HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 3 SAFEWAY 2007 DRB LEGALProject Name:SAFEWAY ADDmON Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommun ity Developme nt 75South Fron tage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479 .2139 fax :970.479 .2452 web :www .vailgov.com DRB Number:DRB070689 FINAL APPROVAL FOR SAFEWAY TENANT IMPROVEMENTS/EXPANSION OFEXISTING STORE Participants: OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC 12/04/2007 1371 OAKLAND BLVD200 WALNlJf CREEK CA94596-4349 APPUCANT PETERSON STAGGS ARCHITECTS 12/04/2007 Phone:208-345-1462 TODD POIRER 5200W.STATE ST. BOISE 1083703 Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location:SAFEWAY STORE LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:2103-114-1501-1 Comments:SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By:Gillette Second By:DuBois Vote:5-0-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:01/21/2008 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry:12/20/2007 By:RLF Action:COND 1.The applicant shallbreakup themasses of sidingonthefacade of thebuilding. 2.The applicant shallprovidea minimum of four additional approvedwall sconcesontheeasternfacadeofthebuilding. 3.The applicant shallutilizeawoodtrellisatthe center entrancetothe building . 4.The applicant shallprovidelandscapinginthe front that is comparabletoexistinglandscaping,includingatleastasmanyaspensand other nativespeciesasexisting,of thesameorlarger height thanthe existingtrees. 5.Thisapprovaldoesnot constitute approvalforanysignage. 6.The applicant shallutilizea different materialonthelowerportion of thefacadeatthepublicentrancestothebuilding. Cond:O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit forbUilding.Pleaseconsultwith Town of VailBuildingpersonnelprior to construction activ ities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalid for 20 days following thedate of approval, pursuant totheVailTownCode,Chapter 12-3-3:APPEALS. Cond:202 Approvalofth is project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following thedate offinalapproval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion . Planner:RACHEL FRIEDE DRBFeePaid:$300.00 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application forDesign Review Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,COlorado 81657 tel :970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web :www .vailgov.com JP General Information: Allprojectsrequiring designreviewm ust receiveapprovalpriortosubmitting abUilding permitapplication.Pleaserefer the submittal requirements for the particular approva l thatis requested.Anapplication forDesignReviewcannot be() accepteduntilallrequired i nformationisreceived by the COmmunityDevelopmentDepartmen t Theprojectmay also need to be reviewed by the TownCouncil and/or the Planning andEnvironmental COmm ission.Design review approval lapses-., unless a bUilding permit Isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval.-V Description of the Request:TE.Nc....l'"t,:r/'Y)peovE,mE",Yr I E>(&;'\'\1>5'0,.,)01=07 AN F ><'5 'T,,,J(lt -SAEt=wAY S70RE . B}(oS7 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)Parcel No.::z.lo:-:'1I'i /5011 Zoning:c..c....'? .--Location of the Proposal:lot:3 Block:02.<t'1 Subdivision :VAil...I>AS 5c..HQNE ~!.lBOI\JI,)'ON f:,..,...l Lt ~ (» -..D Physical Address:2.1~I NoB.lH EBoN,.Ac..E.ROA[)I VAl L CQl.nQADo Name{s}ofOwner{s}:S""FE ....'''''V :INC,.(CONTA'-T \)AVE.5.IDD()NS~ Mailing Address:"900 S!Yo 5E ""I"E FN~LfwooD c.oLnR..ADo 80112 Owner{s)Signature{s}:_ Name of Applicant:PETE RSE N STAC.,.C"S ARC \:\I'JE C.TS,(Co!'1JAC.'-lot)D.POI R\E.e.') Mailing Address:52..00 !,I).5.TA7€STQ.Ee"T BoISE .J:.DABo 8Yro!.Phone:(2P8')3YS-IYiQ2. I (.E-mail Address:lOCD-f>G>PSAI'c h .[00,Fax:.......?o~')3y5 -15 3].. Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewCOnstruction $650 ~Addition $300 0 Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 ChangestoApprovedPlans $20 0 Separation Request No Fee For Office Use Only: FeePaid:5 0 0 '- MeetingDate:\1-\l 1 Planner:£.-l...--F e!l.!s $1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. Forconstruct ion ofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild . Foranaddition wheresquarefootageisadded to anyresidential or commercial bUilding (includes250additions &interiorconversions). Forminorchangestobuildings and site improvements,suchas, re-roofing ,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesandreta ining walls,etc . Forminorchangestobuildings andsite Improvements,such as, re-roofing ,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesandreta ining walls,etc . Forrevisions to plansalreadya sign ReviewBoard. ••••••••••••************.**••**••**••**********.***•••***.*•••***••*.*.***.************.*.** TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement **•••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••***••***.***********.************•••••*•••• Statement Number:R070002638 Amount:$300.00 12/04/200709:54 AM Payment Method:Check Init:JS Notation:050- 0002892/SAFEWAY INC . Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB070689 Type:DRB -Addition of GRFA 2103-114-1501-1 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL SAFEWAY STORE This Payment:$300.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance : $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 ••••*.**.**************.*•••*.*.***.******.******•••••**.****.**••**••*••**********.*******. ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Acco unt Co de DR 001 0000311 2200 Desc ri pti on DESIG N REVIEW FEES Cur rent Pmts 30 0.00 TO: FROM: DATE: TownofVa il 75South Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado 81657 David Siddons August 8th ,2007 SUBJECT:Project Authorization Re :Letterof Authorization Pleasebeadvisedthat Safeway Inc ,Denver Division Construction andDesign Department,6900South Yosemite ,Centennial,CO80112hereby authorizes PetersonStaggs Architects toserveonour behalf to submit forandsecure approvals fromTheTownofVail.Thisisinregardstoourstore#631remodel projectlocatedat2131NorthFrontageroadVail,Colorado 81657 . Shouldany questions arise regardingthis authorization oractionsoutofthis authorization ,pleasecallusat 303.843.7511,oremailmeat dave .siddons@safeway.com Respectfully , Dav id Siddons Safeway Denver Construction andDesign 303-843-7511 SAFEWAV " Ing redients fo r li f e.• SAFEWAY Construction andDesign Department DennisKinde ,Director ADDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Infonnation: This application is required forall proposals involving theadditionof GRFA (gross residential floor area).This includes proposals for250 additions andinterior conversions .See Title12,Chapter 15 -Gross Residential Roor Area for specific regulations. I .SUBMmAL REQUIREMENJS** ~All pages of Application is complete ~Checklist is completed and signed JQ.Stamped Topograph ic Survey* D Siteand Grading P1an*~/A. Ja"'Landscape P1an* ~Architectural Elevations*(1setof Redlined elevations)J:1'.Exterior colorand material samples and specifications. ja"Architectural Roar Plans*(1setof Redlined floorplans) ,J2J 'Ughting P1an*and Cut-sheet(s)for proposed fixtures Ja'.Titlereport,including SChedules A &Btoverify ownership and easements* Jd.Photos ofthe existing siteand adjacent structures,where applicable. D Written approval froma condominium association,landlord,andjointowner,if applicable N/I\ D Site-specific Geological Hazard Report,if applicable*NI"" D The Administrator and/or DRB mayrequirethe submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications,samples andother materials (including amodel)if deemed necessary todeterminewhetheraprojectwill comply with Design Guidelines orifthe intentofthe proposal isnot clearly indicated . PietiSt!submitrllree (1)copier q/rlle moreriols /tored witll o/t operis'"("'). **Forinterior conversions withnoexterior changes.the submittal requirements include a complete setof existing and proposed floor plans,atitlereport,andwritten approval froma condominium association,landlord,andjointowner,if applicable. I have readand understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:SAfEl...lA'f S7oe.£,<O~I Contractor Signature (AAf.ktIl f.cJ'Pfl.¢::tfc..7 _Ari~C.~f4.)~,jl.~ Date Signed I'IJ...8/o",J I F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old fonns\drb_addition_S-2S-2007.doc Page3 of 14 Buildjng Materials Roof Siding OtherWallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material t2!2! ~~tx:>C......~To"'"",>~:rA.l..I 'INC • S TAADIl'.{u s EAo MfTAL Roof /NCr M et)I ~M.e ll..o.H.E ~~I pu-.-.l\::' loP-?~1t>1"'<2r DE5 fQT GrR."'Y l1uL.I..../Uoe...S'TO"IE.C.O• N A"T,..r;>A L.~lD rJE T tUN VE.NEE Q L ft:>C.,Eno ..,f (poY SZACJr::.') w ooD FA'5E-'A f>oAQ.D G..AA-("oYL.€" ,fE ..:arft7a£F ~.....'~',QQ.":5I I~!!!I f ,.,..,e.U L '-c'-A6S G.A&GsoY ,f HE...:.~"l'O~EQcr.IT ....,...C)O""~ t SPANJ)Q£L c.,.c..A1;;$ Doors DoorTrim HandorDeck Ra ils Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls ExteriorUghting Other Notes: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\OId mrms\drb_addi tion_8 ·28 -200 7.doc Please specifythemanufacturer'sname,thecolornameandnumberandattachacolorchip. APP RC''~R ~?'T"E Tr:' DESIG,_f R[) \'L\\q I0·1- lRl/~_ ct,Y"\CJl ~h r-yV) Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantity PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED NEw VWClSCA el~C>t t.U'LL oc.c.y"Q AI'NEw P lA-<)'T fl? L OCAI/oNS I QEAe.Q!~:rr ~ID E Df-ScpR.E I AdD flEzw FE oj R.fAa-~Al2..t 1..,)("LO:r A--:l.D ')=4 Am 0 '"!x. LANe...P L~£..R f Ef,/2.to D Q.A'-"l l-vG.~H e.e.T....,S"""-_ ONE.o "vQ THQ.E.E...FoR-7H €LAvCSc.AeE f\AttfA 'S A ,.)l)D AAIJ,)IN~SHE£.cyvE.F a A.."THE.LA'\I ~.s C.A P E L£C:tE,H~ Minimum Requirements for Landscap ing:Deciduous Trees -2"Caliper Con iferous Trees-6'inheight Shrubs-5 Gal. ~Sguare Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Jt'Z ""'-IN Please specifyother landscape features (l .e,retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) =F:\cdev\FORM S\Permits\Plannlng\Ofd forms\drb_addition_8-28-2007 .doc Page8 of 14 -,OAHU I >-_\~\I Ct{Oi­ [-~~ ~C ~\h\1VJ -~- unurv APPROVAL ...VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the P10p00ed Improllelller'lts wi.not impact any existing Ol'"proposl!d ~11ty seMces,andalso to verify service CMlilablllty and location for new construction and should be used In conjunctIOn wth preparing you-utliity plan and sd1erlutlng Instalations.A site plan,InckJdlng grading plan,floor plan,and elevatlons,shall be submlt!E:d to the following utllitles lor approval and ~.PLEASE AllOW UPTO2 WEEICS FOR AWRIOVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTD.ITY COMPANIES.If you are unable to obCaln comments within lt1at t1mdrame please rontacl:The Town of van. De ......tr1';.jfi':t,AffH~~ LotAdd.-:VAlk,CcNoD"'''''QO S"Sl SUbdI......l;JI/!U.Ii¥ti {CNt)I#6 LaU:---.,;)_ QWEST 97O.468.686O(tel) 970 .468.06n(fax) contacts:Sam Tooley samuel,lmIMlrnO!!:<teom XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970 .468.1401 (fax) contact:RIch ~ r!ctlard ~.CXllIl HOI..YCROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contitct:Dlana Gells dcXlisCl1<lIymI:lj..axn XCB.EHrgy 970 .262 .-lO38 (fax) 970.262 .-lO21 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert !Vttlf¥n RogertftXCR ENERGY.com EAGLE RIVER WATER'" SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.74110 (tel) 970,<176 ,1089 (fax) Contact :Fred HasIee ~,oro COMCAST CABL£ 970 .418.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact:Davld Evans david cva"S@rablc IJlIITiIS rom Authoriz!d SlUt!!!'! /l / deL rm:Iai 1.If the Itllity approval &.wriflCatlon form has signlIbJres from each of lt1e utllity ~and 00 COITIIlleIltS are made directly on the form,orno action Is lilk.en wltt1ln 2 weeks of the lJtIIIty's cea;pt of the form without eJql!anation the TCMll wiD presume that there are 00 problems and the delielollmelit can proceed. 2.If a utiflly company has coo::ems with the proposed consl1u:tlon,the ~Uty n::ptea itallve shall me d1rectt-(on the ~Iity vertflCiltion form that thereIs a problem which needs to be resoIYed .The IslSue shcUd lhen be detailed In an atl:ilched Idm"to the Town of Vail .~,please keep Inmind that It Is the responsibility of the l.tillty ClXI1llIIlV and the applicant to resoIYe kkrtlfied prOOIems. 3.~'Ie'itications do not relieve the oonl1adxlr of the responsibility to attain a Public W1IIf Pemlt from lt1eDepartment of Public Wa1<s M the Town of Val l.!II'Ry ..gUm"mJllt"""""'"befpnle.pJm in any public right-of-way or easeI lei It within the Town of Val.A INIldIng IIIIJII!I;Is nqt I PI!!IIk:Wg pmnlt Ind IDIII!:bII..wlll!CI rremeJy. 4.The DeYeIopel Is requiralllncl agrees to submit any revtsed dmw1ngs to the 1AI11tles ror re-approval a.re-veriflcaljon if the su~plans are al!e'e<Iln ¥ly W1IIf alter the authorized signature lIatJ!(unless ~specirlClllly r1OU:d within the comment area of thIS form). DeveIoper's SIgnature F :~MSlPermitslPlanningIDRB\Uli1ily ApprovaLQS.2S-07.doc ~d LL L OOOOO SL ·OH/LO :O l ·1.S/80 :Sl L O OZ a t d3S(an .1.) SILVERT HORNE HP Fa x:1970468 140 1 Sep 17 20076 :26 P.0 2 ~unLITY APPROVAl.VERIFICATIONm'fiil This form seM!S In ~lt1Irt the proposed I ~wW ~Impact ~y l:ld~ng or proposed utility services,and also to vetlfy sesv!Ql ;IYiIilablHty and lOClltIOn ror new ronsll'\lCtion and 5ha!Id be used In ronjunc:tlon wit\prep;JrIng yOl.I'utIl11.y plan and scheduDng irQ;II;Itjcns.A site plan,InclucIng QliIcIlng plan,fleer ~and !leY3tIorIs,shall be subr'nitt!id ID the foIowlng utilltlcs fQl'approve!and verifICation .III..USE ALLOW UP TO2 WEEI<S FOR AJII'ROYAL OR CX)IOWfTS FROM THE UT1UTY COMPAND!S.If you are unable to obtain txlITlmenls wtthln ttIilt ~please COf'llXtifIe Town d Vllil. QWEST 9?O.468.686O(lI!l) ~7Q.468 .0672(tax) Cor1tacIs :sam T~ selDu::Umk'Y&wgst COlD lea HlGH PRSSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970."68.11(11 (fllx) contatt.RIch SIsneros r1I:bard.sisIa gs@XD!laIelVt.OO!J) HOlYCROSS EfWtGY 970.'X7.5471 (let) 970.945.4081 (!'ax) Contact:DIana Golis dJJl!jsCbhgIyqtmJXl!ll ltaL l'IIervr 970.:il62.4038 (fllX) 970.262 .402~(tel) ConlBcts: Kltlloget JOO!Qm flrmt@YCR fMBGv.cr;n EAGLE RIVn WATER a SANITAT10N DISllUCT 970.476.7'180 (b!I) 97G.476.4089 (fax) ContK:t:Fred tm*e fttrleeOeryfflm CO'4CAST CABLE 970.418.82'!8 (tEl) 970.949.9138 (rax) Contllct:03vi(l E'Jans d.1yId c:vamftcllb!e.P""P'f alai "OTES; 1.If trle ut1l~3pprova!&.vert1'tGItlon form haS SIgnatures from each d tne uWily COI'I"CJ3nles,and 00 Q111'l11'1el1t!l are made dlredly on the foIm,orno actDIls tak!n within :il wem;of tile lMlty's rea!Ipt or tile tonn ~ut expIallilticn the Tawn will presume that then!are no problems and the de\Ielopl nellt an procEed. 2.If a utlllty lXllDpatly has alllCei liS with Ito!Pi oposed CllI'6tI'1.Jttl,the utility I !pi f!!ZI il:!tM!shag"noll!di1u:ttr on the utility vefIcatIon form that then!is a problem which needs to be~.The llil;ul!!Il<lIM the1 be d«.alled In iln iltIac:hed IeI:Izf'In the Town d vall.Hawcve',please keep In mlnd ~it Is the restlOl'lSfblllty d the utility ~ny and the lIlJ1)lk:.llnt In resolve Idenlltled ~ 1.These verifGlionl;do net.reIevl!the COl itractnr d the ~bilfty II)oIltllln B Public:Wiff ~It fllXll the Department r:I PublIC Works at the Town orVilW.'ltIb """=I!IH!!I be"'"",,befgn!d!GP'np In any public ~V or miniQllt Wlttlin the Town d VaH .A hul!dlDg !MlID1 '"naIi •bJa WU !WI!!It ,wi ...be "'R!nrAl !tN!IDIb!IJ, 4.The Devebper is requil'\'.d slld agrees to SlIIxntany ta'Ised drawings lD tile utilities for ~I r..~if the subrrma:l plans !Ie alb!red In iIny vqr Ifl2J !tie authortzJ!d signature date (unleSs otherwISe ~Iy nottd within the txlITlment area ~this l'Drm). DeYeIope"5 Slgnatae F:\t:de'v\I'OItMSlPlllmits\Pla nnlngllmB\Utiity ApprowUl&.:;l8-07 doc: Dele unUTV APPROVAL&:VERlFlCAllON ThIS form seve;tn verifY that the pIUll()SIed ~wiD not imJ&Jd:any elCistil'l!J or prcll)OSIed ld1ty services.and also tn w:r1l'Y !ll!Ivit:e availaWity ancllocation for new aJl15tnJdlcn and sila.dd be used In conjlJlldlon witt plepai illY \QJr utility plan am scheduling fnstaIlatials.A!lite 1lIan.IncUling grading pI<m.tIQIr plan,and elevatlons,.stWl be subrnlttm1D the following ~ I'or approv3I ana vei:icatiol ~PlEASE Al.lDW UPTO2 WEEKS fORAWROVAL OR COMMEI'ITS FROM TIE UTll.ITY COMPANIES.11 you are unable to obtain comments wlthIn th!Jttlnmame pIsse 0lITIaCtTheTown at V3lI. DdIte1Dpcl t»';.~~Tr~i5S~U/V>, lcJtAddreSS:VAl'-t1M.b Vt~8"S:r 5abd1w11b,;"""L,tfM.$Cllollllt• ~e4 SJn!W Com!!!!!lt! QWEST 970.468.6a6O(teI) 970A68..0672{tax) ConIads:~Tooley samuel.too!eY~ XCEL HIGH PRES&URE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) contact;RIch Ssneros OChard.!il:m'p.<;@Y'l1m"Jrtcpm HOI.Y CROSS~ 970.947.5471 (tel) 970-945.4081 (tax) CormK:t::OIana GoIis~.rnm ~~xc:a.Enef1lY 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.402'4 (tz!!) CDntlds: J<lt Beget KIlthrm.9:loeIU)XC8 fNE!lGY.rnm I:AGLE R!VBl WATER" 5ANI1'ATIDN DISJRICT 970.476.7400 (tel) 970,476.4089 (tax) Con!lld::Fred ~ ~ COMCAST CABlE 970.418.8248 {~ 970.9'l9.9138 (fax) CllllIaet:Davie:!~ns tjayjd mns@q!!J!r:grmt<f.rnql NOTJ!S: 1.If the ltll/ty allllfO'{al &.'felificatlon form has slgnal1lIes from each ci the ut.iitV~,and no COlIIl11ClIts are made cllredSy on the rorm,orno aetiaI Is ti:llren wIlIlln 2 Wl!!!ks ci the UIlll.Ys rea:ipt ci the rorm ~ecpUreIion the Town win p!!'.5Um! that there are no prolllmls and the ~ll:Ilt can JllQCl:ed. 2.If a ul1/ity ~ny haS a:n:enlS with the pltlpOSed anitruCiIOn,the utJllty ~:mOnate ~on the utiDty verillcation form ttoat there Is a problem whictl needs to be ~The Issue shculd then be detailed il ilIO attad led Ictter tD the TO'M'l at vaa.~,PleBSe keep In niOd ttt;,t it Is the ~bIIlty at the utility ~IIY and the applk:ant to ~ iOentifted prolllems. 3.These YerifbIlions do not relieVe the COllb actu d the R!SIJlllISbillly te ottaln a Public way ~It trtlm the Deparnnent at Public WcrlIs at the Town ci Villi.WIRy ......!iDl.jDgIt be "'00«bc(on:::e pI"SI in at7f pubIk:l1!lht-Ql'-way or ~ ~ttle TCMI"I ci val.A bgRc!lng pcnnlt b nqt.PUblic;we pmnI md JDIIIt bfl gbtained """""'*, 4.The ~ISrequilcd aM agn'I!S trl submft:any revIzI dritMngs 10 the utilities for ~pprcNlIl a re-velflcatlo,l If ~ submItb:d plans <Ire ~il'llllfly -V lifter the IIlJ!hortzed ~~(unless odlerwIse spedIIcaJly ~wlltlin the COld 'Id« area ~this form). Developers Slgr0I1Jre p.\cde\iIFORMSIPem1ilS\PIanting\Ol'lJ3\iJlS1ily Appto.IaL08-28-07.doc 19 8 ·ON A9~3 Nj S 3 0 ~J A10 H XCEL SUM MIT CTY Fax:9702624057 Sep 14 2007 6 :29 P.01 l q E .,.e ;0F ! SF.P 14 2007 umrrr APPROVAL.YEJUnCATION ps/\ nils farm ~!Xl veritv!hlt the popcsed I~wII net ~any ~or proposed u:llty seMa!s,aA:l also !Xl ~seMc:e availabllltY ancllOC:atlan for new eonstructIon and should Ill!!ulBl i\ccnjunction wIh pI~'I'W'~1Ity plan iI~ sc:tledullng InstaIatlons.A site pWl,ildJdIng QI8llng ~.floor llIan.and ~sNI be submItIl!d 11)thl1bIIclwtng ~ for lIPP"Mll and ..eifatiOn.PU:ASE .w.ow UP1'0 2 WESCS RIll APPIlOYAI.OIl COMMI!N'TS AtOM TltE um.rtY CClMPAN1!5.Ifygu iI~unabletDoIlIaln COli.'e1t$wtlhln that tlne'I""~pIeese<XlrQaThe Town of YaP. ~.f'.ID':ifT'tIo~~ LcUdd_"'!:flo '''"'.""&)0 ~"$"S"Sildl"!:IIItt&.EMs S(No",6• Author1pd Slalm Com'" QWEST 970.468,6lI6O(teI) 970.4GS.067Z(fax) Contad:s:sam Tooley amet"*·00f'CS.qm JaI.HIGH ~8AS 970.2~.4076 (tl!f) 970-'168.1<401 (fax) Conlact:RICh 5snc:ro&rXbYd.o,.......,....mv am MOLY CROSS INI!ItGY 970.947.5471 (lef) 970.945.'lO81 (fax) ConbIct:DIana Galls "B'~ XCEl E:fterIr 970.262.04038 (fax)! ~~~1{teI).'."'_~,;..,~,//.'.:!meItftga~~~'.::.=_==--_ II!AGU!ItZY!R.WATER.,I /\( &VaTATJON DIS1'RJCT v -. 910.476.7480 (ld) 91O.176.1OtI9 (!'ax) CordBct:Ffed t8sI= !!l ;l 110 wsd.om CO"'4CAST CAIILIl 910.118.8248 (tEl) 970.949 .9138 (fax) Qlntad::0Ml ~ d.M:t eetS'IkabbCTf!D'tron q·13 ·(J7 !IWDi L If the ~11ty approvlIl &.vertfIcatlon ronn has silIMtures from eech d the uttlty COiI~end rD CQml11ClO are mode dk'edly on the fOrm,or no lJdlmls b:lken wtthIn 2 week:!d the UUIrty'li retelilt d the f'lxm ~elCIlIanatlon the Town VtfllIll'eUlle that there Ire no problems lind the cfe:o,elopn1l!J.t can proceed. 2.If II utiity COIT1P'K1Y ~coueCllilS wlttl the ~~,tfle ldly ii!9u!!lell~!:tI:in /lOll!!dil'l!dtt on tfle utility ~rorm ttlat thee is I prtJbIem v.t1k:h neeclJ to be 1'e!lClIWd.The IQ;ue shoukllhEn be detailed In an lIttactled I!tt!r to tfle Town d Vllii.~,pIlIase keep In rrind that It Is till!~bl1Ity d the ~Iitv cunoany and the 8pplbnt to resoI\te IdentIfted proti!/TI$, J.These ~15 do I1lX IlIIII!Ye lJle COl.ba:lDi r:I till!respcnslbilly to obClIln ill P\Jbllc Way PenlIlt rrom the I:ll!piIrttn!nt r:I Public WOl1cs lit IN Town r:I val '...k-II'Me mll!lt be tteIwl!!Wore ........In IJrf ~Ic r1ght-o'-MY or _.l&'lt wIIt1ln tlle Town of Vall.A bulldlnq pem!1:"apt•PuN!F WU M1It&.DlInwt """,lned -IPJI1IClI. 4.The OM~IS reQulI'ecl and agrees to submit any n:¥llll!d driwlngs lrJ the I4SItles for re-eppn;JVlIl &.~rt the subm!ttI:d pions .n!!8~in IJrf Witt ~the llU!tlorized s1QMIn date (Ul'IIea otherwlst specifiadly nobed within the OOfTII'IleIlt area rI tfll$form). Dr>8:lpiI's Slgnattn F:\c:o:lMFORM&J'ennllIlPlanning\ORB\l.Uly ~oa.28-07 ,doc: Se p-19-2007 09:55 From-ERWSD 97047640B9 l11IUTY APPROVAL a YERJPlCAnON T-42B P.OOI/OOI F-BB5 nus form Stlves ttl veritY that the pI'OIlIl!lI:d tmprovement5 wiD not ~any exlSlIng or proposed lAllity se.rvla:s,and also II> ~seIVia:lMllI!blllty lind 1cca00n for IleIM construetlOn and !ihCIUId be UsM In COI1lunctlOn wI;h prepaI1ng 'I'CtIr utllIty plan and sd1edUlIng ~Illlions.A site plan,IncIllalng gr3lllng plan,tloa'plan,and ~,SI\8ll be subrrlllte:llD the foIkMW1g Ublitlcs !Of ~and ~n.PlEASE.\I.LOW UP 10 2 WEEICS fORAPPftOYAL OR COMJUllfr.i FROM ~U1'%UTY COMPANIES.If vou are l6I<tble ttl ot:caln CXlI'IVTleI1tS wthIn lt1at tllT1ltrame please contactTIle Town ~Vall. 1..01#....:......,;;~__ QWEST 970."I6B.686O(1!!l) 970.468.06n(fillC) tonIac:ts:Sam TooleY SjI!DU!:1.!J'ln!MllrlwcS"mn XCEL HJ6H PRESSURE GAS 970.262.'1076 (tEl) 970.466.1401 (fall) Contact:RIch SIsneros rld!ard,slsnerosOm:!ellcrgy,C!lITl IIOLY CROSS ~ 970.947.5'V1 (tel) 97o.!l45.4081 (falt) Contact:DIana GoIls dgollsO!'lolyCroSS.com XCElEdervr 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262,-4024 (tel) Contacts: lOt Bogert K¥boin,fW:rt@X@ fflfflGYmn ~RIVER WATBl & SANITATION DISTIUCI' 970.476.7480 (tel) 910,476.40&9 (fax)~~9 an &A00MaSTCAIlUi 970.416.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) ~David Evans r1ayId f:YilosOg!*CIlf!Tj\'f rom ~9 -(9-0) ~ 1.If the ullilty itpprc7w'a1 &verffkatlon form has signatureS from each r:J the lltIllty ~Ilies,and no comments an:made directly on the form.or 1"0 actlOn Is taken within 2 weeks r:J the UtlltYs receipt r:J the form without explanation the Town will presume that there an:ro problems and the deYelopi i I:i It am proao.ed. 2.If 8 LJIllity (XlIllpllny has rollceulS witll the proposed comtndlon,It1e utlllty represieIllatIv sIlilU nee diF'l!lClly on the utlllty vertf!CCl:ion form tnat then:Is a problem whld1 needs tIl be n:scM:xI.The Issue should then be ~Iled in an attached Iette'tIl the Town ~val.HoweYer.please keep In mind thai:It Is the fP.SPOIlSIbI1ity d the utility company and the applicant ttl resolve ldentIIled proIllems. 3.Th:se vertIIcBllons do not relieve tt1e cnntlaCtXlr r:J the n:5panStbiKty b;l ~a Public W"6'(Pemlt rrom the Depanment r:J Nllic Wens •the Tawn r:J Vall,UHIty loci,*""mlllt ....flhhlnt!d !IItgrJl dftIglma I"any publlc r1ghl:-of-waV Ol'--.l wltIlln the TO'Ml of ValL A bIIQdIng perm'lI nat •ru,,",Wu gcqnIt "'"'"'18_obtaIned !!Mill'ltely. 4..me Deoek)per Is n:quIR'Jd and ~to 9Jbmtt any revt~c1r"a'M1Vi to the utllitles for re-aporowl &.re-verIIiCirtIon It'the SlJbmItn'Jd plans lire altere<J in lJhf 'I0f an:er the lIutt1a1zed signature date (unleSs ctherVIIse spedfically rXllI!d within ttle comment a~or ltllS form). Developer's Slgnatun: F :~ORMS\PllfIJlibllPlanringlDR8\utlIlIy "'R'roYaL~28-07 .doc 09 /18/2007 TUE 1 6'02 FAX 9109 254106 COHC AST CABLE ~00 l/00 1 8E CE 1VE r c :... ~PS/\ U111.lTY AFPROVAL II VERIFICATION 1tJl{/F ! l11is (0fT'Il serves to veritY lMt the proposej ~¢S wi.not Impact any eldstlng or prcposell utllity ~and also lD veliI'y seMce awiabiUty and Ioc:lItlOn fer new const7\lCtl()n ~rId sI10uIct be used In conjlllletlOn wtiI preparing ',OS utility plan lind sdlftluUng Installallons.A site plan,1nclJ(J1n!l goong plan,fkxr I2n.and eIeVlltionS,stlClll be submlttel11D the follaMng ulifities for approval and veriIication.~ALlOW UP TO :z WEEKS FORAPPROVAL OR COMM!HTS FROM nee t.rrn.nY COMPANIES.It you areunable to obtain 001111""Its wthln that tllTl!fnlme ~contl<t The TOWI1 r::I Vall. ComIMnt! QWlST !l7o.468.686O(tI!l) 970.468.0672(fax) Contad:s:S<wn Tooley !j!mW,~cgm XaI.H!GIt Pl\ESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970."168.1401 (fax) Oxrtact;RICh ~ It!!ml,slsnerpstbg:Iq lQ av.cpm HOlYCROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970.~5.4061 (faJc) Coollld::aan.,Goll5 !Iclo!t#l!c:.ttglIgj,com XCEl Etlergy 970.262.4038 (tax) 970 .262.4024 (rei) ContKts: !Ot!loger1: tcattnn RoontftXCR fMIlG'(COOl EAGlE RlVeR WATER a SANITATlON DJSTRK:T 970.476.7480 (td) 970.476.4OIl9 (fax) Contact:m:d ~ fhas!eeCetwsl!.om CDMCAST CAIILE AlGUJ ~~f'!!if~--(fI)d,oJ !fL.-.q70 -0/3 0 -'i7-13 'htl-0'" -II I _I ~"JOA.@ C:..~lc,~"",co~f..Ceo'>'\..rmm.;jV\.t c v..o.et .....0 1.If the ldity illJPl'OWl &.veriflCiItIOn form !laS Signatures from each d the utility ~and nocornrnel'ltS are made directly on the form,or no adlon Is taken Within 2 weeks d the utlDty's I'l:l%!pt of the form witt100t ellplanatiol'l the Town wlll presume that thc1'e are no prOOIems and the deoelopi,b,l can proceed. 2.If a utility COIl1lllny has COOCErflS Wltll the ~constIu:tlon,the utifty ~tatiYe :;hal noa:lire::tly on ttle utility ver1llcatlon folm tllat tI1=~a ~wlJich needs lD be r~.The Issue $hOI,J1d then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vall.~,please Ie!p In mkld that it Is the responsibility of the utllltv COII1Clilny and the appIbnt lD re50Ive identified prOOIems. 3.These YeIlt1catlons do not relieve the axllradOr r:l tho:~to obtain a Public W~Pl:rmit from ttll:DepattmeOC r:l PullllC WOI1<s lit the Town olVaJI .Wilt Ioc:aUQItt "pSt bft o'taJne4 Won:.RIRQ In any publlc rIght-d-way or easement wtthln tho:Town r:l Val.AbuJldlnR gerJ!lllI qpt I PnJllJc Wu QC!!1IIIt Inc!IIHI5t bII ntplntll!SPJllratcIy. 4.The Qeo.leJoper'is ~and agrees to gjbmitany revl~drawing;In Itle utiIllles for re-approval &.re--vEfifiCabOO if the submitted plans are afb!red in any way alt!!'the Bultu1zed ggnal1re date (unless dt1e:wist:spedflCally noll:d wtilin the comment ar6l c/lt1~fOlTll). Dev!loper's SIgna!lJl'l'J F:\cd<>Y\F ORMSlPermits."'lannIngIDRB\UtIllty AwCl'r.l '-~7 .dot (<f2) 3 P?'It,cC;O;;- D[P\l'Tr. FILING STII:1P ",'0'e t oc lc•" By.,.AD 19•d By 0Fitec"Of",-('c.ord tn c R I:'':teP~1.0'1:1(0. ( THIS DEED .Ha de o n t h i s doy of O:::tober 1 6 ,1992 VAil"CITY OORroMTION,A.roWRAOO OORFORATION ==- ,*$2 ,300,000 .00 ll a Cl O 0 'a "> '" a llQ ",. ,,<If).... ,"I co rpou rloo d.J ly Ol"g"niz ed l\nd e diti ng U"'dC'r and by v t r-r oe of (l Ul't ll"'S n l t he S lft t e o r COWRAOO o f t he fir~t pa rt ,srd SI\fl.WAY !>1"ORES 4 6 ,INC.,A DEUIWARE OJRroRATlON Date '$._._~~, ."1 corporal I on d uly org n!111ed l'lnd u i s t i ~....-de,.Ilf"d by v i l"'t ue o f t !'le l a ws o f t he s t e te 0 1 DELAWARE of ctle '"SlRJ&Is;'-----+-~u,rnu"~ree -L-- .-h OSt'I ~(I 1 nddrcs s is 4'Ili &JACl<SON OAKtAND CA 94660 v 1 T ~f.S S(lH.Ihtl!the u ,id pa rty of t he f i r st pe r t ,f or an:::l i n cOl"ISiderllt ion of t he s un o f fUO Ml l llOH ("Ilf.(tilWORED ,HCUSA"O DOl LARS AND 00/1oolH5 \0 [he !'o Dld por ty of t he:firs t port i n hend plI ld by the "B i d pa rty of t he s econd par t,the rece ipt ard luf fi ci cllry wne rco f I S hereby c onfes sed llnd eClnowledged,heth granted,ba rga ined,sold lind conveyed,eodby the se presents docs gr,.n:,h.,r go1ln, s e l l,convey ond c onfinn ,un to th e s etd party of the s econd port ,it l s uccessor.e nd 115&lg ns t cr evee ,011 o f rill'foll o ..lng c1C.-.c ri bcd o r p.,,\rce IU )o f lard,situat e.l ying end ~ing i n t he '.County o f EAGLE and S t oIc /Jf r crcrcoe , to -wit : S EE ATIAOiF.D EXHIBIT "A" rOC [C NER.wi th....'1 DOd 511'\9ul8r t h e he rcd i tMleOU end _pp.Jr tenerc t's bc l angl ng t herCV\to,or i n anyw i se lI ~rt a i n i "9 , ood thC'r C'verl'ion .ond r e ve r s tcos ,r e-n iroer IIfld rCfM i ~r .,r eoots .'ssuel end prof its t ht'r e o f;erd all t he est are,ri ght , t i t Le ,t or er es r,c t e i..e nd dC'lll llnd W~iJ t s OC'Ver of t he sa I d pa rty o f t he f i rst pa rt.either i n lav o r ~ily ,of ,i n and t o t h e otscve bM gaincd prem i ~c l ,with t he h e red it amentt and ecocr r e oerces• o MAV E u'IO 10 IiOLO t tl C'sa id p r emis es ba rg a ined and de s cri bed above ,wittl the n~rte n nrce s \¥lt o the s ai d p.'rt yo f tM s cc o-o po r t ,i ts SVI:CCS',iOr s end n!>slgns f ore v e r .And t h e c n l d VAIL CI TY ffiRIURATION .A OJLORAlXJ CORfORATION pnrty 0 1 l ~e f i rn pa r t ,for l t s et t,i ts succe ss o"and os signs.dot h ceveoeot ,5Iran t ,ba rga in _rod "gr ee toond ..,ttl t he "l<lics ptlrt y of the s cce-c p art ,in scccesse r s nnd nsign s.t hlll a t tbe t ift of t ht'M"l:5 eol ing ard de'li very o f th e se c -e s eo t s '1 i:...c t I seized o f t he pre<ni~es e bcve COfW leycd .ha s good .su r e,pe rf ect ••bSolut e and i nd ete llSlble ~s C.te o f i rioc r it OF\C c _, in t aw i t"tee s t ectc,erd ha lh gOOd righ t,f ull power Ql'd lawr ul e u tho rl ty t o ijrfN'\t .bargll i n .I;ett and c onvey the S D1IC i n ...·u y )C'r flrd f or"ofo(,csi1 id ,Md t hec the s cee e re f ree a rd c lear fr Olll aU fo r nrcr flnd o U,P"gran cs.be r".i ns,s et es ,t ieos , t e c es ,a 5$csSlIlCntc a rd e ncu mbronc:c5 of wl\etl'Vcr ki rd or r\iUUre 5 ~!~ EXCF.PT GrnERAL T AXES AND ASSESSMENIS FUR TI lE l UU<19 92 AND SUlJS&;!UENT YEARS AND SURJECT ro EASEMfNIS,HESERVATIONS ,RfSI'RIcrIONS,ClJIIENl\NI'S AND RIGHIS OF WAY OF RECORD. ">0a I<.<l: Clgj ··..,0 <.!lU Q '"~-.."''-'"> '.>-"-... ....~ r,o Cl',\.,) ~:l4J....-.. .....-,t!J Cl <l: ....'" <nVl r-,Q ."'...,-... Q -..... ~~ (h Q II),'"<rot'()'""-:I: 0'.:I: "-'"CO Cl".., .\l ~o k r\()lo'rl oil S street f1UTlbe r LOr 3 ,VAIL DIIS SOlONE '3 I ElIGLE CUJNTY,OJLORAOJ ~; l ) ;V\d t bc tlbolol C bnrgaired prcmises in t he q.lie t and ceeeeeer e po s scss ion o f t he-sa id pa rt y 0 1 tl\e s ec e-d pa rt ,it s vccccss crs iV'ld M s igt\s B g~i "s t a lt IV"d N ery person or pe r sons la ..f ull y c hillli nv or to c1'1 ~t he whole or a ny pert thc rcot ,t l\e s 3id pn rt yof t he f irst pnrc s h.ll ;oal"d will lJAUAltT ANO r Cll:E vtR OffE ND . Ttl \l lt NES S \/HEREOr,The s a i d pa rt y of t he f i r!>t ea r t hath c aused i u co r porate I'\8If'Ie 10 he he reunto sli.l~cr i bcd by i ts ere siocot ,lind i t s corpor.t e see r to be here U"Ito .'f ;"'~.ott est ~by 'n Secreto ry,th !'clO y and year f irst abova wri tt en .AI'e,'"VAIL CI'N OJRroRATlON,A COLORAOO CORIQRATION Pr C'loit.knl ;'I~ S e e"C lllf y (\1 o c or p-'J r,'l1H\n 0' os thi s da y 01 <Jct:ober 16,1992 b y Sec rc to ry ,(!/l l.(I:;"'~'"I A- SlA TE or ~I )liS . County O f -'~-;1--'''h-e--''.-,C-.....-oTr''',-lnstriJTl(.'nr ..a s ;\'kl"lO w l ("d~ed bef o r e me rAIlVID G .EIIDRE VAIL CITY CJ:ll<roRJ\TION ,A COLORAlXJ CORroRATlON ii \1 !iq I ! Notar y p\oI bl t C \ 1 9 G94V.196 9 4V V1969 4 10 1"111 No ,167 CCtlPUIER 'lJA RU"I'r DEEO -Corpora t ion t o Corpora tion L Ii A Ii;:My no t a ri a l c omll ss l on e .cp lres .:r ......L ..../15":(f 'i 7 y i lness thY hard I rd offi ci al C~C'll.I ~~ti.::.Of'tCIAl SEAL('I'>n.~ED IIAPOLITAHO 4,..........,Ii m~t~"~~;.~:~~~c~c~~~~;~1A /=~~ ·(OMM .EX P.JUlY ,~1994 (.IL_"-'-'-'-'---===========================F==+t=~~i!:::=if;=======:;:,~'"..'::.~::':ii:='ft~~ ."'..... •EXHIB IT "A '.:~'• PARCEL ONE : LOT 3,VAIL DAS S CHON E FI LING NO.3,ACCO RDING TOT HERECORDED PLIIT TH EREOf,COUN TY Of EIIGLE,STIITE Of COLORADO..----- PIIRCEL TW O; .~ •J C'-L--.,j< Cl-» t'< "l '.r-,... -~ ::> q, r-, co I "- ANON-E XCLUSIVE PERPETUAL EIIS EMENT SET FORTHINRECIPROCAL OPERATION, MAIN TENAN CE ,liND EIISEMENT AGREEM ENTRECORDED APRIL 19,19 77 I N BOO K 254 AT PAGE 142 AND AS AMEND ED IN AMENDMENT TOHECIPROCAL OPERATION,MIIINTENIINCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMEN T RECORDED JANUARY 17,1 978 IN nOOK 26 5liTPAGE 286 , WHICH EASEMENT IS fORINGRE SS AND EGRESS TO liND FROM THE S AFEWAYSTO RE CURRENTLY LOCATED ON LOT 3,VAILDAS SCHONE FILING NO.3 AND I SOVERTHE FOLLOWING DESCRI8ED PROPERTY: A PARTOFLOT 2-A,A RESU8D I VISION Of LOT 2,VAILDASSCHON f-,fILING NO.3, A SUBDIVI SION RECORDED I N BOOK 252 AT PAGE11 8 OFTHEEAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,CLERl<AND RECORDE R'S RECOlmS,S IIIDPIIRTOF LOT 2 -A BEING MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDAS fOLLOWS: COMMENCING liT 11 POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-Of-WilY LINE Of CHAMONIXLANE, SIIID POINT ALSOBEINGTHE NOR THEASTERLY CORNER OF SIIID LOT2 -11;THENCE, SOUTH 43 DEGREES 06 MINUTES35SECONDS EAS~'AND llLONG THE EASTt:RLY LI NE Of SAID LOT2-11 ,11 DISTIINCE Of 10 .00 FEET TOTHETRUE POINT Of BEGINNING;THENCECONTINUING SOUTH 43 DEGR EES 06 MINUTES35 S ECONDSEIIST liND ALONG SIIID EASTERLY LINE 40 .00 fEET ;THENCE NORTH 88DEGREES 06 MINUTES 3 5SECONDS WEST 22.00 fEET;THENCE SOUTH 36 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 70.00 fEET ;THENCE NORTH 37 DEGREES57MINUTES4 SECONDS WEST 15 .0 0 FEET;THENCENORTH 36DEGREES00MINUTES0 0 SECONDSEAST 40.00 fEET;THENCE NORTH 27DEGREES43MINUTES 47 SECONDS EIIST 46 .23 FEET TOTHETRUE P OINT Of BEGINN ING. PIIRCELTHREE; EIIS EM ENTS SET FORTHI N HECIPROCAL OPERATION,MIIINTENANCEAND EASEMENT IIGRE EM ENT RECORDED J ANUIIRY 4,197 7IN 'BOOK 25 1 li TPIIGE 33 5 ,OVER TH E FOLLOWINGDESCRIBEDPROPERTY; 11 PIIRCELOF LAND LYING I NTHEEIISTHIILF OFTH ESOUTHEIIST QUART EROFSE CTION 11,TOIm SHIp 5SOUTH,RA NGE 81,WESTOFTHE6 TH pRINCIpIIL MEHIDIIIN,EAGLt: COUNTY ,STATEOF COLORA DO ,DESCRIBEDASf OLLOW S;COMM ENCING liTTHE NOR THEAST CORNER OFTHE S OUTHWEST QUARTER OFTHE SOUTHEA STQUARTER Of SAID SECTION II,THENCEALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EASTHALF Of THE SOUTHEA ST QUART ER Of SECTION II,SOUTH1DEGREES 39 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 354 .15 fEET TOTHESOUTHERLY LINE Of CHAMONIX LANERIGHT-OF-WAY ,WHICH IS ALSOTHE SOUTHWf:ST CORNER OF VAIL HEIGHTS,fILING NO.1;THENCEALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE ONTHEfOLLOWINGfOURCOURSES:(1)NORTH 65 DEGREES 13MINUTES33 SECONDSEIIST 192.82 FEET TO A POINT Of-CURVE;(2)270.55 F EET ALONG THE ARC Of A 236 .64 FOOTRADIUS CURVE THE I.EfT WHO SE CENTRAL ANGL E IS 64DEGREES5 7 MINUTES33SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARSNORTH 52DEGREES 44MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST 256.29 FEETTOA POINT OFTANGENT;(3 )NORTH 2 0DEGREES16 MINUTES00SECONDSEAST 264.0U fEET ;AND (4)02.24 fEET ALONG TilEIIRC Of A 227.38 fOOTRADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENTRA L ANGLE IS 20 DEGREES4 3 MINUTES23S ECONDS liND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 30 DEGREES37MINUTES 42SECONDS EAST 61.79 fEET TOTilETRUEPOINT OF BEGINNI NG;THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAIDSOUTHERLY LINE Of CHIIMONIX LANERIGHT -Of-WA Y ON THt: FOLLOWING TWO COURSES:(1)57.35 FEET ALONG TilEARCOF A 227.36fO OT RADIU S CURVETO TilE RIGIIT WHOSE CENTRA L ANGLE IS 14DEGREES27MINUTES06 ,SECONDS AND WH OSE LONG CHORD BEARSNORTH 48DEGREES 1 2MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST 57.20 FEET TO A POINT Of TANG ENT;AND (2)NORTH 55DEGREES 26 MINUTES 29SECONDS EAST 196 .04 FEET ;THENCESOUTH 43DEGREES06MINUTES35 SECONDS EAST 469 .14 F EETTO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO.70 RIGHT-Of-WAY;TfiENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NO RTHERLY LINE ON TilE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES;(1)SOUTH 44DEGREES02MINUTES 5 6 St:CONDS WEST 11.00 FEETTO A POINT OF TANGENT AND (2)254.43 (243.43 CALCULATED)FEET ALONG THEARCOFA 5550.00 FOOTRADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENT RA L ANGLE IS ·2DEGREES37MINUTES 36 SECONDS(2 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 4 7 SECONDS CALCULATED)AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARSSOUTH45DEGREES21MINUTES44 SECOND S WEST(S OUTH 45 DEGREES 16MINUTES 20 SECONDS WE ST CALCULATED) 254 .41 (243 .41 CALCULIITED)FEETTHENCE NOR TH 42 DEGR EES5 7MINUTES 47 SEC ONDS WEST 506.70 fE ET TOTHETRUE POINT Of BEGINNING,COUNTY OFEAGLE, STATEOF COLORADO...._. PARCEL 4: •• EAS~:MENTS SET FORTH INRECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENAN CE,AND EA S EM ENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19,1977 IN BOOK 2 54 ATPAGE 14 2 AND AS AM ENDED IN AMENDMENT TORECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17,1978 IN nOOK 265 AT PAG E2 86,OVER THE fOLL OWI NG DESCRI BED P ROPERTY: LOT2 ,VAI L DA S SCHONE FILI NG NO.a, P -87B JO/J 9/92 J 7:32 487976 5 -59J PG 3 OF 3 ~ La nd Tit le C,l IAll.''''1f 1 t CI ~H'A N'Y Da le:OG -15 -2007 LandTitle Guarantee Company CUSTOME R Dl S::IB~~:s.I O ur Order Numbe r :V50019571 Pro perty Address : LOT 3 .VAIL DASSCHONEFILING 3 ,AKA 2 171 N.FRONTAG E ROAD VA IL,CO !llG57 Ify ou heve a nyinquiriesor requ ire Iurthcrassistance.pleaseconta ctone o f the numbers bel ow: For Titl eAssistance: Vail Titl e Dept. 1085 FIWNTAGE RDW#203 VAIL.CO 816 57 Phone:970 -476 ·225 1 Fax :97 0 -476 ·4732 SI\FEWI\Y Attn:KAREN SHEESLEY EMail:kare n .sbees lcy cpsalcway .rom Linked Commitment Delivery ~ Land Tille LandTitle Guarantee Company Date :0 6 -15 -2007 Our O rder Number:V5 0019571 Property Address : LOT3.VAIL DASSC HONEFILIN G3.AKA2171N .FRONTAGE ROADVAIL.CO81657 Buy er/Borrower: SAF EWAY STORES 46 .INC ..ADELAWARE CORPORATION Seller/Owner: SAFEWAY STORES 46 .INC ..A DELAWARE CORPORATION Needa map or directions for y ourup coming closing?Check out Land Title 's web site at www.ltg c.com ~di f 54Ifi cclocatiorrrecuonstoany0our0ICCocauons. ESTIMATE Of TITLE fEES Information Binder $183 .00 I fLa nd Title GU.rantee Company will be clo8ing thi3 transaoti on,abOVQ t ous wi ll b o c olluctud at that tLmo. TOTAL $183 .00 THANK YOUFORYOURORDER! ~ Land Title ••lJ AIl ....N l r l (O"""....Nl' LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY INVOICE Owner:SAFEWAYSTORES 1G .INC.•ADELAWARE CORPORATION Property Address :LOT3.VAIL DASSCHONEFILING 3.AKA 2171 N.FRONTAGEROADVAIL,CO 81G57 YourReference No.: Whcnrefer ring tothisor der,please reference ourOrderNo.V50019571 -C HARGES - InformatiooBinder --Tota l-- Please makecheckspayableto: LandTitle GuaranteeCompany P .O .Box5440 Denver,CO 80217 $183.00 S183.00 ChicagoT itleInsuranceCom pany A I.TA COMM ITMENT Sch edule A O ur O rder No .V500 19571 cu «.Ref.: Prope rlyA d dress : LOT3 ,VA IL DAS SC HONEFILING 3 ,AKA 2171 N.F RONTAGEROADVA IL,CO BIGS'! I .E ffectiveDate :Ju ne0 1.2007 at 5:00 P.M . 2.P olicyto b e Issued .a nd Proposed In sured: I nformation Binder Propose d Insured : SAFEWAY STO RES ~6.INC ..ADE LAWARE CO RPORATION 3 .T he estate o rin terestin th e land d es cribedo r referredtointhis Commitment and coveredh ereinis: FeeS imple as 10 Parcelland Ease mentInterestsas to Parcels 2 .3and 4 4 .T itle 10 theest ate or int erestcoveredhe rein is a tth ee ffective date hereofveste din: SA FEWAYSTORES46 .INC ..A DELAWA RE CORPO RATION 5.T he lan dr eferred 10 inth is Comm itment is d escribed asfollows: S EE ATl'ACH EDPAGE{S)FOR LEGALDESCRI PTION Our Order No:V50019571 lEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 LOT3,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.3 ,ACCORDING TO TilE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. COUNTYOF EAGLE ,STATE OFCOLORADO. PARCEL 2 RIGHTSAS CREATED BYRECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE,ANDEASEMENTAGREEMENT RECORDEDAPRIL19,1977 IN BOOK 254ATPAGE 142 ANDAS AMENDED INAMENDMENTTO RECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCEANDEASEMENTAGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17, 1978IN BOOK 265ATPAGE 286 ANDASAMENDEDIN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17,1997 IN BOOK 737AT PAGE 428. PARCEL3 RIGHTSASCREATEDBY RECIPRICOL OPERATION,MAINTENANCEANDEASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDEDJANUARY4,1977 IN BOOK 251ATPAGE335. PARCEL 4 RIGHTSAS CREATED BY RECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE,ANDEASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDEDAPRIL19,1977 IN BOOK 254ATPAGE142ANDASAMENDEDINAMENDMENTTO RECIPROCAL OPERATION ,MA INTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17, 1978IN BOOK zss ATPAGE 286. ALTA C OMMITMENT ScheduleB -Section 1 (Requirements) Thefollowingarethe requirements tobecompliedwith: Our Order No.V50019571 Item(a)Paymenl 10 or fortheaccounlofthegrantors ormortgagorso f thefull consideration for tbeestateor interest 10 be insured . Hem (b)Properinslrument(s)creatingthe estate orInterest 10 beinsuredmustbe executed andduly f1I ed forrecord. to-w it: Hem (c)Paymenl of alltaxes.c hargesor assessmentslevied and assessed against the subjectpremises whicharedue and payable. Hem (d)Additionalrequirements .ifany disclosed below : This productisforinformationalpurposes only anddoesnolconstituteany formoftitleguarantee norinsurance .The Iiabilily ofthecompanyshallnotexceedthecharge paidbytheapplicantforthis product.nor shallthe company he held liable 10 anypartyo ther thanthe applicant forthis product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FORINFORMATION ONLY,ANDNOPOLICY WILL BEISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V 5001957I Thepolicyorpolicies to be issued willcontainexceptionstothefollowingunlessthesameare disposed oftothe satisfaction ofthe Company : I.Rightsor claims of par tiesinpossessionnotshownhythepuhlic records. 2.Easements.orclaimsofeasements.notshownhythepuhlicrecords. 3.Discrepancies.conflictsinboundarylines.shortage inarea,encroachments,andanyfactswhicha correctsurveyand inspection ofthepremiseswoulddiscloseandwhich arenotshown by thepublicrecords. 4.Anylien .orright toalien.forservices ,laborormaterial theretoforeorhereafter furnished.imposed by law and nOI s hownbythe puhlic records . 5.Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims orothermailers,ifany .created,firstappearinginthepublic records or attachings ubsequenttothe effectivedalehereof bU I priortothedatetheproposed insured acquiresofrecordfor value theestateorioterestormortgage thereoocoveredhythis Commitment. 6 .Taxesorspecialassessments which arc notshownasexistingliens hythepublic records .o theTreasurer's office . 1.Liensforunpaidwaterand sewer charges.ifany.. 8.Inadditi on.the owner's policy will be s ubjecttothe mortgag e,ifany.notedin SectionIof Schedule R hereof. 9 .RIGHT OFPROPRIETOROFAVEINORLODETOEXTRACTANDREMOVE HISORE THEREFROM SI[OULDTJIE SAMEBE FOUNDTOPENETRATEORINTERSECTTIIEPREMISES ASRESERVED INUNITEDSTATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04.1918,tN ROOK93 ATPAGE301. 10.RIGHT OFWAYFORDITCHES ORCANALSCONSTRUCTEDBYTHEAUTHORITYOFTHE UNITEDSTATESAS RESERVED INUNITEDSTATESPATENTRECORDED OCTOBER 04. 1918,INBOOK93ATPAGE 301. II.RESTRICTIVECOVENANTSWHICHDONOTCONTAINAFORFEITUREORREVERTER C LAUSE. BUTOMITTINGANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS ,IFANY,BASED UPONRACE, COLOR,RELIGION,SEX,SEXUALORIENTATION ,FAMILIALSTATUS,MARITALSTATUS, DISABILITY.HANDICAP,NATIONALORIGIN.ANCESTRY.ORSOURCEOFINCOME.AS SETFORTHINAPPLICABLESTATE ORFEDERALLAWS,EXCEPT TOTHEEXTENT T HAT SAIDCOVENANTOR RESTRICTION [SPERMITTEDBYAPPLICABLELAWASCONTAINED ININSTRUMENTRECORDEDJULY 23.1916,IN BOOK 241ATPAGE656. 12.TERMS .CONDITIONSAND PROVISION S OFRECIPROCALOPERATION.MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENTAGREEMENTRECORDED JANUARY04,1911IN BOOK 251 ATPAGE335. ALTA COMMITM ENT ScheduleB .Seclion 2 (Exceptions)O ur Order No.V50019571 The policyorp olicies to be issued will conta in exceptions to th efollowing un lessthesamearcdisposed oftothesatisfactionoftheCompany: NOTE:T HE RIGH T OFFIRST REFUSAL PROVISION OF SAIDAGREEMENT HASBEEN TERMINATEDBY VIRTUE OFTilEEXECUTION OFTH E MUTUAL WAIVER OF RIGH T OF FIRST REFUSAL RECORDED OCTOBEI1 19.1992IN BOOK 591 AT PAGE 874.WIl ICH CONTAINS TilE FOLLOWING PROVISION REGARD ING SAID AGREEMENT:"VAILCITYAND WESTVAIL MUTUALLY AGREETOAMENDTHEEASEMENTAGREEMENT BY ELIMINATING PARAGRAPlI 14 "ANDANYOTHER REFERENCES TO A RIGH T OFFIRSTREFUSALIN THEIR ENTIRETY.WEST VAILAND VAIL C ITYDOFOREVER WAIVE 13.T ERMS .CONDITIONS ANDPROVISION S OFORDINANCE ANNEXING A POliTIONOFAN AREA GENERALLY KNOWN ASWESTVAIL RECORDED JANUARY 29.1986 IN BOOK 435 AT PAGE; 541. 14.EASEMENTS ,CONDITIONS,COVENANTS.RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONS ANDNOTESON THEPLAT OFVAIL DAS SCHOME,FILING NO.3 RECORDEDJULY 8.1976 IN BOOK 143637 ATPAGE399. 15.ENCROACHMENTOF ASPHALTONTOUTILITYEASEMENTS ALONG TH E SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUT HWESTERLYLOTLINES AS SIIOWNONIMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE #V60535BY INTER·MOUNT AIN ENGINEERING.LTD. 16 .T ERMS.CONDITIONS ANDPROVISIONS OFRECIPROCAL OPERATION.MAINTENANCEAND EASEMENTAGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL19,1977IN BOOK 254 ATPAGE 142 AND AMENDMENTTHERETORECORDED JANUARY17.1978IN BOOK 265ATPAGE286AND AS AMENDEDININSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17,1997IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 428. 17.ENCROACHMENT OFROCK LANDSCAPING ONTOINTERSTATE 70 FRONTAGE ROADAND UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ASSHOWNONSURVEYDATED OCTOBER 13.1992. PREPARED BY MOUNTA IN STATES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES .P.C.JOB #92-40. 18.TIIR EE FOOT CHAIN FENCE ANDSANITARY SEWER LINE AFFECTING SUBJECT PROPERTY ASSHOWN ONSURVEY DATED OCTOBER 13,1992.PREPAREDBY MOUNTAIN STATES ENG INEERING ASSOCIATES,P .C.JOB#92-40. LAND TITLE GUARANT EEC OMPANY and LAND TITLE GUARANTE E COMPANY -G RAND JUNCTI ON DIS CLOSURE S TATEM ENTS No te :P ursuantto CRS10·11 ·1 2 2.nolice is herebyg iventhat : A)Th es ubjectrealp roperty may be locat ed in as pecialta xing district . B)A Ccrtlllcateof Taxes Due lisling eachtaxing ju risdiction may beo hlaincdf rom theCounty Treasurer 's authorized ag e nt . C )T heinf ormationreg ar ding s pec ialdistrictsa ndthe bound aries of su ch d is tricts may be obt ained from th eBoardo f Co unty Commiss ioners,t he CountyCl er kandRecorder .or the Co untyAssessor. Note :EffecliveSeptember I.1997 ,C RS30-10·40 6 requires that alldo cuments r eceived for recording orfiling inthe clerk andrecord er's offices hall containatopmar gin ofatleast one incha nd a left ,ri ghta ndboltom margin ofatleast on e half ofaninch ,Th e clerka ndrecorder mayrefusetorecordorfile a nydo cument that d ocs not conform,except that ,th e requir ementforthetop margin shallnot appl y 10 do cuments using forms onwhichs pace is pro vided forre cording or filing informa tionatthe topmargin of the do cument. Note :ColoradoDiv isionof InsuranceRegulalions 3 ·5 ·1,Par agraphCofArt icleVII requiresthai "E very titl ee ntity s hallbe res ponsible fo r a llmattersw hich app ear ofreco rdpri or 10 the tim eo frecording wh en ever thetitleentity conductsthe clos inga nd is re sponsible forre cording orfilin g ofleg al documents resulting fromthe tr ansaction whichw as clos ed".Provid ed that Land Titl eGuarantee Co mpany co nductsthe cl osingofthe insur ed transactiona ndis responsible forrecording th e legal documents fromthe transaction .exceptionnu mber5 willnot a ppear on the O wner'sT itle P olicy andthe Le nders Policy whe nissued . Not e:Affirmative m echanic's lien protection fortheO wnermay be available (typically byd eletion of E xceptionno .4 of Schedule B,Section2 oftheC omm itmentfromthe Own er's Poli cy tob e issued)up on complian cew iththe followingconditions: A)T heland des cribed in Sche duleA of thiscom mitm e ntmu st bea s inglefamily residencew hich incl udes aco ndominium ortownhou se unit . B)No laboror materi als havebeen furnishedbymec hanics ormaterial -men forpurposes of con struction onthe land described inScheduleAo fth isC ommitment wit hinthe past 6month s. C )The Company must re ceive an appropriateaffid avit ind emnifyingt he Co mpany agai nstun -Iil ed mechanic's andmaterial -men's liens . DJ T he Company mu st receive paymcnt ofthe appropr iate pr emium. E )Ift here has beenconstructio n ,Improvements or major repairs und ertaken onthe property to be pu rchased w ithins ix monthsprinrto the Dateo ftheCommi tment ,the requirements to o btain coverage foru nrecorded lienswill i nclude :disclo sure of certain co nslruction information;fi nancial info rmation a s tothes eller.the build era ndorthe contr actor:payment ofthe appr opriate pr emium full y ex ecuted Indemnity Agre ements satisfactory tothe company.and .any additional requirements asmaybe necessary aftera n ex amination ofthe aforesaid information bytheC ompany . Nocov erage willbegivenund era nycir cumstancesforlabor ur material for wh ich Iheinsured has contractedforor ag reed to pay . No te :Pur suant toCR S (0 -11 -123,noticeis herebyg iven : Thi s not icea pplies 10 owner's poli cycommitments co ntainingamineral se veranceinstrument e xception,o r exceptions .in Sc heduleB,Section 2 . A)Th at there is re cordedevidencethatamineral esta tehas been sev ered,leased.oroth erwise conveyedfrom thes urface es tateandthat there isas ubstantial like lihoodthatath irdparty hold s someorall interest in oil ,gas,other minerals,o r g eothermale nergyinthe property ;and B)That such mineral estate may in clude the right 10 en terandusetheprop erlyw ithoulthe surface own er's permi ssion . Nothing herein cont ained will be deemed 10 obligate the companytopro vide an y of thecoverages ref erred toherein unl ess theaboveco nditionsaref ully sa lisfied . ,onn DISCLOSURE 09/01/02 NOTI CE OF PRIVA CY POLICY FidelityNati onalFinancialGroupofComp anies/Chi cago TitleInsu rance Company SecurityUnionTitle InsuranceCompany JulyI.2001 We recognizeand respeclthe privacyexpectationsoftoday'sconsumersandthe requirements of applicablefederaland state pri v ac~laws.Webelieve Ihat makingyouawareofliow we uscyour non-pubfic personal information("Personal Information 'J ,andtowhomilisdisclosed.willformthe basisfurarelationship oftrust between us andthe puhlic thatweserve.ThisPrivacy Statementprovides thai explanation.We reserve the righl 10 changethis Privacy Statementfromtime 10 time consistentwith a pplicableprivacy laws. In thecourseof our busin ess,wemay collect Person al Information aboutyoufrom thefollowingsources: •Fromapplicationsor other formswe receive fromyo uoryourauthorizedrepresentative: •Fromyourtransactions with,orfromthe services being performed by.us.our affiliates.orothers; •Fromour Intern et websites: *Fromthe publicrecords maintained by governmental e ntitiesIhatwe either obtain directly fromthose entities.or from ouraffiliatesorothers:and •Fromconsumer or otherreportingagencies. Our Policies Regarding theProt ection of theConfidentiali ty and SecurityofYour Person al Info rmation Wemainlainphysical,eleclronic andproceduralsafeguards 10 protect yourPersonal Information fromunauthorized access or intruslon.Welimitaccess tothePersonal Information only 10 those employeeswhoneed such access in connection withprovidingproducts orservicestoyou orforotherIegilimale busfne ss purposes. Our PoliciesandPrac tices Regard ing the Sharing ofYourPerson al Information WemayshareyourPersonal Information withour affiliates.such as insurancecompanies.agents.and other real estate selllement service providers.We also may disclose yourPersonal Informalion : •toagents.brokers orrepresentatives toprovide youwith services youhaverequested: *to Ililrd-party contractorsorservice providersw110 providese rvices or performmarketingorother functions onour behalf:and •to otherswithwhom weenter intojoin l marketing agreementsforproducls or servicesthat webelieve you may findofinterest. Inaddition,wewilldisclosey nur Personal Information when youdirect or give us permission,when weare required by law 10 doso.orwhenwesuspectfraudulent orcriminalaclivities.We alsomaydisclose yourPersonal Information when otherwisepermittedbyapplicableprivacy laws suchas ,for example,when disclosure is needed toenforceourrightsarising outofany agreement,transacuon orrelationshipwith you. Oneoftheimportantresponsibilitiesof someofouraffiliated companies isto record documents inthe public domain.Such documents maycontain your PersonalInformation. RighttoAccessYourPersonal Information andAbilityto Correct ErrorsOrRequestChangesOrDeletion Certain statesaffordyoutheright 10 accessyourPersonalInformationand.undercertaincircumstances.10 findout towhomyourPersonalInformalionhas been disclosed.Also,certain sta tes afford ,You theright 10 request correction.a mendmentordeletion of yourPersonallnformalion .We reserve thenghl ,wherepermittedby law.10 chargeareasonable feetocover thecostsincurred inresponding 10 such requests. Allrequests submitted 10 theFidelityNationalFinancialGroup of Companies/ChicagoTitleInsuranceCompany shall be inwriting,anddelivered tothe followingaddress: Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc. 4050CalleReal,Suite 220 SantaBarbara,CA 93110 MultipleProdu cts orServices Ifweprovid e you withmore than one financial product orserv ice.youmay receive more Ihanone privacy notice fromus.Weapologize foranyinconvenience thlsmay cause you . f orm PRIV .POL .au NOTICEOF PRIVACY POLICY OF LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY.INC..A COLORADO CORPORATIO N AND MERIDIAN LANDTITLE,L.L.C ..A COLORADO LIMITEDLlABLlTY COMPANY ,D/B/A LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY -GRAND JUNCTION ThisStatement is provided toyou asacustomer orLandTit le GuaranteeCompany,aColorado corporation and MeridianLandTitle.LLC.d/b/aLandTitleGuaranteeCompany -Grand Junction. Wewant you toknowthatwe recognize and respectyourprivacyexpectations andthe requirements offederal and s taleprivacy laws .Informationsecurity isoneofour highestpriorities.Werecognize that maintaining your tr ust andconfidence isthebedrockofour business .Wemaintain a ndregularlyreviewinternal andexternal safeguards against unauthorized access tonon-public personal information ("PersonalInformation"). In the courseofour business,wemay collect Personal Information about youfrom: •applications orother forms wereceivefrom you,including communications sent through TMX.our web-based transaction managemenl system: •yo urtransactionswith,orfromtheservicesbeing performedby,us,our affiliates,orothers: •aconsumer reporting agency,if such Information isprovided to usinconnectionwith yourtransaction: and •thepublicrecords maintained by governmental entitiesthatwee ither obtain directly from thoseentities. or fromouraffiliatesand non-affiliates . Our policies regarding theprotectionorthe confidcnliality and security ofyoor PersonalInformatiunareas follows: •We restrict access toall Personal Informal ionabout youto those employees who needtoknow that informationinorder 10 provide products andservices 10 you. •Wemaintainphysical.electronic andprocedural safeguards thatcomply with federal standardsto protect your PersonalInformalion from unauthori zed accessorintrusion. •Employees who violate ours trict policies andprocedures regarding privacyaresubjecttodisciplinary action. •Weregularly accesssecuritys tandards andprocedures toprotect against unauthorized access 10 Personal lnforrnatiun. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATIONABOUT YOUWlTHANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSETHAT IS NOTPERMITTED BYLAW. Consistent with applicableprivacy laws.there aresomesituationsinwhich Personal Informationmay be disclosed.Wemaydiscloseyo ur PersonalInformationwhen y oudirect orgiveuspermission:when weare requiredby law todo so,forexample.if weareservedasubpoena;o r when wesuspeci fraud ulent or cr iminal activities.Wealsomay discloseyour PersonalInformationwhenotherwise permille dby applicable privacylawssuch as,forexample.whendisclosureisneeded toenforce ourrights arising nutofanyagreemenl, transaction orrelationshipwithyou. Our policyregardingdispute resolulion isas follows .Anycontroversy orclaimarisingout oforrelating 10 our privacy policy,orthebreachthereuf.shallbese ttled byarbitration inaccordance with therules of theAmerican Arbitration Association.andjud gmentupontheawardrenderedbythe ar bitrator(s)may beentered in anycourt havingj urisdiction thereof. Fo rm PRIV.PO L.LTG .! • EXTERIOR NATURAL STONE THIN VENEER MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Material:Quartzitic Sandstone (Natural Stone Thin veneer) Color Selection :"Grey Stone -Safeway Blend" Color Range:Gray-Gray Beige-Brown Beigewithavery small percentage of Charcoal and Yellowish Tan . %"t010/." 5"to10" 5"to10" %11 to 1 %11 1 %"to 2 %" 4"to14" Pattern:1. 2. Origins: Brokers: Ledgestone (Dry Stack) .Sizes:Thickness Height Length Ashlar "European Cut"(Dry Stack) Sizes :Thickness Height Length Wister,Oklahoma -Rock-It Natural Stone,Inc. Poteau,Oklahoma -Robinson Brick Co. TellUride,Colorado -Telluride Stone Co . PeninsulaBuilding Materials -Handles Rock-It and Robinson Brick 2490 Charleston Road,Mountain View,California 94043 Contact:Bob Park 877-282-0522 Oasis Stone Co .-Handles Telluride Stone 10544 Old Redwood Highway Windsor,California 95492 Contact:Christy Hudson 707-975-1762 SECONDARY I BACK-UP SUPPLIER BY DIVISION PRIMARY SUPPLIER BY DIVISION Eastern/Genuardi's Dominick's Denver Randall'slTom Thumb Phoenix Von's NorCal Portland Seattle/Carrs Canada Easternl Genuardi 's Dominick's Denver Randall'slTom Thumb Phoenix Vons NorCal Portland Sealtie/Carrs Canada Oasis Oasis Oasis Rock-It Rock-It Rock-It Rock-It Robinson Robinson Robinson Rob inson I Rock-It Robinson Rock-It I Robinson Rock-It I Robinson Oasis I Robinson Robinson I Oasis Oasis I Robinson Oasis I Robinson Rock-It I Oasis Rock-It I Oasis APPRC "'''''1'''r.f'''"fHE TO ' DESIGI' \:f-\Iq l OT R-~ Uiyv\.\·h~ Safeway Thin Veneer Stone Specification Allstonetobe "SafewayBlend"asprov ided byPen insula Build ing Materials,2490Charleston Road ,MountainView ,California94043 ,877-282-0522. Therewillbe two bas ic typesof installations for Safeway -both"tightjoinf . A-Random Ashlar thin veneer B-Ledgestone thin veneer PriortoInstallation - Ensureproduct supplied isin accordance withthework order -either Ashlar or Ledgestone ,and compare product to ·"ControlPanelPhoto"providedwithworkorder . Ifstoneappears markedly differentthanthephoto ,pleasetakedigitalphotoandemailto bobp@pbm1923 .com,prior toany Installation.Oncestone is Installed ,thegeneral contractor willbearrespons ibilityforthe prod uct installed . Est imating Quantities ofStone- A-Determine thelinealfootageofcorners-Corner pieceswillcoveran approximate average of 6inchesontoeachflatsurface .Deduct thisareafromthe estimation of flatsneeded . B-Sincematerialis"tight io/nf,measureentiresurfacetoreceivestone .Thereshouldnotbe any deduction for joints .Anoverageof7%to10%shouldbefiguredfor breakage andwasteon jobslte . Preparing the Installation Surface Natura l stonethin veneer isgenera lly suitablefor installationovervariousstable ,structurally soundand properly prepared substrates.Unstable substrates mayresultin cracking or poor bond ing .Exterior applications should generally begin4"abovegradeto prevent mo isture from "wicking"intothewall.Refertolocal building codesto determine substrate suitability and requirements forstone "thinveneers ". ToInstalloverRigidBacking -suchasplywood ,wallboard ,panel ing,rigid installationorother acceptable substrates ,beg in by installinga "breathable "weathe r res istant barrier.The weather resistant barriershou ld meetlocalbuildingcode requirements andbeequalor greater thanthat specified intheUBC Standard 14-1for wat erproof building paper orasphaltsaturatedragfelt ,or ASTMD226 ,Type1,No .15felt.The weather resistant barriershouldbeInstalled horizontally [shinglestyle]with overlaps ofatleast2Inches .Vertica l breaksshouldoverlapatleast6 inches.Continually wrap weather resistant barrier aroundcornersaminimumof16". Install metallaUle [galvanized,diamondmesh(3 .4 lb.)or galvanized wire Iabrtc lathe1.1Ibs., .049Inch[No .18B.W .gauge]1 Y.z"hexagonal ,asrequiredbylocalbuildingcodes.Securethe metallaUle every16"horizontally andevery6"vertically,withcorrosion resistant fasteners which penetrate aminimum of 1"Intothe structural substrate.Forstructuralframlngwith16"to24" spacing,usea3.4 ,318 "expandedmeta l lathe .Metallatheshouldbeinstalledwith "cups "facing upandminimum overlaps of2".Continually wrapmetallathearound comers aminimum of16". Ensurethatmaterialsandspecifications conformtolocal building codes.Donotinstallthisthin veneer over openframingwithoutarigid backing . 2 Safeway Thin Veneer Spec .-pg .2 ToInstallover Treated Masonry Surfaces -suchas painted,sealedordirty block,brick, concrete ...or masonry surfaces where moisture penetration Isa primary concern ,installa weather resistant barrier andmetallathe .Weather resistant barrier andmetal lather should havethesame specifications andbe installed Inthesame manor as installations over rigid back ing .Metallatheshouldbe securely attached tothe masonry substrate according to local bUildingcodes . ToInstalloverClean ,Untreated Masonry Surfaces -suchasblock ,brick ,concrete ...no additional surface preparation isneeded .Ifmoisture penetration isa primary concern ,installthe thin veneer asyou would over treated masonry surfaces . Mortar Specifications andStoneInstallation "SafewayBlend"thin veneer is designed tobe installed withatightfittedjoint.However,there willbetimeswhenthe mortar might show through thecracks of theinstalled product .Forbest resultsthe mortar shouldbecoloredto compliment thenatural color ofthestone. Laythe individual stonesoutonthe ground and arrange thestonesbysizeand color toproduce the desired 'Safeway Blend "appearance before installation.Installinsideandoutsidecorners first.Outside comers alwayshaveashortandalongside .Alternate theshortandlongsides upa comer asyoumoveupthewall.Choosepiecesthatwillavoidthe "Zipper"look,of alternating samesizepieces .Work fora natural look .'Weave"ins ide comers by installing both walls [makingupan inside corner)atthesametime .Stones should alternate which wall's scratchcoatthey intersect with. AScratchCoat-shouldalwaysbeappliedbeforeanystoneis installed .The scratch coatis applied directly to[andshould completely encapsulate]themetallatheor untreated masonry surface .When preparing the mortar for applying ascratchcoat ,adheretolocal building codes andfollowthe mortar manufacturer's i nstructions . Toapply 'Safeway Blend "Th in Veneer -usea latex-modified thin setfor exterior use,meeting ANSI-A118.4 .This ensures superior bondingand durability ofyour installation .When preparing thethinsetmortar ,adheretoloca l bUildingcodesand follow thethinset mortar manufacturer's instructions. Ensure that thesurface of thestoneandthescratchcoatare dampened to prevent rapiddry ing ofthethinset mortar [especially inhotdry conditions).Usinga mason's or plasterer's trowel ,a skimcoat [approXimately 3/8"to W)shouldbeappl ied toa workable area [approximately 4to10 square feet)ofthescratchcoat.Stoneshouldbeapplied prior totheskimcoatdrying.A complete bedofthinset mortar shouldthen be applied totheback of thestone .Thestone shouldbepushedontotheskimcoat using adequate pressure andaslight "side-to-side'or "bouncing"motiontoensurea complete,void-less bond .Mortar shouldsqueeze out onallsides of thestone,resulting Inanapprox imate thinset mortar depthof W to Y.".Total mortar bed depth[inclUdingscratchcoat)shouldbe approximately W to11/4".Thestoneshouldtakehold immediately,butyoumayneedtoholditin-placefora moment toensureitstays where you want.Sincethisisa ·tight joint application",cleantheexcessthinset mortar awayfromthe edgesofthestone[whereit squeezed out)toensurethenextpieceofstonewillfit snugly. 3 Safeway Thin Veneer Spec .-pg .3 Water TableSills-allO\-V youtocreatethelookofa fullthfckness wainscot orfinished 'NIndO\-V penetration and protect walls fromexcessive moisture.If water tablesillsarenotused ,other precautions should be takentonashhorizontal tenninations .Sillsaredes igned 10create approximately y,"to1 ;SO ofoverhangoverthethinveneers .Thinsetmortarshou ld conformto specifications and be installedusingwall veneer recommendations [asdescr ibed intheabove sectionentitled "Mortar Specifications andlnatatlauon "[. 4 Recommended Installation Instructions TheOasisStone Company Thin Veneer Products Description of Thin Veneer Stone TheOasisStoneCompany's ThinStoneVeneerProductsarelightweight,easytoapply,durable,and mostimportantly,100%naturalstone .Selectpiecesofstonearefirstsplit downtoamanageablesize. Theyarethenrunthroughasawtoremovethefaceofthestone.ItisthisfacethatwerefertoasaThin Veneer.Thestoneisthenwashed,graded,packagedandpallelizedinsuchawayastoprevent breakageduringtransport.Eachpieceofstoneisunique,asnomouldsorcoloradditives areeverused . Theweightofthestonevariessomewhatbetween8and15poundspersquarefoot,dependingonwhich productisbeingused.Thestonesarebacksawnatanaveragethicknessof1inch;however,the thickness may varyfrom .5to2inches.Heightandlengthofthestonesaswellascolorvaryfromproduct toproductandthisinformationcanbeobtainedfromourProduct Spedfications .AllofourThinVeneers arederivedfromFullSizeWallstoneVeneer.Itiscommonpracticetocombinebothtypesintoone project . Application of Thin Veneer Stone TheOasisStoneCompany'sThinVeneerProductsareequallysuitable foruseinbothinteriorand exteriorapplications.OurThinVeneershavebeendesignedfornon-structuraluseasalightweight veneer fadng appliedtobothmasonryandwoodsurfacesonresidentialorcommercialapplications.A foundation ,walltiesorotherstructuralsupportisnotrequired'.Installationissimple,faster ,and inexpensivecomparedtoheavierstoneveneers. Estimating Required Amount of Thin Veneer Stone Measurethelengthtimestheheight(infeet)oftheprojecttodeterminetheamountofThin Veneer"Flats" thatwillberequired.Subtractsquarefootagesforanyopeningssuchasdoors ,windows,orfireplace inserts.Inareaswhereamatchingoutsidecornerisdesired,measurethelinealfootagetodetermine amountof "Comer"piecesthatwillberequired.Obtainsomeextrastonetoallowforwider aselection, cutting ,trimming orreplacementif acddentally damagedduringthe installationprocess. Surface Preparation Concrete or Masonry Surfaces: Ifanyformoilispresentorsuspected ,washwithmuriaticacidtoproduceetching,scoresurfacewitha w ire brush ,andrinsethoroughlywith dean water,allowdrying .Ideally,usewaterunderhighpressureto wash,andsandblastingtoetchsurface . Ifanypaintsorsealersarepresenttheymustberemovedentirely. All surfaces must be adequately washed and dried to ensure surface isfree of dust,dirt,and other contaminants. Concrete Surfaces Protected With a Waterproof Membrane Ifthestonemustbeappliedoveranyliquid,oilortarbasedpaintedonwaterproofmembrane;underno drcumstances shouldmortarorstonebedirectlyapplied tothesurface.Installaweatherresistantbarrier overlappingjo ints aminimumof4inchesandsufficientenoughtopreventcontactofmortartothepainted surface .Theninstallcodeapprovedmetallatheovertopofthesurfacew ith galvanizednailsorfasteners , toadepthof11/2inchesorasacceptablebythelocalbuildingcode,toamaximumof6inchesapartin anydirection.Ensurethatnoresiduefromthewaterproofingagentispresentonthesurfaceofthelath. 5 Wood Surfaces: Alwaysensurethatthesurfacethestoneistobeappliedtohasbeeninstalledproperlyandaccordingto code . Installalayerofcodeapprovedweatherresistantbarrieroverlappinglapjointsaminimumof4inches . Installcodeapprovedmetallathewithgalvanizednailsorscrewsthatpenetrateaminimumof11/2 inchesintothewood .Spacenailsorscrewsamaximumofsixinchesapartinanydirection .Useanailor screwofsuitablelengthtoobtainadepthofatleast11/2inchesintothestudwhenattachingoverastud. Stone Preparation Laystoneoutonaflatsurfaceneartotheapplicationarea .Alwaysblendstonestogetherfromdifferent palletstopreventminorcolorvariancesfrombecomingnoticeable .Ensurestoneiscleanandfreeofdirt anddust.Incolderclimates ,ensurestoneremainsattemperaturesabovefreezing 48hourspriorto installing. Planforsomecontrastandvariety .Mixcolors,sizes,shapes,thickness ,andtexturestocreateunique andnaturalfinishes . BlendingtogetherdifferentOasisStoneCompanyThinVeneerscanachieveacustomizedlook. Mortar Preparation TypeMorSmasonrycementtobeused .Abondingagentistobeaddedtothemasonrycementwhile mixingataratioof4oz .to1standardbagofcement.Whenmixingandusingthemortar,themortar shou ld befirmyetmoist.Dry-crumblymortarrequiresmorewater ,whiledrippy-soggymortarneedsto havemoremixadded .Consistencyiscorrectwhenyouapplyastonetothewallandthemortarfirm ly oozesaroundthestonebutdoesnotrollorcreepoverthefaceofthestonewhileyouarepressingthe stoneintothewall .Throughouttheinstallationprocedureensurethatthemortarmixremainsconsistent. Onlymixtheamountofmortaryouwill beusing immediately . Re-temperingofthemortarisnotallowed .Mortarthatsitsformorethantwohoursmustnotbeused. Forsomeapplicationsanddesigns,theadd ition ofcolorsandpigmentstothemortarwillenhancethe overalllookofthestone.Insomeappl ications aThinSetMortarbasemayberequiredandshouldbe usedasperThinSetmanufacturer 's recommendations . Installation of Thin Veneer Onto Prepared Surface Oncetheinstallationofstonehasbegun,donotallowanyconstructiontooccurontheoppositesideof thewallforaperiodof72hoursaftercompletion ofthe installationprocess . Alwaysstartatthecornersfirstandworktowardsthemiddle .Work fromthebottomup.Trytostagger whereyoufinishoff,astheseareastendtohavesmallerstonesandlookdifferentthantherestofthe wall.Avoidhaving'runningjoints",thatis,verticaljointsrunninginastraightlineformorethan2or3 stonesasthiswilldeterfromthelookofstrengththestonewalloffers . Applya1/2-3/4 inchthickscratchcoatofmortaroverthewalloveranareaof2to10squarefeetata time .Anymorethanthisandthecoatwilldryoutprematurely .Roughup thesurfaceofthemortarusinga trowel ,rakeorothertoolwhilestillwet. Spreadalayerofmortartotheentire backofthestone,pressingthemortaronfirmlywith thetrowel.This layershouldbe Yz inch thickattheedgesandover %inchthickatthecenter,withapyramidtype appearance.Theentirebackofthestonemustbecovered . Pressthestonefirmlyinplacemovingitslightlybackandforthexpellingtheairandcausingavacuum- likeadhesion. 6 Ensurethatyoupushhardenoughtocausethemortartooozeoutaroundthestone.Toobtainadry- packlook,keepthejointsastightaspossible .Thestonecanbecutorsplittofitusingcommonstone work ing toolsand ,unlike simulatedstone,willnotshowanundesirablecorewhencutorsplit.After cuttingthestone,placethecutside facingupaboveeyelevelandfacingdownbeloweyelevel.Trowel thejoints ifvisible oruseagroutbag.Takecaretoavoidspilling mortarontofinishedstonework.Remove anymortaroffofthestonebyusing asofttomedium drybrush ,as awetbrushwilljustspreadthemortar outmorethinlyandmaycausestaining. Exterior Application Notations Flashingmustbeinstalledtopreventwaterfromgetting inbehindthestone.Alleffortsmustbemade, andall bUilding codesmustbefollowed ,inregardstothepreventionofwaterbeing allowedtoreach behindthestone.Theabsence,or incorrect installation,offlashings,caulking,copings,waterproof barriers,weep-holes,downspoutsandgutters (etc.)mayallow watertodrip onorbehindthestone.Salt, de-icing chemicals ,orsoilsandgrassesmayreactwith themortarmix andcanstainthestone.Inareas wheretheseconditions maypresentthemselves,ensurethattheThin Veneer isatanappropriate height toavoid anypotential problem. Sealers and Enhancers V\lhile theOasisStoneCompanydoesnotendorseonespecificsealant,enhancer ,ormanufacturer ,we dosuggest,justasallnaturalandsimulatedstonemanufacturersdo,thatthestonebesealed.The sealantorenhancermustbedesignedfornaturalstone.Followthestonesealermanufacturer's recommendationsandtestonasmallhidden areafirsttoensureexpectedresults. Cleaning AstheOasis StoneCompany's ThinVeneersare100%naturalstone,arenotpouredfrommolds,anddo nothavepaintedsurfaces,extraprecautionsarenotrequiredwhenwashingthestone.Asimplesolut ion ofsoapandwatershouldcleanmostdirtysurfaces.Abristlebrushmayberequiredforstubborn situations. Efflorescence Efflorescence isanunsightly residue causedbywater-so luble salts being releasedtothesurface from mortar,stucco,concrete,brickorsimulatedstone.AstheOasisStoneCompany's ThinVeneersare completelynatural ,efflorescencewillnotbecausedfromthestone,butrarelymaycomefromthe masonrycement.Tocleanthis,allowthefilmtocompletelydrythenscruboff .Abristlebrushandclean water isusuallysufficient,butifnot ,useawater :vinegarsolutionata5:1mixture.Alwaysuseclean watertorinseoff. Building Code Requ irements BuildingCoderequirements willvaryfromareatoarea.CheckwithyourLocalBuildingAuthoritytoobtain therequirementsforyourarea.Alwaysincorporategoodbuilding practices. Safety Alwayswearsafetyglasses,gloves,safetybootsandappropriatesafetyapparelwhenworkingwithany stoneproduct.Themortarmixesandstonesealerscanbeparticularlyirritatingtotheskin.Readall manufacturers'labelspriortousing theirproducts. Storage Nospecial storageconditions arerequiredforTheOasisCompany's ThinVeneerproductsastheyhave beenexposedtoMotherNatureforafewmillion years.Themortar mixshouldhoweverbekeptfreeof moisture . 7 Weather Conditions Donotallowthedryingmortartobeexposedtofreezingtemperatures .Inhotanddryweather,spraythe backofthestonewithaverythinlayerofwaterfromafinemistsprayertopreventoverabsorptionof waterfromthemortarmix.Ifapplyingdirectlyontoconcreteormasonrysurfacesorontoascratchcoat surface,alightwaterfilmmayalsoberequired. Note: "LocalBuildingCodesand Requirements must be researched and followed bythe installer forall installations . Itisthe responsibility ofthe installer toensurethatthe Manufacturer hasnot changed or updated this document. These installation recommendations are provided only as ideasforsolutionsto architectural designs ,theydo not necessarily applyto specific architectural applications.These installation recommendations may require changesto meet a particular designrequirement.TheOasisStone Company will accept no responsibility or liability foruse of these installation recommendations . TYPICAL TECHNICAL DATA THIN STONE VENEER Tested material: Test performed : Bulk specific gravity : Unit weight: Weight @ 1"th ickness: Weight per120 sq.ft sample submitted (avg .thickness 3/4"-11/2") Tests conducted by : "TELLURIDE GOLD"TM ASTM 0-6473 2.45 152 .5 Ibs/cub.ft 12 .71 Ibs/sq .ft . 12 .63 Ibs/sq .ft LincolnDeVore ,Inc . Geotechnical Engineers -Geologists Grand Junction,CO P.O .Box 3552·Telluride,CO81435 Phone 970 .728 .6201 •Facsimile 970 .369.4568 Denver Office Phone/Facs .303.388.8863 www.telluridestone .com 8 ROCK-IT NATURAL STONE INFORMATION ROCK-ITNATURALSTONE ,INC P.O.BOX410 WISTER ,OK74966 Phone1-800-371-4219 -Fax918-659-232 ToWhomIt May Concern : Whatbegan25 years agoasonefamilyattemptingtomakeextraincomeonthefarm,tooneofthe largestrockproducersinOklahomaandArkansas,isnowknownasRock-ItNaturalStone,Inc.In July of 1999the family becameveryseriousaboutthestoneindustryandopenedtheirdoorsasRock-It Natural Stone.Withallmembersofthe family ,father,BillyBaldwin,mother ,Lydia,and4sons,Caleb ,Clint,Ben andBrandon ,andavery dose friendasthelonesalesman,DavidBullardand25otheremployeesthis companywasofficiallylaunched .The years between1999and2006havebeenonesoftremendous growthandprogress.Fromtheoriginal30-35peoplesprangupanoperationnowemploying120and producing28,180tonofstoneinthe year 2000to37,538tonin2005and45,885toninthefirstsix monthsof2006andfromshipping3to4loadsofstoneperweektoanaverageof60 . Rock-Itbeganoperationswithtwobondedandpermittedquarries.Currentlythe company has14 quarriesthatarepermittedandbondedaccordingtotheOklahomaDepartmentofMineswith3quarries pendingapproval.Thecompanyownsseveralofthesequarriesandtheothersareheldwith10year leases.Atthistimethereare500acresbondedand2000acrespermitted ,Thecustomerbaseismade upofapprox imately 60to75d ients whoorderonaveryregularbasis and30to40otherd ients that orderfromtimetotime.Severallargejobshavebeensuccessfullycompletedforthese dients aswellas continuingtosupply their daily inventoryneeds.Thefollowingareafewofthe largerjobsRock-It has suppliedthenecessarystone : 1900Ton-Quik-Pik Headquarters inTulsa ,Oklahoma 1800Ton-SkiResortinColorado ALargeHotelandSeveralLargeResidences intheSantaBarbara,CaliforniaArea 1300Ton-CanadianOfficeComplex LarimerCountyJusticeCenter-FortCollins ,Colorado LaQuintaHotelinCalifomia Multi-Residential JobsinCalifomia ,Dallas,Atlanta ,NewYorkandPhoenix OnFebruary11,2003 ,Rock-ItNaturalStonebecameacorporationwithBillyBaldwinasPresidentand CEO,LydiaasSecretaryfTreasurerandCaleb ,Clint,BenandBrandonas key managemenUsupervisors. Each member ofthe family realizesthatwithoutthededicatedemployeesRock-It has ,thegrowththatthe company hasachievedwouldnotbeassubstantial.Rock-It's commitmenttoaquality productanda satisfiedcustomeris#1throughoutthecompany . 9 Job :I Type :I Clio ..:;=======~I Approvals:;::,=======::;C Yn~~d~b~~~!:p11~ Colonnade I OW1052 Catalog Numbe r:OWl052 0 2QF13(1201277V) (2)13 watt,Quad Co~ct Auorescent,QUAD,G24q-1 Bahast(s):V ,lnIegt11l ,electronic.H.P.F.Fluorescent 0 2N40(120 11) (2)40 watt,Incandescent,A 1S,M EO .66 .32/.14 Mu Amps O PT Painted O VG Verdigris Patina Over Copper 12DV Voltage 12Df277V o RBZ Red Bronze Q RCO Re,lsto Copper o SAL Satin AkJ rTinum o SBR Satin Brass o SBZ Satin Bronze O SDF Sa ndrift o SLH Silver Hammertone O TTNTltanlum O VER Verdigris PCTNdef O WHTWl~. Options XPSOption o XPS Expr.ss 10 Ooy Shipment o IVMIvory Most o LBZ Ughllltonz. o LSALightSa ge O~TLlghl Slate ~M BZ MediumBronze O NA V Navarrone Q oes Old Engli-mBronze O PLT Pklbnum O PRLP••~ Q RBH Red-Bronze HanY'l"l&rtone Notes 2D3mTl 184mn 137rrm 406nm Metric Lilmpi ng Engl ish O oco Deo pCoppor O DIN Deep Indigo O DSA Dark Slg. O OSMDarkSmoke O DST Dark Slate O EQTEgrette O GAL G raphite Aluminum a GBR Golden Brass O ONH G...,idI o HaN HunterGreen Key Dimensions Me (moun ting center) W (wldth) D l deplh) H (helght) Lamping Choices Variations · Finishes Finish o PTCTBS UMpeCtt'led O ABZ Antique Bronze Q BBH Black·Brass HarnrT'lert one O BLH Black-8 itver Hammertone O BLK Blec!< O BWD Beachwood G CAL Charcoal AJurtin ium O CHA Che"1'O gne O CWl ColonjallM"lrte o OBZ Dark Bronze ,--w-, ~1 H §j Diffu ser : Translucent:'#l4'lite actytie half cylinder. Mounting : Mount.to ••-octagonal elKtriclll box (by others)with a universal mounting strap a nd harct.v.l r.provk:led .5 •• mountingcenter dimensions (Me.)on the abo....drawing 10 k>ca te the ,Iectrica l box. THISDOCUMENTCONTAJ NS INFORMATION WHICH ISTHEPROPERTYOF VISA LIGHTING.AND MAY NOT.IN WHOLE ORINPART.B E DUPLICATED ,DISCLOSED.OR USEDFOR DESIGNOR MANUFACTURING PURPOSES IM THOUTTH EPRIOR IMlITTEN PERMISSIONOFVISALIGHTING. Vi sa Lighting Corporatkm 117 17W.Civtc Dr.1 M i ~uka .,'h1 53209 Phone :414 .354.6600 1Fa x:414 .354 .74361 Spec ifier Hotline:1.800.788.VtSA 0 2007 Viu lig htIng.Des9n Modifx::a tion Rights Reserved.Page Print edon ~9120120078 14 :17 PM APPRl'" T DE I ...R OATE :~1. p ~ ,,HardiePlankLapSiding ~J me Hrdi PageI of3 HardiePlank™LapSiding HardiePlank™lapsidingisthemost popular brandofsidinginAmericaandcanbe foundonmillionsofU.S.homes .Withits strength,beautyand durability , HardiePlank™sidingenhancesandprotectshomesinallkindsofclimates.It comesinavarietyoflooksandtextures,allofwhich include PrimePluslB)sealerand primer ,whichprovidean excellent painting surface .HardiePlank™lapsiding comeswitha 50-year transferable limited warranty . VIEW P DUCT I"<OR I."..I ••F Enter your zipcode :183642 Select Cedannill@ u ..:;:-..... RVTH E Smooth Thickness:5/16" Weight:2 .3 Ibs.lsq .ft. Length :12 'planks [I ~5 .25 6 .25 725 825 9.25 12 .0 [(r 'r 4 .0"5 .0"6 .0"7.0"8 .0" 10 .75" :).)q LJI Ilt APPRO V TO . DESIGN R ATE :--H--\let (0 q, p uP SU C~\h~' .; http ://www.jameshardie.co m/dealer/products _siding_hardieplank LapSiding .py 9/19 /2007 Hardief'lank Lap Siding Page 2 of3 Beaded Cedannill® Thickness:5/16 " Weight:2 .3 Ibs.lsq.fl. Length :12'planks <11 [115 5.25"6 .25"7.25"8.25"9.25" 12.0" UPO.'I 4 .0"5.0"6 .0"7 .0"8 .0" 10.75" :).J pus 1[[ Thickness:5 /16" Weight:2 .3 Ibs.isq.fl . Length :12'planks ['~8.25" x os H 7 .0" .p m: Beaded Smooth Thickness:5/16 " Weight:2.3Ibs.isq .fl . Length :12'planks <N r n s 8.25" ur os~I 7.0" Colonial Roughsawn® Thickness :5/16 " Weight:2 .3 Ibs.lsq .fl . Length :12'planks <NI ["S 8.0" UPO Lf I 6 .75" P ur Colonial Smooth® http ://www.jameshardie.com!dealer/products_siding_hardieplankLapSiding.py 9/19 /2007 ·.HardiePlankLapSiding Page3 of3 Thickness:5/16" Weight:2 .3 Ibs.lsq.ft. Length :12'planks til 8.0" IP 6.75" tr RusticCedarEZ Lin~alignment Thickness:5/16 " Weight:2 .3 Ibs.lsq .fl. Length:12'planks [II I 8.25"9.25" urOS ~H 7 .0"8 .0" It mr Rustic Cedar Thickness:5/16" Weight:2 .3 Ibs ./sq.fl . Length :12'planks .,[11 8 .25" 7.0" tt Copyright 2007 James Hardie International Finance BV Contact Us I Terms &Conditions I Privacy PoUcy I careers http ://www.jameshardie.com!dealer/products_siding_hardieplankLapSiding.py 9119/2007 17-314 (45.1) 20-114(514)---I Aperture :7-718 (20.1) Ceiling Opening :8-718 (22.5) Overlap Trim:9-1/4 (23 .5) ~t l'nQyvl ;:::;:.'T'"1~ ..)Ii i<., IG ..E ~J.r) '~"W"W'_"_"_"__"'"_M_'_"_"_"_"""'_"_'._._••__•••_.••••••••••••••••••••• .-..~·-·..·~~..·\..t:l J.O-~-. {(brB~~TG ii ~~~~~Round Lens Wet Location Vertical Metal Halide Lamp MECHANICAL SYSTEM 16-gaugegalvanizedsteel mountinglplaster frame wiifi integralbracketstoretainopticalsystem. Maximum 1-112"ceilingthickness. 16-gaugegalvanized steelmountingbarswith continuous 4"verticaladjustmentareshippedpre - installed .Postinstallationadjustmentpossible withouttheuseoftoolsfromaboveorbelowceiling . Galvanizedsteel junction boxwithhingedaccess coversandspringlatch.Twocombination 1/2"-3/4" andfour 1/2'knockoutsforstraight-throughconduit runs.Capacity:8(4in,4out)No.12AWGconductors ratedfor90·C. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Die-castaluminumlampholderhousing. Medium-baseporcelainsocketwith nickel-plated screwshell. Prewiredencased-and -potted,120/217 or 120/347 ballasttraymodule.Modulecanbeattachedbefore oraflermountingofmountinglplasterframe. Thermally-activated insulation detector. FEATURES OPTICAL SYSTEM Aluminumupperreflectorcoatedwithhighly reflectivewhitepaintprovideshigh efficiency andan evenlyilluminatedapertureappearance. Availablewithtemperedprismaticlens (T13),nat Fresnel lens (FFL)ornatopallens (FOL). Rellressed whitedoor (RW)orsteppedblackbaffle (S13)areavailablewithwhitepaintedflangeprovided. Doorisretainedbyself-aligning,torsionsupport springs,preventinggapsbetweendoorandceiling . " LISTING FixturesareUL listed forthru-branchwiring,Non-IC recessedmountingandwetlocations .listed and labeledtocomplywith Canadian Standards. A1ldimensions are inches (centimeters). ORDERING INFORMATION Example:LGH150MBRW TI3 120 Options CP Chicago Plenum TROA Tamper -Resistant DoorAssembly 'LRC'Provides compatibility with Lithonia Reloc<B>System .Lithonia Reloc System can be installedlessthis optionwithcomeetorsprovidedby others.Accessaboveceiling required QRS'Quartz Restrike System. QRSTO'Quartz Restrike System withtime delay EC'Emergency Circuit SFSingleFuse WlP Lamp gasketlng .ships uninstalled Ivol~gel 120 277 347 Tempered prismatic lens Flat Fresnel lens Flat opallens I Shielding Accessories Order as separate cata log number. SCAI Sloped ceiling adapter Degree 01Slope must be specilied (100,150,200, 250.300).Ex:SOO100. T73 Hl FOl Regressed while ooor Stepped blackbaffle IS8 IRW Watta~e/lamp 1 MellIl Halide 50M flJW ED17 70M 70W ED17 100M JOOW E017 150M 150W ED17 Color-COfTeeted MetalHalide 50MHC flJW ED17 70MHC 70W ED17 l00MHC l00w ED17 l50MHC 150W ED17 NOTES 1 Recommended loruse with coatedlamps. 2For col11l.3tible Reloc _systems.relerto Technical Bulletinstab. 3Not ava~able with QRSTO Of EC . 4 Notavailable w ith QRS Of EC. 5Notavailablewith QRS or QRSm. Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature that beslsuits your needs and write it on the appropriate line. Order accessories as separate catalog numbers (shipped separately). LGH ~e!iesllr---'-----II Door ~rame I 1----::-:-:-':-..,,----- lGH GOlIWI ARCHITECIURAL D01I1lLl&HTlN& 1400 I..e>ter Rood Conyers Georgi.30012 p BOO 315 4982 F1708S0 3129 _.g~llllnlighting.COOl LGH8 OHIO-SOO 8"lGH Open Reflector Distribution curve Distribution data Output data Coeffici ent ofutilization IlluminanceData at 30 "Above Floor for aSingle Luminaire LGH 100M 8RWT73,100W E017 lamp.1.0 s/mh.7900 rated lumens.Testno.LT11 4368 O'p I 20%5 ()qb ~.m .Ingle 10'1b bra m angle F,QfT't O'.~l Uf\'H!n,Zo_l UfTl('ns "If.Lamp pc 80'»'0'»SO'»SoC .g"9 2.2" 0 2599 0··30'HI41.8 13 .3 p w SO'»l O'»SO%ro..SO%lO"tnitalfc Ie at k .. S lS7 f1 244 0'·40 '11 11 .1 14 .3 1 .S..S4 .SS .S}.S}.52 Mount at be am 6 e ..m b..m 8 ('011'1'1 beam IS 1424 .80 0 ··60"376 5.2 4 7 .7 2 .S!.48 .SO 4'.48 .4•height (('nlel dialTlt'tl',edge dia fn('tE'r e dge 2S 2 014 "8 0'·90"4 130.0 S21 l 4 ..4 Z .4S .4 2 .44 .4 1 8 85 .9 S.'43 .0 1 1.4 8 .s lS 1395 811 90 '·180 '00 0 .0 •42 .l8 .41 .l1 4 0 .l1 10 4 6.2 '.8 230 .1 15 .6 ..• 4S 83l ."()"·1 80"4130 .0 "52 .3 S .l'l4 .l1 .l4 .l•.B 12 28 .8 s.s 14 .4 19 .8 2 .' SS ...40S °Efficil'ncy •.lS .J1 H ....H .lO 14 19 .7 12 .0 '.8 23 .9 2 .0 .S ll8 ll',.l1 28 II .28 .n .28 ,.14.3 14 0 '.1 28 .\1.4 15 91 1 0l 8 .lO .2.2 ..2 •.,..2S 8S22 2S •.28 .,.21 .24 .".ll '0 0 10 2..22 .2S .22 .2S .22 A.vcr.lge LGH 100M 8RW FF L.l00W E017 lamp.1.0 slmh,7900 r atedlumens.Testno.LT11 4369 p I 20%50%bum angle 1 ~be..m dl19k! From O'...Lum ens Zone l umens Itb La mp p c 80"'0%SO..50 .9 "88 .1" 0 2837 0 '·30 "1894.0 24 .0 pw SO%lO ,,"SO%lO ..50...J Ollb In it.1lk k"lCO I S 21 94 2.S 0'·40'I M1 .9 33 .5 1 .54 .52 .S).51 .51 49 Mount at beam Beam be am Beam beam IS 2641 ,}]O'-60 "3612.6 45 .7 2 ....4•48 4S .4•.44 h~ight c en tl"1 d iil me~r 'do<diil mell"edge 2S 19 64 896 O·-90"39 36 .2 49 .8 l .44 41 .4l .•0 .42 ."8 93 .8 S.2 46 .9 10 .6 '.4 'S 11 98 154 90 ·-180 ·0 .0 0 .0 •.4 0 .l1 .".l•.n .35 10 S O.'.1 25 .214 .5 S .O 'S 1J1 S68 0"-180 "393 62 "49.8 S .l1 .J}.l ..ll .lS .ll 12 )1.4 '.0 '"18 .4 a.t SS 442 "."Etrklency •.}4 lO .J}.30 .3l .2 •14 2 1.5 10 .9 10 .7 1 2.32 .1 .S 220 220 ,.l1 2 •.3 1 .21 .so .21 I.1 5.6 12.8 78 2 6 .1 I.• 15 15 8 l 8 .29 2S .29 .2S .28 .2S 8S ,.20 •.21 .ll "II .2..ll .0 0 10 .2S .22 2S .22 .25 .22 Average LGH 150M 8RW T73,150W E017lamp,1.1 slmh.12000 ratedlumens.Test no.LTL1419 2 p f 20 ..50'lib beam .Ing le 1"beam angle FromO·•••lumens Zo ...Lumens lib lolmp pc 8 0%'0""SO%56 .6·9 3 .1" 0 l 84.O·-30 ·2 795.4 2 3 .3 pw 50Clb 30'lb SO%30 %50 %30%Inital ft Ie 011 felt S 3 813 362 0 ··40·4 170.9 34 .8 1 .s..54 .55 .53 .S}.51 Mount U beam Belm "".m Beam beasn 15 36 2 9 102 0 O·-60 "5766.1 4 8 .1 2 SO 48 SO ....4..4 .heigh t c e nll'r diilme rr r 'do<dlol lT1elC'f edg e 21 3098 1414 0"-90'6 211 .2 5 1.9 l .4..42 .4S .42 .4l .41 8 12 7 .1 S .'63 .6 IL6 12.7ss2207137690'-180·00 0 .0 4 .42 .J8 41 .l1 .40 .31 10 68 .4 •.1 34 .2 15.8 .8 4S 1309 1 01]O·-180"622 2 .2 ·51.9S .J8 .l4 .l1 .}4 .l •II 12 42 .6 10 .2 21.3 2 0 .1 4 .3 SS .l9 S83 ~ffic "'ncy •.lS .l1 }4 .11 .3l .l O 14 29 .1 12.414 .5 24 ,3 2 .' .S 29.302 r .J],.II .2 8 .ll .28 I.2 1.1 14 .5 10 ,6 2 8 .5 2 .1 15 11 1 124 8 .30 .2..29 .2•.29 .2S 8S 2...•.2 8 ".21 .2 4 .21 .23 .0 0 10 2 ..22 .2S .22 .2S 22 LGH 150M 8RW FFl,150W E017lamp.1.0 slmh,12000 r ated lumens.Test no.LTL141 93 O'p f 2 0"50'lb be a",a nglo;!10 %bu m angle From O·••e Lum~n\Z"",lumen ,""l amp p ,•0"7 0..SO..54 .9·9 :1.1 · 0 399"0 ··10·2 196."H .t pw SO"10 %SO%lO,,"50%)0%Inital Ie fc ill fc .It S 396 9 '.0 cr -4 0·4205 .9 35 .0 .S..51 .51 .SS .SS .54 Mount 01 1 bea""Bum bu m 8eam be am IS )91 1 1090O·-6 0·'i9])6 49 .4 .52 .SO .51 .".SO ..."'elQhl cenlt'r diolmetrr p-dgr di .>metrr edoe 21 312S 142 6 0 ·-90·6 506 .8 S 4.2 .41 ..47 ..,..,.42 •132 .0 S.7 66.0 1 1.6 13 .2 lS 2091 1109 90 ··1 80·0 .0 00 ....l9 .4>.39 .41 .3 8 10 7 1.0 7 .8 ]5.S 15 .11 7 .1 4 3 1)1S 1021 ey-·180 ·6 S06 .8 "5 4 .2 S .l9 .lS .s•.35 .n .}4 12 ""'.]...22 .1 20 .0 ..• SS '87 70'·Effio co nc y •.ae .".JS .n .lS .ll 14 30 .2 12 .0 1 5 .1 24 .3 3 .0 .S 387 l88 7 .3J .29 II .29 .n .2 .,..21.9 14 .0 11 .0 28 .5 2 .2 75 1]5 14'•.31 27 .l O .2 ..'0 .2..,n 3••28 2S .28 .24 .2..24 90 °10 .27 .aa .2..ll .2•" NOTES: 1.For electncaI dwacteristics <"",,,II Ted1nical 1lUie<fls tab. 2.Tested to cur rent IESand NEMA standards \I'1der stabilized laboratory condi tions.Variousoperating factors can cause differences between laboratory data and actual field measceeeeoe,Dimensions aoo specificationsare based on the InO'5it a..-rent a vailable data and are ~ect to change 'NidlOut noti ce . DHI[).500 0 2005 Gotha m .Rev .12105 DHID·SOO.p65 gothamAn__ GOTHAN ARCHITECT URAL DOW NLIGH TIN G 1400 Lester Road Cony er,Geor gi.30012 P 800 3154982F 7708603129 ww.gothamligh ling.com ,~L/THDN/A L/SHT/NS" Cil talog Num ber -FEATURES HOUSING One-piece,16-gauge co ld-rolled ste el housingisdie-form ed andw elded wnh re inforcing members forst rength .Optio nalstai nless st801 oraluminum hou singsavaileble. FINISH Allmetal partsarepainted afterf abrication inwhitepoly ester powder co al forsmooth ,fi nis hededge sa nd corrosionresis tance. LENS UV-stabilized.poly carbonate lens is .130 inch thic k.w ithextrudedA12 prismatic patte rn andint ernal linear side pri sms forlow brightn ess end highefficiency .Lens issecuredtohousing with stainle ss steel Tor.'(TX- 20)tamper-r esistant scr ewsinc luded. LAMPHOLOERS M edium Bi-pin,highly heatresislant,with internal locking colla r forpositive lampretention and r esistanceto impact and vi bration . BALLAST COVER Ballastand l ampholdersaresecuredtoballastcovertoprovideeasy instelletion and service,Ballasl coversafetyhangers incl uded. BALLAST Balla st forTSlampsis electronic withO'F start ing t empe r atura,ClessP, HighPower Factoris standard forTl2 lamps.. USTINGS ULlisted fordamplocation s.listedand labeledtocomply w ith Canadian and Me xican StandardsIsee options)• Notes Rough ServicB Wraparound vwc CEILING/WALL MOUNTED 2'or4'length lor 21amps ORDERING INFORMATION Exa mple:vwe 220 AR 120 GLR Choose theboldface clltaloo nomenclature that bestsuits yourneeds lind write It onthe epprcpriete INle. Accessories NOTES, 1Nat availablewrth ELoption 2Notavailable with 17W Of 2fJW 2'fixture 3 Not'Y8 ~lIble with 40Wlimp vwc ~@ I I VO I!age IWa1tegeIILens VWC 1,2 11 l1W TS 124')(Blink)Polycarbonate 120 Notincluded 20 20W Tt2 124') lens,.130"th ick 211 AR High·impact 341 32 J2WTSI48')acryl icl ens,50% OR,.13O"thick 40 40W Tt2 (48")PCl156 Polycarbonata RO lens,.156'th ick t....F'E:BY THE 'Jw OFVAll ....:,':)'=lEW BOA r RIFI SSW CSA NOM Optio .. AL CW EL EL5 EL6 EL14 GEB GEB10 GLR GMF NLCF Aluminum housing,white Cold weather ballast" Emergencyl ighting (300 lumens) Emergencyl ighting(500lumens) Emergency light ing (600 l umens) Emergency lighting (1400 lumens}' Electronic ballast,£20%THO Electronic ballast.£10%THO' Internal f ast·blowlusi ng Internal slow-blow f1Js ing Compaclfluor escentnight ·light ('JoN Max .) Radiointerlerence frequency,Oneper f ixture Stainlass steelhousing,white Listedand labeledtocomplywith Canadian Standards Listedand labeledtocomplywith Mexican Standards eNot recommended for use in ambtent temperatures exceeding 4O'f. Order asseparatecatalog numbers. Hex-base driver bit,Torx 000,for tamper- resistant screws with c enterre ject pin. Torx TX20 screwdriver foruse with tamper- resista nt s crews with centerreject pin. RK11200RY RKI120BIT Fluore scem and Specia l Enviro nmen1s RSVR -150 VVVC 2'or4'Length MOUNTING DATA Four mounting holesprovidedinhousingback.Use fasteners suitableforceilingmaterial. 5-1W AO Ao OA oA -------------~9-318"------------- ~3_1/2 " --1 2"1-JOAI!I A0 '-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-e>tc>-._._._._._._._.-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'2.62" OA ala AO IIi. ~2 5-318 '21 19-1/2' 6" Ii..._._._._._._.- I-~·1/2·-l T A :5/16'dia.hole 14) B:118"dia.K.O.m Dimensions subjecttochange 'NI thoul notice. PHOTOMETRies are calculated usino the zonal CIVity method in accordan ce with IESNA lM41 procedure.Fullphotometric dll la available uponrequest . VWC 232 2 lamp,2850 ratedlumens,testno.LTL7483 VWC217 2 lamp,1325 ratedlumens,testno.LTL7486 Coefficient ofutilization Distribution data Disrriburion data Angle c p.Lumens Coefficient of utilization Angle c po l umensrf20%"20%fC 80%50%0'971 0 80%50%0'431 0'cfW10')1,50%30'11.'0%50%30%10%5'978 93 f W 10%50%30'11.10')1,50%30%10'11.5'435 41 0 8282 8282 7272 72 15'997 283 15 '438 124 1 73 69 6663 61 58 56 25'980 453 0 7575 75 75 66 66 66 25'427 198 2 66 60 55 5053 49 45 35'856 538 1 67 64 60 57 56 54 51 35 '368 231 3 60 52 46 41 46 41 38 45'683 529 2 61 5550 46 48 45 42 45'290225 4 55 46 40 35 41 36 32 55'548 492 3 55 48 42 38 42 3835 55'233 20940139845042363238332955041343036312765'34 25 65'168 1675463832272964637302633282475'297 314 6 43 34 2B 24 30 25 22 75'125 132 7 43 33 27 22 30 25 21 85'228248 7 39 31 25 21 27 23 19 85'93 101 8 40 30 24 20 27 22 19 90 '206 0 8 37 28 21 18 2520 17 90'83 093728221825201795'195 212 9 34 25 20 16 23 1915 95'81 881035252016231815lOS'175 185 10 32 23 18 1521 1714 105 '7478115'148 146 115 '63 62Outputdata125'115 103 Output data 125 '49 44Zonelumens')I,l amp 135'82 63 Zone Lumens 'II.lamp 135'34 26 0'·30 '829 14.6 145'51 32 145'21 13 0'·40 '1367 24 .0 155'25 12 0'.30'363 13.7 ISS'10 5165'10 3 0',40'594 22.40'·60 '2388 41.9 175 '3 0 0',60'1028 3B.8 165'3 1 0'·90'3348 58.7 180'1 0 QQ.900 1427 53.9 175'00 90'.180 '757 13.3 90'-1BO '318 12.0 180'1 0 0'·180'4105 '72.0 Spacingcr iterion :1.2 0',180'1745 "65.9 Spacing criter ion:1.2•Fixturee fficiency Spac ing tomountingheight 1.2 •Rxture""ic••cy Spacingtomounting height:1.2 ,~L/THDN/A L/GHT/NG~LithoniaLighting AClity lighting Groap.Inc. Fllaresceat--On.Lithonia Way.Conyers.GA30012An~/tvBrands Company Phone:110-922 -ססoo.800-858-1163.Fax:110-929-8789 InCanada:160 avenue Labrosse.Pointe ·alire.P.G.H9R lAl Sheet /I:VWC_F ~1 998 Acuity lighting Brcup.Inc.Roy .1,\14 wwwJithonia.com .A.D 19JI('t"d ;or record the Rt-"t;.ept ion:No . day 0 ... .3 (d2).4"t"\.P a O'ClOC k..P?''i ~•-----'y ----------=D"'EPIIT~y . -'y' THIS DEED ••ado on th;.day of october 16,1992 bctw~ VAIL CITY OORroRATION.A OOI!lRAOO OJRroRATION FILING STl\:~P llO 00 .0 0.., t\j ,,'I corporonlo"duty orgftf'lhed and exfu ing....-der l/I"d by virt ue of the lavlI n fth e Stotr o f roWRADJ 0'the first part.and Sl\FFMJIY sronzs 46,mc ..A DEIAWARE OJRRJRAT.ION 11 corPc:!ratlon duly orgoo hed and existing under ard bV vir-tuo of the laws 01 t he Stete of OEI.AWl\RE of t he .~~: ~o sc leg al flddrcss i s 4'IH &JACKSON Sl'REl':IS 0AKlJ\ND CA 94660 \JI1'WESSEUI.lhnt the aei d porty of the f irat pert.t ot'"erd in e onsi deration of t ho 5UIl 0 '1*$2,300,000.00 I\JO HILlI ON THllEE HUNO RfD TKr;)JSAJ()DOl LARS AND OO'100THS at s o lrlOlorl as s t r cct nuTlber r.ar 3 ,VAIL DAS SOiONE '3,EAGIE axJNI"i ,roIDRAOO TOGElIlER ,wit h IIl l ond singu lar t he hercditDll'Cnts and eppur-tenances belongtng tberewuo,or in anywise apper t a i n i ng, ..-1d t he r cv~r t.lon and reversiOf'\$,r eftl inder And rtfM indC'r••l'ents .i ssues an:f profits thereof;eod eU the eaute.right • Ii tie .i me rcs t,clalln aref deat.and whaU,OfNer of the said pa rty of the ffrlt pe rt,either i n lew or eqJity,of,in olld tothe OI00ve burga lned premhes,with t he h el'editlil'ents .nd'appurtenances • 10 HAVE ANO TO HOLO the sa id pr-emis~berga incd and descr-ibed above,with the aRJUl"tenenccs Ulto t he said p-,r ty of t he scccoc pa r-t ,i ts succes sors lII'ld L!S s lgns for ever .And th e sa id VAIL CIT'i OORR)RATIO!'/,A OOWRAOO CDRKlRATION port y of th e tI ,.,a pN t,for it self.i ts s ucceuor,and assigna ,doth covenant,liIl'ant,be rga in ard agree to MId with the :enid porty o f r bc second pe r-t ,its s cecessc rs and .ssigns .t hat at the t ine of thr ~eaUng and delivery of these p re sents i l is well s ehed of Ih~premius lIboYe conveyed ,has good .su re,perfeet,ab&olute and i ndefe ut bl.estate of i Me ri t OrlCc ., intow,in fcc sllllPlc,ard hath good r ight ,full power ond lewful e uthor ity to g rent,bergaln.se ll and convey fh~s ane In Inl'V'ler llrd forh of oresa id,ard that the $Ol me are free and clear f rom aU f or mer and other grillntl ,be rsains .sa tes,I le es, ta;\Ctpj'e5smon ts.and encumbrances of whete'Yer kind or nature sP!t~t.i EX GENERI\L TAXES AND lISSE'.SSMEtml FOR 'IHE XU\K 1992AND SUBS~YEI\RS AND SUBJECT ro El\SFMENI'S ,RESERVATIONS,RESTRICl'IONS.CXJVFJ'Il\NIS AND JU GIUS OF WAY OF RECORD . Prc"icJcnt ;md Socrclnry ('If o co rp"rnt im os as .e/t LfI:::<7~'",,1_ SlATE 0'~I >ss . e",""V of C p ~4u-tl"? ---:'''h.,....,'''o'''r''..''o''''''''',-(nstruncn t was acknow\t.'dged before ~t h is dayof O::tober 16,1992 (YNID G.EIIDRE VAIL CITY OORroRATION,A OOWRAOO OORR)RATION Secretary by . iV1d tho nbovo borgalned prmises.in the ~i.t IW'd peeceebte posscnion of tht said party of tht secord part,iu JUCC~ssors Md as signs egn tnst al\and every per-son or per~s lewfu tty tleillling or'to c l.i..the whole or any pert thereof,thc said pnrly of th~fil'st pert shall ard will "'lRlA~T ANl)FOREVEI DEfEND • IN ""."E5S \/KUEOF .the-said par ty of the first part ha th caused Its c orpora te name to be he reu1to s\blcrlbed by tts President ,and iu corporate s ~el to be here lnto .ffixed ,anested by tn secreterv ,thedey and year f irst above written . Alto",..VAIL CI'I'Y CDRKlRATION.A OOWRAOO CDRKlRATION to th~s oi d porty of tbe first part in hard pa id by the &B id pe rty ofthe aecond part.tl'le reee i pt erd a uff leiellcy whercof i s hereby ccn tcesed mld ecknowtrdged.hath granted,bargatned,sold and conveyed.end by these presents cces 9 f"r1n ~,bolr 9~l n, s e l l,cOtW'l!y lmd conf in.Ulto the-said plIrty of rhe A~cond pe rt.Itl aucceuorl and 1Iu.lgn&terever-,ell oftnc 'oil oloo'ing de sc ri bed or p."'lrccIU)of lend,situate,lying ..-d being i n the '.county of FAGIE llro S tal e "r c ct crcco,~ t o-wi t : SEE A'lTJIOiFD EXHIBIT "A"..~ IfI "J D "J 0 0"-'I:0 ll: 0........ 0 t!l II .Cl.. '"15....t\j II..., ).."r-,......s t\j 0 0-U<, lu0-....... ~t!l...~ (Xl IIIr-,Cl.. (Xl ... I .... Cl...........~0. "l •lu Uj s-,... ~lu <!:0-.<!:r-,isIII..~ li,I •J Ii11 n ji Ii !1Id !l III, Hn jj ill;.·v ""..rtal c....I...on .,plr..:y .....L ~//5:('{'i "1 Uilness trr(hard r.rd off icial s.e~~~/' II".~~EO Df:30'tN:i>e::;(/(~~e......-q~.:l:r.JNo rAA.,'UIlIc.cAlIFOF\NlA I I~~lOS AMGELES COUIlTY ~IL MY COI04.[l.P .JUlY IS 1994 (.\ L=:...:.;.....'.-•.-.--.'.''.",",.••'.--••.•--. 19G94V.19694V V19694 ro rm Ho .767 CCHPUTER '\lAUANn OEEO ·Corpuotion to Corporation \ lIotory P\bl;C' ....J...t."" .. •EXHIBIT "A':~'.• "r-,... PARCELONE: LOT 3,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.3,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO . PARCEL TWO: ANON-EXCLUSIVEPERPETUAL EASEMENT SET FORTH INRECIPROCALOPERATION, MAINTENANCE,AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19,1977 IN BOOK 254 AT PAGE 142 AND AS AMENDED IN AMENDMENT TORECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17,1978 IN BOOK 265 ATPAGE 286, WHICH EASEMENT IS FORINGRESS AND EGRESSTO AND FROM THE SAFEWAY STORE CURRENTLY LOCATED ON LOT 3,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.3 AND I S OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDPROPERTY: APARTOFLOT 2-A,A RESUBDIVISION OFLOT 2,VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.3, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN BOOK 252 ATPAGE1 18 OFTHEEAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,CLERK AND RECORDER'SRECORDS,SAID PARTOF ·LOT 2-A BEING MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING ATAPOINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE, SAID POINT ALSOBEINGTHE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OFSAIDLOT 2-A;THENCE, SOUTH 43 DEGREES 06MINUTES 35 SECONDS EAST AND ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2-A,ADISTANCEOF 10.00 FEETTOTHETRUEPOINTOF BEGINNING;THENCECONTINUING SOUTH 43 DEGREES 06MINUTES 35 SECONDS EAST AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE 40.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 22.00 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 36 DEGREES 00MINUTES00 SECONDS WEST 70.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 37 DEGREES 57 MINUTES4 SECONDS WEST 15.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 36 DEGREES 00MINUTES00 SECONDS EAST 40.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 43MINUTES47 SECONDS EAST 46 .23 FEETTOTHETRUEPOINTOF BEGINNING. PARCELTHREE: EASEMENTS SET FORTH INRECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 4,1977 IN 'BOOK 251 ATPAGE 335,OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDPROPERTY: APARCELOF LAND LYINGINTHEEASTHALFOFTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OFSECTION 11,TOImSHIP 5SOUTH,RANGE 81,WEST OFTHE6TH PRINC::IPAL MERIDIAN,EAGLE COUNTY,STATEOF COLORADO,DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS:COMMENCING ATTHE NORTHEAST CORNER OFTHE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF .THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OFSAID SECTION 11,THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OFSAIDEASTHALFOFTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OFSECTION II,SOUTH 1 DEGREES 39 MINUTES DO SECONDS WEST 354.15 FEETTOTHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE RIGHT-OF-WAY,WHICH IS ALSOTHE SOUTHWEST CORNER OFVAIL HEIGHTS,FILING NO.1;THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE ON THE FOLLOWING FOUR COURSES:(1)NORTH 85DEGREES 13 MINUTES 33 SECONDS EAST 192.82 FEETTOAPOINT OF-CURVE;(2)270.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA 238.64 FOOTRADIUS CURVE THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 64 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 33 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 52DEGREES44MINUTES 46 SECONDSEAST 256.29 FEETTOA POINT OF TANGENT;(3)NORTH 20 DEGREES 16 MINUTES00 SECONDS EAST 284.00 FEET;AND (4)82.24 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA 227.38 FOOTRADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 20 DEGREES 43 .MINUTES 23 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 30 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 42SECONDSEAST 81.79 ·FEET TOTHETRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON TH~ FOLLOWING TWO COURSES:(1)57.35 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA 227 .38 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 14DEGREES27MINUTES06 I SECONOS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 48 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST 57.20 FEETTOAPOINTOFTANGENT;AND (2)NORTH 55 DEGREES26 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 198 .04 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 43 DEGREES 06MINUTES 35 SECONDS EAST 469.14 FEETTOAPOINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO.70 RIGHT-OF-WAY;THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE ON THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES:(1)SOUTH 44 DEGREES 02MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST 11.00 FEETTOA POINT OF TANGENT AND (2)254.43 (243.43 CALCULATED)FEET ALONG THEARCOFA 5550.00 FOOTRADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS ·2 ·DEGREES 37MINUTES 36 SECONDS (2 DEGREES 30 MINUTES47 SECONDS CALCULATED)AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS SOUTH 45 DEGREES 21 .MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST(SOUTH 45 DEGREES 18 MINUTES20 SECONDS WEST CALCULATED) 254.41 (243.41 CALCULATED)FEETTHENCE NORTH 42 DEGREES 57 MINUTES47 SECONDS WEST 506.70 FEETTOTHETRUEPOINTOF BEGINNING,COUNTY OF"EAGLE, STATEOF COLORADO.-:.._.. .. PARCEL 4: •• EASEMENTS SET FORTH INRECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE,AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19,1977 IN BOOK 254 ATPAGE 142 AND AS AMENDED IN . AMENDMENT TORECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17,1978 IN BOOK 265 AT PAGE 286,OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDPROPERTY:., LOT 2,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.J. 10/J9/92 17::524B79768-59J P-87B PG :5 OF :5 ~ Land Title (iU AR."I.NTU U>t.U'ANl' Date:06-15-2007 LandTitle Guarantee Company CUSTOM ER DlS~IB~N Ct?--:s..I Our Order Number:V50019571 Property Address : LOT3.VAILDASSCHONEFILING3 .AKA 2171 N.FRONTAGEROADVAIL.CO81657 IfyouhaveallYinquiries or require furth erassistance.please contact one of the numbers below: For TitleAssistance: VailTitleDept. 108S FRONTAGE RDW '203 VAIL .CO81657 Phone:970-476-2251 Fax :970-476-4732 SAFEWAY Aun:KARENSHEESLEY EMail:k aren.sheesley@safeway.com LinkedCommllmenl Delivery ~ Land Title C,UARANT rr r.OJ.I"NfY LandTitle Guarantee Company Date:06-15 -2007 Our Order Number:V50019571 Property Address: LOT3 .VAILDASSCHONEFILING3.AKA2171N .FRONTAGEROADVAIL,CO81657 Buyer/Borrower: SAFEWAYSTORES46.INC.,ADELAWARECORPORATION Seller/Owner: SAFEWAYSTORES46.INC..ADELAWARECORPORATION Needamapor directions for/our upcoming dosing?Checkout Land Title's websiteat www.Itgc.com d fforirectlonstoany0 our 5 officelocations . ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES InformationBinder $183 .00 -- I£LAnd riel.Guarantee COIllp.any rl~l be clo3ing thi.s trAnsac tion.a.boT&£00:1 will be collect_d a t th.t t.i.me . TOTAL $183.00 THANK YOUFORYOUR ORDERI ~ Land Title l itl ........NT Er (;O"1.....N Y LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY INVOICE Owner:SAFEWAYSTOR ES 46.INC..ADELAWAREC ORPORATION Propert y Addr ess :LOT3.VAIL DASSCHON EFILING3.AKA2171N .FRONTAGE ROADVAIL .CO 81657 YourReference No.: When r eferring 10 this order,please refer ence ourOrderNo .V50019571 -CHARGES - Inform alion Binder ··Total-· Pleasemakecheckspayableto: LandTitleGuaranteeCompany P .O.Box5440 D enver.CO80217 $183 .00 $183.00 .' ChicagoTilleInsuranceCompany ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleA Our Order No.V50019571 Cust.Ref.: Property Address: LOT3.VAILDASSCHONEFILING3.AKA2171N.FRONTAG E ROADVAIL .CO81657 I.Effective Date :Ju ne 01.2007a15 :00 P .M. 2.Policytobe Issued.and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: SAFEWAYSTORES46.INC..ADELAWAR E CORPORATION 3.The estate or interest intheland described or referred tointhis Commitment and covered herein is: FeeSimpleastoParcelIandEasementInterests astoParcels2.3 and4 4.Titletotheestate or interest covered herein isattheeffective date hereof vestedin : SAFEWAY STORES46.INC..ADELAWARE CORPORATION 5 .Theland referred tointhis Commitment isdescribedasfollows: S EE ATTACHEDPAGE(S)FORLEGALDESCRIPTION Our Order No:V50019571 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 LOT3,VAILDAS SCHONE FILING NO.3,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE ,STATEOF COLORADO. PARCEL 2 RIGHTS AS CREATED BY RECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE ,AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19,1977 IN BOOK 254ATPAGE142ANDAS AMENDED IN AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17, 1978IN BOOK 265ATPAGE286ANDAS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17,1997 IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 428. PARCEL 3 RIGHTS AS CREATED BY RECIPRICOL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 4,1977 IN BOOK 251 AT PAGE 335. PARCEL 4 RIGHTS AS CREATED BY RECIPROCAL OPERATION ,MAINTENANCE ,AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL19,1977 IN BOOK 254ATPAGE142ANDAS AMENDED IN AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17, 1978IN BOOK 265AT PAGE 286. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB -Section1 (Requirements) The following are the requirements tobecomplied with: Our Order No.V50019571 Item (a)Paymenttoorfortheaccountofthegrantorsormortgagorsofthe full considerationfortheestateor interest tobeinsured . Item(b)Properinstrument(s)creatingthe estateorinteresttobeinsuredmustbeexecutedanddulyfiledforrecord, to-wit: Item (c)Paymentofalltaxes,chargesorassessmentslevied andassessed againstthesubj ect premises whicharedu e andpayable. Item(d)Add itional requirements .ifanydisclosedbelow: .Thisproductisfor informational purposesonlyanddoesnotconstituteanyformoftitleguaranteenorinsurance .The liabilityofthecompanyshallnotexceedthechargepaidbytheapplicantforthisproduct,norshallthecompanybe heldliabletoanypartyotherthantheapplicantforthisproduc t. THIS COMMITMENT ISFORINFORMATIONONLY ,ANDNOPOLICYWILLBE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V50019571 Thepolicyorpoliciestobeissuedwillcontain exceptions tothe following unlessthesamearedisposed oftothesatisfactionoftheCompany: 1.Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown bythe public records . 2.Easements,or claims of casements,nol shown bythe public records. 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines.shortage inarea,encroachments.andany facts whichacorrectsurveyand inspection ofthe premises would disclose and which arenotshownbythe public records. 4.Anylien,orrighttoalien,forservices,laboror material theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed bylawand notshownbythe public records . 5.Defects,liens,encumbrances ,adverse claims orother matters,ifany,created,first appearing inthe public records or attaching subsequent tothe effective datehereofbutpriortothedatethe proposed insured acquires ofrecordfor valuetheestateor interest or mortgage thereon covered bythis Commitment. 6.Taxesorspecial assessments whicharenot shown as existing liensbythe public records.o theTreasurer's office. 7.Liensfor unpaid waterandsewercharges.ifany.. 8.In addition,theowner's policy willbe subject tothe mortgage,ifany,noted in Section Iof Schedule Bhereof. 9.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OFAVEINOR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HISORE THEREFROM SHOULD THESAMEBE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04,1918 ,IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE301. 10.RIGHT OFWAYFOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BYTHE AUTHORITY OFTHE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918,IN BOOK 93ATPAGE301. 11.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUTOMIITING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS ,IFANY.BASED UPON RACE, COLOR,RELIGION,SEX,SEXUAL ORIENTATION,FAMILIAL STATUS,MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY,HANDICAP,NATIONAL ORIGIN ,ANCESTRY .OR SOURCE OF INCOME,AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATEOR FEDERAL LAWS,EXCEPT TOTHEEXTENTTHAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION ISPERMIITEDBY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY23,1976,IN BOOK 247ATPAGE 656 . 12.TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RECIPROCAL OPERATION .MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 04.1977IN BOOK 251 ATPAGE335. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V50019571 The policy orpoliciestobe issued willcontainexceptionstothe following unless thesamearedisposed oftothesatisfactionoftheCompany: NOTE :THE RIGHT OFFIRST REFUSAL PROVISION OFSAID AGREEMENT HASBEEN TERMINATED BY VIRTUE OFTHE EXECUTION OFTHE MUTUAL WAIVER OFRIGHTOF FIRST REFUSAL RECORDED OCTOBER 19,1992IN BOOK 591 ATPAGE874,WHICH CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING PROVISION REGARDING SAID AGREEMENT :"VAILCITYAND WEST VAIL MUTUALLY AGREE TO AMEND THE EASEMENT AGREEMENT BY ELIMINATING PARAGRAPH 14 •ANDANY OTHER REFERENCES TOA RIGHT OFFIRST REFUSAL IN THEIR ENTIRETY .WESTVAILANDVAILCITYDO FOREV ER WAIVE 13.TERMS ,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE ANNEXING A PORTION OFAN AREA GENERALLY KNOWN ASWEST VAIL RECORDED JANUARY 29,1986IN BOOK 435ATPAGE 541. 14.EASEMENTS,CONDITIONS ,COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS,RESERVATIONS AND NOTESON THEPLATOF VAIL DAS SCHOME,FILING NO.3 RECORDED JULY8,1976IN BOOK 143637 ATPAGE399. 15.ENCROACHMENT OF ASPHALT ONTO UTILITY EASEMENTS ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY LOT LINES AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE IIV60535 BY INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING,LTD. 16.TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19.1977IN BOOK 254 ATPAGE 142 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED JANUARY 17,1978 IN BOOK 265ATPAGE286ANDAS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17,1997 IN BOOK 737ATPAGE428. 17.ENCROACHMENT OF ROCK LANDSCAPING ONTO INTERSTATE 70 FRONTAGE ROAD AND UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON SURVEY DATED OCTOBER 13,1992 , PREPARED BY MOUNTAIN STATES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES.P.C.JOB 11 92-40. 18.THREE FOOT CHAIN FENCEAND SANITARY SEWER LINE AFFECTING SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON SURVEY DATED OCTOBER 13.1992.PREPARED BY MOUNTAIN STATES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES,P.C .JOB 1192-40. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY and LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY -GRAND JUNCTION DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note :PursuanttoCRSIU-II -122,noticeIsherebygiven that: A)Th e subjectrealproperty maybelocatedInasp ecial taxingdistrict. B)A Certificate of T axesDue listingeachtaxing Jurisdiction maybeobtainedfromtheCounty Treasurer 's authorizedagent. C)Th e informationregardingspecialdistrictsandthe boundariesofsuchdistricts may be obtainedfrom theBoard of CountyCommissioners ,theCountyClerkandRecorder ,ortheCountyAssessor. Note :EffectiveSeptember 1,1997,CRS30 -10-406 requ ires thatalldocumentsreceivedfor recording orfiling intheclerkand recorder's officeshallcontainatopmarginofatleastoneinchandaleft,rightandhottom margin ofatleastonehalfofaninch .Theclerkand recorder mayrefusetorecordorfileanydocumentthat doesnotconform,exceptthat,therequirementforthetopmarginshallnotapplytodocumentsusingforms onwh ich sp ace isprovidedfor -recording orfilinginformationatthetopmarginofthedocumenl. Note:ColoradoDivision ofInsurance Regulations3-5-1,ParagraphCofArticleVIIrequiresthat "Every titleentityshallberesponsibleforallmatterswhichappear ofrecordpriortothe timeofrecording whenever thetitleentityconductstheclosingandisresponsibleforrecordingorfilingoflegal documentsresultingfromthetransactionwhichwasclosed ".ProvidedthatLandTitleGuarantee Companyconductstheclosing of theinsuredtransactionandisresponsibleforrecordingthe legaldocumentsfromthetransaction,exceptionnumber5willnotappearonthe Owner's Title PolicyandtheLendersPolicy whenissued . Note:Affirmativemechanic 's lienprotectionfortheOwnermaybeavallable (typicallybydel etion ofExceptionno.4ofScheduleB ,Section2oftheCommitmentfromthe Owner's Policytobe issued)uponcompliancewith thefollowingconditions: A)The landdescribedInScheduleAofthiscommitmentmustbeasinglefamilyresidencewhich includesacondominiumortownhouseunit. B)Nolaborormaterialshavebeenfurnishedbymechanicsormaterial-menforpurposesof construction onthelanddescribedinScheduleAofthisCommitmentwithinthepast6months . C)TheCompanymustrec eive anappropriateaffidavitindemnifyingtheCompanyagainstun -filed mechanic 's andmaterial -men's liens. D)TheCompanymustreceivepaymentoftheappropriat e premium. E)If therehasbeenconstruction,improvementsormajorrepairsundertakenonthepropertytobepurchased withinsixmonthspriortotheDate of theCommitment,therequirementstoobtaincoverage for unrecorded lienswillinclude :disclosureofcertainconstructioninformation ;financialinformation astotheseller,thebuilderandorthecontractor:paymentoftheappropriatepremiumfully executedIndemnityAgreementssatisfactorytothecompany,and,anyadditionalrequirements asmaybenecessaryafteranexaminationoftheaforesaidInformationbytheCompany. No coverage willbegivenunderanycircumstancesforlaborormaterialforwhichtheinsured has contracted fororagreedtopay. Note:PursuanttoCRS10-11-123,notice isherebygiven : Thisnoticeappliesto owner's policycommitmentscontainingamin eral severanceinstrument exception,orexceptions ,inScheduleB.Section2 . A)ThatthereisrecordedevidencethatamineraIestatehasbeensevered,leased,orotherwise conveyedfromthesurfaceestateandthatthereisa substanUailikelihood thatathirdparty holdssomeorallinterestinoil,gas ,otherminerals,orgeothermalenergyIntheproperty;and B)That suchmineralestatemayinclud e therighttoenterandusethepropertywithoutthe surface owner 's permission . Nothinghereincontainedwillbedeemedtoobligatethecompanytoprovide anyofthecoverages referredtohereinunlesstheaboveconditionsarefullysatisfied . Form DISCLOSURE 09 /01 /02 •i NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies /Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Union Title Insurance Company July 1,2001 We recognize andrespecttheprivacyexpectationsof today's consumersandthe requirements ofapplicablefederaland state priva~laws.Webelievethatmakingyouawareofhowweuseyournon -public personalinformation("Personal Information '),andtowhomitis disclosed,willformthebasisfora relationship oftrustbetweenusandthepublic thatweserve .ThisPrivacyStatementprovidesthatexplanation.WereservetherighttochangethisPrivacy Statement fromtimetotimeconsistentwithapplicable privacy laws . In the course of our business,we may collect Personal Information about you from thefollowing sources: •From applicationsorotherformswereceivefromyouoryourauthorized representative: •From your transactionswith,orfromtheservicesbelngperformedby.us,uuraffiliates,orothers ; •From ourInternetwebsites; •From thepublicrecordsmaintainedbygovernmentalentitiesthatweeitherobtaindirectlyfromthose entilies ,orfromouraffilialesorothers ;and •From consumer orotherreporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ofthe Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information Wemaintainphysical,electronic andprocedural safe~ards 10 protect your Personal Information from unauthorized accessorimrusion.WelimitaccesstothePersonal Information onlytothoseemployeeswhoneedsuchaccessin connection withprovidingproductsorservicestoyouorforotherlegitimatebusmesspurposes . Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information WemayshareyourPersonalInformationwithouraffiliates .suchasInsurance companies,agents .andotherreal estate settlemenl service providers.Wealsomaydisclose your PersonalInformation : •toagents.brokersor representatives toprovideyouwithservicesyouhaverequested; •tolIiird-parly contractors orserviceproviderswlJoprovideservicesorperformmarketingorother functionsonourbehalf;and •tootherswithwhomweenterinto joint marketingagreementsforproductsorservicesthatwebelieveyou mayfindofinterest. Inaddition,wewilldiscloseyourPersonalInformationwhenyoudirector give us permission.whenweare required bylawto 00 so,orwhenwesuspectfraudulentorcriminalactivities.We also maydiscloseyourPersonal Information when otherwise permittedbyapplicableprivacylawssuchas.forexample.whendisclosureisneeded to enforce ourrightsarisingoutofanyagreement .transactionorrelationshipwithyou . Oneofthe important responsibilities ofsomeofouraffiliatedcompaniesistorecord documents inthepublic domain .SuchdocumentsmaycontainyourPersonal Information. RighttoAccess Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain stales afford youtherighttoaccessyourPersonalInformationand.undercertain circumstances.tofindout towhomyourPersonal Information hasbeendisclosed.Also.certainstatesafford you therighttorequest correction,amendmentordeletionofyourPersonalInformation .Wereservethe TIght.wherepermittedbylaw.to chargeareasonablefcctocoverthecostsincurredinrespondingtosuchrequests . All requests submittedtotheFidelityNationalFinancialGroupof Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shallbeinwriting,anddelivered 10 thefollowingaddress: PrivacyComplianceOfficer FidelityNationalFinancial.Inc. 4050CalleReal .Suile220 SanlaBarbara.CA93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide youwithmorethanonefinancialproductor service,youmayreceivemorethanoneprivacynotice fromus.Weapologizeforany inconvenience thlsmaycauseyou. Form PRIV .POL .OU NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY OF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY.INC.,A COLORADO CORPORATION AND MERIDIAN LAND TITLE.L.L.C.,A COLORADO LIMITED LIABLITY COMPANY,D/B/A LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY -GRAND JUNCTION This Statement is provided toyouasa customer of Land Title Guarantee Company.a Colorado corporation and Meridian LandTitle,LLC.d/b/a Land Title Guarantee Company -GrandJunction. Wewantyouto know thatwe recognize andrespectyourprivacy expectations andthe requirements of federal andstateprivacylaws.Information securityisoneofour highest priorities.We recognize that maintaining your trustand confidence isthe bedrock ofour business .We maintain andregularlyreview internal and external safeguards against unauthorized accesstonon-public personal information("Personal Information"). In thecourseofour business,wemay collect Personal Information aboutyoufrom: •applications orother forms we receive fromyou.including communications senlthroughTMX,our web-based transaction management system; •your transactions with.orfromthe services being performed by.us.our affiliates.or others ; •a consumer reporting agency,Ifsuch information is provided tousin connection withyour transaction; and •the public records maintained by governmental entities thatweeither obtain directly from those entities. orfromour affiliates and non-affiliates . Our policies regarding the protection ofthe confidentiality andsecurityofyour Personal Information areas follows: •Werestrict access toall Personal Information aboutyoutothose employees who need to know that information inorderto provide products andservicestoyou. •We maintain physical.electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized accessor intrusion. •Employees who violate ourstrict policies and procedures regarding privacy are subject to disciplinary action . •Weregularly access security standards and procedures to protect against unauthorized access to Personal Information. WEDONOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUWITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THATISNOT PERMITTED BYLAW. Consislenl with applicable privacylaws.therearesome situations in which Personal Information maybe disclosed.Wemay disclose your Personal Information when youdirectorgiveus permission;when weare requiredbylawtodoso.for example.ifweareserveda subpoena;or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities.Wealsomay disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacylawssuchas.for example .when disclosure is needed toenforceourrightsarisingoutofany agreement. transaction or relationship withyou. Our policy regarding dispute resolution isas follows .Any controversy or claim arisingoutofor relating toour privacy policy.orthebreachthereof.shallbesettledby arbitration in accordance withtherulesofthe American Arbitration Association,andjudgment upon theaward rendered bythe arbitrator(s)maybe entered inanycourt having jurisdiction thereof. form PRIV.POL.LTG.l ..• CDLDR SELECTIDN GUIDE · Va/spar's Kynar 500 ®or Hy/ar 5000'"F/uropon ®Finish 303 -946-3670 fax 303-920-0169 ccO169@msn.com Mark Orsborn o-: MetalRoofing Sheet Me tal P.O.Box1142 •Also ava ilab le in 26 gauge SMP C raftsmanship Broomfield.CO 80038 -1 142 STANDING S~AM R DDFING •ARCHITECTURAL TRIM .RODF FLASHINGS .GUTTERS 'D DWNSPDUTS 'Matte Black 'Charcoal 'SlateGray Yorktown 'HartfordGreen Teal Patina Taupe StoneWhite 'ClassicGreen Hemlock Green Teal "Bone Whi te 'TerraCotta Regal Red 'SlateBlue •Almond 'ColonialRed Burgundy RoyalBlue Sandston e 'Mansard Brown 'DarkBronze 'MediumBronze SierraTan Champagne Silver AgedCopper CopperPenny SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES AND SPECIFICATIONS WEATHERING AND ACCELERATED TESTS Test Accelerate d Wea thering (Dew Cycle W ealheromeler) Q UV ASTM No. ASTMD 3361 AS TM G154 Galvan ized Steel And Galvalume Hours :1000tota l Chalk :Rating 8 Color:5t.E H unter UnitsMax Ho urs:2000 tot al Chalk :Rating 8 Co lor:5~E Hunter Units max A luminum Ho urs:1000 to tal Chalk :Ra ting 8 Co lor :5t.E HunterUnits M ax H ours:2000to tal Chalk :Rating 8 Co lor:5t.E Hun ter Units Max Salt Spray ASTMB117 Hum idity ASTMD 2247 Formability ASTM D4 145 Elongatio nover 1/8"ASTMD 522 Cy lindrical Man drel Pencil Hardness ASTM D 3363 Specu lar Gloss ASTMD523 ImpactRes ista nce AS TMD 2794 Falling Sand ASTMD 968 FlameTest ASTM E 84 Hour s:1000 Scribe:Rating6,1116" Field :Rat ing 10 ;No Blisters Hours :2000 Rat ing10,No Blisters 1-T NoCra cking NoLossofAdhe sion HB Min imum 25-35a160 ' 3x Metal Thickness in inch-lb . No LossofAd hesion 55 :!:10Liters ClassACoat ing Hours:3000 Scribe:Rat ing1O.No Creepage Field :Rating 10 ;No Blisters Hours:3000 Rating 10 ,No Blisters 1-T NoCra cking No LossofAdhes ion HB Minimum 25-35at 60 ' 1.5xMetal Thickness ininch-lb . No Lossof Adhesion 55±10Liters Cla ssA Coa t ing Produced /0 the req uired specificat ionsby CUll/eel Melals Group.KYNAR 500lt is a regis tered trademark o f Ato tina C hemicals.Inc . l i YLAR 500 fJIl.:'is a regist ered.trad e mark of So lvuy Solex is . F luropOll'l>is a registeredtrademar k o f Th e Val spar Co rporat ion. 'a/spar ...... r- ...--.,..-.--..'-' -~~. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*******•••***************•••*.********•••••••••••••••••••****** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ••••••••••••********•••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••***********.*****•••********•••***.*. Statement Number:R070002638 Amount :$300.00 12/04/200709:54 AM Payment Method:Check Init:JS Notation:050- 0002892/SAFEWAY INC. Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: ORB070689 Type:ORB -Addition of GRFA 2103-114-1501-1 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL SAFEWAY STORE This payment:$300.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**••••••********••••••••••••*******••••**********••••***•••• ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Code DR 00 100003 1122 00 Descripti on DESIGN REV IEW FEES Cur rent Pmt:s 3 00.00 1o~n of yal I H~euS iO;>ih IiLCtI.'I ~.. up•r:f;JHNtSi -yp e:i-EI uraw.r:I [.ata:12 10::,/~7 \:;1 Hf Cflpt no:16SSb uascrlpt,oc Uua ntlty ~Io u nt Dk D~~J b N kE VltW rtcS 1.0(\~~~.V0 GI L acco "n~~U IDa .-: ~11:l"~~~1l2"\:l ,'i SA~E~AI T Enij~r·G?t a ll L~O <:C~.~(10\l\.'ldj'~'; l ot a1 t end~r'e\l Totcl pcylHt r r~r 5 u a tt ~1 2/~':J/07 ~J0\l.00 ~~00 .1(l\.'l '~\l0 .~ Ilil a:3:Jl:V 4 SAFEWAY VAIL DECODED.txt 100,47S7.36,9929.04 ,7941.47,EOA -----------------EDGE OF ASPHALT 101,4803.21,9982.87,7942.88,EOA 102,48S2.70,10040.09,7944.03,EOA 103,4904.39,10097.38,794S.42,EOA 104,49S3.S3,101S0.76 ,7946.S6,EOA 10S,S002.60,10202 .69,7948.28,EOA 106,SOS3.32,102S4.84,79S0.13,EOA 107,S096.96,10216.97,7949.49,EOA 2.STBC ---EDGE OF ASPHALT 2.S'TO TOP BACK CURB 108,S046.S7,1016S.1S,7947.S2,EOA 2.STBC 109,4997.85,10113 .76,7946.11,EOA 2.STBC 110,4949.87,10061.79,794S.08,EOA 2.5TBC 111,4923.36,10031.89,7944.S0,EOA 2.STBC/INLET 112 ,490S.S6,10011.S0,7943.73,EOA 2.S/TBCPC ------POINT OF CURVATURE 113,48S4 .S9,99S3 .12,7942.08,EOA 2.S/TBCPT -------POINT OF TANGENT 114,4833.76,9929 .32,7941.62,EOA 2.S/TBC INLET 115,4830.41,9932 .68,7941.83,SDMH ----------------STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 116,4803.87 ,9894.10,7940.7S,EOA 2.STBC 117,4832.38,9896.8S,794S.93,TBW S ---------------TOP BACK OF WALK SOUTH 118,4841.16,9890 .34,7945.77,TBW N II 11IIII NORTH 119,4846.98,9903.09,7946.04,TBW N 120,4838.14,9906.90,7946.07,TBW S 121,4844.2S,9918.91,7946.03,TBW S 122,48S2.S9,9913.39,7946.04,TBW N 123,486S.74,9929 .20,794S.11,TBW N 124,48S9.8S,9937.09,7944.91,TBW S 12S,487S.23,99S6.80,7942.92,TBW S/TBC 126,488S.03,99S3.11,7943.69,TBW N/TBC 127,4904.87,9989.11,7943.67,TBW N/TBC 128,4903.00,9999.S0,7943.38,TBW S/TBC 129,4922.9S,10017.48,794S.27,TBW/S 130,4926.S6,10007.44,794S.20,TBW/N 131,49S2.8S,10033 .3S,7946.32,TBW/N 132,49S0.31,10044.9S,7946.12,TBW/S 133,4998.97,10095.5S,7946.7S,TBW/S PC 134,SOOS.72,10088.43,7947.22,TBW/N PC 13S,S032.68,10118.67,7947.67,TBW/N POC -----------POINT ON CURVE 136,S024.61,10124.28,7947.28,TBW/S POC 137,S049.S4,1014S.86,7947.71,TBW/N PT 138,S042.S0,101S2.78,7947.84,TBW/PT AP ----------POINT OF TANGENT ANGLE POINT 139,S040.31,101S4.8S,7947.7S,TBC 140,SOS4.16,101S2.34,7947.90,TBW N 141,S062.S7,10161.30,7947.98,TBW N COR BUS -------CORNER BUS STOP 142,5070.63,101S3.26,7948.09,COR BUS 143,S078-.95,10161.14,7948.27,COR BUS 144,S089.14,10171.98,7947 .96,TBW 14S,S104.87,101S6.84,7948.09,TBW TBC 2 146,S107.7S,10160.S6,7948.2S,TBC 2FT 147,S106.27,10163.79,7948.22,TBC 2FT 148,S104.60,1016S.33,7948.46,TBC 2FT HCR ----------HANDY CAP RAMP 149,S098.66,10170.92,7948.37,TBC 2FT AP 1S0,S100.66,10172.98,7948.10,TBC 2FTEND 1S1,S102.SS,10171.42,7947.79,EOA INLET 1S2,S096.9S,10172.42,7948.31,TBW 1S3,S088.S4,10180.88,7948.74,TBW N 1S4,S092.18,10184.33,7948.76,TBW N lSS,S08S.13,10191.S0,7948.96,TBW S AP 1S6,S079.16,10190.69,7948.94,TBW S AP 1S7,S077.06,10192.73,7948.93,TBW S TBC 1S8,SOS8.8S,10174.09,7948.02,8FT HCR 1S9,S039.69,101S2.30,7947.69,RT LANE SIGN 160,4862.44,9915.67,7946.16,EOA 2.0TBC -------------2 FOOT OFFSET TO CURB 161,4869.09,9909.83,7946.22,EOA 2.0TBC PC 162,4874.16,9907.S7,7946 .31 ,EOA 2.0TBC POC page 1 SAFEWAY VAIL DECODED.txt 163,4879.70,9910.36,7946.36,EOA 2.0TBC PT 164,4891.44,9925.17,7945.86,EOA 2.0TBC PC 165,4894.97,9935.62,7945.21,EOA 2.0TBC POC 166,4890.68,9951.20,7944.16,EOA 2.0TBC PT 167,4886.14,9955.13,7943.67,EOC --------------------EDGE OF CONCRETE 168,4874.76,9964.35,7942.54,EOC 169,4897.11,9989.72,7943.27,EOC 170,4908.86,9980.12,7944.05,EOC2.0 TBC 171,4920.71,9971.86,7945.02,EOA2 .0 TBC POC 172,4931.35,9971.66,7945.44,EOA2.0 TBC POC 174,4939.43,9983.02,7945.49,EOA2.0 TBC POC 175,4935.81,9985 .49,7945 .86,2.0 TBC PT 176,4925.23,9994.55,7945.45,2.0 TBC AP 177,4927.42,9993.46,7945.05,INLET FL ---------------FLOWLINE 178,4941.97 ,10001.76,7945.42,SDMH 179,4949.92,10014.57,7945.40,SDMH 180,4955.84,10023.63,7945.50,EOA 2.0TBC 181,4996.37,10065.48,7946.18,EOA 2.0TBC 182,5036.76,10107 .57,7946.96,EOA 2.0TBC 183,5072.20,10144.76,7947.81,EOA 2.0TBC 184,5098.45,10153.42,7948.20,EOA 2.0TBC PC 185,5088.58,10161.92,7948.18,EOA 2.0TBC AP 186,5127.08,10201.55,7948.49,EOA 187,5129.86,10144.48,7948.57,EOA 2.0TBC PC 188,5123.04,10142.57,7948.45,EOA 2.0TBC PT 189,5124.42,10144.01,7948.39,CL HCR---------------CENTERLINE HANDYCAP RAMP 190,5109.85,10128.77,7948.63,EOA2.0TBC PC 191,5109.16,10123.58,7948.53,EOA2.0TBC POC 192,5114.16,10122.40,7948.66,EOA2.0TBC PT 193,5129.55,10129.78,7949.25,2.0TBC AP 194,5156.90,10104.11,7949.84,2.0TBC 195,5185.64,10077.34,7950.42,2.0TBC AP 196,5187.99,10072.62,7950.65,2.0TBC AP 197,5173.31,10065.75,7950.61,2.0TBC PC 198,5171.92,10062.84,7950.56,2.0TBC POC 199,5174.70,10059.84,7950.79,2.0TBC POC 200,5177.96,10060.40,7951.24,2.0TBC PT 201,5194.64,10075.46,7950.25,EOA2.0TBC PT 202,5197.07,10081.76,7950.07,EOA2.0TBC PC 203,5196.19,10077.19,7950.20,CL HCR 204,5177.81,10099.70,7949.78,EOA 205,5173.26,10095.71,7950.35,TBW 206,5147.86,10119.35,7949.76,TBW 207,5092.85,10105.09,7949.11,TBC 2.0 PC 208,5090.07,10104.70,7949.10,TBC 2.0 PC 209,5070 .31,10083.48,7949.00,TBC 2.0 PC 210,5069.46,10080.75,7948.86,TBC 2.0 POC 211,5070.86,10080.29,7948.86,TBC 2.0 PT 212,5086 .23,10084.90,7949.10,TBC 2.0 AP 213,5083.57,10093.75,7949.18,TBC 2.0 AP 214,5095.64,10097.39,7949.21,TBC 2.0 PC 215,5097.28,10098.94,7949.26,2 TBC POC 216,5096.63,10101.91,7949 .24,2 TBC PT 217,5052.49,10061.55,7948.67,2 TBC PT 218,5049.39,10061.11,7948.66,2 TBC PT 219,5029.75,10040.20,7948.26,2 TBC PT 220,5028.61,10037.16,7948.26,2 TBC POC 221,5031.95,10036.44,7948.47,2 TBC PT 222,5046.91,10040.71,7948.86,2 TBC AP 223,5044.39,10050.37,7948.70,2 TBC AP 224,5055.56,10053.75,7948.95,2 TBC PT 225,5057.31,10055.96,7948.94,2 TBC POC 226,5056.69,10058.03,7948.82,2 TBC PT page 2 SAFEWAY VAIL DECODED.txt 227,5011.97,10017.61,7947.87,2 TBC PT 228,5008.09,10017.57,7947.77,2 TBC PT 229,4988.21,9996.31,7947.39,2 TBC PT 230,4987.46,9993.59,7947.63,2 TBC POC 231,4965.74,9974.71,7946.82,EOA 2 TBC PT 232,4945.22,9953.78,7946.32,EOA 2 TBC PT 233,4944.01,9950.20,7946.29,EOA 2 TBC POC 234,4948.05,9949.10,7946.40,EOA 2 TBC PT 235,4964.37,9953.03,7946.49,EOA 2 TBC AP 236,4962.42,9962.15,7946.89,EOA 2 TBC AP 237,4979.96,9967.56,7947.06,LINE POINT EOA 238,4975.90,9969.05,7947.04,EOA 2TBC POC 239,4974.89,9975.47,7947.03,EOA 2TBC POC 240,4958.38,9956.81,7946 .66,LP -----------------LIGHT POLE 241,4944.77,9899.20,7946.61,EOA 2TBC PT 242,4946.85,9894.87,7946.92,EOA 2TBC POC 243,4944.92,9889.90,7947.20,EOA 2TBC PT 244,4944.15,9888.85,7947.22,EOA 2TBC PT 245,4942.12,9887.06,7947 .24,EOA 2TBC POC 246,4935 .19,9887.65,7947 .29,EOA 2TBC PT 247,4910 .74,9907.10,7946.76,EOA 2TBC PT 248,4908.48,9910.90,7946.60,EOA 2TBC POC 249,4909 .67,9916.00,7946.34,EOA 2TBC PT 250,4912.83,9920.11,7946.21,EOA 2TBC PT 251,4916.45,9922.26,7946.13,EOA 2TBC POC 252,4966.47,9880.85,7947.47,EOA 2TBC POC 253,4972 .20,9879.43,7947.51,EOA 2TBC PT 254,5000.60,9858.15,7949.56,EOA 2TBC PT 255,5006.45,9852.51,7949.92,EOA 2TBC POC 256,5009.72,9843.55,7950.45,EOA 2TBC PT 257,5010.21,9841.03,7950.49,CL HCR 258,5013.47,9804.56,7951.10,EOA 2TBC AP 259,5032.35,9789.64,7951.34,EOA 2TBC PT 260,5034.15,9786.97,7951.32,EOA 2TBC POC 261,5033.39,9782 .26,7951.28,EOA 2TBC PT 262,5025.44,9771.43,7951.61,EOA 2TBC AP 263,5051.55,9750 .67,7951.42,EOA 2TBC AP 264,5060.86,9762.58,7950.82,EOA 2TBC PT 265,5063.96,9764.37,7950.76,EOA 2TBC POC 266,5066.15,9761 .65,7950.84,EOA 2TBC PT 267,5068.11,9734.87,7951.72,EOA 2TBC END 268,5066.09,9736.72,7951.75,2TBC END 269,5060.19,9741.29,7951.96,FOW 7FT ---------------FACE OF WALK 7 FEET WIDE 270,5051.90,9748.00,7951.87,FOW 7FT 271,5022.68,9771.21,7952.16,FOW 7FT 272,5016.92,9775.89,7952.29,FOW AP ----------------FACE OF WALK ANGLE POINT 273,5015.67,9784 .05,7951.72,FOW AP 274,5012.60,9793.51,7951.60,FOW AP 275,5011.62,9803.49,7951.50,FOW 276,5006.97,9795.39,7951 .54,TBW 277,5006.22,9803.44,7951.49,TBW 278,5002.92,9837.68,7950.68,TBW AP 279,4961.16,9830.58,7948.60,TBW AP 280,4958.48,9833.30,7948 .61,FOW 281,4968.62,9845.88,7949.15,FOW 282,4989.78,9844.38,7950.15,FOW 283,5007.77,9843.36,7950.42,FOW TBC 284,4963.63,9842.97,7948.49,EOA 2 TBC BEGIN 285,4973.94,985 5.69,7948.36,EOA 2 TBC AP 286,4961.79,9866.64,7948.03,EOA 2 TBC PT 287,4959.53,9870.69,7947.63,EOA 2 TBC POC 288,4961.28,9876.67,7947.59,EOA 2 TBC PT 289,5009.69,9886.69,7949.01,EOA 2 TBC POC page 3 SAFEWAY VAIL DECODED.txt 290,5017.26,9886.25,7949.46,EOA 2 TBC PT 291,5037.68 ,9907.75,7949.00,EOA 2 TBC PT 292,5038 .43,9911.60,7948.75,EOA 2 TBC POC 293,5035.14,9912.32,7948.66,EOA 2 TBC PT 294,5017.81,9907.24,7948.51,EOA 2 TBC AP 295,5018 .48,9904.84,7948.46,EOA 2 TBC POL 296,5003.22,9892.94,7948.51,EOA 2 TBC LINE PNT 297,4996.35,9890.47,7948.41,EOA 2 TBC LINE PNT 298,5048.51,9940.06,7948.97,EOA 2 TBC PC 299,5046.15,9937.11,7948.96,EOA 2 TBC POC 300,5047.21,9933.70,7949.02,EOA 2 TBC PT 301,5051.56,9929.53,7949.27,EOA 2 TBC PT 302,5053.81,9928.36,7949.37,EOA 2 TBC POC 303,5057.48,9929.35,7949.42,EOA 2 TBC PT 304,5067.77 ,9940 .29,7949 .65,EOA 2 TBC POL 305,5077.95,9951.16,7949.94 ,EOA 2 TBC PT 306,5113.38,9954.95,7950 .67,EOC 307,5106.32,9949.47,7950.82,EOC 308,5090.86 ,9933 .26,7950.57,EOC 309,5081 .46,9923.34,7950.26,EOC 310,5075.39,9914.82,7950.27,EOC 311,5075.36,9914.63,7950 .69,EOC 312,5059.54,9897.77,7950 .24,EOC 313,5059.28,9897.82,7949.89,EOA 314,5078.10,9954.99,7949.86,EOA 2TBC POC 315,5074.04,9956.07,7949.64,EOA 2TBC PT 316,5057.73,9952.58,7949.20,EOA 2TBC AP 317,5060.09,9943.66,7949.34,EOA 2TBC AP 318,5089.73,9983.22 ,7949.69,EOA 2TBC PT 319,5086.83 ,9981.13,7949.66,EOA 2TBC POC 320,5087.77,9975.84,7949.65,EOA 2TBC PT 321,5091.48,9972.37,7949.82,EOA 2TBC PT 322,5094.69,9970.97,7949.93,EOA 2TBC POC 323,5097.69,9972.46,7950.09,EOA 2TBC PT 324,5117.88,9994 .18,7950.26,EOA 2TBC PT 325 ,5118.24,9998 .66,7950.19,EOA 2TBC POC 326,5112.41,lOOOO .18,7949.91,EOA 2TBC PT 327,5098.60,9995.60,7949.84,EOA 2TBC AP 328,5101.22,9987.26,7949 .85,EOA 2TBC AP 329,5089.48,9983.11,7949.75,EOA 2TBC PT 330,5129.92,l0026.54,7950 .17,EOA 2TBC PT 331,5127.44,l0024.09,7950.16,EOA 2TBC POC 332,5128.56,10019.62,7950.20,EOA 2TBC PT 333,5132.25,10016.19,7950.24,EOA 2TBC PT 334,5135.21,l0014.89,7950.36,EOA 2TBC POC 335,5138.70,l0016.15,7950.49,EOA 2TBC PT 336,5157.56,l0036.24,7950.51 ,EOA 2TBC PT 337,5158.57,l0040.04,7950.44,EOA 2TBC POC 338,5154.90,l0041.93,7950.21,EOA 2TBC PT 339,5139.93,l0038.79,7949.89,EOA 2TBC AP 340,5142.12,l0030 .08,7950.30,EOA 2TBC AP 341,5254.30,l0060.18,7952.04,EOC 342,5241.52,l0065 .72,7951.32,EOC POC 343,5226.61,l0060.32,7950.85,EOC PT 344,5223.84,l0057.14,7950.80,EOC POL 345,5211.93,l0059.81,7951.33,EOC AP 346,5211.78,l0059.94,7950.75,EOA 347,5248.70,l0053.65,7952.20,EOC 348,5240.70,l0056.51,7951.44,EOC POC 349,5233.24,l0054.03,7951.04,EOC PT 350,5233.65,l0053.70,7951.51,TOC ------------------TOP OF CONCRETE 351,5233.99,l0054.13,7951.60,TOC 352,5037.40,9851.27,7951 .20,EOC page 4 SAFEWAY VAIL DECODED.txt 353,5072.89,9780.85,7950.00,CL INLET --------------CENTERLINE INLET 354,5074.27,9779.41,7950.12,CL 3FT VPAN 355,5090.46,9759.40,7950.38,CL 3FT VPAN 356,5107.11,9738.78,7950.51,CL 3FT VPAN INT -------INTERSECT ION 357,5131.11,9747.88,7950.77,CL 3FT VPAN 358,5087.71,9716.07,7951.58,CL 3FT VPAN 359,5062.80,9686 .57,7952.35,CL 3FT VPAN 360,5053.70,9678.05,7952.46,CL 3FT VPAN 361,5042.61,9668.23,7952.68,CL 3FT VPAN 362 ,5035.66,9664 .88 ,7952.78,CL 3FT VPAN 363 ,5033.84,9660.35 ,7953.10,EOA 364,5041.17,9656.19,7953.29,EOA FACE WALL 365 ,5047.30,9656.49,7953.17,EOA FACE WALL 366,5073.95,9676.52,7952.75,EOA FACE WALL 367,5116.55,9700.25,7952.99,EOA FACE WALL 368,5125.30,9691.73,7959.39,FACE WALL END 369,5129.16,9695.79,7959.38,FACE WALL BEG 370,5120.71,9703.54,7952.88,EOA FACE WALL 371,5120.64,9703.50,7952.83,EOA FACE WALL 372,5131.65,9693.32,7959.48,LANDING 373,5127.93,9689.64,7959.49,LANDING 374,5135.42,9682.81,7965.22,LANDING 375,5139.40,9686.79,7965.24,LANDING 376,5144.58,9681.94,7965.30,EOA 377,5138.90,9679.48,7965.34,EOA 378,5081.26,9654.65,7965.62,EOA 379,5057.62,9642 .51,7965.70,EOA 380,5065.00,9641.84,7965.56,SSMH -------------------SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 381,5070.33,9621.43,7964.95,EOA 382,5148.16,9657 .51,7964.48.EOA 383,5225.59,9687.13,7964 .05,EOA 384,5219.48,9710.30,7965.21,EOA 385,5273.78,9730.11.7965.13,sSMH 386,5285.70,9735.25,7965.07,EOA 387,5293.42,9713.05,7963.92,EOA 388,5295.84,9710.58,7961.39,FL24IN CMP-----FLOWLINE 24INCH CORRUGATED METAL PIPE 389,5364.15,9764.54.7965.64,EOA 390,5372.36,9742.72,7964.37,EOA 391,5434.68,9767.81,7965.80,EOA 392,5425.29,9789.15,7966.83,EOA 393,5455.61,9804.92,7967.61,SSMH 394,5461.79,9810.14,7967.88,EOA 395,5476.76,9791.95,7967.52,EOA 396,5480.60,9800.63,7967.72,WV -------------WATER VALVE 397,5477.38,9801.33,7967.76,wv 398,5488.10,9808.67,7967.99,wv 399,5500.69,9800.35,7967.42,FH -------------FIRE HYDRANT 400,5519.16,9839.59,7967.71,EOA 401,5500.78,9853.95,7967.76,EOA 402,5484.98,9793.35,7967.58,EOA 403,5496.44,9761.29,7968.19,EOA 404,5502.74,9727.82,7970.51,EOA 405,5482.50,9726.52,7970.40,EOA 406,5477.73,9754.34,7968.26,EOA 407,5465.34,9778.98,7967.27,EOA 408,5479 .58,9774.00,7967.73,SSMH 409,5488.49,9852.05,7965.69,PHPED ----------TELEPHONE PEDESTAL 410,5194.28,9706.08,7964.96,MAIL BOXES 411,5181 .27,9701.16,7965.04,MAIL BOXES 412,5122.76,9703.66,7959.59,TOP WALL 413,5116.68,9698.46.7959.89.TOP WALL 414,5068.21,9670.80,7958.58,TOP WALL 415,5045.77,9654.46,7959.89,TOP WALL page 5 SAFEWAY VAIL DECODED.txt 416,5170.68,9713.56,7958.34,NG --------------NATURAL GROUND 417,5149.04,9732.04,7959 .15,NG TOPWALL 418,5248.14,9741.60,7956.51,NG 419,5244.35,9755.72,7955.48,EOA 2TBC AP 420,5228.32,9771.07,7955.77,EOA 2TBC AP 421,5230.71,9775.47,7955.90,EOA 2TBC POC 422,5229.10,9778.50,7955.93,EOA 2TBC PT 423,5219.34,9787.82,7955.99,EOA 2TBC AP 424,5235.80,9805.26,7955.67,EOA 2TBC AP 425,5245.88,9795.88,7955.39,EOA 2TBC PT 426,5249.29,9794.55,7955.48,EOA 2TBC POC 427,5252.79,9796.91,7955.43,PT 428,5255.16,9800.52,7955.38,poc 429,5253.80,9804.53,7955.42,PT 430,5248.57,9801.88,7955.58,LP 431,5239.31,98 18.38,7956.42,ELECBOX ---------TRANSFORMER 432,5242.45,9821.62,7956.42,ELECBOX 433,5243.94,9813.78,7955.60,EOA 2TBC AP 434,5272.84,9844.45,7954.94,EOA 2TBC AP 435,5282.78,9834.96,7954.70,EOA 2TBC PT 436,5286.12,9833.81,7954.78,EOA 2TBC POC 437,5290.07,9836.39,7954.69,EOA 2TBC PT 438,5292.38,9839.99,7954.65,EOA 2TBC POC 439,5290.99,9843.77,7954.61,EOA PT 440,5285.92,9841.28,7955.12,LP 441,5281.00,9853.11,7954.79,EOA 2TBC AP 442,5322.41,9896.89,7953.73,EOA 2TBC AP 443,5332.42,9887.51,7953.58,EOA 2TBC PT 444,5335.89,9886.33,7953.60,EOA 2TBC POC 445,5339.79,9888.82,7953.63,EOA 2TBC PT 446,5342.09,9892.99,7953.52,EOA 2TBC POC 447,5340.51,9896.33,7953.50,EOA 2TBC PT 448,5335.24,9893.52,7954.00,LP 449,5330.40,9905.48,7953.76,EOA 2TBC AP 450,5356.56,9913.66,7953.06,EOA 2TBC PT 451,5360.58,9912.47,7953.14,EOA 2TBC POC 452,5362.92,9913.59,7953.07,EOA 2TBC PT 453,5378.36,9926.74,7952.72,EOA 2TBC PT 454,5379.94,9929.59,7952.78,EOA 2TBC POC 455,5378.50,9933.11,7952.84,EOA 2TBC PT 456,5366.83,9944.43,7952.65,EOA 2TBC END 457,5368.92,9946.68,7952.67,EOC 458,5365.41,9942.81,7953.02,TBC 459,5345.74,9961.50,7952.98,TBW 460,5350.40,9938.64,7952.73,MH ----------UNSPECIFIED MANHOLE 461,5412.07,9901.36,7952.22,EOA 2TBC PT 462,5408.79,9902.84,7952.23,EOA 2TBC POC 463,5406.22,9902.49,7952.29,EOA 2TBC PT 464,5382.16,9894.05,7952.79,EOA 2TBC PT 465,5379.80,9891.46,7952.87,EOA 2TBC POC 466,5381.06,9886.84,7952 .84,EOA 2TBC PT 467,5387.31,9881.00,7952 .67,AP 468,5370.64,9863.39,7952.96,EOA 2TBC AP 469,5360.68,9872.69,7953.24,EOA 2TBC PT 470,5357.21,9873.87,7953.26,EOA 2TBC POC 471,5353.64,9871.38,7953.31,EOA 2TBC POC 472,5351.21,9867.90,7953.33,EOA 2TBC POC 473,5352.72,9863.99,7953.21,EOA 2TBC PT 474,5352.72,9867.97,7953.63,wv 475,5355.12,9866.99,7953.56,wv 476,5358.61,9867.52,7953.32,FH 477,5385.80,9832.94,7952.45,EOA 2TBC AP 478,5369.24,9815.34,7952.97,EOA 2TBC AP page 6 ....~ SAFEWAY VAIL DECODED.txt 479,5336.03,9846.65,7953.77,EOA 2TBC PC 480,5332.79,9848.05,7953.78,EOA 2TBC POC 481,5328.87,9845.42,7953.83,EOA 2TBC PT 482,5326.44,9841.56,7953.90,EOA 2TBC POC 483,5327.97,9837.85,7954.02,EOA 2TBC PT 484,5337.72,9828.51,7953.66,EOA 2TBC AP 485,5321.25,9811.14,7954.03,EOA 2TBC AP 486,5311.51,9820.39,7954.27,EOA 2TBC PT 487,5308.24,9821.76,7954.25,EOA 2TBC POC 488,5304.15,9819.29,7954.28,EOA 2TBC PT 489,5301.59,9815.12,7954.34,EOA 2TBC POC 490,5303.24,9811.93,7954.20,EOA 2TBC PT 491,5313.08,9802.41,7953.95,EOA 2TBC AP 492,5284 .17,9771.65,7954.59,EOA 2TBC AP 493,5274.19,9781.12,7954.81,EOA 2TBC PT 494,5271.77,9782.33,7954.91,EOA 2TBC POC 495,5267.94,9780.78,7954.95,EOA 2TBC PT 496,5276.54,9756.87,7957.36,SDMH 497,5296.31,9764.99,7953.89,FL 18CMP 498,5327.83,9777.49,7953.40,NG 499,5363.43,9795 .44,7952.66,NG 500,5408.71,9829.21,7951.81,NG 501,5450.33,9867.04,7950.88,NG 507,4903.47,9985.73,7943.58,C/0 --------CLEANOUT 508,4909.08,9989.94,7944 .44,FH 509,4911.09,9992.54,7944.41,wv 510,4859.20,9978.48,7942.82,SDMH 511,5057 .77,10195.12,7948.44,SSMH 512,5119.05,10224.26,7950 .89,SDMH 513,5101.84,10170.68,7947.81,CLINLET -8 .7 TOP 24 514,5018.53 ,10011.89,7947.87,EOA 2TBC POC 515,5015.14,10008.17,7947.80,EOA 2TBC PT 516,5004.66,10005.21,7947.47,EOA 2TBC AP 517,5006.29,9996.72,7947.40,EOA 2TBC AP 518,4991.42,9991.03,7946.96,EOA 2TBC PT 519,4986.81,9991.62 ,7946.84,EOA 2TBC POC 520,4987.02,9997.65,7946.82,EOA 2TBC PT page 7 , 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(7ntiio/here) o I request that all modmcsttons,minor or otherwise,whicharemadetothe plans over thecourse of the review process,be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further review by the Town. (7nilio/here) F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Plannlng\OId forms\drb_addilion_B-2B -2007.doc Page2 of 14