HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 3 SAFEWAY 1973-1985 LEGAL'{kI \""q1*". t\: r"'t3 %\ lflr' n$ I oz ! =E UJo- oo rr,(\lrt, (?)sf o +ooL an IJJ IJJu- ==Eul o- OO \l\-t ).r rS;u.l )rP $6 !\l Ni{/ T1 \ -{ tl \ {r , )'3\rQ r (tEtd:oS.rlo ^ \,241 rao IE I H lg#l I | -l!l Il99 |ldd Its9t I|tl FIEHd =l;fl;l:l efll ulz3 ul Foz osis S.:E8(/,oI do) oA.i.,ool'-clf >CL.r +-, = .Ec .F--3'3-* g (Jq! cJ Ec5(rEc) a;x :c EgEEE : gE! F :!EiE: OC FP'- o. -c ^- E = 5.Yt !Eer c sEgE€ a; s.e g sEisJftig;p6ro66 :EEHB :*€H(l'0'-!--c= o (,) c eg+:r E H:Fac-=-> gEiEI t!Jtu U' F Fz o IJJz3 l! r.oto(\I €tC oro(\l ro(\I (\(\o =tu z J qt x() llJ z o- J 9 o uJJ UJ z6 o- Iz () UJ = UJ u,lu-z tr UJ u,l od oo 'UJtgJ z 6tu F u, ul c z u.l x F lllof a LlJult! E =E IJJI J FoF z o J g G,F() uJJ uJ oz =J J z () uJ- NOTMlVA It IE -sl =l:>EI(E /<E('ll=9:91: -.c) H t.F Y; 9:zzu-=o o oiitr ^ 6 zt;:d =F#AOEILZr, A9fl = Hi9 q idcg Eoiq i.'rNO z E J clo uJ F rJ)(\t (7) (7)sl x a uJ z E zo E IJJFJ ; uJz. lltltltl <t) =zlzO<aEt!<oo< =Fx t/-dc;<z aFz. 9z 6(9 =tr ll,l aa IJJzY iF uJ F ; o o3 v) <ltrl zl zl .. >l uJ llJulzo = ar IIJ z E II 1,.lolgtltd l;,l>o-u z Y 0l I q <t I adl x I 3 (/)t o I F =l d I d ; o(! .c 'l1ol,l\ .J N J,l r!Fu)ldlt 1$' f;\ ili { P{tU>ltEt UJo bsl>\O- srl 8Slrl UuJbkzo z oP Pz_eE coo b =29'-r -l ! a* ,n-trh1"r| -..rl.^i5 t=E= l=qgl6E= E uro- l!o E() E<ttl60EeB9vGie'E o-- => =uJ!E b=(,li.ii: ;tI o r.r-E oo9 iurE i*o--Fo. .to=eE UJ E =E,lrlo-zIF() :) E.Fazoo I --- \ (o cf)(o (F 3t'> u; =z o F{OctrIroroN io- o(J (o !oL tr I I Iolzl cil 5|il :l 3l PI cilz.l ol uJl 1lil>l tI.lol zl 3loFI ol =.1(,l 5ilol zl 3lolFI I I-lrJ)l(f, I ll= ol rolJll Icl ol .-tl @ al sr >l tllol 3l q Ol ulFI F' c t{-ood. U'c,E (o I 9-(lJ (U == e. IL ulz =o F L! trr c <FEC)r!<ze trzoo E('Ozt- =s)z (r Fzo z I(J [U = Ei\ = lrznn! IJJ IUu- F =E uJ LUF \ e, F e I == $i ill ,l ItrlIF I I I I I It. ''i<\() IE .Eruz3 ulI Foz lt ul U) = olr GoFo Fz IJJz3o tto uJ CE F zoo cil o c)G o !(! = ((, ]o o, o.. a, o.)o- (!. ; 3s(t) 6 o o ct) E @ = E {l) o (B 3q) o --- o c o x (! .Y,'=oo;i gsE; =.e R€*tges'f I c € 6P.ec-o> e: tE : €F:€ >=:c96E - -E ct)35;: EEARElEo:€8:eqse Eiaco.(g o.-o:- o(5Po-oiE-ors*e€ P6(!5 :EEH E6F5 6 0'-;€=oo n ori.9gF€5 6 i'io =E>.=9 c -o.5 ;EF9 iE;;$, a.o - ESgg - o (!: = ; IJJ zz io- 4 =a3oo3r6XlL<og CUFO .;Gj 9 t+(r .. >lo u.l t! llJzo! uJ(L J z E uJ J z Fo z uJ J =ruz 6{)kl:"t Fd, .w ('z6 ==J(L n t =uro. Lr- EE2ZE<o3€8B9Eiri.o'EE =>E dEE h>E :g 9 6;E oo9 EtnE XO-E ;Iauloi!E uJ @oF E-aa l- 'o)a) -su/ Y oa --_) ..i6 zE= aHg z J LL CN Fo $ -.: st f ts,tq n ui =z (I)o-l \)1 0 N :!JFq N H t^lE 4 B!a :! ^S x ^\,9 R ,tl .{ ul\l 0dNCI el c o tl- {t\ q F tr Fo o uJ J = = olutl ccl il>l t!l E|=@ z cjul rl<l>l t!lol zl 3l 9lFI ttr z) ul .El JI <l>l l!lq zl 3lIFI tr I I I rl.l gt cl JI al>l t!lol fle \)\ € \l \ + \l!.Il 5UJ-E =tr t) lo r{\ :t\1 ol =.)ot url 5l <l>l t!l zl =l9lFI \f \\) I 1.)-{a \ uiJutF E uJz =o ou, trr t -rO<FcouJ<ztr -o C) JrI,<o(JF F3 li1Faz UJO() G, 2P =tr1Zrro C) <= ::F 33 YZ =o Eo E i.ruJ \,+< tro'i z...9 o'{- (J )<Oan56nt! t SPECIFICATIOI{S ANt) SCOPE OF I{()RK FOR THE REROOFING OF . SAFE}IAY STORE NO. 631 LOCATED AT 2131 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 PREPARED BY SAFEbIAY STORES, INCORPORATED CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Denver Division 2600 South Parker Road Building Five, Suite 250 Aurora, Colorado 80014 PHOI{E: 755-90r0 il08 N0. 05-0631-18 o INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS ALL I.IORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE I.IITH THE FOLLOWING DRAWINGS' ''SPECIFICATION AND SCOPE ()F t.{ORK'" 1. "specifications and Scope of Work for Reroo,fing of Safeway Store No. 931." 2, Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Enti tl ed , 3. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Enti tl ed, 4. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated . Enti tl ed, 5. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Enti tl ed, 6. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Enti tl ed, 7. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Enti tl ed, 8. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Enti tl ed , 9. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Entj tl ed, 10. Drawing Sheet No._ Dated Enti tl ed, Drawing Sheet No. _ Dated Entitled, Drawing Sheet No. _ Dated Enti tl ed, Draw'ing Sheet No. _ Dated Ent i tl ed, Drawing Sheet No. _ Dated Enti tl ed, Drawing Sheet No. _ Dated Entj tl ed , JoB N0. 05-0631-18 1 of 2 DATE: August 17, 1983 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ln add.itlon to the attached Drawings, "specifications and^scope of llork".as.it!i.6ji6ie,-triipriii-ii-pi"piili.o,.ffi"o*il"*'F# 14, 1972 for the construction of this bu SAFEIIAY STORES, INCORPORATED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT NO. 5 - PARKER PLACE, SUITE 250 2600 SOUTH PARKER ROAD AUKORA, COLORADO 8OOI4 TELEPHONE: (303) 755-9010 The BID FORM is to be properly filled in. All items and all work necessary io" i iorif"t. R"rooi,'lni:tuOing_the.work of all crafts whether or not soecifically mentioned in these Orawings, 'iSpec'ifications and $cope of llork"' ai"e to be i-ncluded in your BID F0RM. THREE C0PIES of each asR-Ed-t-o-@!q the remaining coPY our BID F0RMS. BID F0RM are enclosed for your convenience' You are .6ffi COFfES ot the BID FoRM to this office and retain iir'viJ"-"i*ffi. AccepTffiB'-IDS must be submitted on JoB N0. 05-0631-i8 2of2 DATE: August 17, 1983 I BID FORM - REROOF Having examined the plans and specifications (and addenda) prepared by SAFE|,JAY SToRES. iNC. dated ; having familiarized ffiandJobffig examined and approved the form of Construction Contract of Safeway Stores, Incorporated provided with the INVITATION T0 BID; the undersigned does hereby tender the following bid for the Reroofing of Safeway Store No.631 lgcated at Vail, Colorado, in accordance t.tith said plans and specificaLiorrs. Our firm price base js in the total amount of:Dottars(g - wnlcn prrce lncluoes Dollars ($ Unit Pricinq: Amount per square speci fi ed: c foot for removing and replacing deteriorated deck'i ng as per square foot T0: Construction Department Safeway Stores' lncorPorated Five Parker Place Suite 250 2600 South Parker Road Denver, Colorado 8001 4 DATE: August 17' 1983 J0B N0.05-0631-18 replacing wood nailers as specified: per 'l i neal f oot per 'l i neal foot jnstalling new perimeter metal cap Amount 2" ' ztl per l ineal xl0"-$ x4t'-$ foot for rentoving and Amount per lineal foot for removing and flashing as specified: per lineal foot If awarded the contract for reroofing the Safeway Store No. 631 in Vail 'Colorado. we aqree to start work w'i thin fourteen notlTE-To proceed and complete the work per plans _.._.-..7:.-,\....--.-'thi rty (30 ) ca lendar days. DATT ffiormanceBond. BID FORM - REROOF Page 1 of 3 o JoB N0.05-0631-18BID FORM - REROOF LIST OF ADDENDA AND REVISED PLAN SHEETS INCLUDED IN THIS BID: ADDENDA PLAN SHEET REVISIONS No.Dated No. of Pages 2. J. i The undersigned agrees to execute the form of Construction Contract of Safeway Stores, lncorporated provided with the INVITATI0N T0 BID. }le have included the cost of a 100% performance bond in the foregoing bid. We agree, that upon execution of the contract and prior to the start of construction, to furnish Safeway Stores, Incorporated a .|00% performance bond (The Standard Form of Bond, A.l.A. Form B-2.' .|937 baition, copyrighted by the American Institute of Architects) issued by a surety company satisfactory to Safeway Stores, Incorporated in the fu]l amount of the bid. l,le understand Safeway Stores Incorporated reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. DATE 8ID FORM - RERO()F Page 2of3 BID FORM - REROOF JoB N0. 05-0631-18 The undersigned is: A corporation, incorporated in the State of 2.A partnership, consisting of the follow'i ng partners, whose full names are: 3. An ind'i vidual whose full name is: |'le agree to return the Plans and condition as soon as the contract Speci fi cati ons i s awarded to (and addenda) in good the successful bidder. Titie Fte ffi General Contractor BID FORM - REROOF Page 3 of 3 ti_, ,rfir'ii:i ;frrlgs $.$ 1. rt rt_ Joa LO:ATtON rrcr.rtD€sCarF'nO|t ,, ,) '.. \ _) ., ._/ ) cotP-5lbr 0:; E .- ,:.'.:: n- i-. :_:;r !e:. ' I :, '::-.^C :t i:Xl ICF-i! rald :- ar .i,ria4 '.jri "'r 'its tl-Je! :c r.{5T:r'JaTlSh :l:p. fr#Lt{T :.., i: .r: ' ! ';ii! };'--^;r;*ql:Et :':l#wgRl :J\-a.ra:lF :t'ia,_---- ':,-r' ',,.ei ,.r(? r';:'it :?Ct ?B!',r': a'i?, ':1tra! 'O Sti?i'r! .r:'..t, ,,:lr:r; lc:e-'l -e-, i: ^('r :)e: - ?-jr rl:ii 1c!:t: !1A![ iFD 3! IEfiMS AND CONgITIC;T.5 !,' !.5s.lt^rftrra Stais !,. Ine lr:e 3i rf- : joslrlcl,(ri {c.,. ,,'r'i m.l'- '" 1: ' 'hf,iar ajJ^lr r :or iid, .,/-.'..r . r_.\, ,::at9:tars tdrvrcc! and eQuromrFr reler.ec ln ll)€ com9lelron ol llra rorr 5hall o&xarn al! nccgssarY ,ermrt3 aul'ro!_r::l:o-3 !.. 1uu,n9 .hcs€ lroan .('Frn|ng p.oo€ny c\r^€rs) 3r:J 'rccnsc'. and tharl oat all lees. i|censa3 a|!d targs ,o ccrrDcchoo tlrcrd,th aantracto. Ir i rnO..)€ncoot co;:tr3a:ci. a'ld or'te. .5 not aocorr^laDlc ln at1Y maardta loa Jry vtolallo,r oi crty counlr/ 3trtc i> le6?.at a*s lwcrna:rces cr ragutalroos. or lcr,ntvry cleain. lcss o, damagc er3m9 lro.n anyaau34t^ lhc rr?.to.manca cl lhr3co.llracl ao.,rrac!o. agrecJ 'o Inoe.n.rtY orrr6r agatn5t any anc all (a!,,'lv. kJss ot tlt9ense rrncludrnq 3tlc.n?ts leQS) ic..r.9.:i:L\. wtlh anr.la:r:: (riaf asl ,a:c.o, :3!5e C! rclrcrr l3sa!.t6c JF'ns! a.'ne. 42. 3rj5a ql Jt'v Inluay !o !:r Lteath ol J^y lrcr-.,arr )r l\r lost rr (v {1.r,:rJg.> to ,.r liros{il! ih(!n 5t .f .nturv. ata.tln, bds. C. Camaq|?. no-eyer a3!.cg returiS rrolm Or acai,,i5 '^ COcieCtlo. w!ln ifi !le?!c{..r3.ac Ol l:rr5 :Cnlraai rne.r1e- fe i;ra J alle{ ao{+roLtroal, 4., -^-l.acl.rr. nr5 iger:s emc}cvctrs o. s!rrcoarirrL '!').s atce0r *.|er. lirci, Lnruav 11reii: ro33. c. c3.:1a€e s :.rr;€ 5t rra .egho€|rtca Cl c|r.e- a. aln6.t.c'-: a!fal+:,J s<rr€tr t)l )*n?| A5 d gaat,l 5!Cl! rtx,,nr., '. ,ii'.in tJi-'.rjtCi ,\ireCs. ri l-J:_e1iF::i ,i,:. rc assufira urlttout ergecs€ ic awne: rne lele'ra4 ol art suai ::a,rn. o"tn.^d3. rlclrons ar .:ru5€5 ^: .r.iiion 3elc{e milirtg llrt'l ory.ne.r )!nor m.y r?.:,.rra cont.aclot lo hrr.r$ a,v6aocr 5alr3lr€to.t rr o\.ia. it-al att rtborcr's gfc.rn,,rg i,{f \ ar in:t?cal an€ar rumla-ltrng .:r;ieriais anc arl s:rlEo.rtfaclol! em0!oY6d bt con:raclor rn co.nglefrng lfr{r .o/r \lye Soeft tr!: '. Jr, .r|(|':|n1'r.Yr.J.t:erioodateolconiD.,,l])n.,tln..'.on5|'ucl(fo,r|al..invo..!c,'t],''.l|.{|.,I !y inr SuDccrrlractor '.!l.'ll Jr'lya tq f,c cet€ri'ye co.rlracto. lgre6 lo re9l.ctt or.eoatr such clalaclrva tarl lo rha sal.st.ctror1 or o?.rr c.{: rrliro{I a:st lc or.naa rpon r?cer?t or w.rtlen rto!€e ol Such dllecl lroat or'|€t. Ro 93Ym6.rl mrdc nererr^ocr an<l ro ,nsoeclr(xr bt o*r.., so.k 4hne c/ r atc.ial u }ed by contractor 5iarll be,jo s]eereO ertlEa as Girdence o{ 9crlo.rnance rl ihrs constr\rct|on oroer cr ac:?trtJrr!c c I Jorocln a foat o( malcr,als. lf at x ri't pr--t oi t56 worh under thrs con:r.- Jn o.Oai 13 lo ba 9attoatttad oo a lr.l|. end matc.rtl or cosl-Olus Oa3B. lnc forlo?ng Irot' !ror':! 9.|all aDclY :, ll: r3aar sc:Ero/d and 6<urp4_ - re": by cofllralcloa Snall be chJotO lo orncr al l:re .nles Slaled cr llE lace o! !h,s ccrrsi:uc:,c" --.trr 3. a. ai:rctd sche{tute. d ii'.€ r:rles acrutlly oad )Y contracto.. rtlrc.llavs are i<rwa. ,) frrlafinis rhril b€ anarg€C lo ovnar ai net ccsi to coatlttclo, t,Lt 6ua:tng all drrcounts. fcSalet o. rllurl(ls rlcrgrtd c! e.aa:.ed Jt - rctrrr.clo. ;)'cvtoer:. llra! tuci ne! , :5r shall n(rt ercecd lltc o.aarlta! 9.rce3 lo.3uci mate,rrl |n llra a.ea m lhrcn lfE ro.l ,5 l; ar., .rci1a. ,.,cr Snarl rl et3g3a lhe .nar:.i.j'n trrce trrld lo, snctl .ndGtral undat rp9lkaba" 9,rcc co,rltcl ltrt aard rcaulrlp.:s. u:: Al; ira,o( al'|a.q€a si.a/i ba SuDstan:::lle(t ut g.oo€.rt Dr?9atcd ]rd cltlrti- tt,'.tt lnaala. 6 \ll.a:e.lr aJrd aaurlltn€nt aeotii cna.tes Sriall b. Sut|lLutlrll- l' Daad.c€!r9l(t |or.Jlce3. t?t ,:. Jatq(a tnc ro.r r! coa'l0l6t€{. '.r!o. rodro. @u|gancnl rdrlaa ':116 q nBLrtal rrEcs ara rncroa!!{l lo l€|lrl5 rh|cn do iot etcec\: !'E anarr!.irta 'aleg of g(rc?s lirec uoda, t.rt aogitablc lnca et' toa Lrl! ,ft6 rcogttl|oils aaro co lr-lo. € r"gtJ|rd lo i'ay lrcn ftt6 or }.rccj m oarlqrrno !,rcn ,orl su'C,l fitc.alsard tllcl Ot ltrctt.,l|t ba cnargrcd lo orfier rt cdrlraclor grv?:t arrrEr r,rtter, rc}rEa o! t rclr iacjcllra and ItE reason! ttEralo. tllda cqrl&-l(' t lcl|r3 aait lbbrhly 16 thcir DaynE l. orrrt.r has tlr .ter at anytr.rlr. al orr'lca 5 €xp€nsa. lo aeourr? coarltEloa 1o hrn'3n a boaro In aa d[tot nl atol lcas lh3n sucn consrlr€:|on 0.60? 9flcr, gulitlrcro co.rlphre a'rd tarlhl{l gslo.rn.Ir oa hi3 colrtucltoat oa6r and otFtc'rl ot all oi*igalpns a.!J.g lErqtrrtobr. Sr.cb bo.r graI i Al.a B.-2 Fo.rn .nd givei: t . 3ur"ry co.{roa.ry SdLracro.v lo oirG. |.6 Shatl Da rggltceblc to tna usr a.d b.rEait ol .lt ,artdrr lria ,Jtoam Lbo. or tdnirh rniteiat lr.ttr,dc, A:l arais oc1. cr tcrlarna.rt!, elthoa re.t|.r i{ rnna. IncdEi3tctrl rrlh lha l|trtt!! and c€'n<lrti/trs ot lntr conttijction qce< re h€re3y ,uc1)?!.,@.i aarc rro not btnding uOoar the cs,'tra3 he.eto Ercae? rg fratanabra ptordtd tn paragaath I ci lho!€ t€rms sod Caadr:rons ;l ;.., )i ilre rorrlrc.rt in any rnslrurnent .€l€{:rlrj io cn 1ic iaca ol lhrs cdElrrd|o r oaallr are In ccnf t|ct frttr o. rrEo.rsrsle?rl rtli liese i errn j .r.:J :.)J!:tr i !).s. tlrG o.errsrcats c: r')?5€ ib -':3 3:rc Candr!;ons $all rrGtatl. --. -;+j igretn tl|.) rcy.j j.rnar -neans:- -,riy lraro..lr:orp(tataxrthtlher r! tsornet c. dssec ltt l Se l}leanrsas wh€re sar(] .o.x :ir'oe !ri,, :. t:.tta'a -p Tijcc jj 3na.-. -.,c/|.enr. ftt ol ttle rxr(t.rrsarrftlnalron rcqsr3ft€nfs ol Erscutl|]e Orolr::24€ a.l'd a:_. dj:r.r1a :ei€. ?-friiJt&a t:..:; i:-.9:.!icts!..1re.3 cn ^! revQ.3e t!ca. rlll rSo,thcoStcal rhrBrnaol. rFa6! ail l€d€{al .aoor,lr'trcr'tts :!rd a9iGc! !c lui .rl:r 'i:a il.|rtriarg ,.!::,er,.ir r;i!js/l calE. j5 r?lt a! lhe gutear, ga €tglocavc3 caatttkal@.r wtlctc i?(lrl|'ld lcoda cl FodctD taguLtiqt' : ::9 .{g P:lJt! lCal€! .j-jr':trir;:c. a{r--'t3 tc Jiir) sirca iis!:arEe a5 .,rlt D.crEt cootrElg ltrdt any tgplrcagto lvcrtar! Co.tx|.rEatlgt. Occuprt,onat Dtsaes: .ic E tE:oyjr .-a$&lv Ac{q. C..tr}:to. a jrc agr?c! ro clrrt 3uct! |'r3rtEr aa ttu 9.ot.ct co.rttaclot Lt ott!. ttqn cr.r.|!6 ,q p.otant gcrac.,x rrrqiii hiury q bo<iit.r ,,!tury ,.ctudjog daafh. rnich.'l|. lita h corictDn rtlh ?ht p€'tottirc ot thl3 conllrl s.Jch 9.rbi,c r::|cr.i,l-/ a (tt ogo.tv d5maoa Insrrranc/9 sni.l 3geci(rcallv D?oter':l coilrDctrO. a€ttro3l tha co.tltlctoa ! lt.Oihlt asJuttld Ft cg:ltaclo, u.det :'r!r ..rrafinrty frovllro.ra ol garagraph 2 \a..-.fabcrr Unatr ottr€trttL tt{rrlaLd. 3|,ch gubl,c l|lbalaty l^tu.aica tt€ludttrg coatlttclcr at6 .ii..r ilr n!rt*! glatl bc tq lirn[s ol not l!5 j ihaJt !5OO-m 9.oola l&tttl go<tttt hFr.y Strd Progarit Oar-lg" LED.latt i.rchjdi.lg rul6ttoo,l.t .ti...v ,,:'rn { ttr. raa af t|l crnrd -,:,- i *oe.t o. .t1,q: &ld.roorle3 rn caar\€tio.r rttn tido.ttranca ol intg qartt-:, Cg1:f rjl65 a! r slr n.r..r ljl,rlEt-r r a 9rna. !hat: lE aa{rq, re.: \r r!n lrnet lt?lo.? co.tlrrclc. aoit!.tlarce! aatat \ratdat thtt ccatlrd. Sarch cltillic.li€|1' thill .xjrr.:r tl .oatt l|r|liq Jay! |rnt:ln rcr,..-- tc cr.et ar?l!r4 tnsrr.:ix, lF{r€.|crd Ity c€"lltEata cari ba tlcucad 5 cuicttl€d s.lc!::el !.,!cn:!, l].li r=artr!,l rha tdj.){ rrrg,.t).d..t: ,i lic rBsrltii :ss{)rtsj 5v lr'!c r.rrad d! barral, ol ota, v.6ar any cc.rirtcl- ::orrslr'.r€:rgI ocrr :a:-n?tct J3r.J-j to coattratto. r-v (.r!.ea is .;rs{,,t€(j fxrfgu.'rda( ttrd l? "rtrt t! |ncLfi a3 rr adttlcattl l!6urd a3 reo:rc1 otol!' 3 : taliltr In ..allcurt rilt: ;lyrcam€nc! ci :f siirc:l.,: !).:let: a. conaf Els lr cglttElat na! gac.'ro|ltgt tutn|Jhd {)'nar tltt: a curae._! cei ti :!:r :ir ,.rruflr.€a t|nr:ji -raatg the aEclr,. .er]u,rDr.re.l:. Inoo ,:on!a-to, nsd ilot ,'ijao€i a nar cttlllrcala :tJr!\- rh. cti.troa Ci Coarstn:cl;c(1 wrj rn: .-,i :avrnerrl M! L.n nuda. olfEa llrall mldtt.r! In!{ra,..a lo lha a:lenl arld n! l?xt slirldarc tcryn :rjrJ ml!rrED t3 corarra!{a 'ocall! ia rG,,rrl ,i3irrab|o y|rrrt al !l! birlk'rto rit ol nr.latlait dd'|rG.cd tO ll5e j., 3tla lo Dt u5r|<| In ti|o $ro.t *Jsiatr €by tLt. iichtnrag, r,rrj,: | <n iari , I trrt9ro,i... :ot rrtcl c 'vrl co.tr.rtlr:. afra:.rl: vtfik Ltn. srtrot!. rrrxt:lE& aard ..t!a: {:l(rr s .nls<irrl. lirdr ttt!$ttEa !r'li/ :ai.9. a!::_ r.'.6i s :a': aa.T trl4to. 5 'ite.a!t3 !c!3. I ifry ,! ic 'L lr3dt dIJ3laD.e vll!: dtd 9aYa:bae rC rha 'nr{rr.ds -r3 t}€lr lnlara! t 3 .-:r<ty d'9o€ir . -1. :v rs!it.r,.s anc -ri'oFa, r!rr:- r:5t j cr 't.-: c t}!'c! ti€ 'io" } 3uDlDr:i h EXHIBIT A The work to be performed and the address or description of the job site are as fol l ows: Plans, specifications, and related documents for such work are the foliowing: Owner will occupy the existing faciljties during construction. Construction operations shall not interfere with the 0wner's occupancy and use of existing facilities. Do not interrupt mechanical or electrical service to the bujlding without prior consent of the 0wner. Schedule any interruption in advance to cause as ljtt1 e inconvenience to store operation as possible. Include all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals to accomplish the compietion of the work as sltown on the drawings. The Contractor shall familiarize hinrself with the existing conditions of the store prior to commencement of the work as no additional compensation wi'l 'l be allowed to modify existing facjljties and services to the new work after receipt of bids. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with al1 existing codes, ord'i nances, regulations, or standards, (in effect within thirty days prior to bid date), including the Uniform Building Code, State, and Local Codes. In case of conflict beiween regulations, the most stringent shall apply. The Contractor is responsib1e for the payment of all fees, perrnits' and 'i nspections required for the completion of the work. A1l Drawings are schematic jn nature and intended only to give the Contractor the remodeling concept. Field verify all dimensions and conditions prior t0 the start of ihe work to be sure the intention of the Drawing can fully be accomplished. Not'ify Safeway Design and Construction should any discrepancy occur. lJork shal'l be done so as to cause a nrinimum of disturbance to normal store operations. Maintain such safeguards as may be necessary for the safety of persons and property and to protect same from iniury' 1oss, or damage. Storage of bulk material s will not be pernritted in the exist'i ng facilities. Contractor to repair at his own expense all damages done to 0v',ner's property' unknown utilities and adjoining public property as a result of Contractor's construction activities. Coordinate with Safeway Construction Uepartment all on-site storage locations. Furnish, install, and maintain all fences, temporary partitions' planking' bridges, bracing, shoring, sheet pilirrg, lights, barracades, warning lights' guards, and all similar required devices for the protection of the existing fac i I iti es and the publ i c. All surfaces of existing building which are damaged during the reroofing or removal of existing items by any Contractor, shall be repaired by the responsible Contractor to match existing adjoining similar surfaces. SPECIAL CONDITIONS - End of Section - Page 1 of 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS I. CORRELATION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS: The contract documents are complementary and what is cal'led for by any one shal'l be as binding as if called for by a1'1. The intent of the contract is to have a complete operating facility constructed and left with all services connected and in operating condition that are with'i n the Contract. It is hereby declared that the intention of mean'i [tS of these Drawings' Silecifications Scope ot t.Jork furnish all information relatiie to workmanship, materials, etc., and other items mentioned hereinafter, as shown bn the Plans .l00% complete and ready for use. The Contractor Spec i fi cati ons shall careful 1y compare and study all Drawi ngs , , and Scope of Work. No extras will be allowed for an errors. di scre ncies. or omissions which Contractol fFill ed to re rt e Contract. a. h d. z. 4. The Contractor shall keep one copy of all the latest revision date at the iob site 0wner and their. representatives. MATERIALS: Drawings and Specifications of at al'l tjrnes, ava'i lable to the a. Unless othertrise specified, all materials shall be new and of the best quatity. Matbria'l s or work described in words which so supplied have a well-known technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer to such recognized standards. b. Materials that are not satisfactory shall be removed from the premises at once upon being condemned by the 0wner or Owner's Representati ve. c. If substitutions of materials, methods, or design are desired' permission for said substitutions must be requested from 0wner. SAMPLES: The contractor shall furnish for approval of the owner all samples as directed and work shall be in accordance with the approved samples. No samples will be returned unless specifically requested. SUPERINTENDENCE AND SUPERVISI()N: a.The Contractor shall keep on the premises, during the progress of the work, a competent Superintendent, satisfactory to the Owner. The Superintendent shall not be changed except with the.consent of the Or*her, unless the Superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor or 0wner or ceases to be in the Contractor's employ. The SECTION I superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence' and all instructjons given him shal'l be as if given to the Contractor. b. The Contractor shal'l at all tjmes enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees, and shall not employ on the work any unfit person anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. 6. MEASUREMENTS AND FITTINGS OR PARTS: Preference sha'l I be given to figure dimensions on the Drawings rather than to measurements by sca1e. Sizes ntarked in room unless witnessed by lines and points, are approximate only, and shall not be taken to regulate the dimensions of the build'ing. The figures when so witnessed are intended to show the exact dimensions after the execution of the work, but the Contractor, without extra charge shall make such slight alterations as may be necessary to make adjustable parts to fit fixed parts, leaving all complete and in proper shape when done. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to verify all dimensions g'iven on the Drawings and report any error or inconsistency to the 0wner before corunencing worK. 7. INSPECTION OF }IORK: The Contractor shall give the Owner a sufficient advance not'i ce' in writing, of when the work will be ready for inspection as called for in the various applicable sections of the Specifications. l'lhen any inspection is required by another authority than that of the Owner, a sufficient advance notice in writing shall be given the Owner of the date fixed for such inspection. If any work should be covered up without approval of the 0wner, the Contractor shall uncover it for examination upon request and at his own expense. I NSURANCE: The Contractor shall carry the following insurance and submit certi fi cati ons i n dupl i cate showi ng that these requ irements have been met. No work shall start until these certifications have been submitted and approval has been given by the 0wner. a. Public Liability Insurance - $500,000 b. Property Damage lnsurance - $500,000 c. State Workmen's Compensation lnsurance d. Fire Insurance, in accordance with the following: The Owner agrees that while the repairs to be made hereunder is in the course of Construction, the 0wner shall maintain insurance insuring both Owner's and Contractor's interest in the building and any materi als that have been delivered to the job site to be used in the repairing, against loss by fire, lightning, windstorm, hail, explosion, riot, and civil conmotion, aircraft, vehicles, and smoke. 0wner and Contractor shall each protect his interest against 'loss 8. SECTION I from causes other than those enumerated. 0wner's interest shall consist only of that labor performed and that material that has been incorporated by Contractor into the structure to be erected. Contrlctor's interest shall consist of ali labor performed and material acquired that has not been incorporated into said structure. 9. PUBLIC SAFETY: The Contractor shal I prov'ide safeguards, such as railings the occurrence of accidents, property. IO. USE OF PREMISES: and continuously maintain adequate , temporary walks, lights, etc., to prevent injuries, damage, or hurt to any person or a. The Contractor shall occupy and use the premises only for the purpose of completing the work to be performed under this Contract and at the direction of-the 0wner's Representative. The Contractor shall use and confine his work, materials, equipment, etc., in areas specified by 0wner's Representative. b. The Contractor shall not load, nor perm'i t any part of the structure' s1abs, or parking lots to be loaded with weight that will endanger its safety, condition, or appearance. 11. OWNERS RIGHT TO DO I.IORK: If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provisions oi this Cohtract, the Owner, after three (3) days wri tten notice to the Contractor, and without prejudice to any other reiredy he may have or make good such deficiencies any may deduct the cost therebf from- the payment then due or thereafter due to the Contractor. 12. USE OF ADJOINiNG PREMISES: The Contractor shall confine his operations to the the property lines as shown on the "Plot Plan" on use public streets and al'leys, as permitted by the authorities having jurisdiction over streets, and form materials, scaffold or persons shall encroach adjoining land unless prior wri tten consent of the by the Contractor. I3. PROTECTION OF ADJACENT I.JORK AND PROPERTY: area conta'i ned wi thi n the Drawings. He maY governmenta 1 alleys. No equipment, or trespass on any landowner is obtained The Contractor shall protect all adiacent work and property such as structures, fences, trees, hedges, etc., from all damage resulting from his operations. Should he find it necessary to remove or trim, etc.' he shall'secure a1l permits and approvals and pay all costs, arising therefrom. SECTION I The Contractor shal'l provide adequate fire protection, on the premises during the course of the construct'ion period, of the type and:izg 1? recomtended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, to control fires resulting from the partjcular work bejng performed,.and the Contractor shall initruct his bmployees in their use. All extinguishers shall be placed in the inrmediate v'icinity of the work being performed ready for instant use. ln the use of espLc'ially hazardous types of equipment, such as acetylene torches, welding equipment, tar pots, kettles, salamanders, etc., no work shall be commenced or equipment used unless fire extinguishers or an approved type and capacity are placed in the working area ind available for immediate use by the workmen using the above mentioned equipment. I5. CUTTING AND PATCHING: Each sub-contractor shall be responsible fclr cutting and patching required for the performance of his work and shall arrange with the . respective Contractors engaged in such, and sha'l l_plan.a1l work required that is foreign to his triai. Al1 plumb'ing and electrical lines such as v{aste, vent, water, conduit wires, and gas shall not be laid on surface of exposed ialesroom walls, but instead be encased into walls or floors. All patching and restoration work shall be done in first class workmanship manner. A1 I openings in refrigerated fixtures and walk-in boxes for refrigeration, electrical , etc., piping shall be vapor sealed with' "Permagum" or of equal material. I6. CLEANING UP: The Contractor shali keep the premises clean at all accumulations of waste material or rubbish shall be completion of the work he shall remove all rubbish' materials,and shall leave the work "broom clean" or otherwise specified. 17. SUB.CONTRACTORS: The Owner shall have the right to approve or disapprove the sub-contractor to be used in the work. lf a change of any sub-contractor is required in writing by the 0wner, the Contract price shall increase or diminish by the difference in cost occasioned by such change. I8. SEPARATE CONTRACTS: The 0wner reserves the right to let other Contracts in connection with this project. The Contractor shall give other Contractors reasonable opportunity for the procurements of their materials and the execution of their work. He shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. I4. FIRE PROTECTION: times, no permitted, and at the tools, and surplusits equivalent unless a. SECTION I b. |l|hen any other Contractor's work is'involved in the proper executjon and results of the contractor's work and report any discrepancy to the fttner. .I9. OCCUPANCY PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE: The Owner reserves the right to take possession and use any completed or partial1y completed portion of the project regardless of the time tompleti-on of'the prbject, providing it does not jnterfere with the Contractor's work.' Such poisession-or use of the project shall not be construed as final acceptince of the project or any portion thereof. SECTION I o o OVERHEAD AND PROFIT CHARGES F()R CHANGES PART 1 . GENERAL 1.1 During the course of construction, the Owner may make changes t0 the p1 ans and specifications that may require additional work. The cost of these changes shall be determined as follows: A. By the use of Unit Pri ces either submitted with the Contractor's bid or subsequently mutually agreed to. These Unit Prices shall include any and all overhead and profit. B. By a lunrp sum price for each cltange supported by a detailed breakdownrwith the following limitations on mark-up by the eioi'TiEffi'r. 1. For work perfonned by Contractor's own forces: 10% overhead' 5% profit. 2. For work performed by other than the Contractor's own forces: 10% for combined overhead and profit. 3. For material changes only: 5% for combined overhead and prof i t. C. The above percentage ljmitations also apply to work by Sub-Contractors. l.? lncluded in the above percentages are: insurattce' field and office supervis'i on and ass'i stance, use of small tools, incidental iob burdens, general office expense, and other normal overhead expenses. i.3 Additional work resulting from changes will be done on regular time unless authorized otherwise by the 0wner. Overhead and Profit Charges for Changes Page I of 1 KOOF I NG i. GENERAL A.SCOPE OF I.IORK: The Contractor shal I furnish a] I 1abor, tnaterials, services necessary and reasonably incidental to the all the work as shown and specified herein. The Work not necessarjly limited to the following: Preparing existing surfaces to receive new material s' Removing existing roofing,'i nsulation and base flashing' Providing and insta'l ling new insulation, roofing and base fl ashi ngs. Sheet metal work as descri bed herein. B. SUBMITTALS: I Before start uf the work, supply certification that the contractor is an approved applicator of the Material Manufacturer' The Contractor shal I furni sh a wrj tten guarantee to the 0wner guaranteeing all roofing, base f'lashing and sheet metal he installs io renain f-ree from deflcts jn materials and workmanship for a pe- riod of five (5) years from the date of acceptance by the 0wner. All defects during tiris period shall be repaired or rep'laced by the Contractor at no cost to the owner. QUALITY ASSURANCE: obtain primary roofing lrraterials frorn a single manufacturer, who publishes comitlete iniormation on the rc'quired .system'- 0btain ieconOary matirials from sources acceptable to the manufacturer of the primary roofing materials. l4anufacturer: KoPPers Co., Inc. 5601 Fox Street trenver, C0 80216 (303) 295-2823 AlI work sha'll be installed in strict accordance with the directions of the Material Manufacturer. Test Cuts: The Contractor shall, at his expense, make and repair one T'f-x T2- test cut for each fifty (5u) squares of roofing he in- stalls, as directeo by the 0wner's representative. cuts will be made after ihe gravel surlace is in p1 ace. Additiona1 cuts will be taken to determine the extent of any deficiencies. Roofing which is not per specificat,ions shall be repaired or replaced as directed by 0wnei. Ali cuts, repairs, replacement, and lab costs for evaluating additional cuts due to deficiencies shall be paid for by the Con- tractor. equi pment and compl eti on of includes but is D. Job Site Meetinq: The Contractor shall not be permitted to begin !rcT-onTh'e roofuntil the Contractor's Job Foreman has reviewed the specifications, drawings, and iob conditions !,ith the $wner's repre- sentative, and the Manufacturer's representative at a iob site meet- ing where all three are present. coordination for the meeting is the Contractor's responsibil itY. Manufacturer's lnspection: The instal lation sha'l I be inspected by ffi's representative during the work. The Contractor shall assume responsibility for minimum t[8 hour advance notification for inspection service. J(]B CONOITIONS: II The Contractor shal 1 protect a1'l by moving, storing or P1 acing of sha'l I be.4' x 8' x 3/4" plywood PROIJUCTS Proceed with roofing work only after substrate construction and penetrating work have been completed. Before instal I ing new roofing, the Contractor shal I inspect al'l surfaces to receive new materials and report any unsatisfactory conditions to the 0wner. Absence of any such report sha'll constitute the applicator's acceptance of surfaces as satisfactory for install- ing materials. Have one or more workable fire extinguishers on the roof during heat fusing of KMM. The Contractor shall have at the work site a sufficient amount of moisture-proof covering to provide quick temporary protection to any exposed decking, unfinisheii roof or open roof in the-.e-vent of a rai.id change in tne weather. The Contractor is responsible for the watertight-condirion of the roof in the work at a'll cimes. surfaces of the roof against damage equipment and materials. Protection sheathing boards. I'IATERI ALS : Store al 1 roofing nateria'l s on clean raised platforms with weather protective covering. lllarm storqge of material is recommended when imbient temperature is below 40o F. Exeltherm Xtra Roof Insulation: Koppers Co., lnc. cant Strips: Aspha'l t impregnated organic fiber insu]ation material . Urain Flashing: 30" square, 4# sheet lead. Tapered Edge Strips: Fiberboard, 18u and/or 6". Aspha'lt Primer: ASTM U4i, Koppers #452. Flashing Cements: ASTII D2822, Group ll; Koppers Flash-On. B. Metal F1 ashing: Zinc-coateci sheet metal . Conrnercial quality carbon steel sheets w'i th a minimum of 0.20% copper content complying with ASTM A526, hot-riip galvanized to comply with ASTM A525, G90' 24 gage unless otherwise indicated. Provide the type solder and fasteners reconmended by the producer of the metal sheets, for fabrication and i nstal I ati on. Lumber: Provide dressed lunber S4S, unless otherwise required, kiln dried to a maximum 15% moisture content. Framing Iumber - West Coast Douglas F'i r or hem-fir, Stud grade or Standard and better. Plywood - ilem., Fir, C-D, exterior plugged grade. Lumber Fastencrs: Provide size and type as indicated and as recom- mended by applicable standards, conp'lying with applicab'l e Federal Specifications for nai1s, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and anchoring devices. KMtvl Aluninurn Membranc: Koppers Co., Inc. Soil Pipe l-lashing:4# lead. Insulation Faste'ners: Uekfast, Gaftite, Buildex-Roofgrip and Per- ma-Fastener. Aluminum Touch-Up Paint, varnish base. Coal Tar Bitumen: ASTl"l u450, Type lll. l'linera'l Aggregate: ASTM 01863-64, modi f ied t/2" . #15 Tarred Felt: ASTI'I DZZ7. SYSTEl'IS: METAL R00F DECKS (Tear-0ff): Insta'l 1 Koppers four p1y Coal lation after removing existing Tar Specification #220 over new 'insu- roofing and insulation. One layer 2" Lxelt,herm Xtra insulation 54# C - .06, mechanical 1y fastened Solid nropping Coal Tar 25# Four plies Tarred Felt 60# Moppings between p1 ies, J @ 25 75# Pour coat Coa'l Tar 15# Aggregate surfaci ng 450#-Appioxirnte total weight TJT{ BASE FLASHING: Instal I base fl ashi ng as requ i recl . per Koppers' Specification #710, #720 or #730 Summary of Materials Per lOu-S- ft. One ga1 'l on #452 Primer, as required KW Cushioning (a1 um.), as required One layer KMM Aluminum, cont. fusing Approximate total weight III. EXECUTION A.PREPARATiON FOR INSTALLiNG MATERIALS: TEAR-OFFS: 10# UI# ET{ Prior to tear-off, remove al I loose dirt and gravel fr-om.the roof' Remove the existihg roof mernbrane, insulation, base f'lash.ing, .andioJi. urpor barrieifrclm al'l decks in the work or where indicated. GENERAL: Cornpletely retnovc and rlispose of al 1 cants, roofing, .and.base flash- ing'oi virtical intersections, canted surfaces, and other transi- tions to the existing membrane. Unless otherwise specified, wall counterflashings,(metal or siding) i.a-iap itistring *hose botlom edge i,s tnore than 5" above the roof surfaci may be iarefully lifted tlo allow base flashing installation which sha1i extend a m]inimum 9f 2" up behind the vertical metal flashinq. F'lashinqs which are difficult to lift or whose bottom edge ii-iuri"tnun-5" a6ove the roof surface shall be rentoved at a line at 'least 7,,above the roof surface. If the existing counterflashing is noi-*o.. tiran 7" high, remove to a line which is within 1" from its lii. efi.i base ftaitring is applied, install a meta'l slip flashing wilh sheet metal sciews. The Ubttom eOge of this new counterflashing shall extend vertically down beyond the top of the base flashing a minimum of J". Carefully remove two piece metal counterflashing, store, and re- install io their original watertight condition' Lift all curbed apparatus and reinstall to their original condition iit""-rooiing and'flashing is installed to the top of the curb. Counte.f'l asni-ng on nonlift;ble units may be-!plit at the corners and raised for initallation of the specified f1 asning systgm' Corners shalI be sealed and locked with nietal clips of comparable gage and nateria'l s, sealant, and sheet metal screws' Remove existing pitch pans and dispose front the iob' !lhere perimeter nretal cap flashing provides counterflashing for base ?iirfriig, carefully remdve nretal, store, and reinstall to original condition. Provide unit price to replace defective pieces as deter- mined by Ov{ner's representative. lnspect the deck for deterioration and the 0wner's representative wili determine the need for repair or replacement. Cost to replace or repair unsound deck will be based on square foot unit price to be o inc'l uded in the Contractor's bid. l4ateria'l s shall match existing in type, size, grade, etc. Replacement of existing decking-as directed by: 0wner's r-epresentative shall be done only after sufficient pro- tection, as approved by the Owner's representative, is instal'led under the subiect decking. B. Remove all unused accessories determined such as vent pipes, angles, rods, beams, INSTALLATION: by the 0wner as not in use, guy wires, etc. General : All work shall Ue installed as indicated in strict accordance with the directions of the materi al s manufacturer. The general requirements and specia.l conditions, installation infor- mati6n sectiond and detail specification are a part of this specifi- cation and must be adhered to where applicable unless modified herein. Surfaces shal'l be clean, smooth, dfY, solid and free of standing water, snow or ice before proceedirrg with the application of nateri- al s. App'l ication of Insul ation: Insu'latj on board must be bevelled with a circular saw to fit tightly at wood and poured canr,ed surfaces. The surface of the jnsulation in pl ace shall' be continuous, smooth, and even' especial 1y at the joints. The board shalI be firmly supported. lnsulation boards, cants, or tapered edge strips which can be read- ily 'l ifted or displaced, shall not be considered adequately se- cured. lnsta'l 'l new cants as specified. txisting poured-in-p'l ace and wood cants in sound condjt'i on may be left in place. I nsta'l I 18" or 6" taper edge at al I drai ns ' scuppers '. ..an.d transi - tions as required. Tbper shall start a minimum of 18" back from open i ng. MeChanjcal 1y faSten roof insulation per manufacturer's recol nenda- tions. Use a minimum of five (5) fasteners per I x 4 board. inStall roOf inSulation per manufacturer's reconrnendations. Insula- tion shall be laid in paral 1e1 courses with cross joints broken. Edges must be butted. Insulati<ln joints shall not exceed 1/16'- Appl ication of Roofi ng I'iembrane: Bi tumen shal'l not exceed tnanufacturer's reconunended temperature limitations. Koppers Coal Tar Bitumen: Kettle temperature 300-4250 F. Holding tem@o F. Application temperature 350-400o p. Average interply nopp.ing for coal Tar Bitumen shall be 25 lbs./100 sq. f[. Top P6ur shal'l oe 75 lbs./100 sq. ft' ENVELOPES: Hold moppings back from eaves and from ope.nings' Extend ilrSt two p'l ies beyono -"uuut ancl envelope back 4"_to.5"^dry. Provide bitumen barriers at att deck penetratjons using Flash-0n. mastic and feli prior to instal'l ation of'any lrot coal tar. Contractor has the option of using metal Pitch dans. Thoroughly broom all plies of felt into the hot bitumen and lay withoui wiink1es, buckies or kinks. Apply fe1 ts in_ shingle fashion and keep proper iap distdnce to result in a 2" headlap' 0n short run slopes of L/2" per foot or more' such.-as-on crickets inO-iaAates, and when the deik permits nailing, nail. a1 ong back or ,pp"" "ag" of eactr sheet on 24" centers. llhere deck does not permit n5iiinS,-nuifing strips are required. and each sheet must be nailed a1 ong Sack or -upfer'edge at spacings to assure penetration of nai I ers. Pour over the entire surface of the roofing membrane,a75# uniform .oiting of Coal Tar bitumen, and while hot embed not less than four ;;;;;;i iirw (4a0)-pounos'of sravel for each one hundred (100) square feet. Spreadini of gravel ihall conrnence at point o-n the roof nt.i. gravel hnd bit-umen-are brouglt to roof and shall continue outward-from this point until entire roof area is covered at rate of 450 pounds per square. Gravel shall not be transported across un- graveled roof areas. At the end of each day's work, instal'l waterstops to protect the insu'l ation or substrate against water penetration' Detach waterstops cleanly at the start of the next day's work' Phased construction of the insulation and/or roofing plies is not acceptable. Areas not graveled each day must -receive .a continuous ;;il"g of Coal Tar. The rnembrane must be graveled within three days after i nstal 'l ati on . tlo not exPose material after deliverY to the s to moisture in any forrn before, during, or site. Install base f'l ashing at all vertical intersections, raised edges, and canted surfaces unless modified herein. This system shalI use Alurninum KMrvl Membrane as the flashing material - Koppirs Specification #710, or #7'10 as required. All cementitious surfaces shall be prirled with Koppers Hi-Pen Primer at the rate of l/2 to 3/4 gallon/square and allowed to dry prior to application of KMM. Each course of KMM Aluminum Membrane shal'l be unrolled and cut to maxjmunr length of Il' prior to setting in placc''. Flasning height shal 1 be not less than 8" or more than 1.2" above the roofing base. Set a Iayer of KMl4 Aluminum hlembrane into place extending 4" onto the roofing membrane to above the top of the cant strip a mininl of 4". Adiacent pieces shal't be side lapped a nrinintum of 4". Substrate-fuse the entire flashing sheet. lnterply-fuse all laps and that which extends onto roof surface. The Contractor shal 1 thoroughly inspect the completed flashing sys- tem at tne end of each day's work. A high quality varnish base aluninun paint shal 1 be applied to any exposed streaks or searns of bitunten. Completely bond al I flashings to the substrate and the flashing pl ies to each other without looscness or voids. Appl ication of Sheet l'lstal: General: The Contractor sha'l 1 bc required to perform all sheet netal ffiFk-frEdessary to rei nstal I the exi sti ng sheet rnetal s that are dis- turbed or rennved during the work. Any sheeL metal found to be in a condition where replacement is necessary sha11 be reported to the Owner vho shall authorize correc!ive work. Danage due to intproper removals, storage, or replacetnent sha'l I be repaired or rep'l aced at the Contractor's expcnse to the Uwner's satisfaction. Removal or displacement of existing sheet netal !.rithout inspection and approval by the Owner shall signify the Contractor's acceptance of the mate- rials as proper for reinstallation, and he will be hel0 responsible f or a waterti ght i nsta'l I ati <.rn . A1 I sheet rnetal design, fabrication, materials and installation shall follovr the reconmendations of the Slreet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc., per their most recent Archi- tectural Sheet l4etal l'lanual . Except, as otherwise indicated, prr-rvide so'l dered flat-lock seams, and fold back meta'l to fortn a hem on the concealed side of exposed edges. Comply with metal producers recommendations for tinning, soldering, and cleaning flux from rnetal . A'l I surfaces of new metal flashing whicn wil'l cone in contact with dissirrrilar netal shall receive a heavy protective coating per metal producer's recornnrendations to prclvide cdthodic protection. lnstall new netal penetration flashing as specifie0. Pitch pan flashing shall be restricted to angular penetrations only. New metal pans shal 1 be a minimum 3" high with a 4" flange. A1 I seams musL be soldered. Fill bottom half of pan with cement grout and the top half w'i th hot Coal Tar biturnen or self-leveling, fluid appfied sealant. Uome with Flash-0rr or sealant as required. o nevt, lnstalt new single or split meta'l flashing s'l eeves at all circu'lar penetrations as required. Field solder seams of all split or 2 piece lleeves. The diameter of the new sleeves at the top edge shall be no lnofe than 3/4" larger than the existing. Sleeves shall be a minimum of 7" high and have a draw band rain collar extending be1 ow the top edge of ihe new sleeve at'l east 2". Flashing,.cones Tly b9 irrstalled on-conduit smaller than l-ll2". Cones must fit tightly at their top edge and be three coursed. lnstall new sheet metal skirt and/or surface tnounted flashing at curbed nrechanical uni ts wi thout adequate counterfl ashi ng. coun- terflashing shall extend down a minimum of 3" beyond top edge of new base flashing and break back to contact base flashing. lnstall surface mounted metal counterflashing sinrilar to Plate #51 'page 107 of current sMAcNA nranual wlrere ihere is no exjsting wa1 I counterflashing unless otherwise indicated. }lhere there is existing roofing under mechanical units that are less than 24', above the roof surface, carefully lift units and install new wood curbs to match the existing to completely box-off the area under the units. instal'l a continuous new waterproof metal cover over a l/2" exterior plywood top attached to 2x nailers secured to the inside edge of curbi. The metal cap shal1 have ftat locked sol- dered seams and turn down a minimum of 2" on all sides to provide counterflashing for curb flashing. Uhere cap can not be turned down, turn it up a ninimum of 2". A'l I metal cap flashing sJstems shal] be pre-approved by the 0wner's representative prior to installation. Contractor' s Si gn: The contractor shall post 0wner approved 12" x 12" metal warranty signs at roof access pbints and at conspicuous points on the roof. A miiimum of three sighs shall be placed and inc1ude the following wordi ng: Insta]l new 4# 'leads at interior drains, and exi sti ng scuppers. metal scuppers at "Cal I unti I (U ate before making repairs to this roof". SPECIAL CONUITiONS:C. Screen support at HVAC which has no screen shalI be removed and ffiroof as specified. o At equipment sleepers sitting on the metal deck, lift units' cant' P fl ashi ng extend- ing down three inchei on all sides. Carefully reset units' At Equipment Sleepers sitting. orJ the roPf .mfl,n!,ra.n-e,,. ^lift units' fii s' New curbs sha'l I be a minimum of 8" above the finished roof surface. Roof, flash, and install metal cap as specified herein. Reset un'its t0 ori ginal elevations and conditions. Equiprnent screens shall be carefully removed, stored, and reset to -+--r..-.----.--t- .lnelr orlgrnat poslti0n and condition after raising the ,supports by installini a new Zx nailer, roofing, f1 as-hing, and installing a new cgntinuoui r,reta1 cap f1 asiring. Cop stralI extend i" down on alI sides. Firmly resecure the sCreen to the support through the cap ,sing lutt"nirs with neoprene washers. Extend the existing curb to support the ful'l length of the existing screen' At Condensor Pipe Penetrations insta'l I a new 10" wood curb around pi@pipe chase flashing to match the ex- isting on the iob. I.\ bJE-t \j6{} -z- *-z \A -\ .!tJ .a ; Itrt '!: v- ., : ,:': l.i ' t ii :: ::,i: ' :1..:.1: ot d\o \J = 0n '..\ * .-?' -"2 t_Lt LL '-4 r-lliv S) V\ i d:\ ur -.,\t 7:'n rd\J{:f, Vl )u I I I I w f'f,rs \ LJc{ So\nT >idro I rl -1.-r- i<: )> VI LOtl6 UJ s rtl \ra i, Oi<irlLi 7l il Dl I lLl 0l sl $$ $il Z I 0- =q-t: o dd .L O tl.lxq R;dt-B$'aJAf.u L ,\,rLHga {'ttrl Y '\J i'-. \ :3.Jq \4 I $ t0 \ir0ilt *l $$.(h J1 {$ .:i. _-----.----- -..---.----- is 2 3s z: o {J3o1r \l:\ ,rl--+ iJ_ --=.---r i. (i, ll I I ,l I ozt =fro- ooo ort, Or (tt IJJ UJl! F =Iu o- -T-|u pStw hSlDE4x't $ -lHlo I I $rN(; \r Qr6 NE .dE\tx UJF F EFIz =o z oIu z z o -Jf 60 z an +)rg!c,+, .o (oc!(u {Jx(U oz. ttJz =o uJI z +, C'.ul-+)g rf,ooc) 6r >@(d =!{-, o,-c>t')E.F(u.oo!+)t/) P a/) ...c ogl _r =-rOCOr(d(Y) (u (-) l! UJ U) =T Eo E.utz = r! uJ F o o q) -9tt(!o rG N c(5 Ei.H E (! 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IJJoz L F E .JFul;h=:co- llJ>o-O|!9o\urxd:> ulJJt! uJl0 oF lD ct -9o o c E Eol, o ts =E lrJ o-zo F(Jf E,Fazo(J !!! z J u- Jcl F J oo !og at' =o)(F (o an ii =z .) aq) uJ o = .!| =CJ F(o t1 lu =z A ==Etr E IJJ o J = I(L E C) bo+, al'!+, o(J (6 =P.c EN at!+) at1 =tr I I I I Iot =.1ollulEl < =l Ibl Ezl $3l I PI F (, c, lrl o(u F !(u+,v,(u = u-- z q 4l ol 21 3l 9lFI t tr o ol uJi 51 <i>l ttlq zl BI 9l -l =tr cilzl ol uJl 5l <l>l r|-Iol zl 3lolFI =E 3 bl zl 3lolFI ul llJ t uJz =o F uJ Er E <FG(JuJ<ZEIIJ Fe6 o Jt<o()F FS \2 IO E >Y =<z.E JZr.r-oo 6P>()<t V'=>E e. i. = \JZ <cio !',u1 H-l 6 F 2 EEN I I :r/\ \J zo l$ 0 0 V' N u \^ N{}i U' UJ[!u-t =tulo- i{ i-\-l I ILIL z J '\^e t<rc. !t F.\l (t lSZ NH IX,zl llrllt IN IN trloI P:- le\ tilof- .d)< *{t=oN E$ FN -.:f.rl I :h.\+ t\t ="vocr u- uJ E;ful <F2119Z0'{ o q) @ Q)o(! = (rsx 'F oE o o) t o.E o E o, E dl E o cl 0) o. (B 3 .9 q) c E) q.) o o o E.o o (o coN at, r. 0) o()()(! o o o !, o o 3(! E:g '=lD(,*ipE85 =.2 n.-Yo 6EE: llc Ie;€'i =c96'- o! 35;_'t >, -E El. =r-cFoO ctr- 3egtq!c.Y- (! o-(u o- aeE i/|- cLE€: E6:EE EO(5: EsE_E9 vvCrE O'- .r (t)! 6rE c EiE;6>.9(6E E{eite9E oc5g q $ 1 I f\4 \,b 0 0 0 c.d I 0! s \ e \ ^{v) E = uJ z o x uJ- z J I ul IJJ z6 = . UJ I I I H o to 3 UJ uJ z 6 !r,l F u./ =z IIJ o x F IJJ f at,ult!u- F =L! F F z I F uJJt! Iz6 = i J 9z o uJ = NOtM'lvA 3 \ ti -l { x 3 Lr- = A&(o\ C\i'Y zo ll HI H.l cl 1il ttl lt t;l tq c L |t .0 l{ , {!.\ I\-v z tr\:)e i oE llJ o- F I \ E o- uJ -) z E o X z tr e. IJJ 3 uJz I (/,Fzlz tr I Fzl 4 ul 3o qJ Jtl.tu d oz Ez I 9ut r|Jl = E o u.tzY x 2 F J <nz lJI z) zl .. >lo r.lJ t! uJzoF (r UJ o- z Eo \ \ = z F!, J rJ z cc 6,i o-E\ 9.1ui\q\ ir\g.\:\t! Eo- Z>R =!rEtD01>9Crvzrr-< g8 FO ;nj :- zo9 =2.(Do =zJO .L LL trtrn F tr Iu =:!{EZE<ofo9)EYJ"B I'lt E 'eEtr => ..'.\. Ir,Q, vt C u/ vt ---,) EEia; ='tskl JF h=dur>o-Otr9o-uJXo-x>dF It! ut a I (,z tl- I co F -J tlJ ol ,9\t 7 .15 !JL V \0 ii =z cl T i,\ J.. \d ll fir,, !u =z r{ s -l = ^\\ \ s ,x { F IL lu J = F d fIo\-, $.,f*l s'<] EI EI \n $. I ) $ ^\ uiJ uJ lq.t lua[t) c6 olZ ul ..--J< u- z 3 F z oul : o zl ]1pl N$\0 I Mrt $'.- ul J UJF = G I >l al.lol zl 3lolFI =tr I zl dltul 1l <l BI 2l 3l 9l =d olz) ol "'lJl <l>l bl zl 3lolFI UJ trF UJz = F UJ t E <FCOr.! <ze.UJF(rz C) JE<o(JF =<)isYr-s (r 9P s3fFd6 (J dx9tr =-? =tr Y,z =g E Ei\ =+8.Fo2< (_)o9.ulx-I t INSP-ECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE : i '' JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI ,AMPM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 2lrrl,r fo"r TOWN OF VA|L JoB NAME - So {." ,-^t ---^, - /ro J ,t< . {IiqEq INSPECTION REQUEST DATE INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETBOCK POOL / H. TUB /a rut tr tr FINAL ELEcTRIcAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - ,-'7 tr FTNAL _-- -7 tr APPROVED '/6,"orr^ou*<_,-)I E#rruspecroN REeurRED CORRECTIONS: oor, .7' 'INSPECTOR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr B tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL {rr,l'et tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL z tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 'ffisaeeaovea REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4 -., ^DArE /''Zq-f4 tNSpEcToR/ 3901 H igh Street Denver, Colorado 80205 3O3/294-9134 February 20, 7984 Town of Vail Attn: Regina 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vai1, C0 81657 RE: Permit 111609, receipr 25984 Dear Regina: This is a request for final inspection on the above permit at Safeway lt63l, 2I3L N. Frontage Rd.W., Vai1, Colorado, and this is a requesr for the $100.00 deposit to be refunded, if all is in order. No structural work was involved on the project. Please advise. Thank you. Sincerely, a) ', // tt n,/(^"/tr/ - //a'U Barbara Ha11 Secre tary 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 otllce of communlty develoPmenl February 28, 1984 Barbara Hal I Secretary Straightway Contractors, Inc. 3901 High Street Denver, Colorado, 80205 RE: Safeway Produce' Permit #1609 Dear Ms. Hal I , l,le received your 'letter requesting a final inspection on the Safeway Produce Remodel, permit #1609. 0n February 23, 1984, I went to the Safeway Store to do the fina1 inspection. There were no pl ans on the job site, therefore, I was unable to comp'l ete the inspection. I would appreciate it if you could see that the plans are on the iob site, and that someone'is there to go over the plans and iob with me. Your immedjate attention is apprecjated jn this matter. I have enc'losed the orjginal copy of the inspection. Bui lding Inspector 1, /r, /i.: */E c",r t INSPECTIONTOWN OF -' , \ j, REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED '*" .{EiREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING .- BOOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL a ("t,-,/, n,,r -iY ()*c/''u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF tr( o- tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= /"/' /( -'r "l rNSPEcroR oz E =e, uJo- oq oo<fr.r) oo o(\I sf ot! uJtl- F =E UJo E /// e/$si s..1 {r tlH 1i" iN JI\lrS'\ll. lirl19 "{ lb-)tE UJF E Ft2z = ozz ll tsll-l |:Ilpltall.dltol l1Ir!IFlotz lg lqlilolzl2 :o L(u an .U 0)P(o "lE C' (U(,lcl ,9 ;lIg(u ulq qq ol al c! (t cc llJz = uJ'r z 6*8.9.=669ct g8E; E €EcET EgE;g i E=EE !EEf,E gE EE€ r";EgC o:-o"o: o-E € E ='g!gao66 6o E !iO :EE:F(!o'-!-<xootr sEii:c-=-> E; E: R EE$i E oIL .Eo o (r zo o E. uJz Bo (Lo ul zI at) olr, r.o r.rl oe r.c| (f) oo rr, (Y) oro F C\I tr E |rl z6J to Y UJ z Jo- J C) GFo uJJ uJ z J J () z uJ = UJu,l!zoF uJEO u.lE 3 IJJt UJezIU'ulo F ul uJ z ul x F IJJo u', lJ.J uJ lJ-t =E uJ o- J Fo 0z -J @ I Fout uJ (,zo = E z ulE NO[Vn]VA [] cQ" la l =r!lEl= =pJE lo'Fl I =J IZ Z tr- Y I3 -'39H It s = Eg io o E;t I F a fld_gi 5 :e.Eig HIIdNc|tl zo F J {r! tr o E(9 uro- F oo =flr) - UJ J z Eoo z tr E uJFJ =urz u)Fz:z koo< =HxtL6ct<z tt, =2,. 9z fio3trOI uJl) a (n utzx =F z tr -J oz J ; UJ 3 o l Fa JI<ltrl zl zl .. >lo uJo IJJ lrJzo =(r ut o- J zo Eoo z F- @ z Y CE I = :a,)t+'vHo o_ -t3? z.f EP (2.2 z."9z2coO =zlf dP :E?:ioi dd= trDn t! t! J ) t! =Ll- - z. |.r-l(Jz. t.lloz. riJ(n&rl (J d. F > Fc) E tc uJ tL :!!EZE<ctl60EeE9!irae Ed =>FJI- =llj-E h=II f E- o- LlJx >(L,I Ou-E ooE 5pt x>G=Fc'io-i!E uJo F --- oL! z. =tr- E. co z. l- vo <,z Jtr v'J .o F J !o{J() .C' o(-' I Fl cf)(O ro =(ul+- (d af, ii z -:I IJJ Jll,lt z I ao an !o.Po.Uo o(J (U |r' ano = r!- .+J a/, oC'!o E o(J r.o o1 a u.lEoo -.f = (l, ! 0),, ! c) (F oo!6 Eo o(J o .pofI+,vl o(J (u(J cc) tr z (, UJtr J lt olz 31 9lFi UIc -:<, =.Uo o,.lz = tr zi uJ J t!oz3 F oz C,ul J lr-oz3 F !o+J()(g o(J !o -tt,t'-l IAu =l =t trl z ti ortsocE '=_J;<6>,.)x z 3iI uJ JulF =Etr ciz o UJ : <1 t!oz 3l 9l ruJ UJF' uJz =o F C) uJF oE t --.r O<FdO LrJ <zEUJF<r6 () J&<oOF F?i;G ---r2t8 2?;o =#]F d. zo C) *5YF =3AFiz =g E =+8,Oz J<Oa?.5H a a t In! . oa -/\ (/) J. 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Ilhs a t-\,/.o N\' P< F 3 BrFrppl FO:n t I I l l zDF l"p lP l^.ott $ G\ CA r I .f\lrS =-1 i-:m=-l 13=o<4o.d3a!Einoctt>t16hi3o.tl !nu =I trDtr 3P z= 2= 6c)z sFt:d s *E$i IsPHE -o-* 3 d 3; : Br' = (/) (D =1t HFii; :s i3i99or9d. $;.g t; r:E i; 33;31 E IgiE e.,=3eg -- =E --ilE ' d =.= =< = :Hg$; E;:3i 3 iiH** 3-lilee,I s [; f o --* z i m €zm a, z\ctm o.tl o€zmt oT ooz -.1! o{o o l z a- !m! =JU'zmm0m l-< lz o I=z T IIz i m m tn ll* o ll=" ll*l ltl rtoo mx{ €--a l-o zact- =oz -.tI5 z ma t-t-cm IOm{otr -z1Gt '' zfa z>9Rn6I<,..j.: < >0OPm=@o zcz = zm = {m, 62 oI =oz mT $m ovoc! n t-C =z l, !-O-lRii:mio>'nZoaoaz22e 6I<c:6 -p:j 6.62> m2tn t> m ot ! =oz.on =tl I F )!(--\ I \s a ?5 ;lq " € € I , , I m g T \ FFI h\il( illi l:'):; llTillBi Io-{ |- Tm =-11 mm(, m{ Fm z m v, -l omI zumstn = 3|rI zo t- =z m.-fi 6 t- zo an x (^l |- 2 !m = !m -{-rt mmU' VALUATION ll=m z t- 3 @zo m m x -\ t- z \).' 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EEi =ul E6il> E =Elrl o-zIF(JfEFazoo oz: U- Jdt FoJ o!o (u ood. {J .do = (t =(uq- (o a.r1 ii =z co -) ; z a LL c !=tr luEoo =C) !o+)(J .6LP o (t' =+, c') at'L.P l/, = tr z ,; luE J t|.oz3IF =E l! oz o UJq t!oz3IF =r tr oz d IJJI ILoz3It- = G z cituG J t!oz3o =E tr o o UJ T <l t!o z13I IJJJulF E TJ.Jz =o uJL foE -rO<F uJ<ztulF(rz () <o(JF f;#il,2=^IO (Jzo = J I ;{ 2) <xYFz() =tAFY,Z =g EhPE+8,Oz oo d <.r P,fr-l '6t INSPECTION TOWN /OF VAIL '\. , REQUEST" DATE f.a;/ ', -\'-'. INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING f-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED 'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE /'- (' ' i'' '' \ |) TowN oF vArL INSPECTION CARD o PER /4'? tMfr No. ' 4a / (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SITE) NAME Lrc. No.CONTRACTORS Owner:lj/i/ 1 t. r General Contractor: Excavator: Foundation: Plumber: Electrician: Mechanical; Ffamef: (=' J ,L , (./. ; /, lnsulator: e?i' r' . llDry Wall: Painter: Roofer:l4 CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS -Excavatkrn ,-Fseting+/ Steel Joundation / Steel.-ffi*Plumbing Enoineefjng (Uti lities) Jemp. Electric -eougffih*rnbing - D.W.V. -f,ougffitumbing - Water Rough Electric -Grs€iping THE ABOVE TO ARough Framing d Insulation *-Sheet Rock Nail -+itterior Stucco Wire Nailing --Final Plumbing -final Electric rinal DRB Jire-lnspection .-final-Eng ineeri ng (Uti lities) { rinat Building BE COMPLETED AND ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD CALL 476-7000, EXT. 101 0R 102 Hours ln Advance UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR $25.00 REPLACEMENT FOR INSPECTIONS 24 Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday APPROVED BEFORE PROCEE OVED nr. pdnEry4dl \ '4r INSPECTION REQU.,'-\ . TOWN OF VAIL ./' ,r'f',' -,, i ' t *i1' NAME \.t-[.,.\; 'ti; _....' , / ..;,4i.7,-..2_ L CALLER i "/ /. -\ MON TUES WED THUR ( FRI .]\-.,-' EST (7 -L. A JOBDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - E SHEETROCK NAIL n_ D[ FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D ROUGH tr CONDUIT f1 tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: gTDtSAPPROVED . EI'NEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE t} /'t/1 - i ,,/-'INSPECTOR rN#roN neoudstTowru oF vAtL JOB NAME CALLER TUES t.t ( L(" €.(-( WED THUR FRI '2."i\ .2|,".AM w'READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr u tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE TUES WED THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL AM)PM ltn,'NstnoN/ .,.) TOWI)$ OFrI oo',, fl2I?-JoB NAME'./ -a- 'r'r /i READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: t] UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr u tr tr n ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr TI EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR \'rrrunr-tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oot, ,i J.' - t'., - {')_ tNspEcroR .4: rNsttoN TOWN OF REOUEST. VAIL NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: _ tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER - tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL / H. TUB n n - tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: - B HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS _ tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION S1-IEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER FaoucH tr tr tr CONDUIT FINAL s APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t/ -Jt ^ ( jA DATE ,'/ jO"i^L-' JOB NAME IN TION REOUEST. -J.TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRIINSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES.READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUItIBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr iltr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr E'.tr FINAL ,, ''qIAPpnovED '\J ,'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 'NstroN neouist TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON (rUES\ WED'\-...,.-"THUR FBI BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING T] ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ...,7"tr FINAL tr FINAL /;ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR , l.rl .:l- ll; fl l li$wao) * 19- te (o ty.9 | iti!]=!l*''{=9i75 ---r lot--to r-f\ ?16AKlstvb '_lioz.'|o)s: :'i.-..l}^ryc ! l";E i IH6 F r-., lk f \-1 itoi 'n 16kx \,' (d c) o c) 12 :J ro E g i:::) TJ J (J , a) a) 11 (r .Y', '=A@;<*!rr 6ir9u - c o) (o I .Y1-r;iOHciEoF.-- ro -F:Jci J !:) Y.9c-o> .,3::.8 :6.0 dE.llr---.i >= X I ti ;.q -- 5 )\ x 3 Pair:!i:Eor* O O-c --;o>.r'- O O:.i9"1-lqicn,.Y -- <t, r-- 1]. cJ o*cL:.* o.s):o+- (/) P O- Ct'F o- c; li Y'i oo!x" c.Y x *aEej,6 I: q, .; '::-l?sE5 _at ? ]!iT>E -3 s FB- H d .,th6e5PE'u -,itrP:?.c.{ i"5 a LU a- ohl () x*h:l' (:f(f a 5(o 06 -O..r\-S 9,') ls' - L n,t- i!u)(L co -) z c) l- tlJ )< nl F t: E UJo LLo tl- C) i LI '^ t-LI $* Itq L; L'U rL el ol HI ?lil :i 'i ,_l I dl ;l inl a::l <{l :'l il .',r ()(J t-.' r ll l:: ,_c o(f ( I I ,i :l iLjl,:l il:I ol,-.I!-l l'i it() I..(.) ll: .-; r,-\ ;3 -+. eo :_. -l tr l-! IU (:,1 lri E I l.i .rf {li a_) cr _i ar- (i (./) ,-t l t-) F .'Jl'-( :t (j)irl:; --rI = !:4 rl0 i-')- -;' u- tL .t:: / .: 2:r: .i i.li'ii. I b!j fr LUiLI! UI :)(o(t) ii a. ir.l :-- c, ui>o-Or!'J r '') \Ur;'i ri c] i- ,i Iu i! CJ F- r:l .:'-- .:r F () 7(.) i: LU r.ts lr_J ca "{ =<tTol =r tH \dl"l C:_r-Vn1\',A ,31 F(i- a LU LUu- t-- LU .{ t-- l- h2 ri :) c) L T() z ,rt- (! 9.1 (5 tn LIJo L UJ o- (-) o:): €o z6 J z2*y$ Eegr ,to 3}^0:o i't r.,r9fr4 ii: ozta..l) gs-g5 i E?9 H 4i ;-i -oti*5;;d.5i,ioii,: (, i-) -T z z zI -(o(:) :i. F :) z7 tr^'; trYi;6Zt-oi)QZtl.<otr d- i.2 ;oj :< 3. z Fo- cao. !lJ ui ul(J ix o, -J i:oo 9"t iY (u :-) d zo F 5a |.,' ?I 1-- cti(.) 5X Li-l Lii ri I oo Or t\ o U'ul UJ lJ. l- =G]uo- o'9'c3 rtt-b ,f,.)loot v" Td I I s $ N I l., l6 I I I I F I = z anul o2 oz 6J .6 oz t uJz3o UJEF oz tEe*c Eg E:E €gE€$ ;E:Ei :EiFE .g";ges EiEEg SAP.'E stEs€ ; H;:i *EFeF Eti;g lr {c |r)(\l sf(o oo c) Oo oo.{ r\ (\.l (\l tr =Euto-ozoJ :<o uJ oz Jo IEFOr|lJ uJ z6 = J 9z o uJ = UI uJIIz tr UJ UJ 3uJ uJ 2 IJJ Fooo- UJ o- z llr x F ulat (n rta B. tr =t uJc J<r &F z ! .o F UJ IJJ (,z ao: Ja J Iz I() uJ = (Foot- Io \ N (! l- NO[Vn'lVA . td I\ l:Hl); " lt l Ssll lrx{ Ed t1;ct lz z !-Q lO O o.Fl HE=EH E g Ed'r! < - dlz E g f q.q tq 6ld(\l(,l z tr l E o ulo- F E o-lu ) z E z E uJ 3 uJz ||tlJ rllz ^2i iFAef B =pg58ea:<aooltltrlrttrl Etq = < rH2 3=d.rii iE5TEH5o(,or2 zIF l anz IJJ E F uJT an (, (J uJ tr ooo3 a!zY9 F C\T a uJ -'Fgb JFX t! F U) u, z. LIJ ro z. ct t! U) L! .J LrJ J L! LlJ -J u- U1 z. LTJ C)z. z. r-u t/1 L) OUJo>-z >L! FiE c) uJ<cO z o9z_e coo =z=>d9 EE=a; =' E: uJo-t!oEU2zE<*ate.E9ELb95EE ;tE FFE =*E 6bE irE 6raulo-i!i t!.o oF I-- z.* nnE, el dlullEl ll<l>l tLlol zl3lolFI I I I I I =.1ol uJl 1l al>lq-l ol zl 3lolFI olllrl 1l <l>jttlol 2l 3lolFI =.1ol u.tllcl _rl 3lolFI (Utl Et I3t I HIfl elgFln]9iloq ol EI FI I lFooI IoE rd =(uq- .d an ii z dto5 <F(r()t!<ztUJFarzoo 9Pc?ze t* zo o oFo tFzo C) E ir =t-Oz ,,/ trDtr oz ts =E LUc tt $.t N i (n Ltc uJLl- F =Elrjo- r {lf* i\$, tH 13iI N i\le tE. iiutFoz oz :J:)o€ o =zo .Eut2 =o u,IFoz Got! GoFo Fzo() tcoc llJz =o ut )F zgo ct o o.c -9or0() o, 6 3ol- o o (t @o o o ttco oEoO CD .gE =5o E o cf E o, ooo6 ! .g E aEE: EEHEg UP:E.5; oi :Eiic96EIoSo i€i F Et;l 9; se*E; e o!Eols*:€ :eE s E6EE_o.Yo -- c fco'-EE; o o gEii P:-eiIEE9 Eg;E cEg: -o6: 0 lo * \ \o "l \,q \I,\ 0 \ c\t o \ a \ I, A { -7cI F =uJ z goll,, z EF tuJu, z o. J () z llj = uJ uJ z tr gJ gJ q, 'g IJJ z a l! F <too- uJ z u.lJo x F UJof oultrlt! ts G IJJ o-J FoF o = = lo () EF(., qJ J uJ 0z ao-)JL J () z C) UJ = $a\ d NO[Vn]VA illt\f,i tr,i3rgl H\ J Ez UJo N\: >c ss z29oF^al,q5: F90oo6bQZlr<o*H6toFO.:6i p 2IF F ciat Eo uJ t- G o- u.l oa J z.o F6o z9 Eur F =uJz JIlF49=? =r Fief I =sgH8Be2<@o3|||lg-tn3 i rH2 ? Ed dI= gE o(9oEz zo F J anz uJ3 F IJJ- ii olrj tl, ; J at z3 N a s N BIL F Fibil8 GIJr{ F{O(:) IJJF o Llj trU'(Doazo Fo- u.tY llJgl oF F =.E UJ o-tto o-oo I UJFoz z o9 fi3 s =F$!trEt EB* ;HE trIElttGtl.o uloz fot2 oFE 9F JF h=1e,o. llJ:o-OI9oiutxo:>IJ IE J!It uJ .ooF =el !: =E, lrJo.zoF() :)EFazo() az J II I I I J J(D FoJ IJJ =z anoL - ;l il JIsl\rl'l xlilxslIul =a l l l l-l .}"i r$.1\l )tl \ql \dl Ita ut'g q ct J = c $\ \ 1{ ==E tutt! ) = -o, =() E tr ct o llJ 1 >l t4 ol zl 3l 9lFI E if, oz ct rJ.l G, J l!oz3oF =* ci ot! = ttqz3olH tr oz dllj .E J ? l!oz3IF *,i s \ t\id rrQ\t \ s G Lr N I't?t\l\ I 't]lolt1ltolI urll:llall>llLlloltzlt=ltollFl s F * lrjJ UJF t uJz3o F() IJJ E C)& t -.r O<F(xol,! <z& I,IJ F(tZo JE<o()F E3 fiE5 c 2? 9?>(r d. zo 6F 33 E6 EoEnsu+E FOz C) J<c)o 9''3H Ft C Et !n! TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ruES wED rHUR t!:U '3'' :lO BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED ON REOTJIRED ;",:rl"7.t(,-, ,,,/"' DATE INSPECTOR <:- S l;ii;l_ ,^:i7= $ li::s\ o> -c.r ;;i? };::I:R-s3"3\sti'i I I l* ,Fl<ro I I I I l.,oIFt< l6z t>to NOt.|lVA =>E -I z = '@a =\QZr!< v= o.x.x ;N |_l tJq l."l-1: l.9H.o l(,rl I: l=l J- .!"1 g ; 'lSo stl rd = i.:l JO O .Ul (U i sq q u o- l-lt(Fl I s 8tl3-lg EIHz 1.4IJJII(9ll -o- uJ z9 =o zIF UJF 3tuz I I(q a :1*'l : I I I oz E = uJ Jz z ze(Do =z O- LL dfi.4 a r = ="-7dd= a) E CIIo o E t-EFo;i:E6 ti--o5r'E>tF oz FO [.u -!otIL I -{t@l "31J.l I UJF o ts =&.lrl o-zIF C)f E.FazoO Lttrn ltt--a I u>l IIJJ 6l qt =l I o- F() (F ooE =oa o =g tltltttl|ltl tllalt8lIrltolt<lgJ04 <lal :l U', EI RI <l =l tltlll,ll'tltlIJI tltu4t6lldt< =tJflgE U', tdo a,&. (FooE (F .Ut', riri zo -1 F tt l'r,Ecc =E El; H*E Fo2 F z. O =I I.IJ = oo,a t- =#]F)zu-o <F IIJ <zEIIJ F EFo[! UJ F uJF o J<Oo J2.5H trtrn DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR .INSFECTION REQUEST \ TOWN OF VAIL 4!.,,tn,,n- eu pM LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER n"#i"J'' Khusg E] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Rnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REOUIREDtr REINSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR );a:. -t-\.= =brFF-a:ri . !,.; 7ni:lii::ii;<37:il:13 xFrSt <O.Jzl:ii:iE;<,J!3:i? :E.o<r3> -4<a-ti.,:t=<E < t-: z = e t-I 4 =o (9 2o I I I I I lyJ lo I I I I I a E z o)5 C. an uJ uJt! E ulc U' UJ t.llu- tr =r! J t- D- UJo f 2 (J z UJ oE gl 3g Gz 6lucl UJ 2o F c.o g. F = z o l Y(J LU z o- ; 9 (J UJJ UJ o o2) NOrrvnlvA UJ z (J F FI 2 E uJ F =e --)r+<93oY.O lul zI FJlaz oozz F=Y S;not/1 OdFI93SHE83 reagnEoZ (Dc@2) FV,^ .t, zI d o=3 < Ep3(J(Jz:zaE-ltii.i =<PFEE9uBg55ooorz.-) tsz zotr o (J -G Eo ;IF tl.lF t z zz tr^6q5 E9o tnO =>a)zr!<o(L "r?o.Y.x :6i -x z F o l t i F *,lE Goo a il $l tltlllllllll l.lI ull I lll lolloll<l>i :lc(l <lil = al I I ul :1 <{ J al =l lltltltl|ltlIItfl tct t<lt-{crl aiit >t tllltltlllill"tltltll"JI utlIut lqIOt€>{ Ic<l A= II I lo- I I II r) g ctq J>-QFz_ J !! { { \s \ N \:t} \q ui E z f-tOui\t<, iso qz c\q x G.o Fo & z 9 Ta) l.I,]2 oozt- :<ztr JZ <oOF -<;l <Fc(J[r< LUFOZ (J F Ll-lt f (I -)<O fo oz F ul Jz.o z. o9 =ecoozzf>JO(L r.L uDf --.r t,"Xozaft -"r -': LU]'d'= .: F=Cw(); orl :otr> (l o) 2 Dflt l r- z F uJ_lo (L tllF F 16 = liE. l-trl r- (Lzo tr C) :) e.Fazo O ,r(--\/ \-.;r\ I ,/\-' \ ' r/l=\ l/ L--\7J= :'c \sr A \N t \-.-s\ \ qL 0's i'1- F{ {" N N\ \ ) trq .l 4:\t\ \ I l 1{tr {\ Yt\\\ T'1 a \ \' \ 6l \ \o -l'.\'\ i5 \-NN \J \ \ \ N\N\s 4 \N \ \ \S \s \\ I \ \ N \ N \ $ N n N \ \ \ u\.I N. \' $x o\ \$ rn F ,ii$ l'1.+' b': IAtjtrlEtt: ---7 |I z-lll Qla'il F-t-:li Hlrii 'l=li bll;i ,l _ >13 ii L! Ml s ii t L)l,r, li'-l 1l - r;h)il \l;/ -71 5l--f-luiil; 4l ,':u'l= r'll;;'>t 'i..1"ivl 1(\l : I ,',1o,{<.1.-; _b/ il I I '{{ {S\{ ' \.) -+ Rils a ,,) rv$ i1- t\'L--l:j,(t : vr'j9k r r,l trlf-=^rii >\rJ h$h;* < h'r,-i t'l :- T. t!'I,ri?\'')- 'kl "t// -..\o V,lr;,rSi ii rNsPEciroN FrEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63:19 DATE '.t'.;0 -t i JOB NAME TIME REcElvEg -{: ; '": 41Y;PM 9411-gP A. tt-, EAGLE co unrv4o74L f]pnnrrnl. FRIE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMMENTS: TU E nppRovED ! orsneeRovED D nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR El FI olol N q) N .: g 5 (J F J$1 l!l bl I ciz 6 oo € I (, ('il E oo c) () ) {r\ :o\ .d! E ({ (: :i=y -=2. lr;,<o;j \o i- ,: !r 6'-9 - - U>-\ ATq, 9E- = i;.,2I ts6?. :iv g v u)4:.l e?tr ! i- 3, r.S 6o6> tI) .^! s E=A'. = 'i 5:=:s 'i gE==l'5 ItffI'r. E,'= O\.. t-F-U-: :t ^Ss?ur\ \J t- J -t'F- F /-\ :r-\, - .-=r-N * 2Zi8- : s>>rr-\. /|^ ,J LL ,-io'\ 3=@d =; + '-\f,r /=t'-.L,r;..,i &t o:Eoi BF=6\ .AY 14\r C, \J r'1 FL -..OQP PZil+ <a-!:A =E3Zi\t =-(AYF-y-d=v(-)3*27 'n lt' '^ ) !,23 3FD'co Ctr: i:N; ll;N li\ F vr\) atrF'\,)l---\|\ \ v \ta'eihtfr)Avv >-\\i.'vFhfevGr_rrt h) vvAv \A'v Y/hJfrtU v "t|.l\rD. h) ab v \J I , --L o \ -.*-..r'.: Oo *-' D-.-7--r' 7qz S ^A. F E \7\1/AY s-roREs. rNcoR PoRA-rED 3888 E. Mexlco Ave., Denver, Colorado Malllng Add.ess: P.O. 8ox 5927 T.A., Denv€r, Cotorado BO2l7 Decenber 8, 1977 The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners P. 0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 SUBJECTI Expansion of Safeway Store No, 631 West Vai1, Colorado Dear Sirs: Your planning director, Mr. Terrell Knight, has requested we write you a letter agreeing to certain itens before he will give us a certifj"cate of occupancy in our new building addition. These iterns are as foLlows: Item 1. We must clean up the area behind the store, renove the ramp fron Chaminex Road to the area, and landscape the entire area. Item 2. Install a rip-rap slope at the truck approach and landscape between the large boul ders . Iten 3. At the present tine the naximun allowab1e sign size per buiJ.ding is forty (40) square feet. The sign code in Eagle County will be revised i.n the near future. We agree to conply with the new sign code within thirty (30) days after receiving proper notice. We certainLy agree to comply with al.I three of the above items andall other l.aws and ordinances of Eagle County. SAFEIfAY STORES, INCORPORATED DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION DEPARTI"{ENT RECEIVED 0[c 91977 EAGLE COUNTY rNsPEc?oNl FIEOUESTSUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TfME REcEfvED- AM pM cALLEa -, .1. EAGLE couN,ra2uz ! orxEn n pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED I orsereRovED AM PMFRI ElappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcioN HEeuEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ,, , .I AM PM CATLER ' . -)4 /- r'--E orren '.I penrrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION ,'wED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: ,AM PM . fl nee Rov E D ! orsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INSPE$ION FIEEUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY{a24e,, DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED ! orsnre RovED D nerNsPEcr n upor.r rHE FoLLowrNG coRHEcnoNs: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 rNseecloru FTEBUEsT EAGLE couNrY f 'DT4-z-' DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl oruen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ' WED THUF AM PM fl app Rov E D ! orsaeeRovED f] nerNsPEcr D upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseec$ru FrEoLrEsr EAGLE couq,-Tr#/ 7/> ! orHen n panrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM,PM EI'npp Rov E D E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr I ueoru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR t rNsPEtrIloN ol'lt FIEOUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 orrl JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY D orxen n pnnnal. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR F-'l qppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED DnerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsPErilor rreo(ftt EAG L E COUNTY ',/ D pnnrrel READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: E'ffi;;;"E orseppRovED D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRREcrloNS: E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS oerc /J-o- O2 INSPECTOR O 7qL INSPECTIClN FIEEUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E ornen MON COMMENTS: ' '-n<:':'::":"-:- "WED r' THUR j \ ,-.' E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE i'r (- FRt .i',l J AM @ O-n'ppRovED--- florsneeRovED 14'"UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nrrNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE ' ,,. , INSPECTOR BU ILDING DIVISION P. o.80x 179 PHON E: 328-6339 7 q2- NSPECTIclN FIEOUES EAGLE COUNTY DATE TIME JOB NAI\4ERECEIVED__-- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON COMMENTS: TIJ E L-J PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTDN WED Th,R FR!- -_--_AM PM E epp RovE D E uporu rsE CORRECTIONS LJ DI SAPP ROV E D FO L LOWING COR RECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR The 2531 Denv Phon ilding Depar IIrme West 8th Avenue er, Colorado 80204 R,TCFIYED I'tiAY 3 877 Drrt. .,*r, i",,t t ,0r.",,,. 1/303/573-5226 PLAN CHECK Safeway Store Addition, Vail Das Schone Center Review For: Eagle County Building Department Architect: Kalstrorn Associates, Architects, Planners 3005 East 3rd Avenue, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80206 Structural Engineer: Jerry Gray 303/ 399 / 84s2 L / ro lJou r oe r Denver, Colorado 80211 Mechanical; Electrical Engineer: I\1 .B. Knol1 Engineers 777 South Wadsworth Building 4; Suite 103 Lakewood, Colorado AREA CALCULATIONS FT r q T r n o -i fl (7 cn ff Addi t i-on 11,134 sq. ft. 503/155/5208 Total 54,181 sq, ft.Ground Floor Me z zan ine Totals 1,763 sq. ft. 213 sq. ft. 1,981 sq. ft. l?-,T-23 s, CONSTRUCTIO\ CLASSI F ICATIO\ 1976 Uniform Buildinc Code Occupancv: B-2 Trae of Construction: III NFire lone: III llu1tip11' Area bv 53 1/3 Percent Cleararrce on Three SiCes: Limited by Chamonix Road apnrcxinatelr' 60 feet. Ittultipl-"- -\rea bv 40 x Zrz percent or 100 Dercent Building Sprinklered trtu1t iDly -\rea by' 5 Table No. 5-C -\11cwab1e -o,000 sq. f t. 9,000 x 3 x 2 x 1.33 = 77,982 sq. ft. allowable Total B-l Area,iTotal B-l AIIorrable nust be less:h.a:r on: 36,163 sq. f.t./7I,982 sq. ft. = 0.5{13 Building Alea Nects Code ffi$j ET PIAN CHECK]NG.ORDINANCE WRITING . TNSPECTION o v Job 77-013 The Building Department, lnc. Safeway Store Add]tion Pl"an Check Page 2 PERMIT-PLAN CI{ECK FEE'S Construction Cost $405,000 per Safervay Permit Fee (1976 UBC ArnendedJ Plan Check Fee (Section 303Bi EXIT .ANALYSI S Exits: Number and Total l\ridth Occupant Load 36'162 : 50 = 1205 people Fron Table 55A 2 Exits (min.l Required 4 exits/Section 5502 (a) 3 Erits Furnished(2 Electric Front, 1 Rear) Total riidth of exits required. 1:05 | 50 = :4,1 Lineal feet of t"idth 3 Doors at 5'each 9 Lineal feet One Galage Door at 10' 19 feet of exit sr''ing provided Trio entry'doors rvi11 not clualify'because of direction of srvi.ng and electronic controls. The tr,'o poh'er ectuated exit doors are acceptable if thel'can be opened manuallv without porrer. PLAN CORRECTION ITE}fS 1,190.50 773.80 A-t Sprinkler svsten shall be erpanded into cot'ereC docl: area and nerv inanagers of f ice, in order to obtain the three time-q provision of the Building Code. Section 506(c). A-2 Total width of exit doors does nct complv iiith Section 5502(bt' further the exit location does not complv r''ith Section 53C2(c). A-3 411 roofing sha11 be Fire Reterdant, see Sections 1701 and 2105. -{11 roof covering s}'stems of r''ooden shingles to have a C1ass "B" Ratins. See Section 5203(e)11. A-4 Detail 8/A8 is not completed to a11ori code revieri. sI:l,lse The Building Department, Inc. A-5 The distance fron rear of "Non-Foods Storage Area' to anexit is over the 100 feet allorrable in a sprinklered build-ing. Section 5302 (d). A-6 Section 1/ (A3/10) shor-rld be marked 1/ (.\5/A9) on plan revieri nunber 2 or Drawing A-9. Structural Connents: None Ilechanica1 Corrections : I{-1 A11 unit heaters must have T.'-.pe B rents no less than five inches and,/or as required in Chapter 57. l,l-Z Provide hood drawing detail construction. It-3 Provide calculations for sizing of fire protection sy'stenin hood. (Arnount of Chemical) NI-4 Contractot'must prorride details on refrigeration splitting sys tems . Electrical Corrections : E-1 General lighting load has not been calculated on a r.;atts/ square foot bases. ArtiCle 220-2(b). E-2 One line shor\rs a L inch conduit H'ith 4 number l cablesinstalled; a rninirnun of 14 inch condult is required. E-3 Please conplete the one line diagran fron the 1200 AllP Busto service conductors. E-4 P1ane1 PP-Z on Print E-3 has a li,sted load of 27,960 r!'attswhich does not coincide with the power panel two load of 19,530 wat.ts. Please clarify. ' E-5 The recepti.cal load on print E-3 is multiplied by 35% andr the motors on the appliances are calculated at 85% load does not comply with the National Electric Code. Exnlain. / / -tJLS Ito Safeway Store Addition Plap Check Pagb 3 ,,L qr ,l a rt 77 -0t3 The Building Ddpartrnent, Inc. Safeway Store -\ddition Plan Check Page 4 E-6 T5e total load on the dralings does not agree rr'ith the load calculations. ExPlain. ' Electrical PLan Revierver: Jirn Turbett, 566 -07.26 lr{echahical Plan Revietver: Bill Arthur, 755-8080 t Architecttrral Plan Reviewer: John Stone, 573-5226 ,'1. t Y' San: F 5 (Rev. l.-74-200) SOURCES: CRa AM COLORADO DEPARII,IENT OF HEALTH INSPECTION REPORT FOOD SERVTCE ESTABL IS}II'EI{T EAGLE DISTRICT OR COUMY Mr LK, CRE ai.l Ma ATs I cE PASTR I E S o q-:u" No. sERvEo DAt LY Kr ?cHEN e lsewxe nET- Ce nr r r r cere/L, ce lsE-T6l- Flro: VAIL SAFEWAY DELI Address: VAIL DAS SHONE SHOPPING CNTR Operator:Type: DELf SlR3 lNspEcttoN oF youR EsyABLtSHMENT oN THrs DATE REvEALEo rHE FoLLovrNG oEFEcrs wxrcH you HEREBy aRE ORDEREO 'O CORRE CT : Iten: 1. Floors: 2. Ualls and ceillngs:3. Doors and windors: 4. Lighting: 5. Ventllatlon 6. Tol1et facllities: 7 . I{at er and lce :8. Handvashlng facilitles:9. Design, construction and instaLlatlon:10a. Cleaning of equipment and utenslls:10b. Sanitizing uten6ils and equipment:10c. tfashlng and sanltlzlng methods: I terl: 11. Storage and handLing of utensile;L2. Disposal of wastes: 13. Food storage temperature:L4a. Wholesomeness of food:14b. Wholesoneness of roilk products:14c. Wholesomeness of she 1lfi sh :1.5a. Storage of food and drink:15b. Dlsplay and gervice, food, drtnk:15c. Insect and rodent control:16. Employees; L7 . Uiscellaneous: 18. Dlsease control: INSPECTION - DECEMBER 9, T977 REPLACE CEIL]NG PANELS AFTER WIRING TS COMPI,ETED. TWO HEAT LAMPS OUT ON HOT FOOD TABLE. ALL F00D rTm{S AND CONTAINERS OF FOOD MUST BE STORED AT LEASE 6 rmcHnS OmTHE FIOOR. Nq{ ADDTTTON APPROVED EWE: sac cc: 0. Les *1 /L%.,_ ppe HEALTH ERIK W. EDEEN, ENVIRONMENTAL J. Wiemann, Colorado Dept. of HealthDouglas, Eagle Counby fuitaing Department Date: Operator S anltarian t INSPECTIClNBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63il1 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER a2/p FIEGIUESiT EAGLE COUNTY fl orHen fl pnnrrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI-AM PM E on' RovED E orsnppRovED D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR l-/*-,"4'/&:;(. o Wt Aurou.q.Trc SpRrNKr,rrR CouplNy rTr n City of Vail Building Department CONTRACTORS ANO ENGINEERS OF UNDER\^r'RITERS APPROVED FtRE PROTECTION y'd O4 ttz fua.xc tarG CxlBtlrttT FL,rCl ^/c lot 6tt-rtll DnNvEn. CoLoR^Do 80216 Vail-, Colorado 81557 DATE L-23-78 Rff. : Saf eway Renodel- GEMLE}@N: We are sencllng .you SHMT NO. OTIR JOB NO. eopies of the follovlng sheets: DESCRlI{lION: Test Cert if icat e PREPARED BY TTIESE ARE: Being submltted. for approval. Bevisdd. detaifs being submitted for firral approrral. Exa.rnined. ancl returned for correctlon. For your files. Approved as'noted.. Approved. PLEASE: Return convenl-ence. RD{ARI6: copies approved or vith changes noted. thereon at yor:r earliest CCP]3S TO:RespectfuJ-Iy subnitted, GI'I,F ATJTOI.IATIC SPRINKLER COI"PA]\ry DALLAE HOUSTON DE\'\'EN .^.^^ rr.r'--r 0'irI , . ./.d 'l^' ,- i' Form No.85 Rav.7l69 (Rrprrntcd r/721. rc o YONIRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. WATTR SPRAY SYSIEMS PART ''A'' GENERAI. l:f c1\.'?D JAN 3 l, 19/8 CountY, er.i onrscrs iiourc ge L'ifine&-el'li'riHire"rii-o-rift;E;'v#;";E"!i;"Sffi;i$&Tr"ffiil;ft';iil#liJ+i;:"$E: BY ^N owNER'6 REPRESENTATryE. A CERTIFICATE SHOULD BE FILLED OUT Al'lD SIGNED BY aOTIt REPRESEMATTVES. CSPIES SHOULD BE PREPIRED FOR tNSpECaINC AUTHORITIES, OWNER Ar.tDcoNrRAcroR. IT Is uNDERsrooD THE owNER's REPRESENTATTvEIB STcNATURE rN No way pirruorcis err cLAIM lcArNsr coNTRAcroR FoR FAULT'MATERIAL, PCIR WORKMA}|SI{IP OR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH INSPECTING AUTHORITY,S NEQUNEMENTS 'ON T,OCAL ORDTNA},ICE8. DATE lo- g BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO TION OF CONTROL o,a 2?1 YES YES "t" {NOE loD l\"yIA!LATION CONFORItS !O ACCEPTED PLANSEQUIPMENT USED UI APPROVED IF },l(), STATE DEVIATIOI'|8 NO NO VALVES ANI' CARE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMEM IF NO. IXPLA.IN HA.S .A COPY OF INSTRUCTION AND MI,IIfTENANCE CMNT SErr,I I.EFrAT PLAM rF NO, EXPLAIN FLUSHING: 56,r-ots. Flo$ the lequlred trte unlil mains ate clear 16 lr|d rcated by no collection of foretgn Daterial in burlrp beg" .t *tla" i;EifrIit" "nd- Flush at nows not less than ?50 GPM for 6-lnch pipe and srnaller, to00 GPM lo! f-inch, t50o cpM to! to-trch. 2000 cpM tor t2-inch, wher€ supptycrnnot produce stipulated no,u rate, oblain rnaxim;m aveitable bl ustng prop€rly sized;ischarg€ devices. HYDROSTATIC LEAKAGE NEW UI{DERGROUND PIPING TLUSHED ACCORDING TO BY (COMPA}'YI FL@ OB?AINED PuBuc WATER D T.ANK oR REsERvon El rrno pur,rp E HyD. Burr. El OPEN PITE E -< LEAD.INS FLUSHED BY (COMPANY) YEs E ves E FnE pur@ D oPEN PFE ll HC'T WAS FLUSHING OBTAINE D PUBTJC WATEF D IryDRosTATIci Hydroslatic test should be hade at not less than 200 Pgl for two houls or 50 Pst above Etatic prcssure in exce66 of 150 mL Ditfe.entirldrt_plpe valle clappers should be lert open during tesl to plev€nt damaga. ltl atove ground piping leaka8e should be Ftopped FI.USHING STANDARD STA}iDA.RD TANX oR REsERvorR D y coNN. To FLA.licE & SPTGOT E LEAR-AGE: New prpe lard u ith rubber Fask€led Joihts should, lf the *orkmanshtp i. sattsfactory, hrve m leakage at ihe joint6. un6atisfactory rhounlEof l€ekagc usually.r€lutr flom tsisted, pinched;r.ut gast<eti. Itowerer, .o'n" r".*"g. hiEh! result from 6mall amoDDts or,rri?'":":5"q:l:'ii':1,:""?liilTlilli':Lly:l:1-;'-::'",l:tr' tr""'*.' -'.''"i".*i;;;;;i;;";;t';;':i,i=";;;$1,,#T;:ii:X;:'ifiS:. l|j."'T'.ij::j,"1Y::..:^*:^l"]1.."^:I']1.T1ex'c:€l2sul:tsr.rr'."'p!"ioo:oi'l.ji'.;;;;.l;;i'.;i"1;;"..;;.""i;l:i;;:;fi;.;I;i:;..;l;oler all joinl3. If such l€akage occuls at a fe$ joints the instauation s'houtd b€ considered' unsatiJtact6ry ana ,"".;"";';;l;;;::'"-;;,il,1".li ;,::."i',jI",,l:ii""'',,.1i...::q"J::::J9i1tj.l:"]1,-lLl!-.]"*11T|il.is.ailsr.ao.y,.traverlrtr"..'oi"l]iJii:::""i""i:",'l:i'""T,'.::9-::1""::::::ei1ti.l:"11,-lLlt :":u-llrlir.f" aai;f.;...';.1;;;;i;i;;;;;;;;;;iii ri,li'il"lii iiiii;.,liimore th.n a'.srisht d'ip- or.we€pira.'s'.oura * ,.p.i,.a. i"ir^;;;,,*,o;i;;;:l i; 'ii;;ii;;";l;;;'ff"?;;";'&,p";l:il;f,i:T:;"Tr. The l€akage should be distlibot€d over all joints. ti such leakeeclcE" "tio.t ontt,"r",,, rcu i^in. rr-The l€akage should be distlibot€d over all joints.leakrgc occo's arnost €nflrely at I re\a' joins. the inslaltatio; should b€'".*ia"r"J ""i"t,.r"ii.""lnd nec€ssary tepairs Eed€, PNEUMATIC: Establisb 10 pSI aii pre6Fure and measure pressure drop $hich 3hould Dot exceed I l/2 psl in 2l houls.Tesl presEur€ t.1nl(E at mrnql$ater level ard rit ssur€ drop v,hich should rDt €xceed I l/2 p6t ir 24 hours. PART ''8" - UNDERGROUND PIPING No0 JOII,iTS l!:EEDIlic OR BACKED IN ACCORDANCEWITHSTAT'DARD vEs fl NoD IF NO- EXPLNN l-) ) TEST DESCRIP. TION UNDER- GROUND PIPES AND JOINTS i s -/,'u FTUSHING TESTS HYDROSTATIC TEST TEAKAGE TEST HYDRANTS CONROL VATVES REMARKS PARTS A & B SIGNATURES tocATroN TESTS REQUIRED SPRINKTERS OR SPRAY - . NOZZTE 5 PIPE AND fITTINGS vAl-vE INDICA DRY PE vAt DEI.UGE & CTION vAl 81. TESTING REMARKS PART ''C'' _ SPRINKTER & WATER SPRAY AIOVE GROUND PIPING (ET& OUT SEPAITATE PAFT 'C- DOR DACH rrsER' PARI ''C'' SIGNATURES TOTAL !'IOUNT OF LEAI( GE MEASURED GAI,S. ATER CONTROL VAI.VES LE FI WIDE OPEN IF NO. STATE REASON DATE LEFf IN SERVICE I HYDROSTATIC TESI OF AII. PIPING -z pNeulralrc rEsr oF ALr DRy prprNc MENT opERATroN re3rs oF ALI EourpMENT U TERr^L AlrD rorq) coNFoRMs To N F I'fL ttelQrno ALAR M DEVICE XATMUU TII'E TO OPERATE TINOUOH TEST PIPE TIME TO TRIP tIIROI'CE TESI PIPE Pveuu.,rrtc O atrernrc O rton.ruuc O SUPERVISED / yEs D lO D DOES VAI.VE OPERATE FROI{ TtlE MANUAL TRIP AND/-OR REMoTE COIfTROL STATIONS ves E noo IF TIO. EXPIAIN I'OES EACH CTRCUIT OPENATE SUPERVIiIOI{ I.IES AIJIRM DRY PIPTN'G PNEUMITICAI,LY TESTED EQUIPMENT OPERATA PROPERLY loR tE3 tBr9 6UPPLY TEST PIPE;RESIDUAL PRESSURE q,lTH Vf,bVEJN TEST PIPE DATg LEFT IN SERVICE WTTE ALL CONTROL VAJ,VES OPE N. COtr'TRACTOR .-.r.-:,-) ,r.,^. i-l \ \-.1 (slcNED) (), ,tv ii a . PI,AN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUMBER TWO ----l:ll2--!-'-!!-- PLAN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUMBER TWO Project: Safeway Store #631 Das Schone CenterVail, Colorado For: Safeway Stores, Incorporated Design & Construction Department 3888 East Mexico AvenueP. O. Box 5927 T.A. Denver, Colorado 802L7 Architect: The Kalstrom Associates Architects 3003 East 3rd Avehue, +200Denver, Colorado 80206 303/399-8432 This Plan Change constitutes revisions to the Construction Docunents upon which the Construction Contract is based. If the Contractor anticipates any change in the Contractprice, extra charge or credit, he shall so notify the Owner' and shall subseguently submit a price breakdown to the Ovrnerfor approval before proceeding with any of the Work: ITEM 1: See attached Drawing Sheet PC-z, Site Plan. A. Ingress/egress has been added to southwest corner of site. B. Existing concrete curb of existing landscape area along front, south boundry shall be re- located. C. Relocated existing Western Federal Savings temporary building. D. Revised grade contours of landscape area along west boundry of site. PLAN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUMBER TWO Page I PI.AN ATiID SPECIFICATION CIIANGE NUUBER TI|O July 5, 1977 E. Revised car parking stalls. (Added a totalof seven stalls). F. Decreased length of truck access, northweet corner of site, from 108r to 85r. END OF PI.,AN AND SPECIAICATION CHANGE NUMBER TWO PI,AN AND SPECIFICATTON CTIANGE NUIIBER T{{O Page 2 \ Date Referred Locat ion Please review the attached application and return County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. P lanning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval LICATION Permit No. it and this comoleted form to the Reviewed by:Date: Comments: Comments:' EAGLE Countv Enoineer: t 1 County Health: Recommend Approval BUILDING Review Routing APPocouN-t-YI PERMIT Form YesfIrlt:]tl Notlrltltr tlllE- tttlr- t-J tttlLJ L.-J Recommend Approval ffl Comments: t/1--f,r4tl'{ffiI [.ts,U 9/c*cf it,^ t^,- J-rr'; ',, 7,'," ,/,. , aFr.( .V;( " 6". \'" '''4J-/ 'Y - : . ,J{ t-...^<r-*..a (a / Roads Grading Drainage Sanitation Water /L:^z+11 Appl'icant J t/ir/ ,e)n," ,'7n.Ir,z r I BU TLDIRG PERA,rr APPLrcf,hoN EACLE COUNTY to complete numbered spaces only. Jurisdiction of Applicant 5c T Cr- lflrtt ettrcxeo sxttrl LtcEx9a (,8n" lrcENst ro.aicr{ttaa T or Dasrcr.Ei LNa'Naar LrcENSE r{ 0. 5 J.**n'74 /l /s€-Az? lExotr / MAt! AooiEss ' BtaNcH 6_ rJsE Oa lUrlorx0 <: 8 crass ol work: tl NEW @rtonrcu . n ALTEBATIoN O REPAIR n MovE D REM0VE l0 Change of use lrom PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK F€€ll Valuation of work: $ 4a S1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Work within the C,,.ltntv Riprht-- Size ol Bld9. lTotall Sq, Ft, Flr€ Sprlnkl€r5 Requlfed E\/os DNoAPPLICAIION gQCEFI E O AY APPFIOV€O 'OR ISSUANCE AY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. of Dwelling Unitt N OT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COMfvlENcEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO lIE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COt\4PLlEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSIRUCTION OR PER{ORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. a ot coxtractor 0r aurBorrzfo AGaNI ZON ING HEA LTH OEPT. FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spocltyl WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMII CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O, CASH VALIDATION#^:;PERMIT ,rrrt"ror"fi, fu I NTEf N ATION A L coNPEFENcE oF BU ILDI I.iG oFFIc I ALSForm lO0.l t l.r3 iroiori ?iou! *2*,";; '-!ra The Building Departme nt, Inc. 2531 West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Phone 1/303/573-522.6 PLAN SUBMITTAL SHEET FOR PLAN CHECK Submitting Agency:-/ane At ''':-- - - - ' / Proiect Nane: SeFr atzql/ Srznr- (l)f-<r //Att""- Classification: Group Type Const.Fi re Zone Archi tect: Structural Engineer: Jert n,, G /' ./1:'i Faa/, ^a. 4z-,rt' ^1 (/aut f,2zl/ a€6-:124 Plans Submitted Copies (2 Min.) Soil Report Submitted Structura'l Ca'l cul ations Electrical Ca'lculati ons 4-e-77 if submi tted Not Complete Nu* Jtu l//rt-so/ Project Cost Estimate Plar1. Check Fee Submi tta'l Date Nurber to ca'll $o^3$ n, O,-O -'-- PLAN CHECKING J ORDINANCE WRIIING . INSPECTION $f*;tT,frtrY Yf,uY,o,,u,Fl,ox 1 7e EAGI-E, COLOBADO 81631 TELEPT-iONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtssloNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Exl 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BU ILDI NG IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO UNTY ATTO RNEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENSION Atr Ll\ | Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN I NG Exl 226 or 229 euRcHnsriveT PE RSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 25 7 SHERIF F EagleExt2ll Basalt 92 7-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 I'larch 8, 1979 Safeway Stores, Inc. P.0. Box 5927, I.A. Denver, Co.802i7 Attn: Mr. J. Schlosser RE: Fi'le No. 7v-2-79 - Variance from the Sign Reso)ution At their regular meeting on ltlarch 8, 1979, the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment approved your variance tvith the condition that the double faced sign out by the frontage road be removed. Seeing that electrjcal wires are out there, the planning staff feels that th'is sign should be removed during the late spri ng or mjd-summer to ensure proper dis- mantling. This sign should be down by June 15, 1979. If you have any questions, piease contact this office. ),* w$L,tu VJim',^lilliams Zoning Inspector Jl^l/J K cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment iiL C' LICATION FOR VARIANCE tXnr ure f,Sf" Resdturion of Eagle County, Colorado . to the Fllo No. Feo paio Date recd. by: Zc:ning Eoard of 'i(nrlnlrnum 5 copies roqulrod; prlnt or Applicant/Owner Soction 9.04.05 SAFEI?AY STORES, INC. M6il Adclress P. 0. Box 5927, 1. Rogulotion ancl Soction Numbcr(s) a. sub.livisiorr N nrn,: Das Schone Tt4cl _:. ,,_ ," _Lot Blk-_! or, see attached Survey Ltached) :5. Bricf Purp,;es and Roason for Va;-ignce (may b.e eJ \ see attached' o.Attach c)qrtenation that cns or more conditions e>rist unabr Sec. 9.04.06t 1-5. ?.SttJnnrentlseeattacheali.l,i;;'..1 A corrrplete list of gll owners addresses,,gf ,ti:e Fropgrty prcOqqe5l for \/arlenco ancl of all o$,ners of dl rtJioccnt propsrtl€rl ls attachad h6reto; -'thls oignqtc'1y ls proporly o',rtlrorized to rnol(e afipilcetion for Verianco statoct horood.,:,: ' ' ril .l!:l i Signcrtu;o of atr(iror ized ippliccr,t; owner?__ Dato 1-8-79 ----:-------- office uso ,i Applicatiorr acccpte(l os completo tor Public Hearing Applicatlon rciectcd as Inconrplcto for Public l'learlnJ becoua6: qss try I plf!rnirl:l odf nit ri.,lr itLT llo;jc 1 of 2 dato ATTACHMENT TO - APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE 5.. Safeway Stores, Inc,, requested a variance for the sign becausethe.present sign fits with the continuity of the store ani a1so, thevisibility of safeway from I-70 is some ssO' pr.us frorn the highway. 6. safeway feels that a certain hardship wirl occur if this varianceis not granted, in that, identification to urotorists will be curtailedand our business will suffer. Also, because we sit so far back frour the highway we need the sign wepresently have for proper identification, Affucntto^t /5 Fa< frfin'og -7l*asteTas Tll*r,*<e pott) W ,4s of- (t)qr^r. It) tg71 io-ro A PNc,og ADnv6xs*rloa) wF7 j;6. Sc&ux&6u gqr..r 15, fi71 *f !.,/o pta, O/ ne . *ri- t^),uu*a4'. Page 1 of 1 EAGLE COU TF^:.:": :J:,:::' I T A? L t CAT I ON Yes E]Ktf E] Nofltltl Recommehd Approval Datc Re{erred : .. : - Lre Location Please review the attaclred application and return it and this County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. f lanning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Reviewed by: Flecommend Approval Codnty Engineer:Lf tfnn Permit No. completed form to the Date: Roads Grading Drainage t:]D Comments: County Heal th: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water rlrltlu nrftltf Comments: ,. rtL o n tne Z€r}fitt Resolution of. ,,,. , F eNo- . Eagle County, Colorado . I ' Feo Paid. ', i :, Z<:ning Board of Adjustments I li , :i "rl(mlnlrnum 5 copies requlrodl prlnt or type, except signatures) Sociion 9.04.05 . .:.i.r'. Appl icarlt/Owner SAFEI,IAY STORES, INC. Mall AdiJrese P. 0. Box 5927,T.A.; Denver, Co. ' phon€l 757-48LI 1. Rcgul ation ancl Scction Numbcr(s)ot zonlng Resolution from which VarlancE ls ' ' '; ,',APPLtcAfloNJoR vrAntuE . ., from tlre Ze+i.t'€ Rescjtution of . Fne No. 2. Prosont Zora Conunercial a. SubdiviGiorr Nr,rn** Daq Sghong_IESLj_. ,-_ Lot Blk-r b. nrctcs anj bcr,nj: (may L'e attacfed) include Eurvcy or maP: see attached Survey , ' !, Briof Furpose arrcl Reason for Va;ir.nce (may he eltached) : : ''.'\ see attached' j ' l:' '" .Attach c)<ple:rration that c;rs or rnoro conditiorrs a)4!st under Sec. 9.04. ofr i 06, 1-5. 7. St(Jnrnent: see attaChed I i ' '" i i ra. corrr;rlcte tisi uf .atl owncrs s.ldr'css,",r, of .t!':e property, prcposed tor \/arlenco ancl of crll owncrs ol'( l rrJjrtcont proportlor'r lo rrttached'hcrotoi thls.oio/ratory lB proporly tr',rtlrorized to rnir!(e €rfrpilcat ion lor Veriance gtatod horoon. ,i Appl icution ac-cepte(l as comFleto Applleatlon rotectoC os lrrconrplcto lor try: irlr]rinirrl adrn ir t if,lrJtor t ATTACHIIEM TO - APPTICATION FoR VARIANCE 5.. Safeway Stores, Inc., requested a variance for thd sign becausethe.present sign fits with the continuity of the store ani also, thevisibility of safeway fron r-70 is some llso' p1rrs fron the trigtto"y. 9. safeway feels that a certain hardship wirl occur if this varianceis _not granted, in that, identification to notoxists will be curtailedand our business will suffer. Also, becauso we sit so far back fron the highway we need the sign wepresently have for proper identification. Aoaumoa)tS Faa aC- €nal ,€ t gh , Notu gr 6 b Tb A pflo,rlr CpNlgt;ceenoq a9N* S. e . SCr{/.-oegJ?.. oN ifitzv. ,a ,171 p{r A...lo p_ra, Bf mt,) , 9t Tv 4 tfrr lalt t4tll4,S Page 1 of I ?,i''€ (mlnlmum 5 Appl ic&rt,/Owner SAFEI,IAY STORES, M ai I Acldress P. 0. Box 5927, 2. Prosent Zo'ra Connercia 1 3. Genoral lo.atton of propcrty (ln Located on North side of tJ A rou i, Road, Strer'am or other tanimarx): | ':,: 4. l-cgcl r.logcrlptlon ol propertl, o. a. S)ubdivision Ncun.:..- D_as .9cbge Tract -t___:-__-Lot Blk-, or' b. nleteq ond l.cirn.J: irnay L'c attacfred) include survcy or map: see attached Survey 6ricf ltrurpr>se arrd Rcason for Va;it'ncs (may be altached) : : l ' see attached' 'i,. f'I i' Attach c)qllanation that cn€ or rroro conr.Jitions o>tlst uncler Sac. 9.04.06, 1-5.ri _ ', ,Str,tomcnt: see attached ' 'r' l' ;;: !I 'A con'plete llst of 6rl owners addressssr,gf ttha qio-p€rty prcpFgecl {or varlanco and of. all ou,ners ot nll :,Jjacont propsrtios ls rrttached heretoi this signatory is properly a,-rtlrorized to rnol<e appiication for Veriarrps ! ststod tuiroonl.iliii:l'il ! I.. Signcrtu;c gf aulnol ieod lpplicer,t; owner?__ 't. offico uso : Application acceple<l as completc for Public Hearing Oft dat€ Appl icatlon rolocteC us lrrconrplctc for Publ ic Ilearlns bccauco: l '.r:jJ 1 ut il Rcgulation on(l Soction Numbcr(s) ot pl r.]rtni rlil ndnr it ti f,lr,'1tor dato O ATTACI.O4ENT TO - APPLICATION POR VARIANCE 5.. Safeway Stores, Inc,, requested a variance for the sign becausethe.present sign fits with the continuity of the store anJ also, thevisibility of safeway from I-70 is sone 350r plus frorn the highway. 6. safeway feels that a certain hardship will occur if this varianceis not granted, in that, identification to notorists will be curtailedand our business will suffer. Also, because we sit so far back from the highway we need the sign wepresently have for proper identification. A?ft twrToi lS {oe K{Tn,-,*C,1 tv.t ,C4ntS -fl| 6 *f4 P$*r 0e ks oe J*n . ,{_ ,c/tJ . 4a -Tb * Pt\o ^rg Cl il lercs/.Jnoo t*ttfltl dr6 , 61tllh4ffi o/u 5.- wltc'vtW Page i of I I, ..1..1 Eagle County, Colorado to tfro : Zcsning Eloard of Adjustments : : '' (mlnirnum 5 copi€s required; print or typd, except signatures) Appl icant/Ownor Soction 9.04.05 SAFEI,JAY STORES, INC. Mail Acjilress P. 0. Box 5927, T.A., Denver, Co.Phone:757 -48LL 1. RcAulation an(l S6ction Numbcr(s) ot Resolution from whlch Varlance lo sotght: 2. Present Zo,r.: Commercial 3. Genoral lo.ation of propcrty (ln relaticn to s Townt Road, Strearn or oihpr landmark): Located on North side of llighway 70 e Hest of the town Vaii. 4. l'eg3l <.le.scriotion of propertl, a. subdivi3ior, N:lrn-:.-_ Das lgbgng*t{acl-j_ - , -Lot-Blk-rb. nrctcs and L.ci,n:js irnay L'a attacfrecl) include survcy or map: see attached Survey 5. Brlcf Furpose arict Roason for Va;igncs (may ho eltached): ' see attached' APFLICATIOI.I FOR ';;;d*;Ji:i,H: : Att:rch c:q:l:rnat ion that cns or rnoro conditions oxlst unCor Sec. 9.04.06, 1-5.' !i,ll r r:i,;.: Ste.trrrnent: see attached ' t' l:, l ;j ri :i I I ' 'A cotr4.rlote list uf atl own€r si r\ldrlrsse-r, of .tt'n proiertf pr,cptttq {or \/arlonco €Ift! of all or,r,ncrs of rr.ll rrJjacsnt properties le sttuchgd h6reto i thlej signatory ls properly cr-rtl)orized to rnai(e afipilcation for Veriancs ststod horeor,r.j rir '. ': Flle No. Feo Pald Date rocd. olr Signcrtu;o of autirnrizcd i,p;:licentl owner?Dato 1-8-79 office uso Applicat ion .rc.cepte(l as ccrnpleto for Public Hearing dat6 Applicatlorr roiecto:J r:s inconrplct,-- for Public tlcorlng becauso: t'y:_-- datc!plarin irlO od:rrir r ic,lr lterr l-,a:i:.. 1Jf 2l \o TO 5_, Safeway Stores, Inc,, requested a variance for the sign becausethe.present sign fits with the continuity of the store anJ also, thevisibility of safeway fron I-70 is some 3s0' pl.rs fron the highway. 6. safeway feers that a certain hardship will occur if this varianceis not granted, in that, identification to notorists will be curtailedand our business will suffer. Also, because we sit so far back from the highway we need the sign wepresently have for proper identification. ftPPuo,twa"t /5 Foc- fie^rhr arnq Trt6 stqns l$ur Oe fte op A,. -p * *"",r-'t ;:ir:r'L* rc,rtlo'\.) JA,ilJ tS, t47J ,w J..vb p ,m, q AT'TACHMENT - APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE -fl!a-7 A't26 \T 6' scrpbsrr< vr1?. $rrn \drr-r-t r+rns Page I of 1 - Jf;:= - , j v; PI,AN AND SPECIFTCATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE May 25, 1977 PLAN AND SPECIFICATTON CHANGE NUMBER ONE Pro j ect:Safeway Store #631 Das Schone Center Vai1, Colorado Safeway Stores, Incorporated Deslgn & Construction Department 3BBB East Mexico AvenueP. O. Box 5927 T.A. Denver, Colorado 802L7 The Kalstrom Associates Arch i.tects For: 3003 East 3rd Avenue, 1t200 Denver, Colorado 80206 303/399-8432 This Plan Change constitutes revisions to the Construction Documents upon which the Construction Contract is based. ff the Contractor anticipates any change in the Contract price, extra charge or credit, he shall so notlfy the o\,/ner, and shall subsequently submit a price breakdown to the owner for approval before proceeding wlth any of the lrlork: ITEM See attached revised Drawing Sheet A-1, Site Plan- A1I landscaped areas and landscaping schedules have been revised. in accordance with above referenced Drawing. It should be noted that landscape plan of area adjacent to front ' (South), of store building as indicated on Sheet A-3 of Drarvings sha1l remain as originally drawn- The landscapg schedule, lower right-hand corner of Sheet A-3, shall be deleted with new revised schedule, Sheet A-1, used for a1l landscaped areas. PLAN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE Page I Architect: O PLAN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE May 25, L977 ITEM 2: See detail 1, Sheet A-5, Durulite door detail. Revise door iamb and head detail in accordance rvith attached Drawing, Sheet PC'L/I, for all doors scheduled as "Duru1ite". END OF PLAN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUI/iBER ONE PLAN AND SPECIFICAT]ON CHANGE NUMBER ONE Page 2 'iii ;.;{!o$i';to JUN 2 1977 o*'dL'ff,li:;.ff"'PLAN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE May 25 ' L977 PLAN AND Project: For: Architect: This Plan Documents SPEC]FICATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE Safeway Store #631 Das Schone CenterVaiI, Colorado Safeway Stores, Incorporated Design & construction Department 3B8B East Mexico AvenueP. O. Box 5927 T.A. Denver. Colorado 802L7 The Kalstrom Associates Architects 3003 East 3rd Avenue, #200 Denver, Colorado 80206 303/399-8432 Change constitutes revisions to the Construction upon which the Construction Contract is based. If the Contractor anticipates any change in the Contractprice, extra charge or credit' he shall so notify the Owner, and shal1 subsequently submit a price breakdown to the Owner for approval before proceeding with any of the tliork: ITEM 1: See attached revised Drawins Sheet A-1, Site Plan. A11 landscaped areas and landscaping schedules have been revised in accordance with above referenced Drawi.ng. It should be noted that landscape plan of area adjacent to front, (South), of store building as indicated on Sheet A-3 of Drawings sha1l remain as originally drawn. The landscape schedule, lower right-hand corner of Sheet A-3, shal1 be deleted with new revised schedule, Sheet A-1, used for all landscaped areas. PLAN AND SPECIF]CATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE Pacre I PLAN AND SPEC]F]CATION CTIAA]GE NUMBER ONE May 25, l-977 ITEM 2:See detail I, Sheet A-5, Durulite door det,ai1. Revise door jamb and head detail in accordance rvith attached Drawi-ng, Sheet PC-I/I, for alI PLAN AND SPECIFICATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE Page 2 doors scheduled as "Durulite". END OF PLAN AND SPEC]FICATION CHANGE NUMBER ONE MAR-Lr r-E (r,vre*e oc<-gps) -6/A'-GYPS,UY BOARi>$GtL.oN-zFf 5TuP ,-qcuBrl: ax4i,ARouNP ,IAMB -lx+ wD.TRtf|1 EC xg.2 FRAI,{E VFRAI4E ANCHC)RS,Vg'd x4 @'t-a;'o... URIJLITE trOOR sEE SCHEPIJT F JAIlB HEA> SIMII AR '2"- l'-d 3003 E. 3rd AVE. surrE 200 DENVER. CO 80206 (303) 399{i132 YHE KALATRCIfY| ASgC'CrAtE3 oArE S/ZS/ff JoE NCt.TGlOq vAlL/ coLo. MARLTTE (\\/HERE o.-/ URs) o/a" oresuyoN eY4 .STuP 't BOARP \TALL DOUBLE ex4s AROI-]NPJAMB Ix+ wD TRIM tr 6x8.2 FzAt-lE-\t/FRAME ANCHOBS,./a"d x 4'@ t-d'o.c. LIRLIL E DaOR SEE SCHEPUI=. JAIlB HEA> SIMILAR t/2f __ l'_d 3003 E. 3rd AVE. 5U tTE 200 DENVER. CO 80206 (303 ) 399-8/132 THE KALSTFIClM AASClCIATEE oArE s/zs/fr JoE No.TGDq BHECT NCL PCI I SAFTWAY S-ICRI*CsI vAlL/ aoLo. Moy 3l , 1977 Mr. Terrill Knight Deportment of Plonning ond Development Eogle County P.O.Box 789 Eogle, Colorodo 81631 ra '- .- I ,h JUit 2 19/ / '"til;ililffi,'", Subiect:Sofewoy Store No. 631 Dos Schone Center Voil, Colorodo Deor Mr. Knight: Enclosed you will find o copyof Plon Chonge No. I for the obove referenced Proiect. This Plon Chonge hos been issued io the Generol Controctor for this proiect ond sholl be included os port of his conhocf. Pleose note thot ihe Site Plon, Sheet A-l hos been issued os port of this chonge ond deols primorily wifh the londscoping requirements thof your deportment hod reiected in your plon review. I hope fhe revised londscope plon ond schedule will meet with your opprovol ond thot o building permit con now be issued. One ifem covered in your plon check which is still nof rectified is fhe non- conformonce of the existing building sign. This will be reviewed ond correct- ed in the neor future ond then submitfed for your review. . S incerely yours, strom TLK:of * THE KALBTFIC!M ABAClCIATEA AHCt ilTECTA PLANNEFIS INTEFIIClFIB 3crl: IAFT 3F|El A'- EUITT 'ClclDENVIF, CC'LCIFAEIC' toeC't (3O3! 3ll- lrr39 e l\lcDonald Bldg.550 Broadway P.O. llox 789 April 21, r-977 Eagle, Colorodo 81631 Safeway Store, Inc. 3888 East Mexico Denver, Colorado 8O2L7 Re: Application for Remodel Building Permit in Eagle County, Safeway Store, Vail Das Schone The Eagle County Building Department requires that application for building permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Plann- ing, Engineering and Environmental Health Departments for their comrnents prior to issuance of the permits. Your application for apermit to remodel was routed on 8 April 7977. Listed below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the above Departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questi-ons or wish to get further explanation, please contact the appropliate departments. The telephone numbers and addresses of the commenting departments are listed with each comment. PLANNING:Not approved. "The existing sign should be brought into conformance with County Standards. Landscaping should be increased along the frontage roacl . Landscape plan should include the open space at the rear of the building. Area labeled existing gravel road should be removed. The temporary truck access must be erriIl nl] Ea , P l anner Box 179,e, CO.8163 ENGINEERING: 328- 6338 t'Construction or service be routed on Chanonix Boad. " DEPAETIf,EHT OT STAHI{IH& AHD DEVETOPEIIEI{T Not approved.trucks are not -/f,?a-/"..--4W. V. Srnith, Engineer Box 250, Eag1e, CO 81631 328 - 6337 I'lrtntting l)r'p;u'tnrcnt/l'lirnniug Contrnission: Subrlivision, Iluiklirrg Officill: iluilding I\'r'rnit.s and Inspct'tion, Zoninll Ilczoning, Atrrplicatirins ttnd Ileviow (303) 32ft-6338 Arlnrinistlation (30.9) 32lJ-6339 EAOI.E COUNTT Safeway Stores, Inc. Page 2 HEALTH: Approved. It would be to your advantage if you begin to resolve any problems and/or requirements as soon as possible so as not to delay tbe issu- ance of your building permit any longer thau necessar.y. Enclosed is a copy of the Review Routi.ng Forrn for your information. Eagle County .Building Off iciaL LD: TK: WVS: EltE: sam enc. cc: Terrill Knight, Eagle County Planning Departnent TI . V. Smith, Eagle County EngineerErik lY. Edeen, Eagle County SanitarianHaselden Langley Const. /_*o B/s..*,4 */l /r*,-baL "^ild')'-6r.ry tutL l-r,*nn'd ^ ;@*,^,rb tn&*, ;*4/, ,"7'2;az;'4e Ar,-r^,^/ [*; fr'- t/h^ / /-^/ fl6-?2 "//>-?q u,u4 /0--/ .?t*z( F*7^F^- o t{E McDonald Bldg.550 Broadwav P.O. Box 179 J Novenber 197? !,h. David Elruore 10@1 E. Evans unft 69-c Denver, Colorado Dear I'h. Elmore, After reviewing the plans for the files (zuifaing Pe:mit No. 648 andFile No. Sp-61576), t have come to the conclusion that no additional landscaping area is required to complete the truck easenent tradeoff arrangement between Safevay and the ol{ners of the 14a11 property. It appears that the area of pavement to be used for tnrck access to Safeuay rras sholor on the i'1a11 plans and is of the saare size as now proposed. If you could verify the size of the relevant areas (as you relatedto me in our phone conversation of Oct. 3L, 1977), our office could be cerbaia that no increase in lot coverage is being made and therefore no requirenent for additional open space provision woul-d be necessary, f hope this addresses your concern. ff you have any'questi-ons, please contact this office. Sincere3-y, 4fr,/#TerrilL Wi+nt ,/ rK/ jk cc: y'Les Douglas !'lorterfod d Arcbitect s Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 3ZS-613E Building 0ificial: Building Permits and Inspection, zoning Administration (30J) 328.6939 AI{D DTtlETOPIilTI{T o ETABThIEI{T OT IililI{I Eagle, Colorado 81631 EAOI.E C8[NTT ,/4;. f%ld' "4/2 Oo-,, /r** /r'/4re-xy'rr ,M- J/"//e'- o .tr# '/'n' t 4 fr-*tru{A;, lt4,2- 7'7 //''l / E? 27.^ 7o\ 5t U)r\-/ --rlz-l Ql=,., l-- l1 Hlr,l= 915vt sol "ztr Qt9 r{-.n :ll #t $il4ll itl--_1 |l ,MllFtl 3lriilll',1 ;ll g d.\ + t Jlrl jt fl J4l'lFIol 5l o $\\ i LI rl f, t I I $ll lrl vl T II dul I' l t 1-t EN\l \J T $- --t4? K 1 Ir .l l*- . .,- -l .t u--1'ruA {H lV* i -M HU 5>;=H )i4i* 'i*S^=. lii A l,.l h ^U ul,J,4 \l- !1 [r_l il2,I) I \\ 1\ a .3 + !l ,Jr'l \ \I I N .\\i-" \ tOo s- \$ s-r o t- I dl .\t$ /q\ \ i ; d L -_l 4 2o L. Ld tlt Lrl ,,iiL(\ 0-q I \s l- ci ? o 0't .J vU j 4.7 o$ + Ll tV e rD >4 =rd LL4.tf) rr r-l r rtf I4 [l F( o o lit''fi r. \ r'\ F."q--rg^"=/v/4 \ALT zl ol=o Hl* Hl3 @ -J-l --F. =I N n -lft ci rO a- H ) I I i zl Ph Hlr 914 xl il @ o l.is a t I -b$ u$[ Bit ,D' $s ll lrl E !l fr \pg q \y a (O \$ -itlrll ul x_A s \52 lfl$lrtl ffi I {Jl >l t F 74 td:r l$ I -l-sl \drN %,, t\iil -a-,\ \\ \ 'o\ zr.\ i r \\ \\ \\ \ \I \ \Jjs + ;ltl xl + *l lodtr tllcrtot-$f\rd\r --l N/s\ )\ g ]r! rJ I Hrdr I {II j Z o \) * HIa a =UJU-4a frq I \9r tt z o 0't rrq tr q 4 Il F {a 0 ! lii*'iE € AE'q. G,V4- / \A/'=fr. ( \/L&E' \r:--1\ zl Flr Hl3 @ v\) =F I LIl-n \- I l I FI zl Pl.r Hlu 914 x-|il @ o *$ '.. e -h$ $gH $,q il *\y / I!$$l+ 2 5!l $$ ;i iz \t{d fo ..0 ftlsl R\ f-u rSilo 5 N N \ \\' \\ \ N \,, r\i il + E\ 7.\o\rJ 5 O 1odr l$crtoFB.f \\ '"\$ u)\ a\l\ \-\ g ]ti FJ lr HYdr & { 9I j 77 o \) + Hp a u =u-llL4a fiq t \9r d 2 o 0'l rrq r tf 4 ! Iit ''E County of T'r.ncnucAl/ Eagle PERIT{IT Annlialnr Sltlrture APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 793 $............-.............-. $............................ $..?9. 3..'.Q..Q.......... $............... ............ $.. ? 9.3-.:.-0..Q.......... Pl|n Chcckcr Ne patepaia.-8..:.9-.?.7......9.!-,...#....529........ Receipt No. 2530 Received riv..SAM . f P-f...ffi . THIE FORTI IS TO JOB SITE DURING Q.=.9--.lL?. frate BE POSTED ON CONSTRUGTIOl{ I8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT,IRED FOR INSPECTTONS 8 y'" azq< ELECTTcAL PERMIT APPLT TION of EAGLE COUNTY Pr.*f1 ./2 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT Esez ^.tec*ao s"e trl 2s L IC ENSE XO. fa 3 y'at. aicH |lEcT otl oEslcNER MAIL ADOREs S ' FHOI{E LICENSE NO. MA IL AOORESS PHOIIE MA IL AOO iEs S IiANCH IJ 3E OF EUILOIN6 8 Crass ol work: tr NEW ( aootrtoru EnlrEnartoru tr REPAIR TotalBECEPTACLE Ourtets SPECIAL CONOITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESaPPAOVED fOn ISSUAi.iCE 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE DISP, 5TA. COOK TOPNOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNgW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT, ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR, STA. APPL. IA H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER TIPOLE LJUNOGO. SERVICE 0 rvew E cxaruce PERMIT ISSUING FEE Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M,O.PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsHt 5e? ,/1Y"7t il" JL'to INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11.-73 TNTERNATIoNAL coNFERENcE oF BurLDrNc oFFrcrALS. !3.o 3 wHrrrr.ir ca(rF, ro..t EAGLE COUNTY RECEIVED ,-1 oate2luat-1-' rs'/2 or /,4au t lr,tu- t -/Jd/- taee, Yktt, 4lazrzlc, .n/.-rq Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT CASH Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision A Zone Chan Conditional Use (Building) (Zon ing) (Su bd ivision ) Total Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt no.payment of any item. Ne 2630 AMOUNT .b shall /o o I t., i ,i i I I I I 'l I I o EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo-orrrcrRt RECEIPT out",f - ? , Lsi+ AMOUNT Build inq Permit .u.,/rt.', . Application For Subd ivision Appl ication Zone Change Cond itional Use Special Use Variance Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Tota I R eceived:-\-- All items are received for no-payment of any itcm. Ne 2823 collection on ly RECEIVED this recetpt 5hall _be cancelled .l roN o CAT o MBING PERMIT APPI,I WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SP THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spa,ces only. PLAN CHECK VALIOATION 'o. /. (LlsEE ATYACXEO sXEEilI oE3Cr. MAtt aootEss ! lC ENSE l,lO. )tt j-- t.rsl - ARCHITECT Oi OESICNEI MAI L ADDiEIS PXOXE llcEx3E NO, ENGINEET MAI L ADDi ESS PItOiIE LICEN!IE I{O. M^r r- aooiEss llaxcH !sE oF 8UrLorN G I .ctassof work: tr NEW Bnootrton D ALTE8ATI0N tr REPAIR t( r< r' Typ. ot Finur. ff ltam WATER CLOSET ITOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASH€R APPLICATIO?{ ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHEC|(€O 8Y APPROV:D fOR ISSUANCE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-'SINK OR DRAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPINO & TREATINC EOUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK E PIT Form 100.2 1.77 /tt'r/ 7- EAGLE COUNTY o14?', Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT oate </fu , tg AMOUNT Bu ild ing Permit Fee Application For (.r/1, Subdivision Appl ication Zone Chanoe Conditional Use Spec ial Use Variance Appeal Fee Total Received CASH ITEM Att ilems .r" l."iuGI'-F no-payment of any item. Ne 2162 ,b forbe cancetted rill.,,eAT rrBNr Review Routing Foqm /. / t</' t-.1/ca/// D.t. R"f".*d Location Please review the attached application and retur:n it and thi,q comgletg4 fgfr4 tg ttrg County Building Official within 6 working dayg.. Planning Commission File No. Planningl Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations r=E]Dtl EAGLE COU Recommend AppJoval County Engineer: Recommend Approval Farqt|\isi YesKw L:]xa NoEi& tlE tfEtltl Roads Grading Drainage Gommgntq: tlTtln t:|rtfI Sanitation Water County Heal th: lecommend Approval Gomments: Permit No. Please review the attached appl ication and return it and this completed form to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. P lanning: Compl ies withl Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Reviewed by:Yesr:lrfflf] Nofltltltl Date: Recommend Approval Comments: Locat ion County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval tftltl D EIE]r:l t:]Comments; County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water rlntlu ntftltl Comments:' l .. l -.. : 1li:ij:i AMOUNT shall be cancelled tor / All items are received for no-payment of any item. Ne 2162 collec t ion only By r-- EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED OF Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Ao Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Code: (Building))(Subdivision) out" 9/F , tg o BUILDIN G PERAAIT APPLIC o AT roN I EAGI,E COUNTYJurisdiction of. Appticant to complete numbered s@ces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO {IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMI PERMIT VALIDATION#^g ,.% ela.q {--F'7? (:>, '-., I 1!see ettecxeo sxeerl I o E9C i. /,y''.raz t, Ltcat{s€ No. e 1,,, AiCH I'IEC I Oi DESICNER LrcErS€ t{ O. /=-,p,.V12// 57/-a: ENGI|lEER l-tcEN5E NO. 5/ U5E OF BU ILO IN G 5re 8 crass o{ work: tr NEW At'ootrton tr ALTERATIoN n REPAIR fl MovE tr REMovE 9 0escribe work: 10 Change of use lrom PERMIT FEE1l Valuation of work: $ Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Toral) sq. Ft. Flrs Sprinkl€rs Required Dyes ENo OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMIVIENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHiR STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSIFUCTION OR TT'E PE9fORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Not Required FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spcclfy) +2 ll nseecroryy'tet (/t Form 1O0.1 ll-73 R.ono€R riorr: TNTERNATToNAL cONFEnENcE Or rarraordC OFFrcrALs i.o.. soixr.^.. . w'rtrtrai, c^!lt. toaot BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGTE; CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 PERMIT TO (TYPE OF TMPROVEMENT) BUILDING PERMIT Jttly 7, ,"77 ^"".,"on, s af eway s to re s, r nod]' ---ftJigss'iifu eFc J,= ob3#6 (S.TREET) Remodel & Additiorl__) sroRy 07 42F;-m. (CONTR'5 LICENSE) NUMBER OF DWELLING Ul'llTS NO.( PRoPoSED r,sE) Ar (LocArroN) VaiL Das Shone Shopping Cenber ZON ING D ISTR ICT ( No.)( 5 TREET I BETWEEN AND ( CR OS9 STREET)(CR05S STFEET}3 IL() oo /i z |l lL s UBD tv ts tolt LCTLOT-BLOCK-SIZE AUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE BY- FT, LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE OWNER USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUIIOAT ION {c uB lcl SQUARE FEET) tores c Plan Ck. 764,83 AREA OR VOL U ME glrErnyT$ffiftxTTrnff EsrtMArEo.o", g 450,000.00 FEEM'' $1_J99:10_ BUILOING AOORESS ctr (Affidovif qr ibvcb ride of opplicafion lo bc cornplefed by oufhorized ogent of The Building Department, Inc. 2531 West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Phone 1/303/573-5226 JAH: kh Encl-osure April 28, L977 Eagle CountyBuilding Dept.P.0. Box 789Eagle, Colorado Attn: Les Douglas R[CEIVED MAY 3 1977 & ', . .. ; ii Ueveli fag/e 0iriili, Colo. Re: Plan Check Progress Dear Les, Attached you will find the plan check and the bill for the Safeway Store addition at the Vail Das Schone Center. Basicallyit needs a 1ot of correction and the exiting is a najor probLem. Please review the exiting requirements, especially those mechan-ical doors and advise as to your feelings on this problern. I an sending you on the Trailways bus this date the plans forthe McDonalds. They are starnped "Approved for Construction",however, the mechanical system for heating is not approved sinceit operates at a loss when you consider the input versus heatLoss. This is due to the fact that the rnechanical designer whois in Chicago did not de-rate the units for the difference inelevation encountered in going to Vail . I believe you should a11ow construction to start on the McDonalds,however, withhold the nechanical pernit until such tirne when theyrevise the nechanical units to provide the necessary input to be used. The Vail Mall Shopping Center has arrived in-cornplete and we arereviewing now to get corrections li.sted in the nail. I wouldproject that project to be conplete somewhere around the 1Sth of May. Should any further questions exist, please do not hesitate to ca11,however, f an in the office only during the afternoon hours at thepresent tine. Sincerely yours. ),Lz<tJl-t/JGhn A. Hatfield, P.E. Code Engineer PIAN CHECKING. ORDINANCE WRITING . INSPECIION a THE BUILDING DEPARTIqENT INC. 2531 West 8th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 )FOi CUttOUEi'3 UsE OaaLY taolatat ttE a. o. r. cHact@ soLo TO Eagle County Building P.O. Box 7ggEag1e, Colorado Attn: Les Douglas Department aattaxt alrlao. arorrtat xatattaL tacalvlo iE;Er ro 11 l, _7 7fi.vorcEif(r. Job No. 77-013 rNvorcE DAIE Apfil 26, L977 CU3TOr|Ei'I OIDEi IIO. I DATE iEorrrttttor{ t{o. co||TiacT l|o.rEiM' Net 15 days; 14% per nonth thereafter ^o.t ar-tL ffier QUANTITY DESCittTlOlr UNIT PFICE AI|OUXT PLAN REVIEW OF SAFEWAY STORE IN THE VAII DAS SCHONE SHOPPING CENTER Pl"an Check per Code g77s.8o TOTAL DUE $IZS.EO Frrs No. zu-2-79 Safeway Action of Zonlng Bogrd of Adjustment on Variance AFplication Acnroval 4corditlons: -TltkT -Tll,6 -):oogrg f6<.A *ftdNt slq^J puf By-$ilf aVARIANCE APPLICATTOFJ +nr";t*t+ Ko*o Rr- RrrnovO , ?r*nrutvtl SrtFf frl<r-s -ilt$i- Surg lSTg tqzl r..rorrLD Bn A S*€ D.flf +r< RE,-to.r*.- oc -flhs s iqrJ . 516 ql1r rrl7rg Denlal A t€asons: (see Order of the Board! attached) Note: Soctlon 9.04.10 Appeal s from the Board Any furtt,er appeal from the decision of the Bo€rd may be med6 to the courts, aE provided by law, providod, ho\,\rover, ihat slJch Eppeal is made prior to twenty (20) days follolving the date of the notification of tho Boardrs decision. Pirgo 2 of 2 EAffiLE Effi*'ld\NTV DEPARTTIINT OF PLAi.iNING & DTVELOPMENT Box i79 328-73LL EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 CO fvl lJl l55l ON E R S 328.6809 ADMINISTAATION 328.9674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 BUILDING I N SP ECI'l ON 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-5377Bai;ll 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY 328.6674' ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328.7 7 1A EXTE N SIONAGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 475-5844 PLANN ING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFFEaqle 328.66 | IBaialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 | 50ctAL sE RV rC E5 328.6328 TREASURER 328-6376 February 22, 1979 Safeway Stores, Inc. P.0. Box 59?7, I.A. Denvern Co. 80217 Attn: Mr. J. Schlosser RE: File ttlo. Zv-2-79 - Variance from the Siqn Resoiution At their meeting on 21 February 1979, the Eagle County Plann'ing Commission recommended denial of your application because they felt the sign(s) should comply with the new Sign Resol ution. This recommendat'ion will be forwarded to the Zon'ing Boardof Adiustment at their meeting on B March 1979 beg'inning at 10:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners' Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle,. Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. $-'. vi.Q!;^ vJir,,,rilIiams Zoning Inspector JW/j k cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment ffA$B"i! effiUhSYY Department of Planning and Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-731i EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 8 February 1979 BOARD OF COUNTYcot4MIs5toNER5 328-6809 AD M I Fi I5T RATIO N 328.667 4 ANII,4AL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 BUILDTNG I NSPECT ION 328.6339 CI.ERK & RECOROER Eaqle 328-6377BaIalt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-77l8 EXTENSION AG ENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-77 87 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594 V ail 476-5a44 PLAN N IN G 328-5338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.659 t SHERIFF Eaole 328.661|Ba;all 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 soc rAL 5E RV ICES 328.6328 TREASU RER 328.6376 The Vail Trai'l P. 0. Box 10 Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Thank you Off i ce Mana ger/Secretary Re: llotice of Public Hearing 8 l4arch 1979 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Heari ng as a "Lega'l Notice" 'i n the 15 February 1979 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. f{f f' heri ne Pet'erson Nc)TICE OI- PUBLiC III.ARiNG COUNTY OF EAGLE. COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustrnentvrill hold a Public Hear"ing beginninq at 10:0C A.M. on 8 March 1979, in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution.. Said Hearirrg will include the followinq: File No. 7v-I-79 - Sunshine Builders Request: Variance from Section 9.04.06(c) (a) Minimum Setback in the Residential Suburban l'ledium Zone. Location: Vail Ridge Subdivision, Lot 3, Block D File No. 7v-2-79 - Safelay Stores, Inc. Request: Variance from the Sign Reso'l ution Location: West Parcel of the Vail Das Schone Tract File No. 7v-3-79 - David and Diana Reichardt Request: Variance from l.linirnum Lot S'i ze Section 3.05.05 and Section 4.02.03 in the Residential Suburban Medium Zone. Location: Vail Intermountain Subdivision, Lot 11, Block 6 This Hearjng will be held in the McDonald Bui'l din9, County Commissioners Meeting Room, #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appeari ng at the Hearing, or by submitting wrjtten statements in person or by mai l thru the Secretary. Further information may be obtained, or comments submitted, by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Deve'l opment, 550 Broadway,' Eagle, Colorado Phone 328-73L1, - Ext. 229 by: Teruill Knight Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment' {eg rs rrir].,,4.*r5. Sr,t^ \iurLLl FROM v.s s t.ts grs 1t",5 E I 5r,s4 -TrR- ?Y.zS €Actlffi-'"F Rolo tqJ .4+ sPcH slbg 7uf Ttrr^L S*Fa'l*t oa LrJoLrLa ftfi/6 S Are WA'/*'"b 58,s 5t.s 1L.o tf t.o 41Tr& Nour F fltet/ Cltluo Krzq'f Tt+€ 8uuOrr.iG q, Loc+s -TfS{ ,J lt5 F F-,rtu -#-+s NG €e. vA /1 | :i ,. 1' ! 1!t 't .6 F.rll- . Oh O-c, tn >r,6 ..F o: O cat . !ot1J dq- 3D,('o)qps.c.F ^ 9=9-prJ @ c '- E.ro o- o .-q- p 6dt o.> (, - < o<\JeE-- Lr (t, o-o ! c cJ 's (, cJ 5E!n o c t: l:x -ooor !1c ._ {) (l O L a, - >o ]' r. \- c o r:: qjl aJ_< 1-: o oPoo...at.- Lr- .- o 9- (r o-i :::- r/r o <l)cq l!'o o(J F\.lJ EO (l) cnu rs ('>, rE +J C--c}+). +r (F c o o, Q.-o.! >! -c> cddJdo.D(,g(F r5 +J .CO,qo- oJ -.o.!O dcr qJ-(' C\O (J O- (D.n (JC(\r o o(> c o o Iv(r)-cr-,O o!. pCJ(u.- '! djp+).P +r c! - .- o" -<o>\ +r.olo<-1rF E U c d ! t- 4.1 d ro or o.- o o o ! E c.r 0Ju o,_ rJ 3 ._ a1E F dcctlJ . rr- <Dt otr-.'-'ooo0, -! F\ (rd-d-oxo('v)! N a= 'o ')il [ +i ''_.PO:i- .p >€ ocop > .(, >ro !)c ! s u (' Lo- j' s! o+JF'c or o c.sca-+r= ._ 1J UtF (JcJOe -c p.r (J.o !:,,rr(J>c!L c) -.- 3 -0 +) O r! L ! 064@ c +, o) a c Lt irl--' o-oi (U oJ d o, . ar -c .- > i,i1r L0' ij{, E c.pe o: o=.- L 4o(t6 r o 3 c!6;.f c.4()04r6 >o.rL -N r-4r.5!- oi: c "J..- oa:J tl:c'- :;: {.r ro o .f .) =.1 .t t)i: +r -:-i: rr -(: r.'.'F:ooq):{'.. 1)(! t, q- 1r .) L'- E:F:.*r J d: nr.c.- c rr o orr '!!- .- o- 0r.(: (: nr < 4-r) ,- (:1 -c>oor o c l-- r-, r) l-.a .r u c, 't\o +ra'@r- E L: lloc F- rJ ..,.t .- f: a ,--n a: (r, F- ,. - .ro r u c >('- o+J c o u c q- o{Joo cn J) od :ru -pooc >r(| c, cr c^..- c y) dJ,r- !;: ,- .tl cr,r' ,- 9l: --o9-, r:\ 4 | r.-cr!.('o\a)qd q, c !i:pf 6 c ut:r, La.rcJ!.e ,u P (r!r-.i o- a.j i:L (:ar(J 4.J+r i: o @ ol) OcJ '; .9.99 l\"i:; . .l f-elTT--ll Lqil t t I El|f;l il I 6ll E;r-l I Ellr*l lr Eil ,l sl l5J=ll :l il lE ll Ei il ls ll il il Li,l_lir,_, a 1 '\q.' ','',-.' -' o =our E .o L-.-c o or o- {1 co -lr c€ o J f +r'(, o< cr d jp 6f c.r 6'F .-Q L.!rr O =Ll1' = :J'o{lcd],o aJ- n, o 6 .- oJ .rr .rr c -o cr o d E- d,.. 1, rr- E =o c!>j.-(Jo,L O E'Jd o (J dr 16 E!.Jp o<P o cca l! oF@r{ 4t ci >,. ;'. >\t:< ajt4', c+ o 31F.!- ot c,oJc.>r.: :<ct eo <c o -J., +, or iJ.F '. O\O J: 1rC.5 d, {FLJ , +r C.J n,d } oc a) v) s\(r- ar "t. cn ^lJC.()c >\ todt ,! "crlc rti o) :z .'i:. 'r- .0i ord oc'a)Oc (L, .c .-t =<)qr(u -E ctJqro o.. ,o ca r o o,- o}E ro, -r, o,o {r>E> coc d'1, Eoc.-Eo {J +J q. x-c E- xs- o o 4 L oz--orrcoo c tu - o xo ct U.- ! O , > ltdth tr6 (JrJo c'r +i'c (DO .- T,:o).c (r.J o +r {r c JI dooo -+r Fa,rc,.cJo- .!o"c.- p.-F c o o.- o.!r 1] o- ,6 or TJE! . iJ(,)O -.- +J:C d 0') OJ (J.r : olr) o.c L d, c {r o$-! s rs:-c Jar c! oru H >ro. o<r - . -.)j>o >rE " qt o o t L (u 0r E-r (uF-.-=6 Fro..arecEE.Fo,-J lU O c >r -cE']- F O r-C Oa rJ6- -- trl(Jo o,a)-P (r.ou =..==u)c< q, -o..5. ,p c Ec(rJ (uo o o -s 5d c.>r .F rr o>6e(' CJ (to.- L 9-o rr- = (, lFr 3 (t, (L| o9- c c o I q,o c-o !.oEi (Ja, >.! qro' cr{J.F I c] .J o{r (D | <1,, <r '6 o o c,! {r._,F I oJ car s5a(rd s:,.o+J !Gor'rr N r\ F- 4' :r€.o (J Gt cr OEIE> &ddizzz, r'r- c| q, a, uaLll_ g o{J E aJ'(, 'r 8."E9 - >'P d qr (F o. {J t6t^F -C, c o.F o l, ,g aJc ='-,F ,Jr o {r.c L o -!Z ,- ('lrL-C (,' -cXF - {rc'- q' .-(IJ-c o ulr 4 oro.d |! I o o 'd cr >: !c .- E:t aJ ! co+J F ! crot o o!I G <-l f CE.- >r +JO4O- (l) O - d o|d) PE! (F .pq-L > 5O >r Or d+.Jc (Ud o og-+J o pF tr _c {J =+J >o ^r o '! E (' - ao - 0, -oe o (tc.s<! (l) CrJ (1r 6, = 0,, q- ot -3|Jo'- lcoF !=61J ! -O ! 1iL '-. C OOi6C -ci :r c, J c+r (ro o o @<ooLO -Cr€r .rlo.rr ! O ('U O O, >\rU I o Or.- = cp.Fc\J 'Fcrop o L o oP =c .- arh J da -P o d c! c .-(lJ€ {r rr- rc 0,, af o, c< >\; c oJ -P 0rE rdi F -od lfrr3 = r!. O O o! ccroE,!:--cj - p ! L\JaJ-o-.-o .F tF .-o .F! 9- occ .- 4,r T)>: o -p40J.p crzc- v) 9- ofo(Up a oFoorL oo +r1) o (r \ o .rd <J- o <D= oLL I. {J =.o d+.F c-o-o (, -r o LD !n !' o L' o-r, d rJ ! .5c.- , 's - aJ r: c.Jr 5 qr ,! lo o c.F o <1, o d(uc>tlo a OL 6=t (.r 1r .rrco 3rd|rj-uor-oot,Lc>L io - r.,- tr-or L .aL <J lE ) U-raJ '!C,-oOOo!-c c\J c!! OE.F orot|,r .- O>\ >\'- o a:o-+ju.- c Eoo:'c!orc5- L.4 vl o\Dlo-o oic,op>r o L3L c:cJr or oo,c:o-ori- d c c >r rr- ,o o . <1 alq.- L -::i. or9o, L l:oo o oLaoa. 1r L.-.r<{ !..- . >' rir -J.J.. c Hq, aJ ; oo o.o o c. iJ -J . ...- ! $ CJ € 3-ln - O .cs o<ao o @ o ru c 6 o d x o.d d .1 c o! oqJ.c > T, a, - <-ir aJ- r!- 0J r:--.r ii.-\ a ! s. F F c i: cr c c - ,s F -(, t- .ccc (u f,-.)4r.Era.n a_- j,-rQo. !_ 5L\4jo.L\3.!i N'-ro >\Iro a {., uo.' <{ b | ()d.t -rNr-.. d' (l, ii L t: au) tcr o <oNTJ o o /lr!:r oHc:,-{JI('(JtS() c-euE E; oa <t ']Jo,''-;: - -"'r':t.ro.)r i) r.: q-!d O t: o!,/oo!,+,-ocr x .-- -6 0L 3 (ori)o d.v 5: o o, r! q- t :j :r i- ,v {t -- 1+- tt >- '1 '.:_uo^ll nr (,(!ad nlopoc0o I o o., I ru(ro <o{ro(. v1 o-@ol- o+r d:d..r()aJu.J a .r:cr r.. lUF,cel!- ca at\)|.)v) c N.-.!t .n1.ir Ncr.-o u c.J nr ! }? {J rt.! Eo()N 9.aPi (Uco t ol.- t ;.: r. . ' ,.-r a:r, t. | - t,'.r\ 'tl 1.1- -. ,'." .: . \.-'..',. . . ii- i; tli:PirPlllt,ll l 0i' Pl-All;ll iiil li Di-Vl-.1 0Piiill I Uox i79 328-731I l:AGLE. C0L(lllADO tl i 031 B0/r P D Ol- Cr)tJNTYcc)1,4:.1ts5lcfiens328.t::j|Jl .. Atif.'!tlISTfl/rl lON 3?.u-567 !+ ANrr.iAt- sll t: LTf: R 949.4292 l\55:55() R32e'Lt''s IJUILDING. 'l5P IC flOr! t'IU.'JJJY CLERK & alEL\JrltJa:x Eeqle :i?.8-6377Baiztt 927 -3244 couilTY.ttttur{rtEr 328.6a74 ENGIiIEER 328.6337 ENVIRONhIEI'ITALHIALTH 32'5.7 7 | B EXT Er\* 5ION AG E}IT LIBRARY 328.77A7 PU B LIC HEAI,TH Ea ale 3 2 3-659 4Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I t\- G 328.633A ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6s9 | SHERIFF Eaqle 329.66 | I!r3ielt 92 7.32ri4 Gilman 827-5 751 soc IAL sF_R\',rcEs .tZir.AJZO TREASURER Jto-uJ/b Decemlrer 22, 1,978 Sa f eira.y Stores , Inc. P.0. Dc>r 59?7 I.A. Denvcr, Co. E02I7Attrr: J . E. Schl osser, l.'lanaqer Subject: Signs at Safeuay Stoi^e llo. 631, Ilest Vai1, Co. Enclosed please find a letter frorn you and underi tem 3. you state tltat _vour sLore wjll curi,ply wjtlr our nevl Sign Cocje r,rii-ii'i rt thjrty da.ys aiter i'iot.jce. Our Sign Code has been acloptcd (l{ay B, 1978) and t'/e are nor'l giving you proper notice. Iie alloi{ a rjaxjii'n;i;t of 64 sq. ft. for" l,our building and, if you want more, a varialtce must be obtained. If you have any questions on the ntatter, please call thisoffice. Thank you. Jim !^lilliams Zoning Inspector JW/J K CERTIFIED I'IAIL #235175 .{ /f'l,I' i iI ',1,! iil" \i '1 I 3888 E. Moxtco Av6., Denvcr, Colorado Malllng Address: P.O. Box 5927 T.A,, Denver, Colorado 80217 December 8, L977 The Chairman of the Board of County Conrnissioners P. O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 SUBJECT: Expansion of Safeway Store No. 651 West VaiL, Colorado Dear Sirs: Your planning director, Mr. Terrell. Knight,'has requested we write you a letter agreeing to certain iterns before he will give us acertificate of occupancy in our new building addition. These itens are as follows: Iten l. We must clean up the area behind the store, Temove the ramp fron Char[nex Road to the area, and landscape the entiTe area. Iten 2. InstaLl a rip-rap slope at the truck approach and landscape between the large boulders. Iten 3. At the present tirne the naxinrun allowab1e sign size per building is forty (40) square feet. The sign code i.n Eagle County wiLl be revised in the near future. We agree to. comply with the new sign code within thirty (30) days after receiving proper notice. We certainly agree to cornply with all three of the above itens andall other laws and ordinances of Eagle Cowrty. SAFEi9AY STORES, INCORPOMTED DESIGN tr CONSTIIUCTION DEPARTI'{ENT RECIIVED DLC {) 1977 EAGLE COUNTY hlosser, Itlanager JES: ws SAF E\NAY s-roREs. TNcoRPoRATED 3888 E. Mgxlco Avg., Donv€r, Colorado Malling Address: P.O. Box 5927 T.A., Denver, Colorado 8O217 January 23, 1979 Jin Williarns, Zoning Inspector Zoning Board of Adjustnents Eagle Cotmty, Colorado SUBJECT: SIGN VARIANCE Safeway Store #651 Vail, Colorado Dear Jirn: l,lr. l,lartin is out of town this week. Therefore, I was not able to obtaj.n a letter from hin authorizing ne to sign for this variance. You can be assured he is just as interested in keeping the existing signs on the building as I arn. Hopefully, a Letter of authorization fron hin is not a strict requirenent. I have signed the application for a variance on Line 7 as you have instructed. Please let me know if you need additional infornation fron this office. We certainly appreciate your fine cooperation and your assistance with this application for a variance. SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPOMTED DESIGN 6 CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT 4 A)' J,1/ RECEIVED JAtl 2 5 tq71 oG. $ *lrqtiirq e- L\t"t hdB cD$tY. colo. {oo llt(. 5' e . scqlt-oss{t{< Rgrcr 6rqr-) *l o,tr {1r I lhdr= Ulou. <Tlrrr Wtt-t-l }?".rs futtttw7 t N6,PBLTa(-, Qcs,J ?kU6 41,6 +e t+ t4.,Tlsq fum >bt)L Bce5l (ltw fi6 oo er) *UtThetztto'O Tb SIGU ffi- Senrs,+vtoN. 6 /^/V, \^^'tY)/,f);M f)*^lqt Ll1 ,1,.'l' SAF E\NAY sroREs. tNcoRPoRATEE> 3888 E. M€xico Ave., DenvGr, colorado Malllng Address: P.O. Box 5927 T,A., Denv€r, Colorado 80217 January L2, L979 Jin Willians Departnent of Planning and Developnent P. O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 STEJECT: Safeway Store #631 Vail, Colorado Enclosed is our check #050-0455191, dated January 12, 1979, in the anount of $35.00, for application for a sign variance. SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED DESIGI.I & CONSTRTJCITON DEPARTMENT JES: afp Enc l osure 4l' Schlosser, Manager yt' APFLI CATIOI.I FOR VAN;ANCEI sic^Nl -fronr the Zrniry1 Resciltrtion of Eaglc Ccunty, Colorado to tlre JAII 5to the a. -' '.o /?7f Zc:ning Board of Adj ustm.,.."W flfn!;!1 tc&yED rite No.3y!s/-_/$_ ree Paid j71 ,aZ Oale tecd. tl//? ? ov17.k-*"., (minimum 5 copies requiredl prirrt or type, except signaiures) Section 9.04.05 Appl icant,/Owrer SAFEI,IAY STORES, INC. Mail Aciciress P. 0. Box 5927, T.A., Denver, Co.phcne: 757-4811 1. Rcaul ation a-rcl gection Numbcr(s) ot Zoning Resolution frorn which Varisnce is sought: 2-- 3. P!-esent Z<',-i': Conrnetcia 1 Gen$ral location of property (in re!atirn to a lown' Rcac!, Streatn or other landmark): Located on No"th side of Highway 70 E l{est of the town Vail . 4. l-egel descriDtion of property a. Subdi vi siorr Narn':--- D-aq_9Sb999-I1gS!-__-..,__ Lot-B I k-*-, or' b. nretes anl bcirn.j: (i-nay L.c attacfed) include survey or map: see attached Survey 5. 6ricf Fur;:ose anct Reascn for Va:-ia.nce (may be attached) : ' see attached Attach e),ptanation ihat one or rnole conditlols c>ist unCer Sec. 9.04.06, 1-5. Str.tr:ment: See attaChed A corrrpiele iisi r;rf .ali ownern ar(idierse:r, cf i!]e prcpert-!' prcpc'eeC i'o!' \/.!riaa':ca arld of all owners oi all erJjacent propertie:: is aitached hereto; ttris sign-1tory is properly n' tr.hcri t:F,d to r ar'-,niicaiion ior Vf ian'J'-. s:tat+d hereon . zod opplicr,tl olvner?Date 1-8-79 7. otfice use Application ac.cepie(l as cornpletr., {or Public Ha-,aring ....- ftJnmcd*-8,tqn Appl ication rciecteC as inconrplctc for Prlblic f learing because: cd:i-1ir'ris,lr Jior l!a.i3 1 -#ct-t-Ltr]S-ciirtc, ' t {?-. , .-. I I f . r' _:'a'- { ATTACHMENT TO - APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE 5. Safeway Stores, Inc., requested a variance for the sign becausethe present sign fits with the continuity of the store anl also, thevisibility of safeway fron I-70 is sone 350r plus from the highway. 6. safeway feels that a certain hardship wilr occur if this varianceis not granted, in that, identification to motorists will be curtailedand our business will suffer, Also, because we sit so far back from the highway we need the sign wepresently have for proper identification. AwtoATr onl,s ffh'n'ilu"'7 -rlv Noo ufl +s oF A*o ' t(, rcl7l ' 5rc1ts lfuT ft6 49 fo A p1loue coN)sKstr1o^)s);Tll S.g 'scMaffi ON s*rrt t€ , rg7"f frf 3:4o ?tn . BY 5'^ v'o't-cYfl@S m6' o 7vr/ _ X &+aP*at€t- q ALevDle |,Tfu;X nk<gaern Cw mf ?tzrziltc X Rtc**ep Pr€oc, tsLg nFRqEn (erco Sttu t/*ta- Va r- Z r sJa{ R'Rf *r rt*ary1 11 | o. sottl Skarr ftrhc9*rec,o.a( tLrl S. Strua,a *. rytrtr Xi *byr--turrers ft1cr uJ t€7c y' ,+ ' t- x Rr ctnep E-.5TbJ ,, ct'tft toc',r tagooo /'etoori w. frJ,lr f b*n^r {ex<ur.l c,7 Vt-t f ffrett€€D NAN5.. 81f {B+,esr+** FdNr ss*Drrz X 'Pnar<- No'tr9( tzgo 5' "\\ '11ADm.rarP R,o(qgfflEs 'Tb s#ev/*t,]'i/ ,{u tSzl V4tt- Nst,s,s p:Et- Noi 8t6zo y'*t e y' l*tt- .X ebwpteo LovT 4bW Oow. sPcrdfs Soseo |l D y\lrrst( ;5e- 7"? kJ 'fL Lgssvtooo 6oz-t-r } ?tg<,.r RowtrtdD 3'lgs vatu X ARf 5 f.r+:rt^.t 6lZ 71ou L?D,$ 3555o \ {,'n sAco6s g/trdctr 2? r ( 4,t-' )( D.uqr.ts Jqau Z'.'l y'At e tirarr, oct andsnfr(qffi,€T SeroauE l-1 lY.9rB 3t-/p. -' LA , torir tstg rD Bef*<>o h)€. ;f5ar,s nA A|i ?zl YAt t- y'*'t (np lt!1 r/*rt- tfr'twl Apeo*a c.D. ?oot}.. ; X v :( X Xx < rpP I v{te tu D*9 *ncryra -6ttsJ fta* -SOWhr Rogl*rtD t1z1 ( *t u ZoSo t/4t v itz/ (*t u '-35ftN $nrRsrrr* .?-l7 Rn^lr:ttr,, \*nrOnrcYgrC -ff'$ED Enee 9,t-r- rJ,0os, J 3o^t*r,: 5 tff .-fi'n De rnn'enJ , Es t s.fE+o 3z'?S €. stwlE Brx- \ntruu nrt\6 . JsD Rue"ag FRrasgfl 86. U\rEsf r/ktr-. WC, 2 35.1 tPz- t717 r'fit u Sfu vqtw y'&tr- y'nt e y'*tv y'*tu @ttD9 ,,*rix X X hrvapV Se&<s '"tt 3# oK 73so I r Ju*/*,> sb+ow,tr-rrfl( zysLg Loet+ttt a,*ol ":T ,;itf Se,,+'rDrnrA/r,n^r 1Xt 6Fop rNc. ,6e* y,#.ai H".r ffiu ralflroTr+r )tzt V ht'- Htff.rnt<lf fio\lt6 AQ'nrnararfs . 21 F @ Crftvrl^r A Sl-, De'tJvtttL $or,o r S. grls€u€ €T ri st. 1lt{sohtc-tL Luszr tlt t ftse€^, S<LtuHqa toat, 38s,/ tltfrq?+ wat/ Ar^tun-{agtl ??a3 bKNt$tZ k/{-;tut . / -. (':_']: " X "(,l( x K BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNW, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGrE; CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 OATE PERMIT ro replace sign (__) sroRY (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. BUILDING July 13 PERMIT tr 76 PERMTT No.0522 neerrcrxr Academy Sign Co. ADo"EssW {CONTR'5 LICENSE) NUMAER OF DWELL ING UI{ ITS ( PROPOSED I'SE) Z^ ;o- Ar (LocArror{) Near Safeway Vail Das Schone 6iJ+ii"t(NO.) (STREET) BETWEEN ANO (CRO55 STREET)(CROSS STREET} L'Tll o; z GoL suao tv lS loN LOT-BLOCK--SIZE BUILOING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. TO TYPE USE GROUP LONG BY BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (.IYPE ' REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArED cosr $ t r 2oo. n0 FEE"'t $ t 6, on (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) owren Not listed BUILOI AOD R ESS (Aftidcvit qr ievehe ride of opplicotion lo bc completed by outhorized ogenl of owne) EAGLE COUNil Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPTy"P.rcr"RECEIVED CASH ITEM Bu ild inq Perm it Fee Application For Subd ivision Ap lication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance --"'' Appeal Fee Code: (Bu ild in9) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Rece ived All items are received no-payment of any item. Ns 4589 AMOUNT for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for EAGLE OuNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date n7bRECEIVED ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Appl ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subd ivision) Total Received All item5 are received for collection no-payment of any item. AMOUNT N9 151.4 By only and this receipt shall be cancelled for PAYEE: DETACH THISSTATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSTTTNG CHECK ACADEMY SIGNS DATE INVOICE NO.DESCRIPTION AMO UNT OISCOUNT OFoEoucTroN NET AMOUNT flz-te For sign permit for Sal-feway at Vailr Co'.o. 16.0o 16.00 EMPLOYEE'S NAME ACADEMY SIGNS PERIOD ENO I NG NET EARNINGS PAID DEDUCTIONS EMPLOYEE:THIS IS A STATEMENT OF YOUR EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED. KEEP FOR YOUR PER MANENT RECO BUIL o DIN G PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction .t fry- ,'-- Gt d Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I {[sr: rrrrcxto sxt:r I I oE3 Ci. MA IL AODi'SS LICENSE NO. IIECl OR OESIGNER LICENSE NO, 4 Ll L-| .--.1 ENCINEER MA|L AD DR ESs PHO E USE OF !UILDING 8 Classof worK: EIET- tr AOOITION D ALTEBATION tr REPAIR N MOVE ffiOUE 10 Change of use lrom PERMIT FEE1l Vafuation olwork: $ | > -.:., - PLAN CHECK FEE Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinkle15 Requlred Eyes DNoAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO BYI OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No. of Dwelling Unlt5 NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS AFE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS, OFIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COMMENCED. I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOWALL PROVISIONS OF LAVTYPE OF WORK WILL AE ,ME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TGr?IOLATE OR CANCEL THEPRE5UME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TOI'/IOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OThIER STINSOR, LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCIISN OR WE PE'IFdB{qANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH OEPT. FI RE OEPT, SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclry) PLAN CI{ECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION rrrLL Roao . wlrrrTr!rt c^Lrt, toaor etl2 )4 a- \J a COUI{TY OF EAGLE - BUILDII{G DIVISIOT{ CORRECTION NOTICE I have this day inspected this t fu^;1 "",M>?rfu Q ^Easre, cororado vPhon" (303)328-633t)*_ %4 , Job focated SA4/H-^--,^X, -i%*a",^4/- (//'r-* hl/--+//t c You are hereby notified lhal no more work shall be done upon these premiser unlil the above violations are correcled. When cor- rections have been made call for in:pection. ,,,"....b-..26.--r"?/ Phone 328-6339 I d ltE E atTAcxE0 Sxaarl. LE' L I oE!ci. LTCENSE NO. ?. dJA.g6?< 3 AiCHIIECT OI OESIGNEI 4 !rcEl{sE No. LICENSE NO. U5E O' !UILDINC 8 CIas of worK: D NEW D AOOITION EfUTERNTIOI D BEPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE I 0escribe work: 10 Change of use from PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEEI 1 Vaf uation ol work: $ ?, O O O SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Torar) sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnkl€rs Required flyge [NsAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY APPROV€O FOR ISSUA{CE AV OFFSTRE€T PARKING SPACES:No. of Owelllng Unlts NOTICE SEPAHATE PERMITS AFE FEOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL- PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW IHE SAME TO SE TRUE ANO CORR€CT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sprclfy) t sufbrNo PERMTT APPLtAToN A'opti"*, tocomptete numu","orli!r!,'i)''" "t flV* 0 a-t-' 3 WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATCD (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUF PERMIT FOTM IOO.1 11.73 itoioER FioM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS M.O.CASHPLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT ALIDATION INSPECTOR orIrLo '-7' 'l I I I l I \ I I i / { /-fr -i- I ,/ .og(4 '>t^r"" 9(& Exrsnuq S-.c.nr-ra L=P+.orx\, W:r (; U^r.AV r\,,A" ^ l'l "a/ J)txu ,J3't " ga, nf:^n"' ? .t,t..a: rta r' ;- -i 'fr't i'- ':':r__:: j'; EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED OF Application For Subdivision APPI ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Va r ia nce .Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning)(Subd ivision) Total Received Build inq Permit Fee All items are rece ived no-payment of any item. h'.t 517 out" 4';tI ,ts and this receiPt shatl be cancelled for ITEM for collection onlY I ? I I ll EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Su bd ivision Application Zone Chanoe Conditional Use Special Use Var iance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zon ing) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for no-payment oi any item- collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled tor J.d:530 rtuir NG PERMTT ottILATtoN Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR {!se: ltttcxeo sx::t) I o Esc fi, LlcENSE,l.O. ITECT OF OESIGN LIC'NSE NO. DiES9 PHONE LICENSE XO. MAIL aDDiEss liaNcH UgE OF BUILDING ALTERATION D REPAIR8 Clas of work: tr NEw E ADolTloN Typo of Finura or lta|n WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS; LAVATORV (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNDRY TRAYAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y: WATER HEATER UR I NALNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR TH€ PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. IOI Oi AU THOiIZEO AGENI ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-.sINK OR DRAIN WATER PIPING E TREATING EQUIP. \,VASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT cx.C/nba.o. _ - cAsH4 e4b-) ff5so Form loo.2 9-69 i.oRosi FioM: INTERNA.TIONAL CONFEHEr{qE c)F BUILE)ING OFFICIALS. <i> L --7€ 'r*q{,Fr o -rla ,Yn 'FFtrFL:''ri-: r*'i ' ..tn{ttq{s|q }-rs-.f.Df {, V INSPE-TICIN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E oruen flpnnrtnl.LOCATION D orseppRovEDMpp Rov E D ,^, &',Jo *@ ! netNsPEcr fl upol THE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS READY FOR INSPECTION WED County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT tou Nane-ilfft4.*y.. ... .. .%*4t. Date of Application.... r-l*y I Er ectri cal conto"rcrQ*+4*a.-*)- &JaZ444) ...(o.,............... Applicant...-..- SISD!ture ApPnovAt-s ..1e.7-9 Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 236 $.......... ....-............ $.4. ;. 0. 0....0. a... -.. $ -. - -.d Q...Q -Q..... -. $..... /.. t,.0..Q........ $.... 3-.t.,.0-.0.... .. 4. Date paid.Y!. 4,#.. 9.,... /..?. Z.e. q"rt +L*s4o THIS FORII IS TO JOB SITE DURING DatB BE POSTED ON CONSTRUGTION |8 H(X'NS ADVANCE NOTICE nEQttRED FOR TNSPECTTONS rra c. r. ll0arrrr G!., 0airri a0rrtr Applicant to complete numbered ffiNGPERA TTAPPLTAT'N WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUA PERMIT I tflst: errecxro sxeerl. LECAL | 0E3C i, * & tt 3+"^'",)t/',{ ,/o/L''' t"'Yf;f/rof','-Z U*"',22* 3'1L3 LlcEf{51 No.#t LICENgE NO. ENCINEEi M AtL AD DF ESs PXONE use ol BrJtLotN6 8 crass of work: D NEW D A00lrl0N Ei nlftnnrtoru tr REPAIR E MovE D REl,lovE 9 0escribe work: l0 Change of use from Change of use to PERMIT FEE1l Vafuation of work: $ 45AO SPECIAL CONOITIONS: No. ol Stor ier Si2e of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnklert Reculreo flyu, flpoAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y PLAiIS CXECKEO 8Y APPAOV€O FOA ISSUANCE BY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. ol Owelling Units NOTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OB AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OH ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WOFIK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. sI6NATUFE O7 CON'IACTOi OT AU ZON ING HEALTH OEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION MrLL iO D. Wr{r?trar, catrF. roaol ai s,7 d-f -?s- EAGLE Eogle, OFFICIAL RECEIPT o COUNTY Colorodo Date'i "4 - , Lg?J-RECEIVED CASH ITEM Application For Subdivision Application Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Va riance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for no-payment of any item. 540 AMOUNT Permit Fee N9 collection only and this receipt shalt be cancelted for _-: -1'l ; lNse*rloN FtEoues*," l EAGLE couNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECT]ON E pnnrrnl. -<'_ LocATfoN 1 , -' /A-L-f fJ aopRoveo E orsnppRovED D,,to" THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: ! netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS F,.'I tNqPEfrroN FtEolJEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florxen E penrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED TUR FRI ^ - ,,-- AM PMMON COMMENTS: ElnppRovED fl ot sapp Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: \ ./,,v DATE INSPECTOR rNs"it,oN FtEouEsr EAGLE_S.-guNrY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen I pnnrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR A', /-)- ^^@ E nerNsPEcrIu.APP ROVED D orsnppRovED El uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS