HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 1 2 3 4 SET 1 LEGAL••1..0 -I-~I (!,.t.U+ v..:.I ct''-'V4u z, TOWN OF VAIL 75S .FR ONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 816 57 97 0 -4 79 -2138 DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPM ENT 2477 GARMISH DR 2477 GARMISH DR 2103 -114 -13-012 PRJ99-0126 ALL TIMES n,B99 -0299 ISSUED 11 /1 5 /1 999 06 /19/2 000 1 2 /1 6 /2000 S tatus ...: Ap pli ed .., I ssued ...: Exp ires ..: ON JOBSITE AT TOWNHO MES P e rmit NOTE,THIS P ERM ITMUST BE POSTED OV/C D P ROJECT TITLE,NORTH T RA I LT.om rn.ev,NEW (SFR,P /S,DUP)P ERM IT Clean-up0po sitRefund appro ve\\am ount Job Address , -'I--.\-'''·--r;oca tio n ..., date --\----::a'~1 No .., Proj e ct No .: APPLICANT CONTRACT OR OWNER PARTAI N CONSTR UCTION,INC. P .O .BOX 615 ,245 0 COUNTY PARTAIN CONSTRUCTION,I NC. P .O .BOX 615 ,2 450 CO UNTY TOWN OF VAIL %F INANCEDEPARTME NT,7 5 S Phone ,970 -98 4-2796 ROAD 3 1 4,NEW CASTLE,CO 81647 P hone ,9 70 -98 4 -2796 ROAD 31 4 ,NEWCASTLE,CO 816 47 FRONTAGE RD ,VAIL CO 816 57 De script ion :NEW Oc c u pa n cy Dwellings T able Dat e: DUP FOR EMP LOYEE HO USING Type Zone 1 V -N 05 /1 7/1996 Town o fVa il PROJBNumber o f Dwelling Fa ctor Sq.Feet 81.50 3,0 11 Tot al Valuation : Adj usted Val uation: Units:00 2 Valuat ion 2 45 ,396.50 245 ,396.50 3 06 ,63 1.66 0 40 (Ga .Ap plianc••:1I0f a••Log,,:IIOf wood/hl ht, Bu ilding----·;> Plan Che c!t ···' Inv ....t ig-.tion ;> wi ll 0.11 ----. l ,568 .JO 1 .Ol ~.2 0 .00 l.OO Re.tu.r~"t p lan Re view--. [)RB ree-----------------. cl.a n -up Cepo _it--------. TOTAL FE ES--------------. .00 20 0.00 71 9.70 500.00 4 ,On .90 To t al Calcula t ed re••---> Additional ~~~a---------> To tal P ~rm i t ~e e--------~ paymente ----------------> ~CE DUE-------------> 4,0 59.90 -J,290.20 17 9.10 119 .10 .00 Item,0 51 00 BUILDINGDEPARTM ENT 11 /15 /1 9 99 KATHY Acti on,NOTE 12/08/199 9 CHAR LIE Action,NOTE 12/2 0/199 9 KATHY Acti on ,NOTE 01 /03/200 0 CHARLIE Action ,APPR 0 2/14 /2000 KATHY Act ion,NOT E I tem,05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11 /15 /1999 KATHY Ac tion,NOTE 1 2/20 /19 99 KATHY Action ,NOTE 06/09/20 00 AOCHS Ac tion ,APPR Item,05 600 FI REDEPARTM ENT 1 1/15 /1 99 9 KATHY Act ion ,NOTE 1 2 /20 /1 999 KATHY Action ,NOTE 1 2/23 /1 999 MIKEV Action ,AP PR 02 /14 /20 00 KATHY Ac tion,NOTE 02/2 1/2000 MI KEV Act i on,AP PR Item,0 5500 PUBLIC WORKS 11/1 5/19 99KATHY Act ion ,NOTE 12 /20/1999 KATHY Act ion,NOTE 0 6 /1 5/2000 CHARL IEAc tion,APPR Dept:BUILDING Division : Ro ute d to Char l ie wait ing on a rea s ep deta Rev si te,grading,drain charl ie davis S ITEDEV P LANT OCHARLIE Dept :PLANNING Divi sion: Ro u ted t o Allis on Rev site ,grade ,dr ain Dept:FIRE Divi sion: Ro u tedt oMcGe e/Vaug hn Rev site &grading t o MV a ppr w/rest ri ctions REVS ITE DEVPLAN TO MV appr Dep t:P UB WO RK Division: Rout ed t o Leonard Rev site ,gra ding ,drain WITH CO NDITION Item,05 5 50 ENGINJitING 11 /15 /1999 KATHY Act ion , '12 /2 0/1999 KATH YAct ion , 0 6 /15 /2000 CHARL IE Action , De'ENGINEER NOTE Rout ed to T om Kassme l NOTE Rev side,grade,dra in APPRWITH CONDITI ON Div i sio n: .............•......................•..••.•.•..............................•..•.....................•....••......•.............•.. See Page2 o f t hi s Document for any condit i on st h at may a p ply t o t h is p e rmit . DECLARATION S 1 h~reby d ckno wledg e t hat Ih ave read t hi ••ppli~.ti on.tilled out in t ~ll tha i nforma tion r equi r ed,completed an a c curat e plo t p lan .a n d:l tate t h at aU c ne i nIQl:1Il<ltion provided aa req-.l irad 1."orr""":;.t 8gr••eo comp ly ..i th t he infonnation and p loe J)lan . t o ,,~ly with al l Town ordi n an"".and "tato l a wa ,an d to bui l d t hi.struc tu r e a ccord i ng t ot ho Town'o zoni ng and au bdl vi"ion cod••,d ••i gn ~evie w .F P~o ve d,J ni torm Bui l di ng Cod.and othec o rd i ~nc ft ~uf ~he Town ~pp l i eab l e t he reto . REQUeS TS POR I NSPECT IONS SHALL BE:~AD E:':'WIDIT't-I'OUR HOUllS I N ADVl\N C l'.:BY T E I,E PHONE AT '0"''''""-U ,'"'.0 "A':"OUR e e e r ca fRC i>I .,CO No!5 ,00 PM ER OR CONTIU\CTOR I'OR HDIB &l.F 1\ND OWNER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** COND ITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #,B99-0 2 99 a so f0 6 /19 /00 Status,ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permi t Type,NEW (S FR ,P /S ,DUP)PERMIT Appl ic ant,PARTAINCONSTRUCTION,INC_ J ob Address:2477 GARMISH DR Loc ation:2477 GARMISH DR (DUPLBX) Parcel No:2 10 3-114-1 3-012 Appli ed,1 1 /15 /1 999 Is s ued ,06/19/2000 ******************************************************************************** COND ITIONS ******************************************************************************** from p lans as fire dept access standards, no deviation reduction in code minimum 1.THIS PROJECT WILLREQUIREDA SITE IMPROVEM ENT SURVEY .SUCH SURVEY SHALLBESUBMITTED AND APPR OVED PRIOR TOREQUESTFOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2.ATT IC S PACESSHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF5FE ET OR LESS , AS MEASURED FROM THE TOPS IDE OFTHE STRUCTURAL ME MB ERSOF THEFLOORTOTHE UND ERSIDE OFTHE S TRUCTURAL ME MEB ERS OFTHE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE . make n ote of correct ions li sted with fei ld drawings 1.Adequa te fire flow and f ire h y drant l ocations are not shown.Provide civi l d rawings showing fire hydrants with availabl e fire flow. 2 .Fire Dep t approval assumes submitted .Plans allow f or no n or any red uc t ion in bui lding 3. 4. •hr area•3 .P lans a re a pproved on the basi s of a2 seperationwa ll . 4.P la ns a re appro ved o n t he basis smok e d etectors are provided p er UBC. 5 .SITE PLAN MUS T SHOW 4-FT WIDE CO NCRETE PAN ATBUILD ING PERM I T STAGE OR NO APPROVAL WILL BE GRANTED I t'e:J9q.O\24> TOWNOF VAIL'ONSTRUCTION PERMIT AP.ICATION FORM [..,FO RMAT ION MUST B ECOM PL ETE ORTHE APPLICATT O~\\'11 .1.Hf.REJECTE D ~..OZ.QC1-DUPLEX. e,l:V:l,-0 300 ..4 -pTe)( Job Addrcss3:.-±TI_qAfl:M IXH Permit # Contact theEagleC ounty Assessors Officeat 970-328-8640 tor Parcel # Pa",e1 "_b1 CB~l l~.::...I3-=Ol:Z.. Date ,------!IJ -"2.-'33~__ Bu ilding 90 Plumbing()E lectrical ()Mechanical ()Olher () Legal Descnpncn ;Lo '~Blod~Filing ~Z.Sobdi"i sionYAI L dA5_~ 75 S::>.Fr<o-rt...1,£li?cM> <AmersNam.,JOWN OEIlAI!",_Address ,VAIL .Go lo.BI~7 Phonc"~19 -Z I ~a_ 1'0 eo.;!ZO'':lNchitcct,A I.l EKI:It ~])5Ih~L4Ja?~d<h='f;:l-pgl'\1:?Q.N ~t!t">'I co,8"l5 Z2 Phone <SOC;-'7b-"Z.1(Pl Descriptio n orJob '~~O t.l OF 50'NE:UJ TQl..<l"-l I1o",,"~"'~>L.~_ \\fork Clas s :New ¥Alteration ()Additional ()Repair ()Othe r () Number of Dnclling U nits :42 a.~~..MF Nu mbe r of Ac co m modation Units ._ Number and Type o f Fireplaces:Gas Applianccs-----.t:l g..J E Gas Logs_NCN c"---_WoodiPelle,-Mp!:.jt,;_. VALUATIONS GROU P S9 FT .VALUAT ION I B UILDING '=-_ SIGNAT URE.:_ ZONI NG·:c =-------------S IGNATURE.:_ CLEANUPDEPO SITREFUNDTO : • '.J ,"-.'" • " • to J I f:. {,,:.'.~....,;:, "",'.', I'"~~:".,c "J •e- -:~..."1';·,.\' ,I .""r ,',., .'•\•,..•~1 .' I':.J, .,-,(',.•• /.•••7 ('{' " 1 '\'11 ,, ":,. J't', ,,,I .:,, '.:~,.,.,",,...,, i .. •REEu 1IR kt.ElJ • A RR05A GARM I5CH AFFORDABLE HOU5 1NG CHANGE ORDER No.2 Ib MARCH 2000 SI4EET INDE X COVER 5l4E ET 2 &I-J EET 3 SI4EET 4 DOOR 5CHEDULE RE V ISED UN IT&1.2 UN IT&3.4 UN ITS ".'" RE CEI VED MAR 23 20 00 PARTA IN CO NSTRUC TI ON.INC . DOOR 5CI4EDUL E RE v i SED J.'""'-I ~•..-J I 1MIOC-I I'l.A railll4!","""1100.I <lII.AM I .......I .......frT"!I..."Nl e."+lU r~I -I,.J'-.'...'_.',an c ,.--~·---. J••••••'.•',..an c ,---:£·---- '"t ........,I n D •---·fA.."ti . ~to ·......·•••,......-,.--,·......r -....IC _""'-.....COOIIl NOTI:&, l F HI~I-C..A~~I!.':8 T CGhT'ltACTQlIl. •AMBRICAN DBSlON GROUP• co.-I ...••• •• U Z 1 2 2 /2UO ~tl8:54 5 ft5-7 76-2 l:j88••r .....IfU*£O IlIAU. 1'''' 6ATH I,....J~--,; r,"'Ab<I "I .> ""I V'~ J II I .@,\ II I f--------..--, ( @ 1 I I r Iv,,'I'\lIIlIlIIED ~L. .=\t ~I -'''''''''•J e I- )"-.,..,.,. f---, WACK I e A TH .r STOF<AGE ""I 1'....·..1 • I'~I .'~=:t : ~ L /8 ~~ III IIII I II \A I r CI-IANGE O RD ER 2 A ~A <;;AF1l1I5Ql ARC"'ITECTS PROJECT No .'.I'.IC1l SA 11 MAIlD'l C1lC1lC1l CO .-2 RECEI VED MAR 23 2000 PARTAIN CONSTRU CTI ON,INC umm20 NEUJ WALL.:~~i Exl6T1N6 WALL C =::J REMOVED ~2/22/2 0 0a 0 8 ;5&505 -77b-:":U13l:i•-,, I P HI,£u 2 o BATl-i Pi1:00M 'I- STORAUE,....., ------..., ( @ ,rrIIr'"'~~O ~ I ~,I ~©J~-.,""..S"""_P'. r,,,,,,I STORAGE "'"I ~A T'" I •.,.,I ~~~'......A I ;-<9~ '-.--A II IIIIIIIIIII EtJ FLOOR FWIN ~V1&1GNo ~IT 4 ee.."t••r -e - CHANGE O RDER 2 A!<I<OSA G AI<l'1 ISCH AI<O<ITECTS PROJECT No.S~SA n MA""""1UXZ> ..~ca..3 RECEI VED MAR 2 :l2000 PAH'IA IN CONSTRU CTI ON,INC, ,mZ??2m f<Ew ~ /'.:.o....L U .J >I '••,..,~oIIIIIn.OC:"TIi ~11 - LJ l'l \I ~l,:.-':.I iii.>e I r--cr '§ B A T ~ROOM I fr'..cx I e ED ROOM !.<No -A 1 I ""lJm .\"""."I"": <:».~.0(iS ~II -.-, II \10-II _\.>jo f~(,\1-, L-.~ Ji LL-t,;...../a _ I A J II I I I II ~2 /2 2 /2~U ~Ua:5 4 --~~".J0-r r;IT 1. ~:~\I ~,n"""'0 fJ,....",. §'t ~-, I ~.aCx I l!l!O ~00t1 I ...,I eATt-l B 1""6 '"I (e ~_?'I._·AJ \...../'-1 e ~//I,-/II =f oj;I •J-\~L-..~-(,_......./ I I II III A I O -iANGl E O~E R 2 A RRaSA G Af'MISO I At<O<lTECTS F1'<OJECT No .~~-4, 11 MARO-l 2€Jel/!) e.G.-• RE CEIVED MAR 2 3 200 0 PARTA IN CONSTRU CTION,IN C. wwltm NEW WAL L c =~REMOvE D :~~!ex ren"'6 WAL.1. Jul 1 8 00 0 6:43a P ar tai n Construot io n Inc• FAX-MEMO 970 984 3 405•p.I Dete :0 7/18100 From:Partain Cons1ruction .Inc. DavidE.Partain.President 2450 County Road 314 NewCastle.Colo.81647 97<l-984-27Q'>_ 97<l-964-3405 (f",,) 3 Pages are being transmitted (tncl udlng this cover page).If you do not receive all ~ please ca ll im mediately .W ill a ropy of this be mai led ?DYES lli.J NO To:Char1ie Davis Town of Va il Bu ilding Department FAX: ME MO:Attac::hed i s HP Geotech roport d i nspection for footing excavation for lila six unil Par1t Place Townhomes,ArosafGanni&eh Affordable Housing . We should havea footing inspection scheduledfor today . ..~ Ifyou have any questions,please do net hesitate to call. ThankYou, David E.Partai n Cc :Site This facsim ile and the i nformationIt comalns is tntenoed 10 be a conf1denl.ial communication onfy to the p8~or entity to whomitisaddressed .If yo u have received th is facsimi le i n error .please notify us by telephoneand returnt he Ofiginal facsim ile to th is office by mail .T hank you. Jut 18 0 0 OS :4 3a Jl.1.-17-a:D'l 15 :53 Partai n Co nst r uctio n Incer>GEOTEC H 9 70 9 81 3405•p .2 P .FP ....A.l ~tech July 17.7000 Partain Construction.Inc. Ann :Dave Partain 2450 County Road 3 14 New D srIe,Colorado 8 1647 Ittpwonll·rplak (ifll(l!Chui......Inc. 50:0 C....ntl Ru.d 150' Gknwnod Sprin~Colondo '1 ."1 ~J'ho "",~97(J.H5-7m F;a:t7U.745 14S4 hpa:¥o4l'I'J7P"IfflU"'Oln l ob No .199448·1 Subject:Observation ofExcavAtion.l\lJordable Housing.2657ArosaDrive, Vail ,Cclcradc Dear M e.Parta in: A s requested ,a representati ve o f Hepw orth -Pawl ak Geo technical ,Inc.ob served the excavari on ar the subject site onJuly 12.2000 10 evaluate thc soilsexposedfor foundation support .Thefirdings ofour work and r ecommend ationsforthe foundation design arcpresented inthis report.Weprevio usly conducteda subsoil studyfor design of foundatio ns at tbe site and presentedour findings<dta repo rt datedJuly29.1999.Job No.199448 . The hou sing project is similar to tJw desc ribed in ou r previous repor t .The site bas been benched between 8 and 20 r~1 deep into th e hillside,m uch deeper man previously assumed.Thelower level will be:backfi lled to result in a final CUi heightofabout .5 to I a feet behind the buildings .Footings have been sized for a maximum bearing pre ssure Or2,000 psf based onour previous recormnendatiou s. At the time ofour visit tothesire,the building excavations had been CUIinmutnp te levels up 10 about 20 fee t below the adja cent ground surfaceat t:h c uphill s ide.The excavations had steps In grade:betweenI and 3feet between levels and es sennalty daylighted at the downhill,southeastern side.The soils exposed irr thebcncmof the excavation consisted of mixed sand,sill and.ctay wi th gravel rock fragments that appeared medium dense.No Iree water was encountered in the excavation and the soils Wl"I'l'mo ist . The soil conditions exposedin the excavati onarc cnnsis rent with those pre viously encountered on tbe site and suiuble fo r support o f ~footings d esigned for the recommended allowable bearing pressur eof2,000 psf.Loose aDd disnubed 5O iI ~in fOQ(in ;areas sbould be compactedor removed toexpose I~undisturbed natural soils . Other recommendations presented in ourprevious r eport which arc:applicables bould alsc be observed . J ul iO 0 0OS:1 3a J LL-n-o:.'UM l ~::;,u P ar tai n C on st ruc tio n In c •GE DTEQ-l 97 0 9 81 3405•p.' P.BJ..'B3 Partain Construction lac . July17.2000 Pille 2 T herecommendations submincdin this letter are basedon o urobservationof the soil! exposed within thefoundation excavation and the previous subsurface exploration atthe site.Vlr iations inth e subsurface conditi onsbe lowthe ~xca va tion cou ld inc rease the risko f focodarion movement Weshould be adv ised o f any variations encountered in the excavation conditionsfor possible changes to recommendations comained in this letter.<J..... If there arc:any questions or if we ma)be of further assistance,please let us know. Smcerely . HEPWORT H·PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL.INC. SLP/ks m H ·P G £OTKH TO TAl P.DJ TOW N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO RI657 970-479-2 13 R NOTE: ••DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT THISPERMI T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE AT ALL TIM ES JobAddress: Location : Parce l No : Project No : MEC HAN ICA L PER MIT 24R 5 GARMI SH DR VAI L 2477-2497Gannis ch Drive 210311413013 I"<L-S o."CO"?4 z- Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expi res ..: MOO -0 121 ISS UED 10111 /2000 1112R 12000 05/2712 001 OWNER TO WN OF VAIL %FINANCE DEPARTMENT 75 SF RONTAG ERD VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR AIR MAINTENANCE P .O .BOX 210 7 GLENWOODS P RINGS,CO 816 02 Li c enee:1 70 -S APPLICANT TOWN OFVAIL It FINANCE DEPA RTMENT 75 SFRONTAGERD VA IL CO 8165 7 10/1 1/2000 Phone : 10/1 1/2000 Phone :970-94 5-24 18 10 /1 1/2000 Phone: Desciption : Valuation: install forced air he atfurnacesandvcntilait on $12,000.00 Fil'qllace Information:Rewided,Y •of On API'li~n C(:l :0 ~nf(j,n I ~:0 1/af Wond r elld :II .....................................................................FEE SUMMARY . M«hani cl \->$240 .00 RCllll.Wft PI.wR<lvicw -:>SO.OO TOl lll Calclll"edio'_:>$3 03 .0 0 PIM ChecIi.->$6 0 .00 D RR Fcc---->$0 .00 Addilionl IJo·ecs--·>($3 0).00) lnves\ia ation->$0.00 TOTAI.FEF_~"$30).00 Tntl\1 r ennil Fe<!-->$0 .00 w mCall-:>$3 .0 0 l'a YIll ~'111ll >$0 .00 BALANCEDUE-->$0 .0 0................................................................................................................................................. I tem: I tem : 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10 /11/200 0 cdavis 10 /20 /2 000 CDAVIS 0560 0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action : Ac t ion : NO AP plans t o c harlie C ONDITIONOFAPPROVAL Cond :12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB RE QUIRED TO CHECK F ORCODE COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................................................. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhaveread this appli cation.fil led.outin fullthe infonnation required ,completed anaccurate plotplan,and statethat alltheinformationas required is correct.I agree tocomply with theinformation andp lot plan.to comply with allTown ordinance s and state laws.and to buildthis structure accordin g tothe to\\115 zoningand subdivision codes ,design rcvicv..,approved, Uniform Buildin g Code and other ordinancesof the Town applicabl ethereto. REQUESTSfOR l ;-.;s pocnON SHALL HE MAD!::TW ENTY·FOIIRHOURS IN ADVA!'J('E BY TELEPHO!'J!::AT 479·2IJ8 ORAT ct'n OFFICE FRO ~8:00 AM .S I'M. 6EP -20 -00 08 ,Sa F R O M ,T CV -CO M-OEV -DEPT .I D ,B 7 0 47S2 4S 2 P ACE 2 /3 APPUCAn.lLL NOTBEACCEPTED IF INCOMPL.R UNSIGN~"'I' Project #:J:.9:'l '-0 [d-W • Bu ilding Pennit #:8?'1-OZ?9' \Mechanical PermIt #:Moa -Ot..?, •970 -479-2 149 (InSpections) TOWN OF VAlL TQWrl OFVAILMECHANICAL PERMIT APPUCAUON 75 S.Frontage Rei.Permit w ill not be accepted WIthout th e following : Vail,cereeaee 81657 Provld Q Hed1anical Room Layout drawn to scalet o include:7-Hech iln i<;a l Room Dimensions ~Combustiort A i r Duet Size and Location Dv K.i!x..5L-Flue,V~t a nd Ga s Une Size a nd loation '%-H...t Loss cates. ~Equipment Cut /Spec Sheets Contact EaDie coum»Assessors Offlc:e at 970-328-8640 or visit www.esoe-couotv.com FOr Parcel # Parcel #(R equired if no bldg.permit #is pr-ovided iilbove) I .lob Na me:.A;€e<5A'-/C;~4?/.s;./Job Adcress:'21"77 c;~/~, I l eo;l'J l Descnctrc n I lot :1_.1::I FlG ng:f.$u:xtlVlSiOn: Ow.,."Nam e:7C~N t9l=VM Addre.!s:-Pho ne: -ACcress ;Eng ineer:Phone: Ceta iled description of wort :F ",4'-,yO .4,,/Z.#&797 .A/Vp //cJ/O/77L-.I9?70N, Work Oass:New 1.<1 Add't>On ()Ai..eratiO n (,R,epa ir ()Ot her ()I:,I.,tion :Intertoe'}C...L Exterior ')Other {)~Does an EHU exist at thi!.jocat cn .Ves')No ') T ~of 8IOQ :Sing:·e-~"II\.·')(}JP!V!>{M Ul:I-f amlly ()Corrmero~l ()R~u rant (i oee-() No.~Existi ng Dwellhg Units in th is b U '~_r("'2..V.AJ/~".o f A.:c:;):T:rncGat'on Un.ts i n this builCi ng: NotTvPe of Fi reoliKeS Exi st =nq :Gas Aoo!;"""es ()Gas tees ()Wood :Pe[[et ()Wood 6um ino () .NO/Type of Fireplaces srcccsec .Gas APplia nces ()Gas Logs ()Wood/P ellet ()Wood Bu.-ning (N OT ALLOWE D) I s t !":i s a converston f rom e weed bu rning fi repl&e to ar-EPA Phase II devtce?Ye s ()'I"() COM PLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor 8<Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *****·...··****..··********FOR OFFICEUSE ONLy·***.....*******.c. ,Other Fees;!Planner Si n-off:B : DR5Fees:".,DateRec:eived: f:/~!fonrlS/m~ RECTI OC T 1 0ZOOO •• AROSAIGARMISCH HVAC LOAD ANALYSIS for Town of Vail 75S.Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 ~tElite Joftware RHV'AC RESI DENTI AL AND UGIITt\CDN NERCl AL HVAC loADS Prepared By: Town 01 Vall ;FFI C'~o pv Raymond Payne Ajr MaintenallC9 Company,Inc . P .O .Box 2 107 Gle nwoodSpri ngs ,C O 61620 (970)9 45-2418 09 -20-2000 RECTI OC T 1 0 zo na 'RHV AC::::;"~l &light Commerolal HVAC"'_Program ~!t ''"~-Eli.Software Development,Inc. AA Mairrtenence Co .,Inc ArOSllGarmi&ch Glenwood Springe,CO e180 1-4.06 Pege2 . <, P~ct Summary ~fI .f ....li!":;'>''''"d?••.<.l."@ r l-,'.•,.u Project:Aro safGarmisd1 Co mpany:A irMainten anceC ompany,Inc . C lient:Townof Vail Rep resentative :Raymond Payne Addr ess :75S.Frontage Road A ddress:P ,O.Box 21 07 City:Vail ,CO8 165 7 C ity:Glenwood Springs ,CO81620 Phone;(970)47 9-2149(inspections)Phone:(970)945-2418 Fax :Fax:(970 )945-1444 Comme nt ..u Design Data ,;>•If ....It .."''!kz-".,..'*r•tlS"Yw,,,,Y 0'""l '" ProjectName :ArosaJGannisch Reference C ity:Vail,Co lorado Da ily Temperature Range :Medium Latitude :40 Degrees Elevation:56 80 Feet ElevationSensible A dj.Factor-0 .804 Elevatio n Tota l Adj.Factor:0 .955 Outdoo r Outdo or Indoo r Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet BulbRel.Hum .Dry Bulb Difference Wi nter.-20 N/A N/A 72 N/A S ummer:9469 50 %75 11 ,,,, >C'h."Zk 'Fig ur.-0 ,,'It ,e:W ,,....,..,........·m ,-7"',,y:;lW .....'..,•,.•w TotalBuilding Supply CFM :12 7.C FMpersquarefoot:0.4 95 Square feel of roomarea :2 ,576 Sq uare feetperton :841 .483 ,...,U\,...I ,,< Building Load, 6...."...'"'","'':;'''''lC',0'?b •, Tola l healing required INith outsideair :53,491 Btuh53 .49 1 MB H Tota l sensiblegain :22,742 Btuh 98 % Totallatent gain :43 8 Btuh 2 % Tota l COO ling requi red INith outs ide ai r.23,180 B1uh 1.9 32 Tons(bas ed o nsens ible +latent) 3 .061 To ns(basedon77%sensible ca pacity)&0.804 sans. dera ting ,•J ,,9l\:+,...,,,>£•Notu""'''''£?:::f j '7R"'I r -"",.,7'hM Yr''*"o C alculations are basedon7thedi tion of ACCAManua l J . A ll compu ted resultsare est imates as build inguse andweathe r may vary . Besure 10 select a u nitthatmeetsbothsen sible andlate ntloads. - Wednesday,Septembet 20,2000 •RHV AC :Reslde~&L lgh~~me rc1ll7HvAC _Prog ram ,,~u"'''''~~Ellhl:SOftWare Dewklpment,Inc. AJr MllinteoarlC4l CO.,loe:Aroea!GarmilIch GIeIlwood Spnngs,CO 81601-4406 -, I Total B u ilding Summary Loado ,,.....i'!.....1:"1"'Fu=_.mjtj .........'"',,.,.,"-'..._.',po ... Component AreaSen.LatSen,Total Description QuanLossGain Gain Gain 3A Window Double PaneClearGlassWoodFrame 1839.279 0 7 ,5007 ,500 8H GlassDoorSingle &StormClearGlassTIM Frame 1688,1 16 0 6,500 6 ,500 l1A DoorMetal Fiberglass Core 421,710 0 453453 12H Wall R·19 +112"Gypsum Board(R -O .5)4062 ,241 0551551 13H Part R·19 +112"GypsumBoard(R-o.5)8252 ,277 0892 692 15H WailS'or MoreBelowGrade 81 12"BJk+R-19 4111,173 000 16H Ceiling R-38 Insulation 1,600 3 ,827 01,788 1,788 191 Floor Over BasemenVEnci Crawl Carpet +R-19 5441,20 1 000 201 Floor OverOpen CrawlCarpet +R-19 4321,908 0290290 Subtotals10r structure :4 ,611 3 1,732017,774 17,774 Active People:000 00 InactivePeople:00000 Appliances:000 0 0 Lighti ng:00000 Ductwork :08,91503 ,790 3 ,790 Infiltra tion:Winter CFM:156.5.Summer CFM:69.5 39312,844 438 1,1781,616 Ventilation :Winter CFM:0.0,Summer CFM:0.0 0 0000 Sensible Gain Total:22 ,742 Tempe@ture S:-'!i.~9 Multiplier.Xl .00 Building.LoadTotals:53,49 1 438 22 ,742 23 ,180 ,,,""~""l '.,0ill~•F.,.,..,. Chec kAgurH-.->Tam ......-a ll<'<'--pc ,""..., Total Buildin g Supply CFM:1274 CFMpersquarefoot 0.495 Squarefeet 01 room area:2 ,576 Squarefeetper ton:84 1.483 ,,,,,,liZ ,»,til,....'~ Building Loado,.......,.1<-!';e ........"'~'aDa .......,..,'"bM .,-"", Totalheating required with outside air.53 ,491 Btuh 53.49 1 MBH Total sensible gain:22 ,742 Btuh 98 % Total latentgain:438 Btuh 2 % Total cooling required 'Nith outside air:23 ,180 Btuh 1.932 Tons (basedon sensible +latent) 3.06 1 Tons (basedon n %sensible capacity &0 ,804 sene. derating) '"""m:::t t """OJ '",-jj \.,,.,,IV ,"INot•• Calculations arebasedon 7th edition of ACCA Manual J. All compu ted resultsare estimates asbuilding useand weather may vary. Besure to selectaunitthat meets bOth sensible and latentloads. I W 8<lnesday .S8pt ember 20.2000 .RHVAC :Resldential &L.'l;.tCommetelal ~C _program"'"O ~~~-.fin.Software Devalopment,Inc. Air Maintenance Co.,Inc """""""''''''Gle nwood S prings,CO 8 1601.-4406 Pege4 ,,,A£, DetaUed Room Loa ds •-,-lW"+,.......".U"_'*'Uk- g'"4 ,e ' 1.Unit 13:Upper Level ,,..".-+'""ftk',,, RoomLength :33,0 Feet System Numbe r.2 Room Width :250 Feet Z oneNumber.1 Area :825 ,0 SquareFee tSupply A ir.408 CFM C eiling Height:9,0 Feet Requ ired Vent.Air :0CFM Volume :7,425,0 CubicFeet Actual Wi nterVentilat ion Air :0 CFM Numbe r ofRegisters :4 %of8upply;0% Runout Air.102 CFM A ctual SummerV entilation Ai r:0CFM Runout Duct S ize:6 Inches %of Supply :0 % Runout AirVelocity :519 FeeVMinute A ct ual Winter Infiltration A ir.0 C FMance. Desig n Lass :0,100 In ,wg/l00 Ft.A ctualSumm er InfiltrationAi r.0 CFM e uoc. ActualLoss :0,074 In,wg/100 Ft. Item A rea ,U,Hlg Sen .Clg LatentS en . _Descrtptio n Qua nt ity:Va lue HTM Loss HTM Ga in Gain N ,WALL-12H25X9 172 0,060 5,5 949 1.4 0233 5-WALL-12H25 X 9 151 0,0605,5 834 1,4 020 5 N-G .DR-8H 1-P 0-0 8-1100%8 42 0,52548 ,3 2,02930,2 01,268 N-GLA5 ,3A 2,P o-o 5 ,1100%5 110 ,551 50.7558 22,6 0249 5 -G,DR-8H l -P o-o 5-1 0 %5 420,525 48,3 2,029 47,2 0 1,982 5-GLA5-3A2-P 0-0 5,10 %5 12 0 ,55 1 50,7 6 08 37,6 0 451 5-GLA5-3A2,P o-o 5-10 %5 11 055150,7 558 3 76 0 414 5-GLA5-3A 2,P 0-0 5 -10%5 9 0,551 507 456 37,6 0336 UP-GEIL,16H DARK 33X 25 825 0,026 2.4 1,973 1.1 0922 Subtotalsforstructure :1,275 9994 06062 Infiltration:Wi nter.0 .0,Summe r.0 .0:127 0 ,000 0 0,000 0 0 Ductwork :0 200 1999 0 200 01212 Act ive Peop le:230 larper.300 sen/per.0 00 i nactivePe ople :150 tatrper,250 sen/pe r.0 00 A ppliances:0 0 Lighting :0 0 Sensible Ga in Total:7,274 J:.emp:!!rature Swing .Mu ltip lier.X1,00 RoomTota ls:11,99 3 0 7,2 74 W&dnesd8y ,Seplem ber 20 .2000 .RHVAC :Re5ldentlal &light COmmercial HVAC _Proghlm 09'~•e.ltt.sonwant Development,I rIC. Air M!lintenanoeCO"Inc Ar~rmi&ch Glenwood Springa,CO 8 1601-4406 Pogo' ,uu ,"=,""c:,eli ,d ,, Deta iled RoomLoad. ,\I;,...,=0""""",,,'", ill II •2,Un_:Lower Bed-,,I ,'W'"_e ,,';{4'''''''''•It.=tl!!!!..F!lfti ",',.. Room length:21.0 Feet SystemNumber:2 RoomWidth :140 Feet ZoneNumber:1 A rea :294.0 Square FeetSupplyAir.39CFM Ceiling Height 8.0 Feel Requi red Vent.A ir.0CFM Vol ume :2,3520 CubicFeetActualWinte r VentilationAi r.0 C FM Number ofRegisters :1 %of Supply:0 % Runout Air.39CFM ActualSumme r VentilationA ir.0CFM Runout Duet Size :6 Inches %ofSupply :0 % Runout AirVelocity :197"FeeUMinute Act ual Winter InfiltrationAir:0 CFMallo e. Design Loss :0 .100 In.wg/100 Ft.Actua l Summer Infiltration Air.0 C FM alloc . ActualLoss :0 .013 In .wgl100 Ft. "Runout velocity constraints were not metd ue toduct schedu le limitations . Item Area -u-Hlg Se n.Clg Latent S en. Descriptio n Quantity Va lue HTM Loss HTM Ga in Ga in 5-WA LL-12H 14 X 8 83 0060 5.5 458 1 4 0113 5 -DOOR-11A3X 7 210.590 54.3 1,140 13.30 280 5-GLA5-3A2-P 0 -1 5-1100%5 8 0 .551 50.740622.6 0181 FLOOR -191J~X21 2940.048 2.2 649 0.0 00 Subtotals for structure :406 2653 0574 Infiltration :Winter:0.0 ,Summer.0.0:29 0 .000 0 0000 0 0 Ductwork :0.200 5310 .200 0115 Active People :2 30tat/per,300sen/per.0 00 Inactive People:150laVper,250sen/p er.0 0 0 Ap pliances:00 lighting.:0 0 Sensible Ga in Total :689 T empe ratureSwing MUlti plier:Xl .oo RoomTotals:3,184 0 689 Wed ne$day,September 20,2000 .RHVAC ~R..ldential &Ught COmmercial HVAC _p,og~:;;'T.m=Zi ~~•EUbI SOftwIInl OeveIopme nt.Inc. AIr MaintenanceCO "Inc AIllsa'GllfTTIi&ch Glenwood Spmlga ,CO 816()1-4406 09-20-2000 Pag.6 ,)t ~, "31 .>e, Detailed Room Lo ads,>•'..CMV·'..••..d P', '.3.Un it #3:Low.Stonlge Room Length:10.0 Feet System Number :2 Room Width:25 .0 Feet Zone Nu mber:1 Area:2500 Squa re Feet Supply Ai r:37 CFM Ceil ing Height:8.0 Feet Requi red Vent.Air:0CFM Volume:2 ,0000 Cubi c FeelAct ual Winter Ventilation Air.0 CFM Number ofRegis ters :1 %of Supply:0 % Runout Air:37 CFM ActualSu mmer Ventilation A ir :0 CFM Runout DuetSize:8 Inches %ofSupply:0 % Ru nout Ai r Velocity :188"FeeVMinute A ctual Winter Infiltration Air:0 CFMalloe . De sig n loss:0.100 In.wg/100Ft.Actual Summer Infiltrati o n Air:0 CFMaltoc. ActualLoss :0012 In.wgl100 Ft "Runout vel OCity co nstra ints we re not met due to d uct schedule limitations , Item A rea -u-Htg Sen.Cig Latent Sen . Description Quantity Va lue HTM l oss HTM Ga in Gain-- N -WALL-15H25X8 1790.031 2 .9 5 11 0.0 00 5-PART·13H 11 X8 88 0.0802 .8 243 0.8 0 74 N -GLA5-3A 2-P 0-0 5-1100%5 2 1 055150.7 1,08522 .6 0475 FLOOR-19125 X 10 2500.048 2 .2 6620.0 00-- Subtotals forstructure :538 2371 0 549 Infiltration :Win ter:0 .0,Su mmer:0 .0:21 0.000 00.000 0 0 Ductwork:0.200 474 0200 0110 Act ive Peop le :230 larper.300 sen/pe r.0 00 Inactive People :150lat/pe r,250 sen/pe r.0 0 0 Ap pliances:00 J:lghting :0 0 Se nsibl e Ga in Tota l:859 Tem~ratu re Sw ing Mu ltiplier:X 1.OO Room Tota ls :2,845 0659 W edlle'llday,Se ptllmber 20,2000 •RHVAC -'~~tial &light Com merdal HVAC __Program •,,~.....:o:tiJ~9cxw Elite SoftwllIffl De velopment,I I'C. Air Maintenance ce..Inc Ar~rmiseh Glenwood SprInQa.CO 8 1601-4406 ,,'p...r Detailed Room Loads !K·H 4 -,.,".,....'-T .....,'k ....t ,'"~me ,'..n ,,'••1.\,.I..t,::;;ltl".4'"M."jl!l!!'jl!7nl'....&,.i d ,,43 ,"...i'""JAit ,J x I"w:u.u i'"'lj ~i :>0 ~,,,, 4,Un~":Upper Level Ro om Length:3 1.0 Feet SystemNu mber:1 Room W idth :25 ,0 Feet Zone N umber:1 A rea:775 ,0 S quareFe et Su pply Air:844 C FM Ceiling Hei ght:90 Fe et RequiredVen t.Ai r:0C FM Vo l ume :6 ,975 ,0 C ubieFeetA ctual Win ter Ve ntilation Air:0C FM Num ber ofRe gisters:6 %of S upply:0% Ru noutAi r:107C FM Act ual S um mer V entilation Air:0C FM Runou t Duct Size :6 Inches %of S upply:0% R unoutAirVelocity:546 Feet/M inute Actu al W inte r Infiltration Ai r:121 C FMalloe. Design Loss:0 .100 In.wg/100 Ft.Actu al S ummer Infiltration Air:54 CFMalloe . Act ual Lo ss:0,06 2 ,n ,wg1100 Ft --- Item Area -U-Hl g Se n.C'g La tent Sen. Description Q uantity Va lue HTM Loss HT M Gai n Gain N -PART-13H25X9 174 0060 2 ,6 460 0 ,8 0 146 E -PART-13H31 X9 247 0 ,060 2 ,8 682 0 ,8 0207 5-PART-13H 25X9 1410 ,060 2,8 389 0,8 0 118 N ·G LA5-3A 2 -P 0--0 S -l 1OO %S 9 0 ,551 50 ,7 4 58 22 ,6 0203 N -G.DR-8H l ·P 0-0 5 -1 100 %S 42 0 ,525 4 832 ,029 30,2 0 1,268 E -GLAS-3A 2-P 0-0 5-1 0%5 11 0 ,551 50 ,7 558 71.6 0788 E ·GLA5-3A 2-<>0-0 5·1 0%5 2 1 0551 50.7 1,06571 ,6 01,504 5 -GLA5-3A 2-P 0 -0 5 -1 0%5 2 1 0 ,551 50.7 1,065 37,6 0790 5-GLAS -3A 2-P 0-0 5-1 0%5 9 0 ,55 1 50 .7 458 37,6 0338 5 -GLAS-3A 2 -P 0 -0 5-1 0%5 12 0,551 50 ,7 606 37 ,6 04 51 5 -GDR-8H1·P 0 -0 5 -10%5 4 2 0 ,525 4 6 ,3 2 ,029 4 7 ,2 01 ,962 UP-GEIL-16H DA R K 31X25 775 0 ,026 2 ,4 1,854 1,1 0866------------- Su btotalsrorstru eture :1 ,504 11671 0 666 1 Infi ltratio n :Wi nter:121 .0 ,Su mmer:53 .8:167 59.4619 ,930 5.455 3399 11 Ductwork 0.200 43200,200 01914 Active People :230 lat/pe r,300 sen/per:0 0 0 Inactive People :150 latrper ,25 0 sen/per:0 0 0 Ap pliances:0 0 .,Lighting:0 0 Sensible Gain T otal:11 ,466 Temperature Swi ngMUltiplier:X1,00 Room Tot al s:25,921 339 11,488 Wednesday,September 20 .20 00 •RHVAC ·Res.lcle ntia l &Ug1t ~m rnetdal HVAC "p rogram O~~~•"":'I!'m.::o Elite ~Developme nt,Inc. AJr Maintenance Co .•Inc ArONl'Germisch Glenwood Sprin{Jl!.CO 81601-.4406 P8g88 Detailed Room LoIda 1 "-1m •......".•,r.•.....),"'b •or",e >0 _,aM'"...""i...... ,,Ii "'""'>g "." ,;l [ S.Unit '1:Lower .,.r • RoomLength :27 ,0 Feel System Number:1 Roo m Width :160 Feet ZoneNumber:1 Area:432 .0 Square FeetSupp ly Air:148C FM Ceiling Height:8.0 Feet RequiredVent.Air:0 CFM Vo lume :3,456 .0 C ubicFeetActua l Winter V entilationAir:0CFM Number of Registers :2 %ofSup ply :0 % Runout A ir:74CFM Actua l Summ er Ventilation Air:0C FM Runout DuctSize :6 Inches %ofSu pply :0 % Runout Ai r Ve locity :376'FeetlMinuteActual Winter Infilb'ationAir.35 CFM allcc . DesignLoss:0.100 In.wgJ100 Ft Actual Summer InfiltrationAir:16 CFM encc. ActualLoss :0.042 In .wg/100Ft. "Ru nout velocity constraints werenotmetduetoductschedule limitations . Item Area -u -Ht9 Sen .CI9 LatentSen . Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM GainGain N-WAL L-15H 16 X 8 1280.03 1 2.9 365 0.0 00 E -WALL-1SH13 X 8 1040.03 1 2.92970.0 00 E-PART-13 H 14X 8 980.060 2 .8 2700.8082 5 -PART-13H14X8 77 0.060 2.8 2130.8 065 5-DOOR -11A 3 X7 2 10.590 54 .3 5708 .3 0 173 E -GLA5-3A 2-P O-Q 5 -10%5 14 0.551 SO .7 710 71,6 0 1,002 5 -GLA5-3A 2-P0-1 5-1 100%5 14 0.551 SO .7 71022.6 0316 FLooR-201 16X27 4320.048 4.4 1.9080 .7 0290 Su btota ls forstructu re:888 5043 01928 Infiltratio n :Winter:35.5 ,Summer:15 .8:49 59.469 2 ,914 5.449 9926 7 Ductwork :0 .200 1591 0.2000439 A ctivePeople :230 latiper,300sen/per :0 0 0 Inactive People :15 0 tasce r.250sen/per:0 00 A ppliances:00 Lighting :0 0 Sensib le Gain Total:2.634 TemperatureSwingMultiplier:X 1.00 RoomTotals:9 ,548 992 ,634 W ednesdaY.september 20.2 000 °RHVAC :Rukt.nlial &Light Commercial HVAC.PtOQrBm Air Maintenan ce Co.,Inc G1 enwood ~,CO 8 1601.4406 ROO~Load Summ_ri Re~rts II ,Ii •\"'..... •flit.SOftMlre DeYtllopment,Inc. A""""",""",-..., System *1 Room Load Summary*"+-,(,,' HtgHtg Room Area Sens Nom No Name SF 8tuh C FM --Zone 1- 4 Unit #1;UpperLevel 77525 ,921 415 5 Unit#1:Lower 4 32 9 ,548 153 System 1 Totals 12 0735,469 568 , If <:,;:;,"..Ia_ RunRunClgClg Clg Zone Clg Air DuctDuct Sans Lat Nom AdjAdj Sy, Size Vel Btuh Btuh C FM Fact CF M C FM 6 -6 546 11 ,486 339 644 1 .3 5 669 644 2 -6 376 2,634 9 9 146 1 .00148 148 14 ,120 438 7911 ,01779 1 Main Trunk Size:14x10In. .....&'3'],,",,'~••,,,, System '1 CoOl ing System Summary l ,'of <, Cooling SensiblefLate nt Sensi ble latent Total Tons Soli!Btuh Btuh Btuh NetR equired:1.2 13 97 0/013 %14 ,120 43 8 14,558 Recommended :1.901 77%123%17,562 5 ,246 22 ,608 • Wednesd ay,September 20 .2000 ~VA C .Residential &light COmmel'Ciel HVAC tit'P ,:'n1"; :a:=,•~~Ellte~...Development,Inc. AIr Majntenance ce..Inc:Ar ~rmi6G h GJenwood S ~CO 81ao1-4406 Page 10 ,lh,, Room Load Summary ReP4>rtS l'•1 i',t i ..mW•.......;.f.,""",",., System #2Room Load Sumfllllry !i¥,,-,..,.~ij'--'",'¥L ,'IF£"'0''..,a '"*"' Hlg HlgRunRun ClgClg C 'g Zone Clg Air Room Area SensNomDuct Duct Sens Lal Nom Adj Adj Sy, No Name SF Btuh CFM SiZe VelBtuh Btuh C FM Fact C FM C FM---. --Zone 1- 1 Unit #3 :Upper Level 825 1 1 ,9 93 192 4-6 5 19 7 ,274 0408 1.35550408 2 Unit#3:Lower Bed 2943,184 5 1 1-6 197 689 0 3 91.00 3939 3 ~nit .~3 :L ow .Storage 250 2 ,845 46 1-6 18865 9 0 37 1 .00 37 37- System 2 Totals 1369 18,022 289 8 ,622 048 3 626 483 MainTrunk Size:12x8 in. ,~f System 12 Cooling System Summary,..,!I",;t,0 "b ....t.,;.0;" Cooling Sensib lelLa tent Sensib le Latent Total Tons Split Btuh Bluh Btuh N et Required :0 .719 100 0/0/0 %8 ,622 0 8 ,622 Recommended :1 .161 n %12 3%10 ,724 3 ,203 13 ,927 /,/f/~/~V'.-v"r5 Wedn ~y,Septembel'20,2000 ~, w ~za: :::::»u, en«o ~ ..J U. C. :::::» -Q) "0o :E ul i~1y rooms,especial ly will1 a high-efl iCieocy cooling COi l. The PG8UAA uses prepaitltfld sneer metal for the cabinet. rras is the same nign-QUaJi ly fin ish found o n refr igera tors and o ther appliances today. W e ensure Its du rabilityby using a galvanized st eel sub- strate 10 provtde superior rust o otece cn, Ounnoocec-com busnon fur. nace has apetenteooren safeguard swilCtl.The safe- g uard switch w~l slOp furnace operatiOn if the com mon vent systembeco mes bloc ked o r isno l opera hng properly./vi exc lusive w ith thePG8U AA Furnace . The model PG8U AA has manyfeatu res t hatmake Installation easee:-.n or rigI'11 gas a nd e lectrical ccnnec- tore.b'ower speed s e!ectof, marhing COil sizes.accessory 1ow·..ota.Ge ccorectoos.ana many more. A sot!:I'l'lOU'lt inOuC9r assem - bl y an d Slow opening gas vaMI reduce SCU'lCl level'. o PREPAINTED CAB IN ET: EASY INSTAUATlON: QUIET OPEA,(TlON: PATENT ED DRAFT SAFEGUARD: FEATURES EFFICIENCY:The PG8UAA mocceo-con- bustion GasFurnace p woes the efficiency customers wa nt wilh 80.0 percent AFUE. HOTSURFACE Th is neld-proven ignltkJosys- IGNITION:tam will save energy and is veryreli~. ALUMINIZED HEAT Thepatentee4-pass neat EXCH~GER;8Il.d1an ~er Is made 01 alumI- r eee Sl eel ana bac ke d by a ao-yeer Um itedWarranty. CONT ROl CENT ER:The PGBUAAFurnacehas a controlcen ler witn anLED sta - tus indICator Iignr to ensure lOP furnace per formance.T his cootrol center also has a scIf· test mature that enenes 1M 8enncing tectocen to verity o peration 01 theccar e itsel f. inducet,hot surfaceign ito r. bolhhlgh-a nd low-speed I:lIower cceaeco.and hlKTlkl- tier.Italso leaturesa 3-amp fusa that protects me tUIIlS- b"mer <lIld ecere . 4O-IN .~···The PG8UAA lnduce(l-<::aTr-- bJsOOn Furnace wiItl a 4<Hn . -.,~.ssn....-T~.""IS rcoal '" fFIG - • Heating &Cooling REC'O OC T1 0 20 00 SS-PG8U-04 •AIRFLOW r-------=::-"'"~f---A :-j''C<r--'~I ,~CO-'::::::::--",'f-::"'IC O ~I-'·'-;,.I 0'"'"'f ,"'·"..""'---....1)I ~?ilHii!ffi ss "..1V-;'.;~,~...,'"POW ER ENTRY ~I ~:--1 l.-~~~~,v.'"'1N ·()l"'~II II 'e ,'.,.,IL-""""l-DIAACCESSORY~5 '.-CE!:l.5 ''''',~A.H.GASENTRY 39 7,.-l ~I N.OlA liOl E ----.e ,~III 2 ~'~t.-I ,"_IlIAACCESSORY GAS£NTRI",-~s ss I ~I N.01.0.HOl.E ~2 ~·n "t-,,,!.il IA Tt<ERMCSTAr THERM OSTAT WIR E E~TRY WIAEENTAY SIDEINLET o SIDE INI.ET TV"I " NOT ES'1.T wo add iIJ ....,..~~n.dl8 hole ••r..loc;I~In u..top pial'. 2.MIn'''''-"l r«llm-alr openir>g.1 tumae.: a .For aoo C "\4-16 ~n .rcu nd or 14'4 z 12.n.r8Cl3ngl •. b.For 1200 CFM..;!o.in."'und or ''''I.'x 19 '~n_MCtangIe. C.For 1600 C FM-22.n fOund or ,•..,X 2 3 '1.~n .1'K".a1'lQ 1•• d.For ~~I ow 'equlr...,.ru l bow taoo CFM.uw beth ai<I¥;nl,,", ..comblnf,lk;ln all o.k:l.,nJet and It>..boItcm.CI,lh.bolk>m only . A5111 11 1 DIMENSIONS(In.) Refe r to !he rcrrece IJI8laUalion Instrueloons lor proper voobng pmcedures . t Oval colla r I UN IT VENT SHIPP+~~b)S~E A 0 E CON NECTION·WE IGHT Lb 024045 14-:31'16 12·9 /16 11·1 1'16 4 114 036045 14-31'16 12--9f16 1 ,.,1/16 4 116 02 406.5 14-:\'16 12-9/16 11-11116 4 124 03606 5 14-3116 12-9116 1 1·1 1/16 4 126 042091 17-112 .15 ·718 16 4 14 0 046091 21 19-318 16·112 4 144 0361 11 17 ·1/2 15-7/6 16 4 ISO 048111 21 19-:Jt8 18·112 4 '"066 111 24-112 22-7/8 22 4 .72 048''''21 19-316 18-1/2 5 168 060 135 24-1/2 22 ·7/8 22 5'162 0601'"24-112 22 ,7/8 22 51 192. DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS OF OPTIO NAL SIDEFILTERRACK ,. I Cnn anno ,o aoog"""nO";,2"', .....j ..2 5 '1,'~-1",0' ! 23 w ,"' 17 'I,O "ENING I.1':1" lJ OPEr HG -2- SPECIFICATIO rlS i ...... ..."'" 7 1.000 10 ' 00--<0 I).l!l.OSO,.., '"'' ,.. .....,.,. ..cce 1 1 .000 10.'-'"01$.'0 SO 11':'0 ""0 ilC.:22 ; J; ".000 "ceo".0"'-', O.l2iO,$O"', 11S1 ' • 66 .000 sa ccc ""_'0 II 12JO l:iC"0 '" ""'" '''.COO ".<00 ""1S-4' 0 10,rO ,S(: ,"" 12'0 ".000 "000 ""'>-0 , OleiC.SO ese "" .......In Ilan ...05 AND I"EAfcn.ul.HCE,..". CI-=-.lU I'!"No n_ltI~ed les" AFUi'f ~Qt/oIIItIi l/'l"'i:.o 'CS .. C..~..:~,.1\,11•.cl;..Fl.~'F C..m:~EJramat S..,;.e F,u')Ul'lt Ari'.ow CF I,f; • E .fCTJlICAL U..r.\'O ~.-u _P..... Oc>e<1v.g 'o'<;:IaI Fll,n~,"'In-.-W .. ......,."...L..m N-c:1 6.e MurmUl"ll W "..L."(~JrW 1 W8y!Fl47 t.1Il'Il l'll~Vilr"t SIZe Malr ""urTl FloM Of OcIl!kr S,U:; ~(24Y) ExtIM'lal :::.o l"tr':l l lot... Pv-t ......1.et'I CQo,ir;, 4#COncl lGoiWI eOO_.elf' t:QIfTFlOLS ..Mol Cort:'Ol ".. , S.• " 1 1 ~' 1 0_'''~ "rs "~'.,,,. ""'.S:a._-d "'" ., " • ,co " • \12·ill.NPT ,.• "'07~, to I(~P2OCUJ..l lC:G.LfIlN '5C'1 ,l4,.l 1(GA-"!0C20 IAl.L 1I'"t!e1 Qze I t J:~J:" ~:lf U "W ~/4JfQ)olC1 De ""--T$"tlto~'. FCO'U..Wrtl,llr ~".;'S TAT F'P'I ..cC1·. """'"'LOWER 0"'. =~D'''''~HlO(f'SCl Motor tel Lc.cI ~. R,m l ~ll~ 81o\o1ot1 MI."O~.tfr x Wk:!h (,l'l l F«1 ..,Sict n.......,.....,tW NNibI I (S 'Ieel FACTO""-&lJ THCAZED CEA"-'A-IH9':'ALUD ACC1:5S0".1,....,.<. G.I CC"!\oet'$iotl <l~__Zl·ilrq:l&I'''" Gu t-.oO"I <'-f'.~..~tnIt · S.F....Fled(AcC-s:;ts1 ti llll'C'n J 7 ~~",,,,atMI -..,.".~~.e.t 1I'I~11 ..=l~ ..S l"*lI.qJ Gu: 1~61~,,",GaS) lo"Of $u"I.... 'In I ,!~I ~.I •2 ,i l C 1 ~'0 7 ~ 1C 11 6 rn l e ll 2!1l1 ." " 'n r.a 10 I 8 '1 20 1 25 .-, IKGA"W0401HS · •Gil.'11IU1 ra1!ng.I....terllfoed br """XlI1'!O 2000 f't For .1"'''IIO''II'boI4 2'X O I'l.redUCt IWIIrt19 ...portell"dler NCh 1000 ftal»tt,..t "'el.Reier" NatIOnal F..-t o ..~.Table I'4Ql!IJrNlOO ll'lfUl:t.,1CI't 11"';T U4:l<:l'l•.I "'CI ~..tM .dD",~:lit !';,"'OPtr:Il r'd~.I....li~2 ~II Ie 4500 tI:~'''l_i t C'Al;*:ltr .1lIl"'~U E in aoeeto."",.*'ttl U.S,,J ()\t"""'noI"1 DOE ,..,I:"""':Y''"- f At d ol ~'>::1'0.1800 :::fM '1iQ1,1l,..:-"Ib¢ltl ,;o..CII'.combnl~0':1 sIC.'Md OC",",.c.r OolCm gntt llf tt.~.au C.UM<l 10r ~i'l.'r.A t tbr III ""lUI..,b'Mdt rtr.,..,..lr ~ -"'lad ~~ -t FlC1l>IY"aoJ N rlZ tod and ~aId ....!alae:<;et C')R ....n "-tl ••A-G A and e G It,~ .;T~~~~,.,.~ ~V,t,-Jl,O(A:I(lIcatlllo •• T OWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMM UN ITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VA IL,CO 8 16 57 9 70 -4 79-2138 NOTE,THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTEDONJ OBSITE ATALL T I MES PLUMB I NG PERMIT Pe rmit #:P99 -0149 Job Addre ss : Location ... Parc el No .. project No . 2 477 GARMIS HDR 2 477 Ganni sh Dr 2 10 3-II4 -13 -012 PRJ9 9 -01 26 (DUPLEX) Status .. App lied . Is s ued .. Exp ire s. APP ROV ED II /15 /1 999 11 /15 /1 99 9 05/13/2000 APPLI CANT BLUEDOLPHIN PLUMBING &HEATING P hone ,719 -395 -2989 162 75 CR 350 ,BUENA VISTA,CO 8 1211 CONTRACTOR BLUE DOLPHIN PLUMBING &HEA TING P h one :7 19 -395 -2989 162 75 CR 350,BUENA VISTA ,CO 81 211 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL %FINANCE DEPARTMENT ,75S FRONTAGE RD,VAIL CO 81657 Description:P lumbing for n ew duplex (T OV HousiValua tion:)3 2,3 00 .00 Plumbi ng"~--" Pl.."Ch..c k--_" Invellt1gation> will Call----:> 495 .00 123.7 5 .c c 3.00 TOTAL FEES -·------------, .00 621 .15 To~~l c~lcu l ~t@d F @e ~"'> Add ition.l P•••·--------, Total Pe rmit y e e --------~ Payment e -······_--··---·> BALJIlNcr DU £-------------• 621.15 .oc 6.21.15 621.15 .en•.••.•.••.••••..•...•••.•.......................................................•..........................................•••..•. BUILDING Division:Item:05100 BUILD ING DEPARTMENT 1 1 /15 /1999 KATHYAc ti on ,APPR It~m,05 600 FIRE DEPARTM ENT 11/1 5/19 99 KATHY Ac tion:APPR Ap proved N/A Dept: per KW Dept ,F IRE Divi sion : CONDITION OFAPPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDTO CHE CK FOR CO DE COMPLI AN CE. DECLARAT IONS Ih araby a c k no~ledge ~ha~~h ave re a d t h i.a p pl i c.ti on,fill a d o ut i nf u l l the i nforma~ion r e quired,c~pl .t .d an &c ~~r at a plot p l an,a nd ..t ate t h .t ..11 the info=.tien prov ided ae r ..quir..d i ..correct.I .gr....to "",'..ply wi th t h e i nfon....t ion a n d plet pl an, ~o ce~ply with ..1 1 T ewn o rd i nance ..a nd ..tat.l aw..,and to cu11d t hia a trucCure according to t he Town'..z e ning and ..ubd ivie1 0n cede..,d .."ign r evie ~app rove d,Uni form Bui lding Cede d nd o ther ordinar.ce ..o f t he To~n app licab l.thereto. Rl!QUESTS FO R INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IoIAD E TWEIo/TY -FOUll 1I01lllS I N MlVl\.NCl!BY TE L EPHOK'E AT "n -U Ji a ll.ATOUR OFFICE P ROM 9,00 A)l 5 ,00 PM s r C ~TURE OF OWNER 0 11.CONTRA CTOR FO R HI MSELF ANO OWNER ••***••••_••__._*--*..***-*-*-**-*.*******._-******.***.********** TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO S tat emnt.**""**--.""""--*-*_•••••__.*.*****---*_••__._-------_._.--yy----*- Statemnt Number,REC -0591 Amount,6 21 .75 1 1/1 5/99 14,5 2 Payment Method:N/A Notation:TOV Housi ng Proj I n it :KMW 62 1.75 6 21.7 5 .00 PLUMBING PERMITB-PLMB (DUPLEX) Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Bal a nce : 62 1.7 5 P9 9 -0149 Type, 2 103 -114 -13 -012 2 4 77 GARMISH DR 247 7 Ga rmish Dr Permit No: Parcel No: S iteAdd r es s: Loca t ion: Th is Pa ymen t Acc ount Code *·WAIVED FEES.* De s cri ption WAIVED FEES Amoun t 62 1 .75 .. •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOP MENT 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 9 70-479 -2138 NOTE,THI S PERMI T MUST BE PO STED ON JO BSITEATALL T IMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #:EOO -0 12 4 Job Addre ss:2485 GARMIS H DR Locati on ...:2477 /2485 GARMISH DR Parcel No ..:2 103 -11 4 -13 -013 Proj ect No.:PR J99 -0126 Sta tus : App lied . Issued .. Exp ires. ISSUED 06 /30 /2000 07 /03 /2000 12/30/2000 APPLICANTS HAW ELECTRI C Phone'970-926 -3358 P O BOX 1 45 1,AVON CO8 16 20 CONTRACTO R SHAW ELEC TRIC Phone :97 0 -926-3 3 58 POBOX 145 1 ,AVON CO 8 1620 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t FINANCE DEPAR TMENT ,75SFRO NTAGE RD ,VAIL CO 8 165 7 Descrip t ion:ELECTRI CAL FOR 4PLEX Valuation :2 6,000.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• El.c:tr1<:.J.-·-~ ,~­ IA_.ti'J ..t i "D ~ II'i l l Ca l l---_> TOTAL FEES ._-> "68 .00 .00 .00 L OO 471.00 Tot~J ca l ~l.r ~peee ---> Add!t i~J.Fee ..-----·---:> TO tal pe~1 t Fee ·······_> ".yn:nt:l ··--•.-._-------. HALANCH DUR_·> 471.00 .00 4 71.00 4 1 1.00 .00 •...........••.............•.........•.•.........••.••.........••.....•..•....•......•.........••...............•................. I tem:060 00 ELECTRICALDEPAR TM ENT 06/3 0/2000 JRM Ac tion:APPRAPPROVED Item :0 56 0 0 FI REDEPARTMENT 0 6/30 /2 000 JRM Act i on ,APPR N/A Dept :BUILDINGDivi s ion: Dept:FIRE Divis io n: ..........•..•.••••..•.••.••.•.••.•..•.••.••.•....•..•...•.••••.•••••••.•...•.•.........•..•.•..•.........•••••.••..•••..•••.•••.. CO ND ITION OFAPPROVAL 1 .FIELD IN SPECTIO NS ARE RE QUIRED TO CHECK FOR CO DE CO MP LI AN CE. .....•...•..••.•••••••.•••••...•..•...............••....•.•.•••.••.•.••..••.••.....................•.••.........................•• DECLARATI ON S ••..........................•....•................................ TOWN OF VAIL,.COI.ORAOO................................................................ St .t8~t Nu ~~;X%C'Od ~'~un t'~7t .OO 07 /01 /00 1 3:33 '.Y"'"n.t ~t b od :'~'6 ~l .t i Oll.'SllAM ELBCrRIC I n n,.IN n l.OO 4 11 .00 .ec 8 -£U1C OR Toea l ,....., TOl£l ALL PInto", Ba l&nco:, Ht .GO £00 -01:4 Type : 2 10 \-114 -1 )-0 13 2.8S QARM ISH DR 2 ~77/2 4 '~~I SH P<eu"i t Na, 'are.l ~o , Site Addr•••: !.OC ,u :i on , ~i s P.~nt ............•..................................•................ Ace ou:ll:C:UO<I EP 0010C0011114 00 we 00 10000}112100 :Ma<:rlJK.1on D.IKTltlCAL PI!:DfI":'FE ES lU LL CAL.;.:H$PIICTIctI'PEa ~, 4U .OO l.OO Ffo!O"l :9-AJ ELECT RI C •PI-GE 1'0.:97B92633S8 e 75 S.FronC.lIIg e-Rd. Vail,Colo rado 81 657 ? ,\PPUCATlON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPlETE OR UNSIGNED Proje ct #:----"..-..,..:o -~=~ Building Pcnnit It :1:3 79-300 Electri ca'Permit #:-.,.,_.,---_ 9]Q..479-2149 (In spections) ,. Contact EaD/c Counb Asscssol'S Office at 970-328-8640 or visit WWl'Y....eate-coaa .for Pilrcel # Parcel :l (Requ ired if no bldg.Permit #is provided above) JOb;!~"""A~~;::;:~~-;...A+IOdahh-JIr,a.,~lob Add ress :~'I77 Gorm&.A a,.i1~ -l ~l Description I lot:-I..DIad.:I Fd ing:~Subdiv ision: Ow ners ...."",,--roull1;....r~Add",."7tS .A;;.tnm /;."R R.(V-uP Phone:4)"1 -;Z/3lS. Engm eer:Address :Phone:,. Detailed oescnpttc n of wo r~:W ire ~if -pl-e.c. Work Class :New c.J Add ition()Remodl'!()Repa ir ()Temp Power ()Otner () Work Type:I nterk>rM E><t£r ior Vl Both ()/Does an EHU exist at this location :ves ()No (.A .. MuJtj-f;omdy (,()Type or Bldg.:Single-family ()Dupl£>X()Col'nfrteJCla l ()Restaurant ()""'er () if . No.or EJ:i'J:ing Dwelliog Unitsin this building:No.of Accommodation Units In this building : . Is this ner rnlt t or ahot tub :Yes I )No fA Does a Fire Alarm exISt:res (v')N o ()I Does a f ire Sprmkler System Exi st:Yes ()No () COMPLETE SQ.FEn FORNEWBUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR AU OTHERS (Laber 8<Materi.ls) AMOUNT OF SQ rr IN STRUCTURE:5 1ZO ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$41?r fR7l)- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrica l Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.No.:COrlhKt andPhone#'s: '12t-:J3>K-~[:/'e<!'kJ :!JLc E /010 ~~"D >'".A,,",/.?'~ Contractor slgMture: .. . "'1<•"FOR OFF ICE USE ONLY ,,~"'"'"'. f :/~ro r msltJ ecperm •• TOWN OF VA IL DEP ARTM ENT OF CO MMUN ITY DEVE LO PMENT 75 S.FRO NTAGEROAD VA IL ,CO 8 1657 9 70-4 7 9-2 1 38 NOTE ,TH I S PERM I T MU STBE POS TED ONJ OBSITEAT ALL T IMES ELECTR I CAL PERMI T P e rmi t #:EOO-0123 J ob Addr ess : Lo c a t ion ... P arc el No .. pro j e ct No. 2 4 77 GARMISH DR 24 77 GARMI SHDR 2 1 03 -11 4-13-0 12 PRJ9 9-01 26 S tatus ... Applied. I ssued .. Expi res . IS SUED 06 /30 /2000 07 /03 /200 0 12 /30 /2 000 APPLI CANT SHAW ELE CTR IC Phone ,970-926 -3 358 P O BOX 1 451 ,AVO NCO8 1620 CONTRAC TOR SHAW ELECTR IC Pho ne :9 7 0-926 -3358 P OBOX 1451,AVON CO 8 1 6 20 OWNER TOWN OFVAIL \FINANCEDEPARTMENT ,75 SF RONTAGE RD,VAIL CO 8 1657 Descrip tion :ELECTR ICAL F OR NEW DUPLEX Valuati on :16,000 .0 0 El e c t rical ---. D RB F ee .--'" I nve l,ltl g a e lon. Wi ll C..U ----> TO'I'A L F JU:S "~> 1]3.00 .00 ,00 3.00 136 .00 Tota l Calcula ted F~a---> Addit i ona l Fe e s -------_·. To eal Pe l~it P••-··-----. Pa~ta ----------------> BALANCE DUE -------------. 13 6 .00 .00 ~3 6.0 0 13 6.00 ,00 BUILDING Divis i on :Item ,0 6 000 ELECTRI CAL DE PARTMENT 0 6/30/200 0 JRM Action ,APPR APPROVED I t~m ,05 60 0F I RE DEPARTMENT 0 6 /3 0/2000 JRM Acti on:APPRN/A Dept : Dept:F IRE Division: CONDITI ON OF AP PROVAL 1 .FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TOCHECKFOR CODE COM PL IANCE . DECLARATIONS T hereby ackn ow led g ~tha t I have r~ad this a pp licat ion,f illed out in f ull the infor mation r equir ed,completed ~n .cou rate p l ot plan,a nd etat e t hatal l t he inCQtm<lt1en prov i ded ,)8 requ ired.is ecrr ece .I a g r".';0 comp ly "i t .b t he infermat ion a nd p l ot p l an , to comply wi t h al l ~o wn o r d inancAs an d state l a ws ,and to bu i ld ~s .truc t~e accor d i ng t o tha ~own's zoning and subdiv is10 n c odell ,dell19n re'r iew ap p rov.:d ,Uni fc rm Build ill9 Code and other o rdina nc....o f t h..Town a pp licab l e t he re t o . TURE F owm:R OR CONTlHV:::T OR !"OR HIMSE LF AND OWNER I N ADVAN CE BY TI/LEPHOtI E AT .j21J ll OR AT OUR O:rF I CB FRCM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM /)/ <-...--"_/.-t""/aLu_~ a r REQTJESTS FOR I NSPECTIONS SHALL BE ~E:TWE:NTY ·FOUR HOURS •.._.••••.••.••.........•......•••....•.••••....................•• TOWN OFVAI L,COLORADO S t atemnt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S t atemnt Number : Pay:nent Me chod : REC -0649 ~~unt ; 9 55 6 Notation : 1 36.00 SHAW EL ECTR IC 0 7/03/00 13 :32 Init.:IN P e rmit No:80 0 -0 123 Type:B -ELEC Parc el No :2103 -11 4 -13-0 12 Site Address :2 47 7 GARMIS H OR Locat ion:2 477 GARM lS H DR ELECTRICAL PERMI T This Payme nt 136.00 Tot al Fee s: To t al A:.L PInts: Balance: 1.36.00 1 36.00 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ac c ount Code EP 0010000 311 1400 ~C 00100003112 800 Descr i ption ELE CI'R lCAL P ERMIT FEES WILL CALL I NSPECTION FEE _=t 133 .00 1 .00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- fRD1 :9f=LI ELECTRIC ••J1.J',I .3B 2000 00:3'9R'1 Pt TOWN OFVAILELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 600-0'2..3 APPUCATION WIll NOTBE ACC[PTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #:---c:--::-",rz".---,"',.,,- Bu ilding Permit #:4B,-,--,-9-,,'1...:::.=,-,-,- Electrical Permit #:=c=:c---- 97o-479 ~2149 (Inspections) Contact Eaole County Assessors Officv il t 9 70·328-8640 or visit WMIK'.ean~e-<ovnty.,forParce/# Parcel #(llequir ~d if no bldg.permit #is provided a bove) loll N.m<:.._,4ttX",-&-arm,3J,':'lit:.J,Ro Job Add ress::>I{77 Gw,..,ifcA th .i1,u; /'-------1!i>v-"-.Ll .J. ~I Descnptlon ~Lot:~Block :Fihng:I Subdiv ision : Own....-ne'/o1.4n ~\V..Jl Add ,e""7 '>5.a :A<V...i?Pho ne :4 )'1 -2 /3 8' EngIneer ;,I\d dress:s tore :i Det ailed oe scrtptoo Ofrry:cor-e.~d upIG_"'-- Woril:Odss:New.I )..n()'!P"'odel ()Repair ()Temp Power ()Other ()/ Wo rk Type :Int er",(V ElrterO£.V)Both ()/I Does an EHU exist atthis location :vee()Not"*'"-MuItl-fClmdy M Commercia l ( - Tyj)e of BIdlJ .:Single-tamlly ()au_,))flestaura nt ()"""'"). No.of Existing Dwe lling Un its In till'S bu nding :.z.;I No.of Accommod Cloo n Unlt!.I n this bUilding : 15tnts oermrtf ora hot tu b:Yes vl No fv(- Does a fire Ala""Exist:Yes V)No()I Does a Fire Sprinkler SystemExist :Yes ()No()., 7S S .Frontage Rd. Vall ,ColontiJo 81657 COMPLETE SQ.fEET fOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONSFOR AU OTHERS (labor 8<Materials) [AMOUNT?F ~~N STRUcruRE:~..1DITElE CTRICALVALUATION:$/(-/~-I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electr ical Cont ractor :Tow nof VGl il Reg.Nc.:Contact andPhone#'5: ~£I.p&"'l ~E (6 (",I::Izu..or-ik....l dta-J "ti!£.-3 3SK"' Contrador Signature: ~I>I>•••••••••**.**.*FOR OFFICE USE ONLy . •• TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL.CO 81657 970-47 9-2138 NOTE :THI S P ERMIT MUS T BEPOSTED ONJOBS ITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:POO -009 2 Job Ad dre ss: Location ...: ParcelNo ..: P roj ect No .: 2 485 GARMISH DR 2 485GARM ISH NO RTH TRAIL 2103 -114 -13 -013 PRJ99 -0126 S tatus .. App li ed. I s sued .. Bxpires . ISSUED 08/25/20 00 APPLICANT HOAG.JIM PLUMB I NG &HEATI NG,I NC Phone:970 -9 45 -556 9 3 90 7 OLD LODGE ROAD.GL ENWOOD SPRINGS.CO 81 601 CO NTRA CTO R HOAG.JIM PLUMB I NG &HEATING.INC P hone :970 -9 45 -55 69 3907 OLD LODGE ROAD,GLENW OOD SPR INGS,CO 81 601 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ,FINANCE DEPARTMENT.75S FRONTAGE RD.VAIL CO B1657 OWNER NORTH TRAIL AFFD HOUSING .......................................................... 25,000 .00Description:PLUMBING FOR DUPLEX .0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PER SUMMARY Pluab1 nq ---··~175.00 R••t u.rant Plan Review'" Plan Ch.c~··-.'1.1'S TOTAL ..K5••------••----. In ...at i g at i on,..00 Wil l c.l1 ····,.1.00 -" U'l.1'~ Valuation: Total e.leu l.t~,•••---. ~dd l t i on.l r •••·-··-----,. Total ~~lt ,..--------,. Pay..nt.··-···---------·,. BALASCI DUB ··--···------,. 471.7 S -" 471.75 4071 .75 ."............................................................................................................•..................... It~m,0 5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08 /27 /2000 KATHY Ac tion :APPR It~m:05600 FIRE DBPARTMENT 08/27/2000 KATHY Action:APPR APPROVED N/A Dept : PER KW Dept: BUILDING FIRE Division : Division : .........................•.......••..............•........................................•••....•................................ CONDITION OF APPROVAL I .FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . .............•......................................................................•............................................. DECLARATIONS t h.~eby a ckno.ledge t~t I h ave r e.d t hi••pp li c.tion .fi lled OY t in f ~ll t he i n f o ~tl oc requir.d .~l.~.d an accur ate p lot p lan .end etate th.t .11 tho in f o~t i on proVided ae r eqvir.d i e correct .I .~re e to coqply .i th the i nforaation an d plot p l an. to cOlaf>ly with .n Town o r dinance ••nd.e t.t.1......nd to build t h i .al:nl"ture e ccording to the Town'.c oning en d a ubd lvl.ion C"CIdea ,d.dgn r.,wi ....apprOVl>d,lJni fo~a ulldl.ng Cod.en d.other or4 1r......"••ot t lla Town .ppli cabl.th..r ..to. Jl:EQUKBT8 FOR UI SPRCTI0NS SMALL li B IllADI TWrn'T -FOUR HOURS 1M l\.OVlUfC!:II!T ~PHO S1 0 MAr'tlRl OP 0WNll ... OON'I'RA Cl'QR I'OR K1M81L1'AND OWNER •• TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt ••***.***••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••******••••••••••******* Stat emnt Number,RBC-0670 Amount,471 .75 08 /2 7/00 16,43 Pa yme nt Me thod :WAIVED Notati on:TOV PRO JECT Init:KMW Permi t No,POO -0 092 Type:B -PLMB PLUMB ING PERM IT Parc el No ,2103-114-13-0 13 S ite Address ,2485 GARMISH DR Location :2485 GARMISH NORTH TRAIL DUPLEX Total Fees :471 .75 This Paym ent 471 .75 Total ALL Pmts :471.75 Balance:.00 .**••*••••••••••***••**.**••••••**••••**••**••••••*•••*.****••*. Account Code *·WAIVEDFE ES·· Description WAI VE D FEES Amount 4 71.75 APPUCATION.L NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL.UNSIGNED Project #:~O I Zl.q Building Permit #:r-o do 1'1' Plumbing Permit ~O O .Q b9 L 970-479-2149 (Ins Ions) TOWNOFVAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail ,Colorado 81657 Contact Eat/Ie County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit wmv.esoto-coaruv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above) . JobName:;:>.J,Plotp ))0 01("i Job Addr ess:;;J.'-/7 7 <5 '\\1'..........,S\....\\\': fLot:I Block:I Filing :I Subdivision: , legal Description Owners Name:,,,",",n''/0:I 'Address :Phone: r Engineer :Address:Phone : ,Detailed description of work: I Jt:K('1 ,r etJ t-I (k)~e.--~0.<;,..... Work Class:New ~Addition ()Altera tion ()Repair ()Other(), Type of Bldg .:Single-family ()Duplex ()<l Multi-family ()Com mercial ()Restaurant ()Other () I No.of Existing Dwelling Units in this building :~I:No.of Accommodation U nits i n thisb uilding :,. o Is this a conversio n froma wood burning fireplace to a nEPAPhase II device?Yes()No () . COMPLETEVALUATIONFOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) I!PLUM BING:$25.000 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plum b ing Co ntractor:To w n o fVailReg .No.: •I~'•P ."'*FOROFFICEUSE ONLy ••••••••••"'•••••••••••••••••••••••••• other Fees :Date Received: ORB Fees:Acceoted BY, Planner Sian--off: a :14 am~~~~:_~~__~~__C_~~~_~~~__~~_~~~__._3__/__2_4_/_0_0 ----'._ F ~om ;Mi ke Mcgee To :BI.DGDIV GROUP S u bJect :r ov Hou si ng a t 2 477 Garmisch ===NOTE===============3 /20 j :O =lO:34am== CC:F IRE OFFICERS GR OU P I have revised the Fire Dept ap prova l and made not at ions re f fi re hydr ants, f ire flow,access a nd a ssumptions unde r the UBC r ef 2 h e area sap .wa lls a nd s moke detectors . Pa ge:1 TOWN OF VA IL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL.CO 81 657 9 70-479-2138 NOTE: •DEI'AIITM ENT OF CO \lM U N n~EV ELO PME NT \......0 '\\..\ TillS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSlTEATALI.TI\lES '00.-<.\6.~:'-k'MZ Job Address.: I .ocatio n : ParcelNo: ProjectNo : ADDIALT MF Il UILO PERMI T 2448GARMISII DRVAIL 2448GARMISH 011 #5 2 1031 1419005 Permit #:8 03-0360 Status ; Applied: Is su ed : Expire s : ISSUED 1112 61200 3 121041200 3 06/01 12004 OWNER PENFOLD,PE TER R. 24 48GARMISCH DR 5 VAI L CO 8 1657 Licens e : CONTRACTOR PETER PENFOLD 2 448 GARMI SH DR.#5 Va il ,Colorado 81657 L icense:299-L APPL ICANT PETER PENFOLD 2 44 8GARMISHDR .#5 Vail .Colorado 816 57 L ic e nse : 11 /26 /2 003 Phone : 11/26/2003 Phone: 11 /2 6/2003 Phone:(97 0)4 71-2957 Desciption: INTERIOR RENOV ATlON·FRAMING WALLSAND DRYWALL Occupa ncy: TypeCon struc t ion: Type Occu pancy: Va luat ion: R 1 Multi-Family V l -HRTypeV l -Hc ur 17 $4.950.00 Add Sq Ft:o Fireplace lnfomllllion :Restricted:Y If orGas Apphan~«:0 "of GIL'Legs :0 jj uf Wood Pell~:0 .....................................................................FEE SUMMARY . Au ~dinll -->$111.:15 R~IWlnnl Plan Re..........,-'"$0 .00 "loe,1Calc ulal¢d Fees-e-$18 6 .56 Plan Cbl:cl->$7:1 .31 ORB f ee >$0 .00 AddIlIOnllI FCI:'->$0 .00 In~e'ill gall iolt->$0.00 Rec~lion ree >$0.00 ToIaI PannI Fa:->$186 .56 Will (:aIJ->$l .00 Clean-up Dcposn-->$0 .00 Pa~menu >$18 6 .56 mTALFEES >$186 .56 BAU.NCE n Ul:-->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A pprovals : I tem :05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12 /03 /2 003 OCD Action:AP Item:05 400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seepage 2 of thi s Do cument fo r any co nditions t hatmayapply toth is permit, ••PAGE2 ••••****.**•••**••••••••••••••******••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit #:80 3-0360 CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL aso f 12-04-2003 Status:ISSUED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Lo cati on: Pa rce l No: ADDIALT MFBUILD PERMIT PETER PENFOLD (970)471-2957 244R GARMISH DRVAIL 244RG ARMISH DR #5 21 03 11 419005 A pp lied: Issued : ToExpire: 1112612003 121 04/2003 06101 /2004 Description : INTERIO RRENOVATION-FRAMI NG WALLS AND DRYWA LL Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELDINSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Co nd:14 (BLlX1.):ALI.PENETRATIONSIN WALLS .CEILlNGS.A ND flOORS TO BESEALED WITH ANAPPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Condo16 (BLDG.):SMOK E DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALLBEDROOMSAN D EVERY STORY ASPERSEC.l10.9.1 OFTHE 1997 UBC. Cond:I (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTM ENT APPROVAL ISREQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CANBE STARTED. •DECLARATIONS • I hereby ack now ledge that I hav e rea d t his app lication,fill edout in full t heinformation required ,comp leted anaccurate p lot plan , a nd stale thata llt heinfo rma tion as required iscorrect.I agre e tocomp ly with th e information a nd plo t plan.tocom p ly w ith a ll TO \\'l1 o rd inancesand sta te laws.a ndtobuild t his s tructureaccording to th e tow ns zoni ng a nd s ubdivis ion codes.d esign rev iew a pproved.Uniform Buil ding Code and other ordinances of the To\'II1 applicab lethereto. REQUESTSFOR fNSI '[CTION SHAL L RF M AD E TWE NTY-FOU R 1lOURSI N AD VA.,\:CE BY TFIH llOJ\E AT 479-2 1490R AT OUR OFFICE FROM ItOO AM·4 PM . .O \VNER ORCONTRACTOR FORHIM SELF A ND OWNH •• 'S ElV ED TOV TOTAL:S Labor & I O THE R:s o r visit WWlN'.6a le-coun .com 3;;t"O ELECTR ICAL:S I ,,0 Ie Co unt A ssessors Officeat97 .a MECHANICAL:S ~ APPLICATION W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I F I NCOMPLETEOR UNSI P:NED -'<"7'2 .J II -T\ Project #:L £\-J r '-)J l-1'v7T Building Pe;.;rm;,;;;it,,#;,::c:;-_ 9 -~14 peell<> CO MPLETE VALUATIONS FOR B UILDING PERMIT B UILDING:$ PLUMB ING :s JObNam ~I e I h:.L0 75 S.Frontage Rd . Va ll,Colorado 81657 Leg al Desc r iption lot:Block:Filing :Subdivision: ArchitecU Designer.Address:Phone : Eng inee r;Address:Phone: Detai led description of work: n )7r-e /~~ Work Class New ()Add.ion ()Remod )Repair()Demo ()Otner() Work Type:Interi0t-k:!Exterior(Both ()Does anEHUexist atthislocation:Yes ()No () Type of Bldg.:Sing le-family()Two-family()Mult i-famil y..t-t-Commercial ()Restaurant ()Othe r ( No.of Existing DwellingUnitsinthis building:?-.No.ofAccommodation Units in this building: Wood BuminWood/Pellet Does a Fire Sp rinkler SystemExist Yes ()No..i-r' Gas Lo s Wood fPe l1et )Wood Bum in(NOT ALLOW EDNoITvofFirelacesProsed:Gas Anances Noll of Firelaces Existin:GasAIiances -Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes ()No •__•..........•••....••....·--FOR OFFICE USE ONLy....•..••......••••.._-_..•......•• ~t he r Fees:~~[j~~i~~:~Pe it Fe : Type of Con struction :V-I ~~(' OCCUDanc v GrouD:10{-l Date Received : IAccepted By : Planner Sign-off:t · \\Vailld al a'O:lev\FOR M S\P ERM ITS'BLDG PERM.DOC 07J26J2002 • Department of C ommu ni tyD evelopment 75 So uthFron tage R oa d Vail,Co lo rado 8 165 7 9 70-4 79-2/38 FAX970 -479-2452 www .ci.vai l.c o.us TOWN OF VAIL IceCoPJ Com m u n ity C :::l VC::;:;7:r1t D C ~~:-::-;::-:'lt Bu ilding S af.::t )'&.tnspc ctlcn servke s ~ill n 106.4.;\UnlIona BuUd1nI Code."aIldll1'..,P crmlL ne :s::uw::a e-iT;.ntin t of II penni!01'1ppfO\'a1 of ptaM.spc:afieations and co mp~c.=I ~~I n Oi be:conslrued 10 be •pcrmfI:rot.or eo a pprov:ll of,I.~r v i o l ati ~1l1 aay of ,hi!r>ro vi,io lls o f this code Dl'o(1IIY othct cedlaanceof the Juri~i~r.OlI, f'en:ti~;p;t:suming 10 ~Viii a uthority 10 Yio1atc Of unc""the pro vis ions llft!lil t ilde or ot~r o rd in.4nces l,I (tbcJurlsdi ctiooshall not be valil1 'TIl<'i -~"~l '''~o f a penni!based a D p1lDl.sped.f1.ClUi ons and otb='ckul ihJlJ flU:p;,,;'cnl the u uilding o ffidAI from dlerun~requidn,tho COIRCtl OIl :f t rrof'In ~:Li d pl l1lU .speci tlClUlonsand ,)llm d;.u.c r fmlll pl1lvcntin.bui ldu:, op:r;l!ions be ing c.uricd gQ thc il:lInder ",ll.)".;~G.Il o!dlls tool.lit CIf ~~\~::~:~i nan ~s l4?~:UAT ~12-63-6;$ Ca~keho\<\lyre.v-\\-\ou.r- Oc.G ~v..(:-y Groufl R-\ o l u.:c yc u:n PAPIiR ~.8Y e TE _ "'~R.A.NELSON SUBJECT----------------I ~rj n e hil i I de r s J OBNAMElNO _ I .--I i ---I I I P.O.Drawer 5 400 •Avon,Colorado 8 16 20 •9 70 ·9 49-5152 •FAX 9 70 ·949-4379 www.ranelson .com ~e BY ,,~R.A.NELSON S UBJECT ----------------1'1"f ill e b If i t d er $JOBNAME/NO ._ - I I I ~1IrJ ,jJI.e;+''""I "I P.O .Drawer 5400 •Avon ,Co lorado 81620 •970-949-5 152•FAX 970·949.4379 www.ra nelson.co m ·1 J I /- ~e BY l'~R.A.NELSON SUBJECT----------------I ~f i 11 C b ui f d e rs JOB NAME/NO._ ,t I I I -, 1 I ! I - i , --_._..,. ._,-----i------,-,-- I 1 I I I IJf-I -~li---------;'-- ,. --------1+----+------ ____1=0--_1_.-+'.~~ It--__-..I I I ; I L II./IN5 rz..~<-u ALL... .$£"<:.1I.:>,A.I. .-.+----------t-- P.O .Drawer 5400 •Avon,Colorado 8 1620 •97Q.9 49-5152 •FAX 9 70-9 49-4379 www.ro nelson.com ~e BY .E _ ,,~R.A.NELSON SUBJECT----------------I/j'(i n I:b u i I de r 5 JO B NAME/NO._ I t J -----r--- I J /j [---1 1 ,\ \I I I I I I I I WJ'.LL 1 i P.O .Drawer 5.100 •A von,Colorad o 8 162 0 •970·949 -5 152 •FAX9 70-949 -4379 www .ranelso n.com ~.BY e E ~~~·,~'~~~~i?~SUBJECT JOBNAM E/NO . j I I IU,v ,'-6 II, j, I I r -_., £i-'S"'t"O~S ?LYWOOp .,, I, , j i "')~."I I , I J I I I I I •..L, ,- - I r I I.- r I.I_ I I 1- I I .,I .......J.!. ,, --.'"~- i ! j'-I i T, --+---··-+----If---I-----i--,I I_ I I ~-........jl--I-- I I.-1--...--+-----+---+-----------j I P.O .Drawer 5400 •Avon ,Colorado 81 620 •970·949·5 152•FAX 970-949-4379 www.rane lson .co m I i --I I I, I UN'/{,I 1 Il?f-\po ,J f ':-v l-.7CJo 0 .._----, T ----.i I I I.5d ",ru D :r.)--- If \C7 1\l- Ll <, t -, _..I...___'-_ I '---'I i I ,')I """,-nJ t..6;;;<I D I I$'&S P -rlVtJ &7"1::>;w;r.,<i§7yf'~-x.IiD 12.Y lAJ'A.((~ ,,L -_I I ,------I I I, VN'is--,, I I r-, IIIC5'IL(JV r H~!JJ.,I C'2 rM 191--' I I fl T;;rz.lt;)w J<+'1 ,, I I ~J,r ",..,+-'.fh-.-"-I,I I I_---+--.•._---~---- P €T.>12."""f-."-.I I ,, I II _-J-,--------~--,-I I I I I I I !, I ~I TI i ----IlI;I III,---I , I I i ,iI._-----.---- II, I I I I I , P.O .Drawer 5 400 •Avon,Colorado816 20 •97 0-949-515 2 •FAX 9 70-949-4379 www.rane lson.com ~-6y I E _ -,,~R.A.NELSON SUBJECT ----------------1"1"f in e b u j 1 J e rs J OB NAME/NO ._ I -I I I I -- , --j -- I -, I ~I I 1-I I I I I •FAX97 0-949-4379 I i 1 I I_---1 ,, I,,- , __---i--~T-_-I'--t--,------,-------'---- I P.O .Dra wer 54 00 •Avon .Colorado8 1620 •970·949-51 52 www.ra nelson .co m ____-L-_ r --+----~-_J.._ I _I ----'--I~--I _L--7-/1W--'--_---.-:-..~_+_-I -.,-,,I I -, r ~TI~~I ~~l ~: I , -----+------ TOWN OFVA IL 75s .r RONl;AGE ROAO VA IL.C O 81657 970-479 -2 138 NOTE: O E!TMENT OF COMMU ~I TY OE VELOP~!fr THIS PERM ITM USTBE POSTEO ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES J ob Address: Loca tion : ParcelNo : Project No : ELECTIVCAL P ER.\lIT 24 4 8 GA RMISH DRVA IL 2448 GARMISH D R #5 21031 1419005 Permit #: Status ...: Appli ed ..: Is s ued ..: Expi res ..: E0 3-0262 ISSUED 1112612003 12/0412003 06 /0 112004 OWNER PENFOLD,PETER R . 2 448 GARM ISCH DR 5 VAI L CO 8165 7 L i cense: CONTRACTOR PETERP ENFOLD 2448 GARMISH DR.#5 Vai l,Co lorado 8 1657 License:299-L APPLICANT PETER PENFOLD 2448 GARM ISH DR.#5 Vail,Colorado 8 1657 License : 1 1/26/2003 Ph one : 1 1 /26 /2003 P hon e: 11/26 /2003 Phone :(97 0)471 -29 57 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Desciption: Va luat ion: REW IRE OF CONDO $1.150.00 H :'Clrical---> ORB Fec--> lnvestigation-s--> Will eal \-;. TOT AI.fEES-> $50 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $3 .00 $53 .00 FEE SUMMARY . Total Ca lculated F<:<:s-'"$!:I3 .0 0 Additiona l Fee.i -,.$0 .00 TOlal Pl'nnil F<,.":--'>$53.00 P')'IJlI'nt~:>$5 3.00 BAlANCE D UI;--->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approval s: Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 11/26 /2003 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDlTIO:--lS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D ECLARA TI ONS Iherebya ckno wl edge th at Ihave read t his a pp lica tion,filledo ut infulltheinfo rmationr equired ,co mpleted a n accurate p lot p la n. a nd s tate th ai a ll the informa tio n as requi redis correct.I a greetoco mply with th e informatio n a nd plo tp lan .to comply with all Town o rdina ncesand s tate laws.a nd tob u ild t hisstructureacco rding to the to wn s zon inga nd s ubd ivis io n codes,des ign review a pprove d.Un iform Build ingC odean d o the r o rdinan ce so f t he To wn app licab le th eret o . ••R E QUE~T~FOR ~SP E CT ION SHAllBEMADETWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV~79 -21 12-0R AT OUR OFfiCE FROM 8:00 AM-4PM. SIGNA tURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNEF - Electrical CO ntra 17~/~-,JFO LV APPLlCATION •NOTBEACCEPTED I F INCOMPLAR UNSIGNED Project #:=7.:""":;;c------Building Permit #:_ Electrical Permit #:...,.,-_,-_ 970 -479-2149 (Inspections) Contractor Signatu (. E-M ail Address:i:) • / COMPLETE SQ.FEETFORNEW BUILDS a nd VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (labor &Materials) IAM OUNT OF SQ FT I N STRUCTURE:I Et£CTRlCAl VALUATION:$/,I @ I Contact Eaole County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or vi sit www.eeate-couotv.com tor Percet s: Parcel #;;Llo<.1/4 I'i'00 S- JobName :~.Job Address: 6Nf'o<.-1):",:dLJ <-,.,;,...'~,d/DA"et r-- Legal Description ~Lot:I Block:~Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name .1fT.:z;7_,,)en .rv Add~~t phone :.-t ';1/.?~r ~~.C ."Ii'".~'"~.-t-...r- Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work : Q..~......,e:<~F"D <" Work Cla ss:New()Add ition ()Remod e4'<)'Repair ()Temp Power ()other () Work Type :InteriorN.Exterior ()Both()Does an EHU existatthis kxation :Yes ()No () Type ofBldg.:Single-family ()Duple x (\')Multi-fami ly ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Ex isting DwellingUnitsinthi s building:1;)-I No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building ;......., Isth is oermi!forahottub:Yes ()NCl-P<>-,....,.,~'f''" DoesaFireAlarm Exist:Yes ()Nop<)II Does aFireSprinkler System Exist:Yes ()NCl.l'<-) -h --··.·································.··FOROFFICE USE ONLy ···················n....•.•.•....... Other Fees: ORB Fees: Date Rece ived: Acce ted B : Planner Si n·off: \\V.iI\d3Ia\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\f ll':l;PERM,IKJC 0712612002 •• Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C.Tow n of Vai l Ordin ance 10-1-6. u Overheadservices are not allowedi nthe T ow n of Vail. oUnderground services havetobeinconduit (PVC)from t hetra nsform ert otheelectricmeter,m aind isconnect sw itchandto t he fi rst electrical distrib ut io n circu it br eakerpanel. ':J The main disconnect switch shall be locatedn exttothemeter ontheexte rior wallofthest r ucture easily access ible. o All u ndergroundcon duits are requ iredt o be inspected befo re back·fi Jli ngth e trenc h. u I nmu ltHamily dwe lling u nits,noelect rical wiringo rfeedercables shall passfromo ne u nit toa not her.Common walls and spaces are accepted. u NM Cable(Romex)is not allowed in com mercial buildings o r st r uctures exceeding t h ree (3)sto ries. u Nouse of a luminum w iresm allerth ansize#8willbe p er mitted with t he To w n of Vail. TOWNOF VAIL ElECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES u All installationsofexteriorhottu bs or spa's require aDRB approva l f romplanning.Thisapplication will not be accepted w it hout acopy ofthe DRB approval f orm attached(if applicable). o If th isper mit isfo rinstallat ion ofanexterior hott ubor spa onanewelevated platfo rm ordeckover 30"above g rade,you mustalsoobtain a building permit. o I f th is perm it isfo rinstallati onofan exteriorhot tu bor spa on any existing deck orelevated platform, astructural engineermust reviewt he existing condit ion and ventvt hat it will support theadded concent ratedload.Pleaseprovide acopyof thestructural engineers wet sta mpedletter ordrawing w iththisapplication. o I f th is is a remodel in a multi-family buildingwit ha homeowners associat ion,alette r ofper mission from t heassociation isrequired. o I f th is permit is foracommercial space,two (2 )setsofstamped d rawings arerequired. Signature I 11 -i 9 -0<, Date Signed If you have any qu estions r egarding the above in formation or have a ddi tional questions, please contact the Town o f Vail Electrical Inspector at 970-479-2147.The inspector canb e r eached onTu esday,Thursday andFriday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am.You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back . TOWN OFVAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-4 79-2138 ••DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT Permit #:MQ4.-{)141 D OSO~(,O NOTE:THISPERM IT MUST BE POSTEDONJOBSIT E ATALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: Location : Parce l No : Project No : 2448 GARMISH DRVAIL 2448 GARMISH DR#5 210311419005 1'11 "OS 0'1 v" Status ...: App lied ..: Issued ..: Expires .. ISSUED 08 /02/2004 08 /09/2004 02105 /2005 OWNER PENFOLD,PETER R. 2448 GARMISCHDR5 VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR PETER PENFOLD 2448 GARMISH DR .#5 Vail,Colorado 81657 License:29 9 -L APPLICANT PETER PENFOLD 2448 GARMISH DR.#5 Vail,Colorado 81657 License : 08 /02 /2004 Phone : 08 /02 /2004 Phone : 08 /02 /2004 Phone:(970 )4 71-2957 De sciption: Valuation : REPLACE GAS FIREPLACE S3OO.OO Fireplace l ntormanon:Restricted:Y /I of Gas Appliances:0 .....................................................................FEESUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,o f Wood ~Ilef :0 $0 .00 $0.00 $28.00 Rcswaranl Plan Review-.» ORB Fce------> TOTALFF.F.S > $20 .00 $5 .00 $0.00 $3.00 Mechankal -·:> Plxn Chcc k-·> In\'f:!;ligation-> Will Call --·> TOI.ll.I C......lculatcd Fecs ->$28 .0 0 Additional F~---;>o $0.00 Total Pennit Fee -·-·-:>$28 .00 I'llym'mr~---__:>S2A .00 BALAN CE DUE-··--->$0.00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08 /02 /2004 JS Action :AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond :22 (BLDG .):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC .701 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IHC. Cond:23 (B LDG.):I NSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFA CTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 UMC ,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond :2 5 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TOCHAPTER 8AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMC,ORCHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 THe . Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTOHEATINGEQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITHCHAPTER3 AND SEC.1017 OF ••THE 199 7 UMCAND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1 99 7 IMC . Co nd :31 (BLDG.):BOILERSS HALLBEMOUNTED ONFLOORS OFNON COMBUSTIBLE CONST .UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COM BU STIBLE FLOORING. Con d:32 (BLD G.):PERM IT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUSTBEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST . Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE "OF ME CHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATE R SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRA INPERSEC .1022 OF THE 1 997 UM C,OR SECTION 10 04 .6 OFTHE 1997 IMC . D ECLARATIONS Ihe reby acknow ledge that Iha ve read this app lication ,filledoutinfull the information required ,completed a n acc uratep lot plan ,and s tatethatallthe informationas requiredis correc t.I agreetocomp ly with the information andplot plan .to comply w ithall Town ordinancesa ndstatelaw s,andt o bu ildthi sst ructure according to the town szoningandsubdivi sion cod es.de sign re viewa pp roved,Uniform Bu ilding Code and other ord inances of the To wn appl icable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIO N SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR S L"l ADVAI'CE BYTELEPHONEAT479-2149 OR AT OUROFFICE FROM S:OO A.\l .4 PM . SIGNATUR E OFOWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF ANDOWNEI -- TOWNOFVAILMECHANICAL ~ERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be acc epted without the f ollo wi ng: APPUCATION ILL NOTBE ACCEPTEO IF INCOMP LET~R UNSI ... Project #:--f.-":"'~~-=-=T.~:-;./ Building Perm t #:.5(,() Mec han ical Permit #: 970 -479-2149 (In specti'~oLn":s)~t-='!oL£:r( } 7SS.Frontage Rd. Vall ,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor :TownofVail Reg .No.:Contactand Phon e#'s:~£:'!i<l'P -47/-~:5'<:: Z ?'1-L g,Tc -4 7-1 -;J..'S COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials MEC HANICAL :$~o Contact Eaole Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or "isit www.eeate-couotv.com tor Percet s: Parcel #-:II,.,?,1/4 'qoo.;-,t ri,L.<k"/ Job N ~e:"".•.-:j)!;'t;,Address:'~h ""'S-A&>/-""-~ Legal Description Lot:II Block :II Filing :I Subdivision:I /JtJ ,1 e-,___,I,., Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer :Address:Phone : ~tailed description of work: I 11.-c-".J#<P'1 12~PJ..J4"~ New()Addit ion()Alteration..k-'J Repair()Other () Boller location:Interior()Exterior()Other ()II Does an EHU exist at th is location:Yes()No() Typeof Bldg :Single-fa mily ()Duplex()Multi -fa m i l ~Co mmerdal ()Resta urant()Other () No .ofExisti ng Dwelling Unitsin th is huildinq;I :J-II No.ofAccommodationUnits inthi s build ing ; N~ofFireplaces Exlsti no:Gas Appliances ()Gas Laos (.)Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurninn () No{fype of Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances <!)Gas l ogs()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurning (NOT ALLOWED) I sthi s a conversion f rom a wood burningfireplace toan EPA Pha se II device?Yes ()No () ~."************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ************************** Other Fees:Planner Sfn -off:Acce ted B : ORB Fees:Date Rece ived: \\V"illdala'..;d evIFORMSIPERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC 0112612002 1 •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVA IL ,COLORADO Statem ent •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : PENFOLD R040 006328 Amount :$28 .00 Check 08 /02 /200402 :56 PM Init:J S Notation:#5326 !PETER Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address: Location : This Payment : M04-0141 Type : 21031141900 5 2448 GARMI SH DR VAIL 2 448GARMISHDR #5 $28 .0 0 MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees : T ot al ALL Pmts : Balance: $28 .00 $28 .00 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Ac count Co de MP001000031 11100 PF 001000 03 112300 WC 00 10 000 3112800 oesc r:pt t on MECHAN ICA L PERM IT fE ES PLA NCHECK FEES WI LL CAL L INS PECTION FEE Current Pmt s 20 .00 5 .00 3 .00 'IDWN OFVAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL.CO 81 657 9 70-4 79·2138 NOTE: ••DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVELOI'MENT TIllSPERMIT MUST BEPOSTEDON JOB SITE ATALL TIMES J ob Address: Location: ParcelNo : Project No : PLUMBI NG PERMI T 2448 (]ARMISH DR VAI L 2448 GARMISHDR #5 2103 11419005 --;;>KmS -G "i("7 Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Is sued ..: Expires ..: PO H1I53 ISSUED 11 126 /2003 12/04/2003 06/01 /2004 OWN ER PENFOLD,PETER R. 2448 GARMISCHDR5 VAIL CO 81657 L icense : CONTRACT OR PETER PENF OLD 2448 GARMISH DR.#5 Vai l,Col orado 81657 L ic ens e:299 -L APPLICANT PETER PENFOLD 2448 GARMISHDR .#5 Vai 1,Colorado 816 57 License: 11 /26 /20 03 Phone: 11/26 /200 3 Phone : 11/26/2003 Phone:(970)4 71-2 95 7 Desciption : Valuation: NEW BATHROOM PLlJMUlNG $600,00 Fireplace lnformatinn R c~l r iclcd :??#of(jlL"App liances.'!'!/I or Gas l ogs:".',;I o f Wood Pallet :.,-, .....................................................................1'1'1'SI JM MARY . Plumbing_>$15 .00 Rcstua tant PlanReview-c-$0.00 TlltII C llcu l a l c d F ~->$21 ."1~ Plan C heck_>$).'75 ORB Fee >$0 .00 Ad<l iliumd Fees--->$0 .0 0 Invesl lgat ion.:>$0.00 TO TAl.FEES >$21 .'15 TOlal l\:rm it Fee >$21 .1 5 W ilICaIl->$3 .00 Paym en l~>$21 .1 5 B ALANCE DU E-->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item :05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1 1 /26 /20 03 DF Action:AP Item:056 00FIRE DEPARTMENT C ONDIT ION O F A PPROVAL Cond:1 2 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D EC LARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I havereadthis application,filled o ut in full theinformation required.completed anaccurate plot plan. and s latethata ll the information asrequired is correct.Iagree tocomply with the informationandplot pla n,to c omplywith a ll Town ord inances and sta te laws,a nd to hu ild thisstructure accordingtothctowns zoning a nd subd ivision codes.designrev iew approved,Uniform BuildingCodeand other ordinances ofthe TO\\l1 applicable thereto. •• REQUESTS FORINSPECTIONSHALLBE MADE TW ENTY-FOUR HOURSINADV ANC ~BY~A T OUROFFICE FROM8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGNAT EOF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF COntact a nd Phone #'5: -;>.-r: ON APP UCATlON wi NOTBE ACCEPTEO IFINCOMPLETE .UNSIGNED ::l Proj ect #:\-"',.- Building Permit #:,:;-_ Plumbing Perm it #:==,-__ 970-479-(Ins E~Maii Address: Contra r Signature: Plumbing COntracto r : elL ",,J 75 S .Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 , COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) I PLUM BI NG:$6.00Ca. Contact Eaole Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.esate-coontv.com for Parcel # Parcel #.::1 l OS I /~/9',.,...,<;" l ob Name :--:?-•i)Job Address: t :C"AJ to L..J <;-'0 AIl-_I',u ,.,~""c- Legal Description I Lot:I Block:I Filing:II Subdiv ision:.-. Owners Name0 -e-«,;:>.,r-.,D Add~;.u .L 'rh "",Phone~?--I "- Eng ineer:Address :Phone: Detailed descripti onofwo rk: n )~cc»?A rz;t>_~-rl ?L d 1\-1.R!, Work Class:New ()Add i~o n ()A1teratl o ~Repair ()Other () Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex()Multi-family O<t..Commerdal ()Resta urant ()Othe<() No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsin this building:/;L I No.of Accommoda~Units inth is building:_ Isthi s a conversion froma wood burningfireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes ()No~ji:f) t ,- O~'I.4 1UU>·······································FOROFFICE USE ONLy ············•••••••••'*.'*'*•••••••r\t . ..cO",.OEII ...I Other Fees :Date Received :,.011 ORBFees:Accepted Bv : Planner Sian-off: \\Va iM ata'roc\,II'ORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM,rxx 0712612 002 •.- OS025-2tlO5 ------Ins pection ReqUea~Rorrtlnll Page 18 _4:~_Vall,CCl.=-C _ Thursdat.Ma:~28.2'00~ GO 2448 GARMISH ORVAIL 2~e GARNISH OR 'IS Affllntonnatlon A<:tMty.~TWo 'Mo.F Sub Type,',AMi' ConitTypt:OCcupenc.y ;tJse V1-HRowner'PENfOLD.PETER R. ."POIca nt:PETER PENFOLD PhorIt:t97O)471 -2951 CO"nlredor.PETER PENFOlD onc.nptIon:INTERtOR RENOVAllON-FRAMING WALLS ANO DRYWAlL Comment ROUTED 10 GREG fOR REVIEW-OFlORES Stltua.ISSUED Imp AI ••:GO R!QUl"St!sIIO§pe:ctton(t' teem:IX)BL.OG-Flnal A.quMIor.PETER PENFOLD Cornmantl:JR .....,wlI e.n 411 ·2957 ~To:CO~VlSAdfon T1mo e.p:_ ReqUHted Tim.:01:00 AM Phone :(970)471·2951 Erur.cl By :OOOlOEN K ActIon :AP APPROVED Item: 118m :_: "am : "'m :ttem. 226 ARE DEPT.NOTlFtCATlON30BlDG-F.._••_.- 12.'161CJ3 1nsp4ldDr JRt.f. Comment 50 1llOG-lnouIotlon -"""""'""-12JtS1J3 Inspector.JRM 'ActIon' Comment: 60 BlDG-ShMlro<lc No"-A...._- 12118103 ,_,Art "-': Comment APPROVEO SHEETROCK FASTENrNG 70 8lDG-lo1IIc. 90 BlOG-Fnl 21 PlAN-tLC Founddon Plan ZI1 PLANrILC SII Pian loP APPROVED APAPPROVED RE PT131 -----Run Id:3252 •!J)'yvV\I • Page 1405-25-2005"""-----Inspection Request R"portlng4:25 Illn ----"'ValLCO-"-CI!)'.QL _ Thul"$day,May 28,200S EG 2448 GA RNISHOR VAIL 2448 GARMISHOR 1115 SII1.u8:Issue D IMPlore.:EO f'horl,e:(910)0471·2957 B-EL£C~po . ~r.cy: PENFOlD.PETER R. PETER PENFOLD PETER PENFOlD REWRE OF CONDO A!PtP Inform.tl9Q AetMly:E03-0062 C _~po: OWner : ~n:: oe~ Request.d Time: I'hono: Entered By: 01:00 PM (910).71 ·29l57 OGOLOEN K IMRGUon HIItory n.m:110 ELEe-.Temp.Powernom:120 ELEc.Rouoh 12J09t03 Ihlp8C&Of :eg AdIon:APCR APPROVEo.'CORRECTJON REaD CommoI'L bem :130 ELEC-CO~ Item:140 ELEe-Mile ."'m:190 EUC-FblI (X5I241CJe Inspedpr:lPII'Acaon :NO NOnAEOeomm.nt InaPecdon requ....a on thl.nday Q!5..26-M not tu&edtiy RE PT1 31 RunI d:32 52 • TOWN OFVAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •• DEPARTMENT OF G;OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE ,THIS PERMI T MUST BE POSTED ON J OBSITE AT ALL TIMES .TOV/Comm.Dev.NEW MULTI -FAM BUILD PERM Permit #,B99 -0300 .Iean-up DepOsitRefun DprOved ~g o b Address,2477 GARMISH DR S ta t us ...,IS SUED mOUnt V V !,ocati o n ...,2 477 Ga nni sh Dr )~)App lie d ..,11 /15 /1999 ,...~~a rcel No ..:2 10 3-11 4-13 -012 ~I ssued ...:06 /19/2000 Oillt!Expir es ..,12 /16 /2000 APPLICANT·-gARTbI~CONSTRUCT I ON,INC .Phone ,970 -984 -2 7 96 g .O.BOX 615 ,2 450 COUNT Y ROAD 314 ,NEW CA STLE,CO 81 647 CONT RA CTO R gARTAIN CO NSTRUCT ION,IN C .Pbone ,970-98 4 -2796 P .O .BOX 615,2450 COUNTY ROAD 3 14,NEW CASTLE,CO 81647 OWN ER TOWN OF VAIL %F INAN CE DEPARTMENT ,75 SFRONTAGE RD ,VA IL CO 81 6 5 7 Description: New 4-plex (TOV Hous i ng Project) Occupancy Type Apartment Hou ses Zane 1 V-I HR &V-N Tabl e Date ,0 5 /17 /1996 U3 £R VA!.UA':'ION;613.263 P i r e pl a~e InfQ~.tion,Rel crictc d ,YI .~Q f aa.A pp l i ~na••, Factor Sq .Fe et 72 .2 0 5,8 95 T o tal Va l ua tion : jj o f Ga ll Log'" Valuatio n 4 25 ,61 9.00 42 5 ,6 19.0 0 itOf Wood/Pallet , Bui ldin g -----~ P l ..n Chlc l<:--> Inve oti ...",r.i on> wi ll Call ---·.. 2.796.00 1.8 17 .4 0 .cc ).00 Re"tu"r"nt.Plan Review--,. VRH 1'",,--------...------> Re cr ea tion Pee ----------,. C l ~.n-Up De p o ~i t --------> TO TAL r EE S--------------~ .00 4 0 0.0 0 l ,!>21.'O 75 0.110 7 ,2U.30 To ta l Ca l culated r ~e2 ---> Add i t i ona l F e~a---------> Toe.1 Pe r-it 'ea --------> P.ymen t e ----~··-~-·-·---> BALANCE DU E--···--------> 7 ,2 98 .30 -5 ,7ti6.4 0 1 ,521.'0 1 ,5 2 1.9 0 .ce Divi sion : .~~7 **.**********.**7 *****••••••••••••****•••*•••••*.*.*.*••***••**••••••**••7*••*•••••~~~~.~~,:;;:~*:.~.()*~*.~~::{:: Item :0 5100 BUILDING DEPARTME NT Dept:BUI LDING Division : 11 /15 /1999 KAT HY Action :NOTE Routed to Charlie 1 2 /08 /1999 CHARLIE Act ion :NOTE wait ing o n areas epd et a 1 2 /.20 /1999 KATH Y Action :NOTE Rev grade ,site ,drainage 0 1 /03 /2000 CHARLI E Ac tion:APPR charlie davis 02 /1 4/2000 KATHY Action,NOTE REV SITE DEV PLAN TO CD I tem:05 400 PLANNI NG DE PARTMENT Dept :PLANN ING Division : 11 /15 /19 99 KATHY Ac tion:NOT E Route d to Al lison 1 2 /20 /1 999 KATHY Action :NOTE Rev site /drain,grade 06 /09 /2 000 AOCH SAc tion :APPR Item:05600 F I RE DEPARTME Nf Dept:FIRE 1 1 /15 /1 999 KATHY Acti on :NOT ERou ted to McGee 12 /20 /1999 KATHY Ac tion:NOTE Rev site &grading to MV 02 /14 /20 00 KATHY Action ,NO TE REV SITE DEV PLAN T O MV 02 /21/2000 MIKE V Action ,APPR appr I t ~m :0 55 00 PUBLIC WORKS Dep t:PUB WORK Division : 11[15 /1999 KATHY Action:NOTE Rout e d t o Le ona rd 1 2/20 /1999 KATHY Action :NOTERev si te,drain g rade 0 2 /10/2000 LSAND OVA Action,APPR APgROVED WITH CONDITION Item:05700 ENV IRONMENTALHEALTH Dept:HEALTH Div isio n : 11/15/1999 KATHY Ac t ion,APPR N/A Item:05550 ENGINEERING Dept :ENG INEERDivision: 1 1 /1 5/1999 KATHY Ac tion:NOT E Routed to Tom Kassmel 1 2 /.20 /.19 99 KATHY Action:NOTE Rev s i te ,g ra d e ~d ra in05/1 5 /2 000 CHA RLIE Ac tio n,APPR SEE g .w .APPROvAL See Page 2 of thisDo cu ment for a ny conditions that may apply t o this permit. •!h e reby ~cK n o w l u d9 Q t h d t I have read t hie a pp licat ion .fill ed o ut i n f u ll t he in£o~tion r e q ui re d ,complet e d an a c curat e p l o t plar.,a nd otate t~at all the i n~ormati o n p rov ided ~Q r eq uire d 1 0 cor ~c t.r agr ee t o c o~~ly wlt h the informatio n and plot ~lan. :0 c omply witn a ll ~own ordi nance.e nda tate l a v a ,an d t o bui ld thi.structu re a e"ord i ny to t he T o~'~~o n i"9 a nd e ub d iv l si o n c o de o,d eais"r e vi~w a pprove d,Uniform 8 ul1di09 Co de and other ordinaneeo at the TO ~.pp lic.b l ~_he rato. REQ1JESTS :CR I NS PECTIONS S tlALL B E MlU:E n."ENTY -FOL"R HOURS I N AO\JlUo."C E BY T ELE P HC~E»n l l il AT ~1;F!O},i'IC I':F itOM a,OD A)\,,00 1'!"l srot;t'u;};or WNER OR ~tr.'RAC'TOR FOR I!I)\SllLF AND CWNER **********************************************************.****-*****-*****••_*. CONDIT IONS P e rmi t n,B 9 9-0 30 0 a s of 06/19/00 Status ,I SSUED ******************************************************************************** P e rmit Type :NEW MULT I-FAM BUILD P ERM Applicant ,P ARTAI N CONSTRUCTION,I NC . 970 -9 84 -2796 Job Ad dre ss: Loca tion:2 477 GarmishDr (4-PLEX) Parcel No :2103-11 4-13-012 VAIL DASS CH ON E FIL 2LOT 2 BL K H Des cr ipti on : New4 -pl ex(TOVHousing P r oject) Appli ed ,1 1 /1 5 /1 999 I s sue d,0 6/19/2 0 00 To Expire ,12 /1 6 /2 00 0 Cond ition s: 1 .make not e of correc t ions l isted on fiel d dra wings The area s eparation wal l is r equired b etween two middle uni ts .This area separation wa llmayt e rmina te a t underside o f roof i f all r o of cover i ngs a re c l as s B minimum UBC Sec 504.6-504 .6.4 2.SITE PLAN MUS T SHOW 4 -FT WIDECONCRETEPAN ATBUI LDING PERMIT S TAGE ORNOAPPROVALWILLBE GRANTED . 3 .1 .Adequate fir e flow and f ire hydr an tl o cations are not s hown.P r ovide civil drawings s how ing fi r e hydrant s with avai lab le fir e flow . 2 .F ir e Dept approval as su mes no d evi a tion f rom plans as s ubmitted .P lan s a l low for n o red u c tio n i n fire de pt ac ce ss nor any reduction i n building c o de minimum standards . 3 .P lans are approv ed o n the basis of a 2 hr a rea s eparation wall . 4 .P l ans a re approved o nt he b asis sm ok e de tect ors are pro v ided per UB C . .':'1 1 ~1,-(7 Dt:...!qQ_MO"S !Pe:J'1Cl .-0\24> •I P£::J<i <j -0 :5 '1 t7--.. /"TOWNOF VAI~CON5TRUCTION PERMITAP L1CATION FORM INFORMATION M UST BEC O"PLETEOR TIl E APPLI CATION WIL L BEREJ ECTED Permit # Contactthe EagleCountyAssessors Office at 97()"328·8640 forParcel # Parcet s 2./0:,-11.~=-13...::.0I"z.. Dale;__U-"2.-99 Building ?(O Plumbing()Electrical ()Mechanical ()Oth er () Legal Description;Lot1:=L B1OCk.-!:L-F iling ~z..Subdr visr on 1.1\1 L dM '7c:.1-lClblS' 75 50.FI'X»-lt""qE -t>Owncrs Name;~OF IlAI b.Address ;VAIL .Lolo.BJ.b!i7 Phonc'~19 -7 1 %3 po &0.;1 ,Oil':! Arcltil cc t AMax K:f1'14 ])51bN !.1ZfIW,ddrcs S;.f;1,.pgAt:>O ,NCiU1'le>'":o,,815z'J PlioneO502-"71:>-'2.1 /P 1 Description of Job ;~sl:&.,g,ON OF $!X N@JTOW""''''I'-l'::;!JHc='''''''''''''ert=L._ Work C la ss :New l;( Numbe r ofAccommodation Units:_ Alteration ()Additional ( ~•'tl!t~~_.,F3t.-FNumberofDwellingUnits:_.lI,Q~...Go",,,,... Number and Type of Fireplaces :Ga s Appliances NcPJ 5 R epair () GasLogs NaJ e: O t he r() WoodlPcll et NONe- VALUATIONS cop. tUILD ING ;$:!JJ ~S"ELECTRICAL ;$---39.<::00 OTHER ;$i l ~OOO PLUM BING $b .\ME CH A NI C A L I~'~)(TOTAL $1 If>91:" OOP.!Xl ~1'I1\L~1o'l.~pop.~~€,,·IDOOO \15 .~!y'ea.):S'2.,~i"CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~'~~1.U~·~'flol~,"&~.'!; 20470 coo"ty ~~'3M" G enua)C nntnactor:_~Address:Nrsw c.A:S±'e Ca...LO.61 b47 •• T ownof VailRegistrauoa NO .--lQZ,-A Phone #97Q-5'84:;::-"Z7<d."'9U1'1P"--_ t"P9IDI\l~e\.£ClVtAL ~"emtrn~•1"t:l B:>x '''15'1 EI«""aJ Con',"cw;-.:2!±AW E1,8:::!g1c:...Address ;~c.olQ,61 bz.o Town of Vall Registration No .--EJ O_~Phone If 970 -9Zb~-~3~3>.:7=B:J-----_- ...L .l-IL_..-Ib'Z.75 c::.1t.3s;'O/_,_I P1umhingCo ntractor :A"''tDM6 PI~Address;BueN....V'ff?r,<..Gil"".8 1U _ Town of Va il RegistrationNo Z.73 -p Phone''I I~-'!tJ.,5:'..;-~Z.~9~S:29'2---.-__- tPe.lt>\\lE'4 ~ECI\~a;~'':o.....,j.Ib.z.'i!$C.R 3W '---M~hllniul Contractor:A~'fJb.at Address:"BU6J.JA.VI~;(ok2.--8IZl1 __ Town of VailRegistration No._?-'30~-M Phoue s--2.£}-=-3~-Z.315~9~_---,_ .Date Received FOROFF ICE USE NOV 12 199 9 BUILDING;,,,,::============SIGNATURE;ZONING.;"~============S IGNATURE ; VAL UATION Isg.ET r GROU P 11----- CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF <:OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 9 70-479 -2138 NOTE ,THIS PERM IT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Job Ad dres s:2485 GARMISH DR Location ...:2 477 /2 485 GARMISH DR Parce lNo ..:2 103-114-1 3-013 Project No.:PRJ9 9-0 34 2 Permi t #:EOO-0 122 Status ....ISSUED Applied..,06/30/2000 Issued ...:0 7 /03 /20 00 Expire s ..:1 2/3 0/2000 APPLICANTSHAW ELECTR IC Phone :970 -926 -3358 PO BOX 1 45 1,AVO N CO 8 1620 CONTRACTO R SHAWELECTRIC Phone :970 -926 -3358 POBOX 14 5 1,AVO N CO 81620 OWNE R TOWN OF VAIL*FINANCE DEPARTMENT,75S FRONTAGERD,VAILCO 81657 De s cription:TEMP POWER FOR 6UNITS Valuati on:.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FE_~v ••••••••••••••••••••••••..•.•••••••••.•••••••.••..•.•••••• a~.c:t.ri.cal ---> C HII "......_,. I ....."~i9..tJ.un> 1IIi ll Call --··> TOTlU.P1t£S ---,. .ee .oe .ce ),00 u .oo T ot a l CAlculated F•••---> Ad41t 1 c ~1 F..8 --.------o '!'oIeal ""'1'1III 1t V_-•__,. paY""'=!t a---------.-----.~ ~~DU ~·---·-····---> 5 1.00 .ee 5:a.0 0 53 .00 .ca..~~.........•...................•....•................................................~.•....•..•.~~. Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06 /30/2000 JRM Action :APP R APPROVED Item :05 600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 0 6/30 /20 00 JRMAct i on ,APPRN/A Dept :BUILDING Divis ion: De pt:FIRE Di vision: ............•..•...•...........•.•....••..•.••••..•....•.•...•..•......................•.....••••.••..................•........... CO ND ITION OFAPPROVAL 1 .FI ELDIN SPECTI ONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CO MP LIANCE . •..•..............•.....•..•.•...............................•.........•••.....••.•..........•........•.•.•....................•.. DECLARATION S I bereby acluwdedge t hat:I Il.aVOl rtIao1 UU ..applic",dQl'l .fi1 ~ed Ollt i n f ul::'the i.nforma tion r equi r ed.lXlaIpleeed a n a e a..ut.p l ot p latl ,and ..eat.that i1111 the info"""tion provido-d a ..r ""f\l irM 11 correct .I .gree to eoaoply ritll tlllI infc:,.,..t1on and.p l ot pl.:!. to c:onply .~tb a ll Town o rdi naneooa iII D.C1 .tat.l i11"'•.a.cd to bI1i ~d tlLi....tn.oct=e iIIc:t:ordJ.n g to the '%'0-.1 '8 son1ng ~nd -..bdi ri .icm code...dtI8iiD r eview iIIWroved ,oni foAO Bu ild.ing <:c:>ee ~nd od·..r ord.ina nc:••of the Town iIIppUt:al;>le t:here t:o . itB(l UKSTS PeR I:fSncTIOYS S HALL 88 i'QIl K ntJ'Nl'Y -FOUR ZIOURS IS AlIV1.NCI:iIIT T8LEfHONil A 4 7 9_2UIOR ,,::cca OFFICI:FROM 1 ,00 Nt $:00 A'l •• T OWN OF VA IL ,COLORADO .S t.tenmt.._-_........•.•...........................•........•••••••..... Statemnt NUmber : Payment Method : REC·0649 Amoun t : 9~5 6 No tatio n: 5 3.00 S HA W ELEc:'R I C 0 7/03 /00 13 :31 lni t.:~ 53 .00 53 .00 .00 ELECTRICAL PERMITB-ELEC DR To tal Fees: :'ot al ALL Pmt s : Balance: 53 .00 P e~it ~o :EOO-0 1 2 2 Type : P arcQl No :2 103 -11 4-13 -01 3 Site Address:2 485 ~~IS H DR L ~a t i on :2 47 7/2 4 85 GARMISH Thi s Payment Acc oun tCo de E P 0 01 000 0 31 11 400 we 0 01 0 0003112800 Deocription TEMP ORARY PO WER PERMIT S WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFEE Amount 5 0 .0 0 ],00 7SS .F r on tllg~Rd . Vail,Colorado 81 657 FR01 StRJ B....ECTR IC e PHN:tIJ .:9709263358 e .1lJ'.I.3B 2BWa OO :40=M P4 AP PUCATlON WILL NOT 8 E ACCEmo I F INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEO Project #:'" fI Building Permit #:$00 -0/3::> Electrical permit #:-._.,-_ 9 70 ~419~2149 (Inspections) A TOWNOP YAIL TOWN OFVAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPUCATIQN £00-Dltt., contscr EBl1/e coomv Assessors Office lit 970-32841640 or visit www.eanle-counlV.comforParce # p arcel #(Required if no bldg .permit #is provided a bove) Job N.,...:...A.1'{)5J-~~/J:;~f.le -,I •.;Job Addres":;'f 77 G,v.V1Iir,*,-J,.VJ Legel D p scr i ptio~~lot:-1 BInd<:1 Filing:!SU bdivisio n : Qw~e-70"'";;;;-'.VJ Addc;.'f:s.-'"{J.(;;..J'Phone :47 q 2 /31I Enqinecr:.Address:phone: ; Deta iled cescnpncn of WOt~:-r:"1'0""':1 foU«..fA..b tt h ,fs / Work Class'New()Addit ion()Re model()RepaIr ()Temp Power M Other() Woril.Type:Interior()El<te do((./)80th (.)I Does an EHU exlst at th is loca tion :Ves()N.;(7j . Mu !ti-tanuly (v'\'Com"""",'(Ty~of &ag .:Single-tamly ()0"""())RestaUl1lnt ()0Il1c<() No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsin th ts butld ing :"diihR..I No.01 Acccmmod.tion Units in thiS bu ilding: I s thi s oermlt tor a hot tub :ves ().No (.J! Does aFire Alarm Exist:Y",(l Na(Y I Does aFire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No() COMPLETE SQ,feET FORNEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (Labor &.Materia ls) I AMouNTOF SQFT IN srnocrone . CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Ele<::r al Contractor: Sfi'''Ld:t~dw):th e. Town aVail Reg.No.: F roG, Coor raoOt Signature: ••""•"FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.,••••••••••••••*.*~••••~••.,;,.lo ~* Date-Rta:ived:-: ted-B :. .".'.'. .. ••TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTME NT OF <;OMMUN ITY DEVE LO PMENT 7 5S .FRO NTAG E ROAD VAIL,CO 8165 7 970 -479 -2 1 38 NOTE:THIS PERM IT MUST BE POS TED ON J OBSlTE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALP ERM IT Pe rm it #:EOO -0125 Job Addre ss:24 85 GARMISH DR Locat ion ...:2 485 GARM ISH DR Parc el No..:2 103 -11 4 -13 -013 P ro j ect No .:PRJ99 -0 34 2 Sta t us ISSUED Ap pl ied 06/3 0/200 0 Iss ued :07/03/2 000 Exp ires ..:12/3 0/2000 APPLICANT SHAW ELECT RIC Phone :97 0 -9 26 -335 8 P O BOX 1 4 51 ,AVON CO 81620 CONTRA CTOR SHAW ELECTRIC Ph one :970 -9 26-3358 P OBOX 14 51 ,AVON CO 8 1620 OWNE R TOWN OF VA IL %F INAN CE DEPAR TME NT,75 S FRONTAGE RD,VAIL CO 816 57 De sc ript ion :ELECTRICALFOR NEW PARK Valua t ion :6 ,000 .00 ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••...•r~~T •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1I:1eettl"...1 ---o eRa r _---> I ........s(.l'3at-ioo. Ifi ll call > TOTA:.FEES -_·.. 1 01 .00 .ee .ce LOO 111.00 ~tal Cal cula ted Y@@ I ---' Addit i~l Peel -------·-. 'l'ou.l l'enrlit Fe ..····----.. P.~nt.--··-----,. ~,~CUE ---··-···----. 1 11 .00 .ec 1 1 3..00 1.11.0 0 ." .................................................................................................................................. Item:06000 ELECTRI CAL DEPARTMENT 06 /30 /200 0 JRM Ac t ion :APPR APPROVED Item :056 00 F IREDEPARTM ENT 0 6 /3 0/2000 JRM Act ion:APPR N/A Dep t:BUILDINGDi vision : Dep t:FI RE Divi sio n : ...••...........•••......•..••..•.............•.••...........•........••..•...............•..••.••...•..•..•..•.••.••....•.....•.. CONDI TI ON OF APPROVAL 1 .F I ELD I NS PECT IONS ARE REQ UIRE D TO CH ECK FOR CODE CO MP LI ANC E . ...............•.....•.........................•.....•..........................•....•.••.•.•....•....•....•........•.....•.•....• DECLARAT IONS I "''''",by ac::bovl.~t hat :1:1&".r.,..d thi.a ppli cat i o n,fill Old OUt in fu ll the i.nf onr.tiOD requ irOld.ce-op let ed &:l.ACC\l.rat",pl~ pl.n,&nd .ta!;!!t h.o.t all tl>e in fo~t.i_prorlded a.requ..ired ia (>O ..eee e,I .gT _to c ClI:IIp ly wi th t h ",i nfDr1lla ticm &nd pl~p I ..... to c or:oply ..it.l::all TO'otn o rdinant'e.and atAt'"1 ...a .u:.d t o bui ld tMa atruc::t =ol a c::c::ordi.J>q to t M T own'.zoni.ng .o.nd ...bd.i...iaion c::od<!.,deaiqn ..evrev Approved.\Jn UO I'1ll Ilu Ud:l::lCJ Code .and o t.l::ol r o ..di....nc:••Q!tt>e rr::t he ..e ce , llIlQIJRSTS FOR I NSllF.crIONS SiiALL BE HADE ~.I'OUR !lOURS IN AO)'I!<H CE BY TELE PHONR AT.f9'21U OR AT OFn CE FROM 1 ,00 AM !,OO PM,/ ( •.......................•........................................• TCWN OF VAI L.COLORADO Statemnt..................•.......•......•...................•..•••....• S tate"",t _er,IUlC-OU1 Mount :111 .00 J7/01/00 LJ :J) P a yr~t Method:9SS6 SOlal io ~,SHAW ~ECTR I C Init :IN Perri t So,£00 -0 12 5 Type :B-ELEC Parcel No:H e )114-1j ·O lJ S ite ~•••:.:I US ~SH OR r...x ..t i o.c ,2 485 CAJlMI SH ::>. This "..ywmt 11 1 .00 T<>~l F lU's: Tot..l ALL ~t .: Bal.ncO!: 1:'1 .00 la .DO .00..........................•..................................... Ac c oun t Coo. EP 001000031 11 4 00 ~'C 0 0 100001 112.00 c.aerl ptlon IlLB C'l"RICAL P !tll"lIT F I1I'S WI L:.cu.L Ul S PEC1':Cff FE:! .....,"'" 1 011.00 1 .CO----__----__.--_._-------_-.._--_.-----------_._. FI01 5I-RJ B...ECH<'IC It F't-GE I'l)':97B92633S8 It JU-l.31!1 2'000 B8 :40=f1 P3 APPLICATION WILL NOT BEACCE PTED IF I N C O M P lET ~OR UNSIGNED Project #:-:;;~~::1[Q~:;:1L~[ • Bu ild ing P ermit #:BOO -Q /33 Electrical Penn It #:..,,-_.,-_ "970 ~4 79 -2 149 (Inspections) roWNOF VAll.IOWN Of VAILELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION- 75 S.,-".'.g.Rd .~00 ~,~V a il.Colorado 81657 ...",.fI/J con tact esate County Assessors Office at 97o-328~8640 o r visit eaale-countv,co for Pi/# ,Parcel:t (Req uired if no b ldg .permit #is provided above) :)00 Na",ec .AI'll¥<~'!'1~d-PdAk.-Job Add ress :').1(5')G7u """",/Jr .VaJJ -'''-...-"--', .I LO""Block:I Filing ;l SubdiviSion:legal Description Owne"Nam""'f""".j1 VJ Addr~5;-5 ../?-lI~J7 Phone :1..(,/1-,;J13ri Engineer :Addr ess:Ph one: . Detailed desenpnon or wort:"i:kceu....:P Iiv...fa-I:... Work.Class:New (v{~d j ti o n ();Remode l ()Repair ()'temp Power ()Other () .. Interior <..A Exterior (.I)I Does a n EHU exist a t th iS location:jes()No (./)Work Type :Both () . )Other VlTypeofBI09.:SinQI~-fam lllt ()O",:pleJ:()Multl-h"nly ()Comme«lal ()Resta urant ( ~ 0 ~No.of Accommodation umts In th IS b ui lding:No .of EXi sting Dw elli ng Units i nthis build i ng: I .th is nermltfora hot tu b:Yes(\No (--1 Does"Fire Alarm Exist:Yes (.!J No (,)I Doesa Fire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes()No() . COMPLETESQ.FEETFORNEW BUILDS a nd VALUATIONS FORA LL OTHERS (Labor &M aterials) Gi~UNT OF SQFT I N sn<UCTURE:IJ,f ..ECTRICAL VALUATION:$t (Ji?fi'}-..) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor : I~a..,dw ·· Tow n or vall Reg .No .: G'lo{P Contact a nd P~ne #'s: ~..JJ=-I~ Co nnector Signa ture: .ft FOR OFFICE USE ONLY IIl IIl.IIl "ft ".. •• T OWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 16 57 97 0-479 -2 138 NOTE ,THIS PERM IT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSI TE ATALLTIMES PLUMBIN G PERMIT Permit n,PO O-0091 J obAddress = Lo ca tion ... Pa rcel No.. Project No . 2 485 GARMISH DR 2 485 GARMISH DR, 210 3-114 -13 -0 13 PRJ9 9 -0 342 St atus ..I SSUED NORTH TRApplied ..,M0 8 /23/2000 Issued .. Expires ..: APPL ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEVELOPER HOAG ,JI M PLUM BING &HEATING,IN C 3 907 OLD LODGE ROAD ,GLENW OOD SPRINGS, HOAG,JIM PLUMBI NG &HEATING,INC 3 907OLDLODGE ROAD ,GLENW OOD S PRI NGS , TOWN OF VAIL %FINANCE DEPA RTMENT,7 5S FRONTAGE RD , PARTAIN DAVE Pho ne :9 70 -94 5 -5 56 9 CO 8160 1 Pho ne ,9 70-945 -5 56 9 CO 8160 1 VAIL CO 81 6 57 Des cription:waste ,v en t,water,g as Val ua tion:5 0,000 .00 pIWflbing -----~ Plan Ch.<:k ---~ Inv••ti g.t i on ~ wi ll ca ll ---'~ 7 5 0.00 187.50 .00 J.oa R••tuaranr Pl an Revie w·-> TOTAL ~E ga --------------. .00 9<\0 .50 To t.l Calc u lated '••e --·~ Ad diti onal f •••·---·----, Total Permit f e.--------. P .~e ntB ------------_·_-. BALANCB O ~-------------. "0 .50 .00 H O.!>O "0.500 .00 ~..............................•.......•.•......•.•.........•.•.•......................•.••.•.••...•....•......................... Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08 /25 /2000 KATHY Ac tion ,APPR APPROVED Item,05600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 08 /25 /2000 KATHY Action,APPR N/A Dept :BUILDI NG Divi s ion: PER KW Dept:FIRE Division: ••.•.....•........•..•.••.•.••.•••••...••.••...•..•.................................................................•............. COND ITIONOFAPPRO VAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHE CK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ...........•.•.•••••••.••..••.•...........•...•.•••••.••.•••..................................................•................... DE CLARATI ON S I h e reby ac~"ow ledge t hat I h ~ve r ~~d t hi s .p p l ic ~ti on,f illed out i n fu l l the info rmati on r equired,completed en a cc urete p lot plan,and s tate t hat.1 1 t he inf o~.ti on proVi ded .e requ ired ie cor rect.I .gre.t o comply wi t h t he i n formation and p l ot p l an . to comply with .11 Town ordina nc ee an d e ta te l a we ,and to b ui ld t hi.s truct u re a cco rding to t he TOwn '.~on i ng a nd a ubdi v iaion c o de s,de s ign rev iew approved,Uni for.n uil ding Co de a nd oth er ord inan ce.o f the Tovn app li c ab le thereto. RBQUBSTS FORI NS PECTIONS S HALL BE MADE TW ENTY-FOUR HO URS IN ADVAN CE 8¥TBLEPHO N 5 1 TOR E OF OWNER OUR OPPI CE PROM ,,00 AM 5 ,00 PM CONTRACTOR POR HIMSELF AND OWNER ••••••***•••••••••••••••__._-_••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••• TOWN OF VAIL ,CO LORADO Sta temnt ••••*••••••••••••••,-******---_.,._.,._------"".".-_._._----- Statemnt Number ,REC-0669 Amo unt ,9 40 .50 0 8 /25 /001 0 ,33 Payment Met hod :WAIVED No tat ion:TOV PROJBCT Ini t :KMW ---------------------------------------------------------------- PLUMBI NGPERMITB-PLMB 940 .50 poo -oon Type , 2 10 3 -114-13-013 248 5 GARMISH DR 2485 GARM ISH DR, Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location : Thi s Payment NORTHTRAILTOWNIIOME S Total Fees:94 0 .50 Tota l ALL Pmts ,940 .50 Bal ance:.00--_._-_._--------_.__...._-----------------_....._-_.-.._.._---- Account Code ··WAIVBDFRBS ...· Descript ion WA IVEDPEES Amount 940 .50 ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATIOaLL NOT BE ACCEPTEO IF INCOMPLE.OR UNSIW'I..ElL O'34Z- Project #:~t:.:S '1 '7 @j 'l (,. 8uildin~Permit.#:,;~~o~ Plumbing Permlt #:__•_I 970-479·2149 (Inspections) TOWN OFVAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 7SS.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact Eanle countv Assessors Office at 970~328-8640or visit www.ean/e·countl/.com forPa rcel# Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)2-[0,-lit<-r~-o I L Jo b Na me:po,V D I "~p'['n o I'/ev Jo b Ad dr~S~i 7,blr.--:<'-I\rr . ~-II rFili ng:Description Lot:Block :Subdi visio n : Owners Name:,,Tl)t/Address:Phone: ---. .Engineer :Ad d ress :Phone: F ta il ed ~~~Pt io n of work :')+.p Cl G '-.I "o~.....I.I ()'.- ,Work C I ~~S ~N ew ~)Addit io n ()Alteration ()Repa ir ()Other ()-Type ofBldg.:Single-family ()Duplex()MUlti -fa mily b(I Commerca t ()Restaur ant ()Othe r () I No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsin this building :~No .o fAcco mmodat ionUnitsi n t his ,bulld ing:l.f 'un ;f'5 I Is t hi s a _~o n versl o ~f r o m a wood burn ing firep lace toa n ~P A Phase IT d evice?Yes ()No {~ COMPLETE VALUATION FORPLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~- Plumbing Contractor: r' Tow n of Va il Reg.No.: i:135. ••••••**•••*.*••••••••••A*••******.*.**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY *************.****.***************.** F/everyoneJforms,l plmbperrn Other Fees:-;::: ORBFees: Planner Si "-off: ."Date Received: .•I AcceDted Bv: a y SITe"·I t a ked to thep urn e r age1 From : To : Date: S u bject: J oanNolen Kathy Warren 08/24120008:49:46AM I talked tothe plumber onthe ArosalGarmisch (Jim Haag) project forthe TOV &the valuations forhis permits are : $50 ,00 0 forthe4 plex $25 .000 forthe duplex $15.000 for the park bathroom I understand that t hefeesarebeing waived &hewouldlike10 be ableto pick upthe permit forth e park bath tomorrow so they canget started.lynne hashis numter,etc,I answered the phone &got Inonthe tail end of w hatshe called h im aboutl TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO8 1657 97 0.479-2138 NOTE: ••DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMITMUST BEPOSTED ONJOBSITEATALLTIMES JobAddress : Locati on : Parcel N o : Proj ectNo : MECHANICAL PERMIT t-\{)r ~~r~\\(r",,~.a...­ 2477GARMISHDRVAIL 2477Garmis h Dr 210 3 11413013 ?(l"~(V:\u ~;,ti l.-- Permit #: Statu s .... A pplied ..: Issued ..: Exp ires ..: MOO -0122 ISSUED 101 11/2000 11 /28/2000 05/27/2001 OWNE R TOWN OFVAIL "FINANCE DEPARTMENT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT AIR MAINTENANCE P .O.BOX 21 07 GLENW OOD SPRINGS,CO 8 1602 CONTRACTOR AIR MAINTENANCE P .O.BOX 2107 GL ENW OOD SPRINGS .CO 81602 L icense :1 70 -$ 1 0 /11 /200 0 Phone : 10/11/2000 Phon e:9 70-9 45-2 418 10/11/20 00 Phone:9 70 -9 45 -2 418 Dcscipticn : Valuation: install forced air heat systemsand vcntilaitonfor 4units $24,000.00 Fireplace Information:Relltricted:y ;I of t;aKAppliances:0 it ofriu l.nga;0 Ii ur Wood Pellel;0 .....................................................................FF.F.SUMMARy ..•..•........•..••..•..•••••••••••••••••..•..••..•..•....•• M ~h Mi ""I_>$480 .0 0 a .:s1u arnnl rla nRC\;cw _>$0 .00 Toial Cak ..laledl".-->$&01.00 PlanChct:k->$120 .00 UR IJI'cc ~$0 .00 Additinnall'cl:ll >($G03.001 lnvelII;l"lion->$0 .00 TOTALFEES--->S(;03.00 T olal l'crm;l fcc __.c-$0 .00 WillCtll ->$3 .00 Paymerns ...$0 .0 0 BALANCE DL:E->$0 .00................................................................................................................................................. Item :0 5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/20/2000 CDAVIS Ac ti on:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT COND ITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CO DE CO MPLIANCE ..........................................................................................,. DECLARA TIONS I hereby acknow ledge that I have read this application,fi lled out in fu ll the information required ,completed anaccurate plot plan.and s tate that a ll the information as r equired is correct.I a gree to comply with the information andp lot plan,to comply with a ll TO\m ordinances and s latelaw s ,and to bu ildth is structure accordin g to the towns zo ning and s ubd ivision codes,desi gn revie w approved , Unifonn Building Code and other o rdinances o fthe TO\"n app licab le ther e to. RfI.QllESTS FOR mSPECTION SIIAll.e F.MADf.TWEN1Y·FOUR HOURS INADVAN CE BY TIo:LF.PHONE AT479·2 UllOR ATc:x,"R omce FR ()~8:00 AM .j PM. •• •ROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNE 2/,PAC E f- 7SS.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 S E P-20-00 0 8 .6 ~F R O M .T CV-COH -OEV -OEP T .ID .B 70~7S2 ~S2 APPUCAn.lLL NOTBEACCEPTED IF JNCOMPL8oR UI'ISIG .•P",ject#:~~~~8uildmg Pe.nnit #: \Mechanical Permit #: ..970 -47 9-2149 (Inspeclions) TOWNOFYAJI.TOWN OFVAIL MECHANICAL PERMI"LAPPUCATION Per mit w ill not bea cc epted WTtho ut th efollowing : Provide Mechan ical Room Lay out drawn to Kale t o Include; $...Mech~n ical Room Dim ensions p lJ<.. ;:6('Combustion Air Duct Size and Locati on '1 '{" jI-Flue,Vent and Gas tine Siz e a nd location ~Hut Loss Cak:s.r-Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets contsc»£~ale count:Assersol'S omce at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eso'e-couotv.com tor Parcel #' Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #i5 provided above) ,lob NO "":.*65"';-/r Job AdC _ess ::Z~77 ~/7?/S C#,I t:.A'/.5{7d l eg~1 ~rj ption IL ot:accc I Fi ling;~SuOdivtsio n : Owne"Namt:72Yv .L!,:;F VIltL Addre!s :Pbcee: Eng i neer:Address ;Phone:I, I Detailed descnctco o f wort.:;:::ib~<:&V A//<!..H'~/lA/"v V e7V77Ur?eu/I ~. Work Oass:NewM..Add<tioc>()A.....e-a'io n ()Repa ir ()Oth...() _J,.~ ~tion ;T.·~Exterfo'"()o eer ()i Does an EHU ~st at this-Jocaocn .Yes ()No ()rv ~n .~" T ,-pe of BldQ:Song'e-hrl~d.,.~,I>Jt)iv;(,MuIM am it'j·()<1 Corr.rr.e!"O zl ()R.~IJT"3:nt(;omer (),, .No.c:i Existing Dwell i'9 Units in thiS b\;,loi~;if lJAJ I 151 No .cf Ac::omtTlCCa tion Un:ts In this.builCing: Norry~of Flreoli!J ce5 ExistiT'!CI:Gas A tm :iMK:es ()Gas tees ('I Wood,'Pell et ()wooc 6umrflQ () ,:No/Type of Fireplaces prcooseo :Gas Appl iances ()Gas Loq s ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Bu."i ng(NOT ALLOWED) II I s t hiS a conve rstcn from e -...cod burni ng fir eplace to en EPA Phase II device?Ye s ()ue ()I COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MEOlANlCAL PERMIT (Labor &Materials) 2-'-1,0<A:2, CONTRACTOR INfORMATION *****··..·**·***:e:********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ******·******:fr *'******....*** \Fees;!Planner $I n·oH:B : ORB Fees;I Date Received; f :/~/ronns/rn«toP'Cm1 REC'D OCT 10 ZOOO •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMM UN ITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81 65 7 970 -479 -2138 NOTE:T HIS PERMIT MUS T BEPOSTED ONJ OBS ITE ATALL TI MES PLUMB ING PERM IT Permit #:P 99 -01 50 Job Address : Location ... Parcel No .. P ro ject No . 24 77 GARMI SH DR 24 77Garmish Dr 2 1 03 -114 -13 -0 12 P RJ99 -0 12 6 Status .. (4 -PLEX)Applied . Issued .. Expi r es. APPROVED 11 /15 /1 999 11 /15 /1 99 9 0 5 /1 3/2 00 0 APPLICANT BLUE DOL PHINP LUM BI NG &HEATING Phone :7 19 -395 -2989 1 6 27 5CR 35 0,BUENA VISTA ,CO81 21 1 CONTRACTOR BLUE DOLP HIN PLUMB ING &HEATING Phone:7 19 -3 95 -29 89 16275 CR3 50 ,BUENA VI STA ,CO8 12 11 OWNER TOWN OFVAIL %F I NANC EDEPARTMENT ,75 S F RO NTAG E RD ,VAIL CO 816 57 Description:Plumbing for new 4-plex (TOV HOUS IValuatio n:)6 4 ,6 00 .00 ~••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r ~E ~UM~~RY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl '-"'llb i ng "---~ pl an ch ."k---~ I n"••~iS·tion~ will Cd l ·--·~ ~7S .0 0 2 4 3 .7S .00 ).00 Reaeuaran t P lan Revie w--> TOTAL F EES--------------> .00 1,2:;0 .1 & Total Calcul atad F aaa ---> Addit i on~l ~a.B -----·• T o tal P.rmit F ••········> Payman ta············----. BA LANCE DUE -------------> 1,::I.~1.7 S .uo 1,::1.::1..1.7 5 1 ,22 1.7 ~ .eu BUILDING Division:Item ,05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/15 /1999 KATHY Action :APPR Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTME NT 1 1 /15 /1999 KATHY Action :APPR approved n /a Dept : per kw De pt :F IRE Division : CONDITIO N OFAPPROVAL 1 .F IELD INSPE CTI ONS ARE REQUIREDTO CHECK FOR COD E COMP LIANCE. .................................................................................................................................. DECLARATIO NS I h ~~~by a ck n o~1 ~d 9~that I have rea d t h i.appl ication ,f il l e d out i n f u l l t h~i nfo r3atio n requ ir ~d,compl ated an accurate p lot p lan,a n d a tat e t hat a l l t he in fo~a t io n p ro v i d ed aa required i.c orre c t,I 8 gr ee to comp ly wit h t he i n f o ~ti on and plot p l an, t o comply with all Town ordi nance .a n d atate l awa,and to bu ild thi••tructu~a a ccor d i n g to tha Town 'a z on i ng a nd a~divi a ion c od••,d ••ign r.view a pp rovad ,Uni form Bui lding Code and ot her ordi nance .of tha Ta-n appl icabl e t hereto . RBQUESTS POR I NSPECTIONS S I~LL BE ~ADE TWENTY -FOUR HOUR S IN AD ~CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479 -2136 OR AT OUR OFfICE fROM 6,00 AM 5,00 PM SIG NATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI MSELf AND OWNER •••••••••••******************************************************* TOWN OF VA I L,COL ORADO S tat enmt ********************.******************************************* S tate mnt Number,REC-0591 Amount,1 ,221 .75 11 /1 5 /99 1 5,3 5 payment Me thod:8000 Notation :TOV HOUSINGPROJ Tn i t:KMW ---------------------------------.------------------------------ 1,221.75 1,22 1 .7 5 .0 0 PLUM BING P ERM ITB-PLMB (4-PLEX) Total Fees : Total ALL Pmt s: Balance: 1,221.75 P 9 9-0150 Type , 21 03 -1l 4 -13 -012 2 477 GARMISHDR 2 477 Garmi sh Dr Permi t No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Co de --WAIVEDFEB S-· Des cription WAIVED FE ES Amount 1,221.75 -"""'"-07-05-_001 8:19Jtm •• Ins pectlon Req uest RellO rtlny VAlL.C O •IOWlt..O E Pooc 4 ',PIllI!)ro mIlIlm AdMlv Con5t 1\ ~C,,,,In,,""_ r>osa", Comn """'moo'Cormnent C""" C(.cnnWlt: Com",..""C«....... f hursday.JUly 0 .2ootco Z477 GARMISH DR VAl L '24n Gannlsh r-(4-PlEX) SUbT~ IJ......... StatU's:ISSUED fMP~·CO - • go SL.OG..f1~1Roq..;;o.;:~"'ji;""~iOiJ"~P.'JC noN.INC ~IIIS: ""9.ed To Ad)on: t\em Comrn'nts; bO\Comrntnta: ", REP'l'l "i Run !d:752 ·,HI=»-REC'D JU L 212000 Ge<!>tech July 17 ,2000 Partain Constructio n,Inc . Attn :Dave Partain 2450Cou ntyR oad 314 NewC astle,C olorado 81647 -H epworth-P awlak GeotllCh nJcl1.1nc. 5020CountyRoad 154 Glenwood Springs,Colorado HI601 Phone :970-94 5·7988 Fa'(:910-945-8454 hpgeo @bph'eotccll .rom p,qtj-o ')."'1 BtjC(-03dO Noe.lll ~",l..T OuJJl~ JobNo .19944 8-1 Subject:Ob servation of Excava tion,Affordab leH ousing,26 57 Arosa D rive, Vail,Co lorado Dear Mr.Partain: As requested,arep re sentative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical ,In c .observed the excavation at the subject siteon Jul y 12 ,2000to evaluate theso ils exposed for found ationsupport .The finding s ofour work and recommendati ons for the foundation d esignar epr esented in this report .We previously co nducted a sub soilstudyfordesign o ffoundati ons atthes ite andpresentedo ur findin gs in a r eport dated July 29,1999,J ob No .199448. The housing project is 'similarto that described in ourprevious report.Thesite has be en benched between 8 and20 feetde ep into the hillside,much deeper tha n previously assumed .Thelo wer le vel willbebackfilled to resulr in afinal cut height of a bout 5to 10 feetbehind the buildings .Footings have been sized for a maximum bearing press ure of 2 ,000 psfbasedono ur prev ious recommendations. Atthe time of our visit tuthe s ite,the huilding exca vations had been cut in mul tiple levels up to about 20 feetbelo w the adja cent ground surface a t th e uphill side .The excavations had steps in grade between1 and 3feet between levels and essentia lly day lighted atth e d ownhill,so utheastern side .The soils exp osed in the bottom o fthe excavation consisted 'of mixed sand ,silt and claywithgravel rock fragments that appeared medium dense .No free water wasencountered in theexcavation and the soilsweremo ist. Thesoil conditions exposed in the excava tion areconsisten t with thosepreviously encount ered on the site and suitable for supportof spread footingsdesigned for the recommended allo wable beariog pres sureo f 2,000 p sf.Loo se and disturbed soilsin footing ar eass hould be compactedor remo ved to expose the undis turbed natural soils. Other rec ommendations presented in our previous repo rt which are appli cable should also be observed. ...• Partain Constru ction Inc . Ju ly 17 .2000 Page 2 • Th e rec ommendationss ubmitted in this letterar e bas ed o n o ur observation of th esoils e xposedwithinth e foundation exca vati on andthe previoussubsurface e xplorationatthe s ite .Variations inthe subsurface condit ions belo w the excavatio n co uld incr ease the risk of foundation movement.Weshou ld bead vised of anyvari a tions encountered in th e excavation conditions forpo ssible chan ges to recommendations contained in this letter. I f th ere ar e an y q uestions or if we m ay be o ffurth erass istance,pl ease letus kno w. Sincerely. SLP /ksm ... H-P GEOTE CH HEPWOR~-PAWLAK GEOTEC ICAL,INC. Report of Nuclear Density Testing To :Partain Construction Job No .:199448-1 Date :8-17-00 Att n:Dave Partain 2450 Cou nty Road3 14 Page 1o f 1 New Castle.Colorado 81647 Proje ct:Arosa /Garmi sh Affordable Housing .2657 Arosa Drive.Lot 8 .Block C.Vail Ridge.Vail. Co lorado Ge nera l Con tractor :Part ain Con struction .Inc .Ea rt hwo rk Co nt ract o r:Roc kyMountain Infrastructure T y p e &#o f Earthm o vingUni ts :no to bserved T hi c k n es s of Li fts:not observed T ype &#o fCo m paction Un it s:n ot o bs er ved N u m ber o fPass es :not observed M et hodo f A dd ing Mo i sture :not ob served Como ectlo n Sta nda rd:AS TM 0 ·1557 (Modifi ed) Tes t Locatio n De pth La bor ato r y Fi eld %Min .So ilT y pe N o.o r Ca mp % Base co urse north Elev .Cam p edge of Arosa and M ax .O pt.Ory M OiSt Aeq . Garmish Dr ives for Dry M oist De na.% asphalt patch Dens.%pel pol,80'eas t of ba se t37 .6 6 .5 130.1 4 .t 9595 '%..aggregate base i ntersectiono f c ourse course Arosa and Garmish 2 20 'ea st of ba se 137 .6 6.5 131 .8 4 .t 9695 '%"aggreg ate base i ntersectionco urse cours e 3 30 'w est of bas e t37 .6 6 .5 t29 .9 3.7 9595 '%..aggregate base inters ection course cour se PARTTIMEObse rvation ,_...""',_••,.._.''''''''0 •••on,"",'""""""'""..""".'"..........<>:................_..'0"_,...,,"""'"m,x•..,."",._.....,......:<,.....>.llOO "'""'........"..,..."""_~10 ...._","'-'__""""""" ...,"_.....~O '.....,... TItE NUCl.EJ\A Dl:tlSO'OfTEA "'fToIOll Of aS1j ~G w .s lI~fI),~S\l8ST.tln.o..,"CCOI'M~CI W "I "51",:>~$U .~o 0><>'1 Prel iminary Obse rvations an d /or T est ResultsVerba ll y Repo rted To :J oe with Rocky Mountain Progr essRep o rt :Performed tests onbasec oursep laced the p revious afternoon .Moisture content was b etween 2 -3% below optimum .T est s m eet compaction spe cifications . Copie s : Town of Va il·Charli e Da vis T own of Vail -T oddOpp enheime r To wn of Vai l·Nina T imm Rocky Mtn Intrestructu re .Jeff Lindbloom Ro s eMarie S pano Tom Westhoff FieldTe c hn ic ian Re view ed By HEPWOR~-PAWLAK GEOTEC ICAl,INC . Report of Nuclear D ensity Testi ng To :Partain Con struction Job N o.:1 99448 -1 D ate :8 -15-00 Attn:Da ve Partain 2 450County Road 31 4 Page 1 of1 Ne w Castle.C olor ad o 81647 Proje c t :A ro s a /G a rmi sh Aff ord able Hou sing ,26 57"Arosa D rive.Lot 8 .Blo ck C .V ail Ridg e,V ail. C olora do Genera l Con t ra ctor :Partai n Constru ction ,Inc.Ea rt h wor kCo ntractor:RockyM o u ntain I nfr astruc ture Ty pe &#o f Earthmovin g Unit s:tr a c kh oe T hic k n ess of Li fts :not o bse rve d T ype &#o f Co m pa ction Units :w a lkb ehin d ro ll er N um b er o f Pas ses:no t o b served Me thod of Ad d ing Moi sture :w a terh ose Compaction St andard :A STM 0-698 !St an dard) Tes t l o ca tio n Depth Laborat ory Field %M in .So il T y p e No.o r Comp % till un ders lab El ev .Max.Opl .D,y M oist Ca m p D,y Mois t De ns .%Req . Dens .%"of "of 1 Unit 1 g ara ge subg rade1 21.4 9 .7 12 3 .9 9 .3 1 00 95 s ilty sand with gr avel 2 Unit 2 g a rage s u bgra de1 21 .4 9 .7 1 24.7 9 .3 1 00 9 5 sil ty sa nd with g rave l 3 Unit 3 gara g es ubq ra de1 21 .4 9 .7 1 22 .0 10.1 100 95 silty sa nd w i th g rave l 4 Unit 4 gar a g e s ub q rad e 1 2 1 .4 9 .7 1 21.1 8 .3 99 95 si ltV sa nd w ith g rav el 5 U nit 5 g arage su bgr ad e 1 21.4 9 .7 11 6 .1 12.0 9 5 9 5 silty sa nd w ith g rave l 6 Unit 6 g arage s u b grade1 21.4 9 .7 117.8 1 2 .1 97 9 5 silty san d with g ravel 7 Unit 3d riveway s u bg rade 1 21.4 9 .7 11 8 .5 8.9 97 95 silty sa nd w it h 3 'fr o m g ar age g rave l PARTT IMEOb s erv ation ........_T_,,_...."".~.O ..........H'__..,......(}f ."'..A_....,...."...........""...."'..-....c<QII"'''''''....___''"._....""0...,....0.....'•..,.,.....,_._...,......................_"""""'..... ....""........0 ....''''''''- 1><£~UCLlA fI OO ..sor.<ffER ..ffHOtl 01 ns ~,..G w.S usw ...SlJB STA.Nr l.~.ttO~D.....ceWITH AKT..Ol.~n .....0 l:>:lO l7 Prelim in ary Obs erv ations and /or T est Res u l t sVerb allyRepor ted T o:J oew ith Rock y M ou ntain Progress Report:T e st s h ow ac cep t ab le c o m pac t ion . Copies : T o wn of Va il ~Charli e D avis T o w nofv all •T odd Op p e nheim er T o wn of V ail·Ni n a Ti mm Rock y Mtn lntre atructure •J eff Lindbloom Tom W esthoff Tom Westhoff FieldTe c hn ician Re v iew ed By HEPWORTH -PAW LAK GEOTEC HNICAL,INC. REPORTOFCONCRETE CYLINDER TE ST DATA To:Partain C onstruction Jo bN o .199 4 48 -1 D ave Partain Date Cast 8-10 -00 2450 County Road3 14 Shee t1 o f1 New Castle,Co lorado 8 1647 Project:A rosa/G armish Affordable Housi ng.2657 A rosa Drive ,Lot8 .810 ck C ,V ail Ridge.V ail . Col orado Placement Location :Curb &Gutter Ad jacent t o Ent rance Su pplier:Lafarge Ti me Batched:7 :25 Cubic Ya rds :11 at t1 of 11 Tr uck No.:9510 Ti m e Arriv ed :7:55 T icketNo .:1008794 T imePlaced :8 :05 Mi x Design :405 1 MethodofPlac e ment :chut e Sa mplePoint:truc k discha rge T ime Sampled:8 :10 Sp ecif ic ations AirT emp.:7 0 °Slump :3 ~i n.Slump:4 in . Concrete Temp .:69 °A ir Conten t :5 .8 %A ir Content:5 -8 % Water Added :0 Wet Un it W t.:142.8 pel T im e Cylinders Cast:8 :25 I nitial Cure 24 hrs on s ite Field St or age w ater buc ket M in I Ma x :6 0 '/77 ' D ateStri pped:8 -11-00 Remarks:6 4 '@ p /u Comp ressive St rength Ag e Date LoadD iam eter A rea Co mpressive Remarks Da ys lbs .in .inz St rength o st 7 8 ·17 45.500 4 .00 12.57 3620 7 8 -17 42.000 4 .00 12.57 3 3 40 2 8 9 -7 2 8 9 -7 Design Strength:4000 psi @ 2 8 Days ProgressRepor t : Copies : T own of V ail -Ch arlie D avis TownofV ail ~T odd Opp enheimer Town of Vall ·NinaTlm m Lafarge.Rick Seymour R oseMarie S pan o Micha el Evans...,-,-'..,..-_.._,-,~-n _..'_.._-,...., HEPWORTH -PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL,INC . REPORTOFCONCRETECYLINDER TEST DATA To:Partain C onstruction Jo b No .199448-1 Dave Parta in Date Cast 8-9 -00 2450 County Road 3 14 Sh e et 1 of 1 New Castle,Colo rado 81647 Proje c t :Arosa /G armish A ffordable Housing,2657 Arosa Dri ve,Lot 8 .Block C,V ail Ridge ,V ail. Colorado Pl acement Locat ion:Curb&Guttero n North Side of A rosa Drive Supplie r:Lafarge Ti me Batched :12:02 Cubic Y ards :8 at 8 of 20 Truck No .:4 5 T ime A rri ved :-- Tic ketN o .:1008774 T ime Placed:12:40 M ix D es ign :4051 Methodof Placement :chute Sample Point:t ruck discharge Time Sampl ed :12:45 Sp ecif jc ati ons A ir T emp .:85 'Slu mp:0/,i n.Slump :4 in. Concrete Temp .:77 °Air Content :5 .3 %Air C ontent :5 -8 % W ater A dded :0 Wet U nit Wt .:144.8 pef T ime Cylinders C ast :1 :00 I nitial Cu re 24 hrson site Field Storag e water bucket M in I Max :63 '/82 ' D ate Stripped:8-10-00 Rem arks :65 '@ Diu CompressiveS treng th Ag e Dat e l oad Diameter Ar eaCo mpressive Rema r ks D ays tee.in .in'Strength ns i 7 8 ·16 50.5004.0012.574020 7 8-16 49.50 0 4.00 12.57 3940 28 9-6 28 9·6 Des ign Strength:4000 p si @ 28 D ays Prog ress Report: Cop ies: Town ofVall ·CharlieDavis Town ofVail ·Todd O ppenheimer Town of Va il·N ina Timm Lafarg e •Rick Seymour RoseMarie Sp ano MichaelEvans........-..-. HEPWOR~-PAWLAK GEOTEC ICAl ,INC. Repo rt of Nucl ear Den sity Te sting To:Parta in C on struction J ob No .:199448-1 Date:8 -8 -00 Att n:Da ve Parta in 2 450 C oun1y Road 314 Page 1 o f 1 New Castle ,Col or ad o 81 647 Pro ject:Aro s a /Garmi sh Aff ordabl e Housing ,2 65 7 Aro sa Drive,lo1 8 ,Block C,VailRidge ,Vail, Colorado Ge nera l Contractor:Parta in Constr uctio n .Inc .Earthwo r k C ontractor:RockyMo untain Infra stru cture Type &#o fEart h mov in g Un its :bobcat T hickness of Lif ts:6 " T ype &#of Compac t ionUn its :wa lk behindroller N u mb e r o fPasses :not obse rved MethodofAdding M o i sture:watertr uck Compact ionStan dar d:A STM D·1 557 (Modified) Test Lo cation Dep th Labo ra tory Field %M in.S o il T ype No.Of Camp % Curb a nd g utter Elev.Camp base co u rse on M ax ,O pt.D"Mois t Req . Garmish Drive D',M oi st D e ns,% Dans .%pc f pet 1 5 0'sou th of b ase 137 .6 6.5 131.9 7 .99695 %"ag gre gate base i ntersection w ith c ourse course Ar osad rive 2 5 0 'south o fb ase 137.6 6 .5 1 35 .9 6.4 9995 *'''agg regate base Intersec tionc ourse co urse PAR TTIMEO bse rvatio n ___n__...._y"...·."""....._Cl ............,.....'....................._""..""'<_..."""'-.-............""'__......."'....-..,..""_"'.........._"'"............"""0........... ....,>to ...............,.,... TH'>lUCLlAM!>O'lS<)Oo!flIiR MEnooD Of TiSIING WAS u SElll,.SUI!ST.,.n .l .CCO"llA'lCE wm<ASTId 1la 8 1.2 ANIl Il30 17 Preli minary Observationsand /or T e st Res ultsVe rballyRepo rt ed T o:J oe withRo cky Mountain Progress Report :A s requested b y Joewe vi sited t hes it eInth e m ornin g t o p erform n uclear tes t o nbasec ou rse under c u rban d gu tter along th e n orthside o f Ga rm ish Drive.Tests p erformed m et project specifications . Copies : T own of Va il -Ch arlie D av i s T o wn of Va il -T odd Op penhe imer T o wn of Va il ·N ina Timm Rocky Mtn Infra structure -J eff Li ndbloom R os eM ari e Sp ano Tom W esthoff Field T echnician Re viewed By HEPWOR~-PAWLAK GEOTEC ICAl,INC. Re port of N ucl ear Density Testin g T o:Partain Con stru ction J ob N o.:1 99 448-1 Date:8·7-00 Attn :Dave Partain 2450 County Road 314 Page 1 o f 1 N ew C astle,Colorado 81647 Pr oj e ct :A rosa/G armish A ffordable Housing,265 7 Arc sa Dr iv e.Lot 8 ,Block C,Vail Ridge ,V ail, C ol orado General Contractor :Pa rtain Co nstruction ,Inc .Eart h work Cont rac tor:Rocky Mo untain In frastructure Type &#of Earthm oving Uni ts:bo bcat T hicknessof Lift s:6" T ype&1/of Co mpaction Units:wa lk behind roll er Numb er o f Pass es :not observed Me thod o f Ad dingMo isture:water truck Com action S tan dard:ASTM0 ·1557 {Modifie d ! Test Loc ation Depth Labo ratory Field %M i n.Soi l Ty pe N o.o r Camp % Ba se cou rse u nder Elev.Camp c urb a nd g utter Max,OPt .D"Moist Req. alongn orth edge o f D"Moist Dens .% Aro sa Drive .Dens .%po! pof t n orth intersection o f base 1 37 .6 6 .5 135.0 3.9 9 8 95 %,..aggrega te base A rosa and Germishcou rse co urse 2 50 'west o f base 1 37 .66 .5 133.7 4.4 97 9 5 "%"ag g regate base intersection cou rse course 3 120 'w est of base 1 37 .66 .5 1 32.53 .3 9 6 95 %..aggregate base intersection c ou rse co urse PARTTI ME Ob serva tion _.."OO'T .."."..____..A ...".T<I......_."".""".""...........c....".._......VI .....~...._"""".....,,"".O _,............................CC.....'C'fO.-C"'Yf....,.'•..,_""'"'0 .............",,'...........0\00 0 ..........""'-_...."...."""'- Ttlf NUCUAII.OE N!IC '4t.J~",(THOll O ~I~ST ''''O WAS usro If'SUB.Til.NTlAl.'CCO H~"'''CC 'li lT.."STM C2~22 "'ND 0 30 17 Preli mina ry Observ ationsa nd l or Test Resul tsVe rballyReported T o:Joe w ithRocky Mountain ProgressRep ort :Performed n uclear t ests on b ase c ourse u nderc urb andgu tterinte sts1 a nd 2 .T est3 was sha llow u tility t rench ba ck fill.J oe i nform e dus 1 %'o f backfillw as in p lace In areao ft est3 .T he b ase course w as pl a c ed the pr evious day so th e m oi sture c o nt e n t was 2-3 %be l ow optimum .Te sts m et c ompaction specificatio ns . Cop ies : T o wn o f veu .Ch arlieDav is T owno fV ail -Todd O ppenheimer To wn of Va il -Nin a Timm Roc ky Mtnl ntrastru cture .Je ff Lindbloom RoseMarie Spano Tom Westhoff Field Techn ician Revi e w ed By •HEPWOR~PAWLAK GEOTEC~ICAL,INC.~- Report of Nuclear Density Testing To :Partain Con stru ction J obNo .:199448-1 Dat e :6 -26-00 Attn :Dave Par tain I I , 2450 County Road 314 \.L \.Page 1 of1,I , New Castle ,Colorad o 81647 ,,,-,-. Project:Arosa/G armish Affordable Housing,2657 Arosa Drive.L ot 8 .Block C ,V ail Ridge .V ail. Colorado GeneralContractor :Parta in Construction EarthworkCo nt ractor :Rock y Mountain Type &#0 1Earthmoving Units :tr ackhoe.loader Thickne ss of lifts:'·1',4' T ype &#o fCompac tionU nits:sel fpr opelledvib ratory sheepe tcct N u mbero f Passes:6 -8 Method of A dding M ois ture:n one Com paction S tandard :ASTM (0 +6981 Standard Test Loc ation Depth l aboratory Field %M i n .Soi lT vpe No.or Ca mp % wa tertre nchb ackfill Elev.Max,Op t.O,V Moist Ca mp 0 ",M oist Dens ."Req . Dens .",,, pc' 1 25'north o ft ie -in s ubgrade 1 21,4 9 .7 120 .91 1.19 99 5 si lty sand with gravel 2 40'n o rth of t ie-in subgrade 1 21.49 .71 22.08 .91 00 95 s ilty sand with g rav e l . PART TIMEObservation __'........_..,....OA .................._A"""".......I'UQ........."..._""..._._",."'.,....,_...............OO __.~......_.__,_"'....._..........__-.........,.__.............. TM'flUCUAA ll9<5O "'k ~r.on>tOll 01 n,_w","USW "$<J.T .>l ~ACCO IIOAol'ICI ....no A&....1l2l:D'UOO ~" Prelim inary Obse rv ationsa nd /o rT est Re sults Ver bally Repo rted T o:J oew ithI nterMou ntain ProgressRe port :O b s ervedpl acement oft ren ch backfill.Nuclea r te sts w ere performed on t he backfill.Tests m el project specifications .Onlyapp roxima tely 60 'of t rench was backfill ed at the t ime of o ur visit. Copies: Town o fVeil ·Charli e Da vis Town ofVail ·Todd Oppenheimer Town of Vail ·Nina Timm Rocky Mtn I nfrastructure-J eff Li ndbloom RoseMarie Spano Tom W esthoff FieldT ech nician Revi ewedBy HEPWOR~-PAWLAK GEOTEC*'ICAL.INC. Report of Construction Activities To: A ttn : Partain Construction Dav e Partain 2450 County Road 314 Ne w Ca stle .Colorado 8 1647 J ob N o .199448-1 D at e :6 -27-00 She et 1 o f 1 Project :Arosa /G armish Affordable Ho using.2657 Aro sa Drive.Lot BBlock C.Vail Ridge.V ail . Col orado Wea ther Cond ition s a nd T emp er ature :s unny /sca tte red clouds/warm.60-65 ° Contra ctor's Construction Activ ities : Major Equipm ent : H-P Geotech's Site Activ ities :Asrequ ested by J oe with Rocky Mountain w e visited the si te to observe trench fill and perform nuclear te sts.Atth e time of the v isit we were informed that no fill would beplac ed tod ay or for af ew days.Joe s aidhe would c all onth e c ell phone wh en h e b egan to bac kfill andlet u s know wh en t o visit th e sitea gain . Ve rba l Communi c ation With :Joe with Rocky M ountain Cop i es: T own of Vail -Charli e Davis Town of vsn ,Todd Oppenh eimer Towno fVail ·Nina TImm RockyMtn Inf rastructure·J effUn dbloom RoseMar ie Spano Field Observer Tom We sthoff Revi ew ed By HEPWO~-PAWLAK GEOTE~ICAL.INC. Repo rt of Nu clear DensityTe sting To : A ttn: Partain Construction Dave Partain 24 50County Road 31 4 N ew Castle,Colorado8 1 647 J ob N o .:1 99448-1 Date:6 -29 ·00 Page 1 o f 1 Project:Aro sa/G armish A ffordab l e Housing,2657 Arosa Dr ive,lot 8 ,Bl ock C ,V ail Ridge,V ail , C olor ado Genera l Con trac t or:Earth wo rk Contrac t or:Rocky Mountain T ype &#of Earthmo ving Un its :tr ackhoe,load er T h ick n esso f L itts:1 %' Type&#o f CompactionU nits ;self propelle dvi bratory s heepsfoot M ethod o f A dding M oi sture:w ater truck Ccm nec tion Standa rd:ASTM 10·698)Standard N umbero fPasses:6-8 Te st N o . 1 2 3 4 Lo cation sewer trenchb ackfill 25'north of manhole 1 5 'south o fm anhole 2 service to Unit 4 service to Unit5 De pt h o r EJav. 2·3' b elow subgrade 2 ·3' b el ow 8ubgrade 2-3' b elow s ubgra de 2 ·3' below subgrade Labo ratory Field %M i n .S oil Typ e Cam p % Max.Opt.O'V M oist Ca mp 0 "1 M oist Dens ."Heq. Dens ."",I'd 121 .4 9 .7 1 19.7 10.2 98 95 s iltys and w ith gr avel 1 21.4 9 .7 1 20.0 8 .5 98 95 silt y s andw ith gr avel 121.4 9 .71 22 .39.11 00 95 silty sa nd w ith g rave l 1 21 .49 .71 18.8 8 .9 9 7 95 silty sand w ith gravel PA RT TIMEOb s ervation ___•___,_•.._OO __.___.......-·_C'TOI __------ Prelim inary O bservatio ns a nd /or T e st Res u lts Ve rbally Reported To :Joe with Rocky Mountain Progre ss Report:As requestedby J oewithRocky Mountain .we visited the s ite to observe t rench bac kfill and perform nucleart estst o verify m oisture conte nt a nd c o mpaction o f the backfill being p laced .Observed placement ofbackfillan d compaction effort appeared acceptable .Nuc leart estsme t project specifications. Copies : Town 01Va il -Charlie Davi s Town 01Vall -Todd Oppenheimer Town ofVail -NinaTImm Rocky Mtn Infra s tructure -Jeff Lindbloom RoseMarie Spano Field Te chni cian T om Westhoff Revi ewed By . COMPACTION TEST REPORT 123 1 I \ 1 I 1 1\ 1 I 1 "'i ""I 1121II'\1I I :\\ I \\ I I I119II I I \1-U 0-I 1\..~•/1 X \c•-c II I \e- 0 I117I/I I 1 \1 I I I , I \ I -\115 I 1 \ i I ZAV fo r\Sp.G.= 113 I 2 .50 4 6 B 10 12 14 16 Water content,% Tes t speci fication :ASTMD693-9 1 Procedure B Standard Elevl Classifi cation Nat.-t.>~.< Sp.G .LL PI No .200DepthusesAASHTOMoist.3/8 in . 5 M A-4(O)26 3 16 43 TEST R ESULTS MATERIALD ESCRIPTION Maximum dry den sity =121.4 pcf S ilty sand with gr avel Opti mummoisture =9 .7 % IproJect No.199448 -1 Client:Partain Construction In c.Rema rks: Project :Arosa/Ga rrmsb Affo rdable Hous in g ,2657Arose Drive .Vail.C O SeeFigureNo.I Aforgrada tion. I.Location :FiIL'BackfLi I Date:6·21·2000 COMPACTIONTE STREPORT Hepworth -Pawlak Geotechnical,Inc.F igu r e I • PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT ,,,,,~,s , 0 ~~I I ~,I••-~••,;; 100 liiZ ',,·:1 ·I·.,··,·,.····.···,90 ,.",,··,·,·····,·····,·80 ···,···r-u ·,···,····r-,····,,·70 ······.~····a::····W 80 ~1 z ·,,"-··,·,u:··~·.... Z 80 ·,,:"w ···o ······a::,•··W 40 ·· I: ··a.····················•···'"········,······,······,ac •··•·,······,··,,, 10 ,·,· 1:1 I:I··,·,,, I:···,, 0 ,·, 500 100 10 1 01 0 .01 0.00 1 GRAIN SIZE ·mm 1 "I.C OBBLES I %GRAVEL %SAND '"I.SILT '"I.CLA Y 1 1 0 1 21 36 43 1 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC ,"PAS S?Soli Descr iption S IZE FINER PERC ENT (Xs:NO j S ilty sandwith gravel 3 i n.100 1.5 in .95 .75 in.90 .375 i n.84 Atterb erg L hnlts #4 79 PL=23 LL=26 P I=3#875 #16 69 Co effici ents#30 64 °85=10.7 060=0.372 050 =0.137#50 58 #\00 51 °30=0 15=°1 0= #200 43 Cu=Cc= Cl ass i fic ation U5CS=8M AAS HTD=A-4(O) Remarks See Figure No.Ifor maximum dry density and o ptimum moisture F.M.=2.3S (.llO spec i li~lo lio n provided ) S ample Nc .:I Source of Sample:On su e Date :6-21·2000 Lo cation:FilllBackfill El evJDep th: Hepworth-Pawlak Cllent :Partain Ccnsrruct ion Inc. Project :Arosa/Germish A ffordable Housing.2657 Arosa Drive ,Vail.CO Geotechnical,Inc.Pro tec tNo :199 44 8·1 Figure lA HEPWORTH -PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL,INC. R eport Of As phal t ic Concrete M ix Testing T o:Partain Co nst ruction Jo b No.199488-1 Dave Partain D ate:9 -27-00 24 50 C ounty Ro ad 31 4 Sh eet 2 of 2 New C astle,C olorado 81647 Proj ect:A rosa /Ga rm ish A ffordable H ousing .2657 Arosa D rive.Lo t 8 .Bl ock C.Va il Ridge.Vail . Co lorado Placeme ntLocation:30 'S outh of South west Co rner .U nitF S upplier:Frontier Paving T ime Samp le Ta ken:11 :00 S ampling Procedure :a uger Weather:sunny/clear A ir Temperature :70-75 "Sa mpleT emperature:275 0 Me thod of Ext raction:binder Icnltlcn Method A Oil Content:6 .86 %De s.Oil Content:6 .7 ±0.5 % SieveAnalsis S ieve Siz e Percent J ob Mix J obMix Spec ification Passi ng Percent Passi ng To lerance 3 /4 t OO l Oa tOO l Oa 1/2 9 4 9 6 90-1 00 9 0 -1 00 3 /8 8 4 85 79-91 -- 4 6 5 6 1 56-66 -- 8 45 42 37-47 28·58 16 34 32 -- 30 25 2 5 2 1 -29 - 5 0 17 1 8 -- 100 1 1 11 ---- 2 00 7 .7 5.6 3.6-7 .6 2 -10 M arshallPro erties No .1 No.2 No.3 A veraoe Mix Desion U nit Weioht Stabilitv Flow PercentAi r Voi ds Percent Voids Filled Percent V .M.A . M aximum Th eoretical 1 54.0 1 54 .5 154.3 1 54.4 Unit Wt .net Copie s : To wnofV ail-Charlie Davis To wn of V ail -To dd Oppenheimer RoseMarie Spano TomW estho ff T ownof V ail -N inaT imm Rock v M tn Inf rastructure -J effLindbloom Field Ob server Reviewed By HEPwofTH -PAWLAK GEOTECHtCAL,INC. Report of Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Testing T o :Partain Construction J ob No .199448-1 Attn:Dave Partain Date:9-27-00 2450 Cou nty Road 3 14 New Castle,Colorado 8 1647 Sh e et 1o f 2 Proje ct:Arosa/Garmi sh Affordable Housing,2657 Arosa Drive.Lot 8,Block8 .Vail Ridge.Va il, Colorado Co nstru ct io nContra ctor:Frontier Paving Reco mmended De ns ity o f 92-96 %o f t he Maximum Density as DeterminedbyAST M 0 2041 Typeand N u mber o fCo mpa ctio n U nits:C747B Hyp ac smo othd rumr oller T h ickness of Lift:3 " Temperature Variation :265 ·275 ~No .o fPasses : Te st Locat io n Pa vemen t La b ora tory Nu cle ar N uc lear Co re Core Core No .Lift De ns ity Fi eldCompac tion Lengt h Fie ld Comp o pel De nsi ty %(i n.)Density % pel p et 1 80 'so utho f Unit F single 154.4 148.2 96 2 40's outh ofUni t F single 154.4 145.5 94 3 30'south of Unit F s ingle 154.4 141 .9 92 PART Time Obs erva tion Th enuclear dens ometer me thodof t esting is ins u bsta nt ial accordance wi thASTM 0 2950w ithc ore c orrela tionsperform ed in a ccordance w ith ASTM 0 272 6 . Pre liminary o bserva t ions a nd /or t e s t result s verb ally re portedto :Frontie r Pav ing Progress Repo rt :Asreque sted w e vlelted th e site in the mornin gto p erform nu clear c ompa ction t ests ona sphalt . Up ono ur a rrival lit 10:45.th e p aving ju st beganra ther than 8 :00am as s c hedu led.W e c ollected a s ampleofa sphalt a ndreturne da t 1 2 :30 toperf orm t e sts .T e sts m et s pecific a tions . Cop ie s: Town ofVail-Charne Davis Town of Vall-Todd Opp enheimer T own ofVail -Nina Timm Ro cky Mountain Infrastructure-Jeff Lindbloom Ros eMarie Spano FieldTech nic ian Tnm westboff Re viewed By PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT , •••,,••~t •!•~•••~••··--•,••,• '00 ·•·\~"I~,I:'I ., •·,·,·····,·····90 \\1:1 ,·,,·,·1 \·80 ·, I ··l .I··.\.",···:\:,·····10 ·"I:~.·,·'"·W 60 I: :1 ~ [I !Z ·I ·~·, u:~····t-•Z 50 "",, Iur·····o ·,,ro;.·'"···ur ..· I I:Ia. :1 I:·,··,···,······,·30 r\L·<,····,···<,···20 ';'-.·····,·············, 10 ,, I:1 ·r-i,·1 :·,•:', II,,·.·•····0 •,·,·,· 500 '00 10 ,0 .1 0 .Q1 0,00 1 GRA IN SIZE·mm %C OBBLES %GRAVEL %SAN D °4 SIL T 1 'I.C LAY 0 37 48 15 SIEVE P ERCENT SPEC:PASS ?5 9 11 D es cription SIZE FINE R PE RCE NT (X =NO )3/4 ~Aggregate BaseC ours e .75 i n.100 100 ·100 .375 i n.81 #463 30 ·65 #856 25 ·55 X Atte rb erg Li m Its #16 50 P L=..LL=PI=.. #3 04 1 "'0 27 Coe ffi cie nts#100 19 0SS=11.0 0 60=3.87 0 50=1.1 8#200 IS 3 -12 X 030=0.3S2 015=0.075 0 °10= C u=Cc= C l assification uses=SM AASHT O=A ·I ·b Remarks S ee Figure No .2 for maximum dr y density an d opti mum moi sture . F.M -3.63 CDOT C1us6 S ample No .:2 S ourc e of S ample:Ons itc Da te :8-7·2 000 L oc atio n:Roadway Base,La farge Pit,Avon ,Colorado Ele v ./Depth : Hepworth-Pawlak Cli ent:Partain Construcricn Inc . Pr oje ct:Aro sa/Ga nnish A ffordable Housing,2657 Ar ose Driv e,Va il.C O Geotechnical,Inc. , Prcl ect No :199448·1 Plcur e 2A COMPACTION TEST REPOR T 139 \I I I I I 1\,....<,\1 1 r 1\\I1371\I 'I \\ I Ii f-I 1\ 135 I 1 \-I8-I 1\.ff \ 0 \c•I"e--c II \1\I 133 1 1 \\ 14 I 1 \\ \ 131 ,I 1 1\ . 1\ZAV for\Sp.G.= 129 2.65 1 3 5 7 9 1 1 13 W ater content.% Test specification :ASThi 0 155 7-9 1 Procedure C Modified Elevl Classification NaL ~.>II.< Sp.G.LL PI Depth USCS AASHTO Moist.3/410.No .200 5M A-I-b --0 15 TE ST RESULT S MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dryde nsity -13 7.6 pef 3/4"Aggregate Base Course Opti mum moisture =6.5 % Proj ectNo .199 4-18·1 Client:Partain Constru ction Inc.Rema rk s : P r o je c t:A rosalGannish Affordable Ho using,2657Arosa Drive,Vail ,CO Sec Figure No.2A for gradation . Date :8-7 -2Q()Q •locatio n:Roadway Ba se,La farze P it,Avon,Colorado COMPACTIONTE ST REPORT He~worth ·Pawlak Geotechnical,Inc.Figure 2 HEPWOR'--PAWLAK GEOTECitJICAL,INC. Report of Nuclear Density Testing To :Partain Co nstru ction Jo bNo .:199448-1 Date:7 -10-00 A ttn :Dave Partain 2450 County Road 314 Page 1 of 1 New Castle ,Colorado 81647 Pro jec t :Ar osa /G arm ish Aff ordable Hou sing,26 57 Arosa Drive,Lot 8 ,810ckC,VailRidge,V ail, Colora do Genera l Contractor :Partain Con struction.Inc .EarthworkCon tractor :Roc ky Mou ntain Infrastruct ure T ype &#o f Earthmov ing U nits :tre ckhce .d ozer T h i cknesso f Lifts :1 'h'obse rved T y pe &#o f Co mp ac tion Units:sel fp rop elled vjb ratcrv sh eep s fcct Numb e r of Passes:10 + M ethodo f A ddingM Oisture:n one Com action Standard:A STM 10-698 )St andard Test Location D ept h Laborato ry Field %Min.Soi lT ype No .or Cam p % tr enchb ackfill at Ele v.Ma x .Opt .D'Y Moist Camp wa ters ervic e s D'Y M o ist Dens."Aeq . Dens ."po! po l 1 s ervic e t o u nit1 subgrade 121 .4 9 .7 1 20 .1 8 .4 98 98 s iltys a nd with g ravel 2 s ervice t oun it 2 s ubg rade 121 .4 9 .71 23 .29 .71 00 98 siltysa nd w ith g ravel 3 2'ea s t ofvalvesa t s ub g rad e 121.4 9 .7 1 21 .4 8 .5 9 9 9 5 silt y s andw ith c urb g ravel 4 service to unit 3s ubgrade1 21.4 9 .71 26 .8 8 .8 100 9 8 s ilty sand with g rav el 5 s ervice t ounit42 'b elow 1 21 .4 9 .7 119.8 9 .2 9898 s ilty sa ndw ith su bg rade gra vel PART TIMEObs er vation __-..__....4-..r ............_"'..........-Wl......_...e~.........._r"rotol...__...""_~__•___...___r __"""__------n.o 1Ol.ICl.£<.~C_[T!Ol WfIHOO 01'T1~.....5 USl O ..$UllSTIoHTW.~wrTl<#oPU On22 "'0 1»0'7 Pre limina ry Observations and /or Test Resu lts Verbally Reported T o:Joe with Roc kyMou ntain Prog ress Report ;Ob served placement o n wa ters ervices.A m aximum of 5 'of fi ll w as in t hetr enchesa tt heti me o f t he site v isit .T e s ts p erformed mee t p roject s pecifications . Copies: Town o fVail -Charl ie Davis T o wno fv eu .Todd Oppenheimer T own ofv eu •Nina T imm Ro c ky Mtn lntras tructure.Jeff Lindbloom Ros eMarie S pano Tom Westhoff Field T echnician Revie wed By RECTI SEP 26 20 00 •~tech HepwQ[eawlak Oeotechnhul.Inc. 5 020 CountyRoad 1 54 Glenwood S prtngs,Colorad o8 1601 Phone :9 70-945-7988 Fax:970·9-1 5·8454 hpg eo @hpgelltcch .cum B 91-a ~'f '1 B'l1-e~o~ SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN PROPOSED 6-UNlTHO USING PROJECT LOTS 2,3AND4,VAILDAS SHONE,FILING 2 AROSAAND GAR1'\IIS CH DRIVES VAIL,COLORADO JOB NO.199448 JULy 29 ,1999 PREPARED FOR: THE STEVENSGRO UP ATTN :TO~ISTEVENS 580MAIN STREET,SUITE 220 CARBONDALE,COLORADO 81623 Date Receive l JAN 2 :;2000 ,.••HEPWORTH ·PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL,I:"C. J uly 29,1999 TheStevens Gr oup Ann:Tom Stevens 5 80 MainStreet.Suite 220 Ca rbonda le,Colorado 81623 JobNo .19944 8 S ubject:Report Transmittal,Subsoil Stud yfor Foundation Design,P roposed 6 -Unit Housing Project,Lot s 2 ,3a nd4,Vail Das Shone,F iling 2 , Arosa and Garrn isch Drives,Vail,Colorado . Dear Mr .Stevens: As reque sted,we have conduct ed a subsoil stu dyfor the propo sed developm ent at the subjec t site. Subsurfaceconditions encountered in th e exploratory boring s drill edinthe proposed building areascons ist ofabout 2to 3feet of topso iloverlying stratified silty sandy cl ay and Claye y san d with varia ble rock content .Ground water was nO I encountered in the borings and the subsoilsweremoist. T heproposedbu ildingsca n be foundedon sp read foo tingspla cedonthenatu ral s ubsoils anddesig nedfora n allowablebearing pre ssure of 2 ,000psf. The re por twhichfollows describe sour exploratio n,summariz es our find ings,and pr esen tsour re comm endations .It is important that we provide consultati on during des ign,and field services during construct ion toreview and monitor the implementation of the geotechn ical recommendations. If youhave any qu estions re garding this rep ort,please co ntact us. Sinc erely. HEPWORTH ·P AWLAKGEOTECH NICAL,I NC . StevenL .Pawlak,P .E . Rev .By :DEH SLP /rso ,.• TABLEOF CONTEl'VfS • P URPOSE AND SCOPE OFST UDY ...............................1 PROPOSED CONSTR UCTION ...................................1 SITE CONDITIONS 2 FIELD EXPLORATION 2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 3 FOUNDA TIONS 3 FOUNDATION ANDRETA INING WALLS 4 FLOORSLAB S 5 UNDERDRA I N SYSTEM 6 SITEGRADI NG ........................................6 SURFACE DRAI NAGE 7 LIMIT ATIONS ..............................................7 FIGURE1-LOCATIO N OFEXPLORATORYBORINGS FIGURE2 -LOGSOFEXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3-LEGEND ANDNOTES FIGURE4 &5-SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 -SUMMARY O F LABORATORY TEST RESULTS •••• PURPOSE AI'll)SC OPE O F STUDY This reportpre se nts the resu lts ofa subsoilstudyfor the proposed 6-unit re s identialdevelopme ntto be located at Aros a and Ga rm ischDrives,Vail,Colorad o. Theproject s iteisshown onFig .1.The purpose o f thestudy was to deve lop recommendations for thefoun dationdesign.The study was condu cted in accordance with OUf agreement for geotechnical eng inee ring services to The Stevens Group.Inc. da tedJune2 ,1999. A field exploration prog ram consisting ofexploratory boring s was cond ucted to obta in information on subs urface conditions .Samples of the subsoils obtain ed durin g the field explora tion weretested in the labora tory to determ inetheir classificat ion, comp res s ib ility or swell and otherengineering characteristics .The resul tso f the fie l ~ exploration and laboratorytesting were ana lyzed to develop recomm endationsfor found at ion type s ,depth s and allowab le pre ssures for the propose dbuilding foundati on . This report summariz es the data obtained during this s tud y and pr esents our concl usions.design recommen dations and othergeotechnica l engine erin g conside ra tions based on theprop osed construc tion and thesubso il conditions encountered. PROPOSED C ONSTRUCTION Three2 s torywoodframe duplexbuildings are proposedonthe p roperty ap proximately asshown onF ig .I.Ground floo r will be slab-o n-grade and cut intothe hillside.Gra ding for the structures isasswnedtoberelatively mino r withcut depths between abo ut 4 [Q 8feet.Weassume relatively light founda tionloadings,typ icalo f the pr oposed typeof construc tion. If building loadi ngs ,location orgrad ing plans chang esignificant ly fro m those' describedabove,weshould be notified to reevaluat e the recomm endations containe d in this repo rt. .,•-2- SITE CONDITIO!\S • The property isvacantand co veredwithgr ass and weedsw ith sca ttered sagebrush .Thicker bru sh vegetation covers the hillside further uphill to the north .The te rrain is gent ly rolling in the lowerpa rt o fthe property to moderates lopinguphill. Ele vation d iffer e nc eis about 8 to 10feet acrossthe in dividu al bu ildingfootpr ints. FI ELD EX PLORA TION The fie ld ex plorationfor the projectwas con ducted o nJ une24 ,1999.Thre e exp lor atory borings we re drilled at the locationssho wn onF ig.1toev aluate the s ubs urface conditions.T heborin gs were advanced w ith 4 inch diamet e r co ntinuous fligh t augerspowe red bya tr ack-mounted C ME-45 d rillr ig .Th eborings werelogged by a re presentative of Hepworth -PawlakGeotechn ical,Inc. Samples of thesubsoils were taken w ith a 2inch L D.spoo n sampler.The sampler wasdrive n in tothesubsoils a t variousd epths w ith b lows fro ma 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches .T his testissimilar to the s tandard pe netration testdescribed by AST M Me thod D-15 86.Thepenetrationresis tanc e valuesa re anindica tion ofthe rel ative densi ty or cons istency of thes ubsoils.Depth s at which the samp leswere taken a nd the pene trat ion re sistancevalues a re show n o nthe Logs of Explorator y Borings , Fig .2 .T he samp les were return ed too ur la bo ratoryfor review by the proje ct engineer andtesting. SUBSURFACE C Ol''DITI Ol''S G raph ic logso f thesubsurface co nditions e ncounteredatthe siteare showno n F ig .2 .T hesub soi ls consist o fabout2 t o3feet o f topsoil o ve rl yingstratifiedsilty sa ndy clay andcl ayeysandwith va riable rock c ontent.Gro undwater wa s not •-3 -• encounte red intheboriogsa t thetimeof d rillingor when checked 7and21daysafter drilling .Th es ubso ilsaregenerally moist. Laboratory testing perfo rmed onsamples obta ined from theborings included natural moisture content and density and finer than sand sizegradatio n analyses . Results of swell-consolidationtesting performed onrelativel y und isturbed drive samples ,pre sented onFigs.4 and 5 ,indicate low to moderate comp ressibility under conditions of loadin gand wett ing.The laboratory testing issununarized inTable I. DESIGNRECOM..\'!ENDATIO NS FOUNDAT IONS Con s ider ing the subsoil conditions encountered in the ex ploratory borin gs and th e na tur eo f the proposed construc tion,we recommend th e bu ilding befounde d with sprea d footings bear ingo n the natura l subsoi ls. The design and construction crite ria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system . 1)Footings placedonthe undi sturbed natur al granular soilsshou ld be desig nedforanallowable soilbeari ng press ure of 2 ,000 psf.Basedon experience,weexpectsettlement o f footings designed an dco nstru ctedas discu ssed in this section will be about 1 inch or less. 2)The footings shou ld have a minim um width of 16 inches for continuous wallsand2feetforisolated pads . 3)E xterior footiogsandfootings beneath unheatedar eas should be provided with adeq uate soil cover above th eirbearing elevation fo r fros t protection.Pla cement o f foun dationsatleast48inches belowexterior gradeistypical ly usedinthisarea . 4)Continuous foundatio n walls should be reinforced top and botto m to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length ofat least 12 feet.Foundation walls acting as reta inin g structure s shou ld alsobe •-4 -• de s igned toresi st lateral e arthpre ss uresas discussed inthe"Foundation and Retain ingWalls "section o fth is rep ort. 5)Th etopsoila nd any looseo r distu rbed soilsshould be removedand the footingbeari ng leve l e xtendeddown t o fum na rural soils . 6 )A represe ntativeof the geotechnical engineer should obs erve a ll footing excav ations prior toc oncrete placement toeva luate bearingco nditions. FOUNDATION AN D RETA INING WA LLS Foundationwalls andretaining structures which are laterall y supported and ca n beexpec ted tounde rgo only a s l igh t amount ofdefle ction s hou ldbede signed for a lateralea rth p ressu recomputedo n thebasis o f an e quivale ntfluid unitweight of 55pef forbac kfill consi sting of the on-site so ils.Cantile vered retainingstructures which ar e separate fro mthe building s andcanbe expected todefl ect s ufficie ntlyto mobilize the full active ea rt hpressu recond ition s hould bedes ig nedforalate ral earth pres sure cump uted o n the bas isofanequiva Lent flu id uni t weig ht of 45 pef fo r backfillconsisting of the on-sitesoils . All fo undation andre tain ing str uctures s houldb e des ignedfo r ap propriate hy drostaticand s urchargep ress ures such asadjac ent footings.traffi c,const ruction materia ls andequipm ent.Thepressure s rec ommended aboveass ume dra ined co nditions behind thewa lls a nd a horizontalback fill s urface.T hebui ldup ofwate r beh ind awa ll or anupwa rd s lopingbackfillsurfac e w ill increasethe late ralp ress ureimposedo n a foundatio n wa ll or reta iningst ructure .An u nderdrainshould be providedto p revent hydro sta tic p ressure buildupbehindwalls. Backfillshou ld be placed inunifo rmli ftsand c ompacted toat least90 %of the maximumsta ndardProctordens ity a t a moistureco ntent nearoptimum .Backfill in pavementandwalkwa y a reas sho uld beco mpactedto at least 95 %ofthe max imum standard Proct or de nsity .Care shouldbe take nnotto overcompact the back f ill oruse la rgeequipmentnear thewall,s ince thiscouldcause excessive lateral pr essureonthe wall .Somesettl ementof dee pfoundatio n wa ll backfill should be expec ted,eve nifthe •'·5·• materi alisplaced correctly.and cou ldre sult in distress tofacili t ies cons tructed onthe backfill. Th elateral r esis tanceof foundationorr etainingwal lfootings will bea comb ination of the s liding res istance ofthefoot ingonthe foundation mat erials and passiveear thpr essureagainst the s id e of the footing.Re s istance to sliding a tthe bottoms of the foot ings canbec alcula ted basedon a coefficient of frict ion of 0.4 . Passivepre ssureo f compac ted backfill agains t the sides of thefoo tings can be calcul a ted usi ngan equi valent fluid un it we ight of 350per.The coefficient o ffr iction andpassive pre ssu re values reconunend ed abov e assume ul timatesoil str ength .S uitable factors of safetyshould be in cludedinthedesi gnto l imit thestrain w hich will occ ur a t the ultimate stre ngt h,particularly in the caseof pas sive resistance.Fill p laced aga instthe sides o fthefooting s to resistlatera lloads should be compactedtoatleast95 %of the max imumstandard P roctor de ns ity atamo isture contentnearop timum . FLOORSLABS Thenaturalon -s iteso ils,exclus ive of to psoil .are suitable to support lightly loaded s lab-an-gradeconstruction .T o reduce theef fects of some differential movem ent.floors labs should be separatedfrom a ll beari ng wa lls an d co lumns wi th ex pansion joints w hicha llow unr estrainedvertica l movement.Flo orslabcontro l j oints shou ld beusedto reduce damagedue [0 shr inkagec racking .T herequirementsfo r joint s pacingan d s lab reinforcementsbo uld be establ ished by tbedes igner basedon ex perience andtheintend edslab USe.A minimum 4inchlayer of free-draining gr ave l should be placed beneath basementlevels labstofacilitated rainage .Thismate rial should consistof min us2inchaggr egatew ith atleast 50 %re tained o n theNo .4 sieve and tess than 2 %passi ng theNo .200 sieve . A llfillmat erialsfor support offioorslabs sbou ldbeco mpacted to at least 95 % ofmax imum standardPr octor densityat a moistureco ntent nearoptim um .Required fillcanconsist of theon -site soils devoido f vege tation,topsoilandover sized rock . •-6 -• UNDERDRA IN SYSTEM Although freewater was notencounteredduringour exploration,it has beenour experience in mountainousareas tha t localperched groundwater may develop during times ofheavy precipitation or seasonal runoff .Frozen groundduringspringrunoff cancreateaperchedcondition.We recommendbelow-grade construction,suchas retaining walls ,crawlspaceandbasement areas ,beprotected fromwetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrainsystem. Thedrains shouldconsist of d rainpipeplacedinthebottomofthe wallbackfill surro unded abovethe invertlevel with free-d rain ing granular material.T he drain should be placed at eachlevelofexcavation andat least 1 footbelowlowestadjacent fini sh gradeand slopedata minimum 1%toasuitable g ravity outlet.Free-draining granularmaterial used in the underdrainsystem should contain less than 2 %pass ingthe No.200 s ieve,less than 50%pass ing the No.4 sieve andhaveamaximum s izeof 2inches.Thedraingr avel backfill shouldbe atleast 1 'I,feet deep. SITE GRA DING The risko f construction-induced slopeinstability at the s iteappears low providedthe buildingis locatedinthe less steep part oftheproperty as planned andcut andfilldepths are limited .Weassumethecutdepthsforthe basement levelwill not exceed one level,about 6 to 8 feet.Fills should be limited to about 8 to 10 feet deep. Embankment fillsshould becompacted to at least95 %oftbe maximumstandard Proctordensity nearoptimum moisture Co ntent.Priorto fi ll placement,the subgrade s hould becarefully prepared by removing aU vegetationand topsoil and compactin g to 95 %standard Proctordens ity.The fill sbouldbebenched into theportionsofthe hillside exceed ing 20 %grade. Permanent unr etainedcutand fi lt slopesshould begraded at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical o r flatter and protected against erosion by revegetationor other means .The risko f slope instability will be increasedifseepage is encountered in cuts and flatter •-7-• s lopes may be necessary .If seepage isencounte red in permanen t cuts.an investig ation should be conductedto determine iftheseepage willadversely affect the CU I stability . SURFAC E DRAINAGE Thefollowing dra inage pr ecauti ons should be o bserved durin g construction and mainta inedatall times after th ebuildings havebeen completed : 1)Inu ndationof the founda tion excavations and underslabareas should be avoided dur ing construction. 2)Exterior backfillshould be adjustedtonearoptimummoistureand comp acted toat leas t 95 %of th e maximumstan dar d Pr octor den sity in pavem ent and slab ar eas and to at least90%of the maximum s tandard Proctor densit yin landscape ar eas. 3)Theground surface surroundingtheexterior ofthe building shouldbe s loped todrai n away from the fou ndatio ninall directi ons.We recomm enda minim umslope of 12inchesin the first 10 feet inunpaved areas and a minimum slope o f 3inchesinthefirst10feetin pavedareas. Free-drainingwall backfill should be capped w ith abou t 2 fee l ofthe o n-s ite soils to reduce surfa ce waterinfiltr ati on. 4).Roof downspoutsand drainsshouldd ischargewell beyond the limits of allbackfill. L1MITATI01'IS Thisstudyhas been conducted in accord anc e with generallyaccepted geotechnical engineering princ ipl es and pra ctices inthis area at thi s time .\Ve make no warranty eithe r expressedor impli ed .Theconclusions and recommen dations submitted in this repor t are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilled at the locations indi catedonFig.I ,the pr oposed type ofconstru ction and ourexperi ence in the area .Our findings include interpol ati on and extrapolati onof thesubsu rface •-8-• conditi ons identified a t the expl ora tory borings and variations in the subsurface conditions ma y not become ev identuntile xcavation is pe rfo rmed .If co nditions e ncountered durin g cons tructiona ppeard ifferent fromthosede scribed in this report.we sh ou ld be notified sothat re-evaluationo fthe r ecommendationsma y bemade . This repo rt has beenp repared forthe exclus ive use by o ur client for d es ig n purposes.W earenot r esp o nsiblefo r technicalinte rpretations by o thers of o ur informa tion.As thepr oj ect e volves,we should providecontinued co nsultationandfi eld se rvices during con struction to revi ew and mo nitor the implementationo fou r recommenda tions,andtoverify that the recommendations havebee n appropriately inte rpreted .Significant design changesmay require additional anal ys is o rmodificati o ns tothe recommendatio nspre sented herein .\Ve re commend on -s ite ob servat ion of excavations a nd foundation bearing strata and testing of structu ral fill by a representative of the g eotechnical engineer . Since rely. H EPWORTH -PAW LAK G EOT ECHNIC AL .I NC. Steve n L.Pawlak.P.E . Reviewed By: Daniel E.Hardin ,P.E . S LP lrso cc :PC I-Attn :Dave P artain APPROXI MATE SCALE 1"=40' LOT 5 B020 •BORING 3 B040.......<.... / ....- TO WE ST VA IL EXIT1-70 \ LOT 3 I ~BORI NG ---------........ LOT1 ,/ ,/ ,/ / / / / / / / ----I----I...-----...- //PROPOSED ,/BUILDINGS ,/ ,/ ,/ LOT 2 B020 ...- ,/ ,/ ,/ / I I / / B050 / / B040 B030 199 448 HEPWORTH -P AWLAK G EOTECHNICA L.INC .LOCAnONOF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig. BORING1 (LEV.=80.35 ' BORING 2 ELEV.=804" BORING 3 ELEV.=aO.3S' 80 45 80 45 8040 8035 8015 11 /12 15/1 2 WC -16 .1 00-115 13/1 2 8040 8015 80 35 17/12..WC-12.J -6 /12 11/12 ..•DO-116 .. "-8030 WC _17 .J Y.t:"'15.4 8030 "- 0 0-107 00-1104 .~c 0., 0 c>20/1 2 >.... W 14 /12 17/1 2 W;; 8025 8025 .~:.;,.'.••17/12.., 11 /12 1e /12 8 020 'NC-ZO.3 WC -1 6 .5 80 20 0 0_109 00-'"-ZOO-52 Note:Ex.,lonot ion of s)'ITlbc ls isshownon Fig.3 . 199 448 HEPWORTH -PAWLAK GEOTE CH NICAL,INC. L OGSOF EXPLORATORYBORiNGS F ig.2 LE GE ND: 6/12 NOTE S: TOPSOIL;o rganic sand y cloy and si lt .derlc b rown. CLA Y(CL);silty,sandy,stiff,mo ist,b rown,l ew p l ast i ci ty. Q.AY AND SAND (CL -SC);s ilfy,stra t ified.9 ravelly.s ca ttered cob b les,s ti ff/m edium d ens e, m oist.bro wn,lo w prcet tcrty , Relat ive ly u ndis turbed d r ive s am p l e;2 -inc h1.0 .Californialin er s amp l e. Dri ves ample bl ow coun t ;ind icatesth at 6 b l ows o f a HO-pound ha mm er f a lti ng 30 i n ch es were req u ired t o drive th e California sampler 12 in ch e s. 1.E)(pJorotory bo r ings were d r ~led o n Jun e 2 ~.1999 with 0 ~-i nch di am eterco n tin uo u s fl ight p ower a u g er. 2.Locat ions of explo-ctory b orings wer e m easuredapp ro)(imately by pa cin g from featuresshown on th e sit e plan provided. 3.Elevation s o f explor a torybo r ings wereobtain edb yinterpol ation b et .....e encon tours onth esitepl an pro vided. 4.Theexpl or atoryb or ingl oc ations end ele vations shoul d he co nside redc cccrct eonly t o l~e degree i mpli ed b y th e me tho d used. 5.The li nesb etween mat erial s sho .....non t he explor o to r ybo r ing fog s r eprese nt t he approlCimote b oundaries be t weenm a te r i al types andt ran sitions m ay be gra du a l. 6 .Notr ee woter wcsenc ou ntere din t h e b ori ngs at t he ti me o f drilli ng o r whench ecked7cnd21 da ys to ter . Fluctuotlon in wate r l evelm o y occu rwith tim e. 7.L ebo rator y Testing Results: WC =Wa ter Co n t ent (,.;) DO-Dr y Densi ty (pcf ) -200 _Percen t passingNo.200 sieve. 199 44 8 HEPWORT H-PAWLAK GE O T ECHN I CA L .I N C . LEGEND AND NO TE S Fi9.3 . Moisture Content =1 7.3 pe rce01 Dry Dens ity t=107 pel Semple of:SandySiltyCloy from:80ri ns 1 at4 Feet 0 I--.......... "1 r-,Nomovemen t c u pon.9 wett ing•2••<,"c, E ~0 3u 4 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PR ESSUR E -ke f MoistureContent =20.3 percent Dry Denstty «109 pef Semple of:Sandy Silty Cla y From :Boring 1 at 14Fee t 0 "r--..... 1 t-, e "-V No movement 0 -:u p on•••2 wett ing•·rKc, E 0u 3 ~4 1"'- [\. 5 0.1 1.0 10 100 APP LIED PRESSUR E -ksf 1994 48 HEPWORTH -P AWLAK SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Fig.4GEOTECHNICAL.INC ., .. Moisture Content -16 .1 perc ent DryDens ity-115 pof Semp leof:SandySilty C tc y from:Boring 2a t 4 Feet 0 h <,h."1 x:::............Nomo vement c:up on0..2 wetting•<,•"~n E 0 3o 4 0 .1 1.0 10 1 00 AP PUE D PRESSURE-k,1 Moisture Content =15.4-pe rcent D ry Dens ity =11 4 pcl Sa mpleof:Sandy Silty Cloy From:Bo ring .3 at 4 fe et 0 "I'-t- 1 <,c No m ovement 0 r-,u pon';;•2 wetting ~c,r-E 0u 3 0.1 1.0 10 100 AP PUEO PRESSURE -ksf 199 448 HEPWO RTH -PAWL AK SWE LL-CONSOUDATION TE ST RES UL TS Fig.5 GEOTECH N ICAL.INC. HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL ,IN C. TABL E I SUMMARY OFLABORATORYT EST RE SULTS JOB NO.1 99 448 U "'l'\f l OC,.UOO NAlUIlAL N I\TUIIJU GR.IIIl ..TION f'f AC(J~T An fRlIfAQ l ...·lU ......cON flNtD.....DfP'"WllllTUIil ""QA"VEl S M.O PASSINO LIQUID I'I.ASflC co_nslVl S(Il l OR,I..u COH JlPff Dunn"""",.0 ~~,I Not~Itfl(HGTH BEDROC K TY PE,...."Sl£V(,..,..IPSfl 14 17 .3 10 7 Sandysilty c lay 14 20 .3 10 9 Sandysiltyc lay 2 4 16.1 11 5 Sandy silty clay 9 1 2.3 11 6 Clay ey sandw ith grave l 3415 .4 11 4 Sandy siltyclay 14 16 .5 114 52 S an d andclay • •• PCI LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 2450 COUNTY RD .314 NEW CASH .F.,CO.81647 PARTAIN CONSfRUcnON,INC. DAVID E.PARTAIN-PRESlOEr-IT PHONE (970)......2796 FAX (970)9&1-3405 CELL(970)618-0131 DATE 0812312000 I JOB NUMBER:2003 ATTENT ION:Cnarue Davis RE:ParkP lace Tnwnhomes Permit Numbers:899-0299 and 899-0300 F ile Site COPY TO:_-:2:-_TO :TownofVail Department 01 Community Develooment 75 South F rontane Road Vall.Colo.81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU [KIAtta Clled [!]Shop Drawings Dprints o Under separate cover v ia__'ax__t hefo llowi ng items: O Plan.O Samples O S pecili calion. COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 0712112000 "ApPfoved'"Roof Truss shop drawings. O Resubrnlt__copies for app roval D Submi,-oopfes for distribution DRe!um__correc:ted prints D PRINTSTOBE RETURNED AFTERLOANTO US THESEA RET RANSMITTED a.checked """'"'o Forap proval D ApprO\led ass ubmittedmForyouruseDApproVedasnoted [KI As reques1ed ORetumed tOf corrections D For review and comment DL.--==_ OFOR BIDS DUE _ REMARKS:_ Thank You , SIGNED:David E.Partain ••PARTAIN CONSTRUCTION,INC. 970-98 4-2796 7-21-00 ROOF TRUSS SHOP DRAWINGS FOR AROSAfGARMISCH 6-UNIT 2477 GARMISCH DRIVE VAIL,COLO. '#4.;-..,..t/i..,.:ft1r o :~r-:_:.f':"...S9 .....:=\<IIL L....,..,..., ....v•••I'-rM~....'/.....Wj T I c e-~~~~.:7 -td'l--'<.J J-l 8c-"'f2...-, 1)-moss eH"ffHr:?;/q"i tJY077~ ~1f2<>55 I3t'4 It<IPIW'<S "l£?-eli'Sr;h'-1,;;t;p 13't ~C;'HdilL flZ'oe.To /H S /Jt7.<417 O'-f S1 9 _7 _0 '0 -'-0 -'''-9 -0 ,2"'-10-0 ''''-9 -0 1 0 -'-o T 1 0_'_0 ·,..9 0 2"'-'0-0 o I E _c ...e I ~ c ,•"1 ec"I C I~I-1 ~0 0 I 0 11 I 1 , c 0 I.•c I 0 c 0 "c c c c 1 0-0" ., ~...:-:' =;:::==:f.-e -a I1_e_ I ~-0 -0nTVI;;G ""B I/'I----Ji- 1/II r I :24 -'0-0 0 -0 ''''-9 ~O -~-'-O " H-+f.-* ~<l ·<l <-(T I f II'I I I11-2..2..::.£.::.£...,.,~'-=-'--'=;c I••< ::;<"-10 -0 I I!:_c....e ~ I II'u • I U .,I".< E ~. <l <l <I <l I E-G"'~ <I (<I <l <I' I <c I•• l U I'///....1 ~'4 oil 4 (H , E H I E _CAe - III (j\•'"N oil <l oil <l <l 1/ ~., .. I !--"--,, < o c I eo•c I c• "c c c C I C. I•" 24-'Cf':::o 2 4 -1 0 -0 2 4-1 0-0 9 9 -7-0 2 4 -10 _0 IDescri ption :AROSA CARl\4 lstRUNITS 1,2.3 .", c c>=;;;;:W ==z>'"20-~~t=W .....c='-'«=>0 ....J c...~ W :::>U> "2a:0u Tr usf ab Inc. 18181 -115 Rd "le wCOslle,CO 8160 Nome : Ad dre ss: Job:73 69 ~.I\",~.Stole I :160 I Oo~e:-1Jj B!OO I Oro '"" 4 9-9-0 2 4 '0 0 2 4-10-0al~a I Icccc I In N I'l 'If W)((l f'~N "I;{)III 'll'I'l l"l .(.(.(.(.(.(1 1.(1 .(.(<1> (;>1 1 1 .(.(1 .(1 1 .(1 1/1,-6-1-I"It l.I ~V c I -,/ c <,V c c I'\.c c Vr-,V I c c r-,c/Ic-,c 0 o 0c /I 0 I I -,-,c 0 I •0c c c •I c c I /-,I I ~I I /c "~ n III c <,c n n n c /r-, V r-,c c 1V c c c/I~c Ji c c c c e:'I I e Ie;-r1 -6 -0-ID e G ABI IeGAS•0 I• t '0,01 14 go !'4 90 J,o ,0t 2 4 10 0 2 4 10 0 49 90 7369 Trus fob Inc. 16181 -ll5 ~d 1>10 m" ~Co slle.CO Add 'es s: BIsn ll..,.....h, -,Dtscr ,plll:lI'l AROSA CiR UISC H UNis 5.6 Job XC~-1 :,15 I Do le.7/18700 [Oro wn &,.:Til: 3 Job nee '""".e ----",;;--,-,;;---,-' R EO .GABLE Trw lib loc.,New tie ,C ,1 17-9-8 35-7 -0 17-9-8 600 1'12 5x6= 2x4 11 2x4 11 2x4 II 4~8 ~2~4 11 K 2x4 11 41l8 -::- 17-9-8 2x4 11 2x4 11 R 2x4 l1 .S ~lu 2x4 11 I ~",,~,l ~ V 4~=....AI.AK AJ AI At<AG 'F AE ..,A.M Z y X W 4 xS =1 .~4 11 1 .511 4 II 1.5ll4 II ...=...=Hlll4 II 1.5x4 II 1 .5ll4 I I 1 .5'1:4 II 1 .5lc4 I I 1 .5ll4 II 1 .5lc4 11 1 .5lc4 II 1 .&4 11 1..5ll4 11 1 .5lI4 I I 1.511 4 II ,35-7 -0 , .35 -1:0_on ....:jAC:O-l·14 ,edgel,IAf:O-3-0 LCl-3-Q} LOAD<HO "'".......a-o-c 0$1 D...."")(\0<'.....O'L<""G .... Ta<eo.~Inc._HID TC 0 .15 v.n(U.)"'"."""""169112J ,COL 10 .0 Lumb«n:r-HID Be 0 .10 Ver1(TL)••-"'"BCU 0,0 Rep St ,_lncr YES WB D,"-(T1.)000 ••BCOL 10 .0 Codo U8CJANS&5 (MiI1n:.)111t LCLL ~l.'deIl-240 W llighl :190 lb LUMSER S AAClHG TOP CHORD 2 X S SPF-S 1650f 1.5f TOP C HORD ShMthIId Of 10-0-0 on centlW purl,"&paCing. BOT C HORO 2 X 4 SPF-S 2 1001'1M BOT C HORD R igid oelHng directly a pplied Of 6-0-0 on oe mer br$eing OTHERS 2 X 4 S PF-S 210CF 1.8E ";:_1'1'WEBS 2>:4 T-&.ce K.... ST9 2 X 4 SPF-5 2100F 18£.ST8 2X 4 SPF-5 2100F 1.1lE.F..sl en T li nd I br--=-Io nanew .....clweb with 10d C(lmftW,>n WI,. ST8 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1 .BE nalll81n e.e.,WIlli J in minimum end di,,\anctI .Brace mu,,1 CIllWI 90'%01 weblenglh. REAcnOHS (llni.l:e)AF_44 7131-10-0,AE_46l/J1.1().(l,AG--366lJl.10.0,AH ~409fJ 1 .10.0 .AI-40 1/J 1010.0,AJ -198I31 -1Q.(),AK-413lJl-l 0-0 .AL=JJ-4IJ1 -'0-0, AM-52a1J1 ·10-0.AC-43ll1J1.10.0,A8-J7OfJ1.10.0.AA-401l1Jt-10.0,Z--401 /J1-10-0 .Vw»8IJ1·1 0.0 ,X-41 3!J1-1Q--O.W=JXIIJ1-1G-O .V-SJ4/J1-1 0.0 AD=9IJ1 -1Q-O M9:r HoI7 AF-S(load eue 6).AM-246{toad C88ll 4).V--246{1ood caM J ) r.blt UpliflAF-·S7(1oad CUll 4),AG--77(1owd ewe 5),AH--7S(load ewe 5),Al-n(1wd ca".~),AJ--76(1oltd ca se4),AK_-6-4(103d c;u;ft 5),AL--220(lood CY$G 4),,IWoo ·l11(1olld caee 3),AC>-65(Iood case 31,AB-·75{1ood 00&(l 6).M--75(1oad eilllO S),Z -71(load c ue 5),Y_16(1gyd e111iO 3),X--613(IOl'd Cl'M 5),W-·220(lolKI C860ll J ),Va-112(lolld C8S8 4) Mu OrlHAF"448{1olld _8),Af"461(1olIId CII6tl 1),AG-Jl3(loIId Cil»ll6),Ali"409(l0f0d ea-I ),Ala401(loIId CIl~1),AJaJIl8(loIId COl""1),AK-419(1gyd CII6tl 6),AL-J34(lolKI eIIW 1).AM:516(1ood CllS6 6),AC>436(I09d 00&(l 7),AB-375(10llCl 01188 7),AA:408(109d CII88 1),Z-401{1ood CIIlloll 1),Y-J98(Ioad _1),X-411l(loQd CltSe 1),W -J3O(IoIld caw 1),V-S 71l(lo<Id e11le 1),Ao-18(lood CIl ~2) FORCES (Ib).FlrBl LOII d C aw Only TOP CHORD A-6-243 ,B-C-189,e-o-208,o-e-205,E-F-206 ,F-G-205 ,G-tt-57 ,H-1-201 ,1-Ja215,J-j(-159,K-L-1&9 , L-M-209.M-N-1(I6,~1 .o-~1 99 .P.Qo200 ,Q.Ra200 ,R-S.203.5 ·T-182,T-U-238 BOT CHORD ~112 ,AL~.AK-AL-O,AJ-AKaO ,AI-A.P(J,AH-AI-O .AG-AH-O ,AF-NJ-o,AE-M-G,,6,tME-O, AC-AJ)a .o,A&-AC-O ,~,Z~,Yol -O,X·Y-o,W -X.O,Y·W -o,lJ..Y-107 WEBS K-Af _~,J.AF--407,1-AG--330,G-AH--36S,F-AI--361,E -AJoo -~,D-AK "-J06,C-Al-.Jl',~. L-AC--405.M-A8a-3JO,o-AA-368,Pol_-361 ,0-"..359 ,R.X_-367,S.W•.J 1~,T_Va-446 "TE '1)This 1/\1$8 hes beene fleck8d kIIllflbillenced Io8d lng eond~lOnlI . 2)ThIs lruM hal been lleaiIlned for the wind IDad&9fl""raled by 85 m ph MIdi at 2511 above grotnd 18wII,UBlng 5 .0 pBf top ehord dnd IolId ...cl5.0 pil'boItom dIOId dNd k»d,100 ml from hurriclI....~~....,on ..,OCC:llparq r;alllllOlY I,CCIOdiI ion I eneloeed b!lild"""ll ,01dimIInBionI;100ft by 100 II With l8lCp05U .e C ASCE 7-93 per lIeCIANSI95"and --'ooeta or 0Mtl1owws eldBt.1h8ye ..npoaed Iowind .If prll'CMa 1lIlCiId,Itl8'f'ar e nollllXJlOMd towlnd.The lunb8f DOL ~II 1 .33 ,end l hepIgl.Il"'""-"1.333)FOf sIUdB ~10 WIN ,...MiT ell "Standard Goble Ene!DetIIil'" 4)Non St8ndaord ~ng eondition.RNlIw fWlIJi red 5)AI pla in ••M20 piBIl ...uNIIq Qtherwiu indicatold . 6)GII bll1 l<l udS ~..2-0-0 on 0811&81 . 7)Thls IfUSS has bMIn deBlgned lot.10 .0 pBf btiIom chord live kl9CI roonoonr:un-en1 ""'II....,other M IoadB per Teble No .16-8, ~. 51 Pmnde lTIlldIIII'liolll oonll8dion (by oI/Ief'5 )oIln1&&10 bMnng pIlIIe ClIpllbl1loIl'1'l1l'l8tMd l'lg 5 1lb uplift ..joirlI AF,77 Ib uplift ..joinI NJ.7~Ib upifI at joinl AH,n II upIn 81 joinl H .1611 uplll")olnl AJ .64 11 upliI(lII jo1'"AI<,220 Ib uplift III joinC At. l1 11b upIdlal jon JrM.ll6lb upl ill a1jDon1 K;,7$II .......jlllnt AB.75 lb uptll",icinI AA.71 Ib upIIlt til Joi r-4 Z.Nib upiftal jon Y,65 lb uptll ..)oinI X.220 II uplift at joinl W 8ncI 112lb upIrf1l11 joint V . 9)This tn.IM hoB b8en d8IIigned ""'t!ANSlITPI1 .1{195criterill.ILOAD~SI Stardard TruM A >-------,,"" 34 Trlll>fW jnc.•New CliIo;lle.CO .61647 17-9-8 17-9-8 6 .00 r;2 5>;6 = 4 .G-32 s Fe b 181999 Mi Tflk r".h .d,Iftto,lnc,W wd Jul 19 09;05;2042000 PII\l e 1 35 -7-0 17-9-8 4x6 =O 4x10 o; 4x8 ~E NM ex14 = 35-7-0 CK &1 4 = I ~ J 4 ).1)= 4x10 = -----------.,.36'7-ITO---------- LOA DING (p$1) rcu,80 .0 TCDL10.0 Bell 0 .0 BCDl..10,0 SPA ING Plates lm:r_1.00 Lumb&llncreaoo 1.00 Rep Streit!IncrYES Code UBCtANSI95 TC 0.90 Be 0.87 WB0.87 EF[(in)Ooc)IId llll GRIP V8l1(LL)-0.30 C-M -ess M20 1691123 Vllfl(TLl -0."L-M -saa Hou(Tl)0 .13 J ,,"1$1 LC LL Min Vdefl..,240 Weililht:187 1b LUMBER TOPCHORD 2X 6SPF-S1650F1.5E BO T CHORD 2X "SPF-52100F1 .8E WEBS 2 X"WW Stud °E_pl' W 12 X"S PF-S 2 100F '.BE.W l2X 4 S PF-$2100 F1.SE W3 2X "S PF-5 21 00F 1.8E ,W3 2 X "SPF-52100F 1.BE REACTIONS (1 b'.128)0-352910-5-9 (input :0-5-8),J-3 ~(input ,0-5-8) ~Hor2 Oo--404(load ca se 3 ) M u U plifl Q-·5 15{1oad c ......5),...·S 15(load cuse S} BRACING TOP CHORD BOT C HORD WEBS Sl1ealhed Of J..G.14 on oen181 puri;n I ~n lil R igid celling d ireclly ap plied Of fI.O.O on ce rller bmcing . 2 ROWlIII lll3 pl a e-o.G -J fOR CES (lb}·Flf$f L09d Calle Only TOPCHORD A-f?382 ,B-C-366,C-D-·35<l 1,D-E-3541 .E-F-35<4 1,F-Gs.3541 ,G ·H-366,H-1-382 BOTCHORD A-O--328 ,N.o-3508.M-N003508 ,L-M;2657,K·L"3508,J..K -3508,1-J-328 W EBS 6-000'-9 16 ,C-M=·752 ,E-M=10 17,E-l.-1017,G-t,-·152 .H-J "916,~-45T2 ,G-J00 -457'2 NOTES 1)Th is tn.l"has ~n cl'H!d:ed 10',mba lanCOld loading condHlona. 2)Thl$tru lIS hws been designed fOf the wind loads gooe«l1ad by 85 mph wind s 81 25 fl above ground level.usirtg 5 .0 psi l op chor d dead load a J'ld 5.0 pst bonom chofd daad WI.100 ml tro<n hu rrica ne lICe:'!nl ine .on a n occupancy ea 1egcwy II .co ndilioo 1e nclm:l.ed buI ldi ng .of dlmenalon a 100 fl by 100 ft with expoowra C ASCE 7·9 3 per U BCIANSI95 II l:tRd VftI1icHla 0 1 CIInlilevers exi&l,Ihll'f ..,allXJlO8lld 10wind .If po rchll$exial,l hll'f ara 001 exposed 10 wi lld.The 'um bllf DOL Incr llaSll ill 1.33 ,alld the pl ate grip incr ...:oo is 1 .33 3)All pla lll$are M'2O p1 ales u nl8sll olhefwlu Ind lcaled . 4)Th ill uusa has been designed for al 0,0 psi bo ttom chord bv loa d nOflCOllC ummt wi l ha ny oIhIIr tiw Io&ds pe r T ableNo .16-e, UaC-94 . 5)WARNING :Required beari ng me at joinl(s)O .J grea1er than i nput bearing size. 6)Pmvide machllnlcal connection (by olhllrll )of l rvss 10 bea ri ng p lale Cilpab!e ofwittn;tend ing 5 151b upl illlli joioI a ilnd 5151b upl ift atjo inl J . 7)Thill tru"hall bell n deaign ad wtth AN S llT Pl l-1~cri1erla . LOAD eASElS)Standard 7369 Al-GAB T ruu Typo: REG .GABI...E I t 17-9·8 33-8 ·8 15-11-0 ALAKAJ AI AHAG AFAE AD IilBAAZ YXW V U :D4 =1 ~4 1 1 1 .~.II 1.5M11 ee ""6.&=1 _~II 1 .~II 1 ,~II ,S.4 11 1 5~4 1 1 1 .~J1 1.5.4 11 1.5,;4 11 1.5lE 4 I I 1 .Sx.4 11 1.5xA fJ :D4 11 3~ .3 3"8-8 . PIa'"0lfseh:~;()'1 .1 .odgeJ,!AE :D-3-Q ,0:-3-0I LOADING (pst)....cWO ,....<50 0"'-(m)"""....PLATES GR>• TCU OD.D AlIlMlnol....'.DO TC 0 .17 V"""""'".••M20 1691'1 23 TCOl 10 .0 L.............'''''Be 0 .13 VII!Il1(Tt.)"'"."'.ecu DO RepSb_1ra Y ES WB 0 .""""'"0.00 ••BCOL 100 Coolo U 8CIANS ~""""'"1 "LC LL MIl'I IIdeIl -2«1 W""5l ~;184lb LUMBER T OPC HORD 2 X 6 SPf·S l 650F 1.5E BO T CHORO 2 X 4 S PF-$2 10llF 1.8E WEBS 2 X 4 WW Stud OTHERS2 X .SPF.s 2100F 1 .6E ~. STe 2 X 4 SPF·S 2 100F 1 .&E.ere 2 X 4 SPF.s 2 100F 1.8E S Tll 2 X .S Pf-5 2 100F 1 ,lIE BRACIN G TOP CHOAO BOTC><ORO wees $hulhed Of 6-Q-f)on eenl(lf Pllf'in GpilCIng ,excepI end ""rtiCllhl. Rigid ceiling d .ectly ,ppI"ur 6-Q.(I on cen l er bfaeing 211 4 T-8r_I<-AD Fnt....T and I braces 19 nilrrow edge ot well wil1110d QOmrnotlw..-e nails IS m g.c;..w llh J ln minI mum end di sta nce .B race moo lXMlr 90%01 _b leoglh , REACTIONS (I b/~Iz e)AE--438131·10-0,A[)o.olO1f31-10-0.AF-370f3 1.10-0,AG -409I31 -10-0.AH-0401 131-10-0,At-39613 1·1G-O.AJ"'231J1-1G-O.AK-279131.1D-O , Al.-6 12131·1 0-0 ,A8a<t25J3 1·10-0,AA-37J/31.1().(),Z"'08I31.1 ().().V-..o1131-1().(),X-4011'31.10-0 ,W_396131.1D-O ,Va 442J31-1 D-O ,AC=9131 _1().(). U-HI0131.10-0 MaKHorz Af-s{lovd C1I "8},AL-2s&(lllIld e_4),ua·244(lgad ca~e J ) MID:U pl l ftAE -·59(lood ~:18 4),/Ilf -.76 (lOIOd caM 5),AC.--75(kJiod c ase5),At+o·n(load ease 5),AIa.75(load elilloll 4).AJa.63(Ioad ca Ml 5),AK-·2 29 (1oad ClIP 4),AL-'11 9{1oad eaw 3),AB--&4(1oad cese 3),AA-·75<k*!eese 5),Z -·75(\o;1d 0fi8 5),V"'.71(1oad CW6 5),X"'-78(load C8:18 3),W--67(10Yd caF.O 5). V··268(10lMJ ce..3),lJoo·185(load case 4) Moll G lav Af -446(lolId Cliu6),AD-0401(1ooId eaee 1),AF"373(1 0Yd case 6),AC.-.09(load CllS.1),AH-..o1(load ea""1),A1-397(1oad case 6),AJ-42 J (~COOll" 1),AK-292(1oad QUi.6),AL-61 2(load <;;aMI 1).AB-426(loiod caw 7),AA-J78(1oad caM 7),Z -408(load ewe 1),V~o401(\Olld case 7),X-401 (10Yd c:ase 1).W-.02(1oo1d caM 7).V....2(load case 1).AC -16(load Clln 2),lJoo 234(l oOO CllH J) FORCES (Ib).f lRl lolld Case On ly T OP CHOR D A-8-1n.s-e-se.C ·o-12&.D-E-1 21 ,E -F "121 ,F-G :12 1 ,G-H:~,H-~1 11 .1-J:1 30 ,J.l(s101l,K-la.52 , L-M-124 ,M-N-112 ,N-O--49.o-Poo-45 ,P-Q0t-45,Q.R--45 ,R -S --4 5,S ·T -125,T ·lJII-101 BO T CHORD A·AL--36.AK -ALaO.AJ.AKaO.AJ-,Uoo O.AH-AJ-O,AG-AH-O,AF-AG -o,Af-AF-o,AO-AE -o,AC-Ao-O,AB-AC--o •AA.AflooO .Z-M-O ,V·Z-O.X·V-O,W .X-O.V -W-o ,lJ.II-o WEBS K-AD-·380 .J.Af"J 9&,I-AF a.3J2,G-AG-.J69 .F-AH--361 .E-AI--35i.D-A.Joo.-3n ,C-AK-.27e .8-AL .....99 . L-AB--394 .M-AA-·332.O-Z--369,P -V"-361 .Q.Xa.359.R-W&.36 1,s-v-eer NO"" 1)Tllis lIusa hes been eIlecklld Jotunbelanoed Ioiod ing eond~ions . 2)Thi s tIV$S ha&'-"dealpned for lhe wind klad$geMrllled by as mph witlds at 25"abO'we ground.......1IHlg 50 p&llop chard dead tc.d ,nd 5 .0 pel bol1om chord d8ad load ,100 ml lrom Il"rricll ...ocean......on an aa::upency<:ategofy ••eondition I enc:Ioud buildi ng ,d ~100"by 100 tl.with ezpo&lQ C ASCE 7-93 per UBClANSI95.end 'lW!iclII&Of C8/lti1fMlrl, ~l.!hey are ~10wind."po:l«N&exi!ot .they ilre naI «lJIl)SoIOd to wind,The Io.mber DOL incf-.Ie 1.33 .and the pIale g~Inel'-.Ie '.33 3)Fur "'LJCI:r,expoud IoWlnd,Me ,.T.II "Sland...t Gable End lAbIi, 4 )Non Slandowd belImg eonditio;wL Reon-requir __ 5)All ~are M20 .........oIIIetv.We Ind~. 6)Geble IJfUds s.paeed III 2..0-0 on cenler 1}~II\IM ha buen ~IaI'III 10.0 f&1"bdtom ehordI_load nonconcun'"M il,,,,olher ....1olMk per Tab6e No .1&-8 ,....,... IS )PnMde rnKfwrucIIll OOlVlIIdoon (br ottwI)d tr.-Io bnring .e ca~d wilhst¥ndIng 59"l4Ilil'l.ll """'/4£.115 lib lIflIiI'I III joi'"IF.7S"upIift.joint AG ,n Ib upillal join!Ali.16 11 upI1Il III joint AI,63 t>uplift III joint AJ.22t II upliII.joi...PJ<. 11e lb upfitl."')olnl AL .84 11"III jdnl AS ,1 51b upIiIt III jclinlM..751b up/Il.jilin!Z .71 11 upIlI'llll iC*IlV.71 11 upII'llll )oml X.8 11b ul*ft lit toO W ,268 11upIilIlIl jIlinl ll and 1lS511b l4JIift III joint U . 9)This trus:s hils been dMigned...eh AH$VTPI1-1995 aleriII . L OAD CA&E(SJ ~rd TruaaT'p'plITru~e '----Fr" ~T~fr;lb ioc .,New CasU".CO".,.,",,1.,,----------------04.0.32 &Feb lli l999--"-i T'";'''''o;;dw;;;;;'_'''''.];'~;;;-'_W.",NfJ""",,009'il5"".'J"'2000"''''''",;;;;-'''' Jo b 17·9·8 3 3-8-8 17-9·8 6 .00 f12 5x6 ::: 15-11·0 2):4 11 E 4x12 ~ 2x4 11 H 3x4 =N 4x10 = "- ex 14 = KJ 6x16 =4x10 = 33-8-8 ~----------3"'3-'"8C1-8r----------- Plate otr~ls LOADING (psi) Tell 80,0 TCOl 10.0 BeLL0 .0 BCDl.10.0 5P ACI •-l---t Plalw IllC fes6e 1.00 TO l umoorlncreaoo 1.00Be Rep Slr_lncr YES WB Code UBCJANS195 0."0." 0." 37 V"I1(Ll)-0.30 K·L Verlffil -0.63 K-L Houml 0.13 I 1$1 LCLL Mi n IIdefl .240 .... >597••Weight 162 Ib LUM BER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF-S2100f1 .8E BOT CHORD 2X4SPF-S2100F1 .8E WEBS2X <4 SPf-5 2100F 1.8E "bcepl" W52 X 4WW Siud .W 22X 4 WNShMl ,Wl2 X4 WON Stud W62 X '"SPF-5 2100F r.ee BRACING T OP CHORD S heathed or 1-6-0 on cenle!p url in ~pacing.excepl sod ~lI l1K:;:o I$_ BOT CHORD R igid "";lin9 directly Bppll&d or lG-o.o on cenlar blBcing ,E.cepl : 6-0-0 on cen lef bracing:A·N, WEBS 2 ROWllllll/3 pls C-N .G-I REAc nOHS (I~il.e)N'"355OiO-5-9 (inpul:0.5.8),1-313410-5-8 Mwl Horz N=438(lol1d caw 4) Max UpliflN"'-SHl (lood ca&G 5),1--387(load case 5) FORCESlib )-Fln;t LOYd ea....Only TOP CHORD A-6=382 ,B-C=366 ,C·o-.J579,o.e--3579,E-F-.3616,F -Ga-3616 ,G -H"O,H-1.....116 BOT CHORO A.N-·328,M-N.3540,L-M-3540 ,K-l-2693,J-K"3602 ,I-J "3602 WEBS B-Na_916,C-L.....148.E·l.1013,E -K_10B0,G-K'"-812 ,C-N--4610,G-I--'l281 NOTE S 1)Thi s ucse,haa been checked for un belanced loading conditiOlQ , 2)This truss Nos been dasigned 'Of Ihewind lOild5 ll_111ted by 85 mph wind,.al25 n a'xwe Ilround level .uPilng5.0 ptJ top chord dead load lind5 .0 psI boIlofn chord de...:1 load ,100 mf from hulricane ocea nlillO ,on an occupancy category U,condition I anclosedbuilding,01 dimension,.100 n by 1 00 II with GKpOlIurll C ASCf 1_93 per UBClANSl95lf end W1rticals or canli!m'A11l exist ,they ar e exp<>sed 10 wind,If porches exlst ,thuy lir e not expooad to wind .The lumber DOL Inc re":!Ill i$1 .33,..00 the pMll 9ri p Increa1i8 if,1.33 3)All plates are WO peree unleu ot herwir.e lndicllled 4)Th is Iruss lias been designed fora 10 .0 par bottom chord Ii....10lld norle<;>r!CUrrent with any oth...r live loBds pe r Table No .16-6 , UBC-904 . 5)W ARNING :Required bearing GIza etjoi nt(6)N Il roater thanInpu1 bearing size, 6)Provide mee hlio nica l connection (by ot'-s)o(tJUss to bearing plate capable 0(wi lh s land lng 5 19lb UplIft Il1 joint Nand 3811b uplifl el jt.>int I, 1)This tru ss has been designed wiItI ANSIITPl1 ·1995 Cl1Iefia. LOAD CASE(SJ Standa,d ...1;-Tn-Type """""""-GAB DROP GAll (2X<)a • T .....ab nc.,N..w Calle,CO ,8 1&47 4.tH2 1\Feb 18 1m wreklndu$l liic..Inc.Wild Jul1i 09:05~35 2000 -P9iii'1 I 17-9-8 I 35-7-0 i 17-9-8 17-9-8 6 .00 1122x4 II ...=:b4 11...":lx"11 2x4 11 .b:6 ~J b "l1 J 2J4 11 I K 4K6 ~ 2x4 11 ~~:bot I I 2x4 112x41l 8 s tr,ii ~02x4 11&2Jl4 11 ~~s 17'~s:!6 I 8 T6 5 5 ~2J:4 11- ..S ~.. R 'S ..S 10 R IN~'-~~.~g "'V;..-AJ AI AHAGAF AE .tiC AB D.Y X W v UT 3x8.:::- 2>:4 11 1.SK4 11 '.5 ~4 II ...='.5)(4 11 '.5x4 11 '.514 II 1.5x4 11 '.5)(4 11 Ulx 4 11 1.!5 x4 II 1.5x4 II 1.5)(4 II 2x4 II &""-.35-7 -. 3 5-7-0 Pl...0ltHl.AAcO-l.'4 0-0:8(IAc.'·14 LOAOIHQ (pl:I)SP""'NO -OS<DEFL em'""',-....TE6 GRW tcu,00.•""'.-'.00 Te ...Vert (1.l)"'"."'"..,.1691123 TCD.'.D ~-'.00 6C ...Vort(n)"'"."'"6ClJ.••Rep Stress Incr NO W 6 c.16 _,Tl)c.00 "'"6CD.10,0 C<>do Uee<ANS",.....,1 ~LC U ""'~·2 40 W .lQhI:178Ib LUMBER 'RAe'"TOPCHORO 2 X G SPF-5 l650F HE TOP a<lOO SIlulltNld 0(10-0-0 oncenl«lM1 in If)IiCing 9OTCHORO 2X4 SPF-S 2 100f'UE 6OT CHOAD Rigid ceiling dnclly 'PflI_Of &-0-0on oenleI'btaaIg O TtERS 2X ..SPF-S 2100F 1.6E "EJ:cIopt"W EOS b 4T-ar-..... STII 2 x ..SPf-S 2 1llllf 1.8E .S T72 x ..SPf-S 2 100F 1 .SE FIil$\IfII T and I braon to l\IVJOW'edge of_b with l Oll CClIl'Il'IlOtI wi •• ST72 x ..SPF-S2 11111f 1.8f naibl.&in II.C.,wiUlJin minimum end disUlnce.8rvcGmust _r 8O"lII 01 WIIb Ienglh. REACTIONS (lbiail:liI)AC>2.ol131 ·10-0 ,ABoo 1<104131-10-0 ,~94713 1 -10-0.Af-722f31·1 D-O ,AF-a1001 .10-0 .AG-79&31·1 0-0 ,A/1-8SQi3 1·10-0 ,Al-494131 ·10-0 , AJ-1452131 -10-0,Z-947131-10-0,y-n2l31-10-0 .X-S1PJ31-10-0,W~7961'31-10-0,\'-850131-10-0 ,lJoo 494131·10-0 ,T -l452131-16-0 ,AAa24131.16-0 Max Horz AJ--82J(1o-d ea..'}.T alI23(1oud ClIOO 1) Mil .UpliAACF·131(\olod10ilM4}.Af-149{load case 5),AF-149(loed ClIM 5),A(ioo ·l50(IMd _4},AH-141tlolld aiM Sj,A1a -404(1oodcese 4),~·l86(1oo case 3),Z --13 1(lood alH J),Y-_149(lo9d CMlI 5),X--149(1O&d ease 5),W _.1SO(1oIId eaM J).V-.141(lood ceee S),lJa-404 (1Md casa J ),T-.;~ ca n 4) Mil .G rll.AOo48(lolld o;:a ,e 2),AB-l404(1ood cese 1).AO=947(lo;ld c..so 1),Af-73B(Ioad cue &),AF-818(lolId 10ilM 8),AG-N6(load case 1).AH"912(1oad case 6),Al-494 (load ca&e 1),AJ-1913(1oIIdcaM 8),Z-947(b111d clISe 1),Y-738(1oad case 7),X-S1 8(1oad cese 7),W"796(1Ol1d CQM 1),V=912(1oGO _7),lJoo 4a4(1oo:Id __1),T ~1 9 1 3(1oad _7),M-48{Ioad caUl 2) '0RCa (Ib).FinLl Load CIlu Onlv TOP CHORD A,B-1219 ,B-C=9SI6 .C-DalO9J,o-e-roea.E -F-920.F oG-l OBO .G-H-l074 .~11(1~,1-J-100 1.~-10ll 1 ,K-l_l1 09.L~1 074 ,M-Na1 080 ,N-O-92O , Q-Poo1082.P~l OllJ .Q.R~,R -S-1219 BOT CHORD A-A)a.82J,AI-AJ-O,AH-AI-O.A~O ,N'~.1\E.-/lJ'-{J .PD-AE.~.AC-AO-O .A8-AC=0 .AA-Aa-O.Z-AA-o,Y-Z-o.X.Y-o,w·x-o.Y·W-o ,U-V-o,T-o-O' .5-T--823 wees J.AB--l 329,I-A[)o-Ui.H-Af --641 .G -/lJ'--13S ,E-AG--n J .[)..AJ-ta..7~,C -AP-5OJ,B-AJ-..1218,K-Z-aat.l.Y--641 .M-X_.13S,o-ws-tza .P.V--7~. ~.R·T -12 1S NOTE. 1)11I1l truu has t-n c:heeked fof u......>08d "**"9~. 1)Th.INu "-t-l designod foIlhe wind Iooids generated ~85 mph Wlnd5 •25 ft Illx:Jve ground 1ewI.UIIing 5 .0 P':llop lO hoI'd o.d ~..-.d 5.0 pit bollom el'lord dNd Ioed .100 mi from Iuneane ac.llline ,DIllin occul&J&Y CiIMlgDfy ••eonddIon ,etlCIosed buIdqj.of lirnIInsione 100 a ~100 IIwith ~re C ASa.1-93 PIIIf LeC'ANSI9I5.-'vettieak«cautile.en. exi5l,1heyarellJPC68d kIwnl.•pIRhn •...a.u.y are IIOlI!lli:pO&«l 10 wind.The IumbeI DOl.n;r__1 .33 .and Ihe plIIt .lI ~~.1 .33 31 F «.aucts apoeecllO WlIId .see WITMe ~Gable End 0etllII'" 4)Non &an6wd belIfinII oondlliDll .ReWew rllqUirllll . S)AI plsl __M20 pIaloK......~indic:allld. 8)GaIlkI atuds spIIClIIdat 2-0-0on centet. 7)ThiI bun hn beendesigned b'.100 PAl btJtIorro eflord live load l'lO/'llXlf'OJI,ent W1lt1.ny otller""'"1oad6 per Tablll No.16-B, U6C-8<. 8)Prl:I'wi<MI mBChenielli connection (b'f CJttM;Q)of tn-.to besri"ll plal.Ql pable d ......t.landi"ll 131 Ib uplifl.t pnl KJ,1491b uplift e1 joinl AE,1491b uplift a l Joilll M .l liO 'bu plift at ;oml AG,1-41 Ib upIillll1join'AH.404 Ib u plift at Joi nt AI,1861b upl ift 111 join!AJ.1 31Ib u plift.tjoinl Z .1491b uplitl e1 pill Y,14~'b uplltl at joinl X.150Ib uplill a l joint W ,141 1b u plift.1joint Y,404 lh u pHfl lll ,IOInt U lind 186 Ib uplill allolnl T, V}Thill IIun hal bee n dMignftd with ANSVTP11·1l19S Criterill . LOAD t:ASEi(S )Sta ndard p. HIP COM.1QN .&-----1"",----..·0---.-----------,T~,-;poW ",,-T~ ""T nrarab 100.,NewCIO&t1 e,CO ,8 1647 ".0-32 SoFeb 18 1999 Mi Tek Indll&trie$.lnc.Wed Jul19 09:05 :38 2000 Page 1 15-9-8 119-9-81 35-7-0 15-9-8 4 -0-0 15-9-8 6.00 [12 7x8= H G J l ~ K 4:0:6 = 3x6 11 5x10 " w L 7x8 = M 4x8 = N 3x8 = o 3x4 = Q P 7'1Jj =4x8 = ~-4:0:6 -R 3:0:6 11 soc e- 3 5-7-0 3 5'7-0 Plate Olls.ets :0-&-4 0-3-8 P:0-4-0 ad • LO ADlNQ (psi) r cu,80 .0 TCDL10.0 BCLL 0 .0 BCDL 10 .0 SPACI NG a-o-c C"eee,(in)('00'''''''PlATES GR IP P1atll8 IncrOll8e 1.00 Te 0.72 Vert (LL).0.18 0 .-M2D 169 /123 Lu mber rncreese 1.00 Be 0.63 Vort(T1.)~"o-c -ees Rep Sittig IIICf YES w.0."Ho r.t{TL)0 .07 K ."c eee UBClANSI95 1st LC LL ""'n IIdon"240 Weight :1811b LUM BER TOPCHORD2X6SPF-S 1650F 1.5 E BOT CHORO 2 X4SPF-S2100f1 .8E WEBS 2X "SPF-S 2 1oa=1,8 E "Except ' W42 X4WW Stud,W 4 2 X4Wr/r1 Stud BRACING l OPCHORD BOr CHORD WEBS Shelll hed Of 3-4-15 011 00 1l11l(purlin spa cing . Rigid cei ling directly applied 01 6-0-0 on OOOl el brtlclng. 2x4 'r -araee C-o,E-N,H-N Fnlan T Illld I bl1lCV6to rJlIrrow edga dwebwilh 1Cd common wire Mils Sin cc..with Jinm inimum e nd d~lIlICU .8face must cover 90 %of web Ienglh. REACTIONS (Ib1a1z e)R=J529IO.5-9 (input:().5.3).K"3529f0.5-9 (input o.s.8 ) Max Horz R--36O(Ioed calle 3) Max U pliftR=-515(load ClIW 5),J<"·S1S(loed ca ...5) FORCES(Ib).FIn;lI.olId Case ~Iy T OP Cl-tORD A-Boo382 ,B-Coo.3994 .C -[F-33 1t .o-E"-331 t .E -F"-2969.F-G"'-33 11 ,G-Hz-3311.H -I=-3994 ,1-joo3S2 BOT CHORD A·R "'-328,Q.R"-32S,p-O-3572 .o-P..3572.N.()oo2969 .M-N0035n .L-Moo 3572.J<·L"'-32S•..14(....328 WEBS B-R"-3441,B-0003956,C-Qoo-529,C-O=-733,E-o-510,E-Noo O.F-N=510.H-N00-133.H-L--529 ,1-l"3956.l4<oo..3441 NOTES 1)Thk;uuss 011 s t-rn lO heckvd lor unbaJan<;:Vd load i ng oondilion,.. 2)This l russ h;>$been designed for l he .....nd load!>gunllnllltd by 85mph winds al 25 n "'bowo g round 1IIveI .U&lng 5.0 psi l o p lO hOfd dead load and5.0 pEl botIom lO hord dead load .1 00 mi l !Om ltu rr il:llrtll oceanli"",on lin occupanq l:lIlegDry U.coodiboo I enc:losed buildi ng ,of d imensions 100 II by 100 n wilh uxposule C ASC E 7-93per U8ClANSI95II end ..erlilOalsOf lOanl;l .....,..,.e~ist ,they are e~posed 10 wind.If porch ....erist ,Ihey 11M nol expo!l ed 10 wind .The Iumt-DO L i ncr _1s 1 .33.a nd file p1 l1te g rip increase Is 1 .33 3)Prrwide ll dequll i e dfllinu51c la prevenl wultlf poncling , 4)All plates a re MZO plates unless oIherwl...,Indicat ed. 5)Thi5 Irup haf,been "'igned for II 10 .0 pl.!bollom ehOfd l ive l oad reeconcu nent wil h any oIhe r l ;va loeds per TlIblll No.16-8, UBC-94. S)WARNING:Requi rOO bear ing ..ize st joi nl(s)R ,K greate,l hll n i nput bea rin5j size ,n Prov ide mechlInical cc nnecton (by 04hvn;)of l run l o l>$iIring p lll ill caPQblo of withstanding 515 l b uplifl al join!R and 51S Ib upliflat jol nt K B)T ill!;,Ini SS has bee n designed wilh ANSVTPl1 -1995 crit ena . LOAD CA SEI S)Slandard Jo b T~Truss Type Coy POy 7369 A3<lA8 DROP GAB (2X6),t T ru.lab Inc ••Nvw c..,.Uu.CO.81647 4 ,0-32 1&Feb 18 1999 MiTe~Ind uslries .loc .Wed J ul 1909:05 :41 2000 P,,9'i'1 I 17-9-8 I 33·8-8 I 17-9-8 15 -11-0 6 .~5x6=2x4 112x41l2x4112x411 J 2:1:4 11 4x6'l I 2x4 11 ~~K 4JC6 ::::- 2x4 11 .z::,~2>:4 11 2x4 11 "'"~~I i"t "'"~2X4 1 1 ~I SS ~2x4 1156'S6 P,~!>5 .5~5 5 "a .,'011•I J r 5 ~R s N ~'II "n":vj;'[~~3 ~~'"AJ AI AH AG AF AE ""AS AA Z Y x W v U T 1 .5x4 II 1,5x4 11 1 .5x4 11 5lC6 =5><6 =1 .5x4 I I 1 ,5)[4 11 1 5)[4 11 1.5)[4 11 1.5)[4 II 1.5)[4 11 '.5)[4 11 1 ,5)[4 JI 1.5)[4 11 1 5x4 11 3 3-8-8 ,, ,33 -8-8 Plalll Ofl_t..lS ~,Q-5-.J.lAA :()..3.(),o.J..fll ,!AC :D-'-'4 ,Q..3.{)] LOADI NG (p&f)SP ACING .-0-<>CO'DEFL (In)Qoo 'Vd llll PLA TESGRIP TO"-SO .O Plat e&Inct ease '.00 TC o.n Ven(ll)"'.."'.M20 1691123 TCOl10.0 Lum tlotflncrease '.00 Be 0 .35 Verten)"'.-"'.BelL 0.0 Rap S Iren Incr NO WS o.n HOfZ (TL)0 .00 "'.ecrx,10.0 Cod.UBC IANSI95 (Malrtx)1$l lC LL Mi n Iidan -240 Welgllt :l N lb LUM8ER BRACING TOP CHORO2 X 6SPF-5 1650F 1.SE TOP CHORD S h....l ""d or 6-Q-{J on ce ntef purll n IIpacil1ll,e_pI e r>d ve rtic::llo;. BOTCHORO 2 X4SPF-52 100F1 .llE BOT CHa RD Rigid celling directly II pplied or 6-0-0 on center bracing, WEBS 2 X 4 S PF-5 21 00F1,BE WEBS 211 4 T-Brace MIl O THER S 2X 4 SPf-5 2 100F 1 .BE "E_pt "F lISlen T and I bnlces to rlII rrow adl/Il dYNb Mlh10d common Wlf a ST 82 X 4 S PF-5 2100F 1.8E ,8T7 2X 4 S PF-8 2100F 1 .8E nai ls Illn o.e.,Wilh3in minimu m and dlGtanca .Bra ce m ust cover 90%0 8 T7 2X 4 8PF-5 2 100F l .SE we b length . REACT IONS (l b/slze)T ·-3&OI31-10-o ,A0=24131·1G-o,ABs 1218131-1G-o,AlF92 1131·1D-o ,AE-721131-1G-o,Af·811131·1G-o,AG .1113/31·1G-o,Al'F879131-1 G-o, Al-331131-1G-o.AJ-1666131·1G-o,AA:950131-1G-o,Z .724131 .1 0.0,Y.8 11rJ1 ,10-0,X.SOOI31-1D-o,W .B09I31.1 0.0,....143/3 1-10.0.U-l113fJ 1.l l)..() Max Harz T~10 0lld CIIII8 6),AJ--689 0wd elisE'6),AA.'0(lolod ca5e 1) Male Up llfl T--614(100d CGOO 6).AC):·111(1oad case 4),AE "·148(1ood ease 5),AF-1 49(1oad ee se 5),AG .·146{1oad ease 4),AH-138(\o11d COI 00 5),,A,I "-249(load case 4},AJ·-156(load can 5),AA ··145(SoQd eeee 3),Z.·l48 (I""d CII$lI 5),Y.·150 (1oadClI!1f1 5),X••14 3(""'d C11 5e 5),W -1 S3(1oa d c ase 3), V:-132(load C9S8 5),U'"-4S6(Ioad case 3} Male G ravT·506(1ood cese 3),AC"49(1ood CQ&8 2),Aa--1218(10Qd CGSe 1),AD-943(1oad ca se 6),Af"132 (loa d ce ee 6),Af*811(load case 1),AG "193(load C9S8 6 ),AH=819(10l1d case 1),A1·351(load c:ne 6),AJ ·1666(load c alle 11,AA -95O(\oltd COI se 1),Z-152(load ca se n,vz8 11(load eas e '1,X·801(1oad ca M 1),W"809(Ioad case 1),V.,192\1oIId case 1),U ·1113(load ca w 1} FORCES (Ib)-F1r81load Ca lle Only TOP CHORD A-8lo1012 ,ft..(>78 1,c-o-sea .oe-src.E-F=149 ,F-G -909 ,G .H"903,H ·1=936 ,1.J=8-31,J-1<-836,K-I....,926 ,L-M=891 ,M-N=899,N-O-138,o-e-soo .P .Q=9Ol ,Q.R=889.R -S '"988,SoTe28 1 BOT C HORD A-1U--e10 ,AI -AJ·O,AH -AlzQ,AG-AH-O,M -AG-fJ,AE...AF "O.AlJ.AE.O,AC-AD-O,AS-AC-O ,AA -JlJ3-O,Z .AA -o,Y·Z.O,X·Y-fJ,W ·X.O,V-W ·O,U.....O,T -o-O WEBS J...AB=-1 203,1-A[)o-81O.H-AE-846,G ·AF ...rn,E·AGz_123 ,[).AH"'76 1,C-Al --390,6-AJ "1371,1<-AAa-810,l-Z--642 ,M-Y"137 ,o-X··122,P-W "-12O, Q.V=--696 ,R·U--9ot1 NOTES 1)TIli&t ru GS hal;bee n cl1lK;ked lor un balanced load ing c:or>d ~ion l , 2)TIlifi.l ruu hR3 bee n de5 igned for 'ha Wind loads gun lHIIled by 85 mph Win ds al 25 n above g rou nd I _I.using 5 ,0 psi 'OP chor d dv ad Iwd and6 .0 p6l bott omc hord donld Iood ,100m l l ro m hUllicllne oce anllM,on lin or:cupancy CIItegOl)II.cond~lon I enclosed bu ilding,of di mensions 100 fl by 100ft wilh eJp""Ur",C ASC E 7-93 per U BCIANSI95 II and Yllrt icll l6 or ClInlilavaf1l exIsl ,I hey are expoood to wlnd ,II pl)l'l:h es ell is!,'hey are not &xpoGed 10 Wind .The l um ber DOL Increa6(l16 1.33 ,li nd the plll ie gr i p inc;reaw 11>1 ,33 3)F or 61udf;expoud 'o Wind ,see Mi Tek "S t;Jnl!a rd G able End Ofl,lIlil" 04 )No n St andard ba8 ri~oond ~ion .RtWiew required. 5)Al l plal ~IIr8 M20 pla t es un less otherwiw i ndicated 6)Gub le r.lud6 6pElced at 2..()..(1 o n center. 7)T hi6 tr\I6.II has bee n desig ned l or a 10 .0 pl'l bollom c hord ~ve loa d noeccec urrent wit h any cmer live load s per Tab le No .16-8, UBC-9<l . 6)P roYide mech anica l conn ection (by others)of1nlGS 'o bearing plaia c:apabl",ofwith standing 014 1b uplin III joi nl T ,1 11 It!uplift III joi nt AD ,1481 b upl ill at joi nl AE ,1491 b u plift at )oi nt /IF ,146 lb uplifl lll )oi nl AG ,138lbuplift al joinI AH ,249 l b upl ift a')oin t AI ,158 l b upliftatjo inl AJ ,1-45 1b upllll al Joint AA,148 Ib up lift IIIjoint Z ,150Ibup lifllll joi nl Y ,143lb up lill at joint X,153 1b ~llI at_~1n ~u ~ifIat jointVand ~lb u _n at~ntu . 9)ThIs t Naa ha a bwn deYg n8d wI,h ANSLlTP I 1·1995 cr i teria , LOAD e ASElS)Standard Job "'19 A3 TrvMType HIPCCWMQN Qly 3 Trusfab ie e.,NewCaslle,CO.8 1641 13-9-8 13-9-8 2 1-9-8 8-0-0 4 .(1.32 e Feb 18 1999 MT"'k lndus'ries,Inc .Wed Jul19 09:05:45 2000 ~e' 3 5-7-0 13-9-8 1Jdl= 6 .00 [12 I ~~~10 ~ I ~ 4 x6 :::Q "." P 7:0:8 = 7x8 = o o N 4:0:8 = 3x8 = 4x6 = 35-7-0 35-7 -0 F ML 3x8 = 4x8 = K 7x8 = 5x10 ~ H l~ J 4x6 = 3x6 11 Plele otrsehl O:().4.(I LOA DING (PSI)SPA CING ,-co .51 D'F!.(in)(100)'''''''pum G RIP Tell 80 .0 PlaIn Im'f_1.00 TC D."Verl(L !.)-0 .18 N -ess M20 1690'123 TCO<.10 .0 Lumber Increase 1.00 Be 0.62 Verl(TL)-0 .31 .....", Bell DO Rep Sll~lnQ'vee WB 0.12 H<n(Q)0 .08 J .. BCO<-10 .0 coo.UBClANS195 1&1 t c LL Min Lldefl -240 Weigh t Ha lb LUMBER TOP CHOR D 2X6 SPFoS 1650F1 .se BOT CHOR D 2 X4SPF-S2100F1 .8E WEBS 2X 4 sss-s 2100F1.8E "EJa:epI" W42 X4 WN 5100,W32 X 4 WIN Stud,W2 2 X4WN Slud W22 X 4 WoN Stud ,W32 X4 WIN SC ud ,W4 2 X-4WN Stud BRA C ING TOP CHORD Shealllad or 3-9-2 on call1,orporU"o;.pacing , BO T CHORD Rigid ceilirtg directly applied or 64-0 Of)oentet'bf8cing , REACTIONS (lblsize)a-35~5-9 (i nput 0-5-8),J_3529o'OoSo-9 (input :G-508 ) MiIll Horz Qoo ·J15(load case3) Male UplinQoo ·S1S(load case 5),J-·S15(1oad caMS) FORCES(l b)·First Loood Case Only TOP CHORD A-B-382 ,e-c--aen.COo·3596 ,D-e-.J228.e.e•-aaae.F-G.·3596,G-H.·397 1,H-1.382 BOT CHOR D A-a-328,1'-00.328,Q.f>oo3552 ,N-0003552.M-N.34 19 ,L~J 552 ,I(-L.J552 ,J.I<..J28,1.J-.:nS wees 8-0=-3451,S-PoJ956,C ·PO-659,C-N ·...10.D-N"717 .E-N-398,E..M--39ll,F./IAoo 717.~10 ,0 .1("-659,H.I<"'3956,H-J "-345 1 ""'''1)This I,uss hell boon check ed 101unbalanced Ioodlng conditions. 2)Thil:l run has been dnlgned IOlthe wind loads generated by 85 mph windll at 25 t1aboYe g round level ,ullng 5 .0 p6f top chOld dead loadDnd 5.0 p6f boItom chord dead load,100 mi from hurricane cceenuoe.OIl ell oooupllllC)'category II,OOIldihOllI ern::looed buildlnog.of dimeooi0l1fl100 n by 100 n wi lh exposu re C ASCE 7-93 per UBCiANSI 95 If elld verticals 01 canlileve~8Xi6t ,they are explIM(llo win d.If porches exist ,they ere not e xpo&ed 10 wind .T helumbel DOL l ocrea&ll is 1.33 ,and the plale grip InCl_II 1.33 :3)PfCWide adequale dlllinllQO 10 prevenl _tar pooding . 4)AJI pla tlllere M20 plat"unl_a1hlll'Wiu ind ica l ed . 5)This lnlSI hl;J ll beend nillned 101 11 10.0 pst bol lQITI chOId 1m.k>ood ADr>CQfJWnen l with ..ny olh81 Ii"",loads pel T ilble No.16-B, Uec-sc 6)WAR NING:Rflq uirlld bBaring lize li t pnl(ll)a,J g reater t han i nput bearing sile. 7)Pro¥idv mtIcl1lInical ccnnectcn (by olh~)of Irun to belIring pllde CIIP1'bIe of ....;1t~lIndinli 5151b uplifl ld jQinl a lind 5 15 l b uplift lit joinl J. 8)This t ruse hall been dll&ign ed with ANSVTPl 1·1995 criteria . LOAD CASE(S)Standlilrd Job T~Trun Type Ply TO"HIP CClfv\\tON a ;;;;";!;-",,,,,,,n,,,!n~---------------L-,.fo_Q.3 2 $Feb 181999.,lITell l ndur;h;e~.IIlC .Wftc!JuI 1909:05:46 2000 Pag e 1Tru"l"ti Inc .,New e-Ile,CO.81 647 11-9-8 2 3-9-8 3 3-8-8 1 1-9-8 12-0 -0 9-11-0 2x4 11 I ~ 5x8 = 3x10 ~ F &8= J 6x8 ;; 2):4 II K 3x 10 ::::: 33-8 -8 L 5>dl = 4 x10 'i 6.00 rff I 1 ~ ,..=,r" ~=. 0:0-5-8 G-3-8 :0-5-40-3-8 1:0-t-8 0-2Plale0fIsetr, ~~~~~~-----:3333-·Se-'88----------­ J:(}.J.12 edue:1,[L:Q-3.12,D-3=Ol LOA DING (psi) TeLL 80 ,0 TCOL 10 .0 BeLL0.0 BCDl10.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plain 1"".--1.00 lumbef 1"..u .a H 1.00 Rep S'rM.$ln~YES Code UBCtANSI95 --- c"om (0)''''')"''''PLA TES G RIP TO o.n Vet1(ll).1).24 I-J -ees ..,.1691123 Be 0 .15 Verl(TL)-o.ec I-J _758 WB 0 .70 H DfZ(Tl)0.14 1 "'"1$1 LC LL Mi n vlIen.240 Weigh!:164 lb LU MBER TOPCHORD 2X 6 S PF·S 1650 1"1 .SE BOT C HORD2X 4 SPF-S 2 100F1.SE WEBS2 X"WoN Stud "E X<:8pl" W62 X "SPF-5 2100f 1.SE,W22X 4 SP F-5 2100F 1.BE W2 2X 4 SPF·S 2100l"l .SE .WS2X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.SE B RACING TOP CHORD Slleolhed Of 3-2-4 on center purl;"SplICIng .~.md ....rticals 60T CHORD R igid Cl!IWng dirltCtly applieod Of 10-0-0 Oll ceo''''bracing,Ext;cpl ; 6-Q..{)oncen ler bracing:A-M . WEBS 2l<4 T·Bruce C-M,E-K.o -r F alltftn T and I erecee to narrow ftdge rAweb wlth 10d common wi"" naIls Sin O.C.,witll 3i n mi nimum end dislal1Cllll .an.ca m Uli.lCQYtIr 1lQ% web Iangill. REA CTIONS (l bJsUlI ).....355010-5-9 (i nput 0.6-8),1"3134JQ..3-8 Max Horz M'304(1oadcase 4) Max UpliflMoo-519(loed <;R58 5).I....38 7(1oad ease 5) FORCES (lb)-F irt;t load Case Only TOP CI-K)RD p,.,a.,382,B-Ot366,e-o-.3ll64.D-E--i063.E-F=-4063,F-G··390 7,o ......-o.H·I:..426 BOTCHORD A.M:-328 ,l-M-3430 .I(·l-3457 ,.J-I(-3498.1..1_3532 WEBS B-M--644.C-Mo-<l678.C·l .27.D-L_141 .o-K"'860,E ·K-·1062 ,F.K -802.F..I=1S5,G.J--49.0 ...·-4390 NOT ES 1)TIli$lruss hois beencheeked lor unba lanced loadi ng conditiona . 2)T ll ia lrug has boon dft,1g1led fgf \he wind Ioadtr.g _raled by 85mph wind6 al 25"aboYe g round kMll .u&ing 5.0 psf top cho«l dftlOd loa d e nd 5.0 psi bottom chord dead load ,100 mi from t1urricane eceenuoe ,on a n oooup811CV ca lagcwy II.cond~lon lanclowd b",ilding .0(dimensions 100 II by 100 n WIlli expo$Ufll CASCE 7·93 P"'"UBC/ANSI95 II lind verticals or canlilewtra eldsl .tllll)'a re expo&&d to "";00."porch""enst ,they are nal e.<pOS9d 10 wind .The lumber 00l..inc reallll ill 1.33,andt he plale g rip increase i s 1.33 3)P rOllida Ildaq",ele dl'8i~,10 prevent Woller pondlng . 4)Al l peteeere M20 plate6 ",nlesll ot herwise indicatOld . 5}Thi s truM lias boo n dttaigned l or a 10.0 psi bolIom chon:!liwllOQ(!nonconcurrenl WlIh any 0 1001 hWlI08d6.pe r T ablaNo .16-6. UBC-94. 6)WARNING:Requi red boorin g sizeal }olnl(s)M greater than Inpul bea ring stae . 1)Besring at }o inl(s)I conaiders p8/ellello grain value uzing ANSVTPl 1.199S ang le10gr ai nformul a.Buiktlng dooIgllllr s.tlo",1d ..rily CIlpecity of bearing IIl11faca. 8)P rovide moohaJlical coooootion (by oIl\ert;)oIlruss to bearing plale C<lpable 01wilhslal\ding 5 19Ib ...plltlal pnl M and 387lb upliftal )mnl L g)Th is IIUlillIl86 bean dwigned wit h ~VTPI1·1995 «iteria. LOA D CASE{S)S landard 7369 T russ Truu TypA HIP eot.MON ""3 p, Tnni fab Inc.,New cesue.CO ,81647 9-9-8 9-9-8 2 5-9-8 16-0-0 4 .0-32 $Feb 18 1999 MITek Indus l.i~,1m;:.Wed Jul19 09:05A8 200(n~age 1 3 3-8-8 7-1 1-0 7xfl = 6.00 f12 4xl0~o p 0 3x4 =4x8 = 3x6 = E N 5ii6 = 33-8-8 33-8-8 3x6 "" F M 3x4= 7x8 = L K 3xl0 = 5x8WB= J 5x8 = I ~ Plal",Offsets :l)..5..8 0-3-8 J :O-4-ll 0-2-8 0 c-e-o LOAD ING (psI)S PACI NG ,-c-c C"DEFL (in )''''',"".PLA TES GRIP TeLL eon P ial""Inc."","'.00 TC 0."Vel1{lL)~27 M >999 M20 1691 123 TCOl 10.0 Lumber InCfWW '.00 Be0.78 Verl(Tl.)~'5 MoN >999 BCU 0.0 Re p S iress Incr YeS W.0.91 Horz (TL)0.1 5 J "', BCOl 10 ,0 """"UBCJANSI95 lsi LC LL Min lldefl "240 Weight :163lb LU MBER TOPCHORD2X 6 SPf-S 1650 f 1.SE BO T C HORO 2X 4SPF-S 2100 F 1.SE W EBS2X ..WoN Stud "EKC8p1 " W72X <4 SPf-S 2100F 1.SE ,W 3 2X4 S?F-S 2 100F 1 ,8E W62 X4 S Pf·S 2100 F 1.BE BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhfld or 3-3-14 oncemerpurlin Gpacing .escept end vonieel6, BOT CHORD Rigid ce iling d ireclly ap plied or 10-0-0 on ce nl",.braCing,Except: e.o-a on eemer bracing :A-O . WEBS 2 ~4 r-eoce C-O .f ..J<.H-J Faslan T and I bracer.to narrow edge 01 web wilh l Od OIlmmoo wi .e naj ~SIn o .c.,with 3in m inimum elld dislllllOe.Brace musl cown 90 % ~Iell{lt h _ REACTIONS (l blsize)a ~355OfO-S-9 (Input :().6.8),.1-313410-3-8 Mall Hoa Qa259{load caUl ..) Mil.UpllflQa.519{k>;1d (:ase 5),Joo.387(\oad ca&e 5) FORC ES(Ib)·First LOIld CBse Oflly TOP CHORD A-B-382,B-C-366 ,C-O-·4010,c-e.....722 ,E·F·744,F -G---3673,G -Hoo -04081 ,HollO(),hJ=.337 BOT CHORD .-..0--328,P.Qoo 327...o-P-3578 .N -o-3578 ,M-N 722 ,L.Ma.4744 .K -L ~47 "".J -K"3391 WE BS ~,~-4622 .c.P-389.o-PoI.108 ,D-N=1566 ,E -N ~·964 .E-M*30.F-Mo>84 .F-K..1"56.G-K-979,H.K_313.H-.Ja -04 ::WS NOTES 1)Thi _tru""hll'been chec:lled l or unba lanced loading CQndilioos. 2 )Th is t rUS6 htls bMn dMigned lor the wifld IQQd s 1Jlln8l"8ted by 85 mphwi ndllat 2S fl aboYa g .ound 1eYe1 .usi ng 5 .0 psI top cha rd dead load a fld 5.0 psi"boItom chord dead load,100 mi l rom hurricv.na ocea nUne,on 111I QCalpancyGHl8\IQfY M,cun:;litio n I ef'ICloood building .of dlmenGlof'l1l 100 II by 100 II wit h EIXp(l(>Ura C ASCE 7-i3 per UBCIANSI95lr an d YeI1ioo~or cantilor.lel$ exist.they are expoIl6d towin d .If perches ellis!.they a 'e not expolIed to willd .T he lumbof DOL inC!'MS8 i-&1.33,IIIId t he p late g.ip incre ll~ill 1.33 3)PrO\lide adeq uate dralll6lje to prel'8nt ~81"pondiog . ..)All plal8llare M2Q pla in u nlesll otherwill8 indicaled. 5)Th is IrIIlIlI han;bwn designed forIl 10.0 psi"boltom chord livv load nQOIX)llCurren l wi t h Il IlY oIh er 1M!!loads per T able No.16-8. UBC-94. 6)W ARNING :Requi red beanng siz e at pnt(ll)a g raat8l"1han inpul beari ng s ize, 7)Bea ring at jolnl(s)J considels parallel 10 grai n value u sing ANSVTPI1-,995 angle 10 grai n forrnulii .Building dlnignvr ~ld Y'8rity r;apMCity of ba&rillll su rface. 8)PlOYide mechanical COf'IfIeC1IOf1 (by others)ol'truss 10 boorIng plale capable r:JWithslanding S191b uplift at JoIn1 Q and 3811b uplift at jolni J . 9)Th is t ruse has been des igood wit h ANS lITPI '.1995 crit eri a. L OAD CASE IS)Sla ndard Job "" Tnm;Type HIP cor.NON "", Ie ,CO,81 647irudati·I!iC7New.!.;"...,""",trr---------------..L---).....,'"'".OFt....'''''".C,".....'r...T"....O'~"'.""""rl8s ,tnc:-Wed Jut 19 09:05:51 2000 Page 1 7-9-8 27 -9-8 33-8 -8 7-9-8 2 0-0-0 5-11-0 600 [12 t 5x10 -/ ~~ 3 x4 =P 3x61 1 6x10 = o 7>S = 3K6= 51d!= o E N " 4xS::=4x10 = ""'= F LK 31(4 = 7x17.5 M16W B = 7x8 = G J 6x1:2 =1 .5x4= I ~ 33-8-8 33'8-8 P1~le Offsets C:O-7....0-3-8 N:0-4-oed --_.. LOADI NG (psi)SPACING ,-c-o C.,,"'-(In)'~l "''''PLATES G ~' TelL 80.'f'lgll,!$\n(:rease 1.00 Te '.S<VIl I1{lL)~.36 ,....M2<l 1691'123 TCO<.10.0 lu m ~r lneM3U''00 BC '88 V8"(TL)-0.49 '-M ,.775 ""121/82 BCLL o.c Rep S ireu lncr '"W B 0 .70 Horz(TL)0.12 ,N' BCCL 10.0 CoOO UBCJANSI9S 1s1LCLLM in Ildet1 _2<10 Weight:156 Ib LUMBER TOPCHQRD2X 6SPF-S l 650f 1.SE BOT CHORD 2 X "S PF-5 2 100F1 .SE WEBS 2X 4SPFoS 2100Fl .8E"'E_pl' W2 2X 4 WW Stud,W2 2 X4WW St ~,W2 2 X ..WW Slud W2 2 X4 WW Stud,we 2X 4 S PF-S2 100F 1.SE 8RAC1NG rOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS Sheathed Of 1-11-15 on cenler purlin spacing,elWtlpl end verl",ab. Rigid cei ling directly applied or 6-0-0 on cenillf bracing . 211 4 r -ee ee F.J F ....la n T and Ibracee te na rrow edge 01 WlIb 'Ml.h 1011 common willi RIli.,Sin 0/;.,wrl h 3m minImum end distance .Bn>ce must CO'f'8f 9O'll. _blength . REACT IONS (l bIsiz1I)P.3S5ll/().5-9 (Input 0-5-8),1-3134/0.341 Max Horz P-21 4(load C3stl 4) Max Uplift P--519(load ""....5),1oo.381(looodcase 5 ) FORCES (Ib)·Firsl Loa d Case Only TOP CHORD A-Ba382 .B-C=-401 4.C~-5790.O-f:...5823,e-F~23 .F-G-·3112,G .Ha.4125.H.Ia.3074 BOT CHORD A--~·3 2 8.()'P--328,N-O-3563 .M-N"3563,L-M=5190,K-L"'5823.J -K=5823.1-J-0 WEBS e-p..-34n .8-0-3993.C·e--662.~2597,D-M-1204 ,D-L-39 .F -L-11 1,F-J-·2 419,c-a -rat.H.Joo3752 HOTes 1)Th is trun hu b66n c hecled for unbal;ncec:I k>:iod ing conditiona. 2)Th is buss has been d9lligned tol lhe wind loads gtInel'lil ted by 85 mph winds at 25 ft.llbove ground !&vel.using 5 .0 psf lop chord dead IoBd li nd5 .0 psf bonom Chord dead Iood .100mi from hlJlTieane oceanllne.on lin occupancycat"ll0ry II.cond~ion I lII1c lo6ed building,of d imensiona 100 ft by 100ft wit h expo&lJffl C ASCE 1·93 per UBCJANSI95If endWlrtlcala 0.cantllever&exisl,I hey IIle allp098d to wind.If porches eest,Ihey a'e not exposad 10 wind.Thelumber DOL IncleBll8l&1.33,and tile pl sLe lJfip increwJe is 1.33 3)PlO¥ide adequate draiooge 10 prevenl mtll'plnding 4)AD pial'll are W O p1a188 unless otherwi6e IndicaltKl. 5)T hi::l;lrun hil s been dnigned for a 10 .0 psf bon om chor d IIYe loa d nooconcun ent with a ny othllrlh'e loads perTable No.16-8. UBC-94. 6)WA RNING:Required bolIring sile III ~n l(s)P greatllf lhan input b!o;rlng w e 7)El6aring at join l(s)I conslden;.paral lel to glllin value using ANSVTPl 1·1995 angle 10 grain formula Building designer should W1ri lycapllCily of blllI.ing u rlaca. 8}Prollide m echanica l connoo1ion (!lV other8)of lIU6810 bea ring plate capable of with5landillg5191b IJplifl at joint P and 38 1 1b uplift al )01 1111. 9)T his truss has been designed wi th ANSVTPI 1·1995 c.~eria. LOAD CASE(81 Stands.d .10.T~TrllH ype """" tass .,HALFHIP MASTER 3 2 TiiiSiab Inc.•New Castle,co,81&47 ...G-326 hnS1"999I1Ai Tel<lnd.....'......lnc.Wed Ju l19 09 :05:53 2000 Paga 1 I 5-9-8 I 33-8-8 I 5-9-8 27 -11-0 6xl0 = 6 .00 r;2 2x4 11 4x6 =3x4 =3)(10:::7)(10 = ~D E ~G H~~~SlZ~ 3)(4=P 0 N ..L K J I 3x4 11 5><6 =4)(6 =3)(10 =5xEl =&10 =2x4 11 5)(12 = ,3 3-8-8 , I 2-1-4 I 31·7-4 !33 -8'8 ~Ptote orrsei$iX--:-,,:C:Q..7-80-3-8 LOA01NQ (psi)SPACING ,-<>0 CO'O£"-,.,'"","'"PLATE S GRIP Tell 800 Plale .Inc reaaa 1.00 TC 0,"Vt?fl(LL).o,,,L-M .....""169/123 TCOL 10.0 Lumber eereese 1,00 Be 0,"Verl{Tt}..,,,L-M .", BeLL 0,0 Rep $lr8M.lncr NO WB 0 ,75 -(TL)0 .07 I "'"BeOL 10.0 C'"UBClANSI9S 1~l C LL Min IIdoril"240 W aight :3421b LUM BeR BRACI NG TOPCHORD2X6SF'F-S 16SOF 1.SE TOP C HORD Sh....11wId or s.o.12 on l':blIl .....purlin IIpacing.exuopl find WlO1ica lll. BOT CHORD 2X 6SPF-S 2 100F 1 .SE BOT C HORD Rigid c lliling d in,clly i1pplled o r ~o n ce nter brllCIOlI . WEBS 2X ..WoN S l ud "Exoe pl" W3 2X<4 SPf-S 2100F 1.SE,W l 2X 4 S Pf-S 2100F1 ,SE W12X<l SPF-S 2100F 1.8E.W12 x ..SPf-S 2100F 1.SE W12 X"SPF-S 2100F U IE REACTIONS (Ib/WfI)"'4319JG.3-8,P-4632J0..5-8 MoIx Hllrl P-221(1oad oose 4) Mall Upliftl --646(lood caM 4),P--78O(load ca n 4) FORCES (Ib)_Fint Load C_O nly TOP C HORD "·B -403 ,a-c--5646,C-O--1G446,D-E--10«6 ,E.f"'lG446 ,F-G--11J6.4,G·H "'7&82,H.I--3667 BOT C HORD ".P--353,a-P-·353 ,N -o-S023,M-N"'5023,L-""'11364 ,K-L:7882,J.K"7662 ,1-J -o WEBS B-P-..n4 ,8-0:5608,e-<r--395 ,C-M:5877,[)-.tP·608,F-M--999,F-l-·228,G -L-3768,G-J_.2 113 ,H-""8!>75 NOTES 1)2-p1y \nI6S10 be oonnflCled loge lhel'with O.131"x3"Nail s liS follows :Top chord s oonnected with 2 l ow(S)at ()..9.Q on cent er Bottom chOId..connftded with2row(s)..t o-a-o oneeeter ,Webs connected IIslollows:2 X 4 ·1 row(a)al 0-9-0 on cen l ar , 2)This Iruss M boon designed l or I hll wind loadll generatlld by 85 mph wlndll at 25 f1l1bove ground level,using 5 ,0 ps I lop chofd dood load and5 .0 p.d bottom c hOid deedl.-j,100 mllrom hUlllcllne ocea nlinu,on e n o<x:upen<:y'Cll!flllO'Y II,C(lfldKlon 11lfIC10llIId build ing.01diml,!rl$ions 100 ft by 100 It wit h eXpo6U fe CASCE 7--93 per UBC/ANSI95III1f1d vertical ..Of canJikmtrs exisl,lhl!y lire l,!~l owi nd .If porcMl&IIll&l,they 11M nollllpolled to wmd .The lum ber DOl i nc reeso is 1 ,33,lind the pl.-.te gri p increaGllI&1,33 3)Except es s hown below ,,,!,,-'Cwl co nnection(s)required 10w ppofl ooncentrlltlNl load(s).DMign 0 'cOllnection(s)is dlliegate<l 10the buildi ng dc!;.igner . 4)P rovide IIdloquatll d railUiQe 10 pr_l!WIllei'pooding. 5)All plalel lire M20 plIIles unless othelWlse Indlca led . S)n is "",s$h:l s boon dM.lgned lora10,0 pst bonom chord INS Ioacl nonconc urrent wil li li llY other Ilvo loa ds per Table No .16-8 , UBC-94. 7)P rovide mechaniclll oonnecliOll <b'1 others )of uues to bearing prate C8pable of with&landinll646 Ib uplill III join l l lind780Ib uplift ~joint P . 8)Th l6lru66 has been dltEigned with ANSVTPI1 .1995 cri laria. LOAD CAS E(S)Standerd 1)Regular :l umber 11'11;1"$1I&8"1 ,00,P\ale Incre_l.oo Uniform load!;(pII) Vert :A-B-180.0,8-0=·1 60 .0,e-D=-90.0,o-e_·90.0,E·F --90 .0,F-c;..90.0 ,G.H "'90.0,A-P-.20.0,C-fl--20.0, N.Qoo -182.9 ,M-N:-182 .9,l -M--182.9.l(·l--182 .9.Jol(··182 .U,l..J--'82.9 Concenlra led Loads (lb) Vert :()00..45 7 Job T~TIU&S Type ""p, 7369 •CORNER SET WfF 3 , Tru$la b Inc .,New Cwlle,CO,81 64 4 .0-32 8 Feb18 1999 MiTek IndU8lrioo.l ~.Wed J ul19 09:05:54 2000 Page 1 I 8-2-5 I 8-2-5 2x4 11 424 r;2 -~3'4 ~~/~ ~;d ---------~w,~.k::»>L 3x4 =~.t8 2x4 II 4X8 = ,8-2-5 , 8'2-5 ,, PllI le 0If&et1 ~ :0-3-80-2-0 2-11-11 -~ LOADING u:-dl SPACING a-c-e cer OEFL (in)000)"",PLA TES o~, Tell 8O~0 Plat.,.Ino;rltOl ae 100 TC 0 ,33 Vert(LL).(l.O1 A .999 "'0 1691123 TCOL 10.0 Lu mbe r IncrellSEl 1,00 BC 0,08 Vert(Tl).o.ot A -sss BCLl 0 ,0 Rep Streu lncr NO we 0.16 Hoa{TL)0 ,00 E "'.BCDL 10.0 eoo..UBCJANS I95 h I LC U Min lldefl •2040 Wftig hl :3B lb LUMBER BRACING TOPCHORD 2X6SPF-S165OF 1.5E TOPCHQRO Shea lhell Of 6-0-0 on cen t....purl,n l pac i ng.f1xcllp!llnd wullca ,", ecrc-cec 2X6 S PF-5 1650F 1 .Sf BOTCHORD Rigi d ooi ling d iructly applied Of 6-0-0 on oo nter bfllcing . W EBS 2 X4WW Stud REACTIO NS (lbfw8)e -56OIO-J..3,F-551/O-7-12 Max H Dl'ZF -176(\o1ld case 3) McIx Uplifte -·93(load caMS).f -.03(loaICl case 4) FORCES (Ib).F il at Load CIlSQ On ly TOP CHORD A·8-134,B-C-21 .oo-.e.e-e-·532 BOT CHORD A·F-·1 18,E·F__118 WEBS 6-F a.502 ,B-E_121 NOTES 1)Th is In.-1'1".bean d&1~ned IOf l ha wind l oad s ge nerllted by 8S m ph windllll'2S fI i1bove ground lewl,using 5.0 psflop chord d ead load and 5.0 p&f bottom chord dwcl kIood,100 m i b orn h urriollne oceeonne.onlin DOOUpilncy ootegoorv II.oond itlon I enoloeed bu ilding,of d imensionlll00 fI by 100 ft wilh aXpo&lle C ASCE 7·9J pe r UBCIANS 19511 end vM1ical ll o r C8ntl~f>ld ~,'hey are &tpOSlld l owind 11 porchll5 e ~i~,thoy ere not e~po68d to wind ,T he 'umbel'OOL increuse ill 1.33,1100 ,he plat .. grip l ncrean ill 1.33 2)Al l p1atooare M20 pereecoiese othelWi$oe Indlcatod . 3)Th ill1Tullshu ll been dell'llned lor a 10 .0 psi bollom chord Ii.....load nonconcurr.....wit h anyolhllr l illeloadl per Table No.16-B.UBC-IMo . 4)P rovid ll roo<:hiInical CQflnecliQn (by oIhef'l;)Qf,n..,.8 10 bt;taring pla le Cilp..b1e 01 withstanding 93 Ib uplifl91 joint E li nd 63lb up/ill at joint F . 5)Thi6ll'1.l66 has t:-n dasigned witll ANSVTP\1·1995 em "";". LOAD CASElS)Standard 1)R egular-lumber IncrwIP1 .00 ,Plale If'lCffl3IP1 .00 T rvpe.zoidal lOII<b (pI1) Verl :A;O.G-lo-F -·10 .0.F-10 .G-kl-E-·27 .7 ,"-0.G-1o-6a.87.6,8--87 _~_24 2 .1 ,Ca.242 .1-lo>-[)o.249.2 ·0flU...Type ·e ---------",.-TPio-,----' DROP GAB (2X6) T rugJob tees Tru Gfab Inc .,New CBslIe,C O.s",,"'.,~---------------.L-~.t.o_""3'2••-IFfIb 18 1999 MiTet.lndustrIM,Inc .Wltd Jul19 09 :05:5152000 P age , 5-9-8 5-9-8 2x4 11 6.00 [12 2x4 11 T ~L-__ 2x4 11 2x4 !1 5-9-8 5-9-8 LOADING (pst) Te ll 80.0 TCDl 10.0 BCLL 0.0 8CDL 10.0 SPACING 4-0-0 Plel«;lncrease 1.00 Lumbel lncraBSoll 1 .00 Rep SIre&;Incr NO Code UBCJANS I95 OS' tc 0.27 Be 0,05 we 0.34 (M9t,ix) OEFL (in)(Ioc)Ifdefl Vert(LL)nIfI nJa Vert(Tl.)Nil nIB Horz(TL)0.00 nI, hi LC LL Min lldefl -240 PLATES ORIP M20 1691123 Weigllt :231b LUMBER TOPCHORD2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1 .Sf BO T CHORD 2 X6 S Pf-S 16 50F 1 .Sf wees 2X4WNStud OTHERS2 Xo4SPF-S 2100F ,.ee REACTIONS (iblslze)A--47013-11-o ,1>22013-11-0,E-'18al'J.l 1-0 Max Horz#281(\oild elIW 4),[P·117(lo;;od ClIse 3) Mall UpllftA--12(1oeclelI SO3).00-76{load cese 4).e=-2 12(1oad C8H 4) FORCeS (Ib)·Fil'$l Load C=ne Only TOP CHORD A-a-266,a-e-·209 ,C-D--200 BOT CHORD A-C.-o,c-e -o w eBS 8oE-1067 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed , BOT CHOR D R igid ceil ing d'reclly applied or l$.O.(]on cl':mle f bra cing , NOTES 1)T his !russ ha&Men designed forthe wind loads genera led by as mph winds al 25 f1alxMl gro und level,usi ng 5 .0 psftop chord daad load and 5.0 per boIIom c:hord delld IuiId .100ml lrom hunicane 008anltne,on li n occupa nq calegory n,condition I ancIosed bu ilding ,of dime n ~io n~100 It by 100 II with 8xpol1ule CASCE 7-93 ptn' U BClANSI95II end verticall or ClInlilever&e_i61,they ere exposed to wind .If porches 8lUsl.lhey are flOIe_poood lowiod,The lumber OOl.lncreaoo iEi.1.33,end lhe p1ale gripiflCl _k 1.33 2)F or $lud l ellpOUd 10 wind,688 MIT ak "Slllitdaro Gable End Ovt air 3)I'bn Sl andafd bear ing condn ioo.Reviewrequired. 4)All pjetes a re M20 p18lflS unless ot hllf'WlBe Indica led. 5}Glible d uds apacood III 2-0-0 on center. 6)Thi slruas hilS been designed l or III 10 .0 p6f bottom chord live load IlOflC(lf)CU rr8lll with IIn y othe r IPia l oads pe r Tobl e No .16-8,UBC-&04, 7)Provid e mechanical connection (by olh8l'll)0111088 to bearing plate capable of withstanding 12tb uplifllli joint A ,761b upliflill jIlint D artd 2 12 Ib upl illlill joIn lE . 6)Thi&tfUSa hID been designed with ANSUTPI1-1995 crtlllrill. LO AD CA SE(S)Standard Job 7369 T~ c JACK T rusfab Inc..New Ca$tkJ.CO ,8 1647 5-9 -8 5-9-8 2x4 11 6 .00r;2 1.5x4 11 5-9-8 5=9-8 3:.-4 :::: LOADING (p&l) Te LL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BeL L 0 .0 BCOL 10.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Pl:>tes lnc:,,,,,se 1.00 Lumber Incrw511 1.00 Rep Stress IIlCI YES Code UBCIANSI95 cer TC 0.19 Be 0.07 we 0.27 OEFL (in)(100::) Vert(LL).(l.01 A Vert(Tl.)-0.01A Hor.z(Tl)-0.00 0 1stLC Ll Mm IIdall-240 L UMBER TOPCHORD2 X 6SPF·S 1650f 1.SE BQTCHQRO 2X4SPF-52100F 1.sE W EBS 2X4w.N Stud REACT IONS Obfsbl)0<:24610-3-8.e-8S4/0-5-6 MaxHo rz e -2 20(1oad ease oil} Max U pl i ll ~l 00(lo;o d ease 4),e..,14 (loiId case 4) FORCE SOb)·Fir.t Load CIlS8 Only TOP CHORD A-B"382,S-C-O,C-(p·3 19 BOT CHORD A-£.·328.[}.E--326 WEBS B-e··799.8-O=345 BRACING ToP C HORD She91hod, BO T C HORD Rigid cei1inll dirlllC1ty ..pplio!od or 6-0-0 On cent9f bracing NOTES 1)T hisllU"lias beendesigned 10f the wind loads genflfllled by 85 m ph winds at 25 flabovil ground hlYlII,I15ing 5.0 psftop cOOrd d8lld load and5.0 psl bottom c hord dead load .100 mifrom h uniCl'i ne ocellnllne,onlin occu pancy category II,condition I enclosed building,of dimarllliom;100 fI by 100 fl wilh ellpOliuru CASCE 7-93 por U BClANSI95.end vertical .or canlilever$eld.t ,!hey are expcsed 10 wind.If porches ellist.tl!eV are not expoood to willd.T helumoor OOl lncroose is 1.33.and the plale glip Incnnn;8"1.33 2)All pl8les are M20 pla tes unle&lr.Dlherwlse indicated . 3)This lnJS8 has been de$ignltd fQf a 10.0 psf boIIom chord live load IlOnconcu ffool With any olhef l ive loads per Table No .16-8.USC·9<l . 4)Plcwlde mech8nicill conne<;liOfl (by uIher's)d n use tobea ring plait\'ca pable 01withstanding100Ib up',"al join!0and1141b uplift at join l E . fi)Th is I RlGShas been~ned with AN SIITPI1-1995 cri1erta . LOADCASE(SI S1llnda.d o Trusfa blnc.,NewC8sl 111.0 .81641 4 .0-32 s Feb 181999 MiTek Induslrios ,Inc .WtMl Ju l 19 09 :05:58 2000 Pll ~1 15-9-8 15-9-8 6.00["12 I 19-9-8I 4 -0-0 ""'=7x8 ~ E F 28-8-8 8-11-0 3X4 =N 3x4 11 W7 3x4 ~ "4x12 = l K 31C6 = 3x4 = 28 -8-8 J :l<8= 2x4 11 H PIa l e Off~:0-5-40- lOAOl NQ (psi)SPACING z-o-e 0$'DE"-(in)(foe)"""PLA TES G R'P' TCLL ".0 Phil"Incl llllaol ,.00 TC 0."V""(ll)-0 .15 hJ -see '""0 169/1 23 TCOl 10.0 Lu mber fncr eaM 1.00 Be 0....Ve rt(TL)-0 .31 hJ -'"Bell 00 Rep SllltfislnCf ves W'0...HO<l:(T L)0 .0>,.. BeOC 10.0 coo.UBC IANSI95 151 LC U 101m Vdefl-240 Wl!IIgh t:156lb LUM BeR TOP CHORD 2X6SPF-S1 65OF1.5E BOT CHORD 2X 4SPF-S2 100F 1.8E W EBS2X 4 SPF-S 2 100F1.8E 'bc;epl " 'MI 2 X4 WN Stud ,W62 X 4 WN S tud ,W 4 2 X 4 WN S iud BRA CING T OP CHORD BOT CHORD WE" Sheallwld or 3-1 1-<1 on cent"r pu rlin lIopOOing ._cepI end ver1icalli . Rigid CI:liling d lrftC!ly a p pl ied or 6-0-0 on cent.!>facing. 2x4 1 -Bra ooo-x .E-J.G-I Fasten T and I brac:M;to fl9ff(IW Adgo of_b withlOdoommon wi'e noll..Sin 0 ,(;.,with 3ill minImum end dlatanee.B._rnusl cover 90% _b length. REACTIONS (Iblllzu)H"'3052J0..5..8 .I-26311O-5-8 MiD:Horz N'"-4&9(IoQd car.e <II Max UpilftNz-441(1oad eese 5l .1a-342(klad case 5) f ORCES (Ib).Fimt lood esse On '" TOPCHORD A-B-382,B-C-3199 ,C·o-.J199,D-e--2399,E.f*-1926 ,F.(3*-2152,G-H:O.H-1--388 BOTCHORD A·N ~8 .M-tfoo-328.l-M-2861.K.l*2861.J_K*21S5.I.J a l606 W EBS 8-N *·2964,8-M*J2J5,D-M*-407.o-K :-657 ,E-K=S78.E.......-529,F.......206 ,coece.G -F.-2687 NOT ES 1)Th l6 l russ hilS bftfl n ~hecked for u nba la n ~ed loading condi\iom;. 2)Thi1.lr\I:>s hn been dlllllllned l Of the wind loodr.gellef'9led by as mph winds at 2S ft above grou nd I_I,using 5 .0 pfJ top chord de ad load and 5 .0 p$f b«tom chord <load loIiId.100 m i l rom hUrrica "",lloCMnline .011 a n occupEllq ca legory 11 ,condition I e nclosllCl bu ild i ng .of d im_ions 100 II by 100II wi th exposure C ASCE 7-93 pEl l UBCJAN$I9S If end YaI1 icals or ClI rrtil_~1lJUoit.they ere ~to"';nd.If pr:lf~h~e lci&l.lhey i1l e 001 ex ~lId 10wi nd .The lumbef DOl illCffla..,~1.33,end the plate gri p increase iIl 1.3J J)Pro::Mde adeqU atll d rainage to pr1I'WlIII wa lel pending . 4)All plates ere M20 pfa lell uro lesa oIller\01i&e i nd iClil1ed . 5)Thir;truss hn been dtIeIg nud l or a 10 .0 psf botto m cho rd live load nonoonCl,lfTem with ll roy oIM!'lMIloads per T able No ,16·8, UBe-94 6)ProvIde mvc;hanlca l eoooectlon (by others)d lrusli 10 bea ring plate ClIpi1b1edwithslilndlng 44 1 Ibupl ift al joim N and 34 2 Ib uplift BI joi nt I. T)Thililrusli hn been designed wit h ANS lITPll-1995 crlterla LOAD CAS E(81 Sta lldaid ".0-32 II Fe b 181999 foJITekl ndurJries .Irw::.Wed J ul 19 09:06:1)1 2000 Pag e 1 TrouType STUB HIP COf,9,l . Truu D' 13-9-8 21 -9-8 2 8-8-8 13-9-8 8 -0-0 6-11-0 ...= 7 x8 ~ 6.00[12 o KJ 4x6= 3x4 = 28-8 -8 26=8-8 1-100 8 Pla le OfIMlI (X ,V):(O:C-5-4 ,O-3-aJ.[f:0-3-8,l).3-0) ""...., >339 "'" LOADING (p(J) Te l l 80 .0rcor10.0 Bell 0 .0 BCOl 10 .0 SPACING 2~ P lallt6 111C/l:Oa&e 1 .00 Lllmber l ncreau 1 .00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code U8ClANSI95 es< Te Be WB 0.96 0 .81 0.18 O£FL (In)(IDe) V8rt(LL)-0 ..7 K-L Vert(TL)-0.94 K-L Horz(Tl)0 .07 H 1st LC LL Min IId8fl ·240 PLATES GRIP M20 169/123 Wlligtl!:145l b L UMBER TOPCHORD 2 X6SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 'Excepl' T22 X 6 SP F-5 2 100F 1 .IIE BOT CHORD 2X '"S PF-S 2100F 1.8E WEBS2 X '"WN $Illd '&cepI0 W 52 X .SPF-5 2100 F 1 .8E .W1 2 X '"SPF-.5 2 100F 1 .8E W6 2 X .S P F-s 2100f 1 .8E .W 4 2 X.S PF-5 2 100F1 .8E REAC TIONS (lbi6ize)l"3052J0-5-8 ,H"'3014JO..6.a MIlX Hor1'L....12(1oad case 3) Mall UpliftL"'-451 (1oa d case 5).H--469{1oad case 5) BRACING TOPCHORO BOT C HORD W EBS Sheathed or 2-10-14 on cern.pu llin "pilCing ,"1cepl ..nd VIIflicals . Rigid coll ing difecttv app lied or 6-0-0oncen ter bfooin O· 2x.T-&aGe c-r.o- Faslen T and'bnIClK10 IliI flOW OOgtl'd......b wilh 10d wmmon wi,,, l19ilf;&in c.c ..wit h 3i n mlmmum end distal1Oll .Brnoe must cover 90 % Wftb length, FORCES (Ib)·FIrwt Load Case Only TOP CHOR D A-6=382.8---0-366,C-D=-2706 ,D-e --1894 .E.f-·2 128,F-G -&5 .F-H --~4 BOT CHOR D A-l-·328 ,K-L-2 783.J4(-2.27,1.J-2.27.H-l--(I WEBS 6-L-·728,C ·l--3802,C -K·...09 .D-K-«O,0-1--718,E-1=-375 ,F.....2148 NOTES 1)Th is truu has Me n chllC ked l or unbab need loading condlncns 2)T his trUS3 has bee n delligned lor the wind load..gllnftfaled by SS m ph wi nds at25 II above ground level ,IIsmg 5.0plI I l op chofd dllad load and5 .0 pd bottom chord dead load ,100 mi from hurricMlKI ocwnlioo ,00 li n OOCUP''''CY CIII"l)OC1 U.condition I encIo&ed building ,of dimensions 100 R by 100nwi lh e >qXlS ul li CASCE 7-93 pet U8C1ANSI95lf end vooloolr.Of carrtj~eKi&l,t hey li re e)(llOMd towind.If por<:hllS ••W ,th ..,.....not ex~towlnd .T he lumber DOl incre llstl is 1.33,.nd th..p1 ale gri p IncrealWl is 1 .33 3)Provide lId lBqllale d'IiIirlltll8 10 pr lMlfll 'MI le<ponding . 4)All p181e&are M20 platoounless oltlefW!6G indicated. 5)T his truss has bee n d8r.igned fo rII10 .0 ps I bonom c hor d l ive load nonconcurrent YYil h a ny othullive kJoid ll per T..bltl No .1 6-5. UBC-94. 6)Provld e mecha nical OOflnecllon (by ottlel'$)of truss to bearing pllIIe C8peblll Dfwilh,\anding <151 Ib uplift al joint L and 46 9 Ib uplift IIl)oint H. 7)T his truss.hill;been designed wilh ANSVTF'l 1·1995 crilBriil . LOAD eASElS)Standard 02 ~T"," STUB HIP CCWM. p. Trusfu Inc .,N_Casl lol.CO ,8 1647 4 .0.32 II f llb 18 1999 MiTek lnduatl'iell,Inc.Wed J ut1S 09:06:04 2000 P age ' 9-11-0 21-11-0 26-10-0 9-11 -0 12 -0-0 4 -1 1-0 G .. H 3x4 11 7x8 ::: 4x12 :::: J 1.5x4 11 K 3><6 = C:F=~==E 6 .00[12 M ""= 26-10-0 26·'0-0 LOADIN G (JM) TCll 80.0 TCOl 10 .0 BCl.L 0.0 BCOL 10 .0 SPACING 2.().(l P ial_increase '.00 Lum bel lllCf8aSe 1.00 Re p S lr es lio 1(1(:(YES Code UBCJANSI95 CSO TC Be WB 0 .73 0.87 0.53 DEFl (in)(Ioc ) Ven(LL)-0.23 LoM Vert(Tl)-0."7 l ..fJI HoQ(TL )0.08H 161 lC U Min VdtI/l "240 ""'>999 "'673 "" PLAT ES GR IP M20 1691123 Weight 144 Ib LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X 6 S Pf'-5 l650F 1.5E BOrCHORD 2X 4SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEBS 2X..SPF-52 100F 1.8E "Excepll' W32 X 4 WW sue .W12 X 4 WN Sl ud,W1 2 X 4 WoN St ud W1 2X4WWStud BRACING TOPCHORD 6O TCHORD wees Shealhed c.4-1-6 on center pu rl;n ,;p3Cing ,6X~"",d 1'VfticlI ~. Rigid Cit~illll d ilectly applied elf ~on "MIl....bra cing . 2x4 T-8ti1C8 D-I.,0-1,80M Faslflfl T and I bracols 10 narrow edge 01 web with 10d oommon willI nails SinD.C.,wit h 3inmi nimum end dill iance Brace muG!COVflf 90% web leng 'h . REAcnONS (lbh;ize)M::26S41O-Q.8,.....3036IO-5-8 MaxHol'l ~2(1oad elluo 3} Ma ~U p l ~313(\o11 d ,,,"se 5),Ha -413{load case 5) FORCES (Ib)·F1r6t loed C_Only TOP a-tORD A-a--O,B-C-·3037,C-o-·2nZ,o-e-·175 1 ,E·Fa.1962 ,F-GaS5,A-Ma-426 ,f .......2981 BOT CHORD l -M=28S3.K-l"'2812,J.K"28 12,1.J"2812 ,H·I<O.O WEBS B-l-·205 ,C-l-365,D-l a .1N.D-.Ja111 ,0-10'-1 52.,E·1--92,B-M-.35&4,F-I-2119 t+O TE8 1)Thl$'ru ~tes b9&n checked lor unbalanced loa ding conditione. 2)T his 'rullll hall been dnigned lor the wind kIiods .,.."",rllllKl bV 85mph WInd..III 25 It abo'ie ground IeWlI,uslllll 5 .0 psi '01'Chord dead Ioed a rKl 5 .0 p6f bottom chord doa<I load ,100 mi from hurrie'imv OCOilOI o line ,on an OOCUp;Orocy CliI IegOl)i'U,oood~iOIl l eoc lo6ed building.of dirTlf:'RSiornl l00 It by 100 1\wi th ex~u...C ASCE 1·93l""r U6C/ANSI95lr e nd verl k:<tls or eanllleWN"&exl8l,l h ~are exposed to wi nd .N porchelI vxiel ,they arv not expowd to wind.The lumber OOllncre_is 1.33,lind thol pIIIle g rip inc relll;Q is 1 .33 3)Pro¥ldo:t ad(lqua 'e drainage to JlI"!lWInl wa'M poodill(l 4)All pla tes a !l'M2 0 pia,.....unll."otherwise i ndiClilad. 5)Th is \Ju$$lvIs been designed for riI 10.0 psi bottom chord live loed OOflCOllC\lffenl with 9IIY other live Ioods pel"Ta ble No.16-8, UBC-tl4 , 6 )Provid..rntK:hIInicll l conn eclroo <byothvr ll)of 'r ullll to beariflll pili '"CliIpabhlof wiltllllanding 3231b uplifl lll joint M rilnd .n lb uphn III joint H . 1)Th l;truss has been dltSlgned WIlh ANSlfTPI1 .1995 crita ria. LOADCASE(S)Standard 0' TfUM Type STUB H P CCM.t4 . fllSfab Inc.,~Castle.00,81&&4 .Q.32.Feb 16 1900 '"eIlt~.~.Wed Jl.t 1909:06:082000 Page 1 7-11-0 7 -11-0 ""=6.oo l'ff M 5X6= 23-1 1-0 16-0-0 126-10-0 1 2-11-0 TKO = •&8= F G ..-;;; I H 6x10=3><6 11 """""".... TCl.L "'.TCOl.10.0 IlCU... BCOl.10.0 SPACING 2.0.0 PW-.Incr_1.00 !.umber Inorene 1.00 Rep sr...Ina YES Code U8C1ANSl95 "'"TC 0.92 Be 0 .66we0.• DEl"L (in )(Ioc)lIo.tI Vef1(U.).(I.1S J >999 Vewt(TL).(I.2!S J.l "999 Har7{Tl)0 .10 H rn 1$1 LC LL".~_240 PlATES GRI P M20 16W1 ZJ WtOgH:t 381b "'MOD ToPCHORD 2X6 SF'F-52100Fl .1f BOTCHORD 2 X 4 SPf-5 2100f 1.1f Wf 8S 2 X o4SPf-521 OCF 1 .8£'f~ W3 2X o4 WW SIIld,W12 X o4WW SWd.W12 X 4WW Stud W1 2X o4 WWStud BRAa•• TOf'CHORO BO T CHORD WEBS Shwthed Of 2.11 .7 on cern.purlin spacing.eu;epl:end-toc8ls. RigId ceiling dirtldlV tippled Of 6-0.()on cent.~. 211 4 T-er-P--l ,D-l F~T wod I br.-Io ~tldlle or ......0woith HId common wire mi .Bin o ,c.•wIIh 3l n minimum end disl:iInce.8nIce n..a CO'I'ef 9O'llo--REACTIONS (ltnCz:e)Mo-:z66.UG.4.3 (in put :0--3--3).....JOO6IO.6.8 MoD:Hun:~7(\l:*d ease 3) M:Ix UpIiftM0t.-323(1wd CIOM 5},Ha-473(109d CION5) FORCE8 (Ib)·Flt&l lolld Case Only TOf'CHOR D A.B-O ,B---Ca-32 48,e-o-.2912,().E _1350,E.f_.1521 .F-G-6S ,A-Mo--337,F·H "·3007 BOT C HORD l -M-2792 ,K....-336{l ,~·3369 ,1.J_3389,H--l -O WEBS 8--1..-1 34,c.l -373,P.l-·f>4.t ,[).J _157,[).I-.24Oll,E.joo .2 11l5 ,B-Moo--3578,F-I:2168 NOTES 1)T II ~IJu&&has been c hecked IOf unblllanced Ioadlng condMiom.. 2)Til .In-.r-been 6e5igned IOf wind w.6a gerlllfIIled by 85 mph wi nds II 2S tt tlbove ground '-tl,";ng 5 .0 ll'f lop chold ~Joad and 5 .0 pal bottom chord dead ~,100 Iri from ~008an~,on ....OOOIlp8OlCy CQI "'OO'Y I .cond ihOll l llnO::lo-d buildll1i.or d llMnaions 100 tt by 100 II with IlXpOCU IltC ASCE 7-93 pel UBCIANSI95'end WHticalr;or wnt~'*t.they are elCpOHd 10 Wind.•por,*-~,Ihuy lire not ~to wtnd .n..luni>ef 00l.inc:fNse .1.33 ,Illld the pIi>\e lI'1P me-..1.33 3)Pro¥idlr !ldvqulle dfainaQ'10Pf-.l"_ponding . 4)N pIeIM ....M20 plat.unIeM otto.rwi5e DflCtlled . 5)Thk Ind&ha bIwJ dnigned lor.10.0 pel'batlom ct-d live Il8:l noneoncurrenl with lWlf'other hoe Ioed5per T.,.No.18-8 . '-"""'. G)W ARNING :Required betlrWlg tlile III joi nt(.)M g r1liller hln InPIA beating sIz •. 7)ProtidllIMCh8nica1 COlellldion (by0lhefs)oIlJu&&10 bearing fIl*COII~ClfwittSanding 3231b l4IIirt lIIII Jaft M IlIld o4 73 1b upItt "jgnH. 8)Thia .....haf;been deaigntld MIll ANSII'TPl l .1996 cOl.... LOAD ~SI S1andoIrd MiT "'.Indll£lriex,In<;.Wed J ul19 og-:-061f200l1 P;gll l -------•Job NM TIU&S Type ""PO raes '"STUBHIP COf.oN.1 I Tl1lslab loc .,New Casl ltl.CO .6 1641 ....0-32 B Fe b 18 1999 25 -11-0 20-0-0 H GF 6x16 ~ J I 7x10 = 3 x6 11 4x10 = E K 1.5x4 11 WI Dc 2x4 11 5>e= L 6x10 = 5-1 1-0 5-11-0 6 .00 [12 6x8 = B 1 ~5>8 = W3=-- N M 3x4 11 4xl 0 ~ 26-10-0 26=10 -0 --,---().6.0 ,Cl-3-8I ,[F:D-1 1-4,0-2-3).(l~3-8,o-3-01 LOADING (PSI) leu.80 ,0 TCOL 10 .0 BCLL 0.0 BCDl 10.0 SPACING 2-0-0 I'lalell lllClllllSO 1 .00 Lumbvrlool'oosa 1.00 Rep Str_Incr YES Code UBCiANSI95 C~ TC Be WB 0 .80 0 .60 0 .71 DEfL (1n)(lac) Vort(LL)-0 .21 L VIHl(TL)-0 .29 K·L Horz(Tl)0 .08 1 l sl lC II Min IJden .240 ".,-sss...."'. PLA TESGRIP M20 1691123 Weight:141 Ib L UMBER TOPCHORD 2X6SPF-S 16501'r.se BOTCHORD 2X 4SPF.s2100Fl ,8C WEBS 2X 4 S Pf-5 21001'l.BE "bDtlpI" W2 2X4 WIN Stud .W22 X4 WW Stud,W2 2 X 4W!N Shod W22X4WWStud BRACING T OP CHORO BOT C HOR D WEBS Shealhed or 2·10-3 o n ce nter purlin spacing.exeepl end vet1ic3l"'_ R igid ceiling dlllICIly IIppliad 01 6-0-0 o nce nter bracing . 2l<4 T·6fooe E ~ Fesl en Tend I bra cetJ.10 na rrow edge d web wittllOd common wi rll na ils &in c.c.,wilh 3 in min imum eod distance .Brll CS mu at COIIsr 90% web 18fl!l1tl. REAC TIONS (Ibiaize)N-26461l).4-2 (input :0-3-8),1=3004 310-5-8 Male Harz N--315(lolld Cll SEI 3) Max UpliftN><-322(1ood case 5),l--4n(load case 5) FORCES (lb)·F Irs!Load CaBS Only TOPCHORD A-B--3331,B-C:..4316.e-o--4316,D-E=--4316 ,E-F'"-509,F-G --589,G-H"89,A-N--2581,0 .1-3035 BOT C HORD M-NOOO .L......2966 ,1<-L-3490,J-1<"3490.I.J~ W EBS B-M--445,B-l_1515 ,C-L"-1 181,E·L-910,E-K-131,E.J:.3501 ,F..Joo-396.A-M0031136 ,0.J"2362 NOTES 1)Th l&InJsll hils been c:h eckftd foeunbll lancold loading c:ooddion., 2)Th is truss ha s b$fJn du;gned for l he wind 10000 g _ral ed by 85 mpil wlndG at 25 ft llbo¥e g round level,U&ing 5 .0 psi"lop chord d9lld loadand 5 .0 psi bott om c hord d9lld load,100 mi from hun icane oo:;ea nllM,on a n occupancy call11QOfY M,c:oodrtion I en c losed build ing,01 dimftnAion a 100 ft by 100 ft with OJCPOSu ....C ASCE 1-93 per UBClANSI95If sn d verticals Of Cllnllkrvlll1;enst.lhey IIrs ~to wirod .If poroh<n;eJ<ist ,they lira rtallrXpU$Od l owlnd .T h..tumbAr DOL incrall.....i'01 .33 ,and thu pl ata grip j~1tI1 .33 3)ProvIde adequale dralOO(l"to porewmt wa ls,poodi ng . 4)All pillt"a re M20 plai n unle!;l;olhUlWise Indicated . 5)TIlls trus&h811 been desIgned fOla 10 .0 p6f bonom chord live Iood rtanconcu"""l wl lh any gthel Uveloa dr.pel Ta b'"No.16-6, UBC-94 . 6 )WARNING;Requ ired bearing sizeIII jol nt{s)N gre;;olel tha n in pul bea ring ezee.n ProYide mechllRicllI coo noctiQn (b'f oIhoq)of lrunlo bearing pl ate tapablll oIwilhalllnd ing 322Ib uplift at fol nt N li nd 411 l b uplift _,)oint I. 8)T his tr uss has been dniglllKl with ANSVTPf 1·1995 c:,d ena. LOADCAS E(S)Stllndard Job 7369 T ~Truu Type G IRDER 2 T n.rsflilb Inc.•New CM11e,CO,81&47 26-10-0 2 6-10 -0 7)(8 =2)(4 11 A •B ~:-w' -----.:::::::::- J I 2x4 11 &16= c W' H 4 1(6 = 26 -10-0 4)(10 = D G 2>14 11 -~---- "'"", , ~F 5x8= , LOADI NG (PSt)PACING a-o-o 081 TCLL 80 0 Plates ioereeee 1.00 Te 0 .. TCOI.10.0 lumb8l'Iocfease '00 Be 0 .87 BCU D O Rep 51","!ncr NO W B 0 .92 BCOC 10.0 """"U BQ'ANSI96 26 -10-0 DEI'L (in)(be) Vort(Ll)-0.33 G-l Vert{Tl)-0.43 Q..l Horz(TL)0.06F 1&1 LC LL Min Veld z 240 .... -see-r aa". PlATES G RIP M2Q 1691'123 Weight 273 lb l UMBER TOf'CHORD 2X 6SPF-S 1650F 1.SE BOTCHORD 2 X 6SPF-S l650F 1.5E W EBS2 X ..WW Stud "Except" W12 X "SPF-S 2100f 1.8E,W l2X 4 S Pf -S 2100F 1.8E W12X 4SPF-S 2 100F1.8E REAc nONS (Ib1siz ll)""'3622/0-3-8 ,1'-362210-5-8 MiIlr.Horz J"'236(1oeod ClIP 4) Max U pllflJ --486(109d cese 3),""-486 (1 000 caM 4) BRACING TOP C HORD BOT CHORD W EBS S heathed or 4-&-0 OIl cemer pur~n spa cing .escept end YlIf hclIlIl. R ig id ceil ing diroclly oppHed Qr 6-0-0 on cemer br acing . 2x41-Brace 0-1' F.Hillln T s 1td I brlilCft 10 miffOW'edgl:I of web wilh l Od common will! nails Sinc.c.,with Jin mi nimum end d i ~la n Cfl .Brace mll6!coYef 90%oc weblenglh . F ORCE S (Ib)-F i"t ll:ed Case On ly TQPCHORD A-J=-3211,A.6-.7221 ,e-o ..-tza t ,c-o-tsar.Q-E --o,E·F -·796 BOT CHORD I-J--o,H....7221,G·H=7221 ,FoO-7221 W EBS A-1-7614,B-F-1592,o-e-o ,O-C -B22 ,O·F••7614 NOTES 1)2-pIy truss 10 be oon necllld l oge lhe r wl lh 0.1 3 1")[3"Nei ls 98 f ollows;Top ch ords connected wi lh 2Iow($)at 0-&-0 o n COtn l ..,.6onom chords connected witll2 row(6)at 0-9-0 on CVflle'.W ebs conllftClftd Ill'follow$:2 X 4 •1 mw(r.,81 0-9-0 on canl8r , 2)T his lrus61las bee n designed for l he Vlli nd loads g_noled by 85 mph winds al25 ft ebcse g ro und 1lMol,using 5.0 psi top chord dead Iood and 5 .0 psi boItomc hord dead load,100 m i rrom hulricane DCeanlioo ,on an occupancy category II.condition I enclo6ed bu ilding,01d im enr.lons 100"by 100"wilh exposure C ASC£7-51 3 pet U 6C/ANS195lf end -rticals or ce ntll lW<lor&exis t.t hey a re exposed to wi nd .If porch"exis/,ttley a'e nat exposed l owi nd.The l umber DOL l rK:reaS6 ir.1.33,a nd the phi l o grtp l nc ..........,.33 3)Provide lldequal ..d fllinage 10 pl"eveot Willer pondIng , 4)Al l plates are M20 pla tes un lM.6 otherwise ind icated. 5)This h un hw:1I bee n dKigned l or a10.0 psi bottom c hord live load I>OllCQflCllrren l wi lh any othllr l ive loads pe r T able No .16-8. UBC-9-4 . 6)Provide meo:Jlllnical conf}El(:lion ~ot hers)of truss to bearing plalll capable of wilhstunding 486lb u plift at joint J and 486 lb upllflat Joinl F . 7)Th,s lruss lips been de8ig ned with ANSlfT PI 1·1995 erHariQ . LOAD CASElS)Standard 1)R egular:Lum ber Incrll888'"1.00,P1at"lncrll_'.00 Uniform Loads (pII) Vert:A·a-·180.0,B-C--180.0.C-rF--180.0.D-E--180.0,1-J"-92.9,H-Ia -92g ,G-H-·92.9,F-G··92,11 Job rae .-GAS TRJSlil Typo DROP GAB (2X 6)• T ruslab ln~_.NewClI..tle ,CO,81641 6-11-0 6-11-0 4x6 ; 4D-32 "F "b18 1999 MiTftk Indu ilirier;,Inc .Wild J ul '9 09:06:16 2000 P age 1 13-10-0 6-11-0 6 .00 112 1.5x4 11 T B 1.5x4 11 D 1.5 x4 II •1 .5 x4 11 F G 1.5.>:4 11 1.5.>:4 II 1 .5.>:4 11 13-10-0 1.5:>:4 II 1.5.>:4 II ~----------'1 3 ;1O-;no--------- LOADING (p$1) rcu,&0.0 TCOL 10.0 BCU 0,0 BCOl.10,0 SPACING '4<)COl OEF L '0)(Ioc)",.n PLATES .~P PIaI_Incr"a se '.00 T C 0.73 V"rt (ll)".".M20 1691123 Lumber lncreeee 1.00 Be 0 .50 V"rt(TL)""".Rep Streu Ina NO WB 0 .55 HofZ(TL)0.00 "......UBClANSI9S (MiIbix)1s1le LLMin lId811 a 2<10 Weight :40Ib LUMBER T OPCHORD2 X 4 SP F-5 2 10llf'1 .SE BOT CHOflD Z X 4 SP F-5 2 100f 1.8E OTHERS2X 4 SPF-5 210llf''.DE BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 1().{).()on center p url i n &paCing. BOT CHORD Rigid oo iling directly applied Of G-O.Q on center broolng . REA CTIONS (Ib1sile ).,1:147&'10-1-0,K:0695I10-1-O .l=1095110-1-O ,1=695110-1-0,H=1095110-1-O Max Hol'l La-665(1000caM 1),H-665(load ca sa l) Max Uplifl.F.1(load eliae 5),K"'·175 (1oQ d W~4),L··l86(1wd case 5),1-115(\Q1od <;1158 3),.....l 86 (1 e-l case Sl Max GrafL"1417(1ood case 6),1"'695(100d CllS(I 1),H-"1417(load case 7} FORCES (lb).F~L08d esse Only TOP CHORD A-B-952 .B-C-885.C-O-R!llI ,D-E"R!llI,E-f-SS5.F-G-952 BOT CHORD A-L--665,K-looO.J.KooO ,hi.."H4&O,G-H=-665weeeD-J--13S9,C-K--689 ,B-L -..a71.e"'-689.F-H-..a71 NO m 1)T his truss has been checll ed for unbelanoed l oodiog co nditions. 2)T his tru n has t-n dM.igNld for l he wi nd loads Illlllefeled by 85 mph winds at 2S ft aboYe ground level ,u5ing 5 .0 pl5110pc hon!dead !oed and5 ,0 podbottom chord dMd load ,100 mllrom hurric8nt1 OOtIlHlIiIHll ,on an occupllnCY cal9l/O!y U,cooddion I enclooed bui lding ,of dimensions 100 It by 100 ft wi th expolIure C ASce 7-93 per UBClANSI95 II end vertiCll~or OQnt jl_~e:ds l ,they are exposed 10 wi nd.If porches exiSl..they era not exposed to wind .The lumber DOlioorll8S1l is 1.33,and the plat e grip lncreese is 1.33 3)For studa expooed Iowiod,&tie Mi Tek "SllIndard Ga ble E nd OooI "i; 4)Non $l andard bearingcondition.Review rBquired . 5)All plain are M20 pl ate6 unlomi otberwtse Indioaled . 6)GablB sues spaceda12-o-<l on oonter , 7)Th is truss has been dM.igned for II 10 .0 pal boItom c hord liVllIoad renecrecnent wit h IIny othllf live 1.-1..par Table No.16-8, UBC ·94. 8)Provide mecha nica l connection (by oIhen;)of l fU6S 10 bearing plate capable of wUh,landing 7Ib uplift at )oi nt J ,175 1b uplift at join l K ,18e Ib uplifl atjolnt L ,175 Ib uplift li t joint I and 186lb uplifl al joinl H , 9)Th is truss hllll been des igned with ANSIITPl 1·1995 criteria. L OAD CASE(S )Standa rd Job 1 111$$T russ Type ""p. rses E COlVMON ,1 TRnlfllb Inc.,N_Clllll~.CO.81647 4 ,0-32 s FAt>181999 MTek 1nd1ld'iM.,lnc.Wed J ul 19 09:06:18 2000 P8(Ift 1 I 6-11-0 I 13-10-0 I 6-11-0 6-11 -0 5x6= 6 .00 [12 C I """"1~""""0 .~ W2 '!9 E /'<,i~ t ~3 x4 ;;;G 3 x4 = 1.5x4 II 4x12 =1.5x 4 II ,1 3-10-0 , 13-10-0 , LOADIHQ (JW)SP ACING 2.().Q COl om (i n)COo''do 'I"LATES G RIP TCLl ,0.0 PlIlI"ircreeee 1.00 TO 0.32 V{W{(lL)".02 A '999 M2 0 16911 23 TC OI.10.0 Lumber IllCreaw 1.00 6C 0.15 VM1(TL)".03 FoG >999 BeLL 0.0 Rep Slrs8Ii lllOf YES WS 0.69 Horz(Tl.)".00 F ,," 6CDl.10.0 ceee UBCIANSI95 1stLC U.,"'lin IIdef1-240 Weigh!:see LUMBER BRA CING TOPCHORD 2 X 6SP f-S 1650F 1 .SE TOPCHORD Shoothod or 6-0-0on oonter pur1in lIpllC ing . BOTCHORD 2X4SPF-S2100F 1.BE BO T CHOR D Rigid ceiling difectly applied or 6-0-0 on centllll'bfa Clng . WEBS 2X '"V'NJ S lud REACTIONS (Il>'slze)H-1J64m.5-8,F-13541O-5-8 Malt HorzH--160(l0lld ClIM 3) Max UpliflH"·246(1ood COII8 5),F"-246(load ClIse5) FORCE8 (Ib)-First Lwd cese Only TOP CHORD A-5=3S2 .B-C--604 ,C-Dz-604,D-E"382 BOT CHORDA-H"-328,G-H--328,F-G--328.E·F··328 W EBS B-H-.1286.6-G=893,CGa.326,D-G:S93.D-F••1286 HOT ES 1)T his t russ has t-n clMK:ked 101 un balanced Io8d ing oondltion... 2)Tllis I ruR h9lI bean del>igned lo r lho:1 wind kwitd$ge~""by 85 mph winds a125 n above g ro und "'WlI ,using 5.0 pilI l op chord dead Iood and 5 ,0 pl'f bo11om ch ord dood load .100 ml f,om hurricane oeeenli ne .OIl an oe<:up31lCY eat~.,eond;11011 1enc:looed bUilding ,01 dimllrlSions 100 It by 100 It wilh exposure C ASCf 1-93 pe< UBC/ANSI95 r llnd Wlrticllis Of ca nlilllWllllllxlKl ,they alll expoSlld 10wind .If poreh8s ",xisI,tlley a re noll'lXpOaed to wind .T il",Il,Imbflr DOL i ncre;o llC is 1.33,and the plll ie gri p increase "1.33 3)Al l plaIn are M20 pla tes unleq otherwi6e indicated . ")T llis lrus&li as t-I desIgned forII 10 .0 ~bollom chord IIWllo8d nonconcurrenl wi lh Hny olllElf l ive loQds per Table No .16-8 .U6C.&4 . 5)Provide mechanical conooctlon (by olhel1l)oI1fvu 10 bearing p ~te capable of wilhsl anding 246Ib uplift al joint H and246 l b uplift aljo int F . 6)Thit.truss has been ~lgned wilh ANSIfTPl1 -1995 cmoria . L OAD CASE(S)Swnd;ooi 3 <4.0-32.h b '8 ,pgg MiT_ • • T ~.. GIRDER T ~ EI TlWt8b Inc.•NewOnlle.co .8 1647 7369 6-1 1·0 1 1-11-8 6-11 -0 5-0-8 ...11 6 .00(12 c 4x8 .o;:::. '3x6 11 G 10l10 = 11-11 -8 F 1Ox1 0 = 1Ox10= o w 11-11·8....0-.."..G <»O """,..,.(po/)S PACING ,..."'"D£A.",""'"'""'"PLAT ES GR>' TCU eo.PW_n::.-..•.00 Te .20 V......,.....F .""M20 ...,,, TeCl.10,0 ...--'.00 Be '.50 V"'(T1.)".ll5 F .... IlCU.••Rep SIf_Incl'NO W8 ."'-(Tl,•.00 E "'"BCCl 100 CoOo UBC/ANSI9S lI1 LC LLMIn~.2.e!WelghI:2OlI1b W MII£II: TOPCHORO 2X 6 SPF -5 1650F 1.5E 9OTCHORD 2 XI SPF-5 1950F 1.5E WEBS 2 X "SPF-5 2 10CF ll1E "£*-Pf' W 4 2X6 SPF-8 16SOF '.SE,WIZ X 4WW Stud REACTIONS (Ib/$ite)E~.H-64mO·5-I "'-HIm H-1&4{loMl_4)r.-UpllftE-U5O(Ioed cu.~.Ha-1012(b;od ca50 5) FORCES (lb).Fhl Load Caae Only TOP CHOR D A-B-4215,8-<>-3104,e-o-·7720.o.E:-.s6a7 eaT CHORD A-H--378,G-H ..-378.F-G-6239,E.F-o WEBS B#o·6419,e.G-Ja18,C·F-2S50.B-G.7 ~,D-F..7136 .....e... TOP D10RD Sheetlled or 6-Cl-O on oenIef pullin~.~end~. BOT Q10RD RIgid .....~ng dinoclty 'ppllIld or &-0-0 on O8/IMr braclng .E~: 10-0.0 on c:enter bo'KOny;F4 . NOTEO 1):J.ply l run t o be cONl8C1 ed l oget!lIIr wit h O.13 1"x3"Na ils as.follows:T op chord&COI'Ifl"ICl&<!wit h 2 row(s)li t (l.9-O OIl cenl •.Bol1om cOOrd.conllllC1 _WIth 1 mw (.)III 0-9-0 on cent.".W ehr.oonnected lIII folll:lrlw:2 X ..-,row<sj III o-g..oon cenl"',2 X 8.21'0"'1(&)at 0-9-0 on cenler. 2)Special oorw>edlon MolulMd kl d1strlbulll boltom cmnIloads equg.1tt ~n d pl_. 3)TNa l ruC&I\aI;been check8d for unbalanced loading condi1looI.. 4)T'"lnm ..been designed for the wind "-'-ge,..ed by 8 S mph wnl..81 25 II abow ground 1ewII,Ul.ing 5.0 p5f I(Ip ohord deed load and 5 .0 podboItom chord .-.:lload.100 mi lJgm huJTil:8ne OWWl ft.on an oocupllnl:y l:lItevorY II,oondltlon I IIII'dosed buIllIng.d d irrMln&lons 100II by 100IIwilli apowre C ASCE 7·93 per UBClANSt95 II end -**ts Of calnI___ ..md.ltWy'_sxposed Ia wnl.II porc~uist.they aI1l nat expoud Iowind .Thllumber 00l..ina_Is 1.33.and 1he piI;I"~p~k1.33 5)Exoepl.5IlOMl below.sped;II c:onn-=:lionls)f«Iloftd 10 w.opport &OnOenI1lI1ed lolId(.l.Ousign d c:onfl~bools)'"delegllted 10 It>ebuIcling~. 8)AI plain ••W20 pliIl_1dfta ~Indk:ated. 7)Th...Ir ......t-n dvl;igned flit ..10 .0 p5f bollom etlOfd he load notll:OflC:U'Ienll'III!h....,01'-he k»d$per r.,.No.16-8. L<lC-OO . 8}~~lXlI'io1WlCbDn (byatt-a)d tn-.10t-ring pBIfl cap8t*l 01 ~nding 1250 Ib upill at)oft E and 10121b .ifl"Pnl H 8)This.,....t-n de$igfIed wilh ANSVTPI1 -1896 tderie. LOAD CASE(SI Slandard 1)Regular:Lumber 1rKna:se-1.00,~e __1.00 Unilotm l.oad$(plf) VIIl1 :....8-.180.0 .B-C-1!O.o.e-o--180 .0 ..........20 .0,~2 0 .0.F -G-.1488 .7.E-F--1488.7 Coocentraled Loed..(lb) Vurt 13:-4319 , •, •Job T~TllI1Io s Type Cly PI, "'"ea GIRDER 2 3 TruGfab Inc.,New Casl\e ,co,8 1641 4 .O:-a:2SFllb 18 1999MITet:Induslriltll,Inc.W <IdJ u l19 00 :06:23 2000 Pag..' I 5-0-8 I 10-1-0 I 5-0-8 5-0-8 5.8 II 6.00[12 B j -~.\~S1 "l~I I 0 ~I 1FE lOx10 =1Ox10= ,10-1-0 ,10 -1-0 P lale Olfl"oIs ,~<>9-3 C,.0-9-3 :0-5-0 G-6-12 :O-~0-6-1 LOADING (pGI)SPAC ING '4<)0$1 DEFL 00)000)"oll PLATES GRIP Tell "'0 Plat811 lncreBS8 1,00 TC 0 .24 Vert(LL)-0 ,05 F -sss M20 197/'44 TCOl.10.0 Lumber Incr6lI5e 1.00 Be 0,"Vvrt(Tl)-0 ,06 F .... BeLL 0,0 Rep StrOO8InGr NO W'0040 Hon(Tl )0 ,00 0 ",eeoc 10.0 Cod.UBClANSI95 151lC U Min Udell_2.010 Weight Hl51b LUMBER BAACING TOPCHORD 2X6SPF-8 1650F r.ee TQPCHORO Sht"olhlld l>Ill-lJoO on cent ....pu rlin speclng,B.CepI end W1rtlcalll. BOTCHORD2 XllSPF-S l G50F r.ee 6O TCHORO R igid ceiling directly lipplied or 6.Q.Oon Cf.!f1 ICf brvci"ll . WEBS 2 X "S PF-S 2100F 1.ee REACTIONS (l bh;ize)G-l0604~S.9 (input:D-5-8 ),Da9778/G.S.8 Max HorzG--l89(IQlld _3) Max UpliftG-·l490(loIIId eD5fI 5),D--1388(1oad cue 5} FORCES (Ib).Fi rs'Load cese Only TOP C HORD A.s-l0691,B-C-..s475,C-o--8881,A-G--7709 BOT CHORD F-G-O,E-F-1919 .O-E -O WEBS B-Fa6312.6-£-2132 .C-E-6758,A-F-9883 NOTE S 1)3-ply l russ 10 be conneded toge1hef with 0 ,131"x3'"NlIils 85101kms:Top charn c onnec1ed wilh 2 row<s)vi 0-9-C on ctmlUf .6oItom chords connected with 1 row(s)al 0-9-0 011 centUf .Webs connected a slolllJ'<W:2 X "·1 row("lI)at 0-9-0 Of!center. 2)Special connoo1ion I lIquired to d isl li bula bottom cOOn:lloodG oq ually bolwoon all pliK. 3)T his tru ss ha s been eMck.ed f or unba lanced loading conditiOflli. 4)T his Iruss ha lS been designed ror tha wi nd loads gall8fated by85mph wiooslll 25 fi abovv gloooo IINII I.ur.ing 5.0 ~lop chord dlrad IolId and5.0 pst boIlom cho rd dItiId load ,100 mI f rom hu rricane oceanlmll,onan oocupllrlC'l category II.condition I enclosed building.0(dlmen6ioo&100 II tr)'100 II 'MI h expowre C ASCE 7-93 per U BClANSI95 If llnd ..-er1icalsor ca nl l l8WIrB eml.!hey ar lllllCflO6lld 10 wind .tr porchell exilIl,tIley are not exposed 10WInd,T he l umtlef DOL Inclaa....1111 .33.and the pial .. grip increase 15 1 .33 5)Except B$sh/:JoYn below,special connection(s)reqused 10 euppcn concentrated Iood(6).Design of oon nectlon(6)Is daltlgaled 10 ItMl bu ilding lMiillflllr . 6)All plales are M20 pla lllB unlftBs othelW\811lndlcaled. 7)Th l$lru8$has been de signed rOf II 10.0 psI boIlom ctloro live load noncoeoarrent with any other live load!;per Table No .16·B, UBC-94 , 8)W ARNING;Requ ired bea ring BlZiI al joInt{s)G g real a rthan i nput bva ring lI i.zll. 9)P rrwide m echanical connection (tr)'othool )oftru$$10 bea ring plete capable 01 wlthlltanding 1490 IbupUfIIIIjol nlGand 1388 Ib uplift at joi nl D . 10)This truss has been designed wit h ANSIfTPl1·t!W5 crit aria. LOAD CASE(S)S1andald 1)Regular;Lu mber IfIl;Il)8se-1 .oo .P lal e Iner_1 .00 Uniform Loads (pIQ Vert A-e-·180 .0,8-C-180 .0,F.Q:.1"88 .7,E-F ~·1488.7 ,o-e--1.88.7 Concentrated Loa d'(I b) Varl:F --4319 oi -os:iobf 819 am. •• -~--~-----_.-_. tns pecuen Roquest Repo rting .VAlL,CO .".IOllll N..OE ..t« ";" t:ztoCj~te<)ti'l,:pec.t nete.Ihursday,J uly 00.':::001 wsoecuen ArN:CO Sit?Ad::lres:&:2471 GAR MlSH OR VAIL '}417 GARMISH OR (DUPLEXI NDU1' VN ~jQ.-984-21'9€ steurs:ANAJ.. If'ISp AT":cn ee-oc .,. 97{)'964·2~-of-9"'~1S­ 0'31 CI!ft &f GGecOF{C S-/~/O !--/---.. REPT1.1'K'tID lei 75'2. U4·1,)2~~WI 9 )4 9ft) •• lns peet on ~equ""t R"portii"Kj Page 1 .VAlL CO·TOW N..lJF.._ f("",...vee I:f:..j Ir:'ip€-Ct O-)k' A;jgIWl~d To JntPE-CUon l ~pe: \ns~tclfI Area: ;I(~Adti tli'~ lV~:8~F.CIioceopencv :'1031141 3,.1)13 TOWr:Of INl TO'fiN OF VAIL ;Jp.MAl l TEN.t..NCE 11'$11.1I1~r.-cl If h"..,t 10.1111'-'1 ~lMl',j 1,1lnllllill'r, fiUf)Ty;>e 'NOl)P U~ • '- ee.oo A M Ge IY~ FRONT l< ••• \,.~.._-20(1' '1 tA ~m lnsntj(.1~on Reqltc t PeporLhtg Will,CO rOW tHlf R"'QUt:S:~j :..pe-;tLl,~.•"l'd.\ly \pnllJ2:ll ~ Ulgfl'?(J To:.DAVIS ..o.:.Ucn I ype.PU I 1.PtlCtiun Pu'(}ij,J ~,:e ."'1 'Utlilo.5.;'.f._G'&K'UISH Of;,\I • s vAR ISH Nf\FPH iRA OUPLFX, ""'"P<>-00 TW "'I."'"'"::'Yp4 C'l S1a~'S "W \J l;m1'""-,In<.pA18:,Pahe Z1o.1~141.0 ~N:!JIM Pl.JO v ~E "'"9 n 0:l""'9 TCWVl.C"F '.J AA QWno.CfiTH TRa.a "'"JS.: 1b1Kb:HOG pt,,.HE,lln -..Q"44..~5...-=o ;C~...PO.r.FQf OlJPlE ,,'. " r 1.3 • 514 ••• roS ",,-U-1 adl,_cportl~9 "'tl OF ~t!s':-(j "3P r 0 ,' Iflt ,;;r y 'e""•"",,1 4..1'~•.. • • GA.R!\IISH OR VAtl GAA j ~01 •GRh TR !t 1t\.. ",.f VPf.,.-_I e. ,",ttll .O.'YI1'e1 L·wlO!"'i' ontmcto: D Cliytkln 'ltHl'~130~: ·/>1\0 II HI"F'•~~.t,TlJOIf'IL TOWN f)f VAil. P,/J.f-iTAlN t V'r HOAl'J./'i":-Ll'Aif.11(;.~HI::Tlf.'r IN' -"";"V"lNlil<'q "u-... ,.1">01' Sttt ,. to::p-Area I I 'f."Den :'f1.pt PAHTl.I,L It.,SPEC1lUt'~ II n. rt"'~t~ onl~ 1\.9l'"K11- """'" '(@quealf!(J T.m.: PI> E ..1 E! U8:00 AN t,.y 904-tiL59 fRONT K Jr"j'r1~1 R.ur Icj 514 •• Inspectlon R<qu.st R"portlng IIAlL.CO •TOWN F c ...~~_r~ 1'c""", 'T~' ,,",col 0. "iJl.~ ;:a t .Ipmn -, fofeqtle ...." (I'lmll'1IIInb """"TO,"""" R.UEo !E-,ms DatE' .4.1 ,,;n J \,,; ln$~!P.,vpe. I h.pe.<;,;Of Ol" t.M £..S \" Of,tJ Apf1!2.1(· ~\/1... "i.cCt' .;1 G''41 H L 'V...,L ..,G ...,.,I~IDr O"'Q.~·~41e eo"'().9045-~.118 S\Dtl .It ::-lo'f"[.l """'P ,#oJM'e d.51. •• BYLAWS OF NORTH TRAIL TOWN HOMESHOMEOWNERS'ASSOCIA TION,I NC. ARTICLE I NAME AND LOCATION The nameofthecorporation isNorthTrail TO\\l1 Homes Homeowners"Association.Inc., hereina fter referred to a s the "Association."Theprincipal o ffice of the corporatio n s hall be loca ted a t 75 South f rontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 8 1657,butme etings of members andtheE xecut ive Board may be h eldat s uch place s within theState of Col orado asma y be des ignated by the ExecutiveBoard. ARTICLE II DEFIl\ITI0NS Th e d efinitionsset forthinthe Decla ration for No rthTra il Homeowners'Association,Inc . recorded at Recepti on Numbe r7 53706the 4 th d ay o fApril .200l ofthe Eagle County Clerkand Recorder's re cordss halla pply to theseBylaws. ARTICLEIII MEETJ~G OFMEMBERS Section 1.Annu al Meetings.Thefir st annualmeet ingso f the members shallbeheldo n o r before one y ear follo wingthe recordation o fthe Declarationa t at imeandp lace to be de signated by theini tial Board .Thereafter.annualmeet ingso fthe members shall be held on the I Sl da y of Ju ne of each fiscalyear .Except ing for Saturdays and Sundays.if th e d ay fo r thean nual mee ting of the members is alegalholi day,the meeting w ill be held a t thes ame hou r on the firstdayfo llowing wh ich is not a lega l h oliday. Sec tion 2 .Specia l Meet ings.Speci al meeti ng s of the members may be ca lled at an y time by thepre sident o r by a majority of theBoard,o rupon wri nen request of members whoare entitled tovo te 1/6 1h (3)of all o fthe VO les of members . Se ction 3.Notice of Meetings .Written notice of each m eeting of the members s hall begivenby ,o r a t the d i rection of,the secretary or persona uthorized to call the meeting ,by mailing aco py of s uchn otice,post age prepaid,at least ten (10)da ys before ,butn otgre aterth an fifty (50) d aysbefo re ,s u c h mee tingtoeach m emberen titled tovo te thereat,ad dressedto thememb er 's ad dre ss last appearing o n the books of the Association .o r supplied by su ch m emberto the Association fo r thepurpo se of no tice .Such no tice s hall specify the place,day and h ou r of the meet ing,anditemsinthea genda.• •• S ection4 .Quorum .Thepre sence at them eet ing of amajori ty of membersshall co nstituteaquorum foranyaction exceptas otherwise provided in theArticles of Incorporation,the Decl ara tion,orthe se Bylaws .If,howev er,s uch quo rum shallnot be presento r representeda t any meeting ,the members entitledtovote thereat sha ll havepowe r to adjournthemee tingfromtime to time.wit hout notic e othe r thanannouncement a tth e meeting.unti l aquo rum asa foresaid shall be pre sent o r berepresented. proxy. Section5.Proxies.Ata llmeetingso f members,eachmembermayvoteinpersonor by ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE BOARD;SELECTION;TERMOF OFFICE Sectio n 1.Number.The affairs of the Associa tion sha ll be ma naged by anExecu tive Board (Board)o f thre e(3)per sons who.excep rforthe init ialB oa rd na med in theArticles of Incorporat io n.an dexcep t for those Boar d memberscho sen by Declarantpursuant t o the Decla ration.sha ll be elected by themembers of theAssociation Se ctio n 2.Term o fOffice .S ubject to therights of Dec1arant to select the Boa rd pursuant to the Declarat ion.atthefirstannu al meeting.the members shall electtwoBoard members foratermo f two years andone Boardmembe r fo r a t erm of three years.Each m ember mayvoteforrwopeo pleforthe te rm o f two years and o nepersonferthe term of thr ee years .At the ex piration of suc hterm s,the membe rsshall e lectreplacementmemb ersfo r new termso fthe same length. Sec tion 3.Re mova l.Except forBoard me mbers a p pointed byDecl arant,the members of the Bo ardm ayberemovedfrom theBoard.with or without cau se,by a2/3 majority vote o f theme mbers .Inthe event o fdeath .resignat iono r rem oval of aBoard member,his or her successor shal l be selectedby therem aining mem berso fthe Board and shall se rvefor the unexpired term of his o rherpredecess or . Section4 .Compensation.No Board m ember sha llrec eive comp ensatio n fora ny service rendered to tb e A ssoci ation.Howeve r.anyBoard member may be reimbursed for actual expensesincurred in th epe rformance o fhis o rher dut ies . S ection 5.Action TakenWi thout a Meeting.Th eB oardshall hav etherighttotake any actionin the ab senceo f a meetin g which they co u ld takea t ameeting by ob ta ining the written a pproval of allm embers of th e Boa rd.Anyaction soapp roved shall have the sa me e ffect astho ugh taken ata m eeting of th e Board . 1111111111111111 111111 ::~;~~::::3 43P R 4 0 .01'o 0 .00 • ARTICLEV MEETINGS OFTHE BOARD • S ec t ion I .Re gular Mee ting s.R egular me etingso f theBo ardshall be he ldnot less frequentlythanannuallywithout notice.following theannual meeting of members,attheplaceof theannual meeting ofmembers. Sec tion2.Special Meeti ngs .Special meet ings of the Boardshall be held when called by the presiden t of the Association,or by anytwo Board members.afternot less th anthree (3)days' notice toeach Boardmember. Section3.Quorum.Am ajority of thenumb ero f the Board m embersshallconstitutea quo rumfo r thetransaction of business.Every a ctor de cision d oneorm ade by a maj ority o fthe Boa rd membe rspr esent at adu ly held meeting a twh ich aq uorum is present shall be reg ardedastbe act of the Board. Section 4 .Attendance.Allregular a nds pecialm eetings of the Boardshall be opento attendance byanymember o r hiso r he rrep resentative,exce ptthattheBoa rd mayre strict attendance to d iscuss ma ttersset forth in s ection 38 -33 .3·308(4)(a)through (e),C.R.S. ARTICLEVI POWERS AND DUTIESOFTHE BOARD Section 1.Powers.Th e Boa rd shallha ve all powers,pri vilegesa nd duties.an d perfo rm all of the obligatio ns.asare described inth e Declaration.andasset forthintheCo lorado Co mmon In terest Ownership Act,Sectio ns 38 -33.3 -101,ct seq.,C .R.S. Sectio n2 .Dutie s.Th e Boardsha ll pe rform all d utiesassh allbede scribed inthe Declaration.andundertak e allreasonable and necessary a ctions to performsuchdu ties . Section 3.Management o fFund s.IftheA ssociation del ega tes powers of the Board or o fficersrelating to co llection.de posit.tran sfer o rd isbursemento fAssociation fund s too ther personso rtoa managingagent,then thefollowing requirements shalla pply: a.Th at th e oth er perso n o r ma naging ag entm aintainfideli ty ins urancec overageor a bon dinan a mountnotless than Fi ftyThous and Dollars ($50,000.00)o r such higher amoun t asthe Board mayrequire ; b.That the o th erper son or manag ing agent ma intain allfun d sand accounts of the Asso ciation separatefromthefund s andac c ounts o f other associ a tionsmanage d by the o therpe rson ormanagingagen t andma intain allreserv ea ccounts o feachasso ciation so managedseparate from opera tional ac counts of the Asso ciation;an d • ""////"/"II/III/"::~;~~~;::3 '3.Sa r a J FlI"."£,.,,1.,CO 79 R 40 .0e 0 1'.00 •• c .Th at an annu al accountingfor A ssociationfundsand a financial s tat emen t be p repared and pres entedto theAsso ciation by theman aging a gent,apubl ic ac countant ora cenified public acc ountant. ARTICLE VII OF FICERS AND THEIRD UTIES S ection 1.Enumeratio n of Officers.The offi ce rs o f this As sociati on shallbea pre sident,vice -president,sec retary.and treasurer ,andsu ch ot her offi cers a s theBoardmay from time to timebyr eso lutio n create.. Se ction 2 . meet ing of theBoard E lec tiono fOffi cers .The ele ctiono f officersshall takepla ce at thefi rst fo llowing ea ch annual meeting o fthe members. S ection 3 .Term.The o fficers of thi s Associatio n s h allbeel ected annually by the B oard and each sh all h old o fficeforone (I)ye ar un less he o r she s hall soo ner resign,o r s ha llbe removed ,or o therw ised isqua lified toserv e. Se ction 4 .Spe cia l Appo intmen ts.Th e Board ma y elec t s uc h o ther officers as theaffairs of the As sociation ma y require,each of whoms ha llho ld office fo r such period,ha ve su ch au thority , a nd pe rfo rm such duties astheBoa rd ma y,from ti meto time,determine. Section 5.Re signation a nd Remova l.An y o fficerma y be removed fr om officew ith or without cause by the Board .A ny officer mayres ign at an y tim e by givin g written not ice tothe Board ,th epre sident o r t he secretary .Suchresi gnation sh a ll take effect onthe d ate of receipt of such no tice o r at any later t im e s pecifiedther ein,an d un less otherwise s pecifiedtherein,the acce ptance o f s uc hresign a tio ns hall not be necessaryto ma ke it effective . Section6 .Vacancies.A v acancy in an yo ffice may be fi lledby appointment by the Board.The o fficer appo inted to such vacancy sha ll servefo r ther emai nder o fthetermo f the office r heor she replaces. Sectio n 7 .Multipl e Offices.The o ffices of secretaryandtrea s urer m aybeheld by the s ame p er son .No p erson sha ll si mu ltaneous lyholdmo re than o ne of any o fthe other office s exce pt in the case of sp e cia l offic es created pu rsuantt o Section4o fthis A rticle . Section 8 .Duties.The dutie so ftheo fficers areas follows: a.P resi dent.Th e pre sident sha ll see th at theo rd ers andresol utio ns of theBo ardare carried out;sh a ll s igna ll legal a nd o ther w ritten ins trum ents an d s ha ll co-signall checks and p rom iss o ry no te s.Th epre sident sha ll al so execute.certify an d record amendmentstothe Declaration on b e halfo f theA ssociation. 754 346 1111111111111111 111111 ::~;;,;,:::,4 " Sara J ,,"!she ,.Eilg l_,CO R 4 0.0 0 00 .00 •• b .V ice-president.T he vice -pres ide nt shallactintheplacea nd s t ead o fthepresident in the event o fh is o rhe r ab s ence.inab ility o r refusa l toac t,andsha ll e xerc ise an d di sc harge s uch o therd uties asm ay be requi red of h imorher by the Board .. c .Secre tary .The s ecretaryshallrecor dthe vote s and ke ep them inutes of allmeeti ngs an d proc eeding s o f the Boar d and of the members ;kee p theco rporate s ea l of t he Associatio n an d affix it on a ll p apers requ iringsaid seal ;serve notice of themeeti ngs o ftheBo ard and a fthe membe rs;keep app ropriate cu rrent records showing them emberso f theAs sociation together wi th thei r add resse s,andin general.shallpe rform alldut iesincident to th e office of s ecretary . d.Treasurer .The tre asurersh all receiveand deposi t in a ppr opriatebankacco unts all mon ies of theAs sociation and s halld isburse suchfundsasdirectedb yre solu tion of the B oard; s hall s ign all checks andpro mis sory notes o f the Associat ion ,provided the Board may au thorize 3 manager to s ignc heck s upto S5 oo .00;keepthe financial book s an dr ecor ds of account;an d shall prepa re an annua l budgetanda s tatement of incomeandex penditures to be pr esentedtothe membership at its regular annualmeeting ,and deliv er a copy of eac h to them embers. ARTICLE VIII COMM ITTEE S The Boa rdmaya ppoi nt such commi ttees as it dee ms necessary or app ro priate in carrying o u t its powe r s an dd uties und er theDeclaration.provided that.whe n so d el egate d.theBoard s h a ll no t be relieved of its respons ibilitiespurs uantto the De c laration . ARTICLE IX BOOKSANDRECORDS T h e b ook s.r ecord s andp aperso f theAssociation s h a ll a talltime s,duringreas onab le b u s ine ss h ours,be s ubject to in spection byany member.Th e Declaration.the Art icles of Inc orporatio n a nd the By laws o f theAssociation s ha ll be a va ilableforinspection byanyme mber a t th e prin cipaloffi ce o f th e Ass ociati on,whe recopie s m ay be pu r chase datr eas onab le c ost. ARTICLEXI CORPORATE SEAL TheA ssoci ations hallha vea se a l in circ u lar formhav ing wit hin its circu m ference the words"NORTH TRAIL TOWN HOMES HOMEOWNERS'ASSOCIATI ON,INC." 754346 11111111111111 111 1111 II :::;~/~':::3 '''' R 40 .00 D 0 .le • ARTICLEXII AM ENDMENTS • Section I .T he se By lawsma y beame nded by aunanimous vote of the membe rs pre sent at a reg ular o r s pecia l me etingo f mem be rs a tw hichaqu orum of me mber s ispr esen tinper sonor by p roxy;p rovidedthat,atalltimes,the B ylaws m eetth e requ ir ements of Sect ion 38 -33.3 -30 6(1), C R .S.,o r th e Dec laration. S ection 2.In t he caseo f anyconflictbe tween the Articl es of Incorporationa nd these Bylaws,theArti cles s ha ll control;and inthe case of anyco nflict be tweentheDeclaration and these Byl aws,the Declarationsha ll control. AR TICLE XIII INDEM NIFICATION O FOFF TCER S A ND DIR ECT OR S Sectio n1.Pu rsuan tto Sect ion i -40-1 04,eR.S.,the c orpo ratio n shall indemnify its offi cers,d irectors,e mp loyeesa nd age nts who ar e threa tenedtobemade ,oraremade,a party toany action.suit o r pro ceed ing,whether criminal,c ivil,a dmin istrative o rinvestigative arisingo ut of suc h person se rvingat th e reques t ofthecorporation asd irector,o ffice r,employeeoragent to th efull est ex tent a nd su bject (0 th equalifications and req uirementso f Art icle 109o fTi tle 7,C.R.S.,i ncluding thea dvance of e xpe nses. Sec tio n 2 .An y indemn ifica t ion pe rm itted h ereunder,i ncluding the adva nce of ex penses,sh all be ma deuponthe d etermination that su ch directo r ,o fficer,emp loyee or agen t has m et the applicable st andard o f conduct se t forthinS ection 7 -1 09 -102,C.R.S.Su ch determinat ion sha ll be m ade,i n clud i ng the adva nce of ex penses,inac cordance w ith Section 7 -109-106,C.R.S . Se clion3.The Associat ion may purchase and maintai nin surance onbehalf of any per sonwho iso rwas ad irector,o fficer,empl oyee o r agent of th eAss ociationorwho is or wa s s erv ingatthe re ques t of theAs soc iation asad irector ,o fficer ,employeeo r agent o fanotber co rpora tion,p artnership,j ointventur e,trust or o therent erpri se a gainstany liab ility a sserted agains t h im orhe r a ndincurred byhimorh er in any suchcapa cityar ising out of the s tatus of s uch,whether o rnotthe co rporationwould ha ve thepowe r toindemnify h im or he r against s uch liab ilityu nder thep rovisions o f thi s Artic le XIII. AR TICLE XIV MI SCELLA NEOUS Th e fiscalyea r o f theAssociationsha ll begin o nthe fir st da y of January and end o n the last da y o f Decembero feachyear,except thatthefirs tfi scal year s hall begin o n thedate of incorpor ation . 1111111111111111 11111\;:~~~:;::3 '43P S ara J ;'!sl'Ier Eag le ,CO 79 R 4 0 .00 0 0 .1'0 ..•• ) )ss . ) I:"IVIT:-IESS W HEREOF ,we,beinga ll o fthemembers o f th eExecutive Board of 'he North TraiLToJVD Home s Homeowners'Association.Inc.,have hereunt osetourhands (his l2 't!' da v o f ~,,2 00 1. ~~Ni na Timm \\\1111 111111 ',.....,\\fo..\L TO w.'II ,..,........'\~it .L,"" $'~••••".""0'",...<:»°0 ".JI'_'~~.....-~~ F~[SEA L l (l>~ ~':.:::;~...o°t.J':::'1-0 °0 .0"l\:)'s"~.l"",'C'.-s ~......~·o ,,'";),' '111,/JYNERl5 \\\,.... 111111111 11\1'\ STATE OFCO LORADO Theforego inginstrumentwas acknowledged be fo re me thi sR£4..day of ~ 2001 ,by Robert W.McL aurin.R.Thomas Moorhead and Nina Timm as the M ember s of the Executive Boa rd o f the North Trail TO\\o't1 H omes Homeowner s'Associat ion,I nc . My com missio n ex pires:~..;',.;(e:J,t)~ W itness my han dand o fficialseal. /111111/111111 111 I11111 ::~~~~::::3 '''' R 40 .00 D ~.a1e • CE RTIF ICATION I,theunde rsigne d,do herebycert ify: • THAT I am th e duly elected and actingSecretary of the North Trai l Town Homes Hom eowners'Associati on,Inc.,aColorado non-profit co rpo ra tion,and, THA T theforegoi ngBylaws constitute the o rigi na~&yl aws of said Association,asduly adoptedata meetingof theBoardthereof,held on the J..Z2::-day of -----1I:F"iI ,200 1. ~~Secretary """"",""'/I"";~;~~~~:3 '3.520 ":;1 J Fu".r El gie ,CO 79 R 40 .1'0 0 0 .00 ••'OI Lt C MA STER DE ED RESTRICTION AGREEMENT F ORTH E O CCUPANCY AND RESALE OF NORTH TRAI L TOWN HOMES TilE MASTER DEED RE STRI CTION AGREEM ENT F OR THE OCCUPANCY AND SALfi.O F l"ORTH TRAIL TOWN HOM ES (the Agreemen t)is madeandent ered intothis ~dayof J.1",r..n .20..Q],by TheTownof V ail(the owner ofthe property a ndthe improve ment s)(herein after kn own a s th ede clara nt).for theben efit or thepart ie sa n denfo rceable by the T owno fVaiJ (herei nafter referred toa lso as the T own.) WIT N ESSETH: WH EREAS.Decl arant O'MlS the real property d escribed in Ex hibit Aa ttachedh ere to a nd inc orpora ted herein.For purposes o f theagre ement,th e real property andall dwellin gs, appu rtenan ces,improvementsandfixtures a ssoc iated therewith s hall hereina fter be referredto as the Property;and \VH EREAS ,D eclarant a grees to res trict the acquisitiono r transfe r of the Property to Qual ified Buyers ,asthatt enn is d efi nedinthisagree ment.Inaddition .thed ecl arant agrees that th is agreement shall constitut e aresa le agreem entse tti n gforth th emax imum sa lespric eforwh ich the propertymay be so ld (Maximum S alesPrice ),the a mount of a ppreciation andthe term s an d p rovisio nco ntro llingthe resaleo fthePr opertys houldDecl arant 's purcha s er d esi re tos c ll its interestinth e Propert ya t a nytim eafter the date of th is Agreement.Fin ally,b y thi s Agree ment, Declarant agree s to re strict th e propertyaga instu sea nd oc cu pancy inconsistent wi ththi s Agree ment. \\'HEREA S ,Qu alified Bu yers are natural pe rsons m eetin g th e requ irements s et forth by the Town o f Va il E m ployeeHousing G uidelines o rits subs titute ,as ado pted by the TO'o\l1 o fVa il,o r itss u ccessor,a ndin e ffect a t thetime of the cl osing of th esa lefromDecl arant to th eQu al ified B uyer ,an d wh omust represen t and agreep ursuant to th is Agreemen t to occupy theProperty as the ir so le p lac e of residence,not to engage ina n y bus ine ss a ctivityo n th eProp erty,o therthan that permi tted inthatzonedi s trictorby app licab le or d inance,an d notto s ell or ot herwise tran sfer th e Property fo r u se in a trade or bu siness. \VH ER EAS ,a n Owner is a perso n orpers on s wh ois /a re a Q ualified B uyer w ho acquiresan own ershipi nterest in [he P ropertyin co mplian ce with the t erm s a nd p rovisio nso fth is Agree ment;it be ingund erstoo d tha t s uc hperso n o r pe rsons s hall be d eemed anOwne r hereunder o n ly duri ng thep eriod o f h is,hero rtheirow ner shipint erest inth e Propert y a nd sh allbe ob ligated here und erforth e fulla ndcomplete pcrfonnanee andob servance o fa ll co vena nts, co n d itions a n dre strictionsco ntained h ere in d urin gs uch period. TQWIl o r Vail Nor lh T rail To ....n Home s Pa g~l o r l 8 M~sler Deed Restriclion 11111111 1111 1111 111111 :;~~:~:~~,27P 0::....J Fl •..,.,.Ellel_,CO 23 R 98 .08 D e .ee •• WH EREAS,a Unit isany of theunitsAthrough FwhichcomprisetheProperty. \V1I E REAS it is ant icipated that individual s s hall acquireanownership interes t i nthe propertyorunitinthe furore and will beconsidered owners.Ownersshall be obligated hereunderforthe fuJI andcomplete performanceandobservation of allcovenants,conditionsand restrictionsco ntainedherein. NOW,THEREFORE,for valuereceived ,thereceipt andsufficiency ofwh icb is hereby acknowledged,Declarant herebyrepresents,covenants and agrees asfollows: 1.Theuseandoccupancy of the Property shall henceforthbe limited excl usively toho using fO T natural persons whomeetthe definition o f Qualified Buyers an dtheir familie s . 2.An Ow ner ,in co nnection wit h the purchaseo fth is Pro p erty or Unit,m ust: a)Occupy anyUnit within this Propeny ashisor ber s oleplace of resi dence during the timethatsuch unitisowned; b)Not engage inany b usiness activity on or insuc h Un it,ot her than permitted in th at zonedistric t orbyappl icable ordi nance; c)Se ll oroth erwisetra nsfe r s uch Unit o nly in accordance w iththi s A greemen t an d the Town of Vail Employee HousingGui delines;and d)No t se ll oro therwise tran sfersuc h U ni t fo ruse in a trade or business;and e)Not permit any use o r oc cupa n cy of s uch Unit except in compliance wit h this Agreement. 3 .B reacho f A greement: a .Itshall be abreach of this Agreement for O\\11er todefa ult in payment or ot her obligations d ue or to b e performed u nd era p romisso rynotese curedb ya fi rstdee d o ftru s te ncumbering thePro peny or aUnit.Owner mu st notify the Town.in writing,of any notification received froma lender,o r its assigns,of past due payments ordefaultin paymento r ot her o bligations dueo r to be performedu nder ap romissorynotesecuredbya fir st deed o ftru st,as describe d herein,w ithin five ca lendar days of Owners no t ification fro m le nder.o r itsassi gns,or sai d d e faultor pastdue payments. TownorV.il North Tra il Town Homes Page 2 or18 M aSlC'T Deed Reslr octi on 11111111 1111 1111 111111 ;;~;~:~~::~~,270 c ..~...1 ~l.a-~h al •.co 23 R 91.'1 D e .ee •• b .Upon notification fro m Owner,as p rovide dabo ve.oro thernoticeo f suchd efault , theT own mayofferloan coun seling or di stressedloan servic es to theOwn er,i f any of these services are available.and isenti tled torequi re the Owner to s ellth e Property oraUnit to avo idthe commencement of an y fore closure proceeding against the Propertyo ra Unit.Inthee vent thattheT own d eterminest hat sa le of theProperty o r aUni t is n eces sary,Owner shallim mediately execute a standard ListingCo ntract o nformsapproved by the Co lorado Rea l Esta te Co mmission with theT own,providing for a 30-day listing perio d .At thi stime,the Own er sha lldepo sit w ith the To wn anam ount equ al too ne ha lfpe rcent (.5 %)o fthe es timated value o fth eUnit.If asa les contract h as no tb een e xecuted w ithin th e initial 30-day period .Owner sha llextend thelisting pe riod fo r an addi tional180 days,provideds uch extension does n otco nflict wi thth est atutoryri ghts of any secu red creditors.The Townsha llpr omptly advertise the Property for saleby competitivebidto Qu alified Bu yers.At th e time of cl osing,the O wner shallpa y tothe Town a n a dditional o ne a nd onehalfpe rcent (1.5%),fo r a ma ximumfeeo f two percent (2 %).Inthe event of alisting of thePropertypursuant to thi s Paragraph3 ,th e Town isentitledtore quire th e Ownerto acc eptth e high esto f any qualified bids which satisfies th e Owners financialo r o ther o bligationsdu e under the promissory n otesecured by a first d eed o ftrustanddeedo f trust i n favo r o f the Town.asdes cribedhe rein,and tose llth e Property tos uch q ualifiedb idder. c.Upon rece ipt o ftheirnoti ce a s providedinp aragraph s 3aan d 3b,D ecl arant s hall h ave theright,inso le di scretio n,to cure thede fault ora ny po rtionther eof.In suche vent,th eOwn er shall be pe rsonally liable to theDecl arantforp ast du e pay ments made bythe Decl arant together w ithinterestth ereonat th e rate s pecifie d inthe pro mi ssory note secured bythedeedo f trust ;p lus oneperce nt (I %)a nd a ll actual expe nses o ftbeDe clarantincurred in c uringth e d efault.Th e Owner s hall be re quired by the D eclarantto execute apromi ssory note secu red b y deed of tru stencumberingth e Propeny in favo r of the Declrantforth eamounts e xpendedbythe Townasspecifiedh erein,in cludingfuture adv ances madef or s uch pwposes.Th e Owner may cure the default andsati sfy its obligationtothe Declarantunderthiss ubparagraph at any timepri or to e xecutiono f aco ntractf or sa le,uponsuc hr easonable terms as specified bythe Declarant.O therwise . Ow ners indebtedness tothe Declarants hall be satisfied fro m the Ow nerspro ceeds at closing. 4 .Th is Ag reement shall co nstitutecovenant s ru nning w iththerea l property,d escribed in ExhibitA ,asabu rden thereon,fo r the benefit o f,and s ha ll be s pecificallyen forceable by theTown a ndtheir re spectives ucce sso rs and a ss igns .asap plicable,bya ny appropriate lega l ac tion inclu ding bu t no t limi tedto specific pe rformance ,injunction ,re version .o r eviction of non-co mp lying owners a nd/or occupants . Tnwn \l(\"a,r ~....th Trild Town Il "m..-s Pa,e )or 18 Ma Sler Deed Restriction •• 5 .In tbe event thatan Owner desires tosellthe Property or Unit,the Owner sha ll execute a s tandardList ingContractonfo rms approved by theCo lorado Rea l E state Commission w ith the Town providing for a ]SO -day list ing pe riod ,orsuc h ot her time pe riod as required by theT own of Vail Employee Housing Guideli nes in effect at time of listing. Atthis t ime,theOw ner s hall deposit wi thth e T ownana mount eq ualt oo ne-ha lf p erc ent (.5%)oftbe estimated value of the Unit.The Townshallpromp tly adve rtise the Property o rUnitfor sale by competitive bidto Qualified Buyers.Atthe time of closing,th e Owner sha llpaytot be Town a n additio nal o ne a nd o ne-half pcrcent (1.5 -%).The To wn may charge afee based o nthe amount financ ed fo r any conventional loans.The amount of thisfeeto be pa id by th es ubsequen t Owner shall be assetforth inthe current Town of Vai l Emp loyee H ou sin g Guidelines an dwillbed istributedto th e Town . MAXIM UM SALES PRI CE 6 .Innoevent shalltheProperty or aUni t be so ldforan amount (Maxim umSales Price)in excess o fthe owners pu rchaseprice ,plusan increase of three p ercent (3%)of su chpri ce per year from the date of pu rchase tothe date of Owners notic e of intent tose ll (prorated attherat e of .25percent foreach whole m onthfor any part of a year). NOTIJING HEREI NS HALLBE C ONSTRUED TO C ONST ITUTE A REPRESENTATION ORG UARANTEE BY TilE TOWN O FV AIL THAT O N SA LE THE OW NERS HALL OBTAIN THE MAXIM UMSA LES PRlCE. 7.De termining Max imum SalesP rice: 8 .Forthe purpose of determi ning the Maximum Sa le s Price in accordance with th is Sec tion,the Owner may addto th eamount specified in Paragraph 6 above,the co st of Permi tted Capital Im provements (as defined in ExhibitB).The amount shallnote xceedten percent (10%)of th e initial listed purch ase price se t forth in paragraph 6 above .For every ten-year (10)period ,fro m the date oforigi nal purcha seandde ed restri ction,another tcn percent of the p urch as eprice may be addcdtothe valueo fth e p roperty forca pital improvement s.In ca lculating such amoun t,o n ly those Permitted Capitallrnprovem ents identified in Exhibit B here to shallqua lify for inclu sion.All such Permitted Capital Improvement s in stalled or con struc ted o verthe l ife of th e unit s hall q ualify . b.Penn ined Ca pital Improvements shalln ot include any changes o r additions tothe Property m ade by the Ownerdu ring construction orthe reafter,except in acc ordance w ith Paragraph 7a above.Permitted Capital Improvements shall not increase th e base price,even if made orinsta lled dur ing ori ginal co nstruction . c .In o rde r to qua lify as Permitted Ca pitalImprove me nts ,the Owner mus t furni sh to theTownthe fo llowing information with re spec tto the improvement s w hich the O wnersee ks to include in the calculation of Maximum Sa lesPrice : TO'o"nofVI.1 Nt.1 h Tr.u l lnwn lllOm<;> Pilit"of IS •'ll>lI:'I Dttd Rt'1lm ll()n 11111111 1111 1111 11 1111 :;~~~~:~:,27'..-........ •• I )Orig inalordupl icate receipts to verify theactualco sts expended by the Own er for the Permitted Capital Improvements; 2)Owner s affi davit verifying that the receiptsareva lid and correct recei pt s tend ered at th e time of purchase;a nd 3)Trueand co rrect copie s of anybuildingpe rmit or c ertificate of occupancy requ iredto be issued by the To wn afVail Building Department with re specttothe Penni ned Ca pital I mpro vements . d .For thepurpo se of determining theMax imum Sales Price in a ccordancew ith this Section,the Owner mayalsoadd tothe amount spec ifiedin Paragraphs 6and7a , the cost of an y permanent improvements con structed o r installed a s a re sult of a ny requirement imposed by a ny governmentalag ency.or JJomc Owners A ssociation, p rovided thatw ritten certi ficat ion is pr ovided tothe Town of both t he a pplicabl e requirement and theInform ation requiredby P aragraph7c ,]-3 . c.In calculating the co sts under P aragraph s 7aan d 7d,only the Owners actual out - of-pocket costs a ndex pen ses s hall be eli gible for inc lu sion.Such amount s hall not includean amount attributable to Owners s wea t equity or toan y appreciati on inthe va lue o f the improvements. 8 .Owner s ha ll n o t permit an y prospectiveb uyerto assume any o r a ll of the Owners cu stomary cl osingc osts n orac ceptan y other consideration w hich would c ausean increaseinth e purchase price a bovethebid price s oasto induce the Owner tos ellto such prospecti ve bu yer. 9 .In the event that onequ alified bidis received equal to the Maximum Sa le s Pri ce herein es tablished.the Prop ertys hall be so ldto such bidder atth e Maxim um Sa le s Price;andin theev ent O wner receives twoo r more s uch b ids equalto the M aximum Sales Price ,the Q ualified Buyer s ha ll beselec te d ac cording tothe priority for Sale U nits se tfort h inthe Town of Vail EmployeeH ou sing G uidelines ;and.inthe e vent that all such qual ified b idders are of equa lpri ority pu rsuant to the Guidelines,theQu alified Bu yer s hall be selectedb y lottery among thequ ali fied buyers ,whereupon theP roperty or U nit s hall be s oldto the wi nner o f s uch lottery a tthe Maximum Sales Price.If th e terrn s of th e pro posed purchaseco ntract,ot her th an price,as initiall y p re sented tothe owner ,are unacceptable tothe O wner.theres hall be am andatory neg o tiation period of three(3) business d aysto allow the Se llerandpot ential buyer to reach an agreement reg arding s aid terms ,in clud ing but nO Ilim itedto ,theclosi ng da te a ndfi nancingconti ngencies.If,after thene gotiation period is o ver.the Seller a ndbu yerh avenot reached ana greem ent,the next bidder's offer will then be pre sent ed tothe Seller fo r consideration and a thr ee(3) business da y neg otiating period will be g in aga in .The sellermay reject anyan d allbid s, however ,t heOw ner issu bjectto th e p rovisions in the To wno f Vail E mployee Hou sing TO\\-n orVail North Trll il Town HOfl'lt'~ D '.00 f'I,.:-~ur I II M .~'IXed Reioir OC I"," •• Guidelinespertaining to th e listingfcc.Bi ds in e xcess o f the Maximum Sa lesPrices hall be rejected .Ifall bi d s are below Maximum Sa lesPrice,Owner ma ya ccept the hi ghest qualified bi d .If all bid s arc below Maximum SalesPriceandtwoo rm o re bi ds arefo r the sa mep rice,th eQua lified B uyer sha ll be selected by lottery fromamong th e highest q ualified b idders . 10 .Inthe eve ntth attitletothePropertyo r aUnitves ts by de sce ntinindi viduals and/or entities who areno t Q ua lified Buyers as that term is defined herein(hereinafte r Non- Qualified Transfereetsj),the Prope rty orUnitshall immediate ly be listed for sale as providedin Paragraph 5 above (inc luding thepayment of the specified feetothe Town). andthehighes tb id by a Qualified Buye r,fornotless th an ninety-five percent (95%)of the Maximum SalesPrice or the appraised ma rket value ,whi chever is less ,shal l be accepted;if a ll bidsarebe lown inety-five percent (95 %)of t he Maxim umS ales p rice or the a ppraisedmarketva lue,theProp ertyorU nit shall co ntinueto be listed forsaleun tila bidinacco rdance with th issection ismade ,which bidmu st be accepted.The cost of the appraisal shall be pa id bytheNon-Quali fied Transferee (s). a .Non-Qualifi ed Transferce(s)shall join in an y sale.conveyance o r tran sfe r of the Property o r Unittoa Qualified Buyer and shall execute anyandall documents necessary to do so;and b .Non -Qualified Transfercc(s)ag reenotto :I)occupy the Property orsaid Unit;2 ) renta ll o ran y part of the Propertyor Un it,exce pt instric tcompliance w ith Paragra ph 14 hereof;3 )engage inanyothe rb usiness activ ity o n o r in the P roperty orUnit;4 )sello r otherwise transfer the Property or Unit except in acco rdance with t his Agreement and theEmployee Ho using Guid elines;o r 5)se ll or otherwise transfe r theP roperty orUnitforus e inatra de o rbu siness. c.The Declarant,ortheirrespecti ve successo r ,as applicable.sha llh avetheright and op tiontopurchase the Propertyo r Unit,exerc isab le wit hin a p eriodo ffifteen(15) ca lendar days after receip to fanysa les offe r s ubmittedtotheTownbyaNon- Qua lified Trnn sferee(s),and intheev ento fexerci sing theirrigh t and option.s hall purc hasethe Property orUnit fromthe No n-Qualified Tran sferee(s)for a price of ninety -five percent (95%)of the Maximum SalesPric e .orthe ap praisedma rket value ,wh ichever is less .The offer to purcha seshall be ma debytheNo n- QualifiedTran sfereew ithin fi fteen(15)d ays of ac quisition of th e Propertyor Unit . c .Wh erethe provisions o f this Paragraph 10a pply,theTown may requirethe Owner torentthePro pert y orUnitin accordan ce withtheprovisions of Paragraph 14 ,below. Tnwn of Vail f'io "lh T ra Il Town Humes "R 98 .00 D 8 .00 h i!O:f'I .'1 I II M DlCf Dc'td !l;t'<;IfM;.i "" •• OWNER RESIDENCE II .Th e Propertyanda ll Units s hall be an d is/are to be ut ilizedo n ly a sthee xclusive and p ermanent place o fre sidence of anOw ner .A perman ent resid ence s hall mean the home orplace inwhich ones ha bitation is fixedandto wh ich on e,w heneverhe o r sheis ab sent , has apre sentintention of return inga fteradep artureora b se nce therefrom ,regardlesso f theduratio n of ab se nce .In determining what is ap ermanent re sidence,the Town s ta ff s halltakethefoll o wing circumstances relating to the o wner o fthe res idenceinto account: business pursui ts,emp loyment,incomesources,residence fo r income o r other tax purpo ses,age ,m arital sta tus,resi d ence of parents,s pouse a nd children if any.location of per sonal andreal property.andmot orvehicleregi stration . 12 .In the eve ntOwn er changes d omici le o rceases toutili ze theProperty orUnit as h iss ole andexclusive place of residence,the Property o r Unitwill be offere d forsa le pursuant to theprovisions of Paragraph 10 of this Agree ment.Owner s h all be dee med to have chan ged Owners d omicile by becoming aresident el sewhere ora ccep t in g permanent emp loyment outsi de Eagle County,orres iding onthe Property orUnitforfewer than nine (9)months per calendar y earwithoutthe expres s written approval of the Town.Whe re the pro v ision s of th is Paragraph 12apply,the Town ma y r equirethe Owner to ren tth e Property o r Unitin accordance withthep rovi sions of Paragraph J4 ,be low. 13.I fatanyti me the Owner of the PropertyorUnit al so owns an y interest a lone orin conjunctionwi th o thersinanydev eloped residential propert y or dwellin g unites)located in Eagle County,owner agree s to immed iatel y listsaid other property or u nitfor s aleand tos ell Owners inte re s t in suchp roperty a t asale s price comparable tolikeun its or p roperties inthe area in whichthepropert yo r d welling unites)are located .Intheev ent sa id other pro perty or u nithasno t been soldbyOwn er within one hundred twenty (1 20) d ayso f itslisting,then Owner hereb yagrees to imm ediately lis t this Propert y o r Unit for sa lepurs uant to the provision s of Paragraph 10 o f this Ag reemen t.It is understood and agreed betwee n thepart ies hereto that,inthecase of an Owner w ho se business i s the con stru ction a nd s ale of residentialpropert ies orthe purchase and resale of such properties ,the p rope rties which cons titute inv entory in s uchan Owners b usiness sha ll not constituteo ther devel oped residential p roperty ord welling un it(s)as those termsareused inthi s Paragraph13 . RE NTAL 14.Ownermay n ot,ex cept with priorwritt en ap proval of the Town,andsubject to Town of Vail's conditions of approval ,re nttheProperty o rUn it foran y period of time .Prio r to oc cupancy,any tenant mu st be a pprovedby the T ownand HomeownersA ssociation,if appli cable .The Town s hallnot approve a nyrent alifs uchrental is beingmadeby Own er to utiliz e t he P rope rty or U nitasan i ncome prod uci ng asset ,ex cept as providedbelow, and shallnota pprovealeasewitharenta l term no less than thirty (30)d aysand no more than s ix (6)mon th s withou t clea r a nd convinc ing evidence tha t alease longer than s ix P a~~7 or 18 Ma Sl ~r [)eed RnlflClllll1753124 23 11111 111 11111111 II 1111 :;~;;/~,::~~'270 R 98 .00 D 0.88SaraJF"1.n.r Eag le .co TllwnUrVa ,1 N,,,,,h T....il T""'n H"",fi' •• months (6)is necessary.A s ignedcopy o fthe lease must be p rovided totheT own prior to o ccupancy by an y tenant.An y s uch l ease approved by theTown s ha ll be equivalent to the monthlye xpensesfor the co st of principaland interest p ayments,tax es,p roperty insurance,condominium o rh om eowners assessments,utilities remainingin owners name ,plu s an additional twenty dollars($2 0)andare aso nable (refundable)security deposit. The requirements of thi s paragraph s ha ll not preclude the Owner from sharing occupan cy of the Property or unit with non-ownerson arentalbasis p rovided Owner continu es to meet theobligation s con tained inthis Agreement,including Paragraph 11 . 15.I N NO E VENT SHALL THE OWNERC REATEA N ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNIT,AS DEFINED INTH ET OWNOFVA IL LAND U SE CODES,IN ORONTHE PROPERTY. 16.N OTHING HEREIN SHALL B E CO NSTRUED TO REQillRE THE TOWN OF VAIL TO PRO TECTORINDEMN IFYTH E OWNER AGAINST ANY LO SSES A TTRIBUTABLE TOTH E RENTAL,INCLUDING (NOT BY WAY OF LIMITAnON)NON -PAYME NT OF RE NT OR DAMAGE TOTHE PREMISES;NOR T OREQU IRETH E TOWN TO OBTAIN A QUALI FIED TENANT FOR THE OWNER INTHE EVENT THAT NONE IS FOUND BYTHE OWNER. BREACH 17 .Intheevent that theT own has reasonabl eca useto believe th e Owner is violating the p rovision s o fthi s Agreement ,the Town ,b y itsa uthorizedrepresentative,may in spect the Property o r Uni t between theh ourso f8:00a .m .and 5 :00 p .m .,Monday through Friday, after providing th e Owner w ithno lesstha n24hours written notice. 18 .The Town o f'Va il,inthe event aviola tion of thi sA greementis dis covered,s ha ll s end a n otice of violation to the Owner deta iling the nature of theviolation and al lowin g the owner fifteen (15)da ys to c ure .Said notice s hall state that the Owner may request a heari ng before the Town Ma na ger wi thin fi fteen (15)days todete rmineth e merits of th e all egations .I fn o hearing is requested andtheviolation is not cured within the fifteen (15)da y period,the Owner shall be co nsideredinviolation afthis Agreement.If a hearing ishe ld before the Va il Town Counci lor the V ail LocalH ousingAu thority,the d ecision of th e Town based o ntherecordo f su ch hearing s hall be finalfor the purpose of det ennining if a violation ha s occurred. If theT own determin es that there ha s beenavio lat ion of the occupancy s tandards,the owner o ftherestricted employee-housing un itshall be fo undto be innon -compliance. Penalties the Town may assessagainsttheo wner incl ud ee liminating resale gain(p er p a ragraph 7),an dlor p en alties foundint heT own cf Vail MunicipalC odeSecti on 1.01.100. Town o r Vall "'onhTl"lil Tow n Homes R 91 .68 D '.ee PlJe8 o r l 8 MilS lel De<ed Reslncl ion • REMEDIES • 19.The reisherebyrese rved to the parties heretoanya nd a ll reme dies prov ided by lawfor breacb o f this Agre ement orany of its terms.Inth e e vent the parties re sort to litigation with respect toanyor allprov isions of th isAgr eement,the preva iling pany shall be entitled to recover d amages and costs.including reasonable a ttorneys fee s. 20.Intheev ent the P roperty orUnitisso ld and/orco n veyed with outcom pl iancehere with , suchsalea nd/or conveyance sha ll be who llynullan d vo id an d shall co nferno title whatsoeverupon the pu rported buye r.Ea ch and every co nveyance of th e Property or Unit,forall purpo ses,shall be deem edto inclu dean dincorporate by this reference.the covenants herein contained.even without re ference therein tothi s Agreement. 21 .In thee vent thatthe O wner fai lsto cure a nybrea ch,the T ownmay re sort t o any a ndall av ailable legalaction ,includi ng.butno t limi ted to,speci fic performance of this Agreementorama ndatory injunc tionreq uiringsale of the Property o r Unit by Own er as spec ified in Paragraphs 3 ,10,l Z,a nd13.T he costs o fsuch sal e s hall be taxed aga inst the proceeds of thesalewiththeba lance bein g pai dto the Owner. 2 2.In the even t o fa breach of a ny of theterms o r co ndit ionsco n tained he rein by theOwner, h ish eirs ,su ccesso rs orass igns ,the T ownsinitia l listed purchase priceo f the Prope rty o r Uni t assetfo rth in Paragraph 6 of this Agreement shall,upon the date of such breachas determ ined by theTo wn.automatica lly cease to inc reaseasse t o ut inParagrap h 6 o f thi s Agreement,and s hall rema infixedun tilthedat eo fcu re of sa id bre ach. FOR ECLOSUR E 23 .The Declarant,pursuanttothe Option to Buy attached heretoas Exhibit C.thete rms of which a re incorporate d inth is Agreement bythis referenceasif fu llysetforth herein . shallreleasea nd waive itsa bility toen forceth e resa ledee dre strictio nsco ntaine dherein. inthee vento fforeclosure o rtheacceptance of ad eedinlieu of forec losure.providedthat saidOp tion toBuygrantstothe Declara nt theoption toacquireth ePropeny or Unit wit hinthirty (30)days after the issuan ceo f a pub lictrust eesd eedto the ho lder(including assigns o f theho lder)of the promissorynote secured byafirst d eed of tru st fo r an opt ion p rice not toexceedtheredem pt ion pri ceon thelast day of all statutory redemption peri o d (s}and any addit iona l rea so nabl ecos tsincurre dby th e hol de rd urin g the o ption period which are di rectly related tothefo reclosure . Intheeve ntthattheDeclarant e xercises the op tionpu rsuan t totheterm s o ftha t cert a in Opt ion to Buy,d esc ribed above ,theDeclarantand/o r its des ignee ,may se ll t he Property or U nittoQualified Buye rs as thatterm is defined herein.orrent the Property o r U nit acco rd ingto pa ragrap h14until such time th at th e Propertyo r U nit ca n be so ld toa Qualified Buyer in accordance wit h the Town of VailEm p loyee HousingGuide lines and the Master DeedRestrict ion forNorthTrailTownHomes . T,_n or Vll 1 NUflh T fl ,1 To,,"'n U nn,,=~ '""111 I"''"'"""~~~~/:~:~~,27.~.~.,r ._..._~."'.~n ?'-'II _fl.D '.ee P;t~..q ur IK M ~"el ~K..'1>U;';uon • G ENERAL PROVI SIONS • 24 .Notices .Anynotice,consent or approval whichis required to be given hereunder shall be giv en by mailingthe same,certified mai l,re turn receipt requested ,properly ad d ress ed and with posting fully prepaid,to an y address providedhereinor to any subsequent mai ling addre ss oftbe party aslongas prior written notice oflhe chan ge o f address bas been give nto the other parties to thi sAgree ment. Saidnotice s,consents and approvals s hall be senttothe parties hereto a t th e following addres ses unless otherwise noti fiedinwri ting : ToDeclarant : TotheTown: To Owner: Town of Vail 75S .Fro ntage Road Vail,CO 81657 H ou si ngDiv ision Town o fVail 75S.Frontage Road V ail,CO8 1657 To be determined by a laterreco rded memorandum encumbering eachindividualP ropertyorU nit . 2 5.Exhibi ts.Allexhibi ts attachedhereto (Exhibits A,BandC)are incorporated herei n and bythis reference madeapart hereof. 26 .Severability .Whenever po ssib le,eachprovisio n of this Agreemen t anda ny o ther related document shall be interp reted insuch a manner asto be val idun derapplicablelaw;but if any provi sion of an yo ftheforegoing shall be inval id or prohibited undersaid applicable law,suc h prov isions shall be ineffective to th eex tent of suc hinvalidityo rprohibition without invalidatin g the remaining provi sions of s uch doc uments . 27.Choice of Law.Th is Agreeme nt and eachand everyre lated doc ument isto be gove rned and construed inaccord ance withthelaw s of theState of Colorado. 28.Succe ssors.Exceptasotherwisep rovided herein.theprov ision s and covenants conta ined herein s hall inuretoand be bind ing upontheheirs,s uccessorsandassigns of theparties. 29.Sec tionHeadings.Paragraph o r sec tion heading s within this Agreemen t areinse rted so le lyfor c onvenienceorreference.and arenotintendedto ,and shallnotgo vern,limnor aidinthecon struction o fa nyterm s orpro visions contained here in. Tow"o (Vail Nurth Tr ail Town Ho mes 11111 111 1111 1111 111 111 ;;~~:I~f .:~27P $Iln J Fl ln.r h gle ,CO 2 3R 90.lIe D e .le P.~JU ..'-11'1 Ma "l ~'Deed 1(C'Sl rl l:l mf1 •• 30.Wa iver .Noclaim of waiver,consent o rac quiescence w ithrespect to any pro vision of thi sAgree ment sha ll be v alid against any party h ereto e xcept o n the basis of awri tten instrument executed by the parties tothis Agreement .However,the party forwhose benefit aconditionisinsert ed h ereinshallhave th eu nilateral rig httow a ive such condition. 31 .Gender andN umber .W henever the context soreq uiredhe rein,the neuter gender shall includeanyo rall ge nders an d vic eve rsaa nd the use o fth es ingular s hallin clude the p luralandvic e versa . 32 .PersonalLiability.Owneragre es thatheo r shesha ll beperso nallyliable for an y of th e transactions co ntemplated he rein . 33.Further Ac tions.The parti es to thi sAgre ementa gree toexec ute s uch further do cument s andtakesuchfurther actions asma y be reasona bly requiredto carry o ut th eprovisions a nd intent of thisagreeme nt o r any agreement ordoc ument relatinghe retoor entered into inconnection here with . 34 .Modifications.Thepartie s tothis Agreement agree tha t any m odifications of thi s Agreementshallbe effectiveo nly whenm ade bywritings s ignedbybothpartie sand recordedwith theClerkand Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado .Notwithstandingth e foregoing,theTown reserves theright 10 amendthis Agreement unilat erally where deemed necessary to effe ctuate the purposeandintent of th is Agreem ent,andwhe res uch unilateralac tion does not m aterially impair theOwnersrightsorany len der ri ghts und er thisAgree ment. 3 5.Owner and Successors .T he tenn Owner shall me anthe person orpersons who sha ll acquire a n ownership interest inthe Property orUnit in compliance wi th the termsa nd provisions of thi s Agreemen t;it being und erstoodtha t s uchperson o rp ersons shall be deemed an Owner hereundero nly during th eperiod o f his.h er ort heir o wnershipinterest inthe Property o rUnitandsha ll be obligatedhereunder fo r the fu ll and complete perfo rmance and observance of a ll covena nts,conditions and restric tions co ntainedherein duringsuchperi od. Town ...rVa,1 "'or lh TraIl T"",n Homes "'~t II orlSI MiUlcr Deed Rnlnaion •• I N \VITNESS \VII EREOF,the partie s h ereto have executed thisins trumen t o nth e day an d yearabo vefirst written. DE CLARMT:T own of Vail 75S .Fronta ge R oad Vail ,CO 81657 Titl e: STATE OF COUNTY O F Town Manager ) ) ) 5 5 . ,.neroregOing instromen'Z:knowledged ~fO~this ..:l 7t<-dayof :..a.u..v .2 ~I ,by ...Lsd to!~a............,). W itness my hand and OffiCe M y commission e xpire s :~.:I ,~f!?{J .3 .,'.-- /"...,.:' ..•._'-r- _. T"..nufV,.il '\;,vlh T'd o!T'l"'"HUlTle ~ Pa8t1 20 (1 8 MISlr,Deed Rew icloon •• ACC EPTANCE BY THE TO WN OF VAIL Theforegoing M aster Deed Restric tion Agreement fortheO ccupancy andRe sale of th e No rthTrailT own Homes of th e T own of Va il and its terms are h er eb ya dopted andd eclared by the Town of Va il. TOWN O F VAIL By: T it le T own Manager STATE O F COLORADO ) )ss. C OUNTYOF EAGLE) '?'Thefo regoing instrumen t was ac ~.ged before me thi stJo?,day of+1kc.».2Ck'/.b y ~4./~'¢-catH.4-..v witnessmy hand and offici al s eal. My co m miss ion ex p ires :~oft -<c:Jd .3 .," Town olV8,I Nonh Tral'T(I\O,'n H"m e.. 11111111 1111 1111 111111 ~~~:~f.~f ':~27P ,Sara J Fhl'!er Eul.,CO 23 R ee .ee D a.ee Pa~U M Ill M ast~'Deed Res lrlC1l0rl • EXHIBIT A • Towno r Vail NorthTrailT own Homes Legal Description forthe North Trail Town Homes 11111111 1111 1111 1111 II :;~~/~:0~f 0~~27P Sara J Filher Eagle ,CO 23 R 90 .00 D0 .00 Page14 II I I X MasterDeedResrric tum •• AparceloflandsituatedinapartofLot1,BlockH,VailDasSchone-Filing No .2,a resubdivisionoflots1-4,TownofVail,Co unty of Eag le,State ofCo lorado,per th eplat th ereofrecordedFebruary 13,200 1,a tRecep tion Numbe r 749907,intheofficeofthe Eagle County Clerk andRecorder,said parce l being moreparticularly d escribed as follows; BeginningattheNorthwesterlycornerofsaidlot1;thenceaiong theboundaryofsa id Lot 1 thefollowing fivecourses :1)N81 '43'OO "E 145 .50 fe et;2)S28'50'00"W62.50 feet;3)S49'35'23"E135.81 feet;4 )S44 '36'OO"W19.00feet;5)55 .13 f eeta long thea rco f acu rveto thelettwitha radius of362 .32feet,an interior a ngle of08 '43'04 " andachordwhichbearsS40'14'28"W 55 .07 feet;thencedepartingsaid boundary N80 '23 '23"W 47 .651eel;thence S09 '4T2TW 21.16 feet;thence N81'2T41 'W 124.69 feettoapointonthew esterly bou ndary ofsaid Lot1;thenceN01'51 'OO "E 171 .87 feettothepointofbeginning. 11111111 1111 11111111 II :;~~/~:.~f .:~27 P aa R 90 .00 o e .ee TOWT\of Vail North T rca il TOWTI Homes PJ ~15 of 18 M Is.lt-r ~R~,i(liofl •• E XlII BlT B Permi ttedCa pital Impruvements 1.The termPermitte d Capital Improve mentas u sed inthe Agreemen t sha ll only include the fo llowing: a.Improvementso rfixtures erected .in sta lled orattachedas perm anent,functi onal, non-d ecorative impro vements to re al property,e xcluding repa ir ,replacement and/orm aintenance improvements; b .Improvements for energy andwater co nservation; c.Improvementsfor hea lth andsafety protection device s; d.Improvements toadd a nd/orfinish pennanentlfixeds torage space;and/or c.Improvements to finish unfini shedspace . 2.PermittedCapitalImp rovements as used inthi s Agreementsha ll NOT include the fo llowing: a.Upgrade s/replacem entsof appliances,p lumbingandmechanical fixture s,carpets and ot her similar itemsinclud ed as pan ofthe original c onstruction of theunit; b .Th e cost of a ddin g deck s and balc onies,and anyex ten sion thereto ; c.Jacuzzis,saunas,stearn showers a ndot her simila r item s; d .Improvementsrequired torepa ir,rep lace andmaintain exis ting fixtures, a ppliances,plumbing andmechanical fixtu res,pa inting,carpetin g and other sim ilaritem s;an dlor; e.Upgrades or addition o fdecorative item s,includinglights ,w indow coverings an d other simila r item s. 3.All Permi ttedCapital Improvement items a nd cos ts shall bea pprovedby the T own staff prior to being addedtotheMax imum Re sale Price a s definedherein. 753124 11111111 1111 1111 II 1111 :;~;~J~:.~f .:~27P R ge .&0 D e .OI T.".nof\~,1 No....h T..,I lo..·n Il"'ITlC'S Palte 16 o r 18 MiI$I ""~Rnt riclion • E XHIB ITC OPTIO N TOBUY • Intheeve nt o f a fore clo sure by the h older(including here and herei nafter ass igns o fthe h older)o fth e p romi ssory note s ecured by afirstdeed of tru sto nNort h Tra il Town Homes (hereinafter thePr opert y),and subjectto theissuance of a publ ic trustees deed to theho lder foll owing thee xpirationof a ll sta tutory redemp tion rights ,the Declarant s hallhave the option to purchase tb e Property whi ch s hall be e xercised inthefo ll owing manne r: a.Notice. The ho ldershall g ive such notice totheTown asis require db y Jawi n th e foreclosure p roceedi ng . Sai dnotice s ha llbese nt by ce rtifiedmail ,return rece ipt r eque s ted.a nd addressed asfo llows : Housing Divi sion T owno f Vail 75 S .Frontage Road Vail,CO 8 1675 b.Opti on to Purchase. T he Decla rant s ha llh ave3 0 d ays afterissuance o f the public trus tee s d eed in whichto ex erc ise th is op tionto purchasebytenderingto th e h older.in cash o r ce rtifiedfun ds,an a m ounteq ual tothe red emption price wh ich woul d have been requi red o fthebo rrower or anyper so nwho mi ght be liab le upon a deficiency on th e last d ayo f thes tatu tory redemptionpe riod(s}a nd a nyadd itional reaso nable costsincurredby the hol der du ring theo ption pe riodwh ich ared irectly re lated totheforeclosure . c .T itle . Uponreceipt of theo ption price.theho lders halld eliver to theDeclara nt aspe ciaJ warra nty dee d,co n vey ing thepr opert y to the Decl arant .The holder s hallco n veyo nl y s uchtitlea s it rec ei ved throu ghthep ublic tru stees d eeda nd wi llnOI createorparti cipate in the cr eationo f any add itionallien s o r e ncumbrance s against th e Pro pertyfo llowing issuance of thepub lic trus tees deed 10 the h older .Th e hold er s ha ll not be lia ble forany of thecostso fconveyance toth e T own o r its designee . 11111111 1111 1111 1I11 ~II :;~~:J.~f .:~Z 7P T(W<n ..r\-.,,1 No n h T,,,,I T"..n 1I".n...~ R 90 .ee D B.ee "'~l1 ur I 8 "1161 er Deed R ~ic lion •• d.Release. Inthe ev e nt tha t th e h old er is is sued a pub lictrustees deed an dth e Declarantd oe s no t exerci se the optionto purchase,a s providedh erein,theT o wn shall cause tobe recorded inth e records o f theC lerk a ndRec order of Eagle Co unty a fu ll and comple te rel ease of the Muster Deed R estri ction Agreement forthe Occupan cya ndR esale o fN orth Tr ail Town Homes affecti n g the Propertywh ich appearin sa id records at Recep tion Number ____"Su ch releas e s ha ll b e pl acedo fr ecord with in 14 days after demand th erefor bytheho lder fo llowing e xpirationo fth e optiona nd a cert ifiedco p y of th e r eleases ha ll be m ailed tothe h older upon its rec ordation . c.Perpetuitie s Savings Clause. If any o f theterm s,covenants,co n d itio ns,re stric tions,u sc s ,limitatio n s,o b ligatio n s or o ption s created b y thi s Op tion to Pu rchases hall be unl awfulo rv oidfo r v iola tion of:(a ) th e rul e ag ainst perpetuitie s or s ome an alogouss tatutoryp rovi si on ,(b)therul er es trict ing re s train tson alienation,or(c)anyot h erst atutoryorco mmonlawru les impos ing l ike or s im ila r time limit s,th en s uc h pro v ision s h a llcontinue onlyf or th epe riod or th elive so f the currentdul y el ectedand seatedT ownCo u n cil oftbe T own of Vai l.Vail ,Co lorado, their n owli v ing de sce nd ants,if a ny ,a nd th e survivor of th em,p lu s twenty -one (2 1)years. f.Successors and Assigns. Exceptas othe rwise p ro videdhere in ,th e p rovi sio n s an d covenants c ontaine dherein sha ll inureto and be binding upon the heirs ,s uccessorsan d as si gn s of th e p a rtie s her eto . g .M odifi c ations . T he p arties he re to a g ree th at a ny mod ifica tion to thi soptionto purcha ses hall be effective onl ywhen madebewri ting ss ign ed by bot h p arties a nd r eco rdedw ith theC ler kand R eco rde ro f Eag leCo un ty ,Colo rado . 753124 23 11111111 1111 1111 111111 :;~;~/~:.~f .:~27 . R 90 .00 0 8 .08 Town of Vail North Tnl il Town Hom es I'a~18 or 18 o.4 a~P I '~R C!il rin ,un ••I .!./,/~r.f .J DECLARATION FOR NORTH TRAIL TOWNHOMES THIS D~TI ON FORNORTH TRAIL T OWN HOMES (Dec laration)is made a nd dec lared thi s ~day of:=f¥ri J •200 I ,by the TOWN OF VAIL,aCol orado mun icipal corporation (T own).. RE CITALS : A.The Townis the:ownerofrea!property in Eagle County.Colorado,describedon Exhibi t A.attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.TheTownacquired this propertyfromDixon B.KeyserandLucie Keyser in a deedrecorded inBook535,atPage 455, Reception N o .429611 of theEagle Co untyCl erk andRecorder'sreco rds,andR obert W.Glabe a nd Fern P.Glahe in a deed recordedinBook535,at Page 453 ,ReceptionN o .429609 o f the Eagle Co untyCl erk and Recorder's records. B.The Town wi shes to create 8 condominiwn conunon interest co mmunityin a ccordance wi th the Col orado Common Interest Ownership Act.Sections 3 8-33.3-)01,et seq., C .R.S .,as amended from time to time . THEREFORE,the Townstatesasfollows: A RTICLE I .DEFINITIONS 1.)Act to A ct"shallmean a ndrefer to theColorado Common Interest Ownership Act. Sections38-33.3·101.er seq.•C.R.S.•as a mended f rom time to tim e. 1.2Associati on ."Association"shall mean and refer to NorthTrail Town Hom es Homeowners'Association,In c.•aCol orado nonprofitcorporation ,And itssucce ssors an d as s igns. 1.3 ~"Board"shall mean end refer tothe Executive Board of the Association. Th e Board shall h ave the pow er to act in al l in stances o n be half o fthe Association in a ccordance with this Decl aration,the Ass ociation's Arti cles of In corporationa nd Bylaws,theActandthe Co lorado No nprofitCorporation Code . 1.4 Building."Building"shallmean an d refer to any buil dings.including allfixtu res and improvements theret o.situateonthe Propertyc ont aining an y Unit 1.5 C9mmon E lements ."Common El ements "shall mean andreferto aU ofthePro perty except all Units.Common Elements shall be d ivided intotwo categories: 1.5.1 "Gen eral Co mmon Elements"shallmean a nd refertoall Co mmon Elemen ts except allL imited Co mmon E lements,and may be designated by abbreviation on the Co ndominiumMap as "GeE." -----._------- •• 1.5.2 "Limited CommonElements"shallmeanandrefer to thoseCommon Elements designated orreservedinthe Declaration oron the CondominiumMapfor the exclusive usc by fewer than all of the Owners of Units,and may be de signated by abbreviation on the Condominium Mapas "LeE.· 1.6Common lnttres'Community."Common Interest Community"shallmeanand refer tothe condominium created by the Declaration and the Condominium Map. 1.7 Condominium Map."Condominium Map "shan meanandreferto that part of the Declaration that depicts allor any portion of the Common Interest Community in three dimensions. meetingthe requirements of 8 land survey platassetforthinSection38·51 ·105,C.R.S.,and furthe r meeting the requirements of the Act,andshall include any supp lements o r amendments thereto.Without limitation onthe foregoing,the Condominium Mapshalllocateandshow the dimensions of the vertical and horizontal boundariesofeach Unit.including each Unit's identifying number andtheCommon Elements,includingdesignationofCommonElements. 1.8 Condominium Unit."Condominium Unit"shallmeanandrefertoaUnit together with each Unit's undivided interest inthe Common Elementsvestedin the Unit Owners as set forth on Exhibit Battached hereto and incorporated herein by thisreference,including any supplements or amendments to Exhibit B. 1.9 Declaration."Declaration"shan mean and refer to this Declaration for North Trail Town Homes,andany supplements or amendments thereto."Declaration"shallincludeall instruments that create theCommonInterest Community,including,butnotlimited to.the Condominium Map. 1.10 Declarant."Declarant"shall meanandrefertotheTown,andanypersonorentity towhomthe rights oftheDeclarant areassigned,transferred or conveyed. 1.1 IDeed Restrictions ."Deed Restrictions"shallmeanandrefertotherestrictionsand requirements pertaining totheUnits recordedthe2Slh dayofMarcb2001,atReceptionNumber 753124 of the Engle CountyClerk andRecorder's records . 1.12 Development Agreement."Development Agreement"shallmean and refer to the Intergovernmental Agreement forNorthTrailTownHomesdescribedinRecitalCabove. 1.13 Development Rights."Development Rights"shallmeanandrefertoany right or combination ofrightsreservedbythe Declarant as sec forth in ArticleXVllofthe Declaration. 1.14 Owner."Owner"or "Unit Owner"shall mean and refer to any person orentityat anylimeowninga Condominium Unit,but does notincludeapersonbavingan interest in a Condominium Unitsolelyassecurityforanobligation. 1.15 ~."Lease"shallmeanandrefertotheLease Agreement between theTownof •• Vailand NorthTrailTown Homes HomeownersAssociationeffective __day of ,2001 andrecordedat Reception Number of theEagle CountyC lerk.andRecorder 's records , including any supplementsoramendmentsthereto. 1.16 other interest Mortgage."Mortgage"shall mean and refer to any mortgage,deed of trust or in a CondominiumUnit held solely assecurityforanobligation. 1.17 MQrtgagee."Mortgagee"shallmean and refer to anyperson orentitynamedas themortgageeorbeneficiaryunderany mortgage,deed of trust,orother interest inaCondominium Unitheldsolely as securityfor anobligation. 1.18 Propeny."Property"shall mean and refer tothe real property located in Ea gle County.Coloradodescribedin e xhibit Aattached hereto and incorporated herein by thisreference. I .J9Residential Unit."Residential Unit"shal l meanand referto the Condominium Units depicted in the Condominium Mapforresidential uses. 1.20 l.lDi!-"Unit"shall mean a physical portion of the Property d esignated for separate ownership andconsisting of anindividual air-space unit.Unless otherwisestatedin this Declaration or depicted Or shownonthe Condominium Map,the boundaries of a Unit are the interior surfac es oftbe perimeter wal1s,floors,ceilings,windows and doors a s sho wn on the Condominium Map;a lllath,furring,wallboard,plasterboard,piaster,paneling.tiles,wallpaper, paint and finish,flooring andany o ther material sconstitutingany pan of thefinishedsurfacesare pan of the Unit,and allotherportions of thewalls,floors a ndceilings are pan o ftheCommon Elements;all spaces,interior p artitions a nd other fixturesandimprovements within the boundaries oftbeUnitarepart of theUnit;if anychute,flue,duct,wire,conduit,bearing wall,hearingcolumn o r otherfixture lies partially withinandpartiallyoutsidethedesignated boundaries o fthe Unit,any portionthereofserving only tha t Unit shall be a Limited CommonElementallocated solelyto that Unit a ndany portionthereofserving more than o neUnit or any portiono fthe Common Elements shall be apartoftheCommonElements;and,any shutters,awnings,window-boxes,doorsteps, stoops,porches.balconies,shared decks and patiosandallexterior doorsand windowsor other fixtures designed to serveasingle Unit,but located outsidethe Unit'sboundaries are Limited Common Elements allocated exclusivelyto thatUnit. 1.21 Vail."Vail"shallmean and refer to the Town o f Vail,which is thelessor under the Lease . 1.22North Trail Town Homes."NorthTrailTown Homes"shallmean theproperty subject to North TrailTownHomes Declarationandunder the juri sdiction of the North Tra il Town Homes Homeowners Association,a Colorado non-profit,Corporation.of six (6)Residential Condominium Units. 1.23Additional Definitions.All wordshereinafter capitalized shall havethe definitions assigned tosuch terms inthis Declaration.Furthermore,alldefinitions andd efined termssetforth in the Act are incorporated herein by this reference to theextent norconsistentwiththe defined terms herein. I~I ~II II ~III ~~III1111111m 11111111Iml lill~II ~~~~~:::,,•• $.r.J FJv-hele ,co 113 •US .H D•••• •• AR TICLE II .STATEMENT O F INTENT 2.1 Statement of Intent.Declarant intends that thePrope rty shall be h eld,conveyed , devised,encumbered,used,occupied aodimprovedas a condominium Common Interest Community,subjec ttothe covenants.conditionsandrestrictions setfurth in thisDec laration which shallrun wi th the land and bebindi ngupon and inure tothe benefit of allpers ons.entities and parties having or acquiring any right .titleor interest inor 10 the Property or an y pa rt there of. Declarant furthe r submit the Property to theprovisions of the Act,as amended fromtimeto time . In the eventtheActisrepealed.theActasexisting immediately priorto itsrepealshall remain appl icable to theProperty.Theterms oflhe Declaration shallgovernand con trol anyincon sistent orcon flictingp rovision of the Act,except formandatoryprovis ions of the Act,which shallthen gove rn. 2 .2 Subject toLea se .Thi s Com mon Interest Co mmunity is a leaseholdcon dominium. Eachan d every provision of the Leas e is incorporated here in as if f ully set forthat length.The: provi sions of the Lease shallsupp lement,govern and control this D ec laration.ex cept to the extent theLeas e may be contrary to mandatory provis ions of the AC4 in whic h eve nt the mandatory provisions of the A ct shal l gove rn. ARTICLE m.DESCRIPTION O F ras COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY 3.1 ~.The nam e o ftheCommo nInterest Community is NorthT rail TownH omes, which s ball be and constitute acon dominium .Thename of the Associat ion is No rth Trail To wn Homes As sociation.Inc .,11 Co lorado non-profit corporation. 3 .2 Property.1be Co mmon Interest Communi tyis situated wholly within Eag le Coun ty,Co lorado .Th e legal de scrip tion of the real estat e inc luded in the CommonInterest Comm unityis set forth on Exhibit A attached he reto an d inco rporated herei n bythi s re ference . 3.3 N umber o fUnjts .S ix (6 )ResidentialCondominium Un its,c onsistingo fUnitsA thro ughF inclu sive. 3 .4Unit [dentifying Numbers and Bo undaries.EachUnit's identifying n umbershal l be se t fo rth on Exhibit B a ttached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and shallalsobe shown on the Co ndominium Map.The identification of eac h Unit's boundari es is sh own o nth e Con dominium Map. 3.5All ocation of AllocatedInterest.E achU nit shaU o wn a n appurtenantand undiv ided interest inandtothe CommonElementsac cording tothe percentages se t forth opposite e ach Unit's designation on ExhibitB a ttachedheretoa ndincorporated herein by thi s referen ce .The all ocation o feachUnit's allocated int erest inandtotheCommonE lementsis b ased on the interiorfl oor area that each U nitbearsto the interi or floor area of allUnit s . 1 1 11 1 1 1I1~lI m ll l ml "m ll ~IU 1111 111 1111 ::~~~~::~:'IOP ""~.,1 FlU-Ea,•••CO 133 II:U5 ."De." •• ARTICLE IV.LEASEHOLD PROVISIONS 4.l Recording Data.TheL ease is recorded as describedin 1.1 5above. 4 .2 Expiration.The term of the Leas e applicab le:to the Co ndominium Units is fromth e dale of the Lease and thereafter for ninety Dine (99)years. 4 .3 Property Descri ption.The Property described in E xhibit Bisapo rtion of thc real e state subject 10 theLease . 4.4 Lease. Redemption.The UnitOwners donot havetherighttodeemthereversion of the 4.5 R ~m ova J of lmprovements.T he Unit Ownersdo not have theright toremove improvements after the expiration of theLease. 4.6 Renewalof Lease.1be Unit Own ersofthe ResidentialUnitha ve the ri ght of fi rst refusal to re-l ease such Units at theexpirationof the Lease term .Except for this right of first refu sal ,the Unit Owners donot have the right to renew the Lease . 4 .7 LimitationonRemedies .Afterthis Dec laration is recorded,neithe r Vailnot its successor inintere st maytermina tethe leasehold interest ofa Unit Owner who makes timely paymen t of such UnitOwner 's sbare of therentandotherwise complies with aUcovenants which, if violated,would enablethe lea sehold interest of such Unit O wnerto be terminated.AUnit Owner 's leasehold interest in the Common InterestCommunityisnot affectedb y the failure of any otherpers on to pa y rent or fulfill any other cov enant u nder theLease . 4 .8 ReaJIocation of Interests.If the expi rationorterm ination oftbe Leas e dec reases th e number of Condomioium Units in the CommonInterestCommu nity,the allocated interests shall be real located in a ccordance with this Declaration asIf those Cond omi nium Unit s had been taken by em inent do ma in.Reallocat ion shall be confirmed by an amendment to the Declaration prepared, executed andre co rded by theA ssociation . ARTICLE V.NAT URE AND INCIDENTS OF CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP 5 .1Esta teofan Owner .Th e Es tate of each Owner in aCo ndominiumUnits hall co nsist of afeesi mpleinterest in such Owner's Unit and anundiv ided percentage intere stin the Common Elements inth e percentages allocated under Section3.5a bove .Th e undividedinterestsinthe Co m m onElem ents are declaredto be appurtenant and inseparab le fromthe Unitto whichtheyare allocated, 5.2 RelocationofBoundaries Betweenor Co mbination o f Adjoining Co ndominium Units.No Owner mayrelocate boundaries betwee nadjoiningCondominium Units .or combine adjoining Co ndominium Units.Furtbermore,noO wner o fan yCon dominium Unit shallhav e the right tosubdivide soy Cond ominium U nil IIIII~II I IIIIII IIII~11 111milI11111 il l ll ll l l~1111 ::~~~~:;::,10. 5.&r.J nth.,IE tg1.,CO 13)R 1I 5 .el D.... -"------_._-------- •• 5.3 T itle.T itletoaCondominium Unit may be held in nny manner inwhi chtitl eto realproperty may be heldorownedin the State of Colorado. 5.4Inseparability.No part of aCon dominium Unitor or the legal rights co mprising ownership of aCondominium Unit may be separatedfrom anyotherpanthereof duringthe period of condomin ium ownership prescribedherein ,sothateach CondominiumUnit and the undivided interest in the CommonElementsappurtenant to suchCondominium Unit shall always be conveyed,devised,encumbered,and o therwiseaffectedonly as a completeCondominium Unit Every g ift.devise.bequest.transfer.encumbrance,conveyanceor other disposition ofa Condomi nium Uni tor anypartthereof sha ll be conc lusively presumed toinc lude all a ppurtenant rights created by law or by this Declaration. 5.5 Partition NotPermitted .No Owner may bri ng anyaction for p artitionofth e Comm on Elements. 5.6 OwnCI'3'Right to Common Elements.The Ownersof theUnitsshallhave the: nonexclusive right to use and enjoy the Commo n Elementsshown on th e Condominium Map as be ing subject to the jurisdiction of the Associat ion . 5.7 Ow ner's Rights With Respect to Interiors.Each Ownershallha ve the exclusive right topaint,repaint.t ile,carpet.drape,wax,paperor otherwise fi nish orre finishand decorate th e interior surface of thewal ls,ceilings,floors,windows and doors forming theboundaries of such Owner's Unit. 5.8 EasemenLI;for Encroachments.If anypart o fthe Cornmon E lements e ncroaches or shall hereafter encroach uponaUnit orU nits,aneasement for suchencroachment and forthe maintenanceo f the same shall and d oes exist.Ifany part of aUnit encroachesorshall hereafter encroach upon the Common Elements,or uponan adjoining Unit orUnits ,an easementf ors uch encroachment and for themaintenance of thesameshall anddoes exist.Such encroachments shall not be considered to beencumbrances either on the CommonE lements or the Units.Ifany partof the utilities,suchas gas orelectric metering devices,shallencroach upontheGeneral Common E lements,L imitedCommo n Elements or Uni ts,anease ment for such encroachment and forthe main tenance of the same s hall and does exist.Encroachments referred 10 herein in clude,bu t are not limitedto,encroachments caused by settling.rising.or shifting of the earth ,or by changes in position causedby repair or reconstructi on of any improvements to tbe Common Interest Co mmunity created hereby. 5.9Easements of Access forRepair.MaintenanceandEmergencies.Theright of each Ownertotheuse,occupancy and enjoyment of a CondominiumUnit shallbe subject to the rightof the person o r entity having theduty or respons ibility tomaintain orrepair the Comm on Elements, as s uchduly andresponsibilityis allocatedunder this Declaration.tohave access to eachUnit an d to the Common Elementsfrom time to time d uring such reasonable hoursas may be necessaryfor themaintenance,repair,emergency repair orreplacement of a ny o ftheCommonElements o r to prevent damage to the Commo n Elements oranyUnit.Anydamage c aused to theUnitsandthe Commo n Elements subject to the juri sdiction of the Associati on as depi cted ontheCondominium 111m IIIIIIII IIIIIIII~11111111111111111111 ~llm ::~~~~::::,lOP".R \\s .,.D•••• •• Map asa res ult o f the exercise ofthe casementsgranted hereunder by the Association shall be an expense oftbe Association;provided.however.that if such damage is the result of the negligence of'aUnit Owner.then suchOwnershaJl be obligatedto pay forall of such damage.Any suc b damage:shall be repaired andtheProperty shall be restoredsubstantially to the same condition as existed prior tosuch damage.Wheresuch damage applies 10 theUnitsandre lated Co mmon Elements,such amounts shan be collected by the Association asan assessmentunder this Declaration. 5 .10 Owner's Rightto Ingress a nd Egress nodSupport.Each O wner sha ll havethe ri ght toingress andegress o ver,upon and acrosstheCommon Elements necessary for normal acc essto suchOwner'sCondominiumUnit,and shallhave the righttothe horizontal and lateralsupport of suchOwner's Condominium Unit,and suchrights shall be appurtenant to andpasswiththetitle to each Co ndominium Unit. 5.1 J RighIto Useo f Common Elements.The Associationshallhavea nonexclusive easementtomake suchuse of the Common Elements s ubjecttothe repair andmaintenance obligationof theAssociation asmay be reasonable or necessary toperformthe dutiesandfun ctions which it isobligatedorpermitted to perform p ursuant tothis Declaration.TheOwners of the Units shallhaveanonexclusive e asement to make use of lheCommon Elements as maybe reasonable or necessary toperform thedutiesand functions of the Owners of suchUnits whichtheyar c obl igated or permittedtoperform pursuant to thisDeclaration. 5.12Easements Deemed Created.Allcon veyances of Condominium Unitsshall be subject to the easements setforth inthisDeclaration,even though nospecific referencetosuch easements appears in any suchconveyance . 5.13 Ad ValoremTaxation.Assoonaspossible a fter theCondominium Map,ifsucb map depicts Units,shall havebeen filed forrecord in Eagle County,Colorado,Dec larant shalt deliver a written noticeto the Assessor o fEagle County,Colorado.as provided b y law,setting fortb the depictionsoftheCondominium Unitsso that eachCondominium Unit sha ll be assessed separately thereafter fo r a ll taxes,assessmentsandothercharges of anyo ther taxing or a ssessing authority.Noforfe iture or sale of anyCondominium Unit for delinquent taxes,assessments,o r other governmentalcharges shalld ivest or in any way affect the title toany other Condominium UniL AR TI CLE VI.CONVEYANCE AND DESCRJPTlON OF A C ONDOMINIUM UNIT 6.1 Every purchase contract for Ut e sale of a Condominium Unitwrittenpri or 10the filing for record o fthisDeclaration and theCondominium Mapshall be effective and bindingon the parties thereto if it described a Condominium Un it by itsidentifying Unit num ber,and stales thatsuc h Condominium Unit will havean undivided interest intheCommon Elements a ppurtenant thereto.assuch Condominium Unit and appurtenant Common Elements shallbedesigna ted in this Declarationandthe Condominium Map to be filedforrecordinEag le County,Colorado,and such I III I ~Ill m ~m l lll lll ~I ~I II\IIII [III I ~IIII~II ~~~~~::~"•• &an J Fhhu till ••eo 133 R 11 &."D •.•1 •• description shall conclusively be presumed to relate to the corresponding Condominium Unit reflected thereon . After thisDe claration and the Condominium Map shall have been filedfor record in Eagle County,Colorado,everycontractforthesaleofa Condominium Unit and everyotherinstrument affecting title to a Condominium Uni t shalldesc ribe that Condominium Unit by reference to its identification number shewn on the Declaration andthe Condominium MBP~as each shall appear in the records of the Count)'Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado,inthe following fashion: Condominium Unit 'as shownonthe Condominium Mapfor North TrailTown Homes appearing inthe records ofthc County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado.Reception No .'and as defined and described in that Declaration -North Trail Town Homes.appearing in such records in Book __at Page __~ Such description will be construed to describe the Condominium Unit,together withthe appurtenant undivided interest inthe Common Elements,and10 incorporate allthe rights incident 10 ownership of a Condominium Unitand alllhc lim itations on such ownership as desc ribed in this D eclaration. ARTICLE VII .MECHANIC'SLIEN RIGHTS 7.J Nolabor perfonncd or materials furnished forusein connection with any Unit with the consent orat the request of an Owner or an Owner's agent or subcontractor shall create any rights to file a statement of mechanic's l ien against the Unit of any Owner not expressly consenting to or requesting the same or against any interest in the Common Elements except as to the undivided interest therein appurtenant totheUnit of the Owner for whom the labor shall have been pcrfonned andsuch materials shall have been furnished.Each Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the other Owners from and against liability or loss arising from the claim of any l ien against theCo ndominium Unit,or any part thereof of any other Owner for l aborpe rformed or for materialsf urnishedinwo rk o nthefirs t Owner's Unit.Atthe written request of any Owner of a Unit.the Association shall enforce such indemnity by co llecting from the Owner of the Uni t on which thelaborwas performed and materials furnished the amount necessary to discharge any such lien,including allcosts incidental thereto,and obtaining discharge of thelien . ARTICLE VIII .THEASSOCIATION 8.1 General.The Association shan be and constitute the entity to exercise the powers and perfonn the duties of tile Association setforthinthis Declaration.The Association may take all actions reasonable or necessary to perform its duties and exercise its powers to the fullest extent permitted by law,subject to the provisions of this Declaration . 8.2 Membership.Each Owner of a Unit shallbea member of the Associatio n .If titleto a Unit i she ld by mo re than one pany,the membership o r memberships related tothat Condominium Unit shall be shared by all such parties inthe s ame proportionate interest in which •• thetitle to such Condomin ium Unit isheld.TheOwners ofCondominiumUnits shalt be entitled to one membership foreach Condominium Unitown ed.The memberships of the Association m ay not be transferred except in connection with the transfer ofthe Unit to whichthey areallocated; provided,however,thattherights of membership may be assignedto a Mortgagee as further security fora loan secured by a lienonsuch Condomin ium Unit. 8.3 Voting Rights .TheAssociationshallhaveone class of membership .Each membership s ha ll entitlethe Owner thereof to one votein the Association.Inthe event there are mu ltiple Ownerso f amem bership,th eir one vo teshall be cast as they shall determine . 8.4Board o f Directors .Declarant shall e lectthe members afthe Board unti ls uch time as s ixty(60)days a fter the con veyance of Un its hav ing a se ven ty-five pe rcent (75 %)or greater int ere st in th e Common E lement s ownedby suchUnit Owners other t han Dec larant ,ortwo (2)years after the last conveyance of a Unit by Declarant,in the ordinary course of busines s; prov ided ,however,that not later Ulan s ixty (60)days after con veyance o f Units baving a combined twe nty-five percen t (25%)interest in the Common E lements allocate dto the Unit Owners other thanDec larant,atleastone (I)member a ndnot le ss than twenty-five percent (2 5%)of th e members of the Board must be e lected byUnit Own ers o ther than Declarant.and ,furthermore ,no t later than sixty (60)days after conveyance of Condom inium Units having aco mbined perce ntage interestinthe Common Elements of fifty percen t (50 %)all ocated to Unit Owners other than Dec larant .no tle ss than thirty-threeandone -third (33 1/3%)of the membersoftbe Board m ust be e lected byUnit Owners ot her t han Declarant. 8.5 Tmnsfer:De legation .Except as otherw ise expre ss ly s tated herein,any of the rights, int erests,dut ies,functions andobl igations of theAssoc iation set fo rth herein or reserve d herein m ay be transferred,as signed,or de legated toany other personorenti ty ;pro vide d,howe ver,thatno s uchtran sfer,assignment or de legation sha ll re lieve the Associa tion of any of theo blig at ions set forth herein .Any suc h transfer,assignme nt orde legation shallnot revoke or change any of the rightsor obligations o f any Owners as selforth herein . 8 .6 Amp lification .The provisions of chis Article are to be amplified by theArt icles of Incorporation and Bylaws of theAssociat ion;prov ided,however.thatno s uchamp lification shall a lter or amend any of the tights orobl igations of the Associat ion or the Owners asse t fo rth he rein. 111 1 11 111 ~1 1III 11 11 111 1 111 1 11111 1 1 1111 ~111 111 ~I I ~I ::~~~~:~::,lOP Sau J ~hn.r Eull,co 133 R 11 5 .10 D I.'" •• ARTICLE IX.POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE ASSOCIATION 9 .1Th e Common Elements.The Associationsha llbe r esponsible for them aintenance an d repa ir of the CommonElem ents identified on th e CondominiumMap subjec tto jurisdiction of the Association to exercise the powers and d uties of the Association under thisDeclaration.The A ssociation shall ha veno o therpowe rs ordutie s with respect to the Co mmonElements,except thosespecificallymade subject 10 thejuri sdiction of theAssociation hereby.Allfurtherreferences inthis Declaration asto theCommon Elements relatedto theUnitsshall mean and refertothat portion of theCommon Elementsmade subject to thejurisdictionoftheAssociationinaccordance with this Section. 9.2 Misce llaneous Services.The A ssociation may ob tain andpa yfo r the services o fan y pe rson o ren titytomanage its affairs .o rany part th ereof,to the extent it deemsadvi sable,as well as such otherp ersonnelas theA ssociationshalldet ermine to be necessaryor desirable to p erform its powers lindduties,whethersuchpersonnel arefurni shedoremp loyed directly by the Assoc iation orby any pe rson or enti ty with whomitcontracts .Thecost of suc h services shall b e borne as an ass essmentunde r this Declarat ion . 9 .3Pers onal Propeny forCommonUse .TheAss ociation may acquire and ho ld forthe usean d benefit of Unit Owners tangible and intangible personal p ropertyand may dispos e of the sa me by saleor otherwise.The Owner of each Unitmay usesuch property in accordan ce with the purpos e forwhichitisintended ,subject torules and regulationsgo verninguse establi shed by the Assoc iation. 9.4Rulesand Regulations .TheAs sociation maymake,andth e Unit Owners shall co mply with.,rules andregulati ons governing tbeuseof the Uni ts,Common Eleme nts and personal property forcommon use,whi ch rulesand re gulations shall be consistent w ith suchUnit Owners' righ ts and d utiesestablishedin this Declarat ion. 9.5 En forcement.TheAssoc iation shallhavethe power to enforc e this Declaration for thecom pliance oftb e Uni t Ownersandtheir lessees,invitees a ndlicensees ,tothe full ex tent pe rmitted by law,including actionsat law o r ineq uity.Without limitatio non the foregoing ,the Association may suspend a Unit Owner's votingrights intheAs sociation during any period of s uch Owner's noncompliance w ith this Declaration or th e As sociation's Arti cles o f Incorporation, Bylaws o rrul es and regulations . ARTICLE X.ASSESSME"'''S 10 .1 Agreem ent toPayAsse Ssment.TheOwn ers of each U nit shallpaytothe Association assessments made by tbeA ssociat ion,atthetime,in themannerandfor thepurpo ses providedinthis Declarat ion.Such assessments shall be established,leviedand collected fromtime totim e in themannerprovided inthisArticle .Until the Association makes a co mmonexpense assessment,Declarant shall pay allcommon expensesofthe Units.As sessments under this Declara tion are restricted to the perfonnance of the Association 's dutie s and exercise o fthe Associati on's pow ersas totheUnitsand related Comm on E lements only. I IIII~II ~II [I II II~II1II~m mIiI~I I ~~II ~~~~1~1 ~~lIP hr..J "'1""'"E..I ••eo 'I'R 115."D I .el •• 10.2 Payments to W orking Cap italAc count .Inord er to provide the Association with adeq uate wo rking c apitalfun ds.the Associa tion sh all co llect at thetim e of the sa le o f each Co ndominiumUn ita n a mount equal to three mon ths'insta llments of annua lAsse ssments at the rate ineffe ct atthe time o fthe sale.The A ssociation shall m aintainthe wo rking c apital funds to meet unforeseenexpendituresorto acquireadditional equipment or servicesin connection with the CommonElementsfor the benefit ofthe member s oftheAssociation,subjecttothe budget approval procedures of Seclion 10.3 below.Such payments to thisfund shallnot be considered advance paymentsofannual Assessments.The unusedportiona ftbeworkingcapitaldeposit shall be returned 10 each Ow nerupo n thesa le of their Co ndominium Unit,prov ided that th e new O wner of the Unit has d eposited with theAssoc iationa working capital d eposite qualtothree m onths' ins tallmentso f ann ualA ssessmentsat the rat e ine ffect at thetim e of the sa le. 10.3Amo unt of Rebrular Assess ments .The regular assessments sh allbeb ased upo n an annu al bud getado pted by the Associationto provide for the payment o f all estimated ex penses arisi ng outo f or connectedwiththe performance oCthe A ssociationpu rposes .Sa id estimated e xpensessha ll include management fees and expenses;insu rance premiums;land scaping and c are o fthe grounds;snow removal;Co mmon E lementrepai rs,replacements and maintenance;wages for Associ ation employeesan d tras h remo val;legal a nd accounti ng fee s:any d eficit re maining froma previousp eriod ;th ec reation of a rea sonable co ntingency re serve.surplus and/or sinking fund ;and anyo there xpenses and liabilitieswhich ma y be incurred b y the Association under or by re ason of thi s D e claration. 10.4 A pponionmentof Expenses . UNITSATHROUGH F UNIT A UNI TE UNIT e .1 52215% .17033% .I 71545 % UN ITD UNITE UNITF .169447% .)68452% .16 8 011% 7 0010 oflbea nnualcond ominium ex pensesarediv ided equally among a lluni tsa ndthe rem aining 30%is prorated based o n o wnershipinter est in theC ommonE lements.The monthly due s fo r e ach unit are th en rounded to thene arest$5.00. 10.5 No tice of Regular Assessments andTime for Payment.Asses sments may be made 0 0 a c alendar month,quarteroryear basis as the As sociation may se lect.The Associati on shall give written notice to each Owner s ubjectto as sessmento f the am ount of the assessment with respect to suc h Owner's Condominium Unitwithinthirty(30)da ys o f tb e det erminationa nd levy o f such ass essment.Such as sessment shall be due andpayable on or before len (10)day s following receipt uf th e notice of assessment,o r.inthee vent lhe assessment s hall be paid mo nthly,on or before the IOlb da yo f each mon th .Each asse ssment shallbear interest atthe rate e stabl ished by the Ass oci ation.or eighteen percent (1 8%)per annum ifno rate is establi shed by the A ssoci ation, from the da te it be comes du e andpayable ifnol paidw ithinten (10)day s afte r su chd ate .Failure of the Association togi ve time ly no tice o f my as sessment as pro vided her ein sha llnot affect the liability o fth e Own cr o fan y Condominium Unit subject 10 suc has sessment,but th e dat e when . pa ym ent shallbecome duein such a caseshallbe ten (10)d aysa fter suc hnoticeshallha ve been 1111 1111111 11 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 ::;~~~.~,.~:.oo lOar.J FlltMlr Ea.I_.co 133 R 11$."D '.el -'------- •• given.In theeventany Owner shall failtobringdelinquentassessmentscurrent within ten(10) days of writtennotice of delinquency givenbytheAssociation,together with interestthereon,the Associationshallhave theoption,but nottheObligation,of accelerating and declaringimmediately due and payablethebalance of s uchOwner'sassessments forthatyear. ]0 .6 Special Assessments.In additiontothe regular assessments authorized by this Article.theAssociation maylevya speciaJassessment,payable oversuch a periodasthe Association maydetermine,for thepurpose of defraying,in whole o rinpart.theco st of any unexpected repair.maintenance orotherexpense incurred or to be incurred asauthorized in this Declaratio n.This Section shall notbe construed asanindependent source of authority for th e Associationtoincur expenses,but shallbe construedto prescribe (he manner of assessingfor expenses authorized by o ther Sectionshereof which shallmake specific referencetothis Article. Theamounts assessed hereunder shall beallocatedunder Section9 .3.Notice inwriting of the amount of suchspecialassessments andthetimeforpayment thereof shall be given promptlyto the Owners subject to assessment,and nopaymentshallbeduelessthan thi rty (30)days after such notice shallhavebeen given.A special assessmentshall bear interest a t the rate o feighteen percent (18%)per annumfromthe dateit becomes due and payable ifoot paidwithinthirty(30)days after such dale. 10.7 LienforAssessments.All s umsassessed pursuanttothis Article,togetberwith interest thereon a s provided herem.shall be secured by a lien on t he CondominiumUnit subjectto assessmentinfavorof theAssociationandin compliancewithsection38·33 .3-316,C.R.S.Such lienshallhave thepriority set forthin section 38-33.3·316,C.R-S.,provided,however.ifsuch statuteisrepealed,thensuchlien shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances on such Condominium Unit,exceptonly for.Valid lax andspecialassessment liens ontheCondominium Unit infavor ofa governmental assessingauthority.All otherlienorsacquiringliens on any Condominium Unitsubject to assessment afterthis Declaration shallhavebeen recorded,shal l be deemed to consent thatsuch liens shall be inferior to furore liensforassessments,8S provided herein,whether ornotsuch consent be specifically set forth in the instrumentscreating s uchliens. To evidencea lien forsumsassessed pursuant to this Article,the Association may prepare a writtennotice o flien settingforth theamount of the assessment,the date due,the amount remainingunpaid,lhe name of the Ownerof the CondominiumUnitsubject to assessmentand 8 description of theCondominium Unil Such anotice shallbesigned by theAssociationandm ay be recorded intheoffice of the CountyClerkandRecorder of Eagle County,Colorado.No notice of lienshall be recordeduntil there isadelinquency inpayment of the assessment.Such lienmay be enforcedby j udicialforeclosure by the Association in thesamemanner in which mortgages on real property may be foreclosed in Colorado.In anysuch foreclosure,theOwner shall be required to pay the co stsandexpenses of such proceeding ,the costs and expenses o ffiling the notice of lien, and an reasonableattorneys'fees.All s uch costs and expenses shall be securedby the lien being foreclosed.Th e Ownershall alsoberequired to pay tothe Associationany assessments against the CondominiumUnitwhich shallbecome d ue during the period of foreclosure.Subject to a ny limitation orinconsistentprovisions inthe Deed Restrictions,theAssociation shall have theright andpower to bidat the foreclosuresaleorother legal sale an dtoacquire.bold.convey,encumber and otherwise d ealwith the same as theOwner thereof. IIII I~1I 1~1I1 ~~Imlli ~m IIIIIII ~1II1~~1111 !:~:~~:.~(.~I" h ra J FItMr !alia,CO 133 "115 .1Il 'D e .llle •• Arelease of notice of lien shall be executed by theAssociation andrecordedinthe Eagle C ounty,Co loradoreal estaterecords u pon paymento f a ll sums sec uredby II lienw hichbas been made thesubject o f a recorded noticeo flien. Anyencumbrancer holdinga lien on aCondominium Unitsubject to assessmentmaypa y, but shall not be requi redto pay.an y amounts sec uredb y the l ienc reated by this Secti on,andu pon suchpayment,suchencumbrancershall be subrogatedto aU rights of the Association with respect tosuch lien,includingpriority. TheAssociationmayreportto anyencumbrancer ora Condominium Unit anya ssessments unpaid forlonger than ninety(90)daysafter thesameshallhavebecome assessmentsremaining unpaid;provided,however.that s uch encumbrancer first shall havefurnished tothe Association written notice of itsencumbrance. 10.8Personal Oblie:at ion of'Own er.Assessments underthisArticle shallbe thep ersonal obligation of theOwner of the Condominium Unit subject to a ssessment tothe Association .Suitto recovera moneyj udgmentforsuchpersonalobligation shall be maintainable by the Association without foreclosingorwaivingthe lien securing the sa me.No member o rOwnermay avoid o r diminishsuch personal obligationbywaiver o ftheuse and enjoyment of any of the Common Elements related tothe Units orby abandonment of suchOwner'sUnit. 10.9Statement ofAccount.Uponwrittenrequest o f any member o rmember's designee oranyMortgagee,prospective Mortgagee o rprospectivepurchaser of a Residential Unit,the Association shallissue awritten statement settingforth the amount of theunpaid assessments,if any.currentlyleviedwithrespect tosuch CondominiumUnit,theamount of the current monthly assessmentandth e date that suchassessmentbecomesdue,credit foradvancedpa ymentsor prepaid items,including,butnot limited to,anOwner'sshare of prepaidinsurance premiums, which statement shall be conclusive upon the Association infavora fpe rsons wbo rely thereon in goodfaith.Unless suchrequest fOT a statement ofaccountshallbe complied withwithinfourteen (14)da ys,a ll unpaid assessments whichbecameduepriortothedate of m aking such request shall besubordinate to the lien of a Mortgageewhichacquired its interest subsequenttorequest ing such statements. ARTICLE XI.USE OF CONDOMINIUM UNITS 11 .1 CondominiumUnits.The Units shallbe usedforresidential purposes.as defined in section 3 8.33.3·105(26),C.R-S.,subject to theDeedRestrictions. IJ.2 Common E lements. 11.2.1 Thereshall be nodamage,de structiono r waste a fthe CommonElements. 11 .2.2 Noportion o fthe CommonElementsshall be usedin violation afany federal,stateorlocallaw. •• 11 .2.3 No Ownersballplaceo rkeep garbage,rubbishor trasb onanyportion of the CommonElementsexcept for areas d esignated orpermittedfor garbage.rubbish or trash . J 1.2.4 Except totheextentpermittedunder this Declaration,there shall beno externalalterationormodification of anyUnitortheConunonElements. 11 .2.S Allveh icles a ftbe Owners,iavite es.Hcensees,guests and lessees shall be kept,stored andparked in areasdesignatedthereforontheCondominium Map. 11.2 .6 All personal property of the Owners s hallbek ept and st ored within their Unil 11.3 fr.rra ges.Each Unit includesa garage specificallydesigned to accommodate 11 full sizedvehicle .i.e.,a 1998 ChevroletSuburban .Allgarages s hall be,atalltimes ,maintained ina manner and condition thata llows afutl sizedautomobileortruckto be parkedtherein.Theuse of agarage forother purposes,including storage,that precludes the parking ofa full sized automobile or truck shallnot be permitted. ARTICLE XII .INSURANCE 12.1 Type s of Insurance .The Association s hall obtain and keep in full force and effect at alltimesthefollowing insurance coverageonthe Units and relatedCommonElements provid ed by companies duly authorized todo business in Colorado.The provisions of thi s Anicle shall n ot be construedto limit the powerorauthority of the Association to obtain and maintain insurance coverage,in additionto anyinsurance coveragerequired hereunder,in suchamountsand in such fonn s as the Association may deem appropriate fromtimeto time.Commencing notlaterthan the time of the conveyance of the first Unit to a personother thanDeclarant,the Association shall maintain.to the extent reasonablyavailable,the insurance setforth in section 38-33.3-313,C.R-S. (a)Property Insurance.The Associationshallobtainpropertyinsurancein such amountsas shallprovidefor fullreplacement o ftheUnitsandrelatedCommon Elementsin theeventofdamage ord estruction resulting fromthe perilsagainstwhich such insurance is obtained.Such insurance shaJl include fire and extended coverage,vandalismand malicious mischief,and suchetherrisksand hazards against whichtheAssociationshall deemitappropriate toprovide insurance protection.TheAssociation maycomply w ith the above requirements by the purchase of blanket coverage endmayelect such "deductible" provisionsasintheAssociation'sopinionareconsistent withgood bus iness practice. (b)Liability Insurance .The Association shallpurchasebro ad form commercial general liabilitycoverage for claims,losses andliabilitiesarisingout of theownership, existence,useormanagementoftheCommonE lements in suchamountsandinsuchforms asit deems advisable,butnotless than$2,000,000 foranynumber of personsinjured or killedin o neaccident andS1,000,000 property damage resulting fromany occurrence. Coverage shall insure theAssociation and its Board,employees Bod agentsand also insure the UnitOwnersasadditional insuredsforclaims andliabilities arising inconnectionwith •• theownership.existence,use o r management of such Common Elements.Coveragemay also include.without limitation,liabilityforpersonal injury,contractualobligations and operations ofautomobiIes onbehalfo ftheAssociation. (c)Workers'Compensationa ndUnemployment C ompen sat ion Insurance.The Association shallpurchaseworkers'compensati on andunemployment compen sation insuranceandallother similarinsuranceinrespect of employees of theAssociation inthe amountsand in theforms noworhereafter required by law. (d)Other Insurance.The A ssociatio n mayobtai n insurance agai nst s uch other risks,ofa similarord issimilar nature,as it shall deem appropriate.including any personal prope rty o fthe As sociation located thereon . 12.2 Owner's R esponsibility .Eac h Owner shallo btain suc h insurance co verage o nthe furnishingsandother items of personal property belonging to anOwner andcasually and public liability insurancecoverage within each Owner'sUnit and for a ctivities o ftbeOwner as such Ownerdeems a ppropriate. 12.3 Form.Thepropertyinsuranceobtained bythe Association shall becarriedin a form orforms namingtheAssociation asthe insured.as trustee for theOwners and Mortgageesastheir interests may appear.Suchpolicy or policies alsoshallprovide thatitorthey cannot becanceled by either the insured o r the insurance company until after thirt y (30)days:'prior writtennotice is firstg ivento eachOwner,eac h Mortgagee,theTown.On request,the Association sha ll furnish ea ch Owner,ea ch Mortgagee.theTown a true co py of suc h policy o r a certificate identifying the interest of the Owner.All policies o f insurance shallbeinvalidated o r suspended o nly in respect 10 the interest of any particularOwnerguilty of breach of warranty.ac t,omission.negligence or noncompli ance wi th anyprovision of suchpolicy.includingpayment o flhc insurance premium applicable to that Owner's interest,orwho permits or fails to prevent thehappening ofan event, whether occurring beforeorafter aloss,which under the provisions o fsuchpolicy wouldotherwise invalidate orsuspendtheentirepolicy.Allpolicies of insurance shallprovidefurtherthatthe insurance under anysuchpolicyastotheinterest of all other insured Ownersnot guilty of anysuch actoromissionshallnot be invalidated or s uspendedand shall remainin futl force and effect. Liability in surance shallname lhe Associationas the insured,as trustee fortheOwners,and sballprotecteachOwner againstliabilityfor acts o fthe Associationin COMectiOD with the ownership.o peration,maintenance or o therperformance of its duties under this Declaration. 12.4Insurance P ~eds .The Association sball receive lhe proceeds of any property insurance payments receivedunderpolicies obtainedby itandm aintained by it pursuant to this Article.TheAssociation shall apportionthe proceeds tothe portions of the Unitswhichhave been damaged andshalldeterminetheamount of the proceeds attributable to damageto theCommon Elements.To the extentthatreconstructionis required herein,the proceeds s hallbeusedfor such pUJPO!>e .Totheextentthatreconstruction isnot required hereinandthereisa detenn ination that theUnits andCommonElements shall not be rebuilt,theproceeds shall bedistributed to each of theOwners thereof in accordance with their respective interest therein,with j o int paymentsbeing madetotheOwnerandtheMortgagees where the Association bas written notice of the ex istenceo f •• aMortgage.EachOwner and each Mortgagee shall be bound by the apportionments ofdamage and of the insurance proceeds made by the Associationpursuanthereto. ARTICLE XJIl.CASUALTYDAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION 13.1Affects Title.Title to ea ch Unitis hereby made subject tothe termsand conditions hereof,whichbindallOwners,Mortgageesand lienholders .whetherornot it be soexpressedinthe deed orotherinstrument bywhichanyOwner,Mortgagee o rlienholderacquiredhisoritsinterest insuch CondominiumUnit.References inthis Articleto"Owner.""Mortgagee"or"lienholder" shallbetotheOwners,Mortgageesandlienholders ofUnitsandCommonE lements. 13.2Association as Agent.Th e Association isappointed theso le ag ent onbe half of theOwners,Mortgagee s andlienholders to act intheirname,placeandstead forthe repair and reconstruction of theUnitsandCommon Elements upon theirdamageordestructiunas hereinafter provided. 13.3 General Authority of Association.The Association s hallhavefull andcomplete authorization,right and powertomake.executeanddeliverany contract.deed,orother instrument with respect to the interest of aCondominium Unit Owner,Mortgageeorlienholder which maybenecessary orappropriate to exercise thepowershereingranted.Repairand reconstruction of theimprovements asused inthe succeeding subsections means restoring the Units and Common Elements to substantiallythe same condition in whichthey existed prior to damage,with eachUnitand the CommonElements having substantiallythesamevertical and horizontal boundaries asbefore.The proceeds of anyinsurance of theAssociation collected sball be available tothe Association forthepurpose of repair orreconstructionunle ssthe Owners representinganaggregate ownership interesto fseventy-fivepercent (75%)ormore oftbe Units.all firstandsecond Mortgagees and theTown agree nottorebuild. IntheeventanyMortgagee shouldnotagreetorebuild,theAssociation shall havethe option topurchase t hatMortgagee's interest bypayment in full ofthc amount secu red thereby ifthe Owners r epresentinganaggregateownership interest of seventy-fivepercent (75%)ormore cf the Units,excluding Units owned bytheAssociation,andall other Mortgagees a rc inagreement to rebuild.TheAssociation shall obtainthefundsforsuch purposebyspecialassessment againstthe UnitOwnersunderArticleIX of th is Declaration. 13.4 Estimate of Costs.As soonaspracticable afteraneventcausing damage to.or destructionof,anypart oflbe Units ortheir related CommonElements,theAssociation shaU obtain reliableand complete estimates of thecosts of repair o r reconstruction of the part damaged or destroyed . J 3.5 RepairorReconstruction.Assoon as practicable after receiving theestimates of the costs of repair orreconstruction as setforthin Section12.4 oftbis Declaration,the Association shalldiligentlypursue to completion therepairor reconstruction of the part damaged o rdestroyed. TheAssociation may takeall necessary orappropriate action to effect repa ir orreconstruction,as attorney-in-fact for theOwners,andnoconsent or oilier actionbyanyOwner shallbenecessaryin Illilll!lllll\1I11111~11m m~mil III ~~l:~~~:.~f o :~10. h~a J f'lIhar e..1_,CC ,»R tUi,"0 •.•• •• connection therewith.Such repair or reconstru ctionshallbesubstantially in accordancewiththe original pl ans or may be in a ccordance with any other plans and specificationstheAs sociation may approve.withtheconsentof the Town.Thelocation oftheBuilding shall be substantiallythe same as priortothedamage ordestruction. 13.6Fundsfor Repa;r Of Recons tructi on.If the proceeds of any insurance collectedare insufficient to p aythee st imated or actualc ostso f suchrepai r or reconstruction.theAssociation, pursuant to Artic le IX ofth is Decl aration,may levy in advance a s pecialas sessm ent against th e Owners of the Units suffic ient to p rovide fund s to pay such es timated or actual costs of repair or reconstruction .Further lev ies ma y be made inlike manner if the amounts collected prove insufficient to complete the repairo r reconstruction . 13.7 Di sbursement o f Funds for Repair or Reconstruction.The insurance proceeds he ld by the Association a nd the amounts rec eived fromth eass essments provided for in Section 12.6o f thi s Declaration constitute afund for the payment of co sts of repair o r re construction after casualty.It shall be deemed tha t the firs t money d isbursedin payment fo r co sts of repair or reco nstruction shall be m ade from insurance proceeds ;if th ere i sab alance after pa;ment of a ll costs of su ch repair o r reconstruction,such balance shall be d istributed to the Owners in proportion to the contributions each Owner made,orwo uld ha ve made,ha dth erebee n an assessme nt(s), p ursuan t to Sect ion12 .6 of this Declaration . 13.8 Dec ision Not to Rebuild.If the Owners r epre se ntin gan aggregate o wnership int erest of seventy-five percent (75%)ormore of the Units ,excluding U nits owned by the Association,and all ho lde rs of firs t a nd second Mortgages onCon dominium Units and the Town agree notto rebuild ,th e affected Units and Common Elements shall be s o ld ,an d tbe pro ceeds of such sale an d the undistributed insurance proceedsshall be di stributed to the Owners,Mortgagees. andthe Town as their intere sts appear. ARTIC LE XIV.OBSOLESCENCE 14.1 Adoption of a Plan .The Owners repre senting seventy-five p ercent (75%)of the ownership inter ests inthe U nits may adopta wri tte n plan for the renewal andrec onstruction of a ll the Units,w hich plan shall havetheu nan imou s a pproval o fa ll first and second Mortgagees of record atth e time of the adoption of su ch plan and the Town .Such p lan shall be recorded inthe Eag le County C lerk and Recorder's records .References herein to "Owners"and "Mortgagees" shall be to the Owners and Mortgagees of Un it s andCo m mon Elements . 14.2 Payment fo r Renewal or Reconstruction .The expense of r enewal or reconstruction shall be payable by all of theOwn ers of the Unitsas special assessments against their re spective Condominium Units.These special as sessments shall be levied in advance pursuant to Article l X o f this Declaration,an d shall be al located andco llected as provided in that Article .Further levies may be madeinlike manner if the amounts c ollecte d prove insufficient to complete the renewal or reconstruc tion,any excess shall be re turned tothe Owners ofthe Units by ad ist ribution to eac h Owner inan amount pr oportionate to the respective a mount co llectedfrom each Owner. IIIII\II I\~II\~II~11111 ~m 11\11 111111111\1\1 111I ;~~~!~r.~,.. s .....J Fl lhll ..b sls,co 1:53 R t ULle D e ." •• ARTICLE XV .CONDE:\1NATIO N 15.1 Con sequences ofCondernnatjog.If at a ny timeorlim es during the continuance o f the condominiwn ownership pursuant tothis Declaration,allor any part of the Units and/or related CommonElements shall be takenor condemned byanypublicauthority,orsold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof,then thi s Article shall apply.References to "Unit,n "Owner"o r "Mortgagee"herein shall be to theUnits andtheCommonElementsand theirOwners and Mortgagees. J5 .2 Proceeds .Allcom pensation,damages,or other proceeds therefrom.thes um of whichis hereinaftercalledthe"Condemnatio n Award,"shall be payableto the Association. 15.3 Complete Ta king .Inth e event th ata ll Un itsaretak en or con demned,o r so ld or otherwise d isposedo fin lieu of or inavoidance thereof,the condominium o wnershippursuant heretoshaJJtermi nate.The CondemnationAwardshall be apportioned amongtheO wners, Mortgagees,a nd the T own as they may agr ee,provided.however,if they cannot agree,th en accord ing toapp licable Colorado law. The Association shall distrib ute the proceeds of condemnation to the p arties in the shares so de termined,suc h distribution lO be made by checks payable jointly tothe respective Owners.th eir respective Mortgagees.andthe Town a sthe parties agree or a s is awarded. 15.4 Partial Taking.10 the event that less than all of the Un its and CommonE lements are taken or condemned.o r soldor oth erwise di sposed of inlieu of o rin avoidance thereof,the con dominium ownership thereof sha ll not t erminat e.Each Owner shallbee ntitled to a share of the Condemnation Award to be dete rmined in the following m anner.As soo n as practic able,the Associ ation sha ll,reasonably an d ingood failb,al locate the:Co ndemna tion Award be tween compensation,damage s,oro ther proceeds ,and s ha ll appo rt ion Lb eamo unts so allocatedam ongthe Ow nersa s follows:(a)theto tal am ount a llocated to ta king of o rinjury 10 th e Common Elements shallbe a pportionedam onga ll Owners equally,(b)the total amount allocated tose verance da mages shall be apporti oned to thoseUnitswhi ch w ere not taken o r co ndemned.(e )the re specti ve amounts allocated 10 the taking of o r injurytoa p arti cular Unit an d/or impro vements an Owner has madew ithinsu ch O wner'so wn Unit shall he appo rtioned 10 the particular Unit inv olved,and (d) the to tala mountall ocated toco nsequentialdamagesa ndan yo ther taki ngs o rinjuriesshall be ap portionedas th e Associationdet ermines to be equitable in th e c ircumstances.1f a n all ocation of the Condemna tion A ward is alrea dy estab lished in negotiation.judicial decree.or o therwi se,then in allocatingthe Condemnat ion Aw ard.the Associat ion sha ll employ sucha llocation to the extent it is re le vant and app licable.Di stribution of appo rt ioned proceed s sha ll be made by c hecks payable j ointly 10 the Owners and,as joint payees,thei r re spe ctive M ortgagees .and th e Town as th e case maybe. 15.5Reo rganizati on .Inth eeven t a part ialtak ing re sultsinthe taking ofa complete Unit, the O wner thereofa utomatically sha ll ceas e to be a member o f the Association upondis tribution to such Owne r of th e award in condemnati on applicab le tos uch Owner's Condominium Un it Thereafter.the Assoc iation's m embership,and th e number of total vote s in th eAssociation.and IIIII IIII I~111 ~111~III~ilill ~IIIII~III 1II1I11111 ::~~~~.~r .~~ItP Sin J '"ho1p E••I _,co 1)3 II:U5 .ee D'.el •• eachOwner's shareo f assessments shalI be reallocatedinthesamemanner as originally allocated as (fthe completely taken Unitdi d not exist 15.6Reconstruction andRepair.Any reconstructio n and repair necessitated.by the condemnatio n sha ll be governed by the procedures specified in Article Xl1 of this Declaration. AR TI CLE X VI.REVOCATION OR AMEN DMENT T ODE CLARATION 16.1 Except foramendments or suppleme nts to thisDeclaration or theCo ndomin ium Map by Declarant,this Declarationshallnotberevokednorshall anyo f the provisions herein be amended unle ssthe Ownersrepresenting an aggregate ownership interest o f seventy-five percent (75%)or more of theCondominiumUnits,and all or tile holders of firstand secondMortgages on Condominium Units,and theTownconsent and agree [0 such revocation ora mendment by ins truments duly recorded. A RTICLE xvn.PERIOD OF C ONDOMINIUMO WNERSHIP 17.1 Thecondominium ownership created by this Declaration andtheCondominium Mapshall continueuntilthis Declaration and any amendmen ts thereto are revoked in the manner provided in An icle XV of this Declarationo r until terminatedinthemanner provided in Article XN (Obsolescence),orAnicl e XV (Condemnation)or until expiration o f theLease. ARTICLE XVUl.MI SCELLANEOUS 18.1Compliance with Provisions o fDoclaratjon.Articles of Incorporationa ndBylaws of t he Association.Each Owner shall comply with the provisionsofthis Declarationand the applicable provisions of theArticles of Incorporation andBylaws of the Association,andthe decisions andresolutionsoftheAssociationadopted pursuanttheretoas the samemay be lawfully amendedfromtime to time.Failure tocomplywith a ny of the same shall be groundsforanaction to recoversums due,damagesorinjunctiverelief.8S is applicableunder thecircumstances,and costsand expenses of s uch proceeding,including aU reasonable attorneys'fees.Suchaction shall bemaintainable by Declarantor the Owners;provided.however,in the case of actionsinvolving Unitsand Common Elements.such action shall be maintained by the Associationonbehalf of the Owners. 18.2 Registratio n of Mailing Address:Notices.Each Owner ofa membership in the Association sha ll register a mailing address with the Association and all notices,requests or demands intended to be serveduponanyOwner of 8 membership,except for budget statements, notices of meeting and other routine notices,shall be sent by either registered o r certified mail, postage prepaid.addressedin the name of theOwnerof a membership atsuchregistered mailing address.Unlesso therwiseprovided herein.budget statements,notices ofmeetings an d other routinenoticesmay be sentby regular mail.postageprepaid,addressedin thenameo f the Owner o f a membershipat such registered mailing address.Allnotices,requestsor d emands intended 10 IIIII'IIIIIIII~III~11111 ~II~111111 ~I 1111111111111 ~~~~t~,.~~,.. t ara J f llMr E..l a .CO 1)3 It 11'."D 11 .111 ..•• be se rved upo n th e Associat ion shall be given by registered o r certified mail ,po stage pre paid ,to the address of theA ssociationas designated in the Articlesof Incorporationor Bylawso f th e Association.AU notices,requests o r de mands to be s erv ed onMo rtgagees pursuant hereto sh alJ be sent by e ither re gistered or c ertified mail ,postage prepaid,addressedinth e n ame o ftheO wn er a t su ch addressasthe Mortgagee may ha vefurnished to theA ssocintion i n writing .U nless the Mortgagee furnishes the A ssociations uch a ddress,the M ort gagee sha ll be entitled to rece ive none o f the notices pr ovided for in thisD eclarati on .An y noticereferredto in this S ection or req uired undertbi s D eclaration.the Articles o fIncorporationor theByl awso f theA ssociation sha l l be deemed sufficiently given whendeposited in the United States mail in theformprovided for inthis Section. 18.3 Owner's Ob lig ations Continue.The conveyance of a Condominium Uni t shalln ol affect theobligat ion o f any Owner underthis Declaration incurredoraccruingto the point of such conveyance .However.theOwner ofa Condominium Unit shall havenoobligation for ex penses or other obligations accruin g after the O wner conveys such Condominium Unit. 18.4 Tr ansfer of Des:l ar ant'Rights .Anyri ghts or in terests rese rved here by to Decla rant maybe tran sferred or ass igned by Dec larant 18.S Mod ification o fD ec laration by Declarant.Dec larantr e serve the right to make modifications,ad ditions or deletions in o r to this Declaration as may be required byamortgage lender or insurer.S uchmodifications.addi tions or de letions wi ll notincrease the cost o f Condominium Units.there will be no material physica l modifications o fth e Common In terest Community.and any s uch changes will not decreas e thefinancial obligations of Declarant asUnit Owners. 18.6 Warranty.Declarantdisclaiman yintent to warranty o r make representations exce pt as isset forth in thisDeclaration . 18.7 Severability .If an y oftbe prov isions of th is D ec laration or an y p aragrap h , sentence.cl ause.phras eo r word or the applicat ion the reof in any circums tance be i nva l idated,such in validity shall nota ffecttheva lidity of theremainder of this D ec larati on.andth ea pp l ication of a ny such provision,paragraph,sentence,cl ause.phrase or word in a ny o ther circumstances shall not be affected the reby. 18.8 R ub::Against Perpetuities.If a ny of the optio ns,priv ileges,cov enants or rights created by th is Declaration shallbeunl awful or void forviolation of (a)the rule against perpetuities o r some analogo us sta tutory provision,(b)th e ru le restricting restra ints on ali enation,o r (c)any other statutory or common law rule s im posing time lim its.su ch provision shall continue o nly for the period of the lifeo fth e current V ail council members,Vai l manager and Vllil townanom ey, and their now Jiv ing descendants,an d the survivors of them plus twenty-one (2 1)years. I~I ~II I III II !~I ~II \II I III ~IIIII1~~~~~II~;~~~t~(.~... S.~a J F"~Ea.I.,co 'u R u s ."D 1 .111 •• 18 .9 Appli cability.Thi s Declarati onsha ll inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the unde rsign ed,and their successors and assigns. THIS DECLARATION is executed as oflheMdayof ~,2001. TOWN OFVAIL, a Colora do municipal corporati on By tV~,M~= Robert W.McLaurin,Town Manager Par cel Description • EXHIBITA • A parce l of land situated ina part of lot I,Block H,Vai l das Schone -Filing No .2,a resubdivision of Lots 1-4 ,Town of Va il,Count y of Eag le,State of Co lorado,perthe Plat thereo f recorded February 13,2001,at Recept ion Number 749907.in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder,said parcel being more particularly described asfollows: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner ofsaid Lot I;thence alongthe boundary of said Lo t 1 the followi ng fivecourses:1)NS I'43'OO"E 145.50fee l:2)S2S'50'OO''W62.50 fee t;3)S49OJ5'23"E 135.S1fee l;4)S44'36 'OO "W 19.00feet;5)55 .13fee talong the arc o f a curv e to the left w itha rad ius of362.32 feet,an interiorangle of OS'43'04"andachord whic h be ars S40'14'Z8 "W 55.07 feel;thence departingsaid boundary N80'23 '23"W 47 .65 feet;thence S09'47'27"W ZI.16 fee t; the nce N8 1V27'41 "W 124.69 feettoapoint onthe We sterly boundary of said Lot1;thence NOI'SI'OO"E 171.S7feel to thepoin t of beginning, IIII II III ~II II~1 1I1~llIlm 111m ~1IIII i 1I 1 ~~~~:~,~,.:~tOP San J 'I I"'"Ea.I.,eo In It 11 0 ...D•.•• •• EXHIBITB NORTH TRAIL TOWN HOMES OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELE MENTS Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D Unit E Unit F Total .152 215 .17033 .1 71545 .169447 .168452 .168011 1.00000 •• ARTICLESOFINCORPORA TIOr-; OF NORTHTRAILTOWNHOMES HOMEOWNERS'ASSOCIATION,INC. In compliance with the requirements of the Colorado Revised Nonprofit CorporationAct,Sections 7-12)-101.et ~.,C.R.S.,the undersigned,whoisaresident of Colorado,and eighteen years of age or o lder.does this day voluntarily ado pt the fo llow ingfor the p urp oseo fforminga n on-profitco rpo ration anddoes h erebycertify : ART ICLEI NAME The name of the corporation isNORTHTRAILTOWNHOMES HOMEOWNERS'ASSOCIATION,INC.,hereinafter called the "Assoc iation ," ARTI CLE II PRINCIPA L OF FICE The principal office afthe Association is locatedat75S .Frontage Road.Va il. Colora do 81657. ARTICLE 1II INITIAL REGISTERE D AGENT NinaTimrn,whoseaddressis 75S.Frontage Road.Vail.Colorado 81657.is hereby appointed the initial registered agent of this Association .. ARTICLEIV PURPOSES ANDPOWERS Th e Association shall be aco rpora tion not for profi t and s hall be an d constitute the Association described inthat certa in Declaration for North T rail T own Homes Homeov..ners'Association,Inc.,hereafter referred to as the "Declaration,"recorded o r to be recorded inthe office o fthe Eagle Cou nty Cle rk and Recorder at Reception Number .,.......,...._~'as th esa me may be amended fromtime to timeastherein provided,said Declaration bei ng incorporated herei n as if se t forth atlength.T he corpo ration may exe rcise a ll of th e po wersan dp rivileges,andpe rform a ll of the d uties an d o b ligations o f the Association,as theyarcse t forth in the Dec larat ion,anda ll ot her law fulpowerso f nonprofi t corporations u nder the Colorado Revised Nonpro fit Corpo ration Act. • A RTICLEV MEMBERSHIP • The corpo ration s hall be a membership corpo ration.Themembe rs shall be the Owners of Co ndominium Units intheCo mmonInt erestCo mmun ity ,accordi ng tothe a lloca tion of m embershi ps defined and pro vided inthe Declaration. ARTICLE VI VO TING RIGHTS The members shall have one(1)vot e forea chm embershipa llocated to the Condominium U ni tsund ertheDeclaration . ARTICLE VlJ EXECUTIVE BO ARD The affairs of the Association s hall be managed by an Execu tive Board (Bo ard)of th ree (3 )pe rso nswho,ex cept fo r the init ia l Board na m edinth is Art icleV II,and e xcep t forthose Bo ard m embers chosen by (heDeclarantsp ursuant tothe Declaration,s hall be elected by the membership of the Association .The number of members of theBoard maybe changed by amendment of theBylaw s of theAssocia tion.Thenamesand addresse s of the persons who are toac t inthe capacity of the initial members of the Board until the selection of their successors are: Robert W.McLaurin 75S .Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 816 57 R.Thomas Moorhead 75S .Fronlagc'Road V ail,Co lorado 8 1657 Nina Timm 75S .Frontage Road Vail ,C ol orado 8 1657 AR TI CLE VIII DISSOLUTION T he Assoc ia tion's assets s hall be distri butedu pon d issolutionin accordance with Sec tion 7-134-10 I ,e t seq .C .R .S.,in effect a t the tim eo f s uch d isso lution. • ARTICLEIX DUR ATION Thec orporation shall e x ist perpetually. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF,for the purpose o f fo rming this corporation under thc laws of the State of Colorado,I,the undersigne d,the incorpo ra toro f this Association, haveconsentedto th eappoint ment and hav e executed the se Arti cles of In corp ora tion thi s Zio dayo f fbwt Vj~zoot STATE OF COLORADO ) _)s s. COUNTY O F E"O '~) Theforegoi ng instrumen t was acknowledged beforemethis ~day of f:£h('U,tV'-(.200 ~.by N (J \{..~Ti {t ',rll::.... My commission expires;-A:r r;,\1'1,lI!io3 Witness my hand and o fficialseal. •• Project Name:NorthTrailTH Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Comm uni ty Deveopment 75 So uth Frontage Road ,Vail .Colorado 81657 tel:970.179.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d .vail.co.us ORB Number:DRBOlO060 Planters on walls between driveways Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAil %AN AN CE DEPT 755FRO NTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 Lice nse: APPU CA NTTOWNOFVAIL %ANANCE DEPT 755 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO Nina limm 8 1657 Ucense: Project Address:2477 GARMISH DR VAIL 03/27/2001 Ph one: 03/2 7/2001 Phone: location : Legal Desaiption:Lot:2&4 Block:H Subdivision :VAI L DAS SCHO NE FIl 2 Parcel Number:2103II413012 Comments:stain ed to match deck.rails BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: second By : Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval :04/03/2001 Cond :8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board . Planner :Allison OChs ORBFeePaid :$0.00 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ••Q uestio ns?Cilll e'lanning Sta ff at 479-2 138 GoNoRALINfORMAJ1Q~ Th is applicatio n is foranyp roject requiri ng Design Review approval.Any project requiringdesig n rev iew must receive Desig n Review approvalprior to submitting for abuilding permit.For specific information,see the subm ittal requirements fortheparticular approval that is requested .The applicatio n cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted.The projectmay also needto be reviewed bytheTown Co uncil and/o r the Pla nning and Environmenta l Comm ission.Design Review Board approval ex pir es on e y ear afterfi na l a p prov al u nl ess a building permit isis sued an d con struction is sta rted. ______________PHONE::_ lOCATIO N OF PROPOSAL:LOT:I BLOCK :H Fl UNG:V"jI 01,1',.~CM~.il".z. PHYSICA L ADDR5S :2.'111 Gt"'VWl i~twive. PARCEL #:Q!I O?J IIi ;;O!H (Con tact ""gte Co.Assesso rs Office 01 970-32B-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:Rlt?id ~1 ~l!'v\~~~~:-----,---::_-;:-_ NAMOOF OWNffi(S)3OW;of,.....:V.~~"-L1.,-(....£N"iVl,-,,,,'7:)L-'-'~,_ MAlUNGADDRBS:1 '7 ,:>.Fvovrht~l:.l2d. VAAl ,c..o JUL n PHDNO:...±'''1-2.14+:...-_ OWN ER(S)SIGNATURE(S ):.~~i:;;:;_:;;;;;;;~~':;;:::~~-~:::~~==== NAME OF APPUCANT :hi!me t¥:>lit ~ MAlUNG ADDR5S::---------_:-cc:-c:_ B. C. D. O. F. G. H.TYPE OF ROVIOW AND 1'00: D New Construction ·$200 o Addition -$50 rAJ Minor Alteration ·$20 Construction ofa newbUilding. I ncludes any addition wheresquare foo tage is added to a ny residentialor commercialbuilding. I ncludes minor changes t obuildings andsite improvements,such as,reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retai ning wa l ls,etc. ORB fees are to be paid atthet ime of submittal.Later,when applying forabuildingpermit,please identify the acc urate valuation ofthe project.The Town of Vai l will adjustthefee acco rding totheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ANO THEFEETOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DOVELOPMENT, 7SSOUTHFRONTAGEROAD ,VAIL,COLORADO 81651. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:CK#:--;By: App lication Date:,DRB Meeting Date::", Pre-Application Meeting Da te: Planner:ProjectNo.: ~E C E I V E D 27 2001 , • Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName :ArosalGarmisch EmployProject Numbe r:prj99-0126 Houstng Project Descriptio n:Removal of wood trim a round strucco Owner,Add ress,andPho ne :Town or Vail 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail ,CO 81657 970-479-2138 Architect/Contac t,Ad dress,and Phone :Nina Timm same as above ProjectStree tAddres s :24 77,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Lega l Desc ription:L ots 1~,Block lit Vail Da s Schone 2nd ParcelNum be r;210311413013 , 210311413012 Co mme n ts; Bu ilding Name:Arosa/Garmisch Employee Housing Mo tio n by: Sec ond ed by: Vote:4-0 Co nditions : Town P lanner: Board/Staff Action Bill Plerce Actio n: C lark Brittain Alli son Oehs C onsent approved Date :217/01 DRBFee Pa id:waived Proj ect Na me: Document! Arnsa/Gnrmisch Employee Housing ••PLANNING ANDENVIRONMENTAL COMM ISSION M EETINGRESU LTS Monday ,No vem ber27 .2000 •• 1 " PROJECT ORIENTATiON t :C ommunityDev e lopment Dept.PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMB ERSP RESENT Ga len Aas la nd ChasBe rnhardt Dian e Golde n Joh n Sc hofield B rian Doyo n Doug Cahill Site Vis its : M EMBERS ABS ENT T o m Webe r 1;00pm 1.RedS andstone E lementary Sch ool-551N.Fro nt ageRoad 2 .FordPark -540 S .F ront age RoadEast 3 .Vai l 21 Co ndom iniums -521 E.Lionshe ad Circle Driver.George N OTE :If th e P EG h eanng exten ds until 6 :00 p.m.,the boar dmayb reak f ord inner from 6 :00 ·6 :30 p.m . Public Hearing -T own Council Ch ambers 2;00pm 1.Areq uest f or aco nditional usepermit,toallowforthe in stallation o f wi relesstelec ommunications facili t ies,locatedat551 N .FrontageRd.,RedSan dstoneE lementaryS chool/Lot 8,Vail Pota to PatchFilin g1. App licant:AT&T Wireless Services,rep resented by Uberty Wirest ar Pla nner:An n Kjerulf MOTIO N :Jo hn Schofi eld SECO ND:B rianDoyon VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1.T hat t he a pplicant s hall plant two six-foottallco niferous t rees prio rt o Jun e15,2 001 immediatelyt oth e eastofth e pro posedt ranstormer,ai r-conditioningunit ,a nd ge nerator in o rder t o provideadequate scree ning forthi sequ ipment.Thepr oposed locat ionof t henewtreess hallbe reviewed by staff prio r to planting . 2 .T he app licant sh all receive wri tten approv a l f romtheTownofVailp rior t o b eginning wo rk uponTown -ownedp roperty . 3 .Th att he appl icantp la ntsaddition al la ndscapi ng if any existing landscaping is di sturbed ordest royedduring cons tructio n . ro wfi) ••, 2 .A request fo ra work session t o disc usstheestablis hment of aSpec ial Deve lopment Dis trict to allow f ort he construct ion o f anew co nference facility /hotel a nd co nditionaluse permits to allowfo r thecons truction offra dionalf ee u nitsa nd TypeIII em ployee housi ngunitsat13 Vai l Ro ad I LotsA ,B,C ,Block2 ,Vail Village Filing 2 . A pplicant: P lanner: DoramarHotels ,rep resented by the DaymerCorporation Br entWi lson WORKSESSION -NOVOTE 3.A request forawo rksess iont odi scuss aMajo r Exterior Alt eration ,to all owfo r t he r edevelopmentof theV ail 2 1Co ndominiums ,locat ed at 521 E.LionsheadCi rcle/Lot 3,B lock 1,VailU onshead 16t Fili ng. A pplica nt P lanner: Vail21Co ndomin ium As sociatio n A llison Ochs WORKSESSION -NOVOTE 4 .A req ue st foraminor s ubdivis ion ,toallow f o r the creat ionoftwot racts of land ,locatedat 1778Vail V alley Drive /a curre ntlyunpla ttedt ract oflandw ithin S ecti on 9,Township 5 So uth,Range80 W est ofthe6 th P.M ,directl y northofLot3 ,Sunburst Filing 3wit hinth eVail Gol f Co urse . T h es ubject p roperty ("Vail Golf Co urs e Clubhouse Subdivision")iss pecifically de scribed a sf ollo ws: T hatpart of Section 9 ,T ow nship 5 South,Range SO West of t he S'"PnncipalM eridian , T own o f Y aH,Eagle County,Co lorado ,described as follows:Begin ningatthemost northerly c orner of L ot3 ,S unburst Firing No.3,according tothefin al plat f o r Sunburst Filing N o.3,recorde d inBoo k 263at P age429 ,inth e office of t h eEagleCo unty, Colo rado ,Clerkand Reco rd er,s aidp ointalso being on t he northerly right-of-wayline of S unbu rst D rive ,asshown o n saidfi nal plat;then ce th efo llowing tw oco ursesalon g said northerly ri gh t~o f-way line:(1)119 .32 feet alon g the a rc of a curv e to th e left,havin g aradiusof 13500f eet,acen tral angleof SOU3S '2 1"andacho rd t hat bears N72"59'22'W 1 15 .47 feet;(2)S81<)41'30W 187.4 3;th ence,dep artings aid nort herly right-ot-w ay line ,N OB018 '30"W 266 .90 feet;t hence N79028'56 "E 939 .41feet ;then ce S 1 1"28'38"E9 1.78feet t hence S 40"0 1'19"W49 0.77 feet th ence S77 "00 '32 "W 165 .16 f eetto thenortherly tine of s aidL ot 3;t hence ,along saidn ortherly lineofLo t 3,148.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the left ,having a radiusof189 .10 fee t, ace ntral angle of44°50'53"and a c hordthat bea rs N65"08'56"W 144 .27 f eett oth e po int ofbeginning ,co ntaining 6 .47 acres,more or less. Ap plicant:V ail Jun ior Hockey A ssociation ,Vail RecreationDistrict,T own of Vai l Planne r.BrentWil son MOTiON:Joh n SchofieldSE COND :Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6 -0 APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1,That t he a pplicantre cords t he appro veda nd sig ned plat wit h t heEagl eCounty Clerk a nd Re corder's Office by nolater t han November27 ,20 01. 5.A request f or aminor sub div isi on ,t oallowfo r t he va cation oflot lines ,located at2475 G armischLane/Lots1-4 ,Block H,Vailda sScho neFiling 2 , A pplicant:Townof Vail,repre sentedbyN inaT imm Planner.A llison Ochs M OTION :Joh n Sc hofield SECOND :B rian Doyon APPROVED 2 VOTE:6-0 •• 6.A requestf orafin al reviewofa co nditional use permit,to allow fort he c onstruction of P hase I of Donova nPark improvements and areq uestforrezo ning ofaportionof Vail Village W est Filing 1(i ncluding Lot4 ,Vail Village W est Filing 2 -1774Matte rhorn Circle}from "Re sidential Cluster"to "Ge ner a l U se".gene rally located so utheast of th eintersection of Matterhorn Ci rcle a ndth eSou thFrontage Road . A pplicant:Town of Vail Planner:G eorgeRuther MOTION:John Schofi eld S ECOND :Do ugCahill RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL (REZONING): VO TE:6 ·0 MOTiON:J ohnSc hofield SECO ND:Brian Doyon VOTE :6-0 APPROVED WITH 5 CONDITIONS (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT): 1.Thatt heapplicantsubmits afi nal DevelopmentPlanto the Community Development Department for r eviewan dappro val by t heT ownof VailP lanning&Env ironm ental Co m mission prio r t oANY site workbein g completed o n t he pro perty .Th e Deve lopment Plan ,onceapproved,s hallbecomet he Approve d DevelopmentP lan fo r t helowerbe nch ofDonovan P arkandshall prescribet he deve lopment st andards fo r t heprop erty,pursuant toSection 12-9G-S oft he VailT own Code. 2 .T hat the app licant appears beforet he V ailTownCouncil fo r t herevi ew andappro val ofa request t o rezone L ot 4 ,Vai l V illage W est.Filing NO .2 f rom ResidentialClus ter z one district tothe G eneralUse z onedi strict. 3 .T hat thea pproval oft hisc onditional us epe rmitre questiscondi tioneduponthe rezo ning of Lot 4 ,V ail Vill age W est.Filing NO.2. 4 .Th att his co nditional approva l shall become nulla nd vo id shouldth e ap plicantno t rece ivefinal a pproval fro mth e T ownof V all Planning &EnvironmentalCo mmission fo r a n App rovedDevelopment Plan. 5 .T hatan ad ditionalpro vision be m ade for a ninternalbussto p in t he pa rk 7 .A requestf or grading in t hefl oodplain,in acco rdance wit hT itle14,T own Code,located at 540 S.Frontag eRd.Ea stJ FordPark ,Unpla tted . App licant Plann er : VailAl pine Garden Fo undation a ndTownof Va il ,represented by RySo uthard a ndT oddO ppenheimer. Ann Kjerul! TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 11,2000 B.A reque stfo r g rading int heflood pla in ,in ac cordancewi thT itle 14 ,Townof V ail Code, locatedat StephensPa rk ,gene rallylocated in th e 2400block of S.F rontage R d.WestJ Unplatted ven Intermountain. Ap plicant: Planner: WITHDRAWN TownofVa il,repr esentedbyTom Kassmel A llison O chs 3 ••, 9 .A request for afin al rev iew of a minor subdi vision .to allow for the reconfiguration and replatt ing of twoexisting lots a nd the rezoning ofLots15 &16 f rom Agricunure Open S pace and Pri maryf Secondary Residential toNatura lA rea Preserv at ion andPri mary/Secon dary Residential,locatedat3886 /3896 Lup ine Dri ve/Lots 15 &16 .B ighorn2nd Addition. A pplicant: Planner; WI THDRAWN Wilson Fami ly Trus t,represented by Jay T schimer,FirstLa ndDeve lopmen t , LLC George Ruther 10 .A request fo rasitec overage v ariance (Sec tio n 12-7A-9)andsetbackv ariance(12 -7A-6 ), V ail Town Co de ,t oa llow for a n ew fro ntentryt o t he MountainHaus.located at292E. M eadow Drive/Lot 5 ,Part of Tract B.V ai l V illage 1-Filing . Applicant: Pla nne r: W ITH DRAWN Moun t ain Haus,rep resented by FritzlenPierce Arch itects B ill G ibson 11 .A p proval ofNo vember13 ,2000min utes 12.Inf ormatio n Update The app licat io ns and inf ormation ab out the proposa lsa re availa ble fo rpub licinspectiond uring re gular office h our s i n t heproj ect plann er's o ffice loca l ed at the T own of Vai l Community Developm en t Dep a rtment ,75Sou thFrontag e Road .Please call47 9-2138 fo r i nf ormation. Sign lang uag e Interpretationavailable upon request wrth 24hou rnobfication Pl ease ca ll 479-2 3 56 ,Telepho nefo r the H eanng Impaired,fo r In fo rmation C ommunityDev elopment Department 4 1 TO : FROM : DATE: • MEMORANDUM Plann ing a nd EnvironmentalCo mmission Co mmunity Dev elopment De partment Nove mber27,2000 • SUBJ ECT :A req uestfor a mi nor subdivision of fou r lots owned bythe Town to a ll ow fo r the va catio n of lot lines lo catedat2497 ,2487,2485and 2477 Garmisch Dri ve l Lots 1,2 ,3 an d 4,Block H,V aildas Sch one Fi li ng#2 . Applica nt: P lanner: T ownof Va il,represented by Nina Timm A llison Ochs I.DESCRI PTION OFTHE REQUEST The T own of V ail isap plying fo ra mi norsub divisionof thefour lots loca tedat2497,2487,2 485and 24n Ga rmisch DrivelLo ts1,2 ,3 an d 4 .Block H.Vail das Schone Filing #2 ,to allowfo rthev acation of lo t lines.This will create one lot ,which willrema in zoned as Residential O uster,at 5 1.836.4 sq . ft. Th is ist hefi nalst ep in thep lanning process fortheN orthT ra il Townhomes .While it isnot necessary tovacate the lot lin es,staffbelie ves thatit isapprop riateto v acate thelotlin es for record- keep ing p urposes .T heo riginal int entofthesubdi visionw as to all owt heT own t o deed the landto t he owners ofth e NorthTra il Townhomes a ndcreat e aneas em ent fo r t he park .However,a recent cou rt decision re gardinghousin g has made it ne cessaryfo r th eT 0'M1 to retainown ershlp of the la nd . T herefore ,th e T own INiI!in stead leasethe ho using la ndtot he own ersa nd retai n own ership of th e entire p roperty. II.STAFFREC OMMENDATI ON Th e Community Devel opment Departmentreco mm endsap proval ofthe proposed mino r subdi vision subjecttothefoll owing fin ding: That the proposed min or subdi vision platco mplies w ith t he rev iew cri teriaandrequ irements of Chapter 13o f t he Town o f V ail Mun icipal C ode anddevelopmentst andardsas outlined in C hapter 12 ,S ection 6 E ,Res identialC lus ter Dis trict. III.B ACKGROUND T he T own of V ail purchased th ese four lots from two fa miliesin 1990 .To wn Cou ncil approved the de ve lopment of six unitsandane ighborhoodpark on Novem ber 17 ,1 998 .On January 20 ,1999 , t he site plan was br ought t o th eDes ign Re viewBoard fo ra co nceptual review.O n Ja nuary 26 , 1999 ,Town COuncil app rovedth e con cept of a 4-ple x and du plexon theeast side of the101 ,wi th the n eighborhood pa rko n thew estsideof the lotsandon th e land t obeacqu ired in t he land exchang e withthe U .S .Forest Service .O n A pril13 ,1999,TownC ouncil approved Ordinance No .8,Se ries of 1999 ,the rezoning o f t he lots toResidentialCluster.The DesignRevi ew Board conceptually r eviewed the plans for th e North T railT ownhom es at their June 16 ,1999 me eting andga vefi nal approval on September 17,1999. 1 • IV,ZON ING ANALYSIS Lo t Siz e : Lo t 1:26 acres (11 ,325 ,6 sq .ft.) Lot2 :.45 acres (19,602 sq .ft ,) Lot3 :,24 ac res (10.454 .4 sq .ft .) Lot 4 :.24acres (10,454.4sq .ft.) Total Are a ofS ite:1.1 9 acres or 5 1,836 .4 sq.ft . Total Build ableA rea :1.19 acres o r 5 1,836.4 s q.ft . •\ S tan dard A I/o wed Prooosed Setbacks :20 '/15'/15'20 '/15'/15' He ioh t:30 '/33'33 '---Dw elling U nits :•6 du 's p erb uil dable a cre •6 du 's(platrestricted) •To ta l of 7 .1 4 d u's allowed G RFA :•2 5%of bui ldable area •6969 sq .ft . 225 s q .ft.per constructed single fami lyord uplex •Tota lof 12 959 SQ,ft . Si te C overage ;•25 %of tota l s itea rea •4 92 7 sq .ft . •12 ,9 59 .1 SQ .ft . V ,CRITERIA Aba sic p remise of su bdivision regu lations is t hatt hem inimumsta ndards for t he crea tion of a new lot m us t be met.Th is subdivision will berev iewed under Ti tle 13 ,S ubdivis ion Regulatio ns ,of the T own of Va il M unic i pal Co de. A .T he fi rstset of cri teriato be c onsidered by t he Planning an d Envi ronm enta l Com missionf o r aM ino r Su bdivision application is : L ot A rea :Th elotsize standards as prescribedby Section 12-6E-5: Themi nimum lot or site area sha ll b e fift een tho usa nd (15 ,000)squarefe et. containing no less thaneight tho usand (8,000)squarefee t of bu ildable area .Eac h sitesh all have a m inimumfron tage of thirty feet(30 ').Eachsite shall be of a size and sh apecap ab le of enc losing a squareareaeighty f eet (80 ')on ea ch sidewit hin its bo undaries . Sta ff Response:As p roposed.this minor subdivision m eets this requirement.Total lot area createdbyt his minor subdivision is 51 ,836.4 sq.ft . Fr o ntage :Ea chsites hallha ve a m in im um f ront a geof 30 ', S ta ff Re spo nse:As p roposed ,this minor subdivision mee ts t his requirem ent. S iz e a nd Sh ape :Each site sha ll be ofas ize an d shape cap ab le of enclosing a square 80 ' by 80 'o n each size . Staff Re sponse:As proposed ,t hisminor subdivision meets thisrequ irement. B .T he secon d setof c riteria to beco nsidere d w itha Minor Subdivisio n app lic ation,a soutlined in t h e s ubdiv is ion regu lat io ns ,is : 2 •• The burden of proof shall res t withtheapplicant toshowtha tthe app lication is in compliancewi th the intenta ndp urpose soft his Chapter.theZoning Ordinanceand ot her pertinent regu lations that the P lanning and En vironmentalCo mmission deems app licable.D ue cons ideration shall be given t othe recommendations made by public agencie s.utility c ompan ies and other agencies consulted under subs ection 13-3 -3C. The Planning andEnvironmentalCommission shall reviewtheapplicationand consider its appropriatenessinregard t oTown policies relating tos ubdivision co ntrol, densitiesp roposed ,regulations,ordin ances and resolu tions and other applicable documents .environmental integrity andc ompatibility with th e su rrounding land uses an d other app licab le documents .e ffects on the aestheticsof theTown. TheSp ecific Purp oseo f theS ubdiv ision Regu lation s isas follows : 1.T o info rm each subdiv ider oft he standards andcrit eria by which deve lopment proposa ls wi ll be evaluated,andto provide informationas 10 t hetypeand extent of improvements required . Staff Response: The rev iew of thisrequesthas followedtheregulations prescrib ed for a minor s ubdivis ionin th e Municipal Code. 2.T o pr o vi defor t he subdi v isiono f p roperty int hef uture without co nflict with developmenton adiace ntland. Staff Response: S taff be lie ves t hat t hism inor s ubdivisionwill notco nflict with de velopment on adjacent properties. 3.T o protect andconserve the value ofland t hroughouttheMun icipality andthe v alue o f buildings andim proveme nts ontheland . Staff Response: Staff d oesnotbelievethat thereques t will h ave a negative impact of thevalueof landinthe Towno f Vail genera l/y,n or in t heimme diate a rea. 4 .Toensure t hatsubdi vision ofprop erty is in c omplia ncewit h the T own 'szon ing o rdinances ,t o achieve a h armonious,convenient,workablere lationship among landuses ,cons istent with Town dev elopm ent ob jectives. Staff Response: Them inor subdivision meets t heminimum zoning requirements of the Residenb"al Cluster District.While thisminor subdivisionis not necessary,staff fe els that itisb eneficial for record-keeping purposes. 5.T o g uidepublicand private po licy and actionin order to provid ead equate an d efficient t ran spo rtation,wa ter ,sewage,schools ,parks ,playgrounds ,recreation ,a ndother pub lic requiremen ts an df acilitiesand generall y t o providet hatpu blic f acilitieswillhavesuffi cient ca pacity tos erve t hepr oposed subdi vision . Staff Response: These l ot s w ere originally subdivided as f oursepara te Prim arylSecondary Residential Jot s . aI/owing f o r a gre ater d ensity than what iscu rrentlyallowed under the Residential Cluster 3 •• District zo ning.Primary/Secondary z oningallo wedf ornin e units (5 du 's plus 4 all owable £HUs).Thismino r s ubdMsion cre ates o neRes idential Cluster z onedlo t,whi ch all ows for 7.14 du 's t obec onstructed,though onlysixd u's a re p roposed.A p lat n otedoesres trict development tosix dw ellingumtson this lot. 6 .To pro videfo racc urate legal descriptions of newly subdiv ided land a nd t o esta blish r easonable and d esi r able construction d esign standardsand p rocedures , Staff Response: This m inorsu bdivision is necessary favacatee xisb"ng Jot lines ,crea ting one lotto construct a 4-plex a nd duplex f oremployeehousing.In addition,a Condition UsePermithas been issu ed fo r thepa rk . 7 .T opr event t he po llution of a ir,stre ams and po nds,to assure adequacyof drai nage f acilities ,to s afeguard t he w ater t ablean dtoenco urage th e wise us e an d mana gementofnat uralres ources t hroughout th e Towninorderto preservet he integrity ,stabi lity andbea utyof th e comm unity a nd t he v alue of th eland . Staff Response : S ta ff doe snot believe thatthesUbdivision wi ll h ave anyadv erseeffectsonthe a bove criterion. 4 2 -_._.._--- --_. ........:c:::-----.._......- =-"&7----·-,=,""~ =-----_.-.- -_.-----_._.__..-..._------_.__.-. _____111. =':.:'::'-=::-'='':''.;::0:-=-.:::............_.---.__..:.::.:.-.... =J:.:::..~:'.::=:.::"'.:=.':'=:---..---._---_.-_..._-__._--___00_- •__•__00 ,,---- "-- -~-_. --- ---_._---- _...._--_.__..._-_..- =-.-==~_..--_._. ._-------_._-----_..._----..-._---_...__.- .__.._----_.......- ...._..-.......... -=r.:_ ...._,,-----_._....__._----.-_._-----_..----_._---------=-=:""=0-::'':"_,"=-":".:"'.-:.-=::.::=.=-....._..__.._.._- =='.,:.:::..-:.:.-:'="":"'::'.'="'..~'"_.-..__.__..._......-.._--....-.._.-. -----_..__...-...-.._._-----.----------_.__.._------------=,,""=.-:-...::'::-.=.:"".=:==.:....__._......._-_..._._. ::.~_._--_...._._-. ------- --~;-;.~=:-~-:~~-:=r--~-~.-~-- ----"-------_._---_.- -,-..-----.._--- -............._-- ii.'S...:.e:t:.."':i.G~-:='_iV\a'.n:r' =:..":"'.'-~....':..-_"'ft.-=:'~=-~~ ==J:r~~:::a;v==-::."'='"..::--'... -- ==--=':;::'-~::....-==-~'='~=----_..-_....__...._-------.---_.._---.._....__.._------ :"'~.-===:.-=':':.:..._- --,,- FINAL PLA7 ' 1,BLOCK t t,VAILIJAS scnos»FILING NO , A IIESUDIJ IVIS lON OF LOTS 1-4 ro s»OF VA tt;COtlN TY OJ'EACl.E.STATJt.'OFCOLOllADO w •• ~<L __.._-- ....'Aa',......-------.=:--~~ ~..._....,.._-- L OT -.-:rI.~- -~~~ ~ -~-~~. .-~"'."'-~­:roo ..: r ---- ......-- -1.>:'!l"1:1.:(:1 .;,.......'A"""·...-..- --,m,-----._.,,,,--",:":",:,,,.:y- _...- .....- • IU.&UIII ~--_.-_...._---..- ,.-Depar.1 ofCommunily Development 75 Sou rontage Road Vail.CoI01'odo81657 o flE C'lCLJ!D I'-tP£Jl '".:.u...."rTUlUuge /toao Vail.Colorado 8 /657 • 11>..G.HudA on WVtth 3540 "'tALe Lan. No~ok,It 60062 75 Sow},Frontage Road Yail.Coiorado8/6J7 Department oj'CommrmUy Deve/opme1// 75 South FronJage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 o IfECrcUD PAn:. 11>..Cw..fUzgwdd PJtU.ident,Su1ll.4Jh.t NoJlXh Po4-t 06 6-<1"80.1912 Vail,CO 81658 c.a<g Re.4ld a.ruJ NoJtdo.IUUVI. PO.t:066-ic.80.1811 Vail,CO 8 1658 11>..William And....on 2418 GoJunU.ok IIuv. Vail,CO 8165 1 •TH IS ITEMMAYA FFECT YO UR PR'ERTY PUB LIC NOTICE NOT ICEISHEREBY GIVEN th at thePlanningandEnvironmentalCom missio n ofth e Town of Vail willho ld apub lich earing in accordancewith Sectio n 12 -3 -6 of t h e Mu nicipalC ode oft he Tow n of V ail o n Octobe r 9,2000 ,at 2 :00 P M .in theT own o fVa il Municipal Building.In considerationof : A req uest fo r am inor su bdivisi on of thepro perty fo r merlykno w n ast he Tenni sCo urt siteand Lions head Sk ier Run-Out.nowproposed tobe called t he Forest Roa dParce l,located at 615 Fore stR oad/Unplatted. Applicant: Planner. TheVai l Co rporation B rentW ilson A requ est f ora minor subd ivisionof Lot2 .S ection 8,T ownship5South,Range80W est o f t he SixthPri ncipal Me ridian ,informally know na s t he Lod geat Va ilExchange Parcel ,to allow fo r the cr eation of Lot1 &Lot 2 ,M ill CreekRoadP arce l.gen erally located atSout h of174Go r eCreek Drive . Applicant: Planner : Th eVail Co rporation A llison Oc hs A req uest fo ram inor subdiv ision ,to all owforthe v acation oflot lines ,locat edat Lots1·4 ,Block ~,Vail das Schone Filing2. "'JI'~P P li c a n t:Town of V ail ,represented by Nina T imm P lanner :A lliso n Oc hs A req uest fo ra fi nal r eview ofacondit io nal usepe rmit ,t o allowfo r th e co nstruction of P hase I of Donovan Parkimprovements ,genera lly loc ated southeast o f theinters ection of Matterhorn Circ le a nd t he S outh fro ntage Road . A pp licant: Planner: Town ofVai! George R uther The appl icationsa nd informat iona boutthe proposalsa reavai lablefo r pu blic in spect io n d uring regul a r office ho ursin t he proj ect planner'soffi ce ,locat ed at t he Town of Vail Co m mu nityD evelopment Depart ment ,75Sout h Fro ntageRoad.Thepublic is i nvit edt oattend pr ojectorientation an d t he site v isits that prece det hepub lic hea ring in t he Tow n of Vail Co mmunity Develop m ent Department. Please c all 4 79-2138fo r i nformation. Sign lang uage int erpretationavail ab le upo n request wit h 24 hour notificat io n .P leaseca ll 4 79- 235 6 ,Te lephonefo r theHea ringIm paired,f orinformation. Comm unity DevelopmentDe pa rtment Publi shed Oct ober 22 ,2000 in t he Va il Tra iL 1 Vri l·lyn Vukonich 70I Har lan Street#E56 Lakewood ,CO80214 SheilaFitzpa tri ck Post OfficeBox5102 Vai l,CO8 1658 Mic hael Roth 2429 Chamonix LaneB-7 Vai l,CO81657 Julia McEachron 2442 Chamonix Lane #C-12 Vail,CO8 1657 Craig Reige l Narda Miller Post Office Box1817 Vail ,CO81658 Ka thleen Bec kley 12605 Cypress Roa d N Miami,FL33 181 Byron &Vivianne Brown PostOfficeBox547 Vail ,CO 81658 Jeffrey Hom Sa lly Helms 699Soda Creek Drive Evergreen,CO80439 Scott &Diane Schmidt Pos t OfficeBox2822 Va il,CO81658 Corporate VailInc Post Office Box176 Va il,CO81658 ••Robert Ede lbcck Post Office Box 1147 Avon,CO8 1620 Louise Young 2764 S Frontage Road West Vail,CO8 1657 Roger &Caro l Bloom 2059 C hamonix Lane Vai l,CO8 1657 Stefan Schmid 2447 C hamonix Lane #C-13 Vail,CO8165 7 Patri cia &William Anderso n 2478 Garmisch Vail,CO 81657 NevinNelson PostOffice Box 1212 Vail,CO8 1658 Ju dyD yer 1081Vail V iew Drive #B212 Va il,CO8 1657 Douglas H ollenbeck P ost Office Box 2 745 Vail ,CO 8 1658 Lawrence Family Trust 64 0I Ras mussen Stree t Bakersfield ,C A 93308 W &WAssociates Ltd . c/o Scott Wirth 2121N Frontage Road West #10I Va il,CO 81657 PeterR.Guest Ellen Kam inski 2 437 C hamon ix Lane #A·3 Vail,CO8 1657 Michael Wellman P ost Office Box13 15 Vail,CO8 1658 Richard Koenig 7607 Cre srview Drive Longmont,CO8050I Gergory O'Donnell 2447 Chamonix Lane #C-14 Vai l,CO8 1657 Jerry Singleton RRI Box 7-A Re ading,VT B rian &Paige Sodergre n 2449 A rosa D rive Va il,CO 81657 Chris topher &Paula Fitzgera ld Pos t Offic e Box 1912 Vail,CO81658 Co ndido Guadagnoli 2222 Lowell Bou levard Denver,CO80211 William Anderson ,Trustee 46W31 1 Ca mp Dea n Road B ig R ock ,IL605 11 •T HIS ITEMMAYAFFECT YOUR PRIERTY PUBLICNOT ICE NOTICE ISHEREBY GIV EN tha t thePlanningand Environmental Co mmission oftheTownof Vail will hold a publi c hearin gin acco rdance with Sectio n12-3-6 oftheMuni cipalCode of the T ownof Vailon June 28,1 999,at2:00P.M.in th e Town of Vail Munici pal Buildin g.In co nsidera tionof: A reque st foravariance fro m Section 12M6D-6,to all ow fo r a bui lding encro achm entintoarear setback,located at 2657 Aro sa Dri ve I Lot 8 .Bl ock D,Vail Ridge. Applicant: Plann er: Town of Vail Alliso nOchs Arequ est fora min orsubdiv isio n.to vacat ea co mmon lot line cre ating a new lot.loc ated at 51 66BlackGore Drive I Lots 4 and 5.bl oc k1,GoreCreek Subdi visi on . Applicant: Pl ann er: A &GDevelopmen tPartn ers BrentWilson Arequ estfora side setback variance .fro m Section12-60-6,toallow for a bathro om and close t addition,located at2427Chamonix Ln .I Lot21 ,Block A,VailDasSc hone 1" Applicant: Plann er: Johnand KarenBergey Domi nic Mauri ell o A requ est fo r a rearsetbac k varia nce,from Section 12-60 -6,to all ow fo r a deckenclos ure. locatedat 2038 SunburstDrive I Lot 17,Va il Va lley 3"' Applicant: Plann er: B.R.and Roxann e Boni face.represe nted by Lesli e DavisofROC Allison Ochs A req uestfor aminor subdiv isi on.to vacate common lot lin es to createanew lot,locatedat 2477 ,2485 ,2487,2497G armisch I Lots 1·4 ,Block H,Vail DasSchone #2. W.App licant:Town ofVail,rep resented by Nina Timm ,Plann er:Alli son OC hs A request for aconditio nal use permi t,to all ow for the cons truc tion of a Type II employee hou sin g un it,lo catedat 265 Forest Road I Lot 2 1,Blo ck 7,Vail Village 151 Fili ng. Applicant: Planner: Lawr ence Flinn ,represented by Mitch ell Stud io.LLC Allis on ocn s A request fora finalrecomm enda tion to the VailTown Cou ncilofthe Development Standard s Handbook. A reque st for a varia ncefrom Secti on 12 -60-6 oftheT own ofVail Municipal Code,to a llow for an encro achmen t into the req uired side and fron t setbac ks,locatedat 3003 Bellflower Drive I Lot9,Block 6,Vailmtermountain. Appli cant : Plann er: Applicant: Plann er: Town ofVail Allis on Ochs Mr.Guille rmo Huert a George Ruth er 1 ..•row,¥OFYAIL ~ , • ___-r-~~--------~------V U c.,~on 5 ·!Call the Planning Starr at479 ·213R--" •APP~ICATION FOR PLANNIN~D ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INfORMATION This application is for any project requi ring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission .Forspecific information.see the submittal req uiremen ts for the particul ar appr oval that is requested .The application cannot be accept ed until all required information issubmitted.Th e project may also need to be revi ewed bytheTownCouncil and/or the Design ReviewBoard A: B. c. D . E. F. G. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: o Additional GRfA(250)0 Amendment toan Approved Development Plan o BcdandBreakfast 0EmployeeHousing Unit(Type:) o Conditional Use Permit 0Major or0Minor eel Exterior Alteration o Majoror ~Minor Subdivi sion (VailVillage) o Rezoning 0Maj or or 0 Min orcell Exterior Alteration o Sign Variance:(Uonshead) o Variance 0 Spec ial Development District o ZoningCodeAmendment 0Major or0MinorAmendmenttoanSOD DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUES T:~_ LOCATION OF PROPO SAL:LO T~BL OCK-.d:t.-FILlNG VMA lAt&~11Y!t:-2-'-:0 ADDRESS :Z.Ql1 ,zYrz,?J.li?7 ~"itltl:liN6 W.M E :_ ZONING:J?C/;1j &~_ NAMEOF OWNER(S ):/(OW /l1 of-Va,U-.-=--r--:r;-.-_ MAILING ADD~=r:n5l'rt71 l1t12d .,---r-;:;ONE::ft8 -2d qLf OWNER(S)SIGNATURE"~MM:w~~~~:::::.-Is;~=----4Jw.l:L.¢~~4_-- NAMEOF REPRESENTATIVE:_-l-'>"-"'.lU>.""T'I'-"-----'...LlL:i._ MAILING ADDRESS:-=--_ __~PHONE::_ H .FEE -SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSAND THE FEETO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. For Office Ule Oply: FccPaid :~CIdI:By:_ Application Date:PEC Meeting Date: I •• o o o o o o I. II. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A MINOR SUBDIVISION R EVI EW (4 OR FEWER LOTS) PRE-AP PLICA T ION CONFEREN CE Apre-app lication co nference with ap lanning staffmcmbcr is strongly encouraged.Noapp lication can be accepted un less it is complete.It isthe applicant's responsibility to make ana ppointment with th es tafTto d ct aminc additional sub mittal requi rements. SUBMITTAL REQ UIREMENTS T hefollowing information m ust be submi ttedfor r eview by the Planningan d Envi ronmental C ommission. F EE:S250.00.The fcc m.u.s.t be paid at the timeo fsubmit tal, Stamped ,addressed envelopes imd alist ofthe name s and mailing addresses of allproperty owners adj acent to thesubject property,includin g properties b ehind andacr oss streets.The applicant is r esponsible f or co rrect names and mailin g addresses.Thi s information i sa vailable fr om th e Eagle C ounty Assessor'so ffice . A prel im inary titlerep ort,includin g schedules AandB.to verify ownership an d easements. Three (3)copies of an Envi ronmentalImp actRepo rtmay be requ ired as st ipulated under Chapter 18 .56 of the zoning cod e. Four (4)copiU of th e pr oposal f ollowing the requirem ents f or afinal p latbel ow .Specific requi rements maybe w aivedby the Administrator and/ortheP lanning an d Environmental Co m mission if determi ned no t applicable to th e project. Awri tten s tate ment desc ribingt he preci se nature o f the requ est.including th e e xistings ituation and th e prop oseds ituation an d how th e proposal willmake thesub division compatible with other properties inth evici nity . After th e Planning and Environmental C ommission has app roved the subdivision.the applicant mu st submit twO (2)mylar copies of thefinal plat t o the Department of Community D evel opment.The finalplatmust c ontain th e following infonnation : I .The fin al plat s hall be drawn in India ink.,or other substantial solution,onmylar,wilh dimensiono f twenty-four by thirty-six inche s andsha ll be at a scale of on e hundred feet to oneinchor larger with margins o f o neand one-halft otw o inches onth e left and one-half inch onall other sides. 2 .Accurate dim ensions tothe nearest on e-hundredtb of 8 foot f oralllin es,angles and curves used to descri be boundaries.streets ,setbacks.al leys,easements,structures,areas tobe res erved ordedicated for public orcommon u ses and oth er important featu res.AIl curves sh allbe circular arcs and shall bed efined by th e ra dius,central angle,art chord distances and bearings .All di mensions,both l inear and angular,are to be determined by an accurate controlsurv ey in th efi eldwhi cb m ust balance and close within a limit of one inten thousand. Page 1 of 4 • 3 .Northarr ow and graphic scale . •, 4.Asystematic identificationof'all existingand proposed buildings,units,lots,blocks.and namesforall s treets. 5 .N ames of alladj oining subdivisi ons withdotted lin es of abutting lots .If adjoining landis unplatted.it s hall be shown as su ch. 6 .An identification of the streets,a lleys,parks,and otherpublic areas orfacilitiesassh own on th e plat,andadedication thereof tothe public u sc.Anidentification of the easements as shownonthep lat anda grant thcrcofto th e publicuse .Areas reserved for future public acquisition sballalso be shownonthe plat. 7 .Awritten surveydescription of t heareaincludingthe totalacreage to the nearestappropriate signi ficant figure .T he acreage of each loto r parce l sha ll be shown inthismann er,aswe ll . 8.Adescriptio n c fall s urveymon uments,bothfoundandset ,w hichmark thebo undaries of thesubdivision,andadescriptionofallmonumentsused in conducting the survey. Monumentperimeter perColorado statu tes .Two perim eter monuments shallbe established as major control monuments,the materials which shall be determinedbytheTown Engineer. 9.A statement by theland surveyor e xplaining how bearingbasewas determined. 10.A certificateby the registered landsurveyor asoutlinedinC hapter J 7.32 ofthistitleas 10 the accuracyofthe survey andplat,and that thesurvey was performed by the surveyorin accordance w ith ColoradoRevised Statutes 1973,Title38.Article 51. I I.A certificate by an attorney admittedtopracticein the State ofColorado.or c orporatetitle insurer,thai theowncr(s)of record dedicating to thepublicthepublic right-of-way,a reas or facilities as s hownthereon arcthe owners thereofinfeesimple,free andclear ofal l liens and encumbrances except as noted.(Sec example inChapter17.32) 12.The proper formforapproval of theplat by the PEe c hairman andacceptance of dedication and casements by theco uncil witb signature by themayoran dattestation by theTownClerk. Examples arcfoundinC hapter17.32 of this title .. 13.The properfonnfor fil ing oftheplat withthe Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as per example in Chapter 17.32. . 14.Certificate of dedication and ownership as perexampleinthe a ppendix ofChaptcr 17. Sbould thecertificate of dedication and ownershipprovide foradedication ofland or improvements to the public,allbeneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders onsaid real property wiUberequiredto signthecertificate of dedication andownershipinaddition tothe fee simpleowner thereof Page 2 of4 •• 15 .All current taxes must be paid pri or toth e Town's approval ofth e plat.This includ es taxe s which have been billed but arc not yet due.The certifi cate of taxes pa id mustbes igned ontheplatora statement f rom the Eagle County Assessor's Offi ce must be provided with the submittal informatio n Slating t hat all taxes have been paid . 16 .Additi onal material wh ich shal l accompany th e final plat includes.butis not l imit ed to : a .Complete and final Environmental Impact Report if required by thezon ing ordi nance; b .Complete engineering plans and specification s forall improvements tobe installed, includingbutnotlimited to waterandsewer utilities,streetsand r elated improvements , p edestrian and bicycle paths,bridges andst orm drainage imp roveme nts; c .Maps at the same scale as t hefinalplatshowi ng existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour interval requirements same as preliminary plan),a landscape and or revegetation plan s howinglocations,type and sizes of exi sting and proposed v egetation . d.Amapthe same scale a s thefinalp lat depicting a ll high and moderate avalanche hazard areas,forty percent and hig h slope areas and one hundred year flood plain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the Vail Municipal Code: e.Title insurance company proof of ownership of all lands within the proposal : f .Copies of any monumen t records req uir ed of thelan d surveyor in accordance with Co lorado Revised S tatutes 1973,Tit le 38,Article 53; g .Any agreements with ut ility companies when required ; h.Pro tective cove nants in f ormfor recording: i.Oth er data.certificates.affidavits.or documents asmaybe requiredbytheAd ministrator or PEe or Counci lin the enforcement ofthcse regulations . III.TIME REOUIREMEN TS The Planning and Envi ronmental Commission meetsont he 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month .A complete applicatio n fonn and all accom panying material(as described above)mustbe accepted by theCo m munity Development Department bythe appropriate sub mittal date ,which isa minimum of four (4)weeks prio r tothe date ofthe PEC public heari ng.Incomp lete applications (as determined by the planning staff)wi ll not be accepted. IV,REVIEWPROCEDURE The fina l platshal l beci rculated to and r eviewedbythe town's departments ,inc luding,b utno t limited to Publ ic Works,Transportation,Commun ity Development,Recreation,Administration, Po lice and the Fire Department.Co mments and concerns of these departments will be forwarded to t he PEC prior t othep ublic heari ng. P age 3or4 •• V.ADDITIONALREVIEWANDFEES A.Ifthisapplication requiresa separate review byanylocal.State or Federalagency other than theTown of Vai l,theapplicationfccshallbe increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,mayinclude,butarcnot limited to:Colorado Departmen t o f Highway Access Permits.Army Corps o f Engineers 404,e tc. B.T heapplicantshall be responsible for paying;any publishing fees w hich arc in excesso f Sonlo a fthcapplication fee.If.atthe applicant'srequest,any matter is postponed for hearing.ca usingth emattertobere-published,thentheentirefee forsuchre-publication shallb e p aid by th ea pplicant. C.Applicationsdeemed by theCommunity Development Department tohavedesign,landusc orotherissueswhichmayhavea significant impacton the community mayrequirereview by consultants i n addition to Town staff.Should a determination be made by the Town staff thatan outside consultant is needed.the CommunityDevelopment Department may birc t he consultant.The Department shall estimate the amount of moncy necessary to pay the consultant and t his amou nt shall be forward edt otheTownbyth e a pplicant attheti me of fili ng an applicatio n.Expenses incurred by th e Town in excess of th e amoun t forwardedby th e applicant s hallbe paid tothe Town by thea pplicant wi thin30da ys of notificationbyt he Town.A ny excess fundswi ll be r eturned t o thea pplicantupon revi ew c ompletion. THEDEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR SEEINGTHAT THEAPPROVEDPLAT ISPROMPTLY RECORDED W ITH TilE EAGLE COUNn'CLERKAND RECORDER . Page 4of4 TO: FROM : DATE : • MEMORANDUM Pl anningan d Environ mentalC omm iss ion Co m munity Develo pment Dep art ment November 2 7 I 2000 • S UBJECT :A r equest fo ram inor subdivision of four lo ts owned by t heT ownto a llowf or the v a cation of lotlines locatedat 24 97 ,2487 ,2485and 2 477 G armisch Dri vel Lots 1,2,3 and4 ,Block H,Vaildas Scho neF iling #2. A pplicant: Planner: TownofVai l ,repr esented by Nina T imm A llison O chs I.DESCRIPTION O FTHE REQUEST T he To wn of V ail isapp lying foram inor subd ivisiono fthef our lots locateda t24 97,2 487,2485 and 24n Garmisch Drivel Lots1,2,3and 4,Block H,Vail das SCh oneFiling #2,to allow for the vacation o flotli nes .T his will cre ateone lot,wh ich will rema inzon edasRes idential Ouster ,at 5 1,836 .4 sq . fl . Th is i sthe fi na l step int hep lanning process fortheNo rth Tra il Townhom es.Whil e itisn ot necessary tov acateth e lotli nes,staff believes t hatit is appro priatet o vacatet helo t lines f orrecord- ke ep ing purposes.Th e ori g ina l intentof t he subdiv isio n w as to all owthe Town t o deed th e land t o the owners of the NorthTrailT ownhomes a ndcre ateanea sement for t hepa rk .However,arecent co urt decision regard ing h ousing has made it necessaryfor theT own to ret ain ownership of the land . Therefore,theT ownwi llin stead le asethehousingland t o t he ownersa nd retain ownership oft he en tire property. II.STAFFREC OMMEN DATION The Commun ity De ve lopment Department r ecommends a pp rova l of theproposed m inor subdivision s ubjectto the f o ll owing findin g : That t he proposed m inor subd ivision plat compl ies wit hthe rev iew crite ria andrequ irements ofCh apter 13 oft he Town ofVail Munici palCode andde velopment standardsas outlined i n Chapter 12 ,S ection 6E ,Re sidential Clus ter District. III.B ACKGROUND The T own of V all purchased the se f our lot sf rom two f amilies in 1990 .To wn Council approved th e d evelopment of six units and a n eig hborhoodpa rko n November 17 ,199B .On January 20 ,1999, the sitepla nw as b rou ght tot heDes ign Re view Boardfor a concept ualre v iew.On January 26, 1999,Town Coun cil approved th eco nceptofa 4-ple x and duplex on t he east side o f the lo t ,wi th the neighborhood pa rko n the w est s ide of th e lotsa nd o nt he land to be acquired in the landexchange with t heU .S .Fore st Service.On A pri/13 ,1999,T own Coun cil app rovedO rdinanceNo .8,Series of 1999,the rezoning of t helot s toRe sidential C luster.The Des ign Review Board co nceptually re vie wed the plans f ort heNorth T ra ilT o wnhomesat their June 16 ,199 9 meeting and gave final approva l onSep tember 17 ,199 9 . 1 • IV.ZONING ANA LYSIS Lot Size : Lot 1:.26 acres (11 .325.6 sq .ft.) Lot2 :.45 acres (19,602sq .ft .) Lot 3:.24ac res (10,4 54 .4 sq .ft .) Lot4 :.24ac res (10 ,454 .4 sq .ft .) Total A rea of Site :1.19 acres or 51,836.4 sq .fl . Total Buildable Area :1.19 acresor 51 ,836.4 sq.ft . • Standard Allowed PrO oosed Setbacks:2 0 '115 '115'2 0 '/15 '/15 ' Heicht :30 '/33'33 ' Dw elling Uni ts :•6d u's per buil dable ac re •6 du 's(plat re stricted) •Total of 7 .14 du's allowed GRFA :•25 %of buil dablear ea •6969 sq .ft . 225sq .ft .per constructed si ngle family or dupl ex •Total of 12 959 s o .ft. S ite Cove rage :•25 %of totals itea rea •4927 sq .ft. •12 ,959 .1so .ft. V .CRITERIA Abasic p remise of subdiv ision re gula tions is th atthe m inimumsta ndards for th e creationofa new lot m ustbemet.Th issu bdivision will be reviewed und er T itle13 ,Subdivision Re gulations,of th e Town of V ail Municipal Code . A.Th e fi rstse t of criteria t obec onsidered by th ePlanningan d En viron mental Commission for a Mi norS ubdivision appli cation is : L otA rea :T he lotsizesta ndards a s p rescribedbyS ection 12 ~6E-5 : The minimuml ot or siteare a shall befift een thousand (15.0 00)s quare fe et. containing no Jess thaneight thousand(8,000)square feet of build ablearea .Each site s hall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (301.Eachsiteshall be of a size a nd s hape capa ble ofenc losing a s quare a rea eighty fee t (801 on eachside wit hin its bound aries. Staff Response:A s propo sed,this m inorsubdivision m eetsthis requirement .Total Jot area c reated by this mi nor s ubdivision is 51 ,836.4 s q.ft . Fr ontage :Each site shallha ve amin i mum f rontageof 30'. Staff Response:As p roposed,t hisminors ubdiv isi onmeets this requ irem ent. S izea nd S hape :Ea chsite s hall be of asize an d shape cap able ofe ncl osinga sq uare 80 ' by BO 'o n each size . Staff Response:As p roposed,thisminor sub division meets th isrequi rement . B .Th e second set ofc riteriato be con sideredw itha Mi nor Subdivision application ,aso utlined in th esu bdivis ionregulations ,is : 2 •• The burden of proof shall res twi ththe applicant tosho w that the applicationisi n co mpliance witht he inte nta nd p urposes of this Chapter,t he Zo ning Ordinance an d oth er pertinent regulations that the Pl anning and En vironmental COmmission deems applicable.Dueco nsiderationsh all be g iven to the recommendab"ons made by public agencies,utility compan ies a ndoth er age ncies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C. The PlanningandEnvironmental COmmission shall re viewtheapplication and co nsider its appropriateness in regard t oTown po licies relating tos ubdivision control, den sit ies pro pos ed.regul ations ,ordinances and reso lutions a nd other applicable documents,en v;ronmenfaJ integ rity and compatibility withthe surrounding land uses and o ther applicable documents ,effects onthe aestheticso f the To wn . The Specific PurposeoftheSubdivisionRegulationsisasfollows : 1.To informeach subdividerofthestandardsandcriteriabywhichdevelopment proposalswillbe evaluated ,andto provide information asto thetypeandexten t ofimpro vements required . Staff Response: There view of this request hasfoll owed t heregu lations pre scribed for a minor subdivisioni n t heMun icipal Code . 2 .To prov ide for the subdivision ofproperty in thefuture with outco nflict wi thdevelopment on adjacent land. Stsff Response: Staff be lieves tha tt hism inor subdivision will n ot conflict w ith de velopment on adja cent properties . 3.T o protectand c onservethe v alue of landthroughouttheMun icipality andthe v alueofbuildings andimpro vements onthe land . Stsff Response: Staff does not believe that the reques t will have a negative impact of the value of land in the To wn of Vail generally,nor in the immediate area . 4 .Toensurethatsubdivision of propertyisincomp liance withtheTown's zoning ordinances ,to achieve aharmonious,convenient,workablerelat ionship amonglanduses,consistentwithTown devel opmentobjectives. Staff Respomis: Theminor subdivision meetst heminimum zon ing requirements of the Res idential Clu ster District.Wh ile this minor s ubdivision isn otn ecessary,staff fee ls that i t is beneficial for record-keeping p urposes. 5.To guide public and private policy and action inordertopro vide adequate andefficient transportation ,water,sewage ,schoo ls ,parks ,playgrounds .recreat ion ,andotherpublic requirem ents andfa cilities andgenera lly topro vide thatpub lic facilitieswill haves ufficient capacity toservethe proposedsubd ivision . Staff Response: These lots were originally subdivided as f our separate PrimarylSec ondary Re sidential lots, allowing for a greater density than what is currently allowed under the Residential Cluster 3 •• District zoning.Primary/Secondary zoning allowed for nineunits (5 du 's plus 4 allowable E HUs).This minor subdivision creates one Residential Cluster zoned lot,which allows for 7.14 du 's tobe constructed,though onl y sixdu 's are proposed.A plat note does restrict development tosi x dwelling units on thislot . 6 .Toprov ide fo r acc uratelegal descriptions ofnew ly subd ivided landa nd t o establish reaso n able and desirab le construction desig n standards andpr ocedures . Sta ff Res ponse: This min or s ubdivisionisne cessary to vacateexisting lotlines ,creating onelotto construct a 4-plex anddup lex for employee housing.In eadition,a C ondition Use Permit has been issued for t he park. 7 .Top revent the p ollutionofair ,streams andponds ,toass ure adequa cy ofd rainagef acilities ,to safeguard the water tab le andto e ncourage t hewiseuseand management ofnatural resources throughout theTown i n orde r to preserve theintegrity,stability a ndbeautyoftheco mmunity and the v alueofthe land. S t aff Response : Staff doesnotbelieve thatthesubdivision will haveany ad verse effects ontheabove criterion. 4 :<: '". -. •"I ~-I I c 1 /1111 11 .1 1 I Ie\ I • 'I:lli 1IIIi Ii !!i '1IIi iii i I~~IIJ:!':1 !I IIi!'II'I !'II"I I I'•."iP'•~.IU i:ll EI II lih jl I !III !III,:I !i 1m II !'II I I I'".'1'1 II!!,'I :1 1•I il Jill '1~'ldl!-,II'!I"II 'I'.,II li"l I'11'1"1 1 I !j 'I I'I,;rl II'.'r ,I'!I i ! I •I l' ! TOIVN OFVAlL •• Design Review A ction Form TOWN OF VAIL P rojectName:ArosafGa rmisch E mployProj ect Nu mber:prj 99-0126 Ho using Proj ect Desc r iption :C hangeind ecks on Units1 a nd 6 Own er,Ad d ress,and Ph one:T O\\'n of Va il 75S .F ro ntage Rd. Va il,CO 8 1657 97 0-479-2138 Archi tect/Contact,Ad dress,andPhone:Nina Ti mm same a sabo ve Proje ct StreetAddre ss:24 77,2485,2487,2497 Ga rmisch Lega l Description :Lots 1-4,BlockII ,VailDasSchone 2 nd ParcelN umber:2 10311413013, 21 0311413012 Comments: Building Name:A rosa/G armischE mployee Hou sing M ot io n by: Seconded by: Vot e : Board/StaffAction Ac tion:Staff a pprovedwith conditi ons Conditions:1.mu stsubmit fo rbu ilding p ermit Town P lanne r:A llison Oehs Date:10/30/00 I 0/30 /00 D RB Fee Paid :waiv ed Proj ect Na me: Document I Arosu/Gurmlsc h E mployee Housing • Propos-J Re..-U IS 10n s +01k Aro 6 o./Gormlsc"r HO<.-i SIY15 Proj~-t PreL fY\\'r'{J,rj -br ~e VlevJ Clt,)J Apr rovCA I On l/( s,le Pl on5 RI e.VCit,on .s l\rc hi +~.cJ (.A ro.\ 5 -\rVld Vl rc<\ ~1y..P -z.-Ot:lB'79-o;l-'i't~6,J Town 01 VIi! .FFtG COpy GLA j Cuo:.lC1 6Ape-r ,'(\+c:n dcmi Po do I ()Cor\S4 ruG Lmj.Tnc C)70 -Q0I1-6 ;;)59 i, ... CL- 0 -a •I '•'",<, "'<, '-r ~/, ',-s !cr:J io,.,. 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Vail,CO 81657 970-479-2138 ProjectNumber:prj99-U126 Architect/Contact.Address ,an dPh one:Nina Timm s ameas above ProjectStree t Address :2477,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Legal Description :Lots 1-4,Block H,VailDasSchone 2nd Parce l Numbe r:210311413013, 210311413012 Comme nts: Bu ilding Name:Aros aJGarmisch Employee Housing Motion by: Seco nded by: Vote: Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved with conditions Conditions:t.submit 2 copies for building permit Town Planner :Alli son Ochs Date:08/22/00 Project Name: Documen t I ORRFee Paid:waived Arosa/Garmisch Employee Ilou sing t ,....".U R'\U ""''''U 'U I .......'.".,oNi ••• •AlIEilCAN DBSlOH llllCUP• REV ISED 5OUTI-l ELE VATION C HANUE OI"PER-AUU .08 2000 5eoill ls ll1h •1'-0" ~-­.._Ifl.-----....._~- •• DesignReview Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName :Arosa/Garmisch Employ ProjectNumber :prj99-012 6 Housing ProjectDe scr iption:Removal of door and addition of window Ow ner,Addr ess,andPhone:Town of Va il 75S.FrontageRd. Vail,CO81657 970-479-2138 Archi tec t/Contact,Addr ess ,and Phone:Nina T imm same as above ProjectStreet Ad dress :24 77 ,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Lega l De scription:Lots 1-4,Block H ,Vail Das Schone 2nd ParcelNu mber:210311413013, 210311413012 Co mments: B uildingNa me :Arosa/Ga rmisch E mployee Housing Mo tion by: Seconded by: Vo te : Board/Staff Action A ction:Staff approved with conditions Co ndition s:1.submit 2 copies for building permit Town Plann er:Allison Oehs Dale:07 /29/00 D Rll FeePaid:wa ived Project Name: Docum ent l Aros a/Garmisch Employee Housing Questions?ca ll the Planning Staffat 479-2138 APPUCATlON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION Th is a pplication is fo r any project requiring DesignReview approval.Any project req uiring d esign review must receive Design Review approval pno r to 5Utrnrtting fora ~U1lcing oerrn.For specific lnrormeron,see the submittal reo urrenents forthe particular aporcvet that is requested.The aootcaron cannerbe accepted until allth e required mfo rmation is subm itted .The project mayalso need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or Ole P!anning and Environmental Commission.Design Rev iew Boa rd appro val ex pires o ne year a fte r final a pprova l unl ess a b uildingp erm it is iss ued and construction is started . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:Laf:.J.-:L BLOCK:---H:..--R UNG:VA-i I .,l~~~0VIe-rr PHYSICAl ADDRESS:_2 ~i~=-,-----,-IZ<:l=.,-----_ PARCEL #:(Contact Eag",Co.AssessorsOffice at 970-328-8640 ro-parcel #) ZONING:~Jdcdia l ~-lcr _ NAME OF OW NER(S):JQWn <:f---:'vl"'''''''MJ·I-;-_-:--;-_ MA1llN~AODRESS:/5 '&.Fr-Q""~c.!l2.::I=.:..--,;:=r:7C:::-::--=c-:-:--­~.U2 f>1"'5_7 PHONE:"'IQ {'1 1 "1=.2.1",404 __ OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):_.,..--t--:_ NAME OF APP UCANT:----'P0daA n Ct:t1c;,.-\yVle.ti~OY1"+-_c___-----­ MA1l.lNG ADD RESS :2..1oj-~I2Md ~H' ___--I'Nl(,iWl/'J--l,,~~PHONE:"!10 ~{?4 -2~~,-----_ H.TY PEOF REVIEW AND FEE:o New Construction·$200 o Addition -$50 o Minor Alteration·$20 Construction ofa new b uilding . I ncludes anyadd itio n where squa re footage is added toany residential or commerc ial bu ildin g . Tndudesminorchangest obuildingsandsite improvements,such as,reroofing,painting,w ind ow additions,landscaping,f encesa nd retai ning wall s,et c . ORB fees are to be pa id at the time of subnittal.later,whe n applyi ng for a buikJing perm it.please ic!e ntify the accurate valuation at th e project,The Town of Vail will adjust the fee aceordilg to the project valuaton. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TH EFEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7S SOUTH FRONTAGEROAD ,VAIL,COLORADO BI657. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:0<#:By: App l ication Date:ORB Meeting Oate: Pre-Application MeetingDate: Plan ner:_,Qiect No.:, ;W',./- •Pilgl:1 01 1 l ~COCR NO .W AN)n£ Cl'JNClIil!ElE !itTCOr'"IN I'WICNT OF t\oI!!DOCIlt. 1..'DO d\IDOW 1"r'1"'I!'-A ""T I\AiI l OCAr.T ~_...""'" • • • e -@[>!!:] @ .;.. ~ CEJ e @ IUNIT !I SECOND FL OOR PLAN,UN IT!Cj.jAN6E ORDER 11 ,JULY. •AMI!RI DESIGN GROUP• n .1LY UIM t-rorrr lliV\U K~~[)To :A LLI:>ON Oeri>; UNITONE -EASTELEVATION Dal e :11<0100 Time:1:4/::>6 AMa... From : Pages: Pa ge 1 o f2 f rom.8 RAD REED To:ALLISON OCHS •OtIle 112tWO Time:1:47:56. NEW Pllge2 of2 WINDOW --r-n -I--t--B _1 __-I -~=~ -._.~_I--.-.-F ===~ I ~====================~ E ASTE LEvATiON UNI T! NCD SECONDFLOOR FLAN,UN IT! W 5~lo 118 "·1'-,,·' C i-l~E ORDER n,JULY ,2=" • DIBSKIN OIIlOlJP• Fro m !:!HAll HE:EU To :ALLISON OCHS •Date 7f2OJOO lime:7:52 :1.Page 1 of 1 • :L APP IIINDOW T'I"P"'I!....,AT lEW L..OC:,ATlGN. """'"ON ...... I.~~NO.14 ,AND 11-E lZNCREl"e 6 t OOP'"N ~t Of'fl.IE COCIf'. o l""~- \t oo',--•'-e -6)r;1W 1 IT] ~ 0@]0~- e •... ,-~ [ii;:]t:!!D SECOND FL OOR P LAN,UN IT! 118 U =1'-0" CI-IANGE ORDER 11,J ULY, • DIE8ION GROUP• • Department uf Comm unit y De velopm ent 75 S outhFrontageRoad Va il,Colorado8 1657 9 70-479 -2/38 FAX970 -479-2452 January 18.200 0 Nina Ti mm T owno f V ai l CommunityDe vel opment 75 S .Fr o nta ge Rd . Vail.C O8 1657 T o m Stevens Fax:970-963-6707 RE :Aro sa/Garmisch Em ployee Housing Sit e Dear Tom and Nina: • The Co mmunity Development D epartment has reviewed th ebu ild ing perm its et of pianssu b mitted for A rosa/Ga rmisch .T he followingarc o ut s tandin giss ues that mu s t be r es olved pri or to issuing your bu ilding penn it: I .P lease ind icate the ridge elevations onthe sitep lan .Thisinclud es theele vation for thedorme r fe ature s. 2 .The fir e department ha s rev iewed th edr ive way co nfig uration a nd s prink ling w i ll not be necessary .However.it w ill b e necessa ryto add anew fire hydrant ei ther at th e west e ndo f lot1 o r the e ast e ndo f lot 4.T he c iv il draw ings nee d to re flect the newhyd rant. 3 .P lea se revise t he grading at the n orthwe s to f t he un its t o a 2 :1 grade. 4.P lea se w iden th e dr iveways wh ich e ntere ach individual un it to approx imately 12 ft.Sn ow s to r age w ill needto reflect thi sc hange. S i"/;c re IY, /I]!f/:;l!& Planner II Prblted b y All is o n Och s .1 /1 4 /00--~-----------------------------------F ro m:M;ke Mcgee To :Alliso n ochs Subject:Arosa Ga rm ish Employee Hou si ng ===NOT E===============1/1 4/:0==2:S4pm==cc : charlie Da v is.Dom i nic Maurie llo, Gary Good ell ,G reg Hall.Mike vaug han Greg Hal l an d I me~and reviewed the dr;veway .confi~uration .I also spo ke to C ha rl le Oa V1S. The proje ct does meet the mi ni mum desi~n req uirements ,a lbeit at a "m inlmum/minimum/maxi mum"standard. T he Fi re Dept can approve th e plans as drawn wit h the fol lowing n otes /requireme n ts : 1.s rr -i ct;comp liance with the Bui ldi ng Code is req u ired .The Fire Dep artment:reserves the r ightt o rev iew any proposed v a ri ance or "trade-of f'5 ". The design as propo sed makes no allowan ce for a ny d etr imen t al deviation in t erms of access ,add itional l andscape ,snow storage ,o r o the r e ncu mb ra nce . 2 .The fire f low requiremen ts for the proposed des ign req ui res the abilit y to de li ver u p to 2000 ga llons per minute (two f ire hydrants within 500 linear (as th e ho s es lies)feet of approved s tagi ng).I t a pp ears a new f ire h ydra nt w il l need t o be added eit her at the e ast end o fl ot4 or t he we st end of lot 1. Pl e as e h ave t he ci v il d rawi ngs reflec t the n ew f ire hydra nt an d f orward a co py to my atten t io n for appro val. Th ank You. P age :1 2 :59pm •'--------- • D epartment of C ommunity De velopm ent 75So uth Frontage Road Vail,Co lorado 8 1657 970-479 -2/38 FAX9 70-479-2452 December I ,1999 Nina T inun T ow n o fVa iJ Co mmunityD evelopment 75 S.Fron tage Rd . Vail,CO 8 1657 •Fll£COPy 'M Tom Stevens Fa x:9 70 -96 3-6707 RE :Ar os a/Garmis c h E mployeeH ousingS ite Dear Tom and Nina: T he Co mmunityD eve lopment D epartment has reviewed theb uilding perm it set o f'p lans s ubmittedfor A rosa/Ga rmisch.The follow i nga rcou tstand ing issu es t hatm ust bere sol ved p riorto issuin gyo ur b uildingp ermit: 1.Need more than3"of coverover I X"culvert (entrance to driveway)adj ustandrevise 2 .Fi rst 10 'o f driv eway must b eat 6%.thefirst 10'sta rts at t heedgeof t he4 'c oncretepan w ith 2" i nvert ,on t hedr ivewayside .not t he edge of p ayment.Adju st andre vise.Note:IL mayaffec t the grade. 3 .P ropo sed Bou lder wa ll onno rth cast sideo f building is 4 '.N eed stamped approved dr awing from license PE.O r bou lder wall needsto be less t ha n 4'high.Provide sta mped dr awing. 4.Be lowanda b ovep ro posedb oulderwallan d b ehind bu ilding.up agai nst slop e of hill.An y dis turbed gra ding mu str eturn to a 2:1 grade.Adjus t andre v ise. 5.N o s nowsto ra ge canb e in T ownofV ailrightof wa yarea .Itmust b ew ithin L ot boun daries.Adj ust and revi s e. 6 .U nits 3&4will not have a ny dra inagea way from g arage a rea .P lan s hows slope of 8 %intos lab of ga rage.Adju st andrevise 7 .Sh ow p ositivedrainage awa y fro m unit 6 dr iveway . S incerely , /!Iti-OL A llison O chs P lanner II o 1Ii:;CYCLEDPA/'J::H APPLI CATION FOR PlANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAl. COMMISSION APPROVAL S ent By:KN UO TSEN AN O COMPAN Y,llC j•303 83170 76j Jan -25 -99 1 1 :37AU j page 4 /9 Questi ons ?lhe:Plan ning;SUffat 47Q·21JH QENERAL INFORMATION This application is for llIIy projcci requiring appro val by die:Planning and Envi ronm en tal Com mission.Forspocif~ inronnatian.see the.ubminal requirements for the particu lar approval that is requested.The:application t an not be ac:ccptcd unlil all requ ited informari on is submiaed.The plojcd:ma y also need to be:reviewed by the:Town Counci l and/or tbc Oc'.!ign Review Board. B. TYPE OF APPLICATION : o Additional GRfA (250)0 Amendment to an Approved Development Plan D Bed and Brcalcfast 0 Emp loyee Housing Unit (Type:) o Coodirional Use Pennit 0Major Of 0 Minor CCI Ralmor Altcmtion o Maj or or0 MinorSubdivisiOl1 (Vail Villasc) [!"""'"R.c2on ing 0 M.tj or (I"0 Minor eelI El.tcJior Alterati on o Sign Variance (U onshoad) o Variance 0 Special DeveJopmtJ1t Distri ct D ZoningCodc:Ammdmc:nc 0 Maj01orO Minot Amendmcnl to anS DD DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST=-.J?E.2l,"""(5u..j!.L.c<I',c...""i?-,"",1'-y Z.t#E<D pg,f.5E-c.T .~Dt"!u1<-('&,;neg C . D . LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT BLOCK~__c FILING _ ADDRESS :-'--.uUUILDlNG NAM E:_ ZONlNG :__-==="--..!>C==_ OWNER(S)S IGNATlJRE(S):...::.-:-__-'-..,-.~_ NAMEOF OWNER(S):n loVto.\b F-VAiL. MAILlNGADDRESS :,"5..Fg.!!tS'D\=!-."'"e ll V At!,-~ ~~PHONE:"')6 (4 .-'~1 'LI'H-7l v q 15/iU·~. A-N,w"~"6l"o>-~ ~!I.tlE:In t\fM'& ___________-'-MIONE:"'t79 14--T'l-2LU ) NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE : MAILING ADDRESS:__="""""--Li2-...L=oQ.!!'=--__=:-...:...._ F. G. H.FEE -SEE THE SUB MITTAL REQUIR EMENTS fOR THE APPROPRIATE FEa IJv ~v:<oe. ~1Ie t£' SUBMIT mrs APPLICAnON.ALL SUBMITfAL REQUlREMENfS AND THE FEE TO THE Ib""1'-'<'7 . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.75 SOOTH FRONTAGE ROAD , VAIL,COLORADO 11657. for Office UIC ODly: fccPaid :C1:II:By:'--_ Applic:adon Date:Pee MecUng Da"" ........... APPLICATION FOR PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL Se nt By :KNU OTSEN AN D COMP ANY ,llC j•303 831707Bj J an -2S.99 11:37 AN j page 5/9 Questions ?e lhe.Pb.oning Staff~t 4 19·2 13lli GENERAL INFORMATION This application is (or ~y project requiring ~by tb~Planning and Environmental Ccmmission.Forspcdfw:: infomwion.sec the submittal requi rements for the particular approv3llhar is requested.The application can not be accepted until aU required informadOlto is submiftcd.The projectmay also need 10 be reviewed by the Town Counc il and/or th e Dcsicn Rwiew Boord. DESCR IPTION OFnn;:REQUEST:--'-_ AuIJID'D",fF.-Pt'rf!-Lt."L o{=L""""Ml'6<-QJT u;,J!t'!!: _P?6Pa6dl W~u;liz"),,,,'1 IIt!!IU UJ "II£:IJ 'T" LOCATlONOFYROroSAL:LOTBLOCKFlUNG M ~qgyt){.S. ADDRESS :BUILDING NAME:_ ZONING:Cl.-'itf'...GJ.)j\-X ~1U t'l"""l ~'J!l:?fV Cl"F"trlrt ,-"l...o-J.J I I\l 1-1 A:. B . c. D . TYPEOFAPPUCATlON : D AdditiOnAl GRFA (2$0) o Ilcdand_... o CcmditionaJ U.e Pennit o Majof'or 0 Minoz-SubdiYision o R=ning .0 Sip'Van.ncc o Variance D Zoning Code Amculm"" D Amendment to an Approved Deyolopm",t Plan o Employee Housing Unit (Type:) C Major or0 Minor eel E.xtcrb-Ailcralionev.il VillaGe) o Majo<Ol"0 Minor ccn Exl";ar Allcratioo (Uon<hcld)o Special DeYOI_Dimd o Majoc or(]Minor AmcOOmc:n1lo an son ..r"*'"""",.."aN F. G. NAMEOFOWNER(S):,-~...,/)F-V ......L, MA1LlNGADDRESS:--,s .s "u 1 ~E (?1W 'iJl-t.£~~l'\<l,\JAtL "-')i'b:7"", O WNER(S)S IGNATURE(Sj:lu.:r-~PHONE:.-r 7i;:'§c 7 ~-z IH NAME Of REPRESENTATiVE 'thrll'(~"'''bThe1Y 1'-~,'-'4 'Ii",,,, MAILING ADDRESS :So ME m M .,JV€" __~-,-PHONE:.'\"'~h7'!-WQ H.!'EE ·SEETHESUBMrTTALREQlJJIlEMENTSFORTHEAPPROPRlATEFEE.rJ".f';;E f6ru.<,~ f"i2 ~F ro/?l>AI!>"- SlIBMJT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL R&QWREMENTS AND THE PEE TO THE rfnr G'U, DEPARTMENT Q}'COMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT,75 SOUl1l FRONTAGE R OAD,7 VAIL,COLORADO 81657. For om"JIlt O oly: .fccPaid:OdI=-:By:=-_ PEC Mcctin&Dol<:......... Sent By:KNUD TSEN AND COMPANY,l LCj•3058317076j !I""il i, ~!.!3 ' i!.1i'! !, Jan ·25 ·99 1 1 :3 8AU j• i ! I I , I i •-•I :B ~! ii f "!n,.'5 !0: ~i :: i Page 7/9 ~..• Se n!~y:KNUO TsEN AND COMPANY ,LLCj•303 8317076;Jan·25-9911 :38AU j•Page 8/9 • .~'I ~m'qj I ~:1 l~§j "'~!0 ~0 '•i c:...:00-' •G'i~i-,I •0'~,~~I !Ii •21 ••0 ,j ,., :!!=1 ~I ~i •,l!~ii'J!0:•0 1 I ! !I ,;;!-,•i :, i i iI: •~I , F o 'I •i ~,0,~-01 ,5ii~.!8~,•..31 ,~iO", I 'I i •~:,I, HI e f?1 ~aL !•ii il"•~~i •h i ••3'•'1 ~!.~•·,Ii, ! !!I,fj•I $,~•I I -,••,•I , I I H~II~i!i'fI1•j I >1 Ij 3 ~0 : I ,pal =,i 1 :I !i ~n li~, g BJ •I 3 ;;1 •03,, I 0or•<::·.:=3 g..,, ;.1! •~!I-s '•3 al·'I ~·.,~~&:-·~i I • i I , ! Se nt BV:KNUD TS EN AN D CO MP ANY ,l lCj•3 038317 076 j Ja n -25 -99 1 1 :3BAPJ j•page 9/9 •~• I I "F§'!,!,I !i!a ' !•i,o. I ~,,,,;II"~ l j ••1,i • I sl u =i'!s• I no·~ I ~.•i ~i •aII• I I ~,N "I -!I ~s,w ! I I i i "'J ilI w i i ~I -I .1 ! I .'w ' I I 'r·,·'•I~~I -~, i ,0 ' i I -!I !,FiiIi !A a'I-.~,N ~'I ~ I ~~8 .w 1 ,w J n w,~i I >"Ii,!·"1 "s,~'.i •i 1 'j -sIiw I i I i ~1 ~•t ~1 •• if ~!a •~,! ll'"I ~-~, !3 CL I ~•, tit..Bernhardt , 2695SFron tage R oad, Vail,C O8 1657 Kri s Long Post Office Bo x 205 5 Avon ,CO 8 1620 J .R .Rulapaugh PostOffi ce Box 2 597 Vai l,C O816 58 Roo Mitche ll Post Office Bo x253 Ed wards,CO81632 Kathy Aalto Post Office Box 4 0 14 Va il,C O 81658 A llisonDebs Po st Office Bo x5238 Vai l,CO 8 1658 BillBan wart 2106 Zennatt Lane #F Vai l,CO 8 1657 Harry G ray 2672 Kinnickinnick Court Va il,CO 8 1657 Flo Habenicht 2 603B C ortina Vai l,CO 8 1657 Caro l &Paul Hyme rs 1459N Greenhill Court Vai l,CO 8 1657 •Guy Ayrualt &SallyJac kie 1672 Matterhorn C ircle Vail,CO816 57 Mary McC lure P ost Office Box20 55 Av on,CO 8 1620 Chris Fitzgerald PostOfficeBox 1912 V ail ,C O8165 8 John Krue ger Post Office Box 1551 V ai l,CO8165 8 Judy &Condi Gu adagnoli 2222 Lowe ll Bou levard Denver,CO 8021 1 Dawes Wilson 21 06-C Zennatt Lane Vaii ,C O 8 1657 Eth an Moore 2094 Zermatt Lane #A Vai l,CO 8 1657 Karin Scheidegger 24 36 Chamonix Lane Vail,CO 8 1657 Ke nt &Rayma Ro se Po st Office Bo x2 10 I Vail ,C O 8 1658 T im Hawkin s Po st Office Box 1908 Avon,CO 8 1620 •E llenMi ller 210 8 D Zennatt Lane V ail,C O81657 ScottMcClarnoon Post Offiec Box6355 V ail,C O 8 1658 Karen &Jim Smith 23 97 Garmis ch Drive Va il,C O8 1657 PeterZoit Post Office Bo x 6403 . Vail,CO 8 1658 AlanSandberg 2 092 Ze nnattLan e V ail,CO 8 1657 Gre g lIali 2612 Cortina Lan e V ail,CO 8 1657 Marianne Milloy Steven &Tessa Kirc hner 1546 Matterhorn C ircle #5 Vail ,CO8 165 7 Joanne Glenn 2389Chamonix Lane Vai l,CO8 1657 NevinNelson P ost Offiee Box1212 Va il,CO 8 1658 A lice Vagenkne chtova Post OfficeBo x 6046 Vail ,C O 8 1658 Petra Sambergc rova PostOffic e Box'1324 Avon,CO8162 0 Lew Meskimen Post O ffice Box 4 88 Va il,CO81658 D avidO 'Neil 1120Pearl Street S uite #2 00 Bo ulder,CO8 0302 GinnyCulp 296 0B Manns RanchRoad Vai l,CO8 1657 Charlene Marquez 1785 Gore Creek Drive Vai l,CO8 1657 W ill Lewis 252 0 Kinnic kinnick Vail,CO 81657 Kathy Lan genwalter 2586 Aros a Vai l,CO 81657 T ricia Hurhi nson 26 16Davos Vail,CO 81657 •Kerrie Kuhl Post OfficeBox537 Va il,CO8 1658 Gay le Ro ache PostOfficeBux 378 1 Va il,CO 81658 Be th Evander Po stOffi ceB ox3284 Va il,CO8 1658 Farrow Hitt 1472 Matterho rnCircle Va il,CO8 1657 Jeb Jenn ings 1855 LionsridgeLoop Va il,CO8 1657 SusanHodder 796 Fores t Road Vai l,CO8 1657 Pa ul Sands 2 369 C harnonixLane Vai l,CO8 1657 Paige Sodergren 2449 ArosaDrive Vail,CO81657 •Jud yDyer 1081Vail ViewDrive Vail,CO8 1657 C arry Agnebe rg 2585 Davos T rail Va il,C O 81657 Joe Vergara 2399Charnonix Va il,CO8 1657 KarlFau land 17 11 A GenevaDri ve Vail,CO81657 Ju dy Langer 1593 MatterhornCircle Va il,CO8 1657 Mara Lorim er PostO ffice Box3 069 Vail,CO81658 BillAnderson 2478Ga rmisch Vail ,CO8 1657 T .J.Conners 2427Gannisch Vai l,CO81657 Dick Brewer 24 70 Chapionix Vai l,CO81657 Philippe Troubens 2448Gnrrnisch Vail,CO8 1657 Brian Doyon 1000 SFrontage Road Va il,CO81657 •Joan Carnie 2920MannsRanc h Roa d Va il,CO81657 Ed Hansen 2470 Chamonix #H3 Vai l,CO816 57 •Konrad Oberlohr 2656 Davos Trail Vail,CO8 1657 Bob &Marylou Armor 2668A-Arosa Vail,CO81657 •••THIS ITEMMAY AFFECT YO UR PR OPERTY PUBLI C NO TICE N OTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN thatth e P lannin ga nd E nv ironm enta lC ommission o fth e T own of Vail w ill hold a public h eari ng inaccorda nce withSection 12-3 -6 at theMun icipal Cod eo fth e T own of V ailonMar ch2 2,1999 .at2 :00P.M.inthe Town of VailMuni c ipal Buildi ng .In c ons id e ra tio n o f : A r eque stfor av ariancefrom Section12 -60-6 ofth e Townof Va ilMuni cipalC ode,to all owfor an e ncroachment into t herequired sidese tbacks ,loca ted at300 3Be llflower Dri ve I Lot9 .B lo ck 6 ,VailIntermountain . Ap plicant Plann er: Mr.Guill ermo H uert a G eorge Ruthe r Arequest for a m in o r am e ndment toSpe cia l Deve lopment D istri c tNo.3 5,A ust r ia Haus,to am end Se ction 6 o f Ordinance #12,Seriesof1997 to clarify aco nditi ono ft he Ordi nan ce. loc ated at 242 E.Me adow Drivel Pa rt of T rac tC,Block 5 0 ,Vai l V illage 1"Filing . App licant : P lanner : Bill S ullivan ,re presentingth e Austria Hau s Development Group G eo rge Rut her A re q u estf or arezoning fromP rimary /SecondaryRes id ential toResidentia l C luster.located a t 2497 ,2487 ,24 85and 2477Garmisch Drivel Lot s 1,2,3 a nd4,Block H ,Va il da sSChoneFilin g #2 , Appl ica nt : P lann er: T own of Vail Alli son Ochs Arequest for annexatio n andzon ing of outdoor recreation o fa n unplatted portio n oftheSE '!4 S E 1/4 B E '!4 S W '!4 ofSe ction11.Towns hip 5S outh .Rang e 81We st.generall y located ont h e n orthside0 1 Arosa Driv e,a nd abutting S unlight northtot he east andT ow n Manager 's house to t hew est. Appl icant: P lan ne r: T own of V ail Allison O chs A re questf or a co nditionaluse permit.t o allow fo rthe co nsolidati on o ftwo dwelling units int he eel Zone District ,locat ed at 124E.Meadow Drive I A portion of Lot5E ,Va il V illage First Filing. Applicant: Planner : Alfredo L.S uarez ,re presentedby Frit zlen .Pierce,S mithArchi tects Alli son Ochs T hea pp lic ations a nd in formation a boutt he proposal s a reav ailable fo r public in spection during regular o ffice hours inth ep roj ect plann er 'soff ice located atth e T own of Va il Comm unity D ev elopment Department ,75 So uthFront age Road. S ignlanguage in t erpretation ava ila bleuponrequ est with24hour n otification . 2 356 .Telephone f or th e H earing Impaired ,forinfo rmation . C ommunityDevelopmen t Departm ent P ublished Ma rch5 ,1998 in t h e Vail T rai!. Pl ease call47 9- TH IS ITEMMAY AFFECT YOURPROP ERTY PUBLICNOTICE ••• NOT ICE IS HEREBY GIV EN matthePlanning and Environmental Commission o f the Town of Vail will hold a public hearingin accordance with Section 12-3-6ofthe Mun icipal Codeof the Town atVail o nMarch22 .1999,at2:00P.M.in t heTownofVailMunic ipal BUiiding.In consideration 0': A request for a variance fro m Section 12-60-6 at the Town of Vail Municipal Code.to allow for an e ncroachmentintotherequiredside setbacks,locatedat3003Bellflower Drive I Lot9.Block 6,Vail Intermountain . Applicant : Planner: Mr.Guillermo Huerta GeorgeRuther A req uest fo r a minor amendment to Specia l Developme ntDistrictNo.35.Austria Haus ,to amend Sectio n 6ofOrdinance#12.Series of1997toclarify aconditio n ofthe Ordinance, located at 242E.Meadow Dr ivel Part of T ractC.Bl ock50,Vail Vill age1s1 Filin g. Applica nt: Planner: BillSulliva n,representingthe Austria Haus Development Group GeorgeRuther A request for a rezonin g from Primary/Secondary Residential to Residential Cluster ,located at 2497 ,2487,2485 and 2477 Gannisch Drivel Lots 1,2,3and4,BlockH.Vail cas Schone Filing #2. Applicant: Planner: Townof Vai l AllisonOchs A request for annexation and zoning of outdoor recreation ofan unplatted portion of theSE V.. S E V..S E V..SW V..of Section 11,Townsh ip 5 South ,Range 81 West,generally locatedonthe north sideof Arasa Drive ,and abutting Sunligh tnorthtotheeast and Town Manager's house to the west. Ap plicant: Planner: TownofVail Alliso n Ochs Arequest fo r aconditio nal use permit .to allow forthe cons olidation oftwodwelling unit sinthe CC IZone District ,locatedat124E.Meadow Drive I Apo rtion atLot5E ,VailVillage FirstFiling . App licant: Planner : Alfredo L.Suarez.represent ed by Fritzlen,Pierce.Smith Architects Allison Ochs The applications and inform ation about the proposals areavailable for public inspection during reg Ular office hours inthe project planner's office locatedatthe Town ofVail Commun ity Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification.Pleasecall 479- 2356.Telephone forthe Hearing Impa ired,for inform ation. Community Development Department PublishedMarch5,1998 i ntheVa il Trail. •_eat;<:~\i 111 ArrW/aM"l\ti ~ ~If ~nthirt Dep artment a/Co mmunity Develop ment 75 South Fro ntag eRoad Va il.Colo rada 8 J65 7 9 70-479-2 138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us A ugust 3 1,200 0 Mr.Dave Part ain Parta in Constru ctio n.Inc . 24;0 C o unty Road31 4 NewCastle,CO 81 64 7 Fax Num ber 970/984 -340; De ar Dave , I am sending yo utheco lors thatw ere appro ved by the To wn of V ail Design Review Board for the 6-units known as No rt h Trail Town Homes. The s hingles on both the duplex and the fo ur-plex areto be Weathered Wood. All stuc coon bothbuildings is to beSherwinWilliams PavillionBeige (#2 031). A ll rail ingson bo th buil di ngs a rc to beSherwi n Wi ll iams Redwood (#3;01). UnitNumber On e: Un it Number Two: Unit Numb er Three : Unit Numb e r Four: Siding D oors &Tri m Siding Do ors &Trim S id ing Do ors &Tri m Siding Doors &Trim She rwin Williams Palmetto (#30 3 8) Sh erwin W illiams W oodland(#3 042) She rwin Will iams Wo o dsmok e G re y (#3 010) SherwinWilliamsAcadia Blue (#3 0 11) SherwinW i lliam sC ypressM oss (#304 1) Sherwin Willi ams Co ttonwood (#3040 ) SherwinW ill iams Palmetto (#3 038) Sherwin William sWo odland (#3024) Units Numberoneandnumbe r fo urhavethe sameco lors. Unit Num be r Five:Siding D oors &Trim Sherw inWill iams C yp ressM oss(#3 04 1) SherwinWilliamsCononwood (#3040) o RECYCU:DPAPEN Unit Numbe r Six : • Siding DOON &Trim • She rwin W illiam s Woo dsmok e Gre y (#3010) Sherwin Williams Acad ia Blue (#3011) Units number two and s ixhave the s ameco lors .Units number three and five ha ve the same co lor s . If yo u have any furthe r ques tions rega rding the co lors afthe units you can reachmeat 970 /4 79-2144 . S incerely. N ina T imm Housing Coordinator Town of Vai l DEC 13 '99 11 :38AM STE\ID'IS GRCtP•P.1• THF.STEVENS GROUP INCORPORAT ED 510 Main _SWto220 c._'1e,Colorado 81623 (P)91O.ll63 .6717 (I)910.963.6707 FAX TRANSMISSION Tom Stev<:ns 12/13/9910:15 AM Am ...Oarmisch Please deliver 1hc following page.to: Allison OCbs TOV (970)47!1-24S2 Njna Timm • NAME: COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: cc:1 FRO~: DAm: RE: vc revised the Am ..Garmi schp1ans per your letter dated December I,1999. They being printed IIllW endshould be in your office IIlllater than Wed""oday .I have 1I1tp<¥1hc cover Icllct for these <lawing.foryour review 1IllW.The orlginal will any 1hc plans. num~ofpages including thii ~cr ~c teanmtiued ia2.Please call If )'ouexpa-icno:anydilfu»/tr with this tnn!mi,sion 1 l \ 1 I:EC 13 '99 11 ;3SR'1 STE'v£NS GRa..F••P .2 \ Decembct 13,1999 TIm STEVENS GROUP INCORPORATED t Allison Ochs ITownoeVallComm1WityDevelopment 7S South Frontage Rnad Y,ai!,CO 8 1657 RE:Aro..Gannisch 6 Plex I I \ DEC 13 '99 11 :36I=W'1 STEVENS GRCX..P• FAX TIlANSMlSSION Please deliver the fullowing pages to:, P .2• THESTEVENS GROY!' INCORPORATED SIO MKin Stred,Suite220 CarboadaIe,Colorado Iltl23 (P)970 .963.6717 (~970 .963.6707 NAME :( COMPANY : FAX NUMBER; cc : AlIOOnOchs TOV (970)4W-24S2 NinaTimm j , FROM:Tom Slcvens I DATE:12JI~f;~l\M RE:Arosa "'-r"':-h COMMENTS:I AlIOOn, Wehaverevised the Am..Garmisch plans per your letter dilled December I ,1999. They lire being printed now ~shoUId be in your office Ill)later thsn Wcdnesdsy.I have attse""the co ...letter fur dlawing>for your review now,Theoriginal will =lDpany tile plans.I, r , OCC 13 '99 1 1::m:l1 STE:VE:1'S GRCl.P• THE STEVENS GROUP INCORPORATBD December 13,1999 I JAllison Ochs Town of Vall Community Development 75 Soolh Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 RE:Arosa Gannisch 6 Plcx •P.3 \ , j Dear AI1lson, A_hrd arc rcvi>ed.ite drawing.in responseto your December I,1999Iettcr. ( We ha",made rovisiom punruaot to your commcnla as fullowo : I .One fo ot ofcover has been provloot abo",the 18 inch CMP pipe at the entry.This will cquaicly cover the 9 inch paving section at this area.We have labeled the "in grade as wen as the finish grade at each cod oflho pipe.This has been abown on Cl. 2 .We ve revised the _ay at the entry to refleet 10 fuel at6%beginning at the edg f 4 foot V pan. 3.The boulder wail at the northeast ,ide is two fuel in height and has been Iabe nlingly on the plan,Sheet CI .As such It should DOt need ononginccn 4.been adjllSlod to not exceed 2:1 abo..or below the boulder wail.This has 1sb>inon SheetC1. 5.Sno ehas been dc~fiom the Town ROW.Stor1Ige has beenaddcdjUll of!' the vehicle turn aroond.The tntalllQuan:footage of storage has dropped to 1,800 ..I: This however SIll I provides 38%ofthe paved area as storage .This has been abown on Sheet Cl. 6.Grades at the dri..:ways ofunit,3 and 4 bave been revised to show positive drainage away from all glrage slabs with the paCCntage of grade for each driveway shown on Sheet C l. 7.The grading for Uolt 6 dri~y Iwo heen revised to show positive drainege.This has been shown on Sheet Cl. IIfrr~ve any que ~ions Dr should require further information please do not hasitate 10 CO I,II>'·\ Sioc ~mas •Stevens ,ident I1:Nina firnm 580 MAIN'STRUT SUITE '220 CARBO NDALE ,CO 816 23(1 (P)970.96cI .6717 (f)970.963.6707 f com!nity Development Pl an Ro!ng Form Routed To:G reg Hall ,Public W orks Return To :A lliso n Oe hs Date Routed :612199 Rct umBy:ASAP Project Name:Arosa/Garmisch Project Address:2497 Garmisch ProjectLegal:Lots 1-4,Block H .Va il dasSc hone 2nd Project Description :Emp loyeeHoosing (4-plex and d uplex) _----'A pproved _x__Denied(c ite deta iledreasons)__Approvedw ith conditions ,(r ..£E.R YON IC COM MENTS jll, N eed more than 3"of co v er over 18"c u lvert (entrance to d riveway)a djust and revise Fi rst10 'of d riveway must be at 6%,the fi rst10 'starts at the edge of the4 'c oncrete p anwi th 2"invert,on the d rivewayside,not th e e dge of payment.Adj ust an d revise.No te :It may affect the grade. Propose d Boulder wallon north east side ofbuilding is 4'.Need stamped approved drawing from license PE.Or h oulderwa ll needs to he less than 4 'hi gh.Provide stamped drawing. Below and ahove proposed houl derwa ll and behind bu ilding ,u p agai nst slope of hi ll.Any di sturbedgrad ing m ust return toa 2 :1 grade.Adjust a nd revise. No snow storage canhein Town of Va il right of wayarea.Itm ustbe within Lot boundaries.Ad just and revise. Units 3&4 will not haveanydrainage away from garage area.Planshows slope ofS %intoslabofgarage.Adjust and revise S how positive d rainage away fr om unit 6 d riveway . Date received: Reviewed by :G reg H,LeonardS Da te reviewed :11-30-99 .'v '.·J)R 1 P R OI m ~G'9g RO L'TN G'P 'HU ·WUdM "Slr.R,fRM •• Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:Arosa /Ganniseh Emplo y Ho using Proj ect Descrip tion:new 4-plex andduplex Owner,Address,and Phone:T ownofVail 75S.Fron tage Rd , Vail,CO81657 970-479-2138 Project N umber:prj99-0126 Architec t/Contact ,Address,an dPhone:Nina Tlmm sameasabove Project StreetAddress:2477,2485,2487,2497 Ganniseh Legal Description:Lots 1-4,BlockH ,V ailDas Schone 2nd Parcel N umber:210311413013, 210311413012 Comment s: BuildingName:A rosaiGarrnlseh E mployee lIousing Motion by: Secondedby: Vote:4-0 Board/Staff Action Han s Woldrieh Actio n: Melissa Greenhauer Approved with conditions Conditions:I.15't n 20'of sodbepro vided around hackof buildings Town Planner:Allison Ochs Date:09117 /99 PrnjeetName: Documen t DRB Fcc Paid:waived A rosaiGarmisch Employee Housing I •• DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday.september15,1999 3:00 P.M . PUBUC MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION /LUNCH·Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer ChasBern hardt SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Bill Pierce 1:30 pm 1.Sho nkwiler r esidence-5118 GoreCircle 2 .Louthan Reside nce -4966 Juniper Lane 3 .Flinnresidence-265 ForestRoad 4 .Adamresidence-765Forest Road 5.Va il SkiTec h-555 E.LionsheadCirc le Drive r:Brent PUBUC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 :00 pm 1. 2. Christiania Lodge -Exterior improvements/remodel. 356HansonRanchRoad!LotD,Block2,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant:Richard &GailSegal,represente d by Mcrter-Aker Architects MOTION :HansWo ldrich SECON D :Melissa Gree nauer VOT E :4 -0 APPROVED WITH1CONDITION: 1.Thatthe materia ls and colors matchthe existing . Shonkwile r residence -Resident ial addition with a Type IIemployee housing unit. 511B Gore C lrcle/l.ot 3.Block3 ,Bighorn 5'". Applicant :Robert Shonkw iler,represented byPhilPokorny MOTION:Melissa Greenauer SECOND :Hans Woldrich VOT E :4-0 APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.Thatthe interioraccessbetweenthe E HUandthesingle-family residence beeliminated.perthePEG approva l. 1 Brent Brent ••\ 3. 4 . Adam residence -DRB determination on drivewa y/p,ar king area. 765Wes t Fo rest Road/Lot8,Block 2,Vail Villag e 6 ". Applicant:Nancy Adam,representedby Fritz len.P ierce,Smit h MOTION:C lark Brittain SECOND :Melissa Greenauer T ABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 6,1999 Louthan re sidence -P ost &dow elfencea longr ear pr operty li ne . 4966J uniper Lanel Lot 8Block 5BighornSubdivisionAddition 5. Applicant:Robert B.Louthan MOTION:HansW oldrich S ECOND :Meiissa Gre enauer APPRO VEDWITH1 CONDmON : VOTE:4-{) VOT E:3-1 (Chas against ) Brent Ann 1.That th e f ence be incorporat edwi th t he ex isting landscap ingand reviewed by staff. rath er than arbitrarily f ollowi ng th e lot lin e. 5.Flinnresidence -Rev iew of treeremo val. 2 65For est Road/Lot 21,Block 7,VailV illage {J'. App licant:LawrenceR inn,represented b ySteve Riden MOTION:Hans Woldrich SECOND :Chas Bernh ardt T ABLEDUNTIL OC TOBER 6,1999 VOTE :4-0 A llison 6 . 7 , 8. 9, VailSkiT ech-Building tacaoe imp rovements . 555E ,Lio nsheadC ircle /A porti onofBlock 1,Va ilLio ns headFirst Filing . App licant:Vail SkiT ech,repr esented by Ga lenAaslan d MOTION :Hans Wo ldrich SECOND :Melissa Gr eenauer VOT E :4-0 APPROVED WIT H 1 CO NDITION : 1.Thattherevisio ns outlined atthemeetingare to be reviewed bysta ff . Ottleyresid e nce-Parkingareaimpro vements 2802Bellflow er Driv e I Lot1,Bloc k 8,Va ilIntermountain. Applicant:Dudley Ott ley CONCEPTUAL -NOV OTE ArosalGarmi sch -Final reviewo fanew f our-pJexand d uplex. 2477,2485,2487 .2497Garmis ch Drive /L ots 1-4 ,Block H,Va il da s Schone Filing 2. App licant :To wn ofV ail.r epresented by NinaTim m &To mSteve ns MOTION :HansWol drich SECOND :Melissa Greenauer VOTE :4-0 APP ROVED WITH1CONDITION: 1.T hat 15 '-20 'ofsodbep rov idedin t heback of t heun its. ArosaA-Frame site -Conceptual reviewofaprop osed primary/s ec ondary residence. 2657 Arosa Driv el Lot 8 ,Bloc k D.Vail Ridge, Appli cant:To wn of Va il,represented by Nina Ti mm &To mStevens CONCEPTlJAL -NO VOTE 2 Brent Brent. Alli son A llison ,•• StaffApprovals Scheideggerduplex -Exteriorpainting . 2450 ChamonixLane/Lot 7,BlockB,Karin's RidgeSubdivision. Applicant:KarinScheidegger • Brent Deanaddit ion -Addi tionof two windows,upper balcony extension,fro nt entranceenclosure. 451 2 StreamsideCircle/Lot 14,Big horn a"Add ition . Applicant:Elizabeth W .Dean Chester resi dence -Planter modi fic atio ns. 395 MillCreek CirclelLot 19,BlockI ,Vail Village I "Filing. Applicant:E.B.Chester Okubo /Hicks residenc e -Porch ext ension,retainingwalls and reroof . 5027 UteLane/Lot 3 1,Vail Meadows Filing 1. App licant:Larry andReneOkubo Hart residence -Parkin g space addition . 1401 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 4 ,Lions Ridge #2. Applicant :Richard Han Groff resid ence -Replace asphalt withpavers /snowmelt system . 1468 VailValieyDrive/Lot 17 ,Block 3 ,Vail Valiey ,", Applicant :NealGroll /An Coppola Ridd er resid ence -Minoraddition (rear on ly). 303Gore Creek Dri ve Vail Row House s#8/Lot 8,Bl ock 5,Vail Vill age l ilt Filing. Applicant:P.Anthony &Constance Ridder Loftu s-Newdriveway. 4 126 E.Columbine/L ot 16,Bighorn S ubdivision. Applicant:Robert andCarold eaneLoftus Landm ark Condo -Add iti on of waterproo fing sys tem. 610 W est uonsnoac Circle /Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Lion shead 3fd . App licant:Landmark Condomini um Assoc iation Squires -Entry.,y ay addition. '626 Vail ValleyDrive/Lot 2,Parcel B,Warren Pulis Subdivis ion . App licant:John and GailSquires Ketcham residence -Relocat ion of electrical meter . 4 301 Glen FallsLane/Lot 1.Foresl Glen. Applicant:Lin da Ketcham Laidlawresidence -Minor change tocolo r schem e. 1722 Geneva Drive/Lot 10,Manerhom Village Filing #1. Applic ant:Walt Laid law Kno bel-Meter enclosure . 392 MillCreekCircle/Lot 8 ,Vail Village 1", Applicant :PeterKnobel 3 Ann Brent Allison Brent Allison Brent Ann Alli son Ann Alli son Brent Alli son •••, The appli cations and informat ion abouttheproposalsare availa ble for publi cinspection during regular office hours in the proj ectplann er'soffice .locatedatthe Town ofVail Com munity Develo pmentDepartm ent.75 SouthFront age Road.Please call 479·21 38for information. Sign language interp retation avai lable uponreque st with 24hournoti ficatio n.Pleasecall479- 2356 ,Telephon e fo r theHearin gImpa ired,for info rmation. 4 Qu cs tice Callthe Ph,r.ning St aff~:4 7:)·:'128 P~J "i ~-Ctl.-(, APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL \~-?-zl03 \11..\,30 \3 •roIVNLOF::::VA1L~'~\ GENERAL INFORM ATION This ap plicationis foranyproject requiring Design Review approval.Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review ap proval priortosubmittingfor abuilding permit For specific Informati on,s oc thesubmittal requirements for theparticularapproval that is requested.Theapplication cannotbeaccepted until alltherequired • information is submitted.Theprojectmayalsoneedtobereviewed bytheTownCounciland/or thePlanningand EnvironmentalCommission.Desl!::"Review Board approval expires one year afterfinal approval unless a .bulldlng p ermit is issued and construction is started.- A.DESCRIPTION ~F THE REQUEST :_N:WJ ~ckitM cf--"Vl.'"------- __l1'-1---p Ili aMA 11<~.uU~--------_ PHON'-2- y,' ~N ~~__ B.LOCATI ON OFPROPOSAL:LOT:J.:..!:LBLOCK:---a-FILlNG:yt0 1 tw:,~lYIk 2 01 P HYS I C A L AD DRESS :~q,?,VtiO I v-r.1.JL _ C.PARCEL #:~a kwve-:=(Contact EagleCo.Assessors Offiee ,'970-328-8640 for pan;cllf) D.ZONING:'?PzidlJdh/vl L/~!...I""_ E..NAME OF OWNER(S):.TO\N~Vl~q:t~v,~Wl'~~~~:;:::====~:;;:~:=:;::,;:::==MAILI NG ADDRESS:_6 . F. G. OWNER (S)SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF A PP lICANT::_q.J?:II~L;f4:.....,;;tP.~-.,....,..:.-;::;o--------­ MAILIN G ADDRESS:~t:7 . H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: VM1.1 W ~0 New Construction ~5200 Construction ofa new building. ,0).~r Addition _$50Includesanyaddit ion where square footageisadd ed toany residential or .~\L\!'./','.....'commerci al building...'\""l /0 Minor Alteration.S20 Includes minor changestobuildingsandsiteimprovements.suchas, /reroofing.painting.window additions,landscaping.fencesandretaining wall s.etc. ORB fees are to be paid 8t thetime ofsubmittaJ.Later.whenap plyingfor a building permit.please identify the accurate valuation of the project.TheTown of Vail willadjust the fcc accordingtothe project valuation. PLEASESUBMITTHISAPPLICATION.ALLS UBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT.75 SOUTHFRONTAGEROAD. VAIL,COLORADO 81657. • TOWN OF VA IL Depa rtment of Community De velopment 75 So uth Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 8,1999 BradReed Fax:505-776-2088 • 'L ECOpy ,. Dear Brad : The follow in g is informa tion youreque sted reg ard ing the A-Fram esite and the Ar osa/Garrni sch site: A-Frame: Zoning:Prima ry/Secondary Lot S ize:.41 7 acres GRFAAllowed :49 16.5 sq.ft . Primary:60%of allow able GRFA Second ary:40%of allowab le GRFA SiteCoverage:3633 sq .ft. Building Height :max of 33 ft. Arcsa/G armisch: Zoning:Resident ial C lu ster LotSize:1.19 acres G RF AAllowed:13 459.1 sq.ft. SiteCovera ge:12959sq.ft . Building Height:max of33 ft. Please donot he sita te to contact me at970/479-2369 with any further question s. 7l;?£t2i AllisonOchs Pla nn er I Town ofVail 75South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 8 1657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2 157 June 17,1999 Andy Kn udtsen and Nina Timm Town of Vail Comm unity Development 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,CO 8 1657 RE:Arosai Ganniseh EmployeeHousing Site at2497,2487.2485,and2477 Gannisch I Lot,1- 4,Block H,VaildasSchoneFiling 2 DearAndy and Nina: The Commu oity Development Department hasreviewed theplans for the proposed Arosa/Garmisch Employee Housing Siteto be locatedat2497,2487,2485,and2477 Gannisch. Th efollowing comments and re visionsmust be addresse d prior to fin al Design Re view Board approval: I .Show spotelevation s of the edge of roadway from the surve y 00 th esiteplan . 2 .Please provi de a4'conc rete pan with a2"invert . 3.Thefirst 15'o f thedrive beyoodthepan shouldbeat a maximum grade of 6%.The rema inder of th e dr iveshould be at a 9%max imum grade.The plan should show the actual gra de. 4.Retainin gwalls arcrequired anywbere gradingexceeds2:1.As aresult ofthis requirement ,the gradi ng waUs will nee d tobelarge rthan shown on the plan . 5 .Please show how tra sh is handled o n site.All trash receptacle s rraist be enclosed . 6 .Please show all meter locations an d enclosures onbotb the siteplan an d buil ding elevatio ns. 7 .Please pro videan exteri or li ghtin g plan an d cut sheet of pro posed fixtures . ••••• 8.Please pro vide all roof ridg e andeavee levationso nthe siteplansost aff can calculate height.Building heightis measured to existi ng or finished grade .whichever is more restrictive.Maximumheightforaslopingroof intheResidential CIU!<l1er Districtis33 ft . Stalfhas evaluated the Arosa/Garmisc h EmpLoyee Housing Sitebased onthesurvey submitted and Residential Cluster Zoning .Theanalys is p rovides the following: LOI Size: Buildable Area: Zonin g: Standard GRFA Site Coverage Density Parking 1.19 acres or51,836.4 sq.ft. 1.19 acres or 51 ,836.4 sq.ft. ResidentialCluster Allowed 13,409 sq.ft . 8,032sq.ft . 6du per acre 2 perduor12 spaces Proposed 6,969sq.ft 4 ,927 sq.ft. 5.04 duperacre 16 spaces (6enclosed) The Design Review Board bas conceptually reviewe d the proposed Arosa/Garmiscb Employee Housing Site.The followi ng were some ofLheir concerns/comments: I.The roof a ppears too massive andneeds to be brokenup.Theearlierplans hadshown dormers,which had added to the character of t he buil ding s. 2.The window trim should be heavy . 3.Thesiti ng of theunitssho uldtake into consideration existing grad es.Theretainagc need ed for the propose d s ite seems excessive .Thepossibil ity of siting the building paralle l with existing gr ade.andthere by shifting the configurat iondown t he hill some sho uld beexplored. 4.So me consideration sho uld be made in making theunits more individualiz ed.Th is could be done bystepping eachun it,using variousmaterialsonavertical as wellas hor izontal basis.breakingtheroof lines.changingt hed eckconfiguration.etc. Min orS ubdivision Request: The minorsubdivisionrequestto vacate t helotlines between lots 1-4.Block H.VaH d asS chone Filing #2 shou ld include somep latnotes d iscussedatprevious reviews of the proposal.These includethefollowi ng: 1.A restrictiononthe a llowabledens ity forthesit e .Pleaseincludeaplat note restri cting densit y to 6 units. 2 .A legaleasement.planed andreco rded.allow ing for t he park o nthe site .Until this legal ease ment has been esta blished.t his item will be tabled . Park Proposal: The Conditional UsePermitrequiredfortheAro sa/Garmisch Parkhas also been submitted by the T own of Vail.One o fthe proposalsindicate s ahandi capped parkingspacewithinth e guest parkingforthe Arosa/Garmisch EmployeeHousingSite. •• As re quested.I will schedule the Hou sing pr oposal for another conceptua lreview with the Design Review Board on July 7.1999.All of the above commen ts and revisions should be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval but can be submitted up to10 work in g days priurtothatdate .I have tentativel y sched uled fioal r eviewforJuly21,1999.If youhave any questions.please do not he sita te to contact me at479-2369. ilt'O( Allison Och s Planne r I Townof Vail • Depa rtment oj Community Develapmetu 75 South Fron tage Road Vail,Colo rado 8165 7 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 July 22,1999 Tom Ste vens 580MainSt.Suite 22 0 Carbondal e,C O 81623 Fax:970/96 3-6707 N ina T imm 7 5S.FrontageRd . Vail,CO XI657 DearTomandNina: FIt COpy J:.A)fr: 'M Th e Design Review Board co nceptual ly reviewedthep lans for the Aro safGarmi schE mp loyee Ho using S iteo nJu ly 2 1,1999.Th efo llowingwe re their co mmentsand c oncerns : I .Th eco lumns 0 0 th eend of each building shouldbe changed toa w all so that the stucco c an continue around th e bu ildi ng . 2 .Include 4'w o od trim around all window s andas askirt boards und er t he rooflinc . 3.Trim out all corners . 4.Change thed eckso r create wing -walls t o cre ate aseparation o ftbed ecks. 5 .Explore t hec olor o f '\veather cd w ood"for t he roofingmaterial. These a bov e co mments ,along with thecomments from t he letterdated J une17.1999 ,need to be addressed prior to final Design Review Boarda pp roval. B ecause all p rojects submitted t o theTo wn o fVai lr equire re view by mul tiple departments,we needs ig nificant time t o complete our review .W e ge nerally requireatleast 10w orking dayst o rev iew a nyre-submitta l of a pr oject.However.because 1 understand thetim e con straintsp laced o n th isproj ect.I am allow in g some leeway in t he rc-su b mittal proc ess.Th e follo wingis a sch edule o f reguirr1d s ubmittal deadlin esfor both theAr osalG annisch Emp loyee Housing Si te andth e A-Frame sit e: Final A pp r ovalfor Arosa/Ga rmisch August4,1999DRB All mate rials must besubmittedbynoon onTuesday,July 27. A ugust18,1999 DRBAll materialsmustbe submitted by noono n Wednesday,August4 . o IU;CYCLEO PAPER ••0 •• ConceptualReview fo r A-Frame Site August 4,1999 DRB All materials must be submittedbynoononThursday,July29. August18.1999 D RBAllmaterials mustbesubmitted bynoononThursday.August 12. FinalA pproval fo r A-Frame Site August 18.1999 DRB Allmaterialsmust be submittedbynoononThursday.August 5. September1,1999 DRBAllmaterials must be submitted by noononThursday.August19. If you donot meet the above required deadlines,you will bebumped to the following meeting. If you haveany qu est ions regar din gsubmittal req uirementsorschedules.please contact me at 479-2369. Sincere ly, 1!f!u~(2( PlannerT Town of Vail 75So uthFrontage Road Vail.Colorado 8 1657 970-479·21 00 FAX 970-479 ·2 157 AUgust 19 .1999 Tom Stevens 580 Main St .Su ite 220 Car bccdatc,CO ~1623 Fax:970&63-670 7 N ina Timm 75S.Fromagc Rd. Vail,CO81657 Dear TomandNina: • FILE COpy •·fJ ·.~ WORLD ~ Al "to l S ~, 1t"'VA'\'I U"ro C I P!~ CO LO~"'DO'\I $" •• TheDesignReview Board reviewedtheplans for the ArosalGarmisch Employee Housing Site onAugust18,1999. The following were their conments and coc ccns: l.Th e Design Re\;C\\"Board did Dot like the IX~wingwal ls to separate the decks.The Design Review Board rec cnmcads creating smaller decksand cantilevering them.. 2.The deck shou ld be detailed as wood ratha than SlUCCO,especially fcr maimeaance issues. 3 .The window heights sbocld be const ant around the bu ilding. 4 .Pleaseprovidea rear ercv auce . 5.This rear clevatknshouldalsohavesome individualityof unit s. 6.Changeth e window OIl the side of the OOilding so that thebelly band isnot broken. 7.Iftheunits were mirrored.SO that thegarages wereonthe oppositesides than currently proposed,many problems would be solved (i.c.tbeodd walls between the driveways,the interaction of the decks.eLC.)The Design Review Boardstrongly recommen ds that this option be explored. 8.Al l details cruic units(including trim.materials,etc)need to be identified onthe plans prier tofinal Design Review Board approval. 9.All of the grading must be at 2:1.Please revise thecurrent grading plan. Please submit allof th c above changes by Wedne sday.AugUSl15 ,1999,to give the Cmununit y Development Depanmen the oppmunity to revi ew th e changes. lfyou have any questions regarding submittal requirement s (X"scbecules.pleaseccatact me Itt 479-2369. S~C( Allisun Ocbs Planner It T O\\ID ufVail I ••DESIGNREVIEWBOARDAGENDA Wednesday,June 16,1999 3:00 P.M. PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE ORBTRAINING SESSION-"Conflictsof Inte rest"-Tom Moorhead ••Discussion-ORB meetingtimes PROJECTORIENTATION I LUNCH·Community Development Department 12:00 pm 12 :30 p m MEMBERSPRESENT SITE VISITS MEMBERSABSENT 2:00 pm 1.Huerta -3003Bellflower Driv e 2.Scalise-2567ArosaDrive 3.AmsalGarmisch -2657AmsaDrive 4.McCartney -1984BuffehrCreekRoad 5.McKibben -5095Main GoreDrive Driv er:George PUBUCHEARING ·TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1.McKibbenresidence-Remode l/addition. 5095MainGore DrivelLot2 8.VailMeadows #1. Applicant:Frank &Ellen McKibben MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Brent 2.McCartney resi dence -Resi dential addition . 1984 BuffehrCreek Road I lOl1 9,Buffehr Creek. Appli cant:Bri anMcCa rtney ,represented by GalenAaslan d MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Brent 3. 4. Scalis e residenc e -A final review ofanew prim ar;rl secondary residenc e.Alli son 2567Arosa DrJlo!9,Block E.Vail Das Schone 1 Appl ican t:Dennis SCalise MOTION:SECOND :VOTE: t8MJ 11711 t J ~(1L Wand BDevelopment,llC -Construction 01 anewphmarylsecondary Dominic residence with a Type IIemployee housing unit. 381 BeaverDamCircle I lot 1.Block4,VailVillage 3"Filing. Applicant:WandB Development LlC,representedbyJayPeterson MOTION:SECOND :VOTE:~ llJ JrN~ 1 ••\ 5.Ara saiGarmisch -Con ceptua l review of a newfour-plex and dupl ex.Alli son 2477,2485,2487,2497Garmlsch Drive /Lots 1-4,Block H,ValldasSchoneFiling 2. Appli cant:Tawn ofVa il,represented byNina T imm &T omStevens MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 6.Flinn residence-Conceptua l rev iew of anewprimary/secondary residence +EHU.Al li son 265 Forest Road /Lot 2 1,Block7,VailVillage 1"' Applicant:MitchellStudio,LLC MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 7.Hue rt a resid en ce -Con ceptu al revi ew of anew si ngl e-family res idence . 3003 Bellflower Drive /Lot9,Block 6,Vail Interm ountain. Applicant:Guillermo Huerta MOTION:SEOND:VOTE: George 8.Glen Lyon Offi ceBuild ing -Fin al rev iewofan amendm ent toSODNo.4.Domini c (Cascade Village)locatedat1000 S.FrontageRoadWesVLot 54,GlenLyonSubdivision. Applicant:Glen LyonOffice BU ilding Partnership ,represented byKurtSegerberg MOTION:SECOND:VOTE : StaffApprovals O'Meararesid enc e-Hous e pain ting . 2952Bellflower Drive/Lot18,Block6,VailIntermountain. Applicant:MikeO'Meara Claggett-Rey Gallery-Replace doors/awning. 100E.MeadowDrive#10/K it 0,Block 50 ,Vail Village I ". Applicant:BillRey Claggett·Rey Gallery-New awning sign. 100 E.Meadow Driv e #10/Ki t 0,Block 5D,Vail Village 1st, Applicant:BillRey Precourt -Change to previou s appr oval. 328 MillCreek Circle/Lot4,Block I,Vail Village I ". Applicant:Jay &MollyPrecourt Betty Ford Alpi ne Gardens -New tool/stor age shed . Ford Park. Applicant:MartyJones Jag/EastVall residence -Revised land scape plan. 4969 MeadowDrivelLot II,Block5,Bighorn Fiiing#5. Applicant:BillPierce &Lynn Fritzlen 2 Brent Domini c Brent Alli son George George •Skolasinski remodel -Minor changes to app roved plans. 4214 Columbine Way unit#5 /Bighorn Terrace Subdivisio n. Applicant :Joe &Lou raine Skolas ins ki Tall Pines -Temporary sign . 223912241 ChamonixLanelTall Pines Subdivision. Applicant:Ric hard Caples Fricker add ition -Bay window and room addi tion . 1370SandstoneDrive#9/Lol G3.Lions Ridge 2"". Applicant:Helmut Fricker Hillside Condo's -Replaceporchhandrails. 1819MeadowRidge Road/Lot 13,Buffe r Creek. Ap plicant:Greg Bennis Johnson reside nce -Driveway paving. 4238Nugget Lane/tot 5,BighornEstates. Applica nt:Kent Johnso n •Bren t Bre nt All ison Allison Brent Warth residence -Interior conve rsion. 4342 Spruce Way,Unit #B,GoreCreek North Condos/Lot 8,Bi ghorn Srd. Applicant:Michae l &StephanieWarth LevyfTiHmann residence -Parking place addi tion . 4494 Streamsi de Circle/Lot 13,Bighorn 41h • Applicant:Westwood Hills-LevylTilimann Yaros residence -Changes to approved plans . 51 19 Black BearLanelLot 8.Block2,GoreCreekSUbdivision. App licant:Ro n Yaros Conyers residence -W indow/entryway overhang addition . 5 I 29 BlackBear Lane/L ot13,Block 2,Gore CreekSubdiv ision . App lica nt:Davi d Conye rs Baka lar residence -Minor rev ision to previously approved plan. 780PotatoPatch Drive/Lot 17,Block1,VailPotato Patch. App lican t:John &Christ ineBakalar BMSPartnership -Interior convers ion. 126Forest Road/Lot5,Block 7 ,Vail V illage 1". Applicant:BMSPartnership Groff residence -Replace sid ing ,squaring off decks /stairway,door addition. 1468Vail Valley Drive/Lot 17,Block 3 ,Vail Valley 1S1 • Applicant:NealGroffl Art Coppola Brent Allison George Al lison Brent Bre nt Allison The applications and information about the proposa ls are available for public inspection dUri ng regular office hou rs in the project planner's office ,locatedatthe Town of Vail Comm unity Developmen tDepartment,75 South FrontageRoad. Il II Sign language in terp retation available upo n reque st with 24hour notification. Telephone for the Heari ng Impaired ,for information . 3 Pieaseca ll 479-2356, B 81 10' ~'!I •" ••DESIGNREVIEW BOARDFINALAGENDA Wed nesday,June 16,1999 3 :00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE DRBT RAINING SESSION -'CO nfli ctso fInte rest"-T om Moorhead ••D iscussion -DAB meetin g ti mes PROJECTORIENTATION I LUNCH·Com mun ity Development Depart ment 12:00pm 12:30pm MEMBERSPRESENT Bill Pierce Clark Brillain Hans Wold rich Melis sa Greenauer TomWeber(PEC) SITEVISITS MEMBERSABSENT 2:00pm 1.H uerta -3003 Bellflower Drive 2.Scalise-2567 ArosaDrive 3 .ArosaiGannisch -2657Arosa Drive 4 .McCanney -1964 Buffehr Creek Road 5 .McKibben -5095MainGore Drive Driver :George PUBLICHEARING-T OWNCOUNCILCHAMBERS McKibben residence -Remodel /additi on. 5095Main Gore Dri ve/Lot 28,Vail Meadows #1 . Applicant:Frank &EllenMcKibben MOTION:BillPierceSECOND:HansWo ldrich TABLEDUNTILJULY7,1999 3 :00pm Brent VOTE:4-0-1 (TomWeberabstained) 2. 3. McCartn ey residence -Residential addition . 1964Buffehr Creek Road I Lot19,Buffehr Creek. Applicant:Brian McCanney,represented by GalenAasland MOTION:Bill PierceSECOND:T om WeberVOTE:5-0 T ABLEDUNTIL J ULY7 ,1999 SCa lise res idence-Afinalreview ofa new prim arxlsec onda ry residence . 2567Arosa Dr.lL ot9 ,Block E,Vail Das Schone 1 Appl icant:Dennis SC alise MOT ION:Bill Pierce SECOND:Tom Weber VOT E:5·0 Brent Allison TABLED UNTILJULY 7,1999 row OFVAIL 1 ••4 .Wand B Development,LLC -Constru ction ofanew primary/secondary Dominic res idence with a Type 11 employee hou sing un it. 381Beaver DamCircle I Lot 1,Block 4 ,Vail Vill age 3rd R ling . Applican t:W and 8Development LLC.represented by JayPet erson MOTION:Bill Pierce SECOND:HansWoldrich VOTE:4-0-1 (Weberabstained ) APPROVEDWITH3CONDITIONS: 1.Must provide stampe d eng ineered detail onall retaining wallsin excess of4 'in height pri or to issuance of build ing perm it. 2 .Mustprovide wetland studyandobtain Army Corp of Engineers permit prior to issua nceofa build ing permit on secondary resid ence. 3.Must comply with tree report submitt ed andhave arborist verify that all requ irements are bei ng met. 5 .ArosalGarm isch -Conce ptualreviewof anewfour-plex andduplex.Allison 2477 .2485 ,248 7,2497 GarmischDrive I Lots '-4,Block H,ValldasSchone Filing 2 . Applica nt:Town ofVail,repre sen ted by Nina Timm &Tom Steve ns CONCEPTUAL-NOVOTE 6.Flinn res idence -Conceptual rev iew of a new primary/seco ndary resi dence +EHU.AIlis on 265 ForestRoad I Lot 21.Block 7.Vail Village 1"- Applicant:Mitchell Studio.LLC MOTION:Bill Pierce SECOND:TomWeber VOTE:5-0 TABLEDUNTILJULY 7 ,1999 7 .Huertaresidence -Conceptual reviewof anewsingle-family residence. 3003Bellflower Drive I Lot9,Block6.Vail Intermountain. Applicant :Gu illermo Huerta CONCEPTUAL-NOVOTE George 8 .Glen LyonOfficeBuilding-Final reviewofanamendment toSODNO.4.Dominic (CascadeVillage)locatedat1000 S.FrontageRoadWest/Lot 54 ,GlenLyon Subdivision. Appli cant:Glen Lyo n Offi ce Build ing Partnership,represented by Ku rt Segerberg 9. CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE (Final reviewscheduled fo r Juiy 7.1998) Golden PeakSki Base-Final review ofaproposedskier tunnel. 458 Va il Va lley Drive I Tract B.Vail Village 7 ~Filing. Applicant:VailAssociates MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: WITHDRAWN (Untilrunner notice) Dominic 10 .Antlers -Final review ofa proposede xpansion.George 680 W .lionshead Placel Lot3.Block1,uonsn eae Third R ling. Applicant:Ant lers Condomin ium Assoc iation,represen ted by Robert LeVine MOTION:ClarkBrittanSECOND:TomWe ber VOTE:4-1 (Greenuaeropposed ) APPROVEDWITH2CONDITIONS: 2 ••1.T hat t he applicantpr ovide architec tural detailsforORBreview and approval prior t o applicatio nfor build ing perm it. 2 .T hat the applicant providealternatecolor schemes for DABreview a nd approval Staff Approvals O'Meara residen ce-Hou se painting. 2952 Bell flower Drtv ellot 18,Block 6,Va il Intermounta in. Applicant:MikeO 'Meara Clag gett·Rey G allery -Replace d oors/awning. 100 E.Meadow Drive #10/Klt 0,Block 50,Va il Vill age I ". App licant:B ill Rey Claggett-Rey Gallery -New awningsign . 100E.Meadow Drive#10 /Kit 0 ,Block 50 ,VailVillag e 1". Applicant:BillRey Pre court -Chan geto previous app rov al. 3 28 MillCree k Circle/L ot 4 ,Block 1,Va il Village 1". App licant:J ay &Molly Precourt Betty Ford Al pine Gard ens -NewtooVs torage shed . Ford Pa ri<. App licant:MartyJo nes Jag/East Vailresi dence-Revised landscape plan. 4969 Me adowDrive/Lot 11.Block5 .Bighorn Filing#5. App licant:BillPierce &LynnFritzlen Skolasins ki remodel -Mino r chang es toapproved plan s. 4214 Columbin e Wa y unit #5/Bighorn Terrace Subd ivision . Applicant :Joe &Louraine Skolas inski Tall Pines -Temporary sign . 22 39/224 1 Chamoni x Lanefrall PinesSubdivision . Applicant:RichardCap les Fri cker additi on -Bay window and room add ition . 1370Sa ndstone Drive#9/LotG3 ,LionsRidge 2"'. Appli cant:Helmut Fricker HilisideCondo 's-Replaceporchha ndrails. 1819Me adowRidge Road/Lot 13,Buffer Creek. Applica nt:Greg Benni s Joh nson residen ce -Dri veway paving. 4 238 Nugget Lane/Lot 5 ,Bighorn Esta tes . Applicant:Kent J ohnson Warth residen ce-Interio r conversio n. 4342Spru ce W ay,Unit #B ,Go re Cre ek Nort h Condos/Lot 8,B ighorn 3". Appl icant:Michae l &Stephan ie Warth 3 Brent Dominic Brent Allison G eorge G eorge Brent Brent Alli son Allison Brent Brent ••LevyiTiIl mannresidence -Parkin g placeadditio n.Alli son 44 94StreamsideCircle/l.ct 13 ,Bighorn 4-. Applicant :WestwoodHills-Levyrrillm ann Yaros resi dence -Changestoapprove dplans.George 51 19Black Bear Lane/Lot8,Block2,Gore CreekSubdivision, App licant:Ron Yar os Conyers residence -W indo w/entryNay overh ang additio n.Alliso n 5129 BlackBear Lane/L ot 13,Block2,Gore Creek Subdivision. Applican t:DavidConyers Bakalar residence -Minor revis ionto previouslyapproved plan.Brent 780Potato Patch Drive/Lot 17,Block I ,VailPotatoPatch. Applicant:John &ChristineBakalar BMS Partn ersh ip -Interior conversio n.Bren t 126 Forest Road/Lot 5 ,Bl ock7,Vail Vill age t ". Applicant:BMS Partnership Groff reside nce -Replace siding ,squarin g off decks /stairw ay,dooraddition . 1468Vail ValleyDrive/Lot17,Block3,VailValley 1", Applicant:Neal Groff /Art Coppola Peak Spo rts -Newawning sign . VaildasSchoneS hopping Plaza/Unplatted,Vail dasSchone Filing #3, Applicant:RudyPaul Alliso n Brent . The applications and informa tio n about thepro pos als are available forpublic inspectio nduring regU laroffice hou rs inthe project planner's office ,located attheTown of Vail Community Developm ent Department,75 Sou th Fron tageRoad. Sig n lan gu ageinte rp retation av ailable upon requ est wi th 24 hournotifi catio n.Please call 47 9 ~2 3 56 , T eleph oneforthe Hearing Impaired,for inform ation. 4 •..-Ll~1Q::::,::.'3~;(.:=:.~~~se:/,,,-• --- ..,-- ••• ZQ1'."E CHECK Date:11111 ICIg'--_ LelJ3 1 description:Lot Block Filing V.;I dq ?Mxb<'",-<I-J AddrcsS "7_~"77:;;-_ Owner 1';Wll rJ V~il PJ::o nc -:-:--::;c-::-:c----:-=-_ Architect Arr/(if(I O 'P'?l>1 a I:lrOl lr>Phone '6"")17(.-p /'/ Zone district q,o;;rl trh,l"1'f",I,,o}.Z.<J"'-'Proposed use ...!l:E<x if J~~",{-,-V._ Lot size 5 1,«31,."Buil dable area !o Il'31,.~ Allowed Secondary GKF A _,--+(425)(675°)-_ Remaini ngI2l<l =tIlOl'i '1 ""7211'1(" ="g'),J':t---'j 11'1 1, I lilt=, Propo se d ___+rtirt! + Existing ---+---Primary GRF A +(425)(675°)-_ Total GRFA 1145'1 •675 =425 credit pies 2 50 addi tio n Docs this req uest involv e a 250 Addition ?_-"n"'a _ How mu ch ofthe allowed250 Addition is used.with this rcqucst?_...!n:;.:a!......_ 3105 Enclo sed 20 = -. ___+l./q :L-:r'li m (30)(33) Fr ont 20' Sides 15' Roar 13' Mini mu m rd!o 3'/6'Retai ning Wall Heights Parking Requited 12 Garage Credit ~WO~9 0 0 )(1200) Dri veway Permi tted Slope .%ProposedSlop e % ./Comp lies with TOY Ligh ting Ordinance Yes No,_ Hei ght Landscaping Setbacks Site C OVcr2!::C Art:finished gra des less tha..n 2:1 (500h)Yes ,/No,_ I 11 0 I)Percent Stope «>30%)1 __.::..c~::__ 2)Floodplai n ---l;!OJ;'-Q---------- 3 )Wetlands n O 4)Water Course Setbac k (30)(501 _--:.:....._ 5)Geol ogicHazards __--...!Jr1~D'_+_- a)Snow Avalanche '-_ b)Rockfal l -'__ c)Deb ris Flow _ Environmental/Hazards Previous conditio ns of approval (check property file);,.:__..L:::...._ Is the prop erty non-conformin g?Describe :__--l1'l1l(LL2 _ •• DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST GRFA 250additional GRFA CrawJ\A ttic Space o FLOOR PLAN S Scale Scale Benchm ark Legal description Lor Size Bu ildabl e Area p rOjcct:_ o SUR VEY Spot clcvaccns '.o S ITE PLAN Scale Building Height Encroachmots- Setbac ks- Sire Co verage EavcslOve rhangs (4) DccksIBalcon ics- -Garag e connection Site Gradc \Slopc Retaini ng Walls - - - Ease ments Topograph y 100 )'T.flood plain Water Course Set back Environmenta l Ha zards Tre es Utility locations Fen ces Parking/Garage Turn in g Radi us Dri veway (acc ess an d grade) Snow Storage Fire Acc ess EHU o BU ILDING ELEVA rr oxs Scale Color\Ma tcrial s Roo fPirc h o !.A,'IDSCAPE PLA.'I Exis ting trees Propo sed trees Leg en d MISCELLA1\'EOUS CondoApproval Title re port (A &B) Utility veri ficatio nform Photo s of site Buildin g material sam ples C.O.Veri fication SW IISbad e Angles Utili ti es (Wl dcrgroun d) Vi ew C orri d o~ Varianc es Plat restricti ons •...l ate J:'-eive . SEP \_19 99 TRANSi\IITTAL • TilE STEVENS GRotll' INCORPORATED 5 80 Main Street .Su ire22 0 Carbondale.Colorado 81623 (p)970 .963 .6111 (Q 910 .963.6101 NAME :All ison Ochs CO MPANY:To wn of Va il AD DRESS :75 Sout h Fro ntage Road Vail,CO 81657 TELEP HONE NUMBER :(970)479 -2452 FROM: DATE: COMMENTS : All ison, Tom Stevens 9/8/99 9:01 AM A ttached are fourset s of revisedArosa Gannisch drawing s.We hav e incorpo rated the comments fromthe las tD RB meeting a s we ll asyour memo dated August 19111•Incl uded isa blacka ndwhit e renderede levation o f a llfour building s ides ,amate rialsp lan.r evised floorp lans (only significant changeis t he d ecko n eac hun it),and 8 lh x 11 s ite p lan w ith the exte rior lig ht ings hown,a ndd etails of thefac ia/soffi t anddeck ha nd ra il. In response to your co mment number 9onthe above refe renced memo ,t hecurrent gra dingplan da ted 8/2/99 provided yo u at t he last s ubmission maintains s lopes of2:1or les s andis noted ass uchontheplan .There are onlythree area s which require retainage . These areas ha ve been depicted on the plan .This will be reta ined with boulder walls at 1:I asnoted ontheplan. Iwillbrin g thecolor sa mplestotheDRB meeting as Ididforthe sec ond meeting ju stin casethere are any que stions.Howe ver Ido not anticipate qu estions b asedo nthe favorable response to the color se lection atthat meeting. If you needanyfurth er clarification or s hould require additional information p lease do nothes itate toca ll me . AITAC HMENTS :RevisedArosa Gannisc h P lanSe t • TRA:'IiSi\1I1TAL • T HE STEVENS G R OUP I ~C O R P O RA T E:D 580 Main Street.Suite 220 Carbondale,Colorndo 8 1623 (P)970.963.6717 (0970.963.6707 N AME:Allison Ochs COMPANY:Town of Va il ConununityDevelopment ADDRESS :7SSo uth Frontage Road Vail,CO8 1657 TELEPHONE NUM BER:(97 0)4 79-2369 FRO M: DATE: COMMENTS: TomStevens 9/10 /9911 :32 AM ATTACHMENTS:Aro sa Garmisch curb/wall detail.D imensioned and located o n s ite plan a lso. 09/07/1999 13 :57 l Sa57762eS8• 1><6 TrIm RED GR REED INC PAGE 02 2><6 4\llCCd c:.a",.~l:>evel.",al"t 2x:1 PlIaa..ccd 6plndl.., 4"...........1....... 1><8 0-......1 I.",.,dlng 1,,4 TrIm J :' n,.,- P.ran...Jol.' FORCl-l DETAIL • IlIlSKlN ClIlOUP• B9/87/1gg9 13:57 1 5a~7 7 62a8 8•REED OR REED INC "'=xFLA •• PAGE En 2x4 • JIi!OOF DETAIL IV,'•1'4>" • " ,, -, •.-, " ,' \ '~" , " '" ,, ,( -, ,", \-" -,-,• -," t, ~: , 0' " ,'.".-, '" " ", " , " <.,,.:\.-./'- y ", " " " \-.'._.'\....'\ " -, . ,, ,\ " -, ",If'l ' " ,\ .-. +- -,'.,-L \I-~ -, .,," -, ,e~7,.&', ,-.,~,~ "" " , ,,-, -, " "• ,-," "••, '.", "•.-; ,,, • ",,'.-' .' " " ,, -. ",,,--. (N .....~'Q£...,• _iMiL4 -.,_iIMilOOi __ ....._-....._- (AI _'IlHNI ~, (N _'ol\"OSI ..., W __..--<iL~'· CN_11\111.'Qf;-'" (N '111"0'1 'l»-lH W 'O9l '?"!1 " '"-1 __IIil""IL 'Q£1I"'• (ft )...".'M"lL 'ot '~'l ---...-......-~--...,···,.~".IIIl/~IUWII ~' • ...M'•• .1\1:....., •1'\11 AI ;lA '-.a__.~_1IIEZf"ll '-_"'I .1I '":.1""0 __taeolIp,aI'lQ"·tflI "'I .'ltt Al;u-.a _.tJ(81l'-_"'I ·.!t 00'"00_..rw"'__"'.11 &'.11 .00 .lA .~..._·.$1 AI .lol.~·.._·.aAl ..,.oL .-.q ;'ol ._'.4 AI '..L~·.\I '_·4'".1l ,_:.lI _·",,,, .1ol ._I •..'1lIII .L _l·'_·.,...•J:uorn-q ;\1,__',J,'1!lH ____Tn J •••••)1m ....5 ••11.m 1 I I 1, " I ! •I "", .~ <~~1'.,. • .."."' -_.-_.-_.-_. -I ~......l <lU-ll_'."-_., •~OW111S J.SOJ •",:.... .-----.-_. ---~IU.l$Qi J_ICl/DtI ""'e IQO .01:~.RO-.w "n:..... l ~O ~Nrll 1~',.01:I6"1l _0l:I0 "KU-ll lD:l ~.::«""I:1 ....,.on6'll--"-"-_JIU,lN10lf '1rUJaJJ .:~. I -I I I -I \ OLD REP!IC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANt COMPANY ALTA CO M MIT MEN T -Charges - ALTAOwner Po licy P RELIMINA RY REPOR T -T OTAL SCHEDUL E A Our Or de r #V1 8606 For I nformation Only VAI L DAS SCHONE BLO CK H,LOTS"2, AND 4 FILING 2 -=#:, $155 .0 0 $155 .0 0 ***THIS IS NOT AN INVO ICE ,BUT AN EST IMA TEOF FEES.WHEN REFERRI NG TO THIS ORDER ,PLEASE REFE REN CE OUR ORD ERNO .VIB606 *** 1 .EffectiveDa te :March 23,1 992 at 5,00 P.M. 2 .Policy to b e is su ed,and p roposed I n sured: "ALTA ll Owner'5 Policy 10-1 7-92 P r opos ed I ns ured: TOWN OFVAIL ,AMUNICIPAL CORP ORAT I ON 3.Th e es ta te o ri nterest i n t he land d escribed or referred t o in thi sCo mm itmenta nd coveredh er ei n i s: AFee S imp le 4 .T i tl e to t hee stateo r i n te re st c ove red h erei n is at the e f fect i ve da te h ereo fv es ted in: T OWN OF VAIL,AMUNICIPAL CORP ORAT I ON 5.T he l andr ef erred t o i n this Co mm itment i s d e scribed as fol lows: LOTS 1 THR OUGH 4 INCLUSIVE,BLOCK H,VAIL DAS SCH ONE F ILING NO .2 ,ACCORDINGTO THE RECORDED PLAT THERE OF,COUNTY OF EAGLE , STATE OFCOLORAD O. === PAGE 1 A L TA •COM MI TM ENT SCHEDULE B -2 • (Exc ept ion s)Our Order #V18606 Th e p oli cy or p olic i es to b e issued will cont ai n e xcept ionst o the f ollow ing unless the same are di spos ed o f to t he satis f act ion o f the Company : 1 .St andardEx cep tio ns 1 t h rough5 printed on the cover sheet . 6 .Ta xes a nd as sessments n ot yet due or p ayable and s pe cial ass es sments not yet c er ti fi ed to the T re asurer's off i ce. 7.An y u n pai dt axes or as sessments aga ins ts ai d l and . 8 .Liens f oru np aidwa ter and s ewerc har ges ,if a ny . 9 .RIGHTOFPROPRIETOR OFA VEIN ORLODE TO EXTRACT AND REM OVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE S AM E BE FOUND TOP ENETRATEOR I NTERSECT THE PREMI SES ASRESERVEDINUNITEDSTATESPATENT RECORD ED August I I ,1900,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 2 3 6. 10 .RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE ORREVERTER CLAUSE ,BUTOMITTING RESTRICTIONS ,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR ,REL IGION , ORNATI ONAL ORIGI N ,ASrC0NTAlNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Oc tober1 0 ,1 96 9, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 15~'AND ~.!?AMENDED IN I NS TRUMENT RE CORDED Octobe r 28 , 1969,IN BOOK 2 16ATPAGE 2 841AND AS AMENDED IN I NSTRUM ENT RECORD ED February 16,19 70 ,IN BOO K 217 ATPAGE 7 i~ 1 1 .RESERVATI ON OF AN UND IVIDED1 /2 INTEREST IN AND T O THE OI L,GAS AND MI NERAL RIGHTS TO T HE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND ASSET FORTH IN WARRANTY DEED RECORD ED DECEMBER 30,1 959 IN BOOK 1 65AT PAGE 133 . 12 .A PER PETUAL EASEME NTFORT HECONSTRUCTIONMAINTENANC E REM OVA L AND REPLACEME NT OFGAS L INESALONG ALLDEDICATED ROAD S I N VAI L DAS SC HO NE FILING NO.2ASDESCRIB ED I N I NSTRUME NT RECORD ED S EPTEMBER 6,1968 IN BOOK 213 AT PAGE 344 . 13 .EASEM ENTS ,RESERVATIONS AND RES TRICTI ONS AS SHOWN OR RES ERVED ON T HE RECORDEDP LAT OFVAIL DASSC HONE F I LING NO.2 . 14 .TERMS ,CONDITIONS AND P ROVISIONSOF NOTICE REGARD ING WATER AND /OR SEWER STUBOUTS RECORDED July 05,1 988 IN BOOK 486 AT PAGE 649 . (ITEMS9 THROUGH 14 AFFECT ALLLOTS ) 15 .ADEEDOFTRUST DATE D July II ,1990 FROM TOWN OF VAIL ,A MUN ICIPAL CORPORATI ON T O THE PUBLIC TRUSTEEOF EAGLE CO UNTY FORTHEUSEOF RO BERT W.GLARE AND FERNF .GLARE TOSECURETHE SUM OF $87,200.00,ANDANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TE RM STHEREOF,RECORDED July 1 2,199 0,INBOOK 5 33 ATPAGE 454. PAGE3 ALTA ·CO M MITMEN T • SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements)Ou r Orde r #V18606 The following are the requirement s to be complied with: 1.Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgago rs of the full consideration for t he est a te or interest to be in sured . 2.Proper inst rume nt(s)c reat ing t hee sta teo ri nt erest t o be i ns ured mus t be e xecu ted and d u ly fi led fo r record ,to -wit : THIS CO MMI TMENT IS FOR I NFO RMAT ION ONLY,AND NO POLICY WILLBE ISSUE D PURSUANT HER ETO. NO TE,EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1,1997 ,CRS 30-10-406 REQU IRES THAT ALL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FOR RECORDI NG OR F IL INGIN THE CLERK AND RECORDER'SOFF ICE SHALL CONTA IN ATOP MARGIN OFAT LEAST ONE INCH AND A LEFT,R IGHT AND BOTTOM MARGIN OF AT LEA STONE-HALFOF AN INCH .THE CLERK AND RECORDER MA Y REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE ANY DOCUMENT THAT DOES NOT CONFORM, EXC EPT THAT ,THE REQUIREM ENT FOR THE TOP MARGIN SHALL NO T APPLY TO DOCUM ENT S US ING FORM S ON WH ICH SPACE IS PROVIDED FOR RECORD ING OR FI LINGI NFORMATION ATTHETOP MARGIN OF THE DOCUM ENT. === PAGE ••ALTA COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exc eption s) (ITEMS 15 AFFE CTLOTS2 AND 4 ) Our Order #V1860 6 1 6 .A DE ED OFTRUST DATED July I I,199 0 FROM TO WN OF VAI L,AMUNICI PAL CO RPORA TIONT O THE PUBLICTRUSTEEOF EAGL E COUNT Y FOR THEUSE OFDIXON KEY SER AND LUC ILE KEYSER T OS ECUR E THE SUM OF $8 7,200 .00,AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF,RECORDED J u ly 12,1 99 0,IN BOOK 53 3AT PAGE 45 6 . (ITEMS 16 AFFECTLOTS 1 AND 3 ) PAGE4 •• "" t I: :1 . "";' "Ii .,,. I~ ! . "i:u",'J', ___U !.Al -., ....,..........~.i _~..........: ~~.:t,.'r:l.''A.,.;_.!..-•.'-'-"'------_.'.I ...r;•...".•~.,I '.•,.;•.:-',')' ...•v ;V ...'""""'....,..---- .l u'y n ,.<)9(' ....."".O. ~")Jl ro lU\'l'I O N ,.,..".,..,,'\-,~:l\tVSm'". "rrdr£~.~,........J...--- ,,,' ~,.o'r.AGI ~. .i .,-("1iI""_~r I I ",~\'\- c ';'W"~-J"•~'., .......,_. ....'•..,.,-•.,,....,......~.__...""",•..,...,L<..............,.......,o' ............,.,.'~"h ·7 ,./~ 0''_0 C.'·...,0'I'e "..._'......r-or VAIL .'"C OI .oIl AUU MUN I CT"AI. f O!"!>1 A!'~_}..._~:_J:i.L vert.~J Olt nl..Dr:10. 1 1 ~.t.UJI'lH or Ul[,,;t..E ,STATE 1I ~'COlDRo'.: 75 s ,no r i .,~RD. ...•I~"_....I.VAIL co 8 16S7 .',..Ce'~'r o'r.J'O r......t to,.0'CO'''_.Of ,-...._.". II l lOIU t l '._",'"e n ''''_'r o''0.',...•..._I~......'..'.,,""wI '"__0 ''·.'$109 ,000.00 I to ,e•••'"......o f l~It ,~.._.....•••"''I,Of ~_:..~...,..o lp<J<.-_1._.... O<'_l"~"''''''<"""",_.1-'''''..-..-0-.-,••Mil ._0'",_1.'"..,'ty ~I"""l .,""'"_t,,_f._""",_,_,...."",o','''''''•.I.",l><'''G ,.....c.......Of ~·G:.l:....."."o.h '••_.·••'" """-- \,'\.l;l'.\..'\\,"-"""'--'-~'- ....__,"'_'n .•••'"~___,,_'.-,.._.............'"_.....-..__'_''".,<',,_,••~.,...,-,,-,. .•,100 ,t 000",,,,,""1 ..~.r lOCI 10':1""0 ,0[111;,_'"I ''''''-,..,_01.... ..~l .r _.._"""_ll'~.I ~~I ',... '"''''OU t ""totO'••h ..'d I "'o,r .,••,.....,•••,.~"•__...1 t.._...,...._....._ ....t n .... ..,. Ii'(1'"--1'._.".,l 00"d ••~~l "-••",,',u --,,··-.en ·.~.".1...,"'lI .III",n-.-'"-"''''''.....I"••.•,__,_.,_,_,__,•.,...._,."'_"',11 ,"'••"tl. 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I II; I 1III, " II ,IIi 'I i : 'I 'I.''!, " " "~: 1 Ir I ~ I I • ..u.l'u _, ~.l~1 0/1 .9 11' I I"ILI><:"""'", ,I I I, / July 11 ,1990 1 '1,,'" CO'_ounoo ....t ....01 c o:-po rolt.ioll _______________________.1....' J u ly 11,199 0 • Ct.,'.''"'J.'~;• !:~U .LIJ .''''lTV Cl ER >-:. II UI 0'_)-s..I.V"'« C....,...,.. P ,..l J,.;,':~!..•n . THIS DEED ._lh ,~....G' ••• :a,..._.Of .~.I ....p.o"._ 'J'OlIiN Of"WUL ••~Color-ad"~l u n i c i p ..l ! .,g .",~~_~..Id.;t,I .,..:..........---10..... ~"O·"""IJ\L S ~,,"-~((Il ___';"~':J';;;'ll t.:-)!.~.-;-L1-l\.ll...o:.lli ru~u·h .i ~::tJ)Il c --I "~~I' t ~.~.C':1'_~..,r.h v ••:;.-:;.;t I' ..'7 "'v ..••.. t '<1 ,,"""of per .to ~_'e _••1.p"_,~'_••••10 __ oc__,_~I t<t 1_,H ''''''•__•_lor _.1'_',!>o '",.,M H. e_.,.t.or ,••,,,t ho __,_+a ll '.U_"ll"'"I .- ..._ul of '_.".1"'.....boI'..I.,•• C.......o'E1GtL .....$f••••0 ,.,.,_.t ••_It 7 5 ~.FlOn'JICt PO•......to ,.'_..~'.WUL OJ 8 165' ..~y o'I:AlOoE s ••,.of Ce IO-___•. •,-.Ei W '•.....'h ..'<I ·t.0'"'"_'.'D''''',,,o t ,·°*$109 ,000.00) (liE .....:>IIt~',o[TOIOU\.""IIOll U I .>IIl ~~f1 OM .' t ....U 7'~'I.1I...."'y tltru _,....""._.....;."'c .'~ 1 54.:10\1.1!>4ClOV V 1 ~9 0 ."•.,'-,.0 ..''l.O'l ~2 JINt)4 ,BUX'K H,VAIL D1'.S sot:NF.,F"!LIIX.NO .2 'DGi T ~1I v ,,~.11 1"",1.,.-d ll t_~'••"""'",..-.....,.....,.bctl""'lll "'l .O'I ~......1.._".1,,1....... ,....................,.ow ••I_••_,__,_••_'•••_...,_""......",,(;"":.11 •.,._"'••""".,hi. '''''_'.t C.t _a _••'.'>t ..,._"...,Pi PO"••"~""i",.........",••1.,,,....to ""__..,__.....~,_oo "_tI _-..t . 10 '.Y(.l.I(l '0 ~1,_'\IoV9.'_""....,..........-..._........c.flO .--., ....OTero!_'••It ""',,;_''''''''I'1'0 f .~.Hit'PO".f ..Moo."••'•••1 . ...._'~h """'.do..'_'••'.nI.too".I"._Oil'"'0 ,M ula ,t f •••OOC:_I'O ~••C 1••..., ••Iro.,••••,''''H ..o'''''_••ll",....,H I h,.,."D''b I 11 "',«I.f 'M pr ..I ..._ --..el.II .',_I\fI i..,.I bld t •••,In l .~.,,,,,~••...,_....., .Ith ••f'vll _...,I ~\",'_11 _..-In.n il ....,".--,_In ...,,_t el .... .....".••_,..c c o il '.-.,tt .-..1 u ~11_""" ....-1 """or '__. EXa:P'!'G!':OAL v.xE5 AND ~see mr YF.AA 1990 M 'tI SUBSl:l::;l.'nII'YE1IR5 IRD 5UIl.'JEC'1''YO ~.Rf:SmI,'A TI ~,RESTRIcrI:.:«;,t.X:I'VDWC'S AND RI GfiS Of WAY OF Rn:niD , ........._.,.,I~_lot •_'_..Ill .._,,_',...... ••1..._,..,.It _..,po 0-.o~'''',l.~"''',....1 _I._..,._.,,I , ......Ii ,...,Il ...,..I ll ao t vU 0(11 ,1 1""'1••..-11 I ...,L_.".I l pt C ,~~ .I "",t •••...,'",.n boo .ppll c u .ll gordo .....:::".".m.,,.U"u'".,,...,..•"::;(;"{l;3;;f12"....:. &.....,,-L ....d~L FD$f.CINtt: ",._'J_,"','I ,;•.•,,.-.:•..: JOt INN "-Tlt";""ll..!.I Pf II ....- ~1<;'.GU.HI arv:l rON F.CI.AHE I It " -, •• . ..'. .' ". -. .'.-~.'.' Not'.;;Publ ic ','\,,'- -_. StAn:or COLOr \DO ) J ... COUIITY 01 ARl.PARO r l .-/ P1Unq No.2 .'" '. C.~c1t 1 And ••the J.a.wt'ul attorn..,1n tact t or Anq"r S U ub. ".-......':".'.' .Wit".:..-r h and an d o ff i c i a l ...1. My c e-.hdon ..p l~..::/"(;"'14)~y 'U " r:')J.r.. • ,,--.----c- ....1~e.,"7 \••TH IS ITEMMAYAFFECTYOURPROPER TY PUBLIC NOTICE FILE COpy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthattheP lanning a nd Env ironmenta l Commission ot t heT ownof Vail will holda public heari ng in acco rdance with Section 12-3·6 ofthe Mun icipal Cod eof the Town of Vail on March 22.1999,at2:00P.M.in the Town of Vail Municipa l Build ing .In consideratio n of; A request for a varian cefro m Section 12-60-6 of the Town of Vail Municipa l Code,toallow fo r an encro achment into the required side setbacks.located at3003 Bellf low er Drive I Lot 9,Block 6,Vail Inte rm ountain. Applicant: Plann er: Mr .Guillermo Huerta George Ruther A requ est for a minoramendment to Speci al Devel opm ent Distrl r'No.35,Austria Haus ,to amendSection 6 ofOrdinanc e #12.Series of 1997 to cl arifya cc.idition of the O rdinance, locatedat 242E.M eadow Drivel Pall o f TractC.Block50,VailVillage 1"Filing. Applicant: Planner: Bill Sull ivan,represen ting the Austria Haus Dev elo pment Grou p George Ruther A reque stfor a rezoning fro mPrimary/Secondary Residential toResidentia l Cluster.located at 2497.2487,2485 and2477Gar m isch Drivel Lots 1,2,3and4 .B lock H,Vai l dasScho ne Rllng #2. Applicant: Planner : Town ofVail Allison Och s Arequest for anne xati on and zoning of outdoo r recreation ofan unota tteo portion oftheSE Y... SE t,4 SE 1,4 SW 1,4 ofSecti on 11.T ownship 5 South.Rang e81 West.generally located o n the north side of Arosa Drive .and abutting Sun light no rth tothe eastand Town Manag er's houseto the west. Applicant: Planne r: Town of Vail Allison Ochs Arequest tor a conditi onal use permit .to allow to r the co nsolidation or two dwelling un its in Ihe cel Zone Di strict.locatedat t24E.Me adowDrive I Aport ion of Lot 5E .VailVillage FirstFiling . App licant: Planner : Alfred o L.Suarez.repr esented by Fri tzlen .Pierc e.Smit h Arc hite cts Alliso n Ochs The app lications and inf ormation abo ut th e proposa ls are available fo r pu blic inspection during regular offi ce hou rsinthe pro jectplann er'soffice located at the Town ofVail Community Develop ment Department,75 South Front age Road . Sign language int erp retation avail able upon requ est w ith 24 hour not ificatio n.Please call 479 ~ 2356 ,Telephone fo r the Hearing Impa ired ,for information. Commun ity Deve lopment Depallment Pub lished Ma rch 5,t99Binth eVail Trail. T HIS ITEMMA YAFFECT YO URPROPERTY PUBLICN OTICE •• •••I NOTICEISH EREBY GIV EN t hat t hePlanninga ndEnvironmentalCo mm ission of t heT ownof Va il will hold a pu blichea ri ng in acco rda nce w ith Sec tion 12-3-6 ofth eM unicipal Codeoft he T ownofV ailo nMarch22 ,199 9.a t 2:00P.M.in t he Town ofVail Mun icipalBui lding.In co nsideration o f: A request fo r avar iance f rom Section 12 -60-6 afthe T ownofV ailM unicipal Code ,to allow for an e ncroachment into t he req uired side setbacks ,locat edat30 03 Be llflower Drive I Lot9,Block 6,Va il Intermountain . Applic ant : Planner : Mr.G uillermoHu erta GeorgeRuth er A requestforaminor a mend ment to Special Deve lopmen t District No .35 .Austria Haus .to a mend Section 6ofO rdinance #12,Se riesof1997to c larifyaco ndition ofthe Ordi nance, located a t 2 42 E.Meadow D rivel Partof Tract C ,Bloc k 5 0 ,Vail Vill age l SI Filing . App licant: Planner: B ill S u llivan,representing t heAustria Ha us Deve lopment Gro up George R uther Areq uest fora rczoni ng fromP rimary/Secondary Resident ial to Reside ntial Cl uster,locatedat 2497 ,2487,2485 an d 2477 Garmisch Drive l Lots1,2,3and4 ,BlockH,Va il d asSChone Filing #2 . Ap plicant: Plan ner: T ownofVa il Alliso n Ochs A req uest foran nexation and zo ning of outdoor rec reationofan unplatted port ion oftheSE % SE 1i4 SE V4 SW 1i4 o f Sec tion 11 ,Township 5 Sout h ,Range81 West,generally locatedon th e northsideof Arosa D rive,andabutti ng S unlight northto t he east an dT own Manager's house to t he west. Appl icant: P lanner: Town ofVail Alliso n Oc ns A r equest foraco nditional usepe rmit ,to allow for the consolidation oftwodwe lling un its inthe eel Zo ne Distr ict,located at124 E.Meadow Drive I A port ion of Lot5E,VailVillageFirstFili ng . Applicant: Planner: Alfredo L S uarez,represented by Fritzlen.Pierce ,Smith Architects Allison Oc hs T heapplications an din formation about t hep roposals a re avai lable fo r public inspection during reg ular o ffice hou rs inthe p rojectp lanner's office loca ted att heT ownof Va il Com munity Develop ment Depart ment.75Sout h Fro ntage Road. Sig n lang uage interpretation available uponrequest w ith2 4 hou r notification .Please ca 1l 4 79 ~ 2356,T elephone f ort heHearingImpaired,fo r information. C omm unity DevelopmentDepa rtment Pub lishedMa rch 5,1998in th eVa ilT rail. TO WN OF VA IL _So urh Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 8165 7 o Rf;CYCI .F.tJ P",Pt:H 1DD'''t'S....c R-r,/J,~~!l'!tll 91it'iHtC~'1 ~2520Kmlllckm nicK Va il,CO 8 165 7 "'">.'-~-"~I..., cO -- JVNOF VAIL .South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 8165 7 o IUcrCL£D I'ItI'Hf. •THIS ITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PR OPE RTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ISHE REBYGI VEN t ha it he Planninga nd Enviro nmenta lCo mmission oft heT ownof V a il will holda public he aringin accordance with Sect ion12-3-6oftheM unicipalCOdeof the T owno fVa il o nM arch 22 .1999.at 2 :00 P.M .inth e T owno fV ail Mun icipal BUilding .In co nsideration o f: A request fo ra v ariance fr omSec tion 1 2 ~6D -6 0 1 the Town ofV ail Mu nic ipal C ode.to allow for anencroachmentint ot herequired s ideset backs .located at 3003 Bellflower D rive I Lot9.B lock 6 ,Va ilIntermountai n . Applicant : P lanner: Mr .Guillermo Hue rta Geo rgeRuther Bill Sulliv a n ,rep resentingth e Austria Hau s Developm en t Gro up Geo rge Ruther - Areq uest fo r am inor a me ndment10Speci a l D evelopmentD istrict No.35,Au stria Ha us ,t o a mend Section 6of O rdinance #12.Se ries of t 99 7 toc larify aco ndit ion o f theO rd inance, loc ated at 242 E.Meadow Drive l Part 01 T ractC ,Block 50.VailVilla ge 1 $1 Filing ., Appli can t : P lann er: A req uest for arezonin g from Pr imarylSecondary Res idential toRes ide ntial Cl uster,located at 2497,2487 .2485 a nd 24 77 Garmisch DrivelLols 1,2.3 a nd4 .Bl ock H .Vai ld as SCh one Filing #2. A requ est for a nnexationa nd zo ning of outdoor re creationofan unplatted po rtion o f t he SE '1. SE If.S E If.SW If.o f Section 11 ,Township 5 S outh ,Range 81 W est ,generallylocated on th e nort h s ideofAro sa Dri ve ,and a butting S unlight no rthtotheea st and Town Man age r's hou set o the w est. • Applicant : Plan ner: Applica nt: P lanne r : T own a t Vail Alli sonOChs Town ofVail All ison Ochs Arequest f or a conditiona l us epe rmit ,to a llow l o r the consolidationoftwo dwelling uni ts inthe eC I Z one District ,located at 124 E.Me adow Dr ive I A portion of Lot5E .V ail Village First Filing. Applicant : Planner : Alfredo L.S uarez ,r epresented by Fritz len,Pie rce ,Sm it h Ar chitec ts Alli son ocns • The applicat ions and inf o rm atio nabout t he p roposal s are av ailablefor publicinspection during r egularo ffice ho ursinth e pr oject pla nner'Sofficelocated atthe Town ofVa il C ommunity De vel opment Department,75So uth Frontage Road . Sig n lang uageinterp retation ava ilable upon req uestw ith2 4 hour notification.Please call 47 9- 235 6 .T elephonefo rth e HearingImpaired.for inf ormation . Co mmunityD evelopm ent D epartm ent P ublished Ma rch 5 .1998 inth e VailTra il. T HIS IT EM MAY AFFECTYOURP ROPERTY PU BLIC NOT ICE NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN thatthePl anning andEnvironm ental Co mmission oftheTo wn o f Vail will hold a public heanng in accordanc e with Section 12-3-6oftheMunicipal Gode ofthe TownofVailon March 22.1999.at2 :00 P.M.inthe T own ofVail Mun icipal BUi ld ing.In consid erationof: A request for avarianc e from Sectio n 12.-6 0.6 atthe Town of Vail Municipal Code,to allow for an encroachment intothe requ ired side setbacks .located at3003Bellflower Ortve I Lot 9,Block 6.Vail Intermo untain. • A request for aminor amendmentto Specia lDevelopment Distri ctN o.35,Austri aHaus,to amendSection6 of Ordinance #12,Series of1997toclarify a concltlon ofthe Ordin ance, locatedat 242 E.MeadowDrivel Part of T rac tC,Bl ock 50 .Vail Villag e 151 Filin g. Appli cant: Planner: Applicant : Planner: Mr.Guillerm oHuert a G eorgeRuther Bill Sulli van.rep resen ting the Austria Haus Develop ment Gro up George Ruther ,- A req uest for a rezoning trom Pri mary/SecondaryResidentia l to Resi dentia l Cluster .locat ed at 2497 .2487.2485 and 24n Garrnisch Drivel Lots 1.2,3 and4 .BlockH.Vall das SChoneFiling #2 . A requ estfor annexat ion an d zoning of outdoo r recreation oranunplatted portion ofthe SE 'A S E 'f.S E 'I.SW 'I.ofSection11.Town sh ip 5South .Range B1 W est.gene rally loc a t ed onthe north side of Arosa Drive ,and abutting Sunl ight north totheeastand Town Manag er's house to the west. Applicant : Planner: Appl icant: Planner: TownofVall All isonOchs Town of Vail Alli son Ochs • A request fo r a condi tion al us e perm it,toallo wforthe consolida ti on of two dwelli ngunits in the CC I ZoneDistrict .loc ated at 124 E.MeadowDrive I Apo rtion of Lot 5E.VailV illageFirst R ling . Ap plicant: Plann er: Alfredo L.Suarez ,represented by Fritz len .Pierce ,Smith Architects Alli son Ochs The applicat ions and inf ormati on about fhe propo salsare available for public inspect ion during regula r office hours inthe project planne r's office locat ed at the Townof Vail Commun ity Development Departm ent,75 Soutn Frontage Road. Sign language interpr etation available upon reques t with24hour notifica tion . 2356 .Te lephone for th e Hearing Impai red.for information . Community DevelopmentDepartment Pu blished Ma rch 5.199B Inthe VailT rail. Pleasecan 479-• ~.."--.:.. ~:~:~~~~:Road Vail.Colorado 8/657 ..U RF.r:rCl.F.b ,.",.£:II Roger &Caro lBloom 2059Ch amonix Lane Vail ,CO 8 1657 THIS IT EMMAYAFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE N OTICE IS HER EBY G IVENt hatth e P lann ing andEnvironment alCommission ofthe Town of Vail w ill hold a public h earing in accorda nce w ith Section 12-3 -6 of theMun icipal Godeofthe T own ofV a ilo nM arch 22 .1999 .at 2:00P.M .inthe Town ofVa il Mun icipal B uilding .In c onsiderationof : A request fora v ariancef rom Sec tion12-6D·6ofthe Town ofVailMun icipal COde.to allow for a nen croa chmentintot he re qu ired side setbacks .loc ated at3 003 Bellfiower Driv e I Lot 9.Bl ock 6.Vail Intermountain. Appl icant: P lanner : Mr .Guillermo Huerta G eo rgeRu th er , Arequ est fora minor a me nd m entto Special Dev elopmen t District No .35.AustriaHaus ,to a mend Section 6ofO rdinance #12,Series of 199 7 toc larifya co ndition 01th eO rdinance , located at 242E.Me adow Driv el Pa rto fTra ctC.Block5 0,VailV illage l SI Filing . Appli ca nt:Bill Sullivan ,represe nting theAustria Haus~evelopmen t Group P lann er:GeorgeR uthe r A requestf or arczon ing from Pr imary/S econdary Residentia l t oRe sident ial Clu ster,loca ted at 249 7 .2487.2485a nd 2477Garmisch Drivel Lots 1.2.3 and4 .BlockH.V aii das SChone Rling 112 . Appl icant: P lanner: T ownofVail All ison OChs A requestf o r annexati on and z o ningof o utdoorrecrea t iono fan unplatted portion of t heSE 1j. S E 1/4 SE %SW 1/4 o fS ect ion 11 ,Town ship 5 South,Range 8 1 W est ,generally located onth e n orths ide o fAro sa Dri ve,a nd abutting S unlight northtothe east andT own Manager's hou seto t he west. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail All ison Oc hs A reques tfora condit ional use p.rrrnit.to allow lor t he co nsolidation o ftw o dw elling u nitsinthe ee l Z one Di strict,locatedat t 24E .Me adow Dr ive /Aport ion ofLot5E,Vail V illa g eFirst Filing . Appl icant: Planner: A lfredo L.S ua r ez ,represented byFritzlen ,Pierce.Sm ith Arch itects Alli sonO chs T he a pplicat io nsand in fo rma tion about th e p roposa ls ar eavailablef or publi c i ns pectio n during requ lar o ffice hours in th e project pla nner's office located atthe Town ofVailCommunity DevelopmentD epartment,75 S outh Frontage Road . S ign lang uage in terpre tation available uponrequ est w ith 24 hour not ification .Please ca ll 479 - 2356 .T elephonefo rth e H earing Impa ired ,f or inform a tion. Community Development Department Published March 5.1998in t heVail Trail. TH IS ITEMMAYAFFECT YOURP ROPERTY PUBLIC NOT ICE NOT ICE IS HEREBYGIVE N ll1 at ll1e Planning an d EnvironmentalCommiss ion of ll1e Tcwn of Vail will holdapublichearing in accordance with Section 12-3..£of the Muni cipalCode of the Town ofVailon March 22,1 999,at 2:00 P.M.in the Town of Vail Municip al Buildin g.In consideration of: A req uestfora variance from Section12-6D-6 ofthe Town of VailMunic ipalCode,to allow fo r anencroach ment into the required si desetbacks.locatedat3003Bellfl ower Drive I Lo t9,Bl ock 6.VailIntermountain. Applican t: Planner: Mr.Guillermo Huerta George Ruther, A request lor aminor amendme nt to Specia l Development District No.35 ,AustriaHaus,to amend Sectio n 6ofOrdinance #12.Series of 1997 to clarify a co ndit ion of th e Ordinance, locatedat242 E.Meadow Drivel Partat Tract C.Block 5D ,Vail Villag e 1111 Filin g. Applicant:Bill Sullivan .repre s entin~,,J Au stri a HausDevelopment Group Plan ne r:G eorge Ruther A request forarezonin gfrom Primary/SecondaryResidential toResiden tial Clust er,located at 24 97,2487 ,2485 and 2477Garmisch Drivel Lots 1,2,3 a nd 4,Block H,Va il cas Schone Filing #2. Applican t: Planner: Town ct V ail Allison Ocn s A request for annexatio nand zoning of outdoor recreationofan unplatted porti onof the S E 1/4 S E \4 SE 'A SW \4 ofSection 11,To wnship5 So uth,Range81 W est,generally located o n ll1e north sideofArosa Driv e ,and abuttin g Sunl ightnorth tothe eastand TownManager'shouse to the west. Applicant: Planner: Town ofV ail Alli son Ocns A requ est foraconditional use permi t,to allow for the consolidatio nof two dwelling units in the CC I ZoneDistrict,located at 124 E.Meadow Driv e I Aportion ofLot 5E,VailVillage FirstFiling . App licant: Planner: Alfredo L.Suarez,repres ented by Fritz len,Pierce,Smith Archit ects Alli son Ochs Theappli cations and information abo ut the proposals areavail able forpublic inspection during regUlaroffice hours inthe pro ject plan ner's offic elocatedatthe Town ofVail Community Develo pment Oe partment,75 So ull1FrontageRoa d. Sign language interpretationavailable upon req uestwith 24 hournotific atio n.Pleasecall 479- 2356 .T elephonetor the Heari ng Impaired,fo r information. Commun ity Development Department Published Ma rch 5,1998 in the Vail Trai l. ,~ ~ ,~. ~I ,r ,,-,a ",ll! , I ...,. )Joe Vergara, 2399Chamon1x Vail ,CO8 1657 o ItH ;r<;U ;V I'/tPHi So uth Frontage Road Vail.Col orado 8165 7 •THI S ITEMMAY AFFECT YOURPRO PERTY PUBLICNO TICE NOTICE IS HE REBY G IVEN thatthe P lanninga nd Enviro nment a lCommission o f t heT ownof Vai l will hold a p ublic h earingin acco rdance w ith Sec tion 12-3·6 of theMun icipal Codeof the Townof Vailo n Ma rch 22.1999.a t2 :00 P.M .in t he Town of Va il Municipal Bui lding .In consi deration of: A request for a variance fromSect ion 12-6 0 -6 ofthe T awnofVailMunici palCode.to all owfo r anenc roachmen t intot he required s ide se tbacks.loc a te d at 3 003 Bellflower D rive /Lot9,Block 6.Vail Intermountain. Applica nt: Planne r: Mr .G uillermo H uerta GeorgeRut he r A requ estf ora min or a me ndment t oSpe cial D;ve lo pment Dist rict No.35.AustriaHaus ,to a me nd Sect ion 6 ofO rdinanc e #12.Serieso f ~97 tocla rifya co nd ition ofth eO rd i nance, located at 24 2E.Mea dow D rive/Pa rt o f T ractC .Block 50,Vail Villag e 16 1 Fili ng . Ap plic ant: P lan ner: Bill S ulliva n,representi ngtheAus t ria Haus Deve lo pm en tG ro up GeorgeRut h e r A requestfo r a rezo ning fro m P rimary/SecondaryReside ntialto Residentia l Cl uster,loca ted at 249 7,2487 ,2485 an d 2477 Ga rmisch Drivel Lots1,2,3and 4 ,BlockH,Vail d asSc honaFiling #2 . Appli cant: P lanne r: T o wn ofVail Allison Ochs • A request fo r a nnexation and z oningofou tdoor rec reation of an un platted portio n of t he SE V4 S E 'A S E 'A SW V.ofSection 11,T ow ns h ip 5 Sout h,Range 8 1 W est,gene rally located o n the northside of ArosaDrive,an d abutting Su nlight northtothe eastandT ownM anager's houseto t he west. Appli cant: Pla nn er : T own o fVail Allison o cns A req ue stfora co ndit iona l us epermit,toallowforthec onsolidatio n of tw o dw e lling units in t he CCI Zo n eD istr ict.locatedat 124E.Meadow Drive /A po rti on o f Lot5E,Vail V illage FirstFiling. App licant: Planner: Alfredo L.S uare z,repr esented by Fritzlen,P ie rce .Sm ith Archit ects Alli son ocns • TIle ap plications and inf orm atio nab outt hep roposalsareava ilablefor p ublic inspectiondurin g r egularoffice hours inthe pr oject plann er's office located atth eTo wn 01 Vai l Co mmu n ity Deve lopment Depa rtment,75So uthFrontageRoad . Sig n lang uage interpreta tio n availableup onreque st with24 hour n otificat ion .Please call 47 9 ~ 23 56,Te lephonefor t he Heari ng Impai red.forinf ormation. Com munity Development Department P ub lishedM arch 5.1998 in the Vai l Trail. THISITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOT ICE NOTICEISHEREBY GIV EN matmePlanningandEnvironmental Comm issionoftne Townof V ail w ill ho ld a p ublic heari flQ in acecrdance wit h Section 12·3-£of t heMunicipal Codeofme TownofVail o nMarch22 ,1999 .at2:00 P.M.in theTown o fVailMun ic:pal BUi lding .In consideration of: A req uest fora vari ance from Section 12-60-6 of the Town of Vail Munic ipal Code.to allow for an encroachment intothe required side setbacks .loca ted at3003 Bellfl ower Drive I Lot 9 ,Block 6,Vail Intermountain. • App licant: Planner: Mr.Guille rmo Huerta George F'uther A reque st for a mi nor amendment to Spec ial Develop mentDistri ctNo.35,Au stria Haus ,to amend Sectio n6 ofOrdinance #12.Series of1997 a,clarify acondition of the Ordinan ce. located at 242E.Meadow Drivel Part at Tract C ,Block 50,Vail Village ,111 Fili ng. Applicant: Planner: Bill Sullivan,representing theAustria HausDevelopment Group Georg e Ruthe r A request for a rezoning from Prima ry /Secondary Residentialto Resi dential Cluster,locatedat 2497 .2487 ,2485and 24n GanmischDrivelLots 1.2.3and4,Block H.VailoasSChone Filing #2. App licant: Planner: Town Of Vail AllisonOChs A request for annexati on andzoning of outdoo r recreationofanunplatted portion of the S E V.. SE 'A SE V4 SW V..of Section 11,Townsh ip 5 Sou th ,Range 81 West,generally locatedon the north side of Nasa Drive ,and abutting Sun light north to the east and Town Managers houseto thewest.•Applica nt: Planner: Town ofVa il Alli sonOchs A requestfor a conditional use perm it.to allo w fo r the conso lidatio n of two dwellin g un itsin th e CCI Zone District.loca ted at124E.Meadow Drive I Aportion of LOI5E .Va il Villag e FirstFiling. Applicant: Planner; AJf redo L.Suarez.repre sente d by Fritzle n,Pierce,Smith Architects AllisonOChs The appl ication s and infonnationabo uttheproposa ls are avai labl e for pub lic inspection during regularoffice hours in th e project plan ner'Soffi ce loc atedat the TownofVail Commun ity Development Department.75 Soulll Frontage Road . Sign language interpretationavailabl e upon reques t With 24 hour notifica tion .Pleasecall 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing Impaired,for information. Community Deve lopment Depanment PublishedMarch 5,1998in Ille Vai l Trail. • TOWN OF VAIL tit ';outh Fronta ge Road •d 8 /657"'l Colora 0ran. -",..J Conners'''\'"~.'if ...h ,.,r.•-Garl11l SC ~~~0 8 1 6 57 .-A R£crCUD PAP"" THISITEMMAYAFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE ISHE REBY GIVEN t hat the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of t heTown o f V ail will holda publ ic h earing inacc ordance with Section 12 <3 -6 oftheMunicipal Code of t he To wn o fVa ilon March22.1999,a l2:ooP.M .intheTownofVailMunic ipal BUilding.In co nsideration of: A r equestfor a v ariance f romSec tion 12 ~6 D-6 of the Town ofVailMun icipal Code,toallow for a n e ncroachment intoth e required side setbacks .loc atedat3003Bellflow er D rive I Lot 9.Block 6,Vaillntermo unlain . • Appl icant: P lanner: Mr .Gu illermo Huerta Geo rgeRu ther Areques t foram in o r amendment toSpecialDevelop ment Dis trict No .35 ,Aus tria Haus .to amend Section 6or O rdinance#12,Serie s of 199 7 to c la rifyaco nditio n of th eOrd inance, located at 24 2 E.Meadow Drivel Part o fTra ct C.Block 50 .VailVillage 1$1.Filing . App licant: Pla nner: Bill S ullivan,representing theAust rta Haus DevelopmentGro up George Ruth er A request forarezoningf rom Primary/Secondary Residential to Resid ential Clu ste r,located a t 2497,2487 ,2485 a nd 24 77 Gann isch Drivel Lots 1,2,3and4 ,Block H.Va il da s Sch one Rli ng #2 . A req uest fo r a nnexation a nd zoningofoutdoor rec reationofanunplatted porti on of t heSE 'A SE v..S E Y..SW V..0 1Section 11,Townsh ip 5So uth,Range81W est,ge nerally located onth e no rth side of Ar osaDrive,a nd a buttingSun light north t othe e ast andTown Manager's ho use 10 thewest. Appl icant: P lanner: Applic ant: Plan ner: Town o f Va il Alli son Ochs Town o f Vail Alli son Ochs • A requestfor aco n ditionaluse per mit.toa llow fo r the consol idation ottwo dwelling units in t he CCI Zone Dist rict,located a t124 E.Meadow Drive I A portion ofLot 5E,Vai l V illa ge FirstFiling . App lica nt: Planner: Alfredo L.S uarez ,repres en ted by Fntzlen.P ierce.Sm ith Architec ts Allis on ocns T he applications and i nformationaboutth e proposa ls ar e avai labl e forpub lic inspection d ur ing r egular off ice h oursinthep roject planne r'S office locatedattheT ownofVail C omm u nity Development Department ,75SouthFrontag e Road. Sign lan guage int erpretat ion available uponreque st with24hournotif ication .Please cal l 4 79· 235 6,Telephone fo r theHea ringImpaired,for information. Community Dev elopment Department Published March 5.1998 intheVailT rai l. • •THISITEMMAYAFFECT YOURPROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HER EBY GIV EN that thePlanning and Environ mental Co mmission ofthe Town of Vail will hol da publi c hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 ofthe Munic ipal Gode of the Town ofVai l o n Ma rch 22.1999.at2 :00 P.M.in theTown ofVail Munic,palBuilding.In conside ration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6at theTown ofVail Muni cipal Code.toallow for an enc roachm ent into the required sidesetbacks.located at3003BellflowerDrive I Lot 9 ,Block 6.Vail Interm ountain. Applicant: Planner: Mr.Gu ille'J Huerta George·r 'e r A reque st fo raminor arr ..llu,IIt;:llt to Special Devel opment Distri ct No.35,Austria Haus,to amend Section6 of Ordinance #12,Series of1997toclarify a condition of the Ordinanc e, locatedat 242E.Meadow Drivel Parto f Tract C ,Block 5 0 .Vail Village I "Filing. Appli cant: Planner: Bill Sullivan,re prese nti ng the Austria Haus Developm ent Grou p G eorge Ruther ArequestforarezoningfromPrimaryl Secondary Residential to Residential Cluster.locat ed at 2 497,2487.2485 and 2477Garm iscn Drivel Lots1.2,3a nd 4.BlockH,Vail das SCh oneRlin g #2 . A requ est fo r annexation andzoning of out door recreatio n of an unplatt ed portion oftheS E tA SE lf4 S E tA SW y..of Section 11,Towns hip5 South .Range 8 1West.generally located on the nort h side of Arasa Driv e .and abutting Sunlight northtotheeastandTown Manager's house to the west.• App licant : Planner. Applicant: Planner : To wn of Va il Allison Ochs T own ofVail Alli son Ochs A request for a cond itio nal use permit .to allowforthecon solidat ion of two dwellin gunits in the cel ZoneDistrict,located at124 E.Meadow Drive I A portio nof Lot 5E.VailVillage R rst Filing. Applican t: Plan ner: Alfredo L.Suarez.represented by Fritzlen.Pierce,SmithArChi tects Alli sonOchs • The applications and information about the proposals are availablefor public inspection during regular office hours inthe pro ject planner's office located at the TownatVail Community Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad. Sign language interpretation available upon request with24 hour notifcation ,Please caJ1 479- 2356.Te lephone for the Hearing Impai red,tor info rmatio n. Commu nity Development Department PublishedMarch5.1998in the VailTrail. • Information SheetforArosalGannisch Housingand Pa rk Site Financin g for Jots 1!2,3,and4: T vee of Payment Year Amou nt Fundinn S ource Addi tionalNotes Dow noaVlllent 1990 $43 ,069.62 RETI First Paymen t 199 1 $72,085 Debt Service Funds transferred fromRETI t oDeb f Service Seco nd Payment 1992 $67,434.68 DebtServi ce Capital Projects reimbursedR ETI fo r first oavment Third Payment 1993 $62 ,784 Debt Serv ice Total Purch ase Pric e 1990 ·1993 $218 ,381.80 Notes; •RE TI paidfo r a pp roximately 19 .7%of thetotal costofmo4lot s •Lot 1,which has no propose d housing or housing -related impro veme ntsis 21 .8%ofthe entire a rea of lots 1,2.3 ,4 •Hous ing and housing related improvements co nst itutes approximately23%of the 4 lots Summaryof Development Statistics for the Four Lots l ot S ize:lot 1:.26acres(11,325.6 so .h .) Lot2 :.45ac res(19 ,602 so .h.) Lot3:.24acre s(10,454 .4 sq .ft.) Lo t4 :.24 acres (10,454.4 sq.It.) To tal Areaof Site:1.19a creso r 51,8 36.4 so .ft. Total BuildableA rea :1.19acreso r 5 1,836.4sq .ft. Sta ndard Current Zooina :PIS Pro osed Zon in :RC S etbacks:20 '/15 '/15'20 '/15'/15' Heioht :3 0'/33'30 '/3 3' Dwelling Units:•2du 's persite,with 1 on lots less •6 du's per bu ildable aero t ha n15 ,0 00 •To ta l of7 .14 ou's allowe d •Total 01 8 du's allowed (5 d u 's +3 oermilled EHU 'sl GRFA:•2 5%of f irst15 ,0 00 •2 5%of build ablearea 10%ofne xt 15,000 22 5 sq .It.per const ructed 5%over 30.000 sing le family o r duplex 425s q .ft.pe r allo wable du •To talof 12,959 sq .ft. •To ta lof 14,394 .1so .h . Site Cove rage :•20%of total site area •25%oftotalsite area •Tota l of 10 ,367 SQ.ft.•12,959 .1 so .ft. 1 • Criteria that mu st bemet fo r anannexation : 1.That the a rea to be anne xed andp roposed zo ne district is c ompatible with andsu itable to adjacent uses,isconsistent with theTown's Land UsePlan and Zoning Regulati ons,and is app ropriate tor the a rea . 2 .Th e area p roposed toranne xationis co ntiguous tocu rrent To wn boundaries bynot le ss than 1/6 of the peri meter ofthearea . 3.A ·communityof int ere sf 'existsbetween theTownand the area proposedforannexation. 4 .No landhe ld in id en t icalowners hip w ill bedi vided w ithoutw ritten co nsento ft he landowne r. 5.Theannexationdoesnothavetheeffectof extendingthemunicipal boundary more than3 mile s from an yp ointinany o ne year. Criteriathat mustbe me t fo r afe-zo ning : 1.That the existing zoningissuitable with theex isting landuseonthes ite andadjacentla nd uses 2 .T hat the zoning is n ot p reventing a convenient wo rkable relationship w ith land uses consistent with mu nicipal objectiv es. 3 .Tha t the zoning p rovide sfo r the growth ofano rderly ,via ble community 4 .T hal l he change is consistent with the Land UsePlan 2 ..,. TO: FROM: D ATE : • MEMOR ANDUM Town Council Commun ity Deve lopment Department Apri l 6 .1999 • S UBJ EC T:A request for app rova l att he Plan l or ArosaiGa rmisch Annexation,an a rea with in Three Miles ofthe Town of Vail Boundary. Arequest forannexation forthe a rea gene rally locat edonthenorthside atArosa Drive ,and abutti ng 2487 ard 2497 Ga rmisc htothe easta nd Town Manager's house to the wes t. A req uest fo r zo ning of ou tdoo rrecreation fo rthearea generally located onthe northsideofArosa Drive,andabutt ing 2487and2497 Ga rmis ch to the east and TownManag er's hous e to the west. A req uest for a rezoning tor property owned by the Town of Vail zoned Prim ary/S econdaryto Res idential C lus ter locatedat2497 .2487 ,2 485 and 2477Garmisc h Drive. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYOFTHEFOURACTtONS REQUESTED OF COUNCIL Backgroun d on Exchang e OnFebr uary19,199 7,theTownofVa il ard theUn ited Sta tes ofAmer ica,act ing through the UnitedStates Fo rest S ervice,entered into an agreement to exchange approximate ly 62.268 acres of Natio nalForestLands fo r approximately 75.02 acres ofnon-fede ral lands in Eagle County.The excha nge allowed the Forest Service to resol ve encro achme ntsonto the Natio nal Forest and is intende d to reduc e the riskofpriva te exchan ges around the Town 's boundary . The exchan ge implements th eTownof Vai l Landown ersh ip Ad justment Ana lys is ,and po rtions atthe Town 01 Vail C omprehe ns iveOpenLandsPlan .TheTownand theForeslSe rv ice h ave accompl ished this bymakingalandt rade ofeq ual v alue. Summary of Propose d Actions This is th e firstin a seri es of ann exauorvoe -annexanon and zon ing procedu res that theTown of Vailwill be pursuingasaresult 01 Iheland excharge wit h theUnited Stat es Fo rest Service . Staff hasdecided to proce ed with this an nexatio nandzoning reco mm end ati on to coincide with the Aro salGarmi sch Employe e Ho using plan ning pro cess .Thi s land has been ide ntified as th e site of the Aros alGarmisc h neighborhood park.The req uested zoning is Outd oo r Recreatio n, whi ch will allow for the develo pme nt ofthe parkwit h a condit ional usepermit.and allow th e land to remainas op en space .As part of the an nexat ion,the Plan for the ArosaiGarmisch Anne xation ,AnAreawithinThreeMiles of the TownofVailBoundary h as b een drafted .Th e employee ho using andparkwillbedeve loped s imultaneously,aspart atthesame develop ment team . Th e T ownofVailisalso applying fo r a r ezon ingonpro pertyw h ic h iscu rrently zoned Primary/SecondaryResidentialtoResiden tial Cluste r.Thisprope rty located at2497 .2 48 7, 2485and 2.477 Garmi sch Drive is owned bytheTown of Vail,and is th e site ofthe prop osed •• ArosaiGarmisch EmployeeHousingand neighborhood park.Thecurrentplanlor rhese fourlots is 10 constructaa-plaxandduplexprimarily on lOIS 2,3.and4.Current zoningallowsfor8 dwelling units onthe4 lots .which includes 3 permitted EHU 's.In add ition,zoning allows for oneEHUon 101 2asaCondilionalUse.The purpos e of rhis rezoningistocluster 6 dwelling units and maximize the park a rea.The neighborhood parkis plannedforlot 1 and the soon -to - be-annexedland 10 I hewest.Theparkwill require a Condilional Use Permit.Thesite planfor thepark isslillin Ihepreliminarystaoe. TheTownof Vailpu rchase d Ihesefour lOISf rom twofamilies in1990.Whenpurchasingthese lots,Cc uncil idenlffied Ihem 10 includeaneighborhoodpark,opanspace,oremployee housing. The 1994Comprehensive OpenLandPlan stalesthaI the landshouldbeusedforapublic use, which includesemployeehousing.Neighborhood partlcpaticnforproposalsonIhissitebegan inAprilof1998andcontinued through November withneighborhoodmeetingswithdesigners. Through Resolution II,Series at1998.the T own Counc il directed staff to initiatea "for sale" housing pro ject on th is site.Council approved the development of six un its and a neig hbo rh ood parkonNovember 17.1998.OnJanuary20,1999,thesiteplanwas brought tothe Design ReviewBoardfor aconceptualreview.OnJanuary 26.1999,Council approvedtheconceptof a 4·pl exandduplex o n Iheeast sideofthelot,with I he neighborhood park on Iheweslsideof thelotsandonIheland 10 beacquired in Ihelandexchange wilh IheU.S.ForestService.SIaN recommendsthat adeedrestrictionbe placed on thelandthat will beused fo rI he park. Summary ofDevelopment StatisticsfortheFour LotsProposed tobe Rezoned (see attachedmap) LotSize:Lot1:.26acres (11 ,325.6 sq .ft.) LOI2:.45 acres(19,602 sq .ft.) LOI3:.24acres (10,454,4 sq.ft.) Lo14 :.24acres (10,454,4 sq.ft.) TotalArea ofSite:1.19acresor 51,836.4 sq.ft. TotalBuildableArea:1.1 9acres or 51,836.4 sq.ft. Standard Current Zonina :PIS Proposed Zo nina :RC Selbacks:20'/15'/15'20'/15'/15' Heiaht:30'/33'30'133' Dwelling Units:•2 du 's per site,with 1 on lots less •6 du's per builda ble acre than 15.000 •Totalof 7 .14 du's allowed •Totalof 8 du 's allowed(5cu 's +3 permitted EHU's) GRFA:•25%offi rst 15.000 •25%of buildable a rea 10%ofnext 15,000 225 sq.ft.per const ructed 5%ove r 30 ,000 single family orduplex 425 sq .ft.per allowable du •Totalof12,959sq.fl. •Talalof14,394.1 SQ.ft. SileCoverage:•20%oftotal si le area •25%of total sitearea •TOl alof 10,367sa.fl .•12,959.1 sa.fl . 2 ..,.•• ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNC IL 1.Approve /Modify/Deny ResolutionNo.5,Series011999,the Plan for ArosaiGarm isch Annexation,an Area within Three Miles ofthe Town of Va il Boundary. 2.Appro ve/Modify /Deny OrdinanceNo,7,Series 01 1999,annexation 01the ArosaiGarmisch site(Area A),on first reading. 3.Approve /Mod ify /DenyOrdinanceNo.8,Series 011999,zoning 01 OutdoorRecreation lortheArosaiGarmis chs ite(AreaA),onl irst reading. 4 .Approve/Modify/Deny Ordinance No.9,Series 01 1999,rezoningot4 lots (Area 8) f romPrimary/SecondarytoResidential Cluster,onfirst reading. 3 •• LAND tme CUAAAII'T EE CDl PAII'Y 108 SWTN fll:CJHACE ROAD lEST 1203 VAIL,COlOlWlO 81657 REPRESENTING TITLE INSURAMC( CDU'AIlY Of MINNESClTA S TATEMEID'Of S E'l"l'LEME!lT !'lJrol7>oSER'5 IDTS 2 AND 4,BlCCK H,VAIL ms SOI::NE,=00.2 =PERl'I'AlDlESSi:;-""''''''--;;::;-;;;;;;;;-;;,....,'''''''_ roBERT w.GUJIE ani !'EIlN F .GUJIE 'IO'N OF VAIL=--=""""'",..--------------------- 1IJYDl _ SEITIDID<I'1lI\TE .JUly 11,1990 1lI\TE Of m:JRATICN July 11,1990 debit cre:lit a::mAACr SAllS PRICE. DEED OF =sT.'rO = TInE INSURANCE .InIDEI1S roLIC'l REOJRDING:WARRANIY DEED. REOJRDING:=CEED . IXJa:MENrJ\RY FEE. TAX u:Rl'U'lCATE. TAX Pl1ORATION FOR.1990,191 DAYS @ 2.3879 CI.DSllG FEE.. 109,000 .00 7 0 .00 5 .00 45.00 10 .90 10 .00 50 .00 87,200 .00 456.09 ••• 109,190.90 109 ,190.90 87,656 .09 21,53 4.81 109,190.90 nIE AM:UNI'FOR 'IHE =IS AN ESTIMATE AND WIIL BE ADJUS'IUl AND A REFUND MAIlE WHDl nIE FINAL AM:UNI'IS lEI'El<MINEll . Th e I'Ibove f igure ,do not lnet l.ld e s etee or us'!!U ll••Cf'I pe r.orw(property. APPROVED A.~D ACCEPTED 0 14 119 PAYME NT Ln.De scrip tion 1 PRI~C IPAL }L~O I NTEREST PAY 2 "age• 29 ,0 66 .61 6 ,976.00 2 9,06 6.66 2 ,32 5.33 Amount Pa id 33,71 7.34 Linl!Amo unt 2 9 ,0 66 .67 4 .65 0.67 ""A:nount Paid 3 6,042 .67 Line A:nount $3 6,042.67 $3 3,711 .34 $31 ,3 9 1.9 9 re unt ?"b31,391.99 Line kncunt 07/07/92 I n vo ice Date Amo unt Invoice Delce AN D :'UC:LLE GLAcco unt Di3t r~uti on 50 -9 442 -57 100-000 5 0-9442-57110-000 GL Ac count Distri bution 50 -9 4 4 2-571 00-000 50 -9442 -51 11 0-000 061348 Anount Invoice Date 07/08/91 06nO/93 GL Ac c ount Ois Lribu t ~on 50 -94 42-57100-000 5 0 -9442 -51110-000 0 151 12 ~u n t Ch ec k' Invoice. VA IL OAS SCHO NE JULY 92 PO' 07/08/92 Che ck' PO#I nvoicell V~ndor T 03 099 KEY SER,DIXON 01/0 1/93 Ch ec k'.22 5PO,I nvoice '1 Claim Payme n ts to Cl aim 014699 Ln#Description 1 JULY 92 PAYMENT 2 Check date Claim 9 99012 Loll Des cripti on 1 LOTS 1 ,2 ,3 BLOCK H,VAIL 0 2 Cheek d at e C~cc k d ate 07/08/91 Pre ss CTRL-X to s top t hi s d i spla y,or RE TO RN t o continue ... 29,066 .66 2,32 5.n 29 ,066.67 6 ,976.00 29,066.67 4,65 0 .67 HW Am o unt Paid 3E,042 .67 Line Amount Ar:Lour:t.Pa ie 33,717 .3 4 :'lne Amoun t $36 ,042 .67 I nvoice Date GL Acc ount;Oi st;r ibut i on 50-9442-57~00-OOO 5 0-94 42-5 71 1 0-000 0 75098 Anou nt.$33,717.34 Invoice ue ec PAYMENT 0 7 /07 /92 GL Account D i ~t ri bu t i o n 50 -94 42 -57100-000 50-9 4 42 -57110 -000 067347 Am ount DASSCHO NE 07/08/91 GL Account Dis t ribut ion VA IL 011.50-94 42 -57100-000 50 -9442 -57110-000 JULy 9 2 VAIL PAYMENT 07/08/91 Check. PO"Invoice# Ln.pe ecr I p t Lon 1 LOTS 2&4 8LOCK H 2 9990 11 0 :4698 :'n'iJescr iption Ch ec k d ate D7/e S/92 Ch @c ~. C1aie ?at ~~vo~ce' 1 JUL Y 92 2 Check date Claim Ln'jescript.1.cn 1PRI NCI PAL AND INTER ES7 2 •Paytnl!!pt:3 to Ve ndor T 03098 GLAHF.,ROB ERT AND fERN Pdge 1 C;'cc il.a.at.e 07 /01l93 Checkl .215 Ar:Iour.t $31,35 1.99 •Cl<1i m PO <:::nv o icc4 I nvo i c e!Da t;e Q7 4H7 PAYMENT 06 /30 /93 Pr e s~CTRL-X to stOp th~s d i~p lay,or R~TORN to continue ... • EXHIBIT A • The paym ents cheduleforthe promi ssory note shall beas follows: a )J uly 11 ,1 991 TOTAL BalanceRemaining b )J uly 11,1 99/J'k' TOTAL Balance Remaining c )July 11 ,1 9 9/)'1' TOTAL Balance Re maining Jf J ,/1...,_I<...~~.L,nv:. c t.",L .s~~J9?.:l r:I f'i.:J $29 ,066 .67 Pri ncip al 6,976 .00 Interest 36,042.67 . $58,133.33 $29 ,066.67 Pr incipal 4,6 50.67 Interes t 33,717 .34 $29 ,066 .66 $29,066.66Pr inc ipal 2 ,325.33 Inte rest 31 ,391.99 $-0- H .po rt IOI,.RI,JUun Ru n 3 TOWN Of VAIL OLRBTltA '''CLR9Tl1C''''DETAIl,.YTD EXPEN SE AE PORT 4I.L FUNDS _IO.bO n .t.tl 3 0 REAL 5G T ~T E TRANSFER TAX FUN D .\ I'!-.J.CJlU.....l<.<.L--"'''-"'OU.D1I%l.LJ I U ~:!'.' •.. .'. 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I -••,0 I ~ I" •• i ~• ••·•,•• I I I o J ""~~ o 0 ~~ ee l I, ?0 I ~8 "'"- ,:. ••~~ :l ~! ~"'p 88gvVI I ",.••,.•••,.,".,-_.,-,••• ,o:r.:l G:l•••·0...- t .:l C:.:l.,. ~~!': •, I::I •I g•!:e !,'!; H • March22.1999 T o:TO-.TI o f Vail PEe •• R~:Rezo ning 0;Gnrtnish i)rivc iots 1 .:.~,4 ,n :0 c~.;.II ,V al!dasS c hone Fili n g #2 Th is p ast week I spoke wit hse veral TOV offi c ials andformer PEe members.I wastol d t hat the duties of the PEe me mbers are to review the applicationsto see if they m eet c urrentlaws,co nform to the surrounding lands .andal soto take into consi deration the ,...ishes of the neighbor s. I.Background andlegal a The se lots were p urchased wit h the intentio n of housing and a park,pe r council minutes. b .These lots were purchased p artially wi th RETT funds . c .The R ETI fund ordinance all ows fo r reimburs ementwit h Ge neral fu nds.b ut as afmy last conversation withthe fin ancedepartment,after several months o f research,they have not bee n a bleto c onfi rm that t here imbu rsements were mad e w ithin th e a llo wable time frame . d .The RETT fundo rdinance #2 6 page 2 paragraph 1 states "Whereas ...itis t he int en tion of the 1 0 \\11 Council that at sucht imeassufficient parcels of property hav e been ac quired.t hat portion of the tax s hallcease." e .Colorado Constitution.via the TABOR amendment,does NOT allow any new RETT fur.":=tobe created.c ven with the Vale of th e people. f.Th e TOV rec eive sa bo ut $,3 million each ye ar from the RETT.which is primarily paid for by the b ig dealers and developers . g.Whe nI spo ke with Steve Thomson.head financial accountant for the T OV,he sa id tha t if w eweret o lo oseth e RETI.t hose monies c ould be mad eup by inc reasing the p roperty t axe s . h .Colorado case law clearlys hows that deed r estrictions g ene rally can not be upheld moret han 25o r 30 years.This c an be furthe r researched under "rulesag ainst perpetuity" and alienability o f pro perty". II.Consequences of develo ping these lotsinto tax subsidized,d eed r e stricted units. a .Lo ss of the RETI .Due to purchasing th e pro perty wI REIT funds,then u sing it for purposes c learly notrec reational will cause "S unshing'of the tax. b.D rastically increased property taxes. c .Aft er 25or30 years,t he p roperties will nolong er be d eed re strict ed.we wi ll be in the same housingsi tuation.an dw e will ha ve lost(a tthec urrent inc ome level)S90 mill ion . •• Il l.Ne ighborhood inp ut • a .A ta TOV insp ired meeting atthe West V ail Inn,a pprox.4 0 ne ighbors attended.I person,who lives atthe bottom of the h:.a in the VailComt-:'".w,.",·:~":·;cr c ftl.e pr oj ec t,1 co uple who lives atthe w est end o f Aro se Drive thought the proj ect bad somemerit,but ne eded to be reviewed,andtheremaining of the40neighbors were very much opposedto the developme nt. IV.Conclusion You.as t he PEC,arc atthe very beg inning of this process .If you a llow this develo pment,you "ill be in party with the others push ing this p roject,and yo u willbe p art of thecauseoftheabovementionedconseq uences. Yo uhav e the a bility to makerecommendations to S AVEthe to wn apprcx.$90 million over the next30 years.plus thecosts ofthe development,and to help those who are seeking alternatives tothecurrent housingsituation. Sincerely: Chas Be rnhardt IntermountainHomeowner ., d Ct1 't •, March 22,1999 To :Town of Vail PEC •• This pastweekIspoke with severalTOV officials and former PECmembers.I was told that the duties ofthe PEe members are to re view the app lications tosee if they mee t current laws.conform to the surrounding lands ,and alsoto take into consideratio n the wishes of the neighbo rs . I.Backgroundandlegal a These lots were purchase d with the inte ntion o f housing and a park ,per cOWlCiJ minute s. b.Tbeselots werepurchasedpartiallywith RETT funds . c.The RETT fund o rdinanceallowsfor reimbursement with Generalfunds,but as ofmy lastconversationwith the financ e department,after several month s o f research,they have notbeenabletoconfirm that the reimbursements were made within the allowable time frame. d.The RETTfundordinance #26 page 2paragraph Istales "Whereas ...it is the int ention o fth e Town Co uncil that at such lime assufficient parce lso f property have beenacquired.tha t po rt ion o fthetax shal l cease ." e.ColoradoConstitution,via theTABOR amendment,does NOTallow any newRETT fund s to be created.e ven with the vote o fthe pe ople. f The T OVreceives about $3 million eachyearfromtheRETT,which is primarily paid for by thebig deale rs and developer s. g.When I spokewithSteve Thomson,head fina ncial accountant for the TOV,he said that if we were to loosethe RETT .those monies could be made upby inc reas ingthe property taxes. h.Colorado case lawclearly shows that deed restrictions generallycan notbeupheld more tban 25or30years.This can be funher researche d under "rules against perpetuity" and alienability o f property". II.Consequence s of developing these lots into tax subs idized .deed restric ted.units. a.Loss o fthe RETT.Due topurchasing the property wi RETTfunds,thenusing it for purpo ses clearly notrecreationa l will cause "Sunsbing"o fthe tax. b.Drastic ally increased.property taxes. c,After 25or30 years,theproperties willnolongerbedeedrestricted,we will he in the sam e housing situation,and we will have lost (at the current income level)S90 mill ion. •• III.N eighbo rhoodinput • a.AtaTOV inspired meeting attheWestVail Inn.approx.40 neighborsattended.I per son,who live s atthe bottom of the h:::'r,the Vail C om ;.-"".';1"::~.~:'/C':c ftl,e p--ject,Icouple wholivesat the westendo f Arosa Drive thought the proj ect had some merit.butneededto be reviewed,andthe remainingo fthe40 neighbors were very much oppcsedto the development . IV.Conclus ion You,as t hePE C,are at the very beginning 0 f this process.If you allow this development,you will be in party with the others pushing this project.and yo u will be part of the cause ofthe above mentioned consequences . Yau have the ability to make recommendations to SAVE the town approx.$90 million over the next 30 years,plu s the co sts of the developmeot,andto help those wboare seeking alternatives tothe current housing situat ion. Sincerely: Chas Bernhardt Intermountain Homeowne r •• VA IL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY,APRIL 20,1999 2 :00 P.M.AT TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NOTE:Time of i temsareapp roximate,subject to change,and cannot b e relied upon to detennine at what time Council will consider anitem . 1. 2 . Jeff Hunt Gr eg Hall-10Ye arAnn iversary.(5 m ins .) SiteVis it and Town Council call-up oft he PEe Waterhouse V ariance Approva l.(30mins .) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCI L:Approve ,d eny or m odify the a pprovalofthe variance. BACKGROUND RATIONALE :A requestfo rav ariance tothe frontset back,t o allowan ew g arage.locatedat 285Fo rest Road/Lot 20 ,Block 7,VailV illage1".Applicant:Steve &Li nda Waterho use ,re presented by Steven Riden . MOTION Tom Weber VO TE:4·0 SECON D :Ga len Aa sland APPROVED WITH 5 CONDITIONS: 1 Thenorthwalland rooflineof thenewgarage do notexte ndan yclo sert ot hema tureeve rgreentr ee th an theex isting g arage 's wa llandr oafJin e ,unl ess approve d by a prof essional arbori st. 2 .Thatthesiteligh ting be brought intoco mpliance withtheTownregu lations . 3 .That the foundation &parking s pace be cantilevered tom inimi ze thesite disturbance. 4 .Tha t theplateheigh t oftheg arage roofbe determined bya re asonable 8 'g aragedoor. 5.Thatt hega rageroofeavedoesn ot extendov erthe fro nt p roperty line intothepubli c right-of-way. ThePl anninga nd Environmental Commissio nun animously a pproveda variance toallowforth e construction of a re placement garage wi tha 3'front setback and fortheco nstruction of a parking space with a 4 's ide setback.Please refer toatt ached plan for d eta ils .The approval w as b ased on :the s iteb eing restrictive ;thatthem ature ev ergreen treebehi nd theexistin g ga rage sho uldbes aved;andt hatt here a re other sim ilarlysituated struc turesin t heare a . RECOMMENDATION :Staff'sorig inal re commendation tot he PEe wasfo r denial.Pl ease refer to t heatta chedPECm emofor det ails .Staff recomme nds theCo uncil uphold,overturn o r modify the approva l of t he v ariance . 3 .FordPark Pl ayground Re hab ilit atio n.(20m ins.) ToddO ppenheimer •• 4 . George Ruther Je ny Wurh man 5 . Fra nkJo hnson Business Alli ance 6 . 7. 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . Discussio n ofOrdin ance No .11 ,Seriesof 1999 ,anord inance repea ling and re-enacting Or dinan ce No .23 ,Series of1998 and O rd ina nce No .1 .199 9.t op rovide for am e ndments to Development Area A.Cascade Vi llage.t hatco ncern the Approved Development Plan f ort he West haven C ondomi niums De velopmentSiteandt he accessory a nd cond ition a l uses a llowed in t heVailC ascade Club &Hotel,and s ettingforth details in regard t hereto.(15m ins .) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Rev iew O rdinanceNo .11, Ser iesof 1999 .prior t o fi rstr ead ing . BACKGROU ND RATIONALE:On January 11,1999.the Planning &Environmental Commissionreviewed and recommended approvalof amajor amendmenttoSpecia l DevelopmentDistrictNo.4 t oa llowfortheconstructionofe leven fractionalfee clubunits ,sev enteen a ccommodat ionunit s and tw enty-o ne emp loyee housingu nits onthesiteof t he "Ruin s". OnDec ember 28,1998 ,thePlanning &Env iro nmenta l C ommiss ion reviewed a nd recommended approval o f amaj or amendment to Spec ial Development Dist rict No .4 t o allow forthe a ccesso ry use of t hete nnisfa cilityfor special e vents a nd conf erence fa cilities atthe V ail Cascade C lub &Hot el. On October 26,1998,t he Plann ing &Env ironmental Commissio n reviewed a nd recomme nded appr oval ofa major amend ment to Special Develo pment Distri ct NO.4 toa llow for a "tra nsportat io n bu siness"a s a co nditionaluse w ithin th e District,SUbject tothe iss uance ofaco nditional usepermit . Cop ies ofthe staff mem oranda t o t he Pla nn ing &Env ironmental C ommissionfor ea chof thethr ee req uests are attach edfor refer ence , Discussionof M arketing District re :whe ther theTO V"goesit a lone "o rwh ether th e regiona l effo rtis stilldo -able t his fa ll. (5 m ins .) Co uncil Member Schedules ForMay /June Meeti ngs to Confirm Q u or um .(5 m ins.) Informalion Update.(10mins .) Co uncilRe ports.(10 m ins.) Ot her.(10 rr nns .) Exe cut ive Session -Con tractNegotiations.(45 mln s .) A djournment-4 :35 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (A LL TIMES ARE A PPROXIMATEANDSU BJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESS ION W ILL BEON TUESDA Y,4/27/99 ,BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M.INT OV COUNCIL CHA MBERS. TH EFO L LOWING VA ILTOWNCOU NC iL REGULA RW ORKSESS ION WILL B E O N TUE SDAY,5141 99,BEGI NNING A T2:00P.M.I NTOVCOU NCIL CHA MBERS. THENE XT VA IL TOWNCOU NCIL REGULAR EVENINGMEETIN G WILL B EONTU ESDAY,514199 ,BEGINNING AT 7 :00 P.M .IN TDV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Signlanguage interpretationavailableupon requestwrth24hour notification.Please c all4 79· 2332vo ice or 4 79-2356 TOO for information. •• VAI L TOWN C OUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY.APR IL 20.1999 7 :00 P.M.I N T OVCOU NCIL CHAMBERS AGE NDA NOTE:T imes of i t em s ar ea ppr oximate,s ubject to change,an d cannot b e r eliedu pon t o de tenni neat what time Cou ncil will consider a n i tem. 1. 2 3 George Ruther Tom Braun 4 . George Ruther Henry Pra tt {~J \Ji( CIT IZEN PARTICIPATION .(5mins .) Pre sentation of VailYouth Recognition and VailVall ey Youth A mbassador Aw ards .(5 mins.) AC TIONREQ UESTEDO F COUNCIL:P resent t he followinga wards: V ail Yo uthRe cognition Award toLa ura Haslee of Battle M ountain H igh School and W hitneyHopkins ofVa il Mounta in School. V ail V alley You th Am b assador Aw ard t oEm ily Sargent o fB attle M ountain Hig h School andJ ared St aber o f Va il M ountain School. Aslidepre sentatio n toill ustratet he existing de velopment standa rdsof p ropertiesinth e Pub lic Accommodation Zon eDi strict.(30 mins .) AC TIO N REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:W atch th e s lide pre senta t ion and p rovide a ny d irect ion t hatt he Co uncilm ay have tot he app licant and/orstaff . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :Att he March 8"m eeting oft he Plan ning & E nv ironmental Commis sion ,TomBraung aveaslid epres ent ation to the Commiss ion .T heslidepre sentation ill ustrated t he v arious im pacts o f e ach ofthe developm entstan dards (setb acks ,s ite co verage ,landscaping ,etc.) onthe de velopmentofa s tte in the P ublicAcco mmodationZone District . Staffbelieves thattheslide pr esentation willbeinformativ eto t he Co uncil a nd t h e c ommunity . STAFF RECOMMENDATION :The Co mmunity Development Depart ment w ill providea re commendation at th et ime of afina l re view onth e prop osed amendmentsto t he PublicAcco mmodation Zo neDistrict . O rd in ance No .10 ,Seri es of1999,first reading of a no rdin ance re pealing a nd re-enacting Ord ina nce No .17.Series of 199 5,S pecialDe velopment District No .7,T he Marri ott 'sMoun ta inResort at Va il,am ending andre- e stablishingth eA pprovedDevel opmen t P laninac co rdance wi thSection 12-9A-10 oft he Zon ing Regu latio ns t o allow f ort he int e rio r a nde xt erio r remodel of t hee xisting h ot ela nd t he const ructionoft he Gore Cre ek Clu b ,a ndsetting forth de t ailsinregard thereto.(30 mi ns .) ACTION REQUE STED OFCOUNC IL :Ap prove,ap prove w rthcondrtionsor de ny Ordinan ce No .10 ,Series of1999 ,onfi rstrea d ing . BACKGROUND RA TIONALE:On Monday.Ma rch8,1999,theTown of V a il Planning &E nv iro nme nt al Comm issionrev iewed a ndre comm ended ap proval oftheproposed majo ram endment t oS pecial Deve lopment District No .7 ,Th e Marriott ,pursuant t o sect ion12-16-6 oft he Town ofV ailZo ning Regulation s . ••; 5. G eorge Ru ther J erry Wurhm an 6 . A llison Oehs R uss Fo rrest T he Planning &En v ironmenta l Co mmission's reco mmendationof a pprov al was based u pon the reviewofthen ine design crit eria out lined in the staff me morandum .Havingrevi ewed thec riteria,th e Co mm ission found th at,the p roposedm ajorame ndmentt o SpecialDe velopment D istrict N O.7 complies wi tht he n ine d esigncri teria o utlined inS ection 12-9A-8 of th e T own of Va il Mun icip al Code.Additi ona lly,the applicantde mons tratedtot hes atisfaction of the Commiss ion thatan y adv erse effects ofthe requested d evi ation from the development sta ndards of the underly ing zoning ar eo utweighedb y the public benefits provided . TheP lanning &Environmental Commission 's reco mmendation c arried With it twelve cond itio ns of a pproval .The cond it ions of theCo mm ission 's a pproval a re f o und inSe ction 6.of Ordin ance N o .10,Se ries of 1999 . A copy of th e staff m emorandum a nd th efi nalag enda f romth e March 8ll'1 m eeting are e nc losed f or reference . STAFF RECOMMENDATION :The Community Development Department recommendst hat t heCo unci l a pproveOrd inance No .10.Series of 1999,on first reading a spr esented . Ordi nance N o .11.Series of1999,fi rst readin g of a n ordinance r epealing a nd re-enactingO rdi nance No .23 ,Se ries o f1998 and O rdina nce No.1, 1999 .to pr ovidefor a mendments to De ve lopment Area A ,C ascade Vill age,that concern t he Approved DevelopmentPla nfor the W esth aven Condominiums Development S itea ndthe accessory a nd cond itional uses a llowed i ntheVa il Cascade Club &H otel .and setting forth de ta ilsin rega rd thereto.(3 0m ins .) ACTION REQUESTED O F COUNCI L:A pprove ,ap prove with conditions, or deny Ordinance No .11 ,Seri es of 1999.on first r ead ing . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :On January 11 ,1999 ,t he Planning & E nvironmenta l Co mmiss ion rev iewed and recomm ended a pproval of a major a mendmenttoSp ec ial Development District No ,4to allow for the co nst ru ctionof e leven fra ctional fee c lubun its ,seventeen accommodation un its and twen ty-onee mp loyee housing un its onthesit e of the "R uins". On December 28 ,19 98,thePl ann ing &En vironmental Comm ission reviewed a nd recommended approval ofa major amendment to Special D evelopmentD istr ict N o .4 to allow fo r the a ccessory use ofthe tennis f acilityforspec ialevents a ndconfe rence f acilities att he Vail Cas cadeC lub &H ote l. OnO ctober 2 6 ,1998 ,the P lanning &E nv ironmental Commission reviewed and recommended app rov al of amajor amendment to Specia l Development Di strict NO.4 toa llow fora "tr a nsportanon business"asa conditional use w ithin the District.SUbjectt othe issuanceo f aco ndit io nal us e permit. Copies of the staff memoranda t o t heP la nning &Environme ntal Co mm ission f or e ach oft he three requestsa re att achedf orre ference . S TAFF RECOMMENDATION:T heCo mmu nity D evelopment Departmen t recomm ends th at t he Town C ouncil approve Ordin ance No ,11 ,Seri es of 1999,on first reading. Ord inance N o .7,Series of 1999.second read ing of an Ordinance Annexing An Area Common ly Known As Arosa/Gannisch,And Setting ForthDetail s In RegardT hereto .(5m ins .) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:A pprove ,mo difyord eny Ordinance N o.7,Series of 1999.on second reading . ,••• 7. A llison Ochs Russ Forrest 8 . Allison O cns R uss Forrest 9 . 10 . BACKGROUND RATI ONALE:The TownofVa il is a pply ing f orun ilate ra l a nnexat ionand zoning on property w hich was previously unzoned .This pr opertywaso bta ined bythe T ownofVa il purs uantt o t he Land O w nership A djustme nt A greement (LOAA)w iththeUnit edStates F o rest Service .T he T ownof V ailis requestingan nexation andzo ning of outdoor r ecreationof this2 .66 a cres ,g enerally locat e donthe Northsid e of Arosa Drive .and a butting249 7 and2487 Garmisch to t he East andthe T own Manager's h ouse totheW est.This annexati on and rezon ing furth er imple m e ntsthe Town ofVa il LOM and portions ofthe Town of VailC omprehensive Open Land s P lan . T h is isoneofasen es of annexation/d e-annexat io nandz on ing proced ures t hat t he Tow n of Vailwi ll be p ursuing a sa r esult o f th eland exc h angew ith th eU nited St atesFor estSe rvice .T his ann exa t ionand zoning recommendat ion ispro cee ding inco nj unction w ith t he ArosalGarmisch employee housing planning process.This la n d has beenidentified asthesit e ofth e ArosalGarmisch neighborhood par k . Th ee mployeehou s ing a ndpark will be d eve loped simultaneously.as parto f thesame development plan . ST AFF RECO MMENDATION:App rove OrdinanceNo .7,Se ries of 1999,onsec ondr eading . O rdinanceN O.8 ,Se r ies of 1999,second read ing ofa n O rdina nce Amend ing TheOffi cial Z oningM ap ForThe Town Of Vai l InAc cordance withTit le 12 ,Zon ing Regulat ions,Chapter 5,Zon ing Map;Applying Zone D istrict Des ignation ToA P ortionOf Unzoned Property Previously Owned ByTheUn ited States Forest Service And Transferred To The Town Of V a il Pursu ant To The Land Ownership Ad justment Agreement And Anne xed B yOrd ina nce No .7,Series Of 1999 ToO utdoor Recreation (Or)D istrict,Se ction 12-8b ForPro perty Genera lly Lo catedOn T heNo rth Sid eOf Arosa D rive ,An d A butting 2497A nd 2487 Garmisch T o T he East A nd Th e Town M anager 's HouseT o T he WestMo re FUlly DescribedAs AnUnp latt edP ort ion Of TheS E x.,SE X.SE x.,SW X.Of Sect ion 1 1, Township 5Sout h ,Range 81 West.(5m ins .) A CTIONR EQUESTEDOF C OUNCIL :Approve ,modify orden y Ord inance N o.8,Series of 1999.on second reading . B AC KGROU ND RATIONALE:Se eba ckgroundratio nalef or Ordinance No.7,Series of 1999 . STAFF R ECOMMENDATION:Approve Ord inanceNo .8 ,Se ries o f 1999,o n secon d re ading . Ord inance No .9.Series of 1999,second read ing o fan Ordinance re zoning fou rt ractsfromp nmarylsecondary t o residential cluster lo cated at249 7 ,2487 .2485 and24 77 Gram isch Drive,also known asLot s 1,2, 3 a nd4 ,Bl ockH ,VailDas Shone,F iling NO.2.(5mi ns .) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCI L :App rove,mo d ify o rde nyOrd inance N o .9,S eries of 1999 ,o n secondread ing . BAC KGROU ND RATION ALE :See backgro und rationa le for Ordinance No .7,Series of 1999. STAFF RECO MMENDATIO N:Approve Ord inance No .s .Series of 1999,on sec ond reading . Town Ma nager's Report.(5m ins .) A djou mment -9:00p .m . •••• I NOTE UPCOMING MEET ING START T I MES BELOW: (AU TWU "'~E APfI'ROXI'lIAn "''ID SUBJECT11JCKANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNC IL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL B E ONT UE SDAY,4/27/99,BEGINNING A T2:00 P,M,IN TOV C O UNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSiON WILL BEON TUESDAY,5/4199 ,BEG INNING A T2:00P.M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS . THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCI L REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL B E ON TUESDAY,5/4199 ,BEGINNING AT 7 :00P.M.I N TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Sign language interpretationavailable upon requestwith 24 hou r notification .Please call 479-2332 voice or 4 79-2356 T OO for info rmation . C IAG ~NOA TC • VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION • T UE SDAY,APRIL 6 ,1999 2:00 P.M .AT T OV C OUNCIL C HAMBERS AGE NDA NOT E:Ti me o f Items a re a pproximate,subjec t to chang e,and cannot bereli ed upon to determ ine at what time Coun cil will c onsideran it em. 1 . G eorge Rut her 2. George Ruther 3. Patrick Hame l 4 . Allison Ochs RussForrest 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . Interview App licant s for Desi gn Review BoardPosi tions. (40m ins) AC TIONREQ UESTEDOF COU NCIL:Review t heatta che d lettersand Inte rview a pplicantsfortwoopen positionsonthe Desig n Re viewBoard. BA CKGR OUND R ATIONALE:There a retwoope n positions o n theDesign Re viewBoardea chwith a term expi ration date of M arch31 ,2001. Interv iew Applic ants for Plann ing andEnviro nmental Commis sion Positions.(1hr.) ACT ION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL :Re view t he atta ched letters and inte rvi ewa pplicants for three o pe n positionson the Planning a ndEnvironment al Commission. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:There a re t hre eop en po sitions o n the Planning a nd Environmental all with aterme xpiration datesof Ma r c h 31,20 01 . Upd ate onSpringC lean -Up.(10m in s.) Discussion ofResolutionN o.5 ,OrdinanceNo.7 ,Ordina nce No. 8,a ndOrdinanceNo.9 ,Seriesof1999,annexing andzo ning the ArosalGarmisch area.(30mins.) Information U pdate.(1 0 mins .) C ouncii Report s.(10 mi ns .) Other.(10m ins.) Executive Session -PersonnelMa tters.(45 mins.) Adjournment -5:35p .m. NOTE UPC OMING ME ETING START TI MES B EL OW: (AL L TIM ESA REA P PROXI MATE A ND SUB JECT TOC HANGE) T HE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNC ILREGULAR WORK SESSIOIl WILLBEONTUESDAY,4/13/99,~EGll mIN G AT 2:00P.M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLL OWIN G VAIL TOWN COUNC IL REGULARWORKSESSION WILL BE ONTUESDAY,4120/9 9 ,BEGINNING AT2:00 P.M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHA MBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUN CIL REGULAREVENING MEETING WILL BEONTUE SDAY ,4 /20/99.B E G I ~~ING AT 7 :00 P.M .IN TOV CO UNCIL CHAMBERS . Sign language interpretationavailable upon reGuestw1th24-hour notificat ion .Please call 479- 2 332 voiceor 479 -2356 TO O for info rm ation .