HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 2A TACO BELL SIGN LEGALoE4!tgn Review Action Fo -'~TOWN OFVAIL CategoryNumber 'Ii;;2 /~fJ~f{(~rttft'('...04 ,t1 0 t--Date _1&..II+-I .!-,+-/-+-,91(---,_ ProjectName:,,/6-1 lIad .?#1I/t #p jtur~;Wtr:tjhf]~QJ.C1l1~---- BuildingName:/A.i!.f.I:.~ Project DescriPtion:~/JA.dJ;Z;~;,;;;J!up /lA../)/"tJ p1~ria d/5]A/&~edtr1R-L /'0 h k £M ~d)~ Owner,Addressand Phone:~-¥J-..J~--f;,o=..a.....,--PL'--='---L.~~-----2=.L-JJ,,!.~::"'==--~~~_ fJ -.'l rf W o ()6tM rI (!() Legal Description:Lot ;l-~BlockSubdivision tltMI ~5"StArad 1!J,ZoneDistrict (tf .JZr ProjectStreet Address:_~_-=----;-------:---:-:-_-----,,---__---:r-_ Commen"~~u!jlwd~7]~k~Afdk.f1~~0Uf-tbe-~v/J4PL1#&L~7irp . Architect!0 tact,AddressandPhone:rMc("z;iIk1.AL1 J "1A d flrC,rz1\-4 7-1JJf1e.rWiid 16,KiJ/, to &oy tic?I fNS ('tj I ('0 jOlft(l /ltd ~6t -£70 1 Motionby: fl .Board/Staff Action bR4 J1Mi=~(J0 ote:=---_ Secondedby:_ I..APproval o Disapproval DRBFee Pre-paid_--'-=-_ - DESI • West vail Mall Sign Program Change The West Vail Mall sign program is proposed to be amended as follows.The bold letters in the paragraph below represent the proposed change. "III.Requirements and Limitations A.Wall Mounted Sign: 4)Design:subject to approval by Landlord and the Design Review Board.The standard wall mounted sign shall be individual pan channeled letters with 4 1/2"to 7" returns.The returns shall be painted medium bronze. Letters shall be mounted wither individually or on raceway.Letters shall be internally illuminated by white neon tube.Plexiglass faces shall be ivory with bronze trim cap edging with the one exception that a small corporate logo utilizing colored plexiglass may be incorporated into the sign with the following restriction.The logo shall be no bigger than the size of the individual letters used in the sign.Letters must accompany a logo;a logo can not be used alone.The logo will be counted along with the letters in assessing the size of the sign.The letter style shall be ...." AP EVIE '-' DA E:_..o-L qtf..,,-- PLANNER:SiO u../ft'1 04-06-1994 0 2:07P~1 FROM GRRT CUMr'HN J c~IU April 6,1994 Sign Raview Board Town of Vail Attn:Randy Stouder,Town Planner Office of Community Development 75 S.Frontage ~oad Vail,eo 81657 Re:~aco Boll Siqnag8/West vail Mall Gent10Jl\on I TOv·COMM.DEV.DEPT. M Owner and Landlord of the west vail Mall,eonlJent is hereb1 ~Qnte~to ~he requo&~of Taco Corporation that ~hQ UBe of Taoo Belli s standard colors of red,yo llow and green be allOWed for thoir ~ll ohapc<I logo,with the understandinr;J t:tu.t'~he 8i9" lettaring will be In white.Landlord's consent to 'this request is .u~ject to a variance ~1n9 qrantad by the siqn Review Board that will allow Taco Bell to use these colors in their sign lego. West All corp.;!.._ 8y:/L ~ Title:------------- West vail Mall Corp . c/o The Gart Companies ~3 J Milwaukee Denver,00 80206 TOTA LP .01 G • Town of Vail Randy Stouder-TownPlanner 75 SouthFrontage Rd. Vail,CO 81657 May 4,1994 to. Taco Colorado,Inc.. P.O.Box119 Frisco,CO 80443 (303)668-5907 • I~~UW' MAY 6 'Qg, TOV .COMM.DEV,DEPT. Dear Randy, Enclosedarethe documents necessary to allowTacoBelltousetheircorporate logos and colors at me West Vail MaD 1hat we have discussed.Wouldyoulet us know if these documents are not complete?Weneedtoknowwhenthenextmeetingwill be held so that wecanattend. Thank youforyourhelpon this matter. smFly,,{.4W '<::l \,U.-'w\..L<...,.. FredTurner-President Taco Colorado,Inc. - _.w.~,-..• revised 1219193 IvlAY T _=S=I=G=N~/=A=WN==I=N=G-=::....:..=====OV -cor,:I,,L'I(Pleas e Pr~nt or/'T ype)~ NAME OFPROJECT {.J 6-,\";:1-0.//~f-¥'//,P!(/c') ADDRESS a u /~H«.,<))",-:- NAME OF OWNER i-:,/"1 t r "'.1 &K /Y75/0 5'<"<>I ~0<//:-; V/I,i l "k II lOr ONE _ ADDRESS _/'• SIGNATURE OFOWNER J';-Z/(?z 11 /I /f .~"__ LOCATIONOFPROJECT (address)'::;7/5 /'I J /Ch:~.(_r.Z.;; DESCRIPTION OFPROJECT ~~~__~~~~___ Lot 1..-;4 Block THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORETHEDESIGN REVIE ~'l BOARD. A .DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING(FREESTANDING,WALL, PROJECTING,ETC),INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE._ • B.SIGNORAWNING MATERIAL _ C.SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE QFLETTERING AND LOGO ~IL ~/tV ?,"1<-1 L-.~f ~J~;/J M a-tf ~~'r~"I-<A-- 1"J '~ &-a~~/h iJ;,,4 a4 .4-?-M dt c ...~~/q;;BC.&~.4-U- 71'7 2?1fA:jZt'~.4 .~~~~..!?.. D.HEIGHTOFSIGN ABOVE GRADE E.DESCRIB E LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) F .LENGTHOFBUSI NESS FRONTAGE (FT) G.CONDOMI NIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) H.FEE:$20.00 PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OFSIGN AREA .. PAID CHECK NQ.DATE _ 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION I S ite Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign or a wning on the building photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of propoge~materials photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator • TO:SIGNAPPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted,the following information is required: 1.A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2 .A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. 3.A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4.A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as follows: (a)Colored exactly as sign will be. (b)A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood,canvas,paint,etc.) (c)Photograph of sign if available. (d)Specific lettering style and size. 5.If an awning is proposed,submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6.Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning .If proposing an awning,lighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to the business .Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awn ing. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1.Check sign code -verify site,height etc. 2.Be specific.Vagueness on design,size,construction may delay the approval of your sign . 3.Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEEWILLBE REQUIRED AT THE TIMEOF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town 'of Vail,the appl ication fee shall be increased by $200 .00.Examples of such review,may include,but are not limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the entire fee for such re- publication shal l be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Developme dt Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his appl ication with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. A __ ~EGARr I~C OMPANIES 233 Milwaukee .Denver.Colorado 80206 .303/333 -1933 •Fax 303/333-1905 April25 ,1994 '.. Mr.Randy Stouder Town Planner Office of Community Development 75S.Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Dear Mr.Stouder : TOV·CUIVIIVI.UtV,0 rT. With regard totheTacoBellsignfortheWestVailMall,thisisto request amendingthe plexiglass color toincludewhiteandasmallbusinesslogo incorporated inthesignwith corporate colors.Thesignwouldbesubjecttoapproval of theVailDesignandReview Board andthe West Vail Mall property owners . Taco Colorado isactingasagentfortheWestVailMall property owners in requesting this variance . Very t ruly yours, • Not e:No signage shall be permitted f or an y tenant who uses spa ce for storage o nly . III.Requirements and L imi tations: A .Wal lMoun ted Sign : 1 )Numb er:One pe rT enant e xc ept c wo p er Ten a nt f or S tor e Units1 .8 &16 . 2 )Si ze :Noc more th an 2 0 sq.ft.n or l e s s c h an 1 0 sq . ft .p er cenant ca lculaced as 2 .5 sq .ft .o f si gna ge f or each fiv e l i neal feet o f the indi vidual bus in e ss fr on tage ,except Store Unit 1 (ancho r )which shall b e per mit t ed a sign o f 44 s q .ft .o n c he s ou th facade. 3)Loca cion /H ei g ht:on t hes outh f acad e as s hown on c he a t ta chedS ign Plan ,St ore Unic s 8 &16 mayh ave i ts s ec o nd s i gn o n the ea st facade :Store Uni t1may have i cs se c ond si gn o n the wes t facad e.Al l of th ese sign s sha ll be p aral l el c o and mou nte d o n th e fa cade.Eac h si gns ha ll b e p os it io ned wi c h i n th e sign en velope (h o rizontally ,cente r ed wit h the e nvel op e ;vertic al l y. t he bott om of the sign s ha ll b e at th e lower e dg e of th e sign envelope. 4)Design:subject to a ppro va l by Land l ord a nd th e Des ign Rev iew.T he standard Wal lMoun te d Sign shall be indi vi dua l pa n cha nne led letters with 4 1/2 "t o 7 "re tur ns .T he retu rns sha l l b e pa in ted medium bronz e.Le tt e rs sha ll be moun ted e ith er i ndi vid ua lly o r on raceway.Let ters sh a ll be i nt ernal ly il luminated by white neon tube.Pl ex1g 1ass fac es shal lb ei v ory wi th b ron ze t rim caps e dging.The l e tter styl e s hall b e he lvet ica upp er cas eo r sc ript .S cript le tt er s hall b e s ubj ect t o pr ior a pp rov alby Land l ord and t heT owno fVa il . Ca binet typ e,internall y illumin at ed sig nsmay b e permi tt ed subject to appro val b y Landl or d and the Tow n of Va il. 5)Li ghting :Back lig h te do r pan -c hanne led. Note:Not mo re than 2 0 wal l mounc ed s i gns sha ll be p er mi tt ed a t the Wes tVa il Mall . B.Projecting and Hanging Sign : 1 )Number:One per e ach t en a nt f ac ingon the arc ad e. 2 )Size:not more than 6 sq.ft .a nd n ot le sst ha n 4 sq . f t. 3)Locat ion /Hei gh t:min i mum c lea rance of ei ght fe e t b ecween t he fl oor grad ea nd t h e b ot to mo ft he sign,ma xi mum h e i gh t o f fi ft eenf e et above exis ting grade .Pe rpe n dicu lar to t he f ac e of Tenan t's space . 4 )Des ign:sand blas ted or r outed wood;subjec t to approval by Landlord and the Design Review Board. 5 )Lighting:indirec t(sp ot l ig ht ed ). C.L isti ng in J oint Dir ector y:each Ten ants h all r ec ei vea n e qua l sized l isting ,in e a ch o f the joint d i rec tor ies.but not t o e xce ed o ne s quare fo ot p er T enan t. .'~ign Review Action F~ TOWN OF VAIL Date --LJ--.:':!....t-L.+----------Category Number~-;rftJ 5bll\ ProjectName:Iqco Bell Building Name :Wed 1If.r;(Mtj l!• Project Descr iption:2--?;~V1 S :(I)Bu <:,f '1EJ'.J -Z'tl-tAli 5"'Jh ;(U I-J,nlow 5(9tt. Owner,AddressandPhone:M ea 66ratl?:Et~'1 £re/£OI rr(&I&r;-;L flz.t«//9',; tYl lf!O I (10 f oL/tfJ Architect/Contact ,Address andPhone:---J6'----'--r-e=d-'-----'--~J£JIA.'6-'IO'-I'-M1.J.e_t...c____'=.L____'~"--e-LL.JLJ.-------- Legal Description :Lot C)/t Block Subdivisi on Iia I (In ,r ::;;/tdll ~.....3 ~ZoneDistrict cC'::oJ; ProjectStreet Address :?Jpsrt it4L,/!IJ Comments:M Q ~ Motion by:~.l?ca:ne n.1 Secondedby:Poi,&t,e ~p p ro va l D Disapproval Board/StaffAction Vote :5-0 6J f,.:ty1'l ~tW-«d ~V &lui tIw £~41 4/>etM(AM(.h eJ JI-1/!;J.I '"~~V ''7 7 ~',,,",,,, TownPlanner Date :~«/(I I /7tt r ORBFeePre-paid _ revised 12/9/9 3 •APPLI CATION DATE REf 11 un 1 ..., SI GN/AWN INGAPPLICATION (Please Print or Type) NAME OFPROJECT u.)/"S+\1,,",\Mil.\\-~\I<l 'B 4..Q 1 0tJfl M/)D I NAME OF PERSON SUBMITTING E ce.¢.,\LI1:n <,C -",}en "PHONE (:'>03)H d3 -5 c}C ,:-r ADDRESS P I'"D0 '6 ,,'3 fi \~((\C-D 9>0 :\'-J:'l>I i NAME OF OWNER \I\C C Cc\orwlo )"TY\~,PHONE j,,"l C'O")(,r 8 -$o -7 ADDRESS ?on .'001>\\3 1 £n ~(.O C ()'6()'t'-\') J t )I ...I Q '-l-SIGNATURE OFOWNER yf"'i ('(,SU\Y\",L CD'';U d e "f'-:L LOCAT ION OFP ROJEC T ..l.(.",a.",d.",d"'-r..:=:e..:=:s..:=:s-L)_ A"",....~A.\)·,,,.c.\'''~U"~ Lot ::>8 Bloc k Fi ling \h d "b l\S S('h c f\e <£\~"'§s N..:::o-'-..'-"~'_____ DESCR IPTION OFPROJECT W :2±Foed..K e L ?b ~oJ"c o "'±-~·,<!.o \\ell F.:f re-ss a&<S':lb t'tlhJcod ~ttb A 6 e.ji[~~.:of.--1JfI/J/g,,,-.(u~)/<rt-v ~~itts..AA ~:I-;~Lvl/J./~/ THE FOLLO WING IN FORMA TI ON IS REQUIRED FOR SUB MITTAL BY TH ~~ APPLICANT PR IORTO THE REQUEST BEI NG SCHEDULED BE FORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A.DESCRIPT ION OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING,WALL, P ROJECTING,ETC),INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE._ SIGN,SI ZE OF LETTER ING B.SIGN OR AWN ING MATERI AL \ } C .I.cJ.sIZE OFOVERALL v I~VD v: "l <,-f!t)_:""\~)-'-'--'5~¢----'-C--'-'-T -r-~~~~~=:::...:l~'------~-=if--'--------__."{.i (J',,--x o{.~.p ((O~t fl :~~~~~~c J lS\~D'.~HEIGHT OFSIGN E.DESCRIBELIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) F . G . LENG TH OF BUS INESSF RONTA GE (FT) CONDO MINIUMASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH)h\le H.FEE:$20.00 P LUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SI~~~. PAID 4z )0,:=,---0 CHECK NO .DATE ~f-p+'f RE QUIRED MATERI ALS SUBMITTED WITHAPPLICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Site Plan Elev ations showi ng e xact location o f sign or a wning on t he b uildi ng P hotographs showin g proposed location Colored sca le drawing Sample o f proposed materials Photograph o f sign if avai lable Sign Administra tor • TO:SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are sUbmitted,the following information is required: 1.A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2.A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. 3.A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4.A scaled drawing which details t he design of the sign, as follows: (a )Colored exactly as sign will be . (b)A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood,canvas,paint,etc.) (c)Photograph of sign if available. (d)Specific lettering style and size. 5.If an awning is proposed,submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6.Descript ion of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awni ng.If proposing an awning,lighting i s not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to the business.Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1 .Check sign code -verify site,height etc. 2.Be specific .Vagueness on design,size,construction may delay the approval of your sign. 3.Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEEWILLBE REQUIRED AT THE TIMEOF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are not limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee .If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it sha ll estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be for warded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. :, I !, -_..-~..--.._------------------~- • I r--~-~-;===~~..--===~====Tr====================~=======+=r_t=::i=:1i1=========::=;;I------ J J L.L..I S. • .. / -?;It De.E.f't"1 n..u.N J I NTEf.~..l6uJ(1l.W ~ItJ A1EO fZ.E.D •Y~(;LOI/J --+----1 -"---"._J~~(,~[::E TAl L ..-:, IUS 23 36urc e In c .TEL:303-297-9292• '.:1..1 1/~.I"O Mar 1_4 1 5 :011 ti D.OlO P.02 """"IIIlIIlIII .•! ! ~~~4Aa'-~Li,;..VAlL- o ADDRHSS'---_DATIl PROIECT _ CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAn.. NO•."....TAX ..•COSTHAC .TOTAL '•.•...ITEM.ACC01JNTN·~9·~=============~~========~~~===~~~~~~~¥1 01000041540 UONING ANDADDRESSMAPS 01000042415 I UNIFORM BUILDING CODE S5.00• $50.00• $36.00• S32.oo • S36.00 • S30 .00 •• $7.00 • SO .25 •• S5.00• 010000 42371 PENALTYFEES I RE -INSPECTIONSHl-""0i71~0000'41332PLAN REVIEW RE -CHECK F~E~E~r"$~4""0-.-P"'E"'R....H·"R"'"':J.----+---+---+----+---- 010000 42332OFF HOURS INSPECfION FEES ---016000 41412 CONTRACfO~R:';OS~L7IC~E~N~S~E;"S~F;:;,E;:;,E~S:;---------+---+---+----+---- S20 .00 /.LJ .:'- r o.L..,-"'t.(0.",--0 { J 01000041413SIGN APPLICATION FE~E~c;o.,_~~~=_=',..=~-__+__~_+--__+__.."..::::=:.:'4_--"«=._'=<_ 010000 414.R-tPDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE [S1.00 PER SQ.FT.)_--t_--<-+--_--t~"_'__"'_j-~-'-=-­ 010000 42440VTC ART PROJECT DONATION f-01 000041331 PRE PAID.=-i=D~E"'S:I~G~N~R:;..:E::-V-"'IE=W~B:OOO'='-A.,.,R=D--;F;E""'E.------+---+---f----+----- 01000042371 I INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 310000 4511O-lTOV PARKINGFUND 01000022027 (TOV NEWSPAP7;;iE~R;.~D;;.;I~S;..PE~N~S~E~R=-F.::::U~N=:.D~-----+__-_+_--+__--+_--_ •01000021112 TAXABLE@4%(STATE) •01000041010 TAXABLE@4%(TOWN ) 01000042371BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER ".PECAPPLICATIONFEES '"'.'"... 01000041330 A DDITIONALGRFA "250"$200.00 01000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT S2oo.00 S200.oo $200.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 010000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS:;-;THA~;,;;~N~1"'i00~S~Q~.FT~.~I-+__t-_-+~~~_ 01000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATI ON IM'~0i.R;;E~THAN~~~I00~S,-"Q",.FT:..='.IL-+-_+__+ri~~~_ 01000041330SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICf rNEWI010ooo41~SPECIALDEVELOPM ENTDIS;,oTR~-'-T.ICf~-';rMA].-'i7~JO~R~A"'M'I'E~N""D=t----,f---f.~~~---- 010000 41330 (SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND) 01000041330 SUBDIVISION 01000041330 VARIANCE $250.00 01000041330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.00 010000 41330 RE -ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER TOTAL: COMMENTS:I:H ,... M O.#,-I I CK.#,REC.~· RECEIPT -"he Town of Vail DATE •19"--__N'!45879 RECEIVED FROM _ ADDRESS _ _______________________DOLLARS $_ • Permit Numb ers _ HOW PAlD-CashCheck _ ...... ------ PoliceReceiptNumb ers _ By _ TC ."'t-TO WN OF U '='IL i1isce.'a neou:=:_d.=h Miscellaneous Cash •I (13-1 5-94 11:16:34 -------------------- "I .,- ". Recei p t #144547 ~cco un t #CK #9527 mea CO....S IGN ~pp FEE ~moun t tendered >30 .50 Itempa id Rmount paid _0)11:.>1+. _I.'~~'•..::'j 1,(11 000041413 0 00 Chan';)€'re tu rned > 3 0.50 0.0(1 ..,-. ·'OU TH.=.NK yOU 'lou t-cash i e r F~E~TH~-------------------- April8,1994 .. [I):•. Taco Bell to try new concept at West Vail Mall Front seat ofyour car to become dining area when franchise opens in late April •By John Calhoun TimesMidweekEditor Whenyou stand atthe counter ofthe new Vail TacoBellyou won't be both- eredwiththequestion,"isthisforhere ortogo,"becauseit's all togo. In fact,it'slikelytheonlyseatinthe p lace wiIlbe found inthe employee bathroom. "You get it and run,"said Randy Stouder,a planner with the Vail Com- munityDevelopment Department. Buthey;when agoodportionofVail ValIey's residents have been used to running forthe border of Summit and Garfieldcountiesfor their Americanized tacoand burrito fix,what'salittlecar seatdiningactiongoingtohurt? FredTurner,president ofTacoColo- rado,Inc.,saysthefirstTacoSupreme willbecraftedin Vail toward theendof next month.TacoBellExpress,anew concept by thecompany,will operate in theoldvideo store space intheWest VailMall between Pizza Express and DairyQueen. Although Turner hopestoprovide15 to20seatsoutsidethefastfoodestab- lishment during the summer months, he'shopingmostpeople will taketheir orderandgo. Townofficials,aswellas other shop ownersintheimmediate area,are hop- ingthesame . "That'sa hot topic,"Stouder said, when askedwheremostoftheTacoBell patrons would likely go after being served . "I can see a problem coming, especially with the pizza place right next door.That's a squabble themall owner is goingtohavetodealwith." Tumer;who doesn't foresee a big problem,saiditwouldhave been nice tobuildafree-standingbuildingwitha restaurant andadrive-upwindow,but thatwouldhavebeentooexpensivein Vail andpricesofthe food wouldhave reflectedthat. As it is,lookforthefoodprices to be about26percenthigher than you'dfind in Denver Forexample,a regular Taco Belltacoonthe Front Rangecosts59 cents,whilethesametacoinVail will cost 75 cents,Turner said. "This(TacoBellExpress)isa new concepttokeeptheprices low:Turner said."Thereisanextremelyhigh worker costin Vail.We're takingabeatingonit, but we're willing topay that to get qualityworkers ." Turner said general manager Joe Woodwillbelookingfor20full-and part-time workers who will start at between $7 and $7.50 an hour,InDen- ver,thesame worker wouldlikely start at $4 .50 an houe Turner saidTacoBellwillbeopenfor . breakfast at 7 a .m.and will dose be- tween10p.m.and midnight depending ontheseason.The establishment willbe opensevendaysaweek. TownofVailofficialssaidTacoBell has leaped most of the necessary hurdles and remodel construction on thespace will likely begin in 30 to 45 days. Thereisalsoasmall debate overthe colors TacoBell can useinits signs. Whilethefastfood company wants a redbell inthesign ,the current West VailMallrestrictions prohibit it. •