HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 3 SAFEWAY REMODEL PROJECT MANUAL LEGALvA,J L gJ.^-. r.\ 3 r^'{ s nryR'*tI?TJlt\*,J 4 o ,-Dr(.J o SAFEWAYINC. SAFEWAY STORE NO.631 REMODEL 213I NORTH FRONTAGE ROAI) vArL, COLORADO PROJECT MANUAL DULANEY ninefUTECTtTRtr rcl 303-615-9123 850 santa fe drivc iax 303-615-9128 denvcr, c ol orad o 80204 DULANEY DANIEL P. I I I I T I I t I t t I I I I I T I I PROJECT MANUAL FOR REMODEL AIYD FD(TT]RE INSTALLATION SAFEWAY JOB NO. 0$0631-00-0034 ARCEITECT'S NOT NO. 9501 SAIEWAY STORE NO. 631 OWNER:SAFEWAYUvc. 6900 South Yosemite Street Englewood Colorado 801 12 Tel (303) 843-7560 Fa:r (303) 843-7916 ARCHITECT:DIILANEY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: 850 Santa Fe Drive Denver, Colorado 80204 Tel (303)615-9123 Fax (303)615-9128 NEUJAER & GOR]UAN 44 Cook Street, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80206 Tel (303)377-2732 Fan (303)3774573 wEr & AssocrATEs,INc. 1390 South Valentia Street Denver, Colorado 80231 Tel (303)751-0391 Fax (303)751-0399 MECI{ANICAL ENGINEER: ELECTRJCALENGINEER SAYERS ASSOCIATTS INC 3891 West Wagon Trail Drive Littletoq Colorado 80123 Tel (303)798-1891 Fax (303\795-1072 May 21, 1996 col-trXiii'.' n \J *I IJULA|{LY I* t^\ o',"rfo / tw**# DANIEL P DULAf'lEY B-3148 DA 9601 I I I I I I t I I t T I T I I t t I I INDEX FOR ARCHTIECTIS JOB NO. 9501 SAFEWAY JOB NO. 05-0631-00-0034 SAFEWAY STORE NO. 631 . RE}IODEL 2131 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COTORADO TTTLE PAGE BIDDING REOUIREIIENTS CONTRACT FOR!.TS 00010 00200 003 00 00400 00500 00600 007 00 00800 00820 01010 01030 01040 01045 01050 01070 DA 9601 PRE-BID INFORI.TATTON : INVTTATION TO BrD (FORM C-119A) INFORIiTATION AVAII,ABLE TO BIDDERS BID FOR!,! BID FORI'! SITPPLEI,IENTS TO BID FORIi!S: INSTRUCTIONS FOR BTDDERS BID BREAKDOWN FORl.l - RAnODEL (I.lRlt PRICE- INCLUDES APPENDIX A) INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN - REI.TODEL LIST OF SI'BCONTR,AErcRS COMTRACTORIS IM/OICE AND COST STATEI{ENT CONTRACEORIS DAILY PROGRESS REPORT T'NIT PRTCES AFFIDAVIT RELEASE AND I{AIVER OF IIEN AGREEITIENT FORMS: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT & EXHIBIT BONDS AND CERTIFICATES: PERFORI.iANCE BOND I,ABOR AND MATERTAL PAYI.TENT BOND GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT SPECIAL CONDITIONS . RB,TODEL OVERHEAD & PROFIT CHARGES FOR CHANGES suuttARy oF woRK AL1!ERNATES COORDINATION CTITTING AND PATCHING REGULATORY REQUIREX'{ENTS ABBREVIATIONS 1 1-5 L-2 1 1-4 1 1-3 1-15 1 L-2 1 1 1 L-4 1 1-13 1 L-2 3-4 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT L-5 1-5 L-2 TECIINICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION ONE - GENERAL REOUIRE!{ENTS L-4 L-2 1-3 1-3I 1-6 INDEX-1 o1100I.II.III. IV.v.vI. SPECIAIJ PROJEET PROCEDURES : ioog roo FrxruRE rNstALLATroN - GENERAI coNDrrroNsl-2 3-4 4 03300 CAST-IN-PIACE CONCRETE L.L2 CODE 11O FIXTURE INSTALLATION - ELECTRICAL COON TZO FIXTI'R3 INSTALI,ATION - PLI'MBING CODE 150 FIXTT'RE INSTAI,I.ATION - STGNS I t t I I I I I t I t I I I I I I CODE 13O FIXSURE INSTAI,LATION - REFRIGERATION 5-16CODE 13O FIXSURE INSTALI,ATION - REI'RIG$I(A"UI(JN 9-J'O coDElloUECttAl{rcAr,eNoN-MECIIANTCArJ-EQUTPMENTlT-18 nOOtt nnfnIGERATION INSTALLATION - ELECTRICAL VII. CODE 120 REFRIGERATION - PLT'I'IBING 18 o12oo pnor-ecT UEETTNGS 1-3 01300 sttBurlTAls 1-7 o14OO QUALTTY COMTROL r-2 O15OO CONSTRUC1IION FACILITIES AND TEIIPORARY CONTROLS 1-5 01600 I.IATERIAL AND EQUIPI{ENT 1-3 01700 CoNTRACE CrpSEOtn 1-6 01710 FINAL CIJENIING 1-4 DIVISION trWO - STTEWORK NO -SPNCTTICATTONS INCI,UDED IN TH8 PROJECT !{ANUA]-' SEE DRAWINGS FOR SITEWORK REQUIRE!'TENTS DIVISION TIIREE - CONCRETE DIVISION FOT'R - I'IASONRY Sne oRAwrNGs FoR uAsoNRv REQUTREI{EIIIS DIVISION FIVE - !{ETALS 05120 05211 05310 05400 05500 DIVISION SIX - WOOD STRUCTT'RAL STEEL OPEN WEB STEEL JOISTS STEEL DECK COLD FORMED UETAI, FRA$ING METAL FABRICATIONS 1-8 L-3 L-4 1-3 1-3 L-2 1-5 1-3 L-2 7-4 1-5 1-3 L-7 06100 052 00 07240 0724L 07533 07510 07620 07900 ROUGH CARPENTRY FINISH CARPETTRY EXTERIOR INSI'I,ATTON AND EXTERIOR INS{'I.,ATION AND THERMOPI.ASTIC SINGLE.PLY SHEET I{ETAL ROOFING SHEET UETAL FI,ASHING AND JOINT SE.LLERS FINISII SYSTEI,T FINIHS SYSTEX'IS'CLASS MEF,IBR,ANE ROOFING TRII.T I I DA 9601 INDEX-2 I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I t DIVISTON ETGHT - DOORS AND WINDOWS 08110 08210 08300 083 60 08410 08510 08710 o8720 08800 0926L 09300 09510 09550 09700 09900 09950 09985 1-4 1-3 L-2 1 1-5 L-2 L-7 1-9 1-4 1-4 1-8 1-3t-7 1-4 1-14 1-5 1-6 STEEL DOORS E FRAMES wooD DooRs PI,ASTIC IMPAST DOORS SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS AI.,WINW ENTRN{CES & STOREFRONTS ALtuINtn{ WINDOWS FINISH HARDWARE AUTOUATIC DOORS GI,AZING DIVISTON NINE - FINTSHES GYPSW BOARD PARTITIONS, TILE ACOUSTICAIJ CEILINGS RESIIJTENT FI'OORING SE.AMLESS EPOXY FLOORING PAINTING WAI.L COVERTNGS PREFINISHED PANELS WALLS, AND CEILINGS DIVISION TEN . SPECIALTIES 10400 10810 IDENTIFYING DEVICES TOTLET ACCESSORIES DMSION ELEVEN - EoUIPI.IENT 11160 I-,OADING DOCK EQUTP}IENT DIVISION TWELVE . FI'RNTSEINGS 12306 PI,ASTIC I.AMINATE FACED CASEWORK DTVISION THIRTEEN - SPECIAL CONSTRUETION NO WORK I'NDER THIS DIVISION DIVTSION FOI'RTEEN . CONVEYTNG SYSTEMS NO WORK T'NDER THIS DIVISION DIVISION FIFTEEN - MECHANICAL L-4 t-4 1-10 L-22 1-31 L-7 L-24 INDEX-3 15050 153 00 15400 15500 15990 MECTIANICAL GENERAL PROVISTONS FIRE PROTECAION PLI'I{BING HE,ATING, VENTII"ATTNG AND AIR CONDTTIONING AIR BALANCE DIVISION SIXTEEN - ELECTRICAL 15000 DA 9501 ELECTRICAL SPECIFTCATTONS t sEgfIoN 00010 I PRE-BrD rNFORl.tATroN t safeway rnc.rE nrnvitation to Bid-Renodel (Firn PrLce)rrr_Forn c- r 1190A - (Revised 6/951 , is hereby nade a part of these I Specifications. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DA e6o1 I ooo10-1 I I t INVITATIONTO BID Date: May 21. 1996 Job No. 05-063 l-00-0034 I Gentlemen: I We take pleasure in forwarding to you under sepaf,ate cover 8 sets of plans and specifications for I the construction of a remodeled Safeway Store, parking lot and related improvements at2I3l North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. I To maker it uniform for all bidders, we will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m. on June 18, 1996 at Safeway Construction Offices, 6900 South Yosemite, Englewood, Colorado, where we will open I the bids. Please mark 'Bid - Job No. 05-0631-00-0034" onthe outside ofyour envelope. A I $500.00 deposit will be required from each contractor for the 8 sets ofplans and specifications. Only bidding general contractors are invited to be present. It is our intention to make a decision I regarding the award ofthe contract as soon as possible and within 30 days. I We are asking contractors for bids based upon completing the project within 105 calendar days I after the date ofthe contract. We attach hereto the following: I l. Three copies of the Bid Form. Form No. C-l l92A (Rev. 6/95). I 2. One copy of the Instntctionsfor Bid Brealcdwn. I 3. Three copies of the Bid Brealcdown Form. ' 4. Three copies of theUnit Prices @ev. 12194). I 5. Two copies of theList of Subcontractors@ev l2l94). I 6. One sample copy of the Performance Bond, A.I.A. Form A3 I l, 1970 Edition, I copyrighted by the "American Institute of Architects". I 7. One copy of the Construction Contract, Type H (datd 12194). I 8. One copy of the Contractor's Invoice and Cost Statement. I g. One copy of the Contractor's Daily Progress Report,Form C-122 (rev. 6/84) I INITTATION TO BID FORMNO.C-II9A Page 1of5 5p,$pur 6t95 I rrBeoA I BIDS Two copies of the Bid Form rmrst be submitted as instructed above. Include your prices for the spccifiga At€rnatc Bids. List all addenda and rErriscd plan slreets that you have received and included in your bid. BIID BNEAXI'OWNtrORM The bidder or biddcrs designated by Safeway must submit two copies of the Bid Breakdwm Form within 24 hours after the opening of thc bids. This breakdown must be completed in accordance with the lrrrracaozs for Bid Breakdan'n. UNITPRICES Two copies of the Unit Prices must be submitted with your bid. MARI(.UP FOR CHANGE ONOINS Any change order work not covered by unit prioes shall be performed for a lump sum equal to out-of-pocket srpens€s directly related to the work plus the following mark-up: l. CreneralContra,ctor a) l0lo Overherd and SVo Profit for work performed by contractofs own forces. b) 5% For materials only. c) 5% Ntark-up on all zubcontracts. 2. Subcontractors a) 10% Combined Overhead and Profit for work performed by subcontractor's own forces. b) lfflo Combined Overhead and Profit to any other subcontractor. c) 5VoOnmaterialsonly. LIST OF SI]BCONTRACTORSI One completed copy of the Zist of Subcontractors must be submitted with your bid in a separate sealed envelope, clearly marked "List of Subcontractors - Job No.63.1. " No subcontractor on this list shall be changed without the prior approval of Safeway. The Iisr of Subcontractors of the unsrccessful bidders uri[ be returned unopened upon award of contract. INVTTATION TO BID FORM NO. C-l l9A t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6t95 ITB9OA Pagc 2 of 5 I 1009/0 PERToRMAI\rcE BohID I The 100% p€rformance bond required from the successful bidder will be Performonce Bond, t A.I.A Form A3Il, 1970 Editioq copyrighted by the "American Institute of Architects". It must be issued by a surety company satisPactory to Safeway Inc. Safeway will furnish the successful I bidder with the bond forms for his bonding company's use.I coirrnlcn r Ifyou are the successful bidder, it will be necessary that you s(ecute a contract in the form of the - attached Constntction Contract, Type IL which provides in Paragraph 2l that Safeway will make I progress payments on completed work during constructiorl, and the final balance of the contractr price within thirty-five (35) says after the completion of all work and the receipt of satisfactory - evidence that dl obligations havebeen satisfied. I PRoGRESS PAYMENfiI I Contractor shall submit ilemized monthly invoices in a form as required by Safeway with certification as to the value ofwork completed in the preceding month as provided in Paragraph I 2la of the Constntction ContractTypeH. t Within fifteen (15) days after receiving each invoicg Safeway will either (l) approve the invoice I and pay the contractor an amount equal to ninety percent (90%) of the value of work completed I in the preceding montb or (2) reject the invoice and return it to the contractor with an explanation ofthe necessary corrections required for approval. I Commencing with the second itemized monthly invoice, such invoice and all subsequent invoices shall be accompanied by: l) An "IJnconventional Waiver and Release Upon Progress Payment" for the previous month's payment executed by the contractor. (See sample.) 2) Form RF-l showing each subcontractor and material supplier in excess of $5,000 and the amount paid to each for the prwious month. The contractor shall show his total job cost for the previous month as a line item and a lump sum amount for all material suppliers and subcontracts under $5,000.00. The total should equal the total amount ofthe lien release in I above. The invoice will not be approved without a lien release and the attached list of subcontractors and material suppliers indicating who was paid for the previous month. INITTATION TO BID FORMNo.c-ll9A Pagc 3 of5 I I I I I t 6t95 I IrBeoA I FINALPAYMEI{T upon complaion of all work and its accnptancc by Safeway, codggtol shatl zubmit his final irwoice ,'d satisfrctory widence thlt all obligations have been satisfie4 as provided in Paragraph 21b ofthe cq8truction cotactTypeH. Final Psym€flf ofthe unpai! and retahed amount shall be made within thirty-fivc (35) days aftcr the approval of the final invoice. CoNmacroR's Dr&Y I'RoGRDstl ItEPonr tr'onl}r C-122 This report shall be pr€par€d for each working day by the contractods zuperintendent and mailed daily to the Safeway Construction Department. INSUNANCE The owner will maintain Builders Risk insururce for the contrast price, hcluding owner fixhrres and other materials delivered to the job site to be used in said worh on a replacement cost basis, "g"i* loss by firg the E*ended coveragc pails (windston4 hail, damage by aircraft, damage by uihi"l"r, riot -orplosion and smoke) and vandalism. Such inzurance will cover both owner's and contracto/s interests. Loss, if any, is adjusted with and payable to the owner. The contractor a$iumes and will bear or atottg"-insrrat"e for all other risks of loss, e,(cept for loss by urrtttqo"t " or flood. The coniractor will also be responsible forthe fir1 $5,000 of loss from the pe.itsior wtrich owner is providing innrance under this section (owneds insurance deductible). BuII,DD{GPERIWT Safeway will apply and pay for the cost of the general building permit. All other required permits and fees will be the contractor's responsibility. REFUSALOFBDS Safeway reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. PI,/\NROOMSI To orpedite bidding we are filing plans and specifications in the plan rooms listed below for the convenience of your subcontractors. t I I I I I I I t t I I I I t I I I I 685 ITB9OA INVTTATION TO BID FORM NO. c.II9A Pegc 4 of5 I I - ThePlanRoom I 2175 South Jasmine StreetI Door E / Suite 219 I De,lrver, Colorado 80222 I (3o3\7s7-7644 FAX: 757-0116 I PREBTDCoNTERENCE I Refer to Section 01200 ofthese Specifications for detailed infonnation regarding the Prebid I Conference. r GEI\TERALNOTETOALLBIDDINGCONTRACTORSt Safeway strongly urges all contractors to pay wage minimums commensurate with local average I trade wages. t I I I I I I I t I 6t95I I Yours very truly, Safeway Inc. Cam Potter Construction Director Construction Department INVTTATION TO BID FoRM No. C-ll9A Pagc 5 of5 B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t T T I I I SECTION 00200 INFOR}TATION AVAILABLE TO BIDDERS L.A9-SENBA! 1.01 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Reeord documents of the available for revies at the existing conditions areoffice of the Owner. Bidders are urged to examine the record documents andto nake their own investigation of the site before bidding. Record docunent infornation is provided only for infornation and convenience of bidders. The Owner and ArchLtect disclain any responsibility for accuracy, true location and extent of these docunents which have been prepared by othere. They further dLEclaim responsibifity for interpretation of that data by biddere. D. Record docuuente are not a part of the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION DA 9601 00200-1 I I I I I I SAFEIIAY STORE NO. 631. REI,TODEL 2131 NORTIT FRONTAGE ROADvArL, coroRADo o5-0631-00-0034 BID DAY Bids will be opened pronptly at the designated hour on bid day. Have your sealed bid envelope recorded with the construction Department receptlonist before entering the bid room. Allow adeguate tine to arrive for the bidi bids presented after ttre desigmated hour will be refused. courtesy telephones will not be available for contractors to use prior to the bid opening; please make separate arrangements to complete your bid before arrival. Bid bonds are not required; all contractors must be bondable to bid.I I I I I T I I I I I I I DA 9601 00200-2 oo I SEeTION oo3oo BID FORU I Safeway Inc.rs rrBid Fonn - Renodelrr (Revised 61951 , is hereby madea part of these Specifications. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DA e5o1 I 0o300-1 I I BIDtroRM Construction Departrnent Safeway lnc. ,NoN* Job No. I lHavingexaminedtheplarrsarrdspeciIications(andaddenda)preparedby-I Architect, dated _; having familiarized ourselves withI site and job conditions; and having examined and approyed the form of Construction I Contract of Safeway Inc. provided with the.lzvitation to Bid: the undersigned doos hereby I tender the following bid for the construction of the new Safeway store, parking lot and related improvements at I accordance with said plans and specifications. I Our firm price base bid is in the total amount of I dollars ($ ) which price includes I doilars ($-) for the cost of the t0Oo/o Performance Bond. I This price will be itemized onthe Bid Breatdown Formin accordance with the! Instructionsfor BidBreakdown and submitted as required nthelnvitation to Bid. I ALTERN,{,TE BrD r We submit the following prices for additions or'deductions to the base bid for the I alternates outlined and described inAlternate.Bids, Section . in ther specifications orby subsequent addenda I We have initialed the "No Bid" space below for those alternates we do not wish to bid;I - Alternate Bid No. I $ S $ I ---TE- _-EUdT- -MBID $DEDUF- -ft'etD- I ro: I I I Date: Alternate Bid No. 2 $ I Alternate Bid No. 3 $ DEDUCT NO BID I I BID FORM FoRM No. C- I I 92A PAGE I oF 4 6t95 B12 It&rRK-up Fon cn lNclRDnRs fuiy change order work not covered by unit prices shall be performed for a lump sum equal to out-of-pocket er(penses directly related to the work plus the following mark-up: l. General Contractor a) l0olo Overhead and SYoProfit for work performed by contractor's own forces. b) SYoFor materials onlY. c) 5% Mark-uP on all subcontracts. 2. Subcontractors a) l0% Combined Overhead and Profit to general contractor. b) l07o Combined Overhead and Profit to any other subcontractor. c) SVo On materials only. LIST OF ADDENDA AI..ID REVISED PLAI.I STTBE-TS INCLUDED [.l TrtrS BID BD FORM FoRM No. ql l92A PAGE 2 or 4 6t95 BF2 ADI'ENDA PI,N SHEET REVISIONS No. Dated No. of Pages 'Sheet No. Rev. No. Rev. Date I 5 4. 5. 6. o coples I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t .. Attachcd hereto are two of our compleLed Uit Prices. Attached hereto is the Zjst of Subcontractors we propose to use. The owner shall have the dght to approve or disapprove the subcontractors used in the work. Ifa change in any name in the List of Subcontractors is required by the Owner, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost resulting from such change. The undersignd agrees to €D(ecute the form ofConstnrction Contract ofSafeway Inc. provided withthe lwiution to Bid. We agree to complete the contrast in calendar days. We have included the cost of a 100% performance bond in the foregoing bid. We agree, that upon execution of the contract and prior to the start of construction, to furnish Safeway Inc. a l00oZ performance bond (the Performance Bond, AI.A Form A3 I l, 1970 Editio4 copyrighted by the "American Institute of Architects") issued by a surety company satisfactory to Safeway Inc. in the full amount of the bid. We understand Safeway lac. reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. ' Dirision Option BID FORM FoRM No. C. I I 92A PAGE 3 oF 4 6195 BF2 T t I l. 2. The undersigned is: A corporation, incorporated in the State of A partnership, consisting of the following partners, whose full names are: 3. An individualwhose full nasP is: We agree to return the Plans and Specifications in good condition 88 soon as the contract is awarded to the succcssfirl bidder. General Contractor (Firm Name) Signed by Address City, State, ZIP Telephone No. Contractods License No. BD FORM FORM No. gI I92A PAGE 4 oF 4 6t9S BF2 I T INSTRUcTIoNS FORBIDDERS I TO: SAFEWAYNc. DATE: May2l. 1996 - Construction Department 6900 South Yosemite Street IOB NO.: 05-0631-00-0034 I Englewood, CO 80112 I ALLWORKSTTALLBEDONE INACCORDAIICEWITHTI#FOLLOWTNG I CONSTRUCTTONDOCUMENTS. I 1. Project Manual for remodel and Installation ofFixtures and Equipment, Safeway I StoreNo.63l, datedMay2l,l996 I 2. Drawings for Remodel and Fixnrre Installation at Safeway Store No. 631. T Sheets 1-15 Dated May 21,1996 (Architect Al-Al5) I Sheets 16-17 Dated May 21,1996 (Strucnrral Sl-S2) t Sheets 18-22 Dated May 21,1996 @lumbing Pl-Ps) Sheets 23-25 Dated May 21,1996 (Mechanical Ml-M3) I Sheets 26-28 Dated May 21,1996 @lectrical El-E3) I I The Drawings and Project Manual prepared for Dulaney Architecture dated May 21, 1996, forr this project are available for review at: SAFEWAYTNc.I CONSTRUcTIoNDEPARTMENT 6900 SOUTH YOSEMITE STREETr *T?l'"#€"?;f,i'1i.""',' I The BID FORM is to be properly filled in. All items and all work necessary, including the work of all crafts whether or not specifically mentioned in these Plans and Specifications, are to be r included in your BID FORM. r All fixtures and equipment not furnished by this contractor will be delivered to the jobsite by the r Owner. I TWO COPIES of each BID FORM are enclosed for your convenience. You are asked to return I ONE completed COPY ofthe BID FORM to SAFEWAYnc., and retain the remaining copy for I your records. Acceptable BIDS must be submitted on our BID FORM. I DA960l 00400 IFB-I I I I BtD BREAKDOWN FORM CEMSBID OATE:JOB NO.: I I I I I I I I t t I To: coNsTRUcTloN oEPT SAFEWAY INC, THE BREAKOO\'/N OF OUR BID OATED-(INCLUD|NG ACCEPTED ALTERNATE NO(S)- IS SHOWN BELOW AND IS IN ACCOROANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 8ID BREAKDOWN. BUILDING GROUNO FLOOR. SOUARE FOOTAGE SITE DEVELOPMENT EXCAVATION I RETATNING WALLS ANO FENCES PILING . CAISSONS - GRAOE BEAMS DEMOLITION / REMOVAL oEllIAG_€ I.ANDSCAPING OFF.SITE OEVELOPMENT STRA:; GRADIIiG AND PAVING PUBLIC SIOEWALKS. CURBS. GUTTERS TOTAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOT I,4ISCELLANEOUS SITE DEV I I I I I I I t ,Nf t-40coo 141e "?O t-7{040 t-2-0s'to BUILDING NEW / NEW ADOITIONS SPRINKLER SYSTEM General Conltactor PaEe I A. B. c. PLUMBINGa- B. c. , ^ae SPRINKLER SYSTEM f6l rorAl strE D6/ELoPMENT, AoolnoNs IMPROVEMENTS AND MTSCELIJNEOUS 2-7{XXn 34{X,-(n 7-2{GOO A. B. c. 76{X,-OO Een€A contractor Datr @l roral ato Page 2 '$ '$ I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A 8!' BRT{KDOI.IN - REI.IODEL SUPPLEI'IEN' LINE 22. .. SHwrqtt uuilpr}r9-99sr!. General Condllloos Prelloinary /Ternporary Fees Job Slte Facilltles Da{1y Clean-Up Fllal Cleen-Up (JanltorJ.al) Concrete Work S lructural Steel ReJ-uf oreLng S teel lll.scellaneous lroo Rough Carpen!ry Rough Lunber Flnlsh Carpentry' Fl-nlsh Lumber I.la terproof lrrg InEula tlon SEorefront, Canopy Me ta1 Panels Sheecnetal (Archllectural) CaulkJ-ug 6 Sealants HolLov lletal Doors & Durus Doors & Fraoes Wood D.rors & Fraues Roll-Up Doors Securlty Grl11s Autonatlc Doors SEorefronc Glass & GJ.azing FlnLsh llardware Lathe & Plaster Frames LrNli 31. Scuds, Dry;all E lape PrefloLsh Paneltag (ERP) Ceramlc T1'llng Accoustlcal Ce{ll-ng ResJ.ilent Flooritag Epoxy FloorJ-ng Pal.trclrg Vlnyl llallcoverlng Totlet Partltlous & Accessorles Reeelv{ng Dock Accessorles Testing & Inspectlons Specialty Ltemg Insurance TOTA.LS BID BREAKDOWN FORM RE}IODEL - FIRU PRICE c-ll93B General Con grac EoE (New l2190) Da ce I I I INSTRUCIIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN Your bid, including all accepted Altemates, must be broken down on the Bid Form as I instructed below. Provide separate costs for the guaranteed mocimum price and the fixed I : --\1,I SITEDE\IELOPMENT i I l. Excavation 5Pt' Include all costs to excavate and grade the site to the required rough sub-grade elevations. Include the cost to demolish walks, curbs, Pavements, retaining walls, underground stntctures, etc., and the cost to relocatg remove, or cap utilities encountereri during excavation. Do not include excavation for building foundations. 2. Fill Include all costs to place a compacted fill as specified in the areas under the building, paricirrg lot, walks, ciriveways, etc., up to finish sub-grade. 3. Retaining Viaiis and Fences Include all costs to install all retaining walls and fences. 4. Piling/Caissons/Grade BeamV Buildins Foundations Below 4 Feet Include all costs to install sheet piling piles (concrete, steel, or timber), pile caps, grade beams, and building foundations that extend from 4 fcct below {inislred floor elevation to final soil bearing. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN C-ll9l (REv. UUt6) PAGE 1 OF 15 L19G c-u9l I I t I I I I I I I I I I 5. lJemoiition/Rernovai ofExisting Improvements I t T t I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I Include the net cost to demolish or remove existing improvements such as buildings, fences, and other structures to ground level and to protect or caP existint utilities such as sewer, gas, electrig water lines, etc., in accordance with local municipal and state laws, ordinances, etc. Contractor to retain any salvage. 8. o 6.Drainage Include all costs for the site storm drainage system (catch basins, dry wells, diversion channels, drain tile, etc.) that drains any and all portions ofthe site- 7. Landscaping Include all costs for the landscaping work (final sub-grade preparation, imported top soil, finish grading, irrigation system, plant material, etc. ). . Off-Site Develooment Inclucte all cosrs for ,:rI-site development, excludinq Items #9 and #10 below. Street Gradine an.i, itavine Inciude all costs for the construction of streets and alleys, including grading, base, and surfacing ftom the curb or sidewalk toward the center of the street. Do not include the curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways- Public Sidewalks. Curbs and Gutters Inchrde all costs for siriewalks, curbs, and gutters on public Droperty, including earth preparation incidental tlrereto. Do not include building perimeter sidewalks, driveways, and bumpers noted in Item #15. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN C-ll9l (REv. l/l/96) PAGD 2 OF 15 10. t196 c-ll9l I I:t' I l 13. TotalSiteDevelopment: I PARKINGLOT I 14. Gradins. Base and Paving I I I I t t I I I I I Include all costs to grade and prepare the parking lot, install base and paving, and paint the traffic stripes. Include cost of the concrete truck ramp and apron. Do not include any of the work previously outlined under SITE DEVELOPMENT. 15. Sidewalks. Driveways and Bumpers Include the costs for the building perimeter sidewalks, parking lot bumpers, and the complete construction of driveways and approaches. Do not include the sidewalks, curbs, and grtters on public property outlined in Item #10. 16. Electrical Includine Lightine Include all costs for lighting in the parking lot, all conduit and wire from the source of supply to the outlet, lighting poles, lighting fixtures, wiring to parking lot signs. Do not include the cost of lamps and the parking lot sign. Lt. 18. Total Parking Lot: INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN c-ll9l (REv. l/l/96) PACE 3 OF T5 ll96 I c-uer I MISCELLAI{EOUS SITE DE'fELOPMENT 19. 20. zt. I t I T I I I I I t t t t I I I I I I Total Miscellaneous Site Development: BI'ILDING 22. Buildinq u9G c-u9r Include the overall cost of the building, o<cluding the items listed below. Cost of the floor slab and any basements shall be included. Segregate building costs into categories outlined in Appendix A 23. Foundations Inolude all costs for the building foundations &om the finished floor elevation to 4 feet below the frnished floor elevatioq including excavation, forms, consrete, reinforcing steel, etc. 24. Roofine Include all costs for the built-up rooling system, including above-deck insulation, flashings, and sheetmetal work. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDO\I'N C-llgl (REv. l/l/96) PACE { OF 15 o I I zs' Etectrical I H:t $il:::1,,11,,[ff?',ffi;"fiilff",;ff:s',#:T*::YH,T; llli""I;l?3t**Jili#ttf*"glotelectrical(wirinslightingstandards'and IA. I H:[:#-H,:ii::'S n,li:l*;:illrJ,trftu,"onou'' receptacres' I . emergency generator I . kitchen equiPment . bakery equipment I ' . other food preparation equipment I . point-of-sale @OS) terminals, including data cabling and under floor I ' 'il:ilTgns and exterior signs attached to the building I . ;:#,1il::::"i,.., time croch handwrap equipment, roor scrubber, etc.) . refrigeration system . gondola system . telephone/intercomsystem INSTRUSUONS FOR BID BR.EAKDOWN C-llgl (REv. l/l/96) PAGB 5 OF 15 I I I I I I I ill,, I B. I I I T I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I Include costs related to branch circuit wiring (except where noted), conduit, receptacles, panels, sub-panels, including the cost ofthe fixtures and installation, for the following: display,'decorative and track lighting (including the cost of the ligltt Iixtures and mounting brackets) kitchen ventilation equipment humidity/temperature control equipment described in Items 27A and 27B below . exterior building security lights . battery pack light fixtures (do nOt include branch circuit wiring) Building Related Electrical Costs Include costs related to branch circuit wiring, conduit' panels, sub-panels, etc., for all general purpose store lighting, general Purpose receptacles, transformers, and other electrical uses not described in Items 25A and 25B above. INSTRUCTIONS I'OR BID BREAIff)OWN C-t19l (REv. UUYO PACE 6 OF 15 U96 c-u9l Contract) B. I I I I I I I I t t t I t I I l I I I 26. Plumbing Include all costs for building sanitary sewer lines, water service, water heating piping floor drains and all plumbing fixtures s€gregated as shown below. Do gA! include the sprinkler service lines and piping noted in Item #28. u96 c-1191 Include cost of all gas, hot water, cold water, and sanitary piping, floor drains and cleanouts, and plumbing fixtures and sinks, related to the following: kitchen sinks and equiPment bakery sinks and equiPment meat and seafood preparation area sinks and equipment other food and produce area preparation equipment re&igeration waste and vent piping system ice machines produce case sprinkler system gas piping for cooking, baking, etc., equipment Include cost of all water piping from the main line to the hot water heater, the cost of the hot water heater(s) and related installation, the cost of all water and drain piping to food preparation sinks. INSTRUCTTONS FOR IIID BREAKDOWN C-ll9l (Rev. l/U96) PAGE 7 OF 15 General Contract) Buildins Related Plumbine Costs I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t I I I restroom hot water and cold water piping, waste and vent lines' and plunrbing Iixtures janitorial floor/wash sinks and related water piping gas piping for normal store heating units 27. Heatinc. Ventilatins- Coolinc (IIVAC) Include equiprnent, material and labor costs for heating, ventilation and cooiing system installation, segregated as follows: Include cost of the main line sewer, piping and restroom and janitorial flumbing fixtures installed to support primarily a building related l,rnctionl as opposed to store equipment and food displays, and n9t included in Item; 264 and 268 above. Generally, items included in this category relate to the following: Safeway provided IMC equipment. (Safeway provided fryAC equipt"ni should include some or all of the following: make-up air "na l*ituust fans, hoods, ducts, and flues providing ventilation to food preparation areas or point-of-sale terminals, and/or equiprnent 'n""lrrury to maintain the proPer temPerature and humidity requirements of the display and freezer cases, and POS terminals') II/AC equipment provicled by the contractor whose purpose is to maintain ih" ptop"t temperature and humidity requirements of- the display and ireeier "as"s, or to provide ventilation to the food p.eparution areas and point-of-sale terminals' (Applicable equipment in itrit "ut"gory gen"r"lly includes make-up air and exhaust fans' equipmenf t"tutiA hoods, ducts and flues, and AC units required to rnuintuin proper temperature and humidity levels for the display and freezer cases, and POS terminals.) B. Ll96 c-ll9l INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN C-ll9l (Rr.v. t/t/96) PAGE 8 OF 15 29. I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I Remaining I{VAC equipment provided by the contractor whose purpose is to provide normal heating, cooling and humidity control within the building for the comfort of employees and customers. Such IfVAC equipment generally includes e:<haust fans for restrooms' storage areas, janitor closets and offices, and IIVAC units providing normal building climate control. 28. Sprinkler System Include all costs for the complete automatic fire sprinkler system. Include any additional valves, increased pipe sizes, alarms, etc., required from the source of supply to and including the actual system. Also include connection fees and required permits. 30. Total Building NeVAdditions: BUILDINGIMPROVEMENTS G\ppLrEs TO NEW WORK IN THE EXSTING BUILDING) 31. Building Include the overall cost of new construction within the existing building excluding those items listed below. Segregate building costs into categories outlined in APPendix A. 32. Store Front Include all costs to modi$ the store front, including the addition of canopies. y96 c-1191 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AID BREAKDOWN C-l19l (REv. l/l/96) PAGE 9 OF 15 33. Mezzanine Addition Include all costs for the complete construction of the mezzaning including all stnrctural elements, floors, partitions, finishes, etc. 33. Mezzanine dddition Include all costs for the complete construction of the mezzanine, including all stnrctural elements, floors, partitions, finishes, etc. 34. Ceilincs (Salesroom OnlY) ' Include all costs to add new ceilings in the ocpanded salesroom' 35. Include all costs for new floor linishes (resilient, seamless, quarD/' etc.) in prwiously unfinished floor areas. I I I I I I I I t rl I I I I I I I I I 36. Paintinc/TVallCoverinss Include all costs to paint new interior and exterior surfaces and to install prefinished paneling and vinyl wall coverings on new interior surfaces. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BTD BREAKDOWN C-ll9l (RE% l/U96) PAGD IO OF 15 u96 c-ll9l I | : 37- Electrical 4r. I I I I I I I I I t I T Include all costs for additional electrical work (increased electrical sendce, new panels, conduits, circuits, switches, etc.). Also, include the costs to install iaAtionat lighting fixtures. Owner shall provide all lamps for installation by the contractor. Electrical costs are to be segregated into the three categories previously delined in Items 25A' B, and C. 38. Plumbiirg Include all costs for additions to the existing plumbing system (sewer, gas and water lines, floor drains, plumbing lixtures, etc.). Plumbing costs are to be segregated into the three categories previously defined in Items 264 B, and C. 39. Heatine. Ventilating- Cooling.ftrVAC) Include all costs for additions to the heating ventilating and cooling system (equipment, duct work, etc.) segregated into the three categories previously defined in Items 274 B, and C. 40. Sprinkler S],stem Include all costs for aclditions to the sprinkler systern Include connection to utility main (if required), permits, etc. 42. Total Building Improvements To Existing: INSTRUCTIONS FOR BII' BREAKDOWN C-ll9r (Rrr l/l/96) PAGE IT OF 15 I I t I '!.f,0, I . . MISCELLA}IEOUS BUILDiNG 43. Sisn Tower Include all costs for the complete installation of a freestanding sign tower, including foundation, structuri, electric conduit and wire from the source of supply.-Dorcrincludesigntowersthatareinanywayconnectedtoorarea structural Part of the building. : 44. Performance Bond Include the cost of the 100% Performance Bond on lines 46, 52 and 63. NEW FIXTURE INSTALLATION 47. Non-Mechanical Include all costs to receive, uncrate, aud install in place all the owner supplied fixtures and equipment shown on the CAPITALIZABLE FIXTURE AND EQUIPMENT LIST, excludine the costs noted below' 48. Electrical Include all sosts for the electrical work necessary to connect all fixtures, equipmenf and their controls to electrical distribution paneis, outlets, or junction boxes provided for this purpose. 49. Plumbinc Include alt costs for the plumbing work necessary to connect all fixtures to water supply and drainage facilities provided for this purpose' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ur6 c-ll9l INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN C'll9l (REv. l/1/96) PAGE 12 OF 15 I I I I o I'.50.Refrigeration I I Include all costs for the reliigeration work necessary for the complete t installation and satisfactory operation of all refrigerated fixtures and equrpment. 51. Exterior Signs Include all costs to install new exterior signs provided by the owner. 53. Repainting Include all costs to repaint existing painted surfaces (interior and exterior). 54. Floor Finishes Include all costs to repair/replace existing tiled floors. 55. Doors I I I I T t I I t I I I I I | '!-1,,, I Inciude ail costs to repair/relocate,/replace existing doors (automatic, stockroom, etc.). INSTRUCIIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN C-lr9l Eev. l/l/96) PAGE 13 OF 15 v96 c-ll9l a 56. InteriorDemolition/Partitions Include all costs for all interior demolition and the repair/relocatiory'replacement of existing partitions. 57. Electricalsvstemllis.htinqFixtures Include all costs for repairs to the existing electrical syster\ and the relocation of e<isting electrical fixtures. Segregate costs into the three categories previously delined in Item #25. 58. Plumbing Include all costs for repairs to the existing plumbing system, and the relocation of existing plumbing fixtures and floor drains. Segregate costs into the three categories previously defined in Item #26. 59. Heatins- Ventilatins. Cooling (HVAC) Include all costs for rcpairVrelocation/removal of existing heating, ventilating, and cooling equipment duct work. segregate costs into the three categories previously defined in itern #27. 60. OtherRepairs FuildineiBuildinsEquipment) Inctude all costs for repairs to the building and building equipment not noted above. 61. Parkins Lot Include all costs for parking lot repairs, resurfacing, asphalt overlays, sealing, restriping, relocatior/removal of lighting standards, etc' INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN C-tl9l (REv. UU96) PAGE I.I OF 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 62. I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lt96 c-u9l 63. Total Building Repairs: 64. ProductRefrieeratiot/Store Fixtures Include all costs for repairVrelocation/remodeling of existing product refrigeration equipment, store fixtures, and equipment. 65. Fixture Installation Expense Include all costs to receive and install all the fixtures and equipment shown on the E)OENSE FIXTURE AI'ID EQUIPMENT LIST. This item includes all interior sign work. 66. Other Repairs (Fquipment) Include all costs for repairs to the building and building equipment not included above. 68. Total Equipment Repairs: 69. Total Bid: INSTRUCTIONS FOR BID BREAKDOWN C-tltl (REv. Utl96) PAGE 15 OF 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To: LIST oF SUBCoNTRACToRS Safeway Inc. Construction Department Gentlemen: The subcontractors we propose to use are as follows: l. Excavating and Grading 2. Concrete Work 3. Asphalt Paving 4. Structural Steel 5. Glue Lams Date: Job No. $ 8. Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC) 6. Plumbing /. Etectncal I l. Painting 10. Sheet Metal 12. Floor Coverins 13. Automatic Fire Sprinklers 14. Aluminum Store Front 15. Automatic Door Operators 16. Roofing 17. Acoustical Ceiling 18. Landscaping Rcv. l2l94 LOS UST OF ST,DCONTR CTORS PAGE I oF I General Contractor I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR'S INVOICE AND COST STATEMENT CONTRACTOR: NAME INVOICE NO. CONTRACT OATE JOB NO. ADDRESS ADDRESS E MONTHLY FINAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ORIGTNAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $tcjo4 owNER'S CI{ANGE ORDERS THROUGH NO.- TOTAL CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT (llne 1 plus line 2) TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE (Pagc 2 column 3 lino 68) $ -v RETAIMGE (10% llna 4)Et $ $ ToTAL COMPLETED To DATE LESS RETAINAGE (line 4 minus line 5) AMOUNT PAIO ON PREVIOUS INVOICES 8. AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE (llne 6 rnlnus line 7) CONTRACTOR HERBY CERTIFIES THAT THE WORK COVERED BY THIS II{VOICE FOR THE MONTH OF HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDAI{CE WITH THE CONTRACT, THAT ALL WORK PREVIOUSLY INVOICED HAS BFFN PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR AND THAT THE AMOUNT REQUESTED BY THIS IM/OICE IS CURRENTLY DUE' CONTRACTOR NAME:BY: .c DATE: _TNSFEE=iE T OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: DATE: APPRoVED FoR PAYMENT . INTHEAMOUNTOF: \ EvffiTnal:DATE: FIRM PRTCE CONTRACT 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT -2. C.104 OWNER'S CHANGE ORDER TF 3. TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT (line 1 Pl 4. PAYMENTS TO DATE 5. FINALAMOUNTDUE (line 3 minus lir GUARANTEED MN(IMUM CONTRAC1 1. ORiGINAL GUAMNTEE MAXIMUM CI 2. C-1O4 OWNER'S CHANGE ORDERS 1 3. TOTAL GUARANTEE MA)( CONTRAC' 4. ACTUAL FINAL COST (Excluding Foe) 5. LINE 3 OR 4.WHICHEVER IS THE LE je. rorel coNrRAcroR's FEE (tnclu< 17. TOTAL LINES 5 AND 6 18. PAYMENTSTO DATE 19. FINAL AMoUNT DUE (Lino 7 minue Lir L 5ROUGH NO._ us line 2)tt o4) iffildr nuouNT (Exctude Fee)3 s $ st E $ -HROUGH NO.- (Excl. Fee) | (Une 1 plus Line 2) (Excl. Feo) le Fee thru C-lM NO. i_ s re 8) FINAL PAYMENT REQUESTED: CONTRACTOR'S NAME: FINAL PAYMENT APPROVED: BY(Sateway Inc.): IDATE: PAYMENT VERIFIED BY SAFEWAY ACCOUNTING OFFICE BY: OATE: Page I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I doFIRFioRS hlvolcE ANO CoSt SIATEMENT woEEro: (cEMs rNvl JOB NO. ctAsglFtcATroN oF woRk CEMS COA tlur6.r I Wo.t Co|tDl Ifib losolcr z Wo.k Cdnd P.ld kwob6 J I Otat vYofi Co.npl lo O.l. Col lr Col 2 4 | Olal lJo|lta lh.orlgh C-t(X No. 5X cdnltta laeAvAlioN R-mimfritmlfgmo FE eEs .IPILINO . CAISsONS. ORAOE EEAM5 Sl6EFi6titaoF, REUOVAL-ElDFnm- DWELOFI'ENI iREET CNADINO ANO PAVIIIO CUR5S. GUTIERS 1l rO-At saiE oEVELoPMENT Ghc! l-12)t{{o{0 ,RKING LOT IIIEM6TN6. EASE;FAVNC l3l sloE-wAixs. DR ivEwAYs, BUMPER s TolELEcrRtcAt, L|GHINor4fl i6iAL FARTJNO LoI (tr'.r t+lIt scEltrNEou9 sltE oEv t{-ll{0 t9l zolIil iOiAL M|SC siIE oEv (Lh!! lsm)1-t4040 rtlotHc NEw I NEW AOOITIONS I t-uEim5iNir-I I UlF6t ND Tloil \A f_-ll 2-240.{t0 Bt 2-3.00{0 clsicN iow€R .I,IIPERFORMANCE BONO TorAL MISCEILANEOUS sulLDlNG (Ln 4l{'1)2-t{040 TOIAL UNE3 ll,lt,2l,r0,l2. a lc IT FiXiURE INSTAILATION NON-I'ECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PLUMBINO FEFFi6EFAii6N 5l C7 TTERiOR SIGNS ToTAL EOUTP tNSTALLAT|oN (tln!. 47-51)!J{040 [SEli€Ms ( REF aFst lAlFS alNeLU0iN6 FARI(NG LoD FEFIiF ifo FLOOR FINISH€S DOORS ft TEmdR 6Em6-iiii6tr FAR iiiioNs E.IEE MIATFYETEM. L.6HT F F T URES PLT,'MIBNO HEAf ING. VENIILATION. COOLING 6'iFEF'NEFAIFSiEUILD|N6' 6l FAFRIIG TOT -TdiII Fi,ii6'rfi G"FEiliFdatfi Ag$ril 7-t{t040 URE REPAIRS 8{ 65 66 8t PROoUcT REFRIGERIION/STORE FIXTURES FIXIURE INSTALLATION EXPENSE OIHER REPAINS (EOUIPMEN t)-Tfii[EditiFiiEiliFEFling GEE il-66i - cl ioiel ContrrctJChrnqc Old.t |Llt3,16,62,6!,6tf P.g. I \_/*ry ffiT.1H"grs.*of*o"'b s FEr.tAv Jo€ i{u0'|!€F------ C$v Prictrfi q vlbix c!..liltB Errgrc t' hag€ lrr -'................-t' Flr.l|f. L !!58!A e^r. I A'.8 lD OAllr SrAtE Pnornr{cE ri-- crrv - '. '-.-- . .br ha."rgTlD TbaY w' fr.r:mV nrrrrrOnrrrn I ArcrnErrrri.ti. I] coMm 6JOR geqsg!-I!!s col.rr El nrat lt4alDlL IgEg4ES OAVI oNl r.ow I e. fl wuo I aPti([tr lE cf,Art rYo0( celent COrirrer'ftt (al(lttfllr. .t rl.|- d vrla} frgl a-:'- tl I I I I II I I I I I I t7 qsfrrrnoa* Gnrtaa (narrr - a{ coatrEloa (Dr. ',:. 3aco- (r|!|, rr - co.rttactoft lld- o"lc' Tr-o(GlatF - iat^riD ar co.rr,t|!-a co'rr'ElE FOIAC - l83U.s. rc x DA tREl 6-8at a-92'1.5-al E=+r€'=€dt|lraclql atu a.r.!-.r.o, N0.05597 I I I UNTT PRICES I t'':TH":";Deparrment Date: Job No. I I In the event changes are made in the plans and specifications, we agree the total contractr price will be adjusted on the basis of the unit prices for those items listed below. I In order for our bid to be acceptable, unit prices are given for each item shown: I l. Imported Fill I Unit cost per ton offill, graded'and compacted in place and according to plans and dI :":':*'"*' .os*Add $_ 5l I z. Drilled Piers (Caissons) Belled bottomed, concrete piers (caissons) with reinforcing (and casing if required) in accordance with plans and specifications. A log shall be kept for eich drilled pier. Add to base bid for increase in depths and deduct from base bid for decrease in depths' in accordance with the follor.ting unit prices: a ! 5" diametet 'riers Add S Deduct $ b. l8" diameter piers Add $ Deduct $ c. 24" diameter piers Add $ Deduct $ I I I I I I t I I [il;'*o t UNN PRTCTS PAGE I oT I General Contractor I t I I I I I I I I I I I State of AFFIDAVIT being duly sworn, deposes and says: tltat under 19 _, entered into a contract rvith Safeway Inc. under rvhich and/or installation work for County of )ss ) date of hcreinafter contractor named ,contractorrtl agreed to perform certain co lg"' that all of the work done under qdid Ct lias been completed; that all laborers performing worlq all materialmen furnishingfnaterials and all subcontractors employed by contractor and all expenses incurred under said contract have been paid in full; that there is not due attd owing from contractor any sum of money to laborers, materialmen, subcontractors or others in connection with said contract; that this allidavit is made to obtain final paymeut from Safeway Inc. in accordance with said contract. Owner/Oflicer Subscribed and swornrto before this day of q' ng'rn Title me 19 I I I I I I Notary Publie in and for the County State of of My Commission expires: a fli C-105 (Rev. l2l94) I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Conditional Waiver and Release Upon Progress Payment (AIl states except Arizona.) Upon receipt by the undersigned ofa check from (Maker of Check) in the sum of $payable to (Amount ofCheck)(Payee or Payees ofCheck) and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on thejob of (Owner) located at to the following extent. This (Job Description) release covers a progress payment for equipment or materials furnished to the job site or to through only and does not cover any retentions retained before or after the release date: extras furnished before the release date for which payment has not been received; extras or items furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or items furnished under a written change order which has been fully executed by the parties prior to the release date are covered by this release unless specilically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract, based upon a rescission, abandonment, or breach of the contract, or the right of the undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was not compensated by the progress payment. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, that person should veri$ evidence of payment to the undersigned. Date: (Company Name) By: Title: WAIVER t I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I Unconditional Waiver and Release Upon Progress Payment (All states except Arizona.) The undersigned has been paid and has received a progress payment in the sum of for labor, services, equipment, or material furnished to (Your Customer) on thejob of located at (Owner) (ob description) and does hereby release any mechanic's lien, retentions retained before or after the release date; extras furnished before the release date for which payment has not been received; extras or items furnished after the release date. Rights based upon work performed or items furnished under a written change order which has been fully executed by the parties prior to the release date are covered by this release unless specilically reserved by the claimant in this release. This release of any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right shall not otherwise affect the contract rights, including rights between parties to the contract, based upon a rescission, abandorunent, or breach ofthe iontract, or the right ofthe undersigned to recover compensation for furnished labor, services, equipment, or material covered by this release if that furnished labor, services, equipment, or material was not compensated by the progress payment. Date: 5^onovt. (Company Name) By: Title: NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES RIGHTS UNCONDTTIONALLY AND STATES THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAID FOR GIVING UP THOSE zuGHTS. THIS DOCUMENT IS ENFORCEABLE AGAINST YOU IF YOU SIGN IT. EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAID, IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAID, USE A CONDITIONAL RELEASE FORM. WAIVER I t I Conditional Waiver and Release Upon Final Payment (All states except Arizona.) Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check liom I inthe sum of $ (Maker of Check) payable to (Amount ofCheck) (Payee orPayees ofCheck) I and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which I it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechaniCs lien, stop notice or bond right the undersigned has on thejob of (Owner) located at . This release covers the final I (Job Description) I payment to the undersigned for all labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished on the job except for disputed claims for additional work in the amount of I $_. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, I th ent to the undersigned. I I Date: ,n"stt(Company Name) I By: I I I I t I I I I WAIVER I UnconditionalWaiver and Retease Upon Final pa),ment (All states except fuizona.) I The undersigned has been paid in full for all labor, services, equipment or material furnished to I onthejob of (Your Customer) I (Owner) located at (ob description) r and does hereby waive and release any mechanic's lien, stop notice or any right against a t labor and material bond on the job, except for disputed claims for extra work in ther amount of$ I Date: ,oNfi (CompanyName) - Bv: I ritle: NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT WAIVES RIGHTS UNCONDITIONALLY AND I STATES T}IAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAID FOR GIVING UP THOSE zuGHTS. THIS I DOCUMENT IS ENFORCEABLE AGATNST yOU tF yOU SrcN lT, EVEN tF yOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAID. IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAID, USE A CONDITIONAL I RELEASE FORM. . I I I wArvER I I I I I I I SEerroN oosoo AGRESIENT FORI,IS I saferray rnc. rs 'congtruction contract, qrpe H (Revised Lzlg4) ishereby nade a part of these Specification!. END OF SECTION DA 9601 00500-1 l9 I t I I I I I t I I I I I t I t t I I CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SAFEWAY INC., a Delaware corporation, 201 Fourth Street, Oakland, California 94660, "owner," and "contractor," AGREE, as o[ l. Work to be nerformed. Contract price. Contractor rvill perform, or will subcontract and be responsible for performance o{, the work described in attached Exhibit A at the address shown or site described in said Exhibit. Contractor agrees to perform the work hereunder and owner agrees to pay therefor as hereinafter provided in paragraph 21, the total sum of Dollars ($ ).SA$PUI, 2. Comoletion time. Except as provided in paragraph 15, contractor agrees to perform this contract within calendar days after date hereof, in accordance with the progress schedule to be furnished to owner by contractor pursuant to paragraph l8 of the General Conditions. 3. Labor. materials. equioment. Unless otherwise stipulated in the specilications or related documents described in Exhibit A or in written change orders issued under paragraph 6, contractor shall provide and pay for all (a) labor and materials, and (b) tools, appliances, equipment, light, power, water, transportation, and other facilities, necessary for performance and completion of the work. In entering into this contract, contractor acknowledges that it has had sufticient opportunity to investigate site conditions and other matters affecting its performance of the work and the costs thereol, including without limitation coordination with other contractors and/or owner's operations at the premises, if applicable. Contractor acknowledges that all such matters have been included in the firm price for which contractor has agreed to perform the work. 4. Plans and soecifications. Work performed and materials furnished shall be of good and workmanlike quality and shall conform to the plans and specifrcations identified in Exhibit d as supplemented by any additional drawings or specifications necessary for proper execution of the work, or performance of any change order issued pursuant to paragraph 6. All such drawings, plans and specifications remain the property of owner. 5. Discharse of lien or claim. If at any time there is evidence that a claim, which is chargeable to contractor or a subcontractor, is or may become a lien against the premises, owner, in addition to any other remedy available to it, may retain out of the contract price an amount suflicient to indemni$ it against such claim or any lien growing out of such claim, and against all costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs) Typc ll (Rcv.l2194) which owner incurs or may become obligated to pay in connection with said claim or lien or arising out of any action relating thereto. If payment ofthe contract price has been made to contractor hereunder, contractor shall immediately reimburse owner for all moneys, costs, expenses and disbursements (including attorneys' fees and costs) that owner may reasonably incur in connection with such lien or claim. 6. Chanpe orders. a. Owner shall have the right to make changes in plans and specifications, or either, and require additional work or direct omission of work previously required. A change order may also provide for an adjustment in the completion schedule of the work. Any such chinge shall be authorized only by written order on owner's change order form, signed by owner and contractor, describing the authorized change and speciSing the increase or decrease, if ury, in said contract priceattributableto such change. If directed by owner in writing, contractor shall proceed with the work even if the parties have not agreed upon the price a-djustment in connection with the change order, and the parties shall negotiate such adjustment in good faith. b. If applicable, contractor agrees to perform all change order work for any unit prices submittld with contractor's bid or previously agreed upon, which unit prices include all contractor's overhead and profit. If the change order is not covered by unit prices, contractor agrees to perform the work for a lump sum equal to its out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the work, plus the following mark up: (i) for work performed by contractor's own forces;percent L_n overhead,percent (-%) profit, (ii) for work performed by other than contractor's forces, p-ercent L_W combined overhead and profit and (iii) for material changes only, percent (_o/o). Such mark ups include all expenses not directly related to the work, including without limitation insurance, supervision, office overhead and the like. Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for overhead, profit, delay (or early completion) or other costs or allowances contractor may claim in connection with the changed scope of work. In computing any increase or decrease attributable to the change order, there shall be a credit to owner (computed as described above) for work or materials saved by the change. 7. Contractor's Indemnitv. Owner and its subsidiaries and owners, and its and their offtcers, directors, partners, employees and agents (collectively, the "Owner Parties") shall not be accountable in any manner for any violation of any local, state or federal laws, ordinances or regulations, or for injury, death, loss or damage arising from any cause in the performance of this contract. Contractor agrees to indemni$, defend (upon request by, and with counsel satisfactory to, the Owner Parties) and hold the Owner Parties harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs (collectively "Claims") arising in connection with the performance of this contract, whether before or after completion, by contractor, its subcontractors and suppliers, or its or their agents or employees, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, or direct or indirect, or caused or I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Type ll (Rcv.t2Da) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I contributed to by the active or passive, partial, joint or concurrent, negligence of Owner Parties (except when caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Owner Parties and not insured under any insurance contract maintained by contractor), including, without limitation, Claims for death or injury to any person or damage to any property or loss of use thereof. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the completion or other, termination of this contract. If any part of the foregoing indemnity is determined to'be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the indemnity, and the parties agree that the indemnity shall be deemed to be amended to the extent necessary to make the remainder of the indemnity valid and enforceable. 8. Warrantv asainst defects. I{, within one year after completion of this contract, any part of the work done or the materials incorporated into the work by contractor or any subcontractor is found to be defective or not in conformance with the contract documents, contractor agrees, on receiving written notice from owner, promptly to replace or repair such defect and all resulting damage, to the satisfaction of and without expense to owner. No certificate, approval, payment, or inspection by owner shall constitute acceptance of defective or nonconforming work or materials. 9. Insoection. Correction of defective work. etc. Owner, through its designated representative(s), shall at all times have access to the work at the project site, or wherever it may be in preparation or progress, and contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. If owner condemns any work or material as failing to conform to the contract documents, owner shall give contractor written notice speci$ing the defects. Contractor, without expense to owner, shall promptly remove from the project site all condemned material, whether worked or not, and promptly replace and do over all condemned work and all work or other property damaged or destroyed by defective workmanship or material, or by its removal, and replace the same with materials or workmanship conforming to the contract documents. 10. Licenses. oermits. taxes. Contractor shall: a. Give all notices, obtain and pay for all necessary licenses and permits (unless owner has agreed to provide the building permit), and comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations bearing on performance of the work, including without limitation all laws respecting hazardous or toxic substances. b. Pay all sales, payroll, and other taxes payable by contractor or owner because of the work hereunder. c. Maintain accurate and suitable records, information needed for computing or reporting described work. and furnish owner, on its request, sales or other taxes related to the Typc ll (Rcv.l2l94) d. Accept exclusive responsibility for all contributions or withholdings required under federal and ltate unemployment compensation, tax, health, hospitalization and medical assistance and old age benefits and social security laws. I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I T I t a. Contractor agrees to provide and maintain in effect during the term of this contract, at contractor's sole c-ost and expense, the following insurance that will protect owner and its subsidiaries and owners, and its and their officers, directors, partners, employees, and agents (collectively, the "Owner Parties") and contractor from claims for property damage br personal injury or bodily injury, including death, which may arise in "o*""iion with the performanie of this contract: commercial or comprehensive general liability insurance, personal injury insurance, products and completed operations liability insurance, independent contraitois liability insurance, contractual liability insurance, XCU liability insurance and commercial automobile insurance. Such insurance set forth in the p."""ding sentence (l) shall specifically insure contractor and the Owner Parties' (2) unl"ss Jh"r*ise stipulated, shall be for limits of not less than: $5,000,000 general aggregate, $5,000,000 products/completed operations aggregate and $2,000,000 each oiiuri"nr., including automobile liability coverage for all owned, non-owned or hired automobiles used in connection with the performance of this contract with limits not less than $2,000,000 each occurrence, and personal and advertising injury liability with an annual aggregate limit of not less than $5,000,000, and (3) shall be written on an "occurrencen basis. Liability policies shall have only such deductibles as owner may agree to in writing, and any ".o*t not covered by virtue of a deductible shall be paid by contractor. Contractor also agrees to provide and maintain in effect during the term of this contract, at contractor's sole cost and expense, such insurance as will protect the Owner Parties and contractor under any applicable Workers' Compensation, Occupational Disease and Employer's Liability Act(s). b. Before contractor commences work under this contract, contractor shall deposit with owner certificates of insurance evidencing the coverages required under this paragraph ll, and, upon request by owner, copies ofthe applicable.insurance policies, which certificates and policiei shall be satisfactory to owner. Such certificates and policies shalt require at least tirirty 1fO1 days' prior written notice to owner before any insurance evidenced by such certificate or policy can be reduced, altered, lapsed or cancelled and shall contain wording which provides that (l) the Owner Parties are included as additional insureds with respect to this project, and (2) the named insured's insurance is primary' Endorsements, satisfactory to owner, shall be attached to the certificates or policies evidencing (l) that the Owner Parties are covered as additional insureds on the terms set forth in thii putogt"ph ll, and (2) that the named insured's insurance is primary. If contractor uses the services of a subcontractor or subcontractors in the performance of any portion ofthis contract, contractor must obtain from the subcontractor certilicates of insuiance and, upon request by owner, copies ofthe insurance policies, evidencing that the subcontractor is carrying for the benefit of subcontractor, contractor and the Owner Parties the same insurance (including, without limitation, the minimum coverage amount) I l. Contractor's liabilitv insurance. Typc ll (Rcv.l2194) t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I as the contractor is required to carry under this paragraph ll. Contractor, upon request of owner, shall furnish owner with copies of certificates and policies evidencing such insurance required in the preceding sentence. Contractor shall give notice to owner immediately upon (l) receiving any oral or written notice from any insurance carrier regarding any pending or actual alteration or cancellation of any policy required to be carried by this paragraph ll, or (2) learning ofany pending or tlueatened claim against contractor with respect to the performance of this contract, and subcontractors shall be required to give such notice to contractor who in turn shall give notice to owner. c. Each policy of insurance required under this contract shall contain either (a) a waiver by the insurer ofthe right ofsubrogation against either party hereto for negligence of such party or (b) a statement that the insurance shall not be invalidated should any insured waive in writing prior to a loss any or all right of recovery against any party for loss described in the insurance policy. Contractor hereby waives any and all rights of recovery against the Owner Parties for loss or damage to contractor or its property or the property ofothers under its control, arising from any cause insured against under the form of insurance policies required to be carried pursuant this contract or under any other policy ofinsurance carried by contractor. 12. Contractor's bond. If required by owner, contractor, at owner's expense (which may be included in the finn price hereunder), shall furnish bonds in amounts not less than the contract price, guaranteeing complete and faithful performance of this contract and payment ofall obligations arising hereunder. Such bonds shall be in form and given by a surety company satisfactory to owner, and shall be appticable to the use and benefit of all persons who perform labor or furnish material hereunder. 13. Builders risk insurance. The owner will maintain Builders fusk insurance for the contract price, including owner fixtures and other materials delivered to the job site to be used in said work, on a replacement cost basis, against loss by frre, the Extended Coverage perils (windstorm, hail, damage by aircraft, damage by vehicles, riot, explosion and smoke) and vandalism. Such insurance will cover both owner's and contractor's interests. Loss, if any, is adjusted with and payable to the owner. The contractor assumes and will bear or arrange insurance for all other risks ofloss, except for loss by earthquake or flood. The contractor will also be responsible for the first $5,000 of loss from the perils for which owner is providing insurance under this section (owner's insurance deductible). 14. Compliance with Executive Order. Contractor agrees to be bound by, and to implement, all of the non-discrimination requirements of Executive Order 11246 and any amendments thereto. 15. Unavoidable delavs. If performance by contractor is prevented or delayed as a direct result of riot, insurrection, fire or Act of God, or operation of law, governmental regulation or order, an extension of one working day in the time provided for completion of the work will be allowed contractor for each working day lost from such cause (but in no event more than sixty consecutive calendar days or forty working days in Typc ll (Rcv,12191) fts aggregate), provided contractor, within ten calendar days after the beginning of such delay, gives written notice to owner of such delay, the reason(s) for it and the anticipated duration. Within ten calendar days after termination of such delay contractor shall give written notice to owner of the specific dates of the working days lost due to such delay. Delay due to adverse weather conditions shall not be considered an unavoidable delay i under this paragraph 15. 16. Owner's remedies. Without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to owner by law or this contract, owner shall have the following specific rights: a. If, for any reason other than those specified in paragraph 15, contractor at any time fails, for a period of five consecutive working days, to supply enough skilled workers, or satisfactory materials, or otherwise neglects to prosecute the work properly, owner, at its election may, if such default is not cured to owneds satisfaction after ten calendar days' written notice to contractor, either (l) remedy such deliciency and deduct the cost thereof from the contract price, or (2) terminate this contract. b. Ifdelay due to a cause specified in paragraph 15, continues (or appears likely to continue) for sixty consecutive calendar days or forty working days in the aggregate, owner may terminate this contract by ten calendar days'written notice to contractor. c. If contractor becomes the subject of bankruptcy, receivership or other insolvency proceedings, or if his linancial condition substantially deteriorates such that owner has reasonable concern for his ability to perform this contract, or if he fails to make prompt payment to subcontractors or for material or labor, or if he disregards laws or ordinances or the requirements of this contract, or if he otherwise breaches any material provision of this contract, owner may terminate the contract by ten calendar days' written notice to contractor. 17. Adiustment after termination. lf owner terminates this contract pursuant to law or any provision hereof, owner may take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools and equipment thereon and may complete the work by whatever method owner may deem expedient. An equitable adjustment shall be made for the value of work done and materials delivered by contractor, as follows: If the unpaid balance of the contract price exceeds (i) the cost incurred by owner in completing the work, plu any damages suffered by owner on account of contractor's breach of this agreement, if applicable, such excess shall be payable to contractor. If the cost (together with owner's other damages, ifapplicable) exceeds such unpaid balance, contractor shall be obligated to pay such excess on demand to owner. 18. Assisnment. Contractor.shall have the right to assign moneys due or to become due to contractor under the provisions of this contract. Owner may, if it so desires, expressly consent to such assignment but shall not be required to waive in favor of the assignee any defenses, counterclaims or setoffs which it has or may have against contractor. Contractor shall not otherwise assign this contract without the prior written I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I Typc ll (Rcv.l2194) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I consent of owner. If assigned, this contract shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and/or assigns ofthe parties hereto. 19. Attornevsf fees. If either party files a suit against the other which is in any way connected with this contract, including without limitation any suit based on an alleged tort, the unsuccessful party shall pay to the prevailing party a reasonable sum for attorneys' fees, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the conunencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is prosecuted tojudgment. 20. Remedies cumulative. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to owner or contractor shall exclude any other remedy herein or by law provided but each shall be cumulative and in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute. 21. Pavment. The contract price shall be payable as follows: a. Progress Payments: On or about the tenth day ofeach calendar month, contractor shall present to owner in quadruplicate, for checking and approval, an itemized monthly invoice as to work completed during the preceding calendar month, setting forth a statement, in form and by classifications of work as requested by owner, of the value of work completed and contractor's expenditures hereunder during said month, with a certilication as to ninety percent (90%) of said value of work completed and contractor's said expenditures during said month, together with such back up documentation of contractor's expenditures, including receipts, payroll records and lien releases, as owner may require. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after owner's receipt of such statement, owner shall either (l) approve the certificate and pay to contractor the amount that contractor has in said certificate certified to be ninety percent (90%) of the value of such work completed and contractor's expenditures, or (2) reject the certilicate and advise contractor as to correction or supplement necessary for approval. The aggregate amount of said monthly payments so made by owner to contractor shall in no event exceed ninety percent (90%) of the contract price specified above, as such contract price may be increased or decreased by change orders made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 6 above. b. Final Payment: When all the work to be completed under this contract is completed by contractor and accepted by owner, with exclusive possession of the premises delivered to owner, contractor shall submit to owner (l) a final invoice in form and by classification of work as requested by owner, (2) an affidavit stating that all labor performed, material furnished, subcontracts let and expenses incurred under the provisions of this contract, have been paid in full, (3) the original copy of each subcontractor's and major material supplier's l00o/o waiver of lien, (4) any requirement of local ordinances or statutes, and (5) such other evidence of full and final payment of all costs of said construction work as may be requested by owner. lf contractor has performed all of the stipulations, covenants and agreements hereunder, then owner shall, within thirty-five (35) calendar days after receipt and approval of said final invoice and supporting evidence, Tnc U (Rcv.lZ94) relating to the obligations incurred in the performance of said work, pay to contractor all retaine--<l and unpaid amounts due hereunder, subject to any adjustments provided hereunder. c. Right to Wittrhold. In addition to any other remedy available to owner by law or under this Jontract, owner shall have the right to wittrhold from amounts otherwise due contractor such amounts as owner reasonably believes are necessary to protect owner against loss by reason of defective work, unpaid subcontractors, laborers or materialmen, delay or other default by contractor. 22. Generat Conditions: Contract orovisions controlline. Owner's General Conditions, fo.m No. C-Zf 2 (Rev 12-94), as well as the terms of any Invitation to Bid pursuant to which owner solicited contractor's bid for the work, are a part of this contract and are incorporated into this contract by reference. (Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that any provisions ofthis contract are inconsistent with the lnvitation to Bid, the terms of this contract are controlling.) This contract includes attached Exhibit A and the documents described therein, which, together with the General Conditions and Invitation to Bid, contain the entire agreement of the parties hereto. All prior representations or understandings, either verbal or written, inconsistent with the terms of this contract are hereby superseded and are not binding on the parties hereto. 23. Contractor is an independeut contractor. Contractor is an independent contractor ofowner. ln no event shall contractor be deemed to be an employee, partner, joint venturer or in any other relationship with owner. 24. Special local provisions. The following provisions apply to construction projects in the following states: ldaho: Section 2la shall read in full as follows: 21. Pavment. The contract price shall be payable as follows: a. Progress Payments: On or about the tenth day ofeach calendar month, contractor shall present to owner in quadruplicate, for checking and approval, an itemized monthly invoiie as to work completed during the preceding calendar month, setting forth a statement, in form and by classifrcations of work as requested by owner, of the value of work completed and contractorrs expenditures hereunder during said month, with a certification as to ninety-five percent (95%) of said value of work completed and contractorrs said expenditures during said month, together with such back up documentation of contractor's expenditures, including receipts, payroll records and lien releases, as owner may require. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after owner's receipt of such statement, owner shall either (l) approve the certificate and pay to contractor the amount that contractor has in said certifrcate certified to be ninety-five percent (95%) of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Typc ll (Rev.l2l94) I I I I I I I I I I I I I the value of such work completed and contractor's expenditures, or (2) reject the certilicate and advise contractor as to correction or supplement necessary ftor approval. The aggregate amount of said monthly payments so made by owner to contractor shall in no event exceed ninety-five percent (95%) ofthe contract price specified above, as such contract price may be increased or decreased by change orders made pursuant to the, provisions of paragraph 6 above. New Mexico: Section 7 shall read in full as follows: 7. Contractor's Indemnitv. Owner and its subsidiaries and owners, and its and their of;ficers, directors, partners, employees and agents (collectively, the "owner Parties") shall not be accountable in any manner for any violation of any local, state or federal laws, ordinances or regulations, or for injury, death, loss or damage arising from any cause in the performance of this contract. Contractor agrees to indemni$, defend (upon request by, and with counsel satisfactory to, the Owner Parties) and hold the Owner Parties harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs (collectively "Claims") arising in connection with the performance of this contract, whether before or after completion, by contractor, its subcontractors and suppliers, or its or their agents or employees, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, or direct or indirect, or caused'or contributed to by the active or passive, partial, joint or concurrent, negligence of owner Parties (except when caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Owner Parties and not insured under any insurance contract maintained by contractor), including, without limitation, claims for death or injury to any person or damage to any property or loss of use thereof. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the completion or other termination of this contract. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties tlut, pursuant to N. M. stat. Ann. section 56-7-l (1986 Repl. pamp.), tlils agreement to indemnify shall not extend to liability, claims, damages, losses or expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of: (i) the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, designs or specifications by the indemnitee; (ii) the giving of or the failure to give directions or instructions by the indemnitee, or the agents or employees of the indemnitee, where such giving or failure to give directions or instructions is the primary cause of bodity injury to pJrsons or damagi to property. . If any part of the foregoing indemnity is determined to be invalid or unenforceabte by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the indemnity, and the parties agree that the indemnity shall be deemed to be amended to the extent necessary to make the remainder of the indemnity valid and enforceable, I I I I I I T}?c ll (Rcv.l2l94) lYashington: The contract prioe stated in Section I consists ofthe contract price in the amount Dollars ($ ), plus all applicable local and state sales tax in the amount of Dollars ($ ). Section 7 shall read in full as follows: 7. Contractor'sIndennitY. (a) Owner and its subsidiaries and owners, and its and their officers, directors, partners, employees and agents (collectively, the "Owner Parties") shall not be accountable in any manner for any violation of any locat, state or federal laws, ordinances or regulations, or for injury, death, loss or damage arising from any cause in the performance ofthis contract. Contractor agrees to indemni$, defend (upon request by, and with counsel satisfactory to, the Owner Parties) and hold the Owner Parties harrnless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs (collectively "Claims") arising in connection with the performance of this contract, whether before or after completion, by contractor, its subcontractors and suppliers, or its or th'eir agents or employees, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, or direct or indirect, or caused or contributed to by the active or passive, partial, joint or concurrent, negligence of Owner Parties (except when caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Owner Parties and not insured under any insurance contract maintained by contractor), including, without limitation, Claims for death or injury to any person or damage to any property or loss of use thereof. Notwithstanding, where such Claims arise out of or result from the performance ofthis contract and (i) are made as a result of bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the work of improvement itsel| including the loss of use resulting therefrom; and (ii) are not insured under any insurance contract required to be maintained by contractor under this contract; and (iii) arise from the concurrent negligence of (a) the owner or any one for whose acts owner may be liable and (b) the contractor or any one for whose acts contractor may be liable; then, it is expressly agreed that the contractor's obligations of indemnity shall be enforceable only to the extent of the contractor's negligence or the negligence of any one else for whose acts contractor is liable.. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the completion or other termination of this contract. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I ITypc ll (Rcv.l2l9,1)l0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (b) In any and all Claims against the Owner Parties or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the contractor's obligations of indemnity under this Section 7 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the contractor or any subcontractor under, workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts, it being clearly agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the contractor expressly waives any immunity it might otherwise have or assert under the Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51, Revised Code of Washington. By affixing his initials to this Section 7, the contractor acknowledges that this waiver has been discussed and mutually negotiated by the parties. CONTRACTORS INITIALS: If any part of the foregoing indemnity is determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the indemnity, and the parties agree that the indemnity shall be deemed to be amended to the extent necessarv to make the remainder of 'the indemnity valid and enforceable. Nebraska: The following clause shall be added to Section 7, "lndemnity": The contactor hereby specifically and unequivocally waives all of its exclusive remedy rights and defenses vis a vis the Owner Parties under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation law. The contractor hereby waives its rights to subrogation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation law. In the event the previous sentence is deemed invalid, the contractor agrees that its subrogation interest may be reduced by the' proportional amount of any negligence, fault or liability its actions or omissions bear and contribute to the accident or event. This paragraph in no way diminishes or reduces the Owner Parties'rights to indemnity set forth herein. EXECUTED, as of the date first shown above, by: SAFEWAY INC. (a Delaware corporation) Its Assistant Vice President byby IITypc H (Rcv.l2194) I I I I I I I I I I t I by o (Contractor) Its Assistant Secr*ary (Olvler) l2Typc tl (Rcv.l2D4) oo I EXHIBITA t I The work to be performed and the address or description of the job site are as follows: i I I I I Plans, specilications, and related documents for such work are the following: I I I I I I I I I I I rrlc ll (Rcv.r2le4) 13 I I sEqrro' oo6oo I BONDS Ar{D CERTTFTCATES r The fotlowing nPerofrnance Bond and Labor and ltaterial Palment r Bondrrr A.I.A. Forn A311 , L97o Edition, is hereby made a part of I these specifications. I I I END OF SESTION DA 9601 00600-1 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I AIA Document A311 Performance Bond as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and, lHcra inra.t lull nrmc rnd.dd.Grr or latal titlc ol surllyl as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (H... inte,t lull namr rnd rdd.err or l"8rl lill. ol Own.rl as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the amount of Dollars ($ ), for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves. their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated lHare inro.t lull nrma, tddratt Ind dct(ription ol proi.(tl 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by 1H... iotatl lull ma rnd rddrcrr or lct:l trll? ol A.(hilc<tl which contract i5 by relerence made a part hereof, and is hereinalter referred to as the Contract. AIA DOCUMINT ASll . PtRt()N\tAnCt 0()NO AND IA0OR AND ^tAItRlAl. PAYtlttNr oONO. AIA @ ITBRUARY r9;0 tD. . ll{[ ^MtRl( A\ rNS TUlt Ot ARC]trrICl5. 1: ri si.Y. AVt., ^-.W.. W SHTN(;I()N. D. C. 20006 lHcra intart lull nrmr rnd rddrrrr or lclrl lill! ol Conlrr<to.l O prnnoRMANCE soNo O Now, THtRtroRt, rHt coNDtrtoN oF THrs oouclroN is such that, il Contracror shall pronrptly and taith(ully perlorm I said Cont:act. then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it rhall remain in full force and effect. I The Surety hereby waives nolice of any eltention or extension of lime made by the Owner. Whenever Contrrctor shall be, and declared by Owner to be in default under the Conttact, the Owner having performed Owner's obligrlionr thereunder. the Surely may promptly remedy the defaull, or shall promptly 1) Complete lhe Coninct in eccordance with ils terms rnd conditions. or 2) Obiain r bid or bids lor completing the Conlract in accordance with rtr termi end conditions, and upon de- terminaiion by Surety ol the lowest responsible bidder. or, if the Owner elecls, upon delermin.lion by ihe Qwner and the Surety iointly ol the lowesl responsible bidder, arrange for a contracl belween such bidder end Owner, and make available as Work proSresse! (cven though there should be a default or a succersion ol delaults under lhe contract or conlrac(5 of completion arranged under this parag,raph) sulficient funds to pay the cost of complelion less the balance of the conlract, price; but not exceeding, including olher costs and damages lor which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set lorth in the frrst paragraph hereol. Thc term "balance of lhe contract price," as used in this paragraph, slrall m€rn the lot.l amounl payable by Owne, to Contraclor under lhe Conlract and any amendments lherelo, legs the amount properly paid by Owner to Contractot. Any ruit under this bond must be instituled before lhe expiration ol two (2) ys3v5 lrom lhe date on which final payment under the Contracl falls due. No right of action shall accrue on lhi! bond to or fot the use ol any person or corporJtion other than the Owner named herein or the heirs, executors. adminis- Iralors oJ succeSsorg o( the Owner. T I T I I I I I I t I I T I T 19Signed and sealed this day of ( I I P,|rttlr. l rScJlr ll4r'i(n..rr, t Iillcl t-\or('l f ,lSc.rll r I rlh'l (lV,tn(.sf, AIA OOCUMINT All t . I'IRi(TRMANCI SOND ANO LA0()R TtnRUARY le7(t tl).. THt AMtRICAN lNSllTUTI ()r ARCtllItCIS, AND MAIIRIAI PAYMTNI BoNO. AIA O 't7J5 N.Y. AVt., N.w., WASHINCTON. O. C. 20006 I I 2 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THrs BoND 15 rssuto srMutrlNtousty wrrH ptRroRMANct eoNb tN fAvoR oF TH€ OWNER CONOITIONTO ON TH€ fUI( ^NO 'AITHFUT PIR'ORMANCI OF THT CONIRACT I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that ll{lrc inrt,r loll n.nrr rnd iddrc' or letrl trtl. oi Conr..(tod as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, lHara iottrt lsll n.|tra.nd rddrcrr or lc8.l litlc ol lurttyl as Surety, hereinafter called 5urety, are held and firmly bound unto . ll{ara inlrrl lull nrnrc ..d .ddrcrt o. lc!.I l.ll. ol Owna.l as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, [or the use and benefit of claimants .rs hereinbelow defined, in the amount of {H!,. intcrt r ruar cqurl to.l lc*t onc.hrll ol th. (ontr.(t p?i(a} DOllafS ($ It for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselveg, their heirs, executors, administrators, succegso.s and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written atreement daled lH.r! intlrt lull n.m?, rdd.a5 rnd do<ription ol proi.(tl 19 , entered into a contract wilh Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by lHcr. int.rl lull narna rnd rddrcri o. l?3.1 titlc ol A.ahit!<ll which contract is by reference made a part hereot, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AtA DocuMtNr Atrr. ptRtoRMANct BoND AND tABoR ANo MA][R|AL p^y.vtNl 0oNo . ^!A o TtBRUARY 1970 tD.. rHt AMIR|CAN TNSTIIUTt Of ARCHIIICTS, l7l5 N.Y. Avt.. N.W,. WAsHTNCTON_ O. C. 20006 ..nBO? AND MATERIAL PAYMEIT BOND Now. rHrttr(rrt, rHt coNorloN or rHrs on.tclTtoN is such that, il Principal shall promptly make,plyment lo all fr.i.i..r, ii l,.riinelrer deJinej,' ior- all l:boi and material used or reasonably requircd for use in the performence .of the ior,rr..r, rhon this obligerion shetl be void; orherwise it shall remain in full lorce end eflect. subiect, however, to the fol' lowing condilions: T I I I I I I I I I t I T 19 1. A cleimant is defined rs one hrving e direct con- t,rct with the Principll or with a Subcontrrctor of the Principrl for labor, mrteritl, or both. ured or rea;onably requircd for usc in lhc pcrlormancc ol the Conlt.cl. lrbor and m.lerirl being conrtrucd lo include lhrt parl oJ w.ler, ga3, power, lighl, hcet, oil. gasoline. lelephone :ervice or renlat ol equipmcnl dircctly applicable to the Contracl. 2. The above nrmed Principel :nd Surcty hcreby jointly and rcvcrally at.ee with the Owner lhel evetY chimrnl rs hercin defined. who hrs not been poid in full bclore lhe axpitetion ol a period ol ninety (9Ol days alter thr d.le on which thc llsl ol su(h <l.im.lnl't work or labor '.r'as donc or performed, or maleti:|3 \^'ete lurnished bv :uch cleiment, mry eue on this bond fot lhe use of such <laim:nt, prosccule thc'3uil lo final iudgment for such lum o. tume as may be iustly due ilai-"nt. arrd have er('culion lhetcon. Thc Owner shall not be liable lor the payment ol any cosls o. erPengeg ol any such suit. 3. No 3uit ot tclion lhelt bc commenced hereunder by rny chiment: al Unlccs clnimanl, olhc? thln one having a dircct conlrecl with the Principel, shall h:ve given writlen noti(e to any two ol thc followinS: the Ptincipal, the Owner. or the surety abovc nrmed, wilhin ninety (9Ol days after such claimant did or performed the l:st of the work or labor, 9r furnithed the last of th€ mtterialg for which said clrim i: made, sletint wilh subslanti.l .ccu.ecy lhe amount cleimed :nd the neme of lhe pl'ly to whom lhe mrtGrialt wcre Jurnished. or for whom the work or lebor wlt don! or performed. Such notice :hell be served by mailing lhe same by tegi3teted mail or cerlified mril, poltage prepaid, in an envelope - ad' drcssed to the Principall Owner or Surety, al any placc wherc an office ir regularly mainlained lor the Itans' action of buriness, or served in any manner in whlcn legal procesr mry be rerved in the stale in which the :t6tcs"ld ptoiect i9 located, save that such service need not be mad€ by a Public officer. b) Atler lhe erpitelion of one (1) year following the dele on which Principel ceased Work on said Contracl, it being understood, however, that if any limiletion.em' bodied- in thi; bond is prohibited bv any law cantrolling the <on3lruction hereof ruch limitation shall be deemed to be amcnded 30 as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation p?rmitted by such law. c) Olher than in a state coutt of competent iutiediction in and for the county or other political subdivision of the stete in which the Proiect, ot any part thereof, is situeled. or in the United Slatet Disttict Coutt for the dirtrict in rvhich the Proiect. or any part thereof, is sit' uatcd, end nol rlsewhete. 4. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the ertenl ol any payment ot paymenls made in good faith hereunder, inclusive of the payment by Surety of mechanics' liens which may be filed o{ record against said improvement, whether or not claim lot the amount ol such lien be presented under and against this bond' 5igned and sealed this day of ,?rrrrt-lr't,tl t9?'ll I t I rIirft.t (5uttryl I t t tth'l ^tA oocuMtNT Attt . I'tRt()RM NCI EOND ANO tAB()R AND f'l^ltRl^L |lnYMtNI B()ND nln @ rtBtauARy 1970 U). . IHt AMIR|CAN tNSTTIUTI Ot ARCH|ItCIS. 1t lS N Y. AVt.. N.W.. WASHIN(;loN, o. c. .llxlo{. t I 4 I GENERAL CONDITIONS I 1. Correlation and Intent of Documents r A. The contract documents are complementary and are to be interpreted - as an integrated whole. Details in any one contract document shall be interpreted t as applying to all contract documents concerning the same or similar parts of ther work, unless the context otherwise requires. I B. The intent of the contract is to have a complete operating facility constructed and left with all services that are included in the work cormected and I in operating condition. I C. The Contractor shall carefully compare and study all drawings, I specifications, dimensions and other instructions. No extras shall be allowed for! any errors, discrepancies or omissions which Contactor failed to report to the - Owner prior to the award of the confract. ' D. Materials or work described in words which, in the context, have a I well known technical or kade meaning shall be understood to refer to suclr I rdcognized standards. I 2. Shop DrawingsI r A. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner or, if requested by the t owner, to the Owner's architect, wittr such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in the work of any other contractor, four (4) copies of all shop I drawings and schedules as required by the contract documents, and the Owner or I architect shall review them with reasonable prompb:ress. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Owner or architect, file with him four (4) I conected copies, and fumish such other copies as may be needed. The Owner's orr Architect's approval of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations frorn drawings or specifications or other contract I documents, rrnless the Contactor has, in writing, calied the Owner's or Architect'sr a$ention to such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from I responsibility for any errors in the shop drawings or schedules. I I t I GENCON \ or6 C.232 (Rcv. l2194) 3. Drawings and Specifications at Job Site The Conhactor shall keep one copy of all drawings and specifications of the latest revision date at the job site at all times, available to the Owner and the Architect and their representatives. 4. Materials Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and of the best quality. 5.Samples The Contractor shall furnish for approval all samples as directed by the Owner or architect, and all materials incorporated into the work shall be in accordance with the approved samples. No samples will be returned unless specifically requested. 6. SuperintendentsandSupervision A. The Contractor shall keep on the premises, during the progress of the work, a competent Superintendent, satisfactory to the Owner. The Superintendent shall not be changed except with the consent of the Owner, unless the Superintendent pioves to 6e unsatisfactory to the Conhactor or Owner or ceases to be in the Contactor's employ. The Superintendent shall be the Contractor's representative at the job site, and all instructions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. B. The ConEactor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees, and shall not ernploy on the work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. t I I I I T I I I t t I I I I I I I I2of6 C-232 (ltev. l2194) I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Measurements and Fittines of Parts A. Preference shall be given to figure dimensions on the drawings rather than to measurements by scale. Sizes marked in rooms, unless witnessed by lines and points, are approximate only and shall not be taken to regulate the dimensions of the building. The figures when so witnessed are intended to show the exact dimensions for the execution of the work, but the Contractor, without extra charge, shall make such slight alterations as may be necessary to make adjustable parts to fit fixed parts, leaving all complete and in proper shape when done. It shall be the duty of the Conhactor to veriff all dimensions given on the drawings and report any enor or inconsistency to the Owner before commencing the work. 8. Inspection of Work The Contractor shall give the Owner sufficient advance written notice of when the work will be ready for inspection as called for in the various applicable sections of the specifications. When any inspection is required by an authority other than the Architect or Owner, the Contractor shall also give the Owner sufficient advance written notice of the date fixed for such inspection. lf any work should be covered up before inspection and approval by the Architect or Owner, the Contactor shall uncover it for examination upon request and at his own expense. 9. Surveys and Lavout A. The Contractor shall have a licensed surveyor establish ancVor maintain the property line markers, stakes, etc., from a property survey furnished by the Owner. B. No building wall, footing or projection shall be located less than two (2") inches from adjacent property lines. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correctness of the location of the building and all improvements and for the removal and correction of any unauthorized encroachments onto adjacent property or easements arising out of the construction work. 10. Public Safety The Conhactor shall provide and continuously maintain adequate safeguards, such as railings, temporary walks, lights, etc., to prevent accidents, injuries, damage or hurt to any person or property. 3 of6 C-232 (Rcv. l2l94) 11. Use of Premises A. The ConEactor shall occupy, use and permit others to use the premises only for the purpose of compliting the work to be performed under his 'Confact witir the Owner. The Confactor shall not authorize or permit any other I person to use said premises for any other purpose whatsoever' B. Unless otherwise instructed by the Owner, the Contractor shall give to adjoining landowners all legal notices of excavation that may be required by law 6r othenvise, and shall take all steps necessary or required by law to protect the adjoining land and the buildings and/or other structtues situated thereon' Confictor stratt notiry the Owner if adjoining landowners request permission to enter the premises for the purpose of protecting their buildings or other structures from damage. c. The contractor shall not loa4 nor permit any pal.t of the structure to be loaded with, a weight that will endanger its safety. 12. Use of Adjoining Premises The Confiactor shall confine his operations to the area contained within the propefly lines. He may use public streets and alleys as permitted by govenunental "utttorii"t having jurisdiction over streets and alleys. No equipment, forms, materials, scaffoid-or persons shall encroach or trespass on any adjoining land unless prior written consent of the landowner is obtained by the Contractor. 13. Protection of Adjacent Work and Propertv A. The contractor shall protect all adjacent work and property such as structures, fences, fiees, hedges, eti., from damage resulting from his operations. Should he find it necessary to remove or trim, etc., any existing tree, hedge, etc., he shall secure all permits and approvals and pay any and all costs arising therefrom. B. The contractor shall check all projections, off-sets, footings, etc., and properly determine that there are no encroachments of the building or appurtenanies on adjoining property, easements or City property' Where encroachments occur as a result of the work performed under these plans and specifications, the Contractor shall remove such encroachments at his own cost, and at no expense to the Owner. I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I t I I I CENCON 4 of6 C-?32 (Rcv. l2194) I I T I I I I I I I t t I t I I I t I 14. Fire Protection During construction, the Contractor shall provide adequate fue extinguishers on the premises of the type and size recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the particular work being performed, and the ; Confiactor shall instruct, and cause all subcontractors to instruct, his or their employees in their use. All extinguishers shall be placed in the immediate vicinity of the work being performed re ady for instant use. ln the use of especially hazardous types of equipment, such as acetylene torches, welding equipment, tar pots, kettles, salamanders, etc., no work shall be commenced or equipment used unless fire extinguishers ofan approved type and capacity are placed in the working area and available for immediate use by the workmen using such equipment. 15. Cleaning Uo The Contractor shall keep the project clean at all times. No accumulation of waste material or rubbish shall be permitted, and at the completion of the work the Confiactor shall remove all rubbish, tools, and surplus materials and shall leave the work "broom clean" or its equivalent, unless otherwise specified. 16. Subcontracts The Owner shall have the riglrt to approve or disapprove all subcontractors to be used in the work. If any subconffactor is changed at the Owner's request, the contact price shall be adjusted for any difference in cost obcasioned by such change. 17. Seoarate Contracts A. The Owner reserves the right to let ottrer contracts in connection with the project. The Contractor shall give other confractors reasonable opportunity for the storage of their materials and the execution of their work. He shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. B. When any other confractor's work is involved in the proper execution and results of the Contactor's work, he shall inspect and measure the other conhactor's work and report any discrepancy to the Owner. 5 of 6 C-232 (Rcv. l2D4) 18. Progrpss Schedule Promptly after the confiact is signed, the Contractor shall make a progress, schedule, showing the anticipated start and completion dates of each stage of constructiorq and shall furnish such revised progress schedules as may be necessary during the progress of the work. 19. Contractor's Daily Proeress Report Contractor shall complete Owner's "Conhactor's Daily Progfess Report" for every day that is normally a working day and send two copies of this report every ,,r"h duyto the Owner's ionstruction DeparEnent office. This includes days when work is intemrpted, but which would otherwise be working days. 20. Occupancy Prior to Final Acceptance The Owner reserves the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portion of the project regardless of the stage of completion of th" project, providing this does not interfere with the Contactor's work. Such pottttiion ot utt of thi project shall not be constnred as final acceptance of the work or any portion thereof. 21. Signed Plans and Soecifications Upon execution of the Contract, the Owner's representatives and the Contractor shall sign two (2) sets of the plans and specifications. One ( 1) set will be for the Owner and one set for the Contractor.' I t I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I6 of6 C-232 (Rcv. l2194) I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroNs 00800 SPECIAI., CONDITIONS - REITODEL 1. E)(AI{INATTON OF SITE Before subnittlng a proposal, each bidder and any persons interested, shall visit and inspect the Elte, observing and exanining the existing conditions.to be encountered. No allowance will be made for the lack of full knowledge of allconditions, except suctr underground conditions aa are determined after comencenent of the work and were unknowa to the Contractor. 2. UEASIIREXIIEIflIS Before perforning any work or ordering any materials, the contractor strall verify all dimensions of any existing and newsork and shall be responsLble for their accuracy. Anydifferences found shall be subnitted to the ownerrs Representative for consideration before proceeding vith thework. No extra conpensations will be pernitted because ofdifferences between actual dinensions and meaaurenents indicated on the project drawings. The contractor will establi-sh the prinary building comers and grround floor elevations. The Contractor will provide hiE own engineering required for rough grading,'paving, utilities andbuilding layout. The Contractor will be responsible for thelayout and accomplishment of his work to the grades, dirnensions and tolerances set forth in the contract docunents. Checklng of layout and any assistance provided by the ownerrs Representative shalL in no way be construed to relieve the contractor fron his responsibilities under this Section. Points from which finished floor and wall surfaces in each room can be deternined shall be established and naintained bythe Contractor for coordinating the work of the varioustrades. All bench narks and reference points shall becarefully protected. 3. SITE VISITATION Anyone visiting the jobsite who is not enployed by a contractor shall be reguired to register with the Contractor before proceeding onto the jobsite, The purpose is to insurethat all persons neet with OSHA Safety Reguirements. DA 9601 00800-1 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.EXPED IT ING I.IATERIAIJS The contractor shall inmedLately after signing contract with the owner, and approval of the List of subcontractors (and rnaterial supplier-|, place orders for all equipment, materials and supplJ-es required for the work. He shaIl, when reguested, subnit to the Ownerrs Representative evidence that such orders have been placed. The Contractor shaU exercise due dillgence in seeing that all equipnent, naterials and supplies are delivered well in advance of the tirne they are needed on the Job; and he will properly store and protect sane at his expenEe, eitber at the sitL or elsewhere as apProved by the ownerrs Representative. SIGNS No signs will be pernitted on the proJect except the project sigm, identlfylng captions over the temporary jobsite offices, certain dLrectional signs and warning signs required for safety and protection. The Contractor shall take all neces-ary steps to prevent installatl-on of all unauthorized sigms, and should any appear, the Contractor shall cause them to be removed inmediately and repair and repaint all damage caused thereby without additional coast to the owner. BAII-,ING OR PI'UPING should water be found in excavatlon, whether rain or seePaget it must be innediately punped or bailed out. Trenches must ne kept free of water at all tines. If sater is encountered in any form, it shall be the responsibifity of the contractor to take all measures and furnish all eguipnent and labor necessary to control the flow and accunulation of water as required to permit completion of his work at no additional cost to the owner. SNOW AND ICE Snow and ice shall not be allowed to renain on any part of the stored naterials, building or structure other than finishedroofs, but shall be renoved by the General contractor a soon as possible, or as directed by the Ownerrs Representative. OWNERIS RIGHT OF OCCT'PANCY It is intended that the owner may cause conPleted portions ofthe work to be occupied during the period when work Ls inprogress, and nay request that certain areas of the site receive concentrated work to conplete the area for early ocqupancy by the omer. This shall be done with consideration 5. 6. 7. 8. DA 9601 00800-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t I for the scheduling of the work by the Contractor. Ear1y ocqupansy of the above areas and the noving in of eguiprnent bythe Owner shall not be deened to be acceptance of any work performed under this contract nor shall it be deened to be the eguivalent of the filing of a Notice of Completion of any workin this contract. Tlre Contractor shall be held harnless for any danage done tothe work by any earlLer occupancy of the Owner. Tlre contractor shall nake avallable, in the areas occupied,any utility services as are in condition to be put in operation at the time of early occupancy. Al1 responsibilityfor EaLd equipnent shaLl renain vith the Contractor while itis so operated. However, an itenized Iist of each pLece of equipnent so operated with the date operatlon cotnmences ehall be made and approved by the Owner. This list shall be thebasis for the cornmencenent of gruarantee period on the equipuent being operated for the benefit of the ownerrs early occupancy. The Contractor shall pay for alL utility costswhich arise out of the occupancy by the owner duringconstruction except for telephone service, which the ownershall provide. 9. WE.ATHER RECORD lltre Contractor shall keep a daily record of weather condi.tionsat the site including, but not linited to, the followinginfornation: A. Temperature for the start and finish of each working day.B. Anount of rainfall.C. Amount of snowfall.D. Any'unusual weather conditions that affect the work. This report shall be subnitted each Friday to the owner's Representative, with the Project Schedule. 10. PROTECTION OF EXISTTNG UTILITIES The Contractor shall notify all corporations, conpanies,individuals or local authorities owning or having jurisdiction over utilities on or adjacent to the site. He shall renove orprotect the utilities as necessary or reguired by governmental authorities - 11. WATCHI4AN The ceneral Contractor shall be responsible for aII damage dueto intrusion, theft and vandalisrn and shall be responsible forgeneral protection of the premises and work. DA 9601 o0800-3 L2. RESTRIqIED ACCESS A. contractor shall use, and uaintaln in good condition, site access route as directed by the oryner... No other accegE shall be used for vehicles or men' B. Contractor and all other persons connected to the project shall only use parking areaE designated by the owner' c. contractor and worknen shall not trespass into areas beYond the linit of nworkc areaa. 13. APPROVED ST'BCO}I:IRAqIORS safeway Inc. ' Etrongly ,recomnends the use of specJ'fic subconlractori aa - indicated on Safewayrs Approved SubcontraCtor LiEt. However, the use of subcontractors other than thoee aPproved by the osrner will be pernitted if: ' A. The subcontractor provides wrltten proof, signed by an agent of hls bonding comPany, ttt"! -tt: is bondable for an anount i least twic6 ttre-anopnt of his subcontract price. such written proof shall be delivered to each General contractor (to- whon said subcontractor quotes a bid) at leagt 24 hourE prior to the bid tine' B. lltre succesEful General contractor nust then provide such sane written proof for each unapproved subcontractor that he proposeE €o use to the Owner with his Bid Breakdown For:m when eubuitted c. Approved Subcontractora: Refer to the approved list of subcontractors distributed ' by SafewaY with the bid Packages. 14. I'NDERI{RITERS I T,ABEL (UL) $lhere applLcable, all such materials and eguipment for which UnderrrriierEt Laboratories, Inc., standards have been established and their label service avallable, shall bear the appropriate IrL label. 15. REFERENCE STAT{DARDS Reference in the speclfications to known standards such as "oa"r, ordinances, -regulations, references or sPecification' etc., pronutgated by -professional or technical association, institites a;A societies, are intended to mean the latest I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I DA 9601 o0800-4 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t edltlon of each such standard in effect 30 days prior to the bid date except where othenrise specifically indicated. Each euch etandard referred to shall be considered a part of thespeclficationg to the sane extent as if reproduced therein full. 16. SI'BSTITTITIONS Refer.to Section 01600 of these Specifications. L7 . PERITIITS AND FEES The coEt of the building pernit and all other fees, permits and service charges are to be paid for by the Generalcontractor. Refer to the Invitation to Bid, ParagraphrrBuilding Permitrr. 18. SI'BCONTRACTOR BONDING A. Each subcontractor shall be able, lf reguired by the Owner, to provide proof that he is bondable for theentire amount of his contract. Refer to Iten 13 of these Special conditions for bonding reguirenents of unapproved subcontractors. B. This does not mean that a Performance Bond is required with each subcontract bid. rf the oltner decides torequire a bond for any subcontractor, the cost will be added to the bid. 19. CLE.AI.I-UP The General contractor shall keep the premises neat andorderly at all tines. At conpletion of the work, all spots must be removed from all fLoors, walls, ceilings and windows, and all fixtures and hardware thorougbly cleaned. All brokenor scratched glass shall be shall be replaced. A11 waste materials and rubbish nust be hauled away and the building andsite nust be left clean. END OF SECTION DA 9601 00800-5 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I SECTION 00820 OVERIIEAD AI{D PROFIT CITARGE FOR CHANGES 1.OO GENERAL 1.01 During the coursre of construction, the Owner may makechanges to the Plans and Speciflcations that nay requireaddltional work. The cost of these changes shall bedeternined as follows: A. By the use of Unit Prices, either subnitted with theContractorrs bid or subseguently nutually agreed to. These Unlt Prices shall include any and all overhead andprofit. B. By a lunp sum price for each change supported by adetailed breakdown with the following liroitations on narkup by the Contractor: 1. For work perfonned by the Contractorrs onn forces:l.0t overhead, 5* profit. 2. For work perforned by other than the own forces: 1O* for combined overhead 3. For naterial changes only: 58 overhead and profit. Contractor I s and profit. for combined L.02 1. 03 1. 04 C. The above percentage linitations also apply to work bysubcontractors. Included in the above percentages are: insurance, field andoffice supervision and assistanee, use of small tools,incidental job burdens, general office expense and other normal overhead expenses. Additional work resulting from changes will be done onregular tirne unless otherwise by the Owner. In order to facilitate checking of quotations for extras orcredits, all proposals, except tlrose so minor that theirpropriety can be seen by observation, shall be accompaniedby a conplete itenization of costs including labor (hourlyrates, nan hours, etc.), materials (square footage, unitcosts, etc.) and subcontractors. Itemization shall followthe P&SC outline (i.e. Iten No. 2, A.3) and shall show bothadd and deduct costs associated with that change. Irtheremajor cost itens are subcontracts, they shall also beitenized. DA 9601 oo820-1 In no case sill a change involvlng over 9150 be approved without such itenlzatLon. coBtE Ehall be subnitted to the trner for revies no later than ten working days fron date of General Contractorrs receipt of contract nodLfication documents. I I I END OT SEClXION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t DA 9601 oo820-2 B. c. D. E. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroNs 01010 SI,M!.IARY OF WORK 1. OO GENERAI-, 1.01 WORK INCLUDED The work of this project consists of the conEtruction of the. remodel and fixture installation at safeway Store No. 531 located at 2131 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. L.O2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. To ensure adequate planning and execution and so that rrork can be done within the respective nunber of calendar days allowed in the contract, and since ttris renodel isto be acconplished while the existing Safeway storerenains open for business, every effort must be made to accomplish the work shown with the least possible inconvenience to or interference with the normal retail operations. In order to neet these requirenents, the Contractor is to generally follow these special procedures and seguence of operations. These procedures and secluence of operations are general in scope and may be revised as necessary in the interestof safety, job progress, retail operitions, etc. The Contractor and safeway have the option of initiating suchrevisions. The Contractor must have the O\lnerrs approvalof revisions prior to any changes. The security of the store must be protected throughoutthe remodeling procedure. Construction shall not impedethe flow of supplies to the store. Compliance withsafety requirements shall be the responsibility of the contractor. All product handling will be by Safenay personnel . Representatives of Safeway Construction Department wilt make every effort to assist where needed in coordinatingthis work with product refrigeration installation andwith store personnel. A contract will be issued to the successful bidder within seven days. DA 9601 o10l-0-1 I I I I I t II I I I I I I I F.Stockpiled safeway fixtureE will be in the storers stock-roon or delivlred prior to the installation. Wtren lossible, these trailerl will be spotlq! at.the dock at the Contractorrs convenience. Iilhen and if this cannot be 1. 03 1. 04 1. 05 accomplished' the fixture contractor is to unload from the traifer by the use of fork trucks. Ir.r every G. The renoval of flxtures from the 3tore, as Echedirled on the Drawings, will include loadlng the fixtures on a Safeway-Provided truck. WORK NOT INCLI'DED A. Fixture removal, where flxtureE are removed fron the prenises, will be by the contractor. B. This contractor shall cooperate as required to provide access and constrnrctLon work as required for installation of the refrigeration sYstens. CONIRACTUAL REOUIREI.IENTS A. AII work under thiE Sectl-on shall be subject to the provisiong of the Contract Docunents. B. AlI work done under ttrLs contract shall be executed under one (1) priue contract between the owner and the General Contractor. WORK SEOUENCE A. The General Contractor shall Prepare and subnit a proposed work sequence progrran for review and approval by Lhe owner's Replesentative. All work shall then be performed in accbrdance with the approved program unless specificatly authorized otherwise by the oltnerrs Representative. B. Niqht Work: 1. certain taska within the interior of the existing etore can only be accornplLshed between the hours of 10 orclock p.n. ind 6 orclock a.m. These tasks include: ' a. All paintingb. atl lloor tile and other floor finish work c. All sawcutting I I I I I DA 9601 01010-2 d. e. E. h. A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All jack'hannering AIl overhead ceiling work requiring scaffoldingAII trenching, excavation, removal of earthwork,backfilling and compacting Placenent of concrete flatwork at traffic areas 2.In addition to the activities listed above as rnisht workrrr atry relocation of departmenta or equipnent willbe accomplished as rrnight nork, rr to allow continuousdayt,ine operations of all departments. 1.06 CONTRACTORIS USE OF PRE!{TSES General Contractor shall use and naintain in cleancondition site acceEE route as directed by the OwnerrsRepresentative. No other access sha1l be used forvehicles or Den. General Contractor and all other personas connected withthe project shall only use parking areas designated bytlre Ownerrs Representative. 1. 07 C. ceneral Contractor and workmen shall not trespass into areasr beyond the linit of trworktr areas. D. Anyone visiting the jobsite who is not employed by thePrime Contractor shall be required to register witn tneceneral Contractor before proceeding onto the jobsite. The purpose is to insure that all persons rneet with osneSafety Requirenents. FIXTURE AND EOUIPI'IENT TNSTALLATTON COORDINATION The ceneral Contractor shall be kept advised by the Oldrrer orhis representative, of scheduling of fixtures lnd equipment.The General Contractor shall nake provisions to allow fixturesand equipnent to be installed to neet the establishedschedule. SPECIFTCATION I,ANGUAGE A. ImperatJ.ve langruage of the technical sections of theSpecifications is directed to the ceneral Contractor.The work rrprovidetr is defined to mean...rrFurnish andinstalJ., cornplete, in place and ready for operation anduse unless specifically indieated otherwise.,, B. Th" Specifications are of a streanlined type and mayinclude incomplete rrsentences.rr Onissions of words oiphrases such as rrthe Contractor shallrr rin confornitytherewithrtr trshall berrr rras noted on the Drawingsrm rr3r-n 1. 08 DA 9601 01010-3 c. and trthen are intentional . supPly onitted words or iiri"="t -lv inrerence in the sane nanner as they are when nNotetr occurs on Drawingel supply words rrshall berr or ""niif" -tt- inference wtren t colon is used within r"ri"tt""t 6r ptrrases. Supply words non the Drawingsrr by tri"""r,"" wh6n ias airected,t is used with sentences or phrases. lrhe word icontractori as referred to in ttriE Project Itanual and Specificatlon Ehalt mean the General Eoni"actoi who- hae a contract. with the Owner unlesE specifl.cally identifted othenrise' I I I I T t I I I I I I END OF SECTION I I I I T I I DA 9601 01010-4 I t I I t I I t I I t I I I I I t I t sEcTroN 01030 ALTERNATES 1. 00 1. 01 t.02 1. 03 1.03 2.OO 2.Ot 3 .00 GENERAL DESCRIPTION To allow the o!'rner to conpare.total costs where alternatenaterials or nethods night be used, certain alternates have been established as described in this Section of these Specifications. REI,ATED WORK SPECIFTED TN OTHER SECTIONS Pertinent sections of these Specifications deEcribe the naterials and nethods reguired if the owner selects the alternate specified. theie alternates are also listed on the Bid Form. SUBI.IITTALS A. Subnittals for the various items are described inthe pertinent sections. No subnittal of materialsor methods of the alternate items is required to accompany ttre Proposal unless specifieally requiredherein or ln the pertinent section of these Specifications. B. All alternates are reflected in the Bid Form. Subnit Proposal in accordance with the provisions stated herein. PRODUCT HANDLING If the owner elects to proceed on the basis of one or more of the al-ternates, make aLl modifications to the work required in the furnishing and installation of theselected alternate or alternates to the approval of the Ownerrs Representative and at no additional cost to the Owner other than as proposed on the Bid Forn. PRODUSIS ALTERNATES None EXECUTION DA 9601 01030-1 3.01 ADVANCE COORDINATION Immediately after Award of contract, and to the maximun extent pricticaf, thoroughly. and clearly advise "11nec.s".iy personnel and suppliers 19 to- the nature and e:(tent o-t -atternates selected by the orrner. use all neans nece'sary to alert thoee pLrsonnel and suppliers lnvolved as to- all changes tn the sork caused by the OrtnerrE selection of alternates. I I I t I I I I I I END OF SEqTION I t I I I t T I I DA 9601 o1030-2 I I I I I sBcTroNs 01040 COORDINATION 1.OO PROJEqI COORDINATION 1.01 WORK INCLUDED Equipment and labor shall be furnished in accordance with this Section and the various other sections of these Speci.fications. SpecificaIIy, refer to Section 01010 Summary of !{ork, Paragrraphs 1.o1 and 1.02. L.O2 LAYOUT Ttre Drawings are diagrarnrnatic in showing certain physical reLationships to various elenents and systems and their interfacing with other elements and systems. Coordination of their relationships is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. Do not scale Drawings. 1.03 CONFLTCTS WHERE A CONFLICT OCCTIRS BETWEEN OR T{ITHIN STANDARDS. SPECIFICATIONS OR DRAWINGS, THE Ti!ORE STRINGENT OR HIGHER OUALITY REOUIRU.TENTS SHALL APPI.,Y. The precedence of the Construction Documents is in the following sequence: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 04 A. Addenda and nodifications to the Drawings and Specifications take precedence over the original construction Documents. B. Should there be a conflict within the Specifications or on the Drawings, the ownerrs Representative shall decide which stipulation will provide the best installation and his decision will be final. c. In the Drawings, the precedence shall be Drawings of larger scale over those of smaller scale, figured dimensions over scaled dinrensions and noted materials over graphic indications. COORDINATION RSVIEW AND RESPONSIBILITIES Each trade shall review the Drawings and Specifications to asrsure full coordination between trades. Any errors and/or omissions shall be brought to the attention of the ownerrs Representative for his decisions. DA 9601 01040-1 1. 05 2. OO 2.OL I I I I I T I I I I I I T I t t I I t A. c. D. E. B. SI'BSTRATE EXN{INATION Each trade examine the substrate to receive his work and the Eottaiti""s upon ttti"tt his work witl be performed' and shall ""riiii- tt" 6ontractor of unacceptable conditions. Do not iii"""6a wlth the work untll unacciptable conditions have been corrected. JOBSITE ADT,IINI STRATION COORDINATION The Contractor is responsibte for all parts of- the work ota"t thls contract, - including all work which he may subcontraqc. The various ltens -of work are grrouped under ;"p;;;c--ivisione i. tt" specifications for convenience oi- i"r"""nce only lnd the contractor may .all-ocate this worf to subcontrictors and suppliers at hie discretion' ii-- =rtiri - l" his responsJ-bitity, however, - to- settre-"tinit"ry ttrat portion of the work which eacn 9!1]1,1?: involved. cooperation bY accomplish the The contractorall parties whlch work deEcribed. insure comPlete bring together toshall he nay Where requlred to properly construct the various parts of the work-together, tnL ai-rrerent trades will be required i"-n!ip eacfr ottrei by providlng tenplates-when required' a"i"g-l"tting and p"f"irittg, cai-eful1y building work into anotier tradt's woik and properly protectihg each otherrs adjacent naterials and work. The Contractor shall give his personal attention to the r"iX .t all tines and-strall either be present in person or have a duly authorized representative on the site continuously during working hours throughout the .progressof the t'ork. Any instructions given to. this r"pr"-.L"t"ti.t" by the- ounerrs Representaliv.e will be co-nsidered the slne as if given to the Contractor in person. work whlch should properly be done wlth skilled labor. fne Contractor shali hive, bn the job at all times, ample "quip."nt and personnel to carry on the work properly' ifr"iiai"q sucti tools as nay be necessary to meet emergency requJ.rements. It shall be the responsibifity of the contractor and his subcontractors to irotect tha owner from harm in case a pieviousfv undlecovLred error existing condition nay come ["-t[.i, ittention. Any condition which appears illegal, DA 9601 0104 0-2 F. G. I t I I I I I I incorrect, contrary to good construction practices or othemise unsatisfactory thall be brought to the Ownerrs attention innediately. AII work operationE shall be confined to the site and, where necessary, to all adjacent areas (provided contractor has, 1f nesessary, first obtained permLssion) t including streets, curbs, buiJ-dings, etc. AII Euch areas shall be properly protected against danage. Any danage resulting fron the Contractor's work operatlon Ehall- be repaired to the satisfaction of the ownerst of these adjacent areas. the Contractor shall conforn to all requirements by local authorities regarding barricades, guards, lights, etc., along public streets, sidewalks and alleys. Good Judgenent shall be exercised in providing any safety neasures required to properly protect persons and property frou injury and damage. The Contractor shall conply with ".1 I applicable OSEA and other governmental agencies requirenents. The owner and the Architect accept no responsibility whatsoever for safety conditions during the development and completion of the project. I. The Contractor shall notify all adjacent property ownersprior to his interruption to ingress, egresE and utility services. the Contractor agrees with written approval by the oldnerto cooperate with and to pernit access to any tenantrs contractor who desires to begin work within the boundaries of the jobsite. Such other contractors shall also be required to cooperate so that neither party will be prevented fron neeting his scheduling requirements. The contractor shall coordinate his subcontractorrsdeliveries to the jobsite and storage locations on thejobsite. H.I I I I I J. K. I I I I I I END OF SESIION DA 9601 01040-3 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I sEgtroN 01045 CI,ITTING AND PATCHING 1. OO GENER,AL 1.01 DESCRIPTION 1. 02 1. O3 Except for floor slab cutting, each trade, ae directed by_the Geneial- Contractor, shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting and patchJ.ng, lncluding related excavation and backfill, required to complete the rork or to: A. Properly fit parts together. B. uncover portions of work for installation of ill-tined worlc.c. Renove and replace defective work or work not conf.orningto requirenents of Contract Docunents.D. Provide routine penetrations of non-structural surfaces. E. lllre ceneral Contractor shall be responsible for all floor slab cutting. REI,ATED WORK A. Section 01010 - sunmary of Work B. Section 03300 - CaEt-In-Place Concrete - Renodel QUALITY ASSUR,ANCE Notify the otnerrs Representative well in advance of executing any cuttJ-ng or alteration which affects: A. Work of Owner or any separate contractor. B. Structural integrity of any elenent of the project. c. The integrity or effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant eLenents. D. The efficiency, operational life, naintenance or safetyof operational elenents. E. The visual qualities of exposed elements. DA 9601 01045-1 2.00 PRODUCTS 2.01 IIATERIAI,S Conply wlth speclfic -specificationsfor-eich Product involved' 3. OO EXECI'TTON and standards requirenents 3.01 3.02 of the Project including uovenent during cutting and B. After uncovering work, exauine conditLons affecting the-' 'i"ri"fGt-f"" of-proAuits or performance of the work and ;;;;i-;;iisfaitory or questionabre conditions to the ownerrs n"p""t"n€"tiv3. Do not proceed with.the workuntil th; ownelr," -- nepreEentatl.ve. has provided further instructionE. PREPARATION A. Provide adeguate tenporary auPport aE necessary to asture-- ,liu"iuraf inieg"tty of tire a?lected portion of the work. B. Provlde devicee and nethods to protect other portions of ProJect fron .danage. C.Provldeprotectlonfrontheelenentsforthatportion.oftrre projSi;;ii;h -rii i" .expos_ed ro cuttins and patching work and maintaLn excavationg free from water' 3. 03 CUTTING A}ID PATCHING A. The various contractorsfor the work shall verify "]1openi"Glequirea in conEtruction in connection with their worr ana-ciierurry lay out all owrk in advance with the eenrat--ionlractor-, wfro shall provide all openlngs of correqt size and location in walls, .floors or through roofE.Failureonthepartofthevarl.ouscontractorsto nake ar"lttg"tltn= for iequired openings shall cause the coEt oi cutfing ana patchirig for thL necessary gpeninq;-fgr theinstallationoftheirworktobebornebythem'eaEner by having the cutting done by the G-eneral contractor or tn the forn-oi lerforniig the r-equired cutting thenselves' INSPEgTION A. InEPect exlsting conditlons eleients subject to danagc or patching. I t I I I t I I I I T I I I I t I I I DA 9601 01045-2 B. c. D. E. I I I I I I t I I I t I I I t I I I I Perforn all cutting, channeling, drilling, etc., as required for the proper support, concealnent, J.nstallationor anchorage of naterials, equipnent, etc., in a careful manner and any danage to the buildlng, structure, equipnent, or any defaced finish, tlle, plaster' woodwork or rnetal work shall be repaired by st<llled mechanics of the trades involved at the negligent contractorrs expense andto the satisfaction of the ownerrs Representative. All cutting, channeling, chasing or drilling, anchorl-ng toor wel.ding of structural nembers shall be performed in a manner having the olflierrs approval . AII openings nade ln fire-rated walls, floors or ceilingsshall be patched and nade tight in a manner to conforn to the fire ratlng for the enclosure. openings through concrete or nasonry strall be done using a masonry sas or core drill as applicable. Pneumatic toolswill not be allowed unless approved bv the Ownerrs Representative. END OF SECTION DA 9501 01045-3 A. B. I I I I I I I I I t I I T I t I I I I sEcTroN 01060 REGT'I,ATORY REQUIREI.TENTS 1.OO GENERAL 1. 01 1. 02 PERUITS AND FEES Refer to the Invitation to Bid, General Conditions, and Special Conditions of these Specifications. CODES AND ORDINANCES A. All contractors shall comply with all applicable codes, ordinanceg and regrulations in effect at the tine of bid opening including, but not necessarily linited to, the followinq: 1. Local/Regional Building codes 2. Applicable Adopted Building code 3. Governing Fire Departnent Reguirements 4. State Department of Labor Reguirenents 5. State Department of Health Reguirements 5. State and Federal Safety and Health Laws B. If discrepancies occur bettteen applicable codes, ordinances, .etc., the nost stringent requirenents shall apply. 1.03 OSIIA AND EED CO}IPLIANCE The ceneral contractor shall have the soleresponsibility for compliance and enforcement of the occupational Safety Healttr Act as it appJ.ies toall portions of the work on the jobsite. Protection of life, health and public hrelfare as itrelates to the execution of the Construction Contract is the responsibifity of the Contractor.The owner ar the Architect will not provide observation, inspecti.on, supervision or any comnent on the plans, procedures or actions ernployed at the project as they relate to safety of life, health orpublic welfare. If conditions are iurposed by the Owner whichinterfere with, or irnply actions detriuental tosafety, rrritten notice shall be issued by the General contractor to the owner and a decision of action shall be returned to the General Contractorby the owrer prior to effecting any unsafe conditions. DA 9601 END OF SECTION 01060-1 I SEerroN 01070 I ABBREVIATIONS 1.OO GENERAL I 1.o1 woRK rNclupEpr References and notes in contract Documents wilt often I utilize abbreviations for slmbols and naterials in t general noting, as noted on the following pages. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I DA e5o1 01070-1 I I I I L CL c Dt- PL o SYI.IBOLS USED AS ABBREVIATIONS Angle Centerline Channel Penny PerpendicularPlate Round ABBREVIATIONS "JAIF' AB ACOUS AD ADJ AFF AFG AFS AL ARCII ASPH Architect/Engineer Anchor Bolt Acoustical Area Drain Adjustable Above Finished Floor Above Finished Grade Above Finished Slab Aluminurn Architect (ural) asphalt British Ihernal Units Per Built-up Roof Carpet ceranic Construction Jointceillngcontrol Joint Corrugated Metal PiPe Concrete MasonrY Unit cleanout Col.umn Concrete Construction Continuous (ation) Contract (or) Coordi-nate countersunk Detail Diarneter Dimansion Dead Load Down Dolrnspout Drawing Dowel BgI'H BUR BB BBR BC BIlrUU BLDG BLK BLKG BLKHD BM BOT BR BRDG BRG BRK BRZ BTU CARP CER CJ CLG CIJ cuP cuu co coL coNc CONSTR CONT CONTR COORD csK Baseboard Baseboard Radiation Back of Curb Bituninous Building Block Blocking Bulkhead Beam Bottom Bedroom Bridging Bearing Brick BronzeBritish Thermal Unit DET DIA DII{ DI, DN DS DWG DWL T I I I I I l I I I I I I I DA 9601 oLoT 0-2 t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I E EF EL ELEC ELEV ENCL EI.IGR EPDU ELQ SP EQUIP ESI{T EW EXP 8XP BT EXP JT EXST EXT Eaat EaEt Face ElevationElectrical Elevator Enclosure Engineer Ethylene Propylene llonomer Equally Spaced Eguipnent Easement Each Way Expansion Expansion Bolt Expansion Joint BxistingExterior Gauge Galvanized Glass Glazing Grade ( ing) Gravel Glpsum clT)sum Board High Hose Bibb Ilollow Core Hardboard Hardsare Height Hollow Metal Hotizontal Hour Heating, Ventilating ConditionJ.ng Hot Water llot Water Heater Hydrant Hydraulic Dl-ene GA GALV GLclz GR GVL GYP GYP BD H HB HC HDBD HD!{E HGT H!{ HORIZ HR HVAC HW HWH }IYD HYDR and Air FBRK FIF FF FC FCO FD FDN FHC FIN FIN FL FLR FLUOR FOI.{ FOS FR FTG Ft'RR Fire Brick Face to Face Factory Finish Foot candle Foot cleanoutFloor Drain FoundationFire Hose Cabinet FinishFinish Fllor Floor ( ing) Fluorescent Face of Masonry Face of studsFire Rating Footing Furring ID INSTL INSI'L INTR rso Inside DiameterInstallationInsulationInterior Isometric JAN JST JT JanitorJoistJoint KD KW KWH Kiln DriedKilowattKilowatt Hour DA 9601 o1070-3 LB LBR IJF IG LH I,IN LL LLH LLV LNTI, LOC LP L,RG LT LT I{T N NIC NO NOI.{ NP NlIS Pound Lumber L,,inear Foot LengthLeft Hand LinearLive Load Long Leg Horizontal Long Leg VerticalLintel LocationLight Pole Large Light Lightwelght Out to Out IOn Centeroutside Dianeter rOutside Face IOwner-Furnis.hed-Contractor r InstaIled Owner -Furn i shed-owne rl rnEtailed t North Not in Contract Nunber Noninal No Paint Not to Scale opposite Hand opening opposite Particleboard Perimeter Perpendicular PlateProperty Line Plastic Laminate Plaster Pl)nrood Panel Paint Pair Precast Prefabricated PrefinishedPrelininarY Preparation Property Pounds per square Foot Pounds per Sguare Inch PaintedPartition PolyvinYl Chloride I I I I I.!ACH MARB I'IATL uAx UBH MBTU UECH UED UEI.IB !.TET t{tzz MFG UH }!IN l.tlsc I{I,T{K MO HTG olo oc OD OF OFCI OFOI OH OPNG OPP PBD PERI!.7 PERP PL PL PI,AM PLAS PLYWD PNL PNT PR PRCST PREFAB PREFIN PRELII'{ PREP PROP PSF PSI PTD lrtachine llarb1el,lAs Uasonry Material Maxinun Ttrousand BTU Per Hourgritish Thennal unit ( 1000 ) Mechanical Mediun l{embrane Metal Mezzanine Manufacturing llanhole I'linimum MiscellaneousMillwork Masonry oPening Mounting I I t I I I I I I I I I I PTN PVC DA 9601-01070-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROP PSF PSI PTD PTN PVC SLP sLv s!{ SNT SP SPEC SPKI,R sQ SQ FT SQ IN sQ yD ssT ST STAG STD STL STRUCT SI'RF susP swR svs R RAI) RD RD REC RECPT REgT REF REFL REINF REQD RESIL RET RH R!.t RND RO RR RV Property Pounds per Square Foot Pounds per square Inch PaintedPartitionPolyvinyl Chloride RlEer Radius Road Root Drain Recessed Receptacle Rectangular Reference Reflect(or) (ed) Reinforce (d) ( inq) (nent) ReguiredResilient Return Right Hand Roon Round Rough Opening Railroad Roof Vent South Suspended AcousticlSolid Core Schedule Section SingLe Sheet ( ing) Sheathing Shelves ( ing)Sinilar scored Jointslip Joint slope Sleeve Sheet ltetal Sealant space ( ing)SpecificationSprinkler Square Square Foot square Inch Square YardStainless Steel Street Staggerd Standard SteelStructural surface Suspended Serrer System T T T&B T&B TB Thernostat Tread Top and Bottom Tongue and Groove Top of Beam Top of concrete Telepohone TeDporary Top of Footing Thickness Threshold Top of Joist Tempered Top of Slab Tape/Sand Snooth Top of Steel Tape Texture Paint s SAG sc SCHED SECT SGL SHT SHTNG sHv SIM SJ SJ TC Grid TEI-, TE}!P TF THK THRES TJ Tl,tPD TSL TSS TST TTP DA 9601 01070-5 v v VBvqtvqr VENT VERT vEsl VIN VNR voL \ilr vwc w l{att Unl-t lleater unexcavated Unflnishedutirity Valvevoltvinyl Basevtntl Conposition TiIeVitrifled CIaY Tile VentilatorVertlcal Vestibulevinyl Veneer volunevlnyl TlleVlnyl lfall Covering Westwith Withoutwall to WaII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t{ wl r{/o wlwwc l{ater ClosetwD wtdthWF wide FlangewH tlall llYdrantlfHsE lfarehouEewL l{ind LoadWLD Welded!{P Working PointWR Water ResistantWS lleatherstriPPingm Weightv{WF Welded l{ire Fabric END OF SEgTION utt T'NEX I'T{FIN TIIII, DA 9601 01070-6 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I sEcTroN 01100 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDIJRES coDE 1OO - FTXTURE TNSTALL,ATTON (NON-MECllAllrCArJl TlrerrGeneral ConditLonsrr of these Specif ications and rrScope of $lorkrr apply to thiE eection. A. This contractor Ehall check each piece of fixture and equipnent as lt arrives at the Etore.@ DRIVER INSPECT THE I.TERCHANDISE WITH YOU I'PON DELIVERY AND TNSISE TITAT HE UAKE ANY NOTATIONS OF DAUAGE ON ALL COPIES OF IIIS FREIGHT BILL, SI'PPORTED BY HIS FT'LL SIGNATI'RE. In case therei is no tine to unpack or unwrap the nerchandise at time of arrival,driver. nust inspect the packing or containers very closely for any outside eigns of danage before signing the delivery receipt. Then, show any and all exceptions to the outer containers on all copies of the delivery receipt and have the driver sigm his full nane. Renenber, if you discover damagesto the and no exceptions are taken at delivery time, davs from deliverv date, and the packinq and containers must be retained for insoection bv the carrier. 1. Notify owner innediately.2. obtain inspection report from carrier inmediately.3. Make no repairs until authorized to do so.4. Forward all receiving docunents (freight bilts, bills of lading, inspection reports, delivery sheets, etc.), Ety siqned and dated bv the Contractor, on a weekly basis to: SAFEWAY INC., Construction Departnent, 5900 South Yosemite Street, Englewood, Colorado 80112. for furtherprocedure. Place in building all fixtures and equipnent shown on the Drawings and as entrmerated hereinafter, delivered to the site by the onner. Site delivery does not include unloadinq of heawg eguiprnent. Unloadino of heaw ecruipnent is bvinstallincr contractor. Uncrate, assemble, set into position and anchor all fixtures and equipnent as required. Remove and dispose of all trash and debris. The fixture contractor is to clean all tile floors after thebulk of the fixtures are set and innediatel-y before grocery stocking is to start. All narks are to be removed from floortile and all damaged floor tiLe to be brought to the attentlonof the ceneral contractor for replacenent. B. c. D. E. DA 9601 01100-1 I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t F. G. H. I. J. K. L. lil. N. o. P. Check, expedite and coordinate delivery of fixtures and equipment lrom warehou€te as required' Supervise and coordinate work of crafts working at fixture installation. Place atl portable nechanical eguipnent in. a. safe p)-ace until installed -by respective vendorrs representatives' This contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for all ift ttt"t and eguipnent and shall prouptly. reimburse the owner iuif vafue for- dinage or theft of any fixture and eguipnent whLch occurs aE a resul't of his negligence' All work shall be done in a skitled and worknanlike manner and ;11 fixtures and eguipuent shall be properly.set, leveled, "".prJ"fi installed'"ria tett in a clean, -operating condition ioi wtricti they are intended. ilny unsightly,. exposed places are to be properly trinmed and EcarE or scratches are to be [".."tt"a upTi€n nitctring naterial. A scribe nold painted 11 ""g"ii"a'i" to be insfalled at the base and ends of all fi*tures aE necessary, where a ca'e llne-up does not meet an adjoining wall. Duei to the dlfficulty in scheduling aII fixture delivery at ttre precise uoment w[en it nay Jce reguired, this contractor will-allow for handling of all fixtures tltice' Furnish and install required nounting boards and furring for ;;;G;;iion ti'er. u6 refrigeration lines are to be exposed ,t"r"-tfr"y could be danaged by_stocking_of _nerchandise. All suctr exp6sed refrigeratlon iines shill be enclosed with riterprobf, 3l4tt plywioa. The refrLgeration_subcontractor is io a"i"t-lne'if do,-tittg boards and iurr in for refrigeration Iines will be required. Non-til.ed concrete floorE are to be swept clean of all debris, f"-f.itg crates, etc., at least two (2) days prior to stocking date. Furr and trim as necessary to complete installation of all l"Ui""ir, shelving, etc. All fixtutes to be installed 1evel. Furr between froit of cases and fl.oor and between bacl< and sides of cases and wall. contract shall rnaintain file of all receiving slips for ortner- furnished equipnent received at the jobsite' Install lower and upper letter signs and graphics in the sign pinefs per interioi drawings provided by safeway' A close E""rai""-ti"n with the safeway construction Representative will be required during installation. DA 9601 01100-2 I I o CODE 110 . FIXTURE INSTALIJATTON - ELECTRICAL The rrGeneral Conditionsrr of these specifications and lScope of I t{orkrr apply to this Section.I A. nake all required electrical outlet connections fron panels, I sub-panels and junction boxes for all fixtures and equipment I shown on the Plan and as enunerated below as required: 1. All portable Bakery egulpnent - nixers, sllcers, etc.2. Installation of all lanps where necessary. (A11 lanpswill be furnished by the owner. )3. Connect ovens, proofers, retarder, dough make-up Dachine, chopper, wrapping tables, etc., in Baker and cases, ice machine, etc., in Service Fish area per the Fixture PIan.4. All electrical fixtures and equipnent Ehall be properlygrounded. Electrical cords shall be replaced with 3-wire, if not already so eguipped, unless double insulated appliance. ft iE the intent that the work herein specified witlconstltute a loot fixture installation ready for use, and ttriscontractor shall include in his bid any additional workreguired to install aII fixtures 1O0t whether or not hereinepecified. B. c. D. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I A11 work must be done in as herein specified. Ifspecified, the specified Materials: 1. Duplex receptaclesthi.rd pole grounded H&HSingle Pole 1541 Two Pole L542 Three Way 1543 Four Way 1544 confornity with prevailing codes andthe code requirements are less ttran method shal1 be used. shall be 3-pole grounding type,to conduit system. with the2. Duplex receptacles, general purpose, shall be offollowing: H&H #9260 Bryant #9260 Hubbell #9595 Flush-mounted receptacles shall have ribbed bakelitecover platesi color as directed by the SafewayConstruction Representative. Wtrere switches are grrouped, ttrey shall be set in gangs with one cover plate coveringall. Cover plat shall be as follows: HI'BBELL BRYANT9805 5861 9806 58629933 58639904 5424 PASS & SEYI,IORE 5861 5862 5863 E. Fixture installation contractor wiLl furnish to the Owner acopy of the local governing agenciesr final electricalinspection certificate, before final palnnent is rnade. DA 9601 01100-3 F. Electrical contractor will be responsible. for wiring .and @ghtj..ng as called out in non-nechanical portion of the SPeclficatlon. CODE 120 - FIXTURE INSTALLATION - PL'ttliBING The :General conditlonsn of these specifieations and rrscope of workrr apply to this section. A. AII work nust be done in confornity with prevailing codes.3nd i"-tt"""itr specified. If the code requlremente are'less than specified, th" specified netlrod shall be Eued' B. It iE the Lntent that the work herein specified_ will constitute a 1oo* complete fLxture installation, ready for usJ, wiUr t5e exceptiori of refrlgeration connections which are under a separate iontract. fhis contractor shall include in fris bia anl additional work requl.red-to install all fixtures 1oot, whether or not herein specified. c. The fixture Eubcontractor shall be responsible for field locate all plurnbing waste and supply lines and floor drains. Locations oi araini for new caseE iitt Ue verified prior to noving the equipnent. surplus cases fron safewayrs warehouse rn"ff-l fieli ierified at the warehouse prior to stripment. Fixture eubcontractor shall coordinate the placenent of the drains and other plurnbing with the General contractor, pl'rnbing and electrlcal subcontractors, case suPplier, and -saf eway - construction Representative. CODE 15O - FIXTURE INSTALI.ATION - SIGNS The rrGeneral Conditionsrr of these Specifications and rrscope of Workrr apply to this Section. A. Uncrate and install aLl signs. B. Signs shall be installed conplete.in strict accordance with the Safeway-provider interior drawings. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF REFRIGER.ATION CONIT"RACT Thls is a rernodel project which iE to be aceomplished whj-le the "iJr" renains open -fof business. Every effort is to be nade to plan and perfoin this installation so as to cause the least ioJ"iff" inlconvenience to norrual store operati.ons. A11 work is to-Ue coordinated with the General Contractor and with the store manager. The safeway construction Repr_esentative will assist in any 6ay possible to inplenent this coordination. For biclding purposes, all labor calculations are to be on a siraight tiie -Uasis auiing nornal working hours, except as noted in Section o1010- lLen-L J)5-8. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I DA 9601 01100-4 I I I I t I t I I I I I I t I I I I I Keeping the store open wl-Il necessitate staging this work to matchbuiLding progtress, store requirements and various other coneiderations. In every instance, new refrigeration faciLities are to be provided before the existing facilities are disconnected. the Contractor will be responsible for punp down and disconnectionof all exLsting refrigeration equipnent which is to be removed or relocated. Equlpnent listed on the schedule wlll be owner-furnished. changesto the existing systems, line sizing and electrical data are ll-sted on the revised refrl-geration schedule. AIso listed are the new compressors, condensers, etc., that will be furnisheil. At this tine, it is e:<pected that all equipnent will be stockpiledat or near the jobsite. No work is to be pernitted in the Sales Room before all equipnent is stockpiled. the refrigeration contractor will be required to coordinate his work with that of the eeneral Contractor. Detailed scheduling is to be provided inwriting well in advance of project start-up date. Refrigeration lnstallation work is to be scheduled toward conpletlon prior to the store opening the next morning. This contract is to include the installation of new and relocated equipnent and shall include electrical and plunbing connections. Disconnection of existing equipnent for relocation is to be handledby thls contractor. Disconnection of existing equipment and relocation to the dock for removal fron the building by the ohtneris to be handled by this contractor. CODE 130 - FIXTIJRE INSTALLATION . REFRIGERATION The rrGeneral Conditionsrr of theEe Specifications and rrScope of Work[ apply to this Section. A. Definitions: rrcontractorrr neans the refrigeration installationcontractor, rrowner[ means Saferray Inc. B. Scope:1. These Specifications are intended to cover theinstallation of coupressors, condensers, coils and otherparts required to complete the product refrigerationsysten as shown or called for by one or more of the following: 2. DA 9601 a. Fixture Layout DrawLngb. Refrigeration Schedulec. System Layout Contractor shall furnish and install refrigerant tubing,fittings, vibration eliminators, hand shut-off va1ve, 01100-5 I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I a. b. c. d. e.f. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. c. thernostatico<pansionvalvegforallcoolersandfreezeru"x coils, dihydrators, strainers, sight glasses' noisture indi;6;s ana ait other installation naterials iequired, together with all labor and permits.-required.to conplete th;- Gaitt"tion and pertorn the service aetiitea in this sPeciflcation' ItenE Furnished bY Others: ttotor operated danpers, exhaust fans and electrical controls, except it o'therwise calted for, will be ;;;igh;e ana iirstair"a ly otherE' . However,. adJustment oi cotp"""sor Room exlraust- fan and damper controls is the responsibifity of this Contractor' This contractor shalt report to the owner any pl_unbinq, electrical or other ttins not properly -installed or trivtng loose electrical connections or leaks' The owrrer will provide all refrigerants and oils for the ii"a"Li-teiiielration eysten. The contractor is to install same. D.Identlfication of SYstems: Each conponent part of. each system conprising one compressor, one oi nore coils, one or more boxes or cases ana'controis such as disconnect swltch, starter and tine rrit.tt "ttiff be identlfled with the same number affixed to each part. (This shall include the disconnect switcheE for caEe Lnd box fans.) The number for'eactr ;Fa; ttrr u" assigned- by .the ordner as shown on the Rei;it"rJion scheduie ariwing. The conrractor shall "i""ia. a method for narking each iten either with a ;;;;;;"4 ayp; black pai.nt,- a decal,or other.nethod $;;;t"e by the safewiy construction RePresentative' gbles shall- be marked on the outside of the door' cases near the thernoneter and conpressors on the base of the rack. contractor shall also furnish an identification card for each comPressor. The cards shall be tlpewritten' enJrosea in plastic or glass and pernanently fastened to ine wafl tt""lr tn. conpfessors, wfiere they nay be easily read. THE FOLI,OIIING INFORI,IATION SHALL BE LISTED ON THE CARDS: Systen Number Nine of Systen (Fixtures, Refrigerate) compresaor Make and Model Nurnber Condensing Unit Make and Model Nunber Compressor HorsePoweriyfe- Refrigeran€ (R-12 ' R-22, R-502, etc') and Pounds in SYstem DA 9501 01100-5 1. 2. 3. E. F. G. I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I gt. Volts, Phase cycles h. Date Installation Conpleted NOTE: I{here decals are furnished with compressor unit, this wilt suffice in lieu of Iten No. 2 above, provided all above infornation is shown. Pernits and Feesl lhis Contractor ehall obtain and pay for all pernits reguiredby local ordinances and he sball install all eguipnent in strict compliance with all local building codes and ordinances. Refrigerant Piping Materials : All refrigerant piping shall be Mueller Brass Conpanyrs nitrogen purged and pressurized ACR Copper Tube $pe L or Tlpe K hard drawn, except as noted under Iten 6 below. All Sweat-type copper fitting shall be wrought copper.A1I elbows and return bends shall be long radius type, except for tapE in risers which may be formed of short slreep street eLls or short return bends or factory fabricated traps such as Muell.er Brass Company trPn traps. NEVER usE 45" BENDS, except in fabricating traps of boxcoils. Any flare nuts required on frosting lines shall befrostproof tlpe such as Remco. However, seat joints arpreferred and shall be used wherever practical- 4. All hand shut-off valves shall be the same nominal size as the lines in which they are installed. They shal1 be non-ferrous glove or angle valves or the wing cap type for 1-1l8rr o.D. and larger and packless tlpe for 7/8rlo.D. and smaller. Ball type valves are reconmended. 5. Solenoid valves shall be packless, pilot operated with manual lifting stem and designed for opening at minimun voltage under naximum load conditions. Liquid solenoid valves shall be sized for pressure drops not to exceed a temperature equivalent of 1.5"F. 6. Short sections of flexible copper tubing are allowed forliquid line connections to receivers. These shall not exceed 5r in J.ength. NO BENDING OF RIGID COPPER TIJBINGIS PERI'IITIED IN ANY PART OF THE SYSTE[!. Refrigerant Piping Design: 1. The piping shall be planned and arranged to keep the number of fittings at a ninimun and to keep the runs asshort as,possible. Arrange the piping so that normal inspection and servicing of the conpressor and other DA 9601 01100-7 I I I T T I T 2. 3. 4. I I I I I I I t I t I 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. equipment is not hindered. Do not obstruct the view of the crankcase "ii- "ieti glass or run piping Eo it inierferes with -ienovit oi the compres€tor' cyl1-nder h;a;; lnd betts, access platel, fans, fan mo-tors or otrrJr'parts. Do itoT RnN FROIi oNE SysTEX.! THROUGH A CASE CONNECTED TO ANOTHER SYSTEU. herv cloth, sandpaper or steel woo shall not be used to ;i;; -t-trEinsidJo? tutsiae of the tubins' use a wire brush or crocus.cloth. AIl eopper-to-copper Joints shall be nade with Silfox 15 t"-"ppi-.""a equiiifen€. Brazing alloy with less than 15t Eifvl-r content will not be acceptable' one tiquid and one suction line shall be run form each wiff-fti box or refrigerated case system to the r"til"ii"" header conprelaor Eysten' EPR valves will be iiclory-n""nted wittr the exceptlo.n of those listed in the i&;l&;"tiLtt s"tt"aor.. rhe riqul-d a.nd .:""!-t?-tl- Lines canno{ be clanped or soldered together in the tublng.run ioi "rpport. consult llueller -Brass ltanual [Technical Datar'-form No. s-1050, for Proper methods to atlow for e:<oanEion and contractlbn in Lopper tubing' suction and li-""ie- ifi;" Eharl be the - sizes shown on the nef:rigeration Schedule. t|heretwo(2)ornorecoilEareconnectedtogether,thatportion of'tire suction line run inside the display case' ;;i;l;H tn"-"r"" selected for the main suction line tfr""lrigh-Lt-i"."t o""-third of the cases. At this point' tfr"-t'i"ti"n Llne nay Ue reduced to the next smaller size for the second one-third of the cases' However' no ructi"" Iines may be smaller than the coil tube si'ze' Maintain the liguid line size selected for the nain t"litq run thougtiat least one-half of the cases (except ior-sytt"ts usilng hot as defrost) ' --At t-his.point' the ii"" i.v be redu6ed to the next snaller for the balance of the iun, but should not be reduced smaller than the "i""- lieutir line. FoR sysTEMs usrNc HOT GAS DEFROST, sIzETHELIQUIDLINETwosIzESI.ARGERINSIDETHECASES THAN THE !.IAIN IJIQUID LINE FROII THE I'NIT. Slope all suction lines at least 1rr to 15r toward the conir"s"or; at the botton of each riEer 5r or greater' insi.all [pri gtan in the suction lines' If the riser is over 15', instail a second trap halfway up the riser' Piping to remote condensers shall be in accordance with thl ninufacturerrs reconmendations' contractor shall provide suitable enclosures or otlrer pioilEii"n to re"i exposed tubing outside of fixtures from being danaged. I DA 9601 01100-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I H. 10. Accessories Required: trPtr traps shall be installed in all suction lines vhen stub-up fron undergrounds.rrPrr shall be same size ag main suctlon line. Refrigerant Piping InstalLation: 1. Brazing Procedure: To elininate the fornatLon of copper oxide on the inside of the tubing, all air rnust be flushed from the lines before brazing, and a slow stream (tro cubic feet per hour) of dry nitrogen nust be passed through the tubing while brazing. Suggested method is as followa: (1) Dtake up as many long tengths of piping as possible before beginning to braze. (21 connect a preEsure regulator and a flow-meterto a nitrogen drun. Recommend regrulator is Tlpe O.P. Nitrogen 806-112, 1OO # Low, 4,000# high, nanufactured by Air Reduction Company, New York, New York. Reconmended flow-meter Tlpe rrvisi-rlow Air Filter Gage'r ' uodel 490- lb, nanufactured by F.w. Santyer Manufacturing company, Chicago,'Illinois. (3) Use a tapered rubber stopper as a tube connector. Insert a piece of Ll4t' O.D. copper tubing into the stopper and connect the other end to the flow-meter. (4) First set the regrulator to give a quick shot of high pressure nitrogen to drive all the air out of the tubing. Then set the regulator for about two cubic feet per hour for each line. (5) AII copper-to-copPer joints shall be made with Silfos 15, Silvaloy 15 or equivalent high-nelting point brazing alloy. Solder or brazing atly with less than 15* content will not be acceptable. Before naking the final connections, dry nitrogen shall be blown through the piping to remove loose brazing alloy. dirt, etc. (Special precautions must be taken to keep copper fifing out of tubing during fabrication and not to rely on blowing then out. ) a. DA 9601 b. o1100-9 o c. Any pipe or fitting burned or exposed to -excessiveneit- shalt be reuoved and replaced. The owner reserves the risht to inspect and test all two seat fittings for guality brazing. If brazing alloy does oicur, replace the entire line of such parts as decided bY the owner. d. Painting of refrlgeration piptng Ls not allowed' Hangers and SuPPorts: a. Horizontal runs shall be supported at 8| maximun intervals. All horizontal ruhs are to be carried on trapeze-tyPe hangers with freedorn to swing' Tublng runa niy not be fastened rigidly along any wall, -EI(CEPT wlTll SPECIFIC PERI'fiSSION OF TllE owNER' b. Tubing shall not be tied in bundles or left in contact with other tubing- c. Vertical tubing runE over 1' shall be clamPed securely at 4r lntervals to prevent vibration' 3. Pipe Insulation: a.Alllogtemperatureandnediuntemperaturesuctionlines are to be cornpletely insulated form the fixture to not nore than 3r from the compressor' all suction and liguid line insulation to have a ninimum wall thickness of Ll2tt. Insulation shall be of the cellular type, suctr as Armstrong Cork - conPany rArmaflexrrr rrVascocel'lrr or rrRubatex"t It snalt -b€ factory nolded to fit the tubing snugly' Insutation shal-l be applied and sealed in strict accordance with the nanufacturerrs instructions' ALL underground llnes to be insulated with Armaflex. b. Low tenperature suctl-on lines are to be insulated separat-ly forn ligutd lines. l{ininum insulation wa-lt ttricknesE on low temperature suction lines to be 3l4tt . c. AII nedium and high temperature lines under floor are to receive 3/4n sealed insulation' Suction and liquid lines to be enclosed in same type inJulation. Lines to be insulated separately' I. Testing, Evacuating and Charging: 1. contractor shall notify Owner twenty-four (24) hours in advance when one or more systems will be ready to test so the owner and the nanufaCturerrs representative nay be I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 2. DA 9601 01100-10 b. 2. 3. I I I t I I I t I I I t t I I I I I I present for ttre test. Testing: when the refrigerant connections have been completedr.the compreEsor suition and discharge valves (-or receiver outlet valve in the case of a condensing unit) shall be closed and the balance of the system to 15 ps19 tested pressure (or higher if required by code) with all other ialves wide open-. Pressure test shall be acconplished by alternately aaaing refrigerant and nitrogen, using two or three pounds of r-frigerant and enough nitrogen to bring the pressure uP to the required amount. All joints shall ttren Ue carefully tested for leaks with a Halide torch or G.E. Electronic L,eak Detector. If any leaks are found, nark the EPot. After all joints are tested, discharge the gas and repair the leaks, then repeat the test.. litren testlng has beLn compJ.eted, blow off the pressure in the system to the atmosphere. Evacuating: a. Each system must be evacuated with a vacuum pumP nade by a vacuum pumP manufacturer. Refrigeration compressors shall not be used as vacuum PumPs. Use Airserco, Cenco, Kinney, stokes or approved equivalent vacuun PunPs. The vacuun punp shaLl be connected to the systen through a 5/8rt O.D. or larger line connected to a flange adapter installed between the suction service valve and the compressor suction port. A second lie shall be connected to the 3-way valve in the liquid line to allow evacuation from both high and lolr sides simultaneously. This second line shall be the sane sizee as the liquid line. Hermetic or semi-hermetic motor compressors must not be operated during evacuation because of the danger of insulation breakdown in very deep vacuum. To safeguard against this, pull the disconnect switch and renove fuses or nake sure circuit breaker is in rrOFFrr Position. Evacuate each system three times, each tine to at least 500 nicrons (Llz niLlineter nercury) absolute pressure. The vacuun must be neasured with an electronic vacuum gauge' gr other suitable vacuum indicator that can be read accurately beloet 500 nicrons. Recommended types are rrTelevacrr by the Frederl-cks Company, Bethayres, Pennsylvanial Kinney, nasting-; NcR or Airserco. The first vacuum nust be proven by holding it at least one hour with no increase in pressure (taking ambient tenperatures into consideration) . c. DA 9601 01100-11 I I T t I t I I I T T I I I I T I I I J. d. Each evasuation shall be broken with the sane iefrigerant to be used in the systan (R-1-2 of 5o2) 'All refrigerant eha1l be charged through a dryer' A new zo -cuuic dryer is Eatisiactory for charging 145 poundE of refrlgerant. Brlng ttre system up to z psig and repeat the evacuation twice' 4. Charging: a. At the conclusion of ttrird evacuation, the proper amount of refrigerant shall be charged into the systen through tfre 3-way valve fl tl: Iiquid 111": rfre otr level- ghall be clrecked and oil either added or renoved to bring the level in the compressor !othe niddle of the stgfrt glaes. AII oil shalL be delivered to the stoie ln seated containers which nuEt not be opened untll the oil tenperature is above the dew- point of the ambient air' A11 refrigerant shall be charged through a dryer' b. Before any notora are operated, the lubrication ehall be -checked and oll and grease added where neceggary. Adjusting controls. 1. 'lhe tenperature controle shall be set to naintain the following fLxture temPeratures: FIXTT'RE Meat Cooler Case l.leat Cold llold Roon l.leat Cooler Box Meat Cutting Room Dairy Cooler Case Dairy Cooler Box Produce cooler case Produce cooler Box Beverage cooler Box Frozen Food case Frozen Food Box Ice Cream Case Tlrese tenperatures shall a. Walk-In Boxes or Rooms:coiI. AVERAGE TEI'fPERATURE 3 2'F. 30'F. 32'F. 55'F. 3 508. 36'F. 40"F. 40'F. 400F. -3"F. -12"F. -12"F. be neasured as follows: b. Open Top Single or Uulti-Deck Cases: In the center of the return air flue, 1rr below the load Line' Control Meat Cuttlng Roon temperature by thernostat and solenoid valve for a conplete punp-down systen. In the return air to the DA 9601 01100-12 1. 2. I I I I I I I l I I I I t I I I I I I Compressor Rooms.d. Preisure controls for remove air-cooled condensers. 3. The installing contractor shall adJust the super heat setting on every expansion valve, whether contractor- furnished or Owner-furnished. Super heat Eettings shall be in accordance with manufacturing reconmendations for each case. If no reconmendations are available, super heat is to be set at 2" to 4". 4. Contractor shall check overload protection and change to proper size if incorrect. 5. Contractor shall furnish a conpetent refrigeration service mechdnic to make any necessary adjustnents to the controls during the tine the fixtures are being stocked. 6. contractor shall check oil level in all compressors for 24 to 48 hours after start uP. K. Warranty: 2. Contractor shall adjust the followinq controls to naintain the lowest head pressure that is found to give adequate liquid feed to the expansion valve: a. Water regulation valves.b. Thernostats controlling cooling tower damPers orc. Thernostats controlllng Contractor shall provide necessary labor, materials and incidental expenses to naintain the temperature listed in Paragraph 1oA for a period of one year from the date of acceptancerwithout additional cost to the Owner. (Tenperature rises caused by inproper stocking or ifnornat air surrents shall not be the responsibility of the Contractors.) The equipnent, controls and accessories furnished by the owner are purchased with a manufacturerrs standard one-year warranty F.o.B. factory. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain from the nanufacturer any necessary replacenents without charge to the ortner. The first year warranty shall include at least three (3) comptete lubrications (at approxinately four rnonth intervals) of each system, ineluding any cooling tolters and other parts of the system requiring lubrication. At the tine the eguipment is lubricated, each system shall be checked for proper adjustment and any deficiencies in the installation (such s leaks) and necessary corrections shall be nade. When the final inspection is nade, approximately thirty (30) days before expiration of the warranty, the Contractor shall write the owner a letter certifying that each system is free of leaks and is evaporative condenser or fans.dampers or fans in DA 9601 01100-13 t I I I I I I I I I I T t I I I b. c. d. e. f. s. h. L. operating at the Epecifled temperature' A copy of this Itetter is to be sent to the store Danager' I 3. procedure in case of hermetic motor comPressor burnout is rto be as follows: I a. close the compressor service valves,. remove the burned out notor compresEor and install the replacenent. f Renove a sanple of oil form the replacement--ttr.""o" ani seal in $trall. glass bottle f9" ""tiiii""" after the cleanlng operation is completed.Evaluate the replaceuent compres€tor with its service valveg ciosed. The, open tbe service lrif',t"t, close the liquid line valve and pump the Eyste[ down. InEtaIl a tenporary core type filter dryer in suction llne between service valve and compressor (special adapter available). Dryer nust be of at ieist 90 subi; inch capacity and l-s to be installed veilicaffy with aischarg- part down to avoid trapping oit in the filter drYer. Reprace riqutd line filter dryer sith nev dryer one "i?" targir than nornal. If color element in fiquid line sight is discolored brown, t e p 1a c e vith new sight glass. Enacuate syaten twice in accordance with evacuating inEtructiolne (Section II,9c) of these Specifications. Charge systen with refrigerant through a filter aryei. Ilf old refrigerant charge is reused gas so as to leave all heavy residue in cylinder' Operate systen with temPorary filter dryer . in siiction li-ne for two days. Wlren temporary .suction'iitt"t filter dryer is removed, the fiquld line iirt"r dryer Ehbuld also be replaced with new normal El-ze unit. i. check oil after two days and again after two weeks' If oil becomes discolored, replace with the oil' oil nust renain clean and free of odor before job can be considered finished. Filter Change Schedule: 1. A11 suction filters and liquid line dryers are to be changed according to the following schedule: a. Seven daYs after start uP. DA 9601 o1100-14 1. 3. 1. !{. I I I I I I I T I I I I t I l I I I I b. Thirty daYs after start uP.c. Six nonths after start uP.d. Eleven months after start uP. 2. All filters are to be saved and labeled as to which systen they can from along with a sample of oil form that systen. They are to be inspected and approved by Safewayprior to disposal. 3. If any of the filters or oil samples are found to bedirty at any point ln the filter change schedule, they are €o be changed weekly, along with the system oil untit the system is clean. The determination of a rrcleanrl system is to be made by a safelray Representative. 4. The above is to be considered part of the Safesay Refrigeration Specification. Where conflict between this Specification and the standard specifications occurs, the addendum supersedes the standard Specifications. User's Instructions: Contractor shaU turn over to the store manager one copy of al manufacturerrs literature furnished with each piece of eguipnent. lfithin thirty (30) days after the store ls opened, the Contractor shall instruct the store manager on the proper operation, care and upkeep of all equipnent. Approximately one month before the ocpiration of the first year warranty, the Contractor shall review the operation, care and upkeep with the store manager. Contractor shall carefully complete four eopies of anrras-builtrr refriqeration schedule. Dissemination of copies as follo!,ts: a. One coy shall be nounted in a protective covering in the compressor Room. b. One copy shall be retained by the Contractor. c. Trro copies shall be forwarded to the Owner prior to acceptance of the refrigeration installation. ownei will furnish four prints of this scheduJ.e, in blank, to the contractor. Uount on each control panel a plate giving time and length of each defrost. N.Scope: These Specifications ar intended to cover the installation of compressors, condensers, coils and otherparts required to complete the produce refrigeration system as shown or called for by one or more of the followlng: a. FIXTURE I,AYOUT DRAWING DA 9501 01100-15 b. c. 2. Contractor shall furnish and install refrigerant tubing, fittings, band shut-off valves, refrigerant, oil and all otlrer installation materials regulred to complete tle lnEtallatLon and perform the seivice detailed in this lnetallation. o. Contractor Ehall conplete four copies of the schedule entitled, ilREFRIGERATIbN SySTEMS SSTTINGS.'| Thls schedule shall bd conpleted after the contractor has balanced all systems as prescribed in Paragraph - rrKrr of these ii""iiicatlons.- one copy shall be nounted in a protective cbverlng 1n the ConpresJor Roon within Eeven days_ aft^er the store haE been open- for business. The owner shall furnish four copies of thL echedule to the Contractor in blank. p. Final palment wlll not be nade until items requested in Paragraphs rrti|r and motr are complete. A. ThLs contractor shall renove fron the interior of the building daily crating, packaglng and other debris removed from equiinent Uei-n'g instaifea by hin. It shall be placed in- a a6lris containLr or truck or neatty stacked outside the building and hauled away at leaEt weekly. R. .Utitities for installation of gL! fixtures and equipnent shall be paia for by this Contrictor. It shall be his resp6nslbility to negotiate with Building Contractor for proportl-onate share to be Paid. I.IECHANICAL AND NON-I'IECHANICAL - EOUIPUENT ROOI'! The rrGeneral Conditionsrr of these Specifications and rrscope of Workrr apply to this Section. This Section is intended to cover the installation only, in complete operating condition in accordance nith the nanufacturerrs reguirenents (see Refrigeration Schedule) . Installation InEtructions : A. l{ake necessary arrangenents for installations in Machine Room. It will be this contractorrs responsibility to coordinate with the ceneral Contractor to install the above equi-pment' B. This Contractor shall be responsible for all piping in the Machine Room, including piping to the air cooled condensers. c. This contractor rrill furnish and install an 8PR valve for each Meat preparation Roon refrigeration systern, if not existing. REFRIGERATION SCITEDT'LE SYSTE!{ L,AYOUT I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I DA 9601 01100-16 E. F. G. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I coDE 11O - REFRIGERATION TNSTAT,IiTION - FT.,FCTRTCALThe ,rceneral Conditionsrr of these Specifications and rrScope of work[ apply to this section. AII electrical work to be in accordance with all local and national codeE. Make all required electrical outlet connections for panels, aub- panels, and junction boxes for all refrigerated equipment shown on the Plan and as enumerated below as reguired. A. All compressor motors in Refrigeration schedule. Tags and disconnects furnished with equipment. B. AIl bl-owerare to be watertight coil notors ca1led for in Refrigeration schedule separately switched with keyed disconnects in boies. The boxes and switches for notors, if to be furnished and installed under this keys to be given to the safeway Constructionnecessary arecontract. All Representative. c. Installation and connection of all control devices for compressorst, cases, boxes, etc., are under this contract. D. Alt refrigerated case lighting and wirings shall be included as part of the Refrigeration Contract. Case lighting to be installed by the nanufacturer. Connection is to be by this Contractor. It is the responsibility of this Contractor to insure all case lighting, fixtures and lamps are operatingproperly. Discrepancies are to be reported to the safeway Construction Representative upon detection. Particular care is to be taken to assure that defrost heaters and contractors are wired exactly as Per drawing supplied with equipnent. Install magnetic contactor in electric supply line to each air cooled condenser on the roof and instalt fan cycl5-ng thermostats between the rooftop disconnect switches and the condenser fan motors. Nunber of nagnetic contractors and fan cycling thernostats to be installed as sbown on the nlfrigeration Schedule. Wire load side of fan disconnect switches to fan cycling switches on remote condensers. Disconnect switches by General contractor. Provide a door switch on switch shall pump down the all low tenperature boxes. The refrigeration system and disconnect when the door is left open. Refrigeration Contractor. Components supplied FY the H. Provide one duplex receptacle for each coil where condensate drain heat tapes are required. Locate per Refrigeration contractor. DA 9601 01100-17 I. Contractor shall be responsible for install-ation and start up of all self,contained iefrigeration fixtures shown or listed on the Fixture Plan. CODE l2O - REFRIGERATION - PLUUBING The rrGeneral Conditionsn of these Specifications and rrscope of Workrr apply to this Section. A. Furnish all labor and naterial necessary to provide drainage for all refrigerated cases. These drain lines to be Type.rrMrl copper tubing, provided with soldered joints, screwed fittings oJ pvc pipe wtrele local codes allow. The drain lines are to be the sane size as the case drain outlet, or as required by Local codes. B. Install 3/4'r drain lines for all blower coils. Drain lines shal-l be 'i!pe mlttlr copper tubing or PVC plpe where local codes alLow. wfrlre drain lines are exposed in meat preparation roomsr, use PVC exclusiveLy, wlrere local Codes allow. Install a rrTrr in each drain for cleanout purposes. c. Each drain line to be equipped with an el.bow at terninal end. The elbow is to be turned dovn. D. It is the intent that the work herein specified will constitute a loot refrigeration installation ready for use. This contractor shall include in his Ejc any additional work reguired to install all refrlgeration 1oot, whether or not herein specified. E. This refrigeration specification is not cornplete without this final sheet. END OF SECTION t I I I I t t I I I I I I T I I I I t DA 9601 01100-L8 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS 1. OO GENERAI, 1.01 DESCRIPTION manager will schedule and chair B. Representatives of the Architect' €ontractor' subcontractorsandnaterialsuppliersattending.project neetings -"t i:-r have authority to -n-ake binding decisions for their iesPective flrms' c.ProgressneetingscalledbytheContractortocoordinate ana o<pedite wori of subcondractors'and naterialE suppl-iers are not covered bY this Section' D. The contractor is to adninister project meetings and Perform the following tasks: 1. PrePare agenda 2. Distribute written notice of regular and special t""ti"gJ four days in advance of meeting date' 3. Record minutes, include significant Proceedings,and . decisions, corrections of any conments on Prevlous neetinqs' 4. Distribute copies of minutes to participants' within four daYs after meetings' 1.02 PREBID CONFERENCE A. A prebid meeting will lce held at the site with all general "ontt""lo* -ini their prine subcontractors to review existing Enaitions in the existing buitding and answer questions. B. The ownerrs Representative vill be in attendance' c. The exact location of the prebid neeting, time, and date will be Provided later' 1. 03 PRECONSTRUCTION UEETING The General Contractor will schedule a Preconstruction i""ti"g titnitt five days of issuance of the rrNotice of Proceed. rr A. ContractQrts Project neetings. A. DA 9501 012 00-L Attendees shall include: 1. Ownerrs RePreEentative and contractorts Project nan9ers 2. Contractor's field superintendent 3. Representatives of subcontractors and najor suppliers as required 4. Archl-tect, if requested and authorized by the oltner 5. Contractorrs safety representative(s) c. Agenda: will include discussion of the following iterns: 1. Tentative construction schedule 2. Critical work seguencing 3. Designation of responsible personnel 4. Subuittal of shop drawings, project data and samples 5. Processing applications for palment 6. Procedures for maintenance of record documents T.Procedureforfieldchanges,changeestiroates,changeorders, etc. Use of Premises Location and naintenance of teurporary storage buildings' field offices' etc. Major equipnent deliveries and priorities Site and buildinq security procedures safety and first aid Procedures HousekeePing Procedures llasonry construction techniques Quality Control - See Section 01400 B. l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. 13. 14. 15. DA 9601 oL200-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.04 JOBSITE PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Then ceneral Contractor will schedule Jobsite meetings weekly during the construction period or as otherwise agreed uPon. B. Attendees shall include: 1. OwnerrE Representative and contractorrs project managerE 2. Contractorrs field superintendent 3. Representatives of subcontractors and najor suppliers as required. 4. Architect in accordance with the ogtner/Architect agreement C. Agenda: tfill include, but not necessarily linited to, a discussion of the fotlowing itens: 1. Construction schedule 2. Critical work sequencing 3. subnittal of shop drawings, project data and sanples 4. Major eguipnent deliveries and priorities 5. Site and building seeurity procedures 6. HousekeePing Procedures END OF SECTION DA 9601 01200-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01300 ST'BITITTALS 1.OO GENERAL 1. 01 WORK INCLI'DED 1. 04 To insure that the specified products are furnished and installed in accordance with the design intent, procedures have been established for advance subnittal and review by the Owner I s Representative. 1,.02 RELATED WORK Section OoTOO - General Conditions Section O1?OO - contract Closeout Individual subnittals required are identified in pertinent sections of these Specifications. 1.03 PRQDUCT HANDLING Make at1 submittals of shop drawings, samples, requests for substitutions and other sirnilar itens in strict accordance with the provisions of this Section. SCHEDI'I.,ING THE GENERJ\L CONTRI\CTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SCHEDULING AI{D SUBSTITTITIONS A}ID OTHER SIIiIIIJ\R ITEMS IN A TIMELY MJ\NNER REI,ATIVE TO THE OVERALL CONTRACT SCHEDULE. 2.00 PRODUCTS 2.O1, SHOP DRAWINGS A. The General Contractors, as soon as possible after approval of the source and the purchase of itens of materials and equipnent' A}ID tPoN CO!'IPLETIoN OF, HIS OwN REVIEW, shall sulnlt to the olrnerrs Representative all shop or setting drawings and schedules reguired for the work. B. Unless otherwise specifically directed by the ownerrs 9501 01300-1 A. B. c. o I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I c. D. RepresentatLve, nake all shop drawings accurately .to a EcLIe sufficiently large enough to show all pertinent features of the iten and its method of connection to the rrork. REPRODUqTIONS OF A}TY PART OF THE CONTRACT DR.AWINGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AS SHOP DRAWINGS T'NDER ANY CIRCTNISTANCES. subntt aII strop drawings in tbe fotn of one reverse printed sepia transparency of each sheet, plus three bluelinepri.nte of each sheet. Sepia transparencies .sha1l not iolded but shall tie rolled and transnitted in a tube suitable for nailing. E. AII shop drawings for alt equiptoent in a given system sha1l be subnitted at one tine, each conplete set in a separate brochure. F. Each set of shop drawings EhaII identify the project, General Contractor, subcontractor, fabricator or manufacturer and date of the drawings. All shop drawings shall be numbered in consecutive sequence and each sheet ehall indicate the total number of sheets in the set. The shop drawings Ehall indicate t1pes, gauges and finishes of all naterials. l{here a shop coat of paint is required, its brand nane and nanufacturerrs identification number or type shall be lndicated. Sufficient data in eactr set of shop drawings shall be included to permit a detailed study of the systen subnitted. Shop drawings corrections reguired by the ownerrs Representative will be marked directly on the sepia. After review, the ortnerrs Representative will retain the set ofprints, have additional prints made for his and the ownerrs use, and will then return the sepia transparencies to the General contractor. Those required for correction shall be corrected and resubnitted. Upon receiving the sepia sets from the Ownerrs Representative, the General Contractorshall have sufficient sets of prints made from them fordistribution to appropriate subcontractors, fabricators, manufacturers and suppliers who require them for coordinatlon of their work. I. Shop drawing subroittals processed by the ownerrs Representative are not change ordersl the purpose of the shop drawing subnittals by the General contractor is to denonstrate to the Ownerts Representative and his consultants that ttre General Contractor and his subcontractors understand the design concept and that he denonstrates his understanding by indicating and detailing the fabrication and installation nethods he intends to use. G. H. DA 9601 01300-2 t I I t J. rf devLations.r. discrepancies or confricts between shopdrawing. subnittalE and the contract Docunents in the tofrof deslgm_ drawings and specifications are aiscoveieaeither prior to br after shop ariwlng -""urill"r;-;;: processed by the OwnFrrs Representative, the deslgndrawj.ngs and specification shaLi take precedence. 2.O2 PRODUCT DATA A. B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I l{here the contents of subnitted nanufacturerrs literatureinclude data not pertinent to the subnittal , clearlyindic-ate_ whicfr portion of the contents is reing'subnittedfor the Owaerrs Representative.s review. Subnit the number of copies which are to be returnedrpluslto copies. which will be retained by the ownerrsRepresentative. Product data submittals processed by the OwnerrsRepresentative are not chang- ordersp th6 irurpose of theproduct data subnittals by the ceneral coitrictor is todenonstrate that the General contractor understands thedesign concept and that he denonstrates his understandingby indicating and detailing the fabrication andrnstallation nethods he intends to use. 2.O3 D. If, deviations, discrepancies or confricts between productdata submittals and the contract Documents in the form ofdesign drawings and specifications are discoveied, eitheiprior to or after product data subnittals ar" liocissed bythe Owner I s Reple_sentative, the design irawings ,r&specifications shall take precedence. SAI.IPLES A. Pronptly after execution of the contract, the Generalcontractor shall assenble and deliver td the ownerrsRepresentative a comprete corlection of sampres "ov"rintall naterials where colors, texture or finis-h are subjec€to selection by -the ownerrs. Representative. upon rec6iptof such a comprete colrection of sarnpres, t]he ownerrsRepresentative _ wi1l, with reasonable - prourptness, makeselections and prepare and deliver io -tne ceneralcontractor a schedure covering arr items surjeci -io selection by hin. DA 9501 o1300-3 I B. The ownerrs Representative reserves the riglt not to make Iindivldual deterninations or eelections until all sanPles Iof all rnaterials are furnished to hin. I C. ttnleas otherwise specifically directed by the Owner's Representative, all samples shall be of the precise article propoeed to be furnlihed. Subnit all samples in tbe quanttty which is required to be returned p)-us one which sitt Ue retained by the ownerrs Representative. 2.O4 COLORS unlesE a precise color and pattern are specifically des-cribed in the Cbntract Docpnents, whenever a choice of color or pattern iE available in a speclfied product, subnit accurate iolor and pattern ctrarts to the ohmerrs Representative for his review and selection. 2.O5 }IANUALS A. Where nanuals are reguired to be subnitted covering itens included in this work, prePare all such manuals in durable binders approximatety 8|n x l1tr in size. Each nanual shal'l be ldentifLed on the front cover stating the general nature of the nanual. Include all pertinent infornation as reguired by other sections of these specifications. B. Where contents of manual include manufacturerrs cataloq prices, clearly indicate the precise items included in this-installation and delete or otherwise clearly indicate all data which does not apply to this work. C. Unless otherwise specified in the pertinent sections of these Specifieations, deliver two copies of each manual to the ownerrs RePreaentative. 2.06 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A. THE GENERi\IJ CONTRACTOR. AT THE CO}IPLETION OF THE PR$IECT' SHALL FI'RNISII THE OWNER WITH A SET OF REPRODUCTBLE NAS- BUILTII DIUWTNGS. A SEII OF PRODUCIBLES WILIJ BE FORWARDED TO THE CONTRACTOR. UPON HTS REOUEST, FOR PREPARATTON OF IIAS- BUILTI' DR,AWINGS. REFER TO SECTION O17OO - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORITIATION. B. changes to be noted on the as-built drawings shall include final locations of any piping, ductwork, electri-cal fixtures, boxes, etc., relocated ruore than 2r-orr from where shown on the drawings. See nechanical and electrical I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I DA 9601 013 00-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 3 .00 3 .01 3.02 3.03 aectlons of these requirements. Specifications for more detailed EXECUTION REVIEW BY GENER,AI-, CONTRACTOR A. Tbe General Contractor shall make special not of requiredfield dinensions, as-built condit.ions an conditionsrequiring special coordination with other contractors and/or shop drawings and subnittals. Shop drawinqs andsubnittals not so reviewed and narked bv the General Contractor wiII be rbturned unchecked. B. If it appears that the General Contractor has not checked the shop drawings carefully, even though stamped as checked and approved, the shop drawings shall be returned to theceneral Contractor for proper checking before furtherprocessing or review by the Ownerrs Representative, regardless of any urgency claimed by the Genal Contractor. REVTEW BY THE OWNERIS REPRESENTATTVE Review of shop drawings and subnittals by the ownerrs Representative or his consultants wlll be on the basis of conformity with design only. Quantities and dimensions are the responsibility of the ceneral Contractor. Review of shop drawings or subnittals by the ownerrs Representati-ve or hisconsultants shall not relive the General Contractor ofresponsibifity for accuracy of such shop drawings, nor forproper fitting, construction of work, furnishing of materialor work required by the Contract Documents and not indicated ont eh shop drawings. Shop drawings or subrnittal review shaLl not be construed to be approval of departure from requirementsto the contract Docurnents. IDENTIFTCATION OF SUBI-IITTALS A. consecutively pumber all sheetE of shop drawings or subrnittals. B. Accompany each subuittal with a letter of transnittal showJ.ng the transnittal number, date of transnittal,Speclfication Section or Drawing number to which thesubnittal pertains, brief description of the naterial submittal and the company name of the originator of thesubnittal. DA 9601 013 00-5 c. vlhen material is resubnitted for any reason, transmit under a nes letter of transnlttal; indicate by reference to previous submittal that this is a resubnlttal. 3. 04 TII{ING AND GROI'PING OF SI'BI{ITTATS days for receipt A. ual(e au subrnittals far enough in advance of scheduled date for installatlon to provlde afl requlred time for reviews, for securing neceesary approvale, for possible.revision and resubnittal-, and for placing orders and securing delivery. B. In echeduling, allow at least elght full working the osnerrs RepresentatLverE review followinq his of the subnlttal. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Unlesa othemise epecifically permitted by the ownerrs Representative, nakL all subnittal sin groups containing all associated ltene. 3.05 ROT TING oF St BIiiITTALS A. AII subnittale shall be routed though the ownerrs Representative. B. If strop drawings or Product data subnittals require a consultantrs check, the ovnerrs Representative shall route the sepia and one print og af] Product data submittals to the consultants. No subnittals shall be nade directly to the consultant by the GeneraL contractor, subcontractors or naterial suppliers. c. After the consultant has reviewed the submittals, the consultant will retain one print or set of product data subnittals for his file and return all 0ther subnittals back to the ownerrs Representative for transnittal back to the General Contractor. 3. 05 SI,'BI{ITTAL SCHEDT'LE The following sections reguire subnittals for the work of this project. subnittals would include, but not necessarily be linited to, shop drawlngs, product data, samples, guarantees, warranties, rras-builtsrrr keys, tools, extra stock, etc. Refer to Section O17OO - Contract Closeout for additional itens. 01700 06200 Contract Closeout Finish Carpentry DA 9601 01300-6 I I ozgoo iloint sealersI o81oo lletal Doors and FranesO82OO t{ood and Plastic Doors I o83oo Special Doors I 08410 Aluninun Entrances and storefronts08460 Autonatic DoorsI O87OO Hardware I 09550 Resilient Flooringr 09700 Speclal Flooring09900 Painting I 09950 t{att coieringI 09985 Prefinished Panels10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories r' 1.o7 APPRoVED sltBurrrAls I I t I T I I I I I I I OnIy approved shop drawings and product datasubnittals shall be kept at the jobsite. The General Contractor shall maintain a complete set of up-to-datesubmlttals on file at the jobsite. END OF SECTION I DA 9601 01300-7 c. D. I I I T t I T I I I I I I t I I t I I sEcTroN 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACTORTS QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEI'I A. Quality Controls Establish system to perfornsufficient inspection and test of all items of work,including that of subcontractors, to ensure confornanceto Contfact Documents for materials, workmanship,construction, finish, functional perfornance andidentlfication.1. Control systen: Establish for all construction except where Contract Docuuents provide forspecific eompliance test by testing laboratorLes and engineers enployed by Onner.2. Control system: Specifically iaolude all testing reguired by various sections of Specifications. B. guality Control System: lr{eans by which Contractor assures hinself that construction cornplies with requirements of contract Documents.1. Controls: Adequate to cover all construction operations and keyed to proposed construction schedule. Records: Maintain correct records on appropriate fornfor all inspections and tests performed, instructionsreceived fron owner and actions taken as result ofthose instructions.1. Records: Include evidence that requiredinspections or test have been performed (includingtlped and number of inspections or tests, natureof defects, causes for rejection, etc. ) proposedor directed remedial action, and corrective action taken.2. Docunent inspections and tests as reguired by eachsection of Specifications. Quality Control Plan: Subnit with proposed Schedule of Values and Construction Progress schedule. Plan shal1 include:1. Personnel, procedures, instructions, and recordsto be used.2. List of control tests which contractor understandshe and his subcontractors are to perform. DA 9601 01400-l 3. 4. Procedures for reviewing and approving Shop Drawings, Product Data, Sanples and othersubnittals before Eubnlssion to Archltect. Include procedureE for obtaining field meaEurenents. ttethod of docunenting quality control operation, inapection and testing lncludlng sanples of proposed forns. EI{D OF SEqTION I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I DA 9601 01400-2 I I sEcrroNs olsooI CONSTRUCTION FACII,ITIES AND TE!{PORARY CONTROLS I T.OO GENERAL r 1.01 WORK INCLITDED A. llhe conpletion of all tenporary facilities work shown, r specified and/or otherwise required.I B' ffi11"fi:I"g:1'"T:? ""11 ;::::3li'i'"Tt"1if"u'?'o,'n"II 1. Temporary utilities such as gtas, water, electricity and telephone I 2. Field offices and sheds r 3. Sanitary facilities I 4. Enclosures such as tarpaulins, barricades and canopies I L.O2 RELATED WORK A. Section O1O1O - Sunmary of Work I B. Except that equipnent furnistred by subcontractors shallconply with all requirenents of pertinent safety I regulations, the ladders, hoists, planks and sinilar I itens normally furnislred by individual trades inexecution of their own portion of the work are not partof this Section of these Specifications. ! 1.03 oUAIJITY Asst'RANcE I Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: I Conply with applicable codes, ordinances, regulations, I referencee and standards in effect at bid date. I 1.04 PRoDUcr HANpLTNG I A. Use all neans necessary to naintain facilitlesI and controls in proper and safe condition r throughout the progress of the work. t B. In the event of loss or danage, innediately nake allrepairs and replacenents necessary to the approval of the ownerrs Representative and at no additional cost to the I Owner. DA 9601 oLsoo-l I I 2. OO 2.01 2.O2 t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I beto on B. PRODUCIS IitATERfALS Materials used for tenporary construction nay be neu or used, but nust have aaequate capacity. for the required usagi, nust not create- unsafe conditl-ons or violate requlrenents of applicable codes and standards. I'TILITIiS A. tenporary Electriclty and Lighting: 1. Existing building electrical outlets and lightiTV can be uttttzea Ly the General Contractor and his subcontractors for this work. 2. Each contractor Ehall furnlsh extension cords and Ianps necessary to convey additional electricity.or ligirting fron the bullding services to his pofli9l of-the work as nay be necessary to properly fight tlre work or to per:nlt proPer observation by the General Contractor or Owner. 3. Contractors reguirlng 3-phase current shall regui.red to provide temPorary wiring necesaary convey sane from panel locations to the location the proJect where such power is needed by them. 4. Eaclr contraqtor shall be responsible for any damage done to the pernanent wiring or fixtures as a result of hiE uEe of same. Temporary Telephone Service: The General contractor shall cause to be installed in his field office a telephone for uee by hinself and others engaged on his poition of the work. The General contiactor shall pay for the installation, maintenance, renoval and all other charges for the use of this telephone. store telephones will not be used by construction personnel. C. Temporary General lfater Service: The General Contractor shall use existing water sources in the building to conplete the required work. Tenporary connections, plunbing, piping, etc., necesEary to convey sane to place needed will be the responsibility of the General Contractor. DA 9601 01500-2 1. A. B. t I t I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I I 2.O3 2.04 2.O5 TE}IPORARY HEATING AND VENTII,ATION The existinq building I{VAC system will be utilized duringthis work schedule. FIELD OFFICE. SIIEDS AND OTHER TEXIIPORARY STRUCTI'RES A. Furnish and install a field office building adequate insize and accomnodation for aII contractorsr offices,superintendentts office, supply and tool room; nake thefield office available to the o!'mer throughout the entireconstruction period. B. Temporary structures used for storage and offices for subcontractor shall be located on the site in an orderly manner as detemined by the General Contractor. A11structures shall be located within the area of operationsas indicated on the Drawings. SANITARY FACTLITIES Furnish and install alI required temporary tolletfacilities with sanitary toilets for use of allworknen. Cornply with all nininun reguirements of theHealth Department or other public agency havingjurisdiction. Maintain in a sanitary condition at all times. Toilets within the existing building shall not be usedby the workmen during the total construction period. 2.06 WATCHMAN The General Contractor shall be responsible for all damagedue to intrusion, theft and vandalism and shall beresponsible for the general protection of the prenises and work. 2.07 TEI,TPORARY PROTE TIVE FACTLITIES, ENCLOSIJRES AND SCAFFOLDING A. Tenporary Protective Facilities and Enclosures: The General Contractor and each subcontractor shallfurnish, install and naintain for the duration ofthe construction, all required scaffolds,tarpaulins, barricades, canopies, warning Eigns,steps, bridges, platforms and other temporaryconstruction necessary for the proper completion ofthe work and protection of the public and worknenin cornpliance with all pertinent safety laws andother regulations. DA 9601 01500-3 AIl tenporary walks, barricades, fencee, bulkheads,etc., shall be naintained in good condltion throughout the term of the work and, at comp_letion of the work, they shall. be renoved and all rork damaged thereby shall be repaired and replaced in good condltlon. DUST PARTITIONS, IF RE(IUIRED BY TIIE OWNER, SIIALL BE ERECTED BY TTTE GENERAL CO}IIRACTOR AND SEAIJL BE CONSTRUCIED USING SllrD (l,tEEAL oR WOOD) ERAI'!rNG WITH PLYWOOD, WAFERBOARD OR OIIIER SUITABLE FACING I{AIERIAL AllD SIIALL EI(IEND FL',OOR TO CEILING. (VISQUEEN SHEBEING IS PERUITTED IF INSTAI.,I,ATION TS APPROVED BY THE CONS1rRUCTION REPRESENTATIVE. ) The ceneral Contractor shall provide and maintain adeguate warning signs and danger llghts for theprotection of the public and workmen. DangerIights shall be kept llluninated each night from sunset to sunrl.Ee. The ceneral Contractor shall post danger singsrarning agai.nst hazards created by constructionactivitles such aa protruding nails, hoists, openings, falling objects, etc. The General Contractor shall furnish and maintain fire protective eguipnent as required by the local Fire Departnent and governing authority. The General Contractor shall provide and maintain afirst-aid station. The General contractor shall be responsible for supervJ.sing the use, adequacy and safety of alLladders, scaffolding, shoring, bracing, tools, equipnent, storage areas, cranes, hoists' ramps, runways, formwork, or other structures provided byhin or any of hi subcontractors to facilitate conpletion of the work. 9. The General contractor shall. erect temporary Ienclosures as required for weather protection. t B. Scaffolding and PlatfornE: 1. The various Eubcontractors shall include in their bids the cost of providing a1l scaffolding requiredto perform their portion of the work. Scaffoldingnay be utilized by nore than subcontractor if location and work schedule allows. I I I I I t I I I I I I I 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. t I I I I DA 9501 01500-4 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. OO 3. 01 3.02 2. The adequacy, safety and maintenance of allscaffolding shal1 be the joint responsibility ofthe General Contractor and the subcontractorerecting the scaffolding. 3. Tbe ceneral Contractor sha1l furnish, erect, andmaintain ln a safe condition, all runways, llfts,guardrails, platforns and sinilar construction srequired for the performance of the work. Suchtemporary facilities shall be substantiallyconstructed for the specific use, well-supportedand braced, and shall conply with all applicablefederal, state and local codes and reg'ulations. EXECIITION USE OF SITE AII tenporary facilities, including the ContractorrE fieldoffice which he may maintain at the site and additionaloffices erected by subcontractors, shall be neatlyconEtructed and arranged on the site in an orderly manner.The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Olrner, forapproval prior to starting work, a construction plan layout, showing arrangement of storage areas, temporary buildings,equipnent and work areas. REX'iOVAL OF TEIIPORARI FACILITIES A. Completely renove aII temporary field offices, shops,naterials, eguipment, etc., upon conpletion of the work. B. Repair or restore any damage caused by tenporary work toits specified original condition. c. Inmediately prior to completion of the project, removeall temporary lanps and install new lamps throughout. D. Inmediately prior to completion of the project, removeall temporary filters and clean all pernanent filters. END OF SECTION DA 9601 01500-5 A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I SECTION 01600 MATERTAL AND EQUIP!.TENT 1. OO 1. 01 2.00 2.01 2.02 STORAGE AND PROTECTTON ON-SITE STORAGE The site has restrl-cted on-site storage capabilitiesand every bidder shatl consult with the Onner orceneral Contractor prior to subnitting his bid as towhat materials can be stored on-slte, avaj-Iable spacefor storage of the materials and schedule of tirnenaterials can be stored. If, after consulting with the Owner or GeneralContractor, ttte bidder detenines that he cannot storehis materials on-site, he shall make neceaaaryprovisions to store hl-s materials at a location of-site. Off-site storage costs, if required, sha1l beincluded in the bidding proposal. PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITIITIONS PRODUCT OPTIONS A. For products specified only b reference standards, theceneral Contractor may select any product meeting those standards by any nanufacturer. B. For prodtrcts identified by naning several products ormanufacturers, the General Contractor may select anyproduct or manufacturer naroed. ST,BSTITTITIONS A. Whenever a uaterial, article or piece of equipnent lsidentified on the Drawings or Specifications byreference to manufacturerrs or vendorrs names, trade names, catalog nunberE or the like, with or without thewords rror approved eguivalent,tr it is so identified forthe purpose of establishing a atandard of quality andnot to linit conpetition. B. Where the phrases rror equivalentrr or rras approved bythe Ownerrs Representativerr or similar langruage occursin the Contract Documents, do not assume that naterial, eguipnent or methods will be an approved equivalent bythe Ownerrs Representative unless the iten has beenspecifically approved by the Ownerrs Representative. DA 9601 01600-1 I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t c. D. E. F. G. The contract price shall be based uPon naterials, eguipnent and nethods described in the contract o6cuients or apProved by the ormerrs Representativeprlor to bidding. Reguests for substitutions nay be iade prior to lieaing as outlined in the trlnstructions to Bidders.'r Do not substitute naterials, equipment or nethods unless tlre iten has been specifically approved for this work by the orrnerrs Representative and ao llsted in an addendun. In order for the ownerrs Representative to give consideration to substitution reguests prior to subnission of bidE, the regueEta shall: 1. Be in writing, two copies with self-addressed, stamped, return enveloPe. 2. Be detivered to the &rnerrs Representative's office aeven working days prior to the tiue established to receive bids. No reguest for approval will be considered after this tlue. 3. Be acconpanied by conplete technical data, including laboratory reports, if applicable, on the propoeed product substLtution. 4. Futly explaln any differenees, if any, between the proposed substitution product and those identified-in tfre Specif ications or on the Drawings. 5.. Give complete details on any changes to the Specifications or Drawings that the proPosed substitute product requires for its proper install-ation. No requests for substitution are required for products not identified by proprietary name. No increase in the contract sum will be considered for products not identified by proprietary name. No changes or subEtitutlons will be considered after the award of the contract unless, in the opinion of the ormerrs Representative, the subEtitution or change will result in a better job and if the Contractor subnits the following: 1. conplete technical data including drawings, complete perfornance specificati.ons, test data, sanples ana perfornance tests of the article proposed for substitution. Subnit additional infornation if required by the ownerrs Representative. DA 9601 01600-2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I I I t I l I I I I I I I I I I t I I Sinilar data to above aE to iten to be deteted by proposed substitution. Complete breakdown of costs, including otlrertrades which nay be affected, indicating the cost anount to be deducted from the contract, if the proposed substitution is accepted. Statenent by ttre ceneral Contractor that theproposed subEtltution is in full compliance withthe Contract Docunents and applicable codes. List of other trades, if dDy, which may beaffected by the substitution. CONTRACTOR SHALI, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY EFFECT UPON REI.,ATED WORK IN THE PROJECT OF ANY ST'BSTITTITION AND SAALL PAY ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS GENERATED BY ATY SI'BSTITUTION, INCLI'DTNG ARCHITECTT'R,AL AND ENGINEERING FEES. END OF SECTION DA 9601 01600-3 I I I I I I I t T I t I I I I I I I I SEeIION 01700 CONTRACT CI.,OSEOUT 1.OO GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED Provide all incidentals for the conpletion of the work as itrelates to substantial conpletion, final observations, as-built drawings, warranties, miscellaneous keys, wrenches,etc., observation certificateg and final adjustments ofcontract amounts. 1.02 RELATED REOUIRB.TENTS A. Section 01300 - SubnittalsB. Section 01710 - Final CleaningC. Closeout subnittals as required by the respective ofthese Specifications. 1.03 FINAL OBSERVATION AND SI'BSTANTIAL COUPLETION 1. 04 A. Upon notification from the General Contractor that allwork has been conpleted in accordance with tlre ContractDocunents, a final observation of the work with the o\dnerrs Representative(s) and General Contractor wiLl be conducted. B. If, after the final observation of the work, the Ownerrs Representative confirns the work substantially conplete,he will issue a Certificate of Substantial Conpletion,A.I.A. FoL.m c704, to include a list of itens found duringthe final observation which require completion orcorrection, along with a designated time period tocompletion. C. The General Contractor shall obtain a Certificate ofoccupancy vhich will allow the Owner to occupy theproject or designated portion of the project. CLOSEOUT SI]BIIIITTALS A. If, after the final observation, the Ownerrs Representative considers the work complete in accordancewith the requirements of the Contract Documents, he sha11request that the Contractor nake the following projectcloseout subnittals prior to subnitting the final palment request. 1. The General Contractor shall be responsible for the DA 9601 01700-1 I ;:*i:i:n and assembline of all project closeout I 2. The ceneral Contractor shall review atl naterialsfor conpliance sith the specificatlon requirenentsprior to forwarding to the On*nerls Representative. 3. All warranty data, guarantees, operating anduaintenance data, €tc., shall be assembled by theGeneral Contractor in two hardcover binders withthree rings and labeled uith the project title onthe outside. B. ProJect Record Docunents: 1. l,laintain at the Jobsite, in an organized filingsysten, one record copy of the Drawings,Specifications, addenda, shop drawings, changeorders, field test records and all othernodifications to the contract. 2. Do not use record set of dosunents for constructionpurposes but maintain in a clean, dry, legiblecondition, apart forn documents used forconstructlon. 3. Label each docunent trRecord Docunentrr and mark allinfornation with contrasting color. 4. Keep record docunents current. 5. Do not peruanently conceal any work until requiredinfornation is recorded. 5. At completion of the project, deliver all recorddocunents to the Ownerrs Representative with atransnittal letter containing date, project titleand nunber, Contractorrs nane and address, titleand number of each docunent and writtencertification that each document is complete andaccurate. C. Record Document RequLrenents: 1. If the General Contractor elects to very from theContract Documents and Eecures prior approval ofthe Orrner.s Representative for any phase of thework other than those listed below, he shall recordin a neat, reasonable manner aLL such variances or.ra set of clean Contract Drawings. Refer to Section 01300 - Subnittals for additional information. I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I DA 9601 01700-2 2. I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I As-built drawings shall be naintained by the General Contractor as the work progresses and as follows: a. All deviations fron thefron all other features shown in the Contract recorded. sizes, locations andof the installation Documents shall be b. In addition, it shall be possible, u6lng thesedrawings, to correctly and easily locate,identify and establish sizes and features ofthe work which will be concealed undergroundand/or in the finislred building. (1) Locations of underground work shall be establlshed by dinensions to colunn linesor walls, locating all turns, etc., andby properly referenced centerline orinvert elevations and rates of fall. (21 For work concealed in the building,sufficient infornation shall be given soit can be located with reasonable accuracy and ease. In some cases, thisnay be by dinension. In others, it naybe sufficient to illustrate the work onthe drawings in relation to the spaces inthe building near which it was actuallyinstalled. The Owner's decision in this matter shall be fina1. (3)changes initiated by change orders orfield orders will be noted on as-built drawings. (4) Dimension changes, detail changes, addeddetails, etc., shall all be incorporatedinto an as-built set of drawings. D. Specifications: 1. Record the name of manufacturers, trade naue,catalog number and supplier of each product andeguipnent iten actually installed. 2. Record all changes initiated by change orders andfield orders or itens used but not originallyspecified. E. Warranties shall be subnitted as reguired in individual- Specif ication sections. DA 9501 o1700-3 F. At the conpletion of the project, all loose keys for hosebibbs, adjustnent keys and wrenches, etc., shall becollected by tbe ceneral Contractor and transmitted tothe Owner. G. Transnlt all keys for finish hardware to the owner. H. The ceneral Contractor and/or each applicable subcontrastor shall, upon coupletl-on of the work, secureLn triplicate certificateE frou any local or state governLng body baving Jurisdiction that the work is instrl.ct conpliance with applicable codes and regulations and deliver certificates to the Ownerrs Representative. I. The ceneral Contractor shall obtain Certificate of IOccupanc''I from governing agency and deliver srame to the 'Owner. J. Extra naterialE, as required by various sections of theSpecifications, shall be delivered to the owner who willreceipt for then. K. Evidence of Palmenta and Releases of tiens: I I t I I General Contractor shall subnitsubnitting his final application L,. Guarantees: I I I I I I I I I I I I I the for Theto 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. following prior palment: Safeway Forn C-1O5 - Affidavit Safeway Form C-106 - Release and Waiver of Lien Besides the guarantees required elsewhere,subcontractors shall gruarantee their work for aperiod of one year after the date of final acceptance of the work by the Owner and guaranteeto repair work that proves defective in workmanship and/or naterials due to above work without expense whatsoever to the Owner. Together wlth the gruarantees required elsewhere,the ceneral Contfactor shall guarantee the entire work for one year. AII special gruarantees reguiredby this Specification shall be in writinq and inthe forn required and delivered to the Owner beforethe final palment is nade. Guarantees on eguipment do not include maintenanceof the equipnent. The Onner shall accept fullresponsibility for use and maintenance of equipnentinnediately upon final acceptance of the project. DA 9601 01700-4 A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I o il. Test Reports and Inspection Certificates: Subnit test reports and certificates to the ownerrs Representative aE reguired by the various sections of the Specifications. N. Fire Sprinkler Guarantee: The General Contractorrs final palment reguest nust be accompanied by three copies of the properly executed Form 85 and three copies of the attached Form I-,-85 guarantyletter, prepared by the sprinkler subcontractor onsprinkler subcontractorrs letterhead. The Retail Division Construction Department will retain one set of these docunents, send one set with the L-70 rrDOCtUElmS REQUIRED IN SUPPORT OF FINAL PAYMEI(I,|| and thethird set to the Safety and Loss Control Department ofthe Risk llanagement Division. Upon receipt of their set, the Safety and Loss controlDepartment, Fire Protection Specialist, or arepresentative from l,larsh and Mclennan Protection Consultants will inspect the conpleted installation. The Safety and Loss Control Department will advise theRetail division Construction Departnent of the results ofthe inspection. If the sprinkler installation is notacceptable, the contractor will have to be notJ-fied bythe Retail Division Construction Department and the workcorrected in accordance with the inspection report.After the work has been corrected, a Retai.l Division Construction Representative is to inspect the project toverify that the corrections have been nade and to subrnit a memo to the Safety and Loss Control Department advising them that their recornnrendations have been cornplied with. 1.05 FINAL ADWSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS Subnit a final statenent to the Owner at the conclusionof the entire project to reflect all adjustments to theoriginal contract sum resulting fron change orders, unitprices, deductions for uncorrected work, deductions forreinspection palments and any other applicable adjustments. Using this statement as a guide, a final change ordershall be prepared to reflect all approved adjustnents tothe contract sun not covered in previous change orders. 1.06 FINAL APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT DA 9601 01700-5 A. The General contractor shall subnit final application for palment in accordance with the General and SupPlementary Conditions. B. The owner shalt issue a final certificate of palalent in accordance with the provisions of the General conditions. 1. 07 POST-CONStrRUCTION OBSERVATION a. Approxinately eleven nonthg from the date of substantial conpletion, the ownerrs Representative and the General contractor shall nake a visual observation of the proJect to determine whether corrective work is required by the General contractor or any of his subcontractors under the one-year g'uarantee. I t t I B. The or'merrs Representative will pronptly issue a list of itens needing corrective work. c. For guarantees which exceed the one-year period, the owner-rs RepresentatLve shall uake observations and advise the ceneral contractor of corrections reguired. I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I END OF SECTION DA 9601 017 00-5 I I I I sEcTroN 01710 FINAL CLEN{ING 1. 00 1. 01 1. 02 1. 03 2.00 2.01 Comply with applicableregulations, references andbid date. Agencies: codes, ordinances, standards in effect at I GEI{ERAL I{ORK INCLI'DED The conpletion of all cleaning work shown, specified and/or othersise required. REI,ATED WORK A. Section O17O0 - Contract CloseoutB. Cleaning up required for specific trades or work isspecified in sections pertaining to that trade or work. OUALITY ASST'RANCE A. Requirenents of Regulatory B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Fire Protection - Store volatile waste in coveredmetal containers and renove from premises dally. C. Pollution Control - Conduct clean-up and disposaloperations to conply with local ordinances andanti-pollution laws. l-. Burning or burying of rubbish and waEtematerials on the project site is notpernitted. 2. Disposal of volatile fluid wastes (Such asmineral spirits, oi1 or paint thinner) instorn or sanitary sewer system or into streamsor waterways is not pernitted. PRODUCTS CT,EANING I.TATERIALS A. Use only cleaning naterials recomnended by themanufacturer or surface to be cleaned. B. Use cleaning materials only on surfaces reconmendedby cleaning material nanufacturer. DA 9601 01710 - 1 3. OO 3. O1 EXECT'TION DURING CONSTRUETION A. oversee cleanl.ng and ensure that building and grounds are nalntained free of accumulation of saste uaterialE and rubbistt. B. Sprinkle dusty debrLg wLth water. c. At reaEonable intervale during proqress of the work, cleanup Eite and acceas and dispose of waste and naterial-, rubbish and debrls. D. Provide containere and locate on site for collection of waEte naterials, rubbish and debris' Do not allow saste rnaterials, rubbish and debris to accumulate and become unslghtly or a hazardous condition. Remove waste materials, rubbish and debris from the site and legally dispose of at a public or private dunping area off of the ownerrs property. Broon BweeP interlor building lrork areas daily on an as-needed basie until building is ready for acceptance bY the Osner. Loser waEte materlalE in a controlled nanner with aE few handlings as possible. Do not drop or throw naterials fron height. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and contarninants resulting fron denolition or the cleaning process wlll not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces or store nerchandise. Clean streetE and sidewalks adjacent to the work as reguired by construction activities or by governing agencies. Pronptly renove atl evidence of graffiti. Following the installation of finish floor nateriali, clean the finlshed floor daily at all tines thad work is being performed in the spaces in which finish naterials have been installed. t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. DA 9601 01710 - 2 c. D. E. F. H. I. J. K. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 3.02 FINAIJ CLE]ANING A. Uee a<perience worknen or professional cleaners forfinal cleaning. G B. At completion ofacceptance orobservation of surfaces. Remove grease, dirt, stain, Iabels. fingerprintsand other foreign naterials fron interior andexterior surfaceg. Repair, patch and tough up narred surfaces to match adjacent finishee. Broom clean paved surfaces. Rake clean other surfaces of grounds. Replace air conditioning filters if units are operated during construction. clean ducts, blowers and coils if air conditioningunits rrere operated wittrout filters during construction. Clean all plunbing fixtures to a sanitarycondition, free from stains. Broom cl-ean and danp nop all concrete floor surfaces. construction and just prior tooccupancy, conduct a finalexposed interior and exterior Clean surfaces equipnent. of rnechanical and electrical L. u. N. Remove trash and debris from roofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, crawl spaces, equipnent vaults,nanholes, etc. Clean light fixtures lenses and lamps. Clean and polish all finish hardsare. Thoroughly clean all floorsi danp mop resilientflooring and machine buff, vacuum carpets and remove all grout glaze fron ceranic tile and rinsewith clean water. Observe manufacturersr recomnendations whencleaning any finish naterial with any type of DA 9601 o. 01710 - 3 cleaning naterial other than water. P. l{aintain c}eaning until- the building, or portion ttrereof, is occuPied bY the Owner. o 3.03 CLTAI{ING DI'RING THE OWNERIS OCCT'PAI{CY should the o|trlrrer occupy a portion of the work thereof prior to its conpletion by ttrJCeneral Contractor and acceptance bX !lt"orJner, responsib-ilities for lnterin and final cleaning. of the occupied ipaces shall be determined in accordance witb the Geneial and SPecial Conditions. 3.04 COUPI,ETION Ttre entire proJect shall be in a firEt-class, clean conditLon upon completion and before acceptance by the owner' I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I END OF SE TION DA 9601 01710 - 4 A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION O33OO CAST-IN-PI.ACE CONCRETE 1.OO GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCIJUDED Provide concrete cast-in-place, including nornal finishing,for tlre patching of all concrete floor slab areas where theElab iE cut to allow underfloor worlc and any other miscellaneoua concrete work. Includes concrete curbing with reinforcenent and other miscellaneous concrete work regulredand/or indicated on the Drawings. 1.02 REI,ATED WORK 1. 03 1. 04 A. Section 01045 - Cutting and PatchingB. Section 01100 - Special ProJect Procedures SYSTE}T DESCRIPTION Build into concrete those naterials furnished under othersections such as niscellaneous steel, sleeves, inserts, hangers, pipes, conduits, bolts, wires and other fixtures. OUAIJITY ASST'R,N{CE Codes and Standards:following codes, shown or specified due date):Uniforn Building Code ACI 301 rrSpecifications for Structural Concrete for Buildingsrl ACI 305 rrHot weather connectingn ACI 306 rrCold treather connectingrl ACI 318 rrBuilding Code Requirernents for Reinforced Concreterl ACI 347 ItReconmended Practice for Concrete Fornworkrl ACI 304 r.Reconmended Practice for Measuring, Mixing,Transporting and Placing Concreterl Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, rrManual of Standard Practicerl ASTM C94 rrSpecifications for Ready Uixed Concreterl where provisions of the above codes and standards arein conflict with the building code in force for thisproject, the building code shall govern. Wtrere provisions of the codes and standards are inconflict with these Specifications, the most stringent requirements shall govern. Conply with the provisions of the standards, except as otherwise(in effect 30 days prior to bid DA 9601 03 300-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. c. D. concrete work vthlch does not conform to the specified ;;A;i;;"nis, incruding strengttr, tolerances and iif,i=rt"t, snirr lE coriected i directed by the ownerrs i""i""""iative at the contractorrs expense, without ;;i;;;i;;-"i irt" therefore. rhe contractor shalr also ;;-;6;tiur. ror itre cost of correctlons to any other wo"i "it"cted by or resulting fron corrections to ttre concrete work. Concrete tresting Service: rne-Contractor ifraft enploy an Independel! Testing Laboratory experienced in design and testinS 9f ;;;;;G-iateiiats and mixes to perforn materiars eviruation tests. contractor shall cooperate in the taking of all test naterLals' i"i""€fo" of the Eesting Laboratory is subject to the o*n"r's acceptanct. rh6 r-,aboratory shall be selected on the basis of professional-competence, pregualif ications, and experience' E. TeEts for Concrete ltaterials: 1. For normal weight concrete test aggrgq-1tgs^lY the methods of sanfling and testing of ASTM c 33' F. Quality Control Testing During Constructiona concrete sha1l U" s"rpied-and t6sted f5r guality control during the placenent of concrete as follows: f . iinpiing Fresh Concrete: ASTI'I c 1?2, except rnodified for slunP to conPlY with ASTM 9 94-' 2. Slunp: AsTll C 143] one test for each set of conpiessive strength test specimens' 3. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure methodl one for each set of conpressiie strength test specimens' 4. Conpression test Spelinens: AsTl{ c 31; one set of' 4 sta-ndard cylinders' for each conpressive strength -test'unless ottrerwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory cured test specinens except when field-cured test specimens are required' 5. concrete Temperatu-re: Test lrourly when air temperature is 4o'F and ielow, and each tine i set of conpression test sPecimenE made. o. ionpreisive Strength Tests: AsTu c 39; one set for each 25 cu.yda. oi fraction thereof, of each concrete class placed in any one day or for eaclr 2,000 square feet of surface arEa ptaced; f specimen tested at 7 days, 2 specinens tesied at 29 diy:' and.one specinen retained lor testing at 56 days, if required' a.when the frequency 6f testing will -provide. Iess than 5 strength tes€s foi a given class of concrete' conduct iestiig from at least-5 randonly selected batches or from eich batch if fewer than 5 are used' DA 9501 03 3 00-2 G. H. I I I I t t I t I t I T I I I I I I t b. When the total quantity of a given class of concrete isless than 10 cu.yds., the strength tests nay be waived by the Architect if, in his judgrnent' adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. c. When the strength of field-cured cylindera ls leEs than 85t of companLon laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate current operatlons and provide correctlve procedures for protecti.ng and curing the in-place concrete. 7. Report test results in writing to the Ottner, Architect, Structural Engineer, and the Contractor on the same day that tests are made. Reports of conpressive strength tests shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete placenent, name of Contractor, name of concrete supplier and truck number, nane of concrete testing service, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in the structure, design conpressive strength at 28 days, air content and s1unp, concrete nix proportions, naterialsl conpressive breaking strength and tlpe of break for both 7-daytests and 28-day tests and air temperature/weather conditions.8. A set of Contract Drawings sha1l be kept on the site and Contractorrs superintendent shall regularly nark thereon the temperature, time, location and date of pour for each section of concrete and the date of forn removal. Qualification of Manufacturer: Manufacturer of adrnixtures, curing compounds, sealers, and sirnilarproducts shall have a qualified concrete technicianreadily available for consultation or other services necessary to assure proper use of products specified. The Architect and concrete testing company shall be notified at least 24 hours before concrete placing begins. 1.05 PRODUCT TTANDLING Use all neans necessary to protect cast-in-place concrete materials before, during and after installation and toprotect the installed work and naterials of all other trades. 1.06 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The onner and the Architect assume no responsibility DA 9601 03 3 00-3 2.00 2.01 for the condltion of any Portion of the existing building. B. AII areas where the existing concrete floor slab is to be cut shall be first scanned with appropriate instrunents to determine the presence of all existing underfloor conduit, PiPing, etc. PRODUCTS I,IATERIALS A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: neady-nixed concrete shall conforn to ASTM C-94. Strength to bL 3,ooo psJ. nininuro 28 days, 5L sack nix, or as indicated on the drawings. B. Job-Uixed Concrete: i::;Tt""U concrete is pernitted for floor slab patchins t 1. Material shall be sakrete as distributed by sakrete of- iil:t-ao, o"t.t"r, colorado, or equivalent such as Dry- I Material shall be premixed conpound ready for nixinq with water onIY at the jobsite. lrlaterial shall neet ASTII C-387. Strength shall be 4,0o0 psil28 days. C. Colored concrete Slabs and wall Caps: 1. Concrete Slabs and WalI Caps noted on the Drawinqs to be colored shall be integrally cotored with pigments manufactured by Davis Colors at the rate of 2 ' 5 pounds per 94 pound sack of cement- I I I I I T I C. Other Materials: All other concrete naterials but required for a comPlete shall be new, first qualitY and subject to the aPProva1 Representative. 2.O2 REINFORCING UATERIALS A. AII bars, Nos. 3 to 11 inclusive' DA 9601 not specificallY described and proper installation,of their respective kinds of the ownerrs I ItI I I I I It II t I 2. 3. Nos. 14 and 18 shall 033 00-4 2. I I I t I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I conforn to the Standard SpeclficationE for Deformed Billet Steel Bars for concrete Reinforcement, AsTlt A-615, Grade 60 unless shown otherwise on the drawings. B. I{elded steel wire fabric shall conform to the reguirementsof ASTM A-185, and the wires shall have a nininum yield strength of, 70roo0 psi. c. steel wire shall be plain, cold-drawn and conform to ASTM A-82. D. Provide supports for reinforcenent including bolsters,chairs, spacersr and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric inplace. Use wire bar type supports, to be hot dipped galvanized after fabricatlon, wJ.th up-turned legs or vinyltipped, unless otherwise speclfied. Wood, masonry and other devices will not be acceptable, with the exception of slabs on grade where masonry nay be used with the Architectrs approval . llasonry nust be renoved as concrete is being pl.aced and sequenced so that reinforcing will not be altered from its proper location. 2.O3 CONCRETE I{ATERTAIS A. Portland Ceuents 1.Where in contact with soils, all cenent shall be Portland cenent of one brand and coLor and shall conform to ASTM C-150, Type V or T)tpe II nodified low tricalcium aluminate. lfl:ere all concrete is above grade, Type I, II, or III nay be used and shall conforn to ASTI,{ C150. B. 1. Fine aggregates shall be washed, sharp, natural sand, free fron loam, clayrlunps, and other deleterious substances and conforn to ASTM C-33.2. Coarse aggregates shall be clean, hard and durable processed aggregate, free from shale or decomposedpieces, clay, mud or foreign matter and conform to ASTM C-33. Pit run gravel or crusher run gravel will not be acceptable. C. ttater shall be potable, clean, free from oils, acids,salts, organic rnatter or other deleterious substances. D. Adnixtures:1. Air entraining agent shall be as nanufactured by one of the following: Ityg-y11tr, by Master Builders ConpanyrrDarex AEAI, by w.R. Grace. and Conpany rrSika AERtr, bythe Sika Chenical company nProtextr, by ProtexIndustries, Inc.2. Water reducing agent shall be Pozzolith 300-N as DA 9601 03300-5 manufactured by lltaster Builders CO', or PDA 25 XL as uanufactured by Protex Industries, .Inc'3. Calciun Cfrfori&e ie not pernitted in concrete, except as otnerwise auttrorized in vriting by the Architect. 2.O4 PROPORTIONING AIID DESIGN OF I.IIXES A. Prepare design nixes for each tlpe of-concrete' Use an inalpenaent-ies[in! eactrtty acleptable to the Architect for pi"pirf"g and rep5rting proposed nix designs' B. ProPortion nixes by either laboratory trial batch or field eipirience t"inoatl uslng materials to be enployed.on the- pi'oject for each ciass oi concrete reguired complying- with icr-zrr.l for nornal weight concrete, and report to the Architect ttre following data: i. conplei- iaentiriiation of aggregate.source of supply' 2. Tests oi igg""gates for conpliance with specified requirements.scile weight of each aggreqate. Absorbed water in each aggregate. Brand, tlpe and conposition of ce-nent' srand, ttre and anount of each adnixture' Amounts 6i water used in trial mixes' ProportionE of each material per cu' yd' 6ioE"-w"ight and yield per cu. yd. of trial mixtures' lleasured sluroP. Measured air content.c"rpiEtttve strength develoPg$ ?t 7 days and 28 9"y='iiJi not less thai 3 test cylinders cast for each 7 and 28-day test, and for each design nix' C. Subnit written reports to the Architect of each proposed nix for each claEs of concrete at least 15 days prior to start of work. po-not begin concrete production untit mixes have been reviewed bY the Architect' D. Adjustments to concrete rnixes: Mix design adjustments nay- U"-i"g"ested by the Contractor when characteristics of rit"iiift, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circunstances warrant; at no additional cost to the owner and as accepied by thi Architect. Laboratory test data for revised nix desigir and strength results.nus! be submitted to and accepted by fne ar"ttitect before using in the work' E. Adnixtures:i. use Air-entraining admixture in all concrete, unless oitrerwise shown oi specified. Add air-entraining admixtureatthenanufacturerIgprescribedratetoresult in concrete at the point of placenent having air content within the following liuits: a. Concrete structures and slabs exposed to freezing DA 95or 03300-6 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. I I I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I T I G. t I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I and thaning or subjected to hydraulic pressures: Nonlnal Max. Size of Total CoarEe Aggreqate ALr Content b. All other Concrete: 2t to 4t air. 2. Use water-reducJ.ng adnixtures in strict conpliance withthe nanufacturerrs directions. Adnixtures to increase cement dispersion, or provide increased workability for low-slump concrete, may be used at the Contractorrsoption subject to the Architectrs acceptance. F. Classification of Concrete, unless shown otherwise, provide: 28 Day Reg'ular AggregateStrenqth Acrqreqate Size Slump 314" 1rl L-L12tt Footings Slabs on grade 4* to 8*3.5* to 6.5t3t to 5* 3OO0 psi stone 4000 psi stone #67 4tr to 6tr #67 2tr to 4tr The nininum cenent factor for concrete shatl be 5 L/2 sacksper cubic yard, for all mixes. 25t Flyash substitution will be acceptable provided strength criteria is naintained. B. Reinforcing Materials 1. All bars, Nos. 3 to 11 inclusive, Nos. 14 and 18 sha1l conform to the Standard Specifications for Deforned Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcenent, AsfM A-615, Grade 60 unless shown otherwise on the dravings. 2. t{elded steel wire fabric shall conforn to the requirenents of AST!,1 A-185, and the wires shall have a ninimun yield strength of 7Or0O0 psi. 3. Steel wire shall be plain, cold-drawn and confornto ASTM A-82. 4. Provide supports for reinforcement includingbolsters, clrairs, spacers and other devices forspaclng, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric in place. Use wire bar tytrle supports, to be hot dipped galvanized afterfabrication, with up-turned legs or vinyl tipped, DA 9601 03 300-7 unless otheruise specified. Wood, nasonry and other devices will not be acceptable, with the exception of slabe on grrade wlrere maaonry may be used with the Architectrs approval . Dtasonry nust be reuoved as concrete is being placed and seguenced so that reinforcing will not be altered fron lts proper location. 3.OO EXECUTION I I I I t I I I I t I I I t I I I I t 1. 2. 3. O1 3.O2 INSPE TION Prior to the work of this Section, carefully inspect the installed work of other tradeE andverify that all work is sufficiently complete topernit the Etart of work under this Section andthat the conpleted uork of thi6 Section will be in accordance with the original design. In the eventof discrepancy, innediately notify the ownerrs RepreEentative and proceed ag he directs. PREPARATION Take all neans necessary to protect the installed work of other trades. In tlre event of danage, lnnediatety nake all repalrs and repl.acements necessary to the approval of the Ounerrs RepreEentative and at no additional cost to the Ouner. 3.03 INSTAI-,I"ATION A. Concrete Placeuent: Placing concrete in Forms: Deposit concrete in horizontal layers not deeper than 18rr, in a nanner to avoid inclined construction joints. Deposit concrete continuously or in J.ayers of such thickness that no concrete will be placed on crete which hag hardened sufficlently to cause the fomatlon of seana or plans of weakness within thesection. If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction Jolnts as herein speeified. Deposit concrete as nearly as praeticable to its final locatlon to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing. 3. Placing of Concrete Slabs: Deposit and conEolidate concrete slabs in a continuous operation, within the linits of DA 9601 03 300-8 4. B. I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I T conatruction joints, until the placing of a panelor section is conpleted. Consolidate concrete during placing operations sothat concrete is thoroughly worked around enbeddeditens and into corners. 5. Bring alab surfaces to the correct level with a straight-edge and strike off. Use bull floats ordarbies to snooth the surface, leaving it free of lunps or hollows. Do not sprinkle water on theplastic surface. Do not disturb the slab surfacesprior to beginning finishing operations.6. Hot Weather Placing: When hot weather conditions exist that wouldseriously iurpair the guality and strength ofconcrete, place concrete in conpJ.iance with ACI 305. 7. CoLd Weather Placing:Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength which could be caused by frost,freezing actions, or 1o\r temperatures, in compliance with ACI 306. Placing Reinforcement 1. Conply with the specified codes and standards, and concrete Reinforcing Steel Instituters reconnendedpractice for rrPlacing Reinforcing Barsrr, fordetails and nethods of reinforcement placeuent andsupports, and as herein specified. 2. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and rnill scale,earth, ice, and other materials which reduce ordestroy bond with concrete. 3. Accurately position, support and secure reinforcenent against displacenent by fornwork,construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by netal chairs,runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required. 4. Place rei-nforcenent to obtain at least the rnininun coverages for concrete protection. Arrange, space and securely tie bars and bar supports to holdreinforcement in position during concrete p).acement operations. Set wire ties so ends aredirected into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. DA 9601 03 300-9 5. Do not place reinforcing bars uore than 2rr beyondthe last leg of continuous bar support. Do not use supporte as bases for runways for concrete conveying eguipnent and sinilar construction loadE. 6. Install welded wire fabrlc ln as long lengrths aspracticable. Lap adJoining pieces at least onefutl uesh and lace splices sith wire. Do not make end lape nidway betreen supporting beans ordirectly over beans of continuous structure.offset and laps in adJacent widths to prevent continuous laps Ln eLther direction. 7. Spllces: Provide standard reinforceuent splices by lapplng ends, placing bars in contact andlightfy wire tying. Conp1y with reguirenents of ACI - 318 for nininum lap of spllced bars. 3.04 EIIEEING 1. concrete surfacee shall be given finishes noted to natch adjacent surfaces and in this Section of theEe Specifications. a. Trowel Finish: (1) Apply trowel finish to nonolithic slab surfaces that are to be exposed to view, unless othersise shown, and slab surfaces that are to be covered withresilient flooring. (21 After floating, begin first trowelfinish operation using a power-driven trowel . Begin final troweling when surface produces a ringing sound astrowel is moved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand-troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniforn in texture and appearance and with a surface plane tolerance not exceeding 1/4" ln 10r when tested wl-th a 10r straight-edge. Grind smooth surface defects which would telegraph through applied floor covering systen. I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I t I I uon-Slip Broon Finish: (1) Apply non-slip broom walks. finish to exterior DA 9601 b. 03300-10 c. D. I I I I I T I I I I I T I I I I I I I (2', Innedlately after trowel finishing,slightly roughen the concrete suriice bybrooglng in the direction perpendicularto the nain traffic flow. 3.O5 CONCRETE CI'RING AND PROTECTTON 3.05 A. General: protect freshly placed concrete froupremature dryinq and excessive cold or hot temperature,and maintain without drying at a relativerv constanttemperature for a period of tine necessary forhydration of cenent and proper hardening. Concreteshall be cured in confornanLe with Chapf,er 12 of ACI301. B. curing Methods: perforn curing of concrete by menbranecuring. 1. Apply nembrane-forning curing conpound to danpconcrete surfaceE aa soon as watei filn hasdisappeared. Appty unifornly in 2-coat continuousoperation by power-spray egulpnent in accoidancesith nanufactugerrs dirlctions. Recoat areaswhich are subJected to heavy rainfall wiifrin rhours after initial appllcalion. ltaintaincontinuity.of coating- lnd repair dauage duringcuring period. Curing Forned Surfaces:1. cure forned concrete surfaces, including theundersides of girders, beaus, supported slabs andother Elnilar Eurfaces by noist Luring sith theforms left in place for Lhe fult curj.ig period ofuntil forns are renoved. If forns are-rlnoved,continue curing by nethod speeified above asapplicable. Protection fron Mechanical InJury: During the curingperiod, protect concrete fron-daiaging rue6harri"ai-disturbances lncluding load stressts, hearry shock,excessive vibration, ind fron danage-caused by rain orflowing water. protect alr finish6d concreti'suiiacesfron danage by eubeequent construction operations. CLEAN-l'P Upon conpletlon, clean and renove excess naterialfron the buildlng and renove any debris resultingforn this work. DA 9601 03300-11 3.O7 PROTECTION Take all neana neceaaary to protect the conpletedwork. prior to acceptance by Lhe Orner. In theevent of danaEc, imedtately ralce all repal.rs andreplacelGnte nscet3ary to tbt approvat oi ttreosnerra Repreecntatrvi and at n6-additional dostto tha Ownrr. END OT SECIIOT DA 9601 03300-12 c. 1. T t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I SEqIION 05120 STRU TURAL STEEL Part 1 GEI.IERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK Furnish, fabricate, nark for erection identification, pack,crate, or othemise properly prepare for shipment, ship to thesite, and erect all structural steel indicated on thedrawings, described in these specl.fications, or otherwisereguired for proper conpletion of the t{ork. 1.02 REIASED WORK DESCRIBED ELSET{HERE A. Notes on drawings. 1. 03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Standards: conply wlth all applicable standards and codes.B. Qualifications of welders: Qualify welding processes andwelding operators in accordance with AWS rstandard Qualif ications Procedurestr . 1. 04 A. Source qualit; eontrol: Ttre Architect reserves. the rightto reguire inepection and tests in ttre nLll and shop,conducted by an independent testing agency approved bythe Architect. SUB}IITTALS llanufacturerrs data: Within 35 calendar days after awardof the Contract, subnit:Producerrs or nanufacturerrs specifications andinstallation instructl.ons for the following products.Include laboratory test reports and other data aErequired to show conpliance with specified requirements.a. Structural steel (each type), including certifiedcopies of nill reports covering mechlnical andphysical propertles;b. High strength bolts (each t)rye), including nuts and washerslc. Unfiniehed bolts and nuts;d. Structural steel priner paint;e. Non-shrinking grout. 2. In accordance with Sectl.on 01300 subnit shop drawings 9601 05120-1 including complete details and schedules for fabrication and shop asseubly of nenberE. Include details of cuts,connections, canber, holeg and other 5rertinent data.Indicate weldE by AWS slmbols, and shou siLze, lengrth, andtlpe of weld. Provide setting, drawings, teuplates, anddlrectLons for instaLlation of anchor bolts and otheranchoragea. Identify details by reference to sheet anddetail nunber on the drawings. 1.05 PRODUST IIAIIDLING A. De1ivery and storage: Deliver all laterials to the jobaite properly uarked to idcntify the structure for whichit is intended. t{arking shall correspond to markingindicated on the strop drawings. store in a nanner tonaintain identification and to prevent danage. B. Replacements: In the event of dauage, innrediately makeall repairs and replacenents neceEgary to the approval ofthe Architect and at no addltional cost to the Onner. Part 2 PRODUCES 2.01 I'TATERIALS A. Rolled steel plates, and bars: AsTIit A36, 'except where AST!,1 A572, Grade 50 iE reguired by the drawings. B. Cold fomed stEel tublng: CoDply with ASfIrt A5OO, Grade B. C. Hot-forned steel tubing: Conply sith AsTu A501. D. Steel Pipe: Conply wlth ASTII A53, Tlpe I or S, Grade B. I. DA 9601 Steel Castinge: Conply wittr ASTtt A27, crade 65-35,medium-strength carbon steel . Anclror Bolts: Conply with ASTil A302, nonheaded tlpe withheavy hexagonal nuts unless otheruise indicated. Unfinished threaded faEteners: Conply with ASTM A307,Grade A, regruJ.ar low-carbon steel bolts and nuts.Provide elther hexagonal, or aquare, heads and nuts,except use only hexagonal units for exposed connections. High strength threaded fasteners: Heavy hexagonalEtructural bolts, heavy hexagon nuts, and hardenedwashers, Ehall be quenched and tenpered nedLun-cabonsteel bo1ts, nuts and washers, conplying with ASTM A325. Electrodes for welding: Conply with Al{S Code, using ASTM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I E. F. G. H. o5L20-2 J. K. c. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I 2.O2 A233 E-70 Series electrodes. Headed stud-t1pe ahear connectors: Couply lrith ASTATA108, Grade 1Ol-5 or 1020, cold-finished carbon steeL,with dinensions couplying with the AIsc specifications. Non-shrink grout: FABRICATION See Section 03600. A. Shop fabrication and aEsenbly:1. Fabricate items of structural steel in accordance with AISC Specifications and aE indicated on the approved shop drawings. Provide camber in structural members as shown.2. Properly mark and match-mark naterials for fieldassenbly and for identification as to structure andsite for which intended. Fabrisate for delivery seqluence which wiII expedite erection and nininizefield handling of materials.3. l{here finishing is required, couplete the assembly,including welding of units, before Etart of finishingoperations. Provide finish surfaces of rnenbers exposedin the final strueture free of uarkings, burrs, andother defects. B. Connections:1. Bolts and vashers of all tlpes and sizes requiredshall be provided for conpletion of all fielderection.2. High-strength bolted construction:fnstall high-strengrth ttrreaded fasteners in accordance withAfSC trSpecifications for Structural Jolnts using ASIU A325 or A49O Boltar, using A325 boltE unlessnoted othersise.3. l{elded construction: Conply with AI{S Code forprocedures, appearance and quality of welds, and nethods used in correcting uelded work.4. Assenble and weld built-up sections by nethodswhich will produce true alignment of axes without warp. Holes for other work:1. Provide holes reguired for securing other work tostructural steel framing, and for the passage ofother work through steel franing members, as Ehownon the final shop drawlngs. Provide threaded nutswelded to franing, and other specialty iteus asr shown to receive other work. 2. Cut, drill, or punch holes perpendicular to metal DA 9601 05120-3 2.O3 Part 3 3 .01 D. DA 9601 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t A. B. c. A. B. c. surfaceE. Do not flane cut holee or enlarge holesby burning. Drill holes ln bearing plates. SHOP PAINTING General:1. Shop paint all structural gteel uork, except those members or portions of nenbers to be enbedded in concrete or nortar. Paint enbedded steel which ispartially e4iosed on the exposed portions and theinitlal (2r) of enbedded arees only.2. Do not palnt surfaces whlch are to be welded orhigh-strength bolted rlth frictlon-t1pe connectlona. Surface preparatlon: After inspection and beforeshipping, clean steelwork to be painted. Remove looserust, loose nill ecale, and splatter, slag, and fluxdeposits. Clean steel in accordance with Stee1Structures Painting Council recouuendations as follows:1. SP-2 illand Tool Cleanedi for steel scheduled or specified to receive shop priner. PatntinE: Imediately after turfaqe preparation, apply grray netal primer ln accordance with the nanufacturerrsrecouendations and at a rate to achieve a dry filntlrlcknese between 2.0 nilg and 3.5 nils. cover joints, cornerg, edgeE, and all exposed surfaces. EXECT'TION FABRICATION General: Conply with AISC Specifications and Code of Standard Practice, and aE specified herein. Anchor bolts:1. Provide anchor bolts and otlrer connectors reguiredfor securing structural steel to foundations,nasoruy, and other in-place work.2. ProvLde tenplates and other devices necessary forpresettJ.ng bolts and other anchorg to accuratelocations.3. Refer to Division 3 for anchor bolt installationrequireuents in concrete, and to DiviEion 4 for masonry installation. Bases and bearing plates shall be shop welded to colunns and nenbers attached to concrete and masonry. Installglide bearing plates and protect against danage inaccordance with manufacturerrs rritten directione.Splicing: Splice nenbers only where indicated unless, 05120-4 E. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I Irith the Architectts approval, spliees not indicatedwould result in lower costs due to reduced shippingcosts. Subnit structural calculations signed by astructural engineer licenEed where the f,abricator islocated, for all splices not indicated. Gas-cutting: Do not use gas cutting torches forcorrecting fabrication errors in the structural franing.Cutting will be pernitted only on secondary members asacceptable to the Architect. Finish gas-cut sectioneequal to a sheared appearance when gas-cutting pernitted. 3.02 SHOP QUAI_,ITY CONTROL A. General: The testing and inspection service shallperforn the following when so directed by the Architect:1. Inspect high-strength bolted connections, visuallyinspect welded connections, perform reguired tests and inspections, and prepare test reports.2. Subnit test reports in triplicate to the Architect.3. Review nill test reports, verify identity of steelwith respect to nil1 test reports and, if found to conply with specification reguirements, so certifyto the Architect.4. If steel is riot accompanied by test reports, ortest rep.orts fail to verify compliance, perfornadditional tests in coupliance with proceduresspecified in the appropriate AsTu Specifications and prepare test reports.5. Conduct and interpret the tests and state in eachreport whether the test specimens comply with therequirements.6. Inspect structural steel at the plant beforeshipnent; however, the Architect reserves therlght, at any tine before final acceptance, toreject naterial not conplying with specified reguirements.7. Verify dry nil thLckness of shop prime coat.8. Perforn additional teats, at ContractorrE expense,as may be necessary to reconfirm any noncomplianceof the original work, and as uay be necessary to show compliance of corrected work.9. Shop bolted connectlons: Inspect in accordancewith AISC Specifications.10. Shop welding: fnspect and test during fabricationof structural steel assemblies, as follows: a. Certify welders and conduct inspections and DA 9601 05120-5 B. ' tests as reguired. Record-tylles and locationsof all defects found in the Iso,rk,. Record workrequiredand perforred to correctdeficiencies.b. Perfom vlsual inspection of all welds. Access: Provide access for the teeting agency to placeswhere structural Eteel work is being fabricated orproduced so that reguired inspectlon and teEting can beacconplished. EREq!ION General: Couply with AISC Specifications and Code ofStandard Practice, and as specified herein. Surveys: Eetablish per:manent bench larl's necessary forthe accurate'erection of structural steel . Checkelevations of concrete and naEonrfz bearing surfaces, andlocations of anchor bolts and slnilar itels, beforeerection proceeds. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t 3 .03 A. B. C. TeDporary ahoring and bracing:1. Provide teuporary ehoringr and bracingconneclions of suffl-cient strength toloadg.'2. Provide tenporary connections andpemanent neubers are in placecorrectl.ona are Dade. nenbers with bear inposed nenbers whenand final D. E. Tenporary planking: Providc tonporarry planklng andworklng platforns as needed for efflctivl conpletilon ofthe Work of this Scction. Anchor bolts:1. Install anchor bolte and other connections requiredfor securing structural steel to foundations andother in-plice work.2. Furnlsh ten;llatcs and other devices as needed fortho presetting of bolts and other anchors toaccurate locatlons. Settlng baseg and bearl-ng plates:1. Clcan concretc and uasonry bearlng gurfaces freefron bond-reducing uaterialg, and tlren roughen toinprove bond to Eurface. clean the bottom Surfaceof base and bearing plates.2. Set loose and attached base plates and bearingplates for structural nenbere in uedges or otheiadJusting deviceE. 3. lighten anchor bolts after the supported nenbers F. DA 9601 05120-6 5. G. H. A. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 4. 5. have been positioned and plunbed. Do not remove wedges or shims but, if protruding, cut off flushwith the edge of the base or bearing plate prior to packing with grout.4. Pack qrout solidly between bearing surfaces and bases or plates to ensure that no voids remain.5. Finish e:<posed surfaces, protect installed naterial and allow to cure in strict compliance with thenanufacturerrs lnstructlonE aE approved by theArchitect. Field Assenbly:1. Set structural frames accurately to the lines and elevations indicated. Align and adjust the various nenbers forroing a part of a conplete frame or structure before fastening pernanently.2. Clean the bearing surfaces and other surfaces whichwill be in pernanent contact before assenbly.3. Perforn necessary adjustuents to conpensate for discrepanciee in elevations and alignment.I€vel and plunb individual nembers of the structuresithin specified AISC tolerances.Establish required leveling and ptunbing neasurenents on the nean operating temperatures ofthe structure. llake allowances for the difference betrteen temperature at tine of erection and the nean tenperature at which the structure will be when completed and in service.Conply nith AISC Specifications for bearJ.ng, adequacy of tenporary connections, alignnent, andthe removal of paint on surfaces adjacent to field welds. Gas Cutting: Do not use gas cutting torches l-n the fietdfor correcting fabricating errors in the structuralfraning. Cutting will be pernitted only on secondary menbers which are not under stress, as acceptable to theArchitect. lilhen gas cutting is pernitted, finish thesections equal to the sheared appearance. FIELD QUAI.,ITY CONTROL Inspection: (Ownerrs Expense)1. The testing and inspection agency shalt inspecthigh-etrength bolted connections and shall visually inspect field-welded connections, and slrall perforn Euch additional testE and inspections of field workthat nay be required by the Architect, and shallprepare test reports for the Architectrs review. 2. The testing agency shall conduct and interpret the 05120-7 3. 04 DA 9601 tests and shall state in each report rhether the inspected work conplies with the requirenents, andshall specifically state all deviations therefron. B.Corrections:(Contractorrs Expense)Correctdeficiencies in structural steel work which inspections and test reports have indicated to be not in compliancewith the specified requirenents. Perforrn all additionaltests required to reconfirm non-conpliance of theoriginal work and to show conpliance of corrected work. Field bolted connections: Inspect in accordance with the AISC Specifications. Field welding: Inspect and test durlng erectlon ofstructural steel as follows:1. Certify welders and conduct lnspectione of tests asrequired. Record tlpes and locations of defects found in the Work of this Section. Record the workrequired and perforned to correct deficiencies.2. Perform visual inspection of all welds. END OF SECTTON c. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I DA 9601 05120-8 I I I PART 1 GEI{ERAIJ I 1.01 r{oRK TNcLUDEDI A. Furnish and Install: I 1. Open l{eb Steel Joists. I 2. Bridging, Anchors, and Accessories. I B. Related Requirements: I 1' I;i*"?l=":?""t'.Trotlnii.Qualitv contror and Section 2. Quality Control Systeu: Section 01400 QualityControl.I 3. Subnittals: Secton 01300 Subnittals r 1.02 RELATED WORKIr A. Structural Steel: Section 05120. I B. Roof Dect(: Section o53lo Steel Deck.r _. C. Uiscellaneous l.tetals: Section O55OO Metal Fabrications. I D. Bearlng Plates: Sectlon 05120 Structural Steel . - 1.03 QUALITY ASSIRAIiICE Ir A. gtelder Quallficatlons: Currently qualified according to AWS D1.1. B. ltlanufacturer QualiflcatLonE: lilember of the Steel JoistIngtitute. I 1.04 REFERENCES - A. Detalling, Fabrication and Erection: Conform to Standard I SpecifJ.catlons of Steel Joist Institute (SJI) and AISCt Specifications, except as noted on Drawings. I B. l{elding: Conforn to Al{S D1.1 Structural Welding Code -t Steel. - 1. 05 St BI{ITTALS Ir A' :HH.3[:Il:n'',":ilt'"' il"ff:":ilt"r'"n'T1u"",."":t"a"o"":: I Joists, connections, bridging, lelnfbrcing anchorages,t canbers, loads and accessories. Indicate welded r DA 9601 05211-1 I t sEgrIoN 05211 OPEN WEB STEEL JOISTS I connections using Standard AWS weldiDg s1r&ls. Indicatenet weld lengths. 1.06 DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND I{ANDLING A. ceneral: Conply with Section 01600. Store netal joists and Joist girders at proJect Eite on ptratforns, slcids orother supportg and upright to prevent tuisting. Inspect Joists and joist girders durinE delivery. RepaJ.r orreplace danaged Joists and Joist girders as directed byArchitect. Keep Joiats and Joist girders free from dirt and nud during atorage and erection. I I I I I I I I t T I t B. c. PRODUqIS 2.01 JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS A. Construction: Construct Jolsts and joist girders toconforu to SJI Standard Specifications and in sizes,tlpes and lengths indicated on the Drawings.1. Provide steel angles top and botton of Joists withnininun of 7/8t spacing betwcen angles.2. Joistg and .foiet Glrders: Visibly straJ-ght andtruc. PART 2 PART 3 Shop Painting: Dlp, spray or palnt joists uithof Tnenec Serieg 10-1009 grey.1. Exposed to View ilolsts: Provide lininumfiln nils. Brldging: Provide as lndlcated in accordanceStandard Spccif icationg. one coat 2.0 dry with SJI D. Accegsories: Provide accessorieg as requLred and asindicated. E. Extended Ends: Design for load carrying capacity equalto Jolsts or as indicated on Drawings, whichever isgreater. EXECUTTON t I I I I t I 3.01 INSPECTION A. Frior to start of erection, cheek the height and locationof bearing surfaces and report deviations from theaccepted Shop Drawlnga to the ceneral Contractor. Verifythat Joists are undamaged and ready for erection. Repairor re.placed danaged or twisted joists as dlrected by ttreArchitect. , DA 9601 o52LL-2 I I 3.02 'RE'ARATT'NA. Protection: protect any adjacent materials or areasbelow frgn.danage due to weld splatter or sparks durlngfietd welding. 3.03 ERECTION A. General: Handle and erect joists and joist gi.rders inconformance with SJf Standard Specifications ind in theexact location indlcated on the Drawings. Do not drop orrack to cause pernanent twist in -joists and joistgirders. Jo.ists and Jolst girders diopped or daiagedduring erection are subject €o replacenJn--t. B. Bearing:1. K Series Joists: 2-L/Zn on steel or steel plates.2. LH Series Joists: 4r on steel. or steel plales.3. Joist Girders: 6r on steel or steel plales. D. I I I t I I t T I I I I I I I I I C. Securing Joists at Bearing:As indicated on Drawings. Bridglng: Adjustnent of bridging location will bepermitted (except in exposed locaiions) for clearance ofducts, nechanical equipment, recessed -lighting fixtures,9t9. -subject to acceptance of Architec€. conpletelrigeine and sldelrall anchors before any l-oads areapplied.1. Exposed Bridging: Visibly straight and true. EI{D OF SECTION DA 9601 05211-3 I I I t I t I SEeIION 05310 STEEIJ DECK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and Install:1. concrete forn declc 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Structural Steel: Section 05210. B. Steel Joists: Section 05211 Open Web Steel Joists. C. l{iEcellaneouE lletalE: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURAI,ICE A. I{elder Qualifications: Ctrnently gualified according to Atrs D1. 1. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Regularly engaged inproduction of metal decking and nember of Steel DeckInstitute. C. Ereqtor Qualifications: B<perienced in erestion of metaldeeking for projects of sinilar size and difficulty.Subject to approval of owner. D. Testing Agency; TestLng and inspection will be made byan approved teEting laboratory. See Sections O14OO and 05120. 1.04 REFERENCE A. Desigm and Manufacturer: Meet requirements of Steel DeckInstitute Basic Design Specifications and AISCSpecificatLons for the Design of Light cage cold-FornedSteel Structural Uenbers. B. Welding: Conforn to AWS D1 .1 Structural l{elding Code -Steel. 1.05 SI'BUITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Subnit in accordance with Section O13oo.Indicate decking plan, deck profile, dimensions, 9a9e,anchorage, supports proJections, openings andreLnforcenent finishes, appllcable details andaccessories, tlpe locations and size of we1ds. t I t t t I I I I t I I DA 9601 05310-1 T TB. Product Data: Subnit ln accordance ritb Section 01300.Include lnstallation instructlonE and lanufacturerrscertificatLon of Contract Docunent corpliance. 1.05 DELMRy, STORAGE AltD HANDLING A. Inspection: Inspect netal deck upon delivery to theEite. ReJect and replace any dalaEed deck. B. c€naral: Conply witlr Sectlon 01600. Store metal deck atthe gite above ground on platfor:us, skids or other EulrportB sitlr one end clcvated for drainage. Cover deckuntil needed yith a waterproof covering. provide ventllation to prevent condensatlon. PART 2 PRODUqTS 2.01 IIATERIALS A. Sheet Steel: llinlnrrn yield strengrth of 33,ooo psi, AsT!{4611-82, Crade C. B. Non-Conpoelte Dcck:1; caugc and Depths As indicated on Drawinqs.2. FLnich: Uanufacturerra etandard, baked on, rustlnlribitive, applied to chenically clean€d, phosphate coatedcurface. 2.O2 FABRICATION A. Forn deck unl.te ln length to span three or more support spacinEs wlttr flugh, telescoped or nested 2tr end IapJ andnested Eide laps. For conposlte decks, piovldedeforuatlons reguired to structuralty bond ttre ftlfnaterlal. 2.03 ACCESSORIES I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I A.llrtal Cloeure Stripe: Fabricate of galvanized sheetctcal of rame quality ae deck unltg. lliniuum thickneesf9r roofs, 20 gauge. Bend to provide tight fittingcloguree at open ends and sldeg of decking. EXECTITIONPART 3 3.01 INSPEqITON A. Prior to start of installation, check supporting nenbersfor correct layout and aligmnent and report deviationsfron the Drawings. to the General Contractor in wrltingwith copy to Architect. DA 9601 o5310-2 in and A. I I I I t I I I I t I T I I I I I I I 3.02 ERECTION General: Install deck units and accessoriesaccordance with manuf,acturerrs recornnendations accepted shop Draerings. B. Placing Deck Units: Position deck units on supporting nernbers and adjust to final position with ends bearing onsupport and accurately aligned end to end before beingpernanently fastened. Deck Units: Continuous over threeor nore adjacent support spacings. Provide end laps ofnot leas than 2r.. Do not stretch or contract side laps. Place deck units flat and sqluare, and secure to adjacentframing without warp or deflection. C. Fastening Deck Units: Cornply with ceneral- NoteE onStructural Drawings. D. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and fit deck units andaccessories around openings and projections throughdecking. Make cuts neat, sqluare, and trin. Cut openlngstrue to dimensions using metal saw€r, drills or shears. Do not torch cut. E. Reinforcement at Openings:1. Openings Larger than 10n in any Dinension:Reinforce with 3trx 3trx 3/16n steel angle.2. Uiscellaneous openings not shown on the Drawings, such as those reguired for vents, risers, conduits,etc. shall be cut and reinforced, i.f necessary, bythe trade requiring the opening. F. Closure Strips: Install at all open uncovered ends andedges of roof decking and Ln voLds between decking andother construction. Install flexible closure stripe in accordance with manufacturerrs recomnendations. c. Welding: By shielded arc process. conform to AWS D1 .1.Enploy only certified welding operators. Weld sizesindicated on Drawings are effective fusions diameter.cross weld size should be approxinately 1/4r greater.1. Do not burn through deck.2. Edge of deck shall not be visible after conpletionof weld. 3.03 PROTEqIION OF COI{PLETED WORK A. Do not use deck units for storage or as a workingplatforn until permanently secured in position. DA 9601 05310-3 B. Do not damage by use as a subsequent work. Do not exceed the safe carrying 3. 04 FIELD QUAI..ITY CONTROL runray, storcAe of naterials orallou constrtrction loads which capacity of t-be deck. A. B. Testing: See Section O14OO and 0512O, The tegting Agency will vieually inspect all deck toverlfy that naterial ic in accrptable eondition and has been propcrly lncta[cd. InrpcctJ,on to include all dect<welds and glde lap conncctiona. END OF SESTION t I I t I I t I I I t I t I I I I t t DA 9601 05310-4 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SEqIION 05400 COIJD FOR}IED UETAIJ FRAIIING PARE 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and fnstall:1. Channel tracks, bridging and bracing. 1.02 REI,ATED WORK A. Structural Steel: Section 05120. a. UiscellaneouE trletals: Section OS5O0 C. Drlmall partitions Studs: Section Metal Fabrlcations. O926L clrl'sun BoardPartitions, WaJ.Is, and CeiLings. 1.03 QUALITY ASSTTRANCE A. Erector gualifications: successful ogerience onfraning work. Mininum of three years comparable cold forned metal B. welder eualifications: orrrently qualified in accordancesith AWS D.1. 1.04 REFERANCES A. Reference Standards: CoupLy wlth:1. AISI Specificatlons for the Design of Light GaugeCold Forned Steel Structural MenbLrs.2. AI|S Dl .3 Structural l{etding Code - Sheet Steel .3. AISC Manual of Steel Construction. 1. 05 SI'BITIITTALS A. shop Drawings: rf structural studs are prefabricated 1nt9- panels, subnlt Shop Drawlngs in accordance withSection 01300. B. Product Data: subnlt in accordance with section o13oo. 1.06 DEIJTVERy, SToRAGE At{D IIN{DLTNG A. cenerar: conply with section 01600. Derlver nateriarEin original, unqrened bundles or containers ana store inclean dry area until ready for use. DA 9601 05400-1 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 UATERIAI,S A. Acceptable lrtanufacturers:1. Dale Industriee, fnc.2. Rolled Steel products fnc., Fort Collins, Co1orado.3. lleetern l.letal Lath Conpany.4. l,tarino Industriea Corp.5. gSG Steel Frauing6. Accepted Subetitute. t I I I I I I t I I I B.Stecl Studg and R.latcd lletal:1. Provide tlpe and clze,. 18 gage structural franingnenbers, track, bridging, fasteners and studs ailndicated on Drawinge - and specified in thisSection.a. Head and Sill Track and Header Irtembers:Unpunched track, aane gage as studs or onegage heavler.b. Bridging: provide aa indicated and as- recom€nded by nanufacturer.2. faning llcubcrs: paintcd stccl or galvanized steel,Contractorra optlon.Fagtencrc: Self-drllling, sclf-tapping screws, bolts,nuts, and anchore: ASTI| A9O, hot dippea galvanized. EN(ECT'TION e. PARA 3 3.01 EREqIION A.Gcncral: fnstall rigld frane franing as indicated andnotod on Drawings and ln accordance with manufacturerrsreconnendatione. Franing may be prefabricated intopanels at Contractorrs option. Connections: Welded unless othernise indicated.B. c. t I I I I t I I Vsrtlcal EaDings1. Studr! Spllcoa in ctudE not p,ernitted. Seat studsetud web and fLanges and aligned. Securely upper and lower tracks. unless otherwise sguarely in track withabuttlng track web, plunbedattaclr to flangrs or seb of a. Franing Spacing: 160 o.c.Lndicated. ppenings:- Provide headers and supporting studs asindicated and required. proviai- Jacf itua= ""acripples below and above openings. 2. 3. Bridging: provide bridging rows as indicated and 05400-2DA 9601 toof D. E. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I as recommende! W nanufacturer. Attack bridgingprevent stud rotations uith welds capable-resisting force of 500 lbs. nininum. t. Bracing: Install as indicated and required.5. Construct all non-bearing steel stud franing toallow for a vertical uovenent of 2.t unlessotherwise shown on the architectural drawings. Sloping Franing:1. I-,ocate joists directly over2. Web Stiffners: provide indicated.3. Bridging: Provide aE indicated and as reconmendedby manufacturer.4. End Blocking: provide where joist ends are notothersise reitrained from rotation. MlEcellaneous Franing and.Furring: provide for specialfraning at recesses, specialty iferns and as requiiea. END OF SECTION bearing studs.at reaction points as DA 9601 05400-3 I I I I t I I I t I I I t I t t I t I PART 1. 01 SESIION 05500 I.IETAIJ FABRICATTONS 1 GENERAL WORK TNCLT'DED A. Furnish and Instal1:1. All niscellaneous angles, channels, tubes andplates as indicated and required.2. CurbE for l{echanical Equipnent on roof. B. Furnish and fnstallation under other Section:1. Anchor bolts and weld plates for anchoring netalfabrications for Section 03300 ConcreCe Fornworkand Section 04200 Unit Mason:ry. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards:1. Steel: Conforn to AISC Code of StandardPractice for Steel Buildings and Bridges,Archltecturally Exposed Structural Steel . 1.O3 DELMRY, STORAGE AND HANDLING PART 2 PRODUSIS 2.01 I,IATERIALS A. Steel Shapes, Bara and plates: AST!{ A36-84a. B. Steel Pipe and Tubing: Conforn to ASTtit A53-84a, ASOI-84, or A500-84, ninimum wall thickness 11 gage. A. l.taterialE to be fnstalled by Others: Dell_ver anctiorbolts and other anchorage devices whlch are enbedded incast-in-place concrete or uaEonry conEtruction to theproject site in tine to be installed before the startof cast-in-place concrete operations and Dasonry work.Provide setting drawings, tenplates, and direct-ions forthe installation of anchor Uotts and other devices. B. Itletals Delivery and Storage: In accordance withSection 01600. l,tetals which are stored at the projectsite Ehall be above ground on platforns, skids, orother supports. protect steel from corrosion. Storeother naterials in a weathertight and dry place, untilready for use. DA960l 05500-l c. shop Paint1. Itens to Receive painted Finlsb: Steel StructuresPainting Councll Specification SSFC 13. 2.02 FABRICATION A.General 1. 2. 3. B. Welding: -Conply wlth AWS D1.1. t{iter and copeintersections and weld aII around. Remove spiatter,grind exposed welds to blend and contour suriaces tonatch thoEe adJacent. C. Shop Palntlng: After fabrlcation, clean off loosescale, rust, weld slag or flux deposit, oil grease,dirt or other foreign naterial and shop coat-allfabricated Ltens with shop palnt. D. Subetitutl.ons: t{here exact sizes and weights calledfor are not available secure the Architectrs approvalof suitable Elzes prior to proceeding. 2.03 FABRICATTONS A. General: Fabrl.cate other uetal fabrications aE DA960l 4. 5. 5. 7. Fabricate in accordance with details and accepted Shop Drawings nlscellaneoue itorrr of letal workindicated or aB neceaiary to cqrlete the work.Itlaterials shall be gtock of tlpes and sizesindlcated. l{akc cuts clean and sharp ritlr rire edges groundsnooth. On conplction, the rort shall bestraight, rigid and tight and free frou defects.CIoEe exposed endg of steel pipe or tubing withwelded capE. Fabricated wlth LtenE with Joints neatly fittedand properly secured.Fit and shop asseubler ln largest practicalsections, for dellvery to site. Exposed lilechanical Fasteningc: llot allowed unlessapccifically indicated or accepted. tfhen alJ.owed,provlde flush, countersunk lcreus or bolts,unobtrusively locatad, conlistent yith design ofstructure, €xcept where apecifically notedotlrenriee. tlhere nechanlcally fastened, makeJoints fluch butt-t1pe wtth bairtine joints. Supply coaponents reguired for proper anchorage ofrnetal fabrl.catlonc. Fabricate anehorage andrelated conponcnts of ganc laterial and finish asnetal fabrication3, unleeg otherrise specified orlndicated. I I I I I I I I I 8.I I I l I I I I I I 05500-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 indicated, scheduled or listed in Article 1.01.B. Steel Lintels: Provide niscellaneous, loose steellintels of sizes and bearings as indicated and scheduled on Drawings. Weld or bolt nenbers together where lndlcated to forn conplete assenbly. C. Steel Opening Frames: Support openings in netal floorroof deck larger than 10rr in any direction. Support onfour sides with steel franed spanning between steel Joists or other deck supports.1. ttenber Sizes and Bearing: As indicated and scheduled on Drawi.ngs.2. Weld membera together to forn complete aeEenbly. EXECUIION 3. 01 INSIALI.ATION A. l{eld or bolt all itene securely in place or otherwisefasten as indlcated on the Drawi.ngs or accepted ShopDrawings. Include all itens indicated, scheduled orIisted ln Rrticle 1.01. Grind field welds snooth andtouch up with red primer. END OF SECTTON DA960l 05500-3 A. I l I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 05100 ROUGH CARPENTRY GENERAL INCLUDED Furnish and Install:1. Partitions Blocking.2. Mlscellaneous Blocking and Supports.3. Plyrood.4. Rough Hardware. B. Surnish Only:1. Anchor Bolts Build into Concrete or Masonry forSupport of studs, etc. 1.02 REFERENCES PART ]. 1.01 WORK PART 2 PRODUqtS 2. 01 I.TATERIALS A. Reference Standards: Conply with:1. Wood Franing: Conply with reguirements of UnifornBuilding code and National Design Specification forl{ood construct,ion, 1982 edition, as published byNational Forest Products Association.2. Lunber: Conply with Standard Grading Rules forWestern Lumber, latest edition, published byl{estern l{ood Products Association. Each piece oflunber shall be grade stanped.3. Plywood: Conp1y with U.S. product Standard pS 1-83for Softwood Pllnrood/Construction and Industrial.Each panel sha1l be identified with the gradetradenark of the American plyvrood Association(APA). A. Rgugh Hardnare: Provide necessary bolts, screws, nails,plateEr. straps, hangers, etc. necessary for thecompletlon of rough carpentry. provide corrCct materialof proper sLze and strengrth for the purpose intendedconforming to ttre requirements of ttris specification, thenotes on the Dravings and applicable building codes. B. Anchor Bolts: Furnish Anchors to be built into concrete. D49601 06100-1 D. PART 3 3.03 BLOCKING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. A. B. c. A. Blocking and FurrJ-ng: Douglas Fir-tarch Standard Gradeor Better. Pllnrood: APA C-D standard with o<terior glue. Thicknessas indicated on the Drawings. EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. verify that surfaces to recelve rougD carpentry areprepared to required grades and dinensions. 3.02 INSTALI,ATION General: Perform in Eubstantial nanner sonsistent withaccepted standards of the carpentry trade. Erect franingplumb, level and true and rigidly anchor in place. fnghor_platea as Lndicated. Unlega othenise indicated,bolt plates fitmly to concrete or nasonry vith 3/8'r x !2tl(3tr horlzontal leg) anchor bolts, 2t - 8' g.c. or useranaet, or.equal , powder-actuated fastening system. Pllnrood: Install plynood panels sith face grainperpendicular to supports with end Joints suppoited.Stagger- ende of adjacent sheete 4'-Oi yhen possible.Fasten ln accordance with ApA recownendationsl Roofingpllmood to be 3/4rr. Blogky-rg: Install btocking of size required for supporrof toilet and bath accessories, wall-nounted door slops,vall counters and other wall-nounted accessory itens.Set true to line, level or plulb sell secured in studwall and flush with back of drlzrrall or other nall finistr. END OF SECTION DAg601 06100-2 t t t o sEcTroN 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY PARI 1 GENERAL I 1. 01 I{ORK INCLUDEDI Installation of wood doors, finish hardware, accessories,I architectural woodwork, cabinets and shelving. I 1. 02 OUAIJITY ASSURANCE I A. Requirenents of Regulatory Agencies: conply with appllcable codes, ordinances and regrulations a . in effect at bid date. B. Qualifications of Worknen: Use only skilled worknen for cutting and installing thesork of this Section. In acceptance or rejection ofinstalled work, no alLowance will be made by the Ownerfor lack of Ekill on the part of the workmen. 1.03 nnrrnnNces A. Conply with the following references and standards inaffect at bid date: 1. American Woodwork Institute2. Auerican Society for Testing and llaterials (ASTM)3. U.S. Connercial Standards t B. In case of conflict betueen ttre reference standards andthese Specifications, the rnost stringent requirementsshall govern. - 1. 04 sttBllrrrArJs I Sl".irffilrtngs shall be Eubnltted ln accordance with o13oo I 1.O5 PRODUET DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STOR,AGE I A. Take aII neans necessary to prevent damage to finishcarpentry itens before, durirrg and after installation, Do r ;::.1t"t"%.1?.'?;Trins or naterials or debris rron this t I I I T I I DA e6o1 06200 - 1 B. Protect all finish carpentry itens frornr daage. In theevent of damage, innediately natse alil repairs orreplacements necessary to the approval of the Ownerrs RepresentatLve and at no addLtlonal cost to the Owner. C. Receive, catalog and store all accessori,,ee and finish hardware until their final installation. Index aI1 keysand, upon conpletion of tlre installatior, turn them overto the OwnerrE R€preEsntative. PART 2 PRODT'CTS 2.01 IIATERIALS A. Cabinetry: Cabinetry tops, bottous, lnrtitions, doors,shelves, etc., to be covered vittr plastic lanl-nateshall be cabinet grade particl,eboard or plywood. Backing sheets, where reguired, sballr be O.2o thickutility grade laninate. Interl,or storage and utllity shelves shall beconetructed of 3/4rr Douglat Pir, A/E grrade pllmoodvith hardwood front edgr. $bere slran exceeai S'-0", providc Stanley No. 796 pressed steel, rigidshelf brackets. Verlfy rcuntiry beights with Ovrner. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. B. c. D. 3. Cabinet hardwaredrawinge or ag replaced ltens. Plastic LanLnate: shall be supplied as noted on therequlred to ratc[ existing or Plastic laninate Ehall be LlL6n thict, high-pressurelaninate with colors and patterns ag selected ly theOvnerrs Representative or aE noted on tbe Drawings. Interior Trin: 1. Interlor hardwood handrails sball be kiln dried,straight grain, clear Red Oalc. 2. Interior softrrood trin to receive lnint f l_nish tobe kiln dried, straight grain poplar or lfhite pine,Al{I Section 300 Premiun. Other l{aterials: AII other naterials not specifically deseribed in othersections of theEe Speciflcations, hrt reguired to befurnished for proper conpletion of tbe rork, shall be asselected- by the Contractor, subJect to the approval ofthe Architect. DA 9601 06200 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 3. 01 3. 03 2 . 02 EOUIPITIENT All tools and equipnent shall conply with all pertinent codes and regulatj.ons, including pertinent safety orders, and shall be maintained in proper condition for use at alltines. 2.03 FABRICATION Interlor cabinetry shall neet AWI Cuatom grade standards. EXECUTION INSPECTION Prior to the work of this SectJ.on, carefully inspect theinstalled work of other sections and verify that all such work has been conpleted in such a uanner as to pernit finishcarpentry to produce the trin and other installationsrequired in accordance with the Drawings and theseSpecificationE. In the event of discrepancy, innediatelynotify the Oqmerrs Representative and proceed as he directs. PREPARATION Take all neans necessary to protect the installed work ofother trades. In the event of danage, inmediately make allrepairs and replacements necessary to the approval of theOwnerrs Repreaentative and at no addl-tional cost to the Owner, INSTALI,ATION A. InstallatLon of Doors: Fit all wood doors accurately to their frames wLth an even nargin at top and Jarnts and with proper clearance atthresholds to clear the indicated floor covering. Asrequired during progress of the work, remove and resetdoors and hardware for the installation of work of othertrades. B. Installation of Finish Hardware: Install all flnish hardware in accordance with thetrHardware Schedulerr described in Section O8ZOO of theseSpeeifications and' in strict accordance with thernanufacturerrs recounendatlons. Do not drive screws witha hamerl screlrs nay be started by driving, but shall bescrewed hone. Unless othersise indicated on theDrawings, set all finlsh hardware at the followJ-ngheights: 3 .02 DA 9601 06200 - 3 C. Installation of Archltectur'al woodsork: Ingtall all arclritectural woodrorlc atrai,ght, true, J.evel,plrrnb and seq.lrely anchored in placr. Scribe and closelyfit to adjacent nork. Conceal. all fastenings. Installall countertops with tightty fitting esurections to walls and cabinetg. D. Inatallation of AcceEeories: Install all accesaories in strict aecordance withnanufacturerrs reconnendations, takirq special care toinstall firnly and securely with all-anlhors drawn upt19ht. E. Finiahing: Sandpaper all finished wood aurfaces thoroughly asrequired to produce a unifornly snootb surface, alwayssanding in direction of the vood grain. No coarsegrralned sandpaper narka, haner - rarks or otherlnperfcctiong wlll be pernitted. 3.04 FIELD OUAI-,TTY COMTROL A. Alt finish carpentry ghall produce joints true, tight andwell-nalled wlth alt nenbers aesel[bled in accordanie withthe Drawings. Make all Jolnts to conceal shrinkage. l,liter all exteriorcorners, cope all lntcrior corncrai niter or scarf alland-to-end Joints. Install all trin In pieces al long ae possible, Jolntlngonly where solid support is obtained. NaiI trln with finiEh nalls of proper dinensions to heldthe nenber firnly ln place wlthout splitting the wood. On exposed flnlsh work, Eet all nalls for putty. Install all itens straight, true, level, pfunb and firnlyanchored in pl-ace. lfhere blocking -or backing i;reguired, coordinate as necessary witl other trades toensure placeuent of blocking and backing in a tinelynanner. B. c. D. Cylinder Dead Locks Door Knobs Door Pulls Push Plates Top Hinge Botton Hinge Center Hinge Center 52r above firnished: floorCenter 36i above f,inished floorCenter 40i above.f,inished floorCenter 45i above finished floortop 7r below head of frame Bottorn 1ltr above f,inished floorEqual distance betueen top andbotton hingee t I I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I I E. F. DA 9601 06200 - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. 05 3. O5 G. Drill all hardwood trin for nails as required to preventsplitting of the wood. N)WSTING AND CLE,ANTNG A. Keep the prenises in a neat, safe and orderly conditionat all tine during the progreas of this portion of thework. Do not allow the accumulation of sandust, cut endsor debris. B. At the end of each working day, or nore often if requiredfor safety, thoroughly srreep all surfaces where refusehas settled and renove the refuse to the area designatedfor its storage. At completion of this portion of thework, thoroughly broom clean all surfaces of theinterior. C. Adjust all cabinet hardware as reguired for smooth,efficient and proper operation. D. Adjust all finish hardware as required for smooth,efficient and proper operation. PROTEgTION Take alL means necessary to protect the completed work priorto acceptance by the Owner. In the event of damage,innediately make all repairs and replacenenta necessary tothe approval of the Owner's Representative and at noadditional cost to the Onner. END OF SEqTION DA 9601 06200 - 5 I I I SECTION 07240 EXTERIOR INSUIJATION AND FINISH SYSTEI{ . PART 1 GENER,AL Ir 1.1 coNTRAcruAL REeurREltENTs I Refer to the BIDDING REQUIREI,IENTS and CONDITIONS oF THEI CONTRACI for applicable provisions governing the workspecified herein. I L.2 DESCRTPTTON r Include all materials, labor, equipment, and I lncidentals for the conpletion of the work shown,r speclfied, and/or otherwise reguired. I Work includes the field applied adhesive, rigid I insulation board, reinforcing mesh and colored texturefinish coat. systen shall be Dryvit systen or approved I equal. II 1.3 REFEREI.ICES I Systen shall be approved as described in the following:I latest edition of the Factory lilutual Approval Guide. ICBO Research Committee Report No. 2?28 I 1.4 SUBUTTTAT,S r Subnit manufacturerrs product data including nost I recent literature applicable to products andr specifications to be used. I 1.5 QUALITY ASSI'RANCE I All Conponents of the systeu shall be in strict I accordance with the rspecificationsr, and installed as I per the rrlnstallation Instructionsrr by an authorized - contractor certified by the nanufacturer. I 1.6 pRoDUcr DELrvERy, sroRAcE AltD ITANDLTNGIDeliver naterials in original, unopened packages with I labels intact. store naterials in dry, protected areas I ?:.giff: temperature. Protect all naterials frou I I DAe60r I o7240-l L.7 PROJEqT CONDITIONS Anbient air tenFerature shall be nininun 40 degrees Fand rising at the tine of the inEtallation of thesysten and shall remain at leaEt 4O degrees for atleast 24 hours after the application. 1..8 GUARANTEE Provide nanufacturerrs threc-year liritod warranty fornateriale and perfornancc. InEtatltlon ehall beguaranteed by the applicator for sanc period. Guarantee to bccoue effcctlve at datr of systerconpletion. PART 2 2.L ACCEPTABLE !{AI.IUFACTI'RERS All products ehall be nanufactured or approved for useby: DRWIT SYSTEII, Inc. West Wamick, R.f. 2.2 I{ATERIAI,S I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B. D. E. c. F. Adhesive: lOOt acrylic-based product.Insulation Board: Aged e:rpanded polystyreneneetlnE thc apeciflcatlong of the Systeullanutacturer. Flanespread let! than or egualto 25 and Snoke Devclopnent legc tlran orcqual to 45o (AS1!l 884). uaxluun board size2. x 4r, nJ,ninun thlcknesa 314r, uitered asslrosn on thr drawingc. ReinforcLng ltesh: balanced treated, open-seave glaaa fiber !ceh, hi-gtandard orintemediate weight.Lamina: U.L. Classifled flanespread 25 orless.Finish: lOOt acryll.c-based, factory-nixedcoating havJ.ng integral color and texture, SAilDBIAST TEXTURE Type.Sealant: Trenco Dlmeric with priner #l orPecora Dynatrol II with Priner P75. EXECUTIONPART 3 3.1 INSPECTTON Prlor to appll.cation ofbe exanined for and the Systen DA960l the Systen, the substrate shallcompliance with the Contract Documentsllanufactur€rrs Specifications. Work 07240-2 A. B. c. D. E. t I I I I I I I I I t shalL not proceed untit all unsatisfactory conditionsare corrected. 3.2 APPLICATION Apply insulation board with joints offsetfron the substrate joints using a running bond pattern. Joints at corners shall bestaggered and interlocked.ltix adhesive and cement as stipulated by thellanufacturer. Apply adhesive to insulationboard using notched trowel in applicationpattern approved by the ltanufacturer for thesubstrate provided. Apply prepared insulation board to thesubstrate using even pressure to produceuniform contact and bond. I{ake surface flatby using straight edge to ligh adjacentedges. Let dry 24 hours, then sand any highareas as required to level surface. Base Coat: Apply nesh in L/L6n thick coat ofadhesive over entire aurface of insulationboard. Inqediately enbed the reenforcingnesh into the adhesive and snooth surfaceuntil. the mesh is no longer vlsible. Lap edges 2-L12tt and reinforce around openings.Allow to dry 24 hours.Finish Coat: Apply finish coat usingstainless steel trowel using sufficient Danpower and eguipnent to insure a continuousoperation without cold joints, scaffoldinglines, etc. Texture finish shall matchpreapproved sanple. Color and texture shallbe uniforn and acceptable to the OqrnerrsRepresentative. 3.3 CLE.AN T'P The applicator shal.l clean aII adJacent surfaces anduateriaLs. The work area shall be left free of allforeign uaterials and waste natter. I t I I I I I I END OF SECTION DA960l 07240-3 I I I sEcTroN 0724L EXTERIOR INSI'I,ATION AND FINISH SYSTE}IS-CI,ASS PB - PART 1 GENERAL I 1.01 woRK rNcLttDED A. Furnish and Install:1. Exterior Insulation and Finistr Systen Class PB.Follow Dryvit rroutsulation[ Details DS107 andSpecification DS1L8.2. All accessories required for a completeinstallation. I 1.02 RELATED woRK A. Cold Foprned l,tetal Franing: Section 05400. I 1.03 srsrE' DEscRrPTroN A. Systen consists of an adhesive, 3/4rr insulation board, base coat with relnforcing nesh, and finish. B. Substrate shall be exterior grade gUrpsum sheathing meeting ASTU C79 requLrenents for water resistant core. c. Provide expansion joints at floor lines, at dissinllar I naterials, and at the roof line. D. HoId system back 314" from adjoining materials for r sealant application. I 1.04 QUAIITY ASST'RANCE I A. Provide certification by the manufacturer. I B. Provide all nanufacturer recommendations. t c. Provide 2)x4tsanple panel for ownerrg review.I D. Conply with all applicable codes. I PARtr 2 PRODUCTS I 2. 01 EXIERIOR INSIILATION AND FINfSH SYSTEI,IS-CLASS PB I A. All components of the entire system shatl be from asingle nanufacturer. I B. Dryvit Systens, Inc. rtOutsulatlon System[. I DA 9601 0724t-L I I t I t I t Approved Substitutes:1. Thoro.2. Sto.3. R-WaIl Warranty: Provide a standard fJ.ve year narranty coveringmaterial, Iabor, and installation. PART 3 EXECUIION 3.01 INSTALIATION: A. Exanine surfaces to receive work and do not begin work. until unsatisfaetory conditions are corrected. The overall nininun basecoat ttrickness shall besufficient to fully enbed the nesh. The recommendeduethod is to apply the base coat in tvo (2) applications. Application of wet naterials shall not take place duringinclement weather unless appropriate protection iaprovided. Protect naterials until tbey are dry. Conply with the Dryvit OutEulation Syaten ApplicationPocket Guide (DS2O4) for conplete applicationinstructions. Follow nanufacturer I E reconmendations. END OF SECTION I I T I I I I I I c. c. B. c. D. t I I I t I I I I IE. DA 9601 0724L-2 I I sEcrroN 07533 TIIERI.IOPI,ASTIC S INGLE-PLY I,IEIIIBRANE ROOFING I PART 1 - GENER,AL I 1.01 woRK rNcLnDEs-. A. Furnish and Install Re-Roofing Systen: I 1. Recovery Board. I 2. Single ltembrane Roofing Systen.3. Sheet metal flashing and trin related to roofing systen. I 4. A11 related flashing. I 5. Accessories. 1.02 RELATED WORK I A. Sheet Metal Roofing: Section 07610. I 1.03 QUATTTY ASSTIRANCE A. Deslgn Criteria: r 1. External Fire Resistance: IIL Class A. I 2. Internal FIre Resistance: Factory Mutual Class I.r 3. I{ind Resistance: ICBO ltigh l{ind Approved. I B. Applicators: The folloving applicators are the only ones I prequallfl-ed to bid this project: Broken Arrorr Inc., contact Kyle Nix 165 S Main, Tooele, Utah 84074 I Tel 801-8A2-3942 | Fax 801-882-6911 I iE,"*i'l,li"i+ln":il!ll'a.i:l:3:"[;;tz Holrand rr' I Tel 303-573-3953 / Fax 303-573-3819 I Superior Roofing, Inc., contact Bruce Levy a L47OO E 39th Av, Aurora, Colorado 80011Tel 303-375-0300 / Fax 303-375-0391 I T & L Roofing, contact Tony Whittler 825 E 32nd St, Durango, Colorado 81301Tel 970-247-L392 / Fax 970-385-4944 I C. Certification: Subnit certification that nernbrane neetsphysical properties specified. I D. Attend the preconstruction conference with uanufacturer whenr scheduled. I E. Record of Work: Keep a record lndicating temperature andI noLsture conditLons and the tlpe and location of work being I DA 9601 07533-1 I I done during each day of roofing operations- F. Inspect all related existing condLtions to establish scopeof work required by Safeway and nenbrane systelnanufacturer. G. Attend the Pre-Bid Ueeting with uanufasturer scheduled. 1.04 ST'BUITTAIJS A. Desigm and Specification Approval: prior to startJ.ngrooflng, Eubnit a slgned pre-lnstallatiqr notl,fication formof nembrane manufacturer that the roofing design andSpecificationc are proper for thir partictr:rar project andwarranty requirements. B. Product Data: Subnit in accordance rl,tb Section O13OoSubnittals. Include nanufacturerrB specifications coveringroofing systen naterials and nethods propoeed. C. Shop Drawings: Subrnit in accordance uitb Sec*.ion O13OO. D. Pre approved attachnentc A-C. 1.05 DELMRY, SToRAGE AND HAI{DLING A. General: Couply with Sectlon 01600. B. Storage and Handling: Handle insulation, roll and panelgoods to prevent danage to edgea or cnds- Slore ott ttreground and keep covered with waterproof covering(PolyethlyenG not acceptable) . Iitaterl.als tbat tecome wetwill be subJect to reJection. store all solvents, mastics,adhesivesr-and cenentg in a dry area and at a temperaturebetveen 6O"F and 8OoF. Replace dauaged rateri.als. during cold during hot weather. B. Adjacent Materials:1. Do not allow nenbrane to cone in contast yith coal-tarpitch or fresh asphalt. 1.07 TTARRAI.ITY A. Provide a 15 year, no dollar rinit special safeway warrantyvla attachnents A,B and c including Irtnd and hail-addendun3. 1.06 PROJEqI CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditlons:1. Foll.ow nanufacturerrs reconnendationsweather.2. Follow nanufacturerra recornmendatlons t I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t T DA 9601 07533-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2. 01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTT'RERSA. Roofing Systen:1. Fibertite2. Seal-Dry 2.O2 ROOFING SYSTEII A. Recovery Board: 1n Apache lryrox ISO.B. l.fenbrane: nininun .040 noninal CpA thernoplastic nenbrane,color tan, nechanically attached. PART 3 - EXECIITION 3. 01 INSPECTION A. General: Verify that work of other trades which penetrates roofdeck has been conpleted. Examine Eurfaces for inadeguateanchorage, drainage, foreign material, noisture and unevennesswhich would prevent the execution and quality of application ofroofing systen as specified. Report unsatisfactory conditions tothe ceneral Contractor in writing with copy to Architect.. B. Coordlnation: Coordinate nork of this Sectlon with work of othersections. Verlfy placenent of wood blockings, J_nserts, nailingstrips, cants, drain pan lining, etc. Coordinate roofpenetrations, equipnent baEes and other conditions as required. C. Acceptance: Do not proceed until the surface to be covered isacceptable. Beginning of work means acceptance of substrate byinstaller. 3.O2 PREPARATION A. surfaceE: Broon dry and vacuun loose gravel to totatly preparefeild gurface before beginning work. Roof drainE or s-uppersthat are not at the proper level to drain fron the new fi-nishedroof shall be reset before proceeding by the contractorresponsible for installation (ie. plumber per direction ofnanufacturer at pre-construction conference) . , B. ProtectLon: Protect paving and bullding walls adjacent to hoist/chute- prior to starting work. Lap suitable protectivenaterials at least 5rr. secure protectlve coveiings against wind.Leave protectlve covering in place for duration of roofing work. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Install. roofing systen in accordance with I nanufacturerrs reconnendations. Install in accordance withI nanufacturerrs standard safeway details unless otherwise I I DA 9601 07533-3 I I I I t t I I I t I I I I I I B. c. D. A. indicated. Flashing: Remove existing built-up-roofing flashing and replaceexisting related flashing by applying lap and splice methods.I'laterials and details recon'nended by the nanufacturer. Flasharound penetrations using factory prefabricated stack sleeves onall penetrations 15[ or less in diaueter. Field fabricatedstack/soil Eeals may be used on penetrationg exceeding 15r usingnanufacturer!s standard details. Install. nep pourable sealer inextended pitch pockets nhere reguired. Terninatlons: Make terninations according to aanufacturerrsstandard details and as indicated. Expansion Joints: Provide according to nanufacturerrs standarddetails. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1. Inepection: A factory quatity control representative of thenanufacturer shall make an inspection during appl.ication and uponconpletlon to ascertain that the entire syater has been instatledaccording to nanufacturerrs specific project specifications anddetails. 3. 05 CLE,AI.IING Dally and upon completion, remove surplus, naterials, and debrisfrorn the site. 3.06 PROTESTION A. Conpleted Roofing: Coordinate precautions for protectingfinished roofing fron danage fron subsequent wolk of other tradeson new finished roof uenbrane system. END OF SECTION I t I DA 9601 0753 3-4 I T I I I I I sEcrloNoz6lo I SHEETMETALRooFTNG PART l GENERAL - l.ol SUMMARY A Work Includes: l. Prefnished" prefabricated standing seam roofsystem and siding with continuous integral seams. 2. Coordinate with installation of roofing substructure. 3. Provide color coordinated hip, gable , and valley flashings, ridge and peak caps, eave and shelfdrips and counterflashings.4. Provide clipg fasteners, closures, and sealants ad necessary to meet design criteria and ensure a weathertight instdlation. 5. All adjacent flashings at eaves, gables, ridges, top ofslops, etc. B. Related Sections:l. Section 05120: Structurd Steel. 2. Section 05500: MAal Fabrications. 3. Section 06100: Rough Carpentry.4. Sestion 07610: Sheet Metal4"shing and Trim. 5. Section 07900: Joint Scalers. I r.o2 sYSTEMDEScRTPTToN I A DesigRcquirem€nts:I 'I *:f*ff?"1'*#*iffiffi;ff*#,:ffi::#,s:J I ;l$l:ns. Press broken or field formed panel systems will not be 2. Provide one-piece, single length panel where possible. I 3. Provide continuous integral standing seam. I 4. Provide clips and other accessories as required by specificjob conditions for a complete installation. I B' i**l";tio 3/4', minimum thickness plyrvood substrate. I r.o3 suBMrrrAls I A Produc't Data: Submit manufacture/s specificationg standard detail drawings and I DAe60r I 07610-l installation instructions.B. Shop Drawingsl. Submit shop drawings indicating thickness snd dimemsforns of partg frstenings and anchoring methods, details and locetioal of seams transitions and other provisions nocessary for thsnd orpansion and cOntraction.2. Indicate roofterminations, cloady slpwingflrrlirqg$md change of direction capc.3. Clcarly indicate locations offield urd frctory rypfcd s.ahnt.4. Show locatioru and typcs ofholddown cfrps d fisrus.5. Provido plrn showing layout of cmire rood C. Samplcs:l. Submit tno sampleg 12' long x full width pand sho'wing proposed metal gauge, s€arrt' profile and required finish.2. Submit two color samples to be or match Bcrridge Manrfacturing Compan/s nFalling Watcr'. 1.04 QUALITYASSTJRANCE A Itfaufrcturcds Qulifications:l. Tcn perr minimum opcricnco in fictory frbricaion of standing seam roofs.2. Prroducts listed in this sp&tfication arcBcnidgc CEE-LOCK system with viryl in$rts. B. Ap,plicator Qurlificuioru:l. Threc years mininum cxpcdencc in applicetion of mctal roofing.2. Mnimum of fivc otisfrctory roofs on dmilu types ofprojects.3. Contractor uthorized by the manufrcturer. DELI\|ERY, STORAGE Al.lD I{AI{DLING A Comply with Section 01600. Protect products ard acpessories from damage and discoloration during transit and * project site. Storc slreas and components in dry sttrrgc arca to prsvcnt condensation.B. Do not ovedoad roof stnrcturc with $orcd matsials. Do not permit material storage or trafrc on completcd roof nrrfaccs. WARRAI{TY A Furnishmanufacturcr'sstandard20-yearwarrurtystatingarchitectural fluorocarton finish will be: 1.05 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I 1.06 DA960l 076t0-2 I l I I I 4. 1. Free of fading or color change in excess of 6 NBS units as measured per ASTMD 2244-68; 2. Will not chalk in q<cess of numerical rating of 7 when measured in accordance with standard procedures specified in ASTM D 659-74. 3. Will not peal, craclg chip, or delaminate. B. Furnish written warranty in signed by applicator for two-year period from date of substantial completion ofbuilding covering repairs required to maintain roof and flashings in watertight conditions. I PART2 PRODUCTS I 2.or PA,.TEL sysrEM I A. Acceptable Manufach,rrersl. Snap-Seam 1824 by AEP-Span M*als Corporation. I 2. Benidge Manufacturing Company.I t^: ii3,llif'l#i;, corporation. I a ilo't continuous factory installed hot-melt searant on bonom edge of female I seam leg so as not to be damaged by the clip. I 2. Factory fabricate panel with integral standing sean\ without need for - 3. ftr#:U",;:{stemheight. I B. Clip/Fastener Assemblies: l. Standard Clip: l8 gauge steel. 2. Nailable zubstrate fasteners: #10-12 x l" long A-Point fastener, pancake head Phillips drive screws for plywood; noncorrosive base material. C. Accessories: l. Provide manufacture/s standard accessories and other items essential to completeness of standing seam roof installation including anchor clips, triq ridge and hip caps, closures, flashing and fascia. 2. Form flashing from same gauge and finish as roof panels.3. Provide transition rib covers for changes in roofslope. D. Field Sealant: L Color coordinated primerless silicone or high-gradg non-drying butll as recommended by manufacturer. 2. Do not use under sealant containing asphalt. I I t I I I I DAe60r I 07610-3 o I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I E. Field Underlayment:l. Provide Ice and Water Guard over entire pl)'wood srbdrate.l. Two layers No. 15 asphalt saturatd fiberglass fclt, nonperforated. F. Snow Rentention Devices: SNOBAR. G. Provide UL-90 roofing system that has been tested in accordarrce with UL 580. 2.03 FABRICATION A Panels: l. Provide factory formed panel width of 16 lt?'on center with I 3/4' high seam systern. 2. Provide panels in full length from ridge to eave where possible. B. Seams l. Panel seams shall interlock without use of field seaming machines. Compression ribs and/or button punching will not be allowed.2. Engineer standing searn to lock-up and rcsi* jolrt disengagement during design wind uplift conditions. C. Engineer panels to use conceded anchors that pcnnit orpansion and contraction. E. xposed fasteners in roofing panels will not bc permitted. 2,M FTNISH A Fluorocarbon Coating:l. Full-strength 70%Kynar 500 coating balced on for 15 minutes at 450 degrees F to a dry film thickness of 1.0 mi.2. 30% reflective gfoss (ASTM D 523).3. 0.3 mil baked-on epory primer. 4. Color: Falling Water. PART 3 HGCUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Plywood Deck l. Examine decking to ensure substrate is properly secured and prepared to' receive metal roofing. 2. Ensure decking is installed flat, free from objectional warp, wave, and bucHe. 3. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been DA960l 07610-4 I t corrected. I 3.02 PREPARATToN t A Ice and Water Grard and Felt Underlayrnent (solid substrate): I l. Provide Ice and Water Guard over entire plpvood substrate.l. Provide two layers No. 15 felt with horizontal ovedaps and endlapsI ; #frlt#F}i#;:l'rlr'l;ffiii;ffinil:fl:ffi1ffi""' 4. Fasten seams over with galvanized roofing nails spaced 12" o.c. mo<. t 3.03 INSTALLATION I A Comply with manufachrre/s instrustions for assembly, instdlation and erection in order to achieve weathertight installation. Install in accordance with approved shop drawings. I B. Anchor component parts securely in place allowing for o<pansion and contraction resulting from thermal and structural movement. Provide expansion joints in sheet metal work at necessary intervals. I C. Standing Seam System: I l. HffiHff#trcordancewith panel manufbcture/s instructions and 2. Anchor securely h place using clips and fasteners spaced in accordancer 3 ill[Hi*fr:ii;tr"iH"Hs:::#"*:'u:lffi"",1liili;* - 4. Make end cuts and install sealant and flashings to achieve weathertight I installation. I D. DissimilarMetals: I l. Where sheet metal is in contact with dissimilar metals, execute juncture to facilitate drainage and minimize possibility of galvanic action. I 2. At point of contact with dissimilar metal, coat metd with protective paint I or tape which can be placed between metals. I E. Field apply sealant to penetrations, transitions, and other locations necessary (not I standing seam) for airtight, waterproof installation. I 3.04 CLEAIIING I A Clean orposed surfaces of work promptly aft€r completion of installation. I I DAe60r I 07610-5 B. Clean roofs in accordance with maru&cturcds rccmmd*iros; 3.05 PROTECTION A Protect work as required to en$re roofng will be withs drr.gc at time of final completion. B. R€ph€€ damage wort tha camot bc r€stor€d to cigiad'condftk n. EI\TD OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I T DA960l 07610-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 07620 SHEET I.TETAI, FIJASHING AND PART 1 GENERAL 1.O1 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and fnstal-l:1. Slashing and Counterflashing for rooftop eguipnent curbs .2. other sheet uetal flashing related to the above, indicated on the Drawings and not specified elsewhere.B. Related Requirenents:1. sealants: Section 07900 Joint Sealers. 1.02 REITATED WORK A. Wood Blocking and Nailers: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry 1.04 REFER,ENCES A. Referenee Standards:1. Galvanized sheet lletal: Conply with recomnendations of rrArchitectural Sheet Metalltanuali current edition, as published by Sheetltetal and Air Conditioning Contractors NationalAssociation (SI{ACNA) .2. National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Roofing and tfaterproofing llanrial, current edition. 1.05 WARRANTY A. ceneral: Provide a written warranty against defects innaterials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years Ln accordance with Section 01700.1. cuarantee that syaten shall be watertight and weatherproof.2. See Warranty in Section 07531. PART 2 PRODUqIS2.01 SHEET I,IETAL A. Galvanized Iron: ASTII A525-85 conmercial guality sheetsteel, ASTII A525-85, c90 connercial hot-dip galvanizing. Provide 9a9es as indicated and specified, 24 9a9enininun.1. Finlsh: l,lill phosphatLzed for painted finish underSection 09900. DA 9601 o7 620-L 2. 02 ACCESSORY UATERIAL A. clips or Cleats: Sane naterial and gage as sheet netalbeing lnstalled. B. Nalle and FaEteners: Sang netal ag letal betng ingtalledor other non-cerrorive metal ar recorrended by sheetnanufactur€r. llatch finigb of exlnsed heads withnaterlal bclnE fastened. C. Rooflng Uaterlals: Corupatlblr ritb cxisting roof system. D. 9older: AS11{ 832-83, Ll2 lcad, 1/2 tin. Use rosin forflux. I I I I I I I I I I I I F. PART 3 Sealant: Approved type of polyurethane; see Section07900. Roofers uaetic is not accrptable. D(ECI'TION 3.01 INSPEeTTON A. Substratc: Exaninc curfaccg to receive flashing or sheetnctal. Do not begln sork until ungatisfactory conditionsar6 corrcctcd. Surfacea chall bc snooth, sound, cleanand dry and fabric flachlng ln place before work isetarted. 3. 02 PREPARAUON A. Flcld ltleasurcnents: Ecforc fabricating sheet rnetal ,vcrlfy ehapea and dlnensions of eurfaces to be covered. B. Coordination: Coordinate work ov this Section witb workof other gectiong. Verify placenent of wood blockings,lnrcrts, nalllng strips, cants, etc. Coordinate with. Sectlon 07531. C. Protectlve CoatinE: Coat contacting dissinllar netals witharphaltic conpound. 3. 03 WORKIiAI{SHIP A. Reference Standards: Unless indlcated otherwise on theDrawinga, worknanship and details ghall conply with SIiIACNA Architectural Sheet netal uanual .1. Edges: hen all exposed cdges l2n unless otherwlEelndicated.2. Drips: Angle botton edges of vertical gurfaces toforn dripe. I I I I I I I DA 9601 07620-2 I I B. JoLnts: Uake joints watertight and allow for expansion.1. Reinforce sheet metal corners as reguired. I 2. Reinforcement: Conceal within finished assenbly. r 3.04 GAr,vANrzED rRoN sHEEf uETAL A. Flashing and Counterflashing: As detailed of 24 gage galvanized iron. Loctc and solder Jolnts and hem exposed edges. END OF SEEIION I I I I I l I I I I I I l I I DA e6o1 I 07620-3 t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I sEcTroN 07900 JOINT SEATJERS 1.OO GENERAI 1..O1 T{ORK INCLI'DED Provide elastoneric and non-elastoneric searants, eaulkingconpound, conpression seals, joint flllers and relateiaccessories. 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRTPTION The. purpose of this work iE to provide a positive barrieragainst the penetration of air and-moisture a-t joints betweenitens where it is essential to the continued in€egrity of thebarrier. such work will nor:mally be performed under the workof various sections of these specirications but shall beperforned in accordance wlth the provisions of this section. 1. 03 OUALITY ASST'RANCE A. InstaUation.gf jgint EealerE shall be performed only byworknen specifically trained and thoroughry radrtar ivitirthe written recomnendations of the rnanuflcturer of thematerial being used. B. All caulking shalr be by a sealant contractor, recognJ.zedas such, and in business for at least five years prior tothis installation. c. obtaln naterills onty lrorn m4nufacturers who will, ifrgguired, send a quallfied, technical representative tothe proJect site for the purpose oC advising theinstaller of proper procedurel and precautl.ons f6r theuse of the naterials. 1. 04 SI'B!.TITTALS subnit product data and color sampres for each tlpe of Jointsealer to the Onnerrs Representative. 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVSRY. IIAI.TDLING AND STORAGE store all naterials under conditions reconnended by thenanufacturer of the materiarE. Do not use materials itored 99r a period of tine exceeding the naxinum reconmended sherflife of the naterial. uaterlals shall be derlverea to irrejobsite in their originat contaLners with the nanufacturerrsname clearly lndicated on the containers. 1.06 PROJEqT CONDITTONS t I I DA 9601 07900 - 1 Do not proceed with instarlation of j.oint searers underadverse !'reather conditions or uhen tenpeiatureg are below orabove nanufacturerrE linitations for ingtallation. proceedsith the work only forecaeted weather conditions are favorable -f-or proper.cure and deveropnent of high,, earry bond strength.lfherever Joint width is affected d anbitnt temperaiurevariations, lnstall elastoneric lealants onl| whenteuperatures are in the loser third of lanufalturerrsreconnended lnstalLation te[peraturc range. 1.07 WARRANTY Sealant contractor ghall furnish a 3-year warranty, inwritinE, to repla_ce any joints which fait during the waiiantyperiod. subDi-t tlrree _copies of written guarant*, agrreeing t6repair or replace sealants shich fail t-o perforn ai airtightand watertlg.ht joints; or fait in Joint idbesion, cohesi5n,abrasion reslstance, weather resistance, extr:rrsion resistance,nigrration registance, stain resistance or general durability!appear to deteriora_t€ in any nanner not ciearly specified isan inherent guality of the uaterial -by - submittedmanufacturerrg data. narranty shall date fron Notice ofSubEtantial Conpletion. 2.OO PROpUCTS 2. 01 GENERAI-, I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I B. c. A. Coloras For exposed naterialg, provid€ color as indicated or, ifnot indicated, as selected by the Ounerrs Representat,ivefron nanufacturerrs gtandald colors. foi concealeduaterials, provlde the natural color rrhich has the bestoverall perfornance characteriEtics. Hardnesg: As rcsonnended by nanufacturer for application shown,unleer othenlse indlcated. liloduluc of Elasticity: Provlde ttre lowest aval.lable nodulus of elasticity whichis consistent with exposure to seathering, indeniation,vandalisn, abrasion, support of foadiirg and otherrequirenents. Conpatlbility: Before.purchaee-of each requirenent naterial,conpatibility with each other naterial it wiifto in the joint systen. confirm lts be exgrosed DA 9601 D. 07900 - 2 by the and for B. c. t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I E. Size and Shape: As shown or , if manufacturer for thethe indicated joint F. Grade of Sealant: not Ehown, as reconmendedtlpe and condition of joint performance or novenent. For each application, provide the grade of sealant (non-si9, self-Ieveling, non-track, knife grade, preforned,etc.)r is reconnended by the manufacturer for theparticul-ar condition of installation (location, joint shape, anbient gsnperature and sinilar conditions), toachieve the beet possible overall performance. Gradesspecified herein are for normal condition ofinstallation. 2. 02 EI,ASTOMERTC SE.ALANTS A. llvo-Conponent Polyneric Base Sealant: !{odified polyurethane rubber, two-part (or three part)elastomeric sealant, conpLying with FS TI-s-227!", TypeIIrnon-sag, Class A. Contractor shall provide rDlmericrl sealant by Tremco or rrDynatrolllrr by pecora. Unlessothernise specified, Eealant shall be used for allexterior joints, interior expansion joints and wetlocations. Ttto-Conponent Polyurethane Sealant: Polyurethane-based, two-part elastomeric sealant,conplying sith FS TI-S-2278, I}pe I, Self-leveling, ClassA. Contractor shall provide ftPecora NR-2OOrr by pecora ornSonolastic Pavement Joint Sealantr by sonneborn/Contech,Inc., for foot traffic joints. Interior Silicone Rubber Sealant: Sl.licone rubber based one-part elastoneric sealant,conplying sith FS T!-S-1543A, _ Class Ai compoundedspecifically for nildew resistance and reconmenaea Uynanufacturer for.interior Jointe Ln we areasi acid-typefor non-porous joint surfaces and non-acid tlpe where oneoT_Poth joint surfaces are porouE. provide .,Dow CorningSilicone Rubber Bathtub Caulk,tr #8640 by Dow Corning. 2. 03 NON-EI,ASTO}IERIC SEJAI,ANTS One-Component Acrylic Latex Sealant: Acryllc latex polyner cauJ.k, conpatible with tatex paints. DA 9601 07900 - 3 Contractor shall provide AC-20 by Pecora or ;Sonolacr bySonneborn/Contech/. 3.OO EXECIIITON 3.01 INSPESTION Prior to conmencing sork regulred by tbis Section, theinstaller shall exauine the areas and cbnditions which existwhere Joint sealer work iE to be perforred and notify theGeneral Contrastor, in writing, of any conditiqrs which are inconflict with reguireuents of the Contraet Documents anddetrfulental to the tinely conpletion of the yorlc. Do notproceed with work until unEatiefactory condi.tions have beencorrected in a nanner conplying with tbe Contract Documentsand acceptable to the installer. 3. 02 I,TAI{UFA TURERI S INSTRUSTTONS conply with manufacturerrs printed inetruetions except wherenore etringont requirenents arG shoun or epecified anl exceptwhere nanufacturerrE technical representative directsotherwl.ge. 3.03 PREPARATION OF ST'RFACES fnterLor or exterior Jolnts, voide and all otlrer spacesindicated or reguired to be caulked shall be cleanl dryand free frou all forelgm natter auch as dust, water,Enow, ice, curl,ng conpowrda, forn oil, release agents orother naterlals adversely affecting proper adheiion. Clean all Burfaccs ln accordance vitlr ranufacturerrs recoDnendatLons. Itask edges, lf required, to protect adJoinlng surfacesand produce a stralght, finished line. Etch concrete nasonryr Joints to renove excess alkalinityunleec ceal,ant uanufacturerrs printed instructioniindl.cate alkalinity does not lnterftre yith sealant bondand perfornance. Etch with solutl.on of 5t uuriatic acid,neutralize with dlluted annnonia solution, rinsithoroughly with water and allow to dry before sealantapplication. Roughen vitreous or glazed Jolnt Eurfaces as recommendedby sealant nanufacturer. Surfaces to receive sealant naterials shall be free frompall!. . except baked-on prlners or enanels in goodconditi-on; other palnts shall be renoved by wire lrusf,ingor sanding. I I I I t T I t I I T I I I I I t I t A. B. c. D. E. F. DA 9601 07900 - 4 E. F. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. ALl surfaces which are to be caulked or sealed withpolysulfide base Eealant shall be primed uith themanufacturerrs reconnended or standard priuer. Beforeus€r, al.l priners hall be checked for dilcoloration anddirt pickup on adJacent surfaces. If staining occurs,after exposure, the General Contractor sfrift takeadeguate neasures to prevent priner fron being appliedover the.face of adJacent porous materials ly nisfing orother suitable ueasures. 3.04 JOINT BACKING A. Install sealant backer rod for liquid elastonericsealants, except where shown to be onitted or reconmendedto be omitted by sealant nanufacturer for the applicationshown. B. Backup material shalL be inserted wherever a suitablebackstop has not. been provided, in al1 joints or spacesindicated, and in joints or spaces, whlch are 3/4'r orDore deep. fnsert backup naterial to maintain thef9]]oqing joi_nt width to depth ratio of caulking compoundvith depth of Joint being neasured to crown of- rouid orsemi-circular rods.: Joint widthLl8"Llqt to 3/8nIlza to 5/8n3/4tr to 1n Over 1rl Joint Dept L | 8't'Ll4t' to 5/16'l 318" to Ll2.lLl2t' to Slgtt7st of Joint Width C. Backing naterial ehall be conpressed a minimum of 30twhen inserted into joint. D. I'taterials impregnated with oil, solvents or bituminousnaterials shall not be used. Do not leave voids or gaps betneen the ends of jointfiller units. Install bond breaker tape wherever shown and whereverreguired by nanufacturer,i reconnendations to ensure thatelastoneric sealants will perforn properly. t I I I 3.05 APPLTCATION A.eqploy only proven installation techniques which wiltensure that Eealants will be deposit-d in uniform,continuous ribbons wlthout gaps or air pockets, ritirconplete trwettingr of the Joint bond surfades egually onopposite sides. 1. Caulking conpounds shall be applied by the gun 07900 - 5DA 9601 Dethod, using nozzles of prolrer siae to fit theseveral widths of joints. 2. Joints shall be filLed and tooled srcthly. 3. Except as othenrise indl_cated, till sealant rabbett9. ? .slightly concave surface, sliqhtly bLowadjoininE surfaces. t{here borl.zontaf loints arebetween a horizontal surface and vertical surface,f+ll Jolnt to forn a ellght cove, so that joiniwill not trap noisture an{ dirt. B. Caulk and eeal interior at perlneter of door, window andotlrer opening_s- masoruiy control Joints and sinilar spaces.Exterior applicatione Ehall be nade vatertight. C. Caulklng conpounds, which are expoeed on surfacesrequired to be painted, shall be applied prior topainting to such eurfaces. D. Apply caulkinE ln strict accordanee with theDanufacturerra publiehed reconnnendations, takinq care notto allow gealants or conpounde to overfrov or spitt intoadJoining surfaces or to uigrate into tfre -voias ofadJoining surfaces. Clean the adjoining surfaces bywhatever Deans nay be necessarlr to eiininate evidence oiapillage. 3. 06 CI'RE AND PROTECTION cure sealants and cautling conpounda in compliance wi.thmanufacturerrs inetructions and raconnendatioris to obtainhig!, early -bo_nd etrength, internal cohesive strength andeurface durablllty. Adwise the contractor of proieduresrequired for the cure and protection of joint seallrs duringthe construction period, so. that they will be withou€deterioration or danage (other than nornal wear andweathering) at the tin e of Ownerrs acceptance. 3.O7 CLEN{.UP A. upon conpLetion, crean and reuov€ exceaE naterial fromthe building and re'ove any debriE resurting froru thiswork. B. The aurfaces of all nateriars adJoinJ.ng covered jointsshall be cleaned of any sneare of co:npound or -other soil-l_ng due to caulklng iork. 3.08 PROTECTION Take all neans necessary to protect the completed work priorto acceptance by the Ownel. In the elvent of daiage, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t DA 9601 07900 - 6 I imediat-ely nake all repairs and replaceuent necessary to theapProval of the Orynerrs Representative and at no addltlonal I cost to the owner. I END oF sEetroN t I I I I I I I I t I I I I DA e6o1 I 07900 - 7 I I I I I l I I I I I I t I I I I o SECTION 08110 STEEL DOORS AtfD FRAI,IES PART 1 GENERAL 1.O1 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and Install:1. Hollow Metal Doors.2. Hollow Metal Frames.3. Other Hollow Metal ltens. L.O2 REI,ATED WORK A. wood Doorg: Section 09210.B. Hardlrare: Section 08210 Finish Hardware. 1. 03 A. 1. 04 A. B. 1. 05 A. QUALIIY ASSURANCE Regulatory Reguirenents: proviae UL label on doors andfranes indicated on the door schedule. ST'BUITTALS Shop Drawlngs: Subnit in accordance with Section O13oo. Tenplates: Hardware tenplates for hardware nounted on hollowmetal work Ehall be eubnitted under Section 08710 directly tothe hollow netal nanufacturer i.'nnediately after approval ofthe hardware schedule. Report failure to receive templateswith reasonable promptnesE to the ceneral Contractor. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND PROTECTION General: Conply with Section 01600. Store frames in such aposition at to prevent twisting. Doors with dinples or dentswill be reJected. I I DA 9601 08110-1 PART 2 PRODUETS2.OT DOOR AND FRAME UAI.TUFAqTURERS A. Acceptable llanufacturers:1. Steelcraft2. Robertson Ceco3. Allied Steel4. curries. 2.O2 HOLI.,,OW ITETAL TRAITES A. Generar: Ftames for hollory uetal and sood doors, entrancEs,window and borrowed lights, etc. indicated t; be hollow netaishall be of dcsign ssctions ar detaired and assembled asindicated. No Knock Down Franes allowed. shop weld and grind smooth alljoints. B. cagea:1. Franes on Exterior WallE: 14 gage steel .2. Franes on Interlor Walls: f6 gale steel.. I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I c. D. construction: conatruct franea cnconpassing one or moredoors 1n.ri91d unitg of aa large erze ai practicii to reduceto a nininun the nunber- of Job-fabrlcated-joints. Joints andconnectLons including Job-iabricated Joints shatl be weldedand grround and the entire assembly reinforced and braced asreguired to ineure_ absorute rigiatty. eroviae expansionJoints as indlcated or regulred.- whire so indicated or asrequired, -provide channef stlffening witlin -a-nJ securelywelded to frane ncnbcr. Accessories:1. Reinforcenent for Hardware: ilachine franes forattachment of .hardsare, including nortising, rel.nforcing,drilling and tapping for hJ.nges.a. Butt. Hinges: 7 gage, 12rr long, full width of franeprofile less wldth of one backbana.b. Closers: 10 gage, 12r long, full width of frame.c. strikes, Fluah Bolts and bttrer surface MountedHarduare: 12 gage.2. Anchors: Furnigh anchore of tlpe and n'mber required foranchoring frames to struc€ire, partitLons', etc..aEfolloss: i. 3 j-anb anchorE on Zr high Janb.b. 4 Janb anchors on JanbJ ofer 7lnot be allowed. provideinstructLons aa are n€cessaryinstallatlon of anchors.3. Silencers: -Drl:rl stop of lock Janb offor installation of pneumatic-rubber DA 9601 . wire anchors wlLlsuch installationto insure proper eash interLor frauedoor silencers. 08110-2 I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I l t I I o .3 E. Hinges: Install nortar protection box behind each hinge cut. 2.O3 HOLLOW I{ETAL DOORS A. General: Doors indicated to be hollow metal shall be hollowmetal, flush, swing tyge doors of the tlT)es indicated. B. Construction: Construct hollow metal doors from 15 gagesteel, welded, ground smooth and completely sound and iiieinsulated. Provide tbernal insulatiLn in exterior doors.Manufacturer hollow netal doors and panels with fl_ush tops,sides and bottons. Plastic inserts are not acceptable. c. Labels: Provide fire rated construction and uL rabels wherelisted in the door schedule. D. Hardware: Mortise and reinforce doors to receive hardware.1. Hingesz 7 gage steel plate, 9r long, welded tocontinuous 16 gage interior edge channefi. Drill andtap. Use of coined or extruded holes not acceptable.2. Locks, Latches, push/pulls, and panic Devices: L2 gagesteel spot welded to 16 gage interior edge channels-anddesigned to provide adequate support and reinforcenentfor reguired hardware.3. Closers: Not less than 12 gage internal reinforcement.Provide special attention to rtinforcing the doors whereclosers are to be bolted through the door. 2.O4 !.IISCELLAI.TEOUS ITEttS A. Provide cJ-osures. sub-sills, panels, filJ_ers, etc., indicatedas hollon metal, gages and insulation as indlcated. 2.O5 FINISH A. cleaning and Primer: Thoroughly clean surfaces of grease,rugt and scare to insure paint adlrerence. Apply fiiler todoorE where required to produce smooth surface.1. fnterior Frames and Doors: epply one coat of factorypriner. 2. Exterior Franes and Doors: All exterior door and windowfranes, all stops, all screws, etc. are to be galvanizedper SDI A60 specification. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. 01 INSTALI,ATION A. Franes:1. set steel frames accuratery in accordance with details,straight and free of twist wLth head level and Janbiplunb. Rigidly anchor to walls and partitionj and DA 9501 08110-3 securely brace until surrounding uork is conpleted.Provide deflection clearances at f,rrane headJ rhereindicated.2- l{herever possLbre leave spreader bars iu place untllfraues ar€ s€curely anchored.3. Janbs will be filled with grout yhere franes occur innasonry walls. B. Doora: Apply hardware in conforrance uith hardwareuanufacturerrs templates and instructionc, haod doore to be I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I c. free of bindlng rith hardsare lliscellaneoua IternE: Inetall functioning groperly. closurce, pareIs, fillers, etc.as indicated. 3.O2 AD'USTING A. Adjustnent: Atas required and conpletion of Job, adjust doo,rs and hardwareleave in proper operating coldition. END OF SECIION I I DA 9501 08110-4 I I I sEcTroN 08210 WOOD DOORS I PART 1 GENERAL I- 1.01 woRK INCLI'DED I A. Furnish and Install:I 1. l{ood Doors.2. 9lire Glass Lites in DoorE I L.O2 RET.ATED I{ORK A. Finish Hardrf,are: Section 08710.I B. Steel Frames: Section 08110.I 1.03 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: Comply with:1. NW![A Industry Standard 1.S.L-7A - Wood FluEh Doors. r -2. AI{I Architectural Woodwork Quallty Standards, 1985 Edition. I 1.05 SI'BUITTALS I A. shop Drarrings: subnit in accordance with o13oo subnittals.I B. Tenplates:llardware templates for hardware mounted on wood doors I be subnitted under Section 08710 directly to the wood doort ::H:ii::"i"i#;ul:ti*"'f:T"::l;:"i:#i"$: l::S:iff,"pronptness to the General Contractor. I 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND IIAIIDLING I A. ceneral: Conply witlr Section 01600. I B. Delivery: Do not deliver doors to the building until drywallwork ig conpleted and hunidity in the bullding has reached I average relative hunidity of the locality. C. Storage: Stack doors flat and off the floor. Do not drag doorsacrosE one another. I 1. 07 I{ARRANTY r A' ::iliu:"H':::1""?:I"li: ilr:":;'ffi:'i#:1,ff::it"'1#l"E:'reasonable cost of rehanging. I I DA e6o1 T 08210-1 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.O1 FLUSH DOOR A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. Weyerhaeuser.2. Algoma llardwoods, Inc.3. Eggers.4. Cal-Wood Door.5. Tinco Industries, Inc.6. V.T. Industries. B. Interior Flush Doors:1. Thickness. L-3 14a unless otherwise indi.cated.2. Faces and Edges: Red Oak.3. AWI euality crade: prenLun.4. Under Cutting: preserve full bottorn rail.5. Solld core Door Awr construction rypei -ic-s particle boardcore. PART 3 EXECUTION t I I I I I I I I I I t T I t I I B. c. 3. 01 INSPECTION A. Inspectlon: Before installation,size and tlpe for the door and aie verlfy that frames are properinstalled as required ior-proper instal.lation of doors. INSTALI,ATION3.02 A.General:1. Fit to width by planing and fit to height.doors be cut down to opening sizes "n"ii"rwhich they were nanufaltured.2. Installation: By skilted finish carpentersauthorized installers.3' rnstarrer: Thoroughly fanlliar sith the reguirements of thenanufacturerrs door-warranty as currently iri etrect anaassure coupllance with all provisions. Clearance:1. Non-Fl-re Rated Doors:a. Janb: Ll8n, 1/8tr bevel ln 2rlb. Head: tlArr.c. Between Double Doors: L/8rr.d. Botton at Decorative Floori LfZ..e. Eotton at Threshold: L|4".Hang doors to be free of bintuirg with hardware functioningproperly. In no case shallthan those for or factory o82ho-2 I I DA 9601 oo I 3.03 ADrusrr'c I A. At conpletion of Job, adJust doors and hardvare as required. t ENDI oF sEerror t I I I I I I I I I I I I I DA e6o1 I O8210-3 B. c. I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I sEqtroN 08300 PI,ASTIC IUPACT DOORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and Install:1. plastic Impact Doors 1.02 SI'BMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Subnit in accordance with O13OOSubnittals. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. ceneral: Conply with Section 01600. 1.04 WARRANTY A. Provide manufacturers written narranty in accordancewLth Section O1200. PART 2 PRODUqTS 2.01 PI,ASTIC IMPAqT DOORS A. Polyethylene traffic doors shall beDuty Standard Doorsr as nanufacturedInduEtries, Inc. Durulite rrHealry- by Chase/DuruE The outer skin shall be nonolithically formed of Lletllrigh density polyethylene and have a textured finiin. Color to be as indicated in Section ogooo of theseSpeclflcations. D. E. F. Bottom, leading anda nininun of 5lL6tl1/8tr radius. High-density, back edges shall be buLlnosed withradius; all other edges shall have foaned-in-place urethane core. Gaskets:l. Refrigerated applications shall beunless noted otherniEe in the Door2. Non-refrigerated applications shallgasketed unless noted otherwise inSchedule. fully gasketed ScheduIe. be partially the Door DA960l 08300-l Single pane, 1/8tr high impact,. scratcb resistant,polycarbonate sealed windows at non-refrigeratedapplications. Window size shall be ZO-t1i" x 22-L/2nwith botton of window not above 48i a.f.h. Tinges: Provide 27O deqree door hinge systen thatincludes spring-assist ind a lower bingdguard. Blade-edge gaskets on leading edge and f,Lexible sealsat Janb, botton and top. Upper portion of hinge nechanigu sball consist of acau-bearlng and foll.ower for self cloei,ltg rithout useof springs, cables or other uechanical divices. Lorrerbearing shall be a nylon self-lubricating, self-aligning ball nounted in a galvanizeC re€if case.Provide with top and botton-hinge seaf,.s, All fasteners Ehall be of staLnless steel- L. Door shall have 24tr high standard blact, spring bumperswhere indicated on the Door Schedule. I I T I t I I T I I I I I I T I I I I G. H. I. J. K. 3.01 INSPEqTION A. Inspection: Before install.ation, verify thatare proper size and tlpe for ttre door aid haveas reguired for proper installation of doors. 3.02 ADWSTING PARI 3 EXECUTION END OF SEErION openrngs supports A. Adjugt doors and hardware as required so they are freeof binding and functioning properly DA960l 0E300-2 t I t I I I I I t t I I sEcTroN 08360 SECTIONAL OVERHE,ID DOORS PART 1 GENERAI, 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnl-sh and InEtall:1. Overlread Door at opening No. 11.2. Motorized operation complete with electrical hookup.3. All accessories required for a conplete and operati.onal. system. I 1. 02 REI.ATED WORKII A. Loading Doclr Equlpnent: Section 11150 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2. 01 OVERITE,AD DOOR A. Overhead Door Corporation 422 Series, 20 gauge rLbbedexterior, 26 gauge steel back cover, seven panels, Rvalue of 11.69, Factory baked on white epoxy finJ-sh, 3rl hearry duty track, notorized operation, weather stripping,locking nechanism, and all accessories for a completeoperational systen. Note that door opens lnto Enclosed Truck Ranp 115. B. Approved aE an egual is the appropriate nodel Danufactured by Ralmor. PART 3 EXECUTION 3. 01 INSPECTION I A. Exanine surfaces to receive door and do not begin work I until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.O2 PREPARAEION A. Field lleasurenents: Before assenbling door, verify dimensions of opening. B. Coordination: Coordinate work ow this Section with workof other sections. Coordinate wlth Section 11160. I I I t I DA 9601 END OF SECTTON 083 60-1 t I I s8gtroN 08410 ALI'UINW ENTRAI{CES A}ID STOREFRONTS I PARE 1 GENERAL I 1.01 WORK TNCLUDED I Furnish all necessary naterials, labor and eguipuent for thet conplete installation of TRIFAB 451 aluninrrm frauing as shown on the drawings and specified herein. I 1.02 RET,ATED SECTTONS - 1. Glazing: Section 08800. Ir 2. Autonatlc Doors: Sectlon 08720. I 3. Pre-QuaLified Installers: fnstaller shall be a company I specializing in installation of Aluminun Glazing Systems with a mininun of three (3) years experience. I 1.03 OUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Reguireuents of Reg'ulatory Agencies: I conply with applicable codes, ordinances and regrulations in effect at bid date. I B. Qualifications of Worknen: r Use only skilled workmen for cutting and installing ther H:t"if":n*:"i:"::"lir#"1!"i?tiT: ilu!"ii"li:"off",' for lack of skill on the part of the workmen. I 1.04 REFERENCES - A. Anerican Society for Testing and Materials (AS$[):r 1. 05 SYSTEI.I DESCRIPTION I A. Design Reguirenents:I 1. Design Criterla/Concept: IRIFAB 451 is a Franing I Systen that provides for flush glazing on all I sides sithout proJecting stops, with glass in thecenter of the frame. t I DAe60r I 08410-l B. Performance Reguirements: 1. Linit air leakage through assenbly to [.06]CFM/sq.ft. of wall area at [6.24]PSF (300 Pa) as neasured in accordance with ASTII E 283. 2. l{ater leakage: None, when measured in accordance with ASTI-i E 331 with a test presaure difference of [8] PSF. 3. Linit nullion deflection ot. lLlLT5l sith full recovery of glazing naterial. 1.06 EgEUXgIA[rli - shop Drawings shall be subnitted in accordanee with 01300 Submittals. 1.07 DELIVERY. STORAGE, AND IIAI{DLING A. General: Conply sith Section 01600. B. ordering: conply with nanufacturerrs orderingr inEtructlons and lead tine requireuents to avoid constructlon delays. c. Packing, Shipping, Handllng, and Unloading: Delivernaterials in nanufacturerrs orlginal, unopened, undamaged container with identifisation labels intaet. D. Storage and Protection: Store naterials protected fron exposure to harnful weather conditions and at temperature conditions reconnended by rnanufacturer. 1.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS/SITE CONDTTIONS A. Envirorunental Reguirenents/Conditions: B. Field Ueasurenents: Verify actual measurements/openings by field Deasurements beforefabrlcationl ehow recorded neaEurements on shopdrawings. Coordinate field measurenents, fabrication schedule with constructlon progress to avoidconstruction delays. t I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I DA 9601 0E410-2 I ! 1.oe tsaBBANII I A. Manufacturerrs Warranty: Subnit nanufacturerrs standardI :Hi:*{.'T:ffi3:iff::T:",:L::t}"i3"ii::3llll, to, and not a linitatJ.on of,, other rights Ornrer nay have I under the Contract Docu[ents. I PART 2 PRODUCTS r 2. 01 UAI.IUFACII'RERS ' A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Kanneer Co., Inc., 555 ^ cuthridge Ct., Norcross, GA. Telephonez 404-449-5555Fax: 404-253-5133. I B. Approved equals to natch quality of specified I nanufacturers are EFCO and ARI{ARLITE. 2.02 EXISTING SIOREFRONT I A. New Storefront ls to uatch the proflle and finish ofa existing as Duch as possible. Confirn exi.stingconditions before bidding and ordering. I 2.03 UAIEETAIII r A. Extruded Aluninun: [5063] alloy, [TS] tenper. Ir 2. 04 coIrrPoNENTs I A. Frane: 2n (50.8nn) x 4 L12.. (114.3nn) noninalf dimension screw spllne assenbledl tflushl glazingstops; internal' weep drainage system. I 2.05 ACCESSORTES A. Sealant and backing uaterials: As specified 1n SectLon r o79OO. B. Fasteners: Aluninun or stainless steel .t c' ::i3i3gi"n":?':,::**":i"T:.:iilr"li:'3fl"ii'l!'3, "tlpe that locks Eecurely lnto the glazing reglet tor Bigil; 3::i:t3:HT:i ::::,#i:lasins' vinvr t t DAe60r I 08410-3 2.06 FABRTCATION A' Fabricate componentE with uinimun crearanees and shimspacing around perimeter :I -=".*iV, -Vlg enabtinginEtalration ani avniii" novement of perrneter seal.B. Accurately fit and secur! joints and corners. uakeJoints flish, tr"irfi"e, land weatberTroof ],C. prepare. conponents to receive ancbor devices.Fabricate anchors. D' Arrange faEteners and attachnents to concear from view. 2.07 FINTSHES A. Aruninun profiles shall be given a caustic etchforrowed bv an anoaiJ-oxia"'i""iti.;i;;' obtain an*iiltff:;g:l jli:.*li .i.i" -.iliil"J"iii"e conrormins I I I t I I I I I r1 rl rl I ll I I I t I PART 3 EXECUTTON 3.01 ACCEPTAALE TNSTAILERS A. Inataller shall be a complly ?peclatizing ininetarration of uunrnun- c:.izrif -rtil!# with a nininunof three (3) years. B. Conpliance: Conply wlth nanufacturerrs product data,includins . proauci i.;ili";iEii;;il1, op"od,r"t catarocrinatallation inEtru"ii"n., and product iartooninstructions. 3.02 EXAI{TNATTON A. Site Verilig"ii"tr gf Conditions: Veri.fy substrateconditr'one (which havi-Leen- previousty-instarred underothcr sections) ar" ac""ptabi;-;;;;;;d:. instatlationin accordance iritrr ";ili:;fii.";J- if,liiictions. 3.03 PREPAR.ATTON A' AdJacent-surfaces protection: protect adjacent workil:i:ri:tr:i:r,n surraces rron aaiJs" iii.i;s_;;d;;t DA 9601 08410-4 I I 3.04 ADJUSTINC AND CLEANING I A. Cleaning: Renove tenporary coverings and protection ofr ?i1i:i*"T*"3fi::' "f:l'i":i"fi:lT:"3i1i3"t"accordance with manufacturerrs instructions prior to I ownerrs acceptance. Remove construction debris fronproject site and legally dispose of debris. I B. Protection: Protect installed productrs finish I surfaces from damage during construction. END OF SECTIONI I t I I I I I I I T I I DAe60r t 08410-5 I I I PART' GENERAL I 1.01 YroRK TNcLIDED A. Furnish and Install: ;l 1. Aluuinun Windows in Ueat Cuttingt 2. SlltliS!3'38":i"lnlli"r. ,""'e to get window in and r cover opening construction. T 1.02 REI,ATED WORK I A. 01045 Cutting and Patching. I 1.03 ST'BUITTALS I A. shop.Drawings; subnit in accordance with Section 01300. I B. Product Data: Subnit in accordance with I Section 01300. I 1.04 DELMRY, STORAGE AND HANDLTNG t A. General: conply with Section 01600. B. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide withinstallation schedules so that nininum handling of crates is reguired. Do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage. c. Storage: Store cases according to printed instruction on case, in areas least subjectto traffic or falling objects. Keep storage area clean and dry. D. Handling: Unpack cases following printed instructions on caae. Stack individual windows on edge leaned slightly againstupright supports with separators between each. . t DAe60r I sEcTroN 08510 ALT'}IINW I{INDOWS l I I I I I t 08510-l PART 2 PRODUCTS 2. 01 AIJI I.{INUM WINDOWS A. Acceptable llanufacturer: American Sbower Door steau t{indows Clear VlEion Sliding Panel ltodel No. 585. 1/4tr Tenpered Salety is to be provided. Provide polished aluninum frame' PART 3 EXECTIIION 3.01 INSPECTION A. hspection: Inspect to verify that openings for-windows are proper sLze, plunb, square and revel before lnitattation of frames is started. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceitance of existlng conditions by inEtaLler. 3. 02 INSTAIJ,AITION A. l{indoss: Securely install windows according to nanufacturerrs reconmendations and accePted ShoP Drawings. 1. Install in oPenings Provided'2. Set windows Plunb and true' ProPerIY aligned and securelY anchored. B. Adjustment: Adjust operable sastr to work fr6ely with hardware functioning properly' 3.03 PROTECTION A. Protection: cover windowE during sPray painting, drlrualling or other construction operations that night cause damage' 3.04 CLEANING Cleaning: Leave windows in a job clean conditi5n. Final cleaning of 91ass wiII be done under Section 01710. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I A. DA 9601 END OF SECTION 08510-2 A. B. I I I t t I t t I I I I I I I I I I I sEgrroN 08710 F]NTSH HARDWARE PART 1 - GENER,,,AIJ 1.01 WORK INCLI'DED Furnish and InstaLL:1. Finish Hardware. Related Work1. Section 07900 Threshold Caulking2. Section 08110 Steel Doors and Franes3. Section 08210 Wood Doors4. section 08410 Aluminun Entrances and5. Section 08720 Automatic Doors6. Section 12306 Plastic Laminate Faced Storefront Casework 1. 02 QUALITY ASST'RANCE A. Supplier Qualifications: The hardware supplier must have inhis enplolznent a Qualified contract hardware person who is aregular member, in good standing, of the Arnerican Society ofArchitectural Hardware Consultants with a nininun of 2 yearsof Architectural Hardware experience, who shall beresponsible for the detailing, scheduling and ordering ofthe finish hardware for this Contract. B. Regrulatory Requireuents: Provide Underwriters Laboratortylisted hardware for fire of accident hazard wtrere scheduleor required to maintain rating of openings. Comply withrequirenents of door and door frane labels. Cornply with NFPA No. 80 and local codes that are used in area ofproject. 1.03 SI'BI{ITTALS A. Hardware Schedule:1. within 20 days after receipt of a contract for the finishhardware, prepare a conplete schedule and subnit in accordance with Section 01300.2. Do not order hardware until a corrected copy of the schedule is returned to the supplier bearing the stanp ofthe Architect.3. A Catalog Cut of Each Different Hardware ltem:with each hardware schedule. Included DA 9601 08710-1 4. schedule: Indicate the following details: Door Numbers Frame l'laterials Location lland of Door Size and Thickness of Door Deg"ree of opening Door l.laterial Tlpe of Attachnent As well as any other pertlnent infornatl-on regarding the door and the quallty and type of hardware to be furnished. B. Tenplatec: Wlthin 1o daye after receipt of the approved corrected hardware schedule, submit 4 eets of templates and schedules to the door and frane suppliers. c. contract Closeout Subnlttals: FurnLsh three (3) copies of maintenance nanuals covering the finish hardware for thlsjob. Each nanual ghatl soneiet of printed sheets fron the hardware manufacturer cound in a three-rlnq binder and properly indexed. Include the following infornation in naintenance nanuals: 1. Hone, address and telephone nunber of hardware suppliers. 2. l.taLntenance instruction and parts llst for each tlpe of operating hardware lncludlng:a. Locksetsb. Panic Devicesc. Door Closers3. warranty: Provide wrLtten warranty covering reguireuents of Article 1.05. 1.04 DELIVERY, STOR,AGE AI{D IIN{DLING A. ceneral: Conply with Section 01600. B. Deliver hardware to the job site only after proPer provision for storage has been made. C. Labels: Properly package and label eactr item to indicate exact location for which intended. D. Check-In: Hardware supplier shall authorize his representative to be present wtren all finlsh hardware is delivered to the site and shall check ln each Lten and turn over to Contractor for storage in a secure place under lock and key. 1. 05 I{ARRANTY A. Provide manufacturerrs written warranty for the following: 1. warranty against nechanical failure of door closers for a DA 9601 087tO-2 t I I I I I I I I I T I I t T I I I I in two (21 and I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I five year period. 2. Warranty against failure of parts for hardware except door closers for a two year period. Warranty shallinclude cylinder locks. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2. 01 ACCEPTABLE TIANUFACTURERS A. Butts: Ilager or Stanley or McKinneyB. Panic Devices: PreciEion or SargentC. Door Cloeers: Dorna, Norton or SargentD. I-,,ocksets: Best (no substitutes)E. Thresholds, Smoke Seal and Weatherstripping: Ilager, Penkoor N.G.P.F. Stops and Trim: Hager, Trimco or Quality 2.02 KEYING, KEYS AND UASTER KEYS A. Keying Schedule: Contact Onner and schedule meeting toobtain otrnerrs keying requirements. Key cylinders asdirected by Owner: B. ConEtruction Keys: Cylinders shall be construction masterkeyed. At tine of Owner occupancy, nake construction keysinoperative. Provide six (5) extractor keys. C. ltaster Key: Clrlinders shall be master keyed. Provide atotal of four (a) building master keys. D. Keys: Provide twokeyed. Starnp keys keys for each interior cylindercylinders with door nunber. E. Key Delivery: Lock nanufacturer shall forward factorydirect by registered mail in safety rnail in safety enveJ-opesdirectly to the Owner, all naster keys and submaster keys and change keys properly identified. I'lail other keys to General Contractor at his office. 2. 03 GENERAL I.IATERIAL REQUIREI.TENTS A. Fasteners: Furnish necessary screws and bolts for properinstallation. Provide suitable sizes, tlpe and finish to harmonize with hardware. Hardware attached to metal shallbe templated and shall be fastened with machine screws long enough to penetrate 1/2rr thick reinforcing. B. Silencers: Provide rubber silencers for doors installednetal frames. Provide three silencers for each door andfor each pair of doors. C. Cylinders: Furnish cylinders of same keyway unlessotherwise specified. DA 9601 08710-3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTAI,IATION A. General: Provldepreeent to aeelEt hardware. a factory hardware technician to be and instruct thoEe appl.ying finish I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Faetening: hrrnish ltens of hardware with attachnent screws, bolts, nutg, etc. as required to attaclr hardware to tlpe of naterial lnvolved and with fl'nish to natch hardware wl.tb shictr they are to be uged.1. Make all attachments to netal by tenplate uachine screlts. 2. lthrough-bolt hardware euch as door closers, forearn shoes of closers,bolding devices and panic hardware nounted on doors or panele. c. uountlng Helghta: Dinenslons glven line of hardsare iten.1. Door Knobs: Standard2. Pusbplates Standard3. Putlplates: Standard4. Exit Devices croaa Bar: Standard5. Deadlocks: Standard Note!a. lilount pulL on opposite side of panic device to coLncide with exit device tenplate.b. Install pushplate to conceal through bolts of puII 3.02 PROEECTION A. Do not Lnstall door sl,lencers, klctcplates, pushplates, door bottomE and sall stops until after painting is conplete. LooEen lockEets and panic hardware prl-or to painting and retighten after palnting is conplete. llask hardware or otherrrise protect during paintlng operation. 3.03 ADJUS$!8NTA. Adjusting: Prior to final inspection, hardware nanufacturerrE repreEentative shall inspect and adjust door closers, lockE and ltens requirlng close adjustnent and regulatl.on and check all keying. B. All door closerE shall be factory adJusted for size of door on which they are to be installed. C. fnstruct ownerrs peraonnel in proPer adJustment and naintenance of hardware and hardware finlshed durLng the final adjustment of hardware. are from floor to center - 3grl - 46tr - 46tr - 39rl - 60rl DA 9601 08710-4 I I 3.04 OPERATING AITD UAINTENANCE DATA t A. Maintenance Manuals: Subnit 3 copies. Include printed I sheets fron nanufacturer covering hardware furnished.'r Incfude following infornation:1. Name, address and telephone number of hardware suppliers. t 2. Maintenance instructions and parts list for eaeh tlpe ofI operatJ.ng hardware including:a. Locks l. b. Exit Deviceg I c. CIoserE3. Warranty for cloEera and ottrer hardware. I 3.o5 HARDwARE scHEDnLEI 1. It is intended that the following schedule include all items I of finish hardware necessary tro conplete the work. Itemst not specifLcalle nentioned, but necessary to conplete thework, shall be provided and shall be egual in aII respects I to quality, finish, and deslgn aE thoae items descrLbed or t specified herein. 2. IJEGEND: t ManufacturerButts: (H)Hager I Panic Devices: (S)Sargent t Door Closers: (D) DorrnaLocksets: (B)Best (no substitutions) r Threshold, l{eatherstripping Hager and Pemco I Stops and Trin: Hager- Latch Guards (L)Lori Lock I Finishes: I Butts: US26D r Locks: US26DI Panics: Us26Dr! Trin: US32DKickplates: US32DI closLrs: Ar,t Weatherstripping: CLEAR ANODIZED I 3. IIARDWARE SETS:I ?#J3*r,ur*fin'ITFG I z EA cyLrNDERs LE74 x A.R. cAu z6D BI ALL OTHER HARDI{ARE TO BE PROVTDED BY DOOR SI'PPLIER I I DA e6o1 I 08710-5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 PR BtrrTS E.A IOCKSET EA DEADI.,,OCK EA CIOSAR EA KTCK PI,ATE E.A STOP PI,ATE 1 PR BIITTS 1 E,A IDCKSET 1 EA KICK PI,ATE 1 EA SKT'F PI.ATE 1 E.A STOP EIRDXARE GROUP 2 DOOR 6 BBt2794Ll2XNRP 93K - 7R14DD 83T-7K 8301 198S 8rr x ln LDw 237W EIBDIIBE CROUP 3 DOOR 7, 22 BBL279 4 Ll2 93K-7RX14DXS3 1985 lofr x 1rr LDw 1985 6rr x 1rr LDw 237W EInIIRE GROT'P 'DOOR 9, 10 BBt279 4 Ll2 2828F 1230PS X TB 980 1855A 31sCN 45A-062 26D H26D B26D B ALD32D H32D H I I I 26D 26D 32D 32D 32D 26D H 26D B 32D H 32D H 32D H26D H 26D H H B H H H I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PR BUITS BBl279 4 Ll2 EA IOCKSET 93K-7R x 14D x S3 E,A KICK PI,ATE 1985 1ON X 1|| LDW E,A UOP PI,ATE 198S 6N X lN LDW EA STOP 237W E.A EXT. FLUSH .BOLTS282D . LzN EA DUST STRIKE 28OX EINDrIAE GROUP 5 DOOR 21 BBL279 4 Llz 93KOL14D x 53 1230PS X TB 1985 10rr x 1n LDw 1985 6rr x 1n LDw 237til EANDTARE CROI'P 5 DOOR 25 t L Ll2 1 1 1 1 1 PR BIITTS EA PRIVACY LOCK E[ CLOSER EA KICK PI"ATE E,A SKUF PI,AT8 EA STOP PR BTIITS EA PANIC EA CLOSER EA UULLION EA THRESHOLD EA DOOR BOTTOIiIS SET JAItlB SEALS 26D H 26D BALD32D H32D H 32D H 26D H 26D S ALSPCSALPALPALP 08710-5 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 9601 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 2 1 PR ASTRAGAL SE.ALS EA EXIT AIrARl,t EA RIl.l CYLINDER EA TRAI{SFORT.TER E,A STIIICHES EA SIGN 18A-062 AL P EA2500F 689 DT rE72 626 B PP-5152-3 689 DTMS2049SC 689 DT RED WITH L LIzI. LETTERS "EUERCENCY EXIT ONLY AI.ARI{ gIILL SOUND N EttD ot SEcrtox DA 9601 08710-7 I r sEcTroN 08720 AIIIO!.IATIC DOORS I 1.00 GENERAL r 1.O1 WORK TNCLUDED I A. Autonatic swinging door package consisting ofoperator, atuninun door lreseice sensing ictivation- safety device. I 1.02 REI-,ATED WORK I A. Section O13OO - Subnittalr B. Section 08410 - Aluninun StorefrontC. Section 08700 - Finish Hardware I D. Section O88oO - Glazing I E. Division 15O0O - Electrical r 1.03 SYSTEIT! DESCRIPTION I ' A. General: Design and fabricate units to withstand windpresEure on th6 gross area of frames, doors, panels and I glass to neet local codes and applicable ordinances. B. swinging Door Systern: Consists of aluminurn doors and I frames, natless electronic control, swing power I operator, glass, operator housing, connecting hardware,weatherstripping, sealants and gaskets, hardware, I i:hi:*rF::;H,;"$.ritd"ff;T:rffi"ffi?;ifu for a I 1.04 euAr-,rrY ASSITRANCE I A. Codes and Standards: In addition to conforuring to allapplicable codes and reg'ulations, fabricate and install autornatic doors in strict accordance with the published reconmendations of the manufacturer of the products selected and in accordance with ANSI 156.10. B. In case of conflict between the reference standards andthese Specifications, the one traving the urost stringent requirements shall govern. c. company specializing ln manufacturing the productsspecified in this section to have nininum ten years experience . Install swing door operator by factorycertified and trained personnel. Perform work instrict conpliance with nanufacturerrs recommendations.I I DA e60r I I t I I 08720-l 1.05 REFERENCE A.BHMAStandard:ProvideautonaticentrancedoorscomplyingwithapplicablerequirenentsofANSIA156.lo (BHitA- 1661) . poir-er operated pedestrian Door standard. B. IIL Standard: Provide powered door operators complying lrith ttl, 325. 1. 06 sttBlitITTAr Before any materials are delivered to the jobsite, submit tt" fottoiing to the Architect for,approval in accordance with Section o13oo of these Specifications: A. Product Data: 1. Submit maintenance data, care of equipnent and operating instructions and name, address and tlleptron- number of the service comPany' Include hardware, accessorleE and other required components. Drawings: Subnit shop drawings for design, fabrication installati6n of doors, frames and operating hardware systens. Show anchors, Joint system, expansion provi'sions and other conponents not included in manufacturerrs standard data. Include wall elevations, typical unit elevations and detail sections. 1.07 PRODUCT DELMRY, EANDI-,ING, AND STORAGE Use all means necessary to protect automatic door materials before, during and after installation and to Protect the installed work of other tradee' In the event of danage, immediately make all repairs and replacementsnecessarytotheapprovaloftheownerIs Representative and at no additional cost to the oltner. 1.08 WARRANTY Subnit three copies of manufacturerrs standard one-year guarantee on door operator and conponents. 2. B. Shop 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. 3. DA 9601 08720-2 1. 2. A. A. B. I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I 2.OO PRODUCTS 2. 01 ACCEPTABLE IIiAIUFACTURERS Autonatic swing doors shall be the product of a singlenanufacturer. The following manufacturers or an approved eguivalent wiII be acceptable. 1. Besam, fnc.2. Dor-O-Irtatic3. Stanley B. In order to establish a basis for design, qualitynaterials and dinensional qharacteristics, the productsof Besan, Inc., have been selected for detailing and specif ication terninology. 2. 02 I{ATERIALS ceneral: Autonatic swinging door package shal1 beVisionPulse 9000 Series, consisting of Swingrnasteroperator, VisionPulse swing presence sensor and doorconpletely prewired and factory tested; as manufacturedby Besan, Inc. Operator (Swing:naster) : Operator Housing: The operator shall becompletely contained in a CUSTOM EXTRIIDED ALUMINUM HOUSING. Al.1 aluninum sections shal1 be of 6063- T5 alJ-oy and shall be a ninimum thickness of.156n. AII expoEed surfaces shall be clearanodized (AAC23A31). The operator housing shallprovide a seal against dust, dirt and moisture. Swing Power Operator: Cornpletely assembled andsealed unit which shall include helical gear drivetransmission and interconnected rack and gear system for compression of exterior , replaceableheavy-duty spiral spring, al1 contained within adie cast aluninun housing and filled with speciallubricant for extrene temperature conditions.Drive shaft shalL be ninimum thick, containing 14tooth splines to naxirnize bearing surface contactwith drive arn assenbly and elininate slippage anddoor latch drifting. Interfaced with the transnission systen shall be a DC shunt-wound permanent nagnet motor with sealedball bearings. I{otor shall operate from 115 VAC,60 cycle, l-phase power suppJ.y. Iltotor shall DA 9601 08720-3 3. requlre less than flve amps at surge and fullpoier stall. The operator shall be nounted in the Leader case housing using vibration isolatorE to nalntain quiet oPeration. Electronl.c Controls: A self-contained solid state integrated circuit shall control the operationg and ssitching of the ewl.ng pouer operator. The electronic control shatl provide- low-voltage power eupply for all n€ang -of actuatlon. No external or auxiliary 1ow- voltage poser source shall be allowed. The control itratt lnclude adJustable tine delay (1 to 60 Eeconds) for nonmal cycle, as well as the followlng built ln featuree: I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. Torque tiniting opening.b. Acceleration control for snooth starts and for controlled forces on recYcle.c. spe-l.al circuitry for reducing power to the notor when door is in Hold-open mode, extending lonqevlty and aEEurinq reliabifity' 4. Connecting tlardware: Overhead concealed operator ghall be connected to the door by means of an electro-plated steel door arn. The door ar:n shall be secured to the top rail of the swing door using one piece threaded tubular inserts. The door arn shall be broached for positi.ve engagenent wlth the splined drive shafl and shall require no additional linkaqe' slide btockg or tracks. The appearance of the top rail of the swing door shall not be nodified in ordered to attach the door arm. C. Door control (Viaion Pulse): The ewing door presence sensor Ehall be recess-mounted to each iiae of the swing door (approach and swing path) and shall be conpl-te in all respects consisting of the following: 1. Extruded aluminun housing of 6063-T5 atloy sized to run full width of door, integral high inpact, tinted acryIic lenseE and injection nolded end caPs. DA 9601 087204 I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I 2. Solid state electronics interfaced to alternating rows of light enitting diodes and receLvers contaLned within the extruded aluninun housing. 3. L,ong/Short range switch and flexible cable. 4. Extruded aluminurn nuntin kit to accept recessedVisionPulse. Sensor shall be capable of operating within temperature ranges of 20 degrees F (-29 degrees C) and 160 degreesF (71 degrees C) and shall not require rallJ.ngs as anintegral part of mounting or installatlon. VisionPulseshall detect presence - not rnotion and shall not berestricted in application due to poor design,construction or material. Anbient light and radiofreguencies shall. not interfere with the performance ofVisionPulse. D. Door: I'tediun stile swing door shall be as nanufactured by Besam, Inc., and shall be conplete in all respectsconsisting of the following: 1. l{edium stile hearry-duty door fabricated of 5005-T6alloy with all sections having wall thicknesses of . 125r. 2. Besan end load, botton pivot. 3. Quick disconnect wiring harness. 4. Mechanical 1 point lock. 5. Janb tubes and fingerguards ad required by ANSI 156. 10. 6. Top arm preparation for Swingrmaster 3o0 swing dooroperator. 7. For additional hardware, refer to the Hardware Schedule portion of this section and Section 08700of these Specifications. E. Guardrails: Guardrails at doors shall be 16-gauge, 1-7/8rr o.d.chrome-plated steel pipe, bolted assenbly consisting oftwo vertical posts and two horizontal pipes, 36[ wide and 32rr high (overall height of 36rr, set 4rr into I DAe60r I 08720-5 concrete), wlth two each 5rr diameter hard rubber nheels. 'i""it. rails and wheels to protect doors and janbs. 2.03 FtNCTTON I t I t I I I I -I 1. 2. t I I I I t I I I 1. B. A.operator (SwLngnaster) : Power Open: The autouatic door operator.powers ttri a"oi open by forces transnitted mechanically to tfre driie snlft and naintains a constant ensagenent throughout the opening cycle' The. op6ritor is deslgmed to counteract most exterror wind conditions ind/or I'nterior stack pressure wflttout the need of'additlonal power assist nectranisns. The autonatlc door systen functions aE a manual .door cloeer ln the event of a power iifiure. The automatic door syeten Ls electro- mechanical in design reguiring no remote Pumps or compreaaors. spring close: The automatic door operator. os tiii"s cloged. spring is designed to counteract r6ri iina conditi6nE ind return the door to full Ei"t".- ctosing forces are regrulated by utilizing the notor and lear aseenbly as a dynamic brake' The spring is conpreasion tlpe to ensure il;g;;ratl cto"r-t1pe eprlngs are not acceptable' 3. hergenslr Breakaway: All lNswing doors which are iequ-ired exl-ts, are equipped with. an emergency Uieafaiay feature irfristr internally crrts power. to the operitor. No external power switch will be allow-ed. The breakaway feature allows doors to sewing in the direction of egress, -with-forcesthat Eonply wlth ANSI Standard 12156, 10-l'991' Followin-g lnergency breakaway the doors-return to the full closed polition and electrically reset autonaticallY. Operation Opening: An inpulse to initiate door opening is sint to the autbnatlc door operator by the visionpufse unit nounted on ttre approach side of the door, whenever presence is detected within an adjustabie region of space leadlng to the doorrtay' HoId open: lttren the door swings to the full positi-on, the approach side VisionPulse sensor helivers'a hold open inpulse to the autonatic door I DA 9601 2. 08720-6 I I I T I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I operator while an object is present. Detectionrange during hold open node is switched fron longto short range (approxirnate width of door opening and any adJacent area requiring coverage). $thenthe swing path of the open door is clear, theoperator is allowed to return the door to the fullclosed position. 3. Swing Path Control: Should an object be presentwithin the space into which the door is designedto swing, the sving side VisionPulse inhibits andopening impulse to the autonatic door operatoruntil the object is no longer present. The swingpath is constantly nonitored by the Visionpulseunit so that an object entering the zone after thedoor begins to swing will be instantly detected and the door swing in:nediately stopped. 2. 04 FINISH All exposed al'rninun surfaces shall be clear anodized (AAC23A31) . 2.05 TESTING VisionPulse 9000 shall be factory assembled, prewired andtested prior to shiprnent. 3.OO EXECIITION 3.01 INSPECTION Prior to the work of this Section, carefully inspect theinstalled work of other trades and verify that all sudh workis complete to the point where this installation nay commence. Verify that the final installation will be incomplete accordance with the approved shop drawings and thenanufacturerrs recomrnendations. In the event ofdiscrepancy, irnrnediately notify the Ownerrs Representative and proceed as he directs. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Take all means necesaary to protect the installed workof other trades. In the event of damage, inrnediately make all repairs and replacenents necessary to theapproval of the Ownerrs Representative and at noadditlonal cost to the Owner. DA 9601 o8720-7 B. lfherever aluninun iE in contact with steel, concrete or any other naterlal potentially creative of electrolytic acfion, furnish and inEtall all requi-red isolation of the aluninun by backpaintinq with first quallty biturninous paint or by such other isolation as is approved bY the Archltect. 3. 03 INSEAIJ.AEION A. InstaII the autouatlc swing door operators in strict accordance with the uanufacturerra recommendations and the approved slroP drawinge. B. Coordinate installation of door trardware and electrlcal work wltlr resPective trades. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I c. Additional requirenents off other trades: 3. 04 ADWSTING 1. 2. Electrical: Electrieal Characteristics - The 90v D.C. [otor will not exceed 5 amps-current draw. Electrlcal 1g 115 V, 60 Hz' 10 anp electrical power supply to the operator. Storefront: a. Autonatlc door subcontractor to furnish and lnstall operator and housing controls, door and plvots. b. Storefront subcontractor to furnish and lnstall franes, glase and glazing. AND CI.EANING A.Upon conpletlon of the inEtallation, the manufacturerrs r-presentative shall nake a tune-in and final adJustnent of the operator to ensure optinum smoothness of operation. Clean aluninun surfaces pronptly after installatiori of franes, exercising care to avold damage.. Flnal Cleaning: Innediately prior to acceptance of the building, remover all protective naterials from the system ind clean all exposed members, using plain water or a cleaner speclfically reconmended by the nanufacturer of the naterials. DO not, under any conditions, use abrasLves of any tlpe or cleaning agents harmful to the systen or surrounding materials. B. c. I I I DA 9601 08720-8 I I t I I I t I I I t I I T I I I t I D. At the conpletion of the work of thiE section, removeall debris and extra naterials fron the site. 3.05 PROTECTION Take all means necessary to protect the completed work priorto acceptance by the Owner. In the event of damage,inmediately nake all repal.rs and replacenents necessary tothe approval of the Ownerre Representative and at noadditional cost to the Owner. 3. 06 SPARE PARTS/INSTRUCTIONS A. Adjusting wrenches and smal1 tools furnished withoperating hardware shall be turned over to the Ownerrs . Representative properly tagged and identified. B. Followlng the final adJustnent and prior to storeopening, the nanufacturerrs representative shall fullyinEtruct the Owner as to correct operating procedure ofthe automatic door operators and shall furnish to the Owner complete written instructions on operation, naintenance and care of the autouatic door operatorswhich can be perforned by store personnel , plus name and address of service company. 3.07 IIARDWARE SCHEDI'LE Doors shall be provided with additional hardware asindicated and in the proper amounts as reguired. Each doorshall have: 1 Adams-Rite }taxinum Security Dead Lock, Type US 185OA- US26D 1 Adans-Rite Threstrold Bolt No. 4015 1 Adans Rite Header Bolt No. 4085 2 Ll2't x 2rr Cart Guardsl clear, anodized aluminun 1 Set Weatherstripping 1 Door Srreep 1 Threshold (contlnuous) for full width of rough opening from manufacturers standard suppliers - aluninum. DA 9601 END OF SECTION 08720-9 I r sEcrroN o88oo GIJAZING I PART 1 GENERAL I 1.01 WORK TNCLUDEDI A. Furnish and Install: I 1. Glass and Glazing For:a. AutomatLc Doora: Section Oa72O. I b. Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts:I c. ffit:3il":til3;.r""s carred ror on the drawings and not provided by others. II 1.02 RELATED VTORK I ^*ic Doors:- Sectlon oa72o. I B. Aluminun Entrances and storefronts. I 1.03 OUAITTY ASSTRANCE I A. Regulatory Requirenents: I 1. Safety Glass and Glazing: Conply with State I Statues, UBC and ANSI, latest editions. I 1.O4 REFERENCES - A. Reference Standards: Conply with: 1. FGMA, Glazing Manual, latest edition. 2. FGIIA Glazing Sealing Systens Manual, latestI edition. I 1.O5 SUBMTTTALS !A. Samples: Subnit saurples of each type of glass in f, accordance with Section 01300. !.I 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. General: Conply with Section oleoo. I B. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with glazing I schedules so ninimun handling of crates is required. I Do not.opgn crates except as required for inspectionfor shipping danage. T I DAe60r I 0E800-l o storage: store cases according to prilted instructions ott caie, in area leaEt subjeet to traffic or fallinq obJects. KeeP storage area clean and dry. Handling: Unpack casee following prlnted instructions on case. stick indlvldual windows on edge leaned slightly against upright supports wlth separators betrreen each. PRODUeTS Acceptable Manuf acturers : 1. PPG Industries, Inc.2. Libby-owens-Ford co.3. Guardian Industries. LabelE: '8very indivldual piece of glass shall label designatlng type, thickness and guality. remove labels untll inspected by Architect. C. Glass T1pes: Provlde glass as indl-cated below' 1. 1/4rr thiclcness Pittsburgh clear.Herculite Tempered Safety Glass. UEe at alL locations. 2.02@ Glazing TaPe System: Pecora Extro-Seal shim-Seal systern or as required by frane nanufacturer. Color: Dark gray. setting Blocks, Shirns and Glazing Clips: Size and type as reconnended by gtass nanufacturer and as reguired by frame nanufacturer. EXECUTION PART 2 2. 01 GLASS PART 3 3.01 TNSPECTTON A. B. A. B. A. B. bear a Do not I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I T I I Inspection: Before glazing, verlfy that franes are plurnU and square vith metal stops set for proper glass- to-stop face clearance. Report frame defects or unsuitlble conditions to General Contractor in writing with copy to Architect. Acceptance: Beginning of instalLation means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. c. D. DA 9601 08800-2 3. 2. c. I I I t I I t I T I I t I I I I t t t 3.02 PREPARATION A. Field Measurenents: Field measure openings before ordering tenpered glass products. Be responsible forproper fit of filed measure products. B. Protection: Conpletely cover glass during spraypainting, texturing or other construction operationsthat night cause danage to glass. Conplete clean downof masonry shall be completed prior to l-nstallation. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Stops:1. Hold glass with netal stops as required by frame nanufacturer.2. Carefully remove any stop already in place as nece€rsary to permit the glazing. Handle stops carefully and properly install without danage to same. B.Glazing in A1I Metal Frames: 1.The opening to be glazed muEt first be taped toprevent the glass from touching the metal in any direction. center glass in glazing rabbet to maintain recomnended clearances at perineter on all four sides, inside and out. Rest glass panes on setting blocks as recouurended by the glass nanufacturer. Install shins or use shim tape as reconmended to naintain clearance between stops and face of glass. Install glazing tape. Then stop in with uretal stops as specified above. cover top of tape with acrylic latex sealant onexterior side of exterior window. Maintain a minimun face clearance of 1/8rr between al1 glass faces and metal stops as called for by Flat Glass Marketing Association Standards. Cut all glass with smooth, straight edges of fullsize required by the openings. Edge clearancesshall cornply with Flat class Marketing Association Standards. 3. Leave seaLant smooth and clean. Remove sealant fron adjoining surfaces without danaging thefinish. Allowable Tolerances: Maintain glazing tolerances between glass and frame or stops as recommended by the FGMA. 08800-3DA 9601 3.04 SIEASINS A. Cleaning: Leave glass ln a job clean condition. Final cleaning of glass l-E under SectLon 01710. B. Breakage: Unless reeponeibifity can be assessed to another contractor, be responsJ.ble for glass broken during shl.pment, atorage and l-ngtallation. END OF SEqTION I I I I I t I t I I t I I I I I t I I DA 9601 08800-4 I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION 09251 GYPST'}! BOARD PARTITIONS, WAIJJS, AI{D CEILINGS 1. OO GENER,AL 1. 01 I{ORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and fnstall:1. Metal Studs and GIT)sun Board2. Metal Studs and GIT)sun Board3. Metal StudE and c)T)sun Eoard4. Accessorl-es and Finishing. REI,ATED WORK Partitions. as Indicated. CeiIings. 1. 02 1. 03 1. 04 1. 05 1.06 A. B. Painting: Section 09900. Cold Formed Metal Franing: Section 05400. OUALITT ASST'RANCE A. Conply with nanufacturerrE specifications and Gypsum Association Docunent GA-216-82 |tRecorntnended Specifications for Appllcation and Finishing of G]psun Board. rr REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Conply with: 1. ASTII C754-A2 Installation of Steel Framingllenbers to Receive Screw-Attached GtT)sumBoard, Backing Board or Water-Resistant Backing Board.2. GA 216-85 Reconmended Specifications for theApplication and Finishing of Gypsun Board. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environnental Reguirements: During glpsum panelapplication and finishing, maintain temperatureswithin the building within the range of 55"F to70"F. Provide adequate ventilation to carry of excess noisture. SEOUENCING / SCHEDI'LTNG A. Seguencing: Wherever partitions stop against botton of ceiling grid systen, install grid systensprior to stud erectlon. DA 9601 0926L-L 2.OO PRODUCTS 2.O1 2.O2 2.03 I.{ANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable nanufacturers: 1. United states GlPsum (USG). 2. Genatar GyPaum Products Co. 3. Georgia-Paciflc. 4. National Glt)sum Co. (Gold Bond) 5. The Celotex CorP. DRYWALL STT'DS AIID REI,ATED I'TETALS A. Interior Steel studs: UsG ST 25 gaqe No' 358sT (3- 5lA,'1. Use other sizes where specifically called for.1. Provide USG CI{S 20 gage studs both sides of ho1lov metal frames. B. Steel Stud Runners: USG CR 25 gage Runner No' 358 (3-518") to natch studs. Provide long let runners ior Srii joint at structure above where indicated' C. Provide 18 gage studs for all Entry Vestibule walls, ceilingl , overhangs, etc..Refer to cold Formed Metal Franing Section 05400 for re DRYWALI-, AND RELATED IATERIALS A. Faceboards: I I T I I I I I I I I I1. Size: 518" thick unless specifically indicated otherwise. 48rr wide x length to mininize cross joints- 2. Type: Ia.- UsG tapered edge Firecode Gypsum Panels' b. Water Resistant Board at all Toilets' 2' beyond all Lavatories and Sinks, and at all exterior locations. Apply USG Sealant to raw cut edges and €tcrelt heads. B. Accessories: 1. Corner Bead: SUG No. 1O1 Dur-A-Bead. 2. Metal Trin USG No. 2008. t I I I I I DA 9601 0926L-2 A. B. c. D. I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t t I I 3. Control Joint: UsG No. 093.4. Adhesive: USG Durabond nulti-purpose adhesive.5. SilI Sealer: 1n thlck by 3-Ll2n fiberglass insulation. c. Finishlng Materlals: Joint Treatment: USG Perf-A-Tape system. Texture: USG Spray Texture. 1. 2. 3.OO EXECUTION 3.01 ERECTION OF DRYWALL, STUD PARTITIONS Reference Standardi Erect steel franing in accordance with ASTU C754 and USG Glpsum Construction Handbook. Layouts: Align partition studs accurately according to partitions layout. Anchoring: Anchor runner channels to concreteslabs with concrete stub nails or power-driven anchors at 24tt o.c. Anchor runner channels toceiling grid where appllcable with stove bolts.Install headers where required to receive runners where studs extend above ceiling system. studs: Position studs vertically in runners. Anchor studs located adjacent to openings orpartition intersections and corners to runners vith USG metal lock fastener or with Ll2" TyPe S pan head screws.Space studs 16n o.c. unless otherwise indicated. Corners and intersections: Locate studs nomore than 2t' from abutting partitions, corners, etc.openings: Locate studs not nore than 2r' fron openlng franes. Anchor studs to frame anctrorclips by bolt or screw attachnent. Install headers over openings as recommended by the nanufacturer.a. Solid Core Wood Doors and Hollow Metal Doors: Provide 2 studs at janbs. Juncture with Uasonry Walls: Install siLl sealer between studs and masonry walls. 1. 2. 3. DA 960L 4. 09261-3 3.02 3. 03 E. Bracing: Provide diagonal bracing qt he-ad of studs that tirninate abova ttre celling level' Bracing shall conEist of metal studs bent to V-shape and extending at 45" fron partitlon head to structure above. Locate bracing 48rr maxinum o.c. UISCEI,I,ANEOUS ERA!,TING AND FT'RRING A. General: ProvLde necessary framing, and furring for special franlng at recesEes' epecialty-items, etc. l?ane around- colunns aE indLcated. Provide necessary franinE and suspension for offsets' vertl.call, recessLd and all other g]tpsum drlnnrall surfaces not provlded under Section 09262 GIT)sum Board Ceilings. INSTALI,ATTON OF GYPSI'II DRYWALL A. Reference Standard: Apply and finish glpsun board ln accordance with GA 216. Layout: Apply grlzpeum wallboard panels vertically wiltr abuttfig enaE ana edges occurring over stud flanges or furring. Joints on opposite sides or partitione shall not occur over the same stud. Fasteners: Apply board to studs or furring with clrywalt screwispaced 12n o.c. in the field of the boerd and 8tr o.c. staggered along vertical abutting edges. r,ayers: rnstall double layer drlrwalr as indicated' Corner Bead: Apply as reconnended by manufacturer at exposed out corners. Trim: Apply as reconmended by the uranufacturer, where gypsun board abuts other materials, and as indicated.1. control Joints: Conp1y with GA 216. Install at not more than 30r o.c. Coordinate locations with Architect. I I t I I I I I t I B. c. I I I I I I I I F. G. ID. E. Finishing: Flnish joints trin and fastener aE reconnended by UsG Perf-A-Tape joint Sand snooth.1. Texture: Provide fine grained light peel texture to natch accepted sanple. dlnples system. orange DA 9601 END OF SECTION o926L-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 09300 TIIJE PART 1 GENER;AL 1.01 VIORK INCLI'DED A. Provide manufactured surfacing units of impervious,vitreous naterials, .glazed and textured.B. Remove existlng naterlal aE needed and prepare for new til-e. Follow nanufacturerrs reconmendations. REI.,ATED !{ORK A. Division seven - Joint sealersB. Section 09261 - Gylraum Board Partitions, Walls, and Ceilings. OUALITY ASSI'RANCE A. Comply with applicable codes and ordinances, regulations, references and standards in effect at bid date: 1. Tile Council of America, rnc. Handbook 2. ANSI B. In case of conflict between the reference standards and these Specifications, the one having the noststringent reguirements shall govern. c. source of Materials: Provide materials obtained forro one source for eachtype and color of tile, grout and setting naterials. 1.02 1.03 D. Qualifications of Installers: For curing and installation of tile, use only thoroughly trained and skilled nechanics cornpletely faniliar with the naterials and the manufacturerrs currently reconmended method installation. 1. 04 SI'BI.IITTALS A. Product Data:Subnit manufacturerrs technical information andinstallation instructions for materials reguired, except bulk materials. DA 9601 09300 - 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B.Certlfication: 1. Furnish llaster Grade Certificate signed by both tile roanufacturer and tile subcontractor' 2. Furnish adheEive manufacturerrs certification of conpliance to reguired standard. C. Samples: subnit one (f) sanple for each color, Pattern and. type of tLle intended to be used. D. Manuals: Subnit tile nanufacturerrs naintenance guides for ownerrs uEe in nalntaining a1l ceramic tile work herein specified. PRODUCI IIANDLING. STORAGE AND EANDLING A. Deliver all products to jobsite in manufacturerrs unopened containers with grade seals unbroken and labels intact. 1. O5 1. O5 Maintain environmental conditions and protect work during and after installation in accordance with referenced standards and nanufacturerrs printed reconmendations. B. vent ternporary heaters to exterior to prevent damage to tile work from carbon dioxide build-up' C. Maintain tenperatures at not less than 50' F' (10" c. ) in tiled areaa during installation and for aeven (71 days after completion, unless higher teuperatures reguired by referenced installation standard or manufacturerrs instructions. 1.07 ALTERNATES No Alternates. B. Prevent danage water, freezing, PROJEET CONDITIONS or contanination to naterials bY foreign uater or other causes. DA 9601 09300 - 2 I T PART 2 PRODUCTS I 2.Ot GENERjAL I A. ANsr standard for ceranic Tile: I Conply with AttSI A137.1 rrAnerLcan National StandardI Specifications for Ceranic Tilerr for tlpes andgrades of tile indicated. Furnish tile coroplyingI wittr [standard Graderr requirements unless otherwise I indicated. B. ANSI standard for Tile hEtallation Materials: I ConpJ.y with ANSf standard referenced withinstallation products and naterials indicated. t 2.o2 MATERIALS I A. Quarry Tile: -1. TiLe Products:a. Refer to DrawingsIb. Quarry Tile Trin I Provide integral rnatchingI ;?H''oTfu"{ont:i?" "5; coved botton edge. r 2. setting Materials: Epoxy Uortar: AIISI A118.3 I 3. Quarry Tile Grout: I a. Epoxy grout conforningI Hil,i"?;i*T"? ::"Eli license.b. Colors and Manufacturers:a Refer to Drawings. I B' i1"'iir:"il"ffi:::,a. Refer to the Drawings. I b. CeramLc Tile Trin: Furnish size, color and shade to match I field tile. - DA 9601 09300 - 3 I I I I I I I I 3. I I D. 2. Setting Materials: Organic Adhesive: ANSI 136'1 3. Glazed tfall tile Grout: a. Latex Portland Cement Grout: conforninq with AI{SI A118 ' 6 ' b. Color: Refer to Drawings' c. CeranLc Floor Tlle: 1. Tl'le Producte:a. unliizea porcelain 2ttx2't with integral base. b. Cerarnic Tile Trin: FurniEh size, color and shade to match field tile. Setting t{aterials: Organic AdhesLve: AI|SI 136.1 clazed floor tile Grout: a. Latex Portland cenent Grout: Conforming with ANSI A118.6 b. color: Refer to Drawings' Miscellaneous l{aterials : 1. Tile Cleaner: Product specifically acceptabl^e to manufacturer of tile and grout rnanufacturer ioi apprication indicated and as recommended Uy fa€ional Tile Promotion Federation, 112 Nor alfred Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22L31' ?r- Ceramic Tile Institute, 700 North vrrg]'r Avenue, Los Angeles, California 9Oo29' 2. I DA 9601 09300 - 4 A. B. c. I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I 2. Chenical-ReEistant Joint Sealers: ASTU C-920, T)rpe lt, Grade V, Class 25, use T(for use in joints subject to pedestrian traffic). use chemical-resistant sealantsconpatible with resin nembers and grouts as approved by resin manufacturer. 3. Single-Component Sealants: ASIU C-920, Type S, Grade NS, use NT (for usein joints in non-traffic areas). PART 3 EXECTITION 3.01 TNSPECTION Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect thelnstalled work of all other trades and verify that allsuch work is complete to the point where thisinstallation may commence and verify that the installation may be made in cornplete accordance with the Drawings and with the nanufacturerrs recommendations. 3.02 PREPARATION Take all means necessary to protect the installedwork of other trades. fn the event of damage,innediately make alI repairs and replacernentsnecessary to the approval of the Ownerr s Representative and at no additional cost to the Onner. Before tiling, be sure variations of surfaces to betiled fall within nraximurn variations shown below: WaIls Floors Ir 1/8r in 10r81 1/4I in 1or inin Dry-Set lttortar LlB" Epoxy Mortar Llg" Report all unacceptable Representative and do not they are leveled enough to Leveling coat is included surfaces to the ownerrstile such surfaces until neet above requirenents.in this Section.I I I I D. Before tiling, be sure surfaces to be tiled arefree of curing nembranes, oil, grease, wax and dust. DA 9601 09300 - 5 3. 03 3.04 FIELD OUALTTY CONTROL supply first-class workmanship in all tile work. Use all products in strict accordance with recomnendations and directions of nanufacturers. E. Coordinate the placenent of the metal frame edges, depth of slab iepreseion, and placement of drain rins with the respective subcontractor. INSTALI,ATION A. Layout: 1. DeternLne locations of all movement joints before starting tile work. 2. Deternine locations of aII accessories before starting tlle work. 3. Lay out all tile rtork so as to minimize cuts leis than one-half tlle in eize. 4. Locate cutg in walls so as to be lease conspicuous. 5. Align all wall Jolnts to give straight uniforn grout lines, Plunb and level. 6. Align all floor joints to give straight uniiorn grout lines, parallel with walls' setting Methods: Conply with Tile Council of Arnerica Standards for tlpes of installations as applicable. crouting: 1. Follow grgut rnanufacturerrs recommendations as to grouting procedure and precautions. 2. Remove all grrout ltaze, observing both tile and grrout nanufacturerrs reconmendations as to use of acid and chenical cleaners. 3. Rinse tile work thoroughly wj'th clean water before and after chernical cleaners. B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I A. B. DA 9601 09300 - 6 I I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I I I c. Proportion all nixes in accordance with latest ANSI Standard Specif icatlons. D. smooth all exposed cut edges. E. Be sure cut edges are clean before installing tiles. F. Fit tiles carefully against trin and accessoriesl also, around pipes, electrLc boxes and other built- in fixtures so that eEcutcheon plates and collars will completely overlap cut edges. c. When using gtazed tile sheets, nininize tearing sheets apart by drilling pipe holes as nuch as possible. 3. 05 CLE,ANING A. Tile Cleaning: 1. Clean tile surfaces a€t thoroughly as possibleafter conpletion of grouting. 2. Remove all grout }l'aze, observing tile manufacturerrs reconnendations as to use of chemical cleaners. 3. Rinse tile work thoroughly with clean sater before and after using chenicaL cleaners. 4. Protect metal surfaces, cast iron and vitreous plunbing fixtures fron effects of cleaning. 5. Polish surface of glazed tiel work with soft cloth. 6. Be sure all tile work is free of grout filn upon completlon. B. clean-Up: upon completion, clean and remove excess materialfron the building and remove any debris resulting fron this work. PROTECTION A. Take all means necessary to protect the conplete work prior to acceptance by the owner. In the ventof danage, innediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the 3 .06 DA 9601 09300 - 7 owner|gRepresentativeandatnoadditionalcosttothe owner. B. when recomnended by the tile nanufacturer, apply a protective coat of neutral protective cleaner to Lonpleted tile walls and floors' c. Protect installed tile work with Kraft pap.er or other hearry covering during construction period to prevent staining, danage and wear' D.Prohlbltfootandwheeltrafficfromusingtiledfloors for at leaet seven (?) days after grouting is conPleted. E. Before finat inspection, remove protective coverings and rins6 neutral cleaner fron tile surfaces. EXTRA STOCK Supply extra two percent (2t) of each tile ueed in clean' marked cartons for Ownerrs emergency use' I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I 3.07 END OF SEqTION DA 9601 09300 - I I I SECTION 09510 I ACOUSTICAI., CEILING I 1. OO GENER:AL I 1. 01 woRK rNcr,IrpEpI A. Furnish and Install: 1. Suspended acoustical ceiling systems. I L.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: Conply with. 1. AST!.I C535-86 - Metal Suspension systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panel Ceilinqs. I 2. As${ c636-s6 - rnstallation of Metal ceiling I Suspension systens for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels. I r-. 03 st BIIITTALS - A. Sampless Subnit samples of each tl1)e of lay-in panel and ceiling grid to natch existing.I 2.00 PRODUCTS I 2. 01 ACOUSTTCAL CETLTNG SYSTE!.IS A. AsTIt! c635 , 24" x 48x T&T suspension system with t flush laY-in Panels. B. AsTI'l C635, 24" x 48I T&T suspension system with washable flush Iay-in panels and hold down clips. 2.O2 ACOUSTICAL PANELS A. Acceptable manufacturers - Lay-in Panels: 1. Armstrong World Industries. 2. Celotex ConPanY.3. United States GYPsum. B. Acoustical Lay-In Panels: uatch Existing 1. Manufacturer and Tlrpe: Armstrong Minaboard Fissured No. 7558, square edge. 2. Size: 5/8rr x 2'-Ott x 4r-0rl 3. NRC: .50 - .60. 4. STC: 35-39 5. Flane Spread: O-25. 6. Color: White. I I I I I I I I DA 9601 095L0-l_ 2.O3 Washable Acoustlcal Lay-In Panels: Match Existing 1. Manufacturer and T)rpe: Capaul vinyl faced fiberglass. No fissures or perforations or approved substitute.2. Size: 5/8rr or 314 x 2r-0rr x 4r-O[. 3. Flane spread o-25. 4. color: Whlte. SUSPENSION SYSTEIIIS A. Acceptable Uanufacturerrs - suspension system:1. Chl.cago Metallic Corporation.2. Donn Products, Inc.3. Eastern Products CorPoration.4. National Rolling Mills.5. Accepted Substitute. B. Suspension Systen. system: Chicago Metallic 2o0 Snap-Grid t I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I c. 1. Edge Uolding:fabricated ofrolled steel. 2. Exposed Surfaces Finish: white baked enamel. 3.OO EXECUTION 3 .01 Channel or angle shaped section o.25rr thick electro-galvanized Factory applied flush at INSTALT.ATION OF SUSPENSION SYSTEUS A. General: InstaII suspension systems in accordance with ASTM C636 and manufacturers reconmendations. 1. Install netal edge nolding wherever the suspended grid abuts wal1s, columns, and ottrer vertical surfaces.2. Frane around openings as required. 3. suspend grid with hanger wires frorn structure above. Install hanger wires at aII four corners of J.ay-in liqht fixtures and as required to provide a naximum deflection of l/360 of the span and level within L/8" in t2t .B. Exposed crid suspension system: 1. Install main T-runner on 48rr centers. 2.To conplete a 24tt x 48rr grid, install 48rl cross T-splines 24tt o.c. at right angles to nain T-runners.3. L,ock T-spline intersecting noldings in place. Al nain T-runners and cross T-splines shall bestraight in alignnent and intersections. DA 9601 09510-2 I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I t T c. Reflected Ceiling Plan: Follow the reflectedceiling plan on the Drawings in the layout of thegrid. Any devlation fron this Drawing must be accepted by the Architect. 3.O2 INSEAL,I-,ATION OF LAY-IN PANELS 3 .03 3. 04 A. Panels: Install panels in accordance with manufacturers instructions. where required, cut units to fit. 1. Lay-in Panels:a. Install panels flush in grid. b. Where panels run continuous over tops ofdrlnrrall partitions, provide hold down clips so panels fit tight to toPs ofpartitions. FTNAL APPEARANCE A. Panels: on completion, acoustical panels shall be free from defects, clean and lying flat ln the netal grid. Renove and replace dirty, defaced, scarred or otherwise defective panels. Touch up of scarred panels will not be acceptable. EXTRA STOCK A. Panels: Provide the Owner at the conpletion of thejob, 1* of gross area installed, uinirnum of one case, of each type of acoustical ceiling panel used. END OF SECTION DA 9601 09510-3 I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1. O0 1. 01 1. 02 SEeIION 09650 RESIIJIENT FIJOORING GENERAL WORK INCLUDED A. Provide Dreadnought tile, sheet vinyl , vinyl composition tile, Stair tread systen, resiU.ent base and accessories. Follow manufacturertE reconmendations.B. Renove all existing flooring as needed and prepare for new flooring. OUALITY ASSI'RANC8 A. Conply with applicable codes and ordl-riances, reguLations, references and standards in effect at bid date. B. In case of conflict between the referenced standards and these Specifications, the one having the most stringent requirenents shall govern. C. Qualifications of Installers: For cutting, laying and trinning of the resilientflooring, use only thoroughly trained and skilled mechanics, conpletely faniliar with the materials and the manutacturerrs currently recomnended method ofinstallation. D. Manufacturer: Refer to Drawings for lt[anufacturers. Provide each type of resilient flooring and accessoriesas produced by a single nanufacturer, including recomrnended primers, adhesives, sealants and leveling compounds. 1.03 PRODUCT DELTVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE 1. 04 Delivery all rnaterials to the jobsite in their original, unopened containers with all labels intact and legible atthe tine of use. JOB CONDITTONS A. Maintain nininun temperatures of 65"F. (18'C.) in spacesto receive Dreadnought Tile, vinyl composition tile, sheet vinyl, resilient base and accessories for at least 48 hours prior to installation, during installation andfor not less than 48 hours after installation. s storenaterials in spaces where they will be installed for atleast 48 hours before beginning installation. DA 9601 09650 - 1 subsequently, naintain mininun tenperature of 55'F' (13"c.1 in ireas where work is conpleted' B.Installresilientflooringandaccessoriesafterotherfinishlnt--o-p-.titions, - inlluding .painlitg' have been-onpfete6. Do not inetall reEilient flooring over concrete_'r"l"untllthelatterhavebeencuredandaresufficiently dry to achieve bond with adhesive as aeterninea'ly -nanufacturerrs reconmended bond and moisture test. 2.OO PRODUCTS 2. 01 II{ATERIALS shall be 4'r high, vinYl ro11 I48rr lengths) . t Stair Tread system: 1. Treads tb fe one piece Roppe 1/4rr Heavy Duty Rib Vinyl , square nose-No. 12. Color to be No' 150 Dark GraY. Muslon is aPProved as an equal' 2. Provide risLrs and 1or! stringers to match' Feature striP FS-1: t I I I I t t I I I A. Dreadnought Tile:1. 155 oot"" / square yar{, 65 ounce / square yard iice weignt, so ounce / d{uare yard rubhe-r backing' ioo a"ttf-"", root polypropylen- fiber blend' L/2" thick, tli'da" piIL depttr'patterned needle punch construction, and 19.5[ square' 2. hfornati"" b"a naterial -is available by calling The Uatworks at 3LO-54L'2762' B. Sheet VinYl:1. Provide 6r wide rolls. ,. Provide Fs L-F-4?5A(3) ' Type II, Grade A '085r1overall gauge. g. Vinyl ConPosition Tile (VCT): 1: ' Iiln;igosition tile shalr be 12" x 12n square' I 2. color and patterns shall be as noted on the ot.n irrg".'- I D. Resilient Base: 1. Al1 toPset cove base stock (not Precut to 2. Color to be aE RePresentative. 3. Provide matching ends corner units. selected bY the Ownerrs stops and Preformed or molded I I I I t I E. DA 9601 F. 09650 - 2 1. 2. I I I t T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I vinyl composition tile feature or 24n long x 1,/8tt thick. Color shal1 be as lndicated on strip, 1rr wide x 15rl the Drawings. 3.OO 3 .01 3.02 G. Adhesives (cements) : 1. waterproof, stabilizedflooring manufacturer substrate conditLons. type as reconmended byto suit material and 2. For slip-resistant flooring, adhesive shall be Arnstrong S-215, two-part ePoxy or approved equivalent. H. Preparation of Existing Tile: As reconrnended by flooring nanufacturer. I. I-,eveling Compound: ceuent based leveling and underlayment as recornmended by f looring manufacturer. EXECIITION INSPECTION Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect the installed work of other trades and verify that all such work is conplete to the point where this installation may conmence. Verify that all surfaces to which resilient flooring naterial will be attached meet the minimum requirenents established by the manufacturer of the resilient flooring materials. Verify that the complete installation will be in accordance vith the original design. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the ownerrs Representative and proceed as he directs. PREPARATION A. Take all means necessary to protect the installed work of other trades. In the event of damage, inrnediately make all repairs and replacenents necessary to the approval of the ownerrs Representative and at no additional cost to the O!'mer. B. Remove all dirt, grease or other foreign matter from surfaces to receive resilient naterials specified. C. Cbeckinq of Floor Surfaces: Rough or uneven resurfaced with surfaces shall be ground smooth or floor leveling compound. Substrate DA 9601 1. 09650 - 3 3.03 I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I T I D. E. holes, cracks or other irregrular.itiFs shall be filleil snooth. The unevenness within any 8r-orl dianeter area slrall be gradual and not exceed 1/8rl in extent either up or down, but not both' 2. After installation, tops of finlsh floor materials nust be flush wltti to-ps of frames, floor drains, etc. Floor levelLng comPound sha1l be as reconmended by the uanufacturer o? ttre-resltlent materials and installed in strict accordance wittr ttre nanufacturerrs specificationE. Gltriafs and labor shall be guaranteed for the conplete adherence of the floor leveling conpound to the concrete floor Elab. Prine surfaces as reconnended by nanufacturer' INSTALI,ATION A. General: 1. Apply in corptiance witlr nanufacturerrs directions' 2. Install flooring conpliance with Extend flooring Lnto closets and using nethod indicated in strict nanufacturerrs reconmendations. into toe apaces' door reveals and sinilar opening. 3. ltaLntain reference markers, holes or openings that are in place or plalnly marked for future cutti'ng by repeating on finish flooring as marked on sulfloor. UJe chalk or other non-pemanent marking device. 4. Install flooring on covers for telephone and electrlcal ducts and other such itens as occur within finished floor areas. Maintain overall continuity of color and pattern with pieces of flooring installed in these covers. Tightly cement edges tb perlneter of floor around covers and to covers. 5. Tightly cement flooring to sub-base without open cricxs, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegriphing of adhesive spreader nar!9 or other surface 'inperfections. Hand roll flooring. at perineter of each covered area to assure adhesion' B. Vinyl Conposition Tile: 1. Lay tile over unifornly-applied adhesive' Apply on-Iy that amount of adhesive which can be covered DA 9601 09650 - 4 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 1. 2. 3. I I I I t t I I I I t I I T I I I I I by flooring naterial within the reconmended workingtine of the adhesive and in accordance with the manufacturer I s reconmendations. Fit tile accurately at Joints and where tile abutsother naterials, apply epoxy feathered edging atperineter transitionE aE indicated. Work out wrLnlcles and air pockets. Remove soiling or adheEives from walls, floors,bases or adjacent tlle as work progresses. RolI slip-resistant flooring in two directions witha 100 pound roller. Layout tile so that tiles less than L/2 tile insize will not be used. cut adjacent tile ifrequired to naintain Ll2 tile size. C. Sheet Vinyl: 1. Cut sheet vinyl for a minimum of seams and forpattern match between adjacent abutting edges. 2; Lay cut sheets flat and allow to acclimate to roomtenperature prior to installation. 3. Apply adhesive as reconmended by manufacturer; Iaysheet vinyl straight and true with perfect pattern match at edges of abutting sheets; joints sharplycutrneatly and tightly sealed. 4. Work out air pockets, wrinkles and siroilar surfaceinperfections. 5. fnstall sheet vinyl with integrral cove base 6r highwhere scheduled. Provide cove fiLlers and metaledge trin. D. Resilient Base: Apply waLl base to walls, columns, pilasters, casework and other permanent fixtures in rooms orareas where base is required. Install base in lengths as long as practical, witpreformed interior and exterior corner units. Firnly cernent base to previously prepared surfaeesusing manufacturerrs recommended adhesivethroughout the length of each piece. On masonry surfaces or other similar irregular 09650 - 5DA 9601 4. substrates' fill volds along top edge of resilient rall base irlttr nanufactureris reco'nended adhesive filler material. 5. Joints Ehall be tight and the base shall have its top and botton edgei ln forn contact with the walls and floor throughout its entire lenqrth. I I I t I I I 1. I I I I I I T I I I I E. Dreadnought Tlle: GIue entlre floor using 3/8t' nap roller or 1/1611 notched trowell. Let adheslve set up for 45 minutes or untll tackey to the touch. Do not lay tile in the wet glue. Start at-the fartheet nost corner and longest run, start the tile appllcation working frorn inside the store toward outside doorE of the Vestibule. Contact nanufacturer for recommended layout. Turn every tile 90 degrrees to achieve a diamond pattern. Do the cut-ins as you go ao there are no Itaps. LlJ-6n gap is too nuch.ctrt reaucer strip for all periueters of installation area. Using contact cenentl glue both floor and backside of ieducer strLp to eneure Proper bonding of 2. 3. 4. 5. t 6. 7. 8. 9. reducer striP.cut 45 degree angles on all corners and use Glue to bond corners.Install reducer strip if thresholds are recessed. Super not F. Accessoriee: Fit resilient edge strlps tightly butted to flooring and secure with adhesive. InstalL edging strips at edges of flooring which would otherrrise be exposed' 3. O gLETMP llt rubbish and debris resulting fron work of this sectl-on shall be collected, renoved fron the site and disposed of Iegally. 3. 05 PBgjtEegren Keep traffic off finished floors except where necesaary. profect all floors aB necessary with reinforced Kraft building paper and tape Joints. General contractor shall maintain this paper cover Lnd otherwise protect floors until acceptance by the owner. DA 9601_09650 - 6 lo I 3.06 ExrRA strocK r Deliver to the onner one unbroken carton of each different I tlpe and color of all floor tlles selected fron the same runr nunber and same manufacturer as the tite installed. I END oF sEcrroN I t I I I t t I I t I I DA 9601 09650 - 7 B. A. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.OO GENERAL 1.01 WORK A. sEcTroN 09700 SEAI.iLESS EPOXY FLOORING INCLUDED Provide repair of seanless epoxy floorlng, coved base and accessories. Provide new seanleEE epoxy flooring, coved base, and accesEories. 1.02 QUALITY ASST'RANCE comply with applicable codes, ordinances, regrulations, references and standards ineffect at bid date. B. Qualifications of Installers: 1. For cutting, laying and trinning of the special flooring, use only thoroughly trained and skilled mectranics conpletely faniliar withthe materials and the manufacturer' s currently reconmended method of installation. C. In case of conflict between the referenced standards and these Specifications, the one having the most stringent reguirements shall govern. 1.03 PRODUCT DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE Deliver all materials to the jobsite in their original containers with labeIs intact and legible at the time of use. 1. 04 ENVIRONI{ENTAL CONDTTIONS ceneral Contractor will provide 120 bolt electricaloutlets, nater and lights as required. Heat will be furnished to maintain floor temperature of not less than 55 degrees fahrenheit and room temperature of 78 degrees fahrenheit shall be provided for 48 hours prior to commencing application and for at least 72 hours after conpletion. DA 9601 09700-l 1.05 WARRANTY A. Manufacturer shall warrant seanless floorinq agalnst filn failure and deterioration due to defective rnaterial if such defects appear wlthin one year fron date of application' The aPplicalor warrants against inproper preparitlon of surfaces, poor worknanship and inpioper installation for one year from date of- application. Such defects will be repailea or corrected at no expense to the Orrner.B. At conpletion of the project, deliver to the owner i'hree copies of seamless flooring guarantees. 2.OO PRODUCTS 2. 01 I{ATERIALS A. Seamless EPoxY Flooring: 1. Standlrd-of guality and physical proPerties deEired are those indl.cated bY the name omnituff' Decorative Quartz, manufactured by onnitech Industries, Inc. and described in the nanufacturerrs Product data sheet. Thickness inatt be 2oo to 25o nils- to match existing. 2. Epoxy shall be lOOt resin Eolids, reacted with suitable hardeners to produce a seanless monolithic, plastic coating. 3. Aggregate shall be 3-M color Quartz or an aPProved equivalent to provide the decorative homogenous color and non-sliP surface. 4. Stonehard nnf nigh Perfornance Floor Systen is approved as an equal. B. Epoxy Feathered Edges and Epoxy sPoon cove (ESC and ERS): All feathered edges and spoon cove shall be flooring manufacturerrs standard epoxy sysle1 to forn a continuous' smooth coved base which bonds to horizontal and vertical substrates' Color to be selected bY the ownerrs Representative. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DA 9601 09't00-2 I t I 3.oO EXECUTTON . 3.01 INSPECTION I Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspectthe installed work of other tradeE and verify that aLl I such work is conplete to the point where this I instaltation may connence. Verify that the completedinstallation will be in accordance with original - design. In the event of any discrepancy, imnediately I notify the Ownerrs Representative and proceed as her directs. I 3.02 PREPARATIoN I A. Take all means necessary to protect the r installed uork of other trades. In the event I of damage, innediately nake all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the I ::$'i: ffi:Tffi::"ffi"?:i *"":,*:itionalI curing of new concrete and verify the substrate is aeceptable. I B. concrete surfaces shall be structurally I sound, snootlr, level free fron all foreignnaterial and broon clean. I 3.03 TNSTALLATToN op sEAMLEss Epoxy FLooRTNG! A. fnstall seanless flooring in strict I accordance with the nanufacturerrs I recornnendations.B. Thickness shall be per the manufacturerrs a requirements. I c. Integral. base shall be installed with minimurn cove of L-Ll2n or to match existing.D. Installation Procedure: I 1. Surface shall be cleaned. RemoveI any dirt, grease, oil, wax or other deleterious rnatter. I 2. Joints, cracks, pits, etc., shallr ::":i**3.:';l :f,:TJ3:*ilg.::3. Concrete surfaces shall be acid-r :ti":3J:":"i:?1il::'I""::i3i3ul"then thoroughly flushed.4. Prine coat, flood coat, aggregate ! r DA 9601 09700-3 I I and finish coat(E) to be aPPlied sequence and wlth curing time as reconmended bY the manufacturer' 5. Tine of normal installation reguires three daYs. END OF SECTION ln to four I I I I I I I I 3.04 FIELD QUALIfY CONTROL A. Workmanship: All work shall be perforned in strict accordance with the manufacturers apPlication instructions.B. M-oisture and adhesion tests rrill be perforned by the applicator whenever applicable' 3.0s cLEAN-ttP Upon conpletion, clean and remove exceEE material fron the buif-ding and remove any debris resulting frorn this work. 3.06 PROTECTION A. After installation, allow no traffic on seauless finish fot 24 hours when surface temperature is 75 degrees fahrenheit or'more' If less than 75 degrees fahrenheit, 48 hours is reguired. Heavy general traffic is allowed after seven daYs. B. Take all means necessary to protect the conpleted work prior to acceptance by.the- ownlr. In the event of damage, inrnediately make all repairs and replacementE necessary to the approval of the Ownerts Representative and at no additional cost to the owner. I I t I I I t I I I I DA 9601 097004 new and 1. 2. 3. 4. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I SEeIION 09900 PAINTING 1.OO GENERAL 1. 01 WORK INCLI'DED Provide surface preparation, painting and fj_nishing of alJ_and existing exposed interior and exterior painted itemssurfaces. 1. 02 REI,ATED WORK A. Section 01300 - Subnittats B. Section 07900 - ,foint Sealers 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRTPTION A. Th9 tern [paintrt, as uaed herein, includes enamels,paints, stains, sealers, fillers, enulsions and othercoatings whether used as prime, internediate or finishcoats. The type of naterials to be used and the nunberof coats to be applied are listed in the [painting Schedulerr of this Section. Surface preparation, prining and finish coatsspecified in thiE Section are in addition to shopprining and surface treatment specified under othelsections. In al1 finished spaces as indicated on theDrawings, paint all exposed surfaces, whether ornot colors are designated in rrschedulesrr exceptwhere a surface or naterial is specificallyindicated not to be painted or is to renainnatural. Where an iten or surface is not specificalLynentioned, paint the same as sirnilar adjacentnaterials or surfaces. If color or finish is notdesignated, the Ownerrs Representative wilL selectfrom standard colors or finishes available. Paint all flashings, nechanical louvers and allother exterior exposed netal , natural finished oranodized aLuninum and factory-finished metals. DA 9601 09900-1 I IB.Painting is not reguired on prefinished items, finished netal srirfaces, coricealed suifaces, operating parts and labels. prefinished itens not to be painted include the following: 1. surfaces of factory finished materials such as glass and anodized afu:minun storefront frames shall not be painted. Factory finlshed surfaces suchpartitions, hardware, stainless_ steel, ottrer brlght, non-ferrous uetals. Concealed pipes, conduit, ductwork or 2. 3. I I I I t 1.04@ A. Requirenents of Regrulatory Agencies: I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. D. Conply with applicable codes, ordinances, regulation, rrefLrinces and ltandarde in effect at bid date: I 1. conform to applicabte code for f1-ane,/fuel/snoke rating requirements for finishes 2. Federal and State regulations controllinq lead content of Paints 3. Federal and State regrulations controlling air pollution regardJ.ng hydrocarbon ernissions 4. Painting and Decorating contractors of America Specifications, T)rpe 1, Standard Job Product Manufacturer: company specializing in rnanufacturing.quality paint and finish-products with five years experience. Applicator: Use only qualified journelmen painters for the nixing and application of paint on exposed surfaces. In the aiieptance or reJection of painting, no allowance will be nadJ for lack of skill on the part of the painters. Single-Source ResPonsibilitY : Provide priners and undercoat paint produced by same manufacturer as the finish coats. as toilet aluninum and equipnent. DA 9601 09900-2 I I E. Coordination of t{ork: I Review other sections in which primers are provided to I ensure conpatibility of the total systems for varioussubstrates. on reguest, furnish information oncharacteristics of finish naterials to ensure use of I conpatible priners. Notify the Oryner's Representativeof problems anticipated using the naterials specified. I 1.05 BEEEBEES,t A. ANSI/ASTU D16 - Deflnitlons of terma Relating to PaJ.nt,Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products r B. ASTM D2016 - Test l,lethod for Moisture Content of Wood I 1.06 sIJEETTTAI€I A. Product Data: I 1' 3litlt"rn1X1:'i,$llirtT"l1"",,Provisions or section 2. Include nanufacturerrE technical information, labelI anatysis and application instructions for eachmaterial proposed for use. List each naterial and cross-reference the specificcoating and finish system and application,Identify each naterial by the nanufacturer's catalog number and general classification. 3. The nanufacturerrs recornrnendations shall foru thegbasis for acceptance or reJection of application nethods used on the work. This Eubmittal shall, in no way, be construed as pernitting substitution ofitens for the specific items described in theseSpecifications. B. Samples: Color chips for each color of paint required will befurnished to the Architect by the Contractor. Prepare and furnish in triplicate, on chips approxinately 12rr xL2", dry specinens for the ownerrs review. Mark all specimens as follows: 1. Safeway color number and name of color (if a Safeway color number exists for the partJ.cular color. ) . I I I I I I I I I I DA 9601 09900-3 2. Manufacturerrs name, color nunber and tlpe of paint (Iatex, oil, vinYl, etc.). 3. Nunber of coats required. 4. safeway Etore nunber. 5. BrLef description of the location of the surface to be painted (roon, ceiling, wainscot, east wall, west wall, door trim, etc.) 6. Contractorrs name (Prine Contractor - not painting subcontractor), date subnitted for approval and initiats of person naking the submittal. 7. Space for approval date and initials of person naking the aPProval . gfhenever possible, specimens shall be on the same tlpe of naterlals aE that on which they will be used. fn all i.nstances, wood stain specimens shall be on the same species of wood as that on which they will be used. One of each approved specimen will be returned to the contractor. colors applied without approval will be subject to recoating at the contractorrs expense. 1. 07 A. Delivery all paint materials to the jobsite in theiroriginal, unopened containers with all labels intact and legible at tine of use. Container labeling to include manufacturerrs narne, type of paint, brand name, brand code, coveragte, surface preparation, drying tine, clean-up, color desigmation and instructions for nixing and reducing. store paint materials at mininun ambient temperature of 45"F. and a rnaxinun of 90"F., in well ventilated area, unless required otheruise by manufacturerrs instructions. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion. I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I t t I I B. c. D. DA 9601 09900-4 B. c. I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I E. Take all means necessary to protect paint naterials before, during and after installation and to protect the Lnstalled work of other trades. In the event of damage, itnmediately nake all repairs and replacements necessaryto the approval of the onnerrs Representative and at noadditional cost to the Olrner. F. MaterLalE shall be ordered sufficiently in advance to be on the jobsite when needed and Ehall be delivered at thebuildlng in sufficient guantities eo that work will not be delayed. 1. 08 EWIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Apply water-based paints only when the teruperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 5o'F. and go'F., unless required otherwise bythe manufacturerrs instructions. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when tenperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air tenperatures are between 45"F. and 95'F., unless required otherwise bythe rnanufacturerrs instructions. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog or mist, when therelative hunidity exceeds 85 percent, at tenperaturesless than 5"F. above the dew point, or to damp or vet surfaces. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heatedvithin tenperature linits specified by the rnanufacturer during application and drying periods. D. At least 3o foot candles illunination shall be provided for all surfaces to be painted or coated. 2. OO PRODUCTS 2. 01 ACCEPTABLE I,TANUFACTI,IRERS AlI paint materials selected for coating systens for each tlpeof surface shall be the product of a single manufacturer. The best quality rnaterials as nanufactured by any of the following manufacturers or an approved equivalent will be acceptable for use on the work. A. Coronado Paint Conpany (Coronado) B. Devoe and Raynolds Co. (Devoe) C. Diarnond-Vogel (D-V) DA 9601 09900-5 D. E. F. G. H.I. J. 2.O2 A. 2.03 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. The Glidden ComPanY (Glidden) BenJanin lloore and co. (!toore) PPG Industries, Pittsburgh Paints (Pittsburgh) Pratt and Lambert (P & L) The Shentin-Willians Conpany (S-W) Wellborn, a Dunn-Edwards company (Wellborn) I(WAL - Howells MATERIALS Coatings: 1. Ready-nixed, except field catalyzed coatinqs' Proc-ss pigrnents to a soft past consistency, capable oi being readily and unifornly dispersed to honogeneous coatings. 2. Good flow and brushing properties; capable of drying or curing free of streaks or saqs' Accessory Materials: L,inseed oi1, shellac, turpentine, paint thinners and ottt"" naterials not specifically indicated but required to achieve the finishel specified of commercial quality' COI,OR A}ID FINISHES All colors shall be as indicated on the Drawinqs or as selected by the ownerrs Representative. 3.00 EXECtrlroN 3.01 INSPECTION A. Prior to all work of this Section, carefully examine surfaces scheduled to receive paint for conditions whi.ch night adversely affect execution, Permanence or quality of finish and which cannot be put into acceptable condition through the preparatory work described below. In the event -such Conaitions are found to exist, irnnediately notify tlre ownerrs Representative' Do not proceed with surface preparation or coating application unless specificalty directeq by-the ownerrs n-eiresentative, until conditions are suitable' B. Beginning of installation meanst acceptance of existing surfaces or substrate. DA 9601 09900-6 1. 2. 3. B. I I I I T t I I I I t t I I I I I I I 3.02 PREPARATION A.General: Take all means necessary to protect the installedwork of other trades. In the event of danage, funnediately nake aII repairs and replacenentsnecessary to tlre approval of the Ownerrs Representative and at no additional cost to ttre Oltner. Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, nachined surfaces, lighting fixtures and sinilaritens ln place that are not to be painted orprovide surface-applied protection prior to surfacepreparation and painting. Remove these items if necessary for conplete painting of the itens andadjacent surfaces.Following conpletion ofpainting operations in each space or area, haveitens reinEtalled by workers skilled in the trades involved. clean anal prepare surfaces to be painted in accordance with the nanufacturerrs instructions foreach particular substrate condition and asspecified. Remove oil and grease prior to cleaning. 4. Schedule cleaning and painting so that dust andother contaninants fron the cleaning process willnot fall onto wet, newly painted surfaces. 5. Provide barrier coats over ineompatible primers orremove and reprine.Notify the ownerrs Representative, in writing, of problems anticipatedwith using the specified finish-coat nateriaL with substrates prined by others. Preparation of Cenentitious Materials: 1. Prepare concrete and maaonry surfaces to bepainted. 2. Remove efflorescence, ctralk, dust, dirt, grease,oile and release agents. Roughen as required to remove gl.aue. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use nechanical nethods of surface preparation. Use abrasive blast-cleaning nethods if reconnended by the paint manufacturer. DA 9601 09900-7 I t t I I I I T T I t I I I I I I T I 3. 4. c. D. Deternine alkalinity and noisture content of surfaces by perforning appropriate tests' If surfaces are sufficiently alkaline to cause blistering and burning of finish paJ-nt, correct tlris condition before application. Do not paint surfacea where noisture content exceeds that pernitted in nanufacturerrs printed directionE' Renove staine caused by weathering of corrodlng netalE sittr a eolutLon of sodium metasilicate after thoroughly wetting with water. Allow to dry' Preparation of Wood Surfaces: 1. Clean BurfaceE of dirt, oil and other foreign Eubstancee with scraperEr nineral spirits and sandpaPer, as required. 2. Wood Doora: FiniEh all edges of wood doors the sane aa the face. Do this work after doors have been fltted and are ready for final hanging' Preparation of Ferrous Surfacee. 1. Clean nongalvanized ferrous-netal surfaces that have not -been slrop coated; remove oil, grease, dLrt, Ioose nllf scale and other foreign Eubstances. uae solvent or nechanical cleaning nethods that conply with reconmendations of the Steel StructureE Painting council. 2. After cleaning, apply one coat of the specified priner the Eane day to all ferrous surfaces scheduled to be Painted. 3. Sand and Ecrape shop prined steel surfaces to renove loose pliner and rust. Feather edges to nake touch-up patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prlne coats that have been danaged' Pri-ne -steel surfaces with the same primer as the shop coat. 4. Fill and grind flush and snooth all hollow netal frane anchors. E. Preparation of Galvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized Eurfaces vith non-petroleum-based solventi so tbat the surface is free of oil and surface contaminants. DA 9601 09900-8 I I t I I T t I I I I I I I I I I I I F.Preparation of cn)sun Dnrwall: Fill all ninor irregularities with spackling compound and sand to smooth, level surface. Spot prine defects after repair. 3.03 INSTAI,LATION A. Materials Preparation: 1. Carefully nix and prepare paint materials in accordance with manufacturerrs directions. 2. Maintain containers used in nixing and applicationof paint in a clean condition, free of foreignmaterial and residue. 3. Stir naterlals before application to produce a mixture of unlforn density; stir as reguired Removefiln and, if necessary, strain material before using. 4. Use only thinners approved by the paint manufacturer and only within recommended linits. 5. Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to facilitateidentification of each coat where nultiple coats ofthe same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the eolor of the finish coat, but providesufficient differences in shade of undercoats todistinguish each separate coat. B. Application: 1. Appfy paint in accordance with manufacturerrsdirections. Use applicators and techniques bestsuited for substrate and type of material being applied. 2. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease,moisture, scuffed surfaces or conditionsdetrinental to fornation of a durable paint filn. 3. Provide finish coats that are conpatible withpriners used. 1. 2. DA 9601 09900-9 o I t I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t 4.Apply material at not less than the manufacturerrs rllonnended spreadlng rate. Provide a total dry filu thickness of the entire systen aa reconmended by the nanufacturer. Tlre number of coats and filn thicknesE reguired are the same regardlesE of the application nethod. Do not apply succeedlng coats untll the previous coat has cured as reconnended by the nanufacturer. Leave all fLnlEhed surfacee free from runs, drops, wavee, rJ,dgee, laps, brush narks and variations in color, texture and finish. Sand between apptlcatione where sanding is required to producc an even Emooth surface in accordance wittr ttre Danufacturerrs dlrectLons or to remove all defectg vlsible to the unal.ded eye frorn a distance of 5r. Apply additional coats when undercoats, stains or ottrei conditlone ehow through final coat of paint, until paint filn ig of uniform finish, color and appearince. Give specl.al attention to ensure that sir;faces, including -edges, corners' crevices, welds and ocposed fastenere receive a dry filn thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. 8. Apply each coat of paint slightly darker than recedtnE coat unlese otheririse approved. Uiscellaneous Requirements : 1. Renove unfiniEhed louvers, grilles, covers and acceaa panels on nechanLcal and electrical conponents and paint separately. Paint back sides of lccess panels and renovable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. After reinetallation, tough up screws and scuffed spots or repatnt as requlred. 2. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottons and side edges same as exterior faceE. 3. spot painting to correct soiled or danaged paiTt surfaces will be allowed only when touch-uP spot is blended into surrounding finish and is invisible to nornal viewing. otherwise, recoat entire section to corners or visible stopping point. 5. 6. 7. c. DA 9601 09900-10 c. D. B. c. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.04 3. 05 3.06 A. D. Reinstallation of Renoved ltems:1. Following conpletion of painting Ln each space,reinstall electrical paint, hardware, Iight fixturetrin, fittings and all other items removed prior tofinishing. 2. Use only workmen skilled in the particular tradeinvolved. FIELD OUALITY CONTROL Do not apply additional coats until completed coat ha beeninspected and approved by the Ownerra RepreaentatLve. Onlyinspected and approved coats of paint will be considered indeternining the nunber of coats applied. CLE.ANING A. As work proceeds, pronptly remove paint where spilled,splaehed or spattered. B. ,During progress of the worlc, do not allow theaccumulation of empty containers or other excess itemsexcept in areas specifically set aside for that purpose. At the end of each work day, remove empty cans, ralts,rubbish and other discarded paint naterials fron thesite. Upon completion of painting, clean glass and other paintspattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washJ.ngand scrapingrusing care not to scratch or damage adjacentfinished surfaces. PROTEClIION Take all neans necessary to protect the completed workprior to acceptance by the owner. In the event of damage, inmediately nake all repairs and replacernents necessary to the approval of the Olrnerrs Representative and at no additlonal cost to the Owner. Lay drop cloths in all areas to be painted and mask outall areas subject to overspray or accidental coverage.This shall particularly apply to glass, casework andceiling grid. Provide rrI{ET PAfNTT signs to protect newly paintedfinishes. Ranove temporary protective wrappings providedby others for protection of their work after completionof painting operations. DA 9601 09900-11 D. At conpletion of construction activities of other trades, tough up and restore all damaged or defaced painted surfaces. 3.07 EXTRA PAINT At the conpletion of the painting' the Contractor sha1l turn over to the owner one gallon of each paint color and tlpe used. 3.08 r Terninolog.y hereafter refers to products by sherwin-willians I Company. A. MAsoNRy - (Concrete Uasonry Units - cuu) Latex systen - Flat Finish lst Coat: S-W A-1OO Flat Latex House & Trim, A6 Serj-es 2nd coat: s-w A-1oo Flat Latex House & Trim, A6 Sleries B. l.tETAL - (Galvanized) Latex system - Satin Finish 1st Coat: S-W A-1OO Satin Latex House & Trin, A82 Series 2nd Coat: S-W A-1OO Satin Latex House & Trin, A82 Series (4 nils wet, 1.4 nils drY Per coat) C. I{ETAL - (Shop Prined tletal) Latex System - Satin Finish lst Coat: S-W A-1OO Satin L,atex House & Trim, A82 Series 2nd Coat: S-W A-1OO Satin Latex House & Trim, A82 Series (4 roils wet, 1.4 nils drY Per coat) D. wooD - (Rough-Sawn Lumber) Latex System - FIat Finish 1st Coat: S-W A-1OO FIat Latex House Paint, A6 Series 2nd Coat: s-t{ A-1oo Flat Latex House Paint, A6 Series (4 nils wet, 1.4 nils drY Per coat) E. PAVEI{ENT I|I,ARKING 1. Repaint & existing narkings and slnnbols. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I DA 9601 09900-l_2 A. B. I t I I I I I I 2. Layout and paint new slmbols, neit direction arrows, new signs, etc., on asphalt paving as indicated on Drawings. 3. Parking L,ot lines: 4rr wide painted by nechanicalstriping nachine after paving is swept clean.4. Markings: Apply lining and other markingssufficient quantity to produce conpletely opaqueline. INTERIOR PAINTING SCHEDT'LE MASONRY - (CMn) Latex Systen - Egg-shel Finishlst Coat: S-w Prolilar 200 Latex Egg-Shel B20I{200 Series l.tETAL - (Structural Steel coLumns, Miscellaneous and Ornanental Iron, DoorE, Non-Galvanized Metal) Latex System - Eggr-Shel Finish 1st Coat: DTM Acrylic Priner/Finish, 855W1(6 nils wet, 3 nils dry) 2nd coat: S-w Prol.tar 200 Latex Egg-Shel, B20w20o Series 3rd coat: S-w Prolttar 200 Latex Egg-shel, B20W20O Series (4 nils wet, 1.5 urils dry per coat) t t I I I t I I I 3.09 c.l{ood - (Doors, Trin) 1. Latex System - seni-closs Finish 1st coat: s-w WaJ-l & Wood Priner, B49WZ2(4 nil.s ttet, 2 nils dry) 2nd Coat: S-w Prollar 200 Latex Semi-Gloss Series3rd Coat: s-t{ ProMar 2o0 Latex semi-c1ossSeries (4 nils wet, 1.5 mils coat) NOTE: Stain and Varnish are allowedpints, pints and quarts only. 2. Woodwork and Doors - Stained First Coat Wood Stain Second coat Polyurethane Clear Varnish,Third Coat Polyurethane Clear Varnish, Sand with No. 00 sandpaper between coats. 831W200 831W2 00dry per in half- GIoss Satin I I DA 9601 o9900-13 D. DRYVTAIJ, (Walls, Ceil-ings, GIT)Eun Board, Plaster Boatd, Etc. ) Latex Systen - Egg-Shel Finish 1st Coat: S-I{ Pro}tar 200 Latex Wall Priner, B28w2oo(4 mils wet, 1.2 nils dry) 2nd coat: s-w Prouar 200 lJatex Egg-Shel, B2ow2oo series 3rd coat: s-tf ProUar 2oo Latex Egg-Shel, B2ow2oo Series (4 nils wet, 1.6 nIlE dry per coat) Et{D OF SECITON 09900 DA 9601 09900-14 t I t t t I I T I I I I I t I I I I I sEcTroN 09950 I{ALL COVERINGS 1. OO GENER.AL 1. 01 WORK INCLUDED Provide viny.l-coated fabric applied over solid substrates. REI,ATED WORK A. Section 01300 - SubnittalsB. Section 09250 - cypsum Board C. Section 09900 - Painting OUALITY ASSI'RANCE A. For the actual cutting and installation of wall covering, use only thoroughly trained and experienced paperhangers. In the acceptance or rejection of instalted wall covering, no allowancewill be nade for lack of skill on the part of the installerE. B. Conforn to the following codes and standards: 1. AsT!,t E-84 - Test for surf ace Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 1. 02 1. 03 2. U.S. Federal Specifications - CCC-W-4O8A 1. 04 SITBI,{ITTALS A. Prior to the delivery of any wall coveringmaterials to the Jobslte, subnit manufacturerrs technical data and physical sanples to the appropriate governing agency and secure written approval. B. At least ten calendar days prior to the start ofwall covering installation, deliver to the ownerrs Representative a nininun of two 8tr x 10tr samples ofwall coverings and three copies of the currently reconmended nethod of installation and manufacturerrs printed instruction for maintenanceof the installed work.Include names ofmanufacturer, material brand name, color andtexture designation and precautions for the use ofcleaning naterials and methods which could danagethe wall covering. These reconmendations, when DA 9601 09950-1 1. 05 1.06 approved by the ownerrs Repres"ltl!-il?'=- will functlon as tnJ--basis for acceptance oT- rejectlon oi aciuaf installation mettrode used on the uork' c.DelivertotheownertsRePresentative..approvednateriaL manufacturerrs certificate stating that niteriafs conform to the specified requirements as stated herein. PRODUEI DEI..IVERY, IINIDLING A}TD STORAGE A. Use aII neanE neceasary to protect wall covering t"t""i"t" be-ore, during and ifter installation and €- protect the installed work of other trades' rn the event oi-OJt"g", imnediately nake all-repairs and replaceuentg ieiessary to ttre apqroval of the OnnerrJ nepr-Jentative and-at no additional cost to the Onrner. covering flat as Packaged bY- the clean, dry storage area whgre be naintalned above 40"F. wittt B. store all wall manufacturer ln tenperature can norual huniditY. PROJECT CONDITIONS 2. 01 MATERIALS I I t I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B. Roon temperature shall be unifornly naintained at "ppioxfnaiefy ?0"F. for ? per-iod -of 72 hours before' aiiiing ina iiter application of walr sovering' 1. 07 I|ARRAIflTY Provide nanufacturerrs warranty for five years against. nifAew, Ui""a through or delects in the material. Include labor coBts for replacenent' 2.OO PRODUCTS vinyl-Coated Fabric WalI Covering: Refer to the Drawings for t1Pe. Adhesive: Manufacturerrs reconnended adhesive, priqer ?ld ""if"", manufactured expressly for use with the ""i""t"a vlnyl wall covering. Provide materials wfrictr are nifdew resLstant and non-staining to the ;;1i covering. Release coat is to be oil-baeed DA 9601 09950-2 I I T I I T t I I I I I I I I I I I I sealer or enanel undercoat for gltpsun wallboard substrates. 3. OO EXECTIIION 3. O1 INSPECTION Prior to all work of ttris Section, carefully inspect theinstalled work of all other trades and verify that allsuch work ls conplete to the point where thiginstallation nay begin.Verify that the finallnEtallation will be in conplete accordance with theoriginal desigrn and the manufacturerrE reconnended method of installation, innediately notify the as he directs. PREPARATION In the event of discrepancy, ownerre Repreeentative and proceed 3.02 3 .03 A. Take all neans necessary to protect the installedwork of other trades. In the event of damage,innediately nake all repairs and replaceuentsnecesaary to the approval of the ownerrs Repreaentative and at not additional cost to the Orrner. B. Where wall covering is scheduled to be installed, prepare the wall surfaces in strict accordance withthe approved manufacturerrs reconmended nethod ofinstallation. C. Surfaces scheduled to receive wall covering shal.l be clean, dry, smooth an structurally sound. D. Apply priner/wall sizing where reconunended by the nanufacturer. E. Apply only over solid backing naterials. INSTALLATION Vinyl-Coated Fabric l{all Covering: A. Preparation: 1. Renove vinyl wall covering naterials form packaging and allow to aCclinatize to the areaof installation at least 24 hours beforeapplication. DA 9601 09950-3 I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I t toat 4. 5. B. 2. Remove srritchplates, wall plates and surface- mounted fl-xtures where wall coverlng is to be applied. 3. Prine and seal substrate in accordance withthe vinyl wall covering nanufacturerrs recomnendations for the type of substrate. Apply surface sealer to glpsum wallboard whichwill pernit subsequent removal of vinyl wall covering without danage to paper facing.Verify that Burfaces to be covered with vinylwall coverl.ng do not exceed 4* noleture content. Application: 1. Place wall covering panels consecutively inthe order that they are cut form rolls,including filling of spaces above or below openings. Hand by reversing alternate strips except on natclred patterns. 2. Apply adhesive to back of wall covering andplace in accordance with the manufacturertsinstructions. Install seams vertically, plunb and at least 6n avay from any cornerr' horizontal seanE will be pernitted only where specif icalty indicated. 3. Place wall covering continuously over internal and external corners. overlap EeaDE and double cut to assure tightcloeure. Roll, brush or use a broad knife to remove air bubbles, wrinkles, blisters andother defects. Cut wall covering evenly to the edges of the outlet box or support. tfhere returns of lese than 6rr cannot be avoided, provide tenporary blocking and, if hecessary, special adhesive to secure fabric. Seaus nust b€ nade at least 4rr from inside and outside cornera and horizontal seams will be not be accepted. 6. 7. 8. Leave blocking in place at least Trin salvages as reguiredunifonnity and pattern natch Remove excessive adhesive along using warm water and a clean 24 hours. assure color seams. finlshed seams sponge to wipe DA 9601 09950-4 I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I T I I 3.04 3.05 dry. 9. Install vinyl wall coverLng with an intimatesubstrate bond, smooth, clean, withoutwrinkles, gaps and overlaps. 10. Replace renoved platee and fixtures to verifycut edges of wall covering and completely concealed. C. CIean-Up: 1. After hanging, innediately clean all wall coveri.ng surfaces, renoving all traces of past and dirt and thoroughly washing with cleanwater. Do not use carbon-tetrachloride or Iacquer solvents. 2. Upon conpletion of work, remove surplusmaterials, rubbish and debris resulting fromwall covering installation and leave areas of worlc in a neat, clean condition. PROTECTION Take all neans necessary to protect the conpleted workprior to acceptance by the Owner. In the event of damage, inmediately nake all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Ownerrs Representative and at no additional cost to the owner. EXTRA STOCK After cornpletion of work, deliver to the project site not less than 5 lineal yards of each type, color and patternof vinyl wall covering installed, furnished fron the same nanufactured sequence as the naterials instal-led. END OF SECTION 09950 DA 9601 o9950-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l T sEerroN 09985 PRETINISHED PN{ELS 1.OO GENERAL 1.01 1. 02 1. 03 WORK INCLI'DED Provide prefinished wall panels over solid substrates. REI.ATED WORK A. Section 01300B. Section 09250 OUALITY ASSI'RANCE A. Requirenents - subnittaLg- Gypgu:[ Board Couply with regrulations,bid dates: of Regulatory Agencies: applicable codes and ordinances, references and standards in effect at A.B.P.A. Product standards Ps 58-73 and PS 59- 73 A.H.A. Industry Standard 1-71 (Class I Finish) Federal Specifications LIJIJ-B-8O5, LLL-B-8105 and LLL-810-B Underwritersr Laboratories, Inc. B. Qualifications of Installers: For this portion of the work, use only installers who are trained in the installation of prefinished hardboard panellng, accessories and trinr. SI'BUITTALS Prior to ordering, subnit color sanples of each type ofpanel to be used to the Architect in accordance with theceneral Conditions and Section 01300 of theseSpecifications. PRODUCB DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE Use all means necessary to protect prefinished panels, accessories and trin during and after installation. Store panels flat in a dry area. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 04 1. 05 DA 9601 09985-1 1. 06 ENVIRONI.'ENTAL CONDITIONS A.Panelsaretobeconditionedtoroorntemperature and humidtty by unwrapping then and standing then EeParately on ttreir long edges around the room for a ierlod 6f at least 48 hours prior to application' B. Roon and adhesive naterials must 6O'F' or higher during aPPlication. 2.OO PRODUeTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE I4ANUFACTURERS A. Furnish and install the following products as manufactured by one of the following: 1. Fiberglass Relnforced Panels (FRP): a. Gl.aEsteelb. Kenlitec. USG Marlite Division rrMarliterl 2. Wall Paneling: Marlite B. Ternlnology hereafter refers nanufactured bY rrMarlite.n to the products 2.O2 MATERIALS A. wall 1. Panels: Panels to be Marlite brand, featuring a baked- on melamine topcoat and tongue and groove/clip jolnery installation systern. Harnonizing ttarlite brand panel rnoldings to be utilized for finishing trin. 2. Panels strall be 16rr wide x 10r long x L/4" thick or as indicated. 3. Panel colors and textures shall be as indicated on the Drawings. I I I I t I t I I I I I I I t I I I I DA 9601 09985-2 DA 9601 I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t 4. Triu: Provide prefinished oak trin matchi.ng paneling shere l-ndicated. Profile shall be Marlite 85- cR chair rail. B. Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester Panels: 1. ltarlite brand FRP panels. 2. Marlite brand FRP noldings in harnonizLngcolors to be utillzed throughout installationfor finished trim. 3. ERP panels are 3f32)'thick x 4r wide by 8r, 9l or 10r high. 4. FRP colors and textures shall be indicated onthe Drawings. C. SlotwaLl Panels: 1. Panels to be Marlite Displawall 5000 (8r xt {tor 4r x g,) x 314... 2. Face shall be 0.050rr plastic laminate Fornicabrand. Color shatl be as indicated on the Drawings. 3. Machine edges of panels to maintain groove conformity when panels are stacked or butted. D. Adhesives: ' 1. Marlite C-385/376 Waterproof Adhesive: A flexible, waterproof adhesive formulated for f ast, easy application; neeting ASTl,tSpecification C557. 2. Marlite C-551 Ylater Borne Adhesive: A water-resistant, non-flanmable, all-purpose construction adhesive; desigmed for installingnarlite interior wall surfacing products overexisting porous-surfaced walls or furringstrips. E. Trim: 09985-3 I l.Alltrintobecolorharmonizednotdingstonatch corresPonding wall Pane1s' 2. Provlde all trln and acceEsory piece-s rgguired for a conplete and flnistred installation and io conc"ai unfinished edges, ends and Joints' F. FRP sealants: SealantforFRPpanelsslrallbeMarlite#cs-10octear sealant, -uanufaqtured by UsG Marlite DlvlEion. 3.OO EXECIITTON I l I I I 3.01 3.O2 INSPECTION A. Prlor to start of work of this Section, carefully rnJptct arr lEaJ in wtrl_ch prefinished panels will be -lnEtalled and verlfy that all work of -other iiaaeJ is sufficiently complete and approved to pE"nit tfre c-Jnnencen6nt oi pan-el - installation' ierlfy that no condition exlsts trhich will prevent achieilng the deeigned installation' I I I t I I I I I I I I I B. c. D. In the event of a discrepancy, irnnediatel-y notify the ownerrs Representatlve and proceed as he directe. PREPAR,ATION Takeallmeansnecessarytoprotecttheinstalledworkof other tiades. In the evenC of danage, imnediately nake all repairs and replacenents neceasary to the approval of the Owneil s nepreientative and at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. 03 INSTAI-,LATION A. Installation of t{a1l Paneling and Slotwall: 1. Install with adheEive recornmended by ttre nanufacturer. Seal g1psum board as per ttre nanufacturer I s reconmendations' 2. Lap panels a ninimum of 1r-o[ behind cases and PLYWOOD ST'BSTRAEES. nestsfANT evpsul.t goARD SUBSTRATES. DA 9601 o9985-4 4. 5. B. I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I 3.04 shelving. 3. $lhere paneling runs floor to ceiling, verlfyhorizontal joint locations with Architect.Provide factory-finished nolding at aL]horizontal joints. Stacked plank panellng shall have vertical grooves natching. Installation of FRP Panels: 1. Apply over solid backing. 2. Measure, cut and lnstall edge nolding alongfloors and ceilinga on all walle to becovered. Apply adhesive to back of moldings and use coated or lath nails approximately lorlto 14rr apart, nailing into studs whereverpossible. .After installing the edge nolding,fill the channels of the moldings with acontinuous bead of Marlite #Cs-1Oo clearsealant. Apply this sealant one wall at atine. Begin panel installation from corner of room. 3. lteasure and cut first panel and divLsionnolding. Apply sealant to both channels ofthe nolding. Apply adhesive to entire backof panel. Press to solid backing, leave inplace a mLnute or two, pull one edge away andgently fan panel back and forth two or threetines. Reapply and press firnly. Apply adhesive to back of division nolding, slide onpanel and nail exposed flange. Proceed with install.ation of next panel and nolding. Continue on around the room withpanels and division noldings plus insidecorner and outside corner rnoldings asrequired. The last panel molding should be instaLled at the same tine. At the conptetion of all panel and trim, thecontractor is to caulk all joints, includingrin and noldings, with clear sealant. CLEAN.I'P A. Clean any excess adhesive and sealant off panels and noldings as reconmended by the nanufacturer. B At the conpletion of the work of this Section, remove all debris and extra nateriaLs frorn the DA 9601 09985-5 Elte. 3.05 PROTECTION Ta|Ceallmeananeceaaarytoprotecttheconpleted.workpir-J, - lo i"".ptance by- the owner. In the event of ianage, imediltely nake all repairs -and replacements necegEar}i'totheafprovaloftheormer|sRepresentative and at no additional coet to tlre ormer' I I I I I I I I END OF SECIION 09985 I I I I I I I I t I I DA 9601 09985-5 I r sEcrroN to4oo IDENTIFYING DEVICES I PART 1 - GENER,AL I 1.01 WORK INCLUDEDI A. Furnish and Install: I 1. rnterior signage system. I 1.02 SIIBI'IITTALS I A. shop Drawings and Product Data; Subrnit in accordance with - Section o13oo I PART2-PRoDucrsI _ 2.01 INTERIOR SIGNAGE SYSEEX,! I A. Acceptable nanufactureres:1. Photopollmer Andco 850 Series (Quality Standard). - 2. Sachs Lawlor I 3. Scott Signs B. Provide two signs at'locations shown on the plans. I 1. Male and Female figures with the word Restroom under tehm I and accompanied with Grade 2 braiLte. Finish is to be non-glove and lettering is to be L/32n raised white. r The background is to natch rrSafeway Redrr. I 2. same as Sign No.1 above only an arrow is to be addedpointing to the left as you face the sign. I C. provide and install signs to comply with ADA Reguirements.I I PART3-EXECI]:TION a 3.01 INSTALLATION I A. Interior signage system: Foarn Tape install perr manufacturerrs recomnendations. I B. Mount signs at 60rr o.c. above finish floor: sign No. l- to I be 4rr clear frorn door at the latch janb. END OF SECTION T I I DA e6o1 I 10400-1 I I I sEcTroN 10810 TOILET ACCESSORIES I PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED I A. Furnish and Install:1. Toilet accessories in Unisex Toilet 130. I 1.02 RET.ATED WORK A. Wood Blocking: Section 06100 Rough carpentry. . 1.03 SI'BI,IITTAIJS I A. Product Data: Subnit Shop Drawings or Fixture cuts. I PART 2 PRODUCTS I 2.01 AccEssoRrESI A. Toilet acceEsories are to be by Bobrick as follows: Approved I equals are GAltco, Anerican Dispenser, and Charles Parker. I 1. lland Dryer 8-7092. Sanitary Napkin Disposal No. 8-270. I 3. roilet Paper Holder No. B-288 with theft resistant I spindle.r 4. Grab Bars No. 6806 series.5. Soap Dispenser No. 8-4112 for liquid soap.I 6. Mirror No. L65 1836. I PART 3 EXECUTION I 3.01 INSTAT-,r,AErON - A. General: Fasten accessories rigidly and securely to blocking I in walls or to toilet partitions using rnethods and naterials - recomnended by nanufacturer. I B. Mirrors: Install on concealed wall hangers and secure with I theft-proof locking screws. 8ND OF SECTIONI I I DA e601 I 10810-1 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I T I I I SECTION 11160 I.,OADING DOCK EQUIPI{ENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLT'DED A. Furnish and Install: 1. Mechanical Edge-Of-Dock L,,eveler. L.O2 RELATED WORK A. Cast-In-Place concrete: Section 03300. 1. 03 SI'B}IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Subnit Ln accordane with Section o130o. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.OL I.IECIiANICAI., EDGE-OF-DOCK IJEVEIJER A. Acceptable Manufacturer:1. eenquip Corporatlon. B. Tlpe:1. Model No. AD72 ML with Telescopic HandLe and bumpers. c.Accessories:1. Provide accessories and other items to provide a complete and operational systen as detailed or reguired. 3 EXECIITION INSTALI.ATION Install according to manufacturerrs recommendations. END OF SECTION PART 3 .01 A. DA 9601 11160-1 B. I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I SECTION L23O6 PI,ASTIC I,A}IINATE FACED CASEWORK PART 1 GENERAI 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and Install: 1. Plastic laninate cabinets. 2. Plastic laminate countertoPs. 3. other plastic laminate items as indicated. 4. Cabinet door and drawer locks. 1.02 QUALITY ASSI'RANCE A. Wood Blocking: Section O51OO Rough Carpentry. B. Rubber Base: Section 09650 Resilient Flooring. C. Sinks and Trim: Division 15 }lechanical. 1. 03 SI'BMITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Subrnit in accordance with Section 01300. 1. 04 A. Samples: Subnit in accordance with Section 01-300 for selection. Subrnit conplete set of samples .of plastic laminate colors and patterns. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING ceneral: Conply with Section 01600. Do not deliver cabinets until the building or storage area is enclosed and sufficiently dry to prevent danage from excessive changes in moisture content. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CASEWORK A. Casework Acceptable Manufacturers:1. TltI Systems Design CorP.2. LSI Corp.3. Westmark ( By Danish Craftsmen only)4. sun construction B. Plastic Laninate Acceptable nanufacturers:1. wiLson Art.2. Fornica. DA 9601 L2306-L I c. D. Manufacturer Materials: and llpe: Casework shall be TMI Triurline TOOO' I 1. core lltaterial: Mininun ninimun 3l4tt thick. laminate on both sides faces. density 45 lb. Particle board, Irabricate panels with Plastic Ior balancing sheet on concealed I I I I I 2. 3. Plaetic Faces:a. Exposed SurfaceE: conply slth NEMA LD-3, llrl)e GP28 ani PF3o, high pressure nelanine laminate 'o3orlthickness, general. PurPose tYPe- b. Backs of Doors and Insl-de Face of Exposed Ends: Same ae above except .020tr thicl<. c. Semi-Exposed Surfices: Low Pressure laminate' mLnlmum 0.015tr thlck.al. Concealed Surfaces: Conply with above except .020n thick, liner or backer tYPe. Exposed nages: Front edqes of end panels, t9p and bolton, intlrnediate rails and shelves shall be banded witn pric nolding. Doors and drawers shal1 have radiused corners and edged with 3 nillineter Pvc edqing from standard colors. Hardware:1. Ilinges: Institutional type, 5 knuckLe 2-3/4tt x '09511 bladt< flnish, provide one pair for doors less than 4 ft' high and 3 hinges per door for doors over 4 ft. 2. putts: Seni-flush black ABS plastic pulls for drawers and swing doors, nounted with 2 screws fastened from back. For slldtng doors, provide recessed flush pulls' 3. Magnetic catch: 1o tl. holding capability slotted for adjustnent and attached with screws. 4. Driwer Guides: Regrular drawers shall be equipped with one pair of ball bearing-nylon roller suspensions which shall be self-closing from 4 inch extension, have a load capacity mininum of 75 lbs. and be on zinc coated cold ro1led lteel. Knee drawers shall be eguipped with ful-I extension suspensions with a load capacity rninimurn of at Ieast 50 lbs.- Paper storage and file drawers shall be eguipped with one pair of fu}l extension suspensions of sinillr design with toad capacity ninimum of 10o lbs' 5. Sliding Door Hardware Sets: Extruded anodized aluminum double channel track.5. Adjustable Shelf supports: Heavy duty self-Iocling plistic with 1/4" dialneter pin, 4 per shelf. Predrilled holes in cabinet ends and partitions. E.I t I I I I I I I I I DA 9601 L2306-2 of by I I I I I t t I I I t I I I I I I I I 7. Locks: Each single door and each drawer to have otynpus 7oo or 8oo series locks. Provide I lock and 1 inside latch for Pairs of doorE. F. Colors:1. Selection: FroD plastic lanlnate manufacturerrs full Iine of colors, not linited to casework manufacturerrs standard line.2. Vertical Surfaces: Each cabinet be one color. G. Accessories: Provide casework conplete with all accessories and hardware. 2.O2 COI'NTERTOPS A. Plastic Laninate:1. Particle Board: Mediun density (45 lbs./cu. ft.) wood chip and phernolic resin binders, corpressed board, 314" thitk, built up with 3/4tt x 4rr solid wood in both front and baclc.2. Plastlc Laminate: By Wilson Art or Formica. Use NEI'IA tr)pe 2, .o5orr thickness. colora, patterns, finishes as selected fron rnanufacturerrs standard offering, maximun 5 colors per project. B. Drpe: Provide with backsPlashes edges self-edged. 2.O3 FABRICATION A. Configuration: As indicated. B. Beginning conditions where shown and all ex;rosed B. sintcs: Provide cutouts for sinks as required. Coordinate with Division 15. c. Electrical Devices: Provide for and coordinate with Division 16. PART 3 EXECIITION 3.01 INSPEEIION A. rnspect to verify spaceE are ready to receive casework. verify grounds, blocking and supports for proper location and support of casework. installation means acceptance of existing installer. DA 9601 12306-3 3.O2 PREPARATION A. Field MeaEurements: Field measure spacest to receLve casework before beglnning fabrication. 3. 03 INSTALI,ATION A. General: set casework accurately ln pl.ace, level and secure to floor walls. provide conneCting and attactring -devices,closures and trin nenbers as reguired. Install items conpJ-ete. scribe and closely ftt casenork to adjacent work. B. Rubber Cove Base: Provided and installed under Section 09650. c. sinks, Trln, Electrical Devices: Provided and installed under other sections. 3.04 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjusting: Adjust and Iubricate rnoving parts to operate I I I I I I I I I I I I t snoothlY. B. Final clean-UP: Replace darnaged conpletely clean cabLnets and counter tops. parts or units. END OF SECTION I T I I I I DA 9601 t2306-4 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I spEcrFrcATri, - o*"Al-.iD MEDIIIM ""ri*C^*t^s - usA' SECfiON 15050 - MEC}I,AMCAL GENERAL PRO\TISIONS 1.01 RcletcdDocuncats 1.02 Pernic aadFees 1.03 Dnwings 1.04 Guarantees 1.05 Coor,ilinrtion !.Qf, I':r.nrinrtion of Sitc 1.07 Materids and Substinrtions 1.08 Closing In Non-Iaspccted Work 1.09 Cutting ead Patching 1.10 ProductHandling 1.11 AilditionalNotes SECTION 15300 - FIRE PROTECTION Part 1 - Gencrzl 1.01 Sectionlncludes 1.02 Rclated Sections 1.03 References 1.O4 Design Requirerrents 1.05 Submittals 1.06 Qrrli$qetions 1.07 Reguletory Requirements 1.08 Delivcry, Storege, & Handling 1.09 Wanznty 1.10 ErteMeterids Part 2 - Products 2.01 Sprinller Hcads 2.02 ASovegound Pipc & Fittings 2.03 Underground Pipc &Iittings 2.04 Velvcs 2.05 Piping Spccialties Pert 3 - Execution 3.01 Prcpantion 3.02 Installetion 3.03 Tcsting Dry &Mcdiuo Ctinetc Artar - USA Indc-Pryc1of 4I I lar-dr7Jc SECTION 154oo - II|JMBINC Prrt 1 - Plumbing Gcncral Provisions 1.01 Descriptioa 1.02 Rdstcd lilodc Specified In Other Scaions 1.03 Codcs rnd Sanderds l.(X Qudificetions ofWodmen 1.05 Submittels Part2 - Products 2.01 PiF&dFitdngs 2.02 BudcaPipcWnpping 2.03 Velves 2.(X Valvc Boxes 2.05 Pipe Sleeve end Escutcheons 2.05 Hengers end Supports 2.07 VcntFlrhing 2.08 Cleanouts 2.09 Dielccaic Unions 2.10 Floor Drzins, Floor Sinls anil RoofDreins 2.11 TrcnchDreins 2.12 Hosc Bibbs 2.13 Grcasc Tnp (recesscd qryc) 2.74 Tng Pdmers 2.15 WaterHeaters - Gas 2.15 Pipc Insulation 2.17 Acccss Penels 2.18 Watcr Plcssure Regulator 2.19 BackFlow Prcvention (See drawings for size) 2.20 Shock Eli-m.inator 2.21 Ground Joint Westc Corurection 2.22 Flexible Pipe Connection 2.23 Circulating Puarp 2.24 OtherMaterials 2.25 PlumbingFrxnrres 2.26 Wetcr Hertcr Conrols 2.27 Hert Rccovery Controls 2.28 Approved List ofMmuficturcrs Part 3 - Execution 3.01 Surfece Conditions 3.02 Plumbing Systcn Leyout 3.03 Trcnching znd Becldlling 3.M ConcretcWotk 3.05 Instellation ofPipe end Equipment I .'a \ i-,,1 I I I I I I Dry & Medium Clioatc Arcar - USA Indc-Prg!2 of 4 I I I I I I T I I IIq-Arfdc I 3.06 Jointr aadOola.oio* 3.(l7 AccccsibiEty 3.08 Stedizrtion of Pipcs 3.09 Scrvicc Udlity Dieg'rzo (as-built drrwinge) 3.10 Conplction of Plumbing Inst llation 3.11 Project Coupletion 3.12 Tcst SECTION 15s00 - HVAC P:rt 1 - Gcneral 1.01 Description 1.02 RcletedWork Speciffed In Othcr Scctions 1.03 Codes ead Standards 1.(X QueliEcetion of Instdlers 1.05 Subaituls Part2 - Products 2.01 DuctWodr 2.02 Ductlnstrlletion 2.03 Rcgistes, Grilles and Difrrscrs 2.M Flucs 2.05 IryAC Supcrmarkct Peckege (Dry end Me&um Climate) 2.06 Flcxible Connections for Fan endAFIU 2.07 Peckagcd I{VAC Unit (less than 15 tons) 2.08 Gas Fired Unit Hcatcrs 2.09 Kitclen Ventiletion Systeo 2.10 Evaporat'ive Cooler 2.11 Exhaust and Transfer Fens 2.12 Equipmcnt Support and Anchorage 2.13 Flashing end Countet-Flashing 2.14 Airlntakes 2.15 Weter md Drein Piping 2.16 OthcrMetcdds 2. 17 Vibration Isolation ' 2.!8 Approved List ofMulufacturet! Prrt 3 - Exccution 3.01 Surfice Conditions 3.02 Instdletion ofDuct Work 3.03 Instdletion of Equipmcnt 3.(X Testing 3.05 Iastnrctions lir_dTl.€ I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Dry &Mcdiun Clio*c Artes -USA Indcr - Prgc 3 of 4 3:31ffiffiffiTH'mi&ty, 3.08 Hccnicelwtdrg 3.09 Scqucacc of Opcretion :l "tl I T t I t T I I I I I I I I T I I SECTION 15990 . AIR BAT.A}ICE 1.01 Quli6cetion 1.02 Coorriliution . L03 hoccdurcr - Preconrtnrction Plaa ChccL&Rcview 1.(X Proccduns - OnggingJob SiteInspcction 1.05 Air Sy*em Tcst end Bdeacc Proccdures 1.06 Conaol Systems Vcdficetion 1.07 Spccid Systcms 1.08 Syrstcn Pcdooaacc Vcri6cetion 1.09 Rccorils ' l.l0AdjustliirQnntiticstoFollowTolerences ' 1.11 Submitals rlFFFiliDiEiFrb Dry &Mcdiuo Clioetc Areer - USA Iada-Prgc4 of 4In-dqJc I li t I I I I I t I t I I l I I I I t SECTION 15050 -MECTIAMCAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.01 REI"TTED DOCIJMEX{TS 'q" Drewings and, gcncnl provisioos of Contrac! induiling Gcncnl end Suppleocntary Con&tions and Division I Specification Sectioru fi)800 end 15000 epply to worlc speciGcd in tfic following 6qel'zrrical scctions . 15500,15990,15300rdl15400. 7.A2 PERMITSAI{DFEES ..q- The Contnctor shall obtrin end pay for dl licenses nccessary to the prosccution and completing of tle work included in the Section. 1.03 DRAWING A The layout of thc piping, ducts and equipment shown on tlre Drawings is gencrally &agrarumatic unless spccfi cdly dimensioned- AII dioensions of doors, partitions, etc. for thc locations of piping, duct work and cquipmcnt shall bc taken from tte architccnual drawings. 1.O4 GUARA}ITEES ,4- Dcliver ell grrarantees and warranties oo this portion of the Work to Sefeway's Constnrction Departmenc All eguipmcn! matedals end workmanship shall be gu.aranteed to bc fuc from defects for a period of at leest onc year following dete of rcceptrnce by thc Ovrner. Replacc all parts Foving defective il*itg thet timc, inclu&ng the replaceoent of lost refrigerznt end repeir of leaks, to the epprovrl of Safeway's Consuuction Departnent end at no edditionrl cost to thc Owner. 1.05 COORDINATION lq" Coorilinetc thc work under this Section with thet of ell other tndes; chcck ell corrtrzct dnwings and specificetions for pbssiblc conflicts bctwccn thc scveral tradcs h equipmert locatioq pipc, duct and conduit runs, electical oudets and 6xnrrcs, supply and cxhaust &ffirscrs, fire sptinldcrs, structural end erchitcctural feetures, ctc. Should it be found MECITANICAI, GENERAL PRO\ISIONS l5O5O - PrF 1 of .ad1505{h!..Lc I acc.ss.rt to dcvia& &oa tlc plenr or qpccificetiots for esy aarsoo . whetsocvcr, &c Enginccc'r vdea epp'rovzl witr be rcquircd- B. Notc 6etthc qnccs rescnrcd for ilucts, pipitrg anil lights ebove t[c futred cetltrys ere in eomc cascs quite cddczl Locrtion of light ftcturcs shdt not bc chang€d" Aaywort instellcd without regrd for thc wort of otbcr cnfo wlich must, in 6e opinion of dcArchitccg bc moved to pcrmit thc insall,rtion of oticrworlg sh.Il bc movedwiAout cxtre "h"ryo. ...*,.C..-Spoccr tc provided in tLe dcsigp o66.5ofl,lin& in most c.scs, to coaccd thc hceting end ventiletilgwodc Kcep dl pipes end duca within thc firrring lincs estrblishcd on t[e rrcLitcctunl dnwings unless ttc pipcs end ducts ere shown cxposcd. 1.06 DAJVIII{ATION OFSITE ,t. F,xeminc the sitc, vedf dimensions and locetions egainst thc DrzwingF, end bc informed of ell con&tioos undcr which work is to be ilone before subaitdng proposd. No dlowencc will bc made for cxre o?ense ofl eccouat of error. B. Inforaetion shorvrr relative to existing scn'ices is based upon eveilable recor& and date d*i"g preparetion of Dawingp but shall be rcgarded as epproximate only. Makc deviatipns found necessary to conform with ecnrel locetions end con&tions without erctz cost. 1.07 TvIATERLALS A}.ID SITBSTITUTIONS ,q' Numbers on the dnwingF lnd in tle spccificetions z.re taken frosr the cau.Iogs of thc manufacnlrers named. When specific names lr.e uscd in conncction with materiel hercinafter mcationed, tbcy ere mcntioncd as staadetds, but this inplics no right to usc other rnetcdds or mctho& unlcss epproved zs equd in qudity rnd utiliry by thc consulting caginecr or Chicf Mcchenicel Engineet, Fecilities Engincering, Safewey. Thc dccision of thc cngincer shdl govern .s to whet matcrid is cquel to 6rt nr'.c4 but 6e burden of proof es to thc qualitt of any proposcd matcrid shall bc thc contnctois responsibility AII metcrials shall bc insallcd in e ncat end wodquanlike mennca Any work insalled wiich is in thc opinion of tle cngincer, not indicative of B. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I MECI{ANIQ{I, GENEML PRO\ISIONS UO50 - Prgc 2 of 4a1505{lsr& I l> D.I I I I I T t I I I T I I I I I I good wodo*hip sh.lt b. nmovcd rnil rcpleceil ia e muacr' ratisfictory to tic cngirccr. Atr crycrcs inci&ntel tlcrcto shdl bc bornc by tLc iostrlling contrzctoa 'Whcre norc tlen onc cltccific oenc isusc4 itis to bc uadcrstood 6et 6c aryne ilcntioncd first Fprescats t[c arnufastusernfrose equipment hrr bcea uscd as tf,e basis of ilcsign Any rcvisions, edditions or dclctions iwolving the wort of othcr trrdes rs r rcsult of srbstituting othcr nur&cturcr'e equipmcat shrll bc t[e Conrector's rccponsibility- All tluch chrages shdl bc m:dc et no ed&tionel cost to 6c Or:ncr. Where spc.ifica,tions rnd drzwings require higher stanildls than epplicable ordinances or statutcs, spcqfi64io* and {rawings shall tekc prio.ig. 'Where specifications end iknvingp violate epplieblc ordinznccs or stlttltcs, the latter shell trke priority. 1.08 CLOSINGINI]NINSPECTEDWORK ,{- Work shell not bc covcrcd or encloscd until it hzs bcen insp,cctcd" testcd end epproved by the engincer end euthoritics heve juridiction over the work- 1.09 CU:TTINGA}TD PATCHING ' A AII necessart cutting end patching of wdls, floors, pa:titions, ceilings, etc. es required for tte proper installetioo of work under this Section shell bc donc under this scction. No cuning of s,tructurzl members will b€ pcrmined without the wdtten pcrmission of thc Architeca B. Any oristing work or equipment ilamaged d*i"g tie progress of construction or testing shell bc rcpleced with like meterid, free of charge to thc Orrnq or othcrtrzdes. 1.10 PRODUCT}IANDLING ,q" Usc dl rneans acccssry to Protcct heetiug ventileri.g .d ril con&tioning matcrid end equipocnt beforer. during, end eftcr instrlletioa end to protcca aSo io5'"tlcd work ofother trzdcs. In thc cvcnt of do-egc, immcdietcly nelc rll rcEein rnd replacencoti ncccssary to the epprorrel of tic Architcct rnd rt no ed&tional cost to thc O'vner. MECIIANIC.qL GENERAI PROVISIONS 15050-P3 3 d4dts050ur.dc 1.11 ADDm END OFSECTION oOI{ALN ,l ,':a I I I I I I t I I A- contector shdl bc rcsponsiblc for obteining .ccuntc shop ilrawiag infotmetiorg *t * -"ighg sizc, roof "p.ni"g locetioo, wcigbi distibution, etc., for H.V..LC.'nits, cx$e.st hns, mekc-up rir.nia rod hoods aad fiEnish tbcm to 6c building fabricetor to proFdt coorilinetca=Sr or roof steel to edcquetely support 6c r6it end- to poeition pleccmcnt of roof curb ead roof opcuings, etc. Any correctivc lrcisurre rdrisg Eoo, r leck of rtL imporant coordinetioa effort will bc tfie role rcrponribirig of tLc coatrzctor. The coatrctor ir firrricr ceutioocd to usc 6c erchitcct/cnginccr'r ikewingt for genenl razag€ment puryoscs only; in no cesc sherl t[cy bc teated rs exect shop dnwings for fabrication end insr^ lI ation pu{poscs. B. seisnic resriction conncnts epply to rreas whcre'er required by local codc. I MECI{AMCAI GE{ERAL PROVISIONS U05O - P;e ,t cf 4 I I I I I I I dU050ur.doc I I I I t I I T t I I I I I I I I I t ,d Wetpipc spdnkler sYsteo. B. Saadpipc ^ndlo* sJtstern. C. Flxe ilepartmeqt connectioon' D. Underground fire water supply systeo' E. Kirchen hood and gtease ductfire suPPression ststem' F. Sptern d,esign, installationo tcstiag, eod certification' G. Pipe, valves, fittings, connectioos, aad acccssories for a complete' firlly- opcretional, 6re Prctectio n systcm' 1.02 REI.TTED SECTIO}iS A Section 02220 Trenching and Backfilling' B. Section 15050 iVlechenicel Genenl Provisions' C. Section 16721 Fire Ala:sr System' 1.03 REFERENCES A. Uniforo Buildirg Code' B. UoiforoFire Code' C. Loel Codes and Standar&' D. Netional Fue Protection Associrtion (r\FPA)' 1. NF?A 13 Insallation of Spdn'kier Syxeos' 2. NFPA 14 Standprpc ud Hose Systcos' 3. NF?A24 Inst"ll"tionof?rivateFucSerriceilIdls' Fuc Proctrioc for Dry & Mcdiuo Oiarrc'{reer - USA $3m-Prgr 1 of 10 1.01 SECTIONINCLIJDES dtlFlltb,&: ForUSAProjccts Pert 1 Gcncrel I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I T I t 6. 7. 4. NF?A25 1ffiTffffi:f: Merntcnzncfw*erBased 5. NF?A% ..V.uiiletionContolu FucProtectionofCoeocrcirl . Cooking Opcretions. NF?4231 GcncralStorzge. NF?A231C Rack Storage ofMeterids. 1.o+ DESIGN REqUIRETVENTS ' ,d Gcacrel 1. Providc complcte covcnrge ttroughout tte building. 2. Hyd$ulical}dcsign systeas. 3. Basc d-igp on watct{ow tcsts coaducted at the site, wit}'in 6 montls of nrboital of pl"a. for approwrl. 4. Mcet local requireacnts for antifrcezc sfsteas. B. Sdcsrooo 1. Storage up to 12 fthigh. 1. Ordinary Hazard Group 2. b. 0.19 gpolq. ft over'2,000 sq. fc c. SprinHcrtealrclanuc Bting. 1)'Withoutrzckstonrge: Iotctaediate. 4 LVi*r rrck*terrte Frh )l Sa r e Store:): 356'F- Stockroom 1. Storage up ro 12 ft high. r. Ordinary F{rz:.rd Group 2. b. 0.19 fprnlsq. ft over 2,00O so. ft. c. Sprinkler remp€nnue rering: 2S6.F. F!* Pmt*^o for Dr7 & Mcdiua CliortE ArEg - USA 15300 - Prge 2 of 10 glrtorage over 12 ft to 15 ft high (PekN S CoElrodisr Class III. fi-nkle r temperature rating: \i pilc end pallctizcd storege over 12 ft to 2 fi-nklcr teapcreture reting: {f$O0tldc D. . ColdRoo-, O 1. 2. 3. 4. OrdilzryHaztd Group 2. 0.19 gpElsq. ft over2,000 rq. ft Spiinklcr teopenture talilgi Odiltrl' Sp.i"lcler gipc: Dry pcadcat- E.:I I I I t t I I t I I I t t I I I Mechanical Refrigeratici'n and E'l ectrical Energy Centers 1. OfliiatryHaadGroup2. 2. 0.19 gBo/tq. ft over2,000 rq. fi 3. SpriallarteaPe!2fi:r,E atiry: Iataracdirtc' a. iliodulartmit requireacac Lcave 2-is diao'etcr flaogedconncction' 4iaisrr'',, aear lonveaieat P€aetntioa for connectioa by sprinller coatErstor. F. Ofrces, Lnnclrooos, EaployeeAreas 1. Oilinar;rHazard GrouP 1. 2. O.14 gpo/eS. ft over2,000 sq. ft- 3. Spdnkler temlrcttture rating: Iateae&ate' 1.05 SUBMITTALS .q- SLop Drawings 1. Submit ptior to fibricetion or instelled'on' 2. Prepare in eccorCence wirh )vTPA 13' 3. Inciurie wii5 subo.iculs: Produc: d:;:, hvinulic celculecoas' hTdnuJic gFPh' enri weter supglv der:' .f. Submit 6 Lcmplete sets oidrawingsz'dew'c:Ic'Jrcions to t5e G*ne:'s Eaviroament F{e:lth, ud Sefew (Eii&S) Division' N"* Ei-is.s wiil reyiew enri ss.rso eech dnwrngidrt]./celc'.r]:uon "-1?PR.O!ED", or "-{?PRO!ED '{S \OT:D"' oi "R:i;CT/R'FSLZllIT" iH&S *ri'l re':ja one se! en'i re ru;r i s.ts (o ile orojec:.] 5. Subo'it 3 complete ses, mid-6un, oi requirsd inforoedon to the loel jurisdicdon. 6. If rnv drawirss/&t/qlculetions rre rtjected by rle orner or t5e loel jruisdicrion, coEecr ead r:suboir rcquired nr:.aber of sers to e*h org:niz:don fNote: EH&S will review the coriecred drrwings/dau/celculetioos, scloP :s epprogriltc, rcgin one seg end rtnrrn 5 ses to 6e projece] Frre P:ocaioa fc Dr7 & Mc'diuo GsrraArco - USA 153u1-P5 3 of 10dtliltltlrlr Z. If rc--i"gt/d"r/cdculrtions "". "pp-f or ep,provrd as notcd by tf,c Orrucr and tLc localjuridicion, nrboit one sci sanped by thc Iocaljudsdicdonto 6c Orrncr'r EH&S Divisioo. l-Note EH&S should havc ttro scts of epprovcd Arrwings/d.telcelc.ulations eftct tf,e epproral pr*e* - oo. 3et st nFd bt EH&S rnd onc sct samped by the locd jruisdictioo.l RccordDrewingr 1. Show alt chenges to epproved shop ilrewings. 2. Suboit one complete set to tlc Ocmeds EH&S Division and 2 complete scts to thc project Openting and Maintenance Data 1. Subait2 complcte scts to thc projece 2. Include scnrice directort witl telephone numbers for 24-hour emergency scnrice. Contractors Materid end Test Ccrtiffcztes 1. "Conuzctor's Metctial and Tcst Ccrtificate for Aboveground piping,' perNFPA 13, coaplcte and signed. 2. "Contrector's Metcrial end Test Ccrtificete for Underground piping" pcrNFPA 13, complete end signed. AII corrcspondcnce witl the local jrrrisdiction, within 2 days of sending or receipt. 1.06 qUAIIFICATIONS ,d Hold all licenses necess:rry to pcrform the work of tlis section at ttre project Iocation. B. Specidizc in the work of this Scction C. Mininum of 3 ycers cxpcticoce. r.07 REGII-ATORY REqUIREMEI\ITS 'q- Mrtetid end Equipmcnc Listed by undcrwritirs Laboratories ([rL) end./or epprovcd by Fectory Mutuel (FM) for the intended scn icc. B. sprinklcr systems: confora to NFpA 13, NFPA 2s, NFPA 231, and NFPA231C. D. I :-.ll I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I .r. Frrc Prcterioa for Dry & Mcdiun Ctioetc Areu - USA $3{n-Prgc 4 of l0df5300u.lc I I t I t I I ' '. c. satapip.,otose syste s: conforatoNFPAl4'O I D. WatcrSupplySyrt"-, ConforatoNFPA?,4' I I DELIVERY, STORAGE,AI{D }IAr\DLING ,L Dcliver, etore, protEcg lad h:ndtc producrs in rccordence witl I manufacturers'instructions. B. Dcliver eail store products in shipping containcrs, witl labcling in place. c. Provide te6polaty protective coating on sest iron and steel valves. D. Provide teaPorary cnd caps aad closures on PrPtng and ficings' Maintain in place until insallatioo. 1.09 WARRANTY A. Provide 1 one ye..r warnny on naterids and workmenship beginning on ttre ilate of finel ecceptaoce by the Olmcr. B. Provide em€rgency repair serrice widrin 8 bours of request by Grner d*irg the *ainnqv period. Provide eme.gencv serrice 2-t horrrs r dev, 7 devs e weelc I 1.10 EXTR{}'ATERL*' I A. Prowide a:cr: sprinl<Ie: heeds in eccordance wiu\ NFP'{ i3' B. Provide suitable wrenches for eech qrye ofheed' I C. Provide mcal storage ebinet in design'rted locetion' Pert2 Products I 2.01 'PRINKLERHEAD' I A- Mraufacnrrers I 1. Ccatrel Sptinkler CorP. Fgc P:otccion fc Dry & Mcdiua CE'-rrc Arcr - USA I as:ode Lfi0o-Prte 5 of 1o I I r ,jl I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I 4. t. D. iff#"ff"3;fi;,iffi: a. VitdngCorp. 5. ApprovedEqul. Suspcailed Qailing 1. Peodeat 2. Flush morurtcd or scmi-rccesscil. 3. Staadrrd orifice or cxue lerge orifice. 4. FinisL of spdnklcr end cscutcLeon: Chrome ple.ted orufiite. E:goscd Q6ilint 1. Upright 2. Sradard orifice or extre latge orifice. 3. Finish: Brass. Sidcwall 1. Sanderd orifice or cxoa lzrge orifice. 2. Flnish ofsprinftler end escutcheon, public areas: Chromc pleted or white. 3. Finish of sprinkler end escutchcon, non-public ereas: Brzss. DryPendent 1. Stendardorifice. 2. Flush mounted or sc-i-recesscd- 3. Finish: Bnss. F. Guar&: Furnish to metch sprinklerhced. 2.02 A3O\TEGROIIND PIPEAIVD FITTINGS A- Stcel 1, Welded e1 5sor,,l65s. Gelvanizcd outdoors, end for test and dnin pipes. WelI thicknese pcr NFPA 13. Threrdcdfinings. :- Mdlceble Iron, Clesr 150 urd 3fi), AI.{SI 815.3.b. Cest Iron, Cless 125 and 250, Al.,lSI 815.4. Flug€dFiftings. .- Cast lron,AI.{SI 816.1. Frre Protccion fcDry &Mcdiun Ctiaatc Arcer - USA 153fit-Prgc 6 of 10 df53OOlJc I Jo ';'.t" I 6. GroovcdFraings. t b. G. d- Mdlcablc iron housingp. Composition *rUi"g g""I*tt. Stcd nutr, bole, and weshers; gahnnizcil for gzlvuizcd p.p". Groovcless drop or seddlc ffuingp prohibiteil I I I t I I I I I I t t I I t I 7. .&STM,{53, A135, orA795. 2.03 I'NDERGROUND PIPEA}.ID FITTINGS ,4- Polryinyl Chloride @VC) 1. 4 in. to 12 in. 2. Cless150and200. 3. AWWACe00. B. Polyethylene 1. 4 ia. to 10 in 2. Class 1504nd200. C. Ductile Iron 1. 4 in. to 12 in. 2. Clss54'AWWAC150. 3. Cemcntlined,AWWA C1M. 4. Protective coating for cxternal corrosion resistance, as required by soil con&tions. 5. AW.WAC151. 2.0s vAI\rES A. . Alarsr CheckValvcs 1. 2-7/2 in. to 8 in. 2. Iron bodywith mbbcr faced clappcr assembly. 3. Standard trim package with ell necessary valvcs' gzugesr finings, and nipplcs. a. Fhnged, or flenge/groove, Al.lSI 816.1' AWWA C606. 5. Accessories: Reurd chrmbcr forvrrieblc pressrre rv:etcr supply, wr,tc! Eotor gong, end elarm pressue switch. B. GetcVelves 1. 2-Y2 in to 8 ia. 2. Ironbody, bronzc cin. 3. OS&Y. 4. Solidwcdge. 5. Flenged, Class tl5, AI'{SI 816.1. Frc Protecioo for Dry & Mcdiua Cliartc Ar,er. - USA 153{X} - Prge 7 of 10df5YXrudc n"*ayQ*'- l. 2-Y2'rn- to 8 in 2. Ductilciron,bronzctrim. D. 3. Interael contrcte for rmpcrvision: 2 satr S.P.D.T., Form C, retcd 10A @ 125 VAC, 60Hz'.nd 05A @ 125 \aDC. 4. Groovd I.P.S. Globc andAnglcVelves t. U?'Lnl" to 2 in- 2. Brougle- 3. Rcncnablc coaposition disc. 4. Thrcaded,N.P.T. BallVdvcs l. U4'r^. to 2 in. 2. Bronzc. 3. Tcflon scets end stufrngboxring. 4. TLreeded, N.P.T. CheckVdves t. 2-L/2 in. to 8 in. 2. Iron bodywith rubbcr feced deppcr essembly. 3. Flanged, Al.lS I 816. 1, or grooved, AWWA C506. Test and Drain Asscmblics 1. Combincd test end dre.invdvc module. 2. Ductile irorq bronzc trim. 3. Threaded, N.P.T. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I F. G. 2.06 PIPINGSPECIALTIES A. Frre Department Connections 1. Flush mounted, well tyAe. 2. Two-rvzy oudcts with dust crp end cheia. 3. Oudcts to matchlocd fire dcparocntrequiremcnts. -B-Hoca€.sifrs- @I Snrf;-reeuntr4. a--Ileco*ne*r -l-..S*ccl- 'r Swiycl c: etrCcn.r'*pa, Frrc Protccti,on for D4y & Me&un Ctinetc Artu - USA r53{n-Prgc 8 of 10df$0ou.Jc I lr, I I t I I I o.H;Io- gc* E. BecldowPrcvcstcr 1. Mectlocelrequiremcnts. F. WetcrflowSwitch 1. Venctypc. 2. Contrcts: 2 scts S.P.D.T., Form C, rrtcil 10A@ lZs VAC ,l.d?A@ 0-30rDc. I Part3 Execution I 3.01 PREPARATIoN . ,C- Coordimte work of this Sectionwith othcr effecteil wodc. B. Ream pipc and remove burrs- c. Remove scale and foreign meterial from inside and ouside pipc bcfore assembly. D. Keep e sct of approved shop drawings et thc job site. Mark-up all field changes. t 3.02 INSTAII.ATION I ,C- Install material end equipmcnt in eccordance with manufacturers' instnrctions end NFPA standards.I B. Route piping in an orderly rnanner' plumb and parallel to the build.ing sbiucturc.t C. Instrll piptng to cons€tTc buildiug spacc uril not interfere with thc usc of I sPece orothcrwott- D. Group piping at common elevetions wherevet practi'-I. I E. Do not penctete building structurzl ncmbcrs unless in&crtcd. I F. Prcvidc slccves when p€ncrating floors enil wzlls. Scal pipc pcoctretions I through 6rc ntedwells to rchicne equiv'elentfire rcsistence. I FrreProtecioofcDry&Mcdiua Ctioetc-Arcl-USA dt53onurde 153m-Prgc 9 o'f 10 I o t".-O1f with steos uprigtt or horizontrl,g I-oc.tc firc deprrtnent cooncetions in an rcces#lc area end deer of obstnrctionr. Ccoter eprinkler hc.ds in ssiling tile in one direction. Coordinetc Ios.tion wi6 o6.t sgiling elcments. L Providc individuel sweybrecing onriscrs endmeins. 3.03 TESTING ,q- Tcst matcrid end equipmcnt in accordance with manufacturers' instnrctions end NFPA stenderds. Nodrs Orvnerrnd locd jruidiction pdor to acceptance testing. Schedulc tests so tbcy ceo bc witnesscd by tic Orrner and locd jurisdiction. fioroughly flusL undcqground mains end sprinkler lead-ins before connccting to sprinlcler piping. D. Test sprinHer piping in modular mcchanical and elecrical units using eir et 40 psi before connecting to oain qprinHer qystem. Verifi tightness of cach jointwith liquid soap solution. END OFSECTION I i:.-"'l I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I t t G. H. B. c. Frre Protcctioa for Dry & Mediam Clinre Areer - USA I53{n-Plge 10 of 10dl5300uJc I I I I I t l I I I I I I I I I I SECfi ON l9tOO . PLI'MBING Pzrt 1 - Plurrrbing Gcncrel Prcvisions DESCRIPTION: A- Gcncnl conditions in Scgtion 15050 epplyto wo* qPedficd in tfiis Scction B. Furnish ell pbng labor, too\ eppliznccs, oaterids, end seniccs n€ccss.ry for and propcdy itd&ntd to 6e furnishing end ins'trlling of dl plurnbing work end related items es shown on dre ilrawing and spccified herein- C. Morc spccificalty, 6e wotk to bc pcrfoocd rurder this scction shall indude' but is not necessarily limited to dre followirg: 1. Drzinage waste rnil Yent ststem complete induding connection to on- sitc sewer oucidc thc building. 2. RoofiLeinege syst€m. 3. Hotwater qzstcn indudinglvater heaters. Cold water systcm. Natural gas systen. Rough-in for equipmcnt fumished and instailed by the owner wlerc specifrcally mentioned or shown. Connection to equipoent furnished and installed by the owner whe:e spccifically mentioncd or shown Excantion end baddlling nccessarl for tlc insallation of tLe work under 6is scctioo, fleshing of dl pipcs wlerr tbcy picrce the roof or oticr watclproof mea$rroes and rll requird orning ad patching ncccssary to completctlcwodc Wetcr and r+zste piping for reftigeratcd cases, w'rlk-in- boxas, t #end water $pp} and rveste piprng "ndeccessory equipmcnt specfically mentioned or shown PLI'MBING till0-Pgc I cf ll ,l 6. d$a00qJc I.T2 REI^{TED WORK SPECIFIED IN OTHER SECTIONS: Thc foloring rre cov-cd ir 6G bftcetcd oticr cecion of tf,csc qpcciificetion Coopct|re $ requiEilwitl dl otf,cruadcs to cnsrc propcraod dcaut! ifieGcc ofttcir*p*witf, 6c wort ofitis Sccion" A- Eerttwodg Scction022ilt. B. Eccicelwodc Scctioa16000. C. Frre p'tlac+ion: Frrc hocc ndg, 6rlc d&rguishcrs end antom*ic fre spAnHa qtstc6s: Scction 153fl). D. Frsish p,&rd"g of plunbing ins;trllrtion unless specifically mentioned or shorvL 1.03 CODEAI\ID SIAI'{DARDS: .{. All wort gfl rnrtcdrls shall bc ia ftIl eccorilrncc with thc letcst eppliceble' Sat , CounqT erd local rcguledons "ni ordinenccs. Nothing in these spcciffcations or ikewiogs is to bc constnrcd to pcrmitwork not confoEming to 6csc codcs. Asf eca rvork or Batctiib required to cooply witl tLesc lzws or nilcs end cguletioos shzll bc fusrishcd nActher or not qpccificalf shown or specificd. L.u qUALiFICATIONS OFWORKMEI,T: Usc srficient numhr ofjourncyo,en pluobcrs end competent supervisors in 6e cxccrtion ef thic portion of 6e work to ensurc prop€r and adequate plurnbing installetion drcughoua In t[c ecccptence or rejection of insalled plunbing uo allow:rrce rrill bc mzdc for lrck of skill on ttc part ofworlsmcn 1.05 SI]BMITTALS: A. Prior to tic ordcring of .$f aatcdrls end cgripncnt lndwidin fifteeo (1t dan of contzct rwrrr4 6c Cootrector shrll srboit to tle Architect for rpproul dx (6) copics of menr6ctrrer's kochurel conaining completc dimca.donal rnd pcrfoor*c ch2nctrdsdcs, viring,li-gr--t., instzllntiou lod operetioo irrstuctiooq etc, for tic following equipncac I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLTJMBING l.!m-Pr3: 2 of ZldLlL00rJre I D. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1. ftrmbingfirorcs. Z nuobingspecidties. f. Dtzinr*spccidtics. 4. 'Waterheetcrs. In addition to 6c ebove qpccific itcos e neterials list shdl bc srblniacd liedng cach spccificetion pangreph numbcr, md stding nActher tf,e "'"tetial. ploposcd ere rs qpccificd orerc rplnorrcd srbstiartions. If the itcm is es qpccificd, it is sficicat to notc "rs spccified" oppositc 6c paragraph nunber. Thc suboitul shell bc completc for 6e Erst srbmissioru The srbmitals :re trotto bc sent6roughinpiece-mezlfuhion" If thc itcm is e srbsdffiion, it must ha:r,e been approved at tLe tioc of suboitdng dre bid otherwisc substinrtions will only bc considercd by fooal rquest A complete subnittal rs dcscribed in paragraph A ebove shall bc provided for aII srbstinrtcd equal itcms. 'Whcncvcr rcquired duing prcgrss of work and after complction of corstruction, i"".ediatcly firrnish proof ecccpable to Safew:y Constnrction Dcpanocat end theArchitcct, thet dl items of plumbing insaled cquel or qcccd ttc rcqlrinacnt spcciffed for tlis worls In thc errcnt nrch proof is uot erailablc, or is not accepublc to Safeway Conscuction Deparerent or tie Architccg tic ovmcr may rcquirc thc Contractor to r€move the item end replace with ea itea mccting the spccifreil rcquirements and to rcpair dl ilanrge caused in ttc rcmornl rnd replacemeng dl et no eddition:l cost to thc Ovmer. Part2 - Produce 2.01 PIPEA}.IDFTTTINGS: .A- Dninzge, rvrsfie end veat (DWV) ppi"f Eccept for frcnrrc constions end v=ats2" endlzrger, dl pipc rnd finings mrtbc stenderdweightcestironppq unless othcrrisc no -d ontie Dr:ryin5. AX PiF rnd fitdng, shdl cooforn to AI.{SI .t-40.1 soil pipc. At Concactods option No-Hub pp" or caulkcd hub .nd spigot pipc ney bc uscd- Wrste and vent piping L inch dzc rsd soellcr qhrrl $s Schcdulc 40 grhdrizd stecl pipc, fuGadc4n dc up *i6 iron dninrge fiuiryF No grlnnizcd DWV pipc shdl bc buried in ttc grormd- Plzstic pipcsABS Schcdulc 40 could bc used foruo&rgroundwzstc PLI]MBING 19100-Pr6 3 of Zldl5.a0tu lc ud vcot pipcs ,"l|""*tt :..idc $c buitding -.r. +1"- of gnasc ,,''. -.:.. at""*gti"i tr S"oirgl' rct ra rir tsoch if eltowcd by locel pluobing codes' ^rabove qrade Doocsric rarer piplag : Ailloi-and dtd *t r pip:urg .nlcss oderrrisc uotcd oo 6" Iizrringl 'h-n bc hsil*ewn coPPct urbq Typc 5lf' .Mrrllct', Tctnol&' ir'Alecoodr", nade-up "T"ghi-": f"q1 t:pft fitdrg+ rnd 95:5 Ttn-Aatimony soldcr. Bclow gnde end bclow-slab piping sUULTylc"Licoppcrubcwidbnzcdjobts.. Note: No bel ow sl ab pi pe \soft-drawn Joints wil'l be allowed unless over 50LF G{rpipingrAtr F pipingb.low gnd. shalbc plridc coaad, bldrjg!* ?'r / 2" tScfliiulc lol,;d;dd;dftdtb rndjointr trd al gzs PiPLts tffi "di""Uo shzll bc b6ck lccl gtgq *'.aaea xi6 Ealt€.blc iron ftdng!. HpiDg egoscd to wcadcr sbrli fc gelvrabad Hpi"S btl* concretc sltb6 to'"--.rvitii" vcrted slccvri- Ptping bclow gndc to bc vrnppcd' Reia wztct lcedcn md *oo drain FPIIg: Saoe es soil end 'r:ste pipcs' con&nsate drain pipcs rsd refigFfrtcd cscs rnd mlk-in boxes iDdirect v:ste pipes to bc cop'pcrtypc."U" o*iog. Plastic pipcsABS could be used if dloved by locrl pluobing codcr. Pres$repiping: 1. Pressule piping shall confo-' to requircmenc ofA''NSI Safety Code for e**u* iipit[ 831.1; bc co''-'erciall/ mrmd and streiCh! b" o-f r1:rorm qr:rJiqr aad wolcur"aship; bc Gee Eom ell defects; end be idertified' 2. Presslue ratings hc-in :.te stcstl' rmlcss spcoiellv designeed as 5i/. O. G." or ly'y'rter Wo*ing P;essue". 3. Bkck stee!, drsded: A\SI 836.20, Schedule'{0; 6reded' bleck' crst- iron banded ficittss, A-\SI 816-'1, 1J5# cle'ss, or mcllerbie kon' A\SI 815.3,1j0*d:ss. .1. Bl..k stccl, wel&d: ANSI 836.20, Schcdule 10; sted wdding-neck flan$. and Ssrgd frrringl, .A'NSI 816J, 15ffi cltss. 5. Gehnnizcd sr.cc!' 6rcadcd: AIISI 836J0, Schcdulc 40' r- Fining:: Thrcadd g$v"dzd adleeblc iron fining "td grou"d- joint rmions, A.I{5{'8163, 10# "l..a 4" ud sanller; tbredcd' ost- iron, flrogcs end flrngld ftdng!' A'I\SI 816'1, 125E't"g etrnh=s rnd piprng spccidtics ).' tfi,largcr, rnd at ril conncctions i rnd t €€r. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. D. E. PLIJMBING 15{10-Pr5 4 cf Z{l.!ia00dr I I I I t I t t I I I I I I I t I 6. Coppcr afiing: .&SIU 8.88, Al:lSI HZi.1 Typc L heril-tcmpcr' Wrought<o1rycr, sol&rjoi* f,rir5' AI\ISI 816J2. G- PiF6rezds eNSf gZ.r. H. Iitdngs znd flange Strnilard ptoduca rs mrrrrfictured by crerre, or 6c L Unioos 1. For sact piping 2" trd s'rnzllen Grisrell Fg. 55+' or Craac, 250-lS groundjoint 2. Steel pipinglargetdan2": Wdding fltlges as hereiabefoc qPecified' 3. Copperpiping : MuellerNo. WC-{O7. 4. Dielecuic uniorur 2" end sanllcr: 25#woc, with standard gaskets for piumbing and h[h teopcren:re gzskets for hcating- 5. Dieleccic unions, 1." end largec bnss half-union' .{\SI 816'1' 175* WOG; to welding flenges hereinbcforc specfied. 6. Insuletirgcouplin5: a. 2" and smdle- b- 2-7/2" and larse- bnss half-rxdoo A\SI 816.1, 175# WOG: To' welding fl""SJ* prcviously spccfied- j. Crst-iron, hublers: Arnencrn Brss or Associeted Foun&r, fiaings rnd .o"plirrgt in accordrnce wiri C:st Iron Soil Pipe Instiute S und:rds; with so.inless steel sLield coupling wi6 wo'-' -drive locking bands. 2.02 BURIEDPIPEWRAPPINC: Budcd piprng: Wnp ell uinsilatE{ hrded' stccl lod coPFt pp-S -d fining5 es follosa: .-steel,t -Thorougily a."n$iping ltrd fitdrgr ofloosc scele, nrsr, dirq oil rnd gF.sc before wrzppiog. Yl* bnsh rs nquite4 usc solveut for reoornl of oil end gl€ts€- PLI'MBING l5{fl1-Pr3r 5 of ZlI I dlS{a0c& o,-steel Pl FeB. Coa/*A;oUs-Mirn'illcNo.22primcrrdhcsive. lsteel PiPeC. WnptwitJohns-ManvilleYID'?A ^i1.6ic&, PVviryt apc- Stretch trpc right ituring rpplicetioo. Orrcdap apc to rcsrk in dodblc diclocss- 0. CJpper pipe-wit1 be protecied-with seamless 3/4" thick Armaf'lex ;;';quai insutation.' A'll end butt joints wil'l be glued and sealed VAII/ES: with PVC tape.' .Wzhrod, Nibco, Kennerty, Jcatdo rnd Stocl6zo. Thc following aodds ere Wulrortl: I I t I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I T:rpc Sizc Rarge PartNrmrber PSI^VOC Gete Gete Globc CLeck G2s Cock Gas Cock 2.U VAL\EBO}GS: 7.t2|'ro3/{ 2 125 1"to3" 4 125 3" end snallcr 590 150 3" and s;aallcr 510 150 1" and saallct 557 125 1-V2" rodle€e! 5i4wi6wr=nch 7E AJI valve boxes, ullcss othcrrrisc aotcd on thc Drawings, shdl be "Chriry Concrete Prodr.rcrs, Inc-" or Tornv". Tn€Ec rypc of dcpth required' wiri lock r,r'pe c:st iron cover leixled nV.{TER" or " G.dS". 2.05 PIPE SLEEVES.l.ND ESCUTCHEONS: -{Il pip. sleeves rnd escutcheons sheli bc ".Ujusto-Cete" sleeves' wit,\ empir deerance for pipe rnd coveing, and 'Beeton & Corbin'' cirome plered . :ri1 er-d floor escutcheo ru over pipe irr finished rrers. 2.X FL$JGERSAND SUPPORTS: r{ AIt cleccochmnarrd hlrrglrs rad rrpports, rmless otherwisc noed oo tlc Dnrvirgs, shell bc thc following E nufacilre! rnd model: PLI'MBING l5{Otl-Prge 6 dZlrll5{00lrlc I I I Itco Pipednghrngef Sidcbcamdeop forwoodjoist Tnpczchangers Vcrdc.ldscrs Pipc eaddlcs (ins{atedpiF) Pipc seddlcs (non-insrleted) Tnc ofPipe Castiron Copper or stee! 1-V2" and smaller Coppcrorstecl, 2" rnd lerger MsrufrcnlprendNumbcr SupcrstrutC-710 SupcrstutM-750 SupcrstrutA-1200 SupcrstrutC-720 hsil-Shield TrisoletorsI c. D. I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1. Harger rods shall conform to thc following table: PiFSizr RodDiaoctcr U2" toz" 3/8 inch 2-7/2" ro3-7/2" V2inch 4"to5" 5/8inch At thc Contactor's optiorl trapcz€ hangers may be used vAere garallel nrns of pipe occur. All ro& on trapezr hangers shall bc 1/2nch minimum size. B. Do not ex.ceed the following sFong, on cente6: RodDiamcter 5 fect 6 feet 10 feet Usc e sqrarztc hangerfor cach brench. Suppo* vcrticzl risers * floor witi nunrber 2361 Grinnell E:oension Pipc Cbaps. WLcrever insrletcd plF il supported by d"g h-tgt , the rings sholl 14ss Gecly rro--d ttc ioslatioo. Protcct 6c irrsrlation et point of contectwi6 thc ring hnger ortrrpczc barf mcans of"InsrlShidd" pipe seddlcs- PLI'MBING $a|t0-P;:7 of ZldXia0ltudc 2.97 \/ENTru\SHING Ycnt frshing rt ce.l' r'cot tirougL 6c roof ch-Il bc Stomen No. 1100 5 Ib. tcad ArSiDg.Dd 5 Ib. lcad cormcdeching. CLEA}.IOUTS Snidr, ZrrnrJoeen, W:dc, Rototcc;h, Eapocco, orAncon ocanouts shzll bc zrrr models as shown on de d'wings. Do not usc pvc dcanouts. 2.09 DIELECTRICUMONS Isolate dl dissinihr mcr^ls with diclccric'nions 2.70 FLOORDRAINS, FLOORSINI6AI{D ROOFDRAINS Ancon, Srniti" Zunq Josam or Wadc. See Schcdule on Drawings. 2.71 TRENCHDRAINS Aco or Zrrn See Schcdule on the Dnwings. 2.12 HOSEBIBBS Sce Schedule on Drewings. Frost-proof fo3 sstd cli,n11g wearler 2.13 GREASETRAP(RECESSEDTYPE) Rcfcr to Drrrvings for tpc end sizc" Pmvi& *tre hcevy dug reinforccd li& 2.74 TMPPRTMERS UTN, ptes$re rcorlre4 with vecrnro breakcr. Trap primcrs sh-il bc isola6dwi6 e I/2'gatc velrrc- Whcre cooccalcd, vzlvc rnd trep primer shull bc rccssibh t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I PLIJMBING 15{n-P3 t of Z!dfsa0orrri- I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I t I I I L rtnhr" B t-tcl uL or ItLc listEd "od t bclc4 for f,rc ,ztcd st!6ccs. Providc in licu of oticr sttlcs niLcc firc rating is *qtrt-d; scc Arc[iecarrel DrewinpforfiEualls. J. Irrcludc mcens ofsccurcmcntto nalls rnd ccilings. 2'I8 WATERPRSSSUREREGUTATOR I{et r,egulrtor Scdes PU-10 witl cleznoutuhae uscd forrnter presq,,= over g) P.S.I. 2.1e BACK FLOW PREVEMION (SEE DRAWTNGS FOR SrZE) .q- Aaosphere t1'pe rracurm brealcer, WATTS NO. 2ggA- B. Presnrre grpe 'ec'nrn brcaJcer. wAfis No. s00 witi g.te vralves. c. Doublc check'rnrr," "ssembry, wATTS No.709 DDc Gatevelves. D. t"Jm* tlforc gpevecur:rn breaker-WAfiS NO. 909 - GateVatves. 2.20 SHOCKELIMINATORS RotoTech, Enpocco, Anconor. Zurn Schochol, stainle.. steel bellows pDI approved- Install witi rccess door. Insall pernanufacnrrer's recommendations. 2.27 GROUNDJOTNTWASTE CONNECTION SFcd'rat'#1%O. Install etall trap connectioru, to w?-ste outlets. 222 FLEOBLEPIPECONNECTIONS At coils end cquipmcnt 1s minimum reng6 for pipe sizes 1." ead snaller; z"nfufnun lengd for pipe .i'es 2" .nd laryen df5.a0ft..dc PLUMBING ltoo-PrgG Lo { Zz t,tl..22s cm.cur,4rn{;ui\@ BcIl&GosectorTecoinlincrrllbronzcconstnrction Pumpseztsshallbctes;ted eod ntcd fortcopcntrrcs offuiils prmpcd" SGc Drawings for sizc end epacity. 22A OTHERIVIATERTALS AII o6cr nrtedets, not spccific.tty dcscribcd but re$Iiled for_e complcte rod opcreting gcility, rh-il bc ;cw, fint quelity of 6cir respcctivr kinds' end slbjec to t .p,p-tf "f safervey Constrrtion Dqt 225 PLIJMBINGFDCTURES .A- Crane orAncricen Sanderd wlcss othcrwisc in&ceted- B. Gcrrcrat Provide complete ftcnre asscmbly, induiling dl trim and aPPurGffirceforp,ropcropcrztionarrdneagGnishedappcarerrce.Procrrreell rough-in &te &om D.r,if..nr-t, end rough-in rnd connect to ft<nues es rcqufuGd- 1. Viueous chirIrrrue Gxnrrcr shull bc ufiitq unless otherwise noted, vitrcous chinr- Enemelvrrrc shdl bc stecl widr ecid Fsistent erramel. Indude chimbolteP' 2. Frtotygrindbacks andbasas of srnues smooth. Pointup atjoinswitl walls and floors with non-htdening ficona C. Submissions: Include brochure complete with description of all fixnrres and eim. D. Trim: 1. Exposcd t'i'n, hduriling stop, ubinS- Eepr wzste pieceE rnd cscutcheoos shellbc polished chrcmc plzrcd' 2. Pmvi& scparete control stoF for each froup' 3. Gaskctflooroudct&<trrcs. 4. Pmvide Hudcc sainlcss steel rins, es epplicablc for non-sclf-rirnrninS cormter mountcd Scurcs" PLI'MBING l9llt0 - Pgc 11 of 22 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t dl54'0ude Ili It It ItI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C.dcG i. RotoTcc\ SEid, Enpocco, orAncon es Tcdficd .Dd/or requircd. 2. Boltchairc-'-ierstoflooa 3. Provide 1/4" stccl baclcing pletcs forfrcnue srplrcrtufiere tqdled- Mormtinghcig[ts 1. Menrf,zctu€r's sten&rd heightsirnless inilicated othcnyise. 2. Handicapped fxnrres urounted per Building Code. G. Fktrrres: SeeDrrrvingpforSpccificetions. WATERHEATER CONTROLS '\- TeapentureconEols 150 PsI end 210'F pressure/temperan,:e rerief rrarvc to be suppried withweter heater. B. SaGty contols to bc supplied with tie water heater. )77 TRECO\'ERYCONTROLS \AT( Conrols for thllt&i refrigennt hot g"s pi$ B. SaGtyconeols 150 PSI rod 210.F presiurc/tcmpcrzuro ..li"fvh storzge tenlc divertiry ralves to the heat rcchirn gr11. by the plunbing conractor. 228 APPRO\IEDLISTOFMANTTFACTIIRERS Man6cnrrers erc risted in rtphabeticat order and not in order ofprcfcrcace. nrpplicdwitt tLc PLUMBING ${n-Pge t2 ctZt d1510ftdc .& . ..' ; o SERVI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I }\tl$ER CLOSETS, LAVATORIES' IJRII\IA:LS' FTITINGS 1. Aocricenstuledl a Crar 3. Efio 4. Kohlcr WATER COOI.ER "DRINKTNG FOUNTAIIf 1. EXLry 2. Ht*r 3. Oesi3 C. STAINLESS STEELCOT'NTERMOIJNTEDSINK 1. HIsf 2. Jrr* 3. Depon 4. Poler FAUCETS 1. AocdcenSt nd.sd 2. Crane 3. Cticego 4. Kohlcr 5.Delta WATERHEATER 1. ,LO. Snith 2. Mucllcr 3. Thc"tta-Stor4. State Stove PUMP 1. BcIl&Gossca 2. Teco, Inc VALVES 1. Crerc Z Mihreukce D. CE SINIG AT.ID PLI'MBINGgrm-P3 13 att, t G. rl19l0frr.il- i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a BACKFLOWPREVENTORSIt t. 1. Fcbco 2. \ilert 3. Ames g!4I4q! EqurpMENr (DRArNs, FLooR srNr(s, GREASETRAPS, ETC.) l.Ztn a J.RSrui63. Josam HOSE BIBBS - WALL HYDRA}IT 1. Ancon 2.7Jrrgrl PIPE ACCESSORIES A}ID SPECIALTIES PIPE SUPPO RTS A}ID IS OI.{TO RS 1. Grinnell 2. Superstnrt FLUSHVALVES 1. Delany 2. SloanVrlve Co. @oyet) 3. Zurn Industries CLE{I{OIJTS, IIANGERS, PLUMBING $4{n-P;c 11 of ZL M. WATERCLOSETSEAT 1. Benecke 2. CLrrrch 3. Olsonite N. VALI/IES 1. Crenc 2 Jenkin 3. Mihrrukec 4. Rod.well 5. Stocltrm 6. Synraoru 7. Welwor& E. Wetts ll]ta00urlc o I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ,h Ptt3-Erecction 3.01 SURFACE CONDMONS Prior to wrII wod< of Sb Scction, cercfirlly insPect drc in*ellcd worl of otier tradcs .Dd vcdsl tlet elt soch rvort< is conplee to_6c poinlrvh1a t$i' irrstrlletion n r coEEcllcc. vcdfy fut tf,c conpleteil Pltlolilg {altrton will bc i! ""*td"* *ia all pcrtirnt codcs md nguletions llitwiA 6c originer ryg1 In 6c ev-nt of &screpancT, iEndirtelf notify &e Architcct rd pnocccd as it dhcc. 3,02 PLI'MBINCSYSTEI\4I^AYOUT IJy out tlc pluobing sj|sten i! c2lcful coodlinetion with tLe Drryingq a.i*-l"ir{f p-p* clc;tions for rll compone-ne of th9 rys.tem errd E'ing "4L6" mini6un nuobi1 ofbcnds to produce a satisfactorily fi.urctioning s;rstcm. Follow tic gencrallzyout shorn on6i Drrwingp in.n czscs cxccptwherc_otierwor1.may intc-dcrc- Lsy out "ll pipo to fiIl wi6in partition, ceiling or roof cevities and do not reqgire fuuing othcr tf,an 6et shown oo tLc drrwinS' 3.03 TRET.ICHINGA}IDBACKFILLING Dig renchcs str"ighr rnd rle to linc and gradc, wi6-boaom of tench Gee 6om ro.i points .nd .rr,ith pipc cushion coruisting_of undimubcil netural soil on e "o-po"t"d bcd of finc srnd of minioun a" in deptl. Providc aoininuo trtnch wid& of 16 inches for dl soil and dninage *F "od a minioun depd of 30 hches cover bclow finished flooruAcrever conditions will pemit- Wlete field conditioru rcquirc rnriation froo these oinimurns, secure epprorzl--from Architcct before pri"*ai"g with dc \ndrmcc. All such nriances shall bc pedo-,ed et no '"dditio-l-.ost to 6c Ovmer. Bacldll ProBPdy upon ttceipt of dl ncccssart epg,rowds, using srochilcd metedd pt'atcd Gom ttc ucmh or using_ othcr ;ted.l .pp"on d byA""Liect or Soil Eaginccr (appEcablc for noo-parrcd rreas ooly). Alliill metcdd shrll bc &cc &om rodcS tryedods, roots, ead odcr fogfF "rb;tr** .nd sbrll bc &-hrmocrcd i! Ginch lryers to e mininum of 95% coopaction Reoovc rll cxcess nrtedrt Brcldll end compaction shell confoo wid-czrdrvorkscction Jcningwill notbc pcrmitail PLI]MBING l.!m-Pr3l rs:tz,,df5r00cd* J. K I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o CRETTWO3.(X CON udc$ Tc.ifcrtryldlcgd on {c ilrrwinF to bc funfihed by o6cq funish railinstell conscc worl qrch as padr, t scs, ldcl( HoclEs, zod al H.., ;;shownConsctc end reinforcing src.I .h,il bc cquzl to 6et qp.dfied for gencrelconsGnction INSIhLLATION OF pIpING AlrD EquIpMS{T .4'. Instan dtpipingpronpdyczpprrngorpluggingrlt openends. B' Insr'II dt piping genenlylever end pr'mb, 6se &om trap, end in a rn",lncr to coru crr/c space for otherworlc. c. c'shion dI traps rnd_bcaring to minimizc tansfer of sound- FEnty enchordl pipes in positiou" Provide compretc isolation ofdissimihr-.t"r".' D. P.rojdc urifora pitch of et Ieast v4" per foot for an horizontal wastc end soilpipingwithin the building. . E. Conced dl pipingunless othenpise indicated on the Drawings. F. Inspect eech piece of prpe, ftbing, finings, and equipment for defccts aadobstnrctions. Promptlyremove endefectiie material from the site. G. Insall-pirs to clearallbeams and obse'ctions. Do notcutinto orrcduce 6esizc ofaay loadccying members witrrout the approral of thc Archieca Piping shell be amnged to nainain headroom and keep passagerreys clcara'd-whcre [eccssrrrr' shall bc oftet to mainain th. ,.quit d a".""*"" .odconfo.''. with stnrcnrrrl f1n'er of thc building. AI iip,'f5 ,h"tr; ;paratrel and sraightwith edjacentwrrs ot ""ilir[- , rn^il p..L. " "oif";"pp."-n: end shail bc grouped togethcr in long nrns. H::.1-__'Tlq1,*o"tccdvenically,ttepipesshallbesrp,poaedbyJultetrsfut Charurcl lnd cI2'f|IF Isoletc pipes et hlngers wi6 Tedfied pipc s,.tJtes. }111 uio Tf :p".*d metel itcos shall be "hro-. pl"t 4 wrt"s,ooerrrsc no_tcdr end pipcs Fssing drough wzlls shdl herrc cLromc pletcdcscrrtcLeon pletcs. df5.|00urlc PLI]II/IBING L!O0-Pge $ oe Z2 L N. uaoccrgicit fiffilc fiucetholcc rb.Il bG co'rscilvi6 ckome-platcil 6ucet holecovcc. Ppttid. l/{ olxllbafiry pletcsr 35" vidc by t':}" iigh mioimum siz" E rEGa to r mininum of &L studs wit[ 1J{-x2.' t'g ry" for dl rnll i""g fi**t forrrfrich otLcr mcans of arppoc is oot spccificd' AIl cquipocot shalt bc f@d witf, fiutofiveh'cs witi cooocaion tmions or ff"";d.m", cq.ipocot rodnh'.. uttcss otLcsrisc indiczt4 stainc*' ffifi-lrrcr J.ftttL-t*t shtll bG gec Y'hlcs' aagl ulh1jrotUins control orficqucnttp*"t " i" ttqtdtt4-dth *-d:Try* $a}t "d Cr"t -*t* it*n i iofu"ooteilito tt'nU p""awi6 stqt3rbgul so tf,etdclincs itrin All globc 'nd anglevzlvcs shdl bc insallcd to dosc "gat"*;. p*r"r*" vd'shall harrc dlscs srited for t[c services forufrich tlc vzlves ere uscd- Flcxiblc conacctioru in pipc lincs connection equipmcnt shdl be installed in aLodzoritel Position 'WLcrwrr chrlges in sizcs of pipes occrrr, 6e chzngcs -shdl bc aade witi redudry frtdng;; 6e usc ofbushing will not bc pcoitted' q Providc ilirt pockcts on bonom of dl vertical gas PiPes rnd rrur gFs PiPes below slabc invcntcd slccvcs' : R Ground joint wzstc conneetions shall bc instelled on rll trap corurections to r+astc budets. S. Atr P"P-t srbjcct to cxPansion znd contnction shall bc arranged with floxiiiity-to irt'"rrt excceding dlowzble strcsses in pipe' nzlves' or corurected equiPmcnt T.Alldooesticwetcrpipingshellbckeptdearofthebuildingstnrctrrrc.Where it is wi6in r" of 6i brliffi"g ,a,r"n r", it shell be padded wi6 hair felt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o. P. U. v. meteriel for its eotire leog6. Undcqround stccl pipe shrll bc wIzPPcA Uodcrground piping shdl b. oot less 6'8 30" bclow finishcd gndc wlcss b"s dJptl is ;;c"..ery to meintrin tic required grede of soil' rrestc or nirwetcrpiping. PLUMBING r5an-Pr3l tI oEtL df5400ctLe )t Y. 3.06 3.07 i I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I I I I Atr pipcs .!d rbc* pco€tndlg ccrior*zlls or roo6 rhdt bc f,zshcd rDd*@{+*ytrsdgle 144h.c 6gsnrtr+i-tc rrc uot Tccifceily Aoll or rycaif,6{, f,-ching rod couoadrrhing SeIl bc Z guge g"i-"b.d;c.L Altpiping shdtbctocatcd ovcrcmlcrbec. Kecp closc to cerltsg. where dimensions or spccfic insalletion and opcreting in*'ctions of cqu{r@cat erE not ptovidcd in the ikewings or spo"iff""tiooi, 6o coot .to,$qll pcdoo tic worlc rccording o tic-nenrbct,*rs' qpccificetions eod recoooca&tioos- Ant maedels ead work rcquired bt 6; nanu6cn'ers' recomnendetioas dr-n f,q 5gppliql etno dditiooel cosrt- Provide dl metcrial end labor required for eguipoent $tpporr, end anchorage to,building srucnuc indu&ng sle.p.o for -#mountedequipment md scismic rcstrzins. JOTNTS AI\ID c oNNECTIONS A Propcdy_reem "Il *r pip. Cut ell 6re2d, sozight end euc. AppV t rtq'elity Tcflon tepc to dl mrlc pipe 6'"rds but not to insidc the etu"gs" u* graphitc on dl dceaoutplugs. B' Pack all joints h o{ ry" soil and wzstc iripc end 6ning, ,simg oa].,'-, and. s€cudng with 1 rnch decp cau&ing ree4 fulI .'d p-pcriyttlr.a "oasnoothlrfinishcd- Ar-:hc c-onractors option, No-Hub pip"ta m'g -ajoins may be nscd- Heat &ffirsion or"thod, .r." p..f"rr.i for plastic pipejoints. c' Make dt joina in :opF tubc for pouble wzter with 95-5 Tin-Antimonysolder epplied in strict .".oodrr,". with tle manufact'rers rccomrncn&tions. 50-50 solder may bc'scd for hdi:ectwzste pipqs ooV. ACCESSIBILITY ,d Eqgipocatshrllbc plrccdrnd pipilgend conncctors mede in srh rE:rarEr tbet dl routinc adj'ocats end meinteurnce opcretions nry bc cardcd o'twi6o.t inconvenicc end ro 6et rll codc t q,rir.-.rrt, for clcar"occs .rrlrzintrincd- Thc followingprovisions erc includcd: - 1. lvl2intdn 40 inchcs dcarancc in &ont ofclccuicel pancls. - PLUMBING f9O0 - PrgG tS of Z2 d15400rr.& f adjusacos or meinaence I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II &ovidc rccesc parls for dl ieor Eqddry qEh asvalves, frock absorscssr daupccr cn- C. Gue,ds koviitc sccuclymormtedmctel guerdscoffsnrringto tieWodrert compcasetion Bo.lrt rsl Division of Inftrstial S"f.v for {l cxposcd movingpars sch esbclt&irrcs, puop eod comptessorshrfu end couplingq Ctr. STERILIZATION OFPIPES ,L After peliminary purging of 6c slestem, chlorinetc tlc cntire poteblc wzter q"d in accordenco *ib.e-oiczo Watcr Worts Association and'witf, cenedian Provincial plumbing code proccdures for flushing and disinfecdng .wztcr Dains, .nd in rccolilrnc. wiA dl other pcrtincnt codcs and reguletions. B. Upon complction of the sterilizetion, dor,oughly f,trsh thc entire potablc weErsjtsteE. Whcn stctilization is coopletg .Eenge with the pcrtinent euthorities for tests on mains rad qru;tems. Chlorinaeonl,,YAcntlcbuililingisuaoccupied' -: Dclhru Cctdfication of Completioa of Chlotinetion to the Architect- SERVICE UTILITYDIAGRAIvI (As built dnwingi) Plumbcr shall furnish a pdnt/rcproducible drawing/mylu/ CAD &sk (furnished by Architcct) showing- an .ccuratc recoFd of the plumbing undetgmund ins;telhtion Locate "It lincs, nh'Es, deptbs of lines, slopcs of lines z,nd otfier Ffiincnt dea srch rs DctcrE end deanouts serving 6c luilabg d Tg fu ;E oz- shdl bc $b'it&d upon complction of par*ing lot paving eod building fl oor deb, to 6c Architect COMPLETION OF PLUMBING INSTALI-ATION Upon complction ofdc pluobing instrlletioq end rs e coodition of it zccePancc, --pil" Meauels of 6IGc (3) copics cach .nd itdiver dl copics to thc Architect The lvtznuul shzll contdn: PLUMBING f5,{t0 - Prgc 19 oI ZL D. E. 3.10 dfSa0llude D. E. I I I I I I I T T I I I I I T I I I I llc'*rncedon Erdrhlc Gonr t[c ocidc of ttc covtg sufing ?huhingInstrltrtioarsafwryStorcNo. rh$.l-oofCorapary)". - conplcta i'stnctions EF'dtng tf,c opcretion eod nzintcorocc of ellcquipocotirrvohlcil complctc nomcndeur= of '4,repleceable parts, 6&Fftnu'bcls, cu*nt costr end neog eddress and phooc "tt-bo of thi ncares,t tr."ao.s orrephccocatparts. Copy ofdl guznntccs endrrerentics isqred on tic ins;telletion Copy ofthe Recorrrl Dnwinp dcscribcd abovc. PROJECT COMPLETION ,4- Upon completion of all rvelft 6f tfris Scction, thoroughly clean all ogoscdportioru 1f thc pT.b,ls installation removing alt-t """s of soi! l-z6ers,tFes, oilr and oder foreign metter and *i"g o"Iy 6e tlpc oi cleancrrcsorn"igntgd by the manufictnrer. B' contzctor to remove arl debris and flush thc device. system to bc 6."e ofdebds. c' Prior to project opening thoroughly raia thc srorc Manager in ell espects ofmaintcnance and operation of the pluabing sysrcms. 3,12 TEST AJI gtunbrng tests shell bc madc in tfic prcsence of the loql inspector end/or ticArchitccds rcp:esentative. AII pip-g rr"n u. tcst€d in "..-o-.lro. wi,i roczto'ilinnces rnd urith ttc fouowing;ininu' stendrrds. E".h tr; "f "q,rip;;eod the entire qmcm shall bc dj*sred to rnr* proFlfi,ocd; of dl oquipocnt,mrinteneocc of tempcrenrg eli'nin-riq6 of noL td ,ib.",io., rod Icft in fi$t.l'.e oFreting conditioo- ,{. Funfsh rII tc$ FrapC gaugFs, aqpocaq and pcrsonncl rcquired to&oons*e.o tf,e intcgrity-of-tlc ffnish"d pr'-bfi-irr*u",ioo to 6ceppovzl ofpcrtincnt eutioritics rnd Safcwa/;Consti;doh Dcpc PLUMBING r900-Prgc A atZ2 dls40frrJc Scrricc SroitrryWrs*c' Soct&Vcot Wes G.s StonDrzin TestMcdie Wetcr Wetcr Air Wetcr TcstPrcsqrrc Duntion l0ofhead thour r50PSI 100PSI 1(I 2hours 2hours t hour PLT'MBING 1!o0-P1c 21 of22 Prora tigltwid no loss ofncdir lfest6i\ rcpafo ttc lcakand re-tcsc Vefucs: Test rlt wrlvc bonncA for tightncss. Tcst opcretc .ll \nfves et least once &om closed-to-opea-todoscd position while vzlve is under test p@ Test dl eutometic vzlvcs for p8oFr oFrztion et the scaings i"Aic"tca Test pressurc reliefrnlves et lcest tf,rec (3) tincs' Pipi"S spcciahics: Tcst rll Pti-g ydddes {ot p-p.t operation' Test ell &vrentpoints io ensurc tiet &has bcenvente& END OF SECTION df5rmorJ* 5. 7. t J.i' t I I I t I I T t I I I I I I I I Pertl - Gencnl 1.01 DESCRTPTION ,d Gencrzlconditions inScctioa15050 qplytowodcsPedficdin6b Scction B. Fumish dl labor, too\ equip'ocnt, epplianceq rurtcrials' and scrviccs ncccssary for zlrd pr,opcdy incidentrl to 6e firrnishing zlril installing of dl hceting rrcntileting aod & conditioning work ffiAC) rnd Flztcd iteos as shown on the drawings .od qPccified hcrcin More specificalty, the work performed under tJris sestion shdl hcludg but is not necessarily linited to, thc following 1 . Cornpletc air con&tioning, heeting, end ventilajting systems' 2. Automatic temP€ntur€ control systcms- 3. Afu intales, rcliefs, rnd exhaust end eensferfans. 4. Eues, vents errd coturcctions, including water heatet, b"I*ty ovens, end gas 6red panw:shcr. 5. €|ritrf Deli ochaust hoods and make-up air systems. Bakery hoods, exhaust and make-up air qntems. Small H.V*{-C. ststeo,s as shown on ilrawings. T.O2 REI-ATED WORKSPECIFIED IN OTHERSECTIONS Thc following ere covered in the indicated otJrer Sections of thesc Spccificetions. Coopente rs rrquired ui6 dl othcr trdes to cnsure ProPef rnd edeqgeA p-"irio* for tic intedace of tleir work with the heating ventilating and air conditioning system: ,qr Rough czrpenty and stnrctural f,rPPorc. B. Water, ilrainage pipi"S. HETTINC, \4}TTII.ATING AND AIR CONDMONING U500-PrgB 1 of 31df550orde C. Unc etc. o voltrgc o discooncct switclc+ I ',1 I I t I t I CODESANDSTA}.IDARDS A.. Ia eddition to conplying wi6 .Il pcrrincnt codcs and r=guletions, coaplywitl rLc recomncodatioos conaincd ia Ducr *r"i.ta rnd shectconstnrtion forvcntilrtlng and rir conditioning systens" p.bliscd by 6esLcct-Metel Air condirioning Natiooel Aoi.ior,, l"tcs,t caition ua SIvIACNA.Dd Proyindrt Buildirg Codc. B. lrfedring-i' gcsc spccifications or drzrinp is to bc constnrcd to peoitworlc not conforming to tlcsc codcs. Any ecce worlc or matcdals'rcquired to complywith tbcsc larr or nrlcs and rcgulatioos sh2n bc fiutished wiether o, notspccificelly *own orqpccifid etno mecosrs. c. AII cauip,ment and matcdds irstrltcd'uder this e61sa6 shall bc ilesignedto comply wirh .nd s[''t gs instdrcd in accordance with "rrv .rrJ "IIrcquircmcnts of the lcgdly constinred eudorities having j,,dsdiction 1. LoczlBuildingBy-L$trc . 2. Worker's CompcnsationBoerd 3. City, Sa,tc4rovincd orCoungGas Codc 1. 9i.y, StetcProvinciel, orCorurtyPl",r,bing Codcf _9i./, StateProvincial, or Countl' Building-Codc 5. unifou Mechanical codc or B.o.cJ-, as edopted by thc localjruidiction 7. AS.H.R-dE.Stan&rds 8. State IndusdalAccidcnt Commission 9. National Board ofFue Unden*titcrs quALrFr CATI ONS OF TNSThLLERS ,q- For ttc acnral fzbricetion, instrllarion, end tcsftg of work 'n rer &is *d:* usc only tloroughly uzind and crgcdcnci wod<"", completelyfrDilirr wi6 tfic itc's rcq'dlcd :nd- with tf,c *,a*, recommcn&tions .ri to tteir .sc. In tte .cccpance or rejcction of thc finished instrilation, no allowencc will bc oadc foi lack of shd on til. pert ofwot*ers. wldsg; i$ludisg firscd drcdt bterlcs, HEATING, \'ENTII.IITING AND AIR COIIDMONING U5lt0-Pq: 2 of 31 I I I I I I I I t I I 1.04 df5500crJc I B. I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I ST'BMITTAIS A- Shop ilrrrvings eod cquip'rnerrtlist wi6in fiftcca (15) drts after rwzril of tic coocertr and bcforc any mztcrials of ttis scction rre dclivqed o 6c job sitc, srbmit tic following to tLe Architcct for ePP'rovzl: 1. Shop Dnwings of tle complctc worlc under r{ric $€dstl showing 4 "q,+-."tlJdons, ,X &Et alincosioon end dl techniczl &te requhd r"r a" i"t a.e ofwork of otfier tndcs wi& the work of tf,is Section 2. A complctc list oftle equiPncnt poposed to be itstdle4 sating 6c tlpc of equipmcnt and its major components by malc, modd n'nrber, and -"orrf,n t rn"r, and givingfult pcrfomurce &ta' This shdl in no wry be constued as r11o*I"g 6c s,tbetit rtion of eny iteo for items speci6ed herein- As-builtilnwings 1. Dudng Progrcss of the Worlc, maintain an acsulate record of the i""altitio" Jf &" t,"."tt' locating eech item of iluctwork md equipmcnt prccisely by dim"r*o.' Upon complet'W 3f-Oc installetion, transfer ell -.ooil &t^ to blue-Iinc prins oftle originelDesignDrewinS' Marrual: upon completion of the installatioq and as e condition of its accePtance' conpil" . i4anual in three (3) copies-aail d9tu* dl thrcc (3) copies to 6e Sefervz/s Cons;tuction DepartmcnL The Manual shell contain: .. Identification readable froo t.f,e ouside of thc cover, stating "Heeting, Ventilating &Air Con&tioning Insallatiorq Safeway Store No' " l. Nady t)rpcrrdtrea index ncar the fiont of 6c Mentral, frEnisltfutg i-o"ai"te inr"mrtion es to locetion in tfic Manud ofdl cmcrgency &te regalding fr e instdletion" 3. Complete instructions regadtng 6e operation and m,aintenancc of rll equipocntirrvolved 4. Cooplctc oomen&nr,c of dl replaccablc parts, tLcir part nuobcrl "tn".it cosg rnd neoe and dalress of tf,c ncarestvendor of replacemcnt HEATING, VB.ITIIJTTING AND AIR CONDMONING 15500 - Prgc 3 of 31dXl500urlc Frts. Copy of ell grunatccr end wrsentics issucd on tLc instrll*ioo, showing dldatc+ ofcrgintion" Copy of6e As-Built DrervingF dcscdbcd in Peragraph B" eborrc" Part2 - Products 2.OT DUCTWORK A- Unlcss spedficd othcrrrise, g"lnnizcd sted shall bc uscd droughoug &bricae4 and instrllcd so tlat no vibretion or noisc results. It shdl bc made Fom tic bcst gnde of mild stcel shcets of the U.S. standrrd gau$ .s recomncndcd in thc latcst edition of dSHRAE Guide, or tle SIvIACNA Stendaril B. Flcxiblc ducg fibcrglass duct boanl or duct lining erc not dlowed on ttis projeca Duct lining is allowed only on outdoor air intalce ducts to machinery rooE5. C. Souare orrcctansnlarductwidth: G.I. Ga.e Up to 12 incheswide 12 iachcs to 30 inchcswide 30 inchcs to 54 inchcs widc 54 inches to &4 inchcs widc 84 inches to 99 incheswide D. Round ducc: prefibricated spiral duct and finings: Gages - Round Diameterinlnches G.I. Gage I I I T t I t I I t I I I I I I I I I 26 7A 7'' 20 18 5. Duct Duct Duct Duct Fiuings Fruings Br:nch duct letcnl fittings - Reducing body 45 degreas coniol ap for round duct HEATINC, \'EI{TIIATINC AND AIR CONDMONING 155{n - Prgc 1 of 31 3to8 26 9to22 U 23to26 22 37to50 20 3to35 20 37to50 18 dt5500lrJc t h, I F.Tuohgrzrs dngle didro.ssritl r tniting dge shdl bc dgidyrivrcil to 1!c &dr"'o* ro]-in*dlc| in dl t"-.. of 45 itcgrecl eoil g1r.scr Unlcss sLown rs 90 dcgrce eogfu on thc itrnrings, bcotls sh.Il bc wi6 orreeil section, tLc c"oL Enc ndius of uihich sh.Il bc Dot lcss lirt 1. timcs 6c wid6 of6c duct in tLc plzcc of 6c bcod. Trrnsfooerions shllt bc E & bt udfooly tepcring scctions, tt not Eore rt'"'r 30 degecs trry, D:1g1szc rnd loeiio; of 6. hrngcs shell bc es pcr Scction 1, SIvIACI\A Drrt Manual wtctc o€ccssrsy, p-rid. englc iron sryports fiom rrfrich to Trng ducnvodr. Such blocking tf"n U of sficicot sizc to ces/ 6e wcrgh-t of th1- du1 and infiIletion No ductq eqpipocnt, etc- shdl bc srpported fiom 2 X roof srb- p"dt"s. Scc stnrcturel &nwing's for nrp'port requirements. Volune d^nFrs shall bc. iDstalled et poina as shown or es rcquired' In genera! volume danpers shall bc installed et jr:nction of each branch end l"in d.t"t -d et rll othcr points ncccssary to properly balence tle qrsrco, of eir flow. Dampers shall be no lightcr tLan 20 F"g. C.I' znd shall be as follows: 1. Round duct through 16 inch dizrocter:22 guge single flet blade wi6 3/8 inch square .h*"gh sheft with bcadng. Use Dnro-Qme KS-385 quadrant set 2. Round duct ebove 15 inch diaoetcc usc multi-blade with msioum bladc wid6 of 8 inches. corurcct blades to single . inch square or round shafr- Intercontlcct all bladcs to a single conrol shaft- Beariags :nd qr.radlock same as "1" ebove- Use Duro-Dlme K-5 qutdrant. 3. Recungularducts maximr:m blade wiilth 8 inches: same specifications rs '2" ebove. 4. use ventlock 66,6 wherc opclators extend tfuough firsed inaccessible cei\. Notu Applicablc to items 1 drcugh 4 - rninimum blade wcight 16 gpge. AII blzdcs to bc etteched to shaft with dips end bolts or dvetq or wddeL 5. Motorbcd contol rLnpcn - dempcr motor firrnishcd md insaltcd bt FwAC Conrrctor. Subnittrl rcquitfd- 6. AII ilampcrs to heve opposcdblades. HEATTNG, V:El.lTIIAl'Il.lG Al.rD ArR coNDmoNING 6500-Prgc 5 of !1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I rll550otrde L Vcdfy Ecchrnicrl fimcrion of dl cryoccrt eail cooccalcil dempcrs AII aarifr co;cols mustbe instellcil wi6 l'-'arc oa botton of itrce'Lezra elt &nposld&eil in firll opca positioa nedyforbalencing coorzcror. Cut out in$btior.trd trg daaFrs. MaIc ftIVvisiblc" AII duct courcstions to fin or unic sh:Il bc wi6 fire rcsistrnt flcxiblc cooncetion eoosisting ofVcndoa" Such conncctions shdl bc et lcast foru inchcs(4)loag. Fnc denpcrs 3hrll bc constnrctcd in eccorrilencc witL tic rcquinacna sct ford in NFPA Bulletin 904 Fue dempcrs shdl be Stete Fue Marshd lisred and rpporrcd I tle loczl Fuc Mr$hrt Access door in ducs - Single wr[ in$latcd gF"L.t d door, pizno hirgq screw&irrcr opcntcd .-''' gpc t trh, f,rngc mountcd to duct end scaled- Doors to be locatcd on ducts u/i6 fire ibmpcrs or on grcasc ducts for d€dring. (Greasc ductdoors mustmect Cheptcr20, U.I\4.C. urdNF?A%) Tuningnacs s$zrl g3 singlc noc with tni&rg elge. Double nEningvanes shell notbc used- (Sce constuctioll d6t":l) DUCTINSIJI.ATION ,d Allinsrlationtobcfiberglass B. Dnct acoustical linhgs shdl not bc uscd cxcept on air htake ducts to machineryroom. C. AII concealed and ogoscd *pplf and renrrn ducts above grade shrlt be externdly wrappcd with duct wnp end rrapor barrier el<cept if ecposed ducts used in seles erea. Duct *lep: Frbctgluss grpc FRK 25 Fced duct wnp with factory egplied veporbacieq 0.75 PCF, 1.'tLicl K - OJO at 75 &grees F. MLcre wi6 4" scips ofedhcsivc et 8" o.c- Additionrity sccure to bonoo of rectenguler duct withTutr-Weld nylonpins et 18" o.c. Drrt joint tapes to bc cenvzs and l€ging edhesive. Adhesiyc talEs, or caulking edhcsivc ere not rcceptablc. Frbergless duct board shell not bc uscd- Ducuete ducts shall notbe uscd. L. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t D. F. G. HF.IITING, VEl.lTIIlTD.lc AltD AIR COI\DFONING 15500 - P.tG 5 of 3td1550l}urdc I D. I I t I I I I I I I I I t I T I I REGISTERS, GRILLES, Al.iD DIFRTSERS A- AIl gdlcE rcd*rE iliffirscrs, etc' sheil be- of lowcreil f"a fiEishcd wi6 ofi-fuie tilcl e-i.h to suit erchitecurrel end shdl bc of tLe typcs and sizcs es shown on tic drewings. B. AII i""t ineriotr vijblc dlough Egistcrs' gillc* diffirscrs' ctc., sh"ll bc Firtedflatblzclc. c. Mormting: coonilinetc rie locetion of tlc &ffisca ceitngligtts' splinklcn -d "rty ":a* ceiling oudcts. spcdal calE must bc teken to cnsure diffirscrs locations are coorilinatcd with uppcrbulkheadwell teatmcnt in sdes room. l6t ll rnd connect ell grilles, registerg and iliffusers, in 6e locetiors indic*ed on the epproved shop ikawings, secureiy enchoring cach iteo in pLcc aod sealing with nrbber gaskets to prcvent lealcagc' AlIy duct, gilte registcr or &ffirser obviously itededng with 6c intedor il"io. thoJd bc brought to thc ettention of the Sefeway Constnrction Representative. Z.U FLUES A- Flue sizes shatl bc rs shown on thc Drawings and shall be tjpe B'" completc with roofjaclg weerhcr cep, stom colhr. Fumish and insall flues for rll gas fired appliances, induding thc gzs water heater' AIR CONDITIONING AI.ID HEATTNG SYSTEI\,I FOR DRY AITID IUMCLIIvIATES shdl bc in eccordance with thc following specificetions rnd epacities rc on tle plans. 1. UnitPerfof,m2,:nce Units shdl bc safety ccrtified in wi6 UL Sundrd IJL#,S, UIJ59 rnd/orAl.lSl S tendard ?27.47 . Uniilbn(bc safety ccrtified by rn acceditcd astlng leboratorT. Unit nrmeplate thc sticker of tLc crtification.gFnry. Unit shdl bc 10(P6 run tested by S- wiA e copy of thc fln t st EPort shippcd with 6c unit HEATING, VENTIIJTII{G AND AIR CONDMONING d15500ur.ic 15500-Pr6 7 of31 o C-onstrrtion q"c- I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rh.Il bc completely fictory esscoblo4 pip€d erd wfucd rod shippcd picce" Uoit shrll bc qpcdGc.Sy d.stgnd for owiloor rooftop witl a fulty rca6c8prcof czbioct Unit ilcsigtr $-rl bc bottom "it ttyl" syst€a for mormtiag on a roof su$.irct shell bc cons;tnrctd entirrly of G90 wc gzhzaizcd mcal witi tle constnrccd of 18 genge orhczvi:r nrredet Thc unit roof rhzll crcss brokc ald/ot slopcd to rssrlc ilninaga Access to coaPrcssor+filtcrs, bloqcr Lced.t scction, end othcr itcms rding chccling ormeintcoeoce sh.Il bc 6rcWh hinged acccss dooc witt which erc opcnblc from both sidcs. Door fistening SCng|v! a$e not Air sidc scwicc acccss doors shall be fully gzskctcdwitlnin ov=Sengs AIl acccss doorswill havr an intemd metdlincrto p'rotcst witl cpoxy-polyester doors insletion Unit crerior shall bc paintcd over e wzsh ptimer end e paiat lock q1e steel. The efu dilc of the cabinet shdl bc insulatcd with Tuf-Stdn cqgipmcnt eqrnl Lincrshdl meetthc menufectured by Menville or epproved rcquireocnt ofUL 181. To minimizc etosion ell thc cut en& shdl UaitsLdl have decals end ags to arees end ceution areas. Wiringindicrte unit tifting - dgging, diegrems, instellrtion and mrnuals. shall bc smpplied with ea.h unit- Unit exteriorto bc as 3. SupplyFan by architect The fan whecl shall bc an alumintun,curned aidoil gpe, secucd to e nrbular shaft wi6 snged j lrrd srpported by two outboalcl bcarings. Bcefttgs shdl bc pillowblocktypc and shall bc desigocd for et lcast 200,000 hous lifc. Adiustable V-belt &ive shdl bc p'rovided vith e ninimum rzting 1500,6 of thc motor naoeplate break horscpower. Suppty fan, &ivcs moton; shall bc 5. rlyrumically balanced- Motor shall bc prcmium high OutsideAir Shell bc 0-25%with amznuatry rdjus;ablc demper. Condcnsing Seaion The condensing section shdl bc equip,pcd with direct &ive, dischzrge eidoil hollow core eluminun condcoscr fins. The coil shall bc sloped to protect 6e coil f,om d^-'"gc" Condcnser coils HEATING, \TE\TTIIATII{G AND AIR CONDMONING 155{xl - Pr3G t of 3tdf5500tlJc I l-.coeDer t$c wi6 aluoinun fins ncchzoicaltf bondd to 6c t$6' .#"*t coils to be dzcd for e minimum of 10 itcgrccr $b<ooling' I I I T l I t I I I t I I I I I I coil SrIl hlrc e msisun of 14 fins pcr inch' Coil Sellhevce of12 6ns pcriach. Re&igcration SYstem Compressors shell bc o\hc h"-.tic reclprocefnS qry *tl Tn]<11i;;, inernd 65"-'.1\edoad protectiorl intemal tP-'-s l"l^.t:rs and nountcd on tie "o^\.otot ma'ufacnrrer rccoo'crended rubE L g. HeatRechim Coil Heat Redeim coil shall bc het rcclair t;?c E .poot\ coils shzll bc copper fibc wi6 aluminuo fins nerheoielty ;i;-;\. "rb.- Et por"to' coils to hrye gehnnizd ryl tf crsiry$ E\poretot coils to l* :!"tt""€ VP" 'f? -Ydiraraoo \r.poo., cofu for multi-comp-""ot rmits shzll bc "f*ttJ *t "\ i*"ia and oqansion nlve pcr comptcssoa The coil vibretion isolators- AII rmits t\"n * multiple stegl with e mininuo of 2 st"g.s of "ap.ciry control. c"\.."rors shdl b..iormtej -."t Y*td ".ip"t -.it topcrmit opcretio\of 6e unit without d"*S T,lt:' ComPressors shdl bcvficn the comPress{tr comFrb{t ls oPe& l- ? JUt"a fio- d" b2sc Pan La *ply eirto n'oid any-tensruiyo;r1f noise frosr thc comPressor into 6c\area. Systern shall be "q"ipp.a *iA thermottat oqansio" *\o qpc. rc&igerant t"i *ttt\ aE; shall be equippcd with eutomati\esct lo* Prcssur€ and mrnual rJo nigf pressurc t fog.ott.:"Tlt'-tF.:hil,be equipped with S.h-d:t trr scnicc fitIngs on both 1".Ts\i9" -d l.:* fff*,idl "f A. tJ-;. Unit shall bc cquippea 1& re\ryrant liquid linc &iers' Unit shall be fully factory chargegwith reftigeran\*-22' FGigeration t/stcms. Coil shzll bc duel circuitcd with cl ^hJnuo fins. Contrzctor shall connect heat re&im piped conncctiors providcd- Contnctor shdl firrnish a '"*-*ty nai"S+ vrlvcs end piping' Thc coil shall havl e usc with u$ewi6 to ceppcd install .I 12 fins pcrinch. 9. GesHeatingScction Unit shall hcatusingneurel gzs ftet rnd with onc stagc of heat Unit shall bc protiecd wi6; gas heating fi'oace consisting of e HEIIITING, ]/ENTIIITING A}.ID AIR CONDMONING t5500-Pr6 9 cf31 d15Sotltrr.dc o stecl t$uhE hcd c*hengEs, en.indoccd dreft hlowrr rod e ptessue rwitch to loc&od6c grsvrlrrc uod 6c combusion is FrsBd end combustion airflo'r is csrebtishcil Unit *ell bc witl e ger igpirion sFtco cotrsisfug of en dccconic ignition ric.h will ehut ilccncrgizc upon flrme dctection Unit shell brrc piping catrrnccs in tf,c rmit base for tirough tf,c oub gzsh thc ouci& c.binct wzII for rcross tLe rcof Fs ptp"g. I i;l I I I T I I I I I I t I t I I t I PIFIg Unids grs hc.t crch.Dgcsvill casy e l0y'carrrerenty. Unit shdl hcatusing gzs frrl rndwiti nukiplc srrges ofheet capacity. 10. FrhcrScction Tbc filtcr scction bc prc&bdcetcd and supplied by the writ manufrctur=r rc a intcgF.l corllroncnt of tfie unit construction end esuged in hcavy Flrurbcd stecl rzclcs for slide out rcmovrl. Filtcr shdl bc e.sily ttrcugt e hinged door. Frlters shall bc Ecdirr'a cftciencv dispos.blc A?c. Filtcr media shall have en arcnge e6ciency of 25-oo.{SHRAE rest standard 52-26, znd, zn avErrge eoestencc of Smokc Dcector shrll bc instelled end by thc unit manufacnrrer. Thc seosing nrbes shall be located in the air sections and piped to the conrols mountcd in thc scrvice A smoke da.rnper shalt bc furnished in thc renrrn duct opcningwid e ing return &mpcr motor. Thc motor shdl have en end s*'itch to supply air fan from be open before fanopereting uAen the &npcr is shug Damper shd sarts to pr€yent high pressures at fan 12. Electic2l Section accommode& onc conplcte systcm shdl include an air doggcd filtcrs. SafetyConuols Filter nds shall be erre.nged to of 4" plcatcd Farr 30/30 filters. The sritch for remote indicetion of oounted on 6-"gh n shdl bc be color d€dt,' A non-firscd disconncct sryitch end eleccical pancl shall t[e unit Each rurit fidl bc complctclywircd-end nur tc opcetion modcs pdor to shipmcnL Operational test s providcd. Widng sl'-tl bc number coded end in addition codcd pcraining to rysren usc. AII panel components shell b l2bclcd- Pencl shell hzve e stcp down Frnsfomcr for 115 volt .nd {sojor 24 volt tcapereture controls. Extcrnrl contol wiring notcd otf,en*isc shdt be 24vols. Pancl shall contein all tcrninel-l motor stertels, conttctors, switching releys, fuscs end all HEATING, VF{TIIATIIIG AIYD AIR COIYDMONING 15500 - Pr3c 10 of 31 df5500q..d.c I ]*':.' I for tte propcr fimctioa of tf,c rmit ConFessors' gq sb.n bc fi,rnrishcd witl conacos, roi fusc embient ovcdords in rll phescs. Etccticel sy*o ihrll bc povidcd phesclossendphesc reverselloclqrtrcItt Compcssor i*lud€ oil fiihuE, bigbr .Dd low pttssue rrir-hcs' tnti- Sort ri-"r, -d lockout aley. Each compessor $ell hzrrc e menuel switch for elsc of scrvicing. Comptessors shdl hevl aobicnt for low tempcrznue pro tcction 13. RoofCurb A prc-.Ebricutcd 1 mrrrrficnrrcd bv gzliertzcd stccl mounting crut dcsigncd .nd unit mznr6cnrret shdl bc p'rovidcd for ficld esscmbly on the roof priorto unit shipmcnc The roof o.ub shall provide cooplcte suppoilfor tht entirc unit The orrb shrll bc a minimum of 12 inches znd hdudc a nomiml 2 x 4 wood oailer stip. Geskcting shall bc basc androofcurb. for fidd mounting bctwcen 6c unit I I I l I I I I I I I T I I I I 14. Tempcrature Control SYsteo ' Unitshall hene factorv instrlled solid stete concolletto conrol 76"F heat rcdeim vzlves, erxilierY hcat end cooling opeation and stlging. An deetonic durl sct point and subbasc ere to bc ria A discharge rirmouotcd in tie ,4'.C. unit or on dri tclopcnturc scosor shdl bc providcd to signd contollcr in conjunction with 'I'.cc teEFr3ture end A humi&ty conbl shell bc providcd to meintein huroidity et humi&ty dimatc zone pcrFE-16 fosn). e. CoolingCyde 1) Four (4) steges ofeooling (typical). point (only for medium 2) Cooling b loclccd out dudng night scdack cooling ovcnide fucd theroostet providcd- 3) Control point sctet 7?"F. Stagc No. 1 on et 22.75'F, off at 7225"F . Strge No. 2 on ^t73.75*, off et 7325"F Suge No. 3 on et 74.75'F, offet 7425"F Sagc No. 4 on at 7521"F, off *74.75"F HEATING, \TENTIIATD.IG Ar.D AIR CONDmONnrc 15500-Pr3c 11 cf31dfl500udc o I 4l Up to sixstrgcs ofcoo\crabc conc,ollcd. AII coapressos erc poectcd by an cvzpor:lorficczc p,rotcction QrcIc 1)F (a) steges ofhcee Up to 6 *ages ofheat czn bc conrolled. 2)S o. 1 odNo. 2 rrc Hcr Rcclaim (vfien used). 3) StagEsN 3 aadNo. 4 ere *rpplcacnarygzs heal 4) Morning using Stege ufrcn t[e gocs into moming ualm-up then 4 stages of hcet canbcnscd. Outside air.l-'rtpcr druing norning watrn-up. OccupiedHcaring Control sctet72"F. SagcNo. 1onet705.F, SugNo.2onet695"EoF op Fdd ir .djusbblc from 5 to 20 minutes, 1 end No. 2 orrly; unless 3 stages ofher art on t I T I I I t I T I I I I I I I 5) 6) Strgc No. 3 on ar 68.0"F, offer Stege No. 4 on et 57.0"F, offet 725"F 705"F .0.F F Uaoccupicd Hcating Cydc - SugeNo. 1 on at655oF, offat 66S"F Stege No. 2 on rt 645cF, of et 65j"F SugeNo.3 on et63.0"F, offet54.(FF Stege No. 4 on et 52.0"F, offet 63.0.F Strgp No.5 on et61.(FF, offet52.0.F Sags No. 6 on at 60.0"F, offat 61.0.F Bendwidtf, should ! field di,rsubl,!" if char€e . coatolsshoull{gq,-l;l,retdnrhcnsHppcd- c- NigLt Sct-Back Opcretion, Unocnrpicd Cplc dcsir,Fn AX 1) AII conools ere loclcd out xAca conrrol is set_back ninimum of35 minutcq so storewillsaztifv. HEATINC, IE{TIIILTBIC AND AIR COI\DmONING U50O-Plgc ll! cf 31 d15500!..J; 3) 4) t 6) 7) I I, I I I I I I I Sct point of 6c Hc.dng - Coofmg control is rcduccil Gom 72'F 67.F. Nrbcr of ilcgrccs sct$ack ceo fi.ld eh-nged. islockcd oug rurlcss store teaFrature dscs.bot/c 8(FF. IndoorEn onlvondcmznd- Outsiilc rir doscd- SctpointofHtrnidity Cycle is notchanged- Third stege con&nsing is & Humi&ty Contol (orily for me&um zonc pcr FE-16 Form) 1) SetpointsLdlb€45"RH. 2) H".nidistat shall ovcaidc thermostag srirch on cooling and modulete cooling coil by-pass dempcr. 2.6 FLD(IBLECONNECTIONSFORFA}IA}TDAHU ,C- At dl points vAcre ducd connect to fzns end AFilJ, provide end instz'll flexiblc corurcctions. Thcsc flexible conncctions shell bc made of Yendon' . ernv?s tlet hrs bccn chcmielly ueateil to malc it fire rcsisteng wzter-prooq mildcw-rcsistang and pecticelty airtgtt' and s.h"n 'flgrgh ePProL 15 oz pet sq. yil before trerting. 2.07 PACI(AGED AIR COI{DITIONING UMTS (I*ss than 15 tons) FIVAC cquiporcnt es schcdulcd on Drawings Roof top unic to bc coopletcly wcadcrpoofed for outdoor usc witi rveetlelproof c2sing to bc g*F:nizcd and phoqpbrtizcd pdor to coatingwitl cpoxy enrncl followcd by e bakcd eormcl fi-i"h or approved equel Unis to be completely paclcaged coruisting of compressors, condcascr coils, frng coil gurlals, gas fired hceting scction or hcat pump, opctating rnd sefcty concols, .rv:rporrtor coi\ bascs, isoletorq filtcr pactoge end eppurtcunca regired to mzkc e complctc Fclsge. Cooptessors to havc 6vc (S)'ycar wzrrrnty. Provi& hzil gurril for condcoserf,nc sruEce for cold .lirrar. 2rqs" I I I I .t B. t I I I I I HEATING, \TENTIIATT.IG Ai{D AIR CONDITIONING 15500-Pr3c t3 of 31|l5500slc c. units shelt bc :ntc'n-rV isohed ritr vibnrioo bohoG- md ecioicrls.iots so 6at no noticcablc aoise or ribrerioo b cuincd to the stnrcirG- D. AII uaits to bc fusnished vid 2" ple-t d disposablc fiItcs. 3{)tf cficiency. E" weerherhood on outdoorairinalces tobcf.mishcdritLbirdscrecn- F. Unit to be controlled by local Heat/Cool thermostat. GAS FIRED UNTTHEATER ,{. Hat cxchanger to bc #321 strinless s;tccl. B. Y--. l" bc- completc *ith gf" coctg prcsslle regulator, euto pilog draft divertcr and circ'it conrol. Atr unG to AGA-cccfic& Line voluge dcrmos;tat by Coneols Subconrzcror. C. Provide optional elecaic ignition. KITCHEN \EI\TTIIdTTON SySTEM (BAKERY, DELI AI.ID CHINESE) Kitcberrhoods: 1. \odels and sizcs as shown onthe drrrvings. 2. Nemd shall harrc UL or ULC labcl aill indicrtc cxharlst eL qurntities) 3. Hood shall bc i with pressure Ec2surement pora md pressure differentiel gauge 4. Conseuction of hood bc in accordrnce with tJL #78L4,NFPA%andNSF I fil I I t I I I I 5. Bdeust cznogf to UL or IILC epplieaccs. Hood for commcrciel cooking I t I I I T t I joints witl e liquid dght contiouous *crnzl wcl& p to . #4 finish. Bl"ck stcel shzll not bc uscd h egoscd toods\e.*a HEATING, \IE}.ITIIATII{C AND AIR CONDMONING 155{lo - Prgc l.a of 3t I t .lf55OOEd4 E. I I'' I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I <r6ltt* sictioq fimish filtcr housiag, :ac o3:rid '" ="g/flleli of s€<lion at 6e ba& Furnish ssioLo steel KS''A' UL or UL-C i"fiJ *"* filtcrs, irstelled oa e 45 dcgree trgp firfl lcrrgd of ing. irlt r housing to teainatc at tie bottou in I pitrhed &ip tay' r of tte rayr fudish e dreil ertcnded to aa eocloscd grerse Coostnrct coaainet of 8 gauge safulcss stecf heviry -e E4IDIIA,of oce gelloa:od frbdot" so zs to bc asiiy rcoornble fordeilyt 10. 'Within echaust insoJl lrr ewomadc fire iL-uper cons&rcted 9. Intog of collar. Duct co of 12 garge *eel end ci dosure r:nder ell con&ti 11. Vapor-pmof 10O waa ' ccatec;- Frnish lower wi6in filtrr plcaua arca' fr:oisb e firIlI wdded dr:ct lsizc bascd on 2t avrttgE 1800 F.P.rV. velocitT' d by an qcrro IIT Eounted spnrg to 'ssure Dampcr conorcIledbY a fusiblc linlc cinopy to rccomo,od-ete ftha wired end leit reedy for fin:l c:de- Liehg to be til orI-''LC fumished orr apProxioetelY 4-fooc edgr wid a d:se of saoe Estelid es d wiirrg. L{ha ro be coopletely ianer .o\ecion to light n*ich by epplieble co mrnc=:l ld,tchea use- P. Furnish ne.:ss:r/ rod hrrge: Phes ftoat to susgeed Eom ceij!:g' .aFur-ish nec3ssa.r/ ltgie rr:::'e !ne=ro.s 1 : ior fl:stening to o'ei]. 13. lvate:s'3sh si'ste:o shall oot're usad' 1-+. Instell ob ports end sr:poiv rnd rerarn eir pie C- r:r.e g'<.,iau-st ;-rn: 1. Lrher.rsr i':-,r ro b.:'re=sl d.-"chugt ceniiirg:i rce '*'i :lr:-p.inuu li.cbil . Po:itive hor.rsirg. F:l to utiiiz: e nqn-ovslioaditg, barklrad rl:minr:o wirc=l on e stetl sbaft oorrnred on scded ba]l b' sclf<ooling sh:X be provided wi&in 6e hor:sirg for the o' tLre ph"J-oto. Uoi.to indude adjusa'bie soedV-bclt 2. Nlounrfin p*liT?3.% requireacats' 3. IVbkr-upeirboost*Enonmake-uprir{"o:o hood ro bc inl ine ty centriiugal interlocked with'hood exhaust fan, sized per drawi ngs. HL\TING. I/SITILTTI}IG ..$TD AIR CONDMONINC 15500 - Pz3e tJ of 31l155oftr& o MzeE-up rir uoit spccifi cetion: I 'l;,1Evreporetivc scttion This scetion shan hrv! Ares phetcd high cfrcienct oreporetirrc medie orMrmer CEIJclc U' Fd. b.tfrough CEIJckpad $ell not cr.ecd 750 &-. 2. Gzs *tll bc 6rcld bt nenrr.l gzs. E4rip'ocnt sh-n coorirt section rod blowec scctioo Unit shdl bc completely eod tesed by 6c neauficnrrcr p'rior to shipoent, forasscoblo4 tLc qpcciffcd dscerldCFM. Cebinetyparts bc coostuctcd ofat least 20 gauge gzhanizcd steet arrdfinishcdwith 4' Blowcr rAeds sh"Il naticrlb errd Emenicrllj' bdzncd forwzlil crmlcdD.W-D.I. Clzsr1 ifugzl xrtccl witi scf-.Iigning ba[ bcadng zndV-bclt&irrcodroryh \atiablc pirh. Motor to crst iron pullep. Drive sheaves to bc prcmiun e6ciency, overload protectcd and mouated on an bas€. ).Hcat echangcr, fusnishcd in 'rccrioa, ehrll lq constnrcted of steinlcss s'ted aod shrll $3 fuc (5) years. Burnes to bc 20 burncrcay.gpuge #321 steinlcss steclvith ddc Gls urd clectric conEol conponcBts indude mzin combrstion vdve, 2{trye (noduladng) nh,q scrsing tubc, high lisit swith, ?*volc contol teasfotncr aod ignition qrstco (H.S.I.) witf, micrcproccssor bascd dccaonic Ignition contoller shall bc capablc oftLrec (3) tials pdor to sysrem down" Venting shdl bc by porvcrventer. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Uait shall bc filnrishcd with e rcootc push-buuoa coi indicztor ligLts. Control pa$ct shrlt herrc e singlc two nertcd E:rheust Hood ON .d OFF. Thc hcer-cool proviilcd to opca gzs vzlvc or sritch on puap for eveporatirrc Onc intcrfrcc conrol Fncl ihrll bc complcte witi ootor snrrterg isoletingEla''s, frnsfotuerq t r.minil sAipq ctc. 9. Unit to bc srpplied wi& frctory insalleil ransfoocr end swieL HEATINC, VENTIIATING AI\ID AIR COITDnONING 15500-Pt! 16 of 31dfS$0rrdcc I I I t I t T I I t I I I I I 2.09 KITCIIEN VENTII"ATION SYSTEU (BAKERY, DELI AND CHINESE): Bakery and Delicatessan Hoods will be purchased by SafewayInc. and t,ransferred to contractor for ingtallation. DETICATESSEN HOODr A. Provide hood and exhaust fan package for the Delicatessenat location as indicated on the drawings as aa specified below: 1. Delicatessen (L2'-0n x 4'-5' x 24" sLzel 2. Contractor shall verifiz ceiling height at thevarioue hood locations to detenine exact hoodheight required and provide ertension filler aarequired to achieve the floor to lower hood edgeheight detailed oa the Drauinga. Hood shall be a Halton Captule-Jet exhauat canopy, modelKlrE. Air flow shall be introduces through a specialpatented diecharge panel and cannot exceed 15t of of theexhaust alr flow. Capture-Jet air shall be transferedfron the kitchen space from a grille in the ceiling. Exposed interior and exterior Eurfaces shall be 18 gaugetype 304 stainleas ateel with welded, ground, andpolished EeamE. Bottom of hood shall be mounted at 6-L/2 FT. abovefinished floor. Greaae filters shall be U.L. listed KSA Multi-Cyclonestainless steel glease extractors. Hood lights shall be U.L. approved recessed fluorescent.Lights shall be wired to a switch fLush mounted on waIIadjacent to hood. Connect hood lights to fan circuit. Fan gwitch shall be furnished under Divieion 16. Provide quantity and slze automatic fire protectionsystem as required to confom with the ![FpA No. 96 Standard and all Local and/dr State codes. The aystemshall be "Ansul" (llquid) chemical pre-engineeled, piped,fixed nozzle tlpe with U.L. Iistlng for the hazard. Thedesign of the system shall provide for protectLon of ductsystenE, grease removal devices and hood. All sources offuel to gas equipnent and electric fryers shall beautomatically shut-off upon operation of the systen. GaEehut-off valve will be factory supplied. The system B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I I I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I I. J. K. L. u. shall be capa-ble of automatic and -anual. operation. Systern shall be neatly piped in hood rith, aII branchpiping concealed. Storage bottles and actuation devicesshall be installed renote by the contractor. Takespecial care to locate storage bottle iu storage roomarea adJacent or at location where it i.s concealed fromshoppers'view. Entite syEtanr to comply with Local Euilding Code, FireUnderwriters, and fnEurance Ser:vicea Office Fite RatingBureau requirements. ConEtruction shall conform with NFPA 95 and bear the National Sanitation Foundation seafof approval . Contractor to prepare shop &awings for entireinatallation, minimun L/4" = 12" scale, and submit fourcopies for approval prior to Btarting rcrk. include allequipment, piping, outl.et locationg, valves and wiring. Provide hood fan package of quantity and size aslndlcated on plane. Low profile housing shall beconatructed of hearry gauge steel and weatherproofed withtlro coats of baked Per:natector eporry unless othernvisesgecified on plans. Exhauet fans ahall be belt driven,with exhaust fan motor and pulleys outside of the airatleam with spark-proof wheel . pan inlets shall havespun venturi throats overlapped by backward curvedcentrlfugal wheela wlth spun cones for naxinumperfor:mance. Capture-Jet fan ahall be a Kanalflakt Inc. centrifugalduct fan to be lnterlocked wLth hood exhaust fancontrolg. See plan8 for model nunber and CFI'f. Bxhaus! dlscharge shall be upblast tlpe with bird-screen,renovable grease drawer and rain overflow. AII exhaustfan surfaces and bottom pan shall drain to the removablegreaEe drawer. Entire asseilhly ehall conform to therequirements of the Natlonal Fire protection Association. Fan packages shall be ag manufactured by Cook, Greenheck,Penn, or Jenn Air, Air Control producta, Carnes. Furnigh wlth hood a one-hour tine delay and wire to therenote control to delay fan ehut-dorrn. N.I I I t I I l.?l I T I I firnishcd witt prc-.Ehricead rcof orrS, scisilic tGsczitrts, dtschryc endretrn&scdioa. 11. Maec-ugvzlcrpipc."iogoscd on D. Completcfireprotectionsystcmforhoods 1. Systea to bc IIL or ULC lis;tcd *=t chcoical firc potectiotr systeo, rs ren&ctrred bf Ansrl Corporztion, Merioncttg WI. Systcn to Modcl #R-102. 2. System shdl bc designcd end iasalled in s;tic eccorilancc witl tLe lfstem's IIL orULC listing and t:hc menufrcturer's insrnrctions. 3. 'Whcteverpossiblc qmen piping shall be Schcdulc 40 stainless stecl pipc witi chrome pletcd fitdngs. Fusiblc link brackea shall bc aoturtcd rigdty to the hood boily rrrd connected with steinlcss steel conduit for actn dng cebles. WLerertcr frcld joina .r€ ncccssu/r they shall be eccomplishcd witl unions loceted in an uncryoscd locetion- System st'dl bc shippcd complctc witl trnl<s, eutometic relcasc, ttaote maanrel relese end rcsct relay for actintion of elcccically contollcd fuel shut-off deviccs. 4. Fuel shut-offdevices sr.rch as solcnoid gzs ralves shz[ b.=firrnished by 6e contr"ctor es ncccssary for insalhtion by epplicablc oades. 5. It shdl bc t[c responsibility of thc menufacturer to supply finel instrlletior! hook-up and instnrctions- CROSS-FIELD NEGATIE IONIZATION DEVICE This shall bc Model F1-550 rs menufactured by RC Enterpnises of 30048 Monticcllo Chico, CA 95926; phonc (976189+75U. No srbstinrte is ecccpteblc widout ofrce,O.HrDd- of Frilitics Engincedn& Safomy, corpoat Positive ionizetion units rre not acgativc ionizetion units vi6 cross-field mey be considercd for nrbstinrte. Unit sLall bc 115 voltAC, 05 anp input trd 10,000 volt d-c. Molcculer currcnt Est-1 micro aop outpuL Air f,ow 550 cfo. Thc HEATING, VENTII.,ILTII{G AND AIR CONDMONING Xl50O-Pg: 17 cf 31 I l, dl5500rrde md opaza Zhours. Thc dsicc s.frtyfiEcio$dlcd HEATTNG, vENrrrrrrNc ^ . *L:8Tg?jTr: o shdlhzrc T Ii-ddc6c Scc typicel instrllrrion &r"il" E]C{AUST AI\D TRANSFER NANS ,d Atr tss''* .od E'o*r 6rr sall bc of thc capacitics iDdiczEd on ttcdlrristF B. Roofsronnad ss''*fiar. Fenr ehelt bc ttc ccarifugzl typc wi6 czpacity rs soru outtc drnvingr, dircct&ivco orbcrt&ivu ri'rits." i"aion"jritid.nia.m ho.sing conplcte vi6 ball bcadng urotor, v-bclt drhrc,diulc.ble aotor ficevrs. Motor .nd fin rh"trL .."ili."ty monatd iroldcd &oo 6c housing. unia shdl bc complete with bi,rtscrcen and disconncct switch ud motor shrn f,av,c - lot"got overload protection dcvicc. c- Trendcr frns shall bc tlc ccaeifugel tpg in-linc, or ceiling normtd g,pc rnd cepacityas showu oo thc dawtng$ EqUIPMENT SttppoRTS Ar.tD Al.lcHoRAcE .t. Providc dl natccial end labor required for equipoent srpports and enchonge o brskling stucrure induahg slec$ fo, -oi^ mo.ntcd, cqgipneatrAcc not indicztcd on tlc ikervings rs carpcncyworlc B. Providc ds'ic reso.'irt' rihere eppEcabrc to ell s'spended and bascmountcdcgripncnc FIISHING AIIID C OUNTER-FIISHIN G fl -gr ""a duct pcncradng *cdorryzlb orrco& shzll be flashed rnd, counrer-g*.d Fi:."dghr in Tordare wi.h 6c roofing sccion of tlcsc qpecifications.whcrr oticr oeEriels:I€ not T:ficzry shown or Tedfic4 -g^tirrg ""dcouatcr-f,rshlrg chrn $s !,{ gilgg thntz.i r*t I t I I I .l 2.13 dl550h.ic I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B{TnICES Forcomprcssosrcoos,bc Ebdcrted by t[c mcc&rnicel conbector as $owu ontf,c dnwtrqgs- Sizc as shownon- LIS WATERAII{D DRAIN PIPING All *.etcr condcnsare dnin Fping shdl bc PVC or ABS, unless codes requirc coppcr ttpe "1V1" orD.W.V. 2.L6 OTHERIvIATERLALS AII ot[cr matcrials, not spccifically describcd but rcquired for e complete and opcnting facility, shdl bc ncw, ffrst qrulity of their respcctive kin&, end subject to tte epproval of Safewzy Constnrction Departrent end local codes. 2.77 VIBRATTONISOI.ATION ,{- General 1. S'rzc vibration isolators on single pieie of equipment for equel s;tatic de8cctions, bascd on rctuel wcight &stibution Fr Point of support furaishcd by equipnent Euuf,ectulet 2. In detcurining wcrght of equipmeng induile concrete inertia bascs, groutfilled pnop bascq etc" 3. Usc as few isolators on each cquipment zs ptzcti"l. e-g., four (4) isolators on saall equipment and incrtia bascs. 4. Submit for eech isoletor complctc manuFacture/s clescription hctuding quentity; loading static deflcction; spnng O.D.; end ftee, operating end solid hcight of coilq scisnic restrina. Isoletor tpcs: Typc of mounting end mininum s;tetic deflection' rs sctcdulc4 end following t;pcs: 1. Codc F mormts Pre-cooprcsscd oolilcd fibcrglrss isolz'tion pa\ rveterproofjackctcd- 'Whcrc cquipocnt base docs not providc rmiform load sr6cc, fimish with gatnnizcd steel platcs bondcd to top of isoletion geds. VibnsonicsTypc FModdAC. df55o0uJre HEATING,'IIETTII.ATI}TG AI.ID AIR CONDMONING 155oll-P3 1t of31 I..- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2" Codc E Mormcr E:s6qu.Icc ao$oa nsuzincil fE *sdl€ETIPEoof Tab! qprlq uorma witf, laretiag boir od rcos ofboltirg.' to srypoccd'ait aod fonadetion providc acogrcoc isolirion bctrrcr:a bolts and isoleror. Monq. shalr hav'c wzterproorj*utazugu"s o"is" Tfdg"f& boodcd to bouoo ofsEirg monars. pad didsncss sh:Ii bc' -," 6idc Bccepc for ticse pads, qp"rL .$.d"t" arc Eaitrd to srccl Thenia. of.qp'rd oriiside di"rs.tcr ro-op€.dsg hciglt of coils rhrlr bewidin 6c nogc of036 to 1JS. Thc ario offi.i-itet t" rcrthel spri-g constaoc sbell bc viqq nn$ 9f 0.9{ to 1.10. Ifrncdcs Typc g lvi"d"lFEs- spdsg'rr 'rbell hrvc- eddiriood &f,erioc fu.d; bctueenopcradughcigLr'-'l solid h€ight ofaot rcss ti:a509t ofsdc ilcEecdon 3. S.d" H hmgc6: Combinetion qpriog.od fibc€lass isolation haag!:sircorpoating2" 6ickwetcrpto"f;"ac.t a m"gUsr iascrs in sUcrJIAspring' dl cncascd inweldcd steci bnckets, wi6 ebiliy ofsrspcaded rod to dcflect 15 dcg:res &oovcrtiel. Spdng shall hzrrc;hi-; travel of5ff h*T dcsigr hc€hr ud soEdla$t of coits. Do aot locere rbovecs:iqg!:d*- "rypoaed cquipoeat d.Urr" cfing. Vibnsonics orapp'rovcdcqul. 4. De0ecdon shall be noted on thc Drawing. 2.18 .{PPROVED LIST OF }I&\1JTACTI*,ERS )lanu*.c='ars are listec in rtphabe iel o.de::nd nor in oriie: of prcfe-ec:. Notc: The foltowing list is proviCcd for dre irears whici rG no( sceci.6,callv menrioncd on 6e &ang bv manuilc:urers, nanes. To. *oip..r.elreedv selec:ed, is best .roi ia cepeecr and. c6,ieac; rnri shr.il oni.,. bc ruhstinrter.i wisr ihe urricee pe=lission Slm rle consuic€ c:lghe:: or sa"ewav's F:.'ilc'es engine:r. In ese subsdrure is rcccm-:aende4 cieconF:c:or is fuJlvresporsibic ro replec: irwirb or!:nel d.csip er Lis owaco* and wirlo-ut de!:ving dc conrrc: if ir is nor rc-cepe,bie io corr*:Idag eagincer of Sefcwerrs F:iJitics engince: A. .{IRI{A.NDL[\-GLR{TTS l..Seasons-4 2. Carrier 3. Trane .{. Aaon HLITING, yBtTIIlfDfc .{t{D ArR CONDmoNINc tlalo-P6 20 cf 31 I :l dllte0ldc I - .rl t {r4ij-'l€tu I . C... PACI(AGEI{TACINTTS - 1. york . 2- Trane I 3.carrrer; LennoxT D. EX/APOR TTYECOOI-ERs I f. Are5 I 2. Essick I 3.Mastercool I -Ei€ +*roet:sProctrcrr t T't - - -tJ I @ I L*r€- - t ?X*n,".*.- ----.JJ- I G. DUCT}VORJ{ I i. Sheerller:1Du*Spi-.i I !- UaircdShe:tlleaf l-nited)lcGiil Corp' ' l.. ffii?.tctSra-'crs'ArrheioC'{ I H. cRIIIEs&DIFFu:'ERS 1. Air Guirie CorPoredorr I 2. Iftucget J. I lFr< a. Ulctrbir I I $IE{TING, ltBarItATD{c.{tID.{rR cot{DmoNlNcI .tritoodc r.55oo -Pr3e 21 of !1 I VARIASLEAIR VOUUME DIFFTJSER 1. Dyn.ftscr- Prognssisellfu Ploduct Inc. 2. Ttcoeftrscr-Anr6co 3. I*opard "Iatellivcof Diftrscr - Wescal\4$, Co. DAIVIPERS I l:r.l I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I 1. VohrncContolDanpcs e. AirGui&Calporerion b. Ikrcgcs c. Tlrars d. Tutde&Beiley 2. DampcrMotors e. Bclirao b. Hongrwdl 3. FueDenpers a- AirBdance b. Ikrcger c. Ruskin K NRFILTERS 1. Aiscurit 2. AirKoncol 3. Eco-Air 4. Faa 5. Scn'odyne INSTJIATION.DUCT 1. Mewillc 2. OrYen-ComingFibcrgbss I'NITHEATERS 1. Grs I Stc,li-g d15500otdre HE/ITING, I'ENTIIATII{G AID .AIR CONDMONING t59n-Pr3: Z! .f tl I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Jrsitotc. Modioc d. Rcznor N. DUCTHEATERS 1. Ges . $t ,ling b. Jaclson&Chuch c. J.aitrol & Reznor e" Trznc 2. Elecaic z- Brrsch b. Chromolox . c- Jrckson&Church d. Tutco O. IYIAKE-UPAIRTINTT 1. Aret 2- Essick 3. GzYtortl 4, Greenheck P. KITCIIENHOOD l-€.ricrC- +€r+eafcch 3. Hzlton l. €T€r'r3:- €-€eca, q coNTRorJ 1. Elcctic end Bcctronic e- Hongrsdl b. JohnsooConuols c. Suc6 HEATING, \IENTIIJTING AND AIR CONDMONING 15500 - P3- Zt of 31I dlsiooor&c T o 3' EnrlFlr --'.- -- -- rr _r-^_ ,r,,+^_-*- t-^atols *en€i. c€a*l **, EAIIS E(HAUST & SIJPPLYAIR 1. Rooftop e. Acoc b. Grecaheck c- Ilg & JerurAir e. LorenCook f Pcnn 2. In-linc a. IGnelflah b. Aoe c- Greenheck S. ROOFCURBS 1. Custom Curbs 2. CurbeoanufecarredbyffVAC equipmcntsupplict 3. TI{YCubs T. REFRIGERAI\TTVALVESAI{DFTMING 1. Henry 2. Spodan €F-€E|f-.t*r.g @ @. I/l I t t I I I t I I I t t T I I II I HEATING, VENTIIATII.IG AND AIR coI\DmoNING r5500-Psc U cf3ldf5500orJc 5. 5. 7. I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I t I 2.21 MAKE.IIP AIR TINIT . MUA-I and 2: 1. Gas fired equipnent shall be fueled \r natural gas.Equipnent shall consist of furnace section andblower section. Unit shall be conpletelyassenbled, wired and tested by the manufacturerprior to shipment, for the specified heat rise and cFl.t. 2. Cabinetry parts shall be constructed of at least 20gauge galvanized steel and flnished with high-gloss enanel . 3. Blower wheels shall be statically and d1mani.callybalanced, forvard sutired D.tt.D.I. Clags 1centrifugal wheel with self-aligrdng baII bearingand v-belt driven through grrooved caat ironpulleys. Drive aheaves to be variable pitch.llotor to be drip-proof , preni.un ef f iciency,overload protected and mounted on an adjustable base. 4. Heat exchanger, furnished in furrrace section, shallbe constructed, of stainless steel and shall bewarranted for five (5) yeara. Brirrrrers to be 20gauge #321 stainless steel rith side access burnertlay. Gas and electric control components shall includemain combustion va1ve, 2:stage (rcdulating) valve,thenostatic sensing tube, high linit switch, 24-volt control transformer and hot surface igrritionEyEtem (tt.S.I. ) with nicroprocessor basedelectronic control. Ignition controller Ehall becapable of three (3) trl-ale prior to system shut down. Unit shall be furnished with a renote pueh-buttoncontrol panel , with indicator lights. Controlpanel shall have a single trro poEition switchnarked Unit ON and OFF, panel to be located in theDlanagers Office.Provide UUA-I with remotethermostat located per drawinga. Provide !,tUA-2unit with a dlscharge duct stat to maintaindischarge air teuperature at 80" F. and interlockwith EF-l. One interface control panel shall be complete withmotor atarters, fusing, isolating relays,transformers, tercminal strips, etc. Unit to be supplied with factory installedtransformer and dlsconnect switch. 8. oo 9. Unit to be,furnished wl.th pre-fabrLcated roof curb,and dlscharge down plenum sectlon. I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I t I I V. PIPES L MrrcIlcr a Amcricen Bnse end Iron Foundrf w. peinrstxarroN 1. AoflexbyAr.ttrong 2.IMCOA Part3 - Exccution 3.01 SIIREACECONDITIONS Prior to all wo* of this scctiono carefully inspect t[e iostalled wotk of otler cades .nd vctify that ell such wort is complcte to the poinr rvherc this installation may coooqncc" Vqf datthc complcted instzllation will confosa wirt ell pcrtincnt codes and rcgulatioos, tic otiginal dcsiga anil the refqenced standardg 3.02 INSTALi.{TTON OFDUCTWORK ,4,. Fabdcatc and insall rll ducr wort in scict eccordaacc with the rcfercnced stanilelds. B. Onshectm:alducavods 1. Cross-breelcdl flat surficcs to PcvcaltvibratiorL 2. Insulate dt nrpply ducts, using the qpccficd metedal end sccruing with tLe spccificd tie wires et 12 inchcs orr centcs. C. Ondlductworlc 1. WLcrevcr obctnrstioas req'ui$ e chenge in iluct shepcs, Eaintrin equivzlcnt arees. AII sizcs shovm on thc Dnwings ere nct dincnsions insidc 6c insrletion 2- AII duci dbows shall bc right englc tIF witl ellbow.urns or turning blrdcs or shall hevc a ndiw of 1. timcs thc iluqtwidth. HEATINC, VENTIIAIIT.IG AI{D AIR CONDMONING 15500-Pr3r 25 of31rlllS0ltlrlc D. o 4. Funish {0d, instrll shcct mctrl dooa in rlc rfrctroik*.- ;;cetcd. oo tfcDgrrrags od/or :s rcqgircd for ress. nilab .D rl{ itoors eir-rigLtvi6 felt$ipping rad provi& tfictlrifihttc ro tlcTceobc op.""d from insi& or outsidc. AII srch doors *.ll bc pad.typq or e gaugetwicc 6c diclc.css ofts"r Tecificdforde &ctilodLL itir huIIcrL Isfill rnd a.&e dl ncccssery co-"cctions required for Gc conplete *rpply, rccirstrhtiorg aod o.l'"-.t qreos iJicrcd e6 g3 aDplowEi shop Dr."ins, imtuding dl ihrctwodcgdh collerr, inub horldngr, conn "don+ fisteners,t sgFrs, ud o6criteqs Fqrdlcd. InstaII rrofume danrpcrs in dl brench sryplr &sB. Luc ihpos r closc es possible to 6e main ducs Paint insidcs ofdl ducts visiblc through inlea or oudcrr e fietbleck color. Paint dl egosed duct color qpccfi ed byArchitecc Flmish .nd insall flexible courcstions bctrveeo eirtailIengunia and ilucts. All flcxiblc corurections shdl bc 4 inch widc vcndoc. Plvridc 1 inch slack in Fbric forflcxibility. Ducts passing through ntcd wzlls or floors shdt bc Etld with 2 inch by 2 iDch by 16 g"ug. uglc 6zocs firnd to c.ch sidc of 6c lincretion and sccureh fisteaed to tlc ductwid shcctmeal ecrer:. Thc ennular soace shell bc packcdwith non-combustible insuleting'r-te;{ Fue rtaopcrs shzll bc iastelled nAcre show:n aad rcguircd by 1.."I ordinances. Provi& access door in duct for inspcction end sctting of thc ileoper. Insatl thc &rnpcrs in eccordance wi6 dc Tirc Dernpcrftanu"l" '" published ty the shcet Mcal Hcating and Air condtioning-co.,t"r.too' Association (SMACT{A). Ie1n S bf4 endlongirrdinel duct scamswid cenrzs andlagging rdhesi,r€(&bot). Adhcdtc apcs end ceull-qg .dhcdvc .re not rllowed on d,is projcca TNSTAIIATI ON OF E qUrPMEr{T .,t I3*'! dl _cquipocnt in tlc locetioos indicetcd on tfic app,rovcd shop Drewings. VcrifywithArchitect end otficrtzdcs. .,. BTq{A Ar\D ArR CONDnONTNG 5500-Pgc 26.of-3l 'l (,lf I I I I I I I I t I T I T I I I I !. G. H. dl5l00u*Jc I D. .r. J. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t G. Avoid ina6ifirce tt6 tttt*r-'rail ritt wodc of orscr'urilcr,'ptlscstirg dcqpeb hce&oom rnd dcaringdl dooa rndpassegewryr to ttc epprovzl of Srfcrrr/s Constrrtion Dcparucne Chcclc --.L piccc of equipneot in tlc rysteo for dderts, vcdf tf,et ell parts are gropcdyfurnistcd lod instdle4 6et rll itsns frmction p,ropcdy, rnd tiat dl edjusuens hrrrc bccn mrdc. Sct eir distihrtion so 6zt no drzft scoding 25 FPM rre dircctcd, iato opcn-top EGigqrrted cascs. Atr occhaniczl qluipoent wi6 roating parts shell bc oountcd witt vibretion isolrton end scisoic rcstnints. Febticetc, witf, stcel, spccial mormting breckets ls rcquircd to clear othcr equipmeng doors rnd to spzn for be* stnrctr:ral $rpport of mechanicel equipmcne Submit details to Archiect for stnrctural eppronl. Fumish end insall full sizc drain linc froa mcchznical equipment condensete drain or stbcr drzin conncctions to a safe end epproved, r+zste- Furnish end install6" dcep cap scd on eircon&tioningdnin Alt pip-g conduit and duct corurcctiors shall bc mzde through flcxible connectors. Flcxible piping und conduit corurectiors shdl \ in a horizontel positioo. Whcre dimensions or specific instrllation end opcnting insauctions of cguipmcnt are not provided in thc drawings or spccificatiors, 6e conoector shdl pcdon the work eccording to tte manufasarrcr's spccficatioru end recommcn&tioos. Any matcrials and wo* requircd by thcsc menr.frctucds rccomruen&tions shdl bc strpplied et no additional cost Whcre tLe leyout of daign is in conflict with r Fdcuh nanu6ctur=r's reco"r"rendrtion, tiis disccpancy shall bc brought to tic ettcntion of 6c Enginecr prior to bid opening end resohrcd before tf,e pduct is decmcd It is not tlc inteat of this ilcsiga to ilclibcretcly "'isTpV e producq firahemorc, tf,is dcdg! docs not giv.e liccnsc to ea applicetor to offere product in co llictwi& tlc manr6correr's recommen&tions. Eqgipoeat shdl bc plzccd rrrd pipitg rnd duct conncstioos oedc h su,& r Ernncr 6et ell nuting edjusucn8 ead mrintcnance opcations may bc crdcd out without inconv=nicncc and so tt,at ell codc rcquireocns for dceranccs are oahtdn€d- Thc following provisions are indudc& HEATING, YEVTII./\11}.IG A}ID AIR CONDMONING U50O-Pgc n of 3ltl550ftdc o M.iffrin1..42" dcagocc in &oot ofclcciczl o FDcIs. N. 2" Atrowqpacc towitidrev&filcs. 3. Allow spacc to opcretc sprinHcrulrcs. Provi& access pancls for dl itcos rcq'uidng djusucnc or meintenance srch asvelves, sho&zlco$crs, drupeoq ctc. Guzds Providc sccqntt Eounted ncal guard conforoing to Workqs Coopcosetion Boald Codcs or Indr$ri.l Safcy Codes for dl ogosed moving parts srch rs bclt &irrcs, pump rod comprcssor shafr end coupEnp, ctc. Provide all rnetcrid rnd lzbor required for equipoent nrppora end enchorage to building sctrcturc induding slccpers for roof mounted cquipmentlAcE not indiqttcd on r:hc drzwings as carpentryworlc Malce alt fin l hook-up ofcquipoeat to srpply and dninage lines, using only personnclskilled io ttc aades involvcd- AII instrllation and hook-up of thc contol systen shall bc perforrred only rmder tic dircct supcrvision of a rEprcrs€ntative of thc conrol system I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I o. P. q marl&cturer. Con&zctor shdl securely frstea to neneplate giving thc following maau&rtruer's naoeplate: 1. Tn ofcquipmcnL 2. Makc. 3. Scddnusrber. 4. Modclnuobca e..h itca of equipment 1 pelo,rrrent infom,atioq unless given on the dtl50Grdc 5. Afly o6cr &te required for p-po idcntification or rs rcquired by local codcs. Atr pnpo and ducs peoceering crerior wells or roo6 shdl bc fl2shcd rnd cormtcdeshcd_wrtedight in acco.iLnce with the mofing sstion of tficsc 1ry6cetions. Wherc otf,cr matcrials rE not slccGczlly shown or qpecified flzshing end caqs6l fll5hing ch'n bc 24 gerye gzh2aizcd stect HEATING, VENTIIJ\TI}IG AT.ID AIR COI{DMONING U50O - PrgG 2t of 31 I,l I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I TESTING ,L Frlrilish dl equip'mcnt end pcrsoorrl and conduct dl tcs;A required to scc,rrrr 6c epp'rovzl of Sefervry Constnrction Dcpzrtmcnt end tic pcainent ruthodtics. INSTRUCTION A. On &tes selectcd by Sefcnz/s Constnrction Dcltzrtnreng oPctztc tf,e entirc Tsrca to tcst cooliog rnd hcating s;tsten, for tle instruqtion of tic store manager, indocginating the store aantger, and thc pcrsonnel he sclected in tlc maintenance end operation of thc g/stem. Contractor shall bc Prescnt iluring "Grand Opcning". 3.05 OPERATTONAI\ID IVIAINTEI'IA}JCE ,t Funish end insnall in Maruger;s Ofrcc rraere directed I printed shect protectcd by gl* or rrrlspa:cnt plrstic cover, with brief insurrctions for "p.-t-S the equipmene Instuctiors shall epply to partiorlar males rnd modds of eguipoent inst Scd- Thcsc inssuctions shall bc ipprorcd by the Ergineerbefore insallation in the o6cc- 3.07 CONTROLS .d Control wiring in conduits shdl bc ilstrlled by the elccuical conFrctor. B. Thc conrol rysrcn shelt bc completc with all itcms required and shall bc in accordrrce wi& the dcsignin&cated on thc drawing's. C. A,Il 3-phasc sarters shall be NEIVIA Gcneral hrrpose and shall harrc orrcrload protcction end concol circuit tznsfotmcr. D. Sys;teo sh.It h.ve seven &y tioc dock with spdng czryover. (For stores rlhich do not oFretc 24hrs.) E. Systcmshallbcovcniddcnbp 1. Frrc/snoLe ilctecteil from ionization smokc detector (shua down cntire srnst6). Smolcc dctcstorto bc L$allcd onAC-l, rnd otberAC rystcns dr55o,r!..ia HEATING' 1'El-rrllArtr{G AND T,:8TS?iY,1 o 4(m CJ'Sd. end orrr in capacity oa reen.&&r:edri.d to.sh't uniG in.-.e ofsmob dctection F. Kitchcn hood ..'t{r't fio" .nd nelc-.up rir uia sdl bc intcdocked asSownondrzwings ELECTRICALWIRING Refer to Specification Section 01040 for mechanical/electrical Wo*r'J.s 6i! divisioa of6c spccificetions coo rdi nat i on requ i rements . fry"hlg rad instdhtion of ell noton for cquipncnt undsj r.tris Sccrion 1500Q dl dcccical motors shell bc higi .mi.L"y.yp. motor not ftmished ls en intcgrel part of &c eguipment 5hrll gg \gh""lc Gencszl Elccdc, or Wagnca "n.rbi matched to the and equel to the foltowingWestinghousc motors: v2IJP -T1pc FH orFlllllOnolg singlc phasc. 3/4HP and g Lifelinc T, Ozss B insulatiorl Design B; 20g volt or 480wolg 3phasc. I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I Funish.nd insall lll volt) iatcdock widrg. wicc cryoscd. *log" (Z"olt) conbl end lowvoluge (Z grll in conduit or deeuicd meFllic ;rbing ufrerc approvedbtCodc. 4. Built in ovcdoed protcction rnd frns. 5. Fumish end install all miscellaneow rcquired for propcr opcntion of qnstco. 6. Mrledals rnd insallation shzll confoo, to tf,e spccifications. volage wring nay bc arsrorcd cable s,r'itch on dl roof ochaust sritches and concols scction oftie clccuiczl wllng 7. Providc e weethqproof insalledon for lII y,idrg 3Ue-;r.tcrgo"oa to tiervraAcr, iachding tlc fictofinteiul afu conditioning cquipoena 8. Fumish magnctic end mrnrul srrfic$ for elt motos not protcccd for installation undcr Hccdcel Division Sarrcrs towititicfollowing HEATING, VENTIIAIINC A}ID AIR COI{DMONING r,550o-Plge 30 cf 31 d1]l500ul.dc I f .lt SA les€t bu contrct- I I l I I I T I I I I I I I I I t Megrctic G€ocrd Elcdq Wc*inglousc, negrrtic contrctor typc, wi& shrtlcrFoof rrrfrrcs, oe tyF 6etm21 olcdoed relzyforcech phesc, fircr conucts q"i"k-"it qucochisg 6utcs. Usc NEXVIA-I gco€tat pu8posc indooc .Dd NEIVIA-3 nintiglt cnclocups outdoon- dzc NEI\4A-1. Unlcss itdicatcd otLcrwisc on Drrrvings' sh-ll hzvc hrod-offzutometic switcb, pilotlight, menuzl end r normrlly opeo eod e no*.IlI doscd ersiliary coauol cansfoocts rficte regrircd. b. Maoual strfiec:Eectic, Wcstinghousc vith ovedoad. c. Combinetionstarters: disconnectsvitcL rs magnctic strrtcls but wi6 int grll HEATING, \'E\TTIIdTINC A.ID AIR COI{DMONING 15500-P.gc 31 of3r 9. Supcrvise insalletion of dl systca. voltage wiring requind for the 10. Providc ovedoa& in rll3legs of3 phasc Workunder tfic clecuicel division of the AIl linevoltegewiring and dl conuol widngs or line volu.ge to motors eodin conduits, conduit end conaectioru for power power mpply to conrol Frnd+ egtrlporent conrols,to jrmction boxcs in thevicinity ofcontol cirsuig requiringa scpzntc supply. 2. Providc magnctic end nennel saltcrs, cxcept as as part of equipmcotpaclage" 3. Furnishing rnd ins;aling discorurect srirches except u*rcre indudcd in thc Mccbnical Scctioo. &09 SE15EN€E 9F eI'EIUlTIeNftcbc 'icd) E}.IDOFSECTION dl5500cdcc I I I I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I SECTI ON 15990 - AIR BAI-A}ICE TH.E AIR BALANCING CONTRACTOR IS TO BE CONTRACTED DIRECTLY I,IITHANU BE RESPONSIBLE TO SAFEI,IAY. THE AIR BALANCING CONTRACTOR SHALLCOORDINATE HIS I,JORK |,.lITH THE GENERAL .OUTNNCTON ANO THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. 7.02 COORDINATION .{ Coordinate rcquircd locations of duct test opening dudng constnrction F iod. 1.01 qUALIFICATION A Bdrncing to bc pedormed by an rppmved balaring spccidty 6rn, mcobcr ofAABC orNEBB. Afu bal&cing to bc ia eccord:nce with AA3 C oT NEBB ggide end rccomnen&tions. 1.03 PROCEDURES - PRECONSTRUCTI ON PI.A,}I CHECK & REVIEW ,{. Review the project docusrcnts end conbactor submials for th& cEcct on tte tcst and balance process and ovenll pedou:oancc ofthe IIVAC trstco,. Rcvicwlocation and qpc ofvoluarc &mpcrs in the air ilis;ribution system. Review inlct con&tions to }IVAC cquipmcnc Review locations, q?. .ttd sizc of balancing *Ir.q end eutomatic conull vzlvcs in 6e wrter flow srrstcm. Revier locrtion of pressure scnsos ia tLe zir ",.1 wz.er discibution svsrcms. Rc*'icw eutonatic contol sfstcos * 6.f efiec thc tcst a$d bzlencc procedurc. B. c. D. E. F. 1.04 PROCEDURES -ONGOINGJOBSITEINSPECTIONS .{ Dudng constnrctioq thc batuncing rgenq shrll inspcct 6c insollztion of pnpc qfstces, shcct metel wodc, Copcr.urrc conto\ md otbcr conlroocat AIRBAIINCE 15990-Pr6 1of7rlt5t Oc.lc D. E" patts of tlc. IIVAC qf*os. Inspccdoas -qh.n bc goubc&d 1-,irf,,nnn of, two tincs. cfypr-ry 6ir b pcdorcd trhc'. 6CIa,of rf,c i[rct rvo* ir 1ntg* er4-.SFix'tcn 90916 of &c atrl gnstco is iunrllcil end prrior to insrletion of 6c piping.) Tt€ balndng .8"1!t rhall nrbnit r rrrica rcport (3 @p"s) of cach insFction to tLc sdarrylEpr€scoEtivc, tie consrlant end &c coatrzctors rccpoasiblc forcoaccting noed dcficicocics. ctcclc for "co'.srr bdasctsg herrdr'a (d"-pc8s, flor mcers, rrlvcs,pry up {looocar wdl, cr-) to dccobc if 6"f erc instellcd propcay ma tcaai| rccccsiblc. Idcntif and evrlute aryurietious frour qEsen d6ign l&:d&.td -f"rtpossible resriction ia sptcms (ctosed fire aleoFrs, poody designed duct fi aing:, etc.). AIR STSTEIVI TEST & BAI.$TCE PRocEDUREs ,q- FAI\ SPEEDS - rcst rnd rdjus;t fatr RpM to achieve dcsen CFI\,I rcqgilernents. B. ctJRREllr &VoLTAGE - mees.re rnd recordmotorcurtentand,voltage. c. PITorruBERFsg -_p.do.m a Pitot tubc trzversc ofoain supply and rcnrrn ducts to obuin totd cFlvl. Ua pitor obe Eercrsc is not p"actid tiesronztion of 6c oudcts or inlcB nar bc 'scd" An agl"t"don of wly e trzrrcFc w?s not 'nede must eppear on tfic ep,proEiete data sheec D. OUTSIDEAIR - test and adj'st systcn ninim'rn outsidc air by pitot arbe trav€rsc" Ife Pitot nrbc lzv-crsc is not prectid thc pcrcentagc ofoutside air B.y b" dctctmincd by calc.letions fioa tfie rea'a d outsidl dr, end Ei*cd { tcnpcgnue- Me}s dlorvenccs for heat of conpression and motor heetrricrc eppliceblc. E" srATIc PREsst RE - tcst end rcco.d g-tern stetic press'eq includingartion end discherge stetic ptcssure profiIc ofcach 6n- - F. AIRTEIVIPER{IURE - r-kc wct bulb utd dry bulb rir tcmperet'res oo tf,e eatcdng and lc.ving si&-of each cooling coil D.y bulb tcmpcrarrrcs shalr be te&cn ontle cnariogrndlceflingsidc oica"f fofugcoil "id gzshcatcr. AIRBAIA}.ICE 15990 - Prgc 2 of 7 I , tr'l I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I dtS9lxtrdc I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T G., rcqtdrqrcots. MAIN DUCTS - .djuit Eri! itucts to wi6in dcdgn CFIVI rc{uLcncats. Mukidffiscrbra$l &ra ihall hevc atlczs;t oe oudct orinlctvohrme &mpcrcompletclyopco. BRAlfCt{ DUCTS - .djust bnnch &rca to within dcdg! CFT\,I EquirEacnts. TOIIRAIICE - tcst end balancc r.l' diffirscr, grilq eod rcgisficr to wi6in plus or ainus 10 percent of ilesign requircocne IDSITIFIC"{flON - identify the locztion and aree of eecb gd[c, diffiiser, r€grstcr, end teoinel bo>s This inforaretion shdl bc recorilcd on eir oudet &tashcce. DESCRIPTION - rccoril thc sizc lrrd tlpc ofce"h diftrscr, grille rnd rcgisar on eir oudet &te shccts. MINIMIZING DRAFTS - "dj"r't dl dim$crs, Sn["E -d registcrs to minimizc drafts in dl ereas. EGIAUSTSUPPLYANDTRA}ISEEREA}IS ..-. 1. Meesre fzn static pressrrcs, total CEM, makcup eir and 6n RPIII. 2. Measure motor op€ntingvoltrgc znd anFraga 3. Bdence fl ow using a Prtot teverse for each hood. The oi'flow shell bc set to deliver desiga average velocityx hood area" Aftcr flows are scg E€esrrc hood facc vclocitic.rwith r 4" venc ancmometer on 4" centcts. 4. Record the Tcdficd.gainstthe actual mpplicd honepowcrand elccticel charzcGristics of dl motors. O. Verifyczpacitics ofdt.,LC. systcns, mrke=up eirunia end oiherrstfrns, md fiII in SdernyAirBelznce Fom No. FE-15. 1.06 . CONTROL S'IETEIVIS \TERIRC"T]:ION .q- Vedfy th-t dl coatrol dcviccs ere ptopedy connccted. AIRBAIjI{CE 1599{l-Pqc 3'of 7 J. dfs99qd.G I V-"dfy,ST { !-p.r", rzhrcs rld o6cr coocollcd desiccc rc opcretcd by ttc intended conrollcr. Vcdfy 6rt dt denpcrs rDd vrltrca rrc in tlc position indicatcd b tt" contoller (oFrg dosed or moduladrg). Vedfy 6c iot got/ ofrzhres and ilempcrs i1 rermc of tightness of dosc-off ud firll-open positioos. Chcclc d'et all veh'es ere proFdy inst lled in 6c piping sJlstea in rcletion to diregtioa of fl ow end location Chcck thc calibretion of dl controllcr. chcck tfic locz.tion of dl rtecoostlts .od huni&ats for potential erratic operetion from outsidc influcaccs such rc snlighg drafrs or cold wzlls. check thc locations of rll scnsors to dctc-"iqe ufiettcr their position will dbwtf,em to scasc onlydc intcoded teopcrzturcs or p* of trrc mediz- Contol Conuzctorwill relocate es.dccoed nccessaryby' thc TAB agenry. -'chcckde scquerce of operetion tiat ant conaol mode is in accordance witt epprovcd shop dawirgs. Vaif 6rt dl conrollcr sct poina mcet thc design intenc ChcclcaII ,l--rpcrs for&cc cn'cl Vcrify the opcrztion of all intcrlock systcos. Perfoo "Il system verification to ass.& thc safety of the systcm and its cooPonents. 7.O7 SPECIALSYSTEIvIS ,4. KitcheaHoodTesdng 1. T'rn oo qhe'st fra end rdj.st & fow to providc thc specified averrge hood Fcc vclocity et hood oFing. 2. cdorhe and record cxhe'st vol'me (cFM) by rreas'ring air flow in c*f,arst ductjtrstforwzr,<l oforhaust frn D. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. G. L J. K L. M. dt5990uJoc AIRBAIAIVCE 1599{l-Prgc ,l of 7 I I I I I I t I Mce$; drnlocity udrg Hlot trnrErrc mc6o& Muldpb rvtngc aluct vclodtyby6c cross scaionel zrez oftf,c duct- Mersue rnd recold cech Ecc rrclocity reading talca et 4 inch increocns (toul horizontel incremcnts shzllbc divisible by3 endvcrrical increments dhtisiblc by 2) ovrr ttc cntire hood iloor opcning. Usc eo decticrtry opcretcd lncmometcr' dfu€ct F.ding' with greduetioos ftoq 0 - 200 ft-/minutc- Cdotletc ""1 record tlc naregc 6cc vdocity (FPM) by $'cnging.Ilrrclocity rezdings. Veri& tic make-up eir systcm srpplies the proper r.Eount of air to keep the lit"h.t at a conste.nt Presstc with tle echeust system in high qpeed and low spced wlete applicable- If pessure differcntid gruCe is provided with thc hood. %d8' rEadings withgugc. 1.08 SYSTEM PERFORIYIANCE.\DRIFICATION .q'. At thc tioc of final inspection, the Tcst and Balance (fAB) Ageng shall rechec! in tle presence of the Ovme/s Representative, spccific and random selection of ihtr, air qu:ntities, rnd eir motion rccorded in the Certificit Rcport- B. Points end are:s for rccheck shall bc selccted by the Ovmefs RePrr!-scntative. C. Mcasurement and tcst procedurcs shall bc the same as approveil for work foming a basis of Ccrtified RePore Selcctions for rechecl T".ifi" phs randonr, will not nooally cxcecd 25 perccnt of thc tdtat number trbuleted in thc rcport ctccePt that T..i.l "it rystems may rcquire e complctc rccheckfor safety rcasons- If r:odom tcsts clicit e mca^srrcd flow dcvietion of tcn percent or more fiom ttrt recorilcd in tic Ccrtified Report EningE by ten pcrceat or morc of tle sclcctcd Gchcckstetioos, tf,c repoftis Ejcctc4 dl s;rtcos shall bc Eadiusteil .rd &st 4 ocrv &te reconrle4 ncw CcaiGcd Report sub6ftte4 end ncw itrspcstions tcsts mede, dl etno edditiood costto Orrner. Foltowing q/stcm vcdficetion of 6c Ccrtiffcd Rcport by tlc Ormoct's Rcprescntetive, tlc scttings of dl vllvesr splitters, dempcts' end, otler djustmcnt il,n'iccs shdl bc pqperrcndymerlscd by thc TAB Agcacy' so 6rt 7. D. F. I I I I I I I I I AIRBAIAI\TCE 15990-Prge 5 of 7dXtllll0ur.dcc "eg""a can, bt tesfiorcd if ilirtrbcd rt rrrl rrrnc. Deaiccs sh{l not bc "t-'&.drmd afer systemverificetioo 1.09 R-ECORDS ICEEP CONTINUOUS RECORD OF ALL TEST READING A}.ID SUBIVIIT THREE (3) COPIES OF TTPEWRITTEN AIR BAII}ICING REPORT UPON COMPLETION. REPORT SHAIT INCLIJDE AT THELEAST TIIE FOIIOWING INFORIUATTON, GIVING BOTI{ SPECIFIED DESIGN FIGURES A}ID ACTUAL OBSERVED FIGTIRES: A- Fzns: 1. Numbcr, scrvicg modellrrdsizc. 2. Dcliveryin CF?vI. 3. Stetic plessule: Suction, &scharge rnd total. 4. Voltage rated, end ucturl 5. Motor agrFraCe: rzted and ecnrzl. 6. Motorshezne iliancrcc edjusrable orsolid- 7. FansLeave diameter. 8. MotorRPM. 9. FenRPM. B. Frlter banls, and outsidc air, renrm air and cxhaust air CFA,s. c. fi *pph cnhe'st end rct'rn eir outlets; erengc following in col'mns: 1. Oudct locetioru b -^ numbcr or o6cr nriublc Ecans. Includc 1cv plans of nccessarTto idcntify location 2. sup'ply oudet sizg deflcction sctr,'& dcsign cFivl, rnd.ct'r cFl\,I. 3- Rctnrn or csrhe'st oudet sizc, dcsign cFlVt, and act'al CF]VI. D- Tcorpent're end h'uridity ofearh zsn 4'drB headng end cooling grclc. AIRBAJ-AIVCE f5990-PrgG 6 of 7 I ,':l I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I I d15990rrdc I o L Tcnpcetrre rod huoi&y of srpply eir, retrra riq ail oqEi&.ir dudng heating end cooling grclc. 1.10 ADJUSTAIR qUAr.iTmES TO FOLLOWING TOLEMI.TCES: ,q- F-rh oudccplusorminusS%. B. Elch room witt multiplc oudee 096 to phrs 5%. C. Fens: 096 to phrs 5026. . D. Adjust or chenge fan drives as required to eccomplish rcguircd eirquantity. AILOWAI\ICE SI{ALL BE IVIADE FORAIRFILTER RESISTAI{CE AT TIME OF TESTS. N4AIN AIR SUPPLY TO BE AT DESIGN AIR quA]\rTITrAT PRESSURE DROP ACROSS FILTER BAI{rG MIDWAY BETWEE}I PRFSSURE DROP FOR CLEA}TAI{D DIRTYFILTERS. AFTER COMPLETION OF BAIIIVCING, OPERATE ALL SYSTEI\4TS AI{D EqIIPMEI{T UNDERNORIT4AL WORIGNG CONDITIONS FOR THREE (3) CONSECUTIVE DAYS AI{D SUBMIT AIR B"tI*$iCrNc REPORT. SUBMTTTALS .q- FILL IN SAFEWAY AIR BAIIT..JCE FORM FE.15 A}ID SIJBMIT WTII{REPORT END OFSECTION I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I AIRBAI,{I{CE 15990-Prge 7 of 7dlilfr0ndrc l- ',' or Ez o=zJ2o' E -i dO2Z6S(JI eE 1I I I I tl 1 I-l I.l Ilir-l I Fr I I I t' I I oz BIE Paa @ ll Ll llI-JI I ss=s<-: HfrF6a: 5 *'S ! *- o!!8bS zl<l:lz1 j d c)!L (J z zo v) (JI I tl c.<7z>= qn T vte <E o-. 16 g-? =*tt<- =6 zot- (.)cli ao + irEEEllall: iEiiEil,€1 iiiEiEEi l :ci <?z ]n J UI Lr x la i gt = o tn G lrlt6lvt l>lo I rrl l3t:t:I8lfit; lrr I L,lt(Dt^l-tlllo I rrl z vl o ;3 olr- trJ lrlr : q ul UIlrJ N ? lrJ(J I I o o I I o o I =^xl I I I XX I I X oo{r I tn xIl, lr,z Ftr tJ1 q< 4 tJ,z\!1<Fvlt"An (n'tno EgO.- o lrJ fo lrJ LtJ tn fo o ! Eo v,Ilr =v ol! lrl @ lrJo o- 1n IJ tn trjJ9. =8 tn d :<p tn vl trjJo lrJ C) o LJ tn =oo e,ulzz 6q ooo IJ-o L, =(D ooo l4Jtnlrl =() r.Jo lr, anlr, =(J lr,o =oo TJ = x tn =oo d o(J z s{/, LJ (\a 4 |rl lrl = rO trl N D =. 1,.,1 v,(J t I T I I I ! I I t I I I I I I I I I CDo .o @(f) ro (Y)q) ooa CD ov(\l(')I 1\ @$ 1Oosol c\l Ta P6 *a g rgfi E 6 pr n. a H fig * 5 EE :E E ; -aq H q fiu eg *? EHy E 5=q qn gg sf;F i 9 H* gE re lEi;qIfififig;fil E;F Ir ; sgffts=iSaFi=f3sl. I t @tOs$l ro(oos o = o uJJ (tt (L UJox rJltzfJ d oq J o-fo E ul 6 o Fll uJ 3oJ uJ6 =oE t t-_ oul E, lo IJJd. E ute(OF o JfoF E uJooFfooulcfal!E f, =ooEo uJ (tt lo(9v C\l oq, ul IIJoI o I IJJozI f, c/) (ago C.,l ooolr) ool CD o CDs EolJ- E r,lJY @ olll IIJo o JI +o F =ootrU' uJJ (D zul =o- =a IJJ o c-,1Jf J s lll()z 5 lo o orO(ft I o oo(o I orr'(o I olr'(r) I oco(\ F o(\ or I I I o r.Ct I o o o oo I o o o o o o o o o o o ovrOq NNrr)q t\ FI I x IJJ oIs ol4'(t) lo oo(o olO(r) orJ)(v) o C.l ct) oo oro o(r,$t o oro(\ oo oo 00 oo @ ta @ Fll- g (I) (o Fo)roc! 0,fi :<* 0ffiFJ N(' Eg*O+ ;io r+@ o t.t-lE otuEt ltlaoF =o o == Y() G,Foul cDoJozul u- UJFo oct C\'| F o IIJ t IIJU' uJ() o- ct) ulozto o =Ffo F lll =u- uJF(n oo tulX .E aD2t! =niN uJ a2 uJ =o3 r.iNul = ooo E u.lY 6 oo Juto u,(9 e.oFat utJ ooo- J trJo uJI oIo o ulo EoFo fulcl E Ez z uJ o Gul o i2 o- z lJ- o IlJ. uJ o(\l lt uJ (D (t) I lJ- uJ o Ylt uJ (D() IlJ. UJ oI l,rL UJ o Itl.o Ill. lrJ (\ Ill.llt (r)Ilt t.lJ IttF $lr qlrF o Yl! uJ It!lllFo rylt|ll ct> =IxulF uJz Fz]Eo3zJuo6z EOctz1<OTQ630r<{nllfo- s?fr< ILJ x r8 fie*<[llI r'fi zf z uJ e. si7 <:-- ?o-a E=d 50o- FoI llj ,,f li"< <E(/) (rC) z fi Fq, f -x IIJ t 55o. pF = ot-I ?6 f f fS -tr = ilb ol I $l-l ur>k6o tut z uJo zo (/t of T'l Uz hJ Fq 14 oo to ooj zI C)o (Y)(o ciz IIJto U) I I sEcrroN 15000 ELECTRICAL I I I I I I I t 1 . O GF:NERAL 1.1 CONTRACTUAL REOUIREMENTS A. Refer Eo Ehe Conlract, Docrurents i.n their entiretyfor applicable provisions which govern the work of this SecEion. B. ALl materials and/or producE,s shall be furnished andinstalled as named, or oEherwise specified herein, with Ehe exception of subsEiE,utions accepEed by the Owner under the condit,ions specified in the i.nstructions E,obidders for this ContracE L . Z SLU_Hj1 A. Include all 1abor, materials, equipment and incidenE,als as necessary Eo compleEe Ehe work shown, specified - and/or otherwise required. B. The electrical system reguired for this work includes all labor and maEerials, equi-pmenE and services necessary to compLete the insLallation of allelectrical work and related iEems indicated on Lhe drawings, specified herein, or needed for a complet.e and operable facility, but, not, specifically describedin other Sections of Ehese Specifications. Anong t,heitems recruired are: CompleEe feeder sysEem, in conduit,, to new power panels and branch circuiE panels; New circuit breaker panels for power and lighting; Complet.e branch circuiE wiring system forlighEing, moEors, recepE,acles, juncEion boxes andsimilar uses; Lighting fixt,ures, wall, switches, receptacles andsimilar items; Telephone conduit and int.erconununication syst.em conduiE; Wiring and connections lo heating, ventilating andai.r condit,ioning equipment furnished and insE,alled under Section 1540 of Ehese specificat,ions; I I I I I t I I I 1 4. DA 9501 5. 15010 -r. I IsEcrroN 16000 ELECTRICAL I I I T R '7. Wiring to and final connecEion Eo all new signs Furnishing fluorescenE,, incandescenE, EungsEen halogen, mercury-vapor, met,al hali-de, and hi.ghpressure sodium-vapor 1amps. These will be furnished and inst,alled by Ehe Contractor. Connections between nearby junction boxesinst,alled as a part of t,he building conE,ract and refrigeraEed cooler and freezer cases, boxes, meatgrinder, saws, and similar items furnished and insEalled under separaEe contract. 10. rnsEallaEion of E.elephone and inEercommunication t syscems wiring and cable supplied by Safeway. 11 . InstallaE,ion of disconnect. swiEch above 1ay-in r:ci I incr. 'irrnCtiOn box where Shown on Ehe documents and final connecEion Eo the neon Marketplace signs. 12. Removal of all abandon floor sEub-ups for eguipmenE which is relocat,ed. 13. ConnecEion of incandescent. lighEing fixtures in Ehe walk-in cooler and freezer boxes. Fixt.ures are provide by Ehe cooler/freezer manufacEure. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: The following are covered in the indicated other Sections of t.hese Specificat,ions. CooperaEe as necessary wit,h all other trades Eo ensure proper and adequate interface of Ehe work of their trades wit.h E,hat. described in Ehis Section. 1. EarEhwork (trenching and backfilling for eLectrical work) : Section Q220; 2. Caulking and sealant,s; Section 0790; 3. Provide all required electrical service and connect.ions t.o plumbing equipmenE: Sect.ion 1520 , Work Not. Included: 1. Furnishing and inst.alling illuminaced sign. I I I I I I I I I I I t n DA 9601 16010-2 t I sEcrroN l.ooo ELECTRICAL 2 - Furnishing telephone and intercommunicat.ionr systrems eduipmeit and cabl-e. I 1.3 REouTREMENTS oF REGULAToRy AGENCTEsIA. Comply wit,h the following applicable codes, ordinances, I regulations, references and st.andards (in effect 30 I days prior E,o bid daEe) ; 1. Local and SE.aE.e Building Codes. I 2- NaEional Electrical Code, lat.est edit,ion. I 3. A11 materials furnished under this Sect,ion of I chese Specifications, for which UL scandarcis have been established, shall be list,ed by and bear t.he Label of t.he Underwriters, Laboratories, Inc. ! 4. Local utility company regulations. I t.4 ouAT,rFrcATroNs oF TNSTALLERS I A. For the actual fabricaE,ion, installation and testing of I work under this secEion, use only t,horoughly-t.rainedI il:-:-:ilii:::o.x3'H:f, :i:"*::l:":3}:113'wirh rhe recommendaEion as to their use. In acceptance orraianFinn nf rhe finiShed inStallation, nO allOwanCet ;iii-;;-;"i! i"r lack of skill on t,he part of the worKman. B. For E,he acEual fabricat.ion, installat.ion and Eesting ofwork, use only thoroughLy trained and experienced workmen complet.ely familiar wiE.h the it.ems required andwith che manufacEurer's recommendat,ions as to theiruse. In t,he acceptance or rejection of t,he finishedinstallation, no allowance will be made for lack ofskill on Ehe part of workmen. ]-.5 SUBMITTA]-S I I I I I t A. Equipment. List: Wit.hin 15 days afEer award of t,he Contract,, and before any materials of t,his section aredelivered to t,he job sit,e, submit t,o.t.he Archit.ect, forapproval a compleEe list, of equipmen! and mat,erialproposed t,o be installed, sEating Ehe type of equipment and iE,s major components by make, model number and manufact.urer and giving full performance data. This I DA e501 t 160L0-3 I ISECTION 16000 ELECTRICAL shall in no way be const.rued as allowing thesubstitut.ion of any iE.em for Ehe j.t.ems specifiedherein. As-Built, Drawings: During progress of Ehe work,maintain an accuraEe record of Ehe installacion of the system, locating each circuit, precisely by dimension. Upon completion of the installation, transfer allrecord data uo blue-line prints of t.he oriqinal drawings. Manual: Upon completion of the inst.allation, and a.s a condiE.ion of its acceplance, compile a Manual in three(3) copies and deliver all- Ehree (3) copies Eo Safeway Const.ruct.j-on Department. The Manual sha11 contain: 1. IdenE.ificaEion, readable from outside Ehe cover,stat.ing: "Electrical InstallaLion, Safeway StoreNumber-, by_(name of )_ Company"; 2. NeaEly-Eypewritt,en i-ndex near fronE of Mdnual,furnishinq irrnediate information as E.o locat.ion inthe Manual of all emergency dat.a for theinstallation; Complete insE,ruct,ions regarding the operaEion andmaintenance of all equipment. involved; Complet,e nomenclaEure of all replaceable parts, Eheir part numbers, currenE cost, and name and address of E,he nearest vendor of replacementparcs; Copy of all guarantees and warrant,ies issued onthe installaE,ion, showing all dat.es of expiration; Copy of As-Built. drawings described in L.58 above. D. WarranEy: Deliver original of aLl guarant.ees andwarrant.ies on t,hj.s port,ion of the work to SafewayConstruct.ion Department.. Warrant all equipmenc,mat.erials and workmanship for one (1) year in accordance wit.h t.he terms of 't,he contract. L.6 PRONUCT' HANDLING A. Use all means necessary t.o protect electrical mat,erials I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I t I DA 9501 1-5010 -4 t I SECTTON 16000 _ ELECTRTCAL I and equipmenE before, during and after install-at,ion andto proEect the installed work of oE.her trades. In t.heevent of damage, immediately make all repairs andrafr1rz'arnahFa '.rar.aqqarv f r-,,r rho 6ppgg17a1 Of E.he OWnefr ;;A-;;;;^'iiai'i.".i':";;'uI"l'u owner. I L.7 REMopEdTNG I A. Cont,ract,or responsible for all electrical work I associated wiE.h E,he remodeling of existing building as I follows: 1 . Fxi sf i ncl slgg!6ica1 outlets, raceways , et; . , I ""iJ""l'Uv removal of existing walls or which are! i-n the way of new consErucEion cutback to a point. behind new finished surfaces, All wi_ring sha11 be I removed Eo the nearest, out,1et, from where the I cuEoff is made. 2. ExisE,ing outlets noE used in t,he f inal sysEem havedevices removed, wiring taped, circuit.sa disconnected from e.,e.!i"ed sysEems and blankcovers insEalled. I 3. Existing equipment for which there is no use,disposed of as directed by Archit,ecE or engineer. I 4. Contractor checks all exiscing wiring forcondi.tion and replaces any permanent. wiring which n is brittle or ot.herwise unsuit,able. ! 5. Maintain elect,rical service to existing essential-areas and equipment. as required by the Owner. I 6. Existing ouE,let,s which are undist,urbed remain inservice and reconnected to the new panels as - reguired. t 7. Existing outlets which remain have t.he existingI H$i::""3iuu::ii:"nii:::"':3'$3"??i.5.El?.if,r:'.n I projecc. | 8. ExisE,ing ceiling outlets reused whever possibleI :::xiiEuJ$:-'i: ::::3:i{"'::"::*,"il3"iri::'"n arrangements. I I DA e501 I 15010 - 5 Existj-ng fixt.ures which become surplus are to beremoved and sE,ored as direct.ed by the ArchitecE orEnci naor 2.0 " PROnUCTS 2,I ELECTRICAI, SERVTCE SYSTEM A. The secondary service is L20/20! volt, 3 phase, 4 wi_re,Wye aE. pad mounted transformer as shown on theDrawings B. Coordinate work wit.h power company with respectr tro: 1. Locat,ions. 2. Requirements. 3. A11 other data perE,inen! to service requlremencs. C. Service Ent,rance Equiprnent nad Fuses 1. Fuses sha11 be current. limicing: a. Above 500 amps - Class L _ "Hi__Cap,, asmanufactured by Bussman, or equivilent. byChase-Shawmut. b. Below. G00 amperes as required by shortcircuiE duty; and as shown on the drawings -Class K-L - .Limit.ron. or Class k-5 - -1ow' peak" or Class k-9 - ,,FuseEron: asmanufact,ured by Bussman, or equivalent by Chase-ShawmuE,. 2. Furnish 100t spare fuses for each new size fusernst.a11ed.2.2 GROUNDING SVS.nEM A. A11-eguipment, including swit.chboards, transformers,conduit systems, moE.ors and other apparaEus shall begrounded by conduit, br conduct,or t,o cood wat.er main andindependent grounding elect,rode as inOicaCed on E.hedrawings, wiE,h ground clarnps manufactured by Burndy orT & B and approved by the Archit,ecb. Bond trom coldwat.er service E,o gas piping on building side of gas I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION r.,A >OUI r_601_0-6 b. d. q I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I met,er (Natj-onal ElecEric ada A :q rra-'''i t-led by Servinggas company. 2.3 ELECTRICAL DTSTRTBUTTON SYSTEM A. Identificat,ion of Components: 1. A11 panelboard, cabinet.s, safety swit,ches andoEher apparatus used for operaE.ion and cont,rol ofcircuits, appliances and equipment. instal_led underthis Section shall be properly and completelyidentified by means of engravEd micarulnameplates. 2. Provide black laminat.ed, whiE,e f j_11ed, plastic nameplates with load designati_on engraved in 3/ginch high lett.ers for items listed below: St,arcers Disconnect. switches, etc. For all motors wired under mechanical equipment. section of these Specifications Riveted or screwed to starter or switchenclosure. e. Data shal1 be in accordance with designaE,iongiven mot.ors on mechanical p1ans. A11 wiring for control systems, mechanicalequipment, sha1l be color coded and ident.ified bvEags in order co facilicat,e checking of work by - those so authorized. Stainless st.eel plates shall be used for flushmounted E.hermal overload swiE.ches, engraved in 1/ginch high let.ters with load designation. Furnish and install a whiEe-fil1ed, black-laminated plast,ic nameplat.e screwed to t.he front.of t,he panel t,rim on all panels. The name of Ehepanel , Lighting panel ,,A,,, etc., shall Ue engrarreain Ehe nameplate tn !/4 inch high leEE.ers. On.each single pole coil control power disconnectswiech, such as on conE,actor for broast.er, the sEcrroN l_5000 DA 9601 t-ouru- / o I IsEcTroN 15000 ELECTRTCAL I I I I I I I B. plate shal1 be engraved with: "120 V. coil con.pwr." j.n 1-l8 inch hiqh leE.E.ers. On the face of any cabi.neE or enclosure with liveconnecEions or t,erminals inside of the cabinet, ascontrast,ed to dead front, interiors, t,here shall bemount,ed a red micarta warning nameplate, furnishedand insEaLled on E.he face of the enclosure,engraved wiE.h ,,DAI\IGER--LIVE 209 VOLTS rNStDE,, in1/4 inch high lect.ers. Exarnple of these cabinetsare t.he magnetic cont,aclor for the exterior 1 i rrhr.i nrrr-Yr.e4rrY. Branch Ci-rcuit Panel: 1. A11 branch circuit panels shall have ,'euicklaq,, clrcuit, breakers, mai.n lugs only, and shall be ofdoor in door consE.ruction and shal_I be one of thefollowing: a. General ElecErical ,,NLAB,; b. Westinghouse ,'NQB,, ; c. Sguare D "NQOB"; d. Cutler-Ha[uner -CHB,, Branch circuit. panels E,o be wit.h: a. Multi-pole breakers having corunon cr1p. I I Circuit. breakers may have movement of rupturecont.act.s controlled by handle for manualoperat,ion only, buE sha11 be quick-break,free of handle when E,ripped automaEically. c. Mult.iple unit.s in whi.ch E,wo of more breakersare physically conE,ained in single case andbreakers cannoE. be individually replaced,will not be permiE,ted. Of such design t.hat. one, two and three poleci.rcuit breakers shown can be readilyassembled in same panel where indicat.ed andthaE. any individual breaker shown can beremoved without disturbing adjacent units. I I I I I T I T d. DA 9601 16 010 -8 I SECTION 16OOO f. e. z. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Screws used for t,he line and 1oad connect.ionsin paneJ.s t,o be eit,her of Ehe slot.ted headscrew Eype or Allen wrench t.ype 1ug. Bus bars shall be copper. Grounding bus bar for pVC conduit. grounds,similar t,o neutral bar. Bryant.: Hubbell: Dala 490L 122t Four- Pole 4904 !zz4 1994 )v54l zVI}LL + Wj-ring Devices l-. Duplex RecepE,acles All duplex recepEacles shall be 20 Amp threepole grounding Eype with third pole ,,U', shaped and grounded Eo the conduit system. Flush-mounted recepEacles sha11 have',super"stainless steel type 302 coverplaEes. AIl 20A duplex, three-po1e grounding typereceptacles shalL be one of t.he following:Bryant, Hubbell Nunrloer 5362, General Electric Number 4108, Arrow-Hart Number 5j39, p & SNumber 5300. A11 receptacles t,o be self-grounding cype. Ground Fault, Circuit fnEerrupEer Receptacle -1-5 Amperes Dup1ex recepE,acle t.o be p & S No.1591 F and No. 93051 DlaE,e. Tumbler Swit,ches: A11 t,urnbler swiE,ches shall beconunercial-industrial type 20 Amperes, t2O-277volt AC, and one of the followinq: Single- TVo- Three-Pole Pole +JUZ t222 L992 4'YUJ 1))1 Arrow-HarE:1991 General s95r. 5952Etrectric:P.&S.:20AC1 20AC2 20AC3 Flush-mount,ed swiE.ches shall have ,,super" stainlesssteel 93000 series cover plates and, ;here grouped, DA 9501 16010-9 t I 4 sEcrroN 15000 ELECTRTCAL shall- be set. in gangs wit.h one cover p.l_ate. Time Switches: ALl t.i_me switches shall be asspecified on the drawings. ConE,act,ors: AlL conEacEors for conErol of parkinoarea lighting and signs shall be latchinq Elpe,elecE,rically operated, mechanically nefa, wllfrself-cLeaning contact,s, and shal1 be Automati_cSwj-tch Company (ASCO) Bul_Ietin 920. provide padlock with E,wo (2) keys for enclosure cover.See drawings for exact. locabion and number ofpo1es. D.Raceways and Fit,t.ings : I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 4- Provide as called for in Ehese Specifications andas indicated on E.he drawi.ngs and in accordancewith applicable provisions of codes andregulations. Conduit, and Tubing SysEem as ca11ed for elsewherein Specif icat,ions or shown on Drawj_ngs. Shall begalvanized riqid steel conduit, or electricalmetallic Eubing, wit,h compression or tap-onfit,tings. ShaLl be pVC for underfloor orunderground wiring. except. as otherwise shown.A11 conduits inst.atled in concrete or whereexposed to weat,her or mechanical injury andsecondary service conduiEs shall be rigi_d steel .Conceal wichin walls, ceilings and floors exceptin st,orage and work areas where it may run exposedon ceiling only. Exposed runs sha11 have suplortsspaced noE more than seven (7 1 feet apart and-shall be insEalled wi.E,h runs para1lel orperpendicular E.o walIs and sEruct.ural members withrighE angle E.urns and slmnetrical bends. Locat.eso as not. Eo endanger strengt.h of structuralmembers. Keep at least G', from paral1e1 runs off1ues, sEeam pipes, or hot wat.er pipes. whereconduit.s of 1,, or larger are installed in ort,hrough reinforced slabs, beams, columns or otherstructura] members, obt.ain approval fromstructural engi-neer before pour. provide necessary galvanized sheet st,eel sleeves for allconduiE,s passing t.hrough masonry or concrec.e att,ime of construction. Met,a1lic home run andfeeder conduits over 100 feet in length sha11 be DA 9601 16 010 - 10 I ]r d a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I equipped with a ground wire, sized per NationalEl,ectrical Code Table 250-95, and with theconduits sized per National ElecErical Code Tables4 and 5. TTn zl arrrr^nr rnrl .v.^sv55rvqrrs. Install underground conduit,s ac mi.nimumburial depth of 30,, except where cond.uits arelocat.ed under floor slab. ConduiE,s underfloor slab shall be located 12', belowfinished floor. Underfloor conduit.s sha11not be run in the slab. Condrrits which areeontained in Fhe f loor slab sha 11 be abandoned and replaced at the contractors exDense. Install underground conduiE.s wich slope of aLleasE 4" per 100 feet Eo facilitate diainage. Slope underground conduits in one direction. Where possible, drain underground conduiEs toa 1ow point aLong buried run, provided t,hatconduiE is vent,ed on bott.om side aE such lowpoj.nt inEo coarse qravel drain bed consisEingof at least 0.2 cubic yards of gravel PVC rigid, polyvinyl ch]oride conduit., equalto Carlon type 40 heary wall, rigid pv-Duit, sha11 be used on underground and underfloorruns, excepE, as otherwise shown. (1) Make alL joints, couplings, etrc.,waterproof wit.h Carlon pv-Duct cement. (2) Make al1 bends and elbows, ot,her thanfactory ells, with Carlon heaE. box. (3) Furnish and install Carlon expansioncouplings Eo prevent damage fromexpansion and install conduit.s so Chatt,hey are slightly eased, i.e., swept ina slighE, curve and not run in a st,iaight1ine. (4) Install conduit. in fu1l and complet,eaccordance with t.he factory inst,ructions DA 9601 1501_0-11 sEcTroN r.6000 ELECTRICAL I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I :i. and recommendations with aL1 necessarvfittings, materials, etc. tnscall in-fu1l accordance with Ehe requirement.s oft.he Nat,iona1 Elect,rical Code, Article347, "Non-MeEallic Rigid CondurE,,'. (5) Furnish and inst,all a conE,inuous groundwire E,hroughout t,he conduiE runs rnaccordance wit.h che National ElectricalCode and local codes and t,he followinqt.able, in addition to the wires shown ont,he Drawings: Arnfrere Ratino of C$izeibf Grounalino Wire zv 30 40 50 75 and L00 150 and 200 400 L2 10 t-0 L0 8 5 f. (5) Above all underororrnd cohduits, furnishand inst,all a cont,inuous pLastic warningEape, 5' wide, yellow, imprinEed wit.h : "CAUTION--BI'RIED ELECTRIC LINE BELOW'every 24n and egual E.o Al1en Terra-Tape.InsE,all approximaE,ely 19" below gradeldirect,ly over each conduit run, and usemult,iple tapes over multiple conduitruns. Conduit. sizes sha]l be increased if necessaryto acconmodate the added ground wire, beyondthose sizes shown on the Drawings, per tlnte1 of E,he Nat.ionaL Elect,rical Code. TheconduiE, ground wire is not shown on thedrawj-ngs. No PVC conduiE, shall be run: (1) Exposed (2) On the roof (3) fn conibust,ible (sE,ud) parE,it,ions. DA 9501 IOUIU--I-Z I sEcTroN 15000 h. k. I I I I t I I I t I I 1 (4) Exposed exlerior to building. Rigid, oa] wanized steel elbows. wraoped withfwo Jeyers of pVC fane or pVC factory co.f .,reo4duits. are to be used on a] 1 ells- unrteruncler oround or throuoh floor from pVC condr,it, except, Service ground conduit. Wherever raceway sysE.ems pass through wal1s,ceilings or floors, separat,ing room- in whi-chmaintained temperat,ure differ- widely, suchas refrigeraEed areas, raceways sha11 beprovided'wit,h sealoffs locaced on side of.warmer room in accordance wiE.h NationalElect,rical Code, Section 300-6. Flexible metal conduit, of greenfield may beused as raceway in E,he following circumst.ances: (1) Ext.ending wiring dor,vn t,hrough hollowporE.ions of masonry t.o outl.ets in hollowmasonla/ walls. (2) Short ext,ensions are required for making moE,or or eguipment connect,ions. (3) wit,h grounding conduct.ors sized per NaE,ional Electric Code Table 250-95. Met,a11ic conduit. in direce cont,acC with earthshall be wrapped wiEh (2) layers of pVC tapeor sha1l be f acE,ory coat,ed wluh pvc. 4.I I I Outlets, JuncE,ion Boxes and Swit.ch Boxes: a. All outleEs, junction boxes and switch boxesshaLl be galvanized, code-gauge met.a1. Usedeep boxes with conduit 1,, and larger.,Junct,ion boxes under center fixt,ures shall behorizont,ally-mount.ed handy boxes or squareboxes. Out,lets inst,alled behind wall casesand in or on oEher store fixE.ures, excepE. asot,herwise specified, shall be 4" squaregalvanized sEeel boxes with galvanized sEeelcovers. Telephone out,let.s shall be sE,andard4' square boxes with si.nqle device cover andone-hoLd st,ainless steel t.elephone plates. I I I t DA 9601 15010 -13 l IsEcrloN t_6000 ELECTRICAL I I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I I Class to sat.isfy Ehe condit.ion of outlets.Ceiling outlet. boxes shall be equipped wit.h4" oct.agonaL un.l_ess otherwise noted. AI1fixt,ure ouEl_et boxes shall be equj_pped wi.th3/8" no-bolt, f ixt.ure st,uds. nixEuie out,Letboxes in finished ceilings shall be fj_ttedwit,h open covers seC E.o come flush wi.th thefinished surface. Switch and receptacleouElets boxes shall be not less E,hln 4"sqluare, fitt,ed wit,h appropriat.e covers, wherenecessary to seu flush with t.he finishedsurface. b. Except as otherwise speci.fied or noted ondrawings, locaEe outleEs as folLows(dimensions given are from finj-shed floor t.ocenE,er line of outleEs) : 3,-0"1' -6" Wall Swit.ches Conveni.ence OutIet,s(Except over Benches, Special Equipment, or Baseboard Radiators,etc. , where Ehey sha1l be at, aheight, !o service eguipmenE, or asnoted on t,he Drawings Convenience OutleE,s at. Wall_ DesksOuE.lets over Eables Horizont,ial Standard Telephone Out.IetsClock Out,let,s 4' -8" 3 ' _8" 1, -6' As Noted Inst,a11 outlet.s in locat,ions shown onDrawings as follows: (1) Location shall be governed'by sE.ructuraLconditions and obsEructions ; (2) Where necessary, reLocaEe out.let.s sot,hat, when fixtures or other devices areinstalled, they wilI noE i.nt,erfere withother work or equipment,; (3) Final locaE.ion of outlet.s musE, deverified by Architect and Safewav Cons t. ruct ion SuperinE. endenE Supports and Hangers: DA 9601 16 010 - 14 I I sEcrroN 16000 ELECTRICAL (3) (4) (s) 1.\ I I I I I I I I T I I I t I T I I A11 raceways, cabinets, boxes, fixtures,etc., shal-l be supported and aligned in anapproved manner as follows: (1) Support, raceways of approved type ofwa11 brackets, ceiling lrapeze hangersor malleable iron straps. Mi_nimumsupport, rod size - j/9,, diamet,er. (2) Use of plumbers, perforated strap or wt re as a means of support shall not, bepermit,E,ed. Brackets or hangers sha11 be equal to: (a) "Kindorf" (b) "Multi-Frame,, (c ) " Power-Strut,' (d) "Unistrut. " ilaceways or equipment. shall not besuspended from stream, water or ot.herpiping or ceiling tees, channels orwires for same but shall be supportedindependently. All support,ing method shal1 be securedby means of: (a) Toggle bolts in hollow masonry; (b) Expansion bolcs in solid masonry; (c) Concrete pre-set inserts orexpansion bolEs in concreEe; (d) Machine screws, bolt.s or welding onmeEal surfaces; i") Wood screws on CabLe or conduct,ors shallaccordance wit,h NationaL wood const.ruction. be supported inElectrical Code. DA 9601 5.JuncEion and Pull Boxes: 1_5010 -15 a. Under 150 cubic inches: ConsEruct. asstandard ouE,let boxes,. b. Over L50 cubic inches: Const,ruct. same ascabinet,s with covers, same gauge metal,secured by screws or bolEs; c. Removable covers must be accessible at a1lt,imes; d. Boxes on concealed conduit. shall be set, withcovers flush wiEh finish plast,er line; e. Inst,all where necessar? or convenient forinstallat,ion of wires or where shown ondrawings. I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I 7.Cabinets: a. Shall be sheeE steel: For panelboards:for all wires and For telephone andshall be of sizesdrawings; (1) (2) shall provide space connections; terminal strips: and depEhs noted on b. (3) Of st.andard make; (4) Bear manufact,urer's nameplate or sEamp; (5 ) UL, fnc . inspect,ion label Front,s for flush cabinets sha1l consist, of: (1) sheet steel frame; (21 Hinged door with cat,ch and lock. (3) Door in door const,ruct,ion such t.hat theE,he wiring inside may be inspected wiE,hout, t,he use of any tools. Furnish with catch and flap key lock: (1) A11 locks shall be fitt,ed E,o same key,. DA 9501 c. L6010 -L5 I I sEcrroN 16000 ELECTRICAL E. I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I Conduct.ors: Wire and cable shall be copper, 500 voltinsulated Nac,j.onal ElecEric Code sEandard, color-coded,TW, THW, RHW or XXHW. Branch circuit. conductors within3" of ballast within E,he balLast, compartment shall have90 degrees C (194 degrees F) insulation or better, suchas type RHH, THHN, FED, FEPB, SA, XHHW and AVA, minimumsize #12. Wire #10 and smaller shall Ue sofia; wirelarger than #l-0 shall be stranded. All wire run Eocase raceways of refrigerated cases shall be stranded,Eype THW. Conduit. sizes shown on drawings shall noE. bereduced regardless of wire insulaE.ion Ey;e. (2) Furnj-sh keys for each project. d. Shal1 have proper means for security,supporting and adjust,J-ng panelboardi andfronts: (1) Cabinet,s shall be arranged E.o provide awiring gutter not. less Lhan, (a) 3', wide for panelboards up E.o 31,,hiqh; (b) .4', wide for larger panelboards. (2) Rigidly set in place; (3) Front,s sEraight and plumb; (4\ Panelboards cenE.ered i.n Lhe door. Sl-eeves and chases: Furnish and inst,a1l sleeveSand chases where conduits pass E.hrough floors andwalls and pit,ch cups for al1 conduits throuqhroofs 2.4 LTGHTTNG FTXfiJRES A. All lighting fixt.ures shall be complete with allreguired suspensj_on accessories, cinopies, casings,sockets, holders, refLectors, ballasci, diffusin6maE,erial_, plaster frames, recessing boxes and otherilems and sha1l be complet.ety wired and assembled asindicated. B. Ballasts: Ballasts for arl fluorescent fixt.ures shar.lbe of the hiqh-power facEor clpe sLH, and their desiqn DA 9501_16 010 - 17 I IsEcTroN 15000 ELECTRICAL I I I I I c. n and construction shall conform with cBM standards andbe identified as such wit.h the CBM-ETL label . Ballastssha11 be eguipped wit.h dual prot,ecE,ion systemconsisting of non-reset,ting prot.ector in Che powercapaciEor and a Ul-list,ed protect,or adjacent Lo uhecoil. Ba1last,s for.mercury-vapor lampi shall Ue frigit_power factor stabilized.Eype, wiEh lamp watEs varyingnoE more than plus or minus 2* for rine voltage cirangesof plus or minus 138 and maintaininq lamp opeiation forvoltage dips of up Co 40t of below normal . Provide support.ing brackeE,s as required. A11 fixtures shall be securely grounded. Furnish and inst,all D. Woodhead #210series clamps as required E.o securegrid ceilings. Furnish and installspacer for each clarnp.-Luminaire inst,allacionwarps, dent,s, or oEher or Caddy #4-c-L6fixt.ures t.o Eeeone (L) L-l/2" t lr.f . ,J. shall be free of liqhE leaks,irregularities . LengE.h of chain of suspended Luminaires shal1 beadjust,ed -as may be required to hang all luminaireslevel and in t,he same horizontal p1ane. Luminaires shall be supporE,ed only from strucEuralelements capable of carrying eoual weight and. wi-E.hSt,eel CiEy #5010-DW-p hear41-duty channel support.s foreach fluorescen! or slimline fixcure support.. Use D.Woodhead #210 or Caddy #4-c-16 series c:_lmps E,o secureto lee grid ceili,ng. Luminaires (unless oE.herwise indicated) shall bear theUL, Inc. label_ for its part,icular applj_cat.ion. Finish: A11 met,al surfaces shall be: 1. Bonderized, galvanized or sharadized afEer f abricat.ion; 2. Provi-ded rust,-inhi-biting and f inish that adherenceproperties. Wiring shall be in strict. accordance with the latestrequiremenEs of National Board of Fire underwrii.i" ."follows: I T I I I I I I I I t K DA 9601 r.6 010 - 18 oT sEcTroN t_5000 c. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 1. Conceal within fixture construction. 2. protect with t.ape or tubing at. a1l poinEs whereabrasion j-s likely to occur. 3 - conduct.ors if wiring channer of fixtures mountedin continuous'rows shall be same size as r:i rr.rr.i rwires supplying row of fixtures. 4. Flexible met,al conduit, to recessed fixtures orfixtures on tee grid ceiling to be grounded perrhe NationaL Elect,ric Code, and minlmum piStlifwire size shal1 be #14 t,o single fixtures. L. ALl luminaires shalr be delivered to the job site andsEored in suitable cardboard boxes, packed to pr"rr"rriinjury to luminaires j.n transiE or'"Loraq.. M. Inst,al_l al.l Lamps. 2.5 COMMUNICATTON SYSTEnvf A. Telephone service: Furnish and inst.ar_l ar1 conduiasshown on the.drawings for Ehe public Eelephone system.Furnish and insEall access pull boxes so t,hat coconduit run is l0nger t.han 100 feet or contai_ns morethan two (Z) 9O-degree elbows. Cont,ractor shallinst,all all wiring for t,elephone and inler_cormnunicaE,ion system. 2.5 SA.r'nrY swtrcHgs General: A11 safety switches shal1 be hear41_duty,horsepower-rated. externally operated wj.tfr irrovi"i""for-padlocking, quick-make lnd- quick-break,- and shallbe fusible as indicaE,ed on the drawings. Enclosures shal_l be: 1 . fndoor: NElvlA 1; 2. Out.door: NEIvIA 3R raintight. switch enclosures shalr be clearly marked for maximumvollage, current and horsepower rlLing. Dual-Rat.ed SwiE,ches: A11 switches having dual rat.ings(higher raE,ing when used wit,h dual-eremeit rusesi -"n.r:- 16 010 - 19DA 9501 I ISECTION 15000 ELECTRICAL ,1 F rrY^F^z./ ruSES 3.0 3.1 T I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I A have rat,ings indicated on a metal plate rivet.ed. orotherwise permanently fastened Co Lhe enclosure. -- A11 fuses for mot,or-loaded branch circuit.s sha11 bedelayed aceion, dual-element Ehermal tlpe curiiiOq.construct,j.on, and shaLl be horsepower rat,ed. All fusesshal1 be Fusetron as manufact.ured by BussmanManufacturing Company . OTHER W\TF:RTAL A. A11 other malerials not specifically described. but,required for a compleE.e and operablL electricalinst,a1lation.sha1l be new, firsc gualicy "i-iir"i.respecE,ive kinds. E'.!.ET'IIITITr\I\T SIIRFACE CONnITTONS A. Prior to alL work of t,he Sect,ion, carefuJ.ly inspect cheinstalled work of ot,her trades and verify irrac att sucrrwork is complete t.o Ehe point where this- instalrationmay conmence. Verify t.haE, t,he cornpleted elecEricalinstallation wilr be in st.rict accordance ',viEh a1r.pert.inenE codes and regulaEions, and will conform withEhe manufact.urer's recortrnendat.ions ror insiiifaE.ion ofthe electricar items involved and wilr conform wit,h Eheoriginal design. In t.he event. of discrepancy,irunediately notify _safeway' s cons.ructi"i peiarcmentand proceed as iE. directs. PREPAPATTr1lT A. Coordination: 1. Schedules: CoordinaEe Ehe installaEi.on ofelect.rical iE,ems wiE,h the schedules for work ofother t,rades !o prevent. unnecessary delays in thetotal work. 2. Locations: Where lighEing fixE,ures and ot.herelectrical items are shown t.o conflict wit,hlocations of st,rucEurar- members and mechanical oroE,her equipmenE, furnish and inst,all all iEquireA DA 9601 16 010 -2 0 B. n E. A. t I t I t I I I I I I I I SECTION 15OOO ELECTRICAI, I I I t I I tt. supporCs and wi.ring to clear the encroachment _ Accuracy of DaE.a: The daE,a indicated on the drawingsand in -these specifications are as exact a could besecured, but, their absolute accuracy is noE, guaranteed.EIag! locations, distances, levels and other conditions "I,u}l be governed by Ehe building, anat rhe Cont,racEorsha1l use the drawings and t,hese specifications-ior hisassistance and guidance. Locat,ion of Outlets: The exacE locati.ons of each andevery outleE of each wiring sysEem not specificallydimensioned on the drawinq'shift-be as locaced by'saf_eway construction DepaitmenE. A11 outlei" i.riturr.awiEhout such aut.horizaE.ion shall be moved, if sorequrred by Safeway Const,ruct,ion Department., withoutadditional cost, to the Owner. Measurement,s: Verj.fy all measuremencs aE Ehe buildino-No-extra compensauiori will be allowed because oi--'differences beEween work shown on the drawinqs-andmeasurement. at. Ehe building. CircuiE,ing: The branch-circuiE, wiring and arrangementof home runs have been worked out tor-raiimr*-..i"t*vconsistent with adequat,e wi.ri.ng for voltaje Ar"p-anaoEher considerations. rnsrall t,he wirint-wiiir-iiitui-rsarranged exactly as shown on t,he drawingi Conceal all conduit, in t,he walls or ceiling spacesunless o.herwise specifically indicated on-thi aiawrngsor in the specificieions. w-nere conduit i.s arrowea tobe exposed, install E,he conduit parallel wicfr oi atright angle t,o st.ruct,ural members, wa1ls and lines ofr,he building. Keep ends of a1l conduits closed with approved condui.L.seals during construct,ion of Ehe buildi;;. Use-conauicunit,s where union joints are r-guirea. Do noE userunning threads. Wtrere conduits are installed in concret,e sLabs, on theground, - undergrou5rd or exposed E,o the,."it.i,'mate arrjoincs liquid Eislr. and sris righi. Bury atlunderground conduit,, except ,-rrrde. concrete slabs laid DA 9601 r_ 6010-21 sEcTroN 16000 \- f1rr 3.4 3.5 on fi1I, Eo a depth of 30" below finished grade unlessotherwise indicated on Ehe drawings. cond;it in di.rectcontact wiE,h earth shall be coat.ed wiE,h two (2) coatsof asphalt, varnish. D. ExcepE for cables or wires ot,herwise called for,install all conductors in conduiE, metar. g,.rtr., racewayor pul1 boxes. TNST'ALLATTON OF' LTGHTING F'TXfiJRES A. Install all lighting fixtures compleE,e and ready forservice in accordance wit,h E,he fiit,ure schedule shownon the drawings. B' wire all fixt.ures wit,h fixture wiring of at least 150degrees C rat,ing. Conductors in wirinq channels offixtures mounted in conE,inuous rows shal1 be the samesize as the circuiE wires supplying the row of fixturesand Eype THHN rninimum insuralion ricing. see section2.4E of Ehe SpecificaE,ions. c. rnstall all fluorescent. fixt,ures sE.raight and Erue withreference to adjacent wal1s. Use only bonderized,garvanized or sheradized st,eel for fiieure insta:_tationfor proE,ection against, rust and corrosion. D. rnstall all righEing fixtures, incruding those mountedin continuous rows, so t.hat, Ehe weight. "r trr. fixturesis supported, either direcLly or indiiecirv,--,r"l"sadequate nurnber and Elpe of fasE,enings to -urr",r..'i safeinsEallation. screwed- fasbenings u"a coggi.-ootc"t.hrough ceiling material or walI panerini"ii. ,,oraccept,able. E. rnstall fluorescent fixtures surface mounted, unressot.herwise indicated on the drawings. ltaint,ain aminimum spacing of t-I/2,, bet.ween !,he ceiling and t.het,ops of all slimline fixt.ures by use of rigid metalspacers. Mount, rapid-st.art, fixt.ures tight against non_flammable surfaces y!gr. so permi.rreo Ui coo6. onlyEhose fixtures specifically approved for the condltionmay be mount.ed tiqht. againit low_density combusEibleceilings. F. Install all lamps. TNSTALLATTON OF' POWPR EOUTPMENT I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I DA 9501 r60L0-22 I I sEcTroN 15000 ELECTRICAI, I I I A. Unless otherwise i_ndicat.ed, all heat.ing, ventilatingrnA r.l lnhi --qr'rlr r,r u'urr-rrg eql-rlpment moEors and controls shall befurnished, set in place and wired in accordance withthe fol1owing schedules: - I Item EquipmenE, Motors Mot,or Controllers, MagneE, j.c Starters, Reduced VoltageStart,ers, eEc .Disconnect Switches(Fused or Unfused) llD P^Farl er.ri ral-,^-\JYY I L\,TIVD, Thermal OverloadSwitches, eEc. Temperat.ure Control Pane1, Time CLocksin TemperatureControl PaneL Thermost,ats, Push-button SE,ations, Furni-shed SeE, inUnder place Ry ni -' 1 < Dirr 1q Div. 1,6 u1v, 10 D:.v. 15 U].V. Ib Wired _ Div. 15Div. 16 B. c. D. T I I I I I I I I I I I I Pilog Light.s, Relays, Speed Controls, Damper Motors, Temp- eraEure Conerol Wiring Thermost,ats, immersion thermost.ats, float. controls,eEc. , which are an integral part of mechanical equipmenE, or direcE,ly at,t,ached to ducts, piping, eEc.,lFlf .be set in place under mechanical splcifi6aEions,Divi.sion 15. A11 control wiring sha11 be in accordance withmechanical drawings and specifications andmanufacEurer's reconmendat.ions. coordinaEe and installwith mechanical trades. wiring shall be color coded orident,ifie! by cags to facilicar,e checking. ifrei^"srurwiring and control wiring shall be by ctr6 tempeiui"."cont,rol conUractor except, as otherwiie shown on Chedrawings Provide labels or stencil information date ondisconnect switches for all motors wired under thisSect,ion according t,o designation given motorJ o;rnechanical p1ans. Div. 15 Drv. 16 IllI,' ILr T'\ i rr 1 (u]-v, J-5 DA 9601 16 010 -2 3 SECTION 15OOO ELECTRICAL 1. For single-phase motors,as shown on t.he drawings; I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I ,J. TVpe "AV" or URHW" wire shall be used for all wj-ringnear hiqh-t,emperature area. Except. as ot,herhrise shown, each mot,or shal1 be providedwith-horsepower rat.ed disconneJt swicch, ah";;"i--overload proE,ection: 2. ::?f"i uniEs shall be sized approximar ely L25%EUIJ_ toad currenE; 3. Swit,ches and fuse units not acceptable unlessspecifically indicated; 4. Check and coordinate all Ehermal proEectivedevices with equipment, protect.ed. Equipment connections sha1l be rnade wic.h flexible ARrigid conduit or electrical metiifi" r"fi";;---required. Where cord connections or receptacles arerequired, furnish and install uype ,,s,, ruLber_jaciec"Ocord, 500 vol., heavy-duty servi-ce of sizes ar.6-iengthrsrequired. A1l non-currelt, carrying metal parts ofmechanical equipmenE shall be pioperty g.oii"o.d. -- For t.he aut.omatic door operat.ors, rnake connections toE,he door operaEors. r'uriish urra'ir,"ritl-ai;;;;;;;.swicches as shown on t.he- Arawing. rnstall arr wii:"ng.on conduit or EMT through Ehe d5or jamb,sectio.r".-Install and connect wiring under ttre Oireci-s,rJe..rr.sionof an authorized represenrative "i irr.-*Ji"rlliJ.". "rEhe automatic door operators, Install transformerssupplied by oE,hers for door cont,rols. Furnish and install all required circuit,s and outlet.sfor ext,erior signs. Final -connectlon E,o slgns will beunder separate conE,racE,. Furnish and inst,all fused di-sconnect suritches andconduclors for refrigerat.i-on comfressors as shown.Furnish and inst.all wiring to fui.O Oisconnect- ' switches, Ehe disconnec. iwitcrrJi-ano fusei-ai proauctrefrigeration condenser unit.s. -Conductors toi ---' compressors shall terminate in the tine side-of tn.circuit breakers for the p.oa"ci--ot retrig;iaiio.,"'compressors. Verify exacL location- DA 9601_1,60t0-24 I sEcTroN l-5000I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I 3.6 TNSTALLATTON OF CONDUCTORS A. unless oE,herwise indicated on the drawings, arr wiresused for branch circuit,s shaj_l be copper-#L2 Eype TW,prot,ect.ed by ampere circuit breakers-. rnstalr-- iarg".wires, as indicated on t.he drawings, to-t:_mit. volt,aqedrop. B. The number of wires in a conduit run is indicaEed ont.he drawings by cross lines on the conduie run wherenecessary for clarification. where wire size is noishown, install 12 conductors. where conduit size isnoE shown, insEall 1/2', conduit. provide and installcode-size conduit for nurnbered size of wi.res shown oirequired unless a larger size of conduiC is indicatedon t.he drawings. - c. use identified (white) neutrals and color-coded phasewires for all branch circuit wiring. l,rite arr "iii"."electrically and mechanically secuie *iin p.""sure_Eypeconnectors..or soldering. pressure Eype connect,ors forwire size #o AwG and smaller shalr b-e^ iscotchlok,,, forwire size #4 AWG and larger shall be Burndy ,,Versitap5,, and heavy-duty connectors or T & B "Lock tl_te,,connectors. rnsulat,e alJ. splices wit.h a minimum of two(2) half-rappeq layers of scotch Brand n,r*r.r 33 vinyi-plasEic electrical tape when insulati-on -is requir"a.'-rdentify all_ wires at all outlet boxes, j"rrciio"-lJ*"",pull boxes, cabinet,s and panels as to pane:. and cj.rcuiE.number with identification E.ape equal Lo Brady. D. Tape aI1 joinEs with rubber tape I_t/3 times t,het,hickness of the conduct,or insirlation, ing" cover wrthfriction tape or the vinyl_plastic efeciiical t,apespecified above. E- The drawings indicat,e t.he generar direction of the homeruns. Continue all such home runs t,o t,he panel ast,hough the routes were compLetely indicaied. 3.7 TNSTALLATION OF PANF:LS A. Unless otherwise indicated on Ehe drawing , installall panels-wiE.h the t,op of the t,rim 6'Ji-above chefinished floor B. Mount a.tlper^rriE,ten direct.ory behind glass or plast,i-con the inside of each panel door. On-the diieccory, DA 9501_L5010-25 q Era .T! T r1r\r I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I B. 15000 show the circuiE, nurnber and compleEe description of alloutlets on each circuiE,. 3.8 TNspEcrroNs A. Notify Safeway's ConsEruct,ion_ DeparEment., in wri_t,ing,giving ample notice at Ehe rorfoiing-"slJges otconsE,ruction: 1. When underf loor work is complet,e and before t.heslabs are poured; 2. When al1 rough_in is complete, but not, covered; 3. At complet,ion of aI1 eLectrical work. 3.9 TESTTNG upon completion of this port,ion of the work, tesE ar-lpart.s of t,he electrical syst,em in the pr""urr""-oi .representaEive of safeway const.ruction- oepaiitn""l t"demonsErate that all equ-ipmenc-iurnished instatled,and,/or connected under this Section of theseSpecificat,ions functions etectricatly in it. *urrrr.,required. A11 systems shalL E,est free from short circuits andgrounds, sha11 be- free from mechanical and eleceiicardefect,s, and sha1l show an :."""liti"" ,4"i";;;;;--bet,ween phase conducE,ors ana gio"nd of noE less thanrequired by che Nat,ional ElecErical Code. t."i "if.ci.rcuils for proper neuE,ral connect,ions. c' Arrange with the serving utility for installation of arecording vollmeter aE E,he se.,rice ..riiirr." on t,hefirst, day .he store is open for busi-neis, and conduct a24-hour- vor'tage Eest. r-f vortig.-i"d-i"surarions areno. within accepEable limits, "i.ung; ,iEt ct" ";r;i;gut,ility for proper vorEage. rnuneaiiEely submiE Eosafeway const,ruct,ion Department a repo.t of maximum andminimum vo1t,ag6s and a topy of ctre rEcoiaing voltmet,erchart. Also measure volcages UeEree"-pnases andbet,ween phase wires and neuE,ral and reiort thesevoltages to Safeway consE,ructio"-il"p"rii.r,.. 3.10 PROJECT COMPLETION A' :i::"':Ti':*33.:'n3llr3l5n.?'.i!'!r!3iii3li rhoroushlv I t I DA 9601 16010-25 T I sEcrroN 1_6000 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I insCallati.on, removing alL traces of soi1, labels,grease, oil and ot.her -foreign maE,ter and using oniy chetype cleaner recommended by che manufact.urersl Prior t,o store opening, t,horoughJ.y i_ndoctrinat.e thesc,ore manager in all aspects of mainE.enance andoperat,ion of the elect,rical system. END OF SECTION DA 9601 L60L0-27