HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 16 LEGALTOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAG E ROAD V AIL,C O81657 970 -479-2138 NOTE: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEV ELOPMENT CO-<..\c~':::::.c ..S::\O-J0..... ~\......"'~~ l 0~\.(" THISPERM IT M UST B E POST ED ON JOBSITE ATAL L TIM ES .. Job Address: Location : Parc e l No: Proj ect No : ADD/ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT 2397 GARMISH DRVAIL 2493 GARMISH 210311413005 t'Rw 1.-6 7..5 7 Permit #:B02-0240 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued: Expires: ISS UED 07/30/2002 08/07/2002 02 /03/2003 OWNER LANES,ANDREW &CAROL A. 1153 DETROITST DENVER CO 80206 License: CONTRACTOR T Squared Bu i lders,Inc . P .O.Box 331 Minturn,CO 81645 License:263 -A APPLICANTT Squared Builders,Inc. P .O.Box 331 Minturn,CO 81645 License : 07/30/2002 Phone: 0 7/30/2002 Phone: 07 /30/2002 Phone :970-827-4136 Description : REPAIR DAMAGE FROM FLOOD AND MOVE BATHR OOM Occupancy: TypeConstruction : R3 VN SingleFami ly Residen ce TypeV Non-Rated Valuation :$6 ,000.00 AddSqFt:o Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #ofWood Pellet:0 ......................................................................FE ESUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building---->$105 ..00 Restuarant Plan Review-v >$0 ..00 Total Ca lculatedFees..->$1 7 6 .2 5 PlanCheck--->$68 ..25 DRB Fee----------->$0 ..00 Additional Fces--->$0.0 0 lnvestigation->$0 .0 0 RecreationFee-----····>$0 .00 TotalPermitFce------>$1 76.25 Will C.II-····>$3 .00 C lean-upDeposit------->$0 ..00 Payments--·--·-····_>$176 .25 TOTALFEES-------->$1 76 .25 BALANCE llU E------->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A pprovals: Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/06/2002 JRM Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See page2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayappl y tothispermit. DECLARA nONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired,completed an accurate plotplan, andstatethatalltheinformationasrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocomplywithall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure accordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved,Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances of theTown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBEMADE TWENTY-FOURHOURSINADVAN I;BYTELEPHONE AT 11;213 8ORATOUROFFICEFROM8:00AM -5PM. Send Clean-upDeposit To:N/A \~rk ----'------=----"'--------------.,--SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit#:B02-0240 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08-07-2002 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** PermitType: Applicant: Job Address: Location : ParcelNo: ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT T Squared Builders,Inc. 970-827-4136 2397 GARM[SH DRVAIL 2493 GARM[SH 2[03[1413005 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 07/30/2002 08 /07/2002 02/03/2003 Description : REPAIR DAMAGE FROM FLOOD ANDMOVE BATHROOM **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond:[2 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU[RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.3!0 .6.1 OF THE 1997 USc. ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************.************************************* Sta tement Numbe r: PaymentMethod : Squared R00 0002855 Am ount:$1 76.25 Check 08/0 7/2002 11:35 AM Init:LC Notatio n:#11 6 6/T- Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addres s: Loc ation: B0 2 -0 240 Type :ADD/ALT S FRBUILD PERMIT 2 10 3114 13005 2397 GARM IS HDRVAI L 2493 GARMISH This Payment:$1 76.25 Total F ee s: Tot al ALL P mts : Ba lance : $176 .25 $1 76.25 $0.0 0 *********************************************************.*******************************.** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Account Cod e BP 00 10000311 1100 PF 00 10 00031 12300 WC 001000031128 00 Desc ription BUI LD IN G PERMIT FEE S PLAN CHECKFEES WILL CA LL IN SPECTION FEE Curr ent Pmt s 105.00 68 .25 3.00 \. 4:./i ~.c92 II APPLICATIOl'WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET~OR UNS~M 59- .Project #:~~ Building Permit #~:_ 970-479 ,:2149 .(I.ns~_g:i9nS) 75S.'Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATIONSFOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) I BUILDING:$t.\a1)II ELECTRICAL:$7aV I OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$,nTf)II MECHANICAL:$I TOTAL:$.-1/...rvrf) For Parcel #Contact EaIeCoun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaJe-coun.com Parcel .#.a I ()"3>111..1 .> tappllcation will not 00 accepted without parcel number) Yes() Other () Commercial ()Restaurant ()other () JobAddress: Multi-family( Both() Remodel(New ()Addition () Interior (/)Q Exterior ( Single-family ~Two-family( Work Type: Typeof Bldg .: Owners Name: LegalDescription Detailed description of work: .",~ " o.of Existing Dwelling Unitsinthis building: No No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building: WoodBurnin I No( **************************************FOR OFFICEUSEONLy************************************** Planner Sign-off: I AcceptedBy:Type of Construction: OccuoancvGrouo: Date Received: F:/everyone/forms/bJdgperm j Other Fees: '. Questions?CalltheBuildingTeamat 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name:L td ·\(..CZ Project Address:_--->Qo<-<jw5'-·~L-_!>_L.=_=_...!...:....:=_==~----------- ."This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. [J Allpagesofapplication iscomplete oHas DRB approvalobtained(ifrequired)Provide acopyofapprovalform oCondominium Assoc iation letterofapprovalattachedifprojectisaMulti-Familycomplex oCompletesiteplansubmitted oPublicWayPermit applicationincludedifapplicable(refertoPublicWorkschecklist) oStagingplanincluded(refertoPublicWorkschecklist)No dumpster.parking or material storage allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval o Asbestos testandresultssubmittedifdemolitionisoccurring oArchitectstampandsignatu re (All,CommercialandMultifamily) oFullfloorplansincludingbuildingsectionsandelevations(4setsofplansforMulti-Familyand Commercial) oWindowanddoorschedule oFullstructuralplans,including designcriteria(ie .loads) oStructuralEngineerstampandsignatureonstructuralplans(AllCommercial andMultiFamily) oSoilsReportmustbesubmitted prior tofootinginspection o Fireresistive assemblies specifiedandpenetrationsindicated oSmokedetectorsshownonplans oTypesandquantityoffireplacesshown ~-/J (l Applicant's Signature:~.--...~ Date of submittal:_ Received By:_ F:jeveryone/forrns jbldperm2 .',' HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479·2139 Check all that applies. 1.Which Department(s)did you contact? Building _Environmental __Housing_Admin _"_ Planning _"_ORB .PEC _ 2.Was your initial contact with our staff immediate__slow __or no one available ? 3.If you were required to wa it,how long was it be fore you were he lped ?_ 4.Was your project rev iewed on a timely bas is?Yes I No If no ,why no17 -.'-"_ 5.Was this your firs t time to file a ORB app __PEC app __ Bldg Permit NlA 6.Please rate the performance of the staff person who ass isted you : 54321 Name:_ (knowledge ,responsiveness ,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.54321 8.What is the bes t time of day for you to use the Front Service .Counter?'--_ 9.Any comments you have which would allow us to bette r serve you nexttime?_ Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey .We are committed to improving our service. !'.. -, WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED PLEASE READAND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS REGARDING THENEEDFORA "PUBLICWAYPERMIT": o Isthisanewresidence?YES __NO \r- CJ Does demolition work being performed require theuse of t he Right-of-Way ,easements or publ ic prop erty?YES NO "&. Isany utility work needed?YES,_NO ~ o Isthe driveway beingrepaved?YES __NO o Isa different accessneededtothesite other thantheexisting driveway?YES__NO----.6 oIsany drainage workbe ing done that affects the Right-of-Way,easements,orpublic property? YESNO i'f... o Isa "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit"required?YES __NO~ Is the Right-or-Way,!1eements orpublic property tobeusedfor staging,parkingor fencing? YES NO , If answer isNO,isa parking,staging orfencingplan required byPublicWorks? YES NO l)( If you answered YEStoanyofthe se questions,a "Public Way Permit"must be obtained, "Public Way Permit"applications maybe obtained at thePublicWork's office orat Community Development (a sample is attached).If youhaveany questions pleasecallLeonardSandovalinPublic Worksat 479 -2198. IHAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE QUESTIONS. \t c--.l,----r-2i)"M~1;;..;lJ !L ~.J::<.-- Contractor Signature Job 0'Project Name:~.·'N.7 . DateSigned:I8 $D~ F:/everyone/fo rms/bldperm4 CompanyName PUBLIC WORKS ANDTHE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS Howit relates to Building Permits: ,.Fill outtheattachedchecklistwiththe Building Permit Application. If yeswas answered toanyofthequestionsthena"PublicWay"permitis required.You canpickupanapplicationateither Community Development,located at75SouthFrontage Road or Public Works,located at1309 Elkhorn Drive. ,.Noticesign-offsforutility companies.ALLutilitiesmustfieldverify(locate)respective utilitiespriortosigning application.Some utility companies requireupto48hoursnoticeto schedule alocate. ,.Aconstructiontrafficcontrol/stagingplan must be prepared onaseparatesheetofpaper. An approved siteplanmayalsobe used.Thisplanwillshow locations ofalltrafficcontrol devices (signs,cones,etc.)andthework zone,(areaof construction,staging,etc.).This planwillexpireon November 1standwill need tobe resubm itted forconsiderationfor approvalthroughthewinter.Be awarethatyour resubmission forwintermaybedenied dependingonthelocationof construction. ,.Sketch ofworkbeingperformedmustbesubmitted indicating dimensions (length,width anddepthofwork).This maybe drawnonthetrafficcontrolplanor asite plan forthejob. ,.Submit completed application tothe Pub lic Work'soffice f orreview.If required,locateswill be scheduled fortheTownof Vai l electricians andirrigationcrew.The locates take place in themorning,butmayrequire upto48hourstoperform. ,.The Public Work's Construction Inspectorwillreviewthe appl ication andapproveordeny thepermit.Youwill be contacted astothestatusandanyrequirements thatmaybe needed.Mostpermitsare released within48hoursofbeing received,but please allowup toone(1)weekto process. ,.Assoonasthepermitis approved,theBuilding Departmentwillbenotified,allowingthe "BuildingPermit"tobe released.Please donot confuse the"PublicWayPermit"witha "BuildingPermit". ,.NOTE:The above process is for work ina public way ONLY.Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete.Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. -' I have rea >1 Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldpermS tand the above. L J/d 41 ~------Yr Dale Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thispermitrequires aTownofVailFire Department Approval,Eng ineer's(PublicWorks) review andapproval,a Planning Department revieworHealthDepartmentreview,anda review bytheBuilding Department,theestimatedt ime foratotalr eview willta ke aslongasth ree (3) weeks . All commercial (l arge orsmall)and all multi-familypermitswillhavetofollowtheabove ment ioned maximum requirements.Residential andsmallprojectsshouldtakea lesse r amount oftime .However,ifresidential orsmallerprojectsimpactthevariousabovementioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,theseprojectsmayalsotakethree(3)weeksto reviewandapprove. Every attempt willbemadebythisdepartmenttoexpeditethispermitassoonaspossible. I,theundersigned,understandtheplan check procedureandtimeframe.Ialso u nderstand that ifthepermit isnotpicked upbytheexpiration date,t hat Imuststillpaytheplan checkf ee and that if Ifailtodosoitmayaffect futurepermits thatIapplyfor . Agreed t o by :__I ~GY"\ c p r:n ~e Ccili J;ilL L K, Signature L to-<VV--'? 7 )a5 7o.?=I ~---''''-------- ProjectName:----"'i--------- Date: F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19__ pw#:D D-DDD D Pa rcel #:D n D0 -DD U -D D -0D D B ldg.Pe rmit #:~D 0 -0 DOD 1.Jo b Nam e 2 .Excavating Contractor Nam e Street Add ress M ailingAddress DD 0 -D (If un known call ,4 79-2138 ext.0 ) TOVCon tractor's L icense Nu mber REQUIRED Ci ty State Zip Phone # 3 .Start Date Co mpletion Date (Permit E xpiration Date) 4 .Work isfor (circle one)Water Sewer GasElectric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp.Site Access Other _ Depth _ TotalSF $_ Total LF $_ Total PermitFee $_ STBEON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE enwor king onasphalt.. otectedatall times . utility locations andapp rovals .Onceallutility company ting applicat ionth roughthePublic Works off ice toob tainthe owuptooneweekto process. Length _ Bon d Amoun t $_ 6 .ALL MATERIAL,EQUIPMENT,AND TRAFFIC CO JOB IS STARTED . 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on excav Asphalt surfaces u nderneath thebuca 8 .A signature below indicates arevi s ignatures are obtained,perm ittee necessary TownofVail signatures . Public Service Company (1-800-922 Public Service Natural Gas Group (1 -800 -922-1987)_ 5.Trench-width _ (min .4') U.S .West (1-800 -922-1987)_ TCI Cablevision of t he Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eag le River Water &San itation Dist rict (970-476-7480 ,ext .114)_ Holy Cross Ele ctr ic Company (1 -800-922-1987)_ TownofVailElect ricians (970-479 -2158) TownofVail Irrigation (970-479-2158) TownofVail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 9.THERE WI LL BENOTOTA LSTREETCL OSURESI A construction trafficcontrol planmustbeapp roved by t he Pub lic Wo rks Departme nt prior to issuance ofthepermit. 10 .All excavation must bedonebyhandwithin18'ofutili ties -(Senate Bill172). 11.Permittee must contact PublicWorks pepartment at 479-2198 24 hours priorto commencing ofwork .Failuretonotify theTownwillresultin forfeiture ofbondmoney.Scheduled inspections wh ich arenotreadymay result intheTown chargin g the contractor a reinspect/onfee . I 12 .I certify thatIhavereadall chapters ofT itle 8-PublicWaysand Property,oftheVail Mun icipal Codea nd all utility company agreements,signed byme ,andwillab ide bythesame ,andthatallutilitieshavebeen notified asrequired . Co ntr actor's S ignature of Ag reement Printnameclearly Da te ofSignature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUDING CONSTRUCTI ON TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names,bu ild ings,andlocat ion ofcuts .USE DASH LINES FORCUT. W hite -Public Wor ks Yellow -C ontractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of th e it ems b elow : o TheTownof Vail BuildingDepartmenthasdevelopedthefollow ing proceduresto ensurethatnewconstructionsiteshaveadequately established properdrainage frombuildingsitesalongandadjacenttoTownofVailroadsorstreets. oTheTownofVail Publ ic WorksDepartmentwillberequired toinspectandapprove drainageadjacenttoTownofVail roads orstreetsandtheinstallation of tempo rary orpermanentculvertsat access pointsfromtheroador streetontotheconstruct ion site.Such approval must beobtained priortoanyrequestsforinspection bythe TownofVailBuildingDepartment forfootings,temporaryelectricalorany other inspection.Please call Leona rd Sandova l at479-2198 torequestaninspection from thePublic WorksDepartment.Allow aminimum of24hournotice. o Also,theTownofVail Public WorksDepartmentwillbeapprovingallfinaldrainage andculvertinstallationwithresultingroadpatchingas necessary.Such approval mustbeobtainedpriortoany Final Certificateof Occupancy issuance. ___"]...y~---'O,,~?,,=---__DateSigned: Project Name: Agreedto by:l ~UY"'.CO),)"\f(..c-.--!;inttu ' Signature LtA~<;' F:/everyone/fonns/bldperm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please readandcheck off eachof the items below. (Copies ofcompletetextareavailableupon request) CODE 5-2-10:DEPOSITS ON PUBliC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits:Subjecttosubsection Ct hereof,itisunlawful forany person tolitter,trackor deposit,orcausetobelittered,t racked ordeposited,sand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt,snow,ice,orany otherdebris or materialuponanystreet,sidewalk,alleyorpublic place,oranyportionthereof . oNotice;Abatement:TheDirectorof Publi c Worksmaynotifyandrequireanypersonwhoviolates or causes anothertoviolatetheprovisionof subsec tion Ahereof,orwhohasintheDirector'semployment apersonwhov iolates or causes anothertov iolate the same,topremovesuchsand,gravel,rocks,mud, dirt,snow,iceorany ot her debrisormaterialwithintwentyfour(24)hoursafterreceiptofsaidnotice bytheDirector ofPublicWorks.In theeventtheperson sonotifieddoesnotcomplywiththenotice withintheperiod oftimehereinspecified,theDirectorof Public Works,orotherauthorizedagent,may causeanysuchsand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt,snow,ice,debris oranyothermaterial toberemoved from anystreet oralleyattheexpenseof thenotified. o Summons and Penalty:As analternativetothenot ice for removal providedinsubsectionBabove, anyperson whoviolatesorcauses anothertoviolate thesame,maybeissued asummonstoappear beforetheMunicipal CourtoftheTow n forsaidviolations,anduponbeingfoundguiltyofaviolation hereunder bepunishedasprovided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. o Notice and Penalty:It isunlawful forany person tofailor refuse tocomplywi th thenoticeofthe Directorof Public Worksasprovided in subsection Bhereof,andanysuchpersonshall,inadditionto payment oftheexpense ofremovalincurredbytheDirectorof Public Works,asprovidedinsubsection B hereof,uponbeingfoundguiltyofav iolation hereunder,be punishable asprovidedinSection 1-4-1 of this Code.(1997 Code :Ordinance 6(1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3 :PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC &IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED oNo person shallparkanyvehicleuponastreet oratanyother place withinthisMunicipality insucha mannerorundersuch condit ions astointerferewiththef ree movementofvehicular traffic orproper street orhighwaymaintenance.(Ord.2(1968)§1) o Wheneveranypoliceofficerfindsavehicleattendedorunattended,standinguponanyportionofa streetoruponanyplacewit hin thisMunicipality insuchamanner astoconstituteaviolationofany sectionofthisArticle,orleftunattended f oraperiodoftwentyfour(24)hours ormoreandpresumedto beabandoned undertheconditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutessection42-4-1102,as amended,theofficershallrequire thevehicletoberemoved or cause ittoberemovedandp laced in storageinthe nearestgarageorother placeofsafetydesignatedormaintained bythisMunicipality,and thecharges fortowingandstorageofsuch vehicleshall be charged totheownerofthevehicle in additiontoatendollar ($1 0)impoundmentcharge.(Ord .2(1968)§3:Ord.28(1981)§1) Ihavereadandwill comply withtheabovecodeprovisions: Position 0'"'·'''''0'0 "t" DateSigned:~03 oJ- F:ieveryoneiformsibld penn7 , \ 1.['\1 1).1/1;.!I I...._I --'-'--.--===:==-+-' OF TownofVall\I::COpy 1·01'1e -t., TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT 7 5S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL.CO81657 970-479-2 I 3 8 NOTE:TH IS PER,\1IT MUS T BE POSTED ON JOBSI TE AT ALLTIMES J ob Addre ss: Locat ion : ParcelNo : Proj ectNo : PLUMBI NG PER MIT 2397G ARMISH DRVAIL 239 7 GAR MISH 2 10311413005 Penn it #: Status ...: A pplied ..: Issued ..: Expir es ..: P02-0091 ISS UED 07/2 212002 07/26/2002 01/2 2/2003 OWNER LANES ,ANDREW &CAROL A. 1153 DETROITST DENVER CO 80206 License: CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING POBOX 340 MINTURN CO 81645 License:134-P APPLICANTJERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING POBOX 340 MINTURN CO 81645 License:134-P Desciption:RELOCA T EBATHROOM IN BASENtENT Valuati on:$3,I 50 .00 07/22/2002 Phone : 07/22/2002 Phone:970-827-5736 07/22/2002 Phone:970-827-5736 Fireplace Informatio n:Resrricted :??#of GasAppliances:??#o f Gas Logs :'r!#of WoodPallet:?? •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEESU~I ~IARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Plumbing-> r tan \."n ~c"-> Investigation-> Will Call----> $60 .00 ·;;t l~.U U $0 .00 $3 .0 0 Restuara nt Plan Revicw-> LJMi l·tX----·-~ TOTAL FEES > $0 .00 ~U .O O $78.00 TotalCalcu lated Fees-> r\uUulonal tee:s--'-> TotalPerm it Fee--> Payments.> UALANCE DUE --> $78 .00 $78 .0 0 $78 .0 0 $0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/22/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OFAPPROVAL cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARA TIONS Ihereb y acknowl edge thatIhave readthis application ,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan , andstat e thatallthe information as required is correct.Iagree tocomp ly withthe informationandplotplan,tocompl y withall T ownordinances a nd statelaws,andto buildthisstructure accordingtothetownszonin g andsubdi vision code s,design re view a pproved,UniformBuild ing C ode and o ther ordinances of theTo wn applicable ther eto . REQUESTSFOR INSPECTIO N SH ALL BE MADE TW ENTY·FOUR HOURS INADVANCE B( ******************************************************************************************** TO WN O FVAIL,COL ORADO Stat ement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method : Sibley R000002800 Amount :$78.00 Check 07 /2 6/200201 :22 PM Init :LC Notation:2 9 01 5 Jerry Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : This Payment: P02-0091 Type: 21031 1413005 2397 GARM ISH DR VAIL 2 397 GARMISH $7 8.00 PLUMBING PERMIT Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $78 .00 $78.00 $0 .00 *****************************************************************************.*************. ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code PF 001000031 1230 0 PP 00 100003 11 1200 WC 00 1000031 12800 Description PLAN CHE CK FEE S PLUMB IN G PERM IT FEES WIL L CALL INSPE CT ION FEE Cur r ent Pmts 15.00 60 .00 3.00 f 7SS.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 \.g,~P'T,E D IF INCOMPLETEORUNSIGNED Project #:_-::--::-_ Building Permit #:,::--_ Plumbing Permit #:--:-----::_ 970-479 49(nspections) LI ATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATIO Town of VailReg.No.:ContactandPhone #'s: \~4-p tA'!=a~~\~~'-'Sl~b COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) "'======~~============!~II PLUMBING:$~,l'5bt:>2 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaa/e-countv.com for Parcel # ...........#(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)~\DS \.\.l-\:'~bOS- IJob Address:'2-~3-c'::rkro@ I.\.0 ~CAn:,\U¥le-.00;l al D~cription II Lot:II Block:II Filing:"Subd ivision:I ..~.~,.~me:~6-.rv\~L Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:I Phone:I Detailed description of work:,&\~~\~CA-\T-~<'<'\.h_..."'..()Addit ion ()Alteration (j.j Repair()Other() Typeof Bldg .:Single -family ~)Dupl ex ()Multi-family()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Other () No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building: Isthisaconversionfromawoodburn ing fireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes()No() ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy************************************* Other Fees:DateReceived:., ORBFees:AcceDtedBv: Planner Sicm-off: F/everyon e/forrns/plmbperrn TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S.FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOST ED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES J obAddress: Location : ParcelNo : Project No: ELECTRICAL P ERMIT 2397 GARMISH DRVAIL 2493 GARMISH 210311413005 7 R""5t)2.-o '2'J-7 Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Exp ires ..: E02-0141 ISS UED 07 /30/2002 08/08/2002 02 /04/2003 OWNER LANES I ANDREW &CAROL A . 1153 DETROITST DENVER CO 80206 License : CONTRACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX 1112 AVON,CO 81620 License:232-E APPLICANT WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX 1112 AVON,CO 81620 License:232-E 07/30/2002 Phone: 07/30/2002 Phone:970 -926-8855 07 /30/2002 Phone:970-926-8855 Desciption: Valuation: MOV EE LECTFORBATH $1 ,000 .00 ........................................................................FEE SU~1MA RY "'••••• Eleclrical------>$50"00 TolalCalculatedFees->$5 3 .0 0 DRBFee------->$0"00 AdditionalFees--------->$0 .00 Investigation-->$0 .00 TotalPermitFee------->$53.00 Will Call····->$3"00 Paymcnts.---------->$53 .00 TOTAl.FEES->$53.00 BALANCE DlJE-·_·>$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A pp rovals: Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07/30/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARA nONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihavereadthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan, andstate that allthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreeto comply withthe information andp lot plan ,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review a pproved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of theTown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSHALL HE MADETWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE HY T -LEPIIONE AT479-2138ORATOURO FFICE OM 8:00AM·5PM. ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statemen t Number: Payment Method: R00000 2859 Amount:$53 .00 Check 08/08/200202:40 PM Init:LC Notation:#8622/Wire Nut Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment: E02-0141 Type: 210311413005 2397 GARMISH DRVAIL 2 493 GARMI SH $5 3.00 ELECTRICALPERMIT Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $53.00 $53 .00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** AC COUNT ITEM LIST: Accou nt Co de EP 00 100003 111400 WC 00 100003 112800 Descr i ptio n TEMPORARY PO WER PERMITS WILL CA LL INS PECTIO N FE E Curr ent Pmts 50.00 3.00 ..APPUCATlON 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 ~lectr~1 Contra k..)1l'"'/L E-MailAddress: D IF INCOMPLETEORUNSIGNED Project #:_ Building Permit #:_ Electrical Permit #:--:-_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TownofVailReg.No.: Contractor Signat;;::u"""re",-:_-t-' I AMOUNTOFSQ FT IN STRUCTURE:I ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$I LegalDescription OwnersName: .com for Parcel # WorkClass:New ()Addition ()Remodel WorkType:Interior )Exterior ()Both( TypeofBldg.:Single-family (A..Duplex()Multi-family ( TempPower ()Other () DoesanEHUexistatthislocation:Yes( Commercial()Restaurant()Other() No( No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding: ermitforahottub:Yes d rue Aldrm Exist:Yes() No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding:I DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist:Yes ()No() Other Fees:Date Received: DRBFees:AcceptedBv: Planner Sign-off: ....•••..••••..••..••..•••••..•FOROFFICEUSE ONlY !.:J:....~&--y IIVailldala\cdev\FORMSIPERMITSIELECPERM.DOC 07/2612002 0 -1 -1/-o-z-/~u CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SLOT \l 045 11 PLANS INNOTE-COPY OF PERMIT TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATEAUG9 1990., PERMITNO. 1.TYP E OF CONSTRUCTI ON IIIIIII V V 2.OCC UPANCY GROUP AB E HIRM BU ILDING 52,900 DIVI SION 1 22a 3 4 z EL ECTRI CAL 1,5000 GE NE RAL DE SCRIPTION OF WORK :;::-c PLUMBING 2,000ADD230SQ.FT.GRFA @ LIVING ROOM ::::l --''"NEW EXTERIOR DECKAND NEW KITCHEN >ME CHANICAL 3,5tJo-~OO O CABINETS &APPLIANCES.TOTAL 58,500 TYP E GROUP G.R.FA VALUATION PERMITFEES V-N R-3 *194 58,500 BUILD ING PERM IT 453 (J f(IF PLAN CHECK ??f. ELECTRI CAL 44 5.2'1fJ! NEW ()ALTERATION ()ID{ADO ITIONAL (XX REP AIR ()PLUMB ING 20 (Jj(1f DWEL LING UN ITS __AC COMMO DAT IONUN IT S__ME CHAN ICAL ~67 K 1P.;t HE IGHTINFT.__NO .FIREP LA CES RE CREATION FEE 225 X15 =34-- INSULATI ON :TYPETHICKNE SS R-VA LLUE DES IGN REV IEW BOARD 50 ~FL OOR CLEAN-UP DEPO SIT 250 ~EXT .WA LLS USE TAX ROO F .rif.... TY PEELEC.GAS X TOTALPERM IT FEES $1,13~00 A..L. OF ." SOL AR WOODHEAT MICHAEL WHITAKER AUG.14,1990 ADDITIONA L PE RMIT S NEE DED:BUILDING OFFI CIAL ---.---DAT E ----- 1-!i INITIA L SHELLYMELLO AUG.22,1990---------------ST.CUT X 70NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLA ST IN G X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PA RKING DECKNOTTO X EXCEED 5'FROM GRADE.X DEM O X I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in full the i nformation required . completed an accurate plot p lan.and state that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan .to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,andto build this stru cture according tothe Town 's zoning and subdivision codes.design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and ot~.;(fances of ~own applic~ble thereto .'" CLEANUPTO:SuM ~W l't b O .....u-e.-uJv\ IIIIIIIIIIIII 1.30:"-'308.(,SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA CTbR FOR HIMSELF \ltM.-tI)~~IIo'S%'AND THE OWNER . DR. TO BE FI LLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT ~BUILDING 2Qg PLUMBING ~ELE CTRICAL 2Qg FOUNDATION ~MECHANICAL 0 2397 GARMISH .. .LEGAL LOT 1 f.BLK H DESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE #2 JOBNAME:SMITH REMODEL/ABDITION - OWNER NAME JAMES &KAREN SMITH MAIL ADDRE SS 2387 GARMISHDR CI TY VAIL PH 6-7424 ARCHITECT FI RM KATHY WARREN MAIl ADDR ESS AROSADR. CITY VAIL PH 6-4596 FIRM EVERETT CONSTRUCTION GENERAL 137-BCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.949-4117 FIRM BY OWNER EL ECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM VAIL VALLEY P &H PLUMBING 118-P CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . 949-7771TELE. FIRM VAIL VALLEY P &H MECHANICAL 118-PTOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE.949-7771 OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE .- ERMIT NV I t:c;.;,-,vq vi"~nMI I I U DC I\cr I UI"4 "'VD~I ,c..-l(l). DATE -L.ts /IPERMITNO.- 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV ®rJ 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP "BUILDING ~ABEll R 52,QOO 00 I' ~DIVISION 12 ~rJ z ELECTRiCAl 1':::;-000;:: .:2..DOC)'I,GENERAl DESCRIPTION OF WORK:<PLUMBING \1\00 2]g SQ FI'~1I @ r.,PWX;RW1 :::J....f'l>TFW FXTFRIDR DECK ~MEC IIAtIlCill "3500 NFW CABINEI'S &APPLIANCES TYPE GROUP G.A.FA VALUATION PERMITFEES f2 ~'-;"\0 4\I ,fJ ~~SOO BUILDING PERMIT '-Ie.."2., )2z-bPlANCHECK elECTRICAL ftf NEW!I ALTERATION Cv I ADDITIONAl (vI REPAIR (I PlUMBING :2-0 DWELLING UNITS __ACCOlAUODA TION UNITS __MECHANICAl '53 tlD GIITIN FT.__rIO.fiREPLACES --RECREATlOPI FE ~I~-;y..! INSULATION :TY PE THIC KNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 60 "00'I I I CLEAII·UPDEPOSlT 2SD USE TAX:;ALLS I~TYPE ELEC .TOTALPERMITFEES 1./'Ji rJOF HEAT SOLAR 0'--~./-----.:i!i/ClO _ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UILOING OFfiCIA L ~DATE s:7 INITI AL -(f\.~--M _~TI _'40_ ST.CUT ONING ADMINISI AlOR DATE BLASTING {ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING ('\V r li t\.('ir -n }t:N r "{)rl C;~hrnV\J\ f.X'Vlurl ~U DEMO U I hereby acknowledge that I have read th is applica tion,fill ed out in full the information required, completed ana ccurate pl ot plan,andst ate that all the information provided asreq uired is correct.I agree to comply wilh the information and plot plan,to comply wilh all Town ordinances andstate laws,and to build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision cod es,d esign review approved,Uniform Building Code and Ol/i~dinancesof ?T~l ap ~lo.J(~,n •..o ,',~j 1',. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSElF AND THE OWNER. 137 B BLK~I 2 o PLUMBING !Xl FOUNDATIONo CITY HAMEJ1.MES &KlIREN SMITH MAli ADDRESS 2397 GARMTgH D R LOT llii FILING LEGAL DESC. JOBNAME: OWNER GENERAL CONTRACTOR ~"-'-'-=-="-'-'-'~"""'---l-.;l...J..-.tl-_ ARCHITECT FIRM FIRM BY OWNER FIRM C;~~:::~~~R TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE . TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO . TELE. ,...- -,..~~CONSTRUCTION P lin l.../ .-department of community development TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERM TYPEOF PERMIT GJ BUILDINGoELECTRICAL D MECHANICAL OTHER FIRM~-T-OW-N-O-F-V-A-'-L-R-EO-.-N-O-.------ CONTRACTOR TELE. )( It ~::":"::'=~....sMITlLBEM::loEr.Jj~1bL1 ............---, t~~l5!dJ?:, ~~~~\J\ ~\\~,~""~"L~~\\.'~~\:)~\;:~~~\~~. ~~ • • I ......; e·.---.•,. ~ ,.'\ i . 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)4 79 -2 1)8 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITH THE TOI'lN OFVAIL TOWN OFVAILPUBLIC WORKs/cor~NITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE Date In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the To wn of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so not ified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Position/Relationsh ip to Project (i.e .contractor,owner) S/cJjr o -',• 75south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uniform Codes • office of community development PROJECT NUMBER:8/6/90 ADDRESS:2397 GARMISH DR. VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R-3 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION:V-N NAME:SMITH REMODEL DATE:8/14/90 CONTRACTOR:EVERETT CaNST. ARCHITECT:KATHY WARREN ENGINEER:TIM BOYLE PLANS EXAMINER:MICHAEL WHITAKER CORRECTIONSREQUIRED 1.All decks to be designed for a 100 lb.live load.All roof additions to be designed for a 80 lb.snow load. Deck/house pier foundations shall be set a minimum of 48"below grade for frost heave protection. 2.Exterior decks to be protected by a guardrail to be a minimum of 36"ht.with openings not to exceed 6". UBC 1711. 3 .Only one fireplace is allowed within the Town of Vail per unit.An enclosure shall be provided for the chimney with a1 hr.fire resistive construction within such chase. A factory built fire place shall be installed according to the listing installation provided .Such listing information shall be available for the inspector to verify clearances and hearth extension requirements. 4.The gas line for a gas log installation shall be installed as per UMC Ch.22 with an approved shut-off within 4' of such device.UMC 2213 (k) 5.The hose bibb installed on deck at exterior shall be frost- protected with an approved backflow prevention device as per UPC 1003(i). •• 6.All additional mechanical equipment to provide for base- board hot-water heat to be installed as per listing re- quirements for clearances.Venting of gas appliances shall be as per UMC Ch.9.combustion air for gas burning appliances shall be provided as per UMC Ch.6.Mechanical fuel burning equipment shall not be located in a room used designed to be used as a bedroom,bathroom,closet or in any enclosed space with access only through such room or space. 7.All glazing in hazardous locations shall be safety glazed as per UBC 5406.This includes all glazing in doors and sliding glass doors. 8.A site improvement survey will be required on this job. Such survey shall submitted and approved prior to requesting a frame inspection. 9.All foam bead board used as insulation under stucco shall have a flame-spread rating of 75 or less and a smoke dev- eloped rating of 450 or less. 10.All laminated beams used for exterior exposure shall be listed for such exposure. eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i/$"/I ..._..............__,_r •~,.......... PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT SM \111 1:E ~bl>el--== CALLER pV~(l.fT1 C'Ab I,S LR lA t-lH1N TUES WED THUR @ -ftM lI..1 N t{!:/"" j2P . DATE ~-7~-q 0 JOB NAME _-=-.!-'--'-"-'--_~=~==----_ READY FOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION :~C1A~tv'/S!:\ BUILDING:.PLUMBING: )it FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND..o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 •0 •e: o FINAL o FINAL ~P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ~-R<£-90 INSPECTOR '~~~="-""::::""""::--=::""---="'-....c==;;------- '. " eTION REQU6ST I TOWN OF VAIL FRI PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND _ D ROUGH I DW.V._ D ROUGH I WATER _ DGAS PIPING ;'_ D POOL I H .TUB _ D _ D D FINAL CALLER ~O N ~WED THUR 3.\.~'SJs:--. ", BUILDING: D FOOTINGS I STEEL D FOUNDATION I STEEL D FRAMING ROOF &SHEER D PLYWOOD NAILING --------- D INSULATION D SH EE:eOCK N AIL ~~\~~"')I ~-\?\;>~ D FINAL READY FOR IN ~~C J=-~~N : LOCATION :Bb~ PERMIT NUMBER OF ~C T DA T ;t -;m--"~JOB NAM E ---=:....>..>.~--'--'--'>--------"e--=~-=--y------'l...--\----r-<:"-- -, ELECTRICAL: D TE MP.POWER _ D ROUGH D CONDUIT D D ,FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEAT ING _ D EXHAUST HOODS _ D SUPPLY AIR _ D _ D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D D ISAPPROVED DREINS PECTION REQUIRED D ATE _"""-_INSPECTOR P M_____AM INS ECTION RE ttEST ; TOWN OF V.'\IL . Ki/rncxkQ Wid-(fz o '--' C:e l.i:'/cdQ CALs.::f' ~F R I'fJTw-L CA LLER MON T UES W ED 1..?>Cj (G-a ...-t./v,VVJ;('- .. READ Y FORI NSPECT ION : LOCATION :----::;~___"_'__'__ PERMIT NUMBER O F PROJECT q \ZiP .",.,.... BUILDING: o FOO TIN GS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEE L [y~I N G RO OF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSU LA TION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o RO UGH /D W .V._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POO L /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUG H o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPL Y AIR _ 0 _ o F INAL _ o APPROVED CORRECT IONS: D ISAPPROVED DATE q ,c27 'f{)INSPECTOR ~0 4-511 13901 SCALE :/"=20' I hereby certify that this ill1lrovement location ce rti ficate was prepared'_~.. forthe mortgage lenderandthe title insurance cOll1lany,that it is nota:_.... land survey plat or improvement survey plat,and that it is notto be relied -:' upon fortheestablishmentoffence,building,or other future i"provement ..- lines.I further certify that the illlprovements onthe above describedparcel on this date,except utility connections.are entirely withintheboundaries ofthe parcel,exceptas shown.that there areno encroachments upon the '.' descrIbed premises by improvements on any adjoining premises,except as indicated ,and that thereisnoapparentevidenceorsignof any casement c~ossing or burdening any part ofsaid parcel,exceptasnoted. This certificate doesnot constitute a title search by Inter-MountaIn Engineering to determine ownership or easements ofrecord.For all informationregardIng easements,rights -of-way or title of record.Inter-MountaIn Engineering re li ed upon the Final Plat of Vail OasSh /:Jne Filing No .2. \ R~fA'NING "000f,e~AL.L..S 0 O'l IIa:: 0 0--0 ~.:" II 0~~. ~ ~~~ ~ It)~r-.:<II ~~~.... 24.5 '33.6 '~~~ I I /67.73 /76.93 I "1'-1_'.....IFD.No.4 REBAR (TYPICAL) I I NOTICE:According to Colorado law,you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event,may any actionbased upon such defect in this surveybe commenced more thanten years from the dateofthe certification shown hereon. I I ,.....:e......1Lu '",~,........ I,..- xr....../IJ.J LOT /6r'.... :..J.... ->:::<;'"-, ....oJ ....-~ 0 <0 '"~ <, P.O .BOX D7B OD10 NOTTINQHAHROAD AVON.COLO.e UIIIO (1I031 D4D-~072 •Inter-Mountain. Engineeringud. SUIT!!101 14110 VANC!! LAKEWooO.COLO .SOIl1S (303l 11311-0188 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE LOT 16 BLOCK H VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 .TOWNOFVAIL EAGLE COUNTY r "COLORAD OfStG,HED If r · DR"'''iT >8 D C>UJCED n·LWP BOOK 240 ..-D P ROJECT "0.90395 S DATt:ISSUED'9//8/90 .t"=20'. ....I of I NAME READY FOR INSPECTIO ~MON LOCATION :pL "j q I _____AM @ INSP eTION REQUEST ~~4J1~O F VAIL CAL LER tp [~ TUES G)THUR FRI 6r:uvv~\~ ..,.. '15 U--=-==---- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ~JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND ~l3'AT I O N /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. AMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB l.o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR I D ·,0 ~ o FINAL o FINAL )(APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREC:/j • .c2tggeJk~__.j:~4;:;,«'/~P'=~ DATE ./0 -3 -9d I INSPEC TOR PR~SHOP PMTHUR• INSP eTION REQUEST t TOWN OF VAIL Srn41- CALLER fl-ei c.r<~ .,.... y5 1\ DATE LOCATION : READY FOR INSPECTION : ~q'l PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJECT ~~,L 1O BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSOLATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 -~.-.0 '. o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:-,MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING r:vROUGH -t2&i t aL·o EXHAUST HOODS7oCONDUIToSUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~A P P R O VE D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ..,-- PM SoT ______A M eTION REQU TOWN OF VAIL FRITHUR CALLER READYFOR LOCAT ION :--'--b....L--'----.l..-----:c..~~'___"_''_..::;2''"'''''''_'__'_..........c_'_____ ..,.,y ....f~....-- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE \\"l'-S-%JOB BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /STEEL o FOU NDA TIO N /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SH EERI~YWOOD NAILING ~S U L AT I O N _ (0 SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 ---'- o o FINAL .. ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CO NDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING -__.."....._ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINAL _ ~~P P R O V E D CORRECTIONS : o D ISAPPROVED ".o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ---I-7L----'..::..£.-L---:.-----INSPECTOR ----,.q...!::!...,,-'.::....-=.L........::;>'-"---"-'--'I---'~_ SoT ...... INSP eTION REQU TOWN OF VAILo~?1A ~~/Airrr et£rr~ ,h'7d /I .CALLER JOB NAM E ---;,.<---'-::.....=:..'---"--__~~.fL.!..--I::2.J'±:::1~~~_ ~..... DATE READY FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :2 f'!Zc PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB -,-_ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.'POWER _ ~~O U G H I 0 CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL -:-::-_ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ )D "A P PR O V E D ~t RRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVE D o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -LL_-!......_----'--=--_INSPECT 0 rv-.=--...L-..;<...-"...L.L.-'..:.-__---.!..Cc...L-L.-.,L--_ t: ~5IlOP ' ..-"OP·__~._..."...,..._.'1"_-_'0 ""_ P ER ~~M OF PROJECT ( DATE ~J OB LOCATI ON :\ READYFORIN PECTION : 31~ INSPECTION REQU TOWN OF VAIL N AME S(\/\llli ~~,-=R.:- CA LLER Zl.o C-Q -M ~0')\-- MON TUESWED 8 FR I \------A MG(\I'I!\I\'~h ST PM • " BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D W .V. o FRAM ING o ROU GH /WATER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING • o INSULATION o POO L/H .TUB ,, )(SH EETROCK " NAIL 0 .. 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING - o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS - o CO ~DUIT o SUPPLY AIR---0 0 <, o FINAL o FINAL X APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INS PECTOR1/-/5-90 1 DATE -+-1--1'---=----''----'_ _____AMPM INSP eTION REQUe T ~'T b TOWN OF VAIL ~cA12~ WED THUR FRI CALLER __-=-'-.>::::.1....----l..Ic..=c==-+_ ~TUES tjifr".,I ~r b ,, i'.5-// READYFOR I NSPECTION: LOCATIO N :;)"3 tt J BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL -ql'FINAL ELECTRICAL:"MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 W INAL .o FINAL !!(APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : co.~~If.,k~__'_'r;4-L-lce"------;-~~~------'<-=--_____L_<>oll"_L_i_t{)(__=_..:...?v lJ art -------,/-----+--:-~..L+--------- INSPECTOR PM ST _____AM INSPECTION REOU ~!~O F VAIL f\~~.. CALLER ~~~ MON TUES WED THUR ~ ~,,~%~\=--~\'\\J~Y READ Y FOR I N S P~;qC(-l : LOCATION :d~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ""\..-~-%JOB NAME --=~...LL).,...-..~~~~~_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMB ING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIP ING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL -r ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 ...-_ )(jI NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPP LY AIR 0 _ o FI NAL _ ~P P R O V E D ~i.. CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REOU IRED INSPECTOR --4:z (/;;?~.// /'r '/-//-DA TE +-_I-L__LL _ I . • PM______AMFRI INSPECTION REQ'U ST ~rnOF VAIL ~~'9,~§;"i;\ THUR ~) NAME CALLER r::0jf~~READY FOR ,ANyPECTION: LOCATION :-",B;~~-L-L:'J----l-_""::""~'-"-'>"'>""":~"--'-"--~L-"--"--""L....::...-'-_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE "\-\\---SJ\JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 , 0 0 ~ '~F~A L o FINAL I ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING 1oROUGHoEXHAUSTHOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --=-_--<---=--_.=..J-_INSPECTOR ~ ilaAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED ... The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please check off in the box provided. [$]FINAL PL\ING DATE:[-3i\\-\\D DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL \)\-~'l\~\\() I i IMPROVEMENT SURVEY ~~ DATE:In·'1 .OJ rJ J RESID.NAME: TEMPORARY C OF 0 FINAL BUILDING WEST SIDE:EAST SIDE: \\\\J \ ?-/~-z;t DATE: DATE: u o DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: I i LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: •• AUEust 22 ,19 S0 ,\e ;A t.t.ecne .a lett er .I a t.ed 1 3 H&y,l S9C KQck F el l ~v al u &tu on ,Lot 1 6 ,b loc k n , ve i1 Da s S cho ne a od that our fro~e rty is locate i wit hi n a 1 at tac ne j l etter Nic hola s La ru~~rLs Coo su ltinE Geo1oEist l'lB y 1 ":;,l S go Stat e of Colorado )ss ·County o f Eagle ). /. day of August.1990 •Nicholas Lampiris,Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOG IST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE,COLORADO81623 (303)963-3600 (24HOURS) t.1 o ;.~::::;:.::;'/0 I visite~1 t he abc)ve refelr 'erlced lot wittl arl existing ~]o!ne bn i Lt;i nto thE;hi llsic:le.:i.n VEd.I ,··pcE;nl:.ly fC)I'-PU!"""PClSE,'"of ,,,' r oc i:f ~?.J..!.HD.2ar"c:l F:,v.:3.1uat.lnn ..{:,~:~,yDU knolt<J (3 ,11 mo de t-ate ~;E'VE~r"i ty r~t1ck f {;:lll h,:;'lZ .;":l!"'i.:!II i.S ~;;hc.H·Jn bv t:.hE:·~T cn<Jn clf \)a:i.l :::, n~aps J!5 a ffect ing th e s \l b,jpr:t pl~O r)erty~I have stlJdied YOtlr pl.,:lC1~:;+C)I--i,Hl ac:id :it:iDfl t.o the?hOlD'''. My findIngs are that the hazard is prese nt but is net serious b ecau s e of the pos ition o f your a ddition r elatIve to the hOfi,e,"H1c1 to the-ou t c r opp a ng and the ni".'tur"c'o-!-t.h c oll tc iropping"Because o f tt,e ab c)ve c:i .ted facto r's I b21ieve it would be pos~;i.b le to i mp r"ove t he hump wi tt)the pr"opos ed adcli tio ll wittl sigrli ficant tncr-ease t CJ the pr(:lperty~"rl"le addj.tiofl is planned f or the front rJ f tt,c~t,c)mo awa y fl~om the hD,;~Eil,r""cl" The property clces lie j.n 3 geological ly sensitive area,bllt development wi ll no t increase t he haza r d to other property, or"str-lActures~or t o p~~bljc f·ights--(~f-way ~ra2(:!s~s trect~i~ easen \er,ts ~LJtilitiesi or 1:ac ilitj.es C)y-(~ther-pl'·o~)er·t j,es of any kind.If there are fIJ I-the,-questions,please c Ol1tact me . N :ic:tl()la~~L_aIYlIJj .l~":i .~; Co ns ulting GODl oqi st •S-.!fo ·172Date--.,L._~=----..Ll.L-__ Project Application Project N ame :4-wvttn ~lfl '~ P roject Description :()Ii At'n {7\;\.tt b I q4 C ontact Person and Phone Owner.Address and Phone:_ A rchitect,A ddressand Phone :-'\-...........Lt-f-'o ~=-''-'--=-------_____,.--____,_------------- L egal D escription :Lot __.....",.'----_ Comm ents :_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by :~_ Seconded by :{](D¥_ APPROVAL Ceu/l~(A Da te _-.L-__ DI SAPPROVAL S um mary:(.,I'd tLJb ·1JV'.;rr \41----4'-¢:....--------- __(.LL..?e~A/A:-:tofzd-4-Q_-::I3:::::::=:f;k:=:=-_ D ate :-=7-~-l-J.J--'--f--\...L--------- o Staff App r oval .. ~::2 t.h V llJaf'-r "en Do:::Y :;70 ~).;:?,i l CD 8 1 6~S8 •NicholasLampiris,Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793VALLEYROAD CARBONDALE.COLORADO 81823 (303)963-3600 (24 HOURS) ha.y is ,1990 • I v i,sit ecl tt'\8 above re ·fe ;"'cnced l ot wit h a n existi ng tlome b'Ji lt ir~t c t t,e t'}:i.1J.s ide i n Va j.l r e c:el"tJ.y for-r )l !f '~)OSe~s of 2 r o c i-+E:~:!.l !-ia :'~2:'\r"cj €::,:'\/~-,::,l uc;,t.ion ..~'1~;;>';lDU k r··(o~.....J a l i I1l D d F ·~-i.:\t E~' s ever'''it.y ;o-cc k f all h a ,:::.;";;;;'ljl l is sh o ~\l n by t.he TO ~'Jr':o f \}E~i l '5 rn ,J.p ~::,,;l.!~:;E~f·r ect.i r1~~th e E:.u.b .jE~r.:t P!"'C Jp E'r~t.y·..I h2.\/e ~.:·)t u.'diE~d ',;,'ciu.r p l an ~~;fo r arl a dd it :ion to th e h o m e ~ My f i ndlngs are t ha t t h e h azard is present bu t js not s E ri ou s b e(:a lJ Se o f t l,e pc)sition of YOIJr addi t j.on re latj.ve to the h o ru s-,c'.nd to t he"D U t.C I~O P Pi.n g "'Inc!the n i3.tU t-e D+t hE' out er'opping .Becau se o f t he above ci.ted facto rs I belie ve i t would be possibl e to i mp r ove t he ho me wi th the pr op osed addIti on wi th sign ific ant increase t o the property.T he ad dit i on is p lan ne d for t.he front of t h e heme awa y f rom th ': h a z ar·c!. l 'h e p rope r ty d 08S lie ir"l a g eol ogic ally s ens i tiv e a r'sla ,b L ~t d ~v ~lopn!ent wi ],!n ot i ncrease t he ha za r (i to o ther p r o pe r -ty ~ or s ·trL)c tures ~or to public r ig t)ts-of-way ,r0 2 ds ~5 tr e c t s ~ ea.sc:?m (~n t,~:;,::...tt.i.lit:.i e ~~o r·f Ei!.cil it iE~s C)I'··(J t h c r ~pl·-a r.)e !'~t j .(!E S 0+<'2,n 'y' kind.I f UHF::"',.,EU"[;"f tu"ther ques tions;,p lei'~sc'c on tac t,me. S i n C [-?;'-'c?l v , Ni.ct l o ),as l_ampi l-js Co n sult ing Geol ogist • I...)"- ! I '.' " -0 ,',), •I ~I ,..__..-----J.'--- I I.I . 0, .' ,' i ! j I, 1". ~I~i .'I~l -I •~I.i i . .'. 12b 1 -/~1I-----...---_... " I: I:.: I I /I i \'/'"'--1 ..~,~r r .,'I....-:I .''./."t •===-===:--===:::.c:.--::=-~.:.....--"':::::.--;;:_."1"~~._-.-~.:;.... "~••0 I I I ,')\'~.0 q ll 1: If..';?-."U ''I...p;:t i .-.....I I:. I lo', .,....c..'/I I.v.r(/. .._-----_...-----.--'_.---..------------- '41~~:t/II . _._--------~.---- .-i£------.-.--------..------------------------ -I '-,: ., CC ' ._r ~i · -'I~-I ; .I I '. .. r o I '-L I'.-----~----_..---_.)t----,-- •,".'•".•••••"••"••••I "...:" I ~~ II ...,I:.I'r>,-r----.~--J {J2jL~_--'-'---"'--~ -i-~'• 11) J. t. ~.,. f ..1.." -,r I I I 1 I I I .I,r,,:'.! .j': r -,! .....- I'. ••> I::I3 I ~I I I ------.-{. 1 tZ,~V I I .-._---·f- I -.. 12 ,?'_~II '.. .¥-.--_.._.-_._--.----..-._--'--"'- ~t/Y!'.r/......v . ---_._-----_...~----._--------.-.. -r-' up ~\n[.,.e 0 ·'_· ~ '....14~~I ., .~--------r .--.-_.-\.:-_...._-_.. --~f.;<~{p l l ~~ I ~1 \J !Hu .:...,.._..dT-b:II ....~----.---.---.-,,----.--.----.----""".__.._---.-:-----.I--.-• .y --.,I \ ! I I -\\ ,. t.-.•.0 •u..... Address J ' APPLICATION DATE:Apr;l iD I l<jqO DATE OF DRB :-1EETIr~G:-May I(#,I 19L...-,.,9u..o~_ DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I .PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member is strongly suggestedto determine if any additional information is needed.No application will beaccepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by thezoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff to find outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline theapprovalprocess for your project by decreasing the number of conditions ofapproval that the DRB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapproval must be resolved beforea building permit is issued. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:J:""Ii VVj .i?-reA add.ill·ov\4t 1I\a cleck=.__ B.LOCATIO N OF PROPOSAL: Address Z ?<1..J ~ait V\:\i7f...k~o _b~.LV'.!..;V.3oLe.~_ Legal Description Lot---l.l.a-Block ---±t.Filing ~ Zoning :PtiVlNlAey /::?eCl)JAa{}/C-./"S,c..~~e ~Z C.NAME OF APPLICAN T:\k.VlM2-?R .4-:t<aretl1 1:1......--:.;;;=-«..WI"'-'-I.....·11-\'--'-'-_ Address Z"=/iJ ~rni~""Dv-ive.,\)0;1,Z,11057 telephone -=!7f,.14:Z 4 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:....:&.e.J /\Al(1N''f'(.M..AvcMe4\~'WtYN'e/l Address1=.O.~O)(12-02,\/&1 :3llo2292 telephone ~(p E.::::,::r:W:;~==~'~~. Z-7:P!7 L4CV''''';4.1A 'T2 r;vec,Vail,31lo?7 telephone 4710·7424- F.ORB FE E:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $o-$10,000 $10.00 $10 .001-$50,000 $25.00 $50,001 -$150,000 $50 .00 $150,0 01 -$.500.000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 IM PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements,the app licant must stake the site toind icate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be mar ked.This work mustbecompletedbeforethe ORB visits the site. 2.The rev iew process for NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board,soplanon at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled "meeti ng and who have notasked for a pos tponement wi 11 berequiredtobe ~republished. • ••LIST OF MATERIALS .'.J.. NAME OF PROJ ECT:S If'I,\i+ft;Add.i-hoY\.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT n;;BLOCK J\,FILING Vji.'dab "'X.W>IiI.e..:ll:-Z STREET ADDRESS:Z'?4:~;;~D:l.i~ DESCRI PTION OF PROJECT:Cj '4=Oddffiol,A.a/YVl,deck. The follow ing information is required for submittal bythe applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approvalcanbe fiven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wi ndows TYPE OF MATERIAL "f'ea.qt'~ve...\ N./A.- COLOR C.'Cay Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Other ~,,--I ....!.-T;l;L.o_V\1U»d.aM adpCMit ~\ 7r'e Q 1o,,'\lP ~.B.LANDSCAPING:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Name QuanitySize* t . .'. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Z.?-PY'lX'e-to re y21<2<eoL'W i ~ *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers . (o~er) •• ZONE CHECK FOR SFR.R.R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS ~... DATE:.-A.2°.<30 LEGAL DE SCRIPTION:Lot.~~~~ ADDRESS:OWN ER -f<:.....L-l....1.-±~'.I;-'-~~~""f-~=;.---:-:-r----;;P;;-h-on-e---,=---::-;--;:;-: ARCHITECT PhoneZONEDISTRICT.~~~~~ PROPOS ED USE LOT SI ZE Allowed Proposed Hei ght To tal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front Sides Rear Water Course Si te Cover age Land scaping Fenc e/Retaining Wall Heights Parki n9 Cred i ts:Garage Mechanical Airlock Storage Solar Heat (30)(33) ~:t2q1 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) 61l~ (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) .,, Drive:Slope Permitted SlopeActual ___ Env ironmental/Hazards:Avalanche --------------------- Flood Plain _ Slope _ Wetlands _ Cornnents:_ Zoning:Appro ved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature ••...j .... LEGAL DESCRIPTION -, Lot 16,Block H,Vail Das Schone,Filing No.2,according to the recorded plat thereof,County of Eagle,State of Colorado. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared for James R.Smith and Karen M.Smith,THAT THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT OR IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT,and th ati t is not t o be relied upon for the establishment of fence.build ing,or other f ut ure improvement lines. .'. Steven K .ScottS:C9 P.L~.'flo.2 0 69 5 Senior Vice pr~~en20695 j§§ John son,Kunke 1'S~'j\ssocaa te ~f';;if!.n c . ~~...,...·~fl~tI'cSl'"•••»»~ii'(/),••••••••'"<;)~ .~II"',1/L LA\\'"~~~ .".~111/I/1I1I1I11U\\\\\\~ The street address is:2397 Garmisch Drive. Legal description and easements are from ALTA Title Comm itmen t No.V137BO-3,Land Title Guarantee Company-Vail. Improvement locations are based on the monuments (5/8"r e barsl found for the North Boundary line of Lot 16. 1) 2) 3) Notes: I further certify that the improvements on the above described par c el surveyed on August 28,1989,except utility connections,are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel,except as shown.that there are no encroachments upon the described premises.except a s indicated,and that there is no APPARENT evidence or sign of a ny easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel.except a s noted. -S~"I \gej Date PREPARED BY: JOHNSON,KUNKEL&ASSOCIATES,INC. P.O .BOX 409 " EAGLE,COLORADO B1631 (303)328-6368 JK/89/256 FLOOD HAZARD NOTE According to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No.080054 00 01 B.effective date May 1,1985,Lot 16 is located in a Zon e C,an area . of minimal flooding. I I: 1: , I i,. Sheet 1 of 2 ....•• Scale,'/'~zo', ,L::'"/Z.4,75 r--~tf,()tJ,Z1C....;,'/:::4~',I:;;=---~---%-;,;Peblr lou nd,III ---o!1f lIre ba r/(,I<"d I I '- I I.,.. I,Lo-r /fp .~.••"'••J.'-,'....!._o'.4I>.. •t:"'.i _y o,.-_; ....;t •~...:.,..... "0 CARM/6CI-/ :.':, :.-.," >0 ~.1\i'iq r" l'·l / Sheet 2 o f 2 '._0 ·. J anu ar y 3,1 9 86 Ms .Su s yVaug hn &Mr .J erry Be st Eagle Cou nty Depa r tme n t of Commun ity Dev el opmen t 5 50 Broadwa y Eag le ,Colorado81 631 Mr .RonP hi ll ips &Mr.Pe te r Pa tte n Tow n o fVa il Depa r tme nt o f Community De ve l o pme nt P .O .Box 10 0 Vail ,Co l o rado 816 58 RE :We st Vail da sS cho ne ,F ili ng 2 -Garmi sh Dri ve We ,We st Vai l P ro pe rty Owner s ,ar e conc e rne d wi th th e po or con dit ion s o fGar mi sh Dri ve a nds ome of t he adja ce nt prope rty.T herea re many p roblem s th at ha vee xist ed fo r year s ,u n add re ssed by ne it her t heEa g le Cou nty nor t he Town of Va il .The ya re as fol lows : 1. fw 2 . 3 . The phy sica l c ondi t i on of Garmi sh Dri ve .Th e str ee t is p i tte d w i th pot hole s a nd ha s many uneve n , r ou gh s po ts where t hen umer o us roa d crew s h av e tor n ap ar t th es tr ee t and then r epair ed t he area poo rl y . T hec ul d e sac at t he e nd of Garmish Drive i s n o t eve na dece nt grave lr o ad a n y mor e.Asa res ul t o f the inade quat e drai na ge ,it bec ome s a la r ge lake o f an kle -deep mu d during r a infall and th e run-of f s e as on .T h ere are se ver al homes on that culdesa c, so the re is a c er ta in amo un t of tr a f fi c to c o mpou n d the prob l e m .T he a r ea ha s a lso b ecom ea commo n t u rn a roundp lace f or l arge r ve hi cle s,(e.g.U .P.S ., BF1,s now remova l equ ipmen t). Lot #16 -2 397 Garmis h Dr iv e .Th e bui lding o f the a bo ve hou sec o mm enc ed 3 t o4 ye ars ag o a nds t il l has no dra in ag e provide d from t he dri v eway t o t he cul ver t .Asa re sult ,the r un -off flows d own the st ree t c arrying mud a nd deb ri s w it h it .There ha s bee n no re v eg etation of th e surr ounding are a,even t h ough i t is shown on the b uil ding p lans . Lot #19 233 7 Ga rmi sh Driv e .Th el otwas excav ated 4 to 5 y ears ago ,but ha s no t been touc he d s inc e . As t he l o t i s o n a v erys te ep s i te ,a nd the rea re no r et ai n ing wal ls or fo undat ion to h oldt he soil i n place ,t hi s la rge hole i s e roding a n d ca ving i n, cre a ti ng a n eyeso re vi si bl e from as f ar away a s 1 -70 .Ag ain ,t he mud an d wate r ru n dow n the "s tr eet"causing a nui san ce fo r anyone tha t mus t tr a ve l a long tha t r o ad . • It is doubtful whether or not E agle County ever i ssued an exca vation permit to the owner of Lot 19. We ask t hat you le vel -off thi s e yesore ,inst all drainage and r e vegetate the land to preven t any further erosion a nd damag e. T he T own of Vail has don e an excel le ntj ob of cre ating an attractiv e,desirable c ommuni ty to li ve in o r to v i si t , and we feel these inconsist encies n ee d to b e addresse da nd corrected . Thank you fo r your at tentio n to this matter . NA!1 E ADDRESS S IGNA TURE DATE • 7 5s outh f ront a ger oa d vail,c ol orado £1657 (30 3)476-7000 Janu a r y2 ,198 6 Da l eR.Ste ve nar t Craftsffian Ho me s,In c . P .O .50x 464 Coni f e r ,Co.8 0433 • Re :Re sidenc e at Lot 16,Bl ock H,Filing II;VaildasSchon e Dea r Da l e: I am writ in g this le t ter t ocon firm the r equirement s you mu st m~t i n ord er t o re ce ive a Tempor ary Ce rtificate of Occup anc y f or thi s r esi denc e. Th e re quiremen ts i nc lude : 1.The Town Engineer mu st veri f yt ha t th e gra din g be hin d th e hous e comp l ie s with Sec tio n 70 .0 6 .Fof t he Un ifo rm Bui ldi ng Code(1 98 2),or me ets the sta ndard s of a certi fied soil s . en gi ne er or ge ol og ist . 2.Th e la ndscape p lan a s a pproved by th e Co unty on September1980 mu stbe com pl ete d.Thi s la ndscape plan add resse s th e pa v in g oft hed r i veway a ndl a ndscap ing aroun dt he hous e. 3 .The re v ise dl a ndscaping in resp ect t o t he new r et aining wa lls mu st be com plet ed.Th is design wa s s ubmi ttedbyEl lisonan d Co mpan y .Thi s plan r eferss pecifical ly t ot her edesigned r et ain ing wa ll s which wer e d rawnbyTi m Bo yl e.On t h is pl an hav e sp ec if ica lly i ndicated th a t th e mi n imumca liper fo r all deci duoust r ees mu stbe two i nche s.Bu shesmust bepla nted in fiv e g a ll on groupings .(see att ach ed) You "-ay rece iv ea Temp or ar y Cert i fic at e of Oc cupan cy by post1nga bond o r l e:t er ofc reditt o cov er th e c ost s of t he la ndscapin g an d i ns tal l a tion . The f i gure s f or th e la ndsc api ng must r eflec t 12 ~%of th e actu al co st s of the mat er ial.Thi s re quireme nt is base d ont he statementsf ound in Sectio n 18 .5 4.070 of th eZonin gCode . jf y ouhav e an y furt he r questions a bo ut how t o han dl et he Temporary Certif ic at e of Occupancy p l eas e f e ll f re e t o g ivemea cal l. Si nce rel y, \ -~.#--.....·-1 "'-- \.l;\I . Kr i s t an Prit z "own Pla nner CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PR IOR TOISSUANCE OF PERMI T TYPEOFPERMIT L EGAL LOT 16 BLK I-l DESC.FILING Vai 1 Das Shone #2 JOBNAME :CONNELL RESIDENCEPROJECT 2~~ER NAM E Intra West of Bear Valley Garmisch MAIL AD DRESS Va il ,Co.Denver,Co.989-5353 CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM Tim Clark MA IL ADDRESS 474 Main St . CITY Minturn,CO.~A?-5960 GEN ERAL FIR M Stevenart Canst CONTRACTOR TOW N OF VA IL REG .NO.117L TELE.674-1670 FIRM same as above ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOW N OF VAIL RE G.NO. TEL E. FI RM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO .CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CO NTRACTOR TOW N OF VA ILREG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VA IL REG .NO.i CONTRACTOR TELE .! NOTE -COPYOF PERMIT TOBE K EPTON JOBSITE DATE 9/27/84 001880 IIIIII IVV 'PERMITNO. 1.TYPEOFCO NSTRU CTION-..ABEHI~BUILDING 120,000.002.OC CUPA NC YGROUP DIVISION 1 22aGA z ELECTRICAL 8,000.000 GENERAL DFGC~IPTIOtl OFrOR~:~PLUMBING 8,000.00compeeslngeamllyhouse::> ..J..:MECHANICAL> TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V-R-3 120,000.00 BUILD ING PERM IT ?r.;nnn '"""'"PLAN CHECK 125.00 ELE CTRI CAL 55.00 NE W(Xl ALTERATION ()ADD ITIONAL()RE PAI R()PLUMB ING 80.00 DWELLI NGUNITS _1__AC CO MM ODA TI ON UNITS __MEC HANI CAL HEI GH TIN FT.__NO .FIREP LAC ES --RE CR EATIO N FE E <:J~INSULATI ON :TY PE THI CKNE SS R·VAL LUE DESI GN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR Batt 6"R-19 CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 200.00 \'I)'".~~EXT.WA LLS Mix R-38 USE TAX 600.00 ROO F r~i x R-3R J GASTYPEELEC.TOTALPERMIT FEESOF 1310.00 SOLAR 1\\WOOD bo,S£;;;._~.cc:~_CJJ~l ~c,LHEAT ADDITIONAL P E R M IT ~~I D: y BU ILDING OFFICIAL DATE !!INI TIAL ST.CUT -1rf::j(r 1----------------~O NING AD MINISTR ATOR DATE BL ASTIN G ~.Al l t.\f'AU \lzONING &BU ILDING NOTES:re-;ssuance of a PAR KING 'II",\'t \,b 'I\i .,J oermit -H800.under section 3030 of the UBC (expiration of the permit #800)\'1'1)-{I I~DEMO I h erebyack nOWl edge t hat Ihave readth isa pplication ,f i lled out i nfu llt he i nformat i onreq uired , completed a n accuratepl ot plan,a nd statet hatall t he i nfo r m at io np rov ided a s r equired i s c orrect.I ag ree t o com ply w ith t hei n forma tion and plot pl an ,toc omplyw ith a ll Towno rd i nances andstat e laws,and t ob uild t hisstructure accord ingt o t he T o wn'szon ing and subd i vision codes,de sign re view approved,u n if or ~B u ilding Code a nd~~anc ~~~W li cabEereto . return clean up to.r <,p'"·c.u \'",~'l-=::.,-,...-- Dale Stevena rt -Box 464 PJOJ'rl\I URE OF ,0 IvN\"'\R tO N~~R FOR HI M S~LF Conifer,Co .80433 AND THE OWNER .,',I n \\t='0.1'1'>.•.\ -----'- KJ PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo 1018 ,al department o f com munity development []I BUILDING [i]ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL .. the printery /va ll War\( I DATE 1 ··' 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV&-.. ommunity development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIB:/M BUILDING 120,000.00 DIVISION 122a€J" z ELECTRICAL 8 ,000.00 ETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCE OF PERMIT Q t-Ga'ftllA\0l:SCRIPII0~OF~RK.:""PLUMBING 8,000.00MITpeeslngemllyhouse~ ..J ""MECHANICAL00PLUMBING> 0 FOUNDATION L 0 TYPE GROUP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES 16 BLK H 1200 120 000.00 BUILDING PERMIT $250.00 Va il Das Shone #2 PLAN CHECK 125.00 ELLRESIDENCEPROJECT ELECTRICAL 55.00 Intra West of Bear Val e~EW¢<J ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 80.00 DRESS 5353 W.Dartmouth DWELLING UNITS _1_ACCOMMODA nON UNITS __MECHANICAL nver,CO.989-5353 PH .HEIGHT IN FT.__NO .FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE Tim Clark INSULATION :TYf'E THI CKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DRESS 474 Main St.FLOOR Batt 6"R-19 CLEANUP DEPOSIT 200.00 827-5960Minturn,CD.EXT.WALLS /1i X R-38PH.USE TAX 600.00 tevena rt Cons t. ROOF Mix R-38 1I7L TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEESFVAILREG.NO.OF 1310.00 674-1670 SOLAR WOODHEAT Stevena rt Canst.ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- 117L 1.!!..INITIAL F VAIL REG .NO.---------------ST .CUT WNING ADMINISTRATOR DATE 674-1670 re-;sSllance of aBLASTINGZONING&BUILDING NOTES : PARKING permj t #800.under sect jon 3030 of the 1982 UBC (expiration of the permit#800)F VAIL REG.NO .DEMO .: I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application.filled out in full the information requ ired. completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I F VAIL REG .NO agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply w ith all T~n ~inances andstate laws,andtobu ild this structure according tothe Town's ~~and/'ub(j"ision codes.design review approved,Uniform Building Code and O ~~~ilOC "L.<1,~~ow n applicable thereto. ...~~~--;X; F VAIL REG .NO.smNATO'lYOFGlWf'lER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. NAME CONN clTYDe MA IL AD FIRM MAIL AD CITY LOT_ FILING LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN 0 TELE . JOB NAME: LEGAL DESC . ARCHITECT OWNER Job: 2397 Garm- isch-Vail TELE . FIRM FIRM ~IOW~ department of c OTHER FIRM FIRM SGENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN 0 fiRM PLUMBING TOWN 0 CONTRACTOR TELE . TDWNO CONTRACTOR THE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN 0 THE. TOBEFILLED OUT COMPL TYPEOFPER IKJ BUILDING [[]ELECTRICALoMECHANICA P ROJECT NOOAT"~- (I ('--- 11111!I V&J PERMIT NO .t rJ ,~ I.TYPE OF CO NSTR UCT ION .~ 2 OCCUPANCY G ROUP AB EH IC§}M BU ILDING /",<C?0 00 / D IVISION 1 22-6) z ELECTRICAL '&-0009 >-S-/G ENERAL DE SCRIPTION OF W ORK :...PLU MBING 000:J h #/{f /Iy .,.-'/5 (~;=IP II:tf!'P ... MECHAN IC AL>, TYPE GRO UP SQFT.VAlUATIO N PER M IT FEES :IT R -3 7COD /c2.0c CJc:J BU ILD ING PERMIT 'l~3 \ / PLAN CH [CK~~"'~'L2.q I .":'-0 ;>~.:::rc-/1/o r ELECTRICAL 5~OO PLUMBING ;;;:-0,00 !r W ( )A LTE RATiON (.ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (.r.IECHAN I CA~,, RECR EATION FEE -iDWZLLlNGUNITS__ACCOMMODATIONUNIT S /.J-OO__B EDROOM S D ESIG N REVIEW BOARD -G .R FA COMMERCIAL SYST __RESTAURANT SEATING C LEANUP D EPO SIT c;-Z Co...<P O H EIGHT IN FT.__BATHTUB /SHO WER TOTALPER MIT FE ES -,<'0NOFIREPLACES__NO .TOILETS _""'~'7':-- COVERED PARKING __U N COVEREDPARKING BUILD I NG OFF ICI AL - -_.---[iA'i'E ----- IN SULATION f----------------170NI NG ADM IN ISTRATOR D ATE T YPE T 'iICKNESS R·V ALUE 5hTT -It ,.r P -/9 'O NIN:r,OT ES:f LOO R fk..et c:T SOC''''.£!Fo ~/3?("a »'0 CI 'i,R,3~P".if ;n .....<./T "/""0 f"?<:->Cf ,v 71 /E XT.WALLS /7/1 .; ROOF .e-3tf I I&VI..L- HEAT ELEe :)(.i A 5: j(1 B EH.E H '".\C K~C)w U·.u(a:T Il .\T I I L\\'E SOL AR :VeO D :HF AO T111 ~"PP Ll CA T I O;":A~V ~T ,\'1-.Tl I·\!T I n: VAI L Wf.TE/&SAN.D IST.TAP FI E AR :,Vi:IS ("O lnC:':C T ASD AGk l',,:1 1)C')\~T'l.\' WIT H A I.L ,.,J\'.':-:()!<II I ~A :--;CF !-.:,;..:J S T \1E J.,\WS RF.tiI\HDIS G l!t':I.IH:\G CO'!'>TH..'\;rid', SPECIALNOTES:I ~~r I• I ,I~';"-·\I I 'H t 0 tll\t "~""'~Jtl -(I"';"d.tI I I H------ Q CONSTRUCTION P ERMIT I O W ~ depar,t ment of commun ity d eve lop ment TYPE O FP ERMIT I~U I L D I N G 'Xl'PLUMB ING ~ ELECTRICAL (0 FOU NDATION ONLY ,ME CHANICAL 0 .'- LEGAL I LOT /6 B LK /I e SC,I FILING .J 0.Jl i (1.-- B N AM E:CCl7ne l/1 ;:II O WNER N AM E Ccnnc'/r .ft l M AILADDRESS 7Je>y ;1.~;1 7 Ci TY ¥j,!,(&10'?H '1'1'!-/{¥77 -'(1.7 1-1:.ARCH IT ECT FI RM lim MP-l!ADDRESS '17 'I rc:.rf CI TY #;;tl-l1 C~/~.PH.!)7-srco GENERAL FIR M 111 CtJ hn.,I/ CON TR ACTOR MAi L ADDRESS l10K ze z:7 I "ITY V&;I PH 9'17-1 '1 17 ~.E C TR I C A L F!RM /t-c/,,,I-fit'"Cote . M AILADDRESS .t 3 /7 C,J r ,.,.,"SC ~1"),..NT RACTO R C ITY ~;,I .PH.'116-/7J.b FI RM S e /l PL U tl.1BING MA IL ADDRESS CONTR ACTOR CITY PH F1 R ~' MECHA N ICA L CON TRACTOR M AI l.ADDRESS C i TY PH .- OT HE R nR ~y1 ~·.A I L ADD R"SS CONTRACTOR CIT Y PH. -FF /;201 • C .5 , ~(oO i16=-----6j6 //( 3525-Ljo /~/Ye;o /., L(3],00 5-0.00--L(;?3,• yS-3 ~/,-.50 72/1 S-O j~OO~c::=?6 -2c2 Lj 6-~ /;207 :l00D •• December 30,1985 ,fJlA.~11f""o of 41V'GI"!' TownOf Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Permit,2397 Garmish Drive Gentlemen: In regards to our phone conversation of November,1985,this letter is to request an extension of the building permit for the above mentioned property.To date the only inspections remaining are the final electrical and the final building.I would anticipate the completion of same and compliance with necessary requirements by early January,1986.Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Dale R.Stevenart • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 Al Connell 2397 Garmish Vail,Colorado,81657 Dear Mr.Connell, officeof community development March 5,1984 Re:BuildingPermit #800 Issued8/31/81 We have checked our files,andfind that on August 17,1983,you requested an electrical inspection,which was tobe reinspected. To date,we have not received any further requests for inspections from you. Also,on Decemb er 6,1982,we requested an improvement survey from you.We do not have this inyour file. Your permithas now expired,and you must contact this office within five days from thedate you receive this letter.,. Your immediate attention is required. Sincerely, ~~~ Gary Murrain Building Inspector. • 81657 AS -L_ ur M3LE TlJ tAlI"~n e ll 2397 Gann ish Va il,Co lo rado, 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 office of community development• ••e_ ~. P.O.Box 2921 Vail,CO 81658 August 28,1984 Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Gentlemen:) resident of 2317 Gar'ch Drive in West ~::(Lot --ZO-:-(::~~~~~~~~~~a~s Schone Iam very concern~1 1*under construction ,for several Vail das Schone (the Connell I would like to bring the following to your attention: 1.About one year ago all construction stopped.At that t ime some of the outside of the house was patched with pieces of plywood,which are now falling off,leaving big holes in the outside of the building,making the house look worse than ever. 2.The fill which was placed all around the house is starting to erode badly because it was never planted. 3 .Ona rainy day,or during melt-o ff ,the street in front of th e house is one huge puddl e because there is no drainage ditch anywhere ,and what was ther e has been filled in by the erosion. 4.There is a real estate "For Sale"sign in the window. As f ar as I know,this is not allowed,but I might be mistaken. I look forward to receiving a response from you regarding this eyesore. S i pc ere ly , _e •• l~-~~_(I_~~~ ~~~~~L~e-£~)VJ 0&J-Q~ ExtensionNumber WHILE YCU WERE CUT M C hu(IS.1-f~~r -';d4 Area Code Phone _ of __----::::;::-:-:--__----,-_ ExtensionNumberAreaCode TO----=7~r~--- Osee Time 9:G?Z4: WHILE YCU W~E CUT M C h t.e.e:-/L.t:ltl!kRs~N' of .k)?;;,,£/~L~ qff?-5'3 ~.Phone""7""--=-:-...!...:....!..~~:::::......::::::::.:._ TELEPHONEO PLEASE CALL )l CALLEO TOSEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TOSEE YOU URGENT I RETURNED YOUR CALL II TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL )( CALLED TOSEE YDU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TOSEE YOU URGENT I RETURNED YOUR CALL II Message Message j)r Operator Operator denver englewood va il 751-0888 790-0337 949-4660 denver englewood vail 751-0888 790-0337 949-4660 • 75 south Ironlage ro a d vail,colorado 8165 7 (303)476-7000 A1Conne11 2397 Ga r mis h Vail ,Colorado ,81657 Dear Mr.Connel l, • office 01 community developmen t March 5,1984 Re;Building Pe rmi t #800 I ssue d 8/31/81 We havechecked our f i l es ,a nd find that on Augus t 17 ,1983,you r equested a n el ectr ica li ns pe c tion,which was to be reinspe cted . To date,we have notr ec eived anyfu rther request s for inspectio ns from you . Also ,o n December 6 ,198 2,we r equ ested ani mpr oveme nt survey fro m you.We donothave this inyour file . Yo ur perm it has now e xpi red,andyoumust contactth is off ice within five days from the date you r eceiveth is lette r. Your imm ediate att ention is r equired . Sin cerely , t:::~~~~ Gary Murra in Building Inspecto r. box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476·5613 October26,1982 Mr.A1 Conne 11 Box 2027 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Al: department of community development RE:Lot16,Blk.H,Vail Das Schone Pleasebeadvised that the Town ofVailis aware ofthe fact that inthenear future you will beinthe position to request a Certificate of Occupancy on your new residence.As was the initial agree ment prior to issuance ofa building permit,withboththe Town ofVail and Upper EagleValley Sanitation District,you agreedto fulfill oneofthe two options for sewage discharged as was outlined by Jeff Spanel-District Engineerinhis letter datedto yourself November 10,1980 aswellas is required by Chapter11,Section 1101A ofthe Uniform Plumbing Code. Please beinformed that the Town ofVail will need verification that one ofthe two options of sewage disposal has been accomplished prior tothe issuance ofany form of Certificate of Occupancy. If youshould have any questions concerning this issue,please feel free to contact myself at the Town ofVail offices. SP:df D •boyleengineering.inc, 143e meadow cr .suiten-10 crossroads shopping center vail.colorado 81657 303/476-2170 April 20,1982 Town of Vail Building Depa rtment 75 South Fron tage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 SU BJECT:Al Conn e ll Residence Lo t 16,Bl ock H Vail Da s Schone F i ling Nu mber 2 Va il,Colorado Gentlemen: J .. /j.( I Thiswi 11 confi rm t hat I haveper formed the structural design on t heabove referenced residence.Furtherm ore,I have made the modifications to the s ame s hown in "REDLINE"o n the set of plans which I have today stamped "Pre li mi nary -Not For Construction"with t oday's date.This redlined set modi fied t he framing system,reduced the total dead load of the building andhence r educedthe width s of the footin gs to 2'-9",4 '-0"and 3'-4"res - pec tively.The concrete walls re mained as per the original documentsda ted 8/25/80. l':hi'le I am at this time approving the construction of the footin gs based upon this "RED UNE"to expedite con struction,I donotapprove of any further progress in thi s project until these redline notes are transferred t o the orig inal documents andreviewedby this office as per our ori gina l a greement with Mr.Conn ell.This wayan accurate description ofwhat is being bui lt will beinbothyourand my possession,hence protecting all of us i nvo'ived. If yo uhavea ny questions o r comm ents regard ing this matter please give me a cal l . TMB /dke • Inter-Mountain Engineeringud. August 27 ,1981 Mr .Steve Patterson BuiI dingOff ic ial Town of Va i I 75S.Fr ontage Rd . Vai I ,Co lo rado 8165 7 Re:Lot 16,Block H,Val I dasSchone De ar Steve : - En c lo sed i s the copyo fmy letter to AI Conne lI wh ich you r equested. I beli eve that th is l etter clearly e xpresses the op t ions whicht he District provid ed to Mr .Connel I . I a lso received to day your memo dated August 26,19 81 .Mr .Connell 's pr oblem wi th sewer service wascon side red byt heDist ri ct l astfa l I .Any co ncerns t hat the dis tr ict mig ht have with rega rd to thi s co nnectio n we re taken in to a ccoun t a t tha t ti me.Thus,I see no r eason wh yMr.Cannel I's b uiIdin gpe rmit sho uldbe held up. I fyouhaveany f urtherque st i o ns ,pl ease cal I me . JMS :cjn cc :Ja hn Amato Ji m Co I I i ns Duane Davis BOX C-100 AVON,CO81620 949 -5072;DENVER893-1531 PE 1420VANCESTREET LA KEWOOD,CO80 215 232-0158 ...---....... box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 August 26,1981 •• department of community development TO: FROM: RE: Duane Davis,District Manager Upper EagleValley Water &San.District Jim Collins,Administrator,Upper EagleValley Water &San.District Jeff Spanel,Engineer for Upper EagleValley Water &~_District Steve Patterson,Building Official,Town of vail~~ BuildingPermitIssuanceFor Al Connell Lot16,Blk.H,Vail Das Schone Subdivision I have asof present refused to issue above project a building permit.I have done this because there is concern on my part about apparent health and safety aspects in regards to utility connection.There is also concernon my : part aboutconfirmed discrepancies between Jim Collins,Jeff Spanel,and Duane Davis on sewer connections.At this time I am writing to you andinformingeachof you that on Monday, August 31,1981,I will issue Mr.Connellhis building permit,unlessbefore this date I receive,in written form, a docu ment informing me notto issue permitduetoyour district's concerns. Thank you. August 21,1981 Steve Patterson Building Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Sewer Line Connection to Al Connell's House in Vail Village West Dear Steve: I understand you wish to have verification that the Board of Directors has approved the connection to Al Connell's house in Vail Village West.The Board has specifically considered this matter on several occasions,and did specifically approve Jeff Spanel's authorization to allow this connection via a long service line.We recognize that this is an unusual connection,but this is also an unusual situation that Mr.Connell is in. Jeff Spanel serves as the District's engineer,and he is authorized to exercise these commitments on behalf of the District.We would appreciate your taking this into consideration in the future. If you have any further questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, UPPER m;G~A.Ll;EY SANITATION(/~~:;Tc!-d~72r /James P.Collins ~'Administrator JPC :kf cc:Mr.Richard Caplan Jeff Spanel,P.E. John V.Amato, President,UEVSD Duane Davis ~P A R T I C I P AT I N G DISTRICTS:Avon Metro Water.Beaver Creek Metro Water·Berry Creek Metro.Bighorn Water ' Eagle-Vall Metro·Edwards Wat er.Gore Vall ey Water.Lake Creek Meadows Water.Lions Ridge Water Upper Eagl e Vall ey S anitation.Vail Inte rmountain Water.Vail Village West Water &Sanitat ion Vail Water &Sanitat ion .... Inler-Mountain Engineeringud. November 10,1980 t1r.Al Connell Box 2027 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear AI: I've tried to contact you s everal times u nsucce ssfully on the phone,so I am wr i ting this lett er. The Board of Directors of the Upp er Eagle Val ley S ani tat ion District dis cussed your s ewer s ervice problem at the l ast boardme eting. Their d eci sion was to allow you a choice of two options: 1)Run a long s ervice l ine down b etween thel ots b elow you .Insp ection and a pproval of t hisl ine by the district would be r equired . 2)Runa main line to y our p roper ty .Th eDis trict would execute a private line r e covery a greement. Please call me or drop by the office so that we can dis cuss what you want to do at this point. Sincerely , Jeffery M.Spanel,PE Vice President JMS:cjn cc :Jim Col lins Jim Bailey John Amato BOX C-l00 AVON.CO81620 949 ·5072;DENVER893-1531 ..142 0 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD,CO802 15 232·0158 AIC onnell ..•• .....,:..}-'l.-' = Box 2027 Vail ,CO 81657 I~.Jeffr ey Span el Inter-Mou nta in Enginee ring 1420 Va nce stre et La kewo od,CO 80215 :;)e ar J ef f:' Augus t 4 ,1980 As p er o ~r re centc o nv ersa tion reg~rd i ng my lot o n Garmis h Dri ve in Wes t Vai l(L ot 1 6,Bl o ck H,Va il da s Sc hone), I am wri ting y ou t or eque st th at the Up pe r Eagle Valley ~a t e r and S ani tat ion Districtc on stru ct wa te r a nd sewe r l ines to my property a s soon a s p oss ible. I have s old my hom ea nd ha vet empor ary h ousing fo r o nl y a s hort t ime.I wouldl i ke t ob uild a pe rmanen t re sidence o n ~y property t his su mme r.It would be f inanc ial ly impos sible fo r ~e to p ut the l in es in mys elf as I would h ave to .cr os s te n lots t o r e ach my p r ope rty.. .Asy ou k now ,we a re well into t h is y ea r'sb u ilding . seas on ,s ot ime is of the essence to me .Bu il ding costs c ontinue t or is ea nd t he possi bi li ty of a n n~xat i o n of my p ro pe rt y to th e T own o fVail wou ld only add t omyc os ts an d comp li ca te a ll ~r o c e d u r e s . I h a vel iv ed in t he Vail area for 6~ye ars 'and h av e always looke d fo r Hard t o the ti me whe n I c o ul d b uild myown home.I am a fraidt h at if I am fo rced t o wa it a n other yea r to be gin c on struction I \-lill be un able to rea l ize my dre am. Th a nk you for yo ur c onside r ation. Sinc e re)y , c::3P{:Y~f~Alf~ed D.Conne ll J..DC:rl ;-. }l ~11 • \0 i!~'~.k5jn0-." PO.{j£»C.dL.joO)U~g/057 \I 'ffbAU~~/}oMtfudc-'f 1600000et D ~ 140?.~Wwa-,/i'4t~mJ."c}YfudO<o 33IVo. 1~1\' 13 }LI f6.Cf/JArYv f)'i/~.."..."r ILllV (D1uJ WJa)"-IlWrni .">~J!J;yvdCL.33/lfS' 15 !\ \to W-ld:-t»rt Ow C0P (/-1/1',on,'//,"t";",,yu) -qq33 cJQ.UW.Q/L a1v~,J :JWk J.f/o.J Sliij.L j j)jJ;MJiot;!.o()()77 1/ )?:,!l 1q ~(}vn~J d.'iJJ.1}){)./lb/)~ Po .bOy zq I UruJ J Co %/057 dO,(M 12$~t,h .'~L ,,,L,0"<-c en :-1 ",T.-J) PO .£)£)1 c)tfJ-!J (Jo.eP CD g116 j I -_.....r,: N O oC LE A ~'U P DEPOSIT .......-0 1 L PERM IT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORIS :~PLUMBINGconstructionoftlmberwalls::J ....J<MECHANICAL> timberw lls 2.500 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 40 .00 PLAN CHECK 20.00 ~ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING .::r- OWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL ] HEIGHT INFT.__NO.FIREP LACES RECREATION FEE 1I,1V)---3- INSULATION :TYPE THICKNES S R·VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD tr: FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ~$EXT.WALL S USETAX !rROOF TYPE ELEC .GAS T~TAL PER~FEES $60.00OFSOLARWOOD~1:'/'-'-tb.J -~~/t;~___HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:BUILoiN'GOFFICTAL ATE s.!!INITIAL 1----------------ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLAST ING ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES: PAR KING DEM O I hereby acknowledge that J have read this application ,filled out i n full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,and to build th is structure according to the Town's zoning an~~on codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and oth~:elf.:;;Jown(.lJ p,a thereto. SIGNATUREOF ~OF!l60NTRACTt FORHIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER I o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo r \~TNOO ACTIVITY ORCORRSE PONDENCE ON .THIS ,FILE.~,BE REFUN DED.--FILE CLOSED AS OF 3/84. tIW~" department of community development TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ~BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL the prtnleryIVlll 1 j.';;GAL LOT is BLK H ESC.FILING Vail Das Schone #2 JOB NAME :Alt Connell Residence (Timbe OWNER NAME l'H11 I::'J Z.3 '1 7 G-ctv J11 IS.h fJ .. MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAli ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM Owner CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .- CONTRACTOR TELE. NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT·ON JOBSITE DATE W3 JO lj L8 PERMIT NO . I.TYPE OF CONS TR UC TION 111 111 IVV 2.OC CUPANCY GROUP AB EHIRM BUILD ING z ELECTRICAL :§S f ~DIVISION I2 2.3 4 0 "\...~'GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:;::I'..H-<~..PLUMBING 'AN %f.l.v C-119 N O F-::J )--'-e 7JH'3€o"WA~S >MECHANICAL 1~Jr,/~/A ~...--<'=)"~~~.;;od . TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION CJ/ij;i/(/T l nb«'i'M~~M lf~-~O.O C'BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ..z..O,.e-- ELECTRICA L --- NEW()ALTERATION ()ADD ITIO NAL ()REPA IR ()PLUMB ING ~ OWE LLIN GUNIT S __ACCO MMODATIONUNI TS __MECHANICAL .;-- HEIGHT INFT.__NO .FIREPLA CES --RE CR EATlON"FEE -INSULATION :TY PE THI CKNESS R-VAL LUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD -FLOOR CLEAN·UP DE POSIT .--- EXT.WALLS USE TAX -ROOF TYPE ELEC .GA S TOTAL PE:RMIT FEES ~t?0OFSOLARWOODHEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :.BUILDING}2.,:L ~-DATV-/---- 1.!i ~.O/DV ST.CUT ~O N I NG ~INISTRATO ---DA E--- BLASTING ZONI'"&BUILDING NOTES : PAR KIN G DE MO I h ereby acknowledge t hat I h ave read t hisa pplication,fi lled out in full the information r equired , co mpleted an accura tep lot plan ,and state that all th e information provided as required i s cor rect.I a greeto c omplyw ith the i nform ation and plot plan .to comply with all T own ord inances and state "W',and to build this "'""0"'''''''09 10 the Town 's zontnq '":7~'OO 00''',''''90 review approved,Uniform Bu ild ing Code and o ~:ehhe Tn p~thereto. 6..-./z:/,. S~TURE OF O~R'<:ON TRA/R FOR HIMSELF ANDTHE OWNER .- I .~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT-' tow~- department of community d1!velopment l he p r l nlery/'t AII TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OI'PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT '-BU ILD ING 0 PLUMB INGCJELECTRICALldFOUNDATIONoMECHANICALJ2fJliitb?1'M ils, LEGAL LOT J{()BLK J-+-4ESC.FILING V,t}/l.-@ .scJIq.J'£tJ 2- OB NAME :19).CO IL'r:!{/fl R("Si~/(f-e OWNER NAME 44 C"'./fI1 .;>(( MA IL ADDRESS CITY AVt'lN PH .tT.I.f/'-1'1 77 ARCHITECT FIRM 77t1 C/aft< MAli ADDRESS CITY Ja;I .PH .17t 05 ~ GENERA L FIRM A.L C:MoPI! CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. ~fk W FIRM _LECTR ICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. t.J]n(kfe FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OFVAIL REG CONTRACTOR NO. TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTH ER ..FIRM , TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. CO NTRACTOR TELE . PERMIT NUMB ROF PROJECT II 'J~;(?y INSPECTION REQUEST C /TOWN OF VAIL 0/7;-1 ;>(' CALLER FRITHURWEDTUESMONr READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W .V. 16 FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETR OCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o ~I NA L o FINAL ~/' ~"'APP R O V E D /CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -------7'---+-_(------------ ," INSPECTOR ---:7.~----;-'=--=-=~==..,,=-=-----­(DATE ---r--'-'==-~__;_------ •INSPECTION REQUES"F TOWN OF VAIL ~(~V/b ~;:a/eu <2>PM ,. LOCATION:__-----'=-=-~o....-""'-"~~~~=~--=:::::--'='--''-''------------------ READYFOR INSPECTION : otlJtJ/ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ :d'-f I NAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYA IR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ J U)-PPROVED r;;ORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED ~EINSPECTION REQUIRED ~// ? f'!..-..., (. INSPECT0R _-'-------'----<:..--C..-..:........:c'---------,-----"'-----....:::.....__+_ tr:":........ t heP'I~ /)-er.Y<:-DATE -..,:----:...__-'--'--_---?----=-_ FRI rAM PM........,./ e INSPECTION RECU'ESl' TOWN OF VAIL ~0t'~~-' ~'v/?ra (.-/ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL /, BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NA IL _ 0 _ d FINAL l ~tJ . READYFOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _., ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL --:-_ )lB ~E I N SP E C T I O N REQUIRED INSPECTOR /=.--::~.::J~:.._.::Q'-::,..:...t:.'--=-..c::...__ o APPROVED %-----L-_-'-------".=....::.::..--=:..::---------'-="--"'-=--_ tlWp,lntery,lva,1 INSPECTION REQUE'ST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER NAME ----'=--"--.:-::...---=...l::..I:...--_ • PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /7-/3 /If i JOB /I PM'.-' ~ MONTUESWED TH UR (ffil JREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:----:-----"~--'-'::....><:---=--=- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ CL ElN,ll;L '7(?A-r r t'"err t'7 PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL "" MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ---:-'+-_ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED ----O llEINSPECTION REQUIREDr- "// DATE r:~-'="--...L..L...;F~-----INSPECTOR / CONSTRUCTION PERM IT LEGA L LOT 16 BLK H DESC .FILING Vail Das Schone 2nd OBNAME :Al Connell Residence OWNER NAME MAIL ADD RESS CITY PH. ARCHITEC T FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM Qvmer CONTRAC TOR MAIL ADDRESS I"ITY PH FIRM _~LECTRICAL ONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM PLUMBING MAILADDRESSCONTRACTOR CITY PH. FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRA CTOR MAIL ADDRESS I ("TY PH. OT HER FIRM MAIL ADD RESS CO NTRACTOR CITY PH. PROJECT NODATE831..,81~ 0 "80 0IIIIIIIV!!2. PERMITNO . 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION 2 .OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H I~BUILDING 120 000 DIVI SION 12 2a6J4 Z ELECTRICAL 8 0000 >=GENERALD ESCRIPTION OF WORK :'"PLUMBING 8 000singlefamilyhome::::J --''">MECHANICAL TYPEGROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMITFEES V R-3 ?OOO PO.OOO BUILDING PERMIT 483.00 'z.50. PLAN C H E CKd f!a ~cr,241 .50 (see not ~))1-5 ELECTRICAL ...~~~.vv 55.00 9' PLUMBING 80.00 10 'r2, NEW rx )ALTERATION()ADDITIO NAL()REPAIR e )MECHANICAL "~ DWELLINGUN ITS __ACCOMMODATIONUNITS RECREATION FEE ~ G .R.F.A.l..2iliLBEDRODMS DESIGNREVIEWBOARD ~~ COMMERCIALSYST__RESTAURANT SEATING CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT ?OO .OO 't~~-t., t''t \Cd:J:7,cP_J ,~HEIGHTINFT.__BATHTUB /SHOWER NOFIREPLACES __NO.TOILETS TOTALPERMIT ~S $559.50 COVEREDPARKING __UNCOVEREDPARKI NG B Jri::O~FI V4f~r1~f----- INSULATION f---------------ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R·VALUE I'-0NING NOTES:FLOOR Batt 6"R-lq deduct 500.00 for Drevious oavrnent EXT.WALLS Mix R-38 to County ROOF Mix R-38 HEAT ELEC:X GAS: X I H EREHY A CKN OWI.EDGE TH ATI 11 /\\'[ SOLAR:WOOD:R EADTH IS A P PI.ICAT IO:-:AND STATE T HAT Til E A BOVE IS COR H ECT AND AGRE F TO CO~I PI.Y VAILWATER &SAN.DIST.TAPFEE :W ITH AL L TOWN OR UlNA NC t :S A!'ID S T ,\TE LAWS RF.(iAHDI NG B U ILDI NG CO:"olSTR l '(;T10:O-O . SPECIALNOTES:~~.:»: /"""~-'T 'N '0'O\\~,N ON ('O ~TN H 'TO" !XJ PLUMBINGoFOUNDATION ONL Yo TYPEOFPERMIT (]J BU ILDING []I EL ECTRICALoMECHANICAL t IM prlnleryIVal1 .- DATE >;-f 7 -'?3 JOB NAME 11./1 INSPECTION REQUES TOWN OF VAIL ' Can 1,0 f1 fe \. PM_____AM CALLER _--'--...:....L----'...:....:....~-'---'--"~~-'-------- T UESWED Gr,r MA;".R ~»;5 S t-P.~If 2- INSP ECTION:MON ;:23'7 /c4 1&I f3 Jf-H, READ YFOR LO CATION :----:-;--"--:;;-.-r-----:-----:--;-"-""-'-'"-:--'""L..l.O..o""-"'=:--;;---------------- BUILDING: o FOO T INGS/ST EEL o FOUNDATI ON /STEEL o FRAM I NG ROOF &SHE ERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FI NAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o RO UGH /D W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING ''-'_ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ I ~ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED ~E I NS PE C T I O N REQUIRED DATE 3 '/9-35 INSPECTOR ., '-I PM .I _____AM eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '. INS THURWED CALLER --,----,----'--__ TUES C t! MON ].q READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:~-=-----'----.!...,,___!_~~::::....:.-!-~--------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING :.-_ o POOL /H.TUB "--_ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT..- D---!._:=c.-_ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ )O/APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /1-/y..-PL 1M Pfln1llfylvail PM-,:-.,.--AM eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . FRI CALLER TUES I WEDTHUR ./ •.' READYFOR INSPECTIONJt //MON LOCATION:_/_-I-~!......:t,,----...:..;£lj~~=-~_--r-'----:""!"":"'~'----_ ~-']1m u1 ,~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH/D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH/WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o INSULATION o POOL/H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ..,, ,-- F', o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: -0 DISAPPROVED 7 V "REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _.:-:...:...-.;==---~==--_INSPECTOR ---':....-.-"'--......::..-7--=--==-=--:.......<:......:;".~_---:::.._-- • INS eTION REQUEST G TO~rpOF VAIL . Ci./\Ac£'!.. I _____AMTHURFRID}-',lI4';LOCATION:_-=~!:--"':='-L-_--:-.::L==~~----:>'__.!:::::...':""-':~~_ READYFOR INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS 1\o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL I -iPPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED Ilw pri"wrylvail r /DATE ,....,-----:._---,-:--_ 1/ \ l\ INS eTION REQUES"t TOWN OFVAIL -. /1 . I~/ .- DATE JOB NAME I CALLER " READY FOR INSPECTION :MON TUES WED THUR e;AMPM LOCATION: BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POW ER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o - o FI NJ.:( / PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB "--_ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL .;'~P PR O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE A -/f.-fZ,.---INSPECTOR,/~.~-c;/ 2 1M printery /vail ., _____~PM eTION REQUESt TOWNOF VAIL . CALLER ~'_______ ~TUESWEDTHURFRI INS IIIl Ii IJ /I .;,:' JOB NAME lM./l.-t7A.1\lx...-L.llkDATE·.r~/k2­ I I I READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND I.E(FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH/DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH/WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION t o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIl...0 )(AU ~VJdJ/.4-:::7dC:£&;L 0 o FINAL tt r~#o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL /, L r:;~4 PR O V E D ~ Y'o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: SheprlnWylvan IlfDATE--'l;'---'-.!....,--~~JOB NAME ~'---=--L.....!.,-!...!.!...!.~~'----..!~~-=------------- _____'AM ~ CALLER ~ MON TUES (WED)THUR FRI ~ READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 1'0'FOUNDATION /STEEL -.;/~I.:..LJn~~f__Z(+-._ I o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ....,; MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ;l!!O PPROVED-CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR_.-!:=~::.r..;::=:.-~~==~==-------DATE --:'-"::~~---'-_ tIM pt'lnttryIV8i! e INS eTION REQUEST/1 TOWN OF VAIL .. ,/c:I /.., I "- DATE JOB NAME CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:MON ,TUES WED THUR FRI AMPM ) LOCATION :; BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL ,0 FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL,/ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL .-:-_ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ..r 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED ~ DATE ---'''-------:_INSPECTOR ~=-C..-=:=::-~-<=.==LL:.e::.==___ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .. -----.c:::!!:9 PM DATE READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION : JOB NAME ---'--'-=--=--=:....:'--'-!..~-==-=~--L:.~~_ CALLER _ MON TUESWED ~F R I BUILDING: IXFOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUI T o o DISAPPROVED PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ---"'---=-_INSPECTOR ~~~ DATE /d...-b -9c2.. e INs.eTION REauE~T.f!_j)TOWN OFVAIL . JOBNAME d ~dI .Pd l\PJ'- CALLER -------------:t-----__=" MON 0~,§)WED THUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:---------------------------,,L,£-------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND --~'t--~:-=.----- o ROUGH /D .W.V .,;;:,Ll ;..J,J::-- o ROUGH/WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS #Up jJ..:C-- o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 ...,..,.._ o FINAL J~, I ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER -=...-_ o ROUGH ~ o CONDUIT D ~--- o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE ---r--="--~--""'-------INSPECTOR -+-L,.L1~'.¢.:.~~~~~~:-_ , ---- ,,, ,f1 / " : !I./ /// // // // // .-//--,/----...-/'...-..-- -----.---'/"".,.- --,//'~. ...-.------------:..- rute ct VtJ L ,c..OL.O~ Clflno :IDfSICinS BY cfLLISOn &CO.p.Q bo x 2677 .;.. ,.." •,II..•• r S BY crlLISOI1 &CO.p.o.ox 2677 J I I /.:;~-~----,---- // II I // /I I/ //. .// /'~SEE NOTES NO.3 J' I I ,! I i I I I ' i I ! l - -.:.==::=:======. C SEE NOTES NQ.3 I ! I I I ,I ""'"..I I"'& ,,', ------ ,' •..:j :::...'~."...- ,-.,'. ........,".;: .'.';.",.,-.; (~-;-" ," .-'...t" .:..'-.~:~-.:_:,:~J.;,,>::~~~~..'~ .c-.->:'-.'.'..'.-. .; , C &EE NOTES NO.3 ., -. ".. .".;...~..'~.'",. .''i':r ~• - ....'... NO.a.~. ....-. ...... I ",,:r- -- .'. ~I ".~}~.~-.;<:.'~~:~-'. ~';~;~~.:_~~:~.~~":~~~.:.,.. • SEE NOTES NO.3 ? ".". ----------- --"--"---------:---------- "<"""------------..........---.......<, -.......-..."<,""-"............"""'""""'-'""<,<, <, <, -- L SEE NOTES NO.3 <.. -, I I J I '.',. .",,':' " .'..-.: .;... l .' '. .... /, .' ••j, .:..:.". .:.~;.:."...". ..:...,..,~.- '.' f ··.;r:./..- ( /./.-r . '. / ./ /. <. -. .,.-". .".~. }'V :~ '..:"', -, .. -,, .:: ""';' ....... :;./\:;~:: <, " .' :;.~~.. .:- .:~~.....':....-....:. .t-~:.,:.•:.::.-.-: "..- '., ..> -'.~~ .-','.~ ......:-":: ,..; .~.."." '~'. 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ZONI NOAT(LOCAT IO N)__-;-::::-;---:-:==,--DIS TR ICT _ (CROSS S TREET ) H16 (CROSS STREE T ) Vail Das Schone ~B ETWEEN -;-;:=."..-,==,--A ND -;:=::-c==.,---_ m'----:",.......,:-:--::-_-::"--:-_"_--'---=-=-----,;-:-"_~"_....;;,;;...;..__I .. ~B U ILD ING I STOBE F'T .W IDE 8Y FT.L ONGBY F T .I NHE IGHT AN D SHALL CONFORM I NCO NSTRUCT ION III (TY P E) Building must be set back 25'minimum f rom front property line. Conservation award applica flD A. B. o Z TO T YPE USEOROUP BASEMENT WAL LS ORFOUN DAT ION -:==~_ ::; 0:o u,REMAR KS:-~"-~~~=~T:=-=-=~=:T~::=;rr=~-::..:..:..:..:..:=:.::..:.......:....:....::..:"----:....:.....::..:..:c-=--.L..:-...:.!--=----'-""---"-------- Plan Check 149.00 (CUBIC /SQ UARE FEET) Al Connell P.O.Box 2027 Vail,Colo. l ! INSPECTION RECORD D ATE N OTE P RO GR E5S -C RI T ICI SMS AN D R EMARKS I NS P ECTOR " -"{:-:-; ,,-,'.,'.'. ...., '"" .. ...' , " ,.' . .~~ , "~-c ".. '.-,-..~ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 <;•·z Jurisdict ion (0 •.0 0•Applicantto complete nu mbered spaces only.0•· J OO Al ~i-/t,1J1ot:I II.~;I ~)~;5';,on e./;'J;Q 110 A>- LOT NO .OL.TiltACT <OSEE ATTA&ED SHEET)1 ~~:~~. 2 0W NEOII//;HI')e 1/ "".H.&001'1[55 V",;/~/~':P HONE 7]cx ~O 1.7 sas 7 CJ'I 9-'I~7 7 COR TR ACTOR ~""A IL "C QR ESS ,P HONE LICENSE NO . 3 ~(",/,'r "'I11 AIIlI CHITECT Olt 0£5 1(;,.,.£".......IL "C aRE SS PH;:)N[LICENSE NO . 4 7:;.,.,C'!d rk ENGoINEEA .....A IL A ODREss PHONE L ICENSE "'0 . 5 J:n-.Eel/Ie L ENDEI'!../MA IL "00llt[S5 e R"'NC~ 6 7 US<~::L hh.;~ /XNEW -./0 ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR OM OVE o REMOVE8Classofwork: 9 Desc ribe work:~/j .',,)h £1 -//~j("'ltr'no- / \0 Change of use from Cha ngeofuset o 1\Valuationof work:$--?5 5:tP oo PLAN CHECK FEE /t.t i ,00 IP ERMIT FEE .).'1<;.00 S PECIAL CONDITIONS :Typeo f Occupancy Cortst ,Group Division Size of Bl dg.N o .of Max . (Total)SQ .Ft.Stories occ .Load Fire Use F ire Sprinklers APPlICATl ON ACCEPTED BY P lA ~S CHE CKED B Y APPR OVED FOR I SS UAN CE 8 "Z one Z one Re qu ired DVes ONo N o.of OFFSTREET PARKINGS PACES : Dwelling Units C overe d I u nco ~ered NOTICE Special A pprovals R equired Recei ved No tR equired S E PARATE PE RMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL.PLUMB·ZONING ING.HEATING ,V ENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING.HEALTH OEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN t211 DAYS.OR FIRE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT F OR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME A FTER WORK IS COMM ENCE D .OTHER (Specify) I HERE BY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLI CATIO N AND KNOW THE SAME T O BE TRUE AND CORRECT. A LL P ROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OR D INANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT P RESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE ~~ANY OTHER S TATE OR LOCAL L AW REGULATINGCONSTRUC~OR TH~~ORMANCE O~l;;i;:;N . ~ATUA£0"CONTRACTOA 0 '1 A UTItOAIZEO AC£NT I (,ATEI S IIONA T UR E 0 1"O WNE R I "OWN E"I UILOEA,O AT E) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT J'7'1 7 PLANCHECK VALIDATI ON ~#{,qO ~ CK.M.O .CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH ~~~ C''''.......1 nn,1.77 INSPECTOR INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS : SETBACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHERPROOFING CONCRETESLAB FRAMING INT.LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT .LATHIN G MASONRY FIN AL USESPACE BELOW FORNOTES,FOLLO W-UP,ETC . EA GLE COUN TY SUIL.G PER MIT AP PLICA TION • FI NAL:C /O INSPECTION,L A ND SC A PE I N SPECTION ~R M P erm it N o. ()P ri mary Rout ing ~Rerou ting a/"(7~ t I 'IDateRef erred /( h R eview Ro u ti ng F orm q"/;/4(-) Re vi ew an d return to the C ounty S ui Id ing Off i ci al w ithin 6 worki ng days Hecornrn e nd App ro v al :_ N o Re vi ewed b y :D ate :_y--:.-!.../---,=,:..:..' 8oo Co mme nts:-------- Coun ty En gi neer:Ro ads Grad i ng D rainage P lanning :C ompli es with : S ubdivisi onR egulations Zoni ng Regul a t ions S i t e Plan (Land scap ing) County Health :W at er S an i ta t ion P erc .te st o 0 D 0 DOD0 Recom mend A pproval :_ C omm ent s :------------------------------ Fin al Inspecti on :C /O R ecom :l1 end Approva l C om m e nts: o D Fin al I n s pectio n:Landscap ing R ecommend App roval 00 C omments:------------------------------ C /O Issued by _Date---------- Fi n al Fil i n g Date _ EAGLE COUNTY BUILeG PER MIT APPLICATION • FI NAL :C/O INSPECTION,LA NDSCAPE I NSPECTIO N FOR M R ev.iew Ro u ting Form ()Pr imar y Rout ing ()Rerout ing 9·-.:)--@2 /};)-~<r'aLf? D ate R ef erred A~ant Perm it N o. .MIl"uJ'f;)J j/A-J !J~~~ Location Planni"g Commission Fil eN o._ Re view and r eturn to the County Building Offic ial within 6 wor k ing d ays 2 S "I ~}C..s M 201£.Q.. el0 Cr/APeP"S Ye s No Rev iewed b y :Date:--'F¥-""":;'4----"''-'' 88o0 o 0 Recomme nd Approval :--.:~~b~d:L~"?----:-_ Oomrn en ts :4-.Ft?t:ZNZ 5 e z:/$A?K /" ?I2QI/tt>e '?eJ1L-.~7?1f)r/A-I!'))-, P l a '1 n ing:C om pl iesw ith: S ubdi v ision Regulat ions Zo n ing R eg ulat ions S ite Plan (Landsc api n g) County Engineer:Roads Grad ing Dr ai nage D Oo0o0 }7 00 Recommend Approval:_ "I I(//J r v'~.lfj"f;/.c-:>/?.R L?tft;d';::r;R Comments:-"*"f-:,"+--,~-~._---::,.......,.----..."...~-=---.-----=:::t:-==------- County Heal th:Wate r S anit a t i on P erc .t est F i nal Insp ec ti on:C/O Recommend Appro val Comments: 00i§ 00 E ir ral Inspect ion:Landscaping R e co mmend App roval 00 Commen ts:------------------------------ C /O Issued by _Date-------~-- F inal F ilingD a te _