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~., POST INA CON SPICUOUS PLACE I \ ) \/ CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: VENDOR NAM E:' VENDOR NUMBER: DESCR1PTION OF EXPENSE :CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP #8 NAME OF JOB: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: t n-'11 "1 rOWN OF VAIL.L ULDRHDIJ l~'~I 7 06 14 RFOUESTS FOR INSPfCTION WORK SHEETS FOR:2/15/97 PAGE L'! ARE"A:cr -;.:,_-~.:.:.;;;;.;:.:.,.•::..;.=::.:.:-.=::====:.:==:::-==-::::==-==::;::.::;;;:;..::;:;~:.. H'1 t Y f Jr So ~]Cd,• ...el II c f,.1 t)T"'• 'I r -,t. Ow,,,,)'": L 0,,t r---tC \,')I: Bq -llllLl b le'/lf',17 Ty .'8-8'T L [, :.-;~7 [=r~Rl't r 5~DR .:..:;~7 r,ARM SI [,F _10--t1 13-Lc I'l ro w p~rr~Hr;'y srI 111'1 AR r,TIB.')VL tnlN 8PL'N H1Kf:8,TEIIN1FI?~ R~INrH ['PEEK Il£:VH OPMfNT L.L.L ICSUED r r VI'I.:.'l ...::.0 :V t· r "J 1 '"7,-0~,l -'hone: r-hnn.'•97121 1.1'7 6--11t.~L 1 -----____N_ A JSE:D 1 me £" c.,'I::I TIm 'HL f<H,RI ED ~G AS 0ER ENG [~NG BErlt1 IN GARAGE II\l"'i'L.ATIOI\l wILL BE A~-~RfJVED roc APPROVED WRA~ r,lJ l!?.4ft APPR APPR ALt iOT:APPR Act Ion:APpr;' Act 1 o r, Ae.t i.on:APr-'R Action:APPR HL 1;lOT':1\10 COl'H'FS F-ORM WI'!-:HPPRLJVtD PLAil DATION IE LC ,PLE-'lr- AC'-,,0 :~Ii ~(j~D -OR Art I0 j ,APl r L lJ~1 'j f TEFDGI 1G Act'OI':f~f'r-'R fin'll La nct s c e p tn q A t I In Lr n -- n • ----h -....- J:iEp~~\J_r~_-_~~_~~-, -'-~!-..,..L!../J "-c:nL:LI..l~--M~ -----/-'t-.--A--£~---:.._~-=-=--=--=-_-:.-.:.:_-=:-_-::z:r:----:..-=f~:;f~l..{~~--f-~ -~~'-"-~ec on r)~tul .•• I e~:00500 ~W-Bar fill Ir5De~tl ~ 09,15/97 Tnspe-tor.P Hr-tlon'APPR APr ROUf0 It en,'IllIZ!:=iiZll I=W-remp.dcce_s/dr-alna!;je 09/15/9~Inspector:l_~Rction:A~PR APprOVED Item.00502 PW-Rough glade Item:iZI0'j1t.l3 PW-Final dl-iyeL"c v qt '<de '1/1 q7 n s ue c t or a LI-A"tioT It m'0 iZIH ELD,-cC'ocings S,eel It.Ib 12/97 ~peL-·or:DS Item iZIIZIl,'!'::'0 BLDG-FD"ndat i onzS etol iZIt .:'L+'l~IT,specto '.DC; Item'00~~iZ1 PL~N IL['Site PlaT' 09/0~/97 Inspector:LAUREN Icem:0003~BLDG-Fram'~g 09/1t.1·,Q7 Insnertor:CD Notes AQ DRAFf ETOPS 1 t e III Lili710 c -,iZ1 BLDG-Ins'l;;.t or 121':!..,,'.)7 Ln spe r-t o '.ART Action:ClPPR '"f o Ll c w i n q c o r-r-e c t i o ns Notes:nIl walls t CIt are r1 uble f ra med a.e be fd'e c locked a 1 nt e r-v a 1 5 not e x o ed In 10 feet hO"i CJ),cct 1 D'"ve r t i c a l,.Item:000biZl BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 09/1121/97 Inspertcr:CD Item:0012170 BLDG-Misc. iZ1>~/l::''So Incr:-er-to''"C[I Note~.IRI MING API=EARS ,n ro DAM,...',...ROOFI ~GOF F(ll I 1.:8 8/9-1 11Sp"LtOr"' 0<)1 1 \~/97 [ns p t'c,t or s C L' 11/14/97 I speLtor:ART It.m:0012190 BLDG FInctl 1 _/lb5/'17 I ,,,,,er::t",H"IT Ar'"or:TIN s s ~ N ,te-J)COP BLTWf'-.-l\,j T-il-bH A(;E AND HOIJ-,I CJI.-JI I'-'(:,c, -I="j-irJI'J ,)E -lND NG 11N G,~RAGb <:;1 L'"AI~J' r-~ci I---',:JI I,C:JIv1-8FT ~JFf " H '~r fiN THE ~RH CJ z:r·I '-1141 r [AL rep e ct.I)n R i.\'"S ~1 or a t I R e l'P S l I),[JA lIl':H IL b f~pq T l1'e:(7It'~~Cl,,'ment s: e 11.1 e +e I +C't,1 n p f C Ie L Jb r 1T,•J l [lG-F I n a I r.[) RrPl'T~WN OF V~IL.COLCR00n b Cj7 8:'+RJ:::QUES'-S FO"INc;P!="'"'TTO ~OPI-(c;HEf::TS rIR:',i6/e .., ----=:==_==_..::':..v~::;--=_=~_::._=~=-=_-;:=.;;_.:'::::;:=___ Tte;n: •tern Iter,,: It'?m: l,t em: rn~~~RLDG-Temp.C/O 0~~~.PW-rfMP.C/O 1 til j ,j 7I r,s IJ e c,tnt':lr' \7.Ii7I53.3 1='1 AN n:w·'.C /(1 0i71~'1 PLRN-FIN~L c/r 1[I1l',~q PW-F I NAL C /o AC'tion APPR m'PROVED i'-'],.,'S 1 I""0 e (t u":L 1= Tt em:li1C't5"'-1!!RLflG·F 1 1<1 C/O ~l ) t (1 / .1 ." TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 81 657 970 -479 -2138 DEPAR TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PROJECT TITLE:VANBEELEN RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP)PERMIT Permit #:B97-008 6 Job Add re ss :2 337 GARM ISH DR Lo ca tion ...:23 37 GARMIS H DR P ar c el No ..:2 103 -11 4 -13 -002 Proj ect No.:PRJ97 -005 2 S tatu s ...:I S SUED Appl ied ..:04 /29/1 9 9 7 Iss ued ...: Exp ires ..: APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR HILB,DAV E 233 8 GARM IS CH,VAIL,CO 81657 VAN BEELEN JA KE &J ENNIFER 440 ILLINOIS RD,LAKE FOREST IL 60045 RAN CH CREEK DEVELOPMENT L.L.C. 2 338 GARMISCH C/O DAVID HILB,VAIL,CO P hone :30 3-476-705 1 Phone:970 -476-7051 816 57 Descriptio n:N EW Occupancy Dwellings Ta bl eDat e: PR IMARY/SECONDARY Type Zone 1V-N 05 /17 /1 996 Town of Vai l Number o f Dw elling Fac to r Sq.Fee t 5 8.70 2 ,597 Total Va lua tion: Adjusted Va lua tion: Units:00 2 Va lu atio n 15 2,44 3.9 0 15 2,44 3.9 0 239,000.0 0 0 Fire place In for mation :Rest ri cted :Y nOf Gas Appliance s:1 nOf GasLogs :nO f YoodfP allet : ***********************************************************FE ESUMMA RY ********************************************************** Building----->1,296.00 Rest uarant Plan Re view-->.00Tota lCalculatedFees--->3 ,230 .95 PlanCheck--->842.40 ORB Fee----------------->200 .00 Additi onal Fees--------->.00 Inve stigation>.00Re creation Fee---------->389 .55 Total Permit Fee-------->3,230 .95 Yill Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Depo s it -------->500 .00 Payments---------------->3,230 .95 TOTA L FEE S-------------->3,230.95 BALA NCE DUE ------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Division: Division: Divis ion: Dept:FIRE Dep t:ENGINEER Division: PLANS TO TERRI SEENOTICE REVISED SITE PLAN TERRIE STILL INCORRECT-SEENOT. SEECONDITIONS Dept:PUB \'10RK P[LANS TO PUBWOR KS STAGING/SITE TO LARRY Ip REVISED SITE PL AN REC.'D Dept:PLANNING PLANS TO TAMMIE REVISED SITE PLAN TAMMIE tw NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE APPR NOTE NOTE APPR Item:05100 BUILDING DEPAR TMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 04/29/1997 CHARLIEAc tion:NO TE PLANS TO DA N 05/06/19 97CHU CK Action:APPR 05/15/1997 CHARL IE Action:NOT E Item:05400 PLANN I NG DEPARTMENT 04/29/1997 CHARLIE Action :NOTE 05/15/19 97 CHARLIE Action:NOTE OS/20/1997 TAMMIE Action:APPR Item:0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/29/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPRN/A Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04/29/1997 CHARLIE Action: 05/1 5/19 97 CHARLI E Action : OS/20/1997 LARRY_P Action: Item:05550 ENGINEERI NG 04/29/1997 CHARLIE Action: 05/01/1997 TERRI Action: 05/15/1997 CHARLIE Action: 05/19/1997 TERRI Action: OS/22/1997 TERRI Action: *****************************************.*.***********.******************************************************,***,*,************* See P age 2 of this Document for a ny conditions that may a pply to thi s permit . DECLA RATIONS I hereby a cknowl edge th at Ihaverea d thi s appli cat ion,filled outi n full the inf ormati on r eq uired,com pleted a na ccu rate p lot plan,and state that all the informati on provided a s required i s cor rect.1agr ee to c omplywith the information and plot pl an, t o comp ly with a ll Town ord inances ands t at e laws,andto build this st ru ctu re according to th eTown'szoni ng and s ubdiv is ion codes,de sign re view app roved,Uniform Building Codeand other ordina ncesof t heTown appli cabl e thereto. RE QUE STS FOR IN SPECTION SSHALL BE MA DE T~E NT Y -F O U R HOU RS I N ADVANC E BY TELEPH ONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFI E FR OM 8 :00 AM 5:00PM Send Clean-Up Dep os it To:DA VIDHILB PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSOF APPRO VAL Permit #:B97 -0086 as o f OS/22/97 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** P ermit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel No: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) HILB,DAVE 2 337 GARMISH DR 2337 GARMISH DR 2103-114-1 3 -002 PERMIT App lied: Issued: 04/29/1997 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1.THIS PROJECT WILLREQUIREDA SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY.SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PR IOR TOREQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTIO N. 2.ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHTOF5FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OFTHE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE . 3.ATTCOALL WALLS WILLBELAID BACK AT 1:1 AND BE 4'INHEIGH T OR LESS OR THE TCO WILL NOT BE APPROVED ,. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0277 Amount:2,198.95 OS/22/97 10:08 Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#8548732 Init:CD Permit No:B97-0086 Type:B-BUILD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP)PE Parce l No:2 103-114-13-002 Site Address:2337 GARMISH DR Location:2337 GARMISH DR Total Fees:3,230.95 This Payment 2,198.95 Total ALL Pmts:3,230.95 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 1,296.00 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 10.40 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 500.00 30 0000 45032 RECREATION FEES 389.55 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 PERHIT 11 _ .. '**Con t a ct Ea gl e County Assesso~f fic e ._,~a t 970-3 2 8~640 for Pa rcel f!~TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO PARCEL If :r L.\O ~\H \3002.PERMIT APPj:ICATION FORM DATE:t!~\\2~\~<1,/ APPLICATION MUSTBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELYOR IT MAY NOTBE ACCEPTED~***t.*******••••**•••••**.***PERMIT INFORMATION •••*••*•••••*•••*••••***••*•• .[~-Building [~Plumbing [v{-Electrical [~MeChanical []-Other __ Job Name:~O\kL Vo-(\b<L~\<LA Job Address:'2"3 3,~I}..\IV\:S(...-~ Legal Description:Lot I ~BlockL-Filing L SUBD IVI SI ON :V",,:\Q.,...j 5c.~.lIU Owners Name :~J>.I..<-<?.V£t'.l\b~~\U\Address:'-\'-\0 ""]:\\~(\~:5 r ~'<~h .~L\7-3 7-\.:z.II ' Architect:~;)IA()[(\<>..r±:"Address:5-\..)1\'1--C fl2Jl1.<..7...\0 l AV$-,\Ph.qL\~-'531 General Description:5 il\~\&.-f....'V'\'7 \'\j)..>1 .e.v.J ':+~)~(')I\MrY VA ~+- ",- Work Class:[~NeW [J -Alteration [J -Additional []-Repair []-Other _ Number of DWelling units:\Number of Accommodation units:L x:mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas g p'liance s'Gas Logs Wood/Pellet"£q ---00'- *********************************ALU ,TI NS ***~************************** BUILDING :$2\0,0.)Q ELECTRICAL:$'2>..00 Q OTHER:$,.........,=--~_ PLUMBING:$\2 v Q 0 MECHANICAL:$'\,e D.2 TOTAL:$"'2:"3'\.000.c>o~***************************CONTRACTOR IN F~RMATION _******************~********n~neral Contractor:1)0-...1.1 ,I J,.(j....\j-~\\.fflZ-{)O(J"Town of Vail Reg .NO.L/bl .& Address:2339.J ~I>t"""_\'-,v A \..<,.,.hone Number:'1 71)LO&-:::12S:l ~q 7 -0 0 ~ Electrica:j.Contractor:r=-o=-~S~M .±.~l.·I I<<-Town of Vail Reg.NO.2\3,E Address:Y.u&"x '/~,:\i=t;:I'Q I:;2j)~,-,yo Phone Number:.J LC\.'3'3 &-3SS~ .PlUmbing Contractor:\..Vb;..la-~L P\l.ll"\fl\'~.f Town of Vail Reg.NO. Address:qj)J5 I.JJQ.D-IJOii?:£kClL P 9 7 ~L Pho e Number:5»3 '-l~~o7S- ·0 \l '.I t'l -(ft6 Mechanical Contractor:f-t n f'f\a.~\,-_L Town of Vail R~.NO._'$j -f"\ Address:..!:lY kl \)n £±w,QA pl.t i<'\u.'W,(Q ~07D t Phone Number:5.::,3 S30 -L H3g ********************************FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHERTYPEOF FEE : ORB FEE : TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION - ~CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ~ 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. ;ead rt:knOWledgkhL "~U'-....,C :>"\.C<oj o.)r~osition/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) ~j jLl /1 l _ ""Date r 7 75 south Irontage road vall.colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 officeof community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If th is permtt requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Publ ic Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department review'orHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeRs . All commercial (large or small)and all multi-family pennits will have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount of time.However,if residenti"al or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,these projects may also takethe three week period. Every attempt willbe made by this departmentto expedite this . .permrtas soon as possible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplan check procedure and time frame. ().~tf.Agree~-"'-----~------- )t V,,=-g~\~ Project Name ~Dat~wir~~e~~:-lurned into the Community Develon m ~~t Department. MEMORANDUM • TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS . TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'ISREQUIRED JobName:Vt0-g lz.i ..\Q.1\.~~:J.,..Q./\.(<L Date :y 1f-l2-'!'-:-'(f-""-?--:,:1~__~_~- Pleaseanswerthefollowingquestionnaireregardingtheneedfora"PublicWayPermit": 1)Is this anewresidence? 2)Isdemolition work being performed thatrequirestheuseoftheright ofway,easementsor public property? 3)Isanyutility work needed? 4)Isthe driveway beingrepaved? 5)/sdifferentaccessneededtosite otherthanexistingdriveway? v 6)Isany drainage work beingdone affectingtherightofway,easements, orpublicproperty? 7)Isa "Revocable Right Of WayPermit". required? 8)A.Istherightofway,easements or publicpropertytobeusedforstaging, parking orfencing? 8.Ifnoto8A,isaparking,stag ing orfencingplanrequiredby Community Development? .: Ifyouansweredyestoanyofthese questions,a"PublicWayPermit"mustbeobtained. "PublicWayPermit"applicationsmaybeobtainedatthe Public Work's officeorat CommunityDevelopment.IfyouhaveanyquestionspleasecallCharlieDavis,theTown ofVailConstruct ion Inspector,at479 -2158. Ihavereadand answered alltheabovequestions. VIt-"~U-\~~S ;J-L"'C<:-fL ~ JobName Contractor'sSignature Date PER}\I T 1'_'**Co n tact Eag le Co unt y Assessor A fic e..._~a t 970-328-;.fl.640 f or Pa rce l II .~OWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION 'PARCEL II :~\O"':::>\\'-\\300"2-PERMIT APPJ:ICATION FORM DATE:t:!1?c ~\2~\1\<),/ APPLICATION MUSTBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELYOR IT MAY NOTBE ACCEPTED~",!*""""""""""",;PERMIT INFORMATION .[~-Building [~PlUmbing [~-Electrical [~MeChanical []-Other __ Job Name:'J~kL Vo-(\bQ....Q...\a...1I\Job Address:L'3 3,':)\}-.\/V\;Sc....-~ Legal Description:Lot (0\Block I?f Filing L SUBDIVIS IO N:V",:\0.,....5 SC.~,)N Owners Name:~<D-V;g,Va--/\be.~\tl\Address:~\L\o ""]:\\>(\v :5 rt\.~h.~-\7-37--\.::z.\\ t Architect:~;>h/\{'(\c>-.C±:./\Address:5-\-;)1\'1-<:::r QQ.~2.\0 \A\.I~/\Ph.QL\"-S9 General Description:S)'\~\&--("....IV"\\7 by ,d.e.V!':tt,S-e.C)II.kry UA~'-\- v ' Work Class:[~NeW []-Alteration []-Additional [)-Repair [)-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:\Number of Accommodation units:~ * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas gRlianCes \Gas Logs Wood/Pelletf.G '--.--- *********************************AL~,~lN;~~*~~************************* .BUILDING:$2\0 ,0.)Q ELECTRICAL:$'t>,00 Q OTHER:$,---..,.---."..._ PLUMBING:$\2..0 y a MECHANICAL:$'\,0 D Q TOTAL:$"20:0'3,\,OI)Q,00,, ***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** eneral Contractor:\)",\.1 ,I '"6--.\-\-~\\,f£lZ-{;08"Town of Vail Reg.NO.Llbl& Address:233'b ~Q>-\"":\"'"vA \.I (,?~q7_00&l!hOne ~umber:170 Ll7b-::1Qs::l Electrica~Contractor:t=-():.m 1~~M0~!l..<.-lr....L Town of Vail Reg.NO.2\3.E Address:Y.j)!3.\>X ./,\1...\:h}:.;I'Q~_C.Q _Q'-lyO Phone Number::1LC\1:>3&-3s..,-,\ .Plumbing cont~actor:wk.",,-\-\1~t..e\"l"\f\'~Town of vail Reg.NO.~-::-__= Add:r:ess:qvJ5 vJe.(.L /,yt>=Q \.-.CJL~POZ-en:'Yc!PhoJ).e Number:'5\>3 '--l'SS~i)7S- o\\'.(}1//J --et3 b"2:>. Mechanical Contractor:f-+\I ((\a..~\c.....l Town of Vail R~.NO.'Ifj -M Address:..!:Iy&\\)rif-\W,QJ..0l.,1\u_'W,<0 '$30'3.:>\Phone Number:5.:73 S30 '-L 1\32Fc ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMB ING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHERTYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLANCHECK FEE: PLUMBINGPLAN CHEC~"l~,:,.o;-~~r·":""":··;":"'·--::'::':'\";i..;/::.::1,:,,:,,':_ MECHANICAL P~';-"j:tH:J;:9 ~~E :"~',1 \,:,!:,.' RECREATION FE~;~r(e\~';;,?},:;i",f ",.'I.'.,..!"'~i CLEAN-UP DEPO~*'\i>~c ");-'~ TOTAL PERMIT F~f:S:rAPR'2 !},gll l ,", BUILDING:~C~J -CQ N~M.Dt."l \)\}\ SIGNATURE:.Q, ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments:--,-_ (CLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFUND TO ~ 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado81 657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-479 -2452 -Town of VailofCECO Pv Department of Community Development To wn o f Vail. 75 Sou th Fronta ge Ro ad Vail.Co lo rado81 657 (3 03)479 -2138 P lan analys is based on t he 1991 Un iform Buil ding Code P roje ct Number:PRJ97 -0052 Add r ess:2337 GARM ISH Pl anne r:T amm ie Wi ll iamson Oc cup an cy:R3 Typ eo f Cons t:V oN NOTE:The codei tems li sted i n t his re por t li sti ng o fa ll poss ib le c ode r e quiremen ts se lected sections of the co de. Name:VANB EELEN Da te:May 2,1 997 Co ntr ac tor:HILB Arc hi tect:J.MART IN Eng ineer :T .CA RTER Pla ns Exami ne r:C.R.FELD ~~NN a re n oti ntended to be a comp lete in t he 1 991UBC.It i sa gui det o F L NA ME AR EA MIN .LIGHT MI N .VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Be dr oom#1 248 24.80 1 2.40 1 Yes 2 Kit c he n 236 23 .60 11.80 1 No 2 Liv i ng r oom 319 3 1.90 15.95 1 No 2 Master b edroom 223 22 .30 11.15 1 Yes 2 Mas ter ba th 91 0 .00 4 .55 1 No 2 Ha l l s,c losets.etc.345 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTALFOR F LOOR 1 462 1 Apt L iv ing Room 17 9 1 7.90 8 .95 1 No 1 Apt Kit chen 11 1 11 .10 5 .55 1 No 1 Apt Bedroom 1 85 18 .50 9 .2 5 1 Yes 1 Prim Entry 1 83 0 .00 9.15 1 No 1 Ha lls ,c lose ts,et c.47 7 0 .00 0.00 1 No T OTAL FOR FLOOR 1135 1 BUI LD ING TOTAl,2597 1 FOOTNOTES : 1 )EGRESS -Ano pera bl ewindow or door t h ato pen s di re ctly t o t he ex terior is r equ ired fr omt hi s ro om.The mini mum c lea r openable are a mu sl mee t t.hef ollowing.--S e c.1 204 . 1)The min imumc le ar h eight is 2 4 in c hes 2)T heminimum clear wid th i s20 i nches 3)T he min imum clear are a is 5 .7 s qua re f eet 4)The maximum sill h e ight is 44 lr.c he s 2 )T he n umbero f ex its i s ba sed o n Table 3 3-A (Dwell ings) 3 )Ame ch an ica l vent ilat i on s yst emmay b e used i ni n lieu o fe xte rior o pe ni n gs f or ve nt ilat.ion .--Se c .1 20 5 .(c) o RE-CYCLEDPAPER 75Sout h Frontage Road Vail,Colorado8 1657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970 -479-2452 Depa rtment of Com munityD evelopment ROOM DIMENSI ONS : Habitable space s ha ll h av e i'l ce il ing h ei gh t of no t le ss than 7 fe et6 inches .Kitchens,hal ls ,bathroomsa nd t o il e t c ompartme nts mayh ave a ceiling he i gh t of 7 fee t measured t o t he lowes t p roje ct ion .If thec ei li ng is s l op ing,t hen the min imumh e i g ht i s required i n onl y 1 /2o f th e area . --Sec.1 2 0 7.(a) Every dwe ll ing un it sha llh av e a t l east one r oomwh ich has not less than 120 s quare feet of f l oor a rea.Ot her hab it ~b le rooms ex cep t ki tchens shal l h ave an area o fn otl ess t han 70 s quare f eel .Se c .1 20 7.(b) Habita ble rooms other t h an a kitchen shall no t be le s s than 7 f ee t in any d imension .--Sec .1 207 .(c) GLAZI NGREQUIREMENT S : All glazing in hazardo us l o cati ons is r eq ui red to be of safe ly glazi ng materia l ..-S ec .5 40 6.(d) 1 )Gla zi ng i ni ng re ss a nd e gress doors e xcept j a lousie s . 2 )Gla zing in f i xeda nd slid ingp anels of s li d ing door a ssembl ies and pa nels i ns wi ng ing door s other t hanwa rdrobe doo rs . 3 )Glazing in s torm doors . 4)Glazing in al l un frameds wingi.ng doors. 5 )Glazing in doors and en c los ur es for h ott ubs,whirlpools ,sauna s,steam rooms ,bath tubs and showers .Glaz ing .i n any po r tion of a bui lding wa ll enclosing these compa r tmen ts where t he bo ttom exp osed edge o f the glazing i s l ess than 60 i nches a bovea stand ing surface and drain inl et. 6)Glaz ing i nf ixed or o p era bl e pane ls adjacen tt oa door where t he ne ar est exposed edge of t heg lazxing is wi th i n a24 -inch arc of either vert ica l edge of the door in ac losed po sit ion and where t heb ottom exposed edge of the g la z ing is l ess than 6 0 i nches above the wa lking surface . 7)Glaz ing i n an i n d i vidu al fixed or o perabl e pane l ,o ther than those locat io ns described in items 5 and 6 above ,than meets all o ft he fo l lowi ng cond it ion s : A .Exposed area of an i ndividu a l pane great er than 9 square feet. B .Exposed bottom e dge less than 1 8 i n che s abo ve th e floor . C.Exposed top edge g reate rt han36i n ches above the f l oor . D .One or more walking sur fa ces with in 36 inches hor i zon ta lly of t he p lane of t h e g la z ing . 8)Glazing i n rai lings regard less o f heigh t abo ve awa lk ing surface. Included are struc tur al baluster panels an d non structural in -fil l p ane l s . Se e ex ceptions . SM OKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is requ i.r edo n the ce iling or wall at ap oin t cen tra l ly l ocatedi.n the co r ridor or area g iv ing a cc ess to ea ch sleep ing area . --Sec .1 21 0.(a),L A smoke de tec tor is requ iredo n t he ce iling or wall i n each sl eeping a rea .--Sec.1 2 1 0 .(a)4 . A smoke d e tector i s requ ired on a ll sto ri es.--S ec.12 10 .(a )4 . o Rf;CYCLEIJI'APER 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479 -2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Com munity D evelopment I f the upper level con tai ns sleepi ng room (s ),a sm ok e de tec tor is requ ired in the c eilingo ft he upper l e vel c lo "e to t hes tai rway . _.Se c.]2 10 .(a)4 Smoke detectors are requi red t o be wired toth e building 's power source and shall be equipped with ab at tery back up .Sec .1210_(a)3 . Detectors shall s ound all a larm a u dib le in a ll &leeping area o f the dwe lling in whi ch they are loca ted.--Sec .1210 .(a)4 . FIREPLACE REQUIR EMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FI REPLACE : 1 )Unit must b e an a pproved un i t.--Sec .3 705.(a) 2 )Clearances a nd h earths iz e mus t be per manufactur es a pp rova l. --Sec.3 705 .(a )&(b) 3 )Chimney heigh t must be per manufac turer 's approval and Tab l e 37 -B STAIR REQUIREMEN TS: A stairway in a d welling mus t be at l ea st 36i nc hes wid e.--S ec.33 06 .(b) The maximum r ise of as tep is 8 inches and t he minimum run i s 9 inche s . --Sec .3306.(c)e xc .#1 P rovide a handra il on one s ide a stairway 34 t o38 in ches a bo ve t he nosi ng if there i s4 o r morer isers.--Sec .3306.(i) P rov ide a g uardr ail where drop of f is greate r t ha n 30i nches .Minimum h eigh t =36 inches,max imum ope n ing size =4 i nc he s.--S ec .1 71 2.(a)ex c.#1 The min imum head roomi s 6 ft .-8 inche s.--Sec .3306 .(0) Enc losed us ab le s pa ce und er the s tairs i sr equi r ed to be protected as re q ui red for 1 hr f i re -res is t iv e c onstruction.--Sec .3306 .(1 ) SHAFT ENCLO SURES: 1)Chutes and d umbwai ter sh a fts wi th a cross ·sec t io nal ar ea of n otmo re t han 9 squar e feet mayl ined on t he inside with no tl esst han 26 gage galvaniz ed sheet me tal with all j o in t s lock lapp ed .The outside mus t be 1 hr co nstru ct i on .All o penings into any such enclos ure shall be protected by not less than a self -closing so lidwood door 1 3 /8 in che st hick or equivalent.--Sec .1706 .(f) 2 )Ga s vents and noncombus t ible p iping installed i n walls passing through 3 f loors or less do no t need t o be in 1 hour sha f ts . --Sec .1706 .(c) 3)Shafts for g as ven ts,fac tory -bu il tc himneys ,piping,or duc ts t hat do not ex tend t hrough not more t han 2 floo rs need no t be i n 1 hour shafts . --Sec.1 706 .(c) 4 )All other s hafts are requ ired to be en closed in a 1 hour assemb ly. --Sec.1706 .(a) ADDITIONALREQUI REMENTS: For R 3 occupancy This pro ject will require a si tei mprovement survey .Such survey shall be submitted and app ro vedp rior to r equest for f rame i nspectio n. o Rf:r,YCl.EnPA PER 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/4 79 -2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development All crawl sp ac es wi th in t he TownOf Vail arc limi t ed to a eartht o struc t ur al f loorc e iling h eighto f 5 ',be e a rth f lo or o n l y,be ven ti lat eda s per UBC 2 516 (C )6 wi th minimum a ccess a s per UBC 2 5 16(C )2 a ndma ximum ac cess o f 9 s q .ft . Any bu i ld i ng s i te with a slope of 30 degrees o r more s h all r equ ire an e n gi neer desi g n.Su ch d esign sh a ll a d dr ess drain age ,s oi l re t al na ge a nds tru ctural design. Ex cava ti on b e l ow slabs on g rad e sha lln ot be perm i tt ed without prior a p proval . Ad dr ess numb ers shal l be po sted p lainly vis i bl e an d legi bl e f rom the stree t. o Rt:CYCLEDPAPf:R .' T OIll11 of Vai l 75 South Frontage Road Vail ,Colo rado 81657 (303)479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1 991Uniform Bui ld ing Code Project Number:PRJ97 -0052 Address:2337 GARM ISH Planner:Tamm ie Wi ll iamson Occupancy :R3 Type of Co ns t:V oN Name:VANB EELEN Date :May2 ,1 997 Contractor:HILB Architect:J.MARTIN Enginee r:T.CARTER P lans Examiner:C.R.FE LDMANN 1 All electrical work is t o be comple te t o the r equirements of t he latest National Electrical Code, all Town o f Vail Ordinances,and Holy Cross Requirements . 2 3 4 5 6 7 This project will require a site im provement survey. This su rvey shall be submi tted and staf f approved prior to a request for a f rame inspect ion.Under no circumstances will a frame inspec t ion be done without an approved site imp rovemen t survey. There shall be o n ly one kitchen des ignated per dwelling uni t allowed by t heTown of Vail Zoning Regu la tions.All other such labeled areas are not approved and s hall not be rough -i n c onstru cted a s su ch . Exterior s u rfaces with stucco sha ll be provided with ex terior meta ll ath as p er UBC 4706 with 2 layers of p aper .Windows and doors are requ i red to be adequatel y flashed(not with ju st screed me ta l).A lath inspection is required pr ior stucco applicati on. All new construct ion within the T owno f Vai l will be r equ ired t o have a Publ ic Way permi t plus a n initia l inspec tion by the T.O .V .Publ i c Works Department to approve site drainage and culvert ins tallation prior to any Bu il d ing Dept .i nspe ct ions. Thi s project i s res tr ic ted from t he burn ing o f wood i n firep laces.Unless the l ot i s a restr icted lot in size,t hree ga s logs f irep laces and thr ee gas appliances are permitted per un it allowed .Gas log chimneys encl osures sha ll be one hr.pro tected . THI SPROJECT REQU IRES TW O ON EHOUR WALLS BETW EEN EACH UN ITWITH A ONE I NCH AIRSPACE FROM FOUNDATION TO UN DERS I DE OF ROOF SHEA T ING. 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 13 1 4 1 5 1 6 17 18 I n b athroomswitha tub o r s hower a nd in l a un dry rooms amechanical v entil ation systemc on nected directly to the outside shall be provided.Bathrms which con tain only awa ter clo set or l av .may be ventila ted wi th a recircul at i ng fa n.UBC l205 (c ) Domestic clo th es dryer e xhaust ducts sha ll be installed as per UM C11 04 and 1903.Flexible duc t c o nnectors may no t exceed 6 'in length and shall n ot beconcea led wi thin construc ti on .Ducts shall terminate ou ts ide the bu i ld ing and not e xceed 1 4' length. No domes t ic d ishwashing mach in es hall be direct ly connected to a drainage system wi thout the use of an ap pro v ed dishwasher air -gap fitt ing.UPC 608. Cross connecti on control de vices shall be i nst al led to p rote c t p oll u tion of potab le water supply b y use of approved back fl ow prevention device s.upe 1003 . P lumb ing fix tures with mechanical appara tus shall be su pp l ied wi th an access panel for inspection and repa ir of equ ipmen t.UPC 904. Domest icr anges shal l have a v er ti c al c learance above t he c ooking su rface of n ot l ess than 3 0"t o u nprotec ted combusti bl ema teria l.UMC 1901 . Ac himney e nclos ur e fo r a wood burn i ng fireplace flue s hal l be pro t ec t ed b y a one -hour fire resistive con struc tion.UB C 170 6.This i nv olves lining t he inside of su ch c hase with 5/8 "Type X s heet r ock and fire -taping j oints. Approved gas logs may be ins talled i n solid -fuel burn ing fi replaces provided the i ns tallation is a c co rd i ng to the listing instr uct ions ,a ny d amper shal l b e removed or perman e nt ly bl oc ked.and a s afety shu toff valve is p rov i de d.UMC 803 . Gasf ireplace applian ces are requ ired t o b e installed as p er listing i ns t all a tion instru ctio ns - with a "B"vent on ly .Comb us tion ai r must b e s up pli ed from t he o u tside for a ll n ew c onst r uc ti on in the Town of Vail. S upply a mechan ical drawing indicating desi gn of s ystem,s ize (BTUa nd vo lume)of e qu ipmen t.vent locat ion and termination.and combustion a ir to be s upp li ed prior to any ins tallation. At eaves and valleys an a dequ ate underl aymen t shall be prov ided t o pro tect a st ructure from i ce buildup and water damage.Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheath ing and b etween layers or a c o mm erc i al wa te r &i ce shield may be used as pe r T able 32B1 . 19 20 2 1 22 Any building site with a sl ope greate r than 30 degrees shall r equire eng ineer designed draw ings . Ava lanche are as shall r equ ire such engineered draw ings als o.Drain age and s t r uc tura li nt egrity shal l be addre ssed by such drawings. Because of t hi s project's l oc ation.the foundation is requ i red to be dampp roofed t o prevent damaqe to areas b el ow f inis hed grade.UB C1 707(d}. The structure is required to be anchored to the founda taion with 1/2 inch anchor bolts.The bolts must be into the c oncrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a max imum of 6 fee ta part.See code for additional r equ ireme nt s.Sec.2907.(f) I ncludea copy of the soils report for t he site to be built on.--Sec .2905. ~-----e~-----e~--='----------~-=- J SPECmC\TIONS AND GEl't"ERAL NOTES FOR RESIDENTIAL .-\.";D LIGHT CO)[::\,IERCL-U.FOU!'J)ATIONS Soils Report:The soils report is part oftbis foundation plan;read it carefully.Askthe engineer aboutanypart you do not understand.Callthe attention of the engineer to any changes insoil conditions from that which are discussed inthesoils report.--- Site Development:Rough grade to leave good drainaze durina and after construction Final.....---:=:;,• grade after construction shallbe six inches of drop away from building in the firsttenfeet . Remove topsoil and organic material from where components of your foundation andslabs will go.Ifyou discover ground water,notify the engineer.DO NOT buildonfrozen soil Soils:Soilsarea construction material;however,without proper use,they can behave in unpredictable fashions.Here 's what we consider proper use: -Filland compact soft spots to the density required for that area ofthe foundation. -Soil under load bearing components of the structure,such as walls and pads,shouldbe compacted to 95%Modified Proctor density.Backfill against foundation wallsshouldbe compacted to 80%Modified Proctor capacity. -Backfill should be made in6"layers,called lifts,with each lift properly compacted to the required density,using the proper compacting equipment.Generally,use of a "Jumping Jack"for cohesive soiis (i.e.,clayey or silty)ora vibratory plate compactor for granular soils(i.e .,sandy) will provide good results.Thesoil should beatthe right moisture content;ifit seemswetordry, notify the soils engineer foradvice .CAUTION:Using boom mounted compacting equipment, suchasa "stinger",or pounding the soil with a backhoe bucket exerts a tremendous forceand will likely cause wallfailure.Likewise,trucks andfrontend loaders are not compacting equipment, and if they are driven over uncompacted soil close toa foundation wall,it is likelythewall will bowandcrack. -Compaction shallbe accomplished soasto form a berm of dense soilagainsttheside of the structure to provide adequate lateral support.Each lift in the process shallbefinishedalong the entire length o f the wall before starting on the next lift.Do not compact too tightly orin such afashionthat wedging occurs againstthe foundation wall. -Do not allow the backfillto become saturated with water at anytime,duringorafter construction.This places excessive pressure against the wall and can cause cracking andbowing. Concrete:Concrete shall be minimum 3000 psi with a maximum slump of 4 inchesforwall,pads and shallow piers and minimum of3S00 psi with a maximum 4inchslumpfordeepdrilledpiers unless otherwise specified onthe drawings.Slumpmaybe increased to6inches with pozzolan additives if no additional water is used in the mix,Beware of concrete truck operators whowish toadd water totheConcreteatthe site to make it more workable.Additional water will decrease the strength of the concrete.The concrete muststavinthe forms foraminimum of72 hours to cureorbe covered withcuring sheets or sprayed \\i~h a curing compound.The water in the concrete is required to complete the chemical reaction .and if the concrete isleft uncovered too soon after placement.it will dry ourtothe detriment of the concrete 's strength and appearance. Similarly,do not allowthe concrete tofreeze during the firstsevendays.The water within the concrete freezes and becomes unavailable for the chemical reaction,possibly causinga detriment to the concrete's strength and appearance.Except in very massive structures the heat of h~dratio~of concrete is generally not sufficient to prevent freezing during a typical Colorado WInter night. Do not letthe concrete drop farther than six feet when placing it.Do not allow the concrete components to segregate.Avoid dropping concrete on reinforcing steel as much aspossible,as this will tend todisplacethe steel After placement,rod or vibrate the concrete toeliminate joints and air pockets,butdonot cause the ingredients to separate or water to pool atthetop.DO NOT place stress against concrete for atleast seven days after placement.Use formswhichare properly oiledand braced.Leave them in place until the concrete has cured tothe point where it c~sup~ort its own ~eight.Remov~forms carefully soas not to damage the concrete ;patch any voids with a grout usmg the same mixture asthe original concrete,but without the coarse aggregate.Put control joints in slabs atno more than about 12 feet each direction.Use ofpoly fiber mesh inslabsless than 6"thick and welded wire fabric inslabs6"thick or greater is recommended to reduce shrinkage cracking.Ifdeep drilled piers (caissons)are used inthe foundation,a maximum of'four hours between the drilling ofthe hole and the placement ofthe concrete is allowed,with less than one hour being desired.. Steel:Reinforcing steel is Grade 60,unless otherwise calledoutonthe plans.Steel shallbefree of'rust,dirt,oil,scale,or anything else which will impair its abilityto adhere to concrete.All r~orcing steel sh~be secUT:ly tiedat all intersections and supported to prevent displacement dunng concrete placmg operations.Steel must not beany closer than three inches to surfaces which will be exposed to earth and2 inches from other surfaces.See the reinforcement details sheet for additional placement requirements.Overlap and tiesplices18 inches.Bendandtie comers 24inches. COLORADO SOILAND PERC TESTS.INC. ~!3 ",N :-.::1..3T~E :::'" :~S!I ~::;;:..:,co d Ol ':':' ;~~;~.:g -;J7 5 ?~OJEGT: SHS:/!0:-' c.:..LC :JL",a 3Y:7lC..I DA2 7iL...I Ci-iESKED 3Y:I J.A2 lLJ (,J Z lLJ Z 0"l H..J 0.Ul lLJza:0 II: H 0 Zl-u, "l lLJc...JZlLJ:::l lLJ0 ll.m Z <l:> ~~;::'", "~, ~~~ """ ~8 ~~c c c §"Q Q ~~~~:=o!> ;;II! ::~ ";;~ ~:: "z ~::~ec ~"'"Q ~ SCALE,I S s..c..,. ~A Q.)E C T NO. 97-339A S"EET -o . 2 .." 2 '-5 - r SFCTION A/2 SCALE,3/B'=1'-9' DESI GN SOI L'J EFF ERYH.SP"EL REPORT NO .91707G 1 .000 PSF .BEARING CAPACITY FO UNDATION DES IGN : 1.THE SPECIFICA TIONS AN O SOI LS RE PORT ARE PART OF THI S DE SIGN. 2 .PLACE FLIlOll J OISTS ANO SU BFLOOR PR IOR TO BACkFI LLING . 3 .PLAC E COHPACT ED BACKFILL I N LIFT S AL ONG EN TIR E LENGTH OF WAL L.(SEE SPECIFICATIO NS J 1 .REFER TO OETlIL SHEETS FOR REINFOR CEM ENT AND ,ODITID NAL INFORHA TION . S.WA LL THICkNESSES SHOVN ARE NOMINAL . 6 .A 16 "x1"THk .HIN.UNREI NF OR CED CONCRETE LEV ELING CO URSE ISOPTIDN'L UND ER '~AL L S 'ITHOU T FOOTERS. 7 .LO ADBEAR ING COM PON EN TS SUS CEPTIBL E TO VEATH ER SHALL BE FINISHED TO HIN .OF 30'BELO W AND S' A,OVE FI NISHED GRADE. B.JALL HEIGHTS VARY.REFER TO'RCHITECTURAL DRAVINGS 'NO OETlILS. 3.I F VALL HEIGH TS EXCEED 12 'OR I F UNF ORS EEN CO NDIT I ONS AR ISE.CO NTAC T EN GINEER . 10 .'IERIFY LOCA TIONS OF PADS /PIERS . II.HINIHUH l 'BE FORE STEPP ING AT ANY DIRECTION CHANGEIN VALL. 12.PADS IB'SO .THRU 22'SO .ARE 7 .112'THk . PADS 21'SO .THRU 31"SO .ARE 9 .112'THK. PADS 36'SO .TH RU 51'SO.ARE 10.112"THK . BU ILEER HAS BEEN I NFOR HED OF THE RISk OFSLA B-OII- GRA CE HOVEHENT DUE TO EXPANS I VE /COH SOL I DA TING SOIL 'ND ACCE PTS THE SE RISkS . SE E BA SEHE NT PLA N FDR WINOOV AND ODOR LOC ATIONS , BRICK LED GE LOC ATIONSAND PA TIO SLAB LOCATIONS lLll:=,~ !, -~~ ~-s r'J> ;: ~ l' ~... !------~..lr_.. ~--------J I,6 '-0' :25'-0" ------------------------~ GARAGE AREA ...FRE E-FLOA TI NG CONe SLAB IJ I 5_6-1 0 /lQ \l \l '" ~0 '~0 " -,1"'---------,,,, II I 'II I I I: ,-I 5 '-0 " FO UNDATION PLAN SCALE,l /S'=1 '-9 ' 11 '...."'-6· ------------------------------------------------. l'-e" ,,,,, ----_... f-----.~!:I i :.J '?I -;~T ~T ~~R~~E S~~~A ON.I I !~~~~~~E ~O~C ~/;;G THK -:::i r r-~I":-~-~-~-~-~-::-~-~-~-~-:-~-~-~~-3~!E-~-~-~I--~,~~-~6~~~~~~=::O~:~:.:-:-c-:-::-:1:u,+-------JJ r---CENTERED UNDER AN I':,:~i ~~~'COHC .FNO ."ALL I----~-----------------------------I I ,,',I 1 I ,__I 50 I I I ---------,II II L :I I ~-~-I II L J :w :: 0:~N :I ..:1 !-'....t-'------------4 ~, ~ , '" POSl -4x4 MIN; CONNECTTOPiER W/SiMPSON COL LMN BASE "'LATE OREQUIVALENT; ANCHORTO PIER W/TWO 5/16" BOLTS MIN 4" I NTOCONCRETE OREOUIVAL 'T PIPE COLUMN --SIZE PER ENGINEER.3"MIN DIA. 1 13 Wilcox Co,llo Rock.co 80 104 (303)688-9475 SLEEVEORBASEPLA TE WITH MIN TWO 1/4-STUDS 4"INTO CONCRETETO ANCHOR. '-COLUMN PADSIZEPER FOUNDATIONPLAN .PADS 36"SQOR LARGER SHALL BE REJNFORCED WITH #4/60 AT 10 ONCENTEREACHWAY . COLO ,SOILANDPERC"I NC. CALCUU T[D IT: J__ ~t ~J__----..:. POSITION Sheet: STANDARD REINFORCEMENT DETAILS FORCONCRETE WALLS TO 12'HIGH Not to Scale 3 0r3 - -FOOTER.SLAB AND PAD DETAILS FNDWALL EXPANSION MATERIAL SLAB #4/60 CONTINUOUS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT rORWALLHE IGHTS: 4'ORLESS --NONEREQ'D 4'-1"TO 6'--48"ONCENTER 6'-1"TO 8'--36"ONCENTER 8'-1"TO 10'--24"ONCENTER 10 '-1"TO 12'--18"ONCENTER 4"SLAB SIZEPER FNDPLAN (IF REQUIRED) ld MAX FOOTERSTEPDOWNFOR HORIZONTAL STEELFORWALLHEIGHTS: 3'ORLESS --TWO #4/60 3'-1"TO 4'--THREE #4/60 4'-1"TO 8'--FOUR #4/60 8'-1"TO 10'--FIVE #4/60 10'-1"TO 12'--SIX #4/60 PLACE ONEBAR SO FROM THETOPOFCONCRETE. ONEBAR 3"FROM BOTTOM OFCONCRETE, ANDTHE REMAINDER APPROX IMATELY EQUALLY SPACED IN BETWEENTOPAND BOTTOM BARS. WALLHEIGHTSANDSTEPDOWNS PERARCHITECTDRAWINGS. ADDED #4 BAR 36"LONGATCORNERS 12" 24" 36" FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW EXTENDBELOW GRADE * ONTHELOWSIDE NOTE: WALLHEIGHTISTHATPORTION WHICHISABOVE FINISHED GRADE ONTHELOWSIDE. 4'-0"TO 7 '-11" 8'-0"TO 11'-11- 12'-0-TO 16'-0" FOR WALL HEIGHTS *IF LATERAL RESTRAINT(FLOORSLAB)IS NOT PRESENTAT BOnOM OFWALL. (IF REQUIRED) rOOTER --SIZEASSHOWNONFOUNDATION PLAN. VERT ICAL STEELSTUBBEDUP FROM FOOTERA MINIMUM 12"ANDTIEDTOVERTICALSTEELINWALL TO PROVIDE LATERAL RES ISTANCE ORPROVIDE1 1/2"WIDE BY ," DEEPKEYWAYATCENTEROFrOOTER CONTINUOUS AROUND FOUNDTION.KEYWAYFORWALLSOVER8FT SHALL BE 3"WIDEBY1·DEEP . 3" -------------------------------------- 24"BENDOVERLAPAROUNDCORNERS FROST WALL DETAIL AND 18"OVERLAPFORSPLICES 1 L _ CM[CK[D IT: BLOCKOUTSHAVEASADDEDREINFORCEMENT: -2-j5/40 BARS 3-FROM BLOCKOUT,EXTENDING 24 PAST BLOCKOUT,ALL SIDESOF BLOCKOUT; NORMAL WALL REINFORCEMENT DOES NOT COUNTTOWARD THESE REOUIREMENTS'l '\0 I FINISHED I GRADE ~-f-'-r-==:-=-:==------------'-------------,~fr:-I----r----+--I-I--l~ :I •I 11 III!I ---rr=-----Tl-II ~---r---~~r ---~-~ 1 i I ~BLOCKOUT III Ii ;.11 'F-+---I ---~---f-----,--r---f---=c---l--r-~~----14+----1~--,-------r-------~------1--·-- !!iii iii i !i '!/,,,t--f--l---T---f---rl---I---,--~+---+---+----t---T r'-+-:----t----4~--_+----~--=-..:+-_I_---~=-=-...:..::-=-...:..::h-~=~-___.--------l-o ------>----~---- I""I III I 1 1 I 1'---l---i---,---i 1 I I 1 1 ·.... ._.-:==-:...----=--:::..-=-=-=-=-==..:::;= I-•r- ARE'1 f F- ,on s t 'r':NIH.H-'c:J c:SUED (Icc: Sta.t c~I ADO OR,':>dE[T' ,-Pl.ME I'R I M,JRv I c,F-COI~[jRRv PhuJlE: Pharo. Phon,,: TOWN or vA I' F")R INSPf'CTIO~ J::':1I·0044 '-'/16/1'rv » 7,,·7 bRRt,[c..,H DR ,-'.H GARMISIi DR ,0:1 il,";'-114-'13--00;;:: n lIMBTNG FfOllR NF-W HILi:'",AV Iv rJN ',EEL N J rJ!-',E i T'N'"q:"< L:~l ME CHAN 1(AL H.t i v i y' H'ldl .--• LO,-'3,t:lO{: ,).s,{··c l: le-,r-·ptJJn· r4 ..la ca n t Own I?r I rn t ri<.ct 0 ---=-=~~--_:..;.._:_..;, "~1 ',1 "/1 t-/9 1 Ii 11 :1.f-i LJLJ 5 c ~l'".',Hq'e,Irf,+10 "~U I?S to:DA'~d I 8 feq 'Li r ....Q,e 0"~GOIT!'''"o,,: t1~15 re qu e teo to be In pec t eo 'Ill ~'LMt\·~J p co f.1c.tion ":.ofilment~ ..-c.:-»:...._..L......._....l...__.._LI.L_L_..J .._ l -'-.....J.._-L.__~_ l<~p.,,:·.ion Hist I".'m:121121210 PLrtlB-Lnd€'9'o u n d 0"/Iii'/Cjr Ln sr-e c t o -:DS "Ltie,r:('CiI='R ~ATE TEfTEfl T e :~121~20 ~LMB Rough/D.W.V 0'1/03,Q7 r ns p e c t or t CD Action:APr·'R WATEf,CO'U~IN TE~T Item:~02~v t-LMB-R"llgh/Wat~r 10:1/0'/97 I'\spl?ctOt':en ActIon:API-'R S PU I r,'"E.SSURF Item:121121.::4121 PI MB-Ga»Piplnq 1219/1213/97 Inspe~tor:CD Rcti~n:APPR 10 PSI AIRTEST;STRAP No t s s e 1';::"GAS LINE IN LAUNDRY l"RO'JIDf Cl FARANCE BETWEEN DWV AND WI 1E'P ~:E:ATER p.VENT SrlOWE.R PAN "P"TRAP NO r I NSl ALI ED JACUZZI TUB TRAP NOT INSTHLlED MFLH RflUGH OK E'XLE'T AS NOTE0 ABOVCA Item.121171;:'5121 I-'L B-Pnol/Hc.t lut) It e •1210-'121 PI MB ,tt i vc-, it en,:1210,-'9171 PI MB-f-''la • 1 ·>'0<=;/97 In per t o r e AR r A ,t 1(11 •DrJ di stt\asbel'eros ,,-can I TOWN OF VA IL 7 5 S.F RONTAG E ROAD VA IL,CO 816 57 970 -479 -2138 DEPART MENT OF CO MMU NITY DEVELOPM ENT NOTE:T HIS P ERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE AT ALLTIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Pe r mit #:P97-0044 Job Address:2 337 GARMIS H DR Lo cation ...:2 337 GA RMISH DR Parcel No ..:2 103-11 4-13 -002 Project No.:P RJ97 -0052 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 04/29 /1997 07/03 /1 997 12/30 /1997 Phone:970 -926 -3 563 Pho ne :303 -476 -70 51APPLICANTHILB,DAVE 2338 GARMISCH,VAIL,CO 81657 OWN ER ~AN BEELEN JAKE &JENNIFER 440 ILLINOIS RD,LAKE FOREST IL 60045 CONTRACTOR CM MECHANICAL P.O.BO X 2645,AVON ,CO 81620 Descr iption:PLUMBI NG FDOR NEW PRIMARY/SECON DA RValuat ion:12,000.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Plum bing----->180.00Restuarant Pl an Revi ew -->.00 TotalCal cu lat ed Fees--->228 .00 Plan Ch eck--->45.00 TOTAL FEE S-------------->228.00 Add itionalFees--------->.00 I nvestigation>.00 Total Perm it Fee-------->228 .00 IJ iI I Ca ll ---->3 .00 Paymen ts ---------------->228.00 BALANC E DUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BU ILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 07/03/1997 CHARLIE Action :APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIO NS I hereby ac know ledge t hat Ihave re ad th is application,fil ledout in f~ll thei nformation re quired,completed anacc urate p lot plan,ands tateth at a ll t he informat ionp rovidedasrequ ired is correct.Iagree to compl y wit h the i nformation an d plo t pla n, to comply with all Town ordinance s and state la ws,andtobuild thi s stru cture ac cording tothe Town 's zoning and subdivision codes,de sign r eview approved,Uniform Building Code and ot her ordinan ces of the Town applicable the reto . REQUESTS FOR I NSPECTIONS SHAL L BE MADE TIJENTY-FOUR HO URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPH ON E **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0295 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#1011 Permit No:P97-0044 Type:B-PLMB Parcel No:2103-114-13-002 Site Address:2337 GARMISH DR Location:2337 GARMISH DR 228.00 07/03/97 15:07 Init:CD PLUMBING PERMIT Total Fees:228.00 This Payment 228.00 Total ALL Pmts:228.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 180.00 45.00 3.00 ·' ~=~~.~----=-=-=~ PAr. HRb-I-t:re, (J 1-11' SHE _o F (1Ci:1' T It t"or r It,-r Fl)P INC;~'E(TI ON vJf)Iv,HEQ JF""( [1 1C'Y 1 t Aud e-, i,(Jeal 1 on, f I'\;,\"'e 1 . c i pt Ii If·I.d t 'J net r JT r;"-_r, ~")~.~V1(0,1,::1 5 /<:\7 Ty oe H-f I f--r -:;I;eo.tll: <:'::;':'(~HfJr'IT ·'H DR ;';::B7 (;ARMISH DR :'112'";-114 1 :".1/11/1,-'·)c'c EtECrRI CH F"'P NI-W PI I ",AR,I<';E (l,tJrlHI .-fit l F I!:IIMMJ1 FU:.Crrn(f n Pt",'-' V H REI.\J J ,IE 8.JE~NTFE I Pl )H' FQCI [I ,UMt',1 T ELF "';'1 RJI r.n '·h He' L Sl IE.D on s t r• I J <'": N[I 'f:O C,lJ I R"'q 1St ~I .EO •[QVE.-1 LB T '::1 '0 rme e iZIlt."~1 en t j srs 1'0 ,e'spect·o . i(.iil!t I,!ZI El [l e-i r-~I m I".><0) ACT 10n:APPR AP~RlVED "'OR SF RCONDo ;.2 --?-f?;-~/----I~Pt'C )nn HIstory ... Iter 0ilil10 ELEf -Tel,p Pnwet .t ...,0l~121l ELl"I -Ro,-,yh Ii'!c 10.I .7 I'ispe-.;t ell':l ~'V Not e •AJlI MORt NOTCH ~"'nE~ NEro t.'·OF M~K[IJP. e ,,1:ilI':;12I ELEC -Co ndo I t 1 pm'~0140 El.~r-M15C. to/~4/97 Inspector-EG Item"012119121 ELEC-Final AC1.ior APPR r4PPR('VED TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit £:E97-0068 Job Address:2337 GARMISH DR Location ...:2337 GARMISH DR Parcel No ..:2103-114-13-002 project No.:PRJ97-0052 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 04/29/1997 08/28/1997 02/24/1998 APPLICANT EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY CO 80440 CONTRACTOR EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY CO 80440 OWNER VAN BEELEN JAKE &JENNIFER 440 ILLINOIS RD,LAKE FOREST IL 60045 Phone:7198363559 Phone:7198363559 Description:ELECTRICALFOR NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY Valuation:8,000.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Electrical---> ORB Fee ---> Investigation> ~ill Call----> TOTAL FEES---> 113.00 .00 .00 3.00 116.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 116.00 .00 116 .00 116.00 .00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/28/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/28/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that I haveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct .I agree to complywiththe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design reviewapproved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE T~ENTY -FOUR HOURS "'0'"''"'""'''"'"'~...o~oo ..5,00 '" SIGNATURE OF O~NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O~NER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0320 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:£1066 Permit No:E97-0068 Type:B-ELEC Parcel No:2103-114-13 -002 Site Address:2337 GARMISH DR Location:2337 GARMISH DR 116.00 08/28/97 08:56 Init:LRD ELECTRICALPERMIT This Payment 116.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 116.00 116.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICALPERMITFEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 113.00 3.00 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E97-0068 Phone:7198363559 Phone:7198363559 Status ...:APPROVED Applied ..:04/29/1997 Issued ...:08/28/1997 Expires ..:02/24/1998 Job Address:2337 GARMISH DR Location ...:2337 GARMISH DR Parcel No ..:2103-114-13-002 Project No.:PRJ97-0052 APPLICANT EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY CO 80440 CONTRACTOR EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY CO 80440 OWNER VAN BEE LENJAKE &JENNIFER 440 ILLINOIS RD,LAKE FOREST IL 60045 Description:ELECTRICALFOR NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY Valuation:8,000.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Electrical---> ORB Fee ---> Investigation> Will Call----> TOTAL FEES---> 113.00 .00 .00 3.00 116.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 116.00 .00 116.00 .00 116.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/28/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/28/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply withthe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design reviewapproved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2136 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 6:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OYNER TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479 -21 38 DEPARTMEN T OF COMMU NIT Y DEV ELOPMEN T NO TE:THIS PE RMI TMUSTBE POSTED ON JOBS ITE AT ALL T IMES ME CH ANICAL PERMIT P er mi t #:M9 7-0 065 Job Address :2337 GARMISH DR Location :2337 GARMISH DR Parcel No:2103-114 -13 -002 project Number:PRJ97-0052 S tatu s ...:ISSUED Appli ed ..:04/29/1997 Iss u ed ...:07/08/1997 Exp i res ..:0 1/04/1998 APPLICANT R &H MECHANICAL LLC 10 47 CHE RRYVALE ROAD,BOU LDER,CO 80303 CONT RA CTOR R &H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD,BOULDER,CO 80303 OWNE R VAN BEELENJAKE &JENNIF ER 4 40 I LLI NOISRD,LAKE FOREST IL 60045 Phon e:303 -543-9894 Phone:303-543-9894 Desc ription: MEC HANI CA LFOR NE W PRI MARY/S ECONDARY Valu a tion:9/000.00 Fi r ~p la c e Information:R ~strict ed :Hot Ga s Appli ances:/lot Ga s Logs :/lot Wo od/Pall et : Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: ***********************************************************FEESUMMA RY ********************************************************** Me chanical--->180.00 Restuarant Pl an Review-->..00 TotalCalculatedFee.--->228 .00 Plancheck--->45 .00 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Additional Fees --------->.00 In vest igation>.00 TOTAL FE ES-------------->228.00 TotalPermitFee-------->228.00 Will Ca ll---->3 .00 Payments---------------->228.00 BAL ANCE OU E------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** I tem:05100 BUILDINGDEPARTMENT 07/08/1997 DAN Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/08/1997 DAN Action:APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPE CTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CO MPLIANCE. 2.CO MBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC.607 OF TH E 1991 UMC. 3.INS TALLATION MUS T CO NFO RM TO MANUFACTU RES INSTRUCTIONSAND TOAPPENDI X CHAPTER 21OFTHE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC . 5.AC CESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.. 6 .BOILERS SHA LLBE MOUNT ED ON FLOORSOF NONCOMB USTIBLE CO NS T. UNLESS L ISTEDFOR MO UNTING ON COMBUSTIB LEFLOORING. 7.PERMITLPLAN S AND COD E ANALYSIS MIUSTBE POSTED I N MECHANICAL ROO M PKIOR TO AN INSPECT ION RE8UEST. 8 .DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS C NTA INING HEAT ING OR HOT-WAT ER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPEDWITHA FLOOR DRAINPER SEC. 2119 OFTHE 1991 UMC. 9.MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTION IS REQUIRED ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL P ERM IT Permit #:M97 -0065 Job Address :2337 GARMISH DR Lo cation:233 7 GARMIS H DR Parcel No:2 103 -1 14-13-002 P roject Number:PRJ97-005 2 Status ...:ISSUED Ap plied ..:04/29/1997 Issued ...:07 /08/1997 Ex pires ..:01/04/1998 APPLICANTR &H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD,BOULDER,CO 80303 CONTRA CTOR R &H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD,BOULDER,CO 80303 OWNER VAN BEELEN JAKE &JENNIFER 440 ILLINOIS RD,LAKE FOREST IL 60045 Phone:303-543-989 4 Phone:303 -543 -9894 Description: ME CHANICAL F OR NEWPR I MA RY/SECONDARY Valu ation :9,000.00 Fi replace I nforma ti on:Res tri cted :not Gas App li ances :not Gas Logs :not Wood/Pallet: Dept:BUILDING Division: Dep t:FIRE Division: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMAR Y ********************************************************** Me chani cal--->180.00 Re stua r antPlan Re view-->.00Total Ca lculatedFees--->228 .00 Plan Chec k--->45 .00 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Ad d itional Fees--------->.00 Inve stigat ion>.00 TOTAL FEE S-------------->228.00 Total Permit Fee-------->228.00 yHl Ca ll---->3.00 Paym ents---------------->228.00 BALANCE OU E------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:/05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/08 1997 DAN Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/08/1997 DAN Action:APPRN/A CO NDITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPERSEC.607 OFTHE 1991 UMC . 3 .INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5.ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6 .BOIL ERS S HALL BE MO UN TEDONF LOORS OF NON CO MBU S TI BLE CONST. UN LESSL IS TED FOR MOUN TI NG ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORI NG. 7.PERMITL PLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBEPOSTEDIN MECHANICAL ROOM PKIOR TO AN INSPECTION RE8UEST. 8.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS C NTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPP LY BOI LERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPER SEC. 2119 OF THE 1991 UMC . 9.MECHANICAL EQUIP MEN T PROTECTIO N IS REQUIRED ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0295 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:#3108 Permit No:M97-0065 Type:B-MECH Parcel No:2103-114-13-002 site Address:2337 GARMISH DR Location:2337 GARMISH DR 228.00 07/08/97 08:21 Init:DS MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:228.00 This Payment 228.00 Total ALL Pmts:228.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 180.00 45.00 3.00 '1_MPN ,00 fJS.PN PlYl1P.lOOU1ed boilers ",,11,bl,in sizes .""SO,IXX)to 125,1XX)BTU1Y ,00 bysoeciel order inCar.clo •e ..he compact J\:\TNI-THERM II ®assures home heating comfort reliably,efficiently,and quietly. Today's homeowners demand a great deal from their heating systems :efficiency that minimizes utility bills;compact construction that speeds installation andmini- mizes space usage;quiet operation thatwon't disturb family activities; and,above all ,the ability todeliver consistent warmth when outs ide temperatu res plummet. Tha t's why Teledyne Laars designed the MINI-THERM II !)gas- fired residential hydron ic boiler. Ideal forbothnew homes and replacements,it combines ad- vanced technology with common - sense features ina compact, energy-efficient unit that keeps heating costs low and simplifies installation and maintenance.Most importa ntly,it provides year after yearof dependable heating even in the coldest climates . Tnm s's A ~IIII)EL m nmu A tX\'IIl1m\NEW S To fit each home 's comfort priori- ties,the MINI -THERM II isavailable ina varietyof configurations . Choose from : •Natu ral gas or propane •Six sizes from 50,000 to 225 ,000 BTU/hr •Four types :standing pilot (Type NT );elec tronicintermi ttent ignition (Type NS );stand ing pilotwith system-s ized and factory -supp lied pump (Type JVT·PN );and intermittent ignitionwith pump (Type JVS-PN ).* Its small footprint fits through the e narrowest doorways,and into small utility areas with ease .For easy,fast installation,the MINI-THERM II's built-in draftdiverter retrofits simply toexisting systems .And because the vent damper is an integrated partoftheunit (optionalin Canada ),it doesn 't have to be in- stalled separately inthe vent system .Alltold,the MINI -THERM II 's easy-in design saves time ,effort, and expense . UI'Tn 85.'1 %AFUE IL\TI NGS ell'UTIUTY BILL S The highe r the AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency)rating,the lower your heating costs .Andthe MINI-THERM II's patented design _ delivers high ratings,thanks to • features such as an automatic vent damper (optiona l in Canada ), built-in draft diverter,and two cast-iron "wet walls ." nI:JHIIU ~TIIOIIII.E-FII[I: OI'EIIATIUN Proven in resident ial applications worldwide ,the MIN I-THERM II's advanced heating technology was developed for dependabil ity and long life .Proper ly installed,the heat exchange r's finnedcopper tubes donot scale or corrode ,even with ha rd water .The MINI-THERM II not only heats reliably,but also delive rs consistent efficiency throughout its operating life -optimizing the homeowner's heating system investment and minimizing fuel bills .e Automatic vent dampermaximizes energy efficiency. Heat exchanger has Integral finned copper tubesthat won 't scale or corrode. ___Built-In Draft Dr..erter _+-_-+-Cast-Iroo 'I\'et Wall' pressure testing in accordance with ASME specificatio ns -as well astofull performance testing toourown stringent standards .In addition,each MINI -THERM II is certified bythe American and Canadian Gas Assoc iations ,along with ASME rating,for safety of operation.This attentio n to qua lity affords home owners unparalleled comfort -inboth the purchase ofthe MINI -THERM II and the pleasant home environ - ment it helps mainta in. TUE TEIJ:Il\'~E LUllS (mll'IIUI!J,SIH 20-YL\l1 W'\III1\~T\' The MIN I-THERM II is a worry-free investment in comfort thatthe homeowner won't ha ve to contemplate again forat least another two decades .That's because eve ryunit comes with a20-year limited warrantyto assure dependable heating .How can weoffer such a protective warranty ?By subjecting every MIN I-THERM II to complete Copoer f.med +--+--+1= Ttbes B U rM --'~- Gas In All controls are up front for easy,accurate adjustment and service. Unique burner design allows quiet,efficient operation. MINI-THEIlM II Is available with standing pilot or sparle isnition. J Top View InIt Af2 I[)vet"'it. (~-,./ J O~(R_) @PIN f={j O Cll.«~M CoT&P Gou9< ==< I ~I~~27 -112 ' (%-1l2'!cr SI"50) Side View I I I I I .-9-114,-.1_7'_1 I I I I D Front View B Minimum Clearances :Sides:6";Rear:6';Front:4'(sizes 50-100),Un obstructed (sizes125-225 );Top :23'(fromtopofboiler) He~ting Ca p .Nell8R AFUE %Dimensions Input 8TU /H x 1000 8TUtH x 1000 S o ~rk Iqnit ion St~n d i nq Pilot (i nches)W~te r G~s Approx, 8TUtH N~t ProNatPro Nat Pro Nat Pro Con n.Conn.Weight Size x 1000 GasGas GasGas Gas GasGas Gas A 8 CD V (inches)(inches)(Ibs .) SOSO 42 43 36.5 31.4 84.4 85.4 80.2 82.0 13-3/8 27-3/4 23-5/8 21-314 4 1-114 112 120 75 75 63 64 54.8 55.6 84.0 85.2 80.5 82.5 13-3/8 27·3/4 24·1/8 21·314 5 1-114112 126 100100 B3 8572.273.9 84.0 85.080.7 82.7 16·7!B 28-3/4 24-1/8 22-3/4 5 1·1/4 112 134 125 125 104 106 90.4 92.2 83.0 84.5 80.7 82.716-7/8 28-3/4 23·5/8 22·3/4 61·1/4 112 138 160160133135115.7 117.4 83.0 84.8 81.0 83.0 20·3/8 28-3/4 23-5/8 22-3/4 6 1-1/4 112 164 225 225186190 161.7 165.2 83.2 85.0 8 1.5 83.525-5/8 31-1/2 23-1 /4 24-3/4 7 1·1/4 1/2 181 Arr rssenus Power Vent Kit -For throug h-the -wall venting on 50,000 to 125,000BTUlhr sizes .Conti nuous ly regu lated draft reduces energy costsby ma intaining efficient combust ion. Non-Combustible Base -MINI-TH ERM II mus t be insta lledona Te leclyne laars non-combustible base assemb ly or otherapproved non-combustible surface . Base adds 1"toboilerheights listed in table . Non-Combustible Stand -For easy maintenance access ibility,a 19 -1/2"hig hnon-combustiblefloor stand isalso ava ilable. Compression Tank '-Air-ch arg ed diaphragm-type tank wi th automatic makeup water control. 'Notavailable in Canada. ~aTELEDYNE LAARS Accessory Sizes Part No. Power Ven t K'rt (U.S.)50 -12S 1 0 57ססoo (Canada)50-225 PV-02 Non-Combustible Base 50&75 10466701 100 &125 10466702 160 10466703 225 10466704 Non-Combusti ble Stand 50-125 20102800 160-225 20102900 'Compress ion Tank 50 -125 A0066800 160&225 A0066900 WI:'III ~RI:,\ur TlIIIUI'YUII The hot wate r special ists atTeleclyne laars wouldbe happy toput theirover40 years of expe rience to work foryou.For ass istance in choosi ng the right unit for yourapplicatio n -orif you'd sim ply like toknow moreabout our products,se rvi ces,andextens ive warranty -just calltoll-free 1-800-362-5678 (U.S.), 20 Industrial WiIt,Rocheste r,NH 03867 •Tel:(800)362-5678,(603)335-6300 Fax:(603)335·3355 480 S.Service Road West,Oakville,Ontario,Cana da l6K 2H4 •Tel :(905)844·8233 Fa x:(905)844-263 5 6000 Condor Drive ,Moorpa rk,CA 9302 1•Tel:(805)529-2000 Fax :(805)529-5934 l itho inU SA ©T.I.dyne lao'S Document l 029l 9403 -fJ;j5"'· .J:i~:r CAULAS WORK SHE~R11=.09,1'.19=.152,fUe=.-e R2.e_.J>"\'Y~/~ AREASQUARE RVAlUE U UA DT BTUs REGOUTPUT FLOORS '°7 '7D dI ~D()II /1/I ~/7Io• CEILING /0 'lo'C"'r//u j2 3/1 3D tt>7 '} WALLS fo ., cJ2t~YDL~55r /1 ID5.2---:JJ(., WINDOWS ,.'6 ,3~1 1;).,t(90 "")30 ~J1J1 bY -: j)S'-f."f> INFILTRA-71 0lr ~ro*13/5'1TION I t I I iiI I ~ J-------:J >/<;.2S--------------.-..---..----.....-..-------, biiiR!mmmiiiB1ia:~s Todd Oppenheimer,Public Works•.•g. Mike McGee,Fire . ReturnTo:Tammie Williamson,Community Development X 2142 DateRouted:2/26/97 Return By:3/5/97 ProjectName:NewPrimarySecondaryVanBeelan ProjectAddress:2337GarmishDrive ProjectLegal:Lot19,BlockH,VailDasSchone Project Description:DRBapplicationforanew primary/secondary residence _----"Approved X Denied(citedetailedreasons)__-,Approved with conditions ~l TOWN OF VAILL re<..i ~ed 4 11el'l1 411111'l1 ce vlCW c:J '\\\1\'r1 r el'XNV Van BeelD.l1 -2:;31 GA..-rN.c,V\-To.!"<'l\"\.le Terri Martinez t1 ~'>e.ho.\le U5 p:teeJD-hbl ucnhe.d Ql o."~",ped ~-\~t-ne eJ.c.y~,ct (oed &-a\"-i ~o.IDJ \~~eaM '::S \l\Ine n~n +Df v..lO..,-\OC'I \'I"<:.>uN ~. All r a-uru ":5 'NallS 4'Ii)~\lr"nO osex ,,'~r be ~\tlO"\\-,ed 10 '\o,n~~<,rered :~.,(\'1J~ 't.l;yr ~("(lc.lJ,nCj ~1«e.e d;..2 :\"\o,Ie....SQOtS ~<;\(\fhG f-fC!'1"S(:1"'I::,ct.'t.c.o.nncr c"u::ed3'-~'o rou'o....\l"/G re st-of ~hC:S\'C e c.o.(\rQ;"",<..e.ec\.<.0 \. rnw\"'j~~e i<o't o t l-e S'rOf::iec.\o,:>e,r \0 ,I'C rc oo ~\\l'(1(l¥:-e '\0 \1\:1.0' (to;e(Une (O(..lI u",v <llbeXY\\"'uCX',c:..-'Itlv"Ced \0 I..,0.\J<::0.NU.,,-,-O"\umof \C' one.n-cc ';,cle Of t1)e c<:ntU"lI nc (ao.iv'S I fc.y-o,\;;oto.(w,ot \1of{2', 6'\m e f\:.W s tondards uo <::"'11 '1 a.l\C,'l 0.\\<>'f "'.re 0 "0.op "e-\,llICS<,1"1'e hre O"l'O'l rn e"t n eedS fre {Ia n:.""0l..fJ:;45 YOJr C-\J I Ud"~)..,ho..lId a.~OLtt:rO 0.(yjllwnu n o f S 'oH +I.e P(qo~ed ':Jccf <.\<',I'tX>.Q I"• \CC(\L .~!'CI rt cn ,Lan'!t'cnlee ~~.,RECYCLED PAPER 1 muOleJ 4\IGIC\1 4liLtl111 (e.-.J \Q.>.)~ '"\\11\'11 r eI'XNJ \/0.,1 &elo.O -7.:)'n W 'f rN.S,,",-\C\\",,"'e Terri Martinez ""~''''j "\'It:>KO'\t ci lle i}'c~Je <..-\0"<::("\0 ,\'C (O C.>O "":;"11 IYIO'I'£,,\ovc :2.0' (e<1 l tY u nc (ex-I),Y,~"obe.<Y)1JU CX',<:'---'lDv I',(;(;';.Q 10 "'",,,,,o,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,\,,\\.1,,,,,,*1,)' QC\eA rI"'C,,;lCle c,r r ile ct:ntt"rll nc.w(.ll uS I f-cy-c;to ta (w\c Hl-lv"i2.'. B'-\ril e ~',tondo rc!s w e c,.I ,-\41\(:"~0.\v,'~I axe 0 ""(\"",,..U'lef.<,r''e hre Oepol H nU)r n eedS rI C ~1(,,<:.\c<oJ.U:<6 YD!(CUI"'-'\G)S h w lc\c,II U ~,--O 0.,yj "w nu "of <;'0 f,'he \"o;-o <J:O eJ':l"~ C\',.\,"o.Q r . nw.',e,"hQ~e c.~(Xt e:;..."'\J o-h c...~uc n!led C<1 "QO,m vc0 [,4-\<o c..oJ:,e 1 \~ 8dc'y~'ct e ra)&-C\N ~O'C.:A\\~\c&:x\0I C<,\i\w.e (I';')n,Df ~'-\o C\ \"I,,<::~uN ~' M I COlru"1j ",,()j,).s,'\',,'~\\\..G.,....a O..i<X ",u.r \:>e '\\Q\\W eJ "'1 0.r~",rered e,,'6\reJC( '{O\)('Bco.c.1J.n C-)'~J'o~e LJ;,.2 ',\1,\o,I V>''>QO~s \.luU>\C\\hC f ,Cl1 r ~r~(.().nnOi"c:"u::ed3'-w0l\.5 \\wo,,'O'"\~ce,>r of -\"GS\'(;e (L\(\l'<X e<-uz.e.O.ID \, o RECYCLEDPAPER '-ign Review Action Forre TOWN OF VAIL Date:Parcel Number:_ Project Name:VA.-u ........~1a:AAAA8.....~---------------------- Owner,Address and Phon e:J.at.e,\fo.J.N VLe4~Mr-~IoOo.----------------- A rchitect/Contact,Ad dress an d Ph on e:~e ,--tll1b Lega lDescription:Lot -B-Block ~S ubdi vision ~t?~t!2-Zo neDi strict ProjectS treet Ad dress :2331:(?t:vyy'AJ~'--_ Comments:_ B o ard I S taff Ac tion Mo tion by :Vote:_ Sec onded by :_ o A p proval o D isa ppro val )<Staff A pproval Co nditions:_ (~~--- TownP lanne r g ...11;-q1- \ Questions?~le Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL G EN ERAL INFORMATION This a pplicationis foranyproject requiring Design Re view appro val.Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting fora building permit.For specific information ,se e the submittal requirements forthe particular approval thatis requested.The application cannot be accepted untilallthe required information is suhmitted.Theprojectmayalson eed tobe reviewed b y the Town Council and/or the Planning and k ~"J\ Environmental Commission .Design Review Board approval expires one year after fin al approval unless a ,?-~L..- building permit is issued and construction is started .~4-....:1\;J W ...\\(\....)C+-\'"~o-....,lL -(L-...}t.¥v I\ll-S L.j A .D ESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST:V <...V'",J\~<L ~o-((\A Lv\>r +0 <j\<Z..U\, of tv """N ibJr.,/r..I t:It.~••:'..:D-c(,.".....\t:.)~-f <:.>\)f +-~~t ~ fi>"""-w~:.\I.-.u-IZ..):...v.).>J..(,)\J'~k 4A,,--\c:.~~t d-'\\.,);...<bw..r B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:I ~BLOCK:'i'2...J-\FILlNG:_--='--=-_ PHYSICAL ADDRESS:'2'"!>"'>1 ~O-('~;f S C. D. E. F. G . PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co.Assessors Office at 970-328 -8640 for parcel #) ZONING:?I S NAME OF OWNER(S):::>""lu-II """f?,e.....\e--" MAILING ADDR ESS:2 3;'1>":$.).t M.I 1<., V A I ~C ::;>'1:16)1 PHONE:...---:~~....!....:;.:........:::-L OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):0)!\~'I <::..),,-1,...'-{"r NAME OF APPLICANT :_ MAILING ADDRESS:_ ____________________PHONE :_ H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: o New Construction ..$200 o Addition-$50 o Minor Alteration-$20 Construction ofa new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added toany residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings andsite improvements.such as.' reroofing.painting.window additions.landscaping.fences and retaining walls.ctc. DRBfeesarctobcpaidatthe time of submittal.Later,whcn applying fora building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the project.The Town of Vailwill adjust thefee according tothe project valuation. I PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION.ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 8J(j57. ...... 75SouthFront age Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 May I.1997 Dave Hilb 2331;A Gannish Drive Vai l,Co .8 1657 R E:VanBeelan Residence Dear Dave: Department of Community Development Recentlyyou a ppliedforabuilding pennit for theVanl3eelan Residence located onGannish Drive .It has also c ome tomyattentionthattheissues identified during PublicWorks review havenotbeen addressed . Theseissues arc asfollows : I .The driveway ent rance curbcutcanbe a maximum of24 feet wide; 2 .Theparking/turn aroundare a must be a minim um of 12 feet wid e; 3 .While the 20footce nterlineradiusworks,there must be (,feet onei ther sid e of thisarea.In o rder toachieve this.youmust extendthe as phalt to the castby 2 feet and ext end thepropo sed 18 inch cu Ivert by 2 teet; 4 .Thegrading exceeds the permitted all owance of 2:I inafew a reas; 5 .Thetopographicsurveyshouldbeupdatedtoincludespotele vations attheedgeofthe existing asphalt: 6 .Thewall onthenorthwestcorner o f theturnaroundexceeds themax imum wall heightin the front setback of3feet;and 7 .Theculverts shouldbe extendeda minimum o f5 teet offofthe edge ofproposed edgeof asphalt. 1 wouldstrongly encoura geyouto setup a meetingw ithTerriPartch of Publ ic Work s toresolve these issues.A buildingpermitwillnot be issued bytheTown of Vail until these issuesarcaddressed .Please contact Terriat479-2 I 69.assoonas possible .If youha ve additional questions.please contact mea t 479- 2 142. Sincerely, Tammie Williamson T ownPla nner cc :Terri Partch o RECYCLED PAPER ;~Olign ReviewAction Fo" TOWN OF VAIL Date 3 -zo-17 NEhI {Dtf-iT!?£-lC..VON ~t=''lklm4-li!lt flYl ::vYUli 'I/c.4-tttL779 K-l-'7L {/N17 Jj/V17 t1!17lt ~ I Owner,AddressandPhone:JA k[.V.4N &z I/N 1 +0 r u..-I Nt!Ji ~ M Kk ((;gY5T .n:!e oMs--"2.3h.!:J- Zone District ~/5 6,--0 ~a~St aff Ac._·~_ Vote :__-=---'='----_Motion by:8Pr;NT ALM Seconded by:~JiN ;;HoFlU D '"")r{Approval o Disapproval o StaffApproval Conditions:{)71ftJ r Tlte SIn:;11(.7?!/Ni rV C 1/'07-0 fh9...vt;If FLAG @AI£('Ll-{J. TownPlanner Date :3-'20-'17 DRBFee Pre-paid '1 200,(JO ZONE CHECK Remaining =---- 0 30 = Proposed +z.;o ro .=_ +1 ~7 B Existi n[! Date:'2 -5 -~'1 Legal description:Lot 1'1 Block ---l..ff"---_Filing VAL~LJI't5 sc ItOIvE:FI /-1 N (,#="Z... Address Z 33 'i G.~:u-m.lS I!LA-N ~ OwnerS~/u;..vi A-JJ C>ef:l-rt ~Phone 'J 7 0 LJ 'J(o -7 ()5 { 12ef ~1>lWe;8:....:.\..::::.L-.!Ole'--_~Phone 4 lie -7CS I Zone.district p,'\(\"Cl..J 'i:nr\~a r'={Proposed usc Pelt'>"A-~'(Y(r:ry.et~ Lot SIZC d4 ~frc.._!~_Q.I s:Buildable area I 'f ,!)I S-, 3 15D L/SZ Allowed TotalGRFA 1 2.0 /+850 =505/ foot(rPrimary GRFA 3 03J,+(4 ~5)(67 5 *)=3 031_. ~cc o n dMy GRFA 2.020 +(425)(675*)=Z 0 2-0 /1{E /f3 ~*675 =425 credit plus250addition Doesthis requestinvolve a 250 Addition?_--'-,v.:..-O-,--_ N llt I Howmuchoftheallowed250 Additionisused withthis request?_-l::..f.Il.._ I~,I) 7..0 ___+1)&1';=Z o%Site Coverage III ~H,3)~0-:' Height ~33 )3 1/ Setbacks Front 20' Sides 15' Rear 15' Landscaping Minimum ~ Retai ning WallHeights Parking 3'/6' Required--1 _ GarageCredit (3 00)(600)(900~ Driveway Permitted Slope %Proposed Slope % Complies withTOVLighting Ordinance Arc finish ed gradesless than2:1 (50%) Yes,_ Yes,_ No t40 P,,-"fllr-tt.-6 ~4"W D ,..lI--~ EnvironmentallHazards I)Percent Slope «>30%),_ 2)Floodplai n __...!N:::..p./PrL-_ 3)Wetlands NIPo 4)WaterCourse Setback(30)(50),_--'N"'-.tJ.JA:l---_ 5)Geologic Hazards __L:_'~__ a)Snow Avalanchc~j.z:lIJ.'--..,._- ~ROC kfall MU>\U ~rk~1(.b SVI!>M iTTf il)S l'fr ~t~L c)DebrisFlow f'J 1.Lf\:...-_ N ON £:Previous conditionsofapproval (checkproperty file)~·__-u~~=----_ N OIsthepropertynon-conforming?Describe :~"--_ DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project _ o SURVEY o SITE PLA.t'l Scale Benchmark Legal descripti on LotSize Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr .floodplain WaterCourse Setback Environmen tal Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Scale BuildingHeight Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connec tion Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage TurningRadius Driveway(accessandgrade) SnowStorage FireAccess o FLOORPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spaee EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale CoJor\Matcriais RoofPitch o L"\.l'\lDSCAPE PLA.t'\l Existing trees Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlereport (A&B) Utility verification form Photosofsite Building material samples C.O.Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) ViewCorridors Variances Plat restrictions \ '. ---_.., 8 0 90 _--.. ..__.----- -0 _.-.._,"• .-...--.~ \"".</.:(:'.':-e· ,_//" .!""_..---.-------".----- <, " ,i \\ -,'\)'\:I I ,i :-.-""-. ""/,,'/////>.•-.,-.--/// ,,///.J"//,-. "-'//'//.--- /'".///~--- .'/,',.'//iJi ···'-"'-~~<P'::::::::~./~./,"./f'--~. ""....'-"/.~-..'/«:'.'.........<>:.'Y ///. "."('".....'/'//.~" ,//. / / '. ... "-, ... -, " " ... " '\'. -, \, ". -,...-,-, -,... -, \-. \ " \ \, '-. -,-, <,, -, -, -, -, , "--, -,..., ", " "-, " \ \ \ "\ \, \\~\, \:....:. \-.0 /..." ----"""'-:::::------------ / / II \-.....---_.--- i, -j I _-_ I //~BECOI'l _I ,/LINE O F EXT .1./1 ,//,/.i .. ASPHALT " ", GARMISCH DRIVE (5 0) LANDSCAFE FLAt 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970 -479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March 7,1997 DaveHilb 2338A Garmish Drive Vail,Co.81657 II - Department of Community Development RE:Design Review Board Application for 2337 Garmish Drive Dear Mr.Hilb: The Town of Vail Community Development Department isinreeeipt of your application forfinal review bythe Design Review Board(DRB)scheduled forMarch19,1997.The Public Works, Fireand Planning Departments havethe following comments regarding your plan. Public Works: J.Please verify spot elevations ona stamped survey.Locatetheedge of theroadandany drainage atthe roadway edge; 2.Grading cannot exceed 2:secplan; 3 .Please indicate the snow storage area.Thisshouldbe 30%of the asphalt area; 4.Please reconfigure the driveway witha20'eenterline radiusasper Town of Vail minimum standard;and 5.A4'pan must be provided at the bottom ofthe drive where it connects tothe right-of- way.The pan should be6"thick concrete witha2"invert. Planning Department: I.Please submit details onthe proposed lighting plan; 2.The survey must be stamped bya Colorado registered engineer;and 3 .Thesiteplan indicates retaining wallsthatexceed3'feetin height.All retaining walls4' or greater in height must be stamped bya registered engineer. "t.~RF:CYCLEn PAPER ·' TheFire Department h as completed thereviewandhasnocomments.As information,please stakethelot prior tothe meeting,andbringanycolorsamplesyoumayhavetothe meeting.If youhaveany questions pleasecontactmeat 479-2142. Sincerely, TammieWilliamson TownPlanner $....b M ..lJ,.-""0.- h01'Z.Clllc:J.NPO/~ ~""~~ /YIeJ.:......"'"s...e~,.~ ~c:.1~~ ~ 1'. n ·/i...;.J/17/H DESIGN REV IEW BOARD APPLICATION.TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE RECEIVED:F ebr uar y 2 4 ,1997 DATE OF DRB MEETING:Ma rch 19,199 7 ********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW.' ********** ..' I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION:Ne"co n st ru ct io n of s ingle fa mil y horeB r B.TYPE OF REVIEW: __X__New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Add ition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C.ADDRESS:2 337 Ga r mis h Dri ve Va il,Col orado 8 1657 D.LEGAL DESC RIPTION:Lot 19 Block Subdivision Vail Das §chone Fili ng No .2 H If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E.ZON ING:P ri ma ry Sec on dar y F.NAME OFAPPLI CANT :.,,-,.;nJ-;.a"-k_e==V.....a.....n:...,..:B'-;-e:....e:..;l~e.=..:ni--_~.......,-:;---;:;-;:::--;;-;--;:-;:::-::;-_ Mailing Address:2 338AGa r mi s hDri ve Va il ,CO8 1657 Pho ne (97 0)4 7 6 -7 051 G.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Da ve Hi lb Mailing Address:2 338 AGa rmi sh D r i -v~e~V.....a~i-;.1.....,~C~O~8~1~6~5~7,----- Phone (9 70)476-705 1 CFft¥.)~7 ('-O Z-'7 1 OWNER(S)SIGNATURE; Mai 1 ing Addres s:......J,.~>l...>l.--.l~l>..l...tl.>/..Jl2.--Y::~_ ~.,.\.1:\'0.:. H.NAME OF OW}illR(S ): APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I.Condominium Approval if applicable. J.DRB FEE:DRB f ees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of sQbmi t tal of the DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please iden tify the accurate valuation of the proposal.Th e Town of Vail will a djust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID:$CHECK #:DATE:BY: VALUATION FEE SCHEDULE: $0- $10,0 01 $SO/DOl $150,001 $500,001 $Over $10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.0 0 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 •• II.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed.It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your project. III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners.All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual review and a final review. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. D.The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building;and .~ b.Building additions not visible from any other lot or public space.At the time such a proposal is submitted.applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc.),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with aTown Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F.For all residential construction: a.Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building;and b.Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G.If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a building permit. 2 .IV.NEW CONSTRU_ON A.Three copies of a recent topographic survey,stamped by a Colorado Professional Licensed Surveyor,at a scale of 1"=20'or larger,on which "the following information is provided: 1.Lot area,and buildable area when different than lot area. 2.Legal description and physical address. 3 .Two foot contour intervals u n less the parcel consists of 6 acres or more,in which case,S' contour intervals may be accepted. 4.Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4"or more,as measured from "a point one foot above grade. 5.Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders,intermittent streams, etc.). 6.Hazard areas (avalanche,rockfall,etc.), c enterli ne of streams or creeks,required creek or s tream setback,and 100-year flood plain,if applicable.Slopes of 40%or more shall be clearly delineated by cross hatching. 7.Ties to existing benchmark,either USGS landmark or sewer invert.This information must be clearly stated on the survey so that al l measurements are based on the same starting poin t.This is particularly important for determining building height and driveway slope.See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. 8.Locations of the fo llowing must be shown:" a.Size and t yp e of drainage culverts,swales, etc. b.Exact location of existing uti l ity service lines from their source to the structure, including: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas Electric c.All utility meter locations,including any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. d.Property lines -distances and bearings and a basis of bearing. e.Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat. 9.Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the proper ty at twenty-five foot intervals (25'),and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot. B.Site Plan 1.Locations of the following must be shown: a.Existing and finished grades. b.Proposed surface drainage on and off site. 3 e e c.Proposed dri ve way,i nc l uding percen t slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the drive to accurately reflect driveway grade. d.A4 'concrete drive pan a t the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. 2.All existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas,service areas,storage areas, walks,driveways,off -street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (with top and bottom of wall spot elevations),and other existing site improvements. 3.In order to determine proposed building heights elevations of all top roof ridges,and eaves when determined necessary by the zoning administrator, shall be indicated on the site plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. C.Landscape Plan (1"=20'or larger)-3 copies required 1.At a minimum,the following i nfo rmation must be provided on the landscape plan: a.Location of existing trees 4"diameter or larger, b.Type,size and location of a ll existing and proposed plant material, c.Location of all trees to be transplanted, d.A detailed legend of all proposed plant material including common and Latin names. 2.The loca tion and type of exis t ing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 3.Existing and proposed contour lines.Retaining walls should be included with the contour information with top of wall and bottom of wall elevations listed. 4.Complete the attached landscape materials list. D.Sign off from e ach utility company verifying the location of utility service and availability (see attached utility verification form). E.A preliminary title report Schedule A and B must accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership and identify gll easements affecting the subject property. F .Architectural Plans (1/8"=l 'or larger,1/4"is preferred scale for review)3 copies are required. 1.Floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned . .The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. 2.One set of floor plans must be "red-lined"to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA)was calculated. 3.Exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the attached materials list.This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of the application.Color chips,siding samples etc.,shall be presented at the Design Review Board meeting.Details including,but not limited 4 t~scia,trim,railings,ChAliby cap,meter locations,etc.must be shown graphically and fully dimensioned. G.Zone check list (attached)must be completed if the project is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. H.Photos of the existing site and where applicable,of adjacent structures. I.The Zoning Administrator 'and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans,drawings, specifications.samples and other materials (including a model)if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V.MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOROF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan)-of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above,provided all important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials t o be used are submitted. VI.ADDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A.Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B.Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8"=l'or larger (1/4"=l'is preferred) C.Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction.Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D.Elevations of proposed addition. E.Photos of the existing structure. F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materialS list (attached). At the request of the zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.See attached u t ility location verification form. H.A site improvement survey,stamped by registered Colorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I.A prel iminary title report,to verify ownership of property,which lists all easements. VII.FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued ,and construction is underway,and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection,two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC)stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted.The following information must be provided on the ILC: A.Building location(s)with ties to property corners, i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. 5 C.All utility service line as-builts,showing type of material used,and size and exact location of lines. D.Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. E.All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. G.All easements. H.Garage slab elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge lines. VIII.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW A.Submittal requirements:The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development.The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town'S Design Guidelines.This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single- family and two-family residences.However,developers of single-family and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review.complete applications must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: 1.A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2.Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; 3.sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e.GRFA,site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces,etc.); 4.Completed DRB application form. B.Procedure:Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review,the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code.If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements,the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review.If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements,the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements.Once a complete application has been received,the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines.The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews.The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. 6 ".. ,..":',"~"{ LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:Van Bee len Res idence LEGAL DESCRI PTION :LO T-l2-BLOCK H_SUBDI VIS ION Va il Das Scho ne STREET ADDRESS:2337 Gar mis h Dr iv e "Vail Color ado 816 57 The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a fina l approval can be g i ven: Reces sed cans i n s offit a bove e xte r ior d oors Lanterns at gar age entry A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Mate rials Fascia So f fi t s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Ha nd or Deck Ra i ls F lues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enc losur"es Greenhouse s Retai ning Walls Exterior Lighting Other TYPE OF MATERIAL P re sid e nt ia l 4 0 y ear As pha l t s hi n gl e None 2X 12 Ced ar band 2X1 2 Ced ar 1 X6 T&G Ce dar Semc o aluminum cla d 2X6 Ceda r Semco F ibe rg l as s 2 X6 Ce dar 1 X4 Ce dar s l a ts wi th :EX6 Redwoodc ap Me ta l ga s F l ue St ain les s s teel None In garag e None Stone E1 ag stpn p None COLOR ~v e a t he red wood Cedar Na t ura l stai n F ores t Green Ced a r Natu ra l stain Fore st Gree n Ce dar Natural stain Tan Ced ar Na tu ral stai n Ce d ar Na t u ral stain Me ta l Brown Colo Buff Red B .LANDSC APING :Name of Des igner :-:;J,...:o;..:h"'n'-'-="'H-:;;a""r,...:t;..;i:;.;ne:-_ Phone:84 5 -7112 7 ·'.~- PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name COmmon Name Ouantity ,Size*' PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Picea P ungens CO Blu e Spruc e36 ft Ouakln gPOpUlUSTremuloidesAspen 9 2 in .c al. Commun lsSaxatilis Mt n.J un i pe r 85 g al. Symp hofl ca rpo s Oreo ph ll us S no wbe rry 75 g al. Redtwig dogwo od 8 5g al. *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. 'GROUND COVERS SOD Na tu ra l gr a ss see ding None Square Footage approx .1 500 sg.f t. SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Wild fl ower a nd f escus mix None TYPEOR METHOD OF Na tur a l gr o undc o ver EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the space below and provide the height above grade,type of light ·proposed,lumen output,luminous area and a cut sheet of the light fixture.(Section 18.54.050 J) No ne D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3'.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. 3 foo t st one wing wal l 8 revised 8 /17 /94 TOWN OF VAILUTILITYLOCATION VERIFICATION FORM H Va i l , JOB NAME Van Be e le nRe si de nc e SUBDIVISION Va il DasSc ho ne LOT 19 BLOCK .FILING 2 ADDRESS 2337 Ga r mi s h Dr-i,...v-e-:.=----.,.--c-o lo r ad o 8 1-=6:":5=-=7:-------- The form is used to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedUling installations.For any new construction proposal,the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. The location and availability of utilities,whether they be 'main trunk lines or proposed l ines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for t he accompanying s ite plan. All authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized S igna ture U.S.West Communications 468-6860 or 949-4530 A r iW "Ll 'S '6PublicServiceCompany 949-6135 Gary Hall/lath @l!Je~y Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Engineering Dept.~~~..~ Ted Husky jHiefiae l La'J'e rty ~r ~ J--/CJ -1 7 **TCI Cablevision o f the ROCkieSt~f ~949-1224 r . Mark Graves ~C l-I \.4 ')L:.A L1 L.-I er '1,7 **Upper Eagle Valley Water fl..e.~~~~~~._ &Sanitation District *~ 476 -7480 "';{~\\. Fred Haslee ~sd...$..\\o\Q......m.,..o..--__ **A site plan i s required.Physical location of known utilities must be s hown on the site plan.Utility locations mayor may not offer service to the property line.Any utility extension required shall be the responsibility of the property owner. NOTE:1.If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction,the utility r epresentative should not directly on the utility ver i fica tionf orm that there is a problem which needs to be resol ved.The issue should then be spelled out i n detail in a n attached letter to the Town of Vail.However,please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company to resolve identified problems. 2.If the ut ility veri fication form has signatures from each of t he u tility companies,and no comments are made d irectly on the form,the Town will presume that there are no problems and t hat the development can proceed. 3.These v erificationsdo not relieve the contractor of h is respon s ibi lity to obtain as treet cut permit f rom t he Town of Va il ,Depa rtment of Publ ic Works a ndt oob t ain ut i lity l ocations before digging in any p ubl ic right -of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a stre et cut permit. As treet cut permit must be obtained separately. 4.Installation of service l ines are at the expense and responsibility of the property owner. 9 t-"' Single Family ZONE CHECK ,fO R Residence,Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS primary/Secondary DATE:Febr ua ry 19 ,1 997 LEGAL DESCRIPTION :Lot ~Block ~Subdivis ion Vai l Das S c hone ADDRESS:233 7 Garmi shDr ive Va il,CO .8 165 7 OWNER J ak eVa n Bee len PHONE (8 47)374 -2 111 ARCHITECT John Martin PHONE (970)845 -71 12 ZONE DISTRICT P!imary!Seco nda ry PROPOSEDUSE P rim ar y!S e conda ry LOT SIZE 19,515 SgF t. ___+425 =_ Height Total GRFA Pr imary GRFA secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Allowed (30)(33) +4 25 =---- 20' 15' 15 ' BUILDABLE LOT AREA .448 a cr es Existing proposed Total 0 30 30 0 2430 2430 1 752 17 52 6 78 6 78 2 5' 24 '/24 I 85 ' Site Coverag e Landscaping Retaining Wall Heigh ts ,,)'/6',3 ' Parking __~eqrd 5 _2_En cl Garage Credit (JOO)(600)(900)(1200)_ Drive:permitted Slope 8 %Proposed Slope 8 % Complies with T.O.V.Lighti ng Ordinance Yes x No Water Course Setback (30)(50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2 :1 (50%)YES NO Environmental/Hazards:1)F lood Plain 2)Percent Slope «>30%) 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche b)Rockfall c)Debri s F low 4)Wetlands xNO-','--_=-_yes _View Corridor Encroachment: Does this request inv01ve ~~50 Addition?No How much of the allowed 250 Addition is use~d~w~i7t7h~t~his request?None Previous conditions of approval (check property file): 1 n .. /o /.<,'?"' /<)",-. "<, i tv 048 11 <f44})<0 "f-t--_ i --_.---'-.'-~:~..-f /'1~1-.•-.----_•.__ / ) ~ c. Ij 2 .1 '~I.'~I C(I)4 :4'__-P M OZ .l"'"1f"....P,..WED 11 :0 5 F _-U 9 in 4 12':'1 z:~.1_col 1.'.1"/94 +AVO N.COLORA~~ Ranch Cree~Lend C O~ P CI 1 141 002 FILING .-;:-:::-:2~_ C 9 1.grado 8 16 57 H VAil, TOWN 011'VA:tL ~ITX LOCATION YBJlLl":tCAT:ton PORM JOB NAME Van fleelan ReGiaence SUADIV~SION Vail Dae Schone I..OT 1 '3 :SLOeK , ADDRESS 2337 Garmi'sh Driye The form iQ used to verify serv~~e availab~lity and loc&tion.Th~s shou~d be used ~n eonjune~~on w ith preparing your utility plan and s~heduling ~n~tallat~onB .POy any new construct~on propoS~l,the applicant must provide a eomplQ ted ut~lity ver~f~cat~on fo~_ T he locat~on and ava ilability of util~tie~,~hether they be main trunk line~or proposed ~i n e s ,must be ~p~roved ~d verified by the f oll owing ut ilit ~e~£or c he accompanying site plan. All authorizing siqnatures need to be originalS . u.s.West CQmmunicat~ons 4 6 ~-~~5 .0 or ~,4.9~.-4 ~~:o '." Publ i.c .S erv~c:e Company 94 9 -6 13 5 G a ry H a ll/~i eh Cooley Holy Cross E1ectr~c Assoc . 9 49-58 92 Engineering Dept . Ted Husky/~~:ieBael.1.'3"e,..-to~.7 t he R o ckies"TCI Cab1evi s ion of 949-l22<l loIa rk G raves -0 0(-' ••Upp er Ea9 ~Q vallQy Water &sani~~c~on D~8tric t * 476 -7480 FrQd Haslee ~A.s.~..."...""-~..n..~. ·-"T~H 't,(\~l\pr;.Qm ••A s~t.plan ~B required.Physical ~ocation o~known uti1ities m ust be :sho~on the si.te plan.Util.i.ty locations mayor may :c.ot o ffer service to the property line .Any utili.ty ex-r.8nsion requ:tred shall be t he responsibility of the property owner. 1.N OTE:I f a util ity company has concerns with the proposed construction ,the u t ility r epresen t ativ~should not direc tly o n th~u t ility verifica ti on f o rm that ch~re i.~a problem which needs to be reso1v ed .The issue shou1d then be spel led out in detai1 i.n a n attached letter t o the Town of Vail .However.please keep in mind t h at it i s the responsibility of t he u ti lity company to resolve i dentified problems . 2 _If t he ut ility v e r i f i e~t i o n form has zignatures from e a ch of the util i ty companies,and no comments are ~ade d irectly on the form.the Town will presume tha tt her e are n o problems and that the developmen t can proceed . 3.These ver1fications do not r e lieve the contractor of hi s respon~ibi lity to Obtain a street cut perm1t from the Town of Vail ,Departmen t of Pub1ic works ~nd t o Ob ta in ,]t ~l ity IpCAt£Qng befgre digging ~n a ny public right-of -way or 8asero~nt i n th e Town of Vail.A bu i ldin cr _.~ermi c ia not;0-stree t c ut perm?c, A strQQt cut parrnit must be obta~ned saparately. 4 .Installation of serv~~e lines are at the axpen••and r esponsibil~ty of the proper ty owner . ,.e e ~ti n.u l.6 J~ Community Development Plan Routing Form ---" Routed To:GregHall,PublicWorks TerriPartch,Public Works 1-' Todd Oppenheimer,PublicWorks MikeMcGee,Fire Return To:TammieWilliamson,Community Development X2142 Date Routed:2/26/97 RetumBy:3/5/97 Project Name:New Primary Secondary VanBeelan Project Address:2337GarmishDrive Project Legal:Lot19,Block H,VailDas Schone Project Description:DRB application forancw primary/secondary residence _~Approved >(Denied(citedetailedreasons)_---'Approved withconditio ns t IT,,"c.fbn'-" R eviewedby: Date received: Date reviewed: e e Community Development Plan Routing Form Rou ted To:Greg Hall,Public Works Terri Partch,Public Works Todd Oppenheimer,Public Works l ...Mik e McGee,Fire Return To :TammieWilliamson,Community Development X2142 Date Routed:2/26/97 RetumBy:3/5/97 Project Name:New Primary /Secondary Project Address:2337Garm ish Dri ve Project Legal:Lot19,Block HVail DasSchoneFiling#2 Project Description:DRB application foranew primary/secondary ~V-' I ~proved Denied(citedetailedreasons)Approvedwithcond itions Ne ed Comments by3/597 , l-----------------------------. I , i I /1/N)Date received: R eviewedby :!lttffl CJUr Date reviewed:?-)~97,, r-IO.5 76 Order No.97014003 STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARA~TY COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE IXSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY ,A Teus Corporation,herein called the Company,for valuable consideration.hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance.as identified in Schedule A,in favor oftheproposed Insured named in Schedule A.as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A,upon payment of the pr emiums and charges therefor;all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and Band to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective onlywhen the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy orpo licies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof bythe Company.either atthe time of the ls5UJIIU:e of this COlJlIllitment or by subsequent endorsement . This Commitment is 'preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance 8Dd all liability and obligations hereunder sball cease and terminate six momhs after the effective date hereof 01 'when the policy or policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs,provided that the f ailure toissu e such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. Signed under seal for th e Company,but this Commitment shallnot be valid or binding until it bears an authorized Countersignanire . IN WITNESS WHEREOF.Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused irs corporare name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. FEB.2 1.19'37 12:2 7PI'1 ST E~I HRT TITLE VHIL •AnI~lII>~l'i&AnocilIlioll Ccmmhmenl -ttified 3na FEB.2 1.1997 1 2 :~'f:Pr '1 Order Number:97014003 S TBIART TITLE VAIL.e SCHEDULE A r ~).57 6 P.-3.·7 1.EffeCTivedate :Februuy 04,1.997 at:7:45 A.M. 2.Policy or Policies tobe issued: (aJ A.L.T.A .Owner's (B"t=ded) Proposed Insured: Amount of Insurance $ (b)A.L.T.A.Loan Proposed Insured: (c)Leasehold Proposed Insured: (seandllrd)$ s 3 ,The estate or inserest in the land describedorreferred TO in This Commitment andcoveredhereinis £ee s:i:mplt' 4.Title TO the fee 5,illlP1e estateorinterest in said [alld is at The effectivedatehereofvested ilt: 5.The land referredtoin this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACSED LEGAL DBSCl/.XI''rXON Purporeed Address:STATEMENTOF CHARGES These charges are due and payable beforea Policy am be issued. PR~raM $~80.00 FEE:.21.1997 12 :2'c:P r', Order Number:970140.03 STD·1HRT TI TLE VHIL.e SCHEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION NU .576 P .-1 ''7 Lot:19, Block a, VAIL DAS SCHOW,PILNG NO.2 accord~ng to thG record&d plat:eh~r~o£as Reception No.110984. COtTN'J:f'OF EAGLB STA:l'Z OV COLORADO 'rHIS COMMITMENT WAS Ptl.1U'ARED 011 1'B!J.20 ,1997 .FOR Qt1ESTIONS PLZASB CJl.LL LINDA WILLIAMS AT (970)949-1011. cop:ie:l to : Dave Hi1b FEB.2 1.199i'12 :':''8pr'l Order Number:!170~'\40.o3 STI'IHRT TITLE VHIL SCHEDULEB Seaton 1 REQUIREMENTS r~(J.5 76 Thefollowingarethe requirements tobecomplied with: Item (aj Payment to or for the account ofthe grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest tobeinsured, Item (b)Proper instrumenus)creating the estate or inrerest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record.to wit: 1.NCNIl FEEl.2 1.1997 1 2:28pr'l.. Order Number:91014003 STGJI'lRT TITLE VI'lII -Fr7 I:'B ..i.J .....l~V&.l~ ..Semon 2 EXCEPTIONS r -~I ).57b P.t )/'? The policy or policies tobeissuedwillcontainexceptionstothe following unless thesamearedisposed of cothe satisfaction of the Company: 1.Rights or claims ojparties in possession,nor shown l7y th~public records. 2.Easements .or claims of easements,nor shown by the public records. 3.Discrepancies,corflias in boundary lines,shortageinarea,encroachments,and anyfactswhicnacorrect survey and inspection of the premises would discloseand which arenot shown bythe public records. 4.Anylien.or right toalien.for services.laboror material heretoforeor hereafter furnished.imposed by law and nor shown bythe public records. 5 .Dejeers,liens.encumbrances,adverse claimsor OTher matters,if any,created.first appearinginthe public recordsorattaching subsequent TO theeffectivedare hereof.bur prior tothedarethe proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate orinterestormortgagethereon covered bythiscommitment. 6.Unpatentedminingclaims;reservations orexceptions ill patents,oranacrauthorizingrhe issuance thereof; waterrighis,claims ortitletowarer. 7.AIly and all unpaid taxes aDd assessments a»d any unrede~ed tax sales. 8.n ..a££..ct or inclusions in any general or s;>eci£ic _ter conserv~cy,fire procecCiac,soil conaervacion or other distri~t or inclusion in aay wueer serviae or Btroet :LmprovBIlIe.ut area. !J,ReservatloDs ~e.xcept:Lons .in Patents,or .in Ac=ts author:i.:Z:i.Dg the issuance tbereo£,including the reSe1"'lo"ation or a r;tght o£way tor ditche15 or canals constructed by the author.:l.ty o£the tTn.:i.t::ad Sf::af::ell,a8 reserved in Un.ite>d States Patent recorded August:11,1900 in Book 48 at Page 236. An undivided 1 /2 intere3t therein,as 'reserved in deed Kiabtipes IiInd Nick K1abt:,ipes, 10.in and tQ th..0.:1.1,gas and mineral rignt:s frOM Peter E.Kacsos and Catherine lCatsos co Gust: recorded ~anuary 2,1960 .in Book 165 at Page 133. 11.Restrictions,wbich do not contain iii ~orfe:tture or reverter clause,as contained izl .:£nstrwne.tlt recorded October 10,1969 in Book 216 lit Paga 153, Oatober 28,1969 in Book 216 at Page 284 aa Reception No.111806,and February 16,1970 i::I Book 21'1 at Page 7S as Rsception No.112634. 12.Za.:ileDle%lC"',re1ltr:tctioZ1S and ri.gnts-or-vays a:if shown on the p.Iar:of Vall Das Scbc=e Pil!ng No.2,recorded JUne 25,1969 as Recepcion No.110984. FEB.2 1.1':197 12:2 9 F1"STEWAR T TITLE VA ILe CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS I ~).5 76 P.7/7 1,The term mortgage,when used herein.shall include deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument, 2,I f the proposed Insured bas or acquires actual knowledge of allY defect,lien , encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall failto disclose such knowledge [0 the Company in writing ,the Company shall be relieved trem Iiabili!y foranyloss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to sodisclose such knowledge,If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,ar if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of anysuch defect.lien.encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter. the Company atits option may amend Schedule B of this Counnitmen; accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant [0 paragr~h 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3 .Liability of the Company under this Cornminnenr shall be onlytothe named proposed Insured and such parties included under the deflnition of Insured in the form of policy or policies commincd for and onlyfor actual loss incurred in reliancehereon in undertaking in good faith (3)tocomply with the requirements hereof,or (b)to eliminateexceptions shown in Scbedwt:B,01'(c)to acquire or create the:estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commltmenr.In no event shlllJ such liability exceed the amounr stated in Schedule A for the policy 01'policies committed for and such liability is subject tothe insuring provisions.the Conditions and Stipulations,and the Bxclusioes from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of Jlle proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made ~part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4 ,Any action or actions or rights of action tbat the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of thestatus of thetitle co the estate or interest or the status of the morrgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based onandare subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STEWART TITLE GUA1lAl"a'Y COMPANY All notices required [0 be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shallbe addressed to it at P.O.Box 2029.Houston,Texas 77252,and identify this commitment by irll primed COMMITMENT ORDER NUM· BER which appear's on the bottom of the front of the first page of this commitment. ,• ~i'A,\I F.::J:)1 l1£ ;:... ~A IHlRF.SS _ ~r HOJECT UAN~£.L..€N -Nco.-:>~* £C IIT.C":S MAD E PAYAnLR T O T O WN OF "AIL ..IU':M "-~-:'':~N O:.-._TA X ~~.-COSTEA.-..-TOTAL.' S5 .00 • S 54.0 0 • $3 9.00• $37.00 • S3 6 .00 • S37.00 • • 5 5.00 • • S7 .00• SO .25 • S2 0 .00 ~01 00 004 1548 BLUEPRI NTS(MYLARS) ?::.I-;;0:7'-;:O;.;;O,",O"O-i-4 ~24:i-i1-'ii2_t_7'X;;;EnR:,;;0Ci;X;"C'<_O=..:..:P I:.::E:.=S-------------~I_-_I_--_t_--==-\-;----'-Iliil~0'00004 2412S TUDIES'8':0 1 00 004 2412 TOVFEES CO MPUTER P ROGRAM,~f 0 1 00 004 2371 PENA LTY F EES I R E-INSPECTI O"N"'S-------°I 0 000 4 I 332PL AN REVIE\V R1;-C II EC K FEE__7i(""S~4~0~P~1 :~R,~I"".:..:I R~,:l_=__=_-=-_=__=_~~-=--=--=-~~-=--=--=--=--=-t-=--=--=--=--=--=-~~-=--=--=--=--=-~~-;:l· i1 0100 0042332 OF F1I0U RS INS PECTIO N FE.:..::E:;.:;.S""'--+__+-___t_---t-----j~ iJ 0'0 00041 412CONTRAC TO lt SLI CE NSE S FEES ZO• •.0100 0041 413S IGN AP PU U ,T IO N FEE •.0 I 0 000 414 IJ A DD I Tl O N ALS IG NAG E F"E·"E'.----"'S"Ir.o"'orp....E.,-;R,...,S"'O'.'i"'FT'i'".,-I --f----+---f.-=~==--t-----p.1r ~01 0 00042440 V TC A RT PROJ EC'T DON ATION l1:' ,1:0 I 0000 4 133 1 '»R E »A II)D~J'""':S"'I T-C;-i:-N;'-;IT1Ucoi:Vj-,I;;'E~Wi';-'f,B:f;O"ArR;rD""'"FrElr,------t---+---j--==-:-:---;d--.P'-::--""""~.:;.-t~~~i ._VI V\J\lU 42371 I NVESTI (iA-rION FE E(B UILDI NG)Eo 3 1 00 004 5 110 TO VPA RKI NGF U ND ~~....:0~I;-,O""0.,iO""0 ""'2"""2 ("')2c;,7-h·I;,.,·O~,.V"N""I -T:\iTVS;i;pi<-:A.-iI-;,)I ;;,:R~()~I S"'I''''E''N;rS'''E.,-;R:OI...:U-;;N:Tln)-------+---t---+----+----~~. ~""·"-:0:-:-\"-=O'""O"'O-:i-O""2-;-1""I 1""2-h.T"'A'X.,c:.·A;-;I3'~L"E~:7QI7-;4~.S1.(ST AT E )!!:' ii ·01000041010 TAXABLE(iI)·1.0 %(TOWN)~ i:.0 1000042 3 7 1 BU ILDING I NVES TIGATION O "rIIER 5 500.00 S250.0 0 S250 .00 S200.00 S20 0 .0 0 5200 .00 5200.00 S200.00 TOTAL: S 1,500,00 S 1,000.00 .•.••,"'••':.H ",.~".,:,',,...-. EXTER IOR A LTERATION [L ESS THAN 100 SO .FT.) EX TERIOR AL TERATlON [MO RET /IAN100SQ .FT.) O THER OT IIER SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DI STRICT INEWI SP ECIAL DEV ELOPMENTDISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND] SP ECIAL DEV ELOPMENT DISTRICT (MINOR AME ND) PEe APPLICA ilUi'I H.l'..S ADD ITIONAL G RFA"250" CONDITI O NAL u s u PERMI T SUB Div iSION VA RIANCE ZONING CODE AMENDM ENTS RE -Z ONING 01000041330 01 0 000 4 1330 01 000041330 01 00004lJ30 _01000 041330 ~.~0 1 00004 1330 ~.0 I 0000 4 1330 .-010000413 30 ;";f 0100004lJ 30 :tj h.-i--7~~~i'i;-m=~~,:,;;.;;,::..:..-'----------------+_-_+--_+____;<:""'''''''''._+_---t.'3 1r~h.-i--7~~~i'i;-m~~G~"i""<.....,.......=-i'FiT_ri ----------+_-_+--_+~:<Tr~._+_---1el ~h<-.;--T.;~--;-;..;;~+;;rr.~~:m-;~~==~~..,--------+--+---+----F.~~t---iiil ~~CASH I J CK.'[1767~.----lH.Ql-J \,• , •47809 RECEIVED FROM --'-.<=..;.....u..t!:=_--'~~"_'__=__ ADDRESS --,,---_ "A r .I _____________________DOLLARS S Police Receipt Numbers __-:-_ ;--;-7---HOW PAlD--CashCheck I----'-~ Perm it Numbers _ T ':,_,_t--t OF '--JH IL -. Amount paid -.(".r-, "-'<-: ,-.~- '-.:.. • .0 ,...r "~T L THHt·-tf<...·OU i ,1::,~' 1 " I- -, :'(r~,'~, ,. --r f--'R t-..1<'-J"::rr_, NicholasLampiris,Ph.D. CONS ULTINGG EOLOGISI P.O.BOX2 SILT,COLORADO 81652 Phone I Fax(970)876-5400 (24HOURS) February 24,1997 Dave Hilb 2338-A Gar misch Dr. Vail CO 81657 k E:Let 19,Vail de S ch oen Dear Mr.Hilb: A home i s proposed for the above referenced property on the north side of Garmisch Drive in an area with an eXisting cut.The home appears i.n the Medium Haz ar-d Rockfall Zone mapped by me in 1984 for the Town of Vail. Th e topography above this lot is quite favorable in that there is a gulley to the west which will keep rocks (and debris flows)to that s ide;above the lot,the outcrop pattern on the mountain side is very thin and discontinuous,with no outcrop above this s ite s o t hat frequency of falls will be quite low and be r estricted to the next property to the east.All considered,i t is not necessary to mitigate at this site. The home will not increase rockfall hazard to other properties or structures or to public buildings,rights-of -way,roads,streets, easements,utilities,or facilities of any kind.If there .re oth er questir.Jns plec~se c:cmtact me. Sincerely, I ,l Nicholas Lampiris Consulting Geologist ...... \ I,~ ~'1.-'",.,-/"i?»..• HBZt bSl , • PROJECT INFORMATION:.»: DESCRIPTION:~Llm~Ht:.=:&:.~~I21t:'l£¥-Jl.lIJ01.!~---,.----,.U--IJ.JfLJL.~..----~~~~tit TYPEOF REVIEW,,'.O.'~~ __New Construction ($200.00)'Minor Alteration ($2 00)C(Z/'~t~4 __Addi tion ($50.00)=X=conceptual Review ($0)"\7/l ,ADDRESS:._-,.... •l~~~lf '\t~,-~__.,".'I~"~~~~\Tf l "pr.;-/_ revised ;~~~~N REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,OL0RtPP 21 1995 <~'"I I DATE RECEIVED:z!15~fl"S l "1"\U '.BEVDEPl DATE OF DRB MEETING :Ef!TID)6Jlli nll,J .. **********10·4-'<:10 INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW. ********** I. A. B. C. ·' D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot~:Block -±r __ Subdivision \/ai''12C6 ~-.o-v\p--i=i\i~Z E. F. G. H . If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:)Ori YW11''1 /--sec.emdwry NAME OF APPLICAN~:'~4 ~~lvU:~A'\t:~~:I~Mailing Address :IT;V\OOL~~re?t,::r.L2OOD45·Vxas PhoneD=r4...J.q~z:.-_ NAME OFAPPLICANT I SREPRESENTATIVE:4""Sa±hy I ~A1m iter Mailing Address:_~~~~I~2D~h~_ \Jal\,Co 'bIJ6i Phone 37&·4.....s...:;o~(g::....-_ NAME OF OWNER (S):~e 4-.06 w':fq \jaM '"&eJIO--PA'tc=>--_ 0W1fE~(SI SIGNATUITI ,M::I !AlY!!D.ECVMa~lJ..ng Addres s:~'-L =3~JJL!J!tv>!.!£..I1""2~_"':~l'==!.~~'iCll.!._"'--.,,,.--=-_--,--:,,""":"_ l..akemet>±,II .(aC04G:2=2105 Phone JDf)'Z,Q5·ta4qz APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I.Condominium Approval if applicable. J.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submit"tal of the DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate va luation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid.. FEE PAID:$CHECK #:DATE:BY; FEE 'SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE •LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:\khl ~J?e.?idl;t.~=_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION :LOTJ::L BLOCK...:l:±-SUBDIVISION ~:il:z. STREET ADDRESS:Z;?:-{7 4u-~11 The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys . Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other A6-pka Dt ;2~el......,es=---__- _~VA ~,-,=,C?<J=::loL _ \"dtxXi \Aloodl-_ I -:By ick:11o.1d'--_ ~ceo /k~L-_I - --1:1..eta1 _ .~--------- hJ/A ...::J.;,nl ,1"""'d"""etl<L....-_ 12ece:?2<"d>...--_ B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: 7 •Single Family ZONE CHECK FOR Residence,Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS •primary/secondary j I DATE":q.w-15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Iq Block tL-Subdivision Va.d.L"""Da6 Soh.a.,e :i=Z ADDRESS:22.132 ~a.r~h ::I:2rive..OWNER .,JakE:r:\to3;nH=e........i+\-t/fl'""~,..".J...":;JZee1;;;=----:-¢'?Y\.---P-H-O-NE--:::1::;-:O;::-;1J;;-·--;;;-t q:;;;:::s=-·'w,..-44""JA"z.:::;--- ARCHITECT ~y ~It&'PHONE -1_7""'{o"""·_4£";,+-<'-='0""0:......-_ ZONE DISTRICT _'Pr--I'(W1jry /Seen rdo.r; PROPOSED USE _&i!llDaJ'v /£..e Cf!:-.-1:d"Vrrl.Jt.¥J.,.... LOT SIZE --~-M$ClCtore <I Iq,5/5 ~~~BUILDABLE LOT AREA _N,."..../A.....""--_ Allowed Existing Proposed Total Height Total GRFA (30)(33) =1-UJ1.6 141,1 ZZI Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA 1-G'ZL +.!£5.=1q4-'e 1(01;0.5 +.!£5.=Z 106 6 -1103 1t4 Setbacks Site Coverage Front Sides Rear ,20' 15' 15' 1.0 I .eace~~tibr~~I~ _Ill 1'21 J 3Oi't--:sl¢) ~ 1739 Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights 3'/6'+'_(.;,1 parking ......2-.-Reqrd ----±-.....:k...-Encl Garage Credit Drive': (300)(600)(900)(1200)G:za2 Permitted Slope f2 %Proposed Slope f?% Compli~s with T.O.V.Lighting Ordinance Yes x No Water Course Setback (30)(50)~!As, Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 ,(50%)YES~~a.,)!e Environmental/Hazards:1)Flood Plain hilA g-,c.l?+i~~.• 2)Percent Slope «>30%)?-;O'lo +V<&tle..$ 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche~~~b),Rockfall _.uts~/~~;::.....,-r'_ c)Debris Flow -b-\lt-A~------ NIA,4)Wetlands_.....uIa,u::3...-_ View Corridor Encroachment:Yes _No 't... Does this request involve a 250 Addition?~~~~~ How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?hc~~ Previous conditions of approval (check property file): 10 •• BUILDABLE LOTAREA _....:......_ PHONE _-"-----''-=-===-_ Block fL S ubdi vision 1:..r 'S~e.2-r::J ZONECHECK FOR Residence,Duple ZONE DISTRICTS •Single Family DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ ADDRE S S:?;;Z~-~'::;;:;':':'=':~..fE=."-:"7~~r--""7:"---===---=--=-::=:-:::"--::-==---OWNER ARCI-IITECT I~~~~ ZONE DISTRICT _~~~~~L-___ PROPOSEDUSE pi.;fb S_----:_....:..........:......_------ LOT SIZE ,tfI{f P-c.0.,-I ?(?fS !_ % No 7;;).-'(.,/ )0 //b (~'Vl ') 17 /u Proposed Slope _~_% Yes Exist ing Proposed Total J'/6' ~R eqrd L( (300 ~(900)(1200)c;:;01;) 20' 15 ' IS' ,}'7 )-7 It ?OJ Permitted Slope _~_ Allowed (JO)@ Sec! +425 =';"'1 tf~ +425 =,;21 0 ) with T.O.V.Lighting Ordinance Credit (3 -/l/J,ratit e (<fC( vSeco n dary GRFA e-s c tbacks ----Parking Front Side s Rear vSi.te Coverage 1(0-;0 ,~a n d s c a p i ng !£li ?t-- """'--Retaining Wall Heig hts ../Garage I/':rt,i oHrvc~"'~J--l Drive: P Complies /neight Ov"Total GRFA .4-!Ch Y1 _ ,'",,,J.->'vPrimary GRFA hPJ ,1"""'1rr <./"W ater Course Setback (30)(50),;1111--- "F\tZ{'"d f :(.(J»-»./.J.-'Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)c-,-1 -.._(YES 1./NO,_t('~?.6 Environmental/Hazards:I 1)Flood Plain __:..>N':...<-I...;.B::L-_ .•)D-«(/L:::JZ ~,;J~/-~2 )Percen t S lope «~'--_ (d~~3)Geologic Hazards ( /I,-h...a)Snow Avalanche."...,...7-"'_l o:>_ 'RC ~~O b)Rockfall __...:.il1....;.:..o :>../_ ;J{.i~1 c)Debris Flow --------- 4 )wetlands,_ ~i ew Corridor Encroachment:Yes,_No ""'-u lv ~o e s this request involve a 250 Addi tion?tfo .How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?~ Aiart.:iJ 10 SUBDIVISION _ ··•..f LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT :_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT BLOCK STREETADDRESS: The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR Roof siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: •7 • --- '6$., - <, • /- ------ -----/.-/./ .:";f-dnJ,?n-~U_<7-.,// :/.,--/-:'-'----'--- - .-- ----.------.-------- 2.J.--, pJ-.... 0 1--. 'ifJ-. ~- 03 -- .--- --.- -0808- .--- / --- .---- '-r t1J'--, <,~ <,"g~ ~.<,O/..-<, <, '<,Z I-- ..........~. -',•'Pi- '."~/...<, ".'b{-<,-. "<. "03'....<, "<.2f3 -'<, "-Pg", "'"'-.oW ........ '0."-,". '. r G4 ,e~]fJ S f/L"(60 7;-1 --/ / \C'i 1- Mech/Storage 00 1 0 -1=+--+T-'/t ,-- I I Dining--'I:--r Closet Kitchen I !' !~I /,~"±--I I •IStorage-II, ,.LL I II '171IIi '1 I I i I, v(p o tJ *---+1.'""'i 5"Dj)Bedroom I'Living -1 . --,.-1 -f!..III . Entry /~,-~I-+--I " E "try I -I' I "TT I .,-rr I . Garage "I I I I .Patiov I •0 0 ~I I I,T I , - /I /r5",<:k~."I L I *2 -I l-~I '"j /7----I¥IV <, <,..--/"" <..,»>------ • • Lower LevelPlan ._1/8'~=1'-0",(rtf! Deck " Master Su iteDen Kitchen ----- LIving Deck . J 1 III -LL ,I " __:::I I ~ I I s> , -. Din ing• • __...Upper.Level Plan __1/8"_=_1'-:-0 " ._~~l I MasterSu ite -a Deck - ,. Den D o --' Kitchen mg I 1 -nl I I ---~ .~17 Liv' Dining• ••#----- Deck _______________Upper LevelPlan 1/8"_::::::_.1 '::-0" , (j) oc.- ::r' ~ CO (fJ.- .......--.~ .11 .......r Q •• D 0 0 • • , .-.-----I .---.-----.--_.--:::.-.-..--.---_._---_.._.-.--.------._.-----------------r==:----.-._--_.-...-...-_..._--::.------.---.-....-..-..._..---....--.---1-'--....---------_...__A..._--..--...--~...::.:--...-_._.._~---.'- j ---.---"._.,<= 11 I I -_.----...;.:__:=: .j 1 --....''::'::=I~-,..-_. I RAH :[-.....-.....J :I ir I i !=i-~ Ii !! I i In I I I I I I !I;,I I u IIIilII , .J I i -~ I ·1 i -- "" "l-f tJ[:]0 ffi](DO I ~"'~I~b I".i.,i-DO "I I ,,.. i,,.._.~e»'7 ~~ 'F~.~f ,. --- _________...So..utheast .Elevation ____1/8"=_1'-O'~_. • • ., ODDo _Southwest Elevation 1/8"=1'-O'~: .I .I I ::--,-: -':'-=' --.. -- _.-"..------===f--- ~-----'--- -~ -._...- --:=,,1'.1 1 1-T j I rlT ?fl :;;:,r~':1 ~1 ~1 ;;;;l rn ~l l:~00'- !I !i ill I I I ~nnil rEm I ..1 ~~~~~. ·1 "'1\j 1 1 ,~l 'i l . • I I ~-----~I I I DO 11 _., I 'C::?",J ~ -,IIIDO'.,-..--...JI- t.>e..- ______,Southeast Elevation ,J /8"=.J'=O'~__,._ • • Northeast Elevation ."1/8"=J'-:::O~... --- 111JDD[, IIi :::J.Ir ~r ---=----I ~I ~11 1 If 11 11 III II If 1111 ~--I --..-----------....------_:..---..-_.--,-----e._.-.---._.--ODD_...-.._-.-....--.----- II III-- we .....-=.~~··~"AA ·· VY"...,,-vy ;..,.~-; ~.~........III c;JL "'...~-,- ~ • .Northwest Elevation,1/8"=1'-0"--.-_.-.- -•• January 3,1986 Ms .Susy Vaughn &Mr.Jerry Best Eagle County Department of Co mmunity Devel opment 550 Bro adway Eag le ,Col orado 816 31 Mr .Ron Phillips &Mr.Peter Patten Tow n of Va il De pa rtment of Community Devel opment P.O.Box 100 Vail,Col ora do 8 1 658 RE:Wes t Va ild as S ch on e ,Filing 2 -Garmi sh Drive i )?'I ,./ I '"!? )( We ,West Vail Pro pe rty Owners,are co nce rn ed with the p oor conditions of Garmish Dr ive a nd some of the ad jac ent prope rty.T her e are man yp rob le ms that h a ve e xi s te d fo r yea rs ,unad dre ss edb y nei ther the Eagle Co unt y nor t he Town of Va i l.T h ey are as f oll ows : 1. 2 . 3. "/";i 0./C~j The ph ysic al conditi o n of Garmish Dr iv e .The str eet is p it ted with p otho le s a nd ha s manyu nev en , r ou gh spots where the n umer ou s road cr ews hav e t orn a p a~t the stree t and t h en r e pai red the a re a Doorly . T he culdesac at th e e nd o f Garmish Drive is ~o t ev en a decent gr avel road an y more .Asa resul t of th e i n ao eQu ate drai nage ,it bec om es a large lake of ankle -de ep mud du ring rai nfall an d t he r un -o ff se as on.The re are s evera l homes o n tha t c u lde sa c , s o t her e is ac ertain amo unt of traffic to c o mpou nd t he p r obl em .The a rea has a lso b ecom ea common tu rn ar o und place f or larger vehicles,(e.g.U .P .S ., BFI ,sn ow r emo v al eq u ipme nt). Lot #16 -2397 Garmi sh Drive .T he b ui ldi ng of t he ab ove house c ommenc ed 3 to 4 years a go and st ill has n o drainage provided from the driveway to the c ulv ert .Asa re sult ,t he r un-off flows do wn th e stre et carrvina mud an d debri s with it .T h ere ha s bee n no r ev~aet ation of the surrou nd ing a re a ,e v en t h ough i t is ~shown o n the building p lans . Lot #19 23 37 Garmi sh Dri ve .T he l ot was e x cav ated 4 to 5 years ago ,b uth as n ot be ent ouch ed si nce . As t ~e lo ti s o na ve ry stee p si te ,a nd the re ar e no reta i ni ng ~a l l s o r fo un da tion to h old t he s oil in ol ac e this larqe hole i s eroding a ndc av in g i~,.'.cr eati ng an eyes ore v is ib le fr oma s f ar a way a s 1 -70.Aca in ,th e mud and wate r r un d o wn th e "streetn -causinga nu isan ce fo r a nyone th at mus t trav el al ona tha t road . •• It is d ou bt fulwh et h er o r no t Eag le Co un ty eve r is s ue d a n e xca v a tio n p ermit to t he 0~ne r of Lot 19 . We a sk t h at you l ev el-offt hise yes ore,in st al l dr a inage and reveg etate the l and to preve nt any f urt her e ro si on and dama ge . The T own of Vail h as d one an e xc e l le nt j ob of c reati ng an at tract iv e ,des irab lec o mmunity to liv e in o r to v isit , and wef eel the se i ncons i st e ncies nee d to be addr essed and co rr e ct ed . Than k y ou for yo ur at t e nt io n to t hi s matter . NNI E AD DRESS SI GNATURE DA TE I J I {-II . ....."">6 ••--- bo x 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 November 12,1981 Ji m DeMartin Box 891 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Ji m: •• department of community development RE:ORB Subm ittal of11-04-81 Atthe Novembe r 4meetingof the Design Review Board,your submittal for a single familyres idence was approved.Approval was for a residence witha total GRFA of 3485 sq.ft. Pete'r Jamar Town Planner PJ:df I Project Name : •ProjectApplication• II dkrAl 14~'" Project Description :_ Contact Personand Phone Owner,Address andPhone :_ Architect,Address andPhone:_ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Mo tion by :_-+-+--=-=o::z:::=-_ DISAPPROVAL o Staff Approva l Dal e:--~f-+-----.I-+-----'------- • Towno f Vail Design Review Board P.O.Bo x 100 Vail,Colorado 81658 Gen tlemen : • November 2,1981 The unde rsigned property owners in West Vail are concerned about the plans of the owner of Lot 19,Block H,Vail das Schone (Garmish Drive),t o install an unusually high garage door in his planned residence. Our concern is mainly that this garage might be used for commercial purposes in an area that is zone dr esidential. lJ (UA"v{/J ~J)n:.VJ)S Y2'JS 1/U.s. /l.Ds-. •Project Application Project Name :'C2t1w®f'@-ldefiC&'_ P roject Description:S~)h il~~\~e«'l",---={J/::.....-..-...-_ Contact Personand Phone ~·llie]17b -4--,-J?-=QV;~_ .Zone _ Arch itect,Address and Phone:-l--1-~{.......L=\!..!...L<~~!....:.I:::~:...L.J~--!..J:.~-+1.LJL.....!..L...!~~__ Lega l Descriptio n :Lot _1---'1 Bl ock ---±t__Fil ing ~7d!MUJ 2- Com ments:_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by :_ Seconded by :_ A PPROVAL D ISAPPRO VAL ______~---.l..£-J.~~_d0r...___ Summa ry :GU8m IT c.:Yf-mH.-E c;r=-R~)1Jd77Z/k (,AJooLJ ,I/O/#b I f.AJorc Q ON l'.--/WI2SC.A-b1Jb1 ) fE-,sUf3m rr AT /(0 VI i tt,!Jr?17Z1"!&-/ r ( o StaffA pproval Dale :-=---+-..::.........:.-+-..I.l....!_ chen and as sociates,inc . CONSULTING ENGINEERS -• lOlL.FOUNDATION ENGINE ERING 50 80RD.154 •GLENW OOD SPRI NGS.COLO RADO 8 1601•303/945-7458 Cctober 5,1981 Subject:Excavation Observation, Proposed Pe sidence ,lDt 19 , Block H,FIling 2,vail Das .~,Gannisch Street ,Vail , Colorado Job No.23,017 ceMartin Excavating P.O.Box891 Vail,CO 81658 Gen tlelTel1 : Asr equested,we observed the excavation at the subject site on Se p tember 28 ,1981.The purpose of the s ite v is it was to detennine the general subgrade conditions for f oundat.ion suppor't . At the tirre o f cur site visit,the excavation had been cut into 3 l evels which 'Here stepped down and daylighted to the south.CUt depths ranged to a naximurn of about 12 feet below adjacent ground surface.The soils exposed in the excavation consisted o f sandy clays with interbedded g rav els .Pesults of consolidation tests perforrred o n relatively undisturbed sarrples of the clay subgrade,presented on the attached figure ,indicate m:xlerate canpressibility upon l oad ing and ~tting.No free water was o bserved within the excavation .Ha..vever,sorre erosion and desiccation of the excavation faces had occurred a p parently due to exposure during the open tirre of the excavation ,rejX)rtedly about 1 year. The site is located on a relatively steep sloping hillside which has been disected through tributary drainage erosion.No drainages transect the proposed building site and no signs of hillside instability in the imrediate area are apparent .Based on the subsoil conditions exposed in the excavation,spread footings placed on the n at ural subsoils and designed for a maximum bearing pressure of 2000 psf should be s uitabl e . Baserrent walls acting as retaining structures should be d esi gned to resist an equivalent lateral earth pressure of at least 5 0 psf per foot of depth.Positive underdrainage should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup belund retaining walls and prevent ~tting at each cut level . OFFiCES DENVER ,COLORADO 'CO LORADO SPR INGS.COLOR ADO I CASPER,WYOMING I SALT LAKE CITY .UTAH - DeMartin Excavating october 5 ,1981 Page 2 .. 'Ihis report is based U{X)n observation of the soils exposed in the open excavation.In order to reveal the subsoil conditions bela..'foundation elevations,drilling w.Juld be required.It is possible that the subsoils bela..'those exposed in the open excavation nay change and may contradict the reo:mtendations presented in this report. service, Very truly yours, CHENAND ASSCCIATFS,:roc . By~A.~~ Steven L.Pawlak,P.E. SLP/de cc:David Peel,Arehiteet r-.M o is tu a ntent =16.4 p ercent r-,D ry UnitWe ight ;1 0 2.2 pel Sa mpleo f :s a nd y c la y _2nO ="'8r-,LL =26r-,From :PI =11 r-,Bot tom o f mi d dl e l ev el 1'-1'- 1'.) .-:.. r--... \r-'-~I------\A dd i t t c n al con p r S d un d er o nst lan t p e ;5 u· d u e to we tt i n!. \ \ ~\ \ \ <,M ois ture Co ntent =9 .3 pe rcent r-.Dr y U nit We.gt-t -109 .9 pet Sample of :s andy c lay "<, '<,Fr om :t-,Bott om of up pe r l evel..... IJ ,'\ \ \ \ \) \ '\ ) .. 0 '::-0 l': 0 1v: sr: 0....c.2E 0u 3 4 5 6 "'I 8 9 c ~0 G 1 'f. u: C).... ~2~ ~ 3 .j 5 (, 7 8 9 ff 2 3 ,01 7 0 1 0 1 ----------_----.,__- 1.0 ,0 APPLIED PRESSU RE -ks f 1.0 10 APPLIED PRESSURE -k sf SW EL L-CONSO LIDATION T EST R ESULTS 100 100 F'119,---- ENGINE ERIN G CHE fK LIST Subdivi si onLot ---V~,=--'---'UL-~==~_ Block Fil ing 1.Submitta l H em s (Ac c epta ble)(riot Acceptable) (A)Tope ~ia p (B)Site Plan (C)Ut il ity Pla n (o)Ti tl e Repo rt I E)Subdi v isio n Agreemen t (if app l icab le )-------.-- 2.~n 9i n e eri ng Regu ireme nts (A)Culv ert Size (8)Dri vewa y Gri:derS%mil;(J (r\Ct uan ---=..B ~6~_ 3.Source ofUti lit ies ~. (A)E'lcc t.r i c (B)Ga s (e)Sewe r (D)Hate r IE)Tel epl.one IF)T.V. ..1;0 NEB?ZITl.E t!!J;f:be.r Alar Approved: Disapp roved:------------- Depar[m ~nt of Public Works Bi ll Andr-ews ee •• ". zo ur CI :r:CK--_.._-- for SFR,R.R PIS ZOi{[DI STRICTS 2 V$O n f.:; >3 2?'% Proposed Pr-imary Propos ed fll l Ol'led ___-+--"'-.L-..::~_ Drive: .. Parki ng :. Landscaping: 5i t e Cov ers ge : .GR F!": .GR rA: .. / le9"Descri ption,lot Block Filing ale,·.ft,4£.:/I'~ O ~mc r J/1tt1 ,.Ii.:/J14ti71/f Archi tec t ..~m~ ZOil C Distri ct f3 S Pro pose d Use S~,..' :,.".",L6t 'i,re~-4'6 'o,i:<""'~i~i·~ht All o'.Ic:d ~'.Pro posed "2 'g-~""" Setbacks:f l'on t ~'he qti i"~c-d-'26 'i "-"I ;ro p~s ed _.__2--::::V:::--/_ Si de s-R eq uired 15'Propo sed -,-__.!~0==-/------.------_ Hear -Rc qui r cdTb 'Prop osed __---'n~==--/_ 1 ,!atr~rc oLJ;·s c-re qui r cd fYk 'Propose d __ .~?/tJ. Prim a ry Al l owed Z~U 1/,$'1 /s% L:.-./r\%tf'oRequtred_C/=-_v L.._..=;...__, .1l'c!X g %. End ronme ntn 1 /I lilza r-ds :.fw,;Tanche M- ..,'Flood p ~:ain_·M-1I .'.: :.'..Slope ·CUf!'L ·28 '~.. Co wm:-nt s:.'.•tIvo;.~~-----...--, --..............----.-~"...;;>---_•• ~.j/iriw f?;YL .{/,kP~..~.;_ -_..._...._..._----.._--.;...~_._.-----~.:;,:---;1 ;-/'--c .__.__-.~-..iJ .{1i!O!-..u ..•••••... ~--._---_._-----"---_..------..---_._--__.-....--_.-_..._..--_.- ,. UTII.lTY tO CA TI ON VER IFJ CAT JON Va il Das Shon eSUllDl\'ISIO~-------"----------------------- DeMartin Si n gle F ami ly Reside nceJOBNAf'.lE------ LOT 1 9 BLOCK H-"-'---FILI NG Vail Das Shon e 2.=..:..:..:::.;:..:..=--==---------- AD DRES S---Ga rmis h Dr ive ,WestVail ,CO The J ocation of uti lit ies ,whct h or th ey b e l ila i nt r unk ILncso r proposed J ine s,mus tb e a pp rove d a n d v erif ied by t he f ol l owi ng ut i.Li t Les fo r th e a cconpa nying site pl an . Mountain Be ll We st ern S lo pe Ga s Puhl ic Se rvic e Comp a ny Holy Cross Electr ic Asso c. Vail Cab le T.V . Upper Eag le Val ley Wate r and Sanitation Dist r ic t Aut hor ize d S i gn ature--;r---Date ~I~/ ---r--=----=---r ~/ ,2:'-:--"'_'-_1/ -/»~;i2'~ NOT E:Thcs e ve rificat ions d o no tr eli evet he cont ra ctor of his r esp o nsibility to o bta in a s t reetcu t Jlermit f rom t he Towno f Va i I,Depa rt raerrt o fPub l i c Wo rks and to ob t ain ut i lity l oca tions befo red ig ging in a ny pub licr i ght- of-way or c ase ment in t he To wn o f Vai 1. ,Riccpt.ion NO•....~J;,JJtti.??A·..···~·~~P.·h ~h~lIz Rccorder. Recorded "t ?~..~o·c1 ock.M.•.........~~.y ..~..~~?... _'?3.P-J.2.._Tms DEED,~bde this cq day of October 19 78 ,between WEST VAIL DEVELOPMENT CORPCRATION.... Recorde r·s Stamp STATE DOCU IHHTAIlY FIE NOV 3 J '7K ~". $1...:::.1'.6-_-"'" "f th eSt ateof Colorad o of the first part,and JAMES L .DeMARTIN wh c s c Ieg al arld r e ss isrO /!5Vx 2I91,1///1/-..,(110 of the Cou nty of f d ?/E.-and Strite of (?t 0 )/'...(.'0 o f the s ec on d part: !I :l corpor ation duly orguuizcd a nd exist in!\'und er and by vi rtue of the l aws,. ,I 'IIIII I, eY 1i Ii, ,t>\~ W 1'1':\E SS ETH,That th e s a id par tyofth e first p art,f OI'a ndin c on sirle ra t.ionofth e s um of Ten D ollars a nd other good a nd s uff ic ie nt consid eration DOLLARS. t o th e s aid pa rtyof the fi rst pa rt in hand pa id byth e said Jl3rtY of the seco nd p art,the r ecei pt whe r eof is here- b y c onfe ssed a nd ac knowl e d ged,hath g ranted,ha rga incd,s old a nd co nve yed,a n d I~y t he se pres ents d oth g r ant,bar- g a in,s ell,cor,vey andconfirm unto the s aid p artY of the se c o nd p art,h 1.S heirs.and a ss igns for- e ver,all o fth e following d escri bed lot 0 r pa rcel of la nd,s itu a te,ly ing a nd b eing i n the Cuuntyof Eag Le and State of Colorado,to wit: LOT 19, BLOCK H, VAIL DAS SCHON E,FILING NO .2 , according to the recorded plat thereof COU NTY OF EAGLE ,STATE OF COLORADO a lso known :I,s treet a nd number TOGETJlEll with all a nd si ngular the h ereditaments a nd a ppurt en ancesth er eunto belonging,or ina nywise ap p e rtaining .and the rcv ers ion or r eversions,r emainders,rents,i ss u es and profits the r eof;a nd all the estate, ri g-ht.title,inter est.cl aim and demand whatsoever of the sa id par tyof the first part,either in law or equity,of,in a n dt o th e ab o~e ba r g ainedp r emi ses with the hereditam ents andappu rte nances. TO HAVE Al\D TO HOLD the said premi ses above bargained andd escribed,with the a ppu r t e nancesu nto the sa id p art Y of the se cond part his h ei r sand a ssigns fo rever,A nd th e said \'i1EST VAIL DEVELOP~1ENT CORPORATION p arty ofth e fir st part.f or itself. a ndits .succc s sors,d oth c ovenant,grant ,bargain,and agr ee toandw ith the s aid part Y o f t hes econd part, h 1.S heirs a nd a ss igns.that a t the tim e of the ensealing and delivery ofth ese pres ents iti s w ell s eized o ft hep rem ises above conveyed,as of a good,sure,p erfect,abso lute and indefeasible estate of inherit ance,in l aw.in f'ec s imple,and hath go odr ight,full power and lawful authority to grant.bargain,sell and convey the same in man ne ..and form aforesaid,and that t hes ame are f r ee and clear f r omal1 former and other grants,b arga ins ,I s al es lu-ns,tax P S,a ss e ssments a nd incumb r ances of whatev er kind or nature so ever; 'Except for ea s em ents ,restrictions and rights of way of r ecord,min eral and patent r es ervations,and real property I I taxes for 1978 payable in 1 979 I ,I and the above bargained premi s es int he quiet and peaceable po ssession of the said party of the second part his h eirs and as sign s,against nil and every p erson or persons lawfully cl aiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof,the said party of the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOHEVER DEFEN D. IN \\TC,ESS WHEREOF,The said party of the first part hath caused its corporate name tobe hereunto s ubscribed by its President,and its corporate seal t obe hereunto affixed,attested by its S ecretary,the day and year fir~above written. Attesti:,..B.!~Jl~~~l.~.~±=l'l.~.~~..~.~~.~~.~y.~.!".?~~.~~:r'~.~:7~.:r'.~.?~. i:=c-j:J ····scmt.ry.By ...J.J .~.1/~..1..tJ~:..0:~~::'.::.:.:.::;,... c -_.l"·"'ld."tJ .:'1)"sILLINOIS.r .':•••.'oj ......~•••:I .:-: S1'A"'E OF """""""'+'1£.>}:'I ..•••.••J."'}'.'"J }K.'h~,;'Ht\sx..""NR,•:>.'-'./,:.-.-..•."1",,'........ss .'.)"~..:j ~C I.'f COOK ..z f'j :.~"e.r ',,.,'.:.Th·~·~~I.~·~~;ngO~~s:ru:..~~h\:..~~~~~~~~\.~·e~~ed before m e this 24th day of ~d;~~.~~-,~i :;-\:ti1 ),~:; 19 78 •by G .Hudson Wirth as '..\:}~.;si~nt h ~~·.~1r..l ~).....''. :;E.Charles Schuetz as .'".S CI'ret.ary of'.",..""'>'"~ve s t Va il Development C o r p or at i o n ir ~r·po r :ition~··.·... .'•..::../.:.......My notarial commis sion expires May 9,19 82 , .,)....,'."-'.',''..WitneSSmYhandandoffiCial~.•f)~. .\··.)I.·,.<~-....•.:;~:I :•:.......JCi's·eph···i-L..·..r:ile'ti:Tch··N~i ~,.;·p ~bii·;:..· r ~·::.'. :';0.HlH.v;/t..HRANTY DEED -CorporaUon.-c1978 Dr adford P uhlishi ng Co.,1 ~q6 St outS t r ee t,Denver.C olorado (573 ·50 11 )-3·78 ..1.1 ST OF !.l,\TJ:lU flLS •N,'.N E OF PRO,)EC'l'Del la r tin S i ns l e F amily Resi d ence---- LEGAL DESCIU PTl O:-i :LOT 1_9__BL OCh__H__Fl LING Vail Das S hone 2 The foll owing i nf ormation is r equired for s ubmittal by th e applican t t o the Design Re view Bo ard b cf or e a f inal appr ova l canbe given : 'd armtone e x pos~d agg re,<;a t e c on cret e .-k~~\~ Col or D r.~ Meta l s ta nd i ng s~e~a:::m"---Jt;~~~Br on ze t o n ervv?I~~ Oil edHorizontalRedwood Ro of DUI I.DUiG l·iA TEJUALS Oth er Na Il Mat.e ri.als Siding A. Fa scia Soffits Met a l stan di ng seam Re d woo d R edw o od 13 ro nzetone Oil ed Oil ed Windo~:s 1:,I ood (P ine)Ma t c hr o of IHndow Trim \l ood-_._---------_. Doors \'lood DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails \'l ood Meta l Standin gs eam R e d wood I,latc hr oof 3 ronzeton e Oil ed Flu es f.le tal Fl as hi ngs Ch imneys Meta l Br onzetone---_._--_._-_._---------.:-::::------Warm tone e xpo sed agg r egat e concre ~e . (S tu c co o pt ion.)S a n d(mat ch e xp o a~q .) N j A ------~..--_._~-----~._------_.__._---_._-------- Grccilhouscs Nj A Othcr B .PLANT ~iA.T ERlALS (V egetativ e,Lands ca pi ng ~jat e r i a ls includ ing Tr ee s,Shrubs,a ndGround Cover) Botani cal Na me ,PoJ )ulus tre mu lo ides Comm onNam e As pen Sp ruce ,Colo .B lue ~--- Quantity Size 8 '-12'(11!..\Y.r...:) 8 '-10 ' 3" ------------- .~------_._---- • C.O'IlI EI(LA ND SCAPE F EATUrU :S (Retaining Walls,Fcuccs ,Swimming Pools,etc .)Ple a se specify •... Reta in i ng wa l l to b e wa rmto ne exposed a gg re gate co ncr et e t o matc h bu ild i ng wa ll a t ga rag e . ·._CNnEVIEI~BOAIW CJlECK LIST e DeN Rr t in Si ng l e F amily R es id enc e Va il Da s Sh on e2FlLlNG.._llLOCK H ~---LEGAL DESCnlPTlON LOT 19 A.8uilding Conside rations Prelim. ~proval Final Approval Comm ents Bldg location on site Bld g Configuration ------------ Appropriaten ess with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forms Use of /·lat erials 'Choice of Color Energy Effi ciency B.Site Consi dera ti on Dd s t.u rb an ce of Natu r al Fe atures Snow Removal Acce ss onto Site Vehi cular RndPed es- tri anc ircu la tion G'r ad i n g &Dra inage Eros ion Control Irrigation System Exterior Li~lting Retaining Wall s Acc essory Stru ctures C.Misc ellane ous Considerations --------- n.Other Com me nts ------- F 1N!'.L AI'I'IWVAL Dat e --------------------Si g nature