HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 UNPLATTED CONDOMINIUM 1982-1984 LEGAL• •Project Application • -I'Date _ Project Name :_----'-..::....--=-----:.---=----.:....=-__=--:........:=.2..----.:....!.....:.:..:::..~:..::=::!:::...:::::::...______:----- Contact Person and Phone e:«I c.J-O .., Architect,Address and Phone: ?Ir')~ c:"'"'0.,-"'h .-{)J Legal Description:Lot __--""-Block ~Filing •Zone _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date --'-"~=-----:.....:...;;__~.:........!---- Motion by: Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ Date : , ill Staff Approval, tIM printery /llail •Project Application • Date _ Blo ck;....,Fi ling ,Zone _ ProjectName:~___=:...._...::...._ Project Description :~_ Con tact Person andPhon e Ow ner ,Add ress andPh one :...::...._ A rchi tect,Add ressandPhon e: LegalDescription :Lot _ C omments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _-'-'-'=-_ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVA L DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ r Date: ill Staff Approval . J •• !1l'porcr /jor/a -?~.?;~~9>n /1e.~~sl o~;-h;/j oj)hc.Soulhcasr on·e..'· ·qlAa,~/.e:~lo('fec!/~n /(J·,,70w~sJ:./~.5S~urh~~a~9~.B/:';t/.esl-o~~~.e_6/1 .><,.: ·PrN7c~a//11e:.-.ia'/an ..:f:o,9/e.:Co!,nr!l )C%.r.a.do ·d.escrihed .as .~·..:~:.,>':'..:;-:<'..:.: ,·:'·L3.eg/nn/"ng al.I!?,<.lVor.lh~·as f,!r/y .:·;corn.er.ol":.Lor 3~J/till .L)os Schon.;;';~;·~··· .:h~/79 ·/j/p,3//!Je/7c~::c;'/o;;j:/he.'.s:o~rhda~;I-~r.&/'/"9 h /.-of.~.·p':q!l ://n ~~'·"b.,e.}~:·.:5;. .:.~2at;~/jj;;;.~;:o·~::;:;~:~~7r ~1~r:~;;:;e~/;~;.~-::s~~:;~~;:J~t;fiW;:~~~.::·:, :/~/4-°.zfi::J"'!a"cI.whose ~/o /7g 'chord -hears .-N4 8."/,Z /5b"E '':>/:.20 ·ree -l-j.,l;>.? ,/(7 ·:a po/n/o;:.r;;,;ge;';/./bnd r-»/1/55",26 '29"£./98,o.~(ree-/-a/O?i sa/d':~~~~:::" ·h>ngenr)'-Ih';;-;c'!'?-S43"c;Jb'35"E 469',/4 ,reel -10 o'po/r)/-.on ·/h~..At:Jrlher/y\,.· ·.//ne .0 :l"rh e·.In -le ~s.ro -ie h'/9hwaY~o.70 ~ghl ~o.,r.'Way .:/henceSC?urh~e.5·-Ier&. 0/0';.9 sa/d /l/orlhc,,;&://ne.on /.-?~~l7//0J-v/-"'!1 h-vo cou';'-ses:(/)S 44'LJ2~wW //.OOree/.ro ·a.p~/nl.~rC..c~r.Ve,·Ona'r.z),24.3,,,!3ree/0/0/79 /h~·.orc:oT ·· orsa/d.c4'r.~e:rl7/,he.··;&hr ·l+".hose·r.oe:t/~s /S ·5"550,00 ,ceer;cenlra/ong/e. /5 '2 0 30'4,7':;ind ~h~;e/o/7g··cho~d..b~o.r.s S 45 'l8 /Z0 .~:;../Z4J.4/r~e:j.~.. -Ihence AI'42 ~S7/50~'A/:and along"//7e .'AI'or-l/-u~osr~r/.!/·J/.oe ·or.so/C(La/·a,:..": 5 07.21 rc-c ';rj"·/he pcnn/:oF .be,9/o/7/ng1con(a//7/"nj>"j.z~']<1 9,09 sf/k-a;'-"e/~,I ~e el or .2.8'550 acres.J rri ar e:or less /..i····. ...'.----'--_..-."--.-:_--_:_-"..;..--. ,, N ••;;X.I S TIN e. Nh/<..rH ENTRY ~~::::r~c:J\'~c==:tii======~ NEW <1-'X s /DDcJ8LC. WINDDW .~ N£W 3'x7;Doc!? --z;/ f/F-W <J I X 5'/)0 oecs W IN!)/)W"S -r ~XIS/11J yJE.ST "I etJTS /IYe I E:.NrR.)' I VAIL DAS SCI/oNE CONDoS )..1/1 w.N~fa71 FR~NTifG-e RD. 'rJAIL,Ct:JLo. DESCI{II'T I ox OF 1'1(0.)EeT LEe;"!.IlESCI((l'TIO ",: r LOT 1',\;,11;'OF "lW .i ECT Th ....f ol lowing i nforma ti on is r equired fo r s ub mit tal by the a pp lican t to th e DcsI j:n Rcv i cw Board be forc a fina l app rova lc an b e g iv cn: A.BU ILDJ NC M.I\TErUAL S Ty pc of ~1ateri a l Co lor Roof Si di ng Othc r Ka ll Mat cr ials Fascia ------------------------- So ffits I Windo \'l s z Wind ow Trim <-DOOTS '/-...Do o r Trim Han d o y Deck Rails ~[)~-<d~):~- Ie)~y-"~ Flues Fl ashin gs Chimncys Tr a sh Enc l os ur es Greenhou s cs Othcr ----------_._-.- B.LA NDSCAPI NG Name ofDesigner: .Phone PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size TREES SHRUBS •GROUND COVERS SOD •SQUARE FOOTAGE ___ SQUA RE FOOTAGE ___ SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATIO N TYPE _SQ UARE FOOTAGE _ TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTRO L C.Othe r Landscape Features (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. •• UTILITY LOCATIO N VE RIFICATION SUBDIVISION-------------------------- JOB NAM E--------------------------- LOT BLOCK FILI NG-----------'----------------- ADDR ESS------------------- The loc at ion of utilities,wh ether they b e ma in trunk lines or proposed lines,mustbea pprov eda ndve rified by th e fo l lowin g uti l ities for the accompanyin g site plan. Mountain Bell 1-_244-4:"1 57 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes 1-468-2528 Public Service Compa ny Gary Hall *Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Hus ky/M ichael Laverty VailCableT.V. Jef ~H.l.l 9hE:s ";0 949-5530 Upper Eag le Valley Water and Sa nitation Discrict David Krenek Authorized Signature Date *For new cons; ___plea se fill ou t atta ched s heet . NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his respons ibil ity to obta in a street cut p ermit fro m the Town of Vai l,Departmen t of Pub lic Wo rksan d to obtain utility locations be fore digging in any public right - of-way or e asement in the Town of Vail.A bUilding permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit mustbe obtained separatel y.· This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in con junction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations . • box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476~7000 • department of community development " ,.:..:...1' .-'=.~.._. De ar Design Review Board Applicant: Enclos ed is you r Desi gn Re vi ew Board Project Applic ation showing the approval/di sapproval of your project including comments from the Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board,you must make any corrections stipulat ed b yt he Board and bring the r evised p lans to the Town Plann er before appl ying for a Building Permit. No site work maybe commenced until the revisions are approved by the Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submitted to the Building Department. If you have any questions,please do not hesit ate to call the Town Planner at -476-7000,ext.102. DEPARTME NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /-:'y'''''''''''.... .'..; "• 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 61657 (303)476-7000 TO:All Interested Parties FROM:Co mm unity Development Department RE:Gas Fireplaces DATE:May 15,1984 •• office of community development In order toavoid confusion,the departm ent wishesto further explain Section 8.28 .030 (B)Gas Fire places of the Vail,C610rado Municipal Code. The section readsas follows: Gas Firepla ces:The ~estrictions of this Cha pter.shall not apply toa fireplace fueled by natural gas,propane, orany similar liquid fuel solongas said fireplace is designed and constructed so that said fireplace cannot beused or modified toburn solid fuels.Gas fireplaces shall be permitted inany unit, In order tha~the firepl~ce cannot beused or '~odified toburn solid fuels,thefuelbox shall notexceed six (6)inches i ndepth (see Section 3707 (n)of the Uniform Building Code). •• ]A ;:,orcr/jo,rj,?-?d?;~~9.';n /~ti.~;;sl o';;;-h;;/j o-,c )hc.Soulheasl one .' .qua,~/.~~lo ({ec:'>~n /~·]o wr:.s J:,~.5 S~urh ~..Ra~9~B/·);'/.esf '?~~h.e ..~/1 .;".::".; ,?,,-//7C/--o0//Y1~:.-.<d/an'.~C1;J/e...CO(-inl-y,Colorado d,escr/.oed .as .;.......;......'.',-:;.,'~':'-:" .'".,'.L3.eg/nn/n9 ol .;(7(;.'.J'!0':1hl!cls f~r/y.:.·:corner..o -F.L 01 3,.Yci i/.LJos Scbo~;;;;':~'. .>h/"n!l .~.3/·I(;en cd:~;a jo;;j .:lh e:::S;~l-h.eJ:l :.i r;;r.&ngJj/..-of.~:wq!l '//n ~~':-;,-r~'~!;>~:~:. .'C zt:/A:'\;?a/le .';h ·.I h ~.:ro:-./'o~.//7:(~w.0 ~~ur~e's:'(/)~~3 .5 r<:,~-I'4/C:'"9.~:~~~;~~~:i~.:':; .'(lre;o ..,e 02:27:38 roo:/.rod~vs cur Vt::../0'Ih~.:/g ~-r,whp.u:ce/7/-r~/o/,!"y/e "·;":':,'i . '''/~'/4 o..zf£)6 '!orJd,~h ~5e ::'/.O/7!i ch,ord ,bears .-N48 ,"/,2 ''sb''E 'S7:..20 'T';e '-I:iN;:;:~,::," "."..'........."...-.'........'"-.\'"... Tt)0 ',Po/nr oF /'angen7'.~·onc!-(.-zJ /1155°26 ',29 ';£,./98,04,.·Fee-r a/o'?.9 "SCNCt':~~<;' "/P ngea-r)'-Ih ence.S 43"(/6'::5"£"46'9./4 ,r~~-/ro a "oo//7r-,on':-/h~·#;lhei-?i<',: .:j/ne ."I'·lh e '.In /e ~s /a l-e.h'/,9hwoyN'o.70 R /ghl -:ol',"Woy-:/henceSou/h#-e$rer-j-, 0 1,,';.9 so/a"/Vorlherl.y.///7e.on/hf?~o//o w/n!1 ri-'Vo Cou:r..se5:(/)S44,i:?2'.56 k w :'.1/'00 [ee .-I:'I o a p o ~n/.·o r..cur,;e J ·'o n d ('2)243.'13 re~/0/0/79 /h~"Qr~or', or.-?o/d ct.ir.ve:t"o/he.>.:.;ghl-_hose 'racr/v.,s /5 55.50.00 r ee -r,cenlra 'iangle ·/s'2°30'4,7':Qnd~h~;~·/png ',cha~d..6 e b r.s,S45D/8 :'ZO .'~W z4J.4/r~e:-r ·.~. /hence./l/4.z~57'.50·.'A/:ando/()/7g Ij)e ;Vor;fh~o:Sl-<=,r/'yJ/ne or sa/d,LQr.:3J :,',., 5 0 7.2/T L C,·;r'!o ·/he pp/'r7;1 :o'r',.6e9//;/7//7g[.co fi /a/n/ny ;..z4.']'1 9.09 Sf/G--Q;-'e !" ,ree/.or .2....,t5'..6!ft?q ~!':..e~~!??ore !?r /e,ss:..;.'.-,..;,:_~,.,...__,.:.'..' • ,, •June 11,1984 •Vail Das Sohone Condominium Association PO Box 1403 Vail,CO 81658 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Gentlemen: • This letter will notify you that Vail Das Schone Condomini um ~Association approves West Vail Associates proposed addition of ~luat~windows and one door in the West Wall of the building. Sincerely, Jlv{~/:t(~~ Mitchell T.Wheeler Vice-President Vail Das Schone Condominium Association NOTE -COPY OF PERM IT TO BE .KE!:T,O N JOBSITE DATE 5/15/84 001 692 II@ VV PERMIT NO. 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTI ON 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP A@E HI R M BUILDING DIVISION t @2.34 z ELECTRICAL $2,200.00Q GENERAL DESCR IPTION OF WORK :...<PLUMBINGNewmeterforbasementtenant::>.... space-also new pane l and branch <MECHANICAL> CCTS TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A .VALUATION P ERMIT FEES III 1h B2 $2 ,200.00 BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK <iELECTRICAL$36.00 NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR()PLUMBING \.S MECHANICAL ~ DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODAT IONUNITS __\.0"-..\ HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLA CE S --RECREA TION FEE ~~INSULATION :TYP E THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ...~./FLOOR ,1 ~CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ~/II /:EXT.WALLS USETAX ~VROOF ,~CJ TYPE ELEC.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 36.00 OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD I-~l~'.&-/J'l I ,~~~':::- A DDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:BUI I NGOFFICIAL DATE s.!:!.INITIAL 1----------------ST.CUT b ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLAST ING /A V ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING 7P /7 /DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out i n full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as requ ired i s correct.I agree to comply w ith the inform ation and plot plan ,to comply w ith all Town ord inances and state laws,and to bu ild this structure according to the Town's zon ing and subdivis ion codes,design review approved ,Uniform Bu ilding Code and ~::d:~own appli cable thereto. SIGNAT URE O F O WNERORCONTRACT OR FOR HIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CON_S.JRUCTION PERMIT o BUILDING ~EL ECTRICALoMECHANICAL TO BEFILLED OUTCOMPLET ELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LEGAL LOT BLK DESC .FILING JOB NAME:Vai l Das Sho ne Condos OWNER NAME Phi 11 ips &Assoc MAIL ADDRE SS Box 1403 CITY Va i1,CO.PH.1692 ARCHI TECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM C ONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM New Elect ric LECTRICAL H OETOWNOFVAILREG.NO. NTRACTOR TELE.949-465 1 FIRM P LUMBING CONTRACTOR T OWNOFVAILREG .NO . TELE. FIRM MECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE . OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTR AC TOR TE LE. the pr lnlery fvall PERMIT NO .------- BUILDING IIIIII IV V ABEH IRM NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE.~. DATE 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP CONSTRUCTION PERMIT r---~~=::::::~-..... TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT MECHANICAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL PERMITFEESVALUATIONG.R.F.A.GROUPTYPE DIVISION 12 2a34 15 1---+---:.:----.:.-1 GENERAL D~~CRIPTION OF WORK:11 ~ ,:"_~,;.'n ...J I-----t----------------I S .2Ct.-.I.-",,,,'Lc I ;;1-----1----------------1 l.(.I o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo o BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application,filled out in full the information requi red, completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andtobu ild th is structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ZONING &BUILDING NOTES;_ --DATE BUILDING PERMIT PLANCHECK ELECTRICAL $1t .o(\ PLUMBING ~ MECHANICAL I ~ I '~.. RECREATIONFEE .;"DESIGNREVIEWBOARD I, CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT USE TAX .\- TOTALPERMITFEES 3f.\JU -, ,;'I ~---------------,,----BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE ~------ bON ING ADMINISTRATOR DEMO PARKING BLASTING ST.CUT HEIGHT I NFT.__NO.FIREPLACES -- IN SULATION;TYPE THICKNESSR-VALLUE "'0'"I II EXT.WALLS ROOF T YPEELEC.GAS OF SOLAR WOOD HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; Y .!'! DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __ NEW()ALTERATION()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR() LEGAL LOT BLK DESC.FILING JOBNAME :11 OWNER NAME '1'1 I I"~ISS'~ MAILADDRESS 'inJ(1 CITY ,Cc PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM !,e.fi 'ctr'l c ELECTRICAL ONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE.1 FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the>printery /vall w o r £e.//:,.. I DATE ,,/~/..I. I II ~IV V /1112I.TYPE OF CONSTR UCTION mmunity development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ~EHIRM BUILDING DIVlSION f}2a 3 4 Z ELECTRICAL 2.,Z-OO~ ETEL YPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT 0 t-GENERAL D ESCR IPTION OF WOR K:«PLUMBING MIT /l/eiv Atea.<&4 B 4'i€/T?(;T.£r ::;) -'« 0 PLUMBI NG Qwt9ur ¥"'4'?;q -~L:;O A/€H/>MECHANICAL 0 FO UNDATION A __•~/r~#c//c c r s: L 0 TYPE GROUP G .R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES BL K 7!L(~/~-J-2 c2co BUILDING PERM IT-PLAN CHECK f}/?S S IJt:J1/e ELECTRICAL 3~C:O do/s ~4~5"C&I1'e)NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL()REPA IR ()PLUMBING DRESS 6~A 1 503 DWEL LING UNITS __ACCOM MODATIO NUNITS __MECHANICAL ~/(...(/t?PH."/7(,-/6 ?.z.HEIGH TINFT.__NO.FIR EPLACE S --RECR EAT IONFEE INSULATION:TYP E THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEW BOARD "000 I IN4PRESS CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT PH.USETAXEXT.WAL LS ROOF I TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT F EES .~C,~OFVAILREG.NO .OF HEAT SOLAR wooo :@/~«k I L --------------------ADDITIONALPERMITS NEEDED:BUILDINGOFFICIAL DATE /ro e:s:!!.~-------O FVAILREG.NO .--------ST.CUT 'ONING ADMINIST RATOR DATE BLASTING •I'II-ZONING &BUI LDINGNOTES: PARKING 1\I I reT--1 O F VAILREG .N O .tDEMO I h ereby a ckn o wl e dg et h at Ih ave read t h is application.f illedo ut in f u ll th e informati on r e qui red. OFVAIL REG.N O . c o mpl eted an accu ratep lot pla n,and s ta te t h at a llt he i nf ormati onp rovided a s r equi redis correct.I a gree t o complyw itht he informat ion and p lot p lan ,to c omp ly with a llT own ord inancesa nd s t ate laws,a nd to buildt hi s structure a~;din g to the Town's zo ~;;r a nd su bdiv i sion codes,d esign revie w approv ed ,Un iform B ui lding ode a nd o ther orrl iyc1~the Town ap p licab le thereto.~ ./'::;:::--II'-'.).j ~.Q /.C>~7.:':/ O F VAILREG.NO.IGNATURE ol!'~NER 0J ONTRACTOR FOR HI"'S~F , ~THEOWNER . CITY MAIL AD LOT_ FILING LEGAL DESC . FIRM M FIRM CITY ARCHITECT FIRM OTHER FIRM T OWN CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN TELE. TE LE. MAli AD ELECTRICAL C NTRACTOR TOWN T ELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN T ELE. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN TOBEFILLEDOUTCOM PL TYPEOF PER o BUILDING B-ELECTRICALoMECHANICA PM I =,---=---,-_AM eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL . FRI ,/ /7S '). TUES ~THURMON CALLER ~---!....-=----__----=~~:""::""__-.,,.--_--READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :---.- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEER o PLYWOOD NAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0--=-_ O~NAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH/WATER _ o GASPIPING ._ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL 6 APPROVED / CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED • • DATE _L---:....'--_INSPECTOR INS eTION REQUEST TOWNOFVAIL . ______AMPM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL n FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o o FINAL _ ..-f ~'r •I/~ /'"D----"'--~----'''--'-'-___;_f_------'"- o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT -;-~ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / / I DATE ~_INSPECTOR • box)10 0 vail,colorado 81657 (30 3)476-561 3 May 25,1-982 Gary Sweti sh 143 E.Meadow Dr . Vail,Co lorad o 8165 7 Dear Gary: • departmento f commun ity developme nt RE:DR B Submitt alof 5-19-82 On May19,19 82,t he De sign Review Board di sapproved your application for the re -roof of theVail Das Schone bu ilding.The application was rejected because i tdidnot meet section 18.54 .070,paragra phs A,D ,and Fof the Design Re view Gui delines .. Sin cerely, //~y LI~-, JimSayre Town Plann er JS:df •Project APPliCatiOn./ Proje c Name ArfE:~b4.0".!/cg-/'6 z.. Project 0'''';'';00'U,4-G Wi As 'Y::1f??"!ri. Contact Person andPhon e Ah 'rc rtect,Address and Phone:==----=== Owner,Address andPhone :===----=== Legal Description :Lot _____Bloc k -'---Fil ing _,Z one _ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by:------:----- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL • I .L-------- Date :-~~~~- > Staff A pproval lhe pr inlery iYail ~-\Q'~2 •'. ~c"'\..~'-1~"QSl Cl~'()~",~\~\\J("~;,1"08 y,;:....\.f't'.~M\\ ~tl ~\.Y ~~\..~~~\~~'X..o~\o~~'n(..«c.L. ~~~9.'N p..~<i..S'"'\o~"i.... \J ~-\,<.'""'N'~tG\..e\\-1 "\"co:;.~\l.~s·,3e.~,Ok ,\-.~'Vr-:\l \),,~~c.\,c~~~~Q(:)t-S.~~\\..,~A.'0 'S 0 ~\~\~~~c."~t'cQ ~cs ~\\'\~.~\t.o~~c:::'L ~&_\N ,(0'\-1 <i N\t> , Project Application Date __!..:-....:::::...!.:..---=~_ Project Nam e :---'-_.=::....:....:.......;::...=.:=.J'----='--'-=:......:..__---==----'.::....:....:.__--e.:..~~------- ContactPersonandPhone --'~~,4_.::.....:.---=:...-:~---:::L....!.:.=____=__.,~~::__ }JOwner.Ad dressan d Phone:_--"""'-"----'-'--'_----'-,.__:..:::.....---_----!..!....:.....!..:::.~=--_=---=_.::._'----"~::..::._=____.:....~_ ),t;TIArchitect,Ad dressand Phon e :-=..-.L.:»__:....-_-=--=-:....:..-__--!:'--='--=-__~__=~___.!....:....c~_'__ Legal Descrip tion:Lot Block Filing •Zone Comments:U All cl+0 I I r::r.c r-';(-r r I -..:. ~1)/ ..(I ,f ,1 '" DesignReviewBoard Date __---=....;:..-!../-_.:=-_ Mo tionby: Seconded b y: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1 -------____________---=D=---_-=-_ Summa ry :_ Ie.~070 ,4 -/) D ate : o Staff Approval the pnntery i vad