HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 NATIONAL VELVET SIGN PROGRAM LEGAL75S outh Frontage Road Vail,Col orado 816 57 30 3-479-21 38/479-21 39 FAX 3 03-479-2452 December5 ,1994 Mr.BillHouse NationalVelvetDryCleaners 2151NorthFrontageRoadWest Vail,CO81657 DearBill: •FilE COpy Dep artm ent of Community Development Enclosedpleasefindacheckintheamountof$190.00 .Youpaid$230.00 inDesignReview feesandIsubtractedonehour'sworth ofplannerreview timew hichi sassessedat$40.00 . Wefeltthat itwasappropriatetorefundamajorityofyourDesignReviewfeesduetothe confus ion overtheamountofsignageallowedforyourbusinesspreviously. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthis matter,pleasefeelfreeto contact meanytime . Sincerely, tz:-f/?4-/Ran~der TownPlanner 04[~BAN<17 v Ale RQ,;D r"-I V.aJL C::)LORA::xJ 8 ~6 5 7 L>&:".....';9 464482-15 1 ~02 1 7 5 sout h f ront ag ero ad vail.co l orad o81657 (3 03)4 79-2100 12/01/94 094644 ********190.00 PAY ONE-HUNDRED NINETY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS TO TH E ORD ER O F HOUSE.WILLIAM C NATIONAL VELVET 2151 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL,CO 81657 -,-..:.. AMOU NT S OVE RSSDO,DD REOUIR ET WO SIGNATURES 570 0 B 711" revised12/9/93 e APPLI CATI ON DA TE SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION 1994 AREA. LOGO LI CATI ON UIREDFOR SUB MITTALBY THE BEI NG SCHEDULED BEFORE T HE DE SIG N "CLEANERS"---8 FEE T LONG t:IJMMri (V~j 'tt MtrJt'l1/l/,WA LL, E SI GN ME S SAG E.----:""'--'H-__ SIGN VA ANCE---IN THE WE ST VAIL MALL IN THE HATE RIALSS UBMITTED LUS $1.00 P ER S QUARE CHEC K NO._ SIGN---14"CHANNEL LET FE E: P AID SIZE OF OVERA LL SI N,SIZE 0 14"HIGH AND 8'L NG----CLEANER DE SCRIP TION OF TH E PR OJECTING,ET C),I S ~A yiN I NG HA TER AL \----"~r:...:..:..:..:..=..::'-=---''-.:..:..:=-'--='=;f=-~;:::::=::=====-_::;:_;;_ ~------+-----\iJp.,frffl7t~~~~~~~ H . G.CONDOMI NIUM C . B . D .HEIGHTOF SI GN A . E .DESCRIBE F.LE NG TH OF 1.Site Plan 2.Ele vatio ns showi ng exac t1 0 at ion o f sign or a wnin g on th eb uildi ng 3.Photographs s ho win g proposed lo cati on 4 .Col ored s c al e d r awi ng 5.Sample 6f pt6~6ied mat e ri als . ~6 .XPho tograph of s ign if av a ilab~ s&n'&::bat!!b lJ.?l s..AdrL I ':'~~t;'j :-,!..fVVC~'-- 'J .,;eN-.?4~.~~'f4o ,Ilr;~~~o t((I;·\IJ'.1'i ~-¥n\w.-)l)"'rn11'--~ DESCRIPTIO N OF ADDRE S S ----'r-----------+---I-ri-.L----::i"'~.,e_-7"'::::...-f_--- Lot Bloc k LOC1\TION NAM EOF NAME OR PERSON SUBMITTI NG -R~~~~~~_~~~~~~~0h ~~~ AD DRESS \....:.,--!:A.>u.......1llLlll.U-L.I>J.l.ll-U:i.\JJ-..illJl.1.l.L.ro:....ll.f--'~MI:...7-----,~~Ft---v'-t---- (P le ase Pri nt or NAM E 0 F P ROJE CT -'-'"-'-''-''-''''-'-'''-'''----'-.hhJ'-'=-'-~L!.J..6--'L1:l..!..f-'<.I-J...ll1.l~'''----_+t__rn__.+++l\:Il_imr_+J revised 12/91 93 / / 151 NORTH FRO NTAGEROAD /WES T WI LI lAM C.HOU SF !F ili ~g WES T VAI L MALL /BlockLot LOCATION ADOR E S S-------7---------:-----j-pf,..q..,.~9l"''''-'--___;"'"'---'II-'--- Nfu'1 E OF OWNE R __":--_ \ SIGNATURE O F OvVNER -~4-''"'''-''-------__,'_----- NAME OFPER SON (P le ase Print o r Type) NAHE OF P ROJ ECT .NATI ON AL VELVET --THE DRY CL EAN ERS \/ DESCR IP TI ON OF P ROJE CT ~IG N VAR IANCE---IN THE WES l VAIL MALL IN THE SO UT HFACIN G PARA PET WALL \/ / / E ACRY LIC FACES,BLACK TRIM CAPSIGNORAWNING11ATERIAL_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__B . / THE FOLLOWING I NFORHATION IS REQUIRED F OR SUBHITTAL BYTHE APP LI CAN T PR IOR TOTHE REQUE T BEING SCHEDULED BEFORETHE DESIGN REVIEW BO ARD./ A .DESCR IP TIONOF THE SIG N /X ~~~(V~l$t~tNt1,WAL L, PROJ ECT ING,ETC),INCL UDE S IGN HESSAGE ._ \/SIGN ---14"CHA NNEL LETTE R "Cf.\EA NERS "_,L_8 FEET LONG 14 4 . / / LENG TH OF BUS INESS FRONTAGE (FT) HE IGHT OF SIGN AB OVE GRAbE H . E .DESCR IBE LI GHTI NG (EXISTING MERCURY TUBING F. D . / C .S IZE OFOVERALL SIGN ,SI ZE OF LE ERI NG AND LOGO __ / 14 "HIG H AN D 8'LO NG----C LE ANERS s~gn 3 .---,-,-X_ 4. 5 . 6 .--,-,-X_ S ign Admini s trator Application Date __~~+-~~_ APPLI CATION FOR A SIGN VARIANCE I .This procedure is required fo r any project requesting a Variance .The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted .) A.NAME OF APPLICANT ~J-!"./(.L~.;)L$-4-(OA.-';JA:.~·[ldiA'!r" tilt:jj/Uj C (c...;'/ho-c.:/J ~ ADDRESS :'>.]""!II Ii4,Af77 JC:£.~/i ,j PHON E "'i M ~/6/6 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REP RESENTATIVE ZL(/';;;;'/S -c-:, .\.---I?fi ADDRESS ',J.t.S I )f ji(C'A,.I-!-:r/(f C ):c.'.rfl).(1 )PHONE '-17 (,./,{;/6 c.NAME OF OWNER (print or type) SIGNATURE _ ADDRESS D.LO CATION ·OF PROPOSAL P HO NE ..'. ADDRESS d-IS r-'""'~..:....:.._~--L.:=~...:..:..::::..=_~~~_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot E.FEE.$200.00 Block Filing II.Two (2)c op ies of t he following in fo rmatio n : A .A s tat eme nt of t he p rec is e na ture of t he vari ance req ue sted,the reg ul ation invo l ved,an d t he practical dif ficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this t itle that wou ld result fro ms tricto rl i teral i nte r pret atio na nd e n forcement of the speci fie d regulation. B.A site plan s how ing all existing and proposed features on the site,a nd on adjo ining sites if necessary, pertinent to the v a riance requested ,including site boundaries,required setbacks,building locations and h eigh ts,topogr aphya nd p hysical feat ures,existing sign locations,proposed sign locations and a ny related data, C .Such add itional mate r ial as the zoning administrator may prescribe or the appli cant may submit per tinent t o the appli cation . D .Sign Application Completed . III.Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st a nd 3rd Wedne sdays of t he month.An app lication with t he nec es sary accompanying material must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the date of t he meeting to allow for pUb li shingr e qu irements . If this application,requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are note limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc.' The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,the Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Townby the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. -3>/F MAIN \17 ENT IFICAT10N516N 3/16 ,7328 whit e ecry lic fa ces,black tr1=ca?,black ~etu rns . ~llu mina te .ith 650 0'K .~it e ~ercu ry t ubing ~,d 60 ~g transf orme rs f lush count end r emote wi=e oneas televation. Des i gn,raan ufec ture ;an~·lns te l l (1 )i dentif ications ign as £0110 ...·3: I I \-4 l6'"high indivicual channel letters "CLEIu\'E RS"-Foo t -uppercase He lvetica mediuM 5 "ceep u~ ~ ~ [•~• ;0 0 & "i9J(f)(f),. 0 0 (j)(j}Ig ~~Z~~ ~Z ~(j)~ '"~ t 0 1~f)r-o JJ 0 C~~-Jr(")(")m~p 2<z\l~Z 0 '"-jOG'-0 ~"7:}>t§~CD <OJ Il l';::I>~~}I)\'-JCDm-[\-;n ,~r I r lr.h CJ ~t:r en .6 t1 ~ '1J C)j I ?~mo ~~-(sr- \j ~f 1zen1\•-<JJ rJc Q 0 0z !'! ~Ul 0 (")2<".r:-IT'fT.1 , z;'";n -\IJ' If- q -h e· l'±L~[L ~~ 0....1 ,......u.ta.c t lloJ'••.aa4 ia.ull Cl}~...t1t1.c..tl_.1.....t oll_I I /~C-16 •h1;.h UiJ l ~1d uol ~L lo U.en '"Q..l1!US.-foo l -Il'pn-c.a.u ~..1Yn1cll _dJlDI ,5-iI_p ·3/16 J 7J 26 vl-..1to Ilcry lJ c fal:,u ....bd true-p .\t...c.i rrl ,"~. Pl ~t..wit h 5500'r:vl-.JU Del'Carr t'llb~1 am 60 II't.rau.:forlle1. fiw aoc.z.[04 r eeote 'li re QQ ta il d~,.tl0Q. (303)493-6244 3'192N~ PR c4tsAL /$ALES AG~EEMErllT 1326Webs ter Avo,FI'Jo lli ns.CO 80524 .DATE J~r{Jt 19W- Inc . Road SHr\W SI GN &f\WNING,INC. National Velvet TheDry Cleancr, 2151 N.Fron tagc Vail ,CO 81657 T O: DESIGN NO .As specified J OBRE F.Cleaners J OB L OC AT ION Same ATT:Nr.Bill House,Ph.No.476-1616 Fax No .476-82 63 WEPROPOSE TO FURNISH AL L LABO R AND MAT ERIAL NECESSARY TO : Design,mBn ufD~ture,.and ins tall (1)identificat ion sign os foll ows : I ii" .1fr,r high individual channel lct ters "CLEANE RS"-Font-uppercase Helvetica medium 5"de ep 3/16 #7328 white acryl ic faces,black trimcap,black returns. I lluminatewith 6500 0K white mercu ry tubing and 60 mg transformers flus ll mount and remotc wireon east ele vati on. TOTAL PLUS TAX AND PE~~IT AT ACTUAL COST *FINAL ELECTRICAL HOOKUP BY OTHERS. Terms :50%deposit with order .Balan ce'due net 10 days from co mpletion . .t( THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTlniITY TO QUOTE ON TI llS PROJECT I THEAB OVE PR ICESAR E SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE TAX &'LOCALPERMITFEE ATACTU AL COST.ALLPRICE SVALlD fO R 3D DAYSONLY.E LECTRICAL FEEDLINES AND T HEIRCONNECTION SHALL !JE BYOTHERS Display subjec ttonecessary pormlls and apprcva la.A pprovels of do,lgn by pur ch ase,',"gnoru ,o rn akes d esign e n Inl egral pn rl or c on tract.D isplays remain the p rupc ny or Shaw Sl&n &.A .....nlng .I nc.u ntil balllr.cc i~~rll In full.A lltlhphly'-CJcry Il 90 d ay WIIHunlY a.ll insl JdCClJo in workmanship arsd mDICriJh . ~cc ep lll n't of liropOllll[Th <abo"p p';e''',so-coI'<3I ,ons an d cond it ion s He sa tistac t orva o d are b er e b v o cc ec rer t .Yo u are a ut h er - A ll 1'10 .1 .1 ;"".,1',..,(1 '"lot'I'IlI .(.·"r........n ....,"-'O ,,·;.I ~'."''''''...0"''''''''''' h ~1 "',••,.(~.,l (l ....l ll "'''''~........,A......•'1 ".1 _('''''1'1'.'1 ..'..Ito _,.('1 ",. 'OI r..r'CoII.O"".,.O h q .-:••C O I'l _.11 Il ,....('..,.."")",.....110 "·ft ~...0 ·',." ....,"-::orn ...'"••"(1 .('I ..,I nn ...,,,,."........1.A I I I ~""',1 <,:<'1 """'0""" ....D O ,I"",••1'(••1 "(I'0 IU ..p"_nr,\,('1 ".n."......'~I ....·,,"··,0 ......,n''''.'"''',''I '.,y 1..·~~'..H :~~I ,.I)......'1 I :r/"~:,;>,"'.·.. - T OWNO FVAIL1.................'RECE IPT NO .__--_ NAME ADDRESS _DATE PROJECT _ c uncxs MADE PAYABLE TO TO WN OFV An. NO .TAX CO~'TEA.TOTAL1'11'.1'01AccouJ','TNO ·=======·=======~~======~==~===~~~=~~===..HI I I $250.00 1 $200 .00 1 I $200 .001 S200.00 ! S500.001 SI ,500.00 , ·SI,OO O.OO I S200.001 I S250.00 1 i I PEe APPLlCATI ON FEES 01 OOOO""'·"'='4""i"3~~""O=:A=--,-D"""-·""'D~I~T"""·I~"O~'""~-rfA-=:L=G""·""R-""f=~A'='--;"'=';2~O~·;,;;;:~~~~====='f'==F""'====;<~<'7rn:;=====~\1 010000 4 1330 'CONDITIO NAL US"E PER!--1IT -OTOOOo:ff ~~~ITRIOR AL~RA tl bYiLE s s THAN 100 SQ~.FT<--,~.~I--1r--+----+--;~~~----KI 010000 413 ~Q...J..I;~TER IORAL TE~TIQ)./1~1 Q<=:R';::;E""T;,::.HA_=T.N~1 00~S'-"'Q=.FT~.1,__j--_+_--_+=~~~---_1 H 01 0000 4 m o :SPECIAL DY=YE~Q PM~,",'.;,T-;:D,""I~S;TR~I~C""T",,J.;-IN7'ET.W~)~:-=~"'{---+---f.~~~---___j!H 01000041330 ,SPECIAL DEVELOPMEtiT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMENDJ+-I_--i__--t:::..:;;:~~;...----H 01000041330 ,SPECIALDEV ELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND]I 01000041330 :SUBDIVISION010000413~VARIANC·;;E:o.'-.:..---------------1I---+---j---...=--=!-------j d 01 000041330 !ZONING CODE AMENDMEN..:.'T.:...;S=----+__+-__+--;~~;_J_---"ml 010000 41330 iRE -ZON ING - 1:"'1 -----l O T H E R ;OTHER T OTAL: COMME-"TS: H 1 MO .n 1-1 I CK.n I ~f'I 0 ~J~~----------------- T O l.a..l t~OF l...Jl=I IL Mi sc el laneous Cash ?2C0i pt t 1494 4 8 r1 c cou nt.~:f CK #37 10 ·;f:c n ~i p.L I..::-:U..'FT CLEmlE F.~5····S I G ~1 !=lPP FEE.·'so ~::r5-1 3 --94 Lt.ern paid 14:m:::26 2 30.00 Rmount paid 20 .00 21 0.O~,1 -'L:.::..:_~t=:.".......,-n -:.-d T Hl=INK .....au \'ou~cashier HEID I .., Project Application J I Il)I7 Dat e q /IJ /r () l..J4::a PI lU-V a 1-Wer r (;a I c.lh til '\::\I /'/~•'7\lZQ /?~I V I!u.t£A ~~~cz;ff ~/6""\U LJ...:) CkA'h '-[J-4-t-J tA t1ContactPersonandPhone O wner ,Ad dressa ndPhone :J 32 C.W~.s -I~J/ __-L'.lAlt....ll'l.Lf0b \W--~(JJwr/ A rchitect ,Addressan d Phone: Wr>-r Uti.I(/J./l.tUf L egal Descr iption:Lo t "B lock Fil i ng ,Zone _ J 'i I I 'X r ':t 1/sr ,Cf tP DesignReviewBoard Dat e _ Motion b y: S econded by :_ APPR OVAL D ISAPPROVAL C;vt((J osIttUSr Su mmary:--=:-----:=-_ Town P lanner Staff Approva l Date : I' Own er ,Add ress andPho ne :/-:?(,t J d .s -Icy r-:J~-r ~I III'j (') AJ(f +1 (tlt J ()-f..,f'frv r"< .... .~, Contact Person andPhone / •,'If Project Application r:Uo I( I c,Pf Arch itect,Addres s and Phon e:_ [).J......-r Uo (/1 \c Legal D escr iption :Lot Bl ock .Fil ing .Zone _ Cf,1 tP DesignReview Board Date _ M otion by : Se conded b y :~_ APPR OVAL D ISAPPROVAL To t ./11 r)e-a ( / OJ,MUS r: Summary :--;:-_-=------,:=,--_ Date: To wnPlanner /~.S taff A pproval .r .. ,0·" :.,.".,. ...........4 ~A \,\,........1>... ~·1 ._,.-~.r....r-"".".,. .' .•~L-•. Ap~lic~~ion ~~cr ----- '... ,.q-/r Y Da te J -':~4 -lli'i 0 _ •"••e ••• Description of Project .::CN.S~\.-I.-C l)"INO(\)'-Oui'h-L Ei fJ B'v2-S ~~j (?;""'~_~~~~~J"jc";'c';';S I ~";S ~;r.:~e->::---)-.-... The fo11m1inginfor.:lation is required for sub::Jittal by the appl icant t~the ~e~ign Rev i ew Bo ard before a final approve 1canbe given. Slgn suc~'ttal fee is $20.00.'. . ,,/STGi:APPL I C,iTT Oil Fee Paid .:2c;.oO 'i /~tf D' Name of Project C.L-e-A-N ~---,----::--------- Name of Person S.ubmitting 2h.:c.."""S l~~4-AW,..HNb(I~C-,Phone -/:1 z,'"tv ~t:+-._;=r-e".et,.,f"O.r 7...)L Loca t i on of Project .;)1?1 N .£f20Ni711::.e-lZD . i ...-- --'.. B.Deecri otion of Sign .6 "??Bl?P T/V,o,v,<OVrl-t--C/t'ceH...,e.-/i;.~ •:Z;;~,+u..y /u-v.H-tt'~-4;T1b V'V/7?1'vV#/~~~.• '.'CiJET,p,y!JE/ZS II c.Si ze of Sign --,--.-_ I Y _"/0 z. -, :"'lot'D.Length 'of Frcn t2c e (F t .)~___ E.Co;;-:::ents 7#/5 >/bl'v'"J'4JAT~~c::...li'>V~ r~:5/2D;>PRAP1C~(YV(,~/C-.. > 0·':'."-...-"'~.:--:--.~..-.-.-.:..::.:::'---"~-.'-:--_._~~-7~~ '0-- NATE~IALS SUE;·iI"iTEJ HTTH APPUCATTOiI 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. f""'"\".Site Plan 77T .... Drawings shO~lng exact location ~ird~?~-~~ Photographs sho~i~g proposed loca:lon ~ Act:.Jal sign ./--~-- Colored scale orawlng ~<S photcgraph or sign ,Z Approved for ORa Sub~it:al Disa pproved for ORa SUC::li t tc l_ Sign Admlnls:racar • Slgn Acrmruscr arc r... .. :0 -,•••••• '0 •. o a '""0..:;-(. .'.- -- • 14 ((>C e . TO: FROM: DATE: Design Review Board community Development April 4,1990 SUBJECT:A Sign variance request for National Velvet Dry Cleaners located in the West Vail Mall,2161 North Frontage Road West. Applicant:Bill House I.THE REQUEST National Velvet Dry Cleaners variance request entails an 11 sq.ft.sign to be located on the east elevation (facing Safeway).The sign will be mounted on the parapet wall at a height of 14 feet above grade.National Velvet is located on the arcade in the West Vail Mall.Under the Town I s sign code, National Velvet would be allowed a sign of 10 .sq.ft.at a height of 8 feet above grade parallel to the exterior wall of the business.(See attached elevation) The request involves the following section of the Town of Vail sign code: 16.2 2.130 Wall Signs -Arcade B.Size,one square foot for each 5 front lineal feet of the individual business or organization with a maximum area of 10 square feet; C.+__Height,the top of the signs shall be no higher than eight feet above grade; E.Location,parallel to the exterior wall of the business front on an arcade,SUbject to the approval of the Design Review Board. The applicant is requesting the following: 1)an increase in sign area of 1 square foot over the allowed square footage of 10 ft. \\2)"an increase i~height,of 6 feet '8 feet for a max~mum he~ght of 14 and over the allowed feet above grade :~3 )a ch ange in location from the business front on 'the arcade to the front of the parapet wall facin g S afeway.The applicant will be allowed a total of one exterior sign for his business. It should again be pointed out that a sign program ha s been proposed for the West Vail Mall.The program wil l allow for signage for the remaining and future arcad e businesses in a comprehensive manner and therfore eliminating the need for numerous,future variance requests. B.That special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. staff Response: Special circumstances were not created by the applicant. c.That the granting of the variance will b e in general harmony with the purpose of this title and will not b e materially detrimental to the persons residing or workin g in the vicinity,to adjacent property,to the neighborhood,or to the pUblic welfare in general. Staff Response: The staff feels that this request meets the general intent of the sign code and is in harmony with it.We do not feel that the variances requested will b e detrimental to any persons residing or working in the vicinity or to adjacent property owners.The proposal is consistent with the existing signage of the other tenants of the mall.The proposal displays the name of the store and type of business in a direct and reasonable manner. However,the staff feels that the request for an increase of 1 square feet in size is not warranted due to the size and frontage of the retail space that the business occupies.The business has a frontage of 20'which is the minimum length that would allow 10 square feet of signage. D.The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applicant's business or use. Staff Response: The staff feels that the variance requests for a chang e in location and height meets the general intent of the sign code.We feel that a sign with the allowed square footage of 10',at a height of 14',on the east facing II.BACKGROUND As of this date,the West Vail Mall sign program has not rece ived final Design Review Board approval.However,a draft proposal was submitted for conceptual review and received general support from both the staff and the Design Review Board.We feel it is unfair to the applicant to delay their application until a sign program is approved.Recently,the Design Review Board recommended to the Council,by a 3-1 vote , that they approve the Jackalope Cafe and Cantina sign variance request which allowed the owner to install a sign on the south parapet wall at a height of 24 ft.,with a total sign area of 11.2 square feet.The staff supported the request because we felt the signage would be ineffective in the required location located parallel to the business frontage.The staff also felt that as i z e variance of 1.2 sq.ft.was appropriate because the business occupies 2 retail spaces within the mall. The conucil unanimously voted to approve the requested variance on 4.3.90. I II.FINDINGS AND STAFFRESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application,the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that, A.There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land,buildings,topograph y,veg etation,sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-of-way which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in gue stion; provided,however,that such special circumstan c es or conditions are unique to the particUlar business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to dra w attention and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprises. STAFFRESPONSE The design of the building and siting of this particUlar business on an arcade creates a physical hardship.The business is very difficult to see unless a person is directly adjacent to the store.This situation significantly decreases the effectiveness of any sign located adjacent to National Velvet Cleaners.The heigh t of the sign is dictated by the height of the existing parapet wall.The proposed wall sign will not have significant negative impacts due to its height and location and will not draw undue attention to itself. parapet wall presents the name of the store in a clear and concise manner that is consistent with other actions that relate to the sign code in the Commercial Core I II area.While the staff feels that the request for a variance from the location and height are appropriate, we do not feel that a size variance is appropriate due to the size of the business.staff opinion is that 10 sq.ft.is adequate to identify a business having 20 lineal feet of frontage. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance from the location and height requirements.'We feel that the height and location of the proposed sign is in harmony with the intent of the sign code and will not call undue attention to the business.In addition,the design of the sign is consistent with the other signage of the businesses in the West Vail Mall.However,the staff does not support the request for a variance for the increased size of the signage and recommends that the size of the sign be limited to 10 sq.ft. • MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 17,1990 7:30 P.M. • A regular meetingoftheVail Town Council was held on Tuesday,April17,1990,at 7:30 p.m .,intheCouncil Chambers of the VailMunicipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: KentRose,Mayor Tom Steinberg,Mayor Pro Tem Lynn Fritzlen Merv Lapin Robert LeVine Peggy Osterfoss JimGibson Ron Phillips,Town Manager LarryEskwith,Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer,Town Clerk The first item was the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District offer to return $25,000 to the Town of Vail;reduction in Town ofVail recreation subsidy.Tim Garton,VMRD Chairman,reada letter regarding this subsidy from the VMRD Board tothe Council. He further stated that if projected revenues materialize,the additional $25,000 will be returned tothe Town ofVailby the fall of1990.Following limited questioning,this check was accepted by Mayor Rose. Item two was a presentation oftheColoradoTourism Board 1989 Urban Tourism Award toCouncil from the Vail Valley MarketingBoard.FrankJohnson,Chairman ofthe VVMB,reviewed current and future projects oftheMarketing Board for summer marketing.He stated the Urban Tourism Award was oneofsevenawards given;he listed several other Denver area advertising 'awards won bythe VVMB.Frankthanked theCouncil for their support.Mayor Rose felt the thanks neededtogobacktothe Marketing Board for their timeand effort. Third on the agenda was a consent agendaof the following items: A.Ordinance No.6,Series of1990,second reading,an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter8.32of Title 8oftheMunicipal Code ofthe Town of Vailtoexpand,strengthen,and clarify Code provisions relating to smoking in public places and places of employment. B.Ordinance No.11,Series of1990,second reading,an ordinance re-zoning Lots3,4,and5ofVail Valley Third Filing,a part of Sunburst replat,to Special Development District No.24,in accordance withChapter18.40of the VailMunicipal Code;and setting forth details in regard thereto. C.Ordinance No.13,Series of1990,second reading,an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No.23,Series of1988,to provide changesto Special Development District No.22 that concern lot size and corresponding GRFA;andcurb cuts;and employee dwelling units;and architectural guidelines;and setting forth details in regard thereto. D.Ordinance No.14,Series of1990,second reading,an ordinance repealing Ordinance No.40,Series of 1987 and approving Special Development District No.19,Garden of the Gods,in accordance withChapter18.40ofthe Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. E.Ordinance No.15,Series of1990,second reading,an ordinance amending Section 2.04.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town ofVailchanging the order of business in regular and special meetings ofthe Town Council;and setting forth details in regard thereto. F.Resolution No.II,Series of1990,a resolution ratifying the Articles of Association of the NorthwestColoradoCouncilof Governments. •• Mayor Rose read the full title of each.Merv Lap in moved that a consent agendaof only items EandFbeapproved;all others be pulled off for discussion.Tom Steinberg seconded.A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Therefore,the next itemwas Ordinance No .6,Series of1990,second reading,an ordinance re lating to smokingin public places and places ofemployment.Ron Phillips stated the ordinance had not changed since first reading,and staff did not have anything to add.Matt Carpenter questioned one section of the ordinance,to whichLarryEskwith responded.Merv Lapin made amotion to approve the ordinance, whichPeggy Osterfoss seconded.A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0 . Ordinance No.-11,Series of1990,seco nd reading,an ordinance rezoning Lots 3,4, and5,Vail Valley 3rd Filing ,a part of Sunburst replat from primary/secondary residential to special development district .Tom Braun stated there wasoneminor change to the ordinance ,wh ich he discussed.He then very briefly reviewedCouncil requests from first reading .Peggy Osterfoss made amotion to approve,which was secondedby Robert LeVine.Therewasa short discussion regarding this SOD useas setting a precedent.Merv Lapinwas concerned about using the SOD process inalow density residential area,andwouldchange his vote from how he voted at first reading.Lynn Fritzlen agreed the SOD wasnot the best mechanism,but the only way right now until housing guidelines werein place .Mayor Rose agreed,andwould vote in favor of the ordinance tonight.A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-2,with Tom Steinberg and Merv Lap in opposing . Next was Ordinance No.13,Series of1990,second reading,a request for an \amendment to SOD No.22 ,a resubdivision ofLots 1-19,Block2,Lionsridge Filing #3.Kristan Pritz quickly reviewed changesCouncilhad requested be incorporated into the ordinance since first reading.There was some discussion regarding abus stop,to which Mr.Pat Dauphinais stated hewould provide a letter of credit for one.Council felt that was agreeable.Tom Steinberg then made amotion to approve the ordinance as amended,which Merv Lapinseconded .A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Ordinance No .14,Series of1990,second reading,a request for a special development district at the Gardenof the Gods onLot K,Block 5,Vail Village 5th Filing,anda portion of P-2,Block3,Vail Vi l lage 5th Filing,at 365GoreCreek Drive .Kristan Pritz addressed questions of Gretta Parks and Council.Amotion to approve the ordinance was made byPeggy Osterfoss andsecondedbyRobertLeVine. Connie Knight,a property owner ,aired her concerns over the possible approval of this SOD request.Kristan then answered questions of Council.Therewas some discussion byCouncil regarding building size andmass.Tom Steinberg requested an annual letter regarding employeehousing use.Peggy amended the motion to include this request;Rob amended his second.A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-1, with Lynn Fritzlen opposing. Item eight was Ordinance No.16,Series of1990,first reading,an ordinance amending View Corridor No.1.Mayor Rose read the full title.Tom Braun reviewed an architect scale model of the request.He then noted the Planning Commission's 6-1recommendation for approval by changing the photoand not the line.Tom then reviewed the criteria usedin evaluating the request noting viewsfrom other buildings were not included .He stated staff supported the project with two conditions: 1.The photo depicting View Corridor No.1 be modified to reflect the new Red Lion Building at atime when the expansion is completed. 2.The specific reasons justifyi ng this request be included in the preambleof the ordinance authorizing this amendment. Tom then reviewed the ten conditions required by the Planning Commission for their approval,whichwereitem ized in the staff memo toCouncil dated April 17,1990.He added there was also an eleventh condition to beadded,which stated the Red Lion would participate ina streetscape special improvement district if and when formed. Therewas some discussion byCounciland staff regarding notice of action on the Red Lionimprovements.Larry Eskwith commented hewouldhave felt more comfortable if all the items were included on the agenda mentioned the appealof the PEC action, and recommended Council table the item until the next Evening Meeting.Tom Steinberg felt it was alright to table the item,but we should take comments so staff canbeworkingonCouncil concerns before the next time.Jay Peterson, representing the applicant,stated this was the first hehadheardofa notification problem,and with the construction season so short,the delay would put them -2- •• behind.Gordo n Brittan felt Tom Braun's presentation was hardto understand and askedtosee the scale model up close andhearthe presentation again.After Tom Braun rant hrough it again,Jay Peterson gave reasons why he felt the Planning Commission approved,and why the Councilshouldapprove .J im Morter,architect for the project,presented photostoCounciloftheview line.Jayadded reasons why the project was good.Jay,Jim,andLarryanswered questions of Council.Yvonne Mullaley made comments on the roof design.After more discussion by Council,Connie Knightasked for theview corridor tobe specifically dealt with separately from the Red Lion improvements .After much more discussion by Council,Merv Lapin made a motiontoapprove the ordinance on first reading,and directed staff to place the ord inance on the May 1,1990 EveningMeetingagenda directly after the Red Lion application.Mayor Rose secondedthemotion.Avote was takenandthemotion passed 4-2,with Tom Steinberg and Lynn Fritzlen opposing.. ext was the National Velvet Dry Cleaners sign variance request.Shelly Mello reviewed the request and criteria usedin evaluating the request.She stated staff supported the height and location variance requests,butnot the one square foot increase in size.Shelly notedtheDesign Review Board unanimouslyvoted5-0 for approva l for a ll three requests.Bill House,the applicant,requested theone square foot increase to match the liquor store sign.After some discussion by Council,Lynn Fritzlen made amotiontoapprove the height and location variance requests of the sign,butnot the increased size,for reasons presented by staff and finding the same as staff asnotedin the staff memo totheDesign Review Board dated April4,1990.Robert LeVine secondedthemotion.Avote was taken and the motionpassedunanimously 6-0. At this time,it was felt amotion should havebeen made to table the call upof the Red Lion conditional use,variances,and exterior alteration tothe May 1,1990 EveningMeeting for adequate notification of the public.'Merv Lapin made the motion,and Peggy Osterfoss seconded.A vote was taken andthemotionpassed unanimously6-0 . A side and rear setback variance request for Lot0-7Bighorn Terrace was nexton the agenda.Shelly Mello explained the variance request and discussed staff's recommendation for denial,while the Planning Commission hadvotedin favor of the request.She thenrev iewed the criteria usedin evaluating the requests and answered questions 'of Cou ncil.Eric Hill ,architect representing the applicant, explained the one foot side setback.Lynn Fritzlen suggested staff look into rezoning of the subdiv ision.Peggy Osterfoss made amotiontoapprovethe side and rear setback requests,because the re was nota significant intrusion beyond the original footpri nt,and stating a hardship was the result of the building already beingin place when the setback was determined.Robert LeVine secondedthemotion. Avote was taken andthemotion passed 5-1,with Lynn Fritzlen opposing.Tom Steinberg then made amotion for staff to address the local neighborhood into the total zoning issue,to which Merv Lapinseconded.Avote was takenandthemotion passed unanimously 6-0. ,Next on the agenda was the LionsRidge rockfall amendment.Tom Braun reviewed the hazard ordinance standards for rockfall zoningchanges within the Town.He stated staff hadno recommendation andasked the applicant's consultant for a report on why the area shouldberezoned medium severity instead ofhigh severity.Robert Irish, an engineering geologist,representing Jill Down andBruceCanton,discussed his review letter on the LionsRidgehazard area.He and Tom thenanswered questions of Council.Mayor Rose r emarkedheagreedwith Mr.Irish.After some discussion by Council,Lynn Fritzlen made amotionto reclassify the area fromhighto medium severity rockfall,accepting Robert Irish's study,and directing staff to amend the Town's rockfall records.Robert LeVine secondedthemotion.Avote was takenand the motion passed unan imously 6-0. Action on the ABC School lease agreement was the twelfth item.LarryEskwith commented the lease was almost a duplicate oftheLearning Tree's agreementwhich was before Council two years ago.He added there was no Exhibit A,however,and askedCounciltoapprove the agreement contingent upon having ABC School provide a survey of the area including the addition after construction was complete.Lynn Fritzlen made amotiontoapprove the agreementas presented,withthe stipulation that the ABC School provide the Town with an improvement survey after the alterations havebeen made.Robert LeVine seconded the motion.Merv Lapin suggested wordingbeadded that the schoolberunbya Board of Directors that is elected by the parents of the students.Lynn and Rob amended themotionand second.A vote was taken andthemotionpassedunanimously 6-0. -3- •• The last item on the agenda was action onVail Village Innspace lease agreement. LarryEskwithnoted the lessee 'wasnot prepared to discuss the item tonight,and requested it bepostponedto the May 1EveningMeeting.Amotionto table theitem to the May 1 EveningMeeting was made by Tom Steinberg andsecondedby Peggy Osterfoss.A vote was takenand the motionpassed 5-0,with Merv Lapin abstaining. There was no Citizen Participation. Therebeingno further public business,the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kent R.Rose,Mayor ATIEST: MinutestakenbyBrenda Chesman -4- • TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST • Request form mustbegivento the Secretary tothe Town Manager by8:00a.m. Thursdays . I~~Date:~Dept.:L.Oyy)~, Work Session:,~__ Meeting Date:~ Evening Meeting:~ Approximate length oftimeitem will require:,__~IC)~_-~\~S:~___ I. II.ActionRequestedof Council:~/IJvvvvy III. IV. V. .'.-. .i l,~,.. " @).G [;J (FJ ~If [j1]§~If @)[? ,[s @)[j1][j1]ill]~0lJ \?[)§~[3[S@J[?Ul]~~lJ ~~~~~~~SALES ACTION FORM ~~~~~~~ COST .TOTAL ACCOUNT'.ITEM NO.EA•AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COM.DEV.APPUCA TION FE::S 01 0000 41540 'ZO NING AND ADDRESS MAPS 5.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 50.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 36.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 32.00 01 0000 424 15 1988 UNIFORM FIRE COD:: 01 0000 42415 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS '; , 01 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS (M'11...ARS)7.00 .01.0000 42412 XEROX COP IES I S1UDIES .25 101 0000 42371 PENAL1Y FEES IRE-INSPECTION 01 0000 41322 OFFHOURS INSPECTION FEZ 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES 'FEES I. 01 0000 41330 OTHER FEES 01 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION !20.00 ";}-d,- t, COMMENTS:d ·-Iv':';,ri o,A ;jea-c/TOTAL'-.c i-xr :» ~j,".,/[(>--~ ,I --..-.. -r_ • '..'.':"'-' TCII..JN OF '--'t=!IL t1iscellaneous Cash ::.'....1 ....:=:.-+I:r-4j-~!'-F- t·~:t 1 1 c'J IH -I Ir I-I,IE"1_IE T r:r Ijt-j eIF'F' ~.)1 n I·~r ~r Q ]O.~O I tel1l ps i d Hrooun t pa i d THt=!t-~t<::YOU TO:Permanant File FROM:Shelly Mello DATE:4/18/90 On 4/4/90 the ORB unanimously approved the variance as requested for a 11 sq ft sign at a height of 14 ft on the east facing parapet wall. A sign of 10 sq ft at a height of 14 feet above grade on the east facing parapet wall was approved unanimously by the Town Council on April 17,1990 as per the staff memo. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Design Review Board community Development Department April 4,1990 A Sign Variance request for National Velvet Dry Cleaners located in the West Vail Mall,2161 North Frontage Road West. Applicant:Bill House I.THE REOUEST National Velvet Dry Cleaners variance request entails an 11 sq.ft.sign to be located on the east elevation (facing Safeway).The sign will be mounted on the parapet wall at a height of 14 feet above grade.National Velvet is located on the arcade in the West Vail Mall.Under the Town I s sign code, National Velvet would be allowed a sign of 10 sq.ft.at a height of 8 feet above grade parallel to the exterior wall of the business.(See attached elevation) The request involves the following section of the Town of Vail sign code: 16.22.130 Wall Signs -Arcade B.Size,one square foot for each 5 front lineal feet of the individual business or organization with a maximum area of 10 square feet; C.Height,the top of the signs shall be no higher than eight feet above grade; E.Location,parallel to the exterior wall of the business front on an arcade,subject to the approval of the Design Review Board. The applicant is requesting the following: 1)an increase in sign area of 1 square foot over the allowed square footage of 10 ft. 2)an increase in height of 6 feet over the allowed 8 feet for a maximum height of 14 feet above grade and 3)a change in location from the business front on the arcade to the front of the parapet wall facing Safeway.The applicant will be allowed a total of one exterior sign for his business. II .BACKGROUND As of this date,the West Vail Mall sign program has not received final Design Review Board approval.However,a draft proposal was submitted for conceptual review and received general support from both the staff and the Design Review Board.We feel it is unfair to the applicant to delay their application until a sign program is approved.Recently,the Design Review Board recommended to the Council,by a 3-1 vote, that they approve the Jackalope Cafe and cantina sign variance request which allowed the owner to install a sign on the south parapet wall at a height of 24 ft.,with a total sign area of 11.2 square feet.The staff supported the request because we felt the signage would be ineffective in the required location located parallel to the business frontage.The staff also felt that a size variance of 1.2 sq.ft.was appropriate because the business occupies 2 retail spaces within the mall. The conucil unanimously voted to approve the requested variance on 4.3.90. III.FINDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application,the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that, '=,,6 Th .l't d i t'1.Jt'.,ere are speC1a C1rcums ances or con 1 10ns app y1ng ~tWIi to the land.buildings.topography,vegetation.signS{>LcA ~-~<:£structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within~~~10~the adjacent right-of-way which would sUbstantially V-:J\vl ~A-~restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question; .t'cz,~~provided,however,that such special circumstances or l,'\.,1,'Ifi J conditions are unique to the particular business or ~l~enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw~U attention ~nd do not apply generally to all businesses or enterpr1ses . STAFF RESPONSE The design of the building and siting of this particular business on an arcade creates a physical hardship.The business is very difficult to see unless a person is directly adjacent to the store.This situation significantly decreases the effectiveness of any sign located adjacent to National Velvet Cleaners.The height of the sign is dictated by the height of the existing parapet wall.The proposed wall sign will not have significant negative impacts due to its height and location and will not draw undue attention to itself. , It should again be pointed out that a sign program has been proposed for the West Vail Mall.The program will allow for signage for the remaining and future arcade businesses in a comprehensive manner and therfore eliminating the need for numerous,future variance requests. B.That special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. staff Response: Special circumstances were not created by the applicant. t-Y-c~,J That the granting 'of the variance will be in general ~t ,I ;,v harmony with the purpose of this title and will not be I V\.:J ~materially detrimental to the persons residing or working"tA.0J;in the vicinity,to adjacent property,to the ~l~v-neighborhood,or to the public welfare in general . ~Staff Response: The staff feels that this request meets the general intent of the sign code and is in harmony with it.We do not feel that the variances requested will be detrimental to any persons residing or working in the vicinity or to adjacent property owners.The proposal is consistent with the existing signage of the other tenants of the mall.The proposal displays the name of the store and type of business in a direct and reasonable manner. change of the square facing The staff feels that the variance requests for a in location and height meets the general intent sign code.We feel that a sign with the allowed footage of 10',at a height of 14',on the east Staff Response: However,the staff feels that the request for an increase of 1 square feet in size is not warranted due to the size and frontage of the retail space that the business occupies.The business has a frontage of 20'which is ~t~e minimum length that would allow 10 square feet of s gnage.6-'"'~-J f1I',ty'o-JV&. tY"0""~c;,Jb o .The variance applied for does not depart from the _A ~~1 {~~I~provisions of this title any more than is required~v .JL ~to identify the applicant's business or use. ~~IJ V ,-\AJY' ~$'- parapet wall presents the name of the store in a clear and concise manner that is consistent with other actions , that relate to the sign code in the Commercial Core III area.-W ile-the staff-feels -th a t t he requesr-for a variance from the location and height are appropriate, we do not feel that a size variance is appropriate due to the size of the business.staff opinion is that 10 sq.ft.is adequate to identify a business having 20 lineal feet of frontage. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Community Development Department recommends approval of the request~d variance from the location and height requirements.We feel that the height and location of the proposed sign is in harmony with the intent of the sign code and will not call undue attention to the business.In addition,the design of the sign is consistent with the other signage of the businesses in the West Vail Mall.However,the staff does not support the request for a variance for the increased size of the signage and recommends that the size of the sign be limited to 10 sq.ft. e . '1 ·12 .------------------------------------ 3/16 ,732.1 "hU.Kl"Jl1C.facAa."-d:tda:aP .,t.d I'll't.wru. iJlaawto ritl>~wh1,.OU<llrJ ...~Illi 6D ..truaforoua n....II ~t ...~~dn _rut.UctaUOA.. iCLEANERS 1 l ,( ,\ I/' "\. \ j -:::-(;7f .~. I I I...... I i ISTGi:APPL rCATY 011• Na me of Project C-L~A-'Jo....I ~--:-r.z.._?~-..._ Na:::e of Perso n S.ubm'i t~'i ~g S)t';"""';:s ;\;r ~.§,A,WH'Nb;,IKt..Phone .- Lo ca t t cnof Pr oject R215/t-J _Q G'N~e-Ji&;D ...... I .•-. Des Cj~?t 'i en of..Pr?Ject :I:N ST""Poo'-l--(I )""INON to.....'h..-1."13 ~S(!r"J ;"-_.,-. (S :·,W1.J..~j~-:-~_~~~s ,:",1'1;:..~'S '?trf'£:_~~9-'~)___. , I i The roi1.:\d r.g '!nf or::;'a~~::n i s required for su b;;'lit~ill by the applicant t::J t he ?E ~ign Re...i e \~Board ~e fcj e a f ina 1 ap prove 1 can be given. S~sn S UC~jt:~l f e:i s $20 .00 . ..-...--.. .6""l211l?P TNOI'V/(;J~Cftt:i1'~d e.i6. vV"H"r;;r 1JItJ',ilt u,."·· D ~ri p:io n of Sig n""o . ..I '".."d..C.Size of 519n_J/6 .X 11-0 -/:?75 r /. (I "/i:'r -_I '>Iz.-;,,>(I ~":.;L 1 /L --;.I V V "'0./V.(,¢ ! 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I4J 00 1 • SHA?I S IGN &AWN .•5'3fJ3 493 6 2&8 ........ rJ!f ~LQf;i I-.-J I I f1I1JJ ft ~~....~:l Su.......e Q ft 8.... Gl~Go jJ <0 'Z "~~I .. ~'".........~i1l' ""g :E ...s:l I ... ~"Z ~•~1aQ..!u ...,;;:...s~..E .::I~II ....."n~~I ~..~ \..J.-~S~'"e .... ;I \- ~.. ~u ......;~..-z.3 .!l 8 g l4J 3 ...II :I ..D.... Ii ..."~.;1 ~~;:;l"Z S ~~ .¢...~~~'i'""s II.....§..~E~~""... ~-s;= i ]1 ~-{\-5,~....~B...I:..:ll~..'"J ,.'"~i ........."~/:l .a 10 :5 1 SH~W SIGN & LIGHTING cu or,N ....1"'I(:l.........L._~V~ ~v c.l-~r-l\7lZ,.Irle-·tnrln l ON:;~I~1 H .~.....,.-.....b.",.1C:O . V-'I-.C:.O .81("~- N:;C ~O 1IV:SPECIAL INSTRUcnON$: 'l$olu..~l'-~-4 ~'"-Iblle o IN NUMBER: DATE : I-I!:. SCA~E:~rS. 'fi'~93 6 288 1~'I 1326 Web stor Ave.Ft.Collins,CO a0524 (303)493-6244 r ~~0 5 2 r ~ S H ~W : SlGN &f\W NI NG,INC. ,I SHAW S I GN &A ~ i \.-.!', I4J 00 2 I , A~~TWN ,~--I · ", I , TO:T o -v<-iN C)E :\/fr\'L-",""'(n-aiUij.:;o:ll~-1....:=--------- Y ?ETS V:,1=2u >tt '~~L. "(co¢pany) !____'-.:j ]g-:d:{~~..;:...7....L--~ ,(F4x #) ! , .. -.I ,.I ,'. 'P.Wt~S E C~'(303)'493-6244 IF YOU DO ,NOT RECEIVE,ALL PAGES.,.".I '.''.',. •..''v",• r I ,I 75southfrontageroad vail,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 TO:ALLEN BEST FROM:BETSY ROSOLACK DATE:3/15/90 office 01 community development \)rU3' PLEASE ADD THE FO LLOW ING AS NUMBER 2IN OUR~UBLIC NOTICE FOR A MEETI NG ON APRIL 4, 1990: 2.A request for a sign variance for the National Velvet Dry Cleaners located at 2151 North Frontage Road (West Vail Mall). Applicant:National Velvet Dry Cleaners/William C.House Allen,if y ou must put this into anew public notice,that's fine. THANKS,THANKS. 75south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2100 FAX PHONE TRANSMITTALSHEET I ,4rI€-A I TO:-----------:..-:.----=---f-------'-------- COMPANY NAME:----------------------- FAX PHONE NUMBER:---'_ FROM:!::H.(~ DATE::s /I ~-TIME:I D :(0/_...:.-:'--"'------- NO.OFPAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET):I RESPONSE REQUIRED?:_ SENT BY:EXTENSION NUMBER:--- TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE NUMBER:303-479-2157 ,...e'e. -.....~"';',':P:• [0[~[?~[;J lJ [ill §~1f @J[? ~@J [Jl][h]ill]~0u l?~§~8[s@][?U1J§~lf ~~¥£¥£~~~SALES ACTION FORM ~~¥£~~*~ COST .TOTAL ACcOUNT #.ITEl.!NO •EA.AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COM.DEV.APPUCA TION FEES .~ 01 0000 41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS ·~-o O-=~ 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM BUILDINGCODE 50.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR!.1 PLUMBING CODE 36.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR!.1 MECHANICALCODE 32.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM FIRE COD;:: 01 0000 42415 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS -01 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS (M'11..ARS)7.00 01.0000 42412 XEROXCOPIES I STUDIES .25 01 0000 42371 PENAL1Y FEES IRE-INSPECTION 01 0000 41322 OFFHOURSINSPECTION FEE 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORSUCENSES 'FEES I 01 0000 41330 OTHERFEES 01 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION L C<..LI.ct..,'-20.00 :x -. h COMMENTS: <:..•I/{[~((tl /c «;TOTAL :rV _ -"'")(•'j " L.-«(l I II # R.;!I H .c,>- .;.. ._.,oJ("-:0 APPLICATTON FOR A SIGN VARIANCE 3/~2fo;-, "Y-/1 I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance. The application will not be accepted until -all information i~submit A.NAl1E O~APPLI~A1'lT !'I4rzaN II?VEL Uc7t--It Ath CLeM6/!... ADDRESS -?IS I -)J.~t1J6c ~&J /)J(PHm.:m L(7 b'r/b/6 B;NAl·IE OF APPLICA..'1T'S REPRLSEN,+ATIVE 2?c LL d(/~ ADDRESS ~.-:_PHOm.:.lj'~'1t/6 C.o D•.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL ADDru::ss Ivcs-r UmL .md-{:J-. LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot block Filing---"------------ E.FEE.$20.00.:.-..."iJ~' s.'~~r ~b~<-£..~rd~ (/¥<l lit-'It ~ fA 'Jid~' 4u-~~~ (o'!e..r ) _.....0\.0 ""'"...10...1......J.lo..O.;.l",.;L: ~I"'" p ug.:::L .~ II.Four (4)copies of the following information: A.A statement of the precise nature of the variance rcq~csted, the regulation involved,and the practical difficulty or unnnac~~. phy~ical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this ti~le that would result from strict or literal interpretation anu en=or~ ment of the specified regulation. B.A site plan shcw i.nq all existing a~":1 proposed features en the site,and on adjoining sites if necessary,pertinent to t ~~varia~ requ8sted,including site boundaries,required setbacks,bUilding locations and heights,topography and physical features~existing sign locations,proposed sign locations andany related data. C.Such additional material as the zoning administrator may pre- scribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the application._._._._---_..._...__. III.Time Requirements The Design ~eview Board meets on the 1st;3rd and 5th Wednesdays of ~"the month.An application with the necessary accompanying material must be submitted 17 days prior to the date of the meeting. ~...I . ·I :. 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 Apri 117,1984 TO:SIG N AP PLICA NTS FRO M:Tom Braun orKristan Pritz,Planners RE:Sign Appli cation Requirements officeofcommunity development When applications for signs are submitted,thefollowing information is required: 1.Site plan showing exact location where the sign is tobe located. 2.Photographor drawing showing thebui lding and where signistobe located. 3.Exactdesignofsign(oneor more ofthe following) (a)scale drawing or rendering (mustbe colored exactly assign will be) (b)thesign itself is made (c)photograph if sign is made FEE:A $20.00 application fee will be required at timeof application. (over) ~PPlicat ion Number __ SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid ?~ Date 57//70 Name of Project }/!H71)/'//:!L Vb..u t3/~1//-6 tJ At(c!L~NM7 '7"r-«:. Name ofPersonSubmitti ng 73 /L L ~Ic;,os c.Phone -,/76,/6/6' LocationofProject It ~E~r:t4YL .'7.,A/-~'"r7f-U //-<-tr r.; -~-// ,.c-Ie:;/./ The fol lowi ng information is re quired for submi ttal by theapp licant tothe Des ign Review Board befo re a final app roval canbegiven . Sign submittal feeis$20.00. A.Sign Material /UOO /.; .j e-I f.~ ;l-c!rolLo '\ 5'c L-/HT/r/<;t./.Cd ·1B.D~scription ofSign '." C.SizeofSign I ].;rr ~/'I t/:0.-'t ,q ;:p ~J'J7 dlo1v.ee l Sign Administrator D.Length'ofFronta ge (Ft.) E. MAT ERI ALS SU BMITTE D WIT H APPLICATIO N 1.Site Plan ,..--,---2.Drawings showing exact location _~~___ 3.Photographs showing proposed location ___ 4.Actualsign 5.Colo red scal-e-d;-r-aw-l,....·n-g-_ 6 .,Photographof sign ---,-1'_ Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal Sign Administrator e · - <f,,; 1-·• : [Q')§[?(JJ ~Lr GU §~If @][;3 ,~@]GU mHlJJ ~0Lr l?[Q)§~[3[s@)[?U1J§~lf ~~~~~~~SALES ACTIONFORM ~~~~~*~ COST .TOTAL ACCOUNT U .ITEI.i NO.EA •AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COM.DEV.APPUCA 1l0N FE=:S I 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS I 5.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 50.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR!.\PLUMBING CODE 36.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 32.00 I 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 01 0000 42415 1987 NA 1l0NAL ELECTRICAL CODE 30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS(MYLARS)7.00 01.0000 42412 XEROX COPIES /STUDIES .25 01 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES /RE-INSPEC110N 01 0000 41322 OFFHOURSINSPEC1l0N FEE 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES 'FEES I. 01 0000 41330 OlliER FEES 01 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION /20.00 OUuoh COMMEHTS:TOTAL 90°-0 .;.. TOtdt--I OF '-_-'R IL e-,-, r-; ~I ·-·,'-·r -. "":j 1'-'..-.-, 1-"•i-"l .,":'.'_,-~~1 ~~-",-,-.- 'J ,;,.-,-.- '"':",-,-, .,-.... ...,-. T ' .. 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 April17,1984 TO:SIG N APPLICANTS FRO M:Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz,Planners RE:Sign Application Requirements • officeofcommunity development When a pplications for s igns are submitted,thefollowing information is required: 1.Site plan showing exact l ocation where thesignistobe located. 2.Photograph ordra wing showi ng the buildi ng and wheres ign i stobe located. 3.Exactdesignofsign(oneor more ofthe following) (a)scale drawing or rendering (mustbe colored exact ly assignwil l be) (b)thesign itself is made (c)photograph if sign is made FEE :A $20.00appl ication fee will be required at timeof application. (over) ~PPlication Number ___ SIGN APPLICATION Da te _ Name ofProj ect It,1l-!/()I"/f!C f/~-{.(./Lr yI(~/fIt."1 r:!.L CR~JC/2.1 ~/'---C Name ofPerson Submi tti ng 0-/C (~u..S-!':-Phone .y'7C '/c/« Location of Project ,'l./CST ;//kL /7/fL-c-. Description of Project j7~/-.../o/7-'~/e.-~,./'-::-.-<-j/h././&'t'p->I..-C. //, /<.:d.-<-;;',<-"..J i/J ~./I <--"-?_:>Y~LL :::.;:;::!:4 ./r~~I Fee Paid ----------- The following information is re quired for submittal by theapplicant tothe Design Review Board beforea final approvalcan be given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A.Sign Material !",(/;;J'2/..:11,,//.-1//Cc eJ J":~77E/S ,/./,/.;..1 ~u/-j..f'EZ;i·!~:,.<S '/Ie...i-A!c....6 B.Description ofSign •//<.j <z i, i f,": ..\ '·1,;, ( C.SizeofSign D.Length of Frontage (Ft.) ...,...}c,</~ ~P"-/L"",..,<X'::J t!f./e--c..L.e....c-:~L~.ez-d:... /-/'~./46 MATERI ALS SU BMITTED WIT H AP PLICATIO N Sign Administrator 1.Site Pl an ,.--....,---2.Drawings showing exact location -,-.,--_ 3.Photographs showing proposed location _ 4.Actualsign _.,--~___ 5.Colored scale drawing _ 6.Photographofsign_ Approved for ORB Submitta l Disapproved for ORB Submittal _ Sign Administrator