~\:~J S~~
I ··r
.-.....·..t ··:":,!·!.,
i ·
o n t he p loe
ro f c rc -ico t'ild f!
c i ty Irr ac ";
h .own o f i l cc r t a i n t r a c t,
COIO I·",I",he ing Lc.j a Ll y
Im EREI\S,1·l cs t v.i i I is the o wne-r o I a c e rtai n tril ct
o Lor a .Io ,being leg"J ly
il nd Io!'ing sh own on the
•b o i n q hc r c i na f t er c a Ll c d 'rl st ·
HIIl·:IU·:J\5,r.ho V"i t C i ty Tra ct is i mpro ved w ith a
n i u-t l ~gt clI'C c u rron t.L y lJ"i nfj ope ra t c d IH~a food s upe-r t mr.kct
con-r i rt i n .r o r ilpp rll :-~im ilt ('l y 25 ,ROO squiJr e f eet:hcrc~inu.ft~r
cal L.-""l "::.11 CW ity :'ton.:"f lhc e xterior bounda r Le s o f w~ich o rc
~h(J·..vn o n l x h i h i L 1\;a ncl
~';lIr:IU ·:I\~,\l e st Vail ('lllll vn i I Ci I Y 111.1'"dc s L ro lo r.\"I ·:tn lt ·~.
;1I l(;npcr il'·c·a t"ec'"lll ~,"to b~:conc t r uctcc!.1I HI/or op e r n ;.....d,o r ::("]J I
5 \1uif .·c 7 lu thp p r ov i si i o n-;ho r c o L ,f or tlll 'I I\1I:IO~C or thc L:O Il-
s tr llC"t;.lon c.ln(l/nr (1~1.'r.1 L i(1I 1 of,ono or nlor u b n i ld Ln qr:o r i n ~:Llllll'
t i ou s for CJ.:l["..l f'C ~;(f )r t lu -n t or a ero oI mo tor vc -h i c l c s (uu ch
bu iJding s <l nd /r,r "l':t :oJ lil t.ioll"""r"in"flr'r ,,.,,II('d till'"R,'!:cn'cd
!\r"';1 TmprovC'r.I.·nl")Ic'1·,·)o':ntc 't1 (III the-!("'~(·r ·:('tI ,\n'"(c l ~;!IC'l'ci n-
a f t or dc f i nc-u r:;11111
HI1EHl::,\S ,\'!os t V.-,i.l intvnds t o c o nver t th e .impr o vc>
men tc o n t he ~o/c.'Bl 'I ,d1 Tr l1r:t to c:o ncla rn inium u nits uucle r the
p r ov l a Lo u s u f Till ·,3 0,rvr r.Lc Lc 3 J,S ect ion lOt E't s cq .of
l h t"'ColOI'.1d"H (~v i n "d Stil t.II L ~s (here in "Condominium P rop ert y
;\C:''');n:ad --
HI:"r l 'I:IlC'l\T,t W ':I~I\'('-r (H';,r ~t\r :.:'1 !:rJAiJCI:
..j \UI I·j·:i\::!!.j !;;if ·/\(;I:I.::·!I :i:;·..__.....-..__...
I'hiH ·l h o ~:;I .rrl{:.ll {l pt'r,ll i "lll ,r·I·,i I1Lc n.1I1(·'.n ntl I 'd:::"'!nt'nt"
"'I 't~C'm,oll l (h P ll'iu~11 ("r c'·.l ll(·t1 ";,,,"i"rT l,·;.L'·),1 1,ll lt :,1ull c'nlC:I'(:cl
Jnt,o thi ::l~.th d~y (,IC 11.'c(!mluo..,]!J '/lo,by dud
h.'lwe clI \"ld 1.··t:l1·Y ("1)l<l'()H ~\TIU:~:-H .C'c.;1C.il ·:,i o co qJ~'rat:i rJn
(h ,.~r ci r ~.,r ~.or-(~.I t lc..d "v o i I ci.ly").dlld \':~:::'I"VA'r.,\ssnc (',"rES ,
LT D.,a l i rnib..tl p .lr lll cr ~i lii p (ho roi ».•(tl ol"c.:ulJ vd U\'lc·:;L Vil il ll ):
h'IIE ln :!\s.the \~C!it vn i l 'J'l"Hct in Im p ro vcd w i L h u
·thr ,"~:l ll !'1 s t r u c t.u r ..'wi t h iI b iU~('m~~nt,t h o f L r n t;f Joor a nd
b .':~':';,l··fl l.l lf wh ich ':l l'C:d iv i dod in to connno r c LcI \1!)CS h o rc i n a f t o r
en)1",1 U ..."Strop s",H id wi t.h thc s e c ond oI lul th ird stor ies
impt"o':L'"U w i t.hr os i dc -n t La Iun i t sh orc i n c tt o r cn ll e d t he
"U ni ~r;·,the (~xt(,'l'inr bounda r Lo s of w:'lch s tructure a r c
s ho ·..:n On :::-:h1 h i l H;and
'ct ,.
.1 1 s .~..'
oj .-:
-7 1!.tr Qc:l
.·'D -·
..;l illl.:.a -
:':1.:t '':l'U
h ..·I (~i :l -
.:t ;'
\'ltu:nt:J\fi,V.lil C ity onet Hl~!il v.u i d ··:;i t'c t"I r .lli L
to each other c.:("I·t.~ljl1 (!.l!:.l··.·nt~l J n,If.,()\'C'!',III1C1 (,I '.t n -I
vt'rClS~;lht V"ll City 'l'r .u :1 ,ulll t h,~\';C':;I v..il 'j'I'':lct,n ·:.p ~c·
t Lvo Ly r and
""!lEREA~j,"lhe Po1l"t i cs d.:nln.'I.,nt.,b·eerte,iu mutual
pr ov Ls Lcn n (or th -.,.rl .1 i IIll·:i ·lIIC(~drul 01"'1.11 lurl t·r common
C ;I(:ilitil..~s and t.':)tnl'lJ:..cl'I 'l~nln oLltc.'t"(:nvc'n"n t!~a nd ~l q r c c
mcn t s as hcrcln.,tlc['Inort.:npt'cir i c ,'lly H\.~t lurth;
NOH,'l'III:IlI·:J 'OIl1;.f or it v .i Luab lo conn irll!rnt i on pa Ld
by each P.,rty to the o t ho r s ,r cco Lp e wlll'reor Ls he rdJy
a cknowlel.!<:led b y NlCIl Pa r t y ,it if;mut.ua l Ly ""Teeel il::Collows :
lis used hc roLnoLt.or ill thir.lIqrccml'nt,the folloHing
t er ms sh.IIl h wc tile foll<'I<lllg rcrpuc t l vu ,n"'lId.lIg!J:
(.1)Th"words "person"Or "perlio,,-"nha t t both
include rnd i v i clu ..rls ,pn r t no r nh i pn ,f Lrm s ,es r.oc La t Ionn
and co rpo ru t.Lon n or uny o t.ho r LormoC buu Lnc s...entity.
lu)'l'he term""V"il ct ty"a nd "We st Vail"refer
to V"il City Co r po ra t Lon•.111<1 Went,Vnil lIssociates,
LI '.1.,re spcc cLvr-t y ;,nel/ol'their rr-npcc t i.ve perm itted
SU(;C f 'snor~;ancl/or a r::.i.tjIlS,ns lhe cont.c xt;may require.
(C)T h~term "nccupon t"roLors to Vllil City '"n-]
Went v ,lil n"cI/or .111 Y t o n.rn t;of o i t ho r "nLitled to the
U!i ('.Iud occupancy o t the f..:lrr.WilY Storp.,the Shop s,the
un i t u or the Rc se rvr -d r reil or t h o i r rcup oct.Lvo p"rr.littea
~.Ut:·':(~:;!iOr S ~lHc.1 /or ,l ;~ti iCJ n s ,as the con t cx t may requ ire .
(dl The Ler mR ·Party"Dr ·P"rties"refer to Va il
Ci tj'ilnd/or \·Ir.'st v ..i 1 "nd/or thci r respective permi ttcd
5Ut.:CI.·~~ors (l ill I/or d nr'.i qn s,.ilS tht"contcx t may r equ.i r-o •
(e)Th e-term "Permittees"n"used in this IIgreemellt
s hn l I meull .uul ro r ert o all occup.mt,s and the officers ,
dir~r.Lor.s,~«rtn~r!i,principals ,joint vcnturnr5,
employees,ilCJClltS,contrnctors,c;ustomer s ,visitors,
liccl15ces ,S I 11 1 -t ~n;l r lt s and c oncc uaiolluires o f 811
OCCU\an es •
(f)Til e tern1 ~~rac t'l or "Tractn"refers to ·the
va I1 City 'l'r"c:t amI /or the V.li l Hesl Tract as the
con t ex e may r cqu Lro .
(h)'l'1",tern'"uc so rvod Ar ea "refers to th e land
it:'''''wh i ch i.s so i'l"ntificu on Exhiuit D,which may be
developed fur pu rk i nq gill'il'JC'S or n t alLs as perm itted
undt!r thin Aqrccmcnt .
(i)Th e term "Common Aren "rrfcrs to n1l arens
within the exterior.uound.i r t cs of th e Cl ,nter wh Lch are
made ava i LahLc Dr;hc rc i na Lt.cr provided for the gener."l
u :
o ·
f .f
e :
J .','
t -::::
U~(!;~oi,v(!nic.·ft;~t·"'Ill h{~nl'f i l or .-tll ()Cl ·I':'.I!I~"·,;,:.,r
tlll ~ir r ccpcc t Ivr-l'cnrd.th'!{·!;£111 01 wh i ch :lln lI"·t h t':'~~or'
'or npprupriall.·cI Lo 'Itt:Ut:GUpilllf~'".oL,r,1 "u ,:,·:!hy ,0 ;':'IJ:."
".Occ:upiln l:.Cor t h ..CUll'luct:(I[bur.i I1C :::i .·'('11'..Cu.":'Ir:1I,n l .e'::1 .
-"t -shoJII b~~loc,tb'-'d l1r..tohO\o/fi nn I-:y.h iLJit 11.C!Y.Ct\pt in ~JI~':".~:.;~.'
cvcn e _th.•a,t .t J H ~~:dmto m;l}'.1l(>hcrc.'"Ctcl·1"1'.:r1if l(·d )J"r··.··I.,nl;
t.o the IAICUc'1l ;I'lfl~t '~U1·~nt of t ho Partit·!:;in:d the ("t '::':~'J~:·_~"~~:t:,::·~·y:·
Area shLlll.inc:lud~,without limitincJ ttil ~lJ'.·n'!rnli!j'o;·~l
the f or c-j o Lnq ,the p.,rkjn~1 arCi!i,rO \:ld:i (jIH:lurJitt o;;tn j'.";:.-,"
.."dedications r01
A ro.,<.1.:::;within the ~cnl"!rJ,clrivcwa ''':~'':-,(:,_~t.;,:(,,:.,.-~"
"'..ex ce r i ors Ldnwa Ik s,and other pcdc s t r Lm W,l1;';wlIi'''',;n<1 ...',,_'~';
.,::....stilirways not l..ca t.cd ~ilhin the!s t o rc prl·.I\.iHCS .(~r.iln}".,'::'~·;{iH-;;~}:~~..";:~~~P:::'--~;I~\~L:~m."F ,laO;I\re .,"••err::~'~;·:~;':~:~~~~'r:c~.:~;.~·~j~~{~.0.i~.,;:
'.':.-(i)/\11 a r cau j n the Sn Ecwa y Store a nd the '/~..,;.'..:'A :"..:"Shops measured from the outside Lace of all f·xterior·...,,:.
.:':":"::~walLs and from the mid-point of ,111 common wnlls .::.:,~
c,'._,,,"•.""..and usually (·:,:"res!:'cd hc ro l n In l',rm :'of sCJu.:lce .'.'c'..-",'.
,.;.:-,:~''footage i nc LurlLng any h;..nomen t s and .1ny sell in9 ,...i':',..-:{::..ur eu s in nny Lnleony and mezzanine lind inelu<.ling ·.c ':'..-.:--~:,
·d '··..,:,"....."truck pa rk i uq ,turn-nrouml and dc,e!',areas (if any).--:...:.;:i"':~:.~.,:.l .}~:..~':"..'which nrc onc Lc sed hy {o ur (4)....·1111~and a roof •...;::;::.;:.:::r·').:-:A:··:j:}:~''':..(~:~.~-....-.....
."..::}:.,.'.:..',\'__~:.~'·:.·:;;:'-::""(1 i )The numl",r'of squnre fe et of any outdoor ";'.....:
:;,;'.::.--.'{l ·ar oa enclosed and cont.aining a pcrmolnant-tyl'''roof .,.'
.c-r "appropriateu for usc by any Occupnnt as SUbsequently.:.~~.<·~:..~~:'ft authorized in writiny by till tho -Pilrtie!)(for
:,:~,~_::..:,;.."'.;~','.~.:::~,'.'.'..,..--..~..;:::''~'.'.~.~:~.~.';~'.'.'..'.""No dC ,~~:::I::~'~~..::-~:II~':~~C r.::::n:~o:~1::,,~r:::~u t ed
..__u "urid cr the (oregoin,)del j nition by r cn s ono f co Lumns,
.'>}::.:.'.~;,.'or other interior con c t ruc t I on or e qu i pmc-nL within tho
...~:'i 'b '1'.1I .......':.:"""'.,U1 cl .lIl C)1"VO v c ci ,
:-:'£"'-(k)The term ·":C't"nd not i on Date"rc r'c rs to it dnte
which "hid 1 he forty (40)yco rs (rono the clilto o r I his
".",'.''(1)1~e term ·C~nter·rc(ers to th e Host Va il
'Tract null t he Vail City Tl,,,'ct,
(n)Vail City and \'k'st Vail ho r r-by '1rant e ach to ....
.';'.,the o ther wi th rl'!.pcct to c.a ch uf th o Irre spec t i v c
'.--.--.""r.,el·.'l Cor.the c'ommon use "nd l>en~fil of ""eh r"':p,..:::tiVl·.:~..i::'qrdnl'l:l"fi ,lnd th t~l'ennittces o(~;uc:h rCSp t!c:livu ~lr.lntcC:i,
.-:~.~'i1Selnf;'nts in,to .trld ovc:r the Common T\rca r.ortion of
,:':,."'.the Tr ,~et owned hy th e rcspeeLive gr,~ntor.·for ingress.'~;::>--'.to anel "gress from the 'l'rac:t of the resl'L'ctiua gr.lntae,"."':"~'~':"~_',:.;.~.:.::\:'~,::.'.~.•.::an ~~~o~~~:~~o ~n ~/;:~~~~~r~~n~eo~<:~~~h·1~~s~~~s~~sng"
.'~:porfibns of tlie ::ommon 1\1'''''portion o(I he 'I''net owned
.._.'...:'.:.:;I~;;}~;5:,,;~::J:~~~:;~ic:;-~:~,~;;~"~i _~&4~;~
····les s
cost s
b rou tj :
dc ath
:pcrn n r
'..".;"Tr <l ct.
....:with ~
how.:!v c
or d .~;1 1
41Ct or.
.!iuch c
J .o
.):'"i Il ~
tid :>
co ve
:In t '
'~':'~::~':~:~'.~~c ~'.
."r »:pa r k .
emp l'
'of Sl
._'.:.cmp l(
.....~.-v -,
:::iir ••----->~~j Bln.~'-~.
t.h i s I\gr c"m ent:
OI'EM'r lO~15
S af e'Wily ~a.o r e fill .)I 1 n ot c on tain lc ss t.ha n
C(,,,t or mo rc tlhlll ~O .000 t.qua re fc et of
t im ""du r i.lI\)til<!l ena o (
n,OOI!I\REI\1.1 HITI\'l'I OilS3,
'(,'1 \,;,,1 CiLy <lgr ees th ilt i t shil li m..in tilin n ot
1<"'55 th .l a 1 2 ~1 car ~p.o ce :;for p .lrk inq o n the Common l\rc",
of th"V·,ll C i Ly 'I'l·.~c t "n d Wc st Va i 1 "~J1'I '"n that it .
.....i 1 t r:1 a hI U.alll not len s "h Ol o 1 2~C,'f :-;Pol l:(,~;for p.l rki ng
""lhc c""·,,,,"",\re .,o f thc Went Va;1 'I'r ;l('L To th".
I :x l ,"nt 111 11:,·H .h'~I·Ihlrly m :l i Jlt .IiIl ~;»>;lrJ.:.111'1 !j paC f!5 j n
(:oL 'rh.,
~~,O(1 t1 :oq ·.1.l1·•.•
I -~1U0 1'·1\t'1:.1 •
h 'l tl,,"rt"~:l'c ·,·l i v c-IJI"d lll.or ..~;0I 't,'::(,1 ;,::i<h.:,u-.•il1f ·;t l !"·...I
iU ld ,l u tlltJr i ;~I 'd [o r =au:h unv 1 '1I '!~U;1 i1 ~t·o L hir;;\"(('1'(',,';:1.,
lUll I for 1-11 <.'cI .lf llCJ o r :a leh "t Ill '!th i l:'I :i .1!.;;,,",',lIltllt.:i ~~I.":
'o r ""qui nod I P .it,·d t,lll\.~on '11 ('11 f 'I':~I"'I 'l l v r-I ".'t I i u uu (.r
.lll l't:O l m ~:!'l(1 ;...·.·.1 po rt i on of lltt 'T r i:h..."1.u ',tHcd I I,,"th e
Yl'';'l'l'c l i ve q ra n t o r pu r n uu n t.1"0 U ti.:;1\'ICCClnenL .Vai 1
.C i ty an d \"lc.~!.;t Vii i.l rr -s pcc t .i I"I Y h e r ~'I 'i't:"':1 ~C r V I:t hp.
r ight'o Pj (:l~t or C':lIl :i C tht'C'.ic ~':~i u n Lro m Lhr-commo n
l\rca PO !·t.i ono f the 'I 'l',l el:1I.....·lt·U by C'il r !l q r illl LlJr of ,l 'l'"
Person or 1"l·t·~(JI1~noL .ru t.ho ri z c-c l,('l l1i·ty.,,\~i·Cll o r pr Lv i 1"l'Jl~d
by ~u eh ~p·,\n t tl!'La U :~I 't.lu-:~.':ll ~.
(c)'r h~n(:~ll'l"v C'd A n '')'Jlll pn.")vCInnnt s h a Ll no t ccn t a l nmo ro
lh '-lIl H,noo :.:l luill ·C I c o t or l·']00r l\rec1 On e ither t r a c t,
(I ')'Ill"S Il0t'''ro h III not cont a ln l ess t han 20 .00 0
·!;q u aX l ·r "t.~L or ruo re t h.m 40,u OO s q ua r c f e et of fl oo r
A ll r:i n ilnura l"1t l"r !\r C"':l r eLJII i r emcnt!.,;!~hrl l l be:fiub jcct te
p .1r,,·,rll ph r..u,d 1 ':I1-(\CJ L'~'~'h 1 2 he 'rcof .:lnd no improv e ments
shu ll (""xct.~t':1 (~:q l .l lIni cHl Clrc ':t ~;n :;d e.1 'lIcilt c c1 on l::x hi bi t Jj or
1 irod I..t t :on~::·(.~t 'fn r th h ere in.The I.tinimum F'l oer Ar ea
r CI/uH c menl n o[t.ll e Va il C ity '1'r <lct "nd 1·lcs t.Vl1 il T rac t.a s
t h..C;I;.r-m.'·,'b","h <l ll no l Ollge:r b e ,lppUCilbl "Hhc n t h ei r
r (~;p c {;tivC'o I J{'rdti()n~l co v (.~n .lllt5 t e ~nninatc b y 1 a pze o f t ime
Ot"CJ t hc 'r wi~;e i lfi IH·ov iuctl in fl,l rit 9 r ~l p h 7 he reof .
"'.(10)villl City a lit!I~c"l'Vii iI h .,.:""y g r ilnt to ";I<:h '
"·:r··oth r r r or t.h o In "nc(il oI e licit o f th l ·j,.r cn pc c t Lvc
.'..tfr ucl'r:'ra :-:n mcn l:~in,to,O Vt ~r ,uncle r 'l Ilt.!a c ross s uch
··'.~.·..Tr"c t "Cor th e:Collm·rill\)pu rpos cs e t l «in:::til llilt ioll •
.':.opr-ra t.Lon ,mnLn t.cn nucc ,r c pa i r ,r cp Lr cr-mcn u ,r cL o cn ei on
.:"and rr -rnov.t L of ntorm -ilnu aan t t.a r y nc\...c-rs ,wa t or linc ~
ann I.!'IS tlli,tin s,c l cc t rLca L I)()'.,'C'I'.1il1'~::'t oL cphono line::,
and o t.ho r ut.iJ i.ty line"(all or such s r-we r s ,mn Lns ,~I HI
lLno s to be undo r q r ound)All oc s cmu nt s of thc cho rac t or
elo s cr ibed j n t h ir;SUI)pil r<lgr'~l'h (b)s h u L l,bc rub j oc t,o s
to t h .~Loc a t Lon t he r eo t ,to t ho p rior a pp r ovc L of thc
rC ~}J t~l :t lv ~lJr ~l.I.lt r t.h e r cof ,
,,:i ty hi
c o !O t ~.
:.,.'"i th :;l'
.,-_..•brough t
'.:::';"':;dc"t h :'1......-..'.",.~.;...
:_~:~:::j ;
~~.,.•.~...~~.....__>.\l.o:~~\....."'I ~.••
."c.:.h i
.~"_"'.i l
(al Va il City he .eby indemnifies and holds harm-
l "ss He st \'nil from a nd n'J a inst all 'cl a ims <lnd all
cost s,c Xt'"n s""and 1 iabi 11 ti~s incurred in con ncc t Lon
with such clnims,includ in1 any action ~r proceedin19
b rou rj h t;t hr-r e f o r,ar ,i"i,,<)t r o m or as a re sult of the
de~th ofor any acc I d o n t,i njury,1.J r.5 or u i.llnage whut so e vcr
<:"":;,,d Lo a ny n a t ura I p e rs on ,o r to t he prope rty of il lly
p o r non a s s ha ll occur on or off the Vnil City Tract by
rea "o ri of an o ccurre n~e or c ondi tionnn the vilil City
Trilct,or t he neglige nt <lct or u nis"ion of Vail City
.with res p cc t tothe balance of the Cen ter;except ing
however,~11Y claims,d~nth,~ccldcnts,in jI1~~~S,105 $
or d~~~gn n ar ising from or as a result of th e negl i gent
act or omi ss ion of an y pe r uo n Claiming the r ig ht to b e '
.in d ~mnifie d or the ag ents,s ~r vant s or employre s or
s uc h c laimi ng p erson .-
'(bl \'le st Vail hereby .l.n demnifies and hol ds Vail
Ci ty h crm l o s s f rom and agains t all claim s a nd a ll
CO~l z ,cxpcn~e s and l i ab ili t ies incurred in connection
with such claim n,includin<)any a ction or proc e edin1
br ourjh t,thereC o r,ari sing (rom or ,'"a result.of the
death ,)f or ilny iu:ci<l~n t,i I1j u ry ,lOfH;or r..;,ilm,:1fJc Wh el t.s o c vcr
excess or t ho :~t~rpquir.cu h e r oLn fur 'i Ln <......1:.;·.1:1 ,\"('.1
portion o[it:;1'ri.1ct.such oxco s s ~p .l c e::;m.,·"b··u ti ]i Zt"d
by the!prll"t y who co TrilcL hilS such ('):cns!;!'I'''':f'.;(or p ':lt'J.:.··
lng (or t'('ve .t UlJm~nt5 on .:loy p rope r t y .:lujoJ CI.!II!·t I the C cnl·I ·I ~..
(lJ)Un l C'BS the P,ll·l.ic ::i.othc-r ...1i :;'.1 cun ~:I·I1 t..1 l1ft
ligree In wrl t .;n9 no ehnr'.l ('or ariy L~'l'e nh .i ll 1>'.'01;,,1"Lo
or cnl tecLed (rom a ny OCC III ",nt ,or t.11 ,.l"'rrn;It .",,,o(
any occ up.m t,for p n r k Lnq,or the r l qh t;to p.Il):v r-h i.c Lcs
in the Common lire,,;provi,!t..l,howovor ,th"t \~c·"t v"i t
':,and V"il City m"y n s ae as tl",.1 r r cupe-c t Lvn tl:n.lll t",lily
,cha r qe s wh"t "",,ever relat LV,",to t he Common lin'.,0 "a n y
other <lspect of the Center .Exc l:pt (or refu ""l t.o p"y
such cha rqe s (or the privilege or pa rk Lnq v ch I c t c s in
the Common J\ren as may hereafter be impoz el1 O\~i\C()r.c..'5 ~id ,
·.no Party nor .the Pcrmittees of any ~ilrty sh,,1l be
prohibited or p revon t cd from so p"rking so Ion\!n"
'.spnce is availilble in the Common lire",<lnd so long as
they ,do not v iol<lte any of t.he terms ilild proviGi o~s of
this Agreement or any of th e roles and regulnt ions
covering the use or the Common Ar ea promulga ted f rom
time to t ime by the mutua 1 ..grc·ement of the Pn r t.Los ,
In the event that t he Parties shall,by mutu<ll il~reeme~,
pr e scribe certain sections wit hin the Common Arc",or -
on ot her land outside the <:ommon I\reil,for use ..s
park ing "pace by t he OCCUp 'lII ts of the Cente r and the
cmp Loye e s ,ugr.nt5,COn tra ctors,1 iccnnees and conce s s Lonc L r o n
rif such Occupants,then in "uch evel,L each Pilrty Gllall
use its be st eff orts to ,re q uire th eir respec t.ive ten ants,
employe es,agcllts,COJltractors,l iccnDecs nnd cOl lcc9s1on n lt'ns
·to U 5C on Ly auc h sect i ons ~o pz cscr ibcd for pa zk Lnq,
".t ·
I n ul '·.!..
n 'llre,a
i t
-lo:ing '
.•..'·(IfltllJ n Inorn
.:".~r .:.~.
:i~~c',~~~,~;;';:.':i :
"l.Ilf .,
It··,i a t.;\iflr:d .:
.'''\':I!'r'nm (~11 t:,;'
c-iI·:thor j 2t·d
:·'.j ~n u:.o f .i:~'
~;.\~'·:;...ff "..;..;;~,~
:)~~~~o~~~~:::',r ~;:,::~:~;.:'
'r I'd,,:.H~'Jed ..,'.:.'':~;;~~~.>:.r ~:~·
;;~~@~i;M f ;i
·'f1 lo r:..t.ion ,.>:,~:>:~
'1"lines ;.r....f :",..
'n;;'linon :.~.~::.'I...
·1 i 11 ~anc.l '.~-".I
'.'c 'l:lracter
;'j"ct ,·'·aR ';"
o t t he...,,····:·,:,t/·:·,
";~,,t..i ':J~~~\~~~~~'~:~....-.....~
.':,.......r :
(h)Subjec·t to the pzov Lni on s of this par<19 rllph
6,V"i 1 cj t)'IIml I'Iclll V"il,until tho Ter.minntion Dille
of thi:;i\']recm..,d,shall kocp ,maintain lind operate ill
.yood or de x,conrli t ion /111<1 r p,,"l r the i r r e spec ti ve .
COlUmOIl i\rl'a::;illcluding "II l.,nu>lcapill<j thereon .
\~.(e)Vail Ci ty and Hcst Vail covallilnL to and wi lh
eDch oil",,·that in the event of nny clumage or destruction
'of the $:l fl:way Slorc or nhop~,ns thn case I n ~y be,or
lill y £,,>r t ;on:;tlwrec.f,dur in'J the per io,l of tima 'it i"
re C(ui r"d to operaLc it::;Safe-My Store or Sho...,us tht:
c,'::;r.:10 ..1'he,u"e !:ti'bli~hcd uy ~uhpll ..ayruph 7(<1)of thi i>
A jr ce m ~"l,that it will,at lts oun cant lind e~pen~a
re p:lir,re~t ·,re or rebu;Jd _:H.h i111 dll t:>dilIgence the
S~rcway St.ore o r !:hops,itSl he c"~;e m,ly be.t:o nt lea st
the m inimur.,t"lo or 'Area e ,;tabli "hcd by puril 'Jraph 3 of '.._....:...~
this Agre.,mrmt in i1ccord<lnce witl>the i1rpli"able requirr:-,..o;.::f:'.,'
,'mcnU;of subpur ilgraph 6 (g)of this J\greemen t;provided,..«;",:,,--:';
howp.ver,that if r.uch u iunagc or dc~truction occu !'n nt .,.....~~~..".'.
'an y time during the las l two (2)year:;thut it is .::::0'
required to operute as h er.e illhefore descril'C"fl then the ';.'
Pilrl.}'\-1110 :-:0 5nfe...my 5tor('or Sho p!:,IU;the C ilSC Day be,
has been so cli1mil ~r(~d or c1 c!:."troycd lI1ily elect not to
repair or "t:store uut in that evs"t such P"rty ShRll,
in accord"nce ..itl:the "I 'plic 'able rC'jLlirc'me"ts of s:Jb-
p«r ~'gr<1ph G (g)hereof at its sole COfit .nnd expens e,~~
remo~e thn rcmil in~of any improvements,100:;c dirt and
dcb_i~0"it::;T r ..ct thcrr,by mD kin .,the Tract nighLly •
cnur.c·d t 0 "11~u itln ,·.•1 JI ,:!-::f 'lI Or l oLh --ft,-op"'rl."i ,.t.._,.,'
po rs on ,I!:!illalt rc n ul t CHI IIr·off tho h',·::,v :lil ·i·t .!...·~~I 'J
rC,1:,:ol1 of .1"~r:CU(""(:l ll'f ,'01 '(·fJIUli ,.i on (1 :1 I hI"1 ':"~;1:v ..:1
Tr.:J.ct \)1'the ne~l .l.i ~r·.·II t.,i et 1.)1 o ml:.;::jon o r \:~:::;t.~/;"j I
wIth r(=:.p(~~l to the ba l n n ce-or th,!CC'flt~·l':'t !X!·•..:J.l r ,..•
howovor,ilny c:l.l.inl~r c.Jl:alh:;,a cc i dc-n t u ,illjurif ;~'~'t->......:_...
.~or d.,m.Hlr~r.lIrin.tuC)[ronl 01·...:.>C1.r cnu Lt of t hr-1•..·il l·I ,.~:It ··~\.;.-
.~--"'.,'1"':(:or (1IIfi:;:ii'JlI of ~lf l \,l "'r::flll I:1.Ii,.dll"1 :,,-r l ..ld .lIJ I".".-'
iuth:llI"li 1 iell or t 11(::UJ "fl t:;,:';1':I:V t1nt~or l :l1l'loyc:'··.of .
...-,~;uch cl.dlniny I't:rt.oll..........«:..,~:;::~~::~:;;,~.~.~:'~:;~~~;<A"~t,~n,,:"~,~;,;¥'i"C;';;~~fi
,:.:y i."'-(,,)Subject to lh c'pr ov Ln Ious of tid"pilTi1?raph ""l';:<;t';;;:~[>'.,,~,.6...VJ,il .City and We::;l v,.iJ ::h:,11 kor-p IIml In"inl.i·ill (or ··c:,~,.::~:Y.~.;;::;.....;:.<_~~.,C..1USC to be k~p t and mu i n t a i ncd l in <.lOOt)nrdo r,condition ····--_~~:1:~:.:
'..,".~..:;.:.•:•.a nd repalr the SilCew"y Slo t·".t ho Shops.or the l.':"l!.t",as thc"cas.
'"·may be ,until the Pe r t y is II'>JOIIC/er r cqu l rud hy t hc .'
provi s Lonn of paragr,'ph 7 (a)of this IIqrC"elllent to opcrate
its Sufeway Store or Shops,us the en no n",y be,and such
Party cea:;c:;to so opcrnte.TI,·,n.a(trr ·n "ch Purty shall,
subject Lo the provLs i on s of th i"p"r"gr"ph &,~.r."P and '"
mn i n t .n i n .its 5"«",,,1'S tore,Shop~orlhlts.as the CM'"nlilY be ;'...
until the Turmintttion U.ltc o r this l\qru(·mcnt.in cl c:l(~;'1I,;::,~·~~r.~·~~~
.d'lh ll y o nd et t r ac t Lvo corid i t Lcu (includi.lg any lantl-:-.·<~"'~'.::;~5r
f:c.:r~pi .1fJ)..'<i :a~.::~-:.::...:~~Ji§{
·..t ·
d 11"
·f Lhe
;'.'.,...ha t:'~(Jcver
)'of .allY .
"'·,lct .by .:.
.''J l1gcnt
I i .,-.;,,!~',.
'p leticn
....·ha .tspevcr
ho ~:~u:-:.llized ..,
.'\),,-:".£or park-
.•to th"C<:ntcr.·
:I :;~..:~~-:";~-~;:'•~,::
10<>.m.:>cJ '.to .
:I cas oC :.'-:_:'.;~
.lL;:··.yohicluB _~,
·':'·!it:.V<1 il ,"
....l1tS··lllly .,',.
.,or ,IllY
:.11 to £'''1'
:,,:los J n '.
I '::1"lfCJrcs-aid,
:,"y:;=·~~·);\:r ,'"
:.'i:~~~ll ,~~:X.~.:;"
,.,j from
'tt 1:-1,','or
•·1:1 'C-.....:'"
I 011.1 tho ~:.~(;:',
""'nCCSDLona Lr e s
.'-y aha Ll..
""ncess ionuires
.y ~"
,t ,:..>
.",.r '••...;.,
(IJI "/\11 r c~t c r~t i o n ,J.'cp.:t ,ir,J:chuildi ng ,m"int cn;\ltc~,
1.11 C'r.'ll lion!=>,;'I t1Lli lions or inl pnJV 01l1 cnL r:(her ci nilf t cr
(",-111 ""c.iva 1 y c c"llleel-"\'l"r'Y,,"J [)(~r f orm ecl h y any Pilrty
1Jur::;UilIiL to lll l":I'I 'o vi ~i.ons ('I (thi~:I'\CJr eement ~hu ll b e
·pcr!o r r.u ·d in n Lrjct Cn ml'tiilll cn wiL h su ch of t he !ollo....·i.nq
r cqu irl.·I·'t-1nt :;.':1 are ilppl icdblc thereto,to-wit :.
(e)v .i i L City "IHI \·/"st V"li cov on e n t Lo and Hith
c.~('h other',(or the t ermo f thi :;II'-J rt '('mcn t ,in U w
c"unt of any d~rnagc or (ll ~n tr uc ti un t e)th (~ir rcsppct ivc
po r t i on n o I the Common lin'"tlhlt th"p .~rLy who so po rtion
of Lhr <."')rl1:I\O Il "r~a !n !:n d,lnt;\q ed (I f c1 r'~:l r(")'0 rl sh~':'l
'l":;lor.·,,.,.'I'..i l r un d rl,J,ttiJd su c h C OIlWlun l\lt ~:1 '<lith a lI
du o 11 i 1 i 9 ~I I C(~•
th ...
j t1~tilnc'~
(0 V:lil C ity il l\ll \~,,~;t V a L l In .~Y rna k c rn pc i r r.,
a l t .e ra t i llll ~:.;H1clJtiOIl !;0 1-i mp r ov o mcu t n to t he Sa[c\ot'ay -.
~;f.'II ·r.,~;ho('~;'Lh (~Unit ~;uu l ItC::il'l'vC'd At-eel J r.t p ro v'~ln en L,
(I ':t i u -('.,~,"1:',1'"h c ,nlld lo t he c x t o r i.o rs i q n s t ho r con
t Wo!to U ,..,Cd mm o ll f\rc ...'l f 'of t.ha i r :'c!:pc ct iv c Tract:;,a nd
molY t'~t ;'"ti p 'who l r :or n ui'1,.1rt t1 H ~1.'C"Or;pro vid ed t.h a r,
ill ::\Il.:h o·v P l:!.,t lu:P ct r ly r ot ;:incJ !:t H:h ~:I .L·ll <:l.l1 n~,if
rr .qu l II t .tl l,'l'cr :lll.'Ul1dl 'r I he l,r o vi si o ns of.:;u b p :l r il ~J1 ';I ,}h
7(.11 h"!'l'o f,.I f,t he (:;'U I~mol Y b c,!:hiJJ 1 rcpLit c c tl t·.~
,r..t I·UC l.lI ff 'r .I :·~u wJl h clU{l l"I H'I'c O n l tl jni t1 9 Clt lCcJst th e
·,·.in illlli ::t l"lfhlt'An:,,)c :;L.,I ··Li ::hetl i n I'tlr 'IC)T.i1ph 3 o f t hi!i
,....l r t..·(~llt .·n t.,':1ntl s uit ublr-to th e U S (~::;th en lJcrmis si blc
P :~I :~lI o1.lt l .l O r'·lrHCJf ~lph 7 IIcr co(.I\ny ~u c h r.~p ai.r,
;1 J I (~r i1 l ion,;Iddition,or i lllp r.ov C'm cnL r.h :Jl1 ue:;Jcorfor rnc:cl
i'l .lcco r d .).nc f"wi.lh t l H~clPl d ic"blc'r cqll i rcmcn ts o(
:;ullp.u·,,,p·i1l'h (<J)o(thi s 1'.l r"'1 r,',.l,6.':.
(d)V ,ii 1 ':=;",':1 11'1 ~·:t ·:;l V .l i I '\',·11 .1IlL t o .~=:'!•...r i t r
p;H~h ul ""1'lItlll :I 'f hi ',·\",·ItL v I ,I ',','d.lIn ,u i"or ··!.·;.'l lI C l
o f till'~:,J r t 'w .l\,;'f ~I"·I d '::hlIP ~:,..;,"~.('d "'II1"~'!....OJ
illlr ,,,.'J·li,.:,~.I!I"I ",'I,of,,!il rq I I.·"'11 (l ll)Y"III-I l i ru l
"ol l illie il·tII\f 'd i "tl ·I .,.:ill "I "I'dill"I ':'·I':':pll'oI Li on (,~I ll •.:
1"·1.'i l.l,l or l.imp t h.·".lrt "/v..h n ~:.·:'.11 .·Voty =;t (-,r.,~01'::~:,.)P ~;,
I'::tilt.'("Jan e mol Y 1,,',i ~;r'~"!I ir ·1I .."t "'t·;,!,·,,::,'::1 ·1-
hli~It ,·tI h ~'~;U!1 I l.1 l ',lt ".lJ ,h ,'(..1)01 l ll i ·;"'q n "'I""n t,I !I"II '
:ah.:h Pari Y Ill"':'('11'~1 :
-(i)to r r-pa l r ,l"c ·r.ton.!o r-l -u i ld ti lt"S ill"'··.·J.,y
Storr or !;flt1p :"H!;t l u-f;.l!;I'm"y l H',oro t !t "l'Ct.'::::"',·r:'i d 1
f.~cilili.,:;.a n "1,1)"hp p(,I':litl:(~tll,')'poll l~P 'OI p !l'J I h :r,·:)r:.;-i'··~
.;I f :(,:(lI·d .I I1l''~w i t 11 l"IH~i ll1lol i"',lbl C'r·(·q lli t 'p!np n{:;o(::1~'l:.,p cl r .1Ij rolph
G C'J)or tid ~1\'rt 'l~l :rncnL i l ll d :.uLJ j·'c.:t In th f'l"'i ,x i l:n H :~I·'l()(l !,.
,·-;,·:':i.~':i ··!"·~::·"rf~a :-;f't rorth ill p\lr,H,Jr,,!,"J t.,r t "i ~.;/\CJI·I ."·llIenl";or '~'.:_.·.·.·.;.:.-.;:~-.·,~.~.~.~.·.'>•.·~.~::.j.n :-'~~.'.:~.:.:.~~.,~..":.....i:.::,~~~~~::~~:~t:~·~~~~~::~~~~~:I~J~~~~~~~~~:t :;:i,i,~~{~;:~~~~e:~;:~:~:c ~~).,
.._..11.:;so 1C"e n!;t.and CXP("I1:~",r o movr-I.lU!1"(,'la.1 i li B of il ny
'::'.:.i mp r ovome n t,Joone d i r t;,u HI tICOI l !:Oil i t:;Tract t.hc r eby
"milk.in C)thp TCi1<-:"night ly.
:·'::I .l .~"
~-.:"':'''~T r ''f
°"_•••••tr u ~
".:"',ath "
'-"-·t~e s t
..·..:thc ..'
'.::{'):~~h ~
nUl S:l
.0 ha 7.c.1r
Col or.
the 'C ,
:~'I •H i
)···?tf .~·":
.rss .
····he l
·:.Ci 1
:::o f
I ,..
·.;~m il Y
"0_'-~o .il l t
.:-,}.~·'·~>t ~
..:,/:~.oo r .
...._',7 (.1 :
.".":.-(r:'>:'I ,t
he comp I c-tl!C l '"i t h
co s t;and o xp o ns e of
Ii i n lilt su rh "Iorl:"hil tl
d i 1 iqcncc,c11111 i lt lll(~so ro
1\1 1"ty per formi nq the t;Jlrnp ..
(i il I'd I \~o ...:s holl I.ho I"""o rmcd i"a '1'lod
an d ,/o ...krnan L ik e m.m nc r "lid n ll.t ll str.ic tly co n L o rm
t.o .,",\comply wi I h (lI)1.:"-'p l;ln,:u ud ';I'",:i Ci,,"tion ::
r h e r o t or .'l-'p rov c.:l l ;u;it lt/l"p nili cl,a nd (n).,11 ilpp l ic ~l u i c~
rCCJl1i r("'!:tents of ].tw:.,c o.lo o,l"C'fjUlilt io n:;,r u le s
nnd uncto rwr Ltcr:l;dl Ul
Pen "v,t o I h .·1'1 "1f 1:~..n ul ~~I )('("i r i(:(,l:i o ll :~1 1l "r "~I'J r,
us I .h .·y !"l'l oilc l llll..,·If ·:(,,)tI lt -c omp :tl ih i l il y "f
thH ",,:t.cTi ,,!:th"I"'ot "",'j lit tl 1l'I •.t l ..rric c-t ,(I-l'·-·
in1fll"OVclIlt:=nL l:i ,n L1 1 (~C .,lt l or ,.:m d CD)tl ll j'v a rin t L on
in t he It)(""t i.on t h n r c o f fr.0::1 lh,'loc:lt ·i,.:\l.i:"the '
impr ·u vem(.!nl~:,1:'::>II\J"'fI o n E xhil li t.H;
(h)It is rccogn i zed th"L froln time to time
during the t.erm of this I\']rcemrmt o Lt he r rnrty milY
·r cqu i ro it t v mpo rn r y Li c o nne to use p o rLLon s of th e
Common I\re,l 10.:tl",pu rpon nn of :(J J performi ng m ain~e
nn ncc:upon,f in d m.,Jt.ing l"l'pa icfi to,nntl/or (ii)mak ing
itJ tl·r·.\t ~on:.,.udd l t Lonu n od I mp ro vc.:mronts,or r az Ln q n nd
rcp l"..:ing Lh..,whol e or ""y p,llt of the S"few"l'Store,
Shop :,;,Uni t ~;or np~ervpc1 I\rr.n I rn pr ovc-m..anc,(I S the ca se
may I ll',p u rnua n c to t hi::IIgrl'C,rn Pllt (lh e ac t i v i t ics
r o(c:r r..,d ·to i n thi s su b rtiviDlon (ii)h cin']h n re in~fter
c oll o,:tiv..,ly r e f er r ~d to ns ·ColIst ru,,1i on"),a n .1 (ii i)
ob ta .i ning ~C C (~nR,i nq r c~!;a nd cyrcs 5 lo ~nd !'c(lm the
·Silf r:.w,'t'l'St.OI.·l',Shops or Ur-s crv{"d I\rcHl Lmp r o vctno n t;,as the
case r wy In',Lo c a rry a ll n uch !IlH\ntc lI.lIH':C,r0.p"it·an d
Cunfit r uctioll ..Hi.thin il r f'i"uol1 i lhlo ti l:'lt prior to thc
'co mnv -u .:-,,;llenl of ll"~':Juc 'h mnLnt.onauco ,rcpaLr or Conztruct i on,
the Pill't.y clos Lr i uq t.o 1I1l 11~1 ,·t ny.C'the.!:i lr '~shu ll s uhm it
to t lu-ot.ho r Pil l:"ty,tl pl l d .pl:"1 ()r.L1 1(~\:~ll l:r~J:011 wh ir.h
Hu e ll Pol,·ty !;!l;ll1 «('l iIH';,I!'lhll!;/"'porti o lln of"th e COlnl:'l on
I\l Cil ""'i "h rC'!!:l'ccl 10 wh i ch B uell 1·.I r ty rCc1 90J1 i1h ly rctj 1J i ....c 5
n tC Il'l")L'tl ry l iCC Il!i('i n cOll nec tio ll wit hs uch mili nte:n .:t nc c,
rcp:l i I 'or C OI1~~t:r l1(·t.i Oll :111 ,1 n\l<:11 a c cn ~n ,j llg res ::;~n<1
c9r C'!:;~:.Upo n cc s ~~..'l ion of Rueh ..Hit'!l uCh :'«rty s hal l
prClmpl lr r c ~:t.t1I'C ll ll ~po ri ionr.o r th e Common l\r.eiJ so
u ~ctl r 0 tht !<.:on c1i L i Cin i n ,,,h i ell tile Dlll1lC were pr !.,.,r to
t41C t.i mp.of c ornmen c('me nL of s ur:h \1 50,includ in CJ t he
clenri l1 'l (I (s u ch .1re,1 o (il11 Jon ,;e dirt,debr i s,eq u ip-
Ot ent il nd const ruc ti on m ~l l.f ·ri Ll l r:.Zuch Party fih a.ll nls o
rc slo r,.,il ll j"Jl orti G n ~;of t"~IC Cen tr':whic:h may h ilV C b CHn
dn ma9pcl by fiu ch mll i.n tcn,'lIl c,!,rep;l j r or.Cn ns true t i on
prompt ly upon Lhe oe Gur J.'cnr.e o!~~u c:h d ;lmc,yn,nud n h",l]
,aL ill I.I..im ·'~;cllIt"i n ~1 the p·:r.io<t oC ilny r:uc h Jl1 u j n t.(~n an cu,·:..
·n 'pnir o r ('lIn "l ruct ion 1:<',,1'i111 pllr tlo""of l:he Cent er ,
exc ept Lhc :io1f <:W ilY r.torc,Shop:;o r Re~H-!rvcd i\rcu Ir.tp ro ve-o
.nent,it ;'l h'"ct1~e m.ay b e,nnd cx e ~pt th e portio ns o f
the ClIO"lon Jlren boi II ']uti 1 i z ed by such P arty pur su nnt
to t h i,:~u b p ilr ngrn p h 6(h l,fre e [rom i1nd u nob struc t ed
b y n ny 100 :;"di rt,d eb r is ,"qui p nl ent o r r.onst ruct ion
mc.ltcr i "I :.r cl.ltCu.to such nl.lintc n;IIICc,I f'p ....ir or Con-
s truct ion 4
d .
<:rlict i'm .:;..
~i ~tl b l (!·..-:::",~\~"'.
I ',':.~
".:;1 ..~:.'.:~;~U~
·-::::'....•...,j ...
-'::.';;~V -i
'.:',",;,'.ii i
e I.'fa
!...'a.f ~~>j.,~"j
(c.;)'-Vilil t:ity lind \'!c :'",1'Vai 1 covcnunt 1.v ilncl wit h
the ot h er JI.lrty that it will no t URC,or z\1[(~i 0=
permit to lI .'u:,,,<1,the SllC<.-WilY :>Lore,Shoi'''.Units or
Rescrvrod .Ar ca Improvement,as Lila cuze rn3Y he,or nny
pllrt tll"r~of,Cor any purpose or liSt:in violat ion of 7 .
any 1,1'''''or ordinance,or any r c (]u!;ltions of bny 90vern~~ntoJ.l
authori ty.or in ilny manner thaI".wi 11 cOIl!iti tute a
nuisancp.or unrc~50nable annoyan~e to owncr~nr occup~nt~
of adj <Jini,,.,or nuiyhuoring prop"rt·y.or f or i\n ~'cxtrol-
ha?ar<.!'~.)I,.Is'purpCJs"~,or in illly manner that wi]1 ~;'I ~pend,
void or mlll;e 'inoperative allY policy or policies of
insurance of the kind yenerally in Uge in tl,n State oE
ColoradO)at any time carried on a ny improv nmC'nt""ith in
the Ce nter .
(u)llnt."ithst 'lOdin'l ;llitthill'l to til"con t rn ry
'herein con t.c Lned a (i)thp respect ivc~c.;vV(!llilnlf;of Vail
Cil'y a nd \'le !.;t VClil contained in !'\Il.>Jli1ril~Jr,1~h 7 :i1)
hC'r(~of s hn Ll b~'j tl o pe r a t i\'~du rLnq nny pl!rlod or p~riod~
Cof time th .:Jt the ~:I[(~W(lY fitorc (IT .~;hnpB,il !1 lhe C~,\r;(!
muY be,may bc undergoiny r;\lch rcp\lir,Tl'buitding,
a Lco rn t Lon ,x ....~ing or rc::;t()r;.tioll pu rs u.m t;t o the
prov Ls Lons of lh in .\g rcer.l<·rd .an nhid 1 re ~:ull in it
being r ca nonab Ly ilOprnctit:;,hl<.:(or Vilil Ci ty or ;;est
Vail,an tllC!c.l~e milY be,to comply wIth itH sn Ld
cove n .ru t s r .:lnd (ii)the rC'np,,·~tivl"upcriltitJlIitl covon.m t s
of Va l l e iLy '1I\,l \\""L Vil .i 1 ".'t.fnn,h in !iu bp<>r .lgrill,h
7 (a)\oo 'rco("h ,J!1 b e s ubo rd ln .u.c t o the li"l1 o f any
fir"L mo r t q a q-or t Lr s t <1,..,,,1 or t r us t,nO>l or ho r ee f r r -r
'cncu lil b '~r i l1 'J t h o ri r.rht,titl e a nd i nLqrcst o!Vall ct t.y
or "'''''~;,L Vai l,.1 :.thf:CuSC 'lh,'y ho ,in and to it.oR rf!sp"ctivc
Tract.,.1ncl /o[i m l\rn\"~ln-ent.~t h c ro on,ilS the C1l5C?may bt·;
prov i d '.·':),I h a l.;I Il Y nucb r i \."r:I'1:\(Jr Icvu.lc "'r f 'i rs t:de ed 0 f
trus t In.,y h e o f it fiCr-t;<1 l lcd "bl a nko t;"na t u re ;l (f e c t i n ~
other propr:rti 0s ah d Qthor i n te rest!i of Vail City or
\;est .Ii ..i.l.
.'.(el)V;dl c :t.,.clUU H..~;t.v.t iI ('.1(,...h "'J':"I :1:11 .II ~"~
aCJt"cc with the oUp '["r.lrl ','th."It:un tL I 1.·:T'::llt.i,,1I I.'
the c;xi :i~tnq Lo ...~.l'1)(til'"::.1 ff.'h'd':"::t:,,,s >,("II 1&~ll.j 1 -
t c'rr.llnaf'Hm of If 'd ~:I ':;for ::hop::holvin'l rl')n''h,la ~u-~
...0(.the tOL.1 t .rlo'.11 a rl~.·1 f 01 til,.'~i h n p :;,....·11 j C'!lf ,'!pr
rin:t.o~·(~~!r!:,l:1I"y ::1\1'1.11 c'unLil1l1t~;,:;ly (I;···t""I ~"~('J:m-"'l "";i.it
fu.Cll~ll"':j o rl n t,J'~-1:;t ·t il'!.or t h,..ir"n·::I·•.-c t l v ...I-"J <'1.',..
f\r:e:I .1I,1 th,"r:..Ce\..",f i "SlUII-or":;h"I':;,,,:i r hl'C .I";r""milj'b '<'~
Stile!L,:..~,~1 ~t lt~S ~h .lll h.'·..":;ti:lllf1.II·.I:~o(!:L tJf l'(Jp(:r..,i,":l,'
m(!r~ll.:lnt.Jl!;lu·1 illHl p r i c i u-j \·:hir.1I "l n ~:iu:.·:tal1l ioilly
S~lIl1lilt"tc;>rh 05C'!:r.-t1H,lcJrd ':q(~ru'r ·...lly ut.lli7.r~rI L,:or.l
t~mc to t.lIU(·hy lh..~H~.(Jn ·!~.1ociI'.t :,i.ill III,·.V ,I ~J an,'i.!.
"f ._>
:J .'..."
.·9 ..1::
(-;.J til,!
,,'.v.,tT ~:'
.....~:-'··7 ~··(~V IdC't1
.;..':.',::.::~i I:"1;11 .
..'·.c:·;;:ti;,.;;.'..:..:.~:<:,i/;'l ~~~
........,:;:·mc llt 'co
::'~~...~'t i on ~a:.,.:,~:..;§~E~~~t~l
G (e:).'lint
with .f i r ,
,'".-1I nd 'o"Y
."other ,!,r
·::ub~idioJ===---.:-::t1 C h .V H i
..'.:'.'e n Hoc;'tc-,...-~..~.<t.h i ri ~'\1b t
tlmounl .ot
u[.lit is.'.f,
\':cst 'vid 1
..L nnuriUll·t;?
l h ~·-prc mi.',~.';.
l lal'".'-~l h l ~l
;inu (~X t p.'rH
+l1h1 llrtp'rl'\
..~.lhc'r t"of,'b
!:tlC ~h j n~l l r
virtue ·of .
.::..,:.t+;i ~i 6~!
:.":'cora t-.r.:a ry II I
'.I h Q oU ..-,...I
I'll h n 'r irnorc:
CillI;'CO hy ~'f
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·CJ "!lce 011 t h
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I t l!;;\lH i \IICl;;
crt)Vol ;r ·iLy ..I Il "'.•;:1 v .u r ,·.··.·11 -1:11 I ·I.lIll l·.:,·I,
llll~",t !"'f J',l l :~",lll .1f I t.::11·11 .tl .r t t l i :;I.·d u ·i l1'f ~;•.,
len 'l p r t hi n ..·.:II '.l .:~11 .1l ~,;·#:.I "·:iI H ·.~f ':;l it .·!:I :'.....",'::I '·~·.
~h(lp ~;.111'.1 I :":~":'\"'d "\1 "':I '~'I 'I d\'I "':"II :,,I ::I Ii ··C".la,l ';,'I ,··
,jl p r l1 ·~.,t'r ·i.l t.j .':I:i ]l:f "'1't I ,·.::dl1h ','Il l.!01 ..1 I ll"(j ..::.•
t·.hC l ·..-o r,ill c.:lll ·li :"J ,III v.":r i bu l•.·.:.·'·U l.t ·..It1 f :I ·.:;11 1'
c n tr~ll1 ;:":rC'l t !r :l :~,.,11 i lll l,:r 'I";'IIII'II I ::.;:':"'00 ,.n :·!..ILl
w ind l\·...·.•;dt.1 ~'·!:,Iud ~Il .l ::!:(01'pLII"fl ll ;::;·L i ::lt Ol···.:in
~...Cc,!:-,·.ll .•,:1·.1 e l r.'.-II\t ""I';;:ie'a ;(ii):::(11"1.'.-.11 t l',I ::h
i1nd q.li1'1.hl (·i ll ,..d ~·ql"II'·(·"!1:.l il1":I ·::,r.,··i"t..lir!l ·d i :l .:l
Jt I"'I,t i H nl C)".!:,,t.'ouc.1i I i""1 ;l::·I ·r.o ;1::no !to ll ~'vi~;i1J le t !J
n !"IIIUf":'!:o I t !~.~.''p uhl i c :.:II(Ji'pi I'Hj iii 11 1l ~('··IIl.,·I,.u«!n o ,~;;
I1t 1t .t t ~t ·l"(~'l t .(·.'II ·.P :~1'lIl i l all',"hc-a l.t h o r f ire h ;l i:d l'd,.11111
..,,"rill :~,{-".-rur ",.'q ..l .ll·l'1·llIf'\'.-li of ~;lI cll ll'oI ::!r ..u «l "d ':h .lq c ~
;11:jl'~i 4.·.:·:'I JI ~II ::"i ol iHI (i ii)r ,.·(1.·,I)11 'I'D;"1.IIt'n il l "":IV'
1'.l jl(-n v ,t :.:.::h ~1J ·'.·I.lt·,b .ll r i 'j r I'I·oh iI Ji t ,,·"f l','];t""~l ,rt·li ll .l ll (·'~
'u r r'.·~I ~:.1.i l':!::.
(d)\':C:;L \··.li.l,:1.::rc ·!:l'C'C'(.''["hi'~h (J p !:,\d .ll (:t1rr y
C it',·.11t·.1 (>:0:1 f:w!,·d CI ,l V P t".I·I ··i 11::.1 :I.,1I1(,'l'i rI .",'-UilOlllIl
_.!f 1.·.t~;I ·'·'pl .1I I (I ('i ljlll :,·l ··..r Ct ·UI.(nil ",)o{t h·.,:rl 'pl11c '-'ll1 C'nt
,':'::'·('··X··t'I :·iv(:or l.Ih:.:I I :~t o f '·>·:C':1\'."ion,fou n l !.tl iO :1:.:
.u u.l f'·/,I i ~:'I ::),"'l\f th ft b tll l.li,,'.p,·.;IIH1 illl l'['U\,t ':l l\'n L ::irHiuT f',1
!':'!'dd f .::.,:!lI d l ·xb,~r:oi ,·d '·lI v l:r i1~I \.~j:,~;~,ri'P I ""~'lI Hi ,in
.':·.l i ~:u f\,..·I ···q U.I ~,,,lt o i 1.'(ill1U rl.l ot.:hln'·1 y i n::uc.1IH"·'
..·.·:r.:·I ';'~,.:1 1 ::e'I ll tH l ,~;:~.:•.•!:t'\'.j I .i ::~·bli 'l \h:c1 I I I
!(·:;h J t.'!~1 :1 '!;it,,!.:JlU t '::11 'II ~h .':.I!!·!'.IJ'oI ·I :·otph ::(.(c:).:n ~1
I (t .)1:.'1"r ::u .·!t in:;ll!.111 ':"::11 .11 I b·',"!l:1'i t ·d \"':::1
:'.I1 :l n ,··i.ll1·"1'1'::1'1I1::i IJll "i.l1;.nr'-':Ii:-·c n ::'j 'l :ti l '::,1:ld ':·.l','b 0
l ·..r ri ·r:u r:l "r 01 ,."Iicy (or ,·u)it ·j ,.::)("l''''l~ri ll'i o lh l :r
i.'·llt "·r .!.·,,~1 ·";:I ·..,1 (J !'c·unt.rl"l ll ,d b y t·:.,:::\.V 'l il;lJrov .i d ··l l ,
L b .-,t .::'1 f:);;~l i Cj'(or p pi i f :'l f':;).11 1oc .\ll·to tll'_'pr ()i ]i :rt l l"::~
r "q ·l i~·:.,.i ~,!,-:~in ::u f"(:c.1 I )y ,t ili !.i ::ubp 'l r.I·,1 r ap h G (.1)':1 11 '
.'1:0 U :l!.1l (lr !.,:~:;t 1I·1n L!....;H l q~m L .n (j IH-;Ul'iI UCP l,·t.!q l i i J"(':u
(,.)fl.·ilb..r v .i i I C ily',"c'r \·;.",t \I;';I :;11 .11 1:~i)
(··_IIH.lu ct o r l .tona i'·.IH Y '10i ll'.J-t'tl t".-o f-b ll ::i fll ':;::,h .ll l ':t·Upt c..:i'
U f'.1 I1e:i OI1 ~.,t~·f !:I i Lu ·!'I .I c.:I.;.(li)1I ~:I'.lily ::.I t!t.,,·..:.I It:s,
\I.·.l l~:\·"i·::.~.(lI ·.1 1 ~(,d .in til "("l...t ~l llI (J n 1\'·..·.1,ft H t i le!}:-'L:!J il1Y
01'di ·:··L.ly illl)o f d ll\'rlll'I 'l:h"l l1 tli ~:c or u llh 'r o b j ec t ,
iU '.:llld :li.l,hut.lI"r by \·.'.t ·;'o f 1 i mi t o t 1\1I1 ,Lit e lUll'o f ttl,·
f tt r ·.'q~)i~1";(C l!'0111',I rl ·,...:::~t."H I ,c:itj,'r ~~t.""H.!,:;i d ,·......r tl:::ho l'
o r i l l1y 1 1 1:~~i rt ,·:::;".:ClIp .l t j P I1 ('I 'u l1(h·rl.dl;.in t.r;Li ii )!'lclC<.'
all ·,.~fl'·I :·'·,ti t I l !l ;l u r t ·,1·11 ·1·,i,·.v !,·,hil i I cli lllj,i ht p r o \'I 'm l~n t,
d i ~:i ::i ('n ,1'~t iJ (I"I",!,:;lld"li lln o f ,11"i-.t·}·).(,o r k i nc.l upon
·t h.·(""l":;:.·l l i\t·".l ,'l :~,I ll )l .l r l lht"r t'o [i u r 'i v}u ti li z e
a il ';',1 (1·.·~·t!i:;t::-.t 1:""d:llI:1 '::Lh '":'~I IoI.11 h l'(l l ·~:i'l 'H ·d 1.0 hI.!
h ".··d (.~..'.:p"!i .a .···f O lll :;j '-h.'(tf th t'~;:tf f ·t".t Y !;«\l.'t ·,
~:";:.P :'I'.~:.·~··:·'~d :'d ".1 ~1 ·t i d ·t H ·'1.1,'1\[.,,I ;;l it ··C i L ~I}I·I .I Y h e ,
'.11":1 .1:I..::!l i :'I !i :l!ll·.::,::'",11'·~tI i~lhl ::,.I 'lll d :;(I f'ol l:l ·I .:>,
I lh ~I·"I·'t !'.:.'d .."d :',)."'1 01 -:0 1:.1 ':;'I JI·(J\·i d,·;.I I h ~ll .U ti ::
r.·::ll:.!··.··j ':1 ~It ·11 :i.•!I •.'d "":!"'d to l 'I,·Vl.'IIL fln y )',l r ly
r r ····!1••·.1··1 1 ·::1.j '::';I !a,,·;·:I I ~r ·i "r uf ,;l u i/or f (..t !II "~_
.11 ';::'I !'I '!I !II'1.,:111 .,'.j .i l :·,.l:l pa l l ,11 ':111 1 to it ::b ll i l d i.ng ~
'''',I !'~:;·l p n l .....·l tl ••·rd :;i ll tilt'l·...lIl.('r .
•.••~.::..~.;••-c '
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l:o b r-cii rr i pd I ·~'\·:.,!O t v.i t i ......i t I,I.'::I'··~'l :l "~"I ',1 I .Q,.::1!t ·:~·
to til,'"ri["~t :;·'r,r.·:t .·('o L l1d::·:1I 1'1'.:I 1·":~:;-~:':(:;1 ..\.;••:::
Va i I ~~h ol t t fUI 'lI i ;:h t (1 v i i l c t r «i"!;\!l".,;I "'·1 "1'(i t :.:·,t·I'::
r.V il1,·:·:l :i IlC;l t h .r t.!h ··i ·~::III ·.l nt:..:"I',il ·,·.J b·i t h i n :.Ui Jp.ll-l-
.9r.-,ph.H (.I)j !;i n I t ll'f ~".:Iltl ('f f,.,.:I .,.~."
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p :.~.b:i ~.f ·o f '1,,'
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or ltd :;1I'Il'·.·.·,,,,·II \',;"it II b .'1'''1'pC'I "it I r.llbj,·<:L t .)I h e
r p}n c.d,l on !';'(J"i:ii \'IIl :i o f ::u LJ i J _1 l".1 ~1I '.l ph (11 )o(t hi:i
I .i.r.lf.l '''l'h It)."-:,,
(c)·n;....Cilr '.t ~nl ~nt!';ql',-'l1ted 1,,,,~~u blJurugru J'h '-(.Il of
lhi~J\grc"~;:I""l1t z h.l ll t \~rrl\in,Jtc .ll1d t'xpirl"o n T cnnin.Jt.ion
0,1 t".
(.d T!lo'<Jrant~(·l :::'IIY o (thc',,'i t i ty (·01 ~:.,·"\..i,t ~
.roLor rr »!1.0 in ~lILJpar;Hlr.tph 2 (h )I lC"r "fl ~::h.l\l)'·r":;p(ln-.;~,f.::(,(.·
:-;i 1J!c iI::h(~t ·",·.·'~n the ,'.II '-1n"Ilt""rICI l:hf~I p '.II :l:l"f:I "..~,•.r )!:
f or t ho flHi nl.oJ'na lice ;l Ilt!t""l,.,ir o (il l I :;....\...'1'·:..Itl .·~I I';:.nu
linr.-s <1;!·.1 r c La t c-l C C]ui l ":·..·n l.i n!.ulllc·..J (l°I:·:;1I :,nl.t '~l :~u .
CJcant..I".uy !:U t.:~1 la :lint t 'II :UtCC ilIVII'('p"i,':~I",ll L ··r "'r ::"t"!:lccl'
o nl y ilft r..·r t wo (:J)'''(1 (''~,.:;1 no tice Lo 111 ,.rj r -rn t o r l '~t h ->
~J r ;lnl"r.p l ::;nt,-,nl:!~Jn tu d ',:~u ch wor k ,{'~:r:t'p l ill lh··C:,'l:';4
n(c'u:,'rr:;'::H:}-';,,:h1 ,l OY :".II I :h wo rl:!~!Ial 'I ,,·c1(·,.·,n l ..p -,',ntc (!'=~
:~C'h~c o.u,a nd l":l':t.··ncn ilftd J n !:tll 'h m.,II II:'I '.:Jr;t o C":.I ::·....i\:'i
liL t.h:d i n t.ur b.u u -v:ill t u -:\I :H't.~1.111"("111i1l1011 I\"'t';1 ;!.;1fl;IY
Lo p llH:t 1 .~.I L t c:':lIdr:l Llr-'c i r~\1 ::l ~,I .Hll:(·!:.'I'h l:'11 ',,:11 t:·,~,
at,i t.:';~:p l ;:co::t ,Ind l,:-:,,··tl :.'~,:;!I!fl n ·!:t.(,JL(:to i ~!:
'co l1:Jiliur'l pri or'I_I '~')ny ·.t:;:11 In -l i l~I ""i1IH 't '0I1H 1 I'f·'J ·.ti,such
por t',i nn !:-,:Lh 'i ''':;\I:lu n (-1 ···.1 .:l!i .11"1'tli ::r \liJt <.:d hv :~I )(:h
.....o rl:,\':1 11 r i'\'..:Id \"J.,::!·"·.Ii l .·,\\·1 ·1I;1111..i nd ..'tr ·:'·("lC ~h
w ill :l!lC'"l :;~f'"1 11,1 '·.l'h ..~tl l.'ir I "'::p"ctiv<'incJ .·I:'-
ni t i ,~I I i t.;.:.~;(:L I.ol·t li i u JI.ll·"l qr I I'!'.:.of thin ;\'i:,ct:mcnl.
is j lI'I.·n'!··...!l O (,;O V I '".:,11 of t h"i f rl"!~.~").··r.'Liv c.:oI!=ti vi tic::;
;I ~t!;·.cJI'!:;1 t:C of ,:11 '/:;uch uli lity r.':l !;l·l :v ·nt!;j n Jn~lj:llc1;ni :1 t..:
,In(l :"p.,:!i !~:.r \Il.il.it i l '~;.'
!lJ)I'rU(;l .1 !d i tf C,·t"l ilt'"!""I:'l ill i ltiflli Dill"(.'t11('
'1I·,1rt!,'I'of ;ill)'I':l h ·t il.i Ii t ~·'--:'''I::''IR('n t-~:q run t:..:~l Tnl(!Ou.1nt,
t v :::..:L ...·u.'j l !i ,11 ~(ll)1 ll'1 1 ...r ~:h .:.I :h .I Vl"I hI:r i .r l "~t.o
r"lor..Jtc.'.(1'\t.1 1 "~l und or 1 Ill :ql ·,1td 'OL any !;uch ;;,,·.-Ic t.'!;,
ri\',:o ~~.:lll d :i 'll'S,.'l !'\Cl l (:l ;II",l "';lI ij lj lll'nt tl ,(,"1 ]o"'~ltccl 'J !l
lh.,'l ;;,u \u ll ~IIH.~(!I ',l l\l.cn'p l'n vic!('d l.ll at !:tH:h r(,:Joc:u tj 'Jn
5 h ;:1 1 bl~11 ',:'·[lJ[ii""cj only i lft.C'r thirt.y (~'O )cl.Jyu 'no t i cl':
of t he CJt·:II.::O(I~:ir.tJ.'n l ion to !:o t"cl oc.,lt:shall be
~i\.t'n to t IH ·.(J rc:~I!"~t"~,';U1U !;ut.:h rc loca:.:.i or;:(i)sh;,l l
not i ntcrr\:p '"-en t!il:'\il :i !;h th,'u ti 1 it.y ::il ·I ·V .i C C~:'1 t-o LI :·'!
"ril nl'.~c ;(~i)~:h .lll n ..'t I (;<.l ut.:'-,,.,.11I1rC :il !,(lniJb ly imp.1i :.·
IIH ~u~~fu)::.•:;:1 0 :·flHV '1 ioa of ,:::1("h uti ]itYi (i i i )::;1\.111
!:t .,'t.r{ocir.-.t .Il t I :.:'~:I,I .·l.:nst ,~:,d j ,:,:p f~n~H~o(~:,..~;)to ~·:
~l l1 tl (iv)~;l ll 1 t j I1 c r'~':I!;t:O l:h~n '''~!1l1,·l l."llICC obl i :.;.\!~o n ~of
lh p C]f .lnt c'";t~;l i t,l l~i \!;po~r.i"tl·.
p :,r.11j (Ol ph 7.fl~
p r ov i s ionn :.
L n uu r r r-c tt on ,ri ot.,r tl'",b \"it.fl ·~l":"',::.l h o ~.I·I ··,in l ~";~.;,'r)
pr o t:uL'(~o e q .·",·t·;.l !:I",rl";P I ·.'tot lo d .t.!",l'f(ui l'i~t "IJ~.:I i t.i l ;
1l1o,teri:d.s CJ::;\I f ,p t i (~:~i n Ih ··"jU'jl ;1 :.n ·~:'·L ,'f.lilll:(;'Ir ,',;::,;
f-:ll:ikIO;';,1 o("::ouU.,';11 "i on I .:I.ll",,:"l :!d .()n ~~,C:(I:H!',":1.".;'::1,
r ~cr,J i::i l LO:t,1.1\o/!;,(·~·'!.:I ·:~I ,"'!fl VC 'I"lIr"'l1t (1:-"f 'ivi I ell
or n .\\'.II uulh(l ,"j !i ~·.:,1,0 ".In'/pLII,-.·C'oIt1:;..,";..~,·'.h '·:':.:
d i!:sir:li l..,r ttl t'h'I (~I "l 'd .I1·:.:1 ~l t w i i h i n l !:.·r ,·;,:;"::,'!,
c on r i o l or \';"I .-ity.':;\'~(I t ~-:·:.!.:t v.vt t ,'I:;:11·'c o ~.:":..":,lll,~o
,".'1 "I II...1'01 ::"1:11 '11 ::11'.lId,·1(i ll 1;'''.'.''01 1.1.
•.,.,.I I I :;1'111I ,.,u i !I i "'t "tI ::',I .'I~'i ll (";~I ':""l '·':1
!......"i":l";o L I h ..·:;Jw c l.i v .'1:·'1 1I1 .(~,~:;!.h t ·:"·u.!.
lid ::/"".,
wil h II ...
in t 1··>C ·
12 •
(il)!·,'~·!1 i'iU·ty ~h.,J t i ·l~!o r (,.·.I1I:a...t o 11('p .r i d
p r ior ttl el,'!i:1'lltC IH.·y n 11 'I"'~.;I ·~:u pon j l :;TI ·"el i p Lovi ·!.·r1
t h c ,·.i~(:::I::"'::b·'p.lid i n ill :".i ll rnon t n ,"n)'P nc ty mol':'·
"p oly roach ::u·..:h i n::;t"dllltH.'n t".•1·,.r nd whf'f1 t.hc-~;':Hn ('b "~c.:(l:"_':;
ch i"and 1'--,.,·.11 1 ~"•.'r·:.l ch Pdr ly ::h o\lJ "l'0n t Iu:rl 'q lll~:;t·II !
,,1 "j'ot.hc r 1".11'1.)'cxh i L i t to !~Hc h o th':r Par ty for cX ."l:....l n.\-
lic'"I ·p cc ip t ~:f ur 1I1l T"x (!:;r "qu i rvct t o h c!p aLd b y :;IIC :'
Ptl~,:lj"I'ut"~uiln l.t o t h i n B u bp .,r"'.l I".:r.ph I l (~).
(1))l 'Cany Party "h.,1 1 d L'C'm t.In -'I'i l ~""Le,).(>p.li ,J
by :;I h~h P..lrty lo b L~oxccsn LV..'o r i l 1 1 ~qd l,:ouc h P,'r ty
r :h"ll hl''/('the right to cC1n tt ·;.t:t h o unnu-.,t i t !;ow n
cost '1.nd c xpcn-iea rul !.O hal l h ,I V I ~t h r-(ur t h o r r .lI.1 ht ..0
,'..·f l'l:p "l y m \~n t t ho r co I so J o n'.!.1 ~lhp Vol I idity o r till.!
l ,~ou n t -th ereo f i n c on test ed i n good Lr i t h :p rov id e d,
h owP vt.·r,thnt i [....~,ny ti mc.·p"ymcnt o r lll r wh ole or
a ny p.,rt ther,~of sh a l J be II c<:<""".uy j Il o rc lor to p r cvc-nt;
f '.lrpr.lo::;ol'\!o t the J i c-n for ,'''y Hu ch llf1 paic l 'Pa x 1 r cu.u ::t-~
nf .tlH ~n tJllp~y ml ·nt.L h ,"'n~l.Jr,t h-vu t he c'onl"t '::t inu P ..nr t.y
=:h.,ll P "~'o r l:.I l):;e til b~pn i d I .h f~G i llih 'in I.ime to
l ,t·evl"'I,t ::l I(:h [(l rpc.1o HU(O.
(.a )l u ti l"eVe'H I t h .it.H I nr Lc·t l )n~t or mi n n t .Lon o r
.l ltt"t ~y.i!:t.i lll i 1t '.I';(·of l.I°e !~..r,·\~·.l )·!;l(1J (',o r unt il
t .o r m i na t,i tq ,o I I\'~':'(':;f (..l r ~:h "l ''-:I!;IVJ 11 ,,:::'Uh"lll ,,"'.0':'.
of t.hr-t n t I t F I ..r)r /\1'1 ',1 (CII 't I II'~;lal'lfl :l,",'11 t c.:l lt'v er r i n~l
(...."(-lIr:1,"':'j'p(lll i "11 (\!!h e'·"',.h "IJ(:tll /P ilrl}'I ~.l.oI b'il
1,','(·Xl't'\'l ;.,'01 I h,.r'iq lll 01 V I"i'l"l d .d ll:n,ti ll ,o r .1!;:1 rc rvu l t;
.pt .\r:<"qii·i:;it.it,,,ilhJ t !lp rl'ol 1,\mi l it o'l)'or o t h o r "l lll Li e
"1 ~I !h o r it y r r~r "r.r PU :"i "":('.I ,i:;irt 'f (l ut.cd iI U·mpor .ny
l ';1"rq ~nc '"o r ull n-,-t'·:1·p tlr.1 1j 'c \rclllnslll1l "P.,touc h l "lr r.y ~h .l l 1
1'l"r1ilptly ,.op.,t,'itrl d p ':;l n rf't.hC'rr ·t n d.j l1 il1 ~1 I'"rt.ion o r '~\If'h
T :";\t.~t ,j:H·lud ifltJ ..tl J i l'!,n."·h ~l w ·nl .·lht..'I·{'on ,;'1';nea rl y il !.;
I )').;:ilJlf ~tol LIII'c()f1 tli t-.i fJn ,'x\r;.l J1 H.J ju :;l prior t o :;11(;11
r 1 ~,in9 i n d'·c onl .H'lr.r.Wilh ,"lpplir "lhl«'r ,"'(pdr ~II~("l\t :l (I f
fi lll..·polt""'.l I.I !Jh (tI)or p ,-u·,H,Ir.:lph (.It t','Co(':11 H I thn co ~t
tl l"fl'ot :;h \ll b"<.1 ..t1\,,:1 (."f roJn til ..;Iw",tl of c1 tll:,a (J ..~t ,i
,In ',,,L f'fon >di:.t.r ih ut i oll or (lily r ·"JI t i on (If ~:lI c:h a wa rd
t o ,)IlY P.,r ty f or ...ny n ll l t ~r ptlr pol':l':p r cl vi c.l cd thol t.i f
;I f ~~'r .,n·"~~':c :h L.1l\.inc.:t.i l"~'rr.l i·t.i ll IPI(~:;t iun i ~n o ltl!l .i .:-:·•.·.
:..ali t ,l bl c {n,··the'1'1Irpo!'t ':::;(,1 f ori h i n U d~;I\q r"~I.~I ~c n t..._:.::.~::.i
til ,.,!.i ucll I'..,rty ~;h .l l l h a ve n o nlJl iq rll.i fl ll lo :a)r C"p air an d -i:i~.:'-'....'
rt:;.t.orc;p,·.t v idl'd furtlll'r lI u'.J('\'I·r,Illd t l f i l ('o ll t n )\'I'r:;~'-1
nh.lll i1ri ::.~a~~l()\olhn th"r til;·T ri ll:(in tf 'l'.":')l iul'l ·i:~:i l ·i ll ..:<..:-:~.~~..•:._..~.;.,.,••?:,:.;.:,..::;.';",".':..'.'~i.l i.~.l b l c l or lIu 'l J!lrpn ~.(·::n co!:f or th i ll thl:;1\'i r,,'(·in '"!1J.Lh \.=--::.~...~
~!:~Il f~sh al l lin f,U!'Jl\Ltt l'l!1 0 il r l,ilr-..t illil P 'i l ·:.lI d IlL t.o rt;:;.-
ru l"5 of lit .;:l,m,~r i C'a n r.ru i t.r .I L ion A.:;=:Oc:i.1Lion qov{'n':Il '.1 .
co .:-:r.crcl,,1 ilrh itr..'t-ion:;.1fu1 till 'P 'l rt.iC'.s ~~l h1 J 1 1'0 h OL:'ICI -;~--··-'..~:.,
hy t:h ~clC't.c,·r ul n,,1 io n m,ul...in :;u c.:h ,Irh i l ra tio n..
~lt\~'B ~~....'-"r7~'~~~~~-'··i.:;oWJ;:;f:";~~··
or -"~.
n 1(:11"1'Ill'I 'Jm;'l'1l1 ·:rU::.\I.
I ·\.
,.:.1 '
(10)In I h"c-von t ,V.-oi I C;L\'pr"I'(l ""~;to ~"ll,
:r .,nnr l 'l·or f"f)r!vey nny .i IIll'rf":.l'.tl!l n fo l '(~!;ilitl i n the
Vloil C ili"T ..~,h :t or the ~i ;.rl~\o"'~':;toro pr ior to th~
(·"pl,.II.i ·'"of ~::tl,1 2 1 yl·...r por i ud ,Viii J.City "h .1 11 "h'\'
thlr t.y I HI)tI ..y ":,r\or w ri t.t.c-n no t.i ccLo \~(.st Vail,
w h i ch n l 'l i cr -(lhC'!"rl-:'l ti c:f,t1)roll.1It ntLltf~:(i)th e
illl c1'('!'!1'1."01'»'I'd 10 IH':."ld,t.r nuu Eo r rcd or <:on vey~,l;
(I i)I h .:11"011'"HId 1111 .:tllC !~:!:u.(1tlrc ~:;r.of t.ho pr opo s cd .
I llIrc hol~;"I ';Hn d (jii)t"'<'.1mount of the con c Ld c ra z i on
etnel t'I"Itl!1pr t e rm o ;.,f tl u·p r opo s od ~;Jlf!,tr,lll:'"',[cr OJ ·
e-onvr r.III''('.
(;1)Unt il 71 yean:Cro~\t.hc t1"b~horco I ,VillI C .il,
"yre"'"that 1 t wi U not ",,11 or o t hc rw i s e tr,lII,;fer 0.-
convoy the Vail til)'Tr'-'f:t or lhe ~'lrt'W.1Y ftl.l)I·C or ..111Y
r i qh t :IH"intf-r,":.;L t hc r ol n,()th~r thiln a mor t q .ujo or
lcas(.·hnlrl inb:rp nl'o r on (~':I!~Crl~nt CUl"l1t·ili .t l('~,to .,n",'
po rs on or cn ti t y other t.han \i"'~~it Viti 1,cxccp:in aCC Ol"c!.,ncc
.l,,·ith till'pr ov i n Lonn or;thin p .1L·:lyraph.
\/.d lC i ty i llh.J h'c 1:t.V i i I nhn ll.ob :;('rV~.,ucl compl ·;:.
wi t h,ilncl ~;h ,\1 1 l :.l1 l!a!Jt:;r(':-;Jl~Cliv('Pcn:ail.l:(-'~:1 ltJ o1J :.;cr',.~·
'..oral 'C:C1mpl y wi LIl,::1It:h ru l c r..111tI rf'~llIlnl:io ,,:;r cl o t.c-l to U .·:
·..~·.Ccn t c r.l\B t',ly h<1 i.hl"ptr-fl uy t hc-1l1ll111,,1 tiql·"f,'IlIf"1llt·o f the .
...:.~."Pa r bi cn ,Ipq "lhc~r w i t h "lmt'ndlil'.'nL::nr nlOtli I il '.ltilll1 :i t.he rr-o f
r •·"lIuC'l'tcl!Ly til"1'.ll·l .i""."i:
ti t:r ,<,....
',I'.I1';"l'h ~tIt "•.
lTII1CCt i (')11 -;
::_the r,~u (.:.
;.'prov 1 elcd'...:
.:t ~~~c BTs<\·;·.··.·
''1UOllt of i'~';<.;.':;::
.,'~:O ll l1 m l l hl -~':'-~'.•.
\)U.,p.,J u ;.
I o'wn.~'..":::":;:Iht.:~o __:.~~.
,i ~'r~~rn~,".~.~"."'.:':.~:.
;'-trty .--,
d.:lon 01 }
1 --;"..'."~'oi "
:a .l·.,'."l.t .I.:)I'or "Lhirty (J II)clay period "fl'cr t.l .e de Ll vc .r y
publ iii .....I.y V,II J (:i ty to He ::t Va ;1 o C the Not lce,Nc~t Vilil
··.lry "',..~:I h \l t .h "\."·lhp l'j ()hl lo l ·un.:h"~c the nul'ire illlcrc:;t
..":ty,,hull ",til Cit)"I'rr,{'o"""I II sell,tran.,Ccr o r ·convey,(or til.,
,of.·:.uc:h ....pr·jcC!oIn ·)uron lh"tl l .her 1·.f"t'mR .1:pec:ific·f1 .i n th e:Notic·.....
,r ly lltl ..·.t:···~t Vel il ~;IFlll e>:c'rf 'inc i U;riqht by clc..:ljvcrin rJ writll ~n
,;uch ",.',.'.:no tice of ll"lnL,,!,!ion to Vil il ,:ity ,·,ithi"suc h thlr'.\,:,,~ft''''::'':~_'>.~~.~·~.:..·.'.:....'(JO)ell';,'period,ilnd the p'Jrcha!:c~uy \·:p.sl:V n i'.:>hc111 hc~
....~consurnr:lt1l·,,'d ""'i t hin ~i:-:ty ((,0)c1ayB i1fl~r I.ht..:C'xpirllti oll .':•.-.
"g /.lr :'J-".'.',or <Iuch _lhlrty (JO)eby i,,,ri,,d .)(I-Ie "t v"il (']ils tC''../'-;.~
·"'.lrd .:'.:.,''.:;·:f1 rc i:;u i t:-;ri'1 hl t '")pu rc:h .I !;e the cnlir'r:i nt~rcst '.:;::...~,._;",,-
.';~;l ':J~~'~:r>~'.~:.~;.:"!(Jpo ~;.·d 10 Uf ':;nJd,t r iln ::rC::-rc(l or con vt~y(·cl,within '..:;'.:...
:::ent......t .!...!-ii:.:~·"(I)O~d ty l'1 ·riod f ol1ow.iu9 th~e xpi r..ltion of t -.
.,..ir n",1 \-,,·::t v.ll!',:rJ 'Jht Le'purch 1::",,V.li l Ci ty I n.-,\,"ell ~i~.·;;}
t Llnsfl'r"or ("onv,~y.fiuch illt.C'rest to the !)urc:h.Js1..r'lII"on:'nv{!r!:i".'-.t '"te .•II ..:still I rf:1S o'lOu CCHlC !.t OilS !~l't ·(:i (i \·tI jn t he tJ ()Lir(~,Cr ee
'r'!nt LII~_IntI cl"',H,-of lhe lcrnl~of Llai ~l\C1n ~(·r.'\c nl..11'Lh ..~event:
u ·th~.~.
·rnl l1 tJ :':h ~
~~~~!).':'~L~J i:~~'/'\ir:...~:~~~"'i ~",~~1 -
COV I:IIi,:;1'f.HII N \~1 Ti l '1'111·:I.AND1~.
It i s i n tf"u clC'd thilt lI H ~'a ~!I 'C"f 'I:I('~nt;,':Pld <Jrant :;o r
Wast V.,i l and \'"i 1 City "C'fortlt In thi,;I\fJrcemen t ",':.01 1
const rll,:,d uS C':ovcnants and lint :tf.C':on<li I ;C1 I\~an d lit .,,,l Ct
the ful kfit cxtQnt lelJaUy p o"sihlc ,,11 '·('""n;l nt ""~l ',~1
run w i th th e ],'"tl o r c OI\~t i t:ute {"tJ uit ilh l p !;C r v i tll~!f":;
it S b et\olt.:C"tl the Trac t of thl'covt'no1ntin IJ t'.ll ·ty ,l ~t I h'
s C'rv icnt tcn cmt~n l ,.~n d.th ~'J'l,.,cl of th"_(.l thcr Par t.:,'.1..:':'
the rC.!il'C"c t i vc clomi n .-tn l l roUt'r:lcn t..
.',r _,.".,"
(f)ro r.,t.h lr t y (.10)dc.y l'C'dlJ(!"It"r i.h e 'l-:l iw."·:':o .··.(··,·
by WCfi ~.V"ll to Vai I Cit y o!th e NoU e ,",V.,i 1 Cit y
slta 11 h.ivc th':ri'.I1t I to I'll r ch .uu-I he ,·,,1 .ire j n 1."1'(':;Ie
\'l eNt.V.l l l pr.nl'(J :O (~!;t.o ~r..1 1 ,tr,\lI ~:fcr or .cnnv,",y,!:')r th(,·
nr l co nn<1 urPII t hc 'ot.lu r t(·rmn !;P (·~t firocl In tl,,·l1.ot i e'·.
Vail C it y nl hll 1 .,.·x "r (~i !:..:·It.~rl 'lhl'hy tl pJ Lv(:r Jfl q \o.·:·il.!.....
lIo li ef'(I (it "i ll l ,.,,!.iell (.,I~e :;t V.,I 1 ,·il ltJII ';lI d ,l hi.·t;,.<.'_
(.10)d .,y !,C'r i"cI ,.,,,,1 lh,'pureh.",,'ItyV..i1 Cit y "h"ll I",
c on!l u nll""U'd w i th in ,;ixty «(;0)<I.,)'""Ctror Ihe ~'>:l'ir"ti ell
(II !I",·1I lltir l,D Ol c1 .IY 1)(1.·iu,1.If V.,;l City f i,il"t o
f'x crc i :~I'i t.s ri g111 t ,o rHlrt 'h d g(~the-entir c'.in t.(~r l ,;...t
p ropo :,,"d Lo b r·!;ol d,t r il n~:f C"r lPu or COII \'C yC'rl,\-lithi u
the "j "t·\·(G O)",,\"I'"rlod folJ"..-in'J ll'"e)(fllrn U on o f ._._..
VillI C i t y's r i r,:lt l \)IIUI l:~:.H:C,''''ro !il V ...li1 1l1."l y ~C'11,tr.·l n:~f ....:'..
or co nv ~y s u ch i nt (:r C':;,t t.o t he p urc hilr.r.-r.upon l.h,...t Cl-m5 .:'.
~·iln c.l cond ition!:::p cc if i0tl i n th l,'Uot:ic<",{TC'C ,I n'!r*l (';~
'oE th C'terms o(th ir-.l\~Jr(·'~I~u ~IIL .Tn the"('vc'nt l:(·~.r=:v:l j 1
fails ·th us to l l·.l n:;(('!c or c o n v l~y the i ntJ !1'<:3t ",,'j t h i n
such p l ~(i od,lh ~pr ov i~i0n ~.;.hereof nh"Jl h~,~pp\jc ;l b l '.,
to a~y furthr'r tril n~f f :r or con ve y~nca ~o nt(!mpln~~d 111
\·:"st VI,i 1 .,'.-
.';'I \.
"\'~l i l city 1'.111 :-;t.hun ~n I:rilt1!:!r .!',II'~""":"Y t il,·i :·'
·wit.lli"!:1.tc !;r ,::!'j,od,!h ··pl·ovir:i o:II ·;L ":"'l r ::h:\1 1 !'
.;'IPP)i e ••bt u 10 ill J'l Cllr !!u'l'l:ro1 n:';:·,·r·(J ~t ·'l :1\"·j".'l lt:.·(..-;:-
t o rnp l a t r-d b y \'."i1 Cjt,·..
.:'.'::~..:i "./.....".'!'",.;::;'~::~'~:;:"'t·'
..::...........~.(<I)\I rl~i I 21 ~'l"olt:~:(rr,m ·t h.'"d""h pr <:fJ(I\·:.....:;t
.,v.u i .'\'1rrH '!;Ih,lt.il \·:ill not !;":ll Of r .lhl ~~wj~,.!t rol ::~;!,.·t
"":or cou\,t·y lh ,'::hp,··;Or·oIU "ri ·:JIt"",r ll l "·r·C'~t lht'r :~i :l ,
.-.:(l(:hl'l't hnn ,'1 1:~III·t tl ':'I f't s t ,ll'll:;"!:I ~l d i II t"I "rot or .1:..;.'.p :',!
·(·,~~f ~l':".f ·fl l [01 111 ii i I iL':~r t o ilni'!..··rnnl:f It en t i t y fI '~:I:f".-;~''''j'-'''-'-'
than V.I i 1C i I )',f'XI '~"p t i ll O\cctH·'I :l uc.·."i 'h t hf:f.rr ,·.o,::i 0:".:;_..e-
of th i s pa r ....,l'oIph ..···°1'111 'llnitn .:1111)n.·:.···\·.·d "re.,';--:::..(I\....:-:·:;.r~:,~·;;:f:'·;~~
···r.,,,nt aro cxc lu .Icd (rc,:'p .•t:.,gr;lplt 14,..',:-",::J.,,(::/;'.
.,··~:·;·;·~;fn ~:::'~·o;n e :,::~c :;~~~:·.'i~~:.r~;:~;.,~:r ::r ;~;:;:..~~'i::I :;,.}i;:~:~:~:·~·:·i .
Shops prIor Lo th(~CXpiL·.ltlnn (If nnill ~'I ye .,r.I I('ri ',l,:')
\'last Vail s h .i ll giv<!thirty (.10)<I "y"prior wr i t.t r-»•.
no t Lcr-lo V.,i I City.whjch uo t .Lcr -(th.."Not ice"),,~,·,l l ..r:
statr :(1)tile int-""rcst propoH"~1 to ln -n ol rl,Lr ,1t l·,~I ·rr.·J
or co nVt~ycd:(i i)lho namo :II ICI hll:;inl'~!l .~(l rl("~!;:;(I ~11:.-...
pr opon od pur,:t'I.HlC:a llel (i 11)lhl ~amou nt.of t ho Cc.)~I:;i :.!t..!'~..!_ion
ancl the o t hor h~l"m!;of tho propone!()Hdle,l r .,n!;C ,:r ur .',
.c onvr.y.l nee.'.">;>,."."..v •
::".til!!i v"ry
',l c:r C ~:l
..;~for the
11 ····No L i ts~•.
l.ut i wr J t tr.n ~·
."h thi rl.y .
shall he
··:;}ira tlo"
':Ji15 to
!·:~~t './~.1",,;-;;;::_:..
':c ,hln .;:::..~.:;":
,;':'~:~~~~~f >:
"r upon :::.'.-
free .::..
i:·~"'ven t ..'
·.··11 ...,....."::~·A
i:1 [he ..,~;o .j;:'
,.;)11 ·".I.ve·'
th e .'.'":'.
,'t-I nvc}'f"tl;
'j '.I~;~cl
I ':~c ~.U1",~.
~~t;!~~f ~~
-,.'tE ,,~
""I conply .
:·u ()b:';t~rVB "
;..-01 to t.ho ..
(.!tho :1:":
:,:,thcrcoC ·
.,v.iil ci ty
.•1I1::!ar or
l ···~~or any
Ir:I 'I ~'01".I,
i ";1,.:tel nny
in nc cc rdnucn
·<·r ~~·;
1 Co .-
t...~',.i .:-,~,:.·~,?,.Y ::'-",""~'..:,.:;::j__..<~.>.~~1
"in l ~l:
-r-,'_·f.)V ('~1 .1
;:,-;;li l\t.,I "t
"f.I';-\'-,',.'.'''':I;y '·.5'riY
•-.'J ;:·-·~_:~I •.l ~ty.:::.
v .r i I Cit ...tll1ll \';("::L V,li:'!::··,n :I (."(.J vl·Il .l l1t 1.1.il lld \:i t".h .-.1".0:>..'''1\1-
{;th'.!t',"h .,t I hi ::1\"rl ·'.'l lI '.'ut ::!I.lll I.·,(·':I t.'(··i v c-:10::';IlHI -.,t.o ··or ·-{
nftcr tho "':':"'(:'ul i t ,!:)fll1d rlt~li\'(:I'\'thl'r \'of a n cl 1II,It I lt i :;.~.:ri:Jhtrit
AqrcP.l:1t ·ut nh.r Ll ti 'l'm ino1h~..,0 Y(':,r ::,l l'I 'C .Llu -doll.'11,·rt·p!',J,III II _,:"~<•__~·.~>c h al l ...prov~th.·c.th .i t.t;II.'(''',n..:''mPIlt.s '.Ir.tl ll,'\1··tt-lIl1d.·,·:~holl \:oill'i nut':.:>r i tJ I ~t ~t
in acco ruau «,wi I It t ho 1'J"(.lVir.l{.":,oL l'.I""'.Jl·"I ,1;JO."~.:;~_~.()t h f~r s •
..','.-".;:','."'....';i ~.~:{·C I·u l t Y .·1~4'-tc:'<>.~.,..~.•~"_"\:~,;.~G ..,·17.~~Cmll'(l;'~~I'I .[~;:~I.CON~~~(:~ron .,.'...';~~,/\.~~
]~~~..:;~;tf:l~\~~;~":·:·:::-·~'.:1'ho p"rt.it"!i i\~'I(,"C th.~tL thc·\·:...~t Vo:lil 1'r..ll :1 m,'l','b~.f Buch 'rc~:i;(;?~":"~·:;~-~~;/·~uujC'!ct f."tl to th·!p rov LcI ous or the:C;('llllnmin i I HlI J·rOjll 'rt ~·,\cL:,rcmec1y .
·~~..:.~)}:.{~t;).:.~..:;~r I H~.D ~'c~.:,r~tion of Coridom i n i um C:"lIh 'r:-ihip 'nh.J.t 1.ma ko ::uc h _...
.~~~:'j ,,~\::~;-;V .,-';.nl1ociltlon oC tht.·burden;.of.thJ:;I\CJrl'clnlont i\~;t~('!;l v e II ·~·,·:{:'(dI.!~·~::--;:·/·:':"{-·~·t.lnl'·r.ts "'l'pt'opriate-pl"ovi ch'd t hc t nCJlhilllJ cC'llliJ.illrotl t hc rc i n '.by ·suit ;
'lJ;;~,,·(>.:;·:i;,·,:.':1'11.111 res t r f c t;t lu-rigllt!:of Vai t Cily ho re und o r forco,:'<~{f ~::.';~.,,-:-.".'0.and the e>uli ".1tit>l1.'of't:"st.Vall !'hilll no L b e arfe ct",!.'.,~;',~::;,;..~;'>.:li~lif,I,>.•:::;::,::~:':::":::::,t.h i u ",oomoo''''0"'0'00 ,,"j ~~f~f j,,,,'.t',1.-"1(.l'-r •....~:;"'..:'"".~.'.~.,:,",m.,d·'·(or Sec ·tli i uq iI consent .or nppr ovn LoI HllY of t he .pcrforme·~!?,~.'.,_.10 ,\..'0"·..~:~~~;:,~;":,'"~~.~::j'P.ll"l i cn ,ilC t he.'co so m.:lY b e,~'\l ch con sout,or appr oval 5hall pro
:f.:.~.i.i_l.~,:t,'.;,·,~;",;:".,~;;;;:~,ii;;~1 ~;;'ii i i:;;:~::i:;;:'1~~i~;;i:~:f;!.:;:~[~:;~:1;;::'....••~~i:rm!i
",----__.il l"!tlt 'l i·.·l..~r u .)lh(~r'''(lll\,:~itin ''l Party il f;t.:ll~:m c nt in .bear lnt(:~~:o."'~"~"""i \vr ;!inti \"'l'L i ty i ng I h.i tt h i s J'qr C'(!menl i s u n mo difi ed ".in the _51";,,,:;,~,:..;>(..~¥.;;.}.:;..'I!!in :u1 l !n rTC'.1 11;1 I.,,(r ,,·r.l"(or if t.h c ro havo be en ~[_r ~i.1}'~~r;~,.,~i,:.~I.:i.~;.\:·)_>·;·-~';i!,i..~~<::;.:.i ~~;;i [~~~L ,,~:;"',,~~:':"j:n ~:;ti,~1~~~iff~:;~~O~~)l;~='-'-~:""':"(f );"~
·A"····"~.."~.l ,r f ;'.'id··{!.howe vc r,Ih olr i f olir)'C'VC!l1t rohnll h -rvo OC cul'''cn,-;'n \')~'~n y :if\.;;t::i;::~";'~"~'~""o r I.Il \,..:.to occur,,,\Ii"11 cOIlc;tiL\lI"B all C V l:nt of .by the p".
1,.~t!{~\t>·..·.~~:,~;~~~I;u~~~~~~t f~~..~~'I';;;;,,~~~~m~l.~~~~ti ;.:~;;C p ~~l ~~j ;~~c ~.:,~~~~;~~~:
1i :~)1\t\'(A '~~r~~;~~~'~l ::11 ,111 a p ~.),lY ..~;,C£l'cet>:<IllY CCl'lificatc s O ':':":~?:;l~J1:~l
I .l"f~t([;,.,:·;:~..'.(e)No ",liver of ""'I defilult hy eith er Party inu'r-e to 'i
i'~,..:'.',:.,.,,'.:f.,:.~,..:.'.:.'~':'·~:""'::"·.,-:,r..:~..;.:..·.·.:.:.'.:~,·::>~·:<~:~;;,~;~~r ~~:::~:.~;~~~~~:~:~l ~~~~~~~~:~~r;Il;;~~~!~~1.~ef~:;~~;,0f~~~~!~~~~;:
..~;41n y d er .ld lL ~:".l1l ;d !t!<:t ..lilY detalll t or cov (~('any 'J
"".-iou o f ti"..ol:h"r 1.11'1"th e ""["\lit."nu L111 :!,e~io d of:.(It ).~,
".:::::.~...lil:1r>spt·cifi'.:d in $11'.:11 cXlJr(~::::;.waiver.On~or mor e in tlii s 1\;..'"'·..,i·.....~r~(,f LUI','dcLlult.j n lilt·l"'r(ormllllcc of tI ny t erm,.uncnforcC';':
.,.'..'prov isi')f\or c f,vcnclllt conl<,inrorl ill lh is l\qr~emC'nt !Oh illl :.applicatio'r·"~:,~~.~-·./.~.:i.·,~'-.."....not be cJ ,~..·:t\l"\d to be •.,.\-l.\ivnr u(~ny ~\lh::tcq\lunt c1cfc,ult -~pl'r~o"n5 'or~
i£i <2 ~:-,'_'i~~J.~;0.i~<,~;k:,_:;-&_<;'....~ftj~h';~TI"_C-'
~~t·~j'.{;:Jj ~-l ':.~~r..~:.",.!,;.--.'.;7~/.~~:--.;:_.---."'.;',:.:zt"':....~,.~:..~._;.~:..."-="i ·~~-:'';-J.'::.~:r~~~~~{~~:~~~~.:~';';:':~v~__'-,~~.."'_...·r _
II copy ".to.
and iHl drC'ssec1,
.••1 r '!•.r::I
'.,"-::(j :
ar o ro-
·r.on til f fV!
(.r ·l 1 ~I .
·t tl 1 }r.:;~...',.'.·~-.::;'~:/'t i
-,'.,'!'j L h .t t ·
C·.,n te,·
means "l'
this lI.qr·
prac t i ca!
o ""tls .'E ,
record in'.
dcsi y a .llion,C
r cqu i re d 'or de,
shu ll b c i.n-o;.,:r
.be 9 i v -cn or p.l
(hl .J f any terr.t.prn'lisi on or contlitlon c-:lllta'ined
in tllis ~:Ircement shall,l (1 nny c,:tcnt,be inv~)id or
uncnforct';,hle,the r cmaindcr of th i"lI grcem"n t (or t he
a l'p1 icati un of such te rro',I'rov i>:iOll or condition to
p erso ns o r c ircumstancen other th ""tho,;e in 'r",;p ect of
"",hi e.,it i$invalid or uncnforcc,l bl ~)shall no t b e
(g)Thin 1\greem'<lIl shilll 11 ..b ind-ing upon "ntl
illur e to the !Jellefit a[the pend ltcd ':ucc~.Jsors ilnd
ilsnigns of the respec tiv e l'arti eH and ilny p"rson cliliming
by.throu')h or undf!r il ny of the re spective Pilrti "s or
their rc s p ~r:tiv e p ermi tLl'cI ~uc cn g ::ors or olssiyns.
(f)Nn;,h e r a nyt l .i n q in Lh i!l IIqr C'r.ltl ent r:ootilined,
nur ilny ilcts (,r the p .'I ·l.i (~~,!;h .,11 hc!(ICt~m cd o r con stru ~d
by Lhc p.,t·t i cr;,or any 01 Lhcm ,o r by il11y thir.d pernon,
t ""c:rc atc th r.-.r o .1 «ticn rdlil'of l'rincipnl and n~ent,or
of p.llrtn f-'rr.h ip,or of ~nil,l venlur e,o r.of.ilny a ~~s oc !a t i o n
b etwe en the P ,Jr ti es.
in thr.po r to rmanco oI llh.·::Llm~~t.crm,pr ov Lu i ort or
ccvc-nan e or any ot.I --rt c-r m,prov LcLou 01."cov r-nan t;
con cn Lned in this fl.~Jr n('r:t'·lIt.'I'he con:;\:!llt (II 'a p p r o v .r l
by nny ll ..,rty to or oI dll,'a e t,O f'T ('qll.':it by the o t h .-r
·Pnrty reC]uirinC;j c on s e nLor.ilP1Jn.lvil ~:ilh.lll not be uc '.-;,,·d
to \"olive or.rcndo r unnccc-nno rv th e c nnnon t,or appro vaI
to or of any :;uh~L'qll(~nt n im i Lor ~\(,~L ~.or l-('q'Il:~.t.!i.'rll(~
ri~ht5 aud r'ornod Lc s yiV"1\to ..Part.y I,~'Lh i n /\~rcc m {~r l t
shall b e de e m",t to h e cumulative and :no one of such
rightn and rf~I !l""llie:;aha I1 be e-xcIu c t vc of uny of the
o t.ho rn ,or of ;'fly other riyht or r'eln'~(!Y a t;1.1h'or in
·equity which such Pilrty might other"l ",'ha v o hy virtu '.'
of a defilult undo r th is "'lr"p"l'lIt,ilnet the c xo rc Lnc of
·one ."uch r Lqh t or rcmed y l.y nur-h Pilrl y 'shilll not impai r
such Pilrty's sta~ding to c xerc in e ilny othee rl~ht or
-ld)~ith"r Party may eithnr iI'l ilW or in equity,
.h~~ui t,ilctilln.injun ction or otller proceedi ngs in
force.~oml'''1 pC'r for ",.lIIec of thi:;lIg r ccmen t.
Ie)If.pu raua llt to this lIgre cmrnt,il Pilrty is
compelled or c Lcc t s to (lay any slim of money or do any
ilCtS which rellulre tll"r~¥mnnt .of money by reu non of
thc other Party's failur n or in ubility to perform any
of the ter ms and provi sion"in this 1\CJr:,,>ment to be
per f orrn e-d b y "u.d .o t h r-r P.,rty,Ihe tlO{-;1II1tillg Party
"hall I.romptly.u pon d <:"'i"l<l,r oI inbu r a c the paytllg Pilrty .
..lor such sluns,'nnrl a Ll "nc:h sun's aha L l bua r interest ilt
the ma ximum leetil1 ralc Lh"n in effect 1n t.he f.Late of
Co 1ara .to from t hr-rl"I <:.of "xl'"n ,'i cur e un til t he da te of
s urh I t'~mh l1 r !'('n m n t ."I\~'ot.h cr la lll\!l pu y;,hlc by a Pnrty
to til l!o l1 :_"r l'.ll-ly pu rr.un nl to lite terms a nd pr ov Ls Lon s
oI th is lIqr·e ",,',·n t.th:'t "ha ll n t rl.I",pa i<l when uue shoJI l
boa r int,·r,·sl..11.th e m·":i "",m l r"Jal ra t.e -then in effect
ill Lh ..SI .ll·"(If Co Lor a do r rom rho dun dn t;o to the da t e
o f 1'(,yn H ~n t L1ll ·rl~O!.
.~-'.~':i \'.-:~.
l ,'.'~"
.:t :::;:.·:';.~:':'.
I'r·,'..'I ::i {~~t :'.I I "
0111'!•fl [C J:,:-'..?,J ..
G .Ilud sor Hi,'L1t
208 S.l,il Sall"s t r oc e,Hoom 2(JU
Ilob"rt I,.nom!hlll'.Ih
.1C'nncr ~ilIaci:
One'I urI PJIl?,1
ChictlCJo,Ill inois
[),lvic1 Elinor e
1000J 1>.Eva "s
Uni t tl9 ·,C
D~nver,Col ur:lclll
llo Ll.a nd C .Ca pl ",r
~t r n r i c1e ,Bnker ,Wi~nke t;Hchlosscr
110 North W"cLc r Drive
19 .
"r (I 'r ~t ..·d tho ro hy ,"If I ·1 4'oIe ll l,.rm ,
o f t h i n 1\'lr l ~Cln.·tll !ih .lll h·v ..!iii
t u Ll c n t t ~::f "'IlL 1"·I:l1 il .I,,;j l ,y I.IW~
(j )'I'ho (.'.11'1.iOIl:;or tht'r q r"''1r 'lph~of t h i :·....f ..~"·:--F ":.".:-:
arc for convcni (:r ll ~(:0111;',Iud !~hol.!l 1l01~IJp f"r ':~~I ':''1'f ':~(.:'-.
referred lo in t"'::.o!vjrlll ql H '::l:j Cla ~~ot .intr·r"rl't··~1 i 'J1~.~........,.~.;~~~~
Ilnd,C::;;Lr:~,:~":;:of tho I..~:::••"c"wi thn .r.J10~L l (":I-:::?~L ,:~'Y'j,~~~
po r t ormo nco of (';leh o C t.h o (,U \'t '''"\II I~~:.1ntl iHJloC C"!;'I':'n ln ..'.,:.;_<~;~~:.'.
c on ca Ined in tid::J\gr cc~lncnto ...'"
(i)'('hi::/''If'!''I!l''l d ~:h tit L ',C:<1I 1:;lru,·'!l it
"lil~till.'lin."u (I[Ihe:~;lo1t{·,..(Cldor old -:'J w h ~·r't.~
Cuntcr i~i lClc.1L'·,..1.
(m)It is muLually <:0\'("\,1nLI"\"",l "9r",·,1 th ut
this Agre..,m..nt shall be r cco rdod "t I.h",cn r t :'::;';
practicuble <late in the office:>o r Lh c Recor d"r of
De eds ,EiHJlc County ,CoLor a clo ,"1.'.1 the (!XP l 'II:;P at:such
rccordinCJ s ha Ll,be di vl dcd efJllillly ~lI nunlJ thl ~i <l rl:ic:n.
(1)T he word "hereof""I'"",,<I i n thl::.:')(,lIm"llt
mce ns "th i~;1\9r oemcn t:."
and add rcss ed ,in t he cusp.'or \~l'st Va i L,Lo:
wi th <I ,copy to :
Any not.Lcc ,dcma nu ,r cquo s t;('("In <;t;"III:,,,(,pn',O",ll ,
dc s Lquo t Lo n ,o r o t.ho r cornmunLca t i on \>Jhich ,ln y P ri r t.v i ~:
r"'Cluir eu or clo s i r on t o qivc c rmak r;or C:(Ul1mllnic.\l~"....r:{·u fu!t:r
:;hil11 b e in \o/rj c i nq ,and tht:o r LqLnnI :ll1d .:t 11 cop i es :.h.,]1
b·~'CJi vc·n or madc o r commun i cat.cd by Un it'.c~{:States rC'(.I i!;l~r \"cl
m~ilt address ed in tile ~nsn of Vilil Cjty,tQ:
'witha co py to :
'nt'c on t a i ned,,,,"-d or cons t r u-rt
:third person,
Jf D~~a~social i Qn
.ipon and
'~"':;,}8 0 r S and
","rGon c La Imi nq
~1~~rtic9 or .
'·.~l ~p.s .:.
ticn c?ntained
.:.invillfd or
''''I'nt (or t h"
...Ii t:.ion to
~I..rl!:;pcct of
~;"Ol be
p r~v l:.i Lon or.
'or cnvel1llnt
':en t "'r appzovn I
'fit I.j't.ho o th e r
I~ll .,ot bo du~med
,sent or appro vul
'r..itl·fJ"C:;ts •.The
.j';'lhis J\greement
,o '1:"onn or suchof"ny of the
y :'at .;_or in "
~r h u v~by virtuc
t hc'exercise of
~hilll not impair
)thee r i'.Jht or .
.:~~:':':"~i <;:..'::;-,
IW,~or Ln equity,
o cceding::in
t,;:n .PClrty is
(Jn Q~"'o r do tiny
b y·rCi15an of
t o .:po r for ,n any
-':lncn t co be
,ltJII<j l'i1rty
:ha:l'"ylllg Pa r t y
.elir"J.ntcre"t a t,
I 'th'c"St;"tu uf
,t il ,tho d a t o of
hle :Ly "I'llrty
Dnd provi "ion ~
when ·Jue ,;hull
t hen in e Lf cc t,
:.~.t.o t ho da t e
•··f T";~
,,:,p ~~s i
West Va il Assoc ia te s .Ltd,a
li~it c d pa r tne rshi p
lt S _
(corporate Seal)
»r »,
;.:·f ..'
,I :,".
.i :
The fore~oin~instrument was acknowledged before ne
this ~.d';'y of December';1976,by ~~~-,-_
President,of West V~il Dcvelop~ent Corporrttion.a C ol or ~do
corpordtlon,gcn~ral p~lrtn~r o r West Va il As~ncla~es .Lt ~.•a
Colorado limited par tner ship .
....~::.,;.~:.',.-""-......;....~,:;·>~··l ...My commi.s s i on cxp t res :_
.7/.'s'~\·<:.!,\"Wit ness my h and and o fCici O\l seal .
c:'~:'~;';1!:~t~~1~f~'l !1!i:l~~~~j~:~~1
.STATE .OF .COLORADO '~.~\/.t ):~:.-:"".~-.','....~:.··).",.,}t.X;::··;·;:7.·~.'~_·.:,;:.·,~,::~:;.if.,.,~,~,.'::.:.~J.~.:..~.".~.',~~~,'~"~.'_'~'~:'•.'':.....•...S··~s·:~,":··:<·~·_·~:~:}~·::~':.·':'''··;·~~·':···.~,;'.:-~~~<,;'~.'
COmITY OF DENVER .:)..~""(,;.::.".....
My cOClllission expirc~:C<,.,d ;';'",.it,11 J"I
Witnes5 h~nd officia
,-.~.,~~4;.~~~i~r ;
·--:..:•-~.-.::r_.•,_'·r ..3Af"~·.•"·-,:-:"""",,,,-·,,·:"....-:..""""".......~........;:....
•••__t __.".7"r-:.~:.t~..:~..C.t ..?..d?:.'_i'-t<....'........,.,.'.~-~~....--~-
,~:.~.'~'~..;...h~=i ..~-.<'..*SfIJ"_X»:;"':!P.~~~_...-'!"<:;:c::.:..o:'!""""?"',,:~-••'r :..
t ...~..._......__...:<>."'7 .:---.--::-:-:-...-.,.-J •C ---......-0 :--;"···to-···••-...._..\.........&••••••,~••.'::!:f"_~..~"":.t ,"',.
[t'~_..~:{'..;;;F~.:~::.-:;~.:~~..~}.:.:;~~.....~..~~~:~~:..~:~.~:;;~,~.:::~-,'_.~.:..::.:..:.·t_.~.g ~:;:.:"{......~.;:~!r~·.~'J:~·"'${~t~~.y &..;;i?M ~...·t~{g id1 ::kk~;;~i%~,;:;iJst...~"'~~~~~~;:-1IJt~:~
~i·j ir f :...---4;·r ~,~_.~_.----..--.....~~<._.'_.._"':"_7....;,;,:"'_..'_'_.:_._._:....--:-_
r '.'
County of EAGLE
I herety certify tid th!.;
flied hr rp.:,.ord_ln .!"V l\~I :'e
c :-r -:...
(c)p 1."l ci~q ,::':"··:o !".i:l:;i..,:".
n~c~~r ~~~l ~i .~ro~~i l ~Q
J r'9 ~:H'%o r S r o nd li :',-·~
-2 -
r c::oo'lln'].'1 t fl 'l [!,··r ~,
a nd r e:'usc I .I:'.U t Lc ro
.t o the o x t n nt;r'.·1:;0:':1
:;;li d a r n .l~i:1 .1 ::'''.It ,
r ••'l ionj ."l :,.d
(el):mo1 1nt.li n !nq U·.o !;l)t"r..
,-.(.'•'fJ.p.or c cl n Qt t:uch l;r.It !•.
'~~,";"",u t mt]r.\,ly L a u ~r.-d .m d
..o1nd h it rmo n Ioua c -:...·:1or
lhe:~u"'(<l cc ::;i n .]1C"·.'
".ft co vered conJiti(;n,·...·i~.:,~'i nq rnat e r La I or i r;in."l2
s imi la r ~u~l Lt /U ~~,
r,o t 1 .:l nd r,ot :\,iUld i n 1
Vail p ~rcol,I nGludin~Lut n(
i 1!.
£II S ~;:·lF.NT J\GRI ':£~I£NT-----
In ,,,],,,1nd e nt"red into this .n:<l ay
,1977,by "nd bet··.."en Vall City·-t;;~~'a ColoN,ro'-c or pora tlon C"Vail City")a nd Jeffrey
Rich ard M.To fel ("S elby/Tofel")..+
~ICc-.!:r-'.~t 5,",4eW':"~-t"~
2.Rcp.,ir ~_!-!d i r d '·:l '\:l t·~.Et c.E.1Ch p ....r l:·h,:n'lo,c-ov.vu.m t n ,
and .1l)r c ost TI ;'-i -it -Hll.'I II,',It it~;-:;o l c con t dnd ('xpi'rwc,ra.ii n ta i ni n
fjood c ond it ion ll nll fl 'p .lir,O(r'''lI :l'~to lit'm,lin l "til ll'll ,Hi d ;;I 'pl in
r epair,."loy pa rk i nq .Irt ·..c ,d ,·iv,·.....·.lyr.,.rud !:i {hv.....'i l ku o n,i n t l w (.·<l :H~
.~NOW T lJEREFORF:,t h c p ~,rtic s i nte ndi ng to b e l egal ly b ou nd !'o!"~~a "valuable c ons Ldo ra t l c n ;',lid h y oa ch F urty t o the u L!1 C'r ,Lhc re -
i coipt,ad eq uacy cnd s nf f i c i o ncy o f '.•:hich i s he r o b y o xpr cs r Ly ~\c :::w''''
"'lcdqed by coach pll:-ty •.t a di n c oun Id crci t o n of ~hc mu t unI c cvo-.oa ts
:~and agreeme nts c o n toi z...d :l(:I",·in,l;~:-L ~~:'j,::Jt~:..'1 1 1y aqr e c .:J~r o i l c:.•r s r
:::,1 :',.'::;-.r •';'".-:_
..\:;~;:;;o r .1,:::
..",.::...::.:l '••;.:"',:.'::'.
;':..,;':":'t":':::'::::.1':1 ;.'
.'."l~1 •.•"'"~••,.-".',"'l~:~..':";'.;;.~:"'.~:::.I.':::'.::'1:{':;~."'~:'..,~-';'~.::..~:,::"~."'":.;'._::'::;~:_!:::..
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li n d rnf us o,.d ~d t lll.jc O U ~]hly s ....·l}cvi~<;t h c .l :"".i s
t o the o x t ent;r cu soa ab Ly :.oct';!:$,]c y t o };.~op
u n Ld LH·f ·"S in .:l n o a e ,c l oa n .:l~d o r dc r l ~'c:i,;;._
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or r \.!"'.;i r r a rid
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n'·';I~::~.'r''1 .1i ·iJro pr lJ.ta (1 1 t"~ct:1 (;:",.a ~;ii '·J :'.::,~.:i ~.g :·".:"k ,::r s,o.l :-.d 1 f:.(·5;.3.::0
<,of Vtlil Cily r.·)t 1 .rrtd r~ot 3 ,..'lad i ll the "":'&\~C of :::~llrl/7o !cl,
the :'lcst v.r t t i'.lrr.,..),includin(J b ut no t li m{t.(:d t o t ho (01 10w-
"3.'I "':':"
to 11 r.!1J'••"'a ;-.:;'
the otlh.•t·'~;:...~
tl"'U.10CC I::';'::::~.:
o r pa rc('o 1 ;",,:,,'.
c-von t I :It:('!::".1::':'
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\J:l n !.l ~:G :l .l~'!:-·...·i ':!.,
I fa"!'("l'l:!.li I :,':,i::'.,'
(0'1)m.t l n t;..l!nlnq t he r.U!r.,c~~of t ?IQ r a ~;p cc tl ./c
p~r~~l~~t ~uch ~r ~~c s ~nd l ~~o ls t hat t he
nnm":'1.1 1 b e u :::"d a nd ~nj"):"c d 11:>co nt{rj~f')U9
.lnd h ;I";!l o ni ou:J C O.f :'10 n a r-oa s ,ond ~..l i ::'~i7li :l t nq
t hc :;U L'[ilC C :;:in .3 Levo l,-ut-oo t.h .1:id o v.~~l i'
c ove ro d c ondit io n,·....ith t he t::pc:o f s11r!.lc -
f r.tl :1a 1e r !il l orig in..,I l:,i n ~·~,,!l.~d n t:o!a
s Lmi La r (iUo1 1 1t.y,u s c,c nd <!~r .l b ili t y :on d
o f t lt ~'!1 ll :·.:·..·I :.;'':'.,':;,:::,.:.!~~:l :,,\t j ::~~~.:t .,.::;~.,'j ".II ":::.:....:~:::~·:~,.L~~':;:·':/..;:":':::~".;',',.1:;,:.:,;:::;';,',;::,:.::;::;:~,';\:::;.:.:.;;;"~.:;;;;;.:;:~;",
•..·hil ·h :~.I \·!:l ',',·;"-:1 :",!l ··..~:l:..·h ::-..l ::;:,:~.,::.·".:',:".l i :',.~.'.,:':,":":'O:-!\"
tlJ 'LH l t l h,'t ""'\1:':'~"t',':'\1,'):,1 l :"t ,;t '0:'d ,'~:::::.':~"::....::......!~::..:~;-:!:.'•..~:.._.
t l ·.l l"}'i n t hi :::.::.;.::,::~:.':'.I::Y 1':::1':'~':"'\';:;£.,::,..::~l i :;.L ::":.:,...~"
t:h'\'nntr.I:·y :l ·':·.'t:i t :..-::::.:!:l ';,;~,':h i ::'J ~ol :'I ·in ~~::1 ;1 !......;':',:".:','
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Irf"::.l i d.
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(f)Ti ll'r i'J ht lo w a'.I IHI t ·;
....'.1 :;('::,\('n t ~hi 'rl"l n .·~t1 t .1
t h e l .mtl ;ll1cl i 11\1:t ~t \'I
bi 11.1 i l1et \;1'011 \'.,i 1 t:t t ':"
l~u "'·\.·t ·:;;;.1I ·5 ••I ::·~i '::13 ,!~.
!;I'llt ."lt iVI 'n ,dad t l 'I ."nl :
permit 02ny such m03int c:'l,1nCO,r ep...!rs,nte.,to intorfcrc nor
..shall 4n1 of tho S~1 m~int er f o rc wi th tho bus ino1Js o f any p ors on
bcln9 conducted upon uoy o ft he p~rccls or in,u pon,or a bout
4ny jJ:Provo~nt.on ''tny t hl'rco!Dr t q othor..,i no p urlTlLt In t errup-
tion ot "ny such bus Ln--s s or .1ny I'nrt thcrt'O(.
ThQ ?..r t t o s r.1.1y erect cu r bs,(n necs ,
:iii"'i>e'."""'cn thci r respec tivo p ar c c f s i f,...nd only
the a03m o or ~ny p~rt t h c rcQ!,do n ot ~ct r ~c t f rom the ~utun l
and cceeecn pa rk ing ...n d .1CCCSlI rights of t~c pa r t Io s,or p re v rm t,
hinder or i ntt:!rf crc o r i n tc rr u p t;I n ,nny ....·.1:",t he r roc Cl o'A"a n d
pl3.ssagd of voh ic uLl r .Jr:,l p adc s t r-L c I tra ff ic ,'U,rl F.l dd ng ,ove r,
"t\:.,!ltl"...t,o;,trom and ~ctwccn t ~~~p a r c o t s s U bj~c t t o this .:llJr C'L·rllCm t.
5.~oo ta u l t .Tn t~l C e v ent of .3ny r~i1u r o by c i t hn r-p .1 rty
to·perform,ruff i ll or l'!:~c r vc .1 n y .1.:;CCI.....r::l1'n t hc rr-i nLo bo PC'!('~QC"~I"'d
In 'sltu..1tions Lnvo t...i n')!:ol~n t.i.,l cangor to t he h \~.1 1L h or a ...!cty
\ot personsi n,ono r J.b:J:.lt,or s u~s t.,ntia l L!o l ~r i o r ""t i on o f,...ny
p arc:cl subject t o this ,"l 'i t·~C ;:l C :'l t ,i ~c l ud i n 9 a ny Lrtpro vcraen t so f .1ay
na t ure A t.a n y ti :':!.c en ."l :'.y s uch p ar c..'1 or a ny po rtion o f ~lny :.:,u·t
o f any .th...,rc of,1:\C.1C !l cnu c after Wl !".tcn no t ice ~~cci'r ing euc -,,
t he othor ?a rty roay,a t its Ql~ct io n ,c ure such !3il u re or h~~«~~
!er and 'on b c~al f o ~~:-:~d ('~:\u lt i :1 9 ~.1r tj·,and 01:1~':'!::::ount .....;d~h t.::(>
?arty s o elec ti ng ~~~l l 0 x ~c n d f c:such purpos e,o r whi ch sh311
.o t hc r~l .o b e du e b 1 ~:~~~r p art y ~o t~c o t ~ar her eundo r,nhall ~c
paid t o ·th c ~pa r t y to .....~.:";::'.d u e C ;1 ~~~.1nd ,·.,·i thou t contes t,U[-'O:1 ."!c -
liv6ry ·of its i nvoic~,~o g ('t he r ~i th intere st t hereon a t th e !c~~=
of U)the rat3 of 1 0\:::er a :u:J.::;0 ::"(i1)t ho :nax i :1um r ate po r mt s s L»
bi0 ··from .tir"'.Q-tc-tii..c u :,,::::'~r l\F ~]i cable 1 ;\'-'1,f l 'Or.\r h o da t c o f c xpe n d t
ture -or t he dz.to ·~·hc n s .u-tc ~h a l l ~.:lVQ b ccorac d ue t o t he da te o~fl.:lj·-
::1 on .t theroof in f ul l.7 :-.c ?r·c ·:i s :'o ~s o t :h is par"'jl'o1ph ~h a l l :::0 i n
all r~.poC'tl ,81J b ject .3:H:!r .;~':'ci ~,J.~e t o tl1"l ien o f any rTortg ..1CJc s o r
clocd.of trult a t a:"Z'';!;:"..~o r !':"O::':o;.!.::-.o-t.o -t l::l.o on t he l.J :l.d of ":nc
dofaul~1"'9 pa rtj.·,.,,~~":.~..~C"i'J~t.s 0 :t.ho ho Lder o r tol clc r5 tl ~~r~o f .
~i scel1 :U'~c o '.:s .
(a)•T he ?a:"'~!o::.;."~:1 1 l ~d ':'3 t he ri'.i~t to e nac t
.rc a s o ~..r b l c :"'.::es :::j::c c :":li:lg the conduc e and
;opc ra t i o ~~~:l:Q ?a ~~i~g arcas/sp~cos ,d rivc -
~a1 s a rid s i r;.·.:.....a l k s s Ltu at,eon t hei:-r o scc c c i ve
parcel s,.
(!))T h~i-o!\:-~:r.:.(:1';;,t ",'.:;0 oth«r ,CO ':0 :~,1 nt ':lnel
"ltJrco .....:~:::-.r ;;.~~c :~o t ~\"'i r <J"~:~i.hl n~~l :-;,to
compl :.·....·i ·:--,.11 1 ,i:.ro !i c .,h l0 1 ..n:s ,rt l l .~!i..r r"jU oo
l .1l t !o ~.!:,.,;,".-:;'"'.;u!~L·:-.·::'o~S o !~,,11 pub 1 ic:.H l f.~~O
r i t i(:!:~1 ;,".-:!.:·:r ":.h~:".r'X C"i"t .:1.£pr'")vi .!h :!!~.,r,=:-
~~t~~~!;.~:.:~./:::;..~,::~Y:~1:'~:-'l~k llo ~~:.~:;~~;~·ll;:.~~~f ;';~:~~:~.~•
l u u ~rll ,.,.':';'}.:a ,i.:,..t...\i l (,."~'-I ;.;~,.1"::1 :11::;,}r •.'l!l..
U\J;:\,)()'3 ,::.,~.::~~.i ";'.,I :,d ":·:i .,·:,:;,·r:,'I:,r!.'11 1 !:lIi t!~,
IlC l i r..n:,,1:.':;.:.;.::-.:.:'~i (~:H :lu'ii :,),!lt lt.w ,t J i :li :'\'d
;~~~~~t .~I ~::'~.r ..'(I~::,~;:.:::s ~:~~:.'~~~.t '~t ~:::;:.~~~;(l:~,t!~;:.~~:~"'~
t h..·("r.·;,.··.;·:,.:.::.~..;~;.i :)..~1 1!,1 1 n 'j ,l ,ll t.!l"t.1 ~1·,i t.,,1
t o,;Ir;t j ·:i ·;...;"-':1.~:I "("!"l u l ;I:O i'i f p :·,,,·:,·;~.··:ll '~f ;:"l
u :ij·~~';:.,:,.!::.~',i l ("''''.-rld ::,··1!I·../'j ·()f,·l ::~I ,i l l
giw_·i'r'.:;.'.'l :.,~t ::-..1/·..·ri tt ,·n ·:'lht.l CI·(.r'.1::;'1 ~1.d ::l
rr...1.dc.,~:·:lIi t.r,r ,l ':1 i ',n .l lJ.-:ill::t I ~;,~..t lt ··r 1 .l rt.l',
....h i ch r i ,;:,t i :l "n,·......1/r ,·::ul t i n iror!'·;··llifi (."oI t i o n
h c n~u t,·l t.·r .
-3 -
(e)The p ar ti es cov~n~nt ~
c x p~n::'(l'!1 o f ::'101 i u t.l i ll i n
p ark f n lJ,t ncJr"'~5 ,cq r c
U3t~o n th...ir r (!~;l '(":t.
Lho l Jolj':":'::lt o f ,lIl C.'.I
or di';:;i~i l "l r 1.1 :';'~5 ,1:1
only t.o t~c ri'jht of '
in ;],e cumv r i11 v..-j.;,.o,1 ~;
noc t.Lo n •...·it h .l Lt ~::.'f i
or .1 l'~:;c ::::r..,·n t i n ~~~....•
.1S lh,~r i CJ h!.~o f '~:-~v ,
b e j ':-()i ·.ll ·di ~:...·,j t j ',;..!..
"1 r-:••j,
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n y
:;nt "t'~·I'l l
~'~}'c :;:~::,:····........,...--
a ct io ns,and jU l!~;:.-.l·r.t5 a i s!
in .:any t'"..an ne r'r c La t.r-d cHrcct
to tho u sc of the 1.·.I:;f'~-:"n t l '!.
cr-Ibod en F:xh ibit D t.o r ct,c L
.1snh;ns,a nd -ruc c o u so r s ,e n d
tonants,1 ic ("n :\(~p:J ,o r (:0 1\·....
9n~c~9 I n pn~~j !::;i(}n ,~\l ·i~'.,:·
invi t c:as of .,1 1 :~u l..'h F '}r:~0 1 ";
The .1 9 rl ~.·:lt ~:1 I ~,:·.~pJ .;;j.·;d .:l i
con t.a i nod i n t !1 :5 .1 ':J ·"I ~:~.•':.~
con t t nu l n-j .l ';:·.·•.:::.:at.:.,r l,,"':':"
r.an t Los ,.'l :v ~a l I of t hc ~':~:'"
l.lllcJ ~l nc 'bn b::l l!;aIJ u i.":':l.'l:~d
f it or I.hl)p •rrt,1 (;'5 ,t ~-.•e i r :~'.:
he Lrs ,and ~I ·'r :~o ::"1 1 1"':1:"•.<;•.-:';
cub-L c n n nts,1 i ':'-·a !';C!,~~·,o r c
CJ <1 lJe (·s i n r o :,:::~-:o ::::;i on .c u e L Q'::-
vi tees of ~l :~h i ~·~r H (,ns .
(1 )
s 'rA'I't-;O}O·r.O r.OI~\tJU
I~~\·:I'f :·:~~S S ;·;m·:I ;~:O ~~,n ~..~~,.&r U t·s h .,·..··
.15 o f t he d .li'and :t·I:.!."r i 1"5 t;.tI H:;·.·~....r I '.
Unit 69-C
Ke nn eth F ~rabcc,~s q .
I,.'....,:\<1(;01 and Cl.1rk
A r r o!c s s i o~~l Corporation
31 00 F irs t of Dc ~vcr ?laza
633 $(·v c-n t .cc n t h Stre et
n c~vv r,co 80202
D ~1Vjd }o;lrr-.o rc
10001 f.~st Evu ns,
Denv er,CO 80231
NC':,,:srs .S •c Iby ,Tofel
Gore Runge ~r or ortics
P.O .Dox 152B
v e Lt ,co B1657
If to s e lb y/ToCc i:
If t o Vall City:
with a COFY to:
or conccGBion~irc~,m ortq~~~cs in possoss ion,
customer.And bu~tnl1~s invitees of Ruch pcr:sons.
All noti ce and o Lhcr co mm unications roqu i t-od to
bo given he rc undo r'!'illtlll be in ....riting,and
shall be dcc ~c d to h~v c u c cn duly glvnn if dc -
~11 vcre d o r ~ailcd,flrnt cl~ss,ce rtif ied,
;'rc t urn receip t r-nquou t cd,PODtil9c ?r cp~"lidl..,\uil..(il
(91 .
(j)V.:til Cil,:":-~:"....::'--..,r.:,.~·.~·.:l r r ·::lls to ;',.•!;)!'/';"<"l :("l
lhi't it is ~:."r·.-:t Lt Lo O ·...-no r of l.o t 1 o n d J.~)t 3.
a nd fi l~l b r/T r..~"!·,-:·l::.j :.t to ':,.li l City t ~I .\t I Ll);'~J (')1 (:
l ho r(ol~t itJ I 'f,r ':."~·:,.·~:l \'~li 1 P~lrc(,l o n t)";~"11 f 0 :
t':c:;t ~:"lil :,~·d!.L td .•,1.C(dt 'l'I '.:I )_l ;~~i t "'d p;\r u~,,:.::··;
•(h)...Th e pa r t Lc s h c r c t c .1,::r('c t h.l t t.h Ls ag rC:oC>::",o nt
.sha ll ho d ~~~~c t o ~~vc ~~c ~~x~c ut c d in the
~f sta to of C o 1 0 ~.,:!o a rid it ~h "ii 0 <2 1;:..v ""1'.i(:..:1 ~i"
and cons t r-u c-d .-::-1 2 r,:'1 ~0 rc o d i n ,nc co r de n cc ....·it:1
.tho la~5 of t ~c S~~tc o f Col orado .
~(i),Tho pnrti '1.£r (r:r r·!':..":·ilt .,~d A,l rr a!1t to each o t~;c r
th;\t r.cit!~~r .:-:..':!.·.;.:.-,=,I ~t i ~:1 ,\:1C d cl:·..o rv of t hisD.<J rC'~r.',('nt n r.:-,:;..::'r.~f .~,~~,.•:,,;..S',o b1 !r.;l~i on s,rh:·.t c s
and ~,rlr c-c~·.~,':.:,;:'.;.~.-'::"":~in t h i s .1 :~.·C~"(>:l t CO:"..-
fltet •....i :~I •.:-;.:,~·:t.·:·.c·;(-.)',.1:111 5 fo r t orm i nn t f o n =.':,
is prohU ::~":~.::'.«r ~"::'11 ts ,o r ·.d ll ros u l t;::-.~
br-each 0::':~i·'.:j ;"":c :cc .v o r !;1 :~ln:;:".-:~:'':0 •....~dC:l
such V.:lrt :,.·i n :~').~..,1 ;.,ll l ·/or j ~;o t~(':.··.c i nc ::11 :,;'.'''::':.
t.o such o thor o.ddl·~t:S or .l l:.h l..·::"·H~!\a s :M y ~.I..'r c",rtC'r !Jo ~!:"(,'i ~i '3'd
notice qivQn to ani'of t .ho .,b·,)';c t o t ~c o~!:tJ'rs ~
t:uUN'i'Y 01:0
'rhc ro rc CJ Di:HJ i :uat·t1::-,l'll t ...·oI l...1 ~·t.:..;
__'_t1J y r>f __•~...__.•'1 I).J 7 by .It-:.-
()o;)i,n ythin tJ t o !!IP ,·'.;'::01.·...11'J"(";i ~:1D :·.·..i t ~::~!.,"d illl :.·.~,dl
CiLy "llJrl'I !~;t o i :,;·:'lIi :y.ilt·f ,·/ld ••'I)<}llP ld ::"l!·)':/':',}···.~l
hiI J"lnlt.::;s ,,I n l!!l "l"'!."d !H ~~i .!I·fl"ud .Illel ~ln1 d ~:"ll ':"/-:'o ~"'l
a nd c ~lch u r ~:"':".":.:~.~'"~~~'('·Ilm ;11 1(1 .':;,1i:H;t .Ill·..·C'\':;~:;'cl ldli'l ~,1 0 :;;',(:":-:'i ",1 i.-lid lity,;\i1ti (,;,:p('Il~:C ('lIW!I:Cl-
1n9,.....il },ou t li tl i t.d i l.m ,a ll orllt:Y 's f'Ol";;)d nd ,Ill ~,;Hi~s ,
-5 -
'j ..;
":l .:".,:•.
~;;l t .1:y ·:l:I ..'
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~cti0nS f ~n d j U~~~0 n t s ~rt stng ou t of o r
In .any i~l n n c r rc l.:lt"d directly o r indirect ly
lo I h I"u-ic o f thn 1~,':H"mryn t cJ o l in",".I,r!or cJc:J-
crl!.>.,,1 e n I:xhlblt 0 howL"by V.,ll Clly,it.
'l~;::I 'J :Ll,.in d cu ccou uor s,..and bH\01nts,su b-
l<:a.lul!O ,1 i t::'~n :l e"~f (')r CO:1C I~::!;il,J :"li r ('o:;,t:lort,..
Cj .lIJf'I ·:'I i II Pr):;:;f~::~;i on,cw ol orv-r s ,'I:.d b uu i n uss
i n v j t '·,,~o f d ll cu ch p Q r ~O rIS.
(1 )Th","1.Jr.··;\.~n t ·;,:·P l'1"C:;'·~l l,,'-i "11~;,ali .!~r.I :·:l:~t il:::
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55 .
ex p i cos r
Tho forego .i nq Lns t ruraon t;W.1S ildc.nowl cd(lCd ho f'cromet h is
d.1.y i.0!I :>_.#1 977,by R lch,l rd tot.r o ror,
my h ,lO~t '.11l d o f f i c ia I 5 c·.11.
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N,ot.hirtg in As Ci':Jre~R\ellt:.sk~11 plmit-,:~o~
::11,,11 ~I'\yt nif'\«)~;c c o n s t r u o d to permit,the.u s e,
or ~rrl ic«~iofi of ~ny rr~hts anu/or e~~m~ents
}]e.,-ei n c~lit-a i tied or '3Ydnted for alt\Y p<..u"p-e>:se,
ex.(.'lt!.p~t:-~():;r»~'.'py"':1".,."t f,)r t k l'~1:';':::--'-..II .,_•••_
aqreemeYIt:,:;',,:1U(:1:1(J,'.....i t l.oc t 1 i mi:..:'\t.io:1,r,-,_
purpt!l.~es of i)rovic!i:lg p<lr:~ill(:i SEtae€":3 I)!:P.oq<ltl1l9
~re~a ~o accomod~~c,fAeilit~te 0~sa~isfy
any arl"1ic.4bl.e.l.:i·~:;',or d i n ...'!.:~c,·:::,cr re.julo.+[o/,\s
~onc"l ::il:g 0:-ro l e t.cd to cO:~:>:':"J(:~~:(':1 of i:l'Y\~roVe
'm~rH .5 '(:j:1 L,:1 y 0 f t ::c ·Va i 1C i .<~.P a r ce,\05 a nat '0 r K .e
k,·~~;t '!.)i 1 i~.1 !'c01 or :'f :hl:!',11tC:lra+-L()Pl,Tl\Dodt f.:cd~i <l'n'"
6rex.paJlt$:s;,~n ()f <l:1Y in:n·o\'(·:~l·.':i~S l o ca e ed on a.xy
t :h""','of 'lS ()::::~C d:\tch\.'il",~of.-.'Pc 1ba...\:-el\d,
It is;f-he.e.xpr€$ii ir.te.n~.i.:On 0:-the pdrtle..s,a.rtd
eoc.~varty he ·"oe.by a~ree..s,:·.:::~.-It ':.,:1 C:'':~'I wlt-~
r e.C;;l'e c c t:-o eo.c.~a e.t-he.\'.:'Ii 1 C i '~';'?(\r-c el s I :I :~..:
Selby/fO·-Fe.l,wi th rtf.-S·f!'.ec'r:.~t){:-V!.~~'e.s~Vr),,)'l
PC.l.t'£:oe..',sh4.l11 not usaa:lY iV)gress,eJ;3ress,.
P't rk i 1\9 a r-ea s,d C'\.ve\l,1a y s,or a~Y'0 ~h-e.t:'"ea.;5..eWl<€1\t'5 ,:,..
t!)"-r(9nr.;s he-cern lCon~(d,,~d 0('"9to..n.~ed f-ttr-pu r-p cses
()f !iecuri n,g peCTr.d ~3 i()r')or.avt-h-or-t z.~t-i 00)'),0"'\
At't:'ewlp'l:Fn9 5a.Me..,t-o~en 5 ~ytlc -\.-11V'lpr bVeJV)'e1\+.$an ';
Hl'lt.-i r 1"'€-tj pe..c+i v e.po rc e.l s,(1~y .s~a l l ~VJol!.Y UoSe..·0 n
a4:HUnp....to use,any -ther.rt,of,di r~f.-ty oar-.btcitre.C1:-ty ·,~f..,.,.*ne.pu.rpose.j ~t-a\l\-lI\iOrj~i'l\jJ ~Y'c.aust~9 o r "
~~r:rtl"t-t::i n.9 any suc.h ·CD:n~H...:r'Q'-~~~n I Tlt:ctlud (~S',bu't-:.·
1 •·•\•\".not 1::',::"(::.0,r r.o e~paVt:7,on,a t-e.r4-\'-.l-6t\or O ".::-.-:=-":
rnodf?ia.-,lI:-itJn of"any j~tor:~ve.Jl>'<~-t.5 J.oc.a.'c--.e.d .(!)n c1I'\Y '··"
of ~~e.pC\.n::e1 s :15 0:t-h~d.l<he-h-t:.r~~~t"heretlf-t-c;:r,.
~~,'~;';"'.'·j 'I'··I ·l :.....:.\.;....'.::·:l:~~~~.~\...~:'1~1 ,ci·:y ...i..»:...'
(''\'c·~l·..:i~·f~:·····:f ;r.'...\.···~~·t\··,·t",·,c··...'I'"'\"01.'•••.~',·.:1••.•"";'',::..~",f't ".•••0"'.::•".(..,..,'..••\•••I t.,...'''.'?;
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made and ....o r.ci-cc i nto 415 o f t he
J'\MC:NOr-H::t ~T T O f{!:CIPRO\;d.O?r.rl!~T IO:~,
Lee s ed to S clfc·...J.y s c o r-,...s ,j nc o r pcr a t c -J 12 ~-t a i n r (',1 1 p r opcr t.y
By 1 ·':3 sc da t c d J e ly 6,197 1 (th·:.-..;......e;.p ..~I v u i I Cit,!
a Col or ado co rp c ra t Lon (fOVi\i 1 Ci t y fO)I a nd J t:t--;'·iU;Y B.S ~LDY
s L tu a t c di n E".1g lo.'Cou u c y,Co t or e do ,....h i ch p r o p o r t y 15 na rc
..nd R ICHARD M,r or s i,("Sdl>,'/Tof c l"),
d ayo f Ce cc~r .1 9 77,by ~n d be t wee n VAIL C IT¥CORPORAT I ON.
2 9,19 71 ,in Boo...2 21 .co.rcra-nc i nq c r.Ptl..j ...•2 00 of t he re co r ds
partl c u l~r l y d CSC =l bcd in th~fo r m c f l cJ.sc r ec a r d~d ~u l y
de s c r i bc d a s .c t 2 .V.:1l1 DdS Sch one F ...l 1ny No .
f'il ll~q No .1 ,J.o.:..J.l Jl c..",·(J ur ~t :/.c o t o r c u o .
a mo ngo t nv rp r o p cr t.y ,Le ts 1.2 a n d3 of vc i I urs S eho l ....·
S el b y/Tot el .tn d t h v £,,:,s ....:ncnt Aq r ecmc n t,t o La t c-t o ,)IlU a Lfc cL ,
NOW THL;-rORE,for Ten Oolldr.and o~her good and
ep.*'lit.til tho Eaacac:J>t .Ato~tt:o ace .hto the
aboYe-retcrrod lOOdificuioll8 ~._...s-nt~til bo Ndo to
Utllc..-,xpro.sly doUnod in thi.A<Jrec,..,nt.capitaUzed
t.erea borC"'in ah..:!ll haY(!:the Sa.IIC mcaninq o.r mc~nin9.liS
detinod if.~.;:c Ea"e"'n~AgrcelDOnl.
valuable cons Id.-o t.Lon,the receipt and &u!!!c,u:o c:,"of which
are hcr~Ly acknowl~d9cd by the parties,and in consi~~rat!on
of the mUlual coveo"nts ~nd agrc~mcnts cont~incd herein and
the rc)i~nc~of the p~rtics th~rcon,th~parties hereby
.qrec 45 follow~:
"c <-:-"","
Are and ahall hereafter be to the new Paragraph 6(e)set
e x .:..::
c os t..
of s
to v.
r.:as c
Ne st
.i ndc r
Se l b~
cla in
<l11 ~
reL..tt o
a ny o :
Or e c-t
t h ~In
of ,or
All references i n the Easeme nt Agr CCQcnt to
Vail City h creby .c ovenan ts and agre es to a nd
Para9raph 6(e)and to Exhibit 0 to the Easement Agreement
1oen.eea or eonce••1onaircs,eust~rs an
in•••inYitee.of 8uch personsl provide
t such use by Selby/Tofel and the othercl~lng by,through or under them shall
~1a1te to vehicular andLor ~de s t r i an
purpose.providin ingress and egress to and I1~i~roYe-ents on the West Vail Parcel,
And that no uae shall be made thereof (sue
••for storage or parking of vehicles other
th4n while loading or unloading 9~s or
p ••aenqer8)which would interfere with the
u ..of the e ...ement by Vail City or SaL:way
for the pUl~.e of driving trucks or other
vehicle.thereon while turning,back~ng r
otherwise approachinq the Safeway st~rc~__~__~
lOCated on Lot J Selby/Tofel hereby acknowled
and agree that tfie easement herein~bove qrantc
to Vail City,or any interest therein,QaY be
ssigned or leased by Vdil City to Sate~ay Stc
ncorporatcd,or ~ny ocher owner or occupant 0
t 3 ai ~s Schone filing No.3.
forth in Section 2 ot this Agreeme nt and to Sche dule
attached to this AgrceQcnt ,r e spec tively .
with Selby/Tofel th at it.s lldll,a t no cost and e xp en se to
oo-pleted on ,in or about the Eas ement,the improvements
SElby/ToLel,construct or cause La W c onstruc te d and
(including,but not limiLcd t o t he locati c n,si ze .ma t cri~l
and specifications)d escribed on Sch edule 2(the .Improvemen ts .)
The conetructl?n of all lh~Im proveme nts shall,u pon th e
attached hereto 4nd made a part h ereof for all purposes.
execution hereof,be promptly commenced a nd dilig ently
Pursued to prompt completion.
,"'":'.'Y ~~::R~{~~~;[@~;~?:;._,,,~t::.'.1.;~t~_~'~..'F:"~~":··..:..:.
•~U"aU:to "':euilatriCt8d'a,;_'~~'the .':.
..~..ducru..!oa·,·1lciIMdUl.e:2~·.-:alicb -utone"C4 ill
~~of the ru_nt 'and the :Illp%Oi nta abAll iIlcll>lSe.
burt Mt.be l.ia1tod~;-<f.:~l~~~.'llof __~_vinq
lall papera,debria.anov,lee.filth and ~fuae,and thorouqhly
~~cle.alnq auch ar_or are..a to the extellt neee ••&%)'
to keep &11 of tho<-__In ........e,cle..n,and orderly and
_11 _inteinod condition ..,••not to .u.tAlrfere or hinder
&ny construction or o~r activities in,on.or about the
".t V..i1 Parcel inclOOin9.but not l1lOit.-d to,uae of the
&-'caent by Selby/To!cl ..a aforesaid.7he coat and expena.
of ~~maintenance ond repair shall be born~by Va ••City,
exoe~t that selby/To!~l a~rce to pay $100 per yeAr ~ard auch
ccaU and expenaoa.Such payaent "h"ll be ....de by Selby/Tofel
to V.il City on or before ~cember 31"t of each year,coaoencinq
Deoeabcr 31 ,1978.
6 .Vall City hurcby cov~nants and a9r~c.to
indeanify,~nd hereby d~a ir.d~~~ify,def~nd and hold
Selby/Tof~l,a nd cech of tl.~:l,noJrClllt:ss from and against.all
clai~,de~nd3r 1055,d~m~qc,li ability,and cx p~nsc.r and
all auita"actions and juJ..;:'.l,,,.mts (L nc lud i nq ,but not lir..ited
to,coats and attorn~y s f~~'~)ari 6 in~out ofor in any ~.,y
related to construction or ~~int~n~nc ~of the E as ~~cnt a nd
Any at the lmprovcm..:nts,~",n J t.hc J.ir~.:t or i nJir~.:'t.U5~of
or actiylti~s cond uc t ~d o n,in,o r a bo ut th~Eas~~~nt ~nd
tho I&prov~~nts by,throu~h ,~t t h~rcqu~st or dir~ction
of,or becau se of va JI Ci ty,I n cLud i n q ,but not l io.it~d bj'
reason of or ."J.r i cillg out of th~~.a..Q,.;lS oJmcnd cJ .,rivr to or
after the d~t ~h~r~o[.
7.Selby/Tofel he rcuy covenan t;a .-d aq r ec to
inde,.,,1ty.and he r cby Lndernn i f y,do fend a nd ho Lo V"il City
bene t'it
law •
..~ltore.,IDoorpor.ted,thet tJo-y or either of ~
aIIoa11 _~y,-...s,aIM.........wai_.nllee.e.relinquish
Nil 1I till.~""'nt and perfOnl it.
,.oYi.ai-.of the &a_nt l\q~nt.including all of the
~ADd ~119.tiona thereunder.shall be and rcaain in
faLl ~oe and effect fr~tbe ori9inal date or dates thereof .
10.Vail City hereby expressl~..arrants and
.lIS ta that it ba.~ta1Md all authority necesury to
1m thia Par~raph e ahall co...and terminate upon tho
WnriMtloa or expiration of _id Lea...
t.Aa .edified and ....nded herein.all terms and
force ADd effect for .a long ••S&feway Store••Incorporated
lor aDY ...i9Me or .uccessor by ..,rger or consolidation I
aaat1Daea to bold tbe l ....hold estate created under the
~..frae Vail City dated July 6,1971 as the same may fL~
u..to u..be uoo41f1ed or extended .n>e covenant expressed
Ii ~.'"..........,....,.'oJ.U8it....~t r eA.;.'1oM ,4IM9O,
..U".....'i ..•...-0...au R1u~MUone Ad 'ad9MftU"...;..::..;.:,~~.:!.~.:__~.':~'i~,-;:->,;~",-._~:-:.~:~'-;;::""':',,!:~'..,::,;..+......~..~..:/.~~._.-.;
'i~i~''''!'''''''1lIIt ·~um tat to ._ta aDd d~f_e)~~..;~~<:~·;~.~.-t·.::'i;-:;;··:"··v....r .,-:~·_<··..--~~':~>"'-..,-'..-.
:!;D '~~:~'\".t "_.~.Oa-ill'-:I -.y nlaWd to tbe direct _illd1rect~-"';~":._":-,.:,,~,,::-,j '.:.'.-........,".:....."-::'::.,':.--.
-;:~;:..:~;...Of "aetidU....~~!,ted CIG,h,or .-.bout the _nt.·~:0 "o ".,'.::~~:"'.'......
;'tr:~;~;:~:~..~o.til 1If,~h,at tM nqaaet or directiOGf:::~,_..~-McI __of lelby/t'Ofal.
.:y\,.:,'/'>"t.VaU Ciq.aft4 lelby/t'Ofel ~ree,ADd acknovledge...;.\:~.<::~..
'.,.,"Ulat ..b_t ADd 1JIFoZ:-co...__n u sbAll inure to the belMltit
aucceaaors ~nd ~s.i9n••
I .•.
Pr CSh!c-nt
A Color~d o cor ?Or ~tlon
s rl.HY:'j"\Wl:L
Thia .....,nd...mt aMll not be effective until
Thia Amendment ahall bind a nd inure to the
benefit of the partie••their heir.,personal rcprcscntuti vcs,
iA Ctlloc.-do aDd ahall be 90YUrDcd and controlled by Coloudo
ex.<:ute"J by all of tbc parti".named 0010"01.
IN WITNESS WHEREOf,the partie.have ex ec ut ed this
Aacndmcnt as of the day and yc~r first above Wrltt ene
·;~~¥l~~~TI ~_,.,_,7tT~~,~\Wgt~~r1l~!~~~~~t #
atpl Qta .be.RIA"Aa4~.UWi~~l'""'·aDd prot-hi"".hoceof ,.'.:\=';-.'-"'.'i ,'-<:.::--.~:,:.:~,:·i,;~-:,,~w·'it~}0~~':,<i::·.<.:,~·~',:!.\:.'.~:..'...::,'~_.._~..':~::~
.uJ.1 be J)J.A4!6g lIPOO~aA4 :_torcu&blCl Ail-bat 11;upon Ie.'0 .::'~':;:
11.ftia ...............nt ·a!wll too d<.-c..,cl to too e"..cuted
A ,....r t
S <.:i .Olll...·,r I;
p"')"11 8 01
rc corJs •.s.1
as foll o ·...·s :
S .l:..J :
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s a i d Lot ~
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7 0.CO !:.:
«4 0.J 0 f ~:
Ck:'J1 :"'.:'1 :-••.r ,
'ftle fOtlH)Oi"9 "-a"....nt to Reci proca l Ope ration,~D~,ADd E.ae.ent Aq~nt Vas a cknowl edged bat vr~
-by Jeffrey B .Selby and Richard II .Tofel,on th is .....::.::...::
dAy of C!..~.,1971.
~ar hand and official .eal.
.-.--~J et.~!S4iJ
A.i".;act of'Lot :!-A."~~Uh..tl v i s i on of Lo t :!.Vall DJ.s
Schon-c,rilul.'l Sc ,3•.l..".Wiv is,l o :-.r oc o r dc d i :1 b oo ;:':5 2 ~t.
PAIoJ":118 o!th~L.:lgh:Cou:1t.i',cc I c r.s.ro ,C h r r;';'a nd k ':':Col-';;,'r I 3
rt:C'Qrds.5.JiJ t ,.lrt ;)f .:A t 2.-n bc iJ:g r.\Ort.:l-ar t i cu Ler Ly c...-s cr i bc d
..s !ollo~·s.
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C:·,'::aonlx W ::......~.J.l J ;...o i n t a t s c c \~':J ~==':.~,:~:..:t ~:"'·~$t ,-=r li·e'er:..r of'
a....:.1 Lot 2 -~\:t;:...·:-•-:...r ,S ':j 'Q r.."3S"l .•f:.;.:-,:.:j :.1".,:!..:...~t (.:r li·1 .::.....c~
....io Lot 2-;\•..I J.i ::>t ~:.c c ~~1 ,J .:·~!.•..':.t c.~L ....·:1":.0-:'-r C1r.t .:;::~
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To/s Pia l approved h!l Ihe Board or COM 'fhi5~;;,:;fa!!of JUl"#c.---
Clerk ana'"f'.!'c oraer of Ea91e Counl!/and i
puiJ //c ded/cahons shown hG'reon /StLb/e(
no w a!l obligales Eagle Cavnr!/{"or I "/nanc .
017 lands,sl-reels or I!?osetnenls eled/cal
/I't'cally aflreed fa by Ihe Board of Com m i.'
approval s/7<1 11 /n /7 0 Wt1!1 oiJ!lgale Eagle
eled/cared 10 Ihe puhlic vnl-II consfr t-
.sholl have heen cornplered fo Ihe sed
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1607 s .f.
288s .L
1895s .L
1277 s.f
2884 d.added
1607 s .f loss
749 s .L
2884 s .f .
S'5 5
~1 42
~l 96
Landscape Added (S hownin g reen)=
Landscape Deleted (S hownin ye llow)=
Net Landscape Gain
Landscape A ddled (Shownin g reen)=
Lan dscape D elreted (S hownin ye llow)=
52 ,'J
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Ne t La nscape Loss---~o~r L S ITE LAN DS;CAPE G ArN:
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INY.IN(E)-59 .02
(TYP .)
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TOW EL -79 59 .48 l'HIGH 15 .72'""'-ENCLOSED TRUCK DOCK------...
BOW a .,-'7 9 52.95CURB -"""-'\.
86.66'2'WlDE Ul..I~--F .F .0 TRUCK DOCK DOOR1->-t-----~~~--=--.:.::.::....-tI'__r.~u.50 .60
MH RIM El.-79 43 .63
INY.IN (El -34.48
INY.OUT(W)-34 .4 3