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TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL/CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONJOBS ITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUI LD PERMT Job Address:2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location ...: Parcel No ..:2103 -114 -15-011 project No.:PRJ96 -0097 Permit #:B96 -0147 Status ...:ISSUED App lied ..:06/07/1996 Issued ...:07/31/1996 Expires ..:06/02/1997 APPLICANT SAFEWAY STORES 46INC AP -EXPENSE/PO BOX 29089/PHOENIX AZ 850389089 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC AP-EXPENSE/PO BOX 29089/PHOENIX AZ 850389089 CONTRACTOR RESOURCE CONSTRUCTION CO Phone:303 -755 -8070 10065 E HARVARD AVE #807/DENVER CO 80231 De script ion: REMODEL SAFEWAY S TORE Occupancy:B2 Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: B2 816/000 Add TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-upDepositRefund approved _~..u..:...;=-__ amount ----:>0 ,/.10' sq:i ~l l\b, Fi replace Info rmation:Res tricted:#OfGas Applian ces:#O f Ga s Log s:#Of ~ood/P all et : ***********************************************************FEE SU MHARY ********************************************************** Building----->3,604.00 Restuarant Plan Review -->.00 Total Calculat ed Fees --->7,099 .60 Pl an Check --->2,342.60 ORB Fee----------------->400 .00 Additional Fee s--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Re creation Fee---------->.00 Total Pe rm it Fee-------->7,099 .60 ~i II Ca ll---->3 .00Clean-Up Depo s it -------->750.00Payments---------------->7,299 .60 TOTA L FEES-------------->7 ,099.60 BALANCE DUE------------->-200 .00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/,07/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOT E 06;25;1996 CHUCK Actlon:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/,07/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 06;'13;'1996 MIKEAc tion :APPR 06;'13;'1996 MIKE Action:APPR 06;',/13;',/1996 MIKE Action:CANC06131996MIKEAction:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/,07/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 07;'0 5;'1996 MIKE M Action:APPR 08;26;1996 JEFF-A Action:APPR Item:05500 PUB~IC WORKS 06/,07/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 06;07'/1996 LARRY_P Action:APPR Dept:BU ILDING CHUCK PLANS EXAMINER Dept:PLANNING MIKE PLANNER Dept:FIREMIKEFIRE Loading dock fd ok with conditions Dept:PUB WORK TERRY PW LARRY PARDEE Division: Division: Division : Division : ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions th at may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby a cknowledge that Ihave read this application,filled outin full the information r equired,completed anac curat e plot p lan,and state that all the information pro vided as required is correct.I agree to comp lywith the i nforma tion and plot plan , t o C~m P l Y with a LL Towno rdina ncesa nd st~La w s ,a ndt obui Ld t his st r ucture a cc ord in~th e Town's zoning a nd su bd iv ision codes ,design r ev iew approved,Uni for m Building Code a nd o t heror dinances oft he Town a pplicabLe th ere t o . SendClea n-Up Depo si tTo :SA FE ~A Y T OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PM '-- ON TRACTOR FOR HIM SELF AND O~NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B96 -0147 as of 01/16/97 Status:I SSUED ******************************************************************************** P e rmit Type:ADD/ALT CO MM BUILDPE RM T App li cant:SAFEWA Y STORES 46 INC Job Address: Location: P arcel No:2103-114-15-011 De scri p tio n: REMO DEL SAFEWAY S TOR E Applied:06/07/1996 I ss ued:07/31/1 996 To Expire:06/02/19 97 Condit io ns: 1 .FI RE DEPAR TMEN TAPPROVAL I S REQUIRED BEFO RE ANY WO RK CAN BE STAR TED. 2 .F IE LD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ UIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3.P r io r to i ss ua nce of a TCO,t he e x te rior parki ng lot ligh ting must b e app roved b y th e Planning Division.Also, th ee xterior paving mate r ial s (pave rs and concrete)located south of the store,mus t b e approved b y the Planning Division . 4.The plans are approved by the F i re Dept.with the conditions agreed to by Delaney Archi te ctu re by l etter,dated 6/24/96, with the additio nal requi rement per UFC 10.50l(b),to sepera te the loading dock with aminimum 1 h r fire rated and smoke separation.Fire rating a nd s moke sepa ration may be omitted i f the fire sprinkler s ystem is enhan ced to provide water curtain,deluge under the trailer,and designed by a fire protection engineer,in such a way to achieve equivalency. 5.APPROVED ADDENDUMS ARE ONLY THOSE THAT ARE PARTOF THE REMOD ELPLANS DATED 5/21/96. ****~*********************************************************** rOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Staternnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0186 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:#25530 200.00 08/20/96 11:08 Init:CD ADD/ALT COMM BUILDP 200.00 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payment B96-0147 Type:A-COMM 2103-114-15-011 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 7,099.60 7,299.60 -200.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 22002 Description CLEANUP DEPOSITS Amount 200.00 ****~*********************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0186 Amount:3,926.60 08/20/96 11:07 Payment Method:CK Notation:#25530 Init:CD Permit No:B96-0147 Type:A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILDP Parcel No:2103 -114-15-011 Site Address:2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Total Fees:7,099.60 This Payment 3,926.60 Total ALL Pmts:7,099.60 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES -630.40 01 0000 41310 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 3,604.00 01 0000 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 200.00 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 750.00 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE 3.00 PREPARED 3/11 /03,9 ,55,45 PRO GRAM MR41SU Towno f vail CUST-IDCUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSITREFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE COD EDESCRIPTION TX-DATE AJ-DATE DEPOSIT AMOUN T DEPOSIT-ADJ AMO UNT ADJ USTMENT AMOUNT AFTER-RBFUND AMOUNT 5 45 896 -0147 Safeway Stores 46 Inc DEPOSOep -Cleanup 0 2 1 /11/98 3 /1 1 /0 3 75 0 .00 7 50 .00 750 .00 -.0 0 TOTAL FOR CUSTOME RTYPE:02 7 50 .00 7 50 .00 75 0.00-.0 0 GRANO TOTAL: DEPOSI T COUNT : GIL BATCH CREATED : 1 BATCH-00768 2003 /03 USERID -MKOTWlCA AP HELD 7 5 0.00 COUNT- 750.00 1.0 0 750.00 - AM OUNT- .00 7 5 0 .00 • • CONSTRUCTION -·COMPANY ( 10065 E.HarvardAvc..Sult.e 807 Denver,CO 8023I (303}75S.8070 (303}755.B040 Fax Facsimile NO.1?1 P.l TownofVIU o FleE ..J ,py i1::lJ'/f/7/C-/JJtTtIlf"c:i/o @d",rJ,?~05 7 /':~2D -'/71-?4"J2 Rc; ,l/2tyfl (fohs ~c/'{)~tf7.qt7I?JU'e ty7 A ft/C7/:J,;'£ of-h ~~Y .7/t>/'~. , -\-,,....--------- (pleas call ifyou have any problems with this transmission or donot receive all the pages) A SUBSIDIARY Or ETKIN CONSTRUCTION ,l'V1y,2.1997 Hl=23AM RES<aE CONST.CO. A~~-la-97 08:19A WYATT.JI'ASSOCIATES ./.-!. I " _NO ,171 303 .Z -'6004 P.3 P_02 STUCCO fiNISHTO HATOJ BLDG . GMf ,5.;';'/,!o ~-U t<4fl 5MOOTI-/FAC E CMU, --5'lJNREINFORCEO SLAB 00 GRADE --1/2"EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL ______(().le.CAP BLOCK 2-ItS IN CONT.BOND BEAM ~f!,,'€I WIND EXPOSURE -c tierf-. ~-/---DOWELS X lj'-O'TO HATCI-l HALL VERTICAL REINF.IN SIZE C SPACING . I-..I ®~=@~i ~~0 1m 1~®~~~!fi)©~D @@©frO©ffi1 1/2 ,._1'_011 ~-+---- b ,~ ~ ~J b .',-'JI E P .2- 8'-() .:l6'-() uNEOF SOmT r:e NO .1 71 EE .' .', --"...• CONST.Co. I I I COOROINI,'""~ENCLOS~''';''TRASH '(WID1H RE SIZF.~" WITH CO ~ANNGnl)' REQUIRE ENTS,·oJ (\ .,.. "I 0 -.Iw./e'J,,0: ~ / 100GSE .llarvanJ "Oon y."Golonllla vo..Sulle e07 it· (303)755 .0070 11023'(3O:l)7 S:HlO40 A GUI\G1l:ItM\V OFETKrH._~_..COH:rT'J\UCTKJN ~PAN"l It~6';ef.t~{~wid!~ N 5 8 ... --.J.... ... IS) N ~ ... ~ e ~ ~..., , IS"DIAMETER PIER GAT\;:MATERIAL '.. 11/2 DEEP GAL.VANIZED SJEEL DECKING WELDED TO ['lIz'~HI2" GALVANIZED STEEL ANGLE, PAINTED. '- -....<, /' ",~ .<"" " ..I ...... ~...--- <, ........ <, tlEAV'f DUTY FORGED HINGES. 5 PER GATE G""6"GALVANIZED STEEL POSTS IN /S"DIAMETER CONCRETE PiER. PROVIDE STEEL CAP. -", ~?-f W[{{~rih~ltrJ ill.!r&/1..f pi-;XJ<-t'/'fl./f«(ELEVATION '~:11~~ ".:>. ,. SAFEWAY inc . Remodel and Fixture InstaJlation Safeway Job No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SAFEWAY inc. 6900 South Yosemite Street Englewood,CO 80112 DULANEY ARCHITECTURE 850 Santa Fe Drive Denver,CO 80204 . BID DATE _.....2;00 PM.Tuesday,1I,1fl~..~.$..1996 This addendum becomes part of the Contract Documents and shall be acknowledged by each bidder in the space provided on the BidForm.Original Drawings and Specifications dated 5/21/96 shall remain in force except as noted in this addendum. Each and every bidder,subcontractor,and material S\1pplier shall be responsible for reading each and every item in this Addendum to ascertain the extent and manner it affects the work in which they are interested.All work shallcomply with all applicable sections of the specifications. SPECIFICATIONS Item No.1 Item No.2 Item No.3 Item No.4 .Item No.5 DA9601 The Bid Date has been changed from 2:00 PM,June 18,1996 to 2:00 PM,June 25,1996 . The Owner will provide the temporary portable dock needed while the new dock is being constructed.The contractor isto provide power forthis portable dock. SECTION 07533,07533-1,1.03,B: THERMO PLASTIC SINGLE-PLY MEMBRANE ROOFING In addition to the applicators listed,any roofing company thatis approved by Fibertite is approved for bidding this project. SECI'ION 07610,07610-3,2.01,A: SHEET METAL ROOFING AddUS Metals. ADDENDUM NO.1,SPECIFICATIONS,Item No.1: The Daily Journal phone number should be (303)756-9995 instead of (303)757-7644. Addendum 4-1 SAFEWAY inc. Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631 -00-0034 Architect's JobNo.9601 Safeway StoreNo.631 2131 NorthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado SPECIFICATIONS ADDENDUM NO.4 June 13,1996 Item No.6 DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO.3,SPEClFICATIONS,ltem No.35: TMS of Colorado Springs phone number should be(719)635 -7779 instead of(719)63S-77779. Item No.1 SHEET 16 OF 28(S1 OF 52) "'Providethe changes shownin Attachments No.6,7,and8. Item No.2 SHEET 17OF28(S2OF S2) Provide the changes shown in Attachments No .2,3,4,andS. Item No.3 SHEET 29OF 48 (At6 OF AU) Replacethe Cleanout Detail,shown in the middle towardsthetop of thissheet, with Attachment No.1. -END OFADDENDUMNO.4- DA9601 Addendum 4-2 PRO.IEC1'NAME:CA:8l10/98 SAFEWAYSTORENO.631 REMODEL ~ENOUM NO.4 ATTACHMENT NO.I SAFEWAY JOB NO.05-0831-00-0004 CONCRETE PAD FlNISHED GRADE ',,, ·NOTES : 1.CLEAN-OUT SHALLBE CONSTRUCTED SO THAT THE SURFACELOADWILl.NOTBE TRANSFERRED TOTHESERVICE. 2 .CONCRETE PAC SHALL BE INSTALLEDSO TIolAT WATER WILL RUN AWAY FRO~T~E INSTALLATION JOB NO.11501 IRONBODY FERRULE WITH BRASS SCREW PLUG.TO BE RECESSED AS SHOWN •. .40 'f7VC RISER PIPE SAFEWAY STORE NO.631 VIO/SS JOB NO.9801 REM 00 EL ~DENO\JU No·4 ATTAOil,lENT NO.z. OS-QIIJI";'OO-OO:S4SltFEWAYJOBNO. G) I "".. 1&6x6x3116 WI eN~E Ie '4·......gff'-6' .•(2),~••)t 1'-~·1 3'A!!. Q I ...' 3/4-'-I'-4f' '. ",." (3)•50 SA.l1JA.,. -EXler.COL . JOI&TS ~: F'\.A"{ &AL.YAGe •'".4 "-,,\REINST AL.L •~"i E)(I&T.BRACES we eeAl"1NBlJ ~NEW T~6>t6x31f6 COL.WI CAP II!'I)' m ROOF FRAMING PETAIL "3/4',1'·0' ~~l'2'·"t ,",'-e'•l '1 :I .. I -S lIP '-4 t-\'--.:t:k::i<\:~ I T.o..&. I NEW W21 8E.6N WI l-tIf:!-'i 6TIFF.at'I cei,C EA !IDE I o 7- 8.., . i I~ 8 I;;; lD ~ I"} <.0 ....... w ~. ~ (f) >-:~~13:~~pc~.Vl ·1iII. PRO.I£CT NAIotE: SAFEWAY STORE _,a 631REMODEL ~AY JOB NO. 1-I~ I CJm-+}).-r 05-01131-00-0034 ",OB NO.9fi01 SlffYtAY JOBNO.05-01531-00-0034 REMODEL .......---~~-.:-=- SIMPeON...a TIE ~L~1]1(::::J!-1e'4 SA SIDE!OF --GLU-L..AM WI (2) J~'.n.lFaJ eei,T6 ®-~FFilAHING DETAIL SNEWAY JOBNO.05-Q831-oo-oo34 REM 0 0 EL j-:.=:.....:...:..:;~l--=--..,..,....- "TTACHl.4ENT NO., JOBNO.9601 0 ®®I , L 23'-,4'F.V.I n'·,,'!".Y.p 'I'I , I , I I !·L >. IL Q -':;; I II (I O~ ON TOP OF EXIST. T""IANS 4fi'O PROJECl:PWotE:e SAFEWAY STORENO.631 _.---@ JOB NO.9601 • HI" I ~I. REM 00 EL ~AD_D_EN_OU_"_NO_•....l--- ATTACHI.lEHT N0.7 !.•I I 05-0831-:00-0034SAFCYlAYJOBNO. I I Ii I-b'--+f-----__._--® II ill III III :il.--_...-1 1 1 _.'-.•_----.---¥- I ,~ II ..... I t!' I 1....1I.- '0.1!~:. i I ~:.. :~ SAflYIAY JGB NO.Oll-Q831-OQ-OOJ4=JOB NO.111501 ~p;~~~~Y STO RE~O.631 REM 0 0 EL t-NJ_EN_OU_W_N_O.-.I::--;:--~--:- ATTACHIolENT NO.!J SAFEWAY inc . Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect'sJobNo .9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SAFEWAY inc. 6900 SouthYosemite Street Englewood,CO 80112 BID DATE 2 :00 PM.Tuesday.June 25 1996 Thisaddendum becomes part of the Contract Documents and shall beacknowledged by each bidder in the space providedontheBid Fonn.Original Drawings and Specifications dated 5/21196 shall remaininforceexceptasnotedin this addendum . Each and every bidder,subcontractor,and materialsupplier shall beresponsibleforreadingeach and every iteminthisAddendumto ascertain the extent and mannerit affects the work inwhich theyareinterested.Allworkshallcomplywith all applicablesections of the specifications . SPEQFICATION§ Item No.1 SECTION 07610 SHEET METAL ROOFING,07610-3,1.01,A.: Add No.5:KOVACH PROPERTIES,INC.,K-LOK Structural RoofingPanel . ; Item No.:1 SEcrION 08360 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS,2.01,A.: Provide High Lift tracks SO tracks will clear trucks atdock. -, Item No.3 SECTION 10400 IDENTIFYING DEVICES,2.01,B.: Add No.3 :InEmployeeLounge 202,provide an 8"x 10-sign onthe west wall at thetop of the stairs.Samecolors as other signs.Leiter to be as large as possible reading "Maximum Occupancy Limited to 10". DA9601 Addendum5-1 to "d 600'ON 6~:~t 96·t~un[8~t6-St9-£O£-t'ON 131 3~n1J31IHJ~~A3N~l na SAFEWAYinc, Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway lob No ,05-0631-00-0034 Architect's lob No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SPECIFICATIONS -continued ADDENDUMNO,5 June21,1996 Item No.4 SECTION 15300 FIRE PROTEcnON,1!30o-3,1.04,L: Addthe following: 5 .The existing fire sprinklerriser istobeprovidedwith electric supervision andinterconnectedwith a Fire ControlPanel. 6.A city approved reduced pressure baclcflow preventoris to beinstalledon the exi sting firesprinklerriser. 7.Fireprotectioncontractoris to perform aflow test on thewatersupply main forthefire protection system priorto submitting plans for review. 8,The FireProtectioncontractor will updatefireprotection supervisory system including tamperswitches,flow switches,etc.,which will be wired into the new Fire A1~Panel. 9.A city approvedreduced pressure baclcflow preventnr is to be installed on the existing firesprinklerriser. 10.Fireprotection contractor is toperform a flow test onthe water supply main forthe fire protection systempriorto submitting plansfor review. 11.Jhe FireDepartment Connection willberelocated to thewestside of the building nearthe Vendor's door. Item No.5 ADDENDUM NO.3,ITEM NO.34: Deletethe requirement toProvidetheFrommelt Docie Seal. DA9601 Addendum 5-2 ~O'd 600'ON 6~:~t 96't~un[B ~t6-St9-£O£-t'O N 131 £El'3~l::Id 8eI6 SI9 £El£I I~:SI 96.Ie Nnr SAFEWAYinc. Remodeland Fixture Installation Safeway JobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect'sIobNo .9601 Safeway StoreNo.631 2131North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO.5 June21,1996 Item No.I SHEET I OF 28 (AI OF AlS) SITEPLAN Add note to repaint 111 parkinglot striping -See Specifications. Item No.2 SREET 4 OF 28(A4OF Al3) FLOORPLANNOTES Add Note No .5:Attach existing batt insulation that has comeunattached and is hanging downatthe roof deck in all StockroomandWork Areas.Provide6"batt insulation in those areas at roof deck where the existing insulation has been removed. Item No.3 SHEET 4 OF 28 (A4OF Al3) Onalloverhang soffits,provide S/8"water resistantfirecode Gyp.Bd.under plywood material.l: Item No.4 SHEET 12 OF 28 (AU OF AlS) REFER TODETAILS IIA111Al2,21Al21Al2,3/AIl1A12,AND 9/Al21A12: 1.All flashing shown istobe 24 gauge prefinished flashing tomatchmetal roof.. 2.All gutters shownare IS gauge electro-galvanized "Paintfock"orequal (fieldpaint). Item No.5 SHEET 26 OF 28 (El OF EJ) Addafirealarmpanelinthewallofthenew cash boothfacingintothe customer service booth.Circuitthispanelto EMl circuit 13.This 1I3 an existing spare,Fire alarmpanelshallbeaNotifier System 5008 zonepanelexpandableto16 zones. Item No.6 SHEET 26 OF 28 (El OF EJ) Addaremote annunciator inthefrontentry facing the outside glass.Annunciator shallbeNotifier #AFM-16A. DA9601 Addendum5-3 £O'd 600'oN 6~:~1 96'1,un[8,16-S19-£O£-l 'ON l31 3~nlJ31IHJ~~A3N~lna SAfEWAY inc. RemodelandFixture Installation Safeway IobNo.05-0631-OQ..{)034 Architect'sJobNo.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DMWINGS <continued) .""_.__I .......',,... ADDENDUMNO5 Iune21,1996 Item No.7 SHEET 26 OF 28 (El OF EJ) Addfirepullstationsinthe bakery,deliand in the customer service as directed DY theVailFire Marshall.Pull stations shall beNotifier#NaG-IO. Item No.8 SHEET 26 OF 28 (El OF EJ) Add duct detectors in the HVAC unit.the HVunitandthenewHVACunit for the entry.Thesedetectors shall be locatedpertheFire Marshall direction.One detector is required for each unit.Duet detectors shall beNotifier #DH400ACDCP with RTS451 remote test switch and RA400Z remote light. Item No.9 SHEET 26 OF 28 (El OF E3) Provide azoneconnectionforthe main switchonthemainsprinkler riser. Item No.10 SHEET 26 OF 28 (El OF EJ) Providezone connection tothetamperswitchesonthesprinkler system.Tamper switches can be combined on \!Ie same zone. Item No.11 SREET 26 OF 28 (El OF £3) Note thathomerunsshownforthe freezer cases goingtoLPDshouldreadPPD. Item No.12 SHEET 26 OF 2S (1:1 OF £3) Provide zoneconnectionsfor each ofthehoodansul systems in theDeli and in the Bakery. '. Item No.13 SHEET 1.7 OF 28(E2 OF £3) Provide strobeonly in therestrooms.Strobe shall be Notifier #GXS - 4151575WR. Iccm No.14 SHEET 1.7 OF 28 (E2 OF EJ) Provide4strobehorns in the main salesroomand two in thebackroom.Also provide ahomstrobeinboth ofthe mezzanines.Thehomstrobesshallbe Notifier #SHG24-1575WR DA9601 Addendum 5-4 ~O 'd 600·0 N 6~:vl 96 'll un [8l16-S19-£O£-!'ON 131 3~nlJ31IHJ~~A3 N~l na S0'38t:ld SAFEWAYinc. Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect'sJobNo .9601 SafewayStoreNo.631 2131 North FrontageRoad Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS (continued) ADDENDUMNO.5 June21,1996 ; Item No.IS Item No.16 Item No.11 Item No.IS Item No.19 Item No.10 lCemNo.l1 DA9601 SHEET 27 OF 21 (E1 OF £3). Addrate compensation fixed tempheatdetectorsintheenclosedtruckramp.This will requiretheaddition 00 heatdetectors.Provide a remotelightoverthedoor to the truck ramp onthebackroom side.Heat detectors shall beNotifier #HD- 621andtheremotelight #RA400Z. SHEET 17 OF 11 (E1 OF El) Addphotosmoke detectors ontheceilinginthestockroom.Provide1detector per 900 square feet.This will require the addition of 12 smoke detectors in the backroomand 1 inthenon-foodsstoragearea.Smoke detectors shall beNotifier #2451 w1B401B. SHEET 19 OF 41 (A16 OF A13) SITE PLAN Regarding Note:"Trickle Channel.See Detail RJAliA14·.Add"(Location to be determined in field)".'- SHEET 30 OF 41 (A17 OF A13) AddNote :Removeand discard all existing site improvements where new addition isbuilt including sidewallc,asphalt paving,bollards,trash compactor enclosure , doors,etc. SHEET 30 OF 41 (A17 OF A13) On all overhangsoffitsprovide 5/8"waterresistantfirecode Gyp .Bd .under plywood material. SHEET 31 OF 48 (All OF 1\23) FLOORFINISH PLAN Add Note:Epoxy reducins stripat Door 30,see detail N/A6/AI3. SHEET 31 OF 48 (AI.OF A13) REFLECTEDCEILINGPLAN Note:The ceiling in Cash Office 104is S/B~Gyp.Bd.on2x B Joists@24"o .c.. Addendum 5-5 SO'd 600·0 N 6v :v!96 '1,un[ 9El'391;:jd szts S19 ~0~te SAFEWAYinc Remodeland Fixture Installation Safeway JobNo.05-0631-00...0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Sateway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS (continued) ADDENDUM NO.S June 21,1996 Item No,22 SHEET 31 OF 48 (A18 OF A13) REFLECTED CEILING PLAN Regarding theclouddrawnat the North side of Sales Room 137-addthe note: "Reflected Ceiling Plan differs from base bid in thill area." Item No.23 SHEET 31 OF 48 (At9 OF A23) FIXTIJRE PLAN Fixtures S-20 and 5-21;PW-l,PW-2,PW-4,PW-S,PW-6,5-19 •"Hatch"to be "New". Item No.2~SHEET 31 OF 48 (A19 OF A23) FIXTURE PLANANDSCHEDULE-FIXTURES P-7,PW-3,UT-2AND UT-6 (in Unisex Toilet 140)-"Hatch"to be "Relocated". Item No.15 SHEET 31 OF 48 (A19 OF A23) FIXTURE PLANAND SCHEDULE ~FIXTURES UT-I,UT-6,UT-9(in Unisex Toilet 141)-"Hatch"tobe"New", Item No.26 SHEET 31 OF 48 (A19 OF AU) ROOMFINISHSCHEDULE Floor finishin Room No.138and143 is "CON",, ., Item No.17SHEET 32 OF 48 (A19 OF A23) DOOR...AND FRAME SCHEDULE Regarding Doors 26,27,and28-Details J/A17/A2I,G/Al1/A21 and H1Al1/A21 shouldbe J/AI9/A21,G/AI9/A21 and HlAI9/A21 respectively. Item No.18 SREET 33 OF 48(A20 OF AZ3) ADA SIGNAGE @UNISEX TOn.ET /INTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES Refer to Addendum No .3,Attachment No .S for changes. DA9601 90'd 600'o N 6~:~t 96'tl un[ Addendum 5-6 8~t6-St9-£O£-t'ON 131 3~nlJ31IHJ~~A3 N~l na 8<::,6 £,9 £0£,e SAFEWAYinc Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway Job No.OS-063 1-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS (coDtinued) ADDENDUM NO .5 June 21,1996 Item No.29 SHEET 33 OF ..8 (A20 OF An) ENLARGRD UNISEX TOn...ET PLANS Rooms 140and141 -Elevations A2Q-DIAlO-E and AlQ-F/A20-G are reversed . Item No.30 SHEET 33 OF 41 (AlO OF A13) FIXTURE ELEVATION NA17/A20 Add a6'-0"x 3'-6"window with center mullion.H.M.frame similar to Detail F/A8/A14 with 5/8"x S18"H.M.Stops to secure 1/4"safety glass .Top offrame to match door. Item No.31 SHEET 34 OF 48 (A21 OF All) DETAIL AlA17/A21 Add Note:Extend 4"cone.slabto outside face offence post. Item No.32 SHEET 34 OF 41 (All OF AU) NORTII ELEVATION ADOI.TION I WEST ELEVATION ADDITION Change Note:"New lighting"to "New Iighting>see electrical". Item No.33 SHEET 35 OF ..8 (All OF All) NEWROOFPLAN Add Note:Remove existing mansard roof andframingonexisting west side of building,, Item No.34 SHEET 35 OF 48 (All OF A23) NEW ROOF PLAN Provide a cricket withaslope of 1/8"per foot at Parapet Wall in northwest comer of'roof DA960 1 Addendum 5-7 LO'd 600'oN 6~:~!9 6'!~un[8~!6-S!9-£O£-!'ON 131 3~n1J31IHJ~~A3N~lna 80'3~l;ld PP :St 96 .t~Nnr SAfEWAYinc. Remodel and FIXtUre Installation Sakway Job No.05-0631-00.0034 Architect's Job No.9601 SafewayStoreNo.631 2131 NorthFrontageRoad Vail.Colorado DRAWINGS (contigued) ADDENDUM NO .5 June 21,1996 Item No.35 SHEET 36 OF 48(A13 OF A13) ALTERNATE NO .1.WALL SECTIONB/AI7lA23 AND C/A17/A23 1.Changenote "Existing roofstrueture"to''New mansard roofframing;2 x 10 rafters @ 16"o.c,. 2 .AddNote:Provideacantstripand flashing at parapetwallper mfr. requirements. 3 .Change height efS.A.C.at 9'-0"to 8'-0"(match existing). 4 .RemoveNote:"1 x signband frame see A7". 5.Change Note:"8"concrete foundation RE :See structural"to"12" concretefoundation RE:See structural, Item No.3ei SHEET 36 OF 48 (AU OF Al3) ALTERNATE NO .1 WALL SECTIOND/AI7/A23 Add Note:5/8"exterior plywood on 2 x 6 parapet bracing at 16"o.c,@45 degrees and start at 3'-0"aboverigid insulation.ProvideFibertiteThermoplastic single ply membrane roofing apd flashing at parapet wall permfr.requirements. Item No.31 SHEET 41OF48(E4OF E3 ) Addfour (4)wall packs tothe West walladdition.These fixtures shall be Hubbell #PRS01S0S-118with ISO watt HPS lamp.Locateoncolumn lines 2.5.4.andS. Locale the addition fixtures above the vendersdooron the North wall.Circuit these fixtures to OLP-20 an exisitng space.Provideanew20A!IP circuit breaker in thisspace.New breaker shall be of same manufacturerand of sameinterrupting rating &.l existing equipment. Item No.38Thefollowing Attachments are included andmadepart ofthi,Addendum: Attachment No.1 -AttachmentNo.6. -END OF ADDENDUM NO.5- DA9601 80'd 600 'ON 6~:~!9 6 '!~un[ Addendum5-8 8 ~!6-S !9-£O£-!'ON 131 3~n1)31IH)~~A3 N~l na .......'.::::1 to jC.toe.Nl LL 05--oeJl-0O-00J4 SAFEWAY STORE NO.631 REMODEL ~t-----><::-,---~-A-~ SN'E'N<Y JOB NO. SMOOTH TROWEL ,ROUNOEOrSHAPE,PAINT:TR'\F'fIC YE:ll~ •6"0'....STEEL riPE:BOLlARO I PAINT :TRAFF'IC YELLOW ' • SOllO CONCRETE I='IL l .b I fr;SCOPE.O'0'CONeRrn;., TO ORAiN • CONTROLJOINTAND SEA~NT •2-ASPH,\LT ON b COMPACTED F'lll •<1••..D,..D'..D· o.o·Q ..0 II"..QlI O" ·"·0·0-0·0-0...• • TRASH COUPACTOR PAD: •4"CONCRETE S~B WITH<1 e,,6 1010 WWF'ON 6" b CRAVELBASE J •... 12-01A.CONCRETE roOTING <1•• .• 4 • •• =..,• .50LLARD DETAIL · ::1/4',",0' 60'd 600'ON 6u:uI 96'i~unr 8~i6-Si9-£O£-I'ON 131 3~n1J31IHJ~~A3N~lna ALTERNA TE • 1/8--"-0·SCALF.: NEW FLOOR WHERE ADDITION MEETS EXISTII \:JILDINC-1/2"EXPANS ION J. 4"CONCRETE CHANNF.:L LO rACE BACK &CAUL K rOR POS ITNE ORA INAC£-(6)L~CAnONS '. 5/8"GYP.BOARD ON 3 5/!!"."'ET.a.L STUDS 0 AROUND ROOF AND OVERFL W t;-t--''rl--IlH:::l---t---'l:I---;--*--+t---i:l-- OR....N.V.I.r.W11'H.PLUIoIBING rOR SIZE CHASE 05-01131-סס-0034 LEGEND SAFEWAY STORE NO.631 REMODEL SNEWAY JOB NO, eXI$TING WALLe S2S;52 S?S Ol"d 600'oN 6u:ul 96'!~un[8~l6-Sl9-£O£-!"ON 131 3~n1J31IHJ~~A3N~lna ...................."&..~'-• 05-QS3I-<lO-OO3't PftOEl'IWo&E: SAFEWAY STORE NO.631 REMODEL ~~~:-7""'I~:-:: I SNFiIAY JOB NO. c- o CO w (f)« CD o oo (-'II,i '--"II o 3~n1J31rHJ~~A3N~l na -----~~2:-=J:~~=~~=----::i- ~I tt 'd 600'oN 6~:vt 96'tc un[gcr6-St9-£O£-t"ON 131 (r.r I -..a. O'l L.I (j)"~~ ~I~f:\ =-< Ul d ;0 rn Zo ~.~\~~M; o (II b ~-I 8.,Is ~ j\~ ..~ Ff; 01 EB /UNEOfSOFri T \0 ,/.., n ~I J,'0 ONO"''''''° I .-. (\/ co (\/ ~. (J'I I I/).-. U> I Mo M I.-. a Z -J W f- a Z (J'I _ '<T '<T.-. C ::l " 0- (J'I oo U> (J'I (\/.-. w Cl<: :::> f- U W f-.... :I: U Cl<:a: >-wza: -J :::>o 06-01131-00-003+ :--~.:____=___._------c........:1";JIe,a.c.1"1 U SAFEWAY STORENO.631REMODEL J-..:-"=';"-~-.-~ SN9IAY JOB NO. lAAlN ~EW UNI5E)!'Tt'ILET LlXATION ·0 ~-----~ NEW ~IT Da/~ LOCATiON £T"d600 ·ON 6~:~r 96'r,un[8Gr6-ST9-£O£-T"ON 131 -3~n1J31IHJ~~A3N~lna SAFEWAY STORE NO. Wf!IIAY JOB NO.05-01131-00-0034 631 -_...-....- MTE:10/911~-..".....,.-....;:l REMODEL ADOENOUW No.5 ATTACHWENT !olD.d JOBNO.eG01 WITH BRICKRS. SEE ENLARGEO LAN ON S,",EET A4. ~1'd 600'O N 6 u:u1 96'1 ,un [S,16-S 19-£O£-1'ON 131 ---3~n1J31IHJ~~A3N~lna TRANSMITTAL ..4"'4.Hit.T ..@ I OJ!')!AGES INCt~ING coyp:Ji s: .COpIES DFSnuprrDN • • IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED,KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. 05-<laJl-OO-00J4SNFJ/Ii'JOB NO. 1-----_. DUL AN EY RR CHITE:':IURI:.I I:.L N O .l -,jU.:.-tll ::'-~lLts J uri L 'l ,:)O o ,uu "U ,uur r .u " PRQJECI'NMI£:DATE:11/10/98 ~~ SAFEWAY STORE eO.631 REMODEL :----__------::lI~ ~ElJ .UNJsE>,TtJl LET LOCATION' / DUL AN EY ARC HITECTU RE .i un '::"1,':'0 O·UU I ~U .vvr r .V J ....-iAf'e;10/IIlSPRoJECTNN.lE:~SAFEWAY STORE NO.631 REMODEL ADDEN UUW NO..ATT~"EHT NO.2-- S/tfEWAY JOS NO .OS-<J631 -00-0034 JOB NO .111501 , .....,... WITH BRI CK ERS . SEE ENLARGED LAN ON SH EET A4, TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT 75SOUTH fRONTAGE RD . VAIL ,CO .81 657 970-479 -2325 TO :DAN DULANEY DULAN EY ARCHITECTURE 850SANTAFEDR . DENYERCO. DATE :JUNE12,1996 RE:SAFEWAYREMODEL fROM THEDESKOF CHUCK FELDMANN BUILDING INSPECTOR PLANS EXAMINER ITEMSTOBE RESOLVED 1)EXITS ,THREE MAYBE REQUIRED DEPENDING UPON OCCUPANT LOAD , SEC.I003 .1 OFTHE1994UBC . 2)EXITS ,REQUIRED TOBEATLEASTONEHALFTHE DIAGONAL OFTHE BUILDING ,SEC.t003.3 OFTHE1994VBC. 3)EXITS,TOTALWIDTHOFEXITSDEPENDSON OCCUPANT LOAD.SEC.I003.2 OF THE1994UBC. 4)UNISEX nOLET,ENTRYTO TOILET NOT SUITABLE,ANSI AI17.1. 5)MESSANINE.TWOEXITS REQUIRED AND ACCESSABILlTY REQUIRED,SEC.507 OFTHE1994UBC. 6)TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION NOT ALLOWABLE.TABLE5-BOFTHE1994UBC. 7)PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNT NOT CORRECT.APPENDIX CHAPTER 29OF THE 1994UBC. 8)A MINUMUM OFFIVE DISABLED PARKINGSPACESARE REQUIRED,APPENDIX CHAPTER IITABLE A-II. FAX TRANSMITTAL DAT E:4/zi'r6 SE NDI NG TO -COI4 PAN Y:@.,I,(('tdI¢Y!!I~-(l71NIII#k'Il,'Z /.J:p..Ie:;'~UJ 'ST~I!iI",-r -ATTE NTI ON;.OWlIt:.Jf,ff3l-~Ur,q ·q RECEIVE D FROl~-WE I ~M~ID:.....;A:..:.::S:..::.SO;,:,,;C~I :..:.:AT~E~S.~IN~r.:.:...._ SE NDER -W4 /fL./;WI#t2G PRO J ECT/RE:S /lr:'t!i5!<.</1Ah1 ~5(14@..",&,~c....f$a6';I;scr I lI'e are se ndingyou I pa ges i ncluding t his c ove rs he et ,Our FA X numbe r Ad ditio nal Comm ents: is (30:l)7~l .0j99 .Our ofrice h'Jurs a re r·~onday t nruouqh Thur s day :8a m to 6 pm , Friday:B am t ~12noon . -'/~e:IL.ret-etJ.l:ftZAX:£.(lo-t/tleJ)tS J4 r((J t05 ~614 1UJ rN(".. il-)/~j>~~JG~I'trvl t;,:....Et2.~I..-,~J.#'t).wW5 .D I5~1.J~5e-!~; _.It _6f2.1;?~~n~J4P6 #4 ,17.~G'&'lJtR.rSi'~7 0 Be INSIPS '8e{.,.'~.F~~~___.._. c:..6')1 /'$T f..tJL..I&f4 t?S...._~u_.lJ.tii ~"<;'S'''!).[;t::;·..CJ,Je 'fYttJl!~t ....~.I ~€.EQ ~.~(;J ~o •...__...... 3.•e:xJ.s...z:u'~...'LM-"(j1 tff~m....~g-~e;:~I~~IF ~a ;0.• _"!1.L .1:t!J:iJ2i1..~_'1 .E.1.::L'Lt.Jru:=-S....11-1.l<!:r 14 A.$70 se:.."p~/41S:h «:I ~.iV 14.61Z{Ft..-'1S"a.:_.f:R.::14/?__./.s.7:&'t5..~-('!~~f.~'!¥&<.~.-'::z 'i1 ~~....)~.-_...J:H&....m:{;f":KC:~.12/)"'HIJ.-I...iE.._€~~#._.~~~7i ....._ c--.S]..:!7-1.t5:__.~!P:o ~#~_7(i;,w~.is...7P ~5 /ze-.LJ.....Ei2.C1.-_ -....7:fle Ft-~d CJ"t:;;"$"-6'd...p~,.A ~,./('~.~..v"..y .;.__...__ ._-.....~/N~6 l1-1e ~J./C;H ..b~wll/.I.va(-'."A...I).~.J."J.!'S-7 --,,-.C;~i.-Y #,t~"/l.n )ts:."S-~'#-,,~.~.IN'I::-/:1;.fil.o.?::J.r.~HI( .'I.P!Js/J.. (303)751.0391 _...?C-:..e.fiE..f?P...(...l;;:-r ...lHa...#-N(J~Q _)U1J#JCXJ/.;f1 ,..~~~_JG_-M.£;'$ _i'5 )/£Jr.Y't7l/12,..L/)./~(;.?l-S:.~k?J/A/6.'-~...'.. t?';'J9~/~5'La-~~I'/04 WEIand ASSOCIATES,INC '2006.Valentia Stree"Denver,CO 80231 TINDER SFPAR ATE COVFR VIA DATE :May 9,1996 JOBNO:9601 RE :Safeway Store 631 Remodel ATTACHED TRANSMITTAL TO:Chuck Feldman Building Department Town of Vail 75S Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 Tel 970-479-2325 /Fax 970-479-2452 WE ARE SENDING YOU: FAX -#OF PAGES INCI JIDING COVER 3 ORTG INMAn COPJES DESCRIPTION 1 1 REMARKS New Floor Plan(DrawingNo .4) Proposed Addition (Drawing No.16) Chuck: Thanks forprovidingapreliminaryrev iew of theplan.I would appreciate your consideration of the following twoitems: 1.Withregardstotheplumbingfixturecount ,wearehopefulyouwill look atitas anexisting/remodeledstoreratherthananewone. 2 .The existing emergency generator wasinsidethe building but inthe truck ramp part ofit.Wehavenotmoved it butitis now intheStockroomareasincewehave used part oftherampfor Stockroom.Thisunitissuspendedfromthe roof andis not atfloorlevel.Wearehopefulyouwillnot require this existing emergency generator tobeenclosedinafireratedroom. I am sendingfullsize prints of thesedrawingstoyouby FedEx for arrival tomorrow AMfora clearer understanding of the Floor Plan . Thanks, SIGNED:,~~~~~~~~b- DULANEY ARCHITECTURE IF ENCLOSURES ARENOTAS NOTED,KINDL A1]'ACHED TRANSMITTAL TINDER SEPARATE COVER VIA d'o"0v 9.9616:54 No.aO?~.U ~Ma yTELNo.1-30 3-615-9128e TO:Chuck Feldman BUilding Department Townof Vall 7S S Frontage Road Voil,CO 81657 Tel 97Q.479-2325 /Fax 970·479-2452 WE ARK SmuING YOU: DULAN EY ARC HITECT URE FAX_#OF PAGES INC]IIDING COVER 3 OHIG INMul CopIES DESCRIpTION 1 1 REMARKS New Floor Plan (Drawing No.4) Proposed Addition (Drawing No.16) Chuck: Thanks for providing a preliminary review of the plan.I would appreciate your consideration of the following twoitems: 1.Wit1l regards tothe plumbing fixture count,we are hopefUl you will lookat it as an existing /remodeled storerather than a new one... 2.Theexisting emc~gcncy generator Willi inside the building butinthe truck ramp part of it We have not moved it but it is now in the Stockroom area since we have used partoftherampfor StockroOm .This unit is suspended fromthe roof andis notatfloor level.Weare hopeful you will not require this existing emergency generator to be enclosed inafire rated room .. 1am sending full sizeprintsof these drawings to you by FedEx forarrival tomorrow AMfora clearer understanding oftheFloorPlan. Thanks. SIGNED:~-;;\.:~~~~~~~,,-DULANEY ARCHITECTURE IF ENCLOSURES ARE Ii'OT AS NOTED,~L 0-- i pO,.."!I !.ill.!~~I~ §I .''IIJI:j8~II I I it \=:I ~~i l~ ~~q~~iI!t~~1 7.0 ·~LO O'ON v £:9I 9 6'6 new 8~16 -S 1 9 -£O£-l 'O N l31 3 ~n l J31 I H )~~A 3N~ln a ~-.~.- (0'.... R Z t5 -~t q -909 -t'O N 1 31 3 ~n l J 3 1 IH J~~A 3 N ~l n a UUlGllllf'J '1I'~'~'O ''~'11l0llJ HHOII I t l ~ Oa~VHadMOONIAVM~VS l ~aO ~~t1 J&9 'oNl 31C101S A'rjj M3alVS l \-:@- 2 ~@--~--_.N-4-~ I!J '"2 0 f ':1 ~- <J e- J """'*@ --- -=:> t , 0--1----. ~I 1 I. , Jle:Safeway Remodel No.63} MidtedM~PircManhaI Vail Fin Depa'lrWLit 42 West Meadow Drive Vail,CO 81657 VH!L r !t(!:U!:t"'I •t::::l c·1l:::J lbis letter is wrttteD to ~the ruulta or our telophcDe oonvenation lut week resardhla items in your Jetter to the Building Depm'tment dated JUDe 13,1996.The folJowiJlg JJUmbets ~for the same items in yow'letter. JUDe 24.]996 .. ,J U L -t:J .:::-J.~='O 1.We baV!!provided Chuek Feldman with eaJe!'lalions to abow this buildUlg's areais ~ow mo ~~allowable lot a Type VN after permitted increases are factored in. 2..We ~~tlu::loose iDeulation at the mo£'dD.1IO the me protection Jada will be able to have a IIDnnaI COYetige.Other imp OVaDi!IIIlS to !he fire protcetioa &yJtcm are being provided ..ftOted Jater in tblIlcUcr. 3.We ~relocating an existing exhaust fan tIJIl wu in the previous Dock 10 tbatit will be in tbo DCW Dock.Th.smolce -.I fire rab!d separatian YOil requested is 1101 planned to be provided.. 4.This is induded it!our documentation now. 5_nus will be provided. 6.Thiawill be provided. 7.The Fire Depanmem connection will be mo-..cO to tho WNC aide oftbe building. 8.The store manaser will have to keep froDt walk sales ll:ems back IIU Lbc rc:quRlf ~ width ia not violated. 10.Same as number 8. 11.An additiortaJ 3'exit has beeD added near the wat ani uf SBld in the F1.onI1 DepartmeGt. TOTR L p .0! July29,1996 Chuck Feldman Building Department Town of Vail 75S Frontage Road Vail ,CO 81657 Re:Safeway Remodel No .63} Dear Chuck : Safeway hasinformedmethattheywouldlikeyouto consider thisletteraformal request to reviewthis project asbeingentirelyinteriorremodeling .No exterior work would beincluded except thenewexit required byyoufromtheSalesarea.All exterior revisions will be pursued asa separate issue/permit. We would appreciate your issuingaBuilding Permit onthisbasis .. Sincerely , DULANEY ARCHITECTURE \ld' W.Patrick Dulaney WPD/sr copies!Brian Hannig/Safewayinc MikeMollica/Assistant Director of VailCommunity Development UULHNcY HKLHllc LIUKc Jun Lq,~O OiUU NU.U U(r.U L 1une 21,1996 Chuck .Foldmann Building Department Town'of Vail 7'South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Re:Safeway Remodel #631 Dear Chuck Feldmann: In response to your letter "Items tobe Resolved"fOT SafewAy Remodel,dated June 12,1996,I am writing to follow up your telephone conversation withPat Dulaney on June 19,1996.' 1.Three exits are required .Wehave located one additional exit door,one-halfthe maximum diagonal distance,near thewest wall in the Flora}Area .See attached drawing #1. 2.'The new oxit is .located one-haIfth.c maximum diagonal distance Irom door #25. ,3:'Out occupant load,714,is calculated by subtracting all fixture items from the gross square fcotage .. ,:The storage area occupant load:5907Ilq .ft./3~20. .The sales .area occupant load:20,153 sq.ft./30=672. T~c meZZAnine level occupant load:945 sq .ft..IGO-IG &(mech.roum)824 Ilq .ft.l300'"3. The manager's office occupant load:168 sq.ft.l60=3. Thetotal exitwidth:714 (.2 in.)'''142.8 iii.or 11.9 ft.With two ofthe exits lit 6'-0· opening and the new exit at 3'·0"opening we exceed the required width . 4.The unisex:toilet has been re-drawn to meet the requirements per ADA Seeattached " drawing #1., 5.'Because this isan existing building,you and Pat Dulaney agreed over the phone thatwe would posta sign inthe lounge area that limits the occupancy to 10 people.Thereforewe will not haveto supply a second exit from this level . 6.We comply withUBC chapter 5 allowable floorareasas follows: Section 505 .1.2-Separation on 3 sides (The building 011 CCllll ill luu close tobe of'beneflt) Allowableincrease of2 1/2%perfoot exceeding 20'.closesttopropertylineis46'at Chaminoux Lane. 46'·20'...26'x2 1/2%=65%. 5200 sq.ft.=65%X 8000 sq.ft. Allowable increase:8000sq.ft.I 5200 sq.ft .~13,200 Section505.3-Automatic Sprinkler Systems allows triplefloor area of 505.1.2 13,200 sq.ft.x 3"39,600 sq.ft .-Allowable.Wehave 39,334 sq.ft. Chuck Feldman Building Department Town of Vail 75S Frontage Road vsn,CO 81657 UULHNty H ~L H l l t L I U ~t 7 .Our plumbing fixturt.count Is correct,Appendix Chapter 29 table,above Group M reads "For occupancies listed below,use 200 sq.ft.per occupant forthe minimum number of plumbing fixtures ."Therefore thegross square footage 39,334 sq.ft.l200 sq.ft.""197.The table reads:male water closets=3,andthe female water closets»3.As shown onthe mezzanine level we supply (2)water closets and (I)urinal forthe men,and(2)water closets forthe women-we also count the unisex toilet downstairs for the(1)last required water closet . 8.(5)disabled parking places have been added ,See auached drawing #2. Thankyouforyour help and cooperation in helping us obtain acceptable solutions.Ifyou have any problems or question pleasedonothesitate to callus. Sincen:ly, DULANEY ARCHITECTURE Catherine Ashton copies/Lindy McNamee-Safeway Harold Sayers-Electrical Enginner (SAE) Mike Wade-Mechanical Engineer (WEI) attach!attachment #1,attachment #2 SAFEWAY inc . Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway JobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No .9601 Safeway Store No .631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SAFEWAYinc. 6900 South Yosemite Street Englewood,CO 80112 DULANEY ARCHITECTURE 850 SantaFe Drive Denver,CO 80204 BID DATE 2 :00 PM Tuesday.June 18,1996 This addendum becomes part of the Contract Documents andshallbe acknowledged byeach ' bidder inthespace provided ontheBidForm .Original Drawings and Specifications dated 5/21/96 shallremaininforceexcept as notedinthisaddendum . Each andeverybidder,subcontractor,andmaterialsuppliershallberesponsibleforreadingeach andeveryiteminthis Addendum toascertaintheextentandmanneritaffectsthe work inwhich theyare interested.All work shallcomplywithallapplicable sections of the specifications. All Contractors aretobeawarethat construction of thenewentrywillresultinthe store being exposed tothe exterior fora brief time.Provide a temporary cover tothisareato protect against inclement weather.This cover istobeandremainabsolutely weathertight foraslong as needed . SPECIFICATIONS Item No.1 Item No.2 Item No.3 Item No.4 DA9601 SECTION 00800,00800-5,17: The cost of theBuildingPermitwillbepaidforbySafeway.All other fees, permits,andservicechargesaretobepaidforbytheGeneral Contractor.Refer to the Invitation toBid . SECTION 00820,00820-1,1.01,B: Referto Page 2 of 4 of theBidFromforthe correct markupforchange order percentages. SECTION 01100,01100-3,CODE 110,D.,2.: Delete Bakelite Coverplates andprovideStainlessSteel Coverplate .f I;.l •.c ....," SAFEWAYinc. Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJob No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's JobNo.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SPECIFICATIONS Item No.5 SECTION 01100,01100-6,D,3,f: Delete the refrigerant TypeR-12. Item No.6 SECTION 01100,01100-8: 2:"woo"istobechangedto"wool". 3:"Silfox"istobechangedto"Silfos" Item No.7 SECTION 01100,01100-12,t: Delete "R-12 of'andreplacewith"R-22 or". ADDENDUM NO.3 June10,1996 Item No.8 SECTION 01100,01100-14,3,i,second sentence: Delete the word "the"andinitsplaceuse"clean". Item No.9 SECTION 03300,03300-8,3.03,A.,2.: Change "crete"insecondlinetobe"concrete".Change"plans"in fourth linetobe "plane". Item No.10 SECTION 03300,03300-10,3.04,1,a,2: Replace '1/4inchin10ft .',with'1/8inchin8ft'. Item No.11 SECTION 05500,05500-3,c, AddNo .3:Provide burglarbarsforany roof openings ,in Mechanical Equipment or otherwise,12"square or largerinboth new construction andnewlycreatedsituations .Bars aretobe No.5 re-bars at4" o .c.,weldedtoa1/8"x2"x2"steelangleframe .Bolt frameto roof structure securely . Item No.12 SECTION 07240,07240-2,2.1: Approved as equal todryvitare Thoro,Sto ,andR-Wall . Item No.13 SECTION 07240,07240-2,2.2: Add Item G .Provide a woodpecker repelantadditive . DA9601 Addendum 3-2 SAFEWAY inc. Remodeland Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect'sJobNo.960 I Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SPECIFICATIONS ADDENDUM NO .3 June10,1996 Item No.14DeleteSection07241 EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS· CLASS PBin it's entirety. Item No.15 SECTION 07533,07533-1,1.01,A.: AddItem6.Provide walkingpadsfrom roofhatch toallequipment .Inaddition, providewalkingpadsdownslope of roof fromhightolowlevel. Item No.16 SECTION 07533,07533-3,2.01,A.,2: Delete Seal-Dryasanapproved manufacturer. Item No.17 SECTION 07610,07610-2,c.,2: Change Berridge ManufacturingtobeSherwin-Williams. Item No.18 SECTION 07610,07610-4,2.02,F.: Snow retention devicesshallbeat12'maximum between rowsforall roof slopes exceptnewentry .Thenewentryspacingshallbe10'between rowsmaximum . Item No.19 SECTION 08510,08510-2,2.01,A.: Add"glass"after"safety". Item No.20 SECTION 08710,08710-3,2.02,A.: AllcylindersaretobebyBest.BestcoresareinstalledbySafeway Security Department only. Item No.21 SECTION 08710,08710-5,3.05,2.: The Manufacturer ofDoor Closers,hasbeenchangedfrom (0)Dorma to (S)Sargent . DA9601 Addendum3-3 SAFEWAYinc. RemodelandFixtureInstallation SafewayJob No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect'sJobNo .9601 Safeway Store No .631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SPECIFICAnONS ADDENDUMNO .3 June10,1996 Item No.22 SECTION 08710,08710-6,3.05,3.: Thefollowingbolditemshavebeenchangedinthespecified Hardware Groups: HARDWARE GROUP2,DOOR 6,Line4: 1EA CLOSER 1230PS HARDWARE GROUP3,DOOR7 &22,Line1: AL ~ lY2 PR BUTTS BBI27941/2 26DH HARDWARE GROUP4,DOOR 9 &10,Line1,3,4,5 &6: Line1: J.PR BUTTS BB127941/2 26DH Line3 : ~EA KICKPLATE 198510"XI"LDW32DH Line4: a EAMOPPLATE 19856"XI"LDW32D H Line5 : ~EASTOP 237W 32D H Line6: ~EA EXT.FLUSHBOLTS282D-12"26DH HARDWARE GROUP5,DOOR 21,Line3 : 1 EA CLOSER 1230PS XTB AL ~ HARDWARE GROUP6,DOOR 25,Line1: 3 DA9601 PR BUTTS BB127941/2X NRP 260 H Addendum3-4 SAFEWAYinc . Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo .05-0631-00-0034 Architect's JobNo.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SECIFICATIONS Item No.23 SECTION 08720,08720-3,2.01,A: Delete No .2 Door-O-Matic. Item No.24 SECTION 08720,08720-5,4.: Change 20 degrees Ftobe-20 degrees F . ADDENDUM NO.3 June10,1996 Item No.25 SECTION 09300,09300-3,2.02,A.: Delete Quarry TileSpecification.NoQuarryTileis in project. Item No.26 SECTION 09650,09650-2,2.01,A.: Note -Concrete Floor istoberecessed1/4"forthismaterial rather than1/2"as calledfor elsewhere intheDrawingsandSpecifications . Item No.27 SECTION 09650,09650-6,E.,5AND6: Delete reducer striprequirementsinceinstallationis recessed . Item No.28 SECTION 09700,09700-1,1.01: AddItemC.InColdHold Room 118and Meat Cutting Room 119 provide positiveslopeacrossfloorto trench drain .Maintainminimum thichknesses at lowest point. Item No.29 SECTION 09700,09700-2,2.01,A.,1.: Change toread"Thethicknessshallbe250millsminimum". Item No.30 SECTION 09900,09900-2,1.03,B.: All rooftop items,newandexisting,aretobepainted .Colors tobe approved by Owner andthe Town of Vail. Item No.31 SECTION 09900,09900-5,2.01,A.: Delete Coronado PaintCompany. Item No.32 SECTION 09900,09900-10,8.: Second sentence :Change"receding"to"preceding". DA9601 Addendum 3-5 SAFEWAY inc . Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway Job No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado SPECIFICATIONS Item No .33 SECTION 10810,10810-1,2.01,A.,3.: Delete this item inits entirety. ADDENDUM NO.3 June 10,1996 Item No.34 SECTION 11160 WADING DOCK EQUIPMENT,11160-1,1.01,A.: Add Item 2 :Furnish and Install loading door pads and loading dock light.No hood is required. Provide Frommelt model No.TP-901-FP Dock Seal.Jamb Tabs aretobe15" wide x12"deep.Head pad istobe18"wide x12"deep . Manufacturers approved in addtion to Frommelt are Fairborn,Serco,and Kelley . Item No.35 SECTION 12306,12306-1,2.01,A.: TMS of Colorado Springs isan approved manufacturer.Telephone Number (719)635-77779. DRAWINGS General Item No.1 DA9601 All notes requiring the concrete slabbe recessed 1/2"for Dreadnought tile should be changed to provide a recess in the concrete slab of 1/4" The following drawing sheets are being reissued as part of this Addendum. SHEET 4 OF 28(A4 OF A15) SHEET 7 OF 28(A7 OF A15) SHEET 10 OF 28 (AI0 OF A15) SHEET 19 OF 28 (P2 OF P5) SHEET 21 OF 28 (p4 OF P5) SHEET 24 OF 28 (M2 OF M3) SHEET 25 OF 28 (M3 OF M3) Addendum 3-6 SAFEWAY inc. Remodeland Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect'sJobNo .9601 Safeway Store No .631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO.3 June10,1996 Item No.I (continued) SHEET 26 OF 28 (EI OF E3) SHEET 27 OF 28(E2 OF E3) SHEET 28 OF 28 (E3 OF E3) TheBidding Contractors areinstructedtorevieweveryitemoneach drawingtodeterminewhatchangeshavebeenmade . Attachments I through£O are also included as part of this Addendum Item No.2 Item No.3 Item No.4 Item No.5 DA9601 SHEET I OF 28 (AI OF AI5): General Notes No.8: COVER SHEET I SITEPLAN TheinteriorinstallationdrawingsmentionedarebyKingDesign Second No.8,changeto No.9. SHEET 3 OF 28(A3 OF A15) EXISTING I DEMOLITION PLAN Theexistingfishandmeatcasesshownagainstthesalesroomwall of the meatroomaretoberemoved.Theywillbereplacedwithnewfixtures - seeFixturePlan No.7. SHEET 4 OF 28(A4 OF A15) FLOOR PLANS Providenewplastic door from Produce Salesto Produce Work Area109. Door andframesaretomatch Doors 13and20 .Framesaretobe steelchannelsascalledoutonthisaddendum . SHEET 5 OF 28(A5 OF A15): REFLECTED CEILING PLANS Somelightfixturesarenotshownatthenorthside of Sales Room 137,in thereceivingarea16,andovertheBakeryArea .Coordinate alllight fixtureswiththeElectricalDrawings . Addendum3-7 SAFEWAYinc . Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway Job No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's JobNo.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO .3 June10,1996 Item No.6 Item No.7 Item No.8 Item No.9 Item No.to DA9601 SHEET S OF 28(ASOF AtS): REFLECTED CEILING PLANS Addthenoteto repair anydamagetoanyexistingceiling that remainsand other relateditemsasresult of thedemolitiontotheexisting vestibule . SHEET 6 OF 28(A6OF AtS): FLOOR FINISH PLANS InDairy Box 114,Deli Freezer 136,Freezer Box 122,and Meat Box 120 deletetheseamlessepoxyflooringnoted.Initsplace provide sealed concrete. SHEET 6 OF 28(A6OF AtS): FLOOR FINISH PLANS Regarding thenotepointingtothefloor area of Vestibule 101,delete "Anti-stumble". SHEET 8 OG 28(A8OF AtS) SCHEDULES,WINDOW TYPES Show dimensionfromtop of silltofloortobe44 "on Window Type1. SHEET 8OF28(A8 OF At5) ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE Room 107 :Wallsaretobeboxpanelsby manufacturer,color is white factoryfinishinside. Room 114,118,120,and122 :Provide sealed concrete floorand delete SEFcalledfor . Room 202:Under remarks,addnotetopaint Room 206:Under remarks,addnotetohosefloor out andcleanroom. Addendum 3-8 SAFEWAYinc. Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO.3 June 10,1996 Item No.11 Item No.12 Item No.13 Item No.14 Item No.IS DA9601 SHEET 8 OF 28(A8 OF AIS) DOOR AND FRAME SCHEDULE Door No.11istobe8'x 8'ratherthanthe10'x 12'calledfor . Door No.13,20,and22 :Door Frameistobeasteelchannel5"x 6.7lbs . Weldandgrindsmooth. SHEET 8 OF 28(A8 OF AIS) DOOR ELEVATION A Addoneadditionalcartbumperbelowthe lowest oneshown.Safeway approved location.Allcartbumperstobe2"x 2". SHEET 9(A9 OF AIS) INTERIOR ELEVATIONS /DETAILS : Interior Elevation Notes :Note No.1 ,Drawings mentioned arebyKing Design .Note No.3,stainlesssteelistobe22 gage. SHEET 11 OF 28 (All OF AIS) SECTIONS /DETAILS DETAIL B ,A7,AIO : Shouldbe DETAIL C,A4,All. SHEET II OF 28 (All OF AIS) SECTIONS /DETAILS DETAIL F,A4,All: Provide and18"x18"concrete curbalongeachside of rampfrom Dock Door to exterior door.SeePlanonSheet4 of28 forlocation.Provide fourNo .4 barscontinuous,two(2)topandtwo(2)bottom . Addendum 3-9 SAFEWAYinc. Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway JobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO.3 June 10,1996 Item No.16 Item No.17 Item No .18 Item No.19 Item No.20 Item No.21 DA9601 SHEET 12(A12 OF A15) FLOOR PLAN /ROOF PLAN /DETAILS DETAIL 4,All,A12AND DETAIL 9,Al2,A12 : Provide snow retainer clipsasspecifiedin Section 07610 Addendum Items of thisaddendum.See Specification Addendum itemsfor changes to Section 07610. SHEET 12(A12 OF AI5) NEW ROOF PLAN AND EXISTING PLAN Change columnmarksonthe West Sidefrom3to2 .5,from4to3 ,from5 to4,from6to5,from7to6,andfrom8to7 . SHEET 13 OF 28(A13 OF A15) DETAILS DETAIL M,A6A13 : Add note toprovidebaseattheinside of allboxesalso . SHEET 13 OF 28 (AU OF AI5) DETAILS DETAIL M,A6,Al3 : Thefeathered edge of theepoxy reducing stripistobe2"wide. SHEET 13OF 28(A13 OF A15) DETAILS DETAIL S,A4 ,A13 : Delete thisdetailsinceitisnot required inthis project. SHEET 14 OF 28(A14 OF A15) SECTIONS /DETAILS DETAIL A,A4,A14 : StainlessSteelcolumncoversaretobe22gage . Addendum 3-10 SAFEWAYinc. Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJob No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No .631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO.3 June10,1996 Item No.22 Item No.23 Item No.24 DA9601 SHEET 14 OF 28(A14OF AI5) SECTIONS I DETAILS DETAIL R,AI,A14 : Thickness of theTrickleChannelistobe8"attheedge. SHEET 14 OF 28(A14 OF 15) SECTIONS I DETAILS DETAIL EA14,A14 : Approved manufacturer for Dock LevelerisKelley,EOD6620 . SHEET 14OF28(A14OF AI5) SECTIONS I DETAILS DETAIL K,A4,A14 : Plastic safetyendcapistobeyellow.Extend bollard2'below top of slab, encased in 8"roundconcrete. -ENDOF ADDENDUM NO.3- Addendum 3-11 PROJECT tWolE: SAFEWAY STORE_a. S}ff)IIA,JOB :~O .05-0631-00-0034 631 REMODEL DATE:6/10/96 U'"NO.3 ATTACH ...ENT NO.\ JOBNO.9601 b I in PRCVlDE NEW ROOF INSULATION OVER STEEL PLATE-EXTEND ROOF MEMBRANE UP12"ON EACH SIDEOF POST-SEE SPE7 -r-.E.'h ::':NLiU.-PLY MEMBRANE ROOFING SYSYTEM 5CALE In'"1'-'" ROOF SCREEN DETAIL 12"Xl2"XI/4"STEEL PLATE-WELD TO STEEL COLUMN-BOLT PLATE DIRECTLY TO STEEL DECK w/3/4"X4"BOLTS- PROVIDE WOOD BLOCKING AS .NEEDED ON ROOF DECK FOR FLUSH APPUCATION- PROVIDE 12"X12"X3/4"PLYWOOD BACKING PLATE ON UNDERSIDE OF METAL OECK '---1x6 ROUGH SAWN CEDAR PLANK, STAGGERED-PAINT ''---3 1/2"X2"X1/4" HORIZONTAL STEEL RAILS TOPAND BOTTOM-wan TOSTEEL COLUMN-PAINT ~--2x6 ROUGH 5AWN CEDAR CAP-PAINT 3 1/2"X3 1/2"X1/4"STEEL POST0 4'-(1'O.C.-PAINT .-1x6 ROUGH SAWN CEDAR 0'.PLANK-STAGGERED-.PAINT }~dl f PLAN , r' A J---tt--it--_ JOBNO.9601 ATrACHlolENT NO.'Z.. 05-0631-00-0034 PROJECT NAaolE: SAFEWA':f STORE_a.631 REMODEL 1---=----- SAFEWAY JOBNO. N:J DUM NO.3 AlTACHMENT NO."? 6/10/96 SAFF:NAY JOB NO. JRER---. 05-0&31-00-0034 JOB NO.9601 EXHAUS' ANDPR ROOFC OVEN H SEE ME· PROVIDE FLASHIN ASSEMB PER SIh- MEMBRA MANUFA' PROJECT ~E:DATE :6/10/96 ~SAFEWAY STORE_a.631 REMODEL .UM NO,3 ATTACHMENT NO,4A S}F'2NAY JOBNO.05-0631-00-0034 JOBNO,9601 ~ --FIXTURE SCHEDULE FIXTURE SCHEDULE ""DESCRIPTION '"DESCRIPTION '"~r\z I Z I ~a:~a:a ~~I z a ~>-I 0 ~~a 0 ~'"en 0 c ~0 c I ~z ~z '"a '"0 I z a '"c t ~z '"-':I:~'"'"-':I:~'"a::CIl -''"en Cl a::CIl '"CIl e ~~z ~z i2 ~~~z z ~E0a::z 0 a::zaeCIl0~0 ~0 ::>In '"G:a::z 0 a a::G:a::z 0 a a:: CUSlOliER SERVlC[IWC[RY AREA CS-I 137 Ani loIACHlNE S Fe -I R -11-'13 SPlIW.lllX£II S Fe -1N - C5-2 137 CllPIEIl S Fe -,R -11-2 13 IWlll SINK S Fe FPC 1R - C5-3 103 IIlEXlISml I OmTl ClI!IlIT IIACHlNE S Fe -1R -11-3 13 110 er IlIlCER S Fe -1 E - CS-4 1103 CCU'\ITDl IIONTOIl S Fe -1R --13 TAIlt.E S Fe -2 -£ CS-S 103 WCIrEY 0RDDt ~NE S Fe -1 R -&-6 13 NOT USED C5-I '03 WCNEI'......CllIoI'UTEJl S Fe -1R -&-6 12.1 NOT USED CS-7 '03 1r CU5TOM£llt SERYtCE cotMTIR.,-....S Fe Fe:1N -11-7 '3 NOT usm ------£ ClHI 'OJ LDTTO lloICItNE S Fe -1 R -IHl '3 EUr.TR1C CII£ll-LJJCIC'S IlODEl.R20 S Fe Fe:,N - cs-o '03 ,:r COUNTER TlJP _SHaVES ~cc Fe -,N -8-11 '28 woe'S PROOfEJl S F'C Fll:,N - CS-'O '03 r"",loIACHNE s F'C -,R -8-10 '27 flIEEZEJl ----EiJo' ($-11 104 W'E S F'C -,R -11-11 '28 DlIW.IST HllOD ----E - CS-'2 '04 ll'-r ~~AND SH£1.\IES =,.-GC F'C -I N -8-12 13 F1MR ----E -_. CS-.3 104 PRNItIl S F'C -,N -8-13 128 S'X10'TABU:S Fe -,N - ($-1.104 CllIoI'UTEJl IIOlITOR S F'C -,N -11-,.13 ROUNDER ---1 E - CS-,.137 pt-~3r HIQl SHEl.,",C FtlR PlNlT ..as s F'C -1N -8-,.'28 lIOUUlEJl ---1 I!!-£ SAlES ROOli 11-'0 '3 llUllP TABU:---,E -.-.'37 CONDOlA ·SHEl.\1NG s IFe --N -11-'7 '3 J COMPNITWEN'T SlNtC s Fe FPC ,R - S-2 '37 010 OlSPlAY 51Fe -e N -11-'0 128 RETARDER 5 F'C rEC I E 110\ s-3 '37 LC.£NO eN'5 F'C RC 8 N ::=8-11 124 SHELVES •F'C --~-Ii 5-4 137 l%'x....M'tIlOUlS END s Fe -e lN -11-20 '3 PAN llASHEJl s F'C FPC ,N - S-.137 C>£CIC STANO UNIT (l EXPRESS)•F'C rEC -N -11-2''3 _1m wE'I'Dt 5 F'C ~,N - S-O 137 '"CIGARETTE CASE s Fe --N -8-22 '24 NOT USED ~------£ 5-7 137 a'TllIIo\CCO CASE 5 F'C --N -8-2l '24 SHEL'o1NG -----E - 5-1 '37 80'WAU.SHELYINC s Fe --N -B-24 '24 Il£LQCI,TtD SHIr<ING s F'C -,R - S-lI 137 5"SHEl.\\NC CII'__....,____..t 5 F'C --N -DEUCATESSEN 5-'0 '37 501'SHEL....NQ ar __"fII&/__~S F'C --N -0-1 '37 8'X'2'so IlEFRIlERATtD C>£ESE T.08LE S F'C RC t R j- s-rt 137 JI'llISPIAY S F'C --N -0-2 '37 8'so R£1'RICfJlAlm GRAII-Ql TAlIL S F'C RC ,N - $-'2 '37 EHD DISPLAY 5 Fe -,N -o-l '37 1°TDUA ICE S F'C -1R - 5-13 '37 010 DlSPUY 5 F'C -2 N -0-.'37 COI'ftt IIR£WER s Fe -,R - 5-14 '37 CllHDOlA Sl£l.WC S F'C --R -0-.'37 WICROIIA\o£S F'C -1R - S-,.'37 124'_CAS[S S Fe RC -N ....0-0 137 ~seuN1Dl TllP I CABOlET )5 F'C -,N -£ S-1a 137 ,:r CANDY SI£I.r 5 Fe --R -0-7 137 SOfT ORtNK DISPEHSER S F'C -1R - 5-'7 '37 SIWlOW BOX END IllSPlAY 5 Fe -a N -&.0-1 133 12'55HOOD 5 F'C r£c ,N - 5-11 '37 He DRINK FOUNTAIN S Fe FPC ,N -0-.'33 aulM'TAIlLE •Fe -,R - F'LORAl DISPLAY AREA 0-10 133 F1MR 5 F'C rEC ,E -£ r-I '37 R.DAAL OCTAOON OlSPlAY 5 F'C -•N -0-11 133 """"""'TlOH CM:N S Fe rEC I ,E -£ r-2 '01 10"Fl..OW[R COOUR 5 Fe RC 1 N2i'0-'2 1111 llElJ F1lEIWl 5 F'C RC I 'N JOI r-3 '08 S'F1..OWER DISPlAY 5 Fe -,N -o-,J 1'35 DEU COOLER =:r:-=---=..:.~-5 F'C RC 1 N 10 r-4 108 a'F1.OWEII DISPlAY s n:-,N -0-,'133 FRYER S Fe rEC I 'N -&, r-s '00 """"COlMEJl s F'C FPC ,N -0-"'33 SEJMC[COUNTER W/RECIST'ER AND SCAN UNIT s rc -,N - r-I l oa FUlIlf[R COOWI 5 Fe RC ,N el o-rs 1133 S'HOT DDJ ClSP\AY 5 Fe RC ,N lac r-7 '0I 11lAUCllN CAlIlNET 5 F'C -I 'N -0-11 '33 18'SDMCE OW CASE s Fe RC I N I IC F'-l!I '01 WORK TABlE (SEE nEV.D/M/A1fJ •l/M/At5)GC Fe -I 'N -o-,a '33 I 'SELr S£IM:SAL\Il c.sE 5 rc rEC/RC 1 N 18£ r-.'08 SQMCE COUNTER (SEE EllVAnoN O/M/A'.)I GC F'C -I N -O-lQ 133 BREAD SUCER 5 F'C -I RI - F-10 '37 J '-r WATERrALL [NO DISPlAY 5 I F'C -I N -0-20 133 12 'YO OElJ CASE 5 F'C I RC I N/SI1lB F-l1 '08 1HEUUW TANK'(PROWlE SAI1Y CHAIN)5 1Fe FPC 2 N -0-2''33 (3)"55 TAIlLES 5 F'C I -J E -£ F-12 110511 8"'1:11'SHEl.'JINC I 5 I F'C -,N I -0-22 1'33 I AUTO SUCER 5 I F'C I -,I R 1- 6/10/96DAlE: UM NO,3 ATTACHMENT NO.46REMODEL631STORE_a.SAFEWAY PROJECT NAIooIE: SAfTIiAY JOBNO,05-0631-00-0034 JOB NO ,9601 I PRODUCE SALES AREA I 1'-1 137 8 liN PROllUCE DlSPIAY S Fe -5 1R - 1'-2 137 4 lIN PROIllJC[DtSPlAY 5 Fe -5 1 N - 1'-3 137 84'PIlOOUCE IlISI'tAY 5 Fe RC -IN 15 P-4 137 I'DIl'f PROllUCE SHElF 5 Fe -1R - 1'-5 137 ...WO PRODUCE DISPlAY S Fe RC -N18 P-I 110 PRClOUC[IIOX ----E - lotEAT SALES AREA 11-1 13712'110 fISH DISPlAY S FeRC 1 N1 11-2 137 52 '110 lEAT DISPlAY 5 Fe RC -N /1 11-3 137 8'so IlEAT llISPUY 5 Fe RC -N2 lI-4 118 lI£AT TENOERI2EIl S Fe -1 R - 11-5 118 llEAT_S Fe -1N - II-I 118 IlEAT l..aEl.CAlIIlEI'S Fe -1R - 11-7 120 llEAT GRINDER S Fe -1 R - 1I-l1 118 llEAT SAIl S Fe -1 R - 11-1 118 W£AT SUCER S Fe -1 R - "-1D 118 I'55 TAlILE 5 Fe -1 R - 11-11 118 llEAT SAIl 5 Fe -1 R - 11-12 1118 3 CCWPNlllAElIT~S Fe FPC 1 N - \1-13 1118 I'55 TAlILE W/RIOl 5 Fe -1 R - \1-14 1118 IWIl SIN(S Fe FPC.1R - 11-15 1120 lI£AT IIOX 5 Fe RC 1 N 1'- BAKERY SALES AREA 85-1 137 CIlIJSIY IIR£AIl OISPtAY 5 Fe -1 E - 15-2 137 JO"COMWEJtCIAL 8R£AO SHEL'WC SFe -10N - 15-3 137 COOIC£llISPUY 5 Fe -1 E - 85-4 137 REflIIG[RATID IWCDn'TAlILE 5 Fe RC 1 E 18 85-5 137 REflIIG[RATID _lllSPIAY S FeRC3 E 18 85-1 137 NOT USED ------ 85-7 137 ~H TABu')s Fe -1R - 85-l1 137 klIoocN TAa.EI 5 Fe -3 R - I!HI 137 11'snF-SERYE _CASES S Fe EC IE - FROZEN FOOllS- IT-I 137 (30152'110 FRElZDl)S Fe AC -N:;: IT-2 ,12:<~",11£[2 "90X (15'>r31'xQ'1)5 Fe RC -N 17 FT-3 122 (52'110 FREEmI)S Fe AC -N 4!' JANITORIAL J-l 137 24"Xl 0'-8"SHaVES I CCI Fe I --IN I- ....,137 YeP SINN:'SIFC FPC I N - VESTIBULE V-I 101 Sl.'B ../741 1/4 CALV,ea."¥;;Ffc..~SICCI -IIR - V-2 10.~~P~E~.\O~~~J.~~'\""'"s[ee]-•IR - 0-23 133 _LW.SlJCER S Fe -1R - 0-24 133 8"HAND WR.tfI TABlE W/TABlE TOP 'MIAPP£R S Fe -1R - O-~133 REfllURAltD SANOWIOl IHT 5 FeRC 1 R - 0-21 133 IIICRa1WAVE s Fe -1R - 0-27 133 10'SS TABLE 5 Fe -1N - 0-211 133 3 CO ...NlTlIE!IT SINK W/POT RIOl S --1 E - 0-2il .33 DISH WASHER 5 --1 E - 0-30 133 PREP SlNI(S Fe FPC 1 E - 0-31 133 ORDER OESK S Fe -1 R - 0-32 133 NOT USED Q-33 133 @ WNCHEDN NEAT S Fe RC 1 N2.. 0-34 .33 NOT USED ------ 0-3:1 .33 IWIl SINK -S Fe FPC 2 N - 0-38 133 4'OR'I'ICE CCOLDl 5 Fe FEe 1A - DAIRY 00-'137 48'REfRICERATED DAIRY'CA&£S Fe RC -N11 ~2 137 NOTUSED ~3 113 DAIRY 90X (45 ..1.....·))5 Fe RC1N 22 ~137 51"CAl'"DISPlAY S Fe RC1 N- ~5 137 12'DAIRY OISPlAY 5 Fe RC1E12 UNISEX TOILET) UT-l 130 HNIJ LAVATORY 5 GC FPC t '.-R UT-2 130 ,r •38'"WRRQR CC Fe -1N - UT-3 130 SOAP 0lSI'E>lSm GC Fe -1N - UT-4 130 IWIl ORYDI GC Fe FEe IN - UT-5 130 3'-0"0RA8 ....GC Fe -1N - UT-I 130 WAlER Q.OSET CC Fe FPC 1R - UT-7 130 41'0RA8 lIAR GC Fe -1 N - UT-a 130 Ft::W"UNt ~N Dl:SPOSAL.GCFe -1 N - UT-I 130 TtIl.ET PN'£R 0ISPDlSEIl 5 Fe -I I R OIPlOYEE LOUNGE EL-I 202 I KIICHEN 51NK IGC IFe FPC I 'I N - EL-2 202 1.'-1"UPPERI lC'lIEIl CAllIlIETS ~/~IGC IFe -I I I N - STOCK ROOlot A-I 110 I REaMNC OESIC =.%"'~f:\"''''',...IGC IFe -I'I N - NON-fOOD STORAGE NFS-l 113 2.-Xl7'-O'"SHELVES I cc l Fe I -I -I N - IGEH£RAL CONTRACTOR LEGEND PROJECT NAWE:~6/10/96 ~SAFEWA':f STORE_a.631 REMODEL ou"NO.3 ATTACHlAENT NO .5" SAff'NAY JOBNO.05-0631-00-003<1-JOBNO.9601 ~ ADA SIGNAGE '@ UNISEX TO ILET 5)FOAM TAPEINSTALLPERMANUFAC TURERS RECOMMENDATI S. 6)SIGNSTOBEPHOTOPOLYMER ANDCO 850 SERIESOR EOUALB Y SACHS LA'M..OR ORSCOTTSIGNS. 7)PROVIDETEMPORARYSIGNSUNTIL SPECIFIEDSIGNS ARRIVE -POSTERBOARDOF SAME SIZEANDCOLOR. INTERIOR ELEvATION NOTES 2.THE REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING PHOTOMURALS,SlGNAGE AND TR1M, THE PATCHING DrALL HOLES AND MISC.DAMAGE AND THE PREPARATION AND SANDlNG or THESE AREAS IS PART OF THIS \loRK. SURFACES MUST BE lNSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE SAFEWAY CON STRUCTION REPRESENTATIVE .NO PAINTING DR INSTALLATION Dr NEW MATERIALS SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL APPR VALIS OBTAINED. 3.PRO V I DE ANDINSTALL NEIJ 22 GAU GE STAINLESS STEEL WALL GREASE SHIE LDS AT TH E DELICA TESSEN HOOD N ON ELE VATION . SHIELDS SHALL BE FULL HEIGHT FROM FLOOR TO BOTT OM OF HOOD . PROJECT NAME: SAFEWAY STORE~. SM'EWAY .JOBNO.05-0631-00-0034 631 REMODEL DAlE:6/10/96 AD Ul.4 NO.:3 An:Hl.4ENT NO.G JOBNO.9601 •.. \ \ .,----1 1/2"x1 1/2:x 1/4"STEEL ......._ ANGLE CONTINUOUS AROUND PERIMETER WITH 1/fr x 1" STEEL STRAP ANCHORS AT 16"O.C. .1 1/4"l.4ETAL GRATE (MEET ALL CODE REQUIREMENTS) S'CONC.SLABAT TRUCK ----, RAMP W/6)(6 101'-'-"v.Jlr~ EI~ll¢eJ;WfI' #4 REBAR TOP AND BOnOM 6" (ONLONGSIDES)~+-=---=-.c=-+--=-.c--+-:....,r------=---='-----f 90 DEGREE ELBOW SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS--~ SECTION e LOADING DOCK 5CAl..E 112'•1'-IZl' 05 -0631-00-0034 P~~;~y STORE~O.631REMODEL DATE:_6_ /l_0/9-=6 ,...--__~ SN'f)NAY JOBNO. PIPE SCREEN AT FRE EZER D Ei AIL SC ALE 3',1'-0' SAFEWAY STORE_a. PROJECT NAWE: SJff'NAY JOBNO.05-tl631-00-0034 631 REMODEL DATE:6/10/96 U"NO.3 "ENT No .8A JOB NO.9601 D :LAZED TURCHESE." :;RAY GROUT ULATION GYP BOARD 3 5/f!' t 16"O.C. iLAB ON :STRUCTURAL /4"TO ACCEPT RIAL AT VESTIBULE lINT- 'A14 DATION 11... E PERIMETER ETO CONCRETE I I II I I I I I / I'(t.MUVt.t:.JIl:>IINl>l,;UNl,;I'(t.It.I BLOCK AT NEW OPENING I I VeT FLOORING ON EXISTING CONCRETE FLOORING '--1/Z'EXPANSION JOINT- SEE DET~L M/A1,/A14 ~-EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION SECTiON ~ENTRY 5CAL.E 112'"I'-0' PROJECT NAWE: SAFEWAY STORE~O.OUlol NO.3 HlolENT N0·6 B DAlE:6/10/96 JOBNO.9601 REMODEL631 05-0631-00-0034SAFfYtAYJOBNO. I I i !, I ,....,.... ~¢~-~-,...._: ~_._-t- \\I \\I \\I \\ -\\----"'~- \\ \\I \~_I -'-_I_ I I I I I 1---1Z'X12'-o"X8"ACCESS PANE LL-;!._ _-+--!~-5/B'GYP BOARD ON 3 5/£!' METAL FRAMING 0 16"O.C. '+----+fJ-7I=~~=t----(2)Z'X10'HEADER W/l/Z'PLYWOOD CAULK ----...:.-0{" /'--+--- E.I.F.S.3/4"INSULATION BOARD N 3 5/aa FRAMINGo16".C.) R-19 IT INSULATION Z'X6"W 00 SlUD -_.-/ Z'x6"PIE -----i~~ CAULK -+------./ GLAZING f---------... ADDENDUM NO .2SAFEWAYin SAFEWAY inc. 6900 South Yosemite Street Englewood,CO80112 BID DATE 2 :00 P Tuesda June18199 This addendum becomespart of the Contract Documents andshallbe acknowledged by =c ..2 7 bidder inthespace.p~ovided ontheBidForm :Ori~al Drawings and Specifications dat 1 -o\.7.~.~l <.:§ 5/21/96 shallremam In forceexceptasnoted In thisaddendum.%~"<;,;(.<"::.";Y ~<"ss •••••••,.\('.~'"~~-l'111.10 NAL ~.\,>~-&' Each andeverybidder ,subcrontractor,andmaterialsuppliershallberesponsibleforreading e i l!W Il Jll unl\\\\\\\' andeveryiteminthis Addendum toascertaintheextentandmanneritaffectsthe work inwhich theyare interested.AIl work shallcomplywithallapplicablesections of thespecifications. This Addendum isto provide information for ALTERNATE NO .1 only.Bidders aretoindicate the ir priceforthis work inthe appropriate placeontheBIDFORM.Revisions ,changes, corrections,etc.forthe BASE BIDWORKwillbeissuedin Addendum No .3,Friday,June7, 1996atthe PRE-BID meetingattheVailSafewayStore . SPECIFICATIONS Item No.1 SECTION 01010SUMMARYOF WORK,01010-2,1.02: dd H.Base Bid Produce fixturesalongthewallaretobemoved4'-0", fromthewallthatistobedemolished,toallowfor work to take placeinthislocation . Buildatemporarystudwallwith plywood onitto separate contractors work areafromthe produce area .Paint partition white. Existingcases,thatarecalledfortoberemoved,alongtheeastside of the produce areaaretoremaininplaceuntilthe new casesare setalongthenew west wall. Buildnew exterior wallsbeforedemolishingtheexisting west wall. Coordinate construction phasingwithSafeway's Project Manager. DA960l Vail Addendum No.2-1 py .- SAFEWAYinc . Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway Job No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SPECIFICATIONS ADDENDUM NO.2 June4,1996 Item No.2 SECTION 04100 MORTAR &GROUT: Addthis section consisting of pages04100-1to 04100-3 . Item No.3 SECTION 04100MASONRY ACCESSORIES: Addthis section consisting of pages 04150-1to 04150-3. Item No.4 SECTION 04200UNITMASONRY: Addthis section consisting of pages04200-1to 04200-9 . Item No.5 SECTION 07533,07533-3,PART 2,2.02: Add paragraph 2.03 Roofing Systemfor Alternate No.1. A.Provide 4"rigidinsulationtocomplywith manufacturers recommendations. B .All other specificationsinthis section remainthesamefor Alternate No.1new roof C .Provide flashingsimilarto manufactures Detail FfR-D20 forpipes that penetrate roof systemandfor4x4steel columns that penetrate roof system. NOTE:Flashingsat4x4steelcolumnsaretogoup columns 18". Coordinate this requirement withthe Division 5 supplier of the structural steel. Item No.6 SECTION 08710 FINISH HARDWARE,PART 3,3.05: Add Hardware Group No.7 and Hardware Group NO.8 totheend of the Hardware Schedule on page 08710-7 asshown below: HARDWARE GROUP 7 1 1 PR EA BUTTS OEADBOLT BB1279 4 1/2"XNRP 83T-7M 260 H 260 B DA9601 Addendum No .2-2 SAFEWAY inc . Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's JobNo.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado SPECIFICATIONS Item No.6 (continued) HARDWARE GROUP 8 ADDENDUM NO .2 June4,1996 1~PRBUTTS BB1279 4 1/2"XNRP 260 H 1 EA PANIC 2828F 260 S 1 EA CLOSER 1230PS X7B AL S 1 EA THRESHOLD 1855A ALP 1 SET JAMB SEALS 45A-062 AL P 1EA DOOR BOTTOM 315CN AL P 1EA EXIT ALARM EA2500F 689 DT 1EARIMCYLINDER 1E72 626 B 1 EA TRANSFORMER PP5152-3 689 DT 2 EA SWITCHES MS2049SC 689 DT 1 EA SIGN RED W/1 1/2"LETTERS "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY ALARM WILL SOUND" Item No.7 SECTION 15400 PLUMBING,SECTION 2,PRODUCTS: Addpage9 . Item No.8 SECTION 15500 HEATING,VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, SECTION 2,PRODUCTS: Add subsection 2 .05,SALESROOM ROOFTOP.COOLING AND VENTILATING UNIT FOR DRY AND MEDIUM DRY CLIMATE -HVAC-l, 6pages . DRAWINGS Item No.1 THE FOLLOWING DRAWINGSAREINCLUDEDIN THIS ADDENDUM: SHEET 29OF48(A20OFA23): COVER SHEET /SITE PLAN DA9601 Addendum No .2-3 SAFEWAY inc . Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.960I Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS Item No.I (continued) SHEET 30 OF 48(A17 OF A23): DEMOLITION PLAN I NEW FLOOR PLAN ADDENDUM NO .2 June4,1996 DA9601 SHEET 31 OF 48(A18 OF A23): FLOOR FINISH PLAN I REFLECTED CEll..,ING PLAN SHEET 32 OF 48(A19 OF A23): FIXTURE PLAN I SCHEDULES SHEET 33 OF 48(A20 OF A23): INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET 34 OF 48(A21 OF A23): EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS I DETAll..S SHEET 35 OF 48(A22 OF A23): ROOF PLAN I DETAILS SHEET 36 OF 48(A23 OF A23): WALL SECTIONS I BUll..DING SECTION SHEET 37 OF 48(S3 OF S5): FOUNDATION PLAN I FRAMING PLAN I DETAILS SHEET 38 OF 48(S4 OF S5): MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPORT FRAMING SHEET 39 OF 48(S5 OF S5): SUPPORT FRAMING DETAll..S Addendum No.2-4 SAFEWAY inc . Remodel and Fixture Installation SafewayJobNo.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS Item No.1 (continued) ADDENDUM NO.2 June4 ,1996 DA9601 SHEET 40 OF 48 (p6 OF P9): STORM,WASTE &VENT FLOOR PLAN Revisepipingasindicatedtoprovidefornewaddition . SHEET 41 OF 48 (p7 OF P9): GASAND WATER FLOOR PLAN Revisepipingasindicatedtoprovidefornewaddition . SHEET 42 OF 48 (p8 OFP9): PLUMBING SCHEDULES ,DETAILS Reviseasindicatedtoprovidefornewfixtures . SHEET 43 OF 48(P9 OF P9): PLUMBING ISOMETRICS Reviseasindicatedtoprovidenewdiagramsanddetailsfornew addition . SHEET 44 OF 48(M4 OF M6): HVAC DEMOUTION PLAN Reviseasindicatedtoindicatetheremoval of rooftop unitsand ductwork. SHEET 45 OF 48 (M5 OF M6): HVAC REMODEL FLOOR PLAN Revise asindicatedtoprovidenew rooftop unitand ductwork fornew addition. SHEET 46 OF 48(M6 OF M6): HVACSCHEDULESANDDETAILS Reviseasindicatedtoprovidenewequipmentanddetailsfornewaddit ion. Addendum No.2-5 SAFEWAYinc . Remodel and Fixture Installation Safeway Job No.05-0631-00-0034 Architect's Job No.9601 Safeway Store No.631 2131 North Frontage Road Vail,Colorado DRAWINGS Item No.1 (continued) SHEET 47OF48(E4OFE5): REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SHEET 48 OF 48(E5OFE5): ELECTRICAL PLAN -END OF ADDENDUM NO .2- DA9601 ADDENDUM NO.2 June4,1996 Addendum No .2-6 SECTION04100 MORTAR &GROUT PART1 GENERAL 1.01WORKINCLUDED A.FurnishOnly: 1.Mortar forSection04200UnitMasonry . 2.GroutforSection04200UnitMasonry . 1.02 RELATED WORK A.ReinforcementandAccessories:Section04150Masonry Accessories . B.BlockandBrick :Section04200UnitMasonry . 1.03QUALITYASSURANCE A.TestingAgency:Testingwillbeconductedbyanapprovedtesting laboratoryandasrequiredbycode. 1.04 REFERENCES A.ReferenceStandards : 1.Mixes:Followrecommendations ofBIA Designation MI-72 (TechnicalNoteNo .SA,Oct.- Nov .1972). 1.05 DELIVERY,STORAGEANDHANDLING A. PART2 General:ComplywithSection01600.Deliverandstorematerials topreventwastedamageandintrusion offoreign matter .Deliver packagesmaterialsinoriginalmanufacturer'scontainers.Damaged materialsubjecttorejection. PRODUCTS 2.01MATERIALS A. DA9601 PortlandCement:ASTMC150-S4,TypeI,exceptType ill maybe 04100-1 usedforcold weather construction . B.HydratedLime:ASTMC207-79(1984),TypeS. C.Aggregates for Mortar:ASTM CI44-81. D .Water:Potable andfreefromdeleteriousamounts of acids,alkalies ororganicmaterials. E .AggregatesforGrout :ASTMC404-76(1981). F .Mortar Color:Colortomatchexisting. G.AntifreezeCompounds :Calciumchlorideorotherantifreeze agentsnotpermitted . 2.02MIXES A.Mortar Materialsand Proportions :Conformtotherequirements forthe property specifications of ASTMC270-82. B.UnitMasonrySetting Mortar:TypeScontainingType I Portland Cement,hydratedlimeandaggregate.Theuse of acceleratorswill notbepermitted. C .Grout forReinforcedMasonry: DA9601 1. 2 . 3. FineandCoarseGrout :ASTMC476-83, containingaminimum of 6sacks of Portland Cementpercubicyard .Addsufficient water to provideproperconsistencywithoutsegregationfor pouringortowelling. a.MinimumCompressiveStrength: 3000psiat28days. FineGrout:Proportion byvolume.Onepart Portland Cement,withnotmorethan1/10part hydratedlimeorlimeputtyadded,and2-1/4to3 partssand . Coarse Grout :Proportioned byvolume.Onepart Portland Cementwithnotmorethan1/10part hydratedlimeorlimeputtyadded ,and2to3parts sand,and1to2partsgravel. 04100-2 PART 3 EXECUTION 3 .01 PREPARATION A.Cleanequipmentformixing,transportation andplacingmortar beforestartingwork. 3.02 MEASUREMENT AND MIXING A.Measurement:Method of measuringmaterialsshallbebyeither volumeorweightandsuchthatspecified proportions canbe controlled andaccuratelymaintained.Measurement of sandby shovelnotallowed. B.Mortar Mixing :Mix cementitiousmaterialsand aggregate forat least3minutesandnotmorethan5minutesinamechanicalbatch mixer,withthemaximumamount of water to produce aworkable consistency. C.Grout Mixing : 1.Low Lift Grout :Maybesitemixed. 2 .HighLift Grout :Mix anddeliverintransitmix trucks.Sitemixedgroutnotallowed. D.Retempering:Mortars thathavestiffenedbecause of evaporation of water fromthemortarshallberetemperedbyadding water as frequentlyasneededtorestorerequiredconsistency.Mortar shall beusedwithin2hoursafterinitialmixing.Donotusemortar whichhasbeguntoset. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A.Mortar CubeTests:Mortar cubeswillbeprepared,curedand tested byan approved testinglaboratory.SeeSection01400. TestingwillbedoneinaccordancewithASTM CI09-80 (1985) andCMI 201.1-77 .Mortar will bebedded between twoblocksfor approximatelyIminutetoremoveexcessmoisture prior to fabricatingspecimen. B.Grout Tests:Controltests of groutwillbe conducted byan approved testing laboratory inaccordancewithASTM1019-84 . C.Grout and Mortar Tests:Takenonceperdaythat mortar or grout isbeingusedunlessotherwisedirectedbyArchitect. ENDOF SECTION DA9601 04100-3 .- SECTION04150 MASONRYACCESSORIES PART1GENERAL 1.01WORKINCLUDED A.FurnishandInstall: 1.AnchorsandJointReinforcement 2.ControlJoints . 3.WeepHoles . 4.FlexibleFlashing. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. B . PART2 Mortar:Section04100 Mortar. BlockandBrick:Section04200UnitMasonry. PRODUCTS 2 .01 ANCHORS ,JOINTREINFORCEMENTANDCONTROLJOINTS A. B. C . DA9601 AcceptableManufacturers: 1.Dur-O-Wal 2 .AAWire Products. 3 .HeckmanBuildingProducts . 4 .MasonryReinforcingCorporation of America. 5.AcceptedSubstitute . HorizontalReinforcement 1.General:Weldedwireunits of ASTMA82-79cold drawingwore,No .9 gagedeformedsiderodsand No.9 gageplaincrossrods .Widthshallbe approximately2"lessthanwidth of wall.Provide prefabricated comers andtees. 2 .Finish:Galvanized 3.Type:Trussdesignexceptprovideladdertypeat reinforcedmasonrywalls. Anchors : 1.FlexibleAnchors:Wheremasonryisindicatedtobe anchoredtostructuralframeworkwith flexible 04150-1 anchors,provide two piece anchors whichwill provide lateral restraint. 2 .Finish:Hot dipgalvanized after fabrication .ASTM A153-82,Class B-2 (1.5oz.per sq.ft.)pr7 mil copper coating,ASTM B227-70 (1980),Grade 30 HS,except manufacturer's standard mill galvanized maybeusedfor interior wallsand partitions. D .Control Joints :ASTM D2000-80,2AA-805 rubber with durometer hardness of approximately 80. E .Vertical Reinforcement:ASTM A615-84a,Grade 60 deformed billetsteel ,except bondbeamlintel stirrups tobe Grade 40. 2.02 WEEP HOLE AND FLEXIBLE FLASHING MATERIALS A. B . PART 3 Cord:1/4"cotton sashcord. Flexible Flashing:Black PVC,20milthick . EXECUTION 3 .01 JOINT REINFORCEMENT A.Masonry Walls:Install joint reinforcement continuously in horizontal block course (16"o .c.)of all masonry walls .Install continuously at8"o.c.at parapet walls .Lap6"atsplices .Provide one additional pieceaboveand below openings extending 2' minimum beyond theopening.Use prefabricated piecesat comers andtees. B.Control Joints:Do notextend joint reinforcement through control joints.Extend bond beam reinforcement through control joints, except where noted inthedrawings. C .Provide "Brick Ties"inall vertical and horizontal joints where accessories attach. 3.02 CONTROL JOINTS A. DA9601 Install control joints in masonry wallsas indicated onthe Drawings . Joints shallbeinstalled completely through andfullheight of 04150-2 " masonry,Both sides ofjoint shallbecaulked under Section 07900. 3 .03 WEEP HOLES AND FLEXIBLE FLASHING A.Weep Holes:Install weep holeswhereflashingor waterproofing turns out and terminates inhorizontal mortar joints.Installat24" O.c.in soft mortar.Pull out after mortar hasset. B.FlexibleFlashing :Installfabricclashinginslurrry of fresh mortar as indicated.Start flashings1/2"from outside face of wall. ENDOF SECTION DA9601 04150-3 SECTION04200 UNITMASONRY PART1 GENERAL 1.01WORKINCLUDED A.FurnishandInstall: 1.BlockandBrickMasonryWalls. B .InstallOnly: 1.MasonryReinforcingBars :Section04150Masonry AccessoriesReinforcement. 2 .Mortar :Section04100Mortar. 3 .ItemstobeBuilt-InFromOtherSections: a .BoltsandAnchors. b.NailingBlocks c.Insets. d .FlashingRegletsandOtherSheetMetal . e .SteelLintels. f.ExpansionJoints-SheetMetalormanufacturered . g .MechanicalorElectricalSleevesorBlockouts. h .AccessPanels. i.AllOtherBuilt-In Members. C.RealtedRequirements: 1.ReinforcementandAccessories:Section04150 MasonryAccessories. 2 .QualityControl :Section04100QualityControl. 1.02 REFERENCES A. DA 9601 ReferenceStandards:Complywiththefollowingstandardsexcept whremorestringentrequirementsarestatedherein. 1.AmericanNationalStandardsInstitute,ANSIINBS 211(A41.1),"BuildingCodeRequirementsfor Masonry". 2 .NationalConcreteMasonryAsociation,NCMA,"A Manual ofFactsonConcreteMasonry :(collection ofTEK Bulletins). 3 .PortlandCementAssociation,OCA,"Concrete MasonryHandbook". 04200-1 4 .Uniform Building Code,UBC,Chapter 24- Masonry. 5 .Colorado Masonry Institute,CMI,"Building Code Requirements for Masonry Construction",CMI 301. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A.Certificates:Furnish manufacturer's certification and test results indicating that masonry units meet specified ASTM requirements. B.Samples:Submit three fullsize samples of slump brick for acceptance.Keep atsite throughout construction period. C .Sample Panel:Construct 4'x 6'wallpanel with slump brick,emu , joint reinforcement and mortar.Accepted sample wallshallbe standard for rest of work.Remove at completion of project. 1.06 DELIVERY,STORAGE AND HANDLING A.General:Comply with Section 01600.Inspect masonry units upon delivery and handle carefully to avoid chipping and protect against wetting prior to use allowing air circulation under stacked units . 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A.Environmental Requirements :Conform with UBC and following: 1.Cold Weather Protection during Installation: DA 9601 a. b. c. Preparation:Before beginning work, remove iceorsnlw formed on masonry bedby carefully applying heat until top surface isdry to touch. Remove frozen or damaged masonry . Air Temperature 40 degrees F to 32 degrees F:Heat sandormixing water tominimum of 55 degrees F maximum of 120 degrees F . Air Temperature 32 degrees F to 25 degrees F:Heat sandandrnxing water andminimum of 65 degreed F and maximum of 120 degrees F. 04200-2 DA9601 2. d .Air Temperature 25degreesFto20 degrees F :Heat sandandmixing water tominimum of 75degreesF andmaximum of 120degreesF .Use salamanderor other sources of heat onbothsides of wallsunder construction.Usewindbreakswhen windisinexcess of 15mph. e.Air Temperature 20degreesFand below :Heat sandandmixing water tominimum of76 degreedFand maximum of 120degreesF.Provide enclosureandauxiliaryheatto maintainair temperature above32 degreesF .Temperature of units whenlaidshallbenotlessthan20 degreesF. f.Grout:Place grout inmasonryata minimum temperature of 70 0 Fand maximum temperature of 120 degrees F.Maintain grouted masonryabove32degreesFfor24 hourfollowingplacement of grout. g .Admixtures :Nomortaradmixtures will bepermittedwithoutwritten approval of theArchitect. h.Frozen Work:Theabove paragraphs aredesignedtopermitmasonry work tocontinueduringperiods of cold temperature.Anyfrozenmasonry work willbeprimafacieevidence thattheaboverequirementshavenot beencompliedwitrh.Removeand replacefrozenmaterialsasdirectby theArchitect . Cold Weather Protection afterInstallation: a.Mean DailyAir Temperature 40 degrees Fto32degreesF :Protect masonryfromrainorsnowfor24 hours . b.Mean DailyAir Temperature 32 degreesFto25degreesF :Cover 04200-3 masonrycompletelyfor24hours ;48 hoursfor grouted masonry. c.MeanDailyAir Temperature 25 degreesFto20degreesF :COver maosnrycompletelywithinsulating balnketsfor24hours;48hoursfor grouted masonry. d.MeanDaily Air Temperature 20 degreesFandBelow :Maintain masonry temperature above32 degreesFfor24hoursbyenclosure andsupplementaryheat,byelectric heatingblakets,infra-redheatlamps orothermethodproventobe satisfactory , 3.Hot weather Protection DuringInstallation :When air temperature exceeds99degreesFintheshade, protect freshlylaidmasonryfromdirect exposure to windandsun. 4 .Moisture Protection DuringInstallation :Where exposedtoweather,covertop of masonrywallsat theend of eachday'sworkusingawater proof materialweighteddowntoinsureitsremainingin place .Maintainsuch protection untilfinalcapping of thewall. PART 2 PRODUCTS A.Lightweight Concrete Block(Lessthan105lbs.percu .ft.oven-dry weight of concrete): 1.Aggreagate:ConformtoASTMC331-83 (Lightweight). 2.Hollow Loadbearing Units:ASTMC90-75(1981). 3 .Solid Loadbearing Units :ASTM145-75(1981). 4.Classification:GradeN,Type 1. 5.NominalSize:8"x16",thicknessasindicated . 6 .Minimum Net CompressiveStrength:1350psi. DA9601 7 .Provide lintelblocks,comer blocks,jambblocks , headerblocksandrequiredspecialshapedas deatiledorrequiredtocompletethejob . 04200-4 8.Curing:In moisturecontrolledatmosphereat normalpressureandtemperature,orinand autoclave,tocomplywithrequirementsforTypeI units. B.SlumpBrick :ASTMC652-84,GradeSW,TypeHBXbrick. 1.Size:MatchExisting. 2.Colors :MatchExisting. 3.BrickMasonry:Develop4,000 psiultimate compressivestrengthat28days. 2 .02 MORTAR ANDACCESSORIES A.Mortar andGrout:SeeSection04100 . B .JointReinforcementandAccessories:SeeSection04150. 2 .03 REINFORCING STEEL A.Rebar :As calledforondrawingsandSection04150 . PART3 EXECUTION 3 .01 INSPECTION A.BearingSurfaces :Inspectfoundationsandotherbearingsurfaces forpropergradesandelevation,freedomfromdirtandother foreignmaterial. 3.02 PREPARATION A.Cleaning:Removedirt,ice,looserustandscalefromwalls,ties andreinforcingpriortoinstallation. B.Cooperation:Checkrelationship of masonoryto work under other sections,cooperate withothersandproceedasdesirableforgeneral progressandbestinterest of project . 3 .03 MASONRY INSTALLATION A. DA9601 General : 1.Laymasonryplumb.levelandtruetolinestothe tolerancesindicated.Bondasindicatedonelevation anddeatils. 04200-5 .' 2.Adjust masonry dimensionsandinstall starter units as required toeliminatesmall cuts andtomaintain bond.Cut neatlyaround contacting work. 3 .Construct slots,chases ,cavitiesandsimilar spaces as required for other work. 4.Masonry dimensionsfor exterior openings are nominal.Layout masonry openings to provde 1/4" maximumsealant joint atmetalframes. B .SolidUnits: 1.Usesolidunitsfortop course of exterior piers , walls ,window sills,etc.asindicatedand required. 2 .Usesolidunitsforsoldier courses in bearing walls and whereever cores of hollowunits would be exposed tovieworweather. C.Mortar Joints: 1.Lay masonry work inshovedmannerinfullbeds of unfurowed mortar.Completely fill vertical and horizontal joints andvoidswith mortar. 2.Joints:Plumborlevel. 3.Joint Treatment: a .Match Existing. b .Cut unexposed joints flush . 4 .Avoid over plumbingand pounding of the comers and jambs tofit stretcher unitsafterbeingsetin position.Where an adjustment mustbemade after the mortar has started toharden ,remove mortar and replace withfreshmortar. D .Built-In Items: 1.Cooperate tobuild-initems of others into masonry as work progresses. DA 9601 2 . 3. Lintels:Installfor openings over16"inwidth. Installinbeds of mortar anddo necessary point ing. Fill hollow masonryunitsfullwith grout for three courses atlintelbearings . ChasesandRecesses:Provide chasesin masonry wallsas indicated andrequiredformechanicaland electrical work forpipesand conduits .Build recesses as required for acommodation of cases and 04200-6 cabiunets,radiators,andunit heaters.Installlintels for recesses over 16"inwidth. 4 .Built-In Items:Installsleeves of proper size provided by others,where directed,to permit passage of pipes through walls .Build-in wall sleeves,anchors,plates,and other members provided by others.Propoerly set built-in itemsas walls progress and under direction of the party providing same. 5 .Embedded Sheet Metal:Install embedded sheet metal flashing,reglets,etc.,provided by others. Clean surfaces of masonry smooth andfreefrom projections which might puncture or otherwise damage embedded materials.Place embedded items on bed offresh mortar.Cover withfresh mortar before laying succeeding courses. E.Starting and Stopping:Where fresh masonry joins masonry that is partially or totally set,cleanthe exposed surfaces of the set masonry andwetlightlyto obtain best possible bond with new work.Remove loose masonry and mortar.If itis necessary to stop off'a horizontal run of masonry,step back 1/2 masonry unit length in each course.Do not tooth. F .Cutting:Where cutting of unitsis necessary,make cuts witha motor-driven masonry saw . G.Accessories:Install joint reinforcement,anchors,control joints, weep holes,fabricflashingand other accessories in accordance with Section 04105. H.Bracing:Adequately brace masonry until cured and permanently supported. 3 .04 CONCRETEBLOCKINSTALLATION A. B. DA 9601 General :Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings,lay concrete block in running bond. 1.Install bullnose block at exposed comers andat locations as indicated. Joints :Uniform approximately 3/8"wide. 04200-7 .' C.Wetting:Do not wet units .Lay dry,unless authorized by the Engineer. 3 ,05 FORMS AND SHORES A.Construct formsas required toshape,lines,and dimension indicated substantially andsufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar or grout.Brace or tietomaintain position and shape.Do not remove until masonry cured sufficientlyto support own weight and other applied loads . 3 .06 BRICK INSTALLATION A.General :Unless otherwise indicated,lay brick to match existing. B.Joints:Uniform approximately 1/2"wide. 3.07 ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES A.Maximum Variation fromPlumb: 1.In linesand surfaces of colums,wallsand arises : a .1/4"in 10'. b .3/8"inany story or 20'maximum . c .1/2"in 40'. 2 .For external comers,expansion joints and other conspicuous lines : a .1/4"inany story or 20'maximum . b.1/2"in 40'. B.Maximum variation fromlevel or grades for exposed lintels ,sills, stripes,parapets,horizontal grooves and other conspicuous lines : 1.1/4"inanybay or 20'. 2 .1/2"in 40'. C.Maximum variation oflinear buildinglinefromand established position inplanand related portions of columns,wallsand 9partitions: 1.1/2"inanybay or 20'maximum . 3 .08 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. DA 9601 Cutting and Patching:Cut and patch masonry wherever necessary for other trades.Dosuch work with experienced mechanics in 04200-8 workmanlike manner .Donotcutandpatch work whichwilltend toinjurethe strength or appearance of anyfinishedwork.Cutting of finishedmasonryforthe purpose of building-inmemberswillnot beallowed . 3.09 POINTING AND CLEANING A.Pointing:Cut out deective joints andholesin exposed masonryand repoint with mortar.Drybrushmasonrysurfaceafter mortar has setatend of eachday's work andafterfinalpointing. B.Cleaning :Upon completion of pointingandcleaningleavethe work areaand surrounding surfacescleanandfree of mortar spots, droppings andbrokenmasonry.Complywith requirements for sealers .SeeSection09900 . 3 .10 PROTECTION A.Prtotection of Completed WOrk fromPhysicalDamage:Protect projecting masonryliabletodamageaftersettingbysuitable plankingwell supported.Securelyboxjambsandsills of openings usedforpassage. ENDOF SECTION DA 9601 04200-9 '.~~through a waD access panel.Trap primers to be installed forfloor drains as ':--:;requirec1 by local plumbing codes. 2.15 WATERHEATERS-GAS A Model,size and capacity as indicated on Drawings:UL listed. B.Glass lined and fiberglass insulated storage t2nk,wtom:ltic thennostat, automatic eut-offfor over-temperature or thenno5tat &ibm:,drain cock,and ASME samped pressure and temperatwe lever type relief valve,and uugnesium anode rod. 2.16 PIPE INSULATION A Coat all cold water piping concealed within walls or ceiling,with "Martell No-Drip"plastic toa minimum thickness ofl/16 inch. B.Insulate all hot and cold water supply and return water piping with Fiberglass 25ASJ,1"thick.Insulate all fittings with Fiberglass and "Zeston"Performed PVC covers. 2.17 ACCESS PANELS A Milcor. B.Provide U"x U"access panels for all concealed valves,trap primers,shock absorbers,clean-outs,etc.Sizefor proper access,adjusting and maintenance: U"x U"minimum for valves,trapprimers,shock absorbers,etc.;24"x24" for main access unless indicated otherwise. C.Concealed hinges and flush,Allen key locking device. D.Style to suitwaD or ceiling construction. E.Style A with 18 gage panel for acoustical tile surfaces. F.Style B with 18 gage pand and lath for acoustical plaster surfaces. G.Style K with 14 gage panel forplaster sarfaces, H.Style M with 14 gage pand for masoruy,and tile,sheet rock and wood sur&ces. d1S~ PLUMBING 15.wo -p...9 of 22 .' 2.00 PRODUCTS 2.05 SALES ROOM ROOFTOP HEATING!COOLING AND VENTILATINGUNITFOR DRY AND MEDIUM DRY CL!MATE -HVAC-1: A.General:Unit shall be i n accordance with the following specifications with capacities supply/return air arrangement and other pertinent characteristics as shown on plans.Unit shall be completely factory assembled,piped and wired and shipped in one piece.Unit shall be specifically designed for outdoor rooftop application with weather resistance cabinet.Unit shall be safety certified in accordance with UL Standards UL465,UL559 and/or ANSI Standard Z21.47 .Unit shall be safety certified by an accredited testing laboratory.Unit nameplate shall carry the sticker of the certification agency.Unit shall be 100%run tested by the manufacturer with a copy of the run test report shipped with the unit. B.Frame Construction:Unit base structure shall be a unitary construction with all joints electrically welded and coated for corrosion resistance.Construction of base frame shall provide a integral curb counter flashing for positive curb positioning.Heavy duty lifting brackets shall be provided on unit base frame for rigging unit into position.The entire frame work and structure of the unit shall be heavy gauge galvanized steel.Burglar bars 6"on center shall be welded in the supply and return duct openings.Unit shall have decals and tags to indicate unit lifting,rigging, service areas and caution areas. C.Exterior Paneling Construction:Aluminum or galvanized steel exterior panel construction at manufacturer's option.Unit exterior shall be in color as selected by Architect.Submit color chips with shop drawings for h is select ion. 1.Alum inum Construction:All exterior side.end and roof panels shall be minimum 0.050 (18 gauge)aluminum .Hinged access doors shall be minimum 0.080 (14 gauge)aluminum. Steel Construction : from 18 gauge or resistant paint or 2.All exterior panel heavier galvanized baked enamel finish. shall be fabricated steel with weather D.Cabinet and accessories:The unit roof shall be cross broke and/or s loped to assure drainage.Access to compressors,controls, filters,coils ,blower,heating section,smoke detectors,and other components needing periodic checking or maintenance shall be through h inged access doors with latches which are operable from both sides (door fasten ing screws are not acceptable).Air side serv ice doors shall be fully gasketed with rain break overhangs.All access doors shall have internal metal liner to protect the door insulation.The interior air side of the cab inet shall be insulated with Tuf-Skin equipment liner meeting UL 181 erosion requ irement and as manufactured by Johns-Manville or approved equal as minimum,or insulated with 2"thick,1.5 lb.density fiberglass i nsulat ion with interior metal liner.To minimize erosion,all the cut ends of Tuf- Skin equipment liner shall be sealed.Wiring diagrams,piping diagrams,installation and maintenance manuals shall be supplied with each unit. E.Blower Section:Shall consist of heavy duty,single backward inclined airfoil design,double width,double inlet blower wheel (33"diameter wheel minimum;select larger wheel size if lower fan horsepower can be achieved)statically and dynamically balanced to eliminate vibration.Open wheel (plenum fan)shall not be acceptable.Blower wheel to be mounted on heavy,ground and HEATING,VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING polished steel shaft complete with self-aligning lubricated 200,000 hour bearings.Adjustable motor mount and V-belt drive shall maintain minimum noise level.Belt drive shall be provided with a minimum rating of 150%of the motor nameplate horsepower.Blower and motor assembly shall be mounted on spring isolation.Blower housing shall be continuously welded.Blower discharge shall be connected to unit with minimum 6"flexible connector.For fan quantity of less than 18,000 CFM,motor shall be maximum 10 horsepower,above 18,000 CFM but less than 24,000 CFM,motor shall be maximum 15 horsepower,.and maximum 20 horsepower for unit capacity above 24;000 CFM.Motor shall be premium high efficiency type in accordance with energy code requirements.Blower performance shall be corrected for altitude. F.Outside Air Damper and Louver:Unit shall be equipped with 0-25% outside air louver and manually adjustable damper set for minimum outside air quantity as indicated on drawings or air balance sheet. Outside air dampers shall have spring steel Jamb seal and neoprene blade seals to limit leakage to a minimum .(Note:For stores equipped with an Air Door entrance,outside air louver shall be specially arranged to fac~in the same direction as the Air Door Entrance or intake gooseneck or extension shall be provided to achieve the above described intake directional arrangement). G.Condensing Section:1115 deq.condensing Temperature at 95 deg. Ambient)The condensing section shall be equipped with direct drive, vertical discharge condenser fans.The condenser coils shall be protected with heavy duty rust resistant metal wire guards to prevent coil damage.COndenser coils shall be copper tube with aluminum fins mechanically bonded to the tubes.Condenser coils to be sized for a minimum of 10 degrees sub-cooling.The condenser coils shall have a maximum of 1 0 fins per inch.Fans shall be cycled with pressure switches to provide head pressure control at ambient down to 30 deg .F.Fan o utlets shall have a heavy duty rust resistant wire guards .All electrical wiring within the condensing section shall be weatherproof equivalent to "Sealtight".Condenser coi ls shall be sized to maintain maximum 115 deg.condensing temperature at 95 deg .ambient. B.Evaporator Section:Coils shall be copper tube with aluminum fins mechanically bonded to the tubes.Co i ls shall be provided with 16 gauge galvanized steel drain pan with heavy mastic coating.coils shall have intermediate drain pans with drop tubes to main drain pan without affecting lower coil section.condensate drain to be trapped and piped to roof level away from base of unit.Provide a minimum of 18"between evaporator coils and filters for cleaning . Evaporator coils for multi-compressor units shall be circuited with one circuit and expansion valve per compressor.The co ils shall have a maximum of 10 fins per inch.Evaporator section performance shall be corrected for altitude. I .Refrigeration System:Compressors shall be of the semi-hermetic reciprocating field serviceable type (or hermetic scroll type compressors at manufacturer's option)with crankcase heaters, internal thermal overload protection and mounted on rubber-in-shear vibration isolation.All units shall be multiple stage with a minimum of two stages of compressor control;lead compressor shall be provided with 2 step cylinder unloading capacity reduction control.Compressors shall be isolated from the base pan and supply air stream to avoid any transmission of noise from the compressor into the building area and to permit operation of the unit without affecting air flow when the compressor compartment is open.System shall be equipped with thermostatic expansion valves and venturi type distributors for refrigerant control.All connections to the expansion valves to be brazed fittings (including the equalizer BEATING,VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING ·. J. K. L. line),no flare fittings shall be permitted in the conditioned air stream.System shall be equipped with adjustable automatic reset low pressure control and adjustable manual reset high pressure refrigerant controls.Unit compressors shall have suction and discharge service valves with access fittings for gauge connection. Each refrigerant circuit shall have liquid line shut off valve for pumpdown of refrigerant into the condenser circuit;sight glass; liquid line filter drier with schrader fitting for pressure drop .test;suction line filter with schrader fitting.Suction line shall be insulated from evaporator to the compressor with armaflex insulation of 1/2"minimum wall.Units shall be fully factory charged with refrigerant R-407C. Heat Reclaim Section:Unit manufacturer shall provide a separate insulated and lined section to house the reclaim coil.The refrigeration reclaim heat coil and related valves shall be designed,furnished by the unit manufacturer.The heat reclaim coil shall be sized for btuh load and mass flow rate indicated on drawings with a maximum pressure drop of 3 psi.unit manufacturer shall be responsible for consultation with the store refrigeration system supplier for the final coil load,circuiting arrangement, mass flow rate,pressure drop and accessories required.The reclaim coil circuits and piping arrangement and pressure drop shall be adequately sized for 100%of the mass flow rate as indicated by the Store Refrigeration system supplier.The reclaim coil sizing and selection data shall be submitted with the HVAC-1 shop drawings for final review and approval.·The reclaim coil shall be properly installed and circuited in the unit ready for field piping connection and shipped completely assembled and tested,coil shall be approved for 350 psig operating test pressure.A minimum space of 24"shall be provided between the heat reclaim coil and the evaporator coil for cleaning purposes.Coil to be provided with drain pan and drain outlet .Reclaim coil shall be installed downstream of the evaporator coil.Manufacturer shall pay special attention to the location of the heat reclaim coil connection location so that they are at minimum d istance from the Store refrigeration compressor units.Exercise care to avoid heat reclaim piping penetrations to the unit at opposite side of the heat reclaim coil connections;looping refrigeration piping inside the unit causes additional pipe lengths and will not be accepted. Gas Heating Section:Section shall consist of gas heating furnace consisting of a primary and secondary stainless steel heat exchanger fired by power gun type gas burner.Unit shall heat using natural gas fuel and with adequate rating adjustab le to provide scheduled capacity at location altitude and gas value.A combustion chamber prepurge system meeting U.L.requirements shall be provided.unit shall be provided with electronic ignition controls and ultraviolet flame detection (Flame rod is not acceptable).Unit shall have gas supply piping entrances in the unit base for through the curb gas piping and in the outside cabinet wall for across the roof gas piping.The units heat exchanger shall carry a 10 year warranty. Gas controls shall include two-stage (100-50%)gas control valve, positive blower safety switch,main gas cock,pilot cock,adjustable main and pilot pressure regulator (5"to 15").Combination fan-limit control shall be mounted to burner vestibule.Thermostat shall be furnished by factory.Burner shall be factory fire tested and adjusted'for immediate field operation after connection of power and fuel.Final adjustments are to be made under field conditions by equipment manufacturer's start-up representative.Power burner motor shall be sealed type motor .Burner performance shall be corrected for altitude. Filter Section :The filter section shall be supplied as a complete integral component of the unit construction and arranged in heavy HEATING,VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING .' M. N. o. P. gauge galvanized ste~l racks for slide out removal.Filters shall be easily accessible through a hinged door.Filters sha],l be medium efficiency pleated disposable type.Filter media shall have an average efficiency of 25-30%on ASHRAE test standard 52-76,and an average arrestance of 90-92%.Filter racks shall be arranged to accommodate one complete set of 4"pleated Farr 30/30 filters.The system shall include an air pressure switch for remote indication of clogged filters.One spare set of filters must be supplied for .installation at start up. Safety Controls:.Smoke Detectors shall be installed and wired by the unit manufacturer.The sensing tubes shall be located in the return and/or discharge air sections per N.F.P.A.requirements and piped to the unit controls.A smoke damper shall be furnished in the discharge duct opening with a spring return damper motor.The motor shall have an end switch to prevent the supply air fan from operating when the damper is shut.If additional smoke detectors/dampers are required by the local jurisdictional authorities,they shall be provided and properly installed and wired prior to shipment. Electrical Section:A non-fused disconnect switch and electrical panel shall be mounted on the unit.Each unit shall be completely wired and run tested through all operation modes prior to shipment. Operational test sheets shall be provided.Wiring shall be number coded and in addition shall be color coded pertaining to system use. All panel components shall be clearly labeled.Panel shall have a step down transformer for 115 volt controls and also for 24 volt temperature controls.External control wiring unless noted otherwise shall be 24 volts.Panel shall contain all terminal blocks,motor starters,contactors,switching relays,fuses and all necessary components for the proper function of the unit . Compressors,fans,and blowers shall be furnished with contactors, and fuse and ambient compensated overloads in all phases. Electrical system shall be provided with low voltage,phase loss and phase reversal lockout relay.Compressor circuits shall include oil failure,high,and low pressure switches,anti-short cycle t~er, and lockout relay.Each compressor shall have a manual pumpdown switch for ease of servicing.Compressors shall have ambient lockout for low temperature protection. Roof Curb:A prefabricated 14 gauge galvanized steel mounting curb designed and manufactured by the unit manufacturer shall be provided for field assembly on the roof decking prior to unit shipment.The roof curb shall provide complete per~eter support for the entire un it.The curb shall be a minimum of 12 inches high and include a nominal 2X4 wood nailer strip.Gasketing shall be provided for field mounting between the unit base and roof c urb.All wiring and p iping to the unit shall be within the curb perimeter .External piping and wiring vest ibules are not acceptable. Controls for HVAC-l:The unit manufacturer shal l provide a fully labeled terminal strip,environmental controls,transformers, relays,etc.,as required for fully automatic control of the unit as hereinafter specified Unit shall have single phase protection. 1.The Contractor shall furnish all starters,holding coils, contactors,etc.,as required to connect all exhaust fans as noted or scheduled on the plans. 2.The Refrigeration Contractor shall provide all material and labor as required for control of the recla~system through the HVAC-l UNIT CONTROLS. 3.Unit shall have factory installed and wired solid state HEATING,VENTILATING AND AIRCONDITIONING .•.controller as manufactured by Com-Trol,model MCS-4000 to control heat reclaim valves (if required),auxiliary heat valves,heating and cooling operation and staging.An electronic dual set point thermostat and subbase shall be mounted in the HVAC unit or on the unit with weatherproof enclosure.A discharge air temperature sensor shall be provided to anticipate space temperature and signal controller in conjunction with thermostat.A humidity control shall be provided to maintain humidity at set point (only for medium humidity climate zone per Safeway FE-l6 Form).Fan shall run continuously during occupied hours. a.Cooling Cycle: 1)Four (4)stages of cooling (typical). 2)Cooling is locked out during night setback operation.76°F cooling override fixed thermostat provided.Delete this requirement for 24 hour operation stores. 3) 4) Control point set at 72°F. Stage No.1 on at 72.75 OF,off at 72.25°F. Stage No.2 on at 73.75°F,off at 73.25°F. Stage No.3 on at 74.75OF,off at 74.25°F . stage No.4 on at 75.75°F,off at 75.25°F. up to six stages of cooling can be controlled. 5)All compressors are protected by an evaporator freeze protection. b.Heating Cycle: 1)Four (4)stages of heat.Up to six (6)stages of heat can be controlled. 2)Stages No.1 and No.2 are Heat Reclaim (when used)• 3)Stages No.3 and No.4 are supplementary gas heat . 4)Morning warm-up period is adjustable from 5 to 20 minutes,using Stage No.1 and No.2 only;unless 3 stages of heat are on when the control goes into morning warm-up then 4 stages of heat can be used.Delete this sequence for 24 hour operation stores. 5) 6) outside air damper is closed during warm-up. Delete this sequence for 24 hour operation stores. Occupied Heating Cycle -Control set at 72°F. Stage No.1 on at 70.5°F,off at 72.5°F. Stage No .2 on at 69.5°F,off at 70.5°F. Stage No.3 on at 68.0~,off at 69.OOF. HEATING,VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 10 -e Stage No.4 on at 67.0~,off at 68.0~. 1 7)Unoccupied Heating Cycle -control set at 67°F. Delete this sequence for 24 hour operation stores. Stage No.1 on at 65.5~,off at 66.5~. Stage No.2 on at 64.5~,off at 65.5°F. ·Stage No.3 on at 63.0~,off at 64.OOF. Stage No.4 on at 62.0~,off at 63 .OoF. Stage No.5 on at 61.0~,off at 62.OOF. Stage No .6 on at 60.0~,off at 61.0~. Band width shall be field adjustable,when changes are desired.All controls shall be calibrated when shipped. c.Night Set-Back Operation,Unoccupied Cycle.Delete Night Set-Back control sequence for 24 hour operation stores. 1)All controls are locked out when control is set back for a minimum of 35 minutes,so store will stratify. 2)Set point of the Heating-Cooling reduced from 72~to 67°F.Number setback shall be field adjustable. control is of degrees 3)Cooling is locked out,unless store temperature rises above 80~. 4)Indoor fan operation only on demand. 5)Outside air damper is c losed. 6)Set point of Humidity Control Cycle is not changed. 7)Third stage cooling is locked out. d.Humidity Control (on ly for medium humid climate zone per Safeway FE-16 Form) 1)Set point shall be 45%RH. 2)Humidistat shall override thermostat,switch on cooling in steps and modulate cooling coil by- pass damper. HEATING,VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING e r&:.)~~AYINC. OJ l ~ENGLEWOOD,CO80112 -1412 (3 03)84 3-7600 December 24,1996 Mr.CharlieDavis Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:SAFEWAY STORE NO .631 2131 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL,COLORADO 81657 Dear Mr.Davis: U '"u r P.O.BO X 5927 T.A . D ENVER.CO802 17 96 ?T. Please beadvisedthatSafewayInc.ischanginggeneral contractors onthe Phase II Expansion portion of themajorremodel.Thenewgeneral contractor for the expansion willbe Resource Construction,LLC,Robert J.Mattucci,President,(303)755-8070,a subsidiary of the Etkin Construction Co. Wehavethe utmost faithinthisfirmandknowthey will handlethe project in avery professional manner. Sincerely, SAFEWAY INC. CONSTRUCTION DEP ARTMENT c,~YAy~ Cam Potter Director of Construction CP/pb cc:BrianHannig ~ Bob Mattucci rfD<\"o<yo iedGOPaper lJt..\...,•..::i .l.1.-=':::'0 ':'"C.~H I·~-···I"":t..;:)UUf"l::"""t:..LVI1 :::l'"~V "·.••~._..-••..•..•-.---..------ ~12/9'1~.2/9S we.S/97 #195A TOWN OF \fAil. REGISTERED CONTRACTOR RESOURCE CONSTRUCTION co 10065E HARV4RD AVE #807 DENVER CO 80231 BETSY ROSOLACK APPROVECBY I'IV •.,:)...:)1:::.1 r.J. e e TOWN OF VA IL DEPARTMENT OF CO MM UNITY DEVELOP MENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #:B96 -0330 Job Address : Location ...: Par cel No ..: p ro ject No.: 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST SAFEWAY 2131 N FRONTAGE 2 103 -114 -1 5-011 PRJ96 -0097 Statu s ...: RApp l ied ..: Issued ...: Exp i re s ..: ISSUED 10/21/1996 10/31/1996 04/29/1997 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC AP ~EXPENSE,PO BOX 29089,PHOENIX AZ 850389089 CONTRACTOR RESOURCE CONSTRUCTION CO Phone:303 -755-8070 1006 5 E HARVARD AVE #807,DENVER CO 80231 APPLICANT SAFEWAY STORES 46INC De scription: SAFEWAY EXPANSION 4460 SF Occupancy:B2B2 Type Construction:II I-HR Type II I-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: Firepla ce I nformat ion:Re stricted: 750,000 #O fGasApplian ces: AddSq Ft: #OfGas Log s:#Of Wood/Pallet : ***********************************************************FEE SUM MARY ********************************************************** Bu i lding----->3,340.00 Re stuarant Plan Review -->.00 Total Ca lcu lated Fees--->6,664 .00 Plan Check--->2,171 .00 ORB Fee----------------->400.00 Additiona l Fees--------->.00 In ve stigati on>.00 Recreation Fee---------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->6,664.00 Will Cal l---->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit-------->750.00Payments---------------->6 ,664 .00 TOTAL FEES -------------->6,664 .00 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Divi sion: Division: Div ision: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10 /,21 /,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE PLANS TO 10;31;1996 CHUCK Actlon :APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10/,21/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE PLANS TO 10;22;1996 DOMINIC Action:APPR approvedItem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 0/,21/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE PLANS TO 10;28;1996 JOHNG Action:APPR Item:0550 0 PUB LIC WORK S 1 0/21/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A??? Dept:BUILDING CHUCK Dept:PLANNING MIKE MO LLICA w/conditions bept:FIRE MIKE M Dept :PUB WORK Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of th is Document for a ny conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Iherebya cknowledge that Ihave read th is a ppl ication ,fil ledout i nf ullth e i nformation req uired,comp letedana ccu ratep lot plan ,and state that a ll the info r ma tion pro vided asr equired is cor re ct.Iagr ee to com ply with t he i nf orma ti onand p lot p lan, t ocomply with all Townord inances and s tatela ws,andt o build thi ss tr ucture according t o theTown's zoning and s ubdiv ision codes ,design re view approved,Un iform Building Code andother ordinances oft he Town appli ca ble t hereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR S IN ADVAN CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PH SendClean-Up Depos it To :SAFE UAY INC SIGNATURE OF4IIItR OR CO NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OUNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B96 -0330 as of 12/31/96 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant:SAFEWAY STORES 46INC Job Address: Location:SAFEWAY 2 131N FRONTAGE RD Parcel No:2 103-114-15-011 Description: SAFEWAY EXPANSION 4460 SF Applied:10/21/1996 Issued:10/31/1996 To Expi re:04 /29/1997 Conditions: 1 .FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED . 2.FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3.The o wner shall not store s now on-site and shall have snow h auled off-site after 3 inches of snow fall. 4.The owner shall provide complete paving and drainage plans f or Public Works approva l prior to commencement of site work. 5.The owner shall provide a gate to prevent vehicle access to the loading area.The gate has not been approved and shall be approved by staff or the DRB prior to installation. 6.The applicant/owner shall provide an agreement and funds (ca sh deposit or letter of c redit to insure landscaping remains healthy for a period of three years from the date of instal lation. 7.The landscape area along the North Frontage Road must be red esigned to provide as much of a berm as possible. 8.The railing on the stairs from Chamo nixmustb e painted to m atch t he Trim co lor on t he Safeway Bu ilding. 9.The appl icant/owner shall o btain approval f or all parking 10 t lighting including poles and f ixtures prior to instal latio n . 10.The applicant/owner shall provide a cardboard recycling cont ainer in order to recycle their own cardboard on-site. 11.Fire sprinkler plans must be submitted for approval by the F ire Department. 12.Fire protection for hood system must be submitted to fire de pt .for approval. 13.STRUCTURAL COLUMNS AND MAIN BUILDINGSTEEL MUST BE ONE HOUR PROTECTED. 14.THE CONSTRUCTIO N MUST COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND FEDERAL ACCESSABILITY REGULATIONS. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #:E97-0040 / Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: project No.: 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST S AFEWAY 2171 N FRONTAGE 2103-114-15-011 PRJ96-0097 Status ...: RAppli ed ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUE D 03/31 /1 997 03/31/1997 09/27 /1 997 APPLICANT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Phone:303 -777-7737 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE,DENVER,CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Phone:303-777-7737 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE,DENVER,CO 80223 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES46INC AP -EXPENSE,PO BOX 29089,PHOENIXAZ 850389089 Description:ELECTRICAL FOR SAFEWAY ADDITION Valuation:27,000.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Electrical---> ORB Fee ---> Investigation> 1I11 l Ca ll----> TOTAL FEES---> 486.00 .00 .00 3 .00 489.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments----------------> BALAN CE DUE-------------> 489.00 .00 489.00 489 .00 .00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 03/31/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPRFORERNST Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1996 NEC ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread t his application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree tocomplywiththe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the To~n applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TIIENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT 0 -OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM FOR HIMSE LF AND OWNER \ \ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0254 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#1988 489.00 03/31/97 13:39 Init:CD Permit No:E97-0040 Type:B-ELECELECTRICALPERMIT Parcel No:2103-114-15-011 Site Address:2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:SAFEWAY 2171 N FRONTAGE RD Total Fees:489.00 This Payment 489.00 Total ALL Pmts:489.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICALPERMITFEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 486.00 3.00 \ ·'r;p n tac t Eag l e c ~u n 'ty As se ss or s l ic e -3)"?-'l3le a t 970-3 28-8640 fo r Pa r ce l /I.TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION 'ARCEL /I :;2.16::>·II 4--'S .a u PERMIT APPLICATIO ~FORM DATE:,3/:J B /?I7 r ' PERl-lIT II--- ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [)-Building [)-Plumbing ~)-E l e ctr i ca l )-Mechan1cal []-Other J ob Name :~u..&Lw Aci:-\\tIro Job Address:,JJ.3l 1'..\,·HtQn\rn f'PJ."-\I,.t Leg al De scription:Lot Block Filing S UBDIV ISIO N: OwnersName:S£\.tl101 ~Add ress :~O.~X d§O~B-1 A-Z .Ph._ Arch i tec t:Address:Ph._ General DeSCriPtion~~€Q erk''t2=X\SltP 4 ::->tp---C Work Cl a ss:[]-New [~-Altera~ion []-Additional [)-Repair []-other _ Number of Dw elling units:Number of Accommodation units: ~mbe r and Type of Fireplaces:Gas App liances__.__G~s Logs WoodjPellet _ ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$EI ,ECTRICAL:$~'l {X?C>.~OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$.--------------r '***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** ~e n er a l Con tractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO ._ \ddr e ss:Phone Number: ~l ectr i ca l Contractor: \dd res s:-?x t??->\f.,j , 'lumbing Contractor: \dd re ss: lec ha ni c al Contractor: \d d ress: ,******************************* lU ILDINGPERMITFEE: 'LUMBINGPERMITFEE: lECHANICAL PERMITFEE: :LECTRICAL FEE: ITHER TYPE OFF EE: IRB FEE: .Town of Vail Reg.NO .2 &0 II . Phone Number:3:2 3 -7 '1 7 -2727 Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN .CHEC K FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK yEE : MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ..RECREATIONFEE:.. CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: omments:.-..:.~_ ;L EAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ~'L 7'0-1 . -"3 1 'l I 75 soulh frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 ofllce 01 community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said .material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. 75 south frontage road vall ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 4 79-2139 ollice 01 community development BUILDIN G PERf·IIT ISSU ANCE TIME FRM1 E If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval. Enq t neer vs (Public Works)reviewand approval.aPlanning Department r eview'orHealthDepartment review,andareviewbytheBuilding Dep artment,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeks . All commercial '(large or small)and all multi-family permits will have to follo w the above mentioned ma xi mu m requi rements.Residential and small projects s hould take a lesser amount oftime.'Howe ver,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departments wi.th r egard to necessary review,these projects may als o taketh e three wee k period.. Every attempt win bemade by this department toexpedite this . .permttas s.oon as possible. I,tbe undersigned,understand theplancheckprocedure and ti me frame. \I ~~~\ckT Lm~ '-'Project Name \. )C .~/d-8 ~47 Date Work Sheet was ~rned into the .Community Developm ent Depar tment. TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 8 1657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COt~1UN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M96-0173 Job Address :2 171 NFRONTAGERD WEST Location :2111 N FRON TAG E RD (SAFEWAY) Parcel No:2103 -114-15 -011 Proje ct Number:PRJ96 -0097 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:10/22/1996 Issued ...:10/22/1996 Expires ..:04/20/1997 APPLICANT VALLEY WID E MECH.&ELECTRICALI Phone:3039491747 POBOX 5080,AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH.&ELECTRICAL I Phone:3039491747 P OBOX 5080 ,AVON CO 8 1620 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC AP-EXPENSE,PO BOX 29089,PHO ENIX AZ 850389089 Description: HVAC REMODEL FOR SAFEWAY REMODEL Valuation:60,000.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted :Y nOf Gas Appliances:nOf GasLogs:nOf Yood/Pallet: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Me chanical--->1,200.00 Restuarant Plan Review -->.00Total Calculat ed Fee s--->1 ,503 .00 Pla n Check--->300.00 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Add itiona l Fees--------->.00 In ve stigation>.00 TOTAL FEES -------------->1,503 .00 Total PermitFee-------->1,503 .00 Yill Call---->3.00 Payments---------------->1,503 .00 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 10/22/1996 CHARLIE Action :APPRCHARLIEDAVIS Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 10/22/1996 CHARLIE Actio n:APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2.THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR HVAC "REMODEL"ONLY.SEPARATE PERMITSFOR FIRE PROTECTION ARE REQ'D. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby a cknowledge that Ihaveread this appli cation,filled outinfu ll the i nformation required ,completed an accurate p lot plan,and state t hat all the information prov ided as required is cor rect.I agree t o compL y withthe informat ion and plot p Lan, t o compL y with all Town ordinances and s tate laws,andtobuild this st ructure ac cording to t he Town's loning and subdi v ision codes,de si gn re view a pproved,Unifo rm Bu ilding Cod eand othe r ord inanc es oft he Town ap plicable thereto. REO UEST S FOR INS PEC TIONS SH ALL BE HADE TYENTY -FOUR HOURS SIGNATUR EOF OY NER OR CONT RA CTO R FOR HIMSE LF AND OY NE IN ADVA :BY TEL~OR AT OU R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AH 5 :00 PM **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** S tatemntNu mber :REC-0221 Amount: Payment Method :CK Notat ion:#8 892 1,503 .00 10/22/96 15 :2 7 Init :CD MECHANICA L PERM IT 1,5 0 3.00 1,503 .00 .00 RD WE ST RD (S AFEWAY) Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Balance : 1,50 3.00 M9 6-0173 Type:B-MECH 2103 -114-15 -011 2 171 N FRONTAGE 2 111 N FRONTAGE Permit No : Parce l No : Site Add ress : Locat ion : This Payment **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 4 1332 01 0000 4 1 336 Description MECHANICA L PERMITFEE S PLAN CHECK F EES WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFE E Amount 1,200 .00 300 .00 3.00 OC T-22-96 TU E 8:0 9 hM ~e TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO_ PARCEL il :2.10 3-111..\-\s--o l,PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:IO\;;l.~1 "t(p ?,2 Pl::RNIT f --- peJ%'-0::>'j 7 Architect: APPLICl\TION MUll'l"DE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY Nor BE ACCEPTED ]1(••••••...•••••.•••••.••••••**PERMIT INFORMATION *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,[]-Building []-Plullwlng [)-Electl:'1cal (~"Mechanical [J -Other Job N;:)me:Sc...·~e~Job Address:~I II .IV Fv"Unht~~c~we·V- Leg'Ql Deocription:J.ot___Block Filing SYBDIVISIOiJ: Owners Name:~=-~-.!::ko.::L0=u..=l1\-Address:r-:>O -~'i()e':1 Ph~t1.AJ/,&Z.Plil'..!.V'?;&'-, ____________Address:Ph.~_ Generdl oescription:rL~e....~~::.<::lo==_..I.t\~U;:::;.:.A.:..:...::::C=.,-,----::- Work Class;[]-NeW [~-Alteration (J-Additional [)-Repair ()-other_.__-__ Number ot owelling units:NUmber of Accommodation Units; * mber and ~ype o~Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/pellet .~**~**.**.***.******.*****.*****VALUATIONS ********************************* ('M1fo-O t73 aUILDIN<,;:,ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$~LUM B I N G :$MF;CHANICA~iA~;;~l)~~O 'I'O'I'AL:S""-',---=::)"="O"",-::O<$.,..-::::'"'I..--=--- ***************************CONTRAC~R ~~M~TION ******••***•••••••••••••••• eneral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number I Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbihg Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor ~\)0.\\~q Lu\l1@_ Address:':P"~O&'"O (7><VO.,.,..."c.0 TOWn of Vail ~eq.NO._ Phone Number: Town of vail Reg.NO.__ Phone number: 'l"own of vail Reg.NO.(03p Phone Number:~q -(-,'17 SQ.FT.VALUATION ~******************************* BUILDING PERMIT ~EE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PF.RMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: TYPE GROUP FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* DUILDING PLAN CHECK ~~~: PLUMBING PlJUl CHECK FEE: MECRANIC~L p~CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP V~POSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNA'.l'URE : ZONING: SIGNATURE: COJl\l11ents:--------------~--- (CLEAN UP D'£POSIT REFUND to:' e e TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PLUMB ING PERM IT Permit #:P96-0138 Job Address:2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status ...:ISSUED Location ...:2131 N.FRONTAGE RD (SAFEApplied ..:08/30/1996 Parcel No ..:2103-114-15 -011 Issued ...:08/30/1996 Project No.:PRJ96-0097 Expires ..:02/26/1997 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH.&ELECTRICALI Phone:3039491747 POBOX 5080,AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH.&ELECTRICAL I Phone:3039491747 POBOX 5080,AVON CO 81620 OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC AP-EXPENSE,PO BOX 29089,PHOENIX AZ 850389089 Description:PLUMBING FOR REMODEL Valuation:60,270.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Plumbing-->915.00 Restuarant Plan Review->.00Total Calculated Fees->1,146.75 Plan Check -->228.75 TOTAL FEES------->1,146.75 Add itional Fees>.00 I nvestigat ion>.00 TotalPermitFee>1,146.75 \lill Call-->3 .00 PaYlllents >1,146.75 BALANCE DUE >.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 08/30/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPRFOR CHUCK F ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'DTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS 1herebyacknowledge that 1haveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the informat ion providedas required is correct.1 agree to comply withthe information and plot plan, to comply with al l Town ord inances and state laws,andto build th is structure according to the Town'szoningandsubdiv ision codes,design rev iew approved,Un iform Bu ild ing Code and other ord inances of the Town appl icable thereto. REQUESTS FOR **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0193 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:14522 1,146.75 08/30/96 13:16 Init:ALM Permit No:P96-0138 Type:B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No:2103-114-15-011 Site Address:2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:2131 N.FRONTAGE RD (SAFEWAY) Total Fees:1,146.75 This Payment 1,146.75 Total ALL Pmts:1,146.75 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 915.00 228.75 3.00 ?2 (;3~3j- _________Ph.~45-7S.f"~ __________Ph .~~gli-s t,iJ G-29-96 THi;4:25 PM J.VW14 Ul"VALL CONSTRUCTIO" IJPARCEL U::.i O~·-\Il4 -16-0 iIIIIIII.PERMIT APP1fEAgjqz FO~ .,..-DATE::2 ~APPLrCAT~ON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED j\"•••'•••••*•••**************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [)-51.\11111ng [')g-Plumbing [)-Electrical [)-Mechani"cal [)-Other _ JolJ Name:~..l\eu-uc.f!&:st Job Address:213/.f\J .'PY()Y}1a.tt l2-ei Legal Description:Lot Block Filing SUBDIVISION : Owners Name:'5:JfelbXit.j 5/fJCC'.s.Address: ArC1l1tect:W\a('lel-j Afmi-kctureJ.ddress: General Description:... Work Class:[]-New [~-Alteration (J-Additional [J-Repair ()-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas AppliancBs Gas Logs Wood/Pellet "*********************************VALUATIONS .*******************************+ BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$~_-,.-~_ PLUMBING:$f,pO,?-7Q9 ~MSCHANICAL;~TOTAL:$rp~;)70,-~.-'01 11**.**********.*11**""••CONTRAC'.l'OR ·INl"ORMATION ***********************-*** eneral contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO.__ Address;Phone Number: Electrical cont~actor: Address: Plumbing con~ractor:__~~='~~~__ Add);'ess:\)a~WY(\e:I"Jxd6 ~~(ecr= Mechaninal·Contraotor: Acldl:'ess: Town of Vail Reg.NO.__ Phone Numbp-r.: Town of Vai~RQg.NO.A23V? Phone Number:QQQ-/747 Town of Vail Reg.NO.__ Phone Number: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION - ********.*********************** BlIT.LDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANIChL P~RMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE **.***.***.****,,~••*w~k******** BUILDING PLAN CHECK .FEE:' PLUMBING PLAN 'CHECK 'i E i::~.:: MECHANICAL PLAN \CHECt .>FEE :'t'-.,..:--,--..,---- .RE CRE ATION FEE:e->" CLEAN-UP DEPos m:AUG 3 0 1 9 ~-...,--::;~,.---- TOTAT.PERM I 'I'F&;EP =f>I'\!.U ~\lr \...:I-:-"~';-o;.'.,..._ •I i \F •t;J !1 n~1.!J~J r/..... BOn,OING:. SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATtJRE: comments:__ , CLEAN UP DEPOSl'r REFUND TO;, 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado81657 970 -479 -2138/479-2139 FA X 970-479-2452 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: • Department of Community Development MEMORANDUM Brian Hannig,Project Manager PaulReeves ,Environmental Health OrrrrT'F..'M' August 6,1996 Vail Safeway remodel Following arethe comments thatIhave eonceming the remodel of theVail Safeway.The application wasvery complete,andI appreciate your cooperation.The following fouritems must be addressed to obtain Health Department approval for operation: I.)A handsink mustbe placed intheBakery; 2.)A handsink mustbe placed intheMeat Cutting area ; 3.)A handsink must beplacedinthe unisex restroom near themeat cutting area.Some of the plans you submitted tome indicated ahandsinkinthisarea,and some indicated amop sink.Asink must beintherestroom exelusively forhandwashing. 4 .)Finally,an area must be made available to accommodate awaste container to facilitate the recycling of corrugated cardboard.This canbe addressed with your proposal to modify the exterior,if thatis approved.If the exterior modification isnot approved,the facilitywillhavetobemade available withthisremodel. Thank youfor your cooperation Brian.If you have any questions,please feelfreeto contact me at (970)479-2333. o HECYCU'V I'APER PEJUolIT /I---- **Contact Eagle County AssesscaOffice ._ ,. .,at 97Q-328-8640 for Parcel ~TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTI~ •PARCEL II:~_I ()~I I :.{Lf ()I !PERMITAPPLICATION FORM •DATE:Y1 -,,,-5 b ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** D(J-Building [J-Plumbing [J-Electrical [J-Mechanrcal [J-Other __ Job Name:.s.I\F t:."';~'{.Job Address::l \3\NC!·F (<l .....{~l\E Rtl ..~.\lr..\L Legal DE'~>cription:Lot 3 BIOp'k~Filing 3 SUBDIVISION:V~i:(,\.'\o lM ,oJ >:Nl.dt'",,,OJ),<0 ~.,\~ Owners Name:s.A.~t.\)Jt.'-{Il\J<"Address:b ~0 0 00 .',C>s t .....'rt"L ST .-Ph.3 o"'.l '~Y ~1 ~ Architect:'::b \,.\,.\fl,II\'"'t Ar c!t-.ine-tWI...L Address:SSO ,t"\A~A,F,-Tk ;1\.M v l/l &L P h .3()~-(p it; General Description:J\!Y'M !)Q...9.-:~Ih'\t..BLJ)l\.r IN'SH 'E <;~£''iW--F-~~,J ~.h n..n~ Work Class:[J -New f;><J -AIteration [J -Additional [J -Repair [J -Ot:her _ Number of Dwelling Units:_~~Number of Accommodation Units:~~ * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas APPlianCeS~Gas L~~s Wood/Pellet **********************!~*******VALUAT '(ONS *********************************f (-J c;C,-6D9 7 BUILDING:$'iCl.~.~ELECTRICAL:$I ~O ,OO ()OTHER:$~_ PLUMBING:.L-~~.n-MECHANICAL:f-...=....J.2 ..Q...Q...Q.TOTAL:$8-Ue_)-~<\.l'\,-__~***********.:'*******~*****CONTRAC'l'OR INFO~TION .*********~*****************~~~neral ~ontractor :£..lI\e._Town of vaii R~NO.Address:..)~"'Jlsre ~~.oc~C{r ~hoM Number:6LL~iL-r 0 0 3 &;Z::;(z /2-IGlf.'~10-Elect~ical Contractor:10wn of Vail Reg.NO._ A~a~ess:Phone Number: .Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Cont;::actor: Address: ******************************** Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number; BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: ---------- ---------_..._. TYPE GROUP ---------------------------.. Comments:------------------_0_----------------------------------- 75 south frontage road vall ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OFVAIL TOWN OFVAILPUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail PUblic Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of p~rson notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail auilding Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. ~kn~:dg ed '". )(~c ~~~.---__ "Pv~,~!y\t;,v-tu..-v.,~&\-~h\~Y -:LWL -.~ositiorl/Relationshi~td projec~(i.e.contractor,owner) ~Dat~~~~1.-_ •• 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 officeof community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If th is permi.t requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer "s (Publ ic Works)reviewand approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may take aslong as three weeks. All commercial ("large or small)and all multi-family permitswill have tofollow the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time.However,if residenhal or·smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,these projects may also takethe three week period . Every attempt will be made by this de~artment to expedite this . .permtt.es soon as possible. I,toe undersigned,understand theplancheckprocedureandtime frame. )t S~~~\.0 ~~ Project Name \ltt _\~__ ~Date Work Community Sheet was turned into the Develonm ~~t Department. ,..~ _ IEUJAIfi All)OORMAN,~ CONSULllNG STRUcnJRAL ENGINEERS 88 S1EElE STREET SUllE 200 DENVER.ca.oRADO 80206 PHONE:3 03-377-2732 PROJECT SUB JECT O RA~BY Va ll 5aFeuJa!:l Addlt.lon Foundallon Revl&lon t<l...CHECKED BY NEE. PROJECT NO .~"',zl",e. DATE 111/':\1 PAGE NO. DOUGLAS EDGINGT ON Superi ntendent ~E T K I N~CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 5460 s.QU EBEC.S UITE 10 0 ENGLEWOOD.CO LORADO 801,' (303)773·38 00 •FAX773·3857 12"RE 11'c'F.01U WALL WI •Eo Y . .!It 4 '-""o.c. V2"EXP.JT.MAT'L. S "UNRE INF.CONC. 5LA6 ON GRADE 1~'·0" FIN.FLR. ..Eo DOWELS a t. 4'-""o..c. FULL G~UT EYERY CELL TOELEY.1""'·IZl" -.--.... ..... (2).S CONT. IN FOOTING 4 "1'-IZl"4 " 1'-8" Town of Vail OFFICE COpy FOUNDATION DETAIL(J;)-------'--------'---'---~----- TOWNOFVAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT NEUJAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 88 S1EEl.E STREET SUI1E 200 DENVER,COLORADO 80206 (303);rn-2732 LCULAT ~tJ ~L TERNATENO.1 JUNE 7,1996 PROJECTNO.96065 Town of Vail OFF fCECOPY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ============================================================================ Section Database Matl.Area Moment of As yjy Label Shape Set Inertia Coef --------------------------------------(inA2)---------(inA4)----------------- BEAM H24X62 STEEL 18.20 1550.000 1.20 Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio Coefficient Density (Fy) ---------------(Ksi)-----------------------(F)--------(Kjft3)------(Ksi)---- STEEL-29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 36.000- Job,_~r.L.:-__ Page-::---,-=-:,..--_ Date 96065VAILSAFEWAYADDITION ROOF FRAMING Units option us standard AISC Code Checks 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation:No P-Delta Effects No Redesign No Edge Forces No A.S.I.F.1.333 ~RISA-2D (R)version 3.0~ Neujahr &Gorman,Inc. 44 Cook st.suite 200 Denver,Colorado 80206 Node Boundary Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,Kjin)----(in,Kjin)---(r,K-ftjr)-----(F)- 1 0.00-0.00 R ·-R -0.00 2 29.50~0.00 0.00 3 36.83 .......0.00 R-0.00 4 72.33--0.00 R-0.00 5 82.00"0.00 0.00 6 101.00-0.00 0.00 7 107.83 --0.00 R-0.00 8 135.67 ..0.00 R-0.00 I J I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node section xyzxyz Sec Sway I J Length ------------------------------------------------------(in)----(in)------(ft) 1 -1--2-BEAM-1-29.50- 2 -2 --3 -BEAM --7.33 - 3 -3--4 -BEAM -·35.50 - 4-4-'-5-BEAM -9.67- 5-5 ----6-BEAM-1-1-19.00 - 6 -6·-7 -BEAM -6.83 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLIENT t- IJOB NO....'1foOC::,S . IDATE BY S·Z-Z ·9b ~ P.\GE r/ 1'<.-I S U .. /7$0 0/, !..L 1/c.. "Z;:.~~ 5o~1 ..;I::'olI-;' NEUJAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STR UCTURAL /170,.osI ENGIN EERS Pc.a: 5;Hj,%7 /t'j,... e a..Jt c.e I............,,...¢e J "'-'>+1'" 1"b{. 1)L 5f'~r b~l-we~Y7 "i 5 L",e ~.S7 ' (Vl~~2 SI E L-:~8.7 I I ?"=3 -"6 o.e. '2 1 '-''''-~\,Q ,oJ, $",~p fE r 'J ~d 5f»-1 MM~':Z'3/./5 Use W t.4 X c-z. L Da..:!,/]'j , ~(}O{~",/-a,..,';5/2 D~J B-2~'"6;./·.wI-. v¢<.-....b!e.Ct>-vtl-,!etler SI'4-1 5 fo 4- Ir1m~,.t "14-.$'"lit:-s'1"~e ~12 ~()If {1-1!"W/ U5e.WZ4x7fo MI1.:29 S ~L ..."/2;' 5(.J.t;ptZ~...dC'.A <;p~be.f.wee ..1 4-tf.:l; 1V7fl/"'"c 1s.6 4114 t..u::;.57 I U$~W /~x'~S M R=I /q.lte.~LG·r:,.~! 511'19 Ie c...,,;,I /E!-Y ~-.;p~~./-n '2. IYlm ....".-:189 ."z.,"-L ..~:3.S 7 I 18,7 .44 /It..L",:G,8 ~I U <;e.W 2 ¢x-S 5 j'd z :'Z z(..'/I.e L ;::7.0 ' I'/~'W Dec..I..1/:-.;. I /,-;;-:z.~L."8 ~"';0 1 5,r :~PtJ-C.e'd ~-,- Loo.d 'r'l a~. e"0 I I".q 5!/';-/<!!"..,.. Use '28/<1 U se IZ IJ '22 G IJ 1"'tee F 5.fee l ,.G"I z:;;~Jc. N e t<.).Jo t SK S~~S /-o If L a eJ-,tIt rl t:I "r I/f?oo r '-s.,..,-u&-rz......re I I I I I I I·· I I I I I I I I I ============================================================================ IJ I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node section x y zx y z Sec Sway IJ Length ------------------------------------------------------(in)----(in)------(ft) 7-7 ~-8 ~BEAM 27.84 - Nodes ==========I-End ====================J-End ========== NoIJ Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-20 .00 5.53 -0.00 0.00 5.53 0.00 WE DYNA SV Job_---:::-=-__ Page_-:ii-:~-=-_ Date 96065 DEAD LOAD Self wt BLC BLC BLC BLCBLC Dir Fac FacFac Fac FacFac 1 DEAD LOAD Y~-l'l'-I-I 2LIVE LOAD A Y --l~2 --1-1~-1-1 3LIVE LOAD B Y--l-3 ~-1 ~1 --I-I 4 LIVE LOAD C Y--l-4--1-1 --1 '1 5 LIVE LOAD D Y--1-5 --I-I--I-I 6LIVE LOAD E y ,-1-6.....-1.....1-"-I -I Load Combination is 1 :DEAD LOAD Reactions ..... Load Combination is 1 Member End Forces_ VAIL SAFEWAY ADDITION ROOF FRAMING ~RISA-2D (R)version 3.0~ Neujahr &Gorman,Inc. 44 Cook st.suite 200 Denver,Colorado 80206 IJ Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Lc In Out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)-----(ft)-----(ft)---------------------------------- 11-2 3.57~ 22-3 7.33 - 33-4 3.57 ~ 44-5 9.67' 55-6 3.57 ..... 66-7 6.83 - 77-8 3.57' Load Combination No .Description Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 0.00000 5.53023 0.00000 3 0.00000 14.89507 0.00000 4 0.00000 13.88085 0.00000 7 0.00000 12.52912 0.00000 8 O.00000 4.03033 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 50.86559 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ !Z.It? S-H··1C. Job_--:::;~-:;--_ P age--,c=--::c..=-=-- Date 96065 ============================================================================ VAIL SAFEWAY ADDITION ROOF FRAMING ~RISA-2D (R)version 3.0~ Neujahr &Gorman,Inc. 44 Cook st.Suite 200 Denver,Colorado 80206 Nodes ==========I-End ====================J-End ========== NoIJ Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 2 2-3 0.00 -5.53 -0.00 0.00 8.28 -50.61 3 3-4 0.00 6.62 50.61 0.00 6.69 -51.91 __ 4 4-5 0.00 7.19 51.97 0.00 -3.56 0.00 5 5-6 0.00 3.56 0.00 0.00 3.56 0.00 6 6-7 0.00 -3.56 -0.00 0.00 6.12 -33.02 .. 7 7-8 0.00 6.41 33.07 0.00 4.03 0.00 'AIL SAFEUAY ADDITION 96865 rOF FRAM INS I I I I I I DL. '5///"1 I ..0'-~J."7 II<- =~'t:::::::::::e e1h-<z:::::>-8 t 1~:7.I ~t1,71 J" Q (. DtaqraJ'l + I I I I I I I 1'I0000ent I I I I Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 0.00000 31.34273 0.00000 3 0.00000 91.25162 0.00000 4 0.00000 38.28911 0.00000 7 0.00000 36.88624 0.00000 8 0.00000 28.38745 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 226.15735 0.00000 Nodes ==========I-End ====================J-End ========== NoIJ Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.00 31.34 0.00 0.00 31.34 0.00 2 2-3 0.00 -31.34 -0.00 0.00 46.92 -286.83 3 3-4 0.00 44.33 286.83 0.00 31.10 -51.97 4 4-5 0.00 7.19 51.97 0.00 -3.56 -0.00 5 5-6 0.00 3.56 0.000.00 3.56 0 .00 6 6-7 0.00 -3.56 0.00 0.00 6.12 -33.07 7 7-8 0.00 30.76 33.07 0.00 28.39 -0.00 I I I I I I I I I Load Combination is 2: Reactions Load Combination is 2 Member End Forces LIVE LOAD A LIVE LOAD A ~IL SAFEUAY ADDITION .,OF FHAnlttG 96865 I I I I I I I t-nt I + Diaqran II-.'ll'" n. 1 I Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 0.00000 31.34273 0.00000 3 0.00000 53.35576 0.00000 4 0.00000 47.60765 0.00000 7 0.00000 71.00916 -0.00000 8 0.00000 22.84203..'0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Load Combination is 3: Reactions LIVE LOAD B ============================================================================ Node Globa l X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K )---------------(K-ft)--------- Totals 0.00000 226.15733 0 .00000 Nodes ==========I-End ====================J-End ========== NoI J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.00 31.34 0.000.00 31.34 0.00 2 2-3 0.00 -31.34 -0.00 0.00 46.92 -286.83 3 3-4 0.00 6.44 286.83 0.00 6.87 -294.56 44 -5 0.00 40.73 294.56 0.00 -20.19 0.00 5 5-6 0.00 20.19 0.000.00 20.19 0.00 6 6-7 0.00 -20 .19 -0.00 0.00 34.70 -187.44 7 7-8 0.00 36.31 187.44 0.00 22.84 -0.00 ~RISA-2D (R)version 3.0tlt Neujahr &Gorman,Inc. 44 Cook st.suite 200 Denver,Colorado 80206 4 f ·t.t $-z.?q (., Job_----::;;.....L::-....,......_ Page _~..;::...;....--::-_ Date 96065 LIVE LOAD BLoadCombinationis3: Member End Forces VAI L SAFEWAY ADDITION ROO F FRAMING I I I I I I I I I IlIL SAFEUAY ADDITiOn I)OF FRAI'IJrIG 969&5 I I I I I I I -B ~T&l !zz .7C:./I( f n._"-J f '..ri:4 I ~:,~..lss,+&]15.8/1:. l.f..LL I..L +l ..ent Di .............. I Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 0.00000 5.53023 0.00000 3 0.00000 39.12422 0.00000 4 0.00000 85.32420 0.00000 7 0.00000 46.65204 .0.00000 8 0.00000 -1.51510 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 175.11559 0.00000 Nodes ==========I-End ====================J-End ========== NoIJ Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K )------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.00 5.53 -0.00 0.00 5.53 0.00 2 2-3 0.00 -5.53 0.000.00 8.28 -50.61 3 3-4 0.00 30.85 50.61 0.00 44.59 -294.56 4 4-5 0.00 40.73 294.56 0.00 -20.19 0.00 5 5-6 0.00 20.19 0.00 0.00 20.19 0.00 6 6-7 0.00 -20.19 0.00 0.00 34.70 -187.44 7 7-8 0.00 11.95 187.44 0.00 -1.52-0.00 I I I I I I I I I Load Combination is 4: Reactions Load Combination is 4 Member End Forces LIVE LOAD C LIVE LOAD C ~L SAFEUAY ADDITIO" rF FRAI'III'IG 96065 I I I I I I I 0"- t.L + - _5 ,S.s Ie LL I D1.agratt ===============--============================================================ Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 0.00000 31.34273 0.00000 3 0.00000 53.35576 0.00000 4 0.00000 47.60765 0.00000 7 0.00000 46.65204 0.00000 8 0.00000 -1.51510 0 .00000 Totals 0.00000 177.44308 0.00000 Nodes ==========I-End ====================J-End ========== NoIJ Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.00 31.34 0.00 0.00 31.34 0 .00 2 2-3 0.00 -31.34 -0.00 0.00 46.92 -286.83 3 3-4 0.00 6.44 286.83 0.00 6.87 -294.56 4 4-5 0.00 40.73 294.56 0.00 -20.19 0.00 5 5-6 0.00 20.19 0.00 0.00 20.19 0.0 0 6 6-7 0.00 -20.19 0.00 0.00 34.70 -187.44 7 7-8 0.00 1 1.95 187.44 0 .00 -1.52-0.00 Job,_--:::-:::-=-_ Page_~=,=,,-:=-:: Date 96065 LIVE LOAD D LIVE LOAD D Load Combination is 5 Member End Forces Load Combination is 5: Reactions VAIL SAFEWAY ADD ITION ROOF FRAMING ~RISA-2D (R)version 3.0~ Neujahr &Gorman,Inc. 44 Cook St.Suite 200 Denver,Colorado 80206 I I I I I I I I I I I 1L 1L SAFEUAY ADDITIO~ I)OF FRAI'IIttG 96865 I I I I I I I f ~~~sj l'Z·tIJ t 10 .1.5" LC,. Nodes =======--==I-End ====================J-End =======--== NoIJ Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.00 5.53 -0.00 0.00 5.53 0.00 2 2-3 0.00 -5.53 0.00 0.00 8.28 -50.61 3 3-4 0.00 37.68 50.61 0.00 37.76 -51.97 Node Global X Global Y Moment----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 0.00000 5.53023 0.00000 3 0.00000 45.95757 .0.00000 4 0.00000 44.94336 ·0.00000 7 0.00000 36.8862~0.00000 8 0.00000 28.38745 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 161.70483 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Load Combination is 6: Reactions Load Combination is 6 Member End Forces LIVE LOAD E LIVE LOAD E ============================================================================ Nodes ==========I-End ====================J-End ========== NoIJ Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 4 4-5 0.00 7.19 51.97 0.00 -3 .56 0.00 5 5-6 0.00 3.56 0.00 0.00 3.56 0.00 6 6-7 0.00 -3.56 0.000.00 6.12 -33.07 7 7-8 0.00 30.76 33.07 0.00 28.39 -0.00 ~RISA-2D (R)version 3.0~ Neujahr &Gorman,Inc. 44 Cook st.Suite 200 Denver,Colorado 80206 I I I I I I VAIL SAFEWAY ADDITION ROOF FRAMING 96065 Job A1f Page i!.•-z.;; Date 5 -Z ~.q ... ~!L SAFEUAY ADDITION pF FHAfI IttG 96065 tA It> I ~/.et..t l..L It-3 /.o ~ U_ 9 2 + I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS LL 4$.Cj I< (H-!>Y1 ~des.)/4-,q r.7~.¢.o; :p.8"/22 .~~ /il./1:.WOiSt ~e IJOBNO.9r..Or..s:e . ~$Cl.me 1;.¥weLd.i Je~~/t?e /ot:J-d CAf''''-<:.:"ry k c I~=.'2 ZZ Jl'~.()0.'"9.zsUf,e,'"~,S / c=I ~&j V -::4 n."UJ eL).) c /~/.0 P -=C,C tN.....("Tx J )(4-It.J6 e 44.7 It:::>:'?S ~/..= 1 --t- I 4-,,1 ~ I DATE BY Pu.!6 ,.,e'l /ficA .:;·Z8·9"!Yfi. n r rz:/.J I 'IPAGE 0.~J'r«<J O t"rT"i:"-y V l ,/J a '....6..0-.1 ,t-trY1}t<.'10 '"~Iu.-,«>I'J ~0 I"i G 1"1.d ,4 *'/"e.;O /&1-Co €tt/o-"~,,,.'1 tJa-tl L 00 ,1 IrnrYl €)(I s h ;1.4 Roo I Z)L {r I [,4 1!Z ./.;<00 fftJ--Y'rl'J17 ~$r-ern ,100 :J ~S',~9>(?',ZSIZ.",.11' L 0 13-;./f,rwl o tE-w R~0 -I R oof Fr~,r)1 'S'-j sl erIJ Use 4.I,W e LJ sh Uw-fl • L -C:A a II,/~.1 s I I Use TS ox8"di- Ba-~e 'It At =IU ';!z"'h =/84-.1 I t?~ L e-11..?fh r~I d -:;I 84-,7 /s ='2 ?,/•=(1,<,/1.4-I I f~:14-4 ,1/8 /'1.4--:'o,7E ,k>1.<,7 ("x """.7 8 ~ M "(z4---,ce,,..S ')/z '"8.a " I.~\r;c;-.~~I U .IP=<..m y Iff '"2.x-B .8 V ~-e,'Z .5 4--rtro r»...{,/(. U'5 rd 1t./')l.8>X''Z.!.o I.vi ffI.-)te ~><8 x 0 ~t-:,.os /df erl t!.-(-s . I~N_T -.L._ 1-------:-----<.--- 1 1 1 1 1 I I ...., 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 z;:t.•d 4-,-I t!!~I Arc.h. L ak rcJ-.1 #t?t:L 1'I:;'5 r;..dd,·h ·~) S <if!;:;;I'YtI C. V -:ZIC W/Rw 7 'OC 0 .0 7S 1 ~/.O C'"2 .7$ 1?w'::'- V -ee IN')(.07 oS x 2 .7 S 4 -::.0."3 44 W W'"WR,.,.WlIJd.JI x 'Z4 /zllb R~tJ {=/5(..C:,7 ><I /rc)(I S +-ISr".f.:>7 xI/c:'",/oa -':'2089..9J8 't: '1110.)"'/~(;,'j/f Zt/-'/z../;8 ,.I/04-tr/,('$1-,107H ;l./I6>)''4Z'lO~Z.Jt 1.£11070· v=.o '$fq-)('2 5 /90 '1 0 -=6~~5.fcc c;l-her:lV'trr.ft .~.J~dV'"b:.),Wtl:f.-- Ce"ll-~a F 1'/1a :;s [z.u81178 ></I<..!-t +-1104 )l 1lc..xZh]/'ZS'/"7010 ~46.17 1 =>< /5 c,.~7/7-'"18 .:;;~/-=Y tJla..pJ,r"-1f'n 5h~F~'n;~'S ~w~~1-wa:t/.:8G>.'7'7.1:.r5SI Ji#,i . .fa Nor/-/'I s,JA os 4-7,~7 ~=4-/I ~IfI. p-=O.'.:Z ;(I .';O)(15 .c-><1 ""'Zo .c..ps{' -::0 O.~7 ,Ii I.~O "Z S ."X I -;.2 Z .=?;Os r -::0 ·72><I .;:"x ZS .'")£1 .,24.0;o s,c Fit ~~.,-,(Z4 71.!o",/.1".9 x/'·~/s d .7x 4-:I2Z.j/b:354-.5 'ifl. Fot'"ce ri,Rool E.:l-d··wt!!!:t ;'~S¢.s ><15 7.b 7 ,5581Z lr Fo rc e -10 Ro of l'Io rltr ·~,,-t lt -=354 ..5 ...1/"-..411~,J:. N EUJAHR AND GOR MAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 0 '...",15:' ,I I S -'U) ~'-z.r/ c~..0 .'1;"-z<>'.."ZSIo'-I S ' •I I S-ZO C ca C,,/':h I C e •O.~-Z e o ·C.i C q e-I.30 q~'"ZS .c:.ps r [-:=/.0 4~n'1-"/""/~,I ... S I f ~;.;!I :1'Of ;:t,'lit ~1 I I IS' 1$t.o ·"'l I 'i »sf i •i r I .~U 1--1' LOa-j ,'I':;S, W I /Iel p~I I I I I I I ::-~' I I I I I I I'_. I I NEUJAHR &GORMAN,INitConsultingStructuralEngme 88 Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 VA.FEWAY.~DITIOU 96 LA 'ANALYSIS DIAPHR.~GlI SHillS U.S. Date:OS /22 /96 Page:L''2. TORSIONAL ANALYSISOFRIGID DIAPHRAGMS ROOF DIAPIIRAGH OF JlEW ADD ITION COIlllECTED TO EXISTING 5.80 ft 7.83 ft 0.68 ft 78.33ft= Center of Rigidity ... XDist from Datun YDis t fron DatUD ----------RIGIDIlY &'lIJIlSI0IIS ---------- Accidental Eccentric ity ..• Mi ninun t R~X "X "= Mininum t MA X·Y·= Torsional Forces From·Y-Y ·Shear •.. XCD +5.0%Max X -XGr 53.29 ft XCD -5.0%Ma x X -XGr 41.69 ft Torsion To rsion = = 4618.2 k-tt 3613 .0 k-ft = = 678.4 k-ft -679.3 k-ft Wall centroid Wall XY Angle (ftl ID Wall Wall Wall Thick Length Heiqht (In)(ftl (ft l 18.00 18 .00 12 .0.16.00 18.00 0.50 78.33 58.00 0.50 58.00 156 .17 90 .0• 0.0 • 0.0 • Fixity E I : i i LL.--, .$,,",.so'< ~r , IT--- I • \I \1 I New'DeG./,u se /.5 F 'Z'Z.bJ!~/4J welds "'1 ~~/.,Pt1 #e.m ¢(4)1t/o iFE~$i de./~ G-5~,r?--r 'I..0 e(J au.t $-04-G e . V4.4Cl(c)1983-96 ENERCALC Heujahr and Goman,Inc .,kw-06019 75 Lt.. Va II Sa-few s-..;#:Lda":7 z;u10-7"7 er Il-rd /fe-c..:Iu.-re POt./.I?da.·/-trro;. F~Oh r19 tn'7 GrulA / Lcadll?eI Roo"'!LOO-A In g 35'"/1.fj~! Wa.-tl /)Je~9Itt /b 'x [;"'j sk.-,wtL-L/3 .5x 150 'Z)L. ZI.t;/ 3.7.c: j .7 " 1.7.ZO: NEU.JAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING /ZZ .~~STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS jZZ .~1C. t..L /7S0 71. 17$0 Ii/. --I-I illS IlOlAnOl FORCES --I-I !XIS 1lOl!'lI0I FORCES-- ....Pressures @Left/Right ....Pressures @Top /Bot MO llent:DL =0.0 k-It MOllent:DL =0.0 k-ft LL =0.0 k-rt LL =0.0 k-ft Short Term =0.0 k-ft Short Term =0.0 k-ft Shear :DL 0.00 k Shear:DL =0.00k LL =0.00k LL =0.00 k Short Tern =0.00 k Short Tern =0.00 k SIIIIlARI 7 .00 ft 7 .00 ft 16.00 1n 20 .00 m .... 84 .00 in ' Page :~.¢- BottOIl 3739.4 psf 1243.4 psf Botton 5983 .9 psf 1305.6 psf 1119 .1 psf 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5:1 Top 3739.4 psf 1243.4 psf Top 5983.9 psf 1305.6 psf 1119.1 psf Neujahr and Gorman,Inc.,kw-G6019 75 ----DIllElSIOIS ---- Wi dth Al ong x-x Axis = Lenqth Al ong 1-1 Ax is = Thickn ess = C01Ulln Dill.Al ong x-x Ax is: Coluan Di m.Al ong Y-Y Ax is= VA I~EWAY ADDITI ON 960 FO oss NEW COL .FTGS. M.E.S . Date:OS /28/96 27.20 k'-- 122 .3 k '" 0 .0 k 0.00 i n 0.00i n Vn *Phi 186.23psi 93.11 psi 93 .11 psi 93 .11 psi 93 .11 psi Ru 126.9 psi 126.9 psi 0.0psi 0.0psi Mu/Phi = Vu:1 wa y = Vu:2 Way = overturningRatio: -----IIoEnts Ii Sbears ----- Max.Allowable 19.8 k-rt ~56.0 pS1 _ 47 .2 psi .Jr 999 .0 :1 = = Left 3739 .4 psf 1243 .4 psf Left 5983 .9 psf 1305.6 psf 1119.1 psf Short Tern --!lone-- --None-- = ACI9-3 2.0 k-ft 2.0 k-It 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-It ACI9-3 4.70 psi 5.72 psi 5.72 psi 0.00psi 0 .00 psi = = = = 1 -Y AX IS X-X AX IS GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN FOOT I NGS @Infw COLU}fiIS ON GRID A NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,IN. Consulting Structural Engine 88 Steele St.,Suite 200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)3'77-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 Mu/Phi @ Left Mu /Ph i @ Right Mu /Phi @ Top Mu /Phi @ Botton Fac tor ofsaf ety : Factorof safety: f 'c = Fy = Rebar CL Clear t oSoil = Min.Steel %= V4.4C1 (c)1983-96 RHERCALC TwO-Wa y Shear One-Wa y:Vu @Left One-Wa y:Vu @Right On e-\ila y:Vu @ Top OnEMia y:Vu @ BottOIl ser viceLoadPressures.•.• DL +LL Dead +live+Short Term Fa ctoredLoadPressures .... ACI Eq9-1 .~C I Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 -----Soil Pressure ----- D+L D+L+ST Max Pressure =3739 .4 psfJ,.12n.4 psf AllowablePressure =4000.0 ~sf "'"5320.0 ~sf 'X'Ecc.ofResultant =o.u in u.o m 'Y'Ecc.ofResultant =0 .0 in0.0in ----DFSIGII DAn !II!L WADS ---- ,1,11 0'••soil Pressure =4000.0 ps t >Dead Load = ...Short Tern Increase =1.33Li ve Load = Base Pedista l He ight =0.00 i n,Short Term Load = seisni c Zone =0 -...Ecc.Al ong X-x lxis = Overburde n Weight =49 5.00 psf >•••Ecc.H ong Y-l ~.x is = Live &Short Term Loads Don'tAct Together Concrete Weig ht =145 .0 pct > I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V4 .4C1 (c)1983-96 ENERCALC 1.67 ft 1.00 ft 12.00 1n 12.00 in- 12.00 in- Page:':.$ ..J..93.1 psi t.J11;186.2 psi NIA 1.5:1 ----DIllEllSIOIS ---- width Along x-x Axis = Length Along I-I Axis = Thickness = Colunn Din.Along X-X Axis= Column Dill.Along I-I Axis= Heujahr and Gornan,Inc.,kw-0601975 As Reg'd 0.202 in2~ O.202 ~n2 ,J 0 Rfill.,)t:- 0.1431n2 0.143 in2J VA.LElfAI ADDITION 960 Fa ONS !lEW WALL FTG. M.E.S . Date:OS /28/96 2.03 k ~ 1.8 k-: 0.0k 0.00in 0.00 in Vn *Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi Ru 3.0psi 3.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0psi Mu /Phi = Vu:l Wav = Vu:2 Way = OVerturning RatiO' -----IIoIents ,Shears ----- Max.Allowable 0.2 k-It 0.0psi 0.0psi 999 .0 :1 Short Tern --None-- --None-- Left Right Top Botton 2798.0 psf 2798.0 psf 2798.0 pSf 2798 .0 psf 1748.0 psf 1748.0psf 1748 .0psf 1748.0 psf Left Right Top Bottom 4232.2 psf 4232.2 psf 4232.2 psf 4232.2 psf 1835.4 psf 1835.4 psf 1835.4 psf 1835.4 psf 1573.2 psf 1573 .2 psf 1573.2psf 1573.2 psf =23.53 =109.54 psi =219.1 psi ACI 9-3 0.1 k-fto.i x-n 0.0k-It 0.0 k-ft ACI 9-3 0.00psi 0.00psi 0.00psi 0.00 psi 0.00psi Y-I AXIS X-X AXIS Factor ofsafety: Factor ofSafety: Mu /Phi @Left Hu /Phi @ Ri gh t Hu /Phi @Top Mu /Phi @BottOll GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN FOOTINGS @NEW COLUMNS ON GRID A f'c Fy Rebar CL CleartoSoil Min.Steel % Tw<Hiay Shear One-way:Vu @ Left One-Way:Vu @ Right One-Wa y:Vu @ Top One-Way:Vu @ BottOIl NEUJAHR &GORMAN,INa ConsultingStructural Engme. 88Steele St.,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 --Y-Y !IIS RalA'fi(lf FOiCES---I-I !IIS ROlA'fI(If FORCES-- ....Pressures @Left/Right ....Pressures @Top /Bot Monent:DL =0.0 k-It Monent:DL =0.0k-ft LL =0.0 k-It LL =O.OHt Short Tern =0.0 k-ft Short Tern =0.0 k-ft Shear:DL 0.00k Shear:DL =0.00k LL =0.00k LL =0.00k Short Tern =0.00k Short Tern =0.00 k SIlIIMARY service Load Pressures .••. DL +LL = Dead+Ii ve+Short TeI'll = Factored Load Pressures ••.. ACI Eq 9-1 = ACI Eq 9-2 = ACI Eq 9-3 = ---------FOO'l'IRG DFSIGlI---------- =3000 psi-'m'=Fy /(.esr-c) =60000 psi-Vn:1...2(f'c)".5 =3.5 In --Vn:2 ...4(f'c)'''.S =0.0014 --------F!croRED SIIEAR FORCES -------- ACI s-i ACI 9-2 =0.00psi0 .00 psi =0.00 psi0.00psi =0.00psi0.00psi 0.00psi0.00psi =0.00psi0.00psi ---------F!croREIllIJIIm'S --------- ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 =0.2 k-ft 0.1 k-ft =0.2 k-ft 0.1 k-ft =0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-It =0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-It ------SERVICE LOAD OmIORIIIG S'lABILI'lY ------ Static =--Hone-- =--None-- ----DFSIGR DA'U AXIAL lOADS ---- AUo ·•.Soil Pressure =4000.a pst-:Dead Load = ...Short Term Increase=1.33 Live Load Base Pedistal Height =0.00 in'Short Tern Load = seisnic Zone=0'Ecc.Along X-x Axis = overburden weight 385.00 psf r:Ecc.Along I-I Axis = Live &Short Tern Loads Don't Act Together - Concrete weight =145.0 pcf ;- -----soil Pressure ----- D+L D+L+ST Max Pressure =2798.0 psf.-t.1748.0 psf Allowable Pressure =4000.0 J.lSr=5320 .0 J.lSf 'X'Ecc.of Resultant =0.0 in 0.0 in 'I'Ecc .of Resultant =0.0 in0.0in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pu.fa.-.,,~IIrd lfe~iwIe lVlec.h.,...,l c o:{j E1t1 (pnl~Hf NEUJAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS '2.1 ~2." _,_" ~.-. 0 /7 G,ld i: ?p .....1 3!::~~"t..r/~::IIHiWe,.j !d~s ..4;I'~"I .SZ"u. ,f3 r ~L..4 ,,c:a c. -"'4"(10 .*"'l.'- J 0 I.. i .7 ~z.P . 1 ,( 1 I Go '-e," 1";'-:" ~ 'B e"....·.,(p',c;('Cd c 8e~"cH1 G r'/d ;-{ '5ptl-Yl '1 s '-'"II 8~t-.-,&-Y1 G,',4 V S o~37~" 'S/~'//~~God c wi'd,f/-er-p-..,.f /00-.1..5 . Ne.....r I-IV -/ We u Jt f i?;74 1 i /IL0C4.t-iM be r"'Je e ,., S i de.'8 e:..........': «5 p 0--,Z 5 :"C,II i Ne w I-N -z We~1hf /o S1 it Loc.a.f (rvl b e';"..u e e-,4-$5 =I-I-/:f.,to ~Jd~8~,..~ 5,o~~:?'-0" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIED lDADS---------------- ----------------UnifoIll Loads ---------------- SllJlllARY USING w12x19,Max Stress Rat io =84.95%,Min Defl.Ratio =833 .20 'l!BIJL!R SlJJII!RY OF WAD aJlBDA'lIOIS Maxinuns ...Actual Allowable Dead Load t Loads Placedasfollows Monent =13.3 "J.15.6 k-ft Placed DL LL LL tST LLLL tST .....Stress =7 .44 8.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants-Shear =1.81 41.15 k .....Stress =0.63 IUD ksi Moments ..Mt @Center =13.3 1.5 13 .3 k-It Deflection =-0.367 M-@Center =-0.0 k-ft fb /Fb :%!lax 0.849 @ Left =0.00.00 .0 0.0 0.0 k-ft f v /Fv :%nax 0.044 @Right =0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 k-ft Min.DL DeflRatio =6412.06 Shears ...@ Left =1.06 0.24 1.060.00 0.00 0.00k Min.TL DeflRatio =833 .20'!1-@Ri~ht =1.81 0.24 1.810.000.000.00k Deflection..@Cen er =-0.367-0.048-0.367 -0.0480.0000.000in @Left =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 .000 0 .000 in @Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000in at 0.00 ft =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 00 in Reactions @Left =.LQ§.0.24 1.06 0.24 0.00 0.00k Reactions @Right =.!&L 0.24 1.81 0.24 0.000.00k n..DL. UNIT HV-1 SIDE BEAMS V4.4C1 (c)1983-96 ENERCALC Page:.+1 C -t. Heujabr and Gornan,Inc .,kw -0601975 V AI ~WAY ADDITION 960 MECB .QPl'.SUPPORTS BEAMS M.E.S . Date:OS /29/96 STEEL SEC'l'HIt DAr! wl2II9 =12.16in Ixx =130.00 in4 =0.235 inI yy =3.76 in4 =4.01in Sn 21.38 in3 =0.350 i nSyy =1.88in3 =5.57 in2 r :xx =4.831 in =18.91 #r :yy =0.822 i n =1.00in =0 .33 k/ft - 13.17 ft - =20.33 ft - STEEL BEAMDESIGN Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End NEUJAHR &GORMAN,INa ConsultingStructural Engin~ 88 Steele St.,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)3'17-2732FAX(303)377-4573 ----BEAll DATA ---- Center Span Length 25.50 ft ...-usc Section Left cantilever =0.00 ft>Section Depth Right cantilever 0.00 tt-Web Thickness Unbraced Length =13 .17 ft ....Section width Bean lI t.is ADDED To a~plied loads >Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting fi lthShort TenvSection Area Fy =36ksi -section weight Load Duration Factor =1.00 "'-rT,Y Beall End Fi xity:Pin:Pin...- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------!PPLIID WADS ---------------- ---------------COncentratedLoads--------------- Page:."e-~ =375 .00 in4 12.40 in4 =47.23 in3 =4.49 i n3 =6.412 in =1.166 i n Neujabr and Gorman,tnc.,Jr,,-0601975 VAI L~WA Y ADDITION 960 KECH .PT .SOProRTS BEAMS M.E.S . Da te:OS /29/96 = = = = = = =0.24k.....0.24 k -: 0.82 k'0.82 k- =11.17 ft-15.83 ft .. 8 lIT HV-1 BEAM ON GRID 'c' STEELBEAMDESIGN Dead Load LiveLoad Distance To Load V4.4C1 (c)1983-96 EllERCALC NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,INa Consulting Structural Engine. 88Steele St.,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)3)77-2732 FAX (303 )377-4573 SIlJIIARY USING w16x3 1,Max StressRatio =75.74%,Min Defl.Ratio =1020.04 T!BIJLAR SIlJIII!RY OF IDAJ)CDlBIIA'lIois Ma xinuns...Actual Al l ow able Dead Load +Loads Placedasfollows Mollent =21.6 28.5k-ft Placed DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST .....Stress =5.48 ,,/.7.23 ksi f or Ma x On ly gC ntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear1.92 es 62 .88k .....stress =O.H 1UOks i No ents ..M+@Center =21.6 8 .9 21.6 0.00.0 0 .0 k-ft Def lection =-0.435 H-@center -0.0 -0 .0 0.00.0 0.0 k-ft f b /Fb :%cax 0.75 7 @Left =0.00.0 0.00.0 0.0k-ft f v/Fv :%IIaX 0.031 @Right = k-ft Hin.DL DeflRatio =2321.12 0./..Shears ...@Left =1.92 0.88 1.92 0.00 0.000.00k Kin.TL Def l Ratio =1020.04 ...@Ri~ht =1.35 0 .75 1.35 0.00 0.000.00k Deflection..@Cen er =-0.435 -0.191 -0.435 -0.191 0.0000.000in @Left =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i n @Right =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000in at0.00 ft =0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 in Reactions @Left =1.92 ..M§..1.92 0.&8 0.00 0.00k Reactions @Right =1.350.75 1.350.75 0 .00 0.00k-fC"-p(.. ----BKAII OAT!----------STEEL SllCTI<Jf DATA --------- Center Span Length =37.00 ft-.usc section 1116x31 Left Cant ilever =0.00 ft'sect ion Depth 15.8&in Ixx Right Cantile ver 0.00 f t --web Thickness 0 .275i nI yy Unb racedLength =21.17 ft --sect ion Width 5.53 in s xx Bean ill.i s .WDED To a ~plied l oads ..Flange Thickness 0 .44 0 inSyy Li ve Load Not ~.ctin g \011thShort Tel1k5ection Area 9.12 inz r:xr F,=36 ksi -section Weight 30.971 r :Ti LOad Dur ation Factor 1.00-r r,y 1.39 in Bean End Fixity :Pin.P in-: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIED WADS ---------------- ----------------Concentrated Loads ---------------- SIlJIWlY USING \/16x36,Ha x StressRatio =80.68 %,Hin Defl.Ratio =782.34 'l'ABIlLAR SIlIIII!RY OF WAD <DIBIJ!'fiOlS Ila xinuns ...Actual Allowable Dead Load ;-Loads Placed asfolloss MOllent =34.0 42.1 k-tt Placed DL LL LLtST LL LL+ST .....Stress =7.22 .{...8.95ksi for Hax only @Cntr €entr @Cants @Cants--Shear =2.97 67.37 k .....stress =0.63 14040 ksi Honents ..M+@Center =34.0 9.7 34.0 0.00.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection =-0.568 H-@Center =-0 .0 -0.0 fb /Fb :%IlaX 0.807 @Left =0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft f v /Fv :%IIaX 0.044 @Right =0.00.0 0.0 0.00.0 k-ft Min.DL DeflRatio =2516.78 {.,.Shears ...@Left =2.97 0.97 2.97 0.00 0.000.00 k Hin.TL DeflRatio =782.34 ~@Ri?et =1.99 0.84 1.990.000.000.00k Deflection..@Cen er =-0.568-0.176-0.568-0 .176 0.000 0.000in @Left =0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000in @Right =0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000in Reactions @Left =2.97 0.97 2.970.97 0.000.00k Reactions @Right =JJ!. 0.000 .00 k it.0'- mIlT HV-l BEAM ON GRID 'D' V4.4C1 (c)1983-96 EHERCALC Page:ue-« Neujabr and Gorman,Inc .,lri-0601975 VA I ~EWA 'l ADDITION 960 MECH.QPl'.SUPPOR'l'S BEAMS M.E.S. Date:OS /29/96 STEEL SECl'IOII DATA w16x36 =15.86in Ixx =448 .00 in4 =0.295 in Iyy =24.50 in4 =6.99in Sxx =56.49 in3 =0.430in Syy =7.02in3 =10.60 in2 r:xx =6.501 in =35.99 #r:yy =1.520 i n =1.79 in =0.24 k-0.24k' 1.57k -1.57 k ' =11 .17 ft'15 .83 ft- STEEL BEAMDESIGN Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IliIIII. Consulting Structural Engin~ 88Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)3).17-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 ----BKAII DAT!---- Center Span Length =37.00 ft,AISC section Left cantilever =0.00 ft'section Depth Right Cantile ver 0.00 ft 'Web Thickness Unbraced Length =21.17 ft 'section width Bean Wt.is ADDED To a~plied loads ~Flanae Thickness Li ve Load Not Acti ng ~l thShort tem-secticn Area Fy =36 ksi-sectica Weight Load DurationFactor =1.00 'rr,y Bean End Fixity :Pin.Pin > I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIED IDADS---------------- ----------------UnifoIII Loads ---------------- SUIIIIAllY USING1116x 26,Ha x stress Rat io =66.02 %,Hin Defl .Ratio =1775 .59 T!BIlLAR SUIIIIAllY or WAD aJlBUA'lIOIS Ma ximums ..•Actual Alloilable Dead Load +Loads Placed as folloils HOllent 10.9 ~16.5 k-It Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST .....Stress =3.41 5.16 ksi for Ma x Onl y @cn tr @Cntr @Can ts @Cants Shear =1.95 56.48 k ....•Stress =0.50 14 .40 ksi Moments ..H+@Center =10.9 3.5 10 .9 0.0 0.0 0.0k-It Deflection =-0.223 H-@Center =0.0-0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0k-ft fb /Fb :%aa x 0.660 @Left =0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0k-ft f v/Fv :%nax 0.035 @Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0k-ft Hin .DL Defl Ratio =4968.13 Shears ...@Left =0.77 0.43 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min .TL Defl Ratio =1775 .59 r l..@Right =1.95 0.43 1.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 k-e-Deflection ..@Center =-0.223 -0.080 -0.223 -0.080 0.000 0.000 in @Left =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @Left =0.77 0.43 0.77 0.430.00 0.00 k Reactions @Right =T95 0:13 1.95 0.43 0.00 0.00 k 77--'P'- UIIIT HV-2 SIDE BEAMS V4.4C1 (c)1983-96 ENERCALC Page:Me-s Neujahr and Gornan,Inc.,kw-0601975 VAIL«AYADDIT ION 9606 HECH..SUPPORTS BEAMS H.E.S. Date:OS /29 /96 SUEt SECTI(II DATA 1116x26 =15.69 in Ixx =301.00 in4 0.250 inIyy =9.59 in4 =5.50 in SX X 38.37 in3 =0.345 inSyy =3.49 in3 =7.68 in2 r:XlI:=6.260 in =26.08 i r:yy 1.11 7 in =1.36 in =0.26k /ft .... =23.42 ft .... 30.58 ft .... STEEL BEAMDESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IN_ Consulting;Structural Engine. 88Steele "St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 Li ve Load Distance '1'0 start Distance '1'0 End ----BEAJ(DATA ---- Center Span Length =33 .00ft -AISC section Left cantilever =0.00 ft·section Depth Right Cantilever =0.00 ft -Web Thickness Unbraced Length =23 .42 ft ...Sect ion width Bean wt.is ADDED To a~plied Ioads >Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting ~Ith Short Tern.sectIon Area Fy =36 ksi-section Weight Load Duration Factor =1.00 -r'I',Y Beam End Fi xity :Pin .Pin> I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIED IAIDS---------------- ---------------Conce.ntrated Loads--------------- 0.0k-f t 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0k-ft 0 .00 k 0.00 k 0.000in 0.000in 0.000in 0 .000 in 0.00 k O.OOk Page:III€.·r., 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0 .00 0.00 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.00 0.00 -0.262 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 0.91 lIeujahr and Goman ,Inc.,kw-06019 75 16.4 -0.0 0.0 0.0 1.20 1.27 -0.386 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.20 1.27 10.9 -0 .0 0 .0 0.0 0.87 0.91 -0.262 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 ..Q& ~ 'C(.. V}lLI:AY ADDITION 9606 HECH.•SUPPOJn:S BElJlS H.E.S. Date :OS /29/96 16.4 1.20 1.21 ti: 1.20 1.27 -0.386 0 .000 0.000 = = = = = = = = = STEEL SEcr'!(Jf DAT! w16x26 =15.69 inI xx =301.00 i n4 =0.250 i n Iyy =9.59 i n4 5.50in SU =38.37 in3 =0.345 inSyy =3.49 i n3 =7.68 i n2 r :n =6.260 in =26.08 J r :yy =1.117i n =1.36in 11 +@Center II-@Center @Left @ Right @Left @ Right Deflection..@ Center @Left @Right 0 .00 ft = @ Left @Right at Reactions Reactions Shears ... 0.651 0.022 1623.14 1104 .83"1- =0.43 k-0.43 k- =0.34 k ,.0.34 k " =16.67 ft'20 .42 ft.... V4.4Cl (c)1983-96 ENERCALC STEEL BEAMDESIGN UNI T HV-1.BEAll ON GRID 'H' Dead Lo ad Live Load Distance To Load NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,IN_ Consulting Structural Engine. 88Steele st.,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 -----------------SIlIIIIAIlY ----------------- USING w16 x26,Ma x stress Ratio =65 .09%,Hin Defl.Ratio =1104.83 -------'l!BOL!ll SUllllAl/Y OF LOAD IDIBW'fIOIS ------- lIa xilluns...Actual Allowable Dead Load +Loads Placedas follQ'"s llonent =16.4 25 .1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST '"..stress =5.11 4"t 7.86 ksi for Max Onl y OC ntr @Cn tr @Cants @Cants Shear =1.27 56 .48 k .....Stress =0 .32 1404 0 ksi Moments .. Deflection =-0 .386 fb /Fb :%cax f v/FV :%nax Hin.DL DeflRatio = Min.1L Defl Rat io = ----BEAll DATA ---- Center Span Length =35.50 ft ./AISC Section Left cantilever 0.00 f t"Sec tion Depth Right cantilever =0.00 ft "We b Thickness UnbracedLength =16.67 ft ..-Section iiidth Beall lit.i s AD DED To appl ied I oadsv Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting WIthShort Tenl'section Ar ea Fy.36 ksi-Se ction Wei ght Load Durat Ion Fa ctor =1.00 "r T,y Beall End Fi xity :PimPin : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIID LOADS---------------- ---------------COncentrated Loads --------------- SIIIIIWlY USING w16 x31,Max Stress Ra tio =99.54 %,Hin Def l.Ratio =635.84 'I'ABIILAR SIlIIWlY OF WAD <DIBDA'l'IOIS Ha ximUDs ...Actual Allowable Dead Load +Loads Placedas follows Monent =36.036.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL +ST LLLL +ST .....Stress =9.14 ",I<..9.18 ksi for Ha x only @Cntr @Cotr @Cants @Cants"""Shear =2.59 62.88 k •....Stress =0 .59 IUD ksi Moments ..Mt @Center =36.011.7 36.00 .0 0.0 0 .0 k-ft Deflection =-0.6 70 H-@Center =-0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.00.0 k-ft fb /Fb :%max 0.995 @Left 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 k-ft f v /Fv:%nax 0 .041 @ Right = k-It Min.DL DeflRatio =1878 .90 I Shears..•@ Left 2.42 0.96 2.42 0.00 0.000.00k Hin.TL DeflRatio =635.84 .......@Right =2.59 1.00 2.590.00 0.00 0.00k -Deflection..@ center =-0.6 70 -0.227 -0.670 -0.2270.0000.000in @ Left =0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.0000.000in @ Right =0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.0000.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.000in Reactions @ Left =2.42 ~2.420.96 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right =.ui.lJlll.2.59 l.00 0.00 0.00k TI-D(,. milT HV -l BR!II ON GRID 'K' STEEL BEAMDESIGN Page :/I/l E.•7 Neujahr and Goman,Inc.,kI;-0601975 VAIL_WAY .IDDITION 960 MECH..SUPPORTS BElJIS HoE.S . Dat e:OS /29/96 STXKL SiX.'fIlli DA'I'A 1116131 =15.88 i n I n =375.00 in4 =0.275 in I yy =12.40 in4 =5.53 in Sn =47.23in3 0.440 in Syy =4.49 in3 =9.12 in2 r :xx =6.412in 30.97 #r:yy =1.166in =1.39in =0.43 k -0.43k ' =1.52 k'1.53 k, =16.67 fMO.42 n- NEUJAHR&GORMAN,IN.JiiiI.. Consulting Structural Engine. 88Steele St.,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)377-2732FAX(303)377-4573 V4.IC1 (c)1983 -96 ENERCALC Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load ----BWI OAfA ---- Center Span Length =35 .50f t-AISC section Left cantilever =0.00 ft ,section Depth Right cantilever =0.00 ft 'web Thickness Unbraced Length =16.67 ft -section Width Beam ¥I t.i s AD DED To aeplied l oads 'FlaIKje Thickness Live Load Not Acting WIthShort Term .section Area Fy 36 ksi -section Weight Load DurationFactor =1.00 -rT,Y Bean End Fixity :Pin.Pin ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.\TE BY J1~5·Z9-q~,-;;. P.\GE /1"/6-8 IJ OB .~O .'7 &0&S ___ ,~J.1 '])u/~e y krCJ1 1 ,.~c.h<r e (r1ec;'~I 'c.<:r J &r"IP/il ~"I £tJ ,o,aJ.. F ~T -------'--------------'---------- NEUJAHR A ND GORMAN,INC CONSULTI NG STRU CTURAL ENGINEERS • ~f L"l -=/1.ZS I I, ~o'·a H ;;p.-....'"'Z i '-Il f 55S d/; • IEJ ---···_-=---"------JI ftl().L,-J H V ftc U,,'l i r We e9 f,;.q z oo ::: L t:>CLt .f.;IJ ·Y1 b el-v'J tE e .,.l ~i a.-:J c B el"--n 0 f1 C 5p~)?S ~'"I. j ! !3 e.<-."1 ~r>? ?,l?lh 'l n ~7i 1/f 4-7"ca.....-,J-,Ie l/e-r .Ie.!'/. ',"l.">~1J '" :r" ::?l . e 1£.;1.-,•1 ()">?q. <:::"7'-"·4 ""","~l ?<J I .Z'I MOL. 4 '11.8 .c ,,,, I I I I I I I···· I I I I I I I>.~-.; I I ----------------APPLIEDIDADS--------------------------------IJnifOI'l Loads ---------------- SIlIIIARY USING \/16x36,Max stress Ratio =88 .61%,Hin Def l.Ratio =612.54 'UJlIILAR SllJllARY or !DAD <DIBIlAfiOlS Ha xilluns ...Actual Allowable Dead Load +Loads Placedas follows Monent =52.9 59.7 k-f t Placed DL LL LL +ST LL LL+ST .....Stress =11.23 "L 12.67 ksi for Ma x Onl y @C ntr €Cntr @cants €Cants~ Shear =7.90 67 .3ik .....Stress =1.69 14040 ksi Honents ..M+@Center =52.9 3.2 52.9 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 k-It Defl ection =-0.524 M-@ Center =0.0 -0 .0 0.0 0.00.0k-rt f b /Fb :%IIaX 0 .886 @Le ft =0 .00.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 k-It f v/Fv :%nax 0.117 @ Right =0.0 0.0 0.00 .0 0.0 k-ft Min.DL DeflRatio =10058.44 ./.Shears...@ Left =7.900.48 7.90 0.00 0.000 .00 k Hin .TLDeflRatio =612.54.;@Right =7 .90 0.48 7.900.00 0.000.00k Deflection ..@ Center =-0.524 -0.032-0.524-0.0320.0000.000in @Left =0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 .000 in @ Right =0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000in at 0.00 ft =0.0000 .000 0.000 0.0000 .000 in Reactions @ Left =~..Q.jL 7.900.48 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @Right =~0.487.90 0.480.00 0.00k 7'L 15L V4.4Cl (c)1983-96 ENERCALC ~.IN HVAC UN IT SID E BEAMS Page:i//€-q Neujabr and sorean,tnc.,kw-06019 75 VAI tlEWAY ADDIrIOII 960 HECH .Pr.SOPPORTS BEAHS U .S. Date:05/30/96 STEEL SEC'I'I(Jf DATA 1116x36 =15.86 in I n =448 .00 in4 =0.295 in Iyy =24 .50 in4 =6.99insxx 56.49in3 =0.430 in s Y1 =7.02i n3 =10.60in2r :xr =6.501 in =35.99 i r :yy =1.520 in =1.79 in 0.56k/ft .... =0.00 ft .... =26.75 ft ..... STEEL BEAM DESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN ~INA. Consulting Structural Engmew 88 Steele sr.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)3'77-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 Live Load Distance To start Distance To End ----BEAll DAr!---- Ce nter Span Length =26.75 f t'"AISC section Left cantilever =0.00 ft'"section Depth Riqht cantilever =0.00 ft -web Thickness Unbraced Length =17.25f t ....section width Be all \il l.is ADDED To applied loads FlaJ1ge Thickn ess IJ ve Load Not Acting WI tbShort Ten secticn Area Fy =36 ksi -section Weigh t Load DurationFactor =1.00 ~rt,1 Bean En dFi xity :pin :pin,..r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIED UJADS---------------- ---------------ConceDtratedLoads--------------- SIDIIAllY USING il16x57 I Ha x StressRatio =95 .48%,Hin Defl.Ratio =451.27 'lABIILAR SIJJIIWlY OF ID!D <DIBW'lItIS Ha xinUllS ...Actual }l loilable Dead Load +Loads Placed as follo ils MOllent 106 .2 111.2k-ft Placed DL LL LL +ST LL LL+ST .....Stress =13.81 ~14.47 ksi for Hax only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear =12.25 .101.73k .....Stress =1.73 14.40 ksi Moments ..H+@Center =106.214.5 0 .0 k-ft Deflection =-0.944 H-@Center =-0.0-0.0 k-ft fb /Fb :%Ila X 0 .955 @Left =0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.00 .0 k-ft f v /Fv :%lIa x 0.120 @Right = 0 .0 k-ft Min.DL DeflRatio =2954.16 Shears ...@Left =5.571.29 5.57 0.00 0.00 0.00k Hin.TL DeflRatio =451.2 71>~@Right =12.25 1.70 12.25 ~Deflection•.@Center =-0 .944 -0.144-0 .944 -0.144 0.000 0.000in @Left =0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000in @Right =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i n at0.00 ft =0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000inSReactions@Left=2.2 1.295.57 1.290.00 0.00k 'f'Reactions @Right 12.25 T70 12.25 1.70 0.00 0.00 k--n:-'1:>(.. MAIN HV AC UNIT BEAM ON C &F STEEL BEAMDESIGN Page:Me -10 Neujabr and coraan,tnc.,kw-0601975 VA.L EWAY ADDITI ON 96 MECH..SUPPORTS BEAMS M.E.S. Date :05/30/96 STEEL SECTIlli DATA w16x57 =16.43 in I xx =758.00 in4 =0.430 in I yy =43.10 in4 7.12in Sxx =92.27 i n3 =0.715inSyy =12.11 in3 =16.80 in2r :xx =6.717 in =57 .04 3 r :yy =1.602in =1.86in =0.48k --0.48k' =7.42 k ~7.42k v =21.42 ft'29 .08 ft-- NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,IN_ Consulting Structural Engine. 88Steele "St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 V4.4C1(c)1983-96 ENERCALC Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load ----BKAII DATA ---- Center Span Length =35 .50 ft ~usc Section Le ft cantilever 0.00 tt -section Depth Ri ght Cantile ver =0 .00 ft -Web Thickness Unbraced Length =21.42 rt-Section width Bean \Il t.is ADDED To applied loads ~Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting wIth Short Tern -sectIon Area Fy =36 ksi-section Weight Load Durat ion Factor =1.00 -rT I Y Beall End Fixity:pin:pin' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIED ID!ll5 ---------------- »All distances referto left support ,'-'identifies load as being on l eft cantilever.---------------CODCeDtratedLoads--------------- SlDIIIARY USING 1I116 x26,Hax Stress Ratio =23.32 %,Min Defl.Ratio =5398.24 T!llIlLAR SlDllARY or WAD aJIIBIJAnOIS Ma xinuns •..Actual Allowable Dead Load +L¢ads Placed as follows Monent =4.6 19.7k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL +ST .....Stress =1.44 ~/40 6.16 ksi for Hax only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants<:Shear =12.26 56.48 k .•..•Stress =3.13 14.40 ksi Monents ..M+@Center =4.6 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection =0.013 H-@Center =-0.6 -0.6 0.0 -4,6 0.0 k-ft fb /Fb :%max 0.233 @Left =-0.6-0.6 0.0 -4.6 0.0 k-ft fv/Fv :%max 0.21 7 @Right = 0.0 k-ft Min.DL Defl Ratio =30941.38 Shears .••@Left =12.26 1.71 1.71 0.00 12.26 0.00 k Hin .TL Defl Ratio =5398 .24 ,j.@Right =0.22 0.22 0.22 0.00 0.02 0.00 k....Deflection •.@Center 0.013 -0.007 -0.007 -0.007 0.013 -0.007 in= @Left =0.002 0.0000.000 0.000 -0.002 0.00 0 in @Right =0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @Left =12.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 12 .75 2.00 k Reactions @Right =0.22 102 0.22 0.22 0.020.22 k n..P1:" V4.4Cl (c)1983-96 ENERCAlC MAIN BVAC UNIT BEAM ON 3 Page:N1 £.-1/ Neujahr and Gornan I Inc.,kw-0601975 VAI_EWAY ADDITION 960 HECB.Pl.SUPPOR'rS BEAMS M.E.S. Date:05 /30 /96 SfEEL SFX:TI<II DAfA 1116126 =15.69 in Ixx =301.00 in4 =0.250 inIyy =9.59 in4 =5.50 in Sx x =38.37 in3 =0.345 in Syy =3.49 in3 7.68 in2 r:xx =6.260 in =26.08 1 r :yy =1.11 7 in =1.36 i n 1.70k ~ =10.55k -- =-0.38 ft ,- STEEL BEAMDESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN~~ Consulting Structural Engmew 88 Steele 51.,Suite200 Denver.Colorado 80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 Dead Load Li ve Load Distance To Load ----BEAll DAfA ---- center Span Length =19.63 ft ~AISC section Left cantilever =0.38 ft,section Depth Right Cantile ver =0.00 ft-web Thickness Unbraced Length =19.63 ft~section Width Bean wt.is ADDED To aeplied loads 'Fl ange Thickness Li ve Load Not Acting til th Short Tern -section Area Fy =36 ksi -section rieight Load Duration Factor =1.00 /rr,y Bean End Fixity :Pin .Pin > I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIED IDADS---------------- ----------------Concentrated Loads ---------------- Slllll!Ry OSIIIG '~16x3 1 ,Max StressRatio =84.66 %,Min Defl.Ratio =1539 .42 T!BIILAR 5llJIIIARY OF UlAD cammnOlS Ha xinuns....~ctual Allowable Dead Load +Loads Placed asfollows Honent =19.1 ..1" 22 .5 k-ft Placed DL 1111+ST 11 11+ST .....Stress =4.84 ~5.72 ksi for Ha x Onl y @Cntr OCn tr @Cants @Cants Shear =5.38 62.88 k .....stress =1.23 14.40 ksi Mo Dents ..N+@center =19.1 6.219.1 0 .0 0.00.0 k-ft Deflection =-0 .236 H-@Center = k-ft f b /Fb :%nax 0 .847 @Left =0.0 0.00.0 0 .0 0.0 k-ft f v/Fv :%laX 0.086 @Right =0.00.0 k-tt Min.DL DeflRatio =378 7.97 Shears..•@Left =5.38 1.61 5.380.000.000.00k Hin .rL DeflRatio =1539.42 ~@Right =1.13 0.62 1.130.00 0.000.00 k Deflection ..@Center -0.236-0.096-0 .236 -0 .096 0.000 0.000in @ Left =0.0000 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.0000.000in @Right =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000in at 0.00 ft =0 .000 0.0000 .000 0.000 0.000in Reactions @Left =5.38 1.61 5.38 1.61 0.00 0.00k Reactions @ Right ="T.13 -0.62 1.130.62 0.000 .00 k---71-OL.. MAIN HVAC UN IT BE.lJl Oil 4 V4.4Cl (c)1983-96 ENERCALC Page :lt1e...rz. Heujahr and Gornan,Inc.,kw-06019 75 VAI L.Ai ADD I TION 960 MECB ..SUPPORTS BE AMS U.S. Date:05/30/96 STEEL SECTI(If DATA w16x31 15.88inIxx =375.00 in4 =0.275 in [yy =12.40 in4 =5.53 inSxx =47.23in3 =0.440in Syy =4,49 in3 =9.12in2 r:xx =6.412 in 30.971 r:yy 1.166in =1.3 9 i n =1.29k .... =4.28k ...- =3.58ft.... STEEL BEAMDESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN ~IN.... Consulting Structural Engmew 88Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303 )377 -2732 FAX (303)377-4573 Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load ----BWI DATA ---- Center Span Length =30 .33 ft -AI SC section Le ft cantilever =0.00 ft.....section Depth Rig ht cant ilever =0.00 f t"Web Th ickness Onbraced Length =26.75 ft~Section Wi dth Bean \Il l.i s ADDED To ~plied l oads ~Flang e Thickness LiveLoadIlot Acting WIthShort Te rn -section Ar ea Fy =36 ssi-secticn Weight LoadDuration Factor =1.00 rT,Y Bean End Fixity:Pin:Pin I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IJO B '10 .C:;6 D~S e ID.HE BY -= 5 ·Z'9·'1t.fr~ ;;U ~fJ J ,PAGE tV!E-I; Vc.d~e'1 flrc..h l f e c.fv re M~c.h a.,·11ca..-l C1 r..J l~rrJ e t1 ;' 1~'1 T -------------------'--------- NEUJAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 8'-0 "/', ~,f Ile vB.-/'f U1f /1 f, tJ,1,liI ca C.'o "/I(p ~e,~S C'.t, !.~I ,,"~l..S '~I~IJ-4 ,1S ~1..\.I . 9'-0 • ~l z '! ·,t !./f /I ' G od :s :?S '-.8 ~"r 4 ':'1 ~" }.'10 t;,\. I O ,S>~I.." -.t-~:JS '-"'-"---------". Sin a.t /U (1 '";.SI...J eo 8.eth>'1 '; 5 p ;;t.-,.·]~5 ~~1/ 7./3/-1.4--:.(,;1.£'ZI3 /" ~t ~ !3e.a-n 1 O/J G nd 4- "SP t:H 1 ?~/_o " Cfll lI ZI-U/l /k We {1 t !~5~50=4:Z~so" !-oc.af."r.-·/bef,..<.Jee t/?i4 i I:::$;.( Lorg e Ut1 l t ~;cl e l8e ~"."..,~. ..::...',".)f'~~S -"" 2Zt.o ~ I I I I I I 1···- I I I I I I I ".~ I I Page :Iv!c..I 4-- Neujahr and Gornan,Inc.,kw-D601975 6.3 7i.5 0.0 0.0 0.0k-ft 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0k-ft 0.00.0 0.00 .0 0 .0 k-ft 0.71 8.41 k 0.71 6.620.00 0.000.00k -0.095 -1.125 -0.0950.0000.000 in 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000i n 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000in 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.0000.000 in +H-8.41 0.71 0.00 0.00k .71 6.62 0.710.000.00k-P I.. VA.EWAY ADDITION 96 HE.QPr .SUPPORTS BEAMS U.S. Da te:OS/29/96 n.5 8.41 6.62 -1.125 0.000 0.000 Placed for Ha x = = = = = = = = = = = STEEL SECTI<Jt DAi'A wl6x40 =16.01inIxx =518 .00 in4 =0.305 i n I yy =28.90 in4 =6.99 in SXX =64.71 i n3 =0.505 i n Syy =8 .26 in3 =11.80 i n2 r :xx =6.626in =40 .06 #r:yy =1.565 i n =1.82 i n H+~Center H-~Center @ Lef t ~Right @ Left @Right Deflection..@ Center @ Left @Right 0.00 ft = @Left @ Right at Reactions Reactions Shears ... 0 .665 0.120 4469 .85 I 378 .57 ~ A!lo·.able I..11 6.5 k-ft ~21.60ksi -70.32 k 14.40 ksi HOllents .. LlRGE CH ILLER UH Il SIDE BEAMS STEEL BEAMDESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,I~ Consulting Structural Enginew 88 Steele St .•Suite 200 Denver Colorado80206 (303)377-2732 FAX (303)377-4573 Live Load Distance To Load V4.4Cl (c)1983-96 ENERCALC HaxiDUllS...Actual Honent =77 .5 .....Stress =14.37 Shear 8 .41 .....stress =1.72 Deflect ion =-1.125 fb /Fb :%DaX f v /Fv :%Dal Hin .DL Def l Ratio = Hin.lL DeflRatio = ----BEAll DATA ---- Ce nter Span Length =35 .50 ft ~USC Section LeftCantile ver =0.00 ft-section Depth Right cantilever =0.00 f t-web Thickne ss Unbraced Le ngth =9.17 ft 'section wi dth BeaD lit.is ADDE D To aeplied l oads -FlaJ1ge Thi ckn ess Live L~ad Not Acting WIth Short Tern-sectIon Area Fy =36 ksi-section We ight Load Duration Factor 1.oo-r1 ,y Be aa End Fixity :Pin:Pin· ----------------APPLIED IDADS---------------- ---------------CO ncen trated Loads --------------- =2.27k -4.50....4.50""2.27 k - =1.75 ft ·10 .92 ft-1.9 .92 ft-29.08 ft ...- -----------------SIlIIIARY ----------------- USING w16x40 ,Max StressRatio =66.53%,Min Defl.Ratio =378.57 -------'fABOLAR SUIIWlY OF UlAD <DIBIJA'fIOIS ------- Dead Load +Loads Placedasfollows DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST Onl y gC ntr ~C ntr ~Cants ~Cants I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page:fV/E-/5 Neujahr and Gornan,Inc.,kw-06019 75 VA~EWAY ADDITION 96 HECH .PI'.SUPPORTS BEAIlS U.S. Date:OS /29/96 STm SECTICIf DA,.! 1I16x31 =15.88in I n 375.00 in4 =0.275 in Iyy =12.40 in4 =5.53 in Sxx =47.23in3 =O.HO i nSyy =4,49 in3 =9.12in2 r:xx =6.412 in =30.97 #r:yy =1.166 in =1.39in STEEL BEAMDESIGN SHALL CHILLER UNIT SIDE BE)JtS NEUJAHR &GORMAN,I!'ifIiilIIII. Consulting Structural Engme. 88Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 V4.4C1 (ci 1983-96 ENEiK:~C Live Load Distance To Load SllIIII!Ry USING w16x31 ,Max Stress Ratio =90.86 %,Hin Defl .Ratio =375.26 !ABIlLAR SIlIIWlY OF UJ.ID (DIBmfilYlS Haxiouns ...Actual Hlowable Dead Load ~Loads Placedas follo\ls Monent =59.7 65.7 k-ft Placed DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST .....Stress =15.18 ~J,.16.70 ksi for Hax Onl y @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants.,., Shear =5.33 62.88k .....Stress =1.22 14.40 ksi Moments ..H+@Center =59.7 4.9 59.7 k-ft Deflection =-1.135 M-@Center =0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb /Fb :%lIax 0.909 @Left =0 .0 0.00.00 .0 0 .0 k-ft f v /Fv :%nax0.085 @Right =0.00.0 k-ft Min .DL DeflRatio =4186.79 Shears...@ Left 4.290.55 4.29 Hin.TL DeflRatio =375.26.f.@Right =5.330.555.33,Deflection ••@ Center -1.135-0 .102 -1.135-0.102 0.0000.000in= @Left =0.000 0 .000 0.0000.0000.0000.000in @ Right =0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000in at 0.00 ft =0.0000 .000 0.0000 .000 0.000in Reactions @ Left =4.29 0.554.290.55 0.000.00k Reactions @Right =5·.31 .Q.:.&.5.330.550.000.00k-n:Pc. ----BEAK D!T!---- Center Span Length =35.50 f t .....u SC section Left Cantilever =0.00 ft -section Depth Righ t cantilever 0.00 ft....web Thickness Unbraced Length =10.75 ft.section Width Bea n lit.i s f.DDED To a~plied leads -Flanqe Th ickness Live Load Not Acting 11th Short tern-secttcn Area Fy 36 ksi-section Weight Load DurationFactor =1.00 ....rT,y BeaJ:l End Fixity :Pin:pin-- ----------------!PPLllD IAIDS---------------- ---------------Concentrated Loads ---------------- =2.13k ....4.26 k-2.13 k- 10.75ft-19.92 ft"29.08 ft- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHILLER UN ITS BEAM 0"GRID 3 V4.4Cl (c)1983-96 EHERCALC STEEL BEAMDESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IN~ ConsultingStructural Engine. 88 Steele St.,Suite 200 DenverColorado80206 (303)3'77-2732FAX(303)377 -4573 Page:ME-It:> 22.6 142 .0 0 .0 13.50.0 k-ft -3.2-3.2 0.0 -26.10.0 k-rt 0.0 k-ft -3.2-3.2 0.0 -26.10.0 k-ft 2.81 15.84 0.00 2.17 0.00k 2.83 16.94 0.00 5.58 0.00k -0.133-0.830-0.133 -0.056-0 .133 in 0.000 0 .000 0.0000.000 0.000 in 0.054 0.369 0.054 -0.012 0.054 in 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0 .000 in 2.81 15.84 2.812.172.81k l:M.17.76 3.64 9.063.64k :;?L VA IL_WAY ADDITION 960 MECH..SUPPORTS BEAMS M.E.S. Date :05 /30/96 Ileujahr and Goman,tnc.,kw-<J601975 142.0 15.84 16.94 -0 .830 0.000 0.369 15.84 '23.18 n.. Placed for Max = = = = = = = = = = = STEEL Stx:THIi DAT! w24x55 23.57 inIxx 1350.00 in4 =0.395in Iyy =29 .10 in4 =7.01in sxx =114.55 i n3 =0.505i n Syy =8.31in3 =16.20in2 r:xx =9.129in =55 .00 I r:yy =1.340 in =1.68in 11 +@Center M-@center @Left @Right @Left @ Right Deflection..@Center @Left @Right 0 .00 ft = @Left @ Right at Reactions Reactions Shears ... 0.876 0.126 2106.44 310.49 ~ Allowable 162.0 k-ft 16.97 ksi 134 .07 k 14 .40 ksi Moments .. Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load lIaxillUlls...Actual MOllent =142.0 .....Stress =14.88 ~ Shear =16.94 .....Stress =1.82 Deflection =-0.830 fb /Fb :%max fv /Fv :%lIaX Min.DL DeflRatio = Min.TL DeflRatio = ----BEAll OAf!---- Center Span Length =35.73 ft ......,USC Section Left cantilever =0.00 ft ~section Depth Rightcant ilever =4.77 ft ......web Thickness Unbraced Length =12.75 ft~section Width Beall Wt.is AD DED To a~plied loads -Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting With Short Tern -Section Area Fy =36 ka i-section Weight Load Duration Factor =1.00-rT,Y Beall End Fixity :Pin:Pin '" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page:IvJ f£-17 Neujahr and Gornan,Inc.,kw-0601975 22.7 158 .9 0.00.00 .0 k-ft -0 .0 -0.0 0.00.0 0.0 k-ft 0.00.00 .0 0.00.0 k-It 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 k-It 1.9411.470.00 0.00 0.00k 2.56 15.91 -0.132-0.896-0.132 0.000 0.000in 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000in 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 in 1.9411.471.940.000.00k "T.56 15.91 2.56 0.000.00k-1)(,. VAILI:AY ADDITION 9606 HECH..SUPPOR'I'S BEAMS MoE .S . Date:05 /30/96 158 .9 11.47 15.91 -0.896 0.000 0.000 11.47 JlJL 7t. = = = = = = = = = = = S'l'KEL SECT!(JI DA'P! 1124155 =23.57 in I xx 1350.00 i n4 =0.395 inI yy =29.10 in4 =7.01 i n Sxx =114.55 in3 =0.505 in Syy =8.31in3 =16.20in2 r:xx =9.129 in =55 .00 I r :yy =1.340in 1.68in Mt @Center M-@center @L.eft @Right @Left @Right @Center @Left @Right 0 .00 ft @Left @Right at Reactions Reactions 0.981 0.119 3275.30 ,.,Shears ... 482.24 -z ...Deflection•. Allowable /..162.0 k-ft ~16.97 ksi 134.07 k 14.40 ksi Monents .. STEEL BEAMDESIGN CHILLER mlITS BEAM ON GRID 4 NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IN.... ConsultingStructural Engine. 88Steele "St.,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)3'17-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load V4.4C1 (c)1983-96 ENERC!lC Ma ximulls...Actual Monent =158 .9 .....Stress =16.65 Shear =15.91 .....Stress =1.71 Deflection =-0.896 fb /Fb :%nax f v /Fv :%Dax Min.DL Def1 Ratio = Min.TL DeflRatio = ----BK!II DAf!---- Center Span Lenqth =36 .00 ft ...AISC Section Left cantilever =0.00 ft-section Depth Right cantilever =0.00 ft ...Web Thickness Unbraced Length =12.75 ft 'section iiidth Bean itt.is ADDED To a~plied loads >Fl~e Thickness Live Load Not Acting WIth Short Tern ...section Area Fy =36 ksi -section Weight Load Duration Factor =1.00'rr,y Beall End Fixity :Pin .Pin> ----------------APl'LIKD UlAIlS---------------- ---------------Concentrated Loads ---------------- =0.71k .....O.71 k-0.55k-0.55k- =7.70k-7 .70k-3.74k -3 .74k- =12.75 ft"20.75 ft--25.75 ft-33 .75 ft- -----------------SllIIIIARy----------------- USING w24x55,Max StressRatio =98.08%,Min Defl.Ratio =482.24 -------'fABll1AR SIlIIMARY or LOAD <DIBII!'lIOIS ------- Dead Load t Loads Placedas follows Placed DL LL LL +ST LL LLtST for Max Only @Cntr@Cntr @Cants @Cants I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT NO.96065 e Town ufVall CommunIty <,.Develooment Plan Health FIre...~f]tJ.,,~ [J '1 a , \ NEUJAHR AND GOR~AN.INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 88 S1EELE STREET SlJI1E 200 DENIIER,COLORADO 80206 (303 ):sT7-2732 Town ofVail OFFICE COpy '.'..';,Iil,/.-1 Ps rmlt :;;.,.j '•.':i 9 IJ .B C MAY 17,1996 .'~':;n ""')01 ;,',,,'r,;jt or appruval of plans and ....•'-'':"','.:fr:J6d to be ~permitfor ,or ilO ,.::.,·~i ::i1Y of tile provisions ofthis ecce ...'.":.:cd l he jurtsd lcatlo n.The issuance of ":.:'(:'\I"',~il,;,specifica tions and other data snai' .:"~,'~u,.t!,,,(,(j official f rom t herea fterrequiringt he ;:."~'1 vi errorsin sai t ~Ia~.s .specif ications andotns- .~(J/ ."TEe-{;]Y TOWNOFVAIL BUILDING DEPART ENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1-" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I~" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ". 1 1 ~NElJJAHIl AND 00.;1;;;PROJECT FORMATIONci"CONSULTING SiilUC1IJRAL ENCtNEE:lS AND~4-4 CCOK SiilEZT sum:200 .'.OC:NVE.~CCLCRAOO gC2C!l DESIGN CRITERIAPHONE:;3OJ-J77-2732 ~ JOBNAME 1/It /(..SA PA:,)J'i ,I /-h/7;;;;/-:-,r jI).i..;dCI J!I )oPt..JOBNo.9t.o C,S CLlENT Vt..l LHl'J E-J ;::J-:e!(./~I 7i~7:1 iZe CONTACT D~/J DULANEY G {)~/".;I -;:/1!/7J<IPRINCIPAL...,;'!I~I'.I'PROJECT ENGINEER SOILSRE?ORTBY Ked re i;:ti A-s-so<..,No.'1oq4 DATE4 -t.7-7/-- 5 0,1 e e ,~'/;\,;j w ,u..PCLt:)e-d S irtLC./.,L,f:I./-'1/NOiES .C"A r, ..- 1/(J......I 11 eel -;(f):5!~"0 "!)I s '-'1)'U .)d/';')d ~!?~le :-. DESIGN LOADS DESIGN CRITERIA ROOF PSF RE.l,,1ARKS BUILDING CODE /1 1 f !Lee UVC:LOAD 100 SI7 O!.L)BUILDING DE?T.!j w l1 a r r:t ;1 -- S'£"t-._.J,."({J 5 P ~,~'; .J &."p :t "",/:;...:;,5"k /9C-,.,,/;/".!.;<-f [}a n Sb-"i CROOFING4-CONTACT DATE .I ! /00INSULATIONz:e n rr YrlND S?~EXPOSURE 8... I ,-~1.d8CECKINGZ5~~p/£J~~V~c.FROST DE?iH :z../I...."r J~/SiRUC1iJRE "c..i-_<:t:t /SEISMIC ZONE--~~.......-0 """ CEJUNG :::<;,PlcJ "J"'"A -J{"6u ()/y..6 ,~1 GRCUND SNCW (p;)(C=)i MECHANICAL ••___---FOUNDATIONS MISC.Z I l;il FOOTINGS 4-000 MAX.BEARING DEAD LOAD I S MIN.DEAD LOAD CI DRI~PIERS END BEARING SIDE SHEAR MIN.DEAD LOAD FLOOR LEVEl.-FLOOR LEVEL - U'vC:LOAD U'vC:LOAD PARTITIONS -PARTITIONS - SLAB/DECK SLAB/DECK FLOORING FLOOR ING STRUC1iJRE STRUCTURE CEIUNG _0__-.__.__._....•_-----_.__.__..._-_.._.CElUNG _0_'_-_._-----_. MEC HANICAL...____.__._..__._._----_.__.MECHANlCAL._.___._.__.- MISC.MISe. DEAD LOAD ..____ ~------_._-_._-- DEAD LOAD ___._---------- NEU"'AHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS T,)L U .. a.as:I:-?oo ''- o .cJl /'/(I-, I.Q/k c.7~~ P c..LL 0,1.51(.~~,a;J 0 .0/,1:./11. 1.0 /-':t..7'.c N ...I.L 0.4-::"~,oo J: /.391:.8 .n" I,!JfK.II ,7~7', P L U.. 0 .45 /<'~,C?oJc. o .0 I Kid . 1 lO B NO.9(,0C=,s e DATEBY S -I-9 c"fi~ IPAGE e -/ ,1/I t l I I.I C?-0 .,..z ..-3 CJ-1-t .z 1/e ., P i-u... 4-00 iL/, ~O//, t.O rrj.4-oo~ L v /.../ 4L or;'1 E asf c l1 d /~.o,;;......,7 !.-Z ~:Z sp~s 5:.0"i /¥"'-',7 :..0" L a Cl-cl II 7q Jo~~.j.,r<etLc·ka,,G ;1!tc!POII1 h 8cJ ....·YI 3 e I!c..se :'1/'j. Ga.-Me Koo/CJ-V.z 84h.",£ee;.J €1£-<c',»5f»rl 2 J CJI;4 :E 4 ~o "z:o ,C,5 C'tJ...I L o o..d 1/19 51?!J W ('1)t o o ;<O ~!pe.a)L IJsL~ Ed1 e ;=-,q~)S vV ~-;;.Eri d (w)3 ~~~1 ~€.tY-o" L CJ::J..d 111C! J~/;;..,t R~.:l ~_h ~,)G /)-Jld,otll/d r;;,~/Z.z.5~f ;;::J C 0-~''S ell tv e '-1 j,I c./U-1?"J r7 5 -Sup £)01"1-,/I q W.6 x I cJ L e /J C)/-h ~rz '-/08 7:..7;~I ?>1.~4 Load f/')q JO I ;f R ea...~/-o.,., 8e..-....,1 ,<-<!",-~/,,.,,(bJ!)r sl W2-S'e)10,1;'?;;''; TS ~)<'~'t ~/IG wtTJ.-LJ b e.a..J eq u 4..fe U 5 e 7 5 ~X&x:~;/b /r,11'1 tJ..fc.h e «I;'I.IJrc.J"l-eclu..r,,-tLJ f N_T -'-_ 1---------'---- 1 1 1 1 1 1-1"'/ I 1 1 1 I 1 t I I Neujahr and Gorman,Inc.,~N-0601975 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR&GORMAN,IN'Consulting Structural Engine 88 Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 MULTI-SPAN STEEL BEAMDESIGN wEST END EDGE BE~~ GEBKRAL DATA -1--2--3 - All Spans Simple Support ??:I/O Span Lenqths ft:8.00 ...-8.00 -8.00 - End Fixity::Pin.Pin __pin:Pin-Pin.Pin> usc section '.8x10 1i8x10 1i8x10 --CALCULA'I'ED VALDFS --'~-oK-:oK- Pb -.lliowable ps~:23760 2376023760 fb-sctual,Ps~:7498 6462 7498 fv -Actual PSl :1708 1316 1708 Monent @Left k-ft :0.0 .....-4.2 --4.2 ...... Monent @Right k-tt :-4,2--4,2-0.0 ..... Ma x.Mon.@Mid-Span k-It :4.9 -2.8-4.9...... x-Dist ft:4.00 4.00 4.00 Shears:Left k:1.2 1.82.3 Right k:2.3 1.8 1.2 Reactions:Left :Dead k:0.19 0.61 0.61 Live k:1.05 3.45 3.45 Total k:1.24 .....4.06 4.06 Right:Dead k:0.61 0.61 0.19 Li ve k :3.45 3.45 1.05 Total k :4.06 --4006...-1.24- Max.Defl.@Mid Span in:-0.040 ---0.007 --0.040 -- x-oist ft:3.68 4.00 4032 --BEAM DFSIGI DA'l'!-- le:Onsupported Length ft :4000 4.00 LOO Fy ksi:36.0 36.0 36.0 section ~.re a in2 :2.96 2.96 2.96 Bean Depth in:7.890 7.8907.890 Bean Width in :3.940 3.940 3.940 Flange Thickness in:0.205 0.205 0.205 web Thi ckness in:0.170 0.170 0.170 In in4 :3Q.8 30 .8 30.8 Iyy in4 :2.09 2.09 2.09 rt in :0.99 0.99 0.99 APPLIED WADS (Jse Live Load on This Span ?Yes Yes Yes Oniforn DL k/ft :0.01 .....0.01 .....0.01"- LL k/ft :0.00 0.000.00 Point DL k:0.45-0.45 --0.45- LL k:3.00--3.00 -3.00 - X-Distance ft:4.00 .....4.00 --4.00 ""- QUERy VALDFS location ....•ft:0.00 0.00 0.00 Shear k:1.24 1.76 2.29 Monent k-ft:-0.00 -4.20 -4.20 Deflection in:0.000 0.000 0.000 VL4B2 (c)1983-95 ElIERCALC VAIL~EWAY ADDITION 960 ROO ~nlG CANOPY BEAM M.E.S. Date:05 /10 /96 Page:T2.Z Neujahr and Gornan,Inc "kw -0601975 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR &GORMAN~I.Consulting Structural Engm 88Steele si.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 MULTI-SPAN STEEL BEAMDESIGN WEST END EAST SPANS EDGE BEAM GI\IIKRAL D!'I'!-1--2--3- All Spans Sinple Support ??:110 Span Lengths ft :8.00 ~8.00 -8.77 ~ End Fixity::Pin:pin ....Pin:pin -Pin.Pin-: usc section :,.8xl0 w8x10 w8xl0 --C!LCUL!TED V!IlJES ------=oK-"---=or-----::or-- Fb -Allowable psi:23760 23760 23760 fb-Actual.ps~:14053 16933 12483 fv -}.ctual psl :2168 5032 2009 lIoment @Left k-It:0.0'/-9.1 -8.1 Honent @Right k-ft:-9.1.....-8.1 ~0.0 -- lIax.Mon.@Mid-Span k-ft:2.4 ...-11.0 ..-3.6"- X-Dist ft:4000 "'"3.04 ...-4,39- Shears:Leftk: Right k:2.9 4.6 0.8 Reactions:Left:Dead k:0.11 1.33 1.03 Live k:0.51 8.32 6.22 l'otalk:0.62 ~9.66 7.25 Right:Dead k:1.33 1.03 0.14 Live k:8.32 6.22 0.70 l'otal k:9.6V 7.25--0.84-- lIax.Defl.@Mid Span in:0.013~-0.086 ...--0.022 - X-Dist ft:6.51 ~3.68 .....5.32~ --BE1JI DESIGI nAor!-- Le:Unsupported Length ft:4.00 4.004.00 Fy ksi:36.0 36.0 36 .0 section Area in2 :2.96 2.96 2.96 Bean Depth in:7.890 7.890 7.890 Bean Width in:3.940 3.940 3.940 Flange Thickness in:0.205 0.2050.205 Web l'hickness in:0.170 0.170 0.170 Ixx in4 :30.8 30.8 30.8 Iyy in4 :2.09 2.09 2.09 rt in:0.99 0.99 0.99 APPLIED Ul!DS Use Live Load on This Span ?YesYes Yes Uniforn DL k/ft :0.01 ~0.01 "-0 .01~ LL k/ft :0.00 0.00 0.00 Point DL k:0.45 ~0.45 ~0.45- LL k:3.00 -3.00 '3.00 - X-Distance ft :4.00 -4.00 ~4.39"'- Point DL k:1.01 - LL k:6.76 - X-Distance ft:3.00 ~ QIlERY VALDES Location .•..•ft:0.00 0.00 0.00 Shear k:0.62 6.75 2.69 Moment k-It:0.00 -9.14 -8.12 Deflection in:0.000 0.000 0.000 V4.4B2 (c)1983-95 ~IERCALC VAII:EWAY ADDITION960 ROO ruG CAtIOPY BEAM U.S. Date:05/10 /96 Page:J<-~ Neujahr and Gornan,Inc .,kw-06019 75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,1NiI. Consulting Structural Engine. 88SteeleSt.,Suite200 DenverColorado 80206 (303)3}.17 -2732 FAX (303)377-4573 MULTI-SPAN STEEL BEAM DESIGN EAST END EDG E BEAM GEIIER!L DAf!-1--2 3--4 - }ll Spans Sinp 1e Support ??:NO Span Lengths ft:7.23/8.00-8 .00 ~7.00 -- En d Fixitr :Pin :Pin -pin:pin-Pin :Pin -pin:pi n- !ISC sectIon :w8x IO ',8x10 w8x lO w8x IO --CALalLATED VAUJES ---O K---=oK-=--oK--oK - Fb-IIllo',able ps i:237 60 2376 0 2376 0 23760 f b -Actual.ps~:1036 8 12 238 12 238 72 06 f v -Act ual PSl :2007 5774 1795 1613 Mo ne nt @ Lef t k-ft :0.0 --6.7-8.0-2.8 Honent @ Right k-ft:-6.7-'-8.0 .....-2.8 _O .O ~ Ma x.Mon .@ Mi d-S pan k-ft :2.9-7.5 -1.6.....4.7.... X-Distft:3.61 ""5.97-4.00 ""3.50 ..... Shears :Left k:0.8 3.6 2.4 2.2 Ri ght k :2.77.7 1.1 1.4 Reactions:Left:Dead k :0.13 0.89 1.39 0.50 Live k :0.70 5.36 8.76 2.78 Total k :0.83 -6.25 10.15 3.29 Ri ght:Dead k :0.89 1.39 0.50 0.20 Liv e k:5.36 8.76 2.78 1.16 Total k:6.25 .....10.15 -3.29 -1.36 - Max.Defl.@ Mid Span i n:-0.012 .....-0.070 ....0.01 8.....-0.032 ..... X-Di st ft:2.84 .....4.48 .....1.97....3.69/ --BE1JI DESIGI o.m -- Le :Unsup po rt ed Length ft :3.61-4.00 -4.00 -3.50 -- Fy ksi :36 .0 36 .0 36 .0 36.0 section Area in2 :2.96 2.96 2.96 2.9 6 Bean Depth in :7.890 7.890 7.890 7.890 Bean Width i n:3.940 3.940 3.940 3.940 Flange Thickness in:0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 Web Thickness in:0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 I xx in4 :30.8 30.8 30 .8 30 .8 I yy in4 :2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 rt in:0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 APPLIED IDAm Use Li ve Load on This Span ?Yes Yes Yes Yes Unifom DL k/ft :0.01 ....0.01 -0.01 -0.01- LL k/ft :0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Point DL k:0.45-0.45-0.45 -0.45 ....... LL k:3.00-3.00 -3.00 -3.00- X-Di st an ceft :3.61-4.00-4.00-3.50- Point DL k :LOl - u k:6.76 - X-Distanceft:6.00 - QUERY VALUES Loca tion .....ft :0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shear k:0.83 3.56 2.41 2.16 Moment k-It:0.00 -6.75 -7.96 -2.82 Deflection in :0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 V4.4B2 (c)198 3-95 EN ERCALC VA I ~EWAY ADDITION 960 ROO DIG CAlIOPY BEAM II.E .5 . Date :05 /10/96 Page:/<.d. NEU.JAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSU LnNG STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS l oo f's/ l~pS"1 I 3~.1/. LL U .. 1f..7'";' /Ci:'psi /OO I':! le:.O dil, -j"-;ps , 7p,..r-,_':" 1.psi 'i .0.'"j..~-,..... ;:2.as f'..I r_r....,.,,.., "r --r ::J:.- '2 p~£ r1 fs:fJ!r LP 51 ',,0;[ 10 ;:::/, .<-5 1OB:'<O .a _ I t"Oc"S • 5 f7o c.u ~}/S G . C e r /».,::J ___-I 1 I l _1 .)-,...,I""L....,/-'---/'-r---l',..-~ .V·';cP /!'.ld '::;t ,..;:1 r /--/~''''''..,J I I;::;,oa.ce-r a -i'e-.-;...::.1'7.::...a .c .:?/i'JJ ~c.11 e -as r . G a..b /e.13i?l'->y ''. 5p6--v"\10'-0 0,~'Z ~;'Cf-./,Ie-v ~ L J .-,r:d {)CLcr IF)l'...,..r:.l ~o s:.yz S (C'", f?a fje,....R.2!lc-t (~~1/.5 >('Z.i-7C.7.:7.- f :'<T '----JL--_ 1 I_PAl;_-E _ I I I I I I ,= I I I I I I I ',- I I DES IGB OAT!-1 - Tinb er Sectio n 2Xl O ilz."D F .L ~I q •Z "a ,C.• ....Dep th in :"'9.25 ....Widt h i n:1.50 Le:Unsupp ft :3.50 Fb-Blow psi :978 .00 Fe;-Allow psi:75.00 El astic Hod.ksi :1300.00 Loa d Dura tionFactor 1.00 Str ess Ra tio -»:0.95 CHII'fKR SPAR -OK- Span Lengt h ft:7.75 Unifortl OL pH:10 .00 LL plf :160 .00 --C!IRILEVEi SPAR-- cantile ver Length ft:3.50 Partial Length OL plf :10 .00 LL plf:160.00 X-Left ft :0.00 X-Righ t ft:3.50 RESUL'fS Hna x @ Cntr k-in :14 .95 x-oist ft:3.82 Monent €cant Support k-in :-1 2.49 REAC'lIOIIS Left:De ad Load #:30.85 Li ve Lo ad #:493.55 Rig ht:Dea d Load 1 •81.65.. Li ve Lo ad #:1306.4 5 STRESSES -{)K- Fb ..Allow ps ~:952 .7 Fb ••Actual ps ~:69 8.9 F'l ...mow PS+:75.00 Fv ••Actual PSl :71.50 DErLECrIOIIS Center ...Dead Load i n :-0.003 x-oistft:3.46 t.- OL Ratio 28360 ".". Li ve Loa din:-0.052 x-oist ft :3.46 i: LL Ratio 17 73 "__ Total Den in:-0.056 x-Dist ft:3.46 Ratio 166 8 ~ cantilever ...Dead Load in:-0.001 Ratio 95453 ~ Li ve Load in:-0.014 ;;. Ratio 5966 ...-: Total in :-0 .015 i Ratio 5615 ::<:::- Neujahr and Gonan,tnc .,kw-{)6019 75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IN~ Consulting Structural Engine 88 Steele St.,Suite200 Den ver Colorado 80206 (303 )3'77-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 TIMBER JOIST &RAFTER DESIGN HEIi ROOF HANSARD RAFTE RS V4.4B2 (c)1983-95 EHERCALC VA ILWi:EW AYADDI TI ON960 ROO IHG MANSARD RAFTERS M.E.S. Date:05 /10 /96 Page:R-{." DESIGIf OAT!-1- Tillber section 2XH -z p F-L C2 /-z '10.C. ....Depth in:1'n5' ....Wi dth in :1.50 Le :Unsupp ft:0.00 Fb-Allow psi:978.00 - Fv-Allow ~s~:75.00 - Elastic Hod.SI :1300.00 - Load Duration Factor 1.00 - Stress Ratio -»:0.96 ~ CEIflER SPAI -OK- Span Length ft:15.33 - Uniforn DL plf:15.00 "'- LL pIf:100.00 - RESIlIlrS IImax @ Cntr k-in:40.56 X-Dist ft :7.67 RE!CTIOIS Left :Dead Load #:115.00 ..... Li ve Load #:766.67 - Right :Dead Load #:115 .00 ~ Live Load #:766.67 ~ STRFSSES -QK- Fb ..Allow PSt :967 .3 Fb ..Actual ps~:924.0 Fv ..Allow ps~:75 .00 Fv..Actual psi :56.78 DEFLECTIOIS Cent er ...Dead Load in :-0.049 X-Distft:7.67 DL Ratio 3728 Li ve Load in :-0.329 X-Distft:7.67 LL Ratio 559 Total Defl in :-0.378 X-Dist ft:7.67 Ratio 486 Heujahr and conan,Inc.,kW-0601975 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR &GORMAN,INJI. Consulting Structural Engine. 88Steele St.,Suite200 DenverColorado 80206 (303)3)77-2732FAX(303)377-4573 TIMBER JOIST &RAFTER DESIGN GABLE RAGTERS OVER HAIN ENTRY V4 .4B2 (c)1983-95 ENERCALC VAIL SAFEWAY ADDITION 960fAROO~ING GABLE RAFTERS H.E.S. Date :05 /10/96 Page:e 7 V4.4B2 (c)1983-95 ElIERCALC Neujahr and Gorman,Inc.,kw -06019 75 '2 d.r::-V8 G!..t../-t...A-1'v1 10 .00ft ~ 2.25 rt- 0.00 f t - 0.00 rt - 2.25 ft - 0.00 ft T1.. HaxiDUll 13.35 k 8.84 K Page:12-6 = -0 .03 in -0.21in =5,10 ft 5.000 fT. =4655 ""J<.S;;::.,- =0.02 iii 0.144 in =3423 '*3;6 -d: =0.00 in 0.000 i n =0 0 DL 1.85 k =1:lIT Reactions ... Left Right Deflections... Center ....Dist ...L/Defl Left ...L/Defl Right ...L/Defl VAILl:liA Y ADDITION 960 ROO !lIG GABLE BEAMS H.E.S. Date :05 /10 /96 4.01 in 2.65 in 9.35 k 11.01 k 66.74 in2 8 .84 k 10.24k 62.0Sin2 159 .17 ps~.4 165.0psi --= = Bearing Req 'd @ Lert = Bearing Regtd @ Right = 22.21 5.43 0.99 = = = GENERAL TIMBER BEAMDESIGN GABLE BElJIS iiITH RAFl'ERS BOTH SIDES NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,I~ ConsultingStructural Engine. 88Steele sr.,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)3'77-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 Tillber section Bec1!l width Be an De ~th La Dinatlon Thic kn ess Fb -Bend ing Fv -Shear Fe -Be aring Ck =.SII (E /Fb)~.5 Cs =(LeD/B~2 )~.5 Cf =r I 2 /d)~.1 11 ----------BEAll DAfA SPAll DAfA ---- 5:125 x13.5 End Fixity Pin iPin ~Cent er Span = =5.125 i nElasti c Modulus 1800000 psi -Left cantilever = 13.50 in Be an Dens ity =35.0pef -Righ t cantilever = =0.00 i n Load Duration Factor =1.00 -IlIIlR!CED LKIfG'fIIS =2400 ps i-Bea n lit.is Added to Loads ....Le :Center Span = 165 psi ....En d Shear Calctd @ t d t distance >Le :Left Cant .= 650 js i-:L<!:Rightcant.= ----------------!PPLIIIl1DADS---------------- Uniform Load @ Center Span:DL =230.0 plf --LL =1533.0 plf - Uniform Load @LeftCantilever:DL =230 .0 plf--LL =1533 .0 plf- -----------------SllIIIARY ----------------- USIliG5.125x 13.500 Bean,Bend ing =71.38%,Shear =96 .4;% Hax.Pos MOD @ 5.05 ft 21.93 k-It Shear :Max.@ Left = Ma x.lIeg MOil @ 0.00 ft -0.62 k-ft usedfor dsgn = Max @ Left =-4.50 k-ft Area Re<Jtd = Max @ Right =0.00 k-tt Ma x.@ Right = Max.Allow HODent =30.i3 k-ft,.•..used for dsgn = fb:Ma x.Actual =1690.7 psi""I'"....Area Req/d Fb :Allowable 236 8.8 psi -::::-f v :Max .Actual Fv :Allo'.able I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V4.4B2 (c)19 83-95 ENER<:~Neujahr and Gorman,Inc.,~N-0601 975 APPLIED LOADS Uniform Load @ Center Span:DL =115.0 plf -LL =76 7.0 plf -- Uniform Load @ Left cantilever:DL =115 .0 plf -LL =767.0plf > SIJMIl!RY USING 5.125 x 10 .500 Bean ,Bendin1 =58.53%,Shear =66 .08% Reactions ...Ma x.Pos Moll @ 5.05 f~11.02 -ft Shear:Max.@ Left =4.70 k DL MaxiliUD Ma x.Neg Mon @ 0.00 f~-0.32 k-ft ••..used for dsgn =5.87 k Left =0.96 k 6.71 k Max @ Left =-2.27 k-ft ....Area Re9'd =35.56 in2 Right =0.61 k 4.44 k Ila x @ Right =0.00 k-ft Ilax .@ RIgh t =4.44 k Ilax .Allow MOllent =18.83 k-ft ....used f or dsqn =5.48kDeflections..• fb:Ma x.Actual =1404.8 psi J-....Area Reg'd =33.20 in2Center =-0.03in -0.22in Fb :Allowable =2400.0 psi--f v:Max.Act ual =109.03 psl ,.I<,....Dist =5.10 ft 5.000 ftL Fv :Al l ow able =165.0 psi ."...•L/Defl =4223 ri 540 ,._ Ck =.811{E /Fb)A .5 =22 .21 Left =0.02in 0.153 in Cs =(LeD WW.5 4.46 Bearing Req'd @ Left =2.02in ...L/Defl =3105 ~352 g-/.. Cf ={12/d)A .l11 =1.00 Bearing Reg 'd @ Right =1.33in Right =0.00in 0.000 iii ...L/De fl =00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR &GORMAN ~IN.... ConsultingStructural Engme. 88SteeleSt .,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303)3'77-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 GENERAL TIMBER BEAMDESIGN oJJc- GABL E BEAMS WITH RA FTERS &FS IDE~ riJ:tber section Beall width Beaa De~th LaminatIon Thickn ess Fb -Be nding Fv -Shear Fc -Bearing 1.4 F -\/6 G LU -LA M VA ILWl:EWAY ADDITION 960 ROO ING GABLE BEAHS M.E.S. Date:05/10/96 Page:l?-9 10.00 f t .- 2.25 ft ...- 0.00 ft ~ 0.00 ft - 2.25 ft - 0.00 ft - /1_.I /Vu./a..,r,e'1 rt7 dl (-e e-h...t re: I~/<Oor F rCL-.v j I/)C! ____________________1 JOB :'l0.CfbO (,,~e DATE BY ~ S-/!-1c,/IC-f :'l_T ---'--'-_ New Jo /~/(.10 re,a /!il-c..e eK/:;-!I/I CJ L''Z I I II --lpd-C-I I1Q ~-1 4 D ,C., 5pt:f-.~~7 :...~" LOcL,J IJ ?';' f?o;'!/!'7 :"tf~l-E:'>'~d bl1 "N Dc.. 5,t.:I l NEUJAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS /IJ -r-:to /h'd-f..e-h C K IS/-1 /1 j we!.c:I A !-of";/.;!-/,.(ro.nJ 1 /7 .::1 I . 7?L t..L 'Y,J.8S /:'/CJ ·'2:8 ' ,.,",I 0 ./I I ' 4 ,~~1~,73 ,'< Gr id 7 PC-LL ·k Z.SI!5 .15"- ;q Z.f/<'5,75 .IC r ) C r eel--?r . /. U '--Y \r,~±B"".J-<YI R, C I h c ' h "Sp/;ce ..r:'oo/{C .'_ I<0 C)""c-'f S ,...c~'Y7r. 0 ...;€:.J-.r t$-..I I ,")til, ,e!.t »e., Ga-b le f3~1 '::@ 61.1..;1 10 >"-:~007 t r ""'/"-'-7'("/::J,O rJ-y'1 !-""--0 ~r, L.0 6-.-i II!cJ N e i.U 8 e ~,,,&'i Grid c .{;-(r'lY1 I "I 't I5,o~1 S/-4 +S-4 ·ce;.-"I-, Lo a-tl l /;C! E f)-/-nf c.,1u.-I"',·7 :;e<l-,<;ccl eo f dllo r s, Hetq !t l-,'Zf-/!~',~ A ;</(;..Ilo~,-).'2 ,=:'5 O L -r/!7 S k.L L.=14 .Jo «-rL ()J /1"1j L c)0-;~i p -=c:C 'j 1 s r ;:;~~O 'k>1 C r "I,Z. 1'-;2 5,0 I -<1,0 o .&'1;<./,1..xc.5.~'XI =.20,4-13 ,.os! z»5 -c I 1,4 6 -:2 '3 s:It/, f/e <0 8 e~~r.;/Je os:OP{2-TL"~'-''k ex,:;I .tv a.-L (. 5 p a...--,!5'-0 "wi p,;:,.d &?;;1,d ~ptf-rl L»a-,)f rJa -' lfIus oY'r'j l3'x .o e:.8 ,..1,r'1"r'c:'('?-e:J ~';'.f 0 1/i2.r~hYl ,,-1:; t,n ~r;>t.. 7/L .54-'1 ,3 q .c.J. .q:>:iT' SUIIIAllY USING w21x 83J /Ma x StressRatio =79 .4 8 ~,Min Defl.Ratio =278.14 'f!BIIL!R SUIIIAIlY or WAD lDIBII!fIlE Haxi DUl1s ...Actual Allowable Dead Load +Loads Placed as follows Monent =268.8 33 8.2k-ft Placed DL LL LL +S1 LL LL+ST .....Stress =18.88 ~/.t-23.76 ksi for lIa x Onl y gCntr gentr @cants @Cants--Shear =37.44 158.92 k .....stress =3.39 0'=14 .40 ksi lIollents ..11 +@Center 268.8/42.7 26 8.8 0.0 4.9 0.0 k-rt Deflection =-0.883 M-@ Center =-33.0 -33.0 0.0 -164.5 .0.0 k-ft fb /pb :%lIax 0.795 ·@Left 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-It f v /Fv :%Dax 0.236 •@ Right =-33.0 -33.0 0.0 -164.5 0.0 k-ft Min.DL DeflRatio =2940.94 Shears •..@ Left =35.336.35 35.33 Hin.TL DeflRatio =278.14 ~@Right =37.44 8.46 37.44 0.00 36 .70 0.00k Deflection•.@ Center =-0.883 -0 .128 -0 .883 -0.128 0.157 -0.128in @Left =0.0000 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000in @ Right =0.4600.037 0.460 0.037 -0.245 0.037 in at0 .00 ft =0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i n Reactions @ Left =~U~.§.:.J2..35.33 6.352.156.35k Reactions @ Right =15.91 44 .89 15.91 49 .7015.91k 7L D<.. APPLIED WADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load =4.93k / Live Load =19.73 i - Di stance To Load =36.67 n - UnitOD Loads Dead Load =0.39 k/ft . Live Load 1.85 k/W Distance To start =0.00 n - Distance To End =31.33ft -' Heujahr and Gornan,Inc.,~.-0601975 S'l'EKL SEC'fI0II OAfA w2l.x83 =21.43 in I xx =1830 .00 in4 =0.515inI yy =81.40 in4 8.35ins xx 170.79 i n3 =0.8 35 i nSyy =19.49 in 3 =24.30 in2 r :xx =8.67 8in =82 .51 I r:yy =1.830 in =2.15in Page:;?-II VAI ~EWAY ADD ITION 960 ROO DIG GRID 6 FROM B'TO C' M.E.S. Da te:05/11/96 V4.4B2 (c)1983-95 ENE RCA LC NEWBEAM ON GRID6 FROM B'TOC'REPIJ.CES FRAME STEEL BEAMDESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IN..... Consulting StructuralEngme. 88Steele sr .,Suite200 DenverColorado80206 (303 )i77-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 ----BK!II OAT!---- Ce nter Span Length =31.33 t t ~USC section Left cantilever =0.00 ft ~section Depth Ri ght cantilever =5.33 f t ~Web 1'hi ckness Un braced Le ngth =5.33 ft~sect ion Wi dth Bea n Wt.i s AD DED To a~pli ed loads '"Fl~e Thickn ess Live Load Not Acting ~I th Short Tern ,section Ar ea Fy =36 ksi-section Wei ght Load Duration Factor 1.00 ,rT,Y Beam End Fixity :Pin:pin '" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------APPLIKD LOADS---------------- ---------------Concentrated Loads --------------- Page:;<./2- =161.00 i n4 =55 .20 in4 =26.83 i n3 =18.40in3 =4.329 in =2.535in Neujahr and Gornan,Inc.,kw -0601975 0.00.0k-ft -8 .1 -8.1 0.0 -53.2 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.00 .0 0.00 .0 k-ft -8 .1 -8.1 0.0-53.2 0.0 k-ft 0.980.980.006.98 0.00 k 0.00k 0.0100.010 0.010 0.071 0.010 in 0.0000.000 0.00 0 0.000 0.000 in -0.117 -0.117 -0.117 -0.786 -0.117 i n 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 i n -0.98-0 .98 -0.98 -6.98 -0.98k 2.352.35 2.35 14.10 2.35k Dl.- VAI L~F EWAY ADDITION 960 ROO IIlG GRID 7 OVER ENTRY !I.E.S. Date :05/11/96 53 .2 6.98 7.20 0.071 0.000 0.786 6.98 """I4.Ilr T7.. = = = = = = = = = = = H+@Center M-€Center @Left €Right @Left @Right Deflection..@Center @Left @Right 0 .00 ft = @ Left @Right at Reactions Reactions Shears ... 0.783 0.065 1605 .69).. 239.21 -= =0.93 k -0.93 k- =5.75 k -5.75 k- =0.00 ft-15.33 f t- STEEL BEAMDESIGN 1m"BEAM ON GRID 7 AT FRONT OF GABLE NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,I~ Consulting Structural Engin 88Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado80206 (303)377-2732FAX(303)377-4573 USING ts12x6x1 /4 , Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load 14.4B2 (c )1983-95 ENERCALC Ma xillUDS .•.Actual Allowable Honent =53.267.9 k-ft .....Stress =23.78 ~30.36 ksi Shear =7.20 55 .20 k .....Stress =1.20 ~18.40 ksi Moments .. Deflection =0.786 - f b /Fb:%ma x f v/Fv :%na x Min .DL DeflRatio = Hin.TLDeflRatio = -----------------SIIIlIWlY ----------------- Max Stress Ratio =78.34 %,Min Defl.Ratio =239.21 -------'lABllLAR SIlIIIIARY OF ID1J)OlmIlA!IOIS ------- Dead Load +Loads Placed as follo ws Placed DL LL LL +ST LLLL +ST for Ma x Onl y @Cntr €Cntr @Cants €Cants ----BE!II DATA ----------STEEL Stx:TIOII OAT!--------- CenterSpan Le ngth =7.50 ft ~H SC section:tsUx6xl/4 Lef t cantilever =0.00 f t sect ion Depth =12.00i nI n Rightcant ilever =7.83 ft ~Web Thi ckn ess =0.250 i nI yy Unbraced Length =7.83 rt-sect ion wi dth =6.00 i nSXX Beall wt .is AD DED To a~p li ed loads /Flange Thi ckn ess 0.250in Sri Live Load Not Acting WIthShort tern -section Area =8.59 i n2 r:xx Fy =46 ksi -sec ticn Weight =29.17 #r:yy Load Dur ationFactor =1.00-rT,y O.00 in Be am End Fixity:Pin:pin " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .00 in - 0.00 in - 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.75 Page:e-.» = = = = = = 12.0015.96ksi 3.303.30ksi 27.6036.71ksi 27.60 36.71ksi 0.0021.40 ksi 27.60 36.71 ksi 27.60 36.71 ksi 0.000.00ksi 10.97 ft fron column base 0.00 ft fron colunn base Neujahr and Goman,Inc .I kw-0601975 0.046 12.00 12.00 0.552.75 27 .60 27.60 27 .60 27.60 0.000.00 27 .60 27.60 27.60 27.60 0.000.00 -1.777inat 0.000 in at VAIL':EWAY ADDITION 960 ROO TIlG ENTRY COLUMlIS MoE .S. Date :05/13/96 = = = = = = = = = -Dead --Live -.DL +LL ·-DL+LL+S'l-I:. =0.229 0.275 0.942 ~ 0.1000.120 "'if.673 - = = Top = Botton = Btwn Ends = Top Botton Btsn Ends = X-X Axis = y-y Axis = x-X = Y-Y = ------------5UIII!Ily------------ = = = STEEL COLUMN DESIGN ENTR Y CO LUMNS EACH SIDE OF JXX)R'"AY V4.4B2lc)1983-95 ENERCALC NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IN. Consulting Structural Engine 88Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)3'77-2732FAX(303)377-4573 F'e x(DL+LL ) F'ev (DL +LL) F'ex (DL +LL +ST) F'ey (DL +LL +ST) Depth = Width = Top Thickness web Thickness = !rea = Weight = rT = I xx = SXX = Rx x = I Ii = Syy = R'iY ----(DLIJMI DAn -----------!PPLIED ID~-----------.usc section ts6 x6x3 /16 .l.x ial Dead Load 2.35k --"Y"Eccentricity colunn Height =21.95 ft "'"Live Load 11.75 k --·X ·Eccentricity Fixity €Top Pinned 'Short Tern 0 .0 k · Fi xity g Botton Pinned " Unbraced Lengths...-Dead --Live --Sbort --X:start --X:End - ForY-Y Buckling 21.95 ft /"X-X Axis Honents :--!lone-- For X-x Buckling =21.95ft---None-- ----DESIGII DAf!--!lone-- Fy =46 ksi'Y-Y Ax is Moments --!lone-- Load DurationFactor =1.330 ----lIone-- Live &Short Term Applied Together----!lone-- sidesway...X-X Axis 1lestrained "Point Loads --lIone-- Y-Y Axis 1lestrained'"--None-- Effective Length Factors...Uniform Loads 0.00 0.000.24 k/ft--0.00 ft -21.95 ft- X-X Ax is =1.00 ".--!lone-- Y-Y Ax is 1.00- ---SEClIOI nAifA --- 6.00in 6.00 in Conbined Stress Ratios..• 0.188 in Forllula 1.6 -1a 0.188in Fornula 1.6-Ib 4.270 in2 Foraula 1.6-2 14.498 plf Actual &.Ulollable stresses ... 0.000 in Fa :Allowable 23.8in4fa:Actual 7.9 in3 Fb:xx :Allo'll [FI-6 J 2.36in••[Fl-7 &Fl-8 ] 23.8 in4 fb:xx Actual 7.9 in3 Fb:yy :Allow [Fl-6 2.36 in••[Fl-7 &Fl -8 ] fb:yy Actual Ma x X-X Ax isDeflection = Max Y-Y Ax isDeflection = -------------Intened.iate stress calculation Values ------------- 12000 psi CD :x (DLtLL)=0.60 Cb:x (DL tLL) 12000 psi CD:y (DL+LL)=0.60 Cb :y (DULL) 15960 psi CD :x (DL tLL+ST)=1.00 cb.x (DL+LL +ST) 15960 psi CD:y (DL+LL tST)=0.60 Cb:y (DULL tST) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUIIIIARY USING w16x4 5,Ka x Stress Ratio =81.17%,Kin Defl.Ratio =671 .00 i'!BIILAR SllllllARY OF WAD allBlJ!flOlS Ka xillUIIS ...Actual Allowable Dead Load +Loads Placed as follows Monent =116.8 '143.9 k-ft Placed DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST .....Stress =19.29 .-Ie.23.76 ksi for Ka x Onl y @Cntr €Cntr @Cants @Cants-::. Shear =26.18 80.13 k .....stress =LiD o-/..14.40 ksi Konents ..H+@Center =116.8 33.1 116 .8 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 k-ft-='Deflection =-0.274 H-@Center =0.0 -0.0 0.00.0 0.0 k-ft f b /Fb :%!la X 0.81 2 @Left =0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 k-ft f v/Fv :%nax 0.327 @Riqht 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 k-ft Hin.DL DeflRatio =2291.55 Shears...@Left =26.188.0726.18 0.00 0.000.00k Hin.TL DeflRatio =671.00 ><1.00 ~@Riqht 25 .98 8.05 25.980.00 0.000.00k jY7/r$d~ZY Deflect ion ..@Center =-0.274 -0.080-0 .274 -0.080 0.000 0.000 in sat"Pol!r @Le ft =0.000 0.0000 .000 0.0000.0000.000i n @Riqht =0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000in at 0.00 ft =0.0000 .000 0 .000 0.0000.000in Reactions @Left =26.18 8.0 7 26.188.07 0.00 0.00 k React ions @Right =~8.05 25.98 8.05 0.00 0.00k 71-PI..- APPLIED Ul.IDS Concentrated Loads Dead Load =1.17 k .... Live Load 7.67 k ..... Distance To Load =7 .5 0f t~ unitOD Loads Dead Load =0.93 k/ft/ Live Load 1.85 k/ft/ Distance To Start =0.00 ft ~ Distance To End =15.33 ft .... Neujahr and Gol1lan,Inc.,kw-060 1975 srm.SECrIOI DAn v16x45 16.13 in In =586.00in4 =0 .345 i nI yy =32.80 i n4 =7.03-in Sxx =72.66i n3 =0.565 i n Syy 9.32i n3 =13.30in 2 r :xx =6.638 in 45.16 #r :yy =1.5 70 in =1.83in Page:12·I t;.. VAIL SAFEW).Y ADDITION 960-'ROO~IHG EIlTRY BEAM M.E.S. Date:05/13/96 V4.4B2(c)1983-95 EIlERCALC BE!!!€Il Eli OPENING III EXISTIN G SOUTH WALL STEEL BEAMDESIGN NEUJAHR &GORMAN ,I~ Consulting Structural Engin 88Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado 80206 (303)377-2732 FAX(303)377-4573 ----BE!M DATA ---- Ce nterSpan Length =15.33 ft /.HSC Section Left cantilever =0.00 ft ....section De pth Righ t cantilever 0.00 ft ~web Thickness Un braced Length =0.00 f t ...Section wi dth Beall Wt.i s ADDED To a~pli ed ·loads '/Flange Th ickness Live Load Not Acting WIth Short Tel1l section }.rea Fy =36ksi-sec tion weight LoadDuration Factor =1.00 '"rT ,Y Bean EndFi xity Pin.Pin - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATEBY5·/~·C;",~ PAGE r:I,-I IJOB NO.9"065 e ~N _T ----='---L =--_ I I I I I I i ::: I I I I I I, \.~- I I C o-----\.-<J ?,'1 W !(.L.,,-,r1 POt)'//11 ~ L ~a.J.~'fi, ;V/d;.Cdu-d'?/l LO cJ.-I C:/lcr e,le Pier- p...c. /,84 l<- .4S k. '2.?'i": ·L f... //.7 {..1<' //.?(.,,t.. NEU.JAHR AND GORMAN,INC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS UJADIIG OAT.!-1- Dead Loa d k:2.29 ..- Live Load k:11.76 ~ Short Te rn Load k:0.00 seisnic :one 0 Overburden weight psf:330.0 ~ Conbining Live &Short Terti Loads ?No FOOrnfG DATA Size(Length &Width)ft:2.00 ..- Thickness in:12.00 :of Bars -:L Rebar si ze IIU11ber I :.s; Colunn Dinension in:12.0 --- fie psi:3000 - Fy P~l :60000 - Cover over rebar 10:3.0 .... Concrete "/l eight pcf:145 .0 -son DA'lA Basic Allow Soil Brg Press.psf:4000-- Short Tern Duration Factor :1.33 Ftg.Depth Below Soil ft:0.00 CALaJL!'lED FORCES Ma xinun static SoilPressure psf:3987.5 ..,,- Allow static SoilPressure psf:4000.0 ---- Max.Short Tern SoilPressure psf:1047.5 Allo·.Short Tern SoilPressure ps~:5320.0 Hia/:Hlowable Shear ps~:109.5 .4: Vu/Phi ps~:-2.8 -- 2-Y;a y:Allowable Shear ps~:219.1 ,,/_ Vu/Phi psi :10.9 -- Mn k-ft:19.101<- Mu jPhi k-ft:0.9 - RKIIIlORCIJIG Actual Bar Depth in :8.69 Min.Allow %Reinforcing 0.0014 200 /Fy 0.0033 Req/d Per Analysis :0.0002 USE .......%:0.0019 Rebar Area Req/d in2 /~t :0.20 Total .~ea Req/d m:0.40 REBAR CIIOlCES Quanti t y of:#4 Bars 3 15 Bars 2 #6 Bars 2nBars2 18 Bars 2 19 Bars 1 #10 Bars 1 Neujabr and Goman,Inc"k'.-0601975 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEUJAHR &GORMAN,IN.Consulting StructuralEngine 88Steele St.,Suite200 Denver Colorado80206 (303)377-2732FAX(303)377-4573 SQUARE FOOTING DESIGN CAJIOPY FOOTING V4.4B2 (c)1983-95 ~IERCALC VAI~~AY ADDITION 960 FO liS CAJIOPY FOOTTI1GS M.E.S. Date :05 /13/96 Page:F-"Z.. •, I •1-'1 ." ,)I