HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 20 LEGALlUWN OF VAIL . ••Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartmentofCommunity Developm ent 7 SSouth Frontage Roa d.Vail ,Colorado8 1651 tel:9 70 .4 79 .2139 fa x:970.479.2452 web:www.vauccv.cern Project Name:HELM CHANG E Project Desaiption: ORB Number:DRB070479 ANAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE AP PROVED PLANS FOR THE RE MOVAL OFA DEAD TREE THAT I S DOWN. participants: OWNERHELM,FONYA L.&NEILR.09/10/2007 8000 RIVER SIDE DR CA 8IN JOHN MD 20818 CONTRACTOR ALPINE BUlLOING &DEVELOPMEN09 /10/2oo7 Pho ne:949-6496 PO BOX S240 AVO N CO 8 1620 l k:ense:793 -8 APPUCANT HE LM,FO NYA L.&NEIL R.09/10/2 007Phone:970-94'H;62 8 8000 RIVE RSIDE DR CA81N JOHN MD 20818 Project Address:2317 GARMI SH DRVAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:20 Block:H Subdivision:VAIL DAS So;ONE A L 2 ParcelNumber:2103-11 4-1300-1 Comments:StaffApproved BOARO/STAFFACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:09/1 0/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN ):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consen t of Town of Vail staff and /or the appropriate review comm ittee (s). Cond :0 (PLAN ):OR B approva l does not constitute a permit for bu ilding .Please cons ult with Town of Vail Buildi ng personne l prior toconstruction activities . Planner:Nico le Peterson DRB Fee Paid :$20.00 Genera!JI'110 1matlon: All prejeaS I'VqU 1ng l:le5lig r'l revtew must reo!!jye awova/Ill10 r to su bm ittino a bu lJdlng p!!mIi t ~ppI ;ClStion .I't8ase refer to the sul;l r 11:211 l'e:JU irerMrU fot the pnrti(;u lllr app1MI l tNt IS ~u.e~.An appllaltion for Otsign Revlevl ca nnot be ac:ap 'tld LIntfI an r@quIred 1tTfcrrnatkm IS t'eC2iVed bV the:Com mun ity l:lef!1cJprn(s1t Depal'tl'nellt.The project may 8150 ne e.d to be ~ed by the Town CO und!and/or the P1!nn lnt;j end Em'l f'O l"!ment!l l Ccmmsson . DesIgn review lpproyallapses.unless:a building psmlt ts Issued a=d construetiDn commen~$with m one yE'ar of tt1e app roval. PAGE 0 1 30122 97239 HEll".. tt:hanges ToTheApprovedPlans Application for Design Review ~ent d Can....'"O<mbpm"" 7S SOuttl Fratage Road,Va ll,CcIoroclo 8165, tel:91O .",79.212!tax:9 70 "'79 .2~S2 web;www.v8lI gov.CXII.Tl ~~ WWNOFVAIl Y Description of the Request: 0 8/15/2007 17:21 Location of thE Pn>p ese 1:l.ot:..1!l-Bloa:.L Subdlvlston:_YIJL IJdS ~-FlU4;2. Phys ical Add ....":7.3 1LJ1w6'/JRt1;2l1l~L:/SJI1/1..._ P:lrcel No.:_-.E 0.3 11'1 t3!flL (Contllet Eagle Co .......0'a t 97 tl-~fu'parcel 00.) Zoning;,""'PO Name(s)orOw"er(s):AlIa.-+@N:/A MaRing AddT...p.8,ff)'if. OWfler(S)Signal Llf1!:{I): Type of Rev iew a xl Fee : Q OraflgeS to Appn:..-ed Pea n$ SUbmittal Requiren e Ms: 3 Sets of Plans M ar ssfng Project CMnge.s Slgn iltlJre of Ho tneol meI{s)or Associ"ti on -For OffiCfi'lJse Onl ;;I:-=-~~--:==~----;:=::---------l fe e Paid:-_CheO.No .:.By:'.,...,_"':-:::::-==,.,.~--- u ~n _.,DRBNo,,'T"")~~<)7 6\.{:7 'r:::~·7P-1'f<f)ed:::~~O /.b:J?~ TOWN OF VAIL . ••Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmen t of Commun ity Dev elopment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www .vatleov.com Project Name:Helm-dead t reeremoval Project D escription: Helm -dead tree remova l Parti cip ants: ORB Number:DRBQ70393 OWNERHELM,FONYAL.&NEILR.08/13/2007 BOOO RIVERSIDEDR CABINJOHN MD20818 ODmRACTOR ALPINE BUILDING &DEVELO PMEN 08/13/2oo7 Phone:949-6496 PO80XS240 AVON CO81620 License:193-8 APPUCAI'lT HELM,FONYAL.&NEILR.08/13/2007 Phone:970 ·949-6628 8000RIVERSIDEDR CA8INJOHN MD208 18 Project Address:2317 GARMISH DRVAIL 23 17 Garmish Drive/lot20,Bl ock H,Vail Location: LegalDescription:lot:20Block:HSubdivision:VAIL DAS SCHO NE FIL 2 Parcel Number:2103-114-1300-1 Comments: BOARO/STAFF AcnON Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action :STAFFA PR Date ofApproval:08/14/2007 Cond:8 (PLA N):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and /or the appropriate review committee(s). COnd:0 (PLA N):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for build ing .Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval shall not become valid for20 days following the dateof approval. Cond :202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following thedate C'Wges ToTheApproved .ns A~lication fo r Design Review Dep artm ent of Community Deve lopment 75 So uth Frontag e Road,Vail,Colo rado 8 1657 tel:970 .479 .2128 fax:9 70.479.24 52 web :www.va ilgov.co m 2(}Block:L Su bdlvlslon:__VAiL &IS .5~-rt(6190 Z. "2.3 11 (d.4r?J1ISt! Locationofth e Proposal:l ot: PhySical Address:JJ.-'-~on ""-"-'l.f__---_ Parcel No .:2/f%lJ1 'f I3a2.L (COnta ct Eag le CO.Assesso r at 9 70-32B-B64 0 f or parcelno.) D escription oftheRequest: General Informa tion: All projects requiring design review mustrecei ve approval prio r to su bmi tting a bu ildi ng perm it application .Pl ease refer to the sub mittal requirements for the particuar approva l mat Isrequested .An application for Design Review ca nno t be accepted until all required informa tion Is received by the Co mmunityDevelopme nt Depa rtment.The project mayalso need to be reviewed by tne Town Council and/orthePlanning and En viron mental Commi ss ion. Designrev iew approval lapse s unless iii buildingper mit Is Issuedand construction comme ncesw ithin on e ye ar ofth ea pproval. Zoning :_~.~_ Name(s)of Owner(s):MIa----r R:JtJfIl !/CU1 Mailing Address:Po (3,.6:1 l'<Si!5 21,()fl WJtJ((}1 B.'7/0~2:?O;-__ ------"7Pv'T-::::1';Fr--,--~~:-!ll6 -9'{'l -~'.lCb....2.d'2,---__ Owner(s)Sign ature(s):~.~~ Name of Applicant:~h l!III6 /VC7~~<:..~f6LL8=G='.(}1,-,-_ Mailing Address:_f.G -f3()j(:52.10 Vlt/C./CD 15 /620 .__.__ .Phone:'lela -9'ti,:6 6.1:8 E-m ail Address :..H NCkAt&4If.1N£Ml(/)IUfjit!-%J 'l'h AW ~h6?$ Type of Reviewand fee: o Ch an ges to Approvro Pla ns$20 ~:~:s:J:::.already approved by P~~IT~l ng"&a ffc;r ~1/,Vi ~I~ Submittal Requirem ents:II UI 3 Setsof Pl ans Addressing Project Ol anges .l:'l Signoture of Homeowner(s )or Assoc iation TOWN OFVAIL Pl anner: ForOffi ce UseOnly : Fee Paid:-Cl eek No .::By::1 Meeting Oate:DRB No.:DMo7 1/.::>/'3 Project No.:J)....1>7-0.373 N OTE -C O py O FPERMIT T O BEKEPT O N JO B$ITE OC TO BER 17 1994~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT..DATE •.,.~:;PERM IT NO.tin I III 1.TVP'E OFCONSTRUCTION 1 11 111 IV" department o fcommu nity develop ment 2.OCCUPANCYGROU P "BEH IR ...B UILDIN G DI VISION 1 22aJ -4 Z ELECTRICAL TO BEf i LLED OUT COM PLETEl Y ~I OR TO ISS UANCE OF PERM IT 0 ClLUlGE s: TYPE OFPERMIT GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOF WORK :~PLUM B I NG FIREPLACE FROI'I WOODB UP.lH i.lG TO GAS ~ ~ AP PLIA.~C E ~MECHANICAL $2 .000 .000BUILDING0PLUMBING> 0 ELE CTRI CAL o FOU NDATIO N >".UUU .UU 8 M ECHANICA L 0 21 1 7 GAR.'l.ISCH DRIVE TYPE GROUP G A F .A VALUATIO N PE RMIT FEE S ~G A l l OT 20 .________BlK ~Il-:.,BUILDI NGPERM IT ESC.FILING ~IL OAS SCHO KE 13 ')PlAN CHECK JOBNAME :ER.,,?cu.TZI;".-/elECTRICAL OWNER NAMtERNST GLATZLE NEW !I ALTERATION (A DDITI ONAL ()RE P AIR ()PlU M BING MAIL AopBE ss2317 GAR..'iISCH DRIV DWEUING U NITS __AOCOMMODATIONUNITS __M ECH AN IC AL CITY VAIL .CO PH .476-0144 HE IGH T INn .--NO.fiREPLACES --RECREATIONFEE ARCHITE CT f IRM N/A INSULATION :TYPE THICKN ESS R-VAL LU E DESI GN RE VIEWBOARD noes I I I MAIL AD pRESS CLE AN UPDEPO SI T CITY PH.USE TAXElIT.WII.LLS FIRN N/A '00 ' G ENERA L ICONTRACTOR TYPE erec .GAS T OTAL PE RM IT FEES ***FEEWAIVED***TOWN O F VAil REG .NO.0 ' T~l ~soo..,WOODHEAT TRYN IS TONSO OCTOBER 17 .1 994 F1R MN/A ADD1Tl ONAL PERMITS NEEO ED:~UILD IN G Off1l;lAl-------l5"AT'E ----- _ECTRIC Al z,~~1-------TOWN OF VAil RE G,NO,-------ONTRA CTOR ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTR AT OR DAT E TElE.BLA STIN G b ONING &BUllOING NOTES: f IRMN /A PII.RK ING PLUMB ING TOWN Of VAll REG NO CO NTRA C TOR D EMO T''' flRMERN lST GLAT ZLE Ih ereby acknowledge that I h ave read th is appli ca t io n ,fi lled out i n full t heI nformat i o nr eq u ired , M EC HANICAL TOWN Of VAil RE G,NO, c ompleted anac c urat e p l ot plan,and s tate that ail ihe in f o rm ati on p ro v idedas r e quiredi s co rr ec t.I CONTRA CTOR agree t o compl y with the informat i on and p l ot plan .t o com p ly w i th a ll Town o rd i nances and state ELE.476 -0 144/4 79-2138 l a w s.a nd 10b uild th is st ru c ture a cc o rd ing t othe T own 's zoning a~~d~n c o des,desig n OTH ER FI RM r e v iewa pproved ,U n ifo rm BUild ing C o de a n do the r o..:::;;n(sG t he T e /"Hcebret hereto . TOWN OF VAil REG.NO.SIGNATURE OF OW ~O R E,:9HfRACTOR FOR HIMSElF CON TRACTOR TElE.AND THEOWNER. PERfIl!#j11.!~•TOWN OF VAIL CON STRUCTIO!J PERM IT APPLICATION FORM DATE:/0-17 -tl9- APPLICATION MU ST BE F I LLE DOUT COM PLETEL Y OR IT MAY NO TBEACCE PTED ~~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [l-Build i ng [l -Plumbing [l-Electrical [l-Mechanical [l -Other __ Job Name:Z'iP/!iJ ,CiiA12t £·/f.J J ob Address:.2U Z 6Cr~",.·..rc'Dl/- Le g al Descriptio n:Lot -<:0 Block Ii F il ing ''''',-e SU BD!V !S IQ~:dr,,!"',r.JOt"'<1<' Owners Name :liJkl 6'/8 !2 t:r .Address:.2,J17c:in,,=,Je!J)y .-Ph.:!t-Z ¢-l "''t'i' • Architect:/Address:Ph .._....::/:-__ General Description:/k _:y 1+£--16u m.<n3N C.,a/!"':,.y¢.6 ;u ~&;."C& Wor k Class:[l -New [Ill-Alteration [J-Additi onal [l-Repair [l -Other,_ Numb er o t Dwelling Units :Number of Accommodation Units : * mb er a nd i!E.e ot Fireplaces:Gas APPl iances~Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~...y /,/f901 "~"""t...;...~.,?"fl9 ~ ***••**~*.*****••**•••••*~******VALUATIONS **•••••*••***•••••******•••••***. BUILDING:$ELECTR ICAL:$«"4'OTHER:~$========~::::::::.:•••••••••••••••••MECHANICAL :$::::~::ON ••••:::::::••••••••••••••••~~ne r a l Cont ractor :·Town o f Vail Reg .NO o_ Address:Phone Number:_ Electrical Con tractor : Add res s: Town of Vail Reg .NO o _ Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town o fVa il Reg o NO o_ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address : T own o f Vail Reg.NO o _ Pho ne Number: *********••••••••••••••••••••••• (CLEAH UP DEPOSIT RE FUND TO: BU I LD I NG PERMIT FEE: PLUMB ING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMI T FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE : • FOR OFFICEUSE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBIN G PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANI CAL PLAN CH ECK FEE : RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PE ~~_FEEC=.-- BUILDING::-i1 S"';'s I OrUy ; SIGNATURE : ZONING: SIGNATURE : • SQ .FT.VALU ATIONTYPEGROUP Comment s: •MEMORANDUM•ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBUC WAY PERMIT"ISREQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: I Job Name :~_ Date : Pleas'"':e-:a:-:n:-:s"w'"'e"':r7.th:-:e:-:f;:o7."no=w:-:i-=n-=g"':q"ue=s:;t7:io=n=n=llJ7:·re=-=re=garding theneedfora"Public Way Permrt": 1 ) 2) 3 ) Isth is anewresidence? Isdemol ition wo rk being perfonmed th at requirestheuseof theright ofway ,e asementsorpublic property? Isanyutility work needed? c/ i/ 4)Ist he d riveway being repaved? 5)Isd ifferent accessneededto sne otherthane xiS1ing driveway? 6) 7) 8) Isanydrainage work being done affecting therightofway,easements, or pub lic property? Isa "RevocableRight 01Way Penm rt" required? A.Istherightof way,easements or public propertytobeused forstag ing, par1<ing orfencing? vi / B.IfnotoSA,isa par1<ing,staging orfencingplanrequired byCo mmunity Development? Ifyouansweredyestoanyofthese questions,a"PublicWay Penmrt"mustbeobtained. "PublicWay Penmrt "applicationsmaybeobtained at thePublic Work's officeorat Community Development .Ifyouhaveanyque stions pleaseceilCharlieDavis,theTown ofVailConstructi on Inspector,at 479 -2158. •PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCE. Howit relatestoBuilding Perm~: 1)Fillouttheourcheck fist providedwithabuildingpermitapplication. Ifyeswasansweredtoanyoftheabovequest ions thena"PublicWayPermit"is required .Youcanpickupan application at eitherCommunityDevelopment , located at75S.FrontageRoad or PublicWorks ,located at 1309VailValley Drive. 2)Noticesignoffsforutility companies.Allutilitiesmustfield verify (locate) respectiveutilities prior tosigning application.Someutilitycompaniesrequireup toa48hournoticetoschedulealocate). 3)Aconstructiontrafficcontrolplanmust be preparedonaseparatesheetofpaper. Th is planwillshowlocationsofall traffic controldev ices (signs,cones,etc.)and theworkzone,(areaofconstruction,staging,etc.) 4)Sketchofworkbeing performedmustbesubmittedindicatingdimensions(length, width&depthofwork).This may bedrawnonthetrafficcontrolplanorasite planfo r thejob. 5)SubmitcompletedapplicationtothePublicWork'sofficeforreview.Ifrequired, locateswill be scheduled forthe TownofVailElectriciansandIrrigationcrew.The locatesaretakeplaceinthemorning,butmayrequireupto48hourstoperform . 6)ThePublic Work'sConstruction Inspector willreviewtheapplicationandapprove ordisapprovethepermit.Youwill be contactedastothestatusandanychanges thatmay tie needed.Mostpermitsarereleasedwithin48hoursofbeingreceived, butpleaseallowuptooneweektoprocess. 7)Assoonaspermitisprocessed,acopywill be faxedto Commun~Development allowingthe"BuildingPermit"to be released .Pleasedonotconfusethe 'Public WayPermit'witha'Building Permit"todoworkonaproject Me ~sell. Note: 'The above process Is lor work Ina rlght-ol"way only. 'Publlc Way Permit's are valid only until November 15th• •A new Public Way Permit Is required each year• •• •• 75 soulh front.ge road vail,eolorado 81657 (3D3)4 79-21.38 or 479-2139 office 0'community development TO : FROM: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/C OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:MARCH 16,1988 SUBJECT:CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful f or any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,al ley or pUblic place o r any portion thereof.The right-af-way o n all T own of Va il streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail PUblic Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance wi ll be qiven a24 hour written notice to remove said material . In the event the person s o notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 h our time specified ,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to c o nst ruction,maintenance o r repair p rojects o f any s tre et o r alley or any utilities in the right-a-way . To review o rdinance No .6 in full,please s top by the Town o f Vail Building Department t o obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. to Project (i .e.contractor ,o wner) and acknowledged by :Read )l----:r:,....-----;;-:;::---n----/-- ~OSi ~D a t e (/-(2)-2 7= •• • 7S south frontage!'road v.u,c otofado 81657 (303)47~2138 (303)479-2139 • office of community devetopment NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Ef fec tive June 20 ,1 991 ,t he Towno fVailBu ilding De pa rtme nt has developed the f ol lowing procedures to ensu re that new con st ruction si tes ha ve adequately establ ishe d proper d r ain age from bu ilding sites along and adja cent to To wn of Va il r oads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department wil.1 be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site . Suc h approv al mu st be obtain ed p rior t o any re ques t fo ri nspection by t heTo wn o f Vail Bui ld i ng De pa rtment for f ootings o r tempo ra ry electrical or a ny o ther in spe ction .Pl ea se c a ll 4 79 -2160 t o reques t an in s pe cti o n from t he Publi c Wo rk sDepartment.Allow a min imum o f 24h our no tice . Also ,t he Towno f Va il Public Works Departmen t wil l be a pprovi ng all f in al d ra i nage and cul ve rt ins ta ll a tio nwith res ulti ng r oad patching as n ecessary .Su ch app rov al must be obt ain ed prio rt o F jnal Certif i cate of Occupancy i s su an ce . •• • TOWNOF VA IL 75SourhFrontage Road ~ail,Colorado 8 1657 303 -479 -2138 /479-2139 F.4X 303 -479-2452 •• Department of Comm unity Development INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING POR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1 .HEATLOSS CALCU LATIONS. 2.TO SCALEFLOOR PLAN OF ME CHAN I CAL ROO M WITH EQUIPMEN T DRAWN INTO SCALE,WITH PHYS ICALDIMENS IONS AND BTU RATINGS OFALLEQUIPMEN T IN ME CHANI CAL ROOM. 3 .SHOW SI ZE AND LOCATI ON OF COMBUS TION AIR DUC TS,FLUES , VEN T CON NECTO RS AND GA S L INES . 4 .NOTE WH ETHER ELEVA TOR EQUIPMENT WILLALSO BEINSTAL LEDI N ME CHANIC AL ROO M. FAILURETO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT . •• INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 4 79·2138 /C//'1 F?II ,,(j J r:.."f all//~''''-' 7(;}6 PERMIT N UMBERO F PROJECT II If 'l-t r:'"DATE JOB N AM E _--,r_,-n,",~"'--'-_Lz...£..'-'-"--"::.LL-_-'-''--'_ CALLER R EADYFORI NSPECTION ; L OCATION :/'1/7 MO N ~" TUES WEDTH UR FRI _____AM PM BUILDING:PLU MBIN G: o FOO T INGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATIO N I STEEL o ROUGH I D ,W,V, o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &SHE ER -I ;)fg-<loPLYWQCDNAILINGoGASPIPING, o I NSULATIO N o POO L I H ,TUB o S HEET ROCKNAI L 0 0 0 o FIN AL o F INAL ELEC TRi CAL :MEC H ANICAL: o T EMP,POWER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXHA USTH OODS o CO NDU IT o SUPPLY AI R 0 0 o FI NAL ,o FINAL (~1f PAOV E D -o D ISA PPROVED o REI NSPECTION REOUIRED. CO RRECTIONS: D ATE IN SPEC TO R • • PM_____AM IN -..•'/ eTION REQUEST TO WNOF VAIL C T 479-2138 DA TE .f-Y-'''''-''r-4'--J O B N AM E <?:0 TZ L&~. CA LLE R UMs:.T MO N T U ES ~THUR FRI C}S4?/Yl /L!- READY FO RI NSPECTION : L O CATION :e:-2.j'/7 C ORRECT IONS. BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FO OT IN GS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S HEER ,o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU L ATION o PO OL I H .TU B..o S HEETROCKN AIL 0 ."!.~., 0 0 i ,. o FINAL o FIN AL ELE CTRI CAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o HEAT I NG o ROUGH o EX HAUSTHOODS o C ONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 .){FINA L Ofl../J /">h....,,/o F INAL ~~P R D V E D o DISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQ UIRED , D ATE INSPECTOR I 1 N OTE -C OPY O FPERMITT O B E KEPT O N J OBSIT E SEPTEM BER 24 1993CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT• ~DATE •6377.-.._.PERM IT NO. 101 .Of 'lil lY 1 TVPEO FCO NSTRUCT IO N III til I VII department o f co m m unitydevelopmen t a O C CUP ANCY GRO UP A BE til RM BUIL DI NG DIVIS IO N I <'ea 3 4 z ELECTRICAL TOBEFI L LE D O UT CO MPLETE LY PA IO ATO I SSUA NC E O F P ERMIT 0 ~GENERAL D ESCRIPTIO N Of WORK:<PLUMB INGTYPEOFPERMIT~CONVERTING HOOD FE TO GAS Fp ~ C BUILD ING 0 PLUMBING ~M ECHA NI CAL ,nnn nn C ELEC I RICAL C FOUNDATI ON lX MECHAN ICAL 0 G ROUP GR ~.A V AL U ATIO N PERMIT FEE S·00 •!T YP E ~l E G A L LOT BLK 1,••V R-3 BU IL DIN G P ERMIT D ESC.FIL ING -~\',PL AN CHECK •JO B NAM E :GLATZLE GA S FIREPLACE elECTRI CAL O WNER liAM.E...-E RNS T GL ATZL E N FW {)AL TERATION AD D ITIONAL ()REP AI R ()PLUMBING-- MA IL A DDRESS BOX 292 1 OWHlI NG U NITS A,CCO MM ODA nON UN ITS __MECHAN ICAL CITY VAIL 81658 PH 6-0144 I-IEIGHT1NFl "0 F'FlE PLACES RECRE ATIONFEE---- AR CHITECT FIRM INSULATION:TY PE THICKN ESS R·VALL UE DE SIGN REVIEW BOARD n.ooe I [J-MAIL ADDRE SS CLEAN·UPDEP OSIT CITY PH .USETAXEXTWALLS FIRM ROOF GENERAL TYPE n.rc I GAS CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL REG NO.O F T OTAL PERMIT FEES FEES WA IVED SOL AR WOOD THE.HEAT IlM.'iIailEK _______DAfe-V-=93--- FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UllDING OFFICIAL L ECTRICAL t:"INITIAL e-----eTOWNOfVAilREG.NO .---------O NTRACTOR ST CU T ONING ADM INISTRA TOR DATE T ELE.BL ASTI NG ONING &BUILDINGNOTESTIEbO ANIl FINAL FIRM PARKING . P LUMBI NG , CONTRACTOR TOWN or VAll REG.NO,DEMO TELE FIRM VA IL GAS FE I h ereby acknowledge that I have read this appl ication,filled ou t in full t he i nformat i on requ i red , M ECHANICA L 3 13 -S c ompleteda n accurate pl otp lan ,a nd s tate tha t all the I n f orma t ionp rovided as requ ired is correct.I CONTRA CTOR TOWN OFVAi l REG ,NO.agree 10 com ply w ith the i n f ormat i on a nd plot plan ,to comply with a ll T own ordinan ces a nd s tate TELE.1,7"_0"" l aws ,and to b uildt his st ructure according to the T o wn's zoni ng and subd ivision c odes,design review app roved ,Uniform B u ilding Code a nd o ther o~/../Td ~l e there to. OT HER FIRM CLEAN UP DEPOS IT T O:. TOWN Of VAIL REG.NO.N/A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTAA~OA FOR HIMSElf C ONT R ACTOR TELE .AND THE OWNER. • PERMIT NO/f '7,'7 '1 SUlL01NG CUAH ·uPDE;POtIl PERMIT FEES lll ANCHECK USE TAX BUll.OlNCPEWIT PlUMBINQ RECREAT ION FEE TOTAL PERMIl'FEES ONlNQ I BUlt.D1NO NOT£&,t;~("1 J)...-r/,lfhll- /I'I~'''<"'''''f/<I:,/J:["lv'/(l:'//,....".,.,,-,I~~J~ ~-1I...~-. VAlUATION 1 1I IIIIV."V A e E H1 ;.F~\I NOTE -COPYOF PERIrr,iI"t TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ,,\99 3DATE e .ec,'1YPl! CF HEAT ST.CVT '''''''NO AD'DfTIONAL ~lTiS NE£DED: 1. r J (J c, IN SULATION: A.OCR CHlELLJNO UHIU -l-~MMOCio'T1ON lNTS __ Hl!lOHT U\l 'T.NO.RREJ'LACES ...:!:.- 0 1VlsrON 1 :2 ~3 4 II~Z!'J-:;ElECnl:=='C::.A;:Lt---. GENERALOE~PnONOPWORK:-------II ~~I P1.UM81NQ~~~H~~t1im~===t NEW()ALTERATKlN()ACJC:M TIOHAl()REPAlR() ::ADQBE$S :;;;::::= •~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IIII~1 .T YPE:O~CO NstRUCT IO N dep'l'tJTMIlltot commlm lty developneat 2.OCClJ~NC'f'G1WUP ARCHITECT \flR"-----------::=:r---1 fiRM C11Y lEGAl lOT Bl DESC .FILING OWNER XlB NAME:'I~I I'J~.,..,can 0&:\ron CO~~'::;~R :;;Qf~-- 'm.e. ELECTRICAL .....-.0- CONTRACTOR roW QF V, GENERAL ::. CONTRAC TOR OF VA~~ TO B Ii F'l.L.'-O OUT COMPlETELY PRlORTO tsSU.a.N CE OF PERMIT TYPEOFfI'ERMIT o BUILOING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIO NnMECHANICAL0 ADmttSS : " -••• "U .•"•"• •N•••N•••• u o•u I hereby II.l:know!e'dgl!l that ,have-read this application,fil led out Intul l thelnfOm1stlon requi red, compJet sd an accurate pJoI pia."8~e tate that all tbe Info r matio n prOY lded u requfred la correct.I 119r&e 10 comply with th e information and pJot pfen,to comply with &11 Town ordlMnC99 and slate law8,eM to b u fld 1hill.structure according to lI'Ie Town's zoning and subClrlf1s fon cccee,design rev iew approved,Un Iform Bl.J ndlng Co de and o ther ordlllllJlC8s of theTocabte ttteretc. CLl!AN 1JP DEPO SIT TO'~'!:G'!;NA~TU~RE OF OWN CONTRACTOR FOR HMSE~ AI«)Tl'lE OWHE ~, 31;'-S OT HER I'f"".~.~-:"",_ TQWN O~ MECHANICA CONTRACTOflll'lll!lI.l!f.l!l>!-.w;l'-'lQ...-"-==-1 -rme. Y AIL GA S FI RePLACE• TS .outh kvntage road n il,caloredo 11"7 (~)479-2138 or 479-2 ~39 ~ 303329 ...3 20• orrtee of community dlftlopmenl " BUILDI NG PE Rt11T IS SUANCE TIM E FRAM E I f this permit requires a To.n of Va fl f fre Depa r tmen t App roval, Engi neer's(pubilc Works)r eview and approv al,a Plannfng Department re view or Ke!alth D~partrnent revf'ew ,and areviewby the Building De partment,the e 't\ma ted t ime f ora total rev iew may take a s lo ng asthree weeks.. All co"""reia1 (l arge or smo l1J and all lIllJ1tf-foml1 y perm i ts wf ll have to follow the above men tioned ma ximu m require ment s.Res idential and small frojtet s should take a lesser armurrt of time.However,if res1.d entia orsmaller projects impact t he various above mentioned depar tment s w i t ~regard to necessary review.these projects ma y al so ta ke t he three we ek period. Ev ery,attempt will be made by thf s departm ent 'to e xpedi te th fs permtt a s soon 8S poss ible. I ..t~e unders 1.g ned,und erstand the plancheck procedu re and time f ra me • I f -#;l-t),"1 Da tel/ort s~1t""·.;;;a""s""'tu=r~ned;;;r'f;;"ntorn-"fthh.e;-­ Co rrmunfty Development De par tme nt. ,. , ~rJ VAIL GAS FIREP LACE•3033 28 4328•P.02 75 1I0Uth IronlOlge-ro.d,.11,coloRldo 015,,7 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 oKlee of community d@velopm eftl . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJJ::CT: ALL CONTRACTORSCURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITHTH E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPl1ENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING S W.TERIAL STORAGIl In SQrom~ry ,Ordinanc e No.6 states that it is unlawful Cor an y person to li~ter.track or d$posit any s oil,rock,sand,debri s or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilQts a nd workmen vehicles upon any s treet,sid ewalk,alley or pUblio placQ or any portion tharaot .Tha riqht-ot-way on all Towno f Va il stre~ts and ~oad g i ~a ppr oxima toly 5 ft.off paV~Qnt . Th is o rdin~neo ~111 bo ~trietly on forc ed by thQ Town of Vail Public Works DQpa~ent.Pe~sonG found v iolating this ordinancQ will ba qiven a 24 hour written n otice to remove said materi al . In the event the person so no~if iod dooe not oottply with the notice within thQ 24 hour time =p~oi fi~d,the Public Works Dap~rtM ent will re~ove said material at t he expense of p erson notified.Th e provisions o t this ordinance shall not b~ appl ioabl~~o construction,~intenanca o~repair p~oj Qets o f any street o~a lley or ~ny utiliti4S in ~he r ight-a-w~y. To review Ordinance No.6 1n full,plea se ~top by the Town o f Vail Building Departmant to obtain a co~~.Thank you for you r cooperation on this matter. Re ad and acknowledged by: ..pL k ed, " VAIL GA S F IR EPLACE•3e 3 32e4 3 2e•P .93 ," • 75 touth frontage f'O,Id valt.eokndO 11657 ~J 479-2138 or 479-2~39.... BUILDING PE RMIT IS SUANCE TI~E FRAME I f tht.pormtt requtre.a Town of Vail Ffre Deportment Approval. Englneer''S tPublfc Wor ks)r eview andap proval,a Plannfng Department revl~w ·or HealthDepartmentrevtew,anda revfew bythe Buflding Department.t he ostf.l1iIted t fme for a total revfew ma y tak e as l ong as t~re e wee ~s, All commercf.l (large or small )and all multf-famfly permftswfll have to follow the above ment ioned maxilhJm requirements.Residential and Somall pro jects s hould take a lesul'"8n'X)un t of ti l1e.Ho wever.if resid ential or smaller projec ts imp actthe va rious abo ve mentfoned depa rtment s w1th regard to necessary review.these proj ects may also tak'l th.e three wee k.period. Eve ry·attempt wtll be made by thfs deparbnentto .xped1te thfs permtt a .seen a.po sstble. I .t be under$ign ed.understand th e plan etleck pm cedurs and time fr.~e.. .. .' , _.J • PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWNO F VA il &'r,/~"f r 6/p h;Ie _____AM '--'f/~)t?1 . 0.1//12/1- CALLER r A'Ar I NSPEC TION :MON TUE SWEDTHU RFAI ./.;>!Z 6 '1 ,",.:'j7l,. • READYFOR LOCATION :--"'-.2...LL--'-..z.:!...L..""-'.d:.=..L!:...._~~'__'_"_'=.!..!.._ PERMI T N UMBER OFPR OJECT DAT E ~.,-/_.L.<'-----L.--'-_JOB NA ME __...!--!...<=.LLI.~£..!c-_~~.!.:....:L~cL.:._ ••• o REIN SP ECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDI NG :PLUMBING : o FOO T INGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATI ON I STEEL o ROU GH I Ow.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROO F &S H EER o G AS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT ION o POOLI H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FI NAL r;(FINAL /i/O r-T o'7h..C ~ ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXH AUST HOODS o CONDUIT 'o S UPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL,, l c}A!'PRO VED CORR ECTI ONS : ,> DA TE ---='f--L/-"-I'----INS PECT O R N OTE-CO PY OF PERMITTOB E K EPTO N J OBSITE J uly 13 1993CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT-~DATE •.PE RMIT NO.6 19 2 11.111131 I TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I HlII ll/V department of commu nity de velo pm ent 2OCCUP ANCY G ROUP A BE HI RM BUILDING D IVISION 12 2a3 4 z ELECTRICA L TO B E:fl LLEO OUT C O M PlET EL Y PRI OR T O ISSUANCE O F PER MIT 0 GE NERAL DESC RIPTION O FWQRK :~PLUMB ING 1000 .00TYPEOFPERMITConvertingwoodfireplacecogas~ ~< L BU ILDING Jq9 PLUMBING appliance .ins ta ll fu ture h ot wat er >M ECHANIC AL 0 ELE CTRICAL o FOU N DA T ION bo iler gas line .-M ECHAN ICAL 2310L Garmisch Dc.TYP E G ROUP G,RFA VAL UATION PER MIT FEES ~l E G A l lOT .0 Bl K H--V R-3 B UI LDIN GPER MIT ~D ESC .FI LI NG Va il B as::oS,ll!!!!e F PLAN CHECK JOBNAME 'Gla tz le Gas Line ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME E rns t Gl aU1 e NEW !)Al TERATlQ N (XK AOOITlONA L I )RE PAIR ()PLUMBING 15.0 0/PC 4 .00 #41 3~-- MAIL ADDRES S 23 17 Garmisch Dr MECHANICALDW[~L ING UN IT S --A.CC OMMOD AT ION UNI TS __ CITY Vail 8 1657 PH 6-0 144 H[I G,tTI ..rr vo.FtA EPLACES RECREATION FEE "---- AR CH ITECT FIRM INSULATION TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REV IEW BOAR D- ~LOOH CLEAN·UP DEPO SIT ~MAIL ADDRE SS ---- EXT .WAL LS CITY PH USET AX Owne r RO Of ~G ENERAL FIRM TYPE ELEC GAS TOT AL P ERM IT FEES 1 9.00CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.N O.OF 476 -0 144 SO LAR WOOD TElE.HEAT .Dan Sta nek 7-13 -93 Ul ll)ING OFFICIAL ------D"Ai'E ----- FIRM ADDITIONALPERMITS NEEDED· LE CTRIC AL ,,1 'i1 !!.~L-f---TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO.-----------CO N TRACTOR ST .CU T ONING AQ MINISTRATOR DATE THE.[lLASTI NG ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES; FIRM PARKING PLU MBI NG TOWNOFVAILREG.NQ, CONTRACTOR DEM O TElE. FIRM I hereby acknowledge thai I have r e ad this appl icatio n .fill ed oul i nf uJll he i nformation r equ i red. ME C HANI CAL completed an accu rate plot plan,and state that a ll thei nformat ion p rovi ded as r equ ired i sc orrect.I CONTRACTO R TOWN OF VAIL REG NO a g ree 10 comply w ith the information and p lotp l an .to com ply w ith a llT o wn o r di na nces and stale laws,and to build this stru c ture a ccording 10 the T own's zon ing and S Ub d iv~;;odes ,desi gnTElEreviewapproved,Uniform Building Code and other ordina~_UOW".2)i Ie the reto . OTHER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO.GNX'TU RE OFOWNER C O~ACT O R FOR H IMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE ANDTHEOWNER. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:_ ,••PE RN IT APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NO T BE ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERM IT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ()-Building Q<l -Plumbing [j ~El eetri e a l (~l -M e eh a n i e a l (l -other __~__ J ob Name:~BfllZl./1f::J:.H1;o b Addres s:-2:iJ7 ~,·",,;vcJJ>r:·d l!f..:G Legal Description :Lot .20 Block It Fi ling ~SUB DIVISION:&,!o/as ebAQI'le... Ow nersNa me:z;vjJ r 6lIJi2IE Address:.3.::1/7 /20"",;~ar })....Ph ...;J7tf'-C /'i'''''' Architect:Address:Ph ._ General Oeser iptiol;l:44fLti..dI;.~f!,~~a66Zu h )'h "Cd '["~".r...f~,:."&.;J..:... a..,I;:;;;"~(Jj:=t~,/em;:;:;&,'7''-(J Wo rk Class:(j-New [)-Altera tion [)-Additional[j-Repair [)-Other _ Numbe r of Dwelling u nits:/Number of Accommodation Units :.z ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas APPliances~Gas Logs__Wood/Pellet 1\*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$/(J'V#'.,,<2 MECHANICAL :$TOTA L:$,--------------- ~***************************CON TRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** flene ral Contractor:t?~Town of Va il Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg .NO._ Phone Numbe r: P lumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg .NO ._ Phone Number: Mechanica l Contractor: Address: Town of Va il Reg.NOo _ Phone Number: BU ILDING: SIGNATURE: ZON ING: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BU ILDING PLAN CHECK FE E: PLUMB ING PLAN CHECKFEE :__=<4'-_ MECHANICAL PLAN CH ECK FEE: RECREATION FEE : CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTALPERMIT FEES:10 ? VALUATION ******************************** BUILDINGP ERM IT FEE: PLUMBING PERM IT FEE: MECHANICA L PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FE E: OTHER TYPE OF F EE: ORB FEE : TYPEI GROUP I SQ.FT ol _ ~o-rnrn-e-n-t~:E ldL ~--;;;-lv~r~·~{:""/-~tY--g;.o;/,;;;,r.~.;,...·e'"4---~~/d/-a-"'-,(----------- I ~CLEAN UP DEPOS IT REFUND TO: • PERM I T N U M BEROFPROJ ECT INSPECTION REQUEST T O W N O F VA IL / PM_____AMFRITHUR CL'!l7ZIF .Re ,',dr .,-=.. ,C,RIV,f/CA LL ER __--""'-'-'-'-'-'L...!-_ TUE S WED :;,I) ~O N ( c>r. JOB NA ME,t.E---'·-"=:..."'--'-"=-"-"-------J.=.,:...:..=~""__ READY FOR INSPEC T ION : ..:? D ATE _"'------L _ LOC ATIO N ::.,'/7 "lO J ",,;.'-rh n> ~//r.P I/.r r .ss:o Cl2....,.;..f BUI LDING :PLUMBIN G:Ii'V o FOO T ING S I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W .V. o FRAMING o RO UGH /WA TER ROO F &SHEER )«GAS PI PING '-/L;IL(..aoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT IO N o POOL /H .T UB o SH EETROCK NA I L 0 0 0 o F I NAL .o FI NA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POW ER o HEATI NG o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o F)NAL o FINAL p '¥PPROV ED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQU IRED COR RECT IO NS : t \'-------------------- DATE ------L.Lf---7<-.=-- PERMIT N UMBEROF PROJECT ", "• •.' INSPECTION REQUEST ", T OWNOFVA IL riL/172/c RrJ C ALLER O AI cor- • JOB NAMEDATE , • REA DY FOR IN SPECTION :M QN rUES LOCAT ION :,,?,.i'/7 ~n .~.:(-4 W ED)),,,THUR F RI _____A M PM BUILDING :PL UMBING: o FOOT IN GS /S TEE L o UNDERGR O UND o FOUN DATION /STE EL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WA TER RO OF &SH EER yl GASPIP ING Iqy~<:.....;;·1 _?/~")/,/1.o PLYW OOD N AILING o I NSULATION o POO L /H.T UB o SHEETR OCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELE CTRI CAL:MEC HANIC AL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUP PLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL -~P R O V E D o D ISAPPRO VED o REIN SP ECTIONREQU IRED CORRECT IO NS : DATE -""':,L-,,,<.<<-7.c..,."""',,!-----INS PECT O R \. ______AMPM ••INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O FV AIL • EA'tJf r:r;;u;;-::?/r". .F,RA J ,I r:•CALL ER M ONTUE S • 2-2 -'J j'JO B N AME _--',"---,'-W.ILoL-!..---,~~2..<~~.!::c..-_ £ilL DATE R EADYFO R INSPECT ION : LOCAnO N ,__-"'-''-J...J-_-L~.u..L.L'''-'=...<L--""...L__=='----''''-'''''-'-'----_ PERMIT NUMBER OFPROJECT CORREC TIONS : BUILDING:PLUMBING : oFO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND oFOUN DATION I STEEL o R OUGH I DW .V. o FRAM ING oROUGH I WATER ROOF sSHEER oGAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LAT ION o POOL I H .T UB o S HEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: oTEM P.POWER o HE ATING oROUGH oEXHAUST H OODS o CONOUIT )I.'S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL (i .EAPPROVED oDI SAPPRO VED oREINSPECTIONREQU I RED or DA TE ~/93 IN SPECT O R /• PM_____A M ••INSPECTION REQUEST 1TOWNOFVAIL .F/A J T 6//.;7 /2/'"A' CALLER cRtlIJT 6/8 T71E ~ INSP ECTI ON :MON T ~ES (W ED T HURFRI Jl/Z &"--/h''------"I e I fn,J /-.:»,'J f (1/.< READ YFOR L OCA TlON :_=-'-'-"---<'-'-'''-'-~'-'''''-''''-'--==:::''''J.->.=L-....c.=,---_ PER MIT N UMBER O F P RO J ECT BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o UN DERGROUND o FO U N DATIO N I ST EEL o ROU GH I D .w.V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WATER ROO F &SHEER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT ION o POOL I H .T UB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:• o TEM P.POW ER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXH AUST HOODS• o CO ND UIT'o SUPP LYA IR 0 0 o FIN AL ;;(F INAL ;Pn./,..,..- ,~/ PPROV ED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIREDI.JC~O R RE C T I O N S : / IN SPECT O R -" PLANS ATTACHEDNOTE-COPYO FPER MIT TOBE KE PT ON J OB SITE IN ON J UNE 24 1991CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT-.,DATE , "00493 7••PERMITNO. •tOIlD III 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I lllll l VV d epartment of commu nity development 2 O CCU PANCY GROUP A BE HIRM BUILDING Io .nnn D I VI SIO N I 2 201 3 4 z ELE CTRICAL 10 0 TOBE FILLED O UT CQ MPlETE LVPR IO RTO I SSUANCE O FPERM IT 0 ~ GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOFWORK ;<PLU MBING TYPEOF PERMIT APPOXIMA TELY 100 SQ FT OF ADDITI ON ~ " !Q:BUilDING 0 PLUM BING TO THE DINING ROOM NOOK .~MECHAN ICAL !Q:ELECTRICAL D FOU NDATI ON TOTA L 4 100oMECHANICAL9317GARMISHDR.TYPE GROUP G.R.F A VAL UATION PERMITFEES I "EGA"lOT 2 0 BlK u V-N R-3 *100 4 ,100 B UILDING PERMIT 64 DESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE H2 ~PLANC HE CK 32 JOBNAME :GLA TZ LE ADDIT ION ElECTRICAL 3 7 " OW NER NAME ERN ST GLATZ LE NEW ()ALTERATION aoo ADD ITIO NAL (XX REPAIR ()PLUMBING MA ILA DD RESS PO BOX 2921 MECHANICALOwnliNGUNITS__ACC OMMODATIONUN ITS __ CllY VAI L PH 6-0 144 RECREATION FEE 15Hf.IGHT l NFT __NO FIREPLACES --- ARCH ITECT fiRM IN SULATION :TYPE THICKNESS RNAllU E DESIGNREVIEW BOARD 10 FL OOR 100 t:-MAlI ADDRESS CL EAN ·UPDEPOSlT EXT.WALLS .., CI TY PH US ET AX {(J TARA MASONARY RO OF c- GENERA L fiRM I 1} 11 8-5 TY PE ELEe .GA S TOTAL PE RMITFEES $258 ~CONTRACTOR TOWN O F VAI LRE G .NO.OF 926 -2 150 SOLAR WOOD DAN STANEKTELEHEAT JUNE 2 5.1991 A DDITION ALPERM IT S NE EDE D ::Sulu5fN GO FfICIAL ------D ATE ----- FIRM_~E CTRI C A l ,!!!!'!!!.!&ANDY KNUDTS EN J UNE 21,1991 TOWN OFVA IL REG .NO - :aNI NG AD'"MINiSTRATOR ----DATE--NTRACTOR - ST.CUT X THE.8L ASTI NG X ON ING aBU I LDING NOTES : FIRM PARKING WI L L FIELD I NSPECT FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PLUMBI NG L T OWNO F V A i lREG .N O . CO NTRACTOR D EMO v T HE. FI RM I hereby acknowledg e th atIhave readt his application.fi lled o ut i nf ullt he i nfo r matio nrequ ir ed , MECHAN ICAL completed anacc urate p lot p lan .andstatet hata lt t he i n formatio npr ovidedas required i sc orrect.I TOWN O F V A I LRE G .N O .agree to comply wi tht hei n formati on and pl ot plan ,to c o m ply w itha ll T ow n o rdinancesa nd s tateCONTRACTORJaws,andto b u ild th is str uc tu reaccordl nqto t heT o wn 's z ~nd 'jIO dlvlslon co des,design T ELE. OTHER F IRM revtew app ro ved.Unif orm Building Code and othe2::J ~a~bl e the ret o. CLEANUP TO:ERNS T GLATZLE r :~ T OWN O FVA IL REG .NQ POBOX 292 1 S IGNATURE O F OW ~O ~TRA CTOR F ORH I MSELF CONTRACTOR T ELE .VAIL,CO 81658 A NDT HE OWNER. • A ,"0 2 '!",OO PERMITFEES PERMITNO . BUILDING f'£BMIT CLEAH ·U P DEPOSIT AECREA noN FEE PlAN CHECK ElECTRICAL PlUM81NG use TAX MECHANICAl. TOTAL PERMITFEES CH IN O &BU ILD ING N OTES :(<</AL hrLR r,;,"S1!7- BU ILDING 00 -••z ELECTRICAl ....0.00Q ~•PlUMBING~ ~•MECHANI CAl> ~--- REP AIRI ) VALU ATION WOOD 00 ADDIT ION AL N OTE-COPY OFPERMIT TOBEKEPTONJ OBSITE DATE mE __"'0 f IREPLACES ecec 1TYPE O F CO NS TRucrtO N IIIIII 'VfV"J. 2 .OCCUP ANCYGROUP A BE H ~ DIVISIONI 2 2.Gl GE NERAl.DESCRIPTION OF WORK :1lf2f'i cxA/J "F tl DO.IV ~(!/Ifl rtb en" HEIGHTINFT S T.CUT DWEUINO UNITS __Ac:eo-.tooATlOHllNlTS __ 8LA STlNQ PIIRK INO AD DITIONAL PERMIT S NEEDE D: 1..!:! DE MO TYPE OF HEAT INSULA TION,,'_--,=,-l HIC!l.NESS A·VAllUE :~AL"1-_I _I----'-~--+--<-"''''-'--''=---t NEW II At l EBATlON CONSTRUCT ION PERMIT .---~;":::::==-,....,....---. cm PH fI Ry "l o'l"<h1 CTJC "et-,.~ E . MAIL ApDRE SS [IRM FIRM lECTRICAl NTRACTOR TOWN QF VAIL RE G.NO· TElE. l EGAL LOT ...z.0 BlK':-...,.,-_-;-,-_1 DESC.FILIN G t!'.>.Jk,1.I..J),,,, JOB NAME,('wn t',/-.E;(I'"6Lf1T.?/.c NAM E E &t1!'T 4inrs.L E' MAllADQRESS p c -7fc<-Z92 I C ITY /C.IIr ih<'17<-c'V4 ARCHITECT F"'118M"-_ GENERAL CONTRA C TORI~am~~~~~~~~~-- C;~~::~~gR T OWN Of VA'l R EG ,NO TElE . TOB E FILLEDOU T COJ,lPlET ElV PR IOR TO ISSUANCE OF P ERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING 0 PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION M ECHANICAL n~/7 t::dH ~u!";/I,P'.., £I RM C~~';~:~I;;~TOWN Of VA IL REO .NO. ElE. OTH ER Fc:':::'"=-_ TOWNO F VAIL REO ,NO . CO NTRACTOR TELE. I h ereby acknowledge th ai Ihaveread this application.filled out Infu ll th e Information required . co mpleted a naccurate p l ot p lan .a nd sta le that all t h e in formation provided as required Isc orrect.I ag reetoco mplyw ith the information andprot plan.to c omply with all Town ordinances andslate laws ,andt o build thi s st ructureac cording to t he Town's zoning and subijivision c odes,design r evi ew a pproved,Uniform Building Code and other o rdinan ee of h ,Tow -pli bJeth ereto. x...~"~~ IGNATUREOFOWNERRCORACTORFOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. .. Ernst Glat:.::::l e- r-c t lO X ;,:'97 1 V<':1 i 1 C O l:11"~7 .. Nicholas Lamplrls,Ph.D. CO NSU LTIN G GEO LOGIST 0793VA LLEYROAD CA RBONDA LE,CO LORADO 81623 (303)963-3600 (24 HOU RS) JunE?j 04-~i.99 1 R E:Rocl:f al 1 Ev":.\JLt~~"tj()n.231 7 G a r m i ~.ch Dr t ve ,T wn Add itions Dear Mr .Glat~l~~ 1 Vl S1 ted t he home a t th e e b ove r-o ee r-er-c s-o Address A t y our reqwO'st to ev e lue t e the r ock fall p otential f or th e propo sed ~"'\rldi t.;ems on the south and wee t si d es o f the hom e.The form er is ill the m idd le of th ~SOLlt h s i de o'f the h o me ,wel l aw ay from t he di r ec ti on o f fa l li ng rocks ;t he other a ddition i s exposed s hou ld a ny rocks reach the sitE:!. My fin din gs ar e th at the first ad d it ion is on t he s i de of the hom e wh i ch i s a way fr-om e nd pr otected from t he existing mo der a te rock f all haz a rd as ma pp ed by me for the Town of Vail in 1 9 84 .The oth er ad d it ion ,as s tated,is s u sce ptib le, b ut t he topography of th e s l ope abo ve t h e ho me i ss uch t hat ro cks f a ll ing fr-om the uppeer-mo ert c li f fs w i Ll s he d int o the t.w o gu J l i es l-Jhie:h pa ss o n e it h er e i cfeo f t.h e home .I b el iev e it i s very un li k ely th at roc ks f rom o n h i gh c an rea ch the site .T be r-e ar-e tl"'O r -oc ke j u st abo ve th e home (west en d) wh i cb i t is my u nders ta ndi ng a re b e in gr emoved by y o u. I t is my o pi nion t Mf\t t.ne-e drf r t t on s are i n a g e olog ica l ly aen s i t Lve a rea but the devel opment doe-s n ot in crea se t.h e haz ar-cJ t o o th er-p rcp er-t.v en-s t.r-u c t.ur ee ,or'to p u b l t c bu ild ing s,rig ht s-of -way ,road s l s tr ee ts.e asemen ts, u t il ities or f ac ilit ies o r ot-he r-pr opert ies o f a ny k i nd.If th ere are f urt her q ue st ions pl ea se d o no t h @sitate to contact me. S inccr-e lY l ~~c Nicholas La mpiris Consulting Geologi st .... MEM ORAND UM TO :To wn of Vail BuildingDep ar tme nt FROM :Ernst O.Gl atzle DATE :Ju ne 1 9 ,1 991 RE:Geologic Ev al ua ti on for 231 7 Garmlsh Drive ,West Vail , Lo t 2 0,B lo ck H,Va il Das Schone Filing '2 The u nde rs i gned h ave read the Ro ckfa ll Haza rd evaluation prepa red by Nicho l as Lampiris ,PH.D.cons ul ting Geologist . I understa nd f rom the concl us io n that the proposed building l oc ation ap pears t o be below t he ar ea o fp otenti al rockfall .There i s a po tenti al hazard o f certain r ocks reaching the propo sed house and causing d am age .However ,I am p r ep ared to a ccept those facts and request that the Town o f Vail Bu i ld ing Department g r ant mea b uil ding permit for myp r oposed additi on . IQ'1 I .. /)(iJJ(CL/772L £ jlr/i:·!r ~r1 .. ._-----_._----...-.--- i I I i I I '.•f I /_I """.....'" I , I I I iI ;i ,I I .I !_L L.-1-.1_ \,, 7lrrt ~ ~J--~/IJ(~s ilL=~~~/WI ·e/5 • -' ,. ~-'---- /'11./(. /1"'... .~'.'P.''.'.' /~/',, I ../;",!,'.. :'!il I ,.:~ •.;I ,I .' 1 ,/ 1 • ".i,~:.·,i:il.l :,/.~; ''':Y~''I';.:JI'-'.~-".I II/:•/'/.;..11..,""f ."·-.'".,...::p:,.' .__.----f- ;= .. .-.,l-' • ',;", If----·_.----1 7/1 ,~:,y /:Ir:.'f.~'/:/';..;-. •,I I ..'/I " 1/.J','.::-//:'.',Y't '•AJ ·f ,"I .L IIti-..'.::.-:;.','..·~:".dJ l lb4 j//·.·~".Il l i r ,:;~ --. ··.,..'·..-.-···.· ,··., --- -, ..-.. ·..·.... ···... ·..·-··.. ·.. ..\·)"..?~. ~·I~:~•·..·•\-•..-. •,.",-, •.. ...,,.. -.., ..... · ·. .,. •.. ·..- '.Jf, .I ••..• .1 1f ",.t .'~" "/'l'... I f":'/",/,-,/. {".-'I ~'­ '.'/1/~".;.. .. ,. I I , !,. -- --:---- \ • I i I i+-':J;'.--- .. / I / / / / / / , ,c~1:-rr iOI-J "'T'D LJ.fl'po<.. 1-C-'iB-{~t'\...A-N ;;,!C-!O !-J ) w..........· .I'>~Eo eJ-Ow I ,/ I , I , ,.' INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL O J/ir 6//V2LE Pe ,! f/{J/r r ~Z2.?.eCALLER-"'-...LC'-"':..LL-_-L.~"_LL.L"""_""""_____ D ATE 7 -.?'1-9/ PE R M~~F ZOJ ECT REA DY FOR IN SPECT ION : L O CAT ION ,2 .1/7 M ON T U ESWED W ,."",'4d T HUR f ),.., FRI _____A M PM • BUILDING'PLUMBING: o FOOTIN GS i ST EEL o U NDE RGRO UND o FOUND AT ION I STEE L o ROUG H I D .W.V .IP FRAM ING fI ,,-,-Mit;,',a.,n ROUGH i WA T ER ROOF &SHEER o G AS P IP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INS ULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SH EET ROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.P OWE R o HEAT IN G o ROUG H \o EXH AUST H OO DS o C OND U IT o SU PPLY A IR • 0 "0 o FI NAL o F I NAL )l(APPROVED CORR ECT IO NS : o DI SAP PRO VED o REINSPEC TION REOUIRED DATE ~'---"'::=":"-'CL-_IN S PECT O R dk<______________. ,., ".,, ,. • INSPECTION REQUEST ~'~ TOW N O F VA I L rAtJJ J r 6//172,/'/;-;f<o",,' CALLER £/tJJT &~rZLh JOB NAME _~"-''lL''--'''--'-_-'-''-'-''''-'L.,~&.-_-L'-'''£..:_ _........ • DATE PERM I T NU MBERO F PROJ ECT READYFORINSPECT ION :MONT UES L OCAT ION :27/7 ~r~.·.rd WED lJv THUA FRI _____AM PM BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOT INGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEE L o ROUG H /D .W.V . o FRAM ING o ROUG H /WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o S HEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEAT ING jll"ROUGH o EXHAUS TH OODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ~P ROV ED o D ISA PPROVED o REINSPEC TION R EQ U IRED CO RECT IONS: DATE 7/P/}r;I I .." INSPE CTOR PM • .'~INSPECTION REQUEST . T OWNO F V AIL E,{'/I (/6 /8/2//-&,-"J'--'-.._ C ALLER E .CZ/GI2L E M ON TUE S tWEQ T H UR FAI AM -c:I tr..;,../:<1.f..ok ,/r;::;/., I NSPECTION : ...:?.111 1-/2-2t •• R EADY FOR L OCATION :-=--"-'<....L.-'-...:...'-'...l'-="-'-="'--"""'=--=--....c.."'-.!..L..J;.<.4LL:.._ PERMIT NUM BER O F PROJECT • BU ILDI NG:PLUMBING ; o FOOT ING S /STEEL o U NDERGROUN D o FOU NDATION /STEEL o ROUG H /D W .V. a FRAMING o ROUG H /WAT ER ROO F &S HEER o GAS PIP IN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SH EET ROCK NAIL 0 0 0 l{FINA L ,/lr&f-;,..o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL:• o TE MP.POW ER o HEATI NG o ROUG H o EXHAU ST H OO DS-o CONDU IT o SUPPLYA IR 0 I,0.., o FINAL o FINAL ~P R OV E D .o D I S A ~P RO VED o REIN SPEC TI ON REQ UIRED(J CO RREC TIONS: J INSPECT O R-2 h /tij/IDATE---="'-,I-'-+-I--.f---- \• • ., INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O F VA IL I a (//z/-,,p,.., r.UL8 /2 //CA LLER • J OB N AME _~-'-'-""-'-'_...L...:...:..a..L.-"'''-L''---_-''-'''-'_ • t Its ; D ATE /-d·/i' PERMIT NUMBER OFPROJECT READY FO R I NSPECT ION :M ON TUE S LOCAT ION :.,/"1/A;,,0 ',r/&5 W ED THUR FAI 1'*,1 &~/ _____AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UND ERG ROUND o FOUNDATION I STE EL o ROUG H I D.w.V, o FRAMING o ROUG H I WATE R ROOF &SH EER o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H ,TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP,POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH 'o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLYA IR. 0 0 O 'F INAL .~o FINAL b APPROV ED · COR RECTIO NS: o D ISAPPROVED 0 ,REINSPECTIONREQUIRED f ,••IN SPEC T O R / ..DATE __,---"'-'--'-_...,.----';......_ f ,,,~ ••• _I '. INSPECTION REQUEST T OW N OF VA I L EA'A/I r C;:Zg/zLF .If.GtaF-<.<!eCALLER__~=---'--"'='-"'!:..L--"'''-=-''"--_ DATE tY-/2 -tp PMFRIAM k~/_d</ T HUR .8.--. MO N TUESWED ~e l""('"ta 4 INSP ECT IO N : 2,f!7 R EADY FOR LO CA TI O N :__"""..JL-L.L-_,"""~~""-~~.a...«--":'=-!-_~dC.,,,,,,~,=...e:.=<'<"L-_ BUILDING:PLUMB ING : o FO OTIN G S I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V . o FRAM I NG o RO UGH I WATER ROOF &SHE ER o GA SPIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILIN:}9 o PO O L I H .TUB~S ULA TIO N -I ,SH EETROC K N AI ~4 ~0 0 0 , o F I NAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL : o TEMP .POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH '"\I o EXHAUSTH OODS o COND UIT o SUP PLY A IR 0 0 o FIN AL o FINA L '... ~OVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONRE QU IRED -, C ORRECT IONS: DATE [C-/J.-0/INSPECTOR • •i-r-'1/ Project Application Vk (-?-I.e "d ,{,-/;etJ ",,{j A :fO I 6C /..~Crt"( fAnl If ()~;-/IeContactPersonandPhone , O wner.Address a nd Phone :_ A rchitect.Addressa nd Phone:_ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Dale &..c-f/ M otionby : Seconded by : APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Dat e ' To ...nPlanner ...... 6 -C -V ,L // o Stalf Appr oval Wa ter Course Se tb a ck , Height Total GRFA Pr imary GRFA Se condary GRFA Se tb acks Site Cove rage Lands caping Fro nt S ide s Rear All o wed E x isti ng Pr o p osed To t a l (3 0)(33 ).".,.;Z3Y,Z}'Y, ,I_I 't +(850)(42 5) =,,1:1'1 ~I sq f 'fC ·'L "2')1>·> t.!K .a <.c.J'f t,v10.~l qo'l ~'1 J1 .1( /"'"..r "..».7~'J ;~·1 -}'),,~.' 20 'Z '\ 1 5''1 I Iii 1 5 ' (3 0)(50)•• .'"'>( '3354 .2 qo'f '3 4 45.1 Reta in ing Wal l Height s P ark ing 3 '/6 ' ~R e q r d Ga rage Cr ed it Drive : (30 0)(600)(900)(1 20 0)",f..•.'i': P ermitted Slope ~Act u al S lope ~.~L __ Da te approv ed by TownEng inee r :__~.~.~__ Vi e wCorr ido r Encroa chment:Ye s __No,__'--__1 ??_ Env i ronmental/Hazar ds :1 )Flood Pl ai n -''-_ 2)Pe rcent Slope - 3 )Geo logi cHazar ds a)Snow Ava l anche ..-\I (\ h )Roc kfa ll ', c )Deb ris F l ow • 4 )Wetl ands Doest hi s reque st i nvo lve a 250 Addit io n?,1' How much of the al lowed250 Addition i s use~d~w~,~·t~h~t7hi8 request?_ 1 0 •• •• -"'Y /3 L J ';[~w-;&0 aft Pc '1 I "i t J//'1d1 ''l-kk)s k"u "1 ~f "'",&:.;.~"VC i O:;,::~P C K-..-- (u t- SF R.H.R PIS !rJtlE DIS TRICTS Owne r _a~n,-",:z.=.L-[;::..","'=-_ Zo ne Dis tr ic t "IQ p/~_ l ot Size (7(,o=....:'L.=_ lega l De sc ript i on:l ot 2.D Bl o c k H Fi 1l ng ---ll-AI L..i?!li~t£1:J;.:l- Ar ch i tee t Gu I"'t=/S'I Pr o posed Use LJmrr~off'vpe-.J/'ID VI-J'T. All owe d Pro posed Hft o _t:f'<....." ;>Co1Z- 3c:A'j $.38 Slop e Actoal _ 20' 15' 15 ' (30)(33 ) '1J./o (30)(50) :3'i;l-o (3b.O)(600 ) (90~)(1 ~0) (5V )(l00) (¥)(50) (2PO)(400) __-»L),--_ _--"''Y.~_ N9 Fl oo d Pla in Slop. Solar Il e at Storage Dr i ve:Sl opePermit ted _ En v i ronmenta 1/Ha zards :AVlll anche Hale r Co urse Ai r lo ck S id es Mec ha nical Si te Co vera ge St or ane Landscapi ng Park ing Credits: Garage Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbac ks : Front Height Total GR FA Comme f1t ~:12,A11.-1"-~"?_ Z O n i n g ~d /Di Sap pr oved VlAJ5 0 ~~r ~\\l~'i""J ~~-4-.~1/"~\Q 4-r ,---,~;s;:--"- C'-,c:;---.()l. ~~.VI..--. ~--r"\'r--r-~r-....."?<,~-~r -----.s~/'.V' ~ C ·. PUBLIC NOTICE .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board ot the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on April 17,1991 at 3 :00 p.m .in t he Town o f Va il Mu nicipal Building. Consideration o f: 1 .A request for an add itional 250 square teet of Gross Residential Floor Area for t he Glatzl e residence located at 2317 Garmish Drive .Lot 20 ,Block H,Vail Das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant :Mr.Ernst Glatzle 2 .A request fo r an a dd itio nal 250 square fe et of Gro ss Re sidentia l Fl oor Area f or t he Kirby res id e nce l ocated at 227 Rock l edge Ro a d.Lot 13,Block 7,Vail Villa ge1st Fil in g. Applica nt:Mr .s teve Kir by The a p plicatio ns a nd i nformation about the proposals a re availabl e i n the zoning a d ministrator's off ice during regular office h ours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELO PMENT Published in theVa il Trail on AprilS,1991. P-/','\ ~''~.u~''",\ lVNOF VA IL ~South ""onl(Jg~Rood ~·a tl.Colorado 8 1657 -r f ," MR .ROB ERTE.ENRIGHT & HR .JOHN W.BAUM STARK 12351 SO UTH RID GE CONIFER,COLORA DO 8 ~'".I r .-..-."."!') " Ii ,.,.,1"!I !II~...tl ,1\:I ..tn-1+t.~ , PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t hat the Design Review Board o f t heTowno f Vail will ho ld a public hearing onApril17 ,1 991 at 3:00 p.m.in the Town of Va il Municipal Building . Co nsideration of: 1.A request for an additional 250 square fee t of Gross Res idential Floor Area for the Glatz le residence located a t 231 7 Garmish Drive .Lot 20 ,Block H,Vail Das Schone 2nd Filing. App licant:Mr.Ernst Glatzle 2 .A request for an additiona l 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Kirby residence loca ted at 227 Rockledge Road .Lot 13,Block 7,Vail Vi llage 1st Filing. Applicant :Mr.Ste ve Kirby The appl ications and information about the proposals are ava ilable in the zon ing adm inist rator 's office during regular office hours for pUbl ic inspection . TOWN OFVAI L COMMUNITY DE VELOPMENT Publ ished in the v ail Trail on April 5,1991. TOW NOF VA IL 7SSouth F'ronlagtl Rood Vail.Colorado 8 1657 .,-~. r·.1 .~.:...........~ ."'"I.;1 :.l I , S .L.H. COLORADO ST AT EOFFICE 1600 BROADWAY DENVER ,COLO RADO 8020 2 , ·... PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a pUblic hearing on April 17,1991 at 3:00 p.m.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Glatzle residence located at 2317 Garmish Drive.Lot 20,Block H ,vail Das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant:Mr .Ernst Glatzle 2 .A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Kirby residence located at 22 7 Rockledge Road .Lot 13 ,Block 7 ,Vail Village 1st Filing . Applicant:Mr.Steve Kirby The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regu lar office hours for pUblic inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on April 5,1991. jL a-..cI ,na.,h...;ci Ocl~OMoJ.(UfoJr/'7 ~- /'I {jl eoJr II· ;)<hTW>L .l}"It!a rf'::?/f Cl3 7J en -~;~of /(01 .V .J3eCW/0rr ~«IJJ "c:;y ol.;a ;299 o-z 13 (»rlot!I'f ;3 /0 ("1(C;.V -P,de"cw.tI /I~,",~.L.a-...../"L ?0 :..l3 0X .2 77:;-J/o-(/,-6-f'.1'16:>7 (, I ( I ' M//'~~T J'j),·m",,,k(!v.~i.z...V /Ii-II c!t'!l/ev rnoj"3/t2.?!a'~-e, -r;f(s /Auyt'h ./Yj I ',,'Q ~.z04<<. 2(7)no!tl ./0 r-c/tY vt?<.V Z3fJ'c;!oy-acle>lJ/co/. Yenr~/tfO..g07 .fa i1 (ira.)I(J I'll ~ '?(/...250/.4&.I2 Ytk.j~.}?1<5J7 // aarl'-J T .J.5oOh ~ ,R o.'EdX -::10 S-}&(,/,,'c .J'/6.5 -7 / ,, INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ""-1 ~27/ ~ PROJECT:qUehi..,256 DATE SUBMITTED:/-4 -'7(DATE OFPUBLIC HEARING "";;'--''---'-'-__ COMMENTS NEEDED BY :4 -17 -q ( BRIEF DESCRIPTI ON OFTHEPROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Rev i awed by:-I-'-.L::..1L~="=,,,-_____Da te: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by : Comments: Date: pOLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date : Commen t s: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Rev iewed b y: Comments : Date: revi sed 3/11/91 , INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:C;(j,(,/<2 56 DATE SUBMITTED:7 -4 -<;'/DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 5-/-</1 COMMENTS NEEDEDBY:?-17 -q / BRIEFDESCRIPTIONOFTHE PROPOSAL : r}JU ~ad£6fl1JJ riD .-VI<'S '/V ~u..J ;,"(:""'~-e PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by:_ Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT "p£--/ Reviewed by :~~,--:'0=5 Co mm ents: /')/1/'0 c-<,~~A Date: Da te: .y.;?;?/ POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date :_ Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: revised 3/11/91 Date :_ .... INTER-PEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:C;Ie,hi.,256 DATE SUBMITTED :j -4 -~/DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING jL-/-<,7 COMMENTS NEEDED BY:t -17-q/ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: rtfJJ j JYnad ttd,LC;'w)riD _-tl._'I<.d .J,(j A.Wdt~,-e PUB LIC WORKS Reviewed b y:Date: Co mments: FIRE PEPAR TM EN T Reviewed by :Date: Comments: POL ICE DEPAR TMENT Reviewed by:Dat e: Co mments : RECREATION DEPARTM ENT Reviewed b y:Date: Comments: rev ised 3/11/91 "'ICATI ON FOR AODITIONA L GR FA ,. FOR PROP ERTIES I N EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Da te of App li cat ion ,?'2£-9/ Oate ofORB Meeti ng,___ PR E-APP LICA TION CON FEREN CE Apre-appli cation conference wi tha membe r of the planning staf f i s strongly encouraged tod iscuss t heprovi sion s under which additiona l GRFA can beadded toa site .It should be un derstood that t hi sordinan ce doesnot assur eeach prop erty an add itional 250 squaref eet of GRFA.Rather.theordin ance all ows f or ~t o 250 squa re feet i f certain conditions are met . Ap plic ations for add itions unde r thi s section willnot be accepted unless th ey arecomp lete .This includes all inform ationrequi red on th is f orm as we ll as Desig n Re vi ew Boa rd subm ittal r equir em ents. A.PROJ EC T DESCRIPTION :_ B.LOCAT IONOF PROPO SAL: em WI '-,re{J)y Lo t -2fi Block H Fil ing Ic.'/o!eu ,ut ...-*2. -<.fIzAddresS'_--""-"-LL--..J"""'llLLZL'--L=L....>«:..!-....,-_ Le galDescripti on: Zont Oistr ict _ C.NAME OF APPLI CAN T:E£AJ {(6/0 1 .7 L £ Ad dress .2J/7 &t1 r""NJ Dr 16c r'/~I phone trY-kI St9- D.NAM E OF APPLICANT'S REP RESENTA TI VE :___ Addres s,Jphone,_ Eo NN ,1E OF OWN ER(S):~"r!fJ:5.¥ **Signature (s)...,._,l,..,c/v--~~£... Ad dress 2J17 ~"tll(,rl"(Dc . F.Fil ing Fee of $100 .00 isrequired a t ti me of submi t tal ___ The f ollowinginformation ,inaddi tion t o ORB s ubmit tal r equi rem ents.shall be r equir ed wit ht hissubm ittal: 1 .Ve rifi c atio n that theunit has receiv eda final cer tificate of occ upan cy . 2.Na mes and mailing addr esses of adjacent pro perty ow ners and of owners of units onthe same l ot.Thi sin form ationi s availab lef rom t he Ea gle Coun ty Ass essor's of fice . 3.Condominium a ssocfation approval (if appl icable). 4.Existing floor planofs tr uc ture. G.You rproposal will be revi ewe dfor com plia ncewith Vail ls Com prehensive Pl an. '... ORB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATEOFORB MEETING: •••••••••• THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IJlITIL ALL REQUIRED INFORHllTION IS BUBMITTED••••*••••• I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction Minor Alteration ~Addition Conceptual Review C.ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ..&0 Block __-'11....:...._ Subdivision Va ,/d"{,rrb ~,,<~..? If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to t~is application . E.ZONING: F.LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. G. H. I. J. NAME OF APPLICANT:ra Mi r cTL 8!?/F Mail ing Address:.fl."',<He y .3 q2t Phone ij-7 "-C'(<J.U. NAME OF APPLlCANT'S.JU:PRESENTATlVE:£;ftl .n C/4)2 CE Mailing Address:iJ.C .'R,:/QI 2 I________________Phone 4 7 /-(2/~9 NAME OFOWNERS:--Z..tf.,!!I r:0 >R /..?/IE"OBIGNATllRE(S):~"</C',.--$hlf Mailing Address:~./'",:..--r-,..........A 'if;J I .:/' ________________Phone -/1 7 !,."(4 ~ Condominium Approval if applicable. K.DRB FEE:pRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. FEE SCHEPULE; VALUATION FEE $o-$10,000 $10 .00 $10,001 -$50,000 $25.00 $50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$500,000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1 ,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 ONO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCEBSED WITHOllT OWNER'S SIGNATURE .. •II.PRE-APP LICATION MEETING; A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any addition al application information is needed .It is the appllcant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III.IMPO RThNT NOTICE REGARPIN G ALL SUBMIS SIO NS TO THE OR B; A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners .All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snowe B.The review process for NEW BUILD INGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual approval and a tinal approvale Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings betore obtaining final approval. Ce Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,will h ave their items removed from the ORB docket unti~such time as the item has been republished. D.The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be a pproved by the Community Development Department staff (i.ee a formal hearing before the ORB may not be required): a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior chang es Which do not alter the existing plane of the buildinq 1 and b .Building add ition proposals not vis ible from a ny other lot or pUblic spacee At the t ime such a proposal is s Ub mitted,applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or f rom the agent for or manaqer of any adjacent condominium association statinq the association approves of the add itione Ee If a property i s located in a mapped hazard area (iee. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign a n affidavit recognizinq the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to ORB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Fe For all residential construction: a .Clearly ind icate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building:and b.Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four toot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. -..-.-, 2 G.If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. IV .NEW CONSTRUCTION A.Three copies of a recent topographic survey.stamped by a licensed surveyor.at a scale of 1"-20'or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1.Lot area. 2 ~Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more,in which case,5' contour intervals may be accepted. 3.Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4"or more,as measured from a point one foot above grade. 4.Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders,intermittent streams, etc.)• 5.Hazard areas (avalanche,rockfall,etc .), centerline of stream or creek,required creek or stream setback,lOO-year flood plain and slopes of 40%or more,if applicable . 6.Ties to existing benchmark,either USGS landmark or sewer invert.This information shOUld be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is partiCUlarly important for height measurements.See Policy On survey Information, for more information regarding surveys. 7 .Locations of the following: a.Size and type of drainage culverts,swales, etc.must be shown. b.Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure.utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas Electric 8. c .Property lines -distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. d.All easements (Title report must also include existing easement locations) Existing and finished grades. 9.Prov ide spot elevations of the street,and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot,25 feet out from the side property lines. B.Site Plan 1 .Locations of the following : 3 NOT E: ..,. b.Proposed driveways.Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2.All existing improvements Including structures, landscaped areas,service areas,storage areas, walks,driveways,off-street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (with top and bottom of wall spot elevations),and other existing site improvements. 3.Eleyations of top ot roof r idges (with existing and proposed grades shown underneath).These elevations and grades must be provided in order for the staff to determine buildinq heiqht.All ridqe lines should be indicated on the site plan . Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevations. 4.Driveway grades may not exceed 8\unless approved by the Town Engineer. c .Landscape Plan (1"~20'or larger)-3 copies required 1.The following information must be provided on the landscape plan.The location of e xisting 4" diameter or larger trees,the location,size, spacing and type (common and latin name)of all existing and proposed plant material.All trees to be saved and to be removed must al so be ind icated.The plan must also different iate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2 .complete the attached landscape mate ria ls list. 3.The location and type of e xisting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material followinq its installation. 4 .Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the va r ious development proposal components,please incorporate as much of the above i nf ormat ion as possible onto t he site plan. D.S ign ott from e ach ut ility comp any verifying the location of utility serv ice and a va ilability (see attached). E .A prel i minary title report must accompany all submittals ,to i nsure property ownership and location of All e asements on property. F .Arch itectural P lans (1/8"-l'or larger ,1/4"is preferred scale fo r rev iew)3 copies required . 1.Scaled floo r plans and ~ll elevations of the proposed development .Elevations must show both existing and fin ished grades. 2.One Bet of floor plans must be "red-l ined"to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA)was calculated. 3.Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- 1/2"x 11")for inclusion in PEe and/or Town Council memosmay be requested . 4.Exterior 5urf.~i~~'.QriAl.and .material oolore 4 , G. :s~be specified on the at~e~materials list. This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of ORB application.Color chips,siding samples etc.,should be presented to the Design Review Board meeting. Zone check list (attached)must be completed if project is located within the Single-Family,primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. H.Photos of the existing site and where applicable,of adjacent structures. I.The Zoning Administrator and/or ORB may require the submission of additional plans,drawings, specifications,samples and other materials (including a model)if deemed necessary to determine Whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V.MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan)of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above,provided all important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used are submitted. ~--AD PiTION S -RESIDENT~AL OR COMMERC iA;) A.Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B.Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8"-l'or larger (1/4"...l'is preferred) c.Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction .Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath . D.Elevations of proposed addition. E.Photos of the existing structure. F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form. H.A site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. 1.A preliminary title report,to verify ownership of property,which lists all easements. VII .FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued,and construction is underway,and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection,two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC)stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted.The following information must be provided on the ILC: A.Building location(s)with ties to property corners, i.e.distances and angles.... 5 ,B.Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C.All utility service line as-builts,showing type of material used,and size and exact location of lines. D.Drainage as-builts. E.Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F .All property pins are to be either found or set a nd stated on improvement survey_ G.All easements. H.Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge lines. VIII.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW A.SUbmittal requirements;The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans ~or conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of community Development.The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the TOwn's Design Guidelines .This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single- family and two-family residences.However,developers of single-family and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review.Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRS meeting. The following information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: 1.A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2.Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the propose d structure or structures; 3.Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in Which the project is to be located (i.e.GRFA,site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces,etc.); 4.Completed DRB application form . B.Procedure ;Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review,the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code.If the proposal is in basic compl iance with the zoning code requirements,the project shall be forwarded to the DRS for conceptual review.If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements,the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements.Once a complete application has been received,the DRS shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine Whether or not the p~D;P.ct ~P-nP T~l ~v ~omDlies with the design guidelines.The ORB does not vote on conceptual reviews.The property owner or his representative shall be present at the ORB hearing. LIST OF IlATEBIALS NAME OF PROJECT:£R t !J ",-T/h'T:zLL'-)("f,o/,,,J - LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT2-BLOCK ....1:::L SUBDIVISION I/o,{d 'l r .6J,'i e, STREET ADDRESS:/:17 0 r-o Ct'"t ....L :D"" DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OFMATERIAL c .V COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Name Quantity S ize· PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum ca.lip~.f~ 7 ·' '. ,,. deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniterous ' trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. P~T MATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Na me Ouantity Size. PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TOBE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Min i mu m size of shrubs i s 5 galloD. Square Footage c. GROU ND COVERS SOD S EED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wall s,fences,swimming pools,etc .)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet .Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 fe et . 8 • , UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NlIHE _ LOT _BLOCK _FILING _ ADDRESS _ The location and availability of utilities,Whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature u.s.West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District. 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right-ot-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not n street cut permit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *Please bring a site plan,floor plan,and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures.Fire flow needs must be addressed. , • • ; SFR,R, ZONE CHECK FOR R PIS ZONE DI STRICTS DATE: LEGALDESCRIPTION:Lot B l ock Filing ADDRESS: OWNER _____________PHONE _ ARCHITECT PHONE _ ZONE DISTRICT _ PROPOSED USE __ LOT SIZE _ Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA S econdary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Allowed (30)(33) +(850)(425) -~-- 20' 15 ' IS' Existing Proposed Total I Water Course setback Site Coverage Lan dscaping Reta ining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Dr ive : Environmental/Hazards: (30)(50) 3 1/6' (300)(600)(900)(1200)_ Permitted Slope JL Actual Slope _ Date approved by Town Engineer : 1)Flood Plain __ 2)Percent Slope _ 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche _ b)Rockfall _ c)Debris Flow _ 4)Wetlands _ Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_ 10 P OST I N A,CONSP ICUO U S P L ....C e APR 2 '9 1 8:22 F~I R ~:DEN VER MOR TG .,PAGE.e o t '.FIRST Dr.NVF:R MORTCACF: c o,.u "._..... l ne!=-,..._"-".n.-w.e--~1On'''~ ~A."(I :'30 '/G9 5 -7711 5 PIION f.,;-'O:J /1 SI -5100 r m lJ.tJllIOO I'1Y.$:u..CC:------_,_------------- .' ., .,.'.. }.. ,._-----.:..._-------------- l::':' -, ,....;. ~i '.1 •:i :.'c---------------------------- ~'">;':---------------------------------------.;......r <':·;r '";j".:.:.; 'I:j .:":,. i 'C ,.,...... ::t ::l ::(\;,~.'}.:f :.:'"j '>J;:~'S ~-.,\..•.'{}:2':<"":'. .. P AGE.0B22•81 -,FORM NO."c.6OOC).1A .•• ~'P.'Cc.W""'~pQ l't~ION AMDICAN LANO TJ1'\.&ACGOCIAT1OfII LOAN PoLfCV '.'70 "4_""00)fQ.1'.'7'OJ APR ..". • SCHEDULE A AmOUDt ot Insurance $ nate of Polley 75;000.00 March 3,1980 4.01 P.M. .PoJleyl'lo.4103192 Sh~l 1 of--4 FIRST FED~RAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ERNST GLATZLE, in fee simple 3.The mott:tcag:e cedeed ot trust,and as&ipmezrt:l if llDy,eesered by this Polley Ut!described..u tonotQ: DeedofTn:l$lfrom.~Ernst.Glatzle . to ~PQblic Trull"ttl tIM!County of Eagle- fot'the we of:Megapoli1;an Mortg.aye tD~,$75,000.00 ... Co",pany..•... February 28,1980 . March 3,1980 in Book 299 .at Page 550 Said Deed of Trust assisned to First,Federal Savings and Loan Assooiation,by .Assignment recQrded M~rch 3,1980 in Book 299 at Page 551. OPR 2 '91 8 1 23 F~FJRST DENVER MORTG .,P A GE.B03 II'"OftM NO.c.600Q.,3 ..,•.~.. f'l'IIII U K WITH C01,OftIo.OQ MlO',UCAN LAND ~~u.T1'GN Ln....PO"•1 ANPtDED 1C~·t7-701 JOlt UK WIT"CO&.ORAPO RII:ClICltf:I'IIllll:JtlOAN LAND 'T~"AC4ClCIATIOW CWJtor .l'DLIC'l'-Fg"......70 (A"f:NDIlD 1D-17.7VI :.. '..,.'...: 5CHEDU LE A-Co.tinned , The.l.nd m erred 10 In thb polley:b ,it'llaled in the Stllto or c,.1 ~nldGt County of- Hagle t .lI d ;.d~dbed.U !(IDow a: wr 20, =11, VAIL CAS scxm, FILIN::11).2 '.. .'. ,. ,. ',.... -'.' .... ,. c' , ... .'. ·SCHEDULEB PART J • 6. .7. 1.Taxes for the ye~r 1980 Dot yet aue or payable. 2.The right of tho propriQtor 'o~a vein or lode to extr~ct and re~ve his ore .therefrom,'should the same be found to penetrate or in~er5ect.the prertises hereby granted" as reserved in Uni ted S.~~6:5 P.atent .:z::ccorded August 11" 1900 in Boo~.48 at ~age 236. 3.An undivic.'led 1/2 int~rest 'in and t~'th e oil,gas and mineral rights therein'as reserved in deed from P eter E. Ra~os and Catherina Xatsos .to Gust ~iahtipe~and Niek . Riahtlpes,recorded ~anua~.·2 ~·1~60 iR .Book 165 at·page 133 •.. 4.~estrictions,whi~7 do no~contain u :forfeiture or reverter cf.eus e,but .omitting restrictions,.if any,based on rAce, color,reliqlon or national o rigin,as contained in instru- mant recorded OCtober lo,·~969 in Book 216 ~t Page 153, October 28,1969 in Book 2;1.6 'e e Page ·284 ·and ;February 16, 1?70 in Book 217 at Pa9-17. 5.Easement and right.of WlI-Y S ·;feet.in .wid th.along all .site boundarY l i nes for use of l1tility.service lines and for the .construction,erection and ·mainbenance thereof,·. toget:her .wi th the r1qht of :!ugress ~md .eqre5s the%'cto,a£. re~grved ~n instrument ·recorded JUly.7,1965 in .Book L90 ·at Paso SSg...:.:.:..'..... El1sements cs ehcwn on the r~corded ·p·l~t C]f vail Cas Schone Filinq No.2. Easeroent 8nd right ot way fo~constrUc~ion and ~i~tenanc;··~f a 9as 'di5tr~Qution system.located in roads granted to Gas 'Facilities,Inc.by .the ·County of L~g1e by in2tru~nt recorded Septerlaber 6r '1968,i.i:t.Book 2'13 at Page 344,in !i~ich the apecd t'Lc " location of thQ ·eas~ant is not dAf~ned. ,.- 8.Aqre~~nt concerning sew~r·line·batwe~n Fritz and Cecelia ·Schmidt · and Ernst Glatz1e,recorded Octobe~·26,1~78,in Book 277 At ?~ge 19~ ,. ,. ....-....... APA 2•91 8:24 " S CRED'ULEB PARTll • ., J.a,&ddiliOQ to m.mattoa 114-(forth iu.Part I of thh SeLedwc.,the l itl.to the eat8te in:inre....t in the laad deenibed or f'dh1"Cd 10 iD Schedule A.ia .w,jcet 10 tIte ron~,Dlatten.if bY.,be .hown.but the CoPap-r in-anti that SlIm JnlitUl'n &lCl nbonUnalc to the IiIllU In'c:L.ar;e 01 the.Dared lIWd,age upon ..td eatllllO:. ROllB "' .' " • .....odllf ..... Transamerlca Title Insurance Company .·.., ... ".. APR 2 '91 8:2 4 ~~~IR5T ~~HVER :OR~:. Endorsement ...... PAGE .BBS ...• .. -.' ..... • Tho Com~1 hereby ID.51JTfll tho ~d _~.t _~eJ:"JIt.iaaued.altill .\I_tain by reiUOJ1 'of phyUcal,hut not M:I!llhetie, damage toiJnproftD1cur.u.l.t1ng IHl tho.1aD~-.t DlItCl of PoPq or conttmcted thCl'OOll thc~r,Ielulting trom'IM ............ ~t to the Date 01 Polley of any risJ1t.to De the RDfafll'Of the Iud lI:Ddet-the .ubOrai iD.tcftlI:t rd'ned to in 'Enclp- tim No--2 ~r Scbed.ttle B ("'the ..m.eral d&hm")'aubjec",hOWfter,10 -Iho IoUowius teno.ami conditions: 1.The inJured Wt:lll botIlr the Company pJQruptlyin W#tiog~callObcrwLtdge..hilleobl:e tel an insured~er of a1 · .aem.al tJr thre:al6J:led ~era..,of tIw IIlmcrnl ~.'....'.... :.The Company IbIIn Iu.",tLo Dgbt.8.t itl-t.to tab KIl1 actiml "Llchia.it.opiuiOl:\m.t belI.OOlllllllry ClI'deel.rabl.!fa ~fortho CamPau1 to ,al'CIo:id or minimize the GlcIlt gf I"liability UIlMz..~..w.Onemll:lt.t,~ud.iD.f.J:ra.t UOl1Jmited . lOt 1m'01'all 01 the fol1owmgl ....'.'.'. (a)In 11M Company',Ol'l'b npt.arm"'.na=.eof·~·frunued DJ:::of.th,e borrvwet un~the Indebr&dn_~h1 the in8ared J!lorta;ap for th~Comp_,....bmefit w!Dsdtat",p~"'lIeIU1d f\IIrRJc:I to 6ual de~ti(IQant pro-. eoaedmp .tlaw or h1 equity,or bcCo",&Dr :m.UDici~adrainidntlYe,01'rqaIa.toq tribunal or boaN.;. (b)iD.the Cnmp,ny"own right,or in the D~.ul th~·in.ored or of the bor'l"OW4tt'UDder tlul ·m~oth.<=M ~I;ry the lD.dred monpgc lor tll e Compml"_butdit.,:to ~pel the p.~of ..-uhy,hoOd'01'UDdeEtd:1ag by tbI!l . ~or penou 'ram.hom lbe bmucd o.E:-'UCJh bQ~Je utilled ..,.la ....Ia nWt..-urity.bond or under- ~&Ildin thepme aJnOUDlOl'AmOQDIeIo-which.the lDnnid .T~OOtlo..erwuald haft!beeu MJ mulled Iaad IlU.eodonement not beeu _..eel;aDd .. (e)to reWa orbe:.paidoufoIat11DCb.-..rlly.~orUll~UT 0U1 of aut compcIIMtiOD.or.fund.icWteJ:ed by the CompllDy or by ILc in&med or bT the ~1TO"mtt _del'Ibc indeblOdn~llIe01lZ'H by the iDMured mo~ nda amount ..will ~the CaaapmJ for aU ·paymcnl$lQade 'tQ 'the~.hytboCom~=of the izJa~ADce do~~by-~end~1,.topbezo wi~aD ~aM ~.inrntredby ~T.id oonnec1lOQ lhen:l'lith,Ulcllldinrr attornoy1,£MIl..'.• S.The lnsaRc1 aLaIt take .n reuocabl.~'to ~11M,'bo ~WIder tlac ~...teeuredby the ~ mortpp 10 cooperate fully with lb e ComPUl1 18 -1 aetioa tah:a.br the Compaay POnlllant to the pEO'tblom or pan.- ~pli 2 hc~,and aho to requho ~bOD'OWW to notify 11M ia.ared promptlj In wtb::fDc:in CMe.kuuwWp.haD oume to.ucla bolTO",-e:r of auy ltCtaa1 or th,,"tened eXeni..of tho m,lnenal rlp~ 4.No zip...beuc6ta VI'clefeDRS IU'e lotmtded 10 ,Of ~aD bCI deemed to J1aw or he mAde :n'aiIdle to a ny petMI:D 01"c:ntlty odre:r tlWl tM laJ-wed by I'UIOD.of the ineunaC'O dordod b:"'&h i,.~eIlt..'Dd th .inImred ·acrees 'thai aD of tla.. b-ri!d'.risbtl aDd ·remedi~...mat third .putief ~I'to 1M .abject mauer-ul tbiI 'cdodeJPeQt:.Lall be ·cJe.emed w have remained inlact.iD the 8ltIDO lD:IDIM'Ir a1 if rhilt ndonentent had Dot.bew.iuued..:'. .no totalliabiUtj-of the Cvmpt.D1'~Mid =,obey lID.d.11!11 'eD~ent 'lL.reto ,.llnU ·1lOI ~d in_the .q:plp'te, 1he!aco llDIo~tof I.zidpoliey.nd com ,.,b1ch Ihtt Cort\pcty itGbliptCli-uPdertL.«mditiont-'and tliplJUllom lherd tq.-T. Thia tIIIGoneuuml:is Nde •P llrt uI .dd polKy 'and it eUbjed.1G -d.tthedulea.coadidona.llJ1dBdpuhtiON tLereD.,~ ~blodi1icd bY .1he pntyWoUI bet-eot..............'. ... Poller Number 4103192 ... Ead,onesnenl Form ClOO..30 . .'..' _...--:...~_.-_......__....._- ·.,~'.·'.. .·.~". .' .' ....i · PRGE.ee78:25 ~F ~RST D~N ~E R.M OR T !i..........,.. \,...EildDlSllm8rit ··, T~n~ert~TJU::B~rance Com~''...'.-.• Tho ComPaPT h~reLr a-.lW apJ:m ...mcb uJ~'lnmrtd.~_~ia L,.ftUClD of auT of the fonowiDe:matten:...."... 1.Any h:M:om'ltlUleaa iu.the ;r~~1't'~lch .the Company hez:ehr si:n-: ta)nat thcRl am D~C'IJftlDaDbI,OODdiUIloU.or rMCtlotiom ..der wllir:h the 11e:a of the ..ortpp ~r d.eed of hUl rd'ened ~La.SdaedUJe A cm be ~t oJ£.M1bord..ioa ~ed..or otbawiMl map.hed;.'. (b)That,ClU:cpt U Ihvwu in SdMdule B .1Mt'e aM nopt'l!!8mt riolatlon&-OQ laid t.nd ..(-1 ...laK'eAbl~~a.uta.eonditiona.ar lfttrietJou;.. te)TbOl.t.aocpt u mown in Schedule B,the~·~aoonlero.lehmen18ofbuildine-.'truo­ .~o.linp~mCJIts loNted on laid led ODtC)adjoininc Jude.,nOl:auy w.croacL.. menta onto aaid bnd of buU~.tnictun::a,ur improftlnlellll Joc.tcd ...djoin.in, Imda....''. z..AnT lumn TielaUoOa,!DO u.id l.od.of m y eo¥aPnb,.~tio....or ratrictielul oecuttiq: ¥p rior to .~of title to pid .,lII te or intereSt br the 1oIa;red.pl'O¥ided -c:h-vioJ.·· tk-nmh In._or impaiaoftl of the l1ca.,01 u..,II10Ilgap O(died.01 trust rtlened to in Schedule At or mIlllt jq.to.of the tldo to said ..tato .Of'iDlerwc If lhe hnaed Ghall ~uire web title m...tid.cd"<of the lv.deLtedneu MaJrea by .ucL mone_r;e or deed ~~..'..... 3.Damap to trlIiltbiC lmptott1ilOibl ·wIUcb.an::J-aed 01'cac:.-da upoa ·that .pOI'tioa ol the lmd mbject 10 &Dr e.tenIma.1 1h0"l'r':'l in SdtedtLI.B.whid.dunllr .-01..ftoM U.e u:erd1C of the ~t &0 ~or-m.:t.intaia nKh ~t fM the plItpoIN for ",hich the Nib4I!,ur-me<l()I'~ll!n,"".:.••... ...Arty &nat ecert Order or ~t IOQUirinr:Jettlll)Yal hvm aIlT Ja.1i aJ.joiuths:aald lmdortmTeDmlOltduD6I!&ehowa l.Q SeL.ed"le B..... ~cr in tbi.~~~.1.11 ,.or an dle wont."CO'F~b,eondiJiool,Or ~QIlt. -P~.the r .nan bOt be deftn.ed 10 nfer to or include the 1eI'mat CO'I'eGlmta .ad c:ooditiooa 00A0 t&ibed in.&Ily1eMll merred 10 ia Schedule A.. 2 •91RPR .. The tote{llabiliir of Uu:Culll,-nr ~der Nlid policy .mel .any ~o..unent tbentelillhan nat eo:eed la the agpegI.Le.thIl face PluUat,fIl Mid policr.md ClMU whidJ.the ·Com ~.Ie obliptod ~the C.aoditlotu and ScipOl~the:r.:loIlo pilI. 1'hif -.dOl.JQ<tol U m .de .'pan of Nid JMll:tcy as of _poliq -Lt.t}llt :f'OOf aszd u flIhjeol to the Kh.chlle..coaditioal ftld m P!JlatiOnt and uclu8tODtl m.a ~tht~conulAed. ac.p1 ...D:l0di6.d by the pnwi8i~hereof..,.:.'.'. P.IleyNumkr ..4103192 .' ..LdonementFOI'IQ CIOO '.-'"_·..~·_·I ··- NOTE -COPYO F PERMITT O BE K EPTON JOBSITE NOV .15 ,1989.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DATE 0042 1 9"PERMIT ND .lin Inl •1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTIO N 1 1I 1ttl VV department of community development 2.OCCUPAN CY GROUP A8EH lR M BUILDING DIVl510 N 1 2 2a 3 4 Z ElEC TRICAL T O BE FILLEDO UT CO MPLETELY PRI OR TO I SSUANCEO FPEAMll 0 GENERAl DESCRIPTIO N OF WORK :~PlUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITINSTALLATIONOFWHITEFIELDPELLET~ o BUILDING o PLUMBING STOVE.~MECHANICAl 1 ,000 Kll ELECTRICAL o FOU NDATIONoMECHANICAL02317GARMISCH DR.TY PE CROUP G,RFA V ALU ATIO N PERMITFE ES ~L E GAL LOT L U BL"\,\V R-3 1,000 B UILDI NGPERMIT DESC.FI LING VAIL DAS SCHONE ~c~",t> PLAN CHECK :0:<7/ JOB NAME:GLATZLE WOOD ST OVE elECTR ICAL (J t:.'# OWNER NA ME ERNST GL AT ZL E NEW ()At lEBATlON OCXlX ADDITIONAl ()REPAIR ()PtUMBING J55 MAilADDRESS PO BOX 292 1 DWELLING U NIT S __ACCO MUODATlON UNI TS __MEC HANICAL D %~CITY VAI L PH.6 -0 144 .HE IGHT INFT .__N O .FIREPLA CES RECREATI ON FEE-- ARCHITECT FIRM IN SU LATION :TYPE TH ICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEW BOARD n ooa '';I MAil ADDRESS CLEAN·U POEPOSI T IP EXT.WAllS -NONE -CITY PH.USE T AX '00' GENERAL EIRM TARA MA SONARY I 1 1 8 -S T YPE ELEC .GAS CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAI LREG .NO.TOTAL PERMITFEES $15 .00a 0' TEL E.9 26-2150 so ,.....WOO D XX JOE NO RR IS NOV.15 .1989HEAT FIRM AD DITIONALPERMIT S NEEDED;liUIU)ING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- l ECTRICAl s:"INITIAL 1---------T OWNO F ¥All REG .NO .------O NTRACTOR ST.CUT X ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE T EE.BlAST ING X ONING &BUILDING NOTES: FIRM PARKING XPLUMBINGTOWNOFVAILREG,NO. C O NTR ACTOR DEM O x TELE . FIRM I he rebyacknow ledge t hat I h ave readth isa pplication,f illed o ut in full t he informat ionrequ ired , M ECH ANI C AL co mpleted an acc uratepl ot pl an,a nd statet hatall t he in formationp rovid edasrequired is correct.I C ON T R A C T O R T OWNOFVAILREG .NO,agree toco mplywi t ht he in for mation a nd plot pla n,to comply with allTo wn o rdinanc es a ndstate TEL J'".laws,a ndt o bu ild th is stru c ture according tot heT own's zoninga nd ;~i::livi s i on co des ,des ign OTHER FIRM review approved ,U niform B uilding Code a nd o ther o~ces 0 ~~:J n liceblet hereto , TOW N O F VAIL AEG .NO.SIGNATURE OF0 A ~O NT RACTOR FOAH IMSEL F CO NTRACTOR T ElE.ANDT HE OWNER. om 1/ BUILDIN G PERMIT PlAH CHECK ELEC TRiCAl PlUU8lNG RECREATION FEE MECHANICAl. D ESICN REVIEW B OARD CLE....·j ·UPOEPOSiT USE TAX PERMITNO ,'l-/?,\q BUILDING ,# z El ECT RICAl 1\Q '<PlUMBING "~ ~"•/tpCPd L?O>MECHANleM PERMITFEES ZONING &BU I LDING NOTES:_ ~U'LD'NGOFFocT~·-lf ~N 1NC ADMi NiST RAToR -- TOTAL PERMITFEES VAlUATIOH l lllll l ~ __NO.fIREPLA CES DWELLING UNITS __ACCOr.o.K)O,J.noN LNTS __ HEJGHTlNn . AOOInONAL PERM ITS NEEDED: :>: ST.CUT PAAKING DEMO Nl W()AlTERATION()AOOITIO NAJ,F"Jr'REPAIRI ) D RM fi RM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO R !OWN O F VAIL REO.N O , r RE, PLUMOING CONT RAC TOR TOWN OF VAIL R eo,NO . TEU', -"',..»~~~CONSTRUCTION PErR_M_I_T__~:A~~.:.~c.:::liltII"~=";::~i::\<Av:::,,,:,rC_"_M_OO_'-,V DC ncr,v ..<V """C r 1m~r?!I .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION d epartment of community development Z.OCCUPANCY GRO UP ABE H ~ TOBEFILLEDOUT COM PlETEl.YPRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMI"...DIVISION 1 Z zae>e TYPE OF PERMIT ,\G E~RAl.?~j1~~~~~R l{:~/.{,k D BUILDING D PLUM BING ....-,..11<f-.rf a v-<;; ~D EiLE CTRICAL ,AD FOUNDATIONE9H~N IC "r-; ..///~r -~Y 1"7""<1 :~TY::""'--T-:G;R"O~U~P'-r"G".R".F"A"--I_==='--jII-,--'::'::~~=~-,1 LEGA L LOT &D BLK -.r:..?--." DESC,FILING ~,{c/"J Jahc>n c.I-=-t-""---<-t----t------III-'====:--+-------j JO BNAME :G \0...\·e,1","-'occ\..-;."""... OWNER HAllE #.C;:L a Gz?<§ MAR ADOREs>;q 0,@ x .z 12f Cl lY If.~"c If,.PH.V7",-01'(' ARC HITECT fiR",INS ULAliON:rvee THICKNESS n-VAllUE :;Alu l I IItMAllADDRESS C'lY PH. E;."77lI?ft .s-~JO 1/"'-<1GENERALv TYPE £lEe.I GAS)t CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG ,NO ,IJI -J OF rn,e Cf2h -2/S/j HEA T SO<.M WOO D-;;P fIRM OTHER 1'.,;;'.;;;M:.-1 TOWN O F VAIL REO.NO . CONTRAC TOR TH E. I hereby acknowledge t hatIhave read t his applicatio n,filled outInf ullthe i nformali o n required. c omp leted an accu ratep iot pl an,and state that all theinf ormation provided asr equired is Correct r a gree toc omply withthe i nforma lio nandpl ot p lan,t o co mply wilh all Town o rdin ancesand s tate Jaws,a nd t o b uild th isstructureaccord ing 10 the Tow n 'szoning and subdi vi sion c odes,d esign review approved,UniformBuildingCOde anXheL~~_O~~T;;~cabl.therelo. ~?NATl!~.?F OWNER o n C ONyhACTQR rDR HIMSELF AN D THE O'o'iNER./ PERMIT NUMBER OFPROJECT //-Zf-Fj •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNOF VA IL REA DYFOR INSPECTIO N: LOCAT ION :£117 TH UR FRI _____A M PM BUILDING :PLUMB ING : o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UND ERGROUND o FOU NDA T ION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMI NG o ROUGH /WA TER ROO F &SHEER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULATION o POOL /H .TUB O SH ~CK NA IL 0 0o.'.uR '*.{2/i:;?IJ wflNAL o FINAL ELEC TRICA L:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEAT IN G o ROUGH o EXHA UST H OODS o C ONDU IT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o F INA L o F INA L -, )(.A PPROVED CO RRECT IONS: ,/ o DIS APPROVED o REINSPECTION REO U IRED D ATE _LL--"'-'----=-'-_IN SP ECT OR N OTE-CO PYOF PERMIT TOB E KEPTO N JO B$ITE TE J une 1 ,1987 • CONSTRUCTION PERMIT•ill ~DA 002918PERMITNO. 1.TYPEOF CONSTRU CTION I II III I V V department of community d evelopment 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEH IRM BU ILDING 1.500 .00 DIVISION 122134 z ELECTRICAL TOBEF IL LED O UT COMPLETEL V PRIOR TO I SSUAN C EOF PERMIT 0 GE NERAL DESCRIP TION OF WORK :~PLUM BINGTYPEOFPERMITEXTENDROOEDWERGARAGESROOF"~•!U BUI LDING o PLUMBING NAU OVERHANG >MECHANICAL o ELEC TRICAL o FOUNDATIONoMECHANICALo~:)..,~C-'"",",,,,..\~2-:\TYPE GROUP GA.F.A .VALUATION PER MITFEES ~G A L LOT 20 BLK """V R-3 I 500.00 BUILDING PERMIT 35 .0 0 ESC.FlUNG VAIL DAS SCHONE Eil ins 2 PLAN CH EC K 18.00 JOB NAME:GL ATZLE RIX RESI DEN CE ELECTR ICAL OWNER NA ME Emst Gl at zl e NEW t )ALTERAT ION )A DDI TIONAL ()REPAIR t )PLU MBING ~Bo x 2921 MAI L ADpRESS DWELLING UNITS __ACC OMM ODA Tl ON UNI TS __MECHANICAL C'TY Va il PH.6-HE IGHT INFT .__NO .FIREPLACES --RECREA TION FEE ~ AR CHITECT FIRM INSULATION:T YPE THICKNESS R-VAL LUE DESIG N REVIEW BOARD ..... FLOO R I /CL EAN ·UPD EPOSIT ~~M AIL ADpRESS EXT.WA LLS I V /AC'TY PH.USE T AX 1"-. ROOF /r'''l1 GENERAL FIRM TARA MASONRY "-Ee l ~~118-$TY PE G"CONTRACTOR T QWNQ F vAlL REG .NO .0 ' TOTALPERMI T FEES <"no oo<_".n SOLAR WOOD GARY MURRA IN i~.J une 2 .1987TELE.H EAT FIRM ADDITIONAL PERM IT S N EEDED :B UJi.DING OFFIC IAL ------DATE ----- .LECTRICAL 1."-I NITI A L RICK PYLMAN J une I,1987 T OWNOF VAIL R EG.N O.~NING "OMIN'iSTRATOR- ---------CO NTRACTOR ST.CUT ,DA TE T EL.E.BI.ASTING ~!zONING &B UILDING NOTES: FIRM PARKING P LUMBING CONTRACTOR T OWN O F vA IL REG .NO DEMO ) TELE . F IRM Ih ereby acknowledgethat I h ave read thi s ap p li cation ,fil led o ut i n full the informationreq u ired , MECHANICAL co mpleted an acc urate p lot p lan.and statet hat a llt heI nformatio n provided asrequi red isc orrect.I CONTRACTOR TOWNO F v AIL.REG .N O .ag reeto c omp ly with t he information and plot p lan ,to comply with a llT ownor di nances a nd state THE.laws.and tobuil dt his struct ure acco rding t o t ~z~~ffi co das.design reviewap proved,U niformB uildingCo de a nd o t her o rdi ces e T o pp'ath ereto. OTHER FIRM :.Ii. T OWN O F V AIL.REG .N O .S IGNATURE O F O WNE rt'OR CO~A CT OR FOR HIMSEL.f CO NTRACTOR T ELE .AND T HE OWNER. ...pt1n....,tv." .. •• r •..., , NO TE -COpy O F PERMIT TOB E KE PTO N JOBS ITE )(E THE FO LLO WI NG I S NEEDED FOR FI LING PERMIT'OAT . J.Letter f romcondo a ssn .(I F APPLICAB LE ) I TYPE OFCONSTRUCTI ON III lit I Y:Y.)2.2 Se ts pf co mp l ete drawin gs/e xo lanati on r-:JJIo .I_~:~y2.OCC UPANCY GROU P A BEHI.R'M BUI LOING ! D IVISION I 2 2.']'-4 z elECTRICAL /''i.0VGE'~Al DJ;SCR:TlON OF w ~:E,m!.....~s:/'Y..•PlUMBING~ ~-e MEC HANICAl /X:;-,-'"i7 >, "p )(. TYP E GROUP GRFA V ALUATION PERMIT FEES ;J?te-";;-/~C)O -.=-aUILOING P ERMIT '3 ~..~ PLAN CHEC"(S'..~ ELECTRICAL I NEW(I ALTERATION I 0 ADDITIONA L (I REPAIR I )PLU MBING / OWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMOOATIONUNITS__M ECHAN ICAL / HEIGHT INFT.__NO FIREP LACES --RECREAT ION FEE / IN SULATION;UPE nilCJ(NE$S R·VAlLUE D ESIGN REVIEW BO ARD / FLOOR ,-..ICLEAN·UPOEPOSl T EXT .WALLS /I -:/.•U SE TAX ROOF /'U I /; -/17 ...TYPE ELEC.TOTAL PEI.l/.IIl FEES 5 3.=--OF • sov.R /WOOD ~~~G./2,d'"?HEAT A D DITIONA L P ERMITS N EEDED :;UTl6TN lZ~L.,~DA fE ----- i:~/~ 10N INGA ~2iOR ----DATE--/--ST.CUT BlASTING I //1 ZON ING'"BUI L DING N OTES : PARl(ING I I ff DEMO I he reby ac k n o wledge tha tIh averead t hisa pplication .f i ll ed o ut In tu u tne i nfo r mation required, c ompleted an accurate p lotplan ,andstale t ha t all the Information p rov ide d as required i s correct.I agreeto comply with the i nfo rmat io nandpl ot plan ,to comply w ith all Town ord in ances andstale laws,andto build t his structure ac cording t othe Town's zon ing and subdiv ision codes,des ign re view approved .U niform Building Code aX ot her ?nC;'~h~~n/£able there to. SIGNATUREO F Q WN E>l'!OR ~RACTOR FOR H IMS ELF AND T HE OWNER . o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo l:J BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL • "- .',~CONSTRUCTION PERM IT t D W ~ d e partmento f community d eve lopm ent ""'PLEASE FI LL OUR WHERE TH E (Xl MARKS AR E T OBE nusc O UT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE O F P ERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ~~G A L LOT ~f2 BLK ESC.Fi liNG .G X JOBNAME:C'6LIll2 I..E R~s 'd..e; OWNER NAM E ERN I r 6LI.lT~w X MAIL ADDRE SS j?o :zg,-1"19'"I CIT,/.4 of I lh~;I PH. ARCHITE CT FIR M X MAil ADDR ESS CITY PH GENER AL fiR M hi va ItJa.rs:h P t.-I X I 1/CONTRACTO R TOWN or VAll REG .NO ./!'-J TEL E.Q.z"-././SO FIRM -l ECTRICAL TOWNO F VAll REG .NO .CONTRACTOR TElE. X f iRM PLUMBI NG r OWNQFVAIL REGNO.CONTRACTOR TE LE. f iRMXMECHANICAL CO NTRACTOR TOWN Of VA il REG .NO TELE OTHER FIRM X TOW N O F VAILREO .N O . C ON TRACTOR T ELE. ,.....'" I I..·,.",1.1 "",,,11 ..,.1 "'''.III ..I ,',",.I I~,,,',"..,..l .","II I 10•.11 '..,11""1',,,.,,,,,,,..,1"".1 .,"",...",-..,.,,'""'.,"1,"I,." •"-I ,I.,,,""",",...,,,,,,.I ,,'••""'.1'"I I>.I •,...!"...."•.• Vai l,Co lorado,81657 • •August 14 ,1984 Ern st Gla tz1e 2317 Garmisch Drive, 17:'\l-'·~i)lown uf i3i1~; ."1<.,,,",...",1'0,1..,1 ."_.1 ....,•••l ,." ,oi,.."."'"._.."..",I.",,'.'".. "•.,,'.,....,..,,I ..I ..""..,\.,1 ..," •.•1,1 .1 II..I "1.1...• •••".,,,.1 4 '",.,....,,,......I Ii.. I'O$T .",.\CON 5 "'CUOU=,"PI.A,C£ N OTE-CO PYOFPERMITTOB E KE PT ONJ OBSITE AU9u st 9 .1983 ~.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DATE ..001470-..~.PERMIT NO.lID I III •l U IIII VepI.TYPE OFCONSTR UCT ION 'departmentof community developm ent 2.OCCUPANCY CROUP ABE H '@M BUILDING 12 000 D IVISION I 2 ,,@)<z ELECTRI CAL 1.000 TOBE fiL LED O UT CO MPlETELY PR IO RTO ISS UA NCE O F PERMIT Q ~EN fRAl.y eSCRa:T10N OFWORK : ~-c PL UMBING 2 000TYPEOFPERMITnduntadition~ ~ ~MECHANICAL 200'0 BUILD ING e PL UMBING > >0 ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION '0 ME CHANICAL 0 TYPE GRO UP G RF .A.V ALUATION PERMIT FEES _LEG AL LOT 2U BL K VR-3 539 BUILDING PERMIT 92 .50 OESC.FILING 'J-rlW"Dts 5'~PlAN C HECK Ob .<O JOBNAME :Gla tz1 e Seco ndary Uni t ELEC TRiCAl 35.00 OWNER NAME trnst ijlatzle NEWI )All[RATIO NI I AD DITI ONAl K I REPAIR f )PlUMBING 20.00 PO Bo x2921 DWELUNGUNITS 1__ACCOMIotOOATIONUNITS __10.00 .~«)MAILAppRESS MECHANICAl CITY Vail PH .0144 HEIGHT INFT .__NO FIREPlACES --RECREATION FEE BO .B5 ,<)~ ARCHITECT Jam ES Gu ffy IN SULATI ON :TY".THICKNESS R-YAUUE DESIGN REVIEWBOARD 25 .00FIRM,,~I [I ~:7 MA IL AD pRESS ClEAN·UP OEPOSIT 100.00 .Q:.'l CITY Eaa1e PH.32B:2lli USE TAX 150.00 0""1\:EXT.WAL.lS 'OOF X~GENERAL FIRM I TY PE erec.GASCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAtl,REQ.N O.OF TOTALPERMITFEES 559 .60 THE. SOC""WOOD l<;h /~8 --:.-'(-F3HEAT- .EL E €~RI C A L FIRM Arch er Ele ctric ....ODITION ...lPERMITSNEEDED ;;Ui'lOING OFF ICIAL -~15"ATf 115 -E s:!!~--------TOWN QF V AILREG .NO.-------CONTRAGTOR ST.CUT ON ING ADM INISTRATOR DATE TELE .476 -1 726 BLASTING ZONIN G &BUILDIN G N OTES: FIRM PAR KING PLUMBING TOWN O F VAll R EG .NO ,CONTRACTOR DEM O 1m , FIRM I hereby acknowl edge th at I haveread this appl ication ,fi ll ed outi n f u JI th e i nfo rmati on required . MECHANI CAL co mpleted anaccurate pl o t p lan.an d statetha t a ll t h e in f ormation provided a s required i sco rre ct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OFV AILREG .N O.ag reet oc omply with th e inf orma t ion and p lot p lan ,toc o mpl y w ith allTow n or dinances andstate TElE.laws ,andto build 'h is st ructure acc ording '0th e T own's z Gning a ~,d esign O THER FIRM review a pp r oved,U nifo rm Building Code and other 7 szo,wn a p .ab le~t o . TOWNO F VAil REG NO .'vv,.t ."".S IGNATURE C?~~W NER a T RAFOR H IMSELF CONTRACTOR TElE.AND T HE OWNER. -prM....,....., N OTE -C OPYOFPERMIT TOBE KEPT ONj CBSI TE I ~~))CONSTRUCTION PERMIT .\//DATE ,, /"",~R MI .~ ~..,,~t.J ~\;:[1 1 TYPfOFCONSTRUCTlQ N ''''''I ~<, depart ment o f communitydevelopmen t 2OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I M B UILDING /»"DO DIVISION 1 2 2&Z ELECTRI At /Ci '0 . TO Sf FI LLE D OUT C O MP LET ELY PRIORTOISSU ANC E FPERMIT 0 i1 /TYPEOFPERMIT GEN ERAL orON OFWORK:~PLUM B I G ..z .o,1J() o PLUMBING I ~ ( ,I././-M <M ECHA CAL ,tO O /o BUILDI NG :;;c ~Nr T ~> o ELECTR IC AL o FOUNDATION -,»: [J ~.1 E CH A N I C A l 0 . T YPE G ROUP G R FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES I 1 /,r LOT 2 0 BLK :!L p ~53 '.:J B UllD!NG P E.R M IT 'l:l .St1' sc.Fi LIN G P LAN CHE CK 46·..2<;- JOBNAME:£6!RT~LL--J U'<>'~")elECT RICAl.:5~'C)O O I,V NER HA'."E tf}/J'T 6 &&LL.='...ewr I AL TERATIO N I I ADDITI ONAL(I R EPAI R !I PlUM BING ,;;J.C).O C) 'MIL ~ESS B e?.3 C',<2 9 2/O WEl.1.INGUNITS ~ACCO"!),4OC!ATIO N UNITS __MECHANICAl.(t1'.O cJ CIT'/""'_;(PH.'17"'vry ...E IGHTINFT.__NO.I'IREPL"CES --RECREATIONFEE 1:)-~o ·8S A RCH ITEC T E "~tm(C .<r:i9 (/11 I NSULATIO N·TYPE THIC,(NESS R-VA:'LU E D ESI GN REVI EW BOARD '::>.5 .eo c» I tl "00'I I I /OCl.o cJ"rill ADDRESS CLEAN-UPOEPOsrT CtT,./'<>"Ie PH.31 J .,,-,.,.USE TA X I bo,OD..::,WA LLS G EN ERAL F I RM TY PE ELEC ,GAS TOTAL P ERMIT FEES '<.--r.L I'?CONTRACTOR 7 01/..r~OF V A IL RE G NO OF -SOLAR WOOD ~T EL E HE AT- .,"",,/?{'OI~--C L-/h';~,("A D O ITI ONA L P ERMITS NEEDED :iiUll.D I NG O FFIC IAc-------.C AfE ----- El ECTRICAL TQW ~O FVA IL REG NO .I~L;-1.!!I NITIItt /1.'~a.l-d-u CO N TRACTOR ST.CUT n I 'n :ON)'ffi AD MIN ISTRATOR --[)ATE - T HE.(J?C /7 ./.6'BL ASTING /IJ Z ONING &B UI L DING NOTE S fiR M PARKING V ,.Pl U ~.1 8 'NG .--~ CO I\TRACTOR TO WN OFVA IL B EG N O ,DEM O. T HE.- FIR M I h erebyac k now l edge t h at I h ave readt his a pplication ,f i ll ed ou t i n f u l l the i nform ation r equired , !,lECHA N IC Al c ompl eted anacc urate p l o t pla n ,andsta te tha t all the in fo rma tion p rovide dasrequ trec i s c orrect.I CONTRAC TOR T OWNO F VAIL R EG .NO .ag ree toc omp l yw ith t h e i nform ationandp lo tpl an .t o c omp l y w it h all T own o rd inances an d state TEl E la ws,a nd to b uild t hi sst ru ctu re accordingt o t he T o wn 'szoni nga nd su bdivis io n c oces.d esign re vi ew ap pro ....eo .Un i form Building Co de and oth eror dinance s o ft he T own a pp licable the reto. OTHER FiR',l TQW N Q F van,REG N Q SI GN ATU R E CFO WN ER O RC ONT "A CTOR FC R rll M S ELF CO';7RACTOR T E!..E_AND THE OW NER . • N OTE -CO PYOFPERMITT O BE KEfT O N.J O BSITE AU9ust 9.19 3CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT~v ~'J \\f"/~"~DATE ...•M14 70 .1 111 Df 1I11l!'.1 1l1l1 1''/VJ PERMITNO. I.TYP EOF CONSTR UCTION ~ d epartm ent ofcom munity d evelopment 2.0CCUPANCV GROUP AB E HIR M BUILD ING lituUU "z ELECTRICAL I.U"" TOBE F IL.L.E D OUT COMPLET elY PRIOR T OISS UANCE OFPERMI T D IVISION 122a'3 4 0 Z l\\\,RU~\ft S'i.'ll ~Tj'i~81.WORK ,~PLU MBI NG 2.000TYPEOFPERMIT~ ~ 'b 0 <MECHANICAL 200BUILDINGPLUMBING> BElECTRICAL 0 FOUNDAT ION M ECH ANI CA L 0 TYPE G ROUP G.R.FA VAL UATIO N PERMIT FEE S _LEGAL LOT I-V BLK V R-3 539 92 .50BUILDINGPERMIT OESC .FILING 1-r fiJ fl,,,~~·h/."-~ PLANCHECK JOB NAM E :Glatz l.Secondary Un it ELECTRICA L 35.00 OWNER al.·.;J I u.~II;;:NEW t I ALTERATION ()AOOlTIONAlt )REPAIR (I PlUMBING 20.00<u Uv ._.. DWE lLIN GUNlT S 1__ACCOMMODATlONUNITS __MECHANICAL 10.00 ~MA i lADDRESS s-.' CITY Vail PH 0 144 HEIG HT IN FT.__NO.FI REPLACES RECREATION FEE 80.85 1--) J .....G.ffy INSULATION :TY PE THICKNESS R-VALLUE 25.00 < ARC HITECT FIRM DESIGN REVIEW BOARD :7 FLOOR 100.00 -M AIL A DDBESS ClEAN·UP OEPO SIT .- C ITY Eagle PH .328-6340 EXT,WALLS USE T AX 150.00 ~ft ROOF ,.1GENERALFIRM TYP E ELEe.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEE S 559.60 -')CO NTRACTOR TOWN O F VAll R EG.NO .OF SOLAR WOOD :Af i«1("rlTT.ff q,8 -7-J-3THE.HEAT .E L E~\~I CA L f i RM Archer 1:.1ectr1 c _ADD ITIONAL PERMITS N EEDED:Uli6lN GOFFIClAl ------DAn ----- 115-L s:"-~.!!L~!:-. T OW N OF VA IL R EG .N O,---------------CONTRACTO R ST.cu t ONING ADM INISTRATO R DA TE•T ELE .476-1726•BLASTING QNINQ &BUIL DINGNOTES : FIRM PARKING P LUM BING T OWN Of VA IL REG .NO, CO N TRACTOR D EMO THE FIRM I he reby acknow l edge t ha t J ha ve read t his appl ication ,fill ed ou ti n f ullt h ei nfor mationreq uired, M ECHANICAL co mp l etedan acc urate p lot p lan ,an d sta teth at a l l th e i n fo r mation providedas req u ired i sco rrec t.I CO NTRACTOR TOWN Of VAI L REG .NO agreet oc omp ly with the i nf o rm atio n an dp lot pl an ,t o co mply wi th a ll Town or dina nces a nd state I TELE.law s,a nd to b u ild t his str ucture acco rd i ngt o t he T own's z o nin ga nd sub d iv isio n co des ,d esign review a p proved ,Uniform B uildingCo de an d o th er or dinances o f t heT owna pplicable th ereto . OTHER fiR M ./~."/4.."~/.- TQ WN O F VAI L REG .NO .S IGNATURE O F OW NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND TH E OWNE R.,/CON TRACTOR TE l E. .100 p'...lery ...."(fl nCiJ1 ""Ill>/<1 'I"?g>ycfU?17 /~c,1? •TE:.:pm Un Y • Ce rti fi cate of Occ upancy Co unt y o f Eagle De pa rt ment b f Pl u'nn in g and De vclo;:,m ent nui ldi ng Div isi on This c e r-t t f i c a te is sued PUI"slJu n L t ot he r e qu t r e m c n t s o f s e ct t o n 3 06oft he llni Fo r rt G ~il din 9 Co de c e r ti f ying t hat at t he t i ue o f i ssu ance t his s truc ture was i n cccp i i a uc e ld t;,t he va ri ous r e s olut i ons of t he co unty r cgL:lut i r.g tld lding con s t.ru ct t on o r US!? f or til e fall ow t nq: Ernes t O.Glatzl e/NA:·:[_--=c:..:.:.;:.:..::....::..:....::..:..::.::::.:.::'-_ Si ngle Famil yDwe lli ng R-3 Use Zon e RSMvTypeconstruction._....:..Fir e Zone 3Builcil1~Pern 'i t No.119 5 Ern st O.Glatzl e,Box 2921 ,Vail ,Color ado 81 657 Lot 20 ,Block'H,'Va i ldas Sch one ,Gar mis chDri ve Bu i ldi ngOffi cia l ~~'» ..D a t e..J -:'2 &:';fO ~"'6 -,7.(,,-£0 O":nel'of 6 u i l d i ng,_--=='-'-=..:::.:==~=:....:=_'_'.....:.,,:.:..:.!....:==='::__==------~ /Bui I ding Add r e s s._--==-=2...,;:..:..:=....:..'---'='--'=....:..=="-'===:....::'-7r-__~_ NOTE:Lands cap i ng wil l be don ei n growi ng s eason . • lo wn of vai 75so uth!r ontag e r oad vall,c olorad o 81657 (303)47 6·700 0 Ernst Gl atzel P.O.Bo x292 1 Vail ,Co lorado ,81657 Dear Erns t . • o ffi ce 01 c om munl1y d eve l opme n t f ebruary 1 ,1984 Ou r r ecordss how t hat you r ece ived your te mporary certificate of occupancyon No vember28.1983.It was stated tha t a s of this date youneededtohavet he hand rails in s talled . Please chec k wit h me .r e ga r ding this matter . S i n ceT ~Y ./(' /~~~~ C GarylMur rai n INs.eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL ... PI M,lr I \),~DATE -1Lb 1&\JOBNAME ~~-I\O I CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION :~MONTUESWED LOCATION::J~\1 r lli I \)( THURFRI _____AMPM BUILDING:PLUMBING: DFOOTINGS I STEEL D UNDERGROUND . D FOUNDATION I STEEL DROUGH I DW.V. DFRAMING DROUGH I WATER . ROOF &SHEER DGASPIP INGDPLYWOODNAILING. D INSULATION DPOOL I H .TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D D D DFINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: DTEMP .POWER DHEAT ING DROUGH DEXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT DSUPPLYAIR D D DFINAL D FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DDISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ • INSPECTOR /L ...;#- /$'7 t-'INS eTION REQUEST TOWN OFVAI L • DATE /1-2 .1'-n JOB NAME DAL.Cl 6//1 /-;>1 E CALLER r.-e ft I r .r;'"/-'7 r>/G READ Y FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION :<r I Z (~C (f -! TUES ,WED'")), THUR FRI AM I ("/11/:":,'/• PM , •BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I S TEEL o UNDERGROUND •, o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER !. •ROOF &S HEER o GASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POOL t H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 IO ·FlNAt :rp{;/L~~o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EX HAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 t 0 /1oF\NAL o FI NAL ?;'A PPROVED 0D ISAPPROVED .~(. CO RRECT IONS:.A4,<~dfL A--?..... / o REINSPECTIONREQUIRED .!d -£'t/,.• -----------------------. ,c ,/ , D ATE ~f-"'----L=--'-..:::.....!---INSPECTOR ~~"""'=7......,,,.:.c.c:""'"......,~-~----- I :::It 1<1 ?'" INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL c . --------<0!£)PM JOB NAME ----''"''-"'''"'!...L"'''---'..L''----_.,LL:....<....s:::"''-'''~_/I /J&I 8 =-,DATE Re C ..C'/, CALLER A~...at,..... READ Y FOR INSPECTION:MON T UES @ THUR FRI LO CATION :.1 7/J (j.A ",Cd;J .4 Pc V <';c •. BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND • o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. •o FRAM IN G o ROUG H I WA TE R RO OF &SHEER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOLI H .TU B o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ",ELeC TRI CAL~M ECHANICAL: '0 TE MP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUP PLY AIR 0 0(O ~o FIN A L t9-APPROV ED C ORRECT IONS : ILZ .</r/L ,," 2-)&//<!( o D ISA PPROVED o REI NSPECT IO N RECUIRED -- -;;:;:':cINSPECTO~-Z:~;"'--""---:;::"",..~_-,:"",::::",<,--,-==_/112.0 /;)"3 ~7 'DA TE ~LL-/-,"'-'=--L-""':::'-->-__ eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL •.• ,?),r-:::/t;'/,F • _____AMPM CALLER _ MONTUE SWED T HURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: L OCATION:_ •BUILDING:PLUMBING:. o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDER GR OUND •. o FOUNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WATER • RO OF&SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o IN SULATION o POOL I H.TUB c SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROU GH o EXHAUST HOODS o C ONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0,,o FINAL o FINAL. j D 'A';PROVED C ORRE CTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED D ATE _""""-'-'--'---'_-'--"-_INSPE CTOR -"'='-"':.-"'--"---'-=__~"____ - INSP eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .~• 6L!z/zLE ..e.r o c-...->-~ CALLER d/eu -,Mu c c /0-,...<~ MON T UESW ED 7 THURFRI ~--,-A ~ c;;..W =T<'cd &.w:'~I t1c .'I JO B N AME _.......=.......'-'-''-L.L.-£..-''=-'''''~L.-=--=:..»_~- READY FOR INSPEC T ION : LOCATION ,.?7 /i o REI NSPECTIONR EQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BU ILDI NG:PLU MBING:•. o FOO TI NGS I STEEL o UNDERGRO UND, o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D ,W,V, O "FRAM ING o RO UGH I WA TER " ,ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H ,T UB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECH ANICAL: o TEM P,POW ER o HEAT ING o RO UGH o EXHAUSTHO ODS o CO N DUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 q)'~L o FINA L "b "p 'A:PPRO VED /CORRECTIONS: ---------------------------------_...:..... INSPECTOR 7~Z -_.'.... ~)L..-rI ¢LJ4 7tJ INSP eTION REQUEST TOWN O FVA IL • 67"I z I...;lRJr 0/'.,f46:»1";//r~y,..-e, JOB NAM E -----"=.::...!-'--'-"=--'--~_A~L.L.5:!!.:.;...'-'-'~-----DATE /r:-n-;?J .r _ PM_____AMTHURFRI u/Jf~L INSP ECTION :MONTUESW ED 27/09 6Ckr~.:"<D",·, READYFOR LOCATION:-"'''--''--'-'''--C....,....====_..u:.==---_'''''!2:''-'''-'"''''-'''--_ BUILDING :•PLUMBING:. o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FOUN DATIO N I STEEL o ROU GH I DW.V . o FRAMING •o RO UGH I WATER . ROOF &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POO L I H .TU B o S HEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAl;/MECHANICAl; o T EMP.POW ER o H EATING tfROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS \o CONDUIT o SUPP LYAI R 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL p A PPROV ED CORRE CTIONS: o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED ------------------------------------=-'• D ATE I I/I lp/.c 3 -~...,' I •••(h ~• DAT E 1/2 J OB NAMEJ t ...T •/Y70 INSPECTION REQUESTcTOWNOFVAIL ;1-('1;./c Kp~'1.1\ ____~~PMMDNTUESWEDTHUR@READYfORINSPECTION, LOCATIO N '_ . BUILDING:PLUMBING :.o FOO TING S I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND • , o FOU N DAT ION I STEEL o ROUG H I D W .V. )::5 ROUG H I WA TER .o FRAMING ROOF &SHEE R o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSUL ATI ON o POOL I H .T UB o SH EETRO CK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI N AL o FI NAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEA TING o RO UGH o EXHAU ST H O O DS o CON DU IT o SUPPLY A I R 0 0.o FI NA L o FIN AL• o REIN SPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED40.....AP PROVED /'C ORRECT IONS :------------------- I NS PECT O R /~~~ / • • INS"CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . C /4 T2/E!"EC.;<7 0 2. CALLER ----:::::;;:;;;;~----____:~J~---==- MONTUESWED 0 ?uE)FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: . •,o FOOTINGS 1 STEEL o UNDERGROUND , o FOUNDATION 1 STEEL o ROUGH 1 D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH 1 WATER . ROOF &SHEER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING. o INSULATI ON o POOL 1 H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 4oFINAL o FINAL ..»//D ~PPR O V E D 0?CORREC TION S: -) D ATE S 1/_:;;::?INSPECTOR ~==:="--'-"="",,,====_ PM-:FRITHUR /J~. ".. • /s-~y INs_eTION REQUEST TOWNOFVAI L •.• E #lhT ?r/fl72 U c-/V nr 4 n CA LLER fRJ ,~J r ,0/47021£ INSPECT ION :~N )T UESWE D 2?/7 60 ,..,,'[,:6 REA DY FOR LOCATION :__--"'-'-...L...L._----''''-''':..2...L.'-!:lu...-.1!.a-----''''-''''-_ BU ILD ING:PLUMBING: . • o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND •.. o FO UNDATION I STE EL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I W ATER . ROOF &SHEER o G ASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o IN SULATION o POO Li H .T UB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWE R o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL / .,....0 'l'iPPRO VED /C O RRECT IONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED .-INSPECTOR -'="""'~~~"""""".:::..-'-"===------_-_< D ATE ...,;"-"-"-'='-_ lo wn of vai • 7 Ss o ulh !t ontage road vail,co lo rado 8 1657 (303 )4 76 -7000 July 25 ,1983 Er nst Gla tzl e 231 7 Ga rmi sch Dr . Va il ,CO 81658 Re:Glatzle Re sid ence Lot20 ,8l ock H,Fi li n92,Va il Da sSchon De ar Ern st : On Jul y 20,1983 .theDesign Rev i ew Bo ard approved theGlatzle Res id ence assubmitted.Bi ll An drews of t he Pub l ic Wor ks Depar tme nt needsto approveth eappli ca t io n before it i sforwa rded to Stev ePatterson. Sincere l y . J i~~ Town Pl an ner JS/bb •ProjectApplication • 7 -.')- C ontact Pe rsona nd Pho ne FA't./rJ c7LR 72.L E Project D escript ion:i ./,"...-,,./""r,I I n y &1:'[F 0 /4 7Z/~ ./"'I' /:7"t 1 /1 v' ')Rr.., l',I.'1)J 0".l7/p.l.?IF Yut" I',r r-,~7 HI I t ·&,./J.~( Owner.Addre ss an dPhone: H 2 Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Dale _ Seco nded by : D ISAPPROVAL Summary:_ ~"P l~<o S iaft A pproval Project Application • Dale '-.....:._ ,... t /-:;/0 -A rc hitec t Addr ess a nd Ph one :f I: I t " ,-7 /. "/ I Fili ng -':-.Z one "li-!.._-I20LegalDescription:Lot _~"-"-_ C om ments:_ Design Review Board M otionby: D ate _ Seco nde dby : /A PPRO VAL ,o D ISA P PROVAL Su mmary :_ o StaffA pproval Dale : i •, (0 " SFR .R.R PIS 70 ilE DISTRICT S Pro pose dAllowed Ii Fil i n g VAlL..?'-if ~t£8;.:L- Arc hi te et Gv Pf't:.y Pr opo sed Use d2r2I'T/<>N oj!'ug..#'ID Vl-}q: Blo c k 17/5I Logal Descript io n:Lot '2.. O"ner 6LA-T"Z..L-t- Zone Di strict oc:'~jQ"----~1"-'-------- Lot Si ze l'7bo'L- Heigh t Total GR FA Pr imary GRFA Seconda ry GRFA Se tba cks : Front Si des Rear Hate r Course Site Co verage (30)(33) '1 2 /0 20 ' 15' 15 ' (30)(50) 3£z.o , lS' I/.:>'--------- 0':" N A 'PI!':> «:u,.l ql!f31 'I';4 ;f ....,( ...Sl.~~.,I 'l l ~\,J@ Slo peActua 1 _ Sola r He at Storag e Drive:SlopePermit ted __ la nd scap i ng Parking Cr e dt ts : Ga rage Mechanical Airlock Storage (3~0)(600) (go"l/)(1:\,00) (5y)(100) (¥)(50) (2~)(400 ) 600 o o Env i r onmen t a1/Haza r ds :Aval anche --"'f,J!:.~_'__ F1 o odPlain AJ._'_I9"-_ S l ope __...:.N.:...!7L-_ 12p1L-/A)r..:>Co n:nen t ~:===----'-2==='--_ Z O n i n g ~d /D i Sa p p r o ve d Vu.f:5 • .1<r 0 I. ""J~4-7.10 2 I, ,Subdivi sion lot Bl ock fi 1 i ~g • Lldl<-OilS '><..HoN E- z.Q "Z... •--- , 1.Submit t al It e ms [Ac ceptsb lc](Ilo tAccept ab l e ) (A)Topo Xap (8)Site Plan (C)Util ity Pla n (D)Tit le neport ~ (E)Su bdi vi sion Agreemen t (if app l ica ble )--""'-- 2 .~n9 i n ee r i n 9 Requ i rem ents. App ro ved: ( .•• (A)Cu lve rt Siz e (8)Dr i vewa y Gr"d fl 8Z m.r.j(Actua l)_ 3.S~u rce of Utili ti es (A)El e ctri c (B)Ga s (C)Sev er (D)Ilat er (E)Telepl .or.e (f)T.V . ".C o rr~r,en t ~: -~---- Oi SGpp rove d: De(#;!!J1Aft{;. 6 i 1 1 Alld ,l'":':s ) .J '"",".• I.U:\:,I,:":"l lt ::::L,;"j Zc;.i,!.l,,:I:.!(r u .r:«.t l-:-'..:..•.,../Li ll.tlcf.£,lr i c;';t 1'1.::1.;'1,'11'_1,1 I'n JI j r /.,.//./•....",r.",._~,.J .'-=-_.ld~...,_r__._ / ------------._-------_.-------------------. The rf,l l .,::ill J:i n f'u r-m a t i ou i -.r v qu ircd f or ~;u hr,i l t;ll II >,t h c a pplj \':1I1l to t n c Dc s Jnn I '"v j t;~.; Hoard h d 1J!"'-:1 f in al :lj)!H"o\';J I c .u.h e g i vcn : Roof Sidi ng Othe r ~all Mat e ri a ls Fascia Soffi t s wfn d ov s Wi ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand oz-Deck Rail s Flues F lashIn gs Chi mneys Tr a sh [nr:lo5 urcs Greenholls es Oth er B.LA NDS CAPING T/le ,,(1((<-ca r;.Ilf', (/ A}?I I !,/L'f( Col o r h1 ,'r /fi/,1.<,.::b..'j k~/ (I r ) I !I If { t , {, (, (, t , Name of De signer : Ph on e PLAN T MATERI ALS Botan ical Name TR EES SH RUBS ------ Conm o"Na me Quantity •• "Tl un LOCATION VUU FICA TION 2,h ~1 #«'1 /i~«(.s:O ed e c::;L/772 i t;: SUBDI VISION.__=="---"'J""'....:L__--J--"=--'-'----~~=__"'=<....<.'_"'_"'_f_- A DDRESS 2 Z /l 6",C tn ,,6 .Z&-. Th e l o ca t ion of uti li t ie s,whet he r t hey .bemain trunk linesorpropo se d line s ,mll st be approvedandve r if ied by the f o llo wingut i l it i esfo r t he accomp anyings i te p lan . Au thorize dSignature Date Moun tai n Be 11 1-634-377B Wes lern st6Pe Gas",rYMO yes /' ~ub li c S~v i ce Co mpany Gar y.Hall *Ho l yCross El ec t ri c Ass oc . TedHusky/Mi chae l Laverty Va il Cable T .V . ~ Uppe r Eag le Va lley Wate r and Sa ni t at i on Oi scr ict Davi d Kre ne k :z~~~4 _ ~GSQ;;:o: ~1!Ab.~ *f or ne w c o ns t . d d.r ?pleas e f i ll ou t attachedshe et. NO TE:These v er i fi cations do no tr el i eve the co ntrac tor of h i s r espon si bil ityt o obta i na s treet cut pe r mit fro m the Town o f Vail .Departme nt of Public \'ia r ks a nd to ob ta in u tili ty l oc at ionsb efore di ggi ngi n an)'p ublic right- of-way o r caseme n t i n t he T own o fVa il .A bu il d in gpermit i s no t a s treet c ut permi t.A s t reet c ut permi t mustbe obt ained s eparate l y . 111is f o rm i s to v eri fy servi c e ava.i Iab l i t y a nd l oca ti on. This s ho uld be used i n co njunct ion wi th p r-epa r ing your u t il it y p l an a n d s chedul ing i nst al l ati on s. -._INEERI NG CHEfK LIST "..~..•- • • Subdivision l ot Block Filing ~. , 1 .Subm ittal I tems (A cce ptabl e)(H ot Accepta ble) (A)Tnpo Ma p ~I r.tff <11*•...., (D)Site Plan (e)UtilityPlan (0)Title Report v' (E)Subdivision Agreement (if appli cable )--""-- 2 .Engineering Re qu irements • No t.'. (A )Culvert Si ze . (D)Dri veway Gr~del 8 2 m.xl(Actua l)_ ,:':N :.~>"3 .Source ofUtilities (A)Electric (D)Gas (e)Se"er (0)Ilater (E)Tel ep"o ". (F)T.V . ---------- Dis ap prov ed:_ D el.Qrt.r.:::n ~of Pub lic l~!Jr k s Sill Au drc:cs BUILDING DIVISION Of EAGLE COUNTY,P.O .BOX179 COURTHOUSE ,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT , PERM IT T O Ernst O.Glatzle Const ruct sln9le- Family Residence I TV~1:O~''''f'Aon ...!~Tl L-l STORY.,. flUMBER OF" D WE LLI NGUN IT S 1PROP05EO USEI (c o n ~'S L ICl HS EI t "o.) Ga rmisch Ori ve UT REHI (T Y PE) (C ll on STR EFT ) Plan Chec k Fee $161.50 65,000.00 mM "$32 3.00 ." 20 H eo,eo'''!L__BLOClC JI S IZE _ (CROSS STR Hl ) rcuate vs cu....E H nl PLAN NI NG DEPT.: OWNE R Ernst O.Glatzle A DDRESS Box 29 21.Vail.Cn.8 ]657 AREA Oil $VOLUME ====,,-,=,,EST IMA,TED COST , < ~8UlLO I"Ci IS T O BE F T .W i llE BY F T.L ONG By F T.I N HEIGHT M ID SH ALL CO NFORM I N CONSTRUCTIO N cZ TO T YPE USEGROUP BASEME NT W A LLS ORF OUNO"TI ON ==,-_ Z•o II.REMARKS: ~SU BD I VIS I ON VaildasSchone i t"~'=w~,~..:..:===;====~~~~~:!:=======~::::======:;~~~~~========J .. ~r .Te rrill Knj~~tJ ~i rector Department of rlann ing &Deve lopmen t P .O.Box 179 Eaele ,Colorado 8163 1 Re :Buil di ng Permit 1195 . Dear 'I'e r-z-d LL ; • Januar-y 7 J 1geo ~ith r ef erence to your memorandum o fDe cember26 ,1979 t o Les ter Douglas andou r t elephone conve rsati en t hi s mo rn ing , reg ardi ng the debris and rocks in the ditch a long Ga rm is ch Dr iv e ,I promise t o remove this mate r ial as soon as th e snow has mel ted sUffic ien tly fo r me t o l ocateand r emo ve sam e . P l ease notify ~r .Douglas of same ,80 t hatI c an go ahead and ge t a temporary CO. Thank you for you r considerat ion i n t ~i s m?tt er . Sinc er ely ,,r ///l~~. V /n-;?>t/·~~/~ "~rns t O.Glatz le P .O.Box 292 1 Vail ,Co lo rado 8 1657 ,.,•• PREMltJ ,:\I TOTALS AMOUNT OWNERS ~_ MOln GAGE S..:zs.oO O.JlO...SJJ8 .5lL-l'5013 AIlIlI TIONALCIIARGES Form 100 $JO.OO__ COST OF T AX CE RTIFICATE s 5 .0 0 SURVEY COSTS s _ $_.J ,r L c Your Reference ec's To :1t o l·hgapo l i tan l>b rtgage eoop..,JY/, 16 60 s .Albion ,Suite 102 7 , No.41 03192 C Denv e r,en 8 0 222 Attn ::-larcia 1 to Mega poli t an /'lortgage co.,l r.020 Sheet 1 of .....:5..E .Girard,tcnver ,CD 8 0231 Attn :Closing Dept., COMMITME NT TO IN s uhi"~j Gl atzle ,Box 2921 ,Vail ,co Transamerica Titl e Insurance Company ,a Cali forni a corpora tion,he re in ca lled th e Comp any,f ora valuable c onsideration,here by commits to issue i tspolicyo r policies o fti tle Insu rance .as identified in Sch edule A,i nfavo r of theproposed insur ed named in Sc hedule A,as owner or mortgagee of the es t at e o r interestcoveredhe reby intheland desc ribedor ref e rred to i n Sch eduleA ,upon payment of the premi u ms andcharges the ref or:all sub j ect t o theprovisionsofSchedules A a nd B and to th e conditions a nd stipula- tio nsshow n onth einsi deofth e cove r. ! i I, I Custo mer Contact:-Elizal:;eth Powell Phon e:47 6-5 92 2 The effectiv e date o f t hiscommitment is Noye;N;;er 5 At which tim e f ee title was vested in : By Cindy Hughes"'==-c===_ .AUTH OIl.lUD 5l GN A,TUru ,19.1L .t 8 :00 A·M. ERNsr GLATZLE C SCHEDULE A 1.Policiestobeiss ued: (A)Owners': (B)Mortgngee'a: f .·...."..".l l ~I 11 ••.1.1_1& •No.4103192 Sheet 2 of 5 • I I I.2. I , i· I• i• II II l ' I;, " SCHEDU LE A-C¢ntinued Covering t heLand inthe State of Colorado,Countyo f Eagle Desc ribed as: un 20, Bux::K H, VAI L DAS SCl ICNE , FILINGNO.2 • F,.,,",,,,,r 1 .~1 ... ,.. No .4103192 Sheet 3 o f5 • SCIIEDULE A-Continued HElIUlREMENTS • I. I., I, i " I I.' ( I,,• ( 3.The fo llowing arc t he requirements t o be comp lied with p riorto t he issu ance of sa id policyorpolicies. Any ot herin strum en t r ecordeds u bseque n tt o the date he r eof ma y a p pear a s a n ex cepti onun der Sche dule B of t he policyto be issu ed.Unl ess ot h erwise noted ,a ll d ocum ent s mu st be r ecorded in t he offi ce of clerk a nd r ecorderofth e county inwhi ch said pro perty is located. A.Release by the Pub lic Trustee o f the Deed of Trust f ran Ernst Gl atzle to the Public 1'rUStee of the Country of Eag le f or 'the use of Vail Nationa l Bank to secure $75 .000.00 dated J une 8 .1 979 recorded :June 13 ,19 79 ,in Book:286 at Page 7 04 B .Deed of Trust fran :E.rn.st Glatzle to the Public Trustee of the COun ty of Eagle for the use of Y'.e ga polltan l'brtgage Coopany to secure :$75 ,000 .00 • Sheet 4 o r ~•• SC IIEDU LE D T ilE POLlCY ORPOLIC IES TO DE ISSUED IIEItE U:>IlER W ILL l>OT I l>SURE AGAIN ST : 1.R ights orclaimsof parties in possession nots ho wn by t he public r ecords. 2.Easemen ts .o r claims of ca seme nts.nots hown by t he p ublic r ecords. 3 .Dis c repancies.conflictsin bou nda ry lines.s hortage in urea.e ncroa ch ments,and a ny b ets whi ch a correct survey and in spection of the prem is es wo uld disclose and wh ich a re no t s hown by the pu blic r ecords. 4 .Any lien,or r ight t o a lien.f or services ,labor,orm at erial heretoforeor hereafter furni shed,irn- posedbylaw an d no t s hown by the pu blic r ecords. 5 .Taxes d ue and payable;and any tax,specia l ass essments,charge or lien impo sed f or water or sewe r s er vice,or f or any other s pecia l t axing d is trict. 6.Th er ight o f the prop r ietor of a v ei n o rl ode to extract and r emo v e hi s o re t heref rom ,s hould ~~e s ame b e found to penetr ate o r intersect t he premis es h ere by granted , as .re se rv ed in Uni ted Stat es Patent recor d ed August 1 1 , 190 0i n B oo~48 a tP age 236 . 7.An u ndivid ec 1 /2 interest in and to the oil ,g as and mineral righ ts the re in as r es erved i nd eed f rom Pete r ~. Katso s a nd Ca th er ine Kat sos to Gust Ki ahti o cs an d Nick Kiahtipc s,recor de dJ anuary 2,1 96 0 in Book 165 at Page 13 3. 8 .Restr ic ti ons,w h i c~do no t con t ai n a fo rfeitu re or r everter c lause ,bu t o~i ttin9 r estri ction s,if a ny ,ba sed o nr a ce , c olor ,re li g iono r na t ion~l or igi n,a s c o ~t a ined in i n stru- me ntr ecord ed Oc tober 1 0 ,1 969 in Sook 216 a t P agc 153 , Octobe r 2 8,1 969i n Book21 6 at Page 284 a nd February 16 , 19 7 0 in Bo ok21 7 a t Pag e 7 7. Ease~e nts a s shown o n the record ed p lat of Vai l Das Schone Fi li ng No .2. Ea seme nt a nd ri gh t of way 5 f ee ti nwi dth a long a ll s ite bo u ndaryl ine s for use o fu tility s erv ic e lines an d fo r the constru ction,e rection and ma inten ance t hereof , together with the righ t o f ingres s a nde gre ss th e ~cto ,as r es erv ed in instrument r ecor d ed July 7,1 9 65 i n Book 1 90 at Page 5 59. ••..continued •.•• -"_'"'Off'",-, - /;0 .410319 2 Sh ccl -5.-of...5- • c S CIlEDULl::B -Continued • I· I•,. I i I I • Ease me nt a nd right o fway for cons truc~ion and main te na nce o f a g asd istribut ions ystem l oc at ed in roads g ranted to Gas F ac il i t i e s,I n c.b y the Cou nty of =agle b y i n st r u me nt r ecorded Sept e mbe r 6 ,19 68 ,i n Book 21 3 a t P age 3 ~4 ,in whic ht he spec if i c locati o n of t he e a s e ~e n t i s no t d ef ine d . Agr eeme nt con ce rn i ng s ewer line be t ween Fri tz a ndCe ce lia Schm id t and Ern st Gl at zle,r ecorded Octobe r 26 ,1 9 78 ,'in Book 2 77 at Page 1 9 ~ ....._",'.,'. Iransamanca TItle lnsuranca Co mpany ,, •Endorse ment ~- Iss u e d By • (e) (h ) (aj ! I I I ,I " • The Company hereby i neure,again !>l l osswhic h aaid I nsuredsha l l 5usl.Jin 1I y reaso nof oln)' of the Icllcwiug m altcn: 1.An y in corre ctness in ~he Olssu r :mcc w hi c h t h e Ca mpau)'hereby p;ivc I: T hat there a rc 11 0 cove nan t s,c on.I hioua,o r rc .•l ric ii o llll under w hich th e l ien of Ihe mortgage o r dee d of t ruer referred 10 in Sch edule A c an he cut c fl,eubor-lin atc d,o r otherwise i mp aired; T hat,except :u shewni n Schedule D.t here arc no pr esentviolations on s a id la nd or a ny enforcea b le coven ant s ,co ndi tione,o rr c et ricticne ; Tha i,e xcept 3S shown in S c h e d ule U.lh fOr C a rc no cncrunchmcnts o f IlIl il ,lill ~~.lIlr tl c . t ure e,o r improvements 10 '::::11(',1(Ill 6ai,11'1I111 cute '::l.Ilj oin inp:la n ds,n o r a llY e nc ro ach- m ente o n lO said l and of bui l,lin~~,etructurce,o r impro \'e lll Cnh loca tedon ad joining land.. .2.A ny f utu re violat ions nn "i,1 1",,1 of ,""y '0'-''''''''.coml l tio n s,'"",,,i,,io,..0"""'''0 prior10 ac qnialrion of rit !c to said c s r.uc o r illl('r('"t hy the I nsured,provi dcd ...uc h vio la- ti o na r esult in 10M o r i lllpairnl(Ont Ilf the li en o f t he 1ll 0rl f::a ;.:r.o r II('e,1 o f I r mt r ('fe rn',1 t o in Se he Jule A .o r r esul t in lo ss o f the l ille to "a itl e~lalt!Ilr i nl ('re"t if Ih l'I usurc d ~h a ll acqu ire s uch title in sa tisfac l ion of th e i nde bte dness sec ured by such m o r lll:a ~e o r de ed of t rus t, 3 .Dam age to c x is tin ~i mpecvemcute \,'hich are ln calc,l o r c ue reach u pon lli J.1 pori ion of t hel andsu bject10 any case men t ...hown i ll Schedule B .,,-hiell Il:u lIa;:.c rc "ultll Irruu lit e e xercise of th er lgl u 10 u se or m aint ain such e ase men t fo r th e purpo ~e ,,;f or which the sam e was gr antedo r r eserved. 4 .Any fina l c ou r t o rderor j1Ut ~tII,ml rrl1'lir ing r emoval f ro m an y l an d aJ jui nin:;s aidla ud of a n)·e ncro achmen t ehc .....n i n Schedule B. Wh crev er i n Ih is e n dor sem en t any or a ll tlve w o rds "covena nts,CO llllitioll ll o r r c'"lric l ion,," appea r,they ahall n otbedee med I II rcf r.r 10 o r i nclu de the terms,ccvcoa nre and ccnditicneco n- t ained in any le aseref erred t oin Schedul e A. The tot alliabi l i l y of rh e Com p any \lIlller ~a i cl pol tcy a ll,1 a ny e nd orsemen t rh crcrc f,!t.J!llIol exc eed i n Ih c al!,::rcl:ate.the (a ce am ount of ~a i l l po li cy anti eOsb w hirh t he E ompuu y is ohl i~a le d und er t h e Conditione a nd St ipulation,thereo f 10 pay. This e ndorse ment i.ma d e a pan of aaid po l icy a ll of th e !,olicy d ate th ereof a nd i~s ubj ect 10 th eechedulee,cc ndiricue a nd "l il'lllatioll6 a mi ex clusions f romcov e rage t hereincon taine d , except a.m odified by the p r ovisions h e reof• Irans amenea Inle lnsuranna Compa ny ,. .' I"·'• ;t:.•-.".,,,. ., :... -."""~',", '../,.-', •-'~~--::.,';.,.:.:,.- ,-:' , L I I j ", i- Ccrrrai,trrent;Nurrber 4 103192 O rder :'\wn ber .' u, .. .' .'.' E ndo r&Cmcnt Fo nn C 100 ••c G .APPLI CATION FOR V A RI ANCE.EAGl[C OUNTYSUBDIV ISION REGU LATIONS No me of Deve lopmen t •e;=~..t:·J.'2 -:r....~TZ;..::;.. ·. L .,-.n ~-_0''t'/;.~'.'/taeolian#~-:l ...•.....•..;-.•........•.•••.• V_/~-...~'•.-••••••••••••t'r":'. Si ze (N u mbero f Ac re!). ..t:='"t:2,l..V-",G I ,.-r'?''r-N ome an d M drC SS~$of Ow ners .•••••••••••••••'"" &""c.;f -::.I·-. ·)(r...::0..:<'?.I.0 :7 . Pre vlstcns of Subd ivis io n Regu lationsfrom which Varian ce i s reccested ..-,/. P ';~:.(lfHe.!~.'S .J·..'.?~:.<i.-P.6f:Z,./4..:?£t:.UC0E" .W ..~C?:..,g,1?t!!:.. Recscns for Reques t fo rVariance .U *.~..l?'.C?·~·..L r:..f?~gECJ .t:W?.l ?lCX':-(:t c.r.r..(f!.(>?;'?I?..,.(I«(,.:M T.i ..~':C~.."'bR. .€.~ml.t.Y.US ..0!..(..J...I:1T...P!~..~I.!/::?':<:!:..-.::.-st . I J..-I C ,,..t=;/)-,-.Si gno:urcsof App licant (s):")-..•••.••._.••4 ••~. (Re cord Ow ners should sign)••~g;..~.f?~:~F/....~.e ",•.1-:l!(.../':.<1f~~·.. BOARD AC TION Rece ived t his..••..••.•••••d oyof ,19•.•••••••• By . Th e within request for Variance (granted ,denied)this ••••••••.•••d ayo f .••.•• •,19fo rthofollo wing reasons: ·. ·-''. Boord of Counly C o mm issioners o f Eogle C ounty By •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C hairma n Po g o 4 0 EAGLe COU NTY ••••DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &DEVEWPMENT Do x 1 79 328-7311 EAGL E,COLORADO 8 1631 BOA RD O F COU N TY COMM I SSION ERS 328 ·6809 ADM I N ISTR ATI O N 323·6 674 A N I M AL SHE L TE R 949 -4292 ASSES SOR 3 28·6 593 BUIL D IN G I NSPE.C TI ON 328-6 339 CL ER K & R ECOR DER Eagl e3 28-6377 Ba salt 92 7-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328·6674 E N G IN EE R 3 28 ·6337 E NV I RONM ENTA LHEALTH 32 8·7718 E XT EN S IO N AG ENT 32 8·6 370 L I BRA R Y 3 2 8·7787 PUBL IC H EA LTH Eagle328 -6594vsn476-5844 PLANN IN G 3 28 ·63 3 8 R OAD &BR IDG E 3 28-659 1 SH E RIF F Eagl e 3 2 8-6 6 11 Basalt 92 7 ·32 44 GHman 8 27-5 751 SO C IA L SE RV I C ES 3 28 ·6328 TR EASU RER 328-6376 November 1 6,1978 Er ns t Glatzle Box 2 921 v ai l ,Co lorado 816 57 RE:File No .Sv-7 -78 -s ubdiv ision Variance A t their regular meeting on 15 November 19 78,the Eagle County Planning COmnUssion r ec o mme nd e d a ppro v a l of your r equest ,wi th the c hange in requested v ariance fro m 1 4 ' t o 1 0'. This r eco mmendation will be presented t o t he Boa rd of Coun ty C0mnU ssi oners at their Special Mee t in go n 2 9November 1978,beginni ng a t 9 :00 A .M.in t heCou nty commission ers MeetingRoom ffl03 ,550 Broadwa y ,Eagle , Colo ra do. If you ha ve an y q u es tions,please contact t hi s office . c c :Roard of Cou nt y Commissi oners J ame s R .Guffy ~~~ ")-u-r--;--- ~l::_~D_,wg CQ)Q O r;Jolf w . I".uudl@u'@i]ilu @@liDil@li@@[i'I;i]lh)(gJl!1JWil ,a,5.1.,;.<1, r~~l <;rr.unty PhM;n1 f _r ....lnil,n S:"ff RN:Of .....n~...t ;onon it"'"S a ,,~ar t n !l beto -e t ile ~OII ..b slon on 1 ~tl o ~l.'I ,b e r I'JJ 8 "....,IPoI o No.,10.'·l<l ~Jr :..,.~~t o f Plan'ling .nd ~<I\clCl:r-e ~:9 Ho~elII o er 1978 I •fl le Mo.~-5 7 -7a -Met Repl ,t a.Reouest:To s plit ~fourple~Into f oul'in teres ts witt.H e f if th l nt t n hr n~l d in c~nn. tl.aJckql"l)\In d :l h ls a pplication for 4 sub dlv1$ICI1 of let zz,5iod 1I n Eagle -Vail hn bto en t!toIe-d frOlll UP Plan ning Cll"n1Ss1en r.K!e ti n3 of October.At th ,t r tee,oe applica tlon <:id ne t conta in l ett ers of :onf l~a tlon from Wdte r .rod ~~·Er COT.~!nilS, set of doctll',onts 4'1 1!4 fln4 1 pht .Also .th~h n.:lscapin<;:plln nccdcd Irlll [O!sl>oKi l "ol t ton.. c ,St.ff ~ccomendatiOIl :Denh1.Fin al Plat ~as ~E''1 r e:ch coj . ~ver ,cov enants.l etter of sewer a nd ..,ter c c~j t ~en:a nd ,dcqu4te 1.ndscl plng plan re-.lns ou ts t4nd tnS. Fi le ~.~·62-7a _Hd ppy J.ck Hi ner (u~j ivi~ion a .Request :To ~,l lt 3S.06 acres into 3 In~eres ts ~ith fc~r ~~lot to be '\el d in cOl!'ll".cn. b.8<Jc(g~rd :Property l ies !~~lles u ~t ~e f r yi n;Far.~i ~er. F~t ~e rQld to t~~re.r p r DP~r~y l i ne,t he r el ief is ~::r e •. n o ft .(slor~-.2 4"·1.PrUM tly there e",lsts eee ho;l5e 4n~ t he I p~l lc ~nt proposts t o create two .d11t lCr..l b~lldirg s i t e s, Mlt h al l t he 14,d not l nc luded ln t Re t~illin g e n v el e ~s ~o bE- hel d in t Dm"On .I ~r t spor s ,to Til::c~t s,t~4,~ll c.nt has su~i ttPd 4dditionAl Infc~tion 0's oils.90e lc9ie co~c i!i e~s ~~d cut .nd ,j ll req~l r ~n t of d rI V ~II Y.T~is i :~~4S t!~'~d .nli'ls be ing ~...d .t t hfs I"lH'ting in con 5l.on c tior,wit n a 5NCi ..l USt pe ...i t t o 1 11 0001 •ctuc te -l ot p 't ~e """• e ,Stiff R:ecomend3:10r.:P.ec.c .rend ta~~ln !:u~til 4:>;l l1e,,.,t Col., i nsure .:pquate OJ,tpr su 'r lJ 4 0 r rire p ro t (~ti c n and an .g re ~~~t with Sctl::ol Distr ic t t.as Woe n ruc'led . fi le Ho .~·6 3 -1 8 •Th~Sara h C_plt. a .Req ~e s t :To sp ilt a du~,c~I nt o ~..~in ~e r ps t s . b.&lckq rllllnd:Tl\is .~pllcat:on co,.,:~rns Tet )(0.610(1 .: r4 9 1c-~.1 1 .1 .Lot A 4nd Lot S "i l l c.ch (~nt4in .}:1 acres . c.Staff Rec amend.Uon:Recor-r.entl tab l ln~.T~dr1l1e~ol.y SI'lO ~ld be d is ~n s l on e j .If neees sar!'or II ctes~t~un i t l .t ~ I!r iv~IY sho uld be dni\lr,tled 4S .n easeeee t .L ~n ll s c a :e ::l~n is n~JPd to cOIl'"p lO!te t Ms ap ~ll"'t lon. Fil e Mo.SaI -54-18 -I<rm trcl'Ig !'linor SubdlvlSj(r 4 .Re~u'st:To subd ivide 4 ~u p le",l nto t~l nterest s. b.8'tkgro~nd:This i s ,5 ~bd i vl s l on ofLot i8 ,5 1 ec~J ,f .gl c- \'111 11. c .SUH R:Pco::r.e r..1at i Oll :P ~OIIOnf n d tabl ing .Ap;llica tiofl ll:~!i I f i n4l pl.t,PA rty w.l l .o re~.nt.5~eclf icatlo ~Of Sl;e Of pl an t l n g~an d l ette~s of t ~n f i~~tI O~f or ~at e r J~d s~~r Sfrv lteS Pro~erty sp lit ne eds to be shown 0"si te ~l.n . 10 II " Page 2 Fl it SO .S(·\OC ·78 -8ea ~er Creek r l~a ;Pl at a .~tG :lest :Fi nal ~l .t .Pll ro~.l o f 18 .213 aern of Tra ct ,-. FoUnt .1 bI.l l1 ~o.t of t h is (111"9 r ecresen t.s.2 .163 Ilwel11nq unf~s '''~277 ,0 00 of c C =.e ~h l sP<lce. b.Eac;"grN;nd:At t heir Cc tO ~er 2~n ,ctlnQ.t ile CGlIIIty :O"l'il1 !s'cr.en .p~"Uved p.:t C o f thol!lIuver Cr~k P1"el1.l"a"1 ~hn S'jb':,lt tal d J(:l,r.I e"l:.l'o-...ev er ,t he Soard r eq ~ntl!'d (ul"thtJr tire t 1 s t.~:1 Fark 8 wh lth dealt .~th the clarific at ion of t he :NH...·pI""<o r'.!~ro:n~M z onin']_-n4"lI!'fIh. C.SU ff P.K==erdatI CYI ;RtcC""lr.t r'ld ,:",prov,l . F1:p ~~.Sf -105·1S •~i c ~l,n d ~~A OOwS '2 "'.~oM ~..·.t:nn",l ~l ,lt ,,:,>:,>r o..,l fer Il l g ~"n l!",p.~f1\lng I1(PUO) b .r..~k'l-Wn <j :,I;~tt~jr P ~b 1t e 1H!..rl"l;i ;)f\Z Otto~r 1918,tlte ~o)r l!of C o~n t y ~1 s si on e rs .~prove4 t he ~r el1 ~1nary plan S'J '):~e:t o (l rt.in rKlrII'.<'~d.t i on 5 ,1 .p ...in·....lot 5i,., •e~e H t :;r IH i c~!l rorea t,iloIr '(ing.c~c ont rol ,nd cu i ee SIC r a ~i "s . c .St a~f IIp(O'T.l ~nc .t i o n :~.b H r.g "n til above .enti one4 r ece-r-ee eau ces eeve bN'n i r.co r ~rl t ecl a nd covt<!,nts hue bPPn f ll ~, ; , ;=~~.dJ :t ~ 5 , < n 'e ';0.S ~·l O;·;8 •or;jniJ Guest ".net Ellta"ptl or, a .P ~-:~f!~~:[n~t i ~n f rtr-s:sbl!i ',ision rM;ll t lions to split 4••59 •cr e parc el Ir to ~~3 1?lS (~·'6 .6 5 ac res -8 015.45 .c res .J b .8!c~;::ro ll"l d :Presen :l!t ills ,roPtr:y has II n.,ber of cablns I r,ye ....ro ~·d us e on p ,r ~E'l I..Thls r e<j uest I'Iols been e.bled f rM r-e P :a ~.r,l ~l'~Cemlsslon eeettne of Sep t 1 0 .1'1 order f or t o~l i e)n t t o .~d r e~s b -idgE'i~prev~nts ,sa'e acce ss r oad. ( de;c o n~ro l !r.d fi nl o"t. 1!Ii(e.su rr ~oi!c O'~c ~till n :T4bling f er .dd itl onal in(eT'llla tion.fln4 lEPlatrceesncceatetnidcr,t l fiet,anli'~t itl e ..e. ,f."ee cete..~ti:ll'l Ja ne frOlll Fr/ing p~~Ilo~d ~hould til construc ted 1 t o a l'D ~~af f ~c~e~s t ~pr~ptr ty. •~n't ce.$r:-56·7f,•!-let Re;,14t a .r eques ::~o s.lit 4 f :lurplu i nto 4 inter ests Oj ith a f i fth ~lot ~CI be held i 'l cor:n3f1.1-b .t4:~~r :und:n ,IS 4Pp1i:a t10n f or.a su bdlvl slon ofLot 20 ,In ot~ '\1,[an l~-\'4il ,2 hdS been tabl ed fl"lll:l t he ?lannin9 COlTn lss1on."',"':7 Cic to~m"r oc et in\l :'0 9lvp t he a pplic <l nt t ime to submit a (in41__y plat.er.r,d"nlni u"l <;<-"C.l ~r ation,lE"tters of conflnr..t t10n on "ater f .nd sp...er.serv i:e an d an i ~pro~Pd 1.nO'sc .pi ng p1.n . \"'t .Staff "ceo"Tl tnl::ation:Dcn i .l.~o new infornatlon ha s been ...-'i ~.provided. ~..~.....~. J ~.......",L...--_~:.r-.._-...;.I...-~ .. s o..t"of ~lc'~~'~ pa rt e {t ~e -,"=~e't 1 . pr r ~e '-l y t.'t il.' .. " •u , •Fil ..~'Q .i ':l-6!>-7d •Capstone a ..~e ,,~eit;To cr-ea te 5 TO"''fl ho..~(O un its in tl R S~zone. b.B Ac <~~,un d ;This preject Is l ocated on lot 11 of ~uf fer Creek ~,,,,·1i,i'.;n n q Nl 7 ~~r"~l .nl ~l o t H ..~i n "In Ar M",pn",..til p;:;nlbl l!r ec"r rult 1 10\)uln9 .cc ~rl~r lows ~n d hy dfOC OlIIpactton. S,at e r rq l n ~..ri r ~Geologis t ~s r e c ~e nd ed fur ther s ite l nvfs t i q<lU M p ~io"t c appr ova l of t his ap pllu tlon .· c .St aff P.t,t'""end~tior.:P.ec ::l""'pnd ta bling .Stu ple n sho ul d be i rc h11'j ,,~l o;h ·.hIl....con tour liMs (both pr e s!.'nt and f llt",r ..) ar.d a ny r e ~(~a:Ql i on a nd d ra l r.a ~e s t ruct ure s .,hich "iqht be neCtBar.t ~O rll"{'Y{,'lt e r:lsl er .Applica nt ShOuld a lso r espond to t tc St a Le Gea luglsl's comne ats . r il e ~l o .o;n ·&1 ·Ja -Ma ',!'llno..S"bdiv ision a .Reo,e'l :Ap y'o~.l o f Hinor Su ~lv ls l on b .B)(~9r ou~<::!hiS ~r OPGS i l cre ates "lots of <J ppro~l q ~el)'10 <Jeres e ~,~a~~~t f ~n'les SC ~t h of E~gle a long ~ru s h C r~t Road. c.S,l ff P ecor.!l'~~dat i on :';"a bI1nq.Flna;Pht tlu not bHn r e :.t.ed .t-..grt-l'nli:nt witt.~a 9le t o s~ppl)'-.Ite r s ho ul d ~ UC \lr td. File .",C·.S"..../CI'·H -Vi ll cnt ...t:o:>unt.in Sv!.j;T.NI.i .Clllb •.s "",·t c .~,l.n ,..v i"..,o f.propo s.!for 1 !>...,Jt.on 4.'62.r:r".;:-.....·..el v "on.~ItS ,.P ,o jer:t ..",f1 ~i 1K.'"Jud.S t ",,"_ ...""".s t :uo:tun.(J ...:11 4 u:llt.c,1 ,,;tll',m f c.,.~ ........,1 ,,"h.tI!'J~o .T.<td c",,,,,i.!.>ell.tic •. b .h ";'~,:>'.:.~;j ,A,....i .;/a ....',t 1;/in !:,s ....t u '.l .u te .;cll C....•"".~;'t ~cu:of ct.b;lu~Joe ..t ..d (It:ct..wse •.i de o f ~r .C',,-.,..;:.I'r o;.;,s.,:1 {>r-o ject i .o P/K-.;c..chol ••••U,,'1 S ....C :uJ,. ;;.S t .,ff F ~"'«":..l1 t r.:',obl<ll:'oS ..·!th ci11:o Sk "teh ,1.11I !nc:1ud.: 1 .:'::"'1 u :bo1C';c ~".a l oc ~tton of :(.'0 !JOo>'fl ood pJail>'n ""t I n-'j<..cf''1. 1 .pn;.Ju d ....tho<::I f I'M d i.cposiUon dO<.'"no t _d.fV ~n .~.ct ~.".,o f &S ~~On&{.,~1 ft .1 /~'c l. J .r.,,,;"";,,,"o f f t ...r-..o l'"'9J e.J Sur-'",.,t...f <>W>4 ccn.id ",~"J. flr-ror In c .~'1.c J ~;!c~;r-e par t s~~t t cd . ,jl ..•or·,.s;-~-;tJ -rrm;t Gl .t"'!.S~Wj "J ..i .,n V..n ~nc. .I.R.../u .u t,·.·.r!",C'<!'f ro=>~'.ho ~ld .,14·d,,,l ,,,,'I"JTqulr.,....,.c of r.gnt o f ....~f Sl.:ld,v l"ion /le']"!"'~:P '.5 .01 .05, tl .a ..·'1<7 r "~r..h t !11"",,;;!!c "t i o n ."r.l ,,~.,.d C ~"Speci,11 Ua. p,··!·l.1t t,"l1e w "~.t r "c .i OJl on ~'Oj1"'rt~"'th "J ape i n •11 "....o f n~(:,ot 2(J ,a ll<H.V,t il d..",S chon ,,).Th1 ,t Sp'''£4 1 ':.'"/·..r-...;t .,u "It ..nt ......,!ch t .~"ccndHJo.~t!l<lt f .,..1 "'''li""in:1 ul.a-d ..fi ni.shed e lll d .."ol e ..,.d .pp r o p r h t .. ~!l ~c ..b I J,U on of .ho:-l o t .Pro,.,.''''.cJ vII ,i.wee I(OIlld ..1 10 ...I .~.~".l>,'n .~"",.~t .It eJ rt or.road r J ght o f "4 '}. c .S tltf R"c'....,.mc.t !or',·Do>n£,tl b..;;~d .m «>ndit IOJl ~a ee...;hod t o eho>i ••"..ne<>of t hol Sp"'c!..l U,",,"","Ol a . 18 19 " ai • fil e No .lC -ll ~·/l:I •(hra Jou fla ~ a .l one t hanqe f ~Resourle t o ~e !"C j l l r~ne r a l b.Bjt~g r o ~n d ;T~j \l ~a 20 at re parcel Of 14nd 1/'~9 en ~c th ste eso f hI!!m,..y 131.u;)On ....ht ch a op l i c ~nt wh hes to ~....e a Mar p ho u~p f or ~r i s~ab l e ~ed ~. c.~c OO1'I:11d4t i on:lIec on .""n,f d e-u al.Corr",ro;i .1 l O<1i na j ~ l na p~r o p r i at e f vr th is area because i~wo u i~~e tt ~t ~~;r ~"~ e f ~t rlp d pve'o ~r.t en H l ,,~,..aj'13l and WOu ld be ~PG ,z:,j,~ whic h i s n~t d ~~i rabl ,.C~,c i oll ol '~Indust ri a l a~t i ~i t } l.hol.l d Iw!C(l 'C('I\tra l t'd a ~r \IHl n;l c enter s ~lI ,h H ,'ole"a 0 ' Bon d.I n a 4~1t i on.t '"steep.wl"dl nq ~i9 ~:':~j'ccnr e:t i"; ~,l c ot ~and t hi s prope r ty Is ro t t o n dll~i~~,0 h ~3 ~!t r~r~l ~ Whi ch _l q ht be ~en er,t p 4 by 20 ,cres of c ~er c ~,l zenl r;. r Oe 'fa .1c·8 5-78 -Jol l1ll!$rltl1.1r('f"o1..ntI !1,-r;l e Pr ice a ,Rl'Qlle s t:Zone CNn\le f n-Resource [0 Rt'S ldtn:l.l S lI ~..r ~n lew De'1s Ity b.Soldgrounll:This u a 11':1 acre p8l"Ce l ;oca,ed App liu '1 t w h ~n t o ete ce (h,MObil ,I:orr'~$O'l Two aobi l .~s r rtSC'1 t l v e~l s t on t ~e r rlce ea st , C.R~~d at l on :I'e c ~'n d a ~pro~a l .The area j~st ~~\~~r ~.~ To-n of (19:'Is a ppropriate for I ~w densi ty r e sicentl al e ~,t l ::-~r :. Fil e Ho .11.·61·18 •Mo!nternol ch .nd r alll 5ret1a1 r~e re r-;t I .ReQue st :S ~cc l al U\e P e ~l t t o bUi ld a <:~,l e ~en ~s le:e qre ater t han 301 b.Bad c;r o~r d :Tl'h lo t Is at t l,t>en d o f ta vo~Tr ail ~r oj ;;:'=:</: .nd is ~u lt e ste el'.T ~ro~d tiles r el r t ~p ~ro :f "Y :~~~.l ~: t!ter e is a ...ery steer cut ......ere tte ,~a d r ':ht e !"a~a ~':;':; c.Sti ff Re C ~4n d at i Jn :Re<o ~pn<:denl.1.t et a 'e .I S·r ~:·"~lt en o~q,tn s ~~~or t a 1 ~o l e )on t his l ~t a nd i t ;$1 ~.~~~.1 t h a~'I ~r lln q ~Pl(t'S co"ld bf l ocated on si ~e .Jr ~::·t ~~.. no ~i h ~t J d l e~.p hn ~o r ....~1~p('~1~9 In:erv H;O'1 ~5\e t~;., SU bm it ted. F11e xc .l s -65·7a •J ues FitH ;~ns <I.Req..es t:Sp~l al tlse Pe ....'t t cv .1 lIIOb ll e ne-e ca", b.8a e~q r )..nd:Thi s i \a 12\.cre :a r cel s ~u'~o f ~~!~.l ~~ r elathe l y fl at uea. c.St,f f ~Ec ~n dat l jn:Rec ~r d a ~rrc ~a l s"t jec t t c t·, e xLe r.sio n of t~P 4 r~f r o nt 4 ~e roa d o,to t ~~PrIce ~,~;~~t .. bc:ause tr~ff l c is we ry hea~y ~nd t wo hwy c ~t s \ho ~l ~te t~~ ~a~I~..a f or t he entI re a rca . File No .Zs-66-18 -Ra Ho -\'a ii .I nc. a .R eq J ~st :Special Us e Pe rm it t o l ocat@an ~~Ra ~io ';"r .~~.i':er and a nt enna s ite on BUM l and . b.The si te Is en 8lM la nd,and tt ~t 4"ency w'll ha v~t o ~'l n : a Soeela l Use Pe nni t fo r t hls r ecue!t . c .Staff Rec Dn:lle!ldat1 on ;Rec nnl'<tl nd ta bl ing,!ltH be s &;:.~li ,a ~:,,·'~ for other uses of t his l and ane t~e Countv s llo ~l c n.1hne ,lil proposal s so t hat one use wo ult not precl udP Jny o th~r u ~t s . ... .. ••••""J Agenda l t~1I 21 23. f ill!no.l~-L7 -7U -Cruel'G'I I ~JIoI/I :d ~I>J J d (~J i ~i ~;(J " a.lle qLl!.t:Spect e l Use Parmf t fo r d cl ~H~r s~t>j htsj o"in a n All l one . b.Badtlrr-ulld :Apr J!cant drplil.'d f or a Ill!,)r 5u~~I~~~lr1 ..."c· was l alJl e <J at U'l!Hi Octobe ,-1':11d l 'l~r",i "':1 Cor '·I I.~I\'""-<'~::"'; i n orderto subm it a r equest for a clU5 t~r 5u ~~lvi S i c ". App l icant desires t o ~av e th r ee h OU 5 ~5 ~n 35 acres of l d~~. the housestobe i n)se para te own e r sh ip,and :ne l ard ~~1~I~ cowon . c .Staff RecUI1 lncpu!aliM :Rec OI'T 'c nd a r r rtl ~J 1.1hi s ts a ~"s ,,·~):~ way t o preserve open space 4 1ld cl uster denst t y. ril e No.Zv·57·78 •ColoradOOne Rea l Es t at~ a .ReQuest:Vari ance f r on:th e n i fll",u'Tl pa rking r ec cr-e-e-ts • section 4 ,06.M o r the l Ollln!!Rl'Slllu ti,,·,H a..,,'nJ,.J ;·I~-"$.. b.B~c~g r ou n d:The new p~rk jng re ~u l ~t i o n5 re~uire ~Qr -s :~e p ~rki(l 9 spece s.SO lid s Vilhge "Ns (IH~Q'"lOh ...t.tc--t :.',.. a 4C foot d rive~ay on ee cn ;ot t o pr ovi ·1e f or ,;de ~~l~t'ca-.jr" c .Staff R eclmlletll!~t;on:RecOIlTIe nd 4ppro vJI.So"ri s 'Iilj ace ~.4> not ~d pa rkin g probl em s with the provision of Z on -site- parki ng sp aces . , EA I:::P.r:ccui rrv OEPARTl-J EIH or PLM :n~r,&OEVELOPl-ICIH [\0 ;<179328-7311 EAGLE .COLORADO 0 1631 , BOAR D 01'COUN TY COMMI SSIO N E RS 3 28·6809 AO i..1 INIS TRATION 3 28 -66 /4 I\NU .'AL S H ELTER 949-4292 ASS FSSOH 3 28·65 9 3 B U I LD I NG I N SPECT ION 32S.f;339 CL E RK 1- R ECOf(OER Eagle 3 2 8·6377 B:lsalt 92 7-324 " C OU i\lTY A TTORNEY 32 ~·6 6 7 4 EN G IN EER 328·6337 EN VIRONME NT AL HEALTH 32 8-1718 E X T ENS I ON AGENT 32 8·6 370 LI BRA RY 3 28-77 81 PUB LI C t i C A L.T H E.3 91e32 3 ·6594 Va ll 47 6 ·5ij44 P LANNI NG 32 8·6 3 38 R O A D &BR I DGE 328 -6 591 SH E R I FF Eagl e 3 28-66 1 1 Basa lt 9 27·324 4 Gilm an 827·5 7S 1 S O CIA L SER VI CES 3 28-6 3 28 T REAS URE R 3 2 8·6376 , / I ' \'-c ,,-" L --- De cemb er 1 ,1978 Erns t Gl at zle P .O.Box 292 1 Va il,Co.81657 RE :File ri o .5v-7-78 -Var ianc e At their meet ing o n29 r~ovembe r 1978 ,th e Board of Co unty app ro ved your sub d ivision var ian ce asame ndedby the Eagle Coun ty Plann ingOf ft ee ,a llowing t he to e o f the slope to be l ocate d 10 'onto the Cou nty r ight o f way , dw~t:4J~ Susan Va ughn 5V/j k c c :Boa r d of CountyCommi 55 ;one rs "'-. -------~ ~&@[L~©~lfW • O[]1)U®U'@tr@@@ [M)@[M)@U'@[]1)@(ill[M) To :SUbjec t : le st er Do ug l as,Bu ilding Officia l Bui1di ng Pennit #11 95 F rom :Terri 11 Kn ight.Director Fil..No.:Da te :26 December 197 9 Mr .Glatzle must r em ove a ll ofth e r ocks andother debris from the r oad rig ht -o f -w ay of Ga nmis ch Dr ive.At a mi nimum ,all of t he r oadf rontagealong Mr .Gl ast le 's lo t mu st beina condition that wil l meet County r oad sta ndards. No final ortemporary CO wil l be issued unti la written agre ement in dicat ing sat isfact ory com pletionof all construction on oralong Garm isch Dirveorthe right -of -w ay i sacce pted . As f ur ther ins pect ions ar e r equ ested,please i nform Hr .Glat zle of t he condit ion as it exi st s. See me if you hav e any questi ons. cc:Ern st Glatz l e File 51195 l ;:r.,r;~r :r:c:"r ·,~1''',:l\;''V ''' .,.,-..1.-.,."':'".'b ..-~:I'II ~I tJ ..••}JJ-:I 'I.,'n','·;J-:N)'OF l 'I"'~NNlf"(;t:,JJI.·t 'l"J~()/'l1EN'1' n o x 1/9 l?R -7.111 [JI,G L E,CO LOI :ADO B 1G31 DO /V HJ o r COUN TYcor.';11~,~l ON t:I1S ~2:-U::[):J 1\1,l/.',lI IIST!t/\'no n ::Il.tH....". E rnstO .Cla tzle Box 2921 v a il,Co .8165 7 November 27,-1 978 The E ~gle County Building Dept .requires th a t ~pp1ications for Rl li1dlng P ermitR in Eagle County be r ou ted to the E ag l e CO untl1 plann in g,Engineering,a nd E n vi ronmental He al th de - l'r.rtmcn t ."J.f or tti o i r c om rtc n t s prior to i ss oo n co of th e p o xmi t:e . 1'our app lic ation !;'d S z-c uc e cr on 11/15/78 . C LE nt<& nEC O".£lER Ea ~!!:3 ?R -u3 77 B J ~.a lt ~27·3244 CClll HTY I\T TORI{F.Y 328·GG74 l~E :Application for Bllildillg Perm it in E ngle County lot 20 ,Elk.If,Vail oon Schone -aocmiecti Dr .-Deni ed llF:ALTlJ :Approved. Lis ted belo w are th eC OmmC Jlts n nd r cco mm e JJ d ~ti on s whi ch were made by tho abo ve dep artme nts dur ing th e l"u uting pruced ure . I f you have any q ues tions or wi sh t o get a f urther e xpliJll at io r., p1e~se con tact t he appropriate departme nt . Y~L 234 c annot be ap proved subdiv isionv ariance ~~tU~/ S usan vaughn 328 -7311 Ext . Not app roved ."Pe r mit i nt hisf orm unt il t he i s oronte a." P LJiNNING DEPT : E N V I HONf,iEN T I\L I lF AL TH 3 28 ·771£ E XT E :\,SI QN I\GE ln 32&·6370 L m rU"RV 328-7787 PU BLI C Hi::I\L TH E<I!ilc 3 .'1:8 -(;594 V all ';7 6 ·~S44 EN GIN E ER 321.),(;337 PL I\t..;NI N G 3 28·6333 R OAD &B RIDGE 323 ·6591 S Il CIUF F E3 'J ;~3 23·66 1 1 R ;!s ~I 'i:Sl 27·}2 44 G ilmJn 1327-575 1 SOCI AL SE RVICES 328·G328 THC AS Un En 32.8 -6 375 I t WOllld b e t o Ilo ur nd VCl Jltngc iF you b eg ill to resol ve any p Tob l vm ~a/ld/or r equirements as S0011 as p ossible so a s n ot t o dc lny the iss uance of yo ur b uildilJg perm it a ny l onger th aI!nec essa ry. "--.'. .,,(1r:;;:1 ,.I I I 'Il1 I ,I •''j;c:,;\ \.!, \'"\"<;,"-'j,'"7~.~••_"/ I,.'/'k ,~ r '._:~./'~'.;;,.,,:-, (»><,-_•.__.:;......,~ .~'-. L es Do ugla s Ea g le Co u nt y n uildillg O fficial •..• County of Eagle ELECfRICAL PERMIT TEMPORARY N!1430 Job Name ~c..n.s ~..~.1.a.~~.1.e ..~.L~t .2gt.~1.k H,V..il ..~..s ..~.c.~~~e .May 15 79DateofApphcation__19 ,. Electrical Contractor !~~r.£h~.r..Jl~.c.~r.tc;:~r.P_~}.~.~?. Bu ilding Va luation $.Applicant.__. S~••t .r. Electrical Valuation $. Tempora ry Pe nnit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $J?,Q.Q . $. 12 .00$. APPROVALS P lan Chec ker ·~;;.~;:P ?····.········· Date Paid 51.151..7.9 . Rece ived By J .Kel.ler . Receipt #5018 Bld9.Pe rm it #1 19 5 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON "OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSAnVANCEN OTICE REQlJ1R EDFOR INS PECTIONS 3ElEC_AL PERMIT APP.ATION •,••.• J urisd ic ti on of "•••••A pplicant to complete numbered Sf)8Ce S on ly .·-••~o.A DD ~".·;~jtu\-1,"t.io d.~Ch ~/v'(....j ~o y "0.I'"I'"~~il D _o .....c..."."."1~I'''l1Duelt.20 H das Schone 0 ...........,l "OO"'SS ".""0,," 2 Ernst Glatzle Box 2921,Vail ,Co.8 1657 476-0144 1 0 ........',,·....,l .".,".n ....,..,Ll UN"...". J Archer Electric c o r -e ,,Box 2921 ,Vail ,Co.8 1657 476-1726 997 ""'''IT H'0 ..O"SIG n"""'l "O ""'.S ....0 ...l 'C U '"..0 •• u ..,..........,l "COIt .Ss ....0 .....'Co.."...0• 5 1.1 "0 ."....,....00....U.Me .. 6 un o ~....'L O.... 7 8 Class of work:!XI NEW o ADDITION o ALTER AT I ON o REP AIR 9 Desc rib&work:Temporary service for single family residence PERMITFEES No.,,,",.. SPECIAL CON D ITIONS :T otalRECEPTACLEOutlelS LI GH T SWIT CH T otal LIGHTING Fh'lure1; ......llC..TlO N ...cc ~p nD B y P LANS CHtCI<t 0 B Y ........u v e o FO "'SSU A"'CE U FI XTURES RANGES C L O .DRVER WTR .HTR . N O TICE G ARBAGE:OISP.S TA COOK TOP I H EREBY CE RTIFY T HAT I H A VE READA ND EXAM I N ED TH IS D I SH.WAS H.CLO THE S WA SH. A Pf'LlCA TIO N AND KN OW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT .SPACE H TR .s TA.APPL 'h H ,P ,MAX . A L L PROVISIONS OF LAWS A ND O R DI NANCES G O VE RNING T HIS T YPE O F W ORK WILL BE COM P LI EDW ITHW HETHER S PECIF I E D MOTORS :H .P. H EREIN O R N O T .T HE GRANTING 0 'A PE RM IT 0 0105 NOT PRE SU ME TO G I VE AUTH ORITY T O VIOLA TE OR C A NCEL THE PROVI SIO N SO F A N Y OTHE R STATE OR L OCAL LAW REGULA TING CO NS TR U CT ION O R TH'PERFORMA NC E 0'C ONSTRUCTION .NO.TRANS. SIGNS N O .LAMPS TE MP.POW ER UPOLE LJ UND GD . /.. 1::)07'1 SERVICE 0 ·200A-/~201 ·400 A I (/O NEW 401 ·600A ,\"7 t,H,U C TO ~o ~"u T"O ~'U"~G U T r "~Tt/o CH AN GE OvER 600A PERMI T I SS UI NG FE E • ,~~T ",.0 ......~,,.0 .....10 .",~o."D ~t<l T OTAL...~~•s:CO WHEN P ROPERL Y VAL IDATED tiN T HI S S PACE )THI S ISYO URPER MIT 1'13 tl PLANCHECK VALIDATIO N M .O.CASH PERMI T V A LIDATIO N CK .M.D.C ASH ~.11119 > (2..YfJ:""';01Y F n r m 10 0 .3 1-77 INSPECTOR '/15I . REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY %%~C:--: BU ILDING D IV ISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328 -6339 /..,/;.s d I NSPEC N •• BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION : COVER I NSULATI ON __ SHEETROC K V ENEER _ PART IAL LOCATION : PLUMBING ROU GH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL PART IAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL :VENTILATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION : ELECTRICAL PARTIAL LOCATION : D OTHER D PARTIAL R EADY FOR I NSPECTION LOCATION !(f":9:<-~-:J.:t::"''-_='''-I<;''''-4--<:;::'''_ MON WED THUR FRI ~/_AM~ D REI N SPEC T COMM ENTS:_ G<t8 PPROVED D D ISAPPROVED o U PON THEFOLL OWING CORRE CTIONS: CORRECTlON S,~_ • 1'17.&n at m at_l. !l:lx 2921 'laU,Co lo..dn 816 5'7 \lm.1T VAn.ARC rrrse '!'UflA 1l'IX MI. VAn"COLOIlAl'O 81 6'57 ~9 .1979 WB he reby apPNY8 yo ur p1.aruI and Ilpeo1t1oiat1one sulwdtted t OI"••1rwl.rutty house on lot 2 0,!!lock.I ,Van ras $ahoM ~lT1111on w11:J'l t ho f ol lowing Bt1pu1ationa I 1 .No exposed t ounde.t1t'n OJ"exposed .tat ,or c1rdel'blocks . 2.Ib can 01"'ther o bstructions on county road ,\lh1ah must be o om ple tely clear at all t_•• ).110 acc1t1orol .t.ell11l[l;unit to be put in beto...obtaininlt a p proval t _the ~e County ~pt .ot fleming and ~lopoent. 4 .Any tuture a dditions .altel'lltioJlll 1nDlud~00101'ohange .,ate .I!IUat be ou'-itted t OI'app""ftl tu t h e Wes t VaU A ohitoot ural e.-1t too . S.Wo ....old like to .-....nd as IIIUOh land_pinl!as pe s_aible .1nDlud illg t"""s . ).......~))10..r " t ~I .-'w i,f.."""'-'" LOU IS f .LIVDlJSTON,"'-bel' C.C.Iltpt.ot PlAl'll'l1ng and ~l o J&ant .Dlgle County •• County of Eagle ELECfRICAL PERMIT • Ernst Gla tzle,Box 2921,Vai l,Co 8 1657JobName_,. D ate o f App licat ion ~~.g.':I.~~.).~____..19..?~. N ~ Building Valuation 15 88 $. Arch er El ectri c Co rp . Electrical Contractor _. P.O .Bo x 292 1,Vail,Co 8 16 57 A pplicant _. SlI a.Un e Electrica l Valuation $. APPRO VAL S Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $3.4.60 . $. 34 .60$...~6,"~. Dal. Date Pai d August ..30 •..191 9 . Received By ~:..~~.~.~~~~.~_. re ceipt #5540 Bui l di ng Perm it #1195 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOU RS ADVANC E NOT ICF. REQUIREDFORINSPECTlONS 3ElEctAlPERMITAPP.ATION .. 0 ,••• Juri sdiction of ·•.•0 0•Applicant t o complete numbered spaces only.,•••~o •.000""" Garmish Drive ,we st Vail,I L O ~N O."I'""I'~~il D ~E A TUC"U''''EEtlLI.....H das Schon e Subd .1Duel.20 o .....t .".>1 ."DO"..t "."'0", 2 Ernst Gl atzle ,Box 2921 ,Vail ,Co .81 657 47 6-0144 CONT".CTO"".'L..00 ........0 ...L ,C t ..I C .... 3 Arche r Electr ic Corp .,P .O.Box 292 1,Vail ,Co .47 6 -172 6 99 7 ".e"'HC 'o.".5'U 'O ....,..""O.U 5 .""NI L'cu .n ..".• """'MUO ".'L "D O"U 5 ·"ON.L 'C U.,t N O. 5 L I "OU ....'.."o,,"t ••"u.e" 6 u n O.I "'LO'''. J B Clasa ofwork:{JNEW o AD DITION OA lTERA TJO N o REP AI R 9 Descri be work:S i ngl ef amily r e sidence .2400 squa re f e et PERMI T FEES No .Eal:h F .. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ;TotlllFlECEPTACLEOutleu LI GH T SWI TCH Toul L IG HTI NG Fi"tures ......l .C ...TID".cc~PTE 0 BV P L "N ~C "~CI'(D B V APPRO"E O FOil .!>SUA"(f av F I XTURES R AN GES C LO .OR YE R W TR .HTR . NOTICE GAHB AGE D ISP.S TA.C OOK TO P I HER EBY C ER T IFY THA TIH A VE R EAD AND E XAMINED T HIS D ISH.WASH.CLOTHES WAS H. A PP LICATION A ND K NOWT HE S AME TO BE TRUE A NDC ORRECT .SPA CE H TR.STA.APPL.~I H .P.MAX . A LL P ROV IS I ONS O F L AWS AND O RDINA NCE S GOVE RNI NG THI S T VPE O F WO RK WI LL B EC OM P LIE D WI TH W HE T HER SPECIFIED MOT ORS :H .P.HEREIN OR N OT .'HE GR AN TING O.A PERM I T ODES N O T PRESUME T O GI VEA UTHORITY TO V I O LA TEO RC A NC E L THE PRO VISIONS OF ANY O T HE R STATE OR L O CAL LAW REGU LATING C O NST R UC T IO N O R 'HE PE R F ORMAN CE:O 'C ONSTRUC TION .NO TRAN S . S IGNS NO LAMPS TEMP.POW£R POLE L UNDGD . /«-l et <z;~1J/7 1 SERVICE 0-200A ./,2 01 -400A ONEW 401 ·6 00A (.:»ca "iACTo"0".U T~Q",ua U~~T 'Q A H'I o C HA NGE O VER 600A P ERMIT ISSU ING FEE • TOTAL FEli;•3'>'-»c.,.•...'T QW~~"ftu''"D AU WHENPR OPERLYVALIDATED UN THIS SPA CE I T HISISYOUR PERMIT r.Xi/ F o r m 100.3 '-77 CASH PERMITVALIDATION INSPECTOR M .D.CAS H 2PLUGPERMITAPPLInon•,, •• Jurisdiction of ·••••.·, A pplicant tocomplete numbered spaces only .·•~O .AOll'I n .1co '"»1"'/-1-I"'"Va l r J ~s SOr '/,,"';:.,'"n'';~'h'l OCH ".(') o ...~•• E ...-V1 '.j (:Ie,f .,7 ;,·....rJ d ;(.<9'),j'"Vr>,)('."T '.?/c \72 J "'8'~,I 11 C'i'c /1 e I d __";';.;';'-]701 T1/(~'r i ,t1C i ;17:::';""'t 7, "C ~"H '0 _Oll'~~"..\f<.J0O .....h O ~1 ..••~I •• 4 I.~'.U......,"P O"U S •M ....."c ...."0. S...."......""DO"'SS I U"C·, ."O'"u,,-D,•• 1 8 Clau ofwork .~N E W o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe w ork :fl"~L rIC -..\ 'EAMIT fEES N••TyPI'of Fl.t....or 1_,. SP ECIA.L CO N DITIONS ::;>W AT ER CLO SET (TO IL-ETI •- I 8AH,nU8 . L.AV A TO l'lV (W AS H BAS IN ).. S t-lOWER "-- K ITC HEN S I NH,,,O IS P - /O ISHWAS""E R -......."""0..ACC(91 E D 8'l'l"OOS CHEC"!D .'"I'.ROV(O 'OR ,:;.suAtK f By LAU ND R Y TRA Y /C LO TH ES WASH ER 1 - /wAT ER I"1EA TER N OTICE U R INA L OR I NKING FOU NTAI N IH EREB YC E R TI FY T HAT I HA VE REA D AND EX A MI N ED TH IS A P PLiCATIO N AND I<N OW THE SAME 10 t;lE H~U E A ND CORREC T .FLO OR ,S I NI<OR DRAI N AL L PROV ISIO NS OF L AWS AN D OR DI NA NC ES GOVE RN ING TH iS SLOP $I NI< TY PE O F W ORI<W IL L BE C OM PL IED W I TH WHET HE R S PECI FI ED GAS S YST EM S:N O .OUTLETS HEREI N O R NOT .TH EG RANTIN G 0'A PER MIT D OES N OT WATE R PI PIN G"T R EAT I NQ EQUI P . P R ESU MET OG IVEA UTH OR I TY T O VIO L ATE O R CA NC E:L.TH E:W A5 T EI N TEFlC E PT OFl PRO V ISIONS OF AN YO T HE R S TATE O R LOCAL L A .....REG UL.ATING CONST RUC T ION 0''HE PERFORM AN CE 0 'CONSTR UCT IO N.V A C UUM BR E AK ERS LA WN S PR I N KLER SYST£M S EWER J:./~/,;t::~('"yy<,M· CESSPOO L ~~,,///r S EPTIC TANK"PIT "G ~n ~..0 0 <o ~'.A<'O "c .a ~"'C""O C uo."~V tCaH I H.AMIT •I D . ,~~.....C W ~.'O ........•c aa TOTAL fEE "~· WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liNTHIS SPACE)THISIS YOUR PERMIT /I 'f<, PLANCHECK V ALIDATION ~'#"$~'9'3 CK.M.D.CAS H PERMITV ALID AT I ON CK .M .D .CASH C OIC 0 .. 1"0''''100.21 1·73 INSPECT OR ...0 '.N1."""110 1.C;ON ".HC.0 .._UI gIHCO OICI $••_f 0 "0 ~~"0 "0 'n IO"~"._at BUILD I NGD IVI SION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:3 28 ·6339 /....:>8'r: .INSPE~ON REGUEST BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION : COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL INSULATION __ROUGH ':IIENTrLAT ION STANDPIPE HEATING FINAL woe S HOODS PART IAL PART IAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION : ELECTRICAL PARTIAL LCX:ATION : 2 "'/ o OTHER 0 PARTI AL.LOCATI ON MON rU E •COMMENTS:'-_ o RE INSPEC TJQ.A PPROVED DDI S APPRO VEO 6a U PON TH EFO LLOWING COR RECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ...-::;,..c.!J??:"../Z ..'0.l~fl$>--'"'•..",~'"------------'/'~V ./~' DATE -=-7 1•--,. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 ,•·•Jurisdiction of ,••0 0•Applicanttocomple te numbered spaces only.0•·~O'DD"U I G-ARN I SCH DP-IV6 vJ8"ST VAIL .1 LO T HO .I'"H 1\71i-1 LLeu..;1.0 ()/!r <';S::CHo1J'~'f'""AC"O O""".Tllolsc•. 0 ...........,."Do"cn VAl~'·(!O.7>,6r-7 •..0 ... 2 Eit<NST C>,G-LATZL I3,/3 O J ",NeLl 476-DI'I'-/ "."""0'.t'"~~...,L ACOO "nl .....,..(L OCh u ..0 • J ...c"t uCt 0"DU '~"'f.;....,.""D .l ~~....0 ...L lcu.n ...,. 4,JIIN~S R.GUFF e y,Box 73.1 EAGLE,co.r.r63 1 3 ~-b31./0 U ltH U_".'L AO""I Sl ....0 ...qi.lS-6000"'"'..5 LINCOLN-D eVeRe ,G LeNWOOD SflWJG-S,eo . ....D ........'L ADO "U.S ......... 6 · ,:' \In D~8"".D 'He 1 rR.NA"'~!?~Sl D6tJCE,Class of work:~EW o A OOlTION o ALTE RATI ON o REPAIR O MOVE o RE MOVE 9 Describ e work:COIJSTIWcT g W&L&-F/tN fL.'/!2 C!:;1i)E;/JCt; 10 Chlnge of use from Ch ang'ofuset o 11 Valuation of work :$65;0 0 0,-Pl,.A I'<C HECK FEE /&.1 .SO IPERM IT FEE .5.:l3 .o(J sPECIAL C ONDITIONS :T ype o f Occulllncy C an st .Gr ou p O I ~I ~IO" SIle 0 1 B ld t·N o .0 1 Me",. IT ota11 se .Ft.Stories 01'(.L o ed F ire U..F ire Spr ink lers "'''''LIo;;"",O''"'CCfPTE O'~Pl""lI c -ece ec 8~..,.....O v (O '011 ISSUA..ce ey Z ,,"e Z o n e R .q u .":":!D y es O No No .0 1 O FFST REET PA RK IN G j PACES : D welling u nits CoverflCl u n c o~..r fl(f NOTICE S p""ial Appr o~~l s Required Re ".ived N ot Required SEPARATE P ERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELE CTRICAL.PLUMB ·Z ON ING I NG .HEATING .V EN T ILATING OR A IR C ONDITIONIN G.HE A LTH O EPT.TH IS PERMIT B ECOMES NULL A ND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC· Tl ONA UT HOR IZED IS N OT COMM ENC ED W ITHIN 120 DA YS .OR F IRE OEPT . I F CONSTRUCT ION OR WO RK I S SUSPE NDEO O RA B ANDON E O S OIL R EPORT FOR APERIOD OF 1 20 DAYS A T A NY T IME A FTERWOR K IS COMMENC ED.O THER ISpe<;l fy, t HER EBY C ERTIFY TH AT I HA VE R EAD AND E XAMINED THIS APPLIC ATIONAN D KN OW T HE SA ME TO BE TRU E AND C O RR ECT. A LL PR OVIS IONS O F"L AWS AND O RDINA NCES GOV ER NING THI S T YPE OF WO RK W ILL B EC OMP LIEO WI T HWH ETHER S PEC I FIED H EREIN O R NOT .THE GR ANTIN G:O F A PERM IT DO ESN OT PRESUME TO G IV EA U TH ORITY T O V IOLA TE O R C A NCEL THE PROV ISI ONS OF ANY OTHER S T ATE OR L OC AL LAW R EGU LATIN G CONSTRUCTI ON DR T HE PERFORMANCe:O F C ONSTR UCTION. ~"7!""7tR72 O A1 ~! l/-a-7<? AT .r o ....~.Ir ••"".0 I 0.11" //W HEN P R OPE RL.Y VA LI DATE D liN TH IS S PA CE)THIS ISYO UR P ERMIT / PLAN CHECK VA LIDAT ION/"C K .M.D.CASH PERMIT V ALIDATION C K .M.O.CASH F o r m 1 0 0 .1 1·17 IN SPECT OR ,.... E AGLE C OUN T Y BU IL ~PEn M I T APPLICAT ION .• F I NAL :C /O I N S PECTi'li!IIf .LAN D SCA PE I N S P E.pT I O N'MlM R e vi e w Rout in g F o rrn (J)P rimary Rout ing (V)R erouting -i.!::::.I<r /7 y- D a t e R eferred A p pf toant Perm it N o. M 2-d 8td''tt "(/~11-"~ L O C ~~~Plennillg C ommiss ionF ile No ._ R ev iew and returntot he County B u ild ing Official wi thin 6 working days R evi ewed b y:Oate:_ R ecomm end A p proval :--L .4/'t".v f?',y«/~~ rtnr ~"'?(L(,~""H'~-Z-r/"j /.~ &a,."./"..f!lf ~~_-t:r-,.."._,r~!!h,-#-__·//~~q -?., Yes No ~8o0o0 1:.,..c.C omm en t s ;I~I I I-t,JI)/'lbWf to I!-"t a('",,('!'r"IY?F/1 /ll' P l an n ing:Co mp lies with: Subdi vision R egulations Zoning R egulations S it e Pf en (Landscapi ng) DODODO :0 0 R ec ommend A p proval :-------Comments :.'-_ C ountyE ngine er :Roads G rading D rain age DO BB..0 0 R ec omm end Approval :__.._ Co mm e nts :_ County H eal th :W ater S anitation Perc.test Fi n a l I n spec tio n:C /O Recom m end A ppro val Comm ents : o 0 F i na l Inspe ct ion :L andscoping R ecomm end Approva l 0 0 Oomm c rit a i ~_ C/O l euuo d b y _0 010,_ Fi nalF iling Date --,-_ • EA G LE C OUN TY B U I ~P ERM IT AP PLIC AT I ON ... F INA L:C/O I N S P E C~,LANDSCA PE I NS PE C Tl O N~R M R ev i ewR ou ti ng Form()P r imary R out ing()R e rou t ing D ate Referred Appl i can t P ermit No. U&ff 84.''H''t/,.J ,{l,=~L O C ~~Pf en n fuq Comm iss ion F il e No ,_ R eview an d r e turn tothe Count y Bu ildi ng O ff ic ial w i thin6w ork ing days YesN o R e vi ewe d by :D ate :_ ~§ o ISl R eco mmendA pproval :~4>L.V~L _ CI9AJ,UtJr ss AfJPrO/l-cD 1M 77115 Fo ,rH SU,;DIV/SIOJJ V ....~/ItA d.&/5 (rRIV../~,i)UNnL /fIE 'i- Commen t s;PERH I r Pl an ni n g:Comp l ies w ith : S ubd i v ision R egu lat ions Zon i ng Regul ations S ite P l an(Landscap i ng ) o 0DODOo0 R ec omme nd A pp r oval :_ C omm ent s:.._ C ounty Engineer:R oads G r ading D ra i nage R ecomme nd A pp r ova l:'7T.~~e=<Cj(fh,./ 7/-2)2(-- 00 BB ~O C omm e nts :---------------------''''''>I7'i:''--...L.ff-lif-''t,.L---- C oun ty H ea lt h:W ate r S an i ta ti on P erc .t e st Fi na l I n s pe ct i on :C/O R ecomme n d A pproval Commen ts : DO F i lial I n spe c tio n:L a nd sc aping R ec o m m en d Approva l 00 Oo m meute :~_ by -'-_C/O I ss u e d F ina l F il ing D a te._ D ate,_ //95 ~ REGUEST EAGLE COUN TY .~-='-, /Z..I _//+;:,.-/'l ..BUILDINGDI VISI ON P.O.BOX 179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE JO B N AME _:=""':L.:~'_'/::,.7<::...-~~.<21~..:z""''''''1l'------------ T IME RECEIVED AMPM CAllER -,5:2'..·~<,,-,,~!....;::....~~=:..:.:=,_..:..._ BUILOING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woe s FRAMING :VENEER F INAL HOODS FINAL PART IAL PARTIA L PART IAL PARTIAL PARTIA L LOCATION :LOCATION ,LOCATION:LOCATION:L OCATION : o OTHER 0 PAR TIAL.LOCATION _ READY FO RI NSPECTION MON TUE WED eu~FR r l .:;=t AM~) COMMENTS'?;7.~:""':,.....1,z:;.;"';;:,.'~d,,,,.,>4 / .'·,1 e :?q V ....__=.·c,,£/9"."'¥_E ,C· !i1J.APPROVED OO ISAP PR OVEO [E),REI NSPECT ~U PON THEFOLL OWINGCORRECTiONS: CORRECTIONS <;.u;:.......fl -z./p1 DA TE 1-/.R'-BO ~'---<"'?c f ••• //75" REBUESTON EAGLE COUN TY INSPE /),,,,>1 D lal",/c- BUI LDING DI VISION P_O.BOX 179 PHONE:328 -6 339 DATE 111'tItn JOBN AME -----,;-:-~----;-;:-cr:T_r------------ TI ME REdEIVED p.~~M :P M CAllER ----'-'--'--'-'---""-"'73"-'~_ PARTIAL BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION iTEMPOAAR Y SHEETROCK STANDPIPE EATING W De sFINAL HOODS SMOKE D ETECTOR PARTI AL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION : ", o OT HER 0 PARTIAL.L OCATION _ TUEMON COMM ENTS: R EADY F OR IN SPECTION WEO ~~FRI AM PM ;:-~i ,~/u ~C 11 ,(&_(!t?-vr.Z";;'f Lat e) IB ~A PP R OV E D ODIS APPRO VED 0 REI NSPECT (B""U PON THEFOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS r ;.,;..A A"~~,/li"2<:1P L,L"...~ 1 ~,'l p~ri J ·::f ·/' //A <A<j ,~...r r;j.j ,~ /1 '..1 j }.'f/1 ,,!/h ./.."'::::-7--------- DATE /-11 -;r () I BUI LDINGDI VI SION p ,O.BO X179 PHONE :328·6339 INSPE II N REGUEST EAGL E COUNTY DA TE _-1-----''-J OB NAM E _ TI M ERECEI VED AM PM CALLE R ~_ BUILOING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSU LATION __ROUGH VENTILATION FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PART IAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCA TION :LOCAT ION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.L QC ATI ON _ R EADY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FR I A M PM (COMM ENTS:__'-"__--'-_--'-~'____~~_.!....~~~~__ lEJ APPROVEO OO ISAPPROVEO o REI NSPEC T EJ UPONT HE FOLL OWING CORRE CT IONS : <,-'c ~-~/./ I DATE //7 I--- EAGLE COUNTY <;L4rUL •:r:PWfS INSPEC ON RE13UEST , BUIL DING DI VI SION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE :328·6 339 DATE ~11'JoB NAME _..kL~!...!.-_~=::.u~,-_r a;;J,.,TIME RECE IVED ~m CALLER _ BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOC ATION: ~ COVER PARTIAL LOCATION : PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION iTEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woe s FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATI ON:LOC ATION : , o OT HE R 0 PARTIAl. e rue COMMENTS'0 r ,l.a REA DYFOR I NSPECTION WED TH UR (1"~~u--t', LOCATI ON _ FR II AM PM o REI NSPECTIQ'APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED ~P O N T HEFO LLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS,__--,-..,...-...,...r-:__-r-__--r _ -R ~\( - DATE EAGLE COUNTY :fE WI C) ON REGUESTINSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328·6339 DA TE '10 7 /1'J OB NAME ---=:,..::R'-!IJ"-L,'--_-'-"'''"'''-.L...o........._ TIME REC;:;D,_f__-:-,sPM CALLER _ BUILDING FOOTIN G OUNOATI ON FRAMING FI NAL PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL I NSULATION __ROUGH '!tJ ENTrLATION SHEETROCK STANDPI PE HEATING w oe 5 V ENEER FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTI AL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION: (. • o O THER 0 PARTIA l.LOCATION _ R EADYF OR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FR I AM PM (p COMMENTS:_...:..-"-_-~='_''___ DA PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o RE INSPEC T -J ,.,.!j, I j ,I.t ,I.)I'( ,J I " B 'U PON TH EFO LLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTlONS "T"_ _1\\,. -- -\ I, /,I ( J I •I I!, I It.i t "K\.\\'\.,. i i 11 ....."'--- ()/ DA TE 71-7 ////,/ "// ~...., oJ BUI LDING D IVISION P.O .BOX 179 PHON E:328-6339 fi rs-INSPE~DN REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY C-...d:~Aa-(/ !/J _~./1 BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSU LATION __ENTrLATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE H EATING W Des~E N EE R FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTI AL.LOCATION _ R EADYFOR I NSPECTION ~W E~THUR FR' ~~,o -: [YA P PROVED o DIS APPROV ED o R EIN SPECT D U PONTHE FOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS _ DATE /I rs- ON REGUEST •••• INSPE EAGLE CbUNTY ~-Y p~ BUILDING DIVISION p .O.BOX 179 PHONE:32 8 ·6 339 PARTIAL iTEMPORARY OUGH ELECTRICAL LOCATION: BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATION FOUNDATION HEETROCK TANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGiVENEERFINAL HOODS ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PART IAL LOCATION :LOCAT ION :LOCATION :LOCAT ION: OOTHER o PA RT IAl.LOCATION J REA DYF ORINS PECTION /I ?{)~C//TUE WEO TH UR FR I .AM PMr:-Jh".-- COMMEN TS :'"e-:~'-'"..-- ,o APPROV ED OD ISAPPROVED o RE INSPECT o UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTION S: CORRECTlONS,_ DATE ../ .. REGUEST -n /1 '1 , INSPEC ON EAGLE COUNTY C:..4G ~i;fU , DA TE JOBNA ME --6 ..........~"'---<;;;........<.A-~="---------- TIMERECE IVED A MPM CALLER ....:..._ BUILDING D IVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:3 28 ·6 339 BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL FOOTING INSULATl ON __ROUGH iVENTlLATION -FOUNDATION EETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING wo e SFRAMING:VENEER FINAL OODS FI NAL ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL L OCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION : ELECTRICAL iT'EMPORARY ROUGH PARTIAL LOCATION: v .4 o OTHER 0 PA RTIAL.LOCATION _ READYFORINSPECTION MON COMMENTS: o APPROVED ODISAPPROV ED o RE INSPECT , .' o UPON THEFOLLOWIN G CORRECTIONS: CORRECTI ON S~_f.::&:2lf:.L4-4~~;"..~t....!tLLiU..;Z......;..r.I--4l/..<....t.L,7"--.l.~~"'"'=:U- DATE 1//1/ .-.. REGUESTON --;:1 !f INSPEC EAGLE COUNTY .c ...r ;-;.-tU BUILDIN G DIVISION p .O.BOX 179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE JOBNAME TI ME RECEIVED A MPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION ____ROUGH iVENTtlATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH VENEER woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS INAL ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: ,. o OTHER 0 PAR TIAL.LOCATIO N _ READY FORIN SPECTION MO N rUE W ED t .:» THUR FRI AMPM o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS ; CORRECTIONS f~4'f ',~""f ;., I o REINSPECToAPPROVEDoDISAPPROVED ,./...."./ " < j ,,,<' DAT E It! EAGYOUNTY cfl4-.u-e::&C:t:z --f!:$i Q .... //'f.5 r: INSPE"CN RECiUESTBUILDINGDIVISION P.o .BOX 179 PHONE ;328·6339 DA TE JOB NAME TI ME RECEIVED AM PM CAllER CL _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PARTIAL LOCAT ION : PARTIAL ~E N T I L AT I O N HEATI NG HOODS LOCATION : ROUGH STANDPIPE wo e sFINAL 'lo'lwJ'PARTIAL LOCATION :.t? £, PARTI AL LOCATION : PARTIAL o OTHER 0 PAR TIAL. R EADYF OR I NSPECTION o D IS AP PROVED MON ~V E D T UE WEO \ TH UR o R EIN SPECT o UPONTHEFOLLOWINGCORRECT IONS : CO RRECTIONS,_ -". 11 'f5 ON REGUEST EA G LE COUNTY Ik.,•~h-.ft j) ."" INSPE DATE JOBNAME -----=--''Jac2.'-''''------'''~=''''''''''"r'-~---- TI ME RECEIVED A M PM CALlER tL _ BUILDING DI VISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE;328-6339 BUILDING COVER PLUMB ING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION _OUGH ENHlAT10N :rEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING VENEER FINAL woe S HOODSFRAMING PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTI AL READYFOR I NSPECTION ,... 1 A MP o REINSPECTODISAPPROVED I crAP;;0VED MON TUE WED THUR G /'t?12' COMMENTS.I /!,:I--t t2":"d ,")'-'-'.7';;."u,/ 11/.£,Z /-,?<t?/..-e ./-,./',/'I o U PON THEFOLLOWINGCORRECTI ONS: CORRECTIONS,_ D ATE £-7 ;2-19 / #"//fi"- REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY j.?/:L4,~~ 7 ";J'.r-~ INSPE~ONBUILDINGDIVISION P.O .BOX 179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE .-2 2 /'/9 JOBNAME t"L ,."/ TIMERECEIVE 0 'AM PM CA LLER ':t#-7'-.......,-:...-:.....-'!'-"'U':!....:''"='-'-''"-L..~'''"'':......=__''_~ /,4 ,/'-t....Z/ BUILDING ,,-~.,'~OUNDATION FRAMING PARTIAL LOCATION : COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFINAL HOOD S PARTIAL ARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION :. . o OTHER 0 PARTIA L LOCAT ION _ /V -(,1>1. MON TUE ../"" B >.------AMPM -_-., [J.1{p PROVEO o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECT o UPO N THE FOLLOWING CORRECTION S: CORRECTIONS,--,._ DATE / EAGLE COUNTY BUI LDI NG DI VISION p .o .BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 INSPE ON ,t;. REI3UEST ••••DATE JOBNAME TI ME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~_ BUILOING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTR ICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH iVENTr LATION iTEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woe sVENEERFINAL HOODS FINAL ROOF SMOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PART IAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTI AL.LOCATIO N _ I READY FOR IN SPE CTION I , o REINSPECT THUR 8 '---------AMPM--(\/C;:";/J " ODISAPPROVED WE DMONTUE COMMENTS:~~~,r []APPROVED o UPON THEFOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS: CORRECT ION S---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE / "'.. /11~ REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY INSPE "-ON ~ JOB N AME r}..J f I~I b ~PM CALLER -:.,~:.:....:~c.:z:.z..._ ..BUIL DING DI VISION p .O.BOX179 PHONE:328 ·6339 DATE d .,~-SO TIME RECEIVED :Y '(\I ) BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PARTIAL ENTfLATION PARTIALPARTIAL IN SULATION __ROUGH SHEETROCK STADPIPE V ENEER """''''INAL w oe s ·-~·OO D S FINAL /'______"..,..,-·'OKE DETECTOR PARTIAL FOOTIN G FOU NDATION FRAMING LOCATION : 16,(.....If.l •oa, LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : D OTHER D PA RT IAL.LOCATION _ ~V E D o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECT D UPON THEFOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS: CORRECTION S ~::-;~ 9 4 #M'=;=-:";-4- EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVI SION p .O .BOX 179 PHONE :328 ·6339 INSPE ON /I/ REGUEST ....... DATE JOBNAME TI MER ECEIVED A MPM CALLER --'-__..2::L _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OOTING INSULATION __ROUGH :VENTILATION iTEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE ROUGH woe sFRAMINGVENEERINAL "",HOODS ,FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL LOCATION _ READYFOR INSPECTION .~~rUE .WEO T HUR FRI "if..;5 APM COMMENTS ,IL :!:;::£:fi=<~;z;,71~ ~V E D DD ISAPPROV ED o RE INS PECT o U PON THEFO llOWINGCORRECT I ONS: CORRECTION S ~;.:~ 14 ~dl '?~----:J---4 OATE ;2-J l ~-c ¥iJ p?0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOT 20 ,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 Town of Vail,County of Eagl e,S tate of C olorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION POSSI BLE BUILDIN G ENCROACHMENT Lot 20,Vall Dos Schone ,Filing 2,according tot he Final Plat of Va llDosSchone, recorded Ju ne 25,1969 InBook 215,Page482,also r ecordedas Rece ption #110984,In theOfficeof the County Cle rk and Recorded,Countyof Eagle,State ofColorado. MARCIN ENGINEERI NG LLC 4)CONTOUR IN TERVAL:2-foot. Wi lliam G.Yetzer PLS 3 4989 Colorado Professional Len d Su rveyor I,WilliamG.Yetzer,aProfessional LandSu rveyor Int heStateof Colorado, herebycertify that this TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY was done bymeor under my direct supe rvision,and that Itwas perform edusingthestandard c are and prac tice use dInthearea att het ime oft he survey.TheNotes hereonar e a part of t hiscertIfication . 5)Utili ti es are shown approximat elyand should bef ield verifi ed prior t o excavation. 9)this Is not amonumentedsurvey,Land Su rvey Plat,or Impr ovement Su rvey plat.Noboundary resolution was perfo rmed inmaki ng thissurvey.Alllo t lines, setb ack lln es,and easemen tlinesshown hereon shou ld bec onsidered approximateand shouldnotbe r elied upon for t hepl acementofany fu ture Improvemen ts. 10)Th issurvey was performedwithout th eaid ofa title commitment. 8)Due t oaccumulation of snow ,the loc ationofsomef eaturesshown hereon shouldbeconsidered approximate.Snow m ayhave also hiddensome Improvements that mayexistandthere for e,would notbeshown hereon.These Item smayIncludebutnotbelim ited t o:m anholes,gravel edges,asphalt edges , va l ves ,andconcrete . 6)MarcinEngineering LLC does not warrant or cert i fytotheinte gri ty ofany DigitalDatasupplied Inconjunc tionwitht his m apand survey. 7)STR EET ADDRESS:2317 Ga rm isch Drive. 1)Su rveyDate:March52007. 2)this Surv eydoesnotconstitute aboundary survey noranyInvestigation Into r ecord ease ments orencumbrancesassociat edwi t h th is pr operty.Record easementsandr ight s-of-wayshownf or t hisTopogr aphicSurvey werederived fr om theFinal Plat of VaU Do sSchone Fil ing2. 3)E L E VAn O t~DA TU M:Assu medElevation1000.00on Property Corner as shown hereon. NOTES: T OPOGRA PH IC SURVEY LOT 20 ,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILI NG2 LOT 15 ~0 9.370.29 r --- /" / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ( \ \ I I I I / / I / /r><, /"......'"......'"............./<, --'<,--......~----, /<, /.................. /...... /............ /<, ............ <, <, <,-.. LOT 14 N43·00'OO"E 7.59' 259.36' DENOTES DECIDUO US TREE WITH TYPE &SIZE IN INCHES SHOWN LEGEND: DENOTES CONIFERO US TREE WITH TYPE &SIZE IN INCHES SHOWN \ ~ 9 09.6 12 ~'!'~ ~J~ PIN E 14e ASP EN FOU ND SURVEY MONUMEN T 2" ALUMINU M CAP IN ASPHALT ILLEGABLE LOT 19 i (m rD'l') 1 IIIllh •20 ft. GRAPffiC SC ALE 10 ! LOT 18 / / / / / / / / / / / / / A /"- /"- /"- /"- /"- /"- /"-/-, //"- /"- /"- /"- /"- /"- /"- /"-/, / / / / / <- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-----------"""'- \.......--<,--\//"'--------- \'"\,;'" N4 6·02'14"E 40 .00' BENCHMARK ELEV.=1000.00 FOUND SURVE YMONUMENT 1.25" YELLOW PLA STIC CAP FOUND SU RVEY MONUMENT fSREBAR ~ Town of Vail,C ounty of Eagl e,StateofC o lorado 03/13/07 NonCE:AccordingtoColoradolawyou MUST commenceanylegal act ion based uponanydefect In this sur vey within three years after you first di scovered suchdefect.Innoevent,mayany act ion based uponanydefect Inthis surveybecomm enced more t han tenyears fromthedateof certification shown her eon. ORA ""B~RPK WGY 0 7025 ORA~NO.: 5HEET 1 07025TOPO OF'1 P.O.Box 1062 AVON.CO 81620 (970)748-0274 (970)748-9021 FAX