HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 2 WEST VAIL LIQUOR SIGN PROGRAM LEGAL••Project Application D ate __---'---'---'--"-'---_ WES'"VAll LIQUCProjectName:--'--=---=-_ Pr oject D escr i pt i on :=-=-____'_---'-'~___=.c_'___::....:..___'_::....:..~'_'_'c:.J.._ C ontact Person a nd Ph one Charlie Crowley 76- Owner,A dd ressa nd Phon e:_ Arch itect ,Add ressa nd Phone:_ L egalDes crip t ion:Lot _B lock Fi ling ,Zone _ DesignReviewBoard Da te _ Mot ion b y : Secondedb y: APPROVAL D ISAPPRO VAL Su mmary :_ To wnPlanner o Sta ff Approval D ate : / ,/, "•• 10/27/88Date__-=-...=..::.-=----...::...-_ IG Project Application WEST VAIL LIQUOR HARTProjectName:=----...::...-_ hout letteri n9 Charlie Crowley Pr oject Descript i on ::.::....::.:-....:..:.:::..:~~~~~.2 _ Co ntact Person a nd Phone Owner.A ddressand Phone :_ Arch itect,Address and Phone:_ Lega l Description:Lot .B lock F iling .Zone _ 1- DesignReviewBoard Date _ M otion by : Secondedby: A PPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL S um mary:_ Town Plan ner 0 'Staff Approva l D ate :/, .....~.".~.'\, .,.:-"-'~:.f• .-.'.'''''--'.~....~.....r::,-<,.'.JI' .' •~L..-_• Ap;:l i cc t i on j7u:--ber __-- SI G ~APPlICATI O:/ Da t e /0/2-("!'if y ~I Name of Project We S.,~art ..~,: Name of Per son S.ub mit~i ng /J Phone Lt7!o -'J4;J..O > '.-W -.('>r-l/1'>..,'/ItA ""/I I-{If It 1'\."'(:)"'"a..-r,Lcca tl o n of Proj ect L d=.-';L V .~c'~....\<(t {;.(r!.I '(,'(,..JJ;-.:3 J .~.," De scr ipt ion of_.Pr 9j ect .A J....,J.,)j-,(giJ CJ +-'I')../,1J<..(p '6.J(p Ir #,(~~. CI vi ~W"~Ie iY V~v ~..,.tv f tVtA..0.1J')'IS "h./iliff Uvfv ,SOI.A·;f-lA.I;';~ClWJ The follo \1ing infor;:,'a tion is req uired fo r su bari t t a l by t he applica nt to th e Desig n Review Boa rd ce f cre a fi nal ap pr ov al c an be giv r~. Si gn su c;:,ittal fee is $20.00. Fee Paid .f A.S ign:'1ateria l _..-- .-~. B.Des c r i pt ion 0 f S i gn __-l.......:>.__~..1_...:.~=_____=:..._~__=_:..=_ C.S iz e of S ign _ D.Leng th 'o f Fr o~t ac!'(Ft .) E.Co::-:::ents A I-...)...r'T,{vN 0 +-Aw,v:~ ±V sku 'e (vf Mkv ~tLwJ../51 +Yn,./1 ~i,(tV en,v\.kI"II til,(S cJ ~:(vv{i <> .-- NATE;{IAlS s ue;·iI TTEJ '.HTH APPLIc"nOlI S ign Admlo1scracor 1.S ite Pl an 2 .Dr al'li ngs s ;-h-c·-..I1-n-g---=e-xact 1oc a ti on )( 3.Pho tcq raphs s hm·ting p ro pcsad 10Catlon _.L.6~__ 4.A c t ~a l s ign ___ 5.Colored scale ara:'l1og _ 6.P hc tcqr aph o f si gn _ Approved f or ORB Sub;:,itta l Oi sapproved for ORB Sucai t t aI _ -.' 51 9n Aom l o1 scra co r "' . •.::.,.,.'.• .-:..-.'::~.'. ......-..." • Questions?Call the Planning Desk 'at 479-21 2S SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION FEE:$20.00,fLUS.$1.00PERSQUAREF0OTOF SIGN .AREA.O. N. M. K . L. I.Length of business frontage:..-:..--:-,....::.~r-==-;::=---- .J.Height of sign abovegrade:~:""""::~-'---==----,,..--_,..--. H. G.Sign I1lcs sa ge:_....!<:.-':::..=-4I-:...-...k:.;:.£...,f-.L--~F:.....::...::..----"T"""----~----:,..,:;.=--+ F. D. E. A. B. C. • -48.5"------ ~'WES T VAIL -165 .5"- LIQUOR 24.5 sq.fee t 19" I SARA P:949.4565 F:949.4670 DATE:1130198 REF.#:71938 FILENAME:wVliquor-9. CLIENT:westvail liquor CONTACT:Howard FAX #:476-7325 WEST LIQUOR VAIL white molded acrylic letters illuminated,pan channel letters with white faces andmedium bronze trim caps and returns NOTES: Exterior sign for store to submit for permit and ORB approval. Totalsq.footage of • thesign =24.5 sq.f IMPORTANT Please review this fax carefUlly.Make sure that colors,sizes & fonts are acceptable. Thank you ALL ARTWORK &LOGOSDESIGNEDBY HIGHTECHSIGNSREMAINTHEPROPERTY OFHTS &REPRODUCTIONISPROHIBITEDWITHOUTARELEASEFROMHIGHTECHSIGNS AIL_••__",......6••3'__•• • I........---'~:.,...••.,:•••..•7. I _E: IIIMI • .iF.'=~•FUNiIIIE vnCl r. CiBr ____ GalIlIlICf ~ FlU It: _z_ JOSa:.....~--...--..,....' """~fI......... _.1=••...",.1_. ".1IIl LIQUOR" WEST WIlL =whft8 lllaided ~c lid.... ......-=·"Md&d,PMchllllWlII" will ....t...MIt ru ........D 'rin calNl end ndurft8 .... ·W'EST VAIL N (l). CL :l • •c .•.... (l) r0- oDor 01 ~or "01 ~ ~ (l)~'"ro-'"01 r-'":l ill "~r-..., '\I n " eiI .~...0" ~-'~ ~ ~I I CIl i ..c ·Z Ill'I-'J -'...J ~JCIl-..~~:r >11:.O. U t-u liJ tfl ...~t-~lll":r C l I-'~tJ~..."i:r lL ~. I:.. lI;.Q.:::I;)t ~lit. OJ "'~or .n ..: til "'-N..~t~OJ CD- 01 ~tII..--...I •IIIN...III ... liJ II. • • 75southfrontageroad vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 November 7,1991 Mr.Charlie Crowley West Vail Liquors 2151 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Banners at West Vail Liquors Dear Charlie: office of community development This letter is a follow-up of our pho ne conversation last week. It had been brought to our attention that West Vail Liquors sometimes displays a banner. The Town of Vail sign code permits banners only at designated areas in the core areas.You stated that the next time you used the banner,you would place it inside your store.Thank you for suggesting this solution.(The banner must be at least 36 inches from the window.) It occ urs to me that there is no place in West vail for a commu nity event banner.Youa nd the other merchants in West Vail might propose a location for o ne.This would then be considered by the Design Review Board.However,these banners would be limited to community events.Please see the attached section of the sign code. Thank you very much for your cooperation.If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call. Sincere/21Y 6J-~I,o :S r":C'-~'-- /'") Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Ene. - ((2J.-L IJ VI h h.//'-'r -\--0 .J.-J (0 ih -:-!7·- I~£vM-/ .C/'tYJ(c.i.(""'"r ,.,t-I )-fu ~0 ~v u L--' _'I J'cLJ~"A c_{,jI <'-o~/..!",(t)J 'J',r'-i: ki 1-./o /c -