HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 UNPLATTED CONDOMINIUM 1978 LEGAL• ~. - ocr.r e H~~I OO U--Ip ;,~~S . --• uJ -"r l IL /r,'(Mlt:e:, ~~J--o ~~,L~ ~~..~ 'J Cl'*S /6 11\ ~c..stM<?!'-- --------- \t \~J _~--\-i-r ~t ,J'-~w . I I \( f ....{\ \:~;\~L..\J 6 ~\'\ I -L l..f-O f?..:)(~t- t ~((Y'-.~'l"""1-- P j'-D ~a ~-1-0 c-~ D •D \~S 710 "XI Z l ,,~C+o\J\ o.c-<:Q ~Sc<\7 ~/~",,~o l\ L-J~K ,.\~~~K "":J 0 ~+~o.'St~K .%(~(~ I t"~D~) I ~ e.•~•~p~...L-jJ 1a~CI1-..:]'o *~~~-~-VI Ifl 0 ---~.j}f>o 1/VJ ---P f'J -~,-'~~7J ~pt;1 - ---CQ ~+(i63DJ-~- ~ ~-.....t 4:J ~I.-- .6 ~--1 ')i;~~'j -o ~...;~L -f~J. '2-,- -r-Gt "'.-0 ~-- ... County ofEagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N~1236 Building Valuation $. Electrical Valuation $. JobName..§.~.f.l.~.h.Ei!.!:...H.~.~U .f.l.~.!:...::....y.~.n ....~~.~...?<:.~.~.~.~....~J?~.~.:... #7.11.13 Date of Application S.e.p..t..•...2.0 19 .7.8 . .New Electric #918ElectncalContractor . Applicant . Slanature Work on all units must be completed so that only one inspection is necesl~jgOVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 18.00$. $. $UL .Q .O . PlanChecker ~..~. Date .~lg .QI7..?. D ate Date Paid ~/.t9.I.I.~. ReceivedBy J .•.Ke .lJ .e.t:. Recei pt nUll #4118 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS •i ·"EAGLE CO ~TY Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT ."L.,t:19 •19 z.t::-D ate RE CEI VED OF ~'t o <;-r;~ ----r::~=r.'---r(-'-+-------------- 1)ti.J e: CASH ~I t.7tH)CH E CK A CCT . AM OUNT I TEM CODE B u ild i ng Permit Fee A pplicat ion F or ~o.:.t?'.-r-1,fI 00 Subdivision Ap pl icatio n Zone Chan ge I Condit ional Use Spe cialUs e V ariance Appe alF ee Code:(B u ildin g)(Zon in g)(Subd i v i sion) I To talR eceived /cf'"0 A ll I tems arer eceived for coue ction on ly an dt htsreceipt sh all bec ancelled for n o·paym ent o f any item . N!!4118 By ----I1~-=-=---L-I===------ 3•• ELJeCTRt:AL PE RMIT APPU 8\TION 6 6-1-L I!lAtJTI;! 0 ~~·z Jurisdiction of ">•0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly."•·JO B AO O ~S/G AA.<;.5c.1I6 ~L Jl?rS -U lJlr d!',,,1 J II J J3 L O T N O.IeL K IT.AC T O SEE A TTAC HED SHEET )1 ~~:~~. 2 OWN'.CL-UJ T!JlR.i/fJ c 7 1=JJ ce. M AIL AOD IIIE SS lO P P HONE C ON T RAC T OIll {LLCT£I(go"xA0 7r r;I L to PH ONE L IC E NSENO . 3 AJl ..J I.AJ <...11 /~-..zJu'qIP .....C HI T tC T 0 "O ES I GNEIlI M AI L ADDRE SS P H ONE L I CE NS E NO . 4 EN CIN EER MA I L AODIII ES S P HON E LI C E N S EN O . 5 L ENDER M AIL AODIIlESS 8I11A"'CH 6 US E O F"B U I LDIN G 7 8 Classof work:ONEW o ADDITION IlZl'ALTERATION o REP A IR 9 Descr ibe work :Itt.J~11I c c-·3 our c«rs n2 -.?L 'I'1"1 .<)J,.,·T I'dIS /L,T('flll71 .lr,, /)/(NIIl1~fut Li CIT PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECIA L COND ITIONS:Tota ljI~J u ~;-o,-.J 1.~f1 .IlJ RECEP TACLE O u tlets LIGHT SWITCH Tota l LI GHTING Fixtures A PPLICATION ACC EPTED BY ;PLANS CH ECK ED B Y :APPR OVE0 FO R ISS UANCEBY F IXT URES RANG ES CLO.DR YE R WT R.HTR. NOTICE GARB AGE D ISP.S TA.COOK TOP I HER EBY C ERTI FY THA TI HAVE REA D AN D E X A MINED TH IS D IS H .WASH .CLOT HES W ASH . AP PLI CATION AN DK NOW THE S AME TO B E TR UEA ND C OR R E C T.SPACE H TR .S TA.APP L-V.H .P.M AX. ALL P ROVISIO NS OF LAWS AN D OR DI NANC ES GOVERN ING TH IS T YP EO F WORK W ILL BE C OMPLIE D W ITH WHETHER SPECIF IED MO TORS ,H.P. H E R EIN OR N OT.T HE G R AN TING OF A PERM I T DOES NOT P RESUME T O G IVE A UTH ORITY TO V IOLATE OR CA NCE L TH E P RO VIS IONS OF AN Y O TH ER STATE O R LO CAL L AWR EG U LAT ING CO N ST RU CTI ON O R T HEP E RFOR MA NCE OF C ON ST RUCTIO N.NO .T RANS . S IGNS NO .LAMPS TEMP.POWER U POLE U UNDGD. ~j.I (/£r ~A A~SERViCE 0 ·200A qj;slt;2 01 ·400A o NEW 401 ·GOOA I/sl -C:NAT URI 0,.C O N~AC TO Ill 0 ,.A UTH ORI ZED A G ENT (DA TE )o CHANGE OVER GOOA PERMI TI SSUING FEE $ GHAT IH .0 "O WHtlll I f'O WN ER a U ILD E R )(D A TE )TOTAL FEE $If IHI PLAN CHECK VALIDATION '-1//<1a,-~=#Ii!iSi WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liNTHISSPACE I TH IS ISYOUR PERMIT 1-236 CK.M .O .CASH PERMIT V ALIDATION CK.M .O .CASH IN SPECTOR F or m1 00 .31 1 ·73 R EOA C I!JI P'RO"':IN TE RNA T ION AL CO N FERENCE O F BUILDIN G OF FI C IALS.n.o 5 .W ORK M AN MILL R OAD .W HITT I II:R .CALI P'••0.4)' ..•INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM . REMARKS INSPECTOR ... - USESPACE BELOW FORNOTES,FOLLOW-UP,ETC.,-, •> EAGLE UNTY .19 .zd::.. '"I!lH.iJ.J n _"!ij,jj CASH -:Ii 6 at.CHEC K ACCT. A MOU NT ITEM CODE Building Permit Fee 27 SO Ap plication For Subdiv ision App l i cat ion Zone Change Condit ional Use , Specia l Use Varian ce A ppeal Fee Co de :(Bu il d in g)(Zon in g)(Subd ivision) Tot al R eceived J'7 S 7J Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT RE CEIVED Da te 9u 1t'4 OF ~-W~~) ~{/~.d Z}a:...e tL ~.,...C"~J ':i!tI 3747N~ All I t em s a rere ceived for colle cti o n o nlyan d th i s rec eipt shallbecan celled f or no -p ayme nt o fany i tem . LTC.TEMENT .ELOW--""''l'l';-;;rE'i'A~JT1H~I S STA DEtiCRIBEOoe:~IRKD~I =~~~!!:!~~~~~~~t=o RETAIN O~ITII....&.....O RECEIPT ETACH AN N PAY....£~MPTL.YoI-l ECK IS I Tl~us p E ATTACHE~TC"'-EASE NO C 3 V-6THTCOAAERMWV- I F NO DELUXE.F"O Count y of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N ~1235 Building Va lua tion $. E lec trical Val uation $. • Job Name B.e .r.:t.One W.O.OQ.W .O rke f .S t:V.aJ .lda.s S.en !H1.E;!. Apts.#3,8,17,1 9,25,26,27 Date of Application §~.P..t .·~.Q 19 .??... New Electric #918ElectricalContractor . App licant . Sla:nat ure Wor k on al l units mustbeco mpleted so that only one inspection is necessary:APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee To tal Fee $lR•.QU . $. $18 .•.0.Q . P lan Checke r .....!'!~?~.......~.~din~ D ate 9/10/7 8....................................... D ate .9/19/78DatePaid . ReCeived By y..•.K.E;!.lln . Receipt #4117 Bldg.Perm it #1042 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIREDFOR INSPECTIONS 3ELEC"",CAL'PERMIT APPlt:ATION ~UI\J 7'1 0 ~ cJtLL- t ·z Jurisdiction of "••0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."••Joe A CDIlI E S5 ~It$Ilu!"r -;J ~I!tJIL SC-Jlo,,;t..I/I1 /S..lId /1 .19.,1.5..u:,,2,1 L OT N O.IeLK IT.'C T O S E E AT T ....C HED SME ET ]L EG.L IlDEscllI. 2 OWNER IJul.:rMJ E. M AIL A D e'u:ss 2 1 P PH ONE I.jMA eJo,eU.l'.s s..c250 4 t1 bAJ tt .ht - C O NT""CTOlll M A I L ..."6 0"£5 5 P HON E L I CEN SE NO . 3 AJ tw CLl Criti C -:lA c..s:1-/!,.q'L 6 .h i -.;.c/JI tid A '-CH I T E eT D ill D E SI G NE R .......I L ACD AE S S P HO,.,.r.L I CE NSEN O. 4 E NG I NEE llt t.AAIL AC DRES S P HONE L I CE NSEN O. 5 LE N DER MA IL "D OIll E5 S BRANCH 6 U S E O r ,"U I LD IIll e;. 7 8 Class of work :ONEW o ADDITION ~ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work:lO ll G-IJ -J-,J //)(r TL {.T $/,I ITOI II 1-,Gil T IIJ ~L b Ll>{:, IfL ,, /lOll UAJ II" PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :TotalIlJtUHT/~A)5M .1lI RECEPTACLE O utlets LIGHT SWITC H T otal LIGHT ING F ixtures APPLICA TION ACCEPTEDBY .PLANSCH ECKED BY APP ROVED F OR I SSU A~C E BY FI XTURES RANGES CLO.ORYER WTR .HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE O ISP.S TA .COOK TOP IH ER EBY C ERTIFY THAT IH AV E REAO A NO EXAMIN EO THIS O ISH .WA SH.CLOTHES WASH . APPLICATION ANO K NOW T HE S AME TO BE T RUE A NO C ORRECT.SPACE HTR.STA.APPL.~,H.P .MAX . A LL PRO VISIONSO F LAWS ANO O ROIN ANCES G OV ER NIN G TH IS TY PE OF WORK W ILLBE COMPLl EO W ITHWHETH ER S PECIFIEO MOTORS 'H.P. HEREI NO R NOT.THE G RA NT ING OF A PE R MIT OOES NOT PR ESU ME TO G IVE AUTHORI TYT O V IO LAT E O R CAN CEL THE P ROVIS IONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR L O CAL LA WR E GU LATI NG CONSTRUCTION OR T HE PERFORM AN CE OF C O NST RUCTION.NO .T RANS. SIGNS NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER DpOLE U UNOGO. ~'J}I:~AI1>~r.>.J SERVICE 0·200A <J h</J'd' 201·400A ONEW 401-600A S Id'NA T UR !0 "CO N TR ACTOA 0"A U T H OR IZED A G ENT i O,l(T £1 o CHANGE OVER 600A PERMIT IS SUING FEE S 5 I(O",,,ru ,,£0 "O WN ER .,OWNEI'l I!lU I !..D ER J DAT E)TOTAL FEE S I I 10, WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATEO liN THIS SPACEl THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /:Z 3S CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK .M.O.C ASH I NS P ECTO R F o rm 100.3 1 1-73 R E OR DE R FR OM ;INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BU ILDING O FFICIALS.uu S .WOR K MAN M IL L ROA D.W HIT TIER.C A LIF .u.n l •...• INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR USESPACE BELOW FORNOTES ,FOLLOW-UP,ETC. ..•• .••l "··'-Y 0--;:.r'o ;c qU 'l ,.,.~.,-,.O ,\'r>j'""1(~f ~~t .i'd ~f f...\-..~t ,•__t Al I :~n·.l •...~I [....~'!'.,.........._......)....••---..-...J ~_...~__..........~C U'-~"'"VI......,.l;.; Co untv Cou rt house /4.nneX Eag le ,C olo rado 1.-.-,,_\ 1 ~I!-;j \...."oJ",.,I :~. ) 1 o:..-.~ NOT CE Th isbu ildinu h as b een in s pe c te d an d em ord er t o s top wo rk issued f or the fo llowing r e asons : oc .: ltJ .-Ji·.-,.,..// "A o v perso n,f ir m or c oruoruttun \,'iol:l ttn g a nv p rov i sio n of t his C ode shaH be deem ed il ~Jll t y o f e mivdrme anor and up on c ouvic tion t her eof,sha ll b e Itned n e t n -or e th an 3300.00,or in .prisonrnc ntf ur n otm ore th ew ~O days ,O ~ both .F a c h and aver v dav c urinl,J w h ich such illeqa t ersctrcn.const ruc tio n .elt er a- t i CJ !),recon sn uct.on,m ain tenance or USf'co ntmues ~h il ll h e dee med it scp.nat uo ffense . Locati on o f R uilding D il te i1i:ipcctCrl .. e {-.." .-, ._---_......""..,.---- ""'O II N-"V C')'::1=j)('l C _.aut u:'f'l("'DIViSiQ l\]\..,o..J J !J ..~!-..I.....J L-D ~_J ~\J :J •••I 'co unrv O f Eli,Gt E _.BU ILD!f'.iG DI \/IS!;Jf',.! P '...,,'.(':'O~\?i'g·6T"Oi1v~i f...,•..i ,.,/...,),_'-)......):.::1 Co unt y Court!O U58 I \:lr~e ;:: [,j o T :C;E ....."!,-.• ~~;..,',. , .' :r ~':(-'I;~.-" NOTiCE .I j :':...l\........,J ,...,->,\:~---...---_.f·~··.... \<:.", '-.\ n~\.~; Co untvCourthouse Annex Eagle,Co lorado Phone (30 ~;)328-6339 • ~.-:'~r: i,LJ t .. E3gle,Colorad o r"......... \..,..,/LJ, i.__.~l_• ~.'\," , \;:1 '';:'......,;j ......~.... t ~ 1 '..... " .......... r J; \-,__.... T f-is h u i :,~i ng h as b~~e :1 inspected is.r.cd for th e fl :;J io\i".linG H~.i:':on ~:•stop '.Jor k /!t t lL.J'I oJ I '~T'--.,j,. .-J r '?.J,. a nd tin o rder t o Thi s b uilding hc s b -e s r~ii l ~·r (·C ~:::f: s top work iss ued 'f or 1h:?f CJ li~)\:'J ;r.~~r eason s : I '.._.-~.,'L !~,.'.~/~.... I _,~,I -----'"-..;..,...t 41r ,d z n f\:-der '(0 I ,I ., \,.,~. "'--7 .-c-:;;.s:L.J .,.q .. ~....."\-\..... ,.,.'--"..I::"),:',f .:.1')I}'1,_•..._,J .f7-···. .,,/';''''·,l,'''___ \.~/, I f '/"Jf'c,-t...J { '-7 .'.-~),(l ··..J .':!'-...:'i.......-. "I'.?--'::;"I ";:)/7 -- j l )-"'-.y·.(·/ 'I j .....) (...;'"---- :I i -r -:')J t .!'/I •••'cr,!,.•.,~.i ~~ I 1 1 '-":~f -:;?i ,-::::-'~"'-';"""'~.'f .<. 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Coun ty Cou rthouse Annex Eagle,Col orado Phone (~:a 3 )3 28-C339 ) ". ,, ,' ...~4' .....'~r -ROO l ,.....-....i'.-~..~... ~;.,-I ~...~ ~...... .'J."I I , ,..,';' ..,.orw;-,.\r'~'-':"r "/........-.;",.--"" (.,I .'; to ••"J I .;r '.~I l' \..)~ \.,~•..".1/~~.J \.. r :-"'!~-f "."'"').,...-.......,. ~;'I . ~, i',10 TIC E N OT C E Thi s b t.:i :cJ L'9 h a s b ee n i nspe ct ed ar.d an o rder to wor lc iSS l;HI f or t!c f a !lo~'/ing reason s: I ;,.'::) This b\l i k.!i n ~;ha s been insp e ct ed f o r t he follo'.'Jing r ea s o us : J ..C"".1 ._--.-''''/),:.c),,'_.,/l.~~_.(f L :/l."..·:-? ord er 'toandan ,~..../?l.,,.-./?---I 'f."",A ,"1I I,..:.--:-.__'J-'J ,I 7 1--1 ._._...PU.:-!'~ " 1:, IV(~ s t op w ork iss u ed L''-r-",-J J ~ J /,}f I ..jJ_-' •.,I ~.~._,_:--..."iII":....,,;-t.:::C 1/i i Ai s: oJ[:/':: :J ---.--.....'0 ...."-');::;~·l'/l lI'- r--'c.."'",,.,.•,..__.:l _t.j·...~ i ~.,'"·-..r --._j ..f-\.~....I J •••1J- ~~:) ,\'1 "":<;l ~.;~n·.')1 f fl l"!;'·f ,••t";11 '.-:'.1...,:;,::;;11":t:'1"H.I~.i.:.n o f t:~is Cuet o ~h a ll t..r,;'~I:'-:....:'"o t ..f'l15 d..::k •.l~,)t .:.'d J ~~.;j ,.:.,/",\:.::\;.:1:>t b,;r,:,li,!:Il<i;:lie :';:.P ;,\r u ;;t h ~.l ;;3 1 ~).00,'-I ;~I I,ri~.(J;;r j~I"'f n .u .ne tm or eth an S O uays ,o r c;,;:::.r:....;l .-,'1'1 ~.'~,y d .I,,·(ju ri ;,,,,,':,1 ,;11 au cn ,n ~;V:l erc .:10 :1,c c nstr uction .atu-ra - .-"1..d:.)"s ::u,:t i ,,;~.....ii nt e n m ce v ~l iS'!n~;H I "l,E;S slrnf be J ~'r.mL'(~.l S;~p .H ;I!C o f f en se. ";\1\)'P('I ~O Il .tirO'o r (';o l p Gr .J ~,t)!',VI-::!,l:i llq ;:t ny j ,,"OV l ·.IL :1 o~,h :~,C.:!..~\.•~l b e d "Cl l~fd Ulli l l';0:J r:i.i ~,=krr,i!::llur a nd "-ii-·nll c o uvi ctr ou t l-t.r cc l ,:~,i :ht,; f m cd n ctm ere than S3 C\1 .00 .c r 'l ~l pr l :.(.n nL ~l n tor :10 '.morn (I ~,11 :.';,).:;vv.:}: bo th.L 1Cll .j ficl o vu r v d.rv d "r ill:.!\',h ic :-':.ur.h i:!c~~.d ,:ICC1:0::,COI'·.r:u~";,,',.':'.~.I · fi on,(t.;(:oll :'ln:C llO l\,mui nten ar cc c r II ':>;;C (.~l l:r:t.<\;';.:';':ld !J ~d .·.·m r:o ~,:...~~;l(.!~_ct-....<l; r .....'. \'\.;\\..........\.,1',1 __ B v ...,:/:..~'.'fI:'~')_\J."':'.\':~.'~."'.\""':":'~:..J. ..,;-10"(.'.I'",l""I,·-..,~:.;;\':'l '<;-·T L".Ill~~~k ...,l.l. ,:.;~:\~_. .---'...,'.. ...'\./t:..i.!::..,~~...(/.~:/,,li~r>.')I.•~"'.;<;,'L ~'.....',.,c....''..'1.,."_~_•,i,.'J ............, (\I -.:',1 \\1 .\\... Rv :...;/;~,!:':'-:~'..,.\.\:'\.;:;\\:J ,.~<",:,".(~. L <'~1<;~'~\J~.~..D u,~d il~a~!::..,~cto r \ "-, / <:.t.......~ .•~..J'f \,'1:I.......'.'..'.~r ::-:-..:-.'/'.': ,,.,~'i t,....;I.r .:./~.. .~ •.!,,,.('.-..'. I !/'I •:i'"j '",.. LOt;a't'O!l ()f Bujldi l ~~j .v /.i /...?:-~..,'.J.~\.}:~? ',..~ Date l:.sp cctcd .,..~:P.\c:,. , 1 I '...,.J :'--.]/,.'/...,.~~'.......:>. I ,......~.. I , .t·:,~t / J .':.--).r·;)t~C:S.:· L Cc ~.t :O I o f ?"l.!!di n lj . ----------,---- COUNTY O F Ej \G LE -BU ILDlf'JG D IVIS I ON COUNTY OF EjCl,GLE _.BUILD !i\JG Di\!l SIC i\J Ea!]!e ,Coo ra do Cou nty-Court h o use A nnex Eaq:e,Co lo rado Phone (303)328-6339 I .e-".......-...,.....p."''1 •.•r---~.-...... C'• .......--' NOTi CE ord er t oThisbuildinghasbeeninspectedana stop work issued for tb e f ollo -vinq re aso ns: .-_~,". {I I 'II'-r":~:::y '.'J T f.is bui l!ling h .J :i bl:~~n in sp e cted and <10 o r de r t o issu id for th e fo llov·:ir.g rea ~on ';:.•step v/or k • "{4 '1'/~S·'S.),l.f i.m O'c nq ~(1 1 ...t-on vi :}la ~j n9 ..IIY r .W \.'i sj'HI (,t t his Cedi:shal l be c ce.u-o S ..J It,.A a n~·..de r.ioauu r 3r.J .J;::m ,:c,··,'.-io;ti (ln th erecf ,$hilll b e !I ':.::!rot :1:0.";':i ~<;i i1 :;:Oc...,:,O.t "i l~~!;,i s ,).1,,,.lIII ';'o r net more tttan 9J c ,J'I5,o r t~j 1.i:'~':.;h ,:j~:;(~V~-'1 d 1'{c:l!f'~"':'oJ'."'.;.:.;~':J...':1 ;HI:'~;Jl •.:r N ::i ':'l l .c ous tt u cfion ,atte ra- :.;';,(f?:.r:.n ~!·u rac n ,n \.J.I:\I {·~~J r iC .l -r 0 :,':-1;0::.ru c s ~;...tlj c ecrcc .nud .l se parn t e of t e nse. "A n y pe rs o n,firm 0 :cor p o-au c n v iototi nq a n'!~,c r ,tion of :h,i C(.=~"1<::1 b e deer-t ad l)u i ltv o f it rrusd c rn e cr o r ::o n.:!III.C::C'J ::·v;,.li >:or ,tb-n ?:).;,:h11',3.. f ined no:mor o tb.m $::;OO.(;Q .or i .-jpr i:-,u1ln··c.;I1\(U 1l1)~.'....';t:!hJf'\~;.....i-,. ho th .C,;dl ,M,d e 'Jery ;);lY J u r i l"',':;"":I'lICll s ,eh iii.-:')_i :•.:.-:-::"1 .C,.f,:,·,:.:';:J",......C:. n ou ,rcc oos r ructro n,m ..i ntun•.I I "~C cr c v«con rm ues ~h ,1 1i b e 'k _:m ·~rl .J :.t:;;COL1-:'~:"::t:r-,';:: ,. {,\;"',.:',\'.•.r',,':',, "1,,..-.~ L"':J "L8 lnsp ec.c d .,.,.?.{.r -----..._.,.. Date Insp ected ..,.•\~..,,/.•~,,~.~_:,t , ~').1 / ....-..t'/..f :-:1/.~J . ._-----------_._-_._-_.._-~..-..~--- ~O UNT Y OF EACl.E -.-8U1LD lf'!(3 D!\!!S!ON COUNTY O F E ~.G LE BlJ I 'LO'"/J r'''D'I 'VI;:';{l :\t•t ..U._l .......l J •• County Courthouse Annex " ...-......--._.~.".. Eagl e ,Colorad o ....'..,,_•.J Eag :e,Colorado ..-"...r o""-~'\ ;.......... ",..•....,i ._--......0'......,\ -. "'_._.J ~""l County Co urtho u seAr .nex Phone (303)328 -6339 ~ ~~"i ''''~r, I,, \ _..J .... ~,.;;1 1,....,. ': J ;......)"\.....--...~'-)o, Phon}(3Ci3 )323 -6339 ., ..•..;J......~.. !~' i t :-rr"_/.,1 . L:J V .'/-".. -'-....-'J _-\,-":,).I.',....'r'"'..!--',._."~--I "J '"I ~:.\-.,.....):I\)"J .r 'N .-;'~~:2 ~_ ·1.";:~7 _5-'.!,,e')-"',,--:..~...,-,,.i:-.........._.\...•(~I ···t'•I ~t .:.) ~,-t >~'J and an on..!i~~to ----J '({'j'"f"~'I '~~,--11\.,,'V1 ...':;J ......,i I C::~,......,'V :t-,. N O TICE '7, .~~::~ T his b .dld!:1!:ha s b een insp ected f er the f oliov.'i ll~rC;)S Of1:i: .-·t:'=LJ.J7..~ ---;'2.",;z,()i i \./~;»1_,• •r /\."":. 1 ;,,,,\'f'.- t.)t·:tT - stop w o r k issuedorderto \'J 0 T IC E 7.'-:J ,!> TLl s b u il .l ;n~hos bee n inspected an d an fo r t he fG:!v.vinr.r C2'iO flS:js ~c~dstopwork•• • "/l,n .,l .r:/!l.l )l"fi rm O 'CC q"I O dt;OI,vi l I lti ng ;~(;y !.nn'j si on of t his CO{:~:;hJ lI ~h'd ..~r:;?:.:.ri !=,~;;l~'!0 1 .'I r i ~;.l:!.l Il;.:l ·'O 'J .tA 111Kd1 C '~Il l\'i(:tlO..u tl :r.IC'o!,s l:~d l be {ol';:;1"'.,;1 :;"10",'I h .!",3 3UC.U'J.1,;'H,1 ~1 :i :.()n ;':1l'f,t fo r ,:o t rr .orc th .su 9 0 dil V':o,O f "i't ;l.::i1ch c r ::f "!?I "t 0;,,/{L.,ri n ',\'\'/;:(..1 ;lll..l.11:",).11 c rccti on ,.:.r.;.:,tICC1 .0 1l,alte .u - .,\:.r";':";:;~~l tI::;I O;I .m d li·,.·::l.1 "C ~c r (".~,:U l:t:f'l<;,:>:':1,11:be d e erncd <.scpa ro t e O ft~,I:U . "A ny p.irson ,firm or f':01 po rn rlou \';:lh 1in~l :~l'I','p p,·..i nior,o f t h i ..r.o.:e ,.l·,,~·i La d e eme d ~l ~lity of ;;J l i ll ;·.r!~m C:.lIl O r .1I1 (l II p O:1 couvc tro n th cre ..",~;l .il 1-: f in N J n o"m O(t!thc n :)3GO.(hl,or 1 1l ~!,r i:,,):m cu r l or uo t r~1I.J n =111 ,,1'~),)~:.Y'. b o th.F ':IO Jl ;m li l ,'VI:ry d ;iy d IH~f.~\'.1.,:11 ~l xl1 i l.~j.d ..!t,··.•~Il.C I ~I";c i ::l..~......:.1 ..•. lion ,r cc ci.s t r uct rcm,(n .J l n ~:!'-li :;,'::::0 '-U:-.(;[,;.1.:'[,:1,.8:,:;r:.~:1 i ll;,;<:rn l,.:J i.'·"~·.J,,·i·'!;.;:~f .•< .) .?.l .....(:.1.([.. .r:..- .\;\~:.'''>f.:. "'--,A./:;'.'-...:. s ', ",;\t !v........:. )...'....~ {.i L,.\.,....<". / )/'~.'-I "...../..l V.....).:.~. (, \I 8y .....~../.:..l ~::':).. ...-.."..I .-i";.•..A.~::.J .....:].-~LJl l!i(HHJ 1;):;rJ(.'Cl'---lI r~1 J ...I .i \......../'-...",...",....'\1 :...'~ Loc atio n of B lili dinn ..,,'r,j..L..!_.''j""'~"••)':-'.r.\o t ·i ·...';-..",--,'4 ,.~ .-,-.....Di!t~Ill';!1c ~ted ..~.l.,)s:~..',. (I f'J"•'T'.;J••~~.........\..-.'"......~-.) ..........-) I l l ~;p;~Cl or ../'(:"~'.tj -9 j'~.I .c:.. 1'\ \'>l .';:'~"':'~.../.." ~~L ..(J\J :'((c-\_•.-l 3L:ld 'n ~~ I {,'••\'''"1;- V.I'.~.:,r-r .....J \:~.t o ;:~t ;(j n oi C ui;d in g. D:;:e r n5 1J .~G t e :1 {"f'll ,,\'T V r)f:!:,:J (:l r:__Pil l i :'!l\lG '-'i'V I ,i nl'l \-J "-'j ~J !."L_.~..L C •.of v.I...U i I \J U ~'-'I ,_"i lJ COUNTY OF E!-\GLE -8 U I LD ~N G D I V I S ~C N Countv Co urthou se J~.nn ex Eag (c ,C olorado rl ("0'',)'3')""3"'91"',o ne 'J -»,.z o -o .) Co unty Court ho uas A nne x Eagio ,Co lor a do Phone (:3 03)32 3 -63 39 I'J 0 TI C E f'-"\:~'i1 (.--.J ~.:",~(.-....e-............ J -\..,J i._......~.,.~....-"~,...; !\J O TI CE .....,..... {-~~r-:..-....~.!",-c •., ••.1 ,J '"~\~1 t!.:~ W if'·,r J i,',/ '0 ......_.... '" ...,..~..,....""''''..E'~..'>,t~"-"~~:~~r ...]", I \ '.,l :., ~..-......;-"-"....:..."._-~,-- J ~'-""~ ~.-..; r> t v.cr k is s ued Thi s b uif di::g h as b;;,:J1 inspected for th e f (J::GvJing r eas o n s :....'J"-;. I ;'t • I __.t ,t _ I i (.'-I '~~.;-?'fL,'."J 0- o rder toandanThisb:...:ildin-]ha s b een insp e cte d for t he fol low in n r eas ons : "--:->.~..~)''.~...r -rr"J,,)'l..l )'"I r I '.',,.,1 "!~l /.1 ,.Jl\.',,-"~,..'Io..-d , j ~---r :":rr:(i ,,.,('C':'.t-"-....('~(',f ~"t:..('~f.'r )Ii'0D lVD stop w ork iss ued order t oandan ir:r ."''''J ,..r ...·t.',j .:.>\~l ; ....'].1 >'?..""••__ f t:"I ,,;)j;,-'1 ",-z:\.-.l~\"". --..,..·r>....1;t ~l;ij!,", I .....'l_: Iv ;(I .st a:l •.,'_." ";::"';l ~':~_"'r;(;:~.f;r:n 0:c:.;r f"j :;·,\t i'}I ~v.ol t t.flJ ;:::l Y pro v .src n of i hl s C c d c Shil l! t~d ');".nd n .~'t J·of i:rrur d cm uau ora r.c l'pC,;i co r-vt ctt o»t h ereof ,s h~ll b e L".,d n r;:.-,f H ~;tha n S :~~;Q.c;'l .0'i ..r ,r-r;s..-;r:m l~~l l f o r not m o r c 1I 1 ;':~1 r o i:J ..v s.c t :~:ll;l.E·,.::h i)n:J ,l \'~:i"Y d a )'d llr lnr w,~j :::-:~.l;C~1 d:i~~;Il!«r cr.t icn ,c OI·..su ucuo o.alt cr.t - ;·::'l r.",~:,~,::_Ug ,·~~;':lltf;",i l~':'~c -0:,'.:c o I {:J':i.l.S ~L d l ~f<~,~:r_r:l ,d ,I S~Jl .I L I :e u ~fe li ..c. "A n ~1 p ur.so n ,fi nn cr c n.p~I·.lti \l :l ,...jd .H i r i ~.m v or ovu.i ou o f th i~C!):~h !:;~;:IJ b ~d eem ed g Uilty o f a m-sciemca.icr r.u d upon coo.',»c ..IC!.:l!V:it')i ,~~,.2.:1 cc fi ned 1101 m ore th an :;~-:O O .C ~).01 ;'np!::,r ~I 'I1W :H l o r n et m cre t tran ~10 ,:JJ 't·;:;.c r l)Ol h.Ea c b and e v er\,C.l i d w--i :I'i ·:l!ll C :~,:':f.;~i l;(~!,p ~f~:·I:c fl!-.!l ••:~;.:~.rr',.;Ct,,;l . t ion,re .m ns tr u c tton,rrl,l i nl r'l':l i ce v r I }:;~:p_~-;)'H;n (;f ,:,:.h"1!b.:(:"P~;',l·~t '\<.,;:',,"':G i 't:1 .l::./:~·:':~I '~~'::~(.~:!·C\\J t~..· '-'-:".- i ..."..... .j ;-c.;.: )c.-;ri Cil O~·t;ui:G:rl!:; ~:~••.':i ...... :?l. --;-')"-,-\..:,~/.'-:.;..:.\~.-.'. i~ ;\\J .~(~J\ By \,:._-·t "-,,.\.\;>..':~..:\~~,)r .';"\,..:~; ·~'::'~';');\:(~·I ~'·13 ,~i !I ;r~,q ;n ::<):,~~Ct ,.i l ;I,I I '~-,,\-.,..~,,'J'•<-"'",,',C",Lc c ;jt ~on o f B uddI n g ~.V..':~"~'".Li,.\.t)~.~-:-t.,.r·,~'·;,~f\..I '~~••.L..'.·:·~-·-:·~·') ) /'..,/'h !iJ ••\.1,'•::b tc :r.sp~c te d . .('.t"'..;,.:I'~)~'~!~4:~.'s. ,r-~):~;:' J ~J ! !\'if~;._i ...,'{."""')0'..-'.\<s,.,'.-.-''",.,, ~~~,:~:l~.i::~..\~~·:i)~;';:.:]-\j --}•.i '~:.\-;'(;·C._.. ,<. ;'-"\,, '....,. ",.~. {I 'J ,',1 ~rtf;1.:-. Eli insvs(:~I~d~):~~'.; E AG LE C OU N TY i /.1 // ,'/./....:~.~..~.J ~'7 ,;;~:.,f / /.~,.'" • DA TE ~~J OB N AME TIME RE CEIV ED A M PM CA LL ER BU I LDI NG DIVI SION 1'.O .IJOX 1'1£1 PHONE:3 23-li:l3 9 nu!LD i 1'1G--------ELECTR ICA L.__...------.,_.-..,.- f'uurtNG FOU NDAT:C N HOUGH FINAL FINA L I SMOKE D ETECTOR' Pil.RT1AL PART IAL LCC .l>,T IO N : o OTH E R 0 PA R TIAL. ..,...-,1 f'"-""'"'"~•I ;..rt.,'.)'--(1;\.'/I '.:;:014-','-""_.,....,. ...~;::, <!~S~r.-'I------A M PMTHUR I ·,·vo::-/I..:,,\ READY FOR I NSPECTION ~. .........,-......",-. :~_.•....r I .............. I ) M ON COM MENTS :-----'-'-'---"----'-:.:-:.--'---f---=-"--''--------- OAPP R OVED .~ t]'DI S APP FlO V ED -"",o REINSP ECT D UPON THE FO LLOWING CO RREC TION S: CO RR ECTIONS ,")!:.'(Ut-.i'»(L ~.,.-;'::;:/.-\.::..L ,1~ )/7 o.-r'l I t,;(~_p::~~-J-:-•-,I ',"/.• l-.i t-(• -~J"':~..-~\.\(~(:,..:'-">,\'\1·:'\_--.-..'------------t ~~\.J.-- ,'\.1 -"./ t ~;~·':,.\".·r -- ,' ~ ";D !\T E BUILDING DIVISIONOF EAGLE COUNTY;P.O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE:CO.~PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT:FILE COPY VA LIDA TION (C ONTR'S LICE NSE ) 10 42 (PR OPOSED u se) July 10 1 9 78 P E"MI T N O.---"==--'=-"'--"::. A DDRESS Box 250 I Avon I CO. (NO .)(STREE T) A PPLI CANT Bertone Woodworkers 7 units - PERM IT TO Change loft to bedroollL-_1 IT YPE OF I ""P ROVEMENT)NO. DATE AT(LOCA TION)Vail Das Schone Condo IS.-West Vail (NO .)(STREET) ZON ING O ISTRIC T _ (CRO$S STREET ) :B ET WEF.~-----------,("'C=-.0:-:5"'5-5=-=T"'.=-££"'T):---------A ND =::-:~c-:::==--------'"L-.......:.:.;:.::.:.:...:.:..:;;;.:;,,;....;.:.:..=~==...I FT .IN HEIGHTAN D SHALL CONFO RM I NCONS TR UCTION L OT~SUBO IVI510N L OT BL OCK S IZE _ "g B UILOING I S T OBE F T.W IDE By FT .L ONGB y _ m (T YPE ) _______BA SEMENT WAL LS ORFO UNOATI ON _ o ZT O TYPE USEGROUP :,; 0:oIL REMARKS:_ (CUB I C /SQUARE F EET) West Vail Assoc . Box 1 403,Vail,Co. ~~~MIT $"8,-,7,-,.,-,5~0,,,--_ ~~ILDI NG~~ (Affidaviton reven.lids of application to be completed byauthorizedagent of ownar) I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized bythe owner of record andIhavebeen authorized bytheownertomake this application as his authorized agent. ",., SIGNATURE OFAGENT ~~---- (NUMBER)-(STRE ET).(CITY) '.'- .., APPROVEDBY TITLE _ DATE 19_. ','. t ·.' INSPECTION RECORD DAT E NOTE P ROG RE SS -CR I T ICI$MS AND REMARKS I NS P ECTOR -. .. ,""~kQ - P.o.Box 250 i.r--\L Avon,Colora.do81620 1 f'J Bertone Woodworkers Building /Rome Improvement "c t:-\'\(l- \-\.(1 :r j I \:,9'L Delbert Sheeks (303)949-4408 1••BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 (;•·Jurisdiction of ~~> 0 I'---0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."~••Jo et ~[~\I ~~h ,[)r!Q ~(")\'(\({~~)~()c-,\'1 LOT NO .eLK TiIIIA CT LE G"L OSEE ....T TAC HED SHEE T)1 O Ese R . 2 oW~:.s.!,t>~cn ,(\J M~\Ao :JI '~';) ZIP PH ONE C·'L\II ~N ~W 4 D 0, <f);<;"+--OY\?{L )rV~y t [)(,)r?~M~'~·;~"E2v ~~A ctJ1\P N O N [9t/~~7'"C;,();,e [N 5E N o ,r V ""CH I T teT Ofll O ESl lioN lUt "...."11.A DDRESS P HONE Li e E NSE NO .4 II I' E N co I JIIEEiIII j,I "M AI L "DOA IESS P HONE L IC ENSEN O .~5 LENDER M AIL "D Ofil ES,"8 i11l ANCiol 1\ 6 (J USE O F'a U I LDING C O(V~CJ~")() 7 " 8 Class 01 work :ONEW OAOOITION Y ALTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE ffr 9 Describe work:melt ,{\....l~\'c..\.C <:.0",C9J..~,\S<..fr.:..-L,~~t'f;~o-':.:R V' '-.1 , 10 Change 01 use Irom s.Wo.').P-\~~~~~(0-~~ro~,l'V\ Change 01 use t o 11 Valu ation 01work:$PLANC HECK FEE IPER MIT FEE 8'7,5'"0 SPECIAL CON DITIONS :,Type of Occupancy ~7 \.,I,",\<,)('Oc:---{~~-:-t C onst.Group D ivision il"-L~~...J c:s:.....,~. ..... Size o f B ldg.N o .ot Mal(. I '~J ,<..F-OJ .'e'I CS '-'V (OU (T O'.,)Sq .F t.Stories Occ .Loa d Fire Use Fire S prinklers APP LICATION AC CEPTED BY P LANS C HECKEDBY APflR OVEO f OR ISSU AN C EB Y Z on e Zone Requtred Dves DNo N o .o f OFF STREET PARKING SPACES , Dwelli ng U nits C overed I Uncovered NOTICE Special Approvals Required Received Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB·ZONING lNG,HEATING .V ENTILATINGOR AIR CONDITIONING .HEALTH DEPT. THIS PERM IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS N OT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR FIRE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK I S SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOiL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT AN Y TIME AFTER WORK I S CO MMENCED.OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICA TION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT . ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERN ING THIS ;vee 0'"O"K~OM~,m ""."."'.""""."'"0HEREINORNOT.E GRANTING OFA PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUM";~'i!;....:i':!A HORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEP';~NOTR ST~bflPR LOCAL LAW ~LATINGCOTRUCONTHPERFMANCEOFCONSTUCTION. f ~oJ I n..Ot.--')b S IGN ....T~1"e &.llI"J'J uCTO"'l "AUTHOR IZ£'D A~~~~~~~<1R""'?\~"-~\..-.:J~ S IGN ....TU RE 01"OW NER I "OWNER a UILDER,OAT PLANCHECKVALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATE D liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOU R PERMIT CK.M.O.CASH PERMITVALIDATION CK . /ot,;... M.O .CASH F orm 1 00.11·77 IN SP ECTOR • INSPECTION APPROVALS ••• DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS : SETBACK . ---- TRENCH - REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL &- WEATHER PROOFING - CONCRETESLAB FRAMING INT .LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT.LATHING MASONRY - V FINAL USE SPACE BELO W FOR NOTES,FOLLO W-UP,ETC . EAGLE COU NTY B&ING PER MIT APPLI CA TION • FI NAL:C/O INSPECTION I L A ND SCAPEI NSPECTIO N FORM Revi ew Routing Form ()Prim ary Routing ()Rerout ing Permit No . 2-7-73 Date Referred ~tu~~ Appl icant . Q A~~ Locat ion P'l arm inq Commi ss ion File No._ Review and retu rn to the County Bu ilding Offic ial w ith in 6 working days Reviewed by:Date:_ ,f Recommend Approval:•uf(1/cRl~ t#£cRe..:-(pcr;(2.I ' I Planning:Compl ies with:Y es No Subdivision R egulat ions I B Zon ing Regu l a t ions " Site Plan (Landscapi ng )D CO~t:j"'S'rnAe Jz .&0 }UE:Af2-'~!:-'------------------- County E ngineer:Roads Grad ing Drainage DODOoDo0 Recommend Appro va!:_ Comments:------- oooo County Heal th:Water Sanitation Perc.test Co mments:-----------------------=~~+_-H..,.......-- Final Inspection:C/O R ecommend Approval Comments: DO FinalI nspecti o n:Landsc ap ing R e comm end Approval 00 Oomrnents ;------------------------------- b y ---,.__C/O I s sued Final F i li ng D at o _ Date _ ••INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS- 1.This Permit Is Posted on Building Site. 2.Job Address Is Posted,Legible from Street 3.24 Hours Notice Required for Inspections BUILDING PERMIT COUNTY OF EAGLE,BUILDING DIVISION CountyCourthouse 328-6339 Date Issued 7/10/78(add.12/22/78)Permit No 1042----- This permit isissuedwith the understanding that the builder agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the location ,construction and erection of the pro- posed structure forwhichthis permit is granted. Address Vaildas Sch one Condo.'s (Units3,1 7,19,5,6,25,26 Original Permit) Owner West Vail Associates (1272~~~8 add Unlts 8,27.20.7,11)$63.50Receipt 4494 Bertone Woodworker sGeneralContractor__....::....:.--'-~--:.;..:..:...;:..:..;.,:..:.....:..:..::..:....:_ BASEMENT AREA FLOORAREA ACCESSORY AREA Rough Ground Garage _ Finished Second Patio/Carport _ WestEastSouthtrNorthacsromproperyrnes: INSPECTORSMUST SIGN ALL SPACES BELOW FootingorCaisson Heot Meter Re-5teel Final Elect Waterproof Final Plumbing Rough Electric Final Heat ing Rough Plumbing Final RoughHeating Other RoughFraming SUBCONTRACTORS MUST BE LISTEDIN PROPER SPACE Excavating Roof ing Foundation Drywoll,Plaster ing Concrete Finishing Flooring Coisson Tile Loying (linoleum) Waterproofing Carpeting Carpentry Insulation Plumb ing Mosonry Heoting Painting Electricol Glazing Air Condit ioning M iscellaneous Setb kf OCCUPANCY OF UNTIL CERTIFICATE ISSUED THIS DO PERMIT NOT TRANSFERABLE NOT DESTROY THIS CARD RE·ISSUE FEE -$5 MINIMUM. WARNING NOT PERMITTED OCCUPANCY IS ..-----___w__-------'-----::!IIIL--------., iJ';fSPECTiON .VH.L ecr Gt MAD E UN .S - 1.T his P e rm:~'Is ?ested n Building S ire . 2.JO D }1d dn ~55 Is f O$fe 'r LE:g ibie rom Street 3.24 Hours Not ice R O I'.;Uri Cd 10r Insoections.. BUiLDINGDI VISION 3 28-6339 COU ~'TY OF E;-\GLE .• Co untv Cou rthou sej Da te Issu ed 7/1 0/78 (add.12 /22(78)Permi t No 1042----- Th ispe rmiti s i ssued wit ht he und er standing that th e builder agrees to comply wiih a lla pplicable l aws and r e gul aHons i nth e l ocat ion,construction and erection of the pro- d t t f I.'I..<h ',,dpose5rueureorv/I,liel'I us perm it IS grante . Add ress Vail das Schone Cond o.'s O w n e r \~est Vail Asso cia tes (Units 3,17,19,5,6,25,26 Orig inal Per mit) (12/22/78a ddUnlts8,27 ,20 ,7,11)$6350 R . Use •ecelpt #44 94 Be rto ne Woo dw orkersGeneraIContractor__--=-:c.:....::..::..:.'-=--..:..:..==:.:.::...;..:.:..::..:.....::=--_ flOO R AREABt-SEMENT A REA ACCESSORY AREA Rough Ground G arage _ Fin ished Second Pot io/Carport _ We stEastSouthpry: I NSPECTORS M UST ~IGN ALL SPACES BELOW Footingo rCai sson Heat M eter Rc-Steel Final El ect Wat erpro of Final Plumbing Rou gh Elecf r i c Fin al Heating Rough P lum bing F inal P-ough Hea tin;)Other Rough Fram ing I SUBCONTRACTORS M UST Be LISTEDI N PROPER SPACE E xc avati ng Roof ing. foun dat ion Drywa ll,Plaste ring I C oncrete Finishing __Floor ing C aisson T il e Laying (Lin oleum) Wa terp roof ing Carp eting C arpen try I nsulation Plumbin g M asonry Hea ting Pointing Ei ectr icol Glozing A ir Condifior unq Mi scellaneous Setbac ks fr om p ro etl ines lorth .P E i .,r;t T N OT NOT DEST RO Y TH IS DO TRANSFERAB LE THIS CAR D PE ·iSSUE f -55 Ml .1 1UM . WAR,i i\J G OCrf JP.lil\J(''(N .'7 PFP-.H r rED U NTIl r1=lHIr:irilT1= f ... EAGLE C ~NTY Eagle ,Colorado OFF ICIAL RE CE IPT Date ~. RECEIV ED OF ----I-~=="'---~<.l L.+-J .19 2i.- CASH I lI 'ff CH E CK ACCT . AMOUNT I T EM CODE Bu ild in g Perm it F ee ad£U.;.r.e.~~~/0'I.,1..~~II t4 @t-n4 63 15'"(J Application F or Subd ivision App l ic ation Zo ne Ch ange ! Co nd itional Use I Special Use Va ri ance Ap peal Fee Code :(Bu i lding)(Zon ing)[Su bd i v isio n}: I To tal Rece ived tb3 S O Al l I t e ms are r ece ive d f or c cuectio n o nly and t hi S r eceip t shallbeca nce lled for n o-payme nt of an y ite m . N ~4494 ..,.••0'<('.1 u IV I~0 N :Pille t"r\II :>J II)lG J 5'I b)Z.SI c..G::. .. A~U",J\~\0 ~IJI'-D '....k 1 '?~liV\TI ;::t:t-I oL.{L- a 1;2..1 ,'-0)/1\ it 800D ) --;s •"'"\.V\...u "rwr\'S J)l.n.-Z.'2..J \°l7r •EAGLE COUNTY 1_/ Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT CASH RECEIVED OF ~~ 4 -;< .$1"9.QCHECK________::..L-' ITEM Date ACCT. CODE M:I f.19 ~ AMOUNT Build ing Permit Fee 't~.f;:I,"d-[7J-/.:z ~ Application For g.A.";7;~l ~ .-V'u Fr.r.--:r:,-,- Subd ivision Application Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Varian ce Ap peal Fee Code :(Build ing)(Z oning)(Subdivision) T otal Received /,J'00 p.~o A llI tem s ar er eceived fo r c ollection o nly and t hisr ece ipt shallbe cancelled f or no ·paymen t o fany i tem. N~4117 Bertone WOOdWOl rs Building fHome Improvemen t P .O.Box 250 Avon,Colorado 81620 De lbert Sheeks (303)476·1 288 floc._~;1 / U ~T'S--.7 I ")13 ~.~lT lJ r,n~\"3 I e J 1'7)I<J I ~J ~~,2.7 ::R>IL:D •-•-------_..--.. \;......-~--~../\(~\S:, L ~_c.(J <{'":-(3 -- .=i -h o.~C<-fs9/'Yv\~-CJf\ -1,+lR_L?C\X ~_cLo 'S.~~oP ~'"~I c\_;.(\ '-v ~.u_C\.\\----fb \'~lAtI~'S -~ lr£~.Q ~le c.~_C{I\t..--=:t:-~u.\d _ C..I ~R --\->0 ~,d-J ~00.'1\_~D ~__ ~t -LAC\.0 ~-~--""2--')~I -6 -r -L-O /t-:;.-~C\.~_I (-_c ~~c D~\~n-r---Q _6 ~~~_ ,_"Z./0l:X2 )C'~L~_~~_l/,:--t '-0 0(\> ..\0t'-o b \0 ~~\S2 G ~_C G~c.~I\-.JZ II r ~C c.<d \.cJ _~_(l\.-t k~C\.~~C\~ ~.oF\/COllCXf~10j ~\~ ~\')DL;. -- 'S1f1C..-J?!'\)_ ~- J!i1BCEl VED -EC11 1978 I _DtjI L 01 Plo oninc ,ae-. ~.Cam. (CONTR'S L ICENSE) I.:DI G RMIT JOB WEATHER CARD 1042 • •BUILDINGDiV eN OF EAGLE COUNTY,P••BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE,CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 DATE _---'_..~......IO---::::-___:=_...:..:......~--- APPLICANT D.~IBI.LJJJXl1~:~:~L -'::'- NO .(PROPOSED USE) ZONINGDISTRICT _ (TYPE) (CROSS S TREET)(CROSS STREET) ______FT.WIDEBY FT.LONGBY F T.INHEIGHTAND SHALL CONFORMINCONSTRUCTION LOT____________________LOT BLOCK SIZE _ __________USEGROUP BASEMEN T WALLS OR FOUNDATION ----;::::=':-_ '"BETWEEN ~e e,SUBDIVISION"-co BUILDING ISTOBE0co <5z TO TYPE ::E 0: 0 u,REMARKS: • (CUBIC /SQUAR E FEETI BUILD ING DE~ BY ----c------=--7'7"--~......'----nnx 1403.VtdJ .CO.ADDRESS _-'....""'--"'-"'.......---'......._..........:JL _ THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET,ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF.EfT ER TEMPORARILY OR .. PERMANENTLY.ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY ,NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE,MUST BE AP~ PROVED BY THE JURISDICTION.STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL AS DEP TH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .THE ISSUANCE OF TH IS PERMIT DOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM THE CONDITIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE SUBD I VISION RESTRICTIONS. AP PROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON J OB AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNT IL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MINIMUM OF THREE CALL INSPECT IONS REQUIRED FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK: 1.FOUNOAT IONS OR FOOT INGS.MADE.WHERE A CERT IFICA TE OF OCCUPANC Y IS RE- Z.:~~OBRE~~(~~X~~'~g t~~';W.TURAL QUIRED ,SUCH BUI LDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIED UNT IL 3.F INAL INSPECTION BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. OCCUPANCY. WHERE APPLICABLE SEPARATE PERM ITS ARE REQU IRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMBING AND MECHAN ICAL INS TA LLATIONS . POSTTHISCARDSOITISVISIBLEFROM STREET BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVALS PLUMB ING INSPECT ION APPROVALS ELECTRICA L INSPECTION APPROVALS 1 r/r.d4f~I j:jtl...&~1 1 2 2 2 3 HEA TING INS PECTING APPROVALS REFRIGERATION INSPECTION APPROVALS 1 1 ~['.~I I ,.~,.JP .IJ-;).'J-7S O THER 2 2 WORK SHALL NOT PROCEEDUNTILT HE PERMIT WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION INSPECT IONS IND ICATED ON TH IS CARD I NSPECTORHASAPPROVEDTHEVARiO US WORKIS NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF DATE THE CANBEARRANGEDFORBY TELEPHONE STAGESOFCONSTRUCTION.PERMIT IS ISSUED AS NOTED ABDVE.OR WRITTEN NOT IFICATiON. EAGLE COUNTY / -.-""~ BUILDING ~tVISION P.O.BOX l"ilJ PHONE :32a16339 ••INSPECTI~N REGUEST PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL VENTrLATION MECHANICAL HOODS PARTIAL PLUMBING FINAL ROUGH STANDPIPE woes PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.J LOCATION --"-----'---;;-'-__~'_"____"___'__'__"'____ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR --,,--'--AMPM COMMENTS:--------.22<--.-;.--"'------------------------ o APPROVED '"13 DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS J ~11 / .::)~ INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 •N REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY •DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI--::--'--AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT I I" o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS --'--_...:.-._-"-----"""""'-''------'---"-'-'''------'----..,--''----'-----'-----'---'------- EAGLE COUNTY ~~~.,-,,..v..7L..~--L.4BUILDINGDI~~~:d--I-;e f-~~N S P E C T ~N P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 REBUEST PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION: PARTIAL VENTrLATION MECHANICAL LOCATION: PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL LOCATION: JOBNAME AMPM CALLER __...u.~~~1&.~~~~!-b~=...1..~~~~~~!..-_ I INSU,LATION _~ SHEETROCK COVER PARTIAL BUILDING FOUNDATION FRAMING DATE -Y TIME RECEIVED ;?:'Q o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE COMMENTS:£I";;~ WED THUR o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY _.r:;-A 11•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 DATE JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER -"--"""""'"-=-=--::.=..::......o:=:........:~=___--"--'='---_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION;LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION __ READY FORINSPECTION r J ..... MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM /COMMENTS:----"O':"":'~"--'-;------'----:-'-;-----'-;--.:::...'-------'-'-----.,.__--~---'------_7'=_'_...,..,-'--'--_';7_------- El APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------- DATE / fJ -/3 BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 •j-:Z <:> INSPECT~N EAGLE COUNTY IDATEJOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _---'=-__~~--...:....-----:."...",,,._----------------------- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE ROUGH FINAL woe S FRAMING FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION -,'"' FRI ~/-'-_AM P ~WEDTUEMON COMMENTS :---,.!.:......::.-.!--'-"-;---=""'--__=--'--;-__~____'::.:__ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR --, County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N!!.1341 Building Valuation $. E lectrical Valuation $. Vaildas Schone Apts.-Units5-6-20JobName . Date of Application R~.<;.e.IJ)p.~.r _.?7._1!1.a . ..Hess Electric #1089ElectricalContiactor_.___.._. Applicant.. Sianatu re APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.3§.e.QQ . $. $..}!?:.9.R . P lan Che cker ..~:..fJ -~_.~I~ Uate Dale .12/27/78DatePaid . Received BY J..·.~~.~.l .~!.'.. Receipt #4496 Bldg .Permit #1042 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANCENOTIC E REQUIREDFOR INSPECTIONS , County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT -1JobName•.. Da te of Application r:'...19 . Electrical Contrac tor ~!i ~. Building Valuation $.Applicant . Slana ture Electrical Valuation $. APPROVALS Permit Fee $~. Inspection Fee $.Plan Checker Date Date I ..t ...•,.....•.b . C hie f Bu ilding Offi cl.l ./ $.Total Fee Date Paid ~.. Received By . THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIREDFOR INSPECTIONS EAGLE COUNTY / -.-""~ BUILDING ~tVISION P.O.BOX l"ilJ PHONE :32a16339 ••INSPECTI~N REGUEST PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL VENTrLATION MECHANICAL HOODS PARTIAL PLUMBING FINAL ROUGH STANDPIPE woes PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.J LOCATION --"-----'---;;-'-__~'_"____"___'__'__"'____ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR --,,--'--AMPM COMMENTS:--------.22<--.-;.--"'------------------------ o APPROVED '"13 DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS J ~11 / .::)~ INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 •N REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY •DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI--::--'--AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT I I" o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS --'--_...:.-._-"-----"""""'-''------'---"-'-'''------'----..,--''----'-----'-----'---'------- EAGLE COUNTY ~~~.,-,,..v..7L..~--L.4BUILDINGDI~~~:d--I-;e f-~~N S P E C T ~N P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 REBUEST PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION: PARTIAL VENTrLATION MECHANICAL LOCATION: PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL LOCATION: JOBNAME AMPM CALLER __...u.~~~1&.~~~~!-b~=...1..~~~~~~!..-_ I INSU,LATION _~ SHEETROCK COVER PARTIAL BUILDING FOUNDATION FRAMING DATE -Y TIME RECEIVED ;?:'Q o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE COMMENTS:£I";;~ WED THUR o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY _.r:;-A 11•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 DATE JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER -"--"""""'"-=-=--::.=..::......o:=:........:~=___--"--'='---_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION;LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION __ READY FORINSPECTION r J ..... MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM /COMMENTS:----"O':"":'~"--'-;------'----:-'-;-----'-;--.:::...'-------'-'-----.,.__--~---'------_7'=_'_...,..,-'--'--_';7_------- El APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------- DATE / fJ -/3 BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 •j-:Z <:> INSPECT~N EAGLE COUNTY IDATEJOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _---'=-__~~--...:....-----:."...",,,._----------------------- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE ROUGH FINAL woe S FRAMING FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION -,'"' FRI ~/-'-_AM P ~WEDTUEMON COMMENTS :---,.!.:......::.-.!--'-"-;---=""'--__=--'--;-__~____'::.:__ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR --, County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N!!.1341 Building Valuation $. E lectrical Valuation $. Vaildas Schone Apts.-Units5-6-20JobName . Date of Application R~.<;.e.IJ)p.~.r _.?7._1!1.a . ..Hess Electric #1089ElectricalContiactor_.___.._. Applicant.. Sianatu re APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.3§.e.QQ . $. $..}!?:.9.R . P lan Che cker ..~:..fJ -~_.~I~ Uate Dale .12/27/78DatePaid . Received BY J..·.~~.~.l .~!.'.. Receipt #4496 Bldg .Permit #1042 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANCENOTIC E REQUIREDFOR INSPECTIONS EAGLE C~NTY Eagle,Colorado OFFIC IALR ECEIPT ~~fe<:4-«;eo, ~'-7 R E CEIV ED o F -C'~=--"~~="""_____""""_'__ CA SH 1 ..3 ~0 7 C H ECK ACCT. AMO UNT ITE M COD E Bu ildingPermitF ee App lic atio nF or 't..+..:»e J-L ::;I:I ~J.t I 3(,t:'CJ Subdi visio n A pp licatio n Zone Ch ange Con di ti onal U se Spec ia lU se Var iance A ppeal F ee Code :(Bu i ldi ng)(Z oning)(Su bdiv i sion) To ta l Recei ved I 36 eo". A llI tem s ar e r ece ived for c otlec tion on ly an d thi s rece ip tsh a ll be ca nce lled f or no-p aymento f any i tem . N ~4496 By ------n<==-f=\"~=__ 3 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED UN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /3'11 ELECTRI~AL PERMIT APPUc.4lTION 0 ~••z Jurisdiction of ~•.0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~·•Jo e "'CD~ESS vA IL DAS SC/-lON e A p,q e.T yyt.:e I\JTS UN ITS 5 -(P .Jd O W ESTUAlL LO T N O . 1 m IT "A C T OS EE ATT ACH E:O SH EETILEGALIlDEscf'. OW NER MA IL ADD RES S Z IP PH ONE 2 CO N TRA CTOR MA IL .t.DDIII ESS P HON E L I C EN SE N O. 3 J.-I.es5 e t ~(TI2.I(iSax ss .A u o rU ('0 tf /(,,;;J,O 'I7G:.0 109 1029 A RCH I TE eTO R DES IGN ER ""....t L A DDRE SS P HONE L ie E NS EN O . 4 ENG IN EER MAIL A DDR ESS PHON E.L IC E NSE N O. 5 LEN DEI'I M AI L ADD RE SS BRANCH 6 U SEOF'B UI L D ING 7 8 Class of work:DNEW o ADDITION DALTERATIDN o REPAIR RemODEL 9 Describe work :Hook UP :3 J-I e AT£l).5:-I I I lJ ll J rTION eO~ / ~U /l}IT r x I::J O CJ s:.~l.00, PERMIT FEES .N o .E ach Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Total RECEPTAC LE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH T ota l..LIGHTI NG F ix tures APPLICATION ACC EPTEDBY ;PLANS CH EC K ED B Y :APPROVED FDAISSUANCE BY ,FI XTURES .. RAN GES CLO .DRYER WTR .H TR. NOTICE GARBAGE DISP.ST A .COOK TOP I H EREBY CER TIFY THAT I H AVER E AD AND E XAMINE DT HiS DI SH .W ASH.CLO THES WA SH. APPLIC ATION AND KN OW THE S AME TO BE TRUE AN D C ORRECT .SPACE HTR .STA.APPL.11'1.H .P.MA X . A LLP ROVI SION SO FLA WSA ND OR DINA NCESG O VE RNING THI S T YPE OF WORK W ILL BEC OMPLIED WIT H WHETH ER S PEC IFIE D MOTORS ,H .P ...HE REIN O RN OT.T HE G RA NT ING O F A P ER MIT D OESNO T PR ESUME T O GIV E AUTHO RI TY T O VIO LA T EO R CAN CEL THE PRO VISIONS O F A NY OT HER STATE OR LOCA LLAW REGU LATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PE RFORMANCEO F CON STRUCTION.N O .T RANS . S IGNS NO .L AMPS TEMP.POWER U POLE UUNDGD. S ERVICE 0 -200A (:§?~.2 01 -4 00A\,)."\';;l,~h ~DNEW 401-600A~ S I GNA T U RE O F"CO NTRA CToitA A U TH O RIZED A GENT (D AT E I o CHANGE OVER 6 0 0A PERMI T ISSUING FEE S SIGNA TURE O F O WN ER IF"OW N EIit !!IU I L.DER )(O ATE )TOTAL FEE S .~l",fYl PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK .M.O.CA SH ~4f '!'!16 ~.~.#=Io'l.:& INSPECTOR Form 100.3 1 1-7 3 R I!OR D ER F ROM :INTERNATIONA L CON FERENCE OF BUILDI NG OFFICIALS.53eG s.WO R KM AN M ILL.ROA D.WHITTI ER .C AL I ....e O_I)I , '--~ "~.... 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'I ,f;;;=Fr"',.. 1 .1 i I I f,.-. .~I ~: c ,) ~\ Ii t !; I I I.. '\I' I , ,' • ,•• 4-17-78 The followi ng 1s a list of those tenants of the Vail Das Schone Shoppi ng Center who aeknowle_ge their approTal of a ai nor chan~~in the coadoai n1ua plat(as per the attached a ..e nded aap)by their signatures. by _ : -r, .. '~.r-...-:.~-- •I '. -~,I~I ---- J,J8 .u co ' 11 ~L _--,,,......__-, ....1 "~S q .;.T "~ 4318.8",sq rr. ".,'t-. " 'I .'5/.".,3 11 r r. ~. / /' A1AIN L E VEL S~4/.3 ·I".zO.g , ,I ~' ~, i I i ! j - C.4~· 'Ii r Ii I II .Ii-..I ;!~.80m .."~l i~muH "~ I f---t~I ~II ell'U:.",~~/k I I '!.!LI- SI .,.J~3 .0 ().J Q .,r. .r~?~:-:....----jP'=--'7-, 'I III .~,~~--------,~---,--- U,-I --, .,.----- C E RTIFICATION I I :1-..1 7 (-'c .............,)_.- <,.....---..:.::---. 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I ••:5/..,.'1 $"orr. { ;/ /y' A 1AIN LEVEL :J ~~/4 "/~.lCl.f/' i ·1~. ~; C.4 ~' i :i $1 I 'tll.1--' ••, It'.:21 <1.-I $Q r T. -'J$S ,oa "Q."T. . ---_._..-----_._------.-_._---------~---_._------------------------------------------- I il l I ~I I I ! "l {' DATI ;rtlO .,~."'7'7 OATE ; I.IA .t,.~,.,~/,,·',~ "'/'.11 1""4/~/Jr'_ S4U'Y'S.'hY.-Zi33 C£~TI.c-ICA T/OI\/ ..../---- ,.I . U I ?(-;\". .1 _-//f .~:: ,;::.:,.j ...!.iftJ -~ .?t __...C:O ~O-"'OO •••l a o r"vt:_....:.,.•.1''',_0 ..1 $0"2 S.C AlE :'"•.z....,. So,Jlh [Y I T:1'''.,A".W: :J[SI()II I V. .I,1t"""...~~J.,£R ,c;,.,.Js,h ~,.~,J,!I co ,,;:I¥'I I ':'JI-••"~"~.Y ,/hf,,,,--~,~i#1A,~#_I lit,I ~·~.I -'Q .s S:h;",.c Sh ~e1P -'''9 ~~,.,I ~r 1YC3 U dh e I oJ,..:;'""'y JfJ'p"'''''31",.,.~,.,,,I"a ;I~G d~:"-: "'n,3 ,.;n.s J ';.:,..-"c ....'/';""tl!c:lra"""'i S i1 r~oc c.,- >1 /~I ,I;"~_~I ,1'my k"~N/''';'~, ,r .J ~...~.~...o1Mll U D n ; -;;7-:-;5-' •.......e I ......l-i :,,,,co ::. !~~/s:j).4:J SC"NC""£S"'CP~UV6 Co!',.,-r ..--<. C,,"__L'C ,AL R L Al7A "-'S ,PACESl,;1~a ,n 4 ''''''/, !p ",,?O'I:'t',.rOl'W~$'Va l/AS$:;;"~,~~3 I I • Maxwe 11 Barz Clerk and Recorder Eagle County Eagle ,Colorado Dear Max: March 22,1978 • I,Danny Williams,Chairman of the Ea91e County Commissioners,hereby authorize you to accept for recording for the next thirty days,the plat entitled asfo IIOI'/s : Vail Das Schone Condominiums Said plat was approved on the 26th day of September 1977,andno changes havebeen made sInce that date. Dated this 22ndday of March,1978. Danny Williams,Chairman Eagle County Commissioners • Maxwell Barz Clerk and Recorder Eagle County Eagle,Colorado Dear Ma x: January 19,1978 • I,Danny Williams,Chairman of the Eagle County Commis- sioners,hereby authorize you to accept for recording for the n ext thirty d a ys,the plat e ntitled as follows: Vail Das Schone C ondominiums Said plat was approved on the 26 day of Septembe r 1977,and no changes have been made since that date. Dated this day of January,1978. Danny Williams,Chairman Eagle County Commissioners • Maxwell Barz Clerk and Recorder Eag Ie Coun ty Eagle,Colorado Dear Max: March 13,1978 • I,Danny Williams,Chairman of the Eagle County Commissioners, hereby authorize you to accept for recording for the next thirty days,the plat entitled as follows: Vail Das Schone Condominiums Said plat was approved on the 26day of September,1977 ,and no changes havebeen made since that date. Dated this 13thday of March,1978. Danny Williams,Chairman Ea gle County Commissioners -. A WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES,LTD . 9933 Lawler Avenue ,Su ite 410,Skok ie,Illi no i s60076 -Phone (312)677-6305 Mr.Terrill Knight Dept.of Planning &Development 550 Broadway Eagle,Colorado 81631 FEB !G 1978 Dept.UI l 'I:'JII1I116 v.uovet, fagle County.COlo" GENERA L PARTNER: WEST VAILDEVELOPMENT CORP . G .HUDSON W I RTH-PRESIDENT February 14,1978 RE:File No.Sf-88-77 -Final Plat Vail Das Schone Condominiums Dear Terrill: I appreciated receiving your letter of January 26,1978,in- forming us about the tabling action taken by the Board of County Commissioners. We are very hopeful of affirmative action by the Board on February 22nd for a number of reasons: 1.The vast majority of condo buyers (11)are v ery anxious to close.An unsolicited letter from one buyer is enclosed.Another buyer,Mr.Lloyd R.Wade,a Denver attorney,has expressed willingness to testify before the Board as to the fairness of the purchase contracts on behalf of the buyers who want to close.Each of these new owners become Eagle County taxpayers.Any buyer who is not satisfied with his purchase has been offered a complete refund. 2.We had three law firms work on the legal procedures and contracts to make sure that we complied with all Colorado statutes.The three firms are: (1)Jenner &Block (2)Meer,Wolf &Slatkin (3)Otto,Peterson &Blish Chicago Denver Vail Mr.Terrill Knight page '!Wo • February 14,1978 3.I feel the sign code is a separate matter and should not delay the final plat filing.AsI stated in my letter of January 28,1978 to Mr.Blair,we are lO~/o in agree- ment with the County in enforcing the new sign code when it is enacted.As you know,we do NOT own the signs. We did NOT erect them and we do NOT pay any lease fees on them. I read the proposed new code -Sec.5-Page 2-Item 4- Administrative Procedure which states: "Within a reasonable time after the effective date of this resolution,the Sign Administrator shall compile a list of the existing nonconf crming signs and present said list to the Sign Review Board at its next regularly ·scheduled meeting.Th e sign Review Board may affirm,add to or delete signs from the list as presented by the Sign Administrator. After the review of the list of nonconforming signs by the Review Board,the Sign Administrator shall send written notice by regular mail,postage prepaid, to the owner of the nonconforming sign (if known to the Sign Administrator)and to the owner of the pro- perty,business,interest or enterprise advertised or identified by the nonconforming sign .Within 15 days from the date of said notice,the owner of the sign or the property,business,interest or enter- prise advertised or identified by the nonconforming sign may appeal the classification of the sign as nonconforming to the Sign Review Board and the Board of County Commissioners,or he may file an application for a variance." Compliance through this procedure should solve any sign problems between Eagle County and the local tenant mer- chants and the sign owner ·.o r (lessee.) 4.Most importantly,we have spent an enormous amount of time and money to improve this property since we acquired it about one year ago.The primary objective of condo con- version was to provide low cost,high quality permanent housing to local area people -who would continue to take pride in ownership versus a crowded rental unit that was • Page three Mr.Terrill Knight deteriorating the building and the area. February 14,1978 Any further delay would cause undue economic hardship on the buyers since the cost of delay will have to be added into future selling prices. We are,therefore,respectfully requesting your cooperation in pre- sen ting our views to the Board. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, CC:Richard Helms J ay Peterson George Rosenberg Lloyd Wade WEST ,President VAIL DEVELOPMENT CORP. General Partner •T ELEPHONE (405 )355-6165 CARROLL ROGERS COMME RC IAL PROPERTIES 626 DAve . LAWTON.OKLAHO MA 735 01 Feuruary 8 ,197 8 G.Hu ds on vlirth ,Pre sident \'Iest Vail Develo pment Corp. 9933 Lawl er Av e. Suite 410 Sko ki e ,Ill.6007 6 Dear Nr .~iirt b , Iam i n r eceipt of your l etter dated J an uary 2 7 in which you h ave indicated t .hat,yo u were d eni ed the r eco r ding th ec ond om iniumd eclaration.t·:y partner a nd 1 have no objections t o the delay in closing .In fact ,our only corr.plaint at t h is p oi nt is as mall p lumbi ng problem i nvolving the manner in wh i.ch the dd.shwash er'wasi n s talled in:itially . \Ie are pl eas ed \d Lht he fac i lity and trust the differences \·;i t h management and th e four o wners will ber e solved shortly . Sinc erely , //)-") '--t !A/.....c:..:,//-'//7 /:-<<::"'-/ Carrol]Rogers CR/bhb .., ... "......,: .".. • Janaury 18,1978 Maxwell Barz Clerk and Recorder Eagle County Eagle,Colorado 81631 Dear Max: • I ,Donald Price,Chairman of the Eagle County Planning Commission,hereby authorize you to accept for recording for the next thirty (30)days,the plat entitled as follows: Vail Das Schone Condominiums Part of the East 1/2,S.E.1/4,Section 11, T 55,R81 W.,6th P.M.,Eagle County, Colorado Said plat was approved on the ~lfday of 'SEf'TE-M13E.tS 1977 ,and no changes have been made since that da te. Dated t his / -..'1 ,j . .r)-day of January ,1978. --<::::.-;:~b ),...<~~~\:.....-'•Dona~d Vrlce ;Chairman Eagle County Planning Commission EAGLE COU NTY Department of Planning Box 179 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 328·6809 ' ADMINISTRATION 328·6674 AN IMAL SHELTER 949·4292 ASSESSOR 328·6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eagle 328-6377 Basalt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328 -6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVI RONMENTAL H EALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle 328 -6594 Vall 476-5844 PLANNING 328·6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eagle 328-6611 Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328'6376 /'(s ,',\'..~...v -, &Development March 29,1978 Y~st Vail Assoc.,Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue Suite 1110 Skokie,111.60076 Re:File No.Sf-88-77 At their special meeting on23March 1978,the Board of County Commissioners approved and si gned the extension request to record t he final plat. If you have any questions,please contact this office. ..!~..~.z/l./'.c{,!'.~.."'-0/U Plann er TK/jk cc:Board of County Co mmissioners Jay Peterson le AGUE C ••Department of Planning &Development Box 179 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 328·6809 . ADMINISTRATION 328·6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949·4292 ASSESSOR 328·6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328·6339 CLERK & RECORD ER Eagl e 328·6377 Basalt 927·3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328·6674 ENGINEER 328·6337 ENVI RONM ENTAL HEALTH 328·7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328·6370 LIBRARY 328·7787 PUBLIC H EALTH Eagle 328·6594 Va,l 476·5844 PLANNING 328·6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 328·6591 SHERIFF Eagle 328·6611 Basalt 927·3244 Gilman 827·5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328·63 28 TR EASURER 328·6376 /\~: l i I March )If,1978 West Vail Assoc.,Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue Suite 410 Skokie,111.60076 Re:FIle ~!o.Sf-88-77 / At their Public Hearing on13 March 1978,the Board of County Co mmissioners continued your request for extension of plat ap proval until March 23,1978,at 1:30 p.m.to allow for further comment from the commercial tenants. If youhaveany questions,please contact this office . T:<!Jk cc:Board of County Commissioners 26 January 1978 Ea gle.Color ado8163 1P.O.Box179 - F FLANNHiG AfJD 550 BroadwayMcOonaldnldg. • West Vail Associates,Ltd . 9933 Lawler Avenue,Suite 410 Skokie,Illinois 60076 Re:File No .Sf-88-77 -Final Plat / Vail Das Schone Condominiu ms At their meeting on25 January 1978,the Board of County Commissioners tabled your r-eque st for a l etter allowing the fil ing of your plat toF ebru ary 22 to give the County time to inve stigate all eged imp rop ri eties in condo - minium sales contracts and to give you time to compl y with Eagl e County sign regulations . If you have any questions,please contact this office. Terrill Kn ight Planner TK/jk c c:Board o f C ounty C om mi s sion e rs Plannin!:D"partml'nL!l'lannin!:Commi ssio n:S ubdivision.Rezoning,Applicat ions and Review (303)328-6338 Buildin!:Official :Bu ildi n!:P ermitsandI nspectio n,Zoning Adm in is tration (303)328-6339 HAGLE COUNTY e "p ArH~!~G AND McD onald Bid,.;.5 50 Bro a dway P.O.Box179 27 Sept ember 1977 EV Eagle.Colorado 81631 West Vai l Ass ociates ,Ltd • .9933Lawl.ar Av enue ,Suite 410 Skokie,Illinois 60076 Re:File No.Sf-88-77 Final Plat Vail Das Schone Condominiums At their Special Me etingon 26 Septemb er 1977,the Board of County Co mmi s sioners a ppr oved y our f inal plat,waiving t he requirement for a title certi f icate on it .l~e plat willber ecorded by this office upon the removal of the title certific ate and the p ayment of the recording fe e($10 per pa ge).Because we cann ot r elease the plat to you,y ou or your age nt may come to this offic e to mak e the nec essary chan ge. If ~ou haV~y questions please contact this office. lL1l~h! errill Knight /'7 f() Plann er ( TK/dk cc:Boa rd of County Co mmis sioners Ken Ric hards,Engine ering I'l anninl:()l'l'ar lm "n l/l'l a nnin ~Co mmi ssion:Su bd ivisio n ,I lt·zo n i n ~.Al'l'lkalions a nd Ill 'vi"w (303)3 211-1 i338 Building O ffi"ial:Buildinl:I'..rmit sa ,nl In spection.Zonin g A rlministrntion 1:1lJ:1):I2N·li:I:19 •L A rn~U~G A r~D D 1-LOPKl I~~ EAGLE •D PARTL~Br1 T McD onald Hld g.550 Broadway P.O.!lox179 E agle.Co loradu 11 1631 23 Septemb er 1977 West Vail A ssoc iate s,Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue,Suite 4 10 Skokie,Illi nois 6 0076 Re:File No.Sf-8 8-77 Final Plat -Vail Das Schone Condominiums At th eir co ntinued m e eting on 22S eptember 1977,the Ea gle County Planning Commis sion recomm ended appro v al of your final plat with the condition that the minor technical error s ide ntified by th e County Surveyor I s Office be corrected. This recommend ation w i ll be for warded to th e Board of County Commi s sioners at th e ir s p e cial me eting on 2 6 S eptember 1977 b eginning a t9 :00 a s m,in the Commis sioners I Me e ting Room #103,550 Bro adway,Eagl e,Colorado • .If you have any further qu estions,please contact this office. /~G~~ T errill Kni ght .Planner TK/jk cc:Board of County Commiss ioners Rich ards En gin eering Pl anni n f ~[h'p ar lnwn tl Plal1ninl :Comm ission:S ubdiv is io n,({l'zoni ng,A p nlic.u ion»a ndReview (:10;1)3 ?~H ;3 :1 11 B u ildin/:Of ficial:Bu ilding I'r -r m it s a nd In sp ect ion ,Zonim;Ad minist ratio n l .l0:lj :1 2 1l -li 33 ~' e [Inc. KennethE.Richards CIVIL ENGINEERING .PLANNING .SURVEYS SUBDIVISIONS .WATER &SEWER SYSTEMS Bo x ....C-100 Avon ~Co lora do ~8 1620 Phone 476 !i07@ 9 49-5072 Denver @ II 15@1 8 9 3-15 31 September 2 3,1977 RegisteredProfessionalEngineers RegisteredLandSurveyors Mr.Terrill Knight,Planner Department of Planning and Development 550 Broadway Post Of fice Box 179 Eagle,Colorado 81631 Re:Final Plat of Vail Das Schone Condominiums Dear Terrill: The three items brought up at the Planning Commission last night are answered a s follows: (1)The completion date of the field survey,as listed on the plat was Ma y 17,1977.All steel pins and cap s were set at that time. (2)There were certain minor revisions on the plat requested by the Planning Staff and Planning Commission,such as traffic pattern,parking arrangement,snow removal areas,etc.,which wer e added prior to the September 22,1977 meeting . (3)The addresses provided by the County Building Department are shownon the Site Plan ,2109 through 2129 North Frontage Road. We hope this will satisfy all of the items mentioned b y the Count y Surveyor. Sincerely, ;;::J?'4~L Kenneth E.Richards KER:cr •Johnson &Kunkel Land Surveying Co.Pho1303)328-7229 (3 03)328-7744 (303)328-7165 eveni ng P.O.Box7 18 Eagle,Colorado 8 1631 21 September 1977 MEMORANDUM •Surveying •Consulting Services •Ele ctronic Distance Measurem ent •Blueprinji 'C EIVED SEP 211977 Dep t.Of 1\}Jnmng &.[)glJdl. biN>COllnty.COlD. TO:Terrell Knight,Eagle County Department of Planning FROM:Johnson &Kunkel Land Surveying Company SUBJECT:Vail Das Schone Condominiums We have checked the above referenced final plat and find i t to be accurate and complete with the following exceptions: 1.No survey date provided. 2.No street addresses for units. 3.Tie from northwesterly property corner to the southerly building corner does not scale. 1'1',,11 4.Al~thicknesses are not indicated on page 4.The typical thicknesses do not seem to work out in all cases • .>-F5.The dimensions .and stairwells on the southwest and northeast ends of the building are incom plete. 6 .Elevations i na bo ve men tioned stairwells are also incomplete. 7.Reference should bemade to government benchmark for elevations. 8.Elevations on the east end of the south elevation ·are vague. David L.Kunkel,R.L.S.14109 e • DEPARTMENT DF PLANNING AND DEVELDPMEN T MEMORA NDUM McDonal d Bldg.550 Br oadway 14 September 1977 P .O.Box 179 Eagle,Colorado 81631 To:Johnson and Kunkel; George Rosenberg.County Attorney From:Terrill Knight.Planner Subj:Final Plat Check -Sf-88-77 -Vail Das Schone Condominiums Enclosed is a Final Plat for you review and comment for the Vail Das Schone Condominiums. Please let us know your comments and recommendations prior to the 2 1 September Planning Commission meeting at which time the item will be heard. Thank you 7~~~/ Plan ning Departmen t/Planning Commission :Subdivision.Rezoning,Applicationsa nd Review (303)328-6338 Building-Official:BuildingP ermitsa ndI nspection.Zoni ng Adm inistration(303)328·6339 DEP AR TMENT DF PLANNING AND DEVELDP~'ENT To : F:-OI:l : Date: 550 Bro adway Eagle CountyP lanning Commis sion De partment of P lanning a nd Dev elo pment 15 September 1 977 P.O.Bolo 179 Eagl e.Colorado 81631 Staff Recommendations P age2 Wh en E ag l eCo unty was int he process of de velop ing the Ma ster- Plan for t he Co unt y Airp ort ,th e re view of al l F A ~\g utdelfne s indic atedt hatt he prescntEa gle C ountyA i rpo rt site w as the most safe o f any area i n the C ounty thati sn't greatly r emo te from c om mu n ities and hi gh ways , It mus t be un ders tood that the r~AA i s di vid e d into se ver-al ve r -y s peci ali zed tec hnical sectio ns h avingtod o with arr-cr an o per-euoe , air space contro l a nd a irpo rt design a nd t hey al l ta:...ea different p ointo f view o f airport use ..b ut i n general .t lie FAA admoni shed local gover-nment t o protect atrpo r-rs from encroachment by other l and u ses and at the s ame time ,to no tl oc a t e in al ready con ge sted areas .. • Staff Recomm endat ions oni t ems a ppear-Ing befor e the Ea g le County Planning Commi s si onatt hei r m eetings o n 2 1 a nd 22 Septe mber1977 Agende It em s -21S eptember 1 977 (Wedne s day) File Xo ,2 5-·12-77 -Rocky Mo unt a in Airways i\.Req ue st :Special Us e Per mit to oper-ate an airport(STOLpo rt) B.Bac kground :Rocky Mo untain Airways would liket o de velop a STOLpo r tt o ope rate the T win Ot ter ,p r esently in use at th e Ea gle C ounty A irport,and th e DeHnvilland -Dash 7.a new a i rc raft .Both a re co n side re dsh o rt t ake off and l andi nga i rc raft. T he proposal i s t o operate th ese a t an enlarged a irstrip -the Xottl ngham Ra nch at A vo n.Eagle Co unty,C ol or ado. C .Staff Re com me nda ti o n s :Wh e nth e C ounty prepa red the M aster Plan i n 1 973 ,wec ons id e re d air t ran spo rtation facil ities and we considered t he l oc atior.of t he pre sent ai rpo rt.Wea lso co ns i deredpo pu lation c e nters ,g rowtha c tivity i n t he C ounty a nd all th eg utdel i ne a we we re made a wareo f b y th e F AA .From t h at,we de te rmi nedth e o nly safe a nd ac c essible area for 0.comme rcial t ype airp ort wa s t hepr-e se ntEagl eCo unty Airport s tte ,D uring all th e w ork s ess ion s and all t he public hearings .nobody came forwardt o r eque st th e airpo rt be d esignated for t he Avon area .In1974 w hen the m ajor deve topmems of E agl e-V ail.Ben ch mar k ,Deaver C reek and A rrowhead were being considered by the Co u n ty.incl udingtwo m ajor school s ites .no o ne came fo r ward and r e q uested t h at provisions for a n a irport be mad e in t h at arc e,No body protes tedt hep latting o f Be nchmar-k a s interfering with t he futu re a irport and it was de termi ned b y the C ounty that t h e Av on are a was no t a good site fo r a n Airport and nobody made the County aware th at it w as ad e sirab le o n c. While i t wou ldb e id eal to plan tran sportation f a cilities in c onjunc tio n w ith re cr eation d e velopme nt .n atu re d i dn't p ut the ideal places for those de vel opmen ts together .Therefore,thereh as t ob e a p hys ical separ atf on, ?lInr.ir.l{Dt"p.1t"t :T:t":'I:~·:.ln :H !:~Co:nrr:~s :o:\:S:Jbt:ii ~'i s ;o:'1 .Rezonin g,App licalio:\s a nd Rev iew (3031 32S-633 !l:. Bui:J::I"Oific4L Bui:J:n!:Permits and I nspect ion.Zor.in &,Admir.i:>tralion {303J328-6339 T he s ugges tio n in the a pplicants Env ironmental A asc ss m emth at a p ortiono f a p lat ted subdivi sion -Be nch mar-k -b e r-epl aue d L~ t herefore l udicrous,an d tos uggest th at the r-c s t dentt a l cr c a b e r eplace d wi th a dditional commercial d evelopment ha s no b a si s in good planning .There is alre ady ample commercial E'pJ.CC 1:'1 th e sur rounding d evelopment .A b etter an d s a fer-UeC for t hat are a wou ld b e openspace purchased b yt h e applican t. W ith r e spect to safety .l oc alg over-nment h as al w ays b een t old b y th e F A.A t hata irports should be designed s oai rcr aftw ouldn ot fl v e ver- r esidenti al a reas a nd p ub lic buildings such a s school s .The y have a lso to ld u s that th e to pographi c conditions a r o und th e EagleCo unty Ai r port m ake safety marginal f or aircraft .Topog raphic c on dit io ns i nth e Av on area are mores evere t han int he Eaglc C ount y Air-per-t a r ea . Oth er po ints f rom the En viro n me nt al A ssessm ent t hat should be s pecifi ca lly an s we red o r com p lie d with b eforea permit is i s sue d a rc: 1 .Sew age Di sposa l-s ugges t t hat septic tank s would allow significa nt p o ll ution of the Eagle River .(10fli ght spe r day of a 5 0 'p asse nger pl ane a re pl ann e d.A pctentl al of 1000 passengers pe r day) 2.Ap e rmit for th ep roposed well water supply has not b een obta i ned f romt heS t ate En gi ne er. 3.Road a cc ess fr om Beaver Creek Blvd .has no t b e en es t ablished with the owners of t he Benchrna.rk Subd tvfs io n , 4 .The areas affected b y noise fro m ai rcraft (xo r ce Expos ur e Forec a st M ap)wi ll requir ead di tion al sound ins u lation or r em oval of build ings. S :~;f Re ::!b mmeLda tions P age 3 Agenda It em S t aff Recomme nda tions P age4 • 7 . 8 . • 5 .The re are n o provisio ns fore merge ncy servi ces (fire and amb ulance). 6.Thepublic h as a hi gh i nve s tm ent i nt he p resent Eag l e Coun ty A i rpo rt .There m u st be ab s olute p rovi sions t o protect t h at . Su mmary :The Environme ntal Asses sment i s g ene ra lly c om plete an d a dequ ate and no permit should be i s su e du n l ess all the m itigating me as u r-es c o nta ined w ithin it are com pli ed with .Th e p er mit shou l d c ontain deta ileds p ec ifications I li m it a ti o ns o fai rc raft ope ration, including th a t o f th eow n er .Eag le C ou nty s ho ul dno t be h eld for any liability fo r any co n se qu e nc es of the opera ti onoft he S'I'Olspo r-t, In c on clu sion I t hiso f fi ce cannot recommend approval of t he permit b e caus e th es afety hazards are too great . Fil e Xo ,Zc u -3-7 7 -Mar ian G agnon A .Requ es t :C onditional U sc Permitto operate a dayn ursery f a cil ity forc h ildren . E .Backgroun d:A condit i on ti l use p e rmit w a s i s sued t o Mary Beacom for a day nu rs ery (L,{Jt 2 .Block E .Vail D as Schon e Fil ing #1).This applica tion is t o replac e that pr'ev lous l y i s sue d permit .The r equ est i sto p rovide a day care f a cil ity for s ix c h ildre n . c .St a ff Re co m me nd atfon:Recommenda p proval af t e r c o mple tion of s ite i m p r -ovcm c nt s to pr-ovi de a n off-s tr eet wai ting area for a ut om o bil e s and s om eou t s td ep l ay a r e a.The per mit s ho uld be i ssued o nan a nnua l r-e new al b as is . F ileXo ,Z S--10 -77 -Canyon Cab l e TV A .Requ e st:Speci a l Us e Pe rmit for ac able te l evi sion recei ver facil ity . B.Back ground:In s tallation o f thi s faci li ty inth e Resource zone i s permitted t hroug h a spec ial u se p e rmit (Sec tion 3.0 1 .04(2 )of the Zoning Resoluti on). C .St a ff Rec o mme nd a tion :Re co mm e nda ppr-oval for a perio d of fiv e years •Ap p l .ic attonfo r r enewa l of t h e per mit may be m adea tth at ti m e . file No ,2 5-·11 -77 -\Villi am Ruoff A .Re quest :Sp e ci al Use Pe r mit to b u ildo n a l ot w hi ch has a s lope in excess of 3 0 :~• B ~Bac kg rou nd r Th e Zo ning Re solution a llows construc tiont o take pl aceon s lopes g rea.te rth an t he 30 %an dl ess th an 4.0%provided a s pecia lu se perm i t i s i ssue d (se c t ton 4 .0 2 o ft h e Z oningResolution). c .Staff Rcco m m e nd a tfon ;Reco mm endd e nial .No s o il s and geologic h aza rd i nform at ion or building c on struction plans have be en sub mitted ,to indic ate thata safe buil ding s it e exis ts .~ Agenda It e m 9 . 10. 11 . F ile No .25 -43-77 -Cr mvford Mob ile Ho me Pa rk A .Reque st :Special Use Perm itt o exp and a mobile ho rne p ark . B.Bac kground :The Crawford Mobfle Ho me P a rk i s a non c onfo rm ing us c at t hi s tim e b ecause it w as in e xistance prior to enac tment o f t he Zoning Re s olution .Applica tion has be en m ad e t o expand the p ar-k b y 4 5 sp aces an d a sk etch pl an has be en r ev iewedbyt he Pla nmng C ommhsaicn ,This processs ub j ec t s the e ntire park to t h e speci al use p ermit .. C.S taff Re comm endation:Recommend app r-oval o f t he permit.f i nal ap pro val o f the p arkw ill be based on sub mitta l.r e vi ew .a nd a pproval o f a p relim inarypl an . file No .Z c -G3 -77 -Kelly Lyon A .Requ est :Zone Chang-e f rom Resource toCoru mcr-Ica lLi m ite d. B.Background :A'b uilding l oca t edont hes ite of th e p ropo sed r'e zon ing has b een converted for u s c as a retail s ho p an d is cu rrently in opera ti on .Thi s b u si nes s i s not i n c onf orma n c e wi th the pe rm itted u s es in th e r e source zo n e . C .St aff Reco mmendation:Re com mend de n ial .A r ezo ni n g f o r t hi s l ot i s notdesir able fo r th eIo ll owing r ea s o n s : 1.Ne gative im p acts on hi gh way 8 2 t raffic .S p ecific all y I t he Ingr-es s and egress from the si t e. 2 .I nt roductiono f u s potzo ne aw ay f r ome xl s t ingcommor-ctn l c ent ers (Bas al t and El Jebel )t en d s t o d e tr act fro m th ose ar-e as , 3 .The app li canth a s not a dequ ate l y de monst rated t he d e si r-abi li ty o f the zo ne c hang e (S e ct ion 10.0 3 .03 of th eZo ningRc solutfon )~ 4 .Z onin g al o ng h ighways in an u np lan ne d man ner't e n ds to p r omo te str-Ip developm ent an d its I attend ant prob lem s o f t raffic c on- g estion a nd confu sed p attern ofin compatible land u s es ~ F ile No .Zc -64 -77-Me r-v Lapin A .Reque s t :Zone Cha ng e from Resour ce to In du s t ri a l B.Backgrou nd :Th is r eque st is t o rezone a n a r ea a djac ent t o L1e C ount)'A irport for a i rport relat edf aciliti e s.Th e a pp lic ation i nvolve s a portion of land which was previou sly co nsi dere d fo r rezoning . C .S taffRecom menda tions :Recomme nd appro val . Agenda Lzera -Thu r sda y -22Sep tember19 77 1. 2 . 3 . •4 . 5. 6 .• ~a o e 5 F i le ~o .Se -17-i3 -Co lu~b in c North 4th Supp lemen t A .~:Review of a fina l c o n d ~in iu~map. B.B~ck ground :A s ub civ is lon e xempLion for the Col umbine ~o rth proj ect ~as a p ?r ~v~d byt he Boa rd of Coun ty C~1ssi ane r s on August 28 t 19 73.This ap?l ica:ion i s :or 3?prov3l of a fi ~a l condom iniuc map f or abu ild ing c u~r e n tl y u~c er c o~s t ~cti on . C ..5ca ff P.C:C l~·.o:?l'.ca t Lon ;Recccmend app rova 1 pending a plat ch ec k. File ~o .S f -6 5-7i -X i~e t een th fa irway Cond~in i um s 2ndSupp lement A.~:ne vte-..·o f a final c ondcra f n Lum nap B.t a~k ~rou~~:A p re li =i~a ~J p lar.fo r t he 19th Fairway C ond~in i~s was 2?~rov~d by t te Boare o f County C~is5 ione rs on April 27 t 197 6 ~~tl l ::he c cni!it i o~that t he c eveloper and cou nty en g ineer so lve "a proble::J." wi:~:r.e c ou~t y road .~h is ha ~been acc c~p1ished .This pla t i s t he f i::.sl pha se 0:devel o~en:o f this projecl . C.S:t af f Re cc-m cnda t Lon r Recccmenda pp r cva l pe nd i ng final p lat c h eck, File ::0.5 ':-,6 ·11 •Lac ra J .Es r aces Subdivision A.~:Rc v i~w ~f f:~l su bdiv ision pl at f or 14 l o t s on 42ac re s . 3 .Buc'<e r cc n d:The 30a rc.o f Coun ty cceat ssr cnees a pproved a p re Hmtna ry s ubd:v is ion plan fo r th i s subd iv:'sion on 26J uly 1977.The fin al p la t i si n s ~b st2nt i a l c~for.T.an c e with the preliminary ~l~n and r ec ~y~e nd ations. C .S:aff ~ec cr.=.e~=a ti c n :R e c~.end a pprova l pending final plat ch eck. File :';0 .Si-B l -7i'-Eag le Vai l S'I.:i..-::l Club -r.ep l.!lt of Lo t 106 Bleck 3-Trac tI Eng le Vai l Filing vI A.Rccu e s t r a evt e:..·0:£i::al p l atf or t h e swim club e nd ud j acent;l ots. B .~1i':'!C :The Bce r d o f Country Coreads s Loner-sa p proved aprelIsrdna r y s ~cc iv is :o~p1 3~f~r t~i s r esubd iv is i ononJ une ~8,1977 .Tn e f inal pl at i s in s ~bs t 3 n ti a l confo~a nce with the p r el imi n ary plana nd rec o:=;.c nd .1 t i ons . c .Sta ff Re c~er.da t i on :Reconmend approval pendinga ch eck of t hep lat . Fil e ~o .S f w3 S-77 -Vail Das Schone Ccndo~i nicms A.Re ,~e st :Rev iew of a f i r.a1 c o ~d orr.i ni ~~?lat for 48 un ics . B .~~n~:A p re li~i~ary p l a~for to is s u~d i v is i o n ~~s approved by tl1 e h c ~r d o f Cou ~t y C ~.issio~crs on Augu st 26,1977.The f inal pl at i s in s ub s tanti al con I o rmcncc \...Lth t he pre lininary plan .Thre e condit ions were p laced on the p re l i~inary plan a s f ol lows : 1.A~a cce ~t 3 b l e f 1~a l l andscape pl an must bes ubmitted . 2 .Addi ti o,al s no ~s toragea rea mus t be s hown. 3 .The cove red p3 =king a rea sh ou l db e exc luded . All th ree con dit iQn5 h~ve been ~e t .Site work has ~o t b e e~completed as ~f t hLs date . G.Staff Pe c ce-racn da r Lcn e Rec ocmend a pproval pen ding Hna I p la t che ck. Fil e :;0 .Sf w9 0 -77 -Gro use }lcCld.:H..-s Condoo 1niwr.s now ~'h1skey Hi ll Condominiums A.Ree ~e st :~ev ie w o f a fina l pla t for final ccnd~ini~r.~p . B .~~nd:A prel~inary s ubdivi s ion plan ~a s approved by the Board of Coun ty C~.is si o~e r s on August 20 1 19 77 .The fin al condominiummap is i n s ub a t .ant Lak c onforma nce with the app roved prel iminary plan . c .Sta:f Se c ceaenda t Lon r ze eceeend a pproval pead-tng .fina l plat check . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11. 12. 13. Page.6 F i le No.Se -176 -77 -Nott inghamRanc h Exenp tion A.Reque st :E xe~p ti on from su bdivisi on r egu l a ti ons t o c re a te one 2 ac re rural homes i te. B .Bac'rc ground :11115 item v as t abl ed from th e me eting of Acgus t 17 t 1977 pe nding s ubmi t ta l of a f i nal p l at a nd leg al a cc e ss t o the l o t. c .Starr Re c ~en d a t i on :Re c~end d en i al.The fina l p lat h as no t be en submitted a s r equested by the ?la n~~n6 C~iss ior..This itc=~us :b e r eviewed by the P lanning Comoiss ion end forwar ded to t h e g o~rd of C ~~~:y Comnf s s Lon crs .....ithou t fur ther delay un less a gree dto by the ap plicant (Sec tion 3 .07.03 of the Subd iv ision R egu la ti~). File ~o .Se -l i8-77 -Do.....d Developoe nt A.~:Exemption f roo Subdivision Reg ulations to confirc :he 6?lit o fan existing parce l . B.B a c k gr ou~d :This l ot is l ease d from the S tate Land Board .~o s L~c i v is ic ~ map has b een s ub~i t tcd by t h at Boa rd fo~the subdivis ion.th is r eque s t i nv olveson e lot.o f t he La rger s ubc dv f s Lon o f i nte r est (Sect ion 1.0S .0:.?(h) of the Subdiv is icr.Rcgu 1 3~ions ). C.Staff Re c~~n da ti on :Rec~en d t a bli ngt o r c ce iv ~fi r~l pla t . Fi le No.Se -179 -77 -Al ice P a~s or.s A.Re ques t :Ex ~ptic~from Subdivis ion Regu lat ions to co~fi~t he s pli: of a l ot • B.B3ckground :Matterhorr.Vill age Subdiv i sion ~as platted in 1 953,h o.e ve ~, l o t s w ~r e s old on t he bas is of metes a~d b ounds d es c ription s ~ic h c id n ot conform ~o the ap?~ov ~d ~l at. c .St~f(Recommen dat ion :Rec~e~d a pprov al pending final ?lat che ck . Fil eNo.Sc -IBO-77 -Fritz /Pcter son A.Rcqcest :E xe ~ption fr~Subd ivis ion Rc gu l a t i o~s t o e o~fi~t he s pli ~ o f a n e xi sti ng parc el . B .Backg r oun d:This l o ~i s l ca s ~d f rom t heS ta te La~d Board.~o su~d iv is i on map has been s ubmitted by t h at Boardfo rth esub d ivis ion .Thi s re~..le st involv es on e lot of the l a rge rsu b division of i nt ere st (Se ction 1.08 .02(h) o ft he Subd iv is i onRe gulati on s). C.Staf f R cc ~~cnde t i on :R e c ~en d a ppro~a l pe nc ing final pl a t c tec~a ~d s llbm i t t .-l~a-La n d s cape pl an . F ile No.Se -18l 4 77 -Uest Vail Devclop~ent A.Rcqu c ~t :E xem pti o~fr om subdivi sion re gula tion s to spli ~a l ot i n :o ~'O i n te rests. B.BackgroJnd :The divis ion of thi~prope rtyi s based ona p en di~g c ourt orde r .Appl i cation i s being made t o fol low t he cx~p ~io~pro~css for one p arc~l o f lot . C.Staff R e c ~~e n da t io n :Rccommend tab l ing .No f in al plat ha s b e e~ submitted . F ile ~o .Sc -lS 2-77-J oseph ~ayne A.Reque st :E x ~m?t i on fr om su bdiv isi03 r egul a tion s t o cre ate a ~o acre 'ru rn l h or aes Lte , B.Back gr oun d eThLar eq-res t;fo r a rural hcae sd t.e i s th e second e x ecp t Lon for t he 90 acre ranch. C.S taff Recommendat ion :Re c~end a pp roval pe nding ii ~AI p l£t c hec k. File No.Se-183 -ii -Roy La wler A.RCQcest :Exe~p tion f ron s ubd iv is ion re ~~latio":l s t o d ivid a a dup l e x lot . B.B ac ~u~d :this i san approved dcp lex l o t~with a d~p lex b ~ildi~£ no~being co~p l ct cd on it . C.S taff Re cODmer.datio~:Re c~e:ld app roval pendi~g 3 che~of the f i~~l plat with the i nc lusiono f a stat eoent ~n ich incica te s th3t in th e ca se of des t ruc t ion o f O:l.e o rb othun itst h at tuo separate un its czy c ot be b~ilt.The original lot must r~in a du plex l o e. • • 14. 15 . 1 6 . 17. 18. 19. 20 . Page 7 File No.Sc -184 -77 -Landa ue r Lo t 62 A.Request :E xe~pt ion from subdivi sion regulation~to divid e a duplex l o t. B.&ack8 ro~nd :This is a u ap ~ro v ed duplex l ot. c.Staff Ilccornmcnda t Lc u j Re conmend denia l.Iri fo rma z f on s ubmi t tedi sn ot adequate to n3 ke a determination of t he d i vis ion a n d s ite characteris tics. ~o f inal plat has bce~s ubmit te d . File No,Sc-1 85~77 -Landauer Lot 6 1 A.Reque st :Ex~p tion f rom subdivision re gu lati ons to d ivide a dup lex lot. B.Ba c kg r ou~d :This i s a na pproved dupl ex l ot . c.S ta-ff Reconeaenda t Lc ne Recomm end d en La L,I nforma t ion s u br.1itt ed i s no t a c~qwate t o m3k~et ermina t io n of t he d ivi sion and si t e characteristics . Xo final plac has b een su~~it tcd. :File No.Se-186 -77 -Land auer Lot 6 3 n.Reque st :Exemp t Lcn f rom subdiv i sion r egul at i on s to d iv ide a dup lex l o t. B .Back2 ro und:Th is1 sa napp r oved dup l ex l ot . c .Staf f R ec(~mncnclation :Recomm e nd denial.Informat ion sub mitted i s no~ a dequa te co make 3 de terminat ion of t he divi sion a nds ite c harac teristics. ~o fin al p l a t ha s b~cn s u ~u ittcd . Fi le No.Se-1 87 -7 7 -Fred We lte A .Requ es t :Excmp t Lon from subdivision r egula tions to confirm t he s plit of an ex i sting par ce l. E .Back ground:This pa rc eI WaS sold by me tes and b ounds description in 1969 and h as no t b ~en sLbd ividcJ. c.Staf f a e commcnda ctou e Recomme nd de nde L,'Ih c property has no Ie ga l a cces s. A site p lan nnd final pl~l h a ve not b eens ubmit ted. Fi le No .Se-188 ·77 -~i l l iam Str o ~p A .E.~9 '..le st:Ex emp tion [rOOI s ubdivi sion re g ulations to split a dupl ex l o t. B.~~c~~rnl ;~:This is a n appro7ed duplex l ot . c .S taf f R ~c~e nda t i o ~:Recoremcnd tab ling pe nding s u~1 t ta l of a part y w;J.ll a g re crn cnr an d c omple te site p lan.Thepl a t s hou ld c ontain a not e t hat s c pa r at;e un its nay not be constructed on t he l ots . Fil e No .Se -189·7 7 -Eagl e Val l ey Veterinary Clinic A.Requc si :E x~~ptio~f r om subdivi sion regu lations toco nfi rm the split o f an e'xLs t I n g pa r c e L, B .Bac kg ro und:This s ite was r ezoned t o c omm ercial generali n 1977.TIl is sp li t will a llow t he division of the rezoned a rea fr~n the ra nch . c.St nff Recommenda t Lon r Recommend tabl ing.No fina l p lat h as been submit t ed . File No,Sp-93 -77 -Va il Das Schone !i 4 .A.~uest :Revfe....of c ombi ned sketch an d prelimin ary plan for a rtve l ot co mmerci al su bdLvLsLon , B.B ~c k gr ou~d :An a p plication f or eXL~ption from s ubdivis ion regulations was nade fo r a on e a.re lo ton this site .The Board of County Comm iss i oners denied the excm p t i.cn a pp l.dca t Lon i n d ic a ti ng t hat thef u ll s ubd Lvt s Lon process i s Dore a p propria te f or de velopment re view of a project of th is s i ze .This plan i nvol v es the e ntire 6 .6 acre parcel 2S reques ted. c.St af f Rcc~en d ~tion :Rec omnend the p l a n be tabled for 30 days to a llow subnit ta l o f informa tion sufficient t o meet complete p rel imina ry p lan re qui remen ts. ." .'e , .Bear's Bush Business ·LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE LAWN CARE.SPRINKLERSYSTEMS.FERTILIZING ~"=:::1.."olaO)~FLOWER BEDS·DISEASE/PEST CONTROL.PRUNING P/l-'f/7 7 \ tsi f)D. ,~ 2 "it,,·REC -/vED -SEP 1 1977 ... (~I ~O) CD F'CtYv'\B ce M..:W r=-c.,r <5 10<= --I Dr SOIL f;Mk_i-lilJ 2:GP.~.)II\JC. 3'·5 '5 r-1 ~v es Dept.Of Pk:nnjn,~&i.evel. £agio COunly.Colo. -j-O!"~I L (..:ln l\C.,.(l fU C:..-C':"'\1)"'-.c ,l ,v""1 -s pel.v ""I.~S (t\.:J 1>(0 W J .•k::S -:-S ;--=....) -3 .:)-:;Hl?v~S: _F L ovv ~f2..S ,-.<-I C'IC -- 1 /:-,.('"V /'J ..-'-'2 2'::;'.- ~ I "-' .r v -'--too e ~"'o I L...It ~;:>.·v C.. -J S s:../P ~'&$~Poh"A .1/'" -11.-~;..jQJ~S -eOc-~s ('«do..,)) -L c.&<l... ~rt."7-1 - '-i" 1/2..~ q r-r.::;.. ,.r C 'IL'--- if -;;7Z-'~ ED LI:>N OS<N ->E PL-MIV INj l .ee'5 #J"":;"S P.O.BOX 1267/VAIL.COLORADO81657 /TELEPHONE EVENINGS(303)926 -3649 or (303 )827 -4181 '--.