HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 UNPLATTED CONDOMINIUM GENERAL 2 OF 6 LEGAL..• ProjectName : ••••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL W est Vail Associates!VailDas Schone Bldg . ProjectDescription:Install new stucco soffit and recessed can lighting under existing awning Owner.AddressandPhone:West Vail Associates,2121N.Frontage Road,476-5165 Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone:Rippy Contractors,POBox3610 ,Eagle,CO 81631,328- 3655 ProjectStreetAddress :2111 North Frontage Road LegalDescription: ParcelNumber: Comments: Motionby : Secondedby: Vote : Conditions: Unplatted,VailDas Schone #3 BuildingName: Board /Staff Action Action:staff approved TownPlanner:Brent Wilson Date:Sept.4,1998 DRBFccPre-Paid :$20.00 F:\EV I',RYON E\ORJ \\i\PPROVi\I ,\9 ~\V ,\II ,Oi\S.'!04 e ucs tions?Ca _Pla nning Staff a t 47 9-2123•• OOl)fLI ~~3 ~O N FO R DE SIGNR EVIEWA PPR OVAL pa"!a~tJt1 aleO G ENER ALfN FORMATION Th isa pplication is f or any p roject requiri ng Design Review a pproval.A nypr ojectreq uiring des ignreview mu st rece ive De sign Review approval pri orto s ubmittingfor a b ui ld ing permit,For specific informati on.s ee the submittal re quirements fortheparti cu lar approv a l thatis requested.Th ea pplication cannotbe accepted until all the req u ired information is s ubmitted.The project may a lson eed to b e reviewedbyt heT ownCo uncil and/or th e Planning an d Environmental Co mmi ss ion .D esign R eview Bo ard appro val expires o ne y ear after final ap proval unless a building permit isissued and const ruction is started . 1 '.. • A .D ES CRIPTIONO FTHEREQUE ST:In !.l ta U ne.w !.Io 6 6.<.t und e../t a wn .<.ng !.I t./t uc tu Jte 3 28-3 6 55 4 76-5165 ./toad F./t ontag e.Road We.!.I t (C ontact Eagle Co .Assessors O ffice at 970-328-8640 forp arcel It ) Construct io n o f a newbuilding. Incl u des a ny a dditio n w heresqu are fo otage isa dded to a nyresi dential or commercia l buiIding . Includes min or ch anges tobuil dings and sit e i mprovements.suc h as . rer oofin g,p a inting .w indowaddi tions.landscap in g,fen ces and retaining wa lls.etc. $20 LO C ATION OF P ROPOSAL:LOT:BL OCK:FI LING :Van Va !.l Shone.~------------Cond om~n~um!.l 02 PH YSICAL ADDRESS:_2_1_1_1_N_o_./t_t_h __---'-'"-"'-"'---'..:....:....::.:..::...~::....::...;'___ PARCEL#:210 311416000 ZON ING:_ NAME OF OWNER(S ):We.!.I t Va ,(,t'A!.I!.I oc .<.at e.!.I MA ILINGA DDRESS?121 fJ o./tt;h F./tontag e. Va.<..f,co y 816 7 oWNE R(S)SIGN A TUR E(S):-----:--H~:...Lb44J.==>-.J_!.'_!L"'-___lLJ.6~...l__ N AME OF AP P LICANT :R .<.PP y c on ./t ac toJr.!.I , MAILING ADD RESS:P.O.bo x 3610 Eag .fe.,CO 81631 TYP EOF REV IEW AND F EE: o N ew Con s tru ction -S200 o Add itio n-$5 0 I2ll M inor Al teration- B. F. C. D. E. H . G . D RB fe es are t o bep aid a t t hetimeo f sub mittal .Later,w hen a pplyingfora buiIdin g permit,pleasei den tify t hea ccurate v a luation of theproject.Th eTow n o f Va il wi ll a dju s tth e fcc acco rding tothepro ject valu ation . PLEASE SUBMIT THIS AP PLI CA TION,A LL SUBM ITTA L REQ UIRE MENTS AND THE F EE TO THE DEPARTMENT O FC OMMUNITYD EVELOPMENT,7 5 S OUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, V AlL,COLORADO 81657. FQi-Qffic~Us ¢Q J i~; ,V d6 P~d :~··.·'···_,_·,·'_'---,-,--_ .....:.::.~:.:......:':::;:..-...~ Project N ame: ·e • B esign Review AcfPon Form TOWN OF VAIL VailDas Schone Commercial Project D escription:Replaceexisting windowsanddoors,change locations Owner,AddressandPhone :W.Vail Associates Architect/Contact.Addr essandPhone:Mike Rippy,Rippy Contractors,POBox 3610,Eagle,CO 81631 P roject Street Address:2111 N.Frontage Road Le gal Description: ParcelNu mber: Comm ents: Mo tion by: S econded by: Vote : C onditions: Unplatted ,Vailda sSchone 3rd Filin g BuildingName:Vail das Schon e Board /Staff Action Action:Staff Approved T ownPlanner:Lauren Waterton Da te:October 17,1997 DRBFee Pre-Paid :$20.00 F:IEVERYONEIDRBI,\PPROVAL\.Q 7\IDRBAP PR FRM APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ·\ .. Que stions?Ctlle PlanningS tafr a t 4 79-212R A. GENERAL INFORMATION This application isforanyproject requiring DesignReviewapproval.Any project requiring design review must receive Desi gn Review approval prior to submitting forabuildin g perm it.For s pccifie information,sec the submittal requirements for theparti cular app roval that is reque sted.T he a pplicationcannot beacc eptedunt il al l therequ ired inform ation is submitted .T heproject mayalsoneed to bereviewed by t heTow n C ouncil a nd/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.DesignReview Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a huilding permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTION or TilE REQUEST:~Ictce,t£oboes +WL'rvitwJSa. ~g'<Lo~r .~cd&;,.uu..uL. 328-3655 NAME OF OWNER(S):W.Va Le AMoc.iate-6 MAILING ADDRESS :2121 N.F/tontage Road VaLe 81657 )PHON E:476-5165'41Jtll11.t£~~T»(0, ~R ~ppy ContJractoJr-6,In c. P.O.Bo x 3610 Eag l e,CO 81631 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:BLOCK :FILING:VA IL VAS SHONE PHYSICAL ADDRESS:2111 N FJrontag e Road Va Le COMMERCIAL CONVOMINIUM C2 PARCEL #:2103 11416030 (Contact EagleCo.Assessors Office at 970-328 -8640 forparcel #) ZONING :_ OWNER(S)SI GNATURE(S):--4':1!4'1f4t~~.t:2:>L:.~~.H~8J=----------- NAME OF APPLICANT:--'--'--=--'--_ MAlLING ADDRESS :_-;:-:-~--:-=..::....;;_~~::__:_:::_:_------_::_::__:___::_:_77---- C. D. E. 13. F. G. H.TYPE OFREVIEWANDFEE: o New Construction -$200 o Addition -$50 o Minor Alteration -520 Construction of anew building. Includesanyadditionwhere square footageisaddedto a ny residential or commercial building . Includes minor cha ngesto buildings a ndsiteimprovements.such as •. reroofing.painting.wind ow addition s.land scaping.fencesand retaining walls.etc . DRBfeesaretobepaidat thetime of submittal.Later.when applying forabuild ing permit ,please identify the accurate valuation of theproject .TheTown of Vail will adjustthefcc according tothe project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICAnON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim HandorDeck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ·.,. 'ST OF PROPOSED MA TERIALS TYPEOFMATERIAL:COLOR:* *Please specifythemanufacturer'scolor,numberandattachasmallcolorchip **Allexteriorlighting must meettheTown'sLightingOrdinance 18.54.050(1).If exteriorlightingisproposed, pleaseindicatethenumberoffixturesandlocationsonaseparatelightingplan.Identifyeachfixture typeandprovide theheightabovegrade.lumensoutput,luminousarea.andattachacutsheet of thelighting fixtures. 2 Updated 6/97 ..,e PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXIS TING TREES TO B E REMOV ED: BotanicalName CommonNamc Ouantity GROUND COVER SOD S EED IRRI GA TION "Minimumrequirements forlandscaping:deciduou s tr ees -2inch caliper coni fcroustree s -6 feetin height shrubs -5 g allons Square Footage TYP E OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATU'RES (re taining walls ,fen ces,swimming pools .etc.)Plea se specify.Indicate top a nd bottomele vations of'rctaining wal ls.Ma ximum height of walls withinthefront setback is3feet.Maximum height of wa llselsewhere onth e property is 6fcct. 3 Updated6/97 .~ueTY LOCATION VERIFICATION - Thisformistoverifyserviceavailabilityandlocationfornewconstructionandshouldbeusedinconjunetion withpreparingyourutilityplanandschedulinginstallations.Thelocationandavailabilityofutilities,whether theybemaintrunklinesorproposedlines.mustbeapprovedandverifiedbythefollowingutilitiesforthe accompanyingsiteplan. AuthorizedSi gnature U.S.West Com munications I-HOO-922-19R7 468 -6H60 or 949 -4530 PublicServiceCompany 949-57&1 GaryHall HolyCrossElcetrieAssoc. 949-5892 TedHusky/JohnBoyd T.C .1. 949-5530 FloydSalazar Eagle RiverWater &Sanitation District * 476-74HO FredHaslce *Please bringasiteplan,floorplan.andelevationswhenobtainingUpperEagleValleyWater &Sanitation signatures.Fireflowneedsmustbeaddressed. NOTES: I.Iftheutilityverificationformhassignaturesfromeach of theutilitycompanies,andno commentsarcmadedirectlyontheform.theTownwillpresumethattherearenoproblems and thedevelopmentcanproceed. 2.Ifautilitycompanyhasconcernswiththeproposedconstruction,theutilityrepresentativeshall noledirectlyontheutilityverificationfonnthatthereisaproblemwhiehneedstoberesolved. TheissueshouldthenbedetailedinanattachedIcttertotheTown ofYail.However,please keepinmindthatitistheresponsibility of'thc utilitycompanyandtheapplicanttoresolve identifiedproblems. 3.Theseverificationsdonotrelievethecontractoroftheresponsibilitytoobtain a PublicWay Permit from theDepartment of PublicWorksattheTownofVail.Utilitylocationsmustbe obtainedbefore digging inanypublicright-of-way oreasementwithintheTown ofYail.A buildingpermitisnot a PublicWaypernlitandmustbeobtainedseparately. 1.PRE-APPLICA TION CONFERENCE 4 Updated 6/97 .., e e A pre-application conference withTownofVailstart'is required.No application canbe accepted unlessthe mandatory pre-application meetinghas been completed .Itisthe applicant's responsibility to schedule this meetingbycalling 970 -479-21211 . II.TIME REOUIREMENTS TheDesignReviewBoardmeetsontheIst and 3rdWednesdaysofeachmonth .A complete application formandall accompanying material must beacceptedhytheCommunity Development Department a minimum of threeand a half(3 112)weeks prior 10 the date oftheDRBpuhlichearing. III.REVIEW CRITERIA Yourproposalwillbereviewedfor compliance withtheDesignGuidelines as setforthinSection18.54 of the Municipal Code. IV.NOTETOALL APPLICANTS: A.Ifa property islocatedinamappedhazard area (i .e.snowavalanche,rockfall,floodplain,debris flow,wetland,etc).ahazardstudy must besubmittedandtheowner must sign an affidavit recognizing thehazard reportpriortotheissuanceof a buildingpermit.Applicants arc encouraged tocheckwiththeplanningstall'prior tosubmittalofaORB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mappedhazards . R.BasicPlanSheetFormat.Forall surveys .site plans.landscape plans andother site improvements plans,all of thefollowing must beshown . I .Plansheet si ze must be 24"x 3(,...Forlargeprojects.largerplan size maybe allowed. 2.Scale.Theminimumscale is I"=20'.Allplans must beatthe same scale . 3.Graphic bar scale. 4 .North aITOW. 5.Titleblock.projectname ,project address andlegaldescription . 6 .Indicationofplan prcparcr,address andphone number, 7.Datesoforiginalplanpreparationandallrevision dates . ll .Vicinity map orlocationmapata scale of 1"=1.000'orlarger . 9 .Sheetlabelsandnumbers, 10 .A border witha minimum leftsidemargin of 1.5". II .Names of alladjacentroadways . 12.Planlegend . C.Fornew construction andadditions,theapplicantmuststakeandtapethe project siteto indicate property lines.proposedbuildingsandbuildingcomers .Alltreestoberemovedmustbetaped.The applicant mustensurethatstakingdoneduringthewinterisnotburiedbysnow.Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior tothe day ofthe DRB meeting. D.Applicants whofailtoappearbeforetheDesignReviewBoardontheir scheduled meeting dateand whohavenot asked inadvancethatdiscussionontheiritembe postponed,willhavetheir items removed fromtheORBagendauntilsuchtimeastheitemhasbeen republished. E.IftheORBapprovestheapplicationwithconditionsor modifications,all conditions of approval mustberesolved priQ[tothe issuance ofabuildingpermit. 5 Updated 6/97 ·.., e V.STAfF APPROVAL TheAdm inistrator may review and approveDesignReview appl ications.approvewithcertain modifications, denytheappl ication.ormayreferthe a pplicationtotheDesign Review Boardforde cision.Allstaff approvalsarcsubjecttofinalapprovalbytheDRB .Thefollowin g types of DesignReviewapplicat ions may b es taff approved: A .Any application foranadd ition to a nexisting bu ilding thatisco nsistentwiththearchit ectural de sign. materialsandcolors of thehuilding.andappro va l has hcenreceived byan a uthorizedmember ofa condominium as sociat ion,ifappli cable: B.Anyappli cationto modifya nexisting building that docsnot significantly change theexisting planes ofthebuildingand is generally consistentwiththearch itectural design .materials and co lors of the building .including.but notlimited to exterior build ing finish materials (e .g.s tonework.s iding.roof materials.paint or srain .).e xterior l ighting.canopies or aw nings.fence s.antenn as,sat ellite dishe s. window s.s kylights.si ding.minorco mmercialfacade impro vements.and other similarmodifications; C.Anyapp lication forsite improvem ents ormod ifications including.butn ot limitedto.driveway modifications.s ite grading,si tewalls.removalor modificationsto e xisting landscaping,installation ofacce ssory stru ctures orrecreational facilities . VI.ADDITIONAL REVIEWAND pE ES A.Ifthisa pplicationrequiresase paratereview hyany local.sta teor f ederal ag ency ot herthan the Town of Vail.theapplicat ion fcc shallbeincreased by $200 .00.Examplesofsuchreview.may include.but a rcn ot limitedto:Co lorado Departm ent o f Highw ay Acces s Permits.Army Corps of Engineers 4 04.etc. B .T hea pplicant shall b e responsible for paying any p ublishing fees w hicharc in excess of 50 %of the application Icc.If.atthe appl icant's request.an y matter ispostponed for hearing,cau sing thematter to bere-publi shed.then theentirefcc for s uchre-publication shallbe paid bytheapp licant. C .Ap plicat ions deemedbyth e Communit y Developm ent Departmenttohave design.land uscorother issues whi ch may ha ve a significant impact ontheco mmunitymay requirereview byconsultant s in addit ion to To wn staff.Sh ould adetermination bemade by th e Town staffthat ano utsideconsultant isneeded .theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhirethecon sultant.T heDepartment shall estim ate thea mountofmoncy nece ssary topay the con sultant and this amountshallbe forwarded to theTown by theapplicantatthctime offiling anapplic ation.Expensesincurred by the T own in excess of theamountforwarded bytheapplic ation shallbepaidtotheTo wn by theapp licant within 30days of notificat ion bytheTown .Any e xcess fund s willbereturnedtotheapplicantuponreview comp letion .. 6 Updated 6/97 ·.., e MINOR ALTERATIONS TOTHE .EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS ANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS GENERALINFORMATION Th is application applie s tochanges made toasiteorexterioralterations of a building.Any alteration in whichadditional building squarefootageisaddedwillrequirean "additions"application. o o o o o I.SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS Photosor sketches which ~conv ey theexisting conditions. Photos or sketches which ~con vey thepropo sed building orsite alteration(s). Allrelevant specifi cations fortheproposalincludingcolorsandmaterials tobeused. Condominium Associ ation approval(if applicable). Iftheintentoftheproposalisnotclearlyindicated ,the Administrator may determine thataddit ional materials are necessary forthereview of theapplication . .. ~...,"','.."" f ;",""f I ,l ~\""";j ~,,',"."~,l .,,I,;,~",,",,~,~,"("I , I.,(,•I ,,, I.,,•,,,I ,(,,I ,I ,,r I I/,I I ,,I I I~I ,/I Operator:RSCHMIDT Check:4660 Date:19/17/97 99 Receipt:0909399 ClECK $29.00 A.ount Tendered $29.00 PAY TO ll£ORDER IF FIRSTBIN<IF VAIL V~f~I~:i1~~657 FOR IlPOSIT IN..Y TlIlN IF VAIL 579 11337 TOll1l of Vai 1 H.CUSTIJ£R RECEIPT ~ lPER:RSDIlIDT FB DRAIER:1 DATE:10117/97 00 RECEIPT:0000J'39 Df.SCRIPTI~GTY IMlJfl TP 1JI DESIGN REVIEIl FE 1 m.00 DR CK RI~Y COORACTORS DATE:19/17/97 14:46:52 TOTAl.Cl£CK $29.00 AIDJNT TENDERED $29.00 lHIH{YIJJ FOR YIJJR PA'MNT! ·ee .'..·ee ee iT.;'··-·.-::'.:'- • • 5 7.00 • SO.2 5• S 5.00 • S20 .00 S5.00• 536 .00 • S37 .0 0• S 54 .00 • S39 .00 • S 37.0 0 • DA TE ZA P N PJ" I'll. RJ" XC OH rT c;P e;p Me; M e C f JE C J..:..~MAll E FA VAHLE TO TOWS OF'"AI L l'IL\t ,•.,-,No:",.'.TAX'COST~'..TOTAL TOWN O FVAIL 01 000042415 UNIFORMBUILDINGCO DE 010000424 15 UNIFORMPLUMBING CODE 0100004 1540 ZONINGANDADDRESSMAPS L._.-'-..:....:...---:.~IRE CE IPT 1'0._ ~j n t1l ,(1"'/1 Dr.rARTME~T OF co nxruxrrv DE \"E LOPME~T1'A\IE ~~brMJ-p~rs_ ~"(J 100 0042415NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE i't 0 I 0000 424 15 UNIFORMM ECHANICAL CODE 3;01 000042415 UNIFoIUv!FIRE CODE .:;;:0 100 0042415 OTIl ER CODE [lOOKS~MO~J "';;(}{;T.j""00;<--i4"'15;";4';;'S-t-T-<I3+LnU;;';1 ,,;':'p<iR~l nN~T ;;'S ";;(Iv":;l~Y:';"L~A;"'R"'S"---)----------+-U~-+---+-~1""i"C",,,r.----R~~ ghO~I "';;OO~00~42;';4i-i1';;'2-t-~XJ';;:"'R:70~Xi-C?'-O~PIiT-E~S.:.:...:...::::...:c:.:.:::L-----------+~::-+---+---;~~r.---~ ~010000424 12 STUDIES ~ti 01000042412 TOVFE ES COMP UTER PROGRAM l~ u:01 000042 371 PENA LTY FEES I RE·INS PECTIONS ~::=:r~}-;;0";-1";;00~00"4~13"3~2-t--fiPi"-LA=.:TiNc'iR;';I":':\7i/IFE"'W'Fr.iT.tE .CIIECK FEE=-T.[S""4"'0"P"'E"'R'I"IR".')---'f---Lll-+---+-----t----f.;;J ~~~I~ '"I;; f';~A DDRESS _ f!PROJE CT;:---------------S~-------------------_,___-------..:===~=.:c=~~:.:..:..:..:::.:....:,?"-_MA~ACCOlJ:\'NO. TP PN MS ,:;0IO<lOO.41331 YREPA ID DESIGNREVIEWBOARDFEE '/Il,cnj IIiG §'"-Q.1 OWl!'P 3:/-r INVEST IGAnON FEE(BU ILDING)F- L~OTHE R -MI SC.~: 7!I ii-~*O I0011021112 TAXABLE(a:4:'Si.(STATE)~~ 1'7 52 00.00 S250 .00 52 50 .00 S500.00 S200.00 S200.00 S200 .00 S200 .00 SI ,OOO.OO S I,500.00 01 000041330RE -ZON ING M S _010000 41330 S PECIAL DEVELOPMEN I DISTR ICT IN I~\V I un 01 00004133 0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MINOR AMEN D I PII =0 1 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMEN T DISTRICT IMAJORAMEN Dl PV i 0 I 0000 41330 EXTERJOR ALTEM TION IMORE TH AN100 SO.FT.I un :,I 01 000041330 SUBD IVISION uUn01000041330VARJANCEPU*01000041330 ZO NINGCODE AMENDMEN TS un ~0 1000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERAT ION(LESSTIIAN 100 SO.FT.1 PU -":f ---------y;I'cr:'l<~;7"'ACA:'llI'~'ll:p·nILlI...,....1C A"'T'Y7'<'\O jj'\j<rT.'"I".EI:'T.'>E S~------::-··-..,-.---...-.----~:_:_:_-:-----i~ ~"(n 00 004 1330 ADDITIONAL GRI'A "250"PV i;;0I 000041330 CONDITIONAL USEPERM IT PU PN D2 ~OT HER MS (}.DO I;<ETOTAL: REC.BYJ.W~.CAS H 1 1 CK .•~M .0 .-3 fW · ~O THER ~J;; ':!r c OMMe;Ts:__-'J..'L:...l.-'-"""-J1-~lo=lL.ll'~_.l,A'-'-!..!U..I~~'-4J~~-t.~~. ~-----..l,,L¥...1.I~~~t----l\l..l.L~-----------------~ i • YOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT MFBUILDPERMIT Permit #:B98 -0196 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No..: Proj ect No.: 2111 N FRONTAGE 2111 N FRONTAGE 2103 -114 -16-000 RD WEST RD (VAIL Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:007 /2 0/19 98 Issued ...:08/03/1 998 Expires ..:01/30 /1999 Description : REPLACE WINDOW AND DOORS Phone :303-29 5 -11 70 P hone :303 -29 5-1170 TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-upDep i fund approved amount date Mu lti-Fam ily Type VI -Hour (COMPLE X) Rl V 1 -H R ACCENT WIND OW S,I NC . 1 221 E.56TH AVENUE ,DENVER,CO 80216 ACCENT WINDOWS,INC . 122 1 E.56TH AVENUE,DENVER ,CO 80 216 VAIL DAS SHONE CONDO ASSOC Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occ u pancy: OWNE R CONTRACTOR APPLICANT Valuation:1 26,900 Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Information:Restricted :#Of Gas Appl i anc es:#Of Gas Logs:#of Wood /Pa lle t: Bu il di ng-----> Plan Ch eck ---, I n ve st ig ati on> Wi ll call----, 848 .00 5 51.20 .00 3.0 0 Re stuaran t Plan Review ·-, DRB F ee --------_·-------, Recreati on Fee ----------, Clean-Up Deposit--------, TOTALFEES --------------, .0 0 1 00 .0 0 .0 0 500 .0 0 2 ,0 02 .20 T ot al Ca l c ulat ed Fees ---> Add it ional Fe e s---------> T o tal Permit Fe e --------> Payments ----------------, BALANCE DUE-------------, 2,002 .2 0 .0 0 2 ,0 02 .2 0 2,00 2 .2 0 .00 I tem:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/20/1998 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/20/1998 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED I tem:05600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 07/20/1998 JRM Action :APPR N/A Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS 07/20/1998 J RM Action:APPRN/A J~t :BUILDING Dept:PLANNING PER BRENT Dept:F IRE Dept:PUB WORK Divis ion: Division : Division: Divis ion : See Page 2 of t his Doc ume nt for any conditions that may apply to this permi t. DECLARATIONS S IGNATUREOF OWNER OR CONTRACTO R FOR HI MSELF AIIo"D OWNER I her e by a c k n o wl edg e t h a tI h aver ead thi s a p pl icat i on ,fille d o ut i nf ul l the i nfo rmat 'n req u ired,com pleted a n accu r a t e plot pl an ,and s t ate that all t he i nf orma ti on provided a~requi red i s co r rect .I ~gre e to c p ly wi th t h e i n f orma tion an d pl o t p l an. to c omply with a l l Town ord ina nces a n d s tate laws ,a nd to b ui l d thiss tru ct re accord int o t he Town 's zoning and s ub di vis ion c o de s,design review a ppr oved,Uniform Buildi n g code and other or din a nce s 0 t he To wna plicable t hereto . REQU ESTS FOR IN SPECTIONSSHALL BE ~AD E TW ENTY-FOUR HOUR SINADVAN CE BY TELfp 'ON AT 4 79 l~T OUR OFFICEFROM 8:0 0 AM 5:00PM Sen d Clea n-Op De pos itT o:ACCEN7 WINDO W PRODUCTS •• ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B98 -0196 as of 08/03/98 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Applicant:ACCENT WINDOWS,INC. 303 -295-1170 Applied:07/20/1998 Issued:08/03/1998 To Exp ire:01/30 /1 99 9 Job Address: Location:2111 N FRONTAGE RD (VAIL DASSHONE COMPLEX) Parcel No:2103-114-16-000 Description: REPLACE WINDOW AND DOORS (COMPLEX) Conditions: 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TOBE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3 .SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4 .FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED . •• TOWN OFVAIL.COLORAD O Statemnt .*••y ~*,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sta temne Nu mbe r:REC-0431 Amount: Paymen t Method :CKNotation:2008 1 ,982.20 0 8 /03/98 14:27 r nit:MAW Permit No :B98 -0196 Type:A-MF ADO /ALT MF BUILD PER P a~cel No:2103-1 14-16 -000 S i te Address :2111 N FRONTAGE RD WE ST Lo cation :21 11 NFRONTAGE RD (VAIL DASSHONECOMPLEX) Total Fees:2,00 2 .20 This Payme nt 1,982.20 Total ALL Pmts :2 ,002 .2 0 Balance:.00 Account Code BP 0 0 1 00 0 0311 1100 DR 0 010000 3 112200 P F0 0100 0031 123 00 ADD2 -DEPoe we 001 000 03 112 800 Descr iption BUILDING PERMITFEES DESIGN REVIEW FE ES p~v CHECK FEES CL EANUP DEPOS ITS WILLCALL INSPECTION FE E Amount 848 .00 8 0.00 551 .20 5 00 .00 3 .00 •JUL .-16'98ITHU)07 :47 .....w •••••P.002 -, I'ER}IIT t'---- I.*p******************.********P~RHIT INFORMATION ****************************, ~~-BU~lding [)-Plumhing []-Ele,C:(M ci'l.l []-Hechani"cal t..."1"the.r _~__ rob Name:VA-\L-')11~~th?.....e.d,"'lb~Ob Address:-z.,Ii 'N,~k?-b ~.-~_ Legal Description:Lot~Block,..f~Filing !':UBot\,IS10N:t 3, •I '"n:~"f\~~I101 J\.Iners Name:vlHL.j)tll?:.Safr,,..,ILLo"'Oll Y'"Address:~l"Z I r.J t"Tt.2~Ptl IJc-ij1b-,SJ!£" ~rchitect:Address:Ph._ :>eneral Description:~l~itJ..;.;,r-;.......;;.OO;;.""'----.s~....:',_~.:.....:o;.:::o(;=~~~.,..,_ ~ork Class:[]-New ~Altera~ion []-Additional []-Repair []-other _ :ontn~t Engle County ~$sessors Office . ~t 970-J28-l!P40 for Pn'C~d !.__TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION (: EL R :~.tlp~-1/.....-1~--.v-l>ER!iIT Al>PLICATt,Ql;FORM .DATE:I)-I -"US.- A~PLXCATION MUST BE FILLEO OUT COH~LETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCE~TED lumber of Dwelling units:~Numbe.r of Accommodation Units:_~• TOWn of Vail Reg.1'10._ Phone Number: ~lectrica~Contractor: ".ddressl ~mber and Type of Fireplaces :Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet _ '*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* ~UILDING:$}d.-'e 1 10D cj)EI,ECTRICAL:$OTHER:$:_ ?LUMBING:$HECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$_ r ~*********************w*****CONTR.A~R IN~RHATION *************************** .(!neral Contractor:~.t,..JTkb,.....(Ja...J1"'AA J~Town of Vail Reg.No.JI'~ \ddress:l-z.~\'[.SIP p.y.!l.Va.,...h,lOjL n;-~o~_~hone.Number:""l-'1'S"-l.31'-z3, ____--io":......+Ji-~l 1 )lumbing Contractor: ,ddress: Town of Vail Reg.1'1'0._ Phone Number:: techanical Contractor: .ddress: Town of Vail Reg.1'1'0.- Ph9ne Nul1lber: '*******************************FOR OFFICE USE ***.*************************=~ IUILDING PERMIT FEE:I :4 BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: 'LUMBING PERMI'r FEE:\7 _PLUMBING PLAN ·CHECK fEE: [ECfil'.NlCAL PERMI'!'FEE:\MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE; :LECTRICAL FEE:]2 /\,RECREATION FEE:I~HER TYPE OF FEE:T CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: IRB FEE:;2 11 7'TOTAL PERMlT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION IBUILDING: SlGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: :omments:--- PREP ARED 1 2/16/98,14 :40 :S S PROGRAM MR 41SU LET'S CUST -IO CUSTOMER NAM E TYP E DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARG E CODE DESCRIPT ION TX-D ATEAJ-DATE DEPOSIT AMOUNT DEPOSIT -AOJ AM OUNT AD J USTMENT AM OUNT AFTE R-R EFUN D AMOUN T 1 154 8 98-0196 ACCENT WINDO wSIN C DEPOS DEPOSIT 0 2 8 /04/98 1 2/16/9"5 00 .00 5 00 .00 50 0 .0 0-.00 TOTALFORCUSTOMER TYPE :02 500 .00 5 00.00 5 00.00-.00 GRANDTOTAL: DEPOSIT COUNT : G/L BATCH CREATE D: 1 BATCH-0 2 819 1998/12 USERID-JPOPECK APHELD 50 0 .0 0 CCUNT - 5 00 .00 1.0 0 5 00 .0 0 - AMOUNT · .00 5 00 .00 • • TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES Permit #:B96-0035 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD Location ...:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Parcel No ..:2103-114-15-013 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC POBOX 958,AVON CO 81620 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC POBOX 958,AVON CO 81620 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W,VAIL CO 81657 WEST Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:03/28/1996 Issued ..•:05/01/1996 Expires ..:10/28/1996 Phone:3039494360 Phone:3039494360 Description: MULTI FAMILY UNITS Valuation 576,122.40 101,798.00 677,920.40 677,920.40 #Of Wood/Pallet:#Of Gas Logs: Factor Sq.Feet 63.90 9,016 23.00 4,426 Subtotal:13,442 Total Valuation: 1 V-1HR &V-N 1V-N Masonry Type Zone Zone 06/20/1995 USER VALUATION:677,920 #of Gas Appliances:8Restricted:Y Table Date: Occupancy Apartment Houses Private Garages Fireplace Information: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Building----->3,052 .00 RestuarantPlan Review-->.00Total Calculated Fees--->15,204.80 PlanCheck--->1,983.80 DRB Fee----------------->400.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Investigation>.00Recreation Fee---------->9,016.00TotalPermit Fee-------->15,204.80 will Call---->3.00Clean-Up Deposit-------->750.00Payments---------------->15,204.80 TOTAL FEES-------------->15,204.80 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 ***********************************kA***********kA**AA**************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/,23/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 04;29;1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR It7m:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/,23/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 05;01;1996 ANDY Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/30/1996 JEFF A Action:APPR Item:05500 PUB~IC WORKS 04/29/1996 TERRIM Action:APPR Item:05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Dept:BUILDING REVISEDRECEIVED CHARLIEDAVIS Dept:PLANNING ANDY REVISEDRECEIVED Andy Knudtsen Dept:FIRE fire dept approval Dept:PUB WORK SEECONDITIONS Dept:HEALTH Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIO NS Ihereby acknowledge that Ihave read this applicat ion,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information providedas required is correct.Iagreeto comply with theinformat ion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure accordingtothe Town's zoningand subdivision codes,designreviewapproved,Uniform Building Code and other ord inances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE~479-2138 O~AT~OFFI~FROH 8:00 AM 5:00 PH ~Q&Q(J,.-::Y /" Send Clean-Up Deposit To :WARNER DEVELOPME NT SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIHSELF AND ~~ ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B96 -0035 as of 05/09/96 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:NEW MULTI-FAMBUILD PERM Applicant:WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC 3039494360 Job Address: Location:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Parcel No:2103-114-15-013 Description: MULTI FAMILY UNITS Applied:03/28/1996 Issued:05/01/1996 To Expire:10/28/1996 Conditions : 1.NO PLUMBING,ELECTRICAL,OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNTILPER MIT IS AQUIRED 2.PROVIDEADETAIL CLEARLY SHOWING SEPARATION FROM B1-R1 3.ASETOF STAMPED,SIGNED PLANS FOR MECHANICAL MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED 4.ALL STORAGE LOCKERS MUST BE1HR RATED WITH 20MINCLOSERS 5.STREET PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE ANY MORE CONSTRUCTION, RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL 6.ALL PARTY WALLS ARE TOBE EXTENDED THROUGH ATTIC SPACES 7.Submit Sprinkler shop drawings and alarm shop drawings and electrical plans,mechanical plans. 8.Interior access road must be constructed in conformance with the standards listed directly on the building permit draw- ings,specifically: A.Utility trench backfill B.Finished subgrade C.Aggregate base course D.Hot Bituminous Pavement 9.THE CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITHALL FEDERAL AND STATE ACCESSIBILTY REGULATIONS. TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 ,C~f~UlS£O D(1rf,0 S -7 -90 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEW MULT I-FAM BUIL DPE RM NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES Permit #:B96-0035 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD Location ...:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Parcel No ..:2103-114-15-013 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC POBOX 958,AVON CO 81620 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC POBOX 958,AVON CO 81620 TOWN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD W,VAIL CO 81657 WEST Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:03/28/1996._ Issued ..•:05/01/1996 Expires ..:10/28/1996 Phone:3039494360 Phone:3039494360 Description: MULTI FAMILY UNITS Valuation 576,122.40 101,798.00 677,920.40 677,920.40 #Of Uood/Pallet:#OfGas Logs : Factor Sq.Feet 63.90 9,016 23.00 4,426 Subtotal:13,442 Total Valuation: 1V-1HR &V-N 1V-N Masonry Type Zone Zone 06/20/1995 USER VA LUATION :677,920 #Of Gas Appliances:8Restricted:Y Table Date: Occupancy Apartment Houses Private Garages Fireplace Information : ***************************************.*.*.****.*••*****••FEE SUMMARY *.*••*.******.*******.*.*.*••***********************.*.*** Building----->3,052.00 Restuarant Plan Re view-->.00TotalCalcu lated Fees--->15,204 .80 Plan Check-->1,983.80 ORB Fe~------------>400.00 Ad ditional Fees--->.00 Investigation>.00Recreat ion Fee---------->9,016 .00 TotalPermit Fee-------->15,204.80 Will Call--->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit~------->750.00 Payments---------->15,204.80 TOTAL FEES---------->15,204.80 BALANCE DUE-------->.00 *.*.******.*.*****************.********************.*****.*.*****.****************.********••***.***************.************••*.* Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT .Dept:BUILDING04~23~1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE REVISEDRECEIVED 04/29/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING04~23/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE ANDY REVISEDRECEIVED 05/01/1996 ANDY Action:APPR Andy Knudtsen Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE 04/30/1996 JEFF A Action:APPR fire dept approval Item:05500 PUB~IC WORKS _Dept:PUB WORK 04/29/1996 TERRIM Action:APPRSEE CONDITIONS Item:05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Dept:HEALTH Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: ••••*.*.*••*•••••••••*••*••••*••*•••••*•••••••••••*.*.*•••*.*•••••*•••••*.*•••••••••••••••••••*••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS 1herebyacknowledge that Ihave readt his applicat ion,filled out i n full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information prov ided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town 's zoningand subdivision codes,design review appro ved,Un iform 8uilding Code and other ord inances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HO URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHO NE Send Clean-UpDepositTo:WARNER DEVELOPMENT ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B96-0035 as of 05/06/96 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:NEW MULTI-FAMBUILD PERM Applicant:WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC 3039494360 Job Address: Location:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Parcel No:2103-114-15-013 Description: MULTIFAMILYUNITS Applied:03/28/1996 Issued:05/01/1996 To Expire:10/28/1996 Conditions: 1.NO PLUMBING,ELECTRICAL,OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNTILPER MIT IS AQUIRED 2.PROVIDEADETAIL CLEARLY SHOWING SEPARATION FROM B1-R1 3.ASETOF STAMPED,SIGNED PLANS FOR MECHANICAL MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED 4.ALL STORAGE LOCKERS MUST BE1HR RATED WITH 20 MIN CLOSERS 5.STREET PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE ANY MORE CONSTRUCTION, RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL 6.ALL PARTY WALLS ARE TOBE EXTENDED THROUGH ATTIC SPACES 7.Submit Sprinkler shop drawings and alarm shop drawings and electrical plans,mechanical plans. 8.Interior access road must be constructed in conformance with the standards listed directly on the building permit draw- ings,specifically: A.Utility trench backfill B.Finished 6ubgrade C.Aggregate base course D.Hot Bituminous Pavement **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,.COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Staternnt Number:REC-0132 "Amount:15,204.80 05/06/96 11:03 Payment Method:CK Notation:#6581 Init:CD Permit No:B96-0035 Type:MF BUILD NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD Parcel No:2103-114-15-013 Site Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Total Fees:15,204.80 This Payment 15,204.80 Total ALL Pmts:15,204.80 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 3,052.00 01 0000 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 400.00 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 1,983.80 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 750.00 30 0000 45032 RECREATION FEES 9,016.00 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- PO ST I N A CONS PICUOUS PL ACE e e CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:V'J \D I.:AiL- VENDORNAME:A J.f1 'J -s VENDORNUMB ER:00(:0 lo.r:; DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEANUPDEPOSITREFUNDFORBP #89(c-CO?:,s NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER:0I000022002 AMOUNTOFREFUND: DATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE:-.- ..,. REPT131 09/30/97 07:35 '~T TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO ~~~~A GE REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:9/30/97 AREA: 17 CF ================================================================================ Activity:B96-0035 9/30/97 Type: Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Parcel:2103-114-15-013 Description:MULTI FAMILY UNITS Applic n:WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC Owner:TOWN OFVAIL Contractot':WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC MF BUILD Status:ISSUED Constr:MFRM Dec:Rl Use:V I-HR Phone:3039494360 Phone: Phone:3039494360 Locks,Ho Ids,and Not ices .... ACTIVITY Notice:STREETPLANS MUST BE RPPROVED BEFORE RNY MORE CONSTRUCTION Inspe~tion Request Information ..... Requestor:Rich Phone:748-0187 Req Time:08:00 Comments:8 units bldg C3/call to meet Items requested to be Inspected ...Action Comments 00540 BLDG-Final C/O Time Exp ----------_._---------- APPROVED UNTS 18,21,22,23,24 ONLY RPPROVED GARRGE LEVEL Action.RPPR Rction:APPR Action:APPR Rction:RPPR '--'".Inspection History ..•.. Item:00500 PW-Backfill Inspection Item:00501 PW-Ternp.access/drainage Item:00502 PW-Rough grade Item:00503 PW-Final driveway grade Item:00510 driveway grade final Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel OS/29/96 Inspector:CF Action:RPCR bUIlding #c3 Notes:remove mud and water from footer prior to pour 0&/25/96 Inspector:CF Rction:RPPRBUILDING C#2 Notes:DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERIOR PROS Item:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 06/03/96 Inspector:CF Item:00520 PLRN-ILC Site Plan Item:00030 BLDG-Framing 08/05/96 Inspector:CF Action:RPPR RPPROVED Notes:PRCK OUT POINT LORD RT GIRDERTRUSSES SHIM HERDERS WHERE NECESSARY TRUSS ENG REPORT REQUIRED FINISH FIRE TRP[E ON PRRTY WRLL ENG FIELD REPORT RND RPPRoVRLOF FRRMING REQUIRED GIRDERTRUSSES AT DIFFERENT LOCRTIONS 09/05/96 Inspector:CD Action:RPPR GARAGE FRAMING Notes:CoMPLETt SoNoS TUBE INSTALATION CONTRACTOR HAS BEEEN NOTIFIED TO SUBMIT STRUC FNG FRAMING INSPECTION REPORT TO THE TOWN Item:00040 **Not On File ** Item:00050 BLDG-Insulation 08/07/96 Inspector:EG 09/11/96 Inspector:CD Item:00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 08/19/9&Inspector:CD REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 09/30/97 07:35 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:9/30/97 PAGE 18 AREA:CF ================================================================================ K APPROVED BY JOHNGULLICK ALL DEPTS APRROVED stucco isallready inplac APPROVED PROGRESS INSPECTION GARAGE ONLY APPROVED BY AND Action:ON Action:APPR Action:PA Action:PA Action:APPR Action:APPR Action:APPR 08/23/9&Inspector:EG 00//12/9&Inspector:CF 0G/19/96.Inspector:OS 00080 **Not On File ** 00070 BLDG-Misc. 10/09 /96 Inspector:EG 00090 BLDG-Final 00530 BLDG-Temp.C/O 10/30/96 Inspector:CD 00531 FIRE-TEMP.C/O 10/30/96 Inspector:JG 00532 PW-TEMP.C/O 10/30/96 Inspector:LP Action:APPRBUILDINGC3 Notes:ACCESS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALLTIMESTO BLDG C3 00533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O 10/30/96 Inspector:AK 00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O 00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O 00539 PW-FINAL C/O 00540 BLDG-Final C/O I t em: I t em: I t em: It em: Item: Item: I t em I Item: It em: I t em: Item: .._.e TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES Permit i:B96-0035 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD Location ...:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Parcel No ..:2103-114-15-013 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC POBOX 958,AVON CO 81620 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC POBOX 958,AVON CO 81620 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W,VAIL CO 81657 WEST Status ...:APPROVED Applied ..:03/28/1996 Issued •..:05/01/1996 Expires ..:10/28/1996 Phone:3039494360 Phone:3039494360 Description: MULTI FAMILY UNITS Valuation 576,122.40 101,798.00 677,920.40 677,920.40 NOf ~ood/Pallet:NOf GasLogs: Factor Sq.Feet 63.90 9,016 23.00 4,426 Subtotal:13,442 Total Valuation: 1 V-1HR &V-N 1V-N Masonry Type Zone Zone 06/20/1995 USER VALUATION:677,920 NOf Gas Appliances :8Restricted:Y Table Date: Occupancy Apartment Houses Private Garages Fireplace Informat ;on: *****AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*****************FEE SUMMARY *******AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA***************** Building----->3,052 .00 Restuarant PlanReview-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->15,204.80 Plan Check-->1,983 .80 ORB Fee---------------->400.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Investigat ion>.00 Recreat ion Fee---------->9 ,016.00 Total Permit Fee-------->15,204 .80 ~ill Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit ------>750.00 Payments--------------->.00 TOTAL FEES----------->15,204 .80 BALANCE DUE---------->15,204.80 *****AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA************************************AAAAAAAAA*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*****AAA************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/,23/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 04{29{1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/,23/,1996 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 05{01{1996 ANDY Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/30/1996 JEFF A Action:APPR Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04/29/1996 TERRIM Action:APPR Item:05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Dept:BUILDING REVISEDRECEIVED CHARLIEDAVIS Dept:PLANNING ANDY REVISEDRECEIVED Andy Knudtsen Dept:FIRE fire dept approval Dept:PUB WORK SEECONDITIONS Dept:HEALTH Division : Division : Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information prov ided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,UniformBui lding Codeand other ord inances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECT IONS SHALL BE MADE T~ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PH SendClean-UpDepositTo:WARNER DEVELOPMENT SIGNATURE OF O~NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O~NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B96-0035 as of 05/03/96 Status:APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:NEW MULTI-FAMBUILD PERM Applicant:WARNER DEVELOPMENTS,INC 3039494360 Job Address: Location:VAIL COMMONS #C3 Parcel No:2103-114-15-013 Description: MULTIFAMILYUNITS Applied:03/28/1996 Issued:05/01/1996 To Expire:10/28/1996 Conditions: 1 .NO PLUMBING,ELECTRICAL,OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNTILPER MIT IS AQUIRED 2.PROVIDEADETAIL CLEARLY SHOWING SEPARATION FROM B1-R1 3.ASETOF STAMPED,SIGNED PLANS FOR MECHANICAL MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED 4.ALL STORAGE LOCKERS MUST BE1HR RATED WITH20MINCLOSERS 5.STREETPLANS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE ANY MORE CONSTRUCTION, RESIDENTIAL OR COMM ERCIAL 6.ALL PARTY WALLS ARE TO BE EXTENDED THROUGH ATTIC SPACES 7.Submit Sprinkler shop drawings and alarm shop drawings and electrical plans,mechanical plans. 8 .Interior access road must be constructed in conformance with the standards listed directly on the building permit draw- ings,specifically: A.Utility trench backfill B.Finished subgrade C.Aggregate base course D .Hot Bituminous Pavement fiRM TOWNOF VAIL nEG.NO. a r:"-'oo;;l '! ~ NU It:-l.."Ut"',ur r-cnMII Iv 01::f\Ct"'I UI~.ss»oo I •c:. DATE IIIIII IV® PERMITNO.'I ,.~:.(~,-",-- 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE II ~M BUILDING $540 8 32.00 ,~ >If,DIVISION 12 2a 3 4 z ELECTRiCAl "0 GENERAl..DESCRIPTION OFWORK:concrete ;:: \I-c PlUIolBIHGI\~rking garage,2-storyj wood frame => ..J f\< residential >MECHANICAl.. TYPE GROUP G.R.FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES V-I hr R-l 7456 s f 414,649.60 BUILDING PERMIT V -I hI B-1 -126,182.40 PLAN CHECK ELECTR iCAl .NEW()ALTE RATION ()ADOITIOlIAt ()RE PAIR()PlUIolBIHG DWELliNG UNITS _8_ACCOI.NODA nON UNITS nl..I!.-IolECHANICAI.. see attached HEIGHT IN FT.sbeet-.NO.FIREPlACES R.--RECREATION FEE INSULATION:TYPE nliCKN ESS R·VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD nOOR Batt 3-1/2 --CLEAiI-UP DEPOSIT EXT.WAUS Batt 5-1/2 R-19 USE TAX ROOF Blown 12"R-38 I TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTALPERMIT FEESOF H EAT W LAR WOOD ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UUIiDiNGOFF ICIAL ------DATE -----~ s.!!.INITIAL ---------------ST.CUT ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTINO ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge Ihal I haveread Ihis appl ication,filled outinfullthe Information required, compl eted an accurate plot plan,a nd stalethai ailiho inf ormation provided as required is correct,I agr eo to comp ly withIho information andplotpl an,t o comply with allTo wn ord inances andstate laws,andto build this structure according totho Town's zoning andsu bdivis ion codes.design review approved.Uniform BUilding Codeand other ordinances oftheTow n ap licable thereto. )(Q-\~/ SIGtlATUnE OF ~yrnER OR CONTRACTOR OR HIMSELF AND TIlE OWtlER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NAME Warner Developments,In CITY Avon PIt 949-4360 MAIL ADDRESS P.O.Box 958 FIBMWarner Developments,Inc LOT BlK t FILING· TYPEOFPERMIT 1]1 BUilDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. OWNER »: ARCHITECT I FIRM Victor Hark Donaldson "'AIL ADDRESS P.O.Box 5300 CITY Avon PH.949-5200 TELE. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORI TOWNOFVAILREG.NO, TEtE. JOBNAME:VAIL COMMONS,Building C3 CONTRACTORI TELE. OTHER I_FI_RM _ FIRM GENERAL CONTRACTOR)TOWN OFVAILREG.NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTORI TOWtl OFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. fiRM -- PLUMBING ICONTRACTORTOWN or VAILREGNO. TElE. )}f[Iln~d I t -department of community developlTMlnt TOBEFILLEDOUT COI.CPlETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOF PERM " TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECH ANICAL PE RMI T Pe rmi t #:M96-0064 Job Address :2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location :VAIL COMMONS C-3 Parcel No:2103-114-15-013 project Number:PRJ96-0024 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBI NG &HE P.O BOX 784,GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE P.O BOX 784,GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO OWNER TO\'lN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD 1'1,VAIL CO 81657 Status ...:ISSUED .. Applied ..:06/07/1996 Issued ...:06/07/1996 Expires ..:12/04/1996 Phone:3039280488 81602 Phone:3039280488 81602 Description: MECH WORK FOR NEW MULTIFAMILY BUILDING Valuation:24,000.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #Of Gas Applic"ces:#Of Gas Logs:#Of Wood/Pallet: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA****AAAAAAAAAAi*****i*****AAAAAAAA<*******FEE SUMMARY ****************************x***************************** Mechanical--->480.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->.00Total Calculated F~es--->603.00 PlanCheck--->120.00 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Additional Fee$--------->.00 Investigation>.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->603.00TotalPermit Fee-------->603.00 Will Call---->3.00 Payments---------------->603.00 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 AAAAiAAAAAAk*******AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA************************************************************************************* Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 06/07/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR APPROVED WITHCONDITIONS CONDITIOHOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI,U~CE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPERSEC.607 OFTHE 1991 VMC. 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANuFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS lJN D TOAPPENDIX CHAPTER 21OFTHE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 ~rc. 5 .ACCESSTO HEATING EQUIPMENT f1UST CCf1PLY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OFTHE 1991 UMC. 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CO~ST . UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COM3USTIBLE FLOORING.. 7.PERMITLPLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBEPOSTEDIN MECHANICAL ROOM PttIOR TO AN INSPECTION RE8U~ST.. 8.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CNTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPEDWITH A FLOOR DRAIN ?~R SEC. 2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. 9.PLAN CHECK SHOWS THAT 8"COMAIR DUCTS ARE REQ'D. *************************~****************************************************** DECL}l.RATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this app lication,fil ~,a cut in full the info rmation required ,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all t he infor mation providedas re quir ed is correct.Iag ree tocomp lywit h t he in for ma tionand p lot plan, to comply with all To wn ord inances a ~d state l aw s,andt o buildt his structure a ccording tot he Town's zoningand subdivis ion codes,design re view a pproved,Un iform Building Co de and othe r ordinancesoft he Town ap?licab le th ereto. REQ UESTS FOR I NSPECTIONS SH ALL BE HADE TU ENTY-FOU R HOU RS I N AOV AN SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CON TRACT OR FOR HI MSELF AN) T 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFF ICE FRO H 8:00 AH5:00 PH **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number:REC-0155 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:#2494 Permit No:M96-0064 Type:B-MECH Parcel No:2103-114-15-013 site Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:VAIL COMMONS C-3 603.00 06/13/96 15:10 Init:CD MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:603.00 This Payment 603.00 Total ALL Pmts:603.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 480.00 120.00 3.00 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT A~L TIMES Job Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location ...:VAIL COMMONS C-3 Parcel No ..:2103-114-15-013 project No.:PRJ96-0024 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICANTAST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE P.O BOX 784,GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE P.O BOX 784,GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 OWNER TOWN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD \'1,VAIL CO 81657 Permit *:P96-0087 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:'06/07/1996 Issued ...:06/07/1996 Expires ..:12/04/1996 Phone:3039280488 Phone:3039280488 Description:PLU}lBING FOR NEW MUTI-FAMILY BUILDValuation:48,750.00 *****************************************************kt****FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Pluobing----->735.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->.00 Total Calculatej Fees--->921.75 PlanCheck--->183.75 TOTAL FEES-------------->921.75 Additiona l Fe~s--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Total Pernit Fee-------->921.75 Will Call---->3.00 Payments---------------->921.75 BALANCE DUE------------>.00 *****************************************************"**************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 06/07/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPRCHARLIEDAVIS ****************************************,*******************,**xA,**************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.ALL WORK MUST ABIDE BY THE 1994 UPC. 2.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE P~Q'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIF~CE ****************kk**k********************************.*******************************************'\******************************** DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this application,fill=d out i n f ullthe information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information providedas required is correct.Iagreeto comply withthe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to bui 'd t his structure according to th=To.,,'s zonirndsubdivision codes,designreviewapproved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC -0156 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:#2494 Permit No:P96-0087 Type:B-PLMB Parcel No:2103-114-15-013 Site Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:VAIL COMMONS C-3 921.75 06/13/96 15:11 Init:CD PLUMBING PERMIT Total Fees:921.75 This Payment 921.75 Tota l ALL Pmts:921.75 Balance:.00 ***********************************************************~**** Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK "FEES HILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 735.00 183.75 3.00 TOWN ID :303-479-24 S2e JUN OS '96e 9 :46 No .OO l P .Ol 75 SO I/Th Fro ntageRoad Veil,Colorado 8J657 970.479·2138/479·2]39 FAX 970·479-2452 Depa rtment a/Community Development COl\1.M:UNITY DEVELOPMENT FAXTRANS1\UTIAL Slff:EI TO :GI.-EI'J A51 CO~1PANYNAME:_--#fJ ST me l=£ee:FN i.i I I I '/:So !1w1 9 C;"h4tu£ &-S-90 #OFPAGES IN DOCUMENT(S)(NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEE T )~_=-_ RESPONSEREQUIRE D?__~t:Io~_ S~N T BY:.__-->oS~thnf -~_ (27 0)479-2452j(J\\!T OF VAlLCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTFAX #:-.l...,.......:,I....J.l,..r....u.;;:.&..!!L_ TO\VN OF VAIL COMM UNI TY DEVELOP MENT TELEPHOl-.'!E ?(970)479-2138 SPECWJ COMMENTS AND l\OTES:. GL-E-r-J,HE:.e.E.'I ~1t pULL P£~W\.l\ftp .?iTC-l:::f:T rr i _ ::J:;..j 1'="0 r:ce ME.C/..hl\l\.lC~c.1'\1'J i3 c FOuN 0 0 tJ ?ft-G.-t.-1-1=~ A-LSD 17H·ec I':)M ec.H.f ,ub.S1l'tWlP DfI.1 Uri l L L O M H'1O tUS I (1-c.:s Bu,C-D '~G.S -rWw1 Cou U-S U~AJ ~L I1"Th.Ml 1rJ Tl-t E:B I;6 ~a:r:.SF -::f!ff-:A Lt::i g $ocJ'" ".~--C.HlreL I EV'+UIS TOWN OF VAIL COM-DE V I D:303-479 -245 2 J UN 0 5 '96ww~ontact ~agie ~ounty hssess",uttice ...~at 970~328-8640 for Pared _TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTltII' PARCEL (I:PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE'_ 9 :47 No .OO l P.0 2 PERI-lIT II- SUBDIVISION; ___________Ph,_ tI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~.*****.*••*******••***••*****PERMIT INFORMATION ***********.*••*••••******** [)-Building [xl-Plumbing [l-Electrical rX -Mechanfcal [)-Other _ Job Name :'/A lb CoMMONS €t?-j<l-c3 Job 1\clclress;209Q N .~NTAG'E·Rp·IW.VAIL.ICO. ?Legal DQscriptl on:Lot Block Filin9,_·~~~~~~__ 7 Number o f u 11 inq Unital 2~Number of Accommodat ion Unital x:moer and Ty peo!Fireplacea:Gas Applianc8s Gas Log&Wood/Pellet ***~•••**~~**********.*.***.***.VALUATIONS ***.**.**************************4'TGTAL eACH BUIL.bIt.J<:.- BUILDING:$~&Z )5 ELECl'1UCAL:$7 '&h.c d "OTHER:$;..-_ PLUMBING :$~ao 'If.MECHANICAL :(:th •.!fi ¥-TOTAL :$_ p,/{.,-6 0'17 t1\'iL -C c~C.1 ********.***********••***CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***********************.*** n r al Con t a ctor:WAISNER D8{ELOweNT1 INt.,Town ot Vail Rag.NO,__-..-_ Ad d r ess :P.O,}30><9S:P I AVON I CO I '6 !{,,2.0 ~hone Number:94-9 -(..f3~Q Mech a r Add r Sb, '::111 Contractor:E1 e r A r u Add r Town ot Vail Re g.NO.__ Phone Numbe.r: n trac to r:k,rJ.MefEgBlt!Fieft,&-~tNC.Town of Vail Re9.NO .-Z02.P P.O.BDX ,84 ,G=L-EN WQOD 'SPGS .,co,'B 16>0 2..Phone Number:~lf5-331.s Cont ractor:SAME AS A'Bo"tS'Town of Vail Reg,NO._ Phone Number:._ TYPE GR OUP I SQ,FT.VALUATION . *********••**.******************FOR OFFICE USE ***************.*********.****. BUILDI NG ~I T FEE:BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMS r ~FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MEC I FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTR I CAL FE RECREATION FEE: OTHER T YPE0 ..:'"...CLEAN-UP "DEPOSIT: ORB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNA'l"URE: ZONING: SIGNA'l'URE:Comments:__ ~CLEAH UPDEPOSIT JlEFIJND TO: .To BE PAl!>BY GENEMl-Co NTRA CT(J ~ OF VRIL Cm1 -DEV I D:303-47 9-245 2 JUN 05 '96e 9:47 No .OO l P.0 3 76 aoulh fran lave road vall,llDlorado a1S57 (303)479-21,38 or 479-2139 offlc.of community dev.lopm.nt TO: FROM: DAn:: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY CEVELOPMEN'l' MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or d$posit any soil,rock,sand,debris or matarial,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,.idewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The ri~ht-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and road.is approxi~atelY 5 ft.'off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Person.found violating this ordinance will be qiven a 24 hour written notice to remove gaid material. In the event the peraon so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specitied,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right·a-way. To review Ordinance No.61n full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. TOWN OF VAIL COM-DE V ID:303-479 -2452e~-... JUN 05 '96e 9 :48 No .OOl P .04 75 louth frontlge fOld VIII.colorlldo 81657 (303)4 79-21.~8 or 479-2139 offloeof community deY.lopment BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permtt requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval, Engineer "s (Public Works)review and approval.a Planning Department review or Health Department review,and a review by the Building Department,theestimated time for a total review may take aslong asthree weeks. All commerctal(1arge or small)and all multi-familypermitswill have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount oftime.However,if residenti~l orsmaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments withregard to necessary review,these projects may a1so take the three week period,. Every attemptwill be made by this department to expedite this .permit as soon liS possible. I.the undersigned,understand the plan check procedure and time frame. C /-C 5 ~r;/7L10bate'Wor~Sheet was turned lntothe Community DevelonmQ~t Department. TO WN OF V81L COM-DEV TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 1.303-479-245 2 JU ~l i '9 6 •MEMORAN..Q.Y.M ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OFVAILPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHEN A "PUBUO WAYPERMIT'IS REQUIRED 9 :49 No.OOl P.0 5 Job Nam e:vi /I Com tttaa 4 ' Date:~~~/~Please answrt i ollowlng questionnaire regarding the need fora "Public Way Permit": ')Isthis anew residence?(t'7 2)Is demolit ion work being perfonned /16> that requires the use oftheright of way,easements or public 'property? 3}Is any 'utilitywork needed? 4)Is the driveway being repaved'? 5)Is different access needed to site otherthan existing driveway? 6)Is any drainage worl<being done aHeeting the right of way,easements. or public property? 7)Isa "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8)A.,Is the right of way,easements or pub lic property to be used for staging, parkingDr fencing? B.Ifnoto SA,Isa parking,staging orfencing plan required by Community Development? If you answered yesto any of these questions,a "Public Way Permit"mustbe obtained . "Public Way PermIt"applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office orat Community Deve lopment.If you haveany questions please call Charlie Davis,the Town of Vail Construction Inspector.at 479-2158 . I have read and answered alltheabove questions. Job Nam e Contractor's Signature Date ~O F VAIL COM -DEV I D:303 -4 79 -24 52e JUN 0 5 '9 6e 9 :49 No .OOl P .06 MYC WORKS PGBMII PROCESS Howit relates to Building Permits : 1)Filloutour check list provided witha building Dermlt application. Ifyaswas answered to Bny oftheabove questions thena"Public Way~is required.Youcanpickupan application ateither Community Development. located at 75S .Frontage Roador Publio Works,located at 1309 VaH ValleyDrive. 2)Notice sign oHs forutility companies,Allutilitiesmustfieldverify (locate) respective utilitiespriorto signing application .Someutility companies requireup toa 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3)A construction traffic control/staging planmust be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved siteplanmayalsobe used.Thisplanwillshow locations of alltraffic control devloes(signs,cones,etc..)andthework zone,(areaof Construction,Staging,etc..).Thisplanwill expire onOct.,5th.andwillneedto be resubmitted for appro,,:al through the winter. 4)Sketch ofworkbeing performed mustbe submitted indicating dimensions (length, width &depth of work).Thismaybedrawnonthetrafficcontrolptanorasite plan forthe Job .· 5)Submit completed application tothe Public Works'S officefor review.If required, locates willbe scheduled fortheTownofVail Electricians and Irrigation crew.The locates takeplaceinthe morning but,may require upto 48 hoursto perform . 6 )The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit.Youwillbe contacted astothe status andanythatmay needed.Most permits are released within 48 .hoursofbeing received ,butplease . allowuptooneweekto process.. 7)Assoon as thepermit Is processed ,a copy willbe faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit"to be released.Pleasedonotconfuse· the"PublicWay Permit"with a "BUilding Permit"to do work on aproject itself. NOTE: *Theabove process Is tor work Ina public wayonly. •Public WayPermlt8arevalid only untlt November15th. •Ahew Public WayPermitIs required each year If work Is not ClDmplete. Department of Commun iTy De velopm ent TOWN OFVAIL COM-DEV 75 Soulh FrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303 -479-2452 JUN 1'96 9:5 0 No.OOl P.O? 4 . IHrORMA~ION NEEDED WHEH APPLYING FOa A MBCHANICAL PERM%~ 1.HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. 2.TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE,WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3.SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS,FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVAT~E~UIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLEDIN MECHANICAL ROOM.(~~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE ~IS IRFORMATIOR WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. TOW NOF VRI L CO M-DEV I D:30 3 -4 7 9-24 5 2e J UN 0 5 '9 6e 9 :5 0 No .OOlP .08 76 lOuth frontage road nil.colorlldo 11m (3D3)47&-2131 (303)47&-2138 office of community dllVelopl'l'lenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Ef fec tive June 20,1991,the Town of Vail Building Department has de ve loped the following procedures to ensure that new construction si tes h ave adequately established proper drainage from building s ites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve clrainaqe adjacent.t.oTown of Vail roads or stre ts and the inst.allation of t-=porary or p4tnlanent culverts at access points from the road or atre.t on to t.he construction site . Suc h ~p prov a l must be obtained prior to any request for inspect ion by the Towno fVail Building Department for footi ngs o r tempor ary electrical or a ny ot her inspection.Please call 479-2 160 to requ est a ni nspe ct ion from the Public Works Department .Allow a minimum of 24 h our no tice . Also ,t he To wn of Vai l Public Works Departmentwi ll be approvi ng al lf in al d rainage a nd culve rt i nsta ll a ti onwi th res ulti ng road pat.ch i.nq as ne cessary.Suchapp.roval must be obta ined prio r to Fi .na l Ce rt if icate of Occupan cy issuance. TOWN OF VAI L COM-DEVID:303-4 7 9-2 452 ,.COMMUNITY nAOPMENT FEBRUARY,1996 DIRECT LINETELEPHONELIST: AQMfNlSIRATION Susan Connelly,Director of Community Developmenr Lorelei Donaldson,Department Secretary Judy Rodriguez,Planning Secretary 13UILDI NG DIVISION Charlie Davis,Building lnspcctorIPllll18 Examiner Chuck Feldmann,Building lnspcctorlPJans Examiner ErnstGlatzlc,Electrical Inspector DanStanek,Building Liaison Officer eNvIRONMeNTAL HEALTH POOSIQN Russell Forrest,Senior Environmental PolleyPlanner PaulReeves,Environmental Health Officer t\QUSING DMSIQN Andy Knudtsen,Senior Housing Policy Planner PLANNINQ DrvlSION JimCurnutte,SeniorTown Planner Dominic Mauriello,Town Planner Mike Mollica,Assistant Director of Community Dcv. GeorgeRuther,TOYon Planner Randy Stouder,Town Planner Lauren Waterton,Planning Liaison Officer Fax Number Inspection Requests 479.2140 479·2149 479·2139 479-2143 479·2325 479·2147 479·2321 479-2146 479-2333 479-2440 479-2142 479-2148 419-2144 479·2145 479-2150 479-2128 479-2452 479·2149 JU N0 5'96e 9:51 No.OOI P .09 ·-... ~~NUAL J:7th Ed. [.'/N 3204 RIGHT-J SHORT FOID1 RIGHT-J:Vl.73 4-01-96 Job #: Yor:VAIL CO~10NS VILLAGE SECOND FLOOR By: HEATING EQUIPMENT Htg·Clg Outside db -25 81 Insid~db 70 75 Design TD 956 Daily Range .,H Inside Humid.50 Grains Water 0 Canst.Quality a #of Fireplaces 0 COOLING EQUIPMENT Load Sensible Heat Ratio 0 Make Nadel Type Efficiency /HSPF Heating Input Heating output Low Output Basebrd Total Low Basebrd High Output Basebrd Total High Basebrd Space Thermostat 0.0 o o 600 32 o o Btuh Btuh Btuh/Ft Feet Btuh/Ft Feet Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor 0.0 o o o o 0.000 Btuh Btun Btuh CFH CFM/Btuh ============================================================================ ROOM NAME AREA I SQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH I BSBRD FT I LOW HIGH CLG CFM ============================================================================ 1 LIV/DIN/KIT 415 9147 0 15 0 0 1 BEDROON 2 140 3708 0 6 0 0 1 BATH 2 68 168 0 0 0 0 2 BEDROOM 1 145 5272 0 9 0 0 2WALK-INCLOSET 43 517 0 2.>3:'0 0 2 BATH 1 49 121 0 00 0 ============================================================================ Entire House ventilation Air Equip.@ 0.95 RSM Latent Cooling 860 18933 o o o o o o o ====================================================================~======= TOTALS 860 1 18933 I o I 32 o I o SIN 3204 RIGHT-J SHORT FORM 4-01-96 Job #: For:VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE FIRST FLOOR By: HEATING EQUIPMENT Htg Clg Outside db -25 81 Inside db 70 75 Design TD .95 6 Daily Rangt:1/"·H Inside Humid.50 Gra i ns Wa~er ".-0 Const.Quality a #of Fireplaces 0 COOL ING EQ UIPMENT Load Sensible Heat Ratio 0 Make Model Type Efficiency /HSPF Heating Input Heating output Low Output Basebrd Total Low Basebrd High Output Basebrd Total High Basebrd Space Thermostat 0.0 o Btuh o Btuh 600 Btuh/Ft 28 Feet o Btuh/Ft o Feet Make Hodel Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor 0.0 o o o o 0.000 Btuh Btuh Btuh CFH CFM/Btuh ============================================================================ ROOM NAME AREA I SQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH I BSBRD FT I LOW HIGH CLG CFM ============================================================================ 1 LIV/DIN/KIT 415 8122 0 14 0 0 1 BEDROOM 2 140 3363 060 0 1 BATH 2 68 0 00 0 0 2 BEDROOM 1 145 4914 080 0 2 WALK-IN CLOSET 43 410 0 2,K 0 0 2 BATH 1 49 0 000 0 ============================================================================ Entire House Ventilation Air Equip.@ 0.95 RSM Latent Cooling 860 16809 o o o o o o o ============================================================================ TOTALS 860 I 16809 I o I 28 o I o LAA R'5 (r1;n;•Thtlm 5Gooo 31u 2 -b "CUdlh uH/''1 A/I'~t:~;f'l {I-duJ fr~,."i3~wy 11>'// A-tJ 6/lJ[1f{ f5.G,'fo 1'" 0 1fO;(JOO QT.U .J.. .X\~1" 18!/~-..,f 0£A""er"Elf (iif\Y ~x: 1------,,( 'If 5 1 -z" Door VAIL C01V1JY\orVG fY/£CI-{AA!I..CAL 100M tOP 1/£1'uJ t"=// 3/c tl 9tj5 +tJ mf'ch4/ttc.4/!?O(!'11 Ii ';ho,'/er 1:/ra f..</I/ ALL C-/*C-3 lr1~cl!l/filfC-A'-jft'o.rhe 5AM t: VAIL COIv(M{)N5 !IIfe-HAN1 CIlL J?ooM T/{ONI VfEW (:::=I' 0/C;U/Yf13u51":£fY#AIR -ro .8R£EZ wAf I II ~~..• I -/-r:"I /'\I I ~"i3 VMrJ\I I J I ~1'hl'IA ~of'-...-I'.....r I C;"HIGII I I I I CUfr18.Ar~I I I I JIII/ /I I r/~I 3/B :::/~~I v'£JV1"~,~ I 8 ~~"'"I I ,-----.-'"~\i:f ,... I ~ ~I I -1\tJ tI l-lJ -.J I I ~~k 1 A~O SMt frrt , -.i~I I (5,G,If()qt\(~ b<"1.\....I G ~:s-I I 1qO(J()~1'1;?) §~~f I-tefl tIIIIJJ I ~ ~~p~~I I~()tII ~I I - ~I I LAAR5 J •w.N:r -1ir[~M \j I }60)~ I I I I I III j . I ' r \, .~ 6 125 ·1/2 s0-114 20-1/4 ~ng""~~"~.­.. 75.9 37.9 iDA.a.Smith Corpor.rticn J99 ; 37 ,000 15,000 40.9 75.9F50·75 .4874.5 75,000 FSG-40 .56 40 32,500 FSG·5055 SO 40 ,000 AOSIl3M29A FSG·30 .5730 32.000 FSG·loo .43 10075.000 75.9 75.000 75.9 69-114 26-1/2 :-iOTE:SPACE·SAVL"G LOWBOY MODE LSava ilable where ve rtical sp ace is 7//8minimal.See specification sheetsfo r m ore Informat ion .,;;J S·YEARLIMITED WARRANTYOUT LINE .Iftank shouldleak at any time during the l1'm first 5 years,unde r terms of thewarranty ,A.O.Smi thwill furnishareplacemen t heater. Installation,labor,handling and local delivery are extra.When usedcommercially,war- rantyislor1 year.NOTE:This is anoutline.not a warranty.For completeinforma tion cons utl the writte n warra ntyor A.O.Smith WaterProdu cts Company . A.C.Smith Water Products Company reserves the rightto make prod uct chang esor improvements at any tim e withoutnotice. •THREE SEPARATE LEAK CHECKS AFTER FlNALASSB1BLY ".-----•SPECIAl ADJUSTABLE THERMOSTAT.Lets you "dial down"to save fuel w hen awa yfor extended pe riods. •NON·METAlUC BALL-ITPE ORAI N VALVE hasa c ombin ation3/4"inlet/drain fitting . •ENERGY SAvlNG PILOT. •BURNER .Allsteel,mult ip ort burner for improved combustion efficien cy. •RlNG BASE O N BOTTO:-!RATHER THA..1\1 LEGS .Easier to move .(30 ,4 0,50 GALLO N ;\100E15 O NLY) ·CHOICEO F5 Sl:AJ"JOARD ECONOMY ENERGY SAVER ;\!OOE15.From30 to 100 gallonsizes to meet any need . ,.:,~ !. Top View '"••r 6\ \~r O h<l=ll @ ';;1 ..=-~o O-«).qlly)ColOPGoJ3< b:: 19 LJ ~ i 'A Side View 27-112' (26-112'I,.sueSOl I I I I I +--9-1 ,~,-..1 '-7 ·_1,..,I I I I D Front View 8 Minimum Clearance s:Sides:6';Rea r:6';Front:4'(sizes 50·100),Unobstructed(sizes 125-225);Top:23'(fromtopofbo iler) Heating Cap.Net laR AF UE%Dimensions Input 5TUIHx 1000 8TUlH x 1000Spark Ig ni:ion StandingPilot (inches)Water Gas Approx. BT U/H NatPro NatPro I Nat Pro NatPro Conn.Conn.Wei ght Size x 1000 Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas GasGas AB C D V (inches)(inches)(Ibs .) SO SO 42 43 36.5 37.4 84.4 85.4 80.2 82.0 13·3/8 27·3/4 23·5/8 21·3/4 4 1·114 112 120 75 7563 64 54.8 55.6 84.0 85.2 80.5 82.5 13·3/8 27·3/4 24·1/8 21·314 5 1·1/4 112 126 100100 838572.2 73.9 84.0 85.0 80.782.7 16-7/8 28·3/4 24·1/8 22·314 5 1·114 112 134 125 125 104 106 90.4 92.2 83.0 84.5 80.7 82.7 16·7/828·314 23·5/8 22·3/4 6 1·114 112 138 160 160 133 135115.7 117.4 83.0 84.8 81.0 83.0 20·3/8 28·3/4 23·5/8 22·314 6 '·114 1/2 164 225225 186 190 161.7 165.2 83.28S.0 a1.5 83.5 25·5/8 31-1/2 23·1/4 24·3/4 7 1·114 112 181 j AC CESSOIII ES Po wer Vent Kit -For through ·t!'le -wall venting on 50,000 to 125 ,000 BTUlh rsizes.Cont inuous ly regula ted draft reduces energy costs by maintaining effic ient combustion. Non-Combust ible Base -M1NI·THERM II must be install edona Te ledyn e laars non-com busti ble bas e assembly or other appro ved non-combu stible su rface . Base adds 1"toboiler heights listed in table . Non ·Combustible Stand -For easy ma intenance access ibility,a19·V2"high non-combus tiblefloor stand is als oavailable . Comp ression Tank"-Air-charg eddiephregm -type tank with automatic ma keup water control . 'Notavailab le in Canada . ~f'"TELEDYNE LAARS Accessory Sizes PartNo. Power VentKit (U.S.)50·125 10 57ססoo (Canada)50·225 PY ·02 Non-Combust ible Sase 50 &75 10466701 100&125 10466702 160 10466703 225 10466704 t-Ion-Com bustibJe Stand 50 ·125 20102800 160·225 20102900 'Compression Tank 5D ·12S A0066800 160 &225 A0066900 W E'IIE HEADY TO HELP You The hot wa ter speci alists at Teledyne leers would be hap pytoputtheirover 40 years of experien ceto workfor you .For assistance in choosing the righ tunit for your applica tion -orifyou'd si mply like to know more about our products,serv ices,and extensi ve warra nty-j ust ca ll toll-free 1-800·362·5678 (U.S.). 20 industrial Way,Rochest er,NH 0386 7·Tel:(800)362·5678,(603)335 ·6300 Fax :(603)335·3355 4805.ServiceRoad We st,Oakvi lle,Ontario,Can ada L6K2H4 •Tel:(905)844-8233 Fax:(905)844·2635 6000 Condor Drive ,Moorpa rk,CA 93021 •Tel:(805)529 ·2000 Fax:(805)529·5934 e e TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTME NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS P ERMI T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLT I MES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WES T Location ...:2099 N.FRONTAGE RD ~C3 Parcel No ..:2103-114-15-013 project No.:PRJ96-00 24 Permit ~:E96 -0 155 Status ...:ISS UED Applied ..:07/16 /19 96 Issued ...:07/16 /19 96 Expires ..:01/12/199 7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER SHAW ELECTRIC POBOX 1451,AVON CO 81620 SHAW ELECTRIC PO .BOX 1451,AVON CO 81620 TOWN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD W,VA IL CO 81657 Phone:3039263353 Phone:3039263353 Description:ELECTRICAL WORK FORBLDG.C-3 MULTI FAMValuation:17,300.0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Electrica l--> ORB Fee --> Investigation> lIill Call--> TOT AL FEES--> 324 .00 .00 .00 3.00 327.00 Tota l Calculated Fees---> Add it ional Fees------> Tota l Perm it Fee--------> Payments---------> BALANCE OUE----------> 327 .00 .00 327.00 327 .00 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division : 07/16/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPRPER ERNST . *********••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDITIONOF APPROVAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS 1hereby acknow ledge that Ihaveread t his application,fil led outin full the i nformation required,completedan accurate p lot plan ,and s tate that a ll the information prov ided as required i s correct.Iag ree to comply with the information and plot p lan , t ocomplywith all Town ordinances and state laws ,andtobui ld this structure accord ing to the Town 's zoning and subdivi sion codes,design re view approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS ",.,,,,,"'~~~,oo ..,,00 '" SIGNATURE OF OIlNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OIl NER **************************************************************** T9WN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0171 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:#6040 327.00 07/17/96 09:11 Init:CD ELECTRICALPERMIT 327.00 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment E96-0155 Type:B-ELEC 2103-114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2099 N.FRONTAGE RD #C3 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 327.00 327.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICALPERMITFEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 324.00 3.00 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 e ~A-eo 7-I~_~~e CD. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Job Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location ...:2099 N.FRONTAGE RD #C3 Parcel No ..:2103-114-15-013 Project No.:PRJ96-0024 Permit #:E96-0155 Status •..:APPROVED Applied ..:07/16/1996 Issued ...:07/16/1996 Expires ..:01/12/1997 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER SHAW ELECTRIC POBOX 1451,AVON CO 81620 SHAW ELECTRIC POBOX 1451,AVON CO 81620 TOWN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD W,VAIL CO 81657 Phone:3039263353 Phone:3039263353 Description:ELECTRICAL WORK FOR BLDG.C-3 MULTI FAMValuation:17,300.00 Electrical---> ORB Fee ---> Investigation> Yi II Call----> TOTAL FEES---> 324.00 .00 .00 3 .00 327 .00 Total Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 327.00 .00 327 .00 .00 327.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 07/16/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPRPER ERNST ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree tocomply with the information and plot plan, to complywith all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TYENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OYNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OYNER J ~1.16 1996 7:33AM P02 ",~'"~,,' 0495PHONENo.~rom :SHAW EL EC TRIC ~ ).t63-IIL/-J->-'~1 3P:v.!TOWN OF VAIL CONS~n'(JcTION P~RMIT APPLICATION ~ORM 'p ~qcfJ ~06d-.-1 DATE I ~-IS -e1f..1 APPLICATION MUST BE FI Lr,~D OU'r COMPIJI:~~X"i OR l:~~'l NO~BE ACCEPTED~""""""""""""""'IRMXTX NFO~~~ION **~w w**~****.*.*******w****** C )..Duildin9 C J-P).\U1\b!n<;t [J--tlloctric o.l [J -Ml::"h 'lIIJ.u a~[J -Ot1181;_ :fob !-ramo .14';1 {'O rf)fl'\ClYl;S 0 -3 Jgb Ac1d4"e:s:s;Jo n AI tr"ataqf Rd.Vui (;;/UsT r.A<7"l n"'Jlor.iX'~ion!Lot:Dlo~l~,--__1"iUn~_ • OwnCird !-ramo:1¢.l.AJf1 ,at V(i il l\ddrcc::n 75 ~.'ttc-n1",,!-C"~1..1-;··.l Ph'.4~-';'?':';/l;C> lI.rohi'l:oot.1 ..tlQrk.()g..-t flt::qn.MdrC3:31 eoX C'?Cx5 A rOll Ph .1yq ·5 ~OO General Dssedption:{{otJ{~i~f p()..()!V"~BtJ1 C -3 Vall e0Yl1 ~5 Work Class.(.A-N~W [·l -Altera~ion [l-Addit1onal [J~Repa1:r:[]-other _ Number of Dwell!n~Unite;~Number Of Accommodation Units: f.lI\bor 2lt\di Type of Fi1:'eplacetH Gas Appliances_Gll .l3 Loqs_Woo d/Pellet._ I'.q (;)1(0 -r;( ***.**.*.lI.*****.I"',."''''."•.,,**l."VAcifATIOliP 'It 'It *'It ..****11****.*"'***"'W"''''*********,f5WD-0/55 BUrLOING F.I ;ELECTRICAL;\7 ,a.oo -O'l.'HER:. ~WNB m G F''.MECHANICAL:'J.·O'I'AL: .****~.~**.***•••**•••••.,,**CONTRACTOR INfORMA~ION *************.*.****.*.**** ehGtral eOnel':aCltO,r:W~~Il~y~iN~of m ....,tl ~c-'rown or Va11 Reg.NO.__•..__ Add2:oCG'i .B2 x 16€"2\;;;;:i&~Phone Number:Q4q-43wQ Eleotrical contraotol":~h~E lecl~..!4-,c-.Town of Vail Reg.No.t ·'Mo ~ddreiul::','132 l1...H s\A'@Y\(-0 'meb ·Phone Number:92',.235K ~lUmbing con~rQcto~;To wn of Vail Reg.NO._ \dclrcolll:Phone Nulllber; icohanical cont~aoto.: \ddt'ees: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: --_....._.- TYPE GROUP SO.FT.VALUATION,.- '11 ******~*************~********* IOILDING ~.l!iRMi'l'!'EE: )WMBING i:ERM11'!'EE: IECHANICAL PERMIT :FEE: :U:Cl'RICAL .FEB: ITHER TY'FE OFF!!: IRS FEEl ' FOR OF FICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEEl PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:_ RECREATION FEB: CLEAlJ-UP DEPOS!T: TOTAL PERMIT p~s:~ BUILDING:L({---.:...-'7 ·/6-~', SIGNATURF.:~._-= ZONING:;- SIGNATURE: 'o m m~n t s t .......~~_ REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 10/29/96 06:43 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:10/29/96 PAGE 24 AREA:EG ================================================================================ Activity:E9&-0155 10/29/9&Type:B-ELEC Status:ISSUED Constr:NAPT Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:2099 N.FRONTAGE RD #C3 Parcel:2103-114-15-013 Occ:Use: Description:ELECTRICAL WORK FORBLDG.C-3 MULTI FAMILY Applicant:SHAW ELECTRIC Phone:30392&3353 Owner:TOWN OFVAIL Phone: Contractor:SHAW ELECTRIC Phone:30392&3353 Time Exp 949-8711Phone: Ln f o r-m ab ion ....• -SHAW ELECTRIC Comments:BLDG C-3 be Inspected...A~ion /f¢.~.~.~~-=-~~-=-----,------ -,.--------------- Inspection Request Reque s tOt':KAREN f~eq Time:08:00 I tems requested to 0 0190 ELEC-Final --------------------------------------------------~. Inspection History...../&:;Jf.-flp..Y ~ Item:00110 ELEC-Temp.Power ~te .00120 ELEC-Rough 08/05/96 Inspector:EG Action:APPR APPROVED 09/05/96 Inspector:LV Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00130 ELEC-Conduit Item:00140 ELEC-Misc. 09/27/9&Inspector:EG Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00190 ELEC-Final It~m:00224 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH Item:00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 May29 ,1996 Mr.GaryMarner,Director of Construction Warner Developments P.O .Box958 Avon,CO81620 RE:VailCommonsBuildingPermit DearGary: Department of Community Development In response to your letter of May7,1996.Iwanttoreiteratethe discussions thatyouhavebad withDaninthepastontheissue of buildingpermitfees.Afterareview of Section 304inthe UBC,DanandIhave determined thattheTowncannotwaive feesfor building permits.Please keepinmindthatwedidreducethefeerelatedtoparkingareasby approximately $13,278 for theCbuildingsand approximately $5,252fortheA &Bbuildings . Inmy conversation withDan,I understand thatEagleCountywaives portions offccs for permits thatare repetitive indesignand construction.However,when approached with the samequestioninthepast,wehaveconsi stently requiredthatthe developer paya separate fee foreachbuilding.I'm sureyoushareourconcerninneedingtotreattheVail Commons development consistently withpast de velopments. Becausethe development involvesdeedrestrictedemployeehousing,theTownwillbe reducing fees .Todate,wehave reduced thefeesby$18,530.After considering your request,weare prepared todropthetotalfeeby another $37,534.05 .Thisisbasedonthe project having 75,068.1sq.ft.of residential floorarea.If thefloorareachanges,the amount of the waiver will beadjustedaccordingly. The$56,064.05 savings tobe passed ontoyouwill,hopefully,enableyouto ensure thequality of theproject continues tobesolid .If youwouldliketodiscussthisanyfurther,please giveme acallat479-2440. ~i r-> '1\~~ Andyudtsen Senior HousingPolicyPlanner ee:TomMoorhead SusanConnelly DanStanek JohnCaldwell o RECl'CLEDPAPER > lft!(~tt-r C~I-..BU'I-PfNlt s L.-=_C-_~_.-_---:>0. ~l-l...DlVf5,O ~~..0" NU f;l_~S"()fet'~f!c,o.u:,S: I.HAnJ ~("t.e (tit4rt6s"f)..~D''''a,'1./f(2bM ~~"S"L.iIt-S '1..t.Au.~'"SecoN~~"e:..~'Z~If"FrlcH ~~E ~g, 3 SH.~H 9Pu~Y ~65·'?Ol..~'l F~~"FrI'4e ~J3 l I ~"~ltJ FIcf1&.IA H¢le,';T..~../l:/'Fl'bM (.4Atz,'e4e SUA.,s• ..... ,J ••1.N,tet,.1 ~P'e.r:-9C I q -~1,... (W.",-r c".,~aJI'lTClL{l)~e1t:1f es-!'t::1" -ff'4~6-r ?'o·flo1-r -34'-Z'I40" '3.5~~rz:r~e:S _8ecQ ':2.cr ("dfh1'""",Ui (,,~T'ClUrz),-tqf)4'~e>" H'I"~f""d..a-r -ZSL 2" ,"z.u~~.ec~eo#60'2-; '\tt,~~r ~~)..7&(&(,'-0 II- ,It -4.t=='~'SGIA -9co~..G u(~ft:~,.~~~)7~7.~8 ~/It/1f6ll('fb,.JT"..~<p r...10" I'Itg&..Ot..C.'2 -C,Ac~~s ,,. I.,..,,.,,J IZlPae"~~1-~'/4 (c..et2IM"("H1!!~)"lq*~O" "I ,I .'H1~rl16ST tf:'~-35 -Ca~/.(. 1.?fo'£&cl~1ZI"~e:~..et:1lt~G-,r (",.tt,-r l'A~t2>HT.)-7c:r~1 '_6 \I-H74~f)T"~..~~~" ~T'w4j 7'g,1 ~e/'-,"'Z .l..AP4fS.~.tetP4r=-t;JO/'f -[J (I -_'\,"~~~r &lise;aH#rCUFtl-~Cf~t>-o. ftle.""~1"f!'N-l-r ..~~If " A.J=~~ctA -~007!..'0 II (k.~C...&~)-7~61 '-~., • ..I'~C7w .C ~..C....~~2lJl.r5• I.N~'rJ "'e::t,e ..8oze,r~2.1/ ~~~.~)..,~ez~1"- Htlctte6'f'fi,NT -~-r ~Ii" 3.~!"tJ.U-E(I!.fll~E!s"eolOI~1'11(11C14o~~'-lr-)..7q i-=f ~-,~II 'Z£{'-10" -.:---e-ORI\IE OPENING -...,J _ -8-~._ tW-_ ,. ,, 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colo rado 8 1657 9 70-479-2 138/479-2139 FA X 970-479-2452 e rOWI -,;Vail FIe COpy Department of Community Development Towno f Vail 75 Sou th Frontage Road Va il,Colorado 81657 (303)479 -2138 Plan analysis based on t he 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number :PRJ9600 24 Address:2099 N.FRONTAGE ROAD Planner:Andy Knudtsen Occupancy :a i •B1 Type of Co nst:V-1hr Name:VA IL COMMONS BUILDING Date:Apri l2 9,1 996 Contractor:WARNER DEVELOPMENTS Architect:DONALD SON Engineer:MONROE Plans Exam iner:CHARLIEDAVIS NOTE:The code items l isted in this report are not intended to be ac omplete listing of a ll possib le code r equirements in the 1991 UBC.It is a guide to selected secti ons of the code . S EPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA I NCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH P roperty li ne 20.0 Fee t 2 5.0 Feet EAST Building 3 0.0 Feet 15.0 F e et SOUTH Building 64 .0 Fee t 32.0 F eet WEST Bu ilding 24 .0 Fee t 12.0 Fe et Area increased 25.00 %for open area on 2 sides . FL NAME acc MAX FLRAREA ALLOWE D RA TIO STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 C21 BEDROOM #2 R1 ok 12 3 1 31 25 0 .01 o k 2C21 BEDROOM #1 R1 o k 1 45 13 125 0.01 ok 2C2l KITCHEN Rl ok 92 13125 0 .01 ok 2C2 1 LIVI NG/DINING R1 o k 254 13125 0.02 o k 2C22 BEDROOM 112 R1 ok 123 1312 5 0 .01 o k 2C22 BEROOM #1 R1 ok 145 13125 0 .0 1 ok 2C22 KITCHEN R1 o k 92 131 250 .0 1 ok 2C22 LIVING/DINING R1 o k 254 1312 50 .0 2 ok 2C23 BEDROOM #2 R1 ok 123 13 125 0.01 ok 2C23 BEDROOM #1 R1 ok 145 13 125 0.01 ok 2C23KI TCHEN R1 o k 92 13125 0.0 1 o k 2C23 LIVING/DINING Rl ok 254 13125 0 .02 o k 2 C24 BEDROOM #2 Rl ok 1 23 131 25 0 .01 o k 2C24 BEDROOM #1 R1 ok 1 4 5 13 125 0.01 o k 2C24 KI TCHEN R1 ok 92 1 312 5 0.01 ok o Rf-'CYCLI::Dl'AI'I::R 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970 -479-2452 Department of Community Development 2 C24 LIVING/DINING R1o k 254 13 125 0.02 ok 2 HALLS,CLOSETS,BATHS R1o k 20 51 13125 0.16 ok TOTALFOR FLOOR 45 07 13 125 0.34 o k 1 C17 BEDROOM #2 R1 ok 1 23 13125 0.01 ok 1 C17 BEDROOM #1 R1 ok 14 5 13125 0.01 ok 1 C17KITCHEN R1 ok 92 13125 0.01 ok 1 C17 LIVING/DINING R1 ok 254 13125 0.02 ok 1C1S BEDROOM #2 R1 ok 123 13125 0.01 ok 1C1S BEDROOM #2 R1 ok 145 13125 0.01 ok 1C1SKITCHEN R1 ok 92 13125 0.01 ok 1C18 LIVING/DINING R1 ok 254 13125 0 .02 ok 1C19 BEDROOM #2 R1 ok 123 13125 0 .01 ok 1C19 BEDROOM #1 R1 ok 145 13125 0.01 ok 1C19KITCHEN R1 ok 92 13125 0.01 ok 1C19 LIVING/DINING R1 ok 254 13125 0.02 ok 1C20 BEDROOM #2 Rl ok 1 23 13125 0.01 ok 1 C20 BEDROOM #1 R1 ok 145 13125 0 .01 ok 1 C20 KITCHEN Rl ok 9 2 13125 0.01 ok 1 C20 LIVING/DINING R1 ok 254 13125 0 .02 ok 1 HALLS,CLOSETS,BATHS Rl ok 2053 13125 0 .16 ok TOTALFORFLOOR 4509 13125 0 .34 ok B Parking Garage B1 ok 4426 17500 0.25 ok TOTALFORFLOOR 4426 175 00 0 .25 ok BUILDING TOTAL 9016 2 6250 0.34 ok The actual height of this building is 31.0 feet . The maximum height of the building is 50 .0 feet .--Table 5 -D EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENINGPROTECTION Table 17 -A &Table 5 -A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON -BRG OPNG WALLWALL PROT WALLWALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALLWALL PROT R1 1hr 1 hr None 1hr lhr None 1hr 1hr None 1hr1hr None B1 lhr 1hr None 1hr1hr None 1hr lhr None 1hr 1hr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE ma terial .Sec.2201. None --No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot --Openings are to be protected with 3/4 h r fire assemblies .50%of the area of the wall maximum .Sec.504.(b)&Sec .2203.&Table 5 -A Maximum single window size is 84 sq .ft with no dimensio n greater than 12 feet.--Sec.4306.(h) NOP Open ings are not permitted in this wall. *--These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing.The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall.See section 17 10.for details and exceptions . OTHER ELEMENT Interior Bearing wall BUILDING ELEMENTS MA TERIAL Any Table 1 7-A RATING I hr NOTES o RE:CYCLE:DPAPER 75SouthFronta ge Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Inter ior nonbrg wall Structural Frame Exterior Struct Frame Shaft Enclosure Floor/Ceiling Assembly Roof/Ce iling Assembly S ta irs Any Any Any Any Any Any Any 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 h r 1 h r None Department of Community De velopment See Footnote #7 See footnote #1 See Footno te #9 NOTE:See Sec .1706 .(a)for Shaft Enclosure exceptions . FOOTNOTES : 1)E lements in an exterior wall lo cated where opening s a re not permitted or where protection of o p enings is required,shall be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame ,whichever is greater.--Table 17-A,footnote 1 7 )Nonload -bearing wa l ls within a dwelling unit that are not part of a corridor may be of : a)Noncombustib le (nonrated)materials b)Fire retardant-treated wood c)Combustible framing with noncombustible co vering in Type III and V cons truc tion --Sec.1705.(b)2 . 9)In areas with vehicles or airplanes,the floor surface shall be of noncombustible ,nonabsorbent materials .--Sec .702 .(c)&90 2.(b) 11)A self -closing,1 3/4 inch thick solid core or noncombustible door is required be tween the basement and the 1s t floo r. --Sec.1703. 17)The ceiling of t he basement is required to be protected with 1hr fire - res istive construction and doors to basements are required to be of noncombustible construct ion or 1 3/4 inch S.C .wood .--S ec .1703. DRAFT STOPS: If there is combustible construction in the floor /ceiling assembly,draft stops shall be installed in line with walls separating individual dwelling un its and guest rooms f rom each o ther a nd from other areas . --Sec.2516 .(f)4•A.(ii) If there is combustible construction in the roof /ceiling assembly,draft stops shall be installed in line with walls separating individual dwe lling units and guest rooms from each other and from other areas. --Sec.2516 .(f)4 .8.(ii) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS --Table 5-B RI -B1 3hr The separation may be two ho urs if limited to parking or sto rage of private o r pleasure vehicles .--Sec.5 03 .(d)ex #2 ADDITIONALSEPARATIONS FORR1 OCCUPANCY: A 1hr occupancy separation is requi red around rooms con taining a boiler o r central heating un it serving more than on eu n it .--Sec .1213 . A lhr occupancy separation is required around common storage and laundry r ooms.--Sec.1202.(b) A 1hr fire separation i s requ ired be tween dwel ling units.--Sec .1202.(b) FOR 81 OCCUPANCY: o RECYCLlWPAPER 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado81657 970-479-2138/479-213 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development A 1hr occupancy separa ti on is r eq uired around roomsc on taininga boiler or central hea ting u nit g r eater than 4 00,000BTU input .--Sec.708 . EXIT REQUIRE MENTS: FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATEDDOOR LOAD REQUIREDWIDTH HDWR CORRI DO R SWING NOTES 2 C21 BEDROOM #2 2 C21 BEDROOM #1 2 C21 KITCHEN 2 C21 LIVING/DINING 2 C22 BEDROOM #2 2 C22 BEROOM #1 2 C22 KITCHEN 2 C22 LIVING/DINING 2C23 BEDROOM #2 2 C23 BEDROOM #1 2 C23 KITCHEN 2 c23 LIVING/DINING 2 C24 BEDROOM #2 2 C24 BEDROOM #1 2 C24 KITCHEN 2 C24 LIVING/DINING 2 HALL S,CLOSETS,BATHS TOTAL 1 C17 BEDROOM #2 1 C17 BE DROOM #1 1 C 17 KITCHEN 1 C17 LIVING/DI NING 1 C18 BEDROOM #2 1 C18 BEDROOM #2 1 C18 KITCHEN 1 C18 LIVING/DINING 1 C19 BEDROOM #2 1C1 9 BEDROOM #1 1 C19 KITCHEN 1 C19 LIVING /DINING 1 C20 BEDROOM #2 1 C20 BEDROOM #1 1 C20 KITCHEN 1 C20 LIVING /DINING 1HALLS ,CLOSETS,BATH S TOTAL B Parking Garage TOTAL 1 1 a 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 a 1 1 0 22 1 1 a 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 a 1 10 2 2 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0 .2 0 .6 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .2 0.6 0.4 0.6 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N /R N/R N/R Rated corridors are to have 1hr f ire pro tect io n on b o th sides o f walls and ceiling.--Sec.3 3 05.(g)Doo r openings are r e quired to b e protec ted. wi th 2 0 minute assemblies and windowo pe ni n gs are r e quired t o b e prot e cted with l abeled3 /4 hour a ssemblies.--Sec.3305.(h) o R 8CYCLE DPAPER 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department ofCommunity Development In a reas where 2 exits are required,t he minimum separation is 1/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor .Sec.3303.(c) Door swing is based on Sec.3304.(b)except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33 -A. Number of exits is based on Table 33 -A except as noted. Exit width is in feet and based on Sec .3303.(b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits. width shown for all areas is based on other exits.(0.2) Width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits .(0.2) Width shown for other floors &basements is based on stairways.(0.3) For the minimum width of doors,see Sec.3304.(f) For the minimum width of corridors,see Sec .3305.(b) For the minimum width of stairways,see Sec .3306.(b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES: Within a dwelling unit: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide .--Sec.3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and t he minimum run is 9 inches. --Sec.3306.(c)exc.#l Provide a handrail on one side of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 3 risers.--Sec.3306.(j)Exceptions Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches.Minimum height 36 inches ,maximum opening size =4 inches.--Sec.1712.(a)exc 1 For common stairways: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches. --Sec.3306.(c) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches,44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 49 .--Sec .3306.(b) Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 i nches wide)-.Sec.3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches.Minimum height =42 inches,maximum opening size =4 inches ..-Sec.1712.(a) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.-8 inches.--Sec .3306.(0) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for 1hr fire-resistive construction.--Sec .3306 .(1) Provide a landing within 1 inch (1/2 inch at doors used for hand icapped access)of the thresho ld .--Sec.3304.(i) The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches. --Sec.3304.(j) The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet. --Sec.3303 .(d) ROOFINGREQUIREMENTS: 1)The roofing on this building is required t o be Class C --Table 32 -A Cedar or redwood shake shingles and #1 shingles constructed in o RECYCLEli I'A/'f;R 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479 -2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community De velopment a ccordance with Section 3 204 (e),Special -purpose Roofs may be used. --Excep tion #3 2 )See section 3204.and ICBO research reports for requiremen ts. AUTOMA TIC SPR INKLER SYSTEMS : I f openings ar e not provided in each 50 feet o f e xter ior wall or there i s floor area more than 75 fee t from an exterior opening ,an automati c s prinkler system is r equ ire d._.Sec.3802 .(b) I f the building contains 1 6 or more dwe l ling units,an automatic spr inkler s ys tem i s r equired.--Sec.38 02 .(h) I f there are 100 or more sprinklers .th e automati c sprinkler system sha ll b e supervised b ya n a pp roved ce ntral,proprietary ,or remote stat ion s ervice or a l ocal al arm whi ch wi ll give a n a ud ible signal at a consta ntly a t ten ded lo c at ion.--Sec.38 03. STANDPIPE REQUIREMEN TS: There is no requirement for a standp ipe ...Table 38 -A A hose is not r equired.--Table 38-A FOO TNO TES: 1)The locat ion is to be per Sec.3805.(c),(d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH : 1)Wall and ceiling finish materials are requi red to comply with Sec.4204 .(a)and Table 42 -B. 2)Carpeting on the ceiling i sr equired to have a Class I f lame spread rating ..-Sec .4 204.(b) 3)Textile wall coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating. and shall b e protec ted by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U .B.C.S tandard No.42-2 _.Sec.4205 . INSULATION NOTES: 1)All insulation material i ncluding facings are requi red t o have af lame - spread rat ing of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 un less it is in a conceal ed space and the facing is in contact with awa ll or ceiling.--Sec.1 714 .(c)exc .#2 2 )Foam p la stic insula tions are required to be protected ._.Sec.1713. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: Al l gl azing i n haz ardous l oca tions is required to be o f safety glazing material.--Sec.5406.(d) ADD ITIONA L REQU IREM ENTS: For Rl oc c up a ncy All chimney e nclo su res for wood burning firep lace fa ctory -buil t c himney s s ha ll be protected by a1 hr.fire resistive construction. Al l projec ts larger than four dwell i ng un i ts shall be s upplied wi th s tamped drawings f roma quil if ied architect and/or struc tural engineer . All building within the TownOfVa il with 20 units or more,or over three stories,and containing a ny dwelling units shall be o Rf:CYCU:DI'APER 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970 -479-2452 Department ofCommunity De velopment s upp lied with enginee r fi re a larm and f i re sp ri nkler systems for approval be the Town Of Vail Fire Department.ORD.3 of 83. All c rawl space s within t he Town Of Vai l shall be limi ted to 5' height from floor to structural floor /ceiling ,have ad irt floor only ,with ven tilation as per UEC code ,and minimum access as per UEC c ode or maximum access of 9 sq .ft . All R -1 occupanc ies withi n the Town Of Vai l will b e required to have a ll landscapi ng a nd parking fac ili ties comp lete to o btain fina l i nspe ction approva l. Ad dre ss numbe rss hall be posted p la in ly visible a nd legib le from the s treet . If t here is 16 or mor e dw el ling u nits,af ire a larm systemi s required i nt his buil ding ..-Sec .12 11 . Providea window or doo rt o the ex ter i or fro m every room used f or s l eeping .--Sec.1 204. A window must p rovide a cl ear open area of 5 .7 s q.ft.,a c lear height o f 24 inches,a nd ac lear width of 20 i nches (minimum). Sec.1204. All habitab le rooms requ ire exterior glazed openings equa l to 10%or mo re of the flo or area .(min 10 sq.ft .)--Sec .1 20 5.(b) All habitabl e rooms require an operable ex terior openings equa l to 5 % or more of the floor a rea .(min 5 sq .f t .)--S ec .1205 .(c) Provide asm oke de tec tor i n all s leeping rooms and areas hav ing ac cess to s leep ing rooms.--Sec.1 21 0.(a)4 . The minimum cei ling in a habitable space i s7 fe et 6 inches except kitchens ,hall s,andb aths may have a c ei li ng height of 7 fee t.--Sec .--1207 .(a) For 81 occupancy The minimum clear height i sr equir ed to be 7 feet.--Sec.709 .(c)5 . Parking garages requ ire a ventilation system t h at exhausts 1.5 cfm per sq .ft.of floor area .--Sec.705.(b)2. o HECYCLEVPAPf;R 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479 -2138/479-2139 FAX970-479 -2452 Department of Community Development supp l ied with e ng ineerf ire alarm and fir es prinkl er syst ems fo r appr ova l be the TownOf Vai l Fire Dep artment .ORD.3 of 83. All c rawl spaces within t heTo wn OfVa il shall b e limitedt o5 ' hei gh t from f loo r to structu ral fl oo r /cei ling,h ave a dir t fl oor only,with v e nt ilat io n as pe rUBC code ,and mi nimum acc ess as p er UB C code or ma ximuma c cess of 9 sq .f t. All R -l o ccupancies withi n t heTo wnOf va il will be r equired t o have all la n dsc a pi ng a nd parkingf aciliti es com pl ete to obtai n fina li nspection approval. Addre ss numbe rs shall be p osted pl a inl yv isible a nd legibl e from the street. If t he re is 1 6 or more d well ing u nit s,a fire a l arm s y stem i s r e qu ired in this building .--Sec .1 211 . Pr ovide a window or d oor to t he ex terior f rom e very room used for sleeping.--Sec .1204 . Awindow must provide a cl ear open area of 5 .7 sq.ft .,a clear height of 2 4 inches,and a c lear width of 2 0 inches (minimum). S ec.1 204. Al l habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal t o1 0%or more of t he f loora rea .(min1 0s q.f t.)_.Sec .120 5.(b) All habitabl er ooms requirea n ope r ab le e xte ri oro penings equal t o 5 % o r more o f t he floor a rea.(min 5 sq.ft .)--Sec.1 205.(c) Pro vide as moke de tec to r in all sl e eping rooms and a r eas having access to sleep ing r ooms .--Se c .1 210.(a)4. The minimum c ei ling i na hab itabl e spac e is 7 feet 6 i nc hes exc e pt kitc hens,hall s,and b a th s ma y have a cei ling h eight of 7 feet._.S ec..-1 207.(a) For B1 occupancy The minimum clear heigh t is requ ired t ob e7 fee t.--Se c.7 09.(c)5. Parki ng gar ag es requ ire av entilations ystem that exhausts 1.5 c fm p er s q.ft.of floor area.--S ec .705.(b)2 . o RECYCLEDPAPER , 75South Frontage Road Vail,Co lorado 816 57 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Dep artmentof Commun ity Development Town of Vail 7 5 South Frontage Road Vai l,Colorado 8 1657 (303)479 -2 138 Plan review based on the 1 991 Uniform Building Code Project Number:PRJ960024 Address:2099 N.FRONTAGE ROAD Planner :Andy Knudtsen Occupancy :R1,B1 Type of Const :V-1hr CORRECTIONREQUIRED Name:VAIL COMMONS BUILDING Date:April 29,1996 Contractor:WARNER DEVELOPMENTS Ar chitect:DONALDSON Engineer:MONROE Plans Examiner:CHARLIEDAVIS ~~=========================================================================== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The roof ing on this building is requ ired to be class B or better .--Sec.3 20 3.&Table 3 2-A Glazing in a hazardous location is required to be g lazed with safety material .Sec .5406 . This project will require a site improvement survey. This survey shall be submitted and staff app r oved prio r to a request f or af rame i nspe ction.Under no ci rcums tances will a frame inspection be approved without an approved site improvemen t survey . Area s epar ati on wal ls wh ich t er mi nate at roo fs of different height sha ll terminate at a point 30" above the lower r oof with the ext .wall abo ve t he lower roof of 1hr.c ons t.&openi ngs protec t ed,o r c eilings below may be f ire res ist ive as per UBC 505(e)5. Where bath tubs are located adjacent to par ty sepa ration walls,be sure to carry 5/8 Type X sheetrock behind tub assembly. All s to rage sheds will be pro tec ted wi th 1 hr r ated walls and a20 minut er ated d oo r. A fire a larm s ystem is requi red per Artic le 14UFC Asmo ke de tector i sr eq uired in t his location.NOTE: o NE CYCU'D PAPf;N 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970 -479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Department of Community Development Al l detectors are to sound an alarm in bedroom area . --Sec .1210 .(a)4. Provide deta ils (construction and location)of draftstops in the floor s ystem.--Sec.25 16.(f)4 .A Provide details (construction and location)of draftstops in the attic.--Sec .2516.(f)4.B Fire alarm manual pull stations shall be double action . Door(s)indicated are required t o be 20 minute fire assemblies including labeled door and frame,closer, smoke seal,and lat ch.--Sec .3305 .(h)l . A handrail is required along a stairway.It is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing o f the steps and if t he side is open ,the maximum size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches.--Sec.3 306.(i)&1 71 2 . S tairways having 4 o r more risers for dwellings shall be provided witha handrail.Such handrail shall be between 34 -38"ht.above tread nosing,be grippable.and ends shall be returned .For other occ.2 or more treads will require a handrail as defined. All electrical work to be c omplete to the requirements of the 1996 National Electrical Code . An exterior electri cal disconnect required. Island fixtures shall be special vented as per UPC 614. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be d irectly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved d ishwasher air -gap f itting.UPC6 08 For heating or hot -water supply boiler applications af loor drain shall be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated fluids.UMC 2119 Supply af loor drain in the laund ry room to adequately dispose of water due t oo verflow or l ine breakage. Domestic clothes dryer exhaust d ucts shall be o RECYCLHU PAPt'R 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado816 57 970-479-2138/479-2139 FA X 970-479-2452 2 1 2 2 23 24 25 26 Department of Community Development ins tal led as per UMC 1 104 &1903 .F lexible d u c t c onnectorsma y n ot e x ceed 6 'leng th and shal l n ot be co ncealed withi n construction.Duc tss hall t erminate o uts id e t he b ui ldi ng a nd n ot exceed 14' length. In buildings o f unusual ly ti gh tc onst ruc tion (all new co n stru ct i on i n Town of VAil)a ll combusti on air shall be obtained f rom outside air .UMC Ch.6 Heat ing and coo l ing equ ipmen t l ocated in the garage or separa ted f rom the garage by only o ne d o or shall be insta lled wi th the pilo ts and burners o r hea ting elements and swi tches at least 18"above the f loo r. UMC 508 Furnaces no tl isted for alcove or closet i nsta ll at ion sha ll be i n sta ll ed in ar oom having a v olume at l east 12 times t h e tota l volume o f t he furnace .Boilers require a room a tl east 1 6 t i mes larger than the v ol umeo f the boiler .UMC 504 (b) Provide a mechanical drawing showing basic design o r hydronic system or duct sys tem,size of equipment (BTU &actual vo lume size),s ize of mechanical room , and size of comb ustion a ir to be supplied to e quipme nt. Foundation plates a nd all lumbe r in direct contact wi th co nc rete shall b e eithe rr edwood or pressure tre ated lumbe r.UB C 2516(c)3 P lease designa te which un its wi ll be used for ADA requirements ,199 3 Accumula tive S upplement Se c.3103 8 (b) o R£CYCLW PAPFIR OESIGII CRlTERIA -leBO SPACING 24.0 IN OIC REP BENO PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 PESIGIl LOAD I MGS LOAD CASE 1 TOP II TOP Dl BOT II BOT Pl INC 80.0 10.0 .0 10.01.00 PLATE OFFSET-"OFfSET-L 3X6 5X 6 2 3/8 3 JT 1 2 MSR FORCE 2-4251 IlBR FORCE CMr Il8R LEI FORCE 3-4 4.89 986 4-1 4.89 986 JT PLATE OffSET-"OffSET-L 33X6 4 2X 4 \\\\O n,""UJl8ER SOLUTION ......~\l.i G.'J"" C b"••••T•••••Ott......TOP 2X4 SPf-1650/1.4~•GIS~e:••of'..Fb1650 E 1.4••()..1.TOP PANEL 1-2 CSI=.918~/ff_<l/.If ".BOT 2x4 SPF-1650/1.4 .:.Fb1650E 1.4•~i BOT PANEL 4-1CSI=.290•'"~----0::::IIEB2X4 IN-Standard....".41.• r •0 ~.:~~••~~~~~.~O~"..~l:..~IONA\.~,=.~..,'~";..':-"'I,e O··it ••••~Q~~"'~ --"F CO'-,,"""..n,"~' 5-1-7 10-2-14 MAY 21 1996 0-11-5 5-1-7 5-1-7 0-11-5 I I I II IIlR L£II FORCE 1-2 4.89 -1135 2-3 4.89 -1135 5-1 .29 12 6-3 .29 12 JT REACT ACT BRG REG BRG lP 1030.5.50"1.62" 3R 1030.5.50"1.62" e .068" .13" Qty24 NOTE:IX4lAT.BRCG alOft OIC MAX.REQD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERIlISE SH~N .o In ~.... 5~6- I 6.00~.r>:I I ~~12 0 ~6 .0 0 ~. 0 ~. 1 3X6-.>:/I I ~~N 3X6- h 3 . 0 5 4e2X41 6 '0-11-5'~:1:~1~:~:lr '0-11-5 ' OIA SPAN 10-2-14 (FT,I NCHES,16THS)SCAlE=.548/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOUlDER-COlORADO-S0301 1nt"ormlItim 800wn OIl this ahoetbat beee prcpuod by lilt cxpcrimced wood trUH fabricator.C~plaa .baIl be manufactuK:d bf EAGLE METAL fn::m20,18OR16 aaUF ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss, The dcIi&net disclaimt my ftIllPCUibility for darmp _.rmult of inoom:d informWm ~fi-&.-de A or bct1cI'in dipped p1vaDiu:d steel.~catiODll aupplil!ld.by lhDclicd.~fabri<:&tim aor:l ctcetion of t~u well ..~ability of IDItcrialeto IDlet their publHbod atm::tlft1 vaIuct.ill t1z l'CISp(m5ibility of othert.This \!We bas t-n dcei&Dcd ill ~with tho ~recca.cbian .tmWda of NOS lIDd ANSI/fPI.TbiJ dceipl Truuee.m.u be bm:Ucd with alftl prior 1OetCCtia1 to.void damato .Tcsmpm.ry bradD&!mIIt be aM\IInCII COCIJPft*ian c:boIdI &ftl aninuaully ~b,'ri&id rDltDrial and lcnIioo chorda ate citlx:r l-t 1IIIbca.cl'CCtiQ&tnINcI (_aWf-76 for TPI ,.,......mnmdariont).Bra.cin&.holtm OIl ~ .irailatly tbembcd or IUC bnocd at muimLm v:II.rOOl ocntcra.Ikeip IINurm8 lhal 1Idequa~c1n.imCC isla taisI:b.ac1diDc 011 tbD member cbipm)y.11 •DOt wind.or"raJ bd bnaeine or 0IICft1l ...m.be pro¥icIod to pI'OYCDl pondin&ani adcqua~aacboratc 10 ~iat 'Uplift at euppClfU .T1W:dai.cn buildin&cbip braciDa .mkb isll1or»by ~ts.Refer to HET 80 (TPI)for iCOOO .....ded tN!IIo P.D.Box K is for lII1 bdiYidW tnIN.No ~pooaibiliJ.y is ..u«d for OIIl'etaU buildin&dceipt.bandlina:.m.CftlC:ticn.Dcti.an w.s..bouId nc(be applkd uar.U ~aD!bmcin&are ~ldc.210CountyRoad21 Parshall CO B0468 UJIISt IOUIT 101 TOP 2X4 SPF-1650/1.4 x 6.000-20 x 4.000-20 x 5.000-20 Qty DEIIGI CRITERIA BlK SPACING 42.5 IN OIC PLATE :EAGLE METAL PROOUC TS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 Job ID IYAILC3\Y02_D5 KEYsmart II:3.075 DA TE 5/17196 MAY 21 1996 0-11-5 ~:~:~~:lg:~1~:~:1;0,11-5 I I I Ie r >0 0 0 0 N l~~o 0 e '0-11 -5 18:~:1~0-11-5 ' OIA SPA N10-2·14 (FT,INCHES ,16THS)SCALE=.548/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOUlDER -COlORADO -80301 InformatioD .m.m 01 lhia...._t-t pnplai by Ill.c:xpcric:acI:d wood tnIN fabric:Mor ."""""""'1'1....ohoIl be __""EAGLE METALlnn lO,18OR16 _ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss. TbDdDlipE'f ~WI)'_ponIibilily (01'clarnqr.if ...~of i:IIoonoct icfortllllitD IpCCifi--&DdD A or bchc:rbell dipp:d pIvmizrd noel.~~IUpplicdby u.cliDal.n.,rabrio.tiOll ani 0ftlctl0:lI r4 uu.ec.u -..cD ..theabWl)'of .a:-\criakto mod.their publimDd ~~••thoftIIPOIIIibillty clccbera.nit tnIN ..bccD dcIip:d ill ~with tI»ml»l .-:d._ip .tardardaof NOS lIIIll ANSlITPI.nit detlp T ruNCI IIbaI1 bebmCbi with c.re prior10 CftItUca.to .YOicI damaIc.TempotatY btaciDa ImIIt be ..,\mCII ~iao.cbordI ....~Iyat-thDd by riaid _torla!ell IcaIkD cbordt are eitbct uecd ...-boa Ol'DCtin&m.-(Ille Bwr·76 forTPll''''\me).Brac:in&itbaML CIQdtawiDc .iznilat1y ~Of arc braood at mu.imum Ia:l.foar.Oldors.o.icn -.Dell tmI ~IC dtaiaaF ..10 ~isl buckliq en 0.tI'IDIIlbDr -len mIy.II.iI Dt'It wkd or INralIold bnciDa Of CJllJCrall ..w be pnMI<d .....-poodIna ODd oloqua..-....tc _;"upUft.._.Tbl>doIlp>buildiDacbian bncio&wbidJ.illdar.by CJtb,n.RcICr 10HEr80 (TPI)f«,''ltUM P .O.Box K I.fot lID iDdMduaJ.~.No ftlfpoaltbllity it aMUftIdfor owrall baildmt d.ipt.bmillD&aDd cteeUon.ec.ian ....IIio.Ikl rml bo lIpplicd wdI at-.lhin&.-I bndrlc aJe~.210CountyRoad 21 Parshall CO B046B UIIIEIt IllUITIClI DE8IGII CRITERIA BlK SPACING 43.0 IN OIC PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 TOP ZX4 SPF-1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E1.4 BOT 2X4 SPF-1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E1.4 BlK 2X4 SP-SS N 0 GABLE PLATES Heel,splice 3.000 x 8.000 -20 Blocs2.000 x 4.000-20 Pitch Break4.000 X 5.000-20 e "",t1.1 1"I'_f.ta~\\.\\i G 8/l"I,~•••••••q()~~ .....'<GIST ·'••C'~;, ••~~••7 ~ f(//'r;~~.i~:'-'.4~~;~:s~cS'eO 4.Ie • <;.:,A ""~~.~C~,-,"'·.V ~ '",.~.;"'lON A\.t".·~~..""~O·········O~..~III"F CO\.:~~~~~ ""hU""'\: MAY 21 1996 0-11-5 1:~:~~:lg:~1~:~:1~0-11-5 I I I I II Job ID:VAILC3W03_05 KEYsmart II:3.075 DATE 5/17/96 CIty -o, 0 ....,, ~~, o 6.00 12 ~6.00 ...., ~, o e '0:11-5 ---~8:~:~~0-11-5 ' OIA SPAN 10-2-14 (FT,INCHES,16THS)SCAlE=.548/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOUlDER-COlORADO-80301 InfonnaLion Ibown (lD thiI.Ilboct hal been prepam1 by an experialoocl wood truM fabricator.C_p1oloo aU "".............t by EAGLE MEfALfrom2lJ,180R 16 _ASI'M M46 Rocky Mountain Truss. 'OlDdc:aipr diaelaimllllY ~ibility ror daDw.p ...R:eUlt of incorroct bUonnatim .pccifi-atodcAor......""'d_..........._.~(:I.t.icm Il.Ipp1icd by the clicnl.TbD fabricationard crcc:ticcol~•..-ell u lbBability of tnltcria1I to meec their publimcd atnEWral valur::t,it the rctpOQIofbility of CIlhBr&.This \rUN hu bc:c:n dcsi&Mdin acc:otdmoo with dID moal rcu:d dr:eian .tIndardt of NOS lUld ANSlffPI.Thia dceian Tnaaca.haIl be,bmdkd with care prior to~to llVOid dama&c.TCIIIpOI'a!)'braciDa,muIt be uatma ax:npret.aion c:bmdI aft)oantiraamalyIbcathcdby riPI material ad klrBiOII cbords arc either wed.menCftldina,lrUMelI <_BWf·76 forTP.J"'CO'I'ftY'ftgtiml).Bmcina Ibownmd.tawin& .imilarly Ibcathcd or a1C bnccd at rm:xDmm1cD.foo(oc::mcn.llrcIip aNlmC8 u.t Idtlquate cltaDac it to ~iac tuckIiD&on u.s member dceiplODly••it DOl wind or Jalllnd bd.bnciD&or (JlIIICtall will.be pKMdod &0 ~pmdinc and .kq.aw ancborap::to ~ist ",Hft at .~.This dclip buiIdiq,dcelpl bncin&which ..daDe by ochers.hfet 10HEr 80 (fPl)for towu:m:ukd tiUU P.O.Box K •for an individual tiuN.No -PCO'ibilit)'..aNUftldror overall build.in&_ian-hmdlin&and e~.D::.ip bet.mcukI DOlbe applW:d ldillhDalhina m:l braciqllte cmJP~.210CountyRoad21 Parshall CO 8046B Qty 5 NOTE:lX4 LAT .BRCG iill0ft O/C MAX.REQO ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN LIVE LOAD DEF iil JOINT 6=.076" L/DEF=999 L=144.0 REC eMBR=.15" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF =.024" MAX DEF:LL=.076"DL=.024"TL=.091" Jab ID:YAILC3\T06 05KEYsIII8rtII:3.0]'; DATE 5/17/96 DEIIGII CRITERIA -ICBOSPACING24.0 IN O/C REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 DEIIGII UWllllGl UWl CASE 1TOPLLTOPDL BOT LL BOT DL INC BO.O JT 1 2 3 MBR FORCE 3-6 461 4-6 -411 MIll FORCE2-6 -411 CAIIT M8R LEII FORCE5-65.77 1292 6-1 5.77 1292 PLATE OfFSET-"OfFSET-L JT PLATE OFFSET-"OFFSET-L5X621/85/8 4 2X 4 2X 4 5 5X 621/253/8 5X 621/83 ,,,n ....,6 4X 10..,,\..G t",,"\\I.1 8 ~()'I,UIlBER SOWTIOII....,'~.~•••a_..c:"<I,,to~~~G\T••-f-"#,TOP 2X4 SPF·1650/1.4 .al •Fb 1650 E1.4 ......~TOP PANEL 7-1 CSI=.429~1255 .....:T 2X4 SPF-1650/1.4_:::Fb 1650 E1.4;.;:z.:BOT PANEL 5-6 CSI=.416 :.n~O ",::WEB 2X4 \III-Standard-:"V·~.A...~.O:.~.(,'-,..;:.;..~...".d .~.a.~v.-.....,..'tI',TJ'-..·..'~/O N AL ~'";••'('...«e Q~... ","OF CO\.:.,."II",....,u"" MAY 21 1996 1-7-9 ~:~:~~:g:l~~:H:U 1~:~:2 1-7-9 I I I I I I LU FalCE3.04-1502 2.73-10692.73-1069 3.04-1502 1.5060 1.5060 ... 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 7-1 8 -5 JT REACT ACT BRG REQ BAGlP1424.5.50"2.23" 5R 1424.5.50"2.23" 5X6-3 I 6.00~~n~12 00 ~6.00. 00 ,;,1 5X6-.r>:~~I I //~~5X6- 51~~~~~ 6e4Xl0- 7 8 e r-r-1-7-9 '~:8:8 1~:8:8 '1-7-9' O/A SPAN 12-0-0(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCALE=.419/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER-COLORADO-B0301 lmormaU<m IbaMl ClD.thiJ Ibtet _bca1 ~by III cxpcricDocd wood trw.&;briClitor.Ccmoctot'pla_1hUl bclDlmlfad\lftid by EAGLE METAL ftc:m20.18OR 16 ....ASTM M46 Rocky Mountain Truss, 'Ibe doIipr d.1Klab:m my ~ibilltyfor daJajce ...fCluit 0(iIx.om:lCt informalioo.apccifi-...A Of bc<te<bol_pl__1.~calia:»wpp1icd by the clX:d.~fabricaIimm:1 cfCd.ion of mas-as well ..tho abilily of materlall to moel their publitbcd IMtUCtUra1 ~it tbc tellpoollibility of 1lthDI'I,This tnu hal been cbipxd bl aecotdmce"tlr'ith tbc!DOlt teOCDIdce iantw:datds of NOS lUi ANSIffPI.Tbi5 dclr.i&n T~sM11 bchatdJa:l wilhwm prior lo~to avoicIet.mqo.Tc:mp::nty'onclncm.»t be ~~im~arc ~ly fiJoalbcc!by riPl maIctial and ~doda aft!either wed ...tIctteteetin&~(ICC BWf·76 bTP.~).BmciD&~<lIldrawiD& 1 imi.1arly "-thcd or.~bnocd I t DW.XimLm ee f OOl CCDlCts.Dr»ipl ~thai.~dnUnIp is to n»iIt bueklinc CD the mcmbetcbicnmJy.h.act wioJ«laton.!k:MdbnIdn&or overall will be providad to pnMD.pn:linc ud ~mcb::m&c to ~ist ~at luppoN.This dceian build~deeip.bnc:ib&which it;done byocbcn.Refer 10HEr 80 (fPl)for iOWlWiAdud m-P.D.Box K is for III iDiiviIhal truM.No ~ibi1ily is Maund f«CMlftll buildin&cblaD-l.:ndJ.iD&IIIldeftlCtion.Dce.ip lOIIl:h aboWcl DOlbe IIppUcd \dillbcathiDa m1 bncln&&J'CI oampIeta.210County Road 21 Parshall CD B046B *NAIL ON 2x4 T-BRACE IJI lOd NAILS a 12"D.C. NOTE:2X 4 LAT.BRCG 210ft OIC MAX .REQD DN BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHER~ISE SHOWN PLATE OFFSET-H OFFSET-L6X1617/8 3 5/8 2X4 5X 8 7X 1051/45 5X 6 5X 10 7X 1051/45 5X 8 2X 4 Job ID:VAILC3\T05 05 QtyKEYsmartII:3.07> DATE 5/17/96 LIVE LOAD DEF a JOINT 15=.654" L/DEF =954 L=624.0 REC CMBR=.65" TOTAL LOAD HDR DEF =.326" MAX DEF:LL=.654"DL=.170"fL=.817" DEIIGN CRITERIA -ICIOSPACING24.0 IN OIC NO REP BEND PLATE :EA GLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE DUR INC=1.0 0 DESIGN UWllllGl LOAD CASE 1TOPLLTOPDL BOT LL BOT DL INC 80.0 0 UJlIEl IOWTIOI TOP 2x6SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E1.8 TOP PANEL 1-2 CSI=.841 BOT 2X6 SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E1.8 BOT PAHEL 17-18 CSI =.715 WEB 2X4 ~-Standard EXCEPTIOI WEll4-16 2X4 HF-Stud 4-15 2X4 HF-Stud 7-14 2X4 HF -Stud 7-13 2X4 HF -Stud 1tT 11 12 13S 14 15 16S 17 18 1-8·75~:g:l~ ·1 ....::¥.:~; •....(t"'.•~~?t tu _: -;..n.O~~..,....,..: -:,U"1.••(~iI.,.~.""v ..~ ,"•'-l~~\:7 -,v ..... "",""'/,:"./ONAI.~".':-,~.'""<f O······~Q~~....."""F co""".''I',' MAY 21 1996 I I JT PLATE OFFSET -H OFFSET-L16X16241/8 2 sx 8 3S 8X 10 5 1/4 5 4 7X 10 3 5/8 6 3/8 5 2X 4 6 5X 8 7 7X 10 8S 8X 10 9 5X 8 MBR FOItCE 6-15 -28 6-14 -1035 7-14 1342 7-1313478-13-1663 8-12596 9-12-854 9-1 1-78 MlIR FORCE 2-18 -rr 2-17-855 3-17 593 3-16 -1660 4-16 1362 4-15 1311 5-15 -1024 LElI FOItCE 6.338493 5.698493 5.697756 5.426629 5.28 7321 5 .42 6631 5.69 7755 5.69 8493 6.33 8493 CAIIT I I I ,I I MlIR 10-1111-12 12-1313-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-1 1-'8.17 1-8-7 I MIll LO fGlCE 1-26.33-9557 2-35.69-8640 3-45.69-7457 4-55.42-7307 5-65.28-7307 6-75.42 -7321 7-85.69-7455 8-95.69 -8641 9-106.33-9556 19-11.5060 20-101.5060 JT REACT ACT IRG REG IRG 1P5424.5.50"8.51" lOR 5424.5.50"8.51" Bearing size less thanminreq 7X10-2X4 1 5X8-7Xl0- 4567 8Xl01 8Xl0\ T 6.00 ~3 8 12 5X81 5X8\~6.00 0 2 9 .0 6X16-6X16-, 1 100- t '", -o,,e 0 18171615 14 1312 11 0 19 2X41 5X8-7X10-5X10-5X6-7Xl0-5X8-2X41 20 NAIL ON 2x6x2'BRNG .BLK.WITH 3 ROWS OF IOd COM.AT A-"O.C.e OIA SPAN 52·0-0(FT.INCHES.16THS)SCALE=.114/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER-COLDRADO ·S0301 lDformal1a:1 ~OIl tha .b::lctm.beenpn:paraI by me.xperil:alcd -.'OCd truM &bric:ator.~pla.le.....bomanut'aa.ural by EAGLE METALfnxn2O,i gOR 16 pup ASTM A446 RoCky Mountain Truss. 1m cbipr dilclam.my rcepmaibility for dmn.p ...n=aultof ineom:d inf~tionaP"cili-&ndc A or bcUer bot d.ippDd p.lvartim111klc1 .~calionl supplied by IhD c licd.~Rbricalian IIrd CftlClim or ~..-.ell lIS ~ability of .-eriala to JDClCt their publWzd .trueturaJ.~iA tbcs ~ibi.lity 01 otlJm;.ThiI tnu hu hccn etc.lpod in aooordaDco with tm IIIOBt t-.rdceip....am.1ds of NOS and ANSIffPJ.This doBipl.T~abaI.lbe t-dIcd with caro prior \0 ClCdion to IlVoid cIama&c .Tcmporuy bfaciD&!mIIt be ~~ionc:bmdll aft!~.~by riaidmw:ria1and B:aim chord.aID either ~wbcoemctinc In-(8ElO BWT~16forTPI ,.........,..-,.,.....).Bncina l bownondrawin& tJmilarly Ilb=atbr:d or ani br.ad at mu.bmm ten fODlIXII2Ims .Dcaipl ~lbal..dcquUD draiD&&c a.to rat.irI t ~ClII.the mc:mhctdalian oaIy .It it D:It wind or 1aIc,..1 to.d bRciDa or ow:rall ....ru bel~to prIlWlIll poniin&amlldcq\alD GJCborap to lCIi1t 'Uplift at l upporU .nw.dalian buiklin&dalip.tncioa:.mich j,cIoDc by otben .Rick ,to HET80 (rPI)for ,L 'lrWI P .D.Box K ia for an indiv1dr.al tn...No resporrIibility •ueuted for 0YCt'll11 builc1iDc <bipl.bondJiDo ond.-m o..ip Ioodo NoouId DOl be oppUol atIil"-thb>a ond bndn&...~210 count~Road21ParshallDB046B *CONT lX4 LAT BRCG NAIL W/2·8d COM NOTE:lX 4 LAT.BRCG iill0ft OIC MAX.REQD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN LIVE LOAD DEF iii JOINT 9=.449" L/DEF=999 L=519.8 REC CMBR=.54" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF =.249" MAX DEF:ll=.449"DL=.150"Tl=.580" Qty 6 PLATE OFFSET-"OFFSET-L 2 7/8 6 51/45 51/45 3112 DeSIGI CRITERIA -leBOSPACING24.0 IN OIC REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 DESIGI LOADI.GS LOAD CASE 1 TOP LL TOP DL BOT LL BOT DL INC Job ID:VAILC3\T04 05 KEYsmart II:3.075 DATE 5/17/96 UIIIEI IOWTIOI TOP 2X6 SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E 1.8 TOP PANEL 2-3 CSI=.942 BOT 2X6 SPF-1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E 1.4 BOT PANEL 7-8 CSI=.970 ~B 2X4 WW-Standard EXCEPTIOI IlEBS 2-12 2X4 SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E1.8 4-10 2X4 HF-Stud 4-9 2X4 HF-Stud 5-B 2X4 WW-Stud ...LEll FalCE M8R LEI FORCE M8R FORCE MBR FORCE JT PLATE OFFSET-"OFFSET-L1-25.6933 7-810.21 6861 1-12-4384-10 1721 1 2X 42 3/4 1 1/82-3 6.83-61268-97.50 5763 2-12-67384-9 2176 2 8X 14 $ 3-4 8.17 -5336 9-10 9.3840622-11-985-9-2017 3S ax 1051/454-5 8.17 -5529 10-11 7.50 5393 3-112595-8 1058 4 ax 85-66.83 -6971 11-128.50 5576 3-10-1563 6-8-994 5S ax 106-7 7.39 -7709 6 2X 413-7 1.5060 JT REACT ACT BRG REQ BRG CAlIT12P4304.5.50"6.75" 7R 4583.5.50"7.19"~"il1252Bearingsizelessthanminreq NAn.ON 2x6x2'BRN G .B1-~ITH .."0 !:f0 •-;'c.P".~~"oi";.~.<..~.Q .... 3 ROWS OF10dCOM.AT _"O.C...~."s:~r>o ~':0..')':°oo70NA\.~o.o "...:'""e o;····to~.....''''CO .... '"••t>'#1101 .....• MAY 21 1996 ~:g:~1~:18:~2g:~:t ZB:l~:~35-8-~4~:~:1~6-1•1-8-7 I II $18 GA 8X8- 4 #16 GA I axl01 8Xl0\ 12 3 5 6.00V 2X41~6.00N~14$1,6 0 ~, 2X41~ 1: 1 7Xl0- 7 .., ,.., e ~, 12 11 10 9 8 0 axl0-6X6-10Xl0-10Xl0-6X6-13 1~8-17g:~:8 7-8:8 2~:~:g 3~:18:g l~:~:1~16- OIA SPAN 43-3-12(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCALE=.135/1 .0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULOER-COLORADO·80301 lnforn-tion .bown on tbia Iboc:c"beenprepued bf ae.xperimood wood In.IM fabricator.~p'"u.u 1m~by EAGLE METAL fran 20.IIOR16 PUF ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss, The dclIipr disclaiml al\Y ~ibillty Cor dl:map ...rlOeuh of lDoorrcct iDfonnatim .pcci.t"l-pw;Io A or blItcr bot dippa1 plvaniuxI alclcl.~c:aliQIII supplied by \be c1icnl:.Tho fl,bricaticxl.ani C«lCt1clo of trUI.e...weD IlJ tlz ability of malmiala to mcd ~it pub&bod.uuetural varur:..11 the I'ClpoIIIlbiliIy of olbcn.TbiJ,m-bu bom. dceip:d in a.oootdaDco with \be DIl»t reocmdeftan.taDdardt of NOS IDd ANSIfTPI.This dclIipl T~lIbaIl be baDdlad with care prior to crccUoa to avoid dania...T~bracin&mutl be U8~oorDpI'CMtoo cbordI am c.omirluowly .beathed by rlcId rmterial and temion chonia RRI cithor .-I ,.,.hm.crcc:tin&truuc:e (llCCI Bwr·76 for TPI P"Q'IT!Il'1CI1·'imt).B~Ibown ce dn.wiJla, aimilarly .-Ibcd 01'arc braced III maxlm.m lea fOOl CCDlem.DMip.~tl.t ~lcd.rairJap ia to rmiat buckl.iD&anthD manbcr detianonJy.h ia DOt 'NiDd 01'laIeral1o...t btaclDa or OllICrall ...,i1J.be prcMdcd to pre'VCd poIdiD&aIld ~tc anc:bonF 10 rmist ~lift at aupports.This-ian buildiDadcsian braciD&wbi<:b.is ~by otbo,..l.efer to HEY80 (fPl)fOl'l'LIm.P.O.Box K it for an iD:!Mdual tnIN.No faopaDlibility ia U8Uftld for OVC,.U buildin&;cbipL Imd1inc and crcai.oa.Dc.i,n bdf IfIxJuld DOt be IIppllDd IDilIbDathin&m:I bndnc am ~Jdc. OVER TUSRD ~~~~~nttoRoad 21 8046B Qty21 5 5 5 1/4 5 1/4 PLATE OFFSET-H OFFSET-L6X1617/8 4112 2X 4 5X 8 8X 10 6X 10 8X 10 5X 8 2X 4 LIVE LOAD DEF iii JOINT 13=.622" L/DEF=999 L=624.0 REC CMBR =.65" TOTAL LOAD HOR OEF =.322" MAX DEF:LL=.622"DL=.182"TL=.m" *CONT 2X 4 LAT BRCG NAIL Y/2·12d COM NOTE:2X 4 LAT.BRCG iill0ft OIC MAX.REQD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERYISE SHOWN LUIlBER IOWTIOI TOP 2X6 SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E1.8 TOP PANEL 1-2 CSI=.878 BOT 2X6 SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E1.8 BOT PANEL 15-16 CSI=.723 WEB 2X4 WW-Standard JClb IO:YAILC3\T03 OSKEYsmartII:3.07'5' DATE 5/17/96 EXCEPT 101 WEBI4·14 2X4 HF'Stud 6·12 2X4 HF'Stud DEIIGII CRITERIA •IC80 SPACING 24.0 IH OIC REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 OEIIGII LOADI.GI LOAD CASE 1TOPLLTOPDL BOT LL BOT DL INC 80.010.0 .010.01.00 LEll FOlICE IIBR FOlICE MlR FOlICE JT JT6.78 84962·16 -335-13·1309 1 96.47 84962-15 -10636-13825 2 106.47 7564 3 -15 6836-121518 3s 116.06 62523-14 -1901 7-12 -1901 4 12s6.06 6252 4-14 15187-11 683 5 136.47 7564 4-13825 8-11-1063 6 14S6.47 8496 8-10 -33 7s 156.78 8496 8 16 CAlIT IIBR 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-1515-16 16-1 IIIlt W FORCE 1-26.78-9549 2-3 6.47 -84263-4 6.47 -7042 4-56.06 -6679 5-66.06 -6679 6-76 .47 -7042 7-8 6.47 -8426 8-96.78-9549 17-11.5060 18-91.5060 JT REACT ACT BRG REO BRG lP5424.5.50"8.51" 9R 5424.5.50"8.51" Bearing size less than min req NAIL ON 2x6x2'BRNG.DLK .WITH 3 ROWSOF IOd COM.AT..A:"O.C. e MAY 21 1996 ~:8:1 1-8-7 1-8-7 1~:~:1~1~:1~:*2~:8:1~3~:8:1~3g:g:~"i:l~:I~5~:8:Y II I I I I I I 7Xl0- TRUSS NA ILON 4x2 CO NT.LATE RAL 8Xl01 BRACI NGAT 2 'O.C.±I 6.00 ~5X81 3 5X8\~6 .00 0 2 8 .0 6X16-.6X16- 0 1 9I:..,..., .:,.e 1615141312 11 10 0 17 2X41 5X8-8Xl0-6Xl0-8Xl0-5X8-2X41 18 1-18-17 I I I I I I I1~:~:1 ~28:T:~2l:1~:8 3~:1l:8 3~:7-~4~:1~:1~5~:8:~~:8:1 6-1-8-7 OIA SPAN 52-0-0(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCALE=.113/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER -COLORADO -80301 Informatica thown m lhia thed:hal beenpn:pam:lby lID ~woodINlloS fabricator .Cmnodor p18~.ball be ~actured by EAGLE MET AL f'rom 20,18OR16 pup ASTM 1\446 ROCky Mountain Truss, Tbe cbipt discl.aima aD)'ft*J'ODIibilit)'for dunap ...-..II of ~iDfOl'lmltia:l spocifi-lJ"dc A or better In dippDdpJvmizaIlIC£cl .~cat1am supplied bytmcliml.The &bricmmaml ~ofl~._u as ~ability of materiaJI to moot tbW pubIiAbed atruct\nl W1h1C18••tm ~ibility d oa-..ThiI trwe bu heal &e.iemd iDllCXlOfdaDoo with tho mo.t ftlO:lat de.ip atln:larda of NOS ami ANSUfPI.11Da dceicn T ~shall be bmdIcd with C&IO prior to eftlCCioa to -*I.cLm..p.Tanpcmuy hracin&mLIIt be uauax:.~ia:IcboIds are ccdinuouIly ~tbd by riPI rm.~l and knlion dJoIde aft!eitmr \.-I wt..IClftld.in&m.-(_OWf·76 for TPI rccomrnDrIl:LItianI).BflIcin&.m.m and:rnii:n& aimilarly IhNthcd or UD bncalill mu.m.n tan foot CIIlI'IIImI .Ihi&nMllIImIlI u.r.adBqt.a1adraioap is to ftlI;ist t.acklina m.1m nanb:std.ian OIly.It it nat wind OJ'bUcral k.J.bracin&or ovcnJ.l ....ru bo providoclto pmva:II pmdq cd.lDqualD azdxJnp to rmitl ~lift a1 ~.Tbia dcaien buiIdU>&doo;p,bncin&""""'........t.,.......br.,10IlET 80 (I'PI)Co<'n L I tnIlMI P .O.Box K it (or aa individ~m..No rQlpcntibilily itlMUftld rot ~buiIdioc dclipl.hmllinalIIId cmdkn.[bipl k.Li IIbJuJd DOt be,IIpplicd LDiJ.abc:atbin&and bracina ate compIe4o.210 count~Road21Parshall08046B LIVE LOAD DEF iii JOINT 16=.716" L/DEF=737 L=528.0 REC CH8R=.55" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF =.316" MAX DEF:LL=.716"DL=.190"TL=.897" *NAIL ON 2x4 T-BRACE III 10d NAILS iii 12"O.C. NOTE:lX 4 LAT.BRCG alOft O/C MAX.REQD ON BOTTOM CHDRD UNLESS OTHERIiISE SHOIIN DEIIGN CRITERIA -leBOSPACING24.0 IN OIC NO REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE DUR INC=1.00 DEIIGN UW)lNGI LlW)CASE 1 TOP LL TOP DL BOT LL BOT DL INC 80.0 10.0 .010.01.00 Qty 2JobID:VAILC3\T02 05KEYsmartII:3 .075" DATE 5/17196 JT PLATE OFFSET-H OFFSET-L 11 7X 102 718 6 12 2X 4 13 5X 8 14 5X 82 1/2 3 1/2 ISS 8X 10 5 1/4 5162X4 17S 8X 105 1/4 5 18 5X 82 1/2 4 1/2 19 5X 8 20 2X 4 l.llM8ER IOUIT I 011 TOP 2X6 SPF-1650/1 .4 Fb 1650 E1.4 TOP PANEL 4·5 CSlz .790 BOT 2X6 SPF-1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E1.4 BOT PANEL 15-16 CSI=1.004 WE8 2X4 WW-Standard EllCEPTJOII WEBI4-17 2X4 HF-Stud 8-15 2X4 HF-Stud ...LEI FClRCE IlIIR LEN FORCE M8R FORCE MBR FORCE JT PLATE OFFSET-H OFFSET-L1-2 4.31-790011-124.31 6982 2-20-2366-16 91 1 7X 10 2 7/8 42-3 3.67 -7586 12-13 3.67 6982 2-19-191 6-15-627 2 5X 83-4 3.67 -693113-14 3.67 6821 3-19247 7-15-997 3 5X 84-5 5.14 -7529 14-155.14 6180 3-18 -968 8-15 20n 4 7X 103 114 6 1145-6 4.99 -7529 15-16 4.99 7930 4-188488-14848 5 2X 4 718 2 1/86-7 4 .99 -7529 16-174.99 7930 4-17 20n 9-14 -968 6Sax105 114 57-8 5 .14 -7529 17-185.146180 5-17-997 9-13 247 7 2X 48-9 3.67 -6931 18-193.67 6821 6-17-627 10-13 -191 8 7X 109-10 3.67 -7586 19-203.67 6982 10-12-236 9 5X 810-11 4.31·790020-14.316982 10 5X21-1 1.50 60 22-11 1.50 60 JT II£ACT ACT BIG REQ BRG CAlIT lP4624.5.50"7.25" llR4624.5.50"7.25" Bearing size less than min req NAlL ON2x6x2'BRNG.AT .K.wrrn J ROWS OF IO d COM.AT A:."O.C.e t:~:R ll:1g:8 3~:A:8 1-8-7 1-8-7 ~:~:8 1~:q :l~2~:lq:12 22:H :jt 3~:1:18 3~:X:8 4t:g:9 II II I I III II II 7Xl0-2X41 axlO-2X41 7Xl0- 45678 6.00~5X81 5X8\5X8\~6.00T39 5X81 0 2 10 ,7X10-7Xl0· '"1 11.0..,-e 1.0 . 0() ,, 0 201918 17 1615141312 0e212X415X8-5X8-8Xl0-2X41 8Xl0-5X8 -5X8-2X41 22 l J 8-17 I ~:~:9I 1 II I ~~:~:1~I IJ :~:8 I1~:1~:1~2~:1 ~:13 2~:H :1t 3t:H :1~ t:~:R 1~:g:l~3~:g:9 1-8-7 OIA SPAN 44-0-0(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCALE=.136/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER-COLORADO-80301 Infortm.tion llOOM1 0IldD..beet hu been ~by m axpcricaccc1 wocd tnIN r.btbtot.ee.-ctor platm ahall be ~by EAGLE METAL frtm 20,18OR 16 pup ASTM A446 ROCky Mountain Truss, The dcaipr discWJr»~~ibillty for w.m.p as •n:ault of incorRd informatioll.lpCdfi.·pU A 01'bcUct hot dipped plvmiz.ed .teel.~ClltiOlllll aupplied boy the clk:al:.'Tho fabrication.m Ofl:diOll of tnMac:lI u well at Ibo ability of mawiak to meecthelt publiabod IIttUctUra1 nha.it t1Jc,!'CCIp(DIibility of ocbon .1'1u.INN bu been. dcsipcd ia accotdaDoc wi1b.tho molt ftlOClnI dceip lIIaDduda of NOS aM ANSLTPI.lbiI «bip Tt\ltMI sbalIbe haDdIod with cam prior to ercctiOIIto sYIJid dul.p.T~bnciDa aun.be IU8\mICII ~i<nclKMdt.~cmtimacully .hr..t.had by ri p!ma~rial am ttDllaD cbotdI ate e ilhor UItId wbcnctcetinc tn-.(.co BWr·76 forTPI ~CJlV,).Br.au,sbowD mdmwirta similarly Iboatbod or ate bnood lit maximum.tal fool ccdcrI.Dclip "'lIIJa tba.t ~to drainap ill 10 :rcaiatbucklin&OIl tho mcmbct dc'AIIIJl mIy •.It W10 win:I or lazra1101d bnlcin&or ow:nill will 1¥prvvidod to pteva:II p:ndin&IUd adcqwdc aoc:boraCC 10 rel itt uplift.at IIUJIPOIU.Thillail"buildina dcIipt bJ'acina ..nkh iI.dODD by otheR.Refer to HEr 80(fPO for I«U1lilL'tldod ttUIf P .O .Box K Wfor 111 indMduaJ.U'\lIU.No ftlIpw'8ibility is uewcd for ow:taUbuiJdinc doI.ipl.bm:1lioa:anr!crmlon.De.icft IOlIda should rd b:JIIpp1ia.i untiJ.ahcalhina:ad bracin&&lC compk:ce.210 County Road 21 Parshall CO 80468 CIty 2 LIVE LOAD DEf a JOIHT 13=.708" L/DEF=746 L=528.0 REC CMBR=.55" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF =.266" MAX DEF:LL=.70B"DL=.193"TL=.886" DESIGII CRITERIA -ICIOSPACING24.0 IN O/C REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE META L PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 DESIGII UIADIIGS LOAD CASE 1TOPLLTOPDL BOT LL BOT DL INC Job ID:VAILC3\T01 05KEYsmartII:3.075 DATE 5/17/96 WIlBER IOWTIOII TOP 2X6 SPf·2100/1_8 Fb2100E1.B TOP PANEL 5·6 CSI=.843 BOT 2X6 SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E 1.8 BOT PANEL 13·14 CSI=_785 ~EB ZX4 ~-Standard EXCEPT 1011 IIEIS3-14 2X4 SPF·1650/1.4 Fb1650E1.4 7-12 2X4 SPF-1650/1.4 Fb1650E1.4 .IT PLATE OffSET-H OfFSET-L 9 7X 102 71B 6 10 2X 4 11 5X B 12S 8X 12 #51/46 13 2X 4 14S 8X 12 #51/46 15 5X B 16 2X 4 $18 GA #16 GA +SPLI CE BLOCK , o , '" lB 1-B-7 7Xl0· 9 10 2X41 12 5XB\~6 .0 0B 11 5X8· 7Xl0 · 7 .IT 1 2 3 4 5S 6 7 8 ZX4/ 6 12 8X12#· MBR FORCE5·13 lIB 5·12 ·B74 6·12·1197 7·122905 7·11556 8 -11 -607 8-10 -182 BX10· 5 13 2X4/ 2X4/ 4 14 8X12#- Il8R fORCE 2·16 -182 2·15·607 3·15556 3·14 2905 4·14·1197 5·14·874 15 5X8· LEII fORCE 5.21 7043 4.567043 6.076524 5 .93 9424 5.939424 6.076524 4.567043 5 .21 7043 WT 7Xl0- 3 5X8/ 2 16 2X41 Il8R9·10 10·11 11·12 12·13 13·14 14·15 15·16 16·1 7Xl0- 1 6.00~ 17 , -o T oo ,....'" NAILON2x6x2'BRNG.BLK.WITH J ROWSOF IOd COM.AT..4:-"D.C . $18 GA ...L£lI fORce,.25.21·7937 2·34.56·7302 3·4 6.07 ·8758 4·5 5.93·8758 5·65.93·8758 6·7 6.07 ·8758 7·84.56·7302 8·95.21·7937 17·11.5060 18·91.5060 .IT REACT ACT BIG IfQ BIG lP4624.5.50"7.25" 9R 4624..5.50"7.25" Bearing size less thanminreq •NAIL ON 2x4 T-BRACE W lDd NAILS a12"O.C. HOTE:IX 4 LAT.BRCG alOft O/C MAX.REQD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHER~ISE SH~3~:g:,~4~:B:&,.B·7 I 11I1JB.17 O/A SPAN 44-0-0(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCALE".140/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER ·COLORADO·80301 Informatian ~on tbiJ Ibtlct baa b:e:a.ptep.l'ltd by Ul experieDood wood lNJe fal::tric:.tor.~pb:w I hUl be mamd'.aund by EAGLE MErAL (ran 70,1:8OR16 p.1..IF ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss, 'Ibe ciofipcr di.lclaiml ut'reapoasibllliy for damap U II ftI8U1t of.iDoom:ld infO'rlmtion spocif..p8de A or tdw hoi.dipped plvanizcd.NcJ .~<:alieni .upp(k,d by tho c lieaf..The.fabricatioa.aDdeeeedee of ~u -.dl ..thDa bility of m.lerialt 10 JD:lt:Ittheir p.IbIiIhod tttUetUra1 vaIuot.ill tb&reepoaIibility of ~n .~m-_b:al. dctl&M11n aocotdaDcc ..-itb.tho most tcCICDI cbipltID:Iatda of.NOS ani ANSlffPI.1'bis doeipl Tf\II8l:llI shall be ~with ~prior to~to.void danqe.Tcmporuy bracin&muIt be ...t.1mM oompteUioI1 cbordI arc <:'lOdinutu.1y sbcalhodby rWd IIllIterial and tenBim choIds .~oilber UM:d ...t.:n0ftICtin&l.J\MIIIlII (1lCO Bwr-16 (or TPI ~).Bracin&shawn on drawm, .imilarly me.lbodOf arc bnood at JmXimLm tal foot 0l:InI0,..Dr.icn M8Un1IlI o.t p,quatedrlli!wp is to _iAt buttiina:on thD manhcr <bien only.It ill DOl wia:l or IalcrallOlidbracin&CIt'0YCta1l will be providr.d to prew::d.pamlincand ~te anchJraplo _iat ~Iift IIl luppoN.This cle6ipJ.~dceip bracina which ia done by otben.Refer to HEr 80 (TPI)for,Sod ttwI P.D.Box K ill for 1m.individwl lrw8.No ~ibility ia ...la't:Id (or O'\'I$ralI bui~dcaipL bmdlin&m:1C~ClIl.De.i&n IoD sbouId DOtbe applied \di.I tl:athina m:1 bracin&lJO ~210 countt Road 21ParshallDB046B MIR I.U FOlICE II8R Lfll FOlICE1-24 .77-6354-17.77568 2-33.00-445-11.5060 JT REACT ACT IRG ll£Q IRG CAIITlP1073.5.50"1.68" 4R 751.1.50"1.50" NOTE:1X 4 LAT.BRCG ill0ft OIC MAX.REQD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN Qty 30JobID:VAILC3\J04 05 KEYsmart II:3.07> DATE 5/17/96 DEIIGIl CRITERIA •ICBO SPACING 24.0 IN OIC REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE DUR INC=1.00 DESIGIl UW)11lGS UW)CASE 1 TOP LL TOP DL BOT LL BOT DL INC TOTAL LOAD DEF il PANEL 3=.133" L/DEF=724 L=96.0 REC CMBR=.10"TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF =.OO~I MAX DEF:LL=.088"DL=.133"TL=.133" 3JT PLATE OFFSET-H OFFSET-L2X45/8 2 5/844X6 LUMBER IOLUTICII TOP 2X4 SPF·1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E1.4 TOP PANEL 1-2 CSI=.751 BOT 2X4 SPF -1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E1.4 BOT PANEL 4-1 CSI=.422 WEB 2X4 WW -Standard ~:8:8 MIR FOlICE3·4 -171II8RFORCE2-4·767 ~:8:8 6.00 C7" 5X6- 1 1-7 -9 , o , -e ,.... 5 1-7-9 8:8:8 all.SPAN 8-0-0(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCALE=.538/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER -COLORADO-80301 Inforn.lim ebown OIl this ahcct basbeee prepIJ'Cd by aD cxpcricaocd wocC tnJSS filbricator.Comoct.orpia,"tbaUhcmam1faclUftld by EAGLEMETAL rrom20.18 OR16 &IIlF ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss. 1bB dlls ipw:r diKlaimIlZV'~pcnibUilYfot damap as •!I08ull of inlxJrTacl infanmdign epocifi-amdc A or beaccbot cfiwod plvaDizcd .kIoI .~mtimII .upplicd by Ihc.clicd.The&.brieadoa and en:ctim of tnuN •-..en lI5 tim abili ty of ~to meet their ~.ttuetUt'a1 va..,..the.tcepmsJbi.lily of aIben.This tNN bu bc:cn cbipa:!.in~wilhtbemott l'COMtdefip.lrt8rdanII of NDS and ANSIfTPI.This bien TruNCI.ball be handled withCllftl.prior toe~to avoidciamqc.TcqJOl'fUy bracinc aut be 8lIItUmC8 oomprceeiOllcbotdI are C'CdimJoully 1bNtb:d by rip!tnalMal and k::nsian cborda ate either \-t wb::n~tr\INl»(ICIO BWT-76 forTPI ~).Bracin&sbowzlOll~ similarly ~or are bnocd at maxim.m lal.foot CIClnAeft;.Ibip ...WDCII IbI1l11cq.1t.kI ~t.to JaUlI buctlin&OD.the memhcrd08ip only .It ia not wUd or lalc:ralbd bncio&:or 0YCtall will.be provided to pre'YCIIlpondinc m:I .....'"~to lWlIiat uplift at .uppoN .TbiI cbian buUdiDa.deeip bradnc ...md1 ill donD by ocbcrI.hb to HEr 80 (TPf)forIe L 'tt\IIt P .D.Box K is for an iDd.ividuaI tNU.No ~ibility ia ...urod for 0I0'CI'a11 buildinc cbip.b8n:l.Unr.IIDdc~im.IBip ~IhouId DOl bo appIiD4 ~tt-thi.na IIld bncin&ate CXlIIlpk:4o.210 County Road 21 Parshall CO B046B ~:8:8 1~:8:8 MAY 21 1996 UJIIEIl IOWTIOI x6.000-20 x 3.000-20 x 5.000-20 DEIIGII CRITERIA BlK SPACING 24.0 IN O/C PLATE :EAGLE METAL PROOUCTS PLATE OUR INC~1.00 I oo o ""l ~o 6.00 12 V U:8:8 12 """l6.00 o '"oo Job ID:VAILC3\LO'_OS KEYsmart II:3.075 OATE 5/17/96 Qty 2 O/A SPAN 12-0-0(FT.INCHES.16THS)SCAlE~.550/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOUlOER-COlORADO-S0301 Informatim.abown an on.IIh:d ...iBm J'If"F&lUl by an cxpcricnlxd wood tna8 fabricator.Comcctor pla1c$.ball be manufactured by EAGLE METAI.from.20,18OR16 PUF ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss, 'fbi,"ic:r--dillc1llirftl lUI;)'rapoDlIibility for d.amap:a as a rcaull of incorrcd.infonnatiODIpCCifi--......A ocbcaorbo<dippod ,.-...-1.~tlIltKmalJUPPlil:d by the cl.Enl .TIE fabrication and r:mcticaollrUlecl all well ..the ability at I118tcriU to JnId lheit publiabrd muctumI Yllluet••the ~ibility of otbcn.ThiI tNN baa beca. delip:d in aooordatK::e with tba IDDBt lCOCIll dcaip atanJarda of NOSm:1 ANSIIrPI.Thit dcti,n Truuea.baU be hIDdbi with C&tO prior to ercctioa.to IIV<licl damlF.Tt::mpofttY bftdn&DUll be ..una cempm&&im chorda &lC DllIIliDuoIIIly &bcabd by riaid IDll£:tial ard Icn8Kn dJOtda ate either UIOd .m:.ncrcctin&:tnIUelI (lee owr·16 forTPI l""'O"nX"Y'8!I.......).BftCiDa,mo.m.OIldtn.>iD& limilarly shcalbcd 01'lUC braor:d..mu.iJ:mmtell foot cerderl.Ibi&Q.IMlJIIa lballldoquate dnim&c is 10fClIist bueldina:CD the Jm:mberdoilpOllly.h is DOIl...md or lalcrallold bracin&Ott C'Io'Cn1l will.be provided 10 ~poodiDa,aDd adcqLaw mchonao to rail-I uplift &1.upportI.Thia delian buildiJ2l,/bien bradncwbkb it done by othen.ReSetto HF:I'80 (fPI)for wooumuAd m.P.D.Box K is for an inJividual tNH.No IlCepooeibUit)'is ~for ~n.Il buildin&dcIicn.bandliD&am.erection..(bien blk abouIdnot lIICIllpplicd Wlti1 sIx.thinc and br.~&lC cxnp....210CountyRoad21 Parshall CO B0468 UIIIEI IllWTIOI DESIGN CRITERIA BLK SPACING 24.0 IN OIC PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00MAY211996 1\"'-0I1t',,.p~",\l.i G 81/'".......~••••••••0,,"1,~•••~G>T <t••~''I.TOP 2X6 SPF-1650/1.4 ..••;Fb1650E 1.4 ..BOT 2X6 SPF -1650/1.4 y.....~~~.'~,--"c;.c"","-:~'''--b 1650E 1.4:..:12525 :*3 BLK2X4 ss-ss N 0 ::.00 "'.•GABLE PLATES•.~/:j .:Heel,spl ice 6_000 x 10.000-20';.·.0 ~:O :Bloc s 2.000 x 4.000-20~~••"';:~",~'••<::J s Pitch Break 6.000 x 8.000-20•••-1;..••S/ONAI-~••~I?-...."',-e ~Q \.,."••••OF CO .....·''..".'....."" 18:11:8 Job ID:VAJLC3\L02_05 KEYsmart II:3.075 DATE 5/17/96 CIty r o , o , o, o 1~:8:8 ~~:8:8 OIl.SPAN 52-0-0 (FT,INCHES,16THS)SCALE=.127/1.0 KEY MARK ENGINEERING BOULDER-COLORADO-80301 Inf'ormatica abown on this ,boot ..beenprepurd by an CIQlCrieooc:d wood lnJq r.bricator.C<nJoctor pt.lo6 aha1I.be JmDIlfacturcd by EAGLE METAL rrom.20,18OR16 ...ua.e ASTM.A446 Rocky Mountain Truss, The dotilmt diAclaiml~~ibilit)'ror dam&p u a ftl8u1t of ~iotonMUoa~.pdcI A 01'boner hot dipped plvanizcd ,al.~caticm IRWIkd by 1M elied.Tho fabric.tial ad cmctim.oCttuucf •well u the.abilIl)'of IIlI.Icrlak to moec.tldr pubIiaIEd.tructum vaha,•tbDtelpmlibilil)'of ochen.ThUluuu bu beee cbiia:md Irl aoootdmoe with u.,mrJlI,l ~dcaip.tardatd:A of NOSani ANSVTPI.1biI dcai.C'l Tr\IWIICl8 ,I-.U be tw.Dncd with care prior 10cteeUoa IO.YOid.~.T~bnciD&DUll bo u.umct oompteMKJa chords .te lXdin~~.bcathcd by riPd mallcrial aDd la1IiClIlcbonII ate citbor \WId wheln et'tlCtina:ltU8Iea (ICC BWf·76 for TPlI 'tlm).Bmeq tIlown m dra....ma .Imilarly 8h:atbed or aftJ bn.oa.tat lt1IlXinnm ten foot ocnlctl.De.ien ~that -doquato draina~is to raial bucldiDa:ClII.tht:member cbipl coly.h »DOtwiDd or IalCral ad bracin&or ~rall wlU be provided to pnnICl1l p:niina:and adequate andloralO to ftltitt ~llft at JUPPOIU.Thia dc8iPl buildin&dcaipl bracinl which it c1I::no by ocbcn.Refer to HEr 80 ([PO for rewcu,£t;ded lNI8 P.O .Box K if for m iDlividLal tn.e.No I'OIpcDlibllity it IIlUUttdfor 0II'Cra1l hulldinc desip.bandIin&&Dd crcctiOll.De.ip 10Idsmould DOt be appliod \btU u-thinc an!bnIcin&arc oomplctlc .210 count t Road 21 Parshall 080468 r , co, co l~c:>, c:> 1~:8:8 18:8:8 !*:8:8 ~~:8:8 ~~:8:8 , co DESIGN ClUTERIA BlK SPACING 24.0 IN O/C PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 Job ID:VAIlC3\l03_05 KEYsmart II:3.075 DATE 5/17196 O/A SPAN 52-0-0(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCAlE=.128/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOUlDER-COlORADO-80301 lrUonutkG .bo.r.n 01 thia Ib:d.hu been prcpued bf an cxpcrie:Dccd -..ood ttw.a fabricator.CcaK:ctor platce aha.ll be IDIZII.I&ctuted by EAGLE METAL from 20.18OR16 Puce ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss. 'Thodceiper di8e1aiml any ft:llJXlDlibility for damap ...teeWt cl incorrectinfonnadOll.sfJDcifi..andcA or bcucr bot dipped p.IvaDiJ.cd .teel.~eatiom lJUIlP6ed by Ib5 clitn..The fabricalim aM c~or ~..weD u the ability of mate riall to meet their publUDd ~valuct .11t&ftltpcatlbilll)'of~.'I'1n.t fW18 t.s been. dc8igD:d in.~witb themoat rcccntdctiptt.llnCilltdt ofNDS.IDd ANSIfTPI.TIn.doIipJ.TNHCI tha11 be~with care prior 10 erwx:UCllllo .void damI.&C.TICIIIpOI'U)'braciDc IDLIlft be U8UIDCI com:prtllI8ion dxmIiI aJC ~1y'''tbod by riPl material u:d len5ion d10rda am either UlleCI wb::a.crcc:tinc ~(It(lC 8WI'·76 for TPI ~).Bracioa IIbown(lQ dtawina similarly It-.thed.or arc hnocd at a-xim.m 1eIl foot«:DICtS.IbJip ~tIw.1 ~to dtaina&c is to reeiat buck1ina en thc member dcsicn mIy.It •I'd wim or lalerallold.bracin&or overall ri1 be provided to prcYCDl pco;liDamel d<pa1O metx:n&c to ft:IIUt ~lift aI.lupporU.nu.dceien buiJdiDa deaia;D.'otaciD&..tnd:t ..~by olbcn.Refer to HEY M)CfPD for f Ll tI\BI P.O.Box K it for an individ\.W ttuH.No l'CfpODIibillty 11tuUftld for 0Y0n1l buildinc dmipL bmiliD&.m cllOCtiolL n.:.ip.k.ia .muJd act be appliDd \mlillll¥atbinc IIId btIlCin&arc compklCo.210 countt Road 21 Par-ana 110 B0468 CIty II NOTE:lX4 lAT.BRCG ~10ft OIC MAX.REOD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN TOTAL lOAD DEF a PANEL 4=.159" l/DEF=452 L=71.7 REC CMBR=.07" TOTAL lOAD HOR DEF =-.009" MAX DEF:LL=.100"Dl=.139"Tl=.159" Jab ID:VAILC3\J03 05KEYsmartII:3.075 DATE 5/17196 DEIIGI CRITERIA -leBOSPACING24.0 IN OIC REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 DEIIGI UWlIIGS UWl CASE 1TOPIITOPDl BOT lL BOT Dl INC JT PLATE OFFSET-"OFFSET-L22X4 5 2X 4 UJM8ER IOLUTIOI TOP 2X4 SPF-2100/1.8 Fb 2100 E1.8 (....,__~,...._...TU;OP PANEL 2-3 CSI=.804 :Jt.:12525 !~i FbT165~X~~~~-1650/1.4 •_..cr.•BOT PANEL 5-1 CSI=.303 •-,Ill Lv.:WEB 2X4 WW·Standard ':.~O 41·:':;.(n"••~~~,..~.~.:,-,A ._Q$'(;\'07 -,"'.:-~~"'I';'••~ONA\.~••~~..~.~O·····,Q ..'~'"F CO'-,••••f',....,.••", MAY 21 1996 ,,., ~,,., 2¥+1 3 PLATE OFFSET-"OFFSET-L5X631 JT 1 MBR FORCE 2-5-538 M8Il FOlICEIlIlltLEIFOlICE4-5.33950 5-15.49950 LEI FORCE5.49-1098 .33-1104 1.5060 lIlR 1-2 2-3 6-1 JT REACT ACT BRG REG BIG CAlITlR1410.3.50·2.21" 3P-539.1.50·1.50" 3-950.H 4P564.1.50·1.50" 4 950.H 1-7-9 ~:~:H e I,.,6.00~. ~,,., 1: 5X6-1 e 0 6 1-7-9 OIl.SPAN 5-11-11(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCAlE=.643/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOUlDER-COlORADO-80301 Infomation sboMI OIl this sboet hlI:I been~ra;1 by an IlUpl"-ricnocd wood ttwI fabricator.CamoctorplalcllllwJl bcmamrl'actutcd by EAGLE METAL (tun 20,18 OR 16&&19 ASTM A446 Rocky Mounta in Truss. ~dcei~tdi&claims my rmponIibiIity Cor dmm.p as •result of ~infoaDatioaapcclfi.pMc A or better bot dipped plvanizcd s teel.~c:ati(d .uppJ.icdby tbcl clied.Tho r.bric:8tim and crcc:tim of tnIMcI as well as Ibc abili.ly 01 a.teria1l to moe(~lr pubIiIbcd ...rudunLI YIItw..ia the reaJlCDl ibilil)'of otbctl.Tbit truM bat boca deflpKld ill ae:cordanrJo with tho ~t ftlOl'.II1l dc8ip lItaDdarda of NOS and ANStrrPI .nu.<bien TtuMeI sbIJl be.budk:d with Cllf'O prior to erectionto.void danw.p.T~bmcin&lWIIt be utumt.a ~iOll c:bords111:1 ClDinuaully aJ-lbal by ri&id a-\criallVd kalIiOl1 c:botl;f,aro ~itbet \MCld ~eroctiJl&lNMCllo (_aWl-76 for TPI ~).Bmcin&Ibown OIl dtawin& .imilatly .htA.tb:d or 111:1J:,raa,d lit.IIJIlX.imwn leD Cool ecdI::ta.De.ip ...ume-tb.t .dequuc dta1DaaP is 10 rcaiat buckJ~OIllhClmcmber deeil£flonly.It.not wind.or lalctallottd btacin&orO\o'Ctal.l will be pmvidod to J'ft'YI'I1I.pondina .m adcquItc mcboracc10 reaiat uplift at aupporu .1'hY cbip b.lUdin&deeil£fl~which is ~by OCIE:n.Rder to HEr 80(TPD for iC4<lUU.....-Ad lNH P.D .Box K is fOf'an individlallnBs.No xapcuibilily ia UMnd fot O'YCraU buiIdin&c.bip.handline amc'Rldica.Dca~10lldsshould DOt be applied.unI.illlhcathin&m:I braclna am oompIcu!.:>'0 r.ount~Road21 »>.___0B0468 IlBll LEIl FORCE3-13.83 250MIlLEllfORCE1-23.83-312 4-11.5060 JT REACT ACT BRG REQ BRG CAIIT lR849.3.50"1.50" 2P145.1.50"1.50" 2-250.H 3P41.1.50"1.50" 3 250.H 1-7-9 IlBll FORCE MBR FORCE JT PLATE OFFSET-"OFFBET-L .-:~:••....ct'."~~':D ~..:..,n·O #':0·~~~••~G -r\~':.~~,,~...:::'~...."IONAI..<-••a.,-..,.,,~••••••••0'.. "'.'"OF CO\,;•••••.. "'IAUUI'" MAY 21 1996 2 DEIIGIl CRITERIA -ICBOSPACING24.0 IN O/C REP BENO PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE DUR INC=1.00 DElI GIl LQIIDIIlGS LQIID CASE 1 TOP LL TOP DL BOT LL BOT DL INC NOTE:IX 4 LAT.BRCG iill0ft O/C MAX.REQD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN TOTAL LOAD DEF iii PANEL 2=.015" L/DEF=999 L=47.7 REC CMBR=.05" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF =-.001" MAX DEF:LL=.002"DL=.015"TL=.015" 6.00~ 5X6- , -o, o 4 1-7-9 Job ID:VAILC3\J02 05KEYsmartII:3.075 DATE 5/17/96 Qty 8 O/A SPAN 3-11-11(FT.INCHES,16THS)SCALE=.878/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER-COLORADO-80301 Infon:nI,ticu ahoMl.ClD.this sboct ball been prapliad by an cx:pericnocd wood.llUN fabri cator.Connect"'","""'",,""""""'"'octw<d by EAGLEMErAL fr<mlO.18 OR16 .....ASrM M46 ROCky Mountain Truss, The cbipt d i&ela.hJ:.any ~ibility fOJ'daJm:p u a rcault of iDcorrcct information spcclt"1-lJlKIc A or bettor bot dippxl ptvaniu:d s ~l.~ealior»suppUod by tho clim:.Tbe fIIbricatioa andcn:dica olt.n.uc8.well ..1bo ability of materi&»to ImCC ddt publilJal WUl:tural vahE.,is the ~ibility of~.TbiI tNM bat eeee dclicnod in ~with thi:s most KlOCII1I dcaip.stardank of NOSand ANSIITPI.1'biI delIip Trw-aba11 bo hu.lIr:d wiIb.cue prior toercaiollto avoidcWm.ee .T~bncinc m.8t be aseuraet ~icI:IdIordI.I.ftl ocdinuawly .bc:albcd by ,;pi rm.lcrial amita»ioa cborda lite either wed wbm.CftlClin&m-(_BWf·16 for TPl ,.,............"......I,Bncin&.mwn CI1 c!nnloin& .iml.larly m:.th£d Of aft!bnmd at.mWmum tal foot CICIlIera .ttre.ip.UI~thallldoqua1C drainap is to!llllial bueklincon.the membet dclipooly.h is DOl wiDd or Jaloral bel braci:n&or ~n ...m be providod to ~pomiina:and Dqualc ancborqc to n::cisl uplift at .~.1'biI dosipl buildin&deaip bracinc:which is ~by dhen.Refer to HET 80 CfPn for ibCOOm....Ded m-P.D.Box K II for m indivkhal m-.No JalpoDIibilily is auurcd tor OYCrlU buildin&dcmp.budliD&md croWOI1.Dc.ip 10Idlt fbouldDO(be applied UDliI m::.thirI&I:IId bracin&IlJII cqnp_.210 count~Road 21 Parshall D B046B IIlIl LElI fORCE3-11.B3-197 PLATE OffSET-.OffSET-L DESIGN CRITERIA •ICBO SPACING 24.0 I.OIC REP BE NO PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 DESIGN LlMDllIGS UWI CASE 1TOPLLTOPDL BOT LL BOT DL INC 10.01.00 JT PLATE OffSET-.OffSET-L 1 5X 62 1/45/B LUMSER IOLUTIDlI TOP 2X4 SPF -1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E1.4 TOP PANEL 4-1 CSI=.429 BOT 2X4 SPF-1650/1.4 L-D'!_-"T b 1650 E1.4 .....:-12 r.;2 r.;~:=:BOT PANEL 3-1 CSI=.017~~~~WEB 2X4 WW-Standard:....~.:.,.';0 ~.•~c.J'••~..<-~:O :":.>.•("_if-.,.::,.0;-1""'\..,_•~'R -,v."V •~''l1••:1~N At.t';.·~..v."If'"••••_••Q~.. "'"OF'CO\..:••••'""h UH"'" MAY 21 1996 2 JTMBRfORCEIl8RfORCE 1-7-9 IIlIl LU falCE1-21.83194 4-11.5060 JT REACT ACT IRG REQ IRG CAIIT1R435.3 .50"1.50" 2P 203.1.50"1.50" 2 197.H 3P -3.1.50"1.50" 3-197.H NOTE:1X 4 LAT.BRCG il10ft olC MAX.REOO ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN LIVE LOAD DEF il PANEL 2=-.002" L/oEF=999 L=23.7 REC CMBR =.02" TOTAL LOAD HOI DEF =.001" MAX oEF:LL=.002"DL=.001"TL=.001" 6.00B-- .-o, c:> Job ID:VAILC3\J01 OS KEYsmart II:3.075 DATE 5/17196 Qty a 1-7-9 4OIASPAN 1-11-11(FT.INCHES.16THS)SCALE=1.335/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULDER-COLORADO-B0301 Information thown m this IIb:d ...been prcp&n:d br an e.xpcrimocd -..oed truN fabricator.CmncctOf'plaw Iba11 be mazufactul'\:ld by EAGLE MEl'AL from 3>.18OR16 Puce ASTM A<446 RoCky Mountain Truss. The .cbipt disdam.any rmpcntibility tor damap u a K.aU1t of lDcorrcct information spacif"...&ndc A or better bol dipped pJvmiud .toe}.~calicm IRlWliedby tm clienl .Tho fabricalioa m:I crccdoo of ltuUCI at wen u the ability of rDllte tia.lf to mcd thDir publisbod s lNctln1 wtue..it the.~bility or others .1'his tfUM ....bacn delIipod in ~withtbD most ~dcNp.tmlIardtofNDS au:!ANSIIfPI.Thiadali.p:l TNUCt IIba11 bct.Ddk:d withC&fCprior lo c rmioa to avoid dazm.p.Tcmporuy bracinc nul be ueurra CDmpftlMton cbordI &fC cc:d.iru;qly abcathcd by rlPIlDllteria.l amlleD5ian.c:borda IU'C either UICd wbe:n ctK'tio&~(ICC BWf·76 for TPI ~lionI).BracinJlIbown(lQ dnwiDa. similarly tbt:athad or arc bftocd at IDI.ltim&m.Iic:Q.(oot ceaIe....n:::.ipl.~that ~1CI draiDap is \0 reeist buckJiDa,mtho memberdcei&n only.It is not wind 01'lataal bd bncina.or ClI'leraU ....m bD ~to prew:oI.poudin&aud Ildocp.te mc:horaa:e-to laiR ~lift at supports.TbiI dclipl buiId.iD&&sip bncln&Yotrlch is da.J by othcTs.Rdcr to HEr 80 (TPI)lot'1'C dA ..n"ItIUN P.O .Box K ill for lin irdividU&1 tIUN.No IQpontibUity is uaUl'Cd for c;nenill buildinc dclip..bIlDlilirJ&amerection.J:b;ipl bdI..Muld DOtbe appIia!UDlil tbcathma aad btadn&ate oomple4e.210 count~Road 21 Parshall 0 80468 t:8:8 1-8-7 2:8:8 1~:R:8 lI:~:8 I I I I I CAlIT JT PLATE OFFSET-H OFFBET-L 11 7X 10 12 3X 6136X8331/2 14S lOX 1075 15 5X 8 16 6X 12 17 5X 818SlOX1075 19 6X 834 1/2 20 3X 6 WIlBER SOUITIOM TOP 2X6 SPF·1650/1 .4 Fb 1650 E1.4 TOP PANEL 5-6 CSI=.948 BOT 2X8 SPF-I950/1.5 Fb 1950 E1.5 BOT PANEL 16-17 CSI=.924 WEB 2X4 WW-Standard ElCCEPT 10M WEBI3-19 2X4 WW-Stud 3-18 2X4 SPF-1650/1.4 Fb 1650 E1.4 4-17 2X4 HF-Stud 8-15 2X4 HF-Stud 9-14 2X4 SPF-1650/1 .4 Fb 1650 E1.4 9-13 2X4 WW-Stud1-8-73~:g:8 42:8:8 4t:8:8 I I I II PLATE OFFSET-H OFFSET-L 7X 10 5X 88X1233/471/4 5X 6 5X 6 8X 1251/46 5X 6 5X 6 8X 12 5X JT 1 2 3 4 5 6S 7 8 9 10 2~:R:8 I MBR FORCE6-16-261 7·16 680 7-15 -n9 8-15 2095 8-14-1648 9 -14 3538 9-13897 10-13 353 10-12-413 2~:g:8 I MBll FORCE2-20-415 2-19 359 3-19897 3-183519 4-18-1624 4-17 2061 5-17-702 5-16638 MBR FORCES ARE FOR 1 PLY OF 3 PLY UNIT NAil TRUSSES TOGETHER AS NOTED: T/C:l0d COMMON NAilS a 9.25 IOC B/c:l0d COMMON NAilS a 4.00 10C WEB:l0d COMMON NAilS a12 .00 10C LEI FORCE 3.77 6590 4.006590 4.67 6906 4.67 9593 4.6711185 4.67 11216 4.679647 4.67 6965 4 .00 6643 3 .77 6643 IIlR11-12 12·13 13·14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-1 IIlR I.£Il FORCE1-2 3.77 -7471 2-34.00 -7770 3-4 4.67 -9647 4-54.67-11216 5-64.67-11702 6-74.67-11702 7-84.67-11185 8 -94.67-9593 9-104.00-7717 10-11 3.77 -7425 21-11.5020 22-111.5020 JT REACT ACT BRG REG BRGlP11684.5.50"6 _11" llR11684.5.50"6 .11" Total reactions for3plys Bearing size less than mIn req NAILON 2x6x2'BRNG-bLK.\\lITH.e 3ROWSOF !Oct COMAT ~IIO.e;. 8X12-5x6-5X6-8X12-5X6-5X6-8X12 - .1Z.-..3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ....--1Z. 6.00 V 5X8/5X8\"--J6.00 2 10~o 201918171615141312 21 3X61 6X8-10Xl0-5X8-6X12-5X8·10Xl0-6X8-3X61 22 Qty 2JobID:VAI LC3\GOZ 05KEYsmartII:3.075 DATE 5/17/96 OESIGM CRITERIA -ICBO SPACING 12.0 IN OIC NO REP BEND PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 DEIIGM LCMDIIGI LCMD CASE 1 TOP II TOP Dl BOT l L BOT Dl INC 160.020.0 .020.01.00 JT DIR liVE DEAD 13Vert1280.0320.0 19Vert1280.0320.0 SECTION DIR liVE DEAD 13-19Vert320.0 90.0 LIVE lOAD DEF a JOI NT 16=1.109" l/DEF=475 l=528.0 REC CMBR=.55" TOTAL lOAD HOR DEF =.266" MAX DEF:ll=I.I09"Dl=.260"TL=I .367" , o , -e I I I I I IIIII1]8 -17 , o T O/A SPAN 44-0-0(FT,INCHES.16THS)SCAlE =.140/1.0 NOTE:IX 4 LAT.BRCG alOft OIC MAX .REQD ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOUlDER-COlORADO-80301 Information.~0l11hi1 Iboet bas beee prepued by m cxperic:nocd wroodIn.BI fabrialt or.Cumoctorplaa tball beDml1lfadun:dby EAGLE MEfALfrm120,ISOR 16 puec A.STM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss, The:&alpr diaclaiml any rt:oepcmIbllily f ot daznqoe ...ftlfiI!t of ~infOllDlltim 1pCCifi-J,I1Idc A or better bot dipped ~MccI.~aW onI suppliod by the cliett.'Jbe.hbticl.ti.oI1lUld e tlCCtiOll.of trwll:ll U ..,ll ..thrI .billl)'of m.\criall \0 meec tbtir publllbed It:tUCtUta1 valuM.~th&~ibility q ctbcn.nn.tI'\IM ...beee dcaipx1 in accoRlanoo wi th tho molt ftlCCGI &lien Mudarda of NOS ani ANSI/fPI.This dc&ip.Tr\.NCt .balI be bmdIod with cue prior tooRlelim to IIYOid d.ama&c .Tcmpora%)'bmciIla IDIIt be aMumca oomprea im cbotdI aft!cominuouIJy ~by ript JrJiIteriaillDll acn.ioa cborde arc.either wed ..-benerecdD&~(ICC Bwr·16 forTPI ~).B1'1Icina sbowncmdrrNiD& .imilarly .bet.~Of &!C braoc:d at maximum ten foot ~I"$.Dcaicn.-umc6 Ihalldoquatc dtaimee t.to Ic.Wtbuckiin&011.tho mcmbcrdNiPl only .It ia IXJl wind or ..tDra1 101dbtIIcinc or 0YCtll1l will be ptO'Iided to pte-..mt pcn:1inc lIDIi.dcqlatc ancborap to _m uplift ".\WON.This dcaip buiIdinc dcai Pl tncm&.mdJ.is dl:n:I by othEirs.Refer to HEr 110 (TPI)for iiXUiJiUSiAd trwI P.O.Box K is for an iD:!ividlal m-.No ~ibilit)'is _ural for 0V'Cta11 'oui1I1ina c1csian-hmlliIl&am OftIdion.Ibip:bdI shouJdDOt be applied \diJ.sbcalhina.am bncin&&fC <lCUlpIcce.210 County Road 21 Parshall CO 80468 DESIGIl CRITERIA -ICBOSPACING12.0 IN OIC REP BE NO PLATE :EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS PLATE OUR INC=1.00 PLATE OFFSET-"OFFSET-L JT PLATE OFFSET-"OFFSET-L5X1021/4 6 lIB 4 2X 4 5/B 2 7/B 5X B "".n...""5 5X 621/231/B 5X B "''''\\.~1.~:.,8.9~~,-~~~2 S ••'t-G IS TE ",.,.-"~Wl8EI IOWTlOI •2X6 SPF-1650/1.4;a,.:12:>-.1 Fb 1650 E1.4~-11 Q:':TOP PANEL 3-4 CSI=.485i~...."'I t BOT 2X6 SPF-165011 .4~,l\'c?"~"'.._O ~Fb 1650 E1.4';.;-......0\~,,'••1;5 /BOT PANEL 6-7 CSI=.2B9""';;'.~/O N A\.f.,~.~~\>,.-:"IIEB ZX4 W1/-Standard.,~••*•••~or ~ ""'"OF COl.:-"",,'"II',t.,............ MAY 21 1996 0-~i 0 JT 1 2 3 MBR FORCE3-6 321 3-5 -212B 4-5-654 1111 FORCE2-7-94 2-6-395 LEN FORCE3.69 1725 3.69 2096 3 .47 2096 .17 0 CAIIT M8II 5 -6 6-7 7-1 3-1 2-3-4 IIIll Lfll FORa:1-2 3.47 -2255 2-33.69-1778 3-43.69-46 B-12 .12 32 9-4 .17 -2 JT IEACT ACT BIIO lEO BIIOlP1303.5 .50"2.04" 5R 1988.3 .00"3.12" Bearing size less thanminreq LIVE LOAD DEF 61 PANEL 5=.067" L/DEF=999 L=133.0 REC eMBR=.14" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF =.022" MAX DEF:LL=.067"DL=.029"Tl=.086" *CONT lX 4 LAT BRCG NAil 11/2 -8d COM NOTE:lX4 LAT .BRCG 6l10ft OIC MAX.REQO ON BOTTOM CHORD UNLESS OTHERIiISE SHOIIN DESIGIl UWlllas LOAD CASE 1TOPLLTOPDL BOT LL BOT DL INC BO.O SECTION DIR LIVE DEAO 1-2Vert74.79 .3 2-3Vert224.22B.0 3-4Vert373.646.7 5-6Vert.046.7 6-7Vert.02B.0 7-1Vert.09.3 Qty 4JobID:VAILC3\G01 05 KEYsmart II:3.07S DATE 5/17196 , 01'0,.... 2X.., SXBI 5xb- txBI4.24~ 5Xl0- , 01'0,.... ho I B 2-3 -4 3-B-57-4-11 0-~~0 OIA SPAN 11-1-0(FT,INCHES,16THS)SCAlE=.416/1.0 KEYMARK ENGINEERING BOULOER-COlORADO-B0301 lnformatiOll 8bown m this &heelbY bx::n prcparaI by an ~rico::cd woed lnIN fabricator.ecmc.ctorplll~lhaI1bc ~by EAGLE METALfnm 2J).180R 16 pup ASTM A446 Rocky Mountain Truss, Thcdceipr;r cn.claimllll1)"n::spcDIibility fordamap ...tI*l1t of ~int'onnatial.pccifi-~A Of'bcnc:r lD;~p1vanizm elllel.~catims .upplicd by dIDe1icnl.The rabticatkm and.crmioa.of I.tUUeI ..weD u the abUity of 1DlI1criaJ.to mcd.lhrn publiabcd IItructurl11 va1uclI ,ill tho ~ibilicy orothen .ThiJ ll\IIa bu hom. dcBipKd in MlIClOrdancc wi th the moet J'eOC:td.dcai&n,.tardatdt of NOS mi ANSIITPI.Thla deli&D T NNCllI ,ball be bmdJed"';'lh oaftl prior to cftlCtion 10 ,void dama&c:.T cmp::nty braclDa muIt bo ~~ion cborda arc OClDlimKJualy .bcatb:ldby riaid material am IeDlIoo <::bonk am cithct ueocl wbmcftlCtir!&lr\IslIaI;<_BWT-76 forTPI ~).Bmcin&lIhownondtawina aimilarly It-thad or ate braced at muimumlcn (oot CCDlen.De.ipl ....\lmC4I that adcquItc dniDaeo i.I to I'»ial hdlina,on the n:mberdeaip oaly.It is not wiDd ot IalerallOld btacin&or OYCtaI1 will 1»providod to prc\IICDl pcadina and aq...tc aocbonIp>to ""itt upW\at 'upporU.ThU dcsicn buiJdin&dc8ip bracinr;MUch ill dmc b)'olhen.Referto HEr 80 (fPI)(oe 1'£WID od~~UUN P.O.Box K ..(or lID.imIividual tnIIf.No fCtpa»ibillly 11auuttd rot overall buiJdirl&dotip.hudlin&IUd e rcUi<m.Desip bdt .oouJd DOtbe applied lDil mc.thin&aJld,bracin&a.rc.compJdo..?iQ,fnunty Road 21.CO 80468 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 9 70 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M96-01 16 Job Address ...: Locat ion ....•.: Parce l No ..••.: Project Number: 2099 N FRONTAGE 2099 N FRONTAGE 2103-114-15-013 PRJ96-0024 RD WEST RD BUILDING Status ...: C3Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 08/01/1996 08/12/1996 02/08/1997 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC 4894 VAN GORDON STREET,SUITE #304, AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC 4894 VAN GORDON STREET,SUITE #304, TOWN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD W,VAIL CO 81657 Phone:303 -425 -0464 WHEATRIDGE,CO 80033 Phone:303-425-0464 WHEATRIDGE,CO 80033 Descr iption: FIRE SPRINKLERSYSFORBUILDINGC3 Valuation:8,987.00 Fireplace I nformation:Restricted :#Of Gas Appliances :#Of GasLogs:#Of Wood/pallet: Division: Division: .**********************************************************FEE SUMHARY ********************************************************** Hechanical --->180.00 Restuarant PlanReview-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->228.00 Plan Check --->45 .00 ORB Fee--------------->.00 Additional Fees-------->.00 Investigat ion>.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->228.00Tota l Permit Fee------->228.00 lIill Call--->3.00 Payments------------>228.00 BALANCE DUE ------------>.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************* I tem:/05100BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING08/12 1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR I tem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE 0 8/06/1996 JEFF A Action:APPR Fire Dept.Approval CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FI ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.FIRE DEPT.APPROVAL REQ'D PRIOR TO ANY TCO ISSUANCES '******************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS 1herebya cknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the i nformation required,completeda n accurate plot p lan,and s tatet hat a ll the information provided as required i s correct .I agree to comply with the information and plot p lan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure acc ording to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes ,des ign review approved,UniformBuild ing Code and other ordinan ces ofthe Town applicable thereto . REQUESTS FO R INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA CE SIGNATUREOF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIHSELF AND OWNER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0183 Amount: Payment Method:CK+CSH Notation:#1387 228.00 08/13/96 12:04 Init:CD MECHANICAL PERMIT 228.00 M96-0116 Type:B-MECH 2103-114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE 2099 N FRONTAGE Permit No: Parcel No: S ite Address: Location: This Payment RD WEST RD BUILDINGC3 Total Fees:228.00 Total ALL Pmts:228.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 180.00 45.00 3.00 e e TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M96-0116 Job Address : Location: Parcel No: project Number: 2099 N FRONTAGE 2099 N FRON TAGE 2103 -114-15-013 PRJ96-0024 RD WEST RD BUILDING Status ...: C3Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: APPROVED 08/01/1996 08/12/1996 02/08/1997 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC 4894 VAN GORDON STREET,SUITE #304, AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC 4894 VAN GORDON STREET,SUITE #304, TOWN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD W,VAIL CO 81657 Phone:303 -425-0464 WHEATRIDGE,CO 80033 Phone:303-425-0464 WHEATRIDGE,CO 80033 Description: FIRE SPRINKLERSYSFORBUILDINGC3 Valuation:8,987.00 Firep lace Information:Restricted :#Of Gas Appliances:#Of Gas Logs:#Of Wood/Pal let: Division: Dept:BUILDING Division: *************'k"I.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA******************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** He chanical--->180.00 Restuarant Plan Re view-->.00 TotalCalculated Fees--->228.00 Plan Che ck--->45.00 DRB Fe"...--------------->.00Addition al Fees--------->.00 In vestigation>.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->228.00 Total Permit Fee-------->228.00 WillCal l---->3.00 Payments--------------->.00 BALANCE DU E------------->228.00 *******************AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*********************AAAAAAAAA*****AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA************** Item:05100 BUI LDING DEPARTMENT 08/12/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR Itim:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE 08 06/1996 JEFF__A Action:APPR Fire Dept.Approval CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.FIRE DEPT.APPROVAL REQ'DPRIOR TO ANY TCO ISSUANCES ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this applicati on,fil led outin ful l t he information required,complete d an accurate pl ot plan,and state that all the information providedas required iscorrect .I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to compl y with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningandsubdi vision codes,design r eview approved,Uniform Building Code and other ord inances of the Town appl icable thereto. REQUESTS FORI NSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PH SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PERHIT i!---~....'"U-..I"u-uu~U LUI.re rc e i,It ."~OuWl'l Uto"VA~L CONSTRUCTION •PARCEL 1/:;),10 ;:'-(1 4-/'5 -Ol~PERMIT APPLICATION F0Rlilllll. •DATE:____. tI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOTBEACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ****************************. []-Building []-Plumbing []-Electrical ~-Me~~:n~al ]-othe~f~l~ Job Name:I P Pt,L,·-Al Job Addre~~'~H~~f-..eokD W.flINI4.~~ &3 '-z:oeto,0 Legal Description:°Lot __~C k Filing ~P7 11'+-I S--Ol,-,,~,,---_ Owners Name:~'vJ~~Address:~~Bof 16l.&yo,.;a·Ph._ Architect:Address:Ph._ General Description:fJge ~erJ ?fr9~';'rz-G,~<:'F ?I,p..2-,~3,,' Work Class:[v1-New []-Alteration []-Additional []-Repair []-Other _ 7LL 'Ct -~. Number of Dwelling Units:~_e:.-"2--2>Number of Accommodation Units: c;..."?-e.~JL~e r and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances__Gas Logs~Wood/Pellet *********************************VALUATIONS ***************~~~~*j~~******fY\CfG -0 II CQ '87 CD 0 N::1 /.0 U 0 BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$$b:,%\,P;- PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$0 _ ~************************CO ORMATION ***************************"~neral Contractor:~Town of Vail Reg.»s.lu:A..... Address:~7~'~VD'~~-~.H:P141 Phone Number: Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: oPl umb ing Contractor:____Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor:AfeJHGs-k A~J~Town of Vail Reg.NO.~ Address:~M ~~e"-'s:<r;~Phone Number:~~~~_ o ~·. ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUI ·LDING PERMIT FEE:BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:oRECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ORB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT •VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:comments:_ (CLEAN UP DEPDSIT REFUND '10: STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OFFIRESAFETY P LAN REGISTRATION FORM Dat e 0-2.--'}& Contractors Name.....L-4---"""-I-jI--'-I. "'-"'-,.,,-----ZipCode fJPpp--:Z Signa ture Certification No .(Qu alified Fire I n s pector) Jurisdiction _ Comments _ (for a dditional comments use separate sheet) D istri bution:Original copy go es toDivision ofFireSafety u pon totalcompletionof fo rm .Copy tolocalfire department. Copyto contractor and copy to bu ilding owner upon co mpletion and sign-off. REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 1121/28/96 1216:44 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:1121/28/96 PAGE c' AREA:CD ================================================================================= Activity:M96-00&4 1121/28/96 Type:B-MECH Status:ISSUED Constr:AAPT Address:212199 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:VAIL COMMONS C-3 Parcel:211213-114-15-12113 Dec:Use: Description:MECH WORK FOR NEW MULTI FAMILY BUILDING Applicant:AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE Phone:31213928121488 Owner:TOWN OFVAIL Phone: Contt'actor:AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE Phone:31213928121488 --------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ Time Exp GARAGE NOT INCLUDED FLUES AND CoMAIR Phone:845-8315 Action:APPR Action:APPR FLUES Inspection Request Information •.•.. Requestot':Glen Req Time:12I1:I2II21 _Comments:Building C3 Items r-e qu es r ed to be Inspected...Action Comments..1 12112139121 MECH-Final 0);..2ZJ ot3f: r#fCI m $2 1--fJ!:'1 .-----------~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------~~~~--------~------ It.".em:1211212121121 MECH-Rough v --[....G.C?~u:..i 1."2-1.~ 1218/1215/96 Ins pect or s CF --...Act ion ~1i(:CJrtL~"F Ito",~'F39~~1j RES Item:121121225 FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH~·~ Item:12112124121 PLMB-Gas Piping , Item:12112131121 MECH-Heating ~~ Item:12112132121 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Item:12112133121 MECH-Supply Air Item:12112134121 MECH-Misc. 1218/1216/96 Inspector:CF 1121/1214/96 Inspector:CD Notes:REMOVE PLASTIC FROM Item:12112139121 MECH-Final Item:121121538 FIRE-FINAL C/O REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 10/28/96 06:44 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:10/28/96 PAGE 1 AREA:CD ================================================================================ Activity:P96-0087 10/28/96 Type:B-PLMB Status:ISSUED Constr:NAPT Address:2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location:VAIL COMMONS C-3 P arcel:2103-114-15-013 Dec:Use: Desct'iption:PLUMBING FOR NEW MUTI-FAMILYBUILDING C-3 Applicant:AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE Phone:3039280488 Owner:TOWN OF VAIL Phone: Contractor:AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE Phone:3039280488 Inspection Request Re que s t o r-e Glen Req Time:01:00 Items requested to In f ot'mat ion ..... Phone:845-8315 Time E xp ALL UNITS TEST OKAction:APPR _Action:APPR TITEFLEX FINAL AIR TEST GAS STUB TO CORRESPONDING UNITS 00290 P LMB-Final 0D110-,I .#/9 4"11 -:5-:2!_'_ --,~g~di2~/...---- ----:1~~---~~~-------------------------------------------------------==~~Inspectl~H~;;.to~••••. Item:00~kl '!i'LMB -Undergt'ound -- 07/12/96 Inspector:CD Action:APPR C3 AIRTEST 5 PSI Notes:INSPECTION FOR UNDERGROUND IN GARAGE AND FLOOR DRAINS WIT SAND TRAP-f"'NJE.RCEPTOR Item:00220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.VV. 08/05/96 Inspector:CF Action:APPR APPROVED Notes:NAIL PLATE AND FIRE STOP WHERE NEEDED Item :00225 FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH Item:00230 PLMB-Rough/Water 08/05/96 Inspector:CF Item:00240 PLMB-Gas Piping 09/05/96 Inspector:CD Action:·APPR TIEFLEX USED Notes:AIR TEST DONE UNIT C22=15PSI,C18=20PSI,C21=16PSI,C17=22PS UNIT C24=28PSI,C20=22PSI,C19=25PSI,C23=22PSI GARAGE AREA=26PSI A FINAL INSPECTION GAS PIPING IS REQ'D Item:00250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub Item:00260 PLMB-Misc. Item:00290 PLMB -Final 10/04/96 Inspector:CD Notes:9 GAUGES 15 PSI I.D.LABEL EACH Item:00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O .~./ • --_.__.....~..-----_.._--~..__.-e --_..e ,' i I FIRE PROTECTIO~PROD~CT. and HYDRAULIC CALCULATION . ~. SUBMITTAL VA-I L,~'MMPN~..- V'J,~A~~.. #H1GP~. .Or TTCECOP'(7--1--"" ,. AFG!Mesa .FIRE SYsm.tS,INQ" 4894 Van Oordon sn.eaM Wheal RIdge,CO 8OO3S -_.~_._--------~_. SUBMITTAL SERIALNO:23501IY4 VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTH FRO NTAG E RO AD WEST VAIL,COLORADO FIL E NO.COMMO NSI AFG/MESA 4894 VAN GORDON SUITE 304 WII~AT RIDGE,COLORADO 80033 FLOW TESTRESULTS 07 -31 -1 996 PAGE 1 Wat er Supply STATIC 88.00 PSI RESIDUAL 78.00 PSI @ 13 20 .00 GP~1 CITY PRESSURE AVAIL ABLE AT 590.3 GPM 85.74 PSI I SUMMARY OFSPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL MI NIM UM SPR FLOW FLOW K-FACTOR P RESS1JRE --------------_.- 101 17.24 1 -1 .85 5 .60 ').48 102 16 .38 14.85 5 .60 8 .S[, 103 15.99 1-1,85 5.60 8.1.6 104 16.02 14.85 5.60 8 .18 105 1 5.2 2 1<1 .85 5.60 7.38 106 1 4.85 1,1.8 5 5 .[,0 7.0 3 107 16.[)7 1,1.85 5 .60 8.8 [, 108 18.15 14 .B5 5.60 10.50 109 15.78 14.85 5.60 7.94 110 17.19 14.85 5.60 9.4 2 111 20.2 4 14.85 5.60 13.07 112 19.26 14.85 5.60 1 1.83 113 18.81 14 .85 5 .60 11.28 114 17.36 1 4.85 ~60 9 .61 115 16.50 14 .85 5 .&0 8 .6B 116 16 .11 14.85 5.60 8.27 117 16.56 14 .85 5.60 H .7 'I 118 15.73 14 .85 5.60 7.8 l ) 119 15 .3 5 14 .8 5 5.60 7 .:;2 1 222 0 .93 14.85 5.60 1 3.')7 .. ,. ----_.~_...- SUBMITTAL SER IAL NO:23S0 llY4 VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTII FRO NTAG E ROAD WEST VAIL,COLORADO FI I.E NO.COMMONS 1 07-31 -1 996 PAGE 2 TO TAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSIDE n OSE STR EA.IS AT 0 TOTAL WAT ER RE QU IREMEN T PRESSURE REQU IRED AT 0 MAXIMUM PRESS UR E UN BALANC E IN LOOPS « ,. 3 '10 .3 ·1 GI'.' 2 50 .0 0 GP M 5')0 .3 ,1 Gl'~' (,8.90 PS I 0 .0 0 PSI ___~.L _..:. rSUBMITTALSERIALNO:2 350llY4 07 -31 -1 196 r AGE 3 VAIL COMMO NS VI LL AGE I 2 099 NO RTH f RONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL,COLORA DO fIL E NO.Cm lMONS 1 Lo ca ti on flow Pip e F it ting-s [qui v Er Lc ti on P r e S8ur c i nS i z e &Length L oss Su mma r y F rom To GPM I N Devices ft PS IIfl P SI 1 03 1 06 1 .049 L !O .OO (;=1 20 PT 7.03 (lor,) Q 1 4.85 F=T F 5.0 0 P E 0 .00 DN2 T 1 ::i.OO 0 .0750 PY:-1.13 710 3DQ 1 5.99 1 .0 ·t 9 L 10 .00 C=120 PT B .1G (103) Q 30.84 F=T F S.OO PE 0 .00 BNl T 1 5.00 0.2900 PF 4 .35 pl 12.51 7) ------------------ 1 21 12 2 1.049 L 9.00 C=120 PT 13.97 (1 22 ) Q 2 0 .93 F=O F 0 .00 PE0 .00 DN5 T I),00 0.1415 PF 1.2 7 1 20 121 1 .049 L 9.00 C=120 PT 15 .2 4 (12 1 ) Q 2 0 .9 3 F=O F n.on P E0 .00 BN5 T 9 .00 O.1 415 PF 1.2 7 4 120 1 .380 L ~.50 C=120PT 16 .5 1 (120) Q 20.'3 3 F =TF 6 .00 PE 0.00 BN5 T1 1.5 0 0 .0 372 P F O.·13 P T 16 .9 4 (.f) ------------------ 1 16 11 9 1 .049 L 9 .50 C=120 PT 7.52 (119) Q J 5 .35 F=O F 0.00 P E 0 .00 BN2 I T 9 .50 0 .07 98 PF 0.7 6 #.I I I 11 311 6DQ 1 6.11 1.0 ,19 L 10.00 C=120 P T 8.28 C1 If,) Q 31.46 F=O F 0 .00 ,PE n .oo BN4 T 10.00 0 .3009 PF 3.0 1 7 113 DQ 1 8.81 1.380 L 0.50 C=120 PT 11.2 9 (I 13 ) Q 50.27 F=T F 6.0 0 PE 0 .0 0 DN3 T e .5 0 O.t 8fl3 PF 1.2 2 PT12 .5 1 7) ------------------ 115 118 1.04 9 L 9 .50 C=120PT 7 .fl ':J (li B) Q 15 .73 F =O F 0.00 P E 0 .0 0 DN 2 T 9 .50 0 .Ofl35 PIT 0 .7') 11 2 11 5DQ J 6 '.50 1.0 ,19 L 10 .0 0 C=120PT fl .68 (115 ) Q 3 2.23 «F =O F 0 .00 PE 0 .00 BN,t -T 10.00 0.3 J -1 6'PF 3 .l :i 6 11 2DQ 19 .26 , 1 .3 80 L O.::iO C=l 2 0 PT 1 I .fl3 (1 1 2 ) Q 5 1.4<)F=T F G.OO PE 0.00 BN3 T r..;'0 O.1%9 PF 1.213 PT 13 .11 ((,) •• SUDMITTALSER IAL NO:23S0HY4 0 7-31-199(,PAGE ,1 VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTH F RON TAG E ROAD WEST VAIL,COLORADO FILE NO.COMMO NS 1 Loca tion Flow Pi p e Fi t ti ng s Fq u i v r ric:tio n P r e a su r e in Si ze &L en gt.h l.ORS Summar v From To GPM IN D.I Ft.PSIIFt I PSI.e Vlces ------------------ 114 11 7 1.049 L 9 .:'0 C=120PT 8.7 ·\(1 17) 0 16 .56 F=O F n.o o PE 0 .00 DN2 T 9 .:'0 0.09 17 PF 0.87 11 1 114DO 1 7 .36 1.0 ,19 L 10.00 C=120 !P T 9.5 1 (1 1 01) 0 33.92 F=O F o.no PE 0.00 DN ,.T 10.00 0 .3458 PF 3.,1 6 I I i 5 11100 20.24 1 .380 I.0 .50 C=120 I PI 13 .07 (11 1) 0 54.15 F =T F G.OO P E 0.00 I1N3 T ('.5 00 .2162 PF 1.41 PT 14.,18 (5 ) ------------------ 1 08 110 1.049 L 11.0 0 C=120 ,PT 9 .,12 (1 10) Q 17 .19 F=O F 0.00 PE 0.00 DN8 T11 .00 0.0983 P F 1.08 8 108DO 18.1 5 1.049 L 5.00 (=120 PT 10.50 Cl08 ) 0 35 .34 F=O F 0 .0 0 PE0 .00 n N7 T 5 .00 0.3730 PF 1.86 PT12 .3 6 in . ------------------ 1 07 109 1.0 49 L t 1.no c =12 0 ,PT 7.9 -1 (10 9 ) 0 15.78 F=OF 0 .00 PE 0 .00 DN6 I:.1 11 .00 0 .0 83 9PF o.'J2 81 0 700 16 .6 7 1.049 L 6.00 C=120 PT 8.86 (107) 0 3 2.·\5 F=T r ~"00 PE 0 .00 J3N5 T 1 1 .0 0 0.3186PF 3.50 PT1 2.36 (g) ------------------I 102 105 i .0 49 L 10 .00 C=120 PT 7.38 (105) I 0 15 .22 F =T F 5.00 PE 0 .00 I J3N2 T1 5.00 0.0785 PF 1.1 B 6 1 0200 16 .38 1.049 ,L 10 .00 C=120 P T 8.56 (102) 0 31.60 F =I F 5 .0 0 PE 0 .00 BNl T 15.00 0 .3 033 P F 4.55 PI 1 3 .11 (6 ) ------------------.. 101 104 1 .0 49 L 10 .no C=1 2 0PT 8 .\8 (10 ,\) 0 1 6.0 2 F=T F 5.00 PE0 .00 '"DN2 1 15 .00 0 .08 63 PF \.29 ;.'." I I I e !I 1500 - - NUllS Si9"!S Dyn eml ca Corporation 7700 'Supply I Cemand Graph raso PS I PSL @ 1320.00 GPH psi ! I I'. • Mar-gl:n Pressure 16.84 PSI ~lo~1281.84 GPM j i i -, I I 't .-- I I I i I I 1200 --L_,_._,.i - i . ~_..- Water Supply ._ Sta~ic 88.00 Residua l 78.00 Elevation 0.00 ! ! __4 __4 .j.~._._, I I ! I . !! I ,i I I I I-1--- I _.-------+--- 1050 Water ~(GPM),. i !-1 I i i I 900 I i I i I----I I .i i 1--.,I,----i ---..l !I ! j !I 7SO ,I I I !i !! i ...-e-----i I , !! i.' i I I I 1 I I ! I I PSI @ 340.34-GPM 0.00 GPM 250.00 GPM 68.90 PSI @ 590.34 GPM 600 j ! ~-!--_..; I ! !I }•.•__-··1 I I I I !i i ! !I I I -._-.·--i- i j I i : II i~; / VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE System Demand .. Sprinkler Demand 68.90 Addi~ional ~lows Hose .at Source Total Demand 55 !!i SO l i I I 45 1 1 !I 40 H-""'=I'--t-_t--+--_:_-+--_+---:--____!--__t---;---_+_---+-----t------t----+----_+------;W-el_35 1 1 ~ 30 i-+~~_+__t-"'7'""-_:_-_;_-_+--7_-____!--__t---t_--_:_---t_--_+---___t----+_----+------; 25 1 ~, 20 'I ~D ' -.----+-----_._--..----_._,--....- VELOCITY REPORT 0 7 -3 1-19 96 P AGE IVAILCOW-IONS V ILLAGE FROM TO FLO W LENGT H F ITTING DI A~I T YPE I'SI/FI.8-1.03S P RESSURES VEL-------------------- 1 03 106 14.85 1 0.00 5 .0 1.049 BN2 0 .07S 0 .00 8 .167 .03 S .S .1 7 1 03 30.84 10 .00 S.O 1.04 9 fiNl 0.290 0 .00 12 .5 1 8 .1 6 L I .45-------------------- 12 1 122 20.93 9.00 0 .0 1.049 BNS O.L·I I0 .00 15.2 ·1 13 .97 7.77 1 201 21 20 .93 9 .00 0 .0 1.0 49 n N5 O .l~10 .00 1 6.51 1 S.24 7.77 4 1 20 2 0 .93 5 .50 6.0 1 .3 80 BNS 0.037 0.00 i Lf;.94 I f).51 '1 .·19 -------------------- 116 1 191 5.35 9 .50 0.0 1.049 BN2 0.080 0 .0 0 8.2B7 .52 5.70 113 116 3 1.4 6 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 1.0 ·19 BN4 0.3 01 0 .00 11.29 8 .28 11 .6 8 7 113 5 0 .2 7 0 .50 6 .0 1 .380 BN3O.188 n .oo 1 2.5 1 I1.2')10.78 -------------------- 11 5 118 15.7 3 9 .50 0 .0 1 .0 49 BN20 .083 0 .00 8 .f)8 7.89 5.8 ·1 112 11 5 32.23 10.0 0 0.0 1.04 9 13N 4 0.3 15 0.00 11 .83 8 .613 11.97 6 11 2 5 1.4 9 0 .5 0 6.0 1.380 BN3 O.1 970 .00 1 3.1111 .83 1 1 .05 -------------------- 11 4 117 1 6.56 9 .50 0 .0 1.04 9 BN2 0 .092 0.00 9 .6 I 8 .7 ·1 6 .15 111 114 33.92 10.00 0.0 1.049 BN4 0.346 0 .00 13.07 9 .61 1 2.5 9 5 111 5 4.16 0.50 6.0 1.380 BN3 0 .2 16 0 .00 14 .48 13.07 11.6 2 -------------------- 10 8 110 17.19 1 1.0 0 0 .0 1.04 9 BN8 0.098 0.0 0 10 .50 9 .42 G .38 8 1 08 35.3 4 5.00 0.0 1.049 DN7 0 .373 0 .0 01 2.36 1 0 .5 0 1 3.1 2 -------------------- 107 1 09 1 5.7 8 11.00 0.0 1.049 BN6 0.08 ,1 0 .00 8 .86 7.9 ·1 5 .86 8 1 07 32.4S6 .005 .0 1 .049 DN5 O .3 I <)0.00 1 2 '.36 8.8 6 12 .0 5 -------------------- 102 1 05 1 5.22 10 .00 S .O 1.049 BN2 0 .079 0.00 8.56 7.38 5 .65 61 02 3 1.60 1 0.00 5 .0 1 .049 DNI 0 .3 03 0 .00 13.11 8.56 11 .7 3, -------------------- 101 1 04 1 6.02 10 .00 5.0 1 .049 BN2 0.086 0.00 9 .4 7 8 .18 5.95 51 01 33.2 6 10 .00 5 .0 1.0 49BN l 0.333 0 .00 14 .4 7 9 .47 12.35 --------------------#'!l-.,,1 2 1.5 .17867.79 10 .00 0.0 2.63 5 F R6 0 .0 14 0.00 1 2.37 3 .9 9 6 71 48.90 1 0.0 0 0 .0 2 .635 FR5 O .Of)O 0.0 0 .1 3.11 12.51 8.76 56 232 .0 0 1 0.00 0 .0 2 .63 5 F R4 0.13 7 0 .00 .1 4.48 1 3.11 13.65 .. 45 319.41 10.00 0.0 2 .635 FR3 0.247 0.00 16.9 5 14."8 18.79 3 4 3 40.3 45 1.0 0 1 5.12 .635 F R2 0.2 78 O.UO 35 .31 1 6.95 20 .02 233 40 .3 4 6.00 8 .6 2.63 5 FR 2 0 .2 78 1.73 4 1.09 3 5.31 2 0.02 12 340.3 45 0.00 0.0 2.469 FR L 0.38 1 I.7 3 61 ~8B ,11 .0 9 22 .8 1 99 1 340.34 2 5.003 4.7 4 .280 UN 0 .0 20 -3.47 59.59 G1 .88 7.59 0 9 9 3 '10.34 7 5 0.00 15 5 .7 8 .4 50 UN 0 .001 B .67 68 .89 59.59 L.95 .. ,. Manufactured by:CentralSprinklerCompany 451 NorthCannonAvenue,Lansdale ,Pennsylvania 19446 Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler SprinklerA Model :A Style :Upright or Pendent Orifice SizeK Factor Thread %"(9.5mm)2.7 (38 .61)1-2"(12.7mm)N.P.T. 'l1 B'(11.1 mm)4.2 (60.06)1-2"(12.7 mm)N.P.T. 1-2"(12.7 mm)5.6 (60.06)1-2"(12.7 mm)N.P.T. 1 ~"(13.5mm)7.8 (111.54)W'(12.7mm)N .P.T. 1 ~"(13.5mm)8.1 (115.83)%"(19.1mm)N.P.T. Temp.Rating and Frame Arm Color: 135°F/57°C Uncolored 165°FI74°C Uncolored 212 °F!1 OO °C White 286 °F/141°C Blue Approvals :U .L.,U.L.C .,F .M.,M.E.A., V.D .S.,LPCB (see tabular information onPage3 .) Maximum Working Pressure:175p.s .i. Factory Hydro Test:500p.s .i. Standard Finishes :brass,chrome plated (chromeis not V.D.S . Approved andwhite paint isU .L. only .) Coatings :wax ,lead ,orwax -over-Iead (see tabular information on page 3.) Pintle :on deflector for 3/a",711 a", and 17132"orif ice by '12 "thread Length :2 3/a"(6033 m m)(excluding pintle) Width:1711 a"(36.51mm)(f rame arms) Weight:4 .2 oz.(119 grams) RTechnical ~IIIiI Data T he Central ModelA Upright or Pendent Sprinklers offer the ultimate inaesthetic appeal and advanced des ign features .They incorporate a uni que center str ut design which res ults ina smaller,more attractive sprinkler than those manufactured withamore traditional des ign app roach.The center-strut operating me chanism oftheModelA sprinkler res ponds significantly f asterthan mor e traditional mechanisms suchas the8mm glass bulborlink -and-lever. T heModelA Sprinklers are inte nded for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. The y are available inawide variety of orifi ce s izes,temperature ratings, finis hes,and corrosion resistant coa tings. ~Product ••Description Operation:A fusible alloyis seal ed intoa bronze center strut bya stai nless steelball .When thealloy mel ts atitsrated temperature,theball isfo rced upward intothe center strut, rele asing thetwo ejectors and ope rating the sprinkler.Unlike most othe r sprinkler designs,thealloyis not exposedto atmospheric con ditions that could affect its proper func tioning .It isalsoless susceptible to mechanical damage since there are nop rotruding elements , exte nding beyond the sprinkler frame.r: For specific listing requirements seethe appropriate informationcontained in this brochure. \No.2·1.0 ---1 5/16 "Diameter--J 1 3 /4"t 2~' T ,.....1---1 7/16~ CrossSection Model "A"Upright Sprinkler (SmallOrificewithPintle) _1 5/16"Diameter -.j i 3116 " 2 3/8" 1.....1---1 7/16 '~ CrossSection Model "A"Pendent Sprinkler 1_--17/16~ L.1"~ Diameter Combination Sprinkler Wrench Universal Wrench Desiqn Requirements -Standard Applications TheModelAUprightandPendent Sprinklers areintendedfor standardareacoveragesandstandardflowandpressure requirements as specified incurrentNFPA13 Standards. 2 U.L.,*U .L.C.and **MEA (N .V.C.)Cal.No.375-75-SA Listings Orifice Size and Style Temperature Rating eF)Corrosion-Resistant Coating 3/e"uprightandpendent ***135 165 212 ****286 lead,wax,wax-aver-lead 111 6"uprightandpendent ***135 165212 ****286 lead,wax,wax-aver-lead '/2"uprightandpendent ***135 165 212 ****286 lead,wax,wax-aver-lead "/32 "(x '/2"thd.)uprightandpendent ---165212 ****286 lead,wax,wax-aver-lead "/32"(x 3/4 "thd.)upright andpendent ---165212 ****286 lead,wax,wax-aver-lead 2860 temperature i s n otU.LC.Approved with cortcslcn-res tstant coatings. No corrosion-res istant coatings are Approved byMEA. l ead only . ....listed ash igh temperature.wax coated 'or installationwhe re max imum ambient ceiling temperature does not exceed 150cF. F.M.Approvals Or ifice Size and Stvle Temoerature Ratina (OF}Corrosion-Resistant Coatina 'J/8 "upright 135165212 286 lead 3/8 "upright ------212 ---wax-aver-lead 3/8 10 upright ------212 286 wax 1/210 upright and pendent 135165212286 lead '/2"upright andpendent ------212 ---wax-aver-lead '/2"uprightandpendent ---165 212286 wax "/32"(x '/2"lhd.)upright andpendent 135165212286 lead 11/3211 (x '/2"thd.)uprightandpendent ------212 ---wax-aver-lead 1713211 (x '/2"thd.)upright andpendent ------212 286 wax 1113211 (x 3/4"thd.)uprightand pendent 135 165 212286 lead 1713211 (x 3/4 "thd.)upright and pendent ---.--212 ---wax-aver lead 1713211 (x 3/4 "thd.)uprightandpendent ------212 286 wax LPCB Listings Orifice Size and Style Temperature Rating (OF)Corrosion-Resistant Coating '/2"(15 mm)upright andpendent 135165212 286 --- "/32"(20 mm)x 3/4"thd.upright andpendent 135165212 286 --- V.D .S.Listings Orifice Size and Style Temperature Rating (OF)Corros ion-Res istant C oating 3/8 "(10mm)pendent ---165 ---------v«(15 mm)uprightandpendent 135165212 286 --- "Ia,"(20mm)x 3/4"thd.upright andpendent 135 165212 286 --- ( ~Installation All Cenlral ModelA Sprinklers m ust be i nstalled accord ing to current N FPA 13 Standards.Dev iations from the serequ irements and standards or a nyalterationtothe sprinkler itself w ill vaidany w arrantymadeby C entral Sprinkler Company.In a ddition,installation must alsomeet ' lo cal governm ent provisions ,codes a ndstandardsas a pplicable . The system piping must be p rope rly sized to insurethem inimum required flowrateatthespr inkler. C heck forthep roper model ,style, o rifice size ,and temperature rating p rior to installation .Install sprinklers after the piping isinplacetoavoid m echanical damage;replace any d amaged units. Wetp ipe systems must be protected from freezing .Refer tothe Central Bulletins ontheModelA-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklersforuseindry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion ofthe insta llation ,the system mustbe lested per recognized standards . In t heeventofa t hreadleak , remove theunit ,apply newpipe jo int compaund ortape ,and reinstall. In sta llation Se quence Ste p 1.Theun it must be installed intheup right pos itionforupr ight style sp rinklers ,andinthe pendent position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2 .Useonlya non-hardening pipejoint compound or Teflon"tape . Apply on ly to the male threads . "Te flo n isatrademarkof the Du Poot Corp . 3 St ep 3.Hand tighten the s prink ler intothefitting .For upright sprinklers us e aC entral Sprinkler Combination Wrench ,andforpendent sprinklers usea Central Sprinkler Un iversal Wrench ,totighten theun it intothe filti ng .Aleak -tight joint requires only 7to14 ft .-Ibs .oftorque;a tangential fo rce of14to28Ibs .delivered th rough a6 "handlewill deliver adequate torque.T arquelevels over 21ft .-Ibs.maydist orttheorifi ce seal , resu ltingi n leakage. For exposed piping systems ,the spr inkler should beor iented sothe framearms a re parallel w ith the branchline p ipe . Caution:Special care must betaken when installing withaCPVC piping system.Spr inklers mustbeins talled after the CPVC manufacturer's recommended setting timeforthe primer and cement to ensure thatno prime r or cement accumulates within thesprinkler.Spec ial caremustbe takenwheninstallingwitha copper system .The sprinkler shouldbe installedonlyaftertheinsideofthe sprinkler dropsand associated fittings havebeenwirebrushedtoremove anyflux.Residualfluxcancause corrosionandcanimpair proper ..sprinkler operation. ITTTlICare & UMaintenance Sprinklersmustbehandled carefully .Theymustnotbe transportedorstoredwhereambient temperature mayexceed100°F/38°C. Forbestresults,storetheminadry, coo l locationintheoriginalshipping package . Donotinstall sprinklers thathave beendroppedorvisiblydamaged. Sprinklersmustneverbepainted , coated,platedoralteredinanyother wayfrom manufactured conditionor theymaynotfunctionproperly .Any sprinklersalteredinsuch manner must bereplaced. The owner isresponsibleforthe proper operating conditionofallfire protection devices and accessories. TheNFPAstandard25entitled , "Inspection,Testingand Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems",contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore,thelocal Authority Having Jurisdiction mayhave additional regulations and requirements for maintenance,testing , andinspectionthatmustbeobeyed . Itisadvisabletohave sprinkler systemsinspectedregularlybya qualified inspectionservice.Lengthof timebetweensuch inspections can varydueto accessib ility,ambient atmosphere,watersupply,andsite activity. Donotattemptto re-assemble or otherwise reusea sprinkler thathas operated.Replaceany sprinkler exhibitingcorrosionordamage ; alwaysusenew sprinklers ofthesame typeand temperature ratingas replacements. ©1993Central Sprinkler Company PrintedinU .S.A . Becausethe discharge patternis criticaltoprotectionoflifeand property,nothingshouldbehungor attachedtothe sprinkler unitthat woulddisruptthepattern.Such obstructions mustberemoved .Inthe eventthatconstructionhasalteredthe original configuration ,additional sprinklers shouldbeinstalledto maintaintheprotectionleve l. Donotattempttoreplace sprinklers without firstremovingthefire protectionsystemfromservice .Be certaintosecurepermissionfromall Authorities Having Jurisdiction ,and notifyallpersonnelwhomaybe affectedduringsystemshutdown .A firewatchduring maintenance periods isa recommended precaution. Toremovethesystemfromservice mode,firstrefertothesystem operatingguideandvalveinstruction. Drainwaterandrelievepressureinthe pipes.Removetheexistingunitand installthe replacement,usingonlythe special sprinkler wrench .Becertainto matchmodel,style,orifice,and temperature rating . Afire protection systemthathas beenshutoffafteranactivationshould bereturnedtoservice immediately. Inspecttheentiresystemfordamage andreplaceorrepairasnecessary. Sprinklers thatdidnotoperatebut weresubjectedtocorrosiveelements of combustion orexcessive temperatures shouldbeinspected, andreplacedifneedbe.The Authority Having Jurisdiction willdetailminimum replacement requirements and regulations . I:ENTRAL Central Sprinkler Company 451N.CannonAvenue,Lansdale.PA 19446 Phone (215)362·0700 FAX (215)362-5385 Guarantee:Central Sprinkler Company willrepairand/orreplace any products foundtobedefect ive in materialor workmanship withina periodofoneyearfromthedateof shipment.Pleaserefertothecurrent PriceListfor further details ofthe warranty. nOrdering I::t:1Ilnformation Ordering Information:When placinganorder,indicatethefull productname .Pleasespecifythe quantity,model,style,orificesize, temperature rating,typeoffinishor coating,and sprinkler wrench . Availability and Service:Central sprinklers,valves,accessories,and otherproductsareavailable throughout theU.S.and Canada,and internationally,throughanetworkof Central Sprinkler distribution centers. YoumaywritedirectlytoCentral Sprinkler Company,orcall 215-362- 0700forthe distributor nearestyou. Conversion Table: 1inch =25 .400 mm 1foot =0.4536kg 1footpound=1.36 Nm 1psi=6.895kpa =0 .0689 bar =0.0703kg/cm 2 1U.S.gallon =3.785dm 3 =3 .785 liters Conversions are approximate . Sprinkler A.3 Manufactured by:Cent ral Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue ,Lansd ale,Pennsylvania 19446 Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler prinkler-H FrameAr ms:17,."(34 .9 mm) Deflector:10/,."(39.69 mm) Weight:3 .1 OZ.(87 grams) Model :H Style:HorizontalSidewall Orifice Size andK-Factor : %'(9.5 m m)2.6 (37.18) 7,."(9 .5 m m)4.2 (60.06) '12 "(11.1 mm)5.6 (80 .08) ThreadSize :W (12.7mm)N.P.T. Temp .Rating&FrameArmColor: 135°F/57 °C uncoloredorblack 145 °F/63 °C uncolored orblack 165°FI74 °C uncolored orblack 212 °F /100 °C white 286 °F/141 °C blue Note:Color identifi cationisnot requiredfor platedsprinklers : Approvals :U.L.,U.L.C.,"F.M., 'M.E.A.(375-75-SA) ('Y2 orificeonly) StandardFinishes :brass,chrome Decorative Finishes :black,white , off-white (U.L.Only) Corro sion -Resistan t Coatings:wax , lead ,wax-over -Iead (see tabu lar information onpage3) MaximumWorkingPressure:175p.s .i. Factory HydroTe st:100%at500p .s .i. Pintle:ondeflectorfor '\I."and 7,.' orif ice. Length :2:v."(69.9 mm) Width: functioning .Itisalsoless suscepti ble tomechan ical damage since t herearenoprotrud ing elements extend ing beyondthe sp rinkler frame. RTech nic al ~~Da t a Op eration:Afus ible alloy issealed into a bronzecenterstrutbya stain less stee l ball.Whenthealloy meltsat itsratedtemperature ,theball isforced upwardinto thecenterstrut releasingthetwoejectorsand operating thesprink ler.Unlikemost othersprink ler designs,thealloyis notexposed toatmospheric cond itions thatco uld affectitsproper T he Centra l ModelHHorizontal Side wall Sprinklersare designedwith spec ial deflectorsthatdischargemost ofth e wate r awayfrom thenearby wall in aquarter-semispherical patte rnwithalimitedportionof the disc harge d irected toward thewall behi nd thesprinkler .Theyembrace theultimate inaestheticappealand adv anced designfeaturesvia incorporation ofauniquecenterstrut desi gn,whichresults inasmaller , moreattractive sprinklerthanthose man ufactured with amoretradit ional desi gn approach.Thecenter-strut oper ating mechan isms,suchas the glas s bulbor Iink-and-Iever. The ModelHHo rizontal Sidewall Sprinklersareintendedforinsta llation inac cordance withcurrentNFPA 13. Theyareideallysuitedforuse in churches,clubs ,schools ,hospitals , offices,restaurants,auditoriums, retail storesand similar occupancies . Theyareavailable inawide var iety of orific e sizes ,temperatureratings, finish es andcorros ion resistant coat ings . IIIIIIIl Product-.J Description 'Sidewall No.2-1 5.0 Figure 1 ModelH Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler 1---5/8"---'1 -------2 1/8"-------L _ l '17/16 ' '---------:=-------------- Combination Sprinkler Wrench(Part#1106) 2 .-1 i RTeChnica~ illlllIJ Data UL Approvals Temperature Rating(OF)OrificeS ize Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 :Ya",7j,(j'\'12 .1 Lead 145 7'811 ,1'16 11 ,Y2 11 Lead 165 0/811 ,"l16 11 ,%11 Lead ,Wax,Wax-aver-Lead 212 :Ye",711 611 ,Y211 Lead,Wax,Wax-Over Lead 286"0/8 11 ,7/'611 ,Y2 11 Lead,Wax,Wax-Over Lead "Listedashightemperature,waxcoatedfor installation wheremaximum ambientceilingtemperaturedoesnotexceed150'F. F.M.Approvals Temperature Rating(OF)Orif ice Size Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 Y,"Lead 145 Y:;z u Lead 165 '121•Lead 212 '12 1 •Lead 286 '12 "Lead Design Requirements Standard Applications TheModelHHorizontalSidewall Sprinklers are intendedforstandardarea coveragesandstandardflowandpressure requirements asspecifiedincurrent NFPA13. SidewallSprin klers foruseindrypipe sprinkler installations. Uponcomp letion oftheinstallation , thesystemmustbetested per recognized standards . Intheeventofathreadleak , removetheu nit,app ly newpipejo int compound ortapeandreinstal l. Installation Sequence Step 1.Theunit mustbeinstalledin thehorizonta l position. Step2.Use onlyanon -hardening pipejointcompoundorTeflon"tape. Applyonly to themalethreads . Step 3 .Handtightenthe sprinkler intothefitting.ThenuseaCentral Combination Wrenchtotightenthe unitintothefitting .Aleak -tight joint requi res on ly 7-14ft -Ibs.of tor que;a tangentialforceof14-28 Ibs. deliveredthrougha6"handlewill deliveradequatetorque .Tor que levelsover21ft-lbs.maydistortthe orificeseal,resultinginleakage . CAUTION:Do not "wrench"or turn the deflector,as this acti on may damage the s prinkler and c ause itto leak un der pressure. The 'Yo "and 'l",."orifice sprinklers areU.L.andU.L.C .Listedforinstallation inlight hazard occupancies only .ThesesizesarenotF.M .orM.E.A.Approved. Th e Y2 orif ice sprin kler isU .L.andU .L.C.ListedandM.E.A.Approved for ins tallation in lightorord inary hazard occupancies only .It isF.M.Approvedfor installation inlighthazard occupancies only. Th e ModelHHorizonta l SidewallSprinklersmustbeinstalledwiththe deflector from4"to6"belowce ilings andnot morethan6"awayfromthewallorlintel su rface throughwhichtheyaremounted ,"unlessspecialconstructionarrange- mentsmakea different pos ition adv isable forpromptoperat ion andeffecti ve distribu tion"(seeNFPA13).There isnomaximumceilingheightlimitation for mu ltiple sprinkler installations,whenutilizingtheModelHHorizontalSidewall Sp rinklers. ~I nstallation AllCentral sprinklers mustbe ins talled according tocurrentNFPA 13 standards.Dev iations from these requirements andstandards o r anyalterat ion tothe sprinkler itse lf willvoidanywarrantymadeby Ce ntral Sprinkler Company .In addition,installationmustalsomeet local government provisions,codes andstandardsas appl icable. Thesystempipingmust beproperly sizedtoensuretheminimum required flowrateatthespr inkler.Checkforthe propermodel ,style ,orificesizeand temperature ratingpr ior to installation. Installsprinkle rs afterthepiping isin placetoavoid mechanical damage ; replaceanydamagedunits .Wetpipe systemsmustbeprotectedfrom freezing.RefertotheCentralBulletins ontheModelH-1DryHorizontal 3 •Teuon is atrademarkof lhe DuPonl C<M'p rmD.Ca re & U Mai nte nance Sprinklersmustbehandled carefully.Theymu st notbe . transportedorstoredwhereamb ient temperatures mayexceed 100"FI 38°C.Forbestresults ,storethemin adry,coollocationintheoriginal sh ipping package. Donotinstallsprinklersthathave beendropp ed orvisibly damaged . Sprinklersmust never bepainted , coated ,plated oralteredinanyother wayfrom manufactured cond ition or theymaynotfunctionproperly.Any sprinklersalteredinsucha manner mustbereplaced . Theownerisresponsibleforthe properoperatingcon dition ofallfire protect ion devicesand accessories . TheNFPAStandard25 entitled, "Inspection ,Testing and Maintenance Conversions areapproximate. Ordering Information:When placinganorder ,indicatethefull productname .Pleasespecify the quantity,model,style ,orificesize , temperature rating ,typeoffinishand sprinklerwrench. Availability and Service:Central sprinklers,valves,accessories ,and otherproductsareavailable throughouttheU.S.andCanada;and internationally throughanetworkof CentralSprinklerdistributioncenters. YoumaywritedirectlytoCentral SprinklerCompanyorcall800-523- 6512forthe distributor nearestyou . Conversion Table: 1inch =25.400mm 1foot =0 .3048 m 1pound =0.4536kg 1footpound =1.36 Nm 1psi =6.895 kpa =0 .0689 bar =0 .0703 kg/cm 2 1U .S .gallon =3.785dm" =3 .785 liters Ordering Information •6 Guarantee:CentralSprinkler Companywillrepairand/orreplace anyproductsfoundtobe defective in materialor workmanship withina periodofoneyearfromthedateof shipment.Pleaserefertothecurrent PriceListforfurtherdetailsofthe warranty . Toremovethesystemfrom servicemode ,first refertothesystem operatingguideandvalveinstruction . Drainwaterandrelievepressurein thepipes.Removetheexistingunit andinstallthereplacement ,using onlythespecialsprinklerwrench.Be certaintomatchmodel ,style,orifice , andtemperaturerating . Afireprotectionsystemthathas beenshutoffafteranactivat ion shouldbereturnedtoservice immediately.Inspecttheentire systemfordamageandreplaceor repairasnecessary.Sprinklers that didnotoperatebutweresubjectedto corrosiveelementsofcombustionor excessive temperatures shouldbe inspected,andreplacedifneeded. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detailminimumreplacement requirementsandregulations. of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems ·,containsguidelinesand minimummaintenancerequirements. Furthermore,thelocal Authority Having Jurisdiction mayhave additionalregulationsand requirementsformaintenance, testing ,andinspectionthatmustbe obeyed . Itisrecommendedthatsprinkler systemsbeinspectedregularlybya qualifiedinspectionservice .Length oftimebetweensuchinspectionscan varyduetoaccessibility,ambient atmosphere,watersupplyandsite activity. Donotattempttoreassembleor otherwisereuseasprinklerthathas operated .Replaceanysprinkler exhibiting corrosionordamage; alwaysusenewsprinklersofthe sametypeandtemperatureratingas replacements . Becausethedischargepatternis criticaltoprotectionoflifeand property,nothingshouldbehungor attachedtothesprinklerunitthat ..woulddisruptthepattern.Such obstructions mustberemoved.Inthe eventthatconstructionhasaltered theoriginalconfiguration,additional sprinklersshouldbeinstalledto maintaintheprotection level. Donotattempttoreplace sprinklerswithoutfirstremovingthe fireprotectionsystemfromservice . Becertaintosecurepermissionfrom allAuthoritiesHavingJurisdiction, andnotifyallpersonnelwhomaybe affectedduringsystemshutdown.A firewatchduringmaintenance periodsisarecommended precaution . I j: I I I [EI\ITRAL ©1994CentralSprinklerCompany PrintedinU.S.A. Central Sprinkler Company 451N .Cannon Avenue,Lansdale,PA 19446 Phone (215)362-0700 FAX(215)362-5385 H.1 •Features •Non-Corrosive 300 series stainless steel (lead free)construction . Superior strength. •40%shorter end to end dimensIons for compact,inexpensive installation. •Excellent for retrofit installations. •50%lighter in weight ,reduces Installation and handling costs . •Compact stainless steel relief valve with a balanced rolling diaphragm and noslidIng seals for reliable long term performaf//:.e. •Fully serviceable Inllne,nospecial tools. •Pretested patented"cam-check assembly for long term reliability,low head loss,ease of serviceability. •Single two-boH grooved style cover for quick and easy access. •ASSE 1047 approved assembly for vertical and horizontal applications . •Optional air gap drain,both horizontal and vertIcal. •Hot and cold water applications. L •National Approvals Approved byall national approval agencies ....ES FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS I -i I •Application The Ames 5000 SS provides protection to the potable water supply from contamination caused bya cross connection In a high hazard application. •Installation The 5000 SS should beInstalled with a minimum clearance of 12"between the lowest pointof the assembly and the flooror grade.The 5000 SS may beInstalled horizontally or vertically (flow up).Refer to local codes for specific installation requirements. The assembly must beInstalled so the discharge can bepositIvely drained away. 'Palenl'5,046,525 o l I.~A B r G(NRS) H(OSY) ~ •4"Documented Row Characteristics (In cluding smu-ott val ves) The 5000ss backflow pre venter shall consisl of two independently operating,spring loaded cam· check valves with a hydraulically operaled differ- ential pressure relief valve located between and below the cam ·checks,required test cocks,by- pass assembly and inlet and outlet resilienl seat shut off valves.When normal /low exisls ,both check valves are open and the pressure in the area between the checks,called the zone,is al least 2 PSI lower than the inlet pressure .The differential pressure reliel valve is closed during normallfow. II cessation 01 normal /low occurs,the different pressure relief valve will automatically open and discharge 10 maintain the zone at least 2 PSI lower than the inlet pressure .This action will pre' vent a back/low or backsiphonage condition .After the req uired differential is established,the differ· ential pressure reliel valve again closes. The cam-ehecks include a stainless steel spring and cam·arm,rubber faced disc and a replace · able seat.The body shall be manufactured from 300 series stainless steel,lead free through the waterway.with a single two·boIt grooved style access cover.No special tools shall be requ ired for servicing.The relief valve shall be compact with a rolling diaphragm and nosfiding seals .The reliel valve shall discharge in a 360 'radius .The bypass line consists 01 a small diameter reduced pressure backllow assembly,waler meter and shut·off valves . •Specifications :- 600GPM 500 600GPM 500 .......;. ..........~~';'. 300400 RowRate (GPM) 300400 Row Rate (GPM) ............; 200 200 100 100 •Ames 5000ss -Weights &Dimensions 'inches) SIZE A 8C E H·OSY WT.W I WT.WIO 0 F G·NRS lOp ••)GATES GATES 2·112"22"38 "10"lD-ll2"12112"79114"13112"155.68' 3"22"38"10"ID-ll2"13-7112-12114-22112"2301 70' 4"22"40 "10"ID-II2 "14112"g-133/6"23112"240'73' 8"27·112-48·112-11-112"11·112"15112"11"16314"30"390'120. 1;12 -!!: ~9 ):L..-__..:....-__....:....__--'-__....:....__---''----J o •2-112"&3"Documented Row Characteristics (Including shu/-olf valve s) 15 15 ::..i '2g 0;J::::::::::J...:.4" ..:-'"'-"':.:.::.;.::.:.:i'''""""_i ·,·1..··:.. .::l 6 i ;,;..e .:B 3 ·:t..·..·····.. ~OL-_---'__----:.__---'-__---'-__--'-__~-l o •Physical Characteristics •Size :2·112 ",3",4",6" o Rated working pressure:175 psi -Hydrostatic pressure:350 psi •Temperature range·32'F·110'F •Flange dimensions in accordance with AWWA withC/ass 0 ·300 series stainless steel construction •Assembly shall be ASSE 1047 approved for verticalinslallations,AWWA C5tt·89 "Co ntac llhe factory forspecific approvals 1500GPM ......~..............~.... 750 1000 .1250 Row Rate (GPM) 500250 ..................~~~-':-:-;.. ::: ················r ················f ················~·················r ················ ............!••.... •6"Documented Row Characteristics (Including shu/·olf val ves)15 ,----:------,.---,....----'-....,....--'-:..-......,.----:r-,....---, ""'12t.'"'tI 9 ......-...:. .::l 6e I:L----=----__.:----'----:----'----:----lo 916.6662493 1485Tan/oranAvenue P.O.Box 1387Woodland,CA95776 FAX 916 .666 .3914 M·82·57 1/94 o Flexible Coupling Slyle 77 o Boiliess Coupling 1:;;:0;:':·..•~ An 'W9001certitied company ictauliC® ullal Coupling Style 72 o Flange Adapters vie -Flange' S lyles 741 &7 43.. o IUgh Pressure Coupling Slyle HP·70 COUPLINGS AND FITTINGS FOR GROOVED STEEL PIPE o Rigid Coupling 0 Zero-FleX" S tyle07 'FIRE PROTEC-nON svsr"s UL L1STED/FM APPROVEDPRODUCTS SUBMITTAL S ubmittal ism ade lo r approval ofthefollo wing Vi ctaulic"piping products indicate,withinthe ULList ed/FM Approve dratingsinthis publication. o BUllarlly Valve S eries 70 8·W GROOVED END VAI.VES r------=---, O Flreball o ~V alve Seri es 727 .": o Check valvai'.FireLock'" Series717 o Riser Check Valve Flrelock™ s erie..::." AC CESSORIES PRODUCTS FOR HOLECU T PIPE PRODUCTS FOR PLAIN END STEEL PIPE SYSTEM SUBMITTAL l ow Pressure C02 Halon 1301 S pec Ial Hazards U Copper Product. AllSl yies Submittal is madefor approval of the indicatedvic racuc lJiplng productslor I he following services Within Ih e UL Us lddlFM Appro vedrarlnqsand sys- tems in th is publica lion Sub .SV51em Automaiic S prinkler·Wol Autom attc S prinkler ·Dry Btandpipe .WEll Slandplpe .Dry Underground Waler Supply THE COPPER CONNECTION... PRODUCTS FOR COPPER TUBING o Plain End Fillings u FIr-Products All Styles o Plain End Coupling Roust-A-Bout- Slyle 9 9 o Plain End Coupling Plalnlock' Sl yle90 FIT'"PRODUCTS FOR SMAl.L DIAMETER Pl.AIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 10 &40 ranch Outlet Mechanical-T" S tyles 92 U &92 1 U Press fi r'Products AllS tyles lJ Strapless e ~Outlet Vlc-Lei IM •• SI~le 9 23 J • o Snap-Let- Outlet Styl e92 5 PRESSFIYo PRODIJCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETER PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 5 \\ nderground Flange Adapters Vlc-Flsnge' Sl yle3 41 U UndergrOund. Fillings CJ Fire Pump Test Meter Style 73S o Tr ansition Coupling AWWADuctile to S teel S tyle 3 07 o A larm Test M OdUI~ T08tMiultor''''". Slyies " 7 18 &7 19 o Underground Couplings S I~l e 31 PR ODUCTS FOR UN DERGROUND AWWA DU CTILE PIPE This product sha ll bernanutacturec byVicl auhc Com pany o t A mc UCD .All products 10 be in stalled in accordance with currentV ic:lauli c ins ial iaborV8ssembly ins lruca;ons . vicraouc res erves the righ ttoch ange IJroduc l spec.ucations.de;i:igns andSiandard eqcipment WithOlit no nce a rid wllhoul incurring Obligallon . JOB/OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER System !io .iA::I-L;~~.\.~itted by __~___Spec.Se ct. Loca tion ~~1 -U:..'Ii-JVo"/~__Date _ Para._ VICTAULIC COMPANY OF AMERICA'P.O .Box 310 Easton,PA 18044-0031 •610/559-3300'FAX:610/250-8817 MB -801009 515 M e 11193 C Copyliyhl 1 9~J ,vtcteurrc Company of Amenca PrintedInU .S A .C!lAe gh.tered Tr ademark0 1vtcruunc Com pany01 A merica 'NEW FPlOM •Long term reliability with use of dual point contacts •Serrated contact surface provides reliable,low current activation ' •Die cast housing •Tamper resistant cover •Side mounted conduit allows easy installation Victaulic® Supervisory Switches Style 737-P for Post Indicator Valves & (Style 737-0 for OS &V Gate "Valves ictauliC® ThenewVictaul ic Sty le 737-PandSty le 737-0 su pervisory switchesaredes igned foruseinfi re ala rm systemsthatuselowcurrentalarmcircuits (17MA @ 12vdc).Whenthevalveismovedtowards theclosedposit ion theswitchactivatesasignalto al ire controlpanelor othel warning device. Bothswitchesfeatureprecisiondie cast housings wil h integraltamperp roof switchesthatare automatically activatedwhenthecover isremoved. To simplify installationtheconduitopen ing is locatedattheendofthe housing . Style737-P and737-0 Victaulic supervisory swit- chesare designed withdualswitches. Victaulic supervisory switchesStyle737-P and 737-0areULlistedandFMapproved., t COpv ri'lht 1987.Vic laulic •Registered lrademark of Viclaul k Co mpany of 1l,Illerira limensions '. • Style737-P/Style737-0 TopView Style737-P/Style737-0 SideView 8"DIA , 2 ,3mm ONDUIT ENING 488- 124 .0mm, -I !i 50 ' 6mm L ._.t~r '.IU -~~~;]~~"~~;,0 ,8[;j ~~8 2--=:;;;C OP "----"""·14 N ,PS,4.44"19.9mm 2 .Bmm 3.38" 858m';' • , 2 63 11 488- 124,Omm-2 ,06-";"'I~2,81"-52 ,5mm .71.5mm 1 t '7 ;<, 1.28"~!32 'i mm 2 ,56'+--T.;...-I ©32 .6mm ,"-,~ 6 osv M ounting Dr ack.8ls Supervisory Switch (w ith cover removed) TWO SPOTSWITCHES /' RliTED 7 AMP 0 12!i1250 VAC, .5 AMP 0 125 VDC, .26 AMP 0260YOC PRECI SION -./ DIECASTHOUSING SIDEMOUNTED ...--CONDUITENTRANCE Model Weight No.Lbs. 737·P 1,6 737 -0 .2.4 .- •ALLSTEELPARTS CORROSION RESISfANT PB-191 5MM 2/88 PrintedInU.S.A. VICTAUUCCOMPANYOF AMERICA.PO ,BOX31•EASTON.PA18042•21512 52.6400 '118Lr® Blacl{Lightwall Threadable Pipe Theorigi nal "h laek"lighlwallthrcadaLl epipe wi th exceptional hydrnulics and economy AMERICAN TUBE &PIPE " COf.ll'ANY,lNCOR POQATlD m .T k e ~_I I"I"l"II I,..,Lomarlc "(Amt'rWan T ill..,&Nf l(' r..c>l1l lla ny .l n.-.An infonnation h",...h,i_llf"f"tlral"M kn mn'''l tilll".,r1I1,I,lira l"lII RrM l:IIn'slI ltjm 10 r hen Rl""ilholll n"liN", BLT pip e iscoated with our Diamond Coa t"finish,an a dvanced modifie(1 uer-y lic L11l11 u utlnsta typieal lacqu«ra ,Alt llllllgh the h laek exter-iur e nlm nees a m ore un iform lookwith exis tingp ip esystems,th e clean s urfaceq uality o f liLT is readily pain tahle , The lighter weight of liLT is a distin ct a dvautagefo r r etro-fit in stallations and ca n a lso rcduc..-e laborcosts. OTHERBENEFITS Cuslomer Servic e 1·800-8 77·8823 1·60 2·272·6606 FA X602 ·269·1324 Li sted 101 E.Broadway Kokomo.IN4 6901 ApprovedL1sled SUPERIOR HYDRAULICS 2525 N .27thAve . Phoen ix.AZ85009 wet sy stems wh en thr eaded ,und dry a nd preaction sys te m s when unthrcaded, All threaded and weide,I fi llings ,...., a p proved in aceo rdance wit h NF I'A 13. FM requires 12'maximum h allg~I'spnd nA f",·IlLT.C-Faclors for liLT are 120 for wets yste ms,and C=I00 for dry syste ms. Refer 10 Haze n -W illiams charts for a ccurate flow cOlllparisons, •Ca lculated u ~in g S teudnrd f H.e Bn (01'111111 :1.lit Fi n'I'n.lf"c liun Uircrtnry.Ca lf"J:(JI°Y VIZY. liLT pipe offers t h e maximum hydraulic advantage of a ny avai lable threadahle s pri n kler )I i p(~.h s im~id e tlimn e te r is lip t il 5 %larger th an Se h -10 an d id entical to th at of ot h er ligl uwe ll th rcnrlubles.T he u se ..fRLT ,in conjunction with Dyna- Flow 'pipe,ca n dramaticn lly improve th e flow c h aruuteristies,I h t ~I '~h }"inlTCf1 sing: lite pu tentiu l fur "downsizin g"sys tem cu mpn nents. SPECIFICA'IIONS INSIDE DIAMETER UL Tll READED CRR*BLT sen .sen.DYNA-PCS/ NPS DLT 40 DLT 40 THREAt>WTIFT LIFT 1"1.l0'1 1.0 ,19 .351.001.00 1.19 91 I 1/4"1.4521.380 .17 1.00 1.001.5361 1 1/2"1.(ill7 1.(,10 .18 l.00 1.00 1.87 61 2 11 2.151 2 .067 .21 l.OO 1.00 2 .48 37 , 3.000 ./"" Amerlcnn Tube &Pipe Comltany lo ok a popular ideaa ndm ade il h eUer.Unlike other li ght wall Ih rea,lahle pipes,BL:I'ish lack, m aking ila perfect m atch with most o th er s prinkler pipes.AmI t he I.lack coaling ill safer 10 weldo n than zi nc coated p ipes.B LT's p roven h ydrnuli c udvan tage a nd lig hter we illhl adds va lue to anysys tem. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION APPROVALS AND SPECIFICATIONS liLT pipe is a hlaek,exc eptionally 'I....ng steel sprink ler pipe ofIhc .,la,s gellerally k nown us "lightwu llt hr cat.l3 hll ~pip c~'It s wa llt hic knes s is less than tha i of Sch ·4{) or Seh-l0 hu t t he co ld for ming p""'CSA undergone in mnnufacutring give s nr:r p ip e m echuni cn l s tre n gth charuen-rlst ies equivalen t to Ihosc "c'lnired fm'Seh-·1O . It is I lt ~",i gll ~(1 for hrnnc hline lis e inwet, ,Iry,preaction and deluge s yste m s,liLT CRnh e j oin ...(with threaded couplin gs (when illa ccordance with ANSI111.20.1), ro llerI groov e or plain-end ed couplings,or weld ed joints,UL h a s assigned liLT p ipc Corrosion H esistan c c R arios,(C HIl)less t hun those oftb r euded 5ch-40 or Dyna- Thread "(seec h ar t).T h e ae luallifcspan of the joi nt is d l:pe m lc :nt.UpOIl many va rinhles, h uLmay I..,aff""II,,1 h y wa ter q ua lit y or at lllH!'I phcric c onditionswhil e in se rvice. BLT pipc is m a nufactur ed 10 mee l ASTM A135 .Grade Aforfir cs prink ler app lica- tions up 10 300 psi worki ng pre ssure. It is tiL listed forwei ,dry ,preact ion and d elugesystems,and FM approved Ior wei spi-inkh-r s ystems ,liLT isU Le lisll·d fur The first Sch.10and Sch.40 sprinkler pipe tobe fully UL Listed andFM approved. Fully UL listed and FM approved sprinlder pipe 61 3 7 37 .76 I .O:{ 1.24 1.68 2 .27 2.72 WT/Ff p e S/LI F!' LnS.KG . Am er-ican T uhe &P ipe produets Can b e "hot-dip"ga lvani7.Cf I 10 m eet FI\\r equirem ents for dry systems in uc c ordnn cc w ith t h e xi n e ('oetling specifieu t ion s ofASTI\I A795 or A5 ;{. SUPERIOR COATING GALVANIZED PIPE 0 11 1'exc lus ive "D ia lllOlIlI Coat"V.V. cureda crylic fin ish "ffers II dean, d urable s urf ace tha t o uthr sts ty pi cu ] lacque rs.It isal so paint-rea dy for ens- tOIU co lor appli cation s w ithout spec i a l preparu tiun, 3 .38 3 .56 3 .6B NOM .WALL .133 .140 .145 INCH I\I M. 26 .6 35.1 40 .9 l.D. SCHEDULE 40 PIPE . Usled SCHEDULE 10 PIPE o Weltl ed Oullels o H ydrostatie P"C66111'C oS idc Willi RU(lIUl'c o Vihrutiou Tc sl !\SUd A135 ASTl\l A795 NFPA 13 1.049 1.380 1.6 10 INCH MM. SPECIFICATIONS App roved Both p ipe products a lso meet th es tr i u - gl'n l req ui rem ents for thefollowing tes ts: Ameri can Tube &P ip e's Sch .10 and S el r.40 pipea rcin compliance wi th th e following: 33.4 42 .2 48 .3 O.D. 1.315 1.660 1.900 INCH 1\1M . J" 1\1,' IW I Yltl 1.660 42 .2 1.442 36.6 .109 2.7 7 1.81 .826 1 I W'1.900 48 .3 1.682 42 .7 .10 9 2 .7 7 2 .08 .95 61 2"2 .375 60.3 2 .157 5·t8 .10 9 2 .77 2 .M 1.20 37 2 Y,"2 .875 73 .0 2 .6:15 66.9 .120 :\.0;'3 .5:1 1.61 19 3"3 .50088.9 3 .260 82 .8 .120 3 .115 4.:n 1.9719 4"4 .500 1J.l .3 4 .260 108.2 .120 3 .0;'5 .61 2 .5 5 19 *0"0.62:)1(.8 .:1 o.3)}7 161.;'.I:{·l 3.-10 9 .29 4 .22 10 *8"8 .625 219 .J 8 .249209 .5 .1884 .BO 16.9,1 7.69 7 NPS SPECIFICATIONS Am eri can Tnbe &Pip e is th e fir st m a nufa cturer tooff er VI,list ed.,,1\1 app ruverl Sch .1ll and Seh .40 sprinkl e,' pi pe ./\11 IlIIlIg h t h ese pI"IIlIIl(;ls ,I"nol re qui re se parate nppruv a ls,A m eri can Tuhe &Pipe gives yon the ex tra quality a ssn ranee yon d emand .0 11 1'S ch ,10 (1V."-4")pi p e and Seh.40(1"-2 ")pip e h ave pa ss ed th e same t h oroughlab tes t- in gns our o th er listed pip"prod ucts, an d n~r.ci \'c periodin m ill in speetion s from bo th VI,amI FMagen ts 10 e nsure cons is tent quality . AMERICAN MADE Meets"Buy Am e rican "re q uiremen ts a nd is a vailableth rou gh d ist ributors n ationwide . QUALITY ASSURANCE Sch.10 and Sch.40 6 .95 5 .0 00 25 25 N .27th Ave . Phoe n ix.AZ 85009 101E.Broadway Kokomo.IN 46901 Customer Service 1-800-877-8823 1-602-272-6606 FAX60 2-269-1324 AMERICAN TUBE &PIPE- COMI'ANY.IIlCOII'ORATED •e ®POTTER VSR-F VANETYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCHWITHRETARD Potter Electric Signal Co mpany 2081 Craig Road·P,O.Box 28480 St.Louis,MO63146-4161 (314)878-4321•(800)325-3936 Potter Electric Signal &Mfg .LTD 1967 Leslie Street Don Mills,Ontario,Canada M3B2M3 (416)441-1833 UL ,ULC and CSFM Listed,FM and LPC Approved ,NYMEA Accepted M inimum FlowRat e l orA larm:10G PM Se rv ice P res sure:Up to 4S0PSI Maximum Surge :18FPS N FPA-t3 N FPA ·1 3D N FPA ·13 R N FPA-72 Op t io nal :CoverTa mper SwitchKit.S tk.N o .0 090018 Environmental Spec ifications : S uilablefo r in dooro r outdo or use w ith lac tory ins talled gasketand die-casth ousing . NEMA4Rated Enclosu ra-use with appr opriale conduitl ilting Te mperature Range :4 C'F/120'F.4 .S·C/49·C Non-corrosive sleeve factoryinstalledin saddl e Service Use : Automatic Sprinkle r One or twofamiiyd well ing Residen tial occupa ncyup to four stories Na tional Fire Alarm C ode Sizes Availabl e :Pip eschedules 10thru 40 ,s izes 2 'thru8" SS 1387 p i ~e SOm mthru 200mm Conduit Entrance s:T wokn ockouts provided for 1/2"c onduit Cau t ion:This de viceisn ot intendedfor appli cations inexplo sive environmen ts Contact Ralings:TwosetsofSPOT(Form C) lS.0Amps at 12512S0VAC 2 .0 Ampsat 0 ·3 0VOC Resistive U.S.PAT .NO.3921989 CANADIAN PAT .NO .1009680 OTHE RS PATENTSP ENDING POTTER EL ECTRIC,Rd .,1990 G ENERAL I NFORMATION T h e Model V SR-F i sav ane typ e waterflow switch foruseonwet sp rinklers ystems.II is UL Listed a nd F M approved fo ruseons teel pipe;s che dules 10through 40,si zes 2 "thru 8 ". LP C approved sizes are2 "thru8 "(50mm Ihru 200mm). INSTALLATION :S ee Fig .2 T hesed evice s ma y bemo untedon horizontal or vertical pi pe .O n hori zontal pipe the y should be insta lle don thetopsideo fIhe pipe where theywillbea cc ess ible.Theu nitss hould no tb einst alledw ithin 6 "of a fitt ing whi chchangesth e directionof thewa terflow o rw ithin 24 "ofava lve or drain . Th e u nit m aya lso b e used asa sec tional waterflow de tector o n large sys te ms . Th e un it contai ns tw osingle pole,double throw,sna p action switches an da nad justable,in slantly recyclingpn eumatic ret ard .T heswilches a re actuated when a llow 01 10gall ons per m inu le ormo reo ccurs dow nstreamo fthedev ice.T he IIow condit io nm ust existforape riod of ti m e n ecessaryto overcome the selected re tard period . Dra in thesy stem an ddr illa h ole in the pipe us ing a circular saw ina sl ow speed d rill .The 2 'and2 1/2"devices requ ire a hole with ad iam- e ter of1 1/4 '+1/8 "•1/16 ".A ll o ther sizes require aho le w ith a d ia meter o f 2 ""1/8 '. C lean theinside pipe ofa ll growtho r o therm alerla l fo ra d istance equal tothepi pe diameter Oneither s ide 01 th e hole. E NC LOSURE:Theunit isen closed ina general purpose,die -cast housing .The cover is h eld in place w ith twota mper resistant screws w hic hrequ ire a s pecial key lor removal.A fie ld ins lallable c over la m p ersw it c h isavai lable asa n optio nwh ich ma y b e us ed 10 ind icale u nauthorized removal 01 the cove r .S ee bull etin n o.5 400775 lo rIn- stallation instructions of this sw itch . Rollth e vane sothatitma ybe insertedintothehol e;dono t bend or crease it.Insert theva neso Ih al the a rrowo nthes addlepo intsin th e di rection of the waterflow.Install the sa ddle s trapa nd tighten nu ts altemately toan eventual 50 II-Ib s .o ftorque (see Fi g.2 ).T hev ane mustnot rubth e in sideo f thep ip e or b ind i nan yw ay. PRI NTEDIN USA MKT.#88oo00t •REVK MFG.#5400761"3/95 PAGE 1 OF2 e @lPOTIER • VSR-F VANETYPE WATERFLOW SWITCHWITHRETARD FIG.1 FIG.2 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECnONS CLANlP INQ PLATE TERMI NAL DO NOT lEAVE COVER OFFFOR EXTENDEDPERIOD OF TillE CAUDON ANUN INSULATEDSE CT IO N OF AS INGLECO N DUCTORIS NO T P ERM ITTED TO BELOO P ED A ROUNDTH E TERMINAL AND S ERVE AS TWO S E P ARA TE C ONNECTIONS .THE WI RE M UST BESE VEREDT OSERVE A S TWO S EPARATECONNEC- TIONS,T HEREBY P RO VI DING SUPERVISIONOFTHECONNEC· TIONS IN TH EEVE NT T HATTH E WIRE B ECOM ESDI SLODGED FROMUN DER THE T ERMINAL. RETARD ADJUSTMENT: TOCHANGE TillE TURNKNOB(EITHERDIRECTION) FORDESIRED TillE OElAY.USETHE ~IN I MU M AMOUNT OFRETARDNECESSARYTO PREVENT FALSE AlARMS,A "E!"SETTING ISUSUALLY ADEQUATE FOR n liS .FACTORY IS SET TO "B'". TO INSTAll .::;II A HOLE AS INDICATED: PIPE:S'Z::HOLE SIZE t'10 21 /2'1 1/4"+1/8-1/1 6" :5"TO 10 "2"±1/B'" DWG .#7 5 1-JO MOUNT ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SADDLE......-.:::=::-1:~'<::"+"<;:--POINTS INDIRECTION OF WATERFLOW ROLL PAODUE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW FIG.3 TYPICALELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LOCAL BEll TR"-NsrOR~ER OR 8ATIERY POWERE D OPENON AlARM 7 CLOSEON w 1 AlAR"-O ----J SIGNALI NG DEVICE OPEN ON AU.RM SUP ERVI SED l OOP (SEENOTE) EOl RESISTOR NOTE:FOR SUPEIMSEO OflClJmi SEE"SWITCH n;RIoII NAL CONNECJl(lI6' DRAWING AND CAIlTION NOn;(FIG.1). OWG .1 761 -15 TO AO O'l DEVI CES ORRETURN TO CONTROl. CLOSE ON AU\RM OPENON AU.R'"FRO '" COf'{I ROL PANEL_____A'--__ TYPICALSwnCHACTION OPENON \J~/CLOSEON AlARM ALARM. NOTES : 1.The Model VSR-F hastwoswitches ,oneca n be used to operate acent ral station,p ropr ietary or remote signaling unit,while the othe r conta ctis us ed to o perate aloca l aud ible orv isual annunciator. 2 .A condition of LPGApproval o f th is prod uctis thatthe electrical entry must be sealedto exclude moisture . TESTING Thefrequency of inspectionand testingforthe modelVSR-Fanditsassociatedprotectivernonitorinqsystem shouldbeinaccordance w~h applicable NFPA CodesandStandardsand/ortheautho rity havingjurisdiction (man ufacturer recom mendsqu arterly ormore frequently). If provided,the "InspectorsTest"valve ,thatisusually locatedattheendof themostremotebranchline,shou ld always be usedfortestpurposes . If there arenoprovisionsfortesting theoperationoftheflowdetectiondev ice onthesystem,applicationofthe VSR·F is notrecommendedor adv isable. Amin imumflowof10gpmis requi red toactivate this de vice. IMPORTANT NOnCE:Pleaseadvisethepersonrespons ible fortestingoftheFire ProtectionSystemthatthissystemmust be tested in accordance withthe ·Testing'Instructions . PAGE20F2 MKT.1/8800001 •REV K MFG.1/5400761 "3195 PRINTED INUSA e FARR-LARM JohnsonFire &Specialties,Inc. March.1989 Made inU.S.A. AUDIBLE I VISIBLE SIGNAL SERIES3300 APPLICATION COMMERCIAL or RESIDENTIAL EXTERIORorINTERIOR FEATURES WEATHERPROOF CONSTRUCTION COM PLETELY DISTINCTIVE FROM ANY OTHER ALARMSIGNAL FAST.EASY MOUNTING -ONANYTYPEOFWALL ELIMINATE THENEEDFORANY ADDITIONAL SIGNS ONB UILDING EXTER IOR APPROVED FORUSEINALLHARD -OF -HEARING OCCUPANCIES AVAILABLEIN115VAC.24VDCOR12VDCW ITH OR WITHOUT FLASHER/STROBE MAINTENANCE-FREE OPERATION -FULLY GUARANTEED FOR2YEARS Say Goodbye to- Waterstainedwalls Uglysignstospoil esthetics NoMore - Old-fashioned bells Pipesthatclogandfreeze <&> AI major compon.....ta ••UL LAled WId fMAppO~ The FARR-LARM is the most attractive and practical signalmade .It is compact insize,(8"x 8")andwon 't compromise the esthetics of the exterior walllikeanelectric bellwithabirdca ge, ora water-motor gong . Suggested mounting is directly above thefire dep artment connection. During daylight hours,the hom will direct the Fire Department tothe connection aswellasalert the occupants andpas sers-by thatafire c ondition exists . At night,the flasher/strobe canbeseenfroma distance to guide the F ire Dep artment tothe connection.PolicepatrolIing a n ind ustrial complex ora neighborhood withtheirwindowsupmay not hearthehom,buttheywill"seethelight". Since1975,everyFARR -LARM isassembled by hand,inspectedandtested atthefactory. .-.·••~.-.·.-.·••w.wNu••·.·.·.~·.~'.·.~·.-'._-N .-.-~·.·.·.v.··.~'.·.·.·.-··.~·.··.·n .~••·-.·.·.·¥••••••••••••__'_',,-••N'.~--.-.-.-.-.-.-._-.-.-.__¥'.-.-.•..-.''--.--'_..-•••'••·.'.··.·N.·w.-.·•.•~ ...........-.-.-.w ".·...,u '_·."".-_"'"",..,<V '•..,.,-•..,".....,.........,..w w •.•••-"~...,.."""""'_-"·''·u ··•·•·....-._•·.·.·...,··.w •..,~-.·.·-~,·--·• General Specifications _._- Signal Specifications ModelNumber InputVoltageRatedCurrenl dBA@10Feet Approvals 3300-115 115VAC 0 .160 95 3300N L-115 115VAC 0.160 95 UL,ULC, 3300NL-24 18-31.2VDC 0.063 92 CFM,FM, 3300NL-12 9-15.6VDC 0 .125 92 CSA ,B8A,BFP 33008-115 115VAC 0.160 95 UL,CFM,BSA,FM,BFP 33008-24 18-31.2VDC 0.063 92 UL,ULC,CFM, 33008-12 9-15 .6 VDC 0.125 92 BSA,FM,BFP NOTES : 1.TypicaldBAat10feetismeasuredinan anechoic chamberwilhnomina l input voltage.2.Allmode ls areprovidedwilhin-outscrewtermina ls.3 .DChorn models includeRFI suppression to minimize induced noiseon the alarmlines.4.DC hornsand strobehorns have an jn-ruah current 0'approximately 3 times rated current during initial turn-on .5.Strobehorn modelsshownintableare recommended foruseon continuous alarm systems ..6.Approvals :UL.,Under- writers laboratories,UlC _U nderwrite rs laboratories 01 Ca nada ,CFM _S tate ofCalil ornia FireMarshall ,FM _FaeloryMutuaf ,CSA _CanadianStandards Association ,BSA _NewYorkCityBoardofStandardsandAppeals,BFP _CityofC hicago 7.All lis lingsandapprovallsabovearelorWh eeloc k,inc .,which manufactures thesignals usedIntheFARR-LARM. Ordering Information MODEL3300NL-115 Audibleonly MODEL3300-115 SERIES3300 AudibleNisible with incandescentlight source .Flashrate @ 60perminute . SERIES 3300Nl SERIES 3300 &3300NL MODEL3300NL-24 MODEL 3300NL·12 MODEL 33005-115 MODEL 33005·24 MODEL 33005-12 SERIES3300S AudibleIVisible with8,000c.p ,strobe . Flashrate @ 55per minute SERIES 33005 JOHNSONFIRE &SPECIALTIES,INC.1297516th AVENORTHPLYMOUTH,MN55441 [ENTRAL '"",,..'P9 '',"'.."4·92 ' Man ufactured by:CentralSprinkler Company 451 NorthCannonAvenue ,Lansdale,Pennsylvan ia 19446 Check Valve-gO Horizontal or Vertical G rooved End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) C :I Product ~A~Description Th e Model90Check Valvesare attra ctive,compact ,lightweight, swing-typeunitsthat 'allowwaterflow inon e direction andpreventflow in theopposite direct ion .Theyare man ufactu red withacast ironbody andsta inless steel clapper assembly . Aresilient elastomer seallac ing on thespr ing-loaded clapperensuresa leak-t ight seal andnon-sticking opera tion,Theunitsaredesignedto minimizewaterhammercausedby flowreversal. Th e Valves aremanufactured with groov edendsandareeas ily installed using Listedmechanicalgrooved coupl ings .Theymay beinstalled in either ahorizontal floworupward vertic al flowposition. Tap ping bossesarelocatedtoward each end 01 thevalveandmaybe drilled andtapped forgauge,balldrip orbyp ass piping connections .In addit ion ,alargetapp ing bossis locatedonthedownstreamsideof thecl apper andmaybedrilled and tappe d lor connection ofasystem "maindrain". Appli cations:Mod el 90Check Valve s aregeneralpurposevalves intend ed foruse inprivatelireprotec- tionsystemsasfollows: 1.In automatic sprinkler system rise rs ,asaneconomical subslilute lor thea larmcheckvalve , 2.In c onnectionsfrompublicwater suppliestoautomaticsprinkleror sta ndpipe systems, 3.In connections fromfire depart- mentpumperconnectionsto automaticsprinklerorstandpipe systems . 4.In fire pumpdischargeorbypass piping 5.Inconnectionsfromgravity, suction,orpressuretanksto automaticsprinklersystems. RTechnical (l1li111)Data Model :90 Style:SwingCheck (groove x groove) S ize:2 W' Approvals:U,L.,U.L.C.,F.M .,BS&A (Cal.No .284-75 -SA) Max.Work ing Pressure:250psi , FactoryHydroTest:100%at500psi StandardFinish:BlueEnamel GrooveSpecifications:Standardcut groovesperAWWAC-606 Tak e-out Dimension:2 '1,-8 '1.0. ShippingWeight:2 '12"-8Ibs. FOR FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION LINE -Bosa A Bracket HiilgOPin Witt,'. Reta inmg R ing and ..--2 Flat Wahefs Se al Feeing Se a l Ring Bosse _,••Hex Boll with '0'Ring 1\ Boss B\:·t....~I•,\.."............/ Oullel 2000 30001000500200300 Pressure loss Curves 5.0 ~--+--r:f--t-;''---I'---_tf----i 7.0 i-.-""'--.,.----r--='--T-r---;----,--,---,-,--, ~ ui 8 . ~ ...J Co U 'C LL FlowRate(g.p.m.) Note:Thefrict ion loss ,expressed as equ ivalent leng th ofschedule40pipe with C=120,isasfollows :2'h"=9 ft. 3 "=14 ft.. 4"21It. 6"19 ft. z Outlet y ._-._--•.------X(Iake-oul)- /t<,-I .-I f t -- \..,;............./ \]-... ....(...._'L__Inlet ".',1 I~_/ I Dimensional Data-Model 90 Check Valves (groove x groove) Valve Valve Dimensions Boss Locations Max.TapSize (optional) SizeX (t.o.)Y Z A B C BossA'BossB'Bosse'BossO 2 Y2 8 "~/1 6 "2 1511 8"19/Ul ll 2'1'-4'1,."'I."%"1Y..'W' 65mm 203mm62mm75mm40mm 70mm110mm 16mm16mm 32mm 13mm 3"8"2 W 3 :1.'1%"2 '0/..-4'1,.'0/8"~/tl"1Y.-Y2" 75mm203mm64mm 83mm41mm60mm106mm 16mm 16mm32mm13mm 4"9"3%"3%"13/4"2 %"5 Y,6111 :Y.ll 'I'"2"'h ll 100mm 229mm 86mm 92 mm 44mm 67mm129mm 19mm19mm 5 1mm 13mm 6"lO W 4 "5"1'1'-2%'5 0/.6-0/4-0/4"2"'h" 150mm267mm102mm 127mm 44mm 67mm135mm19mm 19mm5 1mrn 13mm ,Maybe utilizedforballdripor meter by-pass connection. 2 Maybeutilized forgau ge ormet er by-passconnection. .1 May beutilizedforma in dra inco nnectionfor "r iser check "app lications. 2 'I rr • ,~3 6 ....... e e GUARDIAN FIRE EQUlPMENT,INC . 3430 NoW.3S:!1 STREET MIAMI ,FLOR ID/i .33142 (305)633 -Q351 PROJECTING SIAMf.SE Shuet"A U No.190 STRAIGHT 'Y'S!ANIESE For Opening Through Wall No .190 No.191 90°ANGLE'Y'SIAMESE For Opening Through Sidewalk No.191 Double clapper projecting Siamese.with independent interior self -closing c lapper valves . Bodies areo fheavybrassandbu ilt tolast the lifeofthebui lding . Lettered:"Auto Sp kr ."or "Standpipe" Fin ish:Rough Brass --Polished Brass-Chrome Plate Threads:Local FireDep t .Thre ad PlugsandChains.Breakable Cap s,or Es -:;~lIcheon Plate s canbe furn ished asanextra. Siam ese should be protected againstfreez ing bv ~"or ';."BallDrip, Type Model No.Size,Inches A B C 0 E r J~·4 x 2 ~i x 21;1 12 Bol,-Sy'11 7\1,STRAIGHT 190 S x 2\1,x 2\1,12 8\1,-7Y.11 n~WAY I 6 x 2\1,x 2!1t 12 8\1,-1~.II 7!1t --r--- '4 x 2\1,x 2Y,12 ~~6Y,---ANGLE 191 5 x 2Y,x 2Y,12 I lH 7 -90'-- 6 x 2Y,x 2Y,11 1l y'7 ------_._- I PUll ill Br.I',\l uu-hed '"'11 Pnli.h eI1 8,a'\s ,Efuome Plated 1."llI lt';3f'l ll (11,1111", -u 1 andI M l.'.led 3 Ua'.I kJ t'>ll'h un Ca p 4Lwal J lie L>,'p!I hl l'Jd ~'..Ii W oJ '!"'-ba ll dllp r,I t>lllf l'lJ .A u l :l ·~JJIo.I .•01 "Standpipe". SPE CIFICA nONFIR EEOUIP MENTFOn I.IFl SA F FTY SP ECIAL H A?hfl:.l S )WN OFVAIL 5 S.FRON TAGE ROAD A.I L,CO 81657 7 0-4 79-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRI CA LPERMIT Perm it #:E96-0 262 Job Address:2099 N FRO NTA GE RD WEST Locat ion ...:VAIL CO MMO NS Parce lNo ..:2103-114-15-013 Project No.:PRJ96-0007 S tatus ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 10 /21 /1 996 10/21/1 996 04/19/1997 APPLICANT CON TRACTOR OWNER SHAW ELECTRIC P OBOX1 451,AVO N CO 8 1620 SHAW ELECTRIC POBOX 1451,AVO N CO 816 20 TOWN OFVAIL 75S FRONTAGE RD W,VA IL CO 81657 Phone:3039263358 P hone:3039263358 Description:HOOK TEMP POWER F OR RELCOATED TRAILE R Valuation:300.00 ,**********************************************************FEE SUMMA RY ********************************************************** Electr ical ---> ORB Fee ---> I nvest igation> yill Call---> TOTA L FEES---> 42.00 .00 .00 3 .00 95.00 Tota lCalcu lat edFees---> Ad di ti onal Fees---------> Total PermitFee--------> Payment s----------------> BALA NCE DU E-------------> 95.00 .00 95.00 95.00 .0 0 .********************************************************************************************************************************* Item:0 600 0ELECTRICAL DEPARTME NT Dept :BUILDINGDivision : 1 0/2 1/1 996CHARLIE Ac tion :APPR FOR ERNS T ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOFAP PROVA L 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHE CK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS .I hereby a cknowledgeth atI have r eadt his a pplicat ion,fil led outin fu ll the information recui red,comp l eted an ac cur at e p lot pl an,a nds ta te t hat a ll t he i nformation pr ovidedas recui red is correct.Iagree tocomp ly with the inform ation and p lot p lan, tocomplywitha ll Town o rdinances and state l aws,and to build t his s tructureaccording t o t he Town ls zoning a nd s ubdivi sion codes,de signrev iewa pproved,Unifo rm Building Code and othe r o rdinancesoft he Town app li cablet he reto . RE QUESTS FO R INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWE NT Y-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA NCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM ibM.10 -??- ()fr.-II {)'ita - 9crt(-87/j *************************************************************** 'OWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt .*************************************************************** Statemn t Numb e r:REC -021 9 Amount: Paymen t Method:CK Notation:#6233 P erm it No:E96-026 2 Type :B-ELEC P arcel No:2103-114-15 -013 Si t e Address:2099 NFRONTAGE RD WEST Location:VAIL CO MMONS 95 .00 10/21/96 08:54 Init:CD ELECTRICALPERMIT Tot al Fees:95 .00 This Payme nt 9 5.00 Total ALL P mts:95 .00 Balance:.00 k *************************************************************** Accou nt Code 0 1 0000 4 1313 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICALPERMITFEES TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 4 2 .00 50 .00 3.00 :I ~! .I I ,, :j ., ! 'j i• .. ,. I.:; .....". Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FOR OFFICE .USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK.FEE: RECREATION FEE:'. CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ~OTAL PERMI~FEES: ". , TYPE p ROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION :' ,.,, ::r .cc -c »~.'J ...',,'".,...'''~.__'.•'"',';:'~1"~-»;/:·'';'~Il".,:i l ':~\."\::~:,'!-~~',:',.1,'},..;...~)i ~..;t:y~r>.'I.,,-.•,.~;.~):d',~",•'~"v ..~."',.\..o."''''\0',,';.-fp ."-(re,i....?t;",,:...),f;~~_:t _•..,.......,...!*........oj.,~~·~~:Jr·'Ii;~~,·;r:;.:f.'·~r ·.~··,··:o·~··.~I .·l r ~>':>:;.:~:,\:~.~...~.;.~.,?.t:l{:"·,,,"-.:,, ;;.,'"!.,;:;,~,,"':":",WN'OFVAIL CONS~RUCTION ">."'."'.,'" ,..PERMI~AP~LIA~ON FOIUi ',.'.','." ,,.DATE:0 PesstIb-(yj)7 '.. .'. APPLICA~ION MUS~BE FILLED OU~COMPLETELY OR I~MAY NO~BE ACCEPrED~.U}*~*.*.***.*'*~*..*.***."~''''''''tEIOCI.'l IHFOllMA.TION.***********'~*..**~*~~*~t~,~~:':~.~~:~...\:;: \....[J ~~~;cl.ing ,·.C J-Pl~ing ;,JJ':"Elec~rical .[J-Hechani~~~·.,.[,.J-Other,i ·:·"';:<i '~.'.'.. :~~~.t~~'~-'~I Comm on ?".Job A~dress:~'·'N \~·tM~fld :·Wi~·:;\~.. ._'I',?;:'-.;.....;_;"';',;-.,~. Legal Desdripti n:La Block Filin9 "'.·t'~..::;, ,',r-;••:•••..:~·:~1 own~rs Name:-attte(.tt Address:'fo(q'$6';t1mt 8110;nj ·p ~.q yq ·,(.f3(£/'."'i Architect:Address:Ph." 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