HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 14 LEGAL.' Receiptfundsto :p Name :6 e oCf~l-.!:'V""",~,,::v;:.,--:-_ MailingAddress :P Q apt-~4li Av ON &1)lS l6"li> CASHDEPOSITFORMAT LegalDescription :Lot /'1 ,Block 1/ Subdivision :kAlL 4A <SG ItIJN/i.E/U/(/6 2- Address:2.1(n M(~m(<C-t-{1J/2/1/;::: Developer:U,Zt28 r?1p/lLI. PermitNumber:il Db ·W t>5 Q l S u:> ProjectNumber :Pi?:Tt2 S'-0110 ImprovementCompletionDale :Y1I(IIE I "2 0rz(f DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT,madeand entered intothis J dayof 40 c t I ,20.Q.f. byandamong "LEtlt24d1I1!VT E tI/?4IAt66;;1'(the "Developer"),andtheTown of Vail(the"Town ").e:.c-'t/r)2A:'::"'7 Oi2 ~T ""CtI WHEREAS,the Developer,asa condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for 2."1/7 6 d/?J'rJ IS"tI iJtl/Vr;LQTtlt ,Bt.(}«(OI (/Aile 4A S !!!Z@ ,v£,c/t././o/p :;. ?/liT6S-ot/lJ '7 (address,legal description,and project number)wishes to enter intoa Developer Improvement Agreement;and WHEREAS,the Developer is obligated toprovide security or collateral sufficient inthe judgement oftheTowntomake reasonable provisions for completion ofcertain improvements set forthinthe attached estimated bid(s)in accordance withthe approved plansand specifications filedinthe office ofthe Community Development Department oftheTownofVail ;and WHEREAS,the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance ofthis Agreement,including completion oftheall improvements referred tointhis Agreement,bymeans ofthe following: The Developer agreesto establish acashdeposit account withtheTownofVail,as escrow agent,inthe amount of $2-:;000 as collateral forthe completion ofall improvements referredtointhis Agreement,intheeventthere isa default under this Agreement bythe Developer. NOW THEREFORE ,in consideration ofthe following mutual covenants and agreements , the Developer andtheTown agree as follows: 1.The Developer agrees,atitssolecostand expense,tofurnishall equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred toin this Agreement.The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referredtointhis Agreement onorbeforethe_ dayof :IV/...r I ,2006 .The Developer shall complete,inagood workmanlike manner,all improvements referredtointhis Agreement,in accordance withall approved plans and specifications filedintheofficeofthe Community Development Department oftheTown of Vail ,andtodoallwork incidental thereto according toandin compliance withthefollowing: a.Allsaidworkshallbedone under the inspection of,andto the satisfaction of,theTown Planner,theTownEngineer,theTownBuilding Official,or other officialfromtheTownofVail,as affected by special districts or service districts,as their respective interest may appear,andshallnotbe deemed F:lcde\l\FORMS\PermitslPlanninglAdministratiw_ActJonsIDIA cash format _5-16-2007 .doc Page 1015 completeuntilapprovedandacceptedascompletedbytheCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentandPublicWorksDepartmentoftheTownofVail. 2.Tosecureandguaranteeperformanceoftheobligationsassetforthherein,the Developeragreestoprovidecollateralasfollows: AcashdepositaccountwiththeTownofVail,asescrowagent,intheamountof $U 0 D0 ascollateralforthecompletionofallimprovements referredtointhisAgreement ,intheeventthereisadefaultunderthisAgreement bytheDeveloper. 3.TheDevelopermayatanytimesubstitutethecollateraloriginally setforthabove foranotherformofsecurityorcollateralacceptabletotheTowntoguaranteethefaithful completion ofthoseimprovementsreferredtoherein inthisAgreementandtheperformanceof theterms of thisAgreement.SuchacceptancebytheTownofalternativesecurityorcollateral shallbeattheTown's solediscretion. 4.TheTownshallnot ,norshallanyofficeroremployeethereof ,beliableor responsibleforanyaccident,lossordamagehappeningoroccurringtotheworkspecifiedinthis Agreementpriortothecompletionandacceptanceofthesame,norshalltheTown,norany officeroremployeethereof,beliableforanypersonsorpropertyinjuredbyreasonofthenature ofsaidwork,butallofsaidliabilitiesshallbeandareherebyassumedbytheDeveloper. TheDeveloperherebyagreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheTown,andanyofits officers,agentsandemployeesagainstanylosses,claims,damages,orliabilitiestowhichthe Townoranyofitsofficers ,agentsoremployeesmaybecomesubjectto,insofarasanysuch losses,claims,damagesorliabilities(oractions inrespectthereof)ariseoutoforare based upon anyperformancebytheDeveloperhereunder;andtheDevelopershallreimbursetheTownfor anyandall legalorotherexpensesreasonablyincurredbytheTowninconnectionwith investigatingordefendinganysuchloss,claim,damage,liabilityoraction.Thisindemnity provisionshallbeinadditiontoanyotherliabilitywh ich theDevelopermyhave. 5.ItismutuallyagreedthattheDevelopermayapplyforandtheTownmay authorizeapartialreleaseofthecollateraldepositedwiththeTownforeachcategoryof improvementafterthe SUbject improvementisconstructedincompliancewithallplansand specificationsasreferencedhereunderandacceptedbytheTown.Undernoconditionshallthe dollaramountofthecollateralthatisbeingheldbytheTownbereducedbelowthedollaramount necessarytocompletealluncompletedimprovementsreferredtointh is Agreement. 6.IftheTowndetermines,atitssolediscretion,thatanyoftheimprovements referredtointhisAgreementarenotconstructedincompliancewiththeapprovedplansand specificationsfiledintheofficeoftheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentoftheTown of Vailor notacceptedbytheTownascompleteonorbeforethedatesetforthinParagraph1ofthis Agreement,theTownmay,butshallnotberequiredto,drawuponthesecurityreferredtointhis AgreementandcompletetheuncompletedimprovementsreferredtointhisAgreement.Pursuant toSection12-11-8,VailTownCode ,theTemporaryCertificateofOccupancyreferredtointhis Agreementmayberevokeduntilallimprovementsreferredtohereinarecompletedbythe DeveloperortheTowninaccordancewiththisAgreement. F:lcdevlFORMS\Permitsl?lanninglAdmlnlslraliw_AcllonsIOIA cashformat_5-16-2007 .doc Page 2 of5 Ifthecostsofcompletingtheuncompletedimprovementsreferredtointhis Agreement exceedthedollaramountofthedeposit ,theexcess ,together withinterestattwelvepercent (12%)perannum ,shallbealienagainstthepropertyandmaybecollectedby civil suitormay be certifiedtothe treasurer ofEagleCountytobecollectedinthesamemannerasdelinquentad valoremtaxesleviedaga inst suchproperty .IftheDeveloperfailsorrefusestocompletethe improvements referredtointhis Agreement,suchfailureorrefusalshallbeconsideredaviolation ofTitle12(ZoningRegulat ions),oftheVailTownCode ,andtheDevelopershallbesubjectto penaltiespursuanttoSection12-3-10 (Violations :Penalties)andChapter1-4(GeneralPenalty), of theVailTownCode . 7.TheDevelopershall warranty theworkandmaterialsofall improvements referred tointhis Agreement locatedonTownpropertyorwith in aTownright-of-way ,pursuanttoChapter 8-3 ,oftheVailTownCode ,foraperiodof two yearsaftertheTown 's acceptance ofsaid improvements. 8.Thepartiesheretomutuallyagreethatthis Agreement maybeamendedfromtime totime,providedthatsuchamendmentsbeinwritingandexecutedbyallpartieshereto. F:\cdevIFORMSlPermitslP1anninglAdministratiw_ActionslDlA cashformat_5-16-2007.doc Page 3015 ATTACHED COPIESOFTHE ESTIMATED BID(S) {)~'~t.&~~~~ ~~J,.,7~J~~ ~:~/0500 ()~tfoo{J d~5'0 00 7~/>",,::.1 t ~l~tJ''ytJ/~'.~ "2-000 (/ )c !r 2-~5_ jf z,~;OOO F:\cdevIFORMS\PermltslPlanninglAdminlstrallYe_ActlonsIOIAcash fonnat_5-16-2007.doc Page5of 5 ·.. Dated theday and year first above written. (pIZ/Zj(/11o////8Q'{JJ/R6"t:~/tI 7J2.1Cr1S I -:r:-/VC~ Developer STATE OF COLORADO ) )55. COUNlY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing DefrloMr Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 'C Dayof ,M\,20.:0,?by ~g..Q,nao (1)p 0-..v--.e.c\, Witness my hand and official seal. Mycomm;""",exp''''1-~.;1~d Town Planner STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTYOF EAGLE ) The foregoing veloper Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this CO Day of '\,20C6by LJ..::"\l 'l C'V\..-,{lA...~<"v->~<':":>, Witness my hand and officlal seal. My commission expires:4 /"'t \ICi (W L( F:\cdev\FORMS\PennitslPlann inglAdminlstratiw_ActionslOlA cash fonnat_5-16-2007 .doc Page4015 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75S .F rontage Road Vail,CO81657 r 0z 0 ?;J cp /(Jeb'-// N am e :'Q....rx v-c....~~M .ct7Y\.-lre~(k ~ReceiptNo . Address :'ZC U3:-~vvv-t ::;\.--:& Project:R.cl V~tJ f..9 -O t OS (0 D ate Pleasemakech ecks payabletotheTOWNOF VAIL Other Code Books Ma ster Plan No.Code #Cost Each Total ZA $5.00 * ZA $20 .00 * * CB . BF $7 .00 * X C $0.25 * MS . MS * CL CL AD "7 r 0Vt~·- RL SA MS MS MS MS MS MS T P T7 TOTAL:2-~OV-v125000.00 f£wKAMUNT BLDG C\lNfRACT\lR ktC35'f :l J:s,P~kJlI T,[I~b -ill ::'6 . Cu,toler Lo catIon Na le Alou nt 2t 15 28L1>B0b-~I ~,1 ~kkAMONT B AR -OCP OS 1rsAD Tow n of Vall I II C U3 TO~k kt C ~I ~i III \lp er:AJA'lUSl I ype:HI Oraw er:I Date:4/0'3/M 01 J.l ecelpt no:bk0 Item Zoni ng Ma ps Cus tom Maps c T c c c c ContractorsLicense Fee s -RE NEWAL Add ressMap s Contractors LicenseFees Xero x Copies Blue Prints/MylarCopy Fees Studi es,Mast er Plans ,etc . T s Developer Improvement Agreement DepositD2-DEP10 Account No . 0010000 3141111 001 00003194400 0 01 00 00314 1112 0 0100003141 110 0 0100003 141110 001000 031 41 211 001 0000312 3000 0010000314 1111 001 0000 2 40 33 00 0010000314 1111 001 00003101200 001 00003123000 00 1 0000 31 21000 00 1 00 00 230 2 000 1 1000003141 115 001 0000 201 1000 *all items cha rged tax No .speed code for 001-1 fencer Oelai 1 [;r\CHECK Total tendered I nt al pa ylent k~~.00 u~l'I00.l!Ill $;;.......000 .00 Irsns daHl 4/0'3/08 Ti ..:k:48:l'Ill THANK YOU FOri YOUR P~Y~NT' Comments : Cash Me "le 1:Received by :t:c.. f/cdev/forms/admin/sales_3 ction_form _2007 1/5/06 PREPARED 7/0 1/08,16 :1 5~5 1 PROGRAM MR 41SU To wn of Vail CUST-tO CUSTOMER NAME T Y?E DEPOSIT REFUNDREPORT-U PDATE PAGE CHARGE CODE DESC R:?TION TX -DATEAJ -DATE DEPOS IT AMOUNT OEPOSI T-ADJ AMOUN T ADJUSTMENT AMOUN7 AFTER-REFt.'"N:J AI-tOUNT 2815 PLAVEC,GEORGE 0 2 DE P IO De p-Deve loper Im p Ag rmts 4 /0 9 /0 8 7/0 1/08 2 50 00 .00 2 500 0.002 5 000 .00-.0 0 TOTAL FORCUSTOMER TYPB : GRAND T OTA l.~ DEPOSIT COUNT; D2 25000 .00 2~O O O .00 25000.00 25 000.00 2 500 0.0 0- 2 5000.00- .0 0 .0 0 G/LBATCH CREATED,BATCH-01829 2 008 /07 USERID-JLOVATO AP HE LD COUNT-.00 AMOUN'T -25.000 .00 PARTYWALLAGREEMENTAND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS,CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 14,BLOCK H ,VAILDAS SCHONE FILING NO.2, TOWN OFVAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO RECITALS GeorgeW.Plavec,III(herei nafter referredtoas "Declarant")isthe owner ofthe real property situatein theCounty of Eagle,State of Colorado,described asLot14,B lock H,VailDasSchoneFiling No.2, Town of Vail ,EagleCounty ,Colorado subjecttothe restrictions setforthinthe attached Exhibit"A" ("Subject Property"). Declaranthas constructed onthe Subject Propertya building consisting of twounits ,each designed and intendedforuseandoccu pancy asa residential dwelling unit,which aresometimesreferredtoherein separately as"unit"or collectively as"units". DECLARATION Declarantdoesherebypublishand declare thatthefollowingterm s,covenants,and conditions, easements,restrictions,use,reservations,limitations and obligations shallbedeemedtorunwiththeland describedherein ,shallbeaburdenandabenefitto Declarant,hispersonal representatives,heirs , successorsand assigns andanypersonacqu iring or owning aninterestin therealpropertywhi ch is describedhereinand improvements builtthereon,hisgrantees ,personal representatives,heirs ,succe ssors and assigns. l.DEFINITIONS.Unlessthe context shall expressly prov ide otherwise,thefollow ing term s shall havethe followingmeanings : A."The Properties"meansall of therealestatelegallydescribedasLot14AandLot14B,a Resubd ivision of Lot14,BlockH,VailDasScho ne FilingNo .2,Town of Vail,EagleCounty, Colorado . B."Lot","Building Site",or"Parcel"meansLot14AorLot14BasshownontheMap together withallapp urtenances. C."Duplex"or "Building"meansthetwo contiguous dwelling units constructed upontheLots . D."Unit"means anyone of thetwo dwellings compris ing the"Duplex". E."Owner"meansaperson ,persons,firm,corporation ,partnership of association,or other legal entity,orany combination thereof,owninganinterestinthe Parcels. F."Map"meansthe engineering survey of the Properties bySamEcker,Colorado P .L.S.30091, entitled FinalPlat,aResubbdivi sion of Lot14,BlockH,VailDa s SchoneFilingNo .2,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado,depicting and locating specificity thereon theLots ,recorded in Reception Number ,2007is hereby submitted tothis Declaration . G."Assessment"means periodic oronetime charge to cover the cost of any expense orsharethat becomes dueand owing by virtue of this Declaration. 2.DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION.Every Contract of Sale ,Deed ,Lease ,Mortgage,Trust Deed ,Willor other instrument shalllegally describe aUnitorreal property interest as follows : Lot14AandLot14B(asthe case maybe),according totheFinalPlat ,a Resubdivision of Lot14, BlockH,VailDasSchone Filing No .2,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado recorded in Reception number ,County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Everysuch description shallbegoodand sufficient forall purposes tosell,convey,transfer, encumber or otherwiseaffect theLotsandall appurtenant rights ,benefits ,and burdens thereto as created bythe provisions of thi s Declaration,andeachsuch description shallbeso construed.This provision shallapplytothe properties as said term(the Properties)is defined inthis Declaration. 3.PROPERTY DIVISION. A.Declarant hereby establishes thisplanforthe subdivision of the Properties into Two (2)Lotsfor Ownership infee simple bythe individual and separate Owners of Lot14AandLot14B. B.Lot14AandLot 148 shallbe subject tothe easements notedonthemapand those setforth herein. C.IntheeventLot14AandLot14Bare owned bythesame entities,the doctrine of merger shall notapply. D.The parties,if morethanone,having the Ownership of aLotshall agree among themselves how tosharetherightsand obligations of such Ownership;provided,however,thatifa corporation, partnership,association o r other legal entity shall become an Owner orthe parties,if morethan one,havethe concurrent Ownership of aLot,thensuch entity or concurrent Owners,shallfrom timetotime,designate one individual whoshall represent such entity or concurrent Owners inall matters concerning allrightsand obligations pursuant tothis Declaration . E.Anysuch entity or concurrent Owners shallgive written notice tothe other Owner designating the individual toactonitsor their behalf andsuch notice shallbe effective until revoked in writing bysuch entity or Owners.Anyactor omission bysuch designated individual shallbe binding onthe entity or Owners having designated himin favor of the other Owner orany other personwhomayrely thereon . F.EachLotshallbe considered a separate parcel of real property andshallbe separately addressed and taxed. 4.ENCROACHMENTS.Ifanyportion of Lot14AorLot14Bnow encroaches uponthe other Lot asa result of the construction of any building,or if anysuch encroachment shall occur hereafter asa result of settling of shifting orany building,avalid easement forthe encroachment andforthe maintenance of thesame,solongasthe building stands,shall exist.Inthe event any building shall 2 be partially o f totally destroyed asaresult of fireor other casualty orasaresult of condemnation or eminent domain proceeding andthenrebuilt,encroachments of parts of thebuildingontheotherLot, duetosuchrebuilding,shallbe permitted,solongassuch encroachments are of no greater extent thanthose previously existing,andvalideasementsforsuch encroachments andthe maintenance thereof shallexistsolongasthe building shallstand. 5.PARTYWALL. A.Thecommonwallplaced equally dividedonthe boundary separating Lot14AandLot14B,the footingsunderlyingand portion of roof oversuchwallare collectively referredtohereinasthe "Party Wall". B.Tothe extent not inconsistent withthisDeclaration,thegeneralrules oflaw regarding partywall andliabilityfordamageduetonegligence,willfulactor omissions shallapplytothePartyWall. C.TheOwners of either Lotshallhaveaperpetual easement inandtothatpart of the other Loton whichthePartyWallislocated,forpartywall purposes,including mutualsupport,maintenance, repair andinspection .Intheevent of damagetoorthe destruction of thePartyWallfromany cause,thentheOwnersshallat joint expenseinsharessetforthinparagraph9below,repair or rebuildsaidpartywall,andeachOwner,shallhavetherighttothefulluse of saidpartywallso contrary,ifthenegligence,willfulactoromission of anyOwner,hisfamily ,agentorinvitee , shallcausedamagetoor destruction of,thePartyWall,such Owner shallbearthe entire cost of repairor reconstruction (tothe extent thatsuchdamageisnot covered byinsurance),andan Owner whobyhis negligent orwillfulactcausesthePartyWalltobeexposedtotheelements shallbearthefullcost of furnishing the necessary protection against suchelements. 6.LANDSCAPING,SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING. A.Each Owner shallfromtimetotime,athissolecostandexpense,irrigate,maintain,preserve and replace,asneeded,thetrees,shrubsandgrasslocatedwithinthe boundaries of hisLot commensurate withthe standards setbytheoriginal developers landscaping of theLotsandeach Owner shallfromtimetotime,athissolecostand expense,undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements onhisLotastheOwnersmay jointly deem necessary andproper fortheharmoniou s improvement of theLotsinacommontheme.TheOwner of oneLotshall not unreasonably damage thevalue of theotherLotbyshoddyupkeep of theLot,butboth Ownersshallmakeall reasonable effortstopreservea harmonious common appearance ofthe Lots. B.Commonutilityorservice connections of lines,common facilities orother equipment and propertylocatedinoron either of theLotsbutusedincommonwiththeotherLot,if any,shall beownedastenantsincommon of equalundivided one-half interests bytheOwners of eachLot and,exceptforany expense orliabilitycausedthroughthe negligence of willfulact of any Owner,hisfamily,agentorinvitee,whichshallbeborne solely bysuch Owner,all expenses and liabilities concerned withsuch property shallbesharedinthe proportions setforthin paragraph 8 below.TheOwner of theLotonwhichsuch property isnotlocatedshallhaveaperpetual easement inandtothatpart of such other Lot containing such property asis reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance,repair,andinspection . 3 7.SNOW REMOVAL.Each owner shall be responsible for removal of snow on their individual driveway .The owner of oneunitmaynot store snow onthe other units driveway or property.Snow shall be storedintheareas designated onthe approved s ite planas snow storage. 8.ALTERATION,MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. A.Each Owner shall ,athissole cost and expense,provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair uponhis Unit andthe other improvements located onhisLotaswellasthe unimproved portions of theLotupon which hisUnitis located,including,butnotlimitedto ,the exterior walls andthe roof of theUnit.Such maintenance and repair shall be commensurate withthe standard setby the original developer andeach Owner shall undertake all maintenance and repair (including periodic painting and staining)necessary and proper forthe harmonious appearance of theLots andUnitsina common theme.The Owner of one Lot shallnot unreasonably damage the value of the other Lotby improper maintenance and repair of hisUnitandLot,butboth Owners shall makeall reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of theunitsandLots. B.Each Owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of his Unit including fixtures and improvements andall utility linesand equipment located therein and serving suchunitonly.In performing such maintenance and repair,orin improving or altering hisunit,no Owner shall doanyactorwork which impairs the structural soundness of either unit orthe Party Wall or which interferes withany easement granted or reserved herein. C.Utility or service connections orlines,facilities or other utility equipment and property located in,onorupon either of theLots,which areused solely to supply a service orut ility tooneunit shall be owned bythe Owner of theunitusing such utility or service andall expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shallbe borne solely bythe Owner of suchunit,whoshall havea perpetual easement inandtothatpart of such other Lotor Unit containing such property asis reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance,repair and inspection. D.No Owner shall makeor suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change),either permanent or temporary and of anytype or nature whatsoever tothe exterior of hisUnitor construct an additional building structure of anytypeor nature whatsoever upon any part of hisLot without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto fromthe other Owner, such consent shall notbe unreasonably withheld .In case of damage or destruction of any Unit or anypart thereof byany cause whatsoever,the Owner of such Unit shall cause withdue diligence theunit to be repaired and restored,applying the proceeds of insurance,if any,for that purpose. Such unitshallbe restored toa condition comparable to that prior tothe damage andina harmonious manner to promote the common theme of both Lots. 9.ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES.Costs and expenses of all activities whose cost is anticipated to be shared byboth Owners,except ascasedby negligence of willful act of an Owner,shall be allocated inthe following proportions: 4 Lot14A Lot14B 45% 55% 10.MECHANIC'S LIENS INDEMNIFICATION. A.Exceptforitemsincurredasacommon expense asprovidedforherein,if any Owner shall cause anymaterialtobefurnishedtohisLotorUnitthereon of anylaborto be performedthereinor thereon,the other Owner shallnotunderany circumstances be liableforthepayment of any expense incurredorforthevalue of theworkdoneormaterialfurnished;allsuchworkshallbe attheexpense of theOwner causing ittobedone,andsuch Owner shallbesolely responsible to contractors,laborers,materialmenandotherpersonsfurnishinglaborormaterialstohisLotor any improvements thereinorthereon :nothingherein contained shall authorize either Owner or anypersondealingthrough,withorunder either Owner tochargetheUnit of the other Owner withany mechanic's lienor other lienor encumbrance whatever;and,onthe contrary (andnotice inherebygiven)therightandpowerto charge anylienor encumbrance of anykindagainstone Owner oragainstoneOwner'sLotforworkdoneormaterialsfurnishedtothe other Owner'sLot ishereby expressly denied . B.Exceptasprovidedforbelow,if,because of anyactoromission of anyOwner,any mechanic's or other lienor order forthepayment of moneyshall be filedagainstthe other Owner'sLotorany improvements thereinorthereonoragainstany other Owner (whether ornotsuchlienor order isvalidor enforceable assuch),the Owner whoseactor omission formsthebasisforsuchlienor ordershallathisowncostand expense causethesameto be cancelledanddischarged of record orbondedbyasurety company reasonably acceptable tosuchotherOwner,within30days after thedate of fillingthereof,andfurthershallindemnifyandsavethe other Owner harmless from and against anyandallcosts,expenses,claims,lossesordamages,including reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 11.INSURANCE. A.Each Owner shallkeephisunitandallfixturesthereininsuredagainstlossordamagebyfireand extended coverage perils (including vandalismand malicious mischief)forthemaximum replacement valuethereof.Any Owner mayon30days'writtennotice ,butnotmorefrequently thanonceeverythreeyears,obtainawrittenestimate of the replacement cost of theunitsbya licensed contractor,andthecost of such estimate shallbebornebythe Owner interested insuch information.Such contractor shall be a disinterested and independent thirdpartywhois unrelatedinany manner to either Owner whether through joint business adventures orotherwise. B.Each Owner shall provide andkeepinforce,fortheprotection of himself,generalpublicliability and property damageinsurance against claimsforbodilyinjuryordeathor property damage occurring in,onorupon,hisLotownedinfeesimpleandthe improvements thereon,inalimit of notlessthan $900,000.00 inrespect of bodilyinjuryordeathtoanynumber of personsarising out of one accident or disaster,orfordamagetoproperty,and if higherlimitsshallatanytimebe customary toprotect against possible tortliability,suchhigherlimitsshall be carriedandeach Ownershallnamethe other Owner asan additional insuredpartyundersuchpolicy. C.If requested,each Owner shall deliver tothe other Owner certificates evidencing allinsurance requiredtobe carried underthisparagraph.Each Owner shallhavetherighttoinspectandcopy 5 allsuchinsurance policies of the other Owner andrequire evidence of the payment of premiums thereon. D.Nothing providedinthis paragraph shall prevent the Owners from jointly acquiring asingle policyto cover anyone ormore of thehazardsrequiredinthisparagraphtobe separately insured againstbyeachOwner. 12.DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENT ONLOT. A.Intheevent of damageor destruction toaunitbyfireor other disaster,theinsuranceproceeds if sufficient to reconstruct theUnitshallbe deposited intoabank account whichrequires,for withdrawals,the signatures of boththeOwners,or disbursed directly bytheinsurancecarrier. The Owners shallthen promptly authorize thenecessaryrepairand reconstruction workandthe insuranceproceedswillbeappliedbytheOwnerstodefraythecostthereof."Repair and reconstruction"of Units,asusedinparagraph12.Aand 12.8 herein,means restoring the improvements to substantially thesame condition inwhichthey existed priortothedamagewith eachunithavingthesame boundaries asbefore . B.If theinsuranceproceedsare insufficient torepairor reconstruct anddamagetoaLotorthe improvements constructed thereon,suchdamageor destruction shallbepromptlyrepairedand reconstructed bythe Owner usingthe insurance proceedsandthe proceeds of an assessment against theOwner(s)of thedamagedLot(s).Such assessment shallbeequaltotheamountby whichthecost of reconstruction orrepair exceeds thesum of theinsuranceproceeds allocable to suchParcel.Such Assessment shallbedueandpayableforty-five(45)daysafterthe determination of the difference betweenthecost of reconstruction andrepairandinsurance proceedsandallsuchfundsshallbe deposited and disbursed pursuant to paragraph 12.A. C.If theOwners of Lot l4A andLot 148 andtheholders of firstmortgagesor beneficiaries of first deeds of trustonLot14AandLot 148 unanimously agreenottorepairor reconstruct damage of destruction toLot14AandLot148the Property shallbesoldandthe proceeds shallbedivided as agreed toatthetime of the agreement nottorebuildbythe Owners of Lot14AandLot 148 andholders of firstmortgagesand beneficiaries of firstdeeds of trust onLot14AandLot14B (the"EachOwner'sShare of Proceeds").Eachowner'sShare of Proceeds shallbe disbursed as follows: 1.foranypayment of taxesandspecial assessment liensinfavororany assessing entityand customary expenses of sale; 2.forpayment of the balance of thelien of anyfirst mortgage ordeed of trust; 3.forpayment of anysumsdueunderthis Declaration; 4.forpayment ofjunior liensand encumbrances inthe order of andtothe extent of their priority;and 5.thebalanceremaining,ifany,shallbepaidto respective Owners. 13.RIGHT TO LIEN. 6 A.If anOwner,atanytime,shallneglectorrefusetoperformorpayhisshareoranyobligation requiredhereunder,the other Owner may,butshallnotbe obligated to ,after30dayswritten noticeunlessthe circumstances requireimmediateaction ,makesuchpaymentor,on behalf of such other Owner,expendsuchsumasmaybe necessary toperformsuch obligation including, butnotlimitedto ,thepayment of anyinsurancepremiumsrequired hereunder orthe undertaking of anyworkrequired hereunder for repair,restoration or maintenance ,andsuch other Owner shallhavean easement inandtothatpart of such defaulting Owner'sLotasis reasonably necessary forsuchrepair ,restoration or maintenance . B.Allsumssopaidor expended byan Owner,withinterestthereonattherate of 18percentper yearfromthedate of suchpaymentor expenditure,shallbepayablebythe Owner sofailingto perform(the "Defaulting Owner")upondemand of the other Owner. C.Allsumssodemandedbutunpaidbythe defaulting Owner shall constitute alienontheLot of the Defaulting Owner infavor of the other Owner priortoall other liensand encumbrances, except:(i)liensfortaxesandspecial assessment;and,(ii)thelien of anyfirstmortgageorfirst deed of trust of record encumbering suchlot.Thelienshallattachfromthedatewhentheunpaid sumshallbecomedueandmaybe foreclosed inlikemannerasamortgageonrealpropertyupon the recording of anoticeorclaim thereof executed bythe Non-defaulting Owner settingforththe amount of theunpaid indebtedness,thename of the Defaulting Owner,anda description of the Unit.Inanysuch foreclosure the Defaulting Ownershallberequiredtopaythecostsand expenses of such proceedings,including reasonable attorney's fees . D.TheLienprovidedforhereinshallbe subordinate tothelien of anyfirstmortgageordeed of trust.including all additional advancesthereon.Saleor transfer of either Lotastheresult of courtforeclosure,of amortgage foreclosure throughthepublictrustee,orany proceeding inlieu of foreclosure,shall extinguish thelienonsuch assessments astopayments thereof which becomeduepriortosuchsaleor transfer,butshallnotrelieveanyformer Owner of Personal liability therefor.The mortgagee of suchlotwhoacquirestitlebyway of foreclosure orthe taking of adeedinlieu thereof,shallnothowever,beliableforapastdue assessment andshall onlybecomeliableforfuture assessments onthedateit becomes the Owner oris entitled to becomethe Owner ofthe Lot.Nosaleor transfer shallrelievesuchLotfromliabilityforany assessments thereafter becoming dueorfromthelien thereof.Intheevent of thesaleor transfer of aLotwithrespecttowhichsumsshallbeunpaidbya Defaulting Owner,except transfers toa firstmortgageein connection witha foreclosure of itslienoradeedinlieu thereof,the purchaser or other transferee ofaninterestinsuchLotshallbe jointly and severally liablewiththe seller or transferor thereof foranysuchunpaidsums . E .Uponwrittenrequest of anyOwner,mortgagee,prospective mortgagee,purchaser or other prospective transferee of aLot,theOwner of the other Lotshallissueawritten statement setting forththe amount heisowedunderthis paragraph,if any,withrespecttosuchUnit.Such statement is binding uponthe executing Owner infavor of anypersonwhomayrelythereonin goodfaith.Unlessa request forsuch statement shallbe complied withwithinfifteendaysafter receipt thereof,allunpaidsumswhichbecameduepriortothedate of makingsuchrequestshall be subordinated tothelienorother interest ofthe person requesting suchstatement. 14.USE RESTRICTIONS. 7 A .Eachunitshallbe restricted toa residential dwelling as a permitted use,and conditional and accessory usesas defined bythe Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances. B.No exterior mounted radio,short-wave,television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of anykind,either elevated of buried,or clothesline or incinerator of anykind whatsoever shallbe permitted or maintained on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners.Two satellite dishes perunitlessthan 2'in diameter are permitted butmustbelocatedsuchthatthe satellite dishes arenot visible from insidethe other unitandare located to maximize exterior ambiance . C.No animals shallbekept or maintained in,onorupon either Unit,except that each Owner may keepand maintain within hisUnit domesticated animals;provided,however,thatsuch domesticated animals arekept under control atall times,donot present a nuisance tothe other Owner,andarekept controlled in strict compliance withallTown of Vail ordinances thatmy apply tosuch animals .Nomorethan2 cats andor2dogsare allowed perunit without written permission of the other owner.Dog waste shallbe cleared fromsameunits landscape a minimum of once aweekandisnot allowed on other unit's property. D.No"time sharing","intervalOwnership"or similar interest,whereby Ownership ofa Unitis shared by Owners onatimebasis,shallbe established on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners and alllienors holding first mortgage orfirstdeed oftrust of record on any portion of Lot l4A orLot 148,which approval shallbe reflected ina document of record. E.The Owners understand andagreethat potential development rightsmay exist under present or futureTown of Vail regulations that may permit expansion of theunits,which development rightshavenotbeen utilized todate.The Owners of Lot14AandLot 148 shallbe deemed to have exclusive Ownership of any rights as currently arebeing utilized by their respective Lots. No exercise of any development rightsnot utilized todateshallbemadebyone Owner w ithout first obtaining the written consent of the other Owner,which consent shallnotbe unreasonably withheld .The other Owner,before giving written consent,shallbe entitled to review the development plans andany blueprints or surveys prepared in connection withthe development plans.The Owner of Lot14Ashallhavethe exclusive right totheuse of 0%of the Development Rightswhichhavenotbeenutilizedtodateand40%of anyfuture Development Rightsabovethe current maximum gross residential floor area ("GRFA")allowed bythe Town of VailforThe Properties.The Owner of Lot 148 shallhavethe exclusive righttotheuse of 100%of the Development Rightswhichhavenotbeen utilized todateand60%of anyfuture Development Rights above the current maximum GRFA allowed bytheTown of VailforThe Properties.If either Owner exceeds his Development Rights,without the consent of the other Owner,and because of thisthe other Owner isnot allowed toutilizehisfull development rights,the excess development shallbe removed bythe Owner thereof immediately upon demand of the other Owner. 15.NOTICE.Each Owner shall register its mailing address withthe other Owner andall notices or demands intended tobe served upon Owners shallbesentby certified mail,postage prepaid, addressed inthename of the Owner atsuch registered mailing address,Inthe alternative,notices maybe delivered,ifin writing,personally to Owners. 16.DURATION OF DECLARATION.Each provision contained is this Declaration whichis subject tothelawsorrules sometimes referred toastherule against perpetuities ortherule prohibiting 8 unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue andremaininfullforceand effect fortheperiod of21 years following thedeath of GeorgeW.Plavec ,IIIandhislivingissue,oruntilthis Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided ,whichever firstoccurs.All other provisions containedinthe Declaration shall continue andremaininfullforceand effect until January 1,2035 A.D.,and thereafter for successive periods of 10yearseach ;unlessatleastIyearpriorto January 1,2035 A.D.,oratleastIyearpriortothe expiration of anysuch10yearperiod of extended duration ,this Declaration is terminated byrecordedinstrument,directing termination,signedbyall Owners andall lienorsholdingafirst mortgage of firstdeed of trust of recordonanyportion of Lot14AorLot 148. 17.AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION.This Declaration may be amendedorrevokedonlyupon unanimouswrittenapprovalin recordable form of all Owners and alllienors holdingafirstmortgage orfirstdeed of trust of recordonanyportion of Lot14AorLot148. 18.EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION.Eachprovision of this Declaration,and agreement,promise,covenant and undertaking tocomplywitheachprovision of this Declaration, andany necessary exception or reservation orgrant of title,estate ,rightorinterestto effectuate any provision of this Declaration :(i)shallbedeemed incorporated ineachdeedor other instrumentby whichanyright,titleorinterestinanyportion of Lot14AorLot 148 isgranted,devisedor conveyed,whether ornotsetforthorreferredtoinsuchdeedor other instrument:(ii)shall,byvirtue of acceptance of anyright,titleorinterestinanyportion of Lot14AorLot 148 byan Owner,be deemed accepted,ratified,adoptedand declared asapersonal covenant of suchOwnerand,asa personalcovenant,shallbe binding onsuch Owner andhisheirs,personal representatives,successors and assigns;andshall be deemedapersonal covenant to,withandforthe benefit of each Owner of anyportion of Lot14AorLot148:and(iii)shall be deemedareal covenant byDeclarant,for himself,hisheirs ,personal representatives,successors assigns ,andalsoan equitable servitude, running,ineachcase,asaburdenwithanduponthetitletoeachandeveryportion of Lot14Aand Lot148. 19.ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. A.Each provision of this Declaration shallbe enforceable byany owner,bya proceeding fora prohibitive or mandatory injunction orbyasuitoractiontorecoverdamages.If court proceeding are instituted in connection withtherights of enforcement andremediesprovidedin this Declaration ,the prevailing partyshall be entitledtorecoveritscostand expenses in connection therewith,including reasonable attorney fees. B.EachOwnerherebyagreesthatanyandallactioninequityoratlawwhichareinstitutedto enforceanyprovision hereunder shallbe brought inandonlyinthe District Court of Eagle County,State of Colorado. C.Failureto enforce anyprovision of this Declaration shallnot operate asawaiver of anysuch provision,therighttoenforcesuch provision thereafter,or of any other provision of this Declaration. 20.EXERCISE OF RIGHTS.Any exercise of anyrightgranted hereunder byoneOwnerwithrespect tothe other Owner'sUnit including bynotlimitedtotheuse of any easement grantedhereinshallbe exercised inamannerwhichshallnot unreasonably hinder,impedeorimposeuponsuch other Owner's use of hisUnit . 9 21.SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS.Exceptas otherwise provided herein,thisDec laration shallbe binding uponandshallinuretothe benefit of each Owner andtheheirs,personal representatives, successors andassigns of each. 22.SEVERABLITY.Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Declaration inwholeorin partshallnot affect the validity of enforceable part of aprovision of theDeclaration. 23.CAPTIONS.The captions and headings inthis instrument arefor convenience onlyandshallnotbe cons idered in construing any provisions of this Declaration . 24.CONSTRUCTION.When necessary forproper construction,the masculine oranywordusedin this Declaration shallincludethefeminineorneutergender,andthe singular thepluralandviceversa . 25.Wall Cavity.Thereexistsathreefootwidecavityonthewesternside of thebuildingbetweenthe mainuphillsideandthehome.No constructive useisallowedinthisspaceby either owner of Unit AorUnit B.AccesstothisspaceisthroughUnitAgarageanda passageway createdinthe concrete wall.UnitBshallhavetheright,given sufficient notice,toaccessthisareaformaintenanceor inpection. By:-L.......Id---'----------- INWITNESS WHEREO~Declarant has executed this Declaration 2SiL day of H~/,2008. DECLARANT: this STATEOF COLORADO SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE .I:Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18#1 day of ~r~t1 '2008 by George Plavec. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on,~~-:~/ KATHRYNE.KUCHLER ~7~~ NOTARYPUBLIC Notary Publi STATEOF COLORADO , MyCom miss ion Expi resJune26.2 011 10 5938s\3 ,20 (r> lRA1 c.e=-/l C<..]-f.C j j RECEIPT -The Town of Vail RECEIV ED FROM-----+"''"'''-'.l.:.L....A::,---=------------------- ADDRESS --;-=_ C ~(k DATE Permit Numbers,_Police Receipt Numbers _ HOW PAID -Cash C,heck_I__By _1 --' Project Name: Application Type: Project Description: ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM Department of Commu nity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,CO81657 tel:970-479 -2138 fax:970-479-2452 web:www.vailgov.com PLAVEC DUPLEX SUB DupSubPI ADM Number:ADM080005 Parcel:2103 -114-1301-4 DUPLEX SUBDIVISIONPLATFORANEW DUPLEX Participants: OWNER PLAVEC ,GEORGE W. POBOX3415 AVON CO81620 APPLICANT PLAVEC,GEORGE W. POBOX3415 AVON CO81620 Project Address:2417GARMI5HDRVAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR 02/19/2008 Phone:845-7797 02/19/2008 Phone:845 -7797 Location: Legal Description:Lot:14Block:HSubdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL2 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:02/22/2008 Meeting Date: Cond:8 (PLAN):No changestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Planner:BillGibson DRBFeePaid:$100 .00 General Information: It isunlawfulforanyperson,business,orcorporationtoviolateanyoftheprovisions ofTit le 13,VailTownCode,or totransfer,sell,leaseoragreetosellor lease,anylot,tract,parcel,site,separate interest(includingaleasehold interest),interestincommon,condominiuminterest,time-shareestate,fractional fee,ortime-sharelicense,orany otherdivision withinasubdivisionwithintheTownuntilsuchsubdivisionhasbeenapprovedinwritingbythe Administrator,PlanningandEnvironmental Commission and/ortheCouncil(whicheverisapplicable)andaplat thereofrecordedintheofficeoftheEagleCountyClerkand Recorder. TypeofApplicationandFee: '1m Duplex SubdivisionPlat o SingleFamilySubdivision Plat $100 $100 DescriptionoftheRequest: LocationoftheProposal:Lot:/ 2-'11 7 /107&'{ E:>Zoning:__-+--==--_ 6<:0 /11'e.--W I fJL 4-V pc;,rt1 P 0 8 O)C 3,If (5 A II ~ji/GO <is /6 21) ,A'~la-~onptee::Cj 20 ?/Jo 53);L Owner(s)Signature(s):,/l ~~ NameofApplicant:V &~1 e Ittv'e,e..-- Mailing Address:>A:/11}1z-- E-mailAddress: __________________Phone:_ VI/II?3862 ~n1r;"f 1~:..c:7 170 -gff~22 1 7 ForOffice Use..O~I II 9 () FeePaid:/l..:?U CheckNo.:'f V;;[By:--L.__-r----'---'-----":::--'""'L--__-----:::----'_ Meeting Date:---:-::-AdminNo.:,-----:"q..;H-J-VI---ti~!l<__;AP.rf_>t_'<;:__--- p,anner:_.t)6 ProjectNo.:-,..~"'--'----"-=........'--==---'---~"-'!.._ F :\cdevlFOR MS\Perrnits\Plann ing\Admin lstrativeJ.c~onslP lat ReviewladminJllal_review_cover .doc 12128/05 Department ofCommu nity Development 75S outhFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 9 7 0-479-2138 FAX 9 70-479 -2452 www.vailgov.com February22,2008 GeorgePlavecIII POBox 3415 Avon ,CO81620 RE:PlavecResidence-DuplexPlat(ADM08-0005) 2417GarmischDrive/Lot 14,BlockH,VailDasSchoneFiling2 DearGeorge , TheTownofVai l Staffhasreviewedandapprovedtheproposedduplexplatapplicationfortheproperty locatedat2417Garmisch Drive.Pleasesubmittwosignedmylarcop ies oftheplatwithallcert ificates completed,except theAdmin istrator CertificateandtheClerkandRecorderCertificate .Ifyouwishto havethepartywallagreement recordedwiththeplat ,pleasesubmit onecopyofthesigned agreement. Addit ionally,pleasesubmitacheckpaidtotheorderoftheEagleCountyClerkandRecorderinthe amou nt oftherecordat ion fees .Oncetheseitemshavebeensubmittedtot he TownofVa il,theTown Clerkwillrecordtheapprovedplat(andassociatedagreement)withtheEagleCountyClerkand Recorder. Ifyouhaveanyquestions ,pleasefeelfreetocontactmedirectly at (970)479-2173 . Sincerely, Bill Gibson,AICP TownPlanner TownofVa il CC:GoreRangeSurvey ing (JobNo.06-351) o lR ECYCLEDPAPER --- ••••******••••*********************************.*•••••••***••••••••*********•••*********•••• T OWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *••***.*****••••••******•••••******•••••••••********•••********•••••*************.********•• Statement Number:ROB00001BS Amount:$100.00 02/19/200B04:00 PM Payment Method :Check Init:JS No tation :4690/TERRAMONT BUILDING CONTRACTORS,INC . Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location : This Payment: ADMOBOOOS Type: 2103 -114 -1301 -4 2417 GARMISH DRVAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR $100.00 Administ rative Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $100.00 $100 .00 $0 .00 ***********************••*******.*••••***********.*.*.********•••••••*********••••********** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Accou nt Code PV0 01000031 1 2500 De sc r iption Adminis t ra t i ve Fee Cur re nt Pmt s 1 00 .0 0 PARTYWALLAGREEMENTAND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS,CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 14,BLOCK H,VAILDAS SCHONE FILING NO.2, TOWN OFVAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO RECITALS GeorgeW.Plavec,III (hereinafter referredtoas "Declarant")isthe owner of thereal property situate in the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,described asLot14,Block H,VailDasSchone Filing No.2, Town of Vail,EagleCounty,Colorado subject tothe restrictions setforthinthe attached Exhibit "A" ("Subject Property"). Declarant has constructed onthe Subject Propertya building consisting of twounits,each designed and intended foruseand occupancy asa residential dwelling unit,whichare sometimesreferred toherein separately as"unit"or collectively as"un its". DECLARATION Declarant doesherebypublishand declare thatthe following terms ,covenants,and conditions, easements,restrictions,use,reservations,limitations and obligations shallbe deemed torunwiththeland des cribed herein,shallbeaburdenanda benefit to Declarant,hispersonal representatives,heirs, successors and assigns andanyperson acquiring o r owningan interest inthereal property which is described hereinand improvements built thereon,hisgrantees,personal representatives,heirs,successors andassigns. 1.DEFINITIONS.Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise,the following termsshall havethe following meanings : A."The Properties"meansall of thereal estate legally described asLot14AandLot14B,a Resubdivis ion of Lot14,Block H,VailDasSchone Filing No .2,Town of Vail,EagleCounty, Colorado. B."Lot","BuildingSite",or "Parcel"meansLot14AorLot14BasshownontheMap together withall appurtenances. C."Duplex"or "Building"meansthetwo contiguous dwelling units constructed upontheLots. D."Unit"means anyone of thetwo dwellings comprising the "Duplex". E."Owner"meansaperson,persons,firm ,corporation,partnership of association,or other legal entity,orany combination thereof,owning an interest inthe Parcels. F."Map"meansthe engineering survey of the Properties bySamEcker,Colorado P.L.S.30091, entitled FinalPlat ,a Resubbdivision of Lot14,Block H,VailDasSchone Filing No.2,Town of Vail,EagleCounty,Colorado,depicting and locating specificity thereontheLots,recorded in Reception Number ,2007ishereby submitted tothis Declaration. G."Assessment"means periodic oronetimechargeto cover thecost of anyexpenseorsharethat becomes dueandowingbyvirtue ofthis Declaration. 2.DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION.Every Contract of Sale,Deed,Lease,Mortgage ,Trust Deed ,Willor other instrument shalllegally describe aUnitorreal property interestasfollows: Lot14AandLot 148 (asthecasemaybe),according totheFinalPlat,a Resubdivision of Lot14, BlockH,VailDasSchoneFilingNo .2,Town of Vail,EagleCounty,Coloradorecordedin Reception number ,County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Everysuch description shallbegoodand sufficient forall purposes tosell ,convey,transfer, encumber or otherwise affecttheLotsandall appurtenant rights,benefits,andburdenstheretoas createdbythe provisions of this Declaration,andeachsuch description shallbesoconstrued.This provisionshallapplytothe properties assaidterm(the Properties)isdefinedinthis Declaration. 3.PROPERTY DIVISION. A.Declaranthereby establishes thisplanforthe subdivision of the Properties intoTwo(2)Lotsfor Ownership infeesimplebytheindividualandseparateOwners of Lot14AandLot 148. B.Lot14AandLotl4Bshallbe subject to the easements notedonthemapandthosesetforth herein. C.In the event Lot14AandLot 148 areownedbythesameentities ,the doctrine of mergershall notapply . D.Theparties,if morethanone,havingthe Ownership of aLotshallagreeamong themselves how tosharetherightsand obligations of such Ownership;provided,however,thatifa corporation, partnership,association or other legalentityshallbecomeanOwnerortheparties,if morethan one ,havethe concurrent Ownership of aLot,thensuchentityor concurrent Owners,shallfrom timetotime,designate oneindividualwhoshall represent suchentityor concurrent Ownersinall matters concerning allrightsand obligations pursuant tothis Declaration . E.Anysuchentityor concurrent Ownersshallgivewrittennoticetothe other Owner designating theindividualtoactonitsor their behalf andsuchnoticeshallbe effective untilrevokedin writing bysuch entity orOwners.Anyactoromissionbysuchdesignatedindividualshallbe bindingontheentityorOwnershaving designated himinfavor of theotherOwnerorany other personwhomayrelythereon. F.EachLotshallbe considered a separate parcel of real property andshallbe separately addressed andtaxed. 4.ENCROACHMENTS.If anyportion of Lot14AorLot 148 now encroaches uponthe other Lot asaresult of the construction of anybuilding,or if anysuch encroachment shall occur hereafter asa result of settling of shifting oranybuilding,avalid easement forthe encroachment andforthe maintenance of thesame ,solongasthe building stands,shallexist.Intheeventany building shall 2 be partially of totally destroyed asaresult of fireor other casualty orasaresult of condemnation or eminentdomain proceeding andthenrebuilt,encroachments of parts of the building onthe other Lot, duetosuch rebuilding,shall be permitted,solongassuch encroachments are of nogreater extent thanthose previously existing,andvalid easements forsuch encroachments andthe maintenance thereof shallexistsolongasthe building shallstand. 5.PARTY WALL. A.Thecommonwallplaced equally dividedonthe boundary separating Lot14AandLot14B,the footings underlying and portion of roof oversuchwallare collectively referredtohereinasthe "PartyWall". B.Totheextentnot inconsistent withthis Declaration,thegeneral rules of law regarding partywall andliabilityfordamagedueto negligence,willfulactor omissions shallapplytothePartyWall . C.TheOwners of either Lotshallhaveaperpetual easement inandtothatpart of the other Loton whichthePartyWallislocated,forpartywallpurposes,including mutualsupport,maintenance, repairandinspection.In theevent of damagetoorthe destruction of thePartyWallfromany cause,thentheOwnersshallat joint expenseinsharessetforthinparagraph9below ,repairor rebuildsaidpartywall,andeachOwner,shallhavetherighttothefulluse of saidpartywallso contrary,ifthe negligence,willfulactoromission of anyOwner,hisfamily ,agentorinvitee, shallcausedamagetoor destruction of,thePartyWall,suchOwnershallbeartheentirecost of repair or reconstruction (tothe extent thatsuchdamageisnot covered byinsurance),andan Owner whobyhis negligent orwillfulactcausesthePartyWalltobeexposedtotheelements shallbearthefullcost of furnishing the necessary protection againstsuchelements. 6.LANDSCAPING,SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING. A.Each Owner shallfromtimetotime,athissolecostand expense,irrigate,maintain,preserve and replace,asneeded,thetrees,shrubs andgrasslocatedwithinthe boundaries of hisLot commensurate withthe standards setbythe original developers landscaping of theLotsandeach Owner shallfromtimetotime,athissolecostand expense,undertakesuch landscaping and general outdoor improvements onhisLotastheOwnersmay jointly deem necessary andproper forthe harmonious improvement of theLotsinacommontheme.TheOwner of oneLotshall not unreasonably damagethevalue of the other Lotbyshoddyupkeep of theLot,butboth Ownersshallmakeall reasonable effortsto preserve a harmonious common appearance ofthe Lots . B.Commonutilityorservice connections of lines,common facilities orother equipment and propertylocatedinoron either of theLotsbutusedincommonwiththe other Lot,if any,shall beownedastenantsincommon of equalundivided one-half interestsbytheOwners of eachLot and,except forany expense orliabilitycausedthroughthe negligence of willfulact of any Owner,hisfamily,agentorinvitee ,whichshallbebornesolelybysuchOwner ,allexpensesand liabilities concerned withsuch property shallbesharedinthe proportions setforthinparagraph8 below.The Owner of theLotonwhichsuchpropertyisnotlocatedshallhaveaperpetual easement inandtothatpart of such other Lot containing suchpropertyasis reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance,repair ,andinspection . 3 7.SNOW REMOVAL.Each owner shallbe responsible for removal of snow on their individual driveway.The owner of one unit maynot store snow onthe other units driveway or property.Snow shallbe stored inthe areas designated onthe approved site plan as snow storage. 8.ALTERATION,MAINTENANCEAND REPAIRS. A.Each Owner shall,athis sole cost and expense,provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair uponhis Unit andthe other improvements located onhisLotaswellasthe unimproved portions of theLotuponwhichhis Unit is located,including,but not limited to,the exterior walls andthe roof of theUnit.Such maintenance and repair shallbe commensurate withthe standard setby the original developer and each Owner shall undertake all maintenance and repair (including periodic painting and staining)necessary and proper forthe harmonious appearance of theLots and Units ina common theme.The Owner of oneLot shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Lotby improper maintenance and repair of his Unit andLot,butboth Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of theunitsandLots. B.Each Owner shallbe solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of hisUnit including fixtures and improvements andall utility linesand equipment located therein and serving suchunitonly.In performing such maintenance and repair,orin improving or altering hisunit,no Owner shalldoanyactor work which impairs the structural soundness of either unit or thePartyWallor which interferes withany easement granted or reserved herein. C.Utility or service connections orlines ,facilities or other utility equipment and property located in,onorupon either of theLots,which areused solely to supply a service or utility tooneunit shallbe owned bythe Owner ofthe unit using such utility or service andall expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shallbe borne solely bythe Owner of suchunit,whoshall havea perpetual easement inandto that part of such other LotorUnit containing such property asis reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance,repair and inspection. D.No Owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change),either permanent or temporary and of any typeor nature whatsoever tothe exterior of his Unit or construct an additional building structure of anytypeor nature whatsoever uponany part of hisLot without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto fromthe other Owner, such consent shallnotbe unreasonably withheld.In case of damage or destruction of any Unit or anypart thereof byany cause whatsoever,the Owner of suchUnitshall cause withdue diligence theunittobe repaired and restored,applying the proceeds of insurance,if any,for that purpose. Such unitshallbe restored toa condition comparable to that prior tothe damage andina harmonious manner to promote the commontheme of bothLots. 9.ALLOCAnON OF EXPENSES.Costs and expenses of all activities whose cost is anticipated to be shared byboth Owners,except as cased by negligence of willful act of an Owner,shall be allocated inthe following proportions: 4 Lot14A Lot 148 45% 55% 10.MECHANIC'S LIENS INDEMNIFICATION. A.Except for items incurred asa common expense as provided for herein,if any Owner shall cause any material tobe furnished tohisLotorUnit thereon of any labor tobe performed therein or thereon,the other Owner shallnot under any circumstances be liable forthe payment of any expense incurred orforthe value of the work done or material furnished;allsuch work shallbe atthe expense of the Owner causing ittobedone,and such Owner shallbe solely responsible to contractors,laborers,materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or materials tohisLotor any improvements therein or thereon:nothing herein contained shall authorize either Owner or any person dealing through,withor under either Owner to charge theUnit of the other Owner withany mechanic's lienor other lienor encumbrance whatever;and,onthe contrary (and notice in hereby given)therightand power to charge anylienor encumbrance of anykind against one Owner or against one Owner's Lotforworkdoneor materials furnished tothe other Owner's Lot is hereby expressly denied. B.Except as provided for below,if,because of anyactor omission of any Owner,any mechanic's or other lienor order forthe payment of money shallbefiled against the other Owner's Lot orany improvements therein or thereon or against any other Owner (whether ornotsuchlienor order isvalidor enforceable as such),the Owner whose actor omission formsthe basis forsuchlienor order shallathisowncostand expense cause the same tobe cancelled and discharged of record or bonded bya surety company reasonably acceptable tosuch other Owner,within 30days after thedate of filling thereof,and further shall indemnify and save the other Owner harmless from and against anyandall costs,expenses,claims,losses or damages,including reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 11.INSURANCE . A.Each Owner shall keeph is unitandall fixtures therein insured against lossor damage byfireand extended coverage perils (including vandalism and malicious mischief)forthe maximum replacement value thereof.Any Owner mayon30 days'written notice,butnotmore frequently thanonce every three years,obtain a written estimate of the replacement cost of theunitsbya licensed contractor,andthe cost of such estimate shallbe borne bythe Owner interested in such information.Such contractor shall bea disinterested and independent third party whois unrelated inany manner to either Owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. B.Each Owner shall provide andkeepinforce,forthe protection of himself,general public liability and property damage insurance against claims for bodily injury ordeathor property damage occurring in,onorupon,hisLot owned infee simple andthe improvements thereon,inalimit of notless than $900,000.00 in respect of bodily injury ordeathtoany number of persons arising out of one accident or disaster,orfor damage to property,and if higher limitsshallat any timebe customary to protect against possible tort liability,such higher limits shallbe carried andeach Owner shallnamethe other Owner asan additional insured party under such policy. C.If requested ,each Owner shall deliver tothe other Owner certificates evidencing all insurance required tobe carried under this paragraph.Each Owner shallhavethe right to inspect and copy 5 allsuch insurancepolicies of theother Owner andrequire evidence of thepayment of premiums thereon. D.Nothing provided inthis paragraph shall prevent theOwnersfrom jointly acquiring asingle policyto cover anyone ormore of the hazards requiredinthisparagraphtobe separately insured against byeach Owner. 12.DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENT ONLOT. A.Intheevent of damageor destruction toaunitbyfireor other disaster,theinsurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct theUnitshallbe deposited intoabank account whichrequires,for withdrawals,the signatures of boththeOwners,or disbursed directly bytheinsurance carrier. TheOwnersshallthen promptly authorize the necessary repairand reconstruction workandthe insurance proceeds willbeappliedbytheOwnerstodefraythecost thereof."Repair and reconstruction"of Units,asusedin paragraph l2 .A and12.B herein,meansrestoringthe improvementsto substantially thesame condition inwhichtheyexistedpriortothedamagewith eachunithavingthesame boundaries asbefore. B.Iftheinsuranceproceedsare insufficient torepairor reconstruct anddamagetoaLotorthe improvements constructed thereon ,suchdamageor destruction shallbepromptlyrepairedand reconstructed bytheOwnerusingtheinsurance proceeds andtheproceeds of an assessment against the Owner(s)of thedamagedLot(s).Such assessment shallbeequaltotheamountby whichthecost of reconstruction or repair exceeds thesum of theinsurance proceeds allocable to suchParcel.Such Assessment shallbedueandpayableforty-five(45)daysafterthe determination ofthe difference betweenthecost of reconstruction andrepairandinsurance proceeds andallsuchfundsshallbe deposited and disbursed pursuant to paragraph 12.A. C.lfthe Owners of Lot14AandLot14Bandtheholders of firstmortgagesor beneficiaries of first deeds of trustonLot14AandLot148 unanimously agreenottorepairor reconstruct damage of destruction toLot14AandLot14BthePropertyshall be soldandthe proceeds shallbedivided asagreedtoatthetime of the agreement nottorebuildbythe Owners of Lot14AandLot14B andholders of firstmortgagesand beneficiaries of firstdeeds of trustonLot l4A andLot14B (the"Each Owner's Share of Proceeds").Eachowner'sShare of Proceedsshallbe disbursed as follows: 1.forany payment of taxesandspecial assessment liensinfavororany assessing entityand customary expenses of sale; 2.for payment of thebalance of thelien of anyfirstmortgageordeed of trust; 3.forpayment of anysumsdueunderthis Declaration; 4.forpayment ofjunior liensand encumbrances inthe order of andtotheextent of their priority;and 5.the balance remaining,if any,shallbepaidto respective Owners. 13.RIGHT TOLIEN. 6 A.If anOwner,atanytime,shallneglectorrefuseto perform orpayhisshareorany obligation requiredhereunder,the other Ownermay,butshallnotbe obligated to ,after30dayswritten noticeunlessthec ircumstances requireimmediateaction ,makesuch payment or,on behalf of such other Owner,expendsuchsumasmaybe necessary toperformsuch obligation including, butnotlimitedto,thepayment of anyinsurancepremiumsrequired hereunder orthe undertaking of anyworkrequired hereunder forrepair ,restoration or maintenance,andsuch other Owner shallhavean easement inandtothatpart of such defaulting Owner'sLotasis reasonably necessaryforsuchrepair,restoration ormaintenance. B.Allsumssopaidor expended byanOwner,withinterestthereonattherate of 18percentper yearfromthedate of suchpaymentor expenditure,shallbe payable bythe Owner sofailingto perform(the "Defaulting Owner")upondemand ofthe otherOwner. C.Allsumssodemandedbutunpaidbythe defaulting Owner shall constitute alienontheLot of the Defaulting Owner infavor of the other Owner priortoall other liensand encumbrances, except:(i)liensfortaxesandspecial assessment;and,(ii)thelien of anyfirstmortgageorfirst deed of trust of record encumbering suchlot.Thelienshallattachfromthedatewhentheunpaid sumshallbecomedueandmaybeforeclosedinlikemannerasamortgageonrealpropertyupon the recording of anoticeorclaim thereof executedbythe Non-defaulting Owner settingforththe amount of theunpaid indebtedness,thename of the Defaulting Owner,anda description of the Unit.Inanysuch foreclosure the Defaulting Ownershall be requiredtopaythecostsand expenses of such proceedings,including reasonableattorney's fees. D.TheLien provided forhereinshallbe subordinate tothelien of anyfirstmortgageordeed of trust,includingall additional advances thereon.Saleor transfer of either Lotastheresult of courtforeclosure,of amortgage foreclosure throughthepublictrustee ,orany proceeding inlieu offoreclosure,shall extinguish thelienonsuch assessments astopayments thereof which becomeduepriortosuchsaleor transfer,butshallnotrelieveanyformer Owner of Personal liability therefor.The mortgagee of suchlotwho acquires titlebyway of foreclosure orthe taking of adeedinlieu thereof,shallnothowever,beliableforapastdue assessment andshall onlybecomeliableforfuture assessments onthedateitbecomestheOwnerorisentitledto becomethe Owner ofthe Lot.Nosaleor transfer shallrelievesuchLotfromliabilityforany assessments thereafter becoming dueorfromthelienthereof.Intheevent ofthe saleor transfer of aLotwithrespecttowhichsumsshallbeunpaidbya Defaulting Owner,except transferstoa firstmortgageein connection withaforeclosure of itslienoradeedinlieuthereof,the purchaser or other transferee of an interest insuchLotshallbe jointly andseverallyliablewiththe seller or transferor thereof foranysuchunpaidsums. E.Uponwrittenrequest of anyOwner,mortgagee,prospective mortgagee ,purchaser or other prospective transferee of aLot,the Owner of the other Lotshallissueawritten statement setting forththeamountheisowedunderthis paragraph,if any,withrespecttosuchUnit.Such statement is binding uponthe executing Ownerinfavor of anypersonwhomayrelythereonin goodfaith.Unlessarequestforsuch statement shallbe complied withwithinfifteendaysafter receiptthereof,allunpaidsumswhichbecameduepriortothedate of makingsuchrequestshall be subordinated tothelienor other interest ofthe person requesting suchstatement. 14.USE RESTRICTIONS. 7 A.Each unit shallbe restricted toa residential dwelling asa permitted use,and conditional and accessory usesas defined bythe Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances. B.No exterior mounted radio,short-wave,television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of anykind,either elevated of buried,or clothesline or incinerator of anykind whatsoever shall be permitted or maintained on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners.Two satellite dishes per unit lessthan 2'in diameter are permitted but must be located such that the satellite dishes arenot visible from inside the other unit andare located to maximize exterior ambiance. C.No animals shall bekeptor maintained in,onor upon either Unit,except that each Owner may keep and maintain within his Unit domesticated animals;provided,however,that such domesticated animals arekept under control atall times,donot present a nuisance tothe other Owner,andarekept controlled in strict compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that my apply tosuch animals.No more than2 cats andor2 dogs are allowed per unit without written permission of the other owner.Dog waste shallbe cleared from same units landscape a minimum of once a week andisnot allowed on other unit's property. D.No "time sharing","interval Ownership"or similar interest,whereby Ownership ofa Unit is shared by Owners ona time basis,shallbe established on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners and alilienors holding first mortgage orfirst deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot14AorLot14B,which approval shallbe reflected ina document of record. E.The Owners understand and agree that potential development rights may exist under present or future Town of Vail regulations that may permit expansion of the units,which development rights havenot been utilized todate .The Owners of Lot 14A and Lot 148 shallbe deemed to have exclusive Ownership of any rights as currently are being utilized by their respective Lots. No exercise of any development rights not utilized to date shallbemadebyone Owner without first obtaining the written consent of the other Owner,which consent shallnotbe unreasonably withheld .The other Owner,before giving written consent,shallbe entitled to review the development plans andany blueprints or surveys prepared in connection withthe development plans.The Owner of Lot l4A shall havethe exclusive right totheuse of 0%of the Development Rights which have not been utilized to date and 40%of any future Development Rights above the current maximum gross residential floor area ("GRFA")allowed bythe Town of Vail forThe Properties.The Owner of Lot 14Bshall have the exclusive right totheuse of 100%of the Development Rights which have not been utilized todateand 60%of any future Development Rights above the current maximum GRFA allowed bythe Town of VailforThe Properties.If either Owner exceeds his Development Rights,without the consent ofthe other Owner,and because of thisthe other Owner isnot allowed to utilize hisfull development rights,the excess development shall be removed bythe Owner thereof immediately upon demand of the other Owner. 15.NOTICE.Each Owner shall register its mailing address withthe other Owner andall notices or demands intended tobe served upon Owners shall be sent by certified mail ,postage prepaid, addressed inthename of the Owner atsuch registered mailing address,In the alternative,notices maybe delivered,if in writing,personally to Owners. 16.DURATION OF DECLARATION.Each provision contained isthis Declaration which is subject tothe laws or rules sometimes referred toastherule against perpetuities ortherule prohibiting 8 unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue andremaininfullforceand effect fortheperiod of 21yearsfollowingthedeath of GeorgeW.Plavec,IIIandhislivingissue,oruntilthis Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided ,whichever firstoccurs .All other provisions contained inthe Declaration shall continue andremaininfullforceand effect until January I,2035A.D.,and thereafter for successive periods of 10yearseach;unlessatleastIyearpriorto January 1,2035 A.D.,oratleastI yearpriortothe expiration of anysuch10yearperiod of extendedduration,this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument,directing termination,signedbyallOwnersandall Iienorsholdingafirstmortgage of firstdeed of trust of recordonanyportion of Lot14AorLot14B. 17.AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION.This Declaration maybeamendedorrevokedonlyupon unanimous writtenapprovalin recordable form of allOwnersandallIienorsholdingafirstmortgage orfirstdeed of trust of recordonanyportion of Lot14AorLot 148. 18.EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION.Eachprovision of this Declaration,and agreement,promise,covenant and undertaking tocomplywitheachprovision ofthis Declaration, andany necessary exceptionor reservation orgrant of title ,estate,rightorinterestto effectuate any provision ofthis Declaration:(i)shallbedeemed incorporated ineachdeedor other instrumentby whichanyright,titleorinterestinanyportion of Lot14AorLot14Bisgranted,devisedor conveyed,whether ornotsetforthorreferredtoinsuchdeedorotherinstrument:(ii)shall,byvirtue of acceptance of anyright,titleorinterestinanyportion of Lot14AorLot14BbyanOwner,be deemed accepted,ratified,adoptedand declared asa personal covenant of such Owner and,asa personal covenant,shall be binding onsuch Owner andhisheirs,personal representatives,successors andassigns;andshall be deemedapersonal covenant to,withandforthe benefit of each Owner of anyportion of Lot14AorLot14B:and(iii)shallbedeemedareal covenant byDeclarant,for himself,hisheirs ,personal representatives,successors assigns,andalsoan equitable servitude, running ,ineachcase,asaburdenwithanduponthetitletoeachandeveryportion of Lot14Aand Lot14B. 19.ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. A.Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable byany owner,bya proceeding fora prohibitive or mandatory injunction orbyasuitoractiontorecoverdamages .If court proceeding areinstitutedin connection withtherights of enforcement andremediesprovidedin this Declaration ,the prevailing partyshall be entitledtorecoveritscostand expenses in connection therewith,including reasonable attorney fees . B.EachOwnerherebyagreesthatanyandallactionin equity oratlawwhichareinstitutedto enforce anyprovision hereunder shall be brought inandonlyintheDistrictCourt of Eagle County,State of Colorado. C.Failuretoenforceany provision of this Declaration shallnotoperateasawaiver of anysuch provision,therighttoenforcesuchprovision thereafter,or of any other provision of this Declaration. 20.EXERCISE OF RIGHTS.Anyexercise of anyrightgranted hereunder byone Owner withrespect tothe other Owner'sUnit including bynotlimitedtotheuse of any easement grantedhereinshallbe exercisedinamannerwhichshallnot unreasonably hinder,impedeorimposeuponsuch other Owner'suse of hisUnit. 9 21.SUCCESSOR ANDASSIGNS.Except as otherwise provided herein,this Declaration shallbe binding uponand shall inuretothe benefit of each Owner andthe heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 22.SEVERABLITY.Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Declaration in whole orin part shall not affect the validity of enforceable part of a provision of the Declaration. 23.CAPTIONS.The captions and headings in this instrument arefor convenience only and shall notbe considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 24.CONSTRUCTION.When necessary for proper construction,the masculine orany word usedin this Declaration shall include the feminine or neuter gender,andthe singular the plural andvice versa. 25.Wall Cavity.There exists a three foot wide cavity onthe western side of the building between the main uphill sideandthehome.No constructive useis allowed in this space by either owner of Unit AorUnit B.Access to thisspace is through Unit A garage anda passageway created inthe concrete wall.UnitB shall have theright,given sufficient notice,to access this area for maintenance or inpection . 26. IO INWITNESS WHEREOF Declarant has executed this Declaration this day of ,2005. DECLARANT: By:--------------- STATEOF COLORADO SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______,2008 by George Plavec. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on: Notary Public day of V~dIk:J 6dum£;;Jntl- It;hLf,~Ie-{-b Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax :970.479.2452 CO'>lUP<lTYOO/El.Ol'IoI9lT web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:PLAVEC CHANGE DRBNumber:DRB070595 Project Description: FINALAPROVAlFORA CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS TO ENLARGE DECK,MOVE DORMER,STONE CHANGE ANDCHIMNEY CAP Participants: OWNER PLAVEC,GEORGE W. POBOX3415 AVON CO 81620 APPLICANT PLAVEC,GEORGE W. POBOX3415 AVON CO81620 10/17/2007 Phone:845-7797 10/17/2007 Phone:845 -7797 Project Address:2417GARMISHDRVAIL 2417GARMISCHDR Location: Legal Description:Lot:14Block:HSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIl 2 Parcel Number:2103-114-1301-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFF AcnON Motion By: second By: Vote: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/17/2007 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit forbuilding .Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not becomevalid for 20days follOWing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year follOWing the date of final approval,unlessa building permit isissued and construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:113 All development applications submitted totheTown after the effective date of Ordinance 26,series2006shall be subjecttothepending employee housing regulations inwhateverform they arefinallyadopted;provided,however,thatif theTownfailstoadoptthe pending employee housing regulations byApril15,2007, this Ordinance shallnotapplyto such development applications. Planner:Bill Gibson ORB FeePaid:$20.00 ChangesTo The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479 .2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmitting abuildingpermitapplication .Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformat ionisreceivedbythe Community DevelopmentDepartment.The ~ projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapsesunlessa building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval.. Description .ofthe Request:e"lar"'/'11e~<h)ItIoI'G ,(It:>CtffG Cj Stan k C.h4!1'je:..-~ To TeJlvr,'J(12(('51 &PM ICre bl H S ~t1fb"~k n'i)U PC ,'1rl4 C 14,.",;6 &+1/0#'0 •J/'/~.,...,f£1 i llz,ad It'.s'"t/J'e <LIMa:e.-tf/UUi&CY ?"'.,0• Location of the Proposal:Lot:I tl Block:1/Subdivision :VA";/V...<.k /11')11 e.;RL.JA/G ~ Physical Address:2-l('7 ('FA r tIr1 ..'"c:..b ParcelNo.:f2 0 /87/8 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:RI2nn/>-Il-Y /~F(,aAJaf!r.12,!~ Name(s)ofOwner(s):Ge of'1C p/A.Vf.£< Mailing Address:Po (30)'-34'5 AVl>N r:.o 8/620 _________________Phone:q 7tJ 3Qp '£J8 2- >4'--/?~e' 6eo~'k jJ/ttve c.- Po 150X '59'/$AWN __________________Phone:--~<-.L"-'J.J-.Jo<...;;L.::l""-......---- E-mail Address:XI){I.~<lUi}~(lJ1t(.I17.lIImax:.-4-................-...--..e--..<-......~_ 3Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s)or Association = Forrevisions to plansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStaffor -r-:=="......_ DesignReviewBoard. $20 Planner:. For Office.use""Only:(b f 8 U FeePaid:L.J...J Check No.:T.:..-'t-_·_ MeetingDate:./1 '"7 -u ) !5 b ' Type of Review and Fee: ¢r::ChangestoApproved Plans Submittal Requirements: F:\cdev\FORMS\PermitslP lanning\DRB\drb_change_to_approvedjllans_1jlage_OS -11-2006.doc ••••••••**************••••••*•••••••••****************••••••••*•••••••**************•••••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••*****.**••••**•••*.*****••***********••••••••••••••••••*•••**********•••••••••••••••• Statement Numbe r:R070002252 Amount:$20 .00 10/17/200702:15 PM Payment Method:Check Init:JS Notation:4480/TERRAMONT BLDG CONTRACTORS INC Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB070595 Type:DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 2103 -114 -1301 -4 2417 GARMISH DR VAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR This Payment:$20 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20 .00 $20.00 $0.00 ****•••••*••••••••••••••*************••••••**.*.**********•••**••••••••••*.**************••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Acco unt Co de DR 00 100003 1 12200 Descr ipt ion DESIGN REVI EW FEES Current Pmts 20 .00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtm ent ofCommun ity Developme nt 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colo rado 81657 t el:970.479.2139 fax:970 .479.2452 w eb:www.vailgov.com Project Name:PLAVIC RESIDENCE Project Description: DRB Number:DRB060551 CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS (WINDOWSAND LmLITY BOXES) Participants: OWNER PLAVEC,GEORGE W . POBOX3415 AVON CO81620 APPLICANT PLAVEC,GEORGE W. POBOX3415 AVON CO81620 Project Address:2417 GARMISH DRVAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR 12/05/2006 Phone:845-7797 12/05/2006 Phone:845 -7797 Location: Legal Description:Lot:14Block:HSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:2103-114-1301-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:12/05/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for bulldtnq .Pleaseconsult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following thedateofapproval. Cond :202 . Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date offinalapproval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced and isd iligently pursuedtowa rd completion. Cond:113 All development applications subm itted totheTown after the effective dateof Ordinance26,Series 2006shallbe subject tothepending employee housing regulations in whatever formtheyarefinally adopted;prov ided,however,that jf theTownfailsto adopt thependingemployeehousingregulationsbyApril15,2007, thisOrd inance shallnotappiy tosuch development applications. Planner:BillGibson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 .,..ChangesTo The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2128fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuilding pennit application.Please refer tothesubmittal requirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinfonnationisreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department The projectmayalsoneed to be reviewedbytheTown Council and/orthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. &'1£20 3 90 --5382- ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe Design ReviewBoard. $20 Name of Applicant:__~:-v.~~_-L..:L.L____'_....l....::""'_":..._=.~:::..__ Location of the Proposal:Lot :I f Block:L Subdivision:@ L IJ4:2"CCf/tlA/£ Physical Address:2 '//2 6-.11/2 In /5 eN ParcelNo.:2 103 //4 3 Di Ll (Contact EagleCo.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ;PR /M AAy l-£c G-O/V/J A¥ I 01 Name(s)of Owner(s):6 C04L I ra..ve (.<' Mailing Address:eO a o X :<'fl S A (J,2A.1 CO _________________Phone:__~""""-'~___"':....<:_'""_'=__ ---V h<,~ ::Am e /If 4 /fr.Jv,e Mailing Address:_ Description of the Request:3 A/£W tv//l/,4~t</~,$12 f/£1/TIL /71£""-J iJo '&~5 7 .ACPl?It1!J4I//V £f/6t,v£E/2./M Ul4Vti£.;;", _________________Phone:_ E-mail Address:T/2 lIlA 3862@¥1Jr1tcA2C Fax :,__-r....<..J",f.'--'-'........,.""--....L...~......,.-_ ,vel Type of Review andFee: 'fl ChangestoApprovedPlans Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s)or Association ProjectNo.: For O~ce Use 0 ly.J-c)'3 FeePaid:'"1 Check NO .:-=--By:_----'--'-_----'-'-=>:::= 1-~-~2 DRB NO.:--3:~~.=..,..-=-=--.=..::'--..._:!_--- 8 ~Planner: MeetingDate:,----_-,-r.._ F:lcdevlFORMSIPel1Tl itslPlanning\oRBldrb_change_to_approved.Jllans_1.Jlage_05-11-2006.doc ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: BLDG CO R060002056 Amount:$20.00 Check 12/05/200603:04 PM Init :JS Notation:4038/TERRAMNOT Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB060551 Type: 2103-114-1301-4 2417 GARMISH DRVAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Total Fees:$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 Depa rtment of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax :970 .479.2452 web :www.vailgov.com , Design Review Board ACTION FORM V.ul tIP S cJur~-li/.:L Irl-If l bit:f-I Project Name:PLAVEC RESIDENCE DRBNumber:DRB060524 ProjectDescription: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS (MECHANICAL ROOM) Participants: OWNER PLAVEC,GEORGE W.11/13/2006 Phone:845-7797 POBOX3415 . AVON CO81620 ARCHITECTJOHNG.MARTIN,ARCHITECT LLll/13/2006 POBOX4701 EAGLE CO81631 License:C000001843 APPLICANT PLAVEC,GEORGE W .11/13/2006 Phone:845-7797 POBOX3415 AVON CO81620 ProjectAddress:2417 GARMISH DRVAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR Location: LegalDescription:Lot:14Block:HSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL2 ParcelNumber:2103 -114-1301-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR DateofApproval:11/17/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit forbuild ing.Please consult with TownofVailBuilding personnelpr ior to construction activities . Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomeva lid for20daysfollow ing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approvalofth is project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date ChangesTo The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of CommunityDevelopment 75 South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970 .479.2128 fax :970.479 .2452 web:www.vallgov .com General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirements forthepart icular approvalthatisrequested.Anapplication forDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilalirequiredinformationisreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedto be reviewed by theTownCouncil and/or thePlanning andEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within one year oftheapproval. E-mail Address :10"'\.vYJai"/-'".-?f? .J CRI1 ft;rj ie (..JZe.+-- Type of Review andFee:~Ch an ges to ApprovedPlans ~Forrevisionstoplans already approved byPlanning Stafforthe /'--~DesignReview Board. Submittal Requirements : 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project O1anges Signature of Homeowner(s)or Assoc iation Planner: For Office Use Onl't:-U ",......«."..J-e.C Fee Paid:L c::>ChTck No.:,__l:_--"---~,;... MeetingDate:lL..-II -~~ORB No.:1:2R.\6 ~4.::>0 S;?'L t)CD Project No.:ill-~e:-o I (G F :\cdevl FORMSIP enn itsI PlanningIDRBId rb_cha nge_to_approvedJllans_1Jlage_05-11-2006 .d oc John G.Martin,Architect,ILC ~ Cover Memo To:Bill Gibson -TownofVail Planner Cc Tripp Plavec -General Contractor From:JohnG.Martin -Architect P.O.8m:4701 Phone:97G-)23-{)S92 1log1<.,"'>I'OI Fax:97G-)23-{)S9) john.martin@cmturytel.net Date:10/1612006 Re:Plavec Duplex (formerly Weyrauch)-Lot14,BlockH,VailDasSchone#2,2417 Garmisch Dr Subj:Changeto Approved Plans-Mech spacelGRFA revisions -explained Dear Bill, Wehavemadesome revisions to theFirstLevelPlanwhichwill require your approval andwillneedto beonfilewiththe building departmentThe revisions are labeled "Revision #2 10-16-06". The contractor hasaskedme to increase thesizeofthe Mechanical Roomattherearofthe garage of the Secondary UnitAonthefirst level oftheduplex.IknewthatGRFAwas tigh~but because muchof thatlevel is buried IthoughtIwould re-Iook atthe exposed to unexposed ratioandbeverycarefulof measurements .Theresultsare located ontheGRFAsheetIwasabletogainenough square footage to increase the Mechanical Roomby several feetand shrinking thesize of theadjacent crawlspace. Allotherfloorlevel measurements aswellasareasofthe primary unithavenotbeen revised. Sincerely, John. •Page1 J' ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: PLAVEC R060001947 Amount:$20.00 Check 11/13/200610:58 AM Init :JS Notation:4514/GEORGE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB060524 Type: 2103 -114-1301-4 2417 GARMISH DRVAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Total Fees:$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 ..... ..l • CASH DEPOSIT Fa Receipt fundsto:~I I LegalDescription:Lot I Y ,Block'":-..J±l.-'I,--_ Name:SlJAwrJ \.Jga.A ~Subdivision:\lA-It.tv'tS S"C@ N(;l>I==-j I 2 Mailing Address:2 (->2 S"LA,~1¢.Sfr.Jt2.~'WT\Cl d re ss :z..y (?-GAR ....,I SCM ba-If e II CO V N 1..T::A Developer:~I \/A Ii;Co 'KthS?-Project Number:el!J~£-0110 Improvement Completion Date:(.,,-36 ~of'" DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMEN1made a nd entered inti-this ~day of Ntl\lSM 8EiL--.20 Q.Y,. byand among --J'j m lv r !'\P ~""e t1 LLL(the "Developer"),andtheTownof Vail(the "Town"). WHEREAS,the Developer,asa condition of approval ofthe Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for 14>'2£Lt..((.spv.:..~ (address,legal description,and project number)wishes to enter intoa Developer Improvement Agreement;and WHEREAS,the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient inthe judgement oftheTowntomake reasonable provisions for completion ofcertain improvements set forthinthe attached estimated bid(s)in accordance withthe approved plansand specifica tions filedintheofficeofthe Community Development Department oftheTownofVail;and WHEREAS,the Developer w ishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance ofthis Agreement,including completion of theall improvements referred tointhis Agreement,bymeans ofthe following: The Developer agrees to establish acash deposit account withtheTown of Va il,as escrow agent,inthe amount of $157>.CO (125%ofthetotalcosts of the attached estimated bid(s»as collateral forthe completion ofall improvements referredto inthis Agreement,inthe event thereisa default under t his Agreement bythe Developer. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration ofthe following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer andtheTownagreeas follows: 1 .The Developer agrees,atitssalecostande xpense,to furnish all equipment and materials necessary toperformand complete all improvements referredtointhis Agreement.The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred tointhis Agreement onor before the _ day of 1un 9,3 0 ,20 0 5':"""The Developer shallcomplete,inagood workmanlike manner,all improvements referredtointhis Agreement,in accordance withall approved plans and specifications filedinthe office ofthe Community Development Department oftheTownof Vail ,andtodoall work incidental thereto according toandin compliance withthe following: a .Allsaidworkshallbedone under the inspection of,andto thesatis faction of,theTown Planner,theTownEngineer,the Town Building Offic ial,or other official fromthe Town ofVail,asaffectedbyspeci al d istricts or service di stricts,a s their respective interest m ay a ppear ,a nd sha ll notbe deemed complete untilapp roved and accepted ascom pleted by theC ommunity De velopment Dep artment andPub lic Works Departm ent ofthe Townof Vail. F:\cdevIBi lrlProjects\DIAI DIA Cashdraft _12 1202.doc Page1 of 5 ••f '·· 2.Tosecureandguarantee performance oftheobligat ions assetforthherein ,the Deve loper agrees toprovidecollat eral asfollows : Acash deposit account with theTownofVail ,asescrow age nt,inthea mount of $?c;?).6D (125%ofthe totalcostsoftheattachedest imated bid (s))ascolla teralforthe completion ofall improvements referredtointhis Agreement,intheeventthere isa default underthis Agreement bytheDeveloper. 3.The Developer mayatanytimesubst itute thecol lateral originally setforthabove forano th er formof security orcollate ral acceptab let otheTowntog uarantee the faithful co mpletion ofthoseimprovem ents referred tohereininthis Agreement andtheperformanceof thetermsofthisAgreement.SuchacceptancebytheTownofalternative security orcollateral shallbeattheTown'ssole discretion . 4.TheTownshallnot,norshallany officer oremployeethereof,beliableor responsibleforanyaccident,lossordamage happening oroccurringtotheworkspecifiedinthis Agreement priortothecompletionand acceptance ofthesame ,norshalltheTown,norany officeroremployeethereof,beliable foranypersonsorpropertyinjuredbyreasonofthenature ofsaidwork,butallofsaid liabilities shallbeandare hereby assumedbytheDeveloper. The Developer herebyagr ees to indemnify andholdharmlesstheTown,andanyofits officers,agentsandemployeesaga inst anylosses ,claims ,damages,or liabilities towhichthe Townorany of itsofficers,agentsor employees maybecomesubj ect to,insofar asanysuch losses,claims,damagesorliabilities (oractionsin respect thereof)ariseoutoforarebasedupon anyperformancebytheDevelop er hereunder ;andtheDev eloper shallreimbursetheTownfor anyandalllegalorotherexpenses reasonably incurredbytheTownin connection with investigatingordefending anysuchloss,claim ,damage,liability oract ion.Thisindemnity provis ion shallbe inadd ition toanyotherliabil ity whichthe Developer myhave. 5.Itismutually agreedthat the Developer mayapp ly forandthe Townmay authorizeapart ial releaseofthecollaterald eposited withtheTownforeachcategoryof improvement afterthesubject improvement is constructed incompliancewithallplansand spec ifications asreferenced hereunder andacceptedbytheTown.Under noconditionshallthe dollaramountofthecollateralthatisbeingheldbytheTownbereducedbelowthedollaramount necessary tocompleteall uncompleted improvements referredtointhisAgreement. 6.IftheTowndetermines,atitssole discretion,thatanyofthe improvements referredtointhis Agreement arenotconstructedin compliance withtheapprovedplansand specifications f iled intheofficeoftheCommunity Development Department oftheTownofVailor notacceptedbytheTownascompleteonorbeforethedatesetforthinParagraph1ofthis Agreement,theTownmay ,butshallnotberequiredto,drawuponthesecurityreferredtointhis Agreementandcompletetheuncompleted improvements referredtointhisAgreement.Pursuant toSection12-11-8,Va il TownCode,the Temporary Certificateof Occupancy referredtointhis Agreementmayberevokeduntilall improvements referredtohereinarecompletedbythe Dev eloper or t heTown in accordance withthis Agreement. F:\cdevlBiIIIProjecls\OIA \DIACash dra fl_121 202 .doc P age2 of 5 •• Ifthecostsofcomple ting theuncom pleted improvements referred tointhisAg reement exceed th e dolla r amountofthedepos it,theexcess,together withinte rest at twelve percent (12%)perannum,shallbe a lienaga inst theprop erty andmaybecollect ed byciv il suit o r maybe certified tothetreasur er ofEagleCoun ty tobecollected int he samemannerasde linquent ad va lorem taxesleviedagainstsuchproperty.IftheDevelope r failsorrefusestocompletethe improvementsre ferred tointhisAgree ment,suchfailur e orrefusa l shallbeconsidereda v iolation ofTitle12 (ZoningRegulations),oftheVa i l TownCode,and theDeve loper shallbesubject t o penalties pursua nt toSection12-3-10(Violations:Penalties)a nd Chapter 1-4 (Ge neral Pena lty), oft heVailTownCode . 7.TheDeve lo per shall warranty theworkandmater ials ofallimprovem ents referred to i nth is Agreement locat e donTown property orwithinaTownright-of-way,pursuanttoChapter 8-3,oftheVai lT ownCode,foraperiodoftwoyearsafterthe Town'sacc eptance ofsai d impro vements. 8.Thepartieshereto mutuallyagree thatthis Agreeme nt maybeamendedfrom t ime t otime ,providedt hat such am endments bein wr iting andexecutedbya ll parties hereto. F :\cdevI8i lllP roj ecls\DIAI0IA Cash draft_121202.doc Pag e 3 of 5 •• Datedthedayandyearfirst abovewritten ., STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OFEAGLE The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged beforemethis ~D a y of NQ~(M.\)(OV',20 frl by S iU\'NN \j'\l 1::.'\R !\\bC-\:\ Wi tness myhandandofficia l sea l. My Commission Expire s June 10.2005 CINDY L.MARQUEZ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OFCOLORADO My commiss ion expir es Tow n Planner STATEOF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OFEAGLE) Theforegoi ng Develope rImprovement Agreement was acknow ledged beforeme this (Pi Dayof No Il0n /x ....c .2 0 Qi by (;.J i {I lei.0J fYl .0-/Gi ~ W itness myhandandoffic ial seal. My commissio n expi res :~/'11 \\\\\'\1tl"'",",.""~'to:C A "1,.8 ",c,"'1,1.'/,0?J.~..,l~••••..../~;~ ~.•\Y ~ 1 ~.~:.'\,\.;."-;. l ~:,\<:-.,;~•NO TAl'>'.r-~ ~:--...rry:~ :;:J)'''''--•::;:c-\,IV I •:~.'.U B L {C:g--:.'"?:•··0 ~~.",."~..~'..~. •,."..,j .... ~.,."v- F:l cdevlBilil Projectsl DIAI DIA Cashdrafl _12120 2.doc Page4of 5 •• ATTACHED COP IES OFTHEEST IMATED BIO(S) F :lcd ev l BilllP rojectslDIAI DIA Cash d ra ft_121202.doc P age 5of 5 Nove mber10,2004 • THO COLORADO POBOX8338 AVON,CO816320 (970)331-1209 • PROPOSAL:Cutinaccessroadtoperformsoilstest Roadtobe minimum of 8'withtwopadsfordrillrig 1O'x 10' Roadto switchback uptoback of proposed building Contract Price$1 ,000 .00 Reclaim roadput intolotfor soilstest:putdirtbackintoroadcut and re-vegetate Contract Price$600 .00 PROPERTY ADDRESS 2417GARMIS CH DRIVE Vail ,C O81657 THD COLORADO Jake Schwaiger,Owner Town of Vall Department of Community Development ... !5 S.Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 Name :S1:-.~LP~ro.....l...lc L-...ReceiptNo .S"c.oO 19 l j Address:2'1£L".rI'-s(',-",~."hif tl VA;{,",~f,,>7 \t,l..L(I 0 l(Project:pfl;ro5"-DUO Date Pleasemakecheckspayabletothe TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code'll Cost Each Total 001 0000314 1110 ZoninqandAddressMaps ZA $5.00• 001 00003141112 UniformBuilding Code -1997 -Volume 1&2 CB $50.95 • 001 00003141112 UniformBuildingCode-1997-Volume 3 $60.65 • 00100003141112 International PlumbingCode-1997 CB $36.00 • 00100003141112 InternationalMechanicalCode -1998 CB $35.00 • 00100003141112 Uniform MechanicalCode -1996 $35.60 • 00100003141112 UniformFireCode CB $36.00 ' 00100003141112 NationalElectricalCode CB $42 .60 ' 001 00003141112 AbatementofDangerousBldg.'s 1997 $9.95• 001 00003141112 ModelEnergyCode -1995 $10.00 • 001 0000314 1112 AnalysisofRevisionsto 1997 UniformCodes $12 .75 • 00100003141112 OtherCodeBooks CB , 00100003141211 BluePrints/MylarCopyFees BF $7 .00 ' 00100003141111 XeroxCopies XC $0 .25 * 00100003141111 LionsheadMasterPlan MS $40 .00 ' 00100003141111 LionsheadMasterPlanAppendices MS $20.00 * 00100003141111 Studies,MasterPlans.etc.MS . 00100003123000 ContractorsLicenseFees CL 00100002403300 Developer Improvement Agreement Depo5it D2.QEP10 AP :+~6 - 001 0000312 1000 RestaurantLicensefee(TOV)RL 00100002302000 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.DeptRev.SA 001 00003193100 Gr'FIip.n c;t:=lr Pmnr::llm 11000003141115 ResaleCommission Other-MS Other-MS Other-MS Other-MS Other -MS '00100002011000 Taxable @ 4.4%(Slate)-TIIX payable TP '00100003101200 Taxable @4%(Town)•Retail S.I89 Tex 17 '11500003101200 Taxable @.5%(Town)•Confenmce Ctr TC TOTAl:-::t--<\0 -~ -- Comments:~.\--t \..,\{J-\..te.H-,V(j...-l'ciO::j'S'c,~l:\-2.- i i Cash Money Order #Check #VOt9S Received by:~~ \.L...."r1'QUi>,A--ff~-C (rv--....k~~r (,CJL-,F 2003 18&8 •• Town of vail tH CUSTOMER RtCEIPl HI Oper:PHARPE Type:iB Drawer:I Date:11/29/04 01 Re~eipt no:1&4ji Custoler Lo~ation Nale Alount .2520 2538 ShallTl Weyrauch AD AR-DEPOSITS rl~.0il vAlL DAS SCHONE #2,LT 14,~H Tender detail CK CHECK Total tendered Total paylent Trans date:11/29/04 Tile:11:12:45 TItW<YOU FOR YWR PAylt:Ni ! PREPARED 7/1 7/0 6.13:4 3:30 P ROGRAM MR415U Town of Va il CUST-ID CUS TOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUNDREPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 2 520 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTI ON S hawn weyrauch DEPI ODep -n eveloper I mp Agrmts TX-D ATE 0 2 11 /29/04 AJ-DATE 7 /17/06 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 750.0 0 DEPOSIT -ADJ AMOUNT 7 50 .0 0 ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 75 0 .0 0 - AFTER-REFUND AM OUNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE : GRAND TOTAL: DEPOSIT COUNT: 0 2 7 5 0.0 0 750 .00 1 5 0.00 1 50 .0 0 7 $0 .0 0- 750 .00- .00 .00 •G/L BATCHCREATED:BATCH-018 49 20 06/07 USERIO-JLOVATO APHELD COUNT-.0 0 AMOUNT -750.00 • .~ I ' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Commun ity Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81557 tel:970.479.2139 fax :970.479 .2452 CO'....WITY~\ll'lO""rliT web:www.va ilgov.com Project Name:WEYRAUCH RESIDENCE DRB Number:DRB050367 Project Description: NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNER WEYRAUCH,SHAWN ·07/25/2005Phone:479-2950 2625 LARKSPUR LANE,UNIT 'A' VAIL CO81657 APPLICANT JOHNG.MARTIN ARCHITEcr,LL07/25/2005 Phone:970-328 -0592 P.O.BOX4701 EAGLE CO81631 Project Address:2417 GARMISH DRVAIL Location:2417 GARMISCH DR Legal Description:Lot:14Block:HSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:2103-114-1301-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:05/10/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsultw ith TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpriorto construction activ ities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalid for 20days following thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate offinalapproval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0007934 Fire sprinkler systemrequiredandshallcomply with NFPA 13R(2002)and VFES standards. Cond:CON0007935 "New Construction Application forDesign Review Department ofCommunity Development 75 South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2128 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiringdesignrev iew mustreceiveapprovalpriorto submitting abuild ing permit application .Please refer to the submittal requ irements fo r thepart icular approval that isrequested.Anapplication forDesignReview cannot be accepteduntil allrequired information isreceivedbytheCommun ity Development Department.The project mayalsoneedto be reviewedbytheTownCoundl and/or thePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapsesunlessa bUilding pennit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:A Prt 1<+r~I g~c.o"kf"!j &5)(;)(<2 be..(Oeutqel(,!!tT/- &£,8tAvJp k!E'1"'g.Ave-e RECTI JUL 2 5 2005 Forconstruction of anewbuilding or demo/rebuild. Foranaddit ion wheresquarefootageisadded to anyresidential or commercialbuilding(includes250 additions &interior convers ions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. For minor changestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window add itions,landscaping,fencesand reta ining walls,etc. Forrevisions to plansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe Design Review Board. Plus $1.00persquare foot of total sign area. Mailing Address:_-L.=-~::..L::""-....L..!:=-!-,,--::..!...-=L::I:o..-.f---'=:""----lo<~=-.£...'------:o----- Type of Review andFee: 0 Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee j!f New Construction $650 0 Addition $300 0 Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 ChangestoApprovedPlans$20 0 SeparationRequest No Fee Location ofthe Proposal:Lot:14 BIOCk:-H-Subdivision :tiN/./?,6.$7GtwplG E'l-I,..)C z:; Physical Address:Z"\'l"T akr:zMI~,"t-l C?Rlll,e:,~/L Ct?&<e5"7• ParcelNo.:~O?1/4-15 0l i-(ContactEagleCo.Assessor at 970-328-8640 forparcel no.) Zoning:r/l/M~e'-(/5f:COJJPA{?'"1" Name(s)of Owner(s):5HPwJ,J WP'"(IZAc.lC-fl Mailing Address:vP z.~Uf2.l~S.PufZ f..N.Jf;.I UN rr A I I!/t(l",Co 'O(~rr _________~---~/:z.-Phone:Cf10 3Zv -??'3? Owner(s)Signature(s):....1J'""'-(~k~"...;;rc::....LL..=-_ 1 Name of Applicant:..,Jt>H"j <£,.MAfZ-,"T I,.t ,AI:LH,.r~""l-L..C-r Jeo,x,x l(70(et¥tw?(Q:?8((P3/ ------:0----------Phone':q CO -l7 z ~-D?:1-:'Z==--__ E-mail Address:jOhr1 .!t14rb'/I 12 C(1Ii'v,){.e.J 041 Fax:'170 ->z.e -D'Fq '3" ,#- JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(print name),--',a joint owner of propertylocatedat(address/legal description)-' providethis letter as written pproval of theplansdated whichhave been submitted totheTownofailCommunityDevelopment Department fortheproposedimprovements tobecompletedattheaddressnotabove.Iunderstand that theproposedimprovementsinclude: I further understandthatminormodificationsmaybemade 0 theplansoverthecourseofthereview processtoensurecompliancewiththeTown'sapplicablecod (Signature) Page2 of 14/05/20/05 (Date) .~ NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: ThereviewprocessfornewconstructionnormallyrequirestwoseparatemeetingsoftheDesign ReviewBoard:aconceptualreviewandafinalreview.Applicantsshouldplanonpresenting their development proposalataminimum of twomeetingsbeforeobta ining finalapproval. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS** l2f Allpages of Applicat ioniscomplete ~Checklistiscompletedandsigned 13 StampedTopographicSurvey* 13 SiteandGrading Plan* ~Landscape Plan*cr ArchitecturalElevations*a Exteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications.....10 SC=~H~1'"01 gil,£.4J1Jt;oN [{ArchitecturalFloorPlans*Ar Uvf~CZ (/"""fG.- C¥LightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures l3'"TItle report,including Schedules A &Btoverifyownershipandeasements* o Photos of theexisting siteandadjacentstructures,whereapplicable. o Writtenapprovalfromacondominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable o Site-specificGeologicalHazardReport,ifapplicable* o The Administrator and/or ORB mayrequirethesubmissionofadditionalplans, drawings,specifications,samplesandothermaterials(including amodel)ifdeemed necessaryto determine whetheraprojectwillcomplywithDesignGuidelinesorifthe intent oftheproposalisnotclearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted with an asterisk (*).- **For interior conversionswithno exterior changes,thesubmittalrequirements includea completesetofexistingandproposedfloorplans,a title report,andwr itten approvalfroma condominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. I have readand understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:Wj;;'(eAVe.H"PcJf'L a /7 e' Contractor Signature~"t6Z~~,Ldi~.:::~:!!!2::;;q~~;;;;~=--_ / Date Signed 7-Z,S--0 so- ~. NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Gas Electric Sewer Water Topographic survey: •Wetstampand signature of alicensedsurveyor •Dateofsurvey •North arrow andgraphicbarscale •Scaleof 1"=10'or 1"=20') •Legal description andphysicaladdress •Lotsizeandbuildablearea(buildableareaexcludesredhazardavalanche,slopes greater than 40%,and floodplain) •Tiestoexistingbenchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewerinvert.This information mustbe clearlystatedonthesurvey •Propertyboundariestothenearesthundredth (.01)ofa foot accuracy.Distancesandbearings andabasis of bearingmustbeshown.Showexist ing pinsor monuments foundand their relationshiptotheestablishedcorner. •Show right ofwayand property lines;includingbearings,distancesandcurve information. •Indicate alleasements identified onthesubdivisionplatandrecordedagainstthe property as indicatedinthe title report.Listanyeasement restrictions. •SpotElevations at theedgeofasphalt,alongthestreet frontage ofthe property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'),andaminimumofonespotelevationson either sideofthelot. •Topographic cond itions attwofootcontourintervals •Existing treesorgroupsoftreeshavingtrunkswith diameters of4"ormore,asmeasuredfroma pointone foot aboveg rade. •Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures(largeboulders,intermittent st reams, etc.). •Allexisting improvements (incl uding foundationwalls,roof overhangs,buildingoverhangs,etc.). •Environmental Hazards(ie.Rockfall,debr is flow,avalanche,wetlands,floodp lain,soils) •Watercoursesetbacks,ifapplicable(showcenterlineandedgeof streamorcreekinaddition to therequiredstreamorcreaksetback) •Showall utility meter locations,includ ing anypedestalsonsiteorinthe right-of-way adjacent to thesite.Exactlocation of existing utility sourcesandproposedservicelinesfrom their sourceto the structure.Utilities toinclude: •cable 1V •Telephone •Sizeandtype of drainageculverts,swales,etc. •Adjacentroadwayslabeledandedge of asphaltforbothsidesoftheroadwayshownfora minimum of 250'in either directionfromproperty. •SiteandGradingPlan: •Scale of 1"=20'orlarger •Propertyandsetbacklines •Existing andproposedeasements •Existingandproposedgrades •Existingandproposed layout ofbuildingsandother structures includ ing decks,patios,fencesand walls .Indicate the foundation withadashedlineandtheroofedgewithasolidline. •Allproposed roof r idge lineswithproposedridgeelevations.Ind icate existingandproposed gradesshown underneath allrooflines.Thiswillbeusedtocalculatebuildingheight. •Proposeddriveways,includingpercentslopeandspotelevationsatthe property line,garageslab andasnecessaryalongthecenterline of the driveway toaccurately reflect grade . , Page4 of 14/05/20/05 •A4'wideunheatedconcretepan at theedgeofasphaltfordriveways that exitthe street inan uphilldirection. •Locations of allutilitiesincludingexistingsourcesandproposedservicelinesfromsourcestothe structures. •Proposedsurfacedrainageonand off-site. •Location of landscapedareas. •Location of limits of disturbance fendng •Locationofallrequiredparkingspaces •Snowstorageareas. •Proposeddumpsterlocat ion anddetailofdumpsterenclosure. •Retainingwallswithproposedelevationsattopandbottom of walls.Adetailedcross-sectionand elevationdraWingsshallbeprovidedontheplanorseparatesheet.Stampedengineering drawinqsarerequiredforwallsbetween4'and6'feetinheight. •Delineateareastobephasedandappropriatetiming,ifapplicable •LandscapePlan: •Scaleof1"=20'orlarger •Landscapeplanmustbedrawnatthesamescaleasthesiteplan. •Locationofexistingtrees,4"diameterorlarger.Indicate treestoremain,toberelocated (including newlocation),andtoberemoved.Largestandsoftreesmaybeshown(asbubble)if thestrandisnotbeingaffectedbytheproposedimprovementsandgrading. •Indicate allexistinggroundcoverandshrubs. •Detailedlegend,listingthetypeandsize(caliperfordeciduoustrees,heightforconifers,gallon sizeforshrubsandheightforfoundationshrubs)of alltheexistingandproposedplantmaterial inclUdinggroundcover. •Delineate criticalrootzonesforexistingtreesincloseproxim ity tositegradingandconstruction. •Indicate thelocation ofallproposedplantings. •Thelocationandtypeofexistingandproposedwateringsystemstobeemployedincaringfor plantmaterial follOWing itsinstallation. •Existingandproposed contour lines.Retainingwallsshallbe includedwiththetopofwalland thebottom of wallelevations noted. •Architectural FloorPlans : •scale of 1/8"=l 'orlarger;1/4"ispreferred . •Floor plans of theproposeddevelopmentdrawntoscaleandfullydimensioned.Floorplansand buildingelevationsmust be drawnatthesamescale. •Clearlyindicateonthefloorplanstheinsidefaceofthe exterior structural wallsofthebuilding. •Labelfloorplanstoindicatetheproposedfloorareause(Le.bedroom,kitchen ,etc.), •Oneset of floorplansmustbe "red-lined"indicating 'how thegrossresidentialfloorarea (GRFA) wascalculated.See Title12,Chapter15.;GrossResidentialFloorAreaforregulations.. •Providedimensionsofallroofeavesandoverhangs. •Architectural Elevations: •Scale of 1/8"=l'orlarger;1/4"ispreferred •Allelevationsoftheproposeddevelopmentdrawntoscaleand fully d imensioned.Theelevation draw ings mustshowbothexistingandfinishedgrades.Floorplansandbuildingelevationsmust be drawn atthesamescale. •If buiidingfacesareproposedatanglesnotrepresentedwellonthenormalbuildingelevations, showthesefacesalso. •Elevationsshallshowproposedfinishedelevationoffloorsandroofsonalllevels. •All exterior materialsandcolorsshallbespecified ontheelevations. •The following shallbeshowngraphicallyandfullydimensioned :fascia,trim ,railings,chimney caps,meter locations,andwindowdetails. •Showallproposed exterior lightingfixturesonthebuilding . Page5of 14/05/20/05 •Illustrate alldecks,porchesandbalconies. •Indicate theroofandbuildingdrainagesystem (l.e,gutters and downspouts). •Indicate allrooftopmechanicalsystemsandallotherroofstructures,ifapplicable . •Illustrate proposedbuild ing height elevationonrooflinesandridges.Theseelevationsshould coordinatewiththefinishedfloorelevationsandthedatumused for thesurvey. •Exteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesshallbesubmittedto staff andpresentedattheDesign ReviewBoardmeeting. •LightingPlan: •Indicate type,locationandnumberoffixtures. •Include heightabovegrade,lumens output,luminousarea •Attachacutsheetforeachproposedfixture. •IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE CILC) •Onceabuilding permithasbeenissued,andconstructionisunderway,andbeforetheBuilding Department willscheduleaframinginspection,two copies of an Improvement Location Certificatesurvey(ILC)stampedbyaregisteredprofessionalengineermust be submitted.The following information mustbeprovidedontheILC: •Basis of bearingandtietosectioncomer •All property pinsfoundorset •Buildinglocation(s)w ith tiestopropertycorners(ie.distancesandangles) •Building dimensions,includingdecksandbalconies,tothenearesttenthofa foot •Building andgaragefloorelevat ions andallroofridgeandeavelineelevations •Alldrainageand utility service lineas-builts,showingtypeofmaterial,sizeandexactlocation •Alleasements Page6 of 14/05/20/05 '. Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTr im Hand or Deck Rails Rues Flash ing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name,thecolor name andnumber and attachacolorchip. Page 7of14/05/20/05 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING f'~~ra=-FGf2-1C ~f'trtN Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTINGTREES TOBE REMOVED Minimum Requirements forLandscaping:DeciduousTrees-2"Caliper ConiferousTrees-6'in height Shrubs-5Gal. ~SquareFootage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEOFEROSIONCONTROL Pleasespecify other landscape features (Le .retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) Page8 of 14/05/20/05 .' Design Review Board Meeting Requirements Fornewconstructionandadditions,theapplicantmuststakeandtapetheprojectsitetoindicate property lines,proposedbuildingsandbuildingcorners.Alltreesto be removedmustbetaped.The applicantmustensurethatstakingdoneduringthewinterisnotburiedbysnow.Allsitetapingsand stakingmustbecompletedpriortothedayofthe DRB meeting. Theapplicant,or their representativeshallbepresentattheDesignReviewBoardHearing.Applicants whofailtoappearbeforetheDesignReviewBoardontheirscheduledmeetingdateandwhohavenot askedinadvance that discussion ontheiritembepostponed,willhavetheiritemsremovedfromthe DRB agendauntilsucht ime astheitemhasbeenrepublished. If the DRB approvestheapplicationwithconditionsormodifications,allconditionsofapprovalmustbe resolved prior to the issuance ofabuildingpermit. Staff Approval The Administrator (amemberoftheplanningstaff)mayreviewandapproveDesignReviewapplications, approvewithcertainmodifications,denytheapplication,orrefertheapplicationtotheDesignReview Boardforadecision.All staff approvals are reviewedbytheDesign ReviewBoardandany staff decision issubjecttofinalapproval bythe DRB. Additional Review andFees If thisapplicationrequiresaseparatereview byanylocal,stateor Federal agencyotherthantheTownof Vail,theapplicationfeeshall be increasedby$200.00.Examples ofsuchreview,mayinclude,butare notlimitedto:;ColoradoDepartmentofHighway Access Permits,ArmyCorpsof Engineers 404,etc. Theapplicantshallberesponsibleforpayinganypublishingfees inexcessof50%oftheapplicationfee. If,attheapplicant'srequest,anymatterispostponedforhearing,causingthematterto be re-published, thentheentirefeeforsuchre-publicationshall be paidbytheapplicant. ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmenttohavedesign,landuseorother issues,whichmayhaveasignificantimpactonthecommunity,mayrequirereviewbyexternal consultantsinadditiontoTownstaff.Shouldadetermination be madebyTown staff thatanexternal consultantisneeded,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhiretheconsultant.The Departmentshallestimatetheamountofmoney necessary topaytheconsultantandth is amountshall beforwardedtotheTownbytheapplicantatthetimeoffilinganapplication.Theapplicantshallpay expensesincurredbytheTownin excess oftheamountforwardedbytheapplicationtotheTownwithin 30daysofnotificationbytheTown.Any excess fundswillbereturnedtotheapplicantuponreview completion.- Page11of14/05/20/05 Survey/Site PlanReviewChecklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com *This checklist must be submitted prior toPublicWorks review ofa proposed development. Owners/Project Name:_ ProjectAddress:_ -, Applicant:_PhoneNumber:_ Submittal oStampedsurveyof property oCivil/Siteplans Survey Requirements: oSurveyor'swetstampandsignature oDateofsurvey oNortharrow oProperscale (1"=10'or 1"=20') oLegaldescription oBasis of bearings/Benchmark oSpotElevations oLabeledrightofwayandpropertylines; includingbearings,distancesandcurve information. oLotSize oBuildableArea(excludesredhazard avalanche,slopes greater than40%,and floodplain) SitePlan Requirements: o Landscape plan oTitleReport(SectionB) oEnvironmental Hazards(ie.rockfall ,debris flow,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) oWatercoursesetbacks (if applicable) oTrees oLabeledeasements (l.e,drainage,utility, pedestrian,etc...) oTopography oUtilitylocations oAdjacentroadwayslabeledandedge of asphaltforbothsidesoftheroadwayshown foraminimum of 250'in either d irection fromproperty. 1.Access (checkall) oJ Drivewaytypeandfinishedsurfaceareshownonthesite plan.- r:f Unheated .D ·Heated (portion inROWinaseparatezone) ri Snowstorageareasareshownonthesiteplanwithinpropertyboundaries (30%of drivewayareaif unheated;10%of drivewayareaifheated) rf'Alldrivewaygrades,dimensions,radiiareclearlynotedonthesiteplanandconformtoDevelopment Standards,p.11.SteepestSectionDrivewayGrade (not theaveragegrade):_ ~Parkingspacesand turning radiiarenotedonsiteplanandconformtoDevelopmentStandards, pp.12&14 II.ConstructionSite(checkall) d Location of all utilities andmeterpits areshownonthesiteplan. !y Limitsofdisturbance construction fencing isshownonthesite plan. 0'Iamaware that approved StagingandConstruction Traffic ControlPlans,aspertheManual of Uniform Traffic ControlDevices,willbenecessarypriortoconstruction.. d Iamaware that aRevocableRightofWayPermitwillberequiredpriortoconstruction. Page12 of 14/05/20/05 III.Drainage(checkall that apply) 0'"TherequiredValleyPanisshownonthesiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. o(Note :Valleypanmust not beheated) r1 4 foot ConcretePan 0 8 foot ConcretePan IZl Positiveandadequatedrainageismaintainedatalltimesw ithin theproposedsite. oCulvertshavebeenprovidedandarelabeledanddimensionedonthesiteplan . oAHydraulicreporthasbeenprovided.(As requestedbyTownEngineer) IV.EroionControl(Checkall that apply) oDisturbaeareais greater thanonehalfacre. oAseparaterosionControlPlanhasbeenprofessionallyengineeredand PE stamped . o Less thanonalfacrehasbeendisturbed,andpropererosioncontroldevicesareshownonthesite plan. V.flood ain(checkall that apply) oThe proj ctlies within oradjacenttoa100year floodplain. o100yearoodplainisshownonthesiteplan. oA floodplai studyhasbeenprovided.(Requirediffloodplainiswith in constructionlimitsoras requestedbTownEngineer) oThe project ds not liewith in oradjacenttoa100year floodplain VI.Geolo 'cal/Environmental Hazards(checkallthatapply) oTheprojlies within aGeologic/EnvironmentalHazardarea.(SeeDevelopmentStandards,p.20) oAHazard R:ort hasbeenprovided oThe project s not liewithinaGeologic/EnvironmentalHazardarea. VIJ.Grading(checkall that apply) f!f/Existingandproposedgrades/contoursareprovidedonthesite plan. ar Alldisturbedareashavebeenreturnedtoa2:1grade. r:J Alldisturbedareasnotreturnedto2:1gradehavebeenProfessionallyEngineeredwithslope protection and/or stablesoils.PE stampeddetailsareprovided within plans. oOnlyexistingcontoursareshownonthesite plan,there is no proposedgrading. ~I .~~g~~all). r:f Allresidential andcommercialparking spaces conformtotheDevelopmentStandards,pp.12&15. IX.RetainingWalls(checkall that apply), [0(Allreta ining wallsconformtothestandardsintheDevelopmentStandards,p.19. cY"Allretainingwallsandcombinationwallsover4feethavebeen Professionally EngineeredandaPE stampeddetailhasbeenprovidedwithin theplans,76 ~5"~Ht("t"'o61? P/Allretainingwallsareshownonthesite plan,with labeledtopandbottom of wallelevationsandtype ofwallconst ruction. o No retainingwallsarerequ ired forthisproject . X.SightDistance(checkall that apply) ~PropersightdistancehasbeenattainedandshownonsiteplanasperDevelopmentStandards,p.12. oPropersightdistancehasnotbeenattained.Explanationwhy:_ AdditionalComments Please provideanyadditionalcommentsthatpertaintoPublicWorksReview. ApplicantsSignature _ Page13of 14/05/20/05 TownofVailSurvey ' Community Development DepartmentRussellForrest,Director, (970)479-2139 Check allthatapply Date:_ 1.Which Department(s)didyoucontact?Building,_ Environmental Hous ing,=- AdminPlanningORBPEC_ 2.Wasyourinitialcontactwithourstaff immediate__slow__ornoone available? 3.Ifyouwere requiredtowait ,howlongwasitbeforeyouwerehelped?_ 4.Wasyourproject reviewedonatimelybasis?Yes/No Ifno ,whynot?_ 5.Wasthisyourfirsttimetofi le aORBappPECapp __ BldgPermit N/A,_ 6.Pleaseratetheperformanceofthestaffpersonwhoassistedyou : 54321 (5 ishigh)Name :,..-_ _(knowledge,responsiveness,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness oftheFrontServiceCounter .54321 (5 ishigh) 8.WhatisthebesttimeofdayforyoutousetheFrontService Counter? 8.Whatcommentsdoyouhavewhichwouldallowustobetterserveyounexttime? Thank youfortakingthe'timetocompletethissurvey .Wearecomm itted toimprovingour service . 05/20105 .******************************************************************************************* TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: WEYRAUCH R050001141 Amount:$650.00 Check 07/26/200505:27 PM Init:LC Notation:#1892/SHAWN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB050367 Type: 2103-114-1301-4 2417 GARMISH DRVAIL 2417 GARMISCH DR DRB -New Construction Total Fees:$650.00 This Payment:$650.00 Total ALL Pmts:$650.00 Balance :$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 650 .00 Ju l-22-2 005 10:43 FrorERWSD Q704764089 T-156 P.002/003 F-895 U'I1Lr1Y APPROVAL a Vl!RJPlallOll ~~1AJpl...:l:iK This form serves tD ~that thI!l ptOjJl:ISed (mpuwemems wDI nat fmpBl:t any eldSIIng or prc':-bH1 utility servIa!s, and af50 tD verify SI!'!MlE iMJIIabilily and b::atiln for new lJII1Iit1uakIn BIId shl:l!.Iki be used in conjunctfOn with p>l;JJiOJilllll \OUf'UUJily plan and sdEduBng tERfIatInns.A site plan,fndtI1ing gracflllg plan,floOr plan,and eIeY2ltIons. shitli be submittEd to Ule fOllowrng utilities fill"i1PPfDVil1 ilIld vetifiaItio"..: Autbodz!d Signature QWE51" 91o.468-GlS72('-) COntiJds: Sam TCJOIe¥970.168.6860 .ason Sharp 970.384.0238 XCEL HIGH PR'SSI'RE GAS 970~62...o'6 (tel) 970-4&8-10401 (fax) Contact:Ridlard 5isnl:rcs HOLY CROSS EI.EC11aC !J7D-9't7-.543S (tel) 97O-9'ts-.oal (~) Contact:Mike MikDIIc xca.ERGT 970.468.1401 (fax) Conl3CtS: lOt Bogart 970.262.1021 Jim O'neill 970.26l.4003 eAGLE RIVER WATER" SANITA1'1ON DIS'sua 970.476.7"t80 (1eI) 970.476.4M9 (f'ax) COntact:MaMn PhelIS COMCASf CAS'F 970.468-2669 x 112 (tel) 970.168-2612 (fax) COntac%:.BliKlIev 0Qrms NODS; 1 .It'tne utility approotBf ..vet1ficatItw.fDnn hils iignatan&from ead'I at the utUlty aJrnparQes,and no mmments are made dIred:Iy on the mnn.the Town wit pn:!S£#'Ilft that there are !1C11JlQbIems and th:development can ~. 2.If a uttIlty cnmpany h<ls coucems with the prQPDlifXI aJrlSfnJdfan,the utility repiesenlmJve shall nate directly 0t1 the utilItY ~ftxm that there is a prob(em wJJk:h ~s to be refiClM:a."TlIe fSsI.R!Sflould tt1en be detailed In an Bttad1ed IectIlr tD IN!Town d Villf.HclWeIIer,pease keep in mind that it is tre responsibility rI the utility c:omPiSny and the appficant lD iesulw>Il:IeJIUtJed protEms. 3 .ihe:se ....,ifatxms do not reIeve the contradr:ll of the responsibHily to ~It PutIIic:W8v Permit t'n:m the Depllrtment of Public WOIics at the Town d Ve~.utf!lty krariPtlS ml.l!it be mined hefD~d"l9Qlaq Tn any public rfgllt- of-way or easemetlt within the Town of van.A building permit Is pot l!PUQlIc Yhnt permt ~nd mU$be obraIntsi !jegi!ratIIt)<. The DeleIDper Is'required and agree to suDmit..."I'E!V&!d diaWllillS tD the utilities for re-approval &.re-\iet ifia!tJon It' the submfttl!ld JUns are altenld In HIIf ~aRB"the aaIt10rtZIIld sSgnature date (unless othef wiSe spedflCany noted wft:hln the aJmIlllent im:Iit Df VIis Ibnn). Page B of 13/06/08/05 JUL,22 .2005 J i :59PM'AX 9iHOLY CRO SS ENE KGV JOHN G MARTIN NO .531 ~05 Ul1UTY APPROVAl.VERlFICATIOfl ~~.-t:r:::vf>~ Th$form senfeS tn vertfy that the plOJ.t+i1 impmvernents will not impact a~elCisting 01"proposed unlity 5l!I wicesr and a~tD vertIV S8Vice availabilitv and fuc:atbn for new mnstnJctJon and sflould be used in CDnjunafon wft:I1 p.repantlQ your utility plan and sdledulin!)ins1iIlIaUons.A sm plan,incIudin;,gradl~plan,~plan,and elevations, lioOal;be..submitted 1:D the fDllowing utilities for approval and \Ierific:9tion._! Comments ;/QWEST 9'OA68~(fax) COntacts: -Sam Tooley 970.468.6860 lason Sharp 97038'l.02.:3S /XCEI-HIGH PftESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (te) 970-468-1'401 (fax) COnlacC BJdlllr'd ~'t~'27/rtU77 ./HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970-947--5435 (teQ 970-945--4081 (fax) Contact::1!li"Mltelir: xcaENERGY 970.461U401 (fl!Jx.) ConIaCt5: I<lt 60gart 970.262.-402~ Jim O'neal 970.262..'KJ03 EAGLE RJVER WATER 8r. SQaTA'lION DISTIUCT 970.4J76.7480 (b!f) 970.476.4H)89 (fax) ConlaCC Marian Phelps COMCAST"CA8LE 970.468-2669 x 112 CUll) 970.468-2672 (tax) Con~·BradIeyDoceas NOTeS: 1.It tne utility approval f..Ilelfi::atiDJl fonn bas sJ9natun!s from eadl ~the utility ccmpanies,and no comments are made dIrectly on the fonn,the Town Will presume that thefe are flO1)robIems and the dereIoprrnmt can proceed. 2.H a utility tDml2nY has concerns Wl1J'I the proposed construc:tion,the utfrtty'repregefltattve shall note directly on the utltlty wrfflc:a1ion fonn that tIlere is a probIan Whlch needs tD be.n:soM!d.The !!!sue should then be detailed.in an at!Bched retter-to the Town of VlJi!.~,please fCe!;p in mind that Ir Is the ,espoitsibiJity of the utrnty c:ornpcmy and the a~JCaIlttD lesulva id&:lll:ified problems. 3.These vertftcations do not relieve ttle CDIltIac1br of1he.,espolL';lbi!ity tD obtain 8 PubliC Way Pe'mlt from the Department of Public Works at thE!.Town orVail.UtitIty Itplkms must be obtained before d!ggjnp in "ny public right- of-way Ol"easement wilhin tt1e Town ofVaU.A buildiOO oeonlt is not 8 Public:Wav oermlt and must be obtaIned ~. "The DeveJoper-is required and agrees 10 submit:any revised dravdngs In the utilities for re-approvaJ &re-verification if the submil:lEd pLal\'i are arterenln any way after the autluizE:d signature date (\II1!eSS ~sped1IcaOy noted WitTlin the comment area 0(this form). Page a of 13/06/08/05 ·J UL-25-2005 1 1:33P FROM : FRCI'1 :SHAWN l.E'fRAllCH TO :3280593 P .l 97l!l 479 2950 JU...25 2005 OO:4a:lM P1 Ollcago Title Insuan:e Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No.V5OOO78OO-3 Property Addn:lss: 2417 GARMISCH"ORJVE VAlL.co 81657 Cust.Rd.: .1tme 30.2005 at 5 :00 P.M. 2 .Polky to tJ8Iauetl.lUld Proposed In$ured: "AJ-TA"Owner's Policy 10·17-91 Propa~Insured: SHAWN weYRAUCH $3~O.OOO.OO A Fee Slmplc RlOiAlU>O .MIl..LER 5.the lAnd rehrnd to in tbI$Comm!bneut Is describf!d as 11IUowS: LOT 14.BLOc({H.VAn..DAS SCHONBPllJNGNO.2,ACCOltDJNG TO THBRECORDED PLAT THEREOF.COUNTY OF EAGLE.STATE OF COLORADO. JUL-25-2005 11:33P FROM : FROM :SHJ=lL..N WEYRAJ::rt TO:3280593 P.2 f'HOIE 101).970 479 29S1Zl .Tl.L..Z5 2005 as:~P2 ALTA COMMITMENT SCJleclnle 8 •~ion 1 Our Order No.VjOOO7800-3 Tbe following are the requirement8 to be c:omplled wtth: Item (8)Payment to 01'f01'/he llCO(Iunt (If the gmfttIlt'A or lMfl:8tIllOlS of the tun cODSidcratlon for the CSl3te or mCg"cst to be ill$\lnd. Item (b)Proper illStromem(s)creatiJl,g the emte OJ iDterelit CO be insured must be eseeuted and cln1y 1Ued for record. to-wit: Item (c)Paymo.nt of ell talCeIl.char;ea or 8U.,....,...,ts levied aDd all£ellSed ~die su!lject premises wbich lU'e doe and.payable. Imn (d)Ad.ditional Rlqui...mOXllll.if llZI,)'dildosed below: 1.BVIDENCB SA1'ISFACI'ORY TO T1m COMPANY THAT THE TERMS.CONDlTIONS AND PROVISIONS Of nIB TOWN OF VAIL TMNSPBR T~,HAVE lJEBN &\TISPmJ). 1 .W ARRA.NTV DEED PROM RICHARD D.MII..ta TOSUAWN WEYRAUCH CONVBYING S'UBJBCI' PROPERTY . THE FOLLOWING DELETIONSlMODIFlCAnONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POUCY. NOT~rT~S 1-3 Of THB GBNmI.AL BXCEPTI0NS ARe HBRB~Y DELETED, HP{)'N TAR,.pl'li'nvU fl}1 'I'HR m~.rP,Ui'r'111m THfl ffRrFlrPT n'R ,Nfl.,.'l1J7flO I'm"T J 1RN Art-1UA 'In .l·U:,M.NV.'"VI:'nit=.0t=.N~~~l'lUNS Wll.L..IS~~uwAS FOLLOWS; [TI;J.[NO ..j Or:TIlD 0DNnRAL DXGI1M1m~SIG D(;)L[ITDJ)AS TO ANY L1ID'l&on I'UTULID Ul::N:>JoW::iULT.LNU l'KUM WUKK.UK MAT.btUA.L .1"UKN1~H.bVA 'l THb .Kt:l.lU.t:.1:iJ'Ul'J(JI,,;.I1AKU 1:>.MlLU!Ill. om 0.1.00 .1.a lJIDUJLUUlJ ODJ.lJ.IJIlT DJLu.L ILI.'J.no llJ.lIUIJlI JlOll.mu I.mTll ARISINGFROM WORK OR MA'reRIAL FURNISHlID A'1'THE REQUEST OP SMAWN WEYRAUCH. NOTe:ITEM S Of THE GENBRAL EXCEPTIONS WlLL BE DELETED IF LAND TlTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCT'S TIm Q.OSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACfTON(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNBCI'ION TH!!:REWrrH. NOTE:UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES,rrEM 6 WiLL BE AMENDm>TO JU!.AD: TA,XE!S AN])ASS:ESSMENTS POR TIm YEAR:wa.ANI:'SUBSEQUENT YEA as. lTl:!M 7 UNDER SCHJ3DUl..E :B-'2 WILL BE DELBTBD ID'ON 'PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES.ARE PAID UP TODATE. .JUL-25-2005 11:34P FROM: FROM SHAWN WEYRRUCH PHONE NO. TO:3280593 P.3 970 479 2950 JU..2S 20ffi (38:49Af1 P3 ALTA COMMJTMEN7 &hedukl B-Section I Ccrrrtlnucd: Our Ordft'No.V50007800-3 .."'n NOTICE Ofl PBE CHANGE,EFFECTIVE SEP'l'BlwmER I,2002 _.. Pursuant to Colondo Revised Statute 3G-1G-421."The cnnuty clerk and recordersbltU collect Il tIUJ"CbarBe of $1.00 fo,.. each clocumeIlt m:e:!ved (M recordiu3 M tiIinI in hill or bt:r "ffice.The lIQrCharge $hall be in addition to lP1Y otfJer fcespemrltted by staMe.~ JUL-25-2005 11 :34P FROM: FRCl'I SHRWN WEYRfUCH PHCN:NO. TO:3280593 P.4 970 479 2950 JUL.2S 2e135 08:49f:lM P4 ALTA COMMI'rME,NT Schedu.le a .Section 2 (E.la:epilons)Our Order No.V5000780(}-3 The pol1cy or poDdElil to be issued ",JU contain fSl:qJtIo1l5 to the following on1~the same are cBsposed of to the sa1lsfac:tlofl of the CompanyI 1.Righ13 or clafm.~ofplll"lil;B in possession nol shoWll by die pablie Teeonk. 2.&,<uomcnlll.or claims of eiWllllll'llUl,not ~wn by the JlUb~records . 3 .Di~Ulcics,conflicts in boundary Jiues.shortase in area,eucroachmenlll.alld any mrs which a correct SUlVe)!aud ill~ection ot the premises would disclose and which are not !JIown by the pnblic records. 4.Any lien.or riJ:ht to a lien,fOT~,labor or JD3tm.a1 tb=retofono or he:reafter fnmished.imPOiW by law a!ld not mown by the public ttcords. ,.Defects,liens,ODCUmbr..nees,'ldv=claims or olhcr IWlttenl,If any,Q\'ated,IiT3t appearins In die publio JlICOrdB rrr amching subseqoem to me emctive dllte hereof but prior to !he date ~proposed insured acquiRS of RlOOrd for valne the estate or intettllt or mortgage thereon covared by this Comminneot. 6 .TAAeR crt llpeCIal RSSel<SlDe!If.'I which arc not shown as existing liens b)'the public reeerds, 1.Ikm:far unpaId water aDd sewer charaC$.ifany. 8.In addition,the owoo:r's policy will be sulticet to the mortwc.if my,DOted in Section 1 of Sehe6ule B hereof. 9 .RIGHTOFPROPRIETOR.OF A VEIN OR LODa TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HISORE THB'REFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATl!oa INTERSECT THB PREMISES AS RJ!SBkVED IN UNITED ST ATBS PATENT RECDRDED AUGUST 11.1900.IN BOOK 48 AT .PAGE 236 . 10.RESTRIcrIVE COVENANTS WmCH DONOTCONTAINA PORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSB. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTIUC1'ION BASEDON RACE,COLOR.JUlllGION. SEX,HANDICAP.FAMILIAL STATIJS ORNATIONALORJGJN UNLBSS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT TliAr SAID COVENANT (A)IS EXEMP'l'UNI:'ER.CHA.PTBR 42,SBCflON 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODBOR ~)REl.A TES 10 HANDICAP BUTDOESNOT D1SCRIMINAT:e AGAINST HANPJo.p PERSONS.AS CONTAlNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOl!lBR 10,1969,IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 153 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTROMJ:!IIlT RECORDBD OCTOElER 28,1969.IN :BOOK 216 AT PAGE 284 AND AS AMENDED Il'I lNSTRlJM2NT kBCORDEJ>FEBRUARY 16.197Q IN BOOK 217AT PAGE 77 . 11.RBSERVA TlON OF AN UNDIVIDED 112 INTSREST IN AND TO THE OlL.GAS AND M.INBRAL RIGHTS TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED L.ANP AS SeT PI)R.TH IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED DECEMBBR 30.19.59 IN BOOK 165AT PAGa IS3. 12.A PI!RPBTUAL J!ASE.MENj FOR THE CONSfRUcnOl\:MAINTENANCE RBMOVALAN.D REPLA.CEMEN1'OF GAS LINES ALONG All.OE!>ICA1'80 R.OADS INVAILDASSCHONE •JUL -2S-2005 11:34P FROM: FRO\!:SHAWN lo.EYRAUCH Pf<JNE NO. TO:3 28 0593 P .S 978 479 2950 J LL.25 2e12l5 8B:5BAM P5 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 2 Our 0rdeI'No.V50007800-3 The poIk7 or polldes to be bmtd will eontllln euept10lls to thl!fallowtnglUI1l!!l'l tlte same are dispaled of to tile satisfac:don of tile Company: flIUNG NO .2 AS DBSCRIBBD IN INSTRUMENT RBCo-iWBO SEP'l'IMafR 6,1968 IN BOOK 2.13 AT PAGE 344. 13.EASEMEN'I'S.CONDmONS.roVENANTS.RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONS AND N01'BS ON THE PLAT 0,.VAlL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 RECORDED 1UNB 2S .1969 IN DOOle :115 AT PAGB 482. 14.TERMS.mNDJTlONSANP PROVJS!ONS OF roNTBAcr RECORDED JUNE 27 20m AT RECEPTION NO.920S56. XC EL SU MMITCTY Fax:9702624057 Ju l26 2005 7 :50 U1J'~J.""'UU~...~:,('"1''''....~/t,)1411.&,,&...J1 .JUHflf c.;8Alif.l.'JN P.Ol 4!1 os lI11U1Y APPiWlfAL.VBUFICATlQlIII ~e.e-.ct-\"JA.;P~ Th is fonn seNe>to verify that th!prq;iOSEd impr"O\lel'l'lents will I'd impact any existing at Pft'lP""i"d utility 5eIVU:s•. and also to verify ~availability and 1DuItiDI.far I1l!W ~¥lid :;.houkf be osed in CXlI:IJunction with oreparil'lg your ut:IIity plan and sctJedUling irl5IalliltlDn$.A site plan.Indudi~grading plan,fkJor plan.and elevatlorls, ,;hall til!sutmittEd lD I:he following utiJIties for appruwl and vet if.eatior•. QWE5T 970.468-0672(fax) Conti!ds: sam Taaley 910.4611.6860 Jason Sharp 971l.384.0239 XC£l.HIGH PRESS.1f GAS 910.262.4076 (tel) 9"~-1401 CfR) CootJl(;t;Rich<J1d Sisnet'OS HOt't CItOSS EI.ECJJUC' 970-9'f7-5435 (tel) 971l-945--4081 (faX) CDntiK:t:Mite M~ XCEl.mERGY 97D.0468.1~1 (fax) CAntaets: !Cit Sagart 97lJ.2Q.~Z" Jim O'nc3 970.262.oQ)3 EAGlE A:l¥ER WAiTER. SAI(ITA'TION DlST1Ua 970.4?6.7.oWl (tel) 970.176.«189 (fax) ConlBd;MarillIn Phelps COMCAST CAlM r: 970A6&-2669 x 112 (t2f) 970.168-26n {rca) Contaa:Bladley Dorcas NOTES; 1.If tne utllitY alJl)nWal lk verI'Ic3l:iM ram hils signatln5 from eadI d the utilly awnpanies.andno ammentt are made direr::tty on the t'onn/the Town will pn:sume tfwrt there ~no-problem:s and the development Cl3n proceed. 2.If a utility company has tDncems wfth the proposed ~n,the utility l1!presentattve shall note directly en !tie utilly Wl"ifbUon farm that there i5 a problem which needs to be resolved.The issue should It1en ee detailed in an altacl'lec1 Iettl!:f to Ule Town at Vail.HaM!\Ier.please keep In mild thai:it 5 tne responsibility of ~utility CDITlp;illl1ll1nd dE "'AlIbnl:to resoIw!ider•.ed P1u1*:ihS. 3.These YelificatiDn5 do r-:lt rdelIe the WiibadU'of ttJl!!!ri$POnsibil'ity Ie o~in a Public:Way Pemlit fror1'l the Departnett of Public Wones at ~Tawn oIVaR.UtIlity IrgHnns must bt:obli8rrt;J ld"".,diMj,\4 in any publie li!l"'t- of-way Of ~selllel1t within !he Town d Vail A building DmDit j5 not aPublic way pennt and ml.§t ~obtained seseratety· The De\'el()per is required lIhd iIgree5 to submit any revised dtawil105 Ie If1e utIIides \'or ~pprowal 8.re-lIeIiflcation if the subrnittlld plans an!!all:ered in any WilY after the au1tortmd signature dab!(unks5 odlerwise specific3lly noted wil:t1ln the alfTVnent a!'Cil of tnl:5 form). Page 8 of 13/06/08/05 J~L.25.20051~6:41PM!SiTCI AVO N COLO JOHN G MARTIN I~O.8 27 U11UlY.wPROVAL.VERIFICATION ~M jA:.;p~ Thi;10m'!MM15 m YClI'ffy ~'Ihe prDpCIl;C:Id im~will net i~any exlstillg Of"prcposed utility 6OI'VicM, and also to verify lQYKz !MlIlabmtv and IoaItiOn fllr new c:onstr1M:tiDf\ilOO shoulcl be used in aJnjunq!on with pl'CJlftling YOOr utililY plan eM scIledUfng Jn$tZIIIadons.A sItE!pI/:In,ildUdfng grading plan,floor plan,and elevat1ons, snail be 5UI:lmlttld to the following utilities for approval MIl YeI1ftcBI:ion...t B!mments QW!5T' 970.46Q-0072(fax) U3lltadS'; sam Tooley 117D.4GB.GS60 Jason Sharp 910.384.023EI xcn HIGH PRa5URf:GAS 970.262..4076 (tel) 9700-'96/3-1"101 (fmC) COntact:RJct1ard Si!il ii;!tQS HOLY QWSS ELECTRU: 970-947·5435 (tBI) 97D-94s-«lSl (fmc) COn~MI~MIIcPIic XCEL DlI!RGY' 97D.0468.1<tOl (fax) Canll!lC1$; ""It ~rt 970262.-.02" Jim O'llYI 97D.262.4K103 EAGLE IUVEIt WATER • s.ucrrA11ON DnnRICI' 970.476.7480 (tel) 9'70.4'6.04089 (filIl:) COnt3ct:Herla n Pf)e(ps COMCA5I'CABLE 97M61H669 x l12 (tel) 970."168-2572.(far)~I ContBe:c Bradley guRia5\~L:.llr-rSCS ,,~~'"-Gov.t ?'.2..S'-o.S NOTES;.j ..\.,.....F...."'f'"E'l id'1l.~W\ell\:-to set"LI:ce f<'d.s.e.co.-~~(of. 1.ir r.tle ut1IllY appruval l\.vl!l1f~form 1m signalJJres from each ~the ~1Ily c:ernpanieS,and no comments are made direc:t!y on r:f\e form,the Townwill ~ttJat there are no1l/'Qb/ems and the deveIopmmt 0'10 proceed. 2.If i:I utility QJf11pany ha:i amcer~with lhe proposecl ~~,the ~rcpreICnmlive "hall notlil direc:t:ly on the utility \l5il'icatkln Ibrm that thelt'is a pmIWm 1llI1'l~needs to I.!resolwd.The ~e should men be det2liled in an altadet Im8r tEl the Town Of \/aif.~,please Ic=p lr1 mind tfuJt:It Is the resporll>ibi1lty of the utility mmpcmy and the appllczlnt tD ~~Problems. 3.These verifia2tfons do not relieve the CDn!nlC1'Or of tna lespomiltlility 10 obti!in !Public:W~Permit from ttle Department of Public Works at the Town CJ!'van.WIn.v k¥atillOS must be:obtn1ned b;fun::diQglng In any publlc right- of~wav or easement withi"the Town of Vall.A bU!kf!ng permit is rpt a Pul:!l&;Way peanit and m!1$t be omained separa1ety. The DeYeIopI!r Is required and agrees ttl sutamlt allY I'eIIiSBd clriJWIngs 1Q tfw;I utilitieS fOr ,.appt~Il re-wrtfialtion If the wlxT>itted P'ans are altered In any W"f ~ftar ~~~date (un~ott-M;e ~Ry natDd within ~I;DtTlment area of this torm). Page B of 1,3f06fDSf05 27 -7 -05 ;,0 :33 A M ;USWE ST 07 1221200~11:00 FAX 9704772237 JOHN G MARTIN ;9 70 46 80672 #2 /2. IlJ04 v QWEST 970.468-<l672(fax) Contacts; sam Tooley 970.'168.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 /XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970--0t68-1401 (fax) Con~~/~ /HOLY CROSS Et.ECntlC 970-947-5<f3S (tel) 970--94~1 (fall) Contact:MJJ<e MiJcollc XCaENERGY 970."168.1401 (fax) COntacts: Kit Bogart 970.262..4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAGU.RIVER WATER.• SANrTAnoN DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (ta) .970.476.4Q89 (falt) Contact:Marian Phelps um.rrv APPROVAL.YER!FJeAnON ~"r'~1A:;pt...a<- This form serves to 'o'eI1fy that the proposed ImpnJ'leffients will not ImlJi'ct any eJdsting or Prtl\-!S""d utility 5erVices, I!nd Zllso tD verify service availability and location fur new CClIlStJlnIon and shoUld be used In (XlOjunc:tlon wit!l preparlng YDlIr LJtIIIly plan and sdledu6ng Installations.~site plan,Induding grading plan,floor plan,and eleviIllons, ,.nall be submitted to the fullowfng utilities far approval and ~, AAtM~~m~b pate Signature -Z.4-(7 'R EffYtCi--I ·c 6T etA 1Z-M\j'c,4 t::»!--V1!1-1 L . 68fll B;J(Zl@)C!AAlc I J f'h;v1-La~78-¢P,R,-76d'7/Z?fd> COMCAST CABLE 970.~~2669 X 112 (tel) 970.468-2672 (fax) Contact:·Br.IdIey Dorcas NOTES: 1.It tne utility apprnYZII lk WJilfocatkm fonn has signat1JreS rrom E!IId'l r:I the uWlly wrtlIliJOies,and no comments are made directtv on the form,the Town will presume that there are no~bIems and the development can proceed,.. 2.If a utility company has concsns wittl the proposed constructiofl,the utilitY repre5eIltatiYe shall note directly on the utility ~tion rom ltIat there Is a problem which needs to be resalYed.The.issue should then be deralted in an attad1ed letter to the Town gf Vall.However,please keep In mind that it i!;the responsibility of the utility mmpaoy and the appfJCartt tD rescM!identified pltlbIems.. 3.These verifications do not reIieIIe \he QJ1i Ibac!u or the responsibiUty to abtlsin is P.ubIic Way Pl5mit from the Department of Public WDltcs at me Town of val.UtIlitY ""7'U9n'i must be obtained before OtgQjng in any public right- or-way or easement wlthin tfl@ Town of vall.Abuilding penn(t Is not a Public way penult and must be obtained seoaliltJ!ly. 11 ""D.:vc~;"""-lul,,:::sJ ...-.1 ayr~l,g -t.nll dll)'l~bo:rJ J.-a!Y'>I.u U...uli1ilOc:.r...,c:-c>J.'J'l .....,,1 s...e-we>;r.""lNll ;r the submitted plans are altered In any WlIf aner the autlM'ized sfgnarure d&e (ul'lle:!D othetwlse spedl'Ically roted within the comment area orttlis form).. Plige 8 of l3/06/O8/05 Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August10,2005 JohnMartin,Architect POBox4701 Eagle ,CO81631 RE:Weyrauch-2417GarmischDrive/Lot14,BlockH,VailDasSchoneFiling2 DearJohn, TheTownStaffhasreviewedthedesignreview application forthenewOberlohrresidencelocatedat 2417 Garmisch Drive.Thefollowingisa summary ofthe comments fromthatreview : 1.The cross-section drawingsmustberevisedtoshowallbelowgradewallsandfootings. 2.PursuanttoChapter12-21,VailTownCode,a"sitespecific geologic investigation"addressing therockfallhazardsonthissitemustbesubmittedwiththebuildingpermitapplication. 3.Stamped,engineeringdrawingsmustbe submitted forallretainingwallsgreaterthanfourfeet inheight. 4.Anerosioncontrolplanmustbesubmitted. 5.Thesiteandlandscapeplansmustberevisedtohavenoslopesexceeding2:1. 6.Aconstructionstagingplanmustbe submitted withthebuildingpermitapplication. 7 .Afire sprinkler systemisrequiredandshall comply withNFPA13R(2002).Amonitoredfire alarmsystemisalsorequiredandshallcomplywith NFPA 72(2002). If youhaveanyquestionsorcomments,pleasefeelfreetocontactmeat(970)479-2173. Sincerely, BillGibson ,AICP TownPlanner TownofVail .-.1".~RECYCLED PAPER LKP Engineering,Inc. CI VIL /GEOTECHNICAL ~ May 1,2006 Mr.Shawn Weyrauch Tlmberstone Development,LLC 2625La rkspurLane Va il,CO8 1657 D ear Shawn: RE:Reviewof Grading Plan Lot14,BlockH,VaildasShoneFiling No.2 2417 Garmish Dri ve Vail ,Eagle County ,Colorado Proj ect No.06050 At your request andattherequ est fromJohn Martin,the architect ,w e havere viewed the g radingplanforthe Propo sed Duplex Residence onLot14,Block H ,VaildasShone F iling N o . 2 ,2417 Garmish Dri ve,To wno fVai l,Eagle County,Colorado.Theplan was prepared by John G. Martin,Ar chitect,LLC ,dated May2,2006. The proposed grading plan issatisfactory.The proposed gradesare compatible withthe soil conditions,as described inthe Geotechnical In vestigation by Koechlein Consulting Engineers ,Inc .,dated January 11,2005 .The grading/drainage planwas revised followin g ou r reviewand discussion atthe meeting onApril28 ,2006. All permanent,proposed grades aretwo horizontal toone vertical orflatter. The proposed grading plan provides drainage awayfromthe building inall directions by sloping awayfromthe building andby drainage swales. •The proposed slope of thedri veway is4percent. The boulder walls shown onthe grading planaretwoto6feetin height.There are few occasions where the boulder wallshavetwotiers . •The boulder walls arein compliance with the boulder wall design details. Thisreporthas been prepared according tolocall y accepted Professional Engineering standards atthistime.There isnooth er warranty either expressed orimplied . If youhave anyque stions,please dono t hesitate tocall. Sincerely, LKP Engineering,Inc . Luiza Petrovska,PE President Cc :JohnG .Martin,Architect,LLCatfax#970 .328.0593 J:\WP 12-LKPl06050cons-revi ewGR-DRe-maii.wpd P.O.Box2837,Edwards,CO 81632,Tel:970-926-9088,Fax:970-926-9089 LKP Engineering,Inc. CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL ~- May 1,2006 Mr.Shawn Weyrauch Timberstone Development,LLC 2625 Larkspur Lane Vail ,CO 81657 De ar Shawn: RE:Reviewof Grading Plan Lot14,Block H,Vaildas Shone Filing No .2 2417 Garmish Drive Vail ,Eagle County,Colorado Projec t No.06050 At your request andatthe request fromJohnMartin ,the architect ,wehavere vi ewed the gra ding plan forthe Proposed Dup lex Residence onLot14,Block H ,VaildasShone Filing N o. 2,2417 Garmish Dri ve,Town o f Vail ,EagleCounty,Colorado.Theplanwasprepared by John G . M artin,A rchitect,LLC ,datedMay2,2006. The proposed grading plan is satisfactory.The proposed grades are compatible withthe soil conditions,as described inthe Geotechnical Investigation by Koechlein Consulting Engineers,Inc .,dated January 11 ,2005.The grading/drainage planwasre vised follo wing our rev iewand discussion atthe meeting onApril 2 8,2006 . •All permanent,proposed grades aretwo horizontal toone vertical orflatter. •The proposed grading plan provides drainage awa y fromthe building inall directions byslopi ng awayfromthe building an dby drainage swa les. •The proposed slope of thedr iveway is4 percent. •The boulder walls shown onthe grading planaretwoto6feetin height.Therear e few occasions w herethe boulder wallshavetwotiers . •The boulder wallsarein compliance withthe boulder wall design details . Thi s report has been prepared according tolocally accepted Professional Engineering standards atth is time .There isno other warranty either exp ressed orimplied. If youhaveany questions,please donot hesitate tocall. Sincerely , LKP Engineering,Inc . Lui za Petrov ska,PE President C c:JohnG .Martin,Architect,LLCatfax #970.328 .0593 J :i WP 12-LKPl06050<:on s-rcvicwGR-DRe-mail.wpd P.O.Box2837,Edwards,CO81 632,TcI:970-926-9088,Fax:970-926-9089 i .j ZONE CHEC:T( Date :f,lt£4>.,I Legal description:Lot Jf.(Bloek_Hu-__Filing Vb-II Dt<..S 5d..pL Address Z lfn Gu"';$'p..:· Owner <b~,...">'1 NLuLJ,Phone _ Architect -:>ok"O\.M-.p"Phone 32,$-os9Z. Zone district 1..,D-6-'0/:er ~"'t>ry/~~4IY p roposed~iJse ,+wp-fcy,.,o/ Lot size 'UJ ,S-4 r 9 :'--Buildable area _ Allowed Exjsting Pronoscd T otal Tot31G RFA +7 ,z.Z,3 0 +~7ey =t..,?S'f-.•, ,Primary GRFA ,(425)(675')-I>+3.9/f .=3,71,/ Secondary GRFA ----+(4:.:5)(675*)2,~8'1 o +-----=1.,87b ,'I ,,-*-675 .42:ucdit plus 9je additioll Docs this {Lqucst illVoh.c a 258 Addition?• -tlmvmm:;!J urtbe allowcd 2jtl Addition isusedwith dJis lcqncst?• (300)(600)(900~. Jb ,/"I 'I'" Ulb•'0'1 3 ,008 /5"\r; JtJII o o ---"'---+3,6(W o• (30)6)6 Front \~O' Sides 1-,.) Rear 15' 3'rf) "3 :Required 3 l 4 i I '. .\ I '\ 'j MJirhum '/2,>38 Gara ge Credit Pa rking Retaining Wall Heights Landscaping Height Setbacks Site Coverage Driveway PermittedSlope _~__%ProposedSlope _...;;¥t..-__% Complies withTOV Lighting Ordinance No,_ Arc finish ed grades less than2:1"(50%)Yes vi'No,_ Environmcntal/Hazards ,.,.. 1, ., I '" I)Percent Slope «>30%),-"/'--_ 2)Floodplain u/A 3)Wetlands AlIAj 4)Wate r Course Setback(30)(50)....Jnl~fl!:AL,_.------- 5)G eologic Hazards _._.~/~_"___ a)Snow Avalanche__---C:tJ...../7iIL-_ b)R ockfall ",«IiU,,",WU11y .c)DebrisFlow IIIL!!,:j.J/ftCl.--,-_ I Previous conditionsof approval CdbeLk property file),~'---.JJL,f.P------'------- AJfai DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLISJ Proj ect:.:.-.-_~-:-_ o SURVEY o SITE PLAN Scale Benchmark Legal description LotSize Buildable Area Easements . Topography 100yr.floodplain Water Course Setback. EnvirO[~l1enlal Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcyations ... -, Scale BuildingHeight Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade-Slope Retai ning Walls Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access -,, o FLOOR PLt~S Scale GRFA 250 additional GRfA .Crawl\Altic Space EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale .:::olor\i\1atcrials ItoofPiteh o LA1~DSCAPE PLA1~ Existing trees Froposcd trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS .Condo Approval T :t!e report (A &D) Utility verification form Photosofsite Building material samples C.O.Verification .Sun'ShadeAngles Utlities (underground) Vi ew Corridors Variances-- Pla;restrictions ., " j . LIGI-4TING FIXTURE 5AMPLE5 LIGHTFIXTURE "A" V'lALL MOUNTED FIXTURE "THOMASLIGHTING"EXTERNAL V'lALL SCONCE MODEL **SL -C1486 HANCOCK SERIES AGED BRONZE,SOLID BRASS/Y'IATER SEEDED GLASS 14.25"H.X 1"~. LIGHTFIXTURE"B" CEILINGRECESSEDCAN MODELNOT SHO~N ShettNumber _0£_ APrimary IScwocWy Resid mtial o..-dopmmt For. Shawn Weyrauch Lot14,Block H,VJiI 0...Scbooe HIiog 1 1m GmaiocIa om.,Vlll,•Colorado ... .....O'te: _07-~ E XTERIOR F INISHESC ONTIN UED LOT14,BKH ,VAIL DASSCHONE FILING 2 2417G ARMISH DRIVE ,VAIL SHAWN W EYRAUCH J OHNG.MARTIN .ARCHITECT,LLC P.O.BOX 4701 EAGLE,C O816 319703 28-0592 ROOF A sphalt c omp osite -Oakridge Pro 40YR Teak Color M etal -If 0 7.copper stan dingseam \V[,\DO WS A luminum -W eat her Sh ield We stern Adobeco lor. ROCK ArkansasMos s "dry stack" W estern Adobe W SP04 EXTERIOR FINISHES LOT 14,BK H,VAI LDAS SCHO NE FILI NG 2 2 417 G ARMISH DRIVE ~VAIL SHAWN \VEYRA UCH J OHNG .M ARTIN,ARCHITECT,LLC P .O.BOX470 1 EAGLE,CO81631 970328-0592 ST AI:\' Ext erior Ce dar S iding (Main Siding,So ffit,Gar ageDoors)- Sherwin Wi ll iamsSe mi TransparentStain EV04-1 068, stsclear A 14T 0000 5.fiv e ga llon A 14T00005 Exteri or T rim twi nd owt r im/fascia/b eams.garage trim)- Mcssmers .U.V .Plus .Ox ford Brown,Decksfencessid ing. PAI"T S tucco-Main are a -BehrExt erior To asty G rey 30 YY S lI098 Stuccot rim-Glidden Exterior Color ooyy07-093 (Thi,is t o match W eath e r Shield w indow c olor o f Western Adobe) DSCN0820 .JPG 0000100100 00:00 :00 EXTERIOR F INISHES CONTINUED LOT 14,BKH,VAIL DASSCH ONE F ILING 2 2417 GARMISH DRIVE ,VA IL SHAWN WEYRA UCH J OHNG.MARTIN ,ARCHITECT,LLC P.O .BOX470 1 EAGLE,CO 8 1631970328-0592 DECK T rex A ccents Saddle Color Dec orative Co ncretetanco lor Pa tios -Dccorative C oncr et etanc o lor C HIMNE Y CAPS Gl idd en Ex terior Co lor o oyy07-093 (T h is isto m atch Weather Shiel d window co lor of Western Ado be a nd St ucco Trim ) DECKRA ILINGS O vergar age -W r oughtIronPick ets 1\11 o ther-CedarPic kets-Sherwin W illiamsSemiTran sparentStai n EV0 4 -1 0 68 (same asm ainsid ing stain). E ~T R Y P ATIO C ol orado Bu ff F lagstone E XTERIOR ENTRY STAIRS Deco ra tive C oncretetan color , DSCN0826 .JPG DODO/DO/DO 00 :00:00 P age 1 of 1 BillGibson-Weyrauch From: To: Date: Subject: HeyJohn, BillGibson JohnGMartin 05/10/20062:33 PM Weyrauch Hereare the PublicWorks Department comments from the final draft Weyrauchplans .Theseneed to be add ressed onthebuild ing perm it submittal plans : 1.Thewestunit's 4thpark ing space must beshownbeh ind the single-car ga rage. 2.Thepanshallbelabeledas4 feet widewith2 inch invert,concrete,noheat. 3.PE stamped drawings of shotcrete wallsandt ier walls must be submitted . 4.Erosion control deta ils must besubm itted. Bill file ://C:\Documents andSetti ngs\Administrator\LocalSettings\Temp\GW}0000I .HTM 05110/2006 /'. Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 t el:970.479.2139fa x:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vai l.co.us Project Name:WEYRAUCH RESIDENCE Project Description: ORBNumber:DRB050138 CONCEPTUAL NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNER WEYRAUCH,SHAWN 04/11/2005 Phone:479-2950 2625 LARKSPUR LANE,UNIT'A' VAIL CO 81657 APPLICAN T WEYRAUCH,SHAWN 04/11/2005 Phone:479-2950 2625 LARKSPUR LANE,UNIT'A' VAIL CO 81657 ProjectAddress:2417 GARMISH DRVAIL location: 2417 GAR MISCH DR legal Description:lot:14Block:HSubdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL2 ParcelNumber:2103-114-1301-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Action:CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 AconceptualreviewisNOTa Design ReviewBoardapproval. Planner:Bill Gibson -- , 1 .. Conceptual Review Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web :www.vailgov.com AP ",J p .- co 12 M1 T A vA I L (D lrf~-2..B SO ForconstructionofanewbUilding ordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential or commercialbuilding(includes250 additions &interiorconversions). For minorchangestobuildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc . Forrevisions toplans alreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReviewBoard. Plus$1.00persquarefootoftota l signarea. Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 IR.ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes toApprovedPlans $20 0 (.NoFeeSeparationRequest E-mail Address: General Information:--!- Allprojectsrequiringdesign reviewmustreceiveapproval priort osubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirements fortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.Anapplication forDesign Review cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformat ion isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTown Council and/or thePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:rf"{,\l!:Y'=,....!&"J l<-N,·,.\..J O!f '....4 .u.tl +-f _ Location of the Proposal:Lot:I y BIOCk:..±1-Subdivision:VCt;I Da s $(h'on e Physical Address:GARMI Sc..H DR VA il Parcel No.:)..(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328·8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:-+-~+-I s...',--_ Name(s)ofOwner(s):SHAWN WEYRAucH Mailing Address:~b2.<;=lA(?k seu(l LANI:.. ------------------,r----Phone:-..:~'-+.::.....O.......~-=------- Owner(s)Signature(s):~J"'--'-""l1...h"'¥":z.--=>q!"==-,-_-8 ' Name of Applicant:Sf!AwlJ LsJJ::yRA0GHL _ Mailing Address:2(,L'LARkSfOlf I A rJ~UN /1 A lLA I L. ________________Phone:Lf 1 q -2-Cr $""V __________Fax:'17 9-2.-0,n For O~ce ,UseJ?nly:.,;...--~ee~~~~~ate:""--G<'tb=~~o.:----~~~N~.:~:M~6~'" Planner:ProjectNo.:=r4JCS:-e>!-fl-fOeJ----- II _'- "--.. "~I " -----_--...... ::r-,• _..- \ I I l ! I, I•I I I Ir i I ! I, Ii!,, l I I !I!,I,I I I I i I I ! 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