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•• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www .ci.vail.co .us Project Name:GART BROS WALL SIGN Project Description: SIGN FOR GART SPORTS Participants: ORBNumber:DRB030294 OWNER WEST VAIL MALL CORP 07/28/2003 Phone: 233 MILWAUKEE DENVER CO 80206 License: APPUCANT ADCON 07/28/2003 Phone: 3725 CANAL DR FORT COLUNS,CO 80524 License: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 2171N FRONTAGE RD GART SPORTS Location: LegalDescription:Lot:2-A Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:210311415012 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:08/13/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes tothese plans maybemadewithoutthewrittenconsentofTown of Vail staff and/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond:CON0006068 Repa ir andrepaint beneath existingsignandawningasis necessary tomake appearance uniform. Cond:CON0006069 As per revisions received onAugust13,2003 Planner:Allison Ochs ORBFeePaid:$79.60 •••• Advertising Concepts Incorporated 3725 Canal Drive , Fort Collins,CO 80524 970484 3637 This documenl conlains copyrighted malerlal and trade secret information belonging exciusively to Mcon Signs Inc. Any unauthorized use,disclosure, dissemination or duplication ofany ofIhe infonmalion contained herein may result In lIabilily under applicable laws. DesignProposal 6·18-03 Sign Type A RelocateExisting ChannelLetters GartSports Vall,CO Drawn by:Greg J.1 Account Manager:Merv E. Project Manager: Customer Approval Date Account Manager Approval Date Date Date Date DesIgnIEst.NII'llber 21809A Revisionsl Description Checked by No.Dale AM PM 1 6·20-03 R1 G.J.0.75 EXISTING FASCIA &SIGNAGE NOTTO SCALE PLACEMENT DETAIL NOTTO SCALE TOWN O~VAIL DES IG f r rVIEW STAF f;:---~VA lOATL_!jr5 STAFr:_- 2 6-27-03R2 G.J.0.75 3 7-7-03 R3 G.J.0.5 4 7.7-03 R4 G.J.1 5 8-8-03 R5 G.J.1 6 sea.No. W.O.No. Sheet No.1.0 •• West VailMallSign Program Summary Notes: Wall Mounted Sign Number:1per tenant except 2pertenantforstoreunits1,8,16 Size:Not morethan20sq.ft.norlessthan10sq.ft per tenant Calculation:2.5 sq.ft .of signageforeach5linealfeet of individual business frontage S Exceptions:unitI permitted signf44sq .onsouth facade On southfacade Exceptions:Units8,16allowedsecondsignoneast facade Unit1allowedsecondsignonwest facade Allsignsshallbeparalleltoandmountedonthe facade.Eachsign shallbe positioned withinthesignenvelope (horizontally centered andattheloweredge of the envelope) Individual pan channeled letterswith4 .5"to7"returns.Returnsshallbepainted medium bronze.Lettersshallbemountedwhitherindividually or ona raceway . Letters shallbeinternally illuminated by white neontube .Plexiglass facesshall beivory with bronzetrimcapedging . Font :Helvetica uppercaseorscript.Scriptlettershallbesubjecttoprior approval by Landlord andtheTown of Vail. Exceptions :Small corporate logoutilizing colored plexiglassmaybe incorporated intothesignbutthelogoshallbenobiggerthanthe size of theindividuallettersusedinthesign.Letters must accompanyalogoandthelogowillbecountedalongwiththe lettersinassessingthesize of thesign . Cabinet type,internally illuminated signsmaybe permitted subject toapprovalby landlord andtheTown of Vail. Backlightedor pan-channeled Design: Location: Lighting: k D AA p..fv\,li.(..I()fU :)\'It N P('~x li i.\f'-l it>~\--V-CL W rq?- W WIlf.D \..£iT~f!.I~~ L!ff.~~i N O ';) Projecting and Hanging Sign : Number:1pertenantfacingonthearcade Size:Not morethan6sq.ft.andnotlessthan4sq.ft. Location:Perpendicular totheface of the tenant's space Height:Minimum clearance of'B'between thefloor grade andthe bottom of thesign. Maximum of 15'aboveexistinggrade. Design:Sand blasted or routedwood .Subject toapproval of landlordand Design Review Board Lighting:Indirect(spot-lighted) Listing in Joint Directory:Equalsizedlistingnottoexceed1sq .ft .pertenant. Window Signs: Number:Each window frontageonstreet ,major pedestrian wayorarcade .Nomorethan2 signs. •• Size : Location: Lighting: Note: Notmorethan15%of total window spaceandnotmorethan25sq .ft.of any window space . Affixedtoglass surface ormax .of 6inchesfromglasssurface Indirect or backlit . Intended tobeusedtoidentify particular types of services ,products,or events .If atenantwishestolocateabusiness identification signonawindow,thisshallbe inlieu of other signageandshallbesubjecttothe requirements of those sign categories . Nonconforming Signs : replaced . Variances Received: National Velvet Dry Cleaners GartSports Jackalo e Cafe and Cantina Nonconforming signsare permitted to remainuntilremovedor r 'v • I ~I 0 MinorAlteration (multl "(<1mlly/~omm!!r(:ia') ~~.. 0 Minor Alteration f '·'$20 (single-family/duplex) :1 •• 0 ChangestoApproved Plans $2.0 0 Separation Request No"Fee For Office UseOnly: Fee Paid:"Check No.:~By: ApplicationDate:ORB No.: Planner:ProjectNo.:...~~,-) and by Planning Staff orthe .'..:,. '.~.:" Date :July28,2003 From :Jean Maslankowski Office :970-484·3637 Fax:970-484-3639 • Pages including cover:2 To :Doris -Town of Vail Phone: Fax:970-479-2172 Re:GartSport Documentation App for Design Review-Signature by Agent Doris, Ihopethatthiscomesthrough.If not -givemeacallat 970-484.3637.Thank:you so much foryouhelp with this . ;,••App lication for Design Review Departme nt of Community Dev elopm ent 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 t el:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.24 52 web:www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequiring designreview mustreceive approval prior t o submitting a building permit application.Please refer toth esubmittalrequirementsforthe particular approval thatis requested.Anapplication for Design Revie w cannotbeaccepteduntil allrequiredi nformation is receivedbythe Community Development Departm ent.The projectmay also need tobe reviewedbythe Town Co uncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit i sissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: specifications Replace existing "Gart Sports"sign as per attached location of the Proposal:Lot :2A Block :NA Subdivision:Vail Das Schone -Filing 3 Physical Address:2161 N.Frontage Rd. Parcel No.:2103 -114-15-012 (Contact EagleCo.Assessorat 970-328-8640 forparcelno .) Zoning:_C=C"'3'----_ Name(s)of Owner(s):Gart Brothers Sporting Goods Mailing Address:1050 W.Hampden Ave.,Englewood,CO 80110 __________________Phone:_-..:3:..::0.::3_-=-86::..:3:....--..:2:..::6.::8..:...7 _ Owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Advertising Concepts dba Adcon Signs E-ma il Address:mariel@adcon-signs .com Mailing Address:3725 Canal Dr.,Fort Collins ,CO 80524 970 -484-3637 970-484-3639 T ype of Review and Fee: IJ(Sign s o Conceptual Review o New Con struction o Addition o Minor Alteration (multi-family/commerci al) o MinorAlteration (single -family/duplex) o Changes to Appro ved Plans o Separati on Request $50 No Fe e $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee Plus$1.00per square foot oftotalsign area . For construction ofanew building or demo/rebuild. Foran addi tion where square footage is added toanyresidential or commercial building (includes 250 additions &interior conversion s). Forminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For minorchanges to buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions ,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revisionstoplans already appro ved by Plan ning Stafforthe Des ignReview Board. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:Ch eck No.:By:_ Application Date:DRB No.:_ Planner:ProjectNo.:_ ••• SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information Thisapplicationisforanysign that islocatedwithintheTownofVail.Specificrequirementsareavailable fromtheDepartment ofCommunityDevelopment. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.NameofBusiness:Cart Sports B.Building nameandphysicaladdr ess;West Vail Mall,2161 N.Frontage Rd . C.Written approvalfromcondominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable . D.Typeofsign(checkallthatapply): c;J Freestanding Sign 0 Building Identification ~Wall Sign 0 Mural c;J Hanging/Projecting Sign 0 WindowSign c;JDisplay Box 0 SignProgram O DailySpecialBoard 0 GasFilled/Fiber Optic c;JJoint DirectorySign 0 TemporarySign c;JSubdivision EntranceSign 0 Other E.Numberofsignsproposed:Numberofsignsexisting:Removed F.Signmessage:__'_'C::...a::...r::...t::......::S'-'p::...o::..:r::...t:..:s::..."_ G.Sign and lettering d imensions foreachproposedsign (attachacoloredscaled scematic drawing @ 1f4"=1'):3'7 '3 4"X8'~.=t'lJ.8 H.Lengthofbusinessfrontage:On file -replacing sign 1.Heightofsign(s)from grade:_--=2:..:0:...'_ J.SignLocation(attachasiteplanandanelevationdrawinqoraphotographclearly indicatingtheproposedlocat ion ofsign(s)):Please see attached K.Materials andcolorsofsign (attachsamples):Please see attached L.Signlightingplan:Please see attached oIndicatetype,locationandnumber offixtures. o Include heightabovegrade,lumensoutput,luminousarea. oAttachacut sheetforeachproposedfixture. M.Draw ings showing how and w herethesign orawningwi ll attachtothebuildingandhow theawningwillbe constructed.Please see attached Page 3 of 4 /0 1/1 0/02 ••,. N,The Administrator and/or DRBmayrequirethesubmissionofadditional plans,d rawings, specifications,samplesand other materials (including a model)ifdeemednecessaryto determine whether a project willcomplywithDesignGuidelinesorifthe intent of the proposalisnotclearly indicated. NOTESTOALL APPLICANTS Time Requirements TheDesignReviewBoardmeetson the 1stand3rdWednesdaysofeach month.Acomplete application form andall accompanying material must beacceptedbythe Community Development Department prior toappl ication deadlines.Aschedule of DRB meetings andassociated application deadlinesmaybefound ontheWorldWideWebathttp://ci.vail.co .us/commdev/planning /drb/meetings/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal willbereviewed for compliance with theDesignGuidelinesassetforthinTItle12 (Zoning Regulations)and Title 14 (Development Standards)oftheTown of VailMunicipalCode. Design Review Board Meeting Reguirements Fornew construction and additions,the applicant muststakeandtapethe project siteto indicate property line s,proposedbuildingsand building corners.Alltreestoberemovedmustbe taped.The applicant mu st ensure that stakingdone during the winter isnotburiedbysnow.Allsite tapings and staking must be completed priortotheday of theDRBmeeting. The applicant,or their representative,shallbepresentattheDesignReview BoardHearing.Applicants who fail to appear before theDesign ReviewBoardon their scheduledmeetingdateandwhohavenot askedinadvance that discussionon their itembepostponed,willhave their itemsremovedfromtheDRB agendauntilsuch time astheitemhasbeenrepublished. If theDRBapprovesthe application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be resolved prior totheissuanceofabuild ing permit. Staff Approval The Administrator (a member ofthe planning staff)mayreviewand approve DesignReviewapp lications, approve with certain modifications,denythe application,or refer the application totheDesignReview Board for adecision .All staff approvalsarereviewedbytheDesignReviewBoardandany staff decision is subject tofinalapprova l by t heORB. Page4 of 4/01 /I 0/02 ~PDF oomplete C lick Here&Upgra de Expanded Features Unlimited Pages Jot-0/(,.ue4f-VtZAl trl~I ~~6?fJfm,t;-fl13 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road.Vail.Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:SignProgramandNew Sign Project Description: ORB Number:DRB070369 FINAL APPROVA L FOR THEWEST VAILMALLTENANTS 4.5 AND6SIGN Participants: OWNER WESTVAILMALL CORP 233 MILWAUKEE DENVER CO80206 APPUCANT URBAN FABRICATION .3855 MARIPOSA ST. DENVER CO80211 0 7/31/2007 07/31/2007 Phone:303-399-3373 X103 Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location:WESTVAILMALL TENANTS 4,5,&6 Legal Desaiption:Lot:2-A Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By:Dunning secondBy:Gillett Vote:5-0-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:09/05/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochang es totheseplansmay be made without the written consentofTown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review comm ittee(s). Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor 20daysfollo wing the date of approval. Cond :202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date offinal approval,unless a building permit is issuedand construction iscommenced andisdiligently pu rsued tow ard comp letion. Cond :0 (PLAN):DRBapprova l d oes notconstitutea pe rmit forbu ilding .Please consult wi th TownofVailBuildingpersonnelprior to constructionactivi ties. Planner:SCotHunn ORBFeePaid:$74.00 Sign Application for Design Review Department ofCommunity Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado B1657 tel :970.479.2139 fa x:970.479.2452 web :www .vailgov.com General Information: Allprojects requiring design reviewmust receive approval prior to SUbmittingabuildingpermit application .Please refert othesubmittalrequirementsfo r the particular approval th atisrequested.An application forDesignReview cannotbeaccepted untilallrequired information isreceivedbyth e Community Development Department.The project mayalsoneedto be reviewedbyth e TownCounciland/orthe Plann ing andEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. DescriptionoftheRequest:1£NklV12 -:i--~•5 .of"U H«'IFf Hz)Ijl"zli"'>lLJti fQ..oM "1Ht=:.fflcmr f)F :rHE:ftof4I'£.T~}(ffLIl!.lm",.J.'Neef'7!>t§It>M""~·t]-l61e.-- S1l:>Q e·EUNr "?t4~r.;[JruDW!t'Nl£'1'0 1'l1P:5W"CH f1teM>e:DE 1\U3 LO~~~f~~sal:Lot :2.A BIOCk :__SUbdiViSion:\!lA.·(bca..2-"~.3 PhysicalAddress:2-1'5\~li 'i<P w.~'t I ~~?U (ContactEagleCo.Assessorat970 -328-8640 forparcelno.)ParcelNo.:UQ3L1Al6'D\2.. Zoning:..y,e:\-<:..<:3 Name(s)ofOwner(s):~~rp..n~I ~CNP MailingAddress:2t:t'l M1kl/1rtl"9Z'".b.:wlie2.CD COQWlP ___________________Phone:_ Owner(s)Signature(s):_fo-"(Zt,A."""''--.Lhrw-=-HOoI........~e:t''>t:J...:''--_ Name ofApplicant:Vev.m.)fie.~~12f-4 MailingAddress:3€t55'N\f\i4.PO'bb.. 'PO;'-~"\.,.3'?>13 -t U33, Voz>,2/)9..--?>oe 3 ForconstructionofanewbUildingordemo/rebuild . Foranadditionwhere squarefootageisadded t oanyresidentialor commercial build inq (includes 250additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changes tobuildingsand siteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc . Forrevisionstoplansalreadyapproved byPlanningStafforthe Design ReviewBoard. Plus $1.00persquarefootoftotal signarea. $2S0 $20 $20 $650 $300 NoFee $50 NoFee MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) o MinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) o Changes toApprovedPlans o SeparationRequest ---.,----r<.-;-----Phone:--":~........~OL.J L.L-'-.L>-"--=~~ E-mailAddress:\,JSA!J @1I(~1ocio.cdiOd.Fax :__='-""''---.Joo<...L...Io_'''-'''<--__ ,~CW\ TypeofReviewandFee: ~Signs b Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition 70• ForOtticU Fee Paid:-=_-L..-'-,~BY:;:-:-=~-=-:;;::~"'-;;;--=--;:;;:--::-;;;;-T"---- MeetingDate:__----=:f-"~---''''"-.L----DRB No.:..,..,-,----4~'-Wd~id--I-H,+~~--- Planner:ProjectNo.:--;An-,....,::-=-,--~;-oo..----ro*,..,------ ",.. .... .. ......• ...- '.... ,. .,. /L f)Zi /~~~~ ~v~l 1FTN.L.'L t:.vz S'lC-,-0('j) NOT o').J f\CTV ¥\L-~(I '-.lT'£'.C6 /1U\lCf\U \)~\J.I S <..~C~\...- ,I f'l.0l-l.-~I\-', SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information Thisapplicat ion i sforanysignthat is located withintheTownofVail.Specific requ irem ents are available fromthe Department ofCommunityDevelopment. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS o Building Identification o Mural o WindowSign o SignProgram o Gas Filled/Fiber Opt ic o TemporarySign o Other A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. Name ofBusiness:~.CD't;......~a.":>I P;,11IJ2.€~~ Building nameandphysicaladdress;YVI?>-r '"k1~MM.t.I __'2.J 5'I tV.~l?ott,~ Writte n approvalfromcondominium association,landlord,and j ointowner,ifapplicable. Typeofsign (checkallthatapply): OFreestand ing Sign ¢'wall Sign OHanging/ProjectingSignoDisplayBox DDaily Special Board OJoint Directory Sign OSubdivisionEntranceSign Numberofsignsproposed:_1 /5 Number of signs existing:_'_ Signmessage:~?J c..e .~....00'M,U'6 I f]JWlZE'"'JBJKNT =-rp,f\ Signand letteringdime nsionsforeachproposedsign (attachacoloredscaledschematic draw ing @1f4"=1'):_..J~~.LJ.:I:.3~__...,.._--------------- Lengthofbusiness frontage:~~.'._.10 I ;-5;w'~:Wi Height ofsign(s)from grade:---'IL1L 1 _ SignLocation (attach asiteplanand anelevationdra wing oraphotograph clearly indicatingtheproposedlocationof Sign(S»:_¥-P--_ Materialsandcolorsofsign(attach sampleS):---WH.IlF:.,.."'B~ Sign lig hting plan:-J'N'Lf/.;::A:L-_ oInd icate type,locationandnumberoffixtures . oInclude heightabovegrade,lumens output,luminousarea. o Attach a cutsheetf or eachproposedfixture. Drawingsshowinghowandw here thesignorawningw ill attac h tot he bUi lding and how theawningwillbeconstructed. TheAdministrator and/or DRBmayrequire thesubmission ofaddit ional p lans,dr awings, specifications,samplesandothermaterials(including amodel)if deemednecessaryto determ ine w hether aprojectwi ll complywithDesign Guidelinesor if the intentofthe proposali s notclearly indicated. F:\cdev\FO RMS\Pennits\Planning\DRB \sign_application_12-05-2005.doc Page 3 of 4 12/05/2005 r 1'1/T •_<-"I••r...>•.........".~~.._•..-_.......--~- '-....=;..":.~--_-.c;:;..':':=.;:.~:-.~= J ""'''-'''''.,,_.,"""'"._.......... n~©~~w~n m SEP -5 1007 ] TOWNOFVAIL rr 07 /30 /2007 15 :23 FAX 3033993383 URBAN FABRICATION I4J 001 .I()~urban fabrication II July 30,2007 Townof Vail Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75S.Frontage Rd Vail,CO 8;1.657 Dear Mssrs.Campbell and Hunn: Attachedyou will findpaperworkrequestingchangestothesignplanattheWest Vail Mall toallow tenants #4,#5, visibility fromthefront ofthe property.Currently theirstorefrontsarenot visible duetothecovered walkway connecting the northand south buildings. Pleaseletusknow ifthere isadditionaldocumentation that isneededandconfirmthe correctfeeamountso that wemay get the applicationinto review. Thankyouinadvanceforyourtimeandassistance,welookforwardtofinding a solution forthe tenants that fitsthe Vail aesthetic . Bestregards, Lindsay Barrett ProjectManager 3855 Mariposa Street·Denver,CO 80211 303.399.3373 .303.399.3383 fax 07 /30 /2007 15 :23 FAX 3033993383 URBAN FABRICATION SIGN APPUCATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS III 003 General Information Thisapplicationis for anysign that islocatedwithintheTown of Vail.Spedfic requirements areavailable fromthe Department ofCommunityDevelopment. o Building IdentificationoMuraloWindowSign DSignProgram o Gas Riled/fiber Optic o Temporary Sign o Other I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.Name of Business:.8Af.Ee~..C.b 'e .....~e.':>I fV11I~I~ B.Buildingnameandphysical aocress;Wesr'(lc1t.M.M.t..I ~t2J51 N.~~ C.Written approvalfromcondominium assodation,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable. D.Type of sign(checkall that apply): Ofreestanding Sign lfWall Sign OHang ing /Projecting Sign E;J DisplayBox DDaily SpedalBoard OJolnt DirectorySign [:;JSUbdJvlsion EntranceSign E.Number of signs ProPosed :----W 5 Number ofsigns exlstlng :...}_ F.Signmessage:bcz.e.;a..~I eo·,..1"{!QM.L(I !If",p1V!Zff 1JublT :aJ\ Go Signand lettering dimensions for eachproposedsign (attach acoloredscaledschematic drawlng@Y4"'"l'):_~A-,,-,iw'I.:><f'<...__,--_---:-_---:,....-,....-..,.......-_ AlA /10 ';~~!""'"'4!U -.'~IH.Lengthofbusiness frontage :~~'._.'"-;J.~-tq L£!. I .Height of slgn(s)fromgrade:.........I...1L.,1 _ J.SignLocation (attach asiteplanandanelevationdrawingoraphotograph dearly indicating the proposedlocation of sign(s»:,....-1"...._ K.Materialsandcolors of sign(attach samples):-W",trE -1'"t6Ant,9£ L Sign lighting plan:--.+N1i-/.:::A.>...-------------------- 1:1 Indicate type,locationand number of fixtures. 1:1 Include height abovegrade,lumens output,luminousarea. o Attachacutsheet for eachproposed fixture. M.Drawingsshowing howandwherethesignorawningwiltattach to thebuildingand how theawningwillbe constructed. N.The Administrator and/or ORB mayrequirethesubmission of additIonalplans,drawings, spedfications,samplesand other materials (induding amodel)if deemednecessaryto determ ine whether a project willcomply with Design GuidelinesorIf the Intent of the proposalIs not dearly indicated. F:\CXlev\FORMS\PeITl1IlS\P1ann lng\DR8\Slgn_appllcadon..1HI5-2llOS .doc Page 3 of4 12jDSf2005 WEST VAl L MALL 1 Sports Authority 14,910 SF 2SandBar Sports Grill 5.550 SF 4 Timberline Sports Barbers 750 SF 5EagleValley Music 1,350 SF 6 NeliOi lal ve lve t 6IeBRElr.6 1,287 SF 7WestVail Liquormart 5.564 SF 9 Domino 's Pizza 1 ,350 SF 11 Subway 863 SF 12 Gahanya Japenese Restaurant 877 SF ::-.- Space I is o du(/I·le~'eI5flo ce 14TacoBell 15 MiZuppa 2 1 ,687 SF 800 SF \ { I 4 .-' I' ( I , 6 7 3 03.399.2555 w ww.gartproperties.com SusanCantwell scantwell@gartproperties.com DerekHe nry dhenry@gartproperties.com Information contained he rein,w hilenotguaranteed,is f romsources we believereliable.Price,t erms,andinf ormation subject to change . Page1 I HQN"IWJMlNATEO PAN CHAN Nel urtr es I TL®~~t§~o~~I T 8'.1_I tQ;[Ql®~~@ ~~©~T 8' -.L [P (UJ u lUJ [Ri~u ~~£[Mu Ts' -.L '-~-'.=J rV-.....~, ~""" L PAN~LETTllt$CONSTRVC Tf-:JfROM Al.l..lMNJM W !S'DES-tEll.RN$~o 8AOHZ!. ~.~-J 1'3"WI1IT1.73 ~...cRYUCFAt:E!>W/I"IllONZE J l3 I1lIM C.oJ>S '-J .SIGN NtOl..NTfOfWSH TO WJUl w i CONClAlfO 'MTfNfRS. ......._,.,u ,hi f'--r ..~.....,.~_.1 ...,~..rc~~.l.J I ban ~t a b,j c a tre n WULilU-tI\"w,~,.;.-....--~_.....--....~_...,............_.~...~...._I.bO.·~_.'.~_..I......-......... .....~.__....,..............~..........,-I.........._JlU ~!lfRf£f.~•.00 AClll -"~_....N--~"l;lOo .........~...............__......_..~..,F~:~33a:/3~3J t!1~\WiifOi ,,..,--~'nz.1 ....'....__....._.._......""",__..,~!so,,.,6;:;;,••L::J, t3l\~,?~o')$-=-2 ,q ~(?O ".:'~t\-r ~ Cp'",1-CUlN\.\C 7 ':'-I,~)4' ('K)V\JVlte -t't"NoAt--Y\~(P ,'''-,13 ) 1 NON-ILLUMINATED I"LmERS I 32" r "I ''Ii ,1\I I 9'4"I,@ &~~~~~II I I©[Q)~~©(Q)~~©~I ' [F [UJ U [UJ ~~U~~&~U:] T S" -..L T S" -..L T S" --.L ---rz;,.r-J ~ 1.I 'HIGH DENSITY POLYSTYRENE LETIERS .f ACES PAINTED WHITE &RETURNS PA INTED BRO NZE n/T t t LEGEND ---r-o~L ~,~. l L(0 ~ ? r: 1-r ·~~n>NF It 2.SIGN MOUNTED R USH TO WAU W!CONCEALED FASTEN ER S. ,Wool;)~~ U'Seb Ff)t1..~~r. ,...,C uat _r':S.I".Re p 'R"'I ,l J ob No .:I INOTE.u rban 0 fabricat ion WES T VAIL MAU JIM Si ll"Di lip,,",V Ad dt ...:Ct",*"By:Rh.2 $....11.:n.I'ell'!O';~IIH1 .h:llP drd....~creClI.d by URBAN f A3j{jC,tJ1 ON.to ~,wbmttcd b r L.:.:..J ADD RESS tIC 1"1'()you.FCr-fled UK 11'\C:,,~"'cct .t1n .....tfl c p ,ojc'Ct ~i"~Fml'led fo r )lQU by UIWAN 3855 MARII'O SA STRE ET,nENVE R,CO80211 s .....,RIN..1 O~t. fAllIlIC...'O.....II u /ld''0 be ,i-o........to llI"I )lllll'l C e lm.de Y O!.f o·g~r'%C1 ·J~"'.1"10'I'PH:303 .399 .3373 ~SI VA L co ~me •It to ~,cp.~cc d wrtt-c ut '''••Hlrc ~~....,~c ..o~'C1 vcl of Ukeoi.N fA.3RU:A1'K.JI"II lI&1oMtI'""'ptO'V~r D"t,,:R~.4 61 ~I'l a:~FAX :303.399.3383 , JUL-30 -2007 MON 04:02 PM FAX NO,P,01 /01 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETT'ER ajo int ownerof property locatedat(address/legal VAIL. I,(print name)_6A~'(P&>\fgvcZ\ description)2/b}N .Ffu.!..!rJ..!l1tb:l!o4l'E~~;,....,.,;.M~----!~=--_ provideth isletteras written approval of theplansdated _ff?IDA'1 (J'vt.Jt 22 2002 wh ich have beensubmitted totheTown of VailCommunityDevelopment Department fort he proposedImprovement s to becompletedattheaddressnotedabove.I understand that theproposed improvements include: _ranwAle or eK/sr~Rqgaas/bt SlbN.II\Isu\U4md "p.Mw gAe&1l~SI~ {1'J5J=AL{A1lt?;ci Q>r t CoMld slbtJ ~~I",k,TALt.ftnQ.,7 &'·1Bri 1FlVAdr> 5/bN J further understand that minor modifications maybemade to t he plans over t he courseofthe review processtoensurecompliance with theTown 's applicablecodes and regulations. ?30.0? (Date) F:\cdev\fORMS\P ennits\Plan nin9\DRB\sign_app llcatlon_12..QS·200S.doc Page2of '\12/05/2005 ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: FABRI CATION R070001403 Am ount:$74.00 Check 08/0 1/200704 :57 PM Init :JS Notati on:6410/URBAN DRB -S ign Appli ca t ionType: $74 .00 DRB070369 2103-114-1501-2 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL WEST VAIL MALL TENANTS 4,5, Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : This Payment : &6 Total Fees :$74 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$74.00 Balance :$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCO UNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 0 0100003 11 2200 SP 00100003124000 DESIGN REVI EW FEES SIGN FEES 5 0.00 24.00 6 ~©~a w~~l West Vail Mall Sign Program Summary 'i AUG 101007 ~ ~u gu s t 2007 \~~Ai)O ITl<.-t-'I "Al--\cf A v c ~"\,c,.('TOWN OF VAIL //"ffiy-,f "'-Ot .,-rt ",,,,,1'1"-\"li7&I t+J I-tCn "..>&'"SlCt't'"l ~%"~l/l.rlLC.rAO'i:. (The intent of the revised si¥n program presented below isto allow tenants 4,5,an6 of ThN "\-1 ,\-r~," \WestVailMall ViSibilitYj}'om 1-70.These unitsare located behind the primary sucture \of themallinanarcade.ueto their location,their storefronts arenot visible fro theI- f ..<'~'70orthe frontage road.n order for these tenants to successfully conduct busine ss and ,_..\\"~forthe owner of the property to encourage occupancy,a change inthesign prog tm that allows these tenants reasonable visibility while still maintaining the overall look r nd feel of the shopping center is requested .Additionally,the language of the sign program has been clarified toavoid confusion in regards totenant signage.\ .'t>,':.~llfl "\'""'If;>\'<0 Wall Mounted Signs -Allowance by Tenant 11 \z,1fI...o C1i'\V )~~L -left 0;:.""-nle --TA-t Hf'lT ', Units 1,6,and 7 0 \~)...\D~L{c,v",-Or ~ Number:2signsper tenant. Size:~tz.-- Location: Total square footage notto exceed 20 square feet when measured by drawing abox offour straight lines around the outer perimeter of thesign. Tenants are allowed a minimum of 10 square feetpersign measured inthe sameway . Exception:UnitIis permitted 44 square feet of signage onthesouth facade of theunitduetoitssi ze. Calculation:2 .5 square feet of signage for each 5linealfeet of individual business frontage,notto exceed the maximum of 20 square feetpersign withthe above noted exception forunitI . Signsaretobe located onthe south facade of the building. »>E,(J,<:;.\\~ Exceptions :UnitImayhavea second signont eit west facade ;Unit6 may have onesignontheeast fay deandonesignonthe south buildirig facade.Unit7may place a second signon their eastfacade . Notes:Allsignsaretobe mounted parallel tothe building facade, Eachsignshallbe positioned inthesignband above the storefront,centered horizontally overthe space and centered vertically soastobeonthe same planeas adjacent tenants. Design:Individual pan channclletters flushor raceway mounted.Lettersareto have white acrylic faceswith bronze returns and bronze trim-cap.Returns aretobeno wider than 7 inches .Letters may be front lit with white neon or white LED . Font :Letters aretobe Helvetica upper case or Helvetica script. Script lettering is subject to approval bythe landlord and the Town of Vail. Exceptions:A small corporate logo made from colored acrylic or acrylic covered with translucent vinyl may be incorporated intothesignbutthelogoshallbeno larger than thesize of the individual letters usedinthesign .Logos must be accompanied by letters andthelogowillbe counted along witthe letters inas sessing thesi ze of thesign.Cabinet type,internally illuminated signs may be permitted subject to approval bythe landlord andthe Town of Vail.DRB amended sign program to allow for colored lettering.(see Domino 's). Lighting:Front litor back lit. ----- Units 4,5,&6 -South Facade Signage Dueto their location inthe arcade section ofthc mall,tenants may place signage onthe south facade of the south building.Thesignbandfor these three tenants is located atthe west comer of unit 9as illustrated bythe attachcd photo rendering.Signage istobe placed in this location inlieu of mounting signs tothe storefront located within the arcade.Tenants who have signagc located inthisare prohibited from placing signage directly above their storefront.This signage is intended tobe directional in nature andas such an arrow will direct visitors tothe arcade section of the property. Hanging signs willno longer be allowed inthe arcade as they are prone to vandalism. Number: Size : Location: Isignper unit 4,5 ,&6 may be placed onthe south facade area referenced above ./'Pl....iAs .'Loc-rO ~.SO ~I c-¢."f:...l S-Av\Ilc-b"" L ..,I..b I h 8 'h.hei h .hh c cMA l GS r\J\.lO)ettermg lor t rese signs IS toeno arger t~.meesm erg t,Wit t e . totalsign area notto exceed 14 square feet.L4s f?Ac,.4-0 Ci'-'c.~4:I->~~ZL-~ f'BfZt /)L hl,a.~CT"i-\--v2-~c\-\ Signsaretobe located inthe west comer of the south facade onthe south ~\-':'j)JlX7L building.The signs for these three tenants shallbe stacked andthe overall -II height ofthc combined signage istobe centered vertically onthesign band.The tenant signs shall beleft justified as shown inthe attached illustration. Notes :Signs aretobe flush mounted parallel tothe building.Raceway mounting isnotan option forthissigntype. Design:Individual flush mounted channel letters with white facesand bronze returns and trim-cap with returns of 5inches.Return sizes forthethree tenant signs inthis location mustbethe same size . Font :Letters aretobe Helvetica upper case. Lighting:Letters aretobe non-illuminated duetosize.Letters are8"arenotwide enough to accommodate neon and receive aUL listing."0lI4It.1iJ tit-!L-It -V "","L ~ Size : Number: All Other Tenants NotListed Above r Isignper tenant._.----.---------------_.J.(::.-.fhL SI ~r ('c..'i4;;>2.- Signs irre-n~t to exceed 20 square feetandmaybea minimum of 1:5 ~?~f~_ square feet when measured withbya4 straight line method.a .z>_"CT ~t ....,,11 ?--S Z4-e:!::Calculation:2 .5 square feet of signage is allowed for everIJJineal feet of ::>lC-rN'S , ~_s to r e frontage.- ---~- Location:Signsaretobe centered horizontally above store frontinsignband.Signs aretobe centered vertically insignbandareasoastobeonthe same planeas adjoining tenants . A small corporate logo made from colored acrylic or acrylic covered with translucent vinyl maybe incorporated intothesignbutthelogoshallbeno larger thanthesize of the individual lettersusedinthesign.Logos must be accompanied by letters andthelogowillbe counted along witthe letters in assessing thesize of the sign.Cabinet type,internally illuminated signs may be permitted subject to approval bythe landlord andthe Town of Vail.DRB amended sign program toallow for colored lettering,(see Domino's). Exceptions: Individual pan channel letters flushor raceway mounted.Letters areto f 11 have white acrylic faceswith bronze returns and{03rtrim-cap .Returns \~_7 areto.beno wider than 7inches.Letters maybe ont lit with white neon 0 VV/\J orwhiteLED.......6 _I -/v..J -'-(;Q.S \.A-)\"T<:,--I . f ,r-,\\'TV)t--(IA,'--'"' Font:Letters aretobe Helvetica upper case or Helvetica script.~....., Script lettering is subject to approval bythe landlord and hl.c<->"\, the Town of Vail...l,.f \.0~{)c.....-\', INAUT"'--\~ J¥.,T""it o......,1 ~.., U ~-;- Design: Lighting:Front litor back lit. Listing inJointDirectory Size : Note: Location: Ligh ting: Tenants mayhaveequalsized listings notto exceed I square footpe r tenant. /'~Dl-O cPOi- ;Window Sign o{)Q.v on /y '!--Ie>M.1A'f,/co fYt---- Number:Each window f~~e onstreet ,major pedestrian wayor arcade:nomore than2 signs /"u,c -:b Not more than15%of total window spaceandnotmore th ~uare feet of any window space . /"A>-V)v\A.1.'\-v )i. Affixed toglass surface or maximum of 6inchesfromglass surface .(/A-vt,or:- -J-/'¢.w-.\",J p£.AAV"'t '0 ~~w .A V lI.of--:::S\Cr ·.,Il L Indirect oe btlel,lit.2'\r-,-s.{).A :/WI~\')o..-<..>\J\\L '''\. Intended tobeusedto identify particulart ypes of services,produces ,or events .Ifatena nt wishes toloca te a business identification signona window,thissha ll be in lieuo f other signage andsha ll be subject tothe requirements of thosesign categories. Nonconforming Signs No nconforming signs arepe rmitting toremainuntil removed orrep laced. Variances Received: -vJXi-'t"'1'"'\)~\L LVxNCXL l-=t-) Sfk 0 ((,')-: National Ve lvet Dry Cleaners Gar!Sorts S.Qorts Authority) Jackalope Cafe andCanlina :--~_bo,>--\~6.cl"~r -.l c;TlL\..\.lSI "> WestVailMallSign Program Sum Wall Mounted Sign Number:Iper tenant except 2 per tenant for store units located at 2161 N.Frontage Road West #1,#7,&11 6 (pleasereferto attached siteplan). Size : Location: Design: Not more than 20sq.ft .norlessthan10sq.ft per tenant Calculation :2.5sq.ft .of signage fore each 5linealfeet of individual bU~ss frontage Exceptions:u~itted sign of 44sq.ft on south facade On south facade Exceptions:Units,6,7 allowed second signoneast facade UnitI allowed second signonwestfacade . Inlieu ofplacing signage directly abovetheirstor efront tenants #4,#5, havetheoption ofplacing signageon thesouth facade ofthe south building soastohave visibilityfrom 1-70. Notes :Allsignssha ll be parallel toand mounted onthefacade . Eachsig n sha ll be positioned withi n thesign envelope (horizontally cen tered anda t the lower edge of the envelope) Individual pan channeled letters or non-illuminated dimensional letters with1"to T're turns .Returns shallbe painted medium bronze .Letters shallbe mounted whither individually orona raceway .Letters shall be internally illuminated by white neon tube .Plexiglass or similar acrylic facesshall be ivory withbro nze tr im cap edging. Font:Helvetica upper case orscript.Script lettersha llbesubject topr ior approval byLand lord a nd the Town of Va il. Exceptions:Small corporate logo utilizing colored Plexiglass or similar acrylic maybe incorporatedintothesignbutthe logoshall b enob igger thanthesize of the individual letters used in t hesign.Letters must accompany alogoandthelogowill b e counted along withthe letters in assessing thesize of the sign .Cabinet type ,internally illuminated signsmaybe perm itted subject to approval by landlordandthe Town of Vail.DRB amended sign program toallow for colored lettering (see Domino 's). Lighting :Back lighted or pan-channeled. Iftenants #4,#5,and #6 optto place signage onthe south building rather than over their storefronts,letters shall be non-illuminated. Signage for arcade tenants:2161 N.Frontage Road West Suites #4,#5 and #6 Number : Size : Location : Design : Lighting: 1 per tenant except for suites #4,#5,and #6 as outlined above.Tenantin suites #4,#5 and #6 willhavethe option to place a non-illuminated sign onthe south fQ(;ade \...---Dr:~lOv I~? Letters aretobeno larger than 8"inheight.The total footprint ofthese tenant signs will be determined byname ofthe business. /'~v.:>1-h 4-\-~\)l L->O l~t...--') On south facade Noles :All signs shall be parallel to and mounted onthefacade. Eachsign shall be positioned within the sign envelope (horizontally centered and atthe lower edge ofthe envelope)~1-~fl.'L f~OTO'S e.~~(~l Individual letters.dimensional or non-illCnated pan channel with 1 "10 7"returns.Returns shall be painted medium bronze.Letters shall be mounted individually. Font :Helvetica upper caseorscripl.Script leiter shall be subject 10 prior approval by Landlord and theTown of Vail. Non-illuminated Listing in Joint Directory : Window Signs: Equal sized listing notto exceed Isq.ft .per tenant Number : Size: Location: Lighting: Each window frontage onstreet,major pedestrian wayor arcade.No more than 2 signs Not more than15%of total window spaceandnot more than25sq .ft.of any window space. Affixed toglass surface ormax of 6 inches fromglass surface Indirect orbacklit Note :Intended tobeusedto identify particular types of services ,produces,or events.If a tenant wishestolocatea business identification signona window,thisshallbeinlieu ofother signageandshallbe subject tothe requirements ofthosc sign categories. Nonconforming signs: Variances Received : Nonconforming signsare permitted toremainuntil removed orreplaced. National VelvetDry Cleaners GartSports (Sports Authority) Jackalope Cafe and Cantina ... Project Name:NewSign Project Description: •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.u5 DRB Number:DRB040219 SANDBARGRILLNEWSIGN Participants: OWNERWESTVAILMALL CORP 233MILWAUKEE DENVER CO80206 License: APPLICANTWESTVAILMALL CORP 233MILWAUKEE DENVER CO80206 License: 06/01/2004 Phone: 06/01/2004 Phone: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL 2161N.FRONTAGE ROADWEST Location: LegalDescription:Lot:2-A Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:'210311415012 Comments:See conditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:Rogers SecondBy:Proper Vote:4-0-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:07/07/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangesto these plansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond :201 DRB approval shall not becomevalid for 20days following the date of approval . Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following the date of final approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0006550 1.Priortothe installation of the newsign,the applicant shall paint the siding behindthesigntoaddressboththe fading andthe ghost sign left by the existing sign. ...••2.The applicant willinstallthenewsigninamanner that rendersthe racewayforthenewsignunexposed.Allelectricalconnectionsshalllikewisebe hiddenbehindtheparapetwall. Planner:Matt Gennett ORBFeePaid:$68.10 Application for Design Review DepllltTllent ~c:arnmvnt1 ~ 7S ~Ftontage ROId,~I,!;dOrado 61tS7 tel:970.479.2139 fax:97D.419 ,2-45Z ",tb:_,cillAlI.co.us MAY-2o-D4 WI:::D·12 :13 PM ~PI:::l,;IALTY ~PUKI~ Ma~<!E>04 10:lla Sa.AlJr Sports 'GrillMAV-?~-2A64 02:~2 R~ r All.tIJ . (9701.6-3'119 1'.U1 p.1 f·..,,=: 0 MIFlOr Alleration SUO (m ~IIi·'~mIV(comrnerc:ial) [J Miner AII~liOrl SiO (.lng!e-f;,nufyfdupfex) 0 C~n9es tb Approved PlallS no 0 SoparatJon Request No F. Ii.n.-nd (nfcltmation:'All projClctS requiring dPigl'l revinf must I'IC2illt Ippruv~pr10r to SIlbfll\ltlno II blddlng permlt IIppkitlol\.P1ea ~e nsf.r to me wb/Jlltt,ll r.qulrements for lhe plrtloilM IptItmIIl l !hit Is reQl.Utl:d-.lr1;applbtlon fur Otsl9n Revil:w canne t bl!~epted unlll all rlQUIml infDnftallon is fec:ri1led bV !he CcrM1unlty ~t Dtp;lrtment.The projea may ~lso need til be ~br the Town c.ounol -MtdIor \til!Planning !IIlcl Enlllronmentll COll'",inio~. Duilln rtYl_.pprowl Ill".unl_a blilldillll Plhnit ill ~.Zdrvdlon co meft<ll'wlttsln nne y...r ..r lite .ppr......I. Description of the RfICIU.t:'/~.tAil j'£1t.(,~~ Loeatl_orth.propG"\~t.D \'k,\.,c.::,S c..\'\o (\~.£,1'.12.)3 Phy5ical Add'Bu:,r.l ~-~.0'c\.Ut.p;u~lllla .:2,103 \\~ISo \'2 '"(Contact Eagle CD.A~r at 970·328·8640 for ~rcel no.] ZonIng :C C .3 . Name(.)of Dwnert.):';ro e Lo."\s o t fSCi t.L.-?,;.{~\-e..\N M;llIIng Addressl _~-.....;.--------------____Phane:-.,.__-_ Dwner(_)Slgn.tuN(.)1 &"fa,<2d;ire CallVJa).tl c1e"t.--C N.ml!DfApp nt:'S Cvl'\c!~t:vs SS;D ~-\.s (-..=:Ci~ '~I!ft19Ad";Il":''2..\l",N ,F eo .).\c\..1l 'R.c W~\-· c"~C0 ~\L,$"7 PIIone:C)7 l'-'1 7 (.,(..\'0 I ~\ E-mail Addrus;~c..;\~\s:::,C<...e \.k :.j \.I\e...r-Fax:4,0 -L \J (,,'.~~":'\~'§L-_ l1ol\lte,!'1'Vcr -<JS6s'- $50 ~$1.00 PO'$quare fDlltoftoft/sign area. NoFte ~ $300 tjpe Qf Review ~"d Fee: ..,-...SIgnSoCcnceptua l Aevlew o ~Constr\lctIllf1 D Addtlol\ REC EIV ED u ·.Jun 21 04 11:48a SandbjllSports Grill JUN-21-D4 nON 21:23 AM ~IALTY SPORTS (970)~6-3418 FAX NO.• p.1 p,01 gart:prorer t ies City MVnil To Whom It May COllccm: As a rcprescl1t~tivc ofGarl Properties,LLC,properly managerforWesl Vail Mall,LLC. Iapprovethe slgnnge proposed by Sandbar Grill.Please feelfreeto can me if you have any quc:;liol1S.(303)333-1933 .Thank you, Sincerely. GART PROPBRT.lF..s.Ll.C 14L~d:r-- StephenP.Chavez Agent , 233 Milwaukee StrcCl I Denver,Color3~o 00206 I pl1 :3D3.3J3.1933 I Ix:303 ,333.1905 I WWvII.g3rtprOpllrtio •.com Q6 "X 10",raceway - I 8.5'X 8 ",raceway CfJ ~E~ )'--r--,\~...,....,~ ~?~~ -;-'"''""'~~.... • s ~D ~?-..5:"~\/1 C>r... ~t-- "~' \on f'r ~;> • ~ "'~' r: -~ ") Q ~ ~ ~ " •• SIGN APPUCAllON SUBMITtAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is foranysignthat is located withinthe Town of VIIi!.Spedfic requirements are available from the Department of Community Development. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS o Building Identification o Mural o Window Sign o Sign Program o Gas Filled/Fiber OpticoTemporarySign o Other A. B. C. D. Name of susmess : Building nameand physical address; Written approval from condominium essodancn,landlord,andjointowner,if lIpplicabie . Type ofsign (check allthatapply): OFreestanding Sign 'S'd"WIl/i Sign OHllnging I Projecting SignoDisplay80)( ODaily Spec ial BOard OJolnt Directory Sign OSubdlvision Entrance Sign If Ict1k>O Number of signs proposed:1-Numberof signs existing:--l- Sign message :S.,A t4 r c..,I Sign end I!!tt!!rlng dimensions for each proposed sign(attach a colored scaled schematic draWing @ 1/4"'"1'):5"A Hr.t ,( lengthof business frontage:f'q ,....l1 it tepA k ""fl'"t ~Ail y 0\1\./\J ,.,.""'"t, Heightof sign{s)fromgrade:(......f"lw <.Ole!tIp,4-0 (rul '4/..1"-)7 Go....<'-.IJ Sign Locat,on (attach a siteplanandan elevation drawingora photogrllph c1ellrly indiCllting theproposed location of S1gn(s»:_~S~"'~A~-I-~k~~:c...~d~-';;;;;_;;~~I~ A,,,,Ii..h ....f ·I" Materials and colors of sIgn (attach samples):"P""IIJ Cklow \N,.p ...L~H...,~~"''''~''i Sign lighting plan :h...Cb...lac.!Nih"C la l\,SbplIL (tl.."'cl.~ei a Indicatetype,location and numberoffixtures,t-.t..'") a Includeheightabove grade,lumens output,luminous area . .0Attach a cutsheetfor eacn proposed fj)(ture . E. F. G. K. l. H. r. J. M.Di;lIwings showing how "nel wherethe sign or awning willattachtothe buIlding andhow theawning Will be constructed.7:l I I 0 '(~('f"'-'':''1 L,,'!1>./1 ~1;....' SOfl..+- Page J of 4/01110/02 \ .....•• ******************************************************************************************** T OWN OFVA IL,C OLORADO Statement ****************************.*************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: CANES INC . R04000 593 3 Amount :$50 .00 Check 0 6/01/20 0 402 :30 PM I ni t:JS No tat ion:#1237 /SNOW Permit No: Parcel No: S i te Address: Location: DRB040219 Type :DRB -Sign Application 210311415012 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 216 1 N .FRONTAGE ROAD WEST This Payment :$50 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $50 .00 $50 .00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Co de DR 001 0000 31 12 200 De scription DE SIGN REV IEWFEES Current Pm ts 50 .00 • Project Name:GOHAN YASIGN Project Description : Design Review Board ACTION FORM De partm ent o f CommunityDevel opment 75SouthFro ntage Road,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 t el:970.479.2139fax :970.479.2452 w eb:ww w.vailgov.com DRBNumber:DRB050567 Gohan-Yasign ;panchanneled lighting under red/white/black plex letters andbowllogoatop grayracewaytomatchothersonbUilding Participants: OWNER WESTVAILMALL CORP 10/21/2005 233 MILWAUKEE DENVER CO80206 APPUCANT GOHAN-YA RESTAURANT 10/21/2005 Phone:390-2941 KAZUE OSAKI 2121 N.FRONTAGE RD.STE.312 VAIL CO81658 Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL 2121N.FRONTAGE ROAD,STE312 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:2-A Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-2 Comments:racewaytomatchothersonmall front BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:10/27/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentof Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfo r 20daysfollowing the dateof approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year followi ng the date of finalapprova l,unlessabuilding permit is issuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0007679 Racewaytomatch other ex isting racewaysonbuilding Planner:ElisabethEckel DRBFeePaid:$69.50 Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunity Development 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970 .479.2452 web:www .C1 .vail.co.us )d L I ~Yo ,',lV\.",l ~C o ,~. ':Ct>~o / 3 0 »??'1 -?,1Tf /• (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970 -328-8640 for parcel no.) N · No Fee ;2.l \,p l Description of the Request: Gene ral Information : All projectsrequir ing designreviewmust receiveapproval priort osubmitting abuilding permit applica t ion.Pl ease refer t o thesubmittal requirementsfor t he particular approval that is requested.Anapplication forDesign Review cannotbeaccepted untilall requiredinformationis receivedby theCommunity Development Department.The projectmayalsoneedtobe reviewedby theTownCounciland/o r t hePlanning and Environmental Comm ission. Desi gn re view a p proval la psesu nless a build ing p erm it i s issued and construction co mmencesw ith in one year of the approval. Loca ti on of the Proposal :Lo t,;'ABlock:3 Subd ivision:_-J--"-lo,,,,-,-;.>..\_....l,D""'-'-:->.,_--..:>.....::I...><..:"'-'-~__ Physical Address : Parcel No.:::<(031 \'f lSC 1 2.. Zoning :_--'-o<..l:l."""'-"""~~..LC>+_ Name(s)ofOwner(s):("'r.~t-X r Slp e.c=+'·(') Mai ling Address:_~.l..LQ!.-~~:L-_--'L.J....l.'--='__-'i....L.>..w.~--,,=J..'---_ Mailing Address:;2.'jc,,A/1,(ld 1C,....r.,, nC'I~"C <C...~~;l,cCo Owner(s)Signature(s):---"~=--<:.AL±.Lh=-<c..."C.wc",,l _-_ N ame of Applicant:l..(::?;6Q.-...Llt~AwN~_Yf:....6."".L-_ 6 D;(4 10 '-l VA (L Co, _____________-,Phone:'d 7("-"If 7 7 -------7'}bw-r---Fax :7 '1R'-3 Qr "{ -z.7.7 Z-- $50 Plus $1.00 persquarefoot of t otal signarea. No Fee $650 Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. $300 For anaddition where squa re footage isaddedt o anyresidentialor commercial building (includes 250 additions &interior conversions). 5 250 Forminor changes to buildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,window addit ions,landscaping,fencesand reta ining walls,etc. 520 Forminorchangesto buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. $20 Forrevisions t o plans already approved by Plann ing Stafforth e DesignReview Board . E-mail Address : T ype of Review and Fee : ..;-b(Signs [J Concep tual Review U New Construction 0 Addit ion 0 Minor Alteration (mult i-family/commercial) 0 Minor Alteration (Si ngle-family/duplex) U ChangestoApproved Pl ans 0 Separa tion Request 8"S--By :~~~~~~~~~L ---::H~':7~~'------DRB No.:=-----~......,.,~j;l-~~'x_--{"-.,-=-==r- ~--------Project No.:-~~~!",,::!,-==-,,'-"""''--'''''''''-.i1-''''~--- ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** S tatement Number : Payment Method: DESIGN AND GRAPHICS ROS00 01776 Am ount:$72 .00 Check 10/21/200S10:S2 AM Init:JS Notation:86S/SIGN ON DRB -Sign ApplicationType: $72.00 Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address: Location : This Payment: DRBOSOS67 2103 -114-1S01 -2 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 2121 N.FRONTAGE ROAD,STE 312 Total Fees :$72 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$72.00 Balance :$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Ac count Code Description Current Pmts DR 00 100003112200 SP 00100003124000 DESIGNREVIEWFEES SIGN FEES SO.OO 22 .00 Qu es tions?C allthe Pla nn i ng f)c " "t4 79 ·21 ~.., SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION T hisapp licat ionis forany s ignthat is locatedwi thin the Tow n of Vai l.Specific requireme nts a rc a vailable from t he Depa rtment of Co mmuniry Dev elopm ent . .'\.1\a nlC o f Busines s :"-"'-'----'-''4-:...::L_-f-<'''-_ c S ui Iding name an d a dd ress :!\t;,I-\("I I ;VL",I \ Na me ofowner :G 1.z '?'1 t1 p (Jl l '[)\.<;b:d Mailing addres s :_ D .Sig nat ure of o wn er :S u A J Jr eLel L ,i k ,- Phone :470 -Y ',c -..2.'7 -II '/A f( Na meof person su bmitting :G c t+'""~,V",k '"?.,eo' (If d i flcrcn t tha n o wne r)Addre ss:---,P-,o"---"(J",,o,,,-,.c;<'--'f:+-;,IO'-"t-'=C.:...{...I.I "'-'='-LL~_ F.T ype of sign(sec hack fordefi nitions): o Hangings ign D Awning o F reestanding )0 Wall s ign o O ther,spe c ify :_ S ign mes ,;a g c :__......."'""--'-->-.l~"_'_==__ I I. I. .I . Si zeo f s ign a nd s iz e of le ttering fo reac h si gnproposed: , 9 K . L . Numbe r o f s igns p roposed :-L Numberand s ize o fex isting s igns :__........jUL.<:....l._ Locat ion o feachs ign (ytaeh asi te plan i!illI anel evation drawingor a photograph clea rlyindicating th e proposed lo cation):c/~A ~.J.....c.\ / M . N . o Dcsc rihe Iigh ting 0 f sign(existi ng or prop osed):_?...........Ii""N=-_'_...C......::h....uO"-l.>N:....:£..........:...f __i-=---l.J.L.-l--"'-'---_ M h ••A Lc ,\to /l..(,lAx;.~ FEE:$20.00,BJl.S.S 1.00 PERSQUARE FOOTOFS IGN AREA. For OfficeUse Only: Fee Paid :_ Ap plication Da te :__-'--..,..,.._-'---'--_'--'------,,__---''':,: OCT~17-05 NON 11:52 AM SPECIALTY SPORTS FAX NO.P.01/02 Oclohcr 17,2005 Monty Sigll Design fax:970·1)1\9-4670 Rc:Gchnn-ya Si~'11agc West Vail Mall COll1 . Dcar Monty : Otl bcha]]ofWcst Vail M:.II Corporation,please Jet this leiterserveasapprovalfor :1Il,1 permission tobuild am)place the attached sign fortheGohan-ya restaurant insaidmall. If you have anyquestions please callme at 303-270·0329. Thank you , Sincerely, GA RT f'ROJ'ERTIES LLC If!i&-'0 /JA'~./j.(J L.~'L ,./,,' Stcphc P.Chavez for WEST VAIL MA~,CORP. enclosure 7.!y')MIIv,'Jllkl~'!SUllCr.SlJllp,50 1 I D~nvrJ.lA loriJdo aO'lOG I ph :301.3ll9.2555 I f 30 'I .'x •1333.19lJ!)wwwga npt0J,cl lIcHOOl OCT~17-05 NON 11:52 AM SPECIALTY SPORTS FAX NO,P.02/02 ....... ~~:;)......:..: t ,':'q.,••t.\.,","~. I ~"I .,.~f :. I,."~~ '''.'.' ,a ·. RICE BOWL =5 SQ FT RACEWAY 1011 X15.251 ~a (1 J .!-L--u§f1 P.>\CA.Co\<...'\~\~~P 0'-'\Go \t ~v-.Co1 ","0 v cd 1v ''-V'\ e \A.~C\.'iC.4(t".....x~f to VV1 t'1kL--..'k,,:,Ic!':'~(o io r ?~,.,.?'07V C.VV\..WL...J<..Plfll'~CI({)Ci ""cl ~d .(.'qU c>'-"VA..\v'\~v ~,,~L-\--~'Q "'"7\e,.)~l:,e~\",-& (tAl-c... r ''t'11 .~I .I V~tW~N3 Iof).~{N1iA-rVd.<.e fYJall 1,)' ProjectName:NEWSIGN Project Description: DRBNumber:DRB060115 NEWSIGN -SPORTS AUTHORITY Participants: OWNERWESTVAILMALL CORP 04/21/2006 233 MILWAUKEE DENVER CO80206 APPUCANTSIGN SAFARI 04/21/2006 Phone:970-668-5438 POBOX5449 FRISCO CO ProjectAddress:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL EXISTINGGART BROTHERS Location: LegalDescription:Lot:2-A Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 ParcelNumber:2103-114-1501-2 Comments:seecond itions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:05/03/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date offinal approval,unlessa building perm it isissuedand construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Matt Gennett DRBFeePaid:$90.00 Sign Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail ,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com -Zoning:_~-....lo._"';;;....,.-_ E-mail Address:.51 hi Type of Review andFee: ;i?Signs o Conceptual Review o New Construction o Addition 0 Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Olanges to Approved Plan s $20 0 5eparation Request No Fee For construction ofanew building or demo/rebu ild. Foranaddition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting ,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. Forminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revisions to plans alreacly approved by Planning Staff orthe Design Review Board. For Office Us,..pnly:~C'r ~.: Fee Paid:~O .--Oleck No.:I z.,\~l{By:V\..»6--r-u.I \f L L-c- Meeting.Date:.t;~l '=\-olt DRB N?:~/"n 0 C9 V4-U-\-S~--- Planner.I Project No.:__---'=V'-~'____~---- SIGNAPPUCATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application isforanysign that islocated within theTown of Vail.Specific requirements areavailable fromthe Department of Community Development. o BUilding Identification o Mural o WindowSign j;d"'Sign Program o GasFilled/FiberOptic o Temporary Sign o Other I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS .f A.Name of Business:5/0 I-t./J4 i ~or r'/'f i lJ.r: B.BUild ing nameandphysical address;.;;I 6 /II fio ~0.[-e ~S C.Written approvalfromcondomin ium association ,landlord ,and joint owner,if appl icable.;f/'4 D.Type of sign(checkall that apply): l::;JFreestanding Sign ~allSign l::;JHanging /ProjectingSign l::;JDispiay Box DDaily SpecialBoard l::;JJoint Directory Sign l::;JSubdivision EntranceSign c IfJO I dOl I Number of signsexisting:__I _ /Itt i~0 V "+'1 orech rJ posedsign (attach acoloredscaledschematic I E. F. G. H. 1. J. K. L. M.Drawingsshowinghowandwherethesignorawningwillattachtothebuildingandhow theawningwillbeconstructed.~ N.The Administrator and/or ORB mayrequirethesubmission of additional plans,drawings, specifications,samplesand other materials (induding amodel)ifdeemednecessaryto determine whether a project willcomplywithDesignGuidelinesor if the intent of the proposalis not dearly i ndicated. F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\Sign_application_1 2-QS-200S .doc Page 3 of4 12/0S/200S West Vail Mall Sign Program Summary Notes: Exceptions:unit1 permitted sign of 44sq .ft onsouth fa~ade :>GfJ m u h facade"> Exceptions :Units8,16allowedsecondsignoneastfacade Unit1allowedsecondsignonwestfacade Allsignsshallbeparalleltoand mounted onthefacade .Each sign shallbe positioned withinthesign envelope (horizontally centered andatthe lower edge of the envelope) Individual pan channeled letterswith 4.5"to 7"returns.Returns shallbe painted medium bronze.Letters shallbemounted whither individually orona raceway . Letters shallbe internally illuminated bywhiteneon .tube.Plexiglass facesshall be ivory with bronze trimcapedging . Fon t:Helvetica upper caseorscript.Script letter shallbe subject toprior approval by Landlord andtheTown of Vail. Exceptions:Small corporate logoutilizing colored plexiglass maybe incorporated intothesignbutthelogoshallbeno bigger thanthe size of theindividual letters usedinthesign.Letters must accompany alogoandthelogowillbe counted alongwiththe letters in assessing thesize of thesign . Cabinet type,internally illuminated signsmaybe permitted subject to approval bylandlordandtheTown of Vail. Back lighted or pan-channeled Wall MountedSign Number:1per tenant except2per tenant forstoreunits1,8,16 Size:Not more than20sq.ft.norlessthan10sq.ft per tenant Calculation:2 .5 sq .ft .of signage foreach5linealfeet of individual business age Location: Design: Lighting: k·. \)r-t3 p..fv\..fo.{'lj)fl) )1~N PtKXlM-·1 -_11J ~;..t..OL0 f4!.- w \.O P-W '---"".(...t,iT~~I',j " l iff +u-t i,,10 •s-) Projecting andHangingSign: Number:1 per tenant facingonthe arcade Size:Not more than6sq.ft.andnotlessthan4sq.ft. Location:Perpendicular totheface of the tenant's space Height:Minimum clearance of8'between thefloor grade andthe bottom of thesign . Maximum of 15'above existing grade. Design:Sand blasted or routed wood.Subject toapproval of landlordand Design Review Board Lighting:Indirect (spot-lighted) ListinginJoint Directory:Equal sizedlistingnottoexceedIsq .ft .pertenant. Window Signs: Number:Each window frontage onstreet,major pedestrian wayorarcade.Nomore than 2 SIgnS. ............ ID IlkJminated Raceway Lett ers -m GIN-3 -Illuminated Channel letters •w tnte-Hor izontal Format Note :Patchand Paint ias c ia upto arch itectural break~lnes whe re priors ign was Installed. --Il(EW I'COlOllO Ml101IU ILD NG 6f(-2.25-Sif Plelfoce (ho nn elletterswi Int erno l Ne on lII uminoti on ~,I"11 16".1'.0-JU SlrT m---..-.'-.....""""t6tl lP ..1on, ~ .5rI".r.II~ N r.tU•• U II,.a.·ILI'_ _".....11.1.......-c-...a_-'....--..................~......._.... ..........fIo_ _.t "'..~_..w.. ..II1II ...-..".• Me 11 71 0••iA-ll1.fCllti-1JP.,1,-OINOi 5JIt"'-Nm" &-'f1L A -'!!!!LLl:;~ &== &==....... SPORTSt\L"TliOItITY #121 2161N. FlO nltlgt Rood Vai~CO 81651 B-1 0 2005 lmegeNational.Inc.,.......on"""....".'he",I....h""l'"",,-,1,,,rl"'lt1 110 _.,11_-""doov no,,.,.;dod by..CllJl'9lI ....0/..u"",,,1_1'*11.US Codo)1II '9M"......t by Imogo'"........"...doov".,,,,owd",_..""'""""Iho .......'90110 .)~iMdoligD ."'"'".,..11 __""*'_110 josigo;cl "-."..,.,.,,_..~"""..oIo<igo,.llldr GW-2 -WHITE·NEON GfC-2 .25 .SIF Plex Foce Channel Le"ers wi Internal Noon Illumination xm.l{l 6'=1'.0'...."'" NOIE I WMl'l'U'UTTElI1l0 U RIWIIAI.Ons, DISTAN:EY1S IIIUlY ~I'fOB fV!IY 32'OF A/,R OA(HiIIlBIUlY USE IPP OOY EOAl 1W1J il PlOVIOEO BY OIYH II 01 OI SIG NE,fO'All SIG NIIBilUT IO/lS III PAINB 10 BE ~vo.PAl I POlI UUTHAN EBY lUTiH EWI Gl OSS AiiSH. IU IIL'S10BE 3MUN lESSOIH ERW ISE STATI O AU STill [OMPO NENIS 10BE PI~E O Wl IHnlmH liIIOII'MON·l OllmOVE DEO Ull) AU STIUC!UR.l!CO I'lONE NB 10BE SlIE'IV I U([NS!O mUaURlLOlGNE El lO MEnCl flUE D1ll1liOl STAl llHO",nONll[ODES AU UIDlkAl liCilT:lIllO CIflUE OUlIl:lUIU"Eh B. 'U !XPOI ,BFlS1 E'EIS 10U /lJNTlO TO lIAllHWINR EIO(T,kAl ,m s _1,(B.IlI OF IUJI"U'I [[OUTl EIS 10BE101_OFB'oO 'lOH Gr.s llIASUllD 110M THESl£lOfIH UTIli All WAU ~NE1UIIDIlS (10111IN mllAll/.D EXIElhIll 10!I SEAlE DlG4IHST MO ~1UU",1I<OU ~IS1£0011£0 5' J ~1 fi)o ® SEal ON STD REMOTE TRA NSfORMER 5CAlt!In '=1'-0'(51lAI URlm Ei SETS) f AB OOOO N II ~SlAill nON SP!(S I.fO i 'HW'lYPElETIII5 El5 .lmEi fACE 10 BEWltIT EliAN SW CENT AlJYlJ((AC il5TEE I #/318Oi APPi OYE DEa .) 2.Pi E·PlJNTEDBlAIVN HITE050AUJ.\\I NUM iETU iNS (GlDSS) 1 l'BlACXTi IM CA PTO BEBlAO:. 4.13-15mmNEON IUBE(5)A5 REOUI RE D. 5,un n BAClSTO BEPRE-PAIIITEO .080AWMINUM. ..l EO NTUB ESUPPOlTS ASiEa UiRED. I ,Fi.\NU TiA N5 FO iM EI 01APPROVED a.60 Hz,60mA .IEMOTE TiAilS FOIN.EI 10 ,~m OREXaEO m U.l 1161 IEOUIIEMEilS .5PECIfY TRAN5fORMER BASE DONINBusm 5lA IID UB5 PEl UNEIL fOOTA GE 01 TUBEREOU IIED.FIEUI ~E RlfY YO IIAG!AND ADJUST ACCOIDINGIY. 8.EU OROB IT5 PASS TH ROUGHASIEOU IIEO. 9,EUORO BI 15HYCH IGHVOLTAG ECON NEaOI fOl DRY LOCATION 10.ELEOROBITS ELEOR ODE8001 ASIEOU IIED TO MAU CONNEaION BETWEENmaRO DEAND GIO WI RE. n,PIOVI DEWE EPHOUS WITHUG HTSCRH N510 ~EET U.l IEaU IIEHElITS 12.mACHTOEXI 511tlGwmA 5RlaUiR ED. '1 ELEaiO BIT5GROUND IN GIIN GAHDGR OUN DWI lE . If.CAULK ALL PEN ET RAT ION5AS REOU liEB 10 5E.l IAGA IN5T MOl 5TURE IS.GIO FlEXCAB UA 5RWUIRED. m-_......~.....w~t_."J ....."'C[l; IUU ...lY."'''''11"- .5f!"'-lS~ ill "'JIllII ®lil:'~'It ..u aU II 1.1.1'1 ...._ t...-"a44l11......-c.-..Jll_-.t....-.~ .'Clll",'''Ql'~\l.III n......1101o .....oi _.-..."__ll hlr ."'.... JroooIa-t.-.""••.,.........l"lo... -~.-. iii 117 10 5hu.. S4-121 <41111""3I'-i.-010*Yo! ~1Biiji"/)..03..,' ill-l:tL A -ffi]Lili..J;L &== 8·2 lD 2005l mage National,Inc.This ds<.ignisotl ariginolWI'J!kof gul!lofY.ip by t ~National,Int ("Imog e1 wflidalNiOS 1M lXI p,riQht prolettan 10th isdeggnlIS pfOY'ded by the CDVlri ghl kMsoflhe UlIitad SlotM(tifle 17,U.S.Code).All "lIhf'l O lll eseM ~I:y Imoie and,u~r:1 me LISe of fl1 isd~cn isDUfhorized bv Irooge 'r wrillllQ,lmoge owns Inll"~ivt ri~h1'511t. 0)"".,h.1'hi!.design illmpies.in glophi:ro lm 01asII 5~n;b)prepoll dttrivctiw ttM.s ilNd IIPO ~the ~igll;q ~WJffl ofl!le ~r.bv \Ole Of oTher hoosfe ,of owneMip;alll!II)displov rh .BlSign puh&dy. zs-: C>.c-, :r...r .. ---J ~~ =I Cm '"rr lo C>•.- ~.....'-.----~-_r.--_.-,!.•.. r .~_.~'.., :,".".L'~' J 03 'OI NT PROPiRTY OWNER WltImM APPROVAL.LeTTfR J.(pml /1il "l'ol:)Ttl 0 f>1 _1 c;l l .c :-;....J--'b joi"t CNllIer fI propertY l uca ~it!(aOd re~1 dI:sc'ip c un)_P-/6 1 I/...&:z;~~-------- Prtl~ltli s lcttcr as written ifilprt'Va l of .pli'JIIS~A±/..4~.t,~",l"uch tld'o/l' beer:submitted to the Town ~\/ail CDmmu',it{Oevel ~~Oec io tlM ~t fer tile proposed l 'l1prr.ypmentl; ttl be complo!tcd at the address noted above.I und~nd !r>:l t the proooibi i r'fl"O\lt:me nt~ind lJd e: ----------_..._._-_._---~..._.--------- --~---------_._--- ._-------- ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ***********************************************************•••****************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: SAFARILLC R060000421 Amoun t:$90.00 Check 04/21/200610:21 AM In it :LC Notati on:#1 21 94/SIGN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location : DRB060115 Type:DRB -Sign Appl ication 2103 -114-1501 -2 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAI L EXIS TING GART BROTHE RS Total Fees:$90.00 This Payment :$90 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$90 .00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Code DR 00100003112200 SP00 100003 124000 Description DESIGNREVIEWFEES S IGN FEE S Current Pmts 50.00 40 .00 Project Name:mizuppasign ProjectDescription: MiZuppaSign Participants: •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479 .2139 fax:970.479 .2452 w eb:www .cLvail.co.us DRBNumber:DRB020068 OWNERWESTVAILMALL CORP 03/26/2002 Phone: 233 MILWAUKEE DENVER CO 80206 License: APPLICANT BobGontram 03/26/2002 Phone:668-8138 POB5537 Frisco,CO Rgontram@msn.com 80443 License: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location: LegalDescription:Lot:2-A Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FI L 3 ParcelNumber:2103114150 12 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:04/09/2002 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner:BillGibson DRBFeePaid:$68.00 •• Departmentof Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 / tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us •Application for Design Review lI\ $.{J,vK ~/. ~ General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmust receive approvalprior tosubmittinga bUild ing permitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatis requested.An application for Design Review cannotbe accepted untilall required informationis received bythe Community Development Department.The projectmayalsoneedtobe reviewed bytheTown Council and/orthe Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:_----'....L..-J-'-+...L-'''--_ Zoning:__-=-=::..-':""--_ Location of the Proposal:Lot:J,-,t:}Block:__Subdivision:Res",BOlvt5'/o~of Lo1i';L Physical Address::2./I N.60-/4-e.ROAD t..ve -epeAs To l4Jes7 V ....lL HA-L~ Parcel No.::J..I c?3//t./-/0'0 I c2 (Contact EagleCo.Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) CC-3 - Name(s)ofOwner(s):FL ....j IN f1 Y Sou?IN c.../Gtj£T f~(P?~/1c.5 LLG,l i , Mailing Address:Pc>-L3 65'37 PJ'2tScO eo.'ij'oqL{3 ) ________----,,::--........-..-Phone:Cj 70 ~t.~g -8 t 3 8- Owner(s)Signature(s):!2~f.c.;~'"- Name of Applicant:8 ~.8 .C.()~T «A M Mailing Address:POD SC37 PI(fScO CD g04'/3 _____...-=_-----=-__---::-__'__Phone:1'70 -t C8-8 t 3 s:- E-mail Address:/((\(!)N r ,2;4 /1 ""H S tv •~a x :~70 -~&gz -$>II 8 Type of Review and Fee: (a Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review No Fee 0 New Construction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (rnulti-farnllv/cornmercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans $20 0 Separation Request No Fee Plus $1.00per square footoftotalsignarea. Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwhere square footageisaddedtoany residential or commercial building(includes250 additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes tobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changes tobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. For revisions toplansalready approved by Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board. RF ('C'IVEll PJ2bO'.l -d2'-~ For Office l,Ise Only: Fee Paid :lfi6 ·.CV Check No.:,;2 7"55'By:---o"""'..--_ Application Date:DRB No.:----'~.l.L,(;l:.l:...;:::.G'.L4:~'-------- Planner :ProjectNo.:_ •• SIGN APPUCATlON SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Gene ral Information Thisapplicat ion isforanysignthatislocatedwithintheTownofVail.Specificrequirementsareavailable fromtheDepartmentof CommunityDevelopment. I .SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.Name of Business:M i Zv ??A ...LvesT 1/,4-IL HAI-L . B.BUi lding name a ndphysicaladdress;;;11 '-I N ;:=120 I.JT/J C;e .R ,-,"'A i)t v -'S r c.Writtenapprovalf rom condominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapp licable. D.Ty pe ofsign (c heck all that apply): [:;J Freestanding Sign 0Building Iden tification ~Wa ll Sign 0Mural [:;JHangin g /Projecting Sign 0WindowSign [:;JDisplay Box 0SignProgram ODaily Special Board 0 GasFilled/Fiber Optic [:;JJoint Directory Sign 0TemporarySign [:;JSubdiv ision Entrance Sign 0Other Page3 of 4 10 1/1 0 /02 Drawings showing howandwherethesignorawningwill attac h tot hebu di ngand how theawn ing willbeconstructed. Numberofsignsproposed:0 IJ e...Numberofsignsexisting:ON e.- Sign message:HI Z u P PA Signandletteringdimensionsforeachproposedsign(attachacoloredscaledschematic drawinq @ W '=I '):J../A 5 l3~e IJ CI1"q I i e I:> Length of business frontage :3:;;F ~r /..,1 ..,..-",!3 -Heightofsign(s)fromgrade:.r I v t)I [Ott SignLocation (attachasiteplan and ane levation drawi n indicatingth eproposed locat ionof si gn (S)):-------'S::...:e~e"'___l~:::cb::~:..-.~:7:;_;;~~.=_. Materialsandcolors ofsign (attach sampleS):---:.5_·e_e:--t_-'-__-r _ Sign lighting plan:S'e-E'S ?ec.S oI ndicatetyp e,loca tion andnumberoff ixtures. oI ncludeheight above grade,lumens outp ut,luminousarea. .0 Attach a cutsheetforeachproposed fixt ure. M. K. L. E. F. G. H. 1. J . •• N.The Administrator and/or DRBmayrequirethesubmissionofadd itional plans,drawings, specifications,samplesandothermater ials (inclu ding amodel)if deemednecessaryto determine whether a projectwillcomplywithDesignGuidelinesorifthe intent ofthe p roposal isnotclearly indicated . NOTESTOALL APPLICANTS Time Requirements TheDesignReviewBoardmeets o nthe1stand 3rdWednesdays of eachmonth.Acompleteapplicati on formandallaccompanyingmaterialmustbeacceptedbytheCommunity Development Department prior toapp lication deadlines.Ascheduleof DRB meetingsandassociatedapplication deadlines maybefound ontheWorldWideWebathtto:!lcLvail.co .us/commdev/olanning/drb/meetings /default.h tm Review Criteria Th e proposalwill bereviewedfo r compliance withtheDesign Guidelines as set forthinTitle12(Zoning Regulations)andTitle14(Develo pmentStandards)oftheTownofVailMunicipal Code. Design Review Board Meeting Reguirements Fornewco nstruction andadditions,theapplicant muststakeand tapethe projectsitetoindicate property lines,proposedbuildingsandbuild ing corners.Alltreest o beremoved mustbetaped.The applicantmustensurethatstakingdoneduringthew inter isnotburied bysnow.Allsitetapingsand stakingmust be comp leted priortothedayofthe DRB meeting. Theapplicant,ortheirrepresentative,shallbepresentattheDesignReviewBoard Hearing.Applicants whofa il toappearbeforetheDesignReviewBoardontheirscheduledmeetingdateandwhohave not askedinadvance that d iscussion on their item be postponed,willhavet heir itemsremoved fro mt heDRB agenda untilsuchtimeastheitemhasbeenrepublished. If th eDRBapprovestheap plicat ion withconditi ons ormodifications,allconditions ofapproval must be resolved pr ior totheissuanceofabui lding permit. Staff Approval TheAdmin istrator (amemberoftheplanningstaff)mayreviewandapproveDesign Review applications, approvewithcerta in modifications,denytheappl ication,orrefer theapplicationtotheDesignReview Board foradecision.All staff approvalsarereviewedbythe Desi gn ReviewBoardandanystaff decision issubjecttofinalapprovalbythe DRB . J Page4o f 4 /01 /1010 2 ..aw...W IE Ale..-s,.',SliIQU ~Ii bILJ~"". MilE iUXRAS MaS wnH"JM nAMSlIfCBn'YMY\ _MY 1ItItK'.U'AIm II1WMS "'lUSH ICKP_·TO.YMYL -.....cs MDIImD RUSH 1'0 TMI ..... ULusnD • .... -'---"-"-__II __IrI·:,-:==:r-....._------------------ 11 /I 1-,... •• -----..,,.....-.--.... Sl,yldeslgn fabrication Installatlon IS~'W 7tfl,......'~ "den,co 804Dl 301n&7tl5 f J03.D8.1Za6 N III U <l:a.~ ~..,. LIl Q r~ MQM~ ~~ M~t 15"M lSI M "::l ~ \l)... ~m ~ Iii) til ".III Z~ ~~:c ... 0u !-O , IX \.<l: U III X !-t ":c 0 ~ '" ~ M. N N N. lSI I 0:- N I ~ <l::c 9 .... • -:BLACK RETURNS &TRIMCAPS1/wtITE 'l5MM ~ ~~r.pf \18.4SQ.FI a'i m:i Z~PPCl N'-----------------------------------------... lL dz x E DUAL LK;HT UT CHAMa LITTERS SMLE sTRoKE WtITE ARGON OPAQUE WHITE VINYL OM LOGO WHITE PLEXIGLAS FACES WITH 3M TRANSLUCEMT VINYL 0630-84 '"MI-&13630 49"'ZUPIW' TRIMCA'AND RETURNS PAInED TO MATOf THE VINYL COLORS 3/W CLEAR PODtARIONATI ums MOUNTED 15'"FROM THE ItADIC 60 MA TRANSfORMERS UL U$11D • sign design fabrkatlon Installation 15866 w.7th ave.'a" golden,co 80401 303.278.7215 f 303.278.7216 1laI8I1D I'fi Dl\TI:l.IU012 MIkE~ VAIL,CO :Ea E •• TOWNOFV AIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tatement Number: Payment Method : Permi t No : Parcel No: Si te Address: Location : R000002074 Amount :$68.00 0 3/26 /200203:35 PM Check Init:JAR Notat ion:2555-Fly i n My soup,Inc DRB020068 Type:DRB -Sign Application 210311 4150 12 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Total Fees:$68.00 This Payment :$68.00 Total ALL Pmts :$68.00 Balance :$0 .00 **•••••••••••••••***••••••••••••****•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT IT EM LIST : Accoun t Co de DR 00100003112 200 SP 00100 0031 2400 0 Descr ipti on DES IG N REV IEW FEES SIG N FEES Curre ntPmt s 50 .00 18.00 '...., ...• L6LoK..S ••• • • •G1~C)mll .~.PPq ~N O DREAD Menu g FreSV1 soups-D~LLtJ ! FreSV1 SClLClc{S :2 SCl V\-c{WLCV1 cV10Lces FresV1 B,reClc{ cooRLes (FresV1,of course) ii-7-Mo I/I--S CIt CCI LL the SOilcpLLVI-e fOY OIAY cV1ef's DClLLl:::J cyeClHoI/I-s West V<lil M<lll (next to S<lfew<lY) Phone:970-476-0933 Fax &Soupline 970-476-0990 www.mizuppa.corn