HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 2A 3 OF 3 LEGALve,J-D"tL^,_Huts t"'fl >AD"d.^lr 347 ? Plan Review Based on ' { q t( the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: GARTS SPORTS REMODEL DATE: 12-14-94 ADDRESS: 2171 N. FRONTACE CONTRACTOR: BROWN-WULIN VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. TI{IS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR A BASEMENT INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY, EXISTING EXTERIOR WINDOWS SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED IN ANY MANNER AS PER s8c.3802 0F THE 1991 UBC. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTILATION IS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TI{E 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 7. CEILING IN BASEMENT TO BE OF ONE HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. l\\" rl- \tr.i.{t4( I Mru^d'wr '.t i {t 'J$r"-"17,PER}IIT ,h,,t n '7 /59 "*3l'3",ff6ffi9\Ttr Legal Description: r-ot_g{ BfOFk_ Filing owners Name: @Address: Stor*, Architect, ()*nor Address: General Descriptioru Efi*,,v nl)*u 44,-T a,n "r/oIfork class: [ ]-New t]i-arteration [ ]-Additio{^* ,lln"p.ir/[ ]-otherI pn.@ pnfa3-264 , APPLICATTON MUST PE FILLED OUT coMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEPTEDUl****************************** pERl{IT fNFORUATION ** !r********** * * * ******fl1 . **'lll-ruilains t l-ptunbing [ ]-Erestrical [ ]-uechanicar [ ]-other "Jo *.^., G"W Address: at7l A/. F,n^{r* iRrJfu.y. Nu:nber of Dwelling Units: Nunbey of Acconmodation Units: yrnber and rlpe of Fireplaces: ""= onnftJk{d-cas Loss- r{oodlperletf*". and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas appiia;L"!;Ef_ Gas Logs_ r{oodlperlet_ lT*'t:t**************** * ************* vALUATToNs **** ******** *************** ****** :y-l,p$q' ! l{, o:oo.= Er,EcrRrcA", 9 3peo orHER: I Phone Number:7t/?= pruurbins contractor: (J"J l)J!. 2t t - Address: I f/q TT ": vair Res.Jtg-._@ Ph o n e Numb e r : _J J.j - > n J'-J _. Electrical Town of VailAddress: P.-h one Nurnber: MechanicaL t:ontractor :Town of Vail Reg. no.l'/V-Address: 5t'/(Phone Number: /-qo3--et0 MECHANICAL PERMIT rnn: ffi- ;;;;;;;;';--' ---- qc) -E,y'r^.,,6?,ri, F-s- . r&l: _4$:l__ I.IECHANICAL PI.E,N CH8CK FEE: a-z_r _ETECTRTCAT, rrri-- orHER TypE oF FEE: Niv,zz.( cr'AN-i;-opposrr, T.TAL PER!,tIfi FEE': =ffi:y:.lp:t::: J,k&l*,L tz- ts'Q,l SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SfcNAl'ttRE! DEPOSIT REFTIilD rO:- hJo irn Grx-CI.EAN I'P U",1, Q B 1658 To: Mike Mo}li ,rf!ff' MEMORANDUM JrrnuniLy Development Actinq Director From: "..6_{_t "^ry-}ail Police Depar Date: LL/25/94 Re: Taco BelI and its neighbors I have been aware for some time thab some conflict has arisen beeween the operators of Taco Bell and other eating establishments in the West Vail MalI. The source of the conflict appears to be the fact that Taco Be11 offers no seating for its customers while other resEaurants do. Taco Be11 cusLomers frequently utilize these other restaurants' seating. We recently had a minor breach of, the peace between the owner of Poppyseeds and the manager of Taco BelL. Although no criminal action was pursued, it points out the need for TOV staff Eo work together to attempt to prevenL this situation from escalat.inq. f understand that Taco Bell has applied for some tlpe of permit that would atlow them to provide exterior and/or interior seating at their restaurant. I also understand that this application is made to your departnent. I urge rapid approval of this reguest in order to ease these tensions. Even a temporary permiE while the application is being considered would be of great value. If you desire further information or if my facts are inaccurate, please don't hesitat.e to call me at extension 22!1 . I will be in the office on Tuesday, ll/29/94. tut@-,., N, cc: Bob Mclaurin /^^,f P4rt-^-tfnt) KenHushey tt,,- {ort${r''t | #' chuck ltouie t ('/t//Ut -khl'-iZrr ^r-,4 \/ ',[r,f t'i J_,*.-,'h 'l/ /Lt-{ \/ey use ',rtoqfut 1'#ks,,le 4 N'tnz f*r#;WW'- n r," 0",/;, t4il ; ttfrt (1'1,7*n(o^- 1^rr$tl^. rG- # ft* nd;' '*o *+ lsffi,s ^ Nf !:;.'r{,,op*&Pzr 1r^j drc N'uwJ"a "f^;",#l'- 6'-t "t/'t/'( 7' O tQf /.L{/S/l {7 Oto lv, ,1ft{-A'Ll /ee.*tN F/.0t4 S,uqt Aczwrt/. Ff [- t c0PY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 August 11,1994 D e p artnrent of C onnn u n iry D eve lo pm ent Mr. Neil Barnham GiO Poppyseeds 2161 North Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: West Vail Mallffaco Bell/Poppyseeds Dear Neii: I am in receipt of your lelter dated August 2, 1994, and would like to respond to a few points which you have raised. I believe it is important that I firsl explain the zoning in lhe West Vail commercial area, and the specific development standards related to that zoning. The West Vail commercial area, which generally includes those properties from Wendy's on the west, to the Brandess Building on lhe east, is zoned Commercial Core lll. The Commercial Gore lll zone districl, as well all of the zone cJlstricts within the Town, provide for certain "allowable uses". and the Zoning Code further defines the development restrictions by the use of a variety of conlrols (building height, density, site coverage, landscaping, etc.). The Commercial Core lll zone district clearly allows "eating and drinking eslablishmenls" as allowable uses. Allowable uses are those uses which do not require the specific review by the Town's Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) or Town Council. The Town's review of allowable uses is restricted to the review of a building permit for the interior tenant tinish, the review of a business license, and perhaps the Design Review Board's (DRB) review ol a sign application. The Town's review ol the Taco Bell proposal was specifically limited to the review of the building permit lor the interior linish and lhe Design Review Board's review of their sign application. Please understand that the Town does not have the legal authority to require an impact study and/or a public meeting prior to the issuance of a business license or building permit, for an allowable use. Please be assured that the Town is very sensilive to your concerns regarding the disposal of trash adjacent to the Taco Bell restaurant. Your concerns have been passed on to the Town's Environmental Health Officer, Paul Reeves, and Paul has been instructed to review the complaint and il necessary, to assist the West Vail Mall management company in the resolution of lhe problem. With regard to your comment about the allowable sign area for your business, I have attached a lelter senl to you on January 6, 1994 lrom Shelly Mello explaining the general parameters of the Town's Sign Code. ll you should have any furlher questions regarding your sign allowance, please feel free to contacl this otfice. Mr. Barnham August 11,1994 Page Two Finally, you raised the issue of the Taco Bell patrons utilizing your outdoor dining tables. You are correct in your assumption that it is not the responsibility of the Town of Vail to enforce or regulate the users of those tables. Again, I would encourage you to contact the West Vail Mill managemenl company with regard to this issue. Although the Town cannot control the specific users ol the dining tables, the Town does have the authority to control the location, quantity, and appearance of any outdoor dining area. In my review of the outdoor dining issue, i have reviewed the West Vail Mall files with regard to your establishment, and can find no indication of any PEC or DFIB approval lor your dining tables. I know you have spoken lo Kristan Pri?, former Director of Community Development for the Town of Vail, on at least one occasion regarding this dining area, however, it appears that no formal application was ever submitted to the Town for review and approval. Attached to this letter I have included both PEC (Condiiional Use Permit) and DRB applications to request the outdoor dining tables. lf there are any other issues that you would like lo discuss, or if you have questions regarding any of the above, please feel lree to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, lLL flae- Mike Mollica Acting Direclor of Community Development xc: Bob McLaurin Town Council Tom Moorhead Pam Brandmeyer Paul Reeves o 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2t00 FAX 303-479-2157 MEDIA ADV]SORY Contact: August 10, 1994 Suzanne Silverthorn Community Information Office 479-2115 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS FOR AUGUST 9 Councilmembers present: Johnston, Lapin, Navas, Osterfoss, Shearer, Steinberg, Strauch -Roundabouts The Council reviewed the plan for public participation for the design process of the roundabouts, to be located at the Main Vail interchange. The plan will utilize focus groups, one-on-one sessions and public meetings to build community consensus on landscape and design issues, signage and construction impacts. The work will be coordinated by Jeff Winston of Winston & Associates, a landscape architectural firm from Boulder. The town is hoping to break ground on the roundabout project in April. As a resull, design issues are scheduled to be probed in the next few months to allow for public agency and board approval consrderation during October and November. In reactrng to the public process plan. the Council reaffirmed its support for roundabouts in Vail, although several members expressed concern about the cost. Town Manaoer Bob lv'lcLaurin said the Council would be presented with a range of landscaping optiois and associated costs from which to choose. McLaurin said the roundabout is the best cost- conscious solution to Vail's traffic problem. He said the intersection currently operates at levels of service "F," which means excessive delays and accicents. once in place, the roundabouts are expected to increase capacity at the t\4ain Vail interchange by 50 percent. A plan to install roundabouts at the West Vail interchange is currently included ln the 1996 capltal improvements budget. For more information, contact Bob McLaurin at 479-2105. --Commcn Area for Employee Housing The Council reviewed a drafl ordinance amendment intended to create additional private sector incentives for development of employee housing. The measure would allow developers to use or convert common areas within multi-family or commercial projects for employee housing Common areas are currently allowed to be used for lobbres, hallways, recreatron areas. mechanical areas and convention space. After discusston of the pros and cons of the rssue, the Councilsuggested adding a plovision (more) *o TOV Highlights/Add 1 to address a situation in which someone wanted to convert the employee housing unit(s) back to common space. In that instance, the property owner would be required to establish a deed-restricted housing unit(s) elsewhere to replace any reconverted unit(s). The Council will consider the ordinance for first reading at the Aug. 16 evening meeting. For more information, contact Andy Knudtsen in the Community Development Office at 479-2138. -Council Reports Sybill Navas said she was continuing to explore funding and staffing issues related to an international personnel exchange program. The concept was developed during the sisler cities visit to St. Moritz. During an update by Merv Lapin on the Berry Creek Fifth property, Mayor peggy Osterfoss suggested scheduling time to discuss the project in more detail. Osterfoss expressed concern that the status of housing and recreational use development appears to be at an impasse due to a variety of goals among the various ownership groups. She suggested it was not in the Town of Vail's best interests that such a significant investment be in a longterm holding pattern, and that the ToV should proactively look at its options. The Council agreed to take a position on the issue by November. Development efforts have been in a holding pattern in recent months due to access questions and efforts by the school district to purchase the nearby Miller Ranch property. -Other Jan Strauch encouraged town staff to: review complaints by Poppyseeds surrounding seating capacity and trash problems for eateries in the West Vail Mall; and to review the status of improvements to the dining deck at the Ore Housing Restaurant. Strauch also asked to schedule time with the Councilto review photos of ugly road cuts within the town. The Council agreed to fund a request from the VailValley Foundation for a 550,000 contribution in 1995 to offset additionaltraining commitments which were used to secure the 1999 world Alpine ski champronships. The contribution would be in addition to the $560,000 already committed by the Councilthrough 19gg. possible funding sources for the $50,000 will be discussed at an upcoming work session. Vail Commons Kick-Off Meeting About 50 residents turned out last night (8-9) to offer development ideas for the Vail commons project. suggested uses included a community center, residential housing/employee housing, commercial development, a fire station, satellite parking and open space/plaza area, among others. A consultant team is currently explorin! possible uses for the 6.6 acre site. For more information, contact Andy Knudsten in the Community Development Office at 47g-2138. r . POPPYSIIDS s: &{KERY. DELI. ESTRISSO T4tiohrt t Zarint ZEaA ir Scratch Baked .,. SCONES MUFFINS BRIOCHE BREADS PITAS BAGUETTES PEASANT STYLE BREADS AUGUST 2.1994 Oap Couaen lflcaems, 7OA/ &nptovtcs aao ORB ll,lemeeps: This letter's purpose is to convey to each of you my feelings about your failures as public servants. The various merchants of West Vail Mall have had their business negatively impacted by Taco Bell since before tJreir opening. But our major concern is since their opening date. Our parking lot is a daily traffic jam, our common areas €rre littered, our patio and inside seat- ing has been rudely absorbed by their clientele, tfie sidewalks in front of our stores have become Taco Bell dining-rooms. Tae &mn, Why was no impact study done before allowing Taco Bell a restaurant to replace a retail store space in West Vail Mall. Aurora does an impact study and a public meeting before issu- ing a new business a license. Last year I asked for a sign facing Safeway, your condescending and so-called Community Dwelopment staff said I could place a sign, half the size of our existjng south facing sign if-and-only-if I replaced the existing sign with one half of the present size. Bravo! TWo years ago when I wished to replace the grass and the hideous shrubs in-front of our shop rvith wildflowers I was again told no way. The flowers must be tfie same height as the replaced shrubs. Height requirements? But no impact study! Then a new company wishes to put a nationally recognized fast-food restaurant with a full sized kitchen, no seating or additional parking in already busy West Vail Mall. You would think a town so paranoid about wildflowers and same size signs would go ballistic about the Taco Bell's chosen site. This town's staff woutrd inteMew the businesses on each side of this new business. You would think the town's staff would have fig- ured out quickly that the Taco Bell would negatively impact its business neighbors. That it would tax our already over worked labor and housing pool. That with its late hours would become a haven for drunks and young people. Please call any other community with a late closing Taco Bell. Aurora's first curfew arrests were made at a Taco Bell. The litter and trash problem DESSERTS 2161 N. F RO NTAC E ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303, 476-5297 "' makes Vail look real classy. With the present bear problem you would think that our police department would check the mall trash cans nightly. Presently when we arrive early in the morning the cans outside of the Bell are overflowing. The addition to the already over abundance of restaurants in the area- You go out of the way to protect housing values in Vail, but usually go out of your way to destroy business values. 7?c gmtartou: We each are being harassed by the customers of Taco Bell. They quickly take over our patio tables and even sit down on our inside tables. PizzaExpress has become Taco Bell's din- ing-room. People sit on the sidewalk in front Spree all day long. So inuittng Jor a qualitg ladies' clothien Jackalop has people bringing their Taco Bell meals into their bar. At Poppyseeds we have placed a sign stating our policy - absolutely no other food or bev- erage may be consumed on our premise. My wife, our employees and myself have to spend most of the day policing our area. This has dramatically increased our already high stress level. Customers look at us as though we are the villains. But in reality you and Taco Bell are the villains. Taco Bell should have adequate seating space for its customers and you should have done yourjob. Taco Bell uses the whole mall area as their personal feeding area. Even their employees feed on our tables. And you the town failed to stop this before it should have happened. Please don't say to us - its not our job or we didn't get public input. Each of you were foaming at the mouth about your own over-qualifications for the job, your love for Vail, your vision and you management skill. So while you were measuring aspen tree trunks our livelihoods were being destroyed. Yes destroyed, it is only a matter of time until we each get fed up and move on and out of Vail. Taco Bell will employ 31 low-wage earners that will place even more stress on both housing and our employee shortage, The lack of available employees last year had its toll. I repeat- edly heard from our visitors that most businesses in town were under-staffed, just leading to a less than wonderful stay for many of our visitors. We don't need more employee con- suming businesses. We need businesses that offer high-wage professional jobs. Vail needs an inJlux of people making an adequate wage in order to become consumers. These low- wage jobs stress our town's budget through the many subsidies which will become neces- sary. Poppgseeds emplogs 2. One is aVatllnme otunen 77tc Socmroa: A Town ordinance protecting the sovereignty our patios, dining-rooms and front walkways. A Town ordinance requiring all new businesses to pass a impact litmus test. A Town ordinance requiring all businesses to put a lid on their customers' littering. The police need to start writing littering tickets! 2161 N. F RO N TAC E ROA D vAtL, coLoRADO 8r657 303,476-s297 ^-,v a . . ,Bgtter and on-going communication between government and businesses. Find a truly qualified individual to run the Community Development Department. One who has business sawy, not just a public administrative degree. There must be a qualilied retired individual living in Vail with just the experience needed to make decisions will help local businesses grow instead of stagnating. 7il8 Ctosttvc: Please give this situation you immediate attention. We are at a cross-roads. Through hard work and dedication our business has been steadily grow'rng. But our steady growth brings . no profits, no better living standard, only the harsh reality that doing business in Vail gets harder each day. Our over priced rents, lack of local lending institutions make capital improvements impossible. The rest of our state and countr5r are economically awaken. It seems day after day that the opportunities for small business success are outside of the Vail area. Our rent is presently 5 times higher than a same size space in Grand Junction. We don't do five times the sales in Vail as in Grand Junction. And now we have to light off squatters each day to protect our high priced leaseholds. Coldial{ Yours ,/l I rv |*t\\/Neil\Barham Owner of Poppyseeds 2161 N. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303.476.5297 o UJF z z = @ .6 e. F e.P2z = z x q "1 I 14 ctF 1 { ra)cf) caci co -i- o cox (!.Y, iH€:E 'EEtEt EgeE;: OE FP EEiiEg";Ee€ FEiei €Eig! :EEtg(!0'-.=-4;c,(/'E s,*E t € : gi;=s Egiii anulult! E =E UJo- FoF I H f,c 1clclq =>G iut& =oN x o;zz!-o ootr ^ 629 i ;oAE 6F .nocE2t-()8e frr'|-<oq iH6 s-g z !-rNO LL o-tu z F .. >loul ut Itrz g)t Itt o- z E I"l !)Fzfz tr o o (t, Lz ,. 9z ur- O3trOI d s\J )-o i "il >.1<lEl ulF o t! Eq)oo zo IIJo oF E tc LlJ TL ILo coo I UJFoz z oPze coo =z o-- P tr = l,u ll.o:!{E>E<ctf€8B9!k Eil =>E dhE h=8 :E- o- tfl: >dI o r.r-E oo9 iutE XO-t x>t q- €= II @oF m \ v/fls\z/J= -.= t-,-O.,/\I aj E =E, lrJo-zoF C)f E,Fazoo cn lJo ,lJ c) CJ rl).rl (H tl C.lc{ e.l-t I\o s I I I I c;l =.1olurl !El il>l bl il g Ol uJFI F, uJ =z -) tal I \o o. H trr Fo I _l CI<l J = H H llJ =z c{o\ I F\ I(n 6F- @ I\o\o\t I\l N ol =.1ol IIJI(rl il l!lol zl 3lolFI E d ts(n F E a E F" 9P s3>Fd6o EoF Fz =- uJ Eilrr,r i:!tyFIo2 t -..r O<F0tQ IJ.J <ze. (1 Zo oF d.Fz J n uJ) uJ FoulF ()t J<oQ9lrr IIJlo E!tr -- ']lF} /O'i\'''. O it ',,;,'l!1fl,a*o i r?r ?' rowN oF ylll-99l:Ilugllg*ijra "*oi "Az4;t Arn - . .,,,)y pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRM *" Ap1? 2 0 i?.; -.\., rrr\n\h.uil.DLrt' DArE:- . iSX;"\Y,'i';'J-*r* "" FTLLED our coMpLErELy oR r*T0M'ffiiuhN*0[P{p, APgITCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT fI{Artr'U,qtIylFFlAtlFE/EFtP t^a \ I****************************** PERMIT fNFORMATION **********************i******,l 't|l-Buildins t l-prurnbins [ ]-Elecrrical t J-t{egani"ff 4"1#y:e2- Job Narne: hca Ee Job Address: Lega} Description: Lot Block_ Filing z O\rrners Name: 7.-c. Address: Architect:Address: e-A oeel LGL'-5?o?+>) bude y',., General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional t lln.puir VA-or""rflifrfu*+ Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: {trrrnber and rype of Firepraces: di3 appriances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * BUILDING: PLI'MBING: *************************** Town of Vail Req. No.r//5'b Ph o n e N unt, "r { &)2' o --? 4 s- L-t Electrical Contract or 3 7i4A, Address: BUTLDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLI,I'{BING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT; Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Plumbing Address: Contractorz fr2.O. Mechanical Address: contractorz TD,O, ************* ******* ******_****** FOR oFFICE USE ** * ***** ************* * **** ***** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: T.IECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: I rvpr lcnoup I g-u 1 t'tvn t-t- TOTAL P BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: Connents: CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT F.EFTIIID VALUATION SI FEES: *Lri-? .a Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: TACO BELL DATE: 4-29-94 ADDRESS: 2l7l N. FRONTAGE CONTRACTOR: NORRON,INC VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: HATHAWAY OCCUPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: PRIEST TYPE OF CI)NSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items tisted below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. INTERIOR NON-BEARING PARTITIONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WTII{ 5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. 3. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CFTECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE AT.TY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. SHOP DRAWINGS ON FIRE SUPPRESION SYSTEM REQUIRED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DBPARTMENT. 6. A FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS REQUIRED BY TI{E TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT. ,75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 To: From: Date: RE: De pa rt me nt of C omnruniry Deve Io pme nt Mr. James Hathaway. Architect Paul J. Reeves, Environmental Health Officer :-'tfr:i ""' April 25, 1994 Taco Bell Plan Review -- Environmental Health My review of the plans submitted has generated the following comments: (1)There was no menu included in the application materials. (2) There was no cut sheet provided for the stove indicated on the plans (3) The application indicates that there is no plans for a dish machine. lf there is to be a dish machine I need to know the specifications on the unit. (41 All of the floors in the food prep area need to have a coved base boards. (5) lt appears on the plans that the walk-in cooler has a smaller freezer off of the back side. lf this is the case the freezer needs to be wired for lighting. There must be a minimum of 1O foot candles of f ight throughout the walk-in cooler and lreezer. (6) The vegetable prep sink must be installed with an indirect waste line. (71 All equipment with condensers for cooling must be drained via an indirect waste line' (81 The knife box indicated to be placed near the vegetable prep sink must be so designed as to facilitate easy cleaning. Wooden block type knife storage units are not permitted. (9) Both the restroom and the back delivery door must be equipped with self closures. All doors leading to the food prep areas must be kept closed at all times during food preparation. lf the delivery door is to be used for ventilation the door must be equipped with a tight fitting, self closing screen door. It should be noted for future reference that all heating of food products for service is to occur on a stove. Products need to be brought to temperature before being placed in hot holding units for service. Soup warmers and steam tables are not acceptable methods for heating products to temperature for service. Approval for this building permit is given conditionally, provided the above noted items are addressed. However, any other items which do not meet pertinent code requirements will be corrected prior to the issuance of a food service license and approval for opening. ul J a,, ) z z Fo E ! . ? i z=r2.E:=::t t-:2E 7 =.i .^i a ,i=i7i i = a i:4 2 !,1 - ia-?::E;l .i E -. 13 I::i iI l:,- !: ! - _- t .= -'- r'l i == j:Ia=i?i:Z 7-! ..a , .=,.- i q: * ai -r!::, ?= j .--g3!::: ==z-EEii2iiiii': FlFr E F: H Fi t z z t. GI zH FJ FT c! I U F \o F\\o z tr E |-1 = z I{ kt aa o F-'.uraq:s; !zzr{<< 3r2 ^<v,Yn-2uprZi t! l-r32o=Qop: i5=rri.' \ -.:*ts= aa%cc oE z3F-tr-kl<!:sF<slc;pl5z>hx<-y --J * .?EqrllFFTX KJEto>P;nO€EQE HF:x F!5p SEXF,r'FYl ESSF t|.{ts -f. a{:t+aLd X.6. FI ENts -r,f-ar{.,pa+?a E6 Ei ffJ Et fH fh\€v rJ -F{€ -trlle f+\taLI l- -E *FrFHH +?r\EY r+{ trt A.rFf EL. IPfHrfJtFl l-fA. € nl =(-, () - 'iLie fit*7a: ;HF'r: n F= EEF \oE aE3Eo.Ed NEffHUE =;If;;E-^fitAa'd 3F*f=uf Ei'qif;gH ryETFEH frH,"ibo*8 H+fiFH+++ gtzc o aJr^l t'. IIIII'I u!2 a. G 4,crFct u il ,,3Hd3.63=i Es i ft xxE H glgl:;gSl-gi[grEEii,I # gEcEA?ssEEds$$$Hrieia H -.S*.o$rffrn o19=9919099 q LJN v, -LJFv, o [gI Ir F #' @o H5Ft =e- trF € EIe,ct utrl E u3(J Cit,!, iil IXI ' N30 3dIU-3AI-rdU3 JUN 1A '94 6?? 45FN CNPTIVE-NIRE DEI'IVER P. 1 I 6 I I-lhl tFt-l,l A "-l-l ?;l c.-l oFI E g t ({r'trg 833* E f;H'E E$se*ro- =Eae : ": -l ,{ ',;if, A/.- / L.L PeRtrAtr NUMBER Or PnO.teCr ,**tnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479'2138 /r 'r A;-i'i., , t),a.t;JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION:/ lt. i{.1it MON TUES WED i. THUR FRI 'ir, .' ii rl. , .AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDO DISAPPROVEDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EESIe#y {yAil&€ DATE INSPECTOR ,*r#roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS EI SUPPLY AIR O FINAL ,!{eenoveo..' CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED :",|'''. DATE INSPECTOB CTIO'N REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI .AM PM (:' ,',. ir^ READY FOR LOCATION::( EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR EI D FINALO FINAL Maoveo // <--."- f BRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED CT DATE 7 /, 'zz INSPECTOR PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CATLER n/E9 eg rHUR FRI AM@ ,^r, 6'2,/4f JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL t- )6.noucx / D.w.v. (L'42/'( /L/: D BOUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELE trr trF trc tr_ tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] DISAPPROVED O HEINSPECTION REOUIRED ORRECTIONS: / -- f t,,/ DA'E (n_r,/<: 77 tNspEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,"#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 "o,-,-r* .l-l-r-_r TUES WED THUR 1- FRr ''. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON eg*l PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D D tr o D n UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr V ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t-l,.',i r^\tla - f-t I l'tl l-r-Ll '" l- tr ' r't lf T.|,.r tt*ot It tr'i"'-'\'--trF|NAL {neeaoveo -,,l tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER ,_ ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr B ROUGH o tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL l#^*=o oh*rc'o*s, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED (t / t-f ,-\ |{.r^'/.- (f INsfrTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 l', fi JOB NAME -'17r I \rt CALLER MON TUES WED THUR onre { READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr. INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING cl o tr ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR u rrrunl I O FINAL iffi,io CoRRrcrrorus' tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNsttoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND U ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL -p.AeeRovED .<"1 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -l l.l DATE ('(,' INSPECTOR rNsfbtoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBE DATE BEADT FOR LOCATION: r.. 479-2138 F,,f Jl OF PROJECT tb Jo NAMEB INSPECTION:MON PMWEDcif CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL /PLUMBING: )\*.--'-J----'- T UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr f'] INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr rl CONDUIT tr n SUPPLY AIR O FINAL .tr FINAL 'ftaav"o SRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED C] REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* b'/7 f/ rNspEcro' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME r1rstTtoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CAttER READY FOR LOCATION: .:,;tf.i:|r.r1r INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: ,APPROVED .1 .f O DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE 7 /j - c)tr INSPECTOR tNsnTtoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMB CALLER BUILDlNG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,-, ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n trJIDIAL---tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: )_>--tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ol Er E/ Hr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL APPROVED ,z'i"t"i'i'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNsillnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER 479-2138 OOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATI FRAMING o tr tr D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr TEMP. POWER O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR VEP tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED RRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE d|;', . ".t,rqt* INSPEPdTJ*oN, REouESr ,7-.r(r s /.)r.-.- /t /.,1 /':-' /'/-.),, .,./ 6 z,cg i NAME INSPECTION: MON..//1 / 6 ,r 7'-7 ,/' //' " READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES AM /PM i WED THUR FRI 7-4d J/ rc, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: O HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR z.z;'i,-- tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED .- -r., i <4 ZH /,., / n /'-/ ,/:4 2, -^-.,'Z /7<-ootn a ) 7j*..2 '.tt / '-&* a '- -,i/'- j+r '-..2 R-,// J,--/ /.'v ,/:--re-,t1 ,R/4; 'E //, ( 07:,.,n OE-'2--, -- ,/-z-t zz -. i I /._n ,/4*=, 4oX d f--/": 4dd>?,/ r /-i',a 7 ,r,2'J o t/-:' a:'1 . .- r-'-;^' € ::-a.'r'r.=: 4"....0,,..'-j ',),/; .1 t ^., t, ,-. -' t tn-4zor* ,;' 4{.*r- 6/. ,z"o*n' & -,ri)z-/<- ja /. s/' .1.-,rz-L t'.-/ 4//.zii' -:<-/ -.4J4t' 4n*-.- z-z;a.r 4t. , /u , n, ./.'uzJ: ' ' .'/4.'7/ <- t :-< '' t -Z&/--zt-- --'- -.77"'..7 -FDATE7 ,/F 'z/INSPECTOR dFsroP rNsi"StoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: F PROJECT 14 ,o" PERMIT NUMB TOWN OF VAIL CATLER BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr EINAL---tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: )_.-'=-...-. tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR V,FINAL C] FINAL PPROVED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER 'ys1,nINSPECTION:E OOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB PLUMBING:BUlLDlNG: C] EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR RovEp RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED 7- /7- ?r'DATE INSPECTOR 6 zog PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 7'td- ZL JoB NAME .7,4<o /3-Zz- INSPECTTON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: CALLER TUES /:3 C ,/ -,IIAM IPM../1.."MON WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:2 td 4-a-*'1 47,/'75 71.7..1r 2-t t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR s'/ r f'^- a?n") - tr FINAL tr FINAL REINSPECTION REQUIREDEI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED 4-.oo'-,'.:-<' a /4 <.tt /_fi,ra25 (,a-.. J ' 2z<.c-7oJ' 4'472, -s 4,- 3 t/ .t'4--owrn r- r z.--=7? '*..u7- t )-,'t42..---te 4"r- EZ 5V /.'-:.{ 4,--'4<- zp/y'Vr2.z<t '-'/ --u4 - zvl 4 ,/4-='a-* ./rLoo-n-.t 4 C >z-av/;,/7j o /a'- <Q-, 1<-..F1 uzJz'< l*y' 4 c^zzz:1 - <-:/.r ) 'Z;-'--''-- ,.-=1--::--z --//....-:. .- -a. .-a-. \- ;- - ,- - . --) -.""t) -' / -. - /J. r,.,, !-,/ t DATE 7'./a' ,/INSPECTOR *ifig,e rNstctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo.,e 7 -J( :'/ JoB NAME CALLER fUF',PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI fu*/ r"'.J !,/ -'/ ,/ /./ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr /t'*o'- E /r't N FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr n TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL G6ovED RRECTIONS: O OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE lNsPEcroR rL"i't,',1"'' t-1-' TOIJN OF VRIL CBI{.DEV rD:303f-?4s2 n'* "::lr""'J r'ri)rp" P$.0,o' 1. , F. F. I DRB IPPLICITTICI| - TOI{I! CG' vjtrlrr C.OLO!,LDO DATE |IPPLICATIOX RECBIVED 3 OAIE OT DRB TEEITI|G: att****tt* EEf,S .*PPLICtrItCht tfrll Io! E rccEPtEEbI'nrII rrI,I.. nEgurnED rEoruGEr(x Is SoEG?llED *a l*l***.. PR&ItCt TNFORHhfTO : _ D. TXPB OB ITEVIE!'I ! -Ner Constt-ri'etion t$200.00) -luloor Alterat ion ($20.00t itdrllt'Lon (t50.001 _Cunci:I}tuol, Rctrt cn {i0} C. IDDIIESS : A. i.. ",lV '(:lii'lln ,i:,' r ,,:51 I'i l ' .i | , I ,_ ,-,'j D.' ueenr, DE$CrtrprIoNr Lot -LA suock --_&.//WSubdlvLglon l/At,L tlqcz z-ttartr€ If propsrty lr d€sErLbcd by a [ect$ and bouDds legaldeacrlpLl,on, ploaGo provldB on a aeparaE,e gheeL ottdagtach Eo t,hic applicatlon. I. 'ONING: *t4 b ?a? !-t.zz> LO':! IREA: If leguLrcd, eEalrpeal SuEvey sl|pnlng NIIIE OF AFPLIC}IXT: t{tHE oF oto{ERs ; *Ercn|rIERE tS) :l,talt . tnrulrrons o-s 1o.0oo $10,001 -$ 50,000.$50,001 -$ l5orooo $150. ool - $ 500,000 $500,001 - ll,o00ro00$ . Ovar tl, O00, O00 rppltcint ust provld@_ a curFsntlot !r6a . __-P 4__ 7.2 CaE ITBE . $ 20.00s 50.00 5100.00 $200 .00 ${00.00 $500.00 fi rf, x, Condor0l4lum Approval lf appllcahlc. DRB BEA: bFs fees, as shown above, are to be pald atthc tlJns of suhnlttal o! DRB aFp:.lcatlon, Lteer, sh6napprytng f,or a 6u1161n9 permit, ploage lctent tfy thcaccuralo valuatior of th€ pflrpoEal. Ihe Toffi of Vailwlll adlust ths :fce accord3.ng Eo th€ tab).6 bg1orJr to cDsure the correct f,cc Is EaLd.' ErrE Phrpr , 2g,oe EE-E SCHEDUI,D ! /f rc53 {zhl @) ' * DlsIGl{ nEYIEII Hlll.D .[DPHO\r;r, Ex"Tn88 offi yEA.n aFtgn IllrAI]IPPf,firal. ol|IiEEs- t ..Bnr-LDInc *r$c! -rs.rssltED lf,D coxglBltc.rroa rs srlnTED. r*Io lPEIlIeEl=Otr mlrr BE !nOCE9SED ltrrroo! ofltB&, s sEcnlruar.},- JL', ;..,1-,,,,r1. UlYr trPl :t-{n{n !W lrAl{E oF tpPtrcJlNr, 5 TOIdN BF UAIL COH-DEU Itr. PRB-IDDLICTTIOI }IEE?ING: r0,303t24s2 RPR 21'94 10:2s Ne]2 P.02 A pre-appllcation reetJ.ng uith a meqrber of the planniDql 6taff la $trongly Bncourag€d to dGterntne lf ahy addltlonal oppllcatlon inforn+tLon le nccded. It i8 Uhe lpPlicantrcresponrlbllity to make an apltointncnt $lth ths staff lo detor&ine Il there af,e addlEl,onal sub[lt tal roqulrom€nt's.' pleesa oots. thrt tr coltlPI.ETE ipplLcat,lon rill stxsenllnb Lh€ approlfal prnocisa for youE proJect. lrr. nIFSFTATqT,HOTTCE nEGBRDTNG Ar/L SUBilrSSrONs TO THE pRA: A. fr addition to necting aubmittal rcqrti rsnr€ntnr thenppllcant rnurt Btako and tap€ the proJoct alts to indLcate proF€rty lines, DuLldlng lJ,nes and lrrirding cornsra, lll tr€e6 to be renovad nu8t h€ tapBd. AIIslte taplngs anat stat.lng Bust be corlplctcd prlor to th6 DRE slte vtslt. rhe eppllc6n!, nusg cnstlro that staking donc durlng thG ylntor ls noE buricd by snor. B, [he revler proces8 for NElf BUITOI]'GS nornally requlrestro separat€ meetlngB of tlr€ Deaj-gA Revlce BOrlIdi Aconecptual al4troy-al arrd a final approvAl , Ap'Fl.ic$nt€ Ghotrld plan on presencing thBlr deqelolnEnt pEoporcl at a nininurn of Cro see[irrye be fore ubteini.ng fJ,nal approvBl. ' C. ApplloanLs nho fail to appear bef,ore ths Dgrlgn Rgvlev Board on Ehctr scheduled neeting date a:d rho hav€ nottrh€d ln ldvrrrce thet dlBcu€sion on tbelr lt-en b€postpDned, xill have th€1r iten8 re oved fron the DRBdoclet u$tll auch tsirc es thc llcn has bseurcFublt *h.d - fD rhe forlowirrg iBers na]r, !t the diacretlon of thc\J ronlrE rdrnhlstrator, b€ approvod by thE conmunlty D€velgpnent Deptrt nEnt seatf li.a. a fornal h'earlng before the DaB ay not b€ r6quired): a, nindprs, sBylighLs and sinilar exterlor changesrhleh do noE aleer tho olriat,l-ng plene of thebuildi ng,' and b. Building addltion proposdlE oat virlble froB anyother lDt or public sp.c6, At the t.r.ne ouch Bproposal iE submitted, appll,cante Durt lncludsletters fro ddjucrnt propertl oynera andl/or fromthe agont f,oE oE rancgar of any adJesont condonlnt.1lr aseoeletlon stalLng tlr€ associat-iDnrpgrovo8 of tb€ additl.on . It a proporty ls locatad in r oaFped haaard area (i.e.g|lov avalanche, roclcfall, lloo<l plrtn, d€brl8 flor,T€tlandf etc,, a hazerd rtudy r[ust bs Eub[lttcd and thconner rnust atgn an aftldavtt fecognizing tbe harardrepsrt prLor. to the La,surnce of a bulldlng perrllE -llD'plicanhs are onsuur.rgtrd to chech rtth ! Torfl1 Planaer.prior to bn8 rypllcat lon to detsersine thi r€latlonahlpof tha propcrty tO d1l napp€d hasarda. for ell resldenLlel constructlon 3 rr Clarrly indleito on the floor plans the insidetaoe 6f tbe er.LerioE structural ralls of thebuildirg, andb. fndlcato vlth a daelred lin€ on the slte plan afour foot distanc€ fron the e*terLor frcs of thebulldlnE ljel:-s or Euplrortlng columns. If -DRB .€Fprovee,-ths a6rplicatlon. ,ith cordltlonB otrnodlflcatlon8, all condltions of alrFroval u6t b6rEaolvod prlor !o to'irD .lGsuarrce of a bullcllag permlt. E, I', G. IV. ltEW CmtStRt C?Idrt A. Ahroa coples of a rccenL tooo(Irpp.Dlc survee. slaaped !t!z a 1t eqllaed igr:vgyor, at a ACAIc of lrr - 20' or larget, on rdhich the folloring iafqrsation i3 plovlded: 1. 4, J. {. LoC at€a. $ro foot contour Lntcrvale unlealt Lhe FtrcelconglEts of, 6 acrcg or nor€, in rhLch crlc, 3tqontour IntcEvels nny ba accoptsd. Exlstdng ttees or groups of tteei baving trul|k6sltlr dlareters o! {r of, dEd. aF rtloa€ur€d .rroii ap6lnt. ttnc foot abovc grado. Rock outcroppinga and ocher sLgnlftcant natural .f,€aEur€s {larEe boulderf,, interhittortt streana,etc.l. Eazerd ar€aa (avalanaber roclfall, stc.l.o€nterlino of, rt-rsrn or crselr requlr|ad cre+k OE st rsa[| setback, 100-year flood plaln and slop€a of,l0t or norer lf applicabls. T1€6 to exlstlng bencfunarkr elther Us€S I andllarltor a.r€! ,.nv6rt, '!hla lntorcttton ghosld b.el€arlf gtated on the gurr|ey Bo thlE rl1 reaeurefientg aire bassd on th€ sano ltsrtlng polnt -'nrte lE FaEtlcularly ifiporLanE. for hclghlri€a8nr€o€nts, Se€ Pollcy On Survey Infornatlon..for nore infornation regaxding 6urvey6. 6, b. Cable Tl/ TBl€phonc GaaBlcctric c, d. c. E 7. l,ocEtl ons of tbe tollortlng:a. SLze and Lype of draineg€ culvort!, sraloa,aLc. lust b€ ahown. Bxact localion of exist,inq utllity sourcea and proposed service lines frorn thclr aourcato thc abructure. lrttlltieE Bo lnclude; 5€r€r ItaEer Shor, aII utillty notar locreio.rs. includingrny padaatalr to ba loertcd o|! Glte or in ehefl€rht-ofi.ay adjacent to tho sLt€. Rewocrblepernita frc.tr tshe Tonn of vall. ar6 r€qulr€d for llprovur€nta ln thc rfght-of-ray. Pr€rpclty lfures - digtances and b€arl.ngs and B basla of bearlng rust b€ thorn. AII casetnentg (Tltfe report ftust elso include etclgilnE eas€ttont locatlona) U. Exl8tlng and ftnlrhdd gr^dcr. 9. Provlde apoL elevag-i-ona o{ Lbe eEreet, end ! nlnlnum af ono spot slovatlon on 6lthar aldc of the loL, 25 f,sel out fro the sld€ proporty llnca. silr.gti{ l. L9g6llons cf tlle tqllowing: a" lropoagd surtacs drrlnags on and off 6lu€' b. Proljo,sed drirter|alts. lereenu Elope and Bpot elevatlons muit be shown. Z. AII €xtstl.ng lnprovcrrrentE lncludlnE sttuct|lreAt Iandseaped ar€asr g€rvics aroas. tEoraga areaar . Llllt€r ,dr(vrg$ay6a of,f-str€gt - Paft!nE, loading ar€6s, retaj,ning ralla lrrith top 6nd botton ofrsll spoh oleveb,ioncf I and othor oxl$tlng sll€ improvements . t0'd 400 ' 0N 9Z: 0I f6,IZ ddU |SVL-62V- rOSt0r nl0-1.103 IIUA l0 l{ll0l TBUN 0F URrL cor{-Drv rD:305o-24s2 FPR 21'94 10:22 u7 P.0d 3. Elevatlone of top of rqqf- Elqqes {r?l.rh 6*latlnq .qlld pfososcd oradas, shpql?-underneathl . Theseelcvrtlon8 and gradea |tuEt be provided in osderfor tlte etaff to deternlno butldlng height. AII r.ldge llneE slrould be indlcaLcd on tho alte pran, Elevat lonc for roof r{dEe6 6hall aleo be lndlcatecl on the slLe plan rrj.th gorrcspondlng finlehed and€lcisting gri.d6 Gl€ve|iona. l. Drivswly gEadcr n!,y Dot ercssd 6& unleat ailpEovcd by the Toun EDglteer, I'andscasc PIdn (li r iQr 'or Larg€r) - 3 copler rcquired l. the folloulng lnlornatlon fturL be provid€d on the Iandsc8pe plan. rbe locatiDn of elrlst lng ,lr dian€ter of larger trecs, bh! locatlon, eize, spaclng and type (cotrmon utld I€EJ.n nanet of allexlstlng and prolroacd plant la.t.erial $lI [rcsrto bo savBd and i.o ba tenoved must also beind.icated, .rhe I>l'eD trust, aloo dLtf€rentlat€ DGt Gon eaistlng |nd propoaed vegetatlo$. Z. Co$pleEe the attashed lAnd6cap€ materlals llst. 3. fh€ loc{clon and t!|I)6 of snlsLiog atrd propoae-dwrtcrlng sy6ten6 go be emloyed in carlng rorplant ftaLeriaI folloring tta installatioo, 4, Dxl6ting and proposed coniour linei, In arder to clarify tha lnter-relatlon of the vaEloua developtnent proposal coripon€nts, pleaae Incorpotate asnuclt of the above l-trfordrat.ton as posslltld orrto tho Eite pf,an. F:lon olf fro r cach utL].Lt.v companv vcrifying thr'locatlon 9f uttllgy tefvlcc an(l avallabluty tseeattached) . A ptelLmlnafv title report nugb aCCOEpany llllubnittals, to l,n8rrre property ornesehiD and locatlonof gL! ea6e|Iept s sn psopcrty. prsferrsd ecsle for roviec) 3 coples requLred. 1. Scaled floor plans and .11 el€vaeions of theproposed developocnt. fil€vatlonE must ahorr bo!'h . exist ing a$d finlsbcd gsadeg, IrltYlE: D, E. F.llrcblt_ggEurE_I Planc (1/9" = I'or largert Llt. iz 2. one 6et of floor plpne rrrst be .red-ILncdr. hos t.he grora resldonti&I floor arca {GRFA}calculaLed. to 6how wa5 3. RaductiDns of all elevdLions and tbe Blt€ plan (6-l/2o R 11') for inclu8Loa ln pEC snd./Dr tottl Councl.I nemos nly bc rcquast"d. {, Eltcrior surtaclng naterlals and metertal colorsshall be specified on th€ attached rsgexlalE ll$t.Itrl6 r0aterl.al6 llgt rnusE bo cornpleted and8ub$itted a3 a part. of DaB appl lcatton, colorchlpe, cLdlng satplee otc.. strou1d b6 lrrcaGated tothe Design Revler Board n€ettng. aone chec* llst (attachedl $ust be conpleted l! proJ€qtls located ulthin tbe single-f'andly, pslEEry/Sccordary Or Duplex 2one dl.st rlcts - Photos of the cxirtLng sii;€ and whcrc applicable, ofadtaE6nt. strutrtures. It L Tho Uonlng ,l(tnlnlct rrtdr 6nd/or DRR day r€qui,re the cubdrigEiorr of addLtional Flanr, drar|i.ngrt slrec ificat iontr ranpfes and ottler naterlals (lncludtng a t[Dde]) if dosm€d noc6asar1 to dGterE1n€ r.h€ttror aproject vlll cor|Itly $lth Degtgn Gutdelines. v, t1-ItloR sLrqRATTO.rg+ ro THE E}('F,RIoR OF BurLprNGS. Ftratos or ah€tohqB r.hiqh (:lt,arly convol' th€ redeveloprtqnt proposal end Eb6 locat lon (stte plan) of th€ f,edeveloprent propoatrl nay be suhmlttcd ln lieu of tbe nore fornalceqplrqnanls sgl fortt tbovo' pravl.ded all lnPortanEspecifications for the protrcsal itcludirry cclore andnateriels Co be used 3r5 subtdEiecl. vr. AOpf q,IoN-S--- JiEqrDt..tfTrru. OR COI4TERCIAL A. Qriginal floor planF eith all sp€ciflcatloor lhosn. B. TbEee scts of proporGd floor plans l/0' = I' or larg€l {l/rln - 1, ig pr€fcrred) c. Tbr.e cdpt.c of I rlta plan +horing sr(l8Llag Ind propoged conatructlon. fndlcatc roof f,LdEc elcvltlonG r4lth exlgtlng and propoBed grade$ shoirq underneaEh. D. ElevaEiorls o! ploposed addttlon. E, Pbotos of th6 axlstltrgf structure. F. Spoclflcatlons for all natotlals snd eolo! a.tnplrs on natorl-als list (attach€dl . lE ths rlaquact. 6f the aontnE A&riaistrator you .fliry also be requfu€d to suhit : G- A statenent fron oach uellity vorlfylng locetl'on of . a€rvic€ and availabtlity. s€e att ached rrtillty ,Iocaf lon verlficatlon forr. H. A slEe improvenent survey, Atanped by regietered tr,rofBstlgnal survoYor. I- t pEEllnLnary titte repoxt/ to v€rlfy o$n€rrhlP ofptapertyr rhlclr ll$ts nll eate$enBs. vrr. 4fNAL-E!!ryry Ooco e bulldlng p€Hrlt ha8 bcen iBar:,edr and csnrerucUlon l.s ufide rray, and before lhe Eulldlng Departmeol rill Echedule franing lnspect.lon, tro copiea of En fmpro?e[ent Locabion Csrtlficat-o survcy ltl,Cf rb ,p€d by t r€qtat€Fed |)rofrc8lonrl €nEinaer ruEt b€ GrJD[itted. Th€ fo].IoHingInformatlon nuaE be provlded on the rr{: Birudlng locatLon(€l ult,h tleS to p*oDergy corn|'rs, 1. e. d1€t8nca5 rnd angle8. Bull,dlng dl,nensions co the netrest LenEh of t foot ' Al1 utility service-Iine as-builtsI shoring type of,rat€rlel used. and 8lz€ and €xact locBBlon of Lines' Dralnege gr"bullts. BsBla of bcariBg lo tle to scctlon cornclr. Alf prop€rty ping ara Lo be €ith€r f,ourid or aet and ltaEed on irprovcnant surlrcy . Al,I easeaents, Building floor elevatlone and all roof ridge elevaLiofisnith exlrtlng anrl propocod gra{s6 Ehorm und€r the tldge lLnes . t. B- c. D. E. F- G- 11. s0' d 200' oN 1Z: 0I t6. IZ ddu esFZ-6LF-909:0I nl[-N0] -IIUA J0 Nfllol T0IJN 0F VRrL C0tt-DEU rD:3031-24s2 RPR 21'err 10:28 u2 P.06 VIII,W by the DeElgm Revier Bosrd to ths Dopartmnt of Connunlty Develop{i€nt. The concep!:ual renrier ls iDt6nd€d to Eivc Che au)llqaat a baElc urd€rat andlng oftbe sonpatlbility of thelr proposal rlth tbe lorn'3 Doslcn Guldellnse. lbis proccdurc i! rcc@lcndedgrlnrrlly foa .pttllcaciong rors coq Bx Lhan alngle-fanl,lt anlt tyc-fdrlly reGld€ncc5. Hoiever, developersof alngle-farl.Iy and tro-f,a,rlly project! Gbarl not bcercluded ftror tlre spporluniby to rcquoab a concqFtualdcslgn revlev. corrpLetB appltcEtloos rust be suborlttBdt0 days l)rior to a cchcduled DRB neBtj,ng. fhe f,ollouLrrg lnlornatloo shall be.suhl,ftgd foa aconceltual revLer: l. $ concepEsal rlge rnd landacepe plan at a llnlnur' scale of one inch equa.ls tFenty leeti 2. coDceptual elevatloaa shoring ertorior n8t€rlal6 and a deacrlptlon of tlle character of ghc prolloeed agructur€ or atructureat 3. sulflclent info stio$ go shon the propor.l coltpl l6s rith Uhe d€vqla!)rFDt stardards ol thezons dlat.rlct.ln wnlch thc project 16 to b€focated lt.€. cRlA, Blt€ coyerrgc cr1cul6ttona. nurbc r gf pa.rl,ing apBcct. eLc.)i l. corpletcd DRB appllcatlon forn. Prpcedure: Upon receipt, of an application for COSCeptuaI dcslgn rcvle*. tlr€ D€partncnB of GotFlunl tyflcvcloFfienl ahall r€vidt, th€ aubr$itted raBerlals lorgeneral corpliance rlth the apDroprlate r€quiEe$ents of.the roDing card6. If L}a proporal is ln baeiccollpltance xlth the ronlng code requirelents, thGprolcat Bh.rl I be forrarded to the DnD lor co8rccDtualrevlex. If, the applicsLion is not g'enErrlly lncoqrlianc€ ulth zonlng code raquiroraEta, tllcapplicati on and subritEal nat€rialts shall be aet,urncd.to th€ ap'pl lcaot rlth a rrlbtgr cxplenitslon aa to uhl'tbe Conerll|lty Developnont Departrant atEff hac foundthe proJecL nob to be ln conpllance rtth zonlng codgrcquLre.ent 6. Once a corylete oppLicetion haa baenrscgl-vod, th€ DRB choll rgvler tb€ Eubmlttcd conaepLualrcetcra rpplicatiaD ar|d. auptortl.ng materlal ln ord.r t.adcteltnlDc rhcthcr or not Ehe prgjecg genelrlfy csnpllsstrlth Che deBlgn guid€Iln.re - ?lr€ DRF doB6 not vote oocgnceptual rcvigns. tlre property ovnor or lri!rcprcscntrtive Fhrl-I. be preeent at the DRB hearlng. t. E. TOUIH OF lJffIL COI'I_DEV ID:305 NAII'E OE EROJECT:-/A4o De// LEGAL DE scnr r,r:.anl- r-ors/;1! BLocK _suBDrvrsron /t* Pn S//cuE STREET trDD8B8S: RPR 21'e4 1o:2e u02 P.D7 DESCRTPTI0N OF -PROJEC{:nf The follonlng lnfonatlon Lt Reviev Board bcfoEc a final iequlred for sutmigt.alapproval can be glven t TIAA OF HATBRIN. NA to ths DeElgn COI4RDUII,DING !iAIERIi,TJS : loof Sidtng other wall HaterlalE Fascla Saffltd ni$doxr lflndov Trln Doors Door lEixl Ean<t or: Deck Rails Fluea FItthlngs Chi$neyE Tfash Encloaures Grcanhouai8 Ottrer E. L}I{DSCIFIHG: //n NA /vt+ c,/t4.' J"rJ.-/ exbd',u o*. aa/e4-. Nanc of Dsgignsr: PhonE l Rotanical flane /UA PI.AIII MAIERIALS: PROPOSBD TREBS ouanb ltv slzc* EXISTI}IG TREES TO AS REE{OVED rlndl-cate caliper for dcciduou$ trses. Iiainun callper for deciduous trees i$ e inches. Indicatc heLght for conif€rouEtrees. Hlnlnun hclaht for conlfcrou8 tree-B- l$ 6.S€!e-_t.. IIAf,t UATERTALS: PROPOSED 8fiRUBS &lilAcrl-drue cetute-urEB E:(IgtrxG SHnqgg TO EE REI{OVI|D rlndlcat€ alze gf proposed ahruba.5 qallon. GRIXTXD COVgnS l.flnlnum.Jllza ot shrubf is gqualr Fgot,eoe SEED T]IPB OI' IRRTGR?TON TIPB OR MBTHOD EROSIqN CONTNOI, C. I,AT|DSC]IFE I,IGAI ING: If show tJre ounbcr of tl*tur-es aBdligbt ing ptan. Idetrtlly cachon Eh€ llsL belot and provlde tr)ools, etc.l pl€a.B€ specify. rndicaL€ltallE. I.laxlmrm hslght of raLle nlthln i.tE.l;".T*inurn halsh-- ol xalle ctfisn8 on a reparateyte lron the r tgntftlg DIan*aEtage, height .boe€ l.s prolrosedl pl€ase grade a$d typ€ of ltght D. OTIIBR LANDSCAFE FEAT('RES (rebainlng ralls fEnces. snfuudng ght s of, r€talnlng f,roob s6tback lsre on Lhe prop€rty 80'd zDO'0N 0t:0I F6.Ie ddu zgve-61v -t09t 07 Af 0-l'1t13 ]Iun l0 Hnol TOhIN DF UNIL COf'I-DEU SUBDIVISIOH JOB NAI'{E rDr30u-24s2 frPR 21 'e4 UTII.IfY ITO]CATION VERIFTCAIION 10:50 {toz P.oe wt *U- Blocx - rrLrNG ----i2-- ,*" #r4 Tho location rnd rv.Ilabt-flty of utllltles, rrhether they be ,na iJ|trunh lines or proposed Llnesr r|rst be approv€d ancl verified bythr f,ollonlng utllit'-cs fot thg acconDaoylJ|E Bll.e plrn. luUhorlzed giqnature Sglg U. S. l|€6t Comnrnleat lone :-800-922-190?{6t-6060 or 9{9-,t530 Publlc s€ryIcB Company 9d 9"5?erOarI Hrll floly Crois Electric Asso€. 94 9-5092tfid llrtFky/Mtchtcl Livdrt.y xerltlgc Cablovlslon t.v. 9{ E-$930 3c€ve HiatE Uppar Eagle ir,alley fater & Sroltrglon Diatrict * l?5-?/180Fred Haslee lloTg:ThLr fonn Ia to n€rlf,y aeEelcs avallablllty a$tlIocatlon, Thls ahould be used in cenJlx|ctlon rl-thpreparing your uLiIiLy plan and echaduling lnstaLlB.tsLon8. For aDy oeH ccDstruct lon propo€,il, the applLcanltnugt Provlde a coq)Ietcd ut,illty verlflcaLlonforn, Il a utllitg collpafly has concerns rlth thepropoBed conatflrcej-on, Ehe utlllt-y repr€EoatEt'.vc6hould not directly on th€ ut.iltty verl,flcat.Ionform thet thers La a problb[ ?{bish ced6 to b€f€aolvBd, lhc :llaue tbquld then bo apolled out lndetalt in an Etgached fottor to th€ Torrn of Vri1. However, ploaae k€€F ln nlnd thfrU lt 16 thereEllonalbi littr of the uulllty compa$y !o resolvsldent ified glob1€Ds. If, the uciutt n€rlficaEion forn haF Gigmsturesfron each of th€ uEllity companles, and no Coflltent s are nade dlEectsly on tho forn, the Tornv111 pticcuffi thlt ther6 aro no p.roblEna and thatth€ developnEnt can proceod. ?h.6c v€rlflcttlons do not re]-i€ve the contraetorof hle responsl$lliLy to obtal.n a Btreet, culpesDlt frorn tho To D of Vr1l, DepaEtncnC of rlslrlic*orkaandto@dlaqlnq in any publlc flgbt-of-ray or eaaenent lnthe Town of, Vail. D-bJllldlno sernlt. ls npt.g. rt regE. cut perrni,t.. l' seroci cut perr|iit must be obEalned separately. * Flsaas brtm a Bttc DIan, floor plan. and elcvatlonr *hrnoDtalnlng uppe.c. EaglB. vd.Iley, wator .fi-$snieatiao .algfntEErcs. FLroflor lrGcda rrutt bc addEe66cd, 2. 3. a 5. zoNE F.HECT(foR sFR, Rf R p/S IONE DI$TRTCTS DATE ! LECI! OEaCRT Frrot'r: r.sr 3-A B10ch - Flll ng ADDRESS:&A Ea or{xER b Er|ONE Pllolrft ,'ttiob'5aZ? ?a4:14-'eo-?@ PROPOSED USB BOHE DIETRTCI TACHITE1CT *iLOT SIZE llolgbt Tot,al GRm AlIIlld (30) (33t E latlno PropoGed Total t/ Primary G&FA S€cocdery GRFA Setbacka Fr:ont Sides Rcrr IlaEer Courde S€tbacL SJ.te Covcrage I,and6caping netaining nau. HetghLs ParELnE Ca.rcgB CredIB Drlvi: Vien Corridor Encroechnent : BnYirotulentEl/Hasards : + lL:L + -.4.?5. 9a0 faA a4(L -_ 20t 15' 15' t30) (sot ,V lA 31 t6r 4!.- Raqrd 4gt1*, (3oo) (600t $aot ,:tzaal*& Permleted SIoFe :gl- Accua,l stope l)A Date aFproved by To!?n Engine6r ! Y€s- No- I'I?-*.UA- /Un1) Elood PIai-D 2, Percent slope ilft Geol al btcllletl PrsyLoue coadltioas of approval (chcc Ooaa thla rrque6U irrvolve a 250 nddit Hon fiuch ol the alloued 250 Addition ir used tlith thLs requeet?;!!!! 3) {t ion?A)ft **NotG: Undrr Sect long 18.12.090(El and 18.f3.0B0 lEl of the ltuniclprl Code. loEe zoned lro Eaqily and Frinary/oecondary rrhl'ch are less than 151000 ss, fE. in srea BBy Dot eonstrsct a 5c{ond dsrrtrtring uniE' Th€ Courunity DEveloDnanu Dopartrndnt Ray glaBt tn €xc€ptlon Uo thl6r€Efriction provi,dBd lhc applic*nh nccts th€ critcf,Lt 6ct forrh und€r Sectlons 18.12.0t0 (nt and 18,13.080{Bl of thc t{unlcip.rl Codc includingperlss$efiily regtsricling, the uniE,ss, a.'trong-t-ers rcnt.l unic for full-tltre oxployeeE of Che Uptrer lieglo v€lley. r0 zsFe-ElF-[0c:flr 430-1.]01 'IIUA l0 NnoL0I'd U00'oN Il:0I t6.IZ UdU a4125/L394 L4:43 V ARCHo PAGE A2 =s $ - -iD :-tAL -c.gl D r leFl\tJb ffi€fBif\ #'-\o f',{6,\E1E Ait?g',fe S,..j-,-fr f;.0 A-.- /r,r.,,&,-./ I Shk-- V--"="- (r-lK D Syt oo- ' --i[: Ti&** tail ,#.#H#.8 :i'*( f3;i /rzz* - (--r,'-<--t-t ./ 7 2.t* JAT4ESRHATHAhv\Ui*PI\GE 83 trffi'E?oWEiffi'=* g(t€t'l4Abat{|gY exteri de r5y4a, Ag73,.4F rf L4 E b *tffi:ffit#pdtffi?a?ffi"fti?:i,i_3-eUiA-@ rreve-g11et-? utetceffi#"W#=ffiffi Hzf-{#.rtF,*f,+,{-'*WE"J#F^f!#+ffi ffiizx#':x'+'' f* F f?te[i!'s E EF-[. U'GI E TOI{/N OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j'657 303-479-2r 38 / 479-2I39 FAX 303-479-2452 January 6, 1994 Departtnew of Conununiry Deve lopnrcnt Mr. Neil Barham Poppyseeds 2161 N. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Signs for Poppyseeds Dear Neil: Thank you for your letter of December 21, 1993, regarding your concerns with the signs for Poppyseeds and snow removal on private property. As we discussed, your business is eligibie for two signs due lo its number of frontages. Also, you would be eligible for 2'5 sql,ar" feet of sign arealor every 5lineal feet of business frontage with a maximum of 20 square feet. The sign area allowances for the West Vail area are more liberal than those for the remainder of the community. When we talked, you indicated that your existing sign is 20 square feet. In order to add another sign, you would either need to decrease the area of your existing sign so that the . combined irea of a second sign and your existing sign would be 20 square feet or obtain the approval of the DRB and Town Council for a variance which would allow you to deviate from the sign area allowances. ln respect to the snow plowing issue between Safevray and the West Vail Mall, in a meeting with Kristan Pritz, on another issue, Mickey Gart mentioned in passing that perhaps it would be possible to arrive at a snow plowing agreement between Safeway and the West Vail Mall for inis winter season. As you know, onsof the issues is that Safeway stores snow on their property on the western landscaped median betlveen the two properties, When snow piles up, this creates a visibility problem for the stores on the eastern end of the West Vail Mall- In response to Mickey's comment, Kristan Pritz set up a meeting between Dennis Speer from Saieway and Mickey Gart. The three of them met on-site and it was agreed that Dennis and Mickey would both work out a solution where snow would be removed and stored on the back side oi Safeway. The specifics about the cost and who would pay for the additional snow removal were not finalized at that time. ln no way did the Town force this solution' Our role was merely to get the two parties together and see if a solution could be worked out. Mr. Barham January 6, 1994 Page Two lf you wish lo pursue the concept of a snow removal ordinance for private property' please cafl Kristan Pritz at 479-2138 and your request will be scheduled for a Town Council lvorksession. Normally, we discuss issues like this with the Council at their worksessions which are scheduled every Tuesday afternoon and begin at 2:00 p.m' Your business is important to the Town ol Vail. The West Vail area provides key services to our guests as well as locals. This year we are going to embark up_or] a planning effort that will look at the Vail Commons site (6 acre site to the east of Vail Das Schone) and the surrounding areas. Our intent is to look at landscaping, pedestrian and vehicular access' overall design character, and other issues related to improvemenls which will be made in the future by the private seclor as well as the Town of Vail. We will involve you in this effort' Citizen participation viill be an important part of the proiect. I hope this lelter answers your questions. lf I can be of any funher assistance to you, please feel free to call me at 479-2138. Enclosed please find a sign application and a variance application. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 479-2138. fY\r{0- Town Council Bob McLaurin Larry Grafel Greg Hall Kristan Pritz XC: oz ==t uJ o- ) .t \o an uJIu lJ- E =t uJ ctftr" ths@t +{i (\ Olc'i \o Fd -) v z Era z orl 9r-l- H dtBo -l FI FfErlhl z lht d Hl<a z,r7 Ul6 5 Et= 2 e"= o lz =2 oul z oz : .6 o =z c lt .Y', |l!at, ; l@€; t=si l5o o l-o5 | lx - (! | tv .o Y | | t-r @ o- I l<';o I lFE.E I l2;: I t8t)lo (u 5 I L-\l=ot, Jl tz _c o i 13 :sl;gc c .tE v FrRl#go t9zi5 l('< rrO ,^;rr -< LJoDc t -€! i i: fis 3"qd a-- "jeE= . o, J i ,-Pn,r \-/e; -'\-*i-:;v r L.t,ctt o__:. . Y E i v.,1^ ')-: -'r' t =e:j A e3 Pl+ E S p.ll'= Plt *; Fl+- - F_t t+()t+ o::(d'=O(,)*ioE8F coatt:; E -,=(EEfc E UPc-oJ3.a- 3- 6.o =10Fd'l =c96 d6'_F > 3 Pa tsOO 'E e; 'q! ci=-!o,(! cLo. -_ -c-E oo, aEgo-(6CE6:EE E O(g: EFE 6 6.s s --cs.g:3E=0)l=;6> -Y:E 3P 8i'i e9EoqEEr-og) -o(! ln o{ fn cf) € ao$ sBx* L = UJ(\ z o =l d) x ulIoz (L --) O(rF tu uJ z f J 2 () UJ = uJltz tr UJ uJ oE =g z 6t!o 6 cu, o z x llJ at,l (t t! UJllt = UJ J F F az J 9cFo uJ) z E) = J z () uJ = Fl E-{ F NOTwnIVA E =E^lr>7Z z rL= F ^ <n z; x f, :YE I o EF 9(J*<6d E*(JzX;'r!<Fi ir: g "2,=ici 6E (\l ot =>E -I 1ZHitz 'l l-{rl< itE 'l* ilell<rlrlFl rt<IIFIFtfr lArl (JitzIFr 12lF{t<IA j ,l B z tr f LL ti f uJ F+ 29 E E : z Eoo ; tr c uJF t z tzlz9!2 o< >E9r5o<z az Azz- -FdoItrOI X a llrll=r q-l l:l I lp plileil t,Fll a \i l urlli IJl Irt I<t-lcrl I siullzl rlF 2 F Jlaz z 6 z o- n I I I I "l>l!tlol dP A2lt!',A coffiF'6t lr) n-tt}l \O vbe(s2 IJJFo d)o-z F o- IJJY UI dt oF6l 'Olfo\ trflo L >:loEl>-ll!la\ Zlo-l rFl ' t-ll uJ '^ Ft-lzo A& <2oY 9ze E 32z JO rn(LcC -{e.lfrx ).-i5 ==3oil> tr ulo- lUoz foI F I IL JFul-h=1E I! LIJ>o_OLLoo \ lrJ x>ilF JJ tr UJ d) o Etloo o E EoC' o E =E. LrJ o-z9F C) EFozoo =.1ol IJJI TI <t>l s-lol zl FI I I I I I dlzl olrul :l <l>l rLlol 3l sol r!FI F l\ol@tcnItlFINlF- I I I )*(,t rdgt t qE = Fltsu)zz (t) rn\o I I IL lo I I Iql cl o<li><=E(J lO\o I @F\ F\ fl\ol(nl-l ;l 1l al>l 6l zl 3l PI CNzo z v, H |-1 tld z 14 =tr =.1ol UJI 5l <l>l u-lol =lFI .til E Flt-t ts(A B F(J E z tr UJrF -rO<F(tsO r.! <zE (aZoo E F zoo 9 () UJ ZY =c)=<a.t :zr!o F() E.Fz z T LI' F uJL-FtrT Itllende|.Atison Gonstnrction,lnc. July L4, tWz Mr. Andy Knudsen Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: W. Vail Mall Rebuild Transformer Retaining Wall Dear Mr. Knudsen: This is to acknowledge that Vail is requiring that six S-gallon potentillas be planted in front of the screen fence that is being replaced as part of the retaining wall repair. Our company intends to plant these shrubs. They will be maintained by the W. Vail Mall owner as part of his overall landscape maintenance routine. Very truly yours, dr^rr&lL F;- e-A\: Robert G. Allison RGA:bd 1165 Souh P€nnsylvani4 Suile 102 Denwr, Colo,rado 804G1530 (38) Z&1165 Fax (303) 7n-192O D.!lgn-Dovelopmcnt-Bulldlng Acknowledged: \ Projecl Application oar' 3'16'q 2 projecr Name: L;6:T U /+1L rukLL - zETtt^t | (q / r7-:'t-{- s proiect Descrip ri"^, W Rt/ tt A Ut ftt'L t F en aa contact person and pno^" b?LOt N caPnFaA /' .--ll, l, ,, L.+/"+1 ; 7zz- ttl'r owner, Address and phone: / /fzg S. Q=ntru SV LVANI& o Architect, Address and Phone: ,.Ar LesalDescriptio n,ro, Z Brock - , ^,^nV!r?* l,t=n* , zone - r-,/,21 7J \*JCo mments: Design Review Board Date 5'ts.nz Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Summary: €-a'd Town Plan ne. o",", 3'13'?Z Staft Approval t.H.rtr YE^Rif-'U L->'J MOUNTAIN BELL CABLE LOCATION AGREEMENT o€2t LOG NO. /,.,7 ,</O / ) EXCHANGE r'A /L LOCATORS NAME J .,I,. I COMMITMENTTIME 7 2O TIMEDISPATCHED TIME COMPLETED aooaess z tG/ z:t ;i- z/2 a.U.l .4, LOCATfNG FOR: NAMEoFcoMpAmr // /€lri71/ /41/1/9ap Co 42>- ADDHESS PHONE yg.77V -/ /6,f DATE e 7r,/ //? < Location to be sketched or descdbed In space below. Indicate palnt or stakes and number ihereof. l t,'\ll./l INDICATE NORTH I agree that the sketch or descriptlon aboye reflects t\ | J/. \t'l,l I \.l--------- '( /( | IMPORTANT 18' elther sld€ ol the steke, palnl m.r|( or flag |3 conrldered a conect locrtlon. Dlg lo your ve.tlcal depth lE' ellher slde of lh.. .1 I 3tak6, pelnt mrd( or llag .nd orpo€e lhc cable by hand beloo crosslng the cable or dlgglng beelde ll. Party Requesting Locate Reluses To Slgn O , Party Requestlng Locate Not Avallable of underground facilltles as roquested. PERSON REOUESTTNG LOCATTON i. c U--{n o,.u !< SIGNATURE LINE LOCATION REQUEST HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.,r/ "&-/REQUESTED BY: DATE: TI}18: WHO IS DIGGING:gr4 iL..-,*.7-/"72 /Az4J NOEES OR DIAGR,NT RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT It is the Associationrs responsibility to locate its PRIUARYelectric underground facilities within eighteen incheshorizontally from the exterior sid.es of the facilities uponrequest according to SECTION l. Titte 9, Colorado Revised StatuesL973, as amended. The Association does not own, install normaintain SECONDARY electric underground facilities. Said SECONDARY electric undergrouncl facilities are the property andresponsibility of the property owner. As a matter of_,convenience, the Association wilt atteurpt to locate the property owner's SECONDARY electric underground facilities-upon request.However, the Association will not guarantee such locations of theproperty ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities, norwill the Association assume liability or responsibility forinjuries, darnages or associated costs which may result from aninaccurate Iocation of the property ovrner t s SECONDARY electric underground facilities. If this request is for the Association to locate secondaryelectric underground facilities, the undersigned, by naking thisrequest, does hereby assume all responsibility for injury or danage arising out of the tine location and specifically agreesto hold the Association harmless again all clains, demands,suits, or liability for injury or damagqz'aiising out of the line Date (Rev. LL/85, LOCATION SCHEDULED location. 8.,[\J Public servicJ 34 382 8 Publtc Servico Company of Colorado GAS AND ELECTRTC TOCATION SKETCH PtiAVCil OOOOT Q6/26/c)7!. O? rilJ. AH 0O1O74OCr 'f ICKHT N{l r OOl07406 PSCO NO: 199?O6?C'00106 CIRI6lNAL [:AL.L. DAl'ti r Q(r/?6/9i] T.tM[:: I Ot] r 97 APITOINIMENT DAI'lIr O';,/OL/92 T.tMEr O9rt5 REQUE$TEtl FOR 0A1'F- t O7/OL/9i]. TIME r 09 t 3O STATli r 0{)C0tJNl'Y r liAGt-ti AII0Rr ?16J. Si'l'Rt.ET'r F'RtJNlA[iE Rn L, N NllAlt INTERI]ICTLN($) r GRI.DS I OS$OSLU1lgi* r O5$O€]1UJ.iJSi*. r O5$0€|1U13NU r Oli$O€l1Ul.4N* LHGAL: N :lll TYPE. OF. UORK I NIU RE:TAININCi UA|'..I.. E.XP ' I N LOCA'fIONr L-(l(1 .1.$ AT Uh-$'r UAIL MAt.-l- l-OC BEt-l:tND MAt-1." FROH fiLEC'rRANtlf:ORMER CoNT r LOC A 1.6 F]' RAIJ OF 'l'RANgiFORM[i:R r'* ACCE.$$ OPEN ** PLS MEET IN FRONI' : 0F ADllll COMPANY r MF-ND[iLlALLI$ON CUNgiTRUCTION nALLlll? r FlAllRY MC GllAt, Pl'lONEr (3O3)779*LI65 EX'l',1 AL.l' CONT r ll0Ng F0Rr IJE{5T VAII.- HALt- RE:HARK$ I 1\t// N0RilAt.. $R1n l.{AP RriF{l: AM OP r MR0 AM Af'f !lRS Ntl'lICt. I O'7i! ME[:'l': Y CITY I VAIL- MEMBERS r PI}AUGL TLJ$UUl"3 t UE$G!}? BEFORT: YOU DtG IIEOUIBES TVUO BU9INESS DAYS NOTICE STATE LAW CRS 1973, 9-1.5,101 (SENATE BILL NO. 172.1981) requires EVERYONE planning to dig in or near a PUBLIC FOAD, STREET, ALLEY, RI-G}|T-OF'WAY, or UTILITY EASEN4ENT to notifv rhe uritio owne.s ot your intent TWo BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG-- CALL 1-8m- gia - t987orln Matro Denver 53'l -67|n This sketch is approximate. The stakes, or paint marks denote lhe Locator's best estimated location of underground utility facilities. DIG VERY CAREFULLY - PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITY, CABLES. PIPES, WIRES. AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. How Marked: I stakes I eaint I rugs ! Nyton Whiskers {.r\i/' INDICATE NORTH i t, ir ._.- LOCATOB I I ARsa oR D/vrsrgN i rlr-'l', lt /,; COMMITMENT/ TIME flMF-aRRryEP ""';7"'19 18 INCHES HORIZONTALLY FROM THE EXTERIOB SIDES OF T!{E FACII.ITIES IS CONSIDEBED A CORRECT LOCATION coMMENTs \'lr.'' {'';r-'"i ' ' ' LOCATOR'S NAME FORM tCt 410- 22 - W12 oz ts =G, UJo- R (n UJlljl! tr E lat o- ,/ffi, \ Ehooq*n (\ Orx tse Fl 2z E Fl v :2Y<t!Ju- ;r. O ,-r =zoJ:) tuF E F FIz = zz z H A.l)zH FI Hh at,rrJ.i- 5.'lz 9H 4e.', =96E.. arH zd F{g CE UJz3 ulI F z o o o.c -go(! =o a! o o oo (Uc? o. o o I'c o ct, I dl E o l o o o aE 3 .c) o q, ti (6 .Y,'=or(,);i gEE; =.CR€*rE8;.= (tt -Efc: P6P:Etr-o>'= e:5_;:986.:'t - 9c966 - *= ct)t5;;_E >X E EaxE!Eo=.€ 3 :€eef EiSs cr (! ct-sEtsoiE-qr :€:€ EE: P :EEH ErES (!0'-ic;o(,'--E-^ E,€; r cgle 9 6ai ;TF' ;€;E9E o -eEg: - C) (!: |r} \. t{l E { e |n.if E = uJd 0z. l a0 xo UJ oz o- Fo uJ u, J .,lz co f ^I i9z \C) H gJ z tr IJJ uJ c = IJJ z 6 UJ F Iut o- ) ulJ x F uJo U' uJ uJtt ts =E. uJo- J FoF z )F IIJ u.t z = Iz () uJ = NOllvn'lvA F z 2 FFa F ? EF uzF x 3zzu- tr ^ 6z H B =F66 E2>-Ooon(Jzx(L<oq iH6s-R Z rN(, =>E -I.'' =@N z HB E-r H U)a *fr B z tr J IL CC o- uJ t- (r) L!E J z E o '{)< zo tr ll,l 3 UJz tltltltl u, Ezlz9u) <(Jo< =F8o<z Fz, 9= -ir ul- O =trox X X X X Fl i z tra lll 2t ac UJ alr-l 2_l zl .. >lo UJ llJ UJzaF trul 0- J z E ullJJ aa UJzY i z tr 5oz f, t- tr)nLoELr) CJ LE-, \J cnzc( IIJFo @o-z Fo- uJY IJJ(oN at o\ '.- O\ F =.icE c'l uJcEl,.2 d= Qzl-guJ 2E 0 =l! Jlo F F.ld = t-t Fl |lH Hrt) t4B ii =z tr)I Hg = H Fl F'tt F lu z Hz & z c{ aqJ G o J c{ .d| c'l I\o F-.if Io- FlH E tr <n uJ = = o- F C)tr uJl =a t! ol z) B1 9lFI H ts(J F.l U) H E in z UJtr z3 F tpo o\-:f e.l Io\.it o\ tr z ci uJ J- t! !,z3IF H fi aJ) a Fl = I\o (\ l z.; uJl 1t u-o z1 3l 9| o\r\ .if I C'\.ir o\ =g 2 ut 5 <1 t!oz 3lI ul uJF UJz B F TUL <FEC)uJ<zEUJF(qZo C) )E<oc)FF?7t!, t-tu,2 ti3 oz o ==Jd r i( I 7 <^ :ZF,<)z< =n/iz =g gc.l =+&o.iz /(J <()qg a z. .r9 =-<(Do =z dP :fi; -t -'i uJ6dE NTtr tr CE Lrl o- tl- utoz ; F E Jl-tu-h=duJ>(LO|r9o\UJxlL:>UFJJtr uJ (D o co ooo EE ,E t E Eo(, o co E oILot F lb = tiE IJuJ r- o-zo F()f E,Fanzoo I-,("---\ I r-tI d--luE=r a /)'f l-vrt= =,T-tT]Fil""x !r'| ur 66 I ol JI\l ftH I AId sP u,Yo Io lr 3 o oz Id)o -u $u 1iIt : l I 8 I : Id |{ l.l I{i1dt I ;$J {1s@urJ985 \t N@lnrsP $ o,@ NN8\$E qj Rd s3 N a t, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAILf CO 81657 970-479-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit, *: E97-OO2O Job Address: 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...Location...z 2171 N. FRONTAGE RD WEST Applied..Parcel No. . : 2103-114-15-012 Issued. . .Project No. ! PRJ96-0209 Expires. . ISSUED *02 /L8/Les'l 02 /L8 /Lee708/L7 /Les? APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER JUNE P.O. JUNE P. O. lnvest igat i on> t,i tl, Cal.t----> TOTAL FEES---> 57.00 CREEK ELECTRIC, INC. BOX 4821, VAIL, CO 81658 CREEK ELECTRIC, INC. BO VAIL, CO 81658 Phone: 970/471-3L97 Phone: 970/477-3797 Description: TENANT REMODEL GNC STORE._\__.__-- l,R8 fee n/ C 5 \', 57.00 .00 57.00 57.00 BALANCE DUE---- Dept.: BUILDING Division: ERNST ^-cco 80206 Valuation:3, 000 . 00 *****t*****************************************ff******i*** FEE SUtll.lARy ************tt******ff*********************ff************* Etectri ca [--->54.00 .00 3.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---) AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> **ff*t****t**********i***********it***ff***********t*****t******************ff************t***************t************t**t****** IlS{ri .gqQq0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 92/18/L9_9?_CHARLIE Acrion: APFR-FORItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept.: FIRE Division: **********************ft*****************t****t*****************************************i***************t****t***********ff******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. FIELD INSPECTIONg ABE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1996_NSC'---.. *t*******************tr***t*********t***********ff********ff****t******************t***************************ff***ffiff********* DECLAR"ATIONS I. hereby .acknow tedge that r have read.this apptication, fiLl,ed out in ful,l, the information requi red, conpleted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information Proiided as required. i.s correct. I agree to compty with the information and ptot itan,to.compty vith al'I Town ordinances -6nd state.ta s, and to buil,d this structure according to'the Toyn,s zoning and subdivisi6ncodes, design reviev approved, unifopm Buil,ding codc and other ordinances of the Town aipl,icabl,c thefeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVAI{CE BY t(q1 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ,. * * t * * *** * * ** * ** **** * ********** ***** * *** * *** * ** *** * * * * **** * * * * * ** Statemnt Number: REC-0249 Amount: 57.00 OZ/LB/g1 09:.56Payment Method: CASH Notation: 960.00 CASH rhit: CD Permit No: E97-0020 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParceL No: 2103-11-4-15-012 -Site Address: 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation: 2171 N. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL MALL #15 This Payment Totaf Fees:57.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**rk************************************************************* s7 .00 57.00 .00 Account Code 0r.0000 4131301 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEESWILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 54.00 3.00 l*co.t." cl Ealle counry Assessors?rr"" {rti"3i'o?'Ai3t!ifi'-',}":;ii " rowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN u'"'"-" " e"""a' 1' f -'r ("ftl ""RM;I_i::Htlu\i4H PER.UIT /I Blb- 03 z3 , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED oUT COMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED X***************************** PEIll,tIT INFORI.IATION *****************************,l I J-Building I 1-nlumbing lffi-Erectrlcat I 1-uechanibal [ ]-other2^ Job Name: UflC rob Addre"=, AlfLn,fWWeS Aaf Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing ilhrufla , Address:Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: BUILDfNG: $ELEcTRrcAtz f '), W) -OTHER: $PLIIMBING: $ Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address: Electrical Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE3 ELECTRICAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: Phone Nurnber: Address: work crass: [ ]-New Q(l-ltteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_ Number of Dwelling Units, U Nurnber of Accommodatj-on Units: I ,Inu"r and Type of Firepraces: cas Appriun""",Weas Loqil/h wood/pett"A/L ti********************************* VALUATToN, ***'**** ***;*;:r******** ********I E?7^666i-:"- Nf#";?^?.Vswe FrtL Town of vait Res. No. 2 SZ- a Phone Number: 72,-SF Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFICE US8 ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: 75 loult |tontlge road vdl, colorado 81657 (3dl) 4792138 (3001 4792139 ,4-/ olflce ol community development \11 \ October 1?, 1991 Mr. Rick JonesMr. Glen Maclsaac Gart Brothers 2161 North Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Trailer and banners Dear Rick and Glen: Thank you very much for removing your trailer and banners fromthe empty lot east of the Vail das Schone shopping center. If you have any other guestions about signs or advertising, orother possible locations for your trailer, please feel free tocall me aE 4'19-2138. Sincerely, n /{ ,"//./-'t //.-r //JL lztl ( "rt " 'Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Rppt icatiO out" 7,/r ,r/ ? / DRB I4EETING DATE / APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA I. Procedures for applying for a satellite dish antenna are ouilined inOrdinance #9 of 19g5. 0etaiis or-ttrese procedures are available fromthe Oepartment of. cormunity Deveropment.- nppricanti ire'encouraged toc0ntact-the Department of Conmunity Oevelophbnt for additionat iiiormitionconcerning submitted requests, review crltirii, ani ltri ipp"ovai pi;;;;i:" A. NAME OF APPLICANT .51k4(.P€ /Ne ADDRESS r/ ? VAz, La ab57 puone 311. (s4 LEGAL DESCRIPTIIN Saat fize 14ar\81" B. NAI4E 0F APPLICANTS RTPRESENTATIVES Rae.aDoJtE ADDRESS C. NME OF D.roperty adjacent to the subject and accross streets and theiris responsible for correct mai'l ing Nr"J4 /ua-.u-4,.y.<-( - ?g c It'2?,11 T "/ Afr N o -/,a-( h /"-,, ;ls /;t/ f* n 6' "vv'';*'-c c"- o- ttn*t/ tr '*'''d' ' - % ?z/ ry Fz.ila^bE RJ.- PHINE ?//q -?? 7/ ol^lNER(S ) SIGNATURE List of names and property incl uding mai l ing addresses. addresses. J*?A+trz o*2 1/tu - addresses of al'l property behind The appiicant "-Tl' o'.- AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCF {9,.!9q5, NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY9!ll5$ Is REQUIRED pruon io'nEiiei rii'er'rv AppLrcATrons By THE DEsTGNREVIEl.l BOARD. FOR THIS REASO,I,-i6NPLErd RPPT.TCRTIONS MUST 8E SUBI4ITTEDTO THE DEPARTHE}IT OF COMil'NiiV'OEVTTOFI.IENT 21 DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULEDDESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. * V.^. ;fu'',- ,u,*r1Jyy* -d*" *'ro4-p PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vait witl hotd a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 14, 1991 at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A worksesslon to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and L2, VaiI Meadows Filing No. 2 from Agricultural and Natural Open Space to Residential Cluster.Applicant: Vail City Corporation and David Elmore Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a wall height variance for the Chester Residence' Lot 19, Block 1, vail village 1st Filing/39s Mifl Creek CircLe.Applicant: E.B. ChesterPlanner: Kristan Pritz 3. A follow-uP to the AugusL 1-2, 1991 PEC review of the staff approval of the nj.nor amendment for Garden of the Gods, SDD No-. 22' Lot K, Block 5A, vail Village 5th Filing/365 Vail Valley Drive.Applicant: Margaret HiII Marital Trust Planner: Shelly Mello 4. A reguest for a conditional use pernit for a cellular telephone rrcell site' at Red Sandstone School, 551 North Frontage Road/lot 2, Block 8, Vail Potato Patch- Applicant: The walter GroupPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak development plan to allow for the installation of a rope tow lift' 498 vail Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing.Applicant: Vail AssociatesPlanner: JiIl Kammerer 6. A request for a setback variance for the Sipf Residence, 38?6 Lupine Drive/Lot 148, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition. Applicants: Eric and Susan SiPfPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 't. A request for a satellite dish antenna variance for the ,lackalope Cafe and Cantina, 2161- N. Frontage Road west/Lot 2A, Resubdivision of Lot 2, VaiI Das Schone Filing #3. Applicant: Jackalope' Inc.Planner: Mike Mollica 8. A request for a conditionaf use permit and a variance to the parking standards, Section 18.52 of the Town of VaiI Municipal Code to allow for off-street surface parking at the "Hofy Cross parcel" which is generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and immediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. 9. A request for a setback variance for a garage at the Kaiser/Hall Residence, 4913 .Iuniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn sth Addition. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Vail AssociatesJill Kammerer Ursula Kaiser/RoberL HaII She1ly Mello 1n A requesL for an amendment to the approved conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the proPerty generally tocated west of the Town of Vail Shops. The property is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North l/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian' Eagle County, Colorado, lying north of Interstate Highway No. 70 and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8,' thence along the northerly line of said Section 8, S89 46' 27nW a distance of 1500.00 ft; thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, S00 23'03"W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on the northerly RoW line of I-'70i thence along the northerly ROW line of I-70 following tvro courses: 1) S?5 28'18"8 a distance of 180.82 ft to a point of curvaE.urer' 2') 1327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 5580.00 ft, a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 35'34ttB L324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8; Thence departing said ROIrI line of I-70 N00 23' 03"8 along the easterly line of said Section 8, a distance of 572.10 ft to the point of beginning' containing 20.480 acres more or less. The above description is based on the Town of Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for the above parcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being 589 46' 27"w as shown on said annexation plats. Applicants: Town of Vail/vaiI Associates PLanner:Andy Knudtsen 11. A reguest to amend Chapter !8.32, Agricultural and Open Space, Section 18.32.030 - Conditional Uses in order to allow weLl. water treatment facilities as a conditional use. Applicant: Vail valley Consolidated Water District Planner Shelly Mello L2. A request to amend Chapter L8.62' Variancesr Section ]-8.62.080 - Permit rssuance and Effect and Chapter 18.50, Conditional Use Permits, Section 18.50.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect in order to clarify the notification of approval procedures.Applicant: Tovtn of VailPlanner: ,JilI Kamrnerer 13. A reguest for a worksession on Millrace IV Special Development District No. 4' for Cascade Village, to review a development plan, general.ly located south of Millrace Condominiuns and west of the westin Resort' Vail. Applicant: East-west PartnersPlanner: Shelly MeIIo 14. A request for approval of a wetland nitigation proposal for areas along Gore Creek and Booth Creek.Applicant: Upper Eagle Vatley water and SanitationDistrictPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Information on the listed items is available at the Comrnunity Devefopment office in the Vail Municipal Building during regular office hours. TO9IN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on September 27, 1991. Pho Rldge Tornhour P.O. 8ox 2135 Va[, CO 81668 Sdeway 2131 N. Frcnlaos Roa.l Wost Vell, CO E1657 Daya lm ?211 N. Frcntaos Road Wesl Val, CO 81657 Hugh Scfirldt McDonalds P.O. Box 1455 Vall, CO 81668 WoslVall Ma[ Co|porebn c/o l(orileld l(o6lo*y Propeillos 1165 S. Ponnsylv.nh Denv€r, CO 8@10 Dave Tyrel Property Manager woFt vail Mall P.O. Box 3100 Vail, CO 81658 oo oorn a uJlu LL ts = uJ /b:la tlty rsTt?9 J UJF z z o c5 z o F E t, = zz I I I I I I I I I I I I .-.r Io\..\| N'Nl Otur Fl lF I I I I I FJINIH.<l t--. , <el6 rrl*u)'= A,Zr'llq Julo = ot! o(J o ulz;Oc !r- tl,62,:.3 ccv <F2a YZa< o c o) .s ==o E =c:; (t ; .9 c) oo U;o o c o) N oc 3o l- o ct) oo 0) o ,aD -c = o c 6 3 oi'i(u'=9(';TOg8E =.2 n!x E E:F o:t!c-o'-ooGF!?t -- 6.o =EFd'5 =c96 d.E =Hga =sE eqstq! c.:- (! ct(5 cL*6x o' o-E9O-(6C: trr '-oo:LCrr o oE iFE **C60-c; or *-c ar O- FEpoi3 '6>.J:ts9; e'-xeBfe9EcrqEE!oo) -o(6 E E u.ro- z 4f YIlu (Jz z = d a UJIu LL F UJ J Fo F UJtu zI llJ (J tIJ F UJ l z z J f ID z = NO[VnlVA lltltl= rrl I> E 'll I: ; ;#l Ii tr.t SUI I= o *-l I ;HI;c)I =tl6 6 b*lh o- 0=<lX f > YcDlF90EillQ o cil6 6 Eql<) z x=lrL < "vloq i.lg H gEI r N c'rrrl G, f E o-t!E : z Eoo xX z E L! F o uIo uJ uJzaF =tr uJ(L zI troo uJl cr z (-)r z F Jl U)z trz:)zAo KOo< =FPr6o<z ol =.1ol uJl CEI JI <l>I ttjol zl 3lI olurl cEl JI al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI I I I I I ol =.1 u.tl :l <l>l bl Zt ,,t3t fol uJFI F \o I\ot\ =c FlH F t{l rl <Itslzl &lrlll Izl IFrl\ol,-.. INl 8ul GI CIsI = (dzHH&q tr{ 1 CA&trllrtH <1MIH tE 4 v,& !dH M tsE (9 ui =z F() olzl ol ql -l>l r!lol zl3l PI FI\oos Io\.$ o\ I rrl Itrllrn IIN II-r Itlot IH.tcl ol?l zlCJ ,;Ir{ vlFl Hlq:l H<tz>1i:| tl-l tzl =31qol Eo F Fz z 6 ) F Fz () z T c) uJ = E. ir Ft-Oz <F uJ<z&. T]J F(42o <oOF -<AE F(J ulL-() J<Oa^ u)E3 oz t = UJo- B HzofrFlTIq _JO<-{ CF.I 2 -r UJ = T-1 z /n =z2coo>z (L L!nI ) ct c)ZF l'\ F =uJc0 llj = ul(L o uloz fa c. F I (L JFUJ-h=-i ttsduJ>o-Ou-9o\UJxt!x>IFJ t! r.lJ o E o o q' c E E () J\OIle art o>F =ErE-ttt'€ I !T I r-$lFIr-fu)'O C) LrJ Fo d!o fz F UJY lIJ d] F L TT UJ u-|o.l>o{o-\ai c{lX c.rl\-, r! t\{| .-{l I I Hr,.,bkzo ts =E, lrJ o-zo ]-ofEFazo() I U'Iu UJ t& ts =cllJo- u,F oF E z: I I I I I I I I I I .{ \ 611 I ,'lg NE \ I\ ,| IJJz 3 \,. cLUJ6z .-- ! t(v =l l,u <Fz^vz.t< BEE:E EgE:E Ei;;E iEEEg g"; E"g $SEaei ! *;g!9;(E66 i'E:gl!o.-!-3-^o(,)c sEii: iEgii u, E = uJ FoFNOTMlYA .. >l uJ uJ IJJzo = uJ zo F E'E 3t zIF 5 thz ts3t2= d036 I c gJ6)Y e,0 z o .i z F(J F z (, lto LlJG F = z E I I I I ,;l 1lol IJJIGl JI <l>l \!lol zl 3lotH I I I I I I ol =,| r!l :t <l>l u-lolzt .... et ;FI F tltltltltllollllt8ltcllJlt<l tEllzld3lEqIIJ FI I I I el dll,ljl :l <l>l bl il FI I Iq 4 1 I I I! E @ t I I I I I 5J IJJ =z lo g"g c3>F d.6o <F uJ<zF -oo () u, F E, E =t UJc = DD z -L ur = z 9* z otl. J OO =E co uJ z = c F = UJ uJ F b2 ul :!tE:F{afrEY!E9 EE =>.=sJEF ofE:rX 9<EX !oIl!9=etr uJ @ F .P-f'- '/ llr --1 !DO I NI \"1z o,o) ti- - ;4.e F&w I I I IJJ E =E,lrlo.zIF() EFazoO 5-r z* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT IN t SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o*e //:2 6 ' ?t JoB NAME a;L,-/ &, y',(. .-, INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BU!LDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING O INSULATION E o o POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL /neeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rr.n CORRECTIONS: 7*--/,'./r'*,^ ssr NMNE kiiis'rcp DATE 1/-26-7t INSPECTOR I -.,* o(o 6 INSPE TION WN OF REQUEST VAIL/^ I D^rE lu l'+ 14 I JoB NAME""' - --------1-"7--*t- READY FOR INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: -----{@ev CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED --t ./DAIE /a - E-- -7/ TNSPECTOR NSNs J T f, H sl q ffiFo2 0z 3l(0 € I I I'uJ.Ft<ro I I I I l. IEe lbz tE l9 IH 6 I I I I I I I t; iH t= t= o\ c'r |-\ t4 .AH& z El G uJz =o uJIFoz t!J uJo =I lroll- l!o UJEfF zo U' oE o oooc6 =go oE o Ec G atEoo crt .E =fo E o =trl do o o. CI!t '.9 E c.9 EgEE;o6g 60\r.o EEocl'to .86ltc aa EF ECg; 58,N O H !co+E'oor.E 'gE EatEEoo Eo6o o.E =ltarfio6Eolo == EJ ,-5 t,.9 eE ttoc6t] o.9,-i E cg CL .9 CLog dco G E o .s o.c E.=3 .>o, Eo() o o E CD6 :g6goo E:o6 .D s,;E9C.=6tc SE:o 6c B.;ttF'i= P€CI.C 6';'5> FCLEEooEo;e5i =€.Er.!. cl9o6g?;dnCE.9--6 EEagvCo'-E9o-,ficg.: d3o> :E:o!r()*o EoEEoc,o6 E E:o E c .9 6 E o .g oE t .g to aI io qt .9 Ctat6 Lc E6 E 6.c ot o CDEg 'oc!oqt .o Eoc=F'o 5o ,:\ i\v z9rE3OF<o JI<l !J = G, ool!zYI F z tr J oz !, zfz9.q<oo< =fi-Gxtr.XA<2 U) tr3i9z d6}E (n Ll,l LlJlr ts =e u,l o- J FoF JGo;lto =o Fa- E 8B'o E UI =ulo : >g -Il?Euts =6$l 2Z99 xDaEZ ato1>E9r!<olH6-t .ici N E Itl z troo (t =lJ- c.) \' Io\ @(\ =Irn oz 0 uJE J lroz =oF C)zH H FT IP frfv) :E l! oz eiIJc J tl.oz3oF H F F: Ff z Hts z ui =zoo-) \o \o I\o o. FfH o r\ X Fq aulcoo t F\.if I\o io, FfH Slel Hlnl .l olal olFllol()l-rl 4tg J3 oz CJlu ar J l!o z3oF othg+t l-o2 oc) *l r"-l c\Il sl oz b =cl!o- z oP2e 60 =z=fdP EH=atE !!n E =CEulo. lto Eg3;E .!)IPb9gEE ;tE FE: =o-E 8bE :HE ;TE I'rd HoF IDE c'\ o'l F\ €frlh ll,F o r,u Eooo zo e LuY ll,cl oF F =CEul o-lro o-oo I ulFo2 ts =E lrJGzo l- C)3E 6zoo rm\zrE -l, PERMIT NUMBEB OF RROJECT oor. 3-\, l'l'\^-N' JoB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAILt ..,, .,i... -.- \\ REQUEST READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr n tr n tr T] UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL nffid <ffi* ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ffi .8,VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORHECTIONS: INSPECTOR 9*aLe I I !* l5 I I I IH lo I I I I I I l- t6 IE rB rEri oto\ z .J) H4froz Irl F-) ltJ uJ at, =I Gol! GoFo .EFzoo CEo tto ulG:)F 2o (t orr\o ooN(.)o XHo<E> Flrl Fl zoti t-| z t.:/E' z frl Fl oE o Etr6 ottoo EDtrtt t c0 E o =cf do o CLo.o '.E E t';oF o.c o ct .s Po(,(,6 o 5 o 3 6 IE s =.ct o ttc6 gt '(t -o 6.Eoq, Eeo6 <46;E9tr =6=cSE E: B.aE'Fi=96o,.c 6'rE>, =cLEEooEo 6e =c=!6CL Fr--q9o6C66 E.Et-E FEagr.tro'-a9 0,+,f,.cs.=3'o>g-a CE;8fs6,oEEocDo6 €(, E oo .9 E E'5 cto o6oot eo, c .9 6 E o .s oE 6 a!E o 6tttcdi6E o .L o Et()og c6tto o CL Eo() tt '5 ct c .9 6 E o .E oE : .5 fo ttg io Go CLcl at .9, .C to E o E : 6E o(Dtt .e 'otrg()6 .ct oE \oc{ g, (n IJJ IIJt! E =cllJo- J FoF .A&frlz r{() p1 oHzH FlFIA EItl - >G (rl iut .$ =.Dn| xGo-z 2Lo ootr ^ 62H; =Fooc.Es fil!<oq clr'iE =-luqq fr-.Ng .. >lo uJo UJ UJz U'F =Gulo- J zI Eoo F-io=JII E-{ F] Fl rJ 2 l-ltrl 'ii=zo -t l.lF{l\oli $* "l d 1 gF q dE-o cl r-l.s.l r-{Frl -rzllOl \ofrlItr I .al 'olololFal I Idtg<a>q Jt3b !E & >r E F.<E AFf z .g l! t\\o !'l.if I.v c{ C{ \o\o @o I\oo$ c'l F\ o2 d |rJ IE I tto z BoF H&H(-) Fltrl Fc r{ .s c{t\ln IT\ c\lo oz ciU .E I ttoz]oF oz E-c uJo, z oPze @o =zfDdP J EBi =HE D!! E =Glrjo.lro EgE; =eIPD95EE dtsE FE! 6tE ooE iHT EFsi utqt gEE XXX ca c\l -$oo UJto oo\ c FI z F, ut E @ @o1zo Fq utY uJ I0 o ts =tr uJ4 t.|.o o-oo I uJFoz E =El!o-zIF C) =E 6zo C) @ ,lr o =.t t u) "l) \\ Rt\ ) Ni\) KJ\ \"t \ t) s 'N\\ \i) ou, UJ E =c!!o- I I I s \st= I Il1 ltlr iili\*-rlEt;ol'l(, Xrllal lli'IF,toxlz =lsFt6 3ldOl.6ilz IU o l|rJ!lgt = o o o o o aB oFl F.e\ .*; 5XN(). tnE'q-B 8\BFq. sb,s 6O oDcCE E€oo Eo6 ctt .J flD =-ari E s€p3 ;g .ego.EO :6 ;-;i';s9 ,9 q,p IDo! No a'6 .!t ct 3 c' N o {o'F o o Ot ooo6 o oJ o E qt o3 '5Eoqx19e5; F.E S? EE8 e6p 'Jt,auocJcc- B- 6.o =EFC'S =c96 d.E 3 3 Pa boO iEoeEstq= iE=So.|E o.*E; r/}- ClEgu : (a'. Uo F- c .!ao (u=ifH-: =_ o.y -- c,ct o- - -.c9.9::, F:o?B 'Exo (E= cF= E; g hi.e E Fgr-oo) -()(g El fv u/ - J 8r .* $ $r. ( 8r n(. Er. JJ(x n : llJo. z =.D xot{r C'z{ o- o FoqJ w oz toI =d {Iz (J t!I t! at, zo F u, UJ o oql e UJG 9 uJ ar UJ g, (J x F gJo a^[! UJ s E uJ J z (, EF(, gJ Jlrl (9z I J II t!I NOrrvn'lvA $$$ g${ H$N I>rr -Tn}3sJ { =l0N zzoo 3;3 tno 6pr!<olgs jrrl Itt\ s I sh \ \\a {a \ z J tt (, H F =r.lJ J z tr o z tr gJ FJ :illjz lltltltl lD z z9o5tolIdAC X.i<z IE*ila9Z -Fd6IE I Il IiIItoltolI JtI lll uJ c a,tt u,lzXI ul z 5 oz Ir ! t4-il XIgj I -rl<l FI =l =,1 A>l l ullqrlzltnl >l uJl1l<lzl9 rl o olO r..: I< (,}l z Y (,z I.o Itrtr z o9 =<coo =zde ,-*-6 =EE= ;:'i () A;E oEEz2E<€u&Pb0 =q=>E dEE E=o tl iiE :dE E3I iutrc xo-E X>al u{o-rrE UJ oF t: -a g D 0)t ; U a uol : uL )^l : N\I <\l t\lt\u ,,,t6 bEEltl o-zoF(J D FazoO n * $ di = =GIo $$, $ il: $l ilngpt ; x \\ Cr\ \.- \t\ N = Tls I "l1lolurl 5l <l>l ltlol 2l ..ra;FI F. Fx.. Rn Fhiir In'i.o GOPV Technical Consultanl r compressed Gases r Hazardous Materials o codes/standards r Building salety SepEember 20, I989 Mr. Michael l,lcGee Town of VailFire Department 42 W. Meadow DriveVail, cO 81652 Ref: National Velvet - dry cleaners Dear Mr. McGee: This letter will confirm our telephone conversation ofseptember 19, 1989 regarding the use of perchloroethyrene in a'drycleaning operation proposed- by the abov6 referenced-firm. As mentioned in our conversation, r $ras engaged by Mr. williamHouse of National VeLvet to det.errnine the impacf of tire use of thismaberial, und€r the requirement,s of the rggg-Eatition of the uniformCodes in a dry cleaning machine manufactured by Forentacorporation. r was informed thab a single machine usingperchloroethylene \das to be used and that io other hazardouimaterials were employed in the cleaning operabion. A technical data sheet indicating the model number (Executive 835)and capacity specifications is aLtached as ExhibiL r t,o bhisletter. As the data sheet was confusing, r called the manufachurerfor cLarification and to verify bhe capicity of the equipnent. Thetank information indicates that two lanks Itank Nu;be;s (No.) Iand 2l are used to contain the solvent. r,n addition to tnetankage, the eguipment has six independdnt filters which arecapable of retaining a total .of about 2o gallons of material. rnoperation the system is charged with 9o gallons and the fluid goesfrom t,he tanks to bhe filters and the itirr. The system is notable to be operated with both the tanks and firters futt as therewourd be no place to drain the filters if the tanks were fulf whent,he filters have to be changed. rn other words, the system theoreticalry can contain about rl0galrons of fluid, but its operation defines a practical limit of90 gallons. t 6A77 iat tnlrr E}^-rA 1l O fr^-r-^^-J^l^ ,'\^l^-^'J^ c){ d.r'1 ,orto\ /\.r/! /in ^n 2 r-haye independently classified the naterial under the requirementsof the fire code and it is classified as both an irriCant and acarcinogen (other hearth hazard). rLs use is regulated under uFCArticles 36 and 80. An MSDS is encrosed for y-our reference asExhibit 2. As_you suggest, I would look at this operation as,,Use Closed,,andunder Table No.80.402-8 the exempt quantity rimit as either anrrirritant" or "other heatth hazard-" riquid viould be 500 gallons.rf this was looked at as a ,use open" slsbem, the exempt quantityo! the riquid would be 100 galrons (iC is my understinding thatthe proposed building is unsprinklered). TXe- usl_!_is tequiied tog$ply wi!|r ur.'9 nrti-cle 36 ind ttre ceneraffi80, specificalrv sEEEions-8o.m ine uE6-is -ii::-:=:i:t ress than exempL amounts under cne.lrmrcacronls of Tabte No.80.402-8 a Group H, Division 7 Occupancy need not be assigned. Table No. 98 of the building code is in concert with UFC TabreNo.80.402-8 and a similar exempt amount. is found for "irritant'and "other health hazard', in unsprinklered buildings, e.g.,: {UseClos_ed: 500 gallonsi Use Open: 100 gallons). thi occupancy maybe determined as a Group B, Division 2 use under uBc seation zorprovided the operation does not, use other hazardous materials thatexceed exempt amounts or conduct other operations not suited to aGroup B, Division 2. use. It is my underst,anding that we are in general agreement on thispoint and that you concur with the fact, disregarding any otherfacbors, Lhat the oecupancy can be granted permission- to proceedwith a classification of Group B, Division f. If I can be of further assistance to eibher you or your buildingofficial in this regard, please call me at 963:3920. rnank you foryour time in discussion with me on the phone, I appreciate yourconsideration in this regard. Lt/bw cc: Mr. William C. House - EncI: Technical DaCa Sheet MSDS National Velvet 835 Larry Fluer |ft 80.102-80.103 UNIFORM F]RE CODE ' o-fl' vrl l / v PERMISSIIILE EXPOSURE LIMIT (pEL) is rhe maximum permiucd cight-hour timc-weightcd avcragc conccntr:ttion of an airborne contaminant. Thcm:rxirrrrnr 1;.-rrrritted tirrrc-wcightcd avcragc dip.surcs to bc utilizcd arc thoscpublishcd in 29 CFR t9t0. tUJO. PHYSICAL HAZARD is a classification of a chemical for which rherc isscientifically valid evidcncc that it is a combustible liquid, comprcsscd gas,cryogcnic, cxplosive, l'lammablc gas, flammahlc liquid, flammablc sJlid,organic, pcroxidc, oxidizcr, pyrophoric, unslablc (rca;tivc) or watcr-reactive matcrial. , PORTADLE.TANI js a_ny packaging over 60 U.S. gallons capacity anddcsigncd prilrrarily to bc kxdcd into or on ()r tcmF)rarily aatachcd to i transportvehiclc or ship and equippcd wirh skids, mounting or accessories to faciritate handling of thc tank by mcchanical means. It does nor include any cylinder havin! less than a t,0OO-pound water capacity, cargo tank, tank car tank or traileicarrying cylinders ofover I,000-pound water capacity. REDUCED FLOW VALVE is a valve equipped wirh a rcstricted flow orifice and inscrtcd inkr a comprcsscd gas cylindcr, portablc or stationary tank thal isdesigncd tr) rcducc the maximum r'r,w fr.m thc varvc under fulr flow condirions.Thc rrraxirrrurrr l'lr)w ratc rrorn thc varvc is dctcrrrincd with rhc varvc allowcd toflow t():ltrnosphcrc with no othcr piping or l'ittings attachcd. SEPARATE GAS STORAGE, ROOM is a scparare enclosed area which ispart ofor attach.ed to a buirding and is utilizcd for th; storage or use ofhighry toiic compresscd or liquefied gascs. .. STATI.ONA.R!/'TANK.is packaging tlesigned primarily forstationary insta a-tlons not intendcd for loading, unloading or attachment to a transport vehicle aspart of its normal operation in the process of use. lt does not include cylinders having less than I ,000-pound water capacity. SffiRAGE D\CILITY is a builtting, ;xrrtion of a buikling or crrcrior arcs uscd lor thc sloragc of hazardous marcriars in cxccss.fcxempt a-mounts spccificd in Division lll. USE (Malcrial).is the placing in action or making availablc for scrvicc byopening or connccting anything urilizcd for confincm-cnt of material whcthcr a . solirl, liquid or gas. ' Fermlts .._^5::119:f 91. ta) Generat. f gtsrson, firm orcorpora.ion shall srorc, dispcnsc, use or nandre hazardous material in excess ofquantiries specified in section 4. lotiunless and until a valid pcrmit has becn issucd pursuantio this article. A pcrmit shall bc obtained whcn a matcrial is classificd as having more than onehazard catcgory if rhe quantity limits are excecdcd in any caregoiy. . No pcrson, lirm or.corporation shall install, rcpair, abandon, remove, placetemporarily ()u( of scrvicc, ckrsc or substantially m<irlify a sforagc facility or other.nc. rcgrlirrc(l by this articlc rrtil ir pcr.rt has hccn issuctr. (-scc als'sccrionstl0. 107 and ti0. | 0u. ) 80.103-80.1041988 EOlnoN EXCEPTTONS: l. Routinc maintcnance' 2. For emcrgcncy rcpur work pcrformcd on an cmerg€ncy basis' application for peimit shafl bc-maje within two working days of commenccmenl (rf work' Permittee shall apply for approval to close any storage, usc or handling facility .ti;il'3-0-;;t;'ilioi to ttt" termination of 'the storage' use or handling of n__J""-r..iJri"is. such applicarion shall include any change or alterationofrhe i[itiW "torure ptan filed puisuant to Secrion 80. l0? of this article. This 30-day F;;;t b" ivaived by'rhe chief if there are sPecial circumslances requking such waivcr. (b) Fostlng Permlts. Hazar<lous materials pcrmits shall be postcd in a consptc- uour loc$ion on thc premiscs or shall bc kept on thc premi-scs dcsignalcd therein' p"rrnil-JU-tt.t.tt ti.gles bc .ubject to inspeition by an officcr of the firsorpoliee ' dcpartmcnt or othcr authorizcd pcrsons' (c) lluzurdous Matcrlals Munugomcnl I'tan' When.rcquircd hy thc chicl-' "ucH',,1tplicnr i, ut lirr;t pt'rttlil llllrstlilnr l() lhis irrtielc shall irlclrrrlL' rt llazardotts t4or"tioit Muttagctttctti l'lltr ( | tMM l') itt ;tccttttlattcc with A;lrrllix I I l'i' (d) ttstrrdous Mulcritlls lnYenl(try Slrtlcmcnl' Whetl tcqtrircd hy thc chicl'' cach upDlicaliutl lirr u ;rt rrril l)ursuittlt lrt lllis itrlielu shall irreltrtlc :t I lazardous i4;;i"i" lnvcntory st;tcrrr"ni (H v ts) in acctrrdattcc with Apprrdix ll-Li' Gonorsl Roqulrementa Scc. E0.l(X (a) Ocnerul.'l'hc storagc, dispcnsing' use and handling ol'hazard- *irnor.iiof * *noil bc in compliancc with thc provisions ol this articlc' (b) Release of Hazardous Maicrials' Hazardous .T"1ttt"l* shall not be rc- f"!Za- i"i" " sewer, storm drain' ditch, drainage cliral'.lake' river or tidal ;;;;;"p." the ground, sidewalk' street, highway or into the atmosphere' EXCD'PIIONS: | . Matcrials intcndcd lirr usc in weed ab tcnrcnl ' crosion c('n- truf -*il"t"n,trn"nt or similar applications' whcn applicd in accrrrdancc with thc manufacturer's instructions or nationally rccoBnizcd practlccs 2. Matcrials rclcascd in acc<trdancc with tcdcral' state or krcal govcrning rcgula- tioni oi frmits ot thc juris<licrional Air Quality Mrrnagcnrcnt lJ(trr(l with it Nati(tnal noiiut"tit oit"tt"tg" Eiiminariun System Pcrmit' with wasle dischargc requrrements """Uiittt".f by thJ iurisdictional Watcr Quality Control l}rard or wi(h l(rcal sewcr pretreatmcnt requinurrrcntr lbr publicly t)wtlcd trclttllcnt works' (c)UnauthorizedDischarge.l.Accuraterecordsshallbekcptbylhcpcrmtt. tceof the unauthorized discharge of hazardous matcrlals' 2.'thcchicfshallbcimmcdiatclynoti|'icdwhcn-anunluthorizcddischargc becomes rcportable under state, federal or local regulations' 3. Proviiions shall bc madc for conrrolling and mitigating unauthorizcd dis- chargcs. 4.-Whene"er an unauthorizcd clischargc tluc to primary conlaincr Iailurc is dir;.r;;;;l, th" involvcd primary containcr shall be repaircd or rcmoved from scrv lcc. 5. A person, lirm or corporation rcspr'rnsiblc lirr an uttautlxrtizcd dischargc .#i ;,ii;;; ;;-complcrc'alt actions neccssarv to remedy thc cftbcts of such fl"a'tt I t ,1, 80. t 04-80.107 UNIFORM FIRE COOE ^r,/o J v' unauthorizcd discharsc. whethcrsudden orgra<tual, at no cost to the jurisdiction..When deemed nece;arv bv rhc c.hicf, clcanup may hc initiatco hy thc firc(lcpxr(nrcnr or hy ar rrtrtirt,rizcrr irrrrividrrar .r lrrrrr. (1.sts urr,,.rrt".r *ith rrahclcanup sllall bc bornc by thc <.ru uo"utf,Lrir"J airJi"rJ"lr ...v vdncr, operaror or orher person responsible for rhe . !d) Y-alerieJ. qa.fetly Data Shccr.s. Malcrint Slfcry Data.shccrs (MSDS) shalj fr,iill,,,t avaitabtc <xr rhc prcnriscs tbr hazard,,ui'matcriuis icgutarcrt ly Ois (e) ldentification. Visiblc haz:rr<l idcnrificarion signs as sJpciticrl in U.EC. l:*ll l*.r"3. shatt bc placcd ar ""trr".._ iL iS""tion*t *tr".e hazardousmatenats are stored, disoensed, used or handled in quantiries requiring , pe.mir.The chief may waive thii rcquircment in speciar casci *t "n JJn*,*,"n, *r,r, ,ur.ty.Individuirl contuiners, .urt.u," .r, paekagcs r;t,,,tt t" ".,n"fi":rously markcd orlabclcd in accordancc with nationally ricognizcd stundo.dr.- See also Section80.301 (d). Constructlon Roqulrements sec. 80.I05' Buirdings or portions thereof in which hazardous materiars arcstorcj, handled or used-shatf be ".rn.tru"r"d i" ,"""ii"ill"*irh rhe Building Boundaries ofa control area shall be formed by one or more ofthe following:| . An occupancy separation with a minimum one-hour fire-rcsistive rating.2. The exterior wall, roofor foundarion ofthe building. A maximum offour control areas shall be permirted within a building. EXCEpTION; A mrxirnum of rwo conrrol arcas shall bc pcrmittcd in buildingsor portions of buildings used for retail sales- fursonnol Tralnlng and Vl tten proceduree Sec. tl0. 106. persons rcs;xrnsiblc for thc opcration ofarcas in which hazardous 111e1ials ar3 ;rored, d ispcn.scr.t, handte<r or uleJst "rl U"-i"rii_ *ith rhe chemi_cat nalure of the materials and the appropriate mitigating *iioni ne""sr"ry in ttr.evenl of fire, leak or spill. Responsible percons shall be designated and trained to be liaison personnel forthe_firedeparrment. These persons -shall aid the firc a"p"itr.it in preplanningemergency responses and idcntification of thc tocrrions *h"ic ttazardous materi-als are lmated and shall havc acccss ro Marcrial S"fert tj;;; Sheets and beknowledgcable in the site emergency response procedures. F.clllty Closure plan ,^_Sl_10:101. The permir holder or applicanr shalt submil a plan ro the fire,oepartment lo terminate storase, dispensing, handling oiu." oit'"r"raou, ,.t"ri..ll'_:j,!i:, 30 days prior to-faciliiy crosire. il il;illlemonsrrate rharnazardous marerials which were stored, dispensed, r,'"nAfeJ o, usea in th; i;ililhave been transported, disposed of o. *"r"i i" " ,""""iii"i"iimn"te. rr," n".aror furrher maintenance ani anv rhrc"t r" puai;;;;i;; "'ii'rldri su.rr pr"n ,r,albc submittcd in accordancc wiih scction itO. Ior.-- "'-.'* -'-'r' 322 ,$D P)/'' . .,:,,,Sf,c. 80.10E. Facilitics may following: l. Tbmporarity out-of-servicc facilitics. Facilitics which arc tcmporarily out ofservicc shall continue to bc pcrmitted, monitored and inspected. 2. Permanently out-of-service facilities. Facilitics lirr which a permit is not kcpt currcnt or is not monitorcd and inspccted on a rcgular basis shail be deemed to be permanently out of service and shall be closed in accordance with Section 80. t07. Sce also Section 80. 103. 1088 EDmON Out.of-sorvlce Facllltles 80.1o&ur.202 bc placcd out. ol' scrvics.in-aoc\rrdrncc.wltlr thie as health may also Divlsion ll FICATION BY HAZARD Scopc Sec. E0,20l.lirrthc ol'lhis cr c, haz:rrdour rnalcrials shall bc dividedinto haz.ard catcgorics. 'l'hc includc ntatcrials rcgulated under this arliclc and matcrials rcgulatcd hcrc in this crxlc. Hazard Categorleg Sec. 1t0.202. (a) I'hysicul I m tcrials listcd in this section arc with a primary classification as aclassified as physical hazards. A physical hazard may also prcscnt a hcaltli l. Explosives and blasting agents,elsewhere in this code. 2. Compressed gases, regulated under thii 3. Flammablc and combusriblc liquids 4. Flammable solids. 5. Organic peroxides. 6. Oxidizers. 7. frophoric materials. tl. [Jnstablc (rcactivc) nratcrials. 9. Watcr-rcactivc matcrials. 10. Cryogcnie lluids, rcgulatcd un<lcr this arliele irrrrl c in this codc. (b) llealth llazards.'l hc rnatr:rials listcd in this scction arc c hazards. A material with a primary classification as a health prcsent a physical hazard. |. llighly toxic or toxis nlitlcrills, 8ascs. 2. Radioactivc matcrials. 3. Cornrsivcr,. 4. Other health hazards. ineluding highly toxic or toxic icle and elsewhere in this code. yililfin [Winenriw Erlns:tlttflttts, trtl Noverober 30, I 9g9 Jennifer DeckerArnold Gnathrnev l to?g s. -;;;;;;i"';;:',",::;nitect s Vai, 1, CO AtAZi lE: National Velvet. Our Job *g-c)42? Itear ,Jenni f er : ::;:;;"*:-Xi,:n? f_olr.ornins crarificarion in your nextn*part*.i:";;""io:[ri:'if,:t;:i^lit;,:: li'" viii'e;i roi.,g sheet AyE-l prawihg:. MeSIAI:g4l pta!: I - Rerrl sg 6p_2at o.1,,JTE*::h:::! ran specif,ieation to "2600 cr-mroor curb. i;;r:;;"ll'E;.1;i,:;'ilii:: i:,li.iiro rt; 2' Revise fan emergency exhaust fan intal<e grille fromTzxtz io 30xt0 sriii"."'.---" If ycu have any quesbions clonrt hesibate to call. Sincerel-y, .\IVJ/7/ | 1-)rnWrtt<t ry&Uil{_il Denis t{. Beaurtln 'y/Lu [/,,/ { . DMB: ],m cc: Joe Norris, Town of vail- EenchnaA plata, Suite il7 !.0-. lox 57a0, Avon, Catoftdo B1620 !^iffii f&t; r# $ z - Q ss c o o n t v &t+t IN * SPE OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,'') /'1ryI1tDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.f] FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER D GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .., ":N. u$r( !'s\ ' INSPECTOR o '4zt F .'1 . INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMB I DATE R OF PROJECT N Pi-i- vT rJOB NAME PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR ( Ve.{- \)l'i,L_ r( [+>{ TOWN OF VAIL UALLtrFl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n T] FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING q76oro* Ao*ou,, n tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED ,"r .1,tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DArE /- /l fu rNSpEcroR 'FzL+ F PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: t SPE CALLER MoN @ IN WED THUR FFI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL &,aPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED oor= /- ?7'/'''(t rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMB 2 DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FoR INSPECTIoN: MoN ruES WFD rHUB GRI\ ----@ pM LocA'oN: Ln.lt''{ V/lLl" tt/lf\') tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVE .,-72":) Ua CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr D E D tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL i/ /4/l4 z!.1 INSPECTOR niftssop il PElNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED rHUR ( -F;D N\rtr u tr \{ a ''/j'tt,. tf<{-.uq P BEADY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr tr o tr tr n UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORBECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 2'z' /a n'lFsrop L.{ a k.1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA'E 3 \ q\qD JoB NAME -Jf,o\.o^^-\ Uo l.* READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF \\ WED THUR FRI t PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL r-)peeaoveo " conRecloNS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR a FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo,v itens need to be comp'l ete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off jn the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING onrr: \*1rq CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 Tvnnru- Rnl,rv AVON CENIER AT BEA\ER CREEK o SUllE I @ VE5T BEA\ER CREEK BOUIEVARI, P.O. BOX 1982 AVON, COTOMDO 61620 (303) 949-1858 t".4 MEMO ,Iu1y 13, 1989 To: Town of VailAttn: Gary Murrain From: Dave Tyrrell This will confi.rn our conversations of July 11, 1989. I have questions regarding potential tenants for spaces at the West Vail Ma1l. These questions may be phrased as follows: a. West VaiI Mall #2 (oLd VaiI Athlete space): Jackalope,/The Menu wants to expand into this space. They will be installing tnen's and women's restroorns, drop ceiling, completing draftstops, and refinishing the area. The Menu was 2,900 sq. ft. Thiswill add 2,600 sq. ft. for a total of 5,500 sq. ft. As you witlrecall, this 5,500 sq. ft. has area separation wa11s on allsides. Can this expansion be cornpleted without the instaLlationof a sprinkler system? Will the new restrooms free up space inthe comuron area restroorns for additional tenancies (restaurant onthe front row shops)? b. Concerning a restaurant to occupy store units #11 & 12(Formerl-y The Canera Shop, Aardvac & ,Just Boys): Will thisrestaurant, not serving alcohol . seating less than 30 people,require restroorns? Currently the space has a half bath whichcould be nade available on a uni_sex basis. c. Store units tl &. 12 (as above): A dry cleaner has expressed astrong interest in this space. He is concerned about Town of Vailrequirements for his equipment, Are there any specialrequirernents to be met with the current "state of the art"equipnent? This would effect vents as well as discharge. I am sure that this wil1 foster other questions as I have your responses. f hope that vre will have a chance to sit down on Monday to discuss these in detail. Please 1et me know if there isa convenient tine for us to get together. hwn llal 75 soulh lrontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (3Gr) 47F2138 (3dt) 47$2139 April 11, 1989 olllce ot community development Mr. Robert Doyle 216L North Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Jackalope Satellite Dlsh Dear Bob, First off I would like to thank you for understanding about thedelay in your publishing for your satellite dlsh. As rde discussed on the phone on April 10, I witl go ahead andpublish for your satellite dish review on May 3rd with the Design Review Board. However, you must subrnlt the followinginfornation to the staff by April 24, 1989 in order for theproject to proceed to the lilay 3rd rneeting. If the followinginformation Ls not submitted or additional infornation isnecessary, the staff will need to table your proposal to the MayLTth Design Review Board ureeting. However, I hope that thiswill not be necessary. Please subrnit the following information on April 24: OK L.A site plan that is based on your stanped survey. Thesite plan should indicate the location of thesatellite dish and should not encroach into the 20foot setback around the perimiter of the property. Specific design details on the satellite dish nust besubrnitted. These include the color, dimensions, andhelght of the dish, materials for the dish enclosure as will as the rnaterial for the dish itself. The deslgn guidelines allow for a maximurn dianeter for thedish of 9 feet. The top of the dish to finished orexisting grade may not exceed 15 feet. o( 2' 0K ''A landscape plan that clearly indicates location ofnaterials, type and sizes. There is a 6 foot mininunfor evergreen treee, a 2 lnch callper rnJ.nirnum for deciduous trees and a 5 gallon mlninum for shrubs. A stanped survey at a scale of 1 lnch = 20 feet. Ebedish nay not be located in a easement or on publicright of ways. Any easements should be indicated onthe survey. The survey should show the northwestcorner of the West Vail Mall, northern property line, western property line and edge of pavement. 0K 4' 5. Elevations of the north, east, west and south with f,lnl-ehed grades slrould be presented. These drawingsnust be to scale. 0K 6'Additional addresses for the West VaiI Mall owners and McDonald's onners are necessary in order for us topublish your request on April 12th. Please submit these addresses to us irnnediately. Mike Mollica wiII be the planner for this project. He will alsorecelve a copy of the letter and wiII be aware of what you needto submit to our department. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding concernlng this scheduling problen. Good luckwith your subnittal . Sincerely, l/. I Xnttan Kristan Senior trt Planner Appl icatjon Da?-rt DRB MEETING DATE 5,3,71 I. APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA Procedures for applying for a satellite dish antenna are outlined inOrdinance #9 of 1985. Details of these procedures are available fromthe Departnent of conmunity Development. Applicants are encouraged tocontact the Department of Conrnunity Development for additional iiformationconcerning submitted requests, review criteria, and the approval process. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT -fi.*^toft ,rue - ADDRESS ?/6/ N FteotvrAaE R/ -. f r-rent DEscRrPTroN c. B.NAI4E OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATI VES D. List of fames and addrEsses of all property including property behind mai l i ng addresses . The appf icant addresses. Q?iuq K/yT"-,^^1,-d , f,olb, )t3{ t t/t;!, Kl6t8 , a *A^r*b fll^kt l(31 N. ft*+*r 8,,1,. u*t, /ql Z:-R^;hLTtt^t earr N 6^'l-t*W' uesi//ai NAME OF SIGNATU ot^lNER( S ) property adjacent to the subject and accross streets and theiris responsible for correct mailing e Ned U!o/t Vod }th0!, 0uvrotl- mrn t[$Schr,uUt [D hx lL6t,\lorQ 6' rbSS 16A5 E, 5ttr€ ccrdor. *\h lo\ik-fua- 5+.&J iok(, 0Yidsu\tu)'lt{s a AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE #9, 1985, NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY9lltFll Mequlnro PRI0R T0-nrviiw rii nnv nppiicnrror.ri"di"iHe DEsTGNREVIEW BOARD. FOR THIS REASON, COMPLTTE NPPITCNTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTEDIq IlE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITV'OiVETOFI,IENT 21 DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULEDDESIGN REVIEI,J BOARD MEETING. POSI OFFTCE BOX 3100 VAIL,COLORADOSI6SE 303/949-5.100 Retail Space Available Features: -Easy access from I-70 -Between Safeway and McDonald's -Plenty of free parking -Variety of shops -Popular anchor tenants -Good visibil ity #17: Highway c0rner reta i l At $is -Qual ity construction -Established location -Al I utiI ities avaiIable -Tenant f in'i sh al I owance -Free rent for fixturization -Flexible terms #4: 1400 square feet on the arcade. Includes walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer, 3 compartment sink with disposal , hot water heater and half bath. Partially ti1ed. Made to order for specialty meat and fish store, catering service or restaurant/pub. De1 ivery entrance at rear. At $12 per sq. ft. #5: 1350 square feet on the arcade. Fu11y carpeted and ready for trade fjxtures. Space includes private office, window display area, lots of wallpaper and delivery entrance at rear. 10 foot ceilin9 for extra comfort and display. At $12 per sq. ft. #6: 1475 square feet on the arcade. Fully carpeted. Lots of olumbing. Has half bath, private office, divider. Perfect for beauty sa1on, office, orretail. At $12 per sq. ft. exposure and lots of room (over 4800 square feet). Right at the of McDonald's. Can be subdivided. Creative so'l utions for your or storage needs. l,le'll need some lead time to rearrange the space.per sq. ft. I t.ltltlIIItl LJ JJ =J J EulF =U'=ut == oz E- &,u,o- 6l .ir oo ro o\N U' UJutt! E =E UJo- \s\\s$s c'\ @ Or F\al H o H&& z frl F-) ro\ @lo\t- l!! -r 16. .}{IHHta'X Nlr{r;{ lnz =4 io s)l(' F{ 6v u,lF o c,a> E F =To zz o uJFoz ozoJl @a('z 26 z : Fl Ho ;g 6 Brqz olzl &oH FTXfrl F (rJ trl a tr uJz =o ltlIFoz fA ti1 *!)s a IEol!coFo EF2oo Go Gulz3o Lo ct Eo-c t- og c .9ttott v,otto(, CDc oN o 'oF CDc Eooo6 EJ ot ID IE tt:lt o ttc6 ci;o -o6Soo5:o6 €s9c.=65C TE,io':5: di -opF,>=o6,iE' 5't'!> EEooE()'-ooel5i Es. EE-o9o,6Czi6 EEt_6 EEE.geCo-a9or,, g-: d r: 9>6a, FE:o!JO€o -oo EEocDo6 E: EE'5Eo: EU 5f EE F: E8cL o6-C*-o =!;>cP'-o E.E EE,FO cc EE!qtE-t SE E* E6ott OGi;-cg -o60 anO AE ;Eo6 tE6t>g €€ CE -o @l\c{@ @\o ttl !n e.l F\c{ @ o LIc UJE0z6J3 @ 3,() UJ-(Jz Jo- J IEF(.)t!J UJ o2 aot f Iz -() uJ: UJ uJlt2o F ujGou.lE c o.o =UJt UJczIo UJo F IIuoc z u,Jo x F t!of o IJJ UJl! ts =t UJL J FoF ozo =D @ J 9a Fc,IuJ UJ cta -f A J 9 aI(, u,lI ts ts NOTMTA l. "l:t'lA*13:lg slcFlo;9Z tl.Foo6 z-'.>9EoE^ 56an H8 3R Ha(,< =>c -t = lll 2Il'i o. EPoo7>9()92r!<ogHdE8jni l<i FIErL'aHH|< FIt zo F l l! CJ l P0 q,, o- F oo Orc{ io- uJ E, z Eo x. €zo F e uJF ;gJz lltltt g z)z9!4 3Q 3$QEV ..,i<2 Ez, 2=-iF tro}E uJ = CE out uJzxI F zo F J oz I z z I aJ 3 i UJ 3 o o l-.r I<l FI zl zl ., >lo3!oull!2o E E uJ o- J z Eoo r'.| C! (92 Fo 5o [[tlI lrclol{tultx l'''lH*klioH N I B o lt- *:t OO z .rP =-<oo =z=t :) o-- P J :fii UJ Eg,ooazo Fo- llJY utql oF!*gdq t!lO .:lt ;il 8eltolgu,bkzo E G IJJq Ito EgF;E'2TEa9 =EE FE E HEE irt Hrsj ut @o ffi":"E I E =E lrJo.z9F C) :)E,a zo() F!! Fl Ert:& zl-lHzo lr1 P'{oFl v F) 'li=z @ -t .ir ft.if I\o o- FlH F6 H2 trr z \o N atl uJc t z ;r1 d v F-) u: 2 oo\F I Or io- z 6 F\ ro Xo att uJE J I cfrlzz rJ7 Ff E HE .+ \T IF. e.l I oz ctulG) l!oz3oF U' frl FlH FE j Fl FlH Iett c\.1 F. e.l\o I\o|\\' I.it (f) oz ciut .E J ttoz3oF z E H tq Fl -c t! o2 outlr J l!oz;oF oz ciIlG J t!oz3o 9EF() UJJu, 2F =E d6o G. i\g iEo2 C) t -rO<FG()ur<2trUJF(rz-o O HH! T^.Ko'-\"\Pq j\-r.,r g"q:\Ar* T\.e<ffi* Repainting Painting Method and Type of Palnt. When ParntlnS avoid clo88in8 or lJrrdgrng , surface opellinSs Use a Parnt of hieh hrdinfi Power since rt rs oesiiable to keeP ttre number of co.?!s oF Paint to a minimum on acoustical tile. Hiding char acter of Paint is a Particularly important consideration when a single coat is exPecred to covei statns or change the cotor of the tile. Some Painl. manufacturers Provicle sPecl- fic formulations which have hieh hiding Power. low com- o,istioititviid are not likely to bridge oienings in rhe tile Wneiiever Possible, aPPIY Painr oF rhis wDe. In all cases. aPPIY paint as tnrnlY as Possible Procedure. First remove all dust and cjirr from surface ro be repainted. Use interior .'tcrylic. vrnyl. larex or alkyd paints manuFactured bY ieoutable comPanies: arld foilow marrulacturer's instruc- tions for thinning and aoolicatron. Avoid heavy brush pi6ssure in aPPlYinS Painr. With roller, remove excess painr betore applying - especially imPortanl when reoainrinR fissured or oerforate-d acoustical tile - and avoid hcavy roller pressure. In SPraYinS Parnr' i<eep spray gun Pressure low and apl)l/ minrrxum coverage for adequate hroanS. Spot PaintinE' SPol Paint badly stained areas lrf5t. then apply paint to entlre cerl- ine area.-Sevcre stains shollld Ue lr P.1ter-l brforrr reP.lirlt in8 lo JJr(jvani l)le(id thr,.)uEl1. For (lr'l.rii1, (,f | | e,ltrlrent. . ( tlil,li ( '-l..rt:'::( Fire Performance. lf rCl)(l,nl itr i> Ic,ltrirefJ. i'ri.r DuLlhc burlclinS. for example. clroo5c paint wlth extLl care. Of course a more flammable Daint will increase the Flame boread Classification of aioustical materials alreadY installed Several Paint manu- facturers oFfer formulations that are classified bY Under- wrirers Laboratories lnc. in their BuilditrS Malerials Directory. The rvDe of Painl selected or misa-pplication can affect the flre performance ano acoustiial ProPerries of the ceilinP. product. Celotex discllims llabilitY for the performance of the Produ lf modified. H#-8owtCW ln Tinrc-ft*el For many Years, Under- writers Laboratories Inc. nas required the use of hold-do cliDs in all rated lay-in Panel assemblies. Based on rions of data reSardinS gas l oressures developed in Rres.' UL has revised their require- ments as follows: "Hold-down cliPs are nol Industry Standards Celotex recommends 'Acoustical CeilinSs - Use anc, Practice as a reference fc.rr all specifiers. desi8ners, builcler5. and other! in!'olve(l irt con- sfr rJctir)ar wllore a fc ll il e.i t I rr;,1 ,- C.ilirrllt- <,:e l',be USt'l.i Thii b...,rr''Jel. which is pur, lishecl by the CeilinS5 and lnrerror Svslem5 Contractorl Associati6n (CISCA), is a help- fLrl euide to the selection and insrallation of acousti- cal ceilinSs. Cooies are available upon request from qelotex Regional Sales Offices. -BxC_ 2. Rolls are Pref erable to batts. Rolls sDan multiple cross tees with onlY occasional contact with back of acoustical material. 3, Insulation must weiSh not more than 0.4 lb./sq. fi. (ApDroximatelY B" of glass fiber insulation) Acoustical materials are no! structural and excessive weiSht can cause ceilinS to sa8 or even fall. 4. Insulation is lo be applied at right anSles to cross tees so that the Srid carrles maln load of insulation. 5. Insulation must not be olaced on back of Protectone' ceilings 6, A professional engineer must be consulted for design of Plenum ventinS system to preclude condensation in the plenum. Cclotex will not be responslble for damage or fallure of th€ acousti' cal materlal, 8rld, llght fix' ture, structur€, etc. due to condensatlon, or cxcessive loadlng on back of ceillng. 'VanlaSe l0 Products shall not support any Insulatron. Maintenance of Acoustical Ceilings Cleaning Spots, Dirt Marks, Dust' Use soft art 8um eraser lo remove small sl)ots. darl marks and Streaks. F()l larSer areas. use a spon8e rubber Pad. or walloaner cleaner. Make sure the sDonRe rubiler P.]d or v,,ilkirrr-ri cle'arrrr is in fr(:sh (f)ndrlron TOtt,,lr utt nit k: ;nd -<,. | <rich(':i !'/illt ( llJlk R,'n,.-,t'4 ct r.r lry [)ru',lNlll li2lrtirl' '71111'., ,_,1 .:: lrrU,,lrOr (lr,;i'r( lt)tlt..'t 1., v.r.. utrrnirr6l ,,,rith :,r)[l lil l r"ir aita( hrn('nt. Washing Do nor moisten tile excessively. Never soak tile with water. Wash bY liShr applicatiorr ot sponSe dampened by mild liquid defergent solutrof r: aLJouI one' half capful in one Sallon water. After sarurating the sponge. squeeze nearly dry, then li8htly rub the surface to be cleaned. direction as texture if tlle is ribbed or embossed SPttio/ Nof"t , , , ' , , ,,.,, ,,,=r,,,.,, r, ,rr,,,,r,,,',, ,, ,, ,rr,, ur'r''; or,r,,r,, LlghtlnB ln considerinR iob conditions ancl stanclards frnicn aflect the aoDearance of the comPleted cbiline install.rrion. it is recom' nrendbd tnar the lightinB selected be the tYPe thar will enhatlce fhe ceilinS rarher than create an adverse or unsatrs- factory aPPearance Factors inf ltrencing ceilittS appearance .1re. intensity of li8ht. heiSnt C,t ceiiinR, direction oF liSht includinE, outside l:8hr through windows, and mountlng of fixtures. The most critical Of these i5 the direction of the liSht source in relation to the ceilinS Plane. Low anEle light. whether from a fixture-or fiom tne buitding exterior. accentuaies normal ceiling plane irreSulsrities . affecting adverselv tne rrnal appearance or the installatlon. An unfavorable aPPearance condition can result early in a cerltnR installatiolr betore occupa-ncy liShring is in Place ancl in use Temporsry con- struction liShting selclom Drovi.Jes a satisFaclory evalu- btion of the ultimate flnished cetlinR appearance Archrtects shoulb specify thai occupancy |tehtinP is in use before any ciiricai-inspection of the ceilinS is made. lF the normal pccupancy use is under artificial liSht aPProvali acceotance insl)ec:lons should t)e made only under these conflrtlons. Thermal lnsulation Above Suspended Ceillngs' The Practice of Installing insul.llion on the L)3ck of rusl)encled ceilin6s is not . rclviied. The propar lo(atron l.r insul(rl.rf)n ttlrtefinlS is iri the ri)(,f slruarrjra. tll(lltia tnts t,l.r{,:i lll. ..lr',/J l,a:i1l (,tll-,i'j.' i ,i llrt' Ii.'r .',r:tt tli" I 'r/ .i\r!itlirr(' .'..,nr:lijn!ir i t,)n (l Jl r' -1il{-' i,1 tilal ilrici. tile. liSht frxtu fs. elc. ll ol hcr i()L' conri(leiirlri)l l:' rerluire insulatir)n ao Lre installed on rhe back of the ceiling. fhe tollowing Points must be carefully consrclere0. l. lf the ceilinS must be insulated a vaoor relarder laced insulation must be used with va'lor retarder facing down. sPttio/ Nof"t , , , , , ,,,, ,,,rr,,,.,, r,,r,,',,r,,,,,r,, '. ,rr,tur,,r,,,; or,r'r,, LiShting ln considerinE iob condrlrons anct standdrds whrch affecf fhe aoDearance of the completeo cbitine installarion, it is recom' nrendled that the liShting selected be the rYPe thai will enlrance the ceiling rather tnan create an adverse or unsatiS- factory aPPearance Factors influencinB CeilillS appearance are. inrensity of li8hr. herght ot ceiiin8. direcrion of liSht irrcludi|ra outside liSht through vJindows. an0 mounflng ol'fixtures. The most critical of these is rhe direction of the liSht source irr relation to lhe ceilinS Piane Low anqle liRht, whether from a fixture-or fiom the btrilding exlerior, accentuates normal ceilinS Plane irregul-lrilies affecring adverselv rhe rrnal appearalnce of the installation. An unfavorable aPPearance conclition can resulr early in a ceihng irrstallatron before occupancy liShtinS is in place and in ust Tempor3ry con- srruction liShting seldom provides a Satisfac:ory evalu- ;riorr of the ultimaie flnished cerlirlP appearance. Archirects shoutd spec iFY lha: occtrPancy liqhtinp is rn use before any cirticaiinspection of the ceiling is made. lf the normal pccupancy use is under .rfi iFicial light aPProval/ acceptancle inspec:ions should be made only under these conrlrrions. Thermal Insulation Above Suspended CeillnSs' The practice of InstallinS insul.rtion on the b3ck of lusl)encle(J cei|n8: is not rdviscd. 'lhe ProP:r lcr{alitrrt l,-|| ilisul.r:rorr r'n.Jteri..]15 is lri Ihrj rucrf 5l ru( | r,lr8. tl.,c.'Lr:'a i nts 1,1."..:i, tllr'/J.'/" l11 ,!)t irlll"l/l(' t,i tltt l.rlt,l,.tilt llL,' ' l',, .1\r(,i''lrri!l (,Jnr.lijllt(tir.)ll dr li':lllil i,r rl-re llri(1, tile. litllt Flxlr.r'('-\. Plc. ll ot h(-'l l()1, (On"rrj.r.rlrr,rl5 require insulalir)n to Lle insr.llled on the b,1ck or the reihnS. the following Poinls must be catefully considerecl. l. lf the ceilinS must be insulated a vapor retarder faced insulation mttst be used with vaPor retarder facing cIown. 3C) 2. Rolls are Preferable to batts Rolls span mulliPle cross tees with onlY occasional contact with back of acoustical marerial. 3. Insulalion must weiSh not more than 0.4 lb./sq. ft. (Approximarely B' of Slass fiber insulation) Acoustrcal materials are not Structural and excessive weiSht can cause ceiling to sa8 or even fall. 4. Insulatron is ro be applied ar righl angles lo cross tees so that the Qrid carrles maln load of iisulation. 5. Insulation musr not be olaced on back of Protectone' ceilings. 6. A professional enSineer must be consulted for desi8n ot Plenum venling system to preclude condensation in the plenum, Celotex wlll not be responsible for damage or failure of the acoustl' cal materlal, 8rld, llght flx' ture, structure, etc. due to condensation, or excessive loadlng on back of ceillng. 'vantage l0 Products shall not supporr any Insu larlon. Maintenonce of Acoustical Ceilings Cleaning Spots, Dlrt Marks, Dust. Use soft art gum eraser to remove small spots. dirt marks and streaks. F()r larSer areas. use a sponge rubher P30, or wallpaper cleaner. Mak.-' sure lhe sl)on8e rrrt)ber P.ld or v,,nlll);rfJet cleatrr'r i5 in ftt:5h C (,lrdtt loll Tcrtttlru;t lli( L! ,rnd .,,. ',riclr('5 \^/illr ( lr.llk llt'rr'i,.'.-' rl r I lry [',ru',1r lrJ' liilrriIrt".,,'rtlr.r ,.,f ii [,lo',1 rJl ( lr'l'l( 1,t'.1r.'.,t lt1 v.r! uurnirr[] ',^.,rth Strll l)r t j'.1 I ailnc hrrl( t'lt Washing Do not moisten tile excessively. Never Soak tile wtth water. Wash by liShr application of sponSe datnpenecJ by mild liquid deterSent Solutron: aooul crne- half capFul in one gallon warer. Afler saturating the sponge, squeeze nearly dry. then lrshtly rub the surfacc ro be cleaned. direcrit>n as texLure if tile is ribbed or embossed. in their BuildinB Materials Drrectory. The type of Paint selecled or misaoolicarion can afrect the Rre Performance and acousriial Properties of the ceilinp product. Celotex disct;ims llability for the perforrnance of the Product if modified. Hold-Down CliPs ln Time-Rated Assemb/ies (Protecton€ Panels) For many Years. Under- vJriters Laboratories Inc. has required the use of hold-down cliis in all rated lay-in Panel assemblies. Based on evalua- f ions of data regardrng 8"s oresSures developeo In rlres. UL has revised their require- ments as follows: "Hold-down cliPs are not required for assemblies incor- poiating ceiling Panels weiSh- inp not less than one Pouno oe-r square footl' All Celotex Protectone lay-in oanels (both molded and felred broducts) are manufacrured at bensities providinB a wei8ht Der square foot of I Pouncl or inore. As such. hold-down cliPs are not required to comPlY wirh rhe UL DesiSns. Local authorities havinB iurisdiction should be consulted For requirements of local codes. Industry Standards Celotex recommends 'Acoustical CeilinSs - Use anci Pradice as a relerence For al speci[iers, degi8ners, builder',. .rnd orhers invc)lverl irr con- sir uct|lJn v/ll.'fe clf( lrll.:([(l;4 ,,eilrn'l:,.':a: tr_' be u5t'{.1 Thi-i bcrrirlci, whrch is putr lrslrerJ by lhe CeilinSl; .1nd lnterior Svsletns Corrtractor'; tr55s6i61ion (clscA), rs a help- ful cuide to the selectron and- installation of acousti- cal ceilings. CoDies are available upon request from qelorex Regional Sales Offices. Repalnting Painting Method and Type of Palnt. When Parntrng avoid cloSSin8 or llnoSrng . surface oPenings Use a Palnt ot hiPh hidinrl Power slnce lt rs desiiable to keeP tlre number of coats of Paint to a minimum on acouslical tile. HiciinB char- acter of Paint is a Particularly important considerarion wnen a sin8le coat is expecteo to covei sta'ns or change the color of the tile. Some Paint nranufactttrers Provide SPeci- fic formulations which have hrph hidine Power. lo\ / com- bistioilrtylnd are not likely to brid8e openlrtss in the trle' Wneiever PossiL'le. aPPIY Paint of this tvpe. In all cases, aPPIY paint ai thinlY as Possible. Procedure. First remove all dust and cJirr from surface ro be repainred. Use interior .1crvlic, vtnvl. lalex or alkYcJ paihts manufactured bY repr-rrable companres: ano foilor,.r manufacrurer's instruc- tions tor thinning and applicarion. Avoid heavy brush prissu re in aPPlYing Paint. With roller. remove excess paint before aPPlYing - especially imPor(ant when rel)aintinS fissured of perForated acoustical lile - and avoid heavY roller pressure. In sprayinS Paint' keep spray 8un Pressure low and ap?l / mtnirnum coveraSe for adequate hroinE. Spot PaintinS. SPot Paint b,lclly slatned areas {r",tl then apply paint to entrre cerl- in! area. Scvcre stains sh'ltlld Ue t! e.llecl b:fore I cl)ni'rl infl lc) |)f(rvcrii l.)leaicl tl1l,.)u8ll. t ()r (lr'i.riii r:tI ltealn'r:nl . rlritlli f''l(.tl''r Fire Performance. ll [ei).lr1tirr8 i: reqLrirecl, i''r a publi( builclinS. for examPle, choo5c Paint wirh extr.r cirlc Of course a more flammable rraint will increase the Flame Spread Classificatron of aioustical materials alreadY installed Several Paint manu- facturers offer formulations rhat are classified by Under' writers Laboratories Inc. Iq \1'1 PERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON WED THURINSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL,UMBING: /r*oa"o*or*o u6o^/ D.w.v. D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING - FOUNDATION / STEEL , , ^ .)/,a L-J ) .X_J t FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL .rr-. FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr,coNDUJT O SUPPLY AIR n tr FtNf!.:O FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPRO.VED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED *ffis"o" ./ - t (-;-l D.a17 ,r z/- 2 - t'> tNSpEcToR1'/ )lt-l llotIr I I INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME *i!rr.l tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ,^tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr o FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr o tr D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr o n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR r.- I tr-1 Q u tt \ \ p LOCATION: DArE tr [ 9g JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION fI POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL CONDUIT DATE INSPECTOR ,l (l \qQ R OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST . VAIL JOB NAME MON CATLER THUR FRI PM-l'ir@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERRAMING OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL I neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED X oo-re //-z?- F rNSpEcroR hffis*e itthci |J "---1 I \ | PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT I roB NAME INSPECTION: I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL dnoucH / D.w.v. Xouc" / wArERtr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr tr n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: * tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r-1 IJ SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL )daeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR L.- tu11 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL I J{\t+' t,,r INSPECTION: JOB NAME cellen I i' MON TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION:J\i,t rnl.. J I ''.1 I ,^(nppnoveo COHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D oE-: FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR niffi$oP t\rr.INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPROJECT JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: \ '"i'\ \.. PERMIT NUMBER oor, \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr tr tr n UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n^ tr SUPPLY AIR n APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O HEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / .l - .' tt-)ATE /<-<7'c,/ |NSPECTOR i: r-it- rlt !- i- r{- PERMIT NUMBER OF INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL I ./ D^TE : IA JoB NAMEll READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:4-oD," PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE /-/a'fl rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Gru_n.READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER to* ..,\t'lt i -, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - BOOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB B SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED RRECTIONS: o/lte /*//-,?2 rNSPEcroR P"ffiso" FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol iters need to be comp'l ete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMP0RARY C of 0 fi .r*r,r,*r, o, or*oo*r, ct-t =e.u, o- c! c! rn -if 1.r] rn ooo (\ N tn IJJult! F =e, IJJd \HU\=s\ o\ c.) z H 2 F) ,o\ 'c'\ [! .--.,rIF r> tz I< lHI F-l l--.r O 9.,,'tgOHl(5tz oJ uJF E, in ==o zz ii:ltlF,ol2j oizlo. 5l coi -tolz 2l :.{ {a3 t)a -{ 3 lzl9 L4 l<l9 F1pr Or (t t-l Ll Fi .E IIJz3o utIF oz c2; l'--: w -i.+ c.w,t ., r,il__.: d i;::{ t{=H* $ril"- H z F1 Fl E(,E !rIl6 .g o-o,6q$oF o-c ooooc6 .s Po (DG o qc6 oltoo ot .g 3 o E o =cl do eo,o,(6 '.9 E iEgg egE :: €EE9 :€EE.sPI; EEEi EEgE E!sco,6 cL- SEaeo!Eo =€e€ ;Ecg - o..!3 () -- c f I ct O'- E.c= o o 5r;cr E giE ffE;9Eo - !EH'E @ (\ cr)F F ln rn Ln C! rn F-.if o\ * ETe uJ4ozoj @ I() UJ ()z o. .J IEF uJJ uJ oz !o = i J oz lrjt w UJt!zo F u,c, uJe E o @ e UJczI(t uJo F at R uJo z ul () x F IIJo z Fl [t] H .J) (tt uJurl! ts =e. LlJc J FoF oz o o J Ic,F.JurJul oz loI =JG -Iz E(, uJT H H NOtMlVA IE. l^i:"lE- - n, luf ur 3 lr = l0 N lc YCe2o<Iv6 5 5'F^UrZ Bd=EgEg fiE Eg TE -N('- ilE ilg z9F ) q E uJo. N(\ - uJ z F 14z9F e uJF =uJz tltltltl trzlz9AFlu<oo<o* =Hxr!5o<2 at) =z.. 2=..lF .u-63trOI tlII+ll'I tF1I tzI toI l=ttrtl-tltlr-T;I tiI t<l513 l"slh ullJJ cE oo uJzx iF ul F 2I latz o = at, rl<li-l zl zl .. >l ur UJ llJzot UJ o- J z E z o H t;,; N I acl (D t-c! .:rJ O UJF .n @oazo l-o- llJv UJo oF E GoruJ coo o'' b1>9o-lo{oxtlgu,aEzo z .rPz4 coo ==d8Hrr i*(J9= =e? =sE ts =GulGtto EgE<ge TPb9'58 E t=E FE: HEE irT dFsi IIJ @ oF @ E =Elrlo.zoF()3E 6zoo dl<l ;lEIt oz -tlt E:J @- F J IA HB z rt) B v) r:i =z @ -l F\ @.n I .<r o- z OlNr\N X Fq u)ut IJJ o I tr{ 14: t - utI z F rns Is(\ N F I \Tc\ cjz <tul J lto z3o F H(Az H ArE F-1 I c c\\+ c\| cO IsNc! tltltltt(Jl Ic'.llHt I!-11 .lxl ol-t zlrdl cilI utl '.11 cElXl =l*l sl ^21 El6|qlzldaEFI \o @o I\o @ Or N a2H E Fl ts tg tl Jl s-l l!lol =l olH o2 0tlc Ja a!ozioF E -rO<F&() IJJ <zg LIJ F.rt Zo() 0a 9P s3 =Fd6 C) z Io uJ = E, ':= UZmgtr SUFUIAY SANDI^JICH tr SALAIiS f 15I North Frontage Roacl hlest Vsi I . trol orado S1657 Ortcl:er .[ , 1989 A: l'iITCHEN EGIUIF'l"lENT ' Item: 4. Fond Harmer - integral with Durl,:e eandwich baine,gee i tem #5. 5. Sandwich Eraine - Durl,:e $5r.rb-1O]-RT l\1. S. F. Approved Inclr-rdes: Hinged covers, stainlee;s steel insert pa.ns at hot wel 1 o Fl asti c i nsert pan:; at col d compartrnent open ba--e. B. Mi crowave - Amana RC B 9. Hand gi nk wi th sc:ap di speneer ,, si ngl e servi cG? paper towerl s, hot i< col d rltnni ng water. l(1. Soda l"lachi ne - Ice/Eteverage Di spenser. Fy Fepsi - Servend model kd-SCt. Indirect Drain with 1" air gap to f loor sinh. no I i nerg wi 1I run thrr-r bin. hl. S. F. Approved. 11. SIicer - globe #AI5L. 15. 51 icing Table - Stainless Steel - l!.S.F approved. 14. Free:er: Nova Lirre NIFZ I door., N.S.F Approved'' self cantained evaporaL.or panr zinc p1ated wire racks i ntegral . 15. Stararge ghel veg - rlor I at,:e 1B-4S:inc piated {ree standi ng wi. r-e shel vi ng. 1.7 " .[ce mactrine * ]ce.*O-l4ati.c tap mnutnt ice clrber-, tdi l l rnt:unt on top o{ pop machi ne. l!, Si. F, Approved 39. Velg Sink - Urre ccmparl.rnent st;r j. nl egs e.teerl ginl: r with c:ne 24'" dr.ti n [:o,-rrcl . o Fage ! 1{3. Sink - 3 cornpartment., Ar-eo F IFL-f,*t14S-lALR - N. S. F. direct drain, hot fr cold rurnninq water, !4" drain bc:ards, lef t tr righi:, .I cornpar-tmen{:g * 21" f ront to back x 16" Ieft Lo right:l 1;ii" cieep. AlI lrtengi l s3 artd eqLti pment uli I I surbmerger at I eaet L /! r,iay i n tt-rbg. Eperator will provide ganitiiing chernicals, largest lttensi I is bread pan I3" >: 18" x !". 1?. l1:). ?3. 31. Flop si nl: - f l. osr mor-tnt base,, frot 8r col d water wi th vacLrLrrn breiarller , hose r fiRF hoolls above. l'lc:t water tan[,: - A.O. Srnith FT-1:O caPacity = 75 gal . Recovery rate is clegree ri ge" gas f ire-'d, tanl: I 16 GF'H at 1(J(:) :l . Ref ri dgerator - ltlorl a[:e li:LC 66,, N, S. F approved, 4 >: 6 walll-in, al Lrmi nurm e>lterior iz interior wal 1s, galvanized metal {1oor, sel{ contained rlvapclrator, no {loor drain(no lrangi ng f oods ? not i ntended to be lrosed ourt ) , wal I mottnt ligtrt, wire rack type shelving :inc plated. 12.Bai:i ng oven - |!U.-VU OF-2 - El ectr i c approved, for bread balli. ng on1y, non Etread racks * NU-VU half height on casters, for holding bal:ed bread crn pans. Stainlegs Steel Norll 'i'aL:le. l\l ,S,F, approved crnit, N.S.F dlrcted r oi wi th covers I,IIStr" i,:: ITCHEN AIID FACILITY INtrORI'1A-IION: liio syrlrp 1i bing ar ice n€rr: or cold pl ate'g wi. ll be inetalled in ice st or,$g €r eqr-ri pment, 3, T. 4..rtn ex haurst hood i. ri not ann l i c;rb 1 e " bei ne greas.e cool;i n-q irr thie faciliLy. There-. wi 11 ber no ctas cclof,:i ng e+quri pmernt o a1 I equri pment will be inst.elled go it can be cleaned areL(nd, alI equti pment fastened to walLs wiII be caurl hed at joints. f.t ste.'arn hot:cl i s nc:l: app I i ci+b I c+ Faqer .5 6. Festr-oom wiIl have rnecirani cal ventilation, selfclogt."r on door, soap, single service towels, traehreceptacler, and adeqr-rate l ighting. Comrnon restroomg(male '!r {emalel) are also nrovide in tire mal I area 7. r+i.tfr in ?C)(l L.F. of the Sr-tburay" Total geating capacity is ?4. No alcohol Eervcicl , bathrccm wi I t h"rve 1 water cI osetI l avatory, Hot water tanlr - A. O" Srnith ET-l:t) gas f ired. Recovery rate is 116 GFH at lClO degrec? rige. t"lop si n l; wi l l be f l oor mournt bagi n type wi th vacurlrm bra:aker hose bib li hose; l"lop hocl:s to hang mops above si n f': . gl asses Lrsed. Atl items wi 1l be an cl 1Cr. t{ t"l There wilL ber no dishe$ orwiII be paper service. The menr-r consiEts o{ gr-rb sanclwi ches arrd salads. There are two hand si nl,:s prcrvi ded and easily accessable where {ood is prepared, alI hand sinl:g have hot Et cc:ld running water thru "r mi>ting valve, sj.ngle service hand towel. s and soap dispensers. Eqlti pment requriring {loor drains; Soda tower ice bin, ai r gapped to Fh-r tr lrnder cot-rnter wi th access f or cleaning. Hot lrl.rter Heater pressL(re rel ief valve dr.:li ns into ad jacent {loor drain. Vegetable gink wi 11 i nd i rect drai n i nto f I oor si nl: bel ew. Three comparrtment si nl': will i.ndirect drain into {loor sink beI crw. bJaL tr i n coc.l errs wi l. 1 not be urs;ed f ar i ced prodctcts, hanging me:ats or any prodr-tce requriring f 1r-r*hing, There ig no floar drain in u'ra1 ll-in. Any floor sinl:s r..ri 1.L be accessable for cleaning and graded tc: drai n flaor" There.l i s. nc: di --h machi ne, l frc.lre j. s rio cii'ealire tra;: " t.i 1b. 11 .ti l:'ac-;e 4 FlLrmbing 9z electric will. be witirin walls. no lines uriILrL(n c:n f loor e any accessor-y l inee r.ri l1 tre inst;rl led tof aci 1i tater prc:per ci etani ng. Al I ext'.eri cr doors wi 11 he norrnalwith s;eI f closers, t.reratlrer s.tripare no openinq nindcws, bathroom c I osers. 1y closed tr f itteo r,tnd threaghol ds, there doors wi I 1 have garl f The light levels will ber adeqltate: any f i>ltures in foodprep areag will ber shielded. Fi ni shes wi L l cornpl y: lrlal tr inI walls alurminurm, {loor- qalvani:ed steel "Serving g{ preF floorl Vinyl Cornposition tile, lightcol or ., cclved vi rryl bage at wal 1:;.Dining roomt Duarry tite with qr-rarry tile base.- Bath floor; VCT .. Off trJhitr_" color-. - Frep walls; semi*gloss paint, light otf white wash ab l e. - Frep &,t servirrg ceiIinge; Vinyl Eyp-board ceismooth snrface. white. col or' 1ing, - Serving area wa11s; 4' wainscoat yellow color"tnaFIite" gmootlr surrf ace n pai ntec! waLl above {beigecolor r5ami -gl clss) , vi.nyl wal I mlrral bordetr, l?', downat cei I i ng , coved vi nyI base. - Serving area cournters: - plastic l arn tops andfronts, kortron inside liqht color (white). - Storage shelvingl ulire rac[,: type galvani:edn misc,t:hel vi ng pai nted I crmber I i qht col or. - Restroom u,ral1gi gmoottr gnr{acei l i ght- beige co1or, L\Jr,g! l. c:t=t:- l?. Hi l. 1 sLrbmi t eampl es o{ ; vi nyl barder , f I oor.i ng nwarl I pai nt , at yoltr requrest, :f,, A1 I etoraqe sf.rel vi nq wi I I be at l e:agt 6,' above { l oorany equipment nnt easi ly mavaLrl e uvi l l he car-rl [,:ed to ad joi ni ng eurr*ace:i. :4. 'f he*re wi I 1 be ?4,' ceiling, otheruri::er c l. o--e-,d i n " cl E-'a.rance Lretween the wal k-i n gr clny {:FJ !r.c € l esg than ?4', r,ri I I tle The r-lurmpstrpr u.,r i I L bel l nc;rte+d nn er [:c]ncr.fi':e or n":r:na1tpacJ {*ur6:pl i eld at eir j. sti rrg hr_ri l cl i ng i . F'r n r- Ei !6. The averaqe nLrmb€rr trf ernpl oyeeE crn dLrty is Lwor re"-rc- r,\r i I L tle cclat hocrl,:|:i tr sfrel { f r.:r theli r Dersonal i tern!:. ?7. Theree ulil1 [:e a 1{r', high glass snr..:e:e g(-rarcl rnounted cntop af ::€?rvi nq colrnter d i vi der i n {ront of eancjwi ch 18, Toxic rnaterial s and sLrrpl Lrs cleaning itemg wilt begtored bacl,: by the: mop sinll away from food operations, food gtorage, and utensi I wagiring {acili.tie':;. UJo J v> o 9c z o z F6oG '! E:l O o:i= : * e?V } 9E E:e u x-v 4 -.. -9 : = c ai 9: t:,;;€j; E eE E Z;Z P P,=-yc-*.t 4.= ? 273:E;j*a-.i-eE E€ !;;5j i i.= Z= !:* !---JE:? ;:e i 2 ..+ i i 1iE,+-. ?=; a-gXEEb: ii I ! !,5 l-.gEa2 *i ::;?t o o\ @ F Dz F) frt Fz &E r{& z \o'{c{ g 60 ca .; U P,..>'&FOrht&t=to c4lI-'{i Xe{l H'$l t) I I o! ' !E IH z (\ I I Hz g xHvt & U tn q) HB z v) >r E Fq <A z qkl a\ o F'^orH9ts 5=o* FV!.J?zzr{<< 3izna\JY.ii-zop53d lrl LE3?u->Qop:FP:ZUXLrJ \ --.!sts\ AZqQS=i:or zr!F--a< ,.. =E:FF<V PAE: {z >h><-y SI{JF!? E r,..: l!FtrTXhJ ilto> B*FP-.-Yv t-F=X Vl\,iv 1956 5rF_h,^FY* FSSE +rF -0AtFtt+rfratt aaR ENtsiE aiFEr{ .lJlr!aH -afiJdF fHe l-t+ts((F?(F? trll9 hddLIF) -E *FrIFLIf* sv rFl trt A.rFt Ei{ IPif-frl-)rhlhA.g rNs l --\ -lDATE I 17. I JOB NAME f t,:a vAlL ^tcn I PECTION -rowN" oFfu't''ri q') REQUEST CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: K\PPRoVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r(lryv r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr Dtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL D FINAL UNDpzuruoe tr ROUG O POOL / H. TUB INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REOUE;T DArE \qa JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: I tr HEATING thouor . tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED -,.;,{tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor,_ ,i ? )'- ,/:? rNspEcroR ETr,. t INSPECTION CALLER L_( I (: INSPECTIoN: MoN rUES WED THUR f aRi\, f ;ih pM, \ ..n \,_._/\ u.,. ;t \ t'. . \. [rrs-9-V O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED REQUESTI l--\ I -{4-i lJl-. , PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -l)l-, ''-'-.. DArE "l I JoB NAME __a READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL '(-l BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH i WATER E FOOTINGS / STEEL . D FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL i H. TUB HEETROCK tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANlCAL: o tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 'l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF I REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,' JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n T] FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR J\,*o.tr FINAL i6"raoveo --qk tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: diFsrrce +zt1 i* INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMB I DATE lQ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUB FRI R OF PROJECT ''c(\t t-1 (", ) 6At e: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL I-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK tr tro n FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL E] o FINAL il INSPECTION REOUEST OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL C\r--.,./ Joa NrnNre CALLER READY FOB LOCATION: NSPECT TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING I tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr o tr tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL -tr FINAL fineenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ni&*ro" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, /- /7 - 2d ,o, INSPECTION REQUES.T TOWN OF VA|L e NXUe - CALLER //4-,o READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nrfrisrop FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a fjnal C of 0, Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 ctz E-E uJo- o 4 oo!n an uJ uJu- E =E uJo- \ssss*<D(D EEItrtX NN ttl FfNF{<Fl ts(nz fr] Lg, o (J t!l!o('zo tuF o E c,F.2z. z2 o uJFoz oz oJfo€ 0 =z6 ffiohl FE .g;5tNO -oIcc ECIFOcb!5oo PE EE8o6oD O,E:E EB6Eoo':= Ef ,'= E-69eg ocLc6t' o.9 '-E a d:gE6C 3;E EEE €rE =e; g >=c96'- cl.c 3Et EE-F500 --= c,b'= o.=o+, E5 i.Y- 6cto o-SE; or o.E€e E6:g E.E iiE -vtr6 0'-E=O- -.c gEi PIlo EfiE sEa -o6 \'.rt o \'.ar Etc, UJAozoJ l ao IouJIoz Jo- J o F() arJ UJ 0z 6t JA J 9z E UJ = ul UJu.-I !JGoule oc o ao '_u,l uJEzI u,o F6I uJo o. =2 uJ (, x F u,ol at UJIJtl tr =c uJ o-J FoF (,zoj fto J IcFo u,lJ UT (9 =.otD o- I a-<) uJt F F' IorIVn]Y IE IHll IE gx tLzo<zHOtl o-EI 9p. <Pc UJMzo ug a6brg=- FTItno E9|!<og Eg 'i s,i - >E 3tn =@ z9F lJ u. o- =oe.(J IJJo. F rn e L uJe z Eo b4Xt4zo F c,llJ =UJz tltltltl U' =29akoo<OJ =H<z v, tr2.. 9?-iFd6}E ul J E oolltzY9 z tr 5a,z I 14z z -J- a) =Fx IJJ o = <t lJl<ltrl =l zl .. >lo uJ uJ urzo E Eut o- J zo F 6o (,z Fu, 5o il; t;*; c{ I C! @(\l -+OO 3 () at'tz,r9 $zz. a oo Fl =2HiF s :fi8 ui Eooo1zo o- uJY ut dt oF E trl otIJJ (Do. o'! r!lo.liNlOJ9HrElgurbkz6 E G UTo. l!o EgF;E'2TPa95E F H; E EEI lurE XO-E ;t[ 5'€f uJoo @ ts =EJ!o.z9F C)fE 6zo C) trt! FJ Fl H Hv) FlB (9 =lt I I I JJo FoJ z4lfrl<FDtrH F&)trri| F1*1frl Fl T4 Fl z HH z il =z 6o-l t ts rtr Fltrl ts z N (n Xo Fq A a UJcoo J : \o \o I io- tlH 6 =g l! at <t IJJ oo ! I o- F6 tEII oz o IIJ J a ttoz3oF zH H H trl Ffrlr z an t'lFJ te II T.$ r..l . ctz ciul e. J- t!oz EF @.if, rn F I@c{ F I @ u u F =c l'|- :q CJz 6utE J l!oz3IF =tr oz <tIIG J ttoz3oF luJ llJF t UJz =o F() UJ E-c)E E -rO<FGC) IJJ <zEIIJ Fazo o JT<oC)F =oH'\2tro --() 2"? 3Ed6o EF 33 EE Go E ir9i F t--o2 o J<c)t4 ltrir lll =oa ,'t DFtr .l ,'At'IA / REQUEST' VAIL sllUDATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON J /5/ CALLER TUES WED UR 'I ,rad {r i BUILDING: tr FQOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING Ir ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr tr n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 0 tr SUPPLY AIR rl d ,,*o,-tr FINAL APPROYED /,<-tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ aqY M*'%fu 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlce ol communlly developmenl Dtarch l-7, 1988 Mr. BiIl Post P.O. Box 3149Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Weiland Trip1ex, Lot 5, Vail Vil1age West Filing SI,1762 Alpine Drive Dear Bill: I have been unable to find any inforrnation on Lot 5, VaitVillage West Filinlt #I relating to whether or not this property was legally built as a triplex. Attached to this letter is aletter frorn Jiro Curnutte from the Eagle County CornrnunityDevelopment Departrnent. He has been unable to locate anyinformation on the property. To the best of ny knowledge thereis no information on this lot as to whether the units werelega1ly constructed. Therefore, there is no infornationindicating that the dwelting units are necessarily ittegal .However, in the future if information is made available thatindicates the illegality of any dwelling unit, staff wouldclearly consider the project an illegal non-conforming use. I am sorry that it took so long to get you this information.However, I felt that I had better try to check into allpossible departments that rnight have information on theproject. ff you have any further questions, please feel freeto give me a caIl. Sincerely, '/ | n.llIr I L l-- flirft4q trrtf Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP:br Enclosure from Jim Curnutte oEncLEcouxrf 551 Broadway Eagle,Colorado 81631 (303) 328:7311 March 14, 1988 Town of Vail Department of Community Development ATTN: Kristan Pritz 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 RE: Lot 5, Filing 1, Vail Village West Dear Kristan, This Ietter is in response to your request for information regarding Lot 5, Filing I, of the Vail Village West Subd'i vision. A thorough reviewof the county's earliest records of building permits (beginning'in 1973) did not show that a building permit was ever issued, from the county, for Lot 5. There were several perm'i ts, however, in the Vail area that did not specify lot numbers. An attempt to locate these permits proved futile.All records (building permits, minor subdivisions, etc.) were sent to the Town of Vail jn early 1981. Please let me knon if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, ,h C-t/,"/^fu Jim Curnutte, Planning Technician JC/etrxc: Fi I es Board of County Commissioners Assessor P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box zl49 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81531 Clerk and Recorder P.O. Box 537 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Sheriff P.O. Box 359 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Treasurer P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Planning and Environmental Cornrnission Septernber 28, L9A7 STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom BraunKristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack n \J&i \,'.-^-O e-,1 u 'a PRESENT J.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy OsterfossSid Schultz Jim Viele \ (s J meeting was called to order at 3:OO p.M.Viele.by the chairman, A request for a conditional use it to establish anoutdoor dininq de-k-EE-thE-xoil Res urant located atlhe West Vait Mal1.Applicant: Xowloon Bestaurant Kristan Pritz stated that this item was tabled untir the nextmeet,ing. st for an exterior alteration of less than 1-0Ofeet to 1ocate@ on the west sldino.cant: BelI Tower Associates The J].m t. 2. Sfist?l Pritz, explained the request. pam Hopkins removednerserf from the table, as she was the archilect on theproject. J.J. Coltins noved and Diana seconded to approve :t?t19? locker per the staff merno dated, 9/28/87. The voteb-u-J- rn favor with pan abstaining. 3. 4_rpEe?t to amend Ordinance__3f_!__qelies of 19_g!_P"-.!?iT onorttgubgivisffi ADDI lCElllt ! .Tamps, Shoahan Tom Braun exprained that in r-983 this property was subdividedinto two single farniry.lots with three-coi'aitions of approval ,including the restriction that there be only one drivewiv to-'serve both lots. Jin sheahan showed the site plan and stated that he fett theadditional driveway with the proposed rands""pirg- rould be animprovement over the original-plin. Diana Donovan moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded. to recommendapprovar of the project to the Town council. The vote was 7-orn favor of approval . the was 4.A request for a conditional use t in order to operace conmerc].a s rage in the Concert Hall Plaza BuiIApplicant:Va Inves est for a mlnor subdivision in order to create twoSecondaotson Lot 4 Block 4 vail- Villa e 3rd Applicants: Ben and Martha Rose The applicant, through the staff, reguested this iten betabledr -as they had to be out of town. Diana noved. and peggy seconded to table this iten. The vote was 7-0 to table. The meeting adjourned at 3:30. The rnenbers lrere told of an upcoming public meeting on october7 at Manor vail- to update the public on capital-improvenentprojects in Vail. Tom Braun showed floor plans and explained the differencebetween storage and commercial storage. Comrnercial storagej.nvolves the leasing of space to tenants located off-site forthe purposes of storing materials or goods. Jim Morter,representing the architect, mentioned that the space being usedby Charliers would be increased, which would deciease theconrnercial storage to approxinately L6OO square feet. Diana wondered if one of the proposed three tenants coulddivide his space up and lease the divided spaces to severalother people. Jin Sheahan, owner, replied Lfrat ne had beenapproached by several people asking to do this and had turnedthern down. Tom added that the whole intent of lirniting thenunber of tenants to 3 was to avoid having more tenanti. Hesuggested nodifying the conditions of approval to handre therestriction. Diana moved and seconded to approve the request forthe conditional use on-Etre rower level 6r trre concert HalIP1aza with a rnaximun of three tenants and with theunderstanding that none of the storage wourd be sublet toadditional tenants. The vote was Z-O in favor. 5.A Pr I lod'1 ('L^'' PI,ANNING PRESENT DIEiI-Sonovan Peggy OsterfossSid Schultz Jirn Viele ABSENTJlTloIIins Bryan Hobbs Pan Hopkins AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSTON Septernber 14, L9A7 The meeting was called to order atViele. STAFF PRESENT FeEer-EffienKristan PritzRick SrlnanBetsy Rosolack 3:30 PM by the chairman, Jim 1. Diana Donovan moved and Sid Schultz second.ed tominutes with the addition of the absent membersThe vote rdas 4-O in favor of approval . approve the on August 24. 2. Kristan Pritz reguested to moved and Peggy seconded to 3. A reouest to arnend n n table this itern until 9/zg.table. The vote was 4-0. Diana Kristan Pritz showed the site pran with the originarly approvedentrance and a site plan of the amended proposal . sha rLirieweathe criteria and findings and stated that tLe staff recommendedapproval with three conditions. Andy Norris explained that Vail Ventures had hired weingardEngineers to design the entry from the Frontage Road. freingardstaLed that the onry feasibre way to design the entry would bewith a speed linit on the Frontage Road oi 35 nph a16ng ttrelength of cascade Vi11age. However, the cororaio oiviiion ofHighways pranned this aiea to be 45 mph, so VaiI ventures wasrequesting a new design fron Weingard Engineers. Due to thedifference of opinion between the develofer and HighwayDepartment, the Frontage Road irnprovements will noi be-constructed this year. In the neantime, an interin plan forthe transit nall and pernission to postpone the Frontage Roadinprovernents until the spring of j.9-g8 were requested al A fgquest.fgr a_colditional use permit to establish anouEctoor ctj-ning deck at the Kowloon Restaurant l_ocated in A request, to anend a conditionat TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECTs Planning and Environrnental Conmission Conmunity Development Department September 14,L987 A request for a conditionaloutdoor dining deck at the use permit to establish anKowloon Restaurant 1ocated at {^fid l" qlKl r+ Cornnunity Developmentthe conditionaL use pennit the West Vail Malt.Applicant: Kowloon Restaurant I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The owners of the Kow100n Restaurant are requesting to l0catepnree aininc tabres in the gtrass area in fr6nt oi tn"irrestaurant at the west Vail Marr. The sprit raii fencingwould be extended to enclose the dining '"r"". --1e1".." -""si-te plan. ) Kowroon envisions use of f.his area'during mirdand surnmer weather. Tle. proposal is located in the ComrnerciaL Core IfI zonedistrict which reguires that alt uusiness ;;;;"[i;"=conducted outdoors be reviewed by the pranning conrnissionthrough a conditional use proces-s. II. CRTTERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, theDepartment recommends approval ofbased upon the folJ_owinf factor: "rrr.""t "bi ""ti".,%.' fn general , the staff believes that outdoor dining patios areconslstent with the deveropnent objective= oi-rtr"'torrr. Consideration of Factors. The effect of the use of li t and air Qistribution ofationonactiesutilitiesks and recrea on facilit ES an other lic facneeds. These factors are not affected by the proposal . The effgct upon traffic wi.th particular reference to removal of snow fffi arK]-nq areas. The sidewalk extending al-ong the building wilr be brocked offin order to create the encl6sure arouna fne dining area.Sidewalk access to other shops will not be changed. Therewill be no other impacts on Lhe factors listed ibove. Waracter of the area in which the proposed.--- -- -- ot trre No irnpacts related to these factors. rrr. AI'PFCABLE RET,ATED Po Es oF ELEM!:NTS oF THE coMpREHENsrvEPI,AN Not applicable. IV. Suclr.otlrgr factors and criteriq as the commj-ssion d.eems v.FINDINGS The-community Development Department recommends that theconditionar use perrnit be aplroved based on the forrowingfindings: That the proposed location of the usethe purposes of this ordinance and thedistrict in which the site is located. is in accord withpurposes of the t That the-proposed location of the use and the conditionsunder which it wourd be operated. or maintained ,;uiJ-;;;be detrirnental .to tlre pubric health, safety, o,,"iiu."-or rnateriarly injurious to properties or iipr".r"^""[=-i"the vicinity. That the proposed. use wourd. cornply with each of theapplicable provisions of ttris oiainance. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON approval of the reguest with the conditionconply with all appiopriate f,iquor Boardoutside dining patios. Staff recornmendsthat the ownersregulations for o@ \_- c>s,-\ ll *_x-E E->rl+ n $ 6 =Bv ! ..r ,,. '..4'*1"tt 'e'ot' ntl L_i ntl t_l t-ttllltl L_J I Fz UJ =uto o JJ =J J EulF =o= lrJ == n R luwn KP: br Encl osure 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 22, Lg86 Mr. Dave TyrrellP.0. Box 3]00Vail, Colorado 8.|658 Re: Permitted and conditional Dear Dave. \\<K? uses in Commercial Core III In respect to the attached^ri:t^ll possible uses for commerciar core III, ar.lof the uses listed under la-zl.oio ilclo, and E are atowed except for: 1. A post office.i s a condjtional use. 2. A day care center is not a perm.i tted use. 3' A show room/catarog store is a questionabre use untir this type of storeis further definedl If thi; sto're is usea ror-an"oroering outret for anoutlet store such as Sears, ttren most rikery it wourd be arowed. Alarge showroom for automouitei would not iair wi[[in-ilre existing zoningfor gemmgr.iar.core -III. n ii"ir definition ot wnal this type of storewould involve is realtv neleis"ry to make a aetermination as to whetherit is a'l lowed in commerciii-cor"'rrf. 4. Storage is a conditional use under Commerc.i al Core III. jl.to'have any further questions about these uses, please feer free to carl Si ncere I y,v.t 0rI\nfta\{rF Kri stan Pritz- Town Planner e Re: !.lest Vail Mall - variance request. 18.27 .020 Permitted Uses.n. . .lTnEI udl-ng-TF-fol I owi ng: Accounti ng Brokerage Business offices Financial planning lnsurance Legal Medi cal /dental /optometry0pti ci an/eyegl asses Post office Q,td.lLWi,ii ,;, c Rea'l restate C. (Add the fo1lowing) Bike shop Cards and gifts Carpet and floor coverinqs.Convenience market Cookware and kitchen accessories Home/decorative furnishinqs and accessories ,Imports- flusical instruments .Musi c/dance studio ti",lala tfil+I rlul, Telephone store Vi deo ? l;tad-futt ouJbt D. (Add the followins)- Cosmetics Daycare center Nol dMu.Pd Interior decorator Photocopy/fast copy Pri nti ng Sewing machine sales and reoairs Vacuum cleaner sales and repairs E. (Add the following) Fast food/carry out restaurant 18.27.030 Condi ti ona'l Uses .K. (Aaa-tiGToTTowinsfofl'{ffft,W* Tynell Reolty A\^)N I}IJ5INE5S SERVICE CENIER 3CI I'^ETCAF ROAD . AVON, COLOfIADO IVIAILING ADDRESS: PO5T OmcE BOX 31m VAIL, COLORCDO E1656 303/949-5100 December 8, 1986 Town of Vai'lAttn: Kristan Pritz 75 S. Frontage Rd. }{.Vail, C0. 81657 Re: Permitted uses in Commerc'ia'l Core I II . Dear Kristan, This is to confjrm our previous conversatjons. Attached is a list of possible uses for was abstracted from national statistics While I feel that severa] of these uses existing permitted uses, I am uncertain be covered. Cormercial Core III. This list on neighborhood shopping centers. would be covered under the as to how many of these would P'l ease review these with the staff. If we need to submit an additional change to zoning for Corrnercia'l Core III I would like to get this started in early January. Thanks in advance for your consideration of this request. Very truly yours, TYRRELL JEALTY,// Wru David J. Tyrrell DJT/eah enc'l . POSI OFFTCE BOX 3.100 vAtt,cotoRADoEl65E 303/949-5t00 September 29, 1986 Town of Vai'l Attn: Peter Patten, Zoning Administrator 75 S. Frontage Rd. l'l. Vail, C0. 81657 Re: West Vai'l Mall tenant, The Vajl Corporate Fjtness Center. Dear Peter; This will confirm my conversations with you and your staff concerning a new tenant at the West Vail Ma'l 1 and their qualifications as a permitted usefor Commercial Core III (professjonal offjces). The new tenant is Marc S. Larson d/b/a The Vail Corporate Fitness Center. As you are aware, Marc is a Registered Physical Therapist. He has entered into an agreement with Vail Associates, Inc. to provide programs that wi'l l: a. Improve conditioning and prevent injuries.b. Enable instructors and ski patrol personne'l to meet certjficatjon requ'i rements . c. Provide rehabilitation services for injured personnel . d. Provjde post phys'ica1 therapy treatment. Vail Associates has conmitted for a substantial amount ofIf additional time is avaj'lable, Marc will make the facil others of this post physical therapy patients. these services.ity available to The facility usage is expected to peak during the hours of 6-9 am and 6-9 pm with lower usage during norma'l business hours. The leased premises will contain approximately 3000 sq. formerly occupied by Rags to Stitches and Rocky Mountain portion of Vail's Litt'le Flower Shop). ft. (the space Hair with a small Because the peak facility usage is off cycle with the traditiona'l Mall hours we foresee no impact on our parking. Our existing parking (over 100 spaces)is rarely crowded and can easi'ly accomodate this increased requirement. Additiona'l ly, bus service is provided to the rear of the Mal 1. In surrnary, the use is cl ear'ly permitted under the exist'ing zoning, isfully committed for and can be accomodated at the Mal'I. I feel that I have addressed your tomorrow. Very truly yours, concerns. I look forward to your response DJT/eah The proposed "Vai'l Corporate Fitness Center" in the West Vail Ma] 'l wi] I be considered to be a professional office under the permitted use section of the Commercia'l Core zone district as long as the Fitness Center is operated as described in the letter above with the fol'lowing conditions: 1. No memberships wi'll be sold for the facility. The faci'lity wi'l I be limited to the use of Vail Associates employees and clients of the Sports Medicjne Cljnic. 2. No walk-in users will be allowed to use the facility who are not Vail Associates employees or clients of the Sports Medicine Center. I, the undersigned,agree to the two conditions of the approval and wi] I manager for the Westenforce these cond ions in my acity as property Vai I Mal I ve hlest Va Manager I'JEST VAIL MALL 75 south lronlage road yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 24, 1986 olllce of communlty development Mr. Dave Tyrrel1P.0. Box 5100 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Dear Dave: I wish to apologize for the mjstake that our department made by havingincorrect information in our files for zoning code handouts. I realizethat this has created many unexpected problems for you as well as for MarcLarson. I appreciate your cooperative attitude 'i n working with the staffto submit the necessary information to go forward with the zon'i ng amendments that would allow a health club as a permitted use. I want you to know that the department will do everything possible to expedite atimely review for the zoning amendment. Once again, I would like to emphasize that I am very sorry for the inconvenience t mistake has caused you. Si ncerel y, Patten, Jr. Community DevelopmentDi rector APP: bpr Tyrrell Reolty A\ION DL6INE55 sERVICE CENIER 331 /t4EICiLf fiOAD . AVON. COLO|]ADO I,IAIUNG ADDRES' POsl OFFTCE 00X 3100 vAlL coLoMDo 61656 303/949-51@ yard sale in the parking lot of West Vail Mall. I do not finC thid as a permitted use whether or not we lcan go'forward with I hope to hear from you soon. Very truly yoursr ; TYRRELL REALTY IAt)A/aup- "lrh David J. TyrrellT DJT/eah for the area. P'lease advlse me this event. ftr"tl-ffu,'/'/"''/ ffi \t51 \Z *$\*rt -/'qP Town of Vail Attn: Peter Patten 75 S. Frontage fld. l{. Vail, C0. e1657 Re: Church sponsored Dear Peteri This wil'l confirm our previous conversations. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has requested permission to use the southern portion of the parking lot at the l,lest Vai'l Mall for a yard sale. This event would take p1 ace Saturday, 0ctober 18th between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. The ownership of the Mall does not have a prob'l em with this proposal . \ May 15, 1986 lv']\-' d^'h-@ Al .Dauq, f dxruarai Illl,'[,^13;]n pritz LkrMd\q+E],b'qrucutu,iSti: |6i"8?Sulouo u'"' +"oil, CJb ), \' rpua*\qn JELR {\,u uina nLl c, ,Re: west vair Ma'n - randscapins. {{"$ {\tttl tttg Q?.0.J,- r '"\i\p +eU $dr\q_ ggffia9R-N_ Dear Kristan; du" (rxd 0lari rjrokln:,_. This wilt confirm our conversation of May 15, tsae. [tutur1trxu,f.6'i{ feql,,.t'tJ) In conjunction with the relocation of the restrooms anct open'ing oY llbadditional storefront at the West Vajl Mall, one large evergreen lqwil'l have to be removed. It appears unlikely that we would be ab1e to replant the tree. To compensate for this chanqe in the overall landscaping olan we propose the following: a. In the area where the tree js to be removed we would plant two areas, each with two rrotentella. Thjs would be consistent wjth the 'landscaping a'long the front of the bui'lding. b. l,le will plant tlro evergreen (6 feet) in the berm closest to the frontage road. In our conversation we discussed clustering the evergreens,,but I feel that the separation will be better. The trees wou'l d be extensions to existing planted areas. This will give an attractive appearance to the front of the building. Tynell Reolty AVON OU5INE55 sERVICE CEN]ER 331 MFTCALF ROAD ' AVON, COLORADO MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 31OO vArL. color'\ADo 81656 303/949-5100 I hope that this meets with your approval . Should you or other mem- bers of the staff have additjona'l quest'ions, please free to cal] . Very truly yours, Davi d d4rI ' Ll{l DJT/eah Project Application May 9, 1985 Proiect Name:West Vail MaIl Project Description: conlacr person and p6on" T.yrrel I Real ty. Dave Tyrrel I . 949-5100 owner,Addressandphone: Vail Mall Jo'int Venture. c/o Cambridge Asset Management Corp.. L6660 Dal1as Parkway, Suite 1500, Da]las, TX 75248 Architect, Address and Phone: Lot 2-A, Resub of Lot 2,VaiI Das Schone, FiIing No. 3 Legal Descri Com ments: ption: Lot Filing Zone - The relocation of the restrooms to the rear of space #4 frees up space on the Date DISAPPBOVAL front of the building - a better retail situation. New wjndows and doors will match the exist'i ng in shape, color and quality. One evergreen will be removed for visibility. The landscaping plan will be amended to compensate for thjs loss. The net result will be a better appearance and better utilization of the Mall. Design Review Board Summary: \ \ Tynell Reolty o AVON BU5INE55 sERVICE CENTER 331 METCATF ROAD . AVON COLOIGDO ^4AlLlNG ADDRE5S: POsT OFFTCE 00X 3100 VAIL, COTORADO 81658 303/949-5100 May 9, 1986 Town of Vai] Attn: Tom Braun, Zoning Administrator 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, C0 81657 RE: l,lest Vai'l Mal'l . Dear Tom, 0n behalf of the owners of the West Vail Mall I request approval of the fol lowing: : Relocation of the common area restrooms. Addition of storefront in the space below Bi'l 'l Bullock's. Removal of one large evergreen. Landscape addition to compensate for the 'l oss of the tree. As you are au,are the Ma1 I is experiencing a leasing problem, particularly with the rear sDaces on the Arcade. These spaces do not have good exposure' and they are too large for many prospectjve tenants. Moving the restrooms to the rear of one of these spaces results in a desireab'l e situation for a tenant - a more affordable size and rental rate. The front spaces have a better exposure and are in demand. Also, they have a history of lower turnover and higher occupancy. The location of the restrooms has prevented improved utilization of the available front exposure. The proposed changeyields a better appearance to the front of the building and better use of the Mall. The change does not add to the net square footage of the l4a'l l. Enclosed are the fo1 lowing: the re] ocation of the restrooms. a) b) c) d) a) Schematic of the Ma]1 showing b) Project Application. c) ORg Appf ication The owners are recept'ive to a discussion of the final p'l an has not been nrepared. I wou'l d'l ike 'l andscape changes, but a to fina'lize this with you. .- v I ! I v APPLICATION DATEr l4ay 9, 1986 l. VFFT 1 IJN .DATE OF DRB DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETiNG: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . determiirb it any additional information is needed. No application will. be-accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional submittai requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE appfic:- tion wil'l streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: |lest Vail Mall: relocation of the comrnon area restrooms;, addjngadditjona]storefront.TheproJectdoes to the Mal I B. LOCATION 0F PROP0SAL: West Vail Mall Lot 2-A, Address 2151 & 2161 N. Frontaqe Rd.. Vail. C0 81657t 2-A, R chone, Filing No. B'lock Zoning CC III C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Vail Mall Joint Vent (214) Address 16660 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500. Dallas. TX 75248 telephone 931-7311 D. MME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Tymell Realtv. Dave Tvrrell Address Box 3100 te1 ephone qaq-qtnn E. NAME OF OWNE S i gnature Filing tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE DRB FEE: The fee wi-l I VALUATION 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 150,001 - $ .500,000 500,001 - $1,000,000Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL Legal Description Lot Address F. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so-oo $100.00' $200.00 $300.00 SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees_ that wil'l be removed should also be inartia. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meet.ings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeiing and who have'irot asked for a postponement will be required to be reoubl i shed. \ ^-Y I I I oi I't L The followinq items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board.r' iily:-ffi;rli, tiive io Oi flresented to thb lonins Administratoi for approval: -L 7 !:9 :f OJ O (o @ Ol rf) o LTJF o \oc! Ctr rf) ul tr Qoo-zo Fo- u,lv IIJ co oF F =G u.l o- t!o TLoo I HuJ23 z."9 >_eoo =z tL t! ElnFl =l J rl =;=rl =ggl>.lI;trl ts uJ ll. fluEO2ZE<o)6VtnoE9t,Ea9 =1='J=ulEFoululE:EP9\!otqo-i!i ruo oF ts =Elrlo-zoF C)DE 6zo() ---\,I I I I I t E FEiEl{^., d!+. 9"b =.5 co oo I I I, .Ft<ro I I I I I,z.,ogr3 >l@o,-'2 --,1 =-ao;<42 cluz3 tuI F z t! t! U' =x lr o o Fz o ltlz = l! ur F zIo I ( 4' n ) o)(t, :o;oo sg8* Fr aE6\c:r'B\N EN;g \o_ E il:{ E$\N seJ oo t. ?E4ee l^oo !480/(uOD I gE.1 3e'.2i zE7,i =Etp)'4 =;1rx u: x,'0. sa Y a./-o-PS iti Efi i E:E96s'=Oo gEE c.2 ta,'Ep: Ffc "0 gt .E;o P:5 =gP g >=c9d'- o'E EsE EEA =:Eeoo i;o '9es g=E o.(! ct sEg tnP O_Efi: E6:EE E E;E_a€ eeC,(6 o'- v --c $'€€ sEl P !lo*aF ;Eg9Eoe5g -o6 a u ,{,74 'tn/ li''" 4f'A'., u-14 // /.r r .l. = e tr-lJ E G, uJ z = .o (t uJ UJll. tr =E UJo- F F >q Ye) - 3z2!- tr ^ 6zq 5 >eF9 OE aoe.Zr-()9Q fr;e ooq iH;ie!l-\utaxz-. -. u,ldN(J E(, e lu ) z E F z E uJ J 2 F J U)z oz E =G LrJo- - (9z J lJ- I "1, I 5 s z, -t-tt) uJ =z d] ll- JIH+la4lrFnlsl*l EI #d=tHslqo EI 3E z.l (9l ull 5l <l>l t!lol zl;lolFl t'- a/',z. LlJo o lrl = tr ol =.1ol url 1l <l>lItlol zl pl t! t.d a/'>r,/) UJ"r = tr (o(or\ r.r) I C\I J a(t UI 5la>l bl zl 3lIFI ol =.1ol IJJI 1l al>l|rlol zl =lolt-l I I I .l()l :tolull .El Jl al>l rl-lq 3l cOl ulFI F 9? E3fFd6o -rO<FE()[!<ztIIJ F oo -J trF C)L|J z .r uJ = d ir =F;Oz r(J J<o<5 !43o' -.!zL 3 (t- \is F ,l x x \iSs. .n UJ u,Jt! tr = uJ o- I I I \{{ \E' 'l II fiJr .l \\\\\\F. llJF *q,.a\ *' (5 =z U' uJFoz. oz oI € =zoN I I "{P JI ;l +eI g I t!Jlrlo IL zoo Eo .Eulz3 O64 E llJ6z.-3aoPg <F2 r,t o< o o) o 0) Ect(! 3oF Q) c(aoq E o (|) o Ec oE o ot I c0 E o = f E o, o o. (g 3 .g (!, '=o(/r;(*!uie3E; F.9 R3 Et g e EiESS UP:Oc*o> o(gSX5o l3-9;o"t.=' n; >=: cY"(E EsE='_= >.xSEaniEEo* o o-ci=o;gqsP EiSe o-.5 0--o=- oG X O-oiE-or =*:€:;'s6 :E€ g ?cEPi5=: c; o (/) sfi; i *91:O (!= =t6F9dR 6o ss: q cEg* - () (o: o 0 S:\^ \A $. \, V} !t s o 0 o \ o 0 o \ : LIJ z J Yo UJ oz I c) UJ E oz =J J 9z c)t! = u.lt! z tr UJ LU 3u.l uJ z allltr F c UJ z IJJJ x F uto (/, UJ TU E =lfrt tt- J F F z J F uJJ uJ z = 2 uJ = J( F- e NOIIVN']VA *l it\{l! \t\ *1"\tl'Li ol3 o\zl i' d, n1 61.' 3|rgl u.l I >E (=\ .,. r!Y6 S z.z i.r Axf=F9 666 =>6:rr-< d!? FO..;Ai z tr t! c oE (.5 uJ F' a NI \^ UJ z Eo &z =k g,J FJ 3IIJz $ 5z\ I @!z. 9zz- d6}E Fzlz tr* : o o z tr J oz I \ F 3 F UJ o3 at) cl\ FI zl F o F zl .. >l6ut uJ lUz at> F tuc z E I--T-- FItt[NtlStdl''' IIlu Flo-lL<l:og r{ \\ o N \{t oF-H! =.o vtc!(Joc L! .F q Oo-F o(F +)(.' O-.F .t' =,OvC roJ(ts UIFr-. .F O, O-tlv C X.F o)d..= Lr- (, t- +)(,! 0.Jo< o o4J Er.! tt cJ o!.J CF Ltzoa-C)EO3 = 3E c5 L(F -z.+ o tho) =Lt/'cO 0) P.-J+ror=J+' (n.OO0J LU-J(\IE oF F =c UJ(L tt.o .Loo I ul-^^F '-r c! gur 2Ex |Jl 2s9 =< =z -Y7-tstr! "3E =F3-rxo-! -: t!6d> =llj rl F rt1:z = x Lrl F t! Irl..F F J J u- L!ln UJ -J 0, o o c' ct E Eo.J o t '{., \ N \s l-. $ (,z lt J CD I I { I 5 i 6\ \x q. s \ \ "\* u; z I llJ =z t! J E I F C) \t,'\\ \ ;!1t\..\ s\ ,t\ R1Ni IE o qJ J = N.<\ a\q s\\' 0\ I : t \ \ a [.i J * _s \ Ns \s =tr ^z o uJ 5 >1 t!ol 21 3l 9l .\ N d. N Nl+ R \(\ \ II EF L, S\ +\ = tr z ctul 5 a ttoz39 t^|\\tr \F s uJJ UJF \ \' ) .-\* = G I I I I IlolzloIuJl'1t<l>lttlo z3oF \t\c\t$ .<\ t\ & |r E F =tr oz o uJ ! lroz3o F =tr z rri ru J ltoz =oF ui utF luz3 Folu tr.F (r <F(EC) LrJ <zE I.lJ Ft,l z <oOF =()-<o=t!'-t OOzt- =#JZrO f,5:<F =2+tr YZ =9, otngE '^F\JZ rO J<c)a?.5H r<Y trEn i 'i$l \F\-j frt't- t-n o 83NrA3 tJ ${'.\ =1.t. \R !1,e L=\ \l -R \ .:\'t ,X t '\ -iri*eo d sJ \ q Iq 6tr H(4 -.2 |a 5l o|o I E I (oa ! ov \o aooo ,,e-,9 o F. ci I g tl ct t- r F d a 3I g N o aooo ,,8-,9 $ o =aoTvl Iro J Ho u o d >.F 3.8J trrrd.il3i shr-yl u) Sg ci l-oJ ft. t s 1,NVd 1VJtAtt313I aitJvSH aSJvlA p l{ Ei aHQr- .,i O |JAt8e: rl 711 -ll __Jl=l!lrsll_l -1'[ \r\rSaq,'3ss\'r ,-o, s. :5 J9q ,o=oolthg >vr(bt}) f,r ds BF h a H s p o E = \o ru F a@osstr9 ,o s 9NuStXS sttoovlt ,o'b gNusxl - ? a EI i|fl$ rIH ilu t)0 ErolO 5q? r{i lgs Elrl{fl E ,o E oo /rZ,* ,6*d 5,4 o*r/ ,"-,L /*e4t , e ftltu -, e, S;,-A a,.1 /,*46 an{ # au*n &i., f f,/r,4ru",%rffih,'# h .//"# /z?."t'z? il,J- /;h,Lr/e4,a/ f,r# 4/L,&,,- / / .ta"fZt ao t.&^t Lease Addendum Tjmber'l ine Barber Shop THIS ADDENDUM to that certain Lease Agreement by and between Vajl Mall Joint Venture, a Texas joint venturei herejn called "Landlord", and William C.Carlton d/b/a Timberline Barber Shop, a sole oroprietorship; herein ca] I ed "Tenant" , dated g6p6[ _, 1986, arnends and modi ii es that agreementin the fo1 lowing respects. ShouTd=there be any conflict between the terms andconditions of th'i s Addendum and of the Lease Agreement, the terms andconditions of this Addendum shall control. 1. Land'l ord, at its expense and with contractors of its select.ion, shal'l jnstall the fol'l owing improvements to the premises: -a. Partition wa1 ls as shown on the attached p1 an. -i. Separate electrical panel and connections as shown.--c. 50 qal'lon hot water heater as shown (witir neieiii"y conn"ctions).--d. I 2'x4' florescent fixtures with I silitch as shown' . +, 2 can lights (spots) for the external sign with a iwitch inside.- f. Hot and cold water connections and a drain connection to each of the4 barber chair'l ocations and to each of the 2 shampoo locations as shown.---9. A fourplex outlet or equivalent to each of the 4 barber chair'l ocations. -h. Six rluolex outlets and I fan outlet as sholn.i . irii'ee *j,iis -Jj'rrr.i",i"t't,ir. jd ;;il'ibl,';i;'ffiiway, and toK1, door toeach of the tanning rooms) . ,!.o' -J. Hardware f6r' ;Joi{'loeadTbot t and pas'fii gu'{{t for sor irr core, passageset for each of the louver doors). --f. .\litl1 nounte! f.ight with switch for cirr:h of the tannjnq rooms. termination and repair of unneeded exjsting plunbing. ./xq.n.0perational check (repair as needed) of exiiting ceit'i ng mountedheater with terminatjon of existing ducts rvlrich go to aieas outiiOe of thepremlses. 7to n..square off-existing tile and carpet untjled areas as shown on plan. 2o. All dryrail surfaces shall be taped, and they shall be deliverdd toTenant ln an unpainted condjtion. ,-'p. Tap fees, 'i f anj, shall be paid by Landlord. 2. In order to meet.Colorado requirements, Tenant must have a bathroom facilitywlthin 50 feet of the premises. Landlord agrees to reta'i n the bathroom to therear of the premises unti'l Landlord moves the conmon area restrooms to 1611area. Duri ng th'i s interjm Landlord shal'l nraintain the ex'istinq bathroom asa common area expense. Va'll Mal I Joi nt Venture:Timberl ine Barber Shop, a sole proprietorship: tt...Rv. Oev{d .l T'FFAI I -!7INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM\ ,:.-/,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr Dtr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL -.' "* i o' '.:. . il u4-r d\-' L-' n ^FntHFSTf/rnv @ l, r -i '' ,! ,DATE INSPECTOR . ' 't't *-1,. L\ \r\ \'\, \\ i i'J' -l li, -" 't '- I -tt,'JOB NAME \'. . CALLER TUES INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL .. REQUEST. . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:\WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS olo*ou,,tr SUPPLY AIR ,EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB INSPECTION REQUEST. .' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE I t'''| ; READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER ,MON TUES THUR FRI AM (PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL ,',?O APPRoVED ''-/ tl ' I CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE,INSPECTOR , fue,,L\ ).r., ff P'+g - g-t c2 d INSPECTION REQUEST.. TOWN OF VAIL \ onte '.7-- JOB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PMFRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING TI GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n D tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED /r DATE it INSPECTOR -:',,ultctoN ata REQUEST" . vAlL ' IPERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT TOWN OF i- )d{ ri -{ I INSPECTION: I CALLER MON TUES FRI (AMPMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr.4rNAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDI CORRECTIONS: ; .: '.', '.: (-DATE INSPECTOR oz t =t uJo- c lr oo o Oi c (\ ) U'[! LU lJ- F =E uJo- -/nn,4g e ot 1LE /h Tn I d {Olc\, ot IH I I It,,l JI I2l z4-.r {04< E f,E>EU- OJ;ol>{o VEZ <)<r Flcq= d u.lF E I = =z z. lHltFl t3l t=llc)l tkll=l lelldltoltollolt_:lol9rIF l>lolz l5 l@1.5lanz 2 tt tro: =(Eo LL o l-o Fz o o Ittz3 O6g E llJoZ-.e rvlulFI<Fz^ YZo< .P (J (U.o sr 'FN>to.r- (\lax+)o (U'rLC).6(50-> oF z UJJ o o (D .or!(.)ilb\ F q) E J\q do H(!tc' E o o (5 o)Eoo o) ! @ E o =l o o o.(! ] .() o .9(toT' a;q) Eoo A 'd E.o al, 6 o) '= N o 'oF oc q) E oo6 E: of <D .2 E o o E' (5 o 36 j-o o;(!'=P(, g8E =2R.Ex E E:EEd= c-o :;;d'f =c9d E E'r= EEA =:Eboo fEo 'EqPtq! i,Y- (E cL(s o- sEE Ul- o- =€:E6:EE Eor(!= EHE_E9 -e C6 0'- -'-c. StEo3> 36> cF= TS E hfie9Ecr P5g -oo Or Or CE lr)(r, s(o rosr OI O C\I lt(7' @(\J (f) E =tr uJo- z J 5 .D Y() UJ z o- J 9 F() tlJJul z =Jo- J oz uJ ultllltzo F tr,l UJ 6 o CO; IIJ5 uJ z 6gJo o-r!o z uJ x F ulof (t, uJ UJ II tr =E IJJ o- J F F zo () F u, uJ z ao: J Iz ul- NOTMtVA vbs= Fl:"8 easF te, -z zigo I cFs 33 2# lrcleZr(Y89 E+H$ FiE v,* ,-.NO L Eo F EF E F EHF E F z tr ) q u- UJ > o ooO @ E, o- 4J J z E z E ulFJ x ;s IJJz U'Fzlz tr o Lzf zJJul3 q, llt J uJg 2 F =FIg LIJ I u l.f I+ n l-iIrcltoltolldt UJl {r at)lt)r!zY i z F Jloz i ;J 3t ut t-\ '/.\t\ J1 F f-- l! o aa lltlll" lireFtr-\t=tl ol{3td l-'' lu*kl>og Fl t I| -rtt<lIHt21t- it2l| '_\l< | .. rr ' w=l?'el>lslit< l6IFtolol< z F!) 6 + >& ;z =IE ? s> \c-' UJ C\II co T b' -tc?(9 C\IOO END z('=4e(Do =zJOa! lJ- "dg="f'f =Hgtstr}A F UJo-l! E39ZE<clloy2E2B9vE '= lEEgE ;tE h=o f ii: >o-: O|!E ooI \urE XO-t x>t q- €= ll,llo F uJF o IJJF U)oo-zo F.L UJY uJo o F F UJIL u- Oror{. 6Ko\g1 I uJFoz E =E lrJo-z9F(J E,Fazo() It {.. =.1ol IJJI 5l al>l t!l 3 3lolFI JIco'Fl Hll.tlloFul ,,tz E; U) =oO F.t1 UJ UJd =. == ui =z o-r d<l<\ I cil =.1ol LrJl 5t <l>l tLlol zl 3lolFI (Y) q I (+ tru -.{I L4l>i I Fl-Ft"f T E I "-l+lCf, I-l olzl nlEl JI-l>l bl zl 3lolH z. =J L.J rn ttr I I I 9l ol uJl 5l <l>l xl el i Fo Fz z I UJ = Fz (r uJ-F E -rO<F(E() r.,! <ZE!UF(rzo C) )E<o(JF -<)FS iiF =zUJOo t(,oz, t- =#fF)zu-o o Fz o o q,z3 o6q t! lrloz ,.. =tr\J <trz^ Y2(a< an UJu,tr- == uJ UJ llJl!z UJ 3u, qJgz uJ aJ1 UJ UJt! =E il J F F zI;\ - o- FPa,/, o<>!? c)\JZ56r'r l6-(Jt(,Fo'<oi t- t<lo- lu.r l- t^t-;laz ^l-l :lzlot <lel uJuttl<tl UJoru z J zo E]o()o!<o U'Fo-r!<-og trJ JJ 2 F z \ 2 tr =o =r,u r+-.P.- tgvc c)<.- 0, =ro c,!- +J G' CL.IJ EooFC) EOo=(J+, .q., Eroc< Lt LtJ .- Jq- t!v o< llJ =o(-) O(^ .9)JrrcLe'F oar3= ',l'JLq-cv -o c) o =tF =LJ+)J +-'ooL-J NO[vn'lv^F -r A,l N t\\l r \l\v\l \t\N u,F x oF F IIJ o. tl-o o.oo I UJFoz IJ zo9 =<coo2Z dP ..i6 =E=;;E RtrDF = l! F C'G .aEo 9><6=! 6= o=E6o Eu-gur ulJo- =E N I sl s \ \ $ 'jj=<lz1 EtigE b2 or(J Eo o Fzoo z 'r lJJ = gF ;() 5*":z (, J C) Foul E <FtrC) lrJ <z.a (nZo C) F(J UJ =:trc) o I I J Hol -J = I ;lujl 5l :lol ilolFI .\ :v \.,] \ NI =l JI :lflolFl I :| g IJ l3l6ltzlafl rdH flt!lol el E traB rNs,?.oN TOWN OF -i'r ff" REQUEST onre i'-; - \)l -'r\t JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI .-.j-\AM ( PMI--, LOCATION: -l I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND l:- tr FOUNDATION i STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr tr n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL EtE trl trF trc q- ',1dr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL IOVED CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t,,!/ DATE i,'.t l''7t- tNspEcroR--" - -r--7------'---- + I PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT --INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE -- JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED/-E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT rNsPetoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ..\ '. \\\i, - '\\'.' ,\.* JoB NAME (MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI - AM -, PM.READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND n RoUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING .-' ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION '{"*==rro"* tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL .,n tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr q FiftnL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ( l. !I DATE INSPECTOR tW PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 6 ,o, *o". INSPECTION:MON I tNs PECTION REOUEST VAILTOWN OF CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ruEs 6C, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS:f rsnennoveo REINSPECTION REQUIRED {rE //-/2 / 1' rNSpEcroR Town of Vail NilrsorDATE, 19_ RECETVED FROM ADDRESS DOLLARS $ Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check By Police Receipt Numbers i. INSPECTION :,:. i i ir. i i REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '\-\' TOWN OF VAIL DATE '.'. JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES '' \ \ WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL /ts.neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /..INSPECTOR ',,(' oz E =G IJJo- o (') (Y) (o ra o ro t4 (n IJJ LLu- tr =E uJo- 48 o€ al rr) o /x z. # = 9J Eo z. <= =>-Eo- t!/, z\Jd= = uJF E F z =o zz t! oz z J tD .5 =z tr Fo E. Fzoo o trlllz3vlr E lll6z-.4 EvluJ <FZ r.tYZo< LA"rq 1/\*uon2 ['...V:! i .\tlt lt lY \15b .'-nl =gNN o l*Etq(t ty* "rl?6\\1trIr(\ \( | =d.\\\\ll F RN]3 o\\\l :c \\ lii:\tzo \ 13a \lo E\ $tb I \\Nts\x\l!g,ul3 Ec(u o,19,764,r 7 b'( E4W E7) 1' d A-f =EE3fi* d./ BPILI ;=l ael> Lulo -Jl- Ltl .9 art o,E vio A .9 .9r>,' = 'lla'l (g o) '= oN lt 3 t- o =ooo6 @ f o Q 3 o o (lt uii(! ox G'=9o6ieE5k F.e Sl.Es9 E:F o xEc-o''3s =ei trY'-'- oc E sE_'E >, :EEFOO cc- 3egtq! f.:- (E aoo sEE .Ae o.E*e E;(d E:E or(!= EdE -eC(6 0'-E; q) --Es*: EiE =6>.o (s; -Y=EHi 8 .i'6 e9E o cEg -o(6 (\I r.o (f) |r)O o st I-\ra o c (Y E = IJJo-ozo J o -o uJ oz Jo- o F uJ tr oz to =J J Iz Io u,/E r! uJr!zotr uJ o|lJ o ao- uJ l! z -nut F6 IIJ o- z tr,lJ x F uJol o uJ IJJ l.L F =E LU o-J FoF (Jz : o J IJJ uJ oz ao:) J z llJ- J F F NOtwn'lvA Flrdd L! c ct ;: 6w = =i*o o o.-tr ^ 6 z"-I5 >gf,tr I oE= 66 e;6d 8v(Jzx|r<9q da}F E" .icri[* :;;9qi E >9, e\t (5z, Fa/l x u.t -tJ) Jo =Lu z F tr o-foE(, qJ F ro uJ z E o u)Fzfz 9Akoo< >E-t!x rJ- dci<z a =z, 2z d6 =tr IJJ: = luzYo IF z F Jloz _l -l) -\ 2 a Tl! oo 3 I I l.,t<lo ;P- | -Jl I<t IlEt Il=r It--l| =t lIIt--l| .. >i IWlY".)l> r',Itr -.]t1 It< |tz Ito Il|.- l-llE 3llo Fll< al I )\--l =22) 'fu| ;''x/4 1 z 4 ru.7, ,# ,"'t'zlxl9ftB W,Ik,t\- l'l:l"lH.kl>og (\l I zo F E u.lF 3 UJz E (o ullF'o-t0 o:.4.z o -Fio-'uJjYFur,El o,FF.FF> E UJ o- llo 0-fO'o I lrlFoz uJF o F =Elrlo-z9Fof I €Dn ts UJ EHEZE<ctl6Vtn2i9!; sgF-JF =uJ-E b=u dtr: >o-: OLE 9o9 \urE XO-t x>G=Fat 'io-i!tr t! @ F z o9z4dlo =z o-- P ifi(,o= =83;frE a 2 ll l=lY -rldel l;lIlJJl= I l(Jtz.F-i J IJ- (o oa ro t! J Lr-l =UJd.=z UJ o j F tr LIJ oo = C.)z, t! F IJJ d.(5 tr z olu (E J u- z3 C\J oc! Ir.or\s ui ulF .IJJJ .rJ Y, IJ 3 tr I |J btr t I lzloluJlcEIJt<lilolzt3loIF (Y) sf I Olsi lu J l! (5z, co =J LrJJco t /'> =Etr I<f (f) dz out J o z 3 01F ( F L( IF =t z UJ ll-oz3I E tr oz outE II z 3 F l!J uJF i,j =z d) -) [!z =o F UJ =- ---r O<F uJ<zE [.rJ Ft,: zo c) <oOF FS S?F-z^-i oIO E!toz, t- =#Jt-JZrr- o *5!lFz() =tiz =u F Fz 6) UJrFo <Oag.:iFIFIFIxrt<rxJ Tyrrcll Reolty A\^cN BUSINESS SERVICE CENIER 30,| ^/iErCiLF ROAD. AVON. COLORADO MAIU}G ADOfIES& POSTOmcE BOX3l@ vArL coLoMDo 816s8 3G3/949-5r@ October 13, 1986 Town of Vail Attn: Building Department - Gary 75 S. Frontage Rd. t.{. Vail, C0. 81657 Re: The remodeling of spaces 5, 6 and 17 at the West Vail Mall. Dear Gary; This will confirm our previous conversations. l,le authorize the denolition and removal of rnaterials in preparation for remodeling in the above spaces. hle would like to proceed with the demol- ition as soon as we can. P'lease give me a call if you have any questions concerning thls aspect of our renodeling. Very truly yours,,r;^rm I4ALL DJT/eah I rNsP?ctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor= "'..1 , - :-:*\- rlJ.a JoB NAME CALLER li READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES T WED BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING Fr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING p-TNSULATON {sHeernocx tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr ft'"o'-tr FINAL I APPRoVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: (, (,/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .--.I_ INSPECTION TOWN OF 'l PM DAIE t ':' ,/ : //-{ (' JoB NAME ,t' READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION; CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI '! REQUEST.VAIL t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. /^r--. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffiF..tt*'r,. '1151'1^ PERMIT NUMBER OF PR ECT il INSPECTION TOWN OF rl' !t REOUEST,' , VAIL | \ a JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR INS\\\ LOCATION: w WED THUR @ \st\*.- o" @ t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER* PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ITIECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED {rt i' .1i.. f;|[flf"i84fi ''lU-t;'itrSittq'Fq{'tS{Vttral;i t It INSPECTION R]EOUEST.' TOWN OF VAIL ' JOB NAME I OF PROJECTPERMIT NUMBER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI \\q', nM @t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND tr FRAMING ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGFI / WATER r-'' ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL APPROVED -t ar.,',-'^-.rr-ar('! /t'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^ ,:. CORRECTIONS: D^rE //' J-'f 0 rNSPEcroR a INSPECTION_ ,TOWN OF l' REQUESTVAIL 'PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOB INSPECTION:MON , CALLER TUES WED THUR .PMAM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL fI UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r.r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,.8I REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED ISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: .>- ,/,'71i INSPECTORDATE INSPECTION REQUEST '),.'- 1...i,-i\r JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR i FRI.'-/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL c tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO MECHANICAL: WER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N rtunl ,:., '.- -i-l '\\\ Qr-"- tr FTNAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,'tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE REOUESTvAlL tPERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT DATE --I-I i\,,,JOB runue i INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR,' FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr HOUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FTNAL tr FINAL {ft'eaoveo )@RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -,)1 lNs I PECTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL ! JOB NAME CALLEB I -'''--\AM PM\\.---------,/READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:, ll ltr:f ES ^,1 WED THUR t EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr F/.ilA1 tr FINAL /'" !/ '{7$eaov=o-- )6RREcTIoNS: tr DISAPPROVED ,]ro.luB l, s ,.. 'd''ff"H:[':y=" INSPECTOR Lr.. r (r'-J \i|+,t+( PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 23, '| 983 STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Jim Morgan Duane Piper t.Jil I Trout Jim Viele ABSENT '^g .)) Gordon Pierce The meeting was called to order at 3;00 pm by the chairman, Dan Corcoran, fo1 lowing site inspections. 'l . Approval of minutes of meetinq of May 9. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approve the minutes as 5 in favor, none against, with Piper abstaininq. ?, Appointment of PEC member to DRB. written. The vote was Duane Piper was appointed to represent the PEC at the DRB meetings for June, July and August. 3. Request for rezoning from R P/S to HDMF on lot I, Block 6, Intermountain toi convert the existing structure to 4 Applicants: Charles Peter Patten showed a site plan and explained the infonnation in the memo. Jay Peterson, representing the applicants, stated that the project could not use a tax exempt bond process, and did not want to get locked in to a specific interestrate. He expiained that interest rates fluctuate. He added that the GRFA was approx'imate, that it could be 200 square feet more, and would like the flexibilityof approval of up to 3500 square feet. Also the appficant wanted the $8S/squarefoot to be the averagg price because studios cost more per square foot than largerunits. He added-Tfia-t unjts A & D were nicer units so cbuld command more money. Peterson stressed that the total selling price would not change, Peterson stated that the membership to the TennTs courti would be mandatory, ind in three years the fee would increase to $15.00 and after that would be determined by the CPI. Chuck 0g'i lby d'iscussed a possible financing arrangement whereby the mortgage payments gradually increase for five years, and then level off, Patten explained that the staff had done research on prices in Vail and $85lsq ft was below the market rates now. He added that only Matterhorn was less. Morgan asked if the applicant wanted to change the proposed GRFA to 3500 sq ft, and Jay answered that tha! would be very c1ose, and when the plans were finalized, they could fluctuate r 200 sq ft, but wou'ld be 3500 sq feet maximum. .0gi1by agreed, Patten suggested that if the total GRFA were to be 3500, the maximum sales price would be $297,500. PEC 5/23/83 -2- Peterson suggested restricting the number of units allowed when rezoning. Morgan wanted to make the maximum GRFA 3500, and was concerned with the large parcel across the road. He fe'l t that with this precedent, they would want more density which would affect the neighborhood. Corcoran pointed out that there was no ohe there from the neighborhood to oppose the proposal , but that a larger project may have more respondents. Patten said that he djd meet with owners who represented the Bellflower Condominiums who did have concerns about increased activity, and that he.encouraged them to put their concerns in letter form (which they did not do), and also from one Westridge condo owner who also was not at the mbeting. Viele wondered if there were any way to prevent these condos from becoming rentalunits' and Jay answered that it would be best for the developer to bui] d and se1'l ,but if the units did not se11, the developer would'like to be able to rent longterm. Patten reminded the board that the proposal being considered concerned sales only. To Vie'le's questions concerning financing,-Peterson replied that they wou'ld use normal financing, possibly with a-graduating rate such as'used at Pitkin Creek Park. P'iper questioned zoning change to HDI'IF rather than SDD, and Pattenppljgd that with an SDD there stilt traO io be an underlying district, which would be HDMF. Piper was concerned about taking a zone and changing it. He was also concerned atiout the design of the structuie. Patten statei that the site coverage and theheight would remain the same if approved, but the design would be handled in DRB. Piper wondered if on-site parking had been studied, and Peterson replied that to do so the structure would have to be torn down and construction started again fromthe beginning. Piper did not like the idea of having to wa'lk down a street toget to the off-site parking, and wondered if there was room for a sidewalk. Petersonreplied that it would have to be along the right-of-way next to the road. Discussion continued about financinq. Peterson exolained that interest rates werenot tied to the amount of down paym6nt, and al so elplained that the points would probably be 2* to 3 points total. Donovan asked if Ogilby had to pass on theinterest rate that he received. Peterson explained that the construction loan f'loated with the prime, but that the long term financing did not. Donovan was also concerned with the sidewa'l k or pedestrian way, and wondered if there was a bike path in the area. Patten said that there wain't. 0gilby statedthat since the new bridge had been built to the east, there was less trafiic onthis end of Intermountain, and he felt that traffic was not going to be a problem. Donovan fe'lt that the numben of condos should definite'ly be limited to 4 units and the GRFA should be'limited to 3500 sq ft. She also stressed that whoever from PEC was to be on the DRB should make sure that the design was improved. Discussion then concerned which restrjctions to use concerning who cou'ld purchase the units and it was finally decided that the buyers would follow the samb restrictions as stated in the Pitkin creek park dec'larations, Trout expressed qualms about granting the variances since others in the ne'ighborhood during the past year had wanted variances to have employee housing, and were turned down because of increase in density. He pointed out thlt the density r^iould be doubled on this site. Jay replied that in this case the units were-restricted to employee housing. corcoran pointed out that since the memo statec in #ll that the basic stipulationsand restrictions concerning leasing woula oe ine'ru*".i Fitrin c"eei F;;i;';i;owners would not be able to rent out their units for more than a certain amountplus their costs. Corcoran.repeated the concern for a pedestrian way, and felt that somethinq shouldbe worked out with the Town. ,ray said the app'riiinti wouii-ud ririil"il";.;ii"with the Town. Morgan stated that he would rather have seen this proposal as an SDD. peterson answered that there could be restrictions in the dbclhrations, and that the declarationswould have to be approved by the Town.- patten stated that he had an sDD tvpeot statement which would be #12 in the list of conditions: ,,The site p.lan,-iioo"plans, and all approved plans as submitted ui" n.""uv aevetoprent pfani,-Jna anvmajor changes to these must be approved by the pEC."- Jim Viele moved to approve the reeuest for rezoninq per the J r,q | | lllclllv qq LcrJ a. Tla!-!le applicant be allowed to construct not more than 3250 square feet. of GRFA and that the sa'le price average gg5/square-foot. b. That #5 be stricken. c. That #12 be added as stated by patten above. d. That the word "parking" be inserted before the word ,,maintenance" in item#9- The motion was seconded and lrout. PEC 5/23/83 -3- The vote was 4 in favor 2 aqain Morqan Donovan moved and Vie'l e seconded to auunovdn rrrovea ano vl€te seconded to apptove the request for parkinq variances condition that a walkwa studied and constru 0ss 1D I e.vote wasn tavor aqainst ano Uorcoran abstainin 4.uest for his rical buildi for the "Baldauf Cabin" at 31 60 Katsos Ranch, part ot the a campus,p I rcant:for Vail l4ounTEln School Peter.Patten expla-ined that the Town had recently passed an ordinance providinqfor h'istorical building status and that ttroie uuirlindi-ro'o.i;s;;;;; i"".'.ii,ilptfrom follg*itg the Uniiorm Building code for worl oon6-to-preseiu" in" uriraitngr.He gave the history on the Baldauf"cabin and felt that li Eia meet the criterrjinecessary for the designat.ion.. Piper was concerned about the safety. Ogi1by answered that the local buildingdepartment would have jurisdiction-6ver ihe Lonstruction. Stgvg patterson, buildingofficial, stated that the Mountain tcfiooi ;.;-;i;il;iiy"r.uriioing-in. oriioirg PEC 5/23/83 -4- and bringing the footings, f1 oor, electricity, alarm system, etc. up to codc. He added that the only thing not being changed was the front door which opened in rather than out. Corcoran asked if the Mountain School had been given the'ir first conditional use approval based on a certain amount of square footage, and Patten explained that it was based on the number of students, but that the Mountain School had Come back and asked for an open ended number of students and received permission for an unlimited number of students. Donovan moved and f 5. Request for a side setback variance in a Residentia'l zone district in order to construct an addition to a residence on Lot l. Block l. Vai] Villaqe 8th Jim Sayre showed site plans and explained that the staff was recormending denial because there were other alternatives avai'l able to the applicant. A1 Abplanalp, representing the applicant, repeated the reasons stated in the memo for requesting the variance. He added that the two lots,'l of I and lot 2, were developed in conjunction with one another and the easement was to ensure each a view of the Gore Range, He gave other examples of variances granted. John Rai'l ton, of Trout Creek Collaborative, architects for the project, stated that his office had gone through the options listed in the memo. He discussed each alternative. Viele stated that the purpose of the side setback ordinance vvas to insure a mini- mum setback, and that he was in favor of this request because of the extraordinary circumstances. Piper agreed w'ith the staff's philosophy and felt that the alterna-tives should be explored. He added, however, that with the nonbuildable area there seemed to be adequate separation and low impact, and he was in favor of the variance. Donovan felt that as long as there were alternative places where the addition could be constructed, and the fact that the easement was not necessarily permanent, she was against the variance. Morgan wondered if the setback could be ieducedjf the addition were placed where requested, and Sayre answered that jt would .have to be a long narrow room. Morgan said he could not see any benefit to placing the addition anywhere e1 se. Corcoran pojnted out that the board had turned down a side setback request in Biqhorn which would have allowed a l0 foot air'lock, and the board acceptdd it after the size was reduced to an 8 foot airlock, showing that the board was concerned with degree of varjance Donovan pointed out that there was the poss'ibility that the lot with the easement would be sold and the use of the area where there-was an easement changed as had occurred elsewhere in the same neighborhood. Abplana'l p answered that in the deed no building "whatsoever" coula Oe luitt'in the easement. Larry Eskwith, Town attorney, stated that the easement could be abandoned because the easement holder or his successor has control because it qoes with the land. PEC 5/23/8s -5- o l'lorgan asked which other variances had been grantel in lfg immediate area, and Sayie answered that there had been two others which he did not research' but thit ttre staff had tried to be consistent with the Bighorn ajrlock referred to by Corcoran. Morgan mentioned Seibert'shouseremodel , and Patten repeated that part-of the garige cou'ld be made into a bedroom, and a new garage built in front of it. Vie'l e moved and Morqan seconded to approve the setback variance lequest gtating. that the granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of speclal pr] vrlege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified jn the same district, that the granting ofthe variance would not be detrimenta'l to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, and that the varjance was warranted because there were exceptions or extraordinary c'ircumstances appl'icable to the site that did not apply genera'l'ly to other p riies in the same zbne. The vote was 3 in favor' 2 against (Donovan and Corcoran) and Trout abstained. The variance was qranteo. 6.uest for renewal of an existin ar conditional rmit for the onotam or arca ronta cant: Jim Sayre exp'l ained the memo and read the conditions under which the renewal iduta lte grairted. Shockley, one of the owners stated that he felt the Town supported the arcade, thafhe probably had 75% local customers, and wished to remitn in Vail . He was questjbned concerning the percentage of customers who were adu'l ts, to wttich he rep'l ied, "75%. " Piper moved and Corcoran seconded to qpprove the renewal subiect to the fouri 7.est for a side setback variance to construct a qarage for a residence ot7 0c ntermounta in .so a-request-Tor vaijances tIA4-!9!Ij9!! ow DarK l nq to TEATEI- DaftleT-v within Town of Vail -ot-way an cti on to construct one i ess off-s reet park in space tnan requ arles Barnes a Jim Sayre exp'lained the memo and showed site plans and elevations. Corcoran read i'lettei from Mike McGee of the Vaij Fire Department in which he stated that the Fire Department was notin favor of this variance. Dave Irwin, desiQner for the appl'icants, showed a rendered perspective.whjch revea'led the ste6pness of the 1bi. He explained how he arrived at the degigl which wou1 d have the least impact, in his'mind, on the property. He added that since the Barnes' on'ly owned one iar, four parking spaces would be more than adequate, Sayre expiained that any-approval wouid be contingent upon the, Town of Vai'l abandoning the easement, and that lrwin did have the approval of the util ity companies. tlt!' PEc s/23/834 -6- Trout was concerned with the method of construction, and lrwin explained the reasons he wanted to build as presented. Donovan felt the building did not belong on a steep lot, and Irwin said that he had kept the addition as small as possible, that he was using less GRFA than was a'l lowable. Donovan felt that it would be too imposing to the neighbors. Irwin answered that that it was surrounded heavily wjth woods, and that the addition was an improvement to the property. Piiler mentioned that they could not deny the number of units allowed in the zone district, but that the number would be partially determined by the parking limitations. He added that there may have to be a setback variance, but there should not be a parking variance. Viele agreed with Piper. Patten reminded the members that non-conforming parking cou'ld remain, but parking for the new addition must be satisfied. He said that there were two questions, 'l . Are there three non-conforming parking spaces? and 2, what are the merits of the overall program? Corcoran asked that assuming that there are three spaces, if the wal'l were rebuilt' would the three spaces still be lega1 non-conforming? Sayre answered that the non-conforming spaces could be repaired or improved, so long as the discrepancy not increased. Viele stated that the burden of proof 1ay with the applicant. Dave Terre'l 'l , representing the Andersons who own'l of 8, stated that there would be visua'l b'lockage, and from lot 8 it appeared to be a massive structure because of the proximity-of the project to lot b. He was protesting especially the setback variance whjch was close to the more 'level and most logical part of 1ot 8 upon which to build. He added that any variance would set a precedent for further variances on that street, and that it would prevent the minimum setbacks the Town was trying to maintain. He added that it was the board's responsibi'lity to protect absentee property owners, and that there wou'ld be a problem with snow removal . Irwin stated that he had considered all of these things, but that this was the worst (most steep) lot he had ever seen, Discussion cont'inued trying to.find a'lternative methods of parking. Pioer moved and Donovan seconded to denv the reouest for a side setback variance and the parking variances because to do so would constitute a gralt of.spqclal privileqe inconsistent witrh thE I imitations on other properties classified inDrlVl Ieqe lnCOnS lStent wlth the llmttatlons on otner properrles classlr'leq ln Corcoran abstain i 8. A request to amend Chapter 18.54, Design Review, of the Vail Municipa'l Code. App'l icant: Town of Vail Jamar had asked him to request to table thisPeter Patten stated that item. It was decided to this item. Viele moved special meeting on June 20 at 2:00r seconded to table as requested. Peter have a pm for only The vote wasand Pio 6-0 'in 'favorl The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. PLANNING AND ENVJ RONI4ENTAL COMMI SSION May 10, 1982 PRESENT Scott Edwards Wil I Trout Diane Donovan Duane P'iper Dan Corcoran Jim Morgan ABSgNI Jim Viele Dan Corcoranr. chairman, approve the minutes of to approve them with a STAFF PRESENT Jim Sayre Peter Patten Peter Jamar Betsy Rosolack lgulqlr REP Chuck Anderson \4.(2- called the meeting to order and asked fdr a motion to April 26. Duane Piper moved and Diana Donovan seconded vote of 5-0 (Jim M. hadn't yet arrived). 'l , Request for a variance from section 18.58.020 'in orderffi on'-TotTf. fiqlorn -mA--AAaiEi on. to build a'13 foot nlqn ava lancne l,',al I on lOt I | . btqhorn Zncl Addrtl0n. Appiicant: Shannon Vail Ventures, Ltd Peter Jamar reviewed the memo and Ron Frickel , engineer for the applicant, explained the criteria for the,v,rall. He explained that the greater the angle of the wal1, the h'igher the wall must be. Susan Kitler, owner of lots B, 9 and l0 voiced her objections to the wall and sonre concerns, She asked about the iandscaping of the wa11, and also asked if the wall would be diverting the avalanche to the adjoining lots. She asked that there be an independent study nrade. Frickel answered that the Mears report did not answer this question. He added that in the report the avalanche appeared to follow a certain line, but that there was no tray to predict this. Jim Shannonr.'applicant, answered landscaping questions, stating the intention to pl ant 4" aspen on the exterior of the wal1, and 2-3" aspen on the interior, He added that the terracing would be only visible from the back side of the building. The walls of railroad ties would be 5' high, and the concrete wa1 I on the ends wou'ld be hi gher. Peter Patten explajned that one problem was that there was no comprehensive study made of the entire avalanche path, that it was uncertain how this lot fit into the avalanche zone as a whole. The PEC members were concerned about the influence the wa11 might have on the adjoining lots if there were an avalanche, Duane suggestedthat the bu'ilding might be shorter, thus requiring a shorter wall. After nrore dis- cussion-'the PEC members decided more study of the influence on the adjoining Iots was needed and required the appiicant to submit a study showing where the runout of the snow would go from this wall. The appljcant asked to have the item tableduntil the meeting of May 24. t.lill Trout rnoved and Edwards seconded to table the request untjl the meeting of May 24 as per the appl icant's request. The vote was 610 in favor of tablinct. PF.C 5/10/82 -2- 2, Request for h conditional use llcrmit.in order trr install a qame parlor at 2T61 N'drtKi:'-n13q.e nba'cf,.pacii lo.--we!-t v-'a'il--tittllcrirf-o_ifjags E_Biehgsg.Ctfi"ljltlEf.rrrrgf _W- A,[tl-r'cant :-G-a-riE-ei iv,- -i nt. Jim Sayre explained the situation adding that the staff had three conditions of approval . He added that he had called lease holders in the area and received neutral comments. Gary Mitchel 1,. ovrner and applicant, added that he had vjsited peop'l e in the nrall and recejved favorable comment. l'le stated that the arcade would have a full time permanent manager and would allow no smoking, drinking or food in the arcade. Mrs. Allen,ra West Vajl resident voiced her objection to the arcade, stating that jt could have no possib'le benefit, and that she had considered asking Safeway to remove thejr amusement machines. She added that her children were constantly scrounging for quarters, she didn't see how the arcade could be continu- ously policed. She felt that an arcade could be in the town core for the tourist' children, but should not be in West Vail where it would appeal to the local chi I dren . Larry Kalusin of The Great San Francisco Seafood Company supported the arcade as long as there would be full time supervision. He stated that the Avon arcade was not supervised anci objected to the lack of supervision, Gany-M'itcheli, appljcant,./answering Mrs. Al 1en, stated that he had teen agers and felt that their supervision was his responsibi'l ity. He felt that the-envjron- ment of the arcade would be similar to the local movie theater. Mrs. Allen answered that she had talked to the local police chief and that he had statedthat arcades do attract drugs and drug pushers. After more discussion, the commiss'i on members were polled as to their feelings. Piper pointed out that the arcade was in accordance with the ordinance whjch had gone through months of discussion and public hearings. and unless the arcadedjdn't meet the criteriar-he was for it, and approveo oi ine l year time period. Trout was against the ordinance, but said that the applicant's request was in order. Donovan said that she had taiked to Rags to Riches and that they were concerned about_the noise.zthat they stated they were sometimes bothered by the noisefrom The Great San Francisco seafood company, she added that sh! wasn't surewhether this was good for the neighborhobd,-though she did feel it would be alrightfor tourists. lorgan's feelings were that there had already been enough study done, that the PEC could not anticipate problems, but could-deal with ihem whbn they arose. corcoran stated that existing ordinances dealt with drugs, liquor and noise and that the one year time period would allow the PEC to recorrsider in one year. Scott Edwards abstained from comment because he had an interest in the arcade. Peter Patten reminded the citizens that discussion since last November and thatfor the one year limitation is that theto touristso but that it may prove to be the arcade ordinance had been under the staff had concerns, too, The reason arcade is in an area not as much oriented a good neighbor, ooDiana asked about the hours, and Mitchel 1 responded that they were thinking Duane Piper moved and J'im Morgan seconded use to install a major arcade jn space #6in the staff memo dated May 5"...l982 rryith The vote was 3-2 in favor wjth Corcoran, Trout against, and Edwards abstaining. was not in the best interest of Vail. PEC 5/10/t\2 -3- to approve the request for conditional of the West VaiI Mall as presented the three conditions therein. Morgan and Piper for, Donovan and Donovan and Trout felt that the arcade of ll to 11,.but rvould fashion the hours to the denrand, Patten asked why theoffice space was so large and rerninded l4itchell that the office could not be used for any other use other than an office for the arcade. 3. |CSjqq.tjgf.sg1gf.t.ibnal_u:e:Iqryf-t_Jg_gpjy3lg._q=1"ejrl esta,te .off ice out .oIthe existing Vol iter llursery locatiun. Appl jcant: Bob Vol iter ;r^ ",* ..rt"* ;;r- .;*tt.r-t., .*..r.*, * fact that there seemed to be no negative impacti. Dan stressed that if, at a later dateo there may be a wish to expand, the applicant would have to.return with another request. Trout moved and Donovan seconded to approve the request. The vote vlas 5-0 in favor (Edwards had left the room,) 4. .Request for an.ainendment to the Vai.l Municipal Code. Section 18.52..|00Er FequTi-{tilF ikfus T[1]@i.*l_ E-nTfi "slliEG o rFITe!. -nE pTj-c a nTf --T o r^r n -c,T-Van-- Peter Patten requested that this item be tabled until May 24. Trout moved and Piper seconded to table. The vote was 5-0 in favor of tabling. (Edwards out of 5. Proposed A.rteri aJ.- 8u5'i ness Zone (Jim Morgan was one of the applicants, and therefore did not participate as a PEC member, ) Peter Patten reviewed the memo and went over the 6 nrajor changes, Then the members reviewed the changes proposed by the staff, Patten suggested that .|8.27,070 Height be changed to read: "f0/" of the roof may be flat to allow for a transition of roof lines," e1 iminating any reference to the Des'ign Review Board;-,and setting a definite percentage of flat roof allowed. Patten pointed out that the busjnesses that would be hiqh traffic qenerators t^rere p1 aced under Conditional Use, Al t,'lilliams. one of the applicants itateo that he wanted to see under Permitted Uses,...those businesses that would augnrent business offices.., Bob Vo1 iter, another applicant, stated that the setback require- nents listed were too stringent for his property, whjch was iong and narrow. Other concerns of Voliter were the fact that signs would not be allowed facing toward I.70, that the view corridors be addressed, why retail was not allowed on the Znd floor, and why the housing was limited to employees, Patten stated that retail was limited to lst floor to help ensure its successn and to make sure that there lvas not too much retail square footage whjch would make the zone more of a shopping ma11. Corcoran ansrvered the sign question by stating that this area was being treated in the same t^ray the rest of Vail was treated in the sign code, lle added that various proceedings could be taken to get variances in signs and setbacks. Steve Isom, architect for l'lilliarns and Morgan, stated that he wished Vail Assocjates and Holy Cross had sent representativ,.to the meeting. -4- PEC 5/10/82 Will Trout stated that he supported higher F.A,R, than .75. He added ttrat in sone of the original discussions, there was talk of hav'ing a high relative density to support a lower rent area, and he djd not understand the changes nnde in the ord.i nance;'such as removing some uses first l isted and lovlering thedensity. He added that he still wanted to see interior pedestrian ways with'in the property lines and mentioned some exampies in other parts of the country. He sajd that this would increase the value of the property and would jncrease the commercial frontage, Patten renrinded Trout that the ordinance required the Plannning and Environmental Commjssion to adopt a general circuladion and access pl an. Corcoran felt that thc issue of pedestrian ways was addressed within the ordinance requ'irements. Piper felt that the ordinance could be oore- :tringent so that bike and pedesLrian paths would be requi!"ed rather than Fr6Fosed, Morgan expressed the concern that the p1 an not Ue tasl-in cement, but rather'leave some flexjbiljty as to where to place the buildings, Discussjon followed concerning the location of a bike path. Donovan suggested that the employee housing be required. Patten said that'it could be done, Much discussion on this top'ic foTlowed: Patten added that a coupleyears dgo .the issue of requiring a certain % of ernployee housing was considered, and the Town Council decided to use the informal bargaining procedure instead, Donovan also felt that the traffjc generators should be labeled as such for future PEC members and placed under Conditional Use. '\ Edwards felt that the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building should not be inc'luded in the district;zbecause the building could then be torn down and another, largerbuilding put in its p1ace. Also, this would be up zoning. The conunission then went through the lists of permitted, conditional and accessory uses and made many changes The question of requiring emp'l oyee housing came up again, some feeling that if employee hous'ing were requiredo other housing must be required, and othersfeeling that incentives could be given to build empioyee housing. Donovan felt employee housing should be requ'ired,-Piper felt that employee hous'ing should not be requ'i red, A vote was taken to see how each of the 5 members felt. It endedin a tie with Trout undecided, Duane and Scott againsto and Corcoran and Donovanin favor, It was decided to jnclude this in the report to Town Councjl. Scott Edwards moved and Will Trout seconded to send to the Town Council the cornmission's recomnrendations on the proposed Arterial Business zone district as amended by the staff and pointing out that the Commission was djvied on the employee requirement issue, The vote was 3'.2 in favor wjth Dan Corcoran and Diana voting against. They feltthat employee housing should be required in this district. (Jim Morgan abstained.) 6, ..Rgque:Llgl *_ n{grn1n'iym conversion on lot 42. Vail VillqSg_}!gst__tl AFpTiranT: --D-enn Peter Patten explained that the appl icant requested to table to June .l4. Donovan moved,;.Trout seconded to table as per applicant's request. The vote was 6-0 in favor of tab'l ing to June 14. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p,n. o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI{'IISSION ltlay '10' l9B2 2:15 Site Inspection 3:00 p,m, 1, Request for a variance from section'18'58.020 in order to build a'13'foot high avalanche wall on lot 11, Bighorn 2nd Addition. Applicant: James C, Shannon 2, Request for a condition use permit jn order to install a game parlor at 216l North Frontage Road, space #6, llest Vail l|al'|. Applicant: Gary Mitchell/Ganp City, Inc. 3, Request for a conditiona'l use permit to operate a real estate office in'a heavy service zone district at the Voliter Nursery, 1031 South Frontage Road West. Appl icant: Robert Vol iter 4, Request for an amendment to the Vait Municipal Code, Section'18.52.100 Parking Requirements to increase the required park'ing for professional and business offices. Appl icant: Town of Vai'l 5. Request to amend the Town of Vail zoning zode to add a new zone district cal'l ed Arteria] Business for an area west of Vail Lionshead including Vail Associates'west day parking lot, Vail Associates' shop and yard arear.Eagle Val't ey Water and Sanitation site, old Town shop site, Chevron site,,|lgly Cross Electric's yard s'ite, Texaco siten Voliter Nursery site and the Glen Lyon office building site. Applicant: Town of Vail 6. Request for condomjnium conversjon on 1ot 42, Vail Village l,lest Fi1 ing #1for 3 units. Appljcant: Dennis Shimon Published jn the Vail Trail May 7, l9B2 MEMOMNDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commissjon FR0M: Department of Community Development .. DATE: May 5,".'l 982 SUBJECT: Conditional use application to install a rnior arcade tilall in between Rags to Riches and The Little Flower Applicant: Game City, Inc, "OESCRIPTJON OF PROPOSED USE in llest Vail Shop, qRrlrR r4 .A$pjF_rj.rp rNgs Upon review of Section 18.600, the Department of Corununity Development recorunends approval, with three st'ipulationsr,.of the conditiona'l use permit based upon the fol'lowing factors Colsidera t.i'gqbf factols : RelqSig,nsh.ip gnjL.imp.acSgLtle. use qn deVelopmen! gbieclives of the town. If the arcade is managed properly, the use will not contradict the development objectives of the towno which call for the "harmonious development of the town" and enhance "its established character as a resort." dhe effect of the use on liqht. air. distribution of population, transportation c facilities needs. The Eff arcade will not traf,f.ictr estrl an afety a substantially influence the above, with particular reference to con automotive and conventence. traTT'tc 0w and contro access. maneuverabil i areas. in theThe arcade should llest Vail Mal'1. not substantially increase the dennnd for parking rom the street an Eflect..upgn !he- character of the area in whigh the proposeq u surrou-nol ng uses, r There could be a potential conflict among these uses and the arcade. Muchof the success or failure of the arcade depends on the effectiveness of the management of-Game City, Inc. The management should take steps to ensure thattheir clientele js well supervised, that the noise of the amusement devicesdoes not disturb the peace of the nnl1, and that littering and vanda'lism donot take place as a result of the arcade. *_ S^-h o tle i ft c3o qS -a no -g-ted\al$,e- .c. qgqi:lgq-d eem s_ap p l i.c a ble .to t h use. Tlg-EDgJgreqL{ii'nfncl-reporb co-nq-qln-Lngthe proposed use, if an environmental Not appl icable, STAFF RgC0MMENpAU0J! The Department of Conmun'ity Deve'l opment recorrnends that the conditional usepermit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed locatjon of ihe use is in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site'is'located. That the proposed ]ocation of the use and the conditions under which ic wouldbe operated or nnintained would not be detrimental to the publii health, sit"ty,or we]fare or materia'lly injurious to properties or improvements in the'viiiniiv. That.the.proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis brdinance. TIONS OF APPROVAL If to in the arcade the Town of a favorable Vail, the I i ght. does prove good neighbor totobea renewa'l of the conditonal ser't ous surrounding use permit 0p. stores and an asset should be reviewed Thus, the staff recormends that the following stipulations be placed upon the conditiona'l use permit: l. That the noise of the amusement devices does not disturb the peace of the l'lest Vail I'lal'|. The applicant should keep all the noise volumb controls onthe machines at a low ]bve]. 2. That the arcade wi'l'l be properly nnnaged. The management shou'ld not allow' loitei^ing'_littering, vanda'lism or diiorder'ly conduit on or in the innediatevicinity of the arcade by the c'liente'le of the arcade. 3. The conditiona'l use permit should be granted for a period not to exceed oneyear,from the time the conditional use is granted. 'The applicant should returnto the Planning Connission in the month of-M{y, .|983 for review of theirconditional us6. -t MEMORANDUi4 Planning and Environmental Conmjssion Department of Community Devel opment May 5, l9B2 | ,,;u;' TO: FROM: DATE: /6'4a-lr)rr'- mal orLittle a rcade Fl ower in l,lest Vai'l Shop, Game City, Inc,',..'represented by Gary Mjtchell of Colorado Springsr,wishes to establish a major arcaden called "Vajl Family Arcade" in the West VailI'bll. Game City wishes to house thirty-three amusement devices in the space. gBIJlBrer}|!-JJlpirs Upon rev'iew of Siiction'18.600, the Department of Community Development recommends approval , with three stipul.at'ions,-.of the conditional use permit based upon the following factbrs: Considerati on bf Factors :.-..:-.- Bel.alion_ship gn.C,jmpac!..-ofJle..ys-e-on_deVe'lopmgn!. gbieclives of the town. If the arcade is managed proper'ly, the use will not contradict the development objectives of thg town, which call for the "harmonious development of the town" and enhance "its established character as a resort," SUBJECT: Conditional use application to install a MalI in between Rags to Riches and The Applicant: Game City, Inc, DESCRIPiION OF PROPOSED USE The arcade should not substantially increase the demand for l.lest Vail Mall. dhe effect of the use on liqht. air. distribut'i on of population, transportationffii]-iTi?ffif s a iiA-raereaT]@- g$'ib-_fggil it'igs ary!. pubf ic facil ities leejls,- The arcade wi'l'l not substantially influence the above. Effectr u traffjc with partjcular reference to congestjon, ---..;-.-.-.--.-.>--i_-:=---..------'--'-:--alety and conven'lence. tratf lc t lOlnl and control , automotive and aCcess. maneuverabil it remova .sn ot,rom the street an nq areas. Effcct*upgn !he-.character of the area in which the proposed use is to be t surrounornq uses. The arcade,'l ocated in the pedestrian portion of the West Vail Mall,'i s surrounded by cornrnrcial uses. To the west is Ranqs to Riches, The San Francisco Scafood Shop, Tlre Vail Athlete, and Bill Bullocks. To the 6ast is The Little Flower parking in the estrian safety an ?"r Shop and thr: liquor storr:. The shops vrhjch face the south side are Rocky l4ountain lia jr and the nrusic shop, 1 Gatrrc City -2-vpedestiart rnall on the There could be a potential conflict among these uses and the arcade. lluch of the success or failure of the arcade depends on the effectivcness of the management of Game City, Inc. The management should take steps to ensure that their clientele is wel 1 supervised, that the noise of the amusement devices does not disturb the peace of the mali, and that littering and vandalism do not take place as a result of the arcade. Such other f a c to r.s a n d c r i t e r i qja1lh q._qg!m t;fi_qq_qg9m:3p_p!!g@ use, The:!_ytrqnlg-&qJ'lrlpqc! fegor! concerning the proposed use, jf an envjronmental.i:.-.---i.--- --':".:--- _ -.--:-_1r.]._....i- . .--:_.---.i=-:mgt-_reru.ttJ;_ reggi rgd br cla pJe|"' t g . S0 . Not appl icable, STAFF RECOI'|MENp4II0[ The Department of Community Development recommends that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed'l ocation of ilie use is in accord with the purposes of lhis ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under vrhich ir wou1 d be operated or maintained would not be detrinrental to the public health, safety, or we1 fare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the v'icinity, That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis brdinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The staff recommends approval of the conditiona'l use with three stipulations, including noise control , proper management, and that the cond'i tiona'l use permit be granted for a period not to exceed one year from the date when the conditional use is granted. For this is the first large arcade in Vajl, and the Town needs some means of revoking the conditonal use permit if serious problems deveiop.If the arcade does prove to be a good neighbor to surrounding stores and an asset to the Town of Vai1, the renewal of the conditonal use permit should be reviewed in a favorable 1ight. 'f ttrus, the staff recommends that the fotlowing stipu'lations be placed upon the I conditional use permit: I\ l. That the noise of the amusement devices does not disturb the peace of the [ lJest Vail Mall. The applicant should keep all the noise volume contro]s onI ttre machines at a low ibve'|. Ir2. That the arcade wj'll be properly managed. The management should not allow I loitcring, littering, vandalisnr or disorderly conduct on or in the inurrediate / vicinity of the arcade by the c'lientele of the arcade. / l. The conditiona'l use permit should be gr.rnted for a pcriod not to exceecl one I year frorrr the tjnre thc conditional use is granted. Thc applicant-sltould return i to the Planning Conunission in the nronth of May, l9B3 for rcview of tltejr \-_, conditjonal use. / l" ,t-ts.e? APPLICATION FORI4 FOR CONDITIONAL USE PER}IIT This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAIIE oF *prtclfrtr kF-V *\ trc-*ewt 7/G+M,E C\* , &4 . ADDRESS .PAONE -4K3- f,o7tlB. NAI,TE OF ADDRESS APPLICAT.IT I S REPRESE$ITATIVE I. PHoNE +-tL-zztu Ic. D. LOCATToN oF pRoposAt 2-(("\ 19e5r*t Fr:o,tr-n/;a RoAo,U6i_C c4. aoonnss p,ooa,Jp F\a - gPAcs * 6,r,' DESCRIPTION Lot Block Filing \(,r,;. I,EGAI, FEE $50.00 plus an anount equal to the rate for each property ouner to be A list of the name of owners of all then current first-class Postagenotified heretnder. property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses, Sea ,erfvcf/4/4f@\-/ / ted. '' 3 3'7I'1 O- Conditional Use Perrnit page 2 /8. '.^-4;. Four (4) copies ?.n" fortowins inrormatioJ A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use andits operating characteristics, and measures proposed to makethe use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. A site plan showing proposed development of the site, including topography. building locations, parking, traffic circul-ation, useable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainage features. C. Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicatethe djmensions, general appearance, scale, and jnterior plan ofalL buildings. D. Any additional material necessary for the review of the applicationas determj-ned by the Zoning Administrator. III. Tj.me requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Itlondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. C^aln,M,q'{g To ABou€ N - Ses ATTtqtbn B - 9* AdrAc-btsD C - U/rl - l..Jo'f NrA.r @/oETt4)eTtrF)- Pgft- Seo-6 EDTuAF{S D - N,/A PgR I c.rzrr- r-b6ar \115 E I /t \l; ,^_ t-Vu-t T4INUTES VA]L TO\TN COUNCILIlarch 17, 1981 Regular l,,Ieet ing a3\ On Tuesday, Ilarch 17, 1981 , tlre Vai I Town Council conrzened for itsregular meeting at 7:30 P.M. ln the Council Chambers located inthe Vail tr{unicipal Building. tr4EIUBERS PRESENT:Itlayor Rodney Sllfer Bud Benedict Pauf Johnston Bob Rucler Tom Steinberg Ron Todd Bill iVilto R j chald Capl an , Ton'n )\fanagerLarry Rider, To*'n AttorneyDick Ryan, Director of Community Development OTI]]'RS PRESENT: Itlayor Slifer ca11ed the meeting to order with the first orderof business being a resolution honoring April 11, 1981 as the "9 HealthFair Day". He then gave a brjef explanation of t'hat that entailed. Bud Benedict made a motion for approval; second by Steinberg. A unanimous vote u-as recorded in favor of the motion. Ilayor Slifer introduced Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1981, secondreading into the r:ecord. Richard caplan noted that there had beena change on Page 5, ivhich the Councif requested, tvhich changed the mitrimum fee to $50. He also noted that a nrember from the Denver\fater Board would attend a Council meeting sonetime in Apri1. A tnot ion to approve OrdinaDce No. 2 rvas made by Paul- Johnston; secondby Steinberg. A unanimous vote u'as recorded. Ordir.rinces 11, 12, 13 & t4 rvele lead into the rccord by tr{ayorSlifer. Slifer then noted that the Council had made another tour oftlre Ifest Vail area since their last rvork sess jon. Dick Ryan gavea brief explanation in ri'hich be noted that j.n Ordinance No. 12, theland of Pet I.,td had been char.rged to Residential Cluster. Ile thenoutrined some of the other changes rvithin the various ordinances. Comments rvere heat"d from Jay Petelson and Jim Jacobson. The discrrssionturncd to llighland Lteadorvs and the Gore Creek Trading Cornpany parcelshereby Ruder and lfilto explessed their concern about the steepness ofthe 'l ots. Dick Ri'an notcd that the only r:hanile to Or"r.ljnance No. 1,3 rvas that thestaff re co.r,lrr:rtr-led the addition of Itcm J u.hc'reby the.l ots in theClif fsicte Subdilision xoulcl be a.11orred a rnir.rintrm GRFA of 2,OOO squal'e f eet cach. Thcre \ras no comrrrcnt f lom eitlier the Corrncil nr the public. Dick Ryan noted tlre stirf f 's and the Pl annir-rg Cor.l,rni ssion's lecorrLllt<;ncl:r t i orrsfor zc.tning the 1.ir-o1>r''r't 5' i n Olcli rrrrnce \o. )4. Staff I'i-,c.'lurn.-,n(l(]d i>t'i r-i.a r1'/:;ccottdar'5' and the Planning Con,ltissi rtn leconr.cnclc:d r- r-. s i d c. n t i a 1 .'l'ltr,-t'e ii as di:-t:ttssi on from vari c,.,us irropr:r'ty o\,,ltcrs in the sultdivision asriell lts f rom ,Ioe S1.:.rrf fer, iiho c(,rnrnr(rnted on the zone clistr-ict of 1-.,t'i t:,ar'5-/st-condaly. Frank C'arose l l i rlut:stioned rrhether the zone district 1lt'i r:.irt'1-/secondar-\' ','.As a dolrn-//.)ninrJ of Lhe ytlopcrty. Slifcr felt that i t ". lts rtr.rt. I lrr'r'1' 1irlt:r' thr;n rrr>t, ri Pr-.'1-r:r Cosglif f 's concerns aboutihr: ('lore Crr_'ek Tr':tcli r-rg Corrlran5.'s 1rr.r.r1ter.ty ril-ri ch sur-r-ouncis tl.re II i ghl:rnd I,ir,irrlot', s ilrrltd i vi s ir-ln . t Dick Ryan outli,ned the area contained in ordlnance No. 1r andnoted that Lot 40 was not included in the proposed zone district ofcclrr. Doug Irtc Laughlin expressed l.ris'iei's as did tori cooaeii,a prope'ty owner in the Gore creek subdi'ision. she presented apetition to the Councir against the cciILoning and a petition as rve1las a p.oposal for a park in the Buffer creek ur5". Ther-e was nofurther discussion of this ordinance. Ordinance No. 1,2. Bud Benedict made a nrotion for approval;second by Ron Todd. The motion failed. Bob Ruder made a motionto approve ordinance No. 12 r'ith tivo chances: the Gore creek Tradingcompany parcel to be zoned pr-inrarl,/secnndary and the pet Ltd. par.celto be zoned primary/secondaiy with the balairce of the land to remainas stated in the ordinance. paur Jorrnston seconded the motlon. A5-2 vote was recorded in favor of the motion. o'clinance No. 13. tr{a1-or slifer outlined the property affected byo'din:rnce No. 13 and'oted the staff,s suggested arnendment of rtem J.Bill lt'i1to made a-motion.to approve rvithordinancewith the amendment;second by Todd. The motion clirj.eA u"u"irousfy.- ordinance No. 14. Irfayor slifer outrined the property affected byor-dina.ce No - 14 . IVi tto made a mot i on for alrproval ivith- the zoning tobe residentia];second by Todd. After sorne cliscussion by the Council,a vote rvas taken rvhereby the motion f ai-led. Bob Ruder tben made amotion to adopt ordinance No. 14 rvith the area to be zonedprimary/secondary; second by steinberg. Trrere \ras some comment f r:omTim Garton a'd f,ave schumaker against the p.rra.-y/secondary zoning.comnents from other members of itre public and council rvere also heard.The nrotion to have primary/secondary zoning iaiieo. Ron Todd then madea- motion to approve ordinance No. 14 rvith the residentiar ""ring-unathat rracts B & c be zoned agricultur-al/open spaee. srifer statecthat he-wou1d support the n,otion rvith tire provision that the DesignReview Board not allow mirror image cluplexes. The motion ryas secondedby Bud Benedict. The motion passed 5-2 with Rurler and steinberg opposed ordi'ance No. 11. l,{ayor slifer noted that the o$ners of Lot 4ohad requcsted that it be included in the cCIII zone district and thata petition had been submitted to exclude Lot 40 from the CCIIr district.'lim_GaIton, co-o\4ner of Lot 40, expressed his clesire to be i ncluded incclII. Parrr Johnston made a nroti.n to approve ordinance No. 11 and toinclude Lot 40 in the cclIr zon)ng oistrrct; second by $irto. Aun an irnous vote tvas taken. l\1i nut esVaiI Torvn Council Itlarch 17, 1981 Page TVo lfa1,or Slif er and Counci 1tbe Pl ann i ng Contmission for C I'I'IZ}:N PIRTICIPATION : cxtended tltei r tltanks to the staf f andtbei r rror-k i n the li;cst \'ai1 zoning process rerlucs tcd that ther-aliance r-ecluest ofhe i.as unl'ible to ilttc-.rtd -,1 unanimous r:ote r'..1r s ila5'or Slifer stated that tl.re applicant h:rcliii,Dc:tJ. of Pla'ni'g Cori:rni:;si on,s decision of the I:irl 3, Btock 3, Itjghorn 3r.d t-i1.ing be tablcd a>^iiilto rr:ade a tlotion to tabfe; secol-rd b),,fodcl .I'Lrcol'dcd. l'lo Steinber.g cot lr-,ctnted thlrt the 1 lr,,,r-c,f or-e , cor-ll.(ln' t ltt; hclr rd. SIte arlitlir' t iiavc pr:r'sr)na1 j;zr:cl tr:lle platLrs Coul-rr-- i I ntcn riirln't spcak rrp andlso rlrir:st ioncd r,.'h y sr,r:e tltc-rlj;cI'son ihr--ir r:,i ci'r-i1-:h<trtes. ... vArL TO\\'N COUNCIL Rcgular Meeting 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, lrlarch 3, 1981 Tbe Vail Torvn Council on Tuesday, It{arch 3,ilunicipal Bui 1ding. The follorvlng Council pre'sent : convened for its regular 1981, in the Vail Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. Charnbers of the Vail mernbers and Uayor Rodney E. Slifer rvere Bill 1!'ilto Bud BeuedictDr. Tom Stei.nberg Paul Johnston Bob Ruder Absent: Ron Todd Also present were Larvrence C Town l{an ager. Rider, Town Attorney, and Richard Caplan, Fjt'st item on the agenda lras a presentation from Joe Staufer, Chairman-elect of the Council District Review Committee. lrlr. Stauf er gave hisreport and stated that the committee had voted 7 - 2 in favor of notdlstricting at this time. John siverly and siri campbe]l were thetlo voting in favor of districting and siri campbell read a lettershe and John siverly had rvritten giving their reasons as to thej.rvote. Frank Caroselli stated that the corrmittee had not spentenough time on tlre revierv and felt the Council should reject thereport and restudy the issue. i',Iayor sllfer stated that the councilwould take the report under advisernent and rvould get back to thepeopre at the next meeting. Bud Benedict stated that he felt thecommittee had done a good job with n'hat they had to rvork with andstated that there had been very litt1e intercst from the public inapplicants willing to serve on the committee. The next item on the agenda was the presentation of four \fest VaiIzoning ordinances - #rs 11, 12, 13 and 14. trlayor Slifer read thetitles of each of the four ordinanccs and thcn went back for discussionof each one, The f i1.st ordinance presented rvas Ordj.r'rance #11. Dick Ryan, Community Devel.opment Director, addressed the Council and presented this ordinaneeto them. Commerci a1 Core III js the area bounded on the rvest by the Innat \i'est vai.r and bounded on the east by the Brandess Bu11ding. Area iscurlently zoned commeLcial in tlre cc.runty rv j.th the exclusion of tbe tivoservice stations uhich rvil1 be discussed later. It is proposed thatthis area be rezoned into a nruch broader use zone than we have for CCIand cclI. The reason for this being that this is rea11y the communitybusiness zone of the Gore Va11ey plus heavy sliopping trade outside ofthe Gore valJr:y. ^tlr. Ryan outlined the area just described on the mapfor the council. Dorrg llcl-aughlin, o\rner of Lot 40 a1,ong with rim Garton, Tom llarrling and Althur Kelton, expr-esscd regarding the zoning of thislot rvhich lies just east of the ccIII zoned property. The staff ispr'()posirrg zor]ing Lots .10, 47, 7, 8 and 9 as one unit of residentalcluster. Ilr. iir'L:iup;h I in fclt that this ignores the fact tl'rat Lots 41, 7 , 3, 9 , 10, l1 nnd l2 ale al l brril t, the least r:f rvhi ch are 15* units ircl' iiL'l'e. ile f r:l t tlrat r'. ltr-n you t ake these lots and dosnzone them tii'oIi:\'t:1s belcrii thr-.i r p).'t-s{:r)t col)stlurjLion and including Lot 40 it puts ilrt,-tn in a P.rculiar lrosit jon. l{e riould I ike to see Lot 40 zoned commercialIf not ,;r:ir:(l cc,l,!:l(-r('ial lre f el.t he should be zoned somethi ng similar to t he 1ot s; i;p to tl)e lloost Lodge ilre. 11r. I11.an stated the county zoningon titis is ;iSl'1 ',ih jch is 5.5 units Pcr :l(jrc ltef <;re the annexation tookp1.aee. ile- felt that tlre r-r-'si dcntial clustrlr z,oni ng is vcry comparableto the zon)'ng the County had given i t atrd should not lte upzoning thepropr:rt1'. lle f e1t they $ere not dor', nz,r.,n i ng the l and at all . 7 . . VAII-, TOJIN COUNCIL Rcgular lrleeting 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, !,Iarctr 3, 1981 * Page 2 IIr. Ilclaughlin stated that all of the zoning in that area had changedfrom u'hat the County had originally planned. He presented a countyzoning map which should the rvay these lots had been zoned originally,Laurie Goodell from tsuffer Creek subdivision dlrectly behind Lot 4Orepresenting resjdents of Buffer Creek stated their oppositon tochanging the zoning of Lot 40 to commercj.al . She stated that the al-ea \ras a quiet, resi.dential area ivith permanent family drvellingsand a lot of children. Tbere is a lot of traffic in the area becauseof the corulercial area there now. She felt it lvould dos'ngrade theenjo5ment of their proper.ty as rvel, 1 as the value of the property. she ri'ould like to request that the Toivn consider purchasing thatIot and making it j.nto a park which is needed in that area. l\lr' Ilclaughlin stated tl.rat they rvould be more than happy to sell thatpiece of property to the Torvn and had talked to the Torvn about it acouple of years ago. !,iarka lloser, a rcsident of Buffer Crcek, stated that she rvould alsolike to on r:ecord in opposition of any zone change to u1:grade L,ot 40to a commercial zone. pub 1i e -As there \4ere no other coniments, l.,lr. Slif er closed out the/discussionon Ordinance #11.1lr. \fi1to commented that if this is zoned residential cluster that rvouldnot stop him from coming ln at a later date rvith a more specific plan and requesting a variance at that time. I1r. Slifer stated that the one concern he had u'as the amount of trafficon the frontage road norv and rvhat it rvould be like with another commercialbuilding on it Oldinance #12 s'as then presented to the Council by Peter patten, Zoning-Aclministrator- lJr. Patten outlined tbe property in question on thezoning map, that being on the northside of the irigttriy, 6G 1ot andCli.ffside subdivision. The pl-oposed zolting for this area is residentialcluste-r zoni,ng. Ilr, Patten statcd that Lot 40 rvas held back from thePlerrning Commission reconlrcndation for a tveek for further discussionat its meeting of ilonday, llarch 2. Their recormendation rvas consistentti'ith staff's recommendation t.hat it be resldential cluster. lir. Slifer asked for conrtncr-rts from the floor, Doug IlcLaughli.n statedthat just for the recold it be stated that he was oplrosed to Ordinance #11. \lr. Patten continued n'ith the staf f 's l:ccotr.imendations: Vai1 IIeights, Etc. - prinary/secondary recommendation by Staff and Plarini ng Conrnrission. - dupl cx zoncd di strict. Yai 1 Ciiy Corporation - agricultural lzorlc:d r"ccor,rrrcDded by Staf f andP1:inning Corrunissi.on. / and o1tc.n sl)ace Sclvice Statjons - 3 si.ations zoned heavy service district.:'!ilttLl'hor'n \/i 11rrge, \'ltil \Ii ll;rge iiest, Gor.e Tr-ading Co.,:tl1 of thc arc.a ii i th iirt: (,,\c(jirtion of the llighland i.lr:adoi'.s silllri ir-ision. F.L'(j(,)r..r ,t-:iciati()l) f r'(rll St:if f and i>lanning Cor;urri ssion i s 1rr i nlrrv/sc<-'oldar5'. Pc're I Gosgri f f , r'elrrcs(rnting .i hc Goi.e 'lr:cling Co. ri'h i ch o\','n s a sma1ltl-a(tt of lartd l)r-rrcit r'i ttg r'ru Go:-e (ll-r,r:k iiitd :;lu-i'<)uriclr:d on all three sirlcs i:5- Iiil;it1i.ltd I.ir:a,r1,x,;s 1&.2. G,r1's C;r:r..k -fi'1,1 j;g Co. t'{.,quLrsting they begit'c'r'r sz.r:le zoni ng as tl'rc- srillr:urtdi ng irr-o1;erty - lliglrland I.lcadorvs.It r,,:rs the oiine.r's uliclct'stancling that t.his 1rr.tt1_rrrty' \', as drrplex zoned.iiatrt to be corrsi>-tr.nt irith ltr-r_,orrtv ar()ilnd tltr:rn. EA!I,T COUNIT o DTIABT$IEI{T McDonald Bldg. o NOOT PI.AI{NI AND DEtlEL0PirlEtfI 550 Broadwey P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 17 Novernber 1977 West Vail I'1a11, Ltd. Jeffrey B. Selby P.O. Box 1J28 Vai1, Colorado 81657 \.?.1'? Re: Enilding Perrnit #Q741 In answer to your letter of I November L977 requesting an extensionof your hrilding Permit #f,71+L, the Eagle County Building Departmen!is granting you a six (5) month exbension. Tttis shoul-d a11ovr you enough tirne to get you past the bad winter weather period for construction. ,P f) /)&w svs6*q e Eagle County Bullding Official rn/ik Plnnning f)cpartment/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (30J) J2g-6AJg Building official: Building Pcrnrits and Inspcction, zoning Atlministration (30J) g28-69g9 L POST OFFICE BOX 1528 vAtt,coronADo 81657 (3OO476.0522 November 8, L977 Mr, Les Douglas Eagle County Building Eagle County Building Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Building Pernit Dear Les: :D NOv I 4 1977 D€pt. 0l l-lannlnrj & rcvet. fsgle County, Coto.0fficial Dept. for the West Vail Ma1l. As General Partner for the West Vail l,lall shopping center, I an writing to obtain your approval for an extention of the building perrnit nunber 074I to allow us to start construction of our developnent next building season. With the winter coning on it does not rnake sense for us to try to start this late in the year. There were a nurnber of reasons for our not getting the project started sooner, including our financing and several problerns with Safeway and a tTuck easement they need. In any event, we appear to be solving all of the reasons for the delay and expect we can get a good start next building season. Thank you for your consideration of the extension request. Sincerely, LL, LTD. JBS/sp BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 @URTHOUSE, EAGIE, CO.-PH. (303) 328.6339 BIJILDING PERMIT JOB UEATHER CARO at"Ltcltt ttirrt To tcorri't Lrctitt' (-) sroRYlo. NUMEER OF0wELL r'lc Urar ts zot t GAt lLOCrTlOrl o 1STR tct 'E?rltr - iE;6;; i;;i:ii ^ND (ciott !TnElTl ! rumrvrrrc- ?lII l|l tFF{rlJ l$irl Lor- BLoc* -r'lJ, : $rurr.otro|l?o!E-Fl.w|oEBY-FT.LoNGEY-FT.|x|lE|GHTT' I fiorogEo u!E) ot TO tYta UsE GRoUP_BASEMEIT waLlg oR Four.oArtofltZo ANO SHALL COI|FORM tI CONSYRUCTtot{ ( 'Y ?EI \ nlMAiX3: AREA OR YOLUME (cuatc/aeuatt t:Ett cw*sr h ld,l ldl Lll- ^-".r. nr 1at+ trllf :urLorNG ANO LOC AT ION OF THr3 2ERMtt CONVEyS NO RTOXT TO OCCUFy ANy StRgET, ALLEy OiNV 'rI(,NI I9 9ISUI'Y ANY STFEET, ALLEY OR SIDEIVALK OR ANY PARTPERTaANEXTLY. ENCROACl|raE T 3- _O]V- !_U! lrc rnorentvf xot SpEcrFrcALLy pERMryrEo uNoEttRovED lY ?HE JuRlgolcrloN. StREE? oR aLLEy one6es eg vEiL ll oEir-n-ir.i'o r-o-cerror.r rrRovED ly,?HE JURTgOtCTTON. StREE? OR aLLEy One6es eg vEiL ll oEir-n-ir.ib r_o-cerror oFROM THE O€FAR'MENT OF PUILIC WORKS. TXE tggUANCE OF TI.IIS PERMIT OOES NOT RELEASE THEOF AIIY' A PPLICA ALE 3UDOIVISION RESTRI CTIONS. FROM THE O€FAR'MENT OF PUILIC WORKS. TXEOF AIIY. A PPLICA ALE 3UDOIVISION RESTRI CTIONS. t{t NlMul4 c'r ?xREE cAl I NSFEC ?ION3 REQUIR EO FOALL CON3tRUC?tON fORXr TouNoaTroxt oi tooTtNot.PRrOi ?O COV E it r{o tTR uc tuRI{EMIEi3 (iE AoY to LATr{t.HEMIEi3(iEAOY IO LATI{I.l. rri{aL tt{3tEcrtoN !EFoREoccutaNcY.rrr{AL rt{3tEcrtoN IEFoccutaNcY. GARD SO tT tS VlStBr BUILOINO INSPECTION APPROVALS otHti woa|( tltaLl ltgt PioctEo $rTtL ?t{trrtrtctd ltAt ApFtovEo tlt! vattot aSIAO:! Ot CCtTrUCTtolt. Es'MArEo .o., $ r.6m..*-o[b ffi ' t&!iL ?XE lUILOINC COOE. MU3? !E AP.PUBLIC SEVERS MAY BE OBTAINEOAPPLICANT F ROT.I IHE C ONOIT IONS APPROVEO PLANS MUST BE RETAINEO ON JOB ANO THIS CARD KEPT POSTEO UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MAO€. WHERE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS RE. QUIREO,SUCH BUtLOtNG SHALL NOT BE OCCUptEO UNTTL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. ?INTIT |ILL BECOTE NULL AXD VOID IF CON3TRUCTTON TOIT I' NOT STAITED TITHIN ttx XOXIXS OF DATE tTIE PIRXIT tt |ttt tD A3 NOTIO ABOVE. ELECTRICAL IXSPEC TION APPROYALS R EF RIOE iA TION II{3IEC?ION AP 'iOV L3 IIIIERE APPLICAELE SEPARATEPERMI75 ARE R€QUIRED FOR€LECYRICAL, PLUM!INO ANOMECX NIC L INSTALLAIIONS. STREET |l{sP€cTtoxs rr{orcATEo ot| TBts caRo CAI{ 8E ARRAIIGEO FOR BY TELEPHOIIE OR IVRITTEII XOTIFICATION. PLUMEING INSPECT ION APPROVALS HEAT IXO INIPECTINO AP'ROVALS EAOI.E COUNTT o TIAETIIEIIT McDonrld Bldg. OT PI.AI{I{I 550 Broadwas alf! Drtl![0PtilEl{T o t{0 P.O. Box l?9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 3 Novenrber 1977 l'fo. Dar:id Elmore 10001 E. EVans Unit 69-C Denver, Colorado Dear l"Ir. Elmore, After revj.ewing the plans for the files (Building perclt No. 6118 and Eil-e I.Io. Sp-64-?6), I have cone to the conclusion that no additional landseapiag area is required to cornplete fhe truck easenent tradeoff arrangement betueen Safer^ray and the oi{lers of the tr4a11 property. ft appears that the area of pavernent to be used for tnrck access to Safelray lras showl on the i'Ial1 plans and is of the same size as now proPosed. ff you could verify the size of the relevant areas (as you relatedto me in our phone conversation of Oct. 3L, L977>, our office could be cerbain that no increase in 1ot coverage is being made and therefore no requirenent for additional open space prorision woujld be necessary. I hope this addresses )rour concerzr. ff you have arry'quest5.ons, please contact this office. Sincerely, /4fr,/#Terril]- Irurighi" /rR/ik cc: Les Douglas I"forter/Todd Architects Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezon.ing, Applications and Review (g0S) BZ6-6JJ8 Building ofiicial: Building Permits and Inspection, zoning Administration (l0,i g2E-6J:19 Xt THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA August 9, 1977 RECEIVED AuG I 6 1977 t{'#o'[Sl1 t"l"j'"' Mr. Terrel'l Knight Eag'le County Planning Deaprtment P.0. Box 789 Eag1 e, Co]orado 81631 Dear Terrel I : Enclosed are six cop'ies of our'l etter of July 19, 1977, written to the Eagle County Planning Commission regarding the relocation of the Western Federa'l Sav-ings buildlng qt the Saf6way site in West Vail. AlsfrEfr'EiitsEd are slx copies a cover Isfter, directed to each member of the Zoning tsoard of Adjustment. Please distribute one copy of each letter to each member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment at, or before, their meet'ing of Thursday, August L0, 1977. Jeff Selby and I will be jn attendance at that meet'ing. Best regards, . Morter, A TER/TODD PARTNERSHI , AIA CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vArL. coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 KI THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA August 8, 1977 Eag'l e County Zoning Board of Adjustment c/o Eagle County Planning Department P.0. Box 789 Eag'le, Colorado 81631 The enclosed letter of Ju'ly 19, .|977, wrjtten to the members of the Eagle County P1 anning Commission, illustrates the feelings of our office, ourclient (l.lest Vail Mall, Ltd.), and every member of our community w'ith whom we've discussed the requested variance related to the relocation of the Western Federal Savings building at the Safeway site in West Vail. At their meeting of July 20, 1977, the Planning Commission voted four-to- one to recormend approval of the requested varjance. However, through an oversite, the enclosed letter was not qjven to the cornmission members RECEIVED AUG I 6 1977 D€!t. tl flarri',i'g & uevel' ESls o9utrtY. Coto' until after the vote was taken, gard'ing-ThE variance. t.le wouldin the letter would have made a Commission, and certainly hope your voting. and was not a part of the discussions re- like to bETieve that the points made difference in the vote of the Planning that these points will be considered in In the interest of cormon sense, good planning, in the interest of l.,lest Vail Mall, Ltd., and most'importantly, in the jnterest of all those whowill use, or even see,this prominent comnercial area, vle respectfu'l 1y ask that this inappropriate request for a varjance be denied. hle further urge you to confirm with the Eagle County Planning Department that ade- quate parking and impervious material are provided on the site for all existing and proposed deve'lopment, including the addition to the Safeway building and the relocated Western Federal Savings building. Our analysis indicates otherwise. Best r ards, R. Morter, f,IA RTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 -1 TA[tE COUNTT o DTTABTMEIIT o IN[ AND P.O. Bor 179McDonald Bldg. OT TI.ANI{ 550 Broadway 1g August 1977 DT1lEI.OTMTilT Ergle, C,olorrdo 81631 Western Federal Savings 25? Josephine St. Denver, Colorado 80206 Re: File No. Zv-30-?7 - Variance At their Public Hearing on 11 AugusL 1977, the Zoning Board of Adjustment denied your variance request because no condition for which a variance is allowed was proven (Seetion 9.04.06 1-5 of the Zoning Resolution.) If you have any questions, please contact this office. ,Mft,,/Terrill Knight' / Planner rKlkp cc: Zonirlg Board of Adjustment . Board of County Commissioners Planning Department/Planning Commission: SuMivision, Rezoning, Applical.ions and Review (303) 328{333 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administrstion {303) 328-6339 uon, rl"o /rl.) pLt cATt olrr Vorlcnce Appt lcation I I Flto No. Zv-3O-77 Western Federal Savings a Acllon of Zonlrrg Bowd of A<ljuslrrrcnt on Approval tr] conditions: e Denlal El roasons: (see Orcler of the Board, attached) No condiHon for.which a variance 1-5 of the Zonlng Besolution. ) proven (Section 9.04.06is allowed was :_' /\ n'C\ ll Aueust 1g?? q)D*-,-'j(b{ Dato, hearlng Note: Section 9.04.1O Appcals from thc Board' . Any ltrrther appeal from tl-re <Iccision of the Boarcl may be mado to the courts, as providcc bi, I ar.1/, providedr howevert that such appoal is maclc prior to lwcnty (20) cJiiys following the date o{ the nctilicr.riion of the [:]oard's declsion. R RiC[/YED AUG I 877 "" 'nl,l,' ;r';1;; ;r,;.",",. EagIe County Zoning Board of Adjustment Eagle County Planning Department Box 789 Eag1e, CoI orado 8'163.| The VaiI Planning Commission has reviewed the Western Federal Sav'ings variance appficat'ion and would urge the Zoning Board of Adjustment to denythis request. The Vail P'lanning Commission unanimously feels that the approval of this request wi1l be to the detriment of the Vail das Schone shopping area. The relocation of the Western Federal Savings building, as proposed,will eliminate one of the major planned landscaped areas in the entire shopping plaza. It wi'l I also cause circulation problems as well as having a negative visual effect on the Safeway and surrounding sites. Before a variance is granted, the impact of the proposed change must be carefully reviewed. If the negative side effects out-weigh thepositive ones, the variance request shou'l d be denied. It is the fee'lingof the Vail Planning Commiss'ion that the negative impacts of the Western Federal Savings variance request are far greater than the positive ones. tr'le, therefore, would urge the Zoning Board of Adjustment to denythis request. Si ncere D , Jr. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-5613 off ice of the town manager August 2, 1977 Chai Vai I EDldi lanning Commission DEPA[TTflT!IT McDonrld Bldg. o OT TIAI{NII{O AND 550 Broadway P.O. Box 179 DTllTIOPMElIT Eagle, Coloredo 81631 22 JuLy L977 Western Federal Savings 257 Josephine Street Denver, Colorado 80206 Be: File No. Zv-3O-77 Variance At their continued meeting on 20 July, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval with the condition that the loss of green space due to the building location be compensated forrelsewhere on the lot. firis recommendation will be presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustments at their Public Hearing on 11 August 19?7, beginning at 10:00 A'M. If you have any questions please contact this office. rK/bb cc: Zoning Board of Adjustments Pkrnning Dcpnrtmcnt/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications and Revicw (303) 32M338 Ruilding Official: Building Permits nnd lnspcction, Zoning Administration (303) 328-6339 TAETE COUNTT THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA -utt- D.tt. 0l Bglc RECEIVEDJuly 19, 1977 7,2,1977 Planntng & County, co', Eagle County P1 ann'ing Corunission Eagle County Planning Department P.0. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear Members of the Plann'ing Cormission: I am writing on behalf of myself, members of my community with whom I've djscussed the following matter, and on behalf of my c'l ients, West VailMall, Ltd., regarding the proposed relocation of the Western Federal Savings bui'lding at the Safeway site in West Vail. A variance is be'ing requested, in order to locate the building on the west property Iine of the property, jn violation of setback requirements, and placing the bujlding on an existing utility easement. Variances are normally granted under two general conditions: one codd'fltion being the existance of some unusual hardship jf the variance is not granted; the other condition be'ing that the granting of a variance would permit an improvement to a situation over what could be accomplished by strict ap-plicat'ion of the zon'ing resolution. Indeed the exact opposite of these two conditions exists in the case of re1 ocating the Western Federa'l Savings bui 1 di ng. The relocation of the building to its proposed location is in no way neces- sitated by a hardship. It is necessitated by the proposed expans'ion of the Safeway store, on the same site, hardly a hardship to anyone. West Vail Mall, Ltd., developers of the proposed shopping mall on the site im- mediately to the west of the Safeway site, were assured by the owners of the property that the tfestern Federal Savings building would be removed from the site when the Safeway store was expanded. The proposed location of the savings building was in no way considered in the overall planning of the Safeway/West Vail Mall area, and is arbitrarily placed in the middle of the only major landscaping jn:.the whole area. The overall planning and appear- ance of this major commercial development has been a primary concern of both the Eagle County and Town of Vail p1 anning staffs, and thi s combinationof ilI-conceived, arbitrary building p'l acement and loss of the only signi-ficant landscaping in the many acres of asphalt paving is inexcusable. t,lhile the interests of the general public would be damaged, the West Vail Mall, Ltd., would incur considerable hardship by having the overal'l quality of the area reduced, as wel 1 as having the vision blocked of one of their major identification signs and major entries. The sign was purpose-ly kept low, in the interest of good p1 anning and appearance. I would urge the corunjssion to confirm wjth the Eagle County Planning Depart- ment that adequate parking and impervious material are provided on the sjte CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 476-s105 THE MORTER/TTD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Eagle County P1 anning Conmissjon Eag'l e County P1 anning Department July 19, 1977 Page 2 for all existing and proposed development, including the relocated Western Federal Savings bu'ilding. Our analysis indicates otherwise. I thank you for your consideration, and urge you to deny thjs variance request, in the interest of good planning, the interest of all those who wil'l see this site, and the interests of t^lest Vail Mall, Ltd. Best regards, rter, AIA ER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Jeffrey B. Selby TerrjI I Knight Jim Lamont taotE c0uNry DETABTIf,TIIT OT PTINNINO AND DTUTIOThIEIIT McDonald ltldg. 550 Brordway P,O. Box l?9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 15 July 1977 Kathleen Lell, Editor Eagle Val ley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Notice of Publ ic Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 11 August 1977 Please publ ish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a "Legal Notice" in the 21 July publ ication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publ ication to this office. k4z6z; Director MSB,/kp I'lanning I)cpartmcnt/I)lanning Commission: Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications and Revicw (303) 328-6338 Buikling Official: lluilding Pcrmits and Inspection, Zoning Adnrinistration (303) 328-6339 o "I3L!?=.TJ^%"#:5m"" Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold aPubl ic Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. 11 August 19T1 , in accordancewith Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing wi ll include the following: File No. Zv-28-77 - Collett Enterprises Request: Variance from Section 3.08.02 (f)(1) of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution, Sign Code. Location: 1/r mile east of Town of Gypsum on U.S. Highway 6, more particularly described as fol lows: .lI' A J:arcel of land tn the County of Eagle, State of C:olorado, located !n fract 62 of Sectlons 4 and 5t To'"rnshlp 5 Scuth, Rango 85 llest of tho Slrth Frlnctpel Meridlan accordlng to tl".e Independent Resu:*'cy of gald To..r,shi c ond Range s9 appro'led by thc U.S. Surveyor Gencral J.n Dcrrver, ColoraCorcn Ju.ne 20, 1922, caldparcol.cf la::d belng rncre particuJ,arly descrlbed as follcws , to wltt,t . 'Bcglnnlng at a point from whlch Corner lJo. 4 of, Tract 6-i, Tor.'rrshlp 5 Stutfr, Range 85'dest of the sLxth Frlnc,tpal lleriCtcn bsars 5. 05o02r4q'i i.t. 3?1.35 feet -dlstait; thcnco !t. 00'?5.05n E. ,142.90 feet to a polnt o:: the.souiherly rlght of wsy brurr.lary l1ne of Colo.rado St-ate ltlqhwgy !,1o. 24; the:-.ce a1c1g eai,j rlght of uay.Lourxl.rri'11nc 1.i.8?"58'18" E. 359.C0 foct; thoncol <ilirrgf{rr't r.r3ro crld rlght of tray b.lnrulo:y ltrre, 5. 00*ltt65r, i1. 242.90 f.:ct; thorice S. 6?e:;Br 18,, ',i. 359.00'fe€t [o the lrctnt ol' bcgl.rnlng. r, . laltl p.rrccl of larvt cor:tslng !.00 aqrel ncre or l,trg. f File No. Zv-8-77 - Alice Parsons Request: Variance from Section 9.04.06 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution' Minimum Lot Area for single-family or duplex chruel ling. Location: Vail Village West Filing #1 , Lot 26, Eagle County, Colorado. File No. Zv-3O-77 - Western Federal Savings Request: Variance from Section 3.07.08 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Minimum Setback - Side Yard. Location: Vail Das Schone Filing#3, Lot 3 (West Vail Shopping Center), Eagle County, Colorado. ' Page 2 Public Notice ' . ttrts Hearing shall be held In the McDonald Building, County Commlssloners Meetlng 'Room, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invlted to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in Person- ' or by mail thru the SecretarY. Further lnformation may be obtained, and comments lubmitted, by contacting the Eagle , .County Dcpartment of Planning and Development, 550 Broadway, fagle, Colorado t Phone 328-6338. by: Michael S. Blalr'.. Secretaryt Zonlng Board of Adjustment EAOIE COUNTY o DTPABTIflEHT McDonald Bldg. OT TTANN 550 Broadwoy DEtlE TO PIf,TilT Eegle, Colorado 81631 o INO AND P.O. Box 179 15 July 197? Western Federal Savings 257 Josephine Street Denver, Colorado 80206 Re: File No. Zv-30-?? Western Federal Savings Variance At their regular meeting on July L4, 1977, the Zoning Board of Adjustment set a Public Hearing on your Variance application. The Hearing will be held on 11 August 19??, beginning at 10:00 -4.M., in the Gounty Commissioners Meeting Room, #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle,Colorado. If you have any questions please contact this office. ./. _z/5-4'-ATerrill Knight ' / Planner fi(,/bb cc.: Zoning Board of Adjustment Board of County Commissioners I'lanning I )cpartment /Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications and Rcview (303) 32lt-6&18 lluikling Official: lluikling I'crmits and Inspcction, Zoning Adnrinistration (303) 32tt-6339 -i^c ca.iLf t- at ct atn() x o a : b.9* E q i " :ll;FJi li i ;", B b"uo; $ € s q#;:: F F i e q'd E:;.3j!qsiiifiif*I iii't[$i;it**E€iF €:^+E:j;i;ErEia i5 ;!;;i! ili ii* i gj cs gi;:ii:e;rrssE ;E IEE;;iet*iiE:t s,* Eis*:[IE#:[i;Ef; xe;a:4 :eE}$EfE{ iE,t,E 9*E;;EggiE.Hi*ilaFle;i:'iE.€;;g€gg'. :l:ge€E F E.!: F,i I*t ;; sl;sl8 [{tE'i;TE B:r 3,e =!l!< ta j a .9 di; !a?;F xe ;:3 <E .Ea #< :3S €i E{ ",F E- H *,,:iaE:=ii ;ic-$E fi?;Ei€€$E si€ iif;i'3 #;gE }i i;E E*r E, : 5!B E:;i E;:gii55 €; f,i I ;;n: ;i! 3 EEitgfaic*+i{;;EEfE€iEFE g *:crr'!ei.ii$iti;g€ ;:;:E; t, $tci*i:€liii f;i;rrst gif€lHH Ea -*if*;;E|l*;EE;ellig :Esel g g i 5; iiurfll*;i;|';;riiligs*liifu$i;, ;l $ $ 5 t: EEi; d Ei "i c;3i d ,j < ttl l{ i vto Al6e23 x..i 'r. e F $ i [; r 'j p ,i r: ! I 3 IiEi{ =Jl-G'..4:{rj.l GI ET =< clt = ==r4dF. kG' E- =,J{Efr€<F-f{GI gi*is:;l;iigadi riiiscs;$E3sftli:ri: Ii,iiiii€ igiii ii i iisii i ! E tit tlic, iE ffi ;tlF' ti i?fElf ; g; ff i*l; g; i i gji;li; i]i $i i;lFEi ; dEi d d Ei d d c! ! I o o o ! o q: ?- C.t a ^ ?d?ti. I s i6 i"X,* i ,.es€ at;€E f s;A#; ilg;,,s ilgtf ;i;;*i[ €g;ig ail ;ii; er;Ei i{ i;,E*! }€;Elg .;gElfrie ,?;*Ell ir;i Fli*i;:tt; sla *1;g;l;t gl!flg;qll iTI ; l;n: i; s i,t a l:,i :; i ligfr EA ' inl ; i:€i ; €i}gsBi Bl I;fi fiisi ,f g f r iFg; ii,; ;;;;;* ilif;,g i;;'*l i eiitii?g ffiIii Fgsgi;; siElit',ii;i ?tAii lliEii;*i; *Ellli, Hge|tAI,i elE 4li iax tr ets E* *qa gtg :*liBir€ ::;1* * sl*f,;::- : : * :u ;l; a: : ;l; x15 ;;|;irh .; E; ; .i E; d d Eio 0t o (, Eo q, !. g 3g ic .g: .H N Oti+ h9 :r o.= :o dt:," '.i oJ -r!: th 6ir (o- F* 'r3 6.b {q H; ?i IE .s* .;T,r f : .E!s EE :: {g$i6 i.E::6€5"r.i s * € iEo$ii f, f;*iHs!;i!,3:i:fl"3P€5HH.E ilriilsigge;;z#l'nsl-81.r;; J(.t - E i R d 3'E j t€i€itgil; g igi : ii:f,ai*i i, iiiiiiiili *i iiii g giiiiiiii li ;iitiii iriil i;ri;ir;: i;aiiiig;;iiEiri ii '- lgliii Iiifllilii Ililrliliii$iilli E -0, ;r{ >r +rt hrt .c3a* s&gQ O..€ 8E iii :F iF a€ !e A: 5B ji ?g ni gE F*€3 Eg *.e gE$Ei ir*ii IEil; El+i i4sfltsilal .; o E@t! o:qDJC(/) lr. E rg ;?fa F sE,E,F fi- i fiiEit si E FE q;ig l sills: q:i . i ift;f$ ;g E.[i 3;qi t ;giiii F i-f, - i '''*ie Es .elii ;sia i i5iiii 5 gsi[F s,' [iFEil,5f i$ilf ifiri {$ fffifi f|f;iiF ir ff,;iiEFfgit I iiHi#rllifi I lsiiiijs *l IiErlis*l Iilfllig€ i$*ll fo 0, o 0,En, 9a- a3S WESTERN FEDERAL SAVINGS 200 Universiry Boulevard, Denver, Colorado 80206 felephone 292-1771 JuLy 6, 1977 Our 87th year Mr. Terrill Knight Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 179 Vai1, Colorado 81631 RE: Variance for Western Federal Savings Vail Das Schone Shopping Center Dear Mr. Knight: Five copies of the revised site plan showing our building on Lot 3, Fillng No. 3,Vail Das Scho4e are enclosed for you. Please also accept the following additional information wlth reference to this request and Section 9.04.06 of the Eagle County Ordinances: L. An unaecessary and unreasonable hardship would be imposed on us if the variance is not granted because there ls no other satisfactory slte on this lot on which to relocate our facility. We have been operating at this location in the Vail Das Schone Shopping Center since December of L972. The relocation to the proposed 3ite has been made necessary by the remodeling and addition to the Present Safeway store. The only site on Lot 3 which will maintain good p lanning standards, meet the Eagle County parking requirements, acconrnodate Safeway and preserve good trafflc lanes, access and visibility for all of the conrnercial developments at this location is at the proposed site. 2. The foregoing circumstances were crealed by the actions of those other than Western Federal Savings subsequent to the date of the Eagle Countyregulations and after our origlnal conunencement of business activity at this Loca t ion. 3. The parcel of land avallable to us is so narrow that the only way our building can be set on this site is back to the side lot line. If the normal 10 feet of setback nere to be observed our building would project into the parking lanes (elininating those parking spaces so effected, causing the entire development to fall short of the required minimum number of parking spaces) and cause an abnorma I detour to the traffic lanes in the center parking lot. This situation is peculiar to this location and does not occur, generally, to other property in the same Zone District. WESTERI{ FEDETAI tAYINOS A1{D LOAiI AStOCIA'IOII O' DIIIYET HOME OFFICE: 70O Sevcnteenth Slr.et, Denver, Colorado 80202 ' Tclcphonc 292'1771 BRANCH OFFICES: AURORA . CHERRY CREEK . CINDERELIA CITY . EAST DENVER . IAKESIDE ' WESTLAND ' SOUIHGTENN . STAPI-ETON AIRPORI . PUEEI.O . COTORADO SPRINGS _ DOWNTOWN ' COLORADO SPRINGS - CITADEI. . FORT COI.IINS . IDAHO SPRINGS . TAJUNTA'TEADVIII.E'PARKER'STRASBURG'VAII. T. Knight -2-JuLy 6, L977 4. The approval of the requested variance would noE diminish the value, use or enj oyment of adjacent properties since the site is somewhat isolated and far removed from other present and planned developments. The proposed stte would preserve good planning standards as to desirablb light, alr and open space for the s ame reasons, 5. The proposed slte for our relocatLon meets all of the remaining criterla of the Eagl-e County ordlnances. Our relocatlon to this site will result in a development of which all concerned can be proud, a deve lopment which meintains top p lanning standards and practlces. Please Let me know should you requlre any additional inforsation. Sincerely yours , Harry T. McWi I L lams Senior Vice President HT}ICW:TS Enc losure s WESTERN FEDERAL SAVINGS 2m Univ.rrity Eoulav.rd, D.nver Coloredo 80206 Tclcphonc 292'1771 . JuIy 6, L977 Our 87th vear Mr. Terrill Knight DepartmenE of Plannlng and DeveLopment P.0. Box 179 VaiI, Colorado 8163f RE: Variance for Western Federal Savings Vall Das Schone Shopplng Center Dear Mr. lhight: Flve copies of the revised site plan sholring our building on Lot 3, Filing No. 3,Vall Das Scho4e are enclosed for you. PLease also accept the following addltional information with reference to this request and Section 9.04.06 of the Eagle County Ordlnances: I. An unnecessary and unreasonable hardshlp would be imposed on us if the varlance ls not granted because there is no other satlsfactory site on thls lot on whlch to relocate our facllity. [,le have been operating at this location ln the Vail Das Schone Shopping Center since December of 1972. The relocatlon to the proposed 3ite has been made necessary by the remodeling and addltion to the Present Safeway store. The only slte on Lot 3 which will maintain good plannlng standards, meet the Eagle County parklng requlrements, acconrnodate Safeway and preserve good traffic Lanes, access and visibility for all of the conmerclal deve lopments at this Location is at the proposed site. 2. The foregolng circumstances were created by the actions of those other than Western Federal Savings subsequent to the date of the Eagle County regulatlons and after our origlnal cornmencement of business activity at this l oca tl on. 3. The parcel of land avallable to us is so narrow that the only way our bulldlng can be set on this slte is back to the side lot line. If the norrnal 10 feet of setback rrere to be observed our building would project lnto the parklng lanes (ellmlnating those parking spaces so effected, causing the entlre development to fall short of the required minimum number of parking spaces) and cause an abnorma L detour to the traffic lanes in the center parking lot. This sltuation ls peculiar to this Location and does not occur, generally, to other property in the same Zone Dlstrlct. wESrElN tEDEtAr 3AYlt{o3 aND 10At{ At30ClAlloil ot DEt{Y:t HO^ E OFf ICC: 70O S.vcntcenth Strcet, Denv.r, Colorado 80202 ' Telcphonr 292'1771 BRANCH oFfICES: AURoRA . CHERRY CREEK . CINDERETI.A CIIY . EAST DENVER . IAKESIDE . WESTI.AND . SOUTHGTENN . STAPI.EION AIRPORT . PUESI-O ' COTORADO SPRINGS _ DOWNTOWN ' COI-ORADO SPRINGS - CIIADET . FORT COI.I.INS . IOAITO SPRINGS ' TA JUNIA ' I.EADVII,I.E ' PARKER'STRASBURG'VAII. T. Kntght -2-JuIy 6, 1977 4. The approval of the requested variance hrould not dimlnish the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent properties since the slte is somewhat isolated and far removed from other present and planned developments. The proposed site would preserve good plaaning standards as to deslrablb ltght, air and open space for the same reesons - 5. The proposed site for our relocation meets all of the remalning criteria of the Eagle County ordlnances. Our relocation to thls site will result ln a development of whlch alL concerned can be proud, a deve Lopment whlch malntalns top p lanning standards and practlces. Please let me kno'w should you requlre any addltlonal informatlon. Sincerely yours , Harry T. McWilllams Senior Vlce Pres ldent HTMCW:TS Enc losures THU I.iORTER/TODD PARThIE[]Sl-llP, /tlA July l, 1977 RECEIVED JUL 5 1f,77 *o;['llti#ff" Les Dougl as Eag'le CountY Department of Planning and Deve'lopment P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8f631 Subject: llest Vai'l Mall Dear Les: I have enclosed two copies of our revised Landscape Plan for the West Vail Mall. please notb that pine trees have been added along the high- way in front of the Project, ind dlong Chamonix Lane north of the build- ing in compliance with ierril't Knightis comments in your letter of 6 June, .|977. l.le trust that this is the last item necessary for the jssuance of a building permit for this proiect. ;^""w^(&,4 THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA enc: cc: Terri'l 1 Knight CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vArL, coLoilADo 81657 476-5105 THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA Ju'ly 1, 1977 RECEIVED JUL 5 1977 *" ';.';s'iih,I-s Les Douglas Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Subject: tJest Vail Mall Dear Les: I have enclosed two copies of our revjsed Landscape P'l an for the tlest Vail Mall. Please note that pine trees have been added a'long the high- way in front of the Project, and ilong Chamonix Lane north of the build- ing in compfiance with Terril'l Knight's comments in your letter of 6 June, 1977. l,le trust that this is the last item necessary for the issuance of a building permit for this project. tr/*/n4 THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA enc: cc: Terrill Knight CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 THE MORTER/TDD PARTNERSHIP, AIA O Les Douglas June 23, 1977 Page 2 The building'is separated on two sides; however, the separation occurs on the north and south, and amounts to 30 feet, not 10, over the 20 foot mini- mum. Therefore, the area increase for separation should be: 30 ft. (1.25%lft.) = 37.5% Multi-story mulitply by two is correct. Fire spninkler multiply by two is correct. Review of Type IV, I hour: Allowable Table 5C 13,500 sq. ft. Maxjmum Allowable = (Allowable)(Fjre)(Separation) (t'tul t'ip'l e Story) (Sprinkl er)= (13,500)(1.33)(1.375) (2)(2) = 98,752 sq. ft. 98,752 is greater than 80,550 Therefore, Type IV, I hour meets code. III Construction Cost The cost of the work to be done under this permit is approximately $1 ,760,000.00. IV 0ccupant Load The Plan Checker's method of determining occupant load is totally incorrect. He has assumed that all areas of the building, including the storage rooms, corridors, stairways, pedestrian malls, walls, the thjn ajr of light wells, gardens, arcades, and truck Ioading areas, are retail sales rooms. Para- graph 3301 (d) of the UBC clear'ly states that "The occupant load perm'itted in any build'ing or port'ion thereof shall be determjned by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by the square feet per occupant as set forth in Table No. 33-A." Consequently, the occupant load should be determined as fo] 'l ows: Lower Level Retail Sales Rooms - lB,?57 + 20 = 913 persons Mech./Storage - 2,976 + 300 = 10 persons Total Lower Level 923 Persons Main Level Retail Sales Rooms - 32,032 + 30 = 1068 persons Mech./Storage - 896 + 300 = 3persons Total Main Level 1071 persons THE MORTER/TIDD PARTNERSHTP, AtA o Les Douglas June 23, 1977 Page 3 Upper Level Retail Sales Rooms - 1,007 + 30 = 34 persons V Exits Required Once again, the method used by the Plan Checker is totally incorrect. He has assumed that each floor must exit through every other floor. This is clearly not the case. Each floor has been given a sufficient number of exits directly to grade with the exception of the Upper Level, which must exit through the Main Level as its second means of egress. Possibly, 50% of the Lower Level occupant load could be assumed to exit through the Main Level because of the rear service corridor. Exit requ'i rements should be computed as follows: Lower Level 100% of Lower Level 0ccupant Loan + 50 923+50=.l8.5 Three exits required with total w'idth of 18.5 feet. Five exits and 21 feet are provided. *'Main Level 100% of Main Level = 50% of Lower Level Occupant Load * 50(tOZt+462+17)r50=31 Four exits required with total width of 31 feet. Nine exits and 46 feet are orovided. Upper Level l00l of Upper Level Occupant Load * 5034*50=.7 Two exits required with total width of .7 feet. Two exits and 12 feet are provided. VI Architectural Comments A-l This 'item will be covered in our hardware schedule made up during con- struction. A-2 The referenced detail is dimensioned and scales at 10 inches. A-3 This item was negotiated wjth you and confirmed in our letter to you of January 3, 1977. A-4 Thjs requirement is specifically satisfied by Section 09960' paragraph 2 of our project manual . A-5 See A-4 above. 4-6 Th'is guardrail sca1es at 42 inches; our typical guardrail is detailed and dimensioned at 42" in detail 3/A-10. THE MORTER/T3DD PARTNERSHTP, AtA o Les Douglas June 23, 1977 Page 4 A-7 The Ianding elevations for the west exterior sta'irway are shown on the Site Plan, and the number of treads, and tread and landing di- mensions, are shown on the ma'in floor p'l an. It is a simple sta'ir slab on grade reinforced with 6 X 6/ld 1.4 X 1.4 l,lt,{F. A-8 I am unable to find th'is requirement in the Unjform Bujlding Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, the Unifonn Plumbing Code, the National Electrical Code, of the Eagle County Building Resolution as amended. Sections 4305 (b) and (c) of the UBC spec'ifica11y a'l1ow for occa- sjonal pipes, A-9 All tenants will have to obtain builidng perm'its for finish construc- tion; division of space can be reviewed at that time. A-10 The "Exit problems on several levels" were the result of the Plan Checker's incorrect calculations of occunant load and exit width as explained in Sections IV and V of this letter. A-11 These provisions are not applicable, since they were introduced in the 1976 Code, and the bu'i1d'ing is being done under the 1973 Code as clarified in Sect'ion II of this letter. A-12 A glass and 91 azing schedule has been provided in the project manual , Section 08800, paragraph 2. ATfhough pinstripe wire glass is in com- pliance with ANSI 797,1-1975, for use in hazardous locations, jt does not carry the UL Fire-retardant rating. However, this materjal has been accepted and used in 3/4 hour openings in one hour walls within the Town of Vail, and we feel the product is adequate here, especially sjnce the entire building in sprinklered. A-13 The stairways are properly protected for Type IV - t hour construction. A-14 A 6" diameter vent was provided in the passenger elevator. This does not satisfy Section 1706 (d) of the UBC, and will be enlarged to 2' in diameter. A-15 The requirements of Section 1707 (a) are met by the %" gypsum sheath'ing panels drawn and specified. See Section L707 (a) 4. A-16 Parapet elevations and deck elevat'ions, abound throughout the drawings. See the roof p1 an on sheet A-1; the building elevations on sheet A-7; bu'ild'ing sections A-A, B-B, and C; wall sections 5/A-9 and 3/A-11; and deta'ils 1/S-4, 6/5-4, 2/S-5, and 5/S-5. A-17 All exterior walls at the parking level are a minimum of 3'11" above the adjacent roof walks. A-18 These requirements are not applicable, since they were first introducted in the 1976 Code. THE MORTER/3DD PARTNERSHTP, AtA o Les Douglas June 23, .l977 Page 5 A-19 This will be satisfied when we'issue a hardware schedule during con- struct'ion. A-20 Review of UBC Section 3304 (d) EXCEPTI0N c'lear'ly illustrates that all of our doors meet the requirements of that Section. A-21 lr'|e fjnd no stairs which exceed 88 inches, on our drawings. A-22 The Main and Upper Levels are accessed by ramps from the exterior;all levels are served by e1 evators per table 33-A of the UBC. A-23 The electrical draw'ings clearly illustrate exit lights, illumination, and a stand-by generator system to satisfy the requirements of Section 3312. VII Plumbing Comments P-l The waste and vent schematic clearly meets the requirements of Appen- dix H of the Unjform Pl umbing Code, option for circuit vent'ing. P-2 The 8 jnch water supply is obv'iously sized to accomodate the fire spri nkiers. The 4 inch waste line will be adequate to serve the sani- tary facilities of the completed development. VIII M-1 Mechan'ical Comments The air handling units shown wili be adequate for the areas served. Each store will have to be evaluated individually when they request permits for finish work. Fire dampers always have access panels for resetting as a part of their Electrical Comments t4-? design. M-3 Our mechanical consultant assures us that a1l major manufacturers of viny'l coated liner are approved for Class Tllonstruction. Please be in touch with our mechanical consultant if further clarification of this po'int is required. IX E-1 The comment labors the obvious. The nature of the tenant areas is to provide minimum in-p1ace equipment until such time as the specific requirements are known. When specific tenants knownn they will obtain a permit to finish their space; and eiectrical equ'i pment can be evalu- ated at that time. E-2 Our electrical consultants have re-checked their figures, and we can only assume an error in add'ition by the Plan Checker. P'l ease be in touch with our electrical consultant if further clarification of this point is requ'ired. THE MORTER/TIPD PARTNERSHTP, AtA o Les Douglas June 23, 1977 Page 6 E-3 This request is unreasonable, given the nature and scope of the bu'i1ding. See E-1 above. A review of this'letter clearly shows that of the thirty-eight items raised in the Plan Check, in only two cases were our drawings and speci- fications 'in error. Hav'ing gone through this exercise, it is now mostcritjcal to our c'lient thai a building-permit be issued as quickly-EF- possible for this project. Respectful ly, , AIA TODD PARTN IP, A . t..; - APPLICATION FOR VATTINNCE lo- tne Zonrnq rrcsotutron ofv Eagle County, Colorardo to the Zoning Board of Adjustments location of property (in relation to a Town, Foad, Stream or other landmark): Flle No.zt- -t o - dy' Fee Pald jfui d d - Date ?ecd. q- /- ?7 .. 3. 4. t97v t DtO- 7. av y'..&..-, RFCF/YFD JUL 1 D"pt. ,,, ,, t,i,u'i"r;; ;r. (mlnimum 5 copies raquircdl print or type, oxccpt signatures) Soction 9.04.05 Applicant/Owner Western Federal Sav Mait Address 257 Josephine Street pnone: 292-1771 Denver, Colorado 80206 1. Regulation and Section Number(s) of Zoning Resolution fronr which Variance is sought: Section 3.07.08 Minimum Setback - Side Yard Pr'eserrt General Zorre Comerciel Linlted . West Vail Shopplng Center Legal descriptlon of property a. Subdivision Name Blk_r orr b. metes and bounds (may'be attached) include survey or rnap: -) /- " 4.4 ;./.: , / ,l-=:; . <,/r,t..,12_LaT ,.) , .|- ' /: "tr ui a l../ S-ee Attacfed Slte Plan 5. Brlef Purpose and Reason for Varianco (may be attached): See Attached Letter Attach elqrlanat ion that one or more conditions exist under Sec. 9.04.06' 1-5. See Attached Le t ter Statement t A complete list of all owners addresses' of the property proposed for Varianco and of ell owners of all adjacent properties is attachecl hercto; this signatory is properly autirorizecj ig make applicatiorr fo. Var iarrcc siatc'd h,:teorr.t,h - ,', S ignaturc oi autl-rori zed appl icant ;)omg(*)ooeoeo(Date June 30, 1977 Wes tern office use Application accepted as complete for Publ ic Hearing on Appl ication rejccted as incomplete for Public tlr-.orrlng bccause: Y-)->7 ;.ff----'r-"- o WESTERN FEDERAL SAVINGS 20o university *""*'0, """;:*;:".,"1;r:?;i June 30t Our 87th RECFIVED JUL 1 877 L977 year Dept. ct Eaglu ;;;il:,:":.'", Mr. Terrill Knight Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CoLorado 81631 RE: Variance for Western Federal Savings- West Vail ShoPPlng Center Dear Mr. Ihight: Five coples of an executed application for a variance for the side yard setback for the proposed relocatlon of our branch office building at West Vail are attached for You. As we discussed on the telephone Tuesday, the Safeway Architect is preparing a new site plan shorcing the relocatlon of our building. You will recall that Safeway i" ft support of our move attd feels there will be no difficulty in meeting ihe parking and open space requirements tf the varl-ance is granted. Five coples of this site plan will be sent to you jusc as soon as possible, hopeful-ly in the next few days. The purpose for the variance is to relocate our building on the side yard lot ltne instead of wlth a L0-foot setback so that the Eagle County parking ratio requirements can be malntained at this project. In additionr the relocation of our bullding at this site will lnable the automobile traffic down the parking lot lanes and from nearby curb cuts and access lanes to flow freely without obstructions or unnecessary detours or changes in direction. fhis new site will provide good access Eo and from our facility for the convenience of the customers of the shopping center yet will be out of the way of adjacent and nearby conrnerclal developments, both existing and planned. - the stte selected for our building is so narrow that no other positton on that portion of land will provide for our building and also ieurain out of the planned parklng stalls and parking lanes. The variancet if granted, should in no way diminish the use, value or enj oyment of this WEgtETI{ !EDETAI 'AYI O5 AND IOA AS'OCIAIION Of DEIIYEI HOf E OFFICE: 7OO SGvcnfcenlh Street, Denver, Colorado AO2O2 ' TGlcphon. 292'1771 BRANCH oFTICES: AURoRA . CHERRY CREEK . CINDERELTA CITY . EASI DENVER . TAKESIDE . WESTI.AND . SOUIHGIENN . STAPI.ETON AIRPORI . PUEELO . COTORADO SPRINGS - DOWNTOWN ' COLORADO SPRINGS - CITADEI. . FORT COTTINS . IDAHO SPRINGS . LA JUNTA ' I'EADVILI.E'PARKER'STRASBURG'VAII. a T. Kntght June 30, 1977 property or adjacent propertles since 1t is isolated somewhat and far removed from the other nearby structures. In short, we feel that our request ls about the only solution to the relocation of our bulldtng whtch will meet the splrit and intent of good planning standards and be falr and convenient for us and adjacent property otners and users. As far as we have been able to determine, the owner of the property on which we wllL be located is David G. Elmore, c/o Recreation Development Corporatlon and the Vall City Corporation, 10001 E. Evans Avenue, Sulte 69C, Denver, Colorado 80231 whlle the ormer of the adjacent property is Rlchard Tosel c/.p The West Vall Mall, Box 1528, Vail, Colorado 81657. Please let me know lf you should need any addltional informatlon. Slncerely yours, -2- #t?lt"tortz,>Harry T. McWi 11lams Senior Vice Pres ident HTMCW:TS Enc losure s \ o THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA June 23, 1977 Les Douglas Eag'l e County Department of P1 anning and Development P.O.Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Subject: West Vail Mall Dear Les: This letter is our response to The Bujlding Department, Inc.'s Plan Check for The West Vail l4all. We feel that within this letter we answer all the questions raised in the Plan Check, and thereby clear the way for the long awaited bu'ilding permit for the project. I Area Review We find the Plan Checker's area calculations to be at least 1.,800 square feet in excess of actual square footage, even with a-fr6ETExcessive inter- pretation of the defination of floor area in the Uniform Bui'l ding Code (UBC), including the covered (but exterior) truck loading zone area, the exterior pedestrian arcade, and alT-eftEF-ior areas covered by exterior sofFits. Our careful , accurate calclTffions reveal the following areas: Lower Level Main Level Upper Level Total Gross Area II Code Review 30,675 sq. ft. 46,337 sq. ft. 3,538 sq. ft. 80,550 sq. ft. As we recently discussed in your office, it was decided that the building should be designed under the .|973 edition of the Code rather than the .I976 editjons, which were not expected to be adopted until March of 1977. Thus, the building should be checked against the .|973 editjons. Furthermore, the Plan Checker includes in his list, the Uniform F'ire Code, whjch has never been adopted by a county building resolution. The occupancy under the 1973 code should be F-2. Fire Zone 3 is correct. CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 476-5105 THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIh)NA l{ay 27, 1977 RECEI\J9D "n?-?JuNl't:' ' ., ^n & JiJel' YPl:"1"v;;;i: c.r,. \F- Les Douglas Eagle County Departnent of Planning and Developnent P.0. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 8.|631 Subject: l,lest Vail Mal I Dear Les: I have enc'losed two (2) copies of the Landscaping Plan for Parcel "A"in West Vail in compliance with the Eag'le County Zon'ing 0rdinance and our letter of May l?, 1977, Please note that this plan inc1udes both the West Vail Mall and McDonalds projects. Please be in touch if you have any questions or cornments. THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP AIA enc: cc: Terril I Kn'ight CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 476-510s THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA l4ay 12, 1977 RECEIVED MAY 1 3 1977 '*Lll';l1il:3''f*' Les Douglas Eag'le County Building Inspector Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 re: West Vail Mall and McDona'l d's project Dear Les: This letter is to confirm telephone djscussions which I had with both you and Terrill Knight on Wednesday, May ll, 1977. In those discussions, both you and Terrill advised me that the issuance of building pennits for the referenced projects would not be de1 ayed by Eagle County's requirements for a landscaping plan, if we would confirm in writing a date by which we would submit the 'landscaping p1an. l.le hereby guarantee that we wjl1 submit our 'l andscaping plan for the referenced projects by June L5, 1977. Please be in touch if you have any questions or corments. Best regards,j *** (- nn"-t^-.) James R. Morter, AIA THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP cc: Terrill Knight CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vArL. coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 The Building Dep o art ment, Inc. 2531 West 8th Avenue Elenver, Colorado 80204 Phone 1/303/573-5226 JAH: cb May 9, 1977 Eagle County Building DepartnentP.0. Box 789 Eag1e, Col-orado Attn: Les Douglas Re: West Vail Ma11 Dear Mr. Douglas: During our recent review of the West Vail Mal-1 project, we noted that a mobile bank building facility is detaiLed on the drawings between the Safeway and the shopping center.If this facility is placed as directed, there wi11 be no access for the heavy trucks that have to enter Safeway. Plus, there will be an elinination of several parking spaces. Additonally, Safeway used that extended area for cl-earances to obtain the area naxinuns they received. You shouLd con- sider these problens very carefully before allowing the rnobile bank building to be placed as indicated on the Morter/ Todd drawings. If any further questions exist, please contact our office. RespectfulLy subnittTd, t r Yl^-t{bt*,// JoYrn A. Hatf ield Plan Analvst RECEIVID MAY 1 21977 0ept. 0l Plannrng & oBvrl, fa& fp||lgr corl PLAN CHECKING. ORDINANCE WRIIING . INSPECIION TRANSMITTAT LETIER AIA DOCUMENT C87O ',*?i3;0,",, \Vesr Uat I Ma cu i[8!i'Jffl3, -76oL DATE: ro: .L99" PouguA I -t Etqt€ Cour.rtt B-oq , Deor, ATTN: L WE TRANSMIT: 0( herewith (f) approval ()0 review & comment( ) use THE FOLLOWING: ()Q Drawings 0Q SPecifications( ) Change Order ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ffr,tfzz lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please; ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures.( ) Return enclosures to us. ( ) under separate cover via () () () () () () () () distribution to parties record ( ) information Shop Drawing Prints Shop Drawing Reproducibles Samples Product Literature coPlEs DATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACTION CODE lltt TI Couil-etE Voerrruq De Arvr,UgS PRorecr Mu-tt [t- ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted CODE B. No aclion reouired D, For si8nature and forwarding at noted below under REMARKS E. See REMARKS below C. For sitnature and return to this office *r"o*o' '(Vi-- - *AJC ALe,a o eL, ueReo I c-ary oe o.vlrqg.{ SPEc€ 'ro -4 e VAru FtPe, Fepr j arro r'l aaprg< COPIES TO:(with enclosures) tr D tr tr tr AIA DOCUMENT C81O ' TRANSMITTAL TTTTER . APRIL 1970 EDITION ' AIA@ 'cHT p 1970 -T,te Moeree tnpo rlrsfttfrP THE AMTRICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1785 MASSACHUSTTTS AVENUE, N.W., WASHINCTON, D.C,20036 ONT PAGE THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP. AIA March 9, .|977 Mr. Les Douglas Eagle County Bu'ilding and Planning Department Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8]631 Dear Les: 0n Wednesday, March 2, we rece'ived your document dated February 22, 1977, which included comments from the Eagle County Departments'of P:lann'ing, Engineering, and Health, regarding our application for building permit for the West Vai'l Ma] I at Lot 2A, a re-subdivision of Lot 2, Vail Das Schone, F'il ing No. 3. Regarding the Department of Engineering's concern for snow removal areas, a marked-up pnint of our site pl an is forthcoming, illustrating our pro- posed snow removal areas. As we have discussed, we will be reso1 ving the matter of adequate drain- age and filtering of the drainage during the month of March, .l977, and our solutions will be illustrated on our completed construction documents, scheduled for completion at the end of March. I have instructed our mech- anical engineer, Mr. Neal McAbee of lllalton-Abeyta Associates, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, to bein touch with Mr. Edeen and Mr. Smith, in order to include their desires into our final solutions. l,lith our assurances that these matters satisfaction, we appreciate your issuan project, with conditions as you see f resolved to Eagle County's building permit for this will beeofa to acc date these matters. Respectful 1y, . Mort'er,AIA TER/TODD PAR ERHSIP, AIA CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 DE$&gTr,1$i{f 0r ltjlt{NrH& atiD DtvEt0P[JIEifI Illcl)onald ltldg. 5l'i0 llroadwry P.O. Box 789 Eagle' Colorado 81631 22 Februarv 1977 West Vail Mall Ltd. P.O. Box 1528 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Application for Building Permit in Eagle County LoI 2A - Vail Das Schone #3 The Eagle County Building Department requires that applications for building permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering and Environmental Health Departments for their comments prior to issuance of the permits. Your application for Lot 2A in the Vail Das Schone Subdivision, Filing 3 was routed on 1? February 1977. Listed below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the above Departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or wish to get further explanation, please contact the appropriate Department. The telephone numbers and addresses of the commenting Departments are listed with each comment. PLANNING: No comments. ENGINEERING: Not approved. t'This plan does not provide adequate drainage. No snow removal areas shown.'l W.V. Smith, Engineer P.O. Box 250, Eagle, CO 81631 3 28-6337 HEALTH: Not approved. 'lDrainage plan should include provisions for filtering water from parking area prior to discharge to the Gore Creek Basin (Example: Gravel Filter Beds, grassed swalls, parking lot sweeping equipment). Filter cleaning provisions should be included, i.e., Maintenance plan. " Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. P.O. Box 811, Eagle, CO 81631 3 28-7? 18 Planning Dc.partment/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rtzoning, Applications and Review (303) 32E-63:18 Iluilding Official: Ruiltling Pt rmits and Inspoct ion, Zoning Administration {303) 328-6339 West Vell Mell Ltd. Page 2 It would be to your advantage if you begin to resolve any problems and/or requirements gs soon as possible so as not to delay the issuance of your building penmit any longer than necessary. Enclosed is a oopy of the Revlew Routing Form for'your informatton. Thadk you very much, Leeter L. Do las Eagle County Buildtng Officiel LD:TK:WVS:EWE:ge enc. cc: Jlm Morter, Morter / Todd Partnership; Terrtll Knight, Eagle County Planning Department; W.V. Smith, Eagle County Engineer; Erlk W. Edeen, Eagle County Sanitarian o EAGLE coOt" BUTLDTNG pERMT=r O"tr_cArroN Review Routing For^-lfu 'a-u rV""zZ*'7 ,6t"9 P/2"4a' /zax: rValZco /c't: Appl icant. Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Roads | | t_J Gradins tf K Drainase D EI Permit No. it and this completed form to the Reviewed by:Date: County Engi /t,/ r'/ /1-;, +r6>lrnz:t tl - --a--- - rQn \Recommend Approval f-1 ffi Comments: %,-,1 ,, tt-q\ t, rtr.,- ,', rc,^ I .fi,n i*l J t(- Gore Crfu ,. L-N, i$F6,o,t<( F/* - t6,//s .)),-=_"/ 1, ,: t /&3-\s --JJJJJJ-Date Referred Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval Yes E4Kn Notlrlrltl Approval , =/ -, county Health: sanitation WD- 4 - Water fTfi - ./ *'//'-t- //Vr-t . , -- -7- Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. "^"' Vai I DeSchone Fi 1i ng f ffistc e'rrc*to *e trt 2 West Vai I Ma]'l LTD P.0.Box .|528, Vail, Colorado 3 Shaw Const. Co warl aooFass pHoN€ 123 S. Kalamath, Denver,Colo, 744-1454AiCrlllECl OR OESIGNE^ verr. rOOe:s! 47 6-5L05 LtaEr3€ to.aMorter/Todd Parlnership p.O. Box 11g6, Vail 5'foh'rison, Voiland,M^'L ^ooi Ess Colo . LEN O 6 'r aoo'Ess Colo . 8030 u5E Oa 6ur L0rxc 7 Retail shops. 8 . Class of worK: UI NEW D AOOITIoN E ALTERATIoN n REPAIR I] MOVE I] REMOVE I Describework: .83,.l92 square foot concre.te building. 10 Change of use from Change of use to l1 Valuation o{ work: $ 1, 6 00 , 000 . 00 PLAN CHECK FEE P€RMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ol Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. No. ot Storles Fire Sprlnklerg Reoulred [ys5 [61oAPPAOVEO FOA ISSUANC€ 8Y No. ot Owelling Unltr OFFST REET PARKING SPACE9. NOTICE SEPAFATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB.ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERIMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR NEINOO'NEOFOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COMM ENCED, r_ _!1ER Egy CERTtF\/ THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMTNED THts4ppLLcATroN ANo KNow rHE sAME ro se rnuE Ar.jD iiiinecr.ALL pRovtsroNS oF LAws AND oRDtNANces cbVenr.rrr.r-''c rt.ttsTy?E oF wonK wtLL BE coMpLtED wrrs wAirnei specrrreoHERETN oR Nor. rHE GRANTINc or e peCuri-obEi rvoiPRESUME To ctvE AUTHoRtry ro Vrornri oii 'cq-r.r-c?'r -r,,|-'<Es\.JMts, I () GIVE AUTHORTTY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TF]E?BoyrsroNs oF ANlr orHER srATE oR lbcaiuniv n-LcUiqrrr,rccoNsr RUcrtoN o R T HE pe n ronrrante o-r- cor.is-in-ulcr r on. i o( xordoirtEo A6 ZON ING FIRE OEPT. SO IL REPO RT OTHER (Specllyl WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THtS SPACE} THtS tS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O.cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH41 76* 7<aq/.44. €osz INSPECTOR Form loo.t ll_73 r.oi6...ior.r INT€nNATIoNAL coNFERENCE o,F gUILDtNG OFFtCtALg..r.o r. woixMAn ',|r!! ioao. wr{rrrr... ca|.rr,.o.ot sH[t[l Constructbn February 4, L977 Eagle County Building Department Box 159 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Attn: Les Douglas lElil South lGlarpth Street Denver,Colorado 8O223 @o3)744-1454 l-1":cF.,l\"itD FtB 6 1911 DeDt. 0f ti;orrr'rg * t -l' Eagla County. colo' Dear Les: I am elclgsing applications for the Building permit, theMechanical Permit and the Ph:mbing permit for the WestVail MaIl troject. It is rny undeisranding Ehat rhearchitect for this project, The Morter/Todd partnership,is sending a check for these permits direcrly to you. If you need further information or have any questions, donot hesitate to ca1l, Si-ncerely yours, SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANYn A /, 1) ./ ,/Z-.--Y*{- ll . 62/u'*.a48- nJohr-A. BernhardtProject Engineer JAB/ sncc: The Morter/Todd Partnership WESI VAil MAll LTD THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA RECEIVED February 4, 1977 FEB 6 1977 DePt, !t fiannlrg & r'!Jel' E8gl6 CountY' Colo. Les Douglas EagIe County Building Department Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Les: Enclosed p1 ease find a check payable in the amount of $3278.55, written by This check includes $1SSZ.OO for the Mal'l and $1291.55 for the Plan Check If you have any questions concerning to "Eag1e County Building Department", Jeffrey B. Selby for West Vail Mall. Building Permit Fee for the West Vail Fee for the West Vail Mall. this matter, p1 ease do not hesitate to call. Yours 5 R. Moit6r, E MORTER/TODD ly, PARTNERSHIP, AIA CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAtL. COLORADO 81657 476-5105 roN o CAT o MBING PERMIT APPLIPLU lNSpEcroR -n0r* division of '"^"'Vai I DgSchone Fi I ing #3g... a*acHEo SHEE') owN Ei MAt I ADOit!3 2tlest Vai'l Ma]1 LTD P.0.Box l528,Vail, Colo. 8.|657 FHONE 476-2482 3"$iH[i"tonst. Co., I 23 S. Kal rifiihtffiUenyer,Colo. z414i5tqsq 4^Pt"6'iTL"i/Tiitf0 pa r t ne r s h i p, p l0'. Sili"" t't 86, va i t +?TTs t o s on-Abeyta &Sui te 22t^,'\Tt1*S:ii;iia;ir zffY:oog L ICEN!E NO. 7 Retai I shops 8 cto:s of work: I lew tr AoDlTlol't tr ALTERATT0N tr BEPATR I Dsscribework:83,192 square foot concrete bui I di ns. Typ. ot Flrtuta or lt.|n WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & DISP. LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BETFALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCE!TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH W}HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATIPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCALCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE O NOTTHEJINGnoN. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-sINK OR DRAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO, OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT Juridiction of Applicant to numberd spac-as only. , WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN TH]S SPACE' THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH Form lOO.2 9-59 i.oiori Frov: lI{TERNATIC'NAL Cc)NFEHENCE OF gtJILCIING C|FFICIALS. r|l|.r roao. tr{lrrl.r! carlt. to.ol roN oo MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICAT Juridiction of Applicant to complete numhered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERUIT '2A Resub-a i ! DqSchone Ei I i nq 63 tCser arracH!D sntEtl owr{ ai MAtl AooiEl3s ztP2 West Vail Mall LTD P.0.Box 1529, Vail, Colorado 81657 g"3iiTil"const. co. l z3 s. Kai^;"rfiTii", B.nu.",colo."'74+-1+sq !'cEN"No' 4^lit'iTdi^71'tit partnersrrip,pit'.^8"6T" r ra6l vai I ""T70-sros LtcEr{!E dO. .'iflil'ton.-Abeyta & Su ite 222)\22f"5. 'Ciait<'i,i'i .=**{r5s6in!ss fionvor, Co-lo*d!880?lO.-*. - 77'1-:oaa USE OF !UIIOING 8 ClassofworK: B NEW tr AODITTON tr ALTEBATION E REPAIR I Oescribswork: 83, 192 Sguare f oOt cOnCrete bui I di ng. TypeofFuet: Oit E Nat. Gas E t-PC. E PERMIT FEES Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-T Forcsd Air System6-B.T.U. M E8. Floor Furnac6-B,T.U. NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEBIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. ONA'rUFE OF COI'TIAC AND EXAMINEO THISTRUE AND CORRECT.:ES GOVERNING THISWHETHER SPECIFIED, PERMIT DOES NOT\T€ OR CANCEL THEAL LAW REGULATINGOF CONSTRUCTION. unit Hsatels-B.T.U. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATIONEW INSPECTOR FOrm lOO.4 9.59 iEoiDEi FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOTNG OFFICIALS a DO 3(,. Los ioBLrs O PAsaoEna, c LrtorNra lllOt THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Please be Best rega January 24, 1977 l'lr. John Hatfie'ld The Building DePartment' Inc. 2531 West 8th. Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Dear iion J"uwings, with stiuctural calcirlations, are being.delivered to your n.-^L..1 ^tr f;+;;.;:-|;"i;;.';;ffiii"t'-uv ttre oirice or-Johnson-vojland-Arc!l]:li:-lT:piiii!'nii""il;id;; t.itind"woutd I ike to have the structura'l calculations' *niin-ui. not reproducable, returned to him as quickly as possible. in touch if you have anY questions. Enclosed p1 ease find our Plhn Submittal sheet for P'l an check, and one copy of the Soil and founaiiion inveiiigation, as prepared-by-Chen and Associates' Inc. for the West V"ii-f.liif , ai-paicet n, West Vai'|, Eagle County, Colorado' We-ire-suUmitting tor a iounAation permii at this tjme. Prjnts of founda- R TC:IVFD, JAA, 2 6"lgvl ""'tur,u ;il;;1 rX,,;.'.,, R. Morter,A MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Les Douglas Bob Voiland CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 476-5105 ;The Building Department, Inc. 2531West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Phone 1/303/573-5226 PLAN SUBMITTAL SHEET FOR PLAN CHECK Submitting Agency: Eagle Countv Bui'ldj'nq Department Project Nanre: The West Vail Ma]l classification: Group F-2 Type Const. IV - lhr- Fire Zone ? Architect: THE MORTER/T0DD PARTNERSHIP. AIA P.0- Bnx 1185, Vai'1 , Cn]nradn R'!657 Structural Engineer:,lohnsqn-vo'l land- p'lans Submigls6 Three (3) copies (2 Min. ) Soil Report Submitted Yes Structural Cal cu'lations Electrical Calculations Yes aot No. Submi ttal Date Number to ca] I Project Cost Estimate $ '1,600'000.00 P'lan Check Fee $ January 25, 1977 if submitted Not complete (303) 476-5105 Nam Jim Morter PLAN CHECKING. ORDINANCE WRITING ' INSPECTION THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA January 7, 1977 - -'.' JID JAN i ,, 1977 leilt. iJ, llr"r' rrti a u'jvBl' Eggle caunty. cilq Les Doug'l as Eag'l e County Building Department P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Les: I have enclosed a drawing showing the rooms in the West Vail Shopping P1 aza. shown is adequate for the project. If know immediately. I wou'ld be glad to talk about this, or about this project. Very truly yours, frh//tu/ Robert L. Arnold r THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA enc: preliminary layout for the toilet We feel that the number of fixtures you fee'l otheruise, please let us any other questions you may have CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 o -lp i v N V N .:TUN_ 4.nqe r.l i-tltll U] //n / 7 //@) IL AZAV7E PL,AN QIL, NN Yq" = l'-6't JAN 7 lgtl THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA January 3, 1977 2. Wood siding may be used as shown on 3. Snow load for the structure will be rather than 60 PSF requested by us. at 70 PSF. RECEIVED J AN 4 1977 \ ,, 'i i'l: / 'r"!cl' Eagb County' Colo' the building elevations. 70 PSF as per your requirements, Our engineer is now proceeding Les Dougl as Eagle County Bu'ilding Department P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Les: This letter is to confirm the conclusions reached during our meet'i ng in your office on Thursday, December 30, 1976, concerning the West Vail Shopping Pl aza. 1. The building will be Type IV, I hr. construction. This is possible through the following alTowa6'I-e area increases: A. Sec. 505(a) - 33 L/3% for fire zone 3. B. Sec. 506(a) - 37.5% for separation on two sjdes (1.25% for each foot over 20 feet; jn this case, 20 feet + 30 feet to center line of Chamonix Road, 30 X 1.25 = 37.5%). It was de- cided that the proximity of the restaurant on the southwest corner of the site would not affect this increase. C. Sec. 506(c) - L00% for a totally sprinklered building. If this is not in agreement with mediately with any comnents you your understanding,please let us know im- may have. Best rega . Morter, A TER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vArL. coLoRADO 81657 476-5105