HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET GREAT CLIPS LEGALo TOWN OFVAIL Deportntent of Cotwnunity D ev e lopment 75 Sowh Frontage Road Vail, Colomdo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 17,1999 Mrs. Suzanne Nelson Vail Vision 2109 N. Frontage Road, Unit B Vail, CO 81657 Re: Professiorwl Semices in the Commercial Core 3 Zoning District Dear Suzanne: Following is a brief synopsis of our discussion this morning. The addition of surgical consulting services and the performance of minor medical procedures (removal of $titches, for example) to the existing services and retail operations at Vail Vision are permitted under the Town's zoning regulations. These modifications to your business operations will not require any additional approvals or permits from the Town's Planning &ZonngDivision. However, physical modifications to the "Great Clips" site will require applicable permits from the Town's Building Division. If I can be of further assistance in this matter, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, --i9-u^lf<r-^ -4.- Brent Wilson Planner I tr*""nuoruo TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. T'RONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81651 910- 47 9-2138 Bui Ld i ng-----> P lan Check---) Invest rgat ion> fli LL Cal.l.----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address Location... Parcel No. . Project No. 265.00 Restuarant P lan Review--> 172-25 oRB Fee-------- .00 Recreat i on Fee----------> 3.00 Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WBST CITY MARKET 2103-114-15-013 PRJ96-0007 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 89?-0199rtf Status...:, ISSUED AppIied. . : o1/10/IeelIssued...: 01 /L5/1991Expires..: o1/II/I998 970*241-0750 910-24r-O7 50 APPLICANT CITY MARKET, INC. phone:p.o. Box ?29, GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 CONTRACTOR CITY MARKET, INC. Phone:p.o. Box 729, GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 OWNER TOWN OP VAIL I CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: TENANT FINISH GREAT CLIPC! Occupancy: 82 82 Type Construction: II 1-HR Type II 1-Hour Type Occupancy: Va,tual-ion: 21,500 Add Sq lrt: FireDIace lnformation: Restricted:ti of Gas App L i ances:l/Of Gas Logs:,i ot uood/Pa I Let : *****************************)t****i************************ FEE SUtlhARy ***t*t***********i*********************************** **** * .00 TotaI ca tcu lated Fees---> ,00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .00 Total Permi t Fee--------> .00 Payment s------- t t O.?-5 .oo r+r,o.25 110 .2\ IlgTi,9tlq0_BIITLDTNG DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division07/10/1997 DAN Action: APpRIle$i',ql4q0 PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division01/,\9/.1991 DAN Action: NoTE ANDY PLANS 7'-IO-9j07'/15'/1991 DAN Acrion: ApFnIte{'i',q!qQ0 FIRE DEPARTMBNT Depr: FrRE Division 91 /.I0 /.1997 DAN Action : NOTE FIRE DEpARi-FL',Au- 1-10-g-l07'/I4'/1997 JoHNG Acrion: Appn tO--Sppiovijs wl'Cli commenrI!e+i',9!lQ0_pq-BLrc woRKS - .-r!-- -'-Deitl'^puE"'i,jdiiK DivisionO7/IO/I997 DAN Action: AppR NA/ ***************i*************t**i*************t**t***********t********r*****i***************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that. may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknou(edge that I have read.this appl.ication, fil.l.ed out in futL the information required. compteted anplan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compt,y with tire informationto comPty uith atl' ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd th'is structure accordinq to the Tovn,s-zoninq anqcodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ord.inances of tie f<iwl aipticab !r'-tnereto\ accurate ptot and ptot p [an, subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE T{AOE TNENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT OUR OTF Scnd c(ean-Up Deposit To: Job Address LocationParcel No CITY MARKET 2103-114-15-013 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit f: 897-0199 as ot 07/21./97 Status: ISSUED *********************************************************!t:l********************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicantCITY MARKET, INC. 97 0-24L-0750 'IGNATURE o, or?o* coNTRAcToR roR H',rsELF AN' orNER Applied:. o7/to/t997 Issued z 07 /15/1997To Expire. o|/Ll/1998 Deecription: TENANT FINISH GREAT CLIPS Conditions: 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEF'ORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS AND CEILING FILLED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0302 Amountz 440.25 O7/21/97 12:00 Payment Method: CIIECK Notation: #317832 Init: CD 897-0199 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUrtD P 210 3- 114- 15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST CITY MARKET Total Fees:440.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413100l 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 440,25 440.25 .00 Amount 265.00 L72.25 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Job Address...: Location,.....: Parcel" No.....: Project Number: DEPART'MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST CITY MARKET 2103-114-l-5-013 PRJ9 6-0007 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 07/I0/1997 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Permit #: M97-0108f 7 19 /390-o5e5 719/390-0595 APPLICANT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT P.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRINGS, CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT P.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRINGS, OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 8 CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND Description: TENANT FINISH GREAT CLIPS F i reptace Information: Restricted:fof Gas AppI iances: phone: co 80901 Phone:co 80901 JUNCTION CO 81502 Vafuation: /lof Gas Logs: 5,000.00 i/Of ood/Pattet: l]t.^**i******{t}*t******t-^*l********'(***}i**t******)|**i*'r*l*tF'fSLJ|'l|]^RY*t**i******i********di*********^lJt*i*,t***l* llechanica[---> Ptan check---> I nvest i gat i on> Ui Lt CaL L----> Restuarant l'tan Rev r e|,J -> DRB Fee-------- 100. o0 25.00 128.00 128.(X) .00 128.00 128.00 .00 TotaI Ca Icu [ated Iees---> .00 Addi t iona L Fees--------->.OO TOTAL TEES-__-- 3,O0 Tota L Pernr t Fee--------> Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** It.em: -O5IOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT O'l / 10 / 199'7 DAN Act ion : AppRILbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O7 / I0 / 1991 DAN Ac t. ion : AppR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknov[edge that r have read this appl,ication, liILed out in tuLL the information required, compIeted anptan/ and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty vith tire iniormation l:,::tply with al'L Town ordinances-and state.taws, and to buitd this structure according io the Town,s zoning andcodes, design reviel, approved/ Uni f orm 8ui Lding code and pfhii ordqalAof the Town..afpI i cabl.e thereto. accurate p lot and p(ot p tan, subdivision SIGNATURE OF OI]NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,INER\ HoNE AT 479-1138 OR AT OUR OtFIcE FROI4 8:00 AH 5;00 ptl o **************************************************************** TOI{N OF VAIL, COIORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0302 Amount: 1,28.00 07/2L/97 12:03 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #317832 Init: CD MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Deacription MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 128 .00 **************************************************************** Permit No ParceI NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 M97-0108 Type: 210 3-114 - 1s-013 2099 N FRONTAGE CITY MARKET B-MECH RD WEST 128.00 128.00 .00 Amount 100.00 25.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ co 81657 97 0- 47 9-2t38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER P Lumbi ng-----) Plan Check---) Investigation> tli l. L ca L L----> Job Address Location... Parce] No. . Project No. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P97-OO?9 I COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING Phone: 9719_390-0595 P.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80901 COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING Phone: 9719-390-0595 P.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRTNGS, CO 80901 TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST SIaIus. . . : ISSUEI) CIrY MARKET Applied..: U/fo/1991 2103-114-15-013 Issued...: PRJ96-0007 Expi-res..: .00 Totat Catcutated tees---> 78-00 Description: TENANT FINISH GREAT CLIPS Valuation:4 / 000.00 ****i**************t********tt***************************** tEE SUl,ltlARY **********i*****************************rr***************** 60.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev i ew-->15.00 TOTAL FEES----- .00 3 .00 ]Tem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0? /10/1997 DAN Action: APPRIt,em:. O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 07 /I0 /1997 DAN AcLion: APPR 78.00 AdditionaI fees---------> Totat Permi t F ee--------> compLeted an 'i nf ormat i on .00 78.00 accurate p lot and pLot p lan, subdivision Payments > 78.00 DepL: BUILDING D-rvislon: Dept: FIRE Division: *******************************************************i************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ****t*****************************************t*******************t*************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovledge that I have read this apptication/ f il.Led out in futl, the information required,ptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy with theto compl.y Hith atl. Toun ordinances and state [aHs, and to buil.d this structure-.66Cbrdinq to the codes, design revieu approved, llniform Building code and other ordinancet "fn" rc"n ayttt"tT REouEsrs FoR rNspEcrloNs sHALL 8E r,tADE TtENry-rouR HouRs rN ADVANcE By relrfrcHe AT 17(738 oR thereto. OUR OFFIC SIGNATURE AND OUNER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0302 Amount1. 78.00 07/21/97 L2zO2 Payment Method: CHECK Notationr *377832 Init: CD Permit No: P97-0079 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-114-15-0L3Site Addrese: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST . Location: CITY MARKET Total Fees: 78.00 This Paynent 78.00 Total ALL Pmts: 78.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount OI OOOO 4I,311 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 60.00 OI OOOO 4T332 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 OI OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9't o-47 9 -2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER E tect r i ca [---> DRB Fee DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit +: ngA-Ofrl ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Phone: 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Phone: 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE/ DENVER/ CO 80223 TOWN OF VAIL I CrTY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 DescTiption: TENANT TINISH GREAT CLIPS Valuation: tEE SUI'| ARy *********** ** ******** ******** *************1********* * * * * * * Job Address Location, . . Parcel No. , Project No. 180.00 .00 2099 N FRONTAGE RD CITY MARKET 2103-114-15-013 PRJ96-0007 WEST Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires , I S SUED o't /r0 /ree't TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Addi t iona L f ees---------> 303-777-7731 303-77'7-7737 10,000. o0 '183. 00 .00 lnvest igat ion> .00 IJr lt call.----> 3.00 Totat Permi t Fee--------> 183-00 Paynent s- --- .ooroTAL f tEs-..->183 .00 I]ALANTE DUt_ DepL: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ******t*******************************l*************r* *************************i****************************t*********t**** ** ** * * r II-qm: -O6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07l10,/1997 DAN Action: APPRItbm:. O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTO7/IO/I997 DAN Action: APPR ********************************************************************************t***********t*****t******************************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE **t*******************1************t********************i***:t*******t****************t*******t**t****t********************t******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fil.ted out in fuLt the information required, compteted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that atI the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with the information and pLot pl.an,to comP(y with att Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Euil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IENTY_FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE *******:********************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0302 Amount: 183.00 07/21/97 12:01 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *3!7832 Init: CD Permit No: E97-0136 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT ParceI No: 2L03-114-15-013SiIE Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation; CITY MARKET TotaL Fees: 183.00Thie Payment 183.00 Total ALL Pmts: 183.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Deecription Amount 01 OOOO 413T3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 18O.OO 01 OOOO 4].336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ,,tconracr:Eieru county Assessors f t"" BE 970-328-8640 for Parcer /l . TowN oF VATL coNsrRucrroN 'nRcEL il' ffi"%I-il"* T;ryb;'n- ;;RIi PER.I'IIT /I Job Name: Legal. Description:Lot Owners Name: Architect: Job Address: Block__ Filing sunorvrsrol.l: V4 Sarr Address: ;qtfg tt fza6*a€ rlh. /7gLo/q/ Address, AvoU .- &) pn.9+f -Clo General Description: I.Iork class! pd-llew 1 a,. l-Alteratj-on [ ]-Additional. I J-Repair [ ]_other Number of Acconrnodation Units {_ EI,ECTRTCAL: $ MECHANICAL: $ [* * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C9NTRACTOR INFORMAL'IONlerreral contractor: (',F\l ]/h Ff Ftc/, \ddress: llectrical Contractor: \ddress: ,lumbing Contractor: \ddress: Iechanical rddress: Contractor; IUTLDING PERMIT T'EE:,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: Number of DweLling Units .F pimber and Type of Fireptaces: Gas Appliances4L eas Logs_* Wood/pel)-e6_ riurr-,nruc, $ 2{UJ --- 'LUMBTNG. T-./ooog Phone Number: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: OTHER: $roi;L; W It *** * * **** **** ** * * * tt *.* * rt * * * own of Vail Req. No. /?O-ATown of vail Reg. No./7O-n Town of VaiI Reg. no.,?6O.€' Phone Nurnber: ttq4l4T- Town of VaiI Reg. No. ZZfr-fphone Nunber:,./r1f_Ojqi Town of Vail Res. No.j!92-tf Phone Nunber: - yqCiirTT-' : rt * * * :t:t* rt :t * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *** * *FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* :LECTRTCAL FEE: ,THER I'YPE OF I-EE: rRB FEE: q1-o /? VALUATION BUTI.IDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: JLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIINI} TO: ffiiJlilr* 116: r4 REBUE*TsO?ilU"8[r,X",lbi-'3hlE?3oro*Oe7l,ees F.A6E T7 AREfl: DS Activity: ffcldnesE: Loc'at i on: [-,arce I : Descr"i pt i on r FtppI icant : Owner': Corrt raet or : 897-4199 4/87 / 19 Type l A-trO|'lM CO99 N I.RONTAIJE RD WESI' CITY MNRKET P103-114*15-O13 TENANT FINISH CREAT CLItrS CITY MARKET, INC. TOI,.IN OF VAIL cITY MARKE] , INC. Statr"rs l ISSUED trongtr: ACOM Occr Us.er II 1-HR Fhone: 97O*P4t-O75tD Fhone: Fhone t 97A-?41-O730 Inspeet ion Reqr-rest Inf ormat ion. . . . Rear-reEtorr DARRELL Req Tine: Ol rOrZt Connents: MEET Iterrs requested to be Ilrspected... OrZtS4rh BLDG"Final C/O 0ra538 [:IRE-F. INAL C/O Inspet:b i on Hisbory,..,. Iten: OEtsl?t driveway grade final Item r EfttAltlt BLDG-Foot ings/5teel Item : tZtOgEEt BLD6-Foundat ion/5teel Item: AOSeq PLAN-ILC Srte Flan It em I Atoqr$tzr BLD6*Framing U7 leel97 Inspector: DS g10648 * * Not On File * * OAOSIZI BLDG--Insr-r lat i orr OOCI60 BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I grOAgO * * Not 0n File * * il6fi74 SLD6-Misc. 'ZIAA9g' BLD6-Final ra053lzr BLDE-Tenp. C/A fr9 lA3/97 Inspectorr A'453I FIRE-TENF. X/E 'a'Z'53S F,H-TEMF,. C/O ora533 F,LflN-TEHF,. C/O 04537 F.LAN-FINAL tr,/A 'Z'D539 FI RE-FINAL C/O |aa539 F,td-FINflL C,/0 rzrtls4ta trLDri-Final C/O Fhone z )7fr'E6I*4377 AT IFiM Ftct ion Connent s Time Exp Itemr It em; Iten; Iteml Item: Iteml Itemr Item: Itenr Iten: Item: Item: Item: Iten; CD ACt i ON I AF'F.R APF,ROVED Act i on I AF.FR NF'trRC|VED [v"ffol' [;l.Jiti"e o8: r4 REG,uEsr"O?ilU"3[rio,lbu'3h85?3"'"R,Oezz rss.r trA6E 1€ AREA: DS Activity: M97-rtrtOB 4/?7/19 Type: B-MECH Statr-rsr ISSUED Const'': ACOIY'I rlddness: *O99 N FRtrNTAGE RD trEST Locationr CITY MfiRRET' lsarcel l 3183-1 14*15-'413 Eec: Deser'iption: TENflNT FINISH 6REAT CLIFg Applicantr COMMERCInL DEtiI6N ENGINEERING'LT Fhone: 719/39O-O595 Owner: TOLIN OF VflIL Fhone l Contraetor: COMMERtrIAL DESI6N ENGINEERINIi'LT Phone: 719/390-9595 Fhone:97O-36 l-4577 tFFI Act i on Comnant s Inspect ion Hietory.. ,, , Iten: A@eA6 MECH-Rough Items 0Ae4U FLMB*tlag tripin-g Iten: rAO3lO MECH-Heat ing I t em : AO3ECT I4ECH-ExhaLtst Hood s Item I gret3s@ fvlECH*$ilrpply Ait- I t en : Ctg34O lvlEtrH-Mi sc. It em: lztO3grZt lrlECH-Final U5e: Inspect ion Reqtrest Informat ion. . . . . Reqr-restqrl DARRELL Req Tinel Etl:OS Eomments: MEET AT Items requested to be Inspected... 0O39rZr MECH-Frnal Time Exp E '{**\_*t ffi iJ;} i i rre Gr6, I 4 REauEE r- tl?ilH"8[',lo,lb h*'ghgEruq'" *,Q, a, r, ru g trA6E el RREA; D$\ fir:tivity: 897-O143 4/?7,/19 Type: COfvIBUILE Status: ISSUED Address: 8ff99 N FR0NTABE RD WEST Location; VAIL COMI4ON$ (CITY HfiRKET) Constr: NtrtrM UEe: II FR 97Q*347-Qtre 97A-547-'411e I'arcel ; El€rJ*1 l4-tS-.ra1SDescriotisn: TENNflNT FINISH {GREflT CLIFS) Appl icant : FICTION CONSTRUCTION Owner: TBI^IN tlF VRIL Contrar:tor: ACTION CONSTRUCTION Occ: Frh one l Fhone: Fhane: In6pect ion Reqnest Informat ion. . . . . Requestorr DARRELL phone: 97O-e6L-4377 Req Time: BI rOO Conmentsr lvlEET AT IFMItefls requested to be Inspected,.. Action Commentt .Z'O54O BLDG-Final C/g Iten : gttZtOStA BLDG-Fnaning Item : Ola@5O BLDG-Ins'-rlat i on It em: .AgtA6A BLDG-Sheetroek Nai I Itern: finfr7$ RLDG-Misc. .l l, en: AOU9A ELD6-Final $g/e9/97 Inspector: CD It en : CttZrSSrA BLDG-Temp. tr,/OItem: UlO546 ELDG-Finat C./U Act ion: DN F'LUMF, MECH FINALS RE6I' D Time Exp REtrTl3l TOWN UF UAILr COLORADU A9/Oe/97 t7z07 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FURr 9/ 3/97 Occ r F'AGE 3S AREAr DS Activity: tr97-OO79 9/ 3/97 Type: B-F,LMB Status: ISSUED Constr': AtrUltl Address: 8099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Locationr CITY MARKET Pareel r ElOS-1 14-15-013 DescriFtion: TENANT FINISH GREAT CLIPS Applicant : COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING Owner': TOI^IN OF VAIL Contractor: COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING Use: trhone: 9719-39O-0595 Fhone: Fhone: 9719-396-'4595 Inspeetion Request Infornation.... Requestor: DRRRELL-trITY MARKET Req Tine; OB:OO Eomnents:Itens requested to be Inspected... G0e9O F'LMB-Final trhone = 479-83O6 inre Exp Inspection History. .... Item r 0Oe10 PLMB-Underground It em: O0eeta trLMB-Rouqh/D. W, V. A7/eE/97 Inspector; DS It en r OG?SO FLltlB-Rough/Wat er Itemr O@e46 F'LME-Gas Piping Itemr [t@950 trLMB*trool/Hot TubItem: @Ae6A trLMB-Misc.Iten: OAE9A trLMB-Final Act i on: AtrPR I^JATER TESTED TOV/Comm. Dev.Valuation: Clean-up Deposit RefundOccupancy Type .tabre Date r osltt ltsts"o= approvgd tireptace Inrormation: Restricted: *t .gmgH"$ *****************r*****i******r***************************d#trQrrro^, ** 100.00 Payments TotaI Ca lcu Lated Fees---> Addi t i onaL Fees---------> Totat Permi t Fee--------> Valuation .00 fof Uood/Pa t Let : **********************t*****i*** .; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2138 Bui tding-----> P Lan check---> lnvestigation> UiLl, Catt----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD Location...: VAIL COWONS (CITY Parcel No.. i 2103-114-15-013 ACTION CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 23L84, SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 ACTION CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 23184, SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 TOWN OF VAILg crTY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B9?-0143 : APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: TENNANT FINISH (GREAT CI,IPS) WEST Status. . . MARKETApplied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone:970-5 Phone:970-5 co 81502 I S SUED o6 /04 / rseT o6 /05 / teeT 12/02/rse7 47 -0II2 47 -OI12 '185 .00 Restuarant Ptan Rev'iew-->'120.25 DRB Fee--------,00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> 408.25 .00 108.25 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepI06/05/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItEm:'O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeDI06/.05/.L997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO ANDV06'/05'/1997 ANDY Action: AeFR appioved -tjv-AX Item:-.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT beot06/05/1991 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A --E-- Itbm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS ' Deot-06/05/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/AItelni',q5?00 ENVIRqNMENTAL HEALTH Depr06 /05 /1997 CHARLIE Acrion: AFFn n/e - -t: - Iterlt',q55s0 ENGINEERING . '. Depr06/05/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N,/A - -'. - **********t********************************************************i************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fil.l,ed out in ful,l, the information required, completed anp[an,, and state that al'I the information provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compl,y Jith the iniormationto comPty with al'L Town ordinances and state [avs, and io buil.d this structure according to'the Town's zonint andcodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpIicabl,e thereto. > 408.25 BUILDING Division PLANNING Divisiorr .tI I KE; DIVJ.SJ.ON PUB WORK Division HEALTH oivision ENGINEER Division accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision REQUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI.ICE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI,I i .FacLor Sq. FeetjiF*+.-{r+Luabi'on: send ctean-up Deposit To: AcTtoN coNslRUcTroN ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: B9?-0143 as of O8/I5/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEw COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applied: O6/.O4/.L997 Applicant: ACTION CONSTRUCTION Issued: O6/.05/.L997g7O-547-oLL2 To Expiret t2/o2/L997 Job Address: Location: VAIL COMMONS (CITY MARKET) Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: TENNANT FTNTSH (GREAT CLrPS) Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. BATHROOMS AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE MUST COMPLY WITH ].994 ACCESSIBTTY CHAPTER 11 TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0313 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1500 408.25 O8/L5/97 14: oB Init: cD 897-0143 Type: COMBUILD NEW COMM 2 t- 0 3 -114 -1s -013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS (CITY MARKET)Total Fees:408.25 Total ALL, Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No;Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 BUILDING PE 408.2s 408.2s .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 18s . 00 120.25 100.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 E tectri cat---> DnB Fee lnvestigation> l.li t t ca I, t----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 54.00 .00 .00 3. OO 57.O0 I S SUED o6 /05 / lee7 06 /05 / |ee7 L2/02/7ee7 77-7737 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0101 APPLICANT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICES 363 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STaTus... VAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET Appl.ied..2103-114-15-013 Issued...PRJ96-0007 Exoires. . Phone:303-7 Phone | 303-777-7737 2 t709.00 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t crTY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR TENNANT FINISH (GREAT ClValuation: *******i*********************t****************t*****i****** FEE SUlll,lARy Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 57.00 .00 57. 00 Payments-------- .oo *i*******t******i*************************ff********i*******i************************************t*******t**************Jrl******** Dept: BUILDING Divisionr ERNST Dept: FIRE Division: **********t*t***t***rr*******************t*************ff*********i************i****t**********************************t*********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****t********t***th******ff***************t*************i***t***************t*******i********************************************* DECLARATIONS r.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appLication/ fitl,ed out in ful,t the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tire information and p1ot i:Lan,to comPty with al'L ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and io buitd this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdjvisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabte thereto. REouEsTs FoR tNsPEcTIoNs SHALL 8E IIADE T!IENTY-FouR HouRs tN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHoNE AI 479-?138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE rRolt E:oo Atr 5:oo pl4 Item: _06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT06/05/L997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FORIIbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT **t************************************************************* TOWN OF VAfL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0313 Amount: 57.00 oB/15/97 74tA7 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1500 Init: CD Permit No: 897-0101 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LOCATiON: VAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET Tota1 Fees: 57.00 Thie Paynent 5?.00 TotaL AtL Pnts: 57-00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code DeecriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 54.00 01 OOOO 41336 W]I.I, CALL INSPECTION FEE 3. OO . fcontact. Eagle County A"".""otf fi". O![ ar 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TowN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN PERr'lrr /l fPARCEL .#: AlOS rt* Zt/OZS PERMTT AppLrcATroN FoRMrV DATE: a't , q 7 , APPLICATION MUST BE FILL,ED OUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AcqEPTED x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION *****************************tl t^rT&/o R.[]-BuiIding[]-P1unbin9[]-Electrica1[]-Mechanibal[]-other@ont Job Name: AR€ Legal. Description: L,ot Block_,_ Filing owners Nane: MrKE+cr@y/ b\tftpl., Addresst Sjlr-*' t?l).tJlla*t r" p,..G;tzttst c.lL 0r Architect: K(PCH,O UELL€P Address:Ph.6/2 g?3 ?@ General Description:. FrNtS BUILDING: $ 4 <nnA, - l -t.' -^ 6tJ Er,EcrRrcAtz $ z,lo2c9 _Otgnn: $| | BY lfluOLAt?O.t--3--ffi- work cLass: [ ]-New yt'ttt"ration [ ]-Additionat t llnepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling units: 4L Nunber of Accommodation units z f/* ^ ryFmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appri un""".!r[ eu= Log" //++roodlperrerdJ*f **************************.--....P.,fri,f&;frffi***,******7i*.;;.;:;..::.:Kt\ PLUMBTNG: $ .litl+o os Address: Elect,ricaL Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. Hor5fJ.:_B Phone Number : q&s4j_ALL_p( it'cesro'rn of vail neg. No.L6O- E Phone Number: gLqQ_@fr- Phone Nurnber:A/ ******************************** FOR PJ-unbing Address: Contractor: OFFICE USE BUILDING Town of Vail Req. NO.phone Nurnber: - LiTq W- ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE:BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PTUMBING PERMIT FEE3 MEC}IANTCAL PERMTT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE! OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: VALUATION 4CT/0/V CO/U' Tp UcTl O4./ P0 6q1 23/gts/LVR7*Oe/t/E , co BO qqB CLBAN UP I}EPOSIT REFIIND TO: tfriz, \1 " TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o 75 3oulh lrontage road vail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 ot 479-2139 rn summary, ordinance No- G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soir,-roci, sand, debrisor materiar, in@gri, pgtt"ule_-gq ts andworknen vehicles;i#;ir=i5fut3"'g1 #"ffiili"I""li"il*fi .,Vail streets and.Iga-d= is approxirnateiy-s ft. Lfi pavement.this ordinance wirr be striliiy -enrorced by the Town of VairPubLic works Department. pers6ns found vi;latin; thi.s ordinancevrirr- be given a 24 hour written i"ti""-t"-;;;;;'=aid nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not compry with thenotice within the 24 trour tirne-"p."iii&,"il";"fiti, worx=Department wirl remove said mateiiur it irr"-'""il"se of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance ;ffiii not beappricable to c-onstruction, uraintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in ttre-i-ijnl_._""y. To review Ordinance No. S in full , please stop by the Town ofYiil B"ilding Department to obtain a copy. rtran}< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ofllce ol communlly development ALL CONTR.,ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC rqoRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STORAGE 75 louth tronlrge road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 ottlco of communlly deyotopmenl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE lf ltt. perqr_lt.requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approva.l,Engineerrs. (.Publ ic l'lorks) review and approvai,' a piinnini'b"purtment review or.Hea'lth Department review, anb'a review by the driiiring - Departnent' the estirnated time for a total review may taie as l6ngas three weeks. f]] cgtnmgrgial (iarge or smar'r) and arr murti-famiry permits wirrnave to follow the above mentioned maximum regufremLnLs. Residentialand.small projects-should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, if'residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 9gp?"iTgnq..with regard to necessary rev.iew, these proje"ir-'ruyalso take the three week period Every attempt will be made by thispermit.as s,qon as possible. I,' the undersigned, understand the frame. department to expedite this plan check procedure and time x= 4w 4/J9s- Project Name Date Work 3-?7 Sheet wal t0ined--into ThE Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Date: G ,3 ,q1 Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': YES 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the righl ol way, easements or public property lo be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Gommunity NO v-- 3) 4) s) 6) Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. 6'3.7 Date I have read and answered allthe aboue qiryry 6P*r cl/?r 14 ///,1U.-- Job Name grosi.f'1'r'|o-=-, o o FIoz !oo(J A}lHI E.rl ao coo IHPRdx ; xuE o FJ EEl' ag..ttEiE E H(JFHr. Htt aooo,o EE\ctoo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo aot o oo 6l.{ E F 6 6g .to8! E9r'Eg3. Eoo -r& gs" B FE E al.EEE6 HI ,LE FI a lr tl 6B F9 4l F, FI e3i9t'{ (ooA H HFI HB 89ga EIA e E 2 E e lr i6ts oBE-Eo oEI ItB 8U oH FIo u r. a I li 6 Crcld 4 E& Ht{ HEo @ F o=o 4-a[- ?fr,.&l||-TOH EEE 5 H F:{P-E d.- U FE gE#, 3E;;.E s.EIta&E :; gEg; sisEgE € Fi€g EP; bH-e€ Es+iiFO:E;EE H€fiE€Y7,sYat-Z;,o'Ed,2 sss ^llql;l Idlq,rl I EI HI EI EI6l -l st I5l I xl dYI .E F{l Irl E gl 5 .EI E HE Isl Fi nlHRIH rslol sl $ls lRlEdcal(gXAE tgt.i3v,v.-Ex=EHz 'rX+rH 5.'E>Ht{AA^O)\J \J I-T Eex:'o3 xtr EE x r-l E .E i,bP >.9 TE X.EE=vs€ P-8 e.E 5Elf(Dr.E E€5,! -.?: s €E! ,J o 'll 8EHtgE PEgEelo H 6i -4.==3E 1O| -+lggto or tr.i -:'-*e.g ?"E: g EP:5Eea-99 x rb# -'l,)''r!o.28U, (|,) ra ci .e'i,pEE 6 sgH ra -.YFs F Fcz g g O C)o Ee Fd F= U fr., F+F& fr) O o ('l'F *rxsrlE St F\ F^$EE.PLtF(s sss{ s.S.:\la- P r{. S"s,sfs.\ LJ :3 -QX*3 Y SF*s :psroEs I OJ L (a u) r< q) L t'. trIo] GI OJ z ^dffiF#rro og :i I "lI .Z E, Hffi, gH* co ; z =Go 4 (E4 z+ U.\5d F-to(/) (n 3'c Y "?$ o20 !eF I e$ H-; H$ 53* FF$qgt s'\[\lt -tlr'.!li \L? iBt \-\ n\;=P s \ -s u'l\5 cs;R: i,v r-{ F "\1 Ih\l \l \.,+i il>t sl R<l 5\\-\ \f\ rsrt\i\ \\.\\ \ i.r J\ c0 : i\i: ;*is!\: = {\\ ,$-io.q.'\su' I.:t'S'i\s:\ N\, . \ \ *ro*" s[ R\' '\. \l \-/ O ,/-\'{ la\\ \-ai +v \ YYfv\ -q, \!It S*r: q :: ;igE ;E:c :i ==il ;E*t ;E E*::- SEHI* =J;rE;3 F#e! 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Ui- (n -': <.L4=e<r!;F EH=g =$=I; rG z z, tro- c)Llg do r( sttt58 eTs rYl s;:0T rul.].\I SdIIJ JYgUI] sdttf IY3a0I06 Fr T00 ql