HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 UNPLATTED CONDOMINIUM 1977 LEGAL••• tagle ,LOloraao O FF IC IA L REC E I PT RECE IVED ~~D.teft-Ld .19 ZZDF----r"/~r..-..--~~~- I <//_.e e:7 '7 CA~~IY/$.~ACC T . AMOU NT ITEM CO DE Buildi ng PermitFee Applica tio n Fo r Su bdiv ision App l icati~./././..y~~a Zone Change /' Cond itional U se Speci al U se Va r iance Appea l Fee Cod e:(B uilding)(Z o ning)(Subd ivisio n) To tal Received /.-eYC::#c3 A ll I tems are re ceived l o r no ·payment o fany i te m . N ~2747 couecrtcn o nly and t h IS receip t Sholll becan celled fo r By ~=:e..-,) • A WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES.LTD. • GENE RAlP"'RTNE~: WUT VAIL OEVnOPMENT CO FlP. G .HUDSON W1RTH_PRESlOENT Board of county commissioners %McDonald Bl dg .. Eagle.Colorado8 1631 August 22.1977 /lUG '~"w t Re:File #SP -88 -77 Preliminary Plat Vail Das Schone Condominiums Gentlemen: This letter is to inform y ou that we agree to carry out the recommendat ions of the Eagle County Planning Commission as proposed at t he August 17thmeeting on the follow ing subjects: 1.Landscaping -Landscaping requirements will be compl eted no l ater t han July 1,1 978.Th e initial contract f or the e ntran ce way is now being nego tiated with Mr.Dav e J ohnson a nd t nat work should be com - pleted by October 1.1977 .Additional work in the re ar will be d one during the spring planting s e ason . 2.Drainage Plans -Drainage i mprovements will be brought up to coun ty specificat i ons thr ough t he c o operat ion o f Mr.Ken Richards .o u r engineer and agent.a nd the Eagle County Engin eering De partment by Septemb er 30.1978. 3.Siqn Va rian ce -We agre e to c ancel the t enants right to display pres ent lig hted signs as soon as their pre sent leases and/or county pe rm its expi re .Th is will allow new signs t omee t any n ew c ounty s tan dards ado pted . Further.our agent Mr .Ken Richards.will see that a ll other signs be brought i nto c ompliance tmmediat ely through coop erat ion w ith the Eagl eCo un ty Depar tm ent of Plann ing and Development. We feel that conversion of this building will help to continue to upgrade this property .It is an opportunity to of f er fine low £2!l housing to permanent residents of Eagle Coun ty . Thank you for your consideration . Sincerely, GHW':gvh JJJiAtoc1l}.;JL.President WES T VAIL DEVEL OPME NT CORP . General Partner cc:Kenneth Richards Terrill Knight Robert Meer -Attorney Richard Helms ,Attorney •• August 16,1977 Store or Shop · • L V.·0 .S .Pharmacy 2 .Gore Valley Liq uor 3 .Si lver Buck le Restaurant . 4.Laundromat and Cleaners County Permit Length of He asur ed I ssued Building Sizes (ft)(sq ft) March 11,1975 6B .55 33 (0262 ) Apr il B,1975 3B.00 36 (0268) Sept.2 ,1 975 4 0 .85 1 9.5 . (0373)2nd Sign +6.0 · Ma rch 8 ,1 97650 .10 39 .;",. (04331 (combined sign) Allowable:-· Sizes (sq f t) 38 ' 4 0 . 40., 9 (2-Store Directory Signs}·· No Record 86.9 -3 signs -3..front a nd back Hardwa.re Store'. .Radio Shack 7 .EVeryd ay People .@ Auto Parts of Vail 9 .Natural Foods 1 0.E-Z Way Ren tal r a,cable T.V. Al l Other Stores No Record No Record No Rec o rd No Record No Reco rd No Record No Reco rd 33.5 18.7 24 .5 __·•.(2nd S1go)8 .75 ~ 12.2 3 .7 (Inside window) >33.75 32.0 2 4.B5 6.0 24 .70 1 0 .3 (2 signs )" 12.3 2 4a.. 19 12 24 24 12 • Store o r Shop ' • 1 .V."D.S .Pharmacy • 2. 3. 4. 7. Core valley Liquor Si lver Buck le Restaurant Laundromat an d Cleaners Hardware Store.. .Radio Shack EVeryday peopla .@ 9 . 10. H . Auto Parts o t Vail NaturalFoods E-Z way Ren tal Cab le T .V. All Other Stores ·--. I41:~o ·-r g e."l;>~ CD ,...,,' fl ; Qo o ·~b , ,\ L IVl >J4.I ~,~'0.1 4 • I ',- 1 4 '"~•,'="~B EJ ,\• <.!_........_""" --------{[J &"'0 1>'''''''''''''''' ---------- "1 -"'11:...t o".oo,.., [J 0Q • <-_...............-,;-.; .~ typical unit pl an M It '!\o<:l .'denton Il'CI lt lt!Jre ·,llnn ln, ,"1I 1~.<;010,81631lI_ll boz 11 32l1 -tI6<t~ • ~-- ---'- t, ._._~ 1"&,'.",.Bseclion , '"t '"d'""',~/, '// y,'~r-o«Amlion ".." ----. • ------- r ............. • '0--'e r ------------:;;J~7 ~ .........T ...... 1- ,~I'"1 I I',I 1~~-,~t;;J \::TI I • • site piiD .. •, • ...'-.'-...~.--_.­-_.----.- .1 ~;-A.~' • •-:,>Q, ,,',,,r.,"\,:' t p." I,J oJ ~~ LJ ~Q ~ "tl:e 1 , .~.... -,.~-.'.:' \ -, .;J ' -, • • , I \ 1 i R ECEIVED OF •EAGLE COUNTY. Eagle .Colorodo OF F iCiAL RECE IPT Date ?-9 19 22 .L:.L..~d.7 :-de "7 (w..7"Y:...I ~1 CASH ~HE CK;f1j AC CT. AMOUNT ITEM COD E Bu i ld i ng Permit Fee Ap plic at io n F o r Su bdivi si o n A pp lica tio n Zo neCh ange Cond i t ionalUse SpecialUse V ariance /'..:5'5 0 0 Appeal F ee Code :(B ui lding)(Zoning)(Subd iv ision) )(~/J I/-.e;' / To tal Rece ived A ll I te ms are r eceived for no-paymento f any i tem . N~2633 eenee uee on ly and t hiS receipt shall be ca nce lled f or B Y/:/~_ ••DEPAITMENT DF PLANNING AND DEVELDPMENT · EAGLE COUNTY ~1d)onllld Blelg.550 8roadway P .O.Box 179 t :.gl",Colorado 8 16.1 1 13 October1977 We st Vail As so ciates,Ltd . 9933 Lawler Avenue ,Suite 41 0 Skold.e ,I llinoi s 6octl6 Re :File 110 .Zv-32-77 At their Publi cHe aring on13 OC tober19 7 7,the Zoning Boa rd o f Ad justment d enied the v ariance request.Un de rSe c tion 9 .04 .06 <e) 1-5 no condition t h at warrants av a riance was determined. I f youha v e any que st ions,pjeaae con tact t hi s of fi c e. !.-~,J:~~~L-{.;';:;'ll Knight~-;7 Plazmer TK/jk ccr Richards Engineering I'l:a nnin l':"Dep3rtmentlPIa nning Commissio n:S ubdivisio n,Rezoning,Applications a nd Rev iew (303/328-6338 Buildi ng Offici3l:Building Pe rmits a nd In spec t io n.ZoningA dministrat ion (3031 328-63J9 ." V.ANCE APPLICATION •File No.Z y -32_77 Action of Zoning Board of Adjustment on V .".l rce Applica tion Den'o!CEI r.ucn..(eee Ordef'of tIw Boerd .attach.cl) Denied un der Section 9 .04.06 (c)1-5 noco ndition t hat warrants a vari ance was de term i ned . : 1 3 O ctober 1 977 Date ,hearing ," ". .,,;'" Not.:Section 9 .04 .10 Appeal s f rom the Board" Any f\.rther eppes l f rom the dGci sion of the Boord m ay be m ede to t he courts ,es pmv ldod by law,p rovided ,however. the!such eppeal Is m ade prior t o twenty (20)d ays followo lng thG d e te of the not if icat ion of the Board 's decision• P flO8 2 of 2 ••DEP ARTIdENT OF PL ANNIN GAN D DEVE LDP MEfl T EAGLE COUN TY K athl een LeU .Ed i tor Eag l e Valley En t erpr i se Eag le .Colorado 8 16 3 1 Me llon aid U1 d g .550 Uroadway 1 2A u g u st 1977 P .O.Box 179 Eag le ,Colorado 8 1631 Notic e of Pu blic Hearing Z on ing Bo a r do f A dj ust men t 8 Se ptemb e r 1977 Pl ea s e p u bli s h t h e a t t a che d No ti ce o f Publi c He aring a s a "Lega l No ti ce"in t h e 1 8 Aug u st 197 7p u blicatio n o fy our p ape r. P le ase b ill a nd send a ffi davit o f publi c ation t o t his o ffi ce . Thank yo u . ~_LL /~-:U M i ch a ei S .Bl a i r Dir ector MSBfi<p • I'llInni ng:1l l'Il ,lr tnwn lll'lan nin g:COlll m i ~~in n :S uhn ivl"ion.nt·zon ;nl~.Applka linn s 11111 1 Hcv iew (;)03 1328·6338 Ilui ldi ng:Offi,'ja l:Ilu i ldi ll'~Permits a nd l uspec tlon ,Zuni nl:Admini strat ion 1303 )328-6339 •• DEPAaT mENT DF PLANNIN GAND DEVELDPMEflT EAG LECOUNTY Th e Vail T rail P .O .Box 7 Va il ,Co lorado 8165 7 McOo nald IUdg.550 IIro adway 1 2A ugu s t1977 P .O.Box 179 Eag le ,Colorado 81631 Notice of Public H e aring Zoning Board "of Adju s tment 8 S eptember 19 77 Please pu blish th e Rtt a c ~hd No ti ce o fP u bli c H earing as a "Leg al Notice"in t he 18A ugu st 197 7 p ublication of y our p ape r. Please b ill and s end efff dav tt of publication t o this o f fice .. Thankyou , $--c.L //4/~M~;;l s.B[;iI(-< D ir ector MSB!kp • P lannin J.:!1t>p'lrhnf'nl /l'lanning-Eom mlsslcn:S ubdtvis iou,H('zo ni nr..A IlPliclllioll!l nnd Ih·v te w (3031 328-63 31$ lJu i l lli n ~Official:I1 uililinlt I'cr mi t s .1 11d I nspeet lon,ZuninK Admi nis lralinll (3031 328-6339 • NOTICE OF P UBLIC HE A RING. COUNTY OFEAGLE.C OLORAD'!'l" Notice is HerebyG i ve n that the Ea gl e Co un ty Zoning Bo ard of Adjustment will hold a Pub li c He ari ng b e ginning at 10:00 A.M .8Se p te m ber 1977.in a cco r dance with Sec tion 9 .04 o f the Engle County Zoni ng Reso l u tion .S aidH earing will include the following : File No .Zv -3 1-77-Leo Br ande s s Reque st:Variance f ro m t he rear s e t bac kr equir ement in t h e C om mer cial Li mited Z o ne .(Section 3.07.08 (b)o f theZ oningResolution) Location:Lo t 2 9.Bu ffer C reek S u bdivis io n in W e st Va il ,EagleC ou nty , Colorado Fil eNo .Z v-32 -77 -W e st V ail A ssoc ia tes Requ e s t:Var ianc e fr om t hes ignc ode regul ation i nth e Co m me rcial, Limited Zone .(Section 3 .07.02 (f)o f t he Zoning Re solution ) Lo c a tio n:V a il D as Scho ne S hoppette Ce n te r ,·I:.gt ~I Van D as Schone ~\ie:tHviQion. A parcel of"/(.}/nx IY /'7!l //7 /he £051 o ~i'e -/J o/,r 0 1'",9Je .sourllcasr one - o sc ar ro r p,e S dc !/on II,To iv /1s l ,,;o 5 S o"rh ,Rang e 81 Wesf of'ri,e 6!h Pr/nct;oa/Mer/a/an.Eag le Co unl"f/)Colorado d escr/.he c:l a s:" ./.,8"'9,/7/1//79 01 Ihe /ilorlh ea sle r/y corner <>:3,Jla il L)as,Schcine , 1'/1//109 ,#0,3;1'lJe/1ce a /o''.9II,e So u fheas l-erly /"g hf-of-W0 !l 1'/7e 01' Cho /n on /;.r--La n~017 I he./o //o wl/Jg I -wo c o or sa s :(/)57.35 Feef %ng I-hc. a rc ora .227.3 8 r oo ';rad'-us C(~rve 10 fhe r /ghf Jvhose c en/ra/Qn.Y/e /s 14 "27 'tJ 6"arJci 'vvh os e long c h ord .o eO/'s Al48"/.2 '5';"£57..20 reo e7- ro o/>o/n/ol"rO /1g en/;o /1a(2);V55"26'.29 ",£'196'.04 I'eer 0/0/1,9 sa/a lang enr ;Ihence S4 3'06'35"",,'469,/4 reel'1-0 a />0//710/1 /he NOrlh erly //,ne or fh e fn rcr s:fa re I /,j;hwa j/No .70:'".,-p,ghl -of'·Wag ://7enceSoulhwe.5 rer~:';' aft,/l.9 s aro"/Vor/he r&//ne.on rhc J:'o//o w//7!]TWO courses :(/)5 44 ~cJ2 '..5{_; I/.OO,re el '<0 Opol/1'<or cQrve ;a/1d r 'z ).243,43 r ee l,p/o/79 '<he Qrc or Or said car re:TO rhe r:..ghr I'V hose racr/us /5"5"5.50.00 t=ee~ce nlra/an9'~ /s ,2°80'47"ana whi?.5p-/<7/19 chord hears S 4 S'/6".z0"W .243,41 r ..-el"; r he /7 ce /V42°57/50"A/ana o/tJog f il e /l/orlheasr~r/!///oe 0/sa/ci Lo.l..3, 5 07..2/r~e /10 -"he />0/;',/o r h eg;/7/7//7g,CO/1;!Cl//1//7.,9 ./.24,7 99.09 s,?""ore ·/·eel o r 2 .9650 acres,rn o ra or less;,' "u e .uv a:.L 'U UJ -t-r-C d .L H I t;Ii L rne ll eurlug .or -u ys uo rm u mg w r -itte n s tate me nt s In p er-s on or by m a il t hru the Sec re tary .. Further inform ation m ay b e obtai ne d.a nd c o mm e n ts s ubmi tted .by cont acting the E a gle Co u nty D epartm ent o fP l anning and Dev elo pm ent ,5 50 ,Broadway .E a gl e, C ol or ad o,P h one 328 -6338 . By:Mi ch a el S .Bl air,Se c retary Z oning Doard o j A dju st m ent •• Auqust 1 &,1 977 Store or Sho p County Permit Length of Hea sured I ssued Building S i zes •(fr)(sq f t) 1-V •.D .S .Pha rmacy Ma rch 11,1 975 68 .55 3 3 (0262 ) 2 .Gore valley Liquor ,.April a,1975 3 8 .00 36 (0268) Allowable S izes (sq ft) 4 0 38 3 .Sil ve r Buck le Rcstaurant .~ePt .2 ,1 975 (0373) 4 .Laundromat andc l eane rs ~Ma rch 9 ,1 976 i0433) 4 0.85 2 nd Sign 5 0.10 (c o mbined sign) 19.5 +6.0 39.5 40 40 5 .Hard ware S tore No Record 86 .9 -3 s igns 33.5 ____~.fr ont and back 4 0 9 (2-Store Directory S i gns) 6.Rad io Shack 7.EverydayPeople 8.Auto Parts o f Vail 9.NaturalFoods 10.E-Z Way Rental 1 1.Cable T.V. Al l Other Stores No Record No Reco rd No Record No Re cord No Record No Record No Record 1 8.7 2 4.5 _>(2nd S ign)8 .75 12 .2 3 .7 (Inside wi ndow) ->33.75 32 .0 24.85 6.0 24 .70 10.3 (2 signs) 12.3 2 19 12 3 3 24 24 1 2 •• Aug us t.16 ,19 17 S toreo r Sho p ' • 1 .V.'D .S .Pharmacy 2.Gore Val l ey Liquor 3 .Si lver Buck l e Restaurant , 4 ..Laundromat a nd Cl eaners Co unty Permit Length o f Hea sured Issued Building Si ze s (f t)(sq ft) March 11,1 9756B .55 33 (0262 ) Apri l B,1975 3B.00 36 (02 68 ) Sept.2 ,1 975 4 0 .8 5 1 9.5 (0 373)2nd Si gn +6 .0 Ma rch 8 ,1 976 50 .10 39 .5 (0433)(co mb ined sign) Al lowab le sizes (sq ftl "40 38 40 40... No Record 86.9 -3 signs 33 .5 ___~,.f r on t and back 9 (2 -St oreDi rectory S i gns ) Hardware Store.. 6'.Radio S hack 7.Everyday People &AutoPar ts o fVail 9 .Nat ural Foods 10 .E-Z Way Rental 11 .Cable T .V.. All Other S tores No Record No Reco r d No Reco rd No Record No Recor d No Record No Record 1 8 .7 24 .5 _;..(2 nd Sign)8.75 12.2 3 .7 (Inside window) :>33 .75 32..0 2 4 .85 6 .0 24 .7 0 10.3 (2 s i g ns ) 12 .3 2 19 12 3 3 24 24 12 • Store or Shop ' • • 1 . 2. 3. 4. 7 . 9 . 1 0. 11. V.·D.S.Pharmacy Core Valley Liquo r Silver Buckle Restaurant Laundromat and Cleaners Hardwar e Store.. .Radi o Shack Everyday People Auto Parts of Vail Natura l Foods E-Z Way Renta l Cabl e:T.V . All Other Stores •• August 16 ,1 977 Store o r Shop • 1 .v.D.~.Pharmacy 2 .Go re Valley Liqu or 3 .S i lver Buckle Restaurant 4 .Laundromat and Cleaners 5 .Hardware Store.. County Permit Leng th o f Hea sured Iss u ed Building S izes (ft)(sq ft) March 11 .1<)7 5 6 8 .55 33 (0262) April 8 .1 97 5 3 8.00 36 (02 6 8) Sept.2 ,1975 4 0.85 1 9 .5 (0373)2 nd Sign +6 .0 March 8 ,1 9 76 50 .10 39.5 (04 33)(c ombined s ig n) No Record 86 .9 -3 signs 3 3 .5 ~f ront and back All o....-ab le Sizes (sq f t) 40 3 8 4 0 40 4 0 9 (2 -S tore Di rec tory S igns ) 6 .Ra dioS h ack 7 .Everyday People B.Au toParts o f Va i l 9 .Na tural Foods 1 0 .E-Z Way Re ntal 11 .CableT .V. Al l Oth er S tores NoRe cord No Rc cord No Record No Record No Record No Re cord No Record 1 8 .7 2 4 .5 _..>(2n d S ign1 8 .7 5 1 2 .2 3 .7 (I nside wi ndow) ->33 .75 32.0 24 .85 6 .0 2 4 .7 0 10 .3 (2 s ign s) 12 .3 2 19 12 33 2 4 24 12 • Store or Shop ' • 1.V .·D.S.Pharmacy • 2. 3. 4. 7• Core Valley Liquor Silver Buckle Restaurant LaundroEMt and Cleaners Hardware Store •• .Radio Shack Everyday People .-e) 9. 10. 11. Auto Parts of Vail Natural Foods E-Z Way Rental cable T.V. All Other Stores ;,. 1 \1 'I 'l.l l;l\I I VI 'J I 'U II VI\ll l l\i"J L;l: f l _t h o %e'lliIl7J l I cx.o f u f ion of E ~IB I c.·C O~Jn l ~'I Col e rode to the •r ue N O.?V'-.JJ _Z? r t..'Q P .,id ..fi"-:F:"'eZ D olo roca ,P/~bJ bY '~_, (m ini m ...-n ~cf~)icn f r:!q ~l i r ('V ;pri nt Of I y l'"l u .e xcco t t ,i o rn lufC'<;) uectt cn 9 .0 -1 ,05 1~"';'M l/O ,"",,_!L~5 /i.~//45..5(!-c //7 k _5i £K6,"_",-,y{c:<;,-"-",,,~//r/~/;" r,,':r ·i l Ad ~'r c :>!lo c -/1(~I "//2'i'~.$:.L ~2 LL f 'r.:">'"''':C;~C --7- v 7 1 .t!ca'-,h ..t io,,",n,-...:l Scc uco N UTT ·I ..~,(~<)(If Zonil1g nr1:;;::>h..t ioll rr om .....hic~VDri llllce i n !;oLK)ht : _3-,_C'c',t'?(f)(LL--__ 2 .P r esen t ZO nEJ C/L .r,.L q 131 cJ.o &c ri ~!icn Of pXl~rt y /'I .. It.5 ull(jivit,ir,n NilIne.t2d.jl .:£...lL~.Il.e...t-lIl l dtl rJ1 /'f (tIt/l f 5 Blk__, b.n -ot es und l....,u:1d ;(m(\~'bo l l th::::heV)tnc n-co G'.,lrVCY Of m ap : ,<7;'1'4 »/bil '/'l ,/ or , 5 .Briel F'l"PO~c .n.,d ncccc...fo;V o r i.J'.;Y :ro (rn~be c ~tO:::hcd):/../-c.: .Itor ~/1/"r/'(1"rC(7?t "a r:.5/~/7 "'<'Cr e '::;'->'/r /C't"/'d/.//S -ic /11 /1/111.>#s Jl£p,;ClOd r'iIC~'5-/.<?t "d oa l /C(?///~/~P5 (­ atl/'fIf/iP1 f't/'f/f;''/'vilh l 51-ere;-f >I'flr Ct'/I'/""/j/<"J<'/?U·I'. G.Attcch (.,xp l L.n -dt on 1I1 ,J.t On.:J'or ri'lC'rt c o rt{!lt i ~n -'"cxlut un ~~r SI!C .9 .6 ~.003 .{-5. Cj,0 «,C·,;6 .C,'/I d''7,t:</-o ,(,c 7 .S l otl"n'::'n t: A c omp l c t o I l e t o f ElJ C'\'/OCl rr;~l<Jr:~II-1 f :':;'!~.ot t-ic p rop e l t ):prr .;:'~:ONI for V UI tn oco and of 0 11 own "f£o!,ell '·Jl ~:y.t pr··;...-rl i ...·;i :,cit.:.":huj bcroto ;Illh ::,;lr ~1:,!ory i s pwo or l)'/lJI,l~I C '~';;:"I '~·i }2/'ii0:7.;.V~rii '"~'''~1 ••I ':d 1\0 1(."01\.$ec"a rM e ;;~':y /',1C~_________~;~~:~~~~:~~~:0~:~~~~~r_'c~~~ci!c_t_,.._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_c~~:~:c:c_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-,-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ o ff i ce 1,.1 ::0 App l i cf,liIH):H,;:•.{'p!{'\I,,:1 c omple-te l or Pl l\>lir:l 'I ~l ll ir ".1 on • (1,1,·---._-------b y :........._._._.-:-c--.._.._ p l!u "li ll:1 ;"I"It:lI:.I I :lt,I' r-,I"'ul :' •P N '•.'- £'%/I /£>'I T /l -i €j'(71 h5c r -;O /"~~1 'WN £R '5 C £R TIFI C /-l TE:7i ..'l"c vnders,g nea'.0""179 I he Own . a nd Ih e <'nct(/T],{,rancc holde r o~I he r o llo w/ng toarcel o r lana''' ;1 parc~/o,e /an a'/yo,5'//7 /h e .t!:as r one -h air 0 1""'/l~uoul-.heas f o o e:- q«orle r Q,c S dcl/on //,7O",·n 5 h,;.o 5 S oulh ,Range 81 W esf o r rhe tf,fh "P/'/nc~a/A1cr/a'/on .Eagle COUnT!!J Co lo rado d e.sc r/.hea'a s:. /'.8e 9 ;nn/179 of f he /VorIIJe osfer/y corner or ,L or 3,i/ail LJOSSchcine. /'/;/,/'9 .#0 .3;I /,,?n c c 0 101',9 I/'"S ot ll'heasr er ly r /gh I -of -w a !!j,'n~'0 1' C ho l'noo'?/A'Lan e M 1 The /t:l//o /.v/n g r wo CO lLr .J"CS .o (/).5 7 .3 5 1 eef a /o ,,!]/hc. nr c o-r a ..227.38 roo./rad/as c(~"ve 1-0 Ih e r /ghf J-vh pse cenr ra /o'7y le I~/~"L 7 'a 6"a n d 'vv hQse l o ng chord .b e-a rs N 4 8"1.2'56"£.57..20 ('eer rp a po/nf PI'rang en ";ond ('.2);\/.55',Z6 '.29"£/96'.04 reel-01017,5'sa ra: l ang e nI-;Ih ence S 43'06'.3 5"£-169./4 reel roa pO/l7r p n I he A4Jrlhel'l!f //n e ()I"1 /7e .rn /er s ra ';-~1fi9h wa !;l No .70:'~9h I -()f -tva !!:r hence Sou /-hwesrer /;, a /Mg so/if #or rh.".rly ko <!.on r he ,co//owln5'/wo CourS es :(/)S44"c?2 '..5 ;; //.OO,re..."1 0 a toO,,,,'01'C</rv e ;an a ('2)2-13,4 3 l'e e /~/c179 r h e Q r C or Or said c"~rYe ro The r<9hr »"hose rOt7/r./S /s 55.50 .00 ree r,c CHfra/ang/ /s ZQ.30'47"and whose Ipn.9 chora oca r-s S45"/6"20"IV Z 4J.4 /I'...er ; ,I/u:nce A/42 °57'50";V O'h7 o long I he A/orlh~osrer/y h/7e or 050'(/Lor..3, 507.,Z1 r eel la /he p %l o r l>eg/o/7 /n,9 ,c onlo/n //7,9 /L4,7 9 9.09 s ,?</are "r e e r o r z.ti't550 a c r es/rn o r e or /e s.s ;. p her?hy cer l /ry r h ar I he C OllaOm'/71VIn A -1ap o{,"Va//b as Sc h o'ne Condo - ?//1//(l11s "/S hied /'1 cdn./vnc,L/on w //);/he C ona'om/n"i.on L>e clo n;:?r/on r or 1/(1 //bas Schi/ne CO-'7cTonu/?/v/n s"as r~corc/e.~d /~LJo ok ol.,Poge _ r r//(:records 01",Eagle Co«nly . W {:ST V,4/L'ASSOCIATES .LTD .,A L.IMI T/ZD P 4R TNLTRS NIP Cenera l P ar ln er ..iW:?sl-V a /I LJeyc/op/nen f Corp " (J C%r oda Corporar/on . -S~c relo rl :,.. AT T£ST :------ '1A7",£o~COLOh'AD OlSS ~{/NrV 0 1'£A6L.LJ 7//e fOr~gol'/79 cerll'r/cal-e I f/OS Q/:'Ir n ow/c:.rycd .6~/"o~~/??e /-17/·s __:-:-_--:-_ "?!/or A .b.,/977 n t;'6 .//Na/so'7 Iv,rlh a.s Pr~s"a'cnr "(~by E .C h ar les Sc),,~/f-J':(1$S r.'cre-Ielry 0/11;,-We ..;:i r'Ya//L)~v elop "nc n';'Co r ;' ../.:>r oo'o ('orpara//on,Ihe h '"n ,;-r,tI PLl r l/lt!r or h~,~I Val /A '.'J"s o Clo r(7s I L.7'"0 ,,0 L Ihuln.-I/..i, /1':-1 C t '/1"h JISS/t1/,1 ~':\:,D ,r c ~:;_ •, •••• DEPABTMENT DF PLANNING AND DEVELDPMENT McDoaald Blq:. September 9,1977 West Vail Associates.Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue,Suite 410 Skokie,Illinois 60076 p.o.lies 179 Eqle,Colo.....8 1631 ..Re:File No.Zv·32-77 -' At their Public Rearing on 8 September 1977,the Zoning Board of Adjustmept ubled the variance request f or 30 days .This item will be placed on the agenda for the meeting of October 13.1977.The Board indicated that •''maater plan"for t he total sIgn layout should be wbmitted prior to that date. If you have any questions,please contact this office. Knight Planner 1K/jk cc::Zoning Board of Adjustment Ken Richards •.Richards Engineering ._~DPpot1_"VPlanninlt Commission:Subdivision.Rezoning.Applications and Revi ew (303)328-6338 -BuildinK Offid al :Building l'errni13 and I~pectio n.ZoninR'Admin istration (303)328-6339 ••DEPA ITfUNT DF PLA NNIN GAND DEVELDPr,tElIT EA GLE CO UNTY McDonald HIdg'.550 IIro adway 1 8 Au gu st 1 977 P ,O.Rox 179 Eagle.Colorado 816 3 1 We st Vail As s o ci at es ,Ltd. 9 9 33 L a wl e r Av enu e,Suit e 410 Sko ki e,Illi noi s 60076 Re:File No .Z v-32 -77 Va ri anc e At t h eir r egular mee ti ng on 17 Au gust ,'th e Eag l e Count y Planni ng Commi ssi on r e comme nd ed appro val of y our va ri ance applic ation subj ~ct t oa n ag r eement that:'. 1. permit s Si g ns be expire. brou g ht i nto compli ance a s s oo n as their l ea s e s / 2.Th ose s ig ns not having p ermits b eb ro ught into c omp liance Lnuned La t e Ly • T hi s r e comm end a tio nwill be pres ented to th e Zo n ing Boa rd of Adju stmen t at their public h earing on 8 Se pt emb er be ginning at 1 0:00 A.M .in th e McDonald Bui ldin g ,Room 11 103,5 50 Broa dway , Eagl e,Col orad o . I f you have any que stions p lease co ntact t hi s offi ce. Ter rill Kni g ht P lanner T K /dk cc :Zon in g Boa rd of Adjus tmen t Ken Richards,Richards Engineering P l an"i n ~n "p a r t mc 'nl /f'lannin "Comm issilln:S uhc li\·ision .Il l"lonins:.A pp lications a nd Re view 130313Z8-6338 lI \l i hli n ~Orfidal:Il u il din ~I"'rmils a nd l ns p-e uon,Zon in/.:Administr a tion 1303)32H ·63.19 A PPLIC ATI ON FOR VAR IANCE f(c....the Zoning Reso lution of Engle Co•.mty,Co torcdo t o t he Zoning Board of Ad ju n tm c nt e •.- F lIo No .<}/..U 77 FiM Paid ..r.:re ~ Date r occ,V(/77 bY:..K'/Jf;:now . (mini mum 5 ccc toc rcql.l l rt'd ;print or ty po,except ~tQn~turcs) aoc uce 9.04 .05 1.Regu lation nnd Sectlon Nul'Tlbcr(s)of Zoni ng Ro:>olutlon from which V DI'i fJr'l ctI I s sought: ;i,06,02 (f)(I) 2 .Prosent Zone C/L 3 .Ge-r1oro l loc.ll.tlon of pr opctrty~(In relati on to 8 ":.7'Ro od ,Stroom or ~r l5]dmark): Vall !/Ci ;.sclt ~l1 e .fII1'/e-Re.(.elJf~,' 5 .Brlof Purpose~n e esco fOj YCJi.enco (m,?,be o~tachcd):_/'/~. ..F4r ~nl<'r,p,'f'rtnr/1 "~l'S/~/I c eo«:a .~/7 j?t?/<1//~S -Ie 111/,/I,/!.4-!;/,C p,;tint!re?",~5 -/4 ,p r/eUJC (U'/rh /~Q5(, a t rfIJM P,,-fI 1?t'I<>idJJ 5J/c,dS ¢.1/9H CO"',.o<l'Hj/~,K'/!7/r f'. •Attach o xphll1mion thet oneJf mor 6 Conditi ons oxl s tu ndor Snc.9 .64 .0 6.{..~. "I.O</"Ci66 .a /1d "7,~<v-"tf.c .. 7.Stot('~nt: A ce o-cre te net of!!!.!OWflQr s DddIess e5 ,of t ha property p ropo3Od f or v ertcoec and of 011 owt1Crl;of po!.!oo j l!:lC'ent pr'J;>Crlia~b cU,z:hod ecr cte:t hie s i 91;J(o ry I s ~epo rlY / a dhor "·t c,ma:~fl;pl"Jt i"r.V.,ari ilrl::....slated re.ceo ,.s ec'p r/t1CZE~t'n4/ ,~.,t'.[uh ,L,1'-7"-77 . S ign wrc o f oulrori;z:cd ili'Pl lccnl;~?4...-Qt?;i:f!.Doto • -_._..._._._....-._-._--------------------------~-----~-----------_._----------..._-------- off ice ucc Appli cation a ccoptod as cOlnp ldc-l o r P \Jb ll c He-mino on Y,I'177 I Appli cati on rej e ct ed D ~lncorr.plotu l er P ubli C'Hc url r,g eececco : P r lo,)'J 1 01 ~ • E A'/I/LlIT J WN£R'S WEST V4 IL 'ASSOC IATES ,L -rD ..A I.'''''/TEO PAKTNE,{'SHIP Cd'JI7e~a/Par ln~r :we .s r V o//LJe ycloprne nl Corp., t1 C(J /tJra do Corpo rarl'on. ,4T TEST :----------------- -S~cre lo,...I .·, s rte r;e OF COLORAD O(SS ~'O VN -rP 0""£A6.UJ r .l?<:/Or<:9 0';"9 c""rfirlco(-e was Q;:knowle;Y.ged .6<:1'0;'<:me rh/s --:C7'--;-- /a y 0 ';:-.4.D'J /977.by o .//(I'(1"so n J0r lh a s Pr~s /a'en r m t>'6.51 E .C harl es Schu h~.z:es S 6'C'r..t'a ry of t'I,,.We "f Yo ;'1 /)",v ..,/op "''''''1 ''C o r p o lJr a do t'orpora l/on ,r he G l"!n r.r(7/P Qr r/ler or h/e s I Va,1 .4sso c/o ,t~s ,L.To .•oL/nu ltr:l'J.~t .A .y.C t'P7 hUSS /on E x,/.n r~:'..:._ • RICHARDS ENGINEERS,I_ P.O.Box 6<la<Cl OD AVONX l(ll1!Ji COLO RADO 81BSl 8 1620 Eagle county P lanning De~p~a~r~tm~e~n~tc-_TO 949-50 72 VaU_ 89 3 -15 3 1 Denv er2 "~ OATE I~OB NO <'Q77 "TTt",T<o ", "'Va il Oas S cho n e Condominiums Sion Vari ance Applications---S50---.l3 roadlrlay'l-__ -Eagl e •CQ lo::adO-~8163-l.1 _ GEN TLEMEN : o Samples 0 _ o PlansoPrints o Change or der o Sho pdr awings o Copyo f Jetter WE ARESENDING YOU xx Attached 0 Und erseparate cover via t he fo llowing it ems: o Specificat ions ,.~Io. CO PIES DA TE NO .O"SCRIPfiON ,Q -~77 _'"A.,-:l L!oL..$35 .OO ..Sign-yariance.-Applic..a.tion-F.ee-'lruLS.l.65 _for... .••-,. ,0 __77 JL..shpet s -add resses of ad joining_prnpert¥owners f or si g n varia nc -,. I1teE/III:"" "-v u 0 7977 ~l.1,;1 l'I~r.r.<Iro~,.r.,O/f 0'\f);.",.... T HESEARE TR ANSMITIED as check edbelow : 0 Forapprov al 0 Approved assu bmi tted xl<l For your u se 0 Approved asnoted 0 As requested 0 Returned forcorrections 0 For reviewand com ment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 RE MARKS o Res ub m it ~__copiesfor approval o Submit __copies for di stribution o Return co rrected prints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TOU S Ca rol S.RichardsSIGNED:_-"~""__"''__''''''=='___....._...._-_.._- COP Y TQ,_ 1977 • Vail Height s FilingNo.I,Lot 9 An drew &Shirley K.Bec k P .O.Box 1 413 Vail .Colo rado B1657 Vail Heigh ts Fi ling No .I,Lot 1 0 La rs Arne Hamre P.O.Box 1414 Va i l .Col orado 81657 Vail Ueight sFiling No .1 .Lot 11 Michael D.&Barba r aA.Cor d ell No.2Wesl eyan Place 3233 Wesley an Pl ace Houston.Texas 07702 Va il lleigh ts FilingNo.1 .Lot 12 ~~rk R.&Bernadine M.Kruse P .O.Box 794 Vail.Co lorado 81657 Vail Heights F iling No.1 .Lot 13 Davi d &Ma rie Lewis Min ick P.O.Box 33 4 Vail ,Colorado 81657 • RECEIVED AUG 8 -4 - AD DITIONAL OWN ERS • Lot 1 4,Va il Heights -VA IL HEIGHTSNO.2 CO NDOMI NIUMS Unit l Ao Un it I B Un i t.Ie Uni t 2A Uni t 2 8 Un i t zc Unit3A Unit3 D Uni t 3C Agnes M.McCa rt ney 3 04 Cabeza Neg ra Dr ive Rio Ran cho ,New Me x ico 8 7124 J ohnL .Cree l 9 70 Bi rchc rest Av en u e Br e a,Ca li forn i a 9262 1 S .Doug las and Mary S .McLaughlin Box 653 Va il ,Color ado 816 5 7 Sol a nd Elai ne G.I .Holland Box 2233 Vail ,Colorado 8 16 57 Ma rge E.Li nden Bo x 95 5 Va il .Co lor ado 8 1657 James C .a nd ShirleyA.Cra ig Bo x 11 4 Vai l,Co lo rado 8 1 6 57 L c o ~B .and J ud ith E .Hin es Box 1 525 Va il ,Colorado81 657 Robert I ,Kydd Bo x 119 7 Va il ,Co l orado 81657 Georg e Eliop ul os Box 1 94 8 Vail ,Co lorado B 1657 - •-5- I ~t 1 5 ,Vai l He ights ,VAIL HE IGHTS CONDOM IN IUMS : Sha ila Ma cCamB ridge (Blackwell ) c/o R .J .Kle iner 1631 South Ba lsam Street Lakewoo d,Colorado • Un it.1 Un it 2 Unit3 Un it4 Unit5 Uni t6 Unit 7 Un itB ....nit 9 Unit 1 0 Un it 11 Unit 1 2 H aakenscn -Isakscn -I~aa cson Box 7 85 Vai l,Co lorado 8 1 657 F r edK .Burgum cia Arth ur F armers 'Elevator Co . Ar thur ,North Dako t a 58006 David M.Floyd Box1084 vai l,Colora d o 8 1 657 F rank R .McNei ll Box 1 49 1 Vail ,Co lorado8 1657 Woo d-An drikop oulos &S imakso c/o A.G.Andr ikopoulous Box 788 Che yenne ,wyoming 72001 Rob ert McM illan Bo x 1035 Vai l,Colo r ado 8 165 7 Alvin H.Hankins Box17 7 1 Vai l,Colorado 8 1657 Patri cia A .Ri ckman Bo x 1383 Vail,Colo rado 8 1657 Sidney L.Br onstein 71 63 So.Vine c ircle West Littl e t o n.Co l orado 80122 Charlyn M.Costel lo Box 26 1 . Vail .Colorado 81657 Thomas C .O 'Brien Box 4 32 Vai l .Colo rado 81657 GaryD.Emmrick Avon . Col orado 8 1 620 •-6 - Lot 1 6 ,Va il Heig hts ,VAIL HE IGHTS NO ,II I CONDOMINIU~~ Pove rR~oyt ~Rick ley Box 1 576 Vai l ,Co lorado 8 1657 • Uni t4 Unit5 um t 10 T .L .Wiest Box 2839 Va il ,Colorado 8 1657 Richard E .and Cynthia Sexton Box 1 8 11 Va il ,Colorado 81657 Bruce J.and Claudia K.Ro e l ~nd Box 1 986 vai l,Co lorado 8 1657 Lot 1 7,Va il He ights ,CROOKEDS KI -TOWNHOUSES RichardL ,E l ston 16Cl ift Rock Lane Wood bridge ,Conne cticut 06525 Uni t1 Un it 2 u nit 3 Un it 4 Gi l ber t -B eeson-Deeson Box 76 1 Va i l,Co lorado B1657 Howard and Sharon F ri c ke c /oEdn a and Cl a us Fr icke Post Offi ce Box6 92 v a i l.Co lorado 8 1657 La nghoff a nd DeCook Post Offi ce Bo x 2 126 Vail ,Colorado 81657 GeraldS .Morris 260 A So uth Monaco Parkway Den v er ,Col orado8 0224 •No.lHLH ~:>\vJ RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL IIINUflAICE COYOA&E I'IOYIIlm- .".FOR ImJIUTIOMAL MAl. ($eeRewtM) IX •'''!NDU;{'.-.pine iwau 1.2,_no.!i. ....•Add YOU '&dd..".in doc '"linaN'TO "....oai-.w. -•- 1.11It'followin ..RJVice is req_ed (c hrd.one).o Show to wboon an d date de M rM ............1.5 1oShowtowhom,date,A.addrna of dl'li~ry_3.5 ,o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Sbow to whom and dale ddiV('re'd .......•..._6~o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to wboIn ,dill e,and addras 01 delivrry 8S, I NSURED NO. 3..ART I C l ~DDCR lfl'TlON: filIE GIST£RED NO .CE RTIFIED NO. • s 1~:;:::::ie;~~~~~~~~~~~~:!!!;;!L:=~i1!~C "'Iw ~.......".lcnetu.........._... ...I have Itteived the article d escribed .bove,a SIGNATURE 0 Add.rSS('e 0 ut horitt-d a~nt 2 .AIlTlCU:ADDft£SS£D TO:•:1•z ~1-;--;;;;;;;.;--;;;===---..:..::---.:.-----.:...1 ~ • z "0~..... • ~•o•, • •o.883B4Y1 .V RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ••_fJI:l to'tHACEI'III¥IlED- 1m fII~TDW.MAI. (See Revwae l -,TO (.~Ic D ~pt '".~ RHn R~.---.S.« S ~fT ~1<lO i:l.<ILL 1/r+.A ..e , I P,)~~T"IEAAC r~ 9 (p zo ""'~• e C8'1lFlFD~• 9P£ClALDt'lM"Av ••R£SlRICTED DEl rvEP\,•0•im u _IO_~ ;>llilTfoalYffll'O ••i i•SICJrTO JItOlIlA11. ~ga AlII ..orN"S5or •"""'.. ~StlMro ...._IlA Tt i ~•IlflJVfflfO -.r1'>IlUTJlCltll •I """'.. Iii _ro ....1lA1l UIl ll«fI.SS or fIUMJn'III1M •M'STIII:Tftl08._ TOt""li'On __•. -~7 ·-\• .J s~~..~(~~~, g oli\-..'""II ... i1 " •~c• •SENDEl\:Coa:op!nr Rna.I,1.~nd \. •'.Add fOOI r .dd,....in tho "1lEn/ltN TO"_0' ~. I .Thf'follow in,llCrvia is requated (check 0Il~).o S how to Who lXl and date d elie ered •••••__....•IS,o S how to w hom,datt:,&.ad d",,"of delivery_35,o REST RIGTED D ELIVERY, Show to whoul.and d.tt:ddivrnod •..•..•••.r-6.51 0 RESTR ICTED DELIVERY. Show t o whom,d a te,IUId add".of dfl.1i",ry 851 2..urnc:u:ADOAf.SSED TO: Z•"0 3 .Amell:DDClt lmo",,:, ~R[Gl STUED NO .I ;;;1;° 9 N;.I IN5\"t[O NO. •"•s ..o.,obbln ......tLI ...,....._.r-..nt) "I ha ve recei ved the article d eacri~d a bove."~I\N ";o A dd ,"""~0 A Ulhuriz.,d aJl;en t x,•/l~\/7(', \;I/~flOST ......KaDAn:Of OEUV [RY >Z 5.ADOfl:US (Compllfte ......7 W r.qUMt H)0 § S 6 .UNABU TO onlVtR 8E CAUSE:CUR";'"0 I NIT"'lS•>•~-,~~ "~ 0•• 0 ""0 • 0 0 • !,;• ••g No.tH l.H ~~\.:,~ ~~cEi l'T FORCERTIFIED MAIL NO "SURAMCE COVEIlAGE Pftll'tlDED- NOT FOR In'ERNADlNAl MAl. (See Rellerse j ~CERTIFIEO FEE •~SPH:;l-'L OElMl1Y •~AES~I ~DOEUVEA1 ••w ~wy 2 SHOW TO Wl(N,l ~•>>[1,1,I~OEl.I'..IJI;O •ffi ffi••w S>(JW fOWllOM.o.r.tt•"•ANlI -'OOII:SS Of •••~lIHlVERY0Z•0 0 8l(lW •0 WM)I,l .t.NlllA n•"w S ••lIH.lVfREO WITHRl'5TRICTEO •0 Z llfl-'I'l'Rl••z ffi SlIlW TO \IMlM.OoITl AN{!0 AOORUS OfOEUII~l WITH •0 •IIt.STlIICrrDOElMRV o- • •l'•! •SENDER ;Complcu ;f<1fIl 1.1.~nJ I . .Add pou r I ddftU ;11 the "lU!lVaN Ta'1pKl:Oft.~~. .il:1 11.-The foUowinr Krriee i.~u~l C .."'.o Show 10 whom and date d eli 1.1.1 .1Sf'o Show to whom,.da te ,a .d d~of dt'l iwry.•!.5toRESTRICTEDDEI.IVERY. Show to whom and date dfoliyerrd~._._•••.•6S, 0 R ESTRICTED DELIVERY. Sbow 10 _bum.date,and ..dtrl~y1 t-ry as.. 2 .AATteU ADOROSED 1'0:,11 1- 1 .ARTlCLE D£5CRIPTlON :- R£GISTERED NO.I?r~n;oCj9 I INSURED MO_ "0 ,....Motal.....-_..0HId'._.......,t)~I have rec eivtd th e a rticle described above .13 S IGNATURE o Addrt"5M't'o A uthoril<'d a llt'n l~I~~.A.~A:.-. .:«~aV DATE OF O£UVERY ~~~<1\'~So AODRESS (CompMr.0'11,."I c-1 .....:J n ~'•~.3 ~/~ "ClER K"S•Ii.UNABLE TO DELIVER II [CAUS~ 0 INITIALS E tUF 'tt _.1W-O-20l-.,. e--- UN ITED STATESPOSTAL SERVICE OFFICIALBUSINESS O'.mf nf Sfo nd ..r) (Stt ffi or P.O.Bnl (Cit,.51.te.•n d Z IP Cod ..) , .,~O .88'H 98wv f{ECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL .-·'IGCIV'EIAC(~_R11I1Tm1ATaAlIUel. (see Revefw) 1 ';'::;:A,MI•.r:,Ii"'" ~:I ~M)Ft Co).~.,d;,..JJ,..e I Pl/~~n.<H)Z::~n ,",-Y.-r",Y'~ I '"~• B Cl-IlIFJEOrtE • ~"''''''''''----.•~I4STRK;nDllHM H~• I~i SlOW 10WIt)M AI«!•Mil DRIVllIED I _,a -.DAIl. ~i --...•~~ •I _lU liIIClM IlCI ClAn """'"'"-"""""•I z ~ SlfM lO-'lloI Tl_-ssfJlllO.MJl't'MTH •U """""~ lO''''1'lXT4Qf.AMD FRS • _~~n('~ ....-/......'. '<c ~VOI"Q ,§-C'5:: ~ST1:K "ST"IlE STA'"TO AIITlClE TO CDYEII RIlSY a....11 rosrAQE, CERTftD MAil FEE ,AND CHAMI EI FOR "PlY SELECTE DOI"llONAl SERVICES .II"!mill 1."11 you .alll this recelpt postmarked.sbc~tile gumrn8ll stubonthe lell pot1,on ot tile address SId e 01 ""Ie artICle.In "II.~'.!tIC "',andpr«se01Ir.t ¥tIC ..,t a post oNlCI lelYlC8 wiMOW CJ' Mild it to your nnl camer,{no utra cllilroel 2.II yOU do notw.ant Itilll'llCelpl po$tman<.lld,slick tile ~"loCI on lht lei!portIOn ai,,,,,addre ss s'oe of ltM aft"..,dilte.lNtaeh ard retain the receipt.all:!rnallltJIi1r11Cle J.Ityou WIll!iI return leeeopl.vmle!hecertJI'lllHn&l1 numbet dm youllllWJ1.3fld address on,return ret.ipt card.Form 3811,andattach it kI thfIlrOllI of 1M article b'y mnlls of tIlogummed ends it spate PlIfl!l'tS,O!herwlSI,alb.10back 01 artlcle.ElllIorr.e Iront 01 at1lcle ll£TU RNIECEPT RElItJUTtD acljaCOO1 10 lilt "umbel •II you want d.,1'0'""rMlTictecl to the addressee.I)t to an'Ut~l)Illed lOIn!I:J 'Ilt .cld'e&see. endcne RESTRICTED DELIVERY Ollihefront of It.arter 5.Enll!ll IlMls 101 the sevees ~UO$ted In the appro!:m'le spielS on tile 'ronl 01 tNs llCOIlll It relum fecllpl,S rllQlltlltod.c'-ek the app!Icatlie lJjocks In Itern 1 01 Form 3lI1 1 6 .Si ve this receipt and prllHnt IIII yoo make IflQUify I .The followinl'.erviee i.I req llettoShowtowhomanddateddioShowtowhom,date ,I:adoRESTRICTEDDELIVER SI.ow to w hom and date dd o RESTRI CTED D ELIVER Show to who ....d ate,a nd ad 3 .ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: It !:GISTtIlIl:D NO.CERTIFIEDNO. ~ai'"".-.~u".....=.",".-ro--on="""=--.='CA""'u-,.,,..,,.-_L;:'''; l?L...,.."~~;,,..,~ /JI~~~~I-:--:-•~,~--", z !•a !:II~s.=A~O~O~'C,,=.----------u.. •• 2.ARTICIL "ADDfl:DSLO TO:~••z ~I-,...,.."",~~,..,,===----~~ .~ !• No.8 8320 l -t:.~ RECEI FOR CERTIFIED MAIL lIIIlNSIMAJICf COVWIf.I'flOYUD- 1m RIlImIllATIOIW.IIIAIL (8efI RttYerse) • • • • • • SII1W TO WIOl Dolo 11-......~~"''',.""TO WIOl ~l\ATI otl.NUIflI WITH.-SArTfO lHlVI:~' SUltET AMl'C) Bt:>'i lIZO •SENDER :c......p lo:"l ~it """I.2.~nol t . .Add ?OUr .doral ia Ih~"UTVaN TO "._~.~~. I.The foUowin'lervice is requel,ed (check o n~l .o Show to w hom and date d eli¥cm:I .__•....•..•'"o Shaw to whom.date,".ddrn.of d f'liwry .•'"o RE STRICTED DEI.IVERY. Show to wborn and d ate deliwcred ..••••.•••_."o RESTRI CTED DELlVF.R Y. S how to whom,dau,an d ad dtQI of d eliver)'85, 2.AltTICLf:ADOItDSEO TO: 3 .Aft'TICL[D£SCRII"TION : RLGISTtRtD NO .I;;l F~Z ~j I IN$UJlED NO . IAlwayoi -'*'1"U ...,......_...-..m) I h ave I'ttei¥cd the article desceibed .bowe .;i\N ATg ~;2:/-0 A:::.",'"' e•.~l'DATT.Of'DEllVUY :~7 £~~~K o 7 -2/t."I'-'~.........lo.m~M'~"...."-1 wi>~'#~\%,,\\\\1P;!~\.~.:t:, 6.UNAeu TO On""[R BECAUSE:I'~~RI('S•0 INIT\ALS ~l>-r-v_--.0-__ -•• •;• UNITEDSTATES POSTAL SERVICE OFfICI"L BUSINESS ._.~'~'r J oJ s-:Ill"'I ."~__.,__.~.'~,!tcl 1 ~. RETURN TO I ,....._!~_...... ••[a gl~Conly OejliTl lmt G!"::nift l And DeH!apa etl f .a ~J lSi Ei gJe,C~b.11631 (Na m ~or IInd.r } {Stl't'<!t or 1'.0.Il O:l1 (C it ,.,Stfl.to!,and Z IP Code l ~•-e No.883205 ll.!lJ csmr FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 1Il-...wa CDVEUSE"VIlEO- MITfOIlfTBMA TI*llILU. (see Reverse) I ~'O <+R.~Dc )D,.<'•.,~.f~IANlNO /../1",r...ti~e r- £;;Je~r:Jo S'/~:0 "'"• •(;€RT.lEOfH •~!lPEC1Al.O£UVEFIY •••RFlITfIlCT'ED llfUVERY •e •~•n SItOw TO ...._AMI •DIlTl llfllYfIlED:U~9IlWro_GAlT-~O\(l.lll(lllESSOl •<•~.~~~SlIM''l1I_AlII ClAn~••~;D8.IWlIifO .....TIIJl(S1Jl>C lil •I -~~SJoOIr TO W>OI.llIlrt "'II C ~r»Ilfl.lVHlY Wffil ••.~f1II'CfRI D8.M:"'" T OT"'~PO$fAGf:"'1Cl ~•~T~""or.':s ~~c~.-r ~C'- "f :-.c- .0° I.The (oIlowinl tervice i.~U"lted (clwod:one l .o Show 10 whom aDd date de IMft'd ......••.•.•UioShowCOwbom,date,I:add",u 01 d"livt-ry .."..o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and dale dr)iW'rrd .__.•.•.....bS;'o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show 10 whom ,dale.&.a d addraa of d"I iwry 851 •, a• :",:-::;:::::::::"""__"""",__...,,,,,__-,-:-~,-1-++t-I--..., l'I-.-:----"'''''~I-e INSU RED NO.0 0. •2•z ~_·I-:,...,:=::=,-:..,,:==="',...------------I.~S.AltTl.cU D£SClIUI'T ION: ~REGISTERED NO .CERTIFIED *_,-..0-__ j ••,•z • , • No.883209 vJ v ~ECEI TFOR CERTIFIED MAIL MO IUUfIANCE COVERAIiE PROVIlED- HOT RlfIIfTERMA TIONAl MAIL {See Reverse) SENTTO .:)/s{r 'C't 7?d/1q~;- STRE£T "''«INO U.S.F:J ...."t.~\"(!r"ICe.. ••• e • • • • '"~ '"".I.~followinllCrvice ill requeeted (c heck o n~).o Show to whom aDd date dehvered .,••_•.•••.•o Show to whom,date."add~a.01 d i!livl!'ry ..o RE STRICTED DELIVERY. Sh _to whom a nd d al!!d rlivf'I"l"d ..•..•.•••..• •; ;:z •SINDER:C-plcle item .I ,1.and \. ':!'.~....dd ""'••01 01 ......ia thor "REroaN 10"op...-_;~"""''''. ~- o RESTRI CTED DELIVERY. Show to whom.d ate,aDd addrr:a 01 drliwory 85 1 INSURED NO . 3 .AmCLE O£SCRIPnON : REGISTERED NO.CERTIFIED NO. 2.ARTtCt.£ADDRt:SSl:D TO:~•za1-;:-;:;;;;;-;-;;;;;;;:;;;;;;"';;:------------1 ~ UN ITED STATESPOSTAL SERVICE OFFIC IAL BU SIN ESS SENDERI NSTRUCTIONS ""'_I _,_...._.,lid l iP CMt In ttl.bolow . ·~~J.Z.3"1"-. ........."."""1Id etbdl to frMt <II ,,1 Id. II ...'"....,..01"'elfil til ••'"I rtldl.•taNrII ./tid."1IIl '"",,-_od".}II. •1111 --". I'(MA!."FOIt '"I\lAItunTO10\10111 '''YlUIff Of 'OSTA CE .$JOG 00 RETURN ITO EllIe Uu:ty D t ~a ,l it ~:;l or ~::~j.i a~Au CmlUlLul P.O.aJI 131 h VI .t Dl0.BHl1 I NIIIlt-ot fI.coadu ) (l!I tl'Ht or 1'.0 .BOI) {('I t,.811tl.I nd it ll'Cu d ..)" ,No.~~::s n ~V RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL IIIMSURAMCl COVBAIiE PWOYIJEIl- IIOl Felt ItTOIATJONAllIIAI. (See Reverse) SEJ(lT v..I'P ~-r-"9J <.va "'I "'_.f.aa.,iJ,r t, S~t:l7NO P~;Sl ""(7"0 .).y e., """""• •CUlfFlf'DfH •••SPECIAl.DELIVERY •••REST "'CfE0 OEcl.lVl:RV •0•~•s ~2 St(lW 10 'l'IIIllIl NIl •">".""""'"••~•I•SIW 10 'II'lOII.llATl . """NIl A(DlfSSI7 •••a DRMIlY~Z ~U gaw ID MIlIII NIl Oo\TI"•"•IlfLI\/HII'O W!Tl<A£S I'IlIt1UI •"~z """,,z ~SHOW TO *'OIl.llo\Tt AIIIl0~ol.!XIlESS (f DRMIll'WIn;•u IllSTlIClUlllfllYfAV• Tot4l !'OSTAQE ANO •~AItI(0'l0A/(.i\~/"5 ._~l\)0-r.,-0 '"0,;.... ~"....- •S• " e• a j' !!! •SEND EI.:C.......~iwca.I,1 .aM \. ...Add _,oddrns in Itw "un.r ~TO"IJ'6C'!011 ~. I.The following..,rvice iJ requnted (checl:on e).o Show to wbam and d ate d elivered ••••••..____IS,o Show to wbam,date,"ad drr.of deli~ry_>S,o RESTRICTED DELIVERY . S how to whom and dale ddivel'td ..•___...•__6 51 o RE SllUCTEDDE LIVERY . Show to wbonl ,date.a nd addrra 01 cW li_ry 8 51 2.AR'TICU!ADDftUSlO TO: 3 .ARTICLE D£SClIIll"1'lON :- IIIEG1STU[D NO.IR[;3~;;_I INSURED NO. -............In ...........ftIf ....._... "I have ft:i:eiVfll the a rticle drKribed above .;\a:;Y~;::':d 0"., e./OAn or O[LlV ~>P'O ST MA RK >7 -;U -7 2 &..AODRfS.S ceom~OftIy if ......HNd)0 g•"••s,UNABU TO D£LIVEA 8 ECAUSE:CLERK'S 0 I NITIALS•>" !;; - •No.~~::H~q .,v' RECEIPTFORCERTIFIED MAlr ..._am;tIWBAII..aYIIED- IIOT fOI.-rmlAllDIW........ lSeeRtMneI ••• • • • • (,.'·r • • _ra _.OATt-......~-~ -"GMQI_DolTl IlilNlIlUl "'Ill IISTl'1Cml """"$H3lI TlIIllIIOI DolI1 UCl .-s5lF an_WITM 'If$TlETflllllllW(l" AESTIllCTEO OEl.N£RV Pn...$I"'EANDTF~Co 1..""',- i ~•S •I c, •.!ENDER::'ConIpl","itftn l 1.2,.n.J \. .Add JOUr .dd.....in the "R£nJRN TO "_~0.._. I .The followine:wrvice is req uested (check o ne ).o Show 10 wbmn and date d eliverrd•••••__.•••.IS,o Show to wboon.date.I:add~of delivuy.•'S,o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Shuw 10 whom a nd d ate drli"Tnd ..__..••..._6~o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. S how 10 wh om ,d ate,a nd add..-ol lkliYf'ry BSt 2..umCl£ADDRESSED TO: 3.AATICU ODCItII"TlON: REOI ST ERED NO .I;~JfT;I ~']N:I INSURED NO . (AM,,"~n......-.at ~.r I ha ve ~iyc d th e article d t'IC ribed above . r\:l~o Addrl'ssre o AUlhorill:'d aK,"llt WIA/1L .-/I/DA~hr~rz;ERY ~t MA RK •1 ).;1.I~z S.ADoll E:SS (Compl_ortI.,H-.q....~••till.:/'?-0 n Ie:I~'(l.~j~,e-:E7"Ii.U NABLE TO DnfV[Jt BECAUSE: 0•'-•r , . 1 l, -I-." , ~ =•••••••~ •-No.883197 RECEIPTFORCERTIFIED M ~lt NO ll$lJRANCf CfIVERAGE PlWva..o- NOT fOfIlfTtllMA110NAL MAl. (see Reverse) ••• • • • , • F l. !H:JW 1'0WIUl,D~I~ ~""""~llElNfR¥ S>llWf1I_A~DATl DtlMRl-D WIlli "fSTIICTfO DfLIVERl $l(lW TO '/OHOlII.DilTt A,NI) -.ooRlSS Of lJEl.lVelY IItITil 1tl'$TRI.:Tf{l DtlIVUlV SPECI""-DELMRV RESTFUCTIOOEUVERY sa LL (', TOtAL POS'"Gf "HlIFEU5h<miiW...."'::-:cc----'----j w !"'..-• ~_.--..o-__ • ••SENf>U :Coriip ktt-itftIlJ 1,1,and \. i'.Add }'OIIl add_in tM ..••••....e.... •I.The rollowin,Jervice il nq...• ~o Show to whorn and date del"'"o Show to whom,cble,.I:a dd >S, 0 o R.ESTRICTED DELIVER••Show to whom and d ate M I ..6~o RESTRI CTED DELIVERY Show 10 wh om,d ate,and ad • 1.:: ·f .•~--_0-I ~ No.tstsjLUj v~~ RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSUflA NCE COVER AliEPROVIDED- !KIT FOR ItTERMA TXINll MAll. (See Reverse) P~..STATEAN(lr~ c""',- SPECI.oJ.OEUVERY yo Z-J •••• • • • • IncK POITAIIE ITA....TO n11Cu:TO COVEll NIT CLAIII'OITA8E, CEIITHD lIIo\L FEE.AND CHAIIIEI fOR ANY IEUClID OPTllIlAlIfJlVUI.(III hlrl) t.11 you want ttn rDC~lpl postmlr~lId,Slick lh!IgummMl s~b on IIlll rett portion at lilt addrassskle of 1M artiers.INvlllll!lllKel'lltllcllld,arl:!pl1Sln,the article ata pOSI eeee S8fViC.window or tlancl it fO ywr flIfll calT'lr .lno extra chargel 2.II youdo not Wi/1!thjs recect pos1marlleG.stick tIMgummed 51iJJ on trlo lettpor1jon oIthli address side olllle an!c1e,date,delilcll aflll/llarn lhlI fectllpl.itodmalllh!l amcle 3.II you",anI I return recIlpt,wnle lh!I cenffiedmallllJlT\ber and your name anclllklreu ona relllm retelpl carll,Form 3811.and a!tach 1110 Il'lfI trOllI of the artlcle!ly means oltrMI g~mmed &nds if space permits.Qtl'leIWlS e.alTx to tlaCk of 3ftJCIe Elldoru front of nell REMN RKEI'T IlEQUESTtD adjacen1lo!tlll number, 4.11 you wam deli~lIi)'rastricttld to the eooressee.llI"to an authtll'1zlld agent ollhe adclressee, erecse AESmlCTEO DElIYERV on the tront 01 the article. 5.En\«tees lor teeservces f8questellln the~propnllle $~Ce5 on tne Iront rJ IllS receipt,It reMn racllplls reQuested,check the apptlCabIe tl!OCks In nom1 at FDfm 3811. 6 save Ihs recetpl and ptesenl1111 yoo maklll~uiry a SENmR :Comp~item.L 1.an<!\. Add )'QU I .ddlnt ill tiw:"U'IlJ1tN TO "--~~. I.The l ollowinr.ervice is req uested (c h«k one ).o Show to whom Uld d ate d e li ft~.........__.'"o Show to whom.,date,I:a ddft'_of deJivuy.•'"o R ESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to w hom a nd date dd i_n-d ..•.__•..•...",o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show 10 whom,d ate.Ilnd .ddn:a of d e liftry as .- 2'.AJmCLI[ADOR[$$o!D TO: 3.AJlTICU D€SCRlf"TlON: REGISTERED NO.I;[;;I ;O~'I INSU IU:O NO . (Nw.,..MWn......._••..-> I ha,.~i""'ciZ'd ~n",d .bo".!\..NATUVOAd ~thOriZt'd a,ll;cnt c •. 8 /DAn °7~R ~h ;:'~$T~ J>.:2-/77 ../''-;...~,.ADD ''''-~-"'Y''''''i-'.6<'~'Ja-"2 ~;:.,:n ~~, 6.UNA 8LE TO O£lIVEIt 8 £CAUS£:":.:.J~~~,f S•D ....s ~, •• :••!! • .. o.•88 :i 2 U2\\1 V RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL ....AIEE caveule PIlOYIJB)-. .aT RIIIrTEIU TDW.MAl. lSee~ursel a C!;RTFlEO FEE •~•~•~ f ••• • • • • •ITICK POSTASE ITAMPS TO uncLE TO COVEll ARST ClASS I"OSTAGE, CEIITlREO MAIl FeE ,AND CKAIlIi ESFOIl AN YSE LECTE DOI'TllIMA l UIlV'CU.(HI ......I) 1•II yOll w a ~'[til!lllCeI:n poslman..lMl,stic~IlIellul1u'M!d stubonthe lell portfOl'l Ollllll address side 01 the nele.II,.,.,...I'tCIlpl attK....itIJj llI'esent tile an,elll al I post omce $lfV1te wirv»or or fland IttoyOUf rural timer.100 extra char;el 2 It youdo Ill)(wa~l lh&teeeipt postmir'ol:ed.slick till gummfll!$M!011 the leI'~on oIlht acldf lSS sideol thlll~ll.lI.11"MIac~and fll~n h recept.and rnaU tte Mticll. 3.II roo \u."t.filum rece,pt,write tile CertJhed·mail nUll\btf arc:!your llllfIl,ancllddreu on a re\lJlll rleC elll 'can:I,Form 38\1,and attach ilia 1M Irontllllhe 'r1icleby means oIltl!gumm&ll eom.,I spatl perrmts Olherw,se,allx III bac k ofarticle.Endorse hont ofarticle RETURN REem II(DUESTED alljac&tl lill tile I'IlJmber 4.If yOil'll,nl llshel\'I1lslncted to tl'le addressee,«10 an authon18d 1gen!oIlhe addressee. ,ndcne RESm,l(;TED ll€lIV[RY on thlll'(Jl1 ollte ¥tIcIe 5 .[ntlll'len lor lhI Hrv'CIS reqtJIl$ted in th&apprqJl'iiM SNC'S on thll l'lltll 01tI1ls lllCe<p lll relJrn rec"pc"requested,clWlck tfle ~cable blocks inlIem 1at Form381 1 S seve tIllS retltlPl and present ItIIyOlJ make inquify, i1 •S£NDEt ,Com","";Wall I ,1 .an..r \. .•M d ,..,.dd_in the "RIInJaN'TO "tpeft on- I.The l oUowinS M"rvicc u req uested (c:h ~k onf').o Show 10 whom and date delivered•.•••.••..••IS,.o S~10 whom.,date,"addreat of d <el iVUJ ..3S,.o RE STRICTED DE LIVERY. Show to wborn and date dC'l ivt'red 65,.o R£S1llICTED DELIVERY . Show to w hom,dau-,and add~of <k-livt'ry as, -a IN ITlALS 'L INSURE D NO._.1.ARTIClE MSCRI"IOH : RrolSTIEREO NO.CERTIFIEDNO. ~~i !":.O:;uii.;;.;;.;;,:;.:roro'o;;,,;:;;,,;;.'i':'.';'CA:A.U;;sii,'._..b.:.l:;~~:;~rl ~·L...---------:~~e 2.ARTlCU AOOR£SSED TO:~•• ~I-c...,.,=-=-c===c----------I ~ ab~~~~~dI ~III ....-"....,... • -!• =~•~••••;;• !••e ~ ~ No.~IL'l LUU~~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ••_'IE(CIWBAIE P'IOYIED- .,.fQllfTmLlTDW.... lSee ~1 _11U 1(.",~"'J04."4 ~<VI ,...,....~ III .,_. """"-.""P.n .a"00' PO;[AfENoOlIPCOOt: fA c-G c-: ~,-• e COITIF£[}FFE • """'"""""'"•~=Fl;STRCfEO Of LM-RY • ~~~MlW m_AIIJ •i I Q !lAlt DEl..IWfll(D 9CM'1O-.00l0 l't8~I -....,..•~•!_1lI_"'II llA'IIi~tIWIUIOIlll1'lIlISlIIC1£O •Z ~ ~1;Ir-TO-.Al lfAJl) u =::~• 'OT.....f'oMT ~FED •---......,c,.~c%);. '".•. ;::..Sf NNR :(".om p loi ~itun ,1.2.an.!\. ..Add .,.,...Id dreu in th ~uaEnJIN ro··'plCC on~~..... 1.The follow-i ns wrvi~i.~uest~(c heck o ne ).o Show to wbcml and date del iYeI'ed .•••..••....U(o Show to whom,date,"a dd ,",of d~li vel')'..3'(o RES TR ICTED DELIVERY. Show to w born a nd da t o:d..li ~rrd 6"..o RE STIlICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom ,da te.and addn:a of de liYery 854" INliUREO NO. s.ARTICLE O£SCRIP'TtON : R[GI$T(REO NO .CERTifiED NO . ""if 3200 2.ARTICU AOORlSSEO TO:~•Z ~1-,:-;;;;;:"'-,,::::::=:::,,-------------1 ~ .• I;; •No.IHS.:ln l W v RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 10 1I$lIU.MCf:COVtlAli£"'YIJED- MIT FOIIfTIIIlAT1OIW.IlAA. (See Revetw) ~N'10 "...d '(l•.o ~(',i.R.n SlfoQ,fl.Q<,()NO Ii..,2"' Py~~)~7';)C:-:R ,OS7 """'"• •CERTII'I[O fEf •~sPtCl.IJ.DELNERY ••!Rto STMIC1E DOEUVHlV •••~~Sl St'DN TO 1M(lII A"Il •iU 1),I,l£OEtlv{~D SI(lWTOWlOl DAf[.~~§AICIADDIIlSS llI'•~•g ~$lIl'AI TO ....WI 011 IE "~.DQ.rYOIBIIIr'TM JlEST1ICTBI ••Z ~~~"'Tll~~ (,)ADDIIlSS~'TIl •II(S11ltT: TOTAl..-osr-.+::'... "O$TII4"0l'!"T ~, 0; .1\-,jIll'..I.'"\;... !:;j,9 • •;'• •SENDER :c-.plfte items 1.1.an.l \. Add _,.ddrft.ill thor "kl!'TVlN TO"tp....O il -~. I.1fte roUo wina tervice is req uested (c:hKk on~).o Show t o WOOIJl and d ati:deliveI'M ••••..__•.••1>,o Show to wIKIa1,date,A add",.of d~li_,.,_>S,o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to wboaa and date ddiW'rM ..•••_••__."o RESTRICTED DELIVERY . Show 10 whom,date',and addru.of ~Iivery 8S1 2 .AATlCU:ADOft£SSE:D TO:• fjJ,r-I .....•z A,.'~:..../•"n ,.""'leu:DESC Rlfll1lQH:U.\.l ,ll.o0 ~RE GISTERE DNO .I;;;n~D/HIO.•"•CNw."","~tu .........._.......,• ;;I h ave eecejvedthe:a nkle:dexri~d abev".:rsN r~J)0 A"<h,,~~..e nr aVOAJ 0"DEUVEIl:Y I t:=!PSTMA'UI•-.l.::z.-7 "7z5.ADDRUS (Com,.,.on/7"~0 n ~ 5 6.U NABLE TO OtllVfllt IlIECAUS~~r~sIITIALS•••_.__.o-IIQ...,. £1 111 C ,;~~ ImrtElt ~l tf r.2IGj~1 Ad ten l"••• P.o.BGJ ns u rle ,Colo.IIU I UNITEDSTATES POSTAL SERVI CE OFFICIA L BU SIN[SS SENDER IN S TRU CT I O~\C ,l"rIllt,.,_,......"'ZI'Ced.1Io ~....... •Coonp6N il.-I,t ,"S .lIN F t", •~.--.ttKlI ....ttl .~If_,."..Ib.0.11"M ~.,.~. •EN.M I rtl dl ·'ll l t1lnl "'11'1 Illll .....I',1tt~. Clut lo ...mW. RETURN ITO - (NalDP lOr 1I.."dpr ) (S trPPt lO r P.o.Ro'l ) (C ItJ'.SUIt«,an d :r.11'Cod e) •No.~~jcU (V RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED r.W.IL MIl ICSUIlANCE toVEll....E PRll¥DD- lOT R111m.••nDIIAlIIAL {See ReverMl ,,,.,,""• • ••• • • • • •UNDER :l'.......~itmu 1.1,~",t \. ,A d.._.addtfts i t!!hi "KEnlaN TO"~OB -~. I .The foUowinS wrvice is nquetled (:Mc:k on~).o Show tel whom and d aU d dive ~"""'''l IS,o Show to whom,.dalt...add~J.kl.teliyeh _'"o ~E~~I~~a~:~~::t~lUj J J .~'"o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom.date,a.nd adem.of delivery 85t 2.ARTJCU ADDRESSED TO: -3 .ARTICLE DDCRlmON; REGISTERED NO .I ~[~l~~~o~I I NSURED NO . -(AIw.,."'t.l"~lu ...of ....._or qiNl't) •Ih••e =?~p;.rtkl'desc ei be'}.,t lJ .Sl\.~/0"}Z L '0 ··4..."~I 'X 'P'A"~~.J!ti \/"LOV'e 0Alf:O!?E ERY .~7 POSTMAR K /""j L,>-L-z 5.ADDRESS (Completa only"'"....ted)0 a, s 6 .U NA.U:TO O[l,IVER II ECAUS£:~s•0 ."••r •• •I• •:1•z•a ;l , !• No.l:ll~::S 2 U4vJ\ RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL •~COYBIACE.f'IIOVIIEO-lin'RIlIfTEIItA 11ON,U MAl. (See Reverse) '7!';;J JJ../J I ..,j,4;) ST ~T ~NO J&t ...t,. I?:~Tj;lF7Z x ,,..,-7 ,.,.,'"• •aATlFlEOfH •~SP£CIAL DEI../'IER'I ••~RE5mlCT'EO O£UVER'I ••••w w 2 2 :H:IWmWloulI)•;»»DIllf IlFI.I'iHltO•••~I•_TO_lIAr. "~"IoM)~SSOF •••e .,"'"0 z • •2 U _IO_IoM)llATI'•~"•DO.MJIED WI'"""STfIC'TW •il ~Z DUIYFRY•Z ~_IOlIMlM,llATl A/oII 0 AlJllll'SS OF OW\'EIlyl'I'ITll •u •lIfS11ICTUl1lWVlllY• TOTJU.f'OSlAIilEAMlFRI , ~011 D.l.Tr:-""*--~ ;.~;j'-C'-' !~~~0 )~J .'l ....~. JI '9 SENDU.:Compl..itnll.I.1.and \.":I J I ....'...Add ""',_dd_in II.."alrrUltN TO '~ODI~.._. f ""•• I .Tht 'oUowin.KfVace u req uested (check one).o Show to whom an d clak de~n:d""""'"I I~.. o S'-..whom."''''.•'d~t I'i -",o RESTR ICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date:ddi ._65foRESTRICTEDDELIVERY. Show to whom,dak.and addrnl of ddi~rl 85{ CL EIlK'$ INITIALS 1t2. ~_.-"'<>-lO)-_ •• Ii"L-....u..::I...--l UNITEDSTATES POSTALSERVICE OFF ICIALBUSINE SS ER I NS .)"~"~SENDTRUCTIONS _\....,c SE TO AVO I Print )'OU r n_,~....,en'II,.c.M i n th.1 fi,;,1_0 ''':•C<nplllb II*M I ,2,Mol 3 On t he .F I"- •Moill..__......nd ett.c ~10 fnI I of 'i"' If _0 permib.OI~lfWl.1m.10 01 ... •EIwlotse .fllete "R"',n Receipt ......., cen t 10 ....mller. RETURNl ~' TO Ugll C~n1J O!,MI!Knt 01 PlJinia g ~,1 ~Bmlo ~JIlu r P.O.BCf iss Ea ill,tclo.B1E3 1 (N a m ~o r 8en d~r ) (Bt net D r 1'.0.Box) (Cit)",Btate,and Z IP C<ule) No.88320 6,\)1I·.RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 110 ......ICECDVEJlAClE f'IIIOYlDED- .,.RIlIfTUkATQIAL MAl. {Bee RBVftrSe} ~Hl '~~,.."Sl ct e.~.:;:. it 'J, S IRE£.r IlICHtO 11th,.~~Y 0 ",tecSTAll'If'i1::'".y "r:To Razu'."'",,,••amFlForEE •w•SPEClAlD£LMFlV •••A£SllICTED DELIVERY •0••••• = u ~ _lO _~ •s (ll,llllEUVl'AfU•••c ~~2 SIt)lIrj TO WlQI.00\11,;"r NIl AIlIIRH.S f7 •C ~~-2 z 0 u StCIW TOWII(IoI ilMl 0 .I t•~•"•lfi_WITli IlESTIlCfW •a z ""--•z t 5IIJWro WIOI.o,o,Tt AIrl0MlIRSSO'lRMfly WIlH •U •~lIIC1Blllft.MllY •TOTAl._lAGE AfCI.~......••,~OfI Drj'-,1'. ~.~".~'..!m:!! ~0\<~/~!)...~-\. ~ "• 1.The rol1owinr leTVice it Rqunted «(hed;cee }.o Show to whom and date delM-red ••••••••••••151oShowtowboal.,date,6:addrnt of deli very ..35"o RESTR ICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom an d dale ck li'TJTd..__•....•...65,o RLSTRI CTED DELIVERY. S how to w born,datt'o a nd ad d rea of delive ry 85, ;:..U NABLE TO DU IVER BECA USE:CUfilK-s.'o .INIT1AU JrL......------,-l.-,....J -"'....- I..... s •Za: , !;; •;; ••• t, • 5 No.,883210 ,0" RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAil 10 INSlaANCl COVEJlACf PIIOVIlm- NOT R11I1fTE11MA TIIMlAllIAI. (see Revefse ) ~DElM AV •••• • • • • ~N •. • a •S2N'0EA :CocnpIfte iteml 1.1,a.w \.•Add _,add..,..;.,tJ.r ....E1't.I1tN'TO "--~. 1.Tht followin,R rvice ill requellted ,<ab.d o n )\o Show to wt-a an d da te del irinod .........l>,o S how to wbam ,date,"addrnI.01 ddi~ry ..35,o RESTRIL"TED D ELIVERY. Show to wt-u an d da le m-liwn'd _..•...••....6~1IIoRESTRICTEDDELIVERY. Show to -boon.chte".and addre-cI ddi "f~l8S .. 2.ARTICLE ADDA tSSfO TO: J .ARTICLE O£SC Jt'P'TlON: A[GIST[Jtt:D NO.I;~RT~F~[;;.lin ni,....obtain ~...."...... J have rtteived the a rticle d elCribed abovt .i\:2;,0 ~Z d ..e"'•/'r'----..-ee-./l/DA T£7~E;R L~-..//~MARK z 5 .A~(Complet.on""~"..ted) ~ ~, 5 .U NA.LIE TO onrvER BEaUS£:CLERK'SSINITIALS•~ •S j i ~•S ,);_.--.o-lIOl_ •zee :>01;;>- '" .. -• i "8 •e, •~ "",•• 'I ,; ;;•• ~ ~ verse SE"T.TO~1 7 <A.h ~i ~'~~~w ,::1 /'''c.. AfT,:~~'......,I-l. STREET iVlD NO H.'"POi :~~TeAMlr_~rt (.,S 7 ""''''''• ~CEFl1lF1EOFEE •••SPECIAl.DElIVERY ••RESr-::fED DELMRY •0•• ffi •0 0 S/(IW1O _......•>»DA1HtiMIl£D •••••~•••SItOW 10 WI"".tlATI.•"•.vIlAlJJll[SSOl'••••~••OUMIlr 2 0 SIllW I OWlOl ,t,IIl1lAT[••"••DB.lYlAUlll\'lT'H ~TlICTID ••,0 •.....~•••,SH;JWTO WH(Il o.n.vl)0 •AODAESSOf lE.Jvatl WITl<•0 ••RESTllCJfO OCLI','{-.v TOTAL I'OSlAOE '"• ~-"'~-"\"\ -o ~~~» ~ ~~/> ---...-/" r)J "?o ••" •No.lHl j z Ull\,v0 (RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL ItO INSUIWICE COYEIAIiE PIOVIlED- IIJl FOR IfTOUTOW.IIIAI. (SeeRe ) :••!'i •::I•z •g ;1 •SENDEk :C-plno itam 1.1,.nd ~.•.Add yout .dd.....in h ·'II.nt1lN TO "......-, I .Th ~foilowinllCt'Vice is Rq\leSled Ichm o ne).o Show to wboo:n and date deliverrd ............15,-o Show to wbom.,date,.t .ddrn,,;0(deU~ry_351oRESTRICTEDDELIVERY. S how to whom and <Ute d elivered .__.•.•.••_•.6S, o R ESTRICTED DELIV ERY. Show to wb om.date,and add..-of dfol iYf'I''r 85" 2 .".mel(.ADOFlESUD TO: 3 .ARTiClE ODatlPTtON: REGISTERED NO.I CERTIFIED NO.INSURED NO . 8!r32 oY tAIw~~n ~..,......_w I have received the article dcscribed above.r\N .,U"(..:.,?~d "~.__9 ••,h 'n.'d ...., ~'5 I ,'Y?",itaI/DATt...--ll)DEUVERY POST .....RK ~,-3:\/) 0 J.ADORUI (C~.onl,.H ....._IH> a•••6 UNA8U:TO DELIVER BECAUSE:CURK"$0 INITIALS•>e ,~-... • 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 office of community development • •• PROJECT NO.67 2 5 :-75 -4 -2 7 "'AY 16 .1 975 SO IL &FO UN DATION I NVEST I GATIO N PROPOS EDBOWL IN G ALL EY S TRU CTUR E VAIL DAS SC HON E ARE A EAGLE COUN TY.COLORA DO RECEIV ED 'JUL 1 8 1977 PREP AR ED .FOR I R ICHAR DS ENGI NEERING.I NC . P .O.Bo x 19 0 8 VA IL .CO 8 16 57 ATT NI MR.KEN R ICHARDS FilE ".5 P..'ir8..:..CJ .7 .••.• Et.~~.C c ».f ~.:·.n .COMM . r .Esn-:,C "':.:--y MEEm~G OF .Il:O ...I ..7t .1.7 • TA BL E OF CO NTE NT S CONCLUSION S SCO PE PR OPOSED CONSTRUCTION FIELD INVE STIGATI ON LABORATORY I NVESTIGATION S UBSURFACE CO NDITIONS DI SCUS SI ON DESI GN ANDCONSTRUC TI ONDETAI LS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION • PAGE1 P AG E2 PA GE 2 PAGE 2 P AGE 3 P AGE4 P AGE 4 P AGE 7 PAGE 9 TE ST BORING LOCA TI ON P LAN FI GURE No.1 Te ST BORING LOGS F IGU RE No .2 Te ST BORING LO GS -LEGEND &N OTE S FIGURE No ..3 GRADATION ANAL YSIS FI GURE No .• CONSOLIDATION TE STS F IG URE NOS .S •6 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TeST Re SULTS TABLE No.1 &fou.ndat\On en9lneenng •M....Y 16.1 97 5 REI SO IL £FOUN DATION IN VE STI GATI ON PROPOSED BOWLING AL LEY S TRUCTURE VAIL DA S SCH9N E AREA EAGLE CO UNT Y.CO LORAD O P ROJECT No.67 2 5-75 -4-27 CO NCLUSION S 1 )I N OU ROP INION.THEP ROPOSEDS TRUC TURE S HOULD BE S UPPORTED BY S PREAD FOOTING FOUN DATIONSP ROPOR TIO NED F ORA MAX I MUM ALL OWA BLE BEARINGP RESS UR E OF 3 .0 00 P SF .DUE TOTHEPRESENCEOF EXTR EM E ~Y SO FTPO CKETSWITHI N THE BEA RIN G STRATUM I T W I~L BE NECESS ARY TO SU PPORT THE FOUN DATIONS BY COMPAC TEDST RU CTURAL FILL.THE SPE C IFIC THIC KNE S S OF NEW COM PA CTED F I ~L BEN E ATH FOUNDA TI ON AREASWIL LHAVE TO BEDETERM INED ON THE BAS I SOF A D DIT I ON A~ENG IN EERIN G ANAL YSIS P ERFORM ED ON CE THES TRUCTU RAL LOADS ARE AV AILABLE . 2 }ALL FOUNDA TIONWALLS SH O ~LD BE WELLREINFORCED,TOP AND BO TTOM. 3 }RETAINING W AL~S AN D FOUNDA TION WALLS SHOULD BE DESI GNED TOWITH- STAND ALATERAL E AR TH PR ESSURE AT LEAS T EQUA LTOAN EOUI VA LENT FLUI D WEI GHT OF 3 5 PC F . 4)THE NATU RA L SOI LS MA YBES AT ISFAC TORY TOS UPPORT TH E GR OUND F ~O OR AND BAS EM ENT SL AB S.THI S WI LL HAV E TO BE VERI FI ED DURIN GCON- STR UCTI ON BY P ROOF-ROLLI NGTHESURFACE OF THENATURALSO ILS BENEA THF LOOR S LAB AREAS .IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO UND ERCUTAPPROXI- MAT ELY TW ELVE (1 2)TO EI GHT EEN (1 8 )IN CH ES OFNATUR AL SOIL S FR OM BENEATH THEF LOOR AREASANDSUPP ORTTHE S LABS WITH A NEW COMPACTED S TRUCTURALF ILL . 5 )FIL L USED F aR S UPPORTOFF OUNDA TI ONS AND/O R F LOOR S~A BS SHOU LD BEAP PROVED BY THE SO ILENGINEER AND S HOULD BE COM P AC TEDTO AT L EAST 95 %OF MAX IMUM S TAND ARD P ROC TOR DEN SITY AND WIT HIN 2%OF OPTIM UM MOISTURE CONT ENT ,PERASTM 0-69 8 .MOS TOFTHEON-S I TE SI LT SOILS WILL PROBABL Y tlQ1 BE SAT IS FACTORY FOR RE -USEAS COM- P ACTED S TRUCTURAL FIL L BENE AT H FOUNDAT I ON S ANDF LOOR SL AB AREAS. THERE FORE.IT MU ST BE ANTICIPATED THAT AL L MATE RI A~S WH ICH WILL BE USEDAS STRUCTURAL FIL ~WILL HA VE TO BE I MPORTED. 6}P RESENT GROUND WATERCONDIT I ONS ARESA T ISFACTO RYF OR BASEME NT CON STRUCTI ON.HOW EVER ,I T I S RE CO MM ENDED THA T THE S UBSURF AC E DRAINAGES YSTEMBE P~ACED AROUND ALL BA S EM ENT OR GAR DENL EVEL AREAS. ••PROJECT NO .672 PAGE2 7)TYPE 1 CEME NT HAY BE USEDIN AL LCONCRETE . SC OPE TH IS RE PORT PRESEN TSTHE R ESULT S OFA SOI L AND FOUNDATION IN VESTIGATI ON AT THES ITE OF THE PROPOSED BOWLING ALLEYTOBE LOCATED ON PARCELI ,WeSTOF DAS SCHO NE T RACT AND LOTC .RESUB- D IVI S IONOFVAIL OA SS CHONE S UB DIVISION.FILING No.I.EAGLE CO UN TY. COL ORADO. T HEP URPOSE OF TH IS INVE S TI GATION WAS TO DE TE RMINES UBSU RF ACE CONDITIONS AT THISS ITE AN DTO F ORMU LATE F OUNDATI ON DESI GN CRITER IA F OR THEPROPOSED STRUCT URE . p Roposep CONS TRUCTION IT I S UNDE RSTOOD THATA COM MERC IALBU IL DIN G (BOWLING ALLE Y) WILL BE CONSTRUCTED INTHE ARE ACOVERE DB Y THI S I NVES TI GATIO N. THEPRO POSEDS TR UC TURE WI LL BEONE (I)STORYHI GH WITHABASEM ENT LOCA TED UNDER THE EAST ON E -HA ~F (1 /2)OFTHE BUI~DIN G .T HE GR OUN D ANDBASEME NTFLOORS W I ~L BE CONCR ETE S LABS-ON-GRADE. AOOIT IONAL D ETAI~S OFTHEPROP OSED CONS TRU CTION ,INC LUD ING THETYPE OFCONSTRUCTION AN D THE LOADS TO BE CARR IED BY THEF OUNDA- lI ONS YSTEMS ,ARE UNAVAILABLE TO u s AT THI S TI ME . F IELp INyesTIGAIIUN . SEV EN(7)TEST BO RINGS (Nos .1-6 &6-A)WERE DR IL LED AT LOCATIONS INDI CAT ED ON THE TE S TBORING LOCAT I ON PL AN,FI GU RENO .1.T HE BORINGS WER E LOCA TED IN THEF IELD BY T APEMEASUR E ME THODS AN D THEIR L OC ATIONS SHOUL D BE CONS ID ERED APPROXIMATE ONLY .THEELEVATI ON OFTHE GROUND ••P ROJECT N O.6 72 " PA GE 3 SUij FACE AT THE TESTBORING L OCAT IONS WAS DETERMINED BY A LEVEL R UN TI EDI NTOTHE NORTHWE ST PROPER TY CORNER P IN (ASSUMEDE LEVA TION 10 0.0). T HE T E ST BOR INGS WERE DRI L LED WITH A 4"0.0.CON TINUOUS FL IGHT AUGERP OWER ED BYTR UCK MOUN TEDEQ UIPMENT.AT REGULARI NTERVALS OR AT CHANG ESOF MATER IALS ,THE AUGER WAS REMOVED FROM THE BOR ING HO LE" ANDS AMP LES WERETAKENOF THESUBS URFACE STRA TA.SA MP LESWERE OBTAINEDBY DRIV I NG A 'CALI FORNIA'(2 11 1 .0 .)SAMP LERTHROUGH THE SUB SURFACESTR ATA BY BLOWS FROM A 1 40-LB.HAMMERFALLI NG A DI STANCE OF 30 IN CHE S.THENUM BEROF HAM MER BLOWS REQUIRED TO DR IVETHE SAMPLERONE (1)FOO T,ORA F RACTIONTHEREOF ,IS TERMED THEPENE TRA- TI ON TES T.T HEPENETRAT ION T~S T RES ULTS ARE INDICA TIVE OFTHE RE- L ATIVE DENSI TY OR CONSI STENCY OF TH ESO IL S TRA TA BE I NG PE NETRATED. AUGER SAMP LES WERE ALSO OBTAI NED DURINGTHETEST DR ILLING OPERATIONS. THELOGSOF THE TESTBQRINGS .I NCLUDINGPENE TRATIONTEST RES UL TS.AREPRESE NTEDON FI GURE Nos.2 t 3 . LABORAT ORY I NVE STI GATION ALLSA MPLESRECOVERED BY THEF IELDI NVESTI GATI ON.WERE RE TURNE DTO OU R COLORADO SPR INGS SO IL LABORATORIES .THE SAMP LES WERE THEN CAREFU LLY CLASS IF IED AND A L ABORAT ORY TESTING PROGRAM WAS IN ITI AT ED BY THE PROJEC TE NGINEER. LABOR ATORYCLASS IF ICA TIO NT ESTS CONSIS TEO OF GRADA TIO N ANA LYSI S. ATT ERBERG IN DEX TESTS AND VISUALCLASSIFICA TION.T HEPHYSI CAL CHA RACTERIS TI CS WE RE EVA LUA TED BY P ERFORMING UNCONFIN ED COMP RESSION. ••PROJEC TNo.672 PAGE4 CONSOLIDAT ION AND NA TUR AL MO ISTURE -DENS ITY TESTS . ALLL ABORAT ORY TESTS WERE PERFORMED I N ACCORDANCE WITH S TANDARD OR SUGGESTED ASTM PROCEDURES . L ABORAT ORY TEST RESU LTS ARE PRESENTED ON FI GURE Nos.4-6 AND ARE SUMMA R IZED ON T A BL ENO .1. S U8SURf ACE CONP IT IONS SUBSURFACE CON DITIONSAT TH I SS ITE AR E VERY ERR ATIC . T HE UPPERMOST L AYERSOF NATURAL SOILS ARE VERY SANDY TO CLAY EY S I LTS .THESE STRA TA EXTENDEDTO DEPTHS WH ICH VAR IED FROMAPPROX I - HATELY NINE C9}TOTH IRTEEN (13)FEE T BELOW PR ESENT SITE GRAD ES. T HES ILT S TRATA HAD VERY ERRATIC MOISTURE CONTENTS,DENSITI ES AND SUPPORTING tAPACITIES . BELOW THE SI LT STRATA .THETEST BORINGS ENCOUNTERED MEDIUM DENSE SILTY TO CLAYEY SAND AND GR AVEL WITH COBBLES AND BOULDERS. No GROUND WA TER WAS ENCOUNTERED TO A DEPTH OF TWENTY-TWO (2 2) FEET BY T EST BORING NO .2 ,WHICH WAS THEMAX I MUM DEPTHEXPLORED . DI S CU SSI ON THE NATU RAL S OILS E NCOU NT EREDAT AN D BE LOW PROPOSE DF OUNDATI ON LEVELS AT TH IS SI TECONSISTEDPR IMARILY OF CLAYEY TO SANDY SILTS . T HESEMAT ER IALS ARENON-EXPANS IVEI N THAT THEY WIL L NOTEXPER IENCE VOLUM E CHANGES (SWEL LI NG)IF THEIR MO IS TURECONTENT I S I NCREASED. HOW EVER.THESUPPORT INGCAPACITYOFTHESE MA TERIALS I SCONSIDEREDTO BE L OW TO EXTREME LYLOW. ALLOFTHESUBSURFACES ILT S TRATA CONT AINEDI SOLAT ED P OCKETS. PROJ ECT No .67 2 PAGE 5 LAYERS AND LENSESWHICH WERE EXCEPTIONALLY MO I S T AND HAD VERY L OW IN-PL ACE DENS ITIES.THE S ILTS TRATA IN GENERAL CAN BE CONS I DERED TOBE MODERATELY COMPRES SI OLE,BUTTHE I SOLATED HI GHMO IS TURE CON TE NT .LOWDENSI TYL AYERSEXHIBITE D VERY HI GH COMPRES S IB IL ITY CHARACT ER ISTI CS,EVEN UNDER VERY LI GHT LOAD ING S. THEREFORE,THES IL T STRATA ARE CON S IOERED TO BEEXTREMELY E RRATI C INBEARING CAPA C IT Y AND P OTE NTI ALS ETT L EM ENT CHA RA CTER IS- TI CS.FOR THI S REASON,IT I S RE COMM E ND ED THAT THES E 'MATERIALS NO TBE UT ILIZED F ORD IRE CT BEAR ING SUPPORTOF THEPROPOSED BUILDIN G FOyNDAT IO NS. I FS OME OF THE S IL TMATERIALS ARE UNDERCUT FR OM BENEATH F OUNDATION AREAS AND REPLA CED WITHA NEW COMPAC TED STRUCTURAL FILL . THEN THEPROPOSEDBUI LDIN G MAY BES UPPOR TED BY S P READ F OOTI NG FOUNDA - TI ONS,AS P RESE NTEDIN THE·CONCLUSI ONS OF TH IS REPORT .THE AC TUAL AMOUNT OF UNDERCUTTINGORTHICKNE SS OF UNDERCU TTING RECUIREDBENEATH F OUN DATION AREA S I SA DIRECT FUNC TI ON OF TH E LOAD TOBE CARR I ED BY THE FOUND ATIONS AND THE DES I GN WID TH OF THE CONTI NUOUS AND I SOL ATED FOUNDAT I ON S YSTEMS.F ORTHE BA S I S OF PR ELI MINARY DESI GN PURP OS ES. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE DEPTH OF UND ER CUT BE NEATH ALL FOUNDATIONS BE AT LEASTTHREE (3 )FEE T .I N ARE AS WHER E RE LATIVELY L AR GECOL UMN PADSOREXCEP TIO NA LLYWIDE WA LL F OOTINGS WILL OE CO NSTRUCTED .THE DEeTH OF UN DERCU TTI NG MAY HAVE TOBE GREATE RTHAN THI S.DEPENDING ON THE RES ULT S OF A FI NAL ANA LYSI S BASED ON THE S TRUC TURAL LOADINGS . INALL CA SES,I T WILL BE NECESS AR YTO E XT ENDTHE UNDERCUT HOR IZONTALLY BEYO ND THEEDGESOF ALL FOOT1 NGS A MINIMUM OF 1 .5T I MES THEDEPT H OFTHE UN DERCU TTIN G BELOW THE F OUNDATION AREAS .T HAT I S, . •• ••PRO JE CTNO.67 2 · PA GE 6 IF THR EE (3)FEET OF UND ERCUT I S REQU IREDBENEATH A FOUNDA TION. THEN THE UNDERCU TAREASHOUL DEXTEND AT LEAST4 .5 F.EET BEYOND ALL ~D GES OF TH E F OUNDATION . I T MAY ALSO BE NECESSARY TO UNDERCUT THE H IGH MOISTURE CON TENT. L OW DENSITY S ILT S TRATAF ROMBENEATHFL OORS LAB AREAS I NORDERT O PR OVIDE AN ADeQUA TE S UBGRADE .I T IS EXPEC TEDTHAT TH E DEPTH OF UND ERCUTTIN G 'BENEATH TH EF LOORSWI LL BEON THE ORDER OF TW ELVE (12) TO E IGHTEEN (18)IN CH ES.DEPENDING ON THE QUA LI TY OF T HE MATERIAL S EX POSE DAT S UBGRAOEE LEVATI ON DUR INGCONSTRUCTI ON.TH EQUALITY OF THE NATURAL$UBGRA DE SO ILS BENEATH FL OOR S L AB AREAS SHOULDBE E- VALUATED BY PROOF-RO LLI NG THESUR FACEOF THESE MATE R IALS WI TH A HEAVILYLOADEDP IE CE OF CONSTRUC TION EOuIPM ENT.IF RUTT ING OR 'PUMPING'OCCURS DURINGTHE PRooF -ROLLING OPERATIONS ·AND DEPENDING ON THESEVERITY OF THE'PUMPI NG',UND ERCUTTING WILL BENECESS ARY . ALLF I LL MAT ERI AL S tlSE D FOR COMPAC TEDS TRUCTURALF IL L BENEATH FOUNOA TIONAND F L OO R SL AB AREAS MUST BE APPROVED BY THESO IL ENGINEER. RE-U SE OFTHE SILT Y ON -SIT E MATER IALS IS NOTRECOMME NDE D S INCE EVEN I NA COMP ACT ED STATE.THEIR 'IN -PLA CE DENS ITY AN D SUPP ORTIN G CA PAC IT Y WOULD BERELATIVELY LOW.IT I S RECOMME NDED THAT ALL NEW F ILL MATERIALS S HOU LD HA VEA MA XIMUM DEN SIT Y OF AT L EAST liB PO UND S P ER CUBI CFOOT , BAseDONTHERESUL TS OFA STAN DARD PR OCTORCOMPA CTI ON TeST,PER ASTM D-6 98 .S OILSWHICH CL ASSI FYAS '~l L'.P ER THE UN IF IED S OIL CLAS SIFI CATION S YSTEM.S HOULDNOT BE uTI LI ZEDAS NEW COM PACTED STR~C - r UR AL FILL.THES uIT AB ILITY OF .BORRO WWILL HAVETOBEDETERM INED BY LABO RATORY TEST S. • DE SI GN ANp CON STRUCTIONDETA IL S •PROJECT NO.672 P AGE 7 1)THEHIGHLY OR GANIC TOPS OIL DEVELOPMENT AND THENATURAL SILT SOILS PRESENT ON THIS S ITE S HOU LDBE REM OV ED FR OM WITHIN THE AR EA OF T HEPROPO SED BUILDI NG AND FROM BENEATH F OUNDATION AND FL OOR SLABAREAS,AS DI SCUSSED INTHETEX TOF THI S REPORT .THIS MATE RIA LS HO ULD BE BE -U SEDAS FILL IN L AND SCAPED AREASONLY. WHER E COMP ACTI ON,S ETTLEMENT AND SU8GRADE MO DULUSFACTOR S ARE CON SIDERE D TOBE ABSOLUT ELY NON -CRITICAL . 2)ALLE XTERIO R FOU NDATIONS SHOULD BE P LACED BELOW FR OSTDEPTH. WHI CH I SCONSIDEREDTOBE ATLEAST FORTY-TWO (4 2 )IN CHES AT TH IS SITE. 3 )ALLMATERIALS LOOSENED BYTHE E XC AVATI ON PR OCE S SBE NEATHF OUNQA - TI ON AREAS·SH OULDBEREMOVED PR IOR TO PLACE MENT OF THE NEW CO M- PAC TED STRU CTURALF ILL. 4)ALT HO UGH NOGROUND WAT ER WAS E NCOUNTE RED BY T HE T ESTBOR INGS ATTHE TI ME OF OU R FIE L D I NVE STI GATION.IT SHOULD BE CAU TION ED TH AT ISO LATED S PRINGS OR OTHER SURFACE AND S UBSURFACE SEEPA GE WAT ERCONDITIONSCOU LD BE ENCOUNT ERED DU RIN G THE COURSE OF CON STRUCTION .THE AM OUNT OF GROUND WAT ER I NFIL TRATION INT O THE OPEN EXCAV ATIONS.IF ANY,WILLBE DEPENDENT ON THET IMEOFYEAR .. DURIN G WHICH CONSTRUCTI ON IS P ERFORME D.IT SHOULDBEE XPECT ED THATSURFACE AN D SU BSURFACE SE EP AGE WATER CO NDITIONS WOULD BE AT T HEIRPEAKDURIN G PERI OD S OF HEAVY PR ECIPIT ATIONAND RUN -OFF. E SPEC IALLY DURINGTHE L ATE SPRIN G AND EARLY S UMMER MONTH S OFTHE YEAR . ••P ROJECT NO.6 72 PAGEB 5)THE I NSTALLATI ONOFA SUBSURF ACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM AROUNDALL BASE ME NT AN DGARD EN LEVELAREASI S STRONGLY RECOMM ENDED.THE S UBSURFACEDRAIN T ILE SYS TEMSH OULDBE CONN ECTEDT O A surT ABLE OUTLET. 6 )A MINI MUM OF F OUR (4)INCHES OF CLEAN.FREE -DRAININGGRANULAR MATERI ALSHOULDBEP LACED BENEATHALL CONCRE TE SLABS -ON-GRADE AND AROU ND THE DRAINT ILE S YSTEMS. 7 )ALL BACKFI LL PL ACED ADJ ACENT T OE XT ERI ORFOUNDATIONWALLSS HOULD BE COM PACTED TO ATLE AST 92 X OF MAXIMUM S TANDARD P ROCTOR DENSITY. PE RAS TM 0 -69 8. 8 )THE GROUND SU RFACE SHOULD BEG IVEN A GO OD S LOPE AWAY FROM THE BU ILDINGON ALL SIDE S T O CONTROL S URFACE WATER RUN-OFF .WATER . FLOWIN G T OWARDSTHE P ROPOSEDS TRUC TURE FROM UPSLOPE AR EASS HOULD BEINT ERCEPTEDBY S URFACE DRAINAGg S WALES AND DI VERTEDAROUND AN D AWA Y F ROM THEFOUNDATION AREAS. 9 )THE HI GH MO IS TURECON TENT,L OW DENS ITY SILTY NA TURA L SOILS EN - COUN TERED ATTHI S SI TE WI LL PROVE TOBEVE RY SE NSITIV E T O DI S- T URBANCE BYHEAV Y CON STRUCTI ON E QUI PMENT .HEAVY RUBB ER TIRED EQUIPM ENT SUCH AS PAY LOAD ERS AND TR UCK MOUNTED BULLDOZERS WH ICH WILLI MP OSE HIGHVI BRATORY L OAD S COULD CAUSEE XC ES SI VE DI ST URBAN CE AND ·PUMPING'OFTHE NA TURAL SI LT SO IL S .I ~THI S CON DI TIO N DO ES DEVELOP.WESHOULDBE NO TI FIE D IMMEDIATELY.IT MA Y P ROV E T O BE NECESSA RY TOUSE VERY LIGHTWE IGHT e QUIPMENT TOPER F ORM THE NECESSARYEXCAVATIONS.THEUSE OFABACKHOE ORDRA GL INE WHI CH CAN WORK OUTS IDE OF THE AREA OF THE PR OPOSEDSTRUCTUREMAY BE NECESSARY TO AVOI D DI STURBANCE TOTHEBEARING MAT E RI ALS. • CONSTRUC TION IN S PEC TION •r r-(u ....l::....'!'tV.QI <:' P AGE9 r THE ANALYSIS AND R ECOMME NDATIONS SU BWITTED INTHI SR EPORT AR E BASED UPONTHE DATA OBTAINE D FROM THE S E VE N (7)S OIL BORINGS PERFORMED AT T HELOCATIONS INDI CA TEDONTHELOCATI ON D IAGRAM.TH IS REPOAT ODrs NOT REflECT ANY vAR IAT I ON S WHICH MAY OCCUR BE TWEEN THESEBORI NG S.T HE NATUREA ND EX TENT or VA RIATI O NSBETWE E N THE BORING S WAY NOT BECOuE EViD ENT UNTILCOU RSE or CONSTRU CT I O N.FO R THIS REASON,IT I S R ECOUME ND E O THATTHE S OILE NGINEE R I NSPECT THE OPEN EXCAVATION S.IF VAR IATI ONS TH EN APPE AR E VIDE NT,IT WILL BE NECESSARY rOR A RE-EVALUATION or THE RECO~~ENDATIOH S o r TH I S R EPORTTO BE MADE AFTER P ERFOR MI NG ON_SITE O BSERVAT ION S DURING THE CON STRUCTION P ERIOD A ND NOTIN G T HE CHA RACTERI STI CS Of ANY VARIATIONS. THIS REPORT HA S BEE N PRE PARE D INORDER TO AID I N THE EVALUA- TION o r THIS PROPE RTY AND TO AS SI ST TH E AR CHITECT OR E NG INEER IN • THE DE SIQN or T HISP ROJ ECT .I N THE (VENT THA T ANY C HANCESIN THE DE S IGNORLO CATION or THEBU I LO ING A S OUT LINEO OR PRES ENTED I N TH IS REP ORTARE PLANNED.T HE CONC LUSIONS A ND RECOMMENDA TIONS CONTAIN ED IN THI SR E P OR TSHALL NO T BECONS I DERE D VALID UNL ESS THE CHAHCES ARE R(VIEWED AHD CONCLUSI ONS or TH IS R EPORT ~O Olrl[D OR APPROYED IN WRITIN G BY THE S OILAND rOU NDATION E NGI NEER • T S/EB 3 COP IE S S ENT * .,~s E.SU!,!/-> f>~'"E'~R~G 'S Tfl/",'1(:[SPECTF'U LLY S UBMI T TE D, ~"'6 ~ "1'lv-.-~,S~.. THOM AS E.SUM ME R LEE,P .E. ·P RESI DENT e el J AME SR.MORTER .AR CH. • TEST BOR ING LOCATION PLAN PARCEL I-a PROJECTNo .6 72 5/16/75 \/ NolS • NO L4 P ROPOSED NON-BASEMEN T SE CTION ~O WL ING I I I AL LEY B ASEMENT SECT ION No.l 6 +6-A PARC EL I-A NOTEt HOLE NO .6-A L OC ATED Z FEE T S OUTHEASTOF Hal E NO .6 . SCAL E, °1 "=40 ' ~,TN O ICATE S 'T ESTBORING LOCA TION , TE ST BOR ING LOGS PROJECT No .67 2 T595, NO .5NO.4 B--, No.6 NO.6-A 90~~E3 ~~19 0 7 1::=1'6 ~~:.12 "HO LE NO .2 NO .1 i 7 28 "TmaTINO.3 6 f-~5 UJ6UJ10u, 9 lliU9 0 ZZ17~aa90~-80 15 -, f-f- ««. R :.P:.>> UJIIJ10'C .;18 oJoJ 1 8 !:p UJUJ 11 -~ T.7 5 ~1'''''°t Itl()·~ ~0".~-..0 " :0:'",22.o~~~;.36 ~1'"0 =.;..,..."0 24 -~).%" '0'._:0·1 Ii¥II I 9.~.,'.Il:I. ~p~ "i7 070t-r«%t?i ....••<;-•HI T ROCK IN DRIVE~..;~&4 3 ..Cj.,R I '~ ~o~ '-9:;1 -lSs6st-It .·iI. R S EE F IGURENo .3FOR LEGENO &NOT ES --606rJ-e " TEST BO RIN G LO GS -LEGEND t NQT ES PR OJECT N o.67 2 o IT] E3 ~ ~ LEGEN O TOPSOIL SILT -VERY SAND Y,CLAYEY.VER YL OOSE,VE RY MOIST TO WET.BRO WN TO REDDISH BROWN.WITH OCCA SIONAL GRAVEL. SILT -SAND Y,SLIGHTLY CLAYEY ,LOOSE.MOI ST TO VERY MOI ST.DARK BROWN.WITH S OME ORGAN ICS . SI LT -VE RY SAND Y T OCLA YE Y,L OOS E TO ME DIUM DENSE.MOI ST TO VE RY MOIST,BROWN TO REDDIS H BROW N ,WITHOCCASI ONAL GRA VE L AND COBB LE~. SAND £,GR AVEL -SILTY TO CLAYE Y.WIT H COBB LES AND BOULDERS.MED IUM DENSE.LIGH T TOMEDIUM MOIST.BROW N TO REDD ISH BRO WN , • R -INDICA TESREFUSALTO FURTHER DRILLIN G ON BO UL DER . NQ TES 1)T HETES TBORINGS WERE DRI LLED WITH A CONTINUO USFL IG HT P OW ER AUGER (4"alA .)ON MAY7 Eo 8 ,1975. 2)B INDICATE S THAT a BLOWS FROM A1 4 0 -L B.HAMM ERF AL LING 30 IN CH E S WERE REQ UIRED TO DRIV E THE S AMPLER12 INCHES. 3)No GR OUND WATER WAS ENCOUNTERED ATTHETIME OF DRIL LIN G . 4)T HELOGS SHOW APPROX IMAT E BOUNDA RIE S BETWEEN TH E VARIOUS STRATA AT TH E DATES AND LOCATIO NS INDICATED AND IT IS NOT WARR ANTED THAT THEY AREREP RES EN TATI VE OFSUBSUR- FACeCONDIT IONS AT OTH ERLOCATIONS AND T IMES. 5 )THE ELEVATIONS AT THE TE STBORINGLOCATIONS WERE REL ATED TOTHE NORTHWES T P ROPERTY CORNER PIN ,ASSUMED ELEVA TION 100.0. FIGURE No.3 • THOM AS E .S U MM E R LE E S O IL LABOR ATORY PART ICLE S I ZE DIST RIBUT ION ANAL VS IS S AMP L.E LOCA TIO N ~E Irr,1 AR K S BOWL I NGALLEY ,V AI L DAS S CHONE.EAGL E COUNT Y.COLORADO P ROJECT NO .6 72 DATE 5/1 6/7 5SAMPLe:'·DEPTH .....1 ~2 .:..,,9_·_IHOLENO.5 /6/7 5DATESAMPLEOVAIL5ITE I HYOAOW (T(n AN A LY~IS &I£'V(ANAL YSIS S I EVE P E~. I THi t A[AO I NCS U.S .S TANO AAC S l e v (SCAle s I CLCA~SQUAAt OP(N IN CS NO .PA SS 2 5"7 "#4 0 #1 0 ).0" 45 "1 "6 0.,"4 .'"#2 00 #100 #0 U 0 .116 #6 '4 ,6''4'1.1/2 '"1 .5"0 '0 0 I•nn n 3/4"91.1 10 90 3/8 "l--70 .2 20 60 #4 59 .1 #8 51.9 )0 -70 #1 6 46 .4 0 u nO 4 1 .4 i'"*0 60 ~#50-•35 .7<~•<ii,OO~50 50'28 I•ij 200•••w 23 . ~6 0 40~ •w w ••7 0 , )0 ATTE RBE Jl G 6 0 20 LI M I T$--..LL PL PI go '0 ------ '0 0 I I I I II II 1 rrrr 0 CLAS S IFI CAT I ONIII .001 .0 02 .0 0 5 .0 0 9 .0 \9 .0)7 .07 4 •'4 9 .29 7 .590 '.'92 .)6 4 ."/6 9 .52 '9 .,)6 .,76 .2 USCS GM I 0 .42 2:0 10 0O'''''''T R or p .....,.,..-;.;;N u ..I ·w....:..:: C L A~(PL A STIC)TO S IL T(NON_PLAS lIC )'A"'O CR.V[L FI G,I -pOAR s e COil.NO .4.r I NC "cal UN rl NC I C OARSt K'E SEMI.LOGAR ITHMIC.'CYCUS)l "'O OIV,S 'O"S I\ru~n.L.t:liM:1't co .W",",.\lU 46 &490 .04 .06 .08 UJ '"Z <C ::I: U o-!;c '"o-o> N w ~ N ....Q>....COIO w ~-""'OI -..1 ~10 1,,, N w,,, ~,,, UOO'....1XI100 ,,,,I I "t II ,"I O .1 I .0 10 FIGUR E No .5 100 .0 K'E S E ~r ·L OG"'R'Tl-t M le.,CYCU 5 II 1fI P'V'S IOW$ I(tU P'fTL 8<U KI't co.....,.~,.,<'465490 -'",."~?,;,,.~~.',~,;i<'...~:':/.:';';"~-"';'"t:'*~,;.:.. -N,w ~~ N ~."'~-O ; w ~~-0\"-!co<D ',, N,, w,, ~,,~,,01 .....lXI lDO ,,I , I ,I I I •0 .0 4 ._...---._-- l j., •.,.I ~ ,I i ,,..'.. I .-. tlt -...,.",.,,,;<'··..·'..1','II'~,~~,.!;L ..";~!i ;''':''':~: ....I.",,...J ,,+• j;;;~.';.,L ..~,,t . ~-~,..",--~-,..•i ...·j f ~r ;'"'j ', "••J !:~..~~t I .~: •r ":,",:.1 l f ~',:,.... ,........,.....~, .;,, ., ;+ii i ll I ·1 -I •I ••.,' -l............,. '+' ,j J t4.-J --d '.~+-..,c at 1 r;e§;o- .0 8 .06 I .~.'f:jfu;;ji~~" ..·1..;·,.--.t •1 0 .•.•!•••I ·,·I ••·I·...l •••·1 •_.•I ~j ""'r :"T "T:"I '"I-r -t'-f-:I '"I '!"!!''''!'!;'l '.,.•I :;! 0.\ ..»>•••••..•.c. 1.0 10 F IGUR E No.6 1 00 .0 TABLE NO.1 THOMA S E.SUMMERLEE PROJEC T NO.672 5 /1 6/75DATE_.:..:...:=.;...;:..__ LA BORA TOR V TE ST RES ULT S H O lo t OEPTH,NA TURAL NATURAL ATTERBERG UNCO Nr I N ED .200 PARTI CLE CON S OL I-SOil ce SCRIPTI ON NO .rEEl MO I STURe.ORY Ll"'ITS COMPRES SIVE S IEVE,SIZ E DA TION OR CLASSI YIC AT ION %DENSl 'fl,LL %PL %p,%St R ENC TH t %ANA LY SI S TEST pcr psr 1 7.8 17.9 107 2 2 21 1 1840 ---SILT-CL AYEY 1 8.2 1 8 .2 1 05 ----.--19 50 ---SI LT -CLAYEY 1 12 .9 8 .11 26 --------23.8 FI G.•-SAND &GRAVE L-S I LTY 22 .7 2 1.1 .97 2 8 27 I 3 2 20 ---S ILT-CLAYEY . 2 .7.7 1 2 .7 1 05 NO -PL STI ----FIG .5 SI LT -VERY S ANOY 3 4 .0 1 9.9 95 2'2 4 2 9 90 --FIG .6 SI LT-SANDY .CL.AYEY •..7 20 .9 ------------S ILT-SL I GH TLY CLAYE 5 ••5 22 .0 102 ------59 0 ---S I LT -CLAYEY 5 9 .7 1 6.2 112 ------1 410 ---SI LT-C LAYEY 68 .2 21 .5 1 03 NO -PL STI 5 90 ---S I LT-SAN DY .SLIG H CLAYEY - . I • ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF VAL DAS SCHO NE CONDOMINIU}!ASSOCIA TI ON The u n ders igned p er son,acting as incorp o rator of a corporation u n der t he Colo rado Nonp r of it Co rp ora tion act. signs and acknowledge st hef o llowi ng Artic le s of·I ncorp oration for such corporat ion . ARTICLE I Thename of the Corporation i s:VALDAS SCHO NECON- DOMIN I UM AS SOC IATION. AR TICLE II Th e perio do f duration of t he Cor poration is p erp etual . ARTICL EI II Th ep u rpos eo r purpo se s for which the Corporat i on is o rganized are a sf ol lows: (a)To gove rn ,on a n on -p ro fit b a sis.th e c ondominium proper ty s ituate d in the County of Ea g le,State of Co lorado , d es cri bed in t he Declaration for Val DesSc hone Condo miniums (a c ondominium pro je ct)un dert he p rovis io nso f th e Condominium Owners hip Act o f the S tate of Color ado and as is pr o vi d ed in t he Condomini um Dec larat ion . (b)To pur c hase o r otherwise a cquire ,ando wn ,h ol d, manag e,deve lop.main tain,r ehabilit at e,i mprove a nd sel l. leas e.exchange ,e ncumber or o therw ise disp o se of and dea l in rea lp roper ty ,whet heri mprov ed or u nimp r oved.a nd any i nteres t therein ,o f every kind a nd des c ript ion ,whe the r in conn ect i on ~~th or inc ident or r elated t o the fo r e go in g purpo se s. (c)To pur chas e or otherwise acquir e,a ndown,ho ld . manage ,main ta i n,rehabilitate,imp rove,devel op an d se ll.leas e. exch ange,encumber or othe rwise d i spo se of and deal in p erson al p roperty of e v ery kind and d e scription,tang ib le or intangibl e. wheth er i n c on ne ction with or "incident o r r ela ted t o thef or e- go ing purposes . (d)To do every t hing n ec e ssary.proper .advi sa ble,or c on ve nient for the a ccompli shment of the purp oses h er einabove set f orth,a nd t odo all oth er thing s incidental t hereto o r connecte d therewith whi ch a re not forbidden by the n on -profi t corpor ation l a ws of th e State of Co lorado,by any other l aw, o r b y th es e Art ic le so f In co rpo ration . ARTICLE IV I n fur th erance o f the p urpo5es set f or th in Artic le III o f these Articl es of Incorp or ation: (a)TheCor p oration s hall h a ve a ndmay exerci sea ll of t he rights.p o wers.a nd privile ge s now or h ere aft erco nferred u pon non -prof it c or po rations org an iz ed u nde r a ndpu r suant to t he laws of the State of Colo rado,in c l uding,bu t no t limited t o,the ~owe r to enter into g enera lp a rtnershi ps ,limited part nershi ps (whe ther the Co rpor a ti onb e a limit ed o r gene ra l partne r),j oin t v enture s,syn dicates ,p ools ,as soc iat ions (•...• a nd other a r rangemen ts fo r carryingo n one or mo reo f th e p urp os e s s et f o rth i n Arti cl eI II o f thes e Arti c le so f Incorp o ration.jo in t ly or in c omm on with others. (b)In addi t ion ,the Co rp ora tion maydo eve ry th ing ne ce ss a ry .s uita ble or prop er fo r thea c c omp l i s hm ent or fu r th e r- a nceo f any o fi ts c orporate purp o s es . ARTICL E V Each owner of aco ndom inium u n i t i n Val Das S chon e Cond omi niums sha llb ea voting memb e r o f t his Association . Each unit o~er shall be entit l ed t ov o tei n thi s Asso ci a tion such owner 's percentage of owne rship i n eachu nit owned b y him multiplied by t he und i v ided p er c en tag e interest in t he general commo n e lemen ts a ppur tena ntt o s u ch u ni ts . ART ICLE VI TheCorpora tion sha ll have n o s har e hold er s ,a nd is not organized fo r pr o fi t.No membe r,me mbe r of the Board o f Directors or person f rom whom t h e Corp o r ation may r ec e ive a ny pro perty or funds shall receive o r sha l l be l a wfullye nti tled to rece ive a ny pecu niary pro f it fr om t he operat ion th ereof , and i n n oe vent sha ll a ny part o f t he funds o r ass ets of t h e .Corporation be paid as salary or co mp e nsa ti on to,or di st rib u ted to ,or inur e to th e b en e fit of any member o f the Boar d of Dir ectors;p rovide d ,ho wever ,alway s (1 )tha t r eas on able compensa t ion may be paid to any member or manager wh i le a c t ing as an a gent or employee of the Corpo ra t io n for service s r e n d e r e d in e ff ec ting one or mor e o f the p u r p o s e s o f the Corporation ; (2)that a ny me mb er o r manag er may .from time t o t ime .b e reimbursed fo r his a ctual and r ea s ona ble expenses i n c urred i n connection with t headministration o f the af f airs of the Corpo r ation . AR TICLE VII The af fairs of the Corpora t i o n s h a l lbe ma nage db y a Board o f Dir e cto rs c onsi sting ini tial ly o f three (3 )memb ers. With the e xc ept ion o f the fi rst Boa rd of Dire ctors,t he nu mb er of Direc tor s shall be as fixe d in t h e Corporat ion I s By -L a ~vs . The Di r ectors s hall b ee le cted by t h e memb ers o f th e Corpora - tion i nt he ma nner p rovi d ed by the By -Laws .Thenam es and addresses of t he pe rsons who wi l l cons ti tu t e the ini tial Board of Di re ctor s and t o serve a s t hei nit ia l Director s u ntil t he irs ucc essors ar e dulye lected and qua li fied a re a s fo l lows: NAME ARTICLE VIII ADD RE SS .. The Bo ard of Directo rs s hall h ave t he power to adopt such prud ential By-Laws and t o al ter the s amea s it may fr om t ime to t imedeemp roper f or t he ma nage ment of th e a f fa i rs of the Corporation ,so l on g a s t hey ar e not inco ns istent with th e provi ~i on s of these Ar t icles of Inc o r p or a ti o n. ARTICLE IX The addre ss of the i niti al r e g i stered o ff ice o f t he -2 - •• Robert Mee r Corpora ti on is and the n ame of t h e ini ti a l r e gi ster ed a gent of the Corp or at ion at suc h ad dr ess i s: ARTICL E X The Corporation r e serves the rig ht to amen d.a lt er,chang e o r r e peal a ny provis ion c ont ained i n .or t o adda ny pr ovi sion to its Articl es of Incorp oration fr om time t o time in a ny man ner n ow or h erea fter pres crib ed o r permit t e d b y t h e laws o f the State of Co lor ado . ARTICL EXI Th e n ame and a ddr es s of the in c o rp o r ator of t h e Corpo ra- tion i ~as foll ows : ,20 Equ i t abl e Building Den v er.Colo rado 80202 I NWITNESS WHEREOF.the undersi gned.b eing the i n corpora t or design ated in Ar tic le XI o f t he annexe d and fore- going Ar ticl es of Inc orp orati on,ha s execute d sa idAr ticles of Incorpor ation as of the d ayo f ,1977 . STAT E OF COLO RADO ) )ss. COUNTY AN D CITY OF DENVE R) I .•a Notar y Publi c,h e reby c ertify tha t RO BERT MEER k nown to me to b e the person wh os e n a me i s sub s cribed t ot h e annexed a nd f or eg oin g Articles of I n corporatio n,a ppea red b e for e me t h is day i n per son and b eing by me duly swo rn ,acknowledge d a ndd ec l a re d t ha t h e s i g ne d said Ar ticles of Incorp o ration as his f ree and voluntary act a nd de ed f or the us es a nd purp oses therein se t forth a n d that t he sta tements therein c ontained are tru e. WI TNE SS my h and a n d official seal th i s_________,1977 .d ay o f My c ommission exp ir es:_ Notary Public -3- •.,. BY -LAWS OF ( VAL DAS SCHONE CO NDOMI NIUM ASSO CIATION SECTION 1. OBJECT 1-1 The p u rp ose for which th is As s ociation i s f orme d is to .gove r n the cond ominium prope rty situat ed i n the Cou nty o f Eag le.S t at eo fColorado .wh i c hp ropert y is desc r ib edon th e a ttache dExhibit "A",whi ch b y t h i s r eference is mad e a p ar the reof, and whi chp roperty h as b een submitt ed to the pro vi sions o ft he Cond o mi nium Own ership Act o f the S tate of Colorado b y aDec larat i on en t itled "Decl aration for Val Das Schon e Cond ominium s.II 1-2All p rese nt or f uture owners,tenant s,future t en a nt s o ra ny other pers onu sing t he f ac ilities of t he proj e c t i n any manner ar es ub ject to the r egul a tions set f or th in t he s e By-Laws.The mere acqui s itio no r r en t al o f any o f t he condominium u nit s (hereina fte r referre dt o a s "un i t s ll )o ft he pr oj ect or t he mere a ct of oc cup ancy of any of sai du nitswi ll s ign ifyt hatt h e se By-Laws a re accepted ,r ati fi ed,and wi ll be c o mpli e d with. SEC TION2 . MEMB ER SHIP,VO TING,MAJORI TY OF OWNER S,QUORUM ,PROXIE S 2 -1 Memb ers .Memb ershi p i nt h is Assoc iation shall co ns ist of th e fol lowi ng: Any per son a cquiri ng an i nt er e st in the real proper ty other than a mortgag ee .ben e fi c iary un dert rust d eeds. o r as a li en claimant ,s h all a u tomaticallyb ecome a member o f thi s Asso ciat ion .Upon t he sale or t rans f er of a unit by an owne r,hi s membe rship s hall terminate. 2-2 Vo ting.Vo ting sha llb ei n accordance with t he pr o- v isi ons o f th e Arti cleso f Inco rp or ation o f Va l DasS c hone Cond ominium Associa tion . 2 -3Maj o rity of Unit Own ers.As us ed i n thes eBy-Laws the term "ma jo r ity of u nit owners "s hall mean unit owne rs whoown more t h a n fif ty pe rc ent (50 %)o ft he undivide d p ercentagei n terest i nt he g ener al c omm one l em e nt s. 2 -4 Qu orum .Ex cep t as o t herwise prov ided in t he seBy- Laws,t he p rese nce i n pers on or byp roxy o f mor e t han fif ty p e rc ent (50%)o f t he vo tes o ft he membership Qf t h eAs soc ia tion ,shal l cons tit ute aq uorum .An affirmative vo te o fa majo rity of t he . votes en tit led to b e cas ta ta meeting ,d etermined b y th e pre s e n c e of th e v oters o r by p roxy ,s ha ll b e r equ ir ed to tran sact bu sin es s. 2-5Proxies.Votesmayb e c ast in p erson or by proxy . Prox ies shall b e in writ ing and t he signa tur es mu stb e wit ness ed - or ackn owledged .Pro x ies must be fil ed wi th the S ecretary b efore the appoint ed time of each me etiug . SECTION 3. AD MINIS TRA TION,11EET INGS OF ~lliMBERS 3 -1Ass o c i ati on Respons ib i l it ies.The owner s o f the u nits •'.• will b e t h emembers of the As so c iation,who will h a ve t he resp on s ibili ty o f admin i stering th e proj ec tt hro ugh a Board o f Directors . 3 -2 Pla c e of Me e t ings. be h eld at s uch place as the Meet ing of the Associat ion sh al l Board o f Directors may dete rmin e . 3 -3 Annua l Meet ings.T he fi rst and latter annual meetingso f t he Association s hal lb e h eldon the d at es g iven o n Exhi bi t "All .Ats uch meetings th ere shal l be e lected by ba ll ot o f th e o wners aBo ard o f Directors in ac co rdance with the r e quir ements of Se ction 4 -5 of the s eBy-Laws .Th eowner s maya l so transact s ucho th er bus iness of the Associa tion as mayp rop e rl y co me b ef ore th em. 3-4 Sp eci al Meetings .Th e Pres i dent s hall c a ll a sp e cial meet ing o ft he o ~vn er s when s o dir ec t ed by reso lu t ion of the Boar d of Director s or up onp resentation to the Secre- t ary of a pe ti tion sign ed b ya major ity of t he owners .No bu s inesss ha ll be t rans acted at a s pe c ialme eting e xcept as s tated i n the n otice unles s by con sent o f t hr ee-four ths of the unit owners ei t her in pe rson or by proxy . 3 -5 Notices .Notices o f annua l and s pecial meet ings s hal l b e give n by .th e President or Secret a ryo f the Associa - tion b y r e gular mail a ddressed to t he reg iste red address es of theowne rs o f the uni ts at l ea st fi ftee n (15)days prior to t he da te se tf or suc h mee ting.Anys uch noti ce shal l s ta te the d at e,time and p lace of t he mee ting ,and if the mee ting is a s pecial mee ti ng.the purp os es t here of .Waiver of no ti ce,e ithe r in pe rson or by proxy .and signed ei t her before ,at or af ter a ny mee ting,s hall be a vali d sub s titutef or service .T he cert ifi c at e of t h e Pr es ident or Secre ta ry t h at n oti ce was duly give n sh a ll b e prima facie evide n ce th er eo f. 3 -6 Adjour ne d Meeti ng .If a ny meeting of o\~er s c a nno tb e or ga ni zed be c ausea q uor um ha sn ot attend ed,the owners who a re pre sent either in pe rson or by pr oxy.may a djo urn the meeti ng to a time no tl e s st han fo r ty-e ight h our s f rom the time th e ori ginal me etingwa s called . 3-7 mee tin gs Or d er o f t he of Business .Th e or d er of b us i ne s3 at a ll owners of un itss hal lb e as fo l lows: (a)Roll Call. (b)P roofo fn otice o f meeting or waiv e ro f no tice. (c)Rea ding of minutes of prece ding mee ti ng . (d)Reports of o f fi cers. (e)Reports of c omm i ttees. (f)Ele ction o f manag ers. (g )Unfi n ished busine ss. (h)New business . SE CTION 4 . BOARD OF DI REC TO RS (P ower sa nd Meetings ) 4-1Number a ndQua lifications.Th e affairs o f this Associa tion s hall b e go verned by a Boar d of Dire ctor s composed of n ot l e ss than three nor more t han s even persons .The pe rsons n amedi nExhibit "A"s hall a ct in s uch capa ci ty,an d s ha ll mana ge the af f ai rs of the Asso cia tion unti l the fir st annua l meeting an d u nt il their s-rc ce e so rs ar e elected . .4-2Po we rs a nd Dut ies .TheBoard of Di rec tors s h al l h a ve t he p owers a nd duti es nece s sary f a:t he admin is trat ion o f -2- •",• t he af fairs of t he As s o c i at ion and f or the op e ra t ion a nd main- t e n ance of a firs t -c l ass p rojec t. 4-3 OtherP ower s a ndDuti e s.The Boa rd of Directors s hall be empowered and s hal l h a ve the follo wing d u ti es: 4 -3 -1 Toa dmini st er and e nf or ce the c o ve nants , conditions .restrictions,easements.u s e s.limit at ions ,ob liga - t ions an d all other provis ion s set f or t h i n the ,De cl a ra tionr e- f er red t o in S ec tion 1 -1. 4 -3 -2 To estab l ish ,mak e and e nfo rce compliance with su ch reasonab le House Rules a s may b e nec e ssary f or t he ope r ation,u se and o ccup an cyo f t hi s condominium p ro je ct wi th th e righ t to a mend samef rom time t o t ime . 4-3 -3 Tok eep o r cause t ob e k ep t ,in good order, condi tion a ndr ep air a ll of t h e gene ral a nd limited commo n element s a nd a lli temso f c o mm o np erso nal property.i f any. 4-3-4 Toi ns ure and keep i nsured al l of the i n - surable gene ra lco mm on element s of the p rop er ty (anda l so fi x- tures;i nterior wa ll s and parti t ions ;decora ted and f in ished surfac es of p erime t ~wall s .floors and ce iling s,door s ,windows a nd other elements o r mate r ials c omp ris i ng ap ar t of the un i ts) i na namou nt e q ual to their maximum rep l a cement va lu e a s pro- v i dedi nt he Dec l aration .Ma ximum rep lacement v alue s h a l l be d etermin ed eve rytwo y ea rs by oneo rmore written apprais al s . F u r th e r,t o obtain and main ta incompr ehensive liabilit y insur- a nc e cover ing the en tire premi ses i n amount s n ot l ess than $1 00,000 p er p e rson and $300 ,000 pe ra cc id en ta nd $50,000 pr o - perty da mages .To ins ure and k eep insur ed all of the fi xtur e s, e quipment and personal property acquir ed by t h e As sociation f or t he b e nef it of the Ass oci ation a nd the owners o f the condominium uni ts and the ir firs t mo rtgagees . 4 -3-5 To fix,d etermine,l evy and c ol lect t h e month ly p rorated asse s sment s to be paid b y e ach of the owners toward t he g ro s s expenses of t he ent ire premises a ndby majority vote o f t he Board to adjus t,decre ase or increase the amoun t of tlre mont hly a ssessmen ts .To levya nd c olle ct spe cial a sses s- men ts whenever i nt he opinion of t he Board i t is necessary t o do so i n o rder to meet i nc rea sed operatingo rma i ntenance expenses or c o sts,or addit ional c a p i tal exp ens es,or because of emer g enci es.All monthly or oth er a ssessment ss hallb e mail ed t o the regist er ed mailing a ddr ess o ft he owner n ot l at e r t han on t h e fir st day of e ach month . 4 -3-6 Toc ollect delinqu en ta s s essme nt s b y suit or o therwise and to e n joino rs eek damag es from a n owne r as i sp ro - v ide d in t h e Dec lara tiona nd t h ese By -Laws . lo ss and 1,-3 -7 d amage To p r ote c t and defen dt he entire b ys uit or othe rwise . pr e mises from 4-3-8 Tob orrow f undsb ut only when so authori zed by 7 570 wr it te n conse nt a nd a ut hori tyo f all of the unit owner s a nd the Declaran t ,i f Dec laranth as a vo t e,a ndwhen so auth o r i- zed t o exe cu te all s uc hi nstr um ent s e vi dencing su ch indeb t edness a s is e xpres sly autho riz ed.Any such a u tho rized ind ebtedness s ha llb e t he seve ral o bl ig at i on of all of the u n it owner s onl y i nt hes ame proport ion as th eir intere st i n the g ene ra l c ommo n ele ment s . of their 1.-3-9 d ut ies To ent er into and p oe...ers. con trac ts within t he sc ope -3 - •..• 4-3-1 0 To es tab l ishab a nk a c count f or t h e comm on tr eas ury a nd r or a l l s e pa r at ef un dswh ic h ar e r e qui r ed o r may b e de emeda dv isa bl e b y th e Boa rd of Dire ctors . 4 -3-11 b ooks and r ecords di s bur seme nt sa nd a ble time by e ach To k eep andmaintain f ull and ac cur a te showi.n g a ll of t h e re ceip t s.e xpen s es o r to p ermit e xami na t ion th e r eo f at a ny rea son - of t he o wn e rs . 4 -3 -12 To prep are and de livera n nua lly t o each own e-r as t at e men t s h owi n g i n a t leas t surmn ar y form al l rece ip t s . expen se s or d is b ursement ss ince the la st s u c h sta tement . 4 -3 -13 To mee t at l e as t s em i-an nual ly. 4-3-14 To d esi gnat e the p er s onnel ne c es sa r yf or t h e main t enance and o per a t ion of t h e genera l and l imi t ed c ommo n e l ements . 4 -3 -15 I n ge n er al to car ryon t he admin i st ra t ion o ft h is As so c i ati on and to doa l l o ft hoset h ings n e cess a ry and rea so n ab l e i no rder t o car ry out the c omm unal asp ect o f condomi nium o wne r s hip . 4-4 Ha n ag e ment Agent .TheBoard o f Di.re ctors may em ploy fo r t he As so c ia ti on a managem e nt ag ent at a c om pe ns atione s ta b- li shed by th e Bo ard to p e rforms uc hd uties a nds e rvic e sa s t he Boa rd s hall author ize inc luding ,bu t not l imite d t o,t he dut ies li sted i n Section 4 -3h e re o f.Anyman ag emen t a g re ement s h all be s ubject to p ar Rgrap h 9 .4 o f the Dec lara tion . 4-5 Elec tion a nd 'f erm o f Offic e.At the o rg an izat ional me e ting of t h e Ass oc iation ,t he initia l Di re c tor s o f the c o rp o- r a tion shall be e lec ted for a term which wil le xpir e on t he fir st annual meet in g of the As sociation.At each annual meeting,a Board of Dir e ctors sha ll be e lected for a term of on e ye ar,a nd th ey shall s erve un til t he ir s uccess or s h a v e b eene le ctedand ho ld t h eir first meet ing. 4-6 Vacanc ies .Vacancies in t heBoa rd o fDi rector s b y any r e a s ono ther t han the r em oval o f a Di rec t or b y a vote o f t heAs so ciation s ha ll be fi lledbyvo te o f th ema jor ity o f t h e r ema ining Directo rs ,even though theymay con s ti tut e l ess than a quorum;and e a ch per son so e l e cted s ha ll b ea Dire c to r u ntil as uccesso r is e lected i n the next annual me eting o f theAssoc ia- t ion. 4-7 Remo v a l of Di rector s .At a nyr egularmeet ing or at any s p eci a l meeting ca lled for that p urp ose,anyone or more of the Dire ctors mayb e ~e m o v e d with or witho ut cause ,b y a majority of a ll of t he unit owner s ,and a su c c es sor th ena nd theremay be el ec ted to f ill the v ac anc y t hus cr e a ted .Any Dire ctor whose remova l has b een prop ose d by t heowne rs s hall be g iven an opportuni ty to be h eard at the meet ing . 4 -8Or g aniza t ion Meeting.The f i rst meeting of ane wly e lected Board of Dire ctors shall be he ld wi t hin tenda ys at election a t:such place a s sha ll b e fixed by the Di re ct or s a t themeeting a t whi ch s uch Directors were elected,and n o no ti c e sha ll be nec e ssary to the n e wly elect ed Dire c tor s in o r d er legally t oc onst itut e s u ch meeting,prov idinga majority of t he wh o le Board s hall be present . 4 -9 Regu lar Meeting s .Regu lar me et in gso f the Board of Directorsmay be he ld a t suc h time a ndp lace a s s ha ll be deter - mi ned fr om time to time,by a ma jority of th e Directors bu ta t l e as ttwo s u c hmee tingss ha ll be h elddu r Lnge ach fi sca l y ear . -4- •• Notice of r e gular mee t ings o f the Board of Dir ect or s shal l be g i ven t oe ac h Dire c to r,pers onal ly or by mail.tel e phone o r telegraph.a t l east thr ee d ays p ri or to the d ay n amed fo r su ch me eting. 4 -10 Spe ci al Mee tin gs .Sp e cial mee t ings of th e Boa rd of Director smayb e call ed b y t heP resident on three days'no tice t o each Dire c to r,g iven persona lly ,o r by mail ,te l ephone or te legraph,which noti ce s hall s tate t he time ,p lace (as her ein - a bove pr o vide d).and p urpose of t h e meeting .Spe cial mee t ings o f th eBoard o fDi re ctor s shall b e calle d by t he Pres ident o r Sec r etary in l ike manne r and o nl ik e n oti ce o nt he wri ttenr e -. quest of at least two Direc tor s . 4 -11 Waiver of Notice .Befor e,at o r afte r any mee t- ing of the Board of Di rec tors,a ny Dir e ctormay ,i n writing, waive n otice o f such me eting a nd suchwaiver shall be deemed equ iva lentt o the giv ing o f such n otic e.Attendanc e by a Dir ector a t a ny meet i ng of th eBo ar d s ha l l be awaiver o f not iceby him of t he time a nd placet he reof .If all the Direc t ors a re present a t a ny meet ing of t h e Board,n o n otices ha ll be requ ireda nd any business may b e trans ac t ed at such meet i ng. 4-12 ~orum.At all meetings of t he Board o f Directors ama jority ~ereof sha ll constitute a quorum f or th e t rans action of busine ss,a nd the ac ts of th e ma jorit y of the Di rec to rs p res en t at a meeting at which a q u orum is p re sent shal lb e the act so f the Boa rd o f Dir ec tor s.I f,at any meetin g of t heBoa rd o f Dir ectors ther ei s l es s than a quorum present,t he majority o f t hose pr e s en tmay adjour n the mee t ing f rom t ime to t ime.At a ny sucha dj ournedme et ing,any busines s whi ch might have b een t r ans ac ted at the ~ee t ing as or ig i nally cal led may b e t ransac ted witho ut furt h er n o tic e. 4 -13 Fidelity Bonds.Th e Board of Di re ctorsmay require that a llo ffi ce rsa nd employe es of t he Associa t ion h and li ng or res pons i ble f or Asso c iation funds sha ll f urnis h adeq uat e fid el ity bon ds .Th e premiums on such b onds sha ll be p aid b y the Associ a- t ion. SECTIO N 5 . OFFICERS 5 -1 De s ignati on .Th e of f ic ers o ft he Asso c iation s ha ll be a President,a Vice -President.a Sec retary -Treas urer,a ll o f whom shall be ele c ted b y and fr om t he Board of Dir e ctors. 5-2 Ele c tion of Of f i ce rs .Th e of ficers of t he Ass oc ia- tion s ha ll be elected annua lly by t heBoa rd of Dir e c tors a t th e o rg an iza tion meeting of eac hn ewBoa r d a nd s ha llh old office a t th e ple asur e of t h e Bo ar d.One person may h old c on cur r ent l y any two offic es.The office of Vice-Pr es ident n eed not b e fi l led . 5-3Remov al of Officers .Up on an a ffirmative vote o f amaj or i ty o f t he memb ers of t he Board o f Dir ect or s ,any off ic er may be remove d,with or withou t cause,a nd his suc ce ssor el ect ed ." at any r egular meetingo f the Boa rd,or at any special meeting of the Board c alled fo r su ch purpose . 5 -4 Pr e sident.The President s ha ll be the c hief e xecu tive officer of th e As so ciation.He s hallp re s ide at a ll meetings of the Asso ciation and t he Board o f Di rectors.He shal l have al l of the gen eral p ooe r s and d uties whLch are u su ally ves ted in the o ffice o f Pre sident o f an As soc i ation . inc l ud ing but not limitedt o the p ower to app oi nt c o mm itte es from among th eo wne rs from time to time as he may i n h is dis - cretion d e cid e is appropr ia te to ass is t in t h e conduct of t he a ffa i rs of the Assoc iation . -5- •• 5-5 Vice-P residen t.Th e Vi ce -Pre s ident sha ll h a v e all the powe rs and author i ty and p e r form all o f th e fu n ct i o ~s an d du ties o f th e Presiden t,in t he a bs ence of t he Pres ident,or his inab ility f or any rea son to ex erci se such p ower s and fun c- t ions or perform such duties. . 5 -6 Secre ta ry.TI le S ecr et ary shall ke ep the mi nu tes o f meeti ng so f t he Board of Direct or s and minu te s of meet ings o f th e As so cia tion;he s ha llh ave charg eo f such b o oks and pa p er s as the Board of Direct o rs ma y dir ect;a n dhe sh all i n g en era l, p erfo rm a ll th e duties in cid en t to the o ff ice of S e cretary.The Secretary s h all compile and k eepup to dat e at t he princ ip al office of t heAssociationac om p lete list o f mem be rs a nd t he ir r egistered maili ng addr es ses.Su ch list shall al so show o ppos ite e ach membe r's name then umbe ro f other app ro pr ia ted e si gnation o f the ap arbn ent unit owned b ys uchmember .Su ch l i st shall b e open to i ns pe ct ion by members a nd other pers ons l awful ly entitled t o inspect th e same at rea sonable time s dur ing regular busi nes s hour s. 5-7 Tr easurer .Th e Tr ea surer shall h ave responsibili ty for Ass ociation f u nds a nd shall h e r espon sible for ke eping fu ll and a cc ur ate ac cou nts o f all re c eip ts and di sburs e me nts i n books b elonging to the Asso ciation.He shall be resp ons ible for the d eposit of a ll monies and othe rv a luable effects in t he sam e. and to the c re dit,of the Association in s uch deposi tori es a s may fr om time to eime b e designated b y the Board of Directo r s. SEC TION 6 . I NDEMNIFICAT ION OF OFFICERS AN D MANAGER S Th e As soc iation shal l in de mn ify eve ry man ager or o f fi cer, h eirs.e x ecutors and admini strator s ,a gainst all l o ss .c osts and exp ense .including c ouns el fees ,reaso nab ly i ncurredb yh im in conn e ction with a ny act ion.su it or proceeding to whi ch he mayb e made a p arty by reasono f his b ein g or h aving be en a man ager or officer of the Ass ociat ion.except as t omatt ers a st o which h e shall be fin a llya d judged in s uch a c tio n,sui t or proc ee ding to b e liabl e f org ro ss negl igen ce or wi lful mi s- conduct.I n the e v ent of a se t tl ement.i nde mni fic ation s hal l be pr ovi d ed on ly in connection wit h suchmat t e rs c overed by the s ettlement as to which t he Ass oc iation is adv ised by c ou ns el that t he pe r son to b e indemnified h as n ot been guilty of gro ss negligenc e or wilful mi scon duct i nt he performance o f his d uty a s such manager or offi cer in rel ation t o t he matter involved. The fore g oing right ss hal ln ot b e e x cl us ive of o ther righ ts to which such man ager or officer may be en title d.Al ll iab ili ty, l os s,d amag e.costs a nd expen se inc urr edo r suf f ered b y the Association by r eason or a rising out of or in connection wi th the fore going indemnification p rovi sionss ha ll be tr e at ed an d h andledby the Association as Common Expen ses;provid ed.h ow- ever .that nothing i n this Section 6 contained s hall b e deemed to ob l igate the Assoc iation to indemnify any member or owner of a condom inium unit.whoi s or h as b e en a manag er or offic er of the Asso ciation.with re spectt o any duties o r obligations a ss um ed o r liabilities incu rr ed by h im under and b yv irtue o f the Cond om in ium Declaration fo rVal Das Schone Condominiums as amember or owner o f a condo mini um unit covered t h er eb y. SE CTION 7 . OBLIGAT IONS OF THE O\~E R S 7-1 Assessment s.Except a3 oth erwisep r ovided in the Condomi nium De clar ation for ValDas Schone Condominiums,al l owne r3 shall be ob l igated to pay the wo nth ly assessment s impos ed by the Associ at ion to mee t t he c omm on exp en ses.and p ayment there ofs hall b e made n ot l at er t h an o n the t enth d ay foll owing -6- ••• the maili ng of the monthly or q uar t erly s tateme nt toth e r egi s - tered ma i ling a dd ress of the o t~er.All a ssess ments shall be f ixed a ta uniform rate fo r all c ondominium uni ts a nd sha ll b e due mon thly or q u a r te rly in adv ance.A me mb er shall be de emed t ob e in go od standing and ent itled t o vot e a t any annua l o r a t a s pe c ia l me eti ng of memb er s,with in the meaning of t h ese By -Laws , if a nd only if he shall hav ef ul ly paid al l as sessments made or levied against h im and t h e c ondo minium u nit owne r by him . 7 -2 Mainten an ce and Rep air. 7 -2-1 Excep t as provided in t he De clar at i on.e v ery . o ~~er must perform p romp tly at his o wn e xpe ns e al l ma i nt e n ance a ndr epair work wi th in h is own unit and limit ed common eleme nt s whi ch i f omi t te d wou ld affect the p ro ject in tts entirety or in p art b elon ging to o t her owners . 7-2 -2Al l the repairs o fi nt ern al instal lations of the un its u ch as water,l ight.gas ,p ower,&Wag e ,telephones, s anitary i n s ta llations,doors,windows,electric a l fixtures, and all other accessories,equipment and fix t ur es includ i ng any a ir -conditioning equipmen t b elongi ~g t o t he unit and in- cludin g a ppurtenant l i mit ed commo n el c.~ents,sha ll b ea t the owner 's exp en se. 7-3Mechanic's Li en .Each owner agrees to indemnify a nd to h old each o f the other owners harml es s from any and all claims of mechan ic's l ien filed against other units and t he app ur tenant genera lc o mm o ne lements f or l abor,mat erial s , serv ices or other p rodu cts incorpor ated i n t he owner 's uni t. I n th e eve nt su it fo r fore c losur e of mec hanic 's l i en i sco m- mence d,th en wi t hin ninety d ays thereaf ter such owners ha ll b e r equ i r e d to d epo si t wit h the Asso cia t ion ca sh o r ne gotia bl e s ecuri ties eq ua l to th e amount of such claim plus intere st f o r o ne year together with t he s um of On e Hundred Dollars .Su ch sumo r securities s ha ll b e h eldby the Asso ciation pending f in al a djudicat ion o r settlement o f t he claim or litigation.Disburs e- ments of such f und s o r p roceed s shall bemadeby t he Associ at ion t o in sur e payment ofor on account of such f ina l judgment or se tt l ement .Any de ficiency shall b e paid fo r thwith b y the s u b- j ectowner,and h is failure to so pay s hall entitle the Associa- tion to makes uchp ayment ,a nd t heamount thereof shal lb ea d ebt of the owner a nda lien ag ainsth is c ondominium uni twhi ch may b e for eclos ed as i s provided in t he Declaration. 7-4 Gener al. 7-4 -1 Ea ch owne rs hallcomp l y strict ly wi t h thep rov1s1ons o f the Condominium Decl ar ation fo rVal DasSc ho ne Con domin i ums . 7-4 -2 Ea ch o~me r s h al la lways ende avor t o o b se rve a nd p romo te the c oo p era ti vep ur pose s for t h e accomp l ishment of wh ic h t he Val Das S chone Condomin iums p ro j ectwasb u i lt . 7 -5Use o f Uni ts-Int er n a l Ch ange s. 7 -5 -1 Units shall be uti lized for such purpose~only as may be permitted i n the De claration. 7 -5 -2 An owner shall not make internal modifications o r a lteration s to his unit o r install ations l o ca t e d therein with - out pr eviously notify in g the As so ciation i n writing through the Managing Agent,or if no Mana gin g Agent i semployed,then t hrough t he Pre s id en t of the Bo ard of Director s.The Ass ociations ha l l h ave the oblig at i on to a nswer within ten d ay sa f ter rec ei pt of s uc hno t ic e,and f ai lure to do s o within such tim e shall mea n that -7- ...•• t here is n o objection to th e propo sed mo d if ic at ion or alteratio n. 7-6 Use of Gen e r a lComm on El ements a nd L imited Comm o n El emen t s.Eac h ooner ma.y u se t he general co mmo n el eme nts an d the l i mi t ed co mmo n c l emen t s i n a c cordance w itht he purpo se fo r wh ich t hey were inten ded withou t hinder ing o r encro ac hing up on th e l awf ul r ights of the other owner s . 7-7 Ri ght of En try. 7-7-1 Anowner sha ll gra ntt he r ig ht o f e ntry t ot he Managing Agen t or t o any other person a uth or ized by t he Board o f Director s in case of anye me r gencyo rigina ting in o r threat en - ing hi s unit,whet h er the atvner is pre sen ta t thet ime or no t . 7-7-2 An owner shall permit the other o~mers .or th eir represent atives.when so r e qui red,to ent er his unit for the purp ose of performing installations,a ltera tions or r epa irs to th e mechani c al or ele ctrical service s,pr ovided that r equests f or en try a re made in adv an cea nd that such entry i s at a time convenient to the owner.In c ase o f an emergency,such right of e ntry shall be immediate. 7 -8 Rule sa nd Regu latio ns. 7-8 -1 No residen t o f the proje ct sh all pl a ce any adver- t iseme n t,or p oster s of any kind i n or on the p r oject except as a uthorizedby t he Association .Provid ed ,ho weve r,that t his shal l not app ly to th e Association o r the Declara nts . 7-8-2 ~vner s and occ u pan ts o f condominium units shall exerci se extreme c are to avoid maki ng or permitting t o be made loud or obj ectionab le noises,a nd in using or pla yingo r per- mit ting to be u s ed or played,musical instrum e n ts.radio s. phono graph s,television sets ,amplifi er sa nda ny other i n s t r u- ments or devic es in such manner a s may dis turb o r ten d to di sturb owners ,tenan ts o r other oc cup ant s of condominium units. 7-8-3 It is prohibited to hang garments,rugs a nd other materials f rom the windows or from any of the fac ades or balconies of a bui lding o r any of the improvement s .. 7-8 -4 It i s prohibited to throw g arbage or trash outs ide the disposal instal lations provid ed for such purpo se s. 7-8-5 No owner.r e sident or l esse es ha ll install wiring fo r electrical or telephone installa tion,televi sion antenna machines o r a ir -conditioning u nits on the ext erior of th e proj ect or that pro trude throu gh the walls or the ro o f of t he projec t except as e x pr ess ly au thor ized by the Ass o ciation. 7-8-6 All pets.at all times .must be carried or on a l e a sh whi le on any part of the comm on elements. 7-8 -7 The owner of each pet i s r e sponsibl e for c leanine any di rt or s oi lage occa sion ed by t he pe ts ont he common e leme nt s a s well a s any d am age toth e property. 7 -8 -8 P ets arc not permitted on th e land sc aped areas of the proj ect . 7-8-9 There is to be n o p arking exc ept in t he de sign ated are as . 7 -8-10 The Asso ciation as sumesn o r e sp ons ib ility f or d ama ge d one to au t om ob il es parked i n th e d e sign at ed ar eas . -8- •• 7 -8-1 1 Nois y vehi cl es shu ll n otb e p ermi tt edo n t he pr e mise s. 7 -8-1 2 No r epairo r cleaning o f v eh ic les on pre Cl i se s . 7-8-1 3 Th eBoa rd of Directors or th e Manag i ng Ag ent re s e rves t he p owe r to e stabli sh,make a nd en for ce c omp lian ce with such a ddit ional Rules as may b e ne ce ss a ry f or th e o p eration, u se and occup a ncy o f hi s condominium project wi t h t he r i ght t o a mend s ame from time t o t ime . 7 -9 Po wer of Attorney .Eac howne r s h al l,upon b e coming a n o~~er of a c ondominium u n it,e xecu te ap ower of a tto rney in f avor of the Associ at ion.irrevoc abl y ap p oint i ng the Asso c iation hi s attorney -in-fac t to ma i nta i n.r epair and i mprove t he buildings and g eneral and limi t ed c ommo n element s.and to d e al wi th the owner's condominium unit up on its d e struct i on or o bso lescence a s i s provided in t he Declaration .Th e purp o s e o f such e xe cu tion shall be more fully to e viden ce s uch ap po intment ,but f ailure to execute s uchp ower of a ttor ney s ha ll in n owayd erogate from the app oin tmen t pr ovided in said Declara tion. SEC TION 8 . AMENDMEN TS TheseBy -La ws may be amended by the As s ocia tion mem bers a t a duly constituted meet in g for such p urpose,and no amend - ment sha ll t ak e eff ec t un less approved b y 7 5%o f the owners . Th e n otice of such meeting shal l c ont ain a summary of the pro - posed changes,or a copy o f such propos ed c h ang es.No mater ial amendmen t to these By -Laws will be mad e u nl essa ll fi rst mor t- gagees eive t heir approval to said amendmen t i nwr iting . SECTION 9 . MO RTG AG ES 9 -1 Notice to Associ ation.Anown erwho mor tga ges his unit sha ll no tify t he Associ a tion through t he Mana ging Age nt,i f any,or the Pres iden t of t heBoa rd o f Di re ctor s,giving t he n a me and a ddre ss o f his mortgagee .The Associati on shall maintain such information in a b ook en titled IlMort gag ee s of Units.1I 9 -2 Notice of Unpaid Asse ssmen ts.Th e Asso ciation sha ll at the reque st of a mortga gee of a unit r ep orta ny unp aid a sse ss- ments due from the owne r of such uni t,and sha ll give mor tgagees' and o ther notices a s are r equired by t h e Decla ration. SECTION 10. EVID ENCE OF OWN ERSHIP.REGIST RATIO N OF MA ILING ADDRESS AND REQ UIRED PROXIES 1 0-1 Proof of Ownership.Any person o n b ecoming a n own er of ac ondominium unit s h a l l fur ni sh to th e Manag in g Ag ent o rBo ard of Directo rs a p h oto copy o r a c ert i fied c opy o f th e re c orded instrument v esting that p erson with a n i n - tere st or own e rship,which instrument shal l r e main in th e file s of the Associat i on.A member s ha lln ot be de emed to b e in goo d standing nor shall h e b e en titled to vote a t a ny a nn ua l o r at a sp ecialmeeting of memb ers unl ess this r e q uir e- ment is f irstmet. 10 -2 Re gis t ra t ion of Ma i ling Addre ss .The own ers o f ea ch co ndomini um u nit sha ll h ave one a nd th e same r e gist er ed -9 - .-.•• mailing addre ss to b eu sed by th eAssoc ia t io n fo r ma ili ng of mon thly sta t ements ,notic es ,d emand s ,a nd all othe r communic a - tions ,ands uc h regi s te r.ed add re ss shal l be the only mailing addre ss of a per son or p e rs ons ,firm ,corpora tion,partnershi p , a s so c ia t io no r other l ega l enti ty or any combination t h er eo f to be u sed by the Asso ciati on .Such registe red addr ess of i1 condomin ium uni t own e ro r own er-s s hal l be furn i shed b y such o\mers to the Secretar y within f ive days a fter t r an s f er or t itle ,su ch re gistra tion s h a ll be in written fo rm a nd signed by a ll o f th e o ~m e rs o f t he condominium un ito r py such persons as are auth o riz ed by l aw t o represe nt th e interests of (all of) th e o wners t h er eof .I fn o such a ddress i s registe red or if a l l of t he own e rs canno t agr ee ,t hen t he address of t he un its hall· b e t h e reg i stere d addres s until anotherr egi ster ed address i s fur nishe d as pe r mit ted u ndert his Sect ion.Registe r ed addres ses may be c hang ed from t ime to time b y simi lar d esignation. • 10 -3 Re quired Proxi es .I f ti t le to a condominium u nit i s h eld bymore than on e p ersono r bya firm,corporation ,p ar t- n ership,asso ciation or othe r l e ga le nti ty ,or any combin ation thereo f,su chowne rs s h a ll execu te a proxy app oin tin ga nd a u thor izine one person or alternate persons to attend a ll annua l and spec i al mee ting s o f members and t h ereat to cast whatever vo te th e mvner h imse lf mi g ht c ase i f he we re persona lly present .Such proxy sha ll b e effective and r ema in i n f orce unless vol untarily revoked ,amended or s oon er termina ted b y operation of l aw;pro - vid ed,h oweve r.that within t hi rty days after such r e v oc a ti o n , amendment or termi nat ion .t he owner sha ll reappoint and a ut hori ze o ne person or a lterna te p er sons to attend a ll annual a nd s pecial meet in gs as i s p r ovLded by t his Section 1 0 -3. 10-4 The requiremen tc on ta inedi n t his se c t ion sha ll be f irst met before an o\~er of a c ondomi ni um unit shall be deemed i n go od stand inga nd entitled to vo te at a ny sp ec ial o r annual mee ting o f members . SECT ION 1 1. COMPL IANCE Th ese By-Laws a re intende d to c omp ly \~th t he req uirements o f the ColoradoCon dominium Own er ship Act .If a ny of t hese By -Laws con f li ct wi th the p rovis io ns o f said statu e.t he p ro- vis ions o f the s tatu te wi ll ap ply . SECTI ON 1 2. Thi s Ass ociation i s n ot org ani zed for profit .No me mb e r, mem ber of the Boardo f Direc to r s.o r p erson from whomt he Asso ciati on may r ec eive a ny p rop er ty or f u nds s hallr ec eive or s ha llb e l a wfu lly e n ti t led t o rece ive a ny pe c uniar y p ro fi t fro m th e opera t ions there of ,a nd i nn o e vents halla ny p art of the f unds or a sset s of t he Ass oc iation b e p aid as s a lary or compe n- s ation to .o r d i s trib ut ed to,o r inure to th e be nef it o f a n y mem be r o f the Board of Di rectors ;p rov ided ,h oweve r,a lways (1)that reasonab le compensation may b e paid to any memb er o r manager while acting as a n agen t or employee o f t heAssocia - tion for services rend ered i ne ff ecting o ne or more of the .: p urpos e s of t he Asso ci ation.and (2)t h at a ny me mb er or Direct or may .from time t o time ,be r eimbur sed f or h is ac t ua l a nd r e aso n- a b le expenses i n curred i n co nnect io n with t he admi nistrat ion of th ea ffai rs o f th e Associa t ion . SE CTION1 3 . SEAL The corpor ate seal shal l consist of concen tr ic circles -1 0- •• set wi t h t he name of t he c orp oration a nd the wor-d "Colora d o "b e- t we en and wi t h t h e wor d "Se a L"i n t h e c ent e r. I N WIT NESS ~~ERE OF .t heu ndersi g n e d h av e h e reunto t h eir h an ds a nd s e a L s th is .day of rz-_ 1 9 7 at Colorado. BOAR D OF DIRE CTO RS _____________(SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) Th e u nde r signe d S ec re ta r y of Val Das S cho n e Condo mini um As so cia tion,a Color adoc orpor a tion n ot f or p r of it ,do es her eby cer ti fy t hatt he a b ove and fo rego ing By-laws we re dul y a d opt ed by t h e Boar d o f Dir e ct ors as t heBy -Laws o f sa id corpo r a ti on o n th e d a y o f •1 9 7__•and tha t t h ey do n o w cons t itut e t he By -Laws o f sa id corp orat ion . S ec r eta ry .,' -11 - •• E X II I B IT "A" I .LEGAL DES CR I PTION c oun ty o f Ea gle, S t at e o f Color ad o . II.Th e ann ua l Me eting of the Assoc iat ion s ha l lb e he ld o n th e day o f ,of e ac h year . I II .In itia l Board o f Directors .' •"• D EC LARAT ION F OR VA I I.DAS S C II O ~1 ,CON DOmN lUNS KNO"ALL ~;EN BYT HESE PRES ENTS : THAT HHERE.AS ,'.]EST VA IL ASSOC IATES,LT D.,a Limit e d Pa r t n e r s lj Lp , h e re i na ft er ca lle d the Declaran t ,is the own er'o f the rea l prope rty s i tuate in the County of Ea gl e,State of Colora do,descr i bed in Exh ibit"A"atta ched h ere to a nd madea p art h er e of ;and HH EREA S,De clarant d e sirest o e sta bl isha cond om i ni um p r oj ~ct under t he Condomin ium Owne r s h I p Act o f theS tate o fCol or ado;a nd ~~re REAS,ce rtainb uild ing i mprove men tsa rc b eing constru cted o n thea fo res a id r eal p ropert y,wh tc hb u ilding i mprove ments 't....he n comp leted sha ll consi st of separat e ly d esignatedc ondomi nium units; a nd WHER EA S,Dec la ra nt does he reb y establ ish ap l an f or the owner- s h ip i n fe e sirr.ple of t he condominium es tate s,subj e ct to t he ease - men ts,r estrictions,r e s ervations,rights -of -way ,co nd ition s,ta xes a nd ass essments of r eco~d and reservat ions i n this Dec laration, c onsisting of th e a rea or sp ace conta ined in .ea ch o f the a ir spa ce .unit s l oc at ed i n the build tng i mprovement s a nd the c o-owner sh ip b y the individ ual a nd separa te owne rs there o f,as t enan ts -in-c o mm on of a ll of th e r emaining p rop er ty (ex cept s u ch p rope rty as is oth e rwis e r eserv ed h erei n)which pr operty i s h e r einafter d efined a ndr efer r ed to as the ge nera l common e lement s. NOW,T HEREFORE ,Declarant does h er eby p ub lish an d d eclare that the foll owing t erms,cov enants,c ondi tion s,easements ,res tr ic t ions , uses ,reservation s,l imitations a nd obligations shall b e deemed to run with t h e land,shall b e a bur den a n d a b enef it of Declar ant, its succe ssors and as si gns,and a ny p erson a cquir ing or owning an interest in the real p roper ty and i mp rove me nts,theirg ra nt e es ,. successors ,heirs,executors ,a d ministrators,devi sees or assign s. DEF IN I TI ONS 1 .Th e following d efinitions shall apply unle ss t he cont ex t expressly prov ides otherwise. 1.1 "Unit"me anson e individual air space which i s con tain ed with in the p er i ~eter walls,or b oundary lines ~· f l oor s,ce ili ngs ,windows a nddo ors of eac h un it a s s hown on the Condominium Map to b ef il ed fo r r e c ord,t og ether wit h all fi x tur es and i mpr ovemen ts ther einc ont ained,b u t n ot i nclu ding any structura lcomponents of the b ui l ding or o ther General Corr~on Ele me nts,if a ny,located withi n th e unit . 1.2 "Cond ominium Uni t ll mea ns t he f ee simpl e intere st t itle in and to a unit,tog ether with t heu ndi v id ed intere st in the g enera l co mmon elemen ts a ndt he ap p ur-te neu t;l im i t ed commO n e lements t h eretc. 0 " •• 1 .3 "Own er"me n ns .<1 p ers oll,fir m,corpor a tion , partnership,a ss oc ia t i on or ot her l eg a l en ti ty ,or any combi na t ion t he re of ,wh o owns one o rmor-e condominium uni ts . 1.4 "Gene r a l Co mmon Eleme n ts !'means a nd includes : 1.4.1 Thel and on wh ic h the b u ildi n g i s loc ated as de scribed on Exhib it flA "; 1 .4.2 The found atio ns,co lumns,girders ,b e ams support s,main wal ls ,r o ofs (except as otherwise p rovid ed f or h er ein),d ec ks,y ard and parking area, walks,wn lkwa ys and reta ining walls. 1 .4.3 The me cha nical i nstal l ations of t h e b ui ldings .consi st ing of the equipment a nd mater ia ls making u p a n y central services existing fo rc o mm on use,such as ,but n o t necess arily limited to,p ower,l igh t, g as ,hot and cold water a nd h e a tin g; 1.1s .4 Any tanks ,pumps,mo tors ,fa ns,compr essors , e x isting for comm on u se ;and 1 .4 .5 Su ch enc losed air s pa ce s in the building as are p rovided for c o mm unity or commo n u se ;and 1 .4 .6 All othe r partso f the bui l d i nga n d o ft he e ntire premises n ecessa ry or co nven ie nt to it s existence,ma intena n?e an d saf ety or norma l ly i n cornm an u se. 1.5 "Limit e d Comm on Ele men ts "me ans any parts of the g eneral common e lemen ts r e served for u se b y few er t han a ll t he owners o f individua l unit s,as shown on t he ~fu p o r as may b e subs eque nt ly det e rm ine d by the Association of u nit owners ,such as,but no t limited t o ,b alconies or p a tios appurtenan t to units . 1 ..6 "Co rrun on Exp ens es "means and inc ludes exp e nses of adm in istra tion a nd opera tion of t he condominium proper t y, and t he expenses of maintena n ce ,r ep a ir or re p lacement ·of the genera l common element s ;e xpe n se sd esignated as co~~on expenses b y t he provisions of this Dec larat ion and /or By -Laws of t he Associa t ion,a nd exp ens es a greed upon as such b y the owners . 1.6 .1 "Reside nt ial Co mmonEx pe nses "sha ll me an a n d include t ha t p or ti on of the c omm on exp enses which a re d esign~t cd b y this Dec l ar a tion o r dete rmined by t he . Associa t ion t o be primarily ror the u se a nd/or b e n e fit of the res idential u nit sa nd th eir resp~ctive owners , t en ant s,gue sts and i nvit ee s,and whic h ar e to b e a sses sed a gainst the re s iden t ial u nits o nly and p aid only by th e owne rs o f sa id re sident ial un its . 1 .6.2 "Co mm erc i a l Comm on Expens es"shal l mean and in c lu de that portion o f t h ec o mmo n expens es whi ch are designat ed b y t hi sDec laration or det e rm ined by t he As so ciation to be prima rily for the u sc and Zor benef it o f the commercial unit s and theirr espe c tive o wners,tenant s ,g ues ts .[l nd invitees an d Hhich ar e to b e as ses sed a gainst t he c omme rcial units o nly an d -2 - "•.•p ci.d o nly b y th e own er-s o f s ai d co rren e rc i.a ltun i t s. 1 .7 "As so c iationo f Un it Q-..1I'1 erS "or "A s s oc Lac i on" me an s VAIL I)l\S SCHONE C OND O ::n~IU:-I ASS OC TATIO:-J J aCo lorado co rp cr n t Lon not f or prof it ,the By -L.1t'lS of whLch s hul l g ove rn the adm inistration o f t he con dom i nium projec t , a nd the membe rs of whLch sha L'l j be the owner s o f the c ond om in i um unit s . 1.8 "Dc c Lar-a t Lon"Me an s thi s Dec larat ion and supplc rr~nts t heret o,if any . 1 .9 "Condominium Pro jec t"means all of the l an ds a nd i mprovements in i tia lly submitted by this Declara tion a n '.Jor i rnp rove re ents subs eque ntly submitt ed a s i s pr ov ided . ,LI D s tru cture "Bu ilding" contai ning meanS the the t;.n its s ingle b ui lding or a s 6hownon the ~'p . 1 .1 1 "Map"o r"Condominiu I'J.Hapll means a n d includes t he eng inee r ing s u rvey of the land depic t ing and loc ating there on all of the imp rovemen t s,the fl oor and eleva tion plans anda ny other drawing or diagra~tic plan dep ic t ing a part o f or all o ft he l and and improvements thereon . 1 .1 2 "Mortgag e"shall me an any mor tgage ,deed o f trust or o ther do cume nt p l edg in e or e nc umbering a Condominium Unit as se curity for the payme nt of r epayme nt of ad ebt or obligat ion .' 1.13 "Mortga gee "s hall mea n any person,corp ora tion, p artner sh ip,trus t ,company,a ss ociation,o r other legal e n tity which t ak es )owns,h olds or re c eives a mortgage . Unit s ll s ha ll be Con do mini um Uni ts ,i nclusive ,a s sho~fiTI on the Map. 1 .14 "Res LdentLa L R,thr ough R'--__ 1 .15 "Co mm ercial Unit s t!s ha ll be Condominium Units C throu gh C•an da ny subdivisionso r pa r tit ions thereo f . DESCRIPT IONAND ESTATES 2 .1 The real proper ty d es crib ed On Exhibit"A"including the i mprovements thereon ,is d i videdi nto separa te f ee simple es tate s(Condo minium Units)as p r ov ided in Exhibit lIB" attac hed hereto and made a par t hereof .Each suc he state sha ll cons isto f t he separately designated un it and the u nd iv ided int erest in and to t he genera l COmmo n element s a p pur tenant t o such unit a s set forth therein . 2 .2 Any deed ,contract )l e as e,"mortga g e ,trust d eed or other instru ment may l eg ally describe a c o ndo mi n i u ~unit by its i de nt ifying unit n umb er fo l .lowed by t hewords "Va il Das Schone Con do minium s"with furth e r reference t o the ~'P f i led for record n nd the r e cord e dDec lara tion .Ev er y such d escr iption sha ll be dee me d g ood and suffic ien tf or a ll purposes t o c onvey,transfe r ,encumber or o therw ise a ff ec tno t only the un it ,but also t he gene ra l cammo n e leme nts and a ny limited common element s appurtena nt there to . Eac h suc h description sha ll b e constr ~ed to inc lude anOn- exc lusive e as ement f or ingr ess nn d egress t o a nd fo rt he .. -3- •• u se of the g e n e ra l COmmon c leme nts a nd a ny ao o ur r erran t l i mi t e d C O~T.o n e l ~m e nt ~. 2 .3 Ea ch uni t and i ts und Lv Ldc d Lrt re t-e a t;in t h e gen era l c o mm o nc I e ra e n ts and any Lf mLu ed commo n c lement s a n nur t e ncn r t he r eto s hall h e i ns e parab l e a nd may b e conveyed ,l c ~s ed o r e n c u mb e red onl y a .,a condo:ni nium un its. 2.4 A con domin ium unit ma y be h el d and o wne d by raor e tha n o ne person ~s j oint t en antso r a s t e n a n t~-i n -c o nw onJ o r i n an y r e al p ro per t y t ena n cy r ela ti o n sh in r e c o g nized u nd er the l aw s of Co l o ra ~o . 2.5 Resi de n t ia l un i.t s shal l b e i denti fi e do n th e Hap by the l etter R pr ec e ed ing the unit n u mb e r.Comme rc ial un itss h a ll be i ~e n t i f i e d b y t h e let t er Cp rec eed ing t he u ni t numb e r.• CONO ONI Nlill!MA P 3 .1 Th e Ma D shall be fi l ed f or r ecord p r i or to t he fir st c onvey anc e o f a n yc ondomi ni um u ni t .The Mao sha ll c onsist o f and se t fort h (1)th e l e p,al de sc rio tion of th e s urf ace o f the r e al p rope rty ;(2)th e line ar mea sure ment s a nd l o ca t ion s,wi th r e f er e n ce t ot h e e xteri or b ounda rie s o ft he r e al property of t h e b ui lding a n-l .1 11 o c he r i mprove- ment s b ud Lt th ereon ;(3)the b u I Ld Lngn a me o r d e s Lgna t Ion ; (l+)t hef lo or p la ns ;(5)th e n umber or de s i .gna t.Lon of each unit;(6)t he linear d Lrre ns l.on s of eac h uni t ;(7 )the e leva tion plans of the bu i ld ing ;(8)t h e elevat ion s o f t he l1 n fini~he d inter :i.o r s ur face o f the flo o rs anil c c il ing5 a!') es t e bI d sh ed f rom a rl at um p l a n e,and the l i nea r mea surements s b owtng the t hickness of t he pe ri me te r wa LLs of the bu ild i ng. 3.2 Th e re s h all b e f i led fo r r e cord as a P3 rt of t he Mao ac e rt if ic at e of ar e gi stered a rc h i te c t or licen s ed profe ssional e ng ine er ce rti fy i n g that the imo rovemen t~a s con s truct ed conform substanti a lly t o t h e Mao ;t hat t h e Mao ful ly a nd a ccura te ly d e picts the l ayo ut ,me asu reme nts a nn loca t io n of al lo f the i mo r ov emen t s;t h e buil~in g n ame o r d esign a tio n;the condominium u nit desig na tions ,the dimensions of such units ,and the elevations of the u nf inished floors and ceilings . TAXATIO N 4 .Qec larants s hall give writ te n n oti ce t o the ass e ~s or of the Count y of Ea gle,Colorado ,of the c r e ation of su ch cond omin ium owne rs h io or pr ope rt y ,a s p rov ided b y l aw ,s o t h 3t e ach condominium uni t ma y b e d eemed a se parate p arc el and subjec tt os ep ara te a sses sme nt a nd taxation . PA RTITION 5.1 The ~e ne ra l comm o n e le me n ts s h ~l l b e otvn ed in c ommo n b y all of t h e o w n e r ~of the c o ndomini u ~un i ts ,a n~ s h a llr e main undi v i~ed ,and n oowner sh a ll briny,a ny a c tion for oartition o r div i ~io n t h e r e o f.Violation of thi s provi si ons ha l l ent itle the A~soci ati on to p er~on a l ly coll e ct ,join t ly a nd several ly f rom th e oa rr Les vi ola t ing the sa me ,the ac t ual attorney l ~fe es ,ccs t sa ndo ther dama g es the Ass o c l a t Lo n in cur s in con ne ction t herewith. -4 - •."•5.2 Excep ta s pr ovided in p ara gra ph 5 .3 b e l ow ,n o o wne ro f a cond ominiun unit shall partition 0:"subd iv ide any such res idential un it so as t oc onvey t o a p rosp e ct ive own er a n interest in l ess than an en tire r c side ntinl unit. 5 .3 Notw l t h s t an d i n g t he f or eg oin g,Dec La 'run t ,a nd a ny successoro r assigns o f De c larant,s hall be perm it ted t o part it i on Clnd subdivide a commercial uni.t or units as nnd when it d eemss uch partition and subdiv ision d e sirable . In the even t De clarant or a succ essor or assigns of De cl ar ant shou ld subdivide and p art ition a ny suc h comme rcia l uni t and soul d convey to an i ndlv idual or e n tity t he f ce o-Hn ersh ip ,or substant ia l equivalent t h er e of,in s uch subd i v ided o r p a rtitioned port ion.Dec la rant shall a llo ca te i n the d ocu - ment crea ti ng suchi nt erest,such portion of the u n divi ded comm one lements as i sa ppur te n an t to t he interest s o conv ey ed.Su ch a l locat ion s hal lb emade in p ropo rt ion to the s quare f oo tage so c onveyed as ~t b ears to t h e s quare f oo tage o f the entire commercia l unit b eing so subdiv ided or p a rtition ed. POSS ESSIONAND USE 6.1 Ea ch m~e r sha ll be e ntit le d to e xclus i ve owner- s h ip a nd possession o f hi s unit e xc ept a s otrher x...ise h erein spe cifical ly prov ided.Eachowner may u se t he general c o~o n e leme nts in commo nwi th theo t her uni t owners ,an dt he l imite d common e lements i n accordance wit ht he pu rpose for which t h ey a re i nt end e d,withouth indering or encroachingup on the lawfu l r ightso fo th er cwner s .The Assoc iation ma y adoptr u les a nd r e gula tio nsgo ve rning the u se o fge neral a nd limited commone leme nts ,and pur suant to wh Lc b limited common c leme n ts a rea l locate d tothe e x clusive u sco f the 'oowerso f par tic ular unit sp rovided suc h ru les a nd r egu l at ions sha ll b e u niform a nd n on -dis cr iminator y.The Ot~er of a CondominiumUnit shall havet hee xc l usive u se o f the b alcon y, if any,immediate ly adjacent to such ~~er 's Condomin iun Uni t. 6 .2 Excep t as may oth e~~i s e b e p ermi tted b y the As sociation each r esidentia l unit shall b e u s ed an d occup ied solely for t h e purpose of l od g in g or a s a dw elling by t he ownero rb yt he own er's family,g ue sts ,a gents ,employee s , inv itees a nd tenan ts . 6 .3 No struc tures of a t e mp orary character (exce pt as roa y b e necessa ry d uringr e -cons truc tion),trailer,(other than d elivery veh ic les ),t ent,s hack ,garage ,barn or other o utbuildings shall b e u s ed o r p e rmitted to b e ke p tor stored on any p ortion of t he cond omi nium p roje ct at any timee ither t empora ri ly or per ma nent ly . 6 .4 Noa ni ma l s,l i ve st ock or p o ul try of any kind s ha ll be m Lsed,b red or kept o n the c ondomi nium project ,except t hat dog s,cats or other household pets may be kep t,subject to rules a nd r egulatio ns that a rc from ti ~to t ime ado pted or amen ded b y t he Asso ciation. 6 .5 No adver t is ing s igns (exce pt for t he b ene fi t o f the c omme rcLn L un it s an d exce pt a s pe rmitt ed a nd approved b y t he Asso ciat ion ),bi llboa rds ,un sightly o bj ects or nuisa nces shall b ee rected ,pla ced or w~int ained o n the condc mi nium project ,n or :ha ll t h e condom inium pro j e ct b eu sed in a ny ~ay or fo r any pu rpose which maye ndan ger t h e health or -5- 0 " •• u nrcasonn hly d i sturbt he OHrlCr o f <lny c ondor:linium un it or any resident t h e r e of.No t.w Lt.hs t.an d Ln g a ny pr ov is ions h e rein con ta ined t o the c o ntn-at-y I it shal l b e e x p ressl y perm iss ib le fo r t h e DccLar an t;t o ma in tai n duri ng the p e r-Le d o fc ons tru c t i on a nd s a l e o f th e c ondomin ium un its ,up on s uch p o rtio n o f t he co nd ominium proj ect a s Oec l a ra nt d ee ms n ec e ss ary,s u ch fa ci l ities as in t h es ol e o p in iono f Decl ara nt may be re as o nab ly r eq ui re d,c on ve n ie nt or i n ci d e n ta l t o the sale of s aid c o ndom'i.n Lum u n its,i n c ludin g b u t vri th ou t l imi t ation,a busines so f fi ce ,s t orage ar ea ,signs ,mode l un i ts and sa l es o f fice .I t i s expr es s lyun d er sto od a n d a g ree dt h at n ec l.are rc sh al lh av e the r i g ht t o u se t he r elat ed ge neralc o mm on c l e me nt s for sale a nd b us i ne s s offi ce p ur p os e s, a t a n ominal r ental of $1.00p er year fo r a t er m n ot to e xceed t hr e e y e ars fr om dat e o fr eco r dingo f De clara tion . Nothing cont aine dhe re in sha ll be constr ued to r es trict o r pr ohibit the u se o f t hec ommercial u ni ts ora ny p o r t Lcn there of fo ra ny purpo se or p ur pose s per mit te d unde rt he l a ws,r c gulat ioreor s ta tut es in effect fro m t ime t o time. 6.6No n ui san ce s shall be al lowed on the condom inium p ro ject,n or a ny u s eo r p ract ice wh ic h is the s ou rce of a nno yance to r e sid en t s ,or which interfere s with t he p e ac eful e nj oyment or p o sse ssion a nd pr oper u s e o f t h e condomin ium p ro jectb y i t s r e s i dent s .Al lp a r ts of the condominiu m p r oj e ct s ha ll b e ke p t in a cle ana nd san ita ry c ond i t ion, a nd no rubbi sh,refu se or g ar ba ges h a llb e allowed t o acc umulat e n or any fire h a z ar d t o e x is t .No un it o.vner s ha llp er mit a ny u s e o f his u nit o r make u sc o f the c amm on e le ~~n t s wh ich wi ll i n cr e a s e th e r at e of i n suran ce u pont he condomin ium pr oj ect .The Ass o c La t Lonmaya d opt By-L er...s a nd Ru l es an d Reg ul atio n s r ela tive t o a b atement a nd e nj o inmen t o f nui s anc es . 6 .7 No immo ra l,i mprop er ,of f en s iv e o r l a wful use s h a ll be p e rm i tted or mad e of the c on domin ium pr oj e ct Or a ny part ther e o f.All v a lid l aws,or d inanc e s and r egul ations o f a ll governmental bo die s having jurisd iction sha ll .be ob s er v ~d. 6 .8 Rules andr e gul atio ns ma y be adopted b y t h e Board o f Directors of the Association c onc erni ng a nd g over ning the use of t h e gen e ra l and limit ed c omm on elements;p rov ided , however,that such rules and r egul a t i on ss ha llb e u nifor m a nd n on-di scr iminat or y .Copies of a ll s uch ru l es a nd r e gulations sha ll b e furnish ed t o unit O~iner s prior t ot he time t h at they b ecome e ffe c tive . 6.9 Except for t hose improvements e r ected or installed by Decla r ant,no e x teriora dditions,a lter a tion s or decorating to the building ,n or c han ges in fenc e s,h edg es,walls a n d · o ther structures shall b e c o mme nce d,e rec t ed or mai n t a ine d until t he plans a n d s pe c i fi ca ti ons ~h aw ing the n atur e,kind, shap e,he ights,mater ial s,loca tion a nd a pproxi ma t e co s t o f same shal l have b e en s ubmit te d to a nd approv ed in ,vx itin g by the Boar d of Direct ors o f the Ass oc iatio n ,or by a repr e - s e nt ativedesignat ed b y it,a s to c on for mity and h armonyo f ex te rna l d es igna nd l o catio n wit h e x i st ing structur e son t h e prop erty.Anowner shall n ot ma k e s t ruc tu ra lmo di fic ation s or a lteration s t o his unit or Lns t.a l.L a t Lone l ocat e d t h e re i n wi t hou t p re vi ously n o tify ing t h e Ass oc iat ioni nwr it in g thr o u gh the ~~nag i ng Age nt,or if n o ma nag ine a g en t i s e mp loye d,then t hrough the Pres ide nt o r the Bo ard of Di re ctors.The As s oc iation s ha ll h ave t h e obliga tion to -6- •".• t o an~wer within thirty (10)day~after r ec ei ry t of such n oti c e,and fai lu re to do so w ith in t h at t Lme shall mean that t here i s n o obj ec t l o n t o t he p r-oncecd modificat ion o r a lterat ion.It i su nrle rstood that t he here in r estr ic tion i s for themu tua l be n ef it of all Unit Own er s,to u r-o t cc t; thes t ruc r urn I e le men ts a nd /or.improvemen tst hat may affec t th e Co mmon El em ent s.No owne r 5 hn1 1 h ave t he righ t to alter the Ceneral Comm on Eleme n ts. ENCROACHNENT S AN 9 EASr.~lEN TS 7.1 If a ny n orticn o ft he r~neral Comm on El e m e nt~e n - c roaches upon a u nit or unit s by r eas on of da~age ,de<;truct ion, se ttli ng ,shi f ting,repai ro r r econs tru c ti on ,a valid eas emen t for the e nc r oachment an d for its mai n te na nce ,so long as it s ta ~d s ,~hall a nd d oes e xi s t.I fa ny p o rtion o f a un it or u nits e ncroaches upon th e ge neralc a mm on e lement s or UDon an adjoining unit or u nits ,by r e a s on o rda ma ge,de~truc tion, sett ling,sh ifting ,r epa ir or rec onstruct ion,a ·valid easement f or s u ch e ncroachme nt shall and d oese x is t .For t it le or other pur poses,no such e nc roachment a nd easement shall b e co nsidered or d etermin ed to be an en cumbr ance either o n the g eneral c ommon e leme nt so rt he unit s . 7 .2I f a t the time of t he i ni t ial conveya nce of title to a c ond omi nium unit theree x is ts within such c ondominium unit water lines or sa ni ta ry sewer lin e s,wh ich l in e~ serve the u n it or unit so nt he flo or i mmediately above t he condomi nium unit being conve y ed,t h en,an d in that event, Oeclarant reserves ,fo r t he b enefit o f the owner (s)of t he u ni t(s)b eing t hen se r ved by such line s,an ea s ement to ma in ta in a nd r epair s uch e xis t i ng wanera nd sani t ar y s ewer lines togeth er with a right o fa cces s to such lines for ne ces sary repair s and r epla cements .Al lc osts and expe ns es necessary to maintain and r epair said liness hallb e b orne by t he owner(.)of the un ites)b eing served by suc h line s . 7 .3 De cla ra nt fo r t he b ene fit o f the owner sa nd future own e rs of the condo minium uni ts h ereb y r es erves a r i ght of way and e asement for all exist in g utilit y lines or pipes , includ i ng,bu t not limited t owa t er line s,s ewer l ines,. gas line s,te lephone lin e s,television c a ble lines,heat . linesa nd such oth er u tility linesa nd in cidental equip~ent t here on. 7 .4 If any utility line referr ed t o in 7.3 ab ove is de s troyed or d a ma ged ,the Assoc iation shal l c ause the s a me to be re stor ed forthwi th .Notwithstandi ng a ny o ther pro - vision in thi s De cla ra tion,an owne rwho b y i ts n e glig ence or willful act c au ses damage~to any of t he utility lin es desc rib r in 7 .2 above s h al lb e ar t he c os t s of r e stor ation the reof ,e n -l any other d amages al lowed b y l a w. MECHAN IC 'S LIENS 8.Sub~eq u ent tothe comn lc t ion of the im or ovemen t s d esc rib e d on t he Mau 1 nO l ab orne rformed o r m<lteri a ls furn i she c nnd in c or po rat ed i n au nit wi th the c on se nt o r at t h e request of t he owner ther eof ,or hi s agent ,or hi s con trac tor o r subcontra ct or , s hall be the b as is for f ilingo f a lie nn gn Lns t;the un it of any other "owner n ote x pressly c on s e nti ng t o or r eques ting ~he s a me,o r e ga in st the ge n eral commo n e leme nt!';owned b y such other owners . Eac h Owner s ha ll indemni fya nd h old h ar mless e nch of t he other -7- •«• .< owne rs f rom a nd a g ain ~t all l ia b ili t y ar l s ing fro m the a 5sc rtion of such l i en .The o r-ov i s Lo ns h ere in c on t aLncdare s u bj e ct t ot he r-L gb r.s of rh c NnTIn g i ng Age nt o r 1~0 .31 ·d of »Le ec t-or so f t he A ws oc t e r ton a s s et fo rth i n Sec t ion 1 0.No t ....-Lrh s tnnd l ng t he Eo r eg cLng ,a ny f i rs t mor tgagee o f R Co nd omLnLum Un Lt;wh o s ha ll h ecome t he ow ne r- of s uch Condom Ln Lurn Uni.t pur su ant to aLa wf ul f o z ec Losui-es a l c o r t he t aki ng o fa deed in lieu of f or cc Io s urc ,s hn Tl no t b e u nd er a ny o bL i.ga t l o n t o in demni fy nod h old h a rm le ss any oth er owne -r against l i ab ility f or claim-=;a r isin g prior to t he cl ute :'>u ch mor tgag ee b ec omcs an o wnc r . A SSO CIATION ADNINIS TRAT I ON AND HEHIIERS HTP 9 .1 Ad minis trat i on .The ad min i stration o f this c ondo miniump ro jec t sh al l b eg ove rne d b y theCe rtif ica te of I n co rporation and By-Law s o f t he As socia tio n.An o~~er of a ·condorn in ium unit ~hal1 b e and remain a memb e r of thc A ~so c i atio n for t he p eri o1 of hi s b ~YTI ersh ip . 9 ~2 Memb er ship.Any p er sono n b ecoming an owner of n condomi nium u nit s ha ll automa tic.ally b ecome amembe r of tb ts A ~so ciation a nd b e subje ct to th e Certifi cate of I nc or n ora t ion ~ th is Dec la ra tion a nd to theBy-Laws.Such me mb er s hip s ha ll terminate without any As sociati ona ctionwhene ver s uch p ers on ceases t o own a condominium un its,b ut ~u ch termination sha ll n ot r elieve or re lea s e any such for me r owner fr om a ny liabili ty o rob l iga t io ns in curre d under o r in lilly connecti on witht he A')so cia tion du ri ngt hepe r io d of such o wn e rshin a nd me mbe rshi n in t hi s A ~s o ci atio n~o r imo air a ny rights or re medie s whi ch the Bo ard o fDirectors of th e As sociation or others may h ave a gainst suc h former owner a nd memb er aris ing o ut of or in a ny way conne cted with such owne rs hip and memb ersh ip and t he c ove n a n ts a nd ot.Lf g e t Lons incide nt ther eto.No certi fi c ates of stock s ha ll be issued by the Assoc iation,b ut the Bo ard of Di rect ors ma y,if it so elects~i ssue on e me mber shio card to the owner(s)of a condomini um un it.Su ch member sh ip ca rds h all b e su rrendered whenev er ownershin of the condominium uni t d e signa ted t h e re on shall t erminate . 9 .2 .1 Voting.Each owner of a uni ts ha ll b e en ti~l ed to vote in the As socia tion only such o~~er's percenta ge of ownership in e ach Unit owned b y h immu lt ipl ied by the un div ided p ercentage intereRt in t h e genera l c a mmo n elements appur t enant to such unit s . 9 .3 Any holder of a fir st mortgage or f i rst d e ed o ft rust shall h avet he right to examine the bo oks a nd r e cord s of the A ssociati on~and s hall receive an a nnu al audite d (no t ne ces s arily c ertified)finan cial s ta tement of the Asso cia t ion wit hin ninety (90)d ays followi ngt h e en d o f any fi scal y e ar of the A.so elati on . No mat erial amend men tt o the B y-La w ~of t h e Associa t ion will be made unle ss al lho lders o f r e corded f irs tmo rtgages or fir s t d e ed s o ft rus t fir st g i v e their g i ve their ap or ov al to said a mendmen t in writing . 9 .4 The A s~o ciation ma yemploy a mana ging a gent at a com p en s atione stab lis he db y the Boar d of n ire ctors of t he Ass o ci<;!tion t op erf orm !iuch d ut ies and s e rv ice s a s the 'Bo ard o f T)irect or s shall a ut horiz e.Pr ovid ed,h owever,t hata n y agre e me nt with a mana gin g a g ent must provide t hat the mana gemen tc o nt ra ct may b e term ina tedwi thou r wi t hout caU 5C -8- •• on nine ty (90)days Hri tt en n otic ea nd t h e t erm of such cont r act mu~t not exc eed t hre e (3)yea rs. ACCESS ,~~I ~~E N A N C E AND REPAI RS 10 .1 The Ass ocia tion s hall have the irrevocab le rightt o be e xerc ised b y the Na nag,ing i\g cn t Or Boardo f T)ir c ct ors o f theAss o c t a t Icn ,o r th eir d e sig nat ed age nts or renres en tat ives to h ave a ccess t o ea ch uni t f rom time to t ime duri ng re ason a ble hours as may be n ec ess ary f or the main t enance,r coa ir or r e placemen t of any o ft he gene ral c ommo n e lement s ther ein or acce ss ib le t h e r c fro ~or fo r mak ing emergency r epairs therein n ecess ar y to pr even t damage to t he genera l COmmon e lements or to a no the r un it . 10 .2 Tmmag e t o the interi or or a ny par to fau n it or u nitsr e su l tin g fr om t he mainte nanc e,rep3ir,eme r ge ncy r epair o r r e pla ce me nt of any of the genera l comm on eleme n ts or as a r e ~ul t of emergenc y r epairs wi thin anoth er un it at the in s tance of the As soc ia ti ons hal lb e a co mm on expe nse ; provided,h owever,that i f such d a ma ge i ~caused by n egligent o r other tortiou~conduct of au nit o~mer,memb e rs o f hi s fa mily ,his agent,emo loyee ,inv itee,licensee o r t enant 9 then s uch owner sha ll be r e s p on~ibl e fo r such d amaRe .The d a ma g ed I mpr-cv e men ts shall be r est or e d to substan tially the same condit ionwh i ch existed nr ior to the d ama ge . 10 .3 Exceut;as pr ov ided in ·10.6 be Low ,each owner-s hall ma in tain in good re pair the inter i or o f hi s oym un it,incl u cing i ts fix tures.All fixtur es and e quinme nt in ~t all ed wi th in the u nit,commenc ing a t a poi nt whe re t t c .ut ili ty l in e s. pLoc ,wire s,condu its or sys tcms (wh Ich f or b re vity are h ere after r-e fe rr e-I to as "u t Ll Lt I cs")en te r t he unit a haLl, b e main ta ined arid kept in r-eoa L'r by th e o:...n cr there of . 10.4 No o;~er shall no anything t hat will im pa ir the structural soundness or inte gri ty o f the bu i lding,o r i mo air a ny e as ement or h ereditament . 10 .5 TheAss o cLa cLons ha l ln ot b e liable fo ra ny . failure of wa te r s upplY9 or o ther serv ice t o b e obtained and p aid for b y th e Association hereunder ,or fo r inj ur y or d amage to ~e rs on o r pr op erty cau s ed by t he eleme nt s,o rb y a no ther Otvn er or per son in the p ro jec t,or r esultingf rom electricity,wa ter,r a in,dust or sa nd which may leak o r f low fr om outside or fr om any na rts o f the bui ld ing or from Bny of itsp i pes ,d rains ,c onduits,app l ia nce s or eq ui pme nt o r fr om any oth er place,u nles s caused by the gro ss n e gligence of theAssoc ia ti on o r its a~e n ts . 10 .6 Wi th r e spectt o the vertica l u ti lity lines ,whet her i n s i de or o ut side o ft he ind ivi du al 'uni ts ,the A~s ociation shall be r espon sible for t he main tenance a nd r epa ir of s uch se rvice lines. 10.7 Eac h un it owne r ~h a l1 b e r e sp on~i ble fo r the r enair and ma in te nance o f the ba lcony ,if any ,ad jacent to such owner 's u ni t. mo/h'ERSH IP OF \,ALLS ANn UTILITIES AND PARTY WALlS 11 .1 NoOwners hall be deem ed to o~n t he u ndec orated an d/o ~ u n fini shed surfaces of t h e pe r imeter walls ,f loors a nd c eilin 6 ; s ur rounding h i ~u ni t ,An owne r shal l be deemed t o own ann -9- •• sha ll maLn t a Ln t he inn er de corated a n d/or finished sur face s o f t he p erimeter wa L 'ls ,f loors and cc L'lLn gs ,d o or-s and wLndow s,cons ist ing o f pa int ,wa L l.pn pe ra nd oth er f ur nishi ng materia ls and t he in terior non-:supno L"ting walls co ntained w i.t hLn the units. 11.2 .1 Hu tua l re ciprocal easements are h ere by e s t.ab L is he d , dec lared a nd gra nted for a ll pa rty wa'l.Ls hereafter b e twe en u nit s.Every d eed ,v he t he r o r not exnre ss l y so sta t i.ng sh a ll be deem ed t o conve y and be s ubject to suC;h re ci nroca l ea seme nts . 11 .2 .2 Exc eo t fo rn e gl ige nt or wil lful ac ts of an o wner a nd e xcept f or wal lpap er a nd other fini shing mat e rials, the cost o f reoa ir and maintena nce of t he n a rty wa l ls sha ll b e an ex pen s e of t he Associa t io n. • 11.2 .3 I fa pa r ty wa ll i,d es tr oy e do r damaged b y fire or other casua l ty th e Ass ociat io n shall oroffiotly res tore ~uch wal\with outp re judicet o t he As~ocia tion to s eek co ntr ib ut ions f rom a n o ~n er fo r negl igent o r willf ul a cts or omissi ons . DECISIONS OF ASSOCIAT ION 12 .1 Eac h o ~vner s hall como l y ~t r i c tl y with t he p rOV~~10 ns of t his De clara tion ,t he Certi fi c at e of I ncor oorat iono f the As sociation ,the By-Laws o f the ~ssociati on ,and t he dcc i s i on ~ a nd re solut ion s of t he Assoc ia tion adopted Durs ua nt the ret o as the same may b e l awfu lly ame n~ed from time to time .Fa ilure t o comply with a ny o ft he same sha ll b e g round s for a n ac t ion t o r ecover sum s d ue and for damages in clud ing reas ona ble a t torney 's fees a nd casts or i nun ct ive r elie f i n t he n ame o f the As sociati on on b e h alf o f t heowners,in aprope r ca s e, by an a ggr ieved owner . 12.2 Upont he r eq ues to fa ny h older of a fir s tde ed o f t r u st on a c ondominium u nit sub jec t to t his De claration,t h e Association shall g ive a wri t ten no tification t os uch h olde r of a f irst deed of tru st o fa ny defau lt by t he mortga g or o f such uni ti n t he pe rfor ma nce of such mortgagor 's ob li gati o r.~ und er th isDec la ra tionwhi ch is not c ure dwithint h irty (30 ) da y s. AMEN DME NT SOR REVOCATION 1 3 .1 Except a s otherwis eh ere in provided ,th is Dec l aration s hall n ot b e r evok ed or a mended u nl ess own er s ren rese nting t he a g greg ate owner shi p inter est of seve nty-five o erc ent (75%) or more in t h e g ener al c ommone lements and al l ho lde rs o f . rec or ded f irst mo rtgages or f i rst d eeds of t r us t e ncumbe ring condomin ium u ni ts co n sen t thereto hy;in s trumen t (s)d ul y r ec orded.P rovided ,however ,e xcept as provide d in pa ragranh . 5.3 above,t he u n div ide d in tere st i n t he genera l commo n e lemente; appurtenant t o e nch un it,a ~expressed in t hi s Dec laration, shal l h avea pe rmanent c haracter a nd s ha ll no t be a ltere d wi thoutt he c on c;ent of a ll condomin ium unit owners a nda ll ho lde rs o fr ecorded mortgages or deeds o f trus t as ex n ressed i n a d uly r ecordedamendment to thi ~Dec la ra tion. 1 3 .2A s WO ~n s tat ement ,b y any p erson puroort ingt o k now of hi s own k nowledge t h at t h e ne ce ss ary p ers on s have c ons ented to such amendme nt o r r evocat ion ,whe n duly r ec or ded therew i th ,shal l be prima f aciee vidence of such fac ts . -1 0 - • ASSESSHENTS PRORATI ON • .. 1 4 .1 All o wner-s s hall b e ob Li.gn t ed t o pa y t he a c tual expenses i n cu r red by t he Board of Direct or s or Hanag ing Agent of the Ass oc i n t ion t omee t th e 'c o mm on e xp enses ,s a i.d e xpens e s b a s c d on a n es tima te d bu dget ,t ob e r ec on c il e d wt th ex pense s a ctua l ly incur red at t h e e nd o f ea c h fisc a l p e rio d ,a nd any ove rages to be cred ited t o ea ch un i t's ac count axe to b e s et a si d e in a s eparatea ccou nt for suc h purp ose .Excep t as p r o vided i n paragrap h14 .3 h elowa nd exce pt f or i ns ura nce pre miums,t h e as se ssments s ha l lb e ma de pro rat a a c cor d ing t o e ac h o cne r t s p er c e nt age und i vid ed in te re st in the g ener al . c o rr~on e le ments .Assessments ,i f made ,f or i nsu r anc e pr emiums s ha ll b e that p r o p or t ion of t he t o ta lp r emiumt hat th e in sur~nce one ac h Condomi nium Un it b e a rs to t h e t ot al c overage . F or a ssessmen t pur p ose s,any limit ed co mm o n e le men ts s h a ll b e ma in ta ined a s g e nera l cammon element s ,a nd OWne rs h av ing exc l us i ve u se thereo f s ha ll n ot be subj ect to s pe cia l c harges o r ass es sments .Assess me n ts for es t i ma ted comm on e x pe nses s ha ll b e d ue mo nth ly i na dva n ce o n t h e f i r st da y o f e ach month.Th e Nana gin g Agen t orBoardo f Dir ec t ors sha l l prep<1 re a nd d eliver o r ma il to ea c h o wn e r [I n itemi z e ds t a tme nt s h owLng t hev ari ous e s timat ed or a ctua l e xp ens es f or wh ic h a ss essmen ts are made . 14.2 As sessme n tss hallb e b ase d upon tota lc a sh r equir e - me nt s as de term ine d b y the }mnaging Age nt o r Board o f Dire c tors of t he As soci ation f r o m t i me to t i me to b e pa i d b y a ll owne rs , t o prov idef or all e stimat ed e xp e n se s g rowing ou t o for c on - n e cted witht h e ma i nt ena n ce a nd op e rat i o n o f t he gene ra l c o m~o n e leme n ts ,wh ic h ma y i n clude,a mong o thert h ings , e xpenses o f management ,t axes and sp ec ia l a ssessmen ts u n til s e para te ly as ses s ed ;f i re in sur a n ce and e xt end ed c ove r agea nd v a n dali sm a nd ma liciou smis c h ief e n d orsementa t tach ed ,is su ed in t he a mo u nt o f the ma ximumr e pla cement va l u e o f all c ondo - minium u nits (i nc l uding al l f ix t u r es ,in t er i or walls a nd pa rt i t i ons,dec ora ted a n d fi ni she d surfac es of p e r i meter wal ls , f loor s and c e ili ngs ,d o o r s,wind ows ando ther eleme nt s or mater i a ls c o mprisinga p art of the uni ts );ca s ual ty an dp u bl ic liab ility and oth e r i ns ura n c e pr emiums;l a n ds ca pi n g a nd 'c ar e of g r ounds,cornmOn ligh t a nd h e a tin g ,r epai r s a nd r en ov a t i on, tra sh a nd g arba g e co ll e ction s ,s no w r emov al,wages ,wat e r a n d sewer c ha rges ,e x p en ses re lat ing to the o perationa nd maint e nance o f the recr ea tionala reas,if a ny,l ega l a nd account ing f e e s, mana geme n t f ees ,e xp en s esa ndl i abi li ti es i ncurr ed b yt h e Ma naging Agent or Board o fDire ct or s un der or b y r ea son of thi s Dec lar a tion,payme nto f a ny d efi city r emaining fr om a previous p eriod ,c r e ac ton o fa n adeq ua te r ese r v e f u nd for the ma i nte na n ce ,r e pa ir of replac e me nto f t h e c o mm on e l e ment s t ha t mus t b e r epla ce do n a per i od ic basis,t o g ether wi th a r e as onabl e cont inge n cy or other r e se r veo r s u rp lu~f und as we ll a s otherc os ts a nd exp e n s es r el:a t ing t ot he genera l c o mm o n e l e ment s.Omis s ion s or f ail ure s t of ix th e ass essmen t for a nymon th s hall n ot b e d eeme d a waiver ,mod if ic a t i on o r r ele a se o f t h e owner s f ro m the ir ob ligat iont o pay .Any re serve f unds h a ll o nly b e es tablis he d thr o ug h the p ay me nt o f th e mo nth l y a s sessme n ts f or commo n e xpe ns es ra t h e r than b y s p ecia la sse s s ment . 14.2 .1 An y c omm On e xp ense which the Board of Di::ec tors o f the As socia ti on de t e r mi n es to be o f b en efit t oo nl y o n e ow n er s h al l b e b orne by s uch ow ner. -11 - •.• 14 .2.2 Any comm on e xpense wh ic h th e Bonrd o fDi r ectors o f the Asso ciation d etermi nes i nt h eir so l e an d absolu te di screti on t o be of g reat er benef it t o one class o f owners a nd t o a lesserb en ef it t o the o th er class of ow ners (i .e.r e si d e n t i al unit owners V B .c o mm erc i a l uni t owner s)shall b e b or ne hy suc h c l ass es i ns u ch pro p or tion s as the Boa rd o f Dir ect or s ma y d et ermine fro m t i me t o t i me . Th e por tio no f any suc h c om mone xp en s e a l loca t e d to a cla ss o f rn~n e r s as a b ove pr ovi ded shall be s har e d b y the own ers within su ch c l ass in a ccorda nce with the ir rela t ivea ppu rte ntant undivided per centage ,i n t e re s t in theg ene ra l comm one lemen ts . 14 .3 No owner maye xemp th i mself from liabi lit y for hi s con tribution f or the comm on exp en s es by waiver of t he u se of e njoyment of a ny of t he common e l emen t s,or b y a b andonme nt o fh is u nit.• INSURANCE l5~1 Th eBoard o f Dir e ctors of t h e Assoc ia tion or }~na ging Ag ent s hal l ob tain and mainta i n,t o t h e e x ten t obtainab l e,polici e s invo lv ing standard premium rat es ) es tab lished b y the Colora d o In suranc e Comm i ssioner,an d writ t en with compa n i es licens ed to do b usin e ss i nCo lo ra do a ndh avi ng insure ds witha Best tsI n s ur anc e r ep ort r at ing of AAA or b ette r,c overin g t he risks se tf o rth b elow .Th e Boa rd of Directors o f th ~A s s o c i~t ion or }bnag i ng Age nt shall not ob tain any policy wher e :(i)un d e r the ter ms of the i nsurancecomp any'sc ha rter ,b y -laws or p olicy )c ontribu tion s or des ignee;or (ii)by th e t erms of c arrier 's charter , b y-l a ws or policy )lo ss paym e nts a re c ontingent up on ac tion .b y the comp any 'sBoar d o f Dire ctors,p o lic y h old er s o r memb ers ;or (i i i)the p olicy i nclu de sa ny limit in g c la u s es (o ther than i ns u r a n cec ondit ion s )whic h cou ld pr ev ent ~or t ­ g agees or the mor tg ag or fr om c olle ct ing insur anc e pro c e e d s~ 1 5.1 .1 F ire ins ura nc e with ex t e nded coveragea nd a ll risk endor s e ments ,which endors eme ntss h all i n clud e e ndor s e ments for va n da lism,ma l icious mis ch i e f,boiler explo s ion and mac hin e ry with a minimum end or sed amount of $50 ,000 .00 per acc identp er lo c atio n,insuring th e entire condomin ium proj ec t and a n y other prop er ty,t he nature of which i s ac amm on c leme nt (includin g all o f the uni ts ,fixtur e s ther ein i nitial ly in st alle d b y t he Declarant but n o t i n clu ding fu rn i tur e,f u rn is hin g so r other persona l pr operty supp lied b y o r insta lled b y u ni towners)t oge ther with all servicee quipme n t contained there in in an amo u nt e qua l to t he fu ll repla cement v alue,with out d edu ct i on f or d e pr e ci a tion, and wh ich s hall conta in a stand ard n on -con t ri but or y mor tga ge c la u se in fa voro f ench mo r tgagee o f a c ondo - mi nium unit wh Lch s ha ll p rovid e t hat the loss )if any, thereun der ,shall b e payab le t o the Associat ion for th e u se an d b enefit of mor tga geesa s the ir inter e st may a pp e ar . 15 .1 .2 If the c c ndo min i u m pro j e ct i s lo c at e d in a n a rea ide nt ifi e d by t h eSe c re ta ry of HOlls i ng a nd Urba n De vel op ment a s a n ar ea h av ing special floo d ha za rds and th e sa le of fl ood i ns urance has be e n ma de a v ail ab le u nd er the N ~tion a l fl ood I ns ur ance Ac t of 1 96 8,a "blank et"p ol icy of f loo d insuranc e on the c o n do t:l ini um -1 2- .. •• p roj e ct in an a mo unt:wh Lch Ls th e l esser o ft he max imum amoun t of in s uran cQ a vai l able u n de r th e:: Act or the aggr ega te of the nnpa id pr in cipal b a lances of the mor tgage s o n t h e condo-n l.n i o rn uni ts ·c ompr i s i n g th e cond om inium proj e ct . 1 5 .1.3 Public l i ab ilit y and proper ty dama?,c in sura nce i n such l i mits as t h e Bo ard of Directors may from t i met o d etermin e ,but n ot i n an a mou n t l ess tha n $300 ,000 .00 per i njury,per person ,p er oc~urrence a nd umbr ella liab i lity l imit s o f $1 ,000 ,000 .00 p e r oc c urrence,c ov e rin g a ll c l.a Lms for bod Ll.y in jury o r p rope rty damage .Covera ge sha ll i n c l ud e ,wi thout l imi tati o n,li2b il ity f or p e rso nal in ju ri es ,opera t i on of au tomob iles on b e h alf of the As sociat ion,a n d ac t ivities in con n ec t ion wi th t h e o wne r s h Lp operatio n, ma in ten a nce a n d other use of t h e pro j e ct.Sa id p ol ic y shal l als o contain a "sev era bi lit y of interest e ndo r s e- me n t.t1 15 .1 .4 Workmen 's Comp ensa tion a nd employer 's liab ilit y i ns urance a nd all other s imi l a ri n surance in r e sp e ct t o e mp loy ee s o f t h e Ass oc iat ioni n the nmoun ts nnd i n t he f orm n ow o r h er e a f t e r required by I nw. 1 5 .1 .5 TheAs sociatio n shall,if r easonably ava i lable , pur chase ,i na n amount n ot hss than on e h undred fi ft y p ercent (150%)of the Ass oc iat ion 1s est imated annua l o p erat i n ge xpen s es a nd res erves ,fid e li t y cov erage again st di s hon es ty of e mp loyees ,dest ru ction or di s appe ar- anc e o f mon ey ors ec ur it ies andf o rgery .S aid po lic y s ha l l a ls o c o ntai n endorseme nts there to cove ring any p e r sons ~yho serve the As so ciation withou t compe nsa t ion. 15.1.6 Th e Assoc iation may o btain i n suranc e aga i ns t suc h o ther r isks ,o fa similar or di ss imi l ar n a tu re ,as i t s ha lld eem a ppr o pri at e wi t hr e sp ectt o the p roj e ct, inclu ding p l a t e o ro t her gla ss i nsura nce a nd any pers ona l pr op e rt y o f the Association l oca t ed the reon. 15.2 All p olicies o f insur ance t o the e x tent o b t ainab le s hal l c ont ain waive rs o f subrogat ion and waive rs of a ny de fe nse b as ed o n inv al i di t ya r i s i ngf rom a ny a ct s of a condominium uni t mvn er a nd s ha llp rovide tha t suc h p o lic ie s may not b e canc elle d ormodi fie d wi tho ut a t l ea st te n(10) days pr iorwritt en no tice t oa ll of t h e insu re ds ,inclu di ng mo r tgage es,frJp li ca te or igina ls of a ll po lic ies and r e n ewa ls thereof,t og ether with p r oof of payme n t so fp r e miu ms,s hal l b e deliv ered t oa l l mortgagees at l ea s t t en (10 )d ays pr i or t o e xpir ation o f the t he nc urr ent p o l icie s.Thei n sur ance s ha llb e c arried i n bla nket fo rmn ami ng the Ass ocia tion as the i ns u red ,as at torney-in -fa ct f or a ll o f the condomin i um u n it owners ,wh ich po licy o r po l ic ies s ha ll ide nt ify t he i n t ere st of eac h c o ndomini um uni t ow ner (owner's narnz and unit n umber designa tion ). 15 .3 Prior to obtaining a ny po licy of fir e i ns ur ance or r e n e wal thereo f ,t he Board o f Di r ecto r s shal l ob ta in a n appr ai sal f rom adu ly q u al if i ed r e al es tate or insura nce a pp raise r ,wh Lch appra isa l s hall r casonahly es t imat e t he full r ep l acement valueo f the entire condominium i mprovemen ts . -13 - ." •.•c Ltbou t d educ ti on for de pr e cia t ion)f or th e p u rpo se of d et erm ining th e a moun t of the i n sura n ce to b ee f f'ecc ed pursuan t to the provi sions of t h is i n f>ur.1.n ce p aragraph .I n no e ve nt s h all the insurance pol ic y co n tain a c o-i ns u ra n ce clau sef o r less than n inety p er c en t (90 7..)o f th e fu ll r eplace ment cCJst.Determin ation of max imu m replace ment value sha ll be mad e annually b y one o rmore t vr Lt c o n a ppra i sal s to b e f urnished by a pers on knoe l.ed g cab l.e o f r ep l aceme n t c os t,and each mortgagee s hal l he fu rnished w Lt h ac opy the reofw ith in thirty (30)da ys after r eceipt of such written appraisa ls.Such a mo u nts of insura n ce shal l b e cont em porizcd a n nua l l y in a cco rdance wL t.h t he ir curren tly det ermined max imu m replac ement value . 1 5 .1...Unit ow ners may carry o ther insurance for the ir be nefi t and a t t heir ex pe nse,provi d ed t h at a ll s uch po Li.c Les shall conta in wai ver s of subrog ation ,a nd provi ded fur ther that t he liab ility of t he e ar riers i ssu ing insuranc e obt ained by the Board of Dire ct or s s hal lno t be affected or dimin ish e d b y r eason of any such additional ins ur ance c arried b y a ny u ni t owner. 1 5.5 I n s u r ance cov erageo nc ont ents ,me rc hand i se , f urn i s hings ,including c a rp et,draperies ,oven ,r ang e,r efri- gerator ,wallpaper ,disp osa l and other ite ms of p erson or other pr oper ty belong ing t o an ow n er a ndp ubl ic lia bi lity c ove ra gewithin ea ch unit sha ll be t h e sale n nd direc t r esponsibi lity of the unit o~ncr ther eo f ,a nd t he Boa r do f Dir e ctors,the Ass ociation a nd t nc ¥w nag i ng Agent sha ll h ave n o respon sibility t ~ercfo r . 1 5.6 In the event thatt h ere s huLl,b e any da ma ge or d estru c tio n to ,or l oss to a condo minium u n it wh ich ex ce ed s $1 ,000 .00 or a ny d a~t gc or d estruction to ,o r l oss t o the c ommon clements wh ich e xce ed s $10 ,000 .00 , t hen no tice o f s u ch da n~ge or l osss hall b e given b y the Associa tion to each fir stmor tg agee of said u nit wit hin ten (10)day s after t h e o ccurrence of s uch eve nt . ASSESS~~NTS -LIEN COLLEC TION 1 6 .1 All sums a ssessed from t ime to time for the sha re of commo ne xp en se sc h argeab le to a ny c ondomin iumu ni t,and u npa id,plus i nt ere st t her e on at eight een (18 %)percentp er annum,s ha ll constitute a l i e n ons uch uni t sup erior to a ll oth er liensa nd e ncumbr ance s,whet her in existence be fo re the p a rtic ular assessme ~t or not,except ing o nly:(1)Tax and s pec ia l ass eSSme nt liens o f a ny gover nme n ta l un it ;a nd (2)a ll sums on a recorded fi r st mor tgage or firs t dee d o f trus t,i nc ludin g al lu np a idob ligatory sum s p rovided by . s uch e nc umb ra nces and i nc luding add i tional advances made ther eon prior tothe dote such lien b e comes choate.Any h o ld e r o f a first mor t gage or f i rst "deed of t ru st whocome s into pos session of a uni tp urs uant to the re med ies p rov ided in a d eed of t r ust or mortgage f ore closure of t he mo r tgage or d ee do f tr ust or d ec u.(or nssign mc n t)in l ieu of f o re- clos u re s ha ll take the u n it free an d clear of a nyc la im fo r unpa id assessments or charg es agni nst th e mortgage unit which accrue p rior to the time suc h holder CO meS i nto possess i on o f the unit. 1 6.2 Manag ing To ~vidcnce such lien ,the Age nt may ,b ut s ha ll n ot be Board of requi r ed Dir ectors or to ,prepa re a •• wr itter:.not ice set ting f or th thQ amount of suc h u n pnid inde bt ednes s,t he desc r ip t ion of fi nd t ile n U1i1e of the owne -r o f the c ondom in ium u n it .Such n otice 5h3 1 1 h e sign ed b y one of the Board o f Direc tors or b y the Hrmag lng Ag ent a n d may b e r ec o rded i.nt he office o f t he Clerk a nd Recor d e r of t he Coun ty o f Eagl e ,Col or ad o. Su ch lie n shnl l b ecome c hoa te o n th e d u e da te o f t h e a ss essme n ta nd shallhe superior t o a l l oth er l i e n s exc e pt as h er ein a bove prov i de d.Such lien may be en for ced b y fore e Le sur-e o f the Jefa ul t i ng o wner t s condo mi niu m unit b y t h e Ass o cia tion i nl i ke manner as a mortga ge o n real p roperty .In any s u c h f o rec l os u r e the owner-s h a ll b e r equir ed t o pay the co s ts a nd exp e ns es o f such pr oce ed ing s, the cost s,expense s a nd a ttor n e y's f ee s for f i lingt he n otice or c l a im o f lien and al lr e as on ab l ea t to r ne y 's f ees a n d c ostsi n conne ctionwi th such for e clo s ure.The o wne r-s h a ll a lso b er equ ired to p ay tothe Assoc iation t he mo nthly as seSS me nts f o r t h e condomin ium uni t durin g thw pe r iod o f fo r eclosure,a n d the Associati on sha ll b e e n tit le d to ar ec e iver to c o ll e ctt h e same .The Ass ociat ion shallh ave the pm,/er to b i d on the condom i n ium u ni t a t f o reclos u re sa le a nd to a cq u i re ,h o ld,lea se ,mo rt gage a nd con vey s u c h unit. 1 6.3Any e n cumb rancer h ol d ing a lien o n a c ondomi nium unit ma y,butwill not b e r e qu ir ed to,p ay any un paid c o ro.m on exp en se s f or such u n it ,and t h er eupon s uch e ncumb r anc e r s hall h av e a l ien On s u ch u ni t for t he a mo unts p aid of t he s ame r ank a s the l ien of his e nc umb r a nc e . m.'PA ID CONNON EXPE NS ES -AS CERTA INING L IABIL ITY 1 7 .1 Up on pa yme nt of a r e as onable f e e,n o t t o ex c ee d $2 0 .0 0,a nd up on t h e wri t ten r e que sto f any owner o r a ny mor t gagee or p rosp ectivemor tga gee of a c on d om inium unit , the Ass oc ia ti on,b y i ts Ma nag i ng Agent ,or i f the re is n on e , t h e n b y it s Bo ard of Dire cto r s,s ha ll i s sue a wr Lt t en state- ment setting forth t heamoun to f theu npai dc o mmon e xp ens e s, if a ny,wi th res pe ct to such unit,theamount o f the current monthlya ss e ssment a nd the da te such ass es smen t b ec omes·due, credit for adva nce d p ayme n ts or f or p r epa id items ,including but not l imi te d t o in s uranc e p r e m i u m s~which s ta t e me nt shall b e conclusi v e u pon t he As soc iat ion in f a v or of all p ersons who r ely t here o n i n goo d fa i th .Unlesst he reque st f or such sta t eme n t is c om pl i ed wi th within t en (1 0)d ays,all unpaid commOn exp ens es whi ch b ecom e duep rior t o the d ate of mak ing such r eque st s hall be s ubordinat e t o the lien of the person r e q uesti ngs uch s tateme nt . 1 7.2 Subj ec tt o the pr ovision s o f Sec t ion 16.1 ,the g ra n tee o f a Unit,e xce pt a m ort g a g e ~,s ha l l b e j oi ntly a nd s e ve r all y liab l e with the gr a ntor fo r all unpaid a s ses s me nts a ga in s t the un itf or his prop ort io nat e share o f th ec ommo n expense s u p t o the t i me of the gr an t or co nv eyanc e, wL t h o u t;p r ejudice t o t h e g ra n tee I s .right to -r cc ov e 'r fr om t h e gr an tor the amoun t s pa id by t he g rant ee t herefor ;provid ed , ho t<l e v er ,tha t u ponp ay me n t of ar easo n ab l e fee n ot t oe x cee d $2 0.0 0 ,a nd upo n wr i t t en r-cq uc s t ,any s uc h p r o s pec tive g ra n t ee shal l b e e n title d to as ta temen t f rom the Nan ag ing Age nt o r i f t here i s n on ,then by t h e Bear d o f Dire c tors , se ttin g forth t he..:lmoun t of the un pa id c orr.no n e xpe n s es ,i f -15 - ." •",• a ny ,wi th r es pe ct t o the subje c t un it ,t he a moun t o f the cur -r-ent.mon thly a s se ss men t a n d the dat e that auc b o s se ss -. Den t b ecomes du e,CT 0 di t fo r adva nce d p ayme nt o r p r e p a id i tems ,i n c lu ding h ut n ot li mi ted to ,i n sura n ce pr c rn i .ura s , Hhich s t ate rr.en t sha ll b e c o nclusive up on t h e As s o ciati on i nsof a ra s t he g ran t ee i s c oncer ned ,Un less t he r eq ue st for su c h as ta t ement i s c o mpl i ed w i t h w t c h Ln te n (10)da ys , t h e n s uc h g rantee shall n ot h e l ia hle fo r,n or shal l th e unit conveyed b e subject to a lien for any unpaid ass e ss- me nt sa ga in st th e s ub j ect u nit.The g ra nt or s hal l r e rr.ain l i a bl e,how ever,f or such a mo unt t og ether with a ll cost s of c ol lec t ion inc lud ingr e a s onab le n t t o r ney t s f e es . ENCUM BRAN CES 18.Any o wner sha ll have the r i gh t ~fr om time to time to mortga ge or e ncumbe r his i ntere s tb e dee d o f trust,mo rtga g e or other security ins trumen t,all o fwh ic h for convenience are r e fer re d to h e r einafter.as mor t gag es .A fir st mort ga ge shall be o ne which has first and p aramount priority under appl i ca ble l aw . The o~er o f a co nd om ini um unit mayc rea te junior mor tgage so nly on t he f oL'IowLng cond i tions,whfch p r ovis i o ns s hal l b e deemed p art of s uchmor t ga g e s r eg ardles s of spe c if ic referenc e orof a n y a t te mpt to avoid such c o nditions:(1)That s uc h mo r tgages shall a lways b e sub o rd inate to a ll of the ter ms,condi tions ,cove nants ,restrict ion s us e s,l imita tion s,ob ligation s,lien f or co ~~on e x pe ns es and o t her obligation sc rea ted by t his necl a r ati~n a ndb y t he Cer t ifica te o f Incorporation nnd the By-Laws of the As s ocia tion ;(2)That s uch junior mo r tgage s ha llr elease;for the purpo se of restorat ion of a nyi mp rov e men t s u pon the mortgaB ed pr emi ses,al l o f hi sr igh t, title a nd int eresti n the pr oc e e d s under a ll insurance p olicies up on said premi s es af fect ed an d plac ed u pon t he rn or cg aged prem ises b y the Asso cia tion .Su ch r elea s e s h al lb e furni shed f o rthwithby a junior mort g aece upon written re que st of the Ass oc iation ,and if not gra n ted ,w~y be e xecuted by t h e Asso ciat ion as attor ney -in -fact for such junior mortgage . DESTRUC TION OR ~~MAuE 1 9 .1 Th isDeclaration d oes h ere by make ma ndato ry t he i rr evocable a p pointment of an a t torne y-in-fact t o dea l with t he prop erty u pon its d estruc tion,obsolescen ce or condemnat ion,a nd t o ma i nta in ,r epair a nd i mprove the building s a nd genera l a nd l imi ted common e leme n ts . 1 9.2 T itle to a ny condominium u nit is dec la red a nd express ly mades ubject to t het ermsa nd conditions h ereo f,a nd ac ce pt ance by any grantee of adeedf romt h e Dec larantorf rom a ny mvn er sha llc ons titutea ppoin tment of th e attor ney-i n-fact h er ein p ro- v i de d .All of th e owners irrevocably con stitute and appoint the As sociatio n,aColorado corp oration 1 not ·f orp rofi t,the ir true and l awful a tt orney i n t h eir name,place and s tead for the purpose of deal ing with t h eir prop erty upon i t s des t ruct io n or ob sole scence as he re inafter provided .As a ttorn e y-i n-fa c t,t h e Asso c iat ion ,b y i ts president a nd s ec reta ry or other d uly a uthori ze d o f fi c ers o ra ge nts,s h al l h ave fu l l and c omplete au thor i zation, r i gh t an d powe r t omake,exe cu te a ndde li ver a nyc ontra ct ,deed o r any other ins trument with r e sp e ct to t h e in t eres t of a condo- mi ni um unit ~Nner whi ch i s ne c ess ar yo r conv en i en t to e xe r c ise the po~er s h ere in 3rante d .Re p a i ~a nd recon struction o f th e i mprovcmcn t(s)as u s ed i nt hes uc ce eding subsection me ans restor ing -16 - •".•t he i mpr ovement(s)t o s u bs t:l n t ia l ly the same cond it ioni n wh ich it e xi sted prior to t he d amag e.'t~~ith e achu nit and th e genera l a nd lim it ed c owman e lemen ts hav i ng sub stant ial ly the same ve r tical and horizon tal bo und ariesns b efore .Th e proceeds of a ny insura nce colle cteu s ha ll be a vai lab le t o the Associa tion f or the purpos e of r ep air ,r e s t or a tio n orr e placementu nles s the o~ners a nd a ll first mort.ga ge es a gree n ot to rebui ld i n ace o r dance wi th the p rov is ions se tf orth hereinaft er . 1 9.2.1 I n thee vent of damage or dest ructio nd ue to fir e o r othe r disaste r,t he i n s u ran ce proce eds , if s u ffic ient to reconstru ct t he i mp r ove ~ents shallb e app l ied b y t h e As soc i ation as a t tor ney -in-fa c t ,t o such r econstruc tion a nd the impr ovementss ha ll be promp tly r e p ai r e d and r ec on struc ted .TheAs so ciat ion sha ll h ave ful l a uthori ty,righta nd powe r as attorney- i n -fact to cause the r ep air s an d r e st or at ion o f t he l mprov ements .• 19 .2 .2 If t he in sur ance proceeds are insufficient t or ep air and reconstruct the i cpr ovement(s)and if s u ch damage is not more t ha n 50 %of t he total va lue of all of the condominium un its,n ot inclu ding lan d , s uch da ma g e or des truction sha ll b e p ro mptly r epaired and r econs truct ed by t he Asso c i a tion as attor ney -in-fac t, u sing the p roceeds o fi nsurance a nd the p roc ee ds o fa n assess me nt to b e ma de agai ns t the owners of units with in t he damaged building and their c ondomi n i u m u n i t s. Such def iciency asse ssment sna Il b ea c O~~o n expense a ndmade pro r at a acc ordin g t o ea ch mqner 's p ercentage intere st in thee c n eral COmm on clement s a n d sha ll b e du e a ndp aya ble \"i t hin thir ty day s afte r writ te nn ot ice thereof .Th e Associ at ion shall havef ull author i ty , r ight and power a s attorney -in -fa ct,to c a us e th e r e pair or restora t ion of the i mprovement s u si ng all of the i n s ur an c ep roceeds fo r such p urp o s e s notw i thst and- ing the fai lure o f a ny ~wner to pay th e as sessmen t.The a sse ssment p rovi d ed for h erein s h a ll b e adeb to f each owner and a l ienOn his con dominium uni ta ndmay be e nforced a nd c o ll ected as is provi dedi n Sec tion16 •. In addition t h ereto,t heAs socia t ion ,as attorney -in- f act ,shall have the a bsolu te rig ht and p ower to sell the c ondominium u nit of a ny m~er r e fu s in g orf a iling t op ays uch de fic iency asses s me ntwi thin t he t ime prov ided and if not s op aid ,t he Associat ion shall caUse to be r ecor ded a notice that the c on dominium unit o ft hed el inquent ~<ner s ha ll b e soldb y the As sociat io n . The proceeds der ived f rom th es ale of s uch c ond o miniu m unit shall b e u sed and disbursed b y the As socia tion, as a t torney -in-fac t,in the f ollowing o rder : (1)For p ayment of t he b alance d ue o n any first mo r t gage; (2)For payment of g eneral pr ope rty t axesa nd speci al assessme nt l iens in f avor of any a sses singe nti ty ; (3)Fo r p ayment of unp aidc ommo n expen ses ; (4)F or p ayment o f j u n io~l iens and e nc um- brance s i n the or d er o f an d t o t he exte nt o f their priority; -17 - •• (5)The.ba la nce t-ema i m.ng ,if a ny ,sha ll be p aid t o th e condom iniu m unit o~~er . 1 9 .2 .3 I f mo rc t han 50 %o f t he to tal v a lue of a ll o f the c ondomin iumu ni ts ,no t ·i ncluding la nd ,is d es tr oyed or d a ma ge d,a nd i f ~wn e rs of an agereeate interes t of 70%o r mor e of t he ge neral c o~~on clements d o no t w i th i n 1 00 days thereafter ,make p rovi s i ons fo rr econs tructi on , which p lans must have t he unan imous app rova l o r consent of e v ery f i r st rnor~gagep.,thp.A~soc i atio n sha ll f or t hwith r e c or d a n ot i ce s etting f orth such fact or 'facts ,a nd up en t h e r e cord ing o f such no tice b y t he As socia t ion 's p residen ta nd se c re ta r y ,the e nt ire r e main i n g pr emis es sha l l be sold b y the As soc i atio n,a s at tor ne y -in-fa ct , f or a ll o f the ~Jner s ,fr eea nd c l e ar o f the p rovis ions c ont a ine d i n th i s Dec l ar a tion ,t he Map ,the Cert ificate of I nco rp orat i on a nd the By -La~s of the Asso c i a t ion . Th e insuran ce s ettle reen t pr oce ed s sha ll be c o lle cted b y t h e As soc iation,a n ds uch proc eeds sh a ll b ed ivided by Ass o ciationa c cord ing t o each condomini um un it ~#n er ls interest (a s such i nte r es t s a pp ea r o n the p oli c y o r policies )a nd s u ch d i vided procee d s shallb e pa id i nto s epara tea cc ount s ,each a c count r e pres en t ing on e c ondominiumu n it.Each such ac count shall b e i n t h e n ameo f the Ass ociat ion,a n d fu r ther i d enti f i ed b y the numb er of t h ec ondominium unit a nd the na me o f t h e owne r. Froe each s e p ara t e ac c ount,.the Associa t ion,as at tor ne y - in-fact ,s h all forthw ith u s ea nd di s b urs e the tot a l amount (of e a ch)of such a c counts,wi thou t c on tribution f rom on e a c count to ano the r,t m~a rd t he part i al or full paym ent of t h e l i e n of any first mortgage agains tt h e condom inium unit r epre s en t ed b y suc h sep arate ac count . Thereaf ter ,e ach s uc h ac count s ha l lb e suppleme nte d by t h e appor t i one d a mo unto f the pr oceeds d e r ive d fro m the sale of the e nt ire prop erty .Suc h app ortion me nt sha ll b e ba s ed up on ea ch condomin i um unit owner's p e r ce n tage interest in the g e n e r al comm on e leme n ts . The tot al fund s of ea ch a ccount s ha ll be u se d and disburs ed,wi thou t contr ibution fr om o n e a cc ount to a not her,b y the Association ,a s at t or n ey -in -fac t for the same p urp os es and in the sa me o r d e ra s i s prov ided in Sect ion 1 9.2.2. OBSOLESCENCE 2 0.1 Own e rsr epres e ntin g a na g gr eg at eowne rship in ter es t of 8 5%or more of the genera lc omm one l ements may agre et hat t hec ondominium units are o b so lete a nd a dopta p l an f or the ir r e moval a nd r e cons tr u ct ion ,whichp lan mus t have una nimous ' app roval o f all ho lde rso ff irst mo rtgage s and f i rs t d eeds of trust.If such a plan is a do pt ed,no ti ce t h ereof exe cuted b y t he Ass oci atio n s ha ll b e r e corded ,a n d the expens es of r en e wal and r e con stru ct ion sha llb e p ay able b y all of t h e o ~n ers a s c o~on e xpe ns es ~wh ethe r o r no t they h ave p re viou sly c on s en te d to the plan o fr ene wal a ndr e con s truc tion . 20 .2Th eown e r s r epr e s e nt in g a n a g grega t eowne r sh ip i n terest o f8 5%or mo re o ft h ege nera l comm c n e l ements ma y a greet hat the condomi nium uni ts a r eob so l e te and t hat the s ame shoul d be so ld.Su c h p la n/agr ecr.!en t mu st h ave t h e u n a nimous ap prov al of a l l h o lde rs o ff t rst mor tga ge sa nd -1 8'- o ' ..'•• f i rs td eedso ft rus t.In such i nsta nc e,t he Associa tion f or th with sha ll r ccoro a n otice se tt ing fo r th such f act or facts ,a nd upon t he r ecording of suc hn otice,the en tire pr emt se s sha ll be sold by t he Asso ciat i on ,as attor ney -in - fact ,for al lo f t he owne r-s ,f ree a nd clear of the p rov isions contaLned in th is Dec lara t ion ,.t he Nap ,t he Cert ifica t c of Incorp oration and the By-Laws o ft he Asso ciatio n.The sa les proceed sha ll be apport ioned D.i.lo ng the ow ners o n the ba si so fe a ch own er 's percentage inter es t in t he 8cnera l COmmo n e leme n ts a nd such app or t i oned p roceedss ha ll b e p aid intos epa rate ac count s,eac h such ac co unt;r epres ent i ng o ne con d o~inium uni t .Ea ch s uch a ccount s hall b e i n the na~e of t h e i\s 50 ciat ioTI7 a nd Rhall b e f u rther id en ti fi ed by t he numhe r of th e u n it and the n a me of the owner .From each s eparate account,the Ass ocia tion ,as atto rn ey -in-fac t,. s h a l~use and di sbu rse t he t ot al a moun t (of e ac h)o f such a cc ou nt s 7 withou t contr ibution fr o~o ne account to ano the r , f or the s ame purposes a nd i.n thesame o rder as p ro vided in S e ction 1 9 .2 .3 . CON DEMN.J\T ION 21.1 I fa t any t i me or times during t he continuance o f the condominium ownership p ursu ant t o this Declara t ion 7 all or anyp art of t he Condomi nium Pro j ec t shal l be ta k en o r cond euu,ed by any publ ic authorit y or sold or otherwi se d ispos ed o f in lieu o f or i n av o idance thereo f,t he fo Ll.owt.ng prov isio ns s hall app l y. 21.2 All c o mp e ns at idn ,da mg e s,or o ther proc e eds there - from ,the s u m of Hhich i s h er einaf ter called t h e Il c o n d e mn a ti on awar d"s ha ll be p ayab le to t he Associat ion . 21 .3 I n the e ve nt that t he en ti re Pr o ject is ta ken or c ondemned,o r sold or otherwise d isposed o f in lieu o f or i n a vo id anc e the reof ,the condominium ot~e r s hip pursuant here to sha ll t ermin ate an d t he c ondemnation awa rd sha ll be a pportioned among the ~~n ers i n prop ortion to the ir r espec tive intere sts DS set forth i n Exh ib it ij ,u n le ssa standard d iffer en t fro m the valueo f the Pro j ec t as a who le i s e mployed t omeasu re the con demna tion award in t he ne gotiat ion,judici al de cree , or o therwise then in dete rmini ng s uch s ha re s the same s tandard sha ll b e employ ed t o the exte nt i t is r e l eva nt a nd a p plicable . Such shares s hall b e p aid in to sepa r a t e accounts a nd d isbu r sed as s oon a s practicable in t h es ame manner a s pr ovi d ed in paragra ph 19 .2 .2 above . 21.4 In t he event t h at l ess than the e n tir e condomi nium proje ct i s t ak en or cond emned ,s ol doro therw ise disp osed of in l i eu ofor in avo idanc e thereof ,t h ec on domi nium owne r ship h ereun der s hall n o tberminat e.Eac h owner s hall be entitle d t oa s har e of theConde mn at i on Award to b e determined in the FoL'lcw Ln g ma nner :As soon as p ractic able t he Assoc ia t ions ha ll reasonablya nd in g ood f nith,a l loc ate t he Cond emnation Award b etween co mp ensa t ion ,da ma ges or oth er p roceeds a nd shall a pport ion t hea mounts so a l locatedamong t h e o w~e rs as fo l lows :(a)the total amou nt a l located to t a ki n g of or injury to the co~~on e leme nts ,c o mm on eleme n ts s h all be appo rt ioned a mong t he owners on t he basis of each m.,ner 's inter es t respec t ive ly in thec ommo n e lements ;(b) t he total amou nt a l loca ted t o s everance d a ma ges sha ll b e apportion ed to tho sec ondominium unit swh ich were n ot taken or co ndemned;(c)t he r e sp ective a mounts al locat ed t o the t akingo f or injury to a p ar t ic ular uni t a nti to •'.• Lm pr-o ve raent;s an o wner-has ma de with in his own uni t s hall be apDort i oned to t he oarticula ru nit involved a nd(d)t h e t ot~l amo un t a lloc at ed to co n 5eq ucn t ia l da ma ges an d any o th er t ak ings or in jur i ess ha ll b e anoor t I oncd as t heAsso ciation d ete r mines to b e -equ i.ceb Ie i n the c i rcurn ..t a nc cs .If a n a llocatio:l of t h ec ondemnat ion award i s already esta bl i sheu in n egot i a t ions,judi cial decree o r ot be rw l se ,then i n a lloca tin g t h e Condemnat io n Awar-d the As s oci ati on s ha l l e moloy such a l locat ion tothee x ten t i t is r el e v an t a nd a ppl ica b le .Di str ib ut ion of ao p or t ioned o roc eeds sha ll be d is bu rsed as so on a s pra ct ica ble i n the sam e manner p rov i de d i n 1 9 .2.2 . 2 1.5Th e A ~soci ation s ha ll no tify eac hf ir s t mortgagee o f any c ond ominium unit o f the commen cement o ft he c ond emna ti on pr o cee dings and shallno tify ~aid mor tgage eg i n t he .eve nt o f the t aking o fa ll or any part o t t hec omm on element s, if the v a lue of the c o mm One lements t aken exce eds $10,000 .00 . PA RKING 22 .The owner of each Re siden tial Unit s ha ll b ee nt i t le d to the use of oa rk ing s naces.Such parking soac es sha ll be u s ed onl y f or the pur pose o f automobi le pa rking un l e ss the Asso ciat i on s ha ll o therw i s e agree .Re side ntia l pa rk ing s hall be i n the a r eas so ~e signate d ont he Map . ADDITIONAL PROP ERT Y 23 .Th eAss oci at io n may ac qu ire a nd h old fo rt h e b enefit of t hec ondomi n i um owne rs r e al ,ta ngib le an di n ta ngib le p ersonal proper ty an dmayd is po se o f the same b y s al e or oth erwise and t he b ene ficia l int ere st in any s uc h pr oper ty shal l h e eq ua lly o w~e d and s hall n ot b et ra ns fe ra b le e xc en t with a t r ans fe r o fac ondominium u nit.A t ransfer of a condomin iuc un it sha ll tran sf er t o t h e tran s fer or 's b e ne fi cia li nte r es t in s uch real or p erson a l prop erty without a nyr efer ence t hereto .Eachowne r may u se such real and p ers ona lp ropert y in accorda nc e with t he purpo se for whi ch i t i s int end ed ,witho ut hind eringo r e nc r oac hingu non t he l a wf ul r i g h t ~ of t he other o~me rs .Sale of a condomi nium un it u n d er f ore CLo su re s ha ll thereb y enti t le b he uu r -c ha se rt o the benefi cial in teres t in t her ea l and ~e rso na l p rooer ty associated with the fo r ecl osed condomi n ium u nit . ADDRESSES-NOT I CES 24 .Eac h owner s h allr e gisterh is ma i l ing addre ss with t heAs soci at ion,a nd e xce pt for monthlys ta teme n ts a nd other routine n ot ic e s,a ll oth er noti ces or deman ds intend ed to be se rved up on a n owne r s hallb e sentb ye itherr e g is tered o rc e rti- f i ed mail )pos ta ge orepa id,address ed i n the n ame o f the owne-r a t suc h r e gi ~t e r ed ma il ing address ,nnd such no tic es or de~~n ds .. sha ll be consid e red as h av ing b eens erved On the d ate so ma iled . Al l notice s)d emands or oth er no t ice s i ntended to b e s erved on t heda te so ma il ed.All notic e ~,d emands or ot he r n o tices i~tende d to be !'>crved upon the Board o f Oire ctors of the Ac;soc iat ion or th e As c;ociat ion s ha ll be se ntb y r egistered or c ert if i ed ma i l,po stage n rena Ld ,t o u ntil s uch ad dress is c hang ed b y n oti ce of address c ha nge d uly 'r eg Ls t et-e d . -20 - • ASSES SM ENT RE SERV ES • 25 .T h e Ass o cLa t Lo no r the Na nag Lng Agent may requi re a no wn er other rh nn Dec Lar a nc t o deuo s i t i ne sc r ov wi c h t h e Ass o c La t t on up t o six t Lrae s t he am ount o f the e s tima ted month ly eommon assp s sment,wh ich .,um shall be he ld by the Ass ociat ion or t he Na na g Lng Ag e nt a s a r-es e rve to be u se d for oa yLng such ovne r-I s mon thly cammo n ass e5smc n t .S u ch an adv anc e p ayment s ha ll not re lieve an own er f r om mak ing t her e g ular mon thlypayme nt o f the mon th ly commo n ass e ssment a s t he sa~e come~d ue .TI,e o#ne r s ha ll h e entitled t oa re turn of or cred it f or a ny p or tion o f th e un used advan ce p ayment upon te rm i nat ion of hi so wners h in. NO TICE TO LENO ERS 26 .-Th e As so ciati on will give a ny in Bti tution al h old er of a ny first mortga g eo n aCond ominium Un i t writte nn otice of a ny lo s s,d amag e,des truction,ort a king t oaCondomini um Unit, wh ich e xceeds $1 ,00 0 .00 0'a ny l O BS,d ama ge,destruct ion or taki n g toth e Common Element s wh ich excee ds$1 0 ,000.00.Such no t ice shal l b eg iven by t heAss o ciation w l.uh f n te n (10)day s after th e o ccurrenc e o f s uch e ve nt. SEVERABI LITY 27 .I f a ny of the provisi o n s o f t his Dec laration or a ny se c tion ,paragr aph ,sentence,claus e,p h r ase o r work or the a pp li ca tion there of in any circums ta nce s be i n va l idated ,su ch inv ali d itys h all n ot affe ct t he v a lid i ty o f the r emai nder of t his De clara tion,a nd the a ppl icat ion o f any s uch v rovi!'Oi on, pa rag ra ph,s e nte nce,clause,p hrase o r wordjn a ny o ther circum- stancess hall be affecte d thereby . CO NI)01lINIilll LAW 28 .The pr ovisi ons o f thi s Decla r a t ion s hal l be i n aclq ition a nd s upp leme n ta l to Condomin ium Ownership Act o f t he Sta te of Colo ra do,a nd t o al l oth er app l icable p r ovisions o f l aw . GENDER 29.Th at whenever use dh ere i n,u nless the c o nte xt s ha ll oth er~is c p rovid e,t hes ingu la r n umb e r s hall i nc lude th p.plur al, the plural thes ingu lar,and the u se o f any gen der s ha ll include al l g ende rs. MAR GINAL TITLES 30.Th e ma rg i nal titles a re for c o nven ie nc e of r ef erence onl y ,a nd a ren ot i nt e nde d to provid e comprehen sive de sc rip tion s of th e co nte nt s of the v a rious sect ions ..They f orm n o pa rt of th is Decla r at ion,and shal l u ndern o circums t ances b e h eld t o limit , enla rge or change the meani ng o f t h ev ar io us sec tions . CO NV EYA NC ES OR ENCUMB RA NCES 3 1.The owner s of con domi nium units agree to i n clu de in any co nv eyance or e ncumbr anc e o f s u ch unit s a pr ovis i 0n bin d ing th e g rant ee o r encumbran cer to acce nt t h e p rovi sion s o f t h is De c la ra t io n and o f th e Certifica te of I nco rp oration n nd By-Laws o f the As sociation .Regardl es s of t he i n clu s i.on of s uch provi- s i ons ,h owever,a ny g ra ntee or e nc umb ranc er ,in ac ce nting a co nvey anc es or en cumb r an ce ,s hal l b e d eemed a ut omatica l ly t o h a ve ac cep ted a nd c onse n ted t o h e bou nd therehy . -21 - :.'.•• RES ERVED AREA 3 2.Oe c la ra n t,i ts success orsa nd assigns h er eby r e~e r v e s a n e as e me nt ov er an da c r o ss the g ene!al c o ~o n e lem e nts f or ingr e s s t o a n d f rom t h e a re a.s hownon the Ma p en tit le d"Re s erve d Are a".Dec la ra nt s hallb ee nt it le d to use s aid Res e rve d Ar ea for an y l awf ul p urpo se . P ERIOD OF CONDOM INIUM O'~R SHIP 3 3 .The s epa ra te condomin ium es ta t es c r eated by thi s De c la ra tio n and the !~D s h al l cont i nue unti l t hi s De clara t io n is r ev ok ed in the ma nner a nd as is prov i ded i n para g r aph 1 3 o f t his Dec la ra tion,or un tilt ermina t e d in the ma nne ra nda s i s pro- vided i ns ubpar agraphs 1 9 .2 .3,20.2 and 21 .3 . the ir day _________,19 77. I N WITNESS WHERE OF,the un der s ign ed ha ve her eunto se t ha nds a nd se a ls a t ~~,---------------t,hi s of Atte st :WEST VAIL AS SOC IATES ,LTD., a Li~ited P artnership By West Va il De ve l o ome ntCore . Secre t a r y Pr c!')id en tBy-=-:-::-::-77:c:-:::--------- STATE OF COL ORA DO ) )55 . COUNTY OF ) The above a nd f oregoin g in strument was ac knowledge d b efore me this day o f ,197 7,by _______________a s P r es ide nt a nd by-:--;;--;-:;-;,---:--;--,-_ ;-::-;-__-,-;-....,.,,--;--,-,__-.,....,--a 5 Sec r e t ary 0 f We 5 t Va i 1Ass o c La t e s ~ Ltd.~a l i mited p artne r ship. .~ WITNE SS my hand and official sea l. My comm iss i o n expir e5 :~'__ No tary Public .' -22- • DR.'"'.I }tAC t:ST UDY F'OI\ VA IL DAS SC HO NE rr l.ING xo,3 • E AG LE ,COi..i~'TY .COr.Ol:ADO REC EIVED J UL 1 8 1977 P re p a r ed by : RIOIARD S ENG I NEE RS .INC . P.O.Dox 1 9 08 Va il ,Co l orado 8 1657 Va il P hone :9 49-507 2 Denver Ph on e:893-1531 Amp.nd ptI :l'~,lr ch 22 ,1 976 • DCd l11une Study fop Parc e l A Da n S e honl"CommercLa I,'t ra c e • Nnr-r-h 17.1 976 LOCA TIOi J: p a rcel lyi ng jus t u cs r o f t h -:'O,lS Schone SaFcvay S 'tor-o i n wos t v.li l, Nor th and Eas t of th ~W.-!~:t Va i I 1-70 interch ange.in the'SE 1/'1 o f Section 11 ,'l'own eh i.p .r.South ,Ra nge R I WC';;t of the 6t h Pr-tn c Ipe L N e r-Ld ian ,Ea g Le CO '.:>l J;.y ,Co l or-ado •T his parcel is a b O'J T l 1/2m .i Lea lrcat 0-:Va il ,Colorado,and i s nOL pr-eaent l y within th e bou ndaries of the 'I'ov n of Ve i.L. ARE/I "ND CF:tIERAL DISCUSSIO ;[:The p.rr-ce.I tin de r con s Ider-a t ion lies i n a ma jor drainage a re a la beled "A"o n th p.attached map.The 'tc te.L d rai nage area feed .lng t ovor-ds Ar-ea "A"consis t s of .1 bIJu t 140 ecx-ee and sp l its Into two c Lr-ecr Ion s ,a bout 400 feet dOOV ':Pa r-co I A i n back of t he o ld Gore Creek Schoo l bu ild i ng a nd f t ovs Sou tbves t c r-t y and Sout heasterly a Longr-at he r-poorly deI'Lned drvi inage ewa Les .wi th work p re viou sly done,neme I yt wo 3 0"cu I ver-ts acr-os s Chamon i x Road Ea st of t h e subject s ite,and aLar-g e d rai na g e chennc Ib ehind the Safeway St o re a nd Shoppe t te b uilding ,v ery lit tle outside dra Lnege r eaches ParcelA .Th p,re are ex ist ine r oa d ditchea on the North s ide of Chamo ni x Road which collec t the smaller a mo un t of dr-a I nege f rom Lots 2,3 and 4 ,Va il He ights a nd divert 't hi s flo·....t o c ulv er ts b e Lo w the subject parcel . The area within Parc el A,a fter b eing buil t u p,wi ll be a bout 70%imperv ious w it h paved parki ng d ud st r uctures .T his wi ll ad d lit tle eddlt Lo neL F Low to the e x ict I ng dz-a Lnage d it ch along the Sou th s i de of t he Parcel,I ..h i c h is t heNor-t h side of 1 -70 North frontage r Oild .This d rainage wi ll be enough !lowe ver,t o caus r:-a n eedf orn ew Lar-g o cu l verts at t he .i nt e r-sec't Icn of the ve i I wes t t urn -off a n d the ~nt r ~nces to t hePh i llip s G~s Service Station . -1- • 36 "dferae t or-cu.lver-ts s b o u td be In s t a Ll.ed i n Fr-o nt of tae s ubj ect;Par cel 1\a nd the Phi Ll i p s s ia r Ion ,under a H.o n t r-an cca • 'l'h eae will caI 'r'¥about 4 0 .1 cf s each ar ~,1.11%g r -e dc .Becau se the cx.int I ng 2 11"c u Ive r-t;u nde r'1-70 ,H ~s l of I'ar-c c L A I:>La Ld a ta !i t eep grade .n oc h a nges er-e n c ccu'snr-yt o h and I e the [1<1:-:I mum flows . The n ew 36"cufv cr-t s pr-oposed fo r-t hc S ,lfC'W3y S t or-o <1 01 Shoppe t t e cn tr-cncoa (see e t te c hed me p)h a ve n o t,b e en I usr c Ll c d ye t . For-clay with s ome gt-avo L ,t h e ve locity of f lc~~in t h e f r-on t e ge rond d .i t c ha hc uI d be k ept-under 5f ee t p e r second .T he 1"O~~d dit ch s ho ul d be 2.5 fn c t d e e p by 11 .5f ee-t wide to c arry t he mexl mu rn f I ow . Dr -a ineg c from t h~sub je ct I'cr-ceI A can be a deq u n te Iy ca r r-Ied a long the ad de lo t lines t o t h is I'O<1d dit ch .Cer-e a houLd h e t a kon to provide adequa te d r -e Lne go awa y f rom each st r uct ure on th en i t e . Sut-iUARY:Pa rc el A s hould not be s c r -L ous I y a ff ec ted d ur-Lng c he avy s torm if t he a bove protect i ve raec aur-e c a r-e t aken .The Cou n ty ma y b ecome involved in the inst all at i on of d n ew c u l v~r t at the Chamonix Road i nt e r s e c t i on ,b ut n e ..·devo.Iopn.errt will c a u s..e 'part o f t he add i t i on a L fl ows . Rcs pec t=ully Submit ted, RfCHA RD S ENG INeERS ,I NC . Kenneth £.Ric hc1rds Reg~stered Profe s sional Engi neer a nd Lan d Surve yor No .21 83 .'. -3 - Ken neth E.Richards ••d?iaha4 En.:Jin.u~~,[Inc. CIVIL ENG IN EER ING .PLA NNING.SURV EYS SUBDIV IS IONS .WATER &SEW ER SYSTEMS B Oil +MIo C-I OO Avon ¥.O.I,Col or od o~81 6 20 Phone j"U71i1 9 49 -507 2 Denver ill I lEill 8 93-153 1 September19 ,1 97 7 "0103 ',(HlIlCl'J i1t .h~ il'Mg ~31l1lllJJrtl ,'I -r ll ~e ll6 t s W@ tBJl13J3CJ Regilt.red Profeuionol Engineers Registered LandSur ...ey ors Mr .Terr ill Kni g ht ,Pl anner Depar t ment o f Planning a ndDeve lopment 550Br oa dway,P .O.Box 1 7 9 Eag le ,Co l orado8 1 63 1 ~i l E ~o .Sf -eS -77 :Signs fo rVa il DasSc honeCondomin iums Dear Te r rill : By t his le t ter,I wi ll t ry t o r eca p whatwe d is cu s s edi n ou r meeting las t Thur sd a y,Sep tember I S ,19 7 7,regarding propo sed sign restrictions f or the commerc ia l uni ts in t he Vail Da s Schone Shopping Cent er. 1.Probably t he p resent owners c anno t enfo r ce any new regu lations for t ho se sign s a lready i n place for whi ch permits h ave b ee n issu e d by t hec ounty ,un less these c omme rc ia l units were so ld t o t he existing t enants and c onditions of the sale were complia nce t o t he new s ign code ,and thi s was a greed u pon. hav e n o t 2. b een All exist ing signs wh ich are in non-compliance a nd f o r issued wi ll be removed. which p ermits 3 .Rec omm endt hat the new co deber e vised t oa llow i n div idual signs for each business (o f fice ,re tail.services .et c .)exclusive of storage warehouse, ut ility a reas ,mal ls,et c .,t o install a sign o f a maximum s i ze o f one (1)square foo tpe r each 100 squaref eet of space r e nted o r owned. 4.Rec ommen d t hat unif o rms igns be requ ired for a ll busine sses,s uch a s a c a rv edwood signo ro t her sign of a n a d op ted color a n d sty ling,which wi ll be non- o btrus i ve i n appearance and agreea ble with t he majorit y of shop owners and n eigh- b orin~p roper ty owners . 5 .Sign s can b e lighted by i ndirect light ing,i f d es ir ed ,and sha ll n or- mal ly b e rec essed .a t tac h e dt o t he bu il din g.and blend in with overall ar c hit e c ture of the b u ild ing. 6 .An overalld ire ct orys ign for t he e ntire s ho ppe tt e cen ter shou ld b e pe rmit ted at t heen t rance to the parking a rea n ear t he Nort h Fron tageRoad. Th i s le tter wi llb e subm itt e d t o you as so ona st her e pres e ntative s of t he n ewowne rs o f this s hopp ing cent e r arr ive h er et hisweeka nd agree to t he overal l co nc ept .There wi ll b e many deta ils t o work out ,and man yco ntacts with the tenan t s and s hop owner s which wil l have t obe ma d e b eforea final p l a n can b e submit ted .The owners have and he r eby agree to c on ti nue t o work with you in dev eloping a n a c cep tabl e ov e ra ll sign code . Sincere l y , c c :West Vail Asso ciates ,I n c . 9933 LawlerAve .•Suite 4 10 Skok ie ,I ll in o i s 60 076 RICHARDS ENG IN E~_-i,/lL -?::;'.,~/£<7 ::ff :~(.4 ,-f!?,C .-"1 "c1 ~~ Kenneth E .Ric h ards • A WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES .LTD . 9933 La"",l".Avenue ,SUUe 4 10 ,Sko k.e,illinois &007e-pnoOMl (3 12)en-6305 August 22.1 9 77 Boa rd o fCo u nty Commissione rs %McDonald Bldg . Eagl e,Colorado8 163 1 Re:File #S P -8 8 -77 Pr el ~inary Pla t Vail Das Schone Condo min iums Gentl emen: GEI\IERAL PA RTNER. WES T V""II..DEVEl()Pt,lf",TCMP, G ,HUDSON WlRTH -PRESlCENT This l etter i st oi nform you that we a gree to c arry o utt he re co mm endat i on s o f the Ea g le County Pla nningCommiss ion as p ropo sed at t he Au gust 1 7th meet ingo nt he fo l lowi ng s Ub jects : 1 .Landscap i ng -L a nds ca pi ng r e qu irements w ill b e com pleted n o l ater t han J u ly 1 ,1 978.The ini t ia l contract fo rt hee nt rance way is n ow being n ego tiated w ith Mr.Da ve J ohnson and t hat work should be c om - p l eted b y Octo ber 1 .1 977 .Add it iona l work in the r earw i ll b e done during the sp ring p lant i ng season. 2 .Drainag e P lans -Drai nage im provements will be brought up to county specifications through t h e c o ope rat i on o f Mr.Ken Richards ,o ur e n gi nee r a nd agent.and the Eagle Coun ty Eng in eer ing De partment by Se ptemb er 3 0.1 9 78 . 3 .Sign Variance -Wea gree t o c an c el t he t ena ntsr ight t o d is playp resent lighted s i gns a ss o on as the ir presen t lea se s and/or c oun ty permi ts e x pire .Thi s will allow n ew signs t o meet any n ew county standards adopted . Further ,o ur agent Mr .Ke n Ri chards,w i l l see that all o the r signs be brought i nto c ompl iance i mm edi ately t hrough coope ra tion w ith the Ea gle Cou nty Depar tm en t of P l ann ing a nd De ve lopment . Bo ard of Cou nty Comm issione rs •page two . August 22 .1 977. We fee l that conversion of this b uildi ng wi llh el p to cont inue to u pgrade th isp roper ty .I t is a n opportu nity t o offer f inel ow cost h ousing to p erma n e nt residents of Eagle Co u nty . Thank you f or you r consid era tion . S incere ly , GHW :gvh Jl.1u".itJ.;.;Ju .P r es i dent WES T VAIL DEVELO PMENT CORP. Genera l Partner cc :Ke nn eth Ri ch ard s Te rrill Kn ight Robe rt Meer -A t to rney Richard He lms,Attorney RECEIVE~ AUG 261 977 EAGLE COUNlY .''I- DEPAaTMEN T OF PLA NNING AND DEV ELO pmE NT EAGL E COUN TY Mdlonald md~.SSO Br oa dway 29 Au gust 1 97 7 P.O .8 01.179 Eag le.Colorado 8 1631 West Vai l Associates .Lt d . 9933 L a wl erAv enu e,Su it e 410 S koki e ,Illinois 60076 Re:FileNo .S p -88-77-P r -e Ld md nn r -y P lan Vail Das Sch one Condomi niu ms At the irS pe ci al Meeting on 26 Aug us t1 97 7,t heBoa-r-do fCou nt y Com:nis si oners a pp rove d your preli min ary p lan s ubj ec tt o t he f ollowin g: "I.An accep tab le final l and s capep lan must be s ubmi t ted . 2 .Addition al sno w storage area must b e s hown. 3 .Thec ov ered park ing area shou ld b e exc lud e d. Ii;:;;g~~~i o ns , Te rrill K ni gh t ~ Pl ann er . TK /dk p lease contac t th is of fice. cc :Bo ard of County Co mm ission er s KennethE .Rich ards Richa rd s En gin e ers I I n c . P .O.Box C-I\lO Avo n ,Col or3do 81620 J'1<ln nin j{I h 'llar lnw nlll '\,lnninj{Clltllllliss;on:Su bdivis ion ,JkzoninJ.:,Apvli ciltion s and l t evh-w 130:1 )328-6338 lJoildin j{O ffit·ial ;BLl ildinR I',·r mil.~lind I nsllI'rti'III,Zon inJ:Adm;n i ~lr ...t ion (303)J2K-G:L19 • A WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES.LTD. 1933 L".ler Ave nue ,Suite 410 .Skokie ,il lin ois 600 111 -Pllone (312)611-e 30~ GENERAL P "'RTN E"~ wesr VAIL OEvaOPMENT CORP. G .HUDSON Wl RTH _PRESIOENT August 22.1977 Board of countyCommis sioners %McDonald Bldg .. Eagle,Colo r ado8 1631 Re:File #SP -88 -77 Preliminary Plat Vail Das Schone Condominiums Gentlemen: REC'"\"""\) Il.UG ·~.l 1~II •. This letter is to inform you that we agree to carry out the recommendat ions o f the Eagle County P lanning c ommiss i on a s proposed at t he August 1 7thmeet ing on t he following SUbjects: 1 .Landscaping -Landsca ping requirements will be compl eted n o l at er than July 1.1978.The initial contract for the entrance way is now being negotia t ed with Mr.Da ve Johns on and that work s hould b e c om- pleted by October 1.1977.Additi onal work i n the rear will b e d one during the spring plan ting s eas on. 2 .Drainage Plans -Dra inage im provements will be brought up to county specifications through the cooperation of Mr.Ken Rich ards.o ur engin eer and ag ent.and the Eagle Coun ty Engine ering Department by September 3 0.1 9 78. 3.Siqn Variance-Wea gree to cancel the tenants r ight to d isplay p r e sen t light ed signs as s oon as the ir present leas es and /orc o unty permits expi re.This will allow new signs to meet any new coun ty standards ado pted. Further.our agent Mr .Ken Richards.will see that a ll other signs be brought into compliance i mm ediate ly through cooperation with the Eagle County Department of Planning and De velopment . ...,-.•.page two • Board of County Commissioners August 22,1977. We feel that conversion of this building will help to continue to upgrade this prop erty.It is a n opportunity to offer fine low cost housing to permanent residents of Eagle County~ Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely , GI!l'1 :gvh ~.~j(tJ~d,preSident WEST VAIL DEVELOPMENT CORP . General Partner cc :Kenneth Richards Terrill Knight Robert Meer -Attorney Richard Helms,Attorney ••DEPARTUENT OF PLANNING AND DEV ELDPI,1EflT E4GLE COUNTY West Va il Associates,Lt d. 9£33 L awler Avenue ,Suit e 4 10 Skokie,Ill in oi s 60076 55 0 "roadway 18 Au gu st 1 97 7 P .O.Hox 179 (-'.-.g Irt Co lo rad o 8 1G31 Re:Fil eNo .Sp-88 -77 Preli minaryP la t Vail DasSc hone Cond omin iu ms At their r e gul ar mee ti ngo n 17 Au gu s t.the Eag le Cou n ty Pl ann i n g Commis si on r ec ommen ded approva l s ubj ec t to an ag r-eem en t wi t h th e County conce rn iJ;lg:complet ion and maintenance of adequat e l an d- s cap i ng and drainage p l ans ,and a r e s ol ut ion of the si gn prob lem t hrough t heCounty v a ri ance proc E'dure . Th is r ecomme nda ti on will be p resen ted to the Bo ard of Count y Co mmissi o n e r s at the ir s pecia l me eting on 26 Augu st be ginning at 9:00 A.M .1 n the McDonald Building,Room #1 03,5 50 Broadway , E agl e ,Co lorado. If you h ave any quest ions p lease con ta ctt hi s off ice . i~ff1i6 Plann er TK /dk cc:Boa rd of Cou nty Commis si on ers Ken Richards ,Ric ha rds En gi ne eriug P lnnninR !)('p arlml 'n l/l'lanninl:Commission:Subdivi sion,U(,1.O nin!:,AJlpl i("at inn~an d Revu-w(303)321H;:IJ8 lIuildin/{lHrit'i;II :lI uiltlill!:l'ermits a nd l nxpeetlon,Zonin!:Adm inistration {.1031 .128·6339 H I CHA r~D IJ L AMM GOV~R I'\IOR ).•".'.,'1M . 'III .. COLORADO GEOLOGI CAL SUR VEY DEPAR TMEN TOFNATURAl RESOU RC ES 7 15 STAT E C ENTENNIAL BUILD IN G-13 13 SHEFtJAN STHHT OENVE.R COLDftADQ 80 203 PHONE 13031 892 -26 11 August 5 ,1977 J OH N W.ROLD D,rec tor Michael s .Slai r De p t .o f Planning and Develo pm ent P.O.Box 179 Eagle ,CO 8 1631 De ar Mr .Blair:RE :SP-88-7 7!PRE LIMINA RY PLAN! VAIL DAS SCHON E CONDO'S Theg eo logy o f thisa rea i s c ompa tibl e with the p re sent a ndp roposed l and use and we t he r ef or e have no objec t iont o this p relimina ry plan. ~A~ L.R .Ladwi g Engin e eringGeologis t RECEIVED AUG 8 19 77 De ~,r n"6 l1ewi L U II,County, GE OL OGY S TOR Y O F TH E P AST .•.KEY TO THf FUTU RE RIC HARD D.lAA"l Governor ••C .J.KU IPER Sta te Engi l"lCC r DIVISIONOFWA TER RESOURCES Dep art mentof Natu ra l Resou rces 1313 Sherman S ueet .Ro o m 818 Denver,Col or ado 8020 3 Adm i nistrati o n 130318923581 Gr oundWat er (303 )89 2 ·358 7 Augu s t11,1977 Mr.Mich ael S.Blair,Director Eagle County Department of Planning P.O.Box 179 Eagle,CD81631 ~~~E'VE D .~u G1 6 1977 Deli!.1.01 ,..•••""••~.....~1. ,Ailo _."'.. Re :Vail Das Schone Condo miniums. Grouse Meadows Condo miniums.and Eagle-Vail Go lf Club Condom iniums Dear Mr.Bla ir: Thisisto acknowledge receipt of preliminaryplan meter ial forthe abov e referenced condo minium subdivisions.In that th ese ar e e xistin g renta l units presently beingprovidedwater and ar enow propo sed tobesold individuall y,we have no objection toth e approval ofthes eprojects . Very trul yyours, CJK/HDS/pj 1 cc:Lee Enewold,Div.En g. Land Use Co mmission ••RE C:::IV ED Western Slope Gas Company AUG il 1977 OH I'!II r "",,~.e !. On e Pa rk Ce nt ra l -1515 A rapahoe sl'.-.t'"""·Cot" P.O .Sa x 840 Denver Colo rado 80201 (303 )5 34-1261 AUgust1 0,1 97 7 Eag l e c ounty Pl anning Deparbnent 5 5 1 Br oadway Eagle,Colorado 81 6 31 Re ;Preliminary Plot Plan Va il Das Schone Gentlemen: We h aveexam ined the above c aptioned plot p lan and find that a t this t ime Western has nof aci lities on the l andt o be p lott ed . Please note that we are a gas transmission ut ility and our app roval do es no tr ef le ct our ab ili t y to serve subj ect s ubdivision . Very t ruly yours , Geo%'9'e Vonesh Rig ht-of-Way Agent By Ly nda Cl ark GV/1C AUG 11 1977 ,Je~:Uf i ~ [agle Counly.C • A WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES.LTD . 9933L awler A "gnue ,S uite 410 ,Skokie ,I llinoIS B0076 -Phone l 312 )677 -6JO!l • GENERAL P ARTNER: WESTV....IL DE VELQP ME NT CO RP. G.HU DSON W IRTH-PR ESI OENT August 8 ,1977 Mr.Te rrill Kn i gh t Eag le Co unty Dep t.o f P lanning &Dev . P .O .Box 1 79 E a gle,col or ado 8 1615 Dear Terr y : R E C':~\';':D AUG 10 1977 Dcpl.lil '",:1i:L~...u ·.~I. Ea gl8 Counl1 .coo. T his lette r ind i ca test h at a s owners o f bo th t he Va il Das S c hone Shopp ing Cen ter prope rty and t he a djac ent 6.6 a cres t o t he ea s t,we are i n agre ement t o cer ta in easement and ac cessr equirements . T he drai nag e easements and the roadway access to both p r operties will be s hown o n the ma ps by o ur engineer . Ken Richards. T he detail s hould meet Cou nty requir e me nt s as s hown o n p r oposed pre l iminary ~lat of Va il Das S c hon e f il ing #4 . S ince re ly , %.~/bo (J)J(preS ident WES T VAIL DEVELOPMEN T CORP. Genera l Pa rtner Ken Richards Mi tch Whe e l e r • Custome r Servi ce s -OS Fa cilit ies 103 South Wahs at ch Avenue Colorado Spr ing s.Colorado 80903 Re :Fil eNumber 5 P -BS ~'70 ' Ap plicant :\!I3;,'VA 'L A~IATE() 3 ~<"~LAw L.El2.A VE SU \1E <I,\0 S tiXl E )I LL.L,C07&> .@ Mountain Bell Ih ave reviewed thea pplication Bndf ind t he pl an acce ptable to Mount ain Be IL, If I can beo f f urt her assis tance,p leas e f e el f ree t oc ontact me on 1-636-4 64 7. Sin cere ly , /7 r /7.....-<:;.tf~ Engineer ing ·T~~7~i an RECI /~D AUG 2 19 77 D ~lIt.i,;l hJl ld"l~..LJij ,el• .u i"Co unty ,Colo • •~IIttV.,.1\lI •[Inc , Kenneth E.~ichord! CIVIL ENGI NEER ING -PLA NNI NG _SURVEYS SUBDIV ISIO NS -WATER &SEW ER SYS TEMS Box .....C-IOO Avon ~.Colorad o.a.w.6il 8 1620 Pho ne IU '0711 9 49 -5072 Den".r i ll 1£01 893-1531 Augus t 10 ,1977 Register ed Pr ofeuional Engineers Registered land Surveyors Mr .Terri ll Kni ght De pt .o f Planninga nd Deve lopment P .O.Box17 9,550Br oadway Eag le ,Co lo ra do 8 163 1 Re :Fil e No .Sp-BS-77 Prel iminary Plan Vai lDas Schone Co ndominiums De ar Terrill: Than k yo u f or yo ur comme nts on t he P re limina ry P lan fo r Vail DasSc hone Co ndomi niums,proposed Final Plat.I want t o ass u re YOu t hat the n ew owners o f t his p rope rty a re mos t a nxio us t ocomply with your reques ts and will do e very thing with in r e ason t oward thi sgoa l.I wo u ld like t o t ake up th e items in order a s mentioned in yo ur letter d ated Au g ust 5 ,197 7. 1.Al a ndscapingp l an for t h is p ro perty andt hea dj oining6.6 ac re pa rcel t o the Eas t ,VailDas Scho ne Fi ling No .4 .wi llbes ubm it ted this week.We h aveb r iefly d es crib ed t he overal l inten t of t he la nd scaping plans in both o f t he s ubm it tals. 2 .The parkinga r rangemen ts and t r aff icpat tern has been revised wh ich will great ly in cr ea se the t r af fic f low and s afe ty fo r the area . Tw en t ys p aces No rth of t he build ing will b e delinea tedand ma rked o ut at t hist i me fo r a futu re covered pa rki nga nds torage s tr uct ure ,which wil l blend in wit h the e xis ting a rchi tec tu re a ndl ands caping of thi s a rea .t o b eco nstruc ted a tal a ter d at e bec ause o fnum erous requests by the r e sidents a nd comme r cial us er s.Tr af fi cf low has b e en rede signed f or this s ite plan and will be mar ked with a rrows a nd s igns .a sn eeded . 3 .S igns were ,a nd still may be in c onf ormance with the s ignco de . The owner s have a sked f oran int erpretation of t he meaning o fSe ct ion 3 .06 .02 f(I).which signs ,we bel ieve,are s till in co mp liance with t he c ode ,revised s inc e t hei s suance of the original p ermits b y the Count y ab out t wo y ear s ag o.All p ermits wer e iss ued a nd mos t s igns were leased fromar epu tabl e Denver f irmf or a 5 yea r per iod.We would a lso r esp e ct fu lly r equest a varia nce a s t o this req uest b y you a nd.h ope full y, ca n a gr ee ons ign s izeswhen t he s ign c ode i s r evised aga in(whic h.we were t old,would be f ort hc om ing so on ). (•-2-• 4 .The plan fo r maintenanceo f th e l andsca ping and pa r king lot is careful ly spe lled ou t1n t heDeclara t ionf or VailDas Schone Condominiums . Also ,at tached hereto are co pies of the Articles of Inc orpor at iona nd the By-laws. 5 .Snow r em oval areasa re now designa ted on theSi te Plan and i n ex treme ly heavy snowpe riods .it 1sa very shortd i stance t o dis pose t he excess snowi nto Gore Creek o r o ther accep ta ble areas. 6 .Thed rainage r eportco ntained a very co mp lete map s howing t he me thod of takingc are of the flows .An easeme nt along th e No rth 30 fe et of thes i te has b e en deline atedon theSi te Pl an andal etter r egarding drainage o n t hes i te t o theEa sti sa t tac hed .Also .we are submitting the preliminary pl ans f or the proposeds ubd iv is ion o f Va il Das Scho ne Filing No .4 a tt his time fo r co ns idera tion a t your Sept emb er Planning Commiss ion mee ting. Sin cerely t RICHARDS ENGI NEER S,I NC. 7'~~#~~Lz-,L Kenneth E.Richard s Agen t fo r Wes t Vai l Associates .L td. cc :Wes t Vail Associat es .Ltd . KER/j n .- -, , • • ......."'!'InA Ellllill eou-.t)'P I .-.nlng Comm l..lon W~~doy .17 A ~t 1977 7 :00 P .M.Commr..lor.-r.M ••ling Room #103 M cDona ld B ldg .,550 BrQO<;ttv oy e~l.,Coloredo A ~ol tems 1 .Co il lo o rdt!r -7:00 P.M . 2 .M i,....,telof 19 July Ilnd 20 JU l y '977 3 .Ol d aulll'"''.. b. <. 4 .N_Buslnelll •• b. <. S"bdiv;.,ion 1'I0viow e "errpl lon 5 .FitIII'No .5 1.174_77-PrClO..lgt1-W_lem E "*""Ptl on Rlq.JOtst:e q rTpl i on f rom SUbdh,rllOt'!Regulat l~to "'PI It •dl.4>l e>c 10 1 Into two e.oparale ln le r...tl L..cx;lltion:Lot 4 1,B lock I,Eegl_Vail S..bdivlslonF1l1ng #1 6 .F ill,No .Se_11S_77 -Sr..1IfWOOd E I<O~tlon Aeq..JO sl:ElCen'lltlon from Subdivlelon Rogulatl~to confirm the IIPIIl of en ."lslil'\Q !=>!Il :el . looe.al:lon :Bf\.lsh C,..k Road Soutt'l of the TO'Ml of E llQle S ec .1 ,T65 I A S4W 1 .FHa No.S Iit-176-77 _Nott1oonem Ranch El<tJTIPtiorl Aeq..oest:Eqmption from Subdlv lllon R ~I Dtleor-.- LeclIot ion:1 ",lIe ...1 ot ,AYO'l,Co IQl"odo In SE~ffl ,see,7 ,T55 ,R81W 8 .sue No .Se _171_77 _1'1.0.C rawfor d Reques t :e~tion from S utdl ...llion R llgU l lI.Uonl to 1Ip1ll a cLpl.x lot I nto two $oparato IntCle,t,. L ocal 'on:·Lo t 2 ,B loc",3 ,Val l RlctgeS ...bdi"i l lon F I ~1 Plals 9 .F ile No .5f_54 _77 _Lv.lig (Shootlng Star Condominium,) i'l.eQ.JG sl :R ev l_ofa F i f1ll;l P lat lor a tlYN (l\lt eorodom lnium l.clc"tiOl'l:L.ot 31 ,Va ll VIIl ~Woot F II I"",,'.tong tt._It ,let.o f GOf.C ree4< Ori".i n W .at Va ll 10.F il.No .Sf·S5-n _Hlmby Slobdlv lslon R lq,olIst :1'1 .,,1_of a Final P lat lor a ~l o t ....bdl v l slor'l cont aining 8 ICl"MI Loc at i on:4 m i l.....t of B ••1t oIOl'1Q IN Fty ll"Q P ....R I ....r,Part of Tr -et .c SeetlOl"l 1,TeS ,R86'H '-P ...2 1 1.Flle No.Sf-86 -n _"BN Cofpor.nltlf'l ,Lot 4 .Req..>esl:Review of •F inal 5o.b:1l...lolon Plat to '-Ql lt •1(U"~pl o .(1\" Location :Let 4,B loc",3 ,Eagle_V a ll Sl./bdI v I,lon F il ing #2 12.F ile No .51-87·77 -FeN Corpo rot lon ,L.ot 3 Re que st:R eview of Flnlll S ...bdlvlalon Pl at10 ,pi li gIClV r-pl ••(l\it Loee t l on :Lot 3,B l oc",3 ,Eagle_Va ll Subdlv illon,FIling 1t2 13 .F lift No .SI ~9 2 ~77 -14th Falrwey Ccndomln l um l Re que st :Re vlftw of aFlnll1 Slbdivl s ion P l at 10sp ilt a IClVf -pl.x ....,It Loca tion:Lo t 17 ,B lock 3 ,Eagle-Vall Su bd l...i llon ,F illng#1 P re limi nary P lans '4 .F i llt N o.5 p-88-n _Vall Oas Schone Coo:tomlnl ...m a R~t:Re ...iew o t Pr"'limlnary PIW'l tor 20 ool"l"ll'T'Oen::illl ","It,Br'd 28 ctwetllng unlta on 2 .SO ecrea," Loc allOl"\:EXi5ting tH.o i l ding adj acef'\t to Sat_ay Sta...i n We al v,a 15 .1'110 No.Sp~89-77 -K lind T C "'....I Clpl'T\Wlt R"'QUest:Revl"""ot P r fll l minery S...tld i vls'on P I8'\to &p llt a f ovr-pl.x unil. Location :1..0 17,Bloc",5 ,E og l e_V a it F ili ng #1 '6."'lIa No.SJ)-90~n _GrQUS(l M "adows COf\domlnluml Fl9QUflst :R eview ol P rollml1'W'y Subdiv ision P illfl for 1 1 dwelling units Loe c.t i on:A replat of Lot 35 ,Wh l,key H ill,Eagle_Vall Fil ing *' '7.Fi l eNo .S p ~9 1 -n -Ee.~le_Vai l #1 Gor f Cl l.otl R eques t:R lltv t_01 a P re l l m'''''''y P Ion fOf a15 U"llt con.;:iom ini ...m and addit iane.l p.ark lng for lhoe e lC ls.ti l'lQ ga ll c h.,b Loe ll lJon:A replot 01 Lot 109,Bl oc k 3,Lo t 28 ,Block 6 ,end.portion ot Tr acts E andl,Eeglllo _VIl I I Filing #1 Zone C nmgo 1B."'l ie No.Zc _62 _77 _O ttml)t'A "tze Reque 5t:Z on Et Chlll'lQ&from Resource to R ...rl;ll FlIlo ,idonUe l LocatJon :M isSClVrl He igh ts,2/l ml tee t rom E I Jobol,botwflon A epef\M"II E states 8'\d EI J llbfIl RoGel veete-ces >.Aeeommend <ltion,to t na Z oning E30ard 0 1 AdJ....tmer.1 19.F ile No .Z ..._31_77 _Brlll'lOflllll v cne-ee R eque st:Ve rilll'".ee fr om rear sotoee!<r lQJlr.",."t i n lhe Comrnorclal Llmltltd'"ZOflI . (sect ion 3 .07.08 (0)ot li"ofI Zo n ing A .lIOl ...l ion) Loeeti on:Lo t 39,B utfe_CrotG~Subdi ...isian i n W oat Va i l 20 .Fil.No .Z ...·32_77 _W.st Vil li A asocl at n Var lanee Request :V.,.ianee !rom the slg."l ~r og ..let lon In tho)Col'rVT>er"cllll I,.lmit8'Cl UII"tQ. (Section 3 .07.0:2(f)of the Zon ing Resolut ion Locbotion :Lot 3 ,Va il Oas Schone S ...bd i vll lOr'l,F iling fr.J t • P _3 2 1 .F ile No .Z".33.n.C raigAu ...1t R eq..ovs l:Vllf illnCe from h minimumlot .1_t o al low ooostl\lCtlon of.cll plax 01'\'"~.i zed lot (Sect ion 3 .05.05 o f tlw Zoning Resolut ion) I.DeatlOtl :Lot 7 ,Bl ock C.V.il 0 ,,*Schone &bdl vililion Fi ling #1 22.Fi leNo .Z v -J.4-n _Su•.,Herzog A equest:Verlence f ro m the mlnlI'rU m .E dIt yard se t back requl re~t.In the Re,Idl,n U,,1 S u burb...M~I ........Zorw .(S eetl Ol"l 3.05.08(3)o f In. Z oning A ell(l lut ion Loc atlon:Lot 23 ,M ot terhom Vlt l 8Q 1t Subdl"l .iQfl 23 .0 ".. •• b . <.•2 4.S taff Aepor1 a -. •• b. <. 25 .A djOUl'T'lTl8nt by :M lehael S .B lair S ecreo lary,E agle County P lanning Commle.lon •• ....~Eagle Coullty ~•...Soil and Water Conservation District . Box 386 -Eagle.Colorado 81631 August 9,'1977 Terrill Knight,Asst.Co~Planner 1>Esgl.e Countr P'lann1ng Dept'. Box 769 Esgl.e.Colorado 8'163'1 Terrill: Tho van !laa Schone prellminarr plan was referred to the Eagl.e Countr SOU Conservation District tor review and cOlD'llen~ w.have the rollowing comnent.: '1.)A more detaUed 'landscaping pJ.an sb ou'ld be supplied. 2.)A IIIOr.detalled drdnag.p].an sbCMiDg orr and on-.ite drainage patterns sbou'ld be sulJnitted. 51noere'lr...:;t,l J -,$-.A-C~y~,;t~ Bud Gates, President RE Cr::IIJ r::D AUG I 1 1977 D ~>lt."I I"!·",,,.I~I."~l. u gle Coun ty.ColO . ••DE PA IWrUi lT OF PLAfHlI NG AND DCV BL DPi n&rJ T P .O.Box 179550IlroadwllY 5A ugu st 19 77 !llcHnll Illd HhlK. CAGL E COUNT Y We s tVail As s o ci ates Ltd . 9933 Lawler Av e.Suite 4 10 S koki e I J11i11oi5 6 0 076 Re :F ile No .Sp-88-77 Prelimin a ry Pl an The Tech nic a l Rev iew Com mitt ee fo r Ea gle C ounty (0.gro u p of t e chn i ca l advi sers f romv arious publi c agenc ie s)rev i ewed you r applic ation on 4 August 1977 .t h e y offered t he fo f lowmgco m ments to you a nd t h e Pl ann ing Commi s s ion for con si deration o f ap pr ov al an d u sc o f the p r operty : 1 .A land scaping pl nn whi ch in cl ude s the r ig ht o f w aya l ong t he f ron t ag e r -ead and Lhe r ear o f t h e prop erty s h o ul d be i ncluded . 2 0 Th e p arking arrange m ent s h o ul db e r edesig n ed to provide a s a f e r m ore convenient l a y o ut . 3 .Sign s m u st be brou ght i nto confor m ance w ith t he s ign c o de . 4 .A p l a nf orm a inten an ce of th e l a nd s ca pin g and p a rk ing l ot s ho ul d b e in c luded . 5 .Snow removal are as s hou l d be indicated . 6 0 A ll d ra in a g e which i m p ac tsth i s s ite i n c l udi n g t h at a longt h e f ront and r ea r of t.he s it es h o uld be accounte d fo r and p l ans should be su bmi tted. Th e s ec omments w i ll b e forwa rded t o t h e C ounty Planning D epart me nt a n d P l an n ing C om mi s s i on f or c on s ide ration nt t h ei r m e eting on 1 7 A ug u s t !B7 7. If you h ave any q uestion s,p lease co nt act thi s office . 1~~'k6 Terri ll Kn i ght 1 P l ann e r TK/bb c o :Bo ar-d of County Com m i s s i one rs • l 'b n ll i ll J ~Th'parI11l1'lI t /l'];ulIlinJ:Commis sion :S ubdivision.Hr :t.uninl:,A llp]ij'::l liun s and ltvvh-w (303 j 3 21\6J :I~ lI uildinl:o rrlr ial:11 l1 il,lillJ:1','rlllil s and l us pec t lou.Zu uinl:Atlm illi"t ra lilll1 (:I0J):I 2IHi.1:I!1 • Kenneth E.Richards CIVI L ENGINEERING .PLANNING.SURVEYS SUBD IVISIONS .WATER &SEWER SYSTEMS Box ....C-IOO Av on iNlIIo,Colorado ~8 162 0 Phone Ii"iIl1i1 9 49 -5072 Denller a II 1£ii11 8 9 3-1531 Ju l y 18,1977 III£C EIVE !)) Jllil L :,J'iJ7/f7 O_tlll",p '-'!,,"I'!).,,0J. f.£D'/Il iCotl UWj\'"CQi o. Registered Profe u ional Engine.~ Reg istered Land Suryeyors Eagle Count y Pl annin gCom miss ion Department of Planning and Dev e lo pm ent Post Of fi ce 80x 789 Ea91 e,Col orado816 31 Re :Ske tch Plan and Pre li min ary Pla n Va il Das Scho ne Cond om in iums Att :Terr i l l Kni ght \ \ De ar Terry : Attached are t henecessary maps,rep orts andexhibi ts f ortheproposed Vail Das Schone Condom in i um s .Al l of thi s i nf ormation wa s avail able i nour fi les and much of it was previously sub mittedbef ore and duringtheconst ruction of t he buil ding.Asy ouknow ,th e new owners of thi s build ing and s i te are : West Vail Ass ociates,Ltd. 9933 Lawl erAvenue,Suite 410 Skok ie,Illinois 60016 Phone :312-577-6305 Th eownershave designated ou rf i rm t o gathert ogether the necessary i nfo rma ti on f orobtaining county approval s for condom in;umizing thi s bu ild ing.You can reachme at : Kenneth E.Richard s,P.E.&L.S . Ri chard s En gineers ,In c. P.O .80x C-100 Avon,Co lor ado Phon e:949-5072 or Denver Ph on e -893 -153 1 Th e new own ers are desirous t o mak e t hese condom ini um savai lable forsa le ata reasonab l ecost.lowe r than thenorma l marke t cost for c om pa rabl eunit s.Al l unit s hav erece nt ly been refurbis hed and a fire s prink lersys temhas been i nstalledint he commer c ial are as on t he f ir st f loor.The parkinganddri vewa y areas haveal l been paved and prev ious pa ving re pa i red.Ad dit iona ll andscaping is und erw ay and the exteriorbui ldin g wa ll s are beingre -s tuccoed.The pa rking an d dri vewa y are asare now be i ng c leaned up e very day bythe full-ti me ma i ntenance man. •• Under thesketchplan requirements ,thei t ems are listed as f oll ow s: 4.01.01 (a) condominium map . The exis ting building site planand condomin iums The legal description is included . are shown on t he (b)Thepropertyi s bo unded ontheNorthby Chamonix Lane and ont he South bythe North Frontage Ro ad ofInters tate No .70.As shown on the Drai na ge report map ,a ll road grades are mod erate and access tot he frontage road currently exists .As overall map showing thesur rounding areas is a lso attached . (c)The existi ng develo pment on th e subj ect andadjacen tprop er ty are shown on thecondom inium map a nd area map. (d)A l arge por tion ofthea reai s pa ved butal l a f t he area betwee n the pa ved pa rk ing areas a nd Chamo nix l ane ont he North and thefr ontage road on the So uth wi ll be l andscaped.Mostoft he topsoils cons is t i ngof organic mater ial sand s i lt havebeen reserve d fo r use intheseareas.Al l work is being don e by l ocal l and scapes pecia li sts . (e)Soils and geolog ical reports weresubmi tted previously before construction of this bu ild ing.The soi ls reports we re a l l verys imilar and recom- mendations wereaboutthe same f oreach adjoining s ite.name lyt hatthet opsoil s and si lt be removed.that standard reinforced concrete f ootings be used .that concrete foundation walls be rein forced top and bottom .tha t a l lowab le soi l pressure be3.000 psf,that compaction at least 95%of maximum Standard Proctor Densi ty and with in 2%of optimum moisture content .per ASTM 0-698.that asoi ls engineer inspect thesoi ls beforefoundationsor slabs are poured and that a subsu rface drai nage system beplaced around basement areas.Field inspections were ma debyour engineering firm for the Safeway Sto re and the subject building and a lli te ms werei n comp lia nce withthe soils engineer's recommen ations.Acopy of a typ ical soi ls report f orthe areaadjoin ing the Sa fe way store is attached .Also .a com plete drainage s t udy for th iss ite and thes urround i ng area is i ncluded. 4.0 1.02 Acheck forthe Sk etch Plani sf urnis hed her ew ith. (al The name ofthe condom inium ma p will be Vail Das Schone Co nd om ini ums. (b)Domest ic wat er i sprese ntly beingfu rnished by the Va il Vil lage West Water and Sanitation Distr ict t hrou gh an ex isti ng 8"water line in Chamo nixLane . (cj Sewage service isprovidedby t he Upper Eagle Va lley Sanitation District bya 10"sewer line intheNorth frontago Roa d. 4.01 .03 22 copies of each ofthe above lis ted item s are attached. 4.02 Al l maps l isted above conform with t herequireme nts foraPreliminary Plan. (a)Survey info rm ation ~legal descr iptions and other requirements fo r Land Surv eyPlantshave been met . -2- •• (b)The graphic scale was omitted f r om the condomi nium map but will be placed on theFinal Plat before s ubm iss ion.Contours and spot e levationsare shown on thedrainage map. (c)Boun dary l ines with bearings and di stances and the legal descripti on are show n. (d)Adjoining property ow ners a re Va ilCity Co r po ration (S af eway)on the West a nd West Va il Assoc iates on theEast .Ow nersf or lots in VailHeightstothe No rthare show n on t hearea map. (e)Con tour lines and spot elevations ares ho wn on thedrainage map (f)(1)and (2)Signed by Ke nneth E.Richards,Registered P.E.and l .S.No .2183 (2)All ro adsand utilities are exi st ing. (3)Soi ls report -signedby Th oma s Su mmerl ee,Register ed P.E . No .9991 as typica l forarea.He perf orme dmost s oils tests f or this area and we didthe fi eldchecking forthe building f ootings. (4)la nd scaping plans -some has alread y been done and mo re1s underway and wil l becompleted t his fall . (5 )The originalGeologica l Study fort hiss ite and theVail Hei ghtsSubd ivisionacrossthe road was prepared byCharles N.Johnson.Registe redP.E.No.8621.Records oft his studyareinthe Count yf il es.On ly theVailHeights report wa s in ourf il es wh i chs tated t here wer e "no hazard s, ava lanches,lands lid 1ng .soi l cree p,or drai nage problems ." (6)Wil d l ife -Notappli cable in this commercial area. (9)Streets nameS and condomi niums numbers ares how n. (h)Notapplicab le -s izes and elevations ofeach unit are s how n. (i)Not appl icab le (j)All commo nareasareas s how n onthe co ndom inium map . (k)(1)Vail Das Scho ne Cond ominiu ms . (2)We st Vail Associates,ltd . 9933 Lawler Avenue,Suite 410 Skokie ,Illinois 6007 6 Ph one:312 -677-630 5 (3)Sh ow n onarea map. (4 )2.8650 acres -3- ••• (5 )Fi ling Fee attached (6)Previously exi sti ng building. (7)Attached Condomin iu m Declaration. {8}The re i saseve re shortageof l owcost hou s ing inthe Eas t area of EagleCounty .Ma ny of thepresentt enants hav e ex pressedthe desire to purchase the ir un its .Also,s ome of thecommer cia l tenants arein terested.The f inancing i s ava ilab le f or t heseuni ts for 10%downoreve nl es s in some i ns tance s and paymentsi ncludi ng P.I .T .I.are no greater than rent paym ents. (1)Thereare noc hangesint he overall area with res pect t o any ot her eng ine er ing or e nv ironme ntalre port s. 4 .02 .02 Vicin ity Ma pshown. 4.02 .03 (a)and (b)Geo logy and Soilsr eports subm itted previous ly and on fi 1e . (c)No t ree -ma sses -l ow l ying shrubs and mounta in grasse sa re being used.Some ·aspen trees wi ll be pl an ted on t he Nort h f orscreen ing. (d )No wi ldl ife i nth i scomme rcia l area. (3)No wi ldfire expected. 4.02.0 4 (a),(b),&(c)Road s and gradingare completed.The frontag er oad has ab ou t a2 1/2%drop totheWest and Chamo ni x La ne about2%.Th ere are no diffi cult s l op esexceptthevery North end oft he s ite wi ll be we lll ands caped. (d)The drainages tu dy i sa ttac hed . 4 .02.05 (a)Water Suppl y i sf rom the Vai l Vi llage West Wa t er and Sa nitati on Di stri ct wh ich ha s been serv ing th e build ingforsevera l year s . (1)·(a),(b).(c ),(d),Inform ati onon t he waterdi stri ct i s on f il e withth eCount y. (2)Already don e . (3)(a),(b),(c),(d)Already done (4)Not appli cable . (b )Sani tar y Sew age Di sposal ist hrough t heUpper Eag le Valley Sanitation Di stri ct wh ich ha s beens ervi ngthe bu ildin g f o r severa l y ears . (l )(2)and (3)Al r eady done (4)Not app l i cab le. -4- ••• (c)Under grou nd wlfl ng hasbeen i nstal led i n all thi s area and t he bu il ding i s presently s erved by the Ho l y Cro ss Ele ctri c Ass oc iat ion . (d)Fire Pr otec ti on -Vai l Fir e Dis t ri ct provides se rv ice to t his area. 4 .02.06 Land sc aping t o be s i mi l art o th e exi st ing wo rka l ready i n pl ace. 4.02.07 22 copies of a ll reportsand ma ps. Res pectfu lly Subm itted. RIC HARDS ENGI NE ERS.I NC. ~c:?~ KennethE.Ric hards Agentand Eng ineer fo rthe Owne r Registe re d Profess io na l Engineer and Land Su rv eyo r No.2183 KER:cr -_...."...\~--,..., ".--,::\~)..(J '""..'':>..••••••.I"t ..,"".'.....'f,<./..'...~.....'.:'.'. :......''':).:,Ii '-,>'t I .:t.:,1 .J '.~~ :.:.::f.;':""? '('1.1 ..:."...;~ ;~"_-...ol ,':'.''" ,j ......1",t•l.;.>'" I -•,<;'."I .'",.'..-.,,\,,:;:'' •'.••'",\..j,~\.,"•'II .'--,v -,._4-"...............-,.. .'•• DECLARATION FOR VAIL !lAS SCHO NE CO NDONINI UMS r-:LE F "/...-,. r -r-e- "..... .REC:::IVED J UL i 8 1977 Dl!pl.VI l 'l ~li n lfl '~J~....I £i ll'"Co",nly,Colo. KNOW A LL l-tEN BY THfo:SE PRESE~rS: THA T WH EREAS,WES T VAIl.ASSOCIATES ,LTD.,a Limited Pa rt nershi p, hereina f ter ca l led t he Dec laran t,i st he owner of the r eal p rop ert y situa te in t heCoun ty of Eag le ,State of Colorado,d escr ibed i n Exhibit "A"attached he reto a nd mad e a pa rt hereof;and ~~EREAS ,De clarant desires to estab lis h a con dominium proj ect un der t heCondom in ium ~Nne rship Ac t of the State o fColor ado;an d ~~REAS ,certain build ing improve ment s are being const ruct ed on the aforesaid real property,whi ch building impr ovements wh en compl eted shal l consist of separatelyd es igna te d condomin i umu nit s; "nd WHEREAS,l)cclarant do cs herehy es ta blish a plan f or the owne r - ship i n fee s imp le of t he con dominium estates,s ub ject t o t he ease- ments ,r es tr iction s,reservations ,rights -of-wa y ,conditions ,taxe s and asses sments o f record a nd res ervat ions in this De clarat i on, consi s ting of th ea rea or spa ce c ontainedi n each of th e air space unit s located i n the buildingi mproveme nt s and the co-owner sh ip by th e in dividuala nds epar at e owner s thereof,a s tennnts -i n -con ~on of a ll of the r e main ing property (e x c ~p t such property os is o therw is e reserved he re i n)whic h p roper t y is hereinafter def ined and referre d to as t h eg ene ra l comm on e lemen ts . NOW ,THE REFORE,Dec larant does hereby publish a nd declare that t he fo llowingt erms,cove na nts ,conditions ,ea sements,re strict ions, u ses,reservat i ons,limi ta tions and obl iga t ions s h all be deemed to run w ith the l an d,s hall be a b ur d en and a benefit of Dec la rant, i ts s uc ce ssors a nd assign s ,and a ny per son a c quiring or ow ning a n in tere st in the r eal property and imp rove me nts ,t h eir grant ee s, succe ssors ,h eirs,e xecutors ,administra tors,devis ees o r assi gns . DE FIN IT IONS 1 .The f ollowi ng de fin i tion s s h al l ap p ly unless the cont e xt express ly provides o therwise . 1.1 "Unit"mean s on e in di vidual air space which i s contained within the p erimeter wa lls,or bo u ndary lines , fl oors.c ei lings .wind ow s a nd d o ors of e a ch un it as s h ow n on the Cond om inium Map t o be fil e d for r ec or d,tog ether with a ll f ix tu res a nd i mprove me nts t h erein cont aine d,b ut n ot inc luding any stru ctural c om pon ent s of the building or o ther General CommonElement s,i f any .l oc at edwi thin the un it . 1.2 "Condominium Un it"means the f ee s imple i nter est title in and to au nit ,toge ther wi th t he undivided interest in t hege ne ral co ~on e leme n ts and t h e appurtenan tl imited comm one lemen ts thereto. •• 1 .3 "Ow ner"mea ns a p ers on,firm ,corpora tion , par tner s hip ,assoc iat io n or othe r legal e ntity,or any combina tiont h ereo f,whoowns o ne or more condomi ni um un its . 1.4 "Gener al Common E leme nts "mea ns a nd include s: 1.4.1 The land on which th e bu i ld i ng is located as describ ed onExhib it "A"; 1.4 .2The fou ndations ,co lumns,g i rders ,b eams s upport s,ma in wa l ls,r oofs (exce pt as otherwi se prov ided forh erein),deck s,yard a nd par kinga rea , wa lks ,wa l~lays and r eta iningwalls . 1 .4.3The me chan i cal i nst alla tions of t he bui ldings c onsist ing of the equipment and materials making up a ny central serv ice s e xis ti ng for common u se ,such as ,but n ot nec e ss arily limit ed to,power,light, g as,ho t and c old wat era nd hea ti ng ; 1 .4.4Any t anks,p umps,motors ,fa n s,compre ssors, e x ist ing for commo nu se;and 1.4.5 Su ch enclos ed a ir s pa ces in the building as are pr ovided for c ommu n ity or c a mm on use ;a nd 1.4 .6 All other pa rts of t he building a nd of the entire pr emises n ecessary or conve n ie nt to its ex istence,main tena n ce a nds afety or n or mally in commo n u se. 1 .5 "Limited Comm onElements"me a ns a ny parts o f the ge nera l commo n e leme nts r ese rved f or u se b y fewer than al l t he owners of i nd ividua l u n its ,as s hownon the Map o r as ma y be sub s equent ly determin ed b y t heAs sociation of un it owne rs,s uch as ,but n ot limited to ,b alco nies or patios a ppurtena nt to units. 1.6 II ComrnonExpen ses "means and includes expenses of a dmin is t ra tion a nd operation of t he c ondominium prop erty, and t he e xpe nses o f ma i ntenance ,repa ir or r eplacement of t he g e neral c ommo n e lements;expens ~s designa ted a s c omm on expense s by t he pr ovis ions o f th is Decla ra tion and/or By -Lawso f the Associa ti on,a nd e xp e nses agree dupon a s s uch by the owners . 1.6 .1 "Resident ial Commo n Expe n se s"s hall meana nd i nclude t hatp ortion of t he c ommo n exp en s es whicha re designated by thi s Dec larat ion or de termi ned by the Associa tion to b e primar ily f or t he use and/or b ene fit of t h e r esident ial units a nd t heir r e spective own er s, ten ant s,guests a nd i nvit ee s,an dwhic h are t o be asses sed a gainst the r e side nt ial units onlya nd paid only by the owners of s a i d reside ntial unit s. 1.6.2 "Commer cial Common Expe n ses "s hall mean a nd include that port ion of the comm on e x penses whic h arc designat ed b y this Dec la ration or de termine d by the As socia tion to b e pr imari ly f or t he u sea n d/or bene fi t o ft he comm er cia l u n it sa nd the ir r e sp e ct iv e owners ,te nants,g uests and invite es and wh ich are to b e a ss ess ed aga inst the commerc i al u ni ts on ly and -2- ••pa id only by t he owners of sa id comm er cial unit s . 1.7"Associat ion of Un it Ow ner-s;"o r "As sociation" mea ns VAIL DAS SC11 0N~CONDOM INIUM ASSOCIATION.aCo lorado corporation n ot for p rof it,the By-lAWS o f which shall gov ern the administration of the condominium pr oj ect, and t he members of which shall be the owners of t he condom inium u nits . 1.8 "Declaratio n"Mea ns t his Dec lara t i on and supp lements t hereto ,i f any. 1 .9"Co ndominium Project"mea nS a ll of t he l an ds an d improvements initially s ubmi tted by t his Dec lara tion a n cvor- i mprovements subse que ntly sub mit ted a s is provi d ed. 1.10 struc ture "Bu ildin g"mea nS t he con tain ing th eu ni ts Sing le b ui lding or a sshow n on the Map. 1 .11 "Hapll or "Condo minium Ma p"means a nd includes t he e ngineering survey o f t he l an d depic ti ng and l ocatin g t hereon a ll of t he imp rovemen ts,t hef loor a nd e le va tion plan s and any othe r d rawing or d i agramma tic plan de pic ting a par t of or a ll of t he land and impr ovements there on. 1 .12 "Mortgage "shall mean any mor tgage ,deed o f t r us t or other document pledg ing or e ncumber ing a Con dominium Unit a s security f or the p ayme nt o f repa ymen t of a deb t or obl i gation . 1.13 "No'r t gagee"shall mean any pers on,c orp o ra tion , partnership,trust,company ,association,or other l egal entity which takes,mvn s ,holds or r eceiv es a mort gage. Units"shall be Condomin ium Units ,i nclusive,a s shmvn o nt he Ma p. 1.14 "Residentia l R through R._ 1.15 "Commerci al Units"sha ll he Condominium Uni t s Ct hrough C ,a nd any subdivisions or pa r tit ions t hereof . DESCR I P TI ON AND ESTATES 2.1 The rea lp roperty descr ib ed on Exh ibit"AII includ ing t he improvements t hereon,i s divided i nto se para tef ee s imp le e stat es (Con domin iumUnits)as provided in Exhi bit UBI! a t tached he reto a nd ma de a part hereof .Each such e state sha ll consis to f t he s ep ar ately d e signated un it and the u nd iv ided in teres t in and to thege ne ral commo n element s appurtena nt t o such uni t as set forth t herein. 2 .2 Any dee d,c ont ra ct,l ease,mortgage,tru st d eed or other i nstrume nt may l eg ally descr ibe a condomin ium unit by its identifying unit number fo ILowed by the wor ds "Va il Das Schone Condominiums"wi th further r ef erence toth e ~p filed for r ecorda nd t he recorded De clar at ion .Every such descr iption sha ll be deem ed good a nd s uf fic ient for al l purposes to convey ,t r an sf er,encumber or o therwi se a ff ectno t on ly the un it ,b ut a lso t hege ne ra l comm on e lements a nd any l i mit ed c o mm one lemen ts a pp ur te na nt thereto . Each such description s hal lb e construed to inc ludea no n- e xc lusive easement f or i ngress and egress t o and for the -3- •• use o f the g ener al common elements and any a pnurte n a nt limited comm on e lements. 2 .3 Each unit and i ts u nrii vi dcd interest in the ge ne ral commone I ernen c s a nda ny limited common eleme nt s s oour t enent th ereto s hall be i n separab l e a n d ma y be conveyed,l eased or encumb ere d o ~l y a~a condomini um un i ts. 2.4 A condomin ium un it ma y b e h eld and owned by more t hano ne p erson a~j oin t te na n ts or a s t en a nt ~-in -co rnm o n, o r i n any real proper ty tena ncy r elati on sh i n recogn ized under the l aws of Colorario . 2 .5 Residen t ia lunitss ha ll be ide n tified on the MaD by th e l e tt e r Rp re ceed i ng t he uni tn umbe r.Comme rc ia l u nits s ha Ll,be i rle nti fi e d b y the let ter C preceed in g the un it num ber . CONDOMINIIJ}!NAP 3 .1 Th e Mao shallb e f iled for record prior t o t he f i rs t conveya n ce of any condomi nium un it .Th e Ma p s ha ll con si st of a nd se tf orth(1)t he le gal de~crip tion o f the s urface of t he rea l p ro pe rty ;(2 )t he l in ear mea s ureme nts a nd loca tions 9 wi th reference to the e xterior b ound ari es of t he rea l oroperty o f the bui lding a no all o th er im prove- ments bui lt thereon ;(3)the bu i lding nam e or des Lgnac Lon ; (4 )the floo r o In ns ;(5)the n umber or de signati on of eac h un i t;(6 )the l i near d imen s ions o f eac hu nit;(7)the e lev a t i o n o Lan s of t he b uil di n g;(8 )the e levat ions o f t he un f Ln Ls hed i nt er iors ur fa ce of the f loo rs a nd c eili ngs aa es t'nb Li.sh ed f rom a datum p lane,and t he line ar meas ur ements showing the t hi ckness of the pe rime ter wal ls of t he bu ilding. 3 .2 Th e re s hall be filed fo rr ec or d as apart of the Nan a certificate of a regi stered arc h itect o r licens ed profe~sional engine er c erti f yi n g that the im proveme nt s as construc te d c o nform s ubsta nt ia l ly t o the Man;that t he Ma p fully and a ccurate ly depicts the l a yout ,me asureme nt s an d loc ation of a ll of the i mnrove me n t s;t he b ui ld ing n ame o r d es i gnat i on;t he condom inium un it d e signa tion s,the d imen sions of such uni t s,a nd t he elevat ions o f t he unfin ished f loorsa nd ce il ings . TAXATION 4 .Ue clarants sha ll g ive writtenn oticet o t he asse ~so r of t h eCounty of Eagle,Co lorado,of the c reat ion of s uch condomin ium o wne rs h i oo r proper ty ,a s p rovided by l aw,so t hat each c ondomini um u nit may b e deemed a separ ate o arc el a nds ub jec t to s e p ar ate assessment and tax ati on . P ARTITION 5 .1 The g en e ral c o nmon e lemen t s s hal lb e owned i n c ommon b ya ll of the own er c;of t he c ondominium units,anrl sh all r emain undiv ide d,and n o owner s h a l l bring an y a cti on fo ro artition or d iv i~i on the r eof .Violation of t h is p rovi si o n shall ent it le the A~so ciat ion to p er ~onally c ol le ct ,j oin tly an d se ve ra llyf rom t he oarties violating t he same,t h e act uala tt o rney 's f ee s,co st s a ndo th er d amag es t he A~c;ocia ti on incur s in connect ion ther ew ith . •• 5 .2 Except as p rov i ded in para graph 5.3 be low,n o o~vner of a condomin i un unit s ha l l part it ion or sub divid e any s uch r es i de nti a l unit s o as t o c on v ey to a prospective own e r an i nt erest in l e ss t han a n c nti.re r e sidential u nit. 5.3 Notwithstand ing t he f or eg oing ,Decla r ant ,a nd any successor or assigns of Dec la ra nt ,shal l be per mitted to p ar tition a nd subdiv ide a c omme'r c LaL uni t or u nit s as and when i t d eems such pa r ti t ion a nd s ub divis ionde sirable. I nt he eve nt Dec la rant or a succ essor or a ssigns of De clarant should subd iv ide an d p art it ion any suc h c omm erc i a l unit and s ou ld c onvey t oa n in dividua l Or e n tity th e f ce owner sh i p ,or s ubstantial e qu iva le ntt here of,i n suc hs ub divid ed or partition ed po rtion .Decl arant shall allocate in t hedoc u- ment c reat ing su ch inte rest,s uc h po rtion of t he u n divi d ed comm on e lements a s i s appurtena ntt o t hei nter est s o c onveyed .Su ch al locat ion sha ll b e madei n proport ion to the square fo otage so c onv eyed a s it b ea rs t o thes qua re foo t age of the entire commer cial u nit b eing s o sub di v ided or partitione d. P OSSESS ION ANDUSE 6 .1 Each mvner shall be en titled to e xc lus iveowne r- ship and p ossession of his u ni t e xcept as otherwise herein s peci fic allyp rovided .Eac h own er ma y u se t h e ge neral c o mm on e lement s in common with the other u nit owners ,and t he limited common c leme nts in ac cor danc e with the p urpose f or wh Lch they ar e intended ,wi th out h inde ring or e ncr oaching upon t h e lawful rig hts of othe r own e rs.The Ass ociation may ado pt rules and regu lations go ve r n i ngt he u s c o fge ne ra l and l imited common e leme nts ,and p ur s ua nt to whi ch limit ed co~~on c leme n ts a re allo c at e d to the e xclus ive use of t he o nwers of pa r tic u lar uni t s p rovide d suc h ru les and re gulation s s ha l l b e u ni forma ndn on -discriminator y.The owner o f a Con dominium Uni t shal l h ave the e xclus ive us e of the b alcony, i fa ny,i mme diately ad ja cen tt o suc h Own er's Con domi n i un Unit. 6 .2 Excep ta smay oth erwise be permitte d by t he Assoc i ation e ach reside nt ial uni t shall be us ed a nd occ u pied so l ely for the purpose of lodging or as adwelling b y the UNner or b y the owner 's f ami l y ,g ues ts ,agent s ,employees, inv itees a n d t en ants. 6 .3 No structures of a t empo ra ry charact er (except as ma y be n ec essarydu r ing r e-const ruction),t railer,(ot her than d e liv ery v ehicle s),t en t,~hac k,g a rage ,bar n or o ther ou tbui ld i ngs s ha llb e u sed or p ermitted to b e keptor stored on any portion o f thec on dom inium p roject at any time either t e mpo r ar ilyor pe r ma nent ly . 6 .4 No a nimals,l i v estock orpo u ltry of a nyk ind s ha ll b e mis~b re d or ke pt ont hec on domini um projec t,exce pt th at d ogs,ca ts or other h ouse h o l dp e ts may be kep t,s ubject to r ules a ndr e gulations t hat arc from t i me to time adopted or a mended by the As sociation . 6 .5 No adve rt is ing s igns(e xc ep tf or t he b e nefit of th e c o mme rcial un i ts and e xc ep t as per mit ted a nd a pp r ove d b y t he As socia tion),b i llb oar ds ,un sigh tly ob je ct s or nuisances sha ll b e er ec ted ,plac ed or maint ain ed on th e co nd o mi niu ~ proj ect,nor s h al l t he c ondomi nium projec t be u sed in a ny way or fo ra n yp u r pos e which may e nda n ger t heh ea lth or -5- ••unr ea sonably di sturbt he owner o fa ny condominium unit o r a ny r e siden t t hereof .Notwith st and inga ny provisi ons her ein co ntained t o t he contr ary,i t s hall be expre s sly permis sible for the Decla rant t o ma inta i n during the p eri od o f cons tr uction a nd s a le of the condominium units,upon s uch port iono f the cond omin iump rojec t as Dec l arant deems n ec e ss ar y,s uch faci l it ie sa s in the so le op iniono f Dec laran t may b e r e asona bly r equired,conve nie nt or inc ident al t o the saleo f sa id condominium u nits,including but without limitation ,n business o ffi ce ,s torage ar ea ,signs ,mode l u ni ts a nd sales of f ice .I t is expres sly understood a nd a greed t h at Dec larart:s h al lh ave the righ t to u se th e r el ate d genera l commone leme nts for sa le an d bus iness office purpo se s , a t a n om inal rent al of $1 .00 pe r y ear f o r a t erm not to e xceed thr ee y ear s fr om date of re cording of De claration . Nothing c ontained her ein s hal l b e construed t o restrict or prohibit the us e of the commer cial uni ts or a ny portion t hereof fo r a ny purpo se o rpu rpos e s pe rmitted under the l a ws,regulatioffior statutes in e ffect from time t o time. 6 .6 No nuis anc es shall b e allowed on t he c ondomini um p roj ect,nor a ny use or p ract ice which i s the sour ce of annoyance to r esiden t s,or wh ich i nt e rferes wi th t he peaceful e nj oyment or pos s es si on a nd p rop e r use of t he condominium p roject b y i ts residents.All p arts of the condominium p ro jec t shall b e kept i nac lean and sanitary conditi on , a nd no rubbi sh ,r e fus e or g arb age shallb e allowed to acc umul at e nor any fire haz a rd to exist.No u nit owner shall p ermit a ny us e o f hi s uni t or makeu se of the comm on e le me ntswhich will i ncrease th e rate of i nsura nce up on the c ond om i nium proje ct .TheAss ocia tion may adopt By -Law s and Ru le s a nd Re gulations re l at i ve to a ba te me nt and enjoinment of nuis ances. 6 .7 No immoral,improper,offensive or lawful use shall be permi tted or made o f the condomin i um project or any part thereof.All va lid laws ,ordinances a nd r e gulation s of all g overn me ntalb odie s having jurisdiction shall be observed. 6 .8 Rules and regula tions may b e adopted by the Board of Di rectors of the Assoc iat ion conc erning and gover ning the u se of the g enerala ndl imit e d common e lements;provided, however,that such rules and r e gulation s s ha ll be uni form an d n on-di scr imina tory .Copies of a lls uch ru les a n d r eg ul at ions s hall be fur nished to unit owner s p r iort o the time that t he y b ecome effec tive . 6 .9Ex cep t fo r those improveme nt se rectedor ins talled by De clar an t,no e xterio r additions,alterations or de c orating to the building,n orc hanges in f ences,hedg es,wa l ls and oth er s tructur ess hal l b e c o mm en c ed,e re c te d or maintain ed un t il thep lans an d sp e cification ss h ow ing the n a ture,k ind, s h ape ,h eig hts ,mat e r ials,lo c ation a nd appr oximat e cos t o f sa me s hal l have bee n s ubmit ted to a nd a pprove d i n wr it ing b y the Board of Dir e ct or s of the Assoc iat ion,or b y ar e pr e- s entat ivede signa ted b y it ,a s t o c onformity and h armony of exte rnal design andl oc ation withe xistings tructures on 'the pr o pe rty.An ow n er s ha lln ot make structural mod if ic at ions or alterati ons to his un it or installa ti ons loc at ed t here in without pre vi ou sly n oti fy ingt he Associat ion in writ ing thr ought he Ma nag ing Ag en t ,or if n o ma n ag ing a g ent is emp loye d ,thent hrough t hePres ide nt or t he Board of Dir ec tors .The Associations hall h a ve t he oblig ation t o -6 - •• to a n ~we r within t h ir ty (30)days af ter r e ceint of such no t ice J a nd f ailur e t o d o so w i thin t ha t t ime sha ll mean that there i sno objec t io nt o the pr o po ~e d mo dif icat ion or a lteration .I t i s understood t hat the herein re s tr i ction i s for the mut ual be nef it o f al l Unit Ow ners ,to pr otect t hes tructural e leme nts a nd/or i mprovements t ha tmay affect the Con~on Elemen ts.Noowner sha llh ave the righ t to al ter t he Ge ne ra l Common El ement s. ENCROA CHMENTS AN~EASEMENTS 7 .1 If a ny port ion of the C~n e r al Commo n El em ent ~e n - c roaches upon a unit o r u n its b y reaso n of d amage,de str uc tion, se tt l ing ,sh ifting,r epair or r e co ns truc ti on ,a v alid e a sement for the encroac hment a ndf or i ts maint ena nc e,so l ong as it s t ands J s hal l a nd does ex ist .I f a nyp o rt ion o f a unit o r uni ts encroac hes u pon the ge nera l cornma n e lement s or UD on a n ad jo i ni ng u ni t o r units,by r ea son or d amage ,de~truction, se tt ling,s hi fti ng ,r ep air or reconst ruc tion,a v alid easeme nt fo r such e ncroac hme nt sha ll an d d oese x ist .For ti tle or o the rp urpo s es,no such encroachment a nde asement s ha ll be co ns i dered or d e termined t o b ea n e nc umbrance e ithe r on the genera l common e leme nts o r th e uni ts. 7.2 I f at t he time of t he in itia l c o nveya nce o f title to a condomi nium u nit the re exists wi t hin s uchc ondomin ium unit wate r l ines or sa n itary sewer lines,which lines serve the uni t or units o n the f loor i mme diately ab ove t he condominium uni t be ing conveyed,the n,a nd in t hat event , Dec larant rese rves ,for the bene fit of the owner Cs )of the unites)be ing the n se rved by s uch lines ,a ne asemen t t o mainta in and repair such exis ting wate r ands anita ry s ewer l inest oge ther with a right of ac cess t o such linesf or ne cessary reoairs and rep laceme nts .All cos ts and expenses necessary t o maintain a nd repair sa id l ines shall be b orne b y th e owne r Is )o f the unites)being se r ve db y suc h line s. 7.3 Declara nt for the be nefit of the owne rs a ndf uture owne rs of t he condominium un i t~h ereby r ege rves a rig ht of way and easement for al l e xistin ~ut i lity l i n es or p ip e~, including,bu t no t limited to wate r lines,sewerl ines, g as l ines ,t elephone l in es,te lev i sion cab le l ine s,heat l ines and such oth er utility 1 Lnesa nd i ncidental eq ui pment the reon. 7.4 If any utility line r eferredt o in 7 .3a bove is destroyed or damaged ,the Associat ion s ha ll cau se t he same t o be resto red fort h with.Notw iths tand ing any o th er p ro- vis ion i n this Declrrra t Lon,a n owner who b y i ts n e glige nce o rw ill fu l ac t causes da ma g e ~t o a ny of the ut i lity linesd es c ribed in 7 .2 above shall bear the costs of r es to ra tion the reof ,a nd any othe r damages a llowed by l aw. ~lliCHANI C'S LI ENS 8.Subsequent to the completion of the imn rovemen ts d esc ribed on the Mao ,n o labor oerforme d o r mate r ia ls f urni shed a nd inc o rporated in a unit with t he consent or a tt he r equest of th e owner th ereof ,or his agent,or his contra c tor or s ubcontr act or, shall be t he basis for fi l ing of a lie n against the u nit o f an y oth er owne r not exoressly consen ting to or reques tingt he sam e,or a gainst t he genera l c ornmon e lemen ts owned b y su ch o ther owners . Each Owner shall indemnify a nd ho ld harmles~e ach of th e other -7- •• owners fr oma n da ga Ln s t;a lll i ab ility a r is i ng fr om t h e a sse rtion of such lien .T he m-ov t s t on s h e re in c on ta ine d are s ubj ec t to t he r ights of the Ma naging Age nt or ~oard of Di re ctors of the A ~soci ati on ns set fo rth i n Sec ti on 1 0.No tw l t hs t.a nd Lng t he foregoing ,an y f i rst mor tgagee of aCondom in i um Un it whos hall b ecomet he owne r of suc h Condomi nium Un it pursuant to a l awf ul f ore clos ur e sa le o r the ta k ing of a need i n l ieu of f ore closur e,s hal ln ot b e und er any o h li~a t ion t o i ndemnify a nd ho ld harm less any o the r owner aga i nst l iab il ity for c la ims cr i s Ing prior to the da te s u c h mortga gee become s an own er . A SSOCIA TION A l)]>1I NI STRAT ION ANl)HEMllERS IlIP 9 .1 Adm in istra tion .The admin ist ra tion of t h is condomin ium p ro ject sh nLlb e governed hy the Cer tif icate o f Inco rpora tion and By-Laws o ft he Assoc iation .Anowner o f a condominium uni ts ha Tl b ea ndr emain a member o f the Assoc La tionf ar the pe r io d of h isowne r-ah Ln . 9.2 Membe rshi p.Any p er sonon b ecomi ng a n owner of a c ond omi niumu nit sha ll aut omatic ally b ecome amember of t hi !=> A ~soc i a t ion a ndb e s ubje ct to t heCert if ic a te o f I n o or u or a t Lon, t hi s Dec laration a ndt o the 'By -Laws.Such membership shal l t er mi na te without a n y Ass oc iat ion ac tion whenever ~uch per son ceases t oowna co ndominium units ,b ut ~uch t ermi nation shall n ot r el i eve or r elease any s uc h f ormer owner f rom a ny l i ab il ity or o b l igations incurred under or in a ny con nec tion with the A~so ci at ion du ring the p e ri od o f such owners h ip an d memb ershio i n thi s AssocLat.Lon ,or i mp air a ny rightsorr e medie s whi ch t he Board of Direct or s o f the Assoc ia tio n or oth er s ma y h ave a gain st such f ormer owner an dmember ar i sing o ut o f or in any wa y connect ed with s uch owner sh ipa nd mem be rsh ip a n dt he c ov enan ts a nd o:..l iga t ions in cide nt t he ret o.No cer t if icates of s tock sha ll be i ssued b y t he A8soc iat ion,but the Boar d o f Di re c tors may ,if i t so e l ec t s,i s sue on e me mba r s hto card to the owner t s )o f a c ondomi ni um un it .Su ch me mb ersh ip ca r d shal l b es ur rende re d whe never ownershin o f the c ondomini um un it de signated t here on s hall t ermi nat e. 9 .2.1Vot i n g.Ea ch owner of a unit s h all be entit led to vote in the A5 so cia tion only such owner's p ercen tage of owne r ship in eac hUnit owned b y h im mul t ip l ied b y t he u n divid ed percenta ge i nt erest in the general common elemen ts app urtena nt to suc h un its. 9 .3Any ho lder of a first mortgage or fi rs t d eed of tr u st shall havet he right to e xami n et he b ooks and recor ds of t he Assoc i ation,and sh allr e ce i ve a n annual audited (not n e ce ssar ily c er tif ied )fin ancia l s t ate ment o f t he A~s o c iation within n ine ty (9 0)days f ollowing the end of any fisca l year o f the A'sociat ion. No mater i al amendment to the Ey-Laws of t he A5 soc iation will b e ma de un l e s~al l h olders of re corded fir st mor tgages or f i rst d eed s o f tr ust f irst g i ve theirg ive their apo r ova lt o sa id ame ndment in wr iting . 9 .4 TheAs soc iationmay employ a ma nagi ng a ~en t at a co mpensa tion es ta b l i shed b y the Boa rd of Direc tors o f the A ~s o ci ation t ope rform such duties and servi ce s as the Boa rd of Di rectors shal l au thorize .Provided ,howe ve r,t h at any a gre eme nt wi tha manag i ng age nt must p rovide t ha t th e ma nageme nt cont rac t may be t erm inated wi thou r wi th out c a u ~e -8- •• on ni nety (90)days wr itten n oticea nd t he t erm of such co n tract mu~t n ot exceed three (3)years . ACCESS,NA I NTE NANCE AND REPAIRS 10.1 The Assoc iation sha ll have the i r revoca ble right t o b e exerc ised by the Managing A~ent o rBoa rd of ~i rectors of the As soci ation .or their d e signated a g en ts or r e pre se ntatives to h a ve access t o each un it from t imet o time durin g r easonable h our s as may be n ecessary fort he maintena nce ,r eoair o r r e nlacemen to f any o f the general commo n elements ther ein or acce s sible therefrom or f or making e mergenc y re p airs therein n ec e ss ary t o pr event dama get o th e general cornmo n eleme nts or to another uni t. 10 .2 Damage t o the interior or any p art of a unit or un it s r e sulting from the mai ntenanc e,re pair,emergenc y r e pair or rep laceme nt of a ny of t he genera l common elements o r a s a r es ult o f eme rge ncy r eoairswithin another u n i t at the instance o f theAs soc iation shall b ea c o mmon expens e; pr ovide d,h owever,t ha t if s uch da mage is caused b y ne glig ent or other t or ti ou ~conduct of a u nit owner,members of his f amily,hi s age nt ,employee ,invitee,licensee or tenant, t hens uch own er sha llb e r esponsible f or suc h damage .The d a ma ged improv ement ss ha ll be r e stored to s ubs tantia l ly t he same cond ition which exi st ed or ior to th e damage . 10.3Ex ce ct as n rov ide d in 10.6 b elow,e achowner s hall main ta in i.n good r enair th e interior of hi s own uni t,including its fix ture s.All fixture s a nd equioment in st alled within the uni t,commencing at a point wheretl~.uti lity lines, pice ,wir e s,conduits or s y stems ~~h ic h for brevity ar e her ea ft er r eferred to as "uti l ities")enter the unit shall be mainta ined and k e pt in re nair by the owner the reof . 10 .4 No owner s ha lld o a ny th ing that will impair the stru ctural so undn ess o r i nteg ri ty of the b uilding,or imcair any ea se me nt or h ere dit amen t. 1 0.5 The Assoc ia tion shal ln ot be liable for any f ai lure of water sup ply,or o ther se rv i ce to be o bta i ned a nd paid f or by t he Asso ciation he reunder,or f or injury or da ma ge to pe r son or p rooe rty ca u se db y the elements,or b y an oth er ownero r person i n t he pr oje ct,or r esulting fr om electricity,water,rai n,d u st or s and which ma y leak or flow from out side or from a ny n a r t ~of the building or fr om any o fi ts pipes,drains,con duit s,appliances or equi pment o r fr om anyo t he r place,u nle ss c aused b y t h e gr oss ne gligence of the Associa tion or its a g ents . 10 .6 toJith res pec t to th e v ertical u tility lin es,wh ether in s id eo r ou ts ide of the indiv idu al un it s,t he Association shall b e r espons ible fo r th emai nt ena nce and r e pair of such s ervi ce l ine s. 10 .7 ~a ch u nit owne r ~hall be re s po ~~ible f or the reoair and ~,int enance o f the balcony ,i f any ,a dj ac ent t os uch owner 's u nit . OWNE RSHIP 01'WALLS ANOUT ll.lTIES ANOPARTY WALLS 1 1.1 1'0 owne r sha ll bede emed to own the u ndecora ted an d /or u n fin ished surfaces of the p e rimete r wall s,flo ors a nd ce il i ngs surrounding hi ~un i t.An owner shall he dee med to own a nd -9- •• s ha ll maintain the inne r decorated and/or f in ish ed surfaces of t he p e r i meter wal ls ,f loor!':and ceilings ,d oors an d wi nd ows ,consist ing of p aint,wa llpaper a nd other fur nish ing mate r ial s a nd t he in ter ior n o n-s up p o rtingwa lls con tain e d w i thin th e u ni t s . 1 1 .2 .1 }futual recip roca l ea semen ts a re he reby established , d eclared a nd gra nted for a ll party walls he re af te r betwe en units.Every deed,whe the r or not e xnre s sly s o sta ting sha ll be deemed t o con vey a nd b e s ubject t o suchr e cioroc al eas e ments. 1 1.2 .2 Ex ceot for ne g ligent or wi ll fu l acts of a n o wner and except for wal l p ap era nd other fi n ish i ng materials, the cost o f re uair a nd main te na nce o f the na r ty wal ls sha ll b e an expen se of the Assoc iat ion . 11.2 .3 If a party wa ll i ~destroye d or damaged b y fire or other c asua l ty the As sociation s h a l l nrompt ly re s tore ~uch wa Tl,withou t pre judice to t he Associat ion t o se ek cont rib utio ns f rom an owner for neg l igent or willful acts o r om i ssions. nE CI ST ONS OF ASSOCIATIO N 1 2.1 Each owner sha ll como ly str ict l y with the or ovLs Lons of thi s Declara tion ,the Certificate o f I ncorporat ion of the A s~oc i a t i o n ,the By-Law so ft he Assoc ia t ion ,and t he de cision~ a n d r e solutions of th e Assoc ia tion adopted pursuant ther et o as the s a me mayb el awfully a menrJcd from t ime t o time.Fai lure t o comp ly with an y of t he sa me s ha llh e grounds f ora n act ion to re cover Sums d uc <lnd for dama ges i n cluding r easonable a ttor ney 's fees a nd co~ts or i nunctive r elie f in the na me o f the Ass ociation onb ehalf o f the owners .in ap rope r case, b y a n ag gri eved owner . 1 2 .2Upon the reques t o f any holde r o fa fir st d eed o f trust ona condom inium unit subj e ct to t his Dec la ra t ion,t he Assoc iation sha ll g ive awr itte nn otificati on t o such ho l de r of af irs t deed of tr ust o fa ny d efault b y themor tgag or of such un it in the performanc e o f s uch mortgag or 's obl i g a tion ~ under this De c laration wh ic hi sno t cure dwi thin thirty (30) da ys . AMEND MENTS OR REVOCA TION 1 3 .1 Except as othe rwise he re in p rov ided,thi sDec la ration s ha lln ot be revoke d or amended un l ess owne rs r eor es enting t he aggr eg ate owne rs h ip i n t e r es t of seven ty -f ive percent (75%) or more i n t he gene ral c ommon elements a nd a ll hol derso f re corded f i r st mortga ges or f ir s t deeds o ft r us te n cumb er ing c ondominiumun its COnsent thereto hyi nstrument (s)d u ly record ed.Provided,howeve r,e xcep t as pr ov ide d i n para gr anh 5 .3 above,the undivided in tere st i n t he gene ral common eleme nts a ppur t ena nt to each u n i t,as expresse d in t his De clar ation , s hal l have a permanent character a nd s hall not bc altered Vlitho ut t he cons ent o f al l condomi nium un it owner s and ul l ho lde rs of r ecorded mort gages ord eeds of trust as exnressed in a duly r ecorded amendment to th i~Declarat ion . 13.2 Asworn statement .b y nn y n crs on pur oorting t o kn ow of his o~n knowledge that t h e necessary ners ons have consented to s uchame ndment or r e vo c a t ion,when d ul y r e c or ded th erewith ,sha ll be pr imaf a cie evide nce of s uch fa cts. -1 0- • ASS E SS ~~NTS PRORA TION • 14 .1 All o wner-s shall b eo bliga te d to pay t h e actua l expen ses inc urred by the Board of Directors o r Managing Agent of the As sociation t o me et th e c ommone x pe ns es ,said expen ses b ased on an estimated budg et .t o be r econci led with expenses ac tual l y in curred at th e c ndo fe achf iscal pe riod ,and any ove rage s t o be c red ited t o ea ch uni t 's account a r e to b e s et a side in a separate accoun t for such purp ose .Excep t as provided i n paragraph 14 .3 be low a nd except for i nsu ra n ce premiums ,the a ssessments sha ll b e mad e p ro r at a accor ding t o ea ch ot~er's p ercentage un divided in t er e st in t he genera l commone l emen ts .Assessment s,i f ma de,for i ns ur a nce pr emiums s hal l be that prop ort i on of t h e tota l premium that th e i nsu ra n ceon each Condo minium Unit be a rs t o the tot al c ove ra ge . F or a s sc ~s mc n t purposes,a nyl i mit ed c o mmon ele me n ts s hallb e ma in ta i ned a s genera l common c leme ~ts ,and owne rs having e xclusive u se there of s halln ot be sub ject to s pec ia l charges or a ssessmen ts .Ass e ssme n ts f ore stima te d c ommo n e xpe nse s shall b e due mo n thly i n adva nce o nt he f irst day of ea ch month .The Managing Ag ent o r Board of Di rec tors s ha ll p repa re a ndde live r or mail to each owner an itemizeds tatmen t showing t he various est imated o ra ctuale xpense s for which a ssessmen ts are ma dc , 14 .2 Assessmen ts s ha l l h e ba se d u pon total c ash r e qu ir e- me n tsa s det ermined by t he Manag ing AgentorBoa rd of Direc t ors o ft he Associa tion from t ime t o t ime to b e paid b y all owner s, to provide for a ll estima t ed expenses gr owing o uto f or con - n e ctedwi t h t he ma i.ntena nce a nd opera tion of t heg eneral commo n e lements,wh ich may i n clude,amon g o the r t hi ngs , e xpe nses of ma nagement ,t axesa nd s pecia l assessme nts until se parat e ly assesse d;f irei nsura nce and ex te nded cove r age an d va ndal ism and ma l ic ious mischiefe ndorse menta ttached,iss ued i nt he amount of the max imum re placeme nt va lue of a ll condo- minium unit s (inc ludi n g al l fixtures ,int er i or wa lls an d pa r ti t ions ,decora ted and fini shed s urfaces of perimete rwalls. floors and c eil ings.doors ,windows and other e lementsor ma te rials compris i ng a pa rt o ft he units );ca sua lty a nd pub lic lia bility a nd o t h er insur ancep rem iums ;l ands ca ping a nd care of grounds ,commo n light a nd heatin g,r epa ir s and r enovati on, tra sh a nd ga rbage c ol lec tions ,s now removal ,wa ges ,watera nd s ewer c ha rges .e xpe nses r elat in g to t he o perationa nd ma inte nanc e of the re c rea t iona l ar eas ,i fa ny,legal and a c counting fees , management fees ,e x pens es and liab il i ties incurred by t he Ma nag ing Ag ent or Board of Dir ect or su nder or b y r eaS On o f t his Dec la rat ion,p ayme nt o f an y deficity re mai ning f rom a p revious period ,cre ationo f a n ade quate res erve fu nd fo r t he maintena nce ,re p air o f r e plac e ment of t he COmmOn e l ements that must b e rep laced o n a p e rio di c b as is ,t og ether witha reasonable continge ncy o r o t her r ese rve or surp lus f und as wel l as other costs a nd expenses r elat ing t o t he general cornm o n element s .Omission s or fa ilures to fix the a s ses sme nt for a nymonth shall n ot b e deemed a waiver,modification or relea se of the owners from t heir obligat ion t o pa y .Any r eserve f un ds hal l o nly b e esta blished t hr ough the paym ent of t he monthly ass ess ment s for common expen se s r ath e r than by spe ci al a sses sment . 14.2 .1 Any c ommon expense which the Board of Oir ectors of th e As sociation det ermines to be of benefit to on l y one owner sha ll be borne by s uch owner . -11 - •• 14 .2.2 Any commo n exp en se which the Ho ar do f Di r ectors of t he Assoc iat ion dete rm ines i n t he ir so le a nd ab s ol ute d l sc r-e t l on t o be of g reater bene fit t o onec lass of owners and to al esser henefit to the o t he r c las s of o~ners (i .e .r esid ent i al un i t ow ne rsv s.c o mmercial u n it owne rs)Sh3 11 b e ho rne by such classes i n s uch proportions as t he Board of Di rectors may dete r mine from time t o time . l~e portion of any suc h COmmon e xpense a l l ocat ed to a c lass of owner s a s above pr ovi ded sha llbe s h ar ed by t h eowners within s uch c las s in a ccorda n cewith t h e ir re la t ive app urte nt ant und ivid ed p e rc e n tage i n te re st in thege ne ra l c arnm on e lement s. 14 .3No owner may exempt hims elf from l i a bility f or hi s c o ntr ibutio nf or t he comm on e x penses by wa iver of the u se o f e n joym e n to fa n y of t h ec omm o n e lement s ,orb y abandonme nt o f h i s u nit . INS URAN CE 15 .1 The Boa r d of Di r ec t ors o f theAs sociat i on or Ma na g ing Age nt s ha l l obtain and ma i nt ain,to thee x tent o b ta inab le ,po l ic iesi n volvin g s t a ndard premium ra tes, es tabl ish ed b y t he Co l orado In suranc e Commi s sione r,and wr it ten wi th companies l ic ensed t o do b u s ine s s i nColorado a ndh av ingi ns u re ds with a Res t 's I n s ura nce r ep ort r at in g of AAA or b ett e r,coveri n g the ris k ss e t forth b elow .Th e Boa rd of Di r ec t o rs of the Assoc ia tion or Man a ging Agent s hall not ob ta in a n y po l icy where :(1 )u nder the t erms of the i nsur anc e compa n y 's char t er ,by -laws or policy,cont ributi ons or de si g n ee;or (ii )b y the terms o f ca rr ie r 's charter , by -lawsor p ol ic y ,l o ssp a y me n ts a r e cont ing en t u pon a ctio n by t h e c omp a ny 's Bo ard o f Dire ctor s,p o licy ho lders or memb ers ;or (ii i)t h e p olicyi nc lu des a ny limiting cla us es (oth er t han in sura nce c on di ti o ns)whichc o ul d pr event mort - g a gee so r themor tgag or f rom c ol l ec ting ins u rancep r o cee ds. 15.1 .1 F i re insur a n ce with e x tende d covera g e anda ll r isk e ndor sem en ts ,whi c h e nd o rs ementss ha ll i nc lude e ndo rseme n t s forv and alis m,mal ic ious mi s chi e f ,b o iler explo s ion a nd machinery wit hami nimum endorsed a mount of $50 ,00 0.00 per ac cide nt p er loc ation,i nsu rin g the entire c ondomin ium p r oject an d any other p ro pert y,the n at ur eo f wh ic h is ac omm on elemen t (i ncluding all o f t he un its,fix ture st h erein init ia ll y insta lledb y t he Declarant bu t n ot i nc luding fur niture,f u rn ishings o r o t her persona lp r ope rty s up pl i ed b y or in s t alled b y uni towne rs)t ogeth er wi th all s ervice e quip me nt c ontain e d t h e re in in an a mount e q ua l to t h e full r e place men t value,wi t hout d educ=i o n ford epr eciati on, an d wh ich s ha l l c ont ain a standard no n-con tr i bu tor y mor tga ge c laus e i n f avorof eac hmortg a g ee of a condo - mi nium u ni t which s ha ll provid e tha t the l o s s,i f a ny , t hereunder ,s hall b e payab le tothe As sociat i onf or t he u se and b enef it of mo rtgagees a s t h eiri nter e st ma y appea r . 15 .1 .2I ft he condomi nium p rojec ti s l oca t e d in a n a rea i d entif i ed b y t h e Secr etary o f Housin g and Urban Deve lopme nt a sa n are ah aving spec ia l flo od h azard s a ndt he s a l e of f lood insura nce ha s be en ma de available un der the Nat iona l Flo od In sura n ce Ac t o f 1 9 68 ,a "bl anke t "p ol icy o ff l ood insur ance On t he con dom in ium -12 - •• pr oject in a n amo unt which is t he l esser o f the max i mum amounto f in s uran ce ava i lab le under the Act o r the aggregate of the u np aid p rincipal ba la nce s of the mo rtgages on t heoondomi nium unit s co mprising the condominium pr oje ct . 15 .1 .3 Pu b lic lia bi litya nd proper ty d a ma ge i nsurance in such limits as t he Board of Di rectors ma y fro m time to de ter mine,bu tno ti n an a mount less t han $300 ,000 .00 pe r injury ,per person,p er occur rence and umbrella liabilityl imi ts of $1 ,00 0 ,000 .00p er occ urrence ,c over inga ll c laims fo rb o dily i njur y or prope rty damage.Cove r age sha ll include,without l im itat ion ,lia bili ty f or pe rsona l in j uries,operat ion of au tomobi les on b ehal f of t he Ass ociation,and ac t ivities in c onne ct ion with t heownership o pe ration , ma inte nance a nd o t heru se of l he project.Said policy s ha ll als o contain a "s evera b ili ty of interest endor se - me nt .'I 15.1.4 Work me n'sCompensati ona nd employer's liability i nsura nce and all other simi l ar i ns u ra nce i n respect t o emp l oyees of theAss oci at ion in the amou n ts ~nd i n the f ormn ow or hereafter require d by law . 15 .1.5 Th e Ass o ciation shall,if r ea sonably availab le , pur chase J in an amount nct le ss than on e hu ndred fifty p erc ent (15 0%)of the As socia tion 's estima te d annual operating expenses a nd reserves,fidelity coverage agai ns t dishonest y o f cmp loy ce~,des truc tion or disappea r- a nc e of mo ney or s e cur itie sa nd fo r g er y .Said policy s ha ll al so c on t ain e ndor sements t h er eto cover ing any p er son s who s erve the Asso cia tion without comp ensat i on. 1 5.1.6 The Assoc i ation may obta in ins urance agains t s uch oth er risks,of a simila r or di ss imilar nature,a s i t s ha.ll d eem appropriate with respec t to t he pro jec t, i ncluding p l ate or o ther g las s in sura nc e and any persona l p rope r ty of t he Associat ionl ocated thereon. 15.2All policies of in sur anc e t o t he e x tent obtainable s hal l c o ntn in wa i ve rs of s ub rogat ion and wa ive r s of any defens e base d o ni n va lidity arising from any a cts of a c ondominium unit ~wner a nd sha ll p rovi de t ha t s uch p o licies may n ot be ca ncel led or modified wi thout a t leastt en (10) days p rior writt en n ot ice t oa ll of the in s ur e ds,i nclu ding mo rtgagees ,Dup li ca te origina ls of a ll po lic ies and r enewals t her eo f,t ogeth er with pr o of o fp ayme nts of p remiums,s h all be delivered to all mo rtgagees at least ten (1 0)days p rior to expiration of the then current po lic ies .The i ns urance sha ll b ec ar ried i n blanket form namingt he Association as the insured,as attorney -in -fact for all of t he condociniurn u nit owners ,which p olicy or policies shall identify the interest of e ac h condominium unit owner (o~~e r l s namea nd u nit n umb er designa t ion). 15.3 Prior t o obtain ing any po licy o f fir e i ns urance or renewal t h ereo f.t heBoard of Di rect ors sha ll ob ta in an a pp r-n LsnI from a duly qunl ified r eal estate o r in s urance appraiser ,whLch appraisal shal l r-cnsonab L y es tima te t h e f ull replacemen t value o f t he entire condom in iumi mprove ments . -13 - ••wit hout deduc t ionf or d epre ciatio n,f ort h epu r po se o f d e t ermin ingt he amount o f t h e i n sur a n ce to be e f fe cte d p ur suant t ot he pr ovisionso f t his i n surance pa ra graph .I n n o eve nt s ha l l th e i ns urance po l icy c o nta i na co-in sur an ce c l a use for l esst han n in etype rcen t (9 0%)of the f u l l r eplacemen tc ast .Determ ination of ma ximum r ep l a ceme n t va lue sha llh e mad e annua lly by one or more wri tte n ap pr a i sals to be fur nished b y a person kn owl edge able o f r e plac ement cos t ,and eac h mo rtga gee s ha ll b e f urni she d w ith a copy the reo f w i t h Lnt h ir ty (3 0)day s af te r r ec ei pt o f suc h wr Lt t.en a p praisa ls .Such amount s of in sur ances h al l h e contc mporizcda nnua l ly i.n accorda nce with their c u rre n tl y de t er minedmax imu m rep la cement va lue . 15.4 Unit owners ma y car ry o th er in sura nce fo r t heir benef it a nd at the ir expe nse ,pr ovi d ed t hata ll s uch pol i ciess ha ll con tai nwa iver so f s ubr oga t io n,a nd pr ovided f ur t her that t he liab i l ity of th e ccr r-L c rs i ss uin g i n s ur ance o b t a ined by theBoa rd of Di re ct ors sha lln o t b e affe cted or dim in i sh ed b y reaso n of Any such a dd it ional ins uran ce ca r ried b y a n yu n i t owne r. 1 5 .5 I n s urance cover age on cont ents,mercha ndi se , f ur ni s hings ,in c lu ding carpe t,dra per ies ,ove n ,r ange,refri- gerator ,..va L'l.p ape r ,disposal a ndo th e r i t ems of p er son or other p'r o perLy b e l ongi n g to 'In own er and pub li c liabi lity c overage wi t hin e ac h u n it shall be the sa le a n d dire c t re spons ibi li ty of the unit owner there of ,a nd the Boa rd of Di re ct ors,the Ass oc iation and the Manag i ng Age nt s ha ll have no r e sp on sibi lityt herefor. 1 5 .6 I n thee v en tt h at t heres ha l l b e a ny d a ma ge o r des tr u c tion to ,or l oss t o a condom inium uni twh ich e x ce eds $1 ,00 0 .00 or a ny dama g eor destr u ction to ,or l oss to the c omm on e lemen ts which e x cee ds$1 0 ,000.00, then no tice o f s uchd amage or l oss s h all be g i venb y t he Associat i o n to e ach f i rs t mortgagee of saidu nit wi th in ten (10)days aft e rt heoc currence o fs uch eve nt . ASSESScllit7S -LIEN COLL ECT ION 16 .1 All sums asses sed f r o mt ime t o time f or the share o f c ommon expe ns es cha r g eab le t o a n y c ondomi n ium uni t,a nd unpaid,p lus i nt ere st t here on a t e igh t ee n (18 %)perce nt p er a n num,shal l consti tute a lien on suc hu nit s uperior t oa ll othe r l i en s and encumb r an ces ,t ch ct .he'r in e x ist e nc e b efor e t he p a rticular asse ssme nt or n ot,e x c ep tingon ly :(1)Tax a n ds pe c ia l a ss e ssmen t liens o f a ny g ov er nment a lu nit;and (2)a ll s ums o n ar ec ord edf irs t mor tgageo r fi rst de ed o f t rust,i.nc ludin g a l l unpa id obl iga tory sums provided b y suc h e nc u mbranc es a nd inc lu d ing ad dit ion al advances made t h e re on pri ort o the da t e su ch lien becomes choat e .Any ho lder o fa f irst mo r tr;age orf i rst dee d of t rust who comes into po sses si ono f a u nit p ur suant t o the r emed i es p rovided i n a deed o f trust or mor tgage fo re closure o f t he mo rt g age o rd eed o ft r ust or deed (or ass ignme nt )i n lieu o f f or e- c l osure shall ta ke the un it f ree a nd clear o f a ny c l ai m f or un p aida sses sment s o r c ha rges aga Ln s t;t h e mo r tgage u n it v ht ch n cc r uc p rior t o the time s u c h h o lder comes int o pos ses s ion of t he un it . 1 6.2 Nan aging To ev Ld e nce suc h l ien ,t he Age nt ma y,b ut s hall not be -14- Board o f re q uire d Directors or t o ,p repa re a •• wr i tten n ot ic e sett i ng f o r th t he a moun t of s uch unpaid inde btedn e ss,t h e d esc ription o f a n d the nam e:o f t he o wn e ro f t he c on domini um u ni t.Suc hn ot i ce s hal l b e signed b y one of t h e Bo ar d of Direc tors or b y the Ma n ag i ng Agent a nd may b e recorde d i nt he office of the Clerk a ndRec orde r o f t h eCounty of Eag le ,Color ado . Su ch lien s ha l lb ecomec hoate o n t he d u e d ate of t he a ss es sment a nds ha ll be sup erior to a l l other lien se xcept ti S h e r ei n a h o ve prov id ed .Such lien may be e nforc ed b y fo r ec l osu r e of t he defa u lting owner 's condominiu mu n it by t h e Associat ion i nl i ke nmnner as a mo rtga ge onr e al pr op erty.I n any s uc h f ore closure t heowner s hal l be required t o pay t hec os ts a n d expe nses o f such p roc e eding s, t he cos t s,e xpe n se s and att or ney 's f e es f or f i ling the n ot ic e or c la imo f l i en a nd a llr ea s on able attorne y's f ees a nd cost s in conne c tion wi th s u c h for e closure.The m~e r shall al so b e r eq uir ed t o p ay to t he Associati on the mo nthl y a ssess ment sf ort he co n do min ium unit duringt hw period o ff o r eclos u re ,and th eAs s ociation shal l be e ntitled to ar eceiver t o c ol lec t the same.The Association sha ll hav e t he powe r t ob id on t he c ondominium un it at f or ec losure sa le a nd to a c quir e ,h old ,l eas e,mortga g e and c onveys u ch u ni t. 16 .3 Any e n c umb ranc er ho ld ing a l ie n on a c on domi nium u n itmay ,b ut wi l ln ot h e r e quired to,p aya ny u n p ai d c ommo n e xp en ses for suc h u nit ,a nd th e r eupon s uch encumb r a n ce r s hal l have a lien o n such unit for the amounts pa id of th e same rank a s the l i en of hi s e n c umbra nce . UNPAI D C O~lMO N EXPE NS ES -ASCERTAINING LIAB I LITY 1 7 .1 Uponp ayme nt of a r e a sonabl e fe e,n o tt o ex ceed $2 0.00 ,a nd upon thewr it ten r e qu est of a ny owner o r any mortgagee o r pr o s p ect ive mo r tgagee o f a condo minium u nit, t h e Associatio n,by its Ma n ag in g Age nt,or if t h e r e is none , t hen b y its Boa rdo fn i rec tor s ,shall issue a written state - me nt set t in g f orth t heamount of the unpa id c o mmo n e x pens es, if any,wi th respe ct to such un it,t he a mount o f t h e c urrent mo nthly a s se SSm en t a nd t he date s ucha sse ssment becomes due, c r e d i t f or advanced pa yments or f o rp repaid items,i ncluding b ut n ot l imi te d t o in sur ance pre miums,wh ic h statemen ts hal l b e conclusive u pon t h eAs s oc ia tio n i n favor of all p er so ns who rely ther e on i n goo df aith .Unless t he request f or such s ta teme nt i s complied with wi thin t en (10)d ays,all un paid commo n e xp e n se swhi ch b ecomed ue pr ior to t he da teo fmak in g s uc hr e qu e s t sha ll b e subor dinate t o the l ien of the p er son r e qu es ting s uch statement. 17 .2 Sub jectt o t h e p rovi sions of Sec tion 1 6.1 ,t he g ra ntee o f aUn i t ,e xcep t a mo rt gagee ,s hal l b e jo intly a nd several ly lia ble wit h theg ra nt or f or all u np a i d asse ssme nts aga i ns t t he u n it f or hi sp r op ort io n a te share o f t he comm On expenses up to t h et ime o f the g r a nt or conve yanc e, wit hout prejud ice to t he g ra ntee 's rig ht t o r ecov er fro m the g rantor the a moun t s p aid b y t h eg r a nt ee t he refor;p r ov id ed , h owc v er ,t h at u po n payme nt o fa r easo n a bl ef ee not t o exceed $2 0.00 ,a nd u pon H'rittcn re q ues t ,a nys u ch pr o spec tiv e gra ntee s ha l l be e n titled t o a s tateme n t fr o m the }mn a gin g Age nt or if t her e i s no n ,t h en byt h e Boa rd of Di re ctors , .set ting forth t heamou nt o f the u npai d commo n expe ns es ,i f -1 5- •• a ny ,with re spect to the s ub jectu n it ,t heamou nt o f the curr~nt mo nthly assessme nt a nd t he da te that s uch assess- me nt b ecomes due ,cred it fo r adva n ced p ayment or pr epai d items ,inc l ud ing h u t not l i mited to,insur an cep remiums, whic h statement sha ll be co n clusive u pon the Associat ion i nsofar a s th e gr a n te e i s co n ce rned .Un less the r e quest f or s uc h as tat ement i s comp lied with wi t hin t en (10)days , then s uch g ra ntee sha ll not b e liable for,n ors hall the uni t conveyed b es ubjec t to a lien for any u npaid as se s s- men ts a gai ns t thes ub je ctu ni t.The g r a nt or shallr e main liable ,however ,for such amount toge the r with all cost so f colle cti on i ncludin g r e as ona blea ttorney 's f e es. E NCUMBRANCES 18 .Any own ers hal lh ave t he right fr om time to time to mo~t gage or encumbe r hi s interest be de ed of t rust ,mort gage or other s ecurity i n strume nt,a ll o fwh i ch f orc onve n ience are r eferred t o hereinafter .as mortgage s.A f i rs tmortga ge s hall be on e which ha s firs t an d paramount priori ty u nder app l ic ablel aw. The owner o fac on domini u m unit mayc rea te j unior mortgag es on ly on the fo l lowing condi tions ,which p rovisio ns s ha ll b edeeme d part o f such mort ga ges regard le ss of spec ific re fe rence or o fa ny a ttemp t to avo id such cond iti o n s :(1)TIlat suc h mor tgages s hall a l ways b es ubordinate to a l l o f the ter ms ,conditions,coven ants,r e strictions , u se s ,l imit at ion s,obliga tion s,lien fo r c omm on e x pe nses a nd other obligat ions c re atedby this Declaration a nd by theCer tif ica te o f Incorpora tion a nd the By-L aws o f the Assoc ia tion;(2)That such junior mo rtga ge shal l re leas e ,for the pu r pose of res t ora t ion of a ny impr ovement s upon t hemor t gag ed premises ,all of h is right, title a nd i nterest in the proc eeds u nde r a lli n surance p olicies upon s ai d premises a ffected and plac ed upon the mortgag e d pr emises by the Associat io n .Su ch rele ase s hal lb ef ur n ishe d fort hwi th b y a junior mortg agee upon writte n request o f t he Asso c iat ion,and if no t g ran ted ,may be executed by t he Asso c ia t ion as att orne y -in-fact f or such jun i or mort ga ge. DESTRU CTION OR DAMA GE 1 9.1 This Dec larat ion do es h ereby ma ke mandatory t he i rrevoc ab le a ppoint me n t of an a t torney -in -fac t to de al with th e p r operty upon its dest ruction,obsolescence or c o nde mna t ion,a nd to maintain,repair a n d i mprov e the bui ldings a nd ge ne ra l a nd l imi ted commo n e lemen ts . 1 9 .2 T itle to a ny condominium un it i s de clar ed and expres s ly made sub j e ct to the terms and c o ndit ions hereof ,a nda cce ptance by any grant ee of a deed f rom t he Dec larant o r from a ny owner s ha l l con stitute app ointme nt of t he attorney -in -fact h er ein pro - v ided .All o f t he ow~e r s irrevoc ably const i tute a n d appo int t he Assoc iat io n,a Col orado corp oration,n ot f or p ro f i t,t heir t rue a nd lawfu la t torn ey in th eir name,pla ce and s tead for the p urpose o f deal ing with th eir p rope rty upon its des truction or obso lescen ce as he r einafte r p rov ide d.Asa t torney-in -fac t,the Assoc ia t ion ,hy its president an d sec re tary or o ther dul y authorized off i cers or agen ts ,shall have f u ll a ndcomp le t e au t hor ization, rLgbca n d pm....er to make ,execute and delive r any con tra c t,de ed or a ny o ther in strument w l t hr espec tt o the int ere st of a condo- min iu m uni t owner which i s n eces s ar y o rc onveni ent t o exer ci se t he po wers her ein granted .Repa ir a nd recons t ruct ion of the improvement(s)as u sedi n the succee ding subsection means restoring -16- ••the i mpr ov e rn e n t (s )to subs tantia lly the same condition in which i t e xisted p r ior to t hed amage ,with each u n it an d the genera l and limited c o mm on element s havin g substantially the same vert ical a nd h or izontal boundari es as befor e .The p roc eeds of a ny i nsura nc e colle cted sha ll be available to the Associ a tion for the p urpose of r ep air ,r estoratio n or replac ement u nle ss the owners and a ll fir st mort g a gee sa gr ee not t or ebuild in ac c ordancewi th the prov isi onss et forth hereinafter . 19.2 .1 In the eve nt of damage or destruction d ue to fire or other disaster ,the in surancep roceeds , i f sufficientt o reconstruct the improvemen ts s ha ll be a ppli e d by the Ass o ciation as a t torney -in -fact ,to such r ec onst r uctio n and the imp rovemen ts sha ll b e promptly r epa ired and reconst ruc ted.Th eAs sociat ion sha ll ha ve full aut hority,righ t andp ower as a t torney- in -fa ct to ca use the repairs a nd re s tor a tion of the i mprovement s. 1 9.2.2 I f the i nsur ance procee ds are ins u fficie nt to repair and r ec on st ruct the improvemen t(s )a nd i f such damage is not more tha n 50%o f the total va l ue of a llo f the condomi nium units,n ot inc lu di ng l and, s uch dama ge or des truction shal l be promp t ly r epaired and r econst ructed b y t he As soc ia tio n a s att or ney -in -fact, u singt he proceeds of i nsuran c e and t he p ro ce eds of an assessment to be made aga ins tt he owners of uni ts within the damag ed building and their c ond omin ium units. Such de ficiency assessment shal l be a c o mm o n e xpense and made pro rata a ccord ing to eac h owner 's p ercenta ge i nt erest i n t he g ene r a l commo n elements a nd shall be due and p ayab l e within thir ty day s a fter written n ot ice ther eo f.The As sociation shal l have full aut hority , right and power as attorne y-in -fact ,to c ause the repair or restora t ion o f the i mp rov e men t s using a ll of t he insurance proceeds f or such purposes no twi thsta nd - ing the f ailureo f a ny owne r t o pay the assessment .The asseS Sment pr ovided f orh erein sha ll be a d eb t of e ach owne r a nd a lien o n his c ondomin ium unit a nd may be en fo rced and c ol lected as is prov ide di n Se c tion 1 6 .. I n addition the re to ,t heAssocia t ion,as a ttor ne y -in- fact,shall have the a bsolu t e r ight and power to sell the condominium unit o f any owner refus ing or f ail ing to pay such def ic ienc y assessmen t within the time prov ided a ndi f n ot s o paid,the Assoc ia t ion sha ll cause to be recorded a n ot i ce t h at the c ondominiumu nit of t hed elinquent owner shal l b e so ld by the Associa tion . The pr oceeds derive df romt he sa le of such condomin ium unit s hall be used a nd disburs ed by theAs socia tion, as attorney -in -fact,in thef ol l owin gord er: (1)For pa yme nt of t he b a lance due ona n y fir st mor tgage ; (2)For pa yment of g eneral property t a x es and special ass e ssment liens in fav or of any a ss essing entity; (3)Fo rp ayment o f u npaidc a mm on expenses; (4)F or p ay ment of jun ior l ie n s and e n cum- b ra nces i n t he o rder o f and t o the e xtent o f th e ir p r iori ty ; -1 7 - •• (5)TIle balan ce re ma ~n ~n g ,i f any,s ha ll b e p aid to the condom i nium unit owne r. 19 .2 .3 If mo re th an5 0%of the tot a l value of all o f t he condomin i umu ni ts ,no ti n cludin g l an d,i s dest ro yed or d amage d,and i f ow ne rs o f an agg r ega t e intere st of 7 0 %o r mor e o f the g enera l c o mmo n e l eme n tsd on ot wit hi n 100 days t he re af ter,make pr ovisions f or r econstr ucti on, whic h p la nsmu st ha vet he unanimous a p pr oval or conse nt of every first mor tgage e,t he As soc ia t io ns h all f orthwith record a no t ice s etting f o rth s uch fac t o r fa ct s,a nd upon the recor ding o f such n ot i ce b y the Ass o ciation ls pres iden t a nds ecretary,thee n t i re r emaining p remis es shal l be s old b y the Ass o cia tion ,as a t torney -i n -fac t , fo r all o ft he owner s,f re e and c learo f thep rov is ions co n ta i ned in t h i sDec laratio n,the Ma p,the Certificate of Incor p orati on a nd t he By -Laws of t h e Associa tion . The i ns urance set t lemen t pr ocee ds s ha ll be co l lec ted b y the Assoc ia tion,a nd such p rocee dss hall be divided by Assoc ia tion ac c ord ing to each c o n domin ium u n it owner 's i nteres t (as such i nte res ts appear on t hepo licy or po licies )a nd such d iv ided p rocee ds sha ll b e pa id i nto separate accou nt s,e ach ac count r epresen tingon e c o ndomi nium unit .Eac h such a ccoun t s hall b ei n the na me o ft he Associat ion,a nd fur ther i de nt ifi ed b y t he nu mb er of t he con d omi ni um un it a nd the n ame of the owner. Fr om each separate ac cou nt,the As sociation,as a tt orney - i n-fac t,sha ll forth with use and disburse the t otal a mo unt (o f e ach)of suc h a ccoun t s,wi th out c ontribution from one ac count to ano ther ,t ow ard thep art ia l Or full p a ym en t of the lien of a n y fir st mo rtga ge agains t the condomin ium unit r epr es ented b y such separa te accoun t . Ther ea ft er ,e a ch s u c h ac count sha ll be supp lementedb y t h eap port i oned amount o f the proc ee ds d e rived f r o m t he sale of the e ntire p roper ty.Su ch apportionme nt sha ll be b as e dupo n e ac hcondom i nium u nit owner 's pe rcent age i ntere st in t he general commo n element s. The t otal fund s o f e ac h ac count s ha llb e u sed and dis bur s ed ,withou t con tribut ion from onea ccount to a n oth er ,by theAss oc iation,as a t torney -in -fac tf or t hesam ep urposesa nd in the same order as i s pr ovi ded i nSect ion 1 9 .2 .2 . OBS OLES CENCE 20.1 Ow ners r e p r e s enting an a gg re gate owne r ship intere st of 8 5%o rmor e o ft he g e n eral common eleme nts maya gree that t hec ondom i nium uni ts a re obsole te and adopt a plan for their re mova l and r ec ons truc tio n,which p la n must have u nanimo us a p prova l o f a llho l der s o f fi rst mor tgagesa nd firs tdeed s of t rus t.I f such a p lani s adopt cd ~notice thereof execut ed by the Associ ation shall b e r ecorded,and the expenses o f r enewal a ndr eco nstruct io n sha ll b e p aya ble by all of t he owners as co mm one xpe ns es ,whether or no tt hey have p reviously c o nse nted t o the p l an of r ene wa la ndr econ struction. 20 .2 Theowners r epres en tin g a n a g gre gate owne r sh ip in terest of 8 5%or moreo f the ge n eral COmm one le me nts may a gr ee tha t th ec ondomi nl umu n it sa re obsolete a nd that t h e same shou ld b e sold.Su ch p la n /a greeme nt must h ave the u na nimous ap pr ova lof al l hol der s of =i r st mor t g a ges and -1 8- •• fi rst deeds of t rust .In s uc h in stance,t he Association f orthwi th sha ll recor d a n o tice se tting forth such fact Or f ac ts ,a ndup on t he r ec ord ing of such notice,t h e entire pre mises sha ll b e so ld by the Association,a s at torney -in- f act,f or a ll o f the owner s,f re e an dc lear of t h e provisions c on ta ined in t his Dec lara tio n ,t he Map,t heCert if i ca te o f Incorpora t ion a nd the By-La ws o f the Associati on.The sales procee d shall be apport ioned among the owners on the bas is o f e ach owner 's pe r ce n tage inter est i n t he g eneral cammo n c le ments and s uc h apportio ne d p roce ed s shal l be paid into se parate a ccounts ,each such a c count re pr es enting one condo minium unit.Ea ch such a ccount shall be in the nam e of the Ass ociation ,a n d s hall be further i de nt ified b y the number of t he uni t a nd t he n ame of t he ow ne r.From each separa tea c cou nt,the As sociat ion ,as a t tor ney -i n-fac t, s hall u se and disburse the to t al amoun t (o fe a ch )o f such account s,wi thout ~ontribution fr om o ne ac coun tt oa no ther , for the Rame purposes and in the sa L ~or der as provided i n Sec t ion 1 9 .2 .3. CON DE M!'L~T I ON 2 1 .1 I f at any time or t imes dur ing t hec ontinuanc e of t he condominiumowner sh ip p urs uan t to thi s Declara ti on , al l or anyp art of the Condomin ium Projec t shal l b e tak e n or conde mned by any pub lic authorit y or s old or otherwise disp osed of in lieu ofor in avo idance thereof ,t h e followi n g p rov isio ns shall a pply. 21 .2 All c omp ensation ,damges ,or other pr oceeds t h ere - f r om ,the Sum of whic h i s he r einafter ca lled t he "condemnation a ward "s hall b e payab le to the Assoc iation. 2 1 .3 I n thee v en t t h at the entire Pro je ct is taken or c on demned ,or sold or oth erwis e disposed of i n lie u of or in a vo ida nce there o f,t he c ondomi niumownership pursua nt h e re to shall t er minate a nd th e condemnation a wa r d shall be a pp ort ion ed a mon g t he Own ers in p roport ion to their respective i nte re sts as s et fo rth in Exhibit B,u nless a standard different from the value of the Pro ject as a wh o le i se mp loyed to measure the con demnat ion awa r-d in t he n ego tiation,judicial dec ree, o r o therwise then in de te rmining s uch s hares the sa me standard shall be employed to the e xte nt it i s relevant and applicable. Suc h sha res s ha ll be paid into separate accoun ts and d isbursed as so on a s p rac t ic able in thes amemanner as p rov id edi n p ara gra ph 1 9 .2.2 abov e. 21.4 I nt he event t hat l e ss t hant he entire condom in ium proj ect i s t aken or c ondemned ,so ld or o therwised isposed of i nl ie u of o r in ~v oidance t here of ,thec o n dominium owner ship h ereun der s hall n ot te rmin ate .Eac h owner shall be en t itled to as hareo f theCondemnat i onAward to be det e rmined in t he fo llow ing manne r:As soo n as p r ac ticab le t he Association s h all reasonably a nd i n g ood fn Lt h,al lo ca te t he Co ndemnatio~Awa rd between compe nsat ion ,damag es or oth er pr oceeds and shall apport ion the amounts s o allocated among t he owne r -s as fo L'l ows :(3)t he t o tal amount allocated to takin g of or i njuryt ot he c ommo n e leme nts ,comm on eleme nt s s ha ll be app ort ioned among the ownerson the basis of each o~ner 's interes tr espe ctivelyi n the c ommon e lemen ts ;(b ) the to t al a mount allocated t o seve ra nce da mag es s hallb e app ortioned t o th ose condomin ium u ni ts which were not taken o r condemned;(c )t he respect i ve amounts allocated to the:t.n k i n g o f or i nj ur y to a particular unit and to -19- •• i m p ro v e m e n t ~an owner has ma de wi th in h is ownu nit sha ll be ap portioned to t he pa rti cu l ar unit i n vo lved an d(d)th et ot al amount a l located t o cons equent ia l d amage s and a ny other ta k in g s or inj uri es sha ll be a nno'r t Lon e d a s the As so cLa t i.o n d etermin e s to be -e qu t tnb l e in t he c Lrcu rn s t anc es .I f an al location of the condemnat ion awa rd i s a lready est abl ishe d in n ego tiations ,judicial decre e or otherwis e,t hen in a llocat ing t he Conde mnation Awa rrl t he A~sociation shall emol oy suc h a l l oc ation to t he extent i t i s r elev an ta nd appli ca ble .Oi stribution of a nnor-t Lonedo r-oceeds s ha l l be d is hu rsed a s s oon as nrac t icable i n thesam e man ner pro vi de d in 1 9.2 .2 . 21 .5 The Aqsoc iation ~h all no ti fy eac hf ir st mor tgagee of an y c ondominium un it o f the comme nceme nt of thec ondemna t ion proc e edings and 5hall no t ify ~aid mort gage esi n the e ven t of t he taking of al l o r any oa rt of the commo n eleme n ts , if t he value of th e common elements taken exc ee d ~$10 ,000 .00. PARKING 2 2 .The owner o fe ac h Resi den ti alUnit shall be en t itle d to t he use of na rking snaces .Su c h pa~kin g spac es s ha ll be use d only for the pu r pose of au tomo bi le pa~k i ng u n le ss t h e A s ~oc i a t i o n shall othe rw ise a gree.Res identia l par king shallbe i n the areas so ~e signated on the Map . AOOIT ro NA L PROPERTY 2 3 .The Assoc ia t ion may acqui re and h old f or the benef it o f t he co n dominium owne rs re a l,t angibl e and i n t ang ible p e r sonal prope rty and may disp os eo f t hes ame by sa leo r otherwi se an d th e b eneficial interest i n any such oro per ty sha ll be e qual ly owned and shal l n ot be t rans fe rab le exceo twith B t r ansfe r o f a con dominium un i t.A tran~f er of a c ondo minium un it sha ll t rans fe r to the trans fe ror's be nefic ia l in tere st i ns uch real or per s on al prope rty tl ithou t a nyr eference t hereto.Each owner may u se suc h r eal a nd pe r sona l prope r ty in ac cor dance with thep u r pose f or whi ch it i s intended ,wit hout h i nd e r ing or e ncr oa ching upon t he l awful r i ~h t ~ o ft he otherowne rs .Sale o f a co n d omin ium u nit unde r f o reclo sure s ha ll t her eb y ent itl e t he p urch ase r to t he be neficial in tere s t in the rea l and person al oro oer ty asso cia t ed wi th t he foreclose d c ond omin i um unit. ADORESSES -NOT ICES 24.Ea ch owner sha ll r e gis ter h is mailing addr ess wi th the As soci ati on,Bnd e xceptf or mo nthly statements a n d other r ou tine no ti ce s,all o t h er n otices or d emands intended t obe se r ve d upon a n owner shall be se nt by eit he rr e gistered or certi - f ied mail ,post age o r epai d,ad dre ssed in t he name of the owner a t s uch r e g i ~t e r ed ma il ing addre~~,and 5u ch n otice s or demands shal l be con sidered a s having be en served on the date so ma iled. Al l !latices ,d ema nds o r other no tices in t ended to b e serve d on the da te so ma i led .All not ice~,de ma ndsor other n otices in t ended t o b e se rved upon th e Boar d of Di rec to rs of the A~sociatio n o r t he As soc i a ti on s ha l l be s entb y r egis t ere d or cer t if ied ma il,lJ o stage n r-cnai d,t o unt il s uch address i s cha nged b y n o tice of a ddr es s c ha nge d ul y r eg i~te re d . -20 - • ASSESS MENT RE SE RVE S • 2 5 .The A.,s oeiat i on or t h e Ma na ging Age nt may re qui re a n o ~~e r ot he r tha n Oec lara nt to de oos it in es crow with t he A'is oc ia tion u p to s ix times th e a mount o f the est imat ed mon t hly COIIUn an a s se s s men t,whi ch sum s ha ll be h eld hy t he Associat ion or the Ma n agi n g Agen t as a re~e rve t o b e u se d for pay i ng su ch owner 's mont h l yc omm on as sessme nt.S uch an a dva n ce p aymen t sh all n o t r e l ieve an owne r f rom mak ing t he r e g ular mo nth ly p ayment of t he mont hl yc ommon asse ssme nt a s t h e same CO me s d ue.Th e owner s ha l l be e n title d to a r e turn of or c r ed itf or any portion of t h e unus ed adva nce p ayme n tu p on t er minati o n o f h isownersh in . NO TICE TO LEN DER S 2 6.TheAssoc iation w ill g ive any inst itutiona l hol der o f a ny f ir st mor tgag e on aCo ndomi nium Unit writte n n oticeo f any l o ~s,damage ,d es t ruc tion ,or t a king to a CondominiumUnit , whi ch e xcee ds $1,000.00 o r a ny l oss,d amage,d e struc tion o r t ak i ng to t he Comm on E l e men tswhic h exceeds $1 0,000.0 0.Such n otice s ha l l b e g i ven by t h eAss o ciat ion within ten (10)d ays a fte r the occ u r r en ceo f such eve n t. SEVE RA BI LT TY 2 7.If any o ft hep rov is io ns of th is Dec l arat ion or any sec tio n,pa ra g raph ,se ntenc e,clause,p hr as e or work o r t he app lic ati o n th e reo f in an yc ir cumstan ce s be i nva lidated ,such inva l idity s h a ll no t a ffe c t the v alidity of t he remaind er o f t h is Declara tion ,and th e a pp licat i on of any s uch oroviqion, paragr aph,sen t enc e,clause ,phras e or wordina ny other circum- stanc es s ha l l be a f fe cted t here by . CONDOMINI UM LAW 28.Th ep r ovis ions o f this Decl arat ion shal l be in ad~it ion a nd supp lemen ta l to Condomi nium Ownership Act of t h e S ta te of Co lor a do,a nd to all o thera p plicable p rovisions of law . GE ND ER 2 9.Th at wheneve r us ed here in,u n les s the context shall o t h e rw is e provide ,the s i ng u l arn umber sha ll inc lude t he p lura l, t he o lurnl the s i n gula r,a nd t he U8e o f a ny ge nde r shall i nclude all g e nde rs. MA RGINAL TIT LES 3 0 .The margina l title sa ref or conveni ence of reference onl Y1 a nd a re no t in t ended t op r ov ide com o rehe n s ive desc rip t ions o f t he co nte nt s o ft he va r io us ~ec t i on s .TIley form no part of t hi s Dec la r a ti o n ,a n d sha ll under no c i r cumst ances b e h eld to limi t, en la rge o r cha nge the mea ni n g of t he va r iou s se c tion s. CO NVEY ANCE S OR ENC UMR RA NC F.S 3 1.Th e o wne rs o fc o ndomin iu mu nit s agree t o inc lude i n any conveya nce or e n cumbra nce of suc h un i ts a provision bindin gt he r,ra n te e or en cumb r a nc ert o acc e n t th e p rov is io n~o f thi s Dec la r at i o n a nd o ft he Ce rti f i c at e of Inc orpor at ion a nd By -Laws of t he A ~s o ci a t i o n.Re gardl e ss of t h e inclu sion of s uchp rov i- s ions ,h owe v e r,a n y g ra n te eo r e n cumb ra nce r,in ac centing a c onv e y an ces o re nc umbr an ce ,s ha ll b e de emed automa tical l yt o helve a cc e pteda nd c on se n ted t obeb ound t h ereby. -2 1- 0 0 •• RESE RVED AREA 32 .Declarant .its successors and assigns he reby r-eaer-ve s .an eas eme n to ve r and a cross t he general c o mm o n elements f or in gr ess to and from the area shown on the Map ent itled II Rese rved Areal!.Dec larant sha ll be e ntit led to usc sa id Rese rved Area for any lawfu l purpose . P ERIOD OF CONOOX INIUM OWNERSHIP 33 .The se o arate condo minium es ta tes created by this Dec larat iona nd t he xao shall continue unti lt his Declaration 18 re v oked in th e ma nner and as 1 sprovided i n paragraph 13 of this Dec laration,or u n til terminated in the manne r and as is pr o- v ided in s ubpar ag raphs 1 9.2.3,20 .2 and 21 .3 . __________,1977 0 IN WITNESS WHERE OF ,t he unde rsigned have here unto set their hands and sea ls at --o;=""""t hi s d ay o f At test:WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES ,LT D., a Limited Par tners hip By Wes t Vail Develoome nt CorD . Sec re tary Pre!';itlent By --=-_--;-;-----,-----,_ STATEOF COLORA OO ) )sso COl1ITY OF ) The abovean d foregoin g instrume nt was acknowledged be fore me thi s day o f 1977,b y a s Pr e sident and by ---------------a s Se cre ta ry of Wes::t--cV"a't"l"A'""s:Cs:Co:Cc"'-;-i::a::t::e"Cs-, Lt d.,a lim ited D a r t n e r ~h ip . WITNESSmy ha nd and officia l seal . My conuniss ion e xo t re s :_''--_ Notar yPublic -22- •• EAGLE COUNT Y Eagl e ,Colorado O FF ICIAL RECE IPT RE CE IV ED ,_--;7 L.,(/:'/)O F /-.b-?-:....6.A..,.,?~ Dat e Z -/f j g7/ ... I------, : I i-:'//,C_//",(4/_-/~.-~--.....--..r CAS H ~ECJ)dt"~A CCT, AMO UN T ITEM COO E B ui lding Pe r mit F ee A ppl ic ation F or j -/.; Su bd iv i sionA ppl ica t ion ,?7/6:.f'v'J U2_ Zo n eChange /' Con d itiona l Use Specia l Use Vari an ce , Ap pea l F e e Co de :(B u il d in g)(Z o ni ng).(Su bd iv i si o n ) · T ot alRe cei v ed • /1.11 nems a re re cervec l or no-pay men t o f an y i te m. N9 255 2 -_••,-_._._-----._,..--_••••-••¥••••,_•••••__••:-:,.;.-" ,c., •.•,. '\I I • CE IITIFIC ....n:01'REfo'E IIAL • Eo glo C ount )',o ndo l'l an nlo.&Com "Io nF il e No:r;;:z _,r.l'-77 CorUCl c ..UOII I s hereby m ade t h al It.c opy or a n application !'I lIbm l tledaMd r.(vc n t he a bove rue No.wa s en te r ed I nlo th l<U .S .Mall s ,at'h ande cuvcrcu .on a:2 <2 L2.--~ to the office s/portions as lI F:t c d I reo n ,flRgCl'i_Or_,a s m arked by Ihc:{,;Hlab ~ Co rtf fI er I f.;Siu n II I ure :.~4::::::::;;";(;;;rZ;;;:~''-f-~~;:~:;;;'''''''''' ., _____5 .Eagle Vall ey Telephone C o . _____6 .R ocky M tn.N at ural Gas ____7.SchoolD i stri ct RESOJ _____4 .U .S.F orest Service .App llcatlons in Eugtu-8 rush CrCQk t o Edwa rds: 1 .Town of E aQlo _____2 .F aglC!eeou euco D i strict _____3.CoIOl"ado D ivi sion of Wildlife -.-;;i:-.~,:;B.U .S.Soil C onse rvat ion Scrvico -·C.4.pplic etions In Upper E agle V olley : -:;s~~~9.U .S .B u relU of Lend M..,agcment·1.TOW'n of Minturn A All A uecuees eere roc 10: -~~3;'-1 .cctcreec Gcological SuNey . :~~~~2 .Cora .Department of Health " .,.3 .Colorado Si ale E ng i ~c r • .-''"--'5--:"....~li tl a l a OO':'~Mitar ler1 / -'''''--!-.",,5.e og le Ce ~R Il"Engineer P I ~~~~~6.Ho l yC ross E lectr icAss '".. ..7.Colorado Mtn.Co l lege D is t.• '0.Colorado RI v er W at er Cons....Di at.-2.Town of Red Cliff •..".D l v .of weter R esources •3 .Upper E ag l e Valley Sen .D is t. -4 .E agl e -Va ll Met ro D i s trictB.App licetions 'i n B eset!A reo : 1.,Town of BMBlt 5 .O t her D ist .(none ot pre sent time) 2.PlerYling R e presentat lvo 6 .S chool Di s trict RE5O.J 3 .School D i strict R E1J 7 •Colo rado D ivi sion of W il dlife 4 .B asa lt Water Consv .Di st . ......-..B.U.S.Fore st Service 5 .B as alt Ru r al Fire 01st.9 .M tn .B e ll Tol e-p ho ne C o . _____B.U.S.Pcrcst Service ___.,.-_'0.R ocky Mtn.N atural G09 C .Appll catlons in Gypsum Area :' 1.Town of Gypsum Co lorado D iv ision of Wildl ife M ountain Oe ll Te lephone Co. _____6 .Basalt W tll er end S an it atio n D i s i •.".10 .P ublic a crvtce Co.o f Co lo . .~"-r"/"'L"...;--z.-:-.....)..:--..4.........V"&'"'t H~Auns in Gore Volley _Va il A rea :t:.I 1 .W6slern S I ~G as·/ 2 .Town of Vall •~ 3 .Veil V illage West Wat..r &S ~•• _-=:-:"._4 .L ions R idge W l'lter275.Veil Vi liagA W a st F ire,• ___9 . ___7. ____2.E agle CO'¥Ity A i rport A uthority _____3.Colorado D ivisiono fW il d life _____4 .U .S .Forest Service ____5 .El'9le V oll ey Telephone Co. _____6 .R ocky Mtn ,N atu r a l ucs ; ;;;;;;;;;;;7 .School Di strict R E 50J ...1 d .G'yp~um S anitat ion D tot:'ict, ;QUt p p l l C:::ll l c n ~in cctcr u cc Hi ...or Aro u: _____1.School D i ~t r ic t R EtiOJ _____2.Set-co t Di ~l ric t 1#1 __--:__3 .U S Fore-a t acrvt ec ([;0910') _____4 .U S Fores t s c rvtec (M lnlu rn) _____5 .Englo V o ll ey Telephone Ca . _____6 .Yo mp,:,v oucy E to ctrlc _____6 .Veil I nter mounta in Water Vail Sanitation Dist . School D ist r ict R E 50J , Colorado D i vi sion of Wi ldlife · -,,,,=;(,.~>"O 'U.S .Fo r e s t eervrce '" ~~~~~'~1 .MI n .B ell Telephono cs» _P u bl ic Servi ce Co.of Colo.~ ....'"-.....'-0..13.Upper E&gle Voll ey SM. ."-_. £.Othor A ocnc ie a (w h mn ;ppropri ",t c ) t,C ol or udo Dcpt ,ol l -li Ohw~y~ _____2 .Col o.~tOtC1 Peron!e crvtec ~, DEPAITMENT DF PLANNING AND DEVELDPMENT McDould Bldg .550 Broad".y 1 9 J uly 1 977 P .O.Ro"179 Eagle.Colorado 8 163 1 Re:FileNo .Sp-B8-77 Prelimin ary PI an -V ail D as Sc hone Condominiums Applicant :We st Vail Associates ,Ltd . 9 9 33 Lawl er Avenue .Suite 410 S k okie,Illinois60 076 En clo s ed h ere with i saco py of an ap plication an dp lan s ubmi tte d to the Eagle County Pl anning Com mi s sion fo r review and re com mend ation at th eir reg ul arm eeting o n 17 August 19 77. In accordance withC .R .S .10 6 -2-9.10 6-2-33 and 106-2 -34,196 3,a s amended and Eagle CountySubdiv is ion Regulations.S ection 3 .05 and3 .07,a s amended effective 1 Augu st 197 6.you are r equired to r ec eive t he plan,a ndy ou h ave 24 days from d ate m a iled within whi ch to r e spond or thep lan will b e d e emed to have b een ap proved b)' y our age ncy . Th e Plann in g Com mi s sion would s in ce rely appr eciate your comments and r ecomme ndations afew days p rior to the m e eting date.If you de sire additional information o r time .p lease advise thi s office.i n writing . Th ank you very mu c h, Mi hael S .Blair Di re cto r,Department o f Planning and Deve l o pment M SB/bb "Iann ing De partme nt /Planning Co mmiss ion:Su bdivision.Rf>J:oning,Applk.a tion,lind Rt'\'iew 1303)J 2S-6338 Building Of fieial:Buildi nR Permits lind I nspection,Zoni ng Administration 13(3)328-6339