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~'l b '10 ifro .n ·10 '¥'\o vS ''1 0 ~I(:1'-£(0 -•... '!J f(b Apft~(\10 ~'r\'l ~~~+) 10voCM(e 12-,Q.lJj wf~ccR . ~y lVf~eo ~~.~s ~(;~~ 1 okf'i A-4-&'7 ~ Ie 'U}-'6 .7c- "})t l~ ?UtvVl t i ~r 1:~+ --------,.T1~(p );ddA,~\ ()0 {.1 ·1'&p~~d ~tfl~:='(,4-10 rt- E:'i-l~,\'"I s O".fi<.~2,(,bo *" -l-~l w (1'''''r'''s.J ~*'~~4-,10l? li-1Iw-ul =5 ,3Z.2-(::MB -"p ri f""<>.<"~IZ-,Z-l'\-.,.<.c""~") •.- INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEETING September 12 ,1990 Wednesday at 10:00 a .m. \ Attn: -, Ron -.Phillips Stan\Berryman Greg Hall Pete Burnett Todd Op~enheimer Dick Dur'an Mike McGe'e Recreation Department Ken Hughey Caroline Fis her Pam Brandmeyer S "lly Mello ary Murrain usan Scanlan Mike Mollica Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack Andy Knudtsen Jill Kammerer da 1.PEe/ORB Items 2.Lionshead Awning Crass/Sp addle CreekutilityEasement3• 4.Dauphinais 5.Vail Point Permit 6.Tivoli Letter a Credit 7 .Upper Eagle &sanitation--Ith Fi ling 8.T .O.V.Bike t h Reta i ning Wa ll 9.Valley Pha VI 10.Abe Shap'o --Driveway (Greg Hall) r ' ..z: .-.•-'•REPT131 ~9/02/97 17:07 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:9/3/9 7 PAGE 6 AREA:CD ActIvity: Addr@'ss: Location: per-c e 1 : OE"icriptlon: Appl t ce rrt t Owner: Cont ractor: 89&-0099 9/3 /97 T yp@':A-BUILD 2407 GARMISH DR 2103-114-13-00& ADDITIONOF SFR MOUNTAINVIEW BUILDERS EARLE DEBERAH J &JAMESH MOUNTAINVIEW BUILDERS Status:ISSUED Dec: Phone:47€--1611 Phone: Phone :47E.-l&11 Con-str :ASFR Us.pz VN Insp@'ction Request Infor~ation•.••• Requestor;TONY IMOUNTAINVIEW BLDRS Phone :47&-1611 Req T i~e l 08:00 Co.men~s : I tells requested to be Lns pe c t ed •••ActifAJ,?~O'cllen,t.,.,T iMe EKp ~009 0 BLD13-F1na 1 tI!~I""'-",rL=-,-'-'gL=-,£-----------_ In5pection History ••••• It •••005 10 drivew.y grade final It",••00010 BLDG-Footing~/5teel 0&/17 /9&Inspector :EG Action:APPR APPROVED It •••00020 BLDG-Foundatlon/St e el Ite.1 00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan 12/05/96 In~pectorl LAUREN Actionl APPR APPROV ED It ••1 00030 BLDG-Fr••in g 08/30/~6 Inspectorl CD Actio n:APPR APPROVED Notes :PLANNING APPROVAL REQ 'O FOR THE ADDITIONOF A WI NDOW IN BEDROOM .4 ADD CONNECTORS TOPOST AND BEAMS ON DECKS AIRTEST REQ'D ON GAS LINE Iteml 00050 BL DG -I n 5 ul ~t i on 0 9/06/96 Insp ect or :EG Actl on:APP RAPPROVED It.~1 0 00&0 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 09/13/96 Inspe ctor:EG Actlonl APPR APPROVED It ••;00070 BLOG-Mi.c. 10/11/~6 Inspectorl COAction;APP R LATHE INSPEC TI ON I t ••:000~0 BLDG-Final It ••:00~33 PLAN-T EMP,C/O It ••:00530 BLOG-T ••p.C/O 02/18 /97 Inspectorl CF Action:ON DENIED Notes:planning dept approval req'd hand rail req 'd on exterior stairs guardrail height on ext stairs .ust be a .In of 3&" 04/24/97 Inspector:CF Action:APPR APPROVED Notes :planning dept approval req uired prior to a co being l ~su. by 7 /1/97 tte.:00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O 08 /29/97 In spect o.~:LAUREN Act 1 on:APPR APPROVED Item:00~40 BLDG-Final C/O '.• REPT131 1/11 /20/97 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 06:5rll REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:1 /20 /97 PAGE AREA,EG Ac tIV ity :E96 -0090 1/20 /q7 Type:B-ELEC Addrps ~:2 407 GARMISH DR Lo cation: P er-c e 1:2103-114 -13-fM'lb Descrlptionl ADDITION TOP /S Applicant:SUPERIOR ELECTRIC Owne r:EARLE DEBERAH J &JAMES H Co n t r~c to r :SUPERIOR ELECTRIC St~tus:ISSUED Conatr:ASFR Dc c;Use: Phone:970-984-2711 Ph one: Phone:9 70-984-2711 I ns ppction Request Infor.atlon •••.• Reque~tor:8ILL /SUPERIOR ELECTRIC Req Ti.e:08:00 COA ••nt~1 rte.s requested to be Inspected .•. 001\}0 ELEC-Final ------------- Phone:379-0&84 APPROVED DENIED DENIED Action:APPR 00110 ELEC -Te.p.Power 00 120 ELEC-Rough 0B/28 /96 I nsp ector:EG 00 130 ELEC-Condu1t 0 0140 ELEC -Mlsc. 0 0 190 ELEC-Final 0 1/03/97 In5pector:LPV ActIon:ON Notesz Cover pla te q i ss ing in b~thrDoM. Switch in bath .i.,ing. Bad GFI by wet bar. Cover e ~po~ed wire in crawl space and recept.cle plat~ e t ss t nq , Need GFI breaker for heat trace . Needs A panel schedule . 01/06/97 Inspector I L V Action:ON 00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Ite.: It e.: I te ll: Inspection Hi5tory ••••• Itell : It ••: •-""','0.1 /~,____....-,'--.-·':I"1 ;..,..;ln_~.-..••-:....,,,...•_••_1.1 .1 .,.,._.~_:-,,,.,1 "" :-;~,:~.•-x.?~.?..- A ...._~1 "C'f .,;.".-....-....._....,..;;....--- CHECK R EQUEST t'\"", VENDORNU MBER:'{/U D ESCRIPTIO N OF E X PE NS E:CLEAN U P DEPOS IT REFUND FO R UP #M?'M'l1 N AME OF JOB :,c A£J 1 F A CCOUNT NUMB ER:010 00022002 A MOUNT OFRE FUND:'2>0 00,0 0 , DATE APPROVED:l o -f}..-Q7 APPROVALS IGNATUR E:/.-• •• F ORM : ~-'NO .~.. !Z8!3C:1{4H "7 !J/9mc.s II..!3qf?LE ATTN ,RE i\'rHA VENDOR'R EQ UEST Tf~HPOR.7\nY V EN"'D 0 !t . V ENDORS F ULe ~.,_-"===~w...~'---'---==",,,""'-CL'---=====-__ V E ND O R S ~ {)OIL REI1IT ADDRES S IF D.lEFERENT FROH ABOVE 'fAX ID~OR 55 il IS VEND OR A CORPORhTION YES N O -,,REQU ESTED BY '---'---'--,-_-:.:--,--_ ....-,DATE OF REQUEST '~~----.,_-----''--~----- ." , I i,. '. i '.', ••• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTM ENT OF COMMU NITY DEVELOPME NT NO TE:THIS PERM IT MUST BE POSTED ON J OBSITEATALLTIMES ADD /ALT SFR BUI LD PERMIT Job Addre ss:2 407 GARMISH DR Locatio n ...: Parc el No ..:21 0 3-114 -13-006 Projec tNo.:PRJ96 -0075 P ermit .:B96-0099 Status ...:ISSUED Appl i ed ..:05/10/1996 Issued ...: Expi r es ..: APPLICANT MOUNTAINV IEW BUILDERS Phone:476 -1611 1 915 WEST GORE CRE EK DRIVE,VAIL,CO 816 57 81657 CONTRACTOR MOUNTA INVIEW BUILD ERS Phone:476 -1611 1915 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE,VAIL ,CO 8 1657 8 1657 OWNER EA RLE DE8ERAH J &JAMES H 2 407 GA RM ISCH DR,VAIL CO 8 1657 Desc ri pt io n: ADDITI ON OFSFR Occ upa ncy: Type Construction: R3 VN Singl e Family Residence Type V Non-Rat ed Valu ati on:1 25,254 AddSq F t:1475 f ireplae~In1of Rtton :Il e:o tr itted :,~Ga.Appllan ces:'Of Gas Log.:'Of WOOd /p a llet: ********.***•••*********i**•••••••••••***••**•••ii.iiii....fEE SUKMA RY i ••••ii ••••••••_!•••,,_.,•••'••'••I'••••'.,_••••••_,iiiiil Bu ildi ng-->844 .00 R.stuarant Ptan Revt...,..-).00Total Caltulat -.::l hn->2 ,216 .85 Plan Ched .->543 .60 DRB fee:->100 .00 Additi onal Fee'>.00 I nv estigation>.00 Recreat ion h.)221 .2 5 Total Per.it F..->2,216.85 "'ill Call -->3 .00 Clun-Up Depo s it >500.00 Payaenh >2,216.85 TOTAL FEE S------->2,216.85 BALANCE DUE >.00.",.,•••••,.,."""•••••,••••••••"".,.,••".,.************•••""".,.,."••",••••""••"""""",.",••,."""""""" N/A N/A Item:051 00 BUILDING DEPAR TME NT 05 /,10/,1996 DAN Acti on :NOT E 05 /14 /1996 DAN Act,on:APPR It~:054 00 PLAN NING DE ~A R TM ENT 05 /,~0 1996 DAN Act,on:NOTE05/13 ~1996 LAUREN Action:APPR Itim:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05 10/1996 DAN Action:APPR Item:05500 PUBLIC WORK~ 05 /10/1996 DAN Act,on:APPR Dept:BUILDI NG DAN PLANS EXAMINE R Dept:PLAN NING LAU REN PLANNER Dept :F IRE Dept :PUB WORK Div ision: Divi sion: Division: Division: See Page 2 of t hisDo cum ent for an y conditions that ma y apply to th is pe rmit . DEC LARATIONS I hereby ac know ledge th .t I hllv.r..d thh appltcllt;on,filled out in f u ll the l nfor _t ion required ,COIIlp leted an a e curne p l ot p ten,liM 6t8h thet lIll the inforllletion provi dl'd liS r equire'd h co rrect .I agr ee to eo aply with the inforlletion liM plot plan , t o eOlllply with all TOWfI ord inance.a nd state lllW$,and t o build th h structure according to the Town'.zoning a M .ubdt v ision eode "dntgn reI/lew I pproved,Un 110ra Bu ilding tode and ot her o rdinllnces o f t he Town I ppl icable th ereto . REQU ESTS FOR INSPE CTI ON S SHA LL BE ~D E TW ENTY-FOUR HOUR S IN ADV ANC E 8Y TEL EPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OFfiCE fROH 8 :00 Aft 5 :00 pft S ~Cl earMJp Oepo s it To:EA RLE •'.• Page 2 ************************.******************************************************* CONDITIONS Permit .:B96 -00 99 as of OS /23 /96 Status---:IS SUED ************.*********************.**********************.********************** Permit Type:ADD /ALT S FRBUILD PERM I T Ap p1 ica nt--:MOUN TAINVIEWBUILDERS 476-1 611 Job Address:2 407 GARMISH DR Location ---: Parcel No--:2 103 -114-1 3 -006 Desc r ip tio n : ADDITION OFS FR App1i e d--:0 5/10/1996 Issued---: ToEx p ire: **************************************Condition s ****************************** 1 .FI ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 .SMOKE DETEC TORS ARE REQU I RED I NALLBEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PE RSEC .1 210 OF THE1 991 UBC . 3.NEED PLUMB ING ,MECHANICAL AND ELECTICALPERMITS BEFORE ANY WO RK CAN BESTARTED ON PLUMB I NG ,MECHANICAL ORELECTRICAL 4.AN ENGI NEER MA YBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE AN Y STRUC TUA L WORK BEFORE TO WN OFVAI L WILL OKAY FRAMING 5 .HAN DRA ILS AND GUARDRAILS TO MEET CHA PTER 33 AND 17 OFTHE 1991 UB C . •..•••***************~************************************************ TOWN OF VAIL,CO LORADO Staternnt *****************************************.********************** Statemnt Number :REC-0146 Amoun t: Pa yment Method:CK Not ation:.1036 2 ,1 66.85 OS/23/96 09:03 Init:CD Permit No:B9 6-0099 Type :A-BUILD ADD /ALT SF R BU ILD PE Parcel No:2 10 3-114-13 -006 S ite Addre ss:2407 GARM ISH DR Th i spayment 2,166 .85 Tota l Fe e s : To talALLPmts: Balance: 2 ,2 16.85 2 ,216 .85 .00 Account Code Descr ipt ion Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDINGPERMIT FE ES 844 .00 01 000 0 4 133 1 DE SI GN REVIEW FEE S 5 0 .00 01 0000 41 332 PLAN CHECK F EES 548 .60 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 5 00.00 30 0000 4503 2 RECREATIONF EES 221.25 01 0000 41336 WILLCALL INSPE CTIONFEE 3 .00 •• PLUMBI NG P ERMIT TOWN OF VAIL 7 5 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-4 79 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON J OBSITEATALLTIMES Permit I:P96-0063 Job Addre ss:2407 GARMISH DR Lo c at ion ...: Parcel No ..:2 103-114 -1 3 -00 6 Proj ect No .:PRJ96-0075 APPLICANT ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING &HE AT POB 1168,EAGL E CO 81631 CONTRACTOR ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING &HEAT POB 1168,EAGLE CO 8163 1 OWNER EARLE DEBERAH J &JAMES H 2407 GARMISCH DR,VAIL CO 81657 Statu •...:ISSUED Applied ..:05 /14/1996 I ••ued ...:05 /14/1996 Expires ..:11/10/1996 Phone:970 -328-6213 Phone :970-328 -6213 De scription:ADDIT ION S FR Val uation :20,360.00 tTt***U t****ii ***'A'****1UA*Uii ii 11****Ii 1**i*U,*1,,****'*1:FEE SU "/'\A ~y •iiUlA iiii._.i ••iiiiii .iU iii 111111 itt .....ttUii._UiU ' Plu..bing -->315 .00 II Uluar_"t Plan Revi ew->.00 Tou l Clleul ltC'd fe.s -)396.75 PIa"Check.->78 .75 TO TA L FEE S >396 .75 Add it i onal Fnl >.00 I nve st ig.t ion).00 Total Perll;t fee >396 .75 vru Call-)3.00 PaywnU >396.75 SALAH CE DUE >.00 ~'***iiii**********i*ii**••**il***I*ii *i*****1*****i*I*.*1i*********i*1*1.*.****1111*****.*****.*******.'*'*'*********••****.** Item:05100 BUILDING DEfARTMENT 05/14 /1996 DAN Act ,on:APPR Dept:BUILDING Division: .U ••I •••****IIU l l .liUl.iil••i i.i •••••******I ••I •••••••••IIIIII IIIIIIIIII..IIIIIIUIIIIU•••I CONDITIONOF APPROVAL DE CLARA TIONS [h.reby .cknow ledg.tha t I have reed t hil app li cation,fH l~out in fl,lll the i nfo,...ti Ol'l nqu ir~,cOllpl~tad an .ccura ta p lot pLan ,lind Il tate tlMlt a n the infor MtiOl'l provideod liS requir~is correct.1 ~r e~to COIIPly with th~infoMlllti Ol'l and plot plan , to comp ly with all Town o rdinancell and Il tate lawll,and to build th is t tructura according to the T~11l zoni ng and Ilubdivi llion codes ,design re view appt'OV KI,uni for.Bu ild i ng Code and oth er o rdinances of the TO'oIn appl ic.ble thereto. ltEQ(JE ST S fOR IN SP E(TIOfrl S SHAll BE HAD E T\IENTY-f OU R HOURS I N ADVAN CE BY TELE PHON E AT ,79-138OR AT OU R OffiCE fROft 8 :00 .....5 :00 PPI ••***.***********•••******.*.***•••******••*********************** TONN OF V AIL ,COLORADO Sta te rnn t ***************.************************************************ statern nt Numbe r:REC -0146 Am o unt : Paym entMeth od:CKNota tion :110 36 396 .75 OS/23 /96 09:0 5 I nit:CD ---------------------------------------------------------------- P ermit No:P96 -0 063 Type :B-PLMB Parc el No:2 10 3-114 -13 -0 06 S ite Addr ess:2 4 07 GARM ISH DR PLUMB ING P ERMIT This Payment 396.75 To ta l Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Balance : 396 .75 396.75 .00 ***************************************************.************ Ac count Code 0 1 0000 41311 01 0 0 00 4 1332 01 0 000 4 1336 Descript ion PLUMB INGPERMIT FE ES PLAN CHECKFEES WILLCALLI NSPECTI ON FEE Amou nt 315.00 7 8 .7 5 3.00 •• TOWNOF VA IL 7 5S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 97 0 -4 79 -2138 DEPARTMEN T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME NT ELECTRI CAL PERMIT NOTE:THI SP ERMI T MU ST BE POSTED ON J OB SITE ATALLTIMES P ermit t :E9 6-0090 Ph on e:3 039 49 4 119 S ta t us ...:I SS UED Ap plied •.:05/1 4/199 6 I ssued •••:05/1 4/1996 Exp i res••:11 /10 /1 996 Phon e:3 03 94 94119 Job Address :2407 GARM ISH DR Location ...: Parcel No ..:210 3-114 -1 3 -006 Pro jectNo .:PRJ9 6-00 75 APPLI CANT UNITED ELE CTR IC,INC PO BOX 5 19,AVON CO 81620 CONTRAC TOR UN ITED ELECTRIC,I NC P O BOX 51 9,AVONCO81 620 OWN ER EARLE DE BERA HJ &JAM ES H 24 07GARMISC HDR,VAIL CO 816 57 Descript ion:ADDITION TO p iS Val uat ion :7,50 0.00 fleet r1ul-> DRB F..-) Inve stilllt i Ot'l>vru Ci ll-) TOTA L FfES-) 144 .00 .00 .00 3.00 147.00 To tal calcuta ted F ~l ---) Mdit iONI l Fe ts----) Totl l "nll t Fee ) "y-"'U > BAlANCE ouE-----) 147 .00 .00 147.00 147.00 .00 I tem:0 600 0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05 /1 4/1996 DAN Act ion:APPR Dept:BUILDING Divi sion: CONDITIONOF APPRO VAL DE CLARATION S I hereby .eknow ledge t Nit I have rud t his appli cation,f i lled o ut i n fu ll the i nfo r.ti on required,COfIP llted an a ccura te pL ot p lan,and state tha t .all t he 'i nf o r_tion pl"OVided IS requi red is cor rect .I Igr..t o e:e-pLy with thei nfor..t ion and plotpl an, t o cOIPly v ith all Tovn or-diNll'lces and state 1.".,and to buHd thh structure acwrding to tM Town',zoning and subdivis ion code.,~.illn re ll;..,approved,unitor.Build ing code al'ld other ord inences 01 t he Town Ipplie.ble t jerete . REQU ES TS FOR I NSPECTIONS SH AL L.BE flAOE TIIENTY-FOUR NOUR SI N AOV AN CE BY TELEP HON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFF I CE FR orl 8:00 AK 5 :00 PI'! CONTRACTOR FO HlI '5 ELF AHO OW NER •••**************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORA DO Statemnt ***************************************************************. S ta temnt Number :RE C-014 6 Am o unt : Payme nt Method:CK Notation:11 036 1 47 .00 OS /23/96 09:0 4 Init:CD ---------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No:E9 6-0090 Type:B-ELEC ParcelNo :2 103 -114-1 3 -00 6 site Addre ss:2407 GA RMISH DR ELECTRICALPERMIT This Paymen t 1 47 .0 0 Total Fees : Tot al ALL Pmts : Balance: 14 7.0 0 1 47.0 0 .00 ************************************************************.*.* Account Code 01 0000 41313 0 1 0 0 00 41 336 De scription ELECTRICALPE RM ITFEES WILL CAL L IN SPECTION FE E Amount 1 44.00 3 .00 •• TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COI1MUNITY DEVE LOPMENT 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 816 57 97 0 -4 79 -2138 NOTE:TH IS PERMIT MUS T BEPOSTED ON JOB SI TE ATALL T IMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #:E96-0090 S tat us...:ISSUED Applied ..:05 /14 /1996 Issued ...:0 5/14 /1996 Expires ..:11/1 0 /1996 OWNER CO NTRACTO R APPLICANT Job Addre ss :2 407 GARM ISH DR Location ...: Parcel No ..:2103-114-13-006 project No .:PRJ 96-0 075 EARLE DE BERA HJ &JAMES H 2407 GARMISCH DR,VAI L CO 816 57 SUPERIOR ELECTRIC 143 CURRE NT DRIVE,NEWCAS TLE ,COLORADO SUPERIOR ELECTRIC P .O.BOX 194 1 ,GLENWOOD S PRINGS CO Ph one: 81 647 Phone : 970-984-2711 970-984 -2711 De scription:ADDITION TO piS v a l uat io n:7,5 00.00 **********II1r*********At'*A'*'*I **Ai***********H"*H"***********FEE SUM MA RY *********"************************************************ Electr ic8 l--> DRB Fee ---> Investigation> lIi ll C.ll---) TO TA L FEES-> 144 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 147.00 Total CatcuLBted fee,--) Additiona l Fecs ------> Tota l Permit he-------> Pllymen ts ---------------) BAL AN CE DUE -------------) 147.00 .00 147 .00 147 .00 .00 I te m:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTM ENT 05 /14 /199 6 DAN Ac tion :APPR Dep t:BU ILDING Division: CO ND ITION OFAPPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby lu;l:nowl @dg 1'that I have rl'ad th is IIpplicati on,fil l~ou t i nf ull t tl!!';n10rlll llt;on required,coe ptetedene eeueere plot p lan,and state that all t he inf orraa tion provide d liS requi red is co rrec t.I agree t o co mp ly lIith th e in f ormation andp lot plan , t o ~ompl y wit h etl Tow n ordin 8n~e s and at ete laws,and to build t his str u~t u re e ~~o r d;n9 t o t he Town's zoning end s ubdivis i on codes,de signreview approved,Unifo rm Bu ilding Code e ndother ordiM nCes o f the Tow n applicab le t her eto . RE QU ESTS FO ~I NS PECTIONS SHA LL BE MA DE TIIENTY-FOUR HO URS I N AOVAN CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 ORAT OUR OFFICE fROH 8;00 AH 5;00 PM , •• TOWN OF VAIL 7 5S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-4 79-2 138 DEPAR TMENT OF COMMU NI TY DEVELOPMENT NO TE :TH IS PERMIT MU ST BEPOSTED ON JOB SITE AT ALLTIME S ELECTR ICAL PERM IT Job Addr e ss :2407 GARMIS H DR Location ...: Parcel No..:210 3 -114 -13 -006 Pro ject No.:PRJ96 -00 75 Permi t #:E9G-0090 Status ...:ISSUED App lied .•:05 /1 4/1996 Is sued ...:05/1 4/1996 Ex pir es ..:11/10/1996 OWNER CON TRACTO R APPL ICANT EARLE DEBERAH J &JAME S H 240 7 GARMISCH DR,VAIL CO 8 165 7 SUPERIORELECTRIC 143 CURR ENT DR I VE,NEWCAS TLE,COLORADO SUPERIOR ELECTRIC P .O .BOX 19 4 1,GLENWOOD S PRINGS CO Phone : 81647 Phone : 97 0-98 4-271 1 970-98 4 -271 1 De scri ption:ADDITIONTO piS Valuation:7 ,500 .00 El e ttr i c;~l---> ORB Fee ---) Invest igati on) will Call----) TOTAL FEES---) 144 .00 .00 .00 3.00 147.00 Tota l cetevtetee Fees---> Additional Fees--------) TotalPermit Fee------> P 8y ~ent s----------------) BAL ANCE llUE-------, '107.00 .00 147 .00 147.00 .00 Item :06000 ELECTRIC AL DEPARTMENT 05/14/199 6 DAN Action :APPR Dept :BU ILDING Divis ion : CONDITIONOF APPROVAL DE CLARATIONS Ihere by lIcknowtedge t nn J have readth is !lppliC;lIti on,f il ledouti nf ull t he information required ,coepteted en ac curate pl o t ptan,and StIltl!l t hat all th e info rm etion provided a s required is corre ct.J agre e t o eeeety withth e ;nfor lllll ti on Indpt ot phl n, t ocomp ly lIith at t TO\oI n o r-dt nenc es ilIn d s t ate te vs ,I /'I d tobuild t his st ructure Iccording t o t he Town 's zoning and subdi v is ion ,ode s,des ign revielol approved,U ni10 r ~Bui ld i ng Code and other o rdin an'es 01 th e TOlin a pp licabl e t hereto. REQUESTS f OR INSP ECTIONS SHA LL SE MAD E TUE NTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY TE LEPHONE A.T 479-2138 ORAT OU R OF fICE FRO M 8:00 AM 5 :00 PH HI MSElf AND O~NER •• TOWN OFVAI L 75 S.FRON TAG E RO AD VA IL ,CO 8 1657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THISPERMI T MUST BE POSTED ON J OB SITEATALLTIME S ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E9 6 -0090 Job Address :2407 GARMISH DR Locat io n...: Parcel No..:2 103-114 -13 -006 Pro ject No .:PRJ96-0075 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:05/14/1996 I ssued ...:05 /14 /1996 Expires .•:11/10 /1996 OWNER APPLICANT CONTRACTOR 97 0-9B4-2711 7,500.00 970-9B4 -2711 Va l uation: Phone: 8 1647 Phone: EARLE DEBERAH J &JAMESH 2407 GARMISCH DR,VAILCO 81657 SUPERIORELECTRIC 1 43 CURRENT DR IVE,NEWCA STLE ,COLORA DO SUPERIOR ELECTRIC P.O.BOX 1 941,GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO Description :AD DITION TO pIs *'********~*******~*k***********************************FEE SUMM ARY ***********************************.*.******************** e t ect r i (;~l---> ORB fee --> Invts t igllt t eo wil l Call---) TOTA L HE S--> 144.00 .00 .00 3 .00 147 .00 TotaL C a l(:uL a t~fees--> Ad di tional f ees --------) Total Perllit he-------> Pll)'m!!rlts---------> BALANC E OV E--------> 147 .00 .00 147 .00 147 .00 .00 ******rt****************************'*"****l'***Ie At *********,*********************1t1t***********************I:******,triA ******AAi,*** Item:06 000 EL ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05 /1 4/1996 DAN Act i on :APPR Dept:BUILDING Division : CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS J her-eby II c lo:now l ~ge t hatI have read th is app li cat ion,fil led ou t in f u ll th e information requ;r~,cc ept eted an a ccu rate plot plan,and state th at all the i nfo rmation p ro vi ded a s required is c or rect.1 ag ree to cOlIIP ly with the i nforllationandp l o t pl an, to comply with all T~n or dinance s a nd state laws ,and to build th is st ructure ac cord ing t o t he Town 's zoni ng and s ubd iv 1si o n code s,des ign review approved ,Un i10rl Building Codea nd o the r o rdi nanc es o f th e To wn applicab le t heret o. REQ UE STS FOR INSPECTIONS SH AL L BE MA DE TIIENTY -F OU R HO UR S IN ADVA NCE BY TE LEP HO NE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R Off ICE FROK 8 :00 AK 5:00 PK , SIGNA • .~. I ••• • • 10 :7()WN qFt//tIL j)~I'T."r C"mP1<;N/7r /.JeV,Elt0;OA?,EA./7 Fit"",!:IONt'4'6/-/0 ,"I11d~""Tl.uJv,,ew -<5loU~tJ£/Z~ tttE:~ij"1 I?c./£/.J1'1t//S ••• TOWN OF VA IL 75 S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 81 657 970-4 79 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DEV ELOPME NT NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON J OBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit i :E96-0090 Job Address:2 4 07 GARMISH DR Locatio n ...: P a rcel No ..:2103-114 -13 -006 P roject No .:PRJ96-00 75 Status ...:I SSUED Appli ed ..:05/14/1996 Issued ...:05 /14 /1996 Exp i res ..:11 /10 /1996 OWNE R APPLICANT CONTRACT OR 970 -984 -2711 7,500 .00 970-984-2711 Valuation: Phone : 81647 Pho ne: EARL E DEBE RAH J &J AM ESH 2407 GARM ISCH DR ,VAIL CO 81 657 SUPERIOR ELECTRIC 143 CU RR ENT DRIVE ,NEWCAS TLE ,COLORADO SUPERIORELECTRIC P .O.BOX 1 9 41,GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO Description :ADDITIONTOP iS Ell!'ttr it.l --> DRB FH --> Inves tigation> will Call~--> TOTAL FEES--> 144 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 147 .00 Tot al Caltul ..t lld Fees -' Addl tl0na l F«'s----, Total Perait fee--------) Pay.ent s ------> BALA NCE OUE------, 147.00 .00 147 .00 147.00 .00 Item :06000 ELECTRICALDEPARTMEN T 0 5/14/199 6 DAN Action:APPR De pt :BUI LDING Divis ion : CONDI TI ON OF APPROVAL .************************************************************************.**********************_••_...**-**------**-**-**.**._-** DECLARATIONS I ne r@b y acknow ledge that I have read t hi s appli cation,f il l ed outin fUl l the in f or.ation required ,co-p l eted an ac curate plot p lan ,and state tha t all the i nforilla ti on prov ided 8 S required i s co r reet .I agree to COIIpl y w'i th the inforll&t lon .nd p lot pten , t o ca.p ly with.l l Town ordin.nc.s and st.te lews ,and t o build th is structure a ccording to tke Tow n 's zoni ng .nd SUbdi vision codes,de s;gn re view approved,unifo r.Bu ildi ng Code and o tker or dinances of th e T~appli cable the reto. REQUES TS fOR IN SP ECTION SSHALL BE ~DE ~ENT Y-F OU R HOURS IN ADV ANC E BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OFFICE FRON 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM SIG NA TU RE 0 'OW NER OR CON TRAC TOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWN ER ISSU ED 0 5 /14 /199 6 05/14/1 996 11 /1 0/1996 S ta tus ...: Applied..: I ssued ...: Expire s ..: Phone:303949411 9 P ho ne :3 03949 4119 •OEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • NOTE:THISPERMIT MUS T BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALLT IMES Permit t:E96 -0090ELECTRICALPERMITo\~O b Address :2 40 7 GARMIS HDR Loca tio n ...: Parcel No ..:2 103-11 4-1 3-006 project No .:PRJ96-00 75 .. APPLICANT UNITEDELECTRIC ,INC PO BOX 5 19 ,AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR UNITED ELECTRIC ,INC PO BO X 519 ,AVO NCO 8 1620 OWNE R EARL E DE BERA H J &J AMES H 2407 GARMISCH DR ,VAIL CO 81657 OFVAIL S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 165 7 97 0 -479 -213 8 De s cript ion:ADDITIONTO pis Val uation:7 ,500.00 El ec;tri,el--) DRS Fee --> Invel tigation> will Call--> TOTAL FEES -> 144 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 147.00 TotaL Ca lc ulat ed Fee s ---) Addit ioN l F ~"'---> Total Pera it Fee----> POYllentt------> BALAN CE DUE-----) 1"7 .00 .00 11,7.00 147 .00 .00 Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTM ENT05/14 /1996 DAN Action:APPR Dept:BUILDING Division: CO NDIT ION OF AP PROVAL DECLA RATIONS I ~reb y acknowLedge that1 have read this appl i cation,f i lled outinf ull t ~infoNl8t 1on required ,ea.pleted an accurat a plot plan ,and s tate t hat al l the infoNl8t ion provided .s required i s correct .I ~ree to ca.ply with the i nfoNl8tion ~plot plan , t o comp ly with .It Town ord inance s and state law s,andt o build t hi s structure accordi ngto t ke Town'.zoning and subdivision codes,d.s ign revi ew approved,unifor.Bu ilding Code andoth er ordina nces ofthe Town appl icable thereto . REQU ES TS FOR INSP ECT IONS SHA LL BE "ADE TWENT Y-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OffICE FRO"8 :00 ~5:00 p" HIM SE Lf AND OWNER •• TOWN OFVAIL 75S .F RONTAGE ROA D VAIL ,CO 81657 970 -479 -2 138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMEN T PLUMB INGPERMIT NOTE :THISPERMIT MU STBEPOSTED ON J OBSITEATALLT IMES Pe rmit ,:P96-0063 Job Address :2 407GARMISH DR Location ...: Par ce lNo•.:21 03-1 14-13-0 06 P roject No.:PRJ96-007 5 APPLICANT ROYALFLUSH PLUMBING &HEAT POB 1 168 ,EAGLECO 81631 CONTRACTOR ROYAL FLUSH P LUMBING &HEAT POB 1168,EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER EARLE DE BERA H J &JAMES H 24 07 GARMISCH DR ,VAIL CO 81657 Status ...:ISSUED Applied •.:05/1 4 /1996 I s su ed••.:0 5 /14 /19 96 Expi res .•:11/1 0 /1996 Phone:970 -328-6213 Phone :97 0 -328 -6213 Description :ADDITI ON SFR val uation :20 ,36 0.00 _.'1'1*.".'Iill"'II'Ittl ••••••II ....1"••IIUtllltilltt-"H-t F EE SUIO'I UY .111 •••1 ••"............****••U ••IIII ••••••U .1 ••••*.1'I'U*." PlulIlbing->315 .00 R~5 t u.r.n t Pla...Rel/;e.....-).00 Total ~l cu t .t cd f"I->396 .75 P lan Cht'ck->711 .75 TOTAL FEE5----->396 .75 Addi tional h ..->.00 I nve s tiga t i on>.00 Tota l Per.i t Fee--->396 .7S vm Ce ll->3 .00 Pey-enta >396 .75 84LANCE ooE----->.00 1 11 '.'lllllllllt'III***III I I'II'1"••I.'*.'IIII'I .'••••1111 •••********••••,••••••111 ••••••111.11 ••1*1111 •••••1 ••II.iIIA.I'I.111111 Item :0 5100 BUILDI NG DEPARTMEN T 05 /1 4 /1996 DAN Action:APPR Dept:BUILD ING Divi sion: COND ITION OF APP RO VAL DEC LARAT IO NS 1 he reby a cllnow ledg.t hilt 1 Mil e rMd thil lIppliClit ion"filled QlUt ;n full the inforution r equired "eOlllp l etM an e ccu rate plot p lan ,and nate that IIll the i nfo r _t i o n pr ol/ided CIS r~u i red b eeereet.t ag r ee t o eo~ly with the i nfo r _tion and p lot pten, t o ca.ply IoIlth .ll Town o r dinenee5 and 'tet.l .".,,,e nd to buHd th is ,t ruet\,lr.e eeord1ng to the TOlIn "zon i "'9 and ,ubdil/i ,;on <:oeM',desi gn r evi e'ol'approved"Unifor.SuHd ing Code e nd other ord i ~e e $o f the TO\m .pp ll eable thereto. REQUES TS f OR INSPECTI ONS SliA lL BE tl"DE T\IEKTY-FOU ll:HOU RS I N ADVAN CE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-138 OR AT OU R OFF ICE FROtt 8:00 APt 5 :00 Ptl ••*••••***********************.*********************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt ******.**.**********.**.*.***••*****•••**•••******.***••******** St atemnt Number:RE C-0146 Amo unt : Payment Method:CK Notation :1 10 36 396.7 5 OS/2 3 /96 09:05 rn i t:CO ---------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No:P96 -006 3 Type:B-PLMB P arcel No:21 03 -1 14 -13 -0 06 Site Address:240 7 GARMISH DR PLUMBING PERMIT This Paym ent 396.75 Total Fees: To tal ALL Pmts : Balance : 3 96.75 3 96 .75 .0 0 *******************•••**.******.*****************************.*. Account Code 01 0000 41311 0 10 000 4 13 32 01 0000 41336 Description P LUMB ING PERMIT FEES P LAN CH ECK F EES WILL CALLIN SPECTION F EE Amount 315 .00 7 8.75 3.00 •• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81 657 97 0 -479 -2 138 DEPARTME NTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT ELECTR I CAL P ERMIT NOTE :THIS PERMIT MU STBEPOSTEDON JOBS ITE AT ALL TI MES Perm it #:E96-0090 J obAddr ess:24 07GARM ISH DR Loca t ion ...: P arce lNo ..:2 10 3-114-13-006 Projec t No .:PRJ96 -00 75 APPLICANT UN ITED ELECTRIC ,INC POBOX 519,AVON CO B162 0 CONTRAC TOR UNITEDELECTRIC,I NC PO BOX 51 9,AVON CO B1 620 OWN ER EARLE DEBERAH J &JAME S H 2 407 GARM ISCH DR ,VAIL CO B16 57 Status ...:I SSUED Applied ••:05 /14/19 96 I s su ed .••:05 /14/1996 Ex pires •.:11/1 0/1996 P hone :3 0 394 94 119 Phone:3039494119 De scription:AD DI TION TO PIS valua t ion:7,500 .00 U ect rl u l -> DRB FN -> l rwest 1gat i on> wi ll c.ll-> TOT AL FE ES -> 144 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 147 .00 Total c..l culated '"1-> Add i tion-l F...> To t ,t '.~l t F..--------> Ply ~t .--> BA UHC E DUE > 147 .00 .00 147 .00 147 .00 .00 Ite m:06 000 ELECTRI CAL DEPAR TMENT 05 /14/1996 DAN Action:APPR Dept:BUILDINGDivisi on : _*****"'.11**1****"11111**111***1*****11111 **11*1111****11111l'I''''***III***II**I-**,*·''-U·''l1llllll****'*I*II*****'11*1**11*1."1*** CO NDITI ON OFAPPROV AL DEC LARA TI ONS I her.by ackr'lO'olledg e t hat I MV.read th h applicat ion,fil led outin fu ll the Inforllla t1 on requir.d ,co.pleted an accura te plot plan.and !Otlte m et a U the i n1orMtion provid ed ea r equi red ;s ee -ree t ,I ag ree t o cOllp ly with the inforlllll t;on a nd pl ot plan , t o ee.ply with I II Town o rdiMn C.'and ,tat e (aw "and to build th is st ructure I ccording t o tt'le Town '.zoning lind s ubd ivision Codal ,de,t ~rh'iew approv ed ,unlfor.Building Code and other ordiMnc••o f th e Town applicable the reto. REOU ESTS FOR INSP EC TIONS SHALL 8f KA DE TW EN TY -fOUR HOUR S IN ADVANC E BY TE LE PHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OFfIC E FR ~8 :00 AM 5 :00 P" ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO Stat emnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0146 Amo unt: Payme nt Method :CK Notation:11036 147 .00 OS/23/96 09 :04 Init :CD ---------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No:E96 -0 090 Type:B-ELEC Parcel No:2103-114-13 -006 Site Address:2407 GARMISH DR ELECTRICAL PERMIT This Payme nt 1 47.0 0 Total Fees: Tota l AL L Prnt s; Balance: 14 7 .00 1 47 .00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 4 13 13 0 100 00 4 1336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMITFEES WILL CA LLI NSPECTI ONFE E Amount 14 4.0 0 3 .00 •• TOWN OFVAIL 7 5 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 DEPAR TME NT OFCOMMUNIT Y DE VELOPMENT NOTE:THIS P ERMI T MUS TBEPOSTED ON J OBSITEATALLT I MES ADD/ALT SFRBUILD P ERM IT J ob Address :2407 GARMISH DR Loc at io n ...: Par cel No •.:21 03-114-1 3-006 Project No.:PRJ 96-0075 Permit t :B96-00 99 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ••:05 /10 /1996 Issued ...: Exp ires ..: APPLICAN T MOUNTA INVI EW BU ILDERS Phon e:47 6-1611 1 915 WES T GORE CREEK DRIVE,VA IL,CO 8 1657 81657 CONTRACTOR MOUN TAINVIEW BUILDERS Phone:476-1611 1915 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE,VA IL,CO 81657 81657 OWNER EARLE DEBERAH J &JAM ES H 2407 GARM ISCH DR,VAIL CO 81657 De scri pt ion: ADDIT ION OFSFR Occupancy: Type Construction: R 3 VN Si ngle Fam ily Residence TypeVNon-Rated valua t ion:1 25 ,2 54 Add Sq Ft:14 75 Fireplace I n f~t ;on :Restric ted :'Of Gas App ltanus:'Of 1l00d /,..Uet : Al.*A*****ll*••*I*I ••****'I**~.**III*'I ~'I***I**fE E ~A RY ***.*.**11'*.1.*.*****************.'.**********"******tt' Bui ld i ng--)844 .00 Restuar.nt Plan Rev1N--).00 Totd c.lculated FH S->2 ,216.85 Plant hcc k-)548.60 DRE!fe e )100 .00 Additi <:llWl Fees---->.00 Inve st igation>.00Recrea ti on he-)221 .25 foul Per.1t Fee---->2 ,216 .85 Ihll Call --)3.00 Clean-Up Oepos it---)500 .00 PlI)'lIIen ti >2,216.85 TOT AL FE ES-------------->2 ,216 .85 BALAN CE OU E >.00..........,.._.,u,••".,,.,-**I•••••"."'****"'**1 ••,••,••,•••,•••,1"1'•••1111'.. PUB WORK Division: Dept:BUILDI NG DAN PLAN S EXAMINE R Dept:PLAN NING LAURE NPLAN NE R Item:0 5100 BUILDING DE PARTMENT 05/,10/,1996 DAN A c t~on :NOTE 05 /14/1996 DAN A ct~on :APPR I t ~:05400 P LANN I NG DEpARTMENT 0 5h~0 19 96 DAN Act on :NOTE 05 /13 ?1 996 LAURE NAct Ion:APPR It~:05600 FIRE DE PAR TMENT 05/10 /1996 DAN Action:APPR I tem:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05 /10 /1 996 DAN Act ion:APPR N/A N/A Dept: Dept: FIRE Divi sion: Divi sion: Division: See Page2 of t his Docum ent for a ny c ond itions that may app ly t o this permit. DEC LARA TIONS J h~r eby .ck nowl~g l t hat I ~~e rla d thi.I pp l icltion,f illed out inf ull the in for-ati on rpq uired,co.pleted an accuratl pl ot pl an,l!l nod ,tllh t ~t all the 1nfor....t 1on provided as required i s correct .I II gr••toco.plywit h the 1nforllllltion and plot pla ", t o co-ply with all Town ordinanci '.nd s t.te l ew.,andt obuild t hi.s tructureaccording to the Town'.zon ing and subdivi .ion codes,de,1gn review approv ed,unif or.Building Code and otherordi nanc es of the Town appl icable thereto . REQU ESTS fOR INS PEC TION S SHA LL BE KADE TW ENTY -f OU R HOURS IN ADVAHC E BY TELEPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFfICE FRO"8 :00 Aft 5 :00 PM Stf'ld c t un-up Oepo,it To:EARLE •• Page 2 ****•••***•••••**••••************••***•••••*******••**************************** CONDITIONS Permit t :B96-0099 as of OS/2 3/96 Status---:ISSUED *************••******••***********************************************.***••**** Permit Ty pe :ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT App lica nt--:MO UN TAI NV IEW BUILDERS 47 6-1611 Job Add re s s:240 7 GARMISH DR Location---: Par ce l No--:2 10 3-1 14-13-006 Des c ript ion : AD DITION OF S FR Appl ied --:0 5/10/199 6 IS8 ued ---: To Expi r e: **************************************Con d itions ****************************** 1.F IE LD IN SPECTIONS ARE REQ UIRED TOCHECKFOR CO DE CO MPLI AN CE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOM S AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OFTHE 1991 UBC. 3 .NEED PLUMBIN G,MECHANICAL AN D ELECTICALPERMITSBEF ORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED ON PLUMB ING,MECHANICAL ORELECTRICAL 4.AN ENGINEER MA YBEREQUIREDTO APPROVE ANY STRUCT UAL WO RK BEFORE TOWN OF VAILWILL OKAY F RAM ING 5 .HANDRAILS AND GUARDRAILS TO MEET CHAPTER 33 AN D17 OF THE 1991 UBC. •••**.************~************************************************ TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** S t atemnt Numbe r:REC-0 146 Amo un t: Payment Method:CK Notation:11036 2,166.85 OS/23/96 09:0 3 I ni t:CD Permit No:B96-0099 Type :A-BUILD ADD/ALTSFRBUILD PE Parcel No :210 3-114-13-006 Si teAd dre ss :2 407 GARMI SH DR This Payment 2,166 .85 Tota l Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 2 ,2 16 .85 2 ,2 16 .8 5 .00 *********************************************************••***** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 4 1310 BU ILDING PERMITFEES 84 4 .00 0 1 000 0 4 1331 DE SIGN REVIEWFE ES 50.00 0 1 00 00 4 13 32 PLAN CHECK FEE S 54 8 .60 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 500 .00 30 0000 45032 RECREATION FEES 221.2 5 01 0000 4133 6 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 •• TOWN OF VAIL 7 5S .FR ONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO8 1 65 7 970-4 79 -213 8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NO T E:TH IS P E RM IT MUSTBE POSTED ON JOB S ITE ATALL TIMES ADD /ALT SFRBUILD P ERM IT Job Addres s:2 407 GARM ISH DR Locat ion ...: P arcel No ..:2103 -114-13 -006 Projec t No .:PRJ96-007 5 Permit t:8 96 -00 99 Status ...:APPLIED Applied .•:05/10/1996 Issued .••: Expires ..: APPLICANT MOUNTA INVI EW BUILDERS Phone:476 -1611 1 915 WE ST GORE CREEK DRIVE,VAI L,CO 8 1657 81 65 7 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAINVIEWBUILDERS Phone :4 7 6-1611 191 5 WESTGORE CREEK DRIVE,VAIL ,CO 81657 8 1657 OWN ER EARLE DEBERAH J &JAMESH 2407 GARMI SCH DR,VAIL CO 816 57 Desc ription: ADDI TI ONOF SFR Oc cupan cy: Type Construction : R3 V N S ing le Fami ly Residence Type V No n -Rated Valuation :1 25 ,254 Add Sq Ft :1475 Fireplace Inf on.et 1on:Re stri cted:'01 GII$Appl ianus:101 Gill logs : 1 ••••1'•••*••*•••••••***•••1 •••••••••1 ••11 111 •••••••**.I I~fEE SUftMARY •••••*•••••a •••III •••••••,••••••,••**•••••••••,••••••••••1 Build1ng--->844 .00 Restue rent P1lln l eviN-).00 Total Cale ulated Fee s->2 ,216 .85 Pl an Chec lc->548 .60 DRB fie -->100.00 Add1t10N1l fees---->.00 Inve stigation>.00 Recreetion Fee---------->221 .25 Total Per .it Fee >2,216.85 Will Ca l l---->3 .00 Clean -Up Depos ;t-------->500.00 Pa ~ent s ~>SO.OO TOTA L f EE S------------->2 ,216 .85 BALAN CE DUE ------->2 ,166 .85****••••••••••••••••••••******,••"".""."**,,,*****************************.*****••••••*••*••***••••*••*••*•••••***••*** N/A N/A Item:0 5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/.10 /.1996 DAN Act~On :NOTE05f14f1996DANAct,on :APPR I t~m :05400 PLANNING DEp ARTMENT 05/,1 0/.1996 DAN Act,on :NOTE 05~13f1996 LAUREN Action:APPR I teft.:0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/10/1996 DAN Act ion :APPR Item :0 5500 P UBL IC WORKS 05/10/19 96 DAN Action :APPR De pt:BU I LDING DAN PLAN S EXAMINER Dep t:PLANNING LAUREN PLANNER Dept:FI RE Dept:P UB WORK Division: Division: Divis ion: Division: **•••••••*••*.**.**••••********************************'************'****'*****.******************ll:************•••••*****••AAll:***....... See Page2 of this Docu ment f or any conditions t hat may apply to this perm it. DECLARATION S I Mreby acknowledge that I have read thi s applicat ion,f illed out in full the infor.t ion required ,c ~l eted ...accurate plot plan,and s tate that al l t he 'nfo~t i on prOYt Oed a s r~ired i.correct .I agree t o COMP ly with t~.infonaation 8nd plot p lan , to coap ly with all Town ordinancesand 't at e law.,and t o build t h;s s tructure eccording to the Town's zoning 8nd subdivision codes,de sign re v;..,appro ved,un itor .Bu ilding Code end other ordtnan c:1tI of t he TowrI epp l i cable thereto. REQUESTS FOR l NSP ECTIONS SHALL BE "ADE TWE NTY-FOUR HOURS l N ADVANC E BY TELE PHON E AT 479-21 38 OR AT OUR OffICE f~8:00 A"5:00 PM SCfl d ClNn-Up Deposit To:EA RLE SIGNATU RE OF OWNE R OR CONT RACTO Rf OR HI MSELF AN D OW NER •• Page 2 •••************************.**************************----*--•••_---*-*-_..._._* COND ITIONS Perm it t :B96 -0099 a s of 05 /14 /96 Status ---:APPLIED *.*****-**•••••***-_._••••**---***._-----*-*----------*.****._._*-****..*-----** Permit Type:ADD /ALT SF R BUILDPE RM IT App1icant--:MOUNTAINVIEW BUILDERS 4 76 -1611 J ob Add ress:2 4 07 GARM ISH DR Locat ion---: P ar cel Na--:2 10 3 -1 1 4-1 3-006 Desc ription : ADDITIONOF SFR Applied --:05 /10/1996 IS8ued ---: To Expi re: ********••••*********.*****.****-*-*--Conditions ----**---***---**._***--*****- 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHEC K FOR CODE COMP L IANCE. 2 .SMOKE DETE CTORS ARE REQU IRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.12 10 OF THE 199 1 UBC . 3 .NEED P LUMBIN G,MECHANICA LANDELECTICAL PERMITS BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED ON PLUMBING,MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL 4 .AN ENG INEER MAYBE REQ UIR ED TOAPPROVE ANY STRUC TUAL WORK BEFOR ETOWN OF VA IL WILL OKAY FRAMI NG 5.HAN DRA ILS AN DGUARDRA ILS TOMEET CH APTER3 3 AND 17 OF THE 1 991 UBC . •• TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL,CO 8165 7 97 0-479 -2 138 DE PARTM ENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT PLUM BING PERM IT NOT E:THIS PERMIT MU ST BE P OSTED ON JOB SI TEAT ALLTIME S Pe rmit t:P 96 -00 63 J ob Addres s:2 407GARMISH DR Locat ion ...: Pa rc el No..:2103-114-13-006 Proj ec t No .:PRJ96-0075 APPLICANT ROYAL FLUSHPLUMB ING &HEAT POB1 16 8,EAGLE CO 8163 1 CON TRACTOR ROYAL FLUSH P LUMBING &HEAT POB 1168,EAGLECO81 631 OWN ER EARLE DE BERA H J &J AME S H 2407 GARMI SCHDR,VA IL CO 8 1657 Sta tus •••:APPROVED Appl ied ..:0 5 /14 /19 96 Iss u ed ...:05 /1 4 /199 6 Exp ires..:1 1/10/19 96 Phone:9 7 0-328 -6213 Phon e:970 -3 2 8-62 13 Desc rip tion:ADDITION S FR Valuat i on :20,3 60.00 •••••••••••••""",".".1"'*'•••".".,••••••,FeE SUMKARY ••••••••••••••,,... P l ullbi rog--->31 5.00 RestU8 r."t Pl ..h v i_>.00Tot al c.lcul.t.d f -)396.75 Plan Ctleck -->78 .75 TO TAL FEES------>396 .75 Addttton.l f ees ->.00 I nvestigation>.00 Toul PerMH fee--->396 .75 Wil l C.ll ~->3.00 Payllle nts-------).00 BALAN CE OUE-------)396.7S*'..I U U *t ..tu.u_•••*.*.,*,.*••*••••*****************u •••u **.itI *..****.**.****•••************ Item :05100 BUILD ING DEPARTMEN T 05/14/1996 DAN Act ion :APPR De pt:BUILDINGDivision: CONDIT ION OFAP PROVAL DECLARATION S I ~reby .ck~ledge t~t I ~ve r.-d t his appl1c~tion,ft lled out i n full t~lnto r.ation r~;red,cc.ple tad a n atour.t.p l ot p l~,and s tate that all tne infor.ation pro vided as r~uired is corr ect .I agree to coaply with the 1nfoMiation end plot p len, t o coeply vith e ll Town or dinances end stete lews ,end to build thi s structure eccord ing t o the Town 's zoning end subdi vis;on codes,design revilN approv ed ,UnitOnl Build ing Code and other ord inM'lce s of t he Town a ppli cable tnereto. REQU ES TS FOR INSPECTI ON S SHALL BE "ADE TVE NTY-FOUR HOURS I N ADVANC E 8Y TEL EPHO NE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU ROFFICE FRON 8:00 A"5:00 PM SIGNATU RE OF OWNE R OR CONT RA CTOR FDA HIMSE LF AND OW NER •• TOWN OF VA IL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROA D VAI L,CO 81657 9 7 0-479 -2 138 DEPARTMEN T OFCOMMUNI TY DEVEL OPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST 8 EPOSTEDON JOBSITE ATALLTIME S ELECTRICALPERMIT Job Address :2 407 GARMISH DR Location ...: Parcel No ..:2103-114 -13-00 6 Project No .:PRJ 96-0075 APPLICANT UN ITEDELECTRIC,INC POBOX 519,AVON CO 816 20 CONTRACTOR UNITED ELECTRIC,INC PO BOX 519,AVON CO 816 20 OWNER EARLE DEBERAH J•JAMES H 2407 GARM ISCH DR ,VA IL CO 8 1657 Permit t:E 96 -00 90 Sta tus ...:APPROVE D Appli ed ..:05/14/1996 Is sued ...:05 /14 /1 996 Expi res ..:1 1/1 0/1996 Phon e:3039494119 Phone :3 03949 4119 Descr i pt ion:ADDIT IONTO pis v a luation:7,500 .00 Electriul-> ORB f_-> Inve stigation> "il l CaU--> TOTALFEES--> 144 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 14 7 .00 Total (aleulattd f ees---) Add it;onel Fees-> Total Per.it he > P .y~ent.---------------> BALA NC E DUE ---------> '47 .00 .00 147 .00 .00 147 .00 Itim:/06000 ELECTRICAL DE PARTMENT05141996DANAction:APPR De pt:BUILDI NG Divisio n: CON DI TI ON OF APPROVAL DECLARAT IONS I he reby acknowledg e that1 kave r.-d this app llcat l0n,filled out infu ll t he i nfor..t ion required,co-p leted anacc urate plot plan,and at atet hat a llt he inforMiti on provid@d 8.required 1s correct .I agree to co~ly with th e i nfo r ~t i on and plot pl an, to cO Mp l y with .l l Town o rdinances and atate la ws,and t o bui Ld thi .s tructure ac cording t o the Town 's zoning and .ubd ivi.ion code s,d••i gn reviev approved ,Unitor .Bui lding Cod e .nd other ordinances of the Tawn appll eeb le th ereto. REQU ESTS FOR I NSPECTI ON S SH ALL BE "AD E TVEtlTY-F OUR HOUR S IN ADVAN CE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFIC E FRat 8 :00 API 5 :00 PI! SIGN ATU RE OF OWNER OR CONTRAC TO R FOR HI"SELF AND OWNE R ••***********************.********••**************••************** TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO Staternnt **********.**********•••**************************************** Statemnt Numbe r:REC-0 139 Amo un t:50 .00 0 5/14 /96 07:44 Payment Method:CK Not atio n:p re pa id drb I n it:os Pe rmitNo :B96-0099 Type :A-BU ILD ADD /ALT SF R BU ILD PE Parcel No:21 03 -114-13 -006 S iteAd dress :24 07 GARMI SH DR Tot al Fees :2,21 6.85 Th is Pa yment 50 .0 0 Total ALL Pmts:50.00 Bala nce:2,166.85 **************************************************************** Acc ount Code 0 1 0000 4 1331 De script io n DESIGN RE VIEW FEES Amount 50.00 PERM IT i _ • **CoL t act Eagle Coun ty As 8 ess ~ff1ce ,~a t 9 70 -328-&640 fo r Pa rce l,.TOWN OF VAI L CON STRUCTIO PAR CH ',.2/03-/I1-a-6O{,PERMIT APP LICATION FORM DATE:.....-1'-94 APP LI CATION MUST BE FILLE D OUT COMPLETELY OR I T MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~*****************••*••••••••*PERMIT INFORMATION *•••••••••••••••••*••••*••*•• [+Building []-Plumbing [j-El""trical [j -Mechanfcal []-Other _ Job Name :"tt£i F d4hTl oA-!._Job Address :...d:t:".:z.._~",,,,tf,,6'.,,".#;,,,,,,u..c.(,,","hIr:z,-_._ Legal Descr iption :Lot /~Block Ii Filing 2 ..SUBDI YISIO~:V,1ll /lIt~:i;f6,41 ~ Architect:P dO''().:r:/f.f!'L N._'.__Address:.J?(J .~~-i...-r.-?_01 ,,;;_Ph -,~7''7/~/ General De scription:•.Lf&lJJ ?/fY #/-_d<4&7Ll.7.s:r.A/d tv.:J ~l;1;"~~g~.A:r,R.!'1 ""A' < Wo rk Class:[j-New [j-Alteration [~dditional [j··P.epair []-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units :/Number ur ACC:l.htl.Jnodation Units : Gas Lo~li':;;_.•~_Woo d /Pell et ._ * mber and Type o f Fireplaces :Gas Appliances *****.*.******************•••••••VALUATION ;•••******•••***.****.*.***•••*••• H'/'1'/.O"'+- BUILDING:1...2.1.A co ....ELECTRICAL:$_?-5""".c"OTHER:$~8 ./l'1 .~ PLUMBI NG:$20 .340.4'CHANICAL:$TOTAL:r-XJ.5;.25 -1:."C X .T4fp-C07<> ***.*.******~••***•••*•••*C6NTRACTO R !NFORMATION ••••*••*••********.*••••**. e neral Contra c tor :etavtll'littLJL...Ja,c JA1 ti:vt L4E.£.S Town o f vail Rega NOa .::r 1='-·A Addre ss:;>'0 .4 0t<4>&-4 V ,fl(.81'-~J!<L43 Phone Number:_4 7~'J (,.If _ Electrical Contractor:i.I A t !r;~-t2 /~/'C3"cf??("&-C>09<lTown of va il Req ,NO al //-C;- Address:c~zt.·~,Ph one Number : P lumbing Contra cto r:.Jl.¢'S(/f!k--&'i./-I a:-<:.T own of Vail Reg .N o./~i .r> Address :..It1Nf1 -fliI-1[!~3 _Ph one Number: Mechanical Contractor :To~of vail R,.e~g~.~N~O~.====~~ Address :Phone Number:_ ••••••*****••••••••*•••••••••••• BUI LDING PERM IT FEE: PLUMBING PERM IT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRI CAL FEE : OTHER TYPE O~~~ ORB FEE :~ FOR OFFICEUSE ******.*.*.*.*.****••**•••***.* BUILDIN GP LAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE : MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: S IGNATURE : ZONING:t"~04fCdi1A '"1I ~1'lV SIGNATURE : TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATI ON ..Co mments .b:kl....w,=jji;"=-',4-~'---_--------__-_--_ • town of val 75 south Irontage read vail,eetereee 81657 (30')479 -2138 o r 479-2 139 • office DI community development TO: FROM: DAT E: SUBJECT : ALL CO NTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITil TIlE TOWN OF VAIL TO WN OF VA IL PUBLIC WORKS /COMMUN ITY DEVELOPfm NT MARCH 16,1988 CO NSTRUCTION PARKI NG &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinanc e No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock ,sand,debris or mate rial ,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicle s upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUbli c place or any portion thereof.The right-at-way on all Town of Vai l streets a nd roads is a pproximately5 ft.oft pavement . T his ordinance wil l be strictly enforced b y the T own of Va il Publ ic Works Department.Persons found v i olating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to r e move said material. I nt he event the pers on s o notified does not comply with the not ice within the 24 h our time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said mater i al at the expense of person not ifi ed.The prov isions of this ordinance shall not be appl icable to construction ,maintenance o r repair proj ects o f any street o r alley or any utilities in the right-a-wa y. T o review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the T own o f Vail Building Department to o btaina copy .Thank y ou for your cooperation on thisma tte r. Read and acknowledged )l ~Date •• town of val 75 southfro nl 8ge ro_d Ye ll,colo ~do 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • officeof community development BU I LD ING PERt·lIT ISSUA NC E TI ME FRM E If th is perm it requi res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Eng in ee r"s (P Ubl ic Works)r eview and appro val f aPlanning Departm ent rev i ew or Health Depar un ent rev iew.and areview byth e Bu ild ing Dep ar tm e nt ,the e stima tedt ime for a tota l review ma y take as l ong a s th ree we eks . All coom erci al (la rge or sma ll)and a ll mult i-fam il y perm its wi ll have to follow the above me ntioned ma xi mu mrequi rem ents .Residential a nd s ma ll projec ts sho uld take a les ser amo unt o f tim e.Howe ver,if r e s id enUal o r sma l l e r pro jects impactt he var ious a bove menti oned de pa rtm entswith regard to nece ssary review,the se projects may als o ta ke t he t hree wee k period . Everya t tem pt will be ma de by th is departm ent t o expedite thi s . pc nmt t assoon as poss ib le. I t th e und ersign ed.understand the planc heck procedu re a nd t ime fra me. 1-Agreed t o '(eny .6~ ~IEd /fL!g A A4lTL<",V Pro ject Name , ~D ate Work Conmuni t y ;£-7 -S;>? Sheet was tu rned into th e D eve l oom Q ~t De pa r tm ent . ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'ISREQUIRED ••• ,ro: FROM : DATE: RE: '.MEMORANDUM • JobName:€d-/UE MLJ/V,zA! Date :,,...-9 -9t. P lease answerthefollowing questionnaire reg arding t he needfora"PublicWayPermit": 1)Is thisa new r esidence? 2)Isdemolition workbeing performed t hat requires theuse of therighl of way,easements orpub lic property? 3) 4) 5) Isany utilityw ork needed? Isth e driveway being repaved? Isdifferent accessneeded 10 site othe r t han existing d riveway? 6)Isa ny d rainage workbeing done affecting the rightof way,easements, orpub lic property? 7)Isa "Revocab le Right Of Way Permit" required? 8)A.Istherightofway,easemen ts or public property tobeusedforstag ing, parking orfen cing? B.If no 10 8A,Isaparki ng,stag ing or fencingp lan required by Community Deve lopment? If youanswere d ye s t o any ofthese questions,a"Pub lic Way Permit"mustbeobtained, "Public Way Permit"applications may beobtaine d att heP ublic Wo rk'sofficeorat Com munity Devel opment.If youhaveany questionsplease call Ch arlie Davis,the Town ofVail Construct ionInspector,at 479-2158. Ihave readand answered alltheabove questions. S"-<j-n; Date v~~~,v~_----=~..zJ.e.....-_/'contraCtilfs SignatureJobName O.ign ReviewAction F~ TOWN OF VAIL Date ~r i\i.8...0L-_Category Number L-_ Project Name:_Ea v=l e<..,,"-'~u.L.l..L1 >.Ll__-_ Building N ame :,-_ Project Description:Ii rt eLi.±J Q 10 -In ..{y.~,---->-ft":~:>"',I(\->-luVl"-UU....<'----------- Owner,Address and P hone :.~M if 1::lebeyo.rv 'i.-ar lue;.."'<-_ Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone:DarnJ (W In ,BeN 32tz.-I Va il-ilJ I,Sf:'> ___4:1vt.lll\~__,,_-____=___,_____-----,.........- Legal Description:Lot ~Block...1L..-SUbdivision ~(!h Sf bQl\r#~Zone District ~ Project StreetAddress :~~Mrnl2(~LJril.l£v_"e;L__ Comments:Ad:::l.tbDt'\i~I A:12....f'----------_ oarStaffAction Motion by:~~v\iioti8e::=:=::::~_ Seoonded by:_ o Approval o Disapp rovalAStaffApproval Conditions:App-Qlt'U=:'Scd?,"'iW...._ iAUtt vL tVcla.trJ L.Lh _ Town Planner Date:Af'\':~CJ..!1L-"'l,,'---_ORB Fee Pre-paid -1r 5 0.00 fd~.---- DESIGN RBV:IEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF•~~)1 ~'I VAIL.LORADO ~I HA R 2a _I ~lli V ·CO~V.OW!'******••** DATE RECEIVED: DATE OFDRBMEETI NG: • INCOHPLBTl1 APPLICATIONS MAYNOT BE SCHEDULED FOR RBYIBW• ••••**••** I .PROJECT INfORMATION: A .DESC RIPTION: B .TYPEOFREVIEW: ~~N e w Co nstru ct ion ($20 0.00)Minor Alterat ion ($20 .00) 'X Additi on ($50 .0 0)__Co nceptu al Re vi ew ($0) C .ADDRE SS:2 4 D7 0ARllll8CH lJ"'B....I·lLV...Ei'----_ D .LE GAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 15 Subdiv ision 1/;1/CAs 'l>clc <!l\l iC Bl ock ----JHL _ I f property is de s crib ed by a meet sand bounds l egal de sc ription ,p lease p rovi de o na separa tes heet and att ach to t his appli ca tion . ZONI NG: NAME OF Mai ling E. F . G . H . !JJlp-1.=.Ex"-----rLi--,:",;nfueri&( APPLI CANT:~~Mi1./EAddress:2.1 b 7 G A RQ1 j'-=§,-cE,t:'lJ"'-""'----------- Phone _ NAME OFAPP LICANT'S .llEPIl.ESENTATIVE:£)lh;"~Q.:r~IbJJ :l!J ~ailin9 Addr ess :.~Q '.k2 0 '<.33 :12.~~I l ._,,~ .Phone ]_-1 101 NAME OF OWN ER (S):.,J7'-Y'"<§/.f <t~nJ.,.EA-Y(~ DIfflER(S )SIGNATURE:dke',(h AA I h h fd -< Mailing Addr ess:,:2 Yc7 LIB!r~:;;;...:;=c;r~~7 ____________-"~c..._Phone 'f79-1 '3 .25~_ '+7'1 -I iYl<I t'UtfUf-/ APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNA'l'llRB I.Condominium Appr o v al i f applicable. J.DRB FEE:DRB fees ,as shown above,ar e to be p aid a t the time o f submitta l o f t he DRB applica tion.La ter .when app lying fo r a bui lding permi t.please iden tify the accurate va luat ion of t he p ropos al .The Town of v ail wi ll adjus tt he f ee acco r di ng to the t ab le below,to ensure the c orrect fe e i s paid . FIlE PAID:$0:;.00 CHECK #:\2d h DA'rB:-:z,\2((~BY :1Xhl J ((J lL bM k- FEE SCHEDULE; VALUAT ION F EE $0 $10 ,0 00 $2 0.00..-----.it 5u.u u•.LV ,VV .L •.JU .uu u $5 0,001 $150.000 $100.00 $150.001 $5 00 .000 $200 .00 $500,001 $1,000 .000 $400 .00 $Over $1.000 .000 $500 .00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRESONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVALUNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION I S STARTED. 1 •L IST OF MATERIALS • E Ml.lE AIJ(.)m ~,0 LOT~BLOCK....!:i.-SUBD IVIS ION tllll f.J ~-,;S"ko <\J £ 2"'10 ,G,qiLl1'Il S C.-t {.)R,vS. NAME OFPROJECT :.!==='--===~~_,_____=_--__,__- LEGA L DESCRIPTI ON: STREET ADDRE SS: The following i n fo rmation is requ ired f or submittal t o t he Desi gn ReviewBoard befor e a final approval c an be given: A .BUILD ING MATERIALS : Roo f TYPEOF MATERIAL ("'11>m il'lW A s fk lJ L' COLORE"I '6T'~b'). 0R.DV-J>J Sid ing ~ iJ~~'"-nw pE. vA Tu RilL ~;-;;---------",.,:;;:.~"",=Z 'Vl.C.EOAIL I x b ""T~~ S'Tuc.c.o So ffit s Ot he rWal lMat e ri a ls Fascia Windows WootJ Win dow Trim Doors Door Trim WooD -I (;LIISS (f51U C.CO l1..JR A(ljl£/J J !OIV C r./J1 0 '-I.) Hand o rDeckRa ils Flues F lashings Chi mn eys Tras h En closur es Gre enhouses Re tai ni ng Wall s Ex teri or Liqhting Other B .LANDSCAPIN G:Nam eo f Designer : Phon e : 7 • ,"• 4"• sn • $3 • • •• • • • 52 00 . S2 , S500. S I.).00 SI , 2 "00 TOTA . esc.BY- __":.;;oy;;q-J~.-=-__.:,::S ",40 .1""___&LaSZ ._ I I \ Al O INOR A1 END DATE .3 /Z ip ,.!f.--1z CHECK"~AD£P"YUU TO TOW,,"OF V.-.n. .~~----._.~.}'Io,.-TAr"--COSTU.-TUToU. TOWNOFVA!L E _ ENDM .S S MAPS C ING NICA DE on I A LCO . CASR 11 -'1 cu LIZ-/f:,"IM .OW rao.JF.cr ........_------------ .;.-"-------~--";;';"'-_-.-::~--:--:-C7:-.-~..• , ."".";;A ••.~.r: ..~-=-.-......J I E .I,',{,! rCllolt-..t O F VA IL 1'1 see J l ..n~C"J S Ca :£J'l 4:f 1~" ta t-'l-'~'~-::'!"_f('['F-c·T(il'l ·'f I Bl;of r C:,f! 1 ~€"lo ~,.....rd AffrOLtnt pe i c (141~:e ,,:t. 'H" 1' ,.H.:::n-.....-:yOU 5\j.la~J ).1:..1:(:1 .1!~·E TOI.•JI--l OF I ~J~I L Mi sc ~l l d ~~ous Ca$h o >-_.'..",~~.;:o::::1. ':";:::~L::.\ "c •.I_~-j-. -_,u ')u ~Q' f);.;t '~'18 ~[:[l\~_1--1 F'F.C f'H t-[·[Sll.il :".[11 BPi.-,,... o "".,."c .5·}.~'(I I tem ce.id -t :)~:ZU 'i 1 ~:~':.c'O "r I :';.' H/ll uun t-p.aid sc,DEI THAt-.tt<:•...OU "ovr rasf-u er DDU :::: •Single Family ZONE CHECK ,I?OR Reside n ce .Du plex . ZON E DISTRICTS •p r imary/Se condary J\RCIlITECT ]);lW I n"""'-PHONE _ ZONE DISTRICT ..E.1_s~,--'--__ PRO POSED USE _ LOT S IZE ;z..?-,2-I t:;",V BUILDJ\BLE LOTJ\REJ\ -31~_1'.1 1owcd Ex i st ing proposed Tota l Height ~-1 "'2-(3 0)(3 3) .......T otal CRP1\.5;')2-?~4-'-'J1 tr /p rima ry CRFJ\2-ld;;z,+~25 =2,1o f):71 42-1"!-15 3 Cf I,;-t .;s cco nda ry CRFJ\U f fl +425 =~4--:2 1-121 S etbacks Fr ont 20 'Or:- Sides IS'I Rcar IS ' S i te Coverage Lan dscaping Retain ing Wa ll He ights p arkin g Ca ra ge Credit 3 '/6 ' _Rcq r d (300 )(GOO)(900 )(1 200)_ Dri v e:Pe rm i tted Slope ___%~p ropo sed Sl op e __~__ CompI les with T.O .V.LightingOrd inance Yes No WaLer Cours e Setback (30)(50) DoF i nish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50\)YES _NO'_ Environmcn ta l/Uc1 zards :1)Flood P lain 2)Percent Slope (<>30%)_ 3)Ccolog ic Hazards a )S n owJ\vala nche'__ h )Rockfa ll ------ c}Debri s F low _ ~)Wet land s,_ View Co rr ido r E n c ro~c hm c nt:yes _No'-',_ DCo ;;;s t his request...i.nvulyc ~25G i~ucl it i ull? Howmu ch o f the ~l low ed 25 0 Addition is used with thi s r c q ue s t?_ p r ev ious condition s of ~p p r oval (check property file): 1 0 NOTE -COPYO F PERMIT TOBEK EPT O NJ OBSITE DATE NOV 6 1990CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT L\...:'\,)J •~"PERMITNO..IIID DI 1lffi51 I .TYPE OFCONSTRUC TION I IIIII I VV department of co mmunitydeve lopment 2 OCCUPANCY GR OUP AB EH I RM BU ILDING 2 nnn.DI VI SION z ElECT RICAL 600122a340TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPEAMIT~GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WD RI(,:PLUMB ING 1 000TYPEOFPERMITFINISHOFFGARAGEASRENTALAPARTMEN'"~<ME CHANICALIQIBUilDINGLXi<PLUMBING > K8.ELEC TRICAL o FOUNDATION TOTAL 3,600oMECHANICAL0TYPEGROUPGR.F A VALUATION PERM IT FEE S .EGAl l OT 15 BlK H V R-3 *4 18 APT 3 .600 BUIL DING PER MIT 5 9 Ui' D ESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE #2 2078.75 Pr ima ry Revis PLANCHECK 30 ktr~ JOBNAME :RUSSELL APARTMENT ElEC TRIC AL 44 f.f{j~ OWNER N AM E LORI RU SSEL L NEW (I ALlEBATlON(XX A DOlTlONAL (I REPAIR (I PLUMBING 10 ~ M AILAD DRESS 2407 GARMISCH D W E~Ll NG UN ITS __ACCOMM ODATI ONUNITS __MECHANICAL CITY VAIL PH .6-19 32 HEIG>;T INFl _12.NO FIRE PLACES --BECBEA TlON fEE ~A RC HI TECT fi RM INSULAT ION :lYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIG NREVIEWBOARD ~FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOS IT ,onMAILADDRESS4-'-' e xr WAL LS FOJIM -NeNri--20 ifCITYPH.USET AX VROOFFIGto",0 GE NE RAL FIRM BOYDSON CONSTRUCTION 226-B TYPE EL EC GAS XX__TOT AL PE RM IT FEES $243CONTRACTORTOWNQFVAILREG.NO.OF TEl E_476 -3 344 SOLAR XX WOOD MICHAEL WHITAKERHEAT NJ1J NOV .16 .1990 .El ECTRICA L FIRM DOUBLE DIAMOND ~UIL D IN GOFFI CTA L ------5 AfE -----A DDITIONALPERMITS NEEDED: 134-B i:!!~SHELLY KHKKK MELLO NOV .17.1990 I OWN O FVAIL REG,NO ,~N I'NGAo;:4iNI S TRAT O R ---------CO N TRACTOR 476 -6272 STCUT X D ATE TELE,BLASTI NG X !z ONING &BUILDING NOTE S: f i RM PEERLESS S ERVICE PARK ING P LUMB I NG 137-p _X IOWN OFVAILREGNO CONTRACTOR DEMO v TElE,333 -254 7 FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read th is app lication ,tilled out i n full the information requi red , MECHANICAL completed anacc urate p lot p la n ,and statetha t a ll the i nformatio n prov ided as required i sco rrect.I C ON T RACTOR TOWN O F VA IL REG ,NO ,agree to c omply wi th thei nf ormation a nd p ial p lan ,to c omply w ith all T owno rdinancesa nd state raws.and '0 b uildtn tsstruc tureac corctnq '0 th e Town's z o n ingB ~~~codes ,de signTElE.review approved,Un if orm Building C ode an d o the r Or d~y:ce s o f ow n a Ii ab l et heret o..O THER FIRM CLEAN UP TO ,LOR I RUSSELL ().A PO BOXTOWNOFVAILREGNO.VAIL CO 81658 S ~~RE OFOWNER OR CO NTR Ac"ro R FOR HIM SELF 'CO NTRA C TOR TELE,•A NDTHE OWN ER. '-....... CONSTRUCTION PERMIT.\5')1\DATE ,,o~~l.j (q8D Innll@ PERMIT ND.m.I .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION depIrtrn...l of community dewlopn*.t 2.occuPAHCV GROUP A8E HI @U B IlDING )i.DMStON 12 ~%ElECTRtCAl 600TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPlETE!.YPAIOR TO ISSUAHCEOFPERMfT 0CENERAl.DE ~~PT IOHOF ~I{:E,I)I)b oft Ii PlU..8t NC /0 00 ll::TYPE DF PERMIT '.a '~':;';'.-.,'~-:;:a.\../il>+~ ~Xll!J BUILDING o PLUMBING ->MECHANICAl. o ELECT RICAl o FOUNDAT ION ":3J honoMECHANICAL0TY1'E GROUP G.R.F.A.VAL UATtON PERMITFEES ,,~~GAL LOT "BLK f/\}-t.-"2...~aUllDING PERMIT c="RUNG --VP11 _tit ~-:-:Y H ~",£.~!f ;;b7B.J:,ESC.fri m4 PlAN CHECK :..J r JDBNAME :kl,s~~11 I f}p+-~IP'~6 ELECTRtCAl.~~ DWNER NAME Id'K,I(tA~':iEU N(W()Al TERATION (I ADDrTIONAl.()RE PAIR()Pl\JIIBlHG 10 (MAlLADOBESS )40 7 6 AlUrf lsa,OWEUlNO UNITS __ecce....oo,"""'......_~MECHANICAl. CITY Vth ......PH .JI 7 /.'Q ~I V"NO.f1fl£PlAC£S L2..-HEIGHT IN ".RECR£AnOH FEE ARM i10~A INSULATION ;TV,....."".....A-VALlUEARCHITECT OEsteN REVl£W80ARD (...0010 ---/00MAILADDRWClEAN·UP DEPOSIT EXT .~Al LS fo AM '"~OCITYPH.USE TAX eoyDSQN (!O)J~~""'"FIG-I V $0 (GENERAL f iRM ::I;).{;B TYPE erec .GAS )<jCONTRACTORTOWNQFVAILREO.NQ,TDTAL PERMIT FEES ~'i~OF rsre,11"7("3 ~'l'l HEAT SOlAA )'1.WOOD -t2?JL h ,t,V. ARM PO"B t.E P,II-",•.IV o AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:-NG7t.:",...-~~--- (ELECTRICAL ."l..,L\'y !!.~~~;A ".__11 ·J 1:10_ COIfTRACTDR TOWN OF yArL REG ·NO .\,-h ST.CUT rere.U"\\'-\.J\'ll\ INGAOMOOS TO DATE 0Wl_ :;;~~~~~,~\\'.~.zONING I BUIlDING NOTES: PlUMBING -PAAKI'IlO g.NO.\W-\CDNTRA CTDR 0<"" TEOE ;:;:00 '<33 2-S't7 ~fiRM I tlereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out In lull the Information required . MECHAN'CA completed anacc urate p lot plan.and state that ,II the Information pnmded a s required is correct.I CONTRACTD TOWN Of VAil REG ,NO ,agree to comply with the Informationand plot plan.to comply with an Town o rd i nancesand stale T"V'raws.andtobu ild this s tructure according to the Town 's zonl ?~:U~~=teode S .desi gn.revie w app roved.Un i form Bu ilding Code and other ordinances ortne own a ble t he reto. ~DTHER 'illM K r-yKJ,',~~/. TOWN OF VAn.REO,NO.SIGN~~~E Of OWN'ER OR CO ~'OR FOR H IIrolSElF CDNTR ACTDF TEL£.AND THE OWNER. \• •. 15 .outtl frontlg.ro.d nil,eolorlldo 11657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 otflt:e of community denlopmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.JECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TIlE TOWN OFVAIL TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-at-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.ott pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town ot Vail Public Works Department .Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense ot person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects ot any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Departnent to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. posItion/RelatIonshIp to project (i.e.contractor,owner) H \-7/'fo Date ••.. Y.INSPECTION'S COMPLETED e The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please check off 1n the box provided. D FINAL PLUMBING DATE: D FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: 0 IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: 0 FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: DATE: D TEMPORARY COF0 DATE: 0 CERTIFICATEOF OCCUPANCY DATE: 0 LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: RESID.NAME: lIEST SIDE: •Project Application• ProjectN ame J2(;[:z:;tA 12e",-"s,""-j(d~~~::::.....-_--.--------:-_ ProjectD esc nptrcn :---C.1tl ~.fo ~'--9"-"{J\AL..ILI!.-'~=---'-- Contact Personand Phone _ ", 1 Ow ner.Addressand Phone :_ A rchitect.Addressa nd Phone :_ l egal Description :Lot ~B loc k r\:Fil ing \lCAA \l)&s ~Z one ---'--p _ C om ment a -\2Li YYWVYJ V,J)0 -'F-(V cst-V I Cka)f---- Design ReviewBoard O"e _ M otio n by :_ Seconded by '_ D ISAPPROVAL east APPR OVA L __----:;;(})"'[Ze,1l 10 \!f"Wl'm..w:: (5)ool d L..t;,~'--_ ___@----'=0,b aA1 ~R to vV I {\c..L<rvvs •Project Applica tion•.-• -p m:"Name,-.£W::fk [klLS,:=.;'1d,-"e-".l,.(",...C::::o:e::::::.-~__-.--_----:---.:... P:o,oc'pesc rtoucn -e1 \a ~\,Vt ol!.+-0 af \)i ~ Contact Perso n andPhon e _ ,..'\ O wner.Add ress and Phone ;_ A rchitect.Addressand Phone:_ _----'::L__F ilmgLegalDescrtpuon:Lot --1.6--Block d=\}(j 1\')vI 5J:1£'tlt Zone ~ Com men ',Q \I t\\lv\L!J 1\)l n.f\=----I..!--l:1...J..c.=;.Sh I (~d)I--_ Design Rev iew Board Da le _ M otion by _ Secondedby:_ DI SAPPROVA LAPPROVAL (])IZ!I)In \It Summ ary :-;O\__1,u:l:f.cJ..,Et'!nU~L....L~l.Ll.Ci-lJ~!il::L--------- @ ••• ZONE CHECK 'rev IseD FOR sm,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS Block ~Filing k&i ~seJ! p /5,., "2.7...,'2::1 '5 .G-, DATE:-,1/1&/'1 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION :Lot ADDRESS : OWNER Levi PHONE ARCHITECT c=---=~---------PHONE _ ZONE DIST~I~CT~~~;i~~~i====PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE ·S I Allowed Existing Proposed Total Height (30)(33)----lL 0'44(,.% Total GRFA AizL.<;~-:JS Primary GRFA 217/0 .7>--;;> ~ , Secondary GRFA 0 35.~~.." Setbacks :Front 20 '..-' Sid es 15',./" Rear IS ',/ Water Course (30)(50 ) S ite Coverag e '\0'/0 3~'31.·7S '20 )7) Landscap ing Fence/Retaining Wall Heights 3 t /6' Parking Reqrd - -Mecha nical Airlock f,~)(600) t_.~).)(1200) (50)t9'---- (2s)~ Storage (200)~_ Drive :Permitted Slope _--l;!.L.__Actual Slope _....,.-_ Credits:Garage 1)Flood Pla in Snow AvalanChe~~ Rockfall _.::v'=-_ a) b) 2)%Slope __.(LL!<::.!...._.....::;;C<:-...L::..-_ 3)Geologic Hazards c)Debris Flow _-=-_ 4)Wetlands ,. • ,• APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON APUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY (Please type or print)Fence Wall ---.L Landscaping~ Other J une 25 ,l Q90DATE__-"-,=-",,,",,--,=,,-__ OWNER OFPROPERTY __LL.lo;ur:.lI.....IlRJ1"s.s ""s e<:lL _ NAME OF APPLICANT _L"'o;Ur:JI...J<RJ11!s.s '"«e..JL;J'-_ ADDRESS Box2 770 v ail (24 07 GA~~IS H DRIVE) LEGAL DESCRIPTIONOF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: VAIL DAS SCHONE 1 2 separate sheet).SUBDIVISION --:':"~~"'-"':''''''7-0''-'------description on IS BLOCK H necessary,attach LOT (If xInsidelot__"--__Corner lot __ DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY : Landsca ping Attach plans showing encroachment,property line ,sidewalks, curbs,intakes ,hydrants,meters ,ma')ho les,any other affec ted appurtenance i n the project ar-ea (~-:-,,scale or dimensi oned)a nd section(s)as wel l as e leva tions (if applicable). Does atr~cture presently ~xiet?~N~'O~__ proposed dat~for c o mm encement of .cons tructi on In consideration .o f t hei ssuance of a revocable p ermit fo~the structure above indicated;applicant ~grees as follows:. 1 .That the s t ructure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2.Th at the permit is l imited specif ically to the type of structure described in this a pplication . 3.That the applicant sha ll notify the Town Manger ,or his duly authorized agent,twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of c onst ruct i on,in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town . 4 .The applicant agree st o indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail,its officers ,employees and agents f rom and against all liability,claims and demands on account of injury,loss or damage,including without limitation claims arising from ~odily injury,personal injury,sickness,disease,death , property loss or damage,or any other loss of any kind whatsoever,which a r ise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activ ities pursuant to this permit,if such injury,loss,or damage is c aused in whole or in part b y,or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by,the act,omission,error,professional error , mistake,negligence or other fault of the applicant,his contractor or subcontractor or any Officer,employee or representative of the applicant,his contractor or his subcontractor.The applicant agrees to investigate ,handle respond to,and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability ,Claims,or demands at the sole expense of the applicant.The applicant al so agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto,includ ing court costs a nd attorney ·s fees,whether or not any such liability ,claims, or demands alleged are groundless,false,or fraUdule nt. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10 . • Applicant agrees to procure and maintain,at its own cost,a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims,demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail,its officers,agents and employees from any and all liability, claims,demands,or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage,loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers,agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of vail property,streets, sidewalks,or rights-af-way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction,or other structure constitutes a nuisance,destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the pUblic,constitutes a traffic hazard,or the property upon which the encroachment,obstruction,or structure exists is required for use by the public;or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove ,at his expense,the encroachment,obstruction,or structure within ten days atter receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-oi-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction,or structure is not accomplished within ten days,the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected . That the applicant h as read and un derstands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application . Special conditions : jZ" 6-c..vIv't.,..f B.:o.J I S/t6/QO, Signature of Property Owner Date (If joint ownership,both signatures) APPROVED : !i;;d1 !!f21;;r//6II0 D~te I r. r -• UTILITY LOCAT ION VERIFI CATIO N • SUBDIVlS I ON,_ J OB NAME --"-_ LOT BLDCK,FILING _ AD DRESS _ Thel o cation of utiliti e s.whether the y be main trunk lineso r proposed line s, mus tb eapp rove d and v e ri fie d by the f oll OWi ng utili tie s f or the accompany ing s ite p lan. Mountain Bell 468 -6500 We stern Slope GasCo. I 80 0 922-1987 Har ry Koyes Public Service Company 9 49-57BI Gary RaIl Ho l y Cross Electi rc Ass oc. 949-5892 Ted Husk y/Michael Lave rty He ri tage Ca hle vis ion T .V. 949 -5530 Gary Johnson UpperEagle Val ley Water & Sa nitation Dis t rict 476 -7480 Fred Haslee Au thorized Signatu re Date NOTE:These verification s do not r eli ev e t heco ntractor of his r esponsibil i ty t o obt ain a s t r eet cut permi t from t he Tovn o fVail .Department of Publ i c Works a nd t oo btain uti lity locations be fo re diggingi n any public righ t- o f -w ay or easement in t he Town of Vail .A building permit is n ot a stree t c ut permit .A street cut permit must be obtained separa te l y. Thisf orm i s t ov er ify s ervice avai labil i ty and location. This should be us ed i n conjunction wi th p reparing your utility p lanand scheduling installations. *(Please b ring a site p lanwhen obtaining UpperEagle Vall ey Water &Sani tat ion signa tu res ) '"o '"o ", v ~ I .I 1 ,,",I 'r 1-.I • I ~ I " I ~ I -I ~ I ~ Id I' 1 1 ------,',,, --, '"o ~o i I••I ~,.,. ~•0 0• "·.N". '"o '1> '".. " t •...~, •~I ) , _'"»->:Ii \'', -..--------\.-J.--J--;-?\t •• •• P OST IN A.CO NSPI CUOUS P t..ACE 15 7 90 60 5 37 52 1 044 44 10 42 I N SLOT c$PLANS PLUM BING elECTRI CAL BUILDING PER MIT PERMITFEES RECR EATtD NFEE 3577X .15 - PLAN CHE CK MECHANI CAL PERMITNO. BUILDING 1 9 6,0 0 0 Z elE CTRICAL 6 .000at:<PLUMBING 9 ,000~ ~4,000<MECHANICAL> TOTAL 2 1 S.000 19 90 •II III I V V AB E H IR M ,TTTNF.R , NOT E -COPY OFPERM IT T OB E K EPT O N JOB$ITE DATE __NO ,FIREP LACES TYPE GROUP G,RFA VALUATION HE IGH T IN fT. RESIDE NCE . V R-3 'Z l'f'd :7 -2 15,000 DIVISiON I 2 za 3 4 GENE RAL DESCRIPTI ONOF WORK ; NEW CONSTRUC TI ONOFPR IMARY !SE NEW.v;X ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR () DW t:LL1NGUNIT S =Z .ACC OM'I400ATIO N UNI TS RU SSEL RESID.(N EW) ---i NAM E LORI RUSSEL MAIL ADDRE SS 1IOS••7Q ~'107( CIT Y VAIL &"&>5'1PH ~ JOB NAME : OWN ER ~.~CONSTRUCTION PEI"'"R_M_IT_---2.~~==_.., II'~1 TYPE OFCONS TR UC TION 1.....,..,===..,._-,=-::=-,)~departmen to fco mmun ity development 2 OC CUPA NCYGRO UP L EGAL LOT 15 BL.K~=-,::-H:-_--t FILING VA IL DAS SCHO NE IJ2ESC. TO BE FILLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERM IT TYPE OF PERMIT IJt BUILDING Ot PLUMBING IJt ELECTRICAL Ot FOUNDATION IJt MECHANICAL 0 24 07 GA ,"~ISH DR . TELE ,476-3 344 FIRM WH I TE WATERPLUMBING NOV A GROUPFIRM 500 100 •3 007 .00 CLEAN UP DEP OSIT USE TAX DESIGN REVIEW BOAR D BEFORE T.C .O. TO TAL PERMIT FEES GARY MURRA IN J UNE 2 8 J 1 990 BuiiDiNG OFFlCi'AL----.---DAfE ----- SHELLYMELLO J UNE 2 6 J 1 990 loNINGAOMIN'iST RATOR-----DATE---- IzONING &BUILDING NOTES:;;;;;=;;-c===:;;-_ REVOCAB LE R .O .W.PE RMIT RE UIRED xx xx R-19 R-19 R-30 X X X WOOD X TH ICK NE SS R·YALLUETVPF a.sc SOLAR PA RK ING S T.C UT DEMO ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED;, B LASTIN G INSU LATION TYPE O F HEAT FLOO R FI G 6" EXTWAL LS FIG 6· ROOF F OA..'1 &1 0 " 226 -B 104-P PH 6 -71 0 1 CONSTRUCTION BO X 3342 VAIL BOYD SONFIRM CITY MAIL ADDR ES S ARCH ITECT P L UMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG NO CONTRACTOR 949-6481 TELE. LE CTRICAl CO NTRACTOR TOW:~F VAI ~REG.NO. i1 7 5 91A TELE FIRM auL D J::!tll':1tH!4UC G ENERAL C ONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAi l REG,NO, fi RM BOWEN HEATI NG M ECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR TO WN OF VAIL REG.NO. TElE 75 1-6 362 OTHER "F1""M"--_ TOWN OF VAil REG,NO. C O NT RAC TOR TELE, I hereby acknowl edge that I have read t h i s a ppl ic a tion ,fi lled out i n f u ll th e informati on requi red , c o mple ted a na c curate pl ot p lan ,and state that a ll the i nf o rm ati o n provided as r equiredisc orrect.I ag reet o compl y w it h t h e i nf orm a t i o n and pl ot plan,to c omply With~a~1I Tow;n o rdi nancesa nd state la ws,a n dt o build t hisst ructure a ccording 10 the T own's zoning a ubdiYi s~c,odes ,design rev iew appr oved .U ruto rm Bu ildi ng Codea n d o the r o rd~'n~n ce&s o f the T o ap_lflcac te theret o . CLEANUP TO,(•J /7\, +.+••++++++~(/\/ L .~\S IG_~R E OF OWNER OR CONmACl.QA FOR HIMSElF 0 (',\c-\AS~-e.AND THE OWNER.-- ,._--.._..':teL . >'1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT -. ,DATE CleM'!.'...•IIIIII IV&) PERMIT NO•11m QI r .TY PE OFCOHSTRUCTION ,department of community development 2.OCCUPAN CYGROUP AB EH G ..8UILDING N£.000 ~X DIVISION 12 267.z ElECTRiCAl C/?r .d.-----TO B E Fill EDOU T CO MPLETELY PRIORTO ISS UAN CE OF PERMIT 0 GE N ~'1~D ~I PT tO N OF WORK : c:c?19UY.•PL UMBING ...--TYPE O F P ERMIT X N ",,.,"~7i',(l n n "-~ J t :""A ~\I J ~E L J"l...r p il ~\1 •"E~AH ICAl //nod.-----It~BUIL DING !;lUUBING » ELECTRICAl FOUNDATION c-F)),DoC'~. :0 MECHANICAL 0.I'li'1 ;~',~\\;"TY~GROUP VALUATION PERMIT FEES~~'0'<5 a'"f-IL--1'2-"7 fi'.11'2,';;a;O BUllOfN O PERU"/n{J?~ ESC .FILING V /);,"3\pt ANCHECK <z:r.~ JOB NAME:I?~~~L 'Re~I JibJ CL.ElECTR iCAl 1<7,~ OWNER NAME W«-(!I ~Jj El-L-NEW'".At.TEAATION(J AOC)l TIONAl.(I A [PAIAC I PlUMBtNG '10.~ (MAIL ADpRE SS 80 x Z 770 owtlLINGlJNlTS -L.ACCOMMCIOA t IONLHTS __MECHAN ICAl /-,0.-- CITY Vff-I L ....~-J H ~HEI GHT IN rr .__NO.r IAE Pl Ac;£S "/-RECREATION FE ~:S 7 -1 ~~~.s <;'<:'1.- AR CHITECT fiRM N r·VA GR.o"P IN SULATION :TYP E TH IC KNESS A·YAllU£DESIGN REVI EWBOARD l(Jr"..- ~fJo'l 33'12-fLOOR 11.-",,n MAIL ADDRE SS C l f AH·UPO£POSIT ~.~ ....6-7/01 UT WAl LS ., a TT VA-H..-..:.USE TAX ne vus""C'o ",~AOOO'r;,,<.j -:r.",;-GENERAL fl RM ;ta.:l f.-/3 TYPE [LE e .GAS TOTAl PER ~,..,,.,:ti,~CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAll R EG .NO .OF TELE .4?c".3 '3'·M SOI..A wooo ~II">'IL ~~~AlI!- HEAT ::;;r:l-D :v C'~ADDITIONAl.PERMIT S N EEOEO : (elECTRICAL 1.N liNlTIAl J/I L F ~·z,{p ·'10 CONTRACTOR OH Il REO ,\\S ~\:--S f .CUT .>7 ONINGAD'MiN'sTRATOA -OATE--_"L.. TE E '\I)'\-"~W1-M.ASTlNG /If'.:~~-,G ~O FIRM LV I'h rl!WA T "tC..pl.«....e "I ."O,A,,'r- J(PlUMBING TOWN OF VAJl BFa .NO ..\t 1...\-\~PARK ING ~,.'ti'<..,c...r-e .'-r Gf'> CONTRACTOR TEL E \,''\~\~~1\1 "'00 U fifI'-r fiRM POiJ)E ~r$1l 77t-I o-r-Ih ereby ac knowledget ha t Ihave read thisapp li cation,filled o utI n full th e fntormanon required. MECHAN ICA co mpleted en acc urate p lOIpla n.and sta te t hat a ll the i nrormation prOVided as required i s correct ,I CONTRACT OR TOWN 0 'VAilREG .NQ .ag ree to co mplyw i tht heIn fo rmation and p'ot pl an,to c om ply wit hall To wn o rdinances .nd sta le TEL<-/5 /-('3b2-l aws.and 10bui ld th i sst ructure acc o rdI ng10 the Town ',lonlng and subdivision codes .d esign flAM 1"&<1 N If .eS (o ..f f CKE'~ r eview approved.U niformBui lding Code ando t her o rdinances of th e Town a pplicable t hereto . OTHER K S IGNAT\JflE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFTOWNOFVAilREO,NO . CO'l1RACTO R TEL E.'1>f9-67 /11 AND THE O WNE R. '-='' 1 .- 75 louth frontag.road vail ,colorado 81657 ('0')479-21)6 or 479-2139 .- oUlce 01 community denlopmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1966 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In su~~ary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash ducpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereot.The right-ot-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found Violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specitied,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: position/Relationship to project (i.e.contractor,owner) Date ·-.-• 75 south front age roa d vail,c olo ra do 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 J une 27 ,1990 Lori Russel P.O.Box 2770 Vai l ,Colorado8 1658 officeo f commu nity development RE:Russel Residence -Lot 15,Block H ,Va il Da s Schone #2 P lan r eview based on 1 985 ed ition of U.B .C.,U .P.C .,V.M.e.and 1 9 87 edition of N .E .C . The following l ist of i temsa re d eficie nt i n code requirement s adopted by the Town of Va il . amended as fol lows to meet code r e qu irements . meeting the mi nimum SUbmi t ted plans are 1 )•Ther e ar foundatio n wal l paragraph 4 of Ni cholas 1990 regarding h eight foundatio n wal l. must b e designed accord ing to Lampiris 'l etter d ated May3 , and pressures o f the rear 2).Des 1 9n l oads f or t he structure are not shown on the plans,s loped roofs must be designed a t 80 po unds per square foo t.Flat roofs and d ecks must be des igned at 100 pou nds per square f oot .These des i gn loadsmust b e submitted and approved by t he Structural Eng ineer. 3).All construction of t hec himney cap f or firep la ce must be a noncombust i ble mate r ial. 4).Fu ture a pa rtment must b e sh eet roc ked with t ype X fir e r ated throughout the structure . 5).Garage must be o f o ne h our f ire r e sist ance const ruct io n . Doo rs l e ading fo rm the ga rage t o the h ouse n eed to b e20 mi n .l abel ed doors with c losu res . .-.- 6).Me chani cal room must be i nd icated on t he plans with a mecha n ical draw ing s howing equ ipment within t her oom,as we ll as BTU ra tingso f equ ipment a nd com bus t ion a ir open ings.Any gas f i red equi pment l ocat edwithina g aragemus tb e at l ea st 1 8 i nches o ff the garage f loor. 7 ).Prov ide ha ndra i ls at every s t air with more t hen4 ris es as p er code . 8}.Ba throom c ompartmen ts without an ope rable wi nd ow must h aveamec hani ca lv ent s ystem . 9 ).Smoke de tec tors shal l b e ins t all ed ad j acent to every s leeping r oom i nt erconne ctedwith each othe r.These s h o u ld sound an o pe rab le a larmt o each s leeping r oom. 1 0 ).Off ice /Den a rea o np a ge 4 -13 is n oted nott o be u seda s a s leep ing area,do t o t he fact that t h ere i sn o egr es s fr om t h at r oo m.Also,d oor's c annot be p laced t o s e al of f t h at r oomf rom borrowing a ir f rom t he adjacent room. 1 1}.Firep lace mus t be within a one h ou r chase . 12}.The t h ird s tory mu st h ave t woe xits,t he deck may serve a so ne e xita s long a s the decki s accessible to g rade. Th is conc l udes t h e p lan ch e ck f ort he Rus se ll Res idence.We will i ssue the p ermito n the base s that a ll c o rrections n oted willb e s ubmi tted t o t he BuildingDe partment p r ior to any work bei ng started in thos e areas .I f therea re any questio ns c o n cerni ng the se issues o r a ny other items,pl ease f eel fr ee to cal l me a t 479 -213 8 . s i nc'-_....,r::-i Gary rain Chi ef Bu ildi ng Of fici al T own of Va il j1t ~~S.Frontage Road Vail ,Co lora do 8 1657 (303)476 -7000 •• Pla n analys is bas ed on t he 1 988Un iform Bu ild ing Code p rojec tNumb er :6 /26/90 Address:240 3 GARM ISHDR . Occupa n cy:R3,Ml Type o f Canst:V-N Name :RUSSELL RES . Dat e:June 26 ,1990 Con tract or:BOYDSON CONS T. Architect:NOVA GRO UP En ginee r:TIM BOY LE Pla ns Examiner:GAR Y MURRA IN NOTE:The codei tems li sted i nt hi s report are n ot i ntended to be a complete list i ng o f a llp ossi bl e code requi rements in th e 1988 UBC .It i s a g u ide t o selected sections o f the code . =============================================================================== DIRECT ION BOUN DARY NOR TH prope r ty lin e EAST Property line S OUTH Propertyl ine WES T Property line Area inc r e ased 8.7 5% S EPARAT I ON AREA I NC REASE 1 8 .0 Feet 16 .0 Feet 27 .0 Feet 111.0 Fe et f or open a rea o n F IRE PRO TECTION 1 8.0 Feet 16 .0 Feet 27 .0 Feet Il l.0 Feet 2 sides . F L NAME OCC MAX F LR AREA ALLOW ED RA TIO STATUS 3 Dwe ll ing R3o k 709 Unlim ited ok TOTALFOR FLOOR 7 09 Unlimited o k 2 Dwelling R3 ok 1 33 3 Un limi ted o k TOTAL FOR F LO OR 1 333 Unl i mit ed o k 1 Parking Garage M1 o k 6 47 Unl i mit ed ok 1 Dwell ing R3 o k 88 8 Unlimi ted ok TOTALFOR FLOO R 1 535 Un limi ted ok BU ILDI NG TOTA L 3577 Unlimit ed o k P age #2 Code r eview fo r: Proj ect I d .:RUSSELL RES. Address :2 403 GARM ISHDR. The actual h eight of thi s building is The max imumh eight o ft he building i s EXTERIOR WA LLF IRE RA TINGS AN D Table 1 7-A &Tabl e5 -A 36 .0 f eet. 40.0 f eet .--Table OPEN ING PROTECTI ON 5 -0 NORT H EAST S OUTH WEST OC C BRG NO N-BRG OPN G BRG NON -BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NO N-BRGOPNG WA LL WA LL PROT WAL L WALL PRO T WALL WALL PROT WALL WAL L PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr No ne Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr No ne M1 Ohr Oh r No ne Ohr Ohr No ne Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr No ne The ext e ri o r wa l ls may b e of COMBUSTIBLE mate ria l.Sec .2 20 1. No ne No fi rep rote ct i on r equirements f or o peni ng s. Pr o t --Ope nings are t o b e protected with 3 /4 hr f irea sse mbl i es . "Max i mum s ingl ewi ndow s iA.S4 s q.ft with no dime~ g reater t ha n1 2 f e et .--~e c .4 306 .(h)• NOP --Ope ni ngs are not perm itted in this wall . *--Thesewa lls may be r equ iredt o haveap arapet wall 30 i n ches above th e r oo fi ng.Thep arap et wal l is required t o h ave th e same f ire r atinga s the wa l l .S ee sect ion 17 09.fo r d et ai ls a nd e xcept ions. OTHER BUI LD ING ELEMENTS Table 1 7 -A ELEMENT MATERIA L RATI NG NOT ES Inter ior Beari ng wa l l Any 0 hr I nteri or nonb rg wa ll Any 0 hr St r uctura l Frame Any 0 hr Exterio r struct Frame Any 0 hr Se e f ootnote #l Shaft Enc losu re Any 1 hr Floor /Ce i ling Assemb ly Any0 hr S ee Foo tnote #9 Roof/Cei ling Assembly Any oh r S ta i rs Any None NOTE :See Sec .1706.(a)for S haft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTN OT ES: 1 )Minimum on exteri or side also b as ed o ne xt eri or b rg .wall requ irements. 9 )I n areas with vehic les o r ai rplanes ,thef loo r surfaces ha ll be of noncombustible,nonabsorbent mater ia ls .--S e c.702.(b )&902 .(b) OCCU PANCYSEPARATIONS R3 -Ml I hr Materia ls a pp roved fo r Ihr con struct ion a re r e quired on the ga rage side o n ly and 1 3/B inch s o lid core,se lf-clo sing door.--Se c . 503 .(d )e x #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARA T I ONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY : FORM1 OCCUPANCY: P age #3 Co de r ev iew for : Project I d .:RUSSELL RES. Address:2 403 GARM IS H DR. EXI T REQUIREMENTS: FL NAME OC CU PAN T NUMBER EXIT LOA D REQU IREDWIDTH PANIC RA TED DOOR NOTES [ft .]HDWR CORR IDOR SWING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Dwe ll ing 2 1 0.0NoNo N/R TOTAL 2 2(2 )O.O(0.0)NoNo N/R #2 2 Dwel l ing 41 0.1 NoNo N/R TOT AL 4 1 (1 )a.1(0.1)No No N/R 1 Parking Garage 3 1 0 .1No NoN/R 1 Dwe ll ing 31 0.1 No NoN/R TO TAL 6 1 (1 )0.1(0.2)NoNoN/R Doo r swi ng i s based o nS ec .33 04.(b )excepta s n oted. Occu p an tl o ad is b as ed o nTab l e 33 -A. Numbe r o f exits i s b as ed o n Table 33 -A except as noted . Exit width is based on S ec.3303 .(b). The n umb ers in ()inc lude occupan tl oad ing from floors above this f loor . --Sec.3303.(b ) FO OTNOTES : 2)Baseme nts and f loors above the 2 nd f loor are required to have 2 ex its . -Sec .3 303 .(a)S ee Exceptions A 's tairw a y in a d wel ling ~4Il at l east 36 inches w ~.~Sec .33 0 6.(b) Th ema ximum ri se of a step ~s 8 inch es and the minimum run i s9 i nches ~ --Sec .3306 .(e )exc.#l Prov ide a ha ndrai l o n one side a stai rway 3 4 to 3 8i nches above th e nos ing if t here is more t h an 4 r isers.--Se c .3 306.(j) Provi de a guard r ail whe re d r op o ffi s greater than 3 0 inch es.Minimum height =36 i n ches,maximum opening si ze =6 inches .--S ec.1 711 .e xe2 The min imumh e ad room i s6 f t.-8 inches .--Sec.3 306.(p) Enc losed u sa ble space unde r the s ta i rs is r equ ired to b e protected a sr e quired for Ihr fi re -resistive co nst ructi on .--Sec .3306 .(n) ROO FING REQU IREMENTS: 1 )The r oo fi ng on t his b uild ing is n ot r equired to b ef i re retardant . --Tab le 32 -A AUTOMA TIC SPRINKLER SYST EMS : STANDPIPE REQU IREM ENTS: The re is no r equirement f ora sta ndp i pe .--Ta ble38 -A A h ose i s n ot r e quired .--Ta bl e 38-A F OOTN OTES: 1)The l oca tion is to be p erS ec.38 0 5.(c ),(d),and /or (e) Pa ge #4 Cod e r e vi ew for: Project I d .:RUSSELL RES . Address :2403 GARMIS H DR. WAL L AND CEILI NG FINIS H: 1)Wa ll a nd ceili ng fi nish materia ls a re r equi r ed t o c omplywi th Sec .4 204 .(a)and Tab le 4 2 -B. 2)Carpet ing on wa l ls and ceiling a re required to have aCl ass I flame spread r ating .--Sec .4 204.(b ) a f lame - u n les s wa ll or a re r equired t o have s mo ked e ns ityo f 450 is in con tact with a INSULA TIO N NO TES: 1 )Alli nsul at i on material i nc luding fa cings sp read ra ting of 25 or less and amax imum i t is in a concealed space and the fac i ng ce iling .--S ec .1 71 3.(c)exc.#2 2)Foamp l astic insulations are required t o be p rote cte d.--Sec .1 7 12. GLAZI NG REQU I REME NTS: 1)All g lazing in hazardous l oc ations i s r equir ed to b e of safety glazing material .--Sec.540 6.(d) ADD IT IONAL REQU IREMENTS: Fo r R3 occupancy Prov i de a windowo r door to the exte rior f rom every room u sed fo r sleeping .--Sec .1 20 4. A window must p rov i de a clear ope n a reao f5 .7 sq .ft .,a cle ar height of 24i nch es ,a nd ac lea r wid th o f20 inches (min imum).--S ec.1 20 4. Al lh ab itable rooms r equ iree x te r ior g la zedo p enings equa l t o 10%or more of th e fl o or a rea.(min 1 0 sq .f t.)--Sec.1 205.(a ) All ha bi tab le rooms require a n operab le exte r ior openings equa lt o 5% or more o ft he flo or a rea.(min 5s q .ft.)--Sec .1 20 5.(a) The minimum ce il ing in a h a bitable space i s 7f eet 6 inch es except ·Sec.'1207.(a).-.- Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms.--Sec.l2l0.(a)4. Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas.--Sec.1210.(a)4. For Ml occupancy ••••• Nicholas Lamplris,Ph.D. CONSUL TING GeOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE,CO LORADO 81623 (303 )963-3600 (24H OURS) I i hU.:i",cll F:.,:.::770 "'"j 1CO HL 58 ot ,~~C(?rt vi,:>" E'Spl-?l-l':'>'l Y dS i.~ I:nrw'.a "mc.oe:e t e \12.1.s m2ps a~~ TV'I <;l ted rll"'-'c',\!JUVl'~r e-se ericr-c t or 'in Val] -;!(rnc""cs of ,~ueo Lou ic h"".::ard ev xl uaeion p""'";'Ij n'-t.c rock "<~;I p ot en-::\1.I")~-/0" S:."'1~rit\hd,',u-d ic:;:::illO'llfl b'l )C t owri or c-:t:fC'.::tlllt.:y<"1I''''ru-ooer-Lv , 11'1 gC'!nF."~'"\l '!lll<j-I'lQ<;;:'IrE:?t.l ldL th~.'hez er-r!1""pr·~-:,prlt IJltt l~ mir-mn I cocauc.e (J·f 1-tH?paslLion or y OIJr"lo t :"'(;,."'1.,;11,i vo ':.0 t'l'"l(~ ont.c r-opp i nq 2..nd thF'n et.ur-e 01 tilE'cu t cr-cp or nq •'"ht s t r-ep tll LSJ,de eb ove yow-10'1:al~o has.er.t nac t t vc ir--igation ctt.c-n on tt wtH't"....hol\lf1 bp c-nect.ect cer-a cc tc e i Lv to t n san-e the t; W:lt:-,r'docs nor;co t t e.-t in l"h,l ditch and s,:\tu t'".,),tf't.hza ao t t « abCIVO thE ~t'D'~e sit e,rr f'R~i l l n lnstabilit\' Bec eu se of-the!evo vc cr t.ed -s act o r-e I ne rt eve It wcu l cr be possiblE't.c arnpr-ove t hr--st ruat t o r-s:iqnific,lIT':ly 'ntn scr.,e modific:aticns t o thr rear of ttle site.To tt'e ext~nt ,nssillle the rear o~t he s]te shoulrl b8 c rrJwncj to ~her' rn.st er-t c I \..h t cb IT'ight ot.h er-t...t ae r-saacf r t e home .The ,-,~:l.1'- -round a t i cu :-Jal l murs r b e dee t qo ed ~,s ~,re"1-ai r'lng \'):.11 t o h::dd b ec l:the hillside _-dt~r t.nc ex cavo t t on , r~s rill edcte d p rcc eu t.a on tt1[~r e-u-0 1:th t-hUITlE'-s...hor.Ld t e ,ll:""..i (Jf,{":d ...d I-h a r-c.ar-f Dune 'l.i all 1,,<,'.;\11 nr-ot.r-ud i ncr :1+1 ee-s t-fOI"" +".'f.>...1 I H J "'I ~firli':.hcd qr s de ~nrj be c ap ab l e of l"ith~,;t1.rr ng f ::It-.-p~:;u f up t.c 30('oouoc'e per-eq ta,.....f".''I not.r'len shoL.\l ,J b." r.c vu ndow-s in thi ..J.I1LE-\'~l vo<hJ.ct1 ccul tt tu-e.ctc uoder pJ'"tJ.''::>'A",1"c.' «r-on,d rt;,1 oc k ~U l'_.now which f'light r-cacf t hn home • Dr.ain 'ge ar oun ct i.1H.:.'horne shoulrj b c or-cvt ned cmd t.he l.cme ~5hCJuld be d':}~:>~qnt"'d to o e-ovon t 't he ec cumu te t i on elf r-e dort l,,\ <,,'-,thl':;)'"b ...~t:om.l.rHJ !:>t'-1nd<3:'""d pr-ct t i ce i ll nc SL<."\tG'.8::Jl ove-s t i car,1 Of1 Tor qUI'pC"SE,;;0 F or up",,t ouno et j orr de s i 01 51 L~)ul J prPI ede '-'.In''-''.trllct 1.)11. ••••• • [~ri~\\="f~Ii tl f~h<:~:_.I-t,j -caure Il'!tl"':it"Lop.Y"·l!<'O·r I~f r-ot i r-cr-e.er,e- (OJ r ~"rt""'rll'-i -,:,t n.J t,q of" '1 "lil'l {V ~""'tl t:vo "'p.', i -~''.=1.""'/1....'_.1.r"1 t,P 0·""f" f'\lhJ cb t s :/1 w~.'>'r'Di,~-5 f"l i·i'''',;")·u:'E'I-n:-opt-"r"t''tf~ I .I.:hCI-qU(~,..Li Lill~.p1 C':'-,£;"",-"n 1=:,,1 tlc:'ICltin r:'Vi"1 ~h~ta~]:-d ~o n~lO ~o 11"""_"pro E-_Y d:!~:::::;lJE ]11 bu ceve l ocmc....nt \'n1.1 ne-t r."'P~H,:I't.)'or-e tr-uc rur "'i, t (....e t >.£','7 '",Hr ...· of ern y I';r.t, .ar-me ,0 t , READ A.~D APP ROVED 1 9 90 My co mmiSS IOn [kp "es 01 ·26·94 E ••Project Application • Proj ect N am e ,~lf-tAL'E""ltz"'-LL((l""ewc&=&::::.-_ Project n escnptron:j'J lJ\,A.J P-+l..:02.--------------_ Co ntactPer son andPhon e J.,Q vi ~"_j"'t;_=:C;L"__",L"'l...._ ______fJo"""l--l.'7_J'-]-~O'---__'~:..J.l l""l .'_+_----"'''''----'"'.J..U'-''-'''------_ Owner ,Addressand Phone :_ A rch itect.Addres s a nd Phone :_ 16 Co mment s:_ M ofion by : DesignReviewBoard Ct'£>rry'L~~<-:--- Seco n ded b y ,DI\4A.ott ~__ Da le s..I (P ·=r~O __ A PPRO VAL DI SA PP R OVA L Summary :_ \Mtl 4'C!j ati ~+0 00't-pY'a Ql:=_cc'tJl'lI\r""<;.'--------~J1 tA (Sf ./ui b4 '(0 f lc.r 'l'lfl-1'-'A.....,---------------- o Sta ffApP fOval ,. 'iD ,8 "')0 lEO AP .5 1990 AP PLI CATION DATE :Aerrj \;;<. DATE OFORB ~E ETIHG :~f1j?~~ac~'~\--L~~__ • ORB APPLICA TION *****T HIS APPLICATION WIL L NOT BE ACC EPT ED UN TIL ALL I NF O ~1ATI O N I S SUBll ITT EO ***** I .PRE -APPLICATI ON MEETI NG: Apre-appli cation me eting with a pl annin g staff me mbe r is s tronglys ugge st ed t o det e nm ine i f any ad dit iona li nform at i on i s neede d.No app licat ion will be accepted unl es s i t i scompl ete (must i ncl ude all itemsrequired by the zon ing ad mi nistrator ). I t is the appli cantls res ponsi bili ty to ma ke an appointment with t hes taff t of ind out about ad dit i ona l sub mittalr equir ements .Pl easenotethat a COMPLET Eapplica- ti on wi ll streamline the approval pro cess foryour proje ct by de creasing t he number ofcondi ti ons of approva l t hatt he ORBmay stipula te.ALL conditions of ap pro val mus t be resolved before a buildi ng perm i t is i ssued. B.LOCAT ION OF PR OP OSAL: Add ress ;;(,-/0 7 c;fh2-m ,';H DR... Legal De sc r i pti on L o t ~_B l ock H Fili ng :2-:Iitb~fl-<:, Zon ing PIZ //'1 /see--S a+oN ~ C.NAME OF AP PLICAN T:}..OR.I f2LL:>s dJ Add ress Box ~77 0 I)/hk {Q su-ss t e l ephon e '1 7&'_732. o.NAME OF AP PLI CA NT'S RE PR ESENT ATI VE :_ Ad dress t el ep hone _ E.NAM E OF OWNER S:~ 'I Signa ture c;J62P.f2Q.. Address t e l ephone_ F.ORB FEE:Th e f ee wi ll be pa id at t he time a buildi ngpermit i s r eque s ted. VAL UATI ON FEE s o -$10,000 $10 .00 S 10 ,001 -$50 ,000 $25.00s50,001 -$150 ,000 -$50 .00 $1 50,001 -$500,000 $1 00.00 $500,001 -SI,OOO,OOO $2 00.00 $Over $1,000 ,000 $300.00 IMP ORTANT NOTICE RE GA RDI NG AL L SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.Inaddi ti on to m e~t i n g s ubm itt al requirements .the appl icant must s taketh es i te t oi nd i cate pro pe rty l i ne sandbui ld ing corners .Tr eest hatwill beremov ed should al sobe mar ke d .Th is work must be com pleted beforethe OR B vis its t he site. 2 .The re vi ew proces s f orNEW BUI LDI NGS wi ll norm al ly i nvolve tw os epa ra te meetings of the Design Rev iew Boa rd ,sopl an onatlea s t two mee tings f or their appr ova l. 3 .People wh o f ail t oapp ear before the Desi gn Re vi ew Board a tthe ir s c he duled me et in g an d wh o ha ve not asked f or a post ponement will be require d t o be re pu bli shed. ••~. 4.The f ollowing item s no lo nger hav eto bepre sen ted tothe Design Revi ew Board. Th ey.how ever .havetobepresentedt ot he Zoning Ad min istrato r fo ra pproval: a.Windows .s kylights a ndsimilar exte ri orchan gest hat do not al ter the exist i ng plane ofth e bui lding;and b.Buildingaddit ions th at are notvi ewed fromany other lot or pu blic s pace, which havehad letters submitted fro madjoini ng property ownersappr oving the additi on;and/or a pprovalf rom the agent fo r.or ma nagerofacond ominium as sociation. 5 .You ma y berequ iredt o condu ct Natu ral Hazar d Studies on your property .Yo u should check wi th a TownPlanner beforeproceeding . •• MA TER IAL TOBE SUBM ITT EO I.NE WCONSTRUCTIO N A.Topographic map and s ite pl anof s i tecont ainingthe f oll owin g(2 copies): ,~.Li censeds ur veyo r'ss tamp . /.t.tf£,Contour intervals of not mo re th an 2 1 unle ssth e parce l c on sis tsof6 acre s or more ,i n which case,S'contouri ntervals wi ll beaccepted. 3 .Exi s t ingt rees or groups of treeshavi ng t runks with di ame te rs of 4"ormore one foot a bovegr ade . 4 .Rockoutcr opp ingsand others ignificantnatural feat ures (large boulders , inte rm it tent streams.e t c .). 5.Ava lanchearea s ,100 y ear f lood pla i n and slop es 40 %or mo re,if a ppli cabl e . 6.Ties to exi s t i ng be nch ma rk .e i ther USGS la nd mark or sewe rin vert . 7 .Loca tionsoft he f oll ow i ng : a.Proposed surface dr a i nageon a nd off si te show ing si ze andt ype of cul vert s.swales .etc. b .Exa ct loca ti onsofa llutil itie stoinc lude ex isting so urces andproposed se r vi ce l ines fr omso ur cesto the structu re.Util ities toinc lude : ca bl e TV Tel ephon e s ew er water gas e l ec tri c c .Property li nes s howi ng dis tan cesand beari ngs a nd abasis of beari ng d .Proposeddr i veway s with percent s lo peand s pote l eva tions e .All easements 8 .Ex is ting a nd f inis hed grad es . 9 .All existi ng andproposed i mprovements in cludings tr uctures,l ands ca ped are as, serv ice a reas ,storage ar eas ,walks ,dri v ewa~s ,off -s treet parki ng ,lo ading a rea s ,retainingwall s(with spot elevati on s),and other s i te i mpr oveme nt s. To 10.Elevati ons of topofroofr idges(with exis ting grades ho wn unde rnea th )t o det erm ine heightofbu ild ing. A statementf r om eac h util ityverify ing l oca t i on ofserv ice and availab ili ty . be submitt ed with s ite plan. C.Pre liminary ti tle r eport t o accompany al ls ubm ittals .t oi nsu reproper t y owner ship anda ll eas eme nts onproperty . ~B. D.La nds ca pePlan (I ""20 'or l a rger)-2co pi e s 1.Show the l ocationof4"diameter orv l arqer tree s,other s hruf)s .ancrn2it ive olants t h. ar eonthes ite and t he l ocati on anddesignof propo sed la nd scape areaswith t he v a~iet ies a nd a pproxi ma tes izes of pla nt mate r ials t obe planted .~ 2 .Compl e te la nd sca pe ma te ri a ls li s t. 3 .Des i gnate treest o be saved andth osetobel ost . NO TE:As muc h of t he above i nf orm at iona s po ssible s houldoccur on th e s ite pla n,sot hat th e in ter -r e lati onof t he various component s is c lear .The lan dscape plan s ho uldbe se pa rat e.The existing t opogra ph ica nd vegetatio na l char acterist i csmay bea separate map.Theappl icant must s taketh e site t o show lot l ines and building corners .Trees th at will be lo st dur i ng con struc tionmust betagg ed .The work s houl dbecomp leted before the ORBs ite vis it . ••. E.Ar chitec turalPlans(1/8"=I'or larger )2 c opies 1 .Mus t inc lu de fl oor plans and a ll elevat i ons as th ey wi ll appearon compl et i on. El evati ons must s ho wbothexi sti ng a ndf in ishedgrades . 2 .Exte ri or s ur fa cing ma te r ia ls andco lorsshall be spec if ieda nd s ubm i t ted fo r r ev i ewonth e ma te ria ls l ist ava ilablef rom t heDepar tm entof Comm unity Dev elop- ment .Col or c hi ps.si dings am ples e tc .•should be prese nted at the Desi gnReview Bo ardmeet ing. F.Th e Zoni ng Ad mi ni stra tor a nd /or ORB may r equ ire thesubmi ssion of additional pl ans . drawings .s pec ificat ion s,sa mp les a nd other ma te ria l(incl ud in ga mod el)i f deeme d nece ssa ry t o de te rm inewhether a pr ojec twi ll comp ly wi th desi gn gui deline s. I I.MIN OR AL TER ATI ONS TO TH EEXTE RIOR OF BUILO IN GS Ph otosor s ke tc hesth at cl e arl y i ndi cat e what i sproposeda nd t he l oca ti on (s ite pla n) ofpr o posal may be s ubm i t tedin l i e u of t he more for ma lr equir em entsgiv en abov e.as l ongas th eyprovidea ll im portant s pecifications fo rth epro pos ed i ncl ud ingcol or s a nd ma ter i als to beused . I II .ADOITI ONS -RES IOENTIA L OR CO~~ERC IAL A.Ori ginal f l oorplans witha lls peci f ic at ions s hown B.Floor planf or addition-2 copies C.Si tepl an 's howi ngex isti ng a nd proposed constr uct ion -2 copies to pas O.El eva tionsofaddition E.Photos of ex is ti ng s tructur e F.Specific a t ions f or all ma te rial sa nd color sampl es on mate r ia ls li st ava il able at Departmentof Co mmu nity De ve lopme nt Atther equestofth e Des ignReview Ad min ist ratoryou may a lso be r equiredt os ub mi t: G.St a t ement fr omeac h ut ilityver if y i ng l oca ti onofs ervi ceand ava i labil ity .See att ac hed uti li ty lo cat ion ver ifica tionf orm. H.Si te i mprovem entsurvey .stamped by r egi s tered professional s urveyor . I .Pre li minary ti tler eport .ver ify i ng owne rshi p of proper ty a nd l is ts of easements . IV .FINAL SITE PLAN After abui l di ng perm i thas bee n is sued.a nd whe nthepr oject i sunderway ,t he f oll ow ing wi l l ber equired beforea ny bu il din g r eceives a fra mi ngin spec ti on f r omthe Bu ilding Department :A certif ied imp rovemen ts urvey showing : A.Bu il ding l ocationswith t ies t oprope r ty corner s.i .e.di s tances a nd a ng les. B.Bui ldi ngd im ensi ons to nearest t e nth of foo t . C.All ut ility s erv ice l ines a s-builts s howi ng s i ze of li ne s,typeof mate r i al us ed, a nd e xact lo ca ti ons.2 copies D.Dr ai nagea s -bu i lts.2copie s E.Basi s of be a ring t o t ie to se ct ioncorner . F.Allpr opert ypins are tobe e ither fo und or set ands t ated on ma p. G.Alleasemen ts H.Build ing floo re l evation s a nd r oof r idgeel evat ions . ••LIST OF MA TERIA LS NAM E O ~P ~OJE CT :h}¥,L::.fJ~e,S\'==&'tti2fcl~&~'=,,~e:.c.t:-:==~rrn~:2::=~i:JMLEGALDESCRIPTION:----t&T_I ~BLOCK /I fiLING 7-VJ!7 k fJltS .5C1ioNE STR EET ADDRESS:2 '{Q7 G !t&M,~H DJl..",.-J''------- DESCR IP TIO NOF PROJ EC T:-5 1116-(./:&t m/,-y H?w':£w,lL p q.D fF Thefo llowing i nfo rmat ion i s requiredfor sub mittal Board bef ore a fi na l approva l can be f iven: by the appl icant tothe Design Re view A.BUI LDI NG f~TER IA LS :TYPE OF MAT ERIAL COL OR Roo f Siding Ot her Wall Material s QT/l.U D Fasct a So ff i t s Windows Window Tri m Doors Do or Tr im Handor Deck Rails ".. " ., .. ,... .. Flues " Fl ashings Chimn eys Trash Enc l osure s Gr eenhouses Other B.LANDSCA PING :Name of Designer : ph one : PLANT MATER IAL S:Botan i cal Na me '1 71z --te l Co mmon Name Quan ity Siz e* PR OPOSED TREES EXI ST ING TRE ES TO BE RE MOVED *Indi cate ca l iper f or decid ucious t rees .I ndicate height forconifers. (over ) " .PLANT fIA TE RIALS ; (con 't ) SHR UBS EXISTI NG SHRUBS TO BE REfi OVE O GROUNO COVERS SO O SEE O TY PE OF I RRI GATI ON • Bot an i cal Na me Commo n Name • Quan ity Siz e Squa reFo otage TYPE OR HETHOD OF _ EROS ION CONTROL C.OTH ER 'LANDSCAP E FE ATURES (reta ining wall s ,f ences ,swi mm ing pool s,etc.)Ple ase s pecify . J~<~c, A ~~~s ;;; ~~ , ~ I I g. ~8-,jJ .. ~s t ~c ~u,, ~.z ; ,• UTILITY LOCATION VERI FI CATI ON -----''''--------'l...JVD'--'?<--_ S UB DIV IS ION Wn l.D fl ~:5UJ ON/.. JOB NA.'1E i?U2:>£'(\R G.:>\@ .,c..e... LOT I~BLOC K j-\FILING k ADDRESS ).'107 C~"'\~l±DR. Thel ocation of u tili ties .whether th ey be maint runk line s or p ropo sed line s, mus tbe a ppr oved a nd ve rifi ed by th e f ollowing util it ie s f or the a ccompanying site plan.?eu.•\f='a..:.>C ....:....',.\;,..3d i .~t.t '}C I2-5' ~ 'Ken r~,.......... Moun ta in Bell l fig8 f>R+;.>C _468 6500 - Western S lope Gas Co . 1 800922 -198 7 Harry Moy es Pub lic Serv ice Compa uy 949 -5 781 Gary Hall Ho ly Cr oss El ect irc Assoc . 94 9-5892 Ted Husky/MichaelLaverty Har itageCablevis ion T.V. 94 9-5530 \\~o t{ Ga ry Johnso n ~\ihc ~\f 9 ''1 Rll-l..~~ Upp er Eagle Valley Wa te r & Sani tation Di strict 476 -7480 Fr edHas lee NOTE :These v erif ic a tions dono t re lieve the co nt ract or of his res ponsib ili ty t oob tain as treetc ut pQ rmit f rom thQ Town of Va il.Depart ment o f Publ ic Wo rks and t oob ta in u tili ty loca tions bQ forQ digg ing in any public right - o f -wayo r easemen t in t he Town of Vail .A build ing permi t is not a stree t cutp ermit .As t reet c ut permit mus tbe obtaineds epa ra tely . This form is to v eri fy se rv ice a vai la bility and l oc at ion . Thi s shou ld beus ed in conjunct ion wi th prQpa ring y our ut il it yp lan and schedul ing i n st allat ions . *(Please b ri ngas i te plan when ob tai ni ng Upper Eag le Val le y Water &Sa ni tat io n s ign atures ) ,• ZO NE CHE CK FO R SFR,R,RPIS ZONE OISTQ I CTS Filing_ DATE : LEGAL DES "C'R~I~P~T1~O:N~:~L~O~t-=-=-=-=-====~B~l:OC~k~===~~~====ADDRE SS :_ OWNE R Ph one ARC HITECT Phone'-------------- ZO NE DI ST ·R I~C=T-------------- PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRF A Pri mary GRF A Se condary GR FA Setbacks :Fr ont Sides Allowed t) Xl}.(3 0)(33)\' _1 100 2 t.oo I f>OD 20'('0 ') 15' Propo se d ?60D ,f-;)0 12.' Rear IS ' Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence /Reta ining Wal l Par king Credits:Garag e Mechanical Airloc k Storage So l ar Heat He igh ts ••:J-,Vi " J~ -\y-' Ir\ (30)(SO) ':;;'\OQ (30 0 )~ (90 0 ~ (50)(100 ) (25)(50) (200)(4 0 ~J.u ;t l o.qo Drive :SlopePermit ted ---'C-l"--Slope Ac tua 1 :-L"--_ Sl ope -'-_ Wetla nds --:,_ Geo logic Ha zards,'--___ Conme nts :_ Zon ing :Ap prov e d/Disapproved Date : Staff Sig natur e Boyle EngineerinQ,Inc . 143 Ea8t Headow ~lYet Suite 39B VeIl,Colorado 81657 313/475-Z178 FA X .-P .l/2 TOWN OF VAIL BUILOIN5 OEPT. AU:Dan 75 S.Frontag.Road W••t V.il,Colorado B1657 Dlte : Subject : January 11,1 991 Ruae.1 AesJdenCa l ot 15.Block H.Filing Z Vall Da.Schone ,Vall,Colorado Thla I,\0 cDntlr~th.t I have reviewed the 're~lng of the boo~connection ot the northend or tho l i ving r o o ~ridgo In the above notod residence. I have round that the connection between tho valley boa~a and tho rldgoboaft are adequate to support the reaction at the hLgh end ot these valleye.The legs through tho hor lzonta.bes"Into the end gra in or th is r ldgebea~are not capable or supporting I t,reaction.I a~adding a Icat angle below the r idge which II lagg.d i nto the S-6 post .Th ••ttaehed detail d••e rl bes this cermec t ren, I 'ound 411 0't he other beaft oonnect tono 1n the residence to be edequate. PIe•••gi ve "G •cel l l'you heve en y que.t iona regarding th 1D ~tter. (I Pleeee Repl y (xl No Reply Req td ce llar!Rue.el BOYLE ENG T1l1l1oth y H. PreSident INC. SO"'..........E. ,'.' J""'t®)'~~f£ERING 'NC.V!W-.CO.I?~~~0 _V/""'..-............I HIiiliT 1010 ._V ..at.coloIc:do 1llS3C/Jt.c 1o-2170 CAlOJLIoTl Cl n __.-J--,~..l2c-__ C:'/2 ~~ D"'TIi~ C'W liCKIED IY'_"",,-------- SCAU: ....., ..:-'!""- ,';--._..,....-,' ._-,----- ,•.....------ _....•---~_.~.. -,- i ....L- I ··r --~·_··_· .'T-_.__..._-;_..•_.:...... 1-, :...l ..•.._-_..... "-""',. ;! ."T -...... o....• " ,..•..•. ,, 1··,,L:6o.H=..-----......-i ~. •0 I l"..~·..·······'7 ·4----!-·j "._:....._:_..:.~..l._.-+._._~l ._.. "-Fk./J-r ._-1LEi..JJ .:.i - I ...----'-----.~....i.....-_.-.-...._.,, ......,..... ........ :.....,... ....l o ;-"·'r·• ,..... .........•.._-_.. o " U,'Jo!?fl.,Ho r:?:t"#en».,.,I. ~JD"'ia;.~=b-It-1~'-i ,"•I ."•.,t- ~~)'[tt:1,t..$:. o ,0•..... o ·l· ,......~. ::>IPe, : o ,,_.--- ,,,.•..._._..-.....~. 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FI NAL PLUMBIN G o DAT E: FI NAL ME CHAN I CAL FINAL ELE CTR I CAL iJ)t ft:",jCc I~'" IJE ST SIDE :EAS T SIDE: ~dk-"RE=S I.,D",.--"NAME=",:_ r J I MP ROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: FINAL BUI LDI NG DATE: DATE:711'1 /0,I o [AI o @ ( o DATE: TEMP ORARYC OF 0 U \ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY • DATE : LANDSCAP ING DUE DATE : FILE NAME : •• Russell Residence -Primary/Secondary Lot 1 5 el k H Vai l Das Sc ho ne To wn of Vail Design &Review Board Plant Li st f or Landscape Plan: S IZE NAME QUA NTITY PRI CE 2"SToadIes f Cot.tonwood 2 $1 25 I "SToadIeaf Cottonwood 2 $7 5 4 'Poderosa Pi ne 1 $100 3'Juniper S capularumus 3 $70 6 'Russian Olive 3 $115 Perrenial/Columbine 7 $5 Perreni al /Lupine 4 $5 ..,...-Project Application .-. •• Date _ w(,'dAl G:vrm 1'=.:cJy Owner,Address a nd Phone:...ll""J)LV,,---,-\_---l.<'~"-'2.='----------:;:_-----------___----LVlD'--I-r------"~.!..l:..\...,1,.d..::=::._Jx_,_ Architect.Add ress andPh one :~_ ,Com ments :_ Design Review Board Date _ M o tionby :_ Seconded b y :_ ___________L.:..L.-~'-'--"'---._ 'wI / ".\\, .••j '.,. .\','. t-1;'\'.fo c\? --~~,-,. 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'1 PLUMBING:~I N G : O OTIN GS I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o F OUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUG H I D W .V. o F RAMING o ROU GH I WA TER ROO F &SHEER o G AS PIPINGoPlYWQODNAILING o I N SU LAT IO N o POOL I H .TU B o SHEETROCK N A IL 0./e- 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICA L: , MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o COND U IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FI NAL o F I NA L ~PP R O V E D 0D IS APPRO VED CO R:fC!!9"SJ~aw-dt .c2&-f c2#X-c.k-/ o REIN SPECT ION REQUIRED IN SPEC T O R7-ICJ-VDATE_--'-_---''-''_..c...'''-_ " PM-------:,,1 A M INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F V A IL \1 MON ~( READY FOR I NS P EC T ION~ LOCATIO N :~V\01 .• ~vlv\v\~ PERM IT N UMBE R F PR OJEC T /) BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUND ATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H /WAT ER • ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LAT I O N o POOLI H .TUB o SH EETROC K NAI L 0 0 0 o F I ~{o F I NAL :fr~TR I CA L :MECHAN ICAL: TE M P.POWER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXH AUST HO ODS o CON D UIT o S U PPLY A I R 0 0 o F IN AL o FI NAL A PPROVED /-f o DI SA PPROV ED o REIN SPE CTIONREQU IRED~R R EC T I O N S: • DAT E _L---"-...:....--"-.JL-----INSPEC T OR ~/;J ~;;</' •,'.. J OB • READ Y FOR I NSPECTION :/.~09 TUES WED T HURFRI A M e LO CAT IO N :'1~"'1 07 c::</111/".:::\--7 )Ie<~ BUILDING :PLUMBING: • ZTINGS I STEEL •"o U NDERGROUND FOUNDATION I S T EE L¢~o ROU GH I D W .V.> o FRAM ING o ROUGH I W ATER / ROO F &S HEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWQODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHE ETR O C~NAIL "D ', 0 0 IoFINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o C ONDUIT o SUPPLY AI R 0 0 o F INAL o FINA L ~..M •"-ro '~L-/~Hq-., PERM IT NUMBER OFPRO JEC T D ATE__1.:....,p3 P(APPROVED 0D ISAPPROVED CO RRECTION S: {1:?'fD A,.-r-......../.:L ..d o REIN SPECTION REQU IRED DA T E _-<~"-"",--.Llo""-_INS PECTOR ~-- ,, _____AMPM eTION REQUE$T TOWN OFVAILPERMITNUMBER/OF PROJ ECT DATE '1/1--0 JOB NA M E _~I (1?'o::q"'2..-~_r CA LL ER -~4L-'+f'[i!.'c:::«""oYt,-,,,-,_ R EADYFOR INSPECTION :A TUES'WED 1HUR FRI LOCATION :1r1cr1 ~c=iVL--- BUILDING:'I PLUMBING : ~OTI NGS I ST EEL riA ?-?"<Z s o UN DERG ROUND -U NDA TION I STEEL £-3 '<:>'~'o o ROUGH I DW.V. o FR AMING o ROU GH I WA TER,. ROO F &S HEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSUL AT ION o POO L I H .T UB o SH EETROCKNAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP _POW ER o HE ATING o ROUGH o EX HA USTH O ODS o C O N D U IT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINA L o REINS PECTIONREQU IRED D ATE _""--'--''''-'''''--==-_IN SPECT O R ..."='0'.-,.."--.~.,............,.......-'l""...........-........~~ •.,INSP eTION REQUE~T T OWN O F V AIL 12 lA-s'S e...11 ]2:..:::~=--,-------- ~it tSCI1<lCALLER N AME PERMIT N~B E R~F~"'C =-T -- DA TE "1 i 1J.-f-J OB - IN.r ~CT;S7 C ON T U~~hWE~T HUR ~ READY FOR F I AMPM, L OCATION :7.)-10 """vVI I (;) BUIL DING:~U M B I N G :~NGS /S T EE L ~~U NDERGROUND FOU NDATION /STEEL ~.0 ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING ,,:2 :5 0ROUGH /WAT ER ROOF &S H EER o GA S PIPI NGoPLYWOODNArLiNG o INSULA TI ON o POOL /H .TU B o SHEET ROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o F INAL oFIN AL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANI CAL: o TEM P.POWER o H EATING -o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOOD S o CONDU IT o SU PPLY AI R 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL •J:NlrPROV ED 0 D ISAPPROVED ',.0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORR ECT IONS:"~;,~,~~~~a.f/ DATE -.<'--""""..2.::...="'--_IN SPECTOR ;BEST COpy AVAILA BLE .-'. ffltf PERMIT NUMB ER"'O=F "P"'RO"'J"'E"'C"T'-- .,.........,...4_,...._....-.......~..... ,'.' 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PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDA TION /STEEL o ROUGH /D WV. o FRA MING o RO UGH /WATER ROOF &SHE ER o GAS PIP IN GoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 rf 1'1\~/5r?fiL..0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING , o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT ,o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL , ~PP R O V E D CO RRECTIONS : DATE '6-2 -90 o D ISAPPROVED INSP ECTOR o REI NSPECT IO NREOUIRED ""'~. '90 05 :12 P11 I NC.VAIL,co... • 3:1:~Ef"1 ;l ",~e "'l f'",~,>,:. ~.l 3 E ~!t "e e z;...[I"'~.e:,~,,;.t ~?2 C .e::.C c:l .j -~'.:;!;S~E-S7 :e 3 4 ;~-:.:~=~A _~:'::~r e~ :..'j ('":,1.;.l~ll::'~.:'::E;;- ..-;l I :, 6 ,1 :~'" <e e iter-ce ,t-....J .!'!~. ~"::::j ~:t .R :::~c ~1 ;S' ~.-..."'..-.-.. , --...,~. .-.,. 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PERM IT NUMBER O F PROJECT •.,-. ~ION REQUEST TOWN O F VA IL • READYFO R IN S PECT ION , JO BN AME If"~Jti?"I.~ CA LLER 3E i#?'r()sa Aj M ONTUES @ THUR FRI (-1'1,fr!$tf _____A M PM BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH /OW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o G AS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULA TI O N o POO LI H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE M P.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AI R ~*otoIlM f2.'1 ~epo/"0 o FINAL o FI NAL ~APPROV ED/y o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED I CORRECTIONS' IN SPECT O R., PM , ~_....•........, _____A M INs_eTION REQUEST \)~\'\T OWNOFVA I L ~\ili'b~~ C ALL ER READ Y FOR L OCATION :~cl:J:I.L.L"":".::1>X~&.:m~_ •-.....'"".~~\\•, ,PERMIT NUMB~~J ECT •~JOBNAM E!D ATE ":1- o REI NS PECTIO NREQUIRE DoDISAPPROVED BUI LDI NG:PLUMBING: C,tL1h7.;::rZ:z:;;;:?oFOOT INGS /ST EEL ~N D ER G ROU N D oFO UN DA TION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H /WA TER ROOF &S H EER o GAS P IP I NGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU L AT IO N oPOOL /H .TUB oS HE ETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: oT EMP.POW ER o HEATING - o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT oSUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FINAL oFINAL ,.'f.~P PROVE D CO RREC TIONS:,_ DA TE ~.:7-(2 -flo I NSPECTOR INS eTION REQUEST ~'\{\•TOWN OF VAILNAME~~~ C ALLER :Ai §\~;\ MON T U ESW EDTH UR @)AMPM \':£\S-SS:\.,k READ Y FO R LOCA TION :_-'-b--"'"'---'__-"--"-"'-'---'-'''-''-'='''-'_ B UILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W V . o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER RO OF &SHEER o GASPIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LAT IO N o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 •0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING !(RO UG H o EXHA UST HOODS o CON DUIT o SU PPLY AI R )()_5?s?~)\~-tt )0 I 0FIN AL o FINAL '....APPR OVED ~'o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQU IREDp CO RRECTIONS : ~~\S\~\\\S 7 D AT E -"-'''-~'---''--''-''--_ PM_____AM N AM E __-=--...:.--=--::.....:-...::...~~:....:::,-.:.....-=::::._ , ;?Z (p -H t./y INS C ON REQUEST /)1 'OWN .OFVA IL /CI..L )~t (0 J.UJ ~ CALLER l c;..~.'.\.A..l ('"~ INS PECTION :M ON -®WED ""TH UR FR I z'lV '7 Cl<-/VVM/2--k Q /1 :;..-Z- • PERM IT N UMBER OFPRO JECT DAT E ~JOB REA DY FOR L OCATION . \...l.I..t ~ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND ~~A T IO N I STEEL o RO UG H I D WV. R AMING o-Fl15CGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o PO OL I H ,TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL E LECTRICAl'MECHANICAL: o TEM P,POWER a H EATING o ROUGH 'o EXHAUST HOODS. o C ONDUit o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~E I N SP E C T I O N REQ UIRED - ~SA P P RO V E DoAPPROVED CORRE CT ION S: ---#-'<.o--=----'-~--------------- DATE _=_~.;>--"'-"'-_INSPECTOR eTION REQUEST TOWN OFVAI L \ INS .. PERMIT N UMB,R OF P~!EC T DAT E \\)-~.D-:1)JOB .. PM_____AMFRI CAL LER ~~~~~~~i:iO.h:];.. ~T U,E S W ED ~T HUR~:>..::.o.~.INSP!lli\hREADYFOR LOCATIO N : , • BU ILDING:PLUMBING: DFOOTINGS I ST EEL D U NDERGROUND it"D F OUNDAT IO ~L ~ROUG H I D W.V .~F R A M I N G ~j10UGH I WA TER b ROOF &SH EE DGA S PIPINGPLYWOODNAILING DI NS ULATION DPOO L I H .TUB D S HEETROCK NAIL ,.D D D o FINAL D FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHAN ICAL:. o TEMP.POW ER DHEA TING DROUGH DEXHAUST HOODS DCO N DUIT D S UPPLYAIR D D DFINAL D FINAL D APPROVE D CORREC T IONS: I . ,~, )9't"SAPPROV ED / I I I ~ \Y D REINSPECTION REOU IRED DATE !tl -1.-q-t/.rJ,---'N SP-ECT O R fJiA~:~-- ••••e O• • . '1 ID.l3I?W~1fffil§~1i'@)!? ,[£@)ffil Inl ill!~D1i'~ID§~§lk@)I?ffil§~1f 0 . !O~~~~~~SALES ACTION FORM ~HH~~~H~~ COST .TOTAl ACCOUNT'.ITEM .NO.EA.AMOUNT 01 0000 '41330 COM.ilEV.APPUCA110N FEES 01 DODO 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS IlAPS BoDO 01 DODO 42415 1988UNifORM BUILDING CODE 150.00 01 DODD 42415 1988 UNifORU PlUMBING CODE 36.00 101 0000 42415 19B8 UNifORM MECHANICAl CODE 32.00 01 0000 42415 1988UNifORM FIRE CODE • 01 DODO 42415 19B7 NA110NAL EU:C1ilICAL CODE 30.00 101 DODO 42415 OlHER CODE BOOKS ..•. 0 01 DODD 4154B BLUE PRINTS (MYl.ARS)7.00 .. 01 DODO 42412 XEROX COPIES I STUDIES . .2S. 0 PI DODO 42371 . PENAlTf FEES I RE-lNSPEC110N /-;0 ··60. 01 DODD 41322 Off HOURS lNSPEC110N FEE 0 01 DODO 41412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES n£S ••..01 DODD 41330 OlHER FEES. 010000 41413 .SIeN APPLICAnON ZO.DD COMMENTS:Il.,A~/j /J ,~00C6<..TOTAl .<)oJ .CD -.••• a -------------------- TO.....N OF V RIL Mi scell a neous Cas h 10 :25 :21 R~celpt •~56176 cccovnt :It CK :il 2244 LO RI RUSSELL 'RE-INSPECTION Arl.oun 1 t ende red )313.0(1 IterJI pard 01000tl '4237100£1 Cbenqe re turned > Rllloun1.p a id 30 .00 0 .00 THRNK YOU l:.vr r.ash Eor J DY o REI NS PECTIONREQUIRED INS ,. o DI SAPPROVED ..• NAM E C4pION REQUEST f}TOWNO F VAIL /UM?cJ~ CALL ER --/2rJ 1dMY\CArl ~ M ONTU ES DTH UR FRI A M @) '2 YO'--'(-rfvVVN.t.lJ~i1hv<.. ,,~ < .>~-J.•• •• < READY FOR IN SP ECTION , PERMIT N UM~~O J E C T OA TE ~J O B LO CAT I ON : 0:1 .(nn <;f}U/l BU ILDING :PLUMBING : o FO OTI NG S I STEEL o U NDERGRO UND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL 'ROU GH I D W.V.J ~~m~£JC~F R A M I N G _M41h J t-V I ~j<{ROUGH I WATERP-fJ<,c('l~~ ROOF &S HEER ~A S PIPING ~.L A,.;,?o PL YWO OD N A I LING o I NSUL A TI O N o POOL I H .TUB . o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL :MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o H EA TING o ROUGH t 0 EXHAUST HOODS--o C OND UIT ""..........o SU PPLY A IR -- 0 0 o F IN AL .0 FINA L ,'01 ... )(APPROVED - CORRE CTIONS , \ ... DA T E -"-_INSPECTO R -'-_ PM------'@ INS"C ION REQUEST ~TO WNO FVAIL I;u;v.;J CALLER S{i{)O<;~.V"f*'"'\---=--- M ON TUE S WED ~FRI __------<d-c-y D 1 6(1.;~CYtM~="-.e,--_ READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCAT IO N : ~cl .~, P"'E"R'"'M"","'T7N""U""M'"'B EROFPROJ ECT DAT E Jl\V JOB N AME --f-'-'='-";::;:"~---=----r------ BUILDING:PLUM BING : o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o UNDERGROU ND o FOUNDATION I S T EEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WAT ER o ROOF s S HEER o GA S PIPING~O DNAIL~~.o POO L /H .TUBSULATION~c (II o SHEET ROCK N AIL 0 0 0 .r -~ o F I NAL o FIr:iA L ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING• o ROUGH ,o EXHAUST HOODS •o CONDUI T -o SUPPLY AIR •00 n FI NAL o FINAL 3«A PPROVED CORRE CT IONS: G'r /).(,;;:1 o DI SAPPROVED o REI NSPEC TI ON REQU IRE D • .u • • DATE !,-':;.J-lo IN SPECTOR =.;.r;;,.,dl/Z - INS ION REQUEST T OWN O F VAIL N AME ~S S eJLL--l'=~,-=,,,,,,,_,--,-.~-----,-_...,,.,.----;;- C ALLER ~&Oy r/56J..{'(;~. ~IMaN~WEDT H UR FRI AM PM G a1Z '";';;b..o-. --!. INSPECTION : ~'t al-• READ YFO R LOC A T ION :_-.;z:o.....;r:....='--'-_---".:...<-.Lll::>..:.'-'-'-=~""_=___'___'_ PERMIT N UMBEROF PRO JECT ... DATE ~J OB BUILD ING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o U NOERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N I STEEL o ROUGH I D WV. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING•.o IN SU LA TION o POOL I H .TUB ):fS HEETROCKNAI L ,0 o Udx'f I4JJ ')0 o FINAL a FINA L,- ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HE ATING-o ROUGH o EXHAUSTHOO DS o C ONDUIT o SUPPLY AI R 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~A PP R O V E D o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SP ECTION REQUIR ED CORRECT IONS: .a.,LYLtA INSPECTOR//-)3-PDDATE--'-.!-..L...'--'-"'_ PM_____AM INSP eTION REQlIEST ~':TO ~N O F VAIL DATE --'-"-------"'--"--_->.><.JO BN AME ~.)J:"'~,~~\~, CALLER ~C §~s I N S P~~M ON TUF"S .~TH UR FRI~S:::-c ~~~,REA DY FO R L OCATION :__U"--'~--"----''''=:>''':>..o.....=~=~_ BUILD ING:P LUM BING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WAT ER ROOF &S H EER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT ION o POOL /H .T UB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 ....., 0 0-o F INAL o FINAL I ~L E C T RI CA L:MECHANICAL:. 71 EMP.P ~,o H EATING.-.JO U G H .~~o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 _. 0 o F INAL o FINAL ~PMvw ~.tli S A PP R O V E D )l(REINSPECTION REOUIRED CRRECT IONS: PM-----~ ION REQUEST?&:V AIL --&kl ~ F RI •., ~'""'f(;(.""0'~INS DATE /I f;{q o JOBNAME CAL LER~~ READ Y FORINSPE C TION ,MO:::tWEO"?TH UR L O CATI ON ,.;<,VtJ "7 i?~ • BUILDI NG : o FOOTINGS I STE EL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAM ING ROO F &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILI NG --------- o I NSULAT IO N o SH EETROCK NA IL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o RO UGH I D.W.V._ o ROUGH I WA TER _ o GASPI PING o POO L I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL AI R _ .. ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POW ER _ o ROUGH M ECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o CO NDUIT ••'.~'..-J 9 §U,P'LY ~A "uk ,"(,-"",-iLc..J.flA.J ')()'If D ~_'_ <~~~_.:'\0 FINAL o REIN SP ECTION REOU IRED • ..• KA P P R O V E ~•,4.V'~a<-~D I S A P P R O VE D CORR ECT IO NS:-;.~--jli..r=-__U-_ ........- INSPECTO R/2·//j-'l{)DATE U~-L.L-_L..>.'----_ FRI INSP eTION REQUESTj,~TO~N O F VA IL ,,~~)C~L 't-\tt\ \_____AM 'PM CALLER ~->:::"='..:...t",-,,-,_,,,,,,,=,,--,,=~-'--", IN SP ~~READ Y FOR L OC ATION:__--'-"'--'--'''----''---_---''--''''''''''''''''-'--''''-'''--'''_--'-'-'--'-_ BUILD ING :PLUMB ING : o FOO TING S /STEEL o UNDERGROUN D o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D WV. o FRA MIN G o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILlNG o INSULAnO N o POOL /H .T UB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o F I N A~o FINAL ~•EL ECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP,POWER o H EATING ~OUG H o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL jPrAPPROV ED C 9.BRE CTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED <I J o REI NSPECT ION REOU IRED 9 /.:('/•.1.DATE _--=-~'---"--'--''-''-_ _____~PM -~- FRI INsle ION REQUEST T OWN O F VA ILc., ...,. READ Y FOR INSPECTI ON : L OCATION Cd Va 1,---+-~=Tl.L"""'~=---"":'-"""--'----_ .....-..."-,,~._..""--. PERMIT N urt~~t J E C T • DATE (,tbl'1)JO B NAM E --:--L....L~B~~~;fj~~)7J---::E~'?'--:; . ~ BU ILDING :P LUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUN DATION I STEEL ,~'R O U G H I DW.V.-<"-/-'T-;-~/ ;q~A M I N G ~O U G H/WA T E R f?1::If?5~/ , I ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING o GASPI PING o INSULAT ION o POOL I H .T UB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL , o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:t MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POWER \I o HEATING., o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CON DUIT o S UPPL YA IR 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL o R E I N ~PE CTI O N REQ UIRED i ,. ~... o D ISAPPROVED :;d~~';¢l' 'f-e'PPROVED COR RECT IO NS: i 'INSPECTO R1-'1-~('DA T E -f-""--''f-'=--r'-;'---- PM-n'o -u....... _____AM a ION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL D ATE --¥--I--.L..-,f-'-f- READYFOR I NSPECT ION : LOCATION: BUILD ING:I P LU MBING: o FOOTIN GS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUND ATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DWV. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIP ING~Y WOO D NA ILING I SU LATIO N o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETR OCK NA I L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HO ODS o C ON DUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~P PR O V E D COR RECTION S: o OISAPPROVE D o REINSPECTI ON REQUIR ED DA TE -f--I-J'.{L-L+------ -;fA 0 INSPECTOR ~~.-> INS ION REQUEST PERMITN UMBEROFPROJECT T OWNO F VA IL DATE \-Th-~JO B NAME ~S ~."'\ 'CALLER ~~~~C)r,.'N>:>..J\ READ YFO R I N ~~C TION 'MON TUES W EDTHUR @ ~~~PM L O CATION &~t(\\S2~~~'h "DS-.\• BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STE EL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER RO O F &SHE ER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB ~H EE TR O C K N AIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0• o FINAL o FINAL , 'Jot AP PROVED 0DI SAPPROVED C ORRECTION S: (])/Yl oP..dJ.?/t d &c .t .I;'9'::'.nf 0 .I ,J.,.Q o REINSPECTION REQUIRED "I I I /Z "L:r D ATE .2 -/-£c IN SPECTOR INSPEC ION REQUEST WNO F VAIL CA LLER __ MO Ng,~D THUR 6J ~d_""" REA DY FORINS PECTION : L OCATION :G2 i/01: PERMIT N U ZER OF?:OJECT DAT E 1~L ?ttJ JOB NA ME --~~~~~ei~~~~-7T---'-"'<-";-r,f-/ B UILDING :PLUMB ING: o FO OTIN GS 'STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION 'STEEL o ROUGH 'DWV. o FR AMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S H EER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU LAT IO N o POOL 'H .T UB o SH EETROCK N AIL 0 ,Iii 0 •]NAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHA UST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 tp4INAL o F INA L o REI NSP ECTION REOU IREDoDISAPPROVEDj;(APPRO VED CORRECT IONS : ~-'5~------'~--;::;--:---;;-:----';--"""'------- , DA TE 7 -If-9j INSPECTOR .::-._~t/~ PERMIT J:%fi OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUESTnTOWNOFVAIL NAM E IM.44""''''L~/~/=-__y-_---;_ CALLER &iL.Ay:/ J OBDATE j lb"tZoREADYFORINSPECTION'a.JM O~W ED THUR FRI AM PM oN0 '?1/),' .II , LOCATION : / BUILDING :PLU MBING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL .'~o U NDERGROUND.\.o FOU NDAT ION I STEEL o ROUG H I DWV. o FRAMING ...o ROUGH I W ATER 'Q~OOF'&SHEER o GAS PIPINGPLYWOODNAILING, o INSU LAT ION o POOL I H .T UB, o SHE ETROCK NA IL 0$• O ~0~;INAl R o o FINAL EL ECTRICAL:MECH ANICAL: o TE MP.POW ER ~o HEATING o R04,GH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 " o FINAL ......-~o F I NAL o APPR OVED o DI SAPPROVE D )If REIN SPEC TION REQUIRED ~ TE 7-;?O-9/ .-'- '.'" INSPECTOR B ••EXCAVATING,•• Dr awer 249 •Vail ,C olor ado 81658 •(303)926-3311 •Fax(303)926-2344 QUOTATION TO :Lor i Russel l 2407 Garmisc h Vail,CO 8 1658 ATTN:Lori DATE:0 5-2 3-91 JOB NAME : LOCATION :2407 Ganm isch 949-7 415 Foryour considerat ion we o f fe r the fo llowing quotation which if accepted s hall const itutea contract betwee nus: Driveway Pr epa ndPavinga pprox.1408 s q.f t . Scope of Work: 1.)Subgrade /Ex is ting Road base to be re ceiveda t i .1O/ft. 2.)Pl ace and Compac t 2 in .addit ionalRoadbase; 3 .)Pl ace and Compac t 3 In.Asphalt Matt ; 4 .)4%t ax on Materi al s on ly ; Tot al Costo f Abo ve Work-$2873.00 No te :1.)An y over excavationdue to unsui table ma teri al will be do nea t Ti mea nd Mater ial. 2 .)A minimum of 2%slope 15 Neces saryfo r Paving This project will be scheduled upon rece ipt of accepted contract. Please sign 1n the s paceprov ided andr e turn t he orig inal to us . This quotat ion subject to cond it ions as shown on re ver se si de hereo f. SUBH~:~a vat 1 n9' BY :~ BruceHasbrouck In c.ACCEPTED :__ By:_ POSITIO N:PavingEstimat or DATE: ~...-~-..._--...-_._.~..=..~-_.=...---.-_.~,~-~==---------- ••L/7(p -33</t/ INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O F VA IL - READ Y FORINSPECTION : LOCATION .::?4/tJ 7 FRI ----(i;)PM BUILDING:PLUMBIN G: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDA TION I STEEL o RO UGH I D .W.V. a FRA MI NG o RO UGH I WATER ROOF &SH E ER o GASPIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 ~FINAL r /?"'-/0 o F INAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHANiCAL: o T EMP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH a EXHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SU PPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL •o F I NAL ~P ROV ED CO RRECT IONS: I o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SP ECTION REQU IRED I DA TE -LL--=:....<._«L._I NSPEC TOR ~ LO /-----G PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VA IL J OBNA ME --.!...-.¢~'0-2:~~;....rl"1_-___;,,____""7:,._----/ IN SPECTION ;MON 03 0 )1= ~.........""'lI!"'""""ll"_--__- READY FOR L OCAnos.----'=-L.""---"----7''''''''''''==~~'"=-------------- DATE --'-''--H'"-,I----''---- BU ILDING;PL UMBING : o FOO T INGS /ST EEL o U NDERGRO UND,o FOU NDATION /STEEL o RO UG H /D WV . o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &S H EER o GA SPIP IN GoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 I't;NlNAb f C .CJ o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:, o TEMP.POWER o HEAT ING•o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT ION R EQUIR ED CORRECT IONS; CD fa"IN (d -L A.,e0/,,;:""e 0"1"La;1:rl2 t~Va2 8;c To U /?I 2-/-9/ • DATE ~-7 -0,( •~INSPECTION REQUEST.?--T OW,N OF VA ILG~"1c ~a:::t itf! C ALLER ~k'~~ vyED TH!.!R FR I AM P M ~'-<./'L- "\ READY FO R INS PEC T ION : LOC A Tl ON :------r7=-I-L"--I---~===="--'=""'~~;.c>..,...=_-------- """'"'{Jt.6.cltt*"• DATE __Iq..2 J OB N AM E ---i,.L-.=--"'''',,----4'--l'='T==''''--;;;-.,,------(I BUILDIN G :PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS "S TE EL o U NDER GROU N D o FO UNDATION 'STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. a FRAM IN G o RO UGH /WATER R OOF &SHE ER o GASP IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL /H.T U B o SH EETR OC KN AIL 0 0 0 fp,FI NAL C·D .o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EA T ING o ROU GH o EXHA U ST H OODS o CO N DU IT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o F INAL o F I NAL o A PPROVED ISAPPROVED '/rREINSPE CTIO N REOUIRED CO RRECTIONS: c2 £• @e:~1~ @pufi2 i•./;;42 f iJi)/13r7 ...-....•TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS 479-2158 FIELD MEMO J, Date: To,-E.'ossn C !?FS,])f"N.>..C.<...t-r-r-_ Attention 'COM UN ff,j DflIFl00VV\E NT PROJEC;(LOCATION),'J..4 b 7 G A€w\f;~[)Q pe-eMii ~L/jl/'-ILj ---(Hi,:>S0pFQCci)E"S I NSPFCflOrJ Fo/lWl WeilT<rJ ON fr/,a/Cr~,AFTce Spn'l~N~ (.J ITt-!TOvJN F N<QII\J£Fe;:De,LJ£WAy • A ppeOuEJ:),-rc..a W AS G.LJ<rJ 8Ef'"()e~ Dt2 lue w"Y wr1,::>:INS[)FcrEJ).F INAL c.o . I 5 A P PQClv E"i)B y Pl.li3u C We.e G Slgned ,eJ4AVl Dat .,?J-/1-93 Title,T I\lSff3::1t\e. CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Wldl.....conlt~(II' P,rI<--G<w1 Iol'UClio<1 E".._ C~n"'Y-F'1e .--. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA IL I JO BN AME RUSSELL i2FSIDEII.ICE. CAL LER C /-fdr t<r= MO N @ W EDTH UR FR I 6~MIS.tl DlC INSPECTION : 2.<"/0 ") ... READ Y FOR L OCATION :__--='-'-""-''-~=~='_!..!.._'.a._ DATE <1$-/0 -'13 PERMIT N UMBEROFPRO JECT BUILDING:PLUMBIN G : oFOOT ING S /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATI ON /STEEL o ROUGH /D.w.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER R OOF &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POOL /H .T UB o SHEETR OCK NA IL 0 0 0 )l(FINAL P UBLIC wc ptr o F INAL ELECTRICAL:ME CH ANIC AL: o TEMP.POW ER oHEATING o ROUGH o E XHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F I NAL o F INA L o APP ROVED ,'Ii(DIS APPROVED 0REIN SPECTIO N REOUIRE D CO RRECT IONS Q )){?\\JE lIJ 8y Gefl Df F A rE EDS 10 %A T o,"n;f-PES' Po IN'6l?A D E"-:2.3 %AT GAef16E '-CdlTID AI (s --To £LAT Ttl IlCIIIFUE epef'QI1£Q /0%Ge"1\e:~T ....l1 ppeoACH f eOM G,M:'rYI'SH p e Pr VAx',WeE (S 0eG/uletO B r==[o l!.£P uRc;c v-!O!?ICS UN<-f/pPl2dJF ~DATE ~-/6-qs INSPECTOR @J4 (j1 ~ n-INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N OF VAIL II 1 L l' ........;. 1./L('-I Lj DATE -'+.c2l-JO B NAM E ------p..~'--'--"''6!9''''"'-.L------ PERMIT NUMBER O FPR J ECT CALLER W ED ,) T HUR .i .(,G ~o FOO TINGS I STEEL o FO UNDATION I ST EEL _ o FRAM ING R OOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULA TION ~SHEETROCK N AIL /"~_ &tFINAL &ii ,1(10 ();'1 0" PLU MBING : o U ND ERGROUN D o ROUGH I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WA TER _ o GA S PIPING _ o POO L I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FIN AL ELE C TRI CAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CON DUIT D ~_ o FINA L MECHAN ICAL: o HE ATING _ o EXHAUST HOO DS o SUPP L Y AIR _ 0 _ o FIN AL C~PR O V E D CO RRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINS PECTIONREOU IRED • DA TE ----r'---f--""'''---- •...... •• ZOiI ECHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZOIl E DI ST RICTS DA TE :A-,14 ,10 LEGA L DESthlP TI ON:Lot AODRESS: OImER PhoneARCIIITECT-----------------I'hone----- ZON E DISTR I CT =::::g=~~I~!z~=;~IT~~i===PRO PO SED USE . LOT SIZ E I <S I He ight Tota l GRFA Pri mary GRF A Second ary GRFA Se tbecks :Front S ides Rear Ua ter Cou rse Site Coverage ~I'S"" La nds capt 119 Fence/Reta in ing Wa ll Il e ights Pa rk ing All owed Proposed !1-,-".r l -"-l'1 "'I -(30)(33) 441 1 ,S"~ V'l 01 ~4t .1'0 ) "2v8~-O?t!'2 ':it 1- 11th?(1'-1/,r ~C 20'~ 15'±15' (30)(50) ~2-ZO.-;-Q IS --,V'J -r ,-,:>'-';)Z .'b<;' " Credits:Gara ge Mechanical Airl ock Sl orage (300 )(600 ) (90 U)(1200) (50 )(100) (25)(50) (200)(40 0) - So l ar lt ee t En vironmental /Hazard s:Avala nche _ Fl ood P la i n _ i?I>CU .....11 (j C.e J ~,h . J S lope _ Wetlands _ Geo1og i c lIaza rds-,=-V'",e",d,,----==::.:..:..:....>'-.,...--,-=='iof""-'-_ Lnnment.s :_ Zoni ng :~1 s a p pr o v e d Date :1-2O '~Q '?-J1vi'ly)~JM, S t aff Si gn~re ==-- , •APPLICATION DATE: DAT E OF ORB ~EETlIlG:,~10 h C,'},.{ t elephone '-{7b Iq~2- OR BAPP LI CA TIO N ·····THIS APP LICATI ON WIL L NOT BE ACC EP TED UNTI L AL LI NF ORMA TIONIS SUBtlI TTED····· I.PRE -APPLICATION MEETI NG: A pre-applicationmeeting wi tha pl ann i ng staff member iss trongly sugg ested to determ ine if any additio nal i nformation is needed.No applic ation willbe accepted unl ess i t i s comple te (must in cludeall i tems requ ired by the zoning admin is trator). I t i sthe a pplicant'sres po nsibility t o make an app ointment with the staff tofin d out a bout additional submit talr equ irements.Ple asenote that a CO MP LE TE applica- t ion wi ll s treamlinet he approv al ~r ocess f oryourproj ect by decreasing the nu mber of condit ions of approval th at the OR B may s ti pulate.ALL cond ition s of approval must beresolvedbefore a bu ilding pe rm it is issued. A.PR OJECT DESC RI PTIO N:Ale.v->(lC".<+'Cll(,fr O,",-H-U .•,<'l"J?,!/::xza,,,ta/u ( B.LOCATION OF PRO POSAL: Add ress ;;-/07 r.;.dt?",'SH {)t2..W e jT ImL. Le ga l Descript ion Lot I f Blo ck _-.J.H.:...Fil i ng ._2=_-,-: Zon ing f1z""I!"-~,h £(DN t Ml<ll ~th t-iYI?;5(!.tfDA.c:.. C.NAME OF APPLICANT :£pIC I Ru.'2 "5£LJ.- Address 8 0)(;2770 t/Jhl.-Ca "2 lb58 D.NA/>IE OF APP LICAN T'S REPR ESENTA TI VE:_ E. Address tele phone _ NAME OF OWN ERS:~ Si gna ture Q ;.<}2-,,-,-,_~J.'J.!:!""'""''''''~_ Addre ss telephone _ F.ORB FEE:The fee wi ll be pai d at the ti me a build ingpe rm it i srequested . VAL UATI ON FEE $o -s 10,000 $10.00 $10,00 1 -$50,000 $25.00 $50 ,001 $150,000 $50.00 $150 ,001 -$,500 ,000 $100 .00 $500,001 -$1,000,0 00 $200 .00 $Over $1,000,000 $300 .00 IMP ORTANT NOTICE REGA RDI NG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE OR B: 1.In addi tion to meet i ng subm ittal require ments,the app l icant must s takethes ite toind icate proper t y lines and buildin g corners .Tre es that will be removed should a lsobe mar ked.Thi s work must be completedbef oret he ORB vis its the s i teo 2.Th e reviewprocessfor NEW BUILDINGS wi ll no rmally invo lve two s eparate meetings of the Des ign Review Board .soplan on at least tw o meeting s for t heir appr oval. 3 .Peo ple wh o fail toappear beforethe De si gnReview Bo ard at their s chedu led mee ting an d who have notas ked for a postpon ement wi ll berequ ired to be republ ished. •• 4 .The f oll owi ngi t ems no l ongerhavetobepresentedt ot he DesignReviewBoard. The y,however,havetobe presentedt oth e Zo ningAdm in is trator f orapproval: a .Wind ows,skyl ight s and si mi lar exteriorchanges that do not alter the exis ti ng planeofth ebuilding;an d b.Bu ild ing addition s t hat arenotviewed from any other l otor pu blic s pace, which have ha d l etters submitte d fr om adj oini ng pr operty ow ners approvin g t he addition ;and/or a pprovalf rom theagentf or,or man agerofacond ominium asso ciation. 5.Yo u ma ybe required tocond uctNatural Ha zard Studi es onyourproper ty.You shou ld checkwith aTown Pla nne r before proceeding . 1.NEW CONS TRU CT ION • MAT ERIA L TO BE SU BMITT ED • A.To pographicmapand site plan of site conta ining thefo ll ow i ng (2 copies): 1.Li censed surve yor's stamp . 2.Contour i ntervalsofnotmore than2 'unles s the pa rc el consis ts of6acresor more,i n whic h case,5'contour i ntervals will beaccepted. 3.Exi sti ng trees o r group s of trees havi ng t runks with d iameters of4 11 o r more one f oot abovegr ade. 4 .Rock ou tc roppi ngs andot hersi gn ificant natural f eatures(large bo ulder s, i ntermittent s tre ams ,etc .). 5 .Avala nchear eas,100 year fl ood plain ands lopes 40%ormor e,if a ppli cable. 6 .Ties t o existingbenchma rk,e ither US GS l andma rkor sew er in vert . 7 .Locat ions of t hef ol l owing: a .Proposedsurface drainage onand off si te s how i ngs i ze and t ype of culvert s.swales.e tc. -----'>->---~b.Exact locations of all utilities toi nclude exi sti ng sourcesandproposed ~service li nes from so urces t oth e structure.Utiliti estoi nclude: cable TV Tele phone se wer wa ter gas e l ectr ic c .Property li nesshowin gdi sta nces andbeari ngs and a basi sofbearing d.Propos ed dr i vew ays withperce nt s lope and s po t elevati ons e.All ease ments 8 .Existing and fin ished grades . 9 .All ex i stinga nd pr oposed improv eme nts i ncluding structures.la ndscaped areas ~ se rvice areas ,storage areas ,wal ks ,driv eway s,off -street parking.l oading ar eas .retai ning walls (w ith spot el evatio ns ),a nd other si tei mproveme nt s. 10.Elevationsoftopofroof r idges (wi th exi sting grade shown underneath)to determineheig ht ofbuil ding. -~B.A statem ent f rom ea ch util ityver ifying l ocation of s ervic e andavail abil ity.To bes ub mi ttedwi th site pl an. -C.Pre1imi naryt it 1e repor ttoaccompanya ll s ubmi tt a1s ,t oi nsureproperty owne rsh i p a nd al l ease ments onproper ty. D.Lan dscapePlan (I "=20 'orl arger)-2copies 1.Show t he location of4"d iam eter or larg er trees ,other 's hr ubs-anZr ri ati ve olan tst h a reonthe site and t helo cation and des ign ofproposedlandscap e area s with t hevar ieti esand a pproxi mate sizes ofpl ant mate r ials t obe planted .~ 2.Comp letelan dscape ma te rial s l ist . 3 .De s ignate trees to be sa ved and t hose t o belo s t. NOTE :As much ofthe a bove i nf orm a tion a s poss ible s ho uld occur onth e site plan ,sot hat t he i n t er ~re l a t i o n of t hevarious compo nents isc lear .The la ndscape pl anshould be s eparate.The e xi stingt opographic and vegeta ti onal characteri stic s may beasepa ra te map.Theappl icant mus t stake t he s ite tos how l ot li nesand buil ding corners .Trees t hat will be lost dur ing construction mu st betagge d .Th e wo rk should be comp leted beforeth e ORB site visit . ••E.Arc hitectural Plans (1/8"=l'or larger)2copies 1 .Must inc ludef loorplans an d all elevations asthey wil l appear oncompletion. Elevations must show bothe xisting an df in is hed grades. ---2.Exter ior s urfacing materials an d c olors shall be s pecified and s ubmittedfor rev iew on t hemate ria ls list availa ble fr om the De pa rtme nt of Comm unity Dev elop- ment.Colorchips,s idingsamples etc .•shouldbeprese nted a tthe De sign Re view Board meeting . f .The Zoning Ad ministrator and /or ORB mayrequiret he submissio n of additiona l plans. drawin gs,s pecificat i on s,sampl es and othe rmaterial (incl ud ing a mo del)i f deemed necessary to determ ine wh ether a proje ct wil l comply withdesign guideli nes. I I.MIN OR ALTER AT ION S TOTHE EXTER IOR OF BUI LDINGS Photo s ors ketche s that c lear lyi ndi catewhat ispr oposed and theloc ation (siteplan) of pro posal may be subm itted i n lieu of themore formal requ iremen ts give nabove,a s l ong a s t hey prov ide all i mportant specifications forthe prop osed inc ludi ng color s and materia ls tobe used . III .ADDITI ONS -RESI DE NTI AL OR COMM ERCIAL A.Originalf loorplans with all specificati ons s hown B.Fl oor pl an for addit ion -2 copie s C.Site pl an s howi ng e xist ing and pro posed co nstruction -2 cop i est op os D.Elevations of addi tion E.Ph otos of e xi sti ng stru cture F.Spe c i fica tions fo r all materials and col or samples on materials list availabl eat Department of Comm unity Deve lopment At th erequestoftheDes i gn Rev iew Administrator you ma y al so be requ ired tos ubmit: G.St ate ment fr om eac h utilityveri fyingl ocat i on of se rvice and availabi lity .See at tached ut i lity lo cati onveri fica tionfo rm . H.Site i mpro vem ent survey,s t am pedby reg istered prof essi on al surveyor. I.Prelimi naryt it lereport,ver ifying owner shipof pro pertya ndl ists of eas ements . IV.FI NAL SITE PLA N Aft er abuil ding permit has been is sued,and whe ntheproject is unde rway,thef oll owing wi ll berequi redbefore anybuil di ng receives afra mingi nspectionfr om th e Bu ilding De partm ent :A certi fied impr ovement survey showing: A.Bui ld ingl ocat i onswith ties t o pro pertycorners,i.e .di stances and ang les. B.Buil dingdi me nsions t o nearest t enth offoot . C.All uti l ity servi ce l inesas-bui lts show ing s ize of lin e s,typeof materia l used, an dexactl ocati ons .2 copies D.Dr ainage a s -buil ts .2copies E.Basisof bearing to ti e to secti on corner . F.All propertypinsaret o be either fo und or se t and stated on ma p. G.Allea sements H.Buil ding f loor eleva ti ons an d roofr i dg e elevations . ••LIST OF MAT ERI AL S NAMEOF P~OJEC T:;e{07 (<;fr lfulttC'D LE GAL DESCRIP TION :LOT 12 8LK If FILI NG ST REET ADDRE SS:,H07 6 1'r1'-"ML~t?IZ.. DE SCRI PTIO N OF PROJEC T:J:,\fO 'iJ C;Z ,..,?T/Uu;Tl """,-H ",,,e:fc..IJ /2 eL-, \. Thef o llo wing inform ation i s requ ired forsubmittal by the ap plic ant t ot heDesign Re view Board before a fin al app roval can be fi ven : A.BUI LDI NG MA TERIA LS:TY PE OF MATE RI AL COLDR ROOf Sidin g Oth er Wa ll Ma ter i als Fascia So ff its Win dow s Windo w Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dec k Ra ils Fl ues Flas hi ngs Ch imneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses Dther B.LANDS CAPI NG :Name of Des i gne r: ph one: PLAN TMATERIA LS :Botanical Na me Common Name Qua";ty Size* PROPOSEDTREES EXISTI NG TREE S TO _ BE REflO VE O *Indicateca l ipe rf ordeciducious trees.Ind i cate height for con ifers . (ove r) • .PLANT flA TER IA LS:Bota nical Nam e (c an't) SHR UBS EXISTI NG SHRUBS TOBE RE MOVED GROUND CO VE RS SOD SEE D TY PE OF I RRIGATION (Olr.:l on Nam e • Quan ity Size Souare FootaQ e TYPE OR MET HOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER'LANDSCAPE FE ATURES (re tai ningwalls ,f ences,swi mmi ngpools ,etc .)Pl eases pecify . • UTILITYLOCATI ONVER IF ICA TION • SUBDIVISION ~ml--D/t '";:?C-lA-Q /<lIS J OB NA.~E 2,'107 Gtl-g.,m\QI LOT /5 BLOCK H F I LI NG,__-z---'=_ AD DRESS 1/(07 ~\\ The l oc at i on o f ut i lities.whe the r t hey be main t r unk line s or p ropos ed line s. mu st bea pproved and v er if ied by the fo llowi ng ut i litie s fo r t hea ccompanying sit e plan. Mou n ta in Be ll 468 -6500 Wes tern Slope Ga sCo. I 800922 -1987 Ha rryMoyes Public Serv i ce Company 9 49-5781 Gary Hall Ho ly Cross Elec tirc Assoc . 949 -5892 Te d Husk y /Michael Laverty Heri tage Cablevis ionT.V. 949 -5530 Gary John son Up per Eag l e Valley Wa te r & Sani ta tion District 476 -7480 FredHas lee Au thor ized Signa t ur e Da te NOTE :These ver if i ca t i ons dono t rel i e v et heco ntract or o f his r esponsib i lity t o o btainas t re et c u t permit f rom the Town of Vai l .Depa rtment of Public Wor ks and t oob tain u t il i ty l o c at ions be f o re d igging i n any public right- of -way o r easement i nt h e Town o f Vail.A bui ld ing perm it is n otas treet cut p ermit .As tre et cu t perm i t must b e ob t ained sepa rate l y. This f orm is t ove rify se r v ice a vai la bi li ty and l oc at i on. This s hou ld b e used i n con junc t i onwi t hp re pa ri ng you r ut i li ty p lan and s che dul ing i nsta lla ti ons. *(P l easeb ring a site plan whenob tain ing Upper Eagle Val ley Wa te r &San i ta t ion s igna tu res) P Olic ~.AZ7 6 2424TIMOwnersForm2312 ..r •F ile No .V1J 57 4 SCH EDULE A Amount;$2 0,00 0.00 Address 1.Policy Date: 2 .Name of Insured: LOR I RUSSELL Ju ly II,1989 a t 8 :00 A.M . 3 .The e stateo r interest in the l and descr ibed i n thi s Schedule and which is c ov ered by t his policy is : A Fe e Si mple 4 .Tit le t o the estate o ri nterest covered by this p ol icy at the date here of is vest ed in: LORIRUSSELL 5 .The land referred to in th is p ol icy i s s itu ated i n EAGLE County, Co lorado,and is d e scribed as follows: LOT 15,BLO CKH,VAIL DA S SCH ONE,FILI NG NO.2,ACCO RDING TO THE RECORDE D PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO . === Pag e 1 Thi s Po licy valid o nly if Schedule B is attached . TIM Owner F o r~231 3 ·... F ~No .V135 74 SCHED ULE B 4It1ic y No .AZ762424 This pol icyd oes not i ns u re ag a inst l oss o rd amag e by reason of th e fo llo wi ng: 1 .Right so r c l ai ~s of parties in pos s essi on n o t s h o~n b y t he pUbl ic r ecords. 2.Eas eme nt s,o r cl aims o fe asement s,not sh ow n b y t he pUblic records . 3 .Discr ep anc ies,conf licts in boundary line s,shorta ge i n area, encroachments ,and any f acts wh ich a c orrec t s urvey and inspection o f the p remises wou ld discl ose and which a re n ot shown b y the pUb lic rec o rds . ,.Any lien,o r ri ght to a lien ,fo r serv ice s,labor,o r material t he ret ofore or hereafter furni s hed ,i n p o sed by l aw a n dn ot shown by t he publ ic rec ords. 5 .1989 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE . 6 .LIENSFOR UNPA ID WATER AN D SEWER CH ARGES ,I F AN Y. 7 .RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OFA VEIN OR LODE T O EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THER EFROM SHOULD THE SAME BEFOUND TO PENETRATE OR I NTERSECTTHE PREM ISES AS RESERVED IN UNITEDSTATES PATENT REC ORDED Augu st 1 1,1900,I N BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 8 .RESTRICTIVE COVENAN TS,.~ICH DO NOT CO NTAIN AFORFE ITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTI ONS ,I F ANY ,BASED ON RACE,COLOR ,RELIGION, OR NATION AL ORIGIN ,AS CONTA INED I ~I NSTRUMEN T RECORDED Octob er 1 0,1 96 9, I N BOOK 2 16AT PAGE 1 5 3 AN DAS AM END ED IN IN STRUMEN T RECORD EDOctober2 8, 1 969 ,IN BOOK 2 16 ATPAGE 284 AND AS AM ENDED I N INSTRUME NTRECORDED Feb ruary 1 6,1 97 0,IN BOOK 2 1 7 ATPAGE 77 . 9 .RESERVATI ON OF AN UNDIVIDED 1/2I NTERESTIN ANDTO THE OIL,GAS AND MINERA L RIGHTS TOT HE ABO VE DESCRIBED LA ND ASS ET FORTH IN WARRANTY DEED RECORD ED DECEMBER 30,1959 IN BOOK 165 ATPAGE 1 3 3. 10 .APERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION MAI NTENANC E REM OVAL AND REPLAC EMENT OF GAS LINESALONG ALL DED ICATED ROAD S IN VA IL DA S SCHONE F ILI NG NO.2AS DESCRIBED I N I NSTRUMENT REC OR DED S EPTEMBER 6 ,1 9 6 8I NBOOK 2 13 AT PAGE 3 44. Page2 TIM Owner Form 2313 F'"No. SCHE DULE V135 74 B 4Iflic y No .AZ7624 24 11 .DRAINAGE EASEMENT FIVE F EET IN WIDTH ALONG THES OUTHWESTERLY LOTLINEOF SUBJECT PROPERTY ASSHOW N ON THE RECORDED PLATOF VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.2 . 1 2.TERMS ,CON DITI ON S AND P ROV ISIONS OF ORDINANCENO .2 ,F OR WEST VAIL LOCAL IMPROVE MENT DI STRICT NO.1 RE CORDED Fe bru ary 11,1 9 88 I N BOOK 47 8 AT PAGE 74 6 AND ORD IN~~CE NO.1 0,FOR WA TERAND/OR SE WER S TUBOUTSRECORDED JULY 5, 1988 INBOOK 4 86 AT PAG E 6 49 . Page 3 Ill ....' , •• ....\I I I, I---I 2..(/)~:-:~l ___Ul lU DOC Z .~'" ....,, / /.-..-,-- .._.._,Pt ..... ;O JI ..I':.t·- ......_.,••f .I I•,'".,'1KJ.R'h1:r.·J1HJ ~-· ':_J1 .·~rt -"7~ "///'...)I \'•...1.)..' _,,C.,. IIru ~".,..._."·.'_.1 '•• I.... I .•..-" J u ly 0 ',.pU", .._---- ~~1 1 1 1/I/8~1 \':"'1 "';1I Ull}NI \'r r LPK •'_.."_.A.""__.•' •M '"", I ,••'••, 10 :\1)(;Z1 ",O.VAI L.ru 811.~ r-l ._. 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Tt t o"1 00 '00 ',..bo ..."_.,,,,_,t llol ••1011 1,.f "",...._'••M _,1 _._,..N ",",'10 to fl .-.l _'.,.,~'."f .'"',..1 ,...:s _'..100 _.''''''-'••,~.WIt,_tt._,._..'to ,14 _t,tf tilt _PO".I ..... ..._,".,,_I""11.._If _t_,,,.._II ,,"OIl If .~,."_ ._.....,._',..t ••01....._'I l bl .,1 1_"I..I .....",'_~......r'.".'ull _,_1..",,1 _,.,.,.,,_.too '..,"II -,....__,..__,_,__ .........._..,_cl '•••11 ,_._N 10..,"I1'__It .... .........~"""..""''~'''''~hr ~_.EKO.J'T ~..~,...~""l()ASS~>f'CR 'IllE:YJ'AR 1 989 AND SU9SEOJDtf Yr~.J Nm strnlfC r TV fX ;mlJtJS ,~nClIS .RESnUcrIUt ;.<IJ\lD'WfTS MID R.IClfI'S 0,.""Y,INDamna:.I f N f'i • ••,"...".'._.II,",PO",.."_h<••,",","'"'',.,,.,..r.n l po ,to ••••boo' ..,.......,_....'•••00 ....bo,..I"..,,td •.,e_,..,._,po......_.I _......lO ll . e__e_U ...,.'.'0."'d ""tt,.f ,_po.t .101 ......._,_,...-••11 ,..10 11_'"_e"_IO'! ...po«.'of 't"'<\••110 I _btl,.,,,I ht-t,••'ClG'l:._.,c _.10 oI t l T Ill 5 1:f.ED ...."._"'" _.,...,..u-.......,,..c_,., "1I~'1lI '•.,~u ''''......_".,1" ....,lot _,••,--..-t...I""""_p'........_,_..u le'"'''.f .h _""••11 ,.._ ...,_..",.,,.p ..,,,,,,....."'"1...,.,11,.1.1 M ,...,...~"......,''~""","'4 ..." I I ...."PO ".'Of '_.'11 "'01..1 l ..et '01''''~'t ...10,.,,...-,._."1..1.....I'",1''''''','''''pl ....l ,•• ..........,~,••....,11 III _'''of lt •••tI ,_d-'" I.Vl Tlf(n '"'"_1 ",.f '101 ",..PO"lit h'••_1 1110 oSI._,..,'I r.l _.."..... .,,... 1 11001 I ,~'.........,.......- ..~l ··,i ·..,I ' .I I/IIM I,f I I o .' WTER-OEP.~R nI E NTAL REVI EW •... P?OJ ECT;0,14"/-\\1?.J'c,!dl~1.c..e-, DATE SUSllITTEO;4-I £'1 (..~U DATE OF PUB LIC HEARING ~.z·010 CC:m NTS NEED ED BY;.-.4-'75'::·"11) BRIEF DES C?I PTIONOF TH EPROPOS AL; POLICE DEP ART MEN T Reviewed by:n e te _ CO::r:':ents: " .. REC ~;::."Ti C~l Dr::?A;<n:ENT Rev ieved ty:D'te,_ CO:;.'7.cnts: • ·-','..·.'...~.. "<\',.·.·...'·.'....\ .< .. ..".. ."1=:::::::::::, THIS DEED,_111 11 ...of ..... July os"1989 -""'-'. '...-.: £:_";'-:-~,-.:-:e r ~·".I...2-.()C)...__-..-EO H)X 2770,VAIL,CD 81 658 .,....I~I oddr..,h of 1'-(oo.nly of WId Sht ..o f (o l ot"_.of t M I.and F-'"1 : WITIIIUU TI.''''t 1M u ld ~'I Y of 1l1li I lr,t .-!'t.l ot"-.d In c_I...Ulon 01 t M _of L ::..:.:..-'-'-'-'-:.:.t' 1WI>ll'Y nr:l&ND lIND 00/100......-------------OOlLAl:S. DOC 2.00 RE C 5 .00 PG1OF 107/10/eg 10148 EAGLE COUNT V CLER K 10 ~...hl ..It.,01 the fI t ....,In hrd ..ld tor tlla M i d pe.ty of t il.I«'lf"d ~tl ,1M •••1111 .........-01 Ie h.-flJy wb,m..t<odged _c_,.d boo _Id ,..:I ._t_h dun ,r.,t.be r",in,H II .I ~wd carol l ....""10 thol M i d ~r ty of tloe .eeOl'lQ "'1.h i t ...1...wd 11"'f orww.,,II 1'-'10 11..,1,.de~r1bfl1d l ot I ew ...e..t of t n.t lt~lr.l yi ,..-.d bei,..I n 1""- tCIo..rIty of f7IGIE lind StiU of Co IM_.t o wil l !f'I'~L BUX:X H,VAIL [YIS SQOI!EL_F'ILIN:;NJ .2,ACXXIIDnc 'IO 'DiE REXX:RE>R.A1' ..lJ1U'(tJ,)t-,CIlJNIY OF E1lG1L,stATE w -CD~. 40S7Sg B -~0 3 P-S7g JOHNNE TTE PHILLIPS 'OGET..:t "ItII .U wd t l""",l...tN ....edlt_u end DAU'1-.cfl tt-•••l 0 t.lonol...or In ...,..IM ~lIln l"".rodu.._..10"'..-cI .....,.1_.,_Irat'wd ..-Indit ...........u.1..-.wd ptoflt,t .....oof ;..a .tt tl'Ie "t .to••i gh t.t iU. \n t .....t.cl.l.rd ~.....t .-.of 1M M id pert.,o f lho1 fI .n pe 'l••;t her I n I ...or eq.rI ty.of.I n ..t '0 I II.. IIboooD '*'1I.In.,;j 11'"_1....."l tII t t'll'.....ldlt_u It'd "",,,'~K. to utl AID TO IOlO t '"i d pt_i ...IIt:oo'e bI.'SliD irw:l WId dnc rlbll'd ."i tt-".......t -..:"to thl I d ...t)'of I\'It -.c d ....t .II I.",i ...It'd 111'for_.Ard til.M i d po.ty of 'M I I ....t s-rt .few ..I_I II....1 IJllCutor•• It'd ",in\'oU'IIOtt.ci>H ~l•......t .bIorto in"It'd ......to rod ..\til ,...u l d ~~ty of t'-MCOI'd PI~'••Ie hl i"end ••1_.(ha,II thl t l _of t'"__It ""..t do tlvwy of u p".....".~.Ie ..II H lud of tho po .ilK ....... ~,...f 1OOd,_."".fOCl.Iboot "u It'd I rah_ltl l til..of 1.,....11..::••In ,....I n f .....1--,.,end IOOd right .ful l ...-..rd I M"I ..mw.rlty 1••r_......11'1.Mil WId I~~__In -.w.rill foro f_.ld.n tho t tho I .....It'd ~I_r fr••11 f_r rd other "'"It,tlor$I ''',..I...11_.t _u ..t ww:YIIt>r ...,..of ""'1_.k ind or ..t ...._. EXCEPJ"GDlERAL 'I7.XfS AND ~~'DiE YE\R 1989 AND roB'iWJDll'YEARS AND SUBJEC'I"ro ~.RfS!»'ArlCHS,RESIRICTI QiS.CDIJEN10JflS AND JUGfIS OF ~,IN E:XISI»n:,IT AN'{• .. ..t the IIboortd bor'.l....-d pr...hn In 'hi q,l i.t rill p-.t;nbl.polIM'Ulon of ...Id t.,of til••ee encl ...t .h it 1I..ln end ...1..epi ..l •.t\Itld....,.,pPl"tGn or p.....-IMull.,~I .l.t"'or '0 Cll i.tile 1.or ....por t tilt"'.tM ...I d plrty of 'hi fI ..,poIrt tho ll rei vllIlIlIWT...,'OIMt OH IIlD.Tilt .1 I .r ........'",.ll 1n;11odt tPw p h....I .t M pt~.1 thO' .1....1•••..t lilt ~.o f ...,.......'...It bo IflP UCltMo to .a te"'Ot . WI":.':."''''''....".,...,,""''"'''...,,~."'~J~;"'''',..,,,~.:, ----------.____________________uuu Til.f O'O'jlO t,.I...t..-t ......,~lodglld bofor._tll it city 0 1 SfAll ~WlGltMO t(U'lt.,o f I,.... I ____________________(SUL) ,_9JZA ClM'IItn WAltA"'''DEED 'for P'I>olOll .""lc IItCMd fa nOlf •13 574V .:,,, .,.'\.::., t,.:...i;'~O VI"J S1'1 1011 So f ron. e.o f.<,.3 ~' v~,I.CO 8 16 ~8 R,,,.,,,.,lmf, TIl I.I..,...,.,u (J>.f":,n '".\I'""..~'" LAND TITLE ~ LORI RUSSw.. P .O.BOX 2110 VAILCO 81658 1 :1.J51~ • -'- o-o (,) "" • - - I DavidL.Irwi n OES I CN /O EVELOP (R ~ The NOVA I GRO U P 1 iii :r:a:.~ Q) c:o..c:m O Cl)1 W ui'(1)1en·,...~en~Q :;)0 ~I a: Q .-en WiT H OfFICES LOCAT ED IN Ft Lauderdale/f.h ami.5.lta~ta Florida . Rhine becl .New Yorl -IP.O .Box 3342.Vall.ColOl'ado 81 658 303-476-7101 DRAWN I l'f)a.J./Id L.ebdU'rTl CH I!CK I!O I©Jq qo CAT I!I 6/7/90 I SCAL-I!I I"1 0 '-0 ":.. .JOB NO ., 202-I SH E ET 3 OF SH E ET S ~ REVISIONS BV I I - I - I »:.. ,. ,.' It cI.y I US '\'''=~ )0 n .c ••••rt .Wh ... .dd il io n"""wlc, \SC;, ,..I.lnlng ••1 1 1 un l l l ....ODo..ll ng ,I,b. In "hc .0 "unlll "",oo"'''y ,hO,.,nO I. 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