2 \ \Lot 11 Lot 9 \, \ \~it #1 \Lot 12 \ \ \ \ Garm is chDrive ~ TEST LOCATION e Propos ed Re sid ence kLot11,Bl ock H.VAil DaB Sch one No .2 Town of Vail ,Eagl e County ,Co l orado Prepa red fo r Roma Chmielewski Pf/()J~CT NO.'93560 0 "'VI,VN 8 Y'I SCAte "'v ~--,v I llA TF.'8 -30 -93 M~W(N G ."0.'1 P IT NO.I DEI"" IOF·"~'-;'L,(__-f--7 +------------,r --'---T ---{---l Top so il Light brown.c layey- g rave lly SA..'ID SP-SC 5 10 Bo tt omo f P it No g roundwate r e ncoun te red Bu lk s ample SUMMARY OF TEST PITS P ropos ed Res i dence Lot 11 .Block H,Vai l Das Sc hone No .2 Town o f Vail ,Eagle County .Colo rado Prepared fo r RomaChmie lews ki •k PAOJECT NO.,935 60G n liUIl E:NO.'I P I T N O.'1.- DI;PTH 'N f ((To C(!C III'''ON O f "U [II I,1.L 5 Tops oil Light b rown.sandy- silty CLAY v=14.7% oJ.87 .OpeC 10 Bottom o f Pi t Nog roundwa te r encoun te re d ,.",,17 .4% 1(~.105.1 pet l S-..l._L--..l_-..l.----''--_...L_-L_-'---j •Relative ly undisturbed sample SUMMARYOFT E ST P ITS Pr oposed Residence Lo t II ,Block H,Vail Das Sch one No .2 Town of Vail .Eagle County ,Col orado Prepared f o r Rom a Chmielewsk i •k P/lOJECT wo .•93560G F1GUII (NO.-2 ", "•"~ ./ BOn ING :..i0 2 nEPTlI 4- -'"0 .----- -'r----'<,-'ur f'-;:-2 VI I Z -"0 ~ 0 ---'-\0 VI Z 0 •p,---;----u -') 0 .\.'.0 LO AD (l{Sfl '0 H'O ,S'A ~PLE OF .Dark b r ovn SI LT w/Topso U N AT.~;aIS TUAE CON TENT 14 .7 '\; %swEl l/PRESS .S A,oAPLE f LOODED AT 0 .5 KSF r"AT ORY DENSITY 8 7 .0 PCF BUlliNG NO 2 OHrH 8 -""- -'-'r-.ur -L;;:. VI "-......I Z -'I -0 ~-0--'. 0 VI Z 0 U 0 .1,..1 ,0 LOAD (K S F I t o '0 0 SAMPLE O F.Reddish -brown •.silty CLAY NAT .MOISTU RE CONTE N T 17.4 "%S WE Ll/PRESS ..SA MPLE F L OODEDA T0 .5 KS F N AT.DRY DE NSITY 10 5.1 P C F SWE LL -CONSOLID ATI ON T EST R ESULT S @ Pr opose d Residence A\Lo t 11 ,Block H.Va il Oa s Sch one No .2 Town o f Va il .Ea gl e County .Co lo r a do Pr e pare d fo r Roma Chm i e lewski Pllo.Eel ".0 9 356 0G I I "C U"f ,,<l ... r of.?;.:sf I e B ' U.S .ST.\I ~:lAR O !lIE"'!:Ci'EN :~::;I N rxcucs U.S.STJ.NDAno SIi:VE:NUMB!!":'H YDROMETER :H-I-H-H-I--I+H++++-l---{ =t ~ @ J& >0 " se ... ~p •'",. ~ "-,.••-ee "o ~...<•,.u·•e, :00.0 01 FI GURe NO .4 PROJECT NO.9 3 560G c.c ce0.01 Sl it o r Cl 11Y ...OJ ree -,~--I I 1+1+1 I II I I I-I I 1+1+1-1- :-H -~-I"i<:H -I--I-I+H+I-H-fH-I-H-H-I ---1 I__~I _L I-I _I !I 1-1·; ,., Gro in S i:~i n Mill if:'HI H: SO "d 1 GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIB UT IO N CHART I I Ill l-I -I--I -I-I--I~· Propo sed Reside nc e Lo t 1 1.Bloc k H.Vai lDasSc hone ~o .2 Town ,of Vai l.Eag le Cou n ty ,Co lo rado Pr e pared f or RomaChmielewski ,I I !J-/-l-I -I -ITiIrllllllllll~ i rille I coo r,t'I ffi<:-dltlm Clayey g r ave l ly SAND (S p-Se ) , G r ov~l . ccers e >0, se "... ~ p •se '"~ "ac-•, ,;: c "R•e•e,o ~1i v r Co~b l e: GRA VEL-44.5% SAND -48 .5% FI NES -7 .0% I· i FO UNDAT IO N WA LL ---j- "POLYETHELENE MOiSTURE BARRIER GLUEDTO FOUNDATON WA LL. ·,. TOPONEFOOTOF BAC KFI LL SHOULOBE RELATIVE LY IMPERVIOUS F ILL.SLOPE AWAYFROMBUILDING. , GEO TEXTILE (M I RAFI 140N OR l;QUIV I LANT) MINUMUM OF S"OF 3/4 INCH .GRAV EL ~.DI AMETER PERFDRATEO RIG ID " P IPE SL OPEDAMINIMUM OF I/B •PER FOOT To SEWE RL ATERAL SUBDRAIN .'SUMPPUMPOR DAY LIGHTED. DETAIL ·OF PERIPH ERA L DRAINSYSTEM FOR FOOTI NG TYP E FOUNDATION Fi 9 u r e _----'-5 _ -.," " • • CROSS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEM EN T ...TH IS CROSS F;ASEM ENT AND MAINTENAN CE AGREEMENT is entered in~o this "Z."':"day of .J ~l y ,1993 by STEPHEN P.~)HERIDAN (here Lnaf t.er "SHERIDANII),and ADAM SZ PIECH (herei nafte r "SZPIECH"). RECITALS WHE REA S,Sheridan is t he owner of Lot 1 0,Vail Das Schone F il ing No.2 ,a nd szpiech is the own er of Lot 11,Vail Das Schone Filing No. 2 .,Town of Vail ,Eagle County ,Colorado ,a s the current owners of t he p roperty aff ected by a nd utilizing the easements and right of way,wish t o pr ovide f or the use,ingress,e gre ss and maintena nc e of a private driveway,to b e co ns tructed . NOW THEREFORE ,for a nd in consid eration of the mutua l covenants conta ined h erein the parties hereby a gree and c ovenant a sf ollows: 1 .S he ridan does hereby grant t o Szp iech and s zp iech does hereby g r ant t oS he ri da n ,the ir r espe ctive heirs,s u ccessors,a ssignsa perp etual n o n-exclusive easeme nt a nd right of way 20 feet in width ,for a roada s generally d es cribed o n Exhibit "All,attached hereto and i ncorporated herein by this referen ce a s i f set out in f ull ,for ingress and e g ress o fp ed e strian and motor veh icles ,which e asement sha ll be excl usive t o and appurt enant t o th e r esp ect ive prop ertiesowned by t h e parties. 2.That the easements created hereby sh all be fo r t he exc lusive use a nd enjoyment of the parti es h ereto ,their he irs,successors and a ss igns ,an d shall b ea nd r ema in a ppurtenant to the S Ubj ec t rea l p ro p erty .No p ubli c eas ement .a cces s or right of way sh all b e created b y thi s d o cument . 3 .S he ri uan and S zpi ech s hal l maintain th e r o adway in such manner and to s uch sta n da rd as they shall ag r ee to ,fr om time to time,and shall allocate the cost o fa ny such r epair andma inte n ance,in such a ma n ner as th ey al ls halla gree to,fr om time t o time.The i nitialc ost o fc on struction o f the driveway sh all b e born e qual ly by the parties . S heri da n s ha llh ave n o maintenance responsibility o re xpense until such time as he ,or h is successors ,construc ts a res idence on Lot 1 0, thereafter mai nte n ance shall be born equal ly by t he parti es .Any person who should cause a nydam age t o the driveway or e asemerlts sh all restore the driv ew ay t o its original cond iti on and s h all rep air a ny damage t o adj oining l and o r structures . --.-....,' 4.Szpi ech s hal l be respon s ibl e for hiring thec ont rac tora nd sheridan shall h av e the r i gh ~t o a p prove su ch c ontr ac tor,the constru ction s ha ll be d one an a c cord an ce with the plans and spe cifi cati ons t h erefore,as app rov ed b yt he Town of Va il .•5 69378 B-673 P -36 2 08/0 9/95 05 :06PPG3 OF5 •5 .The p a rt ies agree t hatt hey wi ll n otc reate a nui s ance upo n o r main tai n t hei r prop er ty in an un sightlyo r unsafec o ndit io n. 6 .Thep rov is ions h ereof shal l i nure to th e b enefit of and bind t he s uccessors and ass igns of the respect ive parties h ereto . 7.T he pa r-t.Les ,fo rt h ems el v es ,t h eir hei r s,executo rs and administrators,do c ovena n t ,grant,b arg ain and a gree t oa nd with the o ther part i es and thei r assig ns ,that they h ave good rig ht,f ull powe r and l awf ul auth or ity t o g r ant t h e easeme nt i n manner and form as afo r esaid . IN WITNESS WHEREO F ,t he pa r ties havee xecu ted t hi s agreem ent on the d aya ndy e ar fi r st a bo ve writ ten . Adam S~-------- '""....., ..... ;...-' b efore me thi s l C ) )ss. ) ) )5 5. ) CO UN TYOF EAG LE The fo r ~Easeme nt Agreeme nt was acknowledged~day of ~,19 93 by Stephen P .S he r ida n. witne ss my h anda nd of ficia l sea l. My c ommiss i on expir es o n:;_9 ·1 ~ STATEOFCOLORA DO COUN TY OF STATE OF' • ~~r lTh e foreg o ~n~Ea sementAgreementwa s acknowle dged ~d ay of J\!J ~1 199 3AdamS zp iech. Witness my hand a nd offi cial se al. My comm is si on e xp ires o n:--1 t\¥1 1.\0.r-'V \~I \q q l\ b efore me this •569378 2 B-673P -36 2 08/09/95 05:0 6PPG4 OF5 • 1-!:)SI YWV8 -- / . Ir , • N o Z::;c w_IZ ~y ~ ~UUOO~~~ m ~ ra ~ ~ \ • •\.-'~/I ..... ,- \v-----, .}---. ./ , '..J''l /r .j / //"-, // / .. \ \ , •- , "' '"'0 "'o 0. 0. '"0 "'0 "''"<, '"0.....ee 0 N '"'"I 0. '"t-eo I '".,~ t-:.) '"-\'"cc .J "') I.THE MA XIMUM HEI GH To r ANY BO ULDER IJA LLSHALL BE 6 .0F EE T. 2 .THE MINIMUM "'10T H or ANYBOULDER "'AL L SHALLBE 5 .0 rE ET. 3.THEMINI MU M S IZEOF ANYI NDI VIDUAL BOU L DER SHALL BE 2.5 F EET. 4 .THE MINIMUM BATTEROF THEBOULDERF ACI NG SHALL BE I FOOT HORI ZONTALLY FOREVERY 6FE E T VERTICALLY .THE BAT TER SHA LL BE AIJA Y F ROM THE FA CEOFTHE VALL. 7.I F FI LL I SREQU IRED TO CONSTRUCT THE BOU LDER IJA LL S.THE FIL L MA Y CON SIST OF ON-SIT E SOILSFREE FROM DELETERIOuSMATERIAL. 8 .A REPRESE NTATIV EFROM OUR OFFIC E SHOU LD OBSER VE THE COMPACTED SUBGR ADE PRI OR TO PLACIN G THE FI RST ROIJ OF BOUL DER S. 9 .I RRI GATION BETIJEEN THE TIE RSOF THE BOU LDER IJALLS SHOULDBE MINIMIZED.IF SHRUBSOR FLOIJER S ARE PLANTED BETIJEEN THE TI ERS.THESEPLANTS SHOULD BE HAND \JATERED . S.THE MINIMUM EMBED ME NT DEP THOFTHE FI RST ROIJ OF BOU LDERSSHALLBE 20 FEET. 6 .THE FIRS T ROIJ OF BOULD ERSSHOU LDBEBEARING ON THE NA TURAL GRA VE LLY SANDS.PRIOR TO PLA CING TH E FIR S T ROIJ OF BOU LDERS.THESUBG RADESHOULD BE COMPA CTED TO 9 8 PERCE NTOFTHESTAND ARDPROCTO R MAXi MUM DRY DENSITY (A ST M D-698>. 3'HIN. & GEOT(XTILE (T YP.) (SE [NOTE **10> & -- ( ,,-_k--.d' BO ULDERRET AI NING \.,fA LL S l OT 13,F I LING NO.I VAIL V I ll AGE \.JE S T VAl l,COLORA DO I6'MAX.<T V?.) 2 'MIN.(TYP.) 5 'MIN.(TY P.) (S EENOTE '2) BOULDER IJA L L S PROPOSEDSL OPE EX ISTING SLOPE-----........! / TO V ERTICAL>MAX.SLOPE CTYP .>-4------, & 2:}(HOR IZON TAL TY PI CA L CR OSSSECTION NOT TO SCALE DESI GN CR ITERIA CONS UL liNG GEOTECHNI CALENG INEERS 12364 v .Al o.",pd o.Pkwy.,Su i te 135.Lo kpwood.CO 80228 (303)9 89 -122 3 f'QX (3 03)9 89-020 '1 >10.IF ASINGLE BOU LDERI S USED FOR THEFULL HEI GH T or T HE 'WA LLS.\J E REC OMM END PLACING ANAPP ROVED GEOTEX TILE BEHI ND TH E BO ULDER IJAL L S.THE .GEOTEXTILE SHOU LDBEAPPROVEDBYAREPRE SENTATIV E FR OM KC£, REV I SIONS Dps ignpd b y'SH Shee t :1 of'1 .&3 -11 -98 6-Rpvip wpd by 'IJ HK Dra wing cc t e .2 -17-98 6-6-Dro wn by 'S 'M Jo b No .9 8-015 II.IF A SINGLE BO ULDERIS USEDF OR THEFULL HEIGHT or TH E \.fALL S.\IE RECOMMEND TH AT A GRA V EL DR AI NBE "".•PLA CED BEHINDTHE BOULDER IJALL S.& ~(:s...:~;L~~.~ff,\O.,~,-------------------, -:-.~",,"1l:S El2 ;.,KOEC HlE IN CONSU LTING E NGI NEERS,INC . ~"'~\.\<~-'~-I I -~...."-;.~i···..'. "~0:"....."\.'".......";4J~:.\','. o o o cj' 35 5D o T' 130 LBs /rT 3 150 L BS/rT3(&0 L BS/FT3 ) MA TERIAL S AN D,GRAVELLY,S ILTY BOU LDER IJA LL BU ILDINGL OAD '.ZON E CH ECK • F OR R,R P IS ZONE DISTRICT LEGALDESCRIPTI ON :Lot DATE : ADDRESS : II Bl oc k .B- '2415"GqMn d .... Fil ing OWN ER ____I ~S'Cf ,..~k ~.I S (W !l:= PHO NE _ ZON E DI STRICT **LOT SIZE _ PROPO SED USE 3 / 12 o o F.xi st i ng Pr op os ed To tal Z-D 71 .4 _--=__ 1 ')'231. (3 0)(50 ) £-1 <1 H' 20 ' 15' I S ' All owed (30 )6W "35<172741H'Sll (II <16 ·1 +4 25 = I V '1~b +42 5 = Fr ont S ides Rea r /~9 h t -'Tota l GRFA ....primary GRF A -Seco nd ary GRF A ,/.-<,;'tbacks ~at e r Cou rse Se tb ack / Vs it e Co ve rage (lO ,q,·~{·lc) /~Land sc aping [o,95Q)(.'0)&5 q 3.4 .'.\., @ Rc tai ni ng Wa ll Hei ghts cO"\~}..,J 3 '1 6 '("' --vPa rk i n g 7 .S i 'Z .D2Re q rd l.Jl- ~ar a g e Cr ed it (JOO )~O O )(1 200)4t l .t" m Dri v e :Pe r mitt ed S lope ..J!!....Act ual S lope ~I Dat e app ro ved by To wn Eng i n eer:qlJ q ~~i e w Co rr ido r Encro achme nt: v'~nviron me n ta l/H aza rds : Yes,_ 1 )Fl oodP lai n No_-"-_?11 _ 2 ';; 3 )Geo log ic Haz ards a)S no w Ava l anch e __~~~~~~-- b)Roc kfall ::w--==:::::~~=~'tl~=c )Debr isF l ow 4)Wetl en ds ~....."""_""".....=~__ 2)Pe rc en t s i ope -'-_"-'''-'''-_ vI~r e v i o u s c o nditi ons o f ap pr ov al (ch ec kp rope rt y fi l e)~:__~~~-L~~~ ~~Doe s t h is r eq ue st i nvo lv ea 250 Add it ion?~l<~~~~~ ~~Ho w much o ft he al l o wed 2 S0Add it i o n is u s ed wi th th is r eques t ?~Cl **No t e:Un der S e c tions 1 8 .1 2.0 90 (8 )a nd18 .1 3 .08 0(B)of t he Muni ci p al Cod e,l ots z oned Two Family a nd P ri mary /Se c onda ry wh ich are l es s th a n 1 5,00 0 s q .f t.in a rea may n ot co n s truc ta s e con ddwe ll ing uni t .Th e Comm unityDevel opment Depar tment may g ran t a ne xc e pt i on t o t hi s res t ric ti on provided theapp l ica nt me e t s th ec r ite r ias e t fo rt hun der Sec ti on s 1 8.1 2 .09 0 {B)an d 18 .13.080(8)o f the Muni cip al Co de i n clUd i ng p ermane ntly rest ric ting the u nita s a l ong -t e rm r ent al un it f o r f u ll - t i me emp lo y e e s of t he Up p er Eagle Vall ey ./ /'••,"I >/ 1w V::::.._",?.j t ,·r ~'L ·4 ':.#=<O'4';(~?\..J '''-'In....·...-",a te .~_ ?~.-r=--=-J ~J ,---1-J;;:;t ,...,.../Uo.Jfr,d '/)(C4><_.6 :"'-0·~(;Z-c/~)4~.:~~.,t:: f ..,vS <;1 0 -Lf-"" ,rLL ;!f "-It ..-'s -CY >"~""f-C.I•j _.__.L ··1 ('--i'li ''1 1(Yc'U"f'T"">(t- ..y\~"~~-- "••rowoV 0,Y.lIL Project Name : ••••Design Review Act!n Form TOWN OF VAIL Roma Chmielewski Proje c tDes cr iption .Ad dition of gas light fixt ures a nd roles O wner.A ddress a ndPh on e :Kuma C hmielewski,2445 (I armlsh Drtve ,476-7301 Architect /C ontact ,Address a ndPhone :sa llie ProjectStreet Address :2445 Garmish Dr'ive Leg al D e sc r iption : Parcel N umber: Comment s. Lot II.mark II.VailDns Schon e #2 Bui ldingN ame: Board I Staff Action M otion by. Second e d by: Vote : Ac tion:st aff approved C onditions : T ow nPlanner : I)these ilU/Jrovemcnt s m ay notbe locat ed on Town righ t-or-way.Verification nf th e locations 0 the se posts will he conducted hy a Town Engineer. Brent \Vilson Dale :September 3,1998 DRl3 Fee Pr e-Pa id .$20 .00 F;E\1':11 \'(Ji\T,R{1\1",wm APPLICATION FORDES IGN REVIEW APPROVAL •• TOWilL,O==F~YA~IL~·~~ -, .,,; -~ GENERALINFORMATI ON T his application il>for a ny projec t requiring Design Review approva l.Anyproject requiring:design review must rece ive Design Reviewappro val priorto submitting (ora buildingpermit.Forspecific inform ation ,sec the submittal requirementsforthe particular app roval thatis requ ested .T he appli cation CaMOI beaccepted u ntil allt he requ ired i nfo r mationiss ubmitted.The project mayalso need toberev iewed by theTow n Coun cil andlor the Plan ning:an d Envi rcmucnral C ommission.Deslgn Review B oard approval expi res one year af rer final a pproval u nl es sa bu il dl n~perm it isissued a nd construction Is starred.. ~J~DdJ,<yl 0 ~-PA.DESCR IPTION OFTHE REQUEST :~~ill '<::3 e=~ D. C. D. E. LOCA TION OFPROPOSAL:LOT :0MCi<:--=ns::;-FILING : pftYSI.CAL ADD RESS:~~(:r:!:::lbd..~.... PARCEL #;(Contact Eagle Co.Assessors Office at 970-328 -8640 for parcel #) ZO N ING:-------;A-:::=--:--r'fr""----,'---,,,.---,,--.-...--------- NAME OF OWNER(S):_-:::l.L~:1...:;.,,---.1-¥~~1-£~:i..-'~~------- MA ILING ADDRESS :_-,-r-...:....-"'----''''IoCLJO..~_h~,_..,.77r.,- F. G. --------1--41--+-,--,.---P HONE :_--'-~"_=+__ OWNER(S)SI GNATURE(S):-b'F-'='=t-.fV."="-------------- NAMEOFAPPLICANT:,~ M AILING ADDRESS:i.'j.-"I\1",-",,<,--,~,,-,,==_ TYPE OFREVIEW AND FEE: o New Co n struction -S 200 o Add ition -S50 ________________PHONE:_ H . ,.)trl\lInor Alteration -S20 Cons truction oranew building . Includesanyadditio nwhere square footage is added 10a nyreside ntialor co mmercial building. Includes min or ch ang es to bui ldings andsire impro vement s.such as. .reroofing.painting.window additions.landscaping.fences a nd retaining walls.etc. ORB fee sarc to be pai d at the time of submlttal.Later.when applying for abuilding permit.please i dentify the accu rate valuationo f the project.TheTown ofVail will a djust [hef ccaccording to the projcct valuation. PL EASE SUDMIT T illS APPLI CAT I ON.ALL SUBMITTAL RE QUIR E~l E NT S ANDT HEF EE T O TH E DEPARTM E NTO F C O M MUNITY DEVELO PMENT,75 SOUT H FRONTA GER OAD, V AI L,COLO RADO81GS 7. ,,. ,',.; ,;.:f or Office Use O nly:'_,. Fee Paid:j l..D •O .CK#:_---'--.By:---------,---,-----,,--- Applic:a tion-Da tc::_',-"-,-·_"_:---:-:DRB MeetingDat _e :~c',-·-,------.,.,.,--:--:::-1.- ,.-t.o Pre-Application Meeting Dal~;, - ..••.'. LI ST O E rRorOS Ep M ATERI ALS •• [lUILD ING MATERIALS : Roof Sidi ng O therW all Materials Fa scia S c tfi ts Windows wind ow Tri m Doo rs Door T rim Hand o r D eck Rails Fl ues Flas hings .Chimneys T rash Enclosures Gr eenhouses Re tainin g Wa lls Exterior lighting '· O ther TyrE OF MATERIAL :COL OR :· , ..Please s pecifythe manufactu rer's color.number and attachasmall color chip ....A ll ex teri or l ighting mus t mee t the Town 's Lighting Ordinance J8.54 .050(J).If exterior lighti ng is proposed. plea se i ndica te th e num bero ffixturcsan dlocationsona separate l ightingplan .Identify jach fi xtur e type an d provid e t he heig ht above grad e.l umensoutput.luminous area.andattachac ut sheet o f the lig htingfixtures..-=. 2 Updated 6197 e. •••• ,Aug -31 -9B lO :40A Colorad ~omf o rt Produ cts3 03 777 69 P .02 GasliteiAmerica 'WtAi Gaslight Specifications L.u IIII:n s 1360 1360 2040 272 0., Annual Tberms 184 Thcrms 184 Thcnns 299 Thcrms 39 J Th erms 1 88Th~n n'\ Hourly Cons umption 2.1 Curl 2 .1 CuFl 3 .4 CuFl 4 ,4Cu Ft 9 .0 C u F. BTU/Hr 2 ,125 2,125 3,412 4 ,470 1436 A.Doal M atlIle light B.U pright Manl1e C.T riple Burner O .Quad Bu rner E ."Open Flame "Fact Sheet" A d uul man tle Gasligh t co nsumes: 2 .1c u ft pe r he (2 125 BTU'S)x.24 hrs per Jay x30 day s per month =' (512 cu n per month x .0054 ccf (Est)= $8.J6 per month x 12 mos = $97 .92 annual revenu e. Gas light o utput i ll Lumens: 100 Watts =l360 Lumens IMamlee 50 waU bulb 680 Lumens per mantle Gu slight output in F.e.(Fool Candle} Dual Mantle Li ght 10 Foot Highand25'out,3foothighemi ts approximatel y .03F.C . T riple Mantle Light 10 Foot Highan d at 25'o ut,S'foot high emi ts apprcximatelyDs Ee . Q uad MantIc Light 10Foo tHi gh and at25 'ou t.3foothig h emits a ppro ximately .06 He. GU!i Ji glu O rifice Si zes &Specifications: O rifice W.C. #736.3 " #7 3 6 .3" #69 6 .3" #65 6.3" None 6 .3" "Beca use open name lights vary so muc h in de sign and there are no industry st andard s it is diffi cu ll ItJ he precise about the ir s pecifications .Some open flameligh ts haveno o rifice a nd all o f them "nicker".Bo th u f the se facts makeitdiffi cult if not impossible toga uge their consumption or lig htou tput.TIle ligu res ubu vc bes t repre sent o ur products. Gaslight Warranty Gaslight America Li miled Li fetime WarranlY G aslight America brand g aslights are warranted forthelifet ime o f the ori ginal o wner a gainst d CrCL'IS in ma terials and workmanship inthe alumin um frame of their g aslights.All burners.c ontrol YolJvCS a nd in - g round po sts arc warran ted fo r ten years .Paintis warranted for 90 day s. Sbould you require warran ty replace ment.simply return the part in quest ion 10 yuu r local dealer orto the addres s be low.P lease d onot Iorget toinclu de proof o fpurchasc and information onhuw we ma y contact you . T hank youfor buying An other quali ty pr oduct prou dlymad eintheU.S .A. Ga...l ight America •1).0 .Box 90907·Houston.Tex as 1 1290 (2 8 1)3 76 ·5 300 Tel:(281)376-5200 -1 -800-51 4-7455 P .0 3 •-.-~A,,-l,I 9 -3 1 -98 Gas lite.6America 'W~ ). if I- Post MO&lnl Height:26" Willdl:12.5" Awili libtl '/floth beYtlld glass . "I' ",,1;1............. H:&8"W22- PostMeunt Hlight;46" Wid1tl :2;" Past Mo unt Height 2i- WIIItb:10.5" Pnt Mounl H.illlt .1S · WldlII:9 .5 " PostIIblIl Heiokt.2'· Wkttb:11.5" POoSt MOII nl Hlight 44" Willb :to" Post Moulll H.il~I :Z2· Wldlk;11" • "VI •- ,~w * ~••tw~ W 'r.J!I:··V wall Moun t PItf Mounl H:26-W:17-H:U " Po slMtuni Hei gllt19"-:''%:S''t- Widlll:11.5" Post Mounl Heighl:21" Willi":11 .5- Pier Mo unted For use on eKis ting or cus tom made waRs or bases.Specify 'pe-mounted "whe n ordering .1...::==:,-_",::,::::",,--,'-"=-=:.-_..::.::...--''-"'=-:=':O:'---_=:...--l Wall Mounled Specify "wan mounted "when ordeff1 g Po sl Moun ted These models fit onto posts. •reamres Slp-oU I Temp ered Gla ss •To p Rain Shield is Aluminum.Tap Dome is TriltlSlucetlt White Glass • point ofview,there are different focus JU canwalk,sit,stand orbe. 1;9 •• Fromthedesk of... • Andy Knudtsen (1)Pc:»6l<C::<-<--1 L~f,)r--'.'~4"V .j,~...,...., @ ~.j k-....J C __""'!",P-Jrj-J te.',/«:0I~U" @l .....~/"J-......(J J,F;n-V / Q ~-r J bd ~ dAIT~'1 f"v'"l i -/ .fy-/""'"'-dA c 'y '} (9 Jo-~d .&r~rf .ot....-,f-./ q )",0--'"i '0-4-")a 6)IV-<-l ""'-"'I <):-.---------~~<fJ·./ ~~~_l/~.,Y' 104t->~ TO :MIKE McGEE tiREd FI1l:LL • TODD OPPENHE IMER Return to AndyKnudfso n Town Planner INT ER-DEPAR TMENTAL R EVIEW PROJECT:D J1.1 A z-14 '> DATE SUBMmED:.I I DATEOFPUBLIC HEARING -£.1'F-"+'::'L-- S /27,COMMENTS NEEDED BY:__~~..!-_ rru.,,L.. £LJ .://"-"-~/....,y~..I c//\1,......(_~J ""7 -S"'t:.yu.. ,/.~--'-'-'7 ':"(~\rr'r/~ ~-&c..........-l!!,.r ,......... "-~h DI Aa I "1/d 7 1 Iv M :/4...o J..f 'I rr .,«c/ A/~'r t;'-.r ,{;./u'-'1-r "'7,;<>.nov-c..~-('r<-AA . La ndscapi ng:~r:rr: Reviewed by :Dale:_ Reviewedby :~Dale: Comme nts: ~/b If u .......')s . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHE PROPOSAL: ,et'M--'L /'aA-,k"..d IL /:,, ~~v~'l '-4-1 I tvr r,~ E ng i ~r j ng /),'/,}j /<-,"'-/. C omments:0 4'Dr ~"-t pori "-1\C '2i)'q..k!.-,......1«..J."·/,.,1 &.L~,i l, .J<,pide...V f Cr"j...c<+2.,2.'Of 1'5 7 'of pI'V A.k e,oL<!~.J "5"S~A (>~cl 'i l/'t."'(J'T.['-if....-,,,..J j'a"...........;,.[,._~9%-/<>:(. ..J.I~-Jk d ;:Vtw "7 Vllr";~",-,~.f.~/2%-I ./4.-;%.[.,.Ju.k.l _dr;w.-t iJ•....J LI _r-e:~liIB'&>£.iJ..h'''(j e,')c.,,~lA.c.-k.s ()A Iv '71-(..vJc..i:...$-I-~,""c:A- Fire De pt.,J>-rlx roa..J '-'1 d."A "I ......J .fk.z.o (;ri .l->..w.,,/J~ Reviewed b y:t,)p!(.<.(.L>Dale:_ Comme nts : Distributed \0l he FireDepartment.PublicWorks.andLandscaping on'_...:....._ • 1--2 0 -'lei • .A-?J .~vY'_/~ .@ ?Ja?0 ?'-'6-r b r!?J /L d "".,(,?Zd • Q /'(/"u I c,U-rv-*"-A .--- ,"' (f)r-LJI'L/....,.s~OL @ -..u.cf /""'--t,k- ([)A.-<-L-/~~~~.(.o';l:- CJ ;t..<-<.-/~c...~.j ~.tJ7.../,f>/'~./'il.;:/ --- 4 tvi....J/}10<..-~.f2,-L-","~c J,__-.~j dr f{;-j/2.'19</ h1.c/~{../ ~tf.r,.v.~r tv-v-,..(/c.:;~h..~, ,;;"11...~~r,- G ~r:7,',Y1 "'..e £.;P '"'-j It --.. ;..L",£.~I-c /. (!)~..e..-....4.4-L~-~~r/..u.-....L-'J- i''''-'r 3 "''7 '7 n,n "'1.. •• T O:MIKE M cGEE GR EG HALLTO DD O PPENHEIMER Return to Andy Knudtsen Tow n Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTALR EVIEW PROJECT:O M 4 1'/'14" DATE SUBMITTED :i 1l1 DATE OFPUBLICHEARING COMMENTSNEEDED BY :_~.s.;u.!=;z.,-,7~_ h .~#~.L L 17-----·j /1'-<>Ir-~ Adl (,~d """r~rn-"~ #r:..rr ...-'"y£,-<-A ~~.J/'-.,~i'-;-r ,( ~V"'~"7 .s (~. ",:$.-..-<...L.~Lot ..."""'"j 1;0 ~-...-ee.Q~--e._~,"-<.... c-~h ,rr<&.~\.5 ., IJ ...."(~..J-"-I .u C"O.,i of AYt:<r (...-.;:;'/u,-->-Y' .'7,~jH'cl.A.A . landscaping:~r:r r Reviewed by:Dale:_ Rev iewedby :Oate:_ BRIEF DESCRIPTIONOF THEPROPOSAL: ~«.c..I !t«-d LJ«/~ I -~v"1 4--f TIv..r.~ 'f1.-</»,/J.]Lu IEngineering:/---~k ". Commonts: Fire Oopt.: Reviewedby:Oato:_ Commen ts: Distributedtothe RreDepartment.Public W orks.andLandscaping on'. I ••...-r-",f J eff Bowenmadeamotio n thatthisrequ est b e tabled totheAp ril 25 .1994P EG meeting with Alli son Lassoe seconding th is mot ion .A5-0votetabled this request until April25,1994 . 10.A request fo r a wallheight variance and driveway slo pe variance to allow fora drivewatoexceed 10%located at 445 GarmiStli:Driv elhots 0 and 1B o""'H SClione 2nd Filing. il Ap plicant: Planner: Steve Sheridanand Adam Szpiech Andy Knu dtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowe n made a mo tion that this request be tabled indefi ni tely wi th Allison Lassoe seconding this mot io n.A5-0 vo tetabled this request in defi nitely . 11.Ap provemi nutesfromMarc h 28 .1994 PEG me eting. Bob Armou rmade motio n to appro ve theminutes from th e March14 ,1994 PEG meeting. Concern ing the VailMountainSchool iss ue.JeffBowen request ed th at minu tes refl ect mor e commen ts on why the PEGfeels th ai theexpans ion of the Mounta in SChool was appropriate. Bob Armour asked if heshou ld amend his motion. Jeff requ ested that thePEC's comme nts be added to the minutes to show the basisfor the approval.Herequestedthatanamendment be m ade toth e M arc h 28 .1994 meeting minutes to indicate min imal impa ct to thesite and surrou nding neighbors, appro valofaprevious variance wh ich had sinceexpired which was sim ilar to the current requ est,andthe min orsize of th e vari ance. Bob Ar mour wi thdrewhis motion and Jeff wit hdrewhis second. Kristan Pritz said tha t Council was inter estedin seeingif the rockfall be rm coul dbe fixed,move d or madeto loo kbette r. Je ff Bowen sta ledthath e woul d like to atte nda ny mee tingonthisis sueandr equ e sted that he be contac ted whe n th e project was reviewed by theCouncil. Bob Armour moved that th ePEC adop t theminutes as writte n andas modified by Jeff Bo wen.Jeff Bow en seco nded this motion and a 5·0 vote approved the minutes from the March28 ,1994PEGmeet ing. P1.nniroog ....d Erw lronrneo\ll l Commi...ion Aprd n .UN 9 JOHNWA RNOCK P.O.BOX 653 MINTURN,CO81645 M.GREENIK.YAECKEL P.O.BOX4884 VAIL,CO81658 RHODAMULLEN %GRAYBAR ELEC. P.O.BOX 7231 STLOUIS,MO 63177 DAVIDRABAKIOPEL FRITZ HERI &DAVIDHOFFMAN P.O.BOX3577 VAIL,CO81658 GLORIA &ARTHUR ROSENER 4825 SAMMONS ST ,#104 UTILETON,CO80 123 ANTHONY CLARK 8933 CIRCLE RVIEWLANE ESCONDIDO,CA 92026 JON &STEPHANIE EBERLE 542207THAVENE REDMOND,WA98053 HEAVENS REG ·CHRISTIAN & DONNA 2448GARMISCHDRIVE,#11 VAIL,CO81657 KELLYJEANNEPETERS P.O.BOX 2214 AVON,CO81620 PAMELAJ.HUDSPETH P.O.BOX 456 AVON,CO81620 RICHARD &LAURIA BREWER P.O.BOX 1375 VAIL,CO81658 THOMASJOHNMENARD P.O.BOX 890 ORLEANS,MA02653 USFS JOHN &CAROLMACLEAN STEVE SHER IDAN HOLYC ROSSRANGERDIST.12 16WESTHILL DR P.O.BOX 2568 P.O.BOX 190 CLEBURNE,TX7603 1 VAIL,CO81658 MINTURN.CO81645 \ 4-ld )Icr 4 -OC(j0.c.Q nlS-Blnt CLLt 0J.~ •• THI S IT EMMAYEFFEC TYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t hattheP lanning and Environmental Commission ofthe Town of Vailwillholda public hearing i n accordance wilh Section 1B.66.060 of the Mun icipal Code of the Town ofVa il on May 9,1994,at2 :00 P.M .inthe Town ofVai l Municipal Building .In consideration of : 1.A requestfor variances for locating G RFA inthef ront setback andforawallhe ight variance to allow fora Primary/Secondary residence tobe constructed at 1828Alpi ne Dr ivelLol16,VailVillageWest1stFiling . App licant: P lanner: P etera nd Susanne Apo stol MikeMo llica 2 .Arequ estfora worksession fora m ajora mendment to t heG lenL yonSODto all ow fora revision tot hem asterplanto allow torthe expans ion oftheGlenLyon Office Bu ilding localed at1000So uth Frontage Roa d Wes VArea 0 ,GlenLyonSOD . Applicant: P lanner : P ierce .Segerberg and Associates Andy K nucllsen 3 .A request forfront setback andwa ll height variancestoallowtoraddit ions toan e xisting Primary/Secondary residence located at226 Forest Road/Lot 11·A,Block 7 , VailV illage 1st Filing . Applicant: Planner: John Krediet Randy Stouder 4 .Areq uest fo r a worksession to d iscuss revisions tot he Zoning Code to allow for common a rea tobe usedfore mp loyee housing . Ap plicant: Planner: J ayPete rson Andy K nudtsen 5 .A request forawall height variance and driveway slo pe variance to allow fora driveway to exceed 10%located at2445Garm isch Drive l Lots10and t t ,B lockH,Vail das Schone 2nd Filing . Applicant: Planner: SIeve Sheridan andAdam Szpiech Andy Knudtsen 6 .A request fora variance 10 allow for GRFA anda garage tobe located inthefront setback.asite coverage variance andawal l height v ariance toa llow fo r a new PrimarylSecondary residence located at1799 Sierra Tr aiVLol17,Vail V illage West 1st F iling . Applicant: P lanner: George P lavec Mike Mollica lc·..,• ,<) '.if,,;17 " " ''-R '',,.,., ,'.' -, ~1/~t 4--7v-c~ -4.o~ ..;, -,•=rc..PT.... "-'.--,: "...r~, -V>(htS '0 !0'f~ '.!.'-. , ,. .. •• TO:MIKE McGE • Ret urn to AndyKnudlscn Town Plann er c INTER -DEPART MENTAL REVIEW PROJECT :.S''7;,.<.<"~f,'r'".w ""~ DATESUBMITIED:".hr'DATEOF PUBLIC HEARG N "-, COMMENTSNEEDED BY:__-,z.~/..:Z.::.:u.=.t.(--,7~'f.L.-_ 7 BRIEF DESCRIPT IONOFTHE PROPOSAL: ..A-k v ;~!..L-..~ ~.o.A.<..L•.-,r-i ~r/.. ,:{~'>-<.~ Engin eering:(/. • Comment s:., Landscaping: \I t •• r. 11 I 'I Reviewed by :Date:_ Commen ls: , FireDep t.: Reviewed by:Date:_ Comments :/' ... Distributed totheFireDepartment.Public Works ,andLandscaping on__L.::..-'----'--__ TOWN OFVA IL 4 2 W/r t M t/ldotr l)ri t'l Va il,Colorado HI (j)i JOJ-479 -2250 • MEMORANDUM • Va il Fire Dtpa r tm tnl TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ANDY KNUDTSEN,DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT MICHAEL MCGEE,FIRE MARSHAL h -7 MARCH 1 8,1994 /:::::-- SZPIECH PROPOSAL 03 /0 9 /94 We have reviewed the proposal for t he d ri veway d ated 0 3 /09 /94 . Ih a ve listed the comments as f ollows: 1.T he driveway i s over 150 feet long and therefore,af ire t ruck turn around is required under Article 10,Section lO.204(d)of t h e Uniform Fire Code.No turn around is shown. 2.Per Uniform Fire Code section lO.204(a),the driveway must be a minimum of 20 feet wide.The plan as proposed is 15 feet wide. 3 .The grade o f the drivewayaverages 9.9%.Some sections sh ow g rad es o f 9.98%,9.9 2%,9 .88%,and 9.87%.F or all pract ica l reas on s,the dr i veway is 1 0%.Unifo rm Fire Co de section 1 0.20 4 (f), th e g r ade must be a pproved by th e Chief . Another concern is t hat with a "margin of error II as low a s .02\-.13 \of a foot (.2 4 inches -1 .56 i n ches ),o ver the 24 0 f o ot l eng th of the driveway,the driveway cou ld wind up at 1 0%or mo re a nd wo uld be required to be heated. 4 .The alignment of the driveway entrance at Garmisch Drive does n ot prov ide for f ire department access due to turning r ad ius. Th is i ssue was noted in the letter dated 02 /1 4/9 4. 5.The junct ion o f the top ot t he dr iveway and the future a ccess to the a djacent prop erty is not s hown .Thec urve from t he t opo f the d rivew ay at Stat ion 1+75 i s too t ight to a llowf ire trucks t o make the turn. 6 .The b ase elevat ion of thed r ive way h as "change d"from th e p lans subm itted as an ILC,dated 1 2 /1 0 /93.T he 1 2 /1 0 /93 base e leva tio n wa s shown as 8 04 9.95 vs.this plan which s hows it as bei ng 805 0.1 1. 7.Item number 2 of the letter dated 02 /1 4/94 indicated a need to s h ow the a dj a ce nt property line .This plan shows what appears t o b e an a ccess e asement but not the property 1 Lne ,Are they t he same ? •• Szpiech Proposal of 03 /09/94 page 2 8 .Item 1 of the letter dated 0 2 /14/94 i n di cates there wa s a r e qu irement to c hoose one of the t wo opt ions presente d.Nei ther optionh as been noted on this plan.If thi s is in fact a th ird option,then the agreements made on the letter o f0 2/14/94 do n ot ap ply and all requirements of Article 10 of t he Uniform Fire Cod e a pply,including driveway width,grade,turn arounds,and rel ate d i ssue s.No variances are granted by the Fire Department unless t h e h o us e is provided with a fire sprinkler system. 9 .If the option to install a f ire sprinkler system has been chosen,then the requirement to submit a plan as detai led in t he 02/14/94 letter has not been met . 1 0.It appears a variance is still needed from the PEe due tothe grade of the driveway (in excess of 9 %).The Fire Department ha s n ot g iven any variances.PEC a uthority to grant a variance d oes n ot extend permission to v iolate the r equ irements of the Fire Code. Only the Town Council has thea utho ri tyto grant a va riance under the Fire Code. TOWN OF VAIL Fromthedesk of... • Andy Knudtsen ., /.~r:l dt,vA.if ~.&_<~~<;,L TOWN OF VAIL • Fromthedesk of ...Andy Kmuusen /t".,.,vi>J ,(.k/ o /'>'y»--/drY/-<,v~7 7~~~ G)r"J"'-'""'L rlo/'.1 r "y'-~ rr·'k<!-<-L~'J '~-J.~J 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479·2138/479·2 139 FAX303 -479·2452 February 24 ,1994 M r,Ada m Szpiech 2445 Garmisch Drive Vail,GO81657 Mr.Steve Sheridan P.O.Box2568 Va il,GO 8 1658 ••rnr COpy Department of Commun ity Deve lopment RE:Lots10and 11 ,BlockH,Vail DasSchone 2ndFiling, 2445and2447GarmischDrive Dea r SteveandAdam: Asa follow-up to the letter dated February 14 ,1994.I wou ld lik etoreiterate whatinform ation is required tosched ule this item fo r rev iew bythePlan ni ng and Environmental Comm ission (PEG).PleasereterbacktotheletterdatedFebruary 14,1984foradetai led explanation about the two alternatives as well as requi rements lor lifti ngthe red tag and issuinga T emporaryGenilicate 01 Occupancy. Inorderto schedule this item fo r the March 14,1994P EG meeting,we will needthe following Itemsb yMarch2,1994: 1.Aplan fro m youshowing which optio n you haveselected basedonthe February 14,1994 letter and how you will complete the cons truction project. Drawings fro m a mechan ical or structu ral eng ineer will needtobe subm itted depe nd ing on the optio n you choose . 2.All propertylines mustbeshownonthe I LG.T hismusti nclude thepr operty lines west oftheSheridan lot.This informa tion will document th atthere areno improve ments on the adjace nt pro pert ies . 3.Pleaseshowthe ILG afa 1"=10'scale.Thealignment oftheILGmust matc h thealignment ontheapproved building permit setof plans. 4.The Fire Depart menthasnotedtheir co ncern about making theleft hand turn from Garmisc h Dri ve into the driveway.The dri veway mu st be built in a way that co nforms to the origina l driveway alignmen t. 5.Also,the FireDepanmenf hasspecifically askedthatboth SteveSheridan and RomaSzpiech approvethe pl ansas itisa j oint drivewayp roviding jointacces s. • Mr.S zpiecha nd M r.S heridan February24,1994 Page Two • I believe thatwe will be able to reach the en d of this review soon ,oncethe revised plans a re submitt ed.If youhave any questions abou t this.please call me at479-2138. Sin cerely, b /, i J::,~' AndyiJten /~c;7<1 Senior Planner xc:Rama Szpiech MikeMcGee Dick Duran GregHall Charl ie Davis Kri stan Pritz Gary Murrain DanStanek Chuck Feldmann Tom Moorhe ad JOHN W ARNOCK P.O.BOX653 M INTURN.C O81645 M.G REENIK .YAECKE L P.O .BOX4884 VAIL.CO 81658 RHO DA M ULLEN %GRAYBAR E LEC . P.O.BOX723 1 ST LOU IS,MO63177 DAVID RABA KIOPELFRITZ HERI &DAV ID HOFFMAN P.O.BOX3577 VAIL.CO8 1658 GLO RIA &ARTHUR ROSENER 4825 SAMMONS ST,#104 U TILETON,CO 8 0123 ANTHONY CLARK 8933 CI RCLER VIEW LANE ESCONDIDO ,CA 92026 JON &STEPHANIE EBERLE 542207T H AVENE REDMON D,WA 9 8053 HEAVENS REG "CHRIST IAN & DONNA 2448G ARMISCHDRIVE,#11 VAIL,CO816 57 KELLYJ EANNE PETERS P.O .BOX22 14 AVO N,CO 8 1620 PAME LAJ.HUDSPETH P.O .BOX 456 AVON.CO 8 1620 RICHARD &LAU RIABREWER P .O.BOX 1375 VAIL .CO8 1658 THOMASJ OHN M ENARD P.O .BOX 890 ORLEANS.M A 02653 JOHN &CAROL MACLE AN 12 16 WEST HILLDR CLE BURNE,TX 7603 1 USFS HOLYCROSS RANG ER DIST. P.O.BOX 190 MINTU RN,CO81645 8 /aG !CJ 4 -C LCY(t C\:rt"~C U "'t"Q U'" STEVE SHE RIDAN P.O .BOX 2568 VA IL,CO8 1658 •• THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUB LIC NOT ICE NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN that theP lanning andE nviro nmental C ommissiono f th eTo wn of V ail willhol d apub l ic h earing in accordance wi thSection18.66.060of the Mun icipal Code o f th e T ownofVa il on Apr il 11,1994,at2 :00 P.M.inthe T ownofVai l Mun icipal BUild ing.In cons ideration o f: 1.A request fo r pre limi nary plat approval ofamajo r s ubd ivision(T r a pp e r s Run )o nLots 16 ,19 and 21 ,Sectio n14,Tow nsh ip 5Sout h,Rang e8 1 W es t,generallylocated north o f 1-70 an d w est of t heV ai l R idge Subdivisio n . Appl icant: Plann er: John Ulbri ch,re presentedby Gateway De v elopment J im Curnutte 2.Arequ est forami norsub divisio n a ndva rianc es for se tbacks an d minimum lots ize fo r two P rimary /Se conda ry lois locatedat 26 82 and269 2 C ort ina Lane/Lots 9 and10 , Blo ck B,Vai lR idgeSu b division . App lican t: Planner: H ansW iemann an d H elmutR e iss Andy Knudtsen 3."A req uest for a minor subdiv is ion andto rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Res identialto Low D ensityMu lti-Family.l oca tedat 2850 Kinnic kinn ick Road/more specifically d escr ibed asf ollows : "JIO'OOI .,_.....__.._'..,_'s-."'-'9*.'_"'......~,........,._.._ ..........__...____......w...O""_'..._~"......"_"_~,ll"3.(lII'"'~~q ~,._~_W iII_&Io__;__1 I1$_••_E..o.,G'If._n..-'Q.Iil _............,._...._..-._-...,_'2_10 _'_"'11 _.'"'-<.._n.....oll_h __tooo.t.:ln __'.1 U_..... ,._........_..._••_~_N ~_:M_"_.......£Nl '~'ll 1ooO;""-_10 ._~_~_~__11 . __5oI ,0 __,.••.,..............,.._..._._"'__.1_20 __I '...-.ool,••.20 __Soo.",.~n....._00 _...._"0.'__S-"~I._.'__w J"'IlW_n......._'.__'"_OlI _W !oll W_. n...o ._n ...........--..'_W 'iO'._. Th _'o ~_n_...n _w..',:lG .~_ Th _t7aq..OO_Olo_33 ':'2 _, _l_".,...~_'1_E ,'3000 ""Do""'J ........,.dopo-_~~__I '_E....,a.'$"'"_POINT Of'e(GI....NC. Il-.,~O ~,O_...a.....h...._t-04 ,.,.l G lO __~~_30 2_[....~01 _:u_~... ~- Appl icant: Planner: JuanitaI.Ped otto AndyKn udtsen 4 .A request fo r am ino r su bdivisiona ndaw a ll h eight v ari ance to all owf or t he c onstruct ion 0 1 anavalanche mitigation wall l oc a tedat4 229Nu ggetLane lLot6, Bighorn E states, Applicant: Planner: H elen Dicke nson M ike Mollica •• 5.A requestfo ra m inor SOD amendme nt andaminor subd ivisio n tov acate t helotli ne b etw ee nParcel 0andT ract C ,loc ated at1320 Morra ine Drive/Parcel 0 ,U onsridge Fi ling No .3,andT ract C,Dauph inais M oseley S ubdivision. Applicant: Planne r: PatDa uphinais Jim Curnutt e 6 .Areq u est fora w allh eig htv arianceanddr iveway slopevar iance to all owfora d rivewayto exceed 10%locatedat2445 Garmisch Drive lLots 10 and 1 1,BlockH,V ail d as Schone 2 ndFil ing . Appl icant: Planner: Steve Sheridanand Adam Szpiech An dy Knudtsen 7.A requ est for a m inor S OD ame ndment t o allowa modi fication to t h eapproved a ccess a nd landscapinga t theWes tin Resort loc atedat 1300Wes t haven D rive ,m ore specificallyd escribedas : __..,..$W '"'''''._.t.,_,.,_.....1Io ..............._l_..v ....UvNe-.,c..o..-.__.._ ~••_-...,_......._..__~"'.-......e...__c.n..-_.. _....~u:I _....£.~e-.c...._""__,_....._........_iU"W2f'"W '4 '5 __-.-.....-....,.-..,.......po....t "I "_2'7 i ..,.'""lZ N,:r ,Z4S'w.2.J.O .....l:Il "~4r ,~E 'DC .....I_N1TlT<.!·""__!11N ~'T '"U iII -'!1I N ,I',tos·1:"lI ......,1I 1f ~U 'f"I IS.OO-'*$1T '~'~IlZG-.IfI..s:~n'I !!la __....._...---.M~N _$',on'·I.,)&""'_"s:-~1.......'iln,.,.."'_s:-IONl to OC _S von.·,aa tl2_..Gotto c..._-.g __-..Go<o e..-..",S *,K 3f"W ...,IIi 'i t"w ,~..~_"',U V 3l"W OI l '"_1"1 ,,,"3,~..:17.,,·...,>&.._...."'""'......,...._"0.-__.24 __.-. _........$W ".OE.""_.Z.T_.-.~.'_.....~.h __.T_..W....~_,_.._....-........"-......~_e-..-...__...__.._.7..... i20 ....._..i ...'-.e-oo..O'-....._,_"'_'"___....._S--'2 -.$)o '~,.. W.."_Mlo&'£'06 C7__?'IrT __-..••_.."".n _.. I.l&~._.__!W ",:r.?'In_.........01"<3.,·i llIU _.JTOtl,·,,(J5,......._S~~2VWlllOil _r-,:POf',,·W 7$OQ-''''''.'U"'OlW'IIOOO_........S52"!I(l WW 1$.00 __'lTon,'1 '•.1I __SVWJ'V w t,)(J ....._S :pw:n'£t ill ....._SIl'JOW W 100010«:_..:l7tH1"'.",.aII _.._.U"1Q2'T W ..N .. )10V3'·w .!w .....-...S$l'WWWIl&'li .............-...............e--.......c...._v...._""""'_.'_... '-'"__""""1 _1'1N 'T on,·..."00_,lZ N ll7'1lI:W i '''00 _.,»..".0In "'"til all_"'..."'""'.. ~-...loll 1000 __ Appli cant: Planner: Vail A ncillary Trust.d lb /a Th e West inVa il Resort An dyKnudtsen B.A r equestforamajo r CCII exterior alterat io n and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building toallowfortheexpansion oftheVai l Associat es offices located at 520 Lion s head Ma lVLot 5.Block 1.Vail Lionshead1st Filing . Applicant: Pl anner: VailAs sociates.Inc. Andy Knudtsen JOHN WARNOCK P.O.BOX653 MINTURN,CO 8 1645 M.GREEN/K.YAECKEL P.O.BOX 4884 VAIL ,C O 8 1658 RHODAMU LLEN %GRAYBARELEC . P.O.BOX7231 ST LOUIS.MO63177 DAV ID RABA KIOPEL FRITZ HERI &DAVI D HOFFMAN P.O.BOX 3577 VAIL ,CO8 1658 GLORIA &ARTHUR ROSENER 4825 SAMMONS ST,#104 LITTLETON ,CO80123 ANTHONYCLARK 8933C IRCLE RV IEWLANE ESCONDIDO,CA92026 JON &STEPHANIEEBERLE 542207THAVENE REDMOND,WA98053 HEAVENSREG ·CHRISTIAN & DONNA 2448GA RMISCHDRIVE ,#11 VAIL,CO 8 1657 KELLY JEANN EPETERS P.O .BOX221 4 AVON ,CO8 1620 PAMELA J .HUDSPETH P.O .BOX 456 AVON,CO 81 620 RICHARD &LAURIA BREWER P.O.BOX1375 VAIL,CO81658 THOMASJOHNMENARD P.O .BOX 890 ORLEANS,MA 02 653 JO HN &CAROL MACLEAN 1216WEST HILL DR CLEBURNE,TX 76031 USFS HOLYCROSS RANGER DIST. P.O .BOX190 MINTU RN,CO 81645 31 q Iq+-octpcu-ts ~StJT cur C]f10 STEVESH ERIDAN P.O .BOX2568 VAIL,CO 81658 ..-••• TH IS IT EM MAY EFFECTYOURPRO PERTY PUBLICNO TICE NOTIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN thatthePlanning andEnvironmental Comm ission ofI he Town at Vai l wi ll holdapubl ic h earinginaccordancewith Section18.66 .060oftheMun icipal Code of the T ownofVa il on March 28,19941 at2 :00 P.M.intheTownof VailMun icipal BUilding.In c onsideration at: 1.A requestfo r a m inor subd ivision toallow for the relocat ion of ab ui ld ing enve lope located at1314Spraddle CreekDrivel Lot 15,Spraddle CreekS ubdi visio n. Applicant: Pla nn er: Wi llia m a ndJul ie Esrey J im C urnutte 2.A repo rt totheP EC r egardingthe Febr uary exte rioralleralionsubmittals: Areque st for a variancetothe GoreCree k strea m setback.common areava ria nce a nda m ajor eel exterior alteration 10 allow foran e xpansiontothe Gasthof Gram shammerBuilding locatedat23 1East GoreC reek Drlven.ot H,Block 5 8,Va il Village 1s t Filing . Applicant: Planner: Pepl Gramshammer AndyKn udtsen 3 .Arequestfo ra setbackva riance toallowforan expansionto theres idence located at 4 295 Nugg et Lane/Lot 7,Bighorn Estates. App licant : Planner : Marga retG ross Randy Stouder 4 .Arequ est for a major CC II exter ioralter atio n and set back var ia ncetothe Uo nshead C en ter Building to allow for theexpansio n ofth e V ailAssociatesoffices located at 520 lIonsheadMall/Lot 5,Block 1,Vai l lIonshead 1s tFiling . Appl icant: Pla nner: V ail Associat es,Inc. Andy Knudtsen 5.A requ est for amajor cell exterioralteration and s etback varianceto allowfor the expansionofdwelling u nitsat the lIonshead C ente r Bu ildingloca ted at 520 lIonshead Mal l,Units208,209 ,308and309/Lol 5,B lock I ,Vail lIonshead 1stFiling. Applicant: Planner: Victor CanoFar o,Transcon Investments,Inc .,and Jos e Luis Cha in Andy Knudlsen •• 6.A reque st fora v ariancetromSection 18.69.040 (Development Restricted)ofth eV ail M unic ipal Codeto all ow f ort he c onstruction ofbu ildingso n slope s greater t han4 0% locateda t 4335 Big hornRoad/B l ock3,Bighorn3r dFil ing. Appli cant: Planner: Michael lauterbach/BABPartn ership Jim Curnutte 7.A requestforvar iances to allow foroff -site p arking,GRFA in thefront setback,and si te c overage toall ow foranew Primary/S ec ondary r es idence located at1799 Sierra Tra Wlot 17,Va il Vill age W est 1st Filing . Applicant: Planner: George Pl avec Mike Mollica 8.Arequ est for a wa ll he ight v arianc eandd rivewayslo pe v arianceto a llowf ora dri veway toe xceed 10%locatedat2445G armisch Driv e/Lots 10 and11,Block H,V ail d as Sch one 2nd F iling. Applicant: Planner : Steve Sheridan a ndAdamSzpiech AndyKnudts en .. JOHNWARNOCK P.O.BOX653 M INTURN,CO81645 M.GREEN /K.YA ECKEL P.O.BOX4884 VAIL,CO81658 RHODA M ULLEN %G RAYBARELEC . P.O .BOX7231 STLOU IS,MO63177 DAVIDRABA KIOPEL FR ITZ HERI &DAVIDHOFFMAN P.O.BOX3577 VA IL,CO81658 USFS HOLYCROSSRANGEROIST. P.O.BOX 190 M INTURN ,CO81645 GLOR IA &ARTHURROSENER 4825 SAMMONS ST,#104 UTILETON,CO80123 ANTHONY CLAR K 8933CIR CLE RVIEWLANE ESCONDIDO,CA92026 JON &STEPHANIE EBERLE 54220TTH AVENE REDMOND ,WA98053 HEAVENSREG -CHRISTIAN & DONNA 2448GARMISCHDRIVE,#11 VAIL,CO 8 1657 JOHN &CAROLMACLEAN 1216WESTHILLDR CLEBURNE ,T X 76031 • KELLYJEANN E PETERS P.O.BOX2214 AVON ,CO81620 PAMELAJ .HUDSPETH P.O.BOX456 AVON ,CO8 1620 RICHARD &LAURIABREWER P.O .BOX 1375 VAIL,CO81658 THOMASJOHNMENARD P.O.BOX 890 O RLEANS,MA02653 STEVESHER IDAN P.O .BOX2568 VA IL.CO81658 ..•• THI S ITEMMA YEFFECTYOURP ROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVENthat the Planningan dEnvironmental C ommissionof theT own of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordancewith Sectio n18.66.060ofthe M unicipa l Codeof the T ownofV ailo n March 14 ,1994,at2 :00 P.M.intheT ownofVailMunicipal Build ing.In consideration of: 1.Arequ est for preliminary plat approval ofa maj or sub divis ion (Trappe rs Run )on Lot s 16,19 and 21 ,S ection 14,T ownship 5 Sout h,Range8 1W est,genera lly located n orth of 1-70an d wes tof the VaH RidgeS ubdivision. Appli cant: Planner: J ohn Ulb rich ,representedby G ateway Development J im C u rnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY 2 .A req uest tomodify the landscapingpl anassoc iated with thep reviously app roved exterior alteratio nproposal for the Slifer Bu lJ ding,230Bridge Street/Part ofLots Band C ,Block 5,VailV illaget st Fi ling. App licant: Plann er: Rodan dBethSlifer Krista n Pritz 3 .A requestfor a vari ance from S ection'8.69.040 (DevelopmentRestricted)of theV ail Muni cipal Codeto allow fo r theconstru ctionof bu ildin gson slopes greate r than40% located at4335 Bighorn Road/Block3 ,Bighorn3rdFil ing. Applicant: Plann er: Michael Lauterbac h/BA BPartnership Jim Curnu tte 4 .A requ est foraw o rksesslon for variances toall owforoff -site parking,GRFA inthe front setback,and sitecoverage to allow fora new Primary/Secondary residence locatedat1799 Sierra T rail/Lot 17,VailV illageW est t stFi ling . Appl icant: Planner: GeorgePlavec Mike Mollic a 5.Arequest forasite cov erage varia nce to allow fo ran expan sion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3 160 KatsosRanchRoad/Partof Lot 12,Block2,Vai l V iilage 2nd Filing. App licant: Plann er: FredOtto ,r epresenting theVa ilM ountain Scho ol Randy St ouder 6 .Areq uest for a variancetoallow for a6foo t fencelocated in th e fr ont s etback located at 5 118 Go reC ircie/Lol 3 ,Block3,Bigho rn 5thAdditi on. A pplicant: Plann er: Rob ertScho nkwiler Randy St ouder ••.. 7.A request fo r a major exte rio r alte ratio n,site cove rage and setback variances for the Li fthouse Lodge commercial area,Lot 3.Block 1,Vail Li onshead1st FHing /549 West Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Planner: Bob Lazier Jim Curnutte 8.A request fo r a wall heig ht varia nce anddriveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceec 10%locatedat2445Gar misch Drive/Lots 10and11,BlockH,Va il das Schone 2nd F iling . Applicant: Plann er: Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech AndyKnudtse n JOHN WA RNOC K P.O.BO X 653 M INTURN ,CO8 1645 G LORIA &ARTHUR ROSENER 4825 SAMMONS ST ,#104 LITTLETON,CO 80123 KELLY JEANNE PETERS P.O.BO X 2214 AVON ,CO 81620 M .GRE EN /K.YAECKE L P.O.BOX 4884 VAIL,CO81658 AN THONY C LARK 8933 CIR CLE RVIEWLAN E ESCONDIDO,CA920 26 PAMELA J .HUDSP ETH P.O .BOX456 AVON ,CO 81620 RHODA MULLE N %GRA YBAR E LEC . P.O.BOX 72 31 ST LOU IS,MO 63177 JON &STEPH AN IEEBERLE 542207THAV ENE RED MOND ,WA 98053 R ICHARD &LAURIA BREWER P.O.BO X1375 VAIL.CO 81658 DAVIDRABA KJOPEL FRIT Z HERI &D AVID HOFFMAN P.O .BOX3577 VA IL.CO8165 8 HEAVENSREG -CHRIS TIAN & DONNA 2448GARMISCHD RIVE,#11 VAIL ,CO 8 1657 THOMAS JOHN MENARD P.O.BO X 890 ORLEANS ,MA0265 3 STEVE SHERIDAN P.O.BO X2568 VA IL,CO 81658 J OHN &CA ROLMAC LEAN 12 16WES T H ILL DR CLEBURNE,T X760 31 USFS HOL YCROSS RANGER D IST. P.O .BO X190 M INTURN .CO 81 645 d-/I /Iq q .-Ct.C\}0 \"!,'-S.~y\'I 0 l {~l \) Jol "•• TH IS ITEMMAYEFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE ISHEREBYG IVENthatthePlanning and EnvironmentalComm ission oftheTownof Vail w ill hold a pu blic hearing in accorda ncewith Section 18.66.060of the M unicipalCode of the TownofVail o n February 28,1994,at2:00P.M.intheTown 01 VailMunici pal BU ilding. Inconsideration of: 1.Arequest for amajor CCIexterioralterationforthe Laughing Monkey toallowan addition to thesouth sideoftheCreekside Buildinglocatedat223 Eas t GoreCr eek Drive la part 01 T ractA.Block 5 -B,VailVillage 1stFiling. Applicant: P lanner: Jose Guzman Andy Knudtsen 2 .Arequest fora major ee l ex terior a lterationtoa llow tor the redevelopment ofthe CoveredBridgeBuilding locatedat227B ridgeStreet/Lots CandDa ndapartof Lot B,Block 5·B,VailVillage1stFiling. Applicant: P lanner : Hillis ofSnowmass,Inc.andEast West Partners MikeMollica 3.Arequestforav arianceforrequired parkingto belocated ott-site for asingle fam ily residence locatedat 2642Co rtinaLanelLot6,Block B,VaH Ridge . Applicant: Planner: Han s Wiemann RandyStouder 4.A requestforawall heightvariance and drivewayslopevariance toallow for a driv eway toexceed 8%located at244 5Garm isch DrivelLots 10 and II ,Block H,Vail dasSchone 2 nd Fili ng. Applicant: Planner: SteveS heridan and Adam Szpiec h Andy Knudtsen 5 ,Arequestforavariancetoa llow tor a6 footfencelocated inthe front setback and a variancetoa llowa lternative materials not listedin theDesign Rev iew BoardGuidelines for afencelocatedat5118Gore Clrclel Lot3,Block 3 ,Bighorn 5thAddition . Applicant: Planner: Robert Schonkwile r RandyStouder 6 .A requestfor a side and rearsetback variancetoallowfor anexpansion tothe e xisting residence located at2757DavosTraitILot I,Block F,VailDasScho ne 1stFiling . Applicant: P lanner: Juerg enKrogmannand MonicaRoth Randy Stouder ••"'o. Applicant: Planner: 7.A request tora minor subdlvlslon and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential toLowDensity Multi-Family,locatedat2850Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically descr ibed as follows : A J*O'I IIIIM(l '"""8~~or Se(tl(llll•.T~5 5-.Aarte II west lII ....lll1'I p ~MIricliall._~cleoso'bIod ..-. 91111W11 ••palflI-'-•t1i_C"J'••f(lt a b'...Y.WI QuaI\tIfIII takl Seolon I'"....(NoftlI2lI.s.go..2a .......5\M<:CnIls Wnt.1011.l»'"'c..cJl (Nar111 4J e.-15 m...-Q2 halnd$W-.'lUi ..........-d!:Therce HorlIIlol Wil_~__19 ~e_ 1ll31 1Mr;~113.1:l!Iftl:.mng ..._of ._10'""l,lfC whO:II ..........-.CftOl'd bPtInt,..,.,Il8 -.-1~__3D~e-. 1I1.711Mt ThIra SooMo n dI9-"O 21 _East.&2."1M;Thera W7AJ'"aIor'lI ......,Ill .l>IMIlCINlIIfl wl'IctI &It:• CIhoIll ~NoI\!III8 ~_36 17 s.concll E...\(5-'0 "';n-c.NoNI 1O~U ........."~EaL 4Cl$.5$IMl;r-!loI.10 IMI .......IN ....III •-..10"ftlllt wIli:h M:,.mt....,.•d>arol bRMg SowII 41 ~211 _37 .-..ell eal"".20 IMt;TIIeflOt SouUl ,. -.-25 "*"-50_W""",,,Ilo.!,,-,,,; n.nc.60uII A ~""*""""halnd$w-.3201XI _ nw........"6t9-C11 ........05 ~Well,50JXI fMt; ~s-n""""'_"'~WnI.'fIO-l't.t;n-o.8ouIII1D ~51 ~33 _WMt.XA ,..;n-c.NatItlI7 dovr-~__CIS _WtaI.331J2 Mt; '"'-(NDNI11 CIo9-~__13 _E....l3l)llO_o-dl Nor\tI.l1 ~_55 31 E-.t2i.7S_~." POHT OFIl£GNII'fG. ~"-G.LD..-.clIafSouUl""al s-....~s-..14-15.l(ll..O.t.-d SouwI 01 CII9_30.2 __E.-tl ($aUfI OIIII'gI.-sa 0IIII0.WI 32 _E_~ Juanita l.Pedotto AndyKnudtsen 8.ArequestforavariancefromSection 18.89.040(DevelopmentRestricted )01 theVa il Mun icipal Code to allow fortheconstruction of bu ildings on slopes greater than 40% locatedat4335Bighorn Road/Block3 ,Bigham3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner : Michael Lauterbach/BABPartnership Jim Curnutte 9.A requestforaminorsubdivisioniocatedat4316StreamsideCirc le WesVLols 2and3, Block 4,Bigham4thAddition. Applicant: Planner: Walter Kirsch RandyStouder •• MEMORANDUM DATE:January 2 1,1994 TO: FROM: Szp iech File Andy Knudtsen SUBJECT:LOT1"BLOCKH,VAILDAS SHONE #2 On Jan uary 21,1994,RomaSzplec h and I ta lked in thefro nt officeof Community Deve lopment.Sh easkedme t o approve t he driveway as it Iscurre ntly graded.I told h ert hat asastaff member Icouldnotapprove variances a nd t hat thePlanning Commission wasthe only body withinth e TownofVailthatcouldapproveavariance.Sh e toldm e that I was treating her very unfairly .Itold her thatw e tr eatede ach builder whod id not build according tothe approved plan with the s ame procedure.Shethen toldmethat it wasm y fault th e plan s w ere appro ved on as ite thatwasdiff icult tobuildon .I didnot correct that m istaken assumpt ion,asshewasin tearsat thetimeandIthoughtitwo uld onlym akethesit uation wo rse. Around 9:30 tha t morning,sheca lled me tohavemetalktoStev e Sh eridan .St eve Sh eridan owns t helot to t hew est.The driveway islocated on bot htheSzpiech lotas we ll asth e Sheridan l ot.Thedriveway w ill serv e both res idences.Shewasathis s ki shop .Beforeh e gotonthe line,sh e as ked m e ifIknewhim.I toldherthat I didnot.S he thentoldm ethath e was v ery good lo oking,just likeIam .Ididnot respond .Th en sh e added thatthed ifference between heandIwasthat I was v erymean .Weendedthe phon eca ll atthattimeasthe phone wasacreditcardlineforSteve 's shopand needed tobeusedto conduct some credit card transactions . Steve S heridan ca lled meback arou nd10:10in t hem orningandasked m e specifically what infa nnation needed tobeIncluded i n the var iance app lication .Ianswered hi sques tions a nd then alsos hared wit h hi m thec hronology ofthepro ject.Hedi d notr ealizet hat Don Pressley didnotb uild according toplan,andwa ss urpriseduponfinding that out.Healsotoldmethat t hee xcavator had walked thesitewithheandhiswifepriorto starting the project.Hehad understood fromthe excavatorthatther e wouldbeamaximu m three -foot high r etainingwallat t hetopofthe drtveway.Theplansnever showed this.As Iunder stand the siluation,the exca vatordr astically m isled Steve Sheridan. At9 :30inthemorn ing I spoke wi th BrentAIm,who designed thes ite plan ,andtoldh imthat we were hav ing problems withthepro ject.Icall edBrenttodiscusssom e m iscellaneous iss ues about thew eekend .as h eisalso m y roommate .Inthe cou rse 01 the c onversation,I brough t upthe factthatI hedlal kedt oRoma.Heis aware the re are prob lems onthes ite. He isnotthe project arch itect andwas involvedonlytod rawthe si teplanina way that confonned w ith towncod e.I reviewedthesiteplanatthetime of issuingthebuilding permi t and itdoes comply w ith code.DonPressley h as notbuiltaccord ing tothe site plan. 1 • Atthistime ,th e Szpiech pro jecti sred -tagged.Please see letter d ated January 12,1994 .As I understand th e situation,DonPressleyandtheexcavator forthesitedidnotfollowthe approved bUilding permit setof plans .The y putthehouseata higher elevati on than what the bUilding pennit plans s howed .AsIresult ,the driv eway Isata greater slope thanthe approved 8 percent.DonPressley sa id hehadapprovalfromCha rlie Davisinthefi eld t o go upto 10 perc ent.As it is now ,the driveway exceeds 10percent.Th e "approval"made by Cha rlie Dav is wasnotinwritingand ,in fact,Charl ies ays that he didn ol approve i t,butonl y explained toDonPressleythattherewaspotential forapprovalofdrivewaysupto10percen t. Wehaver ed -taggedthe primary residenceandarenot iss uinganyaddit ional inspecti ons fo r the primary residence.T heseco ndary residence maybeinspected.but noT .G.O.shall be g ranted fo r it.Th iswill be thecase u ntila planis approved to correct the si tuation.Th is m ay r equire PEG approval of a va riance.If thatisthe cas e,the site will r emainred -tagged until PE Gma kesth eir decision . Aftera site vis it,wit h Gary M urrain and KristanPritzo n J anuary 24,1994,it became app arent tha tp riortothe issuanceofa T .G.a .fo r eitherthe primary orseco ndary residences,the to llowingmu st be addressed: 1.The exterior m ust befin ished completely.This includes all stucco w ork,but do esn ot require ch inking. 2.T he driveway s lope must be approved .Thiswilllikely be donebythe PEG through a variance process. 3.The sitemustbecleanedup. 4 .Accessmustbeavailab le to the garage .Thi s doesnot nB09Aatily mea n thatthe d riveway "e ~be paved.However ,a road basemustbeappliedso that accessjt '-r feasi ble."""'" 5.Th issite mu stbe graded in s uch a way t hatw all height v ariancesw illnot b e n eeded. A tth is t ime there are large porti onsofthesitewh ich needtobec utb ackand fea theredout.Atth is timeitap pearsthat awa llh eight varia nce w ould be needed unlessthisis done.Th issite doesnot n eedt o be landscapedandthe gra de does not needto b eat finished g rade,p ert he Des ignReviewBoard approved dr awings. However,itmustbe gradedi ns ucha way that itis clear thatwa ll height variances will no t be necessary . 2 75Sourh Frontag e Road Vail.Colo rado 81657 303 -479-2138/479-2139 FAX303-479-2452 February 14,1994 Mr.Adam Szpiech 2445 GarmischDrive V ail,GO 8 1657 M r.SteveSheri dan P.O.Box 2 568 Va il,GO 8 1658 •• Departm ent a/Community Development RE :Lot s 10and11,Block H ,VaiiDasSc hone 2 ndFilin g 2445and244 7Garmisch Driv e De ar Ste veand Adam : Aftermeetingwi th the Town 's Fir e Department.Pub lic Works Department andCo mmunity Deve lopmentDepartm ent.the fo llowing issuesmust beresolved reg ard ing t he c onstruct iono n Lot 11.BlockH .VailDas Scho ne 2nd Filing.The garage w asra ised approximately 6to7 f eetdu r ing constructi on as compared tothee levation shownonthebUilding perm it p lans. Th is increaseinel evationhas caused the d riveway slop etoexceed t heslop e al lowed bythe Towno fVa il.Also,the re is concern thatthe driveway alignment is not locatedwhe ret he appr oved bu ilding p ermitplans show it tobe .A ny w allsg reatert hanthr eefee t inhe ight inthe front se tback orgrealertha n s ix fee t elsew here on site must eit herberebuiltor must be approved,through the v arianceproc ess,b ythePlanningand Environmental Commission (PEG). Thereare two solut ions to th is p roblem.Thefirst so lution involves regradingthe c ommon driveto a10%slopetromthe northedgeofthe4tootw ide pan to the i ntersec tionofthe c o mmon driv eandtheprivatedriv e.Fromthe i ntersect iontotheSzp iech ga rage,t he private dri vewoul d needtobe graded to15%.The roadal ignment mustb eb uiltaccording t ot he app roved bu ilding p erm it plans ,and theho use must hav e a fire s pr ink ler system ins talled. Th e sectio n ofthe d riveway fro m the t urnaro undtothe garage slabwou ld n eed t o be he ated . Th issolution involvestwova rianc es:a n increas ein slopefo r commo nd rive way(i.e.pri vate r oads),from 9%to10%,andan increase ins lope forh eatedp rivated riveways,from 12%to 15%.T he Planning and Env ironmen tal Commiss io n (PEC)wou ld have to app rove the variance s. •• Mr.Szp lech andMr .Sh eridan February 14,1994 Page Two , II '1~,. Ap lanfrom yo u s howing wh ic h optio n yo u have se lected a ndh owyouwill c ompletetheconstructio n project.Drawingsfrom a m echanicalor s tr uctu ral e ng ineerw illn eedto besubm ittedd epend i ngo nth e optio n yo u c hoose. 1. The s econd so lution wouldb e 10 lowe r theelevat ion o fthega rage floor.Th isw ouldn eedto be done s o that th ec ommon dr iveway fromthenorths ide of the4 foo tw idepa ntothe intersection wo uld note xceed 9 %,)s lope.Fro mtheintersectiont o theSzp iech gara ge.the p rivate drive coul dn otexceed 12%s lope.Theportio n from the intersection tothe garage would n eed t obe healed.Th eg aragefloo r wouldneedto be dropped approximately 3feet to ach ieve the se slopes.Und ert h isscenari o.t herew ould benoneedtosprin kle the house.As witht he abo ve solu tion,t hea lignment01 the dri vewaymus t ma tchtheal ignment shownon r. th e approved bu ilding perm it plans.\ .{I""I'j :{'\'\ 1},'l.'3\1" Be forecon struction can proceed.we will need th efollowing items : 2.A ll property linesm ustb eshowno nthe ILe .T his mu sti ncludet he pr operty lines west of theSheri danlot.Thisi nformation willdocu ment that t here areno improvements on t headjacent propertie s. 3.Pleas e sh ow the ILC at a 1-=10'sc ale.Th eali gnmento f th e ILC mus t match theal ignment on t heappr oved bu ilding permit seto fp lans . 4.Th e FireDepa rtment nas noted t heirc oncernab out m aking t helett hand t urn from Garmisch Drive into the dri veway.The drivew aymu stbebu ilt inaway thatconf orms to the o riginald riveway a lignmen t. 5 .Also ,t heF ire Departmenthass pecifically as ked t hatbothSt eve Sh eridana nd Rom aSzpi ec h approve t hepl ansa s itis a Jointd riveway p rovidingjo in t acces s. Att hispoin t,wen eed 10 s pecifica:ly discuss the timingofthe work thatis t obe d oneo n th is s ite .The primary un it iscu rrently red tagged .Afterapp rovalofrevisedp lans iscomp leted, the T ownOf Van will allow construcnon on ly 0:'1 tne portionof building thatwillcor rec t the problem.Th is wo uld be eit her to install a sprinkler sy stemandreceiv ea variance orto drop thef loor oftheg arage as described ab ove.Once t hat w ork is complete,we w ill lift thered tag onthe re stofthepri maryunit. Concerningthe secondary un it,wew ill n otissueatem porary certificate of occupancy u ntil : 1.Th e ex terior isco mpletely finishedfo r b oth t hepri maryand s econdaryun its. This includes a ll s tucco w ork,bu t d oes n otrequ ir ec hinking. 2 .T he P EC approves t he variance .if Op tio n #1 is chosen. 3 .T he site isc leaned up . • M r.Szpi echa ndMr.Sherid an February 14,1994 Page Three • 4.Accessisavailabletothe garage.Thisd oesnot mean thatthe driveway must b e p aved.However,roadbasemustbeapplied sotha taccessisfeasible. 5.Thesite isg raded tow hat isshown asfinishedgradeontheapprovedbuilding perm it p lans. S.Thedrivewayisheated orelse bondedat125%ofthe costoftheworkora letterat credit for 125%/ofthework isp rovided .Thisisa requiremen t in b oth options. 7.The landscaping,asaconditi on of issuing thebuild ingpermit,mustalso be bond edora letterofc reditisp rovided . W e havework ed together onthisto tly t ocomeupw ith requirements we th ink arecon sistent wit h othe r situations andapp ropriate for this project.We hope thatby identifying allo f themin a letter likethis .itwillhelpyou understand whatyouroptionsareand what theTow n's req uirements are.Pleasefeel tre e tocallmejfyou would like tod iscuss thisfurt her.I can be reached at 479-2138. Sl:~~Jj~l~~y -Knudtsen . Se nio r Plan ner xc:Aoma Szpiech Mike McGee DickD uran G regHall Charlie Davis KristanPritz Ga ry M urrain Dan Stan ek C huckFeldmann T omM oorhead ••• BillHe in stated t hat t hetre e woul d needtobetr imm edup maybe 5 10 6feetab ovet he deck lev el.Hesaidtheapp licant wa nted tohavea deck t hat would allow her to l ake advantage ofthesun. Kat hyLan genwa lterstated that shewascomfo rtab le with th e pr oposalandt hat she fel t t hatth ere w asaha rdsh ip o n thesite .S he sai dthatshew ascon cernedabo ut the proposed roof materials,b ut that wasaDesignReview Board issue.S he sa id that she feltit w asi mportantto k eep th ee ncroach mentto 5feet. Kristan Pritz statedthata nypr ivacyscreenmorethan3feetin heightwo uld req uire a varian ce. Kathy Langenwalter sta ledthaishewouldlike t o see t he mass andbul k forthis add ition m inimized.a nd lor that reason ,shewouldliketose e th e pr ivacy screen el im inated .Kathysa id thata guardra il w ould be acceptab le n otto e xceed 3teet in height. Bill Hinestatedthat hewo uld workw it htheiss ue oftrimming thetreea nd t he issueof the guardrailtor the deck. 6.A request for amajorCC II exte rior a lteration and setba ckv ariance to the Lionshead Ce nterBu ild i ng t oa llow forthe expansio n of th e VailAssociates offices located at520 Lions head Ma lllLot 5 ,Block 1.Vai l Lions head1stFil ing . App licant: Planner : Va il A ssoc iates .Inc. Andy Knudlsen TABLED TO APRIL 11,1994 Jeff Bowenmadeamo tion totab lethis r equestun tilApri l 11 ,1994 w ith G reg Amsden secondi ng t hismo tion .A6 -0 vote tabledthis itemtoApr il 11,1994 . 7.Arequestfo r awallhe ight var iance and driveways lope v ariance toall ow fora dr iveway toexcee d 10%loca ted at 445Garm lsch Drive/hots 10a nd 1 1,Block H ,Vai l c asSc hone 2n d Filing. Applicant: Pl anner : St eve Sheridanand Adam Szp iech Andy Knudtse nTA BLED TO AP RIL 11,1994 Jeff Bowen mad e amot ion totab le this reques t u ntil April11,1994w ith Gr eg Amsden second ing th ism otion .A6-0votetab led this itemtoAp ril 1 1,1994 . 8.Areq uestforv ariances to a llowforoff-site p arking ,GRFAin t he fro nt setback,a ndsite cove ragetoallow fora n ewPrimary /Secondary residence located a t1799Sie rra T rail /Lot 17,Vai l Village W est 1stFiling. App licant: Planner: GeorgePlavec Mik e Mo l licaT A BLEDTO APRIL 11,1994 P1 ...nlnt ...d EltVlron_wl Colnmb.alon U.eh 21.1*6 ••• TO :MIKE McGEE GREG HALL ffiBB -0PPENWEIMEB- ReturntoAndyKnudtsen Town Planner INT ER-DEPART MENTALREVIEW PROJECT :\.-Z,.<:."A./,......~J ~~ DATESUBM ITIED:?,It'DATE OF PUBLIC HEA Rl G _=-=-=_ 2-/Z&(11 7 BRIEF DESCRIPTIONOFTHE PROPOSAL: .A--L v,l..·J./-r>v-.e<~ .~.~.-£•..,,-1 .•(- 1 '·('-<0 Engi neeri ng:~d' COMMENTSNEEDEDBY:__~,,!-,=~..!-L-_ Reviewed by:Dale:_ Comments : tandscap lnq . Reviewed by:Date:_ Comments: , F ire Dep t.: Reviewed by :Date :_ Comments : Distributed tothe Fire Department,PublicWor ks.and La ndscaping on,_--,,-,--,--,-__. L,J/""?__'Z-P ~ .e>..,I r:~'fY /....-~~~/7"----rv->;p( ~7/'"V v'"",/r;~d)777 r::>/j/ ;/J/')J /7:/ ;/<7/-,J 7.6 ,----J ~--,";1-_~~-,d'-,y;n---~.r'r '7 -;I y-w-'df>'-."-;1 ..._•....,,-~y ~').l I~v-v-j ;/f/7~~ ~'>V"fJ ~~yO!'I y~ ,'7~7j' •• •• 7 ;;7!"5"1 /-fiJ rr-:---ry n -»>1'-J'-'>?Y ~/7 tH /~n"'T. --;--..d'7 <.'/'l "'1?5"'-e7~;.t /;;-.,0 7.1 <?Y / TO: FROM: DATE: RE : • MEMORANDUM ANDY KNUDTSEN ~7 MICHAEL MCGEE.FIRE MARSHAL~ 01/20/94 SZPIECH DRIVEWAY • We have r eviewed the I .L .C .for the szpiech d riveway sUbmitted to us on the 17th of January ,1994 .We have made the fo llow ing observations: L The ILC h as a statement on it to the effect t hat this ILC "is not a land survey plat or improvement survey p lat ,and that it is not to be re lied upon for the establishment of fence ,bui lding,or / o ther future improvement lines.II v If we are not to re ly upon this ILC for establishing the building location,we cannot use it for determining comp l iance with the Fire Code . @.Basedonthei n format i onSUPPliedanduponour physical _.,~t[ i spectian of the site,we cannot make the left hand t u rn from F ann ish into the driveway without going to the east end of Garmish uvf r and trying to turn the f ire t ruck around t here firs t.The end of Garm ish does not provide good t urn around space either . as being 14 %.The Fire We need a relatively 3.The grade of the d riveway is ind icated Department cannot ope r ate on a 1 4%·grade. leve l area in which to set up operations. 4.The steep sides o f the walls forming the d riveway would not al low sufficient ope ration width.The driveway is 20 feet wide and we need up to 35 feet of operation width for a ladder truck and 33 feet for a pumper t ruck.The grade at the edges of the driveway appears to be almost a ver tica ls lope up for a height estima ted at 10 feet or more .We cannot set u p operations in s u ch a confined space. oIL. 5.We cannot make th e right hand turn f rom the top of t he driveway into t he ga rage apron.The turn ing radius is too short. 16.)This dr iveway is proposed t o be aIIj o int/shared access"and ~OU l d comply with the app roved p lans or a t least be redesigned to comply with requirements a s adopted b y t heTown of Vall.We ca n flex where it is reasonable ,but this proposal does not al low sufficient fire department acc ess t o p rovi de services in a reasonable time . t;)Gi ven that th is proposa l is fo r a joint access ,the 1 4%g rade~the ad joining property s h ou ld be reviewed and approved by the adjacent property owne r. B.I t appears the bui lde rh ada n app roved set of plans but failed to construct according to the agreed upon design. 9.The owner had the option to install a fire sprinkler system ~ b utd eclined to take that option. 1 0.If t he current configuration is approved,the Fire Department cannot give any assurances that we will be able to deliver fire protection or medical services in any reasonable time or without ~ signiricant delays due to non-complying minimum access requirements • szpiech Driveway I.L.C. page 2 • cc:Chief Duran • revised 10/5/92 ••AN 214 ifp4 q Appl ication Date ,',.e{.q, PEC MEETING DATE,__ APPLICATION FORA VA1UAIl CE I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance .The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted . PHONE--.!:f!j_-:::;6 '~to~_ A.APPLlCANT·....",:S!....'fj!!:t»~rz..::-=.=:=~_ 7-0 ts,'t 0<5 1,,6" ___VitlL !C(\'8'/6 >1 B .NAME OF AP PLI CAN T'S REPRES ENTATIVE,_ ADDRESS,_ Sti J?£-l D , g,2.h eU-/J' 'DR -V41/..-1 Co -<'fIre r-; NAME OF OWNER(S)(type or _________________________~P HO N E:~~j~~~~~~~ print)~h(I"I OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S)..!..~~:::..._~=:~:::::2 U 'j_-j vw__J ADDRESS t44\~H/~H C. ''':'''''-'L=~BY _'-ll="--__FEE $250.00E. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL BLOCK 1+ THE FEE ~BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVE LOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. Stamped ,add ressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the SUb ject property I NCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS ,and a list of their names and mailing addresses.THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESP ON SIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES . II.A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to d etermine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant 'S responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. I II.PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMP7~APPLICATION WILL STREAM LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC)MAY STIPULATE .ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BU ILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4)COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A .A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED.THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other e xisting or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 1 2.The degree to which re lief f ro m the st r ict o r literal interpretat ion a nde nforceme nt o fa s pecified regulat ion is nece s sary t o achie ve c ompatibility a nd uniformi ty o f t reatment amon g s ites in the vicinity Or to attain t he o bjec tives of this t it le wi thout grant of special priv ilege . 3.The effect of the variance on light a nd air, distributi on of p opulation,transportati on, traffic facilit ies,utilit ies,and public s afety. 4.How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. B.A topograph ic and/or i mpr ovement s urvey a t a scale of at least 1 "=2 0'st am pedb y aColorado l icensed surveyor i nclu di ng lo c at ionso f all e xi st ing impro vements,i nc lud ing grades and eleva tions.Other elements which must be s hown are parking and loa di ng areas,ingress and e gre s s,landscaped areasa nd util ity and drainage features . C.A site plan at a sca le of at least 1"=20 's howi ng existing and proposed buildings . D.All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions,g eneral appearance,scale and use of all buildings a nd spaces exi sting a nd proposed on the site. E.A preliminary title r eport t ove ri fy owne rsh ip a nd e asements. F.I f t he propo sa li s loc a ted i n amult i -famil y d evel opment wh ich ha sa homeowner s'ass oc iatio n,then wr itten app rova l fr om the a ss ociat ion in s up po rt o ft he project mu s ta be r ec ei ved by adu ly authorized agent f or said a sso ciat i on. G.Any addit i onal material nec essa ry for the review of the applicati on ?s de t ermined b y ~hc z o n in ~a dmi r.is tr a to ~. *Fori nteri ormodi fi c atio ns ,an i mp rovement survey and site planmay be waived b y the zoning a dministra to r. I V.TIMERE QUI REMENTS A.The Planning and Envir on me ntal Comm is sion meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays o f each mon th.A complete applicati on form and all acc ompany ing ma te r ia l (as descr ibed above)must be submi tt ed a min i mum o f four (4)weeks prior to the date of the PEe public hearing . No in c omplete appl ications (as d eterm ined by the zoning administrator)will b e accepted b y t he planning staff before Or after t he designated submittal d at e. B.All PEe approved v a ri ances sha ll laps e if const ruc tion is n ot commenced within one y ear of the date of approval and dil igently pursued t o c omp letion. A.V.If this applicat ion requires a separ ate r.e vie wb y any local ,State Or Federal agency othe rt han the Towno f Vail ,the appl icati on fee shall be i nc reased by $200.00 .Examples of such r ev iew,may include,but are not l imit e d to:Colorado Depar tment of Highway Acces s permits,Army Co rps o fEng ineers 4 04,e tc. B.The applicant shall b e r espons ib le f or p a ying any pub lishing fees whi ch are in ex c ess of 50 %of the application fee .If,at t he a pp l icant 's request,any matteri s postponed for hear ing ,c ausing the mat ter t o be re-published,then,the entire fee for such re- publication s hal lbep a id b y t he applicant . ••2 • January 21 ,1994 •• 1lU-. Requesttor variance on Driveway at Lot)il and10,Block H,Filing2,Vail da s Schone . Changes listedasfollows : 1.Changefinishgrad e atend of d riveway from8to 11 d egrees,thiswouldallow mucheas ier accesstocontinuethe roadto lot10 . 2.Change d irection of driveway attheveryend slighW toleftasdrawnon approvedplans .This wou ld alsoa llow easier accessto lot 10. 3.Changefinish gradeonentrancetoRoma's garagefrom14to 11 degrees . 4.Becauseofsunexposure,requestthatheatingrequ irement bewaived . / -, c.APPlicat ~deemed by the Community .-lvelopment Department to have significant desigl"-land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant .Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town . 3 ~~-~U+-J:;'rttV--'!---A-' ~-.. U#=-~----~Gte -{; /1frt;;ty·;J¥Q:;j:h- ~cu-~~~U--- Uv ~~~tivu +f°Lr ~fA-~.Di sfnc;rif.o >~x IJz ltf~(Go .RfbCr( '<--'- w ~(I v<:'7toS I ~Lo+-4 ~s -(4 l ~-H/~L,.Cv~'... ~_./W'~G:fJ(JUdL..()}-.b .(G.-fC. _,P-e e ti .,;CI'''C'M ;ftf S .rrr.~?-(-:r b e ~:)t >> \)[(~c..I ('S;' I ACCOUNT NO. C 'lT£J:S MADR PA Y ABUJ:TO TOWN OP V AB. NO.TAXCOST EA.TOTAL • • 5-00 • S7.oo • $0.25 • $5.00• 550 ,00• S36.oo • S32.oo• $36.00 • :)30.00 • 0 1 0010 41540-ZON ING ANDADDRESSMAPS 0 1000042415 ,UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ,0 1000042415 U NIFORMPLUMBING CODE 0 1 000042415 U NIFORM MECHANICALCODE 01 000042 415 ,UNIFORMFIRECODE 0 10000 42415 NATIONALELECfRI CALCODE ;HOrr1-;;0000""*-742$i4~15.-·_I OTHER CODEBOOKS ;01 0000 41548 'BLUE PR INTS (MYLARSl ,0 10000 42412 'XE ROXCOPIES 0 1000042412STUDIES ,01 000042412 -TOVF EES COMPUTER PROGRA.\1 01 0000 42371 PENALTYFE ES /RE INSPECTIONS ,0 100004 133 2PLAN REVI EW~R~E~!CH~'~E;<;:~K~F~E~E~IS~40~PE~R~H~R~'~~3~3~~~~~§~~~~1jf-!1 f OOOO 42332OFFHOURSINSPECTION FEES ,01 0000414 12 CONTRACTORS LlCE."IS ES FEES i -0(0000 414i 3-SIGN APPLICATION F EE .01000041413 A DDlTI0NALSIGNAGEFEEISl.ooPERS Fr." -01000042440 IVTCARTPROJECTDONATION i 0 1 000041331 IPREPAID DESIGN R EVIEW BOARD FEE 6 1 0000 423 '1LJ!!'1~IiST I GA't!6N FEEBUILDING 3 10000 451101TOV PARKING FUN D 0 1 ~C~U :'N~AP ER DI S P EN S ER F UN D •OU XXXl 2 1112 TAXA~~4 %STATE •0 1 00004 1010 TAxABLE @ 4%(TOWN) OTII ER O THER ,COlollolEl'o'TS:;: ,f----------------------------; MO._'I CK._'D"TF~'-'IU-£.KYo RECElPT -T DA TE ,'9 "ownof Vail II.!N9 45 479 , f •I < RECE N ED F ROM ..,..-_~_ ADDRESS :e-.:'---"-_-'-;'_::-;-_ II ,, ! ", • I " , (( PoliceReceipt Numbers_.-_ By ------~-'-'---- 1-Check _ PermitNumbcrs __~--_=---­ HOW PAl D-C."'IZ p r s-d urc p reo "01 I ~~\~I I I I I I I o-:I I..-e I o .I o .-"""I'"e a '"'"'I -e-I "~I.."I .J ..I to ~"'a:I~-N ~N I I ::l :I:I...'".... I a:I !z a cr Ic:w I ,~I w )-'"I3cIIIz•I II.I i'!~"Is: I a -I (f A ..,Z •I-m I ~I l -UI a:u IN0'"." I Z I "'o e.-e co ,.I ';I-o .w ~.-"c I :->:~I ",.m '"I-0 Io·-%'"'2 c,"0 >- I 0 ,I ~c v ,~I-#~='li •", I l-N I ~-•-•II......0 ~-t- I -I Cl..;t.J ...-'"c-I".....~/C 0)Z' I ll,oy CX::::'"~IU1.1 :4 ()'"I Gt(i~J -s:I'"w ,~_:no.=tou 1 T~~lW -,I .....'I ~I_l t -11")1 •J ------ -• ...,../it .("'A-=::>:.~'1/1lC:,c.~0 ~~Q..~~\)ClA'O-UQ [!-/:~r --.------~:\'_\\,~lt l ~~"IC ••_{71()c//0/.6/cr.J:..)-£.c2f/.t,/7 G~vd-:-,Sir ~/dcL-J -- .____t2itC.P1::,_t::2 ?_ .__U a...L _&J ~I /a s-%-_ ~--=-~Ie:;IS.ZocJc li _eP_'/,37 ~ClA.A~--- .,-!l1ty.I/1,J-/~_g1~4'-./J ~_~_C /,J)I &>tu..uI/'-<1P'j)i6 -_ ,CldtuuUe TX-':'7-.k C)31.. •---- - ~~----------~-• ,.• ---,j--------- -t -- r -~-r-- f ~-t ~--- •.. -------• ---~--- ----r----- • --=I __ I I j- • ------- :~Road 1657 Frontage Road "ado 81657 ,tage Road ,816$7 •• TH OMA S J OHN MENAR D BOX 8 90 ORL EAN S.MA 02653 HEAVENS RE G -CH RIS TIAN &DONNA ?/.t,p,r.i\t>Ivf T"'"""'"it" VAIL .CO81657 DA VID RA BAK.OP EL FRITZ HE R!&DAVID HO FFM~~ BOX 3577 VA IL .CO 8 1658 'a8 ~Road '81657 9:::F::;VA~IL~~\ :"rontagt Road rada 8/657 1tagt>Road '0 81657 •• RICHARD AND LAURIA BRE~ERBOX1375 VAI L,CO BI658 JON &STEP~~IE EBERLE 542 207TH AVE NE RF.nMOND.WA 98053 RHODA MULLEN C/O CRAYBAR ELECTRIC P .O.BOX 723 1 ST LOUIS ,MO 6 3177 I 'nlagt:ROlli! 108 1657 ntage Road fn ~lfi'i 7 ua ge Raad '081657 •• PAME LA J HUDSPETH BOX456 AVON ,CO 81620 ANTH ONY J CLARK 8933CIRCLE R VIEW LiL~E ESCOND IDO .CA 92 026 }1ARGURI TE GREEN &KIM YAECKEL BOX .88. VAIL.CO 81658 ;VA IL nuzge Road 1081657 'VA IL nto /{f'Rood w ..lJWI Ilagr Rtxuf 0 81657 •• KELLY JEAN~E PETERS BO X 2214 AVON .CO 8 1620 GLO RIA &ARTH UR ROSENER 48 25 SAMMONS ST 104 LITTLET08 .CO 80 123 JOHN C WARNO CK BOX 6 53 MI NTUR N.CO 8 1645 TOWN·\:OF~VA~IL~~' 75 So uth Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado 8 1657 303 -479-2138/479-2139 FAX 3 03-4 79-2452 Ja nuary 12,1994 Mr.Do nPres ley C arpentry Unlim it ed 14 1 EastM eadow Dr ive Vail,CO 8 1657 ••FILE COpy Depa rtment of Comm un ity Development RE:Lot 11 ,Block H,Vaildas Schone #2,Szpiech Residence Dea r Don : Atth istime,thepr imaryres idenceund er constru ctiononthe lotreferenced abo veis redtagged .Asa result.noco nstruction shall co ntinueuntil wehaveresol ution to the driveway issue. 1.Please p rovideasurvey of the site showingtheslope of thedr ivewayas shot by Intermountain En gineering; 2 .Indicateon ase parate sheethowyo u intendtofinishth e dri vewayin aw aythat co nforms w ith t heTo wn'scodes .Ib elievethiswill entailhea tingap ortion of the dri veway .Th is mustbe indic ated o nthed raw ing,and the n mustb e app roved byb oththePublic W or ks Departmen t andFire Department. O nce w eh avetheseapprovals from PublicWor ksandtheFireDe partment ,we will lift the redtagand youmay c ontinue an w ith co nstruction .No temporary c ertificateof occupancy will beiss ued for eithertheprim ary or s econdaryun itu ntilth ed rivewayg rade has b een field verifiedby Public W orks.You will n eed tocon tact Gr eg Hall atPublic Wo rkswhen yo uare readyfor t hegr ade che ck aI479 -2158 .Ifyou or Romahave a ny quesfio ns about this,p l ease fee l freeto c allmeat 479-2138.Thank you ve ry muchfor y our cooperatio n. .Sincerely, ;rl <-L 0 <di ,~~Knu&sen Sen ior Planner xc:GregHall Gary Murrain DanS tanek - - ,, -,"•~?·i·:C ;iC. ...O .~X .7.Ater-MOUDtaiD IIUITf.SO •~~f,:i~\r:f..77 lCTC"'L'1'00..0 S &20 V~.T~~T AVON.C OLO ••teao EngineeringlU.LAkItWOQO.ca&..G.aoa •• I~OSI ....-11 072 (~OSI.'~O•••~..l~'I /,, PROJECT:.Di2-,v tc w A-y /-Or "3L ~4 VA-i~Do S C;fk>"..J £.JX '2..", POINT N O.STATION DESCR IPTION PROPOSED F.'..NI~HEO I~PB ca-!!OR 4:-"1 "1 "l.§:';to'N .'is -,"0 0 +-00 .D '<-I UE..VJA-Y , 4'7 '1r(0 J 0 +00 /0 Q/.s L C FFs~T)-so~ 6 '3 ""S"1!l 5'1:££.e.()i''\0 z,0+18- '0 "'-7'fi "/s , 5'1 §1 s,));.I'n '3-=-- 104 '-t!+4 3 ~q,s4'U.S4:z.C 'ob0- "/5 , 54 :0 S"4e!..e o ~10 ~7 2-- I O~O+'/?7,IJ 4:-S B ~p c o 1£-s;8 - 7~'lJ sr;9 .l?Co !..!....\0 "7 sa - l -/-,5'~,"'~~..12 t!.2-~4-, 10 6 ,~6 -- "h ,&e 1 104 ,7~(,,6 4~C -V'i..L " I t-S/~ti::{,'S qJ r"p,~C '$??-II 0 ,c/~J ~5"~"t.30-I , 1/z,1~, f:,8 -, If-S1 1~&B ~cl ~'z~-\I ,<f 7 /-, "/5 \o ld 7 0 5 3:-C z..~!1/1 ;'2..c,a.......---! 'U Z-I ~\~t l"-',Ie ·-<f r.Nt'..0/15"6-1 J SF"f>r=7 ,~7 3- 6Nn:.y -<-G-f,fH .lt {?p-,...• .;...,~--'r'.-: ".'..·I-.,."·.'.. "•..i,, HOTES'!I .., I ,--",..,.:'," "" .•...•.:..r-'"',:.:...,.''"..'....._.~.r..,;.':,.'°:--0_:-., •• -- --- •• Carpentry Unlbnited,Inc. 141 East Meadow Drtve •Vall,Co lorado 81657 •(303)4 76-7739 Dat e Decem ber 15 ,1993 TownCommunit y Dev elopmen t Department Re:2445 GarmichDr ive Res idence of Adam Szpiech Car pentryUnlimited ,ac ting o n behalf of owne r,as t he Gene ral Contractor he r eby agree s to t he followi ng desire s of the Community Developmen t Department : 1 )I ntermountain Eng ineer ing wil ls et g rades o n d riveway within (5)worki ng d ays and will d ocument ga rage slab elevation as per reque st. 2)Any por tion of d r iveway t hat exceeds 10%in g rade s ha ll be heated at owne rs expe nse . P res ident Ca rpen t ry Unlimi ted Inc . I h",.~y Cltf'Ufy thot th is improVlNTl tltlt t ocattoo c Brlificoltl wos prtq)orwd for th~morlgogtl I tlffdtlr cmd thtl t itl"ms uronCtI c ompany.that I t Is n o t 0 land sUrvr!y plot or ImproYemtltlt $lJrYt1y plot,and that it ts n ot to be r elied upon for th"tJ stobllshmtlnf of fMce,bu ilding,or ofh~luturtl im pr o""mfmf lintls.I furthtlr cttrtily that t he improvements on l h"obove dt/scribfld porctll onthIsdate.exc~t utIlity conntlctioms,or"tH7 t ir~y within the bou ndaries o f the p oreet.tlx ctlpf as sh own,t h at th ~e ar"n o tlfIcroochmtNIts up on fhtl d flscdb"d premistls by impro~tltl ts on any adjoinIng prflm/sfls,t!xcttpf a s Indlcot~and th at tht/rtl is n o apport/I'll tlvid8flCtf or sIgn of any tl ostlmtNI l cros sing or burdtmlng any port 01 s o l d parctJ/,flxcttpl as n oted. Th is certifieat"d otls not constitu te 0 title search by In t~-Moun tain £ngin~g ta detttmlin l!!o wn ~ship or tIOSI!If1IMts 01 r«:ord.For all information regarding l!!aStlmtlflt s,rights-ol-way or titll!!o fr ecoca• Inttlf"-Mountain r l!J{il!ld up on rn a(Plat of Vail o os Schon tl Flint}No.2 , / D.=1976'18- R -85.00' L -28.59' .~ c:s I I - 125.89 ' EA SEMENT-- LOT12 SECOND FLOOR ~<,C~NnLEV£R l ROCK WA LL N83vr,6 -W 7' / /F OUND 1/2"REBAR W/WA SHER N O.2 187 17.6' I I I I I I I I I I ( I I ( ( / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /..-..---L..__---------- ---- LOT10 NonCE:A ccording t o Colorodo Jaw you must comm~ce any Itlgol action based upon any dl!!fect in th is SlJfVI!Iy within three J"'OTS aft~you tiNt disco 11M"su ch d eftlCt. In n o t!VIfflt.may any ac tion bas6d upon any def«t In th is SfJf"lIey be comm tlncl!ld mort!than tBn ytHVS from th t!datI!!of certification shown h~t!on. ~tJ~.'"935965'11:'t ORA"1I ~TV ''I".1 12/IO/9J ~tJ~=='--20'D.D.F.,.,.-,--,~1 OF1 IMPROVEMENT LOCATlONCERTIFICA TE LOT 11,aLOCK H, VA IL DAS SCHONE FILING N O.2. TO WN OF VA IL EA GLE COUNTY.COLORADO BASIS OFELEVA TlON: MH 4-A4 RIM EL E V.=8 049.35 SUl TF 101 1420 VANCC STReET LMEIfCla),caa 80 215 (JOJ )2 .12-0 /58 1--1----------1 •P.a BOX 9 18 00 11 IoIETCALF R~ A lotW.caa 8 1620 (.JO.J)9 49-$()72 s t.-r 111':...•,.1 (I.,.e «"'tJ- 0J /'-<.~.!...sr-:It ~j' tj"-."-,f<--..-(;,./<I .e.-TLL~r---~.r d '~-=;>~*-1 I'>'f 4.A 1-1(1 '7!!7 I h ereby ctN"tify tha t fh /5 improvemtm f location c tN't ilicattJ lIIas prBPor~ (or the m orlgogtl I tNfdtN'and IlIl'title III SlJron ctl company.thai It Is not Q lan d svrvey plot or improvem flflf S/Jrvey p lot.an d t hat it Is not t o btl rttli~ upon for til"tl stob lishmfJnt o f f MC",b u ilding,or olher futurl!Im proll'l!mtNIt lili es.I IlJrfh ttr ctlrtlfy that the ImprO~tm ts on Ih"oboVfJ dt1scribN parctJI on this dote.except utility connections,or!!t1nlirtJIy within t he boonduritls of til"parcel.t1Kcepf as sh own,that fhere ortt no t!f1croachmlMts upon th" d esc ribed prt1mlst1s by impro'tf1men ts on any adjoin ing prtmlises.fJxcept as indicated,ond that fhtlrtl Isno apparMt l!V;dMC"or s ign 01a ny t103"m"nt cr03sing or burd~ning any port of said pore,,/'"xct¥'t as not"d ThIs ctlrtlfica t"d NS not CM3titutIJ a t ltJl!s~orch by In ter-Moun tain Engineering t o d"ttlfmln"own~ship or l!a StNTI ltnt3 of recocd:For 0/1 information rlJgordlng ~osem lMts.rights-of-woyor t itll!of rl!cord, Int u-Moun tain r~;tHf upon Flna!Plot o f Vol 00$SChon"Fling N o.2. / b.=1976'18 b R 85.00' L -28.59' l I I - BASISOF EL EVA 770N: MH 4 -A4 RIM EL E V.=8 0 49.35 125.89 ' ____EASEMENT LOT 12 ''''-oL,.~..; ,"/ SECOND FLOOR ~,C~NTlL E V£R /........ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ./ / /- LOT N8JV1 '16 bW 7 '_~UllLlTY 'O.r--~,0i ROCK WA LL I I I I I I I I I / I "£/ 5 '00 ./.3 '4 /;/'7 -/0/~--1LOr ORIV£Vl Ay / /F OUND 1/2"REBAR W/WASHERN O.2187 17.6' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -l-.___--------- -- LOT10 NOTle£.·A c cording to Colorado l ow you m U$t c om mMCIJ ony l egol oction b oslJd up on ony dlJflJCt in t h is $U/1IIt!y within t hr lJiJ ytJON o ftiff'you tint d i$cOYfH"s uch d"fttet. Inn o tH/fMt.moy any a c tion baSM upon any d"fttet in th is s(J~Y bit commlJnctld mortl than ten years from t hlJ dotlJ at c~dification shown h~lton. •0CSIa0E1J '7':.'"r ~,"935965DA'"",..,-IMPROVEMENTLO CATlONCER TIFI CA TE '1'...e .,,\~. P.a.sox 676 ~-MoantaiD SLlt TE '01 DlfAWI /17':TV .,",.:A4'S."mlJm 12/10/930077IJC'TCALF ROAD /420 VANe!"S~T LOT II,B LOCK H,A IOY;coc a 6 '620 l .AATItOOO,ca a 8C21j CI'£O{lll /I'f:""'"(JIJ.1)/J4!J-$072 EDgiDeeriagUoL (.JtJJ)2)2-0158 VAIL DASSCHONEFILING N O.2 ,O.O.F.'--20' TOWNOF VA IL EAGLE COUN TY.COLORADO ~~.."s-ar ...1 OF 1 Dn1CMIJ /1r.o ~f(l·.f r ~:;"935965p~""~-' ORA,.,Br.o TV "r,I 1F ~12/10/93 f»I£CXtD IJr.o =ou,1".-20 'D.O.r.--,.~-,-OF // I hf1N1by Ct1rtify that th is impro WNn Mlt l ocation urljnCQ t~was pr~arttd for th~morl9a9~IMld~and th~t it/II Ins uronce c ompany.thot It Is n ot a l and survey p lot or lmp ro'lfNTlent survey p lot.and that if i s not t o b~rMilHl up on f or f ilII Bstob llsnmttnf of (MetJ.b u ilding.or o fhtJl'futurtl impro Vf1lTl tNlt l ines.I fur/hilI'Ctlrt/Iy that filII improvttmflnts on filII abo"""descr/bfld porettl on this dote./lxcep t utUlty connection$,orlt enfir~y within the boundar/Its of f he parcel,excep t as sho wn,t hat t htJl'tI orfl no M1croacflmtNIts upon fil II described pr~isfls by imprOYl!llTlM ts on ony adp ining prflm/sfls,flxcep f as in dicot~and that tll tlrll isn o opportmf evfdflnc.or s ign of any flOSflmt1f7t crossing or burdMing any port 01 so ld parC61.fl XCflpt as noted This c tJrl ilicale d Ofls not consti tu te a Utlt1 s t1arch by In t e-MOlJn t oln £ngint1t1f'ing t o dt!1t~int1 OWrf eship Of't10S f!HTI f!If'I ts o f recora:For 0/1 In formation regarding eo slfmtNIts.rights-of -way or t itlt1 of rtlcord, Int er-Mountain riN lfJd up on r na!Plat o f Vai'00$SclJonlf Filing No.2. IMPROVEMENTLO CA TION CERTlFlCA TE / fj,=1976'18 R R -85.00 ' L =28.59 ' l LO T 11,BLO CK H, VA IL DAS SCHONEFILING N O.2. TOWN OFVAIL EAGLE COUN TY.COLORADO I I I - 1.25.89' BASIS OFELEVA 770N: MH 4 -A4 RIM £lE V.=8 0 49.35 EA SEMENT----- LOT12 SECOND FLO 1r.~-...C~NTlLEVER SUIre t ot f420 VANCC stsar I--+---------jlAK':lK.lOO,COLO.80~1 ~ (J().J)~.J2 -0 '58 1--1f---------1 - / /FOUND 1/2"REBAR W/>yASHER N O,2187 / 4 3.4'N8Je}f'16 RW 7"- II L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I - (t. (f' - • ..- f"!' '1 4 ac LOT 10 No nce.,According to Colorodo l ow >ou must comm Mclf any /~01 action b osfJd upon any dlff«t in this slJrvlfY wIthin tnree J'f'Ors a ftttr )OU first diSCOYl8r su cIJ d"f«t. In no tlY!8f7t.may ony action bostld upon any def«t In this 6Urll'tly be c ommenctld mar"thon tllfl years from the dot"of ctlrtificatlon shown heeon. ••• Carpentry Unli:m.ited,Inc. 141E a st M e adow Drive December 15,1 993 •Vail.Colorado 8 1657 •(30 3)476 -7739 DA te Town Community De ve lop mentDep artment Re :24 45 Ga rmic h Dr ive Res i de n ce o f Ada m Szp ie ch Ca rpen t ry Unlimit ed,acting on be half of own er ,as the Gen e ra lCon tract o r he r eby ag r e es to the followi ng des ires o f the Commun ity Developmen t De p a rt ment : 1 )I nte rmount a in Engi nee ri ng wi lls et grad e so n drivewa y wi t hin (5)wor ki ng d ay sa ndwill document g ar ages lab e l evatio n as pe rr equest . 2 )Any portion o f d r ivewa y t hat e xceeds 1 0 %in grade shall b e hea t ed a towne rs e xpense . Presid e n t Carpen try un l i mite d Inc . f}t"-k~~lt& 4~l t<1 ,zll ft- 1~l-c11 ·~..• ~...'--...:., TOWNOFVA IL •• Andy Knudtsen ~, !Ui7I.d d rr r&-c~ ~d~<_.l:r J1.L<.-.LL ......., ".•• CROSS EASEME NT AND MA INTE NA NCE AGREEMENT ~TillS CROSS EA~EMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREE MENT is entered in to t h is "Z..'1 day of ..J ....ty ,1 993 by STEPHENP .S HERIDAN (hereinafter "SH ERI DAN")I and AOAM SZPIECH (he r einafter "SZPIECHU). RECITALS WHEREAS,She rida n i s the o wner o f Lot 10 ,vai l DasSc ho ne Fil ing No.2,and s zpie ch is t he ow n er o f Lot II ,Va il Da sS cho ne Filing No. 2 .,Tow n of Vail ,Eag le Coun ty ,Colorado ,a st hec u rre nt ow ners of th e propertya ffectedby and utili z ing the e as ements and right o f way ,wis h to prov ide for the u se,ingres s,Qg ress andmain te na nce of a p riva te d r iveway ,to b e co ns t ructed . Nm'l THER EFORE ,f ora nd in co n sideratio no f the mutual covenants c ontai ned herei n the pa rti es h ereby agree and c ovenant as follo ws: 1.S heridan does he reby g rant to Szpiech and szpiech does h ereby g rant to Sheridan ,thei r respective h eirs,successors,a ss ig nsa perp etu al n on -exclusive easemen t and right of wa y 20 fee t in wi dth ,for a road a s g en erally d escribedo n Ex hibit "A",atta c hed hereto a nd i ncorpo rated he re in by this reference as if se t out in full ,fo r i n gress and egress of pedestrian and motor vehicles,which easeme nt sha ll be exclusive t o and appurte nant to the respective properties owned by t he pa rties . 2.Tha t the ea sements crea ted he reby shall be fo r t he e x clus ive use and en joyment of the parties he re to,the ir he irs,s u ccesso r s a nd assig ns ,a nd shall be a nd remain appurtenant to the subject re al prope rty.No public e ase me n t.access or ri ght of way sha ll be crea ted by this docume nt , 3 .Sheridan and Szpiech shal l mainta in the roadway in such manner and to such standard as they shall ag ree to,from time to t ime,a nd shall allocate the cost of any such repair a nd maintena nce ,i n such a man ner as they all shall ag ree to ,from time t o time .T he i nitia l cost of const r uctio n of the dr iv eway sha ll be born equally by the pa rti es. S heridan sha llh ave no maintena n ce responsibility or expe ns eu ntils uch t ime as he,or his successors ,constructs a r eside nce on Lo t1 0, the reafter maintenance shal l be born equally by t he parties .Any pe rson who should cause any damage to t he driveway o r easemerlts shall resto re the driveway to its o r igina l condition a nd s hall r epa ir a ny damag e to adj oini ng l a nd or struct ures . 4 .Szpiech shall be r esponsible fo rh iring the contractor and Sheridan shall have the right to approve su ch con tractor,t he construction shall be done in accordance with th ep lans ana s pe ci fi cat ions t here for e,a s a pprovedby the To wn of Vai l, •• 5. mainta in Th e partiei aqrQ Q th at th ey will not creatQ a nui&ance their prop erty in an uns ightly o r unsafe c ondit ion . 6.The provisions hereo f shall inure t o t he benefit of and bind the successors an da ss i gns of t he re spect ive p a rt i es h ereto . 7 .The p arti es ,f ort hemselv es ,their heirs ,executors and a dmi n is tra to rs ,d o cov enant,g rant ,bargain and a greet o and witht he o th er partiesa nd their a ssig ns ,that t hey have g o od right,fu ll power and l aWfula ut hor ityt o grant the ea se ment in manner and for m as a for e said. IN WITNES S WIIE RE OF ,the parties h av e executed this agree ment on the day and year first a bove writte n . STATE OF COLO RA DO COUNTY OF EAGL E ) )55. ) ~The for~~~Ea sement Agreement was acknowledged~day of ~,1993by stephen P.Sheridan . Witne ss my hand and o fficial seal . My commi ssion exp i re s on:,?_?_?s,t' before me this STATE OF COU NTY OF ) )SS . ) ~~r IT h e fore~orn~~~s em ent A ~.ee ment WMS ~c~no wled~ed~day of .....1 \A.\~,19 93 Ad am s a p.ie c h, witness my ha nd a nd Officials eal. My c ommis sion expires on:.,J f..\n\..\4r O \d ,\qql\ befo.e me this 2 \-, J \ I I \ /.,.~-. ,"',J ./I ". '.,'"'J 199) THIS EMPLO Y(E HOUSINe STRICTION FOl1M SHAll nc USeD fO R e.nOPME NTS APrn ov(o . PRIOR TO TI-tE;ADOPT ION Of CH APTER 18 .57 ,[MPLOVr:r:1I0U51NG.5 EPT[MnEn 1,H)n2.E XAMPLES OFT HESE orVElOPMENTS I NCLUDE PHASEV I OF rna VAl U:;:Y.r ons sr GlI!N.OAUPl iINAISIMOSLEY. ETC. EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE C OVENANTS WHEREAS,M1r11 ~,?p 1EGM i$the owner 01 the property deserlbedas :LOT /I,Ew elL.+1 1 h~~2..r-VtJJW ~ck()1lQ., accord ingto the map recordedin Book ,page 'in the offi ce 01 the Eag le County Clork and Record er, herein referred to as th e "subjectpropert y";an d ",W},I£:'f.l~.thll:.o wner wishes 10 plac:certain restr ictions on the useef the sub ject "t,"-f ,~""(~~artl]'r]")'!!i(I.,':"I'lJ ,~.4 la nd'I~·r'!h\Pb~h!,t~~l 'iil'ci·'di,.)Aer and the Townof Vnil ,Colorado ("the Town"), NOW,THEREFORE ,the owne rdoes hereby impose ,estab lish,acknowl edge,declare lor the ben efit of all persons who may hereinaft er purchase,or lea se,orhold the subjeclland , the Iollowlnq re stri ction s,covenan ts,nnd condltio ns,all of which ~h3 11 be deemed to run wlth the land and to inure to th e benefit and be bind ing upon Ihe own er ,lis respec tive gra nlees , successors.and assig ns. 1.'The subje ct property has a restricted employeedwe lling unit in Ihe appro ximate size of ~~h",l<d«i.~(5QJ )squ are feet.The restri cted employee unit located on Ihe subject properly sha ll not be sold,transfe rred ,or conveyed $eparately from tho primary dwelli ng unit locatedon the sub lect proper ty fo r a period of mo re tha n twenty (20) years and thelile01Titlany Low enthal,from the date tha t the ce rlifica te Qfoccupancy Is issu ed for said restri ctedemployee c:Iv,c lling un it. 2 .The restricted employee dwelling unit shan notbe Icasedorrented forany poriod of less than Ihlrty (30)co nsecut ive days:and,ifII shan be ren ted,II shall be rentcc only to tenants who are full -lime emplo yeesofme Upper I:agle Valley .The Upper Eagle '.,," Valley shall be eeomod 10 Include tho Gore Valley,Minium,Red Clil/,Gilman,EaQ le.Va il and..:::.'~.;',.:...'.. ••• Avon,and tho ir su rrou nding areas,A lull·U mo omploy oo Is a person who works an avorago 01 , Ihlrt y (30)ho urs per week . 3.Tho roslr lcloo employee owe lling unil shall nolbe oivioeo inloany lorm ofl imo sn are s.in terval ownership.or fractional Icc ownersh ip. 4.Tho provisions ho reo r maybe cnlorced by tho owne r and the Town. 5.Th o con ditio ns,res tr ictio ns,stipu lations.an dagrccmcnls con tained here in shall no t bewaive d.aband oned,termin ated,or ame nded,except by 1I1e written co nsent 01 both Ihe Town 01Va iland the ownerof the subjec l prope rly, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The forego ing instru ment was ack nowledged befo reme this iliA day 01 Stt r tl\lwt.•199~by --=M=/l/l-=v...!:.c"--,c."&!=~,,(-,,L.~, By: TOWNOFVAIL.COLORADO ~B I ~Zm~ida-n-ag-e-r-----'.\~1 j " I•,. No tary Pu blic DaWfl£S.Dml.~1'IliIo111CoamssloaDpIoo~2U99~ Address 75 S.FrorIIp RoaIf,v.I,CO 11657 ,.'' My commiss ion oxpkes :_ Ad dre ss I\L/I V PROPE ACKN OWLEDGEMENT ~'Gg o ing instrume,nll'as ackn owledged bclore me this ~y 01 ___:+-#/1-'---'-•199.:t0Y -,--,-~ ~.' .'---No tary Public ({/I My commissi on exPi re~"-L:..·_r~-- NOl ery~~~~~o A SANTO a No.3i>.~17~~~OO'Now 'fork ualltiDd J N Commi SSi on e W~lr a~u County....1,/-..........arch 3D,1~ ........··~V·····,·····.······ Va.,'1 [)L",~ +z La r-/(r!::i-o <.-I<-II 75 South Frontage Road Vail.Colorad o 8 /657 97Q-479-213 /!y'4 79 -2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March22 .1996 •• Departme nt of Community Development Ma rt in Wort h Mortgage Ame ri ca 1525S pruce S treet .Ste .201 Bould er,CO 80302 RE :2445 GarmischDrive .Va il,Co lorado Dear Martin: This letter is intendedto follow-up our ph oneconversa tionearl ier today .The Towno f vail will accept a check for an escrow account to replace th eexisting Letter o f Cred it from Ist Ban ko f Avon for landscapingimpro vements for 2445 Garmis ch Dri ve.AnewDeveloper Improveme nt Agree mentand a check for the am ount of$5.125must be forwarded to the Town of Vail.prior to theTownreleasing th e Letter o f C redit.Should youhaveany furth er qu estions.donot he sitate 10 co ntactm ea t (9 70)47 9-2128 . Sincerel y . ~Wtl..,J.d~ Lauren Watcrton o NtX rr:U;I!/'A.1'I::R ....,.,'.f'i'lr .THIS EMPLOYEE HOUSINO.STAICTIONFORM SHALL DE US(;D FOR .ElOPMENTS APPROVED PRIOR TOTHEADOPTION OF CHAPTER18.57.EMPLOYEr;HOUSING.SEPT(MDER 1.1992.EXAMPLES OF TI 1E SEDEVElOPMENTS INCLUDE PHASE VIOF THE VAllEY.r ones r OLEN.OAUPHINAISIMOSLEY. ET C, EM PLOYEE HOU SING UN IT RESTR ICTIVE COV EN AN TS .. WHER EAS._4Dk t1 ('?P I EG{j isthe owner 01 the prope rty described as:L OT III :3 W(.li..H I E~'2.i VAil DM ~~C11lQ., accord ing to the map record ed in Book "Page 'in th e office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 5 69378 B-673 Sa ra J .Fi s h e r P-362 08 /09 /950 5 :06P Ea g le Cou n ty Cle rk PO1OF5 &:Re cord er RE C 26 .00 DOC herein rete rred to as the "subject property":and 0 :.."l ..WHlO8~.thp'owner wishes 10piacccertain rcslrictionson the useofIhe SUbject ...' ;••ot":_."':.~.~••,":.::> land for l hW oo 'rre'r.~6 t tncowner and Ihe Town of Vail.Colorado ("Ihe Tow n").;;, NOW.THER EF ORE.Ihe own erdoeshereby impose.establish.acknowle dge.declare forthe benef il of allpersonswhomay hereinane r purchase.or lease.orhold thesubject land. Ihe following restrictions .covenan ts.and con dition s.all of whi chshallbe deemed to runwith the landand 10 inure to the benef il and be bindin g uponthe own er.its respec tivegranl ees . successo rs,and assigns . 1..The subject prope rty hasa restrictedemploy ee dwelling unit in th e app roximate sizeof _~\'t.k",,,,dld.~(51Q )square feel.The restricted emp loyeeunit toc atec on IheSUbj ect propertyshall nol be sold.tran sferred .or conv eyedseparately fromme primary dwellingunil loca ledon thesubjecl pro perty for aperiod 01 more than twe nty (20) issu ed for said re stricted empl oy eedwelli ng un it. 2.Therestricted emp loyee dwelling uni tshall not be leased or rented forany period of less than thirt y (30)consecutive days;and .if ilshall be rented.it shall be ren ted only to tenant s who are fu lHime empl oye es 01the Upper Eagle Valley.The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed 10 include the Gore Va lley.Minturn.Red Cliff.Gilman.Ea gle-Vall and •• Avon .and their surrou nding are as.A lull ·~me emp loyee is a person who works anaverage 01, thirty (30)hours per week. 3.The restr icted employee dwelling unil sha ll notbe dividedintoany form 01 lime shares.interv al own ers hip ,or fract ional fee ow ne rs hip. 4.The previsions hereof may beenforced by the owner and the Tow n. 5.The condition s,restrictions,slipulations ,an d agree ments co ntainedherein shall not be w aived,abando ned,termin ated,or amended.except by Ihewritten consentot both the Town 01 Va il andtheowner 01 the sub ject prope rty. By: T O WNOF VAIL.COLO RADO ~e Ad ffi ~~~tL-n-a-g -e r----- • AC KNOWLEDGEM ENT The foregoing instrurn ent was ackno wledged bc rcro ma this l/'Y4 _dayof 5it rt '"/I ,A-,199j,by -=1-11=#=,y_(;',,-,----'G'-'";<"'.'-',-',-"l-~=--~-,.~. Notary Public :.J: -~--....-lXIINIIt I.DElO,-,_.j " ...O·"I ...."'hplwh'...a.l~· Address 7SS.F_-,YaI"CllII~7".",,', ~.....:111':;.: My commiss ion ex pires:_ PROPE By' ACK NOWLEDGEMENT (!'~:09l90ing instrument~a s acknow ledged betore me this ~y 01,L.!:::...199.::tbY . ~~~---.Notary Public _ /((/1 Address rj j ,'0 '(f f .../My eom mlsslon exp lr es:--!f,-,'l.~/,--,:..'-_./'---__ 56 9378 9 -673 P -362 08/09/9 5 0 5 :06PPO 2 OF5 T O"JNOF VAi l KO~f :~.E OF THE TO WN ClER "I f.~J :.:f,,?~~~~E ~.~~~ •• CROSS EASEMEN T bND MAINTENANC E AGR EEM EN T THIS CROS S ~AS E M EN T AND MAIN TEN ANC EAGREEM ENT is e n te redi nto t h is "Z..~.:.r~·"day o f ,j ""jy ,1 9 93 by S TEPHEN P .SHE RIDAN (h er eina ft er II SHERI DAN"),a ndAOAM SZ P IECH (h ereina fter "SZPIECH"). RECITALS WHER EAS ,She r ida ni s the owne r o fLot 1 0,Va il Das Sch oneF iling No.2 ,and sz piech is the owne r of Lot 11,VailDas scho ne F iling No . 2 .,Towno f Vai l,Ea gl eCoun ty ,Colorado ,as t he current o wn ers of t he property a ffected by and u ti liz ing the easemen ts and right of way,wish t o p ro vi de f ort he use ,ingress ,egress and mai ntenance of a pr iv a te d riv eway,to be construct ed . NOW THERE FORE,for a ndi n co nside rat ion o f th e mutual covena nts c on tainedh erein t he pa rties h ereby agree a nd covenant as fo l lows : 1 .S heri da nd oes h ere by gra ntt o S zp ie ch a nd Sz piech does h e reby gra ntt oS herida n,th eir respec t ive h eirs ,s uccessors,ass igns a perpetua l non -exclusive ease ment and right of way 20 fee t in wi dth,f or a road as genera lly describe d o n Exh i bi t "A",a ttached h ere to a nd i ncorporated herein by t his reference as i f set out i nf ul l ,f ori ngre ss a nde gress of pedestrian and motor vehic les ,which easeme nt s ha llb e e x clusive t o and appur tenant to t he respective properties owned by t he pa r tie s. 2 .That the e as em en tsc rea ted he reby s hallb e for t he excl us i ve use and en joyment of t hep arties he reto ,th eir h eirs ,su cce ssors and ass igns ,a nd s ha ll be and r ema in appu rtena nt to t he subject rea l p ropert y.Fo p ublic easement .access or right of way sha ll be c rea ted by t h is document. 3 .S herida n a nd S zpiechs h all ma i nta in the r oa dw ay in s u ch ma n ne r a ndt o such standard as t h ey sha ll ag ree t o,from timet o time,a nd s ha ll al loca te th e cos to fa ny such repai r a nd ma inte na nc e,in such a ma nn er as th ey a ll s ha ll agree to ,f rom time t o t ime.The initial cos t of co nst ruc tion of t he driveway shal l be b orn equa lly by t he p art ies. She r idan shall have n omain ten ance respons ibil ity or e xpe nseu nt il s uch time as he ,or h is successors,constructs a residence on Lot 10 , t h ereafterma intenance s hall b eb orn equa lly b y t he pa rties.Any pe rso n who s hou ld cause a ny da mag et o t he dr iveway or e asemerits s h all res tore t he dr i veway to its orig i na l cond ition and s hal l rep air any damage t o ad jo in ing l and o rs t ruc tu res . 4.S zp iech sh all b e re sponsib le f or hi ri ng the contractor and Sh eridan s ha llh av e th e right t o approve s uchc ontractor ,the cons tr uc ti on s ha llb e done i n accorda nce with thep lans and s pec i fic ations t heref ore,as approved by th e Town o f va i l. ~~ :.)..... .;,,.,'. 5 69378 B-673 P -362 0 8/09/9505 :0 6P p a 3 O F5 •• 5.The parties a gree that they will not c reate a nuisan ce upon o r maintain their property in an u nsightly or unsafe condition. 6 .The provi sions hereof s ha ll inure to the b en efit of a nd bind th e successors and assigns of th e respective parties h ere to . 7.The p art'l es,·for themselves ,their heir s ,execut o rs a nd adm i ni strato rs ,d oc ove na nt,grant ,barga in and agree t o a nd with t he o th er p art ies and their a ssi gns,tha t the y have g o od right,fu ll power a nd lawf ul a ut ho ri ty t o grant the e asement in mann er a nd form as a fo re said . INWITNESS WHE REOF,th e part ies h ave execu ted this agreemen t on t he day and year first above written. STATEOF COLORAD O COUNTY OFEAGLE ) )ss . ) Th e f or ~Eas e ment Agre ement was acknowledged ~d ay o f ~,1993 by Stephen P .Sheridan. Witn ess my ha nd and official seal. My commi ss i on expires on :7_9 _'J-t' before ml;\thi s -.. '~.... =-o .-'STATEOF COUNT Y or } )ss . ) ~y~The forego~n9 Easement Agreement was a cknowl edged ~day of ....ll,j~,1 993 Adam Szpiech .. Witness my h and and official seal . My commi ssion expires o n:..jL\n \..\4r ~\~I \qq l\ ~o VI vx «Gc.d>\ before me this 5 69378 2 B-673 P -362 08/09/95 05:0 6P PG4 OF5 , I / / N \•c,Z Z :J ":5 w D-r Z W ::~§? ~UU!=OO~~~Vl ,,~ <_0 ~ ;l <,, "', " \<r \0 ",.........'.... - / ,.~-.~c, •0 "./,, /r f I ~ -~ 1/'"o-,0- f/ 0-/sc 0 ~ 0 '"'"<, '"0 <,,cc,0 _\'"'",M, I t ,,/-0-<,/ M <-- '"I '".'co ,<--.. M ~'"'"~ ••I f KathyLangenwaltertol d theapp lican t t hattheP EC appeared tobeinagre ement with the condition s outlined inthe staff memo.She said that they would like toseesome sort of shrubbery and an add itional boulder placed in the area used for load ing last year in ord er to discourage future useand improvethe appearance ofthis area.She said that she agreed with Dalton 'scomments about thesite being cleaned upatthe endofthe season. Jeff Bowen madeamotion toapprove thi s request for a condition al use permit to allow fo r an outdoor dining deck perthestaff memo and theeight conditions conta ined on Pages8through10.Headdedan addit ional cond ition thatthesite be cleaned upby one month after thedeckclos ing attheendofthe summe r season .ORB was directed tolook closely atthe landscapi ng and toget more shrubs or trees onthe corner In the previo us loading area.Greg Amsden seconded the motio n anda6-0 vote approved thisrequest. 4.A request for a variance from Section 17.28.330 for a priva te driveway slope of 14.5% anda shared driveway of10%slope ;and a variance toallow fo r walls greate r than 3 feetin height tobe located inthefront setback;for the Szpiech,Sheridan,and Wirth properties loca ted at 2445 G armisch Drive,2457 Garmisch Drive and 2447 G armisch riveots9,10,and11,BlockH,Vaildas Schone 2ndFiling. Applicant ; Planner; St eve Sheridan andAdamSzp iech Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudts en made a presentation perthestaff memo .Hereviewed the requested slopeandwall height variance w ith thePEC .Hestated that staff was recommending approval of the requested slope andwall height variances with the four cond itions outl ined onPage5ofthe staff memo. M ara Kleinschmidt,the applicant's atto rney .statedthatthey have had many difficulties wit h this property asthe origina l cont ractor hadno tbu iltt he house t o p ian.S he st ated th at t heywe re atte mptingto kee p thes lope oft he d riveway a ndt heheig ht o fth e walls as min imalas possi ble while makin gthehom eassafe and aesthetica lly pleasin gas poss ible.She requ ested the ability in thefuture to narro wthe benchoflandscapi ng on thelowerse to fwalls t oawid th lesstha n 4 feel. Andy Knudtsen statedthatthe4footwidthcouldbevaried somewhat bu t thatthe propo sed landscaping couldno t be reduced. Bill Anderson inqu ired whattypeof monitoring systemthe applicant was proposing to use. Mike McGee,TownofVailFire Ch ief,statedthat Dick Duranhadstatedthatas long asthe applicant realized the emerg ency resp onse time maybe delayed asa result of the proposed driveway configuration ,thattheFire Department d id not have any issues with the requested slope and wall height variances .He stated that Dick Duran was co ncerned thatthis issue wasalega l d isclosure.Mikeexp lained howheand Greg Hall had determined the slope measurements for the site . Planni'lg lII'Id EIlvitonmen ~Convni$sion MinurK May 11.1994 4 • Andy KnudtsenstatedthatIhe14.5%wasbasedona20 loollumlng radius . Bill Anderson stated that it appeared tohimthat if the house wasin its correct position that the site disturb ance would actually be worse than what has occurred with the house's current location .For this reason,hesaid thathed id nothavea problem with the requested variances . Bob Annour Inquiredwhether a seco nd tiered wallwas necessa ry.Hesaid that if this was eli minated.there would be more room for a larger driveway . Andy Knudtsen Inquired wherethetierwas going to come from onthe lower wall. Duke Fehringer,with Intermounta in Engineer ing ,saidthat there wasadequate room to build both tiers. GregAmsdenfeltilwas crilicallo have allIhelandscapingin the are a 01 the 4fool bench. Jeff Bowen and Darton Williams had no further comments . Kalhy Langenwallerslaled thalli was lmportant thallheTown lookclose ly at the design of homes located onhillsides . DukelaidIhePECthattheslopesofthedrivewayhadbeenshoton the site eartieri n the day andwere less thanwhat staffhad calculated . Andy saidthattheTownslaffhadbasedIheslopeona20 1001 radiusandhadstarted onthe north sideofthepan.Thesedifferences would account for the different slopes . KathyLangenwa lter stated thaiDukeshould meetwithAndyandGregHallonthis Issue.Sheslatedlhalshewasinfavorofthe requesledslopeandwa ll height vari ances. Bob Am ou r made a motio n to app rove the reques ted wall heig ht and slo pe varia nces perIheslaffmemoIncluding tne fourconditionsonPage5 ofIheslaffmemowith Dalton Williams seconding themotion .A6-0voteapproved this request. 5 .APECupdateonrevisionstopreviouslyapprovedsetbackandsitecoverage variances ,localed al2409 Chamonix LaneiLot19,BlockA ,Va il DasSchone1stFiling . Applicant: Planner: Annel iese Taylor Mike Mollica p ~-.d En.~Comrnis5iot'I U irlul .. r.t.y t ,l lli<I 5 ,•• DEVE LOPER IMP ROVEMENT AGREEM ENT TH IS AGREEMENT,made and entered int o th is 4 th da y ot Au gust,1994 ,bya nd among Adam Szpiech (hereina h erca lled the "Developer"),an d theT OWN O FV A IL (h e reina ft er ca lled t he ·Town"). WHERE AS ,the Developer.asa co ndition o f ap proval ofth e T emporary C ertificateof OCCupa ncy ,wis he s 10en terint o aDeveloper Impr ovement Ag reement:an d WHEREAS,t heD eveloper isobligatedtop rovide secur ity orcoll ateral suffi cient inth e judqrnentof the T own to maker easo nable p rovi s ionsl or com pletion ofce rtain improvemen ts se tforthbelo w :and WHEREAS ,th e Developer wishe s t o p rovide collateral to gu arantee performance of th is A greement .includingc onstructionof the abo ve -referenced improvement s bym eans 01 th e following : De veloper agrees toes tablish a letter 01 cred itwi th FJ r stBank ofAvon ina dollar amount asset forthbe low ,suc h accou nt s hallpr ovide securityfo r thefo llowing : IM PROVEMENT Landscaping : Dri vewayHe at ing: Paving : To tal : $4 ,500.00 $2,7 50 .00 $9,782 .00 $17,032 .00 NOW,THEREFO RE ,incons ideration o f th e foll owing mutual covenants and agreements,th e D eveloper andthe T own agreeas farr ows: 1.Th e Deve lop er agrees ,at itssa le c ostan d expenses,tofu rni sh all equipment and material necessary to perlonn a nd completea ll improvemen ts ,onor before July 1,1995 . Th o D eve loper s hall c omplete ,ina good wor km anlike manner,au improvements aslist ed ab ove ,i n accordancewi th all p lansa nd specif icationsf iledinthe o ffice o fth eC ommunity DevelopmentDepa rtment ,th e Town orV ail,andtodoallwo rk incidental th ereto accordingt o a nd inco mpliance wi th the follo wing : a.Such o ther designs,d rawings,maps,speci fications ,sketches,a ndo ther m aner submitted b y the Developer t o b eapprov edbya nyofth e above-referenced governme ntal e ntities.A llsaid w ork shall bed oneu nder theinspection o f.an d tothe satisfactio nof ,t he T ownEng ineer ,th e Town B u ilding O fficial ,o ro ther offi cial fromt he T owno fVail ,asaffec tedbyspeciald istricts o rserv iced istricts, ast heir respective interestmay appear,an d s hall notbe d eemed c omplete unt il app roved and accepted ascom plete db y the Town o f VailCo mmunity Development De partmenta ndPub lic W orks Department. 2 .T het otales timated cost o f sa idwo rkand improvementsist he sumo f $1 7,032.00. .To secure a nd gu _tee pe rformance ofitsobligations a~forth herein,the Developerag reesto providesecurityand collateral as follows:,, Aletterofcredit inthe amo untof$17.032.00(tocoverestimated costsandto provide aguarantee )to be held bytheTown .asescrowagent,shall p rovidethesecurity for theimprove ments setforthabove ifthereisadetauttundertheAgreem entby Developer . 3.The Developer mayatanytime substitute thecollateral orig inally set forth aboveforanother form ofcolla teral acce ptable totheTownto g uaranteethefaithful completionof those i mprovementsref erred tohereinand th e performanceofthetennsof this Agreement.S uch accep tance bythe To wnofalternativecollatera l shall beat theTow n'ssale d iscretion. 4.TheTownshallnot,nor sha ll any officer oremp loyee thereof.be liable or responsible forany accident.lossorda mage happening or occurringto the workspecifiedin thisAgreement priorto the completion andacceptanceofthesame.norshalltheTown,nor anyofficer or employeethereof,beliable foranypersons orproperty injuredbyreasonofthe natureof sai dwork,butall of saidliab ilitiesshall andareherebyassumedbythe Dev eloper. TheDeveloperhereby agreesto indemnifyandhold harmless theTo wn.andanyo fits o fficers.agentsandemployeesagai nstany losses,claims.damages,orliabilitiesto w hich the Tow n ora ny o f itsofficers ,agents oremployees may becomesubject to,ins ofarasanysuch losses.clai ms.damag esorliabilities (oractionsi nrespectthereof)that ariseoutoforare basedup on an yperfo rmanceby the Developer hereunder;a ndtheDeveloper shall reimburse theTownforanyan d all legalorot herexpensesreasonablyincurred byth e Townin con nection wit h investigatingordefending anysuchloss.claim ,damage,liabi lity oractio n. T hisindem nity provisionshallbe inadd itiontoa ny otherliabilitywhichthe Developermay have. 5.Itismutually agreed thattheDeveloper mayapp lytothe TownandtheTown shallauthorize forpartial re leaseofthe collateraldep osited withtheTown foreach category of improvement at suchtime as such improvements are const ructed incom pliancewit hall plans andspec ifications asreferenced he reunderand acceptedby the Town .Atnotimeshall the co llateralbe reducedbyan amountin excessatthew ork to be completed . 6 .Ifth e Towndetermin es thatanyofthe improvementscontemplatedhereinare not con structedincomplian cewiththeplansand specifications setforth herein by thedateset forthinparagraph 1,the Town maywithdr awfromth ecashd eposit suchfunds as may be necessary to co mplete theu nfinished improvements.TheFirst Ban kofAvonsha ll release such fundsupon th ew ritlen request oftheTown stating that theimprovements have notbeen completed asrequired by the ag reement.T he FirstBankof Avonshallnotrequire the concurre nce atthedeveloper prior to thereleaseofthefunds to theTow n,nor shall theTow n be req uiredtove rify independe ntly thattheimprovementshavenot beencom pletedas requi redbythi sAgreement,but shallreleasesuc h Iundssolelyupon the T own's wri tten reque st. 7.TheDeveloper warrants all work andmaterial lo r aperiodofoneyearafter acceptanceof allworkreferred to inthisAgreementbythe Townif such work is located on TownofVai lpr opertyor onroadright-ai -way . 8.Thepa rtieshereto mutuallyagreethat this Ag reement may be amended Irom time to time,providedthat such amendmentsbe in wr iting and executedbyall pa rtieshereto . •• I STATEOFC OLORADO ) )5 5. COUNTYO FEAGLE ) ,fk..The f O~D ever ope r r mm ve m e m r ee m e n t ~acknowledqsd beforeme this~d a y o f 'cl ,19"",,?,y •AI>"'~'-t.cd=. Witness my hand and offi cial seal. My commissionexpires : ~5 );q1 f STATEOF COLORADO ) )55 . COUNTYOF E AG LE ) Theforegoing Developer Impro vement Agreem entwas acknowl edgedbeforeme th is ~'tJ ay of ~w .19"iY by R..o ~~...t-W ,MOf.b,g,.....yn . Witness my hand andofficialseal. My commiss ion expires : • '.u. s te phens Silt(nursery To :Andy Knud ts en Pax #4 79-2452 Rega rd to:Landscape P roject 244 5 Garmisch Dr . Vail ,Co lo.8 1657 Pr oposa l. • 8 -4 -94 4 0 Asp en 2 "Col le c t e d 20 S p rucf:!6 ft.$1 32.00 50 .00 $264 0 .00 2000 .00 40 Poten tillas •5 Le ss Quant ity Dis count Tot alAmou nt on Ma te r ia l 1 4.5 0 58 0 .00 $522 0 .00 72 0.00 $4500.00 =========== Th is b id is g ood unt il Nove mb er 30 ,19 94 .Th er e wi ll be a deli very c harge of $10 0.00 from Stephen s Nursery to 2445 Garmi schDrive in Va i l.This bid does no t i nclude p l anti ng. SUbmitte d by; tkude"-;J:J~/a;5 Annalies B .S te phe ns 001 0 Colorado Ri ~r Rood OotllCm F.xit 113 Gypsum ,Colo rado 81631 (101)~2A -9344 (lax 324-98n •T~. tr?6 73<J/ []r""'IW{IO"...\Ill _.FlO. "..~71 Vi rz, c:~•.,.~ Gram's Ifusbey Plumbing (303)949 -4801 Bid Proposal For U4S Garmbch llr.yo Ih!I.Pmpg,u1 Indudtl '..bor Ind l\1a:td.1 lor Ilt.a.ti.D &thtI!Q.I1lQa..Q[.tbe Drtvtw.&): "'144S Clnp!!£h Ddn T he are.ll to be heated stertsfrom the intersectionat t~r top of the dri vtwlY totheSzpiech saros o. Material -$l,!)OO.OO Labor -S 850.00 •• •.":--.. \ F .£1 ,' ..-.....--....-_........---_.._-- B &B EXCAVATING,INC. P .O.Bol:14')'''.iJ,CO ItW •(.)OJ)nC~ll·!"u (;:l1J3)J26-1J.t .. AGREEMENTI ---_.··_···---~-t 'J l 1.;:00 TO :IWM....C1INlll'l FW"..;K1 2445 a,fmi5!m vou ,CO ~1 '1I11 AnoN:47fi-:lJQ1 DATE ;M-v :1 0.1!t-l J (')&NAME=244 6 G.rorto leh LOCA TION :W..",V.~ "AX : Pur vO\l r c .....ld...u llfl W I off"1\.'ollowlng ll\l e urlOo\w !liOt'llf allo "1I18G .i'lllllllln&ti'h JU I OlInU,)Qr 1I.1weelt UI : PRFI"ANn ,"Avf.CI'lIV!:::'N"Y,~PPRC )(I ~A rE !..,{·~dl GO s c .sr.,d t.'ljCI-4~S OF I'C,6.0 !!AS:/lI\.;I ,)Il'iClol U 0"AS?HAlT. WOf')';,T O INC:.IJt::E. 2 .1 Addi"""::1 ~A7:l ...."ti e~.C'.111 ~~li r .YI ~~I <t ,..tu r;tll '''''1':1<,It;'""~~v t :;.•\<:.)(;},)';t ;i ",,,.JOt ~I'r'.s-e ~iI~.ril l ~.?..~; 4 ·1 Pf,.,,,,.;md "''''InPe ~3 Inch••of ".PMlt: COST ·UI,78 2 .C'J ~O 'r 10 :""'c:e tIon no~lncl~oddidon,l Q..-t \it a lu inlUllhr,;un l;tf :I "V .I'IG .....rn ~t &Y!l tem ",. I'IMI.aItn In"',IPHti .iclvt.ti".d en"riNm ta ~&.·8 EM:e 6"'~;;il.:n.~·~ie d ·';U bl!w:I-.Julec! u lI.1l aeDI'flW.:1!Of ftti:t'qre~hY"s 1i'B'"·~tve'tlri i·;me.•j.'I Tgn fd GC/P Y"\ril ·"~~rJ ,d III you 'Ot 'four ,.....",•..,reerNm Is IUblecrr W l:andl1101l.:1 DI l !'lawn 11ft Ih.No *Uk nll.eaf. H lA ,II'8 LX,C,AV4TIN<l.INC. 'DATt l _ II ",... .• l .llI ~r.:I-lI "I n t --1'0 T r -,. 2 /IIpri l 1 994 '1'0 H!I(..'m I L n ~'\y Co u oe ru -Ln c L ud i til)Lhp.TCHn \...f ·v ai l: I,Hud a o n Wi.rt h ,wh o se a dduoa e ~r;2455 Ga r mi nc h uriva ,v a i.L , Co l orado ,am t he o wn er o fL oL 9,Blo ck If,Val l Daa Sc h o ne 2nd F'L l Lnq ,I h eueby agre e Lhnt;.I.h ave permi tt ed Steve Sheridan end Allum u zp i ec n ,o wn er s o f Lot s 10 and 11 ,respec t ive ly ,Rlock H,Va il ues Scho ne 2nd Fili ng [Lo t;11 othenli se k n own a s 2 44 5 Gar misch OLi v e ,v ail ,Colorad o )to cons t r u c t ar -o ck r -e t.e Lni.nqwa ll all my p rope c t .y i n t h e f o rm a s uh own o n attac hed Exhib it "A". nl s t.a r s S he r id a n a nd S ap iec h nha L l.h ave t he r iy h t .to ccne t ru er.Raid ret ai ni ng ,..e Ll e a nd sha l I have t.he Li ght t o e nt er ur,an my pr oper ty l.a ma in tai n,r epe Lr and r ebui ld such walls (i ncl ud ing b ut not Li.m i t .ed t.o c Le anLn q t he e rea be Lor'e ,du r in g and a fter constru ction , em d .r es eed LnqdLe t.u rb ed a r-ec s ],T h e par-t Le s will f o rma l l y cont r n c t. [.)1."t.h co u q o i.uq me Ln t e na nc e of t he r et eL n L nq walLe• \.\.. - K LE 1 HS C H M 1 D T -~T T Y•3 034766 31 2•P.0 2 , PEE p RBSTRTc-TrON~h ~De Q d Restr iction madA ~nd gnte red in~o this J~day v!~.'199 4.by Adam S2p t~oh .o wn.r o f L ot 1 1,Pl~a ,v~ll as c o ne 2nd Filin~,o t.hp z:w iGe known at 2445 Garm.i."c;:h OL i v a , Vail,Colora.do {h e r~h".\f t e r r8 ferred t o .;La "Ow ne r"and "P,t;u pe I"ty"}. WTTNHSSE TR THA T: The OWn Qr hereby .;Lccepts the iwpu ~l ~ion on said property t he foll owi ng r e ctriction8 and lim1L~1.1o n 6 1 Th e existing d~iv e""ay , inoluo ivc of improve me nt s ,d V~B not provide adequate te r rain f or firo dopartment r -eepon ee,'rna re La poten tia l for additional rccponoe time o r d o14 Y~in rea ponding ~o tire eme rgencie s at the l'lrope:cty.Gp eci!i Ctllly,f i re e me rgency vehicles may have t o travel P d ~t the PL u~eLty to the e nd of Ga rmiach Drive in order t o turn dl:"ouu d a ud gain ac cess to t he Property ;fu rthermore,t he s l ope of ~he a ccess to the property may provide d i fficu lt acce ss for firA emergency v ehic l es .The OwneJ;understand s that t he additJohi'll response t ime OJ;d elays attributable to these fact ors wi ll n~t h~ cause tor any l1 abili tr of the respOnding emerg e ncy servj~A ~.The Uw ner assumes thes e r eks and ~i l l ho ld the sAin fire e Mergenoy s ervices harmlesa from reasonable aDd nAr.AAsary de lays re aulting from said f act ors. Any liability for pp.rso nal i n jury t o Own er ,h i"employees , a gents ,and invitf'!l"!Fl ,o r any othe r persona t o wh ich he ln lly t.rdut:lr~L· or l eas e the prOpA r ty ,a D a reault of or ariaing out of or l ~ltlLl ng to t his Deed Re Rt.ri r.t i on II ha ll h e born Owner or it '6 exeue r ecee or lessee.Furt h ~r ,nwn~r Agrees to indemnify on dhold h4L ml~~5 t he Town of Vai l I\nd c or::reSil ponding eJ!\CI;goncy services ,iuc.:l ud ing but not 1 hn.i.ted fil;"Q p r c t.ect.Ion,Qgt:l.in"t a ny Cldiul ,demand ,l oss or d amaqa,includ ing a ttorney f ee a whi ch L~~ult from ,arlss ou t o t or a re attributu>l o t o t he reO-sonoWl ..,d elays associated wi th t he fa ctors lc ~din9 to this D~eu ~~~tri ct lo n . The fore goi uy L~s tr 1ct10n constitutes a covenant that a cco mpan i es al l conveyances ot the Property,with improvem entG a9 c u rnm tly c cnet.rucced ,a sa burden thereon f or t he be nefit o f the Town of VGlll and.re spon ding f ire eme rgency services.Thi!ll cea taLct.Io n shall be b i nding on the Owne r,and on t he h A;TR , pea'aona L representatives,as sign~,lessees,l icense p.R,and a ny transferee ot t he Own er . This Deed Res triction s hall exist ;n I'p.rpetuity unlcc:o or until 6u ffic i ent accommodation6 are made hp.tween the Owner an d TOwn o f Vail fo r a l tern at ive fire e~e rgA nr.y 9&rvic •. Thi sr estric tion a nn c ovenant;s h al l be o.dmini $bue\l by Lh e Town of Va il,or i t 's np.Ri?ne QI and eh all b o enforc eaLl ~~y any a pprc pr -Iebe Leae I or aqni.tAbla action,inc lUding bu~net,limited to injunction or ~bfl ~p.ment or 8uoh ot her ~emedie 6 anu ~nal tie&a s may be foun d ~~I'rop riate by a oourt o f compet ent j urIsd i c ti on. '~J'.. KLEIH S CHMIDT-~~T Y•3:1213 4766312•P .03 Not wit hst andinq the f orego in g,th is DQQd R~8t r i cti o n ~hd l 1 automatica lly t e rmi nate u pon t he Owner 's ino ta.ll o.tion o f (l fire sprink l er s ys tem o r fire.ru onit o r i r.9 /o.1~r'D'I oy .,tem(or Lhe e quival e nt t h8re of )apprnvpn by t he Town of V~il o r it 'o u~d!9 nee .In ~he event o f a ny d i Rlulteo ari.in g undor 'tho term:J of t ll1tt ct g reement ,the p reva il ing [l...rt y s hall b e en t it l ed t o c ec cver ,lu cu.lc.l itlon to o t.h er damaqea or e cet.e ,rgaeona.b l c ~tt.o rne Y '1!!f e~tt 1:L11 d cos t s. , I II WITNRSS WHEREOF ,the Own er h~~cunto has set his h and and gQal t ho d_y And y ear t he f irst d uuve written. r----HMt<--- Ad p i e,OW ner Sub scribed,sworn toS.~iech.t his ~day of STATE OF COLORAOO COUNTY 01"~A GL E Wi tness my hand and ) )~8. ) ?J,d ~le d gp.tI befor..lila by ~u ,\994 , nff ~.P)LP-~~ tS7 'l:u IJ.c My co mm iecion o x pire3~ ;- I RRE VOCABL E LET TER OF CREIl }T • ~'"fBAN< OFAVON 00 11 W,!3~V!:.1I CIlI:J:;K ~lV (), • nATE: AMOUNT : NUMBl':R : EXPIRAT ION DA TE: Town o f Vail 75 So u th Fr ont age Ro ad Va il ,CO8 165 7 Gen tl emen : J u ne 7.1994 $17 .36 5.00 9 16-4537 .I un e7 .1995 We he reby o pen o ur I r revocab le Le tte r of Credit i ny our f a v or a va i lab le byyou r d ra f ts d rawn on the Fi rstBan k of Avon,P.O .Drawe r 527 0 .Avon , Co l o rado 8 1620.a t s igh t fo ra ny sumno t excee dingt h e t ota l of S EV ENTEEN THOUSAN D THREEHUNDREDSIXTY-FI VE AI'{D NO/Jaa DOL LARS ($1 7 .365 .00)on t he acco unt o f Adam S zp ie ch . Ea ch d r aft mu s t b ear up on i t s face t he c lause ,"Dr awn Und e r Le t t er of Cr edit No .9 16-4537 da ted June 7 .19 94 o f Fi rs t Bank o f Avon .Avon , Colorado . Theamount o f e a ch d r a ft .whi ch i s n egoti ated pur s u a nt to t hi sc r e d i t t ogeth er with t heda te o f nego t ia ti o n,mus t b e e n do rsed o nt h e r e v ers e s id e of t heLe t te r of Cr e di t. We h erebya gree t hat d ra f t s d r awnu nder t h isLet te r o f Cr e d i t and i n compli an ce wi t h th e t er ms,sha ll be p romp tlyh o n ored i f p r es en ted t o Fir stBank o f Avono n or b efo re June 7,19 95 . S i nce re ly , ---.)10"\............,~)-.-\/) J ames Tho mason Exec u tive VicePr es i den t JET!jl" '-•• '-. - -----J;~D w -~Cfi ) ----- f\r1-~-/-"t +---0---'-0J \r --,-,v--='O ~--~flro . -_'~-~~~_t£o~~-,- J Jtt1Ak._"i[k rL O&~~M __ -tt*~e-o AML ~to V\.iV-..GL~_Lt::~-",tCr"-"-_--1M-~-~e£t~fAJ JvJ.Jv ~---;'+-~';r-v-l ~-'---- ~-li~_~£L ~i s _0 ,1L o~Z,rf te-,_~~eJL !ML ~~/G 7 3QI ;C1 ~ _.~_O-.~__I _._ -~~-~-I-------- , --~------------ -----,.,------------- -------- &ign ReviewAction ~ TOWN OF VAIL J',.,..t ....J d'{() Date __....!..I--'-''--L---'---'--_ ("-'j sr "f'+:J p t=.C-"'" Category Number ....:..._ Project Name :-'-'~'---""--..:....-------------------------- Building Name:-=-,-_ Project Descri ption :__---<'+r"-"='=--_-'--'-=-'--"--'-''--'-=-'-':J-_--''-:..:..._--''='--'-'-'-'-_--'':~'-'-'=--''---- (j Ar tY",s~hr»&/(rt,&- Owner.Addre ss and Ph o ne :__--=J"-'-=-"-'=--==--'---'-'--_---'-"-"L.J='--""'--'-'---'CLJ.-"'--"=~_ .,/A. !Architect/Con tact,Address and Phone :--4cI-L'----------------------- 1-+ ------------------------, Board /Staff Act ion Vote :4 -U1~("l 4 L ..(.. &...jU f.L Motion by:__-'-'='--"-'''''''-_ S econd ed by:__.L>;J"--'='-'--L-'L-_ ~Approval o Disapproval o Staff App rcvel 1<1 •If,r ,&'/,1,tiV1 J-r 1'-'<""L /.,{,,1", J, oS ,,£4 Conditio ns:---=rT.L:::.:::.."'--''''-'-'-''---'--<Z.''-'''-''''-''='----------------- , Town Planner Date:--'''-''C-'---L.L._ORB FeePre -paid ~g d •• ;1&......I!4;ISC-£.~:l.if: 7L-;..~,,(/Y(7L (IN .!hM H.1*"Y'V'5 "'-"0 ,,-<,I-w.....-{'G<J,«- KI/ ,{/p /rJy~<-toJ!.I/"'/{~"~ &16" ~{,?><.A...~-&~:;U -'-I-<A ~C-V~ (j-Uj V-yY-<.r ///Y;;"'"~r ~/~-( ~...-r:~H..~~~_c:~.Ncrc--; II./-k ~d~pt ,,;r-£../"'Y ~ -P'~4 ,;k. ':ltd .e ,(Jd/'-?---. ~~ri..v-~-.0 .6'174 4<r<-rr -s J.0-1/)';: May9,1994 Community Development Department If.?;' /~1-<.o"kJ -).<1/-- (;-0 MEMORANDUM• Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: DATE : TO : .. SU BJECT:A requestfora variance from Section 17 .28 .330 fo r a p rivate dri v eway slope of 14 .5%a nda shared d rivewayof 10%s lope:a nd a varia nce to allow forwall sgr eaterthan 3 feet in h eight to b e located i nth e front setback;fo r the Szplech,Sh eridan,and Wirt hp roperties located at 2445 Garmisch Drive,2457 Garmisch Drive and 2447 Garmisch Drive f lats9, 10 ,and11,Block H,Vail das Schone 2ndFili ng . Applicant: Planner : Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech ,rep resented by Roma Szpiech and Mara Kleinschmidt Andy Knudtsen I.DESCRIPTION OFTHE VARIANCES REQUESTED Th e applic antsa re pro posingtwova riances,o ne fo rw all h eighta nd o nefor dri veways lope. Th e improvements a re proposed tor both the Szpiech and Sheridan pr operties.T hese lotsare .locatedonthe east endof Garmisch an d are ontheuphillsideo f the street.Thesiteis currently under con struction and has been ·redtagged -(I.e .co nstruction has been stopped) until these variance issues ar e r esolved .Ifthe variances are approved,the existing i mprovementswill be completed according tothesite plan attached t otheendofthis memo. The plan includes a common driveway wh ich will serve the residences onthe Sheridan lotas well astheSzp iech property.Itis20 feet inw idth forthe portion that is shared bythetwo properties.It b eginsonthe Szpiech property and crosses over ontothe Sheridan p roperty before s plitting near the topofthed rive .Fromthis point,the driveways will serve indi vidual structures wit h a m aximumoftwo dwellingun its.A t t he base 01 thesha red driveway adjacent toG armischDrive,t here w ill betwo t iersof6toot wall son either side.Th erew ill be a4 foot wid ebe nch be tween t he two tiersfor landscaping .O ne wa llon eac h si de 01 th e driveway c ur rently exis ts .If t he variances a re ap proved ,theb ench and second wa ll w illb ec o nstr ucted. A.Driveway Slope The first component ofthe request isa variance from Section 17 .28 .330 relating to driveway slope.Per this section,the maximum allowable slope ofthe heated driveway may be12%,provided theTown Engineer's appr oval is obtained.The driveway approved b ythe Design Rev iew Board (OR B )toservethe Szpiech residence was 8% grade.During construction.the excavator located the house app roximately 6feet higher in elevation th an w hat wasshownonthe approved OR B andb uilding p ermit p lans.T he res ultingcom mon driveway is10%from t hest reetto where t hedr iveway s plits a nd14 .5%f rom th e th is po int t o th e Szpiech garage.Th e upper portion,at 14 .5%,will b e h eated .A varia nce is needed toa llow the m aximum allowable grad eo f 12%for private d rives to b e e xceededby 2.5%andtoallowth em aximum grade o f9% for common drives to b e exceeded by1%. 1 • B.WallHeight •.. Thesecon d c omponent ofthisvariancereq uest istoallowwallsu p to 6feetin height to b e located i n thefrontsetback .Eachsideofthe driveway will havetw o walls ,with a 4fo ot w ide b ench b etween th em forla ndscaping.Th ewal ls w ill be made from bo ulders .Th eapplicanthas ag reed tohave thewallsengineeredbyaregistered professionalengineer.Thewal ls to s upport thecommond riveway will b e loc ated on Lots 9,10,and11.Allth e own ers have signedanagreementallow ing th ese wall s to encroach .TheCod eallows wa llsin thefronts etback tor each amaximum of 3feetin h eight.buttheproposed wal lswill be 6feet.Th erefore,ava rianceis n eededto allow the maximumhe ight of the wa lls inthefrontsetba ckto exceed 3feet. II.BACKGROUND T here h ave beentwo aU1er d riveways lopev ariancesp resentedtothePlanning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEe).Th esewere forthe Sc hraegerreside ncelocatedat4249 NuggetLan e and th eByrne residencelocatedat 16Forest Road .The Sc hraegerres idence w as c onstructedw ithout T ownapproval at 14 .9%slope .Itslopes downward from the r oad to thegarag e.Staffrecommended approva l andthePEGappr ovedthe va riance .TheByrne d r ivewayw as also co nstructedwithout approval .It w as constructed at19.7%slope.Th e d riveway slopesupfrom the roadto the ga rage.Staffreco mmended den ial butth ereq ues t wasappro ved by th e PEG.Both driveways were heated . Sectio n17 .28 .3 30wasadopte db y Ord inanceNo .2,Series of 1983 and hasbee n ineffec t si nce 1983.T he c urrent Town Engineerhasbee n reviewing d rivewaysforc ompliance with th is ordinance s ince 1989 .T herewereseveral driveways whichwereallowed tobe grandfathered which exceededthese slopestandards astheTown had notbeen consistently en forc ingtheslo pe regulation .Since thattime ,CharlieDavis ,a fiekj in spector fo rPublic Works ,has b eenrouti nely inspectingdr iveways toe nsure that the c onstruction complies with thesta ndards . III.Z ONING CONSIDERATIONS Maximum al lowable heatedprivatedr iveway slope: Proposedpr ivate d riveway slope : •Amo unt private d rivewayslopeexceeds allowable : Max im um allowable common driveway s lope: Pr oposed common d riveway slope: "Amount pro posedc ommon drivewayslopeexceeds allowabl e: Maximum wallheight allowed inthetronts etback: "Proposed wall height inthe frontsetback : 12% 14.5 % 2.5% 3fee l 6feel •Variance requ ired 2 IV.CRITERIAAND FI.NGS • Uponreview of Criteria and Rndings,Section 18.62.060 o ft heVailMun icipal Code,the Community Development Depa rtment recommends approval ofther equesteds lopeva riances and approval ofth e requested wall height variances based o n the following factors : A .Co nslcSe ration of Factors: 1.The r elationshipofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicin ity. Driveway Slope Staffb elieves thatther e w ill n ot b e an y n egative imp acts to su rrounding p roperties If t he pr oposed v ariance ofthe driveways lope is ap proved.We believe thatthe differenceb etweena d rivewayat8%a nd the proposed driveways at 10%and14.5%will not be visually noticeable tot he neighbors. Therefo re,we be lieve therela tionship betwee n the requested variances a nd t he surroundingpr operties w ill beacceptable. Thewalls int he fro nt setback will be 6feetinheight.There will be twotierson eithe r sideofthe driveway.T herewill be a4foot wide b ench b etweenthetiers for land scaping .S ince t he app licantisp roposing land scaping intheb enches aro und thewalls.st an believes t hat theyw illb e so ftenedi ntheir appearanceto the rest 01 the ne ighbo rl1 ood ...-Atlhis-time ,the proposed la ndscaping inthis areais f~-three shrubs and forty-seven aspens,The shrubs willbea m inimum o f.5 _9ailons and the espenshallbea minimu m of2 -inch caliper. Th ere w ill also t:ie-tWenty-three spru ce pla ntedo n-site,butn otwit hin t he b enches betweenth e w alls.Because ofthe landscaping ,s tart be lievesthatthe relationshi p between thissite andother properties willn ot be n egative. 2.The degree tow hich r ellellrom the strict and llteral Interpre tati on and enforcement ofaspec ified regulation Is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity 01 treatment among sites In the vicinity ortoatta in th e obJectivesof this title w ithout grant of special pr iVilege. Driveway Slo pe O ne ofthe p ositiveas pects 01 th ed esign und er c onstructionis that the driveway servestwo different properties.Asthe S heridansiteis located uphill, behind the Szpiech residence,the accesstot he Sherida n property wo uld have required slope variances in all likelihood .By working together.thetwoow ners ha ve b een abl eto p rovideo ne dri veway withalesser slope than w hat the Sheridandriv ew ouldha verequ ired .Thev icinity m apo nthea ttachedp age shows t he property line locations betwee n theS heridan a nd Szpiech res idences.Lot10.the Sheridan p roperty ,hasanarrow"liag pole"which provides frontageon Garmisch Drive.Ita driveway wereJocated within his pro~nY lines,t heslopewouldbe steeper tnanwnat is pr oposedwith the common d ri've .--- 3 ••-. PHILLIPS Q4.UIOH IX RD. C"""""X2293•CORNE RS TRACT TfiACT c. " O WEST ""'-EXIT ...•10G•.''''-II, 15 "" ,.I.•12 IIa 10 A' • 2'1'TRACT., T RACT 0 TEXACO L-OT /I -SZ,:J I£C-rf /0 ~S rf ~12 I Llrti'V • '51'S \In 7 •a 264 2 22 £"!6Ot 2 0 26 1' ".."ZO . ,.fl.jIj\.. 2 "10 "12 "2617 ,,.,2"1 "" 2 I '''''"" ee • I. ~I I I. UJ '"I I 1 T RACT 9 TRACT C r-_/J/-• ~~",.8 "",..."ND MEADO S1!fiJf!1B6). 2 11 'l!ll3 '9'VEJi~r 2 111 ZIJ4 2120 •2 4'4 •• Though th e driveway tot he Szplech re siden ce cou ld have been constructed in a way that c on formed tothe Code.theexca vator decided t o raise the r esiden ce during construction.However,because there have been two o ther variances in theTownofVailap proved for driveway slope ,s taff believest here wou ld not be ag rant o f special priv i l~~b y approvingthis v arianceas longas -3J f t he variance criteri a are met.T he14.5%sectio n will b e h eated.which isc ons istent,------- w ith theoth er tw o varian ce approvals .The slo pes ofthe ather two driveways wh ich ha ve been approved were 14.9%f o rt he Schraeger re s idence a nd 19 .7% forth e B yrne r esidence. StaN believes thattheslope of the s i t e ~xce ed i ng 30%,isahardship that warran tsa wall h eight v ariance.Given ttlBiin iq ue c ircumstances ofth e site, startbe lieves the re were few option s other thanto b u ild aw all at a 6 toot he ight inthe front setback .Other p ropert ies under s imilar circum stances have had variancesapp rovedforwall height. 3 .The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distribution of population,transportation and traffic fac ilities,publ lc fac ilities and utilities,and public safety. Dri vewaySlo pe Staff b elievesth atth e potential impact o n tran sportati on,traffic f acilities an d public safety ism inimal.G iventha t the width an d the t urningradiu ses for the d riveway conform tostan dards,staffbe lieves tha t t here will not be sig nificant safety issues inr e latio n tot he prop osed dr iveway. J.,..j) , $r.pi,..•.,..':1-,; Walls Staff be lieves t hat t here will beno i mpactfrom t he reques ted wa llh eight \ v arianceo n th e c riteriareferencedab ove .) B.The Pla nning and En v ironm e ntal Com missionshall make thefo llowing fi nd i ngs be fore granti ng a variance: 1.Tha t the granting of thevariancewillnot constitute a gr antof special privilege inconsistentwith the limitationson other p roperties classified in the same d istrict . 2 .That thegranting ofthevariance wi llnot bede trimental to thepublic health.safetyor welfare,or materially injurioustoproperties or improvementsin thevicinity. 3.That thevariance iswarranted foroneormoreofthefollowing reaso ns : 4 •• a.The strictliteralinterpretationorenforcementofthe specif ied regulation wou ld result i n practical difficulty or unnecessary phy sical hardship inconsistent with the objectiv es ofthistitle . b.Thereareexceptionsorextraordinarycircumstances or c onditions applicable tothe same site ofthe variance thatd o not apply generally to other properties inthesam ez one. c.The st rict interpretationorenforcement ofthespecifiedregulation would depri ve theappl icant Of pMvilegesenjo yed b y the owners o f oth er p roperties inthe same district. v.STAFF RECOMMENDATION In conclusion,staff recomm ends approval ofthereque sted slope variance andwall height variance.We be lieve th at i t isco nsistentwiththecrit eria as discussed above aswella s the findings .Sp ecifically.staffbelievesthatFinding 81is metinthatthere isnotagrantof spec ial privil ege.Othe rvarianceshavebee n grantedforbothwallhe ight and drivewayslo pe in other situations similar tothis.Finding 82 ismet.instaffs opinion,asthere w ill not b e a negati ve effect onpubl ichealth .safety or we lfare byeitherof theseva riances.Finding 83b Is met ,i n staff 's opin ion,as th e slope of thesiteisanextraordinary circumstance wa rranting the twovariances .Therefore,staffrecommends approval withthe follow ing condi tions .Pr ior to liftingtheredtagfor completion ofthe construction o f the development,the applicant shall : t .Provide drawings stampedby aprofe ssional engineershowingthatthe boulder walls arestructurally sound ; 2 .Providealeg allyb inding agreement a cceptabl etothe Towno f Va il a ttorney andTown ofVail Fire Department acknowledging thattheproposedsite plan does notpr ovideanideal sit uation for Fire Departmentandthatthere is poten tialfor additionalresp onse timeor delaysinresponding to emergencies onth is site ,Th is agreementshall be recordedattheEag le County,Colorad o Recorder 's Office . Pr ior to theis suanceofa Tem poraryC ertificateof Occupancyforthepropert y,the app licant s hall : 1.Provtde a bkJ fortheworka nda letterofc redit orotherfinanc ial g uarantee providing125%ofthecostandcollateralizing thefunds necessary tocomplete the dM veway pa ving aswellasthe lands capingonthesitep er Section t8 .54.100,Enforcement ofthe TownatVail Mun icipalC ode. 2 .Compl etely fin ish the ex teriorofthestructure. 5 CAR4!ISC/i----------------. -.... • ~~1,I!s I ~~~~,•, I i!>'•,,I,-. ----- .- ,I,, / •--- P.l .....- • _,. • ----.---..... .,,;;:,""--- - • I,'hldl!J~u tf.Lrth,Whru,*~•••.1,0 Z4b:»Uar ftt j"oh Oriv.,V4.Ll, n ,,\y..,...cJ lo',-.-'h ••w.....v.c r..ot."D!u\:Jl H,VftJ.l ••••.,hDn.Ineli r l.1"'",.J h.reby ."'ZO••~.r haYfl P.C'IIlJ.l;to e".t_v.tfh41'44SAn ...14"'(f~m SIIP".""J ",,,UII .U"or .&"0,,~n ot'ft ".1J.,.K'••~'''C1YQll''DJ.otUC tI,V"L.I. 0....I'oh·..u ..Inc:l ,"'iling (l.riL I L .t;ncrw1.""n~'\IIIn "'.241.a_1tm#.cQl1 ..d ..,vAll,(!"h.'~.<'\ul to oon..,.",,~•4Wlo....t.~hLn'l IfAU .ft II)'1'~"'•••<Ly ..."~.t"",,ft ••h ...•a "16t.....hht\.""a._i.'"All . H1·~tr.Jilh_l'Ld,ruf a1"[!l.g h _bell bay.1~J1 e r.19hh t.n '-"'I'lfL'&"o't -aLII,·""tli/\,nLn","&~1.a"d "'hllll'h.ve ...."~l.hls 1:.0 'mi .....",'un fill P ...:r ••~y lu lftaAnU.ln/"~J)d4 ono &'QlUU~."ell wdh l J.nolu cl lhll 0"11M. hllJ.ted tc;>'·....Illl.!n'tho n ••ht"n ,•...,.In'l And an "onat"""U"n, ftlll.1 "' d1 I1W ai.fttJlIt 'IJauJ .·(".01.1,&'".Z'~.t ,....-J.ll -'c.I l1y iii1gnr.r6.c~to~~no ',....nlJ I l l.ln~on".h ••Of ~h t ..J.n.L ft 9 ,,"WA'•• \ .....~ow~.... ~. by,{L '-.1-1. J rffi 27 '94 12 :2tft1 IRH • t::..x ten oeCJ t-~a!:J e •• N/ff&v«%-<-;...s.c-L_,I':: 0'£....,'-fc.,J",,- ([)~L ;14""/,x•..L.~ @>~,,(~/<-"-<k.._,/J 0'"u-d<.... a>,-u.'f.,h;i.4 j;,...--&.~o/'-'--j- -<-.....1..~;'J /"..---iI.i TC-<:J ~drwq..<rf (j)C-~rL-h '-"-'L ~/~ ~k.-.-o .A .--rJ ~r /a /.Ib /r.5-( ~/u ~<I'/e.s >/c ,,(<M.•.-r ULl1 d;/,./!vL-1-_ D Sf"H<,J:(~<,L -I'd ~<r &"7" ,frh'A'A;"'",&rnL /C'-/1':'5 /.,0 A<T ~£~/4. @)-t:<~~::'~;!:7J'::vLJ~~<-( '"/If,'"J 1--,/'~.I<-.-/,'...{d~.1"7 r (:D ~"",...t rfrr<,.}~~'-<- Name :SZ PI ECHRESIDENC E Da t e:Aug ust 20.1 993 Oc cupan cy:R3,Ml Ty pe of Const:V-N • the • Towno f Vail 25 Sou th Frontage Ro ad Vail .Co lorado 8 16 57 (303 )479-2 138 Pl an analysis based on 1 99 1 Un iform Bu ild ing Co de Add r ess :244 5 GARM ISH DR. Contr ac tor :DO NPRESSLEY Archit e ct:JO N GAMB LE Engine er:K .MCG HEE Plans Exam in er :CH UCK FELDMANN NOTE:The code it ems li s ted i n th is report are no t intended to be ac omplete lis ting of al l p os si bl e code req ui rementsi n the 1991 USC .I t is a guide to sel ected sec tions of t he c od e. FL NAME AREA MI N.LIGHT MIN .VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Be dr oom #3 167 16 .70 8.3 5 1 Ye s 2 Be droom #2 229 2 2 .90 1 1.45 1 Ye s 2 Off ice 177 17.7 0 8 .85 1 No 2 Bath room 4 90 .0 0 2 .45 1 No 2 lIa lls.clos et s.etc .119 0.00 0 .00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 741 1 1 Garage 4 53 0.00 0 .00 1 No 1 Master bat h 71 0 .00 3 .55 1 No 1 Master bedroom 1 871 8.70 9 .35 1 Yes 1 Kitchen 1 691 6.90 8.45 1 No 1 Li ving room 331 33.10 16.55 1 No 1 Ha ll s.closet s,etc .336 0 .000 .0 0 1No TOTALFOR FLOOR 1547 1 B Ki tchen 11 2 11.20 5 .60 1 No B Liv ing room 147 14.70 7 .35 1No B Bath room 53 0 .00 2.65 1No B Be droom #1 144 14.4 07 .20 1 Yes B Ha lls,c lo sets ,etc.34 0 .00 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 4 90 1 Yes BUILDING TOTA L 2288 1 FOO TNOTE S : 1 )EGRESS-An o pe rable window or door that o pens directl y t o t he exterior i s requi red fr om thi sr oom.The mi ni mumc lear o pen abl e a reamust meet the f ollowing .--Sec .12 04 . 1)Theminimum clear he ight is 2 4i nches 2)The minimum c lear width is 20 i n ches 3 )The minimum c lear area is 5 .7 squa re f e et 4l The maximum si ll he ight is 4 4 inches 2 )The number of e xits is b as ed on Ta bl e 33 -A (Dwelli ng s) 3 )A mecha nic al ven tilation s ystem may be us edi n in lieuo f exter i or o peni n gs f or ve n tilation .--Sec .1 205.(c) 4)Th e requ ir ementf or an e gr ess window in the ba sement is based on S ec .1 20 4. •• ROOM DIMENS I ONS : Ha bi ta ble space shall have a ce ili ng height o fn ot less than 7 fee t6 i nche s .Ki tchens,halls,bathrooms and to il et c ompartm ent s may ha ve a c eili ng h ei ght of 7 feet meas ured to the lowest projecti on .If the cei l ing i ss lop ing,then the minimum height is r e quired i n on ly1 /2o f t he area . --S ec.1 2 07.(a) Ev ery dwelling unit s hall have a t l ea st one room wh i ch h as not l es st han1 20 s qua re fe et of f loor area.Oth er ha bita ble rooms e xcept ki tche ns s h all ha ve an a rea of not less t han 70 squa re f e et.--S ec .120 7 .Cb) Ha bi table rooms other than a kitchens ha lln ot b e less than 7 f eet i n a ny dimens ion.--Sec .120 7.(c) GLAZ I NG REQUIREMENTS : All gla z ing in h az ardous lo cat ions i s requ iredt o be o fs afety g la zing mate ri al .--S ec.540 6 .(dl 1 )Gla zing in ingre ss ande g re ss doo rs e xceptj al ou sies . 2 )Gla zing in f ixe d and s liding p anels of s li di ng d oor assemblies and panels in s wingi ng doo rs other than wa rd rob ed oor s. 3)Gla z ing in storm d oo rs. 4)Gla z ing in a ll u nf ramed s winging doors . 5 )Gla z ing i n d oor s a nde nclos ur es for h ot t ubs,wh ir lpoo ls,saunas,s team rooms,bathtubs and s howers.Gla z ing in a ny p orti on o fa bu ildi ng wall e nclosi ng these compar tments where the b ottome x po sed edge o f t he g la z ing is l ess t h an 60 inches above a stand ings urfa ce and d ra in i nl et. 6)Gl a zi ng in fixed or operab le panels a d jacent to ad oor where t he n ea res t e x posed edge o f the g lazx ing is wi thin a24 -inch arco f either v e rtical edge o f the door i nac l os ed p ositi on and where the bottom exposed edge o f the glazing is less than 60i nch es above the walking s urface . 7 )Gl azing i n an individual f ixed o r o pe rable panel,o ther t han t ho se l o ca ti ons des cribed i n i tems 5 and 6 above ,t hanme ets a llo f t he f ol lo wi n g con ditions : A.Exp osed area o f an individual pane greate r tha n 9 square fee t. B .Exp osed b o ttom edg e l ess than 18i nches abov e the f l oor. C .Ex posed top edge greatert han 3 6 inches abov e the f l oor. D .Oneo rmor e wa lk ing surfaces within36 i nches h or i zont ally of t he p l an e of t h e glazi ng . 8)Glazing in rail i n gs reg a rdl esso f hei g ht above a wa lk ing surface . I n cl udeda re struc tura l b alust erp a nel s andn on structurali n-fill pane ls . See exceptions . SM OKE DETECTO R RE QUIREMENTS : A s moke d etec to r is required on the ceiling or wa ll a t a point c ent rally l ocated i n t he c orrid or o ra rea gi ving acces s to e ach sleeping a r ea . --Sec.1 21 0 .(a)4 . As moke detector is requ ired on the ceiling or wall in each sl e eping area.--Sec .121 0 .(a)4. A smoke d ete ctor is required 1n t he ba sement.--Sec.121 0 .(a )4 . A smoke det e ctor is required on all s tori es .--Se c.121 0 .(a)4 . If the upper leve l con t ains sleeping r oom (s),asmok e de tec t or is r equ ired in the ceiling of the up per leve l close to the stairway. --S ec .1 210 .(a)4 •• Smoke d et ec tors are r equi redt ob e wired to t he bu i ld ing 's p owe r s ourcea nd sha ll b ee qu i pped with a ba tt e ry backu p.--Sec .12 10 .(a)3 . Detecto rss h all s o und an a l arm a udi ble i na ll s leeping a rea of t he d wellin g i n which they are located .--Sec .1 210.(al 4 . OCCUPANCY S E PARATION : Betwe e nt he ga rag ea n d t he re si d e nc e .mate ri al s approvedf or l hr f ire construc t ion are requ ired o n the ga rag e side o n ly a nda ny d oo rs b etween t he ga rage and t he res iden ce a r et o b e a s el f -closi ng13 /8 i nc hs olid co r e doo r o ra 20 mi nu t ef ire d oo r .--T abl e 5 -B &S e c .503 .(d)e xc .#3 S TAIR REQUIREMENTS, A st a ir wa y i na dw elli ngmu st be a t lea st 36 i nches w ide.--Se c .3 3 0 6 .(bl The maximum r ise o f as te p is 8 inc hes and the min i mum r un i s9i nc h e s. --S ec .3 3 0 6 .lei exc.#l Pro vi de a h and r ail o n ones idea stai rw ay 34 t o38 i nche s above the n os ing i f t here i s4 or mo re r i se r s.--Sec.33 06 .{i) Prov ideag ua rd ra il where d r op of f is gre at er than 3 0 inch es .Minimum he ight =3 6 inches ,max i mum o peni ngs ize =4 i nches .--S ec.171 2.(a )e x c .#1 The min imum head roomi s6 f t .-8 inche s .--Sec .3 3 06 .(0) En closed usab le spac e u nd er the stai r s is r equi redt o be prot ect ed a s requ ired f o r 1 hrf i re-res i st i ve c onst ruc tion .--S ec .33 06.(1 ) SHAFTENCLOSURES : 1 )Chutes and dumbwa i te r shaf ts wi th a c ro s s -se ct i o n a l a rea o f n o t more t han 9s qua re f e et may li ned o n t h ei n side with not less tha n 26g a g e ga lvan iz ed s h e et met a l wit ha ll joints l oc kl ap ped.The o ut si d e mu st b e 1 hr const ruction .All o p en ings intoa n y such enc l osu re shall b e p rot ected by not l e ss t h an a sel f-c l osin gs olid woo dd oor I 3 /8 i nche s th i c k o r equival e n t.--Sec .1706 .(f) 2 )Gas v e n ts a nd n oncombu st ib le p ip ing insta lle d i nwa ll sp assing t h rou gh 3f loo rs o r l ess d o no tn e ed t o b e i n 1 h our s h aft s . --S e c.1 706.lei 3 )Shaf ts f or gas v en ts ,fa ct ory -built c hi mneys ,pi pin g,o r du ct st h at d o n ot e x t end t h r o ughno t more t han2f lo ors need no t b ei n1h ou r sha fts . --Se c .1 7 0 6 .l ei 4 )All oth er s h aft s ar e requ ired to be enc lo sed i na 1 h our a ssembl y. S ec.1 706 .(a) ATTIC REQUI REMENTS : 1)Provide a n a ccess t o all a t ti c a reas with ac lea r h e ight o f3 0 i nc hes or more .The min imu m size i s 22 i nchesby 3 0 i nches .Ther e mus t b e30 i ncheso rmorec learh ei ght abo ve t h e access.--Se c .3 205 .(a) 2)Prov id e vent ilat ion i n all a t tic areas.The n et fr ee v ent area i s to be not l es st han1 s q uare f oot fo re a ch 1 5 0 squa r e feet o f att i c area. The vent area may be 1 /300 if a t least5 0%o ft he requ ir ed v ent il at ing a r ea is p rov ided by v entila t o rs l o catedi n theup per portiono ft h e a tti c.The u pp er v e ntilato rs mustb e a t least 3 fee t above t he eve o r co r nice v ents .--S ec.3 205 .(cl For a 1 547 .0 s q .f t .a ttic area : Ratio Mimi num s q .f t.o f v ent 1 /15 0 1 0.31 1 /300 5 .16 •• CRAWLSPA CE RE QUIREMENTS , 1 )Pro vid ev ent ilat ion ei ther by mechanical means o rby o penings in exterior wal ls .Open ing shall provide an et a rea o fn ot less t han1 square f o ot for e a ch 1 50s quare f eet of area i n crawl space .Open ings shal l b e distribut ed on twoo ppos ite sides and be located as c lose t o co r ne rsa s pra cti cal . --S e c.2 516 .(c )6 .Note :Vent openings may be reduced t o1 0%o f the above if g r ound s ur fa ce area is covered wi th an approved vaporb arrier and the bui ld ing offic ial a pp roves . For a 451.0s q.f t.craw lspa ce area : Rati o Minimum sq .f t .of vent 1 /150 3 .01 2)Provi de IS -inch by 24-inch acc e ss opening t o the crawl s pace area.Not e: opening may be require d t o be l arg e r i f mec han ica l equ ipm en t is locat ed i n t he crawl space .--Sec.25 16.(c)2 . 3)Unless t he wood is li sted as a n approved woodo f n a tura l resi stance to decay o rt re at ed wo od,the min imum c l earanc e betweene xposed e a rth and floo r joist is 18 inches.The mi nimum c lea ra nce to b eams a n d gi rders is is 12 inche s.--Sec .25 16 .(c)2 . ADDITI ONA L REQUIREME NTS , For R3 occupa n cy Thi s pro ject wi ll requi re as ite i mp roveme nt su rvey .Su ch survey shall be submitted and approved p ri or t o reques t for fr ame i nspe ct ion . All crawl spaces within t heTown Of Vail are limited to a e art h to struct ural f l oo r c ei ling he ight of 5',be earth f loor o nly,be v entila ted as per UBe25 16(C )6 with minimum ac cess as per UBC 2 51 6(C)2 a nd maximum a ccesso f 9 sq .f t . Any b uil dings ite with a slope of 3 0 degrees or more shall r equ ire an e n gi nee r des ign .Su ch design sha ll a d dr ess drainage,s oil r et ai nage and s truc tura l d es ign . Exc avat io n below slabs on g rade shal l no tb e p ermit t edwithou t p ri or a p prova l . Add re ss numbers shall be po sted plainly vi si b le a nd l egibl e f romt he st re et. For Ml occupancy Sl opeg a r ag ef l oo rt o allow for drai nage to out side t o provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well o rt o sewer . Any garage floor dra in c onnected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eag le Vall ey Water &Sanitation Di st ri ct . I n ga rages with livi ng area above ,the wa l ls o f the garag e wii ch a re b ea r ing the area above s hall be p rote cted with o neh o ur fire resis tive construction .UBe 503 (B). ••• Name ,SZPIECH RESI DENCE Da te :August 20,199 3 Occupan cy:R3,Ml Type o fConst:V -N Town of Vail 2 5 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 (30 3)4 7 9 -2138 Plan r eview based on the 1 991 Uniform Build ing Code Address,2 445 GARM IS H DR . Contrac tor :DON PRESSLEY Architec t:JO N GAMB LE Engineer :K.MCGHE E Plans Examiner :CHUCKFE LDMANN ============================================================================= 1 2 3 4 5 6 Th is p ro jectw il l r e q ui re as ite improveme nt su rvey. This survey shal l b e submitted and staf f approved prior t oa request f or a frame i nspe cti on .Under no c ircums t a nce s w i ll a frame i nspect ion be done without an approved s ite improvement surv ey . The re sha ll be on ly o ne k it chen designat ed per dwelling uni t a l l owe d by t h eTown of Vai l Zoni ng Regulation s .All o ther such l ab ele d ar eas are not approve d a nd s hall n ot be r o ugh -in cons truc ted as such . All n ew cons t r uct i on withi n the Town o f vail wi ll be required to h a ve an in itial inspec tion by TO VPu b lic Works Dept .t o approve site drai nage and cu lve rt ins talla ti on.This approva l must be comp l ete prlor t oa ny i nspec tion by the Bui lding Departmen t. Th is project is r es tri ct ed from t he bu rni ng o f wood in fi replaces .Unles s the lot i sa res tricted l ot in siz e ,t hree g as log s firep laces a nd t hree ga s app li ance s are p ermitted per u n i t allowed .Gas log chimn eys enclo su res shal l be on e hr.prot ect ed . In ba throoms with a tub or showe r a nd i n l aund ry r oomsa mechan ica l ven tilation syst em connec ted d irectly t o the out side sha ll b ep rov ided .Bathrms which c on tain only awa ter cl os et o r lav .may be vent i lated with ar ecirculati ng fan .UBC 1205(c). Dome stic c l oth es d ryere xhaus t d ucts sha l l be i ns t alled as p er UMC 1 1 04 and 1903 .F l exi bl e duct c o nnecto rs mayn ot exceed 6 'in len gt ha nd s h al l n ot be concealed wi thin construction.Duc ts shal l t erminat e outside th e b uil ding and n ote xceed14 ' l eng t h . ••• 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 13 14 15 1 6 1 7 Nodo mestic dishwas hing machine sha ll b ed irectly connected t oad ra inag e system without the u se o f an a pp rov ed di shwasher a ir-gap f itt ing.ope 60 8. Cross connecti on co ntrol devices sha ll be installed to p ro tect po l l u tio n o f potable water supp ly byu se o f a pp roved bac kflowp re vention d e vi c es .upe 1 00 3 . Domes ti cr ang es shal l have a verti cal clearance a bove the cooki ngs u rface of n ot les s than 3 0 "t o unprotected combust ib le materi al .UMe 1 90 1. Approved gas l o g s may be i nst al ledi ns o lid -fue l burning firepla ces p rovided thei n st all at ion is according to th e listing i ns tructi o ns,any d amp er s hall be remov ed or perman en t ly bl ocked,and a s a fety shuto ff v alve is provided .UMe 803 . Gas fireplace a p pli ancesa re re q uired t o be i n s t alled as p er lis ting instal lati on instructi ons - with a "B"vent o nly.combu st i on ai rmu st b e s uppl ied f romt he o ut side f or a ll new co ns truct ion i n th e Town o f Va il . Supply amec ha nica l drawi ng indica t ing d es ign of s ystem,si ze (BTU and v olume)o f e q ui p ment ,v ent locati on and termina tio n,a nd combustion a ir t o be s upp l ied prior to a ny ins tallation. Due to Co lorado S ta te S t atutes ,a l l s ink f a ucett s a nd showe r heads are r equired to ut i lize flo w restriction devic es.Also,the maximum wat er c lose t fl ush u sage is limited to amax imumo f 3 .5g allons per f lush . The e n c los ed u sab le spaceu n d er t he sta irs is requ ired t ob e protect ed b y lhr f ire -re s i st iv e con s t r uc tion .--3 3 06.(1) At e av e sa n d val l ey s an adequa te underlaymen t shal l b e provided to pro tect a struc ture from i ce buildup a ndwa t er dama ge.Two l aye r so ff e l ts ol id mopped t os hea th ing a nd be tween layers or a comme rc ia l wa ter &i ce shield may be u s ed a sp er Table 3 281. In a ddit io n to a minimum rei nf orc ement ,n ot l e s s than two #5 barss ha l l be p rov ided arou nd al l wi n dow and d oor openi ng s .Su ch ba rs sha ll b e e xtended beyond t he corners o f the op en ings n ot l e ss than 2 4 ".UBC 261 4 (d)7 . Becaus e of t h i s project's l oc at ion ,the f o unda tion i s requ ired t o be d amp proo fe d t o prevent damag e t o ar ea s be low f i ni shed grade .UBC 17 07(dl . ••• 1 8 19 2 0 The structure i s required to be anchored to the f oun da ta ionwi th 1 /2 inch anchor bolts .The bo l ts must be int ot he concrete or masonry 7 inches and s paced a maximum of 6 feet apart.See code fo r addi tiona l r equirements .--Sec.2907 .(f) Incl udeac opyo ft he so i ls rep ort f or t he s i te t o be buil t on .--S ec .2 9 05 . Provide t russ d etai ls b yt he truss manufa cturer's engineer.(reg in t h is st ate ) • r:-) .' if}/! PER M IT NUM BER OF PROJ EC T INSPECTION REQUESl TOW N OF V A IL 4 79 -2 138 . JOB N AME --"'=~<-L-"-=L..----"'-;J~x:..._DATE ?'-2 1 -9'7 READY FO R LO CATI O N : C ALLER I NSPEC TI ON:MON TUES WED .2 fvF c;:q"""''''d fk , T HUR F ni •_____A M PI. BUILDING: o FO OTI NGS I STEEL o FOUNDAT ION I S TEEL o FR AM IN G ROOF &SH EERoPLYWOODNA~IN G o IN SULATION o S HEETR OCK N AIL _ 0 .,--_ P(F IN'A L PL UMB ING: o UN DERGROUND _ o R OU G H l OW_V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPIN G o POO L I H .T UB o o o FIN AL E L ECTR ICA L: o 1 E '-'P .POWE R _ o ROUG H o COND UIT 0 _ o F INAL MEC HAN ICA L: o HEATI NG _ o E XHAUST H OODS o S UPPLY A IR _ 0 _ o F IN AL o R EIN SPECT IONREOUIREoDISAPPROVEOKAPPROVED-fi'-/? CORRECT IONS :·~_'__----- o o ~I NSPECTION'SCOMPLETED Thei tems below need t o beco mplet e before giving a permit a fina l C of O. Please c heck off in t hebox provide d. FINAL PLUM BING DATE: FINALMECHANI CAL o D DATE: I MPROVEME NT SU RVEY DATE : FINAl ELECTR ICAl /2-l l o{Q-"~r '"l..-<~ RES ID .NAME : ,o DATE : FIN Al BU ILDING EAST SID E:\/E ST SIDE: o D o DAT E: TEMP ORARY COF 0 DATE : CERTI FICAT E OF OC CUPANCY DAT E: LANDSCAP ING DUE DATE : •-KRM CONSULTANTS.INC. P.O.BOX 4 572 VA il.COLORADO 8 1658 •13031 9 49-9391 FAX 9 49-1577 RfC'D JAN 4 FIELD REPORT 11:00 A.H . i l ;+'5 A.NL..- DATE: ARRIVE: _...LL:..l.'!L..1!!..:...CL...._ DEPART:[.;1 ~.M ~A bO vJ O BlY ~ TO : V AI L,,c o bl (,57 W EATHER: A TIENTlON: P?tJ P;;:;:'';L?Y PROJECT: '244.5 :~A i<!MIS C H J 08 N UMBER: "1"2.0'7 -1)0 I'!.oUC,H F.OAMI Il"I S COM "'-e.TE .rHE P J'<I"O <.e OF T HI$o ..<.e e VAr'O N 1-;T O D~T !'t:H HJ~a.e ~ela.AL.CO MPLl A J.JC ~WI T'14 'TH ;F'eJlM1NGr P LA.'-.:$ C~,.I:"!-J ~O A ....'O P eov l ~F-D s .,-H :'l..I O-TSCH CESo ,,,NS ....~O A'P"ll.O V~D ~"ll.c:.OI-J ST R.Vl::.TI O N ey T HE'ToW!-l O F V ~IL ./H e.O N t.'Y Fe.A M I ":~ R=CoMM ;;NOhT I ON I J4).V e.I ~j1)e:X."''S N ~T }-tE ""HJ at k)).LL .4.T r ~~ =N:>~';:T H ~"'IT'CH~N C OV N.T::.::<!:.,(,~')'<.I."'!~T SL'r ~"~,TIHr I T r~JV I D ="",e.~)..-~I :-.J6t FD .~T:'~=l'o1 !C e !)-I..A :-'l ;o .:=:=~=A M ;'\T 1"1-1 ::'f....;:)FT F L 'O .~A a ~V::L I WAS ),$:(~D 5 P EC I?"IC),L L '(10 LDa l:..A T T H = j"looJO C.AI-J Tl l eV .ERe D eec es .T HE u p pt;..~D SC.",,"-:J VEI:.,H e ~A Q.A '=1 e I ~~T IL l.e.XPoo:,!i.O ~ND ,",Pf>e.A2S To B~.A C ~VAT e ..THE ~vJ ::..':!.!:;<:C Ic. C Ve'Q.T He..A PAlLi'M EFN T A t..~~""D Y I-tA';'A tR."(WALl..CE=It..H·lGij ~LD W 17 I ';"'J I C~V !..b !'JOT c e~~~v ::!1'1-+C!.F eAM IN G,.H o w ~v .li.e II F IT HAS ~:=N C ON ST .~:1 C.T :S O A-i,y oU·t:e"$C~I ~~O TO ,'4 E.,A uo .A C G"~O "'.J c..TO i'H '! oeA w r /.J~~I Th e,.,I FEf!'L TJ4 AT'IT 15 .A C ~~U .4r e:.I N ~E"'J Ef:.AL ,~1J4 H F ~t-A I N (",At-PeJ.J!-S TO e.e.OF c..o::'D IQlJAI...I 'r'r-),ItJ O I 0 10 NO T 0 3 ~:!..I:V = ,A\..l y A?P }...>e.NT C£.F IC.I ~NC.\E.S .~~\\\\\\\lI lU /lI/{1111.- ..,.#,\:to.~O R EG IS~~~I I\\"""'~?~>~.'f-'i'~f~\,:;'~;·ii ·~~O.).~r.J...-~~~J:lJ-7·0 '1-'\I ~o ~.:\i~~$J~~~..."~il~·0.0/;..•••~,§~~,~.sl ·····\\\r.;:# COPY TO '~,ION"\.,"!:-.\\'>.SIGNED ::'i'/II''''JllIlII\I\\\'\~~.dY1dJJ..lt REVIEWED: •Po.....brand !axIr81\Ual memo 7871 \'Qt 1»991.{ Iwr /...':;"(d ~.~.- ::0 TtJ v oe .....fI>w ftt "...,.CPP •"'.., I"'"17'9-L<-<>:L-1-- •,IInter.Mouatain M.EngineerlngL.... ~.Roma Cnm10 1ew3k i c /o Mr .Don rree l ey RE I F oundat ion Do il s fn epe ct.Iou Lot 11,Dieck HI Vc.il D a~s c h cn e F iling 110 .2 Town o f Vail ,Eag le C~unty,Co lora Oc P r oj ect No.93 56 0G At t he request o t Mr.DonPre sle y on pe ceeb er 2 t!,1993 We v i sited t he c o na tructi on ~lte on Lot II ,Blo c kH,Vai lDas Schone riling N O .~,~own of Va il.Eag le County ,Col o rado tor insp ectio n of the fo und at ion soi l s. ~h e SOil s ex po sed in t he e xc ava t ionf ort he d r ivewayon t he south s l ae o f t he h ouse at a n elev at io n l ow e r tha n the tootinos e leva t i on a s well a s the soil ~e xpose d in t h e crawl s paceon the n or th s 1de of t heh ouse,cons isted or firm packe d sl i qhtly c l aye y. sa ndy g rave l of GUb a ngular to a ngular shape with o cca s i o nal c obbles .These soils a re s imilar to the s a l ls des cribed i n th p. Soils and Founda t icn Inve stiga tio n Report dated Au qust l Q Q,"no "'rp o a pa ble o fs up p crt inq 1500 to 2000 ps f. Fo r c omplete r e co~enda tio ns p l A~~A rp f~r ~~t hq above n a~ed s o ils report. I f you ha v e Rny q u es t Lcn s ,pl fil oil lio e de not h Qll itatQ t o c all. sin ce re ly , 17 rJ7j _.,x:::,"2.,/e!flVV~ Lu iza Pet.r oveke. Proj e ct Eng inee~ Re v ie wed by : BoxNo.978 •A~o n .Colcrado 81620 •949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street •L ~k 9WO od ,Co loradO60215 •Phone:232-0 158 13031 949-9391 FAX 949-1577 • FIELD REPORT fit Ll-J.l J . =====---========--==------'Jl a7. -T'I ~rl-{', •-KRM CONSULTANTS,INC. P.O.BOX 4572 VAil..COlORAOO 81658 TO:DATE: ARRIVE: 12.fz.?/'1""3'--__ /1 :00 A.H. DEPART:1\=45 A.M. co WEATHER: CO LO'C LQUDY, ATTENTION: D2>J ?;:eoS LSY PROJECT: "++5~ARM ,scM JOB NUMBER : "12 0 ..,-08 COPVTO : REVIEWED: IH11P'/1i'.~ii i!!il!fJ!!-j "E I I _.L 11 s ~~mll:llipil;!.~~..~...o ~'e .'::·U5H n·!li ll i•ill-I fa-!!'""'e;;>--!)~1 ~;-b8_~~I i'll!j~'!:.3 L ..~C=---"-sUie;:IULI 'I.I .1..."., '"-,.'- l-•~q~ui if fI1ml!i!l!-,·.-'0 _ ~.~I i!·-~-~;,:1_.·~.i!1e\l~k HHhlH/l!li -::!;'J ~--;"'"OJ .:.'10 ,:>.:-o .........J5 e""ilU/tit l~lil •u ~.-:ii ..a ~~i;;8i J'.I v......••o .n~iliiill ~i'-J --.-~"e.......,11~l!til :I!~'" 1\j .- -,"WI'I ~ 'I IJ!1 I", -i.•~I 'I ~:.• [:~"~,U!lllm til 0, ~~•II''I I'•,'II"\\:..-:I,"If"V , ~•t :!iBLiI!UU!••Ii;~ B..•~-..I !••-<!U••JII !-.~I ~1:. t-I ..IJ~. !::I a.. "L •j t ,:~~!~l ~11 ~:;I i '.!IEI;·=)m ...:::: "i r "0::irrZ;;~•e ~H"r ,r;!t -~C.-......,.».,~~·I o - r _ij2 •S s~;;,~¥i i;1.~!'j.••fO\~IZ';";~'"sUI ~J."!a &I IE"j "0:>' HI -•la ,.,I~.!filii I I~Do ~~....a /-i·.......,;j;~j;I ~~>!i~Li "2 ~i .'"\,..,-~U-~c,"-...'ilmu=~:!!~I ~:J I~~~I!!I -c 1; I"'t-··~••j"I ai '!~'!I~II iIi Iour -....» 0 1 _____A M ~ •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL NAME -~~~~/1;~~~~'----r-------- • LOCAT ION :-='-'--'--"-~==--'-'''-'::....:..:....::='''-'=~---='----------- READYFOR INSPECTiON:MO N TU,:,~ED 1J:lUR F RI f , <<i <.;<;~~~..LA ~ .PERMIT N U 7~i/lJ EC T D ATE :3 JOB~' BUILD ING :PLU MBING : o FO OTIN GS I STEEL o U N D ERGROU N D o FOU NDATIO N I STEEL o ROUG H I D W .V. o FRAMI N G o ROUG H I WA T ER ROOF &S H EER o G A S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILI~ '7 (1.1t L,I ,"j 0 POOLI H .T UBpiNSULATION~{:, D"'S HEETROCK NA IL ./r(X ,,/IJ u_..'1"/,;-I'D,-......(/ 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELEC TRICAL;MECH ANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOO DS o CON DUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FI NA L o FINAL o REINSP ECT IO N R EQU IR ED~""""--:-_j ~)0 D ISA PPROV ED (-r I.,5 o AP PROVED CORRE CT IO NS : I Also D ATE _IN SPECTOR ,. • •\ INSPECTION REQUEST ,. T OWNO F VAIL "'''".,/.,..,1-- )='/.1 V /7 . CALLER •!t",rAl ~';;·l::£4 ~u T UES WED C§B:<)FRI AM (PM -I ?f(,,;t ~""":~'=- N AME -~;o::::::r-=7T'---.I.LcJC£=7-:---~------- • INSPECTION ,M ON ~YC/) (;3/8 READ Y FOR LOCATION ,......:"-'-:..-'-_..c..."'-"-"-~=~......:===~_ .PERMI T NUMBER OFPROJ ECT DATE 1/'1/'1 Y J OBi ./ BU ILDING:PL UMB I NG: o FOOT INGS /STEEL oUN DERGROU ND oFO UNDATION /STEEL oRO UGH /D.W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WA TER RO OF &S HEER oGASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING j;t!1'SULA nON s£,,/hi C I..It '1 oPOOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICA L: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH oEXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPL YA IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL o AP PROVED CO RRECT IONS ' oD ISAPPROVED o REINSP EC TION REQU IRE D DATE _INSPECTOR \ ..-• L l!'l t If l!O'Cl P 2J ..'2 ",.!lett_I I R lont IOt(ll;jt 2..,..'2 lJI'"Rfttt""I "',,"', 10 0 Ch ord Bot Chord lO !b P U'C! ~C IJ"T c",r I~ ;?JC 6 •16 50F-I.'5f "'S n i1x "•16 50F·I .~E "'SAa....s nn »WOODS ToO oe eet to.Old ~1!'1l 5 SPECI Al."''''PQS ITION I~CHAA T,,--27'H ,,.2 318 •,-eea .,."".JO I ""•x ,[l n l T-ti l'll ''''''r ,.-1 ~.8 ,,.2 3 18 •J -esarJ.-l i <l e ,....a.a re.er••-;<>79 1 J 0 .:>0 -6 6 1 ".0e-...3 .22 -16 .9 DE AR I Nf>n E QU lRE wE ~'S B(MHl«>.6.C1 S:;':E REil 8 1 e ec I n .!)U. e,e .ecIn .".25 S Ul"""''''~....1 10 ,...l n ACl I"'iI (rsf l Tell ·90 0:TCDt ..10 0 :sea ..10 .t'; lner ta sr •I OOC l..IV£LOAO OE:rLECT1ON BASE D ()N V )60 ,,,,.."" :~OCT :993 5-"·7 5-1 -9 ,." ra "l' • "'[7 "" 8 R.t.CJ NG IoEIoIBE R5 SHOwN BY •lIHfrt:REf'Il'IREO IX .CON TI NUOU S LA TE RA L BRICING &TTA CH£D NIT Iol TWO lii'l EId ~Al l S I CB O'THIS TRuSS HAS BEE N DE SJ GNfD IN "'CC ono .~E ~ITH ICeD RE SEA PQH REPORT 1607 R-SOOO i'iOLO I HG VALUE S A,RE 20 3 PS I I N SOU Tf I£RN PI Ne /OOUGLA S "'I R -L~I'l CH ANO 15<' PSI I N HE ~-r IR /SPnUC e -P IN£-r lR THIS TRUSS IS O£SIGNf O US HtG TI-£Ufl CtoCDOE.nA SI C WI NO s peeo -80 MPH . HIlS d e ll'""hllll D!'l'n C I'll'C ~e d I llf'\0 .5 . bo tt ~C ~Qf'd l iY !'load I n 3eC Df'd ~n c • ...t l'l Lee . 7-10-" 2 -6-0r,11 -(1-0 11-0-0 22 -0-0 OVE~Al.L SPAN ~"COO<Sl'IICl"fO ocr e ,,~OOO ~C-e9 2 4 00 '0 .0 101zo/93 A~~"'" A Trus P lus De S Jg n TRUSWAL a.-."...-y...~SYSttMS,00 8 musw......SYSfEMS ~IION294co '4)7910 I TI:lJSF ...a I 'Ie"'I Dn 3 &0 "....",_n "'"0 10 .....::t ,_uTlI.onu ""....._..."001 "'ClID ....~_•___•......,'HI ,,..".....""OCIIII.__~OOI ""_Q,_nc:_100 ...__",.._•~~..-'0.1.__'0 ._,_~"'-'"'U___O''''_..._.-..~-..-.._................___............u>.....~.._....rao-_ ..............."""~"""Y ""'-'__.._110"".010110 000 '"__ ~U"'''TOO'e_'o ..0:-.-."'ACOO.'0.'_.-01010 "'."0.-.••000"_e..._._~............_...-.IT -..•....c:aI ..._-.0101 ..GIl ·r _.......--__I __0 _.-.-_.-.:-r ...._•......-0 10 __._...YO ..-.:-l __..~_.......-___ e_.._<:o<oc;.I"'_H~''''0._C 0::0.--"___.0CA._e.-........__'~-"""'."-"CIU"__''''__-... ""0:-""'0 ..C Ol D '__.,.,....OC."'"0 C"-"-e._._.....,._DIT_.....-.._OC'O......O"1 •.....-..._0"_"" ~.~ Oh •12 I Truu n e -e"/3116'..I ' ee.a 900 0 .0 2 2OCT 1993 !L OI -66 1 4 .BO 2 .93 0.00 0.00 PL ATE P O S I T I ON I ~CHllnT ~:(In)Y:(In 'ANG LE 1 2-6-" 3-4-0 ,,, SPECIAL JOI HTI S t ill ntlard Un I f or ..l Oill dlna (P5F1tcu,-BO 0:Te al ·10 0:9COl •10 .0; I nc re llSIII •1 .000 l I~E l DII D DEF LECT ION BASEO ON Ll 360 ,) I B-O-O S T~ J' t a ""1' ~-IO-I~ 7-1-4 """ SPAN s ees,,JO ,,a -1299,3 '",•-eee a,,3 1 "7 ,e I A32,r -IBO'-,e 2!S36,9 -32'" ]-4-12 29-0-0 OVER ALL 4 -10-9 5 -0-5 ia '17 :1-10-7 ,O ~Chd aO!lo~Chtl T ,--Cj )4 1 e,-8282 T 2--7531 B 2-928 2 T ).·~!'l 6 3 B J .6878 T4_-4 ~3 8 4~2!'lSI T!'l a -2e ""'9~'"0 lBS "'''323A SI lE'M.1M . BEA ni NG REQUtRE ~ENTS 9(ARIN6 AC T .SIIE REO. e l 6 .46 BL eeo I n .r.ec l~Bf~SPECIrJCATrONS TOO ChOl'tl 2x ,•2 JOOF w 1 .".<0 S PF /ESLP rc P jul!', "e •16!'lOF -l .!'lE .'"5PF/ESL PBotcno-e ,.s •<?'OOF-I.8£."!iP'/ESlPBestecea,.,1 6 ~O F-l .Sf Ms n SPF /E SLP '"PI e!:".,.••STUO "If ""'",,'"Pi ece •,a,.•16 !'lOF -l .".5'S PF!ESl P ""r r ece ,, ",•16!iOF-l .".5'SPF !ESl P 2 -6 -0 L, BRACING M E ~E n S SHO WN BY •WHE RE RECUI RE D. IX""CONTI NU OU S LA TERAL BR ACING "'11 A(I£0 NITH TIIO Ie')8cI N,t,JLS BEAR I~S ~l ACC OMMODATE I ~R T Z O NT Al "4O VE Me NT . t ceo THIS TRUSS HAS BEE N DES IGNED I N ACCom_NCE '01 11 11 J l:BO RESEARCH rlEPORT l60 R-~OO HOLD I NO VA LUE S ARE 203 PS I I N SOUIH£RN PIt€/OOUOLAS FIR-LARCH 1I "*l 1!:11 PSI I N !EM-FIRl SP IlLIC E-PlNE -F IR .12-6-. THI S TRUS S I S OESJG NEO USING THE uee-ss COOE .BASIC WINO SP EED -so ~ 0-5-1·1 VE RTI CAL rlJNS t HROUGH TO SE ARING . ThiS deSign h88 b e e n ch e cke d f or 10 P.s. hot t o.c hord l ive 108d in oc cord30ce ,"th UB C . • • I'I.....TE COO.$PACI NG csre A5QOO l.lIC -BB 2 4 00 ·O.C .10/20 /93 .....~~.... A Tr usPlus Oeslgn TRUSWAL ~"""""""""svsmMS294008I~AL SVSTE MS COIPORATJON 2-co •"3798 I TRUSFAB I V e r ~llIn 3 BO IT ,,'"..._....M 0 _10 ...cr~1_""""',_.....'1(0 001 .....OI_...IT 011 uuro _.AC.......OlIAO t.Oo\OlI _0 ..'HI!S1 0lUl';1 ~_'..l_10-~o ••~lQ¢,l.l............o COOl OII _'~a._.oc OII:QOfIOe '00 111_....'"'_0 0<,,,_....,.,.....,...-.-"'L _....,.,TO '-"'_CCJNIoOte1011 ov.'a___II,'I,011 UlC".O '-"TIOH-..c~....._-otW.....cormooo._......_ ......n _..."'".......___~L -U IOO '...,..ICM..I..OlI-..O _l'O •..",......-.> .....OlIIOO'U ~~-.•......--.....ll ..__..._'11001 ....._.- ll n K)"....u ....""'01'_0 '0"eON r'_'e.o.'........_..-.MO'M.__II 0 ._'~'1rlI ~"..aeo.._'s __-':'u'O 'IIlInooo ae:-o."-...._0'"..'_.......lOCI ·r .I'f _.....~'-._~o '0 ...,.,.,......--'•...,...".UleCT _""":-__IS ~a'0-''''''-'_''''_._.~TO '__L COUIoOIHl __....._,__ eo~....."",""'"CON e ...._._~'''L OI ~le '''''',CLI"'...."~__LOCOTIlI"'"C U .....,....~_1'0 --..nIT ,_............L roue .o ..1M"I........,..."""'T _L c.ou..'..."""'''~I CON.....or ....WOlIlI 'o ..e ..o _""'~co u..e _c '""......COUOS'ON.""",I,nI _.."<:I-.ro ."on..._o.,.....,..,."..,_oc.o'_"'""'C.....'......'''''''..~....ACOOOfOO ..._... ~-. Ot v •10 I TI"IJS ~n il .....I l iS'..l ' , sPf:C1At "V·lE POSITI 0!'4ING o wn .JOIN"x:11nl Y U n l U.I6LE l~fR Sroe Cl"l c.rI~S lOll e M Ao tto_Ola 'ftOS TOO cnorc e•••2 100f -1 11£..,.Sf'"I ESl P ,,-~fi J12 B ,.56.,•I ."•,-56'Sot ::t"ro ,..•2100F·1.B£NSR Sf"/ESl P ,,.-eesce ,.56.,•J eee ••-1 232~tD Pl te ll ,.•S f 00 w."""'"I ,.-.110B J .",.••390'••-1232"€!l PU'CI'••t .--.no B ,.",.•7 ".••-56',.•!650I"-1 .6E "SA sPF /ESLF',,--sese •,-56.0119 •,sa".'"'eel!•I ••-6312 B ,-'5"'9,.e 16'OF·1 ee "SA ~/ESLP ,•, " l..cl... -J ..c2e.cc e ."-6 .61'.".eo ee .ase.e -28.2••• Thl,o e,IQn h eR b ~!n cneC ked for 10 O .,.f . bott o.c hord I l vi l oad In .ccord.nee "lt h U8C . BEARI NG S MUS l A CC ~T E HOR IZONT AL IoIOVElEHl . I C8 ~THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNEO IN ACCORDA NCE "11H ICfTO REseA ROi I1EPORl 1607 . R-MOO t<lL01NG VALUES A ~..,03 PSI IN SOU THE RN P INE/OOUUl AS r lR-lARCH Awn 152 "SJ I N HEM-I'"IRISPJ:JXE -P t NE -FJR . THIS TRU SSIS DESIGNED USI NG THE UBC-B n COOL B"'SrC IlI /-(l SPEED ·00 ~. •1993 ra 'J' St &n d&~d UnlfD~.l a _ding lPSFI Tell'90 0 :TCDl •1:i .0.BCD..•:0 .0. tee-ee ee ..t 000 LI VE LOAD tI':"lEC llON eASED ON Ll J60 5-10-7 lUST!! ra 'V 5 -1 0-7 CBS In l 2021 BEARING qE OU IREME ~r s aEARING AC t .SIZE REO . 8 1 5 .~I n .3 .52 e,5 50 In •0 2 • ..,,, <1-10-9 5-1'1-11 ..,,, ~"COO<sp.Ar;IN{)~"R5000 Let -e ll 12 00·D.C.101201 93 ~~~..... A Tr uSPl u s De s lgn TRUSWAL ~...........~SYSI'EMS 3 294 a 08 IQUSWAl.sYStE MSCOQPOQAtION 00 4 379C I TRuSF_e I Vtrl lon J eo ".."'"_"..,or..-TO _I/.'no 011 _or_001 IIICnD""~DUO lOO OWOKO ........OIUC ........,...,,00:,__0 I.'l OCAl __COOl 011 _co.-toc_ooo -.un<0$._0 '001 _~..-__'0 __CfOII JUTlII____...._..IlI....-.nooo_.-.."'........-.....__·oo,__ .....'._"..,.,I"~...~_.~.c._.........'D _-..__..........."'s..a ~._....._~......-,,"'._.D.,.....__... ....IG '"_D'D H C -..au••.-acID _.,_.-IM 0_"'.'"D.__-0 .0000=0 "'_"_..o ~.TO roon OM~.IT -...._......_.OJO'J •__.......___ _~TO -.0'--'-......._._-.::-r .,....,..ooo .....,..11 -....-010_.....--·......0 __.-...__..CO...._(TI'JJ._.. 0:0-00 ,••COOOCI_.-,."'u I .IC"J Cl.__.oc:.o._..<:No............•"0 _~"'T"'_.0 '_~OUUD .._=o _.-..",'_<:000'.'"0"_'0 ""110 _._Uo"'""_C;'__.,_..--_.._---_...._--__.,.-..... ~- Qh •10 I Tru ,s nu'e·I tIe "..I ' • l lHlEA SPECIFiCAT IOWS To O oe !ki tto_c-e 1l~!lS SP ECI AL PLATE POSI TrONING C"...RTTOoC!'o ro i?~6 •16501'-1 'E .""SPf /ESLP T t ..-1 106 ,,-."•,'"11 2-·1112 JOI N"X:U n}Y:Ianl .....,9 0t c n ol"o i.'x '"•16 50'--1 .5£""SPF /ESlP I a-0 e a-'"•,-:l ~. ""'II P lec",",1 6~F -t.5 E ."SPF/eSL P '"2 .re 16 .8lIEBPlec~,,.,S lue II._0005 UD Jllt ~.ct lon, III -6 4 AR.l CING IOHIBEn S 5HQwN BV •lfIolEflE ~OU lRE D !U CON Tlt.\JOOS LAT eRAL BAA C ING ATT ACHED IlT 'M 1110 Icl Rd ~"'I L S . £"'J wEI'lTICAl..S .tJ£O£S!{JN(D F(lfl:UIAL LOACS ""-y i eee TH I S TRUSS HA S BEEN OE SiGtED I ACC(R)lHCE !f ITM ieee ~SE "'RCH RE POR T 1607 _ IH ,OO O HOlO HIG VA LLES ARE 20 3 PSI I N SOUTt£,,*,PlNE /OOUGLAS FIA-i.....R01 "10()1 a PSI IN HEM-FIRl SPAUCE-PINE -F JR. 9-Z-I" THIS TRUS S IS DES IGNE D USI NO THE UR C e COO E.BASTC WINO SPEED -90 toF~. Stllrn:lar-d l,ln)'or _LOe dl fl9 IPSr} Tel L •80 0 :TCO L •t o 0 ;9CO...10 0 : I oc:"!',,~•1 000 LIVE LO.lo ll O£Ft EC II ON 8.15£0 (»I U 3 6 09EAS'l t NG A(OUIAEIoIE NTS &"R:llG .I.e,:,S I ~E REC. Bl :I !50 rn.].•7 8L a.eo 11\.2 .41 S I ~E I' I n . 6 -6-1 1 6 -5 -~ "'[7 ..." •9-Z-1 • Th l t a e S J 9 "ha l be en cnPc _,a 'o~10 s f . borto_choro I I"lo ~o In ~c co~oa nc, "I t "U8C . RI Il30 6-1-1 13 -0 -0 OVERALL SPAN n :Z OCT t991 Tru s Plus DeS I gn " """."",00 A ecceU6C -ee 294 SPAr,l H(J Z•.OO ·0 C . 008 ~"10lzo/93 co "II ...""-""cw ".......'0 ~........,...,.....",..'no 000 ~"'_.."lIII Uc;aD'""'CTWII........l.Oo'oW_0 *'MJC''-_...lM'l",..._..,..U>C&l.__CQDI OIl -'-.;M (I._'oC_100 _-.-..__•,_&CCl.AOC't ..-........__to '~_"""'........___""............__·_~__........-.n ·cw __ ............................__'-....:000 -..............__"""-..........__""..-...-.. ...................-..,.,..._-.....'00'__.._._""'_"- ...._'00'~'O "<;__,......:n>.._-.0 _""_ ~._..o -....'o """""'_..-...._~"""_____~~....::-o____ ..._...-_...,.,010 _"""_ _C ONC.__c ......a._._."_"_lOC&,_"<;,,omuntO&-.0__cw __-..""".._=.._-.. lOA _00 WOOD 'O ..c",o __cawl _cooooo_IOA _._"-=--o'_O ..JI,OIOOOIlUI _..,...,..cw .....__-.........OO .~ ~- ••]790 I TRUSFAB I veeere n :'I eo Qt ••6 I Tr-uSI n 8-e -/3/16'_I ' 4/12 15'2 0 15 41 2 15'107 4/12 15'6 4 See arIstered ro fe_alonal enIne er OF·Dougl n Flr·larch SP-Southern Pine HF·Hem·Flr SPF -Spruc.-Plne-Fir BOTTOf.ll:HORO DIAG ONAL BRACE SPACING (O B~ [#tr usses] Alllateral braces lapped atleast2 trusses. I·BOTTOM CHORDPLANE BOTT OM CHORD LAT ERAL BRACE S PACING(LBs) MINIM UM PITCHSPAN Over 48 '·60' Over 60' U 1032' Over 32 '·46' Bottom chord dIagonal bracing rep eated ateachendof the building andatsam e / spacing astop chord diagonal bracing.~ Cross bracing repeated ateachendofthe building andat 20' Intervals. Frame 4 WARNING:FaJluretofoiiowthese recommendations could resutt In severe personal Injury ordamageto trusses or buildings. Permanent continuous lateral bracing as specified by the truss engineering. /. I WEBMEMBERPLANE 1 ••TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (oBs) /I trusMS Attachm ent Requ ired I PITCHEDTRUSS ContinuousTopChord l ateralBrace _______ Requi red I ,0"or Greate r -L",=~ TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPACING(LBS> MINIMUM PITCH 41 2 S'20 15 4 /12 6 '107 4 /12 5 '64 Seea r egistered professional eng ineer OF•Dougl••Fir-larch SP·Southern Pine HF-Hem-Fir SPf •Spfuce-Plne-Ar U10 32' Over 32'·48' Over 48'-50 ' Over 60' SPAN • T"P ~hOl d.lh •••••IoI.....11y br-..d ....nbol<:k... 1000 .u..'·ndca CI<lI I_M-...n<>dl_ ...1bt.~j"9-0'-9 1br.clftQ ._1<1 boo 1loaI..... 10 1M ~nde<aido.d 1M top "'-<1_pur11M .'••_hcd 10 .....1Of*1doo <:A .....top <:I>ord. WARNING :Failure to follow these recommendations could result In severe personal InJury or damage to trusses or buildings. OF -Douglas Fir-larch H F·Hem-Fir U 6 '96 U 5 '53 $"•regis tered professional e ngineer SCISSORS TRUSS Topcborde th.t ",.'-I«.'1ybrIOM .....buckle "'IJeIh.r•I'd 01 y ..col liI'M 1l1he••IIn o d II go- n .l br .ol n ~ll logonllbf.olng Il>oIlIdbe""ile<l 10 IhIo y ........ldo 01 Ih l op ohor<l When py,lInl I .__!tic"",,,10 lIMo IopeIdco o '!he lo p ch o,d trusses. TOPC HORD LAT ERALBRACE SPA CING (LBS> S P·Southern Pine S PF-Spruce-Pine-Hr T OPC HORD DIAGONALB RACE SPACING (DBs) /I t russes S P Of SPf Hf 2.5 7'17 12 M INIMUM PI TCH DIFF ERENC Ov e r 28 '•42 ' Ove r 42 '•60 ' Over 50 ' SPAN U to 28 ' c cnunoc csTop Chord l ateral Brace ____ Required ~-1- 10"orGreater --.LI /_~ Frame3 •• 10 'I 1 0 ' App roxi ma~y JIl,10 Y.1ru ss le ngth Gr eater t han 60' Gr eate r t han 60' Approx lma l(lTy Y.lo ¥.1russ length Sl rongback! Spr ead erBar $Irong back/ Spreader Ba r Teg Une WARNING:00 not lift elnqle trueees wlth'tpans greater than30'bythepeak. T., Une At orabov8 mid -helghl To, LIM Ufti ng d evic etl s hoUl dbe eo nn ected to 1h e Iru ••top ehord wit h.closed-loop at1_eh men l utiliZIng ma terI als such a s s lin gs,chai n s,c ab lel;,n ylons lrappl ng , etc.of s ufficient st rength t oca rry th e weig ht ofthe 1ruu.Each tr u••s houl d be s e t In pr o per posi tIo n perth eb uilding d e sIg ner ',framing p lana ndheld wUh t h e liftingde vice u ntilt he end s 0'th e t ru ss are s ec u relyf astened a n dtempo- rary bra e inI.lnsla lled.I To g U ne M ECHANICAL IN STALLATION ToeIn ,T08 1n ~.~~I I ApproxlmatolyTag "'''''~===''''''''~__:~~YI tru••length line "====::==-=== Appro ximately 'h 10 Y:I uuss len h Less Ih ano r equal to 60' A pp roximately 'la lo ¥.truss length ~~__I" Less th ano r equal t o 60' WARNING:Donotattach cables,chains,or hooks to the web members. I I Approximately VItru ••length To e In Toe In Spre a der e ar Spreade r Ba r T., line CAUTION:Temporary bracing shown In this summarysheetIsadequate lor the Installation 01 trusses withsimilar configurations.Consult a registered prolesslonal engineer Ifa different A bracing arrangement Is desired .The engineer maydesign bracing In accordance withTPl 's Recommended Design Specification for Temporary Brac;ng of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses,DSB-89,andInsomecases determine thata wider spacing Is possible. I GROUND BRACING:BUILDING EXTERIOR I ~,."'..W\••s .... c "BIoe_inlI Q 'Ou~:Br_' v.nlul.(GBvl '\1 1--~,~G,ou...:l.tw \--'-d (G801 ·----~,L Note :2nd ...._.h.n ha'H.d.......~'"aupj>Of1 \1........, "-,..... CAUTION:Ground bracing required forall Installations. Frame2 -"1 30.or /greater .>: Attac hmont Requ ited conurwcus ~ Top C ho rd .~fL­ Latera l a rece TL~_,,"Req uired 10'o r G reete ~ Id result InndaUonscou RALLEL2x4/2x6 PA CHORD TRUSS in eer lI al forai,are _End dlagon t be dup I a ' I tabillty and,r;:.~Stru s.sys tem.both e nd.0 rotessrcnet e n heserecomme buildings.RNING:Failure t o fOI!O::mage to trusses orWApersonalInJuryor TOP CHORDC E DIAGON AL BRATOPCHORDESPACING(DBs> LATERAL B RAe Ii t ru lillltlI SPACING(LBs )S P /D F SPf lH r 1 61 0 •4 42 S' 30"e- 42"5 '... See arlstered ther"Pine SPF·Spr ue. MINIMUM DEPT'::' The end diagonal brace tor cantilevered mu st betrussesrtleallacedonve ,IUna withweb.n th e s up port. SPAN U 1032'• Ove r 32 '-48. Ove r 4 8 '-60 Ove r 60' I I Fir -urehOF-Doug_ HF ·Hem-Fir Late ral Brace ----r- Requ ired J 10"o r Greater ~P--=:J C ontinuous ~ Top Chord.~.tI;e:=:l DTRUSS :TOP CHORD2PARALLELCHOR 4 x ~k . hord .th.t.'."Ie<.IIY ::;==d~Tope .,..,..o0ןI_.t.ouIdboo ...I~het.ndDI_wonaI b,M>lnu d...n.n p",~n. n.1 b,_IOg..ltH.oIltoo lop -......cho<d.. 1M und.,....._IA.'"I".~..10 _Iolh .-,._.,. etnevetcm-Tr usses m_u....1n the horl.b r c rtented e-<_I direct ion to useZOIll'"• t his b race apaclng . Attac hment Requi red Frame5 .0 lal fOf AJllateral brace.lapped __ at ktast two rU5.e-s. End diagonals .re..du, d m u sl slabil ity anfth e truss systom.bolh e nds0 Alllateralbraces lappedatleast 2 trusses. Attachment RequIred Co ntinuousTopCho rd Lateral Brace _ Required ---- Diagonal bra ce also required o n endvert icals, To p ahord._.re "le ,.11yb ,..,..;I c.n bl>ctc14o ID(letM'.ndU.H COI,-ij lt,...l.nodioo go- n.lb<.cillll.D I~b<"';ngehouklt..IIIINd 10 \lie .....,...ld.01 tt..lop c llofd wM "purll "• ••••lIKlMd 10 1M lopIIid.01 Ito.lop <:lIofd. T OP CHORD,,... TO P C HORD DIAGO NALBRA CE MI NIMUM LAT ERAL BRACESPACINGlOB S) SPA N PITCHSPAC ING (LBS)[#t r usses) s.FH F U 1024 '3/12 B'17 12 Over24 '·42'3 12 7'10 0 Over 42 '·54 '3 12 0 'B 0 Over 54 'See a re isl er edrofes slona l enln cer OF -Do uglas FIr -larch SP ·SOuthern Pine ,. HF ·Hem ·Flr S PF·Spruce-Plne-Flr WARNING:Falluretofollowthese recommendations couldreeuttIn s evere personal Injury ordamageto trusses or buildings, I INSTALLATION TOLERANCES I Leng1h1--------L(I.)--------001 Tru •• Depth Ofln) Maximum Mls placemen1 ,,,,,,,,1 Le s ser of!Lr 0 /50 0'2" >v.'-1/f.o ... ,<;Plumb U"' O(ln)0 /50 O(tl) '2"1f4"I ' 24 "2 ' 36 "3/0'3 ' OB'0 '..'1-114"S' 7 2"t -t 2"0 '...·34"7 '...a-B' lOS"2"9 ' t ;t Yl tew l (ln) Llln)U200 l(tl) ~"..4?', 1 50'3/0'12 .5 ' 1 Lener of lI2000rr L(ln) ......I . t l es•.,of lJ2OO ~2" L(ln)lJ200 L(fl) 200"l '1 6 ,7 ' 250'1-1/4"2 0 .S' 300 "1-1/2"2 5 ,0 ' OUT-oF·PLUMBIN STALLATION TOLERANCE S.OUT..()F·PLANE IN STAlLATION TOLERANCES. DANGER:Underno circumstances should constructIon loadsofany description beplaced on unbraced trusses. WARNING:Donotcut trusses.~__I Frame6 ••A This safety alert symbol I s used '0 attract your attentlonl PERSONAL SAFETY ISINVOLVED l When you see this symbol.BECOMEALERT ·HEEDITS MESSAGE.A CAUTION :A CAUTION Identifies safe operating practices or Indicates un safe conditions that could re su lt In personal InJuryor damage to structures. DANGE R:ADANGER designates 8 condttlon where failure to follow Instructions or heed warn- Ing wlll most likely result In serious personal Injury or death o r damage to structures. WARNING:A WARNING describes a condition where failure to follow Instructions could result In severe personal InJury or damage to structures. HIB-91 Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING,INSTALLING &BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD T RUSSES" 11 is Iha Tfl$ponsibifty 01 the Installar (buildaf.build"ng c onltaclor,licSflSad con trac tor,&rfJCtor Dr f1fftd/on contractorl /0 fJ!OP!J,ty re ceiva,unload,slorft, handle,ins/all and brace fflfl tal plate oonnectea wood trusses to protect life BOO property.The install er mus t exerctseIheaerne high de groGol salety awareness u .....ith any other structural material.TPI does not intend those reco mmlHldalions to be Interpreted as suporlortothproJect Architect's Of Engineer',design $pec ~IClllion l or handling,installing and bracing wood tr usseetcr a p articulal roof cruccr.These recommendations arebase d upon the col lec tive experie nce ofleading tec hn ical TRUSS PLATE IN STITUTE 58 3D 'O nofrio o-,Suit e 200 M adis on,W IK ons ln 537 19 (608 )833-5900 ~rsonn91 in the wood tr uss indu6try,b utm ust,dueto the n ature of responsibi lities involve d,be p resented as agu ide tortheuseof a q ualifiedbui lding de signer or instal ler .Thus .theTruss Plat e Instituta,Inc .axp ressly disclaims any responsib il,ty lor da mages l\fisi ngI romtha U3a,application or reGence on thc recommend ations s ndInform etioneo nla lned h erein by building des igners.InslallcrB,andolhe rs. Copy right e b y Tru ss Plate Institu lc ,Inc .AU r ightsreserv ed.Thi s do c umenl or any p o ri th ereol m ust notbe r eprod ucedInan y te rm w ithout wdttcn permis sion of the p ublisher.Printad Inthe United stetee 01 America . CAUTION:The builder,building contractor,licensed CAUTION:Alltemporarybraclng should b e noles s contractor,erector o r erecti on contractor Isad-than 2x4 grade marked lumber.All connectionsAvisedtoobtainandreadtheentirebooklet"Com-A should b e made with minimum of 2·16d nail s.All m entory and Recomm endations for Handling,In -trusses assumed 2'on -cent er orless .All multi-pl y stalling &Brac Ing Metal Plat e Connected Wood trusses should be connected togethe r Inecccr- Trusses,HIB -91"from the Truss Plate Institute.dance with des ign drawings prior to Installation . TRUSSSTORAGE CAUTION :Trusses should notAbeunloadedonroughterrainor ..un even surfaces which could cause damage tothe truss. 8 '·10'8 '·1 0' Trussesstored horizontally should b e sup- ported on blockingt opr event exc ess ive lat eral b ending andl ess en moi sture gain. I Tru sses stored vertically sh ould b e b racedt opr event toppling orti pping. A WARNING:00 not break banding until tnstatla-A DANGER :Do not store bundles upright unless tlon begins or lift bundled Irusses by the bands,properly braced. A A DANGER:Walking on trusses which arely ing WARNING:00 notuse damaged trusses,flal Isextremely dangerous and should bestriCtly prohibited. Frame1 •TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT ADAK SPIECHK RESIDENCE TOWN OF VA IL •P ERMIT NO .002578 Contractor's copy tobe kept on jobsite. 2445 GARHISH DRIVE i, ~ CJoll Name (It l ocaflon I)l WO<~1 Permit Fee -",,7,:5,:.,:00.::...._j, 101-1827-5816 (beavlll;ng Contractor"Name,Adc!'OM,PflOI1e .an~UOOfl9(l "IO.) WAT~WE R 'GAS ELECTRIC ':TE ':.EP HO~~VERT LANDSCAPING T~M ~RY SITE ACCESS~;.,J ,,, lConvaClOf"I s~h:J,81 QUINTANA EXCAVATING PO BOI 281 MINTURN.CO 81645 3.Wo rk isfo r (circle OM) 2. 5975ReceiptIi:_--:.:.c::.-_--;;==;;;;-_ INSPECTION REMARKS:_ Bi ll to :-;,-_ P aid:JANEIL TURNBULL J.\i (P ullli ~W"'k .) SKETC H PLAN OFWORK ATIACHED .'., ,),..- $.Street Address (P ermit Expl ralioo D ate)'~ TOV Co ntractor's uce ree u mber , .(~/IJIJ CATV '--- Total Permit Fee $_ )/1'1 _ •• -I)'• Phone " LegalDescription Ga ~Telephone TemporarySite Acces~v Length '«,.1;)..,)I De pth .L:."-'=--''-''----':..L_~__ PermitFee s Z-r.()u Water Sew~ La ndscaping • '" • 2 .\1 ,.,.. ExcavatingCo ntractorNa me 3 I/h =.". •Start D81'8 4.Work isfor(circleone) Bond Amount $_--'-L'-'~L _ 5.Tren ch-w idth ....:~:.J/=--_ (min .4 ') 1 I !.J •Job Name, 1 •..."~.-, .APPLICATIONFOR TOWN OFVAI L PUBLIC WAY PERMIT -'r )J,, 6.ALL MATERIAL,EOUI PMENT,AND TRAFFIC CO NTROL D EVICES MUST BEON T HE JOBSITEB EFORE T HE JOB ISSTAR TED, 7.Rubber out-riggers arerequi red onexcavati ng equipme nt when working o n asp ha lt. Asphalt su rfaces u nderneaththe bucket shall be p rotected ata ll t imes . /gJ 3 ~J'}-2.3 C {;('f(Electricians(479-21 71)_---'---'--"''--'-'-!'-_ 6.JA s ignature be low indicates arev iew oftheareaand utility locations an d approvals.Oncea llutility company signatu res are obtained ,p ermittee hasopt ion of routing application t hrough thePublic Works office toobtainthe necessary TownofVail signatures .Please allow oneweektoprec ess .} Upper Eag le Valley Water an d Sarutatlon (476-7480)/!JJ ,f i t'"~J I ~ P ub lic Service Company (1-800-922 -1987 )__---,-'-,'--':=:'--"'.!l-o:....!.'''''~_~~/::_.~~"'":.-J--_ PSCO-Natu ra l GasGroup (468-2528):R/-'LA -1 -~I ""~01 Public Works(479 -2158)_ 9.THE RE W ILL BENOTOTAL ST REET CLOSURES!Aconst ruction traffi c controlpla n mus t beappr oved bythe Publ ic Works Department priorto issuance of the permit. 10.All excavation mustbedonebyhandwi thin 18"of utilities-(Senate Bill 172). 11.Perm ittee must con tact Pu blic Wo rksDepartment 8t479-2156 2 4 hou rs prio r to commencin g backfill ope rations . Fa iluretonotifythe Town wHl res ult info rfeiture ofbon d money.Sche duledinspections which a re notready may resu ltin the Townc harging the contracto r a relnspecticn fee . 12.I certify tha t 1 havereadall chapters ofTitle12-Streetsand Sidewalks,o f t he Vail Mun icipal Cod e a nd all utility compa ny agreements,signedbyme ,and will abidebythesame ,andt hat all utilities h avebeennotifiedasrequired . fJ ;-3 Con tractor's Sign ature 0 1Agre ement ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CO NTROL PLAN Show st reets withna mes ,b uildings,a ndlocation of c uts.USE DASH LINES FORCUT. THtS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! While -PublicWorks Yellow -FinancePink -Community DevelopmentGold-Contractor PM , F RI INs.eTION REQUEST ' T OWNO F VA IL • 479-2138 WED ui •.-.~3 /~ CALLER __~:;;;'.£:-'-';L.l.:'!"c"",,""?_""";;:__ READYFOR LOCATI ON :_~~~~L:L--i~;;:J!2:d....L1::i.i...i.~~~-1d:=I<1'1g,_.udJ~t:..._ DATE ----.J'-'-I-'---'"-'--J OB NAM E ----...:::,-"""'''''';!iC;~:2::1...--------- (~B U I L D I ®:)PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEr ---o U NDERGROUND ,I ----.o FO U NDATION I SEjL o RO UGH I-DoN-V. 1=o ROUG H ;;O n }------------.OF R A MI N ~ o GASPIP ING I IROOF&SH EEoPLYWOODNA ILING )o IN SULATION :----O.POQ U H .TUB ,~loSHEETROCKNAIL 0 -II [IJI -;\...-(-----0 0 I WFIN AL I f '/,,)...-,}J\17 o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o Ht=AT ING .. o ROUGH 'o EXHAUST HOODS o C ONDUIT o SUP PLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~M V E D o DI SAPPROVED o REI NSPECT IONREQUIRED CO RRECTIONS : D ATE __-,!-,-/-'''-,'-''--'''----__ _____AM •INSPECTION REQUEST r>.T OWN O F V AIL NA ME uTJI',~C 1'1 CALLER l ~r Jl t 1~I c\U,-,-C-,'_')I--_----=: r UES Q TH UR FfU (-1\1 II ....l ')4-1 • INSPE CTION :MON ~"j "" •.- PERMIT NU MBER O FPROJECT D ATE ~J D B R EADY FOR LOCATION :-----'---'---'-----'~'--'--'--'----'-:o..,.-'--~"-'----------- BUILDING :,PLU MBING: (;0 FOO T INGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND D 'FOUN DATION I STEEL DROUGH I D.W.V. ~FRAMI NG D ROUGH I WA TER RO O F &S HEER D G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING DIN SUL ATION o P OOL I H .T UB D SHEETROCK NAIL D. D .D o FI NAL o FI NAL . EL ECTRICAL:MECH ANICAL : D TEM f'.POW ER a HEATI N G. D ROUGH .DEXHAUST HOODS D C ONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D D o FINAL o FI NAL,.." ~P R O V E D D DISAPPR OVED o REI NSPECTI ON REOU IRED CORRE CTION S: DATE ---J....,'---"::..:...'-f--'---""--INSPECTOR -''-+J._=~''''''----'==------_ PMFRI •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWNO F VA IL !?fs,UP,""(E. -1 -.........'-0----...--IIf""JIT"....._..-__ SPI CCfJk CALLER -----ol)O~~tJ=-------____,_----­ TU ES 6W TH UR D!(lv5: •....·t........' READ Y FOR I NSPECTION;MO N L OCATION :~LJ4S GAi'mlstJ PERM IT N UMB ER O FPR OJECT D A TE q -J;).-93 JOBNAME _---"""---'--""''-'-'-'"'''--;-----'''"''-''''"'--'''''--'"''-'-.<:-_ p w=t±.9.578 ---_...........~. BUILDIN G:PLUM BING : o FO OTINGS /STE EL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N I ST EEL o ROUG H I OW.V. o FRA MI NG o ROUG H /WATER ROOF &SHEER o G AS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N SU LAT ION o POOL /H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 Pf a C.cfSS of-C l.lLlJE er 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELE CTRI CAL:M ECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o E XHAUSTH OODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL o REI NSPECTIONREOU IRED J2flrL'I CL f..,W I.J ~ o AP PROV ED 0 D ISAPPROVED COR RECTIO NS:ACCES S ,':>()k.FO R.!VOw . OF"G,()eM,o;,t1 Qf.I ~t?EQ0d2EC ~~~i;~io:ffi ~;~fAr:;~;;~~t1~~f ~~(}1D~S:'~:;E Q _ _______----"C,....o"'------"A Ii>'tkO l.u I T t=I F OOl E"(?S - 'M.,-'20' "/0 ""::u.~ DATE fl -;P -9s AM C AL lER ••~INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ~t7/'f//IAa7I)i "'-/(P /)t?c::?{6'.7 INSPECTION :MQN WEDTHU RF AI /'Jdcf./r-'--""9~//~('L /..? •• DATE REAOY FOR LOCA T ION ,---~'-''--.l--'--'-_~'-+-'---'--=-''-"'-'-='-'---'-'='-'-''-'---'-'"'''''-'<.uc_ PERMI T N UMBER O FPR OJECT /ij/l i JOB N AM E ---'==:::"<:~~~~-;;--:;:::;-c---;:r.----:::;---c="... o R EINSPECTIONREQUIREDoDISAPPROVED i 7 - BUlLO INg./PLUMBING :....~ o FO OTING S /STEEL /Q(j g{o UN DERG ROUND iJtfOUN DAT IO N /STEEL o RO UGH /D W V .UJi'l/1 @ ~D ROUGH /WATERoFRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ~A S PI PING o INSULATION o POOL /H .T UB o S HEETROCK NAI L 0 , 0 0 o F INAL o F I NAL ELEC TRICA L:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER a HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS . o C ONDUIT o S UPPL Y A lA 0 0 ,o F I NALof;1 ~A L .~~"r>P R O V E D CORR ECT IONS: iU ~.,..J2y(' I I NSPECTOR • JO B NA ME •!JIll ft j!;-J .::,I,,!'"r L'P-11'71l'P'')0 4~Ci- :; INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN -O F VAIL J5"7J [A ~~,~d-/£:I.'">~;;~7 ),I Y •., CAL LER !......-'./ INSPECTION :MDN ~WEDT HUR ~/r:;:;;PM-=?J/<.c;;:;;y ,--;..---d ....~~(2 1~&C..!J1 PERM IT N UMBER FPROJECT D ATE /I /q3 READYFOR LO CATION ;----=;A--'-'=------.,C7--"'-"'=-'-'c:...:~:z..!.---------_ BUILDING :PLUMBI NG:"'"-......, o FOOTI NGS /STEEL r :;.BNDERGROUND ) ,~M -~o FO UNDAT ION /STEEL ~O U G H I D W .V. o F RAMING o ROUGH I WATE R ROOF &S HEER o G ASPIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSUL ATI ON o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROCKNAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HE ATI NG o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0 I o FINAL o FI NAL "-. o APPROV ED ~~S A PP R O V E D p)R EIN SPECT IO N R EOUIRED CO RRECT IONS: DATE ---r~'£-'...2---/c";"'...L-I NSPECTOR • p, FRI _____AM BUILDING :'eLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I ST EEL ~N O E R G R O UNO '"'M=~=="'____ o FOUNOATI ON I ST EEL 0 ROUGH I D W .V._ o FRAM IN G 0 ROUG H I WA TER _ ROOF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GA S PIPI NG _ o I NSU L ATIO N 0POOL /H .T UB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0FINAL ELECTR ICAL: o TE MP.POW ER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDU IT _ 0 _ o FI NA L MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUSTH OODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FI NAL WPROVED C ORRECT IONS , o DI SA PPROV ED o REINSPECTION REQU IRE D DATE --(...<.-P-'=f '--r-""-----I NSPEC TOR _____AM p • FRI •I NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL C ~~~'-'l.....,r:.----=,.....,- TUESWED THUR ,}>I tA-l.';:;?l. • J OB NAME --""17'=:*-''''''""'':::'''---.,.,----------- INSPECTION :MON ,.:;:;5'ij'5 (')r .{ .• READYFOR LOCATION . PERMIT N UMBER OF PROJECT DATE .11$ a FINAL 0 _ o '{LUM B IN G: ________~ND E R G R O UN D "'U0=~"'==___ o RO UGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GA S PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ BU ILDING : o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATIO N /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o IN SULATION _ o SHEE TROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL EL ECTRICAL : o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDU IT o o FINAL MECHANI CAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o S UPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o F INA L {;,V PPROV ED CO RRECTIO NS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQ U IRED , D A TE --<...£..p=r'-:'---'-----j-• ..,.,.,..........~-"""-..,..,......••INSPECTION REQUEST PERM IT N U TOWN O F VA IL DATE -,-I _(y'-l---'-~_JOB NAME --=~~S~~~==~--r/A~----:--""""",'-----;-;- READY FO R LOCATl ON :_---;9-~~C::'---~~=::t:J WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: a FO OTING S I STEEL a UNDERGR O UND o FOUNDA TION I STEEL o ROUGH /D .W .V. a F RAMING a ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING a INSU LA TION a POOL I H .TUB a SHEETROCK NAIL a a a o F INAL a FINAL ."ELECTRICAL:MECHANICA~~ o TEMP.POW ER Ww-~EA T I N G AA,~t a ROUGH a EXHAUST HOO a C ON D U IT a S UPPLYAIR a a-a FI NAL o F INAL P IAP PROVED a DI SAPPROVED a REINSPECTIONR EQUIRED CORR ECTIONS : , D ATE _--",,-,,,£=-,-£--,,,-=,_IN SPEC T OR ,• PERMI T NUM BER O F P O JEC T ~ ••I NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL AMREADYFOR LOCAT ION ,-----'''-....:.......:...""''--'--'-''''''-==''->'-'::...::......'''''-!=----------bi+-I-C S PEC 0REQU IRE D BU ILDING:PLUM BING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U ND ERGROUND o FOUN DATI O N I ST EEL o ROU GH I Ow.V. o FRAM I NG o ROUG H I WA T ER ROO F &SH EER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT IO N o P OOL I H .TU B o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FI"llL -o FINAL .)(ELECTR ICAL:M E CH ANI CAL : o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o ROU GH o EXHAUST HOO DS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLY AI R 10/J l.p ;hdj AItz(A d 0 o FINALoFINAL• IA PR ;?o D ISAPPROV ED o REI N T I N~P OV ED z:;:1i; 'cO RRECT IO N S' D ATE 1-<'-2 -/.?INSPECTOR -.....--...........~.•~SP E CT I O N REQUESTTOWNOFVAIL '),fJ f'} /J.:;ot '¥70 2~ THU vfAi)AMPM I/~ CALLER TUESWED (~ N AME -----.c=~.r~;..",J:.-~-_,__;=_;_=== • INSPECT I0':jREADYFOR L OCATION , (BUI LOl '1">PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o U NDERGRO UND o FOU NDATIO N I STEEL o ROUGH I D WV.YFRAMING o ROUGH I WATE R ROOF &SHEER o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK N A IL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP .POW ER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL o A PPROVED CORR ECTIONS ' 'fD IS APPROV ED o REIN SPECT ION REQU IRED DATE !Z-/O -tf.,I NSPECTO R PERMI T N U MB R O F/PRO JECT D ATE '"z,q q3 J OB PM_____AM •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL ~~j-"x -(/. C ALLER -"'7/''--'''~'"''-"'--''-=::-cJ-r=.LfL.!..d...J'---,10-=::L=""''- TUES :"'ED T HUR AA--,,,~-1L • IN SPECTION ;t!r!!0N • READ Y F OR LO CATION; -BU I[D ING ;-PLUMBING; o FOO TING S I ST EEL o UNDERGROUN D o FOUN DATION I ST EEL o RO UGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o RO U G H I WA T ER ROO F &SHE ER o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TU B o SH EETROCK NA I L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL;M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING .lTY O U GH ../eI'!iy..d'~7i ao;q o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUI T J o SUPPLYAI R 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL ~\{A P P R O V E D~ CO RREC TIO NS; o D ISAPPROVED o REINSP ECTION REQU I RED DATE /-1.-If.'·9 3 I NSPECT O R _"<~1/tl~") -I // •INSPECTION REQUEST~;J1:;LR ttL TOWN OF VAIL CA LLER /%r-r_ft.....;A~,../ T UESWED HU R/FR'~"PM1../.>,r C'-/1 \~~ '::.l {L',I }]1 ->-,~I ~, • INSPECTION :M ON ;?I/f.!<- READYFO R L O CATION :----='-'-'-----:":7-'-'-''-'-..<..:..-'-''''-''''--'=---"''''--'----------- /~REINSPECTION REOUIREDoAPPROVED CORRECTIONS : BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDA TION I STEE L o ROUGH I DW,V. ,0F RAMING PH tJ~j-<{,'h-J!6 '1'W;"r 0 ROUG H I WA TER "--ROOF &S HEER /o GA S PI PINGI0PLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H ,TUB, o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP ,POW ER •o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o C ONDU IT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL , I t J C ~ a "t =l'l L '"//.A-1 42')7 ,, a t~-r~.(?ad,C =n l, DATE ---'--r--'-''+--'---- I IN SPECTOR C~-l- •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN O F VAI L ,I J 'l •..J -<"./......fI2.//;j d ~....t~~J./ CA LLER h,.f:'i<:.~,,'~-ffio-fl M ON rU ES (w~THU R FAI A M PM r.....3<~'.J.('"-'~,.,.(/....(".u-..) • INSPECT IO N : .:;>-//..,, ,. •&..3/>( READ Y FOR L OCA T I O N :_----'l....:::....::.~_----'_"__-:..'---='"'_'="'__"_'_''____~=''_____ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D ATE /".//4//;93 JO B BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOTING S I STEEL o UN DERGR OUN D o FOUN DATI O N I ST e EL :/lROUG H I DW.V.t;{fv, o FRAMING JJ 'R OUGH I WA TER go (Z£;; ROO F &S HEER o PLYWOOD NAILING /0'GAS PIPING 3 bk o INSU LATION o POOL /H .T UB o SHEETROCKN AIL 0 0 0 o FI N AL o FI N AL ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER A H EA TI NG o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOOD S o CONDUIT o SUPPL Y AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ,, !ROV ED o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SP ECTIO NREQUIRED..~.( CO RRECTIO NS : ;/)eo,ft "I, c /?-7J,>-IN SPECTOR ---'=-J-,,"",,=~=_-""'~_/...;>(/S /93 I IDATE--!.'--'=""-:-r----'7 '---'=- .-• DATE •t:3/?INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT N UMBER O FPR OJECT ~N/Jl T OWNO F VAIL JOB NAM E ~;......s-Z .?'/C"CH CALL ER .i'//~/.1.<-«-(/0"',f ""LI Rz.j READY FORINSP ECTION :.--M ON /T U ES ~THUR FRI 1 'AI e LOCATION :,.;:7V<,'"/.~(''"..-vi-..&~ BUI LDING:PL UMBING: o FO OTIN GS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D W .V. b ~RA M I N G -P'(Z,"?",-,.e o ROUGH /W ATER •\100F &SHEER ;o GAS PIP ING ")!I o PLYWOOD N AILING o IN SULATION o POOLI H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL : o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED r lSAPPROVED ~E I N SP E C T I O N REOU IRED CO RRECT IO NS : --.\.-,)---.---~-----{;----r------------ \ )• I DATE -~L-=-r--'---7L..,L---IN SPECTOR ,+-:'---=---,,'--''-=-''''';'-.....:._ •• / INSPECTION REQUEST _TOW N ~OF V AIL )~UcJA-~" CALLER V £~(--/-~X/1ft,~L /Y-~ ION :~MON;)}TU ES )VED e U FRI ~M PM 1/t.,.(/7;.'"h'c-:a I' • READYFORI NSPE LOCATlON :_-==--'--'--__"""--=.!.-.:'-'-''--'''::::..c...<..:---'=~_''=__'___'___ PERM IT NUMBE OF PROJECT DATE /7 J Z JOB N AME --=~~r-7--=:"":"'--+-T;-:L...::-~"-- BUi lDIN G:P LUMB ING: o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UND ERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEE L o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRA MIN G o ROUG H I WA TER RO OF &SHEE R o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL I H .T UB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o f iNAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HO ODS o CONDUIT ,o SUPPLYAIR D/:'J,~"11.(f 0 /#o FINAL o FINAL o REI NSP ECTION R EQU IREDoDISAPPROVED'A PPROVED ;fJj COR RECT IONS:.f!-t!~-------------------------- =::---:.. ::~,/.JI J'r-V / ,INSPECTOR -,..-'c.'2eL.,'-'«-.!.-.:=--"-'-''i:-'''-'-----/6'.9 ,"/.:<D ATE _+"'-..::....=_-'-~_ .-...- PM )() \., A MFRI •INSPECTION REQUEST ~.TOWN O F VA IL ~D/Q c 0--- CALL ER J ';it D rt'e 9 t/9 Ii//)3 TU ES cViEo)T HUR 1'")'~~ • INSPEC TION : ric(l/ \~\d.\ I READ YFO R L OCATI ON :....e::~::=J.-.::::t:.....:::L-~O!J.Cw.-'-!.~~~=::...-.J::=:I'=-.;..:.=-¥(lJ.'JL~ PE RMIT N U MBER O F PROJECT • o REINSPECTIONREO UIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTING S /STEEL o UND ERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o S H EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELE ~TRICAL:))MECHANICAL: '\o TE MP.POWER o HEATING !tROUGH I,.}"11\\0 1\.(A f'I ~/\o EXHAUST HO ODS o CONDUIT \l o SUPPL Y A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL . Q(A PPROV ED ~;r <~O RR E C TI O N S:...:..._ IN SPECT O R -<._~~~__-:J.~'4.L:._----- ", DATE //•..z.2 -r;~ \ _____A MFRI •INSPECTION REQUEST ~TOW N OFVA IL U LI -l dCn -0 CALL ER ,,- U R ••..-• LOCAT ION :-'--'-.......~-'---.....,,,,.'_'-'--'----'--'--J.J '--_=__'=_+_ REA DY FOR INSPECTION : P ERMIT NUMBER O FPR OJECT DA T E ~OB BUILDING :PLUMB ING: o FO OTIN G S I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDATI O N /ST EEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S HEER o G AS PI PIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATIO N o POOL /H .T UB / RS HEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MEC HANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOO DS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FI N AL o FINAL- C ~-'P "RE INS PECTIO N REOUIREDoAPPROVEDISAPPROVED CORRECT ION S: " INS PECT O R ~_.=--"'7.=.-;-"'----===~----/..?D ATE _-'---'-_=-""_-"-.,--'---_ • TOWNOF VA IL 75South Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado 81657 303 -479 -2138 /4 79-2139 FAX 303479-2452 J anuary12,199 4 Mr .DonPre s ley C arpent ry Un limited 141 East M eadow Drive Vail,CO 81657 •• Depa rtmentofCommunity Development RE :Lo t 1 1,Block H,V aildas Schone #2 ,Szplecn Res idence Dear Don : At t his tim e,t hep rimaryres idence u nder constructio n Oil th e lot r efere nced above i s redtagged .Asaresu lt .no c onstruc t ionsha ll co ntinueunt ilw e haveresolut iontothed riv eway issue. 1.Please pr ovideasurvey ofthesiteshowing the slope ofthed rivewayasshot by Intermounta in En gineering ; 2 .Indicate onaseparatesheet howyouintend tofinish thed riveway i nawaythat c onforms with t he Town'scodes.I b elievet his will e ntail heating a portion of the driveway.Thismu st be indicated o nthed raw ing,andthen must b e approved bybo th th e Publi c W orks Department andFire Departm ent. On ce w e hav e th ese approvals fro m Publ ic Worksandthe FireDepartm ent,we w ill liftt he redtagandyo u may continue onwithc onstruction .Notem po rary cert ificate o t oc cupancywill b eiss uedfor ei therthep rimary orsec ondary un it unti l thedri veway grade hasbeen field ve rifiedby Public Works _Youwillneed to con tactGreg Halla tPubli c W orks when you are readyfor t he gradec heckat479 -2158 .If you orRo ma havea ny q uestions about this ,please feel free tocallmea t 4 79 -2 138 .Th ankyo u ve ry muc h to ryo urco operation. Si ncerely, ~L L j::.:<cI.).,a K n u ~s en Senior Planner xc :Greg Hall Gary Mu rrain Da n Stanek •.•Ilpter-Mountain ....Engineering ud. December 30,1993 Ms .Roma Chmiel ewski c/o Mr .Don Presl ey • RE :Foundat ion Soils I nspecti o n Lo t 11 ,Block H,Vai l Das S ch one Filing No.2 Towno f Vail,Eagl e County,Co lorado P roje ct No .93560G Dea rMs .Ch i el ewski: At t h e r equest o fMr.Don P r es ley on Decembe r 28,19 93 we visi ted t he c onstr uctio n s ite o n Lot 11,Blo ck H ,va ilDas Sch on e Filing No .2 ,To wn o f vail ,Ea gle county ,co lorado for i nspe ction o f the foundatio n s o il s . The soi ls exposed i nt he e xcavat ionf or the dr iveway o n the s outh side of the house at an e levation lower than th e fo o ti ngs elevat ion a s we ll as the soil s expo sed in the crawl space on the north s ide of the h ous e ,consisted o f firm packed s l ightly cl aye y, sandy g ravel o f subangul ar to a ngu lar shape with occasiona l cobbles .Th ese soils a re similar to the soils descri bed i n the Soi ls and F ound atio n Inv es t ig at i on Report dated August1 993 a nd a re capab le of supporting 150 0 t o2 000p sf. For compl ete r e commendations plea se r efer tothe aboven amed soils report . I f y ou have a ny qu estion s,pl ease do n ot h esit ate t o call. sinc erely, ;:;d.w,~w .}~ Lu iza P et rovska Proj ect Engine er Rev iewed by : ~. Je Box No .978 •A von,Col orado8 1620•949--5072 Denver893-1531 1420Vanc e S treet >Lak ewood ,Co lo rado80215 •Phone:232-0 158 PERMIT NUMB ERZPRO JECT DATE /;;>1/JO B. READ Y FOR LO CATION , PM_____AMFRI •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF-VAIL fl,f",-I-JJ"~'~-L-l.­ 'fJ l/tJCALLER - INSPECTION ,4 t1t(s 'ft23/8• BUILDING: \ P LUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I ST EEL o U ND ERGROUN D o FOUNDATION I STEEL c ROUGH I DW .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATIO N o POOL I H .TUB o SH EETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL .€L ~~~M ECHANICAL: ~M .ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SU PPL YA IR o -0 I~I NAL J/I/}!o.Y1/MP/II A/rr o FI NAL• o A PPROV ED CORREC TIONS, ~.-6 I S A P P R O V E D #EIN SPEC T IO N REQU IRED ./f/'2 .INSPECTOR1--1/-1DATE--'_--==~_-'--'-_ •INSPECTION REQUEST.c:::::-T OWNO F VA IL C )'2 ,:{d 1 PI.... U '/7(0,Q...'9'7 (;;//~6G6£~)PM,oMlte C ALLER MON;TUE SW ED T HUR (/)11 {Cw e-11 A INSPECTION : -tlL/t.I 5"" READ Y FOR L OCATION :_-"----'-_'--""'-_'-'--""-'-'--'-"'=-_-"'-'----'--""'-'-"'-'-J'"""_ ·-,".(()~/~• PER MIT NUMB ER 0PROJ ECT JiJ3, o REIN SPECTI ON REOUIREDoDISAPPROVED B UILDING:..J PLUMBING:_.- o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRA MING o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOOONAILING o I NSULATION o POO L I H .TUB,.., o SH EETROCK ~l L 0 p '"avr ?<0r.o • o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL :ME CHANI CAL: o TE MP.POW ER o HEATING o RO UGH o EXHAUS T HOODS o CONOUIT -<o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL I ( '0 A PPROVED fid; /" CO RRECT IONS : /. >•, \ /'.I , -./n p./ D ATE -<.?'./L./INSPECTOR ~"'-'.!-9---#:"":'-"""::_'-~-''''----- _____A M @ INslcTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL 4 79·2138"""'~---'-J'---'--J O B NAM~2.,?)/to C J... CA L LER ~ INSPECT ION :M ONT U ESW EO T H U R c9 <?VI45 CJr'a,.,..,I 56,,Va -READ V FOR L OCA TI O N : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTING S /ST EEL o UN D ERGR OU ND o FO UNDAT ION /ST EEL o RO UGH /D W .V., o FR AMING o ROUG H /W A TE R ROO F &S H E ER o GASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING ~I NS U L A TI O N o POO L /H .TU B o SH EET ROCK N A IL 0 0 0 .o F IN A L o F I NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TE MP.POW ER o H EAT I NG o ROUG H o EXHAUST H OO D S o COND UIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 OF N Al o F IN AL cPlPR OV E D o D ISAPPROV E D o R EINSP ECT IO NREOUIRED OR RECT IONS: \ • D A T E ---7'--=-----,.'--'.--"----INS P EC TOR ••3 /1' TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS 479-2158 FIELD MEMO To ,S z p,-,I-"f:,""c,-,-t1-'--c-"e...Eo.;:5,-,-~-,--_ AlIen~~'C M Il Er-I,e,)d'"tiro ,IF/)P oN Per:SS/f'o PROJE T(LOCATlON)::J."/4 $G&eM,c,!J D e J .Ll I~II»1-JA f ;<e lkl ""Nn ")I..(oI'lT"<'I\(T"~ ---r-;'~(J"v/CS ~Lj IK.NoT ICE "'-0 CL.~ UP ALL 1n u 0 -r Dl".B0 ":>HuM e"'ftDuJllj W,LL 6£E'£TNsA=c:r-r;:-i)-.0"'''''01'"'''0«.1. :rf NeT CO Mfl'-IIC(}W n rl &.t 71-f€:"'5 A- C'II1'ITlo N UJI~L i3E:ISSuFD . VI-1a ....,lA pI?If~T H I N e.O.l.<.J • CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Received by: Wtt.<l....ConltaClOt P ;rM ..(;oo ll ructioo E......- Coroaty -Fi.. eTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL INS••,. PERMIT ~7IE ~71ROJECT };.JJ (u L 4 79-2138 D ATE &(j J OB NA ME i1J1._'7 iO / I ,C A ~:E~-;-;s»l ft--/-I "'A M 'PMREADYFORINSPECTION)yr,M ON (TUESW ED.T HU ~FR I ::J t/,')"r-'l4Ft4'-/-.,tI/If.LOCATION : '-"--:fiJ H ~ BUILDING:PLUMBIN G:I o FO OTINGS I S TEEL oU NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATE R ROOF &S HEER o GAS PI PIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULA nON oPOOL I H .T UB ~SHEETR OCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANI CAL: oTEMP .POWER oHE AT ING o ROUGH oEXHAUST HOO DS o C ONDU IT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL oFIN A L r ~R O V E D oDISAPPR OVED oREIN SPECTION REQUIRED , CORRECT IONS: . L-r\.. DATE ----'=f---'-;f----L-+-- ,., PER MITN UMBERO F PROJ EC T DATE 7-:17 -9 Lj INSPECT IO N : ';),'/I..{$" BUILDIN G:PLUMBING : o FO OT ING S I STEEL o UND ERGR OUND o FO UNDATI O N I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V . a FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS P IP I NGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NS U LATION o POOL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NA il 0 ~=:r:CO /BJRLI(wOelc..0I o FIN AL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL $1\'6'.)1;.J.I-'1'(c..;$......----------------------1 ~APPROVED 0DI SAPPROVED 0 REI NSPECTIONREQUIRED COR RECTIONS:-r/-+t:Deo'llN AGE D,7C>,~n Cl"-uFer ;<; ~.J~'''EUJ~0wLz C1U;A1 pMoTIt{;ruC::O!;;;:' DATE 7 -d]-1,/INSP ECTOR OCL~ eTION REQUEST T OWNOF VA IL 4 7 .2r.l8 01 INS C AL LER IN SPE CT <!i;I M O~WE D T HUR @as.c.,hvS eL: PERMITN UMBER OF ROJE CT D ATE '2 J OB READY FO R LOCATI ON: )P 'ICORRECTIONS:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS 1 ST EEL o U ND ERGRO UN D o FOUNDATION 1 ST EEL o ROUGH /D W-V. o FRAMING o RO UGH 1 WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L 1 H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FI~NAL o FINA L (ELECTRIC ~)MECHANICAL: rtJ'EMP.POWER o H EATIN G o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOO DS o CONDUIT o S U PPLYAI R, 0 0 l ~,F INAL t204J C!,,??b ....;~/(t,(j.o FI NALI A PPROVED I',o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQU IREO ..) --------I:'!//e "d Cx&h .,let,:x"/I ' "'1 £r (Ci.'E.r d A.' D A TE -I.~-'=-_L-"---_IN SP ECTOR -t:/ F RI INS eTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL 4 79-2138, /t? PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUN D _ o ROUGH I D .W .V._ o ROUG H I WA TER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ST EEL _ I NSPECTION: 07 FIN AL o FO UNDATION I ST EEL _ o FRAMIN G ROOF s SHEE RoPLYWOODNAILING--------- o I NSULATION _ o S HEETROCK N AIL _ D -~::;::;?I7."'------ READY FO R L OCATION : D ATE --~H-'-- PERMIT N UMBER DE ROJ ECT ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWE R _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FIN AL MECHAN ICAL: o HE ATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SU PPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FIN AL o APPRO VED DI SAPPROVED REIN SPECTIONREQUIRED D ATE -----<-a;/.J;/9</INSP ECTOR '\- v a;JiJ U~, cStAfJ) PLNJ W£R MANHOLE EX/STI NGS£ -6'~I I ~ I ;)I ~I I !Ir, I I i <, --- I I I , I \ I \ I,\\ I I .. \'\ /I \\ !L .-I , / / / / / / // -, ) / / / / / / I -, \ \ } / I / // /I / / / / / / / / / 1 / 1 / / // I / \ / I I / / / I / / / // I /// //// // //// /// /////1 / ////// '\ ///// I \///// ///\\/ //!\J , .//1 , jr/;.1 1 1 / /1 / 1 /I, 1 /- 1 ~...I ,. /.......c. /,-""1 "// , 1 ., /1 /1 / /1 1 LO 1 1 1 ,.- KLEIHSCH MIDT-ATTY• DEgD RESTR1C-T TON P .02 ~hiL ~G d Re strict.ion mad"..,nd Qntered i nto thi:5 -d4y uL ;{.f 1994.by P.dc1ID Sz t Pooh.oW'n .a.ll as cone 2ncL-.FilinIil"L ...Jlt.herw Sl9 ncwn ee 2,(,(5 Go.rmiCich D.tlVE!, Vai l,Colorado (herA inilfte r r ef &rl:ed t o ,:),0 "Owner"end "P .I.:l.1 perty"}. WTTNP.SSETII THAT I The Owner hereby occepb s the illllJu tllt ion on said property the following reotX'iction~and Ldmi.t.et.Lona r Theex isting d!"iveway , i ncl uoivc of improvement~,U U ~8 not provide Adequate t errain for fire dcp.:lrtJnent e eepcuee ,Tbe re La potential for add itional rcopon3e t~or d~luy~1n responding to tix~emergencies at the Property.Gpecific0111y,fire emergency vehicles may have to travel paot the PLu~~~ty to the end of Garcisch Drive in order to turn arccud a nd ga in access to the Property;f urthermore ,the s lope of Lhe a cces s to t he Property ma y p~ovide diff ic ult aoc es s for firA eme rgency vehicles.T he OWner unde rstands that the additioh ...l response time or delays attributable to these fact ors will nn~h~ Cause for any 11abilitr of th~reeponding emergency 6ervicAFi..rho OWner as sumes these r sks and ~il l hold the SRid fire em~rqency services ha rmless from rea~onAble and nA~A~Bary delay.resul ting f rom said facto rs . Any liability fo r pArsonal injury to Owner,hi~employcc6, agent&,and Ln v.lt ees ,or o!'lny other pers onc to which he may tr"-l1ti!t;:,[" or lease the prnpArry.a~~result ofor a ri&ing out of or L~101Llng to this Deed R eAt_ri~t ion ahall be born ownc e or i t's t;t;c:\Ul:OL~L~e or l essee.Fur theT,n.....ner agree.to indomnify a nd hold hdl.lll lC:::J5 t he Town of Vail nnd c ocxesponding emergency 5crvice:!,iuc;luding but not 1i m.ited fire proteotion,Qgo.ln:st any cidal,d emand,loss or damago,i neluding 3ttorncy feea whic h ~~~u l t trom,arise out o t or a re attx-ibutUllc to the J;e4aon4Ll~delays associated with the faoto rs lcading to thi5 D~eu k~~trictlon. The fo regoiny Lestrict10n constitutes a covenant tha t a ccompanie~dl1 conveyances of the Property,with imp rovements as c ut"rently ccn euruct.ed ,as a burcien thereon for the benefit of the Town of v~il and r esponding fire e mergency ~ervices.Th i~ re"tl..1l.:l1un shal l be binc1ing on the Owner ,andont he hAi TR • per-eo ne),r eprese ntative s,aaaL qns ,l essees,l icen s e P.~,and any transferee a t the Owne r. This Deed Restriction shall ~xi8t;n perpetuity unloco or until sufficient accommodations are made hAtween the Owner and Town of Vail for a lternative fire emergAn ~y ~6rvic•• This restric t ion annc ovenant;8hall be admini5tereoJ uy Lhe Town of Vail ,or it's rlp.Ai~n.o,and 8hall bo enfo r c eabl~by any eppzoprLat.e legal or p..lJll i.t",bl e action,inc lUding bu.t nu L limited to injunction or ah..,t~ment or 5 uch othcr remedlea And ~~nalt 1eG as maybe found appropriate by a cou ~t of c omp etent ju~lBdict1on. KLEIHS CHMIDT -A TT Y•30 3 4 7663 12•P .0 3 no t withstandi nq the £oJ:ego ing,this OQ Qd ~o 8t r i ct io n :!hal 1 automatically term inate upon the OwnQr 'B inotallo.tion o f .:l.r Lre s prinkler syst em OT f.ir.Monito~ir.9/o1nrm oY3tem(or UI~e quivalent there of)apprnvprl b y t he Town of V",il o r it.'::!utHdgnee .I nt he e vent of any d i e pr rt e a ri .in 9'undor 'tho t.e rm3 of thltl agr eement,t he prevaili nq rVI:t'ty chaoll bg entit.led t o recover I ill tuldit10n to othe r dam agAA or c oste,r g aeonab lc o.ttorney I eli fc t:ltl eud c osts .. , I U WITNESS WHER EOF,the Own er n e ce unt;c has set h is hand And ~Ga l tho day ~nd year t he firot u~uv e wrlt~e n.r--+-r"f'>(LA.-.- Ad f e,Owner STATE OF COLORAD O COUNT Y 0>'ll1\GL E .8.\..., My commieoi on o xpire ~: S U bsc ribe~u.s worn to *~~ledgp.rl b ,=,forQ me b ,r ~ S;p iech ,th is ~day of ~'t99~. Witn ess myh a nd a nd O f f l ~~.p}'l./J-e~ ~c CJ t / ", j ,",'".;..,'" ,,"',·1:.:.-, ·iJ··-- • •, i,, .i :";>, i I I ...<""0-m m '"Z Z m CJ CJ ""0 0 0 » ~-'"~ Z Z ~ C >CJ ""~'"~.::cc rcm.. '" o C- t-r>-Z c:-e c '"""0o '"- -. >Z(")> ~~.,"=7 Z 0 C '"s:.. '"r-r ~.. 0-lJ\0 0 0 '"0 '"~'"0 0 "-,~I1l t >CJ >""0 >~""0 -J'"0 0 w C<>Z>""0 -J""0C-'"0U>0 ."-0 <F.;Z '">9 ." ~C C z ~9r:; 2 01 2: NOTE - D ATE ~ -_. TYPE -~ SOL AR (LEC M-l GROUP R-3 T TAL V-N V-N 1 TvPE or CON STRUCTION 2 0CCUPANCVGROUP D IVISION c s NEPAL DESCRIPTION O ~w e New s i ng le f ,1 m il)'. CEI,lO 1 h ereby ackno v completed an ac agree to co mply laws.andtobu r e vlew a pprcvec CL EAN UP DEP ST.CU, ~L OO R -j.--- ADD ITIONAL P ERMITS N En W>\~L S---1--- PA !l K l r>.lG BL AST ING TYPE OF H EAT I N$UL ATiO N NEUXX ALTERATION(I BOJ[832 PH. He lin-Tech Desi gns Ca r pentry .CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TOWN OF VA I LR EG .N O . FIRM FIRM C ITY " FI RM MAI l ADDRESS NAME Ad a m Szplee~ch'-__ MA l lADPRES$1 26 -08 97 th S t .C C NY ~y 11 4 19 PHI18 -8600"CITY OT H ER ARCHITECT OWNE R TY PE OF P ERMIT Lxi BUI LDING 6 PLU MBIN G ~ELE CTRICAL FO UNDAT ION LX;ME CHAN I CAL 0 L EGAL LOT 1 1 B LK H OESC.F/lI NG 'leil Bes sebeee- J OB NAME :Szple ch SFR ~U~U ~Il I~ d epa rtment o f co mm u n itydevel opment FIRM fiR M T ELE. ·M ECH ANICAL C ONTRACTOR TOWN Q F VA I L R EG .NQ T ELE. PL UMB I NG CONT RACTOR TOWN QF VAI L REG ,NO . TELE. GENER AL CONTRACTOR -'-"'''''''''-'~~'''-'''''-.LJ,,!.L:s.L'--- T O 8E FILL EOO UT C OM PL ETEL v PA IORTO ISS UANCE OF P ERM IT <, ~T,~O::R:l.:T.:E:;LE:;.... NO TE -COPY OF PERMIT TOBE K EPT O NJ OBSITE S ep tember 71 993CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT"~'DATE •63 18 . •"PERM IT NO••101.If III 1 TYPE OF CO NSTRUCTION 11l 1ll l VV department ofcom mu nity deve lopment 2OCCUP ANC Y GRO UP ABE H IR M BUILD I NG "". DI VISIO N 1 2 2,)34 Z EL ECTRI CAL oonn nn T O BE FI LL ED OUT CO M PLETELY PRI O R T O I SSU AN ce O f PER MIT 0 "GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOFWORK :•PLU MB I NG ,nnn"n"TYPE OF PER MIT ~New singl e fami ly res ide nce ~•"nnn nn->MECH....NICAl;.x.!BUILDING G PL UMBING.xi ELECTRICAL --l FOU NDATION 19 6 00 0.00 'X'MECHAN ICAL 0 T YPE GROUP G .RF ,A VALUATIO N PERMIT FEES ,~·~u,_.~ LEG AL l OT 1 )BlK H V-NR-3 2325 BUILDING P ERMIT 1124.00 DESC,FILI NG 'le i!aes Schone V-N M-l 45 3 PLAN C HECK 73 1.00 JOB NAME :Szpiech SFR TTAL 2 778 El ECTRt CAl 120 .00 O WNER NA~f-Adam-sz piec b NE Al l EBATlO N (I ADDITIONAL(I RE PAIR (,PLUMBING 150 .0 0 /PC38 .00 ~4 133 4-- M A IL ADDRESS 1 26 -08 9 7th se ,H C MECHANI CAL 240 .00/PC60 .00 "4 133 5118-805 DWFU 'N(;tJ"lITS ~A('.COMMonATI ONUNITS __ CITY NY NY 11 419 PH "0""HE 'GHTI"ln NO FIREPLACES RECREAT ION FEE "17 no ~----- A RCHITECT FIRM Helin -Te ch Des igns INSULATION T"PE THICKNESS R VAL LUE DESIG N RE VIEW BOAR D ?nn no FLOOR CLEA N-UP DEPOSI T onn n nMAliADDRESS'Selt li3 2 CITY "....1 Qlh':l l PH TJ EXT WALLS USE TAX ~ROO F ElRt.LCar-pentr -¥-Uu l imited ..""G E NERAL + TO WN OF VA~R EG N O /07~R TYPE ELEC G"TOTAL PERM IT FE ESCONTRACTOROF TELE ;-';D.t;;3 SOL AR WO OD HEAT !;ILF"l.dmann._____Jl -~-Jl :L _ IFl PM IA t,.,/,''",FJI M ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED.UILDING OFFI CIAL ATE --- ELECTRICAL /liS-pi ~~INITI AL f-;u'i.J<uwIW<"-____2=3 =9L _--TOWN OF VAILREGNOCONTRACTOR9LfQ-It/o ~ST CU T ONINGADMINISTR ATOR DATE------TELE BLAS TING ONING &BU I LD1~:~~T.~~~~~!£O OR eo U~~~~S ~~~LFIRM.PA RKING T PLUM BING 1O'V n~1 V n\1A '~nTOWNOFVAILREG.N O .DEMOCONTRACTOR RIOR TO REL ESE OFPERMIT . THE. FIRM I he reby acknow l edge that I h ave read t his appli cati on ,fi lled out in full thei n fo r mationre quired , M ECHAN IC AL completed a n acc u rate pl ot p lan ,and s t ate t hat all t he Informat ion prov ided a sre q uired is cor rect.I CO NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.a gree t o comp ly w itht he informat ion and p l ot p lan ,t o co mp ly w ith all T own o rdi na nces a nd slate THE l a w s ,a nd to b ui l d t his st r ucture ac cording t o the Town 's zo ningan d s~s io n codes .d esign O THER FIRM r eview a pproved ,Un ifo rm Bu ildi ng Code and o t hHnances of t he To ap li c able t h ereto. CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO:("Ol{--<,v/"7 I /_,/,/,~.i-->: TOWNOF VAIL REG.N O ,STG NATURE OFOWNE R OR CONTRACTOr,HI MSELF C ON TRAC TOR TELE ANDT HE OWNER TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APP~,~Cl3N FODATE:r r.'D 4UG 2 •••I I )• 1m • APPLICATION MU ST BE FILLED OUT COMPL ETELY OR IT MAY NOTBEACCEP TED ******************.***********P ERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** Ph .3'Ze -2%10 Owners Name :ADf't'\'OZ,PIB*1 Jet-!«."r-1Ilou=' Arc hitect :Hel,..\O -Tf'9=\DE~l H,lfJ l/"l.;:Building (,Xl -P lumbing ()<r-El ect rical [I -Electrical (I-Ot he r Job Name :S~'FcH =1fX'NC.E Job Address :~2 ~t::1l-~1+t:::J2-l \J'l7" Legal Description :Lot tl Block H Filing\lP;j vJ)F;'§;;;.Ht,;;~,F1id~~ '\/?eos, Ph ..;q ",to General Description :"StloJGoLe FA-M I t..:r i2-'VS loqJLE? Work Class :~New []-Alteration []-Additional )-Repa ir (J -Other _ Number o f Dwelling Units :Number o f Acc ommodation Units :'::l- Number a nd Type of Fireplaces:Gas Applianc es__'__Gas Logs Wood /Pe l let_ **********************************VALUATIQNS *********************************\.io?.-J~/&~OCo .tp:=~ BUILDING:1'"1*1,,80 ELECTRICAL :¥'GW OTHER : PLUM BING:g .4>W MECHANICAL:--I 1;"'2.<X2 -TOTAL:~-'-"""'--__ ,/DODO 'I;;;000 10'JR .(:>00 -****************************CONTRAC TOR INFO~T ION ******************+******** II 'D ov\Pt ~S ,((''/,. Gene ral Con tra ctor :L Ct r {\V/h'+r d (I vI I i /.\\t,.>.l T own of Va il Reg .NO ._ Ad dress:I P hone Numb er: El ectric al Contra ctor : Add ress: T own of Va i l Re g.NO.__ P hone Numb er : P lumb ing Contrac tor : Addres s: T own of Va il Reg.NOo __ P hone Numbe r: Mec ha nical Contrac tor : Ad dre ss:Tow n of Vai l R:~g~.--.:N~O~.:.====P h one Nu mber : 1 ~i-,;(O {j 1.-71 Y .()()'. (J JI;--J~J .s.QITY~GROUP SQ.FT .VALUATION BUILDING :e <:)..<.-....r::,i~~g nat u re :C'=',.,. ,,..vII 2../C'-:.t ZONING :~•S ignature :,,-c-, 0 10....1 L ~)i . - '*j *t r3J!*'*:::i.k ******j*;d.*O D F OROFFICE USE **pi;*:;;:';***;;*¢************* BotLDING PERMIT FEE :1/21l/...BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE :131- P LUMB ING PERMIT FEE :I:,D·0,)PLUMBINGPLANCHECK FEE :Z5l'- MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE :41'£0 .00 MECHANICAL PLANCHECK FE E:,,,0 - RECREATIONF EE :'i 17 .00 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:5I2().- OTHlR TYPEOF FEE'it 2t'l)·,-11~Or:TOTAL PERMIT FEES '~.~;;:L*-~3q~ <'?'I •TOWN OF VA IL 75 s .FRONTAGERD. VAILCOLO RA DO8 1657 (3 03)47 9-2139 ==~======================__~===========_==2 __=============~================~~ .**.*.**.*.***••INFO RMATI ON INPUT ED **.***.**•••*•• TOTAL VALU ATI ON •••••••••••••••194 080 TilE NEW SQ.FT.ADDED ••••3268 0 TIllS I S NO T A FAS T TR ACK PERlHT OT II ER VALUATIONS TH EHUILDING VALUATI ON ••••••••17 3280 El e ctrical Fe e is Ba s ed o nS Q.FT . TIlE PLUMBIN G VALUA TION .•..••••9 600 TIlE MECHINACALVALUATION ••.•••112 0 0 ==--======================--===================================================- .*.**•••**k .*.**PEID1l T FEE IN FO R~~TI ON k••*.k •••*•• BUILDING PERM IT FEE •••••••••1 120 BU I LDING PLAN CHECH FEE .••••728 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE •••••••14 1 ME CHINACAL PERM ITFEE ..•.•••24 0 MECII INACAL PLA N CH ECK FEE ...6 0 PLU MBING PERMIT FEE •••••••••150 PLUMB ING PLA N CHECK FEE ••••.3 7.5 RECREATIO N FEE ••••••••••••••4 90 DES I GN REVIEW BOARDFEE ••••.2 00 CLEAN UP DEP OS ET ••••••••••••5 00 TOT AL PERIUT FEES •••••••••••3666.5 ,, THIS l::.MPlOVrC Il OUSI NG nE sfnlCTION FORM SHALL n£US ED FOR OC:VC:LOPMENTS APPRO Vr;:O PAIOATO nrc ADO PTIO N Of C~I A r'Te n lO.5 7,EMPLOVEr:HOU S INC,SEPTEMIl C:R 1,1002 .~)(I\MPlES OFTHESE DEVEL OPMENTS INCLUDE PHASr;:VIOF H IC VA l.Ll:Y.roacsr GU;:N.DAUPltlNA I!i/MOSLr:.V, ere. EMPLOYEE HOU SING UNIT REST RICTIVE COVENANTS " WHEREAS,APkM ~'2-1=>)EJJ+t _Istho owner ofthe property described as:LoT /I ,'Ewc,k..t-1,E~'L VAlL ~~~ou.- according to thQ map record ed in Book ,page _.._'Inthe cruce of theEaglo County Cle rk and Recorder. herein referred to asthe·subJect prope rty";and W HEREAS ,tho owne r wishes to place certain r oatrrcucns on the use 0'tile subject ••.land tor Lhe be nefit of uawner and th e To wn of Vall,C Olorad_he Town "). ~IOW .TlltinCrOnc .•no $W'Ul,..,......P!h M ~l"y i ""~6~e.,e.all\~l j l."'.l\"L!"1.1)J1~1l~~.o!J 6 ~1 l\'o! lortho benefit of all p orconc whoma y here Inafter p u rcbeec ,or IOl13 c,or h old th e ~u b j e c tl a n d , th e following r cs trlctlons,cove nants ,and c ondttlons,u uutwm cn s halloeoeemec to run w i tt I thelandandto In ureto thebe nefit andbobindingupon the owner ,Its r espective g rantees. euccese ors.and assigns . 1,.Th e s ubj ect prop ertyh asa r es tricted employ ee dwellingunit In theappr oxim ate size 0'~...e..k lAM flt!T I s:Q?)square feet.Tho restricted em ployee unit lu !'o uh;:J UII UIl;:"u'-'j~(.:l f.'lufJc rly ~l u111 ne t be s old ,tru nalc rred.o rco nveyed ecpc ratelyfro m the primary dwelling unit lo cat ed ontho SUbject pro perty fo r a pe ri odo f more th an twenty(20) yoars andthelifeof Tiffany Lowent h al,from the dale l ha l thecertlfic ate Qf occupan cy i s onlytotenants wh oare full'l imeemployeesoftheUpperEagleVell ey.The Upper Eagle Vall ey shall be d eemedtoincludethoGoreValley,Minium.R<>d cur ,Gilman,Eagle.Vailand ••, lnlrty ('30)hOUrs per Vltel<.. ~I Tho Pf DV~O /l t;horuol mc y bo onl.:lrcoo rJy :no owner nnl1 mo Town. TOWN OF VAIL.CCLOAAOO By; ACKNOWLEOGCMCNT 1 h 'l l{,I rulio ing lnst rumc nt wall A(lkl\Ow ,ecl:led eere rc rr c th ,.'.d ay of •l ~V ..,by •__._.__ PROf1 E OWNt:H;p-- .-----..----...-"--::::'-~..'_..-::._...r ____ J i";r.::..•.-.~-~-_.~--_.------ Nu lu ."P 'J ~/'Z . I ((/r ."-<,.U:.... --,/</,fJ (1 f,....~.- Rrr.'o /.lI Y ,<'0 Ie..£>,._10' ~~ I o f 1 ..~0:1 _78_94 SITEPLAN LOT 11,BLOCKH VAIL D~ONE FlUNG No.2 OF VAIL EAGLE OUNTY,COLORADO """""..{),o.r. .......'" O Ck:\fALL S EC:Tlo /'..\S' -mo ........... 289/28 BY AL~E.'{~,'-fjU IZ..M AN ,:P.E.; "M Av I?~1'1 ~-4 U ·CARMI 1?E.l:>UC EoD F/l:O M OR IGI NA L.D~tJ .BY (!-1M I ELE\.JS'Kt R.E ~I DE, l 5 HT.I O F 5 I -I····_----I .~ i ;: •h i ~'IIII • 11 I I OL 9,1 1') / I I I I I f ~ / / ·:v 1 L f;?... "y t.W~(($i 5!f 111':i I •-,, /'s -- 4 0 l'I•(III ntT ) ,0 ! UNPLA TTED "-."\\ r // /\/ l ~ O~l - .~ A 'A __7 2.OF 5 C ONC~I':.TE. su t: <;;;"PY C 1>1<.A IN V A 1L I.EXCAVATE.TO RE.(,I .bl':Pnj z..PLAC.E PVc.D RA,,,!=oM W EST !li1./VE l../A Y"T O 6,A IZMI$'cH Dj?I VE..u RI\IIJAE.£ '3 .SELE.CT N EW e.e c x,T~CLE.AR. PVc.DR.»;IIJ ..,PLP.c,E. 4.CON C K c TE.r ON E Pla/-"'I. U ~E 3 0 0 0f":J 1/..,."""......A6 i<., AI R."'N 'RAII,jE:t>.?LAC s, F RO M i3AC I<'r i llE:..AN D VI3 ~AT' TO F ILL loLL VOlb~AROV"I()[{dCl( E.X I >T II-J c. ~O CK. DE-TAIL or <;£Ci ID N 2 n »5'-AI-Eo- 13 Y ALL E.N 6'••T HUIl.M AN,P.E... M A......1-4 I", C H M I E..L E.Wo)"l <I R E.>I DE"-N C E.. LOT II,13LOC-K HI D.A,SH ONE..""L INe.NO.2 C()LO R.A DO -+80 ,0 -+80,.r --+80bO l>~I VE. 2 ) ",---._-" eE:MO Y E...TOP ({OC.''-IF IJ E:C E f,AR...V ,'NE-W L OWE.R....WALLI ±2 I e»6i E.I?OC-I(TO 6AR.MI ~CH DR.IVe: :t 3'·b" ?---...H Z MAX ,.........::"J / 1 "=-S-'-()" S E CT ION ",--\ Vfi,c:r.E-Tl>.T'I O~,TYP. I"~~/_O 'I >E.f..bETAIL ABovE.R ia HT $E.C TION E,x I s TI "I G R OC K WALL r o i3 E-LE 1=T' I N P LAC E c.....------ ",PE:CIAl- >EATING.N or ../ lZ.E.QVIR Eb P.>L E.J-l t>liPPE<-Ii:..4-1.-0""£1<:" rR.I Iv!Ro C K F 11:.0 IJ\IC..~6,c- O F J)Q.IVE.I.1AY E.A.-;-r "F THI s $'E.c-n 0 N n ROC-I<.IIv'ALL S "'~s r OF T>lll ,E"-,C-T'I d "l t DRIVEWAY ALL Dw be.A \"!A ~,E:. B E:l"wE E '"'tOO<") A T 8'MA><..( /0 ' 4.DR IV E.\JAY v f>p E:.I?_1.1 ALL 3 L E."Itl S .>:TO ~1"lC...,LE..il..Oc..K.I=URT HE:.1t ,/E-A S r A T 'E.e.-rION I»:~==="""""""'~ &04S+--- 80 eo~t--- 80~'-O ...1-- "o,s;--- NO TE.:)E.E..'Ir e.PLAN r3Y l.NTE.R.-MOUIII,IN E.N61~f:E:.R.IN4 I=DiZ.E.LE..IIAnON C.ON'll.OLS l=Og,M :'\VW-WAYS -TY PICA L 80SS I.IA Y i\ I Et>GE'OF E"i<ISTI"l6.llIU VE..l.JAY REM OVE TlIP 1?6c.1< IF''"Ec.e HA feY ---+-80 ,"0 l1~:::~=,t===~=~r 8050 t 2 ~I., / , -n +l ,S PE C-IIII.L ,EAn A/eo IJd T I?E lJ. S05"5 I ,1;:)/I S T It'!6,Ro Dc I(\oJ ALL 805'0 t T O I!.E:L I2.FT IN P'u\~('-" l EE t>Er AI L 5'E.C..r1 0...,2. 5 ECTIOI---l 3 t "eo s-I_{)" COLORADOVAIL SHr.:3 OFS r$V AL L EN cSi .TtiIiRMA~>r-.s MAy \'"l,''l CHMI EL E.W~KI RESIDENCE lOi II I ~LOCK H ,t>M fIiONt F'LI"'l:~"10 .2. • --+8060 AT r--ALLOW J>R.A INA'"e, I3l:-rwE.E.N R OCI<. a 'MA>I . ON E.It.O<:i(FR OM ( NEAIZ.Tfil ~~E..C.T10~ 1"0 N ORTtlWE:~r EN b OF R OAb •SE.c.TION 4 80~·~1--- 80S-S''-j-- ...--:t;. IS •wI.-)r +i ...J....J ~~ tI .x tbl<IV < 'll s WAY '"x <>C ~t.Je,o, <C « M Ec..o IA><'C.A I-L'((OMP A LT 1<'''t O NE-IN F lZ ON TOF FIfH T R O(I~CO A I(,~to.-'rYP. ---+-807'> . .' / I £XI~rINCS LOW E:it w ......... ~PR OX .SLOPE. AeO VE.""'ALL B070 +-:1~._~I g07S''I-- 8 0'-5-f- es s:-l--- 6 040 -l-- --+60 50 --+8070 8060tb£.IV ~\oIAY 10 'I 8 05. --+8'"''I/P P Eo R -1 L OWE f(I../ALL H£I€o I-J TS fl el:I1:EAS £ To f OUTHEA IT Ro OA!:>'(',ASE:s/:PAVE-MeN, ,0 8'.TE.ND UP ~1!:>E.OF \W(l snNG, ROCt<...G Ol>'1 ;>AGT PAV E..fJlE."'T "'II:.OU"'I>ROLl<:, DlsnNCS - L D W E~;JALL BO W 805S · 80,0 .J-- 'S HT:4 OF S COLORADOVAIL "L LE tJ C..,.T 1-\IJ R M A."',f".E . AllAY 14 ,Iqq~ BY C I-/AII I t LE 'W$K I r<E S I DE NeE LOT II,B LOC.K H ,OAs 5HON E.FILlN6 NO.2. • jJ/' EF FE.C T'VE. Iy\AX.S L 0 i>E. 01'WALL FACI 'l l:, I .------------.:.......:-:----+ ~I /4' I "',:S '·a" SECTION CON C E PTS -TY]7 I CAL MI N.13A C /(FILL 5 >1 0 "'>,1 - Ex TE"Ib TO F I LL OVER. R Oc:.Ks T O eEsr Fi r L.OWE I(~o c::.:.W ALL I N PLAC.E.A T S OME. SE.c::.110"S -' --------_.•"_. S E-c..T ID N 5 I "~~'-O " 2 '.......3·~)z '3 '-- VA R I A e I.E.-'>E Eo IN I>IV'bU ...L C -;~'77n =:H ~- S E.C-nONS 130 7S 8 080 ---t 8070 G,AR AG.£ 1)I<:IV E I..I AY '"-,...,.11 _ -r-......--------------- ,E.r F I RST c oA I<.S E 1'-1 CONC RETE ~I MI L AII.) .0 S E.C-Tl O N 2.'-- E.XT EN D \oJA LL '> F z,0 M LOC A T I ON UI'""7"'-.;:---::::----------;.- SE.CT I ON IJ E.~TW AI'_t> TO P O IN T OF TE MP. S A~E.TY UN TI L i<:OAtI TO LO T 10 I S l>ES /6NED 807 0+--- 8,,90,-,1--- i I80S"T eo s+ i I 60 7s - l - I $070 --f-8t>7S WALL'!.LE S~nJAN 3' eo NOT \1.\:."\.5PEC.'AL ~Ii:AT 1N <!\OK.C O NTRO LE !> PlA Co E..M E N T "F"~O'-K 8070 807.-+-- SHT.S"OF S I"':s:0 " COLORADOVAIL SEC.TI ON 8 CHIM/f:LE\JSKI RESIDENCE LOT II,3 l..OC.K H I CAe;s flOtoJE.FILI~l!,"la .z. DIl:C O RA TIV E R.OCI(F A c..IIo.l~,A T NOIZ.TH ~AST COR."IIO rt.OF H OUSe ;S NO T A ~r ~LI c..T U z,...L 0 A.LL S.O IL.S UR F AC.E.NO R.TH OF H OUl E..SHOUl l:>"'Eo- FOUN!>AT loN f>"IN 1&',M J N . -C.RE AT E A SW A.LE.W E.'.r O FI/OLl S C: TO C AU <;c.S U IU"AC.E.W AT I2:.<..TO b RAI N r.A S ,.-A N I>W E.S r A R 0 U N\)I-l 0 U S Eo 8 0 7S --+--80 7 0 sar F OR.D RAI NA6 C O NT a:O L FRO M.8080 W EST OF H OUS E- SE.C TlOt-J 7 /"':S'·0.' I3 LE:Nl>U PPEg I.J AI.L ro '-".'"""~2.'i /IV 5 L OP E..I<eAR.Y AR",,--+-SOBS WE-sr O F HO U~E. ~O<'I(p~E.S EO "l T LY 'N '-0 ~'T,0 N t>0 Nor "iE-c.t>Tb 3 E.K EP I.A C.e:l> 8075' BOBS 80ao 13 07 04--- 6090--l;::;::-- S L C T I O ~g \\\:..5"'-0 "•• By AL.LE.to.l ~.,l-HlRM At--\\?\!.. MAV 1-4,1'l'l4• •Allen G.Thurman,Ph.D. May 14,1 994 CONSTRUCTION GUIDELI NES,ROCKWALL FACING CHM IE LEW SKI RE SIDENC E ,VAI L COLORADO Note:Also see Sections 1t hrough 9 by Allen G.Th urman d ated May1 4,19 9 4,a nd pla n by I nter-Mounta in Enginee r ing Ltd., s hown reduced as S heet1 of 5 by AG T. 1.The typical si ze of rock sha ll be 2 f eet.Rock sho ul d be a n gular with i nterlocking e f fect when in position. 2.Ty pic al ly,rock i n one cour se should be pos it io ne db etwe en t wo ro cks of the course b elow.Some rockma y span over a l arger area ,but t here is not t o be open space b etween r ock s; rock-to -rock contact is to be ma intained both v ertical ly and horizonta l ly. 3 .Ex cept where construc tion i s against an e xis tingr ock wall ,th e natural so i ls of t he slope a re to b e cu t t o a n a ng le o f 1 h orizont al to 2 ve rtica l.Eac h r ock in the fac ingi s t o bea r a ga inst th isn atur al s ur fa ce . 4.Thef irst cour se of roc k fo r b o th t he upper a ndl ower wa l ls sha ll be p laced on compacteds oils.A k eys hal l t hen be fo rmed b y pavement o r backf ill,p laced to th e outs ide (f r ont ) a ndcomp acted . 5 .At se lected locations ,after s et ti n g t he fir st c o ur seo f rock ,the full depth of t he key sha ll be fill ed wit h c oncret e a nd vibrated (3 ,OO Opsi with air,5 i n ch s lump ,3/4 i nch max im um aggregate). 6 .Where soi ls e xi st i n f ront of t he r ock,a z oneo f so il 12 in ches thi cks hall be compa cted to form t heke y.Thiss urf a ce i s to be c ove red with loo ser s oil s f orv egetat io n. 7 .Backfill in the spaces between ther oc ks and b etwe en t he ro cks and t h e c ut s lope shall b ec l ayey sands to p rov ide c ohe sion while al lowin g drainage .Thisb ackfil l sha ll b e moi st a ndh and c om pa cted to a firm de ns ity. 8.Sp ec iald ra inage or Burface water control around the rock fa cing i s not requi red at t his site .Soi l surfaces in fro nt o f the f acin g,at t hei ntermed iate b en ch,a nd a bove the wal l are to be vegeta ted wi th spec ies for a south faci ng slo pe. Grasses ,flow ers and shrubs are pr eferred.Tr eeswhich d evelopa large root structu re s ho uld not be us ed . 5 <1 55 S.ClarJu.oD Street UttJelon,Colorado 801~1 (303)761-<1555 •• Allen G .T hurman,Ph.D. May 1 4,1994 • CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES,ROCK WALL FAC ING CHMIELEWSKI RESIDENCE,VAIL COLORADO Note:Also see Sections 1 through 9 by Allen G .Thurman dated May 14 ,1994,and plan by Inter-Mountain Engineering Ltd., shown reduced as Sheet 1 of 5 by AGT . 1 .The typical size of r ock shall be 2 feet.Rock should be angular with i nterlocking effect when in position . 2.Typically ,rock in one course shou ld be positioned between two ro cks of the course be low.Some rock may span over a larger area ,but there is not to be open space between rocks; roc k-to-rock contact is to be maintained both vertically and horizonta l ly . 3 .Except where construction is against an exis ting rock wall,the natura l soils of the slope are to be cut to an a ng le o f 1 horizontal to 2 vertical.Ea ch rock in t he facing is to bear against this natural surface . 4.The first course of rock for both the upper and lowe r walls shall be placed on compacted s oils .A key shall t hen be formed by pavement or backfill,placed to the outs ide (front) and compacted . 5 .At selected locations ,af ter setting the first course of rock,the full depth of the key shall be f illed with concrete and vibrated (3 ,OOOpsi with air,5 inch slump ,3/4 inch maximum a ggrega te). 6 .Where soils exist in front of the rock ,a zone of soil 12 inches thick shall be compacted to form the key.This surface is to be covered with looser soils for vegetation. 7 .Backfill in the s pac es between the rocks and between t he rocks and the cut slope sha ll be clayey sands to prov ide cohesion while allowing drainage.This backfil l shal l be moist a nd hand compacted to a firm density. 8.Special drainage or surface water contro l around the roc k facing is not required at this site .Soil surfaces i n front o f t he fa cing,at the intermed iate bench ,and above t he wall are to b e vegetated with s pecies for a south f acing slope. Grasses,f lowers and shrubs are preferred .Trees which develop a large root structure should not be used. 5455 8 .Clar kson S treet IJtdeton,Colo rado 80121 (303)761·4555 • R[C'~~,,'6 .'~ ..-CJ _26_g4-I ·-1(1' OF 5SHT. SITE PLA N ,, ! " LOT 11,BLOCKH VAIL •SH ONe FlUNG No.2 OWN OF VAIL CAGlC COUN TY.COLORADO ,. 1'._0.," -'~""'­.~...~...... ,.....,-~" (I .OJ. _.~ --"......._.. J?E.bUCE.D F R:OM O/(16/N i\L DRIJ,BY OCI<V AL L 'SEC'f:iO f-,.IS c..1-l MI E L E,\JS'l<t R.E>:I b.E, •!-1-------!---,/ II j • / UNPU.TT£D ;, I I 1 1 //(\I'....l /U 2 OF S C ONe RaT E. su r. o F SE .c..lID N2 N,O C;;"PVC lll<lI.IN VAIL I,EX CAVA TE.T O ~E.61 .b SPT!/ 'L.P L AcE P VC.D RAIN I"KDM W E ST l>g 'V E ~Ay'r O 6,A i1.MI ~nl Di2I VE..1>RAIA/A6E. 3,SE.LE.CT N EW ~O C I<-..TO CLE.AR.. P V c.O R.'"IN .j:PL"C e: 4.CONCK I!T E..l ONE I:HawrJ. USE.30 00 f";J 1/...""",Al (,A 6tZ., AI R.~N'12 A I "a:t:>.PLAC Eo- F R.O....f3A cK.'11ll::..AN D VI13I1:AT. T O FILL ~lL VOlb~AR:O VNl>R:OCl( E.X ,<;TI N Ie; R.o CK t>E..TA I L CHMI E.LE.W ~I <I RES/D E-Ne E. LOT \I ,13 Loc J<.HI b A<;5HO NE.FII..I/.Ic"NO.2 CO LO R.I\DO -+80;5 ---+-8060 r E.-0 6 E..OF --ISoA R.M 1 1 <:.>\ •• 2. Ex 1 S T I t..I <i llR.IVE.\VAy ·C UI-Vi;:l(T L 1 i04S ~bG,E.O F E.XI I TIN ",D i:.I VE.WAy "i?.E M O VE.,TOP /?"OCI'-./1=/oJ e C E H'A ~V ..->-l ~W L OW E.Il..'rIALL :t 3'-b" >--...H I I S E.CT IO N I I I::.5"'-()" S ECT ION ±2'£b ~E.R OC I(TO 6AR.M I S-C H DR-I Ve: Z.MA X , ------::":1 ' S-E.E.-1JE.TAIL ABoVE.RI6 HT --....\c V E a,E..TA.'nO N,T YP, E..>O I T I "I Co 1<0 C K I.oJAI-L TO i3E.LEFr IN PLA <:.E.L..--'' ~P <:'C I AL ')E Ar,"Ie.NO r _/ TZ..E:Q V I RE 1:> E L E..'..H,LI p p~z,40 LO WE rz, nz.I M Ro c.K F RoO N'\1i..l>6.E. O F 1)Q.I V c "'A Y E.A>;'r 0 F TH I S ~E..<:'T 'ION n RO'-I<.'WALL S IJE ~, OF nlll I E.<:'T"ION /0' t DRIVE.WAY All OW l>~\NA t,E. B li.TwE ElJ ItOC-1() AT 8'MA x ,~ v p p ~I<'..WALL (!>L E N I)S /'~TO I I t..l IS L 'E..itO c.K.F Vii..r H EO.R ...;:"E..A~r Ar >E.e.-rION 1 S=>+=====x:x=U 804S'+-- 80'51)-1-- Ml SS'+-- I":;:..S-'-O"I3V A L.L E.N 6,TH U~M I'-N ,P.E., MA y 14 ,I 4-l--+_ 50SS~ > ~ +l.,- :;PE C IAL ~E Ar /NG IJ dT RE d . Rf MO V£TUP RdO( IF Ne:.c.ErJA RY _--t-80fOO 80SS \-J AY iI 711r~=J:,==~=~tl 8050 E b6E:OF E"XIS TI"J&P~\Ve:."'AY NO TE.:S'E.E..~IT E..PLAN I3Y 1.N T i:..R.-fv'\0 u'-A IN E.N 61 ~10 e.It I "l § !=D ~E.L E..vAnON C.ONT lL OLS 1=01(.\)~\Vlt-W"Y S -TYPICAL SEC TIOf--l 3 I"~£)'-0 11 5HT.:3 OF S ~y A I..L e:.N 6>."tiV RMA"l ,i>.E MAy ,-I,I 4 '---------\ CHMI EL E.W)KI RESIDENCE LDI \I,13L OCKH,DMPfONt:FlllfJt;,No .2 VAIL COLORADO • AT SE.C TION 4 I"~s sr-a '• r---ALLO W t>1lt\INA'"e, ~e:.T W £EN eoc s: 8 'MA><. • ON E."-0 <:1(.F ROM ( NEA"-TI-II~S E.cno ~~ -'-0 Nc),,-ruwE <;r EO/I> O F-RO A I> 805'0-t--- BOSS-+-- DR IV EW AY 80,5-- • t--.---:x;.-- \5-w~:x: +t ..J--J.~~ '"ii . ~tbRlV•s WAY\l). '"x C>o ~..., ~-c -c --!-807'> M E c->I ANICAc.l-Y (OMP A<-T /1."t ONE.I N FIZ.O N r OF F 11<>T [(0 (1<:'CO I\IU'::'-'rY? £XI>T 1N.60 LO WE 1'<.WA l-'- A PR O X.SLOPE. AI3 0VE.\oJALL -;]t---_::::-::::J 1 g07S'+-- B ObS - 8070 tOS,-j-- e,o"o +-- --r:J aso 8060tb£.IY ~'WA Y JIJ'805T I/PP E.R.4 L OWE f(<JAIL H E"I/HJTS tl Ec s:EAS E To rOUT}/EA IT N ~rURAL SOLOPE. ~O,AD eASE.t PAVE-MENT T O E.><TE.N l>UP ~I!::>E.Of Ej(lsn".. ROCK..C.OIYlPAC,PAVE.fJlE ''IT ,Ai,OUo-l!>RoOLo:. EXI.,nN 6 L OWE II:IJALL 80 7'1>+--- B OSS ' 130W ' p.E _ 5 1-/T;-4 OF S COLOf2ADOVAIL }.LLEN c...THURMAN , MAv 14,Iqq~ B y C Wv'll t LE I,./SK I f<ESI DE NeE LO T II,BLOC"\-t,QA S 5 f-!OIol E.FILlN6 No.'l. • /4 ' E.FFc.CTI VE. !-/lAX.s i,c P E- OF'WALL FACIJol Cl,,---------------..:.....:.------------j ~I /4' SECTION t ''=5 '·0 " CON C.E P TS -TY PIC AL M IN.8A C I(F I L L 5H OloJ N - E XT ENt>TO FILL OIl S:R. ROc:.,q TD 5 1::5,F",T u pr E Ii:..WALL TO HE.''''H T rtii:..Gl..-TY PIC AL LV '>s' LOLJ£K.R.OCK.'>JALL IIJ PLAC.£.A T SO ME. SE.c.II""l S '"l _.,_ ,.- 1---.- 3' .- z ' ':::.sr-o: ...-~_.- SE.C.TIO N 5 VARIA gL.E ->~E. )N b III J l>IJ ...L C _~_-I ';."..,07 SE.c.nON5 • 60 75 -8 060 l a08s ---+8070 C,AR AG,E: DR IVE W AY . '"... . ~ it n=-.r F IR:~T c.oA s.s E. IN CONC RETE ~I M I L~ It>SE.C-T ION 2. LOT 10 ----_+_ E XT EN D "I ALL S F 1Z.0 M LOCATI O/.!01'" SECT I ON W E ~T "I A I~t> TO PO I N,OF T EMP . S A ~E:.TY VNTIL R OA II TO LO T 10 I S b E.5'6 11ED 8 08 I f M90-'!--- I I i B075 -:- I i I 807 4--- :to'",t----i.., I --1-8075' fl 070 ---=.-...-'< WAL LS L E SS T H A"-I 3' 1>0 NOT R>:'G\.S PEC.IAL S"£AT IN'"O At C ONTR.OL!;.!> PLA o.E.M EN T O F RO~K gO"O 8070 &07r+-- 805".-+- SE.C TIO"-J 7 I "";:s:0 oJ S EC.TIO N8 I"'::r '-0" * COLORADOVAIL C HIM/f:Lf:\JSKI RES IDENC E LOT II ,!31..0CKH,\)A';~liONE.FILI/oJl!i "lO .z. t>ii:.C.OIZAT IV E.Itoc '(FA c...I "-l ~,AT N O~n-l e:.A$T C.o r<'''lE It.OF H OVS i: I S NO T A S rJl:.V C-T lJR AL "I AL.L S OIl-SUI<F AC£NO R TH O F HOU'E.S HOU LI::>~E..SL O I>e:l>AWA Y F1~OM F OUN b AT IO N e"IN b',M 'N. -CR EATE A SWAL.E.W E 'J aF /lOu,!': TO C A V <;E..SUR t=AC.E.W A YI:',I..To bRA I r-J E-A Sr ANI)WE.S',IIRDV"lt>\ola v"z, 8 075 --+80 70 $ET F O R.D RAIN A6 GON r U:OL FR:d M 8080 W EST OF HOV S E. B LE ND UPPEl2.""AL L 10'-..-....s:-Z HI.y S L.OPE..r<~A R Y ARA-+808S W E.S T O F HOV SE. Ii:.()CX PI<:E 5 E "lT LY I N 1"0 ~I T I 0 N I>° Nor '-IE-E.\>Tb 13 £R EP L.A cE !) 80ao 8075" 80135 B 07 0-j--- Sf-eTION 0 \"=-5"'-0 "•• By AL..LE.1ol G,.,f-IUl<:M A 1-0\,?~. M"'V 1"",1 <l 'l4• ••199J THIS EMPLOYEEHOUSINGR ESTR ICTIONFORMSHALL DE USED FOA D EVElOPMENTS APPROVED r ruo n TOTHEADOPTIONOFCHAPTER 18.57,EMPLOYEr:HOUSING.SEPTEMBER 1,1992.EXAM PLES OFTHESE O[VELOP MENTS INC LUDE PHASE VI O FTHEVAl lEY.ronssr GLEN,DAUPHINAISIMOSLEY. ETC . EMPLOYEEHOUSIN GUNIT RESTRICTIVECOVENANTS ., WHEREAS,4DW ~'2.P )EGfj is the owne rotthe property described as:loT 1/I :block-+-II 'Ei U~2...I VAil btU ~~Q1I.I2.- according to th omap recordedin Book ~.Page ,in the office of the Eagl e County Clerk andRecorder, here in referred toa s th e "subjectpr operty";and ~~.th!J r.Ol.",l·oer w ishes to placecertain restri ctio ns on theuse of the su bjectl'."-',"S ..~~~~!Z'trt"'nJ y".~ l and Yci'r'YhlPtlMJ!\fi'<I'/i tlll;ci'~~e r and the Town01Vail,Colorado ("the Town"). NOW,THEREFORE,theowner doeshereby impose,establish,acknowledge,declare l or the benefitofall personswhomayhcrelnalter purchase,orlease,orholdthe subject land, the following restriction s,covena nts,and conditio ns,all of wh ich shall bedeemed to run with the land and toinure to thebenefit andbebindingupon the owner,itsrespectivegrantees, success ors,andassigns. 1..The subj ect propert y hasa res tricted emplo yee dwelling unit inthe approximat e sizeof _~~IM,I.<M ~c5:$0-.l squa re teet.Therestricted employeeunit located onthe subject propertyshallnot besold,transtorreo,or conveyed separat elyfromthe primary dwellingunit locatedon thesubject propertyfor a period 01 more than twenty (20) yearsandthelife of Tiff any Lowenthal,from thedate that the certificate Qf occu pancy is issued forsaidrestrictedemployee dwelli ng unit. 2.T herestrictedemployee dwe lli ng unit shall not be leasedor rented for any period of less than thirty (3D)co nsecutivedays;and ,if it sha ll be rented,itshall be rented onlytotenantswhoaretull·t ime employees of the Upper Eagle Valley.The Upper Eagle Valleyshallbedeemedtoinclude theGoreValley,Mintum,Red Cliff,Gilman,Eagte·Vailand ;.. Project De scription: ContactPer son andPhon e •Project Application r ' • AUf'/f-t [c.NbvYIN;? Ar chitec t,Add ress andPh one:_ II 1-1 ,Z one rYe C omments :__-::----:--:-_ DesignReviewBoard M ot io nby : Sec o nded by :__~~-_~------- DI S APPROVA L /I - --4}2--/>e·'f '..S I N a:;y/~~/. IfIl1 e:J 4,'t Tr n Ptilnnp.r Dat e ' --------.<-,!J;))-u,rrd I I/if !"J r;.rJ:j I ,,;/-='--~"'-"'---"-Lj.z!=--,-'----~'--__ '"r ;',CJ LV \, ,fJ,-"Ir4c u.'-r cfJ .,R, DATE: ZONE CHE CK ~. FOR ~fl~'l R piS ZONE DISTRICT~r 4 r1..II .,1'''''-- 6...':""'7;~~.,1 : • LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot II ADDRESS: OWNE R ARCHITECT P HONE _ ZONE DISTRICT _....[.;~_ PR OPOSED USE --4-'-------- "LOT SIZE .:....:~_ Existing Proposed Total 1 ?1 _ 1(p5'2 [,72 ."'- ~",/N ""~:l,r(",-,,-- I..P..... c>Z ~c14 r o "<l·" (>4'11 .>: /~I ?I I 1 ./~ Yes NO _ 3'/6' 1)Fl o od Plain (3 0 0)~J (9 00)ll2 00)_ P e rmi tted Slope (6%)Actual Sl ope '-----" Date approved by Town Engineer: -S:....Reqrd (3 0)ISO ) ICt4t 4 +ill._7 ....·n 4 Heights GRFA '01,.,(.+425 _l~t)u Front 20 ' Sides 15' Rea r 1 5' ~e r Cou rse Se tback Lr S lte Coverage ......Se c ondar y /' r5 etbacks --'--Height ...--'T otal GRFA /.....La nds caping ~i ng Wal l ..--........P ar k~ng »:-G arage Cred it ....ori ve: ~w Corridor Encro ac hmen t: .,»: ~E n v i r o nme nta l /H a z a r d s : 2 )Perc ent Slope 3)Geologic Hazards a)SnowAvalanche b)Rockfall c)Debris Flow __....,....::'-_ 4)Wetlands.~_ /'/Previo usc onditions of approval (check property file)~:__~~~~__ 'Does thi s request involve a250 Addition?/Lb How much of the all owed 250 Addition is used with this request?.0 ('0> "Note :Under Secti ons 18.12.090IB)and 18.13.080IB)of the Municipal Code ,l ots z oned Tw o Fa mily and Primary /Sec ondary which are less tha n 15,0 0 0 sq.ft .i n area may not construct a second dwelling unit.The Comm u nity Development Department may grant an exception to this res triction provided the applicant meets t he criteria set forth under Sec t ion s 18 .12.09 0IBI and 18.13.080IB)of the Municipal Code includ in g p ermanently restricting the uni t as a long-term rental unit f or full- t ime empl oyees of t he Upper Ea gl e Valley. 10 •••'9t ....__;0 Projec t Application ProjectD escri ption : Project Nam a --L4,,-":/.u..J4 S2 ;a i f'c d AIM tYS A.2 //-fr .(."th','L 1£ Co ntac t Per son andPho ne O wne r,Address a nd Phone:_ Arch itect.A ddressan d Phon e :_ u If, Comments :;------=-_----;;_ (lOl Cc J (,..J!&..u )~-e DesignReview Board Seco nded by : DISAPPROVAL Dtpartment of Community Dtvtlopmtn t7)S eu rb Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado 8 1657 J OJ-4i9 -2JJ 8 /479 -Z 119 Jun e 2,1992 AdamSzplech 95SunnysideCircle Ca stlecrag 2068 NW.Australia ••fiLE COpy . RE :Lot11,Block H,Flllng No .2 Dear Adam : Iam returning theInform ation you sent touswith a Desig nReview Board application so that It allstaystogeth er.Ihave highlighted theimportantpoints ofthe ORBapplication sothatyou will kn ow what add ition al info nnation to prov ide.It is imperativethat you pro vid e a survey for the site.asthat is the basis for manyof the devel opment standard s.Inaddition to th e surv ey, theT ownrequi res a s~e plan(atasca le of1inch isequal to 10teet)inorde r tounderstand how th is hom e would fit on thesite.Be sure to show the existing andfin ished topograph ic lines.In addition,wewillneed arch itectur al plans at aminimum of 1/8inch equal 1 foot or larger.As the application states,1/4 inch is preferred.As Ialsohighlighted intheapplication, besure tocompl ete thezonecheck,which is thelast sheet ofthe applicat ion. This informat ion is theminimum required for a response from the staff astothe development potential of thi s site relative to thedrawings you sent.Later,when you are prepared tomake aformal ORBapplicat ion ,all ofthe Information listed intheapplical ion wiil need tobe provided. I have enclosed aORB schedu le sothat you can anticipate the deadlines .Please call meif youhave any questions about theenclosedmaterial.t can be reachedat303/479 -2138. sz~e :,~<c/~--( i~;~tsen \ T ownPianer •• ISteveSheridan d o herebygivepermi ssion toAd am Smithtog radethenorth side o f2445 Garmisch,Lots 10 &11to meet spec'sasdrawnonplan A -I. 'I J4y ,j,~,,- Ste ve Sheridan -Y-N z:.z Date Ar r ~,.·,..··,/"".>/"",//,_.((d->-"..,v t/j dnw..,_;;) /./J'~do..";,,,//'-'1-' Cdl<'£~~1 ~.-f f)(G '~ 2.)~:!/t.£-d;{-.'-!<-I 5)~.J ..-<.-L<J lr r,~)-wA .,n-{~I~rJ:.,s/-'.......l./e..-'J -I )LJ <dA t..-cr rh: •• (IMPORTANT MESSAGE ) FOR %df.-.',A.M . DATI TI ME ,I '/f ·P.M. tJl Aly-Y'~~ M i r Ir _( OF PHONE c")JJL -,,~............ TaEPHlJN(O V"'PlfASECAU )< CAME TO SEEYtlU Wll CAll AliAIl WAPI13 TO SEE YO U ROSH , A£TURNE D YO UI!CAll SPECW.}lTOO1ON >V MESSA GE I .»O f"\.,.r ,kvJ ,S X A _//\~--p \~-Y /I '(\,~,<\v __( '/•i("'"\.\"/t:I.\' ~(",\>'\'>{J<'.. SI GNED \f'.... " TOWNLOF:::VA~;L~~; 75 South Fron t4g~Rood ''''il,CoIQTf1do 81657 • J OHN R .MACLEA..~ 1881 LIONSRIDG E LOOP VAIL.CO 81657 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning St aff will b e r eviewi ng a Design Review Board applicati on o n August 19 ,1992 in the T own o f Vail Muni c ipal Building. 1 .A request f or as ing le fa mi ly res idence with a restri cted rental unit .Locat ed at 2445 Garmisch Drive ,Lot 11 , Bl ock H,Va il Das Sch one Filing 1 2 . Appl ican t:Adam Szpiech The applica tions a ndi n fo rmat ion about the proposal s are available in the zon ing administrat o r's o ff ice du ri ng regular of f ice hou rs f or p u bli ci nspec tion. TOWN OFVAIL COMMUNITY DEVE LOPMEN T Publ i she d in the Va il Trail o n Ju ly 3 1 ,1 992. LAN D .'t OIl\a ~~IW m TIT LEG UA RAN TE •EC o M PAN Y Representing Title Insurance Comp any of Minnesota THANK YO U FOR YOUR OR DE R Augu st 1 7,19 92 OurOrd er No.: BUYER /OW NER: SELLER: V19 402 ADAM S ZPI ECH ADDRESS: ADAM S ZPI ECH CA LL 4 79 -07 94 FOR PI CK UP VAI L,CO 81 6 57 1 Attn:ROMA CHMIELEWSKI 3 034 79-0 794 PICKEDUP FO R DELIVER Y _____AM PM CO VENANTS ATTACH ED YES NO FOR TITLE QU ESTI ONS CALL FOR CLOSING QUES TIONSCALL === KAREN FLETCHER 3 03 476 -2 25 1 Issued through the Office of: Commitment To InsureMINNESOTA TITL:~~ HO MEOFfiCE 3033East st rst Ave.,Su ite600 Denver,CO 80206 . P.O.Box 5440 Denver,CO802 17 321-1880 I FAX322 ·7603 ARA PAHOE 7700 E.Arapahoe Rd.,1150 Engl ewood.CO80 112 770 -9596I FAX 290·9040 ARVADA 5440Ward Road .1200 Ar vada,CO 80002 4 20-0241 J FAX423 -1365 DRY CREE K 26W.Dry CreekCircle,111520 littleton,CO80120 794 -5307I FAX 794·5802 EAST 3300 S.ParkerRd.,"05 Au rora.CO800 14 751 -4336 /FAX745 -266 9 FI DDLER S GREEN 6400 S.Fiddlers Gree n Circle,t 103 Englewood ,CO 80 111 77 1·4539/FAX 77 1-4526 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 8 17 Colorado Avenue.Suite 203 P.O.Box 2 102 Glenwood Springs.CO8 1602 945 ·2610 I FAX 945-4784 HAMPDEN 882 1 E.Hampden,/t100 Denver.CO8023 1 750-4223 I FAX750 -4267 JEFFERSON 710Kipling ,'202 Lakewood,CO 80215 232 -3111 I FAX 238-2956 NORTH 9101 Harlan ,1 100 West minster,CO 80030 427-9353 /FAX 430 -1572 SOUTHWEST 36095.Wadsworth ,"15 Lakewood,CO 80235 988 -8550 I FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 5.Yosem ite,'25 5 Denver,CO 80237 694-2837 I FAX 84 3-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd.,'230 Boulder,CO80301 444-4 101 I FAX 786 ·8423 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE CQ\flI\NY P.O.Box 3 57 1085.Frontag e Rd.W . Vail,CO8 1658 476 ·2251 /Direct 595 ·96 13 FAX 476-4534 BRECKENRIDGE P.O .Box 2280 200 North Ri dge Breckenridge,CO 80424 4 53-2255 I FAX 4 53-6014 CASTLE ROC K 51 2 Wilcox Cast le Rock ,CO 80104 688-636 3 I FAX688 -0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 5.Tejon ,'100 Co lorado Sp rings,CO 80903 63 4-482 1/Direct 595 -4113 FAX 634 -3 190 PARKER 19590 E.Main si .,'105 Parker,CO 80134 841 ·4900 VAll P.O.Box 3 57 108 S.FrontageRd.W. Vail,CO 8 1658 476 -2251 /Direct 595-9 613 FAX4 76-4 534 A GENTS DURANGO 1201Ma inAvenue Durango,CO 8 1303 247 -5860 /FAX 247·9089 Commitment To Insure AlTA Commitmm l-1970 Rev. MINNESOTA TITL.E A TI TlE INSURANCE CO MPANY or MINN rSOTA,a Minnesota corcoratcn herem called the Company,for il valuable considera tion .bereov commie In issue itspnlirynrpolicies 01 title insurance.as Ident ified In Schedule A,In favor of the proposed Insu red named in Schedu le A.as owne or mortgagee ot the estate or interest covered her eby 10 the land described or refer red to In Schedule A.upon payment of the premiums and cha rges thereto..all scbectto the povrsons of Sch edules A and Ban d 10 th e Cnnd:\fnns and Stipulatio ns hereof Ilus Cornmilml~nt shall beeffective only wilen the identity of the ~roposf!{j Insured and the amount or me policY or ponccs committed ~Of have been Inserted In Schedule A hereof hy the Company.nirhe ante lime ofme Issuance of rtns Conmumcnt or tJysubseoueu endorsement 1t us Comm itment ISpreliminary to the Issua nce of sum pnlicy or oohces of uue Insurance and all liability and obliga tions he reunder shall cease and term inate SIX months aner ire ettecnve date hcrr.of orwhen tne pclliey 01 pohces conmmed lor shall Issue,whichev m first occcs.poadeo tha t the ta'lure to Issue such poliev or policies is net th e Iaultot the Company CO NOIII UNS AND SIIi'UlATiONS 1 The term "mlJflg ilgl:l".when used here in,shall Inc lude r1cr.d of trust.trust deed .01 oth er securnv Instrument 2.If the uooosed Insu red has Of acquires actual knowled ge 01 any detec t.lien.encum brance.adverse ctaim Of other ma tter attectoq th e esta te or interest nr m o rt g ;j [Jl ~ther eon covered by ttus Eommnmer aether than those shown In Schedule Bbeeot and shall fail 10 discl os e suc h kocwl ed ge to the Com pa nyin Wri ting.the r.o mpa ny sh ..111 bereliev ed from liability for any loss nr dam age resulling hom any act of reliance hereo n tothe exte nt th e Company is plelud 1ced byfailureof th e proposed Insu red to so disclose suc h kl'l owledg c If the proj)osed Insur ed shall disclose such kl"i{lwledg e to the Com parlY.or If the Company otherwis e acquees actual kl'Xlwl edg e of an y such detect.he n,encum brance,arversc ctum or other matter the Company at its option may ame ndScheduleBof this Com mitmen tacc ording ly.bu t such amendment sha ll not releve the Compan y from l i<1 hility prevous'v inc urred pursu an t to para gra ph3of these Cc ndncrs and Steulators. 3.l iab ilitvof th e Compan y unde r this Com mitme nt sha ll be only to the named propos ed Insured and such partie sincluded und erthe cetnrtonof Insu red inthe for m of policy or polces co mmrtted for and ol'll y toractu alloss Inl ."urredm reliance hereon In undertaking in good !alth (alto co mp lyWith the reonre ments te ront or(blto eliminate exceptions shown In Schedul r.S,orIcl tu <:IcQ UIre Of crea te the estate or intere st nrmortg agethereon covered by nus Commi tmem In no event shall such liability exceed the amount sta ted in Scbedote A fur the oolcv Of oolmes commi ned forand such liability IS subjec t to the mSUfing oro-son s and the Conmticns and Stourauons and the exclusions from Co verage of the form ot poliey or ocuces commi ned for In favor 01 th e proposed Insured whi ch are hereby incorpo rated by reference and made a part of thisCommament except as expre ss ly modified herem 4Anyacton ur actio ns or lights of ac tion tbattbe promsed Insure dmay have or may bnrq against the Co mpany allsing outof the sta tus ofthe title tothees tate or merest or thesta tus ofite mortgage thereon eovcmd by thiS Ccmmunent mustbebased en and aresubjec tto the provisio nsofrhsComrntrrent STANDA HD E:.XCtPTl ON S Inaddition to themailerscontained In the Co nditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Covera geabove referredto,this Commitment i s also subjecttot hefollowing. 1.Rights or claimsofparties inpcssessro nnot shown by t hepublicrecords, 2.Easements.Of claims of easem ents,not shown by t he public records. 3.Discrepancies,conflicts i n boundary tines,shortageina rea,encroachments,andanyfacts which acorrect survey and i nspecti on of the premises woulddisclose andwhichare not shown by the public rec ords. 4,Any lien.or rightto alien,forservices.laboror material t heretofore or hereafter furnished. imposed bylaw and notshown bythe publicrecords. 5Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse clai ms orothermatters,ifany,created.first appearinginthepublic recordsor anaching subseq uent toth e effective datehereof butprior to thedatethe proposed insuredacquires ofrecord forvalue t heestateorinterest or mortgage thereon covered by this Comm itment IN WITNESS WHEREOF,TitleInsurance Compa ny ofMinnesota has c ausedits c orporate name andsealtobe hereunto affixed byitsduly authorized offi cersonthedateshown in Sched ule A,to be validw hencountersigned byavalidating officer orotherauthorized signatory. 'es,rIMl TITlE IN SUR AN CECOMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Srock Company 4(J()Soon!AvenUfl 8, J.f:.~'j y 6iL l' •~t 7 Seummy RcIdtU- • %cMLJ_ AuthlJliloo S'f1'II/rll{'t TI M Fo rm 2582 ••AL T A COM M IT MEN T SCHEDULE A Our Or de r No .V19 402 For Infor mat ion Only -Charges - ALTA Owner Po licy T ax Report --TOTAL $155 .00 $20 .00 $175.00 ****WITH YOUR REMITTANCEPLEA SER EFER T O OUR ORD ER NO .V194 02 .**** 1 .Effective Date:August 12 ,1 992 at 8:00 A.M. 2 .Pol icy t o be i ssued,and proposed I nsured: II ALTA I!Own er 's Po l icy 1987 Revision (Amended 1 9 9 0) Proposed In sure d: 3 .Th e es t ate o ri nt eresti n the l and descr ibed or r eferred to in this Comm i tment and cover ed h ere in is : A Fee Sim ple 4 .Titl e t o the e stateo ri nter e st cov e r ed h erein i sa t t he effect ive d a te h er eo f v e stedi n: ADAM S ZPIECH 5 .The l and r ef erred t o i nt his Co mmitment i s descr ibed as fo l lows : LOT 11 ,BLOCK H,VAIL DAS SCHO NE FILING NO.2 ,ACCOR DING TOTHE RECORDED P LATTHEREOF,COU NTY OF EAG LE ,STATEOF COLORADO. PAGE 1 ••ALTAC OM MIT MEN T S CHED ULE B-1 (Req ui remen ts )Our Or der No.V1 9402 The f ol lowing are th e r equirements to be c o mpli ed with: 1.Payment to o r f ort he account of the gr an t ors or mortgago rs o f the full c ons ideration f or the e s tate o r i nterest to be insur ed. 2.Prop er instrument(s)c r eating th e e state or i nt e rest to be insu red must be executed and duly fil ed for r ecord,to -wit: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY,AND NO POLICY WILL BEISSUED PURSUANT HERET O. THE COUN TY CLERK AN DRECOR DERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESS ESONDoc UMENT SS ENTFOR REC ORDING!! PAGE 2 ••A LT A COM MIT ME NT S CH EDULE B-2 (Exc epti on s)Our Orde r No.V19 402 The policy or po l icies to be is sued will co n tai n exceptions t o the fo l low i ng u nless the same are d isposed of t o t he satisfaction of t heCompany : 1.S ta ndard Except ions 1 through 5 pri nted on the cover s he et. 6 .Taxes a nd ass essment s not yet du e or payable and spec ial asses sme nts n ot yet c ertif ied to the Treasurer 's off ice . 7.Any u npa id t axes or ass essments aga i ns t sa idl and. 8 .Li ensf or un p a id water and s ewer c h arges,if any. 9.RIG HTOFPROPRIETOROF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOU LD THE SAME BE FOUND T O P ENETRA TE OR I NTERSECT THE PREM ISES ASRESERVED I NUNITEDSTATES PATENT RECORDE D August 11,1900,I N BOOK 48AT PAGE 236 . 1 0.RESTRICTI VE COVENAN TS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN AFORFEITUREOR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OM ITTI NG RESTRICT IONS ,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE ,COLO R,RELIGION, ORNATI ONAL OR IGIN ,AS CONTAINEDIN INSTRUM ENTRECORDED October 1 0,1 96 9, INBOOK 2 16 AT PAGE 1 53 AN D AS AMENDED I N IN STRUM ENT RECOR DED October 28, 1969,IN BOOK 2 16 ATPAGE 284 AND AS AM END ED IN IN STRUMENT RECORD ED Februa ry 16 ,1970 ,INBOOK 2 17 ATPAGE 77. 11 .RESERVATION OF AN UNDIVI DED 1 /2 I NTEREST I N AND TO THE OIL ,GAS AND MINERAL RIGHTSTOTHE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAN D ASSETFORTHIN WARRAN TY DEED RECORDED DECEMBE R 30 ,1 9 59 INBOOK 165 AT PAGE 133 . 1 2.A PERP ETUALEASEMEN T FOR THECONSTRUCT ION MAINTENANCE REMOVAL AND REPLAC EM ENTOF GAS LI NES ALONG ALL DEDICATED ROA DSI NVAIL DASSCHO NE FI LINGNO.2AS DESCRI BED I N I NSTRUM ENT RECORD EDSE P TEMBER 6 ,1 968 IN BOO K 2 13 AT PAGE 3 44 . 13.DRAINAGE EASEMEN TFIVEFEETIN WIDT H ALONG TH E SOUT HWES TERLY LO T LINE OF SUBJECTPROPERTYASS HOWN ON THE RECORD ED PLAT OF VAIL DA SSCHO NE ,FILING NO.2. 14 .TERMS ,COND ITIONS AND PROVISI ONS OF ORDINANCE NO.2,FOR WEST VA IL LOCA L IMPROVEM ENTDISTRICTNO.1 RECORDE D FEBRUARY 11 ,1 988 I N BOOK 4 78 ATPAGE 7 46. PAGE 3 .. LAN D •TIT LE •GU A RAN TEE .. COM PAN ~ === DI SCLO SU RESTATEMENT Requ ired by Se nate Bill 91-14 A)Th e su b jectr e al property may b e locat ed in a special taxing distri ct . B)A Cer t if icate o f Ta xesDue listing e a ch taxing jurisdiction ma y be o b ta in edf rom theCo unty Trea surer o r the County T re asurer's auth ori z ed a g ent. C)Th e informati on re gard ings pecial distr i cts and the boundaries of such distri cts may b e obtained fr om the Board of county commissi oners,the county Clerk and Record er ,or the County Assess or. Required by Se na te Bill 9 2-14 3 A)A certificate o f Ta x es Due listi ng each ta xing juri sdiction shall be obtained fr om the County Treasurer or th e County Tre asu rer 's a utho rized a gent. •• INlER -DEPARTl.I ENTAL RE1!1 EW PROJEl;T:e~J~~;z.e "l DAlE SU3M ITIID:',>~"- COMM ENTS NEED ED BY:c J 1 'L BRIEF OESCRIPTI [INDF =TH=E =PR:-:D=PD-4SAI-J.~~~J-t----------7 e •• fJ/S BIN k ! •l II INlER -DEPAR TMENTALREVIEW ~.--:e-p <'c-jL Pis PUBLIC WQRK s/-CQ~""II Do te:..-l.2L "H7Z-'~_Reviewed b>,\~.""'-"-'-_ Comments:. ~tU~&y-~r<-d-,<-. ~~(J,<.,h--r C'k C€.x-s <..y fl-.a r'lUS.JJ.J74 ~~ e <J7I.GL.-/,.,:;.<,~c_;.~~~ ~sr c/cz-e//~s .....0 t-t ...A-~J,..4.,<,.jJJ L4"-<-~ ~Aj1 /2 »Nu...!.h p,v.J .~eel /v'~1- "/1 NUL I ~p '~J..l c <"''C .F"" 5)et,~«:»e Ver-0 '1 ",It..f r ,/"Y'7< '-)Ak,d fEb',j.,'v->>~r",~":» (~7,)""'11 z<.f..'J-', •• INlER -DEPARTl.l[NTAL RQ1E W PROJECO:~J11'''~z.-'"c ~. DA lE Sl.'B MIffiD:~L;:;; COMMENTS Il EEDED BY:=-===jffl-:J:,l'kk-_ BRIEF DES CRlpn ON Dr THE PROPoS;:: PUBLIC V/OR KS Review ed by: Comm e nts:. C2J1 ~cr~4 #/2. I •~revised 6 /18/91 DRB APPL ICA TIO N -TOWN OFVA IL ,COLORADO Jj[LD JUL 20 1992 DATE APP LICATION RECEIVED:t2 o Y)~,.;.z.~== DATE OFDRB MEETING :/Ql ~Z; ••••**111 ••• THI S APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED•••••••••• I.PROJECT I NFO RMA T IO N: A .DE S C R I P~~'1~WI v.t9/vlOk). APPLICANT:b.M S Z 2 ." -+'....=="-!!lll-r-=~..ll=Ll.----Ph one;0 G . B .TYPE OFRE VIEW: ~ew Construc t io n($200.00)Min or Alte ra tio n ($2 0.0 0) Add i t i on ($SO.OOl __C.~nc ~l Rev iew (SO)z.-ADDRE S S:'2.*~S~~ D .].F,GIIL DESCRI W9p :!-?t 1\B loc k -,fI~_ S ubd i vis ion jj{Q!\~S'Q<;N2.-..fl""'ii-:-=l-'Z.:::------- I f propert yi s de scri be d b y ame ets a nd bounds l eg al des cr ipt io n ,p lease p r ov ide on a sepa rates he eta nd a ttach to this a p plica tion . E .ZONING :_f,/-'I'3-<-_ F .LOT AREA:I f req uire d ,applica nt s tamped sur ve y showing l ot area. H . 1. N~E .OFAP PL ICANT 'S R EP{'.!S Pl 1JJ1Y~:-~~ti,j"ELeW~1'Hi"l lJ'.\j Ad d ress:HoSo }Lt».\V~_ -'f&'J.-CO ~l~S7 Ph on e 7 <;y: NAM EOFOWNERS : J.Condomi ni um Appr ov al if app li cable. FEEVALUATION ORB FEE:ORB fees ,a ss ho wn above ,are to be pa i d at the time of submittal of ORB applica tio n .Later ,wh en a p pl yi ng f or a buil ding p ermi t ,p l ease identify the ac cu ra te val ua tion of the p r op o sa l .Th e Town of Vai l n will a d just th e fee acc or di ng t o the tab le b el ow ,to \~A ff ensure t he co rr ect fee is pai d.!JF10 ~r'''!·~6AJ _ FEE PAID:$CZ!C -.tJ.!'-P",.:., F EESC HEDULE :1)1/\rlJ-- 1\I iP~ K . $0 -$1 0,0 00 $2 0.00 $10 ,001 -$50 ,000 $5 0.00 $50 ,00 1 -$150 ,000 $100.00 $150 ,001 -s 500 ,0 00 $200 .0 0 $500 ,001 -$1 ,000 ,000 $40 0.00 $Over $1 ,000 ,000 $5 00.00 *NO APPLICATI ON WILL BEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SI GNATURE 1 NAM E OF PROJECT :S 'Z.f'I~~"'~==-=--~~-r--,.-Y---~ LE GAL DESCR IP TION :L OT_I_I_~~SUBD IVISIONVi!Ja,QMk.f!'Z- ST REETADDRESS:'2HLf ~I><:l<I 'J)t<2... DES CRIPTION OF PROJECT :~~~tlOle.<:<L 111/ ____-----..j~'ciW,Uv-e.A eJ.L..!!.:V \~~::....._ .I / / •LIST OF MAT E RIAL S • The f oll o wing i nforma ti on i sr equired for subm itta lt o th e Design Revie w Board before a f1 nal a pp rova l c an be gi ven : A .BUI LDING MA TER IALS : Roof S id ing Ot h er Wall Ma ter ia ls F ascia Soffits Wi ndows Wind ow Trim Do ors Do or T ri m Ha nd or Deck Rails F lu es Fla s hin9S Chimne ys Tr a sh En cl osures Greenh ous es Oth er T'}PE pF ,MA TERIAL ~."",•.l-Cc310R ~t ~,=-k _fi2u"'J ~ Jd)j----~.~ §-1.e~~1t~ - 1\.....J B .LANDSCAPING :Na me of Designer :~~'----_ Phone :=t"7~It'~~------ PLANT MATE RIALS : PROPOSED TR EES EXI S TING TREES TO BERE t10VED Quan ti ty Size* S i 1z-"'" :;,5-/'2' *Indica te calip er f or deci duou s tre es .Mini mum calip er for d eciduous tree s is 2i nc hes .Indica te h e ight f or co niferous trees .Mi ni mu m h eigh t f or conif e rous tr e es i s6 feet . 7 / PR OPOSED EXIS TIN G SHRUBS TOBE REM OVED Bo ta nic al Name carom'Name *In di ca te size o f proposed s h ru bs .Mi nimum sizeo f s hru bs i s 5 g all on . GRO UNDCOVERS SOD SEED S q uare Foota ge TYPE OF IRRIGAT IO N ~-"-'\\'\'----------- TYPEOR METH ODOF E ROSI ON CO NTROL C.OTHER LANDS CA PEFEATU RES (ret aining walls ,fen ces,s wimming p oo ls ,etc .)Plea se spec ify .I n di c ate heights o f re tainin g wal ls .Max imum he ight o f walls within t he fr ont s e tback is 3 fe e t.Maximumh eight o f walls elsewhere o n the pr oper t y i s 6 fee t. _~W ~~I'\j wo!AS 'etJ~,~C.I 8 •S FR , ZONECHECK • F OR R ,RP ISZONE DISTRICTS ...11 8 6as'41.......(,'- 30 3 4-74 7&'10 PHONE P HONE L EGAL DESCR IP TION:Lot DATE : 11 Bl o ck L ADDRESS :'2 1tf '5 ezA~1 ~~ NI NER ~~S -Zf!~gj,-_ ARCHITECT SU>~~=-ur=-:...:z.=-_ ZONED I STR ICT --Pf-/~.s _ P ROPOS ED USE ~~11 w')~I/lIit 10,"t..Bj Sf-4b,-'--··LOT SIZE / I Wat er Co u r se Se t back Heig ht Tota lGRFA P r ima ry GRFA Seconda ry GRFA S etbacks Fro nt Side s Rear All o wed (3 0)(3 3 ) +425 =_ +~2~=_ 2 0 ' 1 5 ' 15 ' (3 0)(5 0) Exist ing Pr opo sed T o tal ~-z. '2.-"lIfe 21'1(" 7Ze =&11$- Site Co ve ra qe La ndsca pi n g Ret ai n i ngWal l Hei gh ts Pa r ki ng )'16 ' __Reqrd Ga r ag e Cre dit Drive : (3 00)(600)(900)(1 20 0 )_ Permitted Slope ~Ac tual Sl o pe g "(. Dat e a pp roved b y To wn E ngi n eer : View Cor r i do r Encr o achment :y es _NO,_-'--_1 11 - Envir on ment al /Haz ards :1 )F lood P la in - 2)P e rc en t S lo pe _ 3)Geologic Hazard s a )Sno wAva l an che _ b)Roc kfa ll c )Debr is Fl o w _ 4)We tl an ds,_ Pr evious c o ndi tio n so f ap pr o val (check pr operty f ile)~:_ Doe s t his reques t i nvol ve a 2 50 Addition? Ho w mu c h o f t hea l lo wed 250 Addi ti on is u sed wi th thi s reque st?_ ""No te:Und er Sec t io ns 1 8 .1 2.0 90 (6)an d 1 8.1 3.0 8 0 (B )of t h e l1u ni c ip a l Code ,l ot s z on edTwo Fam ily an dP ri mary /S ec ondary wh ich a re l ess th an 1 5 ,000s q .f t.i n area mayn o t cons tr uc t a sec on d dw el l ing un it .The Comm un it y Development Departmen t may gra n t a n e xcept ion t o t hi s r e str i ct i on pr o vi de d th e applica nt meets the crite ri a s etf or th un de r Se c tio n s 18 .1 2 .090(8)an d 1 8.1 3.08 0(6)of the Munici pal Code i n clud i n g p e rman ent lyr e st ri c ting t he un it as al ong -te rmr en ta l unit f or fu l 1- t i me e mp lo ye eso f the Upp er E a gl e Valley . 1 0 Policy No.AZ942640 . TJM Owners Form 2312 • Order No.V14631 Amount •IIEL1J J Ul20 1992 $26,590.00 SCHEDULE A Address LOT 11 BLKH FILING 2 VAIL DAS SCHONE 1.Po licy Date: 2.Name of Insured: March 29 ,1990 at 8 :00 A.M. ROMA CHMIELEWSKI 3.The estate or interest in the land de scribed in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy i s: A Fee Simple 4 .Title to the estate or inter estc ove red by thi s po licy at t he d a te h er eof i s vested in: ROMA CHM IEL EW SKI 5.The land referred to in th is p olicy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is described as f ollows : LOT ii,BLOCK H,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO . i Ilaqe 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached . TIM Owner Form 2313 •Order No.V14631 SCHEDULE B •Policy No .AZ942640 This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1 .Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2 .Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the pUblic records . 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shortage in area , encroachments,and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the pUblic records. 4.Any lien,or right to a lien,for services,labor,or material theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and not shown by the pUblic records. 5.TAXES FORTHE YEAR 1989 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS AND ANY AND ALLASSESSMENTS. 6 .LIENS FORUNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES,IF ANY. 7 .RIGHTOFPROPRIETOROFAVEINOR LODE TOEXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THEPREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITEDSTATESPATENT RECORDED August 1 1,1900 ,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 8.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR ,RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED October 10,1969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 153 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED October 28, 1969,IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 284 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED February 16,1970,IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 77. 9 .RESERVATION OF AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST IN AND TOTHE OIL,GAS AND MINERAL RIGHTSTOTHE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND ASSET FORTH IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 30,1959 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE 133. 10.APERPETUAL EASEMENT FORTHE CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF GAS LINES ALONG ALL DEDICATED ROADS IN VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO .2ASDESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 6,1968 IN BOOK 213 AT PAGE 344. PagE7 .2 ,. TI~Owner Form 2313 •Order No.V14631 SCHEDULE B •Policy No .AZ942640 11.DRAINAGE EASEMENT FIVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTHWE STERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL DAS SCHONE,FLLING NO .2. ". Page 3 IEBFOBMANCI' SPOBf'S 531 LionsHeadMall Vail,Colorado 81657 (303)476-1718 •• P UBLIC NOTI CE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th e Pl ann ing Staff will be reviewing a Design Revi ew Board app lica tion on Au qust 1 9,1 992 in the Town of vail Muni cipal Building. 1.A reque st f ora s i ngl e famil y residen ce with a restric ted r ent al u ni t.Lo cated at 2 4 45 Gar mis ch Drive,Lot 11, Block H,Vai l Das Schone Filing 12 . Applicant:Adam Szpiech The app lications and informa ti on about the propo sals are available i n the z on ing a dmini strat or's office d ur i ng r e gul ar o fficeh ours for public i n spe ction. TOWN OF VAIL COMM UNI TY DEVE LO PMENT Publi s hed in the Vail Trail on J uly 31 ,1992 . • SZPIECH RESID EKC E 244 5 Garmisc h Dri ve Lot 1 1Block H Vail das Sc hone Filing 2 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 9 Block II W&W Assoc,Ltd . 700 Milwaukee Ave. Sui te 1 05 Pos t Office Box 1 01 Vern on Hill s,It 60061 Lo t1 0Block II l Stephe n P.Sheridan Pos t Office Bo x 2568 Va i l,CO 8 1658 Lot 12 RInck H ~ Jo hn R .N ac L ea n 1 881 Lio ns r idge Loop Va il ,CO R 1657 Lots4 &5 Bloc k G \ Vail Sk y Il lghCondomi ni umAsso cia li on P ost Of fice Box3 527 Vail,CO8 1658 • G~\~\\...'-'-\~'J\.=--,\',\:\\'\),.,\" \\~,,.\,.(...\,.\'\\J . I \.-\-·'n '\.~\\l\.\..\.'".\:....,'",\:,..\.\-,., ,\ •• ,gn JUl '20 t " APPLI CA TION FOR SECO NDA RY UNIT FOR 'LOTS OF LESS TH AN 15 ,000 SQUARE FEET I N TH E RESID~T IAL ZO NE DIST RICT AN D IN TH E PRHII.RY /SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL ZONE OISTRICT 9d!l1/t:L1iM SI;{ PHONE~ .+I.A. B. NAME OF PETITIONER1D~S Zf",'~=-'--_ ADDRESS~~S~-#rt-,-;$7~~1 ----:PH ON E.1(8 00$'f'&~ NAME OFPETIT IONER'S REPRESENTATI VEJ ?O~ ADDRESSJb ~V~l 1/~lW1 D ,(,,\fML- C.NA ME OF OWNEr'!or j~~S'?£.J.I ect\=-,-,--_ S I G NATURE~ AD DRESSJ '2<l .0 S 97 ~j A PH ONEl ~EpS 41~ ~~1I ~N't 11 '1 11 D.LOCATI OX OFPROPOSAL Lot 1\ f-.LN5 ~I Set-t ':I>~ Bloc klL Filing~)em sk 'ZLEGALDESCRIPTION: ADDR E SS,-_-,--,-==-~=::.:._-,,-,..:.:..~=-,----__-,--;-.----= E.FEE:$10 0 ' ~ F .A li st of th ename sand mailing a ddresses of owners of all property ad jac ent to t he subject prop erty. I I.CRITERIA The Community De ve lopm ent Depar tmen t a nd Design Revi ew Board maygrantan e xception t o a llow th e addi tion of a second dw elling uni t if the f ollowing c riteriaare me t: Th e second unit s hall not exceed f orty percent ofthe total GRF A allowed onthel oti and The Comm unity Devel opment De partment shall f ind that the granting of the e xcept ion wi ll not bedet rime ntal t o the public welfare or i n juriou s t o other pr operty.in the area i n whic h th e s ubje ct property is situated,and / ~3.Thatno va ri anc es f or setbacks ,h ei gh t,park ing,site coverage o r l andscaping, site de vel opmentor g ross res idential fl oor a reawou ld be approved un le ss th e gran t ing o f su ch a variance benef its the vi sualappearanc e of the siteand s urr ounding ar e~;and V I. v~. (OVER) ------••Applicat ion for Secondary Unit-2-t.. '--4•.- V 5. Tha~f ifty percent of th e requ iredpa rk ing mus t bee ncl osed,and Thea rchitectural des ign of the structure and t he ma ter ials and colors mus t bev i sual ly harmonious with their sites andwi th s urroundings ites ands t ruc ture s.an d mu st not unn eces sar ily bl ock sce nic views fr omex i st ing buildin gs.and 6.Access t o t hes eco ndary unit mus tnot ad versely affec tt he privacy of ad jace nt s tructures ;an d 7 .Theapp licant mus t demonstrate that the siteha s the ab ili ty to doubl e i ts c apacityfo r han dling tra shandoutdoor s torage. III.RESTRICTIONS Pursuant to Ordinance 22.Ser ies of 1981 of the To~n of Vail.prior to issuance of a bUilding perm i t.a n agre e~ent to t he fol lowing conditions mus t b es ign ed by th ep roperty own er or ownersonaform prOV ided by the Depar tment of Commu nity Dev el opm en t: 1.That the secondary dwelling unit sha ll not be sold,t ransferred or conveyed separately from the primary un it for ape riod of not less than the life of Trent Wi lliam RUder .a l ife in being ,plus twenty-one (21)years f rom t he date that t heCertificate of Occupancy is issued fo r said second un it.and 2 .Tha t the secondary dwelling unit shal l not be l eased or r entedfo ran y period of l ess than thirty (30)consecutive days ,and that if it sha ll be rented,it shall be rented only t o tenants who -are f ull time e mployees in the Upper Eagle Valley .The "Upper Eagle Vall ey"sh a ll b e deemed t o include t heGore Va lley.Mi nturn .RedCl iff .Gilman.Eagle -Vail.and Avo n andt h eir surroundin ga reas .A "full-time employe e"is a person who works an av er age oft hirty(30)hours per week,and 3 .That the secondary dw el ling unit shall no t be divided i nt oany f orm of timeshares ,in terval o~~ership or f rac tional f e e.and 4 .That a declarat ion ofc ovenant sa ndr e st rictionssha llbe fil ed of rec ord i n the of fi ce of the Eagl e Count y Clerk a nd Recorde r in a f orm approved by t he Town At to rneyf or t heb enef it of t he Town to in sur e that t he r estrictionshe rein s hal l run wi th the land . IV.TI ~~REQU IREMENTS The De si gn Re view Board me et s on th e1 st.3rd.and 5th Wedn esdays of ea ch month .The proposed plan and al l r equ ired ma te r ia ls mu st be submitted 17 da ys priort o the dat eof the mee ting . •• If this application requires 8 separate review by any l oca l,State or Federal agency other t han the Town of Vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200 .00 .Examples of such review ,may include ,but are note l~ted t o:Colorado Department o f Highway Acces s P ermits ,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. The applicant s hall be responsible fo r paying any publishing fees which are in exc ess of S0'o ft he a ppl icationf ee.If ,at the applicant's request,any matter 1s p ostponed for h e aring,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the entire fee for su ch re-publication shall be paid by the appli cant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,l and use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the commun ity may require r eview b y c onsultantso ther t han town staff .Should a determdnation be madeby the town staff t hat an outside consultant is needed to r eview any applicat ion ,the Community Developme nt may hire an o u ts idec onsultant ,it s hall estimate the amount of money ne cessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded t o the Town by the applicant at the time h e files his application wit h th e Community De velopme nt Department .Up on completion o f the review of the a pp lication b y the consu ltant,any of the funds forwarded byt he app licant f or payment of the cons ultant which have not been paid to t he co n su ltant sha ll be re turned to the applicant .Expe ns es in c urre d by the Town i n ex cess of the amou nt f orwarded by the appli cant shall be pa ~d t o the Tow n by the applicant within 3 0 days of notification by the Tow n. t *,~•.-••,*I *~ !*,,.*~•*•..e••*",..~-,,;, '.".•• ;." ~;, •,,•, r.t•·• ~'.'a I =~, ;,•.· S7.00 SlI.25 m .oo l ..•..$$.00 $50 .00 S36.00 $32.00 536.00 .$J<l .00I I I I !,,•._,._-:,,-..s~;.,,,.-'t ~.""'·.,,,--·":<~,,,,,,,l,;li'<';;.~.~•.7,"'x.:-m<'v~~,r---:-"~~'~.,~",,..;.J.:~-"~:,, 01 oooo 4J340 I Z C ~'!N'G MOO ADDRESS MAPS 01 (!(I()()4241S I UNTFOR..\1 BUIlDING COCE 0'ססoo '2415 I UNI FORM PLUMBIN G CODE 01 ססoo424].5 I UN1FO R.'A MEC HM1CALCOOE OJ oooo 4 ~4 lS I Uh1FORM FIRE CODE 01 oooo .s2415 I N ATIONAL ElECTRICAL CODE 0 1 ססoo4 24 1 5 I OTH ER CODEBOOKS 0 1 ססoo4 1 5 4 8 I BLUE PRrlTS C>fYlARS) 0 1 ססoo4 2 41 2 I XEaoX COPIE S I STl!DlES 01 00co()42 371 i PENAl n'FEES /RE-INS PECTI ONS 0 l OOC0 41J32 J PLA.....REVIEW RE·CH£CK FEE I ~O P E R H R .J 0 1 oeoo 4232:2 I OFr HOURS ~SPECTI ON FEES 0 1 (IOOQ .:14 12 I CONTIU.CTORS UCE.~S£S F'£E.S 010l':00 41:,:m 'SPEClAL DEVEL OPMENT DISiRlCT t-WOR AME."'1D $200.00 1 ; 0l OCOO413 3O ISl.:"B Clv1SIO :-l ': 01 00..j().,l Ij]o):VARlA.'KE 3:250.00 R 0 1 (000 41330 12 0~O CODE AME.'\/DME.l.JTS .5250.00 ~~- 01 ססoo 41330 RE .zO !''J}."G 5200.00 }~ 0 1 ~~,; DEPARTME:-;T OF COMMIJ'NITY DEVE LOP~IENT SALts xcnes FORM I ,I •-·C O !o I ~l t :-.,.S :•. (,."-. .• {1-=='-'-'---+"=""'-'==='-------'------+---I--=4----1 ,, %f--=-'=-==--+':=======~==~---+---+---l___---j , .:1--:"-::::-::::'-+=-=="':=:':-:':;==='=:-:---------+----4----1-----1• -::... , :. ••... ,\ I I .."..~ o Mi scpllaneous Cash •.. .,<1 < •.o S "F'i-F O'0'~E. ".,-'j < l', ltf'it\p~J d , " THHNK YOU TOW N O F VRI L r'li sce lL an ecus Cash , le:37:17 ReC~l pt ~100915 cccoont,-if;CK tt Tl,J O 11.O'5 AS,:=t :--:::ZF'lEC H',F'RE PD DRB FEES HIII.,}unt t.endered ">303.00 Itern paid :)l -:J 3o<X'''13 3 10 00 ::c:~ee41:::::!coo Rmount paid 200.00 iee .ee e .eo THA NK YOU vour casf-uer-J ENNI FER Filed f or reeo~the Recept i Ol"l No. RECOR DER . DEPU TY • QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED .....this drilV of July 20,1992 R!XDRDER'S STl\MP of the COI.rltv of EAGIE Colorado ,o f t he first plIrt,and MW1 SZPID:II loII ou l egal addr..,i,120-08 97'nl AVE.,t 9A,RICM:IID JmL,NY 11419 of t he COI.rlt y o f FAGI.E -.:l steteof Colo rado,o f the s eeOl"d pa rt: WITN ESSETH,ThU th e said perty of the fi rst pert,f Ot'¥ld in consideretiOl"l o f the SUII of $10.00=AND NO/1OO 00U1\RS AND NO OIHER GCXlD AND VAlllABIE a:tlS=ai to the said pert(ies}of the flnt part i nhand pIIid by the se id plIrt(;es}o f the secOl"d p;ilrt,t he receipt wh ereof I ,here ' by confessed and ac knowledged,hos r emis ed,r e leaSed,s old conv eyed and QUIT CLA IMED ,a nd by th ese presents do(e s)r~;s e, re l e ase,sell,cOr'lV ey and QU IT CLAIM unto the sa id part (ies)o f the s ee on::l pa rt,(their>heirs,s uccesso rs ard 818igns, f oreve r,ell the r ight,tit le.Intere st ,c laim a nd demo:Ind which is sa id pa r t(i e s)of t he tint part ha{liI )in a nd to th e f ollowing desc ribed lot or pa rcel of land s itua te.l ying and be i llliJ i nt he COU"l ty o f and Sta te of c ot oreoe,t o wit : uit:llL =n,VAIL DAS sart<E FILING NO .2,AallRDmo TO '!HE RfXXJRllED PIAT 'IHEIID)!",a:rJNI"i OF EliGIE,STATE OF COlDRAOO . fSf\1ned,seal ed .-.:I Deli vered I n the Presence of TO HAVE AN D TO HOlD the s ame ,together with al l and s ingular t he appurtenances and privil ege s thereunto be longing o r in enywi~t he reu'lt o appertaining,and a ll th e estat e,r igh t,titl e,i n to!re n a nd cleilll wh at ~er,o f th e said part(l e s) o f t ~first pa rt,either i n l aw o r equ i ty ,t o t he onl y proper use ,benef it and b@ hoof o f the .,id par t(ies)o ft he s ec ond pert,(their)heirs and assigns f orever . Iii WITNESS WHEREOf ,The s aid pa rt(le.)of th e fi r s t part I the day a nd year first ~written. 1<l:H1~~~~~~r::'lr.J.~-:::l!._---__-'(SEAL) __________________'''EAl) STAT E OF COlOlt ADO to.rlty of ____________________,CSEAL) The f oregoing i rwi truuent WII &cknowled\1ed before IIle this day of July 20,1992 My tonnIlsslon elCpl res P -/,;L ,19 9 S Itness -r hand IIrd offic i al seet , W D TITLE GUARAN TEE CCI4P.IJl Y 3033 EAST fiRSTAVE .#600 DENV ER,COLORADO 80 206 lXH'UTER CUlT ClAIM DEED Escrow'Tt t lel ~.. LAURA L, NO TARY PU BLI C STATE OF c9~~A oO My CGm mlu lcn b pi,....ml'J.i'ta- 2 0000v • Notary Plbl f c .-... INlER -DEPARTM ENTAL RE1IlEW • PUBLIC WO RKS Revi ewed by Comm ents:. •-.....•~..•__•.~••L ••--. / /FOUND 1/2"REBAR w/WA SHER NO.2'13 7 LOT 72 10 (IN FEET) 1 Inch =10 tL GRAPHICSC ALE o'----~-,o---_:-.~10 -1976'78" -85.00' ----...;.:8~.59 ' I I - ~. 0,' 0,' - 9 -- 725.92 ' ----....<,SECOND FLOOR ,CA N 77LEVER ~es:CI ', .-/ <, <,~FIRS T FL OOR .---------:ELEVA TlON =8 066.7' / / /JW('L.' I DEC/( ,I EASEMENT- ,niL-v UTILIT;' 6'0 :96' 'C?' -0 ---- O OROCK WALL 7' S83V7'76'~ - / / .-.- -- LOT 70 I I I t l,...... ~ ~<: I /I I I BASIS OF ELEVA TlON: MH 4 -/J 4 RIM EL EV =804:.. •IaI~-MOUDta·.a 1420 VANcfUi'J"ifi~.........:_.LAATI+OOO.COlO.80215~-a ...eerID8'LbL (JOJ)2J2 -0158 1 OF 1 93596S SCALE: ,.=10 ' PR?-ECT so: DA FE"I'SSV£D: 3/9/94 SHErr NO. DR/VEV1~YL OCA TlON L OT 77 ,BL OCKH, DA S SCHONEFILING NO.2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO-_.....-....__. , vAIL I p .O.BOX 9 78 0077 V£TCALF'ROAD A W:W.COlO.81620 (JOJ)94 9-5072 OESIGNED 8 r. 2445 GARMISCHDRIVE REVISIONSDATE ORA H'N B Y;--TV CI-IF:C1<[D 8" / I D.D.F./na»B OOK DISK /-/ / NOTICE:According to Co/aroda l aw you m u st commence any legal action based up on any defect In this survey within three )"'0,s offer you /'Irst d lsco_such defect. In no tJYfmt.may any action based upon any dt!ftlct In this survey be commenced more than ten years from tht!daft!of certtttcatton shown hereor: 2 010 (IN FEET) 1inc h =10 It. GRAPHIC SCALE / / / / /' - -: / I . 0,->.f 1 I I ~ I 92/(jI / I -- / j '/t ""J -:»: - -: ( 125.92 ' 9 -------..SECOND FL OOR \CAN TIL E VER '"<?"".c:r .-J <, •~FIRST flOOR~"?ELEVA nON ~8 066.7' ""I I I WOOD I DECK .I ..../ ""/."". L OT 72 EA SEMENT- UTILITY 7' -, 'J'-, S8J V1 '16''t -- FOUIID 1/2 "REBAR w/WASHER N O.2'67 ..---------::...---/ / LOT 10 3 -121-1'';1 S 1f vL 1 OF 1 OIA n:ISSUED: 3/9/94 S CAl£; 1"=10' SHaT NO- SUITE 101 142 0 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD.COlO .8 0215 (303)232-0'58 PROJECT NO. 93596S linter-M ountain E"lYn Engine eringLbL DR/VEWAYL OCA TlON l OT 71 ,m OCK H, VAILDASS CHONE FILING NO.2 TO WN OF VAIL, EAGL E COUN TY,COL ORAD O P.O.BOX 9 18 0077 ME TCALF ROAD A ltON,COLO.8 162 0 (JOJ)949-50 72 D.D.F. DESIGNED 8 '" oao Boor DISK 2445 GARMISCH DRIVE RE VISI ON SDATE I---t---------------j CliEO<'W B Y; ORIA "~,'B Y:I--+--------------j TV // B ASIS OF EL EVA Tl ON : MH 4-A4 RIM EL,:v.=8 04:..- \