HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 3 SAFEWAY GENERAL VARIOUS YEARS LEGALDep artment ofCommunity Development 75 South FrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 www.va ilgov.com Safeway Expansion NetNew Commercial Sq Ft for 1,903 A.Commercial Increase =Commercial Linkage Increase in commercial sqft =1,903 sq ft increase FILE COpy Commercial Linkage requirement =20 %of netnew employees generated 1,903sq ft /1,000 x2.4 employees (retail)x 20%,mitigation =.91(.9134)employees tobe provided deed restricted employee housing B.Mitigation for Commercial Linkage Fee-in-Lieu Provide afee-in-lieu payment to the Town of Vail of .91 employees x $131,385 =$119,560.35 The fee-in-lieu payment mustbe received priortooratthetime of building permit issuance. o RECYCLED PAPER TOWN OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-21 38 tAr 3 i !Iljt'i CU;vJ DEPARTMENT OFCOMMU NITY DEVELOPMENT Sd~"3 .F( NOTE :THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILDPERMT Permit #:B96-0330 Job Address: Location : Parcel No : ProjectN o.: 2171 NFRONTAGERDWESTVAIL SAFEWAY 2131NFRON TAGERD 210311415011 ?? Status ...: Applied ..; Issued ; Expire s: FINAL 10/21 /1996 10/31/1996 01/14/2003 License : Desciption: SAFEWAY EXPANSION 4460SF OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC AP -EXPENSE PO BOX 29089 PHOENIXAZ 85038-9089 License : CONTRACTOR RESOURCE CONSTRUCTION CO 10065 E HARVARD AVE #807 DENVER CO 80231 License :195-A APPLICANT SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC 10/21/1996 Phone: Ph W V/Comm.Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved ~l~~__ -"l "'0'eX:>amount 3 ';>, date 0/lq lOJ 12/31/1996 Phone:303-755-8070 12/31/1996 B2B2 II I-HR Type II I-Hour ?? Occupancy: Type Construction: Ty pe Occupancy: Valuation:$750,000.00 A dd SqFt:o Fireplace Information:Restricted :#of GasAppliances:0 #of GasLogs:0 #of W ood Pellet:0****************"'************************--*--*--********_11I·**FEE SUt\1M ARY ****u**********_******__*_..."'""'**__*__*__*_****** Building ->$3,34 0.00 RestuarantPlan Review->$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees->$6,664 .00 PlanCheck-->$2,171 .0 0 ORBFee >$400 .00 Add itional Fees--->$0.00 Investigation->$0 .00 Recreation Fee >$0.00 TotalPennit Fee--->$6,664 .00 Will Call----->$3 .00 Clean-upOepos it-->$75 0.00 Paym ents------->$6 ,664.00 TOTALFEFS----->$6,6 64.00 BALANCEOUE-->$0 .00 ************************************************"'*****************************************************lIr***"''''************************************* Approvals: IEem:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/21/1996 CHARLIE 10/31/1996 CHUCK Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10/21/1996 CHARLIE MOLLICA 10/22/1996 DOMINIC w/conditions Action :NOTE PLANS TO CHUCK Action:APPR Action :NOTE PLANS TOMIKE Action:APPR approved Item:056 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT 10/21/1996 CHARLIE 10/28/1996 JOHNG Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS 10/21/1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE PLANSTOMIKEM Action :APPR Action:APPR N/A??? See page 2ofthis Document foran y conditions that may apply tothis permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Iha ve read this application,filled out infullthe information required,completed an a ccurate plot plan,and state that alltheinf ormation as required is correct.I agree to complyw iththe information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and s tatelaws,and to build this s tructure according toth e to wns z oning and subdivision cod es,d e sign review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofth e Town applicable th ereto. REQUESTS FORINSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONEAT479-2149ORATOUR OFFICEFROM 8:00AM-4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B96-0330 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL asof06-18-2003 Status:FINAL ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILDPERMT Applicant:SAFEWAYSTORES46 INC Job Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location:SAFEWAY2131N FRONTAGE RD Parcel No:210311415011 Description: SAFEWAY EXPANSION 4460SF Conditions: Cond:CON0001525 The owner shall not store snow on-site and shall have snow hauled off-site after 3 inches of snow fall. Cond:CON0001526 The owner shall provide complete paving and drainage plans for Public Works approval prior to commencement of site work. Cond:CON0001527 The owner shall provide a gate to prevent vehicle accessto the loading area.The gate has not been approved and shall be approved by staff or the DRB prior to installation. Cond:CON0001528 The applicant/owner shall provide an agreement and funds (cash deposit or letter of credit to insure landscaping remains healthy fora period of three years from THE date of installation. Cond:CON0001529 The landscape area along the North Frontage Road must be redesigned to provide as much ofa berm as possible. Cond:CON0001530 The railing on the stairs from CHAMONIX must be painted to match the Trim color on the Safeway Building. Cond:CON0001531 The applicant!owner shall obtain approval forall parking lot lighting including poles and fixtures prior to installation. Cond:CON0001532 The applicant/owner shall provide a cardboard recycling container in order to recycle their own cardboard on-site. Cond:CON0001533 Fire sprinkler plans must be submitted for approval bythe Fire Department. Cond:CON0001534 Applied:10/21/1996 Issued:10/31/1996 To Expire:01/14/2003 Fire protection for hood system must be submitted tofire d ept.for approval. Cond:CON0001535 STRUCTURAL COLUMNS AND MAIN BUILDINGSTEELMUSTBE ONE HOUR PROTECTED. Cond:CON0001536 THE CONSTRUCTION MUSTCOMPLYWITHALLSTATE AND FEDERAL ACCESSABILITY REGULATIONS. Cond:1 (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ISREQUIREDBEFOREANY WORK CAN BESTARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 06 /18/2003 ********************************•••••••••••••**•••••*•••*••••*•••••*•••*••••••••***••••••**. TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-18-2003 at 15:47:38 Statement .****.*••••*****••*••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: REC-0233 Amoun t:$4 ,493.00 CK 11/14/1996 03:1 5PM Init :DS Notation :#2633 5 Permit No: Parc el No: Site Ad dress : Location: B96-0330 Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 210311415011 21 71 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL SAFEWAY 2131 N FRONTAGE RD Thi s Paymen t:$4,493.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $6,664 .00 $6 ,664 .00 $0 .00 ••••**••**•••••••••••••*•••••*•••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••**•••••*••***.*•••***.*** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code AD D2-DEP08 BP 00100 0031 11100 DR 00100003 112200 WC 0010000 3112800 De scription CLEANUP DEPOSITS BUI LDING PER MIT FEES DESIGN REV IEW FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Cur ren t Pmts 750.0 0 3.34 0.00 400 .00 3.00 Project Application Date _ <{1,·G4tj C t j /" 2)elt 1:'1 '(;1 ~)eu\ Project Name:-----......,..".~"'fY'------------------------- Contac t Person and Phone P roject Descript ion :--------""-.L..T+-'----------------------- Own er ,Address and Phone :------'-'=j-.......,<:.u..>T---------------------- Architect ,Address and Phone :_-====---_ Comments: LegalDe script ion :Lot Bloc k Filing ,Zone CcSf,L it?'Al&A 1Ib l's ~tl-- U"v't "01'-e-0j?jYt.;""...,J DesignReviewBoard Mot ion b y : Seconded by : Date __-+_-+-""'--_ DISAPPROVAL q -Q"'------------- Summary:---------.-----------,,-----;c---------------- o Staff Approval Date : ,,-----------------------------------~~~:T_°fi:.~/,£T<i",J.,u...:~"""--'---"'------ T-£7n '¢>Iann er b\S\~5 ..~-'. , .-----: 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 April17,1984 TO:SIGN APPLICANTS FROM:Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz,Planners RE:Sign Application Requirements officeof community development When applications for signs are submitted,the following information is requi red: 1.Site plan showing exact location wherethe sign is tobe located. 2.Photographordrawing showing the building and where sign is tobe located. 3.Exact design of sign (oneor more ofthe following) (a)scale drawingor rendering (mustbe colored exactly assign will -be) (b)thesign itself is made (c)photograph if sign is made FEE:A $20 .00 application fee will be required at timeof application. Cover) Application Number __ SIGN APPLICATION Phone --------- Date --=-t~'--""'-"""--- Name of project ~<:~~;~,~~f~~v~~~~r-------------- Name ofPerson Submi tti ng D.t ~~ Locationof Project $c-J.W>41/1-i / Description of Project -----~~-~'t~~~--------------------------- Fee Pa i d __ The following information is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approvalcanbegiven. Signsubmittal fee is $20.00. A.Sign Ma ter ia1 .;......::~'-'-'-''''''-_ <WtC vr l-k dDescriptionofSign__~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~B. D.Conments A1 6 Me>'!.~-=6 .j .~"'f' A GJ ;")1 '~e.e11 I ""-t5'tl d "+i:A Mnc l 'e&.,.0 . ,.)-0V1...A.,~on or-S /11 .rr e:.I (.vl "-C(/ll j ~/ (a.0 e <I ?JY (,";'..9-(<(rs)~.e....,t:J\;v,...ov-<"(;,ic -f D('(_~I ~ MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Administrator 1.Site Plan ,----,-----2.Drawings showing exact location 3.Photographs showing proposed loc~at~i~o~n----- 4.Actualsign 5.Co 1oredscal-e-d"r-aw-i'--n-g~_ 6.Photograph ofsign_ Approved for ORB Submittal Disapproved for ORB Submittal ------- Sig n Administrator box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 office of the town manager Site Visits: 1 :00 p.m. #4 #3 #1 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENOA June5,1985 I.Call Meeting toOrder II.Roll Call,determination of quorum III ..Agenda Items 1.Vistabahn Express,LandscapingandDrainage 2.Robins Residence Addition,Lot27,Block7, Vail Village 1st Filing -154 Beaver Dam Road 3.Safeway Sign Application,Val das Schone Site Visits: #2 • ORB June5,1985 -2 4.David I rw inEstate,Lot 46 Glen Lyon (new residenc e,conceptual review) New Busine s s: OldDusine ss: MEMBERS PRE SEN T: r1E r·1BER S ABSENT : STAF F PRE SENT : ST.l\FF APPROVA LS:Ha nkResi den ce,window addit ion Lot4,Block1 Vai 1 Vi ll age8th PREPARED6 /1 9/03,1 2:34:48 PROGRA MMR415 U Town of Vail CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSITREFUNDREPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODEDES CRIPTION 601 8 96-0330 Resour ce Cons truct ion DEP08 De p-Cl e an up D 2 TX-DATE 1 /12 /9 8 AJ -DATB 6 /19 /0 3 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 7 50 .00 DEPOS IT·ADJ AMO UNT 75 0 .0 0 ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 750 .0 0 - AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOME R TYPE : GRANDTOTAL: D2 75 0 .00 750 .00 75 0.00 750 .00 750.00- 75 0 .0 0- .0 0 .0 0 DEPOSIT COUNT: G/L BATCH CREATED: 1 BATCH-01945 2 0 03/06 USERID-MKOTWI CA AP HELD COUNT -1.00 AMOUNT -7 50 .00 TOWN OFVAI L D EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 NOT E:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON lOBSITE ATALLTIMES JobAddr ess : Location : Parcel No : Project No.: ADD /ALTC OMMBUILDPERMT 2171 N FRONTAGERD WE STVAIL 2 131N.FrontageRoad 210 31141501 I "t'"i-\303 -O ()~l Permit#:B03-0026 Statu s ...: Applied ..: Issu ed : Expires : ISSUED 03/26/2003 04/07/2003 10/04/2003 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC 03/26/2003 Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: CONTRACTOR Pioneer General Contractors,03/26/2003 Phone:806-622-3100 P.O .Box 7968 Amarillo ,TX 3850 Mack Road Amarillo,TX 79118 79114 License:268-A APPLICANT Pioneer General Contractors,03/26/2003 Phone :806-622 -31 00 POB 7968 Amari llo,TX 79114 License: Desciption: Replaceal uminumdoors ,new deli casesstarbucks Occupancy: Ty pe Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation : M II l-HR Type IIl-Hour ?? $233,000.00 AddSq Ft:o Fireplace Information:Restricted:#ofGas Appliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #ofWood Pellet:0 ..."'....'"'"**"'..'"'"'"**...***.."'...."'..'"****....'"'"'"**'"ill '"**......*..**..'"**..'"**'"*'"'""'.."'..'"*FE E SUMM ARY *.***..**....."'.*'"****"'•••*.****.........***'"**....."'..'""'...*....***..."'....."'...*'"** Building---->$1 ,738.55Restuarant PlanReview->$0.0 0 Total Calculated Fees->$2,87l.6 1 PlanCheck-«>$1,13 0.06 DRB Fee---·..----------->$0.00 AdditionalFees------->$0 .00 lnvestigation->$0.00RecreationFee---·-..-->$0.00 Total Penn it Fee------->$2.8 7l _61 Will Call-···>$3 .00Clean-upDeposit------>$0 .00 Paymcnts-------------->$2 ,87l .6 1 TOTAL FEES··..·----->$2 ,8 7l .61 BALANCE DUE·------>$0 .00 ************••t***••••••**••••************************••****••**********••*•••*••••***••••••*•••••••••••••••••tt.",.+-*••••*•••••••••••****.***.*** A ppr ovals: Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 3/27/2003 cdavis Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/03/2003 ao Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit#:B03-0026 CONDlTIONS OF APPROVAL as of 04-07-2003 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** PermitType: Applicant: Job Address: Location : ParcelNo: ADDIALT COMM BUILD PERMT Pioneer General Contractors,Inc. 806-622-3100 2171N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 2131N .Frontage Road 21031 1415011 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 03/26/2003 04/07/2003 10/04 /2003 Description: Replace aluminum doors.new delicases starbucks Conditions: Cond:I (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:CON0005760 Health Deptannent inspection and approval required prior to occupancy Cond:CON0005761 Power-operated doors must comply to97 UBC--sec.1003.3 .1 .2 See attached document onfieldplans ***.*••******************••****.******************************************************************************************.********************** Seepage2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayapplytothispermit. DECLARAnONS [hereby acknowledge that[havereadthis application ,filledoutinfullthe information required ,completed an accurate plotplan , andstatethatallthe information asrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocomplyw ith all Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobu ild thisstructure according tothetowns zoning and subdivision code s,designreview approved ,UniformBuildingCodeandother ordinances of theTown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FORINSPECT ION SHALL BE MADE TW ENTY-FOUR HOURSIN A DVA NCE BYTELEPHONE A7 49 ORATOUR OFFICE FROM &:00 AM -4 PM. ~Jc,-\.l B,-~l t'. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWN EF ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R0 30003760 Amo unt :$2,871.61 Check 04/07/200310:07 AM Init :DDG No tation:Pioneer General Contractos 2011 Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address : Location: B03-0026 Type:AD D/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 210311415011 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 2131 N.Frontage Road This Payment:.$2,871.61 To tal Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $2,871.6 1 $2,871.6 1 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accou nt Code BP 00 100 003111100 PF0010 0003112300 WC 00 10 000 3112800 Descripti on BUI LDING PE RMIT FE ES PLA N CH ECK FEE S WILL CA LL INS PECT ION FEE CurrentPmt s 1.738 .55 1.130.06 3 .00 PIONEER GEN CO ~~.03 /25 /2003 ..----- APPLICATION 755.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 General Contractor: l'QV"leec-(;g~ Email address: t· ~!l.02l00:} UNSI 3 C',,'1-.•1 t #:_.(lev'T .Builng Pennit #:""",,'~--'_ ~) Contractor Signature:"~"Q COMPLETE VALUATiONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$i74.ooo.~..ELECTRICAL:s acr,OOO .:s:OTHER:s PLUMBING:$IS ooo.~..MECHANICAL:s 5,000.~TOTAL:$2~3JOClO.-~,. For Parcel #Contact EaIeCoun Assessors Office at 9 ~~ I ~\o:=,\1~\S <D \\ Architect/Designer: No(). New ()Addltion'( neName:~. Legal Description Engineer..· WorkType:Interior ()Q.Exterior()Yes{ Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Two-family ()Multi-family(Commercial ()(l Restaurant ()Other() No.of existing Dwelftng Units inthis building: £Otbe r~E ees~::)t!..',t~-r;:~.~·~,*:~~~7:~~;~~:;~~~~ ·:':O RB".~E.ees :~~:·:·;'~~.;\:.>~~£·:_~~-;i~~·~~~{;~/.·~t~n;i .puhlic'....-..'<"';~""~'l';~'::;.;< .No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building: Wood/Pellet 03 /25 /2003 15 :04 FAX 8066223803 PIONEER GEN CONT .lal 003 /003 -_.--- Questions?Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Suilding Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development ~,~~?\~<R"(""~~\'O~V-• ci\;:,\·No ......"'\+-.£'£"S?Y"-'"\-a.ge.'~o Project Name:----=:====~~=;..;..---.;=..:..:;;..;..:==~c...=.:.-==..:....::=-------:--- Project Address:_-=:..l...:o~_~-=;:"":'''':''';'.......l~..s:!:~=~~'''='':::=~_ ~This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit aoolication Is accepted. ~AII pages of applicationIscomplete o Has ORB approvalobtained (if required)Provideacopy of approvalform CI /condominiumAssociation letter ofapprovalattachedif project isaMulti-Familycomplex 0"Completesiteplansubmitted ··, o PublicWayPermit apptcatlon included if applicable (refer to PublicWorkschecklist) a Stagingplan induded (refer to PublicWorkschecklist)No dumpster.parking or material storage allowed onroadwaysandshoulders without written approval . oAsbestos test andresults submitted If demolition isoccurring c Architect stampandSignature(AllCommercialandMultifamily) ~Full floor plans induding buildingsectionsandelevations(4setsofplansforMulti -Family and Commercial) ~W i nd ow and d~r schedule c Fullstructuralplans,includingdesigncriteria(ie.loads) c StructuralEngineerstampandsignatureonstructuralplans(AllCommercialandMultiFamily) o SolisReportmustbesubmitted prior tofootinginspection c Fireresisnveassembliesspecifiedandpenetrationsindicated CJ Smokedetectorsshownonplans oTypesand quantity offireplacesshown Applicant's Signature:_"';"'-'-=~:=!==-~.:::=2~~:::!:::!:=~_ Date of submittal:()3-2 $-Q3 Received By:~. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BEPOS TED ONJOBSITEATALLTIM ES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #:E03-0016 Job Address: Location : Parcel No : Project No: 2171N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Safeway 2 10311415011 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Exp ires..: ISSUED 03 /27 /2003 04 /07 /2003 10/04/2003 03/27/2003 Phone:OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596 -4349 License: CONTRACTOR JBI ELECTRICALSYSTEMS,INC.03/27/2003 Phone:(817)589-1545 5705 Azle Avenue Fort Worth,Tx 76114 License:325-E APPLICANT JBI ELECTRICALSYSTEMS,INC.03/27/2003 Phone:(817)589-1545 5705 Azle Avenue Fort Worth,Tx 76114 License:325-E Desciption : Valuation : Installnew Starbucks Kioskandrework electrical inDeli $30 ,000.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Electrical---->$540 .00 Total Calculated Fees->$54 3.00 DRB Fee---->$0 .00 Additional Fc'Cs----->$0.00 Investigation->$0 .00 Tntal Permit Fcc--·>$543.00 Will CaU---·>$3.00 Paymen15 --------->$543.00 TOTALFEES-->$543 .00 BALANCEDUE--->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A pp rovals: Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 03/27/2003 Cdavis Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Subject to Field Inspection CONDITIONS OF APPROV AL Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••**.*•••••••••• DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowled ge that I havereadthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required ,completed an accurate pl ot plan , and s tatethatallthe information as required is correct.Iagreeto comply withthe information andplotplan ,to comply withall Town ordinances and s tatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothe towns zoning and subdi vision cod es,de sign review approved ,Uniform Build ing Code andoth er ordinances of th e Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECT ION SHALLBE MADETWENTY·FOUR HOURSIN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICEFROM8 :00 AM-4 PM. f-Yc,(\B'-('e ,.../ SIG NATURE OFO WNER O R CO NTRACTORFORHIM SELFAND OWNEF *****.****.*********************************************************••••*.***••***.********* TOWNOF VAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R03 0003762 Amount :$543.00 Check 04/07/200310:14 AM Init:DDG Notation:Pioneer General Contractors,2011 E03 -0016 Type :ELECTRICALPERMIT 2 10311415011 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Safeway Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : This Payment:$543.00 Total F e es: Total ALL Pmts: Balan ce: $543.00 $543.00 $0.00 *********************••********************************************************************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Ac cou nt Co de EP 00 100003 11140 0 WC 00100 00311 2800 Descr ipt i on TE MPORA RY PO WER PERMITS WILL CA LL INSPECTION FEE Cur rent Pmt s 540 .00 3.00 MAR-27-2003 THU 07:58 AM JBI ELECTRIC I"l=lR 26 '03 15:05 FR VAIL Sl=lFE\JAY FAX NO.817 625 6695 970 476 1095 TO 18176256695 p,02 I~ CONlltACTOR INFORMATION Contzet lind Pne #'5 : i.t!.c>~i..,,.~.,.d {S'17)5.?t/-/$/, COMPLETE SQ.fEET FOR NEW BUIlDS and VAWATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor.MaterialIs) IAMourrr Of SQ FTIN STRUCTtJRE:(,~'QD t I E1.ECTPICAL VALlJAilON:$$30/poQ.DC I t:ontxt 'Ie CQu..e,tJl'$7f!LIIt~7(J..3za.8Htl or vI6It ....-,.'''v,com Itw PIIfQ/# Parcel.j.1(;J.3/,1V/S~/7 Job Neme:s;,~~#"&.31 Job Address:h-1.2..e,.",I~J?/A/,"""0 ~I Description I Lot:.s 18Iock:AlA-I flUng:,:g SUbdIvIsIOft;,v.f Owners Name:..f,.&4'"t,..3/Addrs:.tq.,....,~I./-.J tftJl/Z Phone':.s03-J'V.:J -7?~i EngIneer:ACldress:,Phone: Detailed clesaiptiQn of worte:$Ns#JI n.:.-w ShIr,J,u~:1 )t!Q,sI<..J ,.e,...."'".,~e..K1$';',1;"'9-eI~~k/I'"dd,: WorkCla$$:New()Addition ()Remodel (..{Repair ()Temp Power ()Other () Wor1c Type:Inrerlo1 (.-1"Exterior ()8ol;h ()Does lin EHU exist ~thiS Joat:ion:Ye$()No () Typ.of BIdII .:Sb'lQIIPramlly ()DUplelC ()/Io\I~ly ()Ccmmerdal (vf ~()Olhtr {} No .rJ exiStIng Dwelling Unitt in this buildIng:No.of Aaxln'Imodation Units In this buIlding: Is this for a hot tub:Yes ()No (vf Does II Fire AAtrm ExIst:Yes ()No ()I Dots it Fire Sprinkler SY5tem Elllst:Yes ()No() .......•,u·.···..·······....,,··..·..··..··FOR.OffICE USE ONLy..••..•..•••....•••••••....•••••••..••••••• 07126ll0ll1 MAR-27-2003 THU 07:58 AM JBI ELECTRIC FAX NO.817 625 6695 P.03 t1=lR 26 '03 15186 FR VAIL ~970 476 1095 TO 18176256695 1 Am,ndrnenttothgl,g9 H,E,C,Towp gfVall Ordinance 10-1-6, o Overhead services are not allowed in theTown of Vall. o underground services have to be in conduit (P.VC)from the transfonner to ttle electr1c meter,main dlscoMect swltch and to the first electrical dlstrlbudon Circuit breaker panel. c The main discoonect switch shall be located next tD the meter onthe exterior w!1I of the structure easily accessible. Q All undergrOlmd conduits lire required to be inspected befora back-Riling the trench. c In multl-h1mlly cIweInng unItS,no electrical WIring or reeder cables shaU pass from one unitto anottler.Common walls and spaces are accepted.. o 111111 cable (Romex)Is not allowed In commercial bulldl"9S or strt.JcbJres exceeding three (3)stories. o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 WIll be permitted WItti the Townof Vall. TOWNOF VAIL IiLECTRXCAL PERMU CiUIDEUN§ cAll Installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a ORB approval from planning.This applICation will oct be accepted without a copy of the ORB approval form attached (if applicable). c If thispermitis for Installation of an exterior hot tlJb or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30"above grade,youmust also obtaIn a building permit. t:l If this permit is tor installation of an exterior hot tub or spa onany edstlng deck or elevated platform, a stnJctural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concetltrated load.Please provide iii copy ofthe structural engineers wet stamped letteror drawing with this application, Q If thisis Zl remodel ina multl-famlly bullcilng witha homeowners assodatlon,a letter of permission from the association is required.. o If thispermit is fora Commercial space,two(2)sets of stamped dnlwings are required. t::J:f -..:<?-Cl.,3 Date SignedSig I have read and undtlr'S'Qnd the above. ~~,,/ If you have any questions regarding the abOve Information or have additional questions, please contact the Town ofYail EJec:tric:a1 Inspector at 970~479-2147,The inspector can be reached on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday mornings between the houn of Sam and gam,You may also leave iI voice man Bnd lbe inspector will call you back, TOW N OF VAIL FIR E DEPARTM ENT 75S.FRONTAGEROAD VAI L,CO816 57 9 70-479-2135 VAIL FIREDEPAR TMENT N OTE:T HIS PERMIT M UST BEPOST ED ON JO BSITEAT AL LT IMES Job Address: Locati on : Parcel No : Proj ectNo: S PRINKLERP ERMIT 2171 N FRONTAG E RDWEST VAIL 2131 N .Fronta ge Road 2 103 I14150 II f(".;ro>.OOl..~ Penn it #: Sta tus ...: Appli ed ..: Issued ..: Ex pires ..: F03-0012 ISS UED 0 5/02/2003 05 /05/2003 10/29/2003 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEKCA 94 596-4349 License: CONTRACTOR ALLIANCE MECHANICAL P.O.BOX 1855 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:552-S APPLICANTALLIANCE MECHAN ICAL P .O.BOX 1855 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:55 2 -S Desciption:ADD 2 HEADS IN COFF E SHOP Valuation :$2 ,500.00 05/02/2003 Phone: 05/02/2003 Phone:970-328-0303 05/02/2003 Phone:970-328-0303 Action:AP Note:same day review and approval.Mixed be resolved by replacement of quick response heads with **•••*••••••******•••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**••••FEESU ~~AR Y •••••••••••••••••••••••*****•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*** Mechanical->$6 0.00Restuaranr Plan Review->$0 .00Total Calculated Fees--->$7 8 .00 Plan Check-->$1 5 .00 ORB Fee---->$0.00 AdditionalFees---->$0 .00 Investigation->$0.00 TOTALFEES>$78.00 TotalPennitFee---->$78 .00 Will Call--->$3.00 Payments----->$78.00 BALANCEDUE---->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/02/2003 McGee ceiling of store must standard heads . C ONDITIONOF A PPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D ECL ARATIONS Ih erebyac knowledgethatIhave read t his a pplication,filledoutin fullthe information required,co mpleted a n ac curateplot plan, and statethatallthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreet ocomplywiththe information andplotplan ,to complywithall T ownordinances andstate laws,andto buildthi sstructure according tothe t owns zoning and subdivision codes,designreview approved ,Uniform Building Codeandothe r ordinances of theTown applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBEMADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURSINADVANCEBY TELEPHONE AT479-2135 FROM 8,00 AM-5 PM.~~ SIGNAl OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNEF ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method : Mechanical R030003911 Amount:$78 .00 Check 05/05/200301:06 PM Init :LC Notation:~6~/Alliance ,:-'til L-1 F03 -0012 Type:SPRINKLERPERMIT 2 10311415011 217 1 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 2131 N .Frontage Road Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location : This Payment:$78.00 Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $78.00 $7 8.00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Accoun tCode MP 00 1000 03 1113 00 PF 00 100003 112300 WC 00 1000 03 112800 Desc r i ption MECHAN ICAL PERMIT FE ES PLA N CHEC K FEES WIL L CAL L INSPE CTIO N FE E Cur rent Pmts 60 .00 15 .00 3.00 TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT 75 S.FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL,CO816 57 9 70-479-2138 NOTE :THISP ERMIT MUST BE POS TED ON JOBSI TEATA LLTIMES JobAddre ss: Location: Parcel N o : ProjectNo: PLUMBING PERMIT 2I 71 N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Safeway 210 31 14 I 50 11 Permit#: Status...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Ex pires ..: P03-0007 ISS UED 03/27/2003 04/07/2003 10/0412003 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC 03/27/2003 Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 2 00 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License : CONTRACTOR FRANK'SREPAIR PLUMBING INC.03/27/2003 Phone:(806)355-5697 4112 N .W.lOth Amarillo,Texas 78106 License:302-P APPLICANTFRANK'SREPAIR PLUMBING INC.03/27/2003 Phone:(806)355-5697 4112 N .W.lOth Amarillo,Te xas 78106 License :302-P Desciption:P lumbing workfor Slarbucks Kiosk Valuation :$10 ,000.00 FireplaceInformation:Restricted :"?#ofGa s A ppliances:'!'#ofGas Logs :??#o fWood Pallet :?" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••FEESU~~ARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Plurnbing-«>$150 .00 Restuarant PI.n Review->$0.00 Total Ca lculated Fees-->$19 0.50 PI.n Check->$37 .50 DRS Fee------>$0 .00 Additional Fees-->$75 .00 lnvcstigation->$0 .00 TOTAL FEES----->$190 .50 Total Penn it Fee-·-->$265.50 Will C.II-->$3 .00 Paymenls -·---->$265.50 BALANCE DlJE--->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/27/2003 Cdavis Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Subject to field inspection CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS Ihereby ack nowledgethatIha ve read th is appli cation,filledoutinfullthe informationrequ ired,completed an accurate plotp lan, andstatethatalltheinformationas required iscorr ect.Iagree tocomplyw iththeinform ation andplotplan ,tocompl y w ith all Town ordinances and statelaws,andtobuildthisstructure according tothetownszoningand subdivis ion cod es,d esign review approved,Uniform Building Codeandotherordinan ces of th e Town applicable ther eto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSHALL BE MADE TWENTy -ro UR HOURS I R 0y-~C;~y B L 7;:C:~A;;:t2149 ORATOUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. S IGNATURE OFO WNER O R CON TRACTORFOR HIMSELF AN DO WNEF ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R030003761 Amount:$265 .50 Check 04/07/200310:12 AM Init:DDG Notation:Pioneer General Cont ractors 2011 P03-0007 Type:PLUMBING PERMIT 210311415011 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Safeway Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment:$265.50 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $265 .50 $265 .50 $0.00 ***************.*.***.********************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Accoun t Code CL 001 00003 123000 PF 001000 031 12300 PP 00 100003111 200 WC 00100 003 112800 Descr iption CONTRAC TOR LICENSES PLAN CH ECK FEES PLU MB ING PERMIT FE ES WILL CA LL I NS PEC TION FEE Cur rentPmt s 75.00 37 .50 15 0 .00 3.00 MAR 26 2003 4:16PM FRANKS REPAIR PLUMBINGIN 806 372 2260 p.9 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN~ED ~""0.1'\n Project #:~""O~-....01-1 f • Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #;-PO'3-0007 ~970479-:1149 (Inspections) TOWNOPY.4IL TOWNOFVAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION TownofVail Re~o .:ContactandPhone#'s: 30;1.~t-'~u l,};llbw-k (~J J~S'69 COMPLETE VALUATION FORPLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) ~PLUMBING:$10/000 Contact Eagle Countv Assessors Office at 970-328·8640 or visit www.eaale-cnnntv.com for Parcel # Parcel #2J03 JJ'-I 1S-0/J II'" JobName:5<tk~-#63//¥6-:/DAS ~.J JobAddress:2 .AI Fi ~~,/2.aJ.r)J ."'0....e 0 LegalDescrIption II Lot:'3 II Block:Nile II Filing:3 I Subdivision:.AlIA Owners Name~M.~(;,:4.r.Address :b'fOD 5',Yo~·Ie.'iOJ/2.Phone(30J)F/l.f1-77~1 Engineer:I Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork: WorkClass :New()Addition ()Alteration (.,('Repair()Other() Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex()Muill-family ()Commerc ial (.,;(Restaurant ()Other() No.ofExistingDwellingUnits inthisbuilding :II No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuild ing: Isthisaconversionfromawoodbumingfireplace to anEPAPhaseIIdevice?Yes()No() ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..········FOR OFACEUSEONLV···········..•..••..•••••••••••••••••••• 07/2412002 MAR 26 '03 15 :12 806 372 2260 PAGE.09 l • >• I• }......:tL.J I ') ~r 1 t •Iv,) 1m·' P s -r-oJ , •In .. 1 : C It ~F'",,;: "'n~'l OF VA IL ,~~.FhONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 9 7 0-4 79-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THIS PERM IT MUST BEPOSTEDON JOBS ITE ATALLTIM ES ADD/ALTCOMM BUILD PERMT Permit #:B 98-02 96 Job Addres s:2171 NFRONTAGE RD Location ..~FE WAY STO ~:J131 Parcel No ..:2 1 03 -11 4 15 -011 Proj ect No.: WEST Status .... NF RONApplied ..: Issued ...: Exp i res ..: ISS UED 09/2 9/1998 09/29 /1 9 98 03/28/19 99 Description: F''mnOF B.UR.SAME AS EXISTING CR 303-288 -263 5 303 -288 -26 35 Phone: 80022 Phone: 8002 2 DIABLO BLVD 250 ,WA LNUT T OV/Comm.Dev. Clean-up DepositRefund appr oved -J~~------ am ount '::>O~ViJ_)__ dat e =:i@il65 Sq Ft:Add B2 Type V 1-Hour 104,000 B2 V1 -HR EARLF .DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE,COMMERCE CITY CO EARL F.DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE,COMMERC E CITY CO SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC %COMPREHENSIVE PROPERTY TAX,1850 MT Valuat ion: Occupancy: fype Construction: Type Occupancy: OWNER CONTRACTOR AP PLICANT Fireplace Informat ion:Re stricted :HOf GaB Appl ianceo :#Of Gae Loge :#O f Wood/Pallet : f ui ld:.n g -----> Plan Check---> Investigation:> will c all ----> 7 5 6.00 491.40 .00 3 .00 Restuarant Plan Revi ew --> ORB Fee-----------------> Recre ation Fe e ----------> Clean-Up Deposi t --------> TOTALFEES--------------> .00 .00 .0 0 500.00 1,750.40 To tal Cal culated Fees ---> Addi tion a l Fees---------> Total Pe rm it Fee--------> Payments ----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 1 ,75 0 .4 0 55 .00 1,8 05 .4 0 1,80 5 .4 0 .0 0 Division: PUB WORK Division: BUILDING Division : PLANNING Division: FIRE Dept : DAVIS Dept: Dept : conditions Dept : Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/29/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPRCHARLIE Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/29/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/29/1998 CHARLIE Action :APPR see Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/29/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR n/a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ee Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that ma y apply to this p e rmit . DECLARATIONS Ih ereby a cknowledget hat I have r ead thi s application,filled out in ful l the i nformat ion required ,comp leted a n accurate pl o t pl an,an d state that al l the informat ion provided as required is c orrect .I agree to comply with t he i nformati o n a nd p lot pla~, to comp ly with all Town ordinances a nd state laws,a nd to bui ld t h is structure accord ing h eTown's zoni ng a nd subdivis ion c o d ~s ,des ign review approved,UniformBuil di ngCod e and oth er o rdinances of the To wn cable t hereto . OWN ER REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA LL B E I-1ADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS I NADVANCEBY T E~L~E;PH;O~N~E~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P:-1 Send Clean -Up Deposit To :DOUGLASS ROOFING ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B98 -0296 as of 09/29/98 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT "1 II icant:EARL F.DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 303 -288 -2635 Job Address: Location:SAFEWAY STORE 2131 N FRONTAGE RD Parcel No:2103-114-15-011 Description: REROOF B.UR .SAME AS EXISTING Applied:09/29/1998 Issued:09/29/1998 To Expire:03/28/1999 Conditions: 1.FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIREDBEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 .FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3.ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAPTER 32 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**••**••••••**•• TOWN OFVAI L,COLORADO S ta.temnt ......•.............................................•.•......... S t atemnt Nu mber :REC-0456 Amoun t: P a}~ent Me thod :CK No ta tion:9911 1 ,805.40 0 9/29 /96 14 :22 Init :JR Pe rmit No :B 99 -0296 Type:A -COMM ADD/UT COt-I ~BUILD P Parce lNo :21 03 -114 -15 -0 11 Si te Addre ss :2171 N FRON TAGERD WE ST Locat ion :S AFEWAYSTORE2 131 N FRONTAGERD Tot al F ee s : This Payme:'l t 1,805 .40 Total ALL Pmts: Bala n c e: 1.80 S.4 0 1 ,8 05 .4 0 .0 0 Account Code Desc rip tion Amo unt bP J OIOOOJ3111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 7 56 .0 0 P F 0 0100 00 311 23 00 PLAN CHECK F EES 4 9 1.40 .n {'oI0 ,H 1 2JOOO CONTRACTOR LICENSES 5 5 .0 0 AD D2 -DEPOB CLEAN UPDEPOSITS 50 0 .00 WC 0 01 0 00 031 12 8 00 WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 PREPARED 2 /2 1/03 ,15,43,06 PROGRAM MR41S U To.....n o f vail CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE CHARG E CODE DESCRIPTI ON TX-DATE AJ -DATE DEPOSIT AMOUNT DEPOSIT -ADJ AM OUNT ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT 12 37 B9S -0 29 6 Earl Douglass Roofi ng DEP08 DEPOSIT 02 9/30/98 2/21/03 500 .00 500 .00 500.00-.00 TOTAL FORCUSTOM ER TYPE:02 500 .00 500 .00 500.00-.00 GRAND T OTAL: DEPOS IT COUNT: GIL BATCHCREATED: 1 BATCH-OOS19 2 003/02 USERID ·MKOTWICA ,.. AP HELD 500 .00 COUNT- 500.00 1.00 500.00- AMOU NT- .00 5 00 .00 e e -·6•'::> '."-'...-,""'*Contact Eagle County Asse 5tf'at .Y70-328-8640 Jar Parcel ,I!.~ARCEL II:;;?l03-11 -I $-o f Office TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:/-29-98 PERNI T I' APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT ~~Y NOT BEACCEPTED ~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••; []-Building []-PlUmbing []-Electrical ]-Mechanfcal *-other ~':;.N,"" Job Name:SA Fc:!?LWJ'r=(S.TO~l.Job Address:Z 1.3/N .M .o.....r6Cd ~, 3 VI\I L.0 ....~S t-t)r.J.E-,F Il-..,N Co :S Legal Description:Lot Block Filing SU BDIVISION: 213/N.F-<'O Nv4-<ct.(?Q P ~?,J3)'Jyl-7~1 _____________Ph._Address: Address:Owners Name: Architect: Work Class:.[]-New []-Al tera,!=-ion [ Number of Dwelling'Units: * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet **********************.***********VALUATIONS ********************************,n (..,."":k ~'1~~8 /LI u ~BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$e'PH£R:$0 .000 - ;PLUMBING:$MEClLl>NICAL:$....If'E)'!'Mr:''$(.or cOOO ~ ;~~;~*********************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***********~**************; ;.<>AI ~o ntr a c t o r :~.....!=>V<:>-J ~lA-r!e~06M.;G::"Town of Vail Reg.NO.z..ooS :Address:7--2 ~t ~$""'1 ftl,8-,G>..............l..L<}C ."<a Si'.ooZ 1...Phone Number :1~)2~~-2.";{so:I ;;.'-.::; :.13GJ8 -0 ~9 Co,Electrical Contractor:.Town of Vail Reg.NO._ I Address:Phone Number: .Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor.: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number:'_ ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREl'.TION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments :_ V~])M 5~3 /oT'3 /5.¢2ev7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Commun ity Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2139 fa x:970 .479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us Project Name:~flf'c;WAV Project Description: ORB Number:DRB040583 REMOVE ANDINSTALLNEWSIDEWALK Participants: OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC 11/05/2004 Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: APPLICANTPioneerGeneral Contractors,11/05/2004 Phone:806 -622-3100 P.O.Box7968 Amarillo,TX 3850MackRoad Amarillo,TX7911879114 License: CONTRACTOR PioneerGeneral Contractors,11/05/2004 Phone: P.O.Box 7968 Amarillo,TX 3850MackRoad Amarillo,TX7911879114 License:268-A Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:210311415011 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:11/15/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochange s tothesepla ns may be made withou t thewr itten consent ofTown of Vail staff and/or th e appropriate revi ew comm ittee(s). Cond :O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnotconstitute apermit fo r building.Please consult w ith Town ofVailBuilding personnel pr ior to construction activit ies . Cond:20 1 I· Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review RECEIVED .Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 t el:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 .web:www.vailgov .com NOV 04 2004 TOV-COM.DEV. .: General Information: Allprojects requi r ingdesign review mustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuilding permitapplication.Please . refertothesubmittalrequirementsfor .theparticular approvalthatisrequested.A"applicationforDesign Review cannot beaccepted untilall required information isreceived by the Commun ity Development Department.The projectmayalso needtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or t he Plan ning andEnvironmen tal Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a buildingp ermitis issued and construction commences within oneyea r of the appro val. Des cription o f the Request: 5iiJ(!?UJtt./c A..) l oca tion of t he Proposal:LotLBlock:,_'__SU bdiViSion :]OJ Yo:>S Lo....'C....~_ ~AJUi(IG RrJ tUGSTPhysicalAddress:__~.LI_---,,-=--,---,---,=~"-L..=..J"'-"'~_-'-I<.:::-_,,,,".L=£L.._ Parcel No.:i \Q '3 \l "\\50 (((Contact Eagle Co .Assessor at 970-328-8640 forparcelno.)--;-- Zoning:G e..-.3--------------------------- Forconstruct ion ofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild . Foran addit ion wheresquarefootageisaddedtoany residential or commercial building (includes250additions &interior conversions). Forminorchanges tobuildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,windowaddit lons;landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc . Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand r etaining walls,etc. For revisions toplans alreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe Design Review Board. Plus $1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee $50 No Fee o Changes toApproved Plans o Separation Request o Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Type o f Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptua l Review o NewConstructio n o Addition ~n o r Alterat ion (m ulti-family/commercial) Name(s)of Owner(s):SA.6=u A '/-t-d Mailing Address:~2/31 r /1/£ro lllire vel ()esi .------,.----=------+W---;...-IPh0 'Y!:._ Owner(s)Signature(s):.teSP -SbkY L--rJ;]<:;L;-·Ao,Q"-l?£(]~--I2A-( Name of Applican t:l?ir)J)~£~{}o)ctl..AL~"I&At!T6&S'l iVe, MailingA ddress:AQ t3 6X ziiHPf 2UfC jttIY£!tLo~7Sx15 79/1'1 Phone:g(;>,cfZb -310D E-mail Address:Fax:3bC.0.2;1 ::3 eo "3 0/fY\.t~'fJ.I-hrv.. (~:s)1.f72 -(./<-~. Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 *****************************************************~************************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: GENERAL CONTRACTORS R040007060 Amount:$250.00 Check 11/05/200410:55 AM Init:JS Notation :#2002/PIONEER Permit No: Parce l No : Site Address : Location: DRB040583 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,Comm/Multi 210311415011 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL SAFEWAY STORE This Payment:$250.00 Total Fees: Tota l ALL Pmts: Balance: $250.00 $250.00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Acc ou nt Cod e DR 001 00003 112200 Des cr ipti on DESI GN REVIEW FEES Curr ent Pmt s 250 .00 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS , TOBUILDINGANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information:.s- This applicationisrequired forproposals involving minorexter ior alterations and/or site improv ements.Proposals toaddlandscapingdonot require DRB approval unlessthey involve theadditionofpatios,wat er features,grading,ortheadditionofretainingwalls. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS** '---0AllpagesofApplicationarecomplete "--0Checklistiscompletedandsigned ~StampedTopographicSurvey*,ifapplicable ~SiteandGradingPlan*,if applicable Landscape Plan *,ifapplicable ..a ArchitecturalElevations*,if applicable /' /0Exterior colorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications.1ft /(,If/II (eN ) /#Architectura l Floor Plans *,ifapplicable ~UghtingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures,ifapplicableaTitlereport,including Schedules A &Btoverify ow nership andeasements* _0Photosofthe exist ingsite andadjacentstructures ,whereapplicable. ii5'Writtenapprovalfromacondominium associa tion,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable Ji!Site-specific Geological Hazard Report,ifapplicable*. ';jff TheAdministrato r and/or DRB mayreq uire t he submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications,samplesand other mat erials (including amodel)ifdeemed necessarytodet ermine whetheraprojectw ill complywithDesign Guidelines orifthe intent oftheproposalisnotclearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies oftile materials noted withall asterisk (*). **For interiorconversionswithnoexteriorchanges.thesubmittalrequirements includea completeset of existingandproposedfloorplans,at itle report,andwr itten approvalf rom a condominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. Ihavereadand understand theabovelisted submittal requirements: Project Name:.5~1 y"'l----A Contractor Signature \L lli0-A-- DateSigned ,1 1-3 -6 /! Building Materials Roof Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorT rim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Retain ing Walls Exterior Lighting Other S \DE:.LUi\L (. PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name,thecolornameand number and attach acolorchip. SAFEWAYINC. 6900 S .YOSEMITE ENGLEWOOD ,CO80112 ·1412 (303)8 43·7600 P.O.BOX 592 7 T.A. DENVER ,CO 8 0217 October 22,2004 City of Vail Community Development Department Vail,CO ToWhomItMay Concern: Thisletterisbeingsent,as Pioneer General Contractors hasour consent,asthe Owner's Authorized Representative,toapplyforthe building permit andtoperformtheworkasit relatestotheSafewayStoreno.0631,locatedat 2I3I North Frontage RoadWestVail, Colorado. Please contact meat 303.843.7554 shouldyouhaveany questions orneedany additional information. Sincerely, DanielJ .Flori Construction Project Manager II,SafewayInc. Ce:MichaelBolton-Pioneer General Contractors (viafax 806.622.3803) PageI of I ~«\Rocyded'00 Paper 0631.ADA Compliance 0631.ADA Compliance 0631.ADA Compliance 0631.ADA Compl iance Ii,I ;i ~ i Ii, II ',I 1__1.. i II' I CONCRETE ~ PATTERN SI SAfEWA Y D ; .'+.--,-.......,J,--.:-.L ..--_ GAS --C) llill~ 43,993 sr. 37,397 SJ. 4.660 SF 1,936 sr. r'-.----·-~--:::;}r --------"- EXISTING PLAN TER GROSS FLOOR AR EA = 1STfLOOR = PROPOSE D ADDITION = MEZZ ANINE = «~~~,Jf te.t \UV 01""·S.'''''',~~~il Di1?~I,r_.E,',h~,I?~,.;,',~~(fI;(~IJ tu W~l ~ij it.~Ii if ~L~~u a~~_____..__,.__,__-"L ____~_ LW TRAN SfORMER ENQOSE D LOAD :N G DOCK I I I ......_--_/ DRA IN AGE FLOW UN E ->-- LOADING AR EA MASON RY SCREEN WALL 11 I f i'I ~'--6'CDNC.SIDEW LKLJFLUSHTOASPHLT a i PA VBIENT U'1"1•J I't-"1 r IH~I.,;--, ~"i.,d :'::1 I ! ! ".:. :Uc~\~~'S~3 k o -\-3 'l'OWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES "PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P97-0010 Job Address: Location ... Parcel No .. Project No. 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST NEW ADDITION 2103-114-15-011 PRJ96-0097 Status : Applied . Issued . Expires . ISSUED 02/12/1997 02/12/1997 08/11/1997 APPLICANT COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE Phone:9709459809 45705 HIGHWAY 6 &24,GLENWOOD SPRINGS,CO 81601 CONTRACTOR COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE Phone:9709459809 45705 HIGHWAY 6 &24,GLENWOOD SPRINGS,CO 81601 OWNER SAFEWA¥STORES 46 INC AP-EXPENSE,PO BOX 29089,PHOENIX AZ 850389089 Description:NTERIOR PLUMB REMODEL Valuation:48,000.00 >**********************************************************FEE SUMMAR Y ********************************************************** Plumbing----->720.00 Restuarant PlanReview -->.00 Total Caleu lated Fees --->903.00 Plan Check--->180.00 TOTA L FEES-------------->903.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Inves t i gat ion>.00 TotalPermit Fee-------->903 .00 lIil l Ca ll ---->3.00 Payments---------------->903 .00 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 .~**.***************************************************ti•••••*••••*•••••••••••••*••••*••••*••*••••••••••••***i••**•••••*.**.*••• BUILDING Division:Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/12/1997 CHUCK Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 02/12/1997 CHUCK Action:APPR Dept: Dept:FIRE Division: ,********************************************************************************************************************************* CONDITIONOF APPROVAL ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information p rovid ed as required i s correct.I agree tocomply with the information and plot plan, tocomplywith all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design re view appro ved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ~E Q U ES T S FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE~479 -2138 ~OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM /l~~~C!-/J~ SIGNATURE OF OW NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OIiNER ") ," \'" **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number :REC-0248 Amount : Payment Met hod:CHEC K Notatio n:#3221 903,00 02/12/97 14:46 I nit:LRD Permit No : Parcel No : Site Address: Location: P97-0010 Type:B-PLMB 2103-114-15-011 - "2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST NEW AD DITION PLUM BING PERMIT This Payme nt 903.00 Total Fees : To tal ALL Pmts: Balance: 903 .00 903 .00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 4 1311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 413 36 Description PLUMB ING PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FE E Amount 720.00 180.00 3.00 ( **6on ta ct Ea gl e Coun t y Asses s or s Off i ce a t 9 7 0-328 -8 64 0f or P a rc el II.TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERmT 11 _ lPAR CEL II :PERMITAPPLICATION FORM _))~J ar._/\/'\O? r dl03 ";ILj-/5~oll DATE:___r~70 UJ J APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••*•••••***•••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••*•••••*•••••••••••••••••••• [)-Building [)<J -Plumbing [)-Electrical [)-Mechanrcal []-Other _ /.fF.Re.,...~d<!-( Job Name:S',q,#eU '¢ly S:7'Me t~1 Job Address:7U31 MvdJ...H OA.lf·-=fe ~qr Legal Description:Lot Block Filing SUBDIVISION : Owners Name:Address:_____________Ph._ Architect: General Description: Address:Ph.----- JNJ/-A.I'Jl,Ie.~t-t.:r:1-.£'.,;/<$;r::-/{)O~j)J&l..I~f ~.2 lz-<14Kr Work Class:[)-New []-Altera~ion Number of Dwelling units:~/~ ~-Add i t i o n a l []-Repair []-other _ Number of Accommodation Units:#;I~• J-mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas APPliances_~GC!-s Logs -;-'/.4-Wood/Pellet A{I&- ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$._ PLUMBING:$if~()()J MECHANICAL:$-------TOTAL:$_ ~***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************~e ner a l Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor:Co l 'tl £/lLCl c PJl>9 S~Ji 'cil...T o w n of Vail Reg . Address:4~7or ~L t a'f r;::./4,..iv6 toL 5Hc.r e o cI/ho(Phone Number:I..:b:-L"'...r-<p.-o::a..--"'';-'-:-l::.'{pq.-,-0"")/0 Ro.u Sit/S .lj71> Mechanical Contractor:'U Town of Vall Reg. Address:Phorie Number: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICALFEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK yEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ,RECREATIONFEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:~ BUILDING:C~~, SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments :_ (CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO ~ 75 south frontage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 office 01 community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. by: Qn,, to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNI TY DEVELOPM EN T ()o--<-\.~C~~cn~ l o\S THIS PERM ITMUSTBE POS TED ON JOBSITEATALL TIME S JobAddress: Location: ParcelNo : Project No .: ADD /ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 2171 N FRON TAGE RD WEST VAIL SAFEWAYSTONE 210311 415011 PRJOI -0448 Penni!#:BOI-0373 Status...: Applied ..: Issued : Expires : APPROVED 11 /30/2001 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES46 I NC 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596 -43 49 License : CONTRACTOR SOLDOFF DEVELOPMENT P .O.BOX 3013 148 1 DEER BLVD AVON,CO 81620 License :684 -B APPLICANT SOLDOFF DEVELOPMENT P .O.BOX 3013 1481 DEER BLVD AVON,CO 81620 License:684 -B Descip tion: Finishexterior of Safewaybuildingwith culturedstone. 1 1/30/2001 Pho ne: 1 1/30/2001 Phone :9 70-748-9093 C390-7604 11/30/2001 Phone :970-748 -9093 C390-7604 Occupancy: TypeConstruction: TypeOccupancy: B V N ?? TypeV Non-Rated Valuation:$3,850.00 Add Sq Ft:o Fireplace Information:Restricted:#ofOas Appliances:0 II of a ..s Logs:0 #of WoodPellet:0 ........................................................................FEE Sl TMMARY "'•••••••••••••••• Bu ilding-e-e->$85.00 Restuararn PlanReview -s >$0 .00 Total Ca lculated Fee<->$163 .2 5 Plan Check-«>$55 .25 DRBFee------->$20 .00 Additional Fee<-->$0 .00 ln vestigation->$0 .00 Recreation Fee----·->$0 .00 Total Penni.Fee-·---·_>$163.25 Will C.II->$3.00 C lean-upDeposit..----..••$0 .00 PaymenL'·------·'$0.00 TOTALfEES---·-$163 .25 BAJ.ANCEDUE--·-$163.25...................................................................................................................................................... Approval s : Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/30/2001 JRM Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 1/30/2001 ao Action :AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS.................................................................................................................................................... See page2ofthis Document forany conditions that may apply tothis permit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application.filledoutinfullthe information required.completed an accurate plot plan,and stale thatallthe information asrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywith theinformationandplotplan.to comply withallTown ordinances and state laws ,andtobuildthis structure accordingtothe to\\TIS zoningand subdivision codes ,designreview approved, Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances of theTownapplicablethereto. REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION SHALLBEMADE TWEl'-IY·FOlJR HOURSIN ADVANCE Il Y T ELEPIIONEAT 479·2138 OR ATOllR OFFIC E FROM 8:00 AM·S PM. Send Clean-up DepositTo:~ PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit#:BO 1-0373 CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL asof12-05-200I Status :APPROVED ******************************************************************************************************** PermitType: Applicant: JobAddress: Location : .Parcel No: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT SOLDOFFDEVELOPMENT 970-748-9093C390-7604 2171NFRONTAGERDWESTVAIL SAFEWAYSTONE 210311415011 Applied:11/30/200 I Issued: To Expire: Description: FinishexteriorofSafewaybuildingwithculturedstone, Conditions: Cond:I (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVALIS REQUIRED BEFOREANY WORKCANBESTARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TOCHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:CON0005135 MustbeREALSTONE **••••*.*.*.***.**•••••••**•••**•••* *••***••*•••*••**••**.*.*••••••••••• *.**•••*••••*••••••• TOWN OFVAIL .COLORADO Statement .***•••••******•••••****•••••***•••• ••••••••**.**•••**.***•••*****••••** ••***••****••••***** Statement Number:R000001802 Amount :$85.5012/05/2001 11:15 AM Payment Method:Caah Ini t : DF Notation: Permit No :B01 -0373 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No:210311415011 Site Addreaa: 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: SAFEWAY STONE Total Feea: $85.50 Thia Payment:$85.50Total ALL Pmta:$85.50 Balance: $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••****••*** •••••••***••••••••••••••••*••••****• •••••**••••******••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 0010000311 2300 WC 00100003 112800 Des cription BU ILDING PERMIT FEE S PLAN CH ECK FEES WIL L CAL LINSPE CTI ONFEE Cu rrent Pmts 50.00 32 .50 3.00 J 90 -760 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical,pIg,mechani:etco'31 J CONTRACTOR INFORMATIO I), TownofVailReg.No.:Contact and~Ph=o=n=e=';#~'s=:==========;l cs -rJ C/'\GIVl C-e.,.7 Lf ~-ClQq 3 APPLICATION WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED'd,TO( Project #:17r-->J - Bu ilding Permit 'it:~ZO ~479 .-.214~.<t ns'''''R7"~ct-_."':";io"ra-!!-)--- ContractorSignature : ::..-.-- GeneralContractor: So ldoff .JJeve..lo I"\€Y\.-l- 75S.Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 81657 (b~~~~~~~==============~ )/ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labat &Materials) BUILDING:$~0 0 ICJn ELECfRICAL:$OTHER :$ PLUMBING:$IMECHANICAL:$I TOTAL:$I ~ro ..cb For Parcel #Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.esate-countv.com ~ar:cel ,#~10 3/It.fJSO 1/ (application will 'not beaccepteCt with-out~parcetm.imDe'r) ,_L So.:~vJc1.<..j ~9J -r e./"Vo<\.-r JobAddress:Cl IJ I N.-fy.1l~~~RJ·W~I'-Va.;I I Legal Description II Lot:3 "BlOCk:NA II Filing::5 II Subdivision:Va ',fJ 4 !)5"'cAtOHe1~~tew ~Co 'Address:Phone: Address:Phone:.Nit . I Engineer:Wit I Address:II : Detaileddescriptionofwork :~I,o Ou-r 4 11x4 11 3.-.e«--+tie-M ~k l'lor of €A"""1 -to Schl4?Ula.J.r,, repl<tce-w ,~c..rl'rol/'<cl P-G U::f rUJI't1N J (.d .4-r). nv,,,Class:New()Addition()Remodel (t>()Repai r ()Demo()Other() WorkType:Interior ()Exterior {(>(J'Both()Doesan EHU existatthislocation:Yes ()No() Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Two-family ()Multi-family ()Commercial (.;ii[Restaurant ()Other () ~ofExisting DwellingUnits inthisbuilding :Alit No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding: of Fireplaces Existinq:Gas Appliances ()Gas Loas ()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurnina() No/Tvoeof Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances ()Gas toes()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurninq(NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist:YesjA No()II DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist:Yesfj No()I **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************.************************ Date Received: Occupancy Group: Type of Construction: ORBFees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm j Other Fees: Quest ions?Ca llt he BU ilding Teamat 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development s c,A.w Ojt re --fY-w..t ;;h 3 \N\..fYa-A:ka ~e cJ.I'!bUL/,---=V:.....:<A<.>,.;Ic...l.1 _ Project Name:----------<;;J:.----'--=-----'------:-------_ Project Address: Full structural plans,includingdesign criteria(ie .loads) Structura l Engineerstampandsignature on structural plans(All Commercialand Multi Family) SoilsReportmu st besubmitted prior tofoo tinginspection Fireresistiveassemblies specifiedandpenetrations indicated Smokedet ectors shownonplans Typesand quantity offireplacesshown WkD ."I,.yo IVA-D fV/r8 tJkD ;v1'--0 t/)r6 ./This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. /Allpagesofapplicationiscomplete ,6 Has DRB approvalobtained(if required)Provideacopyofapprovalform f/A-0 Condominium Association letterofapprova l attached ifproject isaMulti-Family comple x )/k 0 Complete site plansubm itted tJ,k0 PublicWay Permit applicationincluded if applicable (refertoPublic Workschecklist) "';"-0 Staging plan included (refertoPublic Works checklist)No dumpster,parking or material storage allowed on roadways andshoulders without written approval Asbestostestandresults submittedif d emolitionisoccurring Arch itect stamp andsignature(AllCommerc ial andMulti f amily) Fullfloorplansincludingbuildlnqsectionsand elevations(4 setsofplansforMulti-Familyand Commercial) Windowanddoorschedule Applicant's Signature:--Soo====-_=,--"",,,,,,","""::;~~~--,-_ Date of submittal:_ Received By:_ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 ....... HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479·2139 Check all that applies. 1.Wh ich Departmen t(s)did you contact? Bu ilding _Environmental __Hous ing __Adm in _-_ Planning _-_ORB PEC _ 2.Was your initial contact with our staff immediate__slow __or no one ava ilab le ? 3.If yo u were requiredtowait how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project revi ewed on a timely basis?Yes I No If no ,why not?_ 5.Was th is your fi rst time to file a ORB app __PEC app __ Bldg Permit N/A 6.Please rate the performance of the staff pe rson who assisted you: 54321 Name:_ (know ledge ,respons iveness ,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.54321 8.What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Serv ice Cou nter?_ 9.Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime?-'--__ Thank you for taking the time to complete th is survey.We are committed to improving our service. WHEN A"PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLICWAYPERMIT": o Isthisanewresidence?YES,__NO t>< o Doesdemol ition workbeingperfo rmed require the useofth e Right-of-Way,easementsor publicproperty?YES NO,.."V>'''---_ Isanyutility workneeded ?YES,_ Isa different access neededtothesiteotherthantheexisting dr iveway ? o o o Ist he drivewaybeingrepaved?YES,__ YES__NO 1>< o o o Isany drainage wo /\ein g done that affects th eRight-of-Way,easements,orpublicprop erty? YES NO Isa"Revocab le Right-of-Way Permit"required?YES NO ~ Ist he Right-of-Way,¥ements orpu blic property tobeusedforstaging,parking or f encing? YES NO ~ If answer isNO,is ~rki ng,stagi ng o r fencingplan requiredbyPublic Works? YES NO ~ If yo u answere d YES t oanyofthesequestio ns,a"Public WayPermit"must beobtai ned . "Public WayPermit "appl ications maybeobta ined atthePublicWork'sofficeoratCommun ity Development (asampleis attached).If youhave any questions pleasecall LeonardSandovalinPublic Worksat479 -2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWER ED ALLTH EABOVE QUESTIONS. c::;,c;;-~~Sold o(.{-Kk 0oefY\e~+- ContractorSignature CompanyName JoborProject Name:S 'Q~<Y1 ('£.~~J- DateSigned:11/J ':?/0Ir/1 F:/e veryone/for ms/b ldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: ,.Fillouttheattachedchecklist withthe BUi lding Perm it Application. If yeswasansweredtoanyofthequestions thena"Public Way"permit is required .You canpickupanapplicationateitherCommunity Development,locatedat75SouthFrontage Road orPublicWorks,locatedat1309Elkhorn Drive. »Noticesign-offsfor utility companies.ALLutilitiesmustfie ld verify(locate)respective utilitiespriortosigningapplication.Some utility companies requireupto48hoursnoticeto schedule alocate. ;.;.Aconstruction traffic control/stagingplan must be preparedonaseparatesheetofpaper. Anapprovedsiteplanmayalsobeused.Thisplanwillshowlocations ofall trafficcontrol devices (signs,cones,etc.)andtheworkzone,(area ofconstruction,staging,etc.).This plan willexpire onNovember1standw ill needtobe resubm itted forconsiderationfor approvalthroughthewinter.Beaware th atyourresubmissionforwinter maybedenied dependingonthelocation ofconstruction. ;.;.Sketch ofwor k beingperformedmustbesubmitted indicatingdimensions(length,width . anddepthofwork).Thismay be drawnonthetrafficcontrol planorasiteplan forthejob. ,.Submitcompletedapplicationtothe Public Work'sofficeforreview.If required,locates will be scheduled fortheTownof Vail electriciansandirrigation crew.Thelocatesta ke placein themorning,butmayrequireupto48hourstoperform. ,.ThePublicWork'sConstructionInspectorwi ll reviewtheapplicationandapproveordeny thepermit.Youw ill becontactedastothestatusandanyrequirementst hat maybe needed.Mostpermitsare released w ithin 48hours ofbeing received,but please allow up toone(1)weekto process . }o As soonasthepermitisapproved,theBuildingDepartmentwillbenotified,allowing the "BuildingPermit"tobe released.Please donot confuse the"Public WayPermit"witha "BuildingPermit". ,.NOTE:The above process is for work ina public way ONLY.Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete.Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldpermS Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thispermitrequires aTownofVailFireDepartmentApproval,Engineer's (PublicWorks) reviewandapproval,aPlanning Departmentreviewor Hea lth Departmentreview,andareview bytheBuilding Department,theestimated timeforatotalreviewwilltakeaslong asthree(3) weeks. Allcommercial(largeorsmall)andall multi-family permitswillhavetofollowtheabove mentionedmaximum requirements.Residential andsmallprojects shouldtakealesser amount oftime.However,ifresidential orsmallerprojectsimpactthevariousabovement ioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,theseprojectsmayalsotakethree(3)weeksto reviewandapprove. Every attempt willbemadebythis department toexpeditethispermitassoonaspossible. I,theundersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureandtimeframe.Ialsounderstand that ifthepermitisnotpickedupbytheexpiration date,thatImuststillpaytheplancheckfee andthatifIfailtodosoitmayaffectfuturepermitsthatIapplyfor. Agreedtoby:(hMlf Sddoff Printname Signature . ProjectName:SQ.kw~-l~==fr<m;\- Date:\(b.3 (Q II) F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FORTOWNOFVAIL PUBLICWAY PERMIT 19 __ PW#:OO-D0 00 Parcel #:0 00 0 -0 0 0 -n 0 -0 00 Bldg.Permit #:lm 00 ~000 0 1.J ob Name StreetAddress Ma iling Addre ss O 0 0 0 (Ifun known ca ll 479-2136 ext.0) TOVContractor's LicenseNu mber REQUIRED City State Zip Phon e # 3 .Sta rt Date Co mpletion Date (Perm it Exp iration Date ) 4.Work isfor (circleone)Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp.SiteAccess Other,_ Depth _ TotalSF $_ TotalLF $_ TotalPerm it Fee $_ STBEONTHEJOBS ITE BEFORE THE enwor king onasphalt.. otec ted atalltimes. ulility locat ions andapp rovals.Onceallutility company uting applicationthr oughthePublicWorksoff ice toob tainthe owup toonewee k toprocess . Length _ Bond Amoun t $_ 5 .Trench-width _ (min .4 ') 6.ALL MATERIAL,EQUIPMENT,AND TRAFFIC CO JOBISSTARTED . 7 .Rubber out-riggers arerequ ired one xcav Asp halt surfaces underneath thebucta 8.As igna ture be low indicatesarevi signatures are obtained ,permittee necessaryTownofVail signatures . Pub lic Service Company (1-800-922 Public Se rvice NaturalGasGroup (1-800-922-1987)_ U.S.West(1-800 -922-1987)_ TCICab levision oftheRockies(1-800 -922-1987) Eag le River Water &San itation D istrict(970-476-7480,ext .114)_ HolyCrossElectric Company (1-800-922-1987)_ TownofVail Elect ricians (970-479-2158) Town ofVail Ir rigation(97 0-479-2158) TownofVail PublicWorks Construction In spector(970 -479 -2198 ) 9.THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traff ic cont rol p lan mustbe approved bythe Public Works Department pr ior t o issuanceofthepermit.'." 10.All excavation mustbedoneby handwithin 18 "ofutilit ies -(Senate B ill 172). 11.Permittee mu st contact PublicWorks Department at479-2198 24hourspriorto commencing ofwork .Fa ilure tonot ify theTownwillres ultinforfe iture ofbondmoney.Scheduled inspectionswhic h arenotreadymayres ult intheTown charging the contractor areinspectlon fee. 12 .Ice rtifyt hatI havereadall chapters ofTitle 8-Pub lic Waysand Property,of theVail Municipa l Codea nd all utility company agreements ,signedbyme ,andwillabidebythesame,and thatallut ilit ies havebeen notified asreq uired. Co ntractor 's Sign atu re of Agreemen t Prin t name clearly Date ofSigna ture ATIACH PLANOFWORK ,INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFICCONTROLPLAN Show streetsw ithna mes,buildings ,andloca tion of cuts ,USEDASHLINESFOR CUT. W hit e-P ublicW orks Yellow-Contractor TOWN OF VAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO816 57 9 70-479-2138 NOTE: D EPARTMENT OF CO MMUNITYD EV ELOPMENT Vcu..\~::,,&,.....--r--'-- ~\~~\S THI S P ERMIT M UST BE POSTED ON JOBSITEA TA LL TIM ES .::....~d J ob Address: Location: ParcelNo : Proje ct No .: A D D/ALTCO MMBUILD PERMT 217 1 N F RONTAGERDW EST VAIL 2171NFRON TAGE RD 2103 11415011 PRJ0 2-0007 Permit #:B02-0166 Status ...: A pplied ..: Issued : Expires: ISS UED OS/28/2002 07 /15/2002 01/11 /2003 OS/28/2002 Phone: OS/28/2002 Phone :OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46 INC 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596 -4 349 License: APPLICANT Soldoff Development POB 3 013 Avon,CO 81620 License: CONTRACTOR Pioneer General Contractors,07/15/2002 Phone:806-622 -3100 P.O .Box 7968 Amarillo ,TX 3850 Mack Road Amarillo,TX 7911879114 License:268 -A Desciption: R EPLACE F ACIA,NE W ENTRY Oc cupancy: T ype Construction: Type Occupancy : Valuation : M III1HR ?? $20 ,000.00 AddSqFt:o Fireplace Information:Restr icted :#o f Gas Appliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #ofWood Pellet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUMMARY •••••11I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Build ing-c-,->$2 45 .00 RestuarantPlanReview-c-$0.00TotalCa lculated Fees->$40 7.25 PlanCheck«->$1 59 .25DRB I"ee-----------···->$0 .0 0 Additional Fees-----·->$0.00 lnvestigation->$0.00 Recreation Fee·-------··>$0 .00 TotalPermitFee------>$40 7.2 5 Will Call-····>$3 .00 Clean-upDeposit------·>$0.00 I'aymenls---------------->$4 07 .25 TOTALFEES····-····>$4 07 .25 BALANCE DUE------->$0 .00 ................................................................................................................................................... Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/07/2002 JRM Action :AP Item :05400 PLANN ING DEPARTMENT OS/29/2002 ao Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Seepage2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayapplytothispermit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan, andstatethatallthe information as required is correct.Iagreeto comply withthe information andplotplan,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws ,andtobuildthis structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of theTown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FORINSPECTIONSHAI.I.[JEMADETWENTY.FOURj:i0 A ~"6llY .T LEPIIONE AT 479-2138 OR ATGUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM·5PM. Send Clean-up DepositTo:N /A '<,J j/ SIGNATUREOFOWNERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELFANDOWNEF PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B02 -0 166 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07 -15-2002 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: ParcelNo: ADDIALTCOMM BUILD PERMT Soldoff Development 2171N FRONTAGE RDWEST VAIL 2171N FRONTAGE RD 2 10311415011 Applied : Issued: ToExpire: 05/28/2002 0711512002 01/11/2003 Description: REPLACE FACIA,NEW ENTRY Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CANBE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:CON0005300 As approved byDRB,TI-11 is allowed onlyonsoffits-not onfasciaorany vertical plane @ L/l 1-135t/ TownofVail Reg.No.:Contactand Phone #'s : ot-J 11 \~(,"'11.0'\«"3'lo -7GO<.l CONTRACTOR INFORMA nON TOW Separat General Contractor: So\do#-OeArelllfj.¥H..u- ContractorSignature: 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 .. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$20 I 00 {).I.O il ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING :$II MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$~0,oW .cD For Parcel #Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.esote-countv.com Parcel ~~I0311 Lfl50(l (appligttion will notbe accepted without parcel number) ..,:'SA FGl./A"-(WetST'VAl L-Job Address:;1/7 I N,i0J,\,:h.j~Kd ·V{)...I(~'l ....R\c.\....R/£-MA lkfL..lpti ~3 !!......:'X II Filing:3 II~...,...v:10M fJol1e.I~'II Name:S;A ~vJ<LM-6>JJ £-N~Address:Phone: .4£...,....,L' Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:II Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork:r ep b-Ge---fit.Ct'o...<t .sO~.~J CUrN!n+l'1 tY\ltde or-SIt.UJ-'Mel....( w''t-t\.<,.l)ClO cl a.~pe.r:o ·l:::'-uL 61.(ORIS I Work Class:New()Addition()Remodely.1 Repa ir0 Demo()Other() I WorkType:Interior ()Exterior 0 Both()I Does an EHU existatthislocation:Yes ()No() Type of Bldg .:Single-family ()Two -family ()Multi-famil y ()Commercial ~Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding: ~/Type of Fireplaces Existino:Gas Appliances ()Gas toes()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurnina(),4/,tJ- ~/Type of Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances ()Gas Loas ()Wood/Peltet ()WoodBurnino (NOT ALLOWED))..~ Does aFireAlarmExist:Yes be)No()II Does aFire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes fP\)No()I **************************************FOROFFICEUSEONL y ************************************** IAccepted By:· occuoancv GrouD: Date Received: Type of Construction: DRB Fees:' j Other Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm REC'D MAY 2 2 2002 , Questions?CalltheBuildingTeamat479-2325 ~~,i..~FJ .Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: ., v"This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. .6 Allpages ofapplicationiscomplete ;z{Has DRS approvalobta ined (if required)Provideacopyofapprovalform .X;CondominiumAssociation letter ofapprovalattachedif project isaMulti-Family complex ~Complete siteplansubmitted ~U b Ii C WayPermitapplicat ion includedifapplicable (refer toPublicWorkschecklist) W Stagingplanincluded (refer toPublicWorkschecklist)No dumpster.parking or material storage /'allowed on roadways andshoulders without written approval ;;xj Asbestos testandresultssubmittedifdemolitionis occurring !IY'Architect stampandsignature (All Commercial andMultifamily) X'Full floorplansincludingbuildingsections andelevations(4setsofplansfor Multi-Family and Commercial)X Windowanddoorschedule L:l\Full structural plans,includingdesigncriteria(ie.loads) Clsl StructuralEngineerstampandsignatureon structural plans(AllCommercialandMultiFamily)A SoilsReportmustbesubmitted prior tofootinginspection ~../'F.ire resistiveassemblies specifiedandpenetrationsindicated Smokedetectorsshownonplans ,Typesand quantity offi replaces shown Applkane'Slgna'u,",~~ Date of submittal:5 -2'2 4"2- Received By:_ F:/ev eryonejforrns/bldperrn2 HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479·2139 .. Check allthat applies. 1.Which Oepartment(s)did you contact? Building _Environmental __Hous ing_Admin _._ Planning _·_ORB PEC _ 2.Was your initial contact with our staff immediate __slow __or no one availab le ? 3.If you were required to wait how long was it before you were he lped?_·_ 4.Was your pro ject reviewed on a timely basis?Yes I No If no ,why not?_ 5.Was this your first time to file a ORB app __PEC app __ Bldg Permit N1A 6.Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you : 543 ·2 1 Name:_ (knowledge,responsiveness ,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.54321 8.What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter?"--_ 9.Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime?_ Thank you for tak ing the time to complete this survey.We are committed to improving our service. !. , , WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLICWAYPERMIT": Does demolition workbeingperformedrequire th~y,se oftheRight-of-Way,easementsor publicproperty?YES NO-,P'-:....-_ Isthisanewresidence?YES __NO iX Isthe driveway beingrepaved?YES _ Isany utility workneeded?YES _NO l>< NO {>( Isa different accessneededtothesiteotherthantheexistingdriveway?YES __NoA -6"Isanydrainageworkbeingdone that affectstheRight-of-Way,easements,orpublic property? YES NO~ Isa"Revocab le Right-of-Way Permit"required?YES __ Isthe Ri9ht-of-wa&/Sements orpublic property tobeusedforstag ing,parkingorfencing? YES NO If answerisNO,isaparking,stagingorfencingplanrequiredbyPublicWorks? YES NO__ If youanswered YES toanyofthesequestions,a"PublicWayPermit"must beobtained. "PublicWay Permit"applicationsmaybeobtainedatthePublicWork'sofficeorat Community Development(asampleisattached).If youhaveanyquestionspleasecallLeonardSandovalinPublic Worksat479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE QUESTIONS. ~~?'-' ContractorSignature /CompanyName JoborProjectName:S o..k 0J ~tf\!VlOd 2 <L-~d..!'scJP(.}- DateSigned:"5 -J.2..-Q7{" F:/everyone/forrns/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS ANDTHE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: ).-Fillouttheattachedchecklistwiththe Building Permit ApPlication .J' If yeswas answered toanyofthequestionsthena"PublicWay"permitis required .You canpick upanapplicationateitherCommunity Development,locatedat75 sOuth .Frontage Road or Public Works,located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive../ ).-Notice sign-offsforutility companies.ALLutilitiesmustfield veri~ocate)respective utilities priortosigning application.Some utility companies require.up to48hoursnoticeto schedule alocate.// ).-Aconstructiontrafficcontrol/staging plan must be prepajedon aseparatesheetofpaper. An approved siteplanmayalsobe used.Thisplan wUVShow locationsofalltrafficcontrol devices(signs,cones,etc.)andthework zone,(a ~ea ofconstruction,staging,etc.).This planwillexpireon November 1standwillneed/to beresubmittedfor consideration for approvalthroughthewinter.Be awarethat your resubmission forwintermaybedenied dependingonthelocationofconstruction// /).-Sketch ofworkbeingperformedmustbesubmitted indicatingdimensions (length,width anddepthofwork).Thismaybe drawn onthetrafficcontrolplanorasiteplanforthejob. r:Submitcompleted application t6 the Public Work's officeforreview.If required,locateswill be scheduled fort he Town (Vail electricians andirrigat ion crew.The locates takeplacein themorning,butmayr uireupto48hourstoperform. The Public Wor'Construction Inspectorwillreviewtheapplicationandapproveordeny thepermit.ouwillbe contacted astothestatusandanyrequirementsthatmaybe needed.stpermitsare released within48hoursofbeing received,but please allowup toone)weekto process. ).-soonasthepermitis approved,the Building Departmentwillbenotified,allowingthe 'BuildingPermit"tobe released.Please donot confuse the"PublicWayPermit"witha "BuildingPermit". ;,.NOTE:The above process is for work ina public way ONLY.Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete.Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. , Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldpermS Date Signed • BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thispermitrequiresaTownofVailFireDepartment Approval,Engineer's (PublicWorks) reviewandapproval,a Planning Departmentreviewor Heal th Departmentreview,andareview bytheBuildingDepartment,theestimatedtimeforatotalreviewwillta ke aslongasthree(3) weeks. Allcommercial(largeorsmall)andall multi-family permitswillhavetofollowtheabove mentionedmaximumrequirements.Residential andsmallprojectsshouldtakealesser amount oftime .However,ifresidentialorsmallerprojectsimpactthevariousabovementioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,theseprojectsmayalsotakethree(3)weeksto reviewandapprove. Every attempt willbemadebythisdepartmenttoexpeditethispermitassoonaspossible. I ,theundersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureandtimeframe.Ialsounderstand that ifthepermitisnotpickedupbytheexpirationdate,that Imuststillpaytheplancheckfee and that ifIfailtodosoitmayaffectfuturepermits that Iapplyfor . Agreedtoby:Q.hqv)c 1"Soldo ,t=:"r- Printname ~ru ,e U#-u;,q.---- ProjectName:5'~rCl&1 ./teV}'cxJ.(JJJ--J;,Cfq ~sct#r Date:5'-2?~c.r2- F:every one/forms/bld perm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 __ pw#:D D-D DD 0 Parcel#:0 D O D -0 0 0-0 0 -D OD Bldg .Permit#:rm 0 0 ~D O DD , 1.JobName 2.Excavating Contractor Name StreetAddress MailingAdd ress O0 0 -0 (If unknown call 479-2 138 ext.0) TOV Contractor's LicenseNum ber REQUIRED City State Zip Phone # 3.StartDate Completion Date (Permit Expiration Date) 4.Work isfor (circle one)Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp.Site Access Other _ Depth _ TotalSF $_ TotalLF $_ TotalPerm it Fee $_ STBEONTHE JOBSITE BEFORE THE enworkingon asphalt.. otected atall times . utility locations and approvals.Onceallut ility company uting application throughthe Public Worksofficeto obtain the owupto one weektoprocess. Length --: Bond Amount $_ 6.ALL MATERIAL,EQUIPMENT,AND TRAFFIC CO JOBIS STARTED. 8.A signature below indicates arevi signatures are obtained,permittee necessary TownofVail signatures. Public Service Company (1-800-922 Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987)_ 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on excav Asphalt surfaces underneath thebucIa 5.Trench -width _ (min .4') U .S.West (1 -800-922-1987)---,-_ TCI Cablevision ofthe Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water &Sanitation District (970-476-7480,ext.114)_ Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987)_ TownofVail Electricians (970-479-2158) TownofVailI rrigation (970-479-2158) TownofVail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 9.THERE WILL BENOTOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction trafficcontrolplanmustbe approved bythe Public Works Department priorto issuance ofthepermit. 10.All excavation must bedonebyhandwithin18 "of utilities -(Senate Bill172). 11.Permillee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2198 24hourspriorto commencing ofwork .Failureto notify theTownwill result in forfeiture ofbondmoney.Scheduled inspections whicharenotreadymayresultintheTown charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12.I certify that I have readall chapters ofTitle 8-Public WaysandProperty,oftheVail Municipal Codeandallutility company agreements ,signed byme ,andwillabidebythe same,andthatall utilities havebeennotifiedasrequi red. Contractor's Signatu re of Agreement Prin t nameclea rly Dat e ofSignature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names,buildings,and location ofcuts.USE DASH LINES FORCUT. Wh ite -Public Wo rks Yellow -Contractor ·.. Project Name:satewav Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139 fa x:970.479 .2452 web:www.c i.vail.co.us DRBNumber:DRB020057 Wrap metal with woodsiding Participants: OWNER 5AFEWAY STORES 46INC 03/15/2002 Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD200 WALNlIT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: APPLICANT SoldoffDevelopment 03/15/2002 Phone: POB3013 Avon,CO Csoldoff@aol.com81620 License: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location: LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 ParcelNumber:210311415011 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:Acevedo secondBy:Pierce Vote:3-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:04/25/2002 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnelprio r to construction activities. Cond:CON0005255 Work must be complete no later August15,2002 Cond:CON0005257 Tl-11 a llowed onlyonsoffits.Cedarsiding onfasiaandany vertical planes . Planner:AllisonOchs DRBFeePaid:$250.00 JUL HI •02 15:29FR DEN SFWY CONST/RE (§)SAFEWAYINc- 5llOO S.YOSEt.lITE <ll ENGLEWOOD.CO 80112·1412 (303)843-7000 July10,2002 Mr.CharlieDavis Town of Vail 75S.FrontageRd. Vail,Co 81657 Dear Mr.Davis, 303 843 7916 TO 919704792452 P.02/02 P.O.BOX ~927 T.A. DENVER.CO 80217 Aswehavediscussedplease transfer permit #B020166 to: Pioneer General Contractors Inc. POBox 7968 Amarillo,Tx .79114 MichaelBoltonfromPioneer has confirmed the required documents ontheircompany have been FederalExpressedandshouldbe arriving attheTown ofVaiI's office tomorrowJuly11,2002. Ifanyquestionsshouldarise,pleasecall Michael Bolton-Pioneerat303-472·6122 Of 512-970-0611,MarySolak-Safewayat 303-843-7563 orPatrickVann -Safeway303- 843-7802.Thanksagainfor all yourhelpinthismatter. Sincerely, '~'-~~~ SafewayInc. FoclJIA~L-l ~11[D COv\.lIT ~-tL ThkL SOU)C~F D\~u'\£'U.lPM CN I Ct·h'r)\.U..ED TO f>f Dr--LE"EA2. 7-1$d:J ~~..**TOTALPAGE.02 IIOtC INSPECTION REQUEST Town of Vail 479-2149 Fri ~ I " (,......... ":I-:'~-(It ~)-l.t I ·~J.. Eili"A-LtL)l) ~~\DayofInspection:ManTues ~Thurs PermitNumber:6c~-6·'(c 'l( Dateof Inspection :YJ?I lti L- JobName:.(·12i.Lu.J {~_ Job Address :"2 ,~I f-l 2.6h_tr('St.k'd Requested By :..~i}1ICt ltu.-L Phone : Other comments:~L (c.,{tL \__LLn'~2r en ~\\ • • "Final _ PLUMBING : "Underground _ "Rough/D\fN _ "Rough/Water--:..,!_ "GasPiping _ "Pool/Hot Tub _ BUILDING : o Footing/steel:--:--_ o Foundation/Steel _ o Framing,_ o Roof &Sheer _ o Plywood Nailing _ o Insulation,_ o SheetrocklNail _ G Final _ "--"""""f-'einspection required "Final _ " Date :_ MECHANICAL: "Rough _ "Heating,_ "Exhausthoods _ "Supplyair _ __Denied o Temp power _ oRough o Condu:-it--------- o o Co rrections /Comments :--,'--_-:-J~---,:-t"tt ,.&-_ Inspector:__-='-'--_ ELECTRICAL : ------1 BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY;P.O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE;CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT I- 20 0J- 0< ::tn... DEPT;FILE COpy V ALI DA TION CI Smiley DATE 0275 Colorado (C ON TR 'SL I CENSE ) (PR O POSEO ussr NUMBEROF S TORY -------;-:===7.7::7""-----OWELLING UN ITS _I nstall Del icatessen DEf£!.~) (T YP EOF IMPR OVEM ENT)NO. PERM IT T O (S TREET) Z ONIN GAT(LOCATION)__--;-:::::-;===DI STR I CT _ (C RO ~S ST REE T) ---------'C"'C"'RO"'S'"'S,..-;cST;;R'"'Ec;:-;:ET ):----------AND --;-:=o.,---:-:::==_ L OT___________________LO T BLOCK S I ZE _ _____FT .WIDEBY FT .L ONG B Y _FT .IN HEIGHT AN D SH ALLCONFORM IN CON STRUCTION (T Y PE ) _______BASEMENT WALLS ORF OUNDATION -,_-,__________USEGROUP 7,000 (CUBIC /S QUARE FEE T) .Safeway Stores Inc. euu.or ac om.~~ BY •~ (Affidavit on reverae lide of applicationto be completed by authorized agent of owner) OWNER -'-''''-''''-'-''==L-.:=<->=-=''-'-'--'='--_ A D DRESS _ ARE AOR $PFEEREM IT s 37.10VOLUME===_===ESTIMATED COST _-'---'-'--_______'ll I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record ondI have been authorized by the owner tomake this application as his authorized agent. ,SIGNATUREOFAGENT 0 ·0 ' (CITY)(STREET)(NUMBER) ADDRESS __--,--'-----,--,--:--=---------,---,--------- APPROVEDBY TITLE _ DATE 19_. .... • Project Name:Safeway Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us DRBNumber:DRB030028 Replace aluminum doors Participants: OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC 02/17/2003 Phone: 1371OAKLANDBLVD200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: APPLICANTPioneerGeneral Contractors,02/17/2003 Phone:806-622-3100 POB7968 Amarillo,TX 79114 License: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location:2131N.Frontage Road LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL3 ParcelNumber:210311415011 Comments: IlOARO/STAFF ACTION MotionBy:Woldrich secondBy:Rogers Vote:3-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:03/19/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:CON0005759 Does not include approval forsign.Separatesign application must be submitted . Planner:AllisonOchs ORBFeePaid:$250.00 •••• DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday,March 19,2003 3:00P.M. PUBLIC MEETINGRESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION /LUNCH-Community Development Department 11:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT BillPierce HansWoldrich Margaret Rogers SITEVISITS MEMBERS ABSENT ClarkBrittain Charlie Acevedo 1:30 pm 1.Baltz-3786LupineDrive 2.Kendrick -2975MannsRanchRoad 3.Hill residence -2605BaldMountainRoad 4 .Tommy BowerSki-278HansonRanchRoad 5.SunVail Condominiums -645NorthFrontageRoad 6.Whiterock LLC-1249 Westhaven Circle 7.Rosen-1150 Westhaven Circle 8.Vail Amoco -934S .FrontageRd. 9.Beaver Damresidence -363BeaverDamRoad 10.Antlers Condominiums -680W .Lionshead Place 11.MezzalunaRestaurant -660W .LionsheadPlace Driver :Warren PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00pm 1.Beaver Damresidence DRB03-0032 Bill Finalreviewofproposeddrivewaygate 363 Beaver DamRoad/Lot3,Block3,VailVillage3rd Filing Applicant:A2ZHoldings ,LLC ,representedbyFritzlen Pierce Arch itects MOTION:MargaretRogers SECOND :HansWoldrichVOTE :2-0-1(Pierce recused) TABLED UNTIL APRIL 2,2003 2.White rockLLC DRB03-0036 Finalreviewofproposedexterioralteration 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot35,GlenLyonSubdiv ision Applicant:WhiteRockLLC,representedbyTabAssociates ,Inc . MOTION :HansWoldrich SECOND :MargaretRogersVOTE:3-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 2,2003 1 Bill ••a' 3 .KendrickresidenceDRB03-0049 Bill Conceptual reviewofremodelandaddition 2975MannsRanchRoad/Lot6,Block1,VailVillage13th Filing Applicant:Clinton J .Kendrick ,representedbySegerbergMayhew Architects CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 4 .Children's GardenofLearning DRB03-0030 Allison Conceptual reviewofproposedprivateeducat ionali nstitution ParcelB,aresubdivisionofTractD,VaildasSchone1st Filing ,generallyknownasthe "HudWirth"property.(Afullmetes &boundsdescriptionisavailableattheDepartment ofCommunityDevelopmentuponrequest). Applicant:Children 's GardenofLearn ing CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 5.RosenresidenceDRB03-0051 Conceptual reviewofproposednewsinglefamilyresidencewithTypeIIEHU 1150 Westhaven Circle/Lot39-2,GlenLyonSubdivision Applicant:RobertRosen CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Allison 6 .Safeway Inc .DRB03-0028 Allison Finalreviewofproposeddoor replacement 2131N.Fro ntage Rd.lLot3,VaildasSchone3rd Filing Appl icant:Safeway ,Inc.,representedbyPioneerGeneral Contractors,Inc . MOTION:HansWoldrichSECOND:MargaretRogersVOTE :3-0 CONSENT APPROVED 7 .BaltzresidenceDRB03-0042 War ren Conceptual reviewofproposedadd ition 3786LupineDrive/Lot6,Bighorn2nd Addition Appl icant:BaltzFamilyPartnersII,LLC ,representedbyD.H.Ruggles &Associates CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 8.TommyBowerSkiDRB02-0375 Final reviewofproposedamendmenttoanapprovedsignprogram 278HansonRanchRoad/LotA &B,Bock2,VailVillageFiling 1 Appl icant:TomBowers MOTION :HansWoldrichSECOND :MargaretRogersVOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED Wa rren 9.SunVailCondominiumsORB03-0436 Warren Conceptual reviewofproposedpoolhouse 645NorthFrontage RoadNaii PotatoPatch Applicant:SunVailHomeownersAssociation ,representedbyDavidPeel CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 2 ,•• 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Antlers Condominiums DRB03-0047 Finalreviewofproposedexterioralteration 680W .LionsheadPlace/Lot3,Block1,Lionshead3'"Filing Applicant:AntlersCondominiumAssociation MOTION :HansWoldrichSECOND :MargaretRogersVOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED W ITH 1CONDITION: 1.Thatthestuccoreturntotheinsidecorners . MezzalunaRestaurantDRB03-0052 Conceptual reviewofproposedaddit ion 660W.LionsheadPlace/Lot1,VailLionshead15t Addition Appl icant:DerykCave,representedbyMichaelHazard Associates CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE VailInternationalDRB03-0020 Finalreviewofproposednewstair &windowreconfiguration 300E.LionsheadCircle/Lot4,Block1,VailLionshead151 Filing Applicant:VailInternational ,representedbyFritzlenPierce Architects STAFF APPROVED HillResidenceDRB03-0064 Finalreviewofchangetoanapprovedplan . 2605BaldMountainRoad/Lot12,Block2 ,VailVillage Filing13 Applicant:JamesHill,representedbyBillHein MOTION :HansWoldrichSECOND:MargaretRogersVOTE :3-0 DENIED -(Fauxstonedoesnotmeetdesignstandards). VailAmocoDRB03-0034 Final reviewofproposedservicebayaddition 934S.FrontageRd.lUnplatted Applicant:GeorgeBrodin MOTION:HansWoldrichSECOND :MargaretRogersVOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH4CONDITIONS: Matt Matt Matt Warren Warren 1.Thattheappl icant shallnotbepermittedtostoreany itemsonthedeckexceptfor apicnictable ,chairs ,orgr ill. 2 .Thattheapp licant shallsubmitrevisedplansforstaffapprovalshowingwrapped stonefromthewestelevationontothesouthelevationataminimumheightof48 inches,whichwillextendpasttheapproveddoorandterm inate,pr ior toapplying forabuild ing permit. 3.Thattheapplicant sha ll subm itrevisedplansforstaffapprovalshow ing alowered roofonthenewservicebaybyrelocat ing thepeak ,priortoapply ing forabu ilding permit. 4.Thattheapplicantshallrevegetatealldisturbedareas,priortoissuanceofa temporarycertificateofoccupancy. 3 •• 15.S lifer residence DRB03·0022 Warren Final review of proposed deck extension 193 Gore Creek Dr ive/Lot A ,Block 5B ,Va il Village 1st Filing Applicant:Rodney E.&Elizabeth W .Slifer,represented by Slifer Des igns MOTION:Bill Pierce SECOND :Hans Woldrich VOTE :3-0 APPROVED WITH1CONDITION: 1 .That the applicant sha ll submit rev ised plansfor staff approval,showing e ither the sloped roof extended to create awallonthe west elevation ,wh ich appea rs like that ex isting onUnit3,or remove the roof entirely andplaceafacia around the entire deck pa inted tomatch other trimonthe building ,pr ior to applying fora build ing permit. 16.Town ofVailSign Code Conceptual review of proposed text amendments Applicant:Town ofVail CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Matt Staff Approvals Flying Burrito DRB03-0044 Bill News ign 482 Lionshead Ma ll/Lionshead Centre ,Block 1,Vail Lionshead 15t Filing Applicant:Lynnette &MarkM iscio Lionshead Jewelers DRB03-0041 Bill New sign Lifthouse Lodge ,555 E .Lio nshead C ircle/Lot 3 ,Block 1,Va il Lionshead 151 Filing Appl icant:Lionshead Jewelers Mchugh residence DRB02-0217 Bill Add ition 40 14 Bighorn Road/Lot 1 ,Go re Creek Park Applicant:M.Joseph McHugh VailLLC residence DRB03-0038 Bill Change to approved plans 1250 Westhaven Drive/Lot 30GlenLyon Subdivision Applicant:Bill Reslock,Architect The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regularoffice hours inthe project planner's office ,located attheTownofVail Community Development Department,75 South Frontage Road .Pleasecall 479-2138 for information . Sign language interpretation available upon request with24 hour notification .Please call479 - 2356,Te lephone forthe Hearing Impaired ,for information. 4 • Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,ColoradoB1657 tel:970.479.2139 fa x:970.479.2452 web :www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequ iring designreviewmustreceiveapprovalpr ior to submitting abUilding permit application .Please refertothesubmittal requirements fortheparticularapproval that isrequested.AnapplicationforDesign Review cannot be accepteduntilallrequiredinformationisreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:_-L.:'--'----=c:..::.."'-'-'=----'..:..=---.::.....I.l'="""''--'-----'~"_'i'--'-'':''>O'''-'~=~---- \\'S>--rt--(q \\\.\ 9-oC -Wti--.3>\o~ "hOb -(;,.;}.;z -3~5E-mail Address : ___________________Phone:_-"'.............----"'z:..<..o..<:._--'----'-~---- Fax:-------------'---........:00QI""'----lG'-""-"''---='-=-'''-'-''''---- (Contact"Ea~TCo._Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcelno.) ~------,q'-"-..:..rf357k1:J4t;1 _ Name(s)of Owner(s):~e'->??=':i -::C~.]512h/(fZih,.2!'00 Mailing Address:p.o.B>Q/...59&-'-r:A..~~q)Co ~\\,,}. __________________Phone::30:>-~'-\.3 -16 =0 Owner(s)Signature(s):0 J');;'~ Name of Applicant:.f,.s:>""<-.r-?;re .....e.-nA\Cc...--\-~~~. Mailing Address:P.D .&i=iq 10~ Location of the Proposal:Lot:~3 Block:~Subdivision:\)6.\\D~;':!c.\-..<:::N'..e. Physical Address:d-\3 \N'Cl~~£"-<-o~<\e..e....c;p""""'~"'----_ C~ar:~;I ~;;)d \c>.=,\\U.\So \\Z~ing:DG~, - RECEIVED FFR t '??M1 Plus$1.00persquare foot oftotalsignarea. $20 $20 NoFee $50 NoFee $650Forconstructionofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild , $.300 Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential or.®commercialbuilding(includes250additions&interior conversions). $250 "Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowaddit ions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc . ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe DesignReviewBoard. o SeparationRequest o ChangestoApprove d Plans o Minor Alteration (single-family/duple x) '~Mi n o r Alteration (multi-fam ily/commercial) Type of Review and Fee: o Signs '0 ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addition (§~SAFEWAYIN'! 6900 S .YOSEMITE :!J eNGLEWOOD .c o80112 ·1412 (3 03)S43 ·7 600 Town of Vail 75So .Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Judy Rodriquez • P.O.BOX 5927 T.A. DENVER.co 8021 7 February 6,2003 RE:Safeway #631-Stamucks &Deli Remodel Vail ,CO Dear Judy, This notice isto advise you that Pioneer General Contractors willbethe act ing agents on Safeway's behalf forobta ining the appropriate permits forthe addition of a new Starbucks facility aswellas the minor remodel to the existing DeliDept. The address of Safeway Store #631is2131No .Frontage Road,West Vail,CO 81657.Pioneer General w ill also bethe General Contractor forthe construction and installation of this remodel project. Ifyou require additional information regarding this project,please contact meat 303-843-7556 .I can also be reached at 303-882-6320 eel.Thank you for you consideration in approving this project. Sincerely , Br ian Hannig Safeway Project Manager Cc :Pioneer -Bobby Pickard SWY #f331 -file IT'>**TOTAL PA GE.01 ** ..•• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method: R0 30003659 Check Amount:$250.00 0 2/17/200302 :47 PM Init:JAR Notation:24230 Pioneer General Contractors ,In c. DRB030028 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,Comm/Multi 2 1031141501 1 2 171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 21 31 N.Frontage Road Permit No : Parcel No: Si te Address: Location: This Payment :$250 .00 Total Fees : Tota l ALLPmts : Balance: $250.00 $250.00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Ac cou nt Code DR0010 0003112 200 De sc ripti on DESIGN REV IEWFEES Current Pmts 25 0 .00 • • •• • • •• • Depa rtment of Community Deve lopment 75SouthFrontage R oad Vail,Co lorado 8 1657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us PioneerGeneral Contractors Inc. P.O.Box7968 Amarillo,TX79114 Fax:806-622-3205 •XE[-J .~"..-. March6 ,2003 RE:Door replacement atSafeway,located at2131 North Frontage Rd.I Lot 3,Block 3,VailDas Schone DearAleen , TheDesignReviewBoardreviewedthedoor replacement proposalat Safeway ,located at2131N.FrontageRd.TheDesignReviewBoardhadthefollowing comments and concernsregardingthedoorreplacement: o Theglassdoorsneedtorelatetotheheightoftheadjacentwindows. o Theexistingplanterisadefinitebarriertothedoors .Theplantershouldbe modifiedtoeliminatethatbarrier . Generally ,theDesignReviewBoardwassupportiveofprov iding anadditional entrance intoSafewaytoallowforaccessintotheStarbucksarea .However ,theywouldlike to seea comprehensive approachwiththisapplicat ion,includingplansforsignage and planter modifications . TheDesignReviewBoardvotedtotabletheapplicationtotheMarch19,2003,agenda . PleaseprovideanyrevisedplanstomenolaterthannoononMonday ,March19,2003 . Shouldyouhaveanyquestions,pleasedonothesitatetocontactmeat970-479 -2369. S~OL AllisonOchs ,AICP Planner II TownofVail o RECYCLED PAPER GregAmsdenhadnocomments. GeneUseltonaskedwhatthedepthofthewellwas. GailLucassaidthewellwas200'deep.Theideaistotakeallwellsoutalongthecreek. John Schofield saidstonewasmoredesirable. GailLucasremindedthePECthatstonewasproposedinthefirstplace,butPublicWorks staff askedforblock . GregMoffetsaidwecan direct theDRBtorequeststone. HenryPrattmadeamotiontoapprovetherequestinaccordancewiththestaffmemo,including the conditions onpage7,withchangestoconditionNO.1andanewconditionto direct theDRB torequeststoneontheoutside . John Schofield secondedthemotion . Themotionpassed unanimously byavoteof7-0. 5.ArequesttoamendSections18.24.020,18.24.030,18.24.040,18 .24.050,18.27.030, 18.28.030,18.28.040and18.29.030 oftheZoningCodetoaddBrewPubasa conditional useintheCommercia l CoreI,CommercialCore2,Commercial Core3, Commercial ServiceCenterandArterialBusinessZoneDistricts. Applicant: Planner: VailAssociates.representedbyJackHunn DominicMauriello DominicMauriellogavean overview oftheproposal.Hestatedthatwhenwerecently amended the brew pubvariance .weexpandedtheamountallowedtobeproduced.This amendment will allowBrewPubsinalloftheCommercialZoneDistrictsasa conditional use .Hestatedthatthe impactsofaBrewPubaresimilar,ifnotthesame ,asthatofarestaurant.Staff believes that the conditional useprocessis appropriate foraBrewPub,sothatimpactscanbe evaluated ona site-by-site basis.Outdoorseatingisaseparateconditionalusepermitandshouldnotbe confusedw ith anapprovalforabrewpub.JimLamonthasprovidedamemooutlininghis concerns regardingBrewPubsinaCC1 Zone District. Greg Moffet askedthe applicant ifhehadanythingtoadd. JoeMacysaidthatheinitiallywantedachangeintheCC2ZoneDistrict.Subsequently,statthas expandedthistoincludeotherdistricts .He doesn't agreewithMr.Lamont'slogic .Brewpubs areanicemixofeatinganddrinkingandaremorepopularinColoradothan anywhere elseinthe U .S.ItisanamenityfortheTownofVail. JimLamont,EVHA.attendedmeetingsontheissueswithintheCCIpertainingtonoiseandtruck deliveries.This amendment hadnotbeenreviewedbyhis President's Advisory Committee. Thereisfrustrationwiththenoiselevelsandtruckdeliveries.Abrewpubisnot appropriate for theCC1ZoneDistrict.Weareaskingforspecificstandardsbeforeyougo through the conditional usepermitprocess.Bottlehandlingforselling off-premise presents anoise problem. Whatisthedegreeofbrewpubproduction?Ihavebeenouteverynightwiththepolicewith noisemeters .TheHubcaphasbeenturnedintoanoutsidebeergarden.Thenumberof people P lanning and Environmental Commission M inutes Augu st 12.1996 9 creatingnoiseafter10pmisdirectlyrelatedtonothaving specific requirements foreachzone district.It changes from Commission toCommission ,fromCounciltoCouncil.That's why standardsneedtoapply . GregMoffetaskedforadditionalpubliccomment.Therewasnone. GalenAaslandsaidthatthiswasanappropriateuseandhehadnofurther comments. DianeGoldenhadnocomments. HenryPrattisinfavorofthisproposal. John scnoneto supportstheproposal. GeneUseltondittotoHenry . GregAmsdenhadno comment. GregMoffetrespondedtoJimLamont'scommentsontheboardschangingandsaid that thisis the democratic process.Hestatedthatthepolicewilldealwiththenoiseissue. GalenAaslandmovedtoapprovetherequestwithno conditions ,wordforword,in accordance withthestaffmemo. ThemotionwassecondedbyJohnSchofield. Themotionpassed unanimously byavoteof7-0. JoeMacysaidheappreciatedtheassistanceofDominicMaurielloandthestaff . 6.Arequestfora landscape var iance toallowforabuildingadditionand additional surface park ing,locatedat2131N.FrontageRoad!Lot3,VailDasSchone3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner: Safeway,Inc.,representedbyDennisWyatt DominicMauriello DominicMauriellogaveanoverviewandsaidtheapplicanthasworked closely withstaffto provide better accessandtoimprovethecrossaccess.Safewayhasprovided substantial landscaping andpedestrian improvements,includingstairsdownfromChamonixanda better drainage system .TheTownofVail parkingrequirement is105spacesand Safeway wouldlike 128park ing spaces.WefindtheTownofVa il standardislowandwebelievethatthisisagood request.'Thereisaphysicalhardshipontheproperty .Staffbelievesthesubstantial improvements mitigatethelossoflandscaping intheback .Dominicalsomentioned roadway improvements inthefrontofthesite .Staffisrecommendingapprovalsubjecttothethree conditions onpages4and5ofthestaffmemo. KatyPress,RealEstate Manager ofSafeway ,saidDominicdidwelltorecapandwill just answer questions. John Schofield askedforthetimescheduleforsnowremoval. KatyPresssaidsheisnotfromthisarea,soshewilldeferthattostafftoanswer . Planning and E nvironmental C ommis sion Minut es Au gust 12,I 996 10 Mike Mollica askedifJohnhadanythinginmind . John Schofield said perhaps thesamestandardasVailCommons,ortighter ;be reasonable,but flexible.Hewouldliketoseesomeprotectionforthebikepathandalsoabondfor landscaping. GeneUseltonagreeswithJohn .He complimented the applicant ontheplanto identify parking spaces .Geneaskedhowtheywereplanningtolimitaccesstotheloadingarea. KatyPresssaidthe Safeway policyisnottotow.Itwon'tbeas convenient to access the liquor storeasitusedtobe.Hopefully theycanuseMr.Gart's parkingspaces. GregAmsdensaidthereisaconcernwithparkingfortheliquorstoreandhewouldlike Safeway toaddressthat. KatyPresssaidwecouldlookatagate. HenryPrattsaidSafewaymighttakealookattheLodgewhichhasa voice-activated gate. GalenAaslandagreeswithagateonthenorthsideofthewalkandto incorporate some landscaping,soasnottoseethegate.SnowstorageshouldbethesameasforVail Commons. Heis concerned withthe distance betweentheroadandthefirstparkingspace.Hewouldliketo seeitbermedupto3'foricyroads ,orcarsthatareinthewayofbeinghit. DianeGoldensaidherfellow Commissioners have brought up everything. HenryPrattagreeswithJohnonthelandscaping.Hefeelsitisbettertohave70r8moreparking spacesandgiveupthe landscaping islands.Healsoagreeswithaberm.Henryaskedifweare gaining anythingwiththeacceland decellanes?They just makepeopledrivefaster. Dominic Mauriello saidit'saCDOTrequirement. GregMoffetapprovesofthegatetorestrictaccesstothedockareaandthe liquor store .This doesnotconstituteanyspecialprivileges.TheCodereallymissedonparkingforthiskindof use.The hardship isthefactthatthesitedoesnotprovideenoughparkingforthisuse.Allthe requiredfindingsaremet. Dominic Mauriello pointedoutthatthememohas recommended findings. HenryPrattmadeamotionforapprovalwiththreeadditional conditions;thatagateor traffic barrier beaddedtoprohibitpeoplefromparkinginthetruckloadingarea,andto guarantee that the landscape islandbemaintainedinaliveconditionfor3years,andthat snow removal performance bethesameasotherpropertiesinthearea . ThemotionwassecondedbyDianeGolden . MikeMollicaaskedifthewallonthebikepathwastobeincludedinthe monon. HenryPrattaddeda condition No.7,thatthebikepathbebetterseparated. GalenAaslandsaidtoincludethebermaswell. HenryPrattsaidok. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes August12,1996 11 Themotionpassed unanimously byavoteof7-0. 7 .A request fora worksession todiscussavariancetoallowdetached garages inthefront setback,locatedat2853and2833 Kinnickinnick Road/Lots7 &8,Block4,Vail Intermountain/Lodges atTimberCreek. Applicant: Planner: JimMarx DominicMauriello HenryPrattmadeamotiontotableitem No.7,atthe applicant's request,untilAugust22,1996 . ThemotionwassecondedbyDianeGolden . Itpassed unanimously byavoteof7-0 8 .Anappealofan administrative decisionrelatingtoSection18.04.065,Demo/Rebuild,of theTownofVailMunicipalCode ,asitrelatestoChapter18.71,AdditionalGross ResidentialFloorArea,locatedat3110BoothCreekDrive/Lot9,Block3,VailVillage 11thFiling. Applicant: Planner : BillPierce DominicMauriello Greg Moffet askedtheBoardmemberstostatewhotheyhavespokentosincetheitemhas beenknown . GregAmsdensaidhespokew ith RickRosenandBillPierce . HenryPrattsaid BillPierceandTomMoorhead. GalenAaslandsaidBill Pierce . Greg Moffet saidTom Moorhead ishereasanadvisortothePECandtomakesureall potential exhibitsare brought toyourattention . GregMoffetsaidifyouaregoingtoaddresstheCommission,pleasespeakintothe microphone, sotherecordisclear . DominicMauriello explained thisappealofanadministrativedec ision.Hegavean overview of the background andexplainedwhatthedefinitionofademo/rebuild was .Healso explained the defin ition ofabuilding.Hestatedthatthedef inition wasincludedinthePEC packets.Dominic saidthe applicant wasgranted250sq.ft.toeachsideoftheduplex.Dominic conducted site visitsonJuly 22,1996 andJuly23 ,1996 withBuildingInspector ,ChuckFeldman .In Chuck's estimation,65%oftheprojectwasdestroyed.GuyCuccia,the superintendant onthe project, estimated that70%ofthe structure was demolished.AredtagwasissuedonJuly 24,1996. Tom Moorhead statedtothePECthat i ncludedinthepacketsaretheCouncil transcriptions of the meetings wheretheCouncilconsideredrevisionstothe250ordinance,aswellasan affidavit fromJimCurnutte ,theformerplannerfortheproject. Planning andEnvironmental Commission Minutes August 12,1996 12 RickRosen,legalcounciltoHughes,wantsitontherecordthatunlessI'mshown something sayingotherwise,itisperfectlylegaltotalkwithaCommissionmember,regardinganitemon appeal.Hesaidthatheresentedthatthismeetingopenedwiththe Commissioners needingto saywhotheyspokewithandtheconnotationsthathad. GregMoffetexplainedthatwearetryingtomakesureall discussions are disclosed. RickRosensaidthatBillPiercewillgivea chronological orderofprocess.Theyareusing approximately 950 sq.ft.ofadditionalsquarefeetinadditiontothe500sq.ft. WilliamPierce,theArchitect,saidthatin1995theownersgottogethertorenovatethe property tomaximizethesquarefootage.Therequestwasfortwo,250's plus950sq.ft.of available GRFA .Thiswastheamountpermittedtobeaddedtotheexistinghomeplus77sq.ft.ofsite coverage.Theexistingsquarefootagewas approximately 3,700 or3,800sq.ft forbothsides, notincludingthe garages . GalenAaslandsaidtheinitialamountwas3,700sq .ft. BillPiercesaidthe applicant usedonly850sq.ft.forthegarages,sotheycouldbuildmore garagespace.Theydecidednottoexpandthegarages,becausethesite coverage spaceistoo limited.Weremovedabout5%ofthefloorareaofthehouseforadditions.We submitted the original drawings inOctober,1995oftheexistinghouse,beforetheremodel,sothatthe extent of workwouldbeclear.Wehighlightedinredanoverlayoftheareasthatexist.TheTuchman sheetA-204,dated 10/9/95 showsexisting conditions withtheadditionoverthelivingroom .On the30thof October wesubmittedtheHughes,sheetA-204,dated 10/30/95.Theseall referencedwheretheTuchmanroofisbeingremoved.SheetA-7,dated 5n/92 ontheoriginal showstherewasneveraquestionthatthiswasnotasubstantialremodel.Sheet A-204 (Hughes)showstherooflineisaroofandahalfabovetheexistingroof. Atthe 12/11/95 PECmeetingwereceivedunanimousapproval.Jim Curnutte summarized the requestandwithoneminorchangeandfelt comfortable withtherequest,sinceitwasa straightforward application.Jim 's affidavit admitsthathemetwithusandwentthroughindetail whatweweredoingwiththishouse . On January 22 ,1996,thestaffapprovedtheDRBapplicationafteraddingonewindow.After thatapproval ,theownerswantedtomakeitlookbetter.They resubmitted drawings.OnMarch 22,1996,theDRBunanimouslyapprovedSheetA-301andSheetA-303. DianeGoldenaskedatthistimeiftheywentbacktothePEC. BillPiercesaidno,wedidnotalterthefloorarea ,justthestyle.OnMay15,1996we submitted thebuilding permit application .SheetS-4showsallroofingmembers.Therewere200new roofingmembers .Notonesectionshowinghasoneroofrema ining whenthe building permit was issued.Thiswas intheTown 's handsfor8months.$750,000wasthe valuation andwehad givenstaff countless opportunities toreviewthesedocuments.Oneofthekeyissueshereisthe ordinancethatsaysfloorareacannotberemoved .Staffsaysifyouremovetherooforthewalls, itistakingthe definition toitsfullestdefinition.Thereisno definition of what removalofGRFA is.Thestaffmemoreferstointerpretationandintent.Thisisokifitisdone before issuingthe build ing perm it,notafter.Thisreferstotheremovalofthefloorarea,notthewallsandroofs.Is the TuchmanlHughes projectthefirsttocomethroughsincethechange? Pla nning and EnvironmentalCommi ssion Minutes August12.1996 13 Dominic Mauriello saiditisnotthefirstoneapproved. RolleKjesboofNedbo Construction washiredtodothework .He submitted the application on 5/18andpickedupthepermiton6/15 .Hehasn 't changedanyth ing,asperthe drawings. RickRosensaidyouhaveheardfromBillPierce,thatwehadan8monthapprovalprocess.At alltimesitwasclearthatroof elements weregoingtobepickedup,cleaned upandputback . PerTom Moorhead,theremovalofaroof destroys GRFA.Theactual transcriptions andthe minutes onthat Ordinance giveno definition .Ican'tfindadefinitionon demolition,destruction or removalof GRFA.WehavenotdonethaI.Wehavejustdonea remodel.An example ofa demolition ex ists onBeaverDamRoad ,whereastructurehasbeen bulldozed ,then brought backoutoftheground.Although1,450 sq .ft .hasbeenaddedtothestructure,only500sq .ft. hasbeenthroughthe250 GRFA ordinance.Itwouldhavetoread demolish,destroy orremove. ThePEC recommended approval.ItthenwentbacktostaffafterthisPECapproval.Staff approvedthe1/22/96design.Alltheexter ior changesweretobecleanedup.Stafftook6 .weeks andissuedabuildingpermitonJune18th.OnJuly22nd,an ex-planning member said wehad demolished 50%ofthebuilding .We're notgoing totellyouthatwedidn 't taketheroof off .Wehavenotviolatedtheordinance.Ithinkyouneedtooverturnthe interpretation. Greg Moffet askedforanypublic comment and questions fromthe Commissioners. Dominicsaidhehad6 photos takenonthe23rdofJune,1996fortheBoardtosee. Galen AaslandaskedBillwhatportionofthestructurewas demolished? BillPiercesaidabout5%. BillPiercesaidby definition youcandemolish100%ofthegarage.Billsaid approximately 150 sq .ft.was demolished. GalenAaslandaskedTomMoorheadforthedefinitionofa demo/rebuild. Tom Moorhead saiditisdefinedonpage2ofthememo ,with50%ormoreofthe GRFA being removed.Theword"structure"comesunderthedefinitionofa structure andabuildinginthe ZoningCode. GalenAaslandaskedunderthisdefinit ion,whodeterminesthis,the applicant,orthestaff? Tom Moorhead saidtheapplicant ,andthatJimCurnuttereferencesthe definition of demo/ rebuildrightinhismemo.Itneedstobeaddressedintheprocessbytheapplicant.Billhas statedthat5%hadbeenremoved ,soitseither5%or70%removal;that 's whatyour grappling with . RickRosen directed Galentolookattheminutesfromthe1stand2ndTownCouncilmeetings on August 15,1995.Noonecanfigureoutwhatismeantby demo/rebuild ;bulldozing and pullingoutoftheground,orGRFA.Thereisnoclear definition of demo/rebuild to calculate GRFA toremodelaproperty .Theord inance wasgivenasan inducement toupgradeexisting property. DianeGoldenaskedstaffifyoubulldoze,canyouthenonlyaddwhatwasoriginallyonthesite? Greg Moffet saidiftheybulldozed,theycouldonlyusethe950sq.ft.,notthe500sq.ft . Pla nning and EnvironmentalCommi ssion Minutes A ugust12,1996 14 Dominic Mauriello saidtheywouldnotbeentitledtotheadditional250sq .ft.ifthey bulldozed . Greg Moffet saidtherewasno statutory definition ofGRFA. Dominic Mauriello saidthatarchitectsinTowndealwiththe definition of GRFA ona daily basis. DianeGoldensaidsheisnotclearonwalls ,roofandfloorarea. Tom Moorhead saidinthe definition ofa demo/rebuild ,itreferencesbacktoGRFA. HenryPrattaskedifa demolition planwaseve r submittedtostaff? BillPiercesaid ,no . HenryPrattaskedwhat percentage ofthefram ing wasremovedandreplaced? RolleKjesbosaid5%ofthefloors . HenryPrattsaidtheTownsaid70%was demolished andyouare saying 5%.What percent was framing? BillPiercesaid100%oftheroofisnew.5%oftheexisting GRFA was removed andbuilt. HenryPrattaskedhowmuchoftheexteriorwallswerereplaced? BillPiercesaidmaybe50%. HenryPrattsa id whenyousay5%ofGRFA ,Itakethattobe5%ofthefloor.The exterior and interiorare exactly thewaytheyweresubmitted. GregAmsdensaidhehadnofurther questions . Gime Useltonsaidhehadno questions . John Schofield asked iftheprojectwas constructed according to plan? Dominic Mauriello saidno,butthewallsare inrightplaces . RolleKjesbosaidthewallsare according toplan . Dominic Mauriello illustratedonpageA-202andA-201,whichwas submitted fora building permit on 5/15/96,thenewfloorandnewwallsandtheexistingwallswhichweretoremain. RolleKjesbosaidthestructural engineer didnotrecommendaponywall. Dominic Mauriello said thatthewallsarelocatedaccordingtotheplans,buttheyarenewwalls. RolleKjesboaskedDominicifthisplanreflectedthe construction on-site? Dominic Mauriello said ,yes . RolleKjesbosaidwehadtoputanew header in. Planningand EnvironmentalCommission Minutes A ugust12,1996 15 John Schofield saidthereisadifferenceforthemeansandmethodsofafinished product.Is thereany interpretation thathasbeenpublishedthatfollowsthe guidelines inyourmemo,oran interpretation bytheCouncilorPEC? DominicMauriellosaiditiscodified . John Schofield askediftheadditionalGRFAunderthe250ordinancewasnotinvolved,then there wouldn't beanappeal? DominicMauriellosaid,yes. .JohnSchofieldaskedifallbuildingpermitrequirementsweredone? Dominic Mauriello saidhehadnoidea;hewouldhavetocheckwiththeBuilding Department. BillPiercesaidwehadaslopingponywallandthestructural engineer saidwe couldn't putawall onastructuralponywall. John Schofield askedifthestaff interpretations hadguidelinesasto what hadto be removed? DianeGoldenaskedifhalfweredoneatatime? Dominic Mauriello saidwearelookingatthisonaperunitbasis. DianeGoldenaskediftheyjustworkedononeunit atatime,could they avoidthe demo/rebuild issue? BillPiercesaidyestoDiane'squestion. Dominic Mauriello statedthatwhenmorethan50%oftheGRFAisremovedoneachside,it wouldthenbea demo/rebuild. BillPiercesa id hecouldhavedonethisoneside atatime andwouldhavemetstaff 's interpretations .- Dominic Mauriello saidthatisnotwhatoccurredinthiscase. GalenAaslandaskedwhentheDRBplansweresubmitted,werethefloorplansthesameasthe PEC approval? Tom Moorhead saidtherewasdiscussionon8/15/95 on pages 7,8 and9,regardingtheremoval oftheroof.It isthe interpretationofCouncilthatconstitutes what thelawis i nthe definition of code . GregAmsdensaidhereadthroughitanditwasaverydubiousmotion.I'mconfusedonwhat wassaidthere.Thelanguagewasinthefinaldraftoftheordinance. RickRosensaidonpage7,8and9,TimDriscosaid itisopeningan i ncrediblecanofworms. Noonecanstandupandsaywhat demo/rebuild reallymeansinTimDrisco 's words. GeneUseltonaskedabouttheseriesofdrawingsthatcamebeforetheDRB. Planning and Environmental Commiss ion Minutes August 12 ,J996 16 RolleKjesbosaidwe interpreted the drawings tobeonstaffandon budget. GeneUseltonaskedifstaffwas responsible forcallingittoyourattention. RolleKjesbosaidyes,that'swhywehaveplanreview. Greg Moffet asked,withreferencetothestructural engineer whoworksforBill,whatisthelevel of interaction withtheBuildingDepartment? BillPiercesaidtheyworkforus,cometothesitetomakeregular inspections andtolookat whether youcanbuildas proposed. RolleKjesbosaidtheframinginspectionrequiresaletterfromthestructural engineer. Greg Moffet askedifthereisapointwheretheengineerneedsto communicate withtheTown, orifhefollowstheplans,doeshenotneedtotalktotheTown.Couldthishavebeen accomplished without beinga demo/rebuild by systematically goingaround doing this. Dominic Mauriello saidwewouldnot approve itbecausethatisamethodtoviolatethe intent of the ordinance.Clearlytheycoulddoit. RickRosensaidthe purpose wastoupgrade.The applicant wantedtoadda bedroom.There's nowaywithstaff 's interpretation thiscouldbedone.They can't pulldownthe exterior wall.This wasnotthe spirit ofthe ordinance.Theywouldhavetoputupawalltoteardownawall.There isaneedto codify the interpretation . Dominic Mauriello saiditwasclearfromJimCurnutte 's memothattheentireroofwasnotbeing removed. BillPiercesaidifyoureadtheaffidavit,hewasoftheopinionthatitwasnota demo/rebuild.Jim spenttimewithmystaffandtheplansonthesiteanditwouldbe inconceivable thatJim,with his experience,wouldsaythathe didn't seetheroofneedingtoberemoved. Greg Moffet askedifIwantedto convert interior GRFAandwantedtoreplacethewholeroofin theprocess,couldthisbedone? Dominic Mauriello saidnotifitexposedmorethan50%ofGRFA .. George RuthersaidonMarch11,1996a homeowner did just that,butmadeitvery clear that theywere going toremovetheroof. RickRosensaidwecameinonMarch20thandthiswasnotpickedoutbystaff? Dominic Mauriello saidthescopeofthe subsequent DRBreviewswasminor changes (suchas windows)toanapprovedplanandnotanewreviewofthe demo/rebuild issue. GalenAaslandaskedRickRosenaboutwhose responsibility itwastoconformwiththe code? The applicant,ortheplanner? RickRosensaidwe,astaxpayers,paystafftosayyes,ornoandtohelpusfollowtherules. GalenAaslandaskedwhose responsibility isittomeetthecode? Planningand Environmental Commission Minutes August12.1996 17 RickRosensaidbothparties. Greg Moffet questioned DominicregardingintheBackground(I Ill,thesecondtolast sentence,in thefirstparagraph,bywhomwasthe understanding reached? Mike Mollica statedthatitwasthestaff's understanding thatremovingtheroofwould eliminate GRFA. GeorgeRuthersaidtheintentwasabused.Wastheapplicantupgradingtheexisting structure or demolishing it?Atwhatpointhaveyoutakenahousebeyondaremodel?Areyoustillconfined, or constrained bytheexistingstructure?Thisisabusingtheintentofthe250ordinance.Can younotgoinandremovemorethan50%oftheexistingstructureto design ahousetomeetyour personalneeds? RickRosen mentioned ananalogyofadversepossession.IfIstickafenceon someone's property anditremainsfor17years ,itbecomesmyproperty.Ihavetherighttopunthatfence downandputitbackupinsamelocationandstillkeepmystatus.Usingthisanalogy,the applicant putabrandnewwall inthesamelocation. Greg Moffet askedTomMoorhead,sincethisisunlikeanythingI'veeverdonesinceI'vebeenon the commission,howdowechoosetogotoexecutivesession? HenryPrattaskedwhywewouldneedtogotoexecutivesession? Tom Moorhead statedtheCommissionhastheabilitytogoto executive sessionforthepurpose of deliberation . GregMoffetaskedwhatwewererequiredtofindasitrelatestothe interpretationofthestatute? TomMoorheadsaidthePEC,regardingallappeals,baseddirectlyonevidence,mustfindifthe standards or conditions fromtheZoningTitlehaveorhavenotbeenmet.Thestaff interpretation ofa demo/rebuild doesnotentitle the applicant toanyadditional250's.Youaremakinga determ ination ontheevidencepresentedtosustainoroverrulethestaff interpretation. GalenAaslandaskedifahousewasbuiltandburneddownbyafire ,wouldthe applicant be allowedtobuilditasbefore? Tom Moorhead saidthatthisdoesnothaveanythingtodowiththeappealbeforethe commission.Thesituationhasbeencloudedbecauseit'sunderway.Isthis application appropriate inrelationtotheordinance?Wearetalkingabout hypotheticals here. George Ruthergaveanexampleofthis happeningandtheapplicantnotbeinggrantedthe250. GeneUseltonsaidthe contractor submittedtheplansanddidwhathewasrequiredtodo.Could staffhave recognized thatthiswasgoingtobea demo/rebuild anddetectedit? DominicMauriellosaidno,notfromtheplansthatwehad. Mike Mollica saiditwasJimCurnutte'sunderstandingthatthiswasnota demo/rebuild . RickRosensa id sinceJimCurnutteisnothere ,let's gooffofhis affidavit. Planningand EnvironmentalCommission Minutes Augu sl12,1996 18 TomMoorheadstatedinparagraph10ofJimCurnutte 's affidavit,this project was never represented to be ademo /rebuild,perLauraNash. RickRosenintroducedLauraNash . LauraNashstatedthatitwasveryclearthatJimknewthattheroofwascomingoff. GeneUseltonaskedifwehadalegitimaterighttoassumethatthe applicant knewwhatthe interpretation ofthestatutewas. Domin ic Mauriello saidthatrightontheapplication,aparagraphtalksabouta demo/rebuild. GeneUseltonaskediftheapplicant understoodwhatthatmeant? GregAmsdensaidhedoesn 't understandit. DebraTuchman ,owneroftheeastunit,statedthatinordertoqual ify forthe250 ,wehadtokeep it inintact.Wewentto considerable painstodothat.TherearepartsofthehousethatIwould havelikedtochange,butitwasaremodelandI couldn't changesomethings .Becauseofmy layman's intentoftheordinance ,wewereissuedapermit.I'mnotclearfromlookingatthe plans .Withknowledgeoftheplansupfront ,thegrantingofthe permit hadthe blessings ofthe Town.Theyrendertheirinterpretationoftheplanswhenapermitis granted.I understood thata structural engineer wasneededwiththeamountofglassthatwasadded. Susan Connelly saidthereseemstobeadistractionbecauseofone 's distaste ofGRFA.The planswereapprovedbecause itwasnota demo/rebuild.ItisthePEC'sjobto interpret this. GregMoffetaskedthatifregardlessofthePEC 's action ,isthis subject toa call-up orappealby Council? RickRosensaiditwashis understanding theycouldnotappealtoCouncil. DianeGoldenaskediftheyjustbuilttheadditional950sq.ft.andnotthe250 ,couldtheydoit? DominicMaurielloexplainedthatifyoubuildanewhousetoday,youarenolongereligibleforthe 250. RickRosensaidwearebothclearonthatposit ion. TomMoorheadsaidthe applicant issubjecttoanappealorcall -up totheTownCouncil. John Schofield saidthereareseveralfactsindisputeregardingthepercentof demolition.The definition islessthanclear.Hemadeasuggestion tothestaffthatthe definitions be published andaseparate demo/rebuild definition beformeddowntheroad.I definitely thinkthereisa conflict betweenthestaff interpretation andthecode.Iseenothingthat addresses that. GeneUseltonsaidmy comments havenothingtodowithGRFA.Thereisnouniformopinion with in thePECmembersastothe interpretation.Howthencouldthe applicant be expected to comply? Planning and EnvironmentalCommission Minutes August12,1996 19 GregAmsdensaidweneedtotakealookatthecode.ThatwouldmeanthatI can't putanew roofonmyhouse.WehavetomakeGRFAproactive.Thiswholeareaneedstobe defined. Willtherebeanynegative impact toimprovethe property?There'sagrayareahere. GalenAaslandsaidtheTownhasactedresponsibly,withregardto questioning ifthisisa demo/rebuild.Wherethere 's a250,ademoplanshould be required .Assoonasitgottobethis much,a demolition planshouldhavebeensubmitted .Thisdoesviolatethespiritofthe250 , however ,the applicant wastryingtomakethiswork.The Town's definition needstomakea much clearer statement. DianeGoldensaidtheTownCouncilhasdirectedthestaffandthePECtobe proactive.We're heretohelpmakeVailbetterandbuildhomesthatpeoplecanstayin .The definition ishazy , unclear andneeds clarification. HenryPrattsaidthe issueofthedemo/rebuildhasbeenclouded.Therewasalotmoreframing removedbeforethephotosthatweretaken .Forthatreason ,staff 's interpretation hasbeen violated ,butIdonotfeeltheintenthasbeenviolated .Indrivinghome ,Inoticedona constant basis,eventhoughtheframingchanged ,themassneverchanged .I disagree with staff's interpretation.If floorsweretakenout,orwallsputbackina different place ,thenIcouldsee staff's interpretation.Duringawalk-through,Isawstairsand conditions that Iwould not have rebuilt inthehouse,sotheintentwasnotatear-down. Greg Moffet saidhedoesnotseebadfaithonthepartofthestaff ,ortheapplicant.The dilemma ,inmymind ,isthatademolitionmeanstobulldoze .Itisclearthattherewere great painsbeingtaken in t hisproject tonothaveademo .Thecodeisnotclear .Weare required to jump fromdefin itions of structures todefinit ions ofbuildingsin different sectionsofthecodeto getone definition .Itisnotobvious.Wearelookingatthecodeasanobject ive document. Applying staffs interpretation wouldcreateafinancialhardshipontheapplicant.I don't think, however,thatstaffisactingoutoflineonthis . HenryPrattmadeamotiontooverturnthestaffdecisioninfavorofthe applicant andalsoto direct staffto modify the interpretation foreveryonewhousesit. Tom Moorhead saidtomakeonemotion . HenryPratt withdrew themotion. HenryPrattmadeamotiontooverturnstaff 's ruling,basedonthefindings thatthe interpretation isnotclearandthatthe applicant actedontheir own interpretation,wh ich Ifindto be reasonable . ThemotionwassecondedbyGeneUselton. Itpassed unanimously byavoteof7-0 HenryPrattmadeamotiontodirect ,oraskstafftomoreclearlydefinewhata demo/rebuild is andhaveth is definition notworkagainstwhata250isintendedfor. GregAmsdensecondedthemotion. GeneUseltonwouldliketoamendthemotiontoincludepublishingthe definition. Planningand EnvironmentalCommission Minutes August 12,1996 20 GregMoffet recommended anamendmenttochangethecode. HenryPrattsaidboth amendments wereacceptable. GregAmsdensecondedthe amendments tothemotion . Themotionwith amendments passed unanimously byavoteof7-0. 11111111111 9.InformationUpdate Susan Connelly wantedtothankallwho participated inVail Tomorrow andhadsurveys. Mike Mollica hadtheCourchevel documents ashandoutstothePEC . 10.ApprovalofJuly22,1996minutes GeneUseltonmadeamotionforapprovaloftheminutes. DianeGoldensecondedthemotion . Themotionpassed unanimously byavoteof7-0 . John Schofield madeamotiontoadjournthemeeting. GeneUseltonsecondedthemotion. Themotiontoadjournpassedunanimouslybyavoteof7-0. Themeetingadjournedat7:10p .m. Planningand EnvironmentalCommission Minutes August12,1996 21 .. ••• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci .vail.co.us Project Name:WESTERN UNION SIGN DRB Number:DRB030445 Project Description: NEW SIGN Partici pants: OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC10/06/2003Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: APPUCANT SHELDON W HENDERSON 10/06/2003Phone:303-375-9933 Amarillo,TX 79114 License: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location:SAFEWAY LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:210311415011 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Planner:Bill Gibson Action: Date of Approval: DRBFeePaid:$50.00 ••" Departmentof Co mmunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,C olorado 8 1657 9 70-479-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.u s October31,2003 YoungElectricSign Company Attn :SheldonHenderson 230BridgeStreet Vail,CO81657 RE:WesternUnion-Proposedsign 2131NorthFrontageRoad (Safeway)/Lot 3,VailDasSchone 3'd Filing DearSheldon, TownStaffhasagain preliminarily reviewedthedesignreview application forproposedsignage forWesternUnion,locatedwithinthe Safeway Storeat2131NorthFrontageRoad .Basedupon this preliminary review,theDepartmentof Community Development hasdeterminedthatthis application isstill incomplete andcannotbereviewedbytheTownofVailuntilallrequired itemshavebeensubmitted. Additionally,theproposedWesternUnionsigndoesnotcomplywiththe provisions ofTitle11, SignRegulations ,VailTownCode.Foryourreference,theprov isions ofSection11-4C-17 , WallSigns,VailTownCode ,hasbeenattachedforreference. Please submit acompletedsignapplication,revisedtocomplywiththeprovisionsofthesign regulations,alongwiththeappropriateprocess ing feetotheTownofVail Community Development Departmentforreview.Foryour convenience ,asign application forhasbeen attached. Ifyouhaveanyquest ions orcomments ,pleasefeelfreeto contact me directly at(970)479 - 2173 . Sincerely, BillGibson,AICP PlannerII TownofVail IoRBCYCU'DPAPER • 11-4C-16 shall notexceed four (4)square feet. All pedestrian traffic-control signs shall notexceed one square foot, except multi-purpose signs,which shall notexceed four (4)square fee t, subject todesign review. C.Height:Nopartof the sign shall ex- tend above 'sixfeet(6')from existing grade . D .Number:Subject to design review. E .Locat ion:Loca t ion shall be subject to des ign review witha approval from the Town Engineer fo r any sign placed adjacent toapublic street or way. F.Design:Subject to design review. G .Lighting :Indirect ,subject to design rev iew. H .Landscaping :Sub ject t o design re- view. I.Special Provisions:Special provisions shall beas follows: • 11-4C-17 11 -4C-17:WALL SIGNS: A.Arcade:Wall signs ,arcade shall be regula ted as follows : 1 .Purpose:To identify abus iness .organization fronting onan arcade within abUildingor between buildings having public access. 2.Size :One square foot for each five (5)front lineal feetofthe individua l business or organization w ith .a maxi- mum area often(10)squ are feet. 3.Height:The t opof the signs shall beno higher than eight feet (8 ')above existing grade. 4.Number:Oneperbus iness front on an arcade ,as determ ined by the Ad - min istrator,subjec t to design review. 5 .Location :Parallel tothe exterior wallofthe business front onanar- cade ,subject t o design review. 6.Design :SUbjectto design rev iew. I 1.Maybe either freestanding o r wall- mo unted,with same size require- men ts. 2 .No individual sign willbe approved unless it conforms toan overall sign program fortheent ire building,sub-~ mitted bytheappl icant.~B. 3.Nosignshall conta in any advertis- i ng,butmay ident ify the owner by name. 4 .If a"nopark ing"sign (as furnished bytheTown)is used ,the re may beno o ther signforthe same purpose.(Ord . 13(1996)§2) Town ofVail 7.Lighting:Indirect orpan -channeled, provided t hat signs only be lighted untilten o'clock (10 :00)P.M.,or until thec losing of the business which is s ervesor represents,whichever isthe least restrictive . Individual Business Within Multi -Ten- ant Building:Wall signs,individual bus iness within a multi-tenant build ing shall be regulated as follows : 1.Purpose:To identify a business o r organization whichhas itsown exteri- or publ ic entrance within amu lti-ten- ant building . , ('. •• 11-4C-17 2.Size:Two and five-tenths (2.5), square feetforeachfive (5)front lineal feet ofthe i ndividualbus iness or organization having its own exterior public entrance ina multi-tenant build- ing,witha maximum offive(5)square feet allowed fora business with insuf- ficient frontage .Maximum area shall no t exceed twenty (20)square feet. 3.Height:Nopartofthesign shall extend above twenty five feet (25') from existing grade or the plate line of the building ,whichever is more re- strictive ; 4 .Number:One sign . 5.Location:Parallel to the exterior wallofthe individual business or orga- nization,adjacent to the North or South Frontage Roads,subject to design review. 6.Design:Subject to design review. 7 .Lighting :Indirect or pan-channeled, provided that signs only be lighted untilten o'clock (10:00)P.M.,or until the closing ofthe business which it serves or represents,whichever is l east restrictive. 8 .Special Provisions:Special provi- sions shall beas follows: a .A joint directory s ign permitted, subject to the provisions of this Arti- cle. b.A business or organization which hasawallsignis not excluded from participating ina joint directory. c.An individual business with no calculable frontage along the North or •11-4C-17 South Frontage Roads,orwitha basement .or second floor entrance, mayhaveone sign wi th a maximum areaoffive(5)square f eetina loca- tion subjec t todes ign review ordes ig- nated ina specific sign program for the building in which the business or organ ization is located. d.Space shared with common ex terior pub lic entrance by more than one business or organization shallbe treated asa single business or organi- zation forthe purposes of calculating frontage. C.Joint Directory Signs For Multi-Tenant Building:Wall signs.joint directory signs for a multi-tenant building shall be regulated as follows: 1.Purpose:To list all tenants within a multi-tenant bUilding andto guide the pedestrian toan individual tenant w ithin the build ing . 2.Size :One square foot per tenant within the multi-tenant building,.witha maximum area of twenty .five (25) square feet. 3 .Height:No part of such signs shall extend above eight feet (8 ')fromex- isting grade . 4 .Number:One sign . 5.Location :Paralle l tothe exterior wall adjacent to the North orSouth Frontage Roads SUbject to design review. 6.Design:SUbject to design review. 7.Lighting :Indirect or pan-channeled , provided that signs only be lighted Town of Vail ••I Application for Design Review Depa rtment ofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontage Road ,Vail,Col orado 81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www .d.vail.co.us General Information: All projectsrequiringdesignreview must receiveapproval pr ior t o submittin g abuilding permit application .Please refert o thesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthat is requested.Anapplicationfor Design Review cannot be accepted until allrequired information isreceived by t he Community Development Department.The project mayalso need tobereviewedby theTownCouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal:Lot:Block:Subdivis ion:_ Physical Address: Parcel No.:__________(ContactEagle Co.Assessor at 970-3 28-8640 for parce l no.) E-mail Address: Zoning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s): Mailing Address: ____________________Phone:_ Owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: ___________________Phone:_ Fax:------------------------- Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptua l Review o New Construction o Addit ion o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) o Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) o ChangestoApproved Plans o Separat ion Request $50 NoFee $6 50 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 persquare footof total sign area. For constructionofanew buildingordemo/rebuild. Foranaddition wheresquarefootageisadded toany resid entialor commercial building(includes 250 additions &interior conversions). For minorchanges tobuildings andsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,window additions,landsca ping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changes tobuildings andsiteimprovemen ts,such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscap ing,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revisions toplans already approved by Planning Stafforthe DesignReview Board. For Office Use Only: Fee Pa id:Check No.:By:_ Application Date:DRB No.:_ Plan ner :Project No.:_ • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER • I,(pri nt name)"a joint owne r of property locatedat (address/legal description)-' providethi s letter aswrittenapprovaloftheplans date d whichhave been submitted totheTownofVail Community Development Department fortheproposedimprovements tobecomple ted attheaddress notedabove .I understand that theproposed improvements include: I further understand that minormodifications maybemadetotheplansover thecourseofthereview processtoensurecompliancewiththeTown 's applicablecodesandregulatio ns. (Signature) Page2o f 4/0 J/I 0/02 (Date) • SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS • General Information Th is application isforany sign t hatis locatedw ithin theTownofVail.Specificrequirementsareavailable fro mt heDepartment ofCommunityDevelopment. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.Nameof Business: B.Buildingnameandphysicaladcress; C.Writtenapprovalfromcondominium association,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. D.Typeofsign(checkall thatapply): [;J Freestanding Sign [;JWall Sign [;JHang ing /Projecting Sign ODisplay Box O DailySpecial Board [;J Joint DirectorySign [;JSu bdivision EntranceSign o Building Identifica tion o Mural o WindowSign o Sign Program o Ga s Filled/Fiber OpticoTemporarySign o Other " .-c- E.Numberofsigns proposed:Number ofsigns existing:_ F.Sign message:_ G.Sign and letteringdimensionsforeachproposedsign(attachacoloredscaledschematic drawing @ '14 "=1'):_ H.Length ofbusinessfrontage:_ 1.Heightofsign(s)fromgrade:_ J.Sign Location(attachasiteplanandanelevation drawingoraphotog raph clearly indicating theproposedlocation ofsign(s)):_ K.Materialsandcolors ofsign(attachsamples):_ L.Signlight ing plan:_ oIndicatetype,locationandnumberoffi xtures. o Inclu de height above grade,lumens output,luminousarea. o Attachacutsheet foreachproposedfi xture. M.Drawingsshowlnq how andw here thesignorawningw ill attachtothebuilding andhow th e awning willbeconstructed. Page3 of 4/0 I I I0/02 •• N.T he Administrator and/or ORB may require t he submission of additional plans,drawings, specifications,samp les and ot hermaterials (i ncludingamodel)ifdeemednecessa ry t o determinew hether aproj ect willcomply withDesign Guidelinesorifthe intent oft he proposalisnot clearly indicated. NOTESTOALL APPUCANTS Time Requirements The DesignReviewBoardmeetsonthe1stand3rd Wednesdaysofeachmonth.Acompleteapplication formandallaccompanying materialmust beacceptedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentprior to applicationdeadlines.AscheduleofORB meeting s andassociatedapplicationdeadlinesmaybefound on t heWorldWide Webathttp://cLvail.co.us/com mdev/plann ing/drb/meet ings/default.htm Review Criteria T heproposalwillbereviewedfor compliancew itht heDesign Guidelines asset forth inTitle 12 (Zoning Regu lations )andTit le 14(Development Standards)ofthe T ownofVail Municipal Code. Design Review Board Meetinq Requi rements For newconstru ction andadditions,t he applicantmuststakeandtapetheprojectsitetoindicate propertylines,proposedbuildings andbuildingcorners.Alltreestoberemovedmustbetaped.The applicant mustensurethatstakingdoneduringthew inter isnot buriedbysnow.Allsite ta pings and stakingm ustbecompletedpriort o theday ofthe DRS meeting. The applicant,or theirrepresentative,shall bepresent attheDesign Review BoardHearing.Applicants whofailt oappearbeforetheDesign ReviewBoardonth eir scheduled meeti ng dateand w ho have not asked in advance t hat discussionont heiritembepostponed,willhavethe iritemsremovedfrom the ORB agenda untilsuch ti me as t he it emhas beenrepubli shed. If t he ORB approvestheapplication wit h cond itions ormodifications,allconditions ofapproval mustbe resolved prior tothe issuanceofabuilding permit. Staff Approval T he Administrator (amember oftheplanningstaff)mayreviewandapproveDesign Reviewapplications, approve withcertainmodificat ions,denytheapplication,or refertheapplication totheDesignReview Boardforadecision.Allstaff approvals are reviewed bytheDesignReviewBoardandany staff decision issubjecttofina l approval bythe DRB. Page4 of 4 /0 Iii 0102 •-?V0 3 ~ott~:o ns'!Call t hePlanning Desk a t 479 -212!l SIGN/AWNINGAPPLICATION This a pplication isf orany s ignthat is locat ed within th eT own o f Vail.Speci fic requir ements arc a vailable fromthe Department of Co mmunityDe velopment. P hone:Sot o .~r ~n J-'\Se [S&.)W I':>+-sl o I I Phone:j 0 0 '0'1 ~~-q q ~j ~v r 'j CG zsB2,~9 Name of Business:()J esJ e COD \)Y)\0 n Building name and address:S Q -f t:vJ Q.\~2.I ~I J Name of owner:VJ e rj ~t'C b ,)b \Ql b Mailing address:~f7()~. Signature ofown er:'/O~£'H!.?lL.J~~=--:::::::::""-'_-=::::==:::::'-_ /" Name of pers on submitting:S he,l ~QY\W.H:r '"\<if I 5(l VI (Ifdi fferent than ow ner)A ddress:_ D. E. A. B . C. o Hanging sign DAwning f . G. H. Type o f s ign (see bac kf orde finitions ): o Free standing J1r Wall signoOther.speci fy:_ S ignm essage:W C-s}e r n ()n il))') S ize of sign and si ze of le tte ring foreach signpr oposed :5 I @J h C O b )he +- qqJ Ih ~"l.~, 1'1 GI I s:I Lengt h o f business frontage:---'''''--''--'''-_ H eighto f sign above gra de:--l-'>L._ Number of signs propllsed :-L Number andsi ze of existing s igns:2.(~I S h"C)SiS 11 $@ ';:t f'rp +01-8 1 Location of each sign (attachasiteplan l!lli!an elevation drawing ora photograph clearl yi ndicatingth e I. J . K . L. proposed loe ation):_ M .Ma terials an d co lors of sign (attach samples):A cry l IC,:fo et O Y\o(:Q sbrr +m...oh I C(1 b1 Y'l1'Jr • N.De scribe lighting of sign (ex isting orpr oposed)::['1+ern a '.f l...J.\LJIQ,LLL....X....S"-'c..........e.....I'...,-r'-"S"--_ O .Business license an d/or sales tax lic e nse verific ation is REQ U IRED priorto planning rev iew: Sa les Tax A dministrato r's signa ture (S ally Lo rton 47 9-2125):_ •••< SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: o Comp lete Application. o Asiteplan showing theexactlocationwherethesignistobelocated. o Elevation dra wings orphotos showing proposedlocationofthesignorawning. o Colored scaled (1/4"=1')drawing,includingspeciticletteringand dimensions andaphoto.if available. o Samp le of proposed materials. o Drawings showing how and wheresignorawningwillattachtothebuildingandhowthe awning willbe constructed. o Condominium Association orLandlordapproval -attachaletter. SIGN CATEGQRIES: J.Freestanding -Asingleor muli -faced signaffixedtoasupportingstructure.orimbeddedinand extendingfrom thegroundanddetachedfromthebuilding. 2.Awn ing or Hanging -Any signattachedtoabuildingandextendinginwholeorinpartmorethan 9 "beyondthe building line . 3.Wall -Asign attached to,paintedon,orerectedagainstthewall of a building orstructurewiththeexposed face of thesigninaplaneparalleltothefaceofthewallandnotprojecting morethan9"fromtheface of the wall. 4 .DisplayBox -A freestanding orwallsignenclosed inglass forthcexpresspurposeof displaying menus. current entertainment orrealestatelistings . 5.Joint directory sign -Afreestanding,hangingorwallsignthatlistsallthetenantswithinamulti -tenant building. 6.Subdivision entrance sign-Asigntoidentifyamajorsubdivision,a condominium complex ,orgroupof apartment buildings havingatleast J00 linearfeet of fro ntage alonga vehicular or pedestrian wayin anyRC, LDMF ,MDMF ,HDMF,orSDDzone district SUGGESTIONS: 1.Copies of theSignCodearcavailablefrom theDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment.Youmaywishto checktheCodetoverifythetypeand size of signyouareallowed. 2 .Be specifi c ,Vagueness inthedescripti on of design.size.co nstructionmay delaythe approvalof y our si gn. 3 .Measure the frontage o f yourbusiness to determine t he size (area)ofthesign youarcallowed. 4 .Lighting for awnings mayspotlight onlythesignletteringontheawning .Lightingmay 1I0t shine into pedestrianor vehicular ways . 5 .All individual business signswillbereviewedbytheDepartment of Conununity Development.Newsign programs or amendments tosignprogramswillbereviewedbytheDesignReviewBoard . F:evetyoneifonnsisigns/signapp.813 .\...,.."t,....,... *NOTE:SIGNAGE TOBEINSTALLED10 'ABOVE GRADE H.O.FWORESCfNT <AMPS ~__FASTENEIIt5 (AS W1V) --+TRAN5FORME~ ,IMLlAST ~-l'O'2OV4I®~. STANDARD 5EA MJ.ESSYE ' rot.\'CAROONATE FlATFN:E. 'MfH OPAQUE I'lACK VINYL l'JIlXGlWUND ALUM,EXllQ./DED S:GN CAeINET 551bs. Two(2)F72T12/D/HO Fluorescent lamps , One(1)Alanson 372AT ballast,120 volts , pulling 2 amps @ 250 watts per sign . 6 '·0" --------< SCALE :W'=l ' A -'ALLCABINET EDGE S.1\2"RETAIN ERS ARE TO BE PAIN TED GLOSS BLACK . 'J PROPOSED S/F ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN YE LL OW PMS 1 0 9 EXISTING PROPOSED SHOWN L.oc.Uon :Sq.,.,..FL 131 NORT H FRONTAGERD,WEST"VAlL,c-..t-__-I g ' DOUGCOTTER I WESTERNUNION 0631 0 30114110 ar--nby: AWW Site # Address City State Western Grocery Stores GROC-0631 2131NORTHFRONTAGEROADWEST VAIL CO81657 • ~'''~''''.,. ,"...j ~.~.-,.~.,....~.,..,....~"~•"'~;:' •j\,...•~1 .',....:~...':.tf:".).j'~.~~~~,- Coast 2 Coast Surveys • S itc#:·GROC -0631 "estern Grocer yStores ~E levat iun-Ca binet &LeiterSe ts.Projec t Mgr :Dannv Go ldberq-SAFEWA Y Surveyor :Wade Ho llowav 2131 NORTH FRONTAGE Me Sign I Co mputer :Vale ncia Waldro up VAIL,CO 81657 2 76'Reviewe r:Cor porate------!~---------------------------------1 ~I + <.+t .>:29' 25'16' ...•... E1 S 5'6"x 6'6"10:2 Sa feway1'9"x 11' SAFEWAY 2131NORTHFRONTAGE VA IL,CO81657 ~i tC#:-U631 "estern Groce ryStores _Cab inet &LetterSe ts Projec t Mgr :Danny Goldberg Surveyor :Wade Ho llowav MCSign Comp uter :Valencia Waldrou p Reviewer:Corpora te Vestibulc l 2'10"x 3'5" l OCT-06-~D03 08:01AM FROM-V OUNG ELE~C SIGN CO 3033759 111 • ~esco ~ T-479 P.0 01/OD3 F-Z67 ,!::Iouna eLeCTRIC SIGn compcn~ 3770Jolietstreet Denver,Colorado 89234 Phone:(303)375-9933 FAX:(303)375-9111 To: Date:;0-b -cj Time: ... Name:,41 LJ$G~CJcb~$_ Company:_ Address:-------------Phone #:-------------FAX:.9)Q 4~-2Y.~S=?-=________-_ From: Name:Sheldon Henderson Sbi2l.d..l;LQb~_ P.llIC CT-~6-Z 003 08:0 1AM FR OU-YOU NG ElE~C SIGN CO Ulr/'''Z'U3 ~4't I".\l '''_II D"a !ifPool5-2SS5 1Slraa l'I:51l3Pi 3033~5!2 1 1._~T-~79 p,OOZ/003 "...~"'........~r,gc,D..,) "48 ~~ F-26 7_.....- I ~ ~TOWN 1.(JtIlIIt""'"4Jrll!lka ~,•jainI'"at Ill...,......ea-.... 1 ,...n).,31 t>'Q!"h E tDn!:oa'BL---JWIl:llI;SS~~r.:....---- ~UIli ..WIQft ."''ClUII til h"dId8d ..,9-1 )·8 ~-'-'.... bI*'I"~ID_Te.notVlll~DIr .'''.ll~far\tl...all.II~IV ,.... \0118001'$1&"I.l1:hll~""Bowt,I UIId1 ............""'1n1Wtll _1nrIuIIe: .Plan *1 !'nsa-,\\on'CU wa,ll Stjb rrQrA~....:I~..l\--__ 'lJJ :L...'03~..v:t \'\\l..t\l DJ\ ,Ill,.,.""*t_IlI.t1at mJniIr mOIl.....wlIlI»l»~lit __.....cf tt.'.... ~lIQ--~'.,."'''..T~."....I:II & .TQTR-".is;!0"111 I I4N It:S'IT.l/IX NO 18001 ?aa3~PRE.ac 09/2./03 WED 10 :19 [TX/RX NO 894~J I ~ ,!..i \t.~~-I ;..I~I .'~i "I: \iIt!!5 lil e~$! ~~IJ ColI ~J: .sff t I ~.-.....I "II !j ~1:~l-a~-i!~tR !i ,. oil . i ~~.!f §~. II ~!I~~lN-~l:».. a-Ji!I ~~8i ,'283:JiE25 ~r~.liIJ*'"TOTAL F'I=lGE.1<l3 .... OH/~4/03 WED 10:49 [TX/RX NO as'~J • **••****.*************************** *.*.******************************** ******************** TOWNOFVAlL ,COLORADO Copy Reprinted on10-06-2003 at 10:57:31 1010 6/2003 Statement *****************************.****•• ************************************ ******••************ Statement Number:R03000484 6 Amoun t:$29.0010 /06 /200310 :57 AM Payme nt Method :Check I nit:DF Notat ion :CHECK #29 18 Permit No :DRB030445 Type: DRB -Sign Application Pa rcel No :210311415011 Site Address : 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location : 2131 N .Frontage Road To tal Fees: $29 .00 This Paymen t:$29.00Total ALL Pmts:$29.00 Balance : $0.00 ****••***••*•••********************* ***•••***•••••••••••***.************ *******••*.**••***•• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Account Code Description Current PInts • DR00100003112200 REV IEW FEES 29 .00 DESI GN roteetion Contractor. Fire Sprink er shop dra ings required at time of permit submittal and must include the folio ng.Permit application will not be accepted ........'_.-.this information: AC lorado istered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T.evel III (min) s....,....•.", E H A PI TOWN 0 APPLICATIOeL NOTBEACCEPTED IF INCOMPL~RUN~9tJ3 -t:/)'d I- PrOject #:~T Building Permit #:'J5 03-00 dC, Sprinkler Permit #:~ 970-479-2135 (Inspections) KLER PERMIT APPLICATION , 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657. contect EaIeCoun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel #(Required if no bldg.Permit #is provided above) .com for Parcel # Retro-fit ()Other () Commercial (v-r'Restaurant ()Other ( No.ofAccommodationUnits inthisbuilding : DoesaFire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes ~No ()Yes V--No() Addition (Remodel (vr Single-family ()Two -family(Mult i-family( JobName: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FORALARM PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II Fire Sprinkler:$)-<;<Jv - ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted Bv: Occupancy Group:, F:/everyone/forrns/sprkperrn w SL c;f ~ ,-~r: G')~ -I II r-- 0 . r ~ ....' (j) i..f'J 9JJ /Nlhl"~ C-i 0 ~ '3 0 CX> ..,.., -c (") () ~"'i'" ~~~ (jl <,s- Vj o :-I~~,~0 \:.\ STATE OF COLORADO e DIVISION OFFIRESAFETY PLAN REGISTRA nON FORM Date tf¥=3 Contractor R e~i stration Number ..j C ~.3)? Contractors Name &&rJ4td2<~~-z,.c(1 / Certification No .~=-_-=--=~(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Jurisdiction,><....::--'-'''''---_ Comments ------F'?'->.:)..J--"_G_C_ILt-""'-_ (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution:Original cop y goestoDivi sionof FireSafety upon totalcompletionofform .Copy tolocalfire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion a nd sign-off. O.E.CR NO. SNEEZE GUARD REIilSION '.! I pU6 1i DATE :BY. ALL IffDlIWAtl(Iol WClAND II CIl tISCl!lSID BY MS DOClIOT IS CQcSIOOlfD c:afllDrn1ll NCl lI'AClf'MTotAY aT LOAO I<ItG W<J,CCWolttT.AU.ll£IQi4 WNU'AC1\.fIIG,U9E.1O'ROOIJC1'ICfI, Me)AU.SAlCl 1IQ4lS,lIE Df'AES5l.Y IIICIERG IY NIO 10 LCUO IllIG WU CQIlN(J M()~1Ql f7 MS N"(If - WAUCIl 10 OHltS IS Pft'tteT[D _lHOJT H f'IRIaI _J1DI OClH$DIT ~lOAO ~G WG.OCWNlY. @LOAD KINC1fHJ PARTNO P __"".....,..S1.~IW.f\"""1116899 NEW MOD.K IOSK,RH,l l X1S',LOW PROFILE SHT:2 of 6 REV. FINISH MATERIAL S CHEDULE OOCUtJ£NT NO "lE :B ORN.BY:HJ OAT\':2/5/02 SCAlE'1/2"=1'24 11166990 ..•• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 8165 7 te l:970.479.2139 fa x:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name:Starbucks Project Description: New LogoSign Participants: DRBNumber:DRB030095 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC 04/07/2003 Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: APPUCANTGordon Sign 04/07/2003 Phone:303-629 -6121x229 2930W9thAve POB40311 Denver,CO Bhindle@gordonsign.com 80204-0311 License: Project Address:2 171 N FRONTAG E RDWESTVAIL Starbucksin safeway/2171 N Frontage Rd Location: LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAI L DAS SCHONE FI L3 ParcelNumber:2103114 15011 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:Pierce secondBy:Wo ldrich Vote:5-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:06/16/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Cond :CON0005934 No i nternally illuminated signage allow.Approvedasperrevisions. Planner:Allison Ochs DRBFeePaid:$53.00 •• DESIGNREVIEWBOARDAGENDA Wednesday ,June4,2003 3:00P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME FILE COpy PROJECT ORIENTATION /LUNCH-Community Development Department 12:00pm *SignCodeAmendment *GRFARegulationAmendments:proposeddesignguidelinesandstandards -15 min. MEMBERS PRESENT ClarkBrittain BillPierce HansWoldrich MargaretRogers DavidViele MEMBERS ABSENT SITEVISITS 1.VailEastCondos -4132SpruceWay 2.FordPark-530S.FrontageRoad 3.Manor Vail-595E.VailValleyDrive 4.ShellStation-2313N.FrontageRd.West 5.Starbucks-2151 N.FrontageRd.West 6.Dalyresidence -182PotatoPatchDrive 7.VailResorts -600LionsheadMall 8.9VailRoad 9.VailVillageInn-100E.MeadowDrive 2:00pm Driver:George PUBLICHEARING -TOWNCOUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00pm 1.FordParkArtistinResidencestudioDRB03-0151 Allison Conceptualreviewofaneducationalandculturalfacilitywithinanexistingstructure 530S.FrontageRoad/FordPark Applicant:AIPP,representedbyBraunAssociates,Inc. MOTION:BillPierceSECOND :HansWoldrichVOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 2.StarbucksDRB03-0095 Finalreviewofproposedsign 2151 N.FrontageRd.West/Lot3,VailDasSchone3rd Filing Applicant:Safeway,Inc. MOTION:BillPierceSECOND:HansWoldrichVOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 1 Allison .,•....••~~~.,,l .-~".'...r 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7 . 9VailRoadDRB03-01 48 Conceptual reviewofproposedpark ing modifications 9VailRoad /PartofLotsA ,B,andC ,VailVillage 2nd Filing App licant:HolidayHouseCo ndominium Association CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE VailVillageInnDRB03-0161 Finalreviewofproposedre-roof 100E.Meadow DriveNail VillageInnPlaza Condominiums Appl icant:Vail VillageInnPlaza Condominium Association MOTION:ClarkBrittain SECOND:DavidVieleVOTE:5 -0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 18,2003 VailResortsDRB03 -0184 Finalreviewofproposed outdoor recreationfacility 600 Uonshead Mall/PartofTractD,Vail Uonshead 15t Filing Applicant:VailResorts,represented byJeffBabb MOTION :BillPierce SECOND :HansWoldrichVOTE :5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.Thatth is approvalshallbe contingent on t hePECapproval. ManorVailLodge DRB03-0155 Conceptual rev iew ofproposed exterior modificat ions 595 E.VailValley Drive/Lot A ,VailVillage7th Filing App licant:ManorVa il Lodge Association CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE She ll Gasoline Station (WestVailTe xaco)DRB03 -0162 Final reviewofproposed newsignage andrepa int 2313N .FrontageRd .WestlTract B ,VailDasSchone151 Filing Applicant:VailResorts ,represented byJeffBabb MOTION :BillPierce SECOND:MargaretRogersVOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH3 CONDITIONS: Allison Allison Bill BiIIlWarren Wa rren 1.The applicant shallsubmittostaffsignlightingfixtures forthefree-standingsign andthesignlocatedonthecanopyforreviewandapprovalbystaffpriorto installingtheapprovedsignage. 2 .The applicant shallbepermittedtopaintanaccentbandwiththenewband startingatthebottomoftheexisting redbandwitha4"inyellowstrip(Shell#49 RVIYellow)atthebottomandtheremainingin dark gray(Shell#51RVIDark Gray)tomatchthelowerportionofthebuilding . 3.The applicant shall installasandblasted wood(boththe free-standing signand sign ontheendofthe gasoline ca nopy aretobe constructed ofsandblasted woodasproposed )free-standing signinthelocationoftheexisting Texacofree- standingsignwiththeareaofthesigntobenomorethan20square feetinorder tocomp lywith t heapprov ed v ariance . 2 •• 8.Dalyres idence DRB03-0164 Matt Final reviewofproposedreroof 782PotatoPatchDrive/Lot 16,Block ,Va il PotatoPatc h Applicant:HorandoMedina,TCC MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:MargaretRogersVOTE:4-1(Woldrich opposed) CONSENT APPROVED 9.VailEastCondosDRB03-0169 Conceptualreview ofproposedexcavationand nine-car garage addition 4132SpruceWay/LotA,BighornSubdivision3 'd Add ition Applicant:VailEastCondoAssociation CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Matt StaffApprovals SitzmarkLodgeDRB03-0129 Repair/replacepooldeckareaandsteps 183GoreCreekDrive/LotA,Block5B,VailVillage151 Filing Applicant:Sitzmark atVail,Inc. ChamonixChaletsDRB03-0159 Re-roofsameforsame 2456Chamon ix Road/Lot 6 ,BlockB,VaildasSchone151 Filing Applicant:ChamonixChaletsCondoAssoc. HillresidenceDRB03-0166 Replacedamagedroof 311 BridgeStreet/LotL,Block5C,VailVillage 151 Filing Applicant:BlancheC.Hill Garciaresidence DRB03-0150 Repaintandexter ior stuccorepairandexterior stoneremoval 2430 Chamonix Road/Lot 12,Block5,VaildasSchone1st Filing Applicant:MariaGarcia KaribchemresidenceDRB03-0147 Enlargeskylight RivaRidgeS#RS735,114WillowRoad/Lot 7,Block6 ,VailVillage151 Filing Applicant:Karibchem A.V.V. HardingresidenceDRB03-0122 Deckaddition andwindowanddoorreplacement Vail Golfcourse Townhomes,#12 ,1720Sunburst Drive/Sunburst 3'd Filing Applicant:GuySuverkropp Stempl er residenceDRB03-0149 Repair deckandstairaddition 1044HomestakeCircle/Lot 4 ,Block6,VailV illage t h Filing Applicant:Gera ld L.&DeanaStempler 3 Allison Matt Allison Warren Warren Matt Elisabeth ••J BenyshresidenceDRB03-0174 Allison Replaceoldwindowsandwindow additions 4242E.Columbine Way/Bighorn Terrace Applicant:KathrynBenysh Shaperresidence DRB03-0035 Allison Addition fornewmasterbedroom 2645BaldMountainRoad/Lot 10,Block1,VailVillage13th Filing Applicant:Stephen &SueShaper,representedbySegerbergMayhewArchitects TownsendresidenceDRB03-0157 Allison Spaslab 416ForestRoad/Lot3,Block1,VailVillage 3'd Filing Applicant:John L.Townsend III ParksresidenceDRB03-0142 Warren Changetoapprovedplans 4166ColumbineDrive/Lot18,BighornSubdivision Applicant:TimothyC.Parks ThompsonresidenceDRB03-0167 Bill Cedarrailingaroundtrashcanarea 45ForestRoad/Lot33,Bock7,VailVillage1S1 Filing Applicant:JVBProperties Bishop ParkCondosDRB03-0177 Judy Re-roofsameforsame 63WillowPlace/Lot 2,Block6,VailVillage1S1 Filing Applicant:BishopParkCondoAssociation Tyler residenceDRB03-0173 Elisabeth Re-roof 223BeaverDamRoad/Lot39,Block7,VailVillage1S1 Filing Applicant:NancyM.Edwards Gazioglu residenceDRB03-0124 Matt Addition,newdecks,newroof,newentrypostsandlandscaping 3120BoothFallsCourt/Lot7,Block1,VailVillage12th Filing Applicant:HalideK.Gazioglu VailLLCDRB03-0168 Bill Changetoapprovedlandscapeplan 1250WesthavenCircle/Lot 30,Glen LyonSubdivision Applicant:Ron &MimiPollack Hoffmanresidence DRB03-0178 Judy Re-roofsameforsame 5034MainGoreDrive/Lot 2,VailMeadows151 Filing Applicant:DarleneHoffman O'Conner residenceDRB03-0171 Elisabeth Re-roof 5109BlackGoreDrive/Lot 2,Block10,GoreCreekSubdivision 4 Applicant: • Katrina &Tom O'Conner • Amass residence DRB03 -0172 Replacealuminumwindowswithwoodwindows TalismanCondos,62E.MeadowDrive,Unit 101/Block 5E ,VailVillage1st Filing Applicant:William &LoringAmass DonovanPark DRB03-0170 Firepitandbuilt-inseatingaddition 1600SFrontageRdWesVUnplatted,DonovanPark Applicant:TownofVail,representedbyVAg,Inc. Elisabeth Bill The applications and information aboutthe proposals are available forpublicinspectionduring regularofficehoursintheprojectplanner'soffice,locatedattheTownofVail Community DevelopmentDepartment,75SouthFrontageRoad.Pleasecall479-2138forinformation. Signlanguage interpretation availableuponrequestwith24hournotification.Pleasecall479- 2356,TelephonefortheHearingImpaired,for information. 5 •FEB ~7 '03 16:13 FR DEWWY CONST/RE 02/2S/25~~10:16 !e36291.. 303 843 7916 TO 9303191024 ""-IKlJUN :UI:lN P.02/02 .-- Application for Design Review tlep8l'lment of ComnwMy Oe'>IeIOpment 75 South Fron\<lge R.o/Id.Villi,CoIQrado 81867 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:WWW.Ci .1/3U.CO.\l$ Genel'lll Information: All projee:s requiring design nNiew ITll,I$I IIICllivlI gpP~prior to $ub!llilting a building pe!mlt appllc:ation.PleaSe refer to the !;l!bmittal requirements fur the particular 3ppll)\/31 IlIat is requesled .An applic:ali\lf'l fOr OI!$ign RevIew camo!be:acc..pted un~1 an required iflformation Is receill8d bythe Community Dewlopmenl Department.The pRljact mllY glso need 10 bl!reviewed by Ihe TOWl'I Counci and/or the Planning and Envircnmenlal Co/TllTl·lSIlion. Design rel/iew approval lapsll'S unless ;,building permitis issued end eenstruetlon commences within one )'C"r ~the appro ...I. - MinorA~eratiOf'l (multi.family/commercial ) MinorAketiltlon (sln9·....,mlly/"up~~) Chanll'"to Approued Plans $50 No Fee 5650 $300 5260 $20 520 NoFee Plus$1.00 per square foot of total sign 3rea. For ~trvcdon of a nlWJ building or demo rebu~d . For anaddition where squal'O foo!aqa "~ded '10 lIny residentia l or canrnercial building (lnclude$2SO addltiorlll&inler'Or eorrveMI'l$). Forminorc:hilnges to bvildinSlS i]nd site imr.-ovemems .SlJl:n ~. rercoling.pillntin9.",i,,(low "ckjitiOI'l$.,,"dSC4;)i'1ll.fence s and relaining w~lIs.et<;. Fermino r changes 10bv il"i'l9C 3n(1 tlla It'npr""..rn@n~.~LJcn tl&. reroofmg.painling.windOW addtt ion~,landscatlinll.fp.~end relainin9 WOIIlr9 .etc.. For revisio~10 pions ~Ire~dy approved ~y P1annl"9 Staff or lIle J.nl;ign Review eo~rd . For Offir:e Use Onl!!_-~.Fee~~~.5'..::5 .8_CIledlNo.:en!)7 By:_C'I3S .l1 f Qu,2 D£c.L0.~......__ Af'plocalIQI1 Oate:DflB No.:_:=Pffz - Planner'--'.•-._..Project No.:__._.._~__..•.•. FEB ~'0:3 10:29 3036291024 ~E.02 **TOTALPAGE.02 ** •• SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information Thisappli cation isfor a ny sign th at is locate d wi thint h e TownofVail.Specific rl"quirements a re ava ilable from theDepartment ofCommunity Developm ent. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.NameofBusiness:~b(,<-(.ii.J· B.Building nameandphysical addr ess: I. C. D. Writt en approva lf rom condominium association,landlord,andjoint owner,i f app lic able. Typeofsign (checkalltha t app ly): b,,~ 20 '1 5*0.)7 [{'k Buildin g Identification Mural WindowSign SignProgram Ga s Filled/Fiber Optic T emporarySign O ther Number ~f s igns pr op o~e d:Oll~.rr:~~umb er of signs existing : Sign message:s+-rb ...cets ~.{-£/O Signand l elleringd imensionsfo r eachproposedsign (altachacolored scaled schematic drawing@ 'I."=1'):.1 q«Lj.:7./ Length ofbusiness fro ntage:2.'f •..j'./ Heighto f sign(s)from gr ade :/'2--- SignLocation(attac h a siteplan and anelevationdrawingor a pil ctogri\;J h clea rly indicating th e proposed locationo f sign (s)): Materialsand co lors o f sign (a ttac h .samples):p ic<l~.'(.;;.(I"4~l->,r ~.fu.-/'f'...~.r ' Sign lighting p lan:'T:('"l..---(1''1 ·k rfl"!)-5tt iY1 e t,5 ex;:;tl "-i )~L.e.f/-c j II Ind icate type.locatio n and num beroffixt ures. II Includeheight above g rad e,l umens o utput.luminous area. II At tach acu tsheetforeachpropos ed fixture . •'Freestanding Sign~- ••Hang ing /Proj ectingSign ••Display Box •D aily Special Board •·Joint Directory Sign •'SubdivisionEntrance Sign K E. F. G. L H. I. J . M .Drawingsshowing howandwher e t he siqno r awn;"9 will at tach i c t h,,":J uilding am i how t he awn ino will b e co nstru cted ./.'L .L /'...II)it1T'7"~C./0 Pag e 3 o f...J '(l 7 /1 7 /0 ~ •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOF VAIL,COLORADO Statement ************************.*.************.**********************************************.***** Statement Number: Payment Method: Acquisition Corp R030003768 Amount:$53.00 Check 0 4/07/200304:03 PM Init :JAR Notation :9757 CBS Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment: DRB030095 Type :DRB -Sign Application 210311415011 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Starbucks in Safeway/2171 N Frontage Rd Total Fees: $53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $53.00 $5 3.00 $0.00 *********************************************************************************••********. ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Accou nt Code DR 00 10000 311 2200 SP 00 10000 31 24 000 Desc ription DE SIGN REVIE WFE ES SIGN FEES Cu rrent Pmt s 50 .00 3 .00 '§rvc-e P '----- • COMPANY:._ FAX:_~_ FROM: RE:---=T~---·----- DATE:_-=:.......:-__--..L.=--_ .....7 • Colorado Springll: 2120 Naegele Road Colorado Springs,CO 80904 Phone:(719)633-7763 Fax:(719)634-3550 ~~~.,;:~ ~ Gordon Sign A Vlsu.1 Produot.Company Design I Engineering FabrlclltiDn Ilnslllllalion Mllintsnance I Repair Service I leasing /~. 2930 W.9th Averrue Denver,CO 802,.0'4-0311 Phone:(303)9-6121 Fax:(30 629·1024 Artamal ax:(303)615·9617---- Pueblo: 1731 NorthErieSlreal Pueblo,CO81001 Phone;(719)543-7388 Fax:(719)543·5337 Chere"".: 1805 Pacific Cheyenne,'NY 82007 Phone:(3D7)637.7446 Fax:(307)637-6609 r I t>12I/1:0 39'i1d N9IS NOQ~09 t>2:12I1:62:9EI2IE 91::121 1:E12I02:/0 2:/9121 I .... en Tili.oliQidi ...c.wn.i"JlUKaCI6I under fefem &Gj1Jdghl L.\\'L M.1aI DO IijIIlIlIUUlon 01 1hIJ ~Klga c«,upl-.lihIlIlpermllllc. 110m T1Jb.AlL . Sions <\'SjH>l1s Display>' 2730 Decldulol A...s , S,.lllo.WI.91114 HL Z06-~1~'11!2 USA l·aOO -H2·HH FAX IOI-zn·l!!3 Londlord:.• 00111:_ Srorbucks:_ Dole:__ Robin Monlero WO I kin g Dro '..,it:gi Ap pro vul ..015 07·11·03 Sa lesperwn: Dl£uignor: a.tlohiortt: Cate :'';':';"--';-;-:M""---12 .31 -0'2 Checked Dy: fda Name: Lacellon: lJe!Jsln Numbe.. 7J8·02 Sl1mri: n.I • Front VIew SPECIFICATIONS: •Logo panel to be 1/8'aluminum,painted to match PMS #3425 Green. o Cenlerto be 3M Scotchcal Sanes #230.22TranBlucent Black VInyl. e Capy,stripes andlogo 10 Ott 3M Scotchclll Salles #22G-20 MAI1e WhileVInyl. CD MOllnt logo disknushto wall w b studs lhrougti 1·spacers. - G)og z Ul H ~ I-'co I-' m "U 1> G) rn co U1...... ••":lco...... ":lcocow wco W lTl IV 1.0 ~ • -- SCALE ~l;ou =1'_0'1+_ _1B"NON.:JUUMINATED lOGo---- CUT OUT OF lIB"ALUMINUM PLATE WITH VINYL GRAPR1CS -- SAFEWAY #631 Vnil .oo •• SIGN APPL.ICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information Thisapplicat ion is forany sign thatis located within theTown of Vail.SpllCific requirements amavailable fromthe Department of Community Development. \ I cJtI€(j ). .Number ofsigns existing :j.'.o"~~()k~ Building Idenl ificatlon Mural Window Sign Sign Program GasFilled/FiberOptic Temporary Sign Other Number ofsignsproposed :Oll~,rr:A Signmessage:..s-Frb~~' Signand lettering dimensions lor eachproposedsign (pltach acolored scaled sc:hematic drawing@ W =,'):/1 /I LOj07 .-(2..0oj...l\.(j Lengthofbusiness frontage : -t/ Heightofsign(s)from grade :1"2--- SignLocation (attach aslteplanandanelevat ion drawingor OJ nnmograph clearly indicatingtheproposed location of sign(s)):(If.I(,r.. £:-.050 f'a",e..(7;,f{o.I....:-III.,..~!"Jl"~ Materialsandcolorsof sign(at tach ,samples);r ~vi"'1"~c.e..,~:,';.;..'-:':,:,,f '-:5 Sign lighting plan:"1--('v (11I+er t"4t !j .......50:(1I1C'&'5 ~':I-h"i f~41t:'" II Indicate type.location and number of fixtures . II Include height above grade.l umens output,luminous area. aAttachacutsheetforeachproposed fixture . (qff2e..e. Buildingnameand physical address:~2(31 II/.FnYt~~~d. Written approval from condominium association ,landlord .and [olnt owner .ifapplicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): •'Freestandlng Sign ~all SlgI:r--. ~anging /Projecting Sign ••DisplayBox •Daily SpecialBoard •·Joint Directory Sign •'Subdivision EntranceSign SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.NameofBusiness:G1t¥'br.-eft.s B. C. D. K. L.. E. F. G. H. I. J. I. M.Drawings shOWing howandwhere tile sign or <Iwning will u ttachrothebuild ing andhow theawningwillbe constructed ,I'\L E:/',I •~1,1'11'"7v-.,"'I'" Page3 of 4/07/17/02 PB /lB 39'dd N9IS NOa~P2:Bl:5l9EBE .. -,•• REW ED 612 /03 18"f\J ON -IL L U~:AJED LOGO c ur o ur O F1/THI C KBL ACK SI NTR A \fI,1TH VlNYL GHICS STU D MOUNT TO FActA SCA!E·118"-l'-(l'+-SAFEWAY #63 1 Vail,C O • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 May 15,1985 Mr.JimLiley Account Executive Gordon Sign Company 2930 West 9th Ave nue Post Office Box 4311 Denver,Colorado 80204 Re:Safeway Signs Dear Jim: • office of community development Our staff has had a chance toreviewthe different alternatives Safeway is considering for their store in Vail.As you had in- dicated duringour phone conversation last week,Safeway is leani ng towardthe new wallsignasdemonstratedinoneofthe elevations you have sent tous.At theconceptual level,the staff feels it couldbe supportive ofthe variance requested for this application. However,it was the unanimous feeling ofthe staff that the preferred alternative would be for the free standing signas shown in Dr awing No.17151A.Not only was it the feeling of the staff that this is avery attractive sign,but it was felt that it would be more effective from Safeway's standpoint thanthewall sign.One potential areaof concern was with respect tothe free standing sig n is that it must be outside of the State highway right-of-way. As I had mentioned to you last week,inresponsetothe McDonald's request,the Town Council hasscheduleda discussion ofthephilosophy ofthesign code as it relates tothe West Vail area.At this t ime, that discussion is scheduledfo r Tuesday,May 21.I will contact you after that meetingto let you know the attitude ofthe Council con- cerning thesignsinthe West Vail area.I feel it would only make senseto make your formal submittal after this discussion hastaken placesoasto better understand what the Council's attitude will be when theyformallyreviewyour application.Thank you for forwarding these preliminary ideastous for ourreview.I hope ourcomments are ahelpto you and your client. Si~ely l \~~'-O .~ Thomas A.'1?raun Town Planner 75 south fronlage rd . vall ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 May 16,1983 Pete Beckingham 2600 S.Parker Rd. Aurora,CO 80010 Dear Pete: department of community development Re:Safeway Stores,Compactor On May 4,1983 the Design Review Board approvedtheSafeway compactor and enclosure with the condition that a gate be hung on the fence to completely conceal the compactor. An elevation of the fenceand gate shouldbe submitted along witha building permit application. Sincerely, ~- .z.:.t"- Ji Sayre Town Planner JS/bb ,- 1 5 sou th f ront<Jge l oad vail,colorad o 51651 (30 3)4 76-70::0 r~at'ch 2,1983 Don Pobi l ':~ Saf eway Stor es 3888 E.Mexic o Ave. De nver,Co lorado 80210 Dear Nr.Po birk : • Enc 1osed f-i nd r egul at i ons concern i ngt hedes i gn of accessory structures ands e rvice areas.I have indic ated th e re gulat ions i nredink .Alsof ind a sample desi gn ofa trash enclo sure,a project applicati on form,and a materi als list .Fill outth e appli catio n form and t he materia ls l i s tas comple tely as possib le. (I ndicateN/A wh ere appropr iate .)I ncludeas ite plun with you r a ppli ca ti on.Pe rmiss iontobuildthe compactor a nd t he enclosure -wi ll be handled wi tha single permit . Since rely, JS:df Encl . "'='S BALER &CO M P A ~R SALES &S ERVICE,INC. 195C ommerce St .•Broomfield ,Col o.80020•(303)469-9971 March 2,1983 Town of Vail Mr.Jim Sayre 75 So.Frontage Rd. Vail,Co.81657 Re:Stationary Trash Compactor for Safeway Dear Mr .Sayre : In regard to our recent telephone conversation regarding the inst- allation o fa stationary trash c ompactor at the Safeway store in Vail,Co.You stated there might bea need to install an enclosure for this equi pment. The building of an enclosure will beup to Safeway .Our proposal with themwas for the co mpactor and the cutting of a hole through the wall,by Arrow Concrete Sawing Co.,and the installation of this equi pment. Enclosed please find our drawings showing the location and p osition of this unit in relation to the store,also find the s pecification sheets for the equi pment. I fyo u have further questions regardin g this installation please co ntact u s . SinCere lY'~~~.~ Sales Manager Enclosures: C!U jl ~;J " COV L i ~:~.----- -------------_._-_._- SOD SQUARE FOO TAGE SEED TYPE _SQUARE FOOT AGE _ TYPE OF IRRIGATIO N TYPE OR METH OD OF EROSIO N CO NTROL C.Other Land scape Features (r-etai n i nq walls,f ence s,swi mmi ng po ols ,e tc.)Pl eas es pec ify. ._---_._--- at:L f!.&Ow~__. ,S Hf),K {,S 6'(6£)812- ___~rJ "fFH_~:.JL-J-I~=---:-__ --------------_._- ----_._._._--------_...•_--------.__.._-------_.. " ..... ".• COA1,P,.It"TOR.rAL~AL44rl(),+' "G3 /V4I L.O:Jl_(JPAO~ DRAWN IIY 0 J/I .1:. -0 ____-1--- T I I I a "-~I --1'"'" II X 17 .....,NTlE:D ON NO .\OOOH CLaAIIP'RINT •Project Application • / /' .:/n: (~,j.. Contact PersonandPhone Project Name:_--'--':...:...."----'L1'lLL;:-_--"-..L:::..:...l=-....:..._-L-=~_ Project Description:----''-'-''-'-=..:'--'__-'--''-----':......,._--='--'------'--=''--_ .I Owner,Address andPhone :_ Arch itect,Address and Phone: ___________,Z one _ Date __....!.....---'---'-= DesignReviewBoard Legal Description:Lo t Block Filing Comments::?// r __ ,J II,.,IV;"1,,,I ,/ /.../;1 J I"/h /,;I.'l /I.." Motion by : Seconded by :--c.:PPR6 :9 DISA PPROVAL -v IT+)T H ,:-CoAJ I')11";Il L.J T~4 r 13':t1ff 0--)'THf5 ~~ Summa ry :4'"'-------'_~~~'--_____..::..:::....__L.J..2 !....______!....:....!.:.!_=:q~~2.....-=-:::!.----L:::!.:.=.L- Date: }.:o Staff A pproval • 75 south frontage rd. vall,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 .May 6,1983 Pete Beckingham 2600 S.Parker Rd. Aurora,CO 80010 Dear Pete: department of community development On May 4,1983 theDesign Review Board approvedthe Safeway compactorand enclosure withthe condition that a gate be hung onthefenceto completely concealthecompactor.An elevation ofthefenceandthe gate shouldbe submitted alongwitha building permit application. Sincerely, Ji~~pt~ Town Planner JS/bb FRONT LOAD SQUARE STYLE SKIDS OR WHEELS REFUSE CONTAINERS FRONT LOAD LONGSTYL E REAR LOAD ROLL-OFF Inc.Spokanalndustrial Park •Building 13•Spokane,Washington 9921 6•(509)928-5252 SPECIFICATIONS I------A---- USEW ITH COMPACTOR MODELS : A-l ,A -2 A B C 0 E 3YO.LS.7756 52734 4YD.L.S.77 68 56 73 4 US E WI TH COMPAC TOR MO DELS: A -l,A -2 E USE WITH COMPACTORMODE LS: A -l .A -2,A-3 A B C 0 E 4YO .S.S.68 60 69 65 4 6YO.S.S.74 1'60 72 684 6YO.S.S.74 1'70 72 684 USE WITH COMPACTORMODELS : A -l,A-2 ,A-3 ,A-4 ,KVC-40 KVC-48,KVC-60 ,KVC -72 A 71 B 51 C 78Y,'VI C'S BALER &.COMPACTO R 0 6 \SALES &SERViC E IN C. "13031 4 60-8 :J7 1 E 6 195 C01·~',;:::c(!: ~RO O t.l flE LD .ce,::OC ZO A B C 10-16 YD.1299696 lOYD .163 9696 26YO.198 9696 -M:30YD.234 9696 ) 36YO .249 9696 40YD.273 9696 •I-<IL I nco Sp okane IndustrialPark'Building;3 •Spokane.Washington 99216•15091 928-5252 /Iv Ire; /.«;c I Date _---,__-'-_-"--!.......L-"'-~_ +rl;h.- ProjectApp lication Project Description :'----''-'--''_+..:...L-.:..-''--='---'---_L...l'--~'__'=__ C ontact Persona ndPh one O wner,Ad dressand Phone :_ Architect ,A ddressand Phone: Legal Description:Lot _Bl ock _Fil ing ,Z one _ C ommen ts:_ //,/.r1Date_---''------'_---''---"-_..!-_ DesignReviewBoard M ot ion by : Secondedby : APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL J ,.( S ummary :_----''---'-...:...==------=---,_ L I To wnPlanner D Staff Approval D ate: the pr i n l ery ,~a 'l I ( IDate -'-_-'--'--__ ((~ ProjectApplication ){ Pr oject N ame:----'=::....::'"'--_-'------=_--''--::....,-"'''-----=--'--_----='--'--_ Project D escription:r-r--r-:'----'----=....:........:::.._ Contact Persona ndPho ne ./ O wner,A d dressand Phone:_ Architect ,Add ress and Phone: L egal Description :Lot Block Filing ,Zone _ Co mments :_ DesignReviewBoard L 'IIDate-,'-_----=__-'-_ Motion b y: Seconded by : AP PROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ Town Planner o Staff Ap proval Da te: the priolE'ry'v<ld I ,5M_ ~c.L"-1 SO-J( C;J!T~.,.-~ .9fr:/vwJ-dl-f-~r ~ SAFEWAY STORES,I NCORPORATED 14406 E.Eva nsAvenue -Sulle200,A urora,CO 60014 Mountain Reg ionRealEstate Divis ion (303)750 -0300 De nver Divis ion C onstruct ion Depar tme nt (303)75 0 ·08 28 September 19,1989 Mr.Micheal Moll ica VailDepartment of Co mmunity Development Town ofVail 75 South Frontage Ro ad Vail,Color ado81657 Re:Safeway Sto re#631 2131 NorthFront age Road West Cear Mr.Mollica: I am returning her ewith the DRB application we received yesterday at your offices ,completedre garding the r epainting of ourVail store. Ihave also included a co py of one of our Corpo r ate Bulletins regarding e xte rio r desi gn,a ndt herefore color selec tio n,a s direct ed by our o ffices in Oak land,Cali fornia.As you mayse e f romt he bulletin,Safe way is i nte r- e s te din projecti ng a uniform i mage;th ecolor c hosen was not selected at randombyourloca l o ff ices.Even t houg h we ha ve no standing sea m roofi ng or Sp anish tile,we t ried toadhereto the bulletin byusingthe color a s a n accent. As discussed inour meeting,Safeway was unaware that a color review was necessary inVail .We rely onthe permitting process to bring such things toour attention;the painter apparently didnot pull ape rmit on this project. Sa feway would li ke todefe nd the color selection a ta DR B hearing.Wehave aprob lema tthe Va ils tore of being"seen ",especially i n winter,against the drabbac kground of t he north slope behindus.Th ea ccent color will give usamodestdegree of visibility to attract the visiting s hopper who hasnever usedourf acility before. Ho pefu lly,Va il will a gree. Respectfully, SAFEWAY STORES,INCOR PORATED CONST RUCTION DEPARTMENT KEN R.BALDWIN,DIRECT OR sentative ORB APPLICATION / *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFOffi~ATION IS SUBt1ITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: .' --. • .' APPLICATION DATE:September 18,1 989 DATE OF ORB ?lEErI HG :October 4,1989 "'~=~.~.' '..,:j -., """J'~ ...:.:'~~"•....\'~~.~ .......-.~"r";. ...--..._- '-..,~..:...·r.-_.."'."- A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member .is strongly suggestedto ce ternrine rif allj addt ttona l infoflua ti c.01 is necdec.·No app l'ic ation .wil l .be a,ccp~t-I'd unless it is .compl·ete (must include all items required by thezoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind outaboutaddi tional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE appl ica-;.',:7~~~~ tion will s treemlinetheapprovalprocess for your project by decreasingthe number "'~' of condition~ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapprovalmust ~~1 be resolved before a building permit .is issued.....-..- o ' A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Exterior Repalnting ofExis ting Safeway Store #631. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 2 131 N.Fr ontage Roa d,West Lot We st Parce l -Das SchoneTractLegalDescription Zoning _ C.NAME OF APPLI CANT:SAfEWAY STORES,INCORPORATED Addres s 14406 Fa st Eyans t Au rora Col arada 80014 Filing Va il HeiRhts #1 te 1ephone 303 75Q-0828- telephone 303 75(H)828 D.NM1E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESE NTAT1VE:...-=:L:.!in~d!.i:y...,;Mc~N~ame~e=--~_ Address 14406 Ea st Evans,Aurora,Colorado 8OJ14 E.NA~IE OF OWNERS:_ Signature _ Address telephone_ F.ORB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $0-$10,000 $10,001 -$50.000 $:.50,001 -$150.000 $150,001-$.500,000 $500.001-$1,000.000 $Over $1.000,000 .------$10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines ar.j building corners.Trees that will be removed J should also be marked.This work must becompleted before the ORB visits the site. , I 2.The review process for 'NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board,soplan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappear before the Oesign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who havenotaskedfora postponement will be required tobe republished. S:~DN5 ~,~l U LindyC .McNamee ')) CONSTRUCTIONREPRESENTATIVE ~.'-r ~N1'/"~SleA~,f71,~.~-f V~:( l;fooC.~• SAFEWAY ST ORES.INCORPORATED 14_E.EVANS AVENUE.SUITE200 ~QBOOt4130317~ 4.The followingitems no longer have to be presented tothe Design Review Board. They,however,havetobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or public space, wnich have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager ofa condominium association. 5.You may berequiredtoconductNatura1 Hazard Stud ies onyour property.You s hou 1d checkwitha Town Plannerbeforeproceeding. • '.L;.~.-........". .;t.~~ c·~.'1..-.......-...-',. ......:.:;«t ,.. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I.NEW CONSTRUCTION A.Topographic map and site planof site containing thefollowing(2 copies): .. 1.Licensed surveyor's stamp. ._'.~a~••• .:,.......:; -a..~..- ..- ~~.:.~.. .': 2.Contour intervals ofnot more than2'unless theparcel consists of5acresor more,in which case,5'contour intervals will be accepted. 3. 4. Exist ing·'""tl·ees or-q roups oft rees havingtrunkswithdiametersof4"or more one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features(large boulders. intermittent streams,etc.). 5.Ava1anch~areas,100 yearflood plain and slopes 40%ormore,if applicable. 5.Tiesto existing benchmark,either USGS landmark orsewer invert. Z.,Locationsofthe following: _..-A.Proposed surface drai nage on and off site showi ng size and typeof culverts,swales,etc. b.Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sourcestothe structure.Utilities to include: .."'1' ••••,....4o cable TV Telephone sewer water gas electric .. c.Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis ofbearing d.Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e.Alleasements 8.Existing and finished grades. 9.All existing and proposed improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (with spot elevations),and other site improvements. 10.Elevations oftopofroof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to determine height of building. B.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.To be submitted with site plan. C.Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership .and an,easements on property. O.Landscape Plan (I"=20'or larger)-2 copies 1.Show the location of 4"diameter or '·larger 'trees io ther 'shrubs -and-iiative olants tt. are onthe site andthe location and design ofproposedlandscape areas with the varieties andapproximate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ 2.Complete landscape materials list. 3.Designate trees tobesaved and thosetobe lost. NOTE:As much ofthe above information as possible shouldoccuronthe site plan,so that the inter-relation ofthe various components is clear.The landscapeplanshouldbe separate.The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may bea separate map.The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners.Trees that will be lost during construction mustbe tagged.The work shouldbecompleted before the ORB site visit. E.~.Architectural Plans (1/8":I'or larger)2copies 1.Must include floor plansand all elevations asthey will appearoncompletion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2.Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and sub~itted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Co~unity Develop- ment.Color chips,siding samples etc.,should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. ~ F.The Zoning Administrator andlor DRB may require thesubmission of additional plans, drawings,specifications,samplesand other material (including a model)if deemed necess ary to determine whethera project will comply withdesign guidelines. I I.mNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photosor sketches that c learly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) ofproposal maybe submitted in lieu ofthe more forma l requirements given above,as longasthey provide all important specifications for theproposed includingcolors and materials tobe useti ..- I I.ADDITION S-RESIDE NTIAL OR CQt·lr1ERCIAL A.Original floor plans with all specifications shown B.Floorplan for addition -2copies C.Site plan 'showing existing andproposed construction -2copiestopos D.Elevations of addition E.Photosof existing structure F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request ofthe Design Review Administrator you may also be required tosubmit: G.Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability .See attached utility location verification form. H.Site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. I.Preliminary title report,ver ifying ownershipof property and lists ofease ments. IV.FINAL SITE PLAN After a building per mit hasbeen issued,and when the project is underway,the following will be required before any building receives aframing inspection from theBuilding Department:A certified improvement surveyshowing: A.Building locations with ties to property corners,i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensionsto nearest tenth of foot. C.All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines,type of material used, and exact locations.2 copies D.Drainage as-builts.2 copies E.Basisof bearing to tie to section corner . F.All property pins are tobe either found or ·set and stated on map . •G.Alleasements H.~uilding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. ~.:1-s.~ .~--..... LIST OF r·IATERI ALS .:.lA I-lE OF p;ZOJECT:SAFEWAY STORE #631 LEGAL DE SC RIPTI ON:LOT Wes tPar cel -Das SchoneTra ct.FI LIN GVa il He ight s Filing#1 STREET ADDRESS:2131 No rthFrontage Ro ad,West DESCRIPTI ON OF PROJ ECT:Ex terior Repainting of Exis ting Building ",...,. '..•~?;. .":,'" ;...-.... The followinginfo rmation is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approvalcanbe fiven: A.BUIL DI NG HATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERI AL COLO R White Roof Built-up (GravelSurfaced)_.__ Sidi ng ...:S::.:t~u~c.;:;c o::......-=........",,-_ Weat heredOtherWa11Materia1s...:C::::e~da=r_---.:Sha=~k=e~s -=.............,..~__ -, Fascia Wood TyrolGreen Soffits 1'-1-11 Plywood Tyrol Gre en Win do ws Pl ate Glass Win dO\~Trim Alum i num St ore front DarkBronze Doors Alumi nUm Storefront Dark Bronze Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails .:.N:.:::o::.,:n:::.e _ Flues Flash ings Galvanized Me tal Tyrol Green Ch i mneys TrashEnclosures Dog-Ea r Ce dar Fencing Natural Greenhouses None Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT ~IA T E R I A L S :Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ------------- *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) .' "", .:~~ .PL AtH :·1ATER IAL S:Bot anica 1 Nam e (can 't) SHRUBS EX I STI NG SH RUB S TO BE REt-lO VED (O rtm an r:am e Ouan ;t 'l Size •..•,I ·•••..-.~ GRO U::O COVER S SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRI GAT IO N TYPE OR METH OD OFEROSIONCONTROL -------------------- Sa uare FootC1 oe C,OTHE R'L ANDSC APE FEA TURES (retaining walls,fences,swi mming pools,etc.)Pleasespec ify , .. t' ORB APPLICATION / *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFOffi~ATION IS SUBt1ITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: .' --. • .' APPLICATION DATE:September 18,1 989 DATE OF ORB ?lEErI HG :October 4,1989 ...~=~.~.' '..,:j -., """J'~ ...:.:'~~"•....\.~~.~ .......-.~"r";. ...--..._- '-..,~..:...·r.-_.."'."- A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member .is strongly suggestedto ce ternrine rif allj addt ttona l infoflua ti c.01 is necdec.·No app l'ic ation .wil l .be a,ccp~t-I'd unless it is .compl·ete (must include all items required by thezoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind outaboutaddi tional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE appl ica-;.',:7~~~~ tion will s treemlinetheapprovalprocess for your project by decreasingthe number ...~. of condition~ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapprovalmust ~~1 be resolved before a building permit .is issued.....-..- o ' A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Exterior Repalnting ofExis ting Safeway Store #631. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 2 131 N.Fr ontage Roa d,West Lot We st Parce l -Das SchoneTractLegalDescription Zoning _ C.NAME OF APPLI CANT:SAfEWAY STORES,INCORPORATED Addres s 14406 Fa st Eyans t Au rora Col arada 80014 Filing Va il HeiRhts #1 te 1ephone 303 75Q-0828- telephone 303 75(H)828 D.NM1E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESE NTAT1VE:...-=:L:.!in~d!.i:y...,;Mc~N~ame~e=--~_ Address 14406 Ea st Evans,Aurora,Colorado 8OJ14 E.NA~IE OF OWNERS:_ Signature _ Address telephone_ F.ORB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $0-$10,000 $10,001 -$50.000 $:.50,001 -$150.000 $150,001-$.500,000 $500.001-$1,000.000 $Over $1.000,000 .------$10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines ar.j building corners.Trees that will be removed J should also be marked.This work must becompleted before the ORB visits the site. , I 2.The review process for 'NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board,soplan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappear before the Oesign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who havenotaskedfora postponement will be required tobe republished. S:~DN5 ~,~l U LindyC .McNamee ')) CONSTRUCTIONREPRESENTATIVE ~.'-r ~N1'/"~SleA~,f71,~.~-f V~:( l;fooC.~• SAFEWAY ST ORES.INCORPORATED 14_E.EVANS AVENUE.SUITE200 ~QBOOt4130317~ 4.The followingitems no longer have to be presented tothe Design Review Board. They,however,havetobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or public space, wnich have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager ofa condominium association. 5.You may berequiredtoconductNatura1 Hazard Stud ies onyour property.You s hou 1d checkwitha Town Plannerbeforeproceeding. • '.L;.~.-........". .;t.~~ c·~.'1..-.......-...-',. ......:.:;«t ,.. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I.NEW CONSTRUCTION A.Topographic map and site planof site containing thefollowing(2 copies): .. 1.Licensed surveyor's stamp. ._'.~a~••• .:,.......:; -a..~..- ..- ~~.:.~.. .': 2.Contour intervals ofnot more than2'unless theparcel consists of5acresor more,in which case,5'contour intervals will be accepted. 3. 4. Exist ing·'""tl·ees or-q roups oft rees havingtrunkswithdiametersof4"or more one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features(large boulders. intermittent streams,etc.). 5.Ava1anch~areas,100 yearflood plain and slopes 40%ormore,if applicable. 5.Tiesto existing benchmark,either USGS landmark orsewer invert. Z.,Locationsofthe following: _..-A.Proposed surface drai nage on and off site showi ng size and typeof culverts,swales,etc. b.Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sourcestothe structure.Utilities to include: .."'1' ••••,....4o cable TV Telephone sewer water gas electric .. c.Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis ofbearing d.Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e.Alleasements 8.Existing and finished grades. 9.All existing and proposed improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (with spot elevations),and other site improvements. 10.Elevations oftopofroof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to determine height of building. B.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.To be submitted with site plan. C.Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership .and an,easements on property. O.Landscape Plan (I"=20'or larger)-2 copies 1.Show the location of 4"diameter or '·larger 'trees io ther 'shrubs -and-iiative olants tt. are onthe site andthe location and design ofproposedlandscape areas with the varieties andapproximate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ 2.Complete landscape materials list. 3.Designate trees tobesaved and thosetobe lost. NOTE:As much ofthe above information as possible shouldoccuronthe site plan,so that the inter-relation ofthe various components is clear.The landscapeplanshouldbe separate.The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may bea separate map.The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners.Trees that will be lost during construction mustbe tagged.The work shouldbecompleted before the ORB site visit. E.~.Architectural Plans (1/8":I'or larger)2copies 1.Must include floor plansand all elevations asthey will appearoncompletion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2.Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and sub~itted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Co~unity Develop- ment.Color chips,siding samples etc.,should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. ~ F.The Zoning Administrator andlor DRB may require thesubmission of additional plans, drawings,specifications,samplesand other material (including a model)if deemed necess ary to determine whethera project will comply withdesign guidelines. I I.mNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photosor sketches that c learly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) ofproposal maybe submitted in lieu ofthe more forma l requirements given above,as longasthey provide all important specifications for theproposed includingcolors and materials tobe useti ..- I I.ADDITION S-RESIDE NTIAL OR CQt·lr1ERCIAL A.Original floor plans with all specifications shown B.Floorplan for addition -2copies C.Site plan 'showing existing andproposed construction -2copiestopos D.Elevations of addition E.Photosof existing structure F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request ofthe Design Review Administrator you may also be required tosubmit: G.Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability .See attached utility location verification form. H.Site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. I.Preliminary title report,ver ifying ownershipof property and lists ofease ments. IV.FINAL SITE PLAN After a building per mit hasbeen issued,and when the project is underway,the following will be required before any building receives aframing inspection from theBuilding Department:A certified improvement surveyshowing: A.Building locations with ties to property corners,i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensionsto nearest tenth of foot. C.All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines,type of material used, and exact locations.2 copies D.Drainage as-builts.2 copies E.Basisof bearing to tie to section corner . F.All property pins are tobe either found or ·set and stated on map . •G.Alleasements H.~uilding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. ~.:1-s.~ .~--..... LIST OF r·IATERI ALS .:.lA I-lE OF p;ZOJECT:SAFEWAY STORE #631 LEGAL DE SC RIPTI ON:LOT Wes tPar cel -Das SchoneTra ct.FI LIN GVa il He ight s Filing#1 STREET ADDRESS:2131 No rthFrontage Ro ad,West DESCRIPTI ON OF PROJ ECT:Ex terior Repainting of Exis ting Building ",...,. '..•~?;. .":,'" ;...-.... The followinginfo rmation is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approvalcanbe fiven: A.BUIL DI NG HATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERI AL COLO R White Roof Built-up (GravelSurfaced)_.__ Sidi ng ...:S::.:t~u~c.;:;c o::......-=........",,-_ Weat heredOtherWa11Materia1s...:C::::e~da=r_---.:Sha=~k=e~s -=.............,..~__ -, Fascia Wood TyrolGreen Soffits 1'-1-11 Plywood Tyrol Gre en Win do ws Pl ate Glass Win dO\~Trim Alum i num St ore front DarkBronze Doors Alumi nUm Storefront Dark Bronze Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails .:.N:.:::o::.,:n:::.e _ Flues Flash ings Galvanized Me tal Tyrol Green Ch i mneys TrashEnclosures Dog-Ea r Ce dar Fencing Natural Greenhouses None Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT ~IA T E R I A L S :Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ------------- *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) .' "", .:~~ .PL AtH :·1ATER IAL S:Bot anica 1 Nam e (can 't) SHRUBS EX I STI NG SH RUB S TO BE REt-lO VED (O rtm an r:am e Ouan ;t 'l Size •..•,I ·•••..-.~ GRO U::O COVER S SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRI GAT IO N TYPE OR METH OD OFEROSIONCONTROL -------------------- Sa uare FootC1 oe C,OTHE R'L ANDSC APE FEA TURES (retaining walls,fences,swi mming pools,etc.)Pleasespec ify , .. t' ( <, ~~MINISTRATIVE OCFIC(BULLETIN Oakland,California February 24,1989 RETAIL,SUPPLY &SERVICE DIVISION MANAGERS,wiatt. STORE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS,wiatt. CONSTRUCTION DIRECTORS,wiatt. U.S.DIVISIONS (CanadaFor Info Only,wiatt.) EXTERIOR BUILDING DESIGN (MARKETPLACE STORES) ( Attached is a set of building design renderings which show a new and exciting treatment for the exterior of our Marketplace .stores.Previously the ,..... other parts of the Marketp1ace concept,the store plan,the Jarob i nteri or, new employee uniforms,etc.,wereannouncedby Chairman's Bulletin.The building exterior is the one remaining el-ement needed to complete the design ~concept and make our new stores the talk of the industry. The attached design was presented to upper management and was most favorably received.This is a recommended exterior design that shouldbeused wherever possible. The design accomplishes the following: 1.It accentuates the entrance and makes thi sa strong feature when viewedby passing motorists.Also,customers will know where the store entrance is fromany spot in our parking lot. 2.The building materials are light in color so that this new store design will look attractive inbothdayand nighttime. This is especially important now that many of our stores are open24 hours. 3.The front roof materials shown are standing seam metaland Spanish tile.The intent is to select a roofing material and color that will be appropriate for almost any area.Example: Spanish tile for Carmel,Arizona,etc. c ( -2- ( c c. 4.A total new Safeway image .We think this tooisimportantto reflect the restructured Safeway. 5.It is adesign that should fit into almost any new shopping center deve 1opmsnt .It cou 1d set thedesi gn motifforthe center. 6.It makes an attractive and progressively strong design statement. We hope you 1ike it.Further ques ti ons regarcl1ng thedesi gn detail s shall be directed to Facilities Engineering Division. Sincerely, PHILIP G.HORTON Senior Vice President Real Estate &Engineering PGH:ck att. l246K cc:ExecutiveVice Presidents,wiatt. ~ <.,.1\.-/~~.to- \~f -~~ <:,t7 ')0 III}~!~ »<>~tn II =-\nl ~ l })II I~!,.1 ~I -'I &I I ":3 I ~/''(l : '"ll 'o~.....~q~ <'~,~ ....'~1.....-.w....'>1 i\',v "dot.i 1.l .I ~1I -'-... '"il I =.,J ~ ,I)o r::"Zffi~'R it ~~~ Z \d ~~ f)U1 i I :s Ul ~I!l I i ~\) Z :l •~.~~4- ~-I'-i-4-i 'a-<'......-f 't- I j 4 ;~ "j III I ~YI .I 1F ~~\IJ II..~~~..3'\\'\ .1 i:, ~"J IU ~ •1 T. () ,;i-= I-;~J .~ ~r.r--,I Ij) l:•I I '" {j ..21 I I ": -'•I I ~\l 'J I'/;Y >-"/ if <.: !->,:() \ll~ , -t " ?l I,Iiii().'II·.... III UJ z1~~~.~I ~I) j: I ~ ,,.I) ·r "'f1\.' \,r>. I "~ "5'.../ ·.C Gordon Siqn Compan'l May 9,1985 Mr.Tom Braun TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,CO 81657 Re:Safewa y Store #631 -Vail,CO In response to our conversation on May 9th,I have enclosed the elevation drawing showing the proposed sign changes for your review at the next City Council study session. The e xisting 36"SAFEWAY letters and the two 6'logos total 236 square feet.The proposed 19"SAFEWAY letters and the new style logo total 51.5 square feet wh ich is a 184.5 reduction in total square footage.::"t',lu~u We feel this is a modest request and necessary to properl y identif y t he building.Please let me know the results of thes tudy session,and t he procedure to follow for r equesting the changes. If you have any questions,please give mea call. S incerely, GORDON SIGN COMPANY J?:,~ount JL/jh Encl. Executive CC:Dan Flori Safeway Stores,Inc. GORDONSIGNCOMPANY ADivision01 C.Q·F Sign,Inc. 2930 WEST9TH AVE. P.O.BOX4311 DENVER,COLORADO 80204 13031 629-61Z1 2120 NAEGELE ROAO COLORADO SPRINGS ,COLORADO B0904 1303)633-7763 1731N .ERIEST . PUEBLO ,COLORADO 81001 (303)5437388 FIELD COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE,CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DATE C I Sm iley (P ROPOSEC U SE ) N UMBER OF S TORY --;-:====::-;-OWEL LI NG UNI TS _I nstall Delicatessen D 'il.Qh ) (T YPE OfI MP R OVEMENT)NO. PERMIT TO (S T RE ET)(NO.) ZO N I N GAT(LO CAT IO N)__---,-..,.--,-,-_----:-DISTR IC T _ (CRO SS ST REE T)(CROSS S TR EE T ) ~BETWEEN -===-=-==::-;-AND --;-:==--===_ m L OT~S U BD IV IS iON L OT BL OCK SIZ E _ (TY P E) -cg BUI LD ING ISTOBE FT .WIDEBY FT .L ONG BY FT .IN HE I GHTANDS HALL C ONFOR MINCO NSTRUCTION ID o Z T OT YPE USEGROUP BASE M ENT WA LLS OR FOU NDAT I ON --,,____-:-:-------- ::; 0:oto.REMARKS:_ 7 ,000 (C UB IC/SQUARE FE ET) e~~M~=======,____------ESTI MATED C OST $_-=-..L..:==--~~~M IT $3 7.10 Safeway S tores Inc.OWNER ----'''-''''-''==L..:===~'_'_''=_ A DDRE SS _ INSPECTION RECORD DAT E NOTE P R OG RESS-CRI TICISMS AND REMARKS INS P ECTOR .. 1- -E> rt '--..!. f 'I \1 - '-:G "\ ?\ 1 ,-, I I i -)0 SAFEWAY STORE #0631 ~i II;TIMOTHY R.STAGGS rlllll ll!I IIVAIL,COLORADO 'l ~rI3 .ARCHITECT. ....1\II 1 ~~..IH PROJECT NO .05-08!t-o:ll).O)(2 ~PI:TERIEN.STAGGS 2t3t NORTH FRONTAGE ~81167 ~200 _:S'STAIr "'Ill "1 ID<;l DIrIn ::>1IIIl.H ~·_· !,I ~.__.•._.•._.,;;,;c-----------------------------------------.----.------._ i I '!icb~l '---I t:::~~! I I::J ,I I i'! ! ~ '-----_._- -, :J>~,. -n ~-35 u v c;J ?--J ....j ..c ....j -..l ~~0 ---4=-\S""" ~ 01 ill lL------=-====_.J L.l-l-LJ L-=-=O"':="":'===c...-J'-'--'--'---'_ otlign ReviewAction F& TOWN OF VAIL CategoryNumber Date lp_:f++-1...!..1...!..1'_ Project Name:We.s-'-\J IA;\M<>.I \-Q{.,(k ~r~4-I e,....,J cC c oe 7M /JO)/nnbJr .J II Building Name:~S eJeLAJCf j E:VPCl(lC'Il./'l ~d (J.,c/"'·C')P lc,i\( Project Description:-.A.d:J 1111 &r'd Ic".VI I <,I\M eC $a l ,.,fA d~r.r Ol {ep,0 If<eft:-(9'"d t?..ae..):JI .J I ), fAIl ()Co v e ~e /\fr .\"1Vlet ;0 po c /..~"J Or ,,-eP1 j F Ce-fB ;Vl''j''''J,,/{J e ir: I LegalDescription:Lot ;)-tt Block "---Subdivision ~[).£~/bo,.,e #'3 Z one District cc::m: ProjectStreetAddress :Z(S I !J Fr1 "-h,;7e f2..d.. Comments:_ ~~~~ch i t ecVC o nta c;.Ad d re s s an d P h o n e :ThO {\I '<.,!).,}j4i±1=tTmc;Afer t 9{,S S pbl..,r/r+. ~,Iel Ct0 '?02.t 0 Motionby:_ Board I ~ct i O:0 Vote:_ Secondedby:_ o Approval o Disapproval StaffApproval Conditions:_ TownPlanne r Date:?(1Jf /tir i I I DRBFee Pre -pa id,----I::...<2.!>::....:.~~_ ..P.03303778-6004e\,,/'U\,ool"""'''':to...61""If'"0...,'',._.0_"'._ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL J~1-15-97 11:13A WYAT~&ASSOCIATES GENERAL INFORMATJON This applica~on is for any project requiring Design Review approval.Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for 1I building permit,For specific information.sec the submittal requirements (or the particular approval that is requested.The application cannot be accepted until all the required infonnalion is submitted.The projcd may also need to be reviewed by theTown Council and/or the Planning and Enviroflmcntal Commission.[)esi~Review Board approval expires one YC2r .fter fin:al approv:al unless a baildin~permit is Issued aud construction is started. (k» Construction ofa new building. Includes any addition where square footageis added to any residential or commercial building. lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvements.such as. rcrccung,paimi!!g.window :l<ictiticns.landscapmg.tenccs and r=inmg walls.etc. 520 DESCRIPTIONOfTHEREQUEST:\tti.~"\jNc..~~\rE 'fY"MoO'f~~r-- COMMOIo1 L.o.toOt:»pp:.,....~tn'-S'offU!"{J>.Ho Yro'flQr\tSN'"=>("D:lI~) 1b~~\..at ~~ LOCATION Of PROPOSAL:LOT :').;..BLOCK:fiLING:'l-lC.1::1§~ElUAb·~. PHYSldALADORESS:1.1~N.Ef:O&rret-€&?V W~:st VJfS1\1bk-.CO'6lllS7 PARCEL #:01?2<J 11 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:Cc:.:m: NAME OF OWNER.(S):T~CMf-!C9~Ml.Jf69l=:II":;;;';~~_ MAILING ADDRESS :~~l-CO:~~PHONE:'3~.m2 OWNER(S)srGNATURE(S):~~~;~~-==~::_-_-_-_ NAME OF APPLICANT:-----hl1m f ~t"'·?=·----------­ MAIl.JNG ADDRESS:~~~~t~U-:...8:>!::!!,=:::co-~.L::tD..~ib~------r---.::----- TYPE F REVIEW AND FEE: o Nc Construction -$l00 o Addition -SSG ! ~"v[iuor Alteration - B. A. H. C. D. E. F. G. DRB fees arc tobepaid at the time of submittal .Lata.when applying fora building permit,please identifY thc accurate valuation of the project The T~vn ofVailwill adjust thc fcc according tothe project ....aluation. , Pl,~ASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION.ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAn, VAIL,COLORAOO 81657. JU)-15 -97 11 :13A WYAT~&ASSOCIATES 303 778-6004e P.02 MEMO Date: To: From: Re: July 14,1997 Chuck Ecker,Resource Const.Co. Dennis Wyatt WEST VAIL MALL CONSTRUCTION COSTS WInCH ARE TIlE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIlE GART COMPANIES: Please refer to the attached "highlighted"plans and prepare a cost proposal for the work outlined below.This work will bethe direct responsibility of the Gart Companies and must be installed at the time of the Safeway site cons1l'Uction. \ 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. Demolition of existing landscape area east of liquor store including concrete curbs. Addition of new concrete curb island north of 4 parking stalls . Asphalt pavement and striping for four (4)parking stalls . New concrete curb work at south side of new parking area. f New 6'wide sidewalk extending from main parking lot directly to liquor store (located adjacent to existing retaining wall .) Relocation of grease receptacle to area at west end of truck access casement. Installation of new concrete drain pan in loading area behind ma11 building. Four (4)new Colorado Blue Spruce above new retaining wall. 9 .One new Colorado Blue Spruce tree and cobble in north island in loading area. 10 .One new Colorado Blue Spruce and cobble in planting area south of the 4 ncw parking spaces. 11.All new concrete curb work and landscaping in the Mall parking lot,including demolition of existing concrete islands,asphalt patching and irrigation sleeving,(all irrigation required in this area to be provided by the Gart Companies as an extension tothe existing system in the frontage road.) \ I I, cc:Tom Gart Brian Hannig e WYATT &ASSOCIATES,p.c.,~. July 14,1997 LvIi".D ominic 17.?viaurit:ilo,Ale? Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S outh Frontage Road Vail,C olorado 81657 ARCH ITECTS and PLANNERS R E:West Vail M all-Loading Area and Parking Lot Landscaping Dear Dominic, The attached revisedSite and Landscape Plan,dated 7/14/97 is inre sponse to your letter of July2,1997 indicating approval of the plan subject tothe submission of thefollowing items . 1. 2. 3. -e, T hed etailed structural crossse ction is attachedwith a "seal"from the structural engineer.The finalfinish of the wa llshall co nsist o f texturedpaintinacolor to mat ch the bo dy of the Safeway building. Spot grade elevationsare shown on tills planin tile areas subject to modification. A3'gravel shoulder adjacent to Chamonix Road will be provided a djacenttothe 2:1 graded slopeadj acent tothenew retaining wall. liquor Store .At8'inwidth,thiswalk provides for awheelstoptoallowfora2 ' bumper overhang. 5 .Please provide us (and our contractor)witha schedule ofthe round-a-bout construction in order to coordinate construction of our new landscape islandson the West V ailMall frontage withthe roadway widening construction. 6.Anevergreen tree hasbeen added tothe north island which formsthe parking area forthe four loadingspacesatthe liquor store. 7.A signed Applicationfor Design Review Approval has been enctosed as requested andanapplication checkhas been enclosed. The access gate is still shown ontheplanas required bythe PEC.Both Safewayandthe Gart C ompanies will file an application requesting this condition beremo ved.Please provide uswiththe appropriate formsothatitmaybefiled withinthenext few days . 1865 so.pea rlst..denver.c olorado 8 0210 (303)6 98-171 7fa x (303 )778 -6004 .',j .I.I ; ~;, -~-. Mr.Dominic Mauriello July14,1997 Page Two As y ou Ki10W,this portion of the project h.J.S been delayed se veral times at nofault of the Town of Vail.We apologize forthe many telephone calls requesting alternate plan approvals and other considerations.I am certain that this proposal represents thefinal agreement between the:Gart Companies and Safeway.As I discussed withyou today,we: are prepared tomakethese improvements immediately as our contractor is currently on site.Your prompt attention tothe formal approval letter will be greatly appreciated.I will beinVailon Wednesday morning to review any further changes . Thank you for your continued cooperation. Cordially, 'Nv tt &Associates,P.e. \;.Wyatt,Architect cc:Katy Press Howard Gerelick Brian Hannig Tom Gart Steve Chavez Chuck Ecker i\lfEMO Date: To : From: Rc : July 14,1997 ChuckEcker,Resource Const.Co . DennisWyatt \VEST VAIL MALL CONSTRUCTION COSTS WHICH ARE THE RESPO NSIBILITI OF THE GART COi\lIPAi'fIES: Please refertothe attached "highlighted"plans and prepare a c ost proposalfor thewor k o utlinedbelow.This work will be thedirect responsibilityoftheGa rt Co mpaniesand mus t beinstalled atthe time ofthe Safeway siteconstruction. 1.Demolitionofexistinglandscapearea e astofliquorstor e including concr etecurbs. 2.Addition of newconcretecurbislandnorth of 4parkingstalls . 3 .Asphaltpavement andstriping tor tour (4)parkingstalls. 4.Ne w concrete curbwork atsouthside of newparkingarea. 5.New 6'wide sidewalk extendingfro mmain parkinglotdirectly to liquor s tore (located adjacentto existingretaining wall .) 6 .Relocat ion of greasereceptacletoareaatwestend of truck access easement, 7 .Installation of new concrete drainpaninloadingarea behind mallbuilding. s. 9 .One newColorado BlueSprucetreeandcobblein north island in loading area . 10.OnenewColoradoBlue Spruce andc obble in plan ting area southof the 4 new parkingspaces. 11.All new concrete c urb work andlandscapin g inthe M allparkinglot,including demolition o fexistingconcreteislands,asphaltpatchin gandirrigations leeving.(all irrigationrequired inthisareatobepr ovided bythe G art C ompanies as an extension totheexistingsys teminthe fronta ge road .) cc:To m Gart Brian Hannig ,<"~~,,v",.,e ..,",v "v _.••..•-,-_••_~_ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL fNFO R...MATION This applicati on isfor an y project requiring D esign Revi ew ap proval.An y p roj ect requ iring design re view must receive Design Revi ew approval prior to submitti ng for a buil ding p ermit,Fo r speci fic info rmation.sec the su bmittal rcq uircmcnrsforthe particular approval th atis requ ested.Th e application canno t be ac cepted u ntil a ll the req uired in :n=c:i()n is submitted.Th e prcjcce M:1y also need ,0 he reviewed b~'tbc To wn Cou ncil and/o r rhc PI?·]nin g:and =:nvironmcncal Co mmission.u"s;~Review Board a pprova l expi res o ne YC3 r a rrcr fin :>1 upp rovat u nless a bui ldin!!permit is issued a nd con s truc tion is s tarted. A .D ES CRIPTI ON O FT HE RE QUEST:It!~?i \jJ>..\l.l0JJ...L.~m::fetN MoOff\CI<::'n~flJ~ CD MMO...!.L-o.....oco ';::::tz:I<:.~WI"Q1-SHirU!":'!"/=Ho tXP'f'Cl'<ii W -::>("-CCt i ~) To f'~I .0G Lo\~IJ..::Y=> 8.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT :'2A B LO CK:FILfNG:\lA.lL P'\'S ~£Il...\A.6~~. PHYS ICAL ADDRF::SS :'2.1";2 N .£f::O F-Sf'J"::t€..':9"sO w ~st WSlY61L.,CO '&10 57 P.-\RCEL ~:-><OO-lI_?J"-4....u.11-L-(Contact eag le Co.Assessors Office a t 9 70-328-864D forp arcel #) ZONING:C <::.lIC NAM E Of O\l/N ER(S ):Tf-If G:H:±_c.=OM,,-,+fI!-;.:...u=(CI:§_~_ ~AILING A DDRESS :~~\j~~L;~iQ~X ' o W1\'ER(5)5 1G;-.I A T UR8(S):--::;:::::::~:f-?-,:t....:.---,=--",,?.....,j:F~~c=..::,--------_ N A"IE O F A?PUC.A.:\T:-J\)1tt!f ~t·C-· MA ILING ADDRESS:}tftb ~.~'5~ lJf~lJe~!~ZJQ C. D . G . H,TYPE OF REV IEW AND fEE: o New Co nstruction-S2 00 o Addi tion -SSO ::¢.~"f i l!""-vlt crario n -S20 Construc don of anew bu ;idin;. Includes any addition where $qU2rC foo tage isa dded toany rcsidcna al or co mmercia l building. Include,mino r changes ,0 buildings and sit e improvements .such as. ,:;:-:cring.p.ain~,!'!g..w ind~"'!2~·~~:C:1s.1:m :.iSca pll1g .rcnccs and r ~i1 l.C1 g walls.e re . DR B iecs ar c ro be paid at th e time o f sub miccal .La ter.when a pplying fora building perm it.p lease iden tify the accurate valuatio n of the project,Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fee a ccording totheproj ect val uation. PLF:ASE SUm,UT T HIS A PP LI CATION.AL L StJBMTTTAL REQUIR EM ENTS A;-.I D THE FEE T OT HE DEPAR TMENT O F COMi\1UN ITY D E VELOPMEt"{T.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROA D. VAI L,C O LORADO 81657. II'Fnr-(rff~~r:~';.()~l~~:.-<.."".··:,:..;.;:L;::~jA :i::!1 I ;:£~~:~(l~~~~'••"'"....,c 3:,,~~t!~~L~tf;,.':_·?;'_-~·0 ,;;~~~11 'Sheet (of l Job no.9 ,J \~CJ 7 Date 7"nBy\.J C ----'&itle VA\L -STRUCTURAL =----------.'----------=.~~:..:....:..-- CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED Clie nt lJJ 11 Ii If =~,....--____=.L...-__........::.=__--"-i.....__==:..__:..~_ ... , ,I , .'i •i ~-- i : I I ! I~I;E , ::I -~ -=----------'-------'- • n .. /~!r~E8p .,~S~6 D.c.,.I .. ----... • ." .'..!' II .~, 110".J(':'7~2''''S <:eNT Ile \11 I lL • III \11 •·..-i ", 3400 E.Ba yaud ,#300,Denver ,CO80209303/399-5154 FAX 3 03 /333·95 ' ...I I -(..... ..•• LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legal D escription:Lot 3 Subdivision:VALDASSCHONE Fil.in1\3 , Dat eofExp irat ion:~l"!J.I /f('{,1 1!:)(Je,..~,,,,,1-0 Aooount N umber :IJ '2:S '),1./4 f?9 7'fOe !19 q t AUj iCf~'8 . DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT,madeandenteredintothis q-t'k day o~I<A--i,by andamongSAFEWAY,INC.(hereinaftercalledthe"Developer"),andtheTOWNOF VAIL(hereinaftercalledthe"Town"),and \peiLs t?tc')()0u..r.lC (hereinaftercalled the"Bank")OW' WHEREAS,the Developer,asacondition of approval of theSAFEWAYSITE RE-DEVELOPMENT PLANS ,datedSeptember9,1996wishestoenterintoa DeveloperImprovementAgreement;and WHEREAS ,the Developer isobligatedtoprovidesecurityorcollateralsufficient inthejudgment of theTowntomakereasonableprovisionsforcompletion of certain improvementssetforthbelow;and WHEREAS,the Developer wishestoprovidecollateralto guarantee performance of thisAgreement ,including construction of theabovereferencedimprovementsby means of thefollowing: 0,11\- Developer agreestoestablishaletter of creditwith I.V ells t="".....D e,.'i)\C..in adollaramount of$798,670 (125%of thetotalcost of theworkshownbelow)toprovide securityforthe following: IMPROVEMENT: On-siteandoff-site construction improvementsinaccordancewiththeSitework ImprovementCostsassummarizedinExhibit"A"attachedherein, NOW,THEREFORE,inconsideration ofthefollowingmutualcovenantsand agreements,theDeveloperandtheTownagreeasfollows: 1.TheDeveloperagrees ,at itssolecostandexpenses,tofurnishallequipmentand materialnecessarytoperformandcompleteallImprovements,onorbeforeSeptember1, 1997.TheDevelopershallcomplete,inagoodworkmanlikemanner,allimprovementsas Page1 of4 ~......-:;.'..•• listedabove ,in accordance withallplansandspecificationsfiledintheoffice of the CommunityDevelopment Department,theTown of Vail,andtodoallworkincidental thereto accordingtoandincompliancewiththefollowing: a.Such other designs,drawings ,maps,specifications ,sketches,and other matter submittedbythe Developer tobe approved byany of the above-referenced governmentalentities.Allsaid work shallbedoneundertheinspection of,andtothe satisfaction of,theTownEngineer ,theTownBuildingOfficial,or other officialsfromthe Town of Vail,asaffectedbyspecialdistrictsorservicedistricts ,astheir respective interest mayappear,andshallnotbedeemedcompleteuntil approved and accepted ascompleted bytheTown of VailCommunity Development Department andPublicWorks Department. 2 .Tosecureand guarantee performance of itsobligationsassetforthherein,the Developer agreestoprovidesecurityandcollateralasfollows : Irrevocable letter of credit #tJ2S)LfW '{lin theamount of $798,670 with Wtlli.s;..,fjD ty."It·asthesecurityforthe improvementssetforthaboveifthereisadefaultundertheAgreementby Developer. 3.The Developer mayatanytimesubstitutethecollateraloriginallysetforthabove for another form of collateral acceptable tothe Town to guarantee thefaithfulcompletion of thoseimprovementsreferredtohereinandthe performance of theterms of this Agreement.Such acceptance bytheTown of alternativecollateralshallbeattheTown's solediscretion.Developer agreestoreimbursethe Town of Vailforanycostincurredby theTowntodrawuponanyletter of creditorcollateral. 4 .TheTownshallnot,orshallanyofficeroremployeethereof,beliableor responsibleforanyaccident,lossordamagehappeningor occurring tothe work specified in theAgreementpriortothecompletionand acceptance of thesame,norshallthe Town, noranyofficeroremployeethereof,beliableforanypersonsor property injuredby reason of thenature of said work,butall of saidliabilitiesshallandareherebyassumedby theDeveloper. The Developer herebyagreesto indemnify andholdharmlesstheTown ,andany of itsofficers,agentsandemployeesagainstanylosses,claims,damages ,orliabilitiesto whichthe Town orany of itsofficers,agentsoremployeesmaybecomesubjectto ,insofar asanysuchlosses ,claims,damagesorliabilities(oractionsinrespect thereot)thatarise out of orarebaseduponanyperformancebythe Developer hereunder;andthe Developer shallreimbursetheTownforanyandalllegalor other expensesreasonablyincurredby theTown in connectionwithinvestigatingordefendinganysuchloss,claim,damage , liabilityoraction.This Indemnityprovisionshallbeinadditiontoany other liabilitywhich the Developer mayhave . Page 2 of4 .'..-."-'..•• 5 .It ismutually agreed thattheDevelopermayapplytotheTownandtheTown shallauthorizeforpartialrelease of thecollateraldepositedwiththeTownforeach category of ImprovementatsuchtimeassuchImprovementsare constructed in compliancewithallplansandspecificationsasreferencedhereunderandacceptedbythe Town .Undernoconditionwilltheamount of thecollateralthatisbeingheldbereduced belowtheamountnecessarytocompletesuchImprovements . 6 .It theTowndetermines,atitssolediscretion,thatany of theImprovements contemplatedhereunderarenot constructed incompliancewiththeplansand specificationssetforthinthisAgreementonorbeforethedatesetforthinParagraph 2, theTownmay,butshallnotberequiredto ,redeemtheletter of creditasnecessaryto completetheunfinishedimprovements .TheBankshallreleasesuchfundsuponwritten requestfromtheTownstatingtheImprovementshavenotbeencompletedasrequiredby thisagreement.TheBankshallnotrequiretheconcurrence of theDeveloperpriorto release of thefundstotheTownnorshalltheBankberequiredtoverifyindependently thatsuchImprovementshavenotbeencompletedasrequiredbythisagreement,butshall releasesuchfundssolelyupontheTown'swrittenrequest. If thecosts of completingtheworkexceedtheamount of thedeposit ,theexcess, together withinterestattwelvepercentperannum,shallbealienagainstthepropertyand maybecollectedbycivilsuitormaybecertifiedtothe treasurer of EagleCountytobe collectedinthesamemannerasdelinquentadvaloremtaxesleviedagainstsuchproperty. If thepermitholderfailsorrefusestocompletethecleanupandlandscaping,asdefinedin thischapter ,suchfailureorrefusalshallbeconsideredaviolation of theZoningCode. 7.TheDeveloperwarrantsallworkandmaterialforaperiod of oneyearafter acceptance of allworkreferredtointhisAgreementbytheTownpursuanttoSection 17.16.250 ifsuchworkislocatedonTown of Vailpropertyorwithintown of Vailright- of-way. 8.ThepartiesheretomutuallyagreethatthisAgreementmaybeamendedfromtime totime,providedthatsuchamendmentsbeinwritingandexecutedbyallpartieshereto. Dated the dayand year first ~~~.,_- DEVELOPER STATEOFCOLORADO) )ss. COUNTYOFEAGLE) TheforegoingDeveloperImprovementAgreementwasacknowledgedbeforeme Page3 of4 ,.•• 19 ~,by t Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. Mycommissionexpires :d?~3/;.;200 () this 9-t//L day of d)~ ICa;t;L I::J~ Q~ltlL ieJk-PLANNER,COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Z./$'-day of tJ{!rp ~6R-19 9'f ,by _-----I..LD.........F hAM RICo /-LV Witnessmyhandandofficialseal. Mycommissionexpir :.;2 ~ Page4 of4 •Op e rati ons Group North ern California 525 Mar ket Street,25t h Floor San Francisco,CA 94105 DA TE OF IS SUE :OCTOBER 8,1996 APP L ICAJ."'<T: SAFEWAY,INC . 5 918S TONERIDGE MALL ROAD P LEASANTO N,CA 9 4588 •~iM WELLS FARGO BANK PAGE:1 OUR IRREVOCABLE ST AN DBY CREDIT: NZS244897 DATE OF EXPI RY:SEP TEMBER I,1 997 P LACE OF EXPI RY:AT OUR ABOVE CO UNTERS BENEFICIARY: THE TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,COLORADO 8 1657 ATTN:MS.C .ANDERSON ,COMP TROLLER AMOUNT:USD 798,670.00 S EVEN hLmDRED NI NETY EI GHT THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY AND 0 0/100'SUS DOLLARS WE HERE BY ESTABLISH I N YO UR FAVOUR THIS CRED IT AVAILABLEWITHWELLS FARGO BANK , N .A.BY PAYMENT OF YOUR DRA FT(S)AT SIGHT DRAWN ON WELLS FARGO BANK ,N .A . ACC OMPANIED BY : 1 -YOUR SIGNED AND DATED STATEMENT WORDE D AS FOLLOWS WITH INSTRUCTIONS IN BRA CKE TSTHEREIN COMPLIED WITH: "THE UND ERSIGNED,AN AUTH ORIZED REPRESE NTATIVE OF THE TOWN OF VAI L,HEREBY CERTIFI ES THA T SAFEWAY,INC .HAS FAILED TO COMPLETE THE IMP ROVEMENTS,AS REQU IRED BY DEVELOPER AGREEMENT DATED {INSERT DATE}IN CONNECTION WITH THESAFEWAYP ROJECTLOCATED AT {INSERT ADDRESS }.". 2 -THEORI GI NALOF THISLETTEROF CREDIT. I F ANY INSTRUCTIONS ACCO MPANYING A DRAW ING UNDER THIS L ETTEROF CREDIT REQUE ST THAT PAYMENT IS TOBE MADE BY TRAN SFERTO AN ACCOUNT WITH US ORAT ANOT HER BANK, WE AN D/OR SUCH OTHE R BANK MAY RELY ON AN ACCOUN T NUMBER SPEC IFIEDI N SUCH INS TRUCTIONSEVEN IF THE NUMB ER IDEN TIFIES A PE RSONORENTITY DIFF ERENT FROM THE INTE NDE D PAYE E. DOCUMEN TS MU STBEP RESENTED TOUS NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. DRAFT(S)MU ST INDICATE THE NUM BER AND DATEOF THISCREDI T. Original •Operat ions Gro up Northern California 525Market Stree t,25thFlo or San Francisco,CA 94105 •~ WELLS FARGO BANK PAG E:2 THIS IS AN INTEGRAL PARTOF LETTEROFCRED IT NUMB ER :NZS24489 7 EACH DRAFT PRESENTED HEREUN DER MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS ORIGINAL CREDIT FOR OUR ENDORSEMENTTHEREON OF THE AMOUNT OF S UCH DRAF T. DOC UM E NTS MUST BE F ORWARDED TOUSI N ONE PARCEL AND MA YBE MAILED TO WELLSFARGO BANK,N .A.,OPERATIONS GROUP ,NOR THERN CALI FORNIA ,525 MARKE T STR EET,25 TH F LOOR ,SAN FRANC ISCO,CA9 4105 -2 733. THIS CREDIT IS SUBJECT TOTHE UN I FORM CUSTOMS AND PRAC T ICE FOR DOCUM ENTARY CRE DITS (1993REVI SION),INTERNATIONAL CHAM BER OF COMMERCE,PUBLICAT ION NUMB ER 5 0 0,.~ENGAGES US IN ACCORDANC E WITHTHETERMS TH I PLEJI.S E CON TACT SOCORRO M.LOZl'.N C BY TELEPHONE AT (41:;)3 96-336 7 ORBYFAXAT (415 )541-0299 REGAR DING ANY I NQUIRIES. Ori ginal EXHIBIT A PROJEC T:SAFEWAY VAIL·ADDITIONS &ALTERATIONS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF SITEWORK CONS TRUCTION COSTS ge~tembet 27,1996 LANESTRIPING *FRONTAGE LANDSCAPE •ASPHALTBIKEPATH •FIREHYDRANT RELOCATION TOTAL_.---- c ---.~--------, BYCDOTNAIL BYCDOTNAIL $9 ,500.00 $8 ,200.00 $25 ,000.00 $2000.00 $6 ,600 .00 $1,500.00 $4,830 .00 $8 ,000 .00 $14 ,400 .00 $2000.00 $3,500.00 410 L.F .@ $20 .00 1200 S .F.IB.l $5.50 600 L.F.-L.S . '"~_3_-~,;,= -'"._--;:';:f QUANTITY·UNITCOST L.S.(BARRICADES,FLAGMEN) COSTS W ITH TOWN OFVAIL)L.S . 20'PIPEPLUS RECONSTRUCTION L.S. 60 'X 50 =3 ,000 S.F.=333 S .Y.@ $6 .00 10350 S .F.X 5'=1916 C .Y.(l!l $5 .00 C .Y. 10'X 290'=322 S.Y .@ 4"THICK@ $15 .00 15'X 600 '=9000 S .F .=1000 SY (/!l9 "FULLDEPTH (dl $25.00 CONCRETE PAD ,MOVEBUILDINGMISC -(POSSIBLESHARE 12'X 240 S.F .-BERM ,TREES ,ROCK IRRIGATION 2,880 S .F.@ $5 .00 . __-E-=- _~__-~~~E_ A.OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION ~=~-~iU ~ """,,,.;;--- 2 .FRONTAGEROADSTORMDRAINAGE 1.FRONTAGEROADLANEWID ENING 3.TURN LANE IMPROVEMENTS *TRAFFIC CONTROL PERCDOT 1*CONCRETECROSS PAN-DRIVEWAY 1*RELOCATEBUSSHELTER 1*ASPHALTPAVING 1*DEMOLITION -EXISTING DRIVEWAY ACCESS 1*CONCRETE CURB/GUTTER 1*ROUGHGRAD ING ---""~=,. -~--:m -==_-~-~~_g;;;~="::'~'" !'~~~"C ~,.=-$5""==_==-:.~~_-j~!!;':i_~--~-:..~~~~:_f¥~IE =:~:=-r._-~-r ~·~'c:~~~j-~T _~~~~~~-~JJj:~ I SUBTOTAL -OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS $85,530 .00 1111 11 1111111111 11 11111 11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 11111 11111111 1111111111 11111111111111 111 11111111 11 111 1111111111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 111 11111111 11 111111111111111 111 1111111 11111 1111111111111 11111111111111111 111 11111111 1111 111 B.ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1*GRUBB ING-CLEAR ING NORTHLOT 1*DEMOLIT ION OFS.W.LANDSCAPE ISLAND 18 ,200 S .F.@ 1.5 DEPTH =27 ,300 C.F.=101 1 @ $3 .50 C.Y. 20 X 100 =2 ,000 S .F .X 2 =4 ,000 C .F.=148 C.Y.@ $3 .50 $3 ,538.00 $520 .00 REMOVE 250'CURB /GUTTER@ $4.00 L.F .$1 ,000.00 1*REMOVE ASPHALT INFRONTPARK ING LOT (PHASEDREMOVA L) •~STORM SEWER -NEW •II ANTICIPATED IMPROVEMENTS) 6 ,744 S.Y .(dl $6 .50 S.Y . 460'OF 18"PIPE (dl $28 .00 3 DROPINLETS -DOCK &WEST AREA @ 3,500 $43 ,850.00 $12880.00 $10 ,500.00 SAND-GREASE PARKINGLOT INTERCEPTOR L.S.$5,000.00 "FIRE HYDRANT ONNORTHAREA 140'PIPE(6")@ $25.00L.F .$3,500 .00 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY $2,500.00 1*CONCRETE CURBS/GUTIERS IN PARKING LOT 2,408L.F .@ $20.00L.F .$48 ,160 .00 1*CONCRETE SIDEWALKS WITH PAVERS PATIERN 1,728 S .F.@ $5.00 $8 ,640.00 1*CONCRETE STAIRSTO CHAMINOIX 5'WIDE -22RISERS +LANDING +RAIL +COLOR L.S .$6 000.00 ..ASPHALT PAVING-STRIPING (FULLDEPTH-USE EXISTING SOUTHLOT =5,872S.Y.-ASSUME 6"FULLDEPTH @ $23.00 $135,056 .00 BASE REWORKED)NORTHLOT =1131 S.Y .(Bl 5"FULLDEPTH @ 20.00 $22 ,620.00 STRIPING -MARKINGS $3,500.00 ~PARKINGLOT LIGHTING SOUTH-9 FIXTURES W/BASES ETC @ $3000EACH $27,000.00 NORTHLOT-3 FIXTURES @ $3,000EACH $9,000.00 "ON-SITE LANDSCAPING 6,660S.F.-INTENSE PLANTINGS @ $2.50 $16 ,650.00 19 ,500 S .F.-LESSINTENSE (Bl $1 .75 $34 ,125.00 "LOADING DOCK DECORATIVE GATE -STEEL SEMI-ORNAMENTAL-115 L.F .TOTAL RAIL@ 30 =3,400 PIPE BOLLARDS =$500 MISC .=$400 +1-$4 ,500.00 "OVERHEAD FACTOR FOR PHASED INSTALLATION OF PARKING LOT ~~X!"~~£~.~~T I,2~~~.c ,,=i,"';c'••""':,.'"m~.',"t-••'0 d e"0''",-",,oo ''',",,,'h~;Jf~9W,~"E.9R".~M~L~.~B~A,~"~,~,~,~!,f~i8;~,~.!;!.9)""'''''''.,,:0 ,.,0 "",""!~3 'P8 9,'9,g"",,,,,,,",,'d"" /111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111/11 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/11 111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111 1111111111 1111111111 111111111111/11111111/11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111/111111111111111 TOTAL SUMMARY OFF-5ITE $85,530.00 ON-5ITE $410,539.00 GENERAL CONDITION/P &0 (12%)$59,528.00 SUBTOTAL $555,597.00 ARCHITECTURAL &ENGINEERING (15"AJ)$83,339.00 TOTAL $638,936.00 -TOWNOF VAIL REQUIRES BOND AT 125%-$798,670.00 1I0TE:TI/&STATE/lEIiT O~ESTI/IATE COSTS WM PREPARED ~OR "CONnNGUJCV IU NOT ADDID OUt TO BONDING AT 125"01:~n"An 8UDCETlIIC PROPOSALS OlllY WITHOUT 8EIIE~1T O~DETAIl£/) COJlgTRUl!TlOIi PLAIIS.AeTllAl COSTS /lAY VARY DUE TO 81D /lARKET SITE AREA =144,017S.F. III lOf!Al AREA.COST PSF-5ITE =$4.43 WITH 125"AJ BOND =$5.54 PREPARED BY WYATT &ASSOCIATES,P.e. 0 27 SEPT 1996 •Operati ons Group Northern California 525 Market Street,25thFloo r SanFrancisco,CA 94105 DATE :AUGUST 27,1997 WELLS FARGO BANK AMENDMENT TO CREDIT NO. NZS244897 AMENDMENT NUMBER:1 APPLICANT : SAFEWAY,INC . 5918 STONERIDGE MALL ROAD ATTN:CASH MGMT.DEPT. PLEASANTON,CA 94588 PAGE:1 BENEFICIARY: THE TOWN OFVAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,COLORADO 81657 ATTN:MS.C .ANDERSON,COMPTROLLER THIS AMENDMENT IS TOBECONSIDEREDASPARTOFTHE ABOVE CREDIT AND MUST BE ATTACHED THERETO. THE ABOVE MENTIONED CREDIT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: THE DATEOFEXPIRY IS AMENDED TO:FEBRUARY 23,1998. ALLOTHER TERMS UNCHANGED. WEllS FARGO BANK SAN FRANCISCO o RVI ORTH Original ..•Ope rations Group Northern California 525Market Street,25thFloor San Francisco.CA 94105 •~ WELLS FARGO BANK ~uv, t t~"t 7 1998 TOV-eOMM.DEV.DEPT. PAGE:1 DATE:FEBRUARY 26,1998 AMENDMENT TO CREDIT NO. NZS244897 AMENDMENT NUMBER:2 APPLICANT: 'SAFEWAY,INC. 59 18 STONERIDGE MALL ROAD ATTN:CASH MGM T.DEPT. PLEASANTON,CA 94588 BENEFICIARY: THE TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,COLORADO 81657 ATTN:~C.ANDERSON.COMPTROLLER {<,'vv-DQv-' THIS AMENDMENT IS TOBECONSIDERE D ASPARTOF THE ABOVE CRED IT AND MUST BE ATTACHED THERETO . THE ABOVE MENTIONED CREDIT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: THE DATE OF EXPIRY IS AMENDED TO:AUGUST 2 4,19 98. ALL OTHER TERMS UNCHANGED. Original ..'.'..•tit WYATT &ASSOCIATES,FC"~e'- .,,,.'-ARCHITECTS and PlANNERS February 19,1988 Mr .Dominic Mauriello,AlCP Senior Planner Department of Community Development 75 South -Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:Safeway-West Vail Dear Dominic, FJe This letter isin response to your letter of December 19,1987 wherein you describe certain.outstanding issues -necessary -to -resQlveprior-to release ofthe Letter-of-Credit -and final Certificate of Occupancy . Item 1:Please find attached herein technical documentation related to your observations of the site-lighting -fixtures.We-feel-these-do indeed meet-the-r-egulations as-described-in the attached documentation.Note:This data is attached herein andthe specifics relative to your 2.5%cutoff are so indicated andwedo comply withthis requirement. Item2 :Wefeelthe requirement for painting the screening around the mechanical equipmeat-toraatch-tae-green -metal--fGGf--is a subjective solution.-W-e -feel that painting this screen green will attract more attention totheunits since this element is separated from the green roof.The white color tends to bring less attention tothe element while at the same time performing its function to screen mechanical equipment.If you insist that it must be painted we can doit when weather allows . Item3 :Please find enclosed herein the site plan which shows the location of the cart corrals.They were always shown onthefinal construction plans but apparently not shown on the "approval"plans . Item4 :Safeway has experienced problems with skiers parking forthedayinthis area and hence the sign was installed.Wewillinstalla "No Parking -Fire Lane"signin the area. Item5:A letter of credit was filed with the Town prior to issuance of permits .We herein request that this letter of credit be reduced toan amount onlyto cover the landscape materials per the original breakdown for the requested 3 year period. Item6:Wehave requested that the Gart Companies filethis application and have reminded themonthison several occasions .Safeway will begin procedures for installation 01 the gate if the applicationis not filed within the next week or so . 1865sa pearl st .denver,colorado 80210 (303)698-1717 fax(303)778-6004 .c :....• Mr.Dominic Mauriello February 19,1998 Page Two Item7:There arefourislandsin the main parkinglot which donot contain anytrees. The original landscape plan filed with the-city showed trees in these area,and the final site construction permit plan deleted these treesand re-arranged other landscaping throughout the site particularly asa result of the[mal design alongthe street frontage whentheroad construction plans were completed.Additional landscaping was provided in these areas.Lhave attached a ropy ofthe "Design Review Action Form"and [mal approved landscape plan for your reference. Item8:Safeway,through Brian Hannig,Project Manager,has indicated thatatone of the last "walk-through"-inspections you had agreed that these facilities-could be placed east of thefrontentryalongthewalltoget them out of site.Itisnot possible toputall of these facilities inside the store which maybeclosedand locked at various times . Item9:The original variance plan approval didnot show any particular landscaping in thisarea.This .is.adifficult area in that the Safewayroof-drains directly intothe area and must drainonthe surface tothefront of the building tobe intercepted inthenewdrop inlet.Itisa snow andiceareainthewinter.We would recommend thatweinstall landscape gravelor cobble to "soften"thelook,but landscaping with plant materials is not feasible. Please review this material andletus know if you would liketomeetor have a conference calltoput closure to these items. Thanks for your continued cooperation. Cordially, W~A.s~~~:at:,P.e.. ~Q;.Wyatt,Architect cc:KatyPress Cam Potter Brian Hannig WYATI &ASSOCIATES,~ 1865 S.PearlStreet .. Denver,Colorado 80210 TO (303)698·1717 FAX (303)778-6004 Ul-IIiI\lIl=UllI\J~.iwJ~T VNl.JS\o~ ~~I (J)bllil.......S '------_ DATE 1..1/J .tq f:)I J OB 27"1 .14 B ATTE N nON f1')M1N\L RE :\~J~. o Samp lesoPlans 0 _ o Under separate cov er via the following item s : o Specification sotpf'fnts o Change order ~ttac h ed o Shop drawings o Copyof letter WE ARE SENDING YOU > C OPIESDAT E NO .DES CRIPTION \1--1 '''\~io".n.lt'A Srfc to L/QJ 0 Sl/(:f ~~-. I Wlrt\/".~~--.If!..~~LA~rr-<J THESEARETRANSMITIEDas checked below: 0 _> o Forapp roval o Foryouruse ~Asreque sted 'S ~r reviewand comment o Approved as submitted o Approved asnoted o Returnedfo rc orrections o Resubmit cop ies forapprova l o Submit copies for di stribution o Return corrected prints o FOR BIDS DUE 19 _o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOANTOUS REMARKS _ COPYTO _ SIGNED:.Jl(jf;l1~--JJ 7 If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.