HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 2 3 DECLARATION & COVENANTS LEGALPage I of I Judy Rodriguez .Re:Garts andMark Donaldson Fr om: To : Date : Subject: CC : Judy Rodriguez Alliso n ocns 0 1124/20038 :16 AM Re :Garts and M ark D onaldson Comm De v Plan ners J ust tell Mark Seidel ,Steve C havez and David Fre id eltha t I spoke toR ick Merkel on 1/22/03 andhe agreed to haveit down by next Tuesday.(I a lso rece ived m e ss agesfr om a tl th ree and left m essages back tell ingthemthe same thing ·I have d oc umentations of thed atesa nd times the y a ll c a lled me). »»>All ison O ehs 01 /23/03 04 :56PM >>> Mark Donaldso nisnow trying t o c laimtha t I to ldhi mhe could put that wh ite conduit thing back u p after ame e ting I hadwithhi m an dT omS idell (o r something .)Forthe record,I N EVER to ldth e m that and infact,was very emphatic abou t thefact that I WAS NOT their planner a nd th at t heyn eededtota lk to George regarding the ORB co nditions .Don't fall for it!T heya ret rying to d iv ide a nd conquer! Alli so n Ochs.Alep P la nner II Department o fCo mmunity Develo pment Town o f Vail ph .970-479 ·2369 tax 970-4 79 -2452 aochs@ci.va i l.c o.us f1l e:/IC:IWindowslTEMPIGWl 00001.II1M 01124 /2003 -f-'-'__c"'-'-_ '"~ ..D ..D ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ca;:!L ,-__---""...,,___ ..D " ~ c ea o (£~~~I----'~ U .S .Po stal Service CERTIFIED MAILRECEIPT • (Domflst lC M all On ly,No In surance COV 8TBge p~ o Heslndl!d 0,,'-"F.... ~(E~HIfQUI/'IlCII I---""':N r-"I Tol'"P0 81_"F_$ ru c cr r-. cr ;:!'----~--~------,=r-:',>;:_~~_-.J ..D ••PageI of I Judy Rodriguez·Re:Gartsign Fr om : To: Sub j ec t : J udyRo d riguez J udyRod rig uez Re:Ga rt sign R ick Me rkel fa x d c op ieso f lette rs to fax#303256 -2300 ,ema il-rmerkel@gartsports c o m I . I I t•L, '>, --- >:»J ud y Ro dr iguez 0 1/22/03 03 :33 PM >>> J ust spoke to Rick Merkel f rom DenverGart Spo rts an d he a sked to havea n extensio n un tilne xtT uesdayto remove t he whitetubinq .Hej ust fou nd outabout thi s issuetodaya nd d idn't thin k his s ignco mpany cou ldremove itbefo reth en .I sai d o ka ndtoho ld offcitinghim u ntl.we ch eck it -out Tu eSda y.-~~ T hx J ' 7 »>:~JltJt V-v\r Jft ~~1\02-Sf ~\eJ J 1,0 [0 J '('{\OJu rv ~"~'~J \01hf2S~~~"-0~~tU~~----1Z 7(J ~I?;~Uvl-ccf 1.M~vf 30 3 (J~(Q0 Q)oj{tft.I'" DLUvtJ f ~i~ II l aho ut:blan k 0 1/22 /2003 •• Department afCommunityDevelopment 75S outh Frontag e R oad Yail.Colorado 8/65 7 970-4 79-2/3 8 FAX 9 70-4 79-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 17,2003 Mr .TomGart Gart Bros.Sporting G oodsCo mpany Bo x 146 De nver,CO60201 Ms .Ma rie Locke ADCON Signs 3729C anal D rive Ft.Collins ,CO6052 4 RE :Gart SportsSignage/2171 NorthFront age RoadWest ,We st VailMall Dear Mr .G art and Ms .Locke : Th e purpose of my letter isto inform you that the Gart Sports sign .locatedatthe above r eferenced address,does notcompl y w ith you r DesignRev iew Boardapproval. Enc losed pleasefi nd acopyof c orrespondenceto A deon ,dated November 4 ,2002 . requestingremova l ofthewhite boxsign framebyDece mber 1,2002 .Todate ,anew sign application has n ot been submitted . I n lig ht ofyou r fai luret o comp ly wit h ourprev ious ag reement.theTow n of Vail is requ iring t hattheexist ing ,unappro ved sign be re moved by12:0 0 p.m.(noon)onFr iday , Ja nuary 24 ,2003.Ifyoufa il toremovethe s ign as r equired,I wi ll have no choice but to issue a summons forthisv iolation . Should youhave any questions.pleasedonot hes itate to contact meat 479-2 128. i ~Ce re ly e l ~UdY~rigUez ~ Plann ing Permit T ech T own of Vail Enc . C c:George Ruther ,C hief ofPlanning David R hoades ,CodeEnforcementOffice r o 1lfiC:'tr.J.RDPA I'F.Il •• Department oj Co mmunity Dev elop ment 75 South Fron tageRo ad Vail.Colorado8 1657 9 70-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.c o.us N ovemb er 4 ,20 02 Marie Loc ke A DCON S igns 3 729 Canal D rive Ft.Co llins ,CO 80524 R E:G art Sports S ignage12171 No rthF rontage Road W esl,W est VailMa ll Dear M arie : T he purpose ofmy letter isto confirm our conversatio n tod ay ,reg ard ing sign installa t ion on t he above referenced property. En closed pl ease f ind as ign applicatio n for new s ignage o nt hea bove refere nced property.Asyoua re aware ,the T ownofVail De s ign Re v iew B oard condit ion ally a pproved th e replacemen tof your exi st ing s ig n witho ut t he w hite box frame.In co nsideration o f you rtimec onstraints ,yo u will beperm ittedtore hangth e pre vioussig n un titDecember1.2002 ,atw hich tim et hew hitebox fram e must be removed.T his will g iveyou 30 d aystosub mit a n ewsign ap plication fo r a ppr oval. Sh ould y ou have a ny q uestions ,please dono th e sit ateto c ontactme at479 -2 128. ~n ce r e I Y ' U,Err j j ac: udy ~Odri9~;;-a {) Planning Permit Tech T ownofVa il Ene . Ce:George R ut her ,Chief of Planning David Rhoades,Code Enf orcement Offieer Page I of I Judy Rodriguez -Gar!Sports white frame around sign From: To: SUbject: Judy Rodriguez A llison Ochs :BillGibson;David Rhoades ;Geo rge Ruther;MattGenne tt ;War ren Campbell Gart Spo rts wh ite frame arou nd sign C or respondance fo rMa rie Lockefrom Adeon (nottheapp licant fo rthe alt erat ionsto t he G art Buildi ng)never reached an yone . T he 1/17 follow-up letter toRickMerke l (GartSportsemp loyee)w as passeda round toS teve C havez and D avid Fre idel (V P of Gart Sports -303 -86 3-2656).I spoke toDav idtodaya nd hesaidtheco nd itio n ofap proval was give n to Ma rk Siedel(Ga rt Building Landlord)unbeknownstto David Freidel (GartSports).Ga rt Sportswa nts to dec ide onanewsign ,sotheycandisma ntleth eexist ingon lyonce(not bythe deadline on T uesdayan d the n a gainwh en the newsigngoesup).If weca ndi scusswh at to doat ou r T uesd ay meet ing ,t hatwou ld bea great help tome.T hx D Yes • •Complete Items 1 2 -"3Item4'f A '•a,.....Also complete •p_•8s trlcted Delivery Is desired • nntyocr name and address on the ~verse •so thaI wa c an return lha cardtoyo u:r:~i~j~.:",~dfto the back 01 the m~i rPiec e , 'v f space permits. 1.Artie'"Addreased to: 3.~Mili l 0 Ex~M a a o Reg's l8tlld li'J1:falum Race;t 101"o 'nsur&d Muil 0 C.O.D.P Mercf\and,se 4 .Raslricled ()ejivery?I&fmFM}) Domestic Alnurn Receipl a bout:b lank (r_"",~___7 002 1 00 0 O OO ~ PSForm 3811 ,Aug ust 200 1 69BO 663 6 01 /2412 003 • Project N ame:GartSports Proj ect Description : • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Comm unity Developme nt 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cl.vail.co.us ORBNumber:DRBO I038S Addition o f screened rooftop u nits Participants: OWNER W ESTVAILMALL CORP11/14/200 1 Phone: 233MI LWAUKEE DENVER CO B0206 License: APPU CANT Brian Seyfert h &Assoc iates,ll/14j 2001 Pho ne :303 -797-7772 55 83S.Pr inceSt. littl eton,CO 8 0120 li cense : Project.Address:2171NFRONTAGE RD WESf VAIL Location : Legal Description :Lot:2-A Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHO NE FIL3 Parcel Number :2 10311415012 Comments : BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By : Second By : Vo te: Cond itions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:11/22/2001 Cond:8 (PLAN):No c ha nges toth ese plans may be mad e witho ut th e written co nsent of To w n of Vail staff a nd/or t he ap propriate review co mm ittee{s). Cond :O (PLAN):DRBapp roval doesnot co nsti tute a permit f or bu ild ing.Pleaseconsult w ith Town ofVail Build ing personnel pr ior to co nstruct ion act ivities. Planner:Bill Gibson ORB FeePa id:$20.00 I S EP-';l "/-1tI1 1.,;.;.1.~N U"'l U Y -"'\J ..-u ~v -u ~r ~.•.u '''''.v...''"....~..• Application for Desig n Rev iew ~"'C<mmnty0<>_,_ 7S SooAl Frontal}e Road,Val.Cob-ado 8 I6S7 tJ:l ;970.11'9.2l39 ~970..'i79.2.i52 ~;_.Q.vailtD.us Gen eralln fonn ation: This app&::.ation Is b IIt1y proj«1 mrurt'9 Design Review ~krf project requri'1g ~fb'1eW m.JSt ~approval p1cr l:)~a buikiI1g pemit ~L Pfe:Is;e refer to the SlbTittaI ~fOl-!tie perti:uIar aw-aval ttlar:is ~An appkation ftr Desagn Review c:amot be accepted until at required i1formlItion 5 rea:rved by'!he ConnuW;y ee-..eoprlle~~.The project may also need to be ~..~"ed by the Town CDundJ ar4/or the Pfamng and ~Conmi56icrL De:sIgn Rewiew BoIIrd apJM"Unt Iap:$es u nl~..building permit:ill iPued and construction comrnenas within one:'f1!M of tflC'.-ppJVvaL Descriptionot'the Req&A'!St:Add 2 ne..-r o of l op un i ts with sc ra e ning to a n e xist ing build ing Locati OROf the Pro posal:L.ot:~BIotk:...2...-SubdMsion:Va il Das SchoneF ili ng 3 Phy.RC3 IAdd ~:2 1 61 No rt h Fron t a ge Road .Vaj l CO 8 165 7 P arcel tsc.e 2 101 J 1 41 5 012 (Contact Eagle Co.Asse:i.:ior at 970-3 28-8640 roc pi!lt:e1 no.) ZO ning:_ Name{S)o t Owner{S):West y a i 1 Mal l Co rporat io o Ma UlngAdd l"eS$:217 1 No rt h F r oota ge Road .Vail c o6 165 7 Owne{$}Si!lftO\1D'l(s},~lY ~~~e:.::::::..__ Name o f Applicant:ac:::;:er;h;;::ZS:PS.I n c . 558 3 s .P rince St ree t ,L jt tl e to n c o 8 01 20 __________---,Phone:]0 ]79 7 -7772 T Vpe of Review ilnd Fee: o New Constru::tJoooAddition ~MInOr AltJ;sliiltD'1 $200 rorCDn5tNttion d a new building ordtmOIrebuiId. $50 For .an adciOOn \IfIIhere ~~is adOed tn any ~or 'CO,_IO(;.i;ll buIdlng (i"tdude5 250 adlItions &interior aJI'lIIel'SiOn5 ). $20 Fer minor ~to tkJiIdingr>andsite'il upO'tolill!lts,.5Ldl as, mooting....-.....",_..__r.nas .m r$iI *19 waI$,.ee, $20 For ~to pens 8t'eady 8PPi()w@d by P'tannr1g StitII'or lhe """"".-..BoW PUAS£SUBI"IlT nns APPUCAl'1C'lN"Nl.~AI...REQJlREMCNTS .ANOrue ~10 THE DEPAlUHENT a-COMHlImY 0EVEl.0PMENT. 75 SOl1T11 A«:WTAGE ROlD.VAll..roL(JW)()81657. .;,--, ,....,.- I,;.r.~'0..:..:,-,'0".-..."_ ~-.-.- CEIVE D NOV I 3 2001 •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAlL .COLORADO Sta tement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tatemen tNumber : Payment Me thod : R00 00017l9 Amount:$20 .00 Check 11/14/200 102 :19 PM In il-:JAR Notat i on :7 581 P erm it No : Pa rc el No: S ite Addre ss : Location: DRBOI 038 S Type:DRB -Minor A lt era tion 2 1 0311415 012 21 71 NF RON"I'AGE RD WEST VAIL This Payment :$20 .0 0 Tot..1 Fees : To l.a l ALL Pmt.s : Bal ance: $20 .00 $20 .00 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT Il EM LIST: Account Code DR 00 10 000 31122 00 Desc rtptt on DE SiGN RE VI E.f EES Cur rent Pmt s 20.00 • • • • •• Department 0/C ommunity Developmen t 75Sout h Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 8 /65 7 9 70-479 -2/38 FAX970 -4 79-2452 www.c i.vail.c o.us Septe mber 19,200 1 MarkDona ldson 1 Victor MarkDona ldson A rchitects 0048 E.Beaver C reek Blvd.,Sui te 207 Box5300 Avon ,CO8 1620 Re:TheWest Vail Mall /RequesttorDesig n Review Approval Mark: At its Septemb er 19th meeting,the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DAB)voted unanimously to app ro ve the abov e-refe renced ap plicatio n for desig nreview ap proval with thefoll owing cond itio ns: 1)Add itional landscap in g will be added in accordan ce with the revised site plan submitte d at th eDRB hear ing. 2)T reeheigh t (on the n orths ide of thebu ilding)willexceedth estreetlevel along ChamonixLane by at least 6-8'to ens ure effective screeni ng. 3)T ree sizes will vary accord ing ly : Evergreens-1/3at6·8',1/3 at 8-1 0',1/3 at10-12' Decid uous -V2 at 2"calipe r or greater,Y2 at 3"cali per orgreater I will meet with the Town's Publi c Works Departmentto coordin ate the tree locati ons with regard to theChamoni x Lane right-of-wayon Wednesday ,Septembe r 26d'.I will contact you afte r the meeti ngto discuss any pote ntial constraints .Also ,pur su anttoour previou s conversation,arevised sign progra mfor the mall wi ll requ ire desig n review ap proval. Ifyou woul d liketodiscuss this matter in greater detail.please do not hesitatetocontact meat (9 70)479-2 140.Bestof l uckwilhthis project. Sin cerely, BrentWilson ,AICP Senior Plan ner o Rl.'CYCUDI'A PER • Pro j ect N ame:West Vail Mall P roject Description: • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Ccmmunity DeveqJment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tef:9 70.479 .2 139 fax :970.4 79 .2452 web:www .ci.vail .co.us ORB Number:DRB01Q246 Exteriormodifications inclu dingconcretenetwork,lighting,landscape andre-roofing. P articipants: OWNE R WE ST VA IL MAll CORP 08/10/2001 Phone: 233 MILWAU KEE DENVER CO 80206 License: APPUCANT VietorMark Donaldson Archit08 /10/2001 Phone :949-5200 POB 5300 Avon,CO 8162 0 lice nse: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location :West Vail Mall Leg al Descr iption :Lot:2·A Block :S u bdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FlL 3 Pan::el Number:2 10311415012 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By : Second By: Vote: Co nd itions : Action :AP PROVED Date of Approval:09/28/2001 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made withoutthewritt en consentofTown of Vail staff and /or the appropriate rev iew committee{s). Cond :0 (PlAN):ORB approva l doesnotco nst itute a permit forbu ilding.Pleaseconsult with T own of VailBuilding personnel prior t oco nstruction activities. Cond:CONOOO5029 Addit ional landscaping wi ll beaddedinaccordance with the revised siteplan submitted at the DRBhea ring . Cond:CON0005030 T ree height (onthe northsideofth e build ing)will exceed the streetleve l a long Chamonix Lanebyatleast6-8'to e nsureeffective screening, Cond:CO NOO0503 1 T reesizes w ill varyaccord ingly :Evergreens -1/3at6-S',1/3atS-10',1/3 at 10-12'.Deciduous ·1/2 at 2"calipe r o r grea ter,1/2 at3"caliper o r grea ter . AUC-09-Ql 1 2 .13 FROM .THECA RT CCMPANIE S ....·11001 11,130.F,,..V1CTOI _IlDSlll 10 .30 l..~3 3 19 33 P AGE 2 11DI4I!lC!•N OI P.DZ/ll F-ilID Appllcltlon for Design RevIew • • • ~aflllM..,.nd"c ....._ 0_ .,4,_-. JU.:.26.2001 S :e2PM ••f'K).115 p.ve Questions ?call the Plann ing Staff at 479 ·2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERAllONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Infonnatlon: '!hiS appllcatlon is required for proposal s Involving minor exterior alterations an dlor site Improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not requ ire ORB approval ~til""Involve tile addition of patios,water feanJres,grading,or ttl!addition of retaining walls . I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS c Slllmped topographi c survey',if appl icable . c PllOlOS or plans which dearly rmvey existlng cond itions ' c Photns orplans which dearly convey the proposed bu ilding or site alleration(s)' :J All relevant specifications For tile proposai Inducti ng co lors and materials to be used . c Ughtlng Plan "an d CUt _et(s)for proposad fixtures,if appi lcable u Written approval from a co ndom Ini um association or joint owne r,if app licab le c The Admi nistrator lInd/or ORB may reauire the sybmlsslon of addjtjon al plans.drawings, SD!!dlications.sam oles and otlJer mmrjals (includ ing a model]If deemed necessa ry to delE rm ine whetf1e r a project will co mply with Design Guide lines Dr Wtne Intent oft!le proposa l Is not dearly Ind icated. PI~tJS t 1ubmit three (3)copies of the mllJeriab noted with an asterisk ,..). II .REPA IrfT PROPOSALS For all proposa ls to repain t existi ng build i ng s,the folloWing suppleme ntal informati on is req uired : c COior ch ip orcolor sam ple InclUd ing the man ufactur er nam e and co lor num berts) c Architectural eleva tion dra wings whic hd.ar ly Ind icaIE tne loca tion of proposed colors (ie. sidi ng,sbJcco,window bim ,doers .fasda,soffits,etc .)The follow ing Is an examp le: ;FAS CIA'.' 'WlNOOW1RIM TRIMBANO I :'1..'........,-.... UP PER S1 UCC O 'SOFFt!'. LDWER STUCCO .WESI ELEV.mON . JUl .26 .2001 5 '02PM lIulldjng Materla!li •NO.l1S P.3 /8• LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TyPe of ""teria' Siding Other Wall MateOals Fasda Soffits Windows WlndowTrtm OoorTrtm Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Rashlng Chimn ey s Trash Endosures Green houses Retlinlng Wal~ ExtPJior Ughling Notes: W511!JG 1Z>WfIj{) ~iU tCc _ms17J4 'k ~D .J,Jj~t-- J 0.f;.10 ft}1 U J.fL 05ftf( ~~10--'4t'Fft__ »Q!J.l<::t _ _f?${!1Xj "'2?1$--W }JMJ fl.--w1'!T!:b APD ~;4 --tv ~'ZfQffl1S ,----__ .?tf~UJ./Miv fti:lV~=:..L...__ Please speclfy tile manufaCllJrer's oolor and number and attach a oo lor ch ip. All exl!r1or lighting must meet lIle Town 's regula tions regard ing II g h~ng (see TItle 14 -Development standards).If exterior lighting is proposed,please indica te the number of fbcttlres and Ioca~ons ona separate lighting plan .Identify each fbcttlre type and prtlYtde the height above grade,lumens ouljlut. luminous area,and attadl a cut sheet eX thelightfixtu res . JUL:..26.2001 S :02PM • PROPOSEO lANDSCAPING •NO.t1S P .4/8 Botanical Name COmma!'Name Quantity PROPOSEDTREES ~6t~ AND SHRUBS EXISTlNG TREfS TO BE REMOVED Mi nim um Requirements for La nds<:ap lng:Deciduous Trees -2'caliper Con~erous Trees -6'in height Shrubs -S Gill. 1m Square Footage GROUND CO VER SO D SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e.retai nin g walls,fences ,sw imming pools,etc.) JU ~.2 6.2001 5 :02PM ••m .llS P.S/8 UTIUTYLOCATION VERIFICATION (~~~~ 111is form is to vertry service availability and location for new construetion and should be used In coniunetion with preparing you rublity plan and schellu ling i_lIabons.111e loca tion an d availability or utilities,whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified bythe follow ing utilltfes for the accompa nying site plan. Authorized Signature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact:Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESS URE GAS 970.468.2528 (tel) Conta ct:8ruce Miller HOLY CROSS B..EC1lUC ASSOC. 970.949 .5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact:Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 303 .571.7 518 (tel) 303.571 .7877 (fax) Co ntact:Paul Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DlSTlUCT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Conta ct;Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAN D 970.949.1224 x 112 {tel} 970.949 .9138 (fax) Co ntact:Aoy d Salazar 'P lease pro videa site plan,floorplan,and elevaticns when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water &sanitation District.Fire flow need s must be addressed. NOTES: 1.If the utility verification form has signatures from each ofthe utility compan ies,and no comments are made directl y on the form.the Town will presume tha t there are no prob loms and the developme nt can proceed . 2.If a utilitY co mpa ny has concems with the proposed construction,the utirlty rep resentatIVe shall note di rectly on the utiDly verific:atlon form that there isa probiem wh ich needs to be resolved . The Iss ue shoul d then be detailed in an attached leller to the Town of Vall .However,please keep In rrlnd that it is the responsibiDty of the utilty company and the applicant to ,"",ive Identifiell problems. 3.These vertrlcatic ns donot reli ove the conlracto r of the res ponsi bility to obtain a Public Way Perm~ from the Department of Public Wol1<s at the Town of Vail.UtilitY locati ons must be obtained before l1IQg ing In any public ri9ht-of-way or easem ent w~in the Town of Val l.A building D!!rm itis nota Public Way permit and must be obta ine d ~paratelv. ..J LL .26.2001 5:03PM • NOTES TO AU APPLICANTS •NO .U S P .6/8 Pre-aPDllcation Meeting A pre-application moelin~_Town ti Va~staff is encotJIllged.The purpose of a pre-aPllliCatiOn meeting Is tD identifY any critical issues pertain ing tD the applicanl'nlroposal and tD determ ine the appropriate development ~ieW process for an application .In many cases,the pre-applicati on mee!ln~ helps tD expedite the development review process as critical Iss ues are Identllied and dea~with In the prelim inary stages.A p.....ppllcatlon meeting may be scheduled by contacting judy Rodriguez at 9700479.2128 or jrodriguez @d ,vqjl,co ,us TIme Req uirements The Des ign RevIew Bo artl meets on t he1st and 3rd Wednesdays or eacn month .A com plete ap plica t lOl1 farm and allaccompanying materia l must be acce pted by the Commun~Deve lopment Department prior to aPllllcation deadl ines.A schedu le of ORB meetings and assodated appl ication deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto:Jlci,vajl.co,us/commdevJplaonjngldrblmeetinaslderaulthtm .Fa r a new residential developme nl,the appl ication deadline Is typically 3 .5 weeks prior III a Desig n Review Board hearing . RevIew Cr1tgrja The proposal win be reviewed for comp liance wi th the Design Guide lines as set forth In Title 12,Olapter 11 (DesIgn RevIew)and ntIe 14 (Development Standartls)ti the Munidpal Code, Re!luilllmems for DroDeI!les Jocated in hazard aD:ils If a properly is located Inor adJacent to a mapped hatard area (l.e,snow ava lanche,rockfall,debns flow, floodpla in,wetland,poor soils,ete.),the Comm un~Development Department may require a site-speciftc geo log ical investigation .I f a site-specific geologica l investi~ation determnes that the subject properly Is located ina geolog ica lly sensitive area,the properly owner(s )must sign an affidaVit recognIZing the ha tard repo rt prior to the Issuance of a build ing permit Applica nts are stron~1y encouraged to co nsu ~ Wi th Co mmun ~Develo pmen t staff prior to s U b mitti n~a ORB applicatiO n to detenn lne the relatiOnshi p of the properly to all ma pped hotards . Required Plan S/Ieet Format For all surveys,s~e plans,landscape plans .nd other site Improveme nt plans,.11 of the foIlowin~must be shown . 1.Plan sheet size must be 24'><36".for 1a'9"projects.larger plan size may be .11owed . 2.Sca le.The minimum sca le Is 1'=20'.All plans must be at the salTl@ scale. 3.Graphic bar scale. 4.Northarnow. 5.Tille block,project name,project address and legal description. 6.Indication of plan ~parer ,address imd phone number. 7.Dates of origina l plan preparation and all revision dates. 8.VlCin~map OIloation map ata scale of 1'=1,000'OIlal\le r. 9.sneer labels and numbon. 10.A bord er w~a minimum left:side marg in of IS. II.Names of all adjacent roadways .. 12.Plan legend. ..JlL .26 .202ll 5 :03PM '.•NO,IIS P .7/8 DesIgn Review BoallU4eet1nq Requirements For new alllstrtJCtion and additions,the applicant must 5t2lke and tape the project site to Indicate prnporty lines,proposed buildings and building ccmer.;.All trees to be retn:lYed must be taped.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not bu ried by snow .All site tapings and staking must be completed plior to the day of the ORB meetlng . Applicants who fail to appear befure the Design RevIew Boarll on their sdleduled meetjng date and wOo have not asked In advance tha t distusslon on their Item be postponed,will have their items removed from the ORB aoenda until such time as the item has been republished . If the ORB approves the applicatlcn with conditlons or modifications,all Cllnditlons of approval must be resolved prior to the Issuance of a bu ilding permit. Staff Aoprpyal The AdmIniStrator (a member or the planning staff)may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modlficaUons,deny the application,or refer the app leatlon to the Design Review Board for a decision .All sta1l'approvals are reviewed by the Design RevIew Board and any staff docision Is subjoct to final app"",al by the ORB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requ ires a sepal1lte review by any local,stata or Federal agency otIler than the Town ct Vail,the appUcat!On fee shall be increased by $200,00.Examples of such review,may Include,but are not limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Arrr>/Corps ct Engineers 404,eb:. The appicant shall be responsible for paying any publish ing fees In excess ct 50%of the application fee. If,at the appllcanrs request,any matter 15 postponed for hearing,causing the matter tD be re-published, then tne enUre fee for such re-publlcation shall be paid by the applicant Applications deemed by tne Community Development Department to have design,land use or other Issues,which may have a significant Impact on the commun ity,may require review by extemal consuita nts in addition to Town staff,Should a determination be made by Town staff lhat an external consultant Is needed,the Community Development Department may hire the consultant The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarlled to the Town by the applicant'at the time of flling an application.The applicant shall pay expenses Incunred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarlled by the application tD the Town within 30 days of notifi<:ation by the Town .Any ""Cl'!SS funds will be returned to tl1e applicant upon review completion, •0 °JU..26 .20 0 'S '03PM • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER o WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER •NO .11S P .13/8 I ,(print name)__.....l'<-~a Joint owne,of pro rty located at (.d d ress~eg al description)----~---------_f'----------~ provi de this letrer as wntten ap al of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail mmunlly DellleJopment par1ment for theproposed Improveme nt5 to be completed at the address noted a ve ,I understand at the proposed Impnovement5lndude: I further undemand that minor ificatio ns ma y be made to plans over the course ofthe review process to ensure com pliance h the Town's appl Ica ble codes an utations, (Si gn ature )(Date) •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T OWNOFVAIL .COI.ORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• St a te mentNumber: PlIyment Method: R0000 01213 Amo unt:$20 .00 Chec k 0 8/10/200 110:15 AM Init :J AR No ta tio n:7 550 Penni t No : P arc el No: S ite Addre ss : Loca.ti on : DRBO I0 246 Type :ORB -Mi n or Alt e r a ti on 21 0 3114150 12 2171 N FRONTAGE RD NEST VAI L Wes t Va il Mall To ta l Fe e s:$20 .00 Th iB Payment :$20 .00 Total ALLPmts :$20.0 0 Balan c e:$0 .0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST, Acco untCode DR 00100 0031122 00 Deser -t ot t on DESIGN REVI EW FEE S Cur re ntPmts 20.00 .-------__-----_.._---------------___..-.-----------_.._------ TO WNOF VA IL ••FILE COpy Department a/Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail .Colorado8 1657 970-479 -2/38 FAX970-479-2452 www .ci.vail.co.us September 10,2001 lainH.Butler Victo r Mark Donaldson Architects 0048 E.BeaverC reek Blvd . Suite 207 Box5300 Avon,CO8 1620 Re :TheWestVailMall /Requestfor DesignReview Approval lain: At itsSeptem ber 5'"m eeting,t he Town ofVa ilDesignReviewBoard (ORB)voted unani mously todenythe above-referenced applicat ion for desig n review approva l due to a n incons istency with the following Town ofVail design guideline (Title14 ,Vai l T own Code ): Particular attenlionshallbegIventhelandscapedesignof ott-street parkinglo ts to reduce adverse impacts upon living areas within the prop osed developmen t, upon adjacent properties.and upon public spaces with regardto noise ,lights. and visual impact. The fo llow ing items cont inuetobeaconcern for theORB: •Wall treatments sho uld be carried around corners for a fl uid ,co nsistent appea rance along thebu ilding. •Thetraile rthat has becomea perm anentfixt ure on th e prop ert yisa viola tion ofVail TownCodeprovisi ons and mu st be removed. •Pursuant to Vail Town Code requiremen ts,thetrashdumpst ers mu stbe co nta ined in anenclosure.The enclosu re shoul dbedesigned to meld well with the primary buil ding andthesame or s imilarb uildingma teria ls and colo rs shouldbeused . •Additional landscaping is necessary along the northe rn lot boun dary to provide an adequate bu ffer betweenthe residential properties along Chamo nix Lane and the ''back of house"operat ions at theWest Vail Mall. o RL'CYCUVPAPF.R •Y~03 3~tl •.' Pursuant toSection 12-3-3,VailTownCode,youhave the righttoappeal anyde cision by t heDesign Review Boardtot he VailTownCo uncil.Th e appeal mu st bef iledw ithin t en (10)day s ofth e ORB'saction onth e item .An ap plicat ionfor appea l isa ttachedfor yourconvenience if you choosetoappeal t hisd ecision.If you wouldlike to discussthis matter in gr eaterde tail,pleaseco ntactm eat (970)4 79-2140 . S in cerely, Brent Wil son,AICP SeniorPlanner "•• Appeals Form Department o f CommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l;9 70.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www .cJ.vaiLco.us General Infonnation: This form is required tor filing an appealof a Staff,Design Review Board,or Plann ing and Environmental Commission action /decision .A com plete form and associa ted requirements must be submitted to the Community Development Departme nt withinten(10)business daysofth e disputed action/decision . Action/Decision being appealed:_ Date of Action/Decision:_ Board or Staff person rendering action/decision:_ Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land?(yes)(no) If yes,are youan adjacent property owner?(yes)(no) Name of Appellanl(s):_ Mailing Address:--,-_ ________________Phone:_ Physical Address inVail:_ Legal Description of Appelant(s)Property in Vail:Lot:_B1ock:_Subdivision :_ Appelanl(s)Signalure(s): (Attacha list of signatures if more space is required). Subm ittal Requirements: 1.Ona separate sheet or separate sheetsof paper,provide a detailedexplanation of how you are an "aggrieved oradversely affected person". 2.On a separate sheet orseparate sheets of paper,specify th eprecise nature of the appeal.Please cite specific code sectionshaving relevance to theaction being appealed. 3.Provide a list ofnames and addresses (both mailingand physical addresses in Vail)or allowners of propertyw hoare th esubject of theappeal andalladjacent propertyow ners (indudingowners whoseproperties areseparated fromthesubject property by a rig ht-of-way,str eam,orother intervening barrier). 4 .Providesta mped,addressed envelopesforeachpropertyownerlistedin(3 .). PlEASE SUBMIT TIilS RlRM AND All SU8MmAL REQUlRfMENTS 10: TOWN CF VAn.,DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME NT, 75 50UTli FROffl'AGE ROAD,VAIL.COLORADO 81657, "0-'-, ;,d ~"':<.'\\' For Office Use Only: ~a'te R~e ~ed ~,~_';-,,-_=,,-..,.,.-,-:,~ActM ty No.:::.'.0<<~ Planner :::~':)."~~N ~::"<'0':t~.,';";;;:; ••: '1 ~e--r7~~....... )L-~ b Id ~-r://c.... • Depar tment afCommunity De velopment 75So u th Frontage Road Vail,Co lorado 8 1657 970-479-2 !3X FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.va il.co.us August 16,200 1 lain H.Bu tler V ictorMark DonaldsonArc h itects 0048 E.B eaverC reek B lvd , Sui te 207 B ox5300 A von,CO8 1620 • Re:TheWestVailMall !Requestfor Design ReviewApproval lain: Atits August 15'"meeting,the Towno f Vail Design ReviewBoar d (ORB)con ceptually reviewe dthe above -referenced applicatio nfordesign review approval.Thefollowing is a synopsis oft heir comments fro m t his meeting: Gene ral Design-Th e ORBs up ports t he ge ne ral direction o f the design.However,t he "futuristic "vernacular sho u ldbetoned down a b itfo rb ettercom patibility witht he im med ia tesurro undings.T here needs to b eab it more co hes iveness be tweent he des ign oft hemallandadjacentbu ildings.Th eskylig ht area betweent he twob uildings needss ignifican t atten tion. L andscap i ng -P ursuantto t he Tow n ofVail's d esign guidelines ,t he amou nt o f vegetation re moved should bemi nimal.T he ORB u nd erstands Ihe justification forthe remov a l oft hece nter cou rtyardtreeadjac entt o th e Half M oon Saloon.Howeve r,any red uction in Iree cover w ithin t he co urtyard sho uld bemit igated bythe addition o f trees elsewhere onthes ite.Additiona lly,t heco urtyard s hould betrea ted asanareaof i nteres t where pedestr ians areinv ited into th em allby u nique featuressuc h asarto r in teresting landscapefeat ures.T he b erma long theno rthern lotbo undary adjacen t to theloading and delivery area isin desperaten eedofad ditional land scapesc ree n ing. Colo r Sch eme -T heco lor sc heme for the p roject sho u ldn at betoostarkin ton al cont rast.P ursuantto t he TownofVai l's design g u idelines ,m uted n atural colo rs s ho uld beut ilized o nm ajor e lements while the useof p ri mary co lo rs s houldbe reserved for acce nt feat ures o nly . P arapeta nd "Towe r"Elements -The ORBs upports t heuseof t he various e lemen tst o d rawatte ntion tot he n ort hern portio ns o f the m a ll.Itis recom mended youco nsider moving t he towe r eleme n t fu rther so uth tod raw add itiona l atte n tio n to t hea rea (assumingyoucanstill achieve th eclie nt's signage needs w ith a revised location). o HtX:yr:U:OPAPER /'...,••, '..«,.- .~,') .t :.•.:iThis item isscheduledfor final ORB review onW ednesday,September5 ,2001 at 3:0 0 ~{;.:.:.,~p.m.intheVailTown Cou ncil Chamb ers.75South FrontageRoad inVaiL Please ".,subm itrevised plansby no taterthan5:00p .m .onFrid ay,Aug ust 3 1,2001.If yo uwould ,lik e to d iscuss this matter i n greate rd etail,pleaseco ntact meat (970)479 ·2 140 . Sincere ly, Brent W ilson,AICP SeniorPlanner AUG-0 9 -~t 12 .13 FR OM.T HE iif:COMPANIE S /.-AIIj "DHJI lD;5lan Fr llll-YICT ORI&A wnALDSlJI,,. 100 30 3......33 1 9 33 ilO Imzc,•HCI /.DUel PAGE 2 HiC ~.~ Application for DesIgn RevIew • =:::ro~~~~\?J1$~ , _N...I 'U03 \l4-l Sol?(Clln11(Uaglo ClI.J 4iJ It 97~32tH16'!O for par<EI no.l ZoIlI"g:_..~--------"7"------_:__ Nome(s)rAOWner(S)1 11l'e.c:QW':~'"'!G=-_ • .'.'.'.,'.~~~.:',-,\;,."•.~~,.~'-'1',~,;,_.:l·'~;"··\'-J ··"t "..~~··I ·~/··".::·..·I·.t •.•;;:~;"··,··"lo(i \.~."i ~"'~'-<::"',;",•l ':~'WO:~'~"~'h·;'!:!r~"11 1oift1"•;)"'~;.'-!.,',::',M:\'.:~'l :;rt:t ·~I,.i'"i..:::<;~.:.....'~~..~~::t .:' II ,,,1 '.~jW~i f ~~••·..·A·'/.....,.;J ..,'••••,.1 I'·t ~•.-,-.'....•:.•..•,•.••;.....',.,,'....···1:.;.IV ED..,"....•....4 i ~"'"•,~.".'I ..•,"."'.'I."o..:~::;.,'t'•.~.," "..','".';-::-~'T ',:',r,\.,',.;.,'.I .,...•.,....'•..,-...,.".'....,9 2001 -/''i'.rO/-(%).g (" f>/l.Ao /*/71),#, [J a-rv-.._.... ~PlIlfllavl...IIId ,., C .....Cl>1Ilnd <n C_ *AI1lnOln JUL .26 .2001 5'02PM ••NO ,115 P.2/8 Questions?Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This app lication is req uired for proposals Involvi ng minor exterior alterations and/or site Improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not req uire ORB approva l ~they involVe the addition of patios,water features,grading,or the addition of reta ining walls. I .SUBMIITAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped txlpograph ic SUl'Iey',if applicable , :t Photos or plans which dearly convey existing cond itlans* c Photos orplans whict,dearly convey tne propo sed building orsitealteratlon(s)" o All releva nt speoficatfons for ttle propose llncludlng co lors and materials to be used. o Ugh~ng Plan 'and Cu t-sheet(s)for propose d fixtures,If app licable Q Written approval from a condom inium assoc iati onorjornt owner,if ap plicab le c The Admin istrator and/or p RB may require the submiss ion ofadditional plans,drawings, soe dficatiODS .samples and Qther materials (induding a model)if deemed necessary to determi ne whether a project will comply with Design Gu idelines or If the Intent ofttle proposal Is not clMrty Indicated . Please submit three (3)copies ofthe maserials noted with an esterisk:[W). ll,REPAINTPROPOSALS Fo r all proposals to repaint existing bUildi ngs,the follow ing supplemental Information is required : o Color chip or colo r sample includingthe manufacture r name and color number(s) o Architectural eleVll ~on drawings which d e,My Indica te ttle location of proposed colors (ie. sid ing,stucco,window trim,doors,fascia,soffits,etc.)The following isan examp le: LOWER STUCCO .'I:.,,:. ",'" ". I"~"....',.'.".>,",",~~~~LEvhiT:lPN,". ~N5~~IM TRIM 'BANe I ':1",'-...,..,.... UPPER :lnucCO ~SOFFIT , ,WESI ELE\I!IJlON,• JU~.26 .200 1 5:02 PM Building Mat,rials • UST OF PR.OPOSEO MATERIAlS lYoe of Material •NO.l lS P .3/8 Roof Sidi ng 0tt1er Wa ll Matenals Fascia Windom WlndowTrlm Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra ils Flues Flash ing Ch imneys Tras h Enclosures Greenhouses Retaini ng Wa lls Exterior Ug h~ng Notes: _WJ.s1llJg 10 ffflmD _h'tJ fJ~ ~f:;,lJ)ft)1L ..{/..RL £f2f&{ Piees e spec/fV the ma nufacturer's color and number and attach a co lor chip . All exteno r IIg~ng must mee t the Town's regulations regartli ng lighting (see Title 14-Developme nt Sta ndartls ).I f exterior IIg~ng Is proposed,pleas eindica te the number of fixtures an d Ioca~ons on a separate li gh ~n g plan .Identify each fIXtU re type and providethe he ight above grad e,lumens output, i uminous area.and attach acut sh eet of the light fixtllres . ru.,26 .2001 S '02PM • PROPOSED LANDSCAPING •/'Kl.115 P .4 /8 Botanical Name COmma"Name Ouantity PROPOSEDlREES ~6 1-re...fl::.A1J AND SH RUBS EXISTI NG TRECS TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements fur Landscaping :De ciduous Trees -2"caliper Co niferous Trees -6'In height Shrubs -5 Ga l. !m Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION lYPE OF EROSION CONTROl.. Pl ease specify oth er lands ca pe features (i.e."""ining wa lls,fen ces,swim min g pods,etl:.) .J~.26 .200 1 5:02PM ••NO.U S UTIllTY LOCATI ON VERIFICATION (~~~~ This form is to verify seNice avallabirlty and locabon for new construction and shoul dbe used in co!1iunctlon with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instil ilabons .The location and availability of utilities,whether theyare main trunk lines Dr proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utiiities for the aCCllmpanying Site plan . Authorized Signature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact :Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.468.2528 (tl» Contact:Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTlUC ASSOC. 970.949 .5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact:Ted Husky EXCEl.ENERGY 303.571.7518 (tel) 303.571.7877 (fax) Contact:Pau l Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT" 970.475.7'180 (tl» 970.475 .4089 (fax) Contact:Fred Ha~ee AT&T 8ROADBAND 970.949 .1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact:Aoyd salazar ·Please provide a ste plan,floo r "an,and elevations when obtaining approva l from the Ea91e River Water &sanitation District.Fire flow need s must be add ressed. NOTES: 1.If the utility Verification form has signatures from each of the utility compan ies,and no comments are made dinectly on tht!form,the Town will presume that there are no prob lems and the deve lop ment can proceed . 2.If a utility Cllmpany has concerns with theproposed Cllnstruclion ,the utility representatiVe sha ll note directly on the utility verification form that there isa problem which needs to be reso lved. The iss ue should tIlen be detai led in an attached letter III the Town of Vail .However,please keep in mind tIlat ~is the r>5pon slb ility of the utR ity company and the applican t ttl resolve ide ntified prob lems. 3.These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the ""POnsl billty ttl obta in a Public Way Perm~ from the Department of Pub lic Works at theTown of Va ll.Utility locati ons must be obtajne d befo re digging in any public righ t-of-way or ea sement wi th in the Tow n or Vail.A bUi lding permit is not a PUblic Way permit and mu stbe obtained separately. JU....26 .2 001 5:03Pr1 • NOTES TO ALL APPUCANTS •NO .11 S P.6/8 Pre-application MeetiQ!J A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail stlff Is enaauraged .The pu rpose of a pre-application meeting Is to Jdentj(y any crilica l Issues pertlinlng to Ii1e appilcants 'proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an appl ication .I n many cases,the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as cr1tical Issues are Identified and dea~with In the preliminary stages.A p.-.-application meeting ma y be scheduled by contlcti ng Judy Rodriguez at 970 .479.2I28 or jrodOguel@d,vail.co.us nme Requirements The Design Review Soalll meets anthe1st and 3rt!Wednesdays of each month.A complete application form and all accompanyi ng matanal must be accepled by tI1e Commun~Develop ment Department prio r to application deadlines.A sc hedule of DRB ~ngs and assadated applicatio n deadlines ma y be found on the Wo rld Wide Web at bttp :/(cj~il,co.us /cQmmdevlp!anning /drb lmeetingsJdefaulthtm ·For a neoN residentia l developme nt,the application deadline Is typically 3.5 weeks pnor to a Design Review Baalll hearing. Review Crl~ria The proposal will be reviewed fer compliance with the Design GUidelines as set forth In Trtle 12,Chapter 11 (Design Review )and Trtle 14 (Development Standallls)ofthe Munldpal Code . Requirements for DropertfesJocated In hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow ava la nche ,rockfall,debriS flow, floodplain ,wedand,poor sails,ete.),the u,mmunily Development Department may require a site-speclfic geologica l investigation.If a site-spe cific geological Investigatio n determines thatthe subject property is located In a geologi cally sensmve area,tne property owner(s)must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the Issuance ofa building permit Applica nts are Slnongl y encouraged to cons ult with Communily Development staff prio r to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazart!s . Requ ired plan Sheet Format For all surveys,s~e plans,landscape plans and other ~te Improvemen t plans,all ofthe follOWing must be shown . 1.Plan sheet size must be 24''x 36".For l.lI rg e projects,larger plan size may be allowed . 2.Scale.The minimum sca le Is1"=20'.All plans must be at the same scale. 3.Graphic bar scale. 4.Nort:h arrow . 5.Tltte block,project name,project address and log al descr iption . 6.Indication of pla n orecarer,address and phone number . 7,Dates of anginalplan preparatio n and all revis ion dates . 8.Vicinity ma p or location map ata scale of 1"0::;1,000'or larger. 9.Sheet labels an d numbers. 10 .A border with a mini mum left !ide margin of IS'. 11.Names of all adjacent roadwayS .. 12 .Plan legend. JU...2 6.200 1 S :03 PM ••NO .l1S pesign Review Boatd Meeting Requirements For new construction and addi~ans,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to ind icate property lines,proposed buildings and building comers.,oIJ1 trees to be removed must be taped.The applicant must ensure that staking dane during the winter isnat buried by snow .,oIJ1 sItE tlplngs and Stlking must be completed prior to the day of the ORB me~ng . Applicants who fall to appear before the Design Review Soan:!on their scheduled me~ng date and who have not asked in advance tt1at discussion on their ttem be postponed ,will have their items remaved from the ORB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the ORB approves the application with candi~ans or modifications,all candillans of approval mustbe resalved prior tothe Issuance ofa building pennit. staff Aparoval The Administrator (a member ot the planning sti:lff)may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications,deny tne application,or refer tne appfication to the Design Review Boan:!far a decision.I'JI staff approvals are reviewed by the Design RevIew Boan:!and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the ORB. Additional Review and fees Ifthis application requ ires a separate review by any local,state or Federal agency ather than the Tawn of Vail,the appU~an fee shall be increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,may Include,butare nat limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Aetess Pemnts,Amny Carps of Engineers 404,etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fee;in excess of 50%of the application fee. If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hMring,causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire feefor such re-publication sha ll be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department ·to have design,land use or ather iSSUES,which may have a significant Impact on the community,may require revew by external consultants in addition to Town staff.Shou ld a determJnaban be made by Tawn staffthat an extemal consultant Is needed.the Community Development Department may hire the consultant.The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Tawn bythe applicant'at the time of filing an application.The applicant shall pay expenses Incu~bythe Town In excess ofthe amount forwan:!ed by the application to the Town within 30 days of nOtification by the Town.Any excess funds will be retumed tothe applicant upan review completion. JU..26.200 1 5:03PM • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER ,WRITT EN APPROVAL L.ETT1:R •/'iJ.115 P .8/8 located at {address/Ieoa lI,(pt1 nt nam e)__--".----~~joint owne r of pn:l descri ption)----""----------t '---------~ provide tIlis leI1l!r as WJ1 tten ap al of the plans dated __,'-which have been subm itted bJ the Town of Vail mmunl ty Deve lopment rtment for the proposed improv em ents to be comp leted at the address noted a t understaed the pro po sed Improvemen ts Ind ude : I fu rth er un derstand that minor m ifications ma y be made to pl ans over the.course.of the review process to ensure comp llante .the:To wn's appnca ble coces a ula t io ns, (Signa ture )(Date) •• Department of Community Development 75Sout h FrontageR oad Va U.Co lorado 8 J65 7 970-479 -2/38 FAX 9 70-479-2452 wwwcl.vail.co.u s Ma y 31 ,200 1 lainH.Butler,Arc hitect Victor Mark Do nalds on Arc hite cts 0048 E.Beaver C reekB lvd . Suite 20 7 Avon.CO816 20 Re:West VailMallSignage Parameters la in: I am i n receipt of your pre liminary calculations fortenan t s ignage att he Wes t VailM all. am request ingt hefo llowingr evisions pu rsuantto t he Townof Va il S ig nRegulations: Siqnage Ca tegory Building Id enti ficat io n Sign J oint DirectoryS ign Individual B usiness S igns HangingSig ns (Arcad e) RevisionsRequired n one" none' 2.5 sffo r each 5 linea lfe etoff rontage" 1 sff or eac h 5 lin eal feetoffrcnt aqe?" 'Pursuant toS ectio n11 -4A-1,V ailT ownCo de,w alls igns ,pro jecti ng a nd ha nging s igns , f re es tanding s igns .orb uilding identifications igns oranycomb inationt hereof,shall not exceed them aximum c o m binationof one signpe rvehi c ular street o rm ajor p edestrian way w hichth e bus iness ab uts.w itha ma ximumof two (2)signs .Th erefore,individual bu siness es areen titledtoe ither aw all sign or a hanginga rcade sign .b utn ot both. "Pu rsu antto Section 1 1-4C-17(B ),Va ilTo wnCo de,2.5 squar e teeto f s igna rea is a llowedf oreac h 5linealfeetoft he ind ividual b usinessoro rganizationha vingits own exterior p ublicent rance i n a mu lti -tenant building.M aximumsign area fo r a nyone bus in ess s halln ote xceed twenty squa r e f eet. ....Pu rsuan t to Section 11 ~4 C·1 2 .Vail TownCo de .one squar e l oot f o r each f ive lin e al f e et oft hei ndividualb usiness or organ izat ion .wit h a m ax im u ma reaof10 s q uare f eet. •• If youwouldliketodiscussthis matter in greater detail ,pleasedonothesitatetocontact meat(970)479 -2140 . Sincerely , BrentWilson ,AICP Planner II ,. ~a )'·3 1 -D l 10:31131 87084 85 205 •1-085 P.OZ I02 F-&13 Bui l dl n n Ide n tifi c at i on 1 2 0 I t2 l I o int D irecto rv Sinn 1 2S I t2 In d·/o .c. , I nd ividual Bu sin ess 0 Gar t soo r r s 1"-...1 20 ft2 I nd ./D.c. :I H alfM oon Sal o on 1 20 ft2 I n d ./D.c . :I Bar ber I 20 ft 2 l nd .r o .c . 0 Drv Cl e an er 1 2 0 I t2 I nd ./o .c. D West Va i l Lia uor 1 2 0 ft 2I nd .I D.c. 0 VA CA NT 1 2 0 ft2 lnd .v n .c . 0 Dom ino's 1 2 0 ft 2 Ind ./D,c. 0 Subw a y 1 20 ft 2 r nd .r o,c . 0 Pas t a Pronto 1 20 ft 2 l nd.r n .c. 0 T ac oBell 1 2 0 ft 2 I nd .I D.c . :I G NC I 1 20 f t2 In d ./n ,c , "VACANT 1 2 0 ft2 In d./D,c. H an oinn Si ans -A rca de T en ant s 0 Barb er 1 10 ft 2 Ind./n,C. Drv Cl ean er . "1 10 ft2 Ind ./D .l ," :I L io uo r 1 1 0 ft 2 I nd ,l n .c . 0 VA CAN T 1 1 0 ft 2 I nd ./D .c. ,,',.,II'T otal Number of s ign s allo wed ,I ,.t a -'.-,--,- N..QJ~:I nd ./p .c .means I ndirect or p a n ch anneled . I I, ....... Townof Vall artmant ofCo mmunity Deve lo pment 75 S .Frorfu,ge Roa d Vail,CO81657 Name :bLo/.....\>.....\,I·/h Re ceipt No.'>>-'1 r Addre ss' Project:WCI r 1/4 0\\MA l \D'te_'i_,/J ,~ P lease make ctie ckspa yable tothe TOWNOFVAIL Account No.Item NO .1Code #Cost Each Total 00 1 0000 3 14 1110 Z~ni n g and Address Maps ZA $5.00 • 0010000 3141112 Uni f~rm B_u i l d~g Cooe -1997 ·Volume 1&2 CB $50.95 • 00 10000 i:'-4 ~~-fr-L!n i fo~BUl l91ng Co de ..:...!997 •V~l u me 3 $60 .65 • 0.9~0~~!i..1 112 I l n t e m a t i o na ~u_f'!1 b i n 9 ~~~·1991 CB 536.00 · 001 ססoo 314 1112International Mechan ica l Code·1998 CB 535 .00 • 0010000 31411f2-Uniform MechanicalCode-1996 $35 .60 · 00 1 ססoo 314 1 .~g..Uniform Fire Code --I;---CB $36.00 00 100003141112National ElectricalCode CB $42_6 0 · 001 0000 314 1!f;-~.tem ent of Dangerous Bldg.'s1997 $9.95 •- 00100003 14 1112Model Energye cce -1995 $10 .00 ·~1 00OO-=,3~~~1..!!~_~fY Si S of Revisionsto 1991 UniformCodes $12.75 · 0~1_0~.314 11 _~~OtherCodeBooks CB " qOl oooo 3t,!12 1~ue P rintslMylarCopy Fees BF $7.00 • 00 !.~~~1 4 .~_1 1 !X e r ~x Co pies XC $O -~~•__--00 1 ססoo 314 1111Uonsh ead MasterP lan ($1.80/$1 .60 )MS $40 .00 w oo l -0i.:J09_314 11"L[S'ludTes,-M ~st e.r Plans,ei c.----MS · 001 OOE.Q.~~~_~~altx F ee sJ Re ·l nspecti o~s PN Q9.!..9000 3.!.!..2~Plan Re view Re -c.heck Fee ($4OJp e~hour)PF 00 1 00003152000 Off Hours Inspectil?.!'Fe~s OH---_. 00100003 12 3000 Contractors license Fees CL 00 1000031 2 -4000 S ignApplication Fe e S P $20.00 00 1 ססoo 3 124000 Additional S ign App lication Fee S P 60 1 oooif 311 2200 Des ign Re viewBoardFee(Pre-paid )DR '2-•0Q.:I_~)15~Buiic!i09 lnvestigation Fee -PN --OO !..0000 2i0]-3Q9 ~.~,Im p,ove ~1II11 ""~I Depo lrt D2-0EP10 AD 001000 03121000 Re staurant License fee (TOV)RL ~9.!.0000230 2~Spee.-Ass ess.•R e~s~~u (ar;t Fee toCo .Dept Rev .SA ·OQ!..ססoo 201 1000 Taxable @ 4 .4 ~(Sta te )·Tax payable TP ·001 ססoo 310 1100 Tax!!?le@ 4.0%(Town)-Retai l Sa les Tax T7 Other/Mi sc.•MS 0010000 311 2500 PECAPP LICATION FE ES i 001 00003112500 Additional GRFA ."250"PV _~~200.00-~--------------- 0010000 3 112500 Conditional UsePe rmit PV $200 ,00 0010000 31-12500-Exterior Alte ration-:-Le ss tha n 100 sq .fl PV ~,2 00_00 _oq1..9900.-~1.!~·sOo:e-E ~eri~0Jt e ra t i on -More than 100 s_g .fl-------r----PV $500 .00 l?0 !..Q~QQ 3 11 2~~~~~1 Development Dis.triet .NEW PV $1,500.00 0010000 3~..!_~?OC Speci al DevelopmentDistr ict·Major Amend I PV $1,000 .00 00 100003 11 2500 Special Dev~lopmen t nem ct-Minor Amen d PV $200 .00 00 160003"11"2500 Subdivis ion Fees PV oo1ciOOO 'i112500 .vertance PV $250 .00 i!0 1 -ooq<l--'!l'5 ~zo ",n g ecce Am endm ents _.. $25 0.00PV Re-ZOOlng PV $200 .00 001 000 0 3 19 3 !.OQ_~~iistar P rog.r.a m_ Other -MS TOTAL:"2-0-..--_._. -- -Co mments :1- - -7 Money Order # - Cash Ch eck #Received by:~~f- --- I I I - II I 1212012000 Town of Vail**CUSTOMER RECEIPT ** DATE:9/18/01 01 RECEIPT:0012244 DlSCRIPTIOO QTY AMClM TP TM DESIGN REVIEW FE I $20 .00 tDR CS *lRK IXfRDSOO .,• RECEIPT 152795 TENDER DETAI L CS DATE:9/18/01 TOTAl..CASH IMIJNT TENDERED $20.00 TIME :11:36 :23 $20.00 $20.00 THIltf<YOU FO R YOOR PAYMENT I Tue 14 Aug 200111:23:14 AM MDT . From l and Title • llIrdTitle Gnr:rtee 0JTmrw C1JSItl\1ERllSTRBJnQ.l I •Page 1 of 3 J)all':OK ·I4-2I1l1 l Our Order N u mflt'r: P ropee-ty ;\d d r ('~: I.OT l .A,A RES IlBnIV ISION 0 1'I.OT 2,V,\II.I)AS SCi IONR F II JN(;NO.3 TIrE G.\RT COMI'I\NIE'l 1J1 '\1IT.Wl\.m..'H·:~"T . n ENVER.,co 1W)!Of; AUn:SIft-:IIA~ ,'hn",.:;TH•.1:H.!I)U ".3.11:JOJ..33J-I9flS s..-nl Via 'IS 1 'c "'1 ~1 wrvke TOWNOJo'VAn. 7S S.FRONTMiE RIJ. VAn ..('0 KlfiS7 "Itn:I.Th':lO Fa'!:lf1O.47'J-2451 Sml Via fo':n •, From land T it l e •Tue 14 Aug 200111:23 :14 AM III)T •Page 2 o f 3 Our O rder No.VOI':27 .U59 This report is bast'd o n a sca renm ade of d ocumcnl..arrecu n g the r ecord ti tle (0 the propt'f"ly d escrt bed hert'lnaner , St'1llThl'd by k~al d cserfptton Hndnor hy t he naml':'!'of wunlor or grantee.Co n~t't.Ju t."f1Uy,tht,Infonnallon a...to r l"t"orrl OW nl'T'i s l ukl'"fr om the m os t recentr eeord edv e...ttn~Deed,and the Information a.s to e),1.s lln~eee um b ranees rcnecu..on ly those dOMlm('nL..o f record ,,"'h ich sJX'cifictlll y dl~Crlht'the su tojl'C l propt'T'ty hy I~HI dt....crt pttnn. Encumbrances 001 I nc l uded a rc Ihn......o f rccnrd which r..,[t.T 10 the owner of tin'pnlpt"rty or allY ollk'r person havinR an In terestt beretn which an'mlod hy name on ly and do nollndudc tIM-1~1I1 dl'Scrlplion of tbe property.No Infonnallon l..fllrnl...hl'd r f'bltlvt'10 f'HwlI1f'nls ,revenants,eondilion..and reertcuon.... Thts report dOL"!notIncl ud e Ihe resutts rtr any se a rch under t he names ofthe propt'rly owmT(!l")or Ihl"~neral Ind ex.Should s uc h a lIil'arch h e dl'.~llTd plt'll."c cont act u s for a separau-J.,'\1UTX I index rcpnrt. I ,1I'hlllly of I .and Till,.(:uHrHnlN"Cnmrmny under-Ihls OW llf'r Mnd F.nclImh r lln ff N"pnrl IllllmllNllo tfn-(I'('n 'f'('lvl'd. Thl..Kt'port i s d UI('d :Jdy ;'\1,200 1111 S:ttll P.:\1. Lor 2-A,A KI,Sl ;IUJlVISION (W I.U I"!,VAil.BAS SCIIONI';toll.1 NG NO.;,\ l.l 'ga IIJl'srrlptlon: 1,01"2-.\,A KE'\1:IlBIV ISION01 "1 .01'2,VAil .IlAS SCl I()'1I (11I1J'IG NO.3,,\('COKIJINC;TO TIm IllAT nEcORIWIJ JA N t/ARY 27,I'm IN IUX)K 252 AT PM:E 11I1 ,COUNTY (W 1 ':i\(;IJo~ srA 'I"I<:o r COI .ORA no. W EST V,\II .:'\1AI.I .('()RP.,A ("CM ,ORAIlO r ORPORA110S Kecnrdt"rl rhth'or tlf't'd Into a bov ('OWnl'r:Smrl1':J\lImR 2 6,1991 Docu mentury 11,'e on a bove d l.'('d :$.:'15 .95 W e rtnd Ih e fo llowing d ocuments or record Mrr("("t1n~llu hJl'el prnpt'Tly : t .uex g VlIlt::\,C1':IlIn'S'I"A T,.:\1 lo::NT CW STATfo:OF COI.flR,\IX).IlEPA RT.\iENT OF I.ABOR AND E!\U'I J)Y1\l "~;'II;T,IlI VISIO 'l OF 1'1\11 '(.OY\1E'JT ANn TRI\ININC;IN 11m A\'01JNT Oil $S R.~.40 RE('ORDl-:D SElrn:\mEK 14,1911 1,IN KOOK .12H AT PM;t:HSl,. ny:_.-:;--:--:-=::=-_-,--,-_ i\ulItflri1.ed omc('r or i\~l'n t From l andTi t le •Tue 1'1 Au g200111 :23 :14 AM t4JT •Pag e 3 o f 3 ~.T '< ',',..,'.- ',''. Land Tille ••,,~.~..;..u .......... R('('fIrd OWIll'r:wrsr V t\II .Mi\.I.I .CO RP••i\.COI .ORi\.no CORI"()RI\nov P'rop.'rty I\dd n.-s-'i:r.or 2-A,A R"~lmD IVL"'ION OF I .<YI'2.VAil .DAS SCIION E 1.,I.I'Irrrl G xu 3 When ft'r..ni ~In lhl.'i nntl''',p1t·_n·rt'lTlrt"nut-Onk-r No.V()E2n~~., -CIl t\RGES- POz'WI 011:.n.vo rCE Wrillt'f1 0 &E --T nllll-- P11-n<;("mnke cht.·ck.s ~Hhll'to: LAND TlTI .E G()ARAN TEF.COMP.\:\,Y l OX S.FRONTM':F.RD.W.1f203 V AIL,COXH.S7 $100 .00 $100.00 ....olign Revie~Action FA TOWN OF VAIL Category Number #2 -r;r ¥o q fr 'Y"Date _---'I'---=-~_"'J..1fc:-'__'l.!._!_{(_ Project Name :t:".c-t-st -"';r Bu ild ing Name :tJ'f1 ILu l t1It &t< Project Desetiption :?~"",,,I'd.&lUI "5 '''40 -.f P<v.e#I'd1Jkn~-6 "0.~It'(1 "-r v Owne r.Address and Phone :'_ I I I Legal Description:Lot Block Subdivi sion Zone District _ Project Street Address:W lr d-(/tML tY&U .-7,-J'.I'",n I'/I Comments :&'-r~5 ~1 3rar $J'1e "'if &4/1-~....oti&':1"" ~:.w-:M /;t~c~;;;=~R~~;;;i ArcM Contact dd,?,",and Phone :(l1erv Ecf,...qn -Alf'o"Mt/ellrJ7/1 'j ~i''''0"-1.«<.'. ;I;?O ~kr rwg!{Ave -m et Cti l/r'"f e O P02d r(Ilr?'Hr-J~n Board I StaffAction Motion by:_Vote:_ Seconded by::_ o Approva l o Disapp roval'X Staff Approval Condit ions;~L...;~~;-2Lk-i.~~L,~!-.ecll~~'.ef...A~0:'>!;;l,L;Z....5,<~~~'£2~ ~1 ~{l,<:l..-----_Tow n p ~ Date :r~a ;1 -'I 'f J';:;00 DRB Fee pre-paid J--'l~,;I.&._+Iif_~----- LETTERS OF22GA PAINT-LOG S/M --5 'RETURNS PAINTED (MAP)--(BLACK)NUANCE FINISH FACES OF3/16 "WHITE ACRYLIC WITH I'WHITE TRIMCAP ILLUMINATED WITH 6500 WHITE --60MA TRANSFORMERS --REMOTE WIRED LOGO SQUARE OF 22GA PAINT-LOG S/M --5'RETURNS PAINTED (MAP)--(BLACK)NUANCE FINISH FACE OF 3/16'#2662 RED ACRYLIC WITH l'(PAINTED LT.TOMATO RED)TRIMCAP ILLUMINATED WITH CLAER RED --30 MA TRANSFORMER --REMOTE WIRED ADVERTISING CONCEPTS,INC, PROJEC T GART SPORTS Environmental GraptMa Custom SJgns Afchlf9C twal Products WCAnON,--,V.",~=-ll__ 2209 AJI'WOy A ve , Fort cohlns,CO 80524 303-484-3637 303-447-8813De nver 303 -484-3639 Fax IhiJ p/t;In QnCf all ~f dupk.aIIId 011 1/~1M .cit'> ~of ~""Concepls, he..Any rom-01 It>IJ pion " ~or n pari *~.v.. Ih/I:pia>Is trd tD bIJ UNd for ".,.e;."..h\clIi:ltl ot CNI)I dfiign wIIhcvt /hI abfQ/niIg wrm-n P¥"'4lk>n ItD'7>""cI'/f,;.,QI ~Ing CDn.:~,.he. O ~1994 • I • 17'-8' j 26 3/4'j o • PAN CHANNEL LETTERSET --EXTERIOR t • 251/4'263/4' •., ,I • DAlf 8-16-94 DESIGN ...4802 R3 SCALE V 2',l'-O' DESlGNEfl,-e.::M::o..E --- SALESPERSON KJ 2.5 CUEM AI./THORIZATION //DArE_,,--,-_(TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE -29.739) (LOGO SQUARE FOOTAGE -4 .969 --16 2/396 OF TOTAL COPY FOOTAGE) SHEET.,·_ • SIQK/AWPIftO RPrLIeA:IQI ('lease Print or Type) NAKE 01'Pl\O.:JEC'l'.Ga rt Sports MAKE 01'PinSON StlDKl'1"J'ING Bruno S cho ffel AbDMia 100 0 Broadwa y,Denver.CO.80201 PHOMI •••86 1-1122 - 10V .LUII II,I,I.kV ,DtPl. HANK 01'0\1IN1tA.Wes t Yail Mall Corp,PHO/18 333-19 33 • Road West • 233Milwa ukee ,De nver .CO .80206 01'p~a~CQ.ddrtgpl 217 1 Nort h Frontag e nlgek --~rili09 3 Vall Das $hone LOCATION llDDI\II:1i8,_...:;~===~=;.:.;.;::..:.....;=:..-:;.:::~_ SIGNATURE OF OWNER _,_ DESCnIl"l'10H 01'PROJllC't'_Bu sine ss Id enti f ication sign• di spla y.C artWa THI I'OLUlIlII1O INPOfUollI.TICN IS IImUIBEtl POR SUBIUTTPJ.lit TIIB . APPLlCAllT pRlCn TO THB U1ltlEST BEIrlG SCHIDOLIlD BBPOI\Il THE DUICN IIIlVI Elf BOAAD.. A,DISCIUMION 01''l'llll:aICJ</RWHIHG (FlteB STAlIDINC,If~L.pROJIlC'l'11lC INCLUDI SIaN KKSSAGIl._ Sports copy inwhi te .back~ro u nd i nr e d. B .SIGN OR AWNING MA'rERIl\L Allumi num a nd f1 exab l e P VC C.HI n OF OVllRALL SIGN,S Ill>OF LE'M'l':RINC l\NI)LOCO _ 61x6 1 C art17 "Sports g il le tte rs D.HEIGHT OF SICH JIIlOVE GI\l\IlE 22 'to t ne bottom-=::.~-=-=.:;:;::..----- B.DZSC~IDB LlijHTING (BXISTlNG OR I'ROpOSKDl I n t eri or illumi nati on wi th c oo l whi te fluoresc e nt lamps.'-_. P.F ro nt 74'West side 1LJ 2 1 O.(/lmcJll nR .$:10 ~9 $1.00 PM SgDAIU!:rOO'1'01'SICK AIUtA. PAID ~CIIllCK 110..ff DR'l'B - RCPQIRED MAt%R1QLS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1.!it..Plan 2 ._x Elevationl 111010/100 exact looatiDn of algn awning on the buitd1ng 3.x Photograpll.;lIovlng proponed l~tion 4,x Colored .cde clro.ving S.x Sample (if projioud mahri"l" 6.x Photograph of liqn 1f IveUable or \ TOTl:IL p .02 ...'.' :;-'"..'. :'."......'. ........",..'. ••••••".;.:I .., ."SUN 08 '94 17 :01 ADCON SI GNS (303)48 4-363'7(fl•• :" " " ·. ::t o'" .;..",.~.: ..,' , ",;fr.',. ':.,::,'''. 'i -"~..,,",' ','".... ·.:., ·.', .,,. ·",,' ..,~~.:. ·:s~/,. "....:.. A 0 '. .1:':'"....''-..,t <J>'"'.~.:..yvV ' ./l{l "..'.;.:. ..t. :';:~1"b ~.f=.TOiAV $'4rJp.,~e ~OIoo.H'\NC:~' <:-~t:.r..~l ~E:v f.61fM'I ;.-I ~S,F.fb-c.~~I 4ro~s t:M'l~""'S :':-SIJ6T~er ~A ~'"1TO~'5Irf0., '..-t 11l1g~vJe ~q~r 3'~, ':,:::-..'FOI£.NtiW c;\~t\I ?...;.:"...,....". P .l• wo.v~REVI EW~R ~ T01AL PAC-.ES IHCWDlHCi rRANSMllAL ......,.._. . I I $):::.~oP..Wtfttr (,v(F f/JcI<I(,£) 4/<J.:r W D c!> , O~E I U fEDERAl..~~ Al)VU11SIHG COHaPTS,INC .2200 AlrUIAV I\I.J E.~COLUNS,CO 6052"(303)o184-3 ~7 1 dd7-S8 13 F:A.X (303)4lY- "<>NED REMARkS ._. .. • JL 33 3-193 3 4 84 -36 37 Cor-p : CO.80 2 ---e--,.- Application Dnte __~6~/~'~O/~9~4 ~~___ APPLICATION FO~A SIGN VIIRIIIlICE NAME 01'APPLIC T'S REPRESENTATIVE __~~C~OS2N~~~~~~ AD~RESS ~20 9 A;rw .Av e .•Flo Collins,CO ZPH E.80524 -'-'~='---- NAME OF OWNER (prin or type)West V iI Mall / ADDRESS 233 Milwaukee.enver,CO.80 206 PHONE ..::;:;:.,.:..;:;:.::...-- AODlmSS SIGNIITURt -';"/'~_:__--- B. C. \1">'-".--q~-.' •JUH 1 3 r::-~ LUll ':.DEli {)Cpr- I.This proo~dure is required tor any project re .ting a ,Varianoe.The pplioat1on will not be accepted until all intorlll"Uon is Sflbm1tted...~. A..NAME 01'IIPPr.ICANT Gart5 orts /~,1!.i Jt..}R Iv D.LOCIITION OF PROPOSAL II.Two (2)copies oC tho col .E~ ADDRESS 2 171 North LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot FEE.$200.00 Fl11nq 3 Vail Das.$hone III t/;:>1'1 y <:2L Review Doard meats on the l£lt aml lrd Wednes "ys ot the month.An "pplication with the nec saary accom nying material must be submitted 4 weeks prior 0 the datQ ot the ·.meeting to 0.110w tor pUblishin9.rcqulra monts. ~.b.\ ~.'1.statement ot the recise natur oc the variance requested,the rl lation involve ,and the practical di:ticulty or un cessary physical hardship inconsistent wit the objectives 0 this title that would result tr strict or literal interpretation and entorcement ot he specicied rogul"t on.~.A site plan s loWing all existing "nd roposed teatures on tho Bitc~~nd on Adjoining sitc~i nocessary, pertinent to the variance requested ,i elUding site boundaries,required setbacks,bu11ding\10cations and ..heights,t ography and physical teature'$,existing 'sign lOCZ10ns,proposod sign locntions d any relAted data, C.Such ad~tional material as the zoning adm may pre eribe or the applicant milY submit p the at ication. D.Si ~n pplication Completed • III.Time Req rements . .- ..... • •• New Corporate Logo andExt erior "S portsT heme"Si glmge -I = • ~.' • •• ErWlIOflrrtenrol Gropllla Custom Signs Arctli1eCllJral Products Ju ne 13,1994 ADV EIHlSING CONCliPlS U'lC 3034843637 DENVE Q4478B '3 FAX 303484 3639 2209 AIRWAV AVENUE FOI?T COlLINS.CO 80524 T ownof V ail C o mmu nity Develop mentD epartment 75Sou th F rontage R oad Vail,CO 81657 S UBJECT :Sign v ariance request fo rG art Sports store locatedin the We stV ailMa ll,217 1N orth F ron tage Roa d W est. THE RE QUE ST: Gart B rothershasrecen tly u ndergonea corpo rate name c hanget oG art S ports.W eare presently in stitutingasig nage program t o updateallex isting sto reswith our new lo go.(S ee att achedph otos ).M any oft hene wa nde xisting D enverloc ationsh aveal ready been c hanged . In t his pro posalw earea skingto repla cet hee xistingw hite c hannelletterstha t re ads Ga rtBr os . at 3 0 sq .ft.,a nd r eplacingthe m with a 6 'x6 'illum inatedredlogowi th w hite copy r eading Gart S ports .W earealsoprepared to re movet he adjace nt de scri ptive words readingS kis ,S ports , andCa meras ,t husred ucing our ove rall square footag e f rom 43 sq .ft .t o36sq.ft .an d al so red ucingth enu mber o f signs f rom f ourtoone . T he6 'x6 'illum inated redlogowas cho sensot hatw ec anin corp orate it intot hee xisting c anopyinanae sthet icallypleasing m anner ,a s opposedt o ju st atta ching it t o the f ace o fth e fr ameo rbuilding a ndpro ducing a "tacked-on"ele menttha t clearl y d oes not integ rate intothe e x isting a rchitecture .T he6 'x6'sizeis them i nimum acceptable s ize toac hievema x imum re adable impactfrom t hepark inglot andf ron tage ro ad .(19""G art"lettersr eads a t180'and9 " "Sports"lettersread sat 90 '). Inre questingthis variance we ha veagai n ,reducedt he s quare footage and number of sign sas w ed id in the pr ev ious 1987application .Th evaria nce p resented int his proposal representsa cha ngein t he co mpany's new logowh ich we h ope t oaes t hetica lly integ rateinto t he pr es ent archite cture and yetmai ntainth esp irit of red ucing signage as re quired by the W estV ailM all . T hankyo uf oryo uras sistance ,andplease co ntact mewit h a ny q uestions regardingt his pro posal. Sin cerely, M ervE ckman ME /sh •• ------------------------._------------------_.__._._..-------- RE CEIPT -lb.Town of Vai l D A TE _J.I.1L-.l_~~~-,14 DOLLARS S....!4L~__ _C Permit Numbers -------,1,r.,.-,-----:-~~rs T HOWPAl D-C.sh __Ot.:10h5y By ~e~c1'- ADVE RTIS ltlt CONC""NC J OJ 464 3OJ7 DE NVE 1l44 16613 FAX J OJ 464 J 6JQ • Enll1fonmen lol Gtopllia C UStom SiQ~2200 A IRWAY AVENUE Atch lt6ctural Products FOI?T COLliNS.C060524 Ju ne13 ,1994 Town olVai! Co mmunity Development Depa rtment 7 5Sou thFr ontage Road Vai l,CO6165 7 SUBJECT:Sig n va riance requestf orG art Sports sto re lo catedinth e WestV ail M all,2 171North F rontage RoadWes t THERE QUEST: G artB rothers hasr ecently undergone a co rporatename c hange to G art Sports.W e are presently inst ituting asig nage p rogram t o upda tea llex istingst oreswith our new logo .(See attac hedph otos).Ma ny of t he n ewa nd exi stingDen verlocat ionsh avea lready bee n ch anged . Inthis proposal wea re asking t o repla ce t heex isting w hite c hannellettersthat readsGa rtBros . at30s q .ft.,a nd re placing t hem w ith a6'x6 'illuminatedredlogo wi thwh itecopy r eading G art Sports .Wea re a lso prepa redto r emovetheadjace nt descriptive wo rdsreading Ski s ,Sp orts, a nd C ameras,t hus red ucingo ur o verallsquarefootage fr om 43 sq .ft .t o 36 s q.ft .andals o reduci ng t henum berofsig ns fromfou r too ne. T he 6'x 6'illuminated re dlogowasc hosen s o t hat weca ninc orporate it int o th eexi sting ca nopy ina n aesthetically p leasing ma nner,a s oppose dt o ju st att aching it tothefa ce of t he f rame o r building a nd pr oducing a "tacke d-on"ele ment thatcl early does n ot integrate intoth e e xistinga rchitecture .T he 6'x 6'size is th e minimum acce ptable sizetoac hievem aximum read able impact fro m t he parking lotandfro ntager oad.(19""Gart"lette rs reads at180'a nd s" "Sports"le llersr eadsat90'). In re questing t his variance w eh aveagain ,redu cedt he squa re f ootage a nd num ber o f signsas wedi d int he p revious 1987 appl ication .The vari ancepr esentedinthisprop osa l represents a cha ngeint hec ompany's new l ogowhic h we hope t o aes theticallyintegrate i ntot hep resent arc hitecture andye tm aintainthespiritofred ucing sig nage asreq uired by t he W estVa ilM all . Than kyoufo r yo ur assistance ,andpleasecon tact mewitha nyqu estions r egarding this pr oposal. Si ncerely , ~~~ Merv Eckman M Eish -".•'_.'-1 ·"··...->'.",="",,,,,."',',··c··,~_",'"o ""•.c•.,.,.,~<v..,;.'-"",,,,,,,,:..,,,,,*,~*,,*~_.,.~"'~-'''''''''~''--~",,;",n '.-},~"'O "'"«<I ",•.",, I TO WN O F VAIL IJU:X:ElP'T NO.'1?-7-11 < N.....!2dr'l?-_~:?;F COM M u N rrv D ~,n""'<T ,/t,..,1Y~ADDRESS ;/!4t z5c <J DAn; < , I'ROJhCf ./O ffiCltS MAU l>PAYARI..H TO TO WN OP V AL ~!!T N O.1n"'4 NO.TAX COST "'"TOTAL 01 u000 4154(lTIO NI:'-'G AND AD DRESS MAPS 5 .()(fi'- 0 1 0000 42415 I U NIFORMBUILDING CO DE 50,00'· 01600642415 UN IFORM PLUMBING CODE I S36 .00 i ' 0 100004241 5 UNIFORM :-1E CHANICALCODE $32.00• 010000 42415 ~I F O R :-1 F IRE CODE I 536.00••< 0]000042415 S30.00··< -~NATI ONAL ELECTRICAL ~I < ~,0 1 ()()()()42415 OTIJER COD E BOOKS •<·< <0 1 00(J()41 548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLAR S)$7.00•·0 1 (l000 42412 XE ROX CO PIES 50.25 • 0 10000 42,4 12 , STUDIES • 0 1 0000 42412jT()VFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM I 55 .00 '· --ijj'oooo 42371 PENALTY FEES !RE :-INSPECfIONS .. 0 1 ()()(lO 4 13J2 I PLANREVIEWR E -CHECK FEE 1540 PE RH R.,I 0 1 0000 42.\3 2 OFF HOU RS I~SPECTI ON FEES <"'it6000 414fi.CONTRACfORSLI CENSES FEEs Q ·, £-0 10000 414 13-S IGN AP pLiCATION FEE ~W01~1 413 2 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE lSLiXi PER SO.FT.I I "-',01 24l()VTC A RT PROJECf DONATION I01c:oob4133 1 l PRE PArD DEs iGN RE YJEW BoARD FEE 0 1 0000 4237!II ~,\,!,STI GA Tl ON FEE IBVILD'ING), 3 1 0000 45110 IT OV PARKING FU ND i 'I 6roooo22027 ,TO V NEWSPAPER DlSPE."SE Il:FUND I ·'O l000J2 1112 !TAXABLE @-4 %(STATE)I ·O lOOOO ·UO lO I TA XA B L ~@ 4 ~(TOWN), 0 1 0000 42371 BUILDIN GINVESTIGAT ION ·OTHER ,< PEC APPL lCATION'FEES « 1"ollll'iOOlrno 'ADDI1 IONAL G RFA -250'.00 y- ;01 6000 41330 ICO ND IT IONAL USE PERMIT 5 200 .00 .,-, ;f....J1!0000 4 m ();EXTERIOR ALTERAT IO l'(LESSTHA N 100SO .FT.$200 .00 , :~!,OOOO 41330 'EXTE.R IOR ALTERA'no l'\MORE THA N 100 S OFT,S500.00 ;0 100004 1330 SPECIAL DEVELOP:-1ENT Dl STRICf NEW 1.500.00 ~~4 1 3 3(l ,SPEC lALDEVE LO P:-1 ENT DISTRfCf (MAJORAM END $1 000.00 010000 4133.<1....,SP ECIAL DEVELOP.\1EST DISTRICf MINOR AMEND 5200.00,0 10000 4 1330SUBDIVISION I,010000 4 1330 j VARIASCE $250 .00I•0 10000 4 1330 ZON I NG CODE AMEND:-1ENTS $250,00 <,0 1 0000 41330 RE ZO NING 5200.00 OTHER OTHER , TO TAL '7'". COMME."'B;, ·t •• I r-.•·•l o lD ?"DAm 0..I!./H ~••Mo_r I (.''''',f [R EC .f1 Y, ., •• RECEIPT -...'Townof Vail I t 46799 { I ,1 {,;,,,'"•j r /~/(I ,) ",I ./,.. \I "/,re ' ($FjJ.,r ,,) (, I ,/, Pollce Recei pt Num bers --c-------- By •/11 r 'I ) ...i Permit Nu mbers ~----. 1I0W PAlD-Cuh __,Ol .:I rfc,~(I • T O I.o.l t-I OF U i=I I L rt i sce-Hereoes Cash ~O:44:15 1 .,.,:l,:"'l' Cr.i '3(.34 ·l ::r ·t.~:;131"1 qpf'A(:iGITIct.fAl.51 I t ....)p.e i d :C'.CO "'(.(1tJ TH At "'K ......OU •I PRUJ}'..cr ,. S 5~OO","---~. 550.00 • S36.00 ,• 532.00 ,' $36.00 :· $3 0 .00 • I =R~oo :I I $200.00 ',5500.00 iSI501."[00; i 5 1,000.00 ' I I 5200.00 '~:,I . S25 0J)J 1 :. I s2S 0.()(), I 5200.00 I ITOTAL, TOWNOFVAILI~~.;.;;;.;..;.;.;;.;;.-----~IlliCE l f'TNO._ ;:ADDIUiSS t, -~ ",, CO ~"'l;."'TS :-jJ ;'1--~-~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~-j . ~O ..,-I l r K#1 R I:.C.BY: ( TOWN OF VAI L Mi sc~l la~Cash •- 06 -14-94 16 :4-4:45 R~C~lpt *150859 ~ccovnt *CK *18630 ®CON RVVERTISING ,SIGH UARIANCE I=Im':l4.mt ter.oer...d >2Ott.OO Item paid 0100()041413000 Change retur-ned > Aaloun t paid 200.00 THANK V OU YOU,"cashier HEWI ......,.0 _. d •Project Application • Date _ Project De scription:_ Contact Per son and Phone Owner,Address and Phone:_ A rc hitect,A ddressand Phone : Com ments :_ Design Review Board M otionby : Secondedb y : A PPROVAL Dale _ D ISAPPROVAL \/I I t'< J Summary:_ Town Planne r Dale --~\\)\-'1'+'1 ~.:....:q--- o S taffAp prova l •Pro ject Application • Oat e _ Pro ject Nam e :_-'""-'-'-__...J---''-'-_'-'--''-''~'--'-_'---_ I J,Pr o jec t Descr i pt ion :,----'-'--_ Co ntactPerson andPh one -t"flr--,,------.,----.,----------------_____NUo-LOC---'-''-'------'--_ Owner .A d dressa nd Ph o ne:_ Architect ,A d dresse ndPh one: L egal D escrip tion :L ot Block Filing ~__•Zo ne _ Comments :_ Desig n Review Boa rd ~ Dat e _ M oti on b y: S ec onded by : I{I < c A PPRO VA L DI SAPPROVAL Summary:_ Date : To ..n PlA nner --..u;\l').liI-'-'-,--\--- o Staff A pp roval --- .-'.'~......'. n O ~........'1 .."r'p ~:,-'../:'••.~"".",'., • .''.. •••\. .~• ., .." • '.' ..." 7 1-97k -P'. .' Phone Fe<Pa 'i d _ lee:.::i en of Pro j cc t _--'-~~:-....e.:ill:L.....!.~::£!.~_ The .f o l 1 c ~'li r.;inf ::~.!:~::'1 is r 2,:;:.:i :"E!<::f o:""s u::::i t ~:;1 by t te appHc .:.:'!t to :~;:De si ;:'l Rev i ew 8::1:'":~ef ;;rt!a fi r.::.1 ap t=:-::':a 1 can :e give. S i S~5u:::::1:::1 f e e i s $Z O.CO•. ..""-.-.-_... .. D.Le ns :,of....::..=::2:~~:...J_......:--"'-,L!.'--'_ a/,/J.Af4 /lri"::? ;d~4"') • '..- • ·. 1 .S ite Plan 2 .Ora·..l ing s s ~::"I1 r.g e x ~::lc:::!.':.i c n ==:-__ 3 .Phot c gr.:~h s s hc..d r.;j:lro;::csed l ac.::1 en 4.AC-:;:':;i1 s i g n 5.Col o r e d scal e er-a ..n ng 6 .Phc:c;rJ ph of sig n Ap:r c':edf er OR3 S u !:::=:~t ~:.l Di sa pproved fo r o ~a S U ~~lt ::1 -.' • • • • •• ~....."••• '".'..,..'-".tr::. ,.- • • • ", L II • I I • • VAll TOWN COUNCI L REGULAR MEETING TUE SOAY,NOVEM BER7,19B9 7:30 p.m. AGE NOA • 1 .Ten Year Empl oym ent Anni ver saryAwa rd to Mi ke Rose 2 .Consent Ag enda A.ApprovalofOctober3and17,1989MeetingsMinutes B.AppointmentofaLocalLiquor Licensing Authori ty Bo ard Member 3 .Ordinance No.29,Series of 1989,first reading,s ales tax r evenue bonds 4 .Ordinance No .23,Series of 1989,second reading,anannual appropriation ordinance :adopting abudget and financia l pl an and making a ppropriations topaythe costs,ex penses ,and liabilities of the Town of Vail .Colorado , for its fiscal year January I,1990 through December31.1990,and providing for the levy assessment and collection of Town advalo rem property taxes due for the 1989tax year andpayab le in t he 1990f iscal year . 5 .Ordinance No.24,Ser iesof 1989 ,second r eading,a n ordin ance ame nding Se ct ion 8of Ordin anceNo.14Ser ies of 19B7 t oprovide fo r t heame ndm ent ofde ns ity oft heapproved developmen tplanf orSpecial De velopment Di strict No.6. 6.Ordinance No.25.Ser iesof 1989 ,f ir st r e adin g,an ordinanceamending Title 17 toadd Chapter 17.25dea ling with s ingle family su bdivis ions ; amending Section 17.0B.210to provide adefinitionfo r s ing le f am ily subdivisions;a nd setting forth deta ils i nr egard thereto . 7.Ordinance No .26,Seri es of1989.firs t r e ading,an ordin ance amend ing Section 18.24 .020 ofth e Municipal Code oft he Town ofVailbyadding "Commercial Ski Storag e"asa permitted us e inbasementor garde n levels within structures i nthe Comme rci al CoreI Zone District. 8 .Ordinance No.27,Seri es of 1989 ,first r e adin g,an ordinance amending Ch apter 2.20Local Licensing Authority of t he Munic ipal Code ofthe Town of Vail,Coloradoto add an appli cation fee for temporary l iquor li censeunder t heColorado Liquor Cod e;and setting fo rth detai lsi n regard thereto. 9.Ordi nance No.28,Seri esof 1989 ,f i rst reading,an ordi nance amendin g ce rtain s ect ions of Ch apter16.22sot hat Cha pter 16.22 regulates si gnsi n the Arte rial Business Dist rictZone Di s tr i ct oftheTown of Va il (ABO)as wel l a s the Comm ercial Core III Zone Distr ict (CC3). 10 .Gart Brothers Sign Variance Request ,West Vai l Mall ,217 1 North Frontag e Road CIT IZEN PAR TIC IPA TION 11 .Ad journment • VAIL TOWN COUNC I L REGULAR MEETING TUESDA Y,NOVEM BER 7,1989 7 :3D p .m . EX PAN DED AGENDA • 7 :30 7:35 1.Ten Year Emplo yment Ann iversary Award t o Mike Rose 2 .Co nse nt Agenda A.Approvalo f Oc tober 3 and 17,1989 Mee ting s Minutes Pam Brandme yer 8 .Ap pointment of a Lo calLiquo r Lice ns i ng Author i ty Boa rd Me mbe r Ac tionReques ted of Counci l:Appointone memb ertoth e LiquorAuthor ity. Ba ckground e xpiring . o pening . Staff Re comm endation: LocalLiq uorAut hority AppointSte ve S;mo ne tt to t he Board f orat ermoftwoyears. 7 :40 Ron Phi llip s Char li eWick St eveBar wi ck 8 :00 SteveBarw i ck 8 :10 Pe ter Patt en 3 .Ordinan ce No .29,Ser ies of 1989,fi rs t reading ,s a les tax r evenue bonds Ac t ion Requested o f Cou ncil :Appr ove/de ny/m od ify Ordin ance No .29,Ser ie s of 1989,on fi rst rea ding . Ba ckgroundRationale:First readi ngofth ebondord inance pe rpreviousdi scus si on with t he Co unci l. Sta ff Reco mmendation:Ap prove Or dinanceNo .29,Serie sof 1989 ,on fi rs t r eading . 4 .Ord inance No .23 ,Se ri es of 1989 ,s econd r eading ,appro ving the budget Act ion Reques te d of Co unci l l Ap prove/deny/modify Ordin ance No.23 ,Seriesof 1989,on second readin g . Bac kg round Ration al e:Thisi s the annualbudget auth or iz atio nand a ppropr i ationordinan ce fo r f i sca lyear 1990 . Sta ff Rec ommenda ti on :ApproveOrdi nanceNo.23 ,Series of 1989.on seco nd r eading. 5 .Ordinance No .24,Ser ie s of 1989,f irst readin g ,amending SO D No.6conve rting Co ndom ini um Unit #30 f rom comme r cial to r esident ia l Acti on Re quested o f Co unci l:Ap prove/deny/mod i fy Ordinance No .24 ,Ser ie s of 1989 ,on f i rst r eading . Backgro un d Rationale:The ap plica ntt abled thi s r equest on October 17.The propo sal hasbeenr evisedas pe r the enc l osed memo date d 11/2/89 .Staff hascom ple tedadd it ional r esear cha sf oundi nthe same mem o. StaffRecommendation :Ap prove Ordi nance No .24 ,Seri esof 1989.on f ir st reading . ••",.. 8:30 Mike Mollica 8:45 Mike Mollica 9:00 Pam Brandmeyer 9 :10 Mike Mollica 9:25 Kristan Pritz 6.Ordinance No .25 .Series of 1989,f irst readi ng,am ending Title17 to providea defi nitionf ors in gle fam ily s ubd ivisions Act ion Requested of Coun cil:Approve/deny/modify Ordi nance No .25,Series of1989,on first reading. Background Rationale:Th e PEe ,at t heirSeptember26 ,1989 public hearing,unanimouslyr ecommend ed approval ofthe pro posed amendment to the zoningcode. Staff Recommendation:Approv e Ord inanc e No .25,Series of 1989,on first read ing. 7 .Ordinance No .26 ,Ser ies of1989,firs tr eading,amending Sec tion 18.24.020 by adding "CommercialSki Storage.n Action Requested of Council:Approve/deny/modifyOrdinance No .26 ,Series of1989,on f irst reading . Background Rationa le:The PEC,at their September26 ,1989 public hear ing,unanimously recommended approval ofthe proposed am endment toth ez oningcode. Staff Recommendation :Approve Ord inance No .26 .Series of 1989,on f irstread ing. 8.Ordinance No .27 ,Seriesof 1989 ,first reading ,amending Chapter 2 .20 by addinganappl ication f ee for temporary 1i quor 1i censes ActionRequest ed of Counci l:Approve/den y/modi fyOrd i nance No .27 ,Ser ies of1989,on firs t readi ng. Bac kg roundRat ionale:I n t he las t le gisla t ive sess ion, Sen a te Bi ll No .113 was approvedal l ow i ng an a pp l i cation fe e fo rt em porary l iq uor l i cens e s .This i s to be us ed s peci fic a lly f orex pir ed l i quor l ic enses ,and a ll ow st hat a tem porary permi tbe i ssued for a $250 .00 fee,f o r a90 day per iod oft ime,once a COMPLETE new app licat ion pac ket has been submitted totheLocal Licensing Authority . Staff Recommendation :Approve Ordinance No.27 ,Series of 1989.on first r eading .This wil l d ispense with the "inconvenience"a licensee causes himse lf/herse lf should he/she no t renewal iquor l icenseina timely manner . 9.Ordinance No .28 ,Seri es of 1989,first reading,am ending Chapter 16.22 regulating signs inthe ABO and CC3 zone di strict Ac tion Re quested of Council:Approve/deny/modifyOrdinance No .28,Series of1989,on first r eading. Background Rationale:Th e PEe,at their September 26,1989 publ ic hearing,unanimous ly recommended approvalof t he proposed amendment to the zoningcode . Staff Recommendation:Approve Ordinance No.28,Seri es of 1989 ,on first reading . 10.Gart BrothersSi gn Variance Request,West Vail Mal l,2171 North Frontage Road (Applican t:GartBroth ers) ActionRequestedof Council:Approve/deny the varian ce req uest . Background Rationale:The ORB reviewe d th e vari ance on .P 'nctcbe-18,1989.They voted 5-0 toapprove the requ es t. The mo t ion was made by Ka thy Warren ,ands econded byJamie McClusk ie.The ORB also approvedthedes ign of t he s ign by -2- 9:45 10:00 • avoteof 4-1.The approved design specifies theuseof white letters. Staff Recommendation:Approve the variance request . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 11.Adjournment -3- •• TOWN COUNCIL AG EN DA REQUEST Request fo rmmust be given tot h SThursdays.e e c retarytothe Town Ma nager by8 :00a .m. Dep t.:C~~y",.SJ.o.V.I \.':l-~LMeetIngDate:...M2,,-)~,.L-'II __ Work Ses sion :Evening Me et1ng :~ Ap proximate l engthoft i me item wil l req Uire:;~C!~()-l~~~~__ I. II. II I. IV. V. Action Requested of Counci l: '\b (i,WMt ,\u.,'JQ.t'i o ~· Assu rances (L 1E 'Profess io naTT ega ,ng lne er1 ng,Finance ,Ou tside Emp oyee Si gVe ,.() Comm un ity Deve lopme nt Department TO : FR OI1 : DATE : SUBJECT : • Design Rev iew Board Oct ober 18 ,1989 S ign Var iance Requ est fo r store located in th e West Ro ad West. App l icant :Gart Brothers Ca rt Vai l •lb 1,[/{\wJ). }w"d ~bn ~U I (\,-Po y_'3 IU~~r ~(\I r(\QI\J o.N\d Er i c..) ,,k\~ Brothers sp o r ti~G ~o d s Mall,2171 North Frontag e A .THE REQUES T Gart Brothers will be opening a Vail store i n th e f ormer Bill Bullocksa nd Kowloon Restau r ant spac e s in theWest Va il Mall . The Gart Bro the rs 'propos al enta ils a 30 square fo ot projecting sign t hat r eads "Gart Brothers ."Individual white pa n ch annel letters will be moun ted o n ameta l frame a p proximat ely27 feet hi gh on the We st Va ilMall.Thes econd sign willr ead "s kis, sports,cameras "a ndt ot al 1 3 squa re f e et .The letters a re 1 1 inches high and a re made o f bla ck plastic.The locat ion o f this wall sign i s to t he l eft and be low the "Ga rt Brothers 'll sign at a height of approximate ly 24 feet above grade .The total square foo tage fo r this p roposa li s 43 squa ref eet.The number of signs is 2 and the maximum height is 2 7 feet above g rade . In co njunc tion with t he signage proposal ,three new flag po les wil l be loca ted on t op of t he build ing f ascia .The f lags wi ll be f rom various count rie s .The e nt ry c o lumn adjacentt o t he Car t Brothers 's to re that i sno w p ink will be pa inted with 2 foo t ho rizon ta l bla ck a ndwhite stripes. The Bull ockss to re h ad a total of 58 square f e et o f signage that i ncludeda 38 s qua re fo ot wal l sign o n t h e s outh elevat i on (FrontageRoad s i de )a nd 2 0 square feet s ign on thewe st e leva tio n ,(Inn a tWe st Va il side).Kowl oon had a sign o f 1 9 squa re f e et .The Cart Broth ers'propos al decreases t he nu mb ers of s igns by one ,r educes thes qua re f o otage by approx i mately 3 4 square fee t,a nd incre ases the h eight for one s ign by approximate ly 5 f eet . B.VAR IANCES REQUESTE D Th is r equest r equ ires the f ollowing variances : 1.s ize 16 .22.070 B .Size .Projecting/Hangi ng Sign Size ...Combined maximum area f or mo re t han one sign s hall no te xceed 20 s qua re f e et. 16 .22 .1 40 B .Si ze.Wall s ig ns . Si ze,maximum area shall not exc eed twenty square f ee t. •• Th e projecting sign is 30 s qua re feet and exceeds the allow abl es ize of 20 s qua re fe et b y 1 0 squa re feet.The v ar ia ncei s f or t hee xt ra 1 0s qua re feet ,p lus t he 1 3 squa re fe et fo rt he wall s ign.The total v a ri an ce in respect to size is 23 squ are feet. 2 .Height 1 6.22 .070 C .Height.Projecting/Hanging S igns Height,minimum clearance of eight feet t o bottom of sign above pedestrian ways and minimum clearance of fifte en feet to bottom o f sign above vehicular way s.No part of the sign s ha ll extend ab ov e fift e en feet from e x isting grade . Th e proj ecting sign e xc eeds th e heigh t l i mit of 1 5 f e et. Th e variance request is for 12 feet. J.Numb er 1 6 .22.070 D. 1 6.22.1 40 D. Number. Number, Number. Number, Pro jecting/Hang ing S i gns one sign . Wall Signs one sign. Onl y one sign is allowedp er business.A va r iance for o ne a d diti onals ign is requested. II .F INDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a vari ance a pplication,the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that, A .There are spec ial circumstances or conditions applying to the land,buildings,topography,veg etation,sign structures or other matters on adj ac ent lots or with in t he adj acent right -of-way which would SUb st an tia ll y res tri ct the effectiveness of the sign in qu e st ion;provi d ed , Staff Res ponse According to the strict interpretation of the Va il sign code,Gart Brothers would be allowed one 20 squ are fo ot projecting sign 15 feet a bove grade.A walls ign could be 25 feet high.The previous anchor h ad a total of 58 s qu are feet displayed on two signs at a slightly lower height th an what is being proposed h ere.Kowl oon had 19 s q ua re f e et o f signage.The staff believ es that th e Gart Broth ers' proposal is a reasonable proposal and pre sents a significant reduction in the previou ss ig na ge di splayed fo r thetenant in this location. •• The location o f the Gart Brothers'signage while requiri ng a height va ri ance ,is somew hat dr iven b y the d esign o f t he bu ildin g.If t he sign was mou ntedd irec tl yo n to t he wal l, it would fal li ntoa d iff erent category of the sign code and be allowed t o be disp layed a t a height o f2 5 f ee t. Beca u se i t i s mounted o nt hemetal f r ame ,i t mus t be c ategoriz eda s a proj ecting a ndh anging signwith a h eight limit o f 15 fe et.We fe el t hat thed e cision to use a p ro jecting s ign i nstead o fa wall sign should n ot n egatively impact the applicant's ability to place h is sign on th e f acade of their business .The proj e cting s i gn will not h ave signi ficant n egative impacts due to its h ei ght a nd will n ot draw undue attention to itself . It sh ould be noted that in most cases,t h e sign c ode allow s for t wos ignsp er bu s in e ss if the busines s is l ocated ad ja cent t o twoma jorp ede strian ways.Gart Brothe rs h as two f ront ag esonp ede strian ways.GartBrothe rs is also ta king over t he Kowl oon Res tau ran ts pacewhichr esults i n anoth er 1 9 square foot reductioni n b uildings ignage . B.Tha t specia l circ umsta nce s were not created by t he ap p licant or anyone in pri v y to the app lic ant. sta ff Response : Th e sta ff d oe s not bel ieve that t h is criteria is appl icable t o t he r e quest.The b ui l ding locati on already exists a nd t hey are merel y util iz ing ex is ting reta il space. c.Th att he granti ng of the varianc e will b ei n general h armonywith the purpo se o f this titlea nd will no tb e materi ally d etrimental to the persons r es iding or work ing in the vicinity,t o adjacent prop erty,tothen eig hborhood , or to the pUb l ic wel fare in general. Staff Re spons e: Th e staff believes that this request mee ts th e g eneral int ent of the s i gn codea nd is in h armo ny wi th thes ign c od e,spec if ical ly due to the r eduction in t otal signag e c omp ared to t he previous s ituat ion .We do not fee lt hat t he va riances requested will be d etrime ntal to any person s residing o r working in the v ic ini ty or will be d etriment al to a d jace nt property .Th e proposal pres ents a3 4 foo t reduction i n signage from the prev i ous t enant signs .Th e propo s al d i splays the n ame of the storea nd the t ype of bus ine ssi na direct and reasonable man ne r . D.The va ri a nce a ppli ed for does not depart fr omt he provis io ns o f this t itle any more tha n i s re qu i red to id ent ify th ea ppli ca nt 's b usine ss or u s e. • staff Response : • As stated above,we feel that thi s request does me et th e general i nte nt of the sign code and presents the name of the storea n d the type o f business i n a clear and concise man ner that is cons istent with other action s t hat re late to t he s ign code in t he Commercial Core II I area . I I I.STAFF RECOMM ENDAT IONS: Th e Comm u nity Development Department recommend s approval of the r equ e sted variance .We feel t h at the height of the propos ed pro j ect ing sign is in h armonywith the intent of the sign code and the s ize and design of both s igns do not c all undue a t tention to the business .In addition ,the app licant is substantially r educi ng the amount of signage in c ompari s on to th e two previous te nants . 44 •I •__-........"I __•.~_._._. hrr _ ----_._-...====.._---- _.• - -._------- ~-=s K r s=s p O fl I S -C ~M E R A S======--=-_.--"---'-'-' -f--1-'--1-+-11 _H--t--il---~tf-I ~ ~>- . ---1--+-/--' I-I I .1-"--- --.--. f- r - f- f- l ·... _. -'---_._.- --' .-- -.--11-+-+--1-1 -- 11-+-f-1-l--/-- 11-+--1-'- ~~=VNIJ £'1l::)e6- •S \6 NAG E.AND c.A-NO P \,EL EVA,IO No ~"VT""""'"~c:>'f."'~"""'H '~~~&.'"~•.,..\.$t'.AI.£!4"=,'-0" •--...5 •~••i.,v j'"I ~I I I•i,, ;•-.~L1 "'I1"/..~ ---_.- --~K I S-S P O RT S -G_A M E R A S -.1 ..------- ------'------------------'----_._--- -------------_. .......----.-------..-..------"'-'-1 --+--+--1,---1---._-...'----......---------_-.---.......-_.._..1-+-+-1--1------1--1--1 ---- -.-------------.-...f----------------------..---------_.------------------_.__.-_.._- ..__.._---_.._------_...._----I ···.. , i 1r '- <1-------1- 1-+- 1 1-~-I-_I__+__1 --f--- II-r--l-l---J--..-..-... 1 -1·----.. L...-~-1 ---.1-f---~-1--'-.--. I 1--- ~~Bl?VI--JI./€;lOee- S\G NAG E.~D C-A..NO -P, - - • .. ,".... 14 OZ -5 5Y D.RO LL -6 0 I N.W IDTH /16 OZ.-55 YD.RO LL -5 4IN .W IDTH •• 'A lIGHTSHOW OF COLOR 1·800·468-7777 - 11 50 OKBLU E • 1 152'", LT.BL ~E , "~,'e r;~, 114'6 i·' LT.ORE,E N 'i ~r..~, .t ~.. 111 f MEO.GREEN ~ 1 142 OKGREE N ~ .,1~3 - •MEb:,BLUE-, . "., •L...•'.,~~I );.,..'-1 16 0 1 170 "1 2 COOL triTE IVORY PURPLE )~.-_......"-----".;.--.....'--. 1 161 .r-'171 -_,4,113 BRIGHT WHITE ·"-:'"·-TAN ,..-<'.'.PL UM,-, j ._."../"-,,t IT ~:"r "..'.j :.1132 .•\ii ·1' 6102 '.1 6 103 GRE'i ~~1 ;\,E L LOW \i .',~.BURGY ~D Y.'~jl ,.••",',-'"7-./-~._-.,-~.-_...- ,17 .,1181 11 11 TNJPE ..l GO LD WIN E ·. ;"~.....~~~ ".4 ~2 6 •I 1130 1 120 T E R R ~COTT,.LT.ORA NGE BRIGHT R ED·~~~ '1'73 11 24 ---.._1 '2 1 BAQ ~!'J PEA C H .._._.--•WA.AM RED----',,., ~....: .,-:~•. •3:180 1 1 23 ~•1 110 BLACK B RIG HT O RANGE PI NK P·R-lS·M·AX The premier ill um inated awning fabric!! A super transl ucent vi nyl coated po lyesterf abri c.Surface t reate df orex tended l ifea nd ease o fg raphic a pplicat ion D esignsa re enhanced wit h 28 exciting colors.Fi ve year l imited wa rranty. 140Z. C orerc oated both s i des.Fin ished matt on o ne s ide end "Wef look on the ot her si d e l ormaxi mum adaptabi lity.Excellent f or i nterior ill u mina ted applications.Calif ornia State Fi re M arshall Approved (R egistrat io n"F35 7.01). 16 OZ . Color coat edo ne s ide .Wh ite app earan ceonbac k side l ormax imum l ightdi ffusion.Patented manu facturing p rocess gives e xce ptiona l strength w hileall ow ingmi n ima l a ppearanceo f sc ri m. U nli mited ex teri o r i ll umi natedap plic atio n s.Ca lif o rnia State Fire Ma rshal Ap proved (Re g i st ra t ion #F35 7.02) U.S.A.PatentNo.4 ,298,645 Canadian PatientNo.1,1 11 ,73 9. 16 Oz.-55Y D.ROL L -5 4 I N.W ID TH • • TO:Ron Phillips Larry Es kwith Pete r Pa tten Kristan P ritz FROM :Rick py lman • DATE:Septembe r 29 ,.1989 SUBJECT :Hi st ory 'a nd status o f "Gart Brothe rs s ign proposa l ., The GartBrothe rs s ign a pp l ica t io n was subm i tted to the Town of Vail ·on approx imate ly J u ly 3 1,1 989.Upo n review o f the sign app lication , an i n te rpretat io n was made a nd a d ecisi on r ea ch ed b y t he Community Deve lopme nt Departmen t a nd Larry Eskwi th ,t h at t he p roposed sign d id not require a varianc e .Thi s d eci sion wa s ba sed u pona ni nterpreta ti on that originated from t he sett lemen t of t heVa il Gl o Lodge/Town o f Vail lawsu it regarding t he s ign code .At the Des ign Review Board meet ing of Augus t1 6th,thea pp l ica t ion wa st a bl ed fo r some mod ificat ion and for .f u rther d i scuss ion.T he a pp lica nt r e turned to t he De sign Review Board :mee t ing o fAugust 3 0t h,and r ec eived fi n al a pproval f or the ir re quest . .ADe s ign Rev iew :Bo ard r epo rt wa s g ivent o th e Town Counc il wi thi n the t en d ay perio d,th at al lows the Town counci lor an adjacent property .own ex ,to call up t he d eci si on . upon further review of the sign c o de ,Larry Es kw ith real ized t hatt he i nt erpretat i on a nd d e cisi on was incorrect andt hat in accordance with the Towno f Vai lr egul ati ons ,Ga rt Brot he rs signag e,a s p roposed,wo uld r equ irea varia nce f rom thes ig n cod e.It i s my und erstan di ng that th is in fo rmati on was p ass ed a l ong to t he appl ica nt in a c onv ers ation be tween Larry Eskwith a nd a r epresentative of Gart Brotherss omet ime a round Friday,September 2 2,1 989 . At this po int in time,there ar e two optio ns open t ob oth the Town o f Vai l a nd Ga rt Brot he rs,re lative to schedul ing t he proposed varia nce. Those options are: A.Merging t he Ga rt Brothers'signa pplicat ion with the c urrent Design Review Board r eview of the sign variancef ora sign prog ram f or the West Va il Mall .This sign variance has been l egally adv ertised f or a nd has b een heardb y the De sign Rev iewBo ard once and t abl ed for s Ubmission o f f urther informati on.It i s p ossi bl e f or t his a pp licat ion to b eh e ard b y t he De sign Rev iewBo ard, We dnesday,Octobe r 4 ,1 98 9,a nd if g ra nted f i na l approval ,cou ld proce ed to T own Council as so on as Octo be r1 7th .I f this p rocess is to b e foll owe d,a d ecis io n mustb e mad e b yGa rt Brot hers a nd the We st Vai lMall repres entative ,Da vid Tyrel l,n o l at er than 1 0:00 a .m.Monday,October 2,1 98 9.It i sc rit ical tha t t h is t ime f r ame b emet so that the staf f may r ea ct t o the proposed v ari ance a nd produce a recommendation and memof or the Design Rev iew Boa rd me et ing of Oc tober 4th .Approval o f this r equest is h ea vily d ependant up on in formati on requested of the Wes t Vai l Mall r epres ent ative and al so appro val o ft hat p ortion o f the p ro gram by t he De sign Review Boa rd . •• B.The se c ond op t ion is t o proceed Procee ding thr ough the adverti sing a nd sign va r iance p r oc ess as a separ ate ap pli ca tion.The Town of Vai l staff h as a dv erti s ed f or the Ga rt Brothers'sign va riance, the l egal n oti cewill be published in the Vail Trai lo fS eptember 29 t h.The Design Re viewBoard mayh ear t his app lication a fter a f if teend ay p Ublicati on r equi rement.This would a l low theGa rt Brothers 'sign variance t o be heard at the October 1 8th Desi gn Re vi ew Bo ard meet ing,and by the Vail T own Council o nNovemb er 7th. T hisi nformation ha s b ee n rel ayed t o repres enta tives of Gart Br o th er s a nd we expect a decision fr om t hem as to whi ch r oute to t ake by Mo nda y morning,o ctober 2 ,19 89. •• town of vai 75southf ro ntage roa d vall,c olora do 81657 (3 03)4 79-21 00 FAXPHONE TRANSMITrAL SHE ET DAT E: 5<.t\L.<>FFcrL. COMPANY NAME:.'RI-lL-~I<.J"'<:-S ?-":l-.0 $1 '-I? K,c.'C-?J~W......-..)of VA-''- 1{-ad--~"1 T IME:~,-:--,I-",S,---_ NO.O FPAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOTI NCLUDI NG COVER SHEET):?-. RES PONSE REQUIRED?:__---£='----_ TOWN OF VAIL FAXPHONE NUM BER:303-4 79-215 7 6\?v--'V - p,-~~ &,(,,.).I l ~ ~,cr s~,t)e;;-F'........'Tlo--J d'--=" F"'G ....k>~PPc>Ro",<:o r<dl-.C'"e-r- vJ 'r '+-f1'!IS.De:-r .......'r-to.--J· • • " .---- ----- n •• --~-------- - •,-_.1 t '--,.... ! - ............... L ---...-.-::....~.--_..._..--'- / --.....I • <, " ,.,.., , .J' " ''1J'., •:,",.\"..I1,t .....:r ~-r:.::::.:•"1 --.}.~':---'"-..-..~~,,;~~'I ' #"-----',r "• .;..--:..""""-,.'r , _..-..'.,.. •,;...~I,• ._--~ '!-- • VA IL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD PRESENTATION Gart Brothers Va il Store Exterior Signageand SpaceFrame ••••••••::::RNL DESIGN ARCflmCTVRI.. l NTDUOIlIJt \olC"_ URB""'rt..A"N!NC The followinglist outlines each element within our total building exterior proposal.Please refer to our elevation and perspective sketch forvisual clarification. I. 2. oS" 3. 4, 5. A 3'deep,open "arched"space frame tospanover display windows andentry stairs.Itwillbe constructed from 2"diameter white tube and sus pended from building fascia. "Gart Brothers"NeonLettersSign -Thiswhitefaced,neonbacklit individual letters srs'nwill be attache}!.~~front face of the space frame.The 30'hi letters will ha ~eep black sides.Thi s sign willoccupy 3 SF. "Skis Sports Cameras"Sign.This willconsist of II"high black plastic letters lJl a straig ht line locatedadjacent to displaywindow.Thssign wi ll he lit bytwolightfixturessuspended fromthe ro of.This sign will occu py 13SF . Flags -Three n ewfl ag po les willbe l ocated atopth ebu ilding f as cia in conjun ction with thespace frame . E ntry Cn lumn •The one columnbes ide tbe entry stairs,directly be lowt he spacefr amewi ll bepa inted with 2'horizontalb lack and white stripes. cjc:6392:revbrd Sl VIST(lJ',.'Tli sTntT l'lAl-A $lfT}'l 7:KI I :!:SSE\-c."1T.£'.'T 11STlUrt Df;':\'ER (;Ol.OIt,\U(1!CJl1C Jlll........1717F...l,:'Iol!M-llo.l' A \lE\l !1ii KOt nu,. li"L fA OI.f!1[!,«'f1!'(llc \110'. 284 (A 1 )1 4} )'](,, (1)Street Address:2171 North Fron tage Road West (2)Basis of Bearings is a line conn 'c ti ng t he f ound monuments marking the n orth co r ne rLot2 A (rebar and cap L.S.20651 and the NW P.C.o fLot 3 (r ebar a nd c ap L.S.21831 t>~i.ng N20 01 6'OO''E (se,dr awII'l(1). (3 )Monuments f c the p arc el b ou nd ry ~ere n ~t per t he r eques t of o wner. (4)Ease men ts s ho wn arp per ~l d p l it Nation IT I. In su r an ceCo mpa ny t itleoomm i t men t t i t s no.lu31 l' d ated Jul y l h.19 90. (5)All of Lot 2 .oget he r with a djoi ni ng Lc 1 an d 3,a re s ubj ec tt oa re cipr()cal operati on ,main t enan re a nd e ase ment agreemen t r eco rd ed Apri l 19,1977 in book 254 a t page 14 2,as a me ndpd i n instr ument recorded Jan ua ry 17,197 8 in book 2 65 at page 286.Lease modi!i c-a t i o n agreemen t r ec orded January 17,19'II i I"book 26"a t page 28 7. NOTES: I certify that none of said premises or improvements thereon are located wi thin flood hazard areas in accordance wi th an y maps enti tIed:"Flood Insurance Rate Map,""Fl o od Hazard F loodway Boundry Map,"Flood Hazard Boundry Map"or "Flood Bound ry and Floodway Map"published by the Federal Emergency Manag ement A<;l,~nc;y or a .Flood Hazard Boundry Map published b yt he U.S .D epar~~R?r HOUSIng and Urban Devel opment.•~I~..........~~/?>---<,<'Date:7-/1-11 ~-~ S t an Hogf eld 0 r: Colorado P .L .S .2 ~ ~ CERTIFICATION OF FLOOD ZONE SURV EY OR'SCE RTIFICATE I,S tanHog f el dt,o f Eag le Co u nty ,State of Colo rado,hereby ce rt if yt o WEST \#IlL MALL CORP.,to Resolution T rust Co rporation,as c o nservator f orF irs t Fed e ral Savings of Arkansas,and to Fidelit y Nati o nal Ti t le In surance Company,that Iama Professional LandSu rveyo rNo.2 65 98,as prescribed under the Laws of the State o fCol orad o,and 1 f urt he r certify that I have surveyed the tract o f land s ho wn o n thi s map and described above,that this print o f survey co rre ctly s ho ws the location of all buildings ,parking space s,st ructu re s,and o ther improvements situated on said premises;that ther e are 115 parking spaces located on said premises;that,e xce pt a s shown,there are no visibl e easements or rights -of -way a cross sa id p remises o r an y other e asements or rights -of -way of whi ch t he und ersi gn ed h as b een advised,no party walls ,no encroachmen ts o n a djoi ni ng pr emises, streets or alleys by any of said build ing s,s tru ct u res o r o ther improvements,and no encroachments on said pr emi ses b y bu i ldings, structures or other improvements situat ed on adjo in ing p rem ises. ALTA /ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY LOT 2A,A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT2 VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING No.3 TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO - LOT 3 CURB 6 GUnER - I'lIITRICK A .KEY JULY 17,1991 \~~~CU R B 6 GUTTER TIMBER WALL \~STEEL PARKING /POSTS BENCH • \ CONCRETE WALL \ t>.=02004'0/" R =5550.00' L =200.22' T =00.12' CH =S51°oo'56"W,200.21' -. \\~" U TILITY 6 DR A'~NA~G~E,--_-\-:, EASEMENT EDGEOF PAVEMENT - NBB"06'35"W,22 .00' \ \ \ I \ CURB 6 GUTTER _-\---ll \ WALK \ LIGHT POLE \ \ \ \ STEPS \\ \ \\\\\\ TiMBER WALL -- \ - .......--r \\ \\ 94' - z, ~FND .PIN 6 CAP /"LS No.21B3 h f?J"OO EDGE OFPAVEMENT /,~~~e, ""/'roc?'Q~~'7 ~~~':;.e,O<: / FNDPIN 6 CAP <¢<:P L.S.No.2065 -: / \ !Q...-- ~- +- 7 \ \ ==='1~- \ 113 0 ' \ \ SEWERMANHOLE ASPHALT PARK ING ONESTORYSTEEL 6 CONCR E rOMMERrtAl au 01G WAL¥. ASPHALT PARKING ~--~-~-- DECK GRASS AREA lL.-- L LOT2A 2 677 ACRES(CALC 11 6,600SQ.FT I 256.29' - GRASS AREA 0' ---- STEPS \\ \- \\\ \\LIGHT \\POlE t>.=64°57'33" R =238,64' L =270.55' T =151.91' CH =N52°44'46"E. CONCRETE WALL \ GRASSAREA LI GHT POlE \ ELE CTRIC TRANSFORMER- LANE SPRINKLER BOX_~ 6 ".79 52.0 2'5'•• ~T I MB E R WALL 70 l R.O.W.) :IE No. INTERSTA ROAD WESi L1 FRONiAGE NORi n 9.4 ' ONE STORY STEEL 6 CONC RETE COMMER CIAL BUILDING GAS METER CON CRETE PAll \ BLDG. DVHG. 25 I.It----==-_----:::r.-== CONCRETE • --WAlL \ CURB 6 GUTTER CURB ::=::-::::;::-::::;::-::::;::-::=2--::::;:: • CURB 6 GUTTER STEPS ------- • • •••o • o o /' EDGE OFPAVEMENT GRAS S AREA ., '".----RAMP2./'45 ---\\--__-- ..,BL DG <D OVHG. 5.<1' STEPS ---------- SIGN "= CONC RETE _-\-__ WAL L LOT 28 EDGEOF PNEMENT SATELLITEDISH 40' 7 /8 /91 CONCRETE PAD BUILDING OVERHANG L -~-=- ----0:--=------=----0: EDGE OFPAVEMENT r I UTILITY 6 DRAINAGE <,--../EASEMENT~~ 1*; 10'20' SCALE'I"=20 ' DATE (F SURV EY WALK I ------- I I / • I 0' CONCR ETEWAL L II) o , ~=~~-:~;J WATER ___ VALVE •o... • '0•• EDGE OF PAVEMENT J I I I I I I I EDGEOFPAVEMENT -~-~~=::II"=:!-="';;. =-=""""=- I I LOTI 41199 H'Qhw ay 0 &2 4.tagle,Vall •'/;t O ffICe Box 1, Edwards.CO 81 103 949-1 406 NOT ICE ACCD(~n,t o Colorado la...you must Commence any legal action based upon any defect in tl u 'vey w~thln three ye~fter you f irst discover s uch de fect.In no event, may a.on bas-ed upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten year~ ..-----.......Ii!........,...t~r:o:._.__.p_o.f_th_e_er_t.i.f.i.C.a.t.i.o.n_sh.OWIl__h.er_e.o.n•..;;;;.:.;;,~..;~i.:...:::;:;,:,.:.:.~::..L ..::::~_J ., '. .. .~- .. \,. • \' J' 1"..".,_.,....;• i ~, ,,'-...., 1],," 'I ;I!' ,I ,(:~ I• I',", ') .~..,\',~': ~..'i', ". 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