HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET KTUN RADIO ANTENNA LEGAL/-.--\r[[ 80Py g. A request for variances from Section 18.58.320 D3, to allow antennas greater than fifteen feet ih neignt ano-6ection 18.54.050 c7, to allow two rooftop antennas to be placed on the false slairwell tower near North Frontage Road. Applicant: KTUN Radio Planner: Tammie Williamson Tammie Williamson gave an overview of the memo and said that staff was recommending denial. Jon Banks, with KTUN, said he had worked hard to make the proposed jnstallation more compatible with the existing facilities ol Vail Commons. He then passed out a handout to illusirate the new location ind asked how to arneliorate the appearance of the antennas. He explained 5 ditferent options lor reducing the appearances and impacts' Greg Motfet asked lor any public comments. There were none' Mike Mollica said he was not comlortable with this newly submitted anlenna plan that could impact the site. He recommended tabling this, as staff had not had time to review it' Greg Moffet said typically staff needs to review the material and tabling this was customary. Galen Aasland said to table the second set of antennas after staff has had a chance to look at it. He said the first one was extremely visible and that the applicant had not come far enough with that one. Diane Golden said that the applicant had gone to great lengths and it was not fair to table it. Henry pratt said these antennas were a significant improvement, but he.understood staff's concern about reviewing this and also the ipplicant's concern about their construction schedule' He said he preferred plin A. He said it tne hirtennas were up against the.shingles, he would have no prdOtem appioving it with the linal conditions to be worked out with staff. John Schofield asked how they were mounted. Jon Banks said he didn't know if it would be a flush mount. Gene Uselton said if he were the owner, he would use plan C or plan D. Greg Moflet disclosed that KTUN was a customer ol his company's, but that he saw no conflict. Greg Moffet said we should keep KTUN in the Town ol Vail. Gene Uselton made a motion for approval with the condition that staff approve the location ol the Planning and Environmental Commission Mtnules March 10. 1997 18 antenna consistent with the findings in the staff memo' Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed bY a vote of 7-0' Planning and Environmenlal Comrnission Minutes March 10. 1997 1_9 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artm e nt of Community D eve loprne nt COMI\,I UNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSM ITTAL, SHEEI ro, frN 8*ttks COMPANY NANIE: FAXTELEpH9NE NUMBERT, (e'lQ.\ q45 - tz7'7 FRIM: lftMtUte, Il{tt^LtMSoN onre: 3' 14- 4'J _'-rmo: / t i 1o *tvl- # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT INCLUDING COVER SFIEEl')6 RESPONSE REQUTRED'/_ A/o SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX #:(970) 479=2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (970\ 479-2138 SPECIAL COMMRNTS AND NO TES: $u,Ttta EE /s 620,9 fi+rpe p4ovbe Son, )p, oF S,rt; Ptrt,'t t srt+ ke ltte ffopor rl t (p,,-'rt- To Ttf/s ful*r*l {g ru'"uo'u'^ J;-8 COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8l,657 970-479-21 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Contrnunity Deve lopment March 17, 1997 Jon Banks Moss Entcrtainmcnt Corp 225 North Mill Street Aspen, Co. 8 I 6l I RE: KTUN Radio Variance DRB Review Dcar Jon: As wc discusscd in our convcrsotion on Wcdncsday, March 12' I havc tcntativcly schcclulcd thc rcvicw of thc satcllitc dish and antcnnas locatcd at thc Vail Commons dcvclopmcnt which was, approvcd by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC) for thc April 2, 1997, Dcsign iwic* Board, (DRB.) Plcasc complctc thc cncloscd DRB application and rcmit thc appropriatc fcc in ordcr to kccp this schcdulc. plcasc bring samplcs of any colors, matcrials, ctc. undcr considcration. Plcasc havc thc rcviscd landscapc plan approvcd by the PEC for revierv by thc DRB. lfyou have any qucstions, plcasc contact mc at (970) 479-2142, Sinccrcly, d",-.-; tJ U,ll;""'- TammicWilliamson Town Planncr {g r""r""ro rur* -I '.'t",-970/949-5200 F/Jtg49-5205 VICIOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECIS, P.C. Re: ARCHIIECIURE. PLANNING r IMERIORS March 10, 1997 Mr. Ron Banks Director of Engineering KTI.JN RADIO 809 Grand Ave. Glenwood Springs, CO. 81601 Box 5300 e Avon. Colorcdc 6'1620 KTLIN RADIO ANTENNAS City Market Store No. 142 Vail Commons Vail. Colorado VMDA Job No. 9501.1 Dear Ron: ln accordance with our recent meetings and telephone conversations regarding the above referenced radio antennas, the following are our concerns at this time: The construction of the Southeast Tower of the City Market store is of structural steel because of the of the nature of the shape of the tower and the loading requirements of the building code, which include snow loadings, live loads, and wind loads on the tower itself. The structural steel purlins are on 4'-0" on center which in turn support steel metal roof deck, with plywood over the metal roof deck and then asphalt shingles for a finish product. We have reviewed altematives with the structural engineers of reducing the amount of structural steel and it would be possible to use dimensional wood for a portion of the roof, but we would still require the steel purlins at 4'-0" on center, which will not give you the 8'-0" x 8'-0" window required to aim your antennas through. We do not see any way we could incorporate a fiberglass panel system. During our discussions you suggested the idea of creating a vertical wall surface which would give you the 8'-0" x 8'-0" area you required. You thought this could be accomplished in one of two ways: I . Cqeating a shed roof on the West face of the roof, or 2. Changing the pitch of the roof so the soffit could be raised. VMDA does not feel either of these two solutions would be acceptable. They do not conform to the Architectural theme which we have created for the remainder of the project. We also know that if we proposed either of the two solutions they would have to go back to the Town of Vail Design Review Board. We do not believe City Market or the Town of Vail wants to take this r: !,. i, ,lt t.,{//fi ,( / / .; .'iJ, ;,/ -:l Mr. Ron Banks March 10, 1997 Page2 project through the Design Review Board process at this point in the project. As you and I have discussed recently, the steel shops drawings have been approved for this portion of the project and construction is under way at this time. Any changes to the tower at this time would create a substantial delay and would not meet City Market's construction schedule. I wish I could offer you a creative solution to incorporate the antennas into the design of the structure and make them less conspicuous. As you and I have discussed, I believe the location below the peak of the tower on the North side of the roof is the best location. VMDA does not feel most people would notice them in this location and they would be well screened from North Frontage Road. I have enclosed a copy of the project Master Site Plan for your discussions with the Town of Vail. Please do not hesitate to call if ow office can be of further assistance to vou in this matter. Andrew A. Bober, AIA Director of Architecture VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. cc John Caldwell, City Market,Inc. (VIA FAX; enc --+---l------ --+- -T---+- -T--+- @ **1-- TT_ -+:--tt-!T-:::T- i ctrD iiii$ ilii' !8i$t !F!;!i :F!6tifli r a t iriiiiii[i 'li!$l;.! H |a FI,li l# IEEiiH!'u iflEiiii$$si" lFi$n ii ' tz iiiiiiE' i'iiiF ri I5R;;tt Eiil tlt! 0 6l tf,!!tiiIi .------------.--_ cITt yrntET .9??Ra It12 -UAIL, COLOMDO NORIH tNONTACE ROAD SENT BY: SCALA BROADCAST SALES .r t " SCATA ELECTRO 3- 7-97 ; 16:02 : SCAtflt NIC COHPORATION BROADCAST-o 970 945 1231i# | (efi) Z/e{500 Fax (S+1) Z$'3s91 PGrGlbe EcD(459t Medffi, OR 97501 (USA) 7 Marcfi 1997 vrA FACSIMILE - 970-S45-1237 Mr. Jon Banks Moss Entertainment Corporation 225 Norht Milf Street Aspon, CO 81611 DearJm: I enioyed speaking with you on Tuesday; you certainly seem to hava a difiicr,rlt problem. Here are my houghts on the possibility of concealing the three antennas you need. I understand you naed b instefl th€ entennes in a stairupll tourar, ttrat the torcr is of masonry block consfildion, and its tocf is steel framed with vertical sloping beams on approximatelyfourfoot cffters. The steel framing will be coverod with conugat€d st€e! decking and shingbs. Obviousty, no ant€nna will t/rcrk througtr the steel decking; that upuld hatre to be replaced wlth pl) 'rood; you'll rreed some ttpod Faming underneath that to oomplyuiFt local buifding codes. I assume there nray be sorne cignificant snorv accumula8on on the roof at tim6s durir€ the winter. Flrst the srlallest antenna, our CA7460 model. Obviouely, thie is the Easiest antonna to hide; it could easily go inside the totrer, mounted bstti€€n he cteet beams. But unless you csl hidE the otler l€rg€r ant€nnss, hiding this one is probably inelevant There will be some loss of signal through the roof; s6o my oomments belovy on tfie pR- Our PR-450U entenna is probably the antenna npst broa<lcad stations we for studio- transrnittsr llnks. lts wider than the spacirg beti,E€n the beame, so you uould definitely compmmise th6 ant€rna'a performanca by mounting it urdErthe roo . Similar afitennas fom ofrer marufac-turer'g are about the sane sizE. Sincs the size is basically a fundion of the antenne gain, ue can't shrink the anlenna wiftout giving up gain. Ard if you have to transrnit through the rmf, yorJll need all the gain you can get. My erperienca is that you will probabty los€ roughly 3 dB of slgnal strengfi tnansmittirB thrangh uimdfirists, plyunod decking, nails, fasteners, and stringbs. Thet is, half yor.n signal evill be lost jtst going through the roof. A thie* blanket cf grcw on the roof truJlct turther rc(l^Fe th€ signal, althowh that sfioct will be mlnor. *ala Eleclmichryonflon ls a mcnbr ol t a t(&xatn On,D SENT BY: SCALTI BROAIIAST SALES a,. 7-97 . 16:02 3 970 945 1237 z# 2 Mr. Jon Banks Moes Entertainment Corporation 7 Merch 1997 Page2 The HDCA-S used to receive your statlon's slgnal ls also a problem. Because it operated at the lovnst fiequency (approximately 100 Ml-tz) it is the largest antenna. And lt requires the grcatest claaranca fiom surroundirg metal objects to rrcrk es desigrnd. At 100 MHa a nadio unvelength is approximately 10 feet ldealfy, you'd have at leaEt a hatf vuanelength spacing (five feet) between the Entenna and any large motal objects, Steel beans spaced fuurfeet apert uould effedively scresn the radio $aves. \lVhile signal loss tkough the roof uould be less at the lo$€r frequency, the antenna rrculdnt ftndion as deoigned wihin fto gtrusturel metal fame. Jon, I don't think installing the anlennas inside fie roof is going to be practical in the struc{ure yodve desoriberl. These ar6 some olher antenn€s ne could propos€ thal might have less visual impact; there antennas arert't usu€llly used for broadcasting, but the might be good altemativee for you. I'm including a alt sheEt on a panel antenne that is designecl forcellular us€, but could be us€d at broadcad microuew frequencies asu,€ll. This hgs the ssrne gain as a PR- 450t , but the appearance h very dtfi*ent lfs also abcrrt thrce times the price. The smallest ant€nna, the GA7450, is available as a M5-450. Thst model is sunound€d by a liberglass correr fr protection in exbernely harsh erwirorrnents. The cov€r may soften the epp€EranoE sufftciently to makE it acceptable. The HDCA^5 is the larg€st antenna, and r,t€ don't maks e cor/€r€d verelon. Perhaps you coqld use a CA-2, wtrictr is a trivo elament version of the antenna. ft has lorter gain and direcfivity, bul if you can live witr fie lEssor perfomancs, thig uould reduce the lerqh of tfn anbnnas fun 56 irrctres to 29 inchsei tte width remaim the ssne. I hope tlnse glternetiyas addre$e some of the concems of pu aning commisgion. Thank 1ou for ueing Scala produc,ts Sincsrely, \^.{IJ^ilt J"""Qo.tI^ Mk*ael Wm. Bach Sales Engineer - Broadcast Products MWUdhr l3-t - BROADCAST.o II : I ''l J I 1 I BY: SCALA BROADCAST SAI..ES ;SCALA BROADCAST-970 945 t237.# 5 Eurocell Serles PANELANTENNAS 870-960 MHz (broadband)PFfEISIOMI FITIETNA S'/SIEi,|S FOR mOADClsI ANO COMliAlllCAIlOl'ls TTTHBEIN EurorrLL" FeaNres: o Horizonlal beamwidlhs from 45" to 160" a Gain lrom 4.5 dB{t to 16.5 dBd a @rnpast stz€ {or unobltuslve apP€arance and lorv windload o Fbgrghss r€dofip Prot€diol1 lor relisble op€ralion in icirB conditions a Cornplets DC grannding for [ghlning and stBlh protec;ton o Sr.rperior ir{ermodulation perlorrnance plus broadband VSWR ol <1.3:l a BdEnsivs vibtadon and €rvirorn€ntal t€sting during d6€ign asBUr€s long llt€ o fllghg$ quallty banks to pr€mium mabdab and workrnanshh ln 1$ES f€hr€in dcv€loped the odgind h€fiand UHF pen€l a €ma lor th€ commercial marl€t and iinco that tmE more than 100'0oC) unlt h"t" been placed in servioe h radio communlcalions and UHF.W btoaclcagt cydetns aroutd tha rvorH' Often imkrsd by oth€r manulaatrrets, btJt sddom €$tabd, ths original Katreitl Oggn .m" a tottl sianOarC ano lt ls slill used h iens sf thousends ol sysloms l.lorv we ate prcud to otfef Eurocelt' a n€w wErld standard h brcadband p""a" UasigreO to me* t|6 goale ol €r|tailor €ae Ti 9.lvtl*tUnt ir,rs roi,,"r. co"1 1r"t equal ot ruP€tlor to the original Kathrain panel dcsigns in tarms of perlomance and rdiabfity' ThousanG of Euocsll FneB al! In seIvico atound th€ world h .Ji,r"i"vs"t* and oiher ptotesebnal fix€d'datlon appficatbns h tt Edt,frn MHz specfun. A site tatrg€ of models is- a/ailrblc' *tf't f"" no,it*at Lsm{dilra anrt gain ranghg tt'ofii 45 to 165 Jgd. Eleoti""t doimltt oPtioG are avalslc and s compbto Beledim ol mounting hard*ata allows quick and oco'romlcal lnstalls on m varidJ€ typer and sizes of maEts atd cmaf sltlctjres' Fr ebnl$r a'/f,ti(r,liors in lha 80545,4 M,lz sp€d/rum ph,FE nlfi to' -i gxrlb-itttwttt crrnd atremas d:rit anldstticd b &nwu b al rF4f,afis otc€'ptlo/,tl?6 lreqntrqttu'ge' L..4.r{ lrDd - tqb..r.t tlgt|la ol &b Eldo'& CoqEdlt\ SCALA ELECTHONIC CORPORATION Post Offico Bo( 4580 Phone (541) 77S6500 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Fax (541) 779399r htPy'luturw.scalanet Sda El.,Jrotw&'rr/tafronb tr',qn'€rot/|,e IGWCn A!{'Q .a4 O scALA :::il"ff"'. I RA5.450 # RADOME-PROTECTED MEDFoRD,oREGoNsTsol COMMUNICATIONS YAGI (503) 779€500 /\--,/-\APPLICATIONS: / -.- -\I \\,, -\e CoMMUN|CAT|ONS I \_ .\ l-;_;.,=t=- \ -.8>i3'lt a,IJ J-'l ELECTRICAL SPEC! FICATIONS Frequency Range: Any specified frequency 400 to 1000 MHz lmpedance: 50 ohms Gain (over dipole): 10 db VSWR: 1.3:1 maximum at Fc *0.6% 1.5:1 maximum at Fc t1.0oh Front-to-back Ratio: 22 db Input Power Bating: '100 watts Polarization: H or V (rear mount, adjustable) Termination: Type N female (mates with UG-21/U) MECHANICAL SPECIFICAT!ONS Net Dimensions: 19.5" X 28" X'14-114" Net Weight: 22 pounds Shipping Weight: 28 pounds Wind Load: 117 pounds (100 MPH with 1/4" ice) Mounting: Attaches to circular support with maximum O.D. of 2-318" 19-80 o o scALA ::=":n?":. 66'l r,l. v7 )-1( l'^X Freguency Range: lmpedance: Polarization: Gain (over dipole): Horizontal HPBW: Vertical.HPBW: VSWB: Front-to-back Ratio: , Input Power Ratings; Termlnatlon: Mounting: POST OFFTCE BOX 4580 MEDFORD. OREGON 97501 (503) 779-6500 APPLIGATIONS: O TVTRANSLATORS O FM TRANSLATORS . LOW POWER BROADCAST 50 or 75 ohm impedance SPECIFICATIONS Any VHF-TV channel (2-13) Any FM Channel 88-108 MHz 50 or 75 ohms Horizontal CA-2: 4.0 db) CA-4 ( 0o skew): 7.0 db CA-4 (700 skew): 5.0 db CA-2: 72o CA-4 ( 0o skew): 72o CA4 (700 skew): 1200 CA-Z:. 800 CA-4 ( 0o skew): 460 1.5:1 maximum 11.0 db 250 watts (arrays to 1 KW available) SGohm type N female (mates with UG-21/U) 75-ohm type N female (mates wlth UG-94/U) Attaches to circular support with maximum O.D. of 2-318 inches (Channels 2€ & FM are center-mounted) (Channels 7-13 are rear-mounted) Dimensions, weights, and wind loads depend on channels. Gontact Scala for information on specific antennas. cA -214 TRANSMIT VHF.TV ANTENNA AND FM 2-1 x56 ao #^ (Lx 56 6c^ 36 16o x Io KTUN Radio c Radio @ Radioa Radioo ffiffi Radio @ KTUN TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department coPy March 10,1997 A request for variances from Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas' D 3 and Sectibn 18.54.050, Design Guidelines, C 7, to allow two rooftop antennas and one satellite dish on the false stainvell tower, located at 2099 N' Frontage Road WesWail Commons. Applicanr: KTUN RadioPlanner: Tammie Williamson I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE VARIANCE REOUESTS The applicant, KTUN - Radio formerly K-Lite Radio, are moving their o{fices from the Vail Run Buildin! to the Vail Commons site. The proposal is to place one satellite dish and two antennas on the ialse stairwell tower near the North Frontage Road. The applicant is proposing three alternatives for the location of this equipment on the false stairwell tower. Location A is on the west face of the tower below the eave, approximately 18 feet in height. Location B is on the west face of the tower above fte eave, approii;Tately 29 feet in height. Location C is on the north side of the tower above the eave, approximately 35 feet in height. According to the applicant' the antennas must be placed at a height to transmit and receive signals without interference, to Dowd Junction. The attachments provide illustrations of the proposed locations. The applicant is requesting the tollowing two variances lrom Sections 18.58.320 D 3' and 18.54.050 C 7, of the code: 1. To allow antennas greater than fiftoon fest In height to be placed on fie false stairwell tower on near North Frontage Road; Section 18.58.320 D 3 "The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna' when measured lrom the top of the satellite dish antenna down to existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive, shall not exceed fifteen feet;" 2. To allow two rooftop antsnnas to be placed on the false stairwell tower near North Frontage Road; Section 18.54.050 C 7 "Rooftop antennas shall not be permitted unless as allowed under a conditional use review as specified within the zoning code." Fff F I'lLX The current equipment specifications are as follows: o A SCALA PR-950 Paraflector (classified as a satellite dish by the Town of Vail Zoning Code, 18.58.320 (b) because of its size) would be insAlbd as high as possible on the false stairwell towei near the North Frontage Road, at tre edge of the parking lo1. The dimensions are 68" x 36" x 18". This antenna would be used to transmit the station's programs from the studio to a relay point atop Dowd Junction, and then on to the irantmitter at Castle Peak in Eagle. A line of sight path is necessary for this - transmission. The applicant has stated that locations farther back on the lot (from the North Frontage Road) are shielded by a ridge east of Down Junction that blocks the transmission path; o A SCALA HDCA - 5 Series Yagi antenna would be installed at the same location. This antenna would be used to receive the station's broadcasts for monitoring at the studio. The dimensions are 62" x 56". This antenna ensures the station has a clear signal, to make broadcasts optimal; and o A SCALA CA7 - 460 Yagi antenna would be installed at the same location. This antenna would be used to receive data sent via a special radio link from the transmitter back to the studio. The dimensions are 40" x 13.5i' x 4". The FCC requires that the radio station be able to monitor transmitter power and other parameters. All of these antennas are receive-only antennas, except the Paraflector. The link transmitter used with that antenna op-erates at only 10 watts. At that power, radio energy exposure to the public is minimal. Currentty, tne FCC follows 1982 ANS|standards, which specifically exemptlhis type of system from the applicable environmental regulations because of the extremely low power involved. il.BACKGROUND In December of 1987, K-Lite, now known as KTUN Radio, requested a variance to allow for a satellite dish (13 feet in diameter) to service the radio station located in the Vail Run Building. This request was in response to K-Lite's relocation from Eagle, to the Vail Run Building. Town of vail ordinances limit the size of satellite dishes to I feet for single fami[ and business uses, and 12 feet for dishes serving multi{amily dwellings. The . Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved the variance request at their December 14, 1987 rneeting. In February of 1989, K-Lite, requested a variance to allow for the installation of a second satellite dish at the Vail Run Building. This dish belonged to K-Lite Radio which was a commercial tenant within the buibing. Section 18.58.320, D1 of the Vail Zoning Code states: "No more than one satellite dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot as delineated on the official Town ol Vail Zoning Map'" The PEC approved fie variance request at heir February 13, 1989 meeting. In October ol 1989, K-Lite Radio, submitted a request lor a variance to allow for the installation of a third satellite dish at the Vail Run Building. At that time, K-Lite was using a 13 foot diameter receiving antenna for its CBS Network atliliation Emergency Action . Notification System and itshusic programming network. The purpose of the additional antenna was io expand their broadcast services and specialized programming. This. antenna was to be 1o feet in diameter. Due to the ditference in the locations of the fixed- orbit satellites (139 degrees and74 degrees), it was not possible to receive both signals with the existing t3 foot antenna. The PEC approved the variance request at their October 23, 1989 meeting. In February ot 1997, KTUN Radio, submitted a request for five variances to allow for the installation of two satellite dish antennas to be placed adjacent to unit F6 within the vail Commons development. The two dishes were '10 feet and 13 feet in diameter. This equipment is to Ud depressed 30 inches into finished grade and placed 20.feet apart: Tlie iandscape screeiing consists of three Colorado Spruce north of the dishes and four aspens south of the dishes. Additionally, the applicant proposed a screen fence co'mposed of stucco masonry columns and six foot vertical boards, similar to the matdrials of the commercial buildings on-site. The northern-most dish encroaches approximately five feet into the 2OJoot setback required by the Gommercial Core 3 (CCg) Zone District. At this meeting, the PEC approved the request for two satellite dishes' with two conditions, and tabled he request to locate the remaining satellite dish and two antennas at a height greater than fifteen feet on the false stairwell tower closest to the North Frontage Boad. The conditions were as follows: 1. That the landscape screening proposed by the applicant be maintained in a healthy state, so as to effectliely provide a sufficient buffer to fie satellite dishes at alltimes; and 2. That he satellite dishes be ol a color that sufficiently blends into the surroundings, subject to final review and approval by the Design Review Board; and 3. That the DRB review the revised landscaping and fencing plan. III, CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code,lhe Community Development Department recommends, denlal of the request to locate one satellite dish and two antennas on the false stainrvell tower on North Frontage Road. The recommendation is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and sructur€s In the vlcinity. B. The proposed location for lhe one satellite dish and two antennas is on the false stiiruvell tower. The false stairwell is intended to function as an architectural feature on this site. The false stairwell tower is also the highest peak within this development which will greatly enhance its viiiOitity. Staff believes that additional efforts should be made to preserve the funbtion and aesthetic character of this tower. More specifically, staff believes there are more creative ways in which to obscure the antennas from view, while achieving the required line-of-sight transmission to Dowd Junction. The antennas could be placed within the stairwell tower in order to provide an appropriate screen. Solar Vail received approval from the PEC on May 20, 1992 to add four satellite dishes to their building. The proposal included the following: That the applicant add of two false chimneys on each side of the building; That the false chimney chases be painted to match existing colors of the building. Fiberglass insets were installed within the chases. 2. The degree to which rEtief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of fteatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectlves ot this title without glant of special privilege. While this type equipment appears to be necessary to opelate a radio or television bioadcisting studio, the applicant has not effectively demonstrated effective mitigation to the site vie$,s that will be impacted by the proposed locations ol the antennas. 3. The eftect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public satety. The staff can find no significant etfect on any of the above considerations as it relates to the three antennas. The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission shallmake the following findings before granting a variance: 1 . That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public healttr, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in he vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specilied regulation- would deprive the applicant ol privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Gommunity Development Department staff recommends denial of the request to locate three antennas on the false stairwell tower adjacent to the North Frontage Road. The staff believes that the applicant has not demonstrated a physical hardship that requires his location and thli additional mitigation should be taken to reduce the view disiurbance that will result if the three antenna are located on the false stairwell tower. The recommendation of denial is subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 2. That the granting of a variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent witl the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. b. c. tv. RADIO ANTENNA PO3SIBLE OCATIONS effiffiecrneu- +ffi#a- PAYCARE FLOOR P SIORE FLOOR 3CUTI_1-AE5T T OAER ELEVAI_I ON l/b" = l'-O" ylqIOR MARK DONA,LDSON /.RCH|TECTS KTUN RADIO STATION ANTENNA LOCATIONIS OO48 Eo.f B.ov.r Cr..k Btvd.B.heh.rro.L Pldro. Sult. 2O7P.O. 8ox 5SOO. Avon. CO at62oe7 o / g 1o - s2oo F ax / i 1e - s2o3 PR-950 PARAFLECTOR'ANTENNA 18 dBd gain 94f960 MHz (broadband) PROFTSSIONAI- AI{IENNA SYS1EMS FOR BNOi\DCAST A'\ID COMMUNICAIIOM The Scala Paraflector is a highgain half-parabolic antenna used in professional broadcast and communicalions systems around the world. The unigue design combines high p€dormance and long- term rellabllity with low cost and very convenient transportation. The Parafleclor otlers gain comparable to a parabolic grid or dish yel the lorrcr weighl and surlace area result in less tower loading and less expensive installation costs. The Paraflector is fabricated from seamless drawn aluminum pipe and tubing and healry aluminum castings, gold anodzed for conosion proleclion, plus stainless st6€l hadwar€ and fasteningb. The result is a lightw€ight bul extemdy rugged antenna that will provide many yeaF ol servica in the mosl demanding environments. The foam-filled brcadband feed assembly requires no pressurization and it can be easily replaced if necessary. The PR-950 features: r High gain and high front-toback ratio tor point-to-point relay system applicatlons, including broadcast aural STL links. . Compact packaging for quick and economical shipment via UPS or Federal Express. . Meets Cat€gories A and B (FCC 94.75) and SRSP 300.89 and 300.956 (Canada) when vertically polarized. Specifications3 FrEu" Gain 18 dBd lmpedance 50 ohms < 1.2:1 Polarizafon Horizonlal or vertical Front-tlba6* ralio >25 dB Maximum input powgr 100 wans H-plane beamwidth 12 degrees (halt-power) E-plane beerr idth 24 d€greos (half-poured TEminatim N female Weight 38 lb (172 kg) Dimensions 68 x 36 x 18 inches (1727 x 914 x 457 mm) Equivalent ffat plate aroa 4.4 ft, (.41 rf) Wino suMvai ratng 100 mph (1@ kph) Shipping dimensions 40 x 36 x 7 inches (1016 x 914 x t78 mm) Shipping welght 45 lb (20.4 k9) ,lounting Mounting kits available tor masls ot 2.375 lo 4.5 inches (50 to 114 mm) OD. Order Informatlon: Model Sl,ock Code 9405+001 Replacement feod assembly (940-960 MHz) 91351-002 Note: Specity a ns)nting kit when odering (see listing oz rewrce). SCALA ELECTRONIC CORPORATION Posl Office Box 4580 Phone: (503) 779-6500 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Fax: (503) Z/9-3991 (Shown vortically poladzed) H-plano l-lorizortd patl€Nn -V-pdarizaton Veiltcal patem - H+darizalbn ? rao. E-phne Flodzontsl patbm - Hf olatizalioo Verlical patlgm - V-pdarizalbn PARAFLECTOR te I re(iltar€d trsd.nsrt ol sclls El€clrdft co.Do.ltiql 100sGc Scah Artronic eatwatim is a member of the Kathrein Grcup - u , SCALA ::::T'1l':- | rW H DcA 5ERTES "???135:iE33iiTJ, 4, t-,rl yHF-TVTFM YAGIS (s03)77s.6ooo v V/ (SINGLECHANNEL) /./t \\' \\\ \o VHF.TV RECEPTION \ ::H:",TJ#! o TRANSLAT.R sysrEMS ffl$f . \ \ t ' ,-,\ I I HDcA-s F''E-ELEMENT yAGr \ tl HDcA-1o rEN-ELEMENT yAGt I Itl irq Dtrte,pgrar.tg: 6Z X 5( a ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Range: Any specified VHF-TV Channel (2 through 13) or Any specified FM Channel (88 through 108 MHz) lmpedance: 75 ohms (50 ohms with optional transformer) Maximum VSWR: 1.5:1 across specified channel Polarization: Horizontal Front-to-Back Ratio: 14 db. Input Power Rating: 250 Watts Termination: N, F, or UHF type female Nominal gain over dipole: ' noin.s :' ' ''r-'1": HpeA.U Channels 2 and 3 6.75 db g.7S db Ghannels 4, S, 6 7.SO db 9.50 db FM Channels (88-108) 7.50 db 9.50 db Channels 7 through 13 8.0 db 1O.O db About antenna gain specificatlons: Scala HDCA yagis give maximum posslble gain evenly dlsirib.uted across the specified TV channel. This flat response is critical for gooid color televisionperformance. There are no peaks that look good on a field strength meter at lhe sacrlflce of crlilcalsignal information. Keep this in mind when comparing gain spec-itications with other antennas. Thenominal gain flgures listed above are over dipole. ROO Z.tc db to determine galn over isotroplc (dbl).Five'element yagis for FM and low'band TV channels are available with rear (canillev€4 mounl;g atexlra cost. Flve and ten.element high-band yagls are available wiih extended booms for riarmountlng at slighily hlgher prlces. e80 A, i SCALA ::::'ffTiW cnfiooffi BROADBANDYAGI MEOFORD. OREGON 975OI (5031 7796500 %,o*r , : ;:#il,:l5l''o*' 1,.J1...ri.. 1:.'.' .i -: '' ' rl\ I I TII ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Range: 450-470 MHz (Broadband) 406-420 MHz (Broadband) il,?,'1t::i'Xi: 8fi[:: i,." t':" l"u 200'500 lmpedance: 50 ohms Gain (over dipole): 10.0 db Maximum VSWR: 1.35:1 over specified bandwidth Front-to-back Ratio: 14 db Input power rating: 100 watts Polarization: H or V (rear-mount, adjustable) Termination: Type N female (mates with UG-21/U) Net Dimensions: 40" X 13.5" X 4" Net Weight: 6 pounds Shipping Weight: 7.5 pounds Mounting: Attaches to 2-319" maximum o.D. circular support Wind Load: 40 pounds (100 MpH with 1/4" ice) m cnfiooffi BROADBANDYAGI MEOFORD. OREGON 975OI (5031 7796500 APPLICATIONS: - (Note: Dimensions & weights listed for 45O-47O MHz model) 18€0 t_ .a FIL E COPY APPEC:'.lfjri,?10 pfi 4. A request lor variance(s) from section 18.58.320, satellite Dish Antennas, D1 ,3,4 and 6 to allbw t*o satetiitJOisnes to be installed at the northwest corner of the Vail Commons iiopetty and a varianie trom Section 18.54.050, Design Guidelines, C 7, to allow two rooftop antennas on the false stainrvell tower, located it ZOgg North Frontage Road WesWail Commons. Applicant: KTUN Radio Planner: Tammie Williamson Tammie Williamson gave an overview of the staff memo and said that staff was recommending "ppio"if iegJrOing tfie tocition of the two satellite dishes, but denial oJ the antennae on the false stairwell. She stated that for the record, there was one letter received that opposed the request' Planning and Environm€ntal Commission Minutes February 24, 1997 Jon Banks, of KTUN Radio, said he needed direction regarding th.e. !ac!Je-nce' He said he understoOd staff's concein wifn regarOs to the antenna,-but hdsaid it was. necessary for the Dowd Junction line-of-relay tibnt "110 that there were very few choices' He said that there were 3 locations in the proposal. He spoke with the archiiects'about the stairwell structure who found it diflicult to hide it inside the structure. Greo Moffet disclosed, for the record, that KTUN was a customer of his, as they buy bus ;;X;ffi;;;i, ;;t h;',ii; noisee tnii as a conflict. Gres then asked for anv public comment' Chris Conne||y, a property owner on Chamonix, said he had no problem with the dishes. Jon Banks explained that a 4',X 6' antenna would be mounted on fte false stairwell' Greg Moffet asked which way the false stairwell would face. lf it faced the Frontage Rd" it would not be visible from Ghamonix. Chris Connelly said, regarding fhe 35' high antenna, that he didn't like antennas on buildings' as he couldn't have an "nt*na ioi niJ pers-onat use. He said his objection was a visual thing' Diane Golden asked Chris if he was comfortable with the dishes' Chris Connelly said he had no problem with the dishes' Greg Moffet asked for any other public comments' There was none' John schofield asked if the antennas could not be put inside the false.stairwell tower because of in" ret"f sttrcture for tti" ".i"""i. He asked if ttiey could be put in the wooden roof structures' Dominic Mauriello said the wooden roof structures could work, since the roof had not yet been constructed on Vail Commons' John schofield suggested exploring the possibility. He then asked about the texture and color of the dishes. Jon Banks said that black, white and dark green were the available colors' He said this was an aesthetic issue and would stand ready if a color was requested' John Schofield asked if this would go to the DRB. Dominic Mauriello said that was listed in the conditions of approval in the staff memo' Jon Banks said they were proposing a solid white color with a colored cover' John Schofield said he would like more landscaping and he then could support the dishes' He said to put the antennas inside if at all possible' Jon Banks Said he was concerned with locating them in an attic, where there would be high heat and access problems. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes FebruarY 24' 1997 Greg Moffet said at this point of construction a fake chimney could be built' Dominic Mauriello said they could modify the material, as the same architect was working on Vail Commons and it could be incorporated into their design' Gene Uselton agreed with John and said to get to it before construction. Greg Amsden had no further comments. Galen Aasland said this was a better solution to hiding the antennas. He said to add landscaping on tne west side and to modify shape to get in more landscaping' Diane Golden said she was concerned about the fences for safety reasons' Greg Motfer said KTUN would need to request another variance for the fence height changing from 3'to 6'. Henry Pratt agreed with the other board members to make the antennas work. He asked if the f O: iiC t 3' diihes could be reversed to reduce the impact on Ghamonix. Jon Banks said he would have to look at the plans' Henry Pratt said if it would move down the hill, he would be in support of a higher fence variance' ;i;;,lggda"d Jutting a OnA approteO iorer on it and atso to paiit the backside of the dish' Jon Banks said there would be no cover, as the whole dish would be painted' Henry Pratt said additional landscaping was needed on the west side to hide the fence' Greg Moffet summarized the variances that #1 - to allow both dishes; fZ - mat the PEC would need to see more drawings to enclose the antennas; #3 - to ground,base the antennas and the FLC,as ok with *+ ano is. -ne iouiseo the applicant to include a fence variance when they came back. Henry Pratt made a motion to approve variances #1 #3 #4, as described in the stiaff memo including the statf conditions. The motion was seconded by Greg Amsden. Galen Aasland asked about additional landscaping to hide the fence' Henry praft amended his motion to include that the DRB review the revised landscaping and fencing plan. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. Henry pratt made a motion to table variances 2 & 5 until the applicant had a chance to revisit the placement of this equipment. Planning and Enviromental Commission Minutes FebruarY 24, 1997 The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton' The motion Passed bY a vote of 7-0. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes February 24, 1997 g' A rcqucsr for-? s]te coverage varjanco rn nrn,^, ,^,.1^ - Agcnda lasr rcvisc<12/25/97 t0 ant ffi::fi:4532 streamiir;b".i"?itjiiS,i'ffJ:; $;,:.il:ffi.linoo,jj,ll,n1 "u,sarase, planner; Edward.padil/a,rcprer MorroN: .r,"h{*s;1H;il;''?;"0'u'nnred bv Kathv Lansenwalter voled agai;;t oeniir)'-"" SEOOND; Greg Amsdent uenlal) -' '-' v's!r ^rrlsqen VOTE: 6-1 (Schofield DENIED 4. A request for ft?fl *fu 'tr'ffi '}*"fl-$;#ilffi $tri:";[l;iu."m*rg'",r'',',t:";rut Appticant: KTUN HadioPjanner: rl,i^I,'^ Ti,lY, rr,lofr'orv, Hen;mte wiliamson sEcoNn, ,.;aa n_-r-ICOND; Greg Amsden , VOTE: 7-0, A''ROVED VARTANCES 1, 3, &4 wlth B condirions -1' #i'il?:"';liscaPe screenrns pr' sare,,iie:tixire;s:h,;i,#ivJil:5,:'',?ij{$?f, trlfsllSi,mainrarnedina 2' That the satoltira rrioA^^ r-^ i t ' ,, uo, n o,??',"1 !;rii'Ji i: ffi .l iff:,',: :,1,. r s u r ric i en y b r e n d s In ro rh eBoard. rw rrr rdr | tsvr€w and approval ul tre oJsign rin-uiul" 3' That the DRB review the revised lanclscanr.,., _F., .^--. MOTION: Henry pratt TABLED VARIANCES 2 2. c ..^,,tt ^ ,revisit rhe b1;;il:?F;r?rfrt ilfiil,:uch time that the appricanr has had . .,,.n." ,o5' A request'o u*Tg,lf',aned building"r"ir:rr"33:ndmenrrojtow for a 489 sq. fr. rncrease in the buirdini unu"rJpr ri.x,',''Jr,ro at envetope b, e,li.ir 4, Lions Ricige Firins . flffi':1i:" ?;I*f; {;#:""1*, 'ufi'u..ni,o bv Bob MachMoTroN: crrr url]ill".vvrrrrams.n. sECoND; John schofield vorE:7_0APPFoVEDWlrH2coNDITloNs-. ,._,;, ;.:. . ,:,, , ....:1-.-:,: :. 1' Thattheao ''t '"': i'';: ':l '' ' pi*,.'t,.Ti3l3*:::T:ffi I,XFJH,;:Sg:..i1.Xi?::easemenr,rocontinuethe 2, That the cornmon h.rn^r ^^-^_-unuutop. d.nmon parcel acreage be amended to reflect the acreage increase of ,a; MEMORANDUM FILE Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departrnent February 24,1997 A request for variances from section 18.58.320, satellite Dish Antennas, D1'3' 4, 6, 6;b* tr"o iatrttite oiines o ne instailed at the northwest corner of the vail c'fi;;, properry and ivariance trom section 18.54.050, Design Guidelines, c i,-to atlow tno rooitop antenniJ on the false stairwell tower, located at 2099 N' Frontage Road WesWail Commons' Applicant: KTUN Radio Planner: Tammie Williamson COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DESCRI PTIONIE_I fIEIVABIANGESE The applicant, KTUN - Radio formerly K-Lite Radio, are moving their offices from the Vail Run ilildfig to tne Vait Commons site. They are requesting to locate two.satellile dishes and three antennas on the Vail Commons .ite. fde applichnt is iequesting to place two satellite dishes in the northwestern portion ot me V"it Commons developmdnt adll9qn1 to. Unit F6. The proposal is. io O"pr"r, the tw6 satettite dishes approximately 30 inches intd tinisned grade and the dishes will ne pf|ceO approximately iO GeLigjri. The soufhern-most dish (10 feet in diametefl is proposed to have a maximum height of 1 1 feet above grade. The northern-most dish (13 feet in diameter) is proposed to have a maiimum height of 12-feet above grade. Both dishes are white and co'mpbseO of solid fiberglass. The iroposed landscape icreening includes three Colorado Spt,i." tt*o north of tne"t*o dishes'anb one south otihe disnes) and four Aspens south of the two dishes. Additionally, lhe applicant is proposing a fence composed of slucco masonry columns and six foot vertical Obirds, simiiar io thdmaterials of the commercial buildings on-site' The northern-most satellite dish encroaches approximately five leet into the 2o-foot setback required by the Commercial Core 3 (CC3) Zone District. The remaining one satellite dish and two antennas are to be located on the false stairwell tower near the North Frontage noaC. ine appticant is proposing three alternatives for the location of inir "quipr"nt on the-false stairwell t6*er. Location n is-on the west lace of the tower below the "iu"-,i-p'pro*imately 18 feet in height. Location B is on the west face of the tower above the eive, ibbro*imateti 29 feet in hei[ht. Location C is on the north side of the tower above the eiue, ibbtorimareti 35 feeiin nei6nt. According to the applicant, the antennas must be placed ii a n"i'gh to transmit and receive-signals without inlerference, to Dowd Junction' The attachm-ents provide illustrations of the proposed locations. The applicant is requesting the following five variances from Sections 18'58'320 D 1, 3,4, 6 and Section 18.54.050 C 7, of the code: 1. To allow two dishes; Section 18.58.320 D 1 ..Nomorethanonesate||itedishantennasha||bea|lowedonany|otaS delineated on the Official Town zoning map;" 2. To allow antennas greater than fifteen feet in height to be placed on the false stairwell tower on near North Frontage Road; Section 18.58.320 D 3 ..Themaximumheighta||owedforanysate||itedishantenna,when r"i"ur"o from rhe"top of the satellit6 dish antenna down to existing or tinisneO-griOe, whichiver is more restrictive, shall not exceed filteen feet;" 3. To allow the dishes to be greater than nine leet in diameter; Section 18.58.320 D 4 .The maximum size of any satellite dish antenna installed for use by a singte r-sidence or business shall be limited to nine leet in diameter. Saiellite dish antennas serving multi-family dwellings shall be limited to a maximum of twelve feet in diameter;" 4. To allow the northern-most dish to encroach approximately live leet into the required 20-foot setback in the Commercial Core (CC3) Zone District; Section 18.58'320 D 6 ..Sate||itedishantennassha||comp|yWiththeexistingsetback r"qrir"r"nir ol the zone district in which the satellite dish antenna is initarreo. satellite dish antennas shall be prohibited in easements and pub|icrights-of-way.Noportionofasate||itedishantennaorits rupportl;g itructuie shali encroach into the vertical plane as drawn from an existing easement or setback line"' 5. To allow two rooftop antennas to be placed on the false stairwell tower near North Frontage Road; Section 18.54.050 C 7 .Rooltop antennas shall not be permitted unless as allowed under a conditional use review as specified within the zoning code'" The current equipment specifications are as follows: o A 3.g meter (13 foot diameteO satellite dish to be installed '12 feet above grade at the northwest corner of the devel6pment, next to unit F6. This dish would receive radio programming from satellite Saicom 5, which carries leeds from ABC, CBS, CNN' NBC and other sources. This is the most common satellite used by radio stations' The National emergency AJrt System depends on these networks to distribute information in a National crisis A 3.0 meter (10 foot diameter) satellite dish to be installed 11 feet above grade, in the same location aS the above mentioned. Some radio programs of special interest to Vail listeners are transmitteO on Sat"ttite Galaxy 4, and requiie a separate antenna' While il. KTUN does not presentty carry the Denver Broncos' Rockies' Colorado Avalanche' CU lootball or basketball, ot c'srjiooiuai tney wouto like to be able to offer such programs if riiiint"O by listener demand. This dish ii necessary to receive those programs; A scALA PR-950 Paraflector (classified as a satellite dish by the Town of Vail Zoning coo., ra.sa.s2o (b)oecaule ii irs size)woutd be instailed as high as possible on the false stairwell tower near tfre tlortn Froitage Road, at the edge ol lhe p.arking lot' The Oimeniions are 68" x 36" x 18". This antenna would be used to transmit the station's progi"t. tiom the studio to a relay point atop Dowd Junction' and then on to the lr"n"irirt"r at Castte Peakin Eag6.'A line oi sight path is necelsary for this transmission. Locations iannei6acX on the lot {from the North Frontage R.oad) are shielded by a ridge east oido*n Junction that blocks the transmission path; A SCALA HDCA - 5 Series Yagi antenna would be installed at the same location' This antenna would be used to rec"jue the station's broadcasts for monitoring at the studio' ifre Aimensions are 62" x 56". This antenna ensures the station has a clear signal' to make broadcasts oPtimal; and A SCALA CA7 - 460 Yagi antenna would be installed at the same location. This antenna would be used to recetve O"ti t"nt via a special radio link from the transmitter back to the studio. The dimensions are 40" x 13.5i' x 4". The FCC requires that the radio station be able to monitor transmitter power and other parameters. All of these antennas are receive-only antennas, except the Paraflector. The link transmitter used with that antenna operales at onty 1o'watts. At that power, radio energy exposu.re to the public.is ;i;i;"t. Currentty, tne Fcc toirows 1982 ANSI standards, which specifically exempt lhis iyp" oiiyit"r troin tne applicable environmental regulations because of the extremely low power involved. BACKGROUND ln December of 1987, K-Lite, now known as KTUN Radio, requested a va.riance to allow tor Jsatettite dish (.13 teet in'Oiiteter) lo service the radio station located in the Vail Run Building. This request was inresponse to K-Lite's relocation from Eagle, to the Vail Run iliililg. Town oiVait ordinancei timit tne size of satell1e dishes to I feet for single lamily ind business uses, and '12 feet for 4islres serving multi-family dwellings' The . n""ii"g and Environmentit Commission (PEC) approved the variance request at their December 14, 1987 meeting. In February of 1989, K-Lite, requested a variance to allow for the installation of a second i"t"ttit" Oi6n at the Vait nun eLiitOing. This dish belonged to K-Lite Rad.io which was a iommerciat tenant within ihe buildirig. Section 18.58'320, D1 ol the Vail Zoning Code states: ,,No more than one satellite dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot as delineated on the official Town o{ Vail Zoning Map"' ThePECapprovedtheVariancerequestattheirFebruaryl3'1989meeting' In October of 1989, K-Lite Radio, submitted a request tor a variance to allow lor the installation of a third satellite dish at the Vail Run Building. At that time, K-Lite was using a 13 foot diameter receiulng antenna for its CBS Networli afliliation Emergency Action . frfotifi."iion System and ishusic programming network' The purpose of the additional "nt"nni *"J io .rp"nd their broailcait services and specialized programming' This antenna was to be '10 feet in diameter. Due to the difference in the locations of the fixed- ;rbit satellites (13-9 degrees and74 degrees), it was not possible to receive both signals with the existing t3 fodt anlenna. The PEC approved the variance request at their October 23, 1989 meeting. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of section 18.62.060, criteria and Findings, of the Town ol Vail Municipal code' the Community Development Department recommends afproval of the r.equested variance to locate two satellite dishes at a diam'eter greater than nine febi, with the northern-most dish encroaching appr*ir"t"fy five leet into tne reduired 20 setback. Additionally, the Community Development d,ip"tft"nt ':.commends deniat of the request to locate three antennas on the false stairwell to*e, on North Frontage Road. The recommendation is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.There|ationshipoftherequestedvariancetootherexistingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' satellite Dishes Limitations on the permifted number ol satellite dishes per lot or property were established because of the potential aesthetic impact of several . . dishes located on one property. in evaluating the potential impacts of this request, consideration'ol the froposed location is an important factor. As it relates to this request, the applicant is proposing landscape screening with three iolorado Spruce, two spruce north of the two dishes and four-Aspens south of the two dishes. Additionally.-the applicant is proposing t6 straighten the sidewalk adjacent to Unit FG and erect a ienbe coi.rposed 5f stucco masonry columns and six foot vertical boards similar to those in color to the commercial buildings in Vail Commons. Antennas The proposed location for the three antennas is on the lalse stairwell tower. ihe false stairwell is intended to function as an architectural feature on this site. The false stairwell tower is also the highest peak within this development which will greally enhance its visibility. stall believes lhat additioiral efforts should ne maOe to preserve the function and aesthetic character of this tower. More specifically, staff believes there are more creative ways in which to obscure the antennas from view, while achieving the requireci line-of-sight transmission to Dowd Junction. The antennas could tie placed within the stairwell tower in order to provide an appropriate screen. Solar Vail received approval from the PEC on May 20' 1992 to add four satellite dishes to their building. The criterion of the proposal included the following: of the applicantadd of two false chimneys on each side of the building; inat tne faise chimney chases were conslructed and painted to match existing colors of the building. Fiberglass insets were installed within the chases. 2.The degree to which rellef from the strict and literal interpretation and "ntottJt"nt of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve. compatibility and uniformity oJ treatment among sites in the vicinity or to atiain thsobiectives of tnis fitle without grant of special privilege' Satellite Dishes Radio and television broadcasting studios are a permitted use within the Corr"r"i"f Core 3 (CC3) Zone 6istrict. This permitted use is likely to. '.qui'"antennasand/orsatettitedishesinordertoeffective|yoperatethisitoe "f orsin"ss. The radio station is relocatins e .quipT:lt-3l??91^':^.,..^ eiistence at another location. This use has no history of harmluvnegallve impacts to properties within its vicinity. Theapp|icanthasdemonstratedthatinordertoef|ective|yoperateth.eir ouiinijis, two satellite dishes are necessary. Due to the tocation of the fixed-orbit satellites, it is not possible for KTUN Radio to utilize only one . satellite dish. Sfaff believes ihat granting approval ol this variance would not be a grant of special privilege. Antennas While rhis type equipment appears to be necessary to operate a radio or television O?baOcisiing studio, the applicant has not effectively demonstrated etfective mitigaiion to the site views that will be impacted by the proposed locations of the antennas. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public tacilities and utilities, and public safety' The staff can find no significant effect on any of the above considerations as it relates to the satellite dishes or the three antennas' before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant ol special privilege inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious t0 properties or improvements in the vicinity' 3. That the variance is warranted tor one or more of the following reasons: The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary ph"ysical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to th'e same site ol the variance that do not apply B. a. b. tv. generally to other properties in the same zone' c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifi.ed rgSYlltloL would deprive ihe applicant ol privileges enloyed by the owners oI other properties in the same district' STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department stalf recommends approval of the applicant's u"rian., as requested for the two'satellite dishes. The parameters established by the Satellite Dish Ordinance tetl intenOed to provide a geieral limitation in the size' number' location and screening of Oisnei proposed. tt is apparent that certain types of businesses naveuniqueneedsin-regardtotheirtransmission.faci|ities.Theapp|icanthas Jitistactotlty shown thatihJuie ot only one satellite dish for their particular business would constitute a hardshiP. The recommendation of approval is subiect to the lollowing findings: l.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewi||notconstituteagrantofspecia|.. privilege in.onriit"nt with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district' 2. The size and nature ol satellite dishes is such that placement and screening may involve exceptions and/or extraordinary circumslances applicabie to ihe subject site, that do not apPly gelgrally to other properties in the Commercial Core 3 (CC3) Zone District' 3. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation wou|dresu|tinpracti'ca|difficu|tyorunnecessaryphysica|hardship inconsistent with the objectives ol this title' The recommendation of approval is subject to the lollowing conditions: l.Thatthe|encebeamaximumof3|eetinheightwithinthe20 |ootsetbackonthisproperty.There|ore,thefencecanbeamaximumol 3 feet closest to chamonix Lane. 2. That the landscape screening proposed by the applicant be maintained in ahea|thystate,soastoef|ective|yprovideasutficientbuffertothe satellite dishes at all times. 3. That the satellite dishes be of a color that sufficiently blends into the surroundings,subjectto|ina|reviewandapprova|bytheDesignReview Board. 4. That the satellite dishes be of a material (such as mesh) as to minimize their impact on adjacent properties, subject to final review and approval by the Design Review Board. Additionally, the community Development Department staff recommends denial of the request to iocate three antennas on the false stairwell tower on North Frontage Road' The staff believes that the applicant has not demonstrated a hardship that requires this tocation and that adoitioniimitigation should be taken to reduce the view disturbance that o will result if the hree antenna are located on the false stairwell tower. The iecommenOarion of denial is subiect to the following finding: 1. That the granting of the variance will be detrimental to the public health' satety, orweitirE or materialty injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity' o -T----'1 t\ 7-\!-c\ i Si---i ! ..- ---l CNL. *RUCE VAIL DA1 SCHONE REAR PARKING LOT IO'_O' DIAMETER DISH I3'-O" DIAMETER DIgH BUILDIN6 BEYOND ARCHITECTS , P.C. KTUN RADIO STATION DISHES LOCATION PARTIAL SITE PLAN DISH LOCATION SECTION A-A SCALE' l/lb"= l'-O, Ooatl Eo.t B.ov.r Cir..k 8lvd.S.nch.rrork Ploro. Sqlt. 2O7P.O. 8ox 55OO, Avon. CO al62o 9 7 O / t.0 - 32OO F r'I. / 9.a - S 2O5 30^ ft'4Ax) rNro FtN. 6RADE VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ,L MEMORANDTJM TO: File FROM: TammieWilliarnson,TownPlanner DATE: Febnrary 27,1997 SUBJECT: KTUN Radio Staff reviewed the definition of "Lot or site line, front'' to determine whether it necessary for the applicant, KTUN Radio, to apply for a variance to erect a fence over 3 feet in height, within the front setback. The staff determined that because Chamonix Lane was not the primary access from the steet onto tle lot or site, a variance was not neoessary. However, the variances PEC noted for Sections 1E.58320 D3, to allow antennas greater than fifteen feet in height and Section 18.54.050 C7o to allow two rooftop antennas to be placed on the false stairwell tower near North Frontage Road must be resolved. Therefore, staff made a determination to keep these items on the agenda as it was originally published, and when the applicant comes in with a proposal staffwill evaluate it accordingly. o ZONING record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 1.600 (part).) V18.04.230 Lot or site line' front.' "Front lot or site line" means the boundary line of a lot or site adjoining a street which provides the primary access or street address of the site, or adjoining the primary access from a street to the lot or site. (ord. 8(1973) $ 1.600 (part).) 18.04.240 Lot or site line, rear. "Rear lot or site line" means the boundary line of a lot or site extending between the side lines and forming the boundary of the lot or site opposite the front line. In event of a lot or site having only three lot or site lines, a line ten feet in length within the lot or site extending between the side lines and parallel to the front line shall be deemed the rear line for purPoses of establishing setbacks. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 1.600 (part).) 18.04.250 Lot or site line, side. "Side lot or site line" means the boundary line of a lot or site extending from the front line towards the opposite or rearmost portion of the site. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 1.600 (part).) 18.04.251 Luminous area. -"Luminous area" means the maximum light emitting area of a light source, measured in square inches. The maximum light emining area is the area of translucent material u'hich encases a light source. In the case of a clear glass covering, the luminous area is the area of the light source. Examples of luminous area are shown below: 3084 (vail I t-16-93) -" : c0PY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 February 25,.1997 Massey Pitts KTUN.FM 1000 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, Co. 81657 D e p ar t m e nt of C o nvnunity D eve lopme nt RE: Satellite Dish Variance Request Dear Ms. Pifts: The Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) at their rcgularly scheduled mceting votcd to approve your rcqucst for two satcllitc dishcs to bc locatcd adjaccnt to Building F6 within Vail Commons. This approval permits two dishes, grcatcr than fiftccn fcct in diamctcr, to cncroach approximatcly 5 fcct into thc 2O-foot sctback. Additionally, thc PEC's motions suggcstcd that the landscape scrcening bc reconfigurcd and that thc dishcs bc switchcd, so that thc dish which is I 0 fcct in diamcter, bc placcd ctosest to Chamonix Lanc. Should you propose thc fcncc for thc scrccning, it will requirc a hcight variancc, which thc PEC indicatcd would be lookcd upon favorably. Thc PEC also votcd to tablc thc requcst for varianccs to locate onc satcllitc dish and two antcnna on the falsc stairwcll tower. The PEC suggcstcd that other ways of screening this cquipment should bc cxplorcd. The staff will assist in thc location of such an architectural fcature within thc vail commons dcvelopmcnt. The entire vail commons development has not yet bcen constructed, thercfore, there may be opportunitics to construct an architectural fcaturc to accommodate the necessary equipment. Pleasc contact me to let me know how you wish to proceed. My phone number is (970) 479-2142. Sincerely, ffir"; g, U,L&*;..,-,- Tammie Williamson Town Planncr cc: Jon Banks {g *r"r"""o r*"" [ffi.ul Tammie Williamson, Planner Department of Community Development Town Of Vail Dear Tammie.January 29,1997 Thanks for your letter of January 27th; enclosed are the items you requested. I understand you have identified all the code sections that apply to our proposal, and that this information is the last you will need. I understand you'll be able to complete your review of the proposal so this can be an action item at the commission's meeting on Feb 24. You may wish to make these changes when you advertise for the variances: 1. Three satellite dishes, not two, since the small PR-450 antenna is a dish by Vail code. 2. Only one dish antenna (the PR-450) might be at a height greater than 15 feet. 3. Correct. 4. Correct. 5. I assume this is correct ... I haven't seen a copy of 18.54.050 C7. As to the information you requested: 1. Pictures of the antennas were part of your January 13 memo to the commission; l've included additionalcopies in this package for your convenience. Scale models are also included. 2. Attached are two drawings showing the antenna mounting on the false stairwell tower. All three of the antennas are designed to mount on a two inch galvanized pipe, and are pictured that way on the manufacture/s cut sheets. One drawing shows how the antennas would be stacked on the pipe; the other shows how the pipe would be aftached to the structure, either on the west wall below the eave, or on the sloped roof itself. The antenna location options are not changed from Andy Bober's drawing'KTUN RADIO STATION ANTENNA LOCATIONS'. 225 North f''l ll St.eet . Aspen, Colorado 8l5ll . Telephone 970.925.4550 . Facs rnile 970.920.9082 [ffi.[,1 3. The color options for the dish covers are black, white, and dark green. I can't get fabric samples from the manufacturer by your deadline. A photo of a similar dish fitted with a black cover is enclosed. I understand you've discussed the dish color and antenna location among the staff, and there has not been a consensus that one color or location is obviously best. Of course, these are subjec{ive evaluations, and a difference of opinion is reasonable. lt suggests that there's some merit to each of the proposals, and none is obviously superior. lf that's the case, l'm asking you to consider the cost and effort of compliance as the deciding factor. lf half the staff likes option 1, and half likes option 2, why not let us go with the less expensive option ... cost jg a factor. You mentioned that it was unlikely the staff would be able to recommend approval of the antennas on the stainvell. Are you required to make a yes'/no decision, or can you pass that item on to the commission without recommendation? At our work session, I gathered that they were receptive to the proposal, understanding that the visual impact could only be minimized, not eliminated. Please let me know if that's possible. Also, could you please fax me a copy of your memo to the commission when it's available so I can review it before the meeting, and would you let me know if anything comes up that woufd affect our getting a decision atthe 2124 meeting? Thanks. Sincerely, t't//l I /\ t /! l 'Jqh Banks Director of Radio Engineering 970-945-8564 voice 970-945-1237 fax cc: Massey Pitts, KTUN 225 Nortr l'4ill Street . Aspen, Colorado I l6 | | ' Telephone 970.925.4550 ' Facsimile 970 920.9082 Lot^rra^r B + <- 6.ALv, P\eE BRnctP€ -rrc\\ a FJ LY LO<-A 1-rO $ V/ A $T€ ^.,tr n J FAc€ <'- Locft'rr oN <-/ A tiTOlrSrA5 Face TFe vrcw€R 2'r qALv. PrPr I NTEC"RA .- RA rN *_-2 coLrAR Att,r> ?- FLASH ING CLAr^Q ry' cuRuP oR t^t E LD erc R6or a?oss I e <-r'1' r: 1Vr. As?tt a LT 5r'ITJAL€ av€(C- PLYdOOD AVCf- 6T€€L D C4K I A,<r 4l'FoR L O LANON ovec- =TGv(-1-u leA L 6're c L ,=g4 Pr r r,,t Q gua$? o R ulel9 A I ia NdY r0 Lo.AT"r ai-r A <" a I e R€ilu FoRcl NA FLATE CHtl IJUA LL t'. t'i ri ),t; rl ll ll tl ii I It AEo./€ A Rc rr sTt,c(o FrPtSH Ar.f-re ^r 6j A J FA(E I Iv loP VlLt, oN( lor oF B R,\ ( i< €'r Ai AND EL\iio tu\ Pr PE L" ,^Atv, P t?f Rou^-r 1..)n-8D €" uJr\LL Hc'-ll-t-i"' ERAe(€.r' R L L - | tt Hr\+9wARE '/tt GnuvrrrJtZl-9 R..a^r^,ns b^o., \)T6 o G pr FG g€TAt L O H I cA A',Te vh, ,q FR 15o .1NT6r-rNA .-A-1 ^NTCPl.,4 FRo i. r ;€ v rE !^, 5cAL€ , /t" 97O/949-52@ FAXl949-520.5 VIC|.OR MARK DONALDsON ARCHITECTS, P.C. - Ttrrn(V,...rr^ D,FOR APPROVAL tr#ron YouR usE.tr REVISE AND SUBMIT ARCHITECruRE . PLANNING . INTERIORS Box 53OO ' Avon. Colorodo 61620 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DArE 1-.J L ez .rceNo. Q9l- | D D REMARKS: kru4 -zton FEDERAL EXPRESSWE ARE SENDTNG YOU VIA: CI FAX D UPS D US MAIL tr DELIVERY fl snop DRAwINGS PROGRESS PRINTS tr coPtEs a DATE DRAWING # THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: D REVIEWED BY VMDA frN"REQUESTED O REJECTED COPIES DESCRIPTION coPY rc b,BnP. sIGNED VICTOR MARK DONALDSON, ARCHITECTS, P.C. RADIO ANTENNA POSSIBLE LOCAT IONS P effijffrcrnn-r Qffiruoc STORE FLOOR KTUN RADIO STATION ANTENNA LOCATIONS 3OUTI1_AE3T TOAER ELEVATION l/b" = l'-O" OO48 Eo.t g.ov.r Cr..k glvd. E.?rch"noi& Ploto. Sulf. 2O7P.O- gox 55OO. Avon. CO AIA2O 9ro / e 1o-52oo F ax / 0 4e -52O5 MARK DONALDSON -r--l /\J --i\./\l*Ni si--i I -J I PARTIAL SITE PLAN DI5H LOCATION SECTION A-A SCALE' l/16"= l'-O" OO48 Eo.t B.oY.r C...k 8lvd.E..rchrhod. Pl€to, Sull. 2O7P-O- gox sJOO, Avon. CO al62o eao /0.e-52oo F a\/0 lQ -5203 TY LI SETB.ACK CNL.*RIJ/,E VAIL REAR DA5 SCHONE PARKIN6 LOT DISH DISH 54 52 x : \J c{ zuILDIN6 BEYOND 5AIfr' VICTOR MARK OONALDSON ARCHTTECTS 'r" ltl \ llill\ ".'\ ;i I KTUN RADIO STATION DISHES LOCATION DESIGN FEATURES - SCALA HDCA SERIES YAGIS RUGGED coNsTRucTloN: Because Scala HDCA yagis were designed with the professional and commerclaluser in mind thsy are built for maximum durabllity and reliabilityind superior electrical performance. Theserugged antennas are fabricated with anodized heavy-wall seamless 6061T'6 alumlnum drawn tuOing. The para-sitic elements ar€ made of %" O.D. aluminum tublng with a.049" wall. The booms are made ot 1.050', O.D.aluminum pipe. The elements are mdunted to the b;m with heavy anodized aluminum castings. These casilngsare ribbed al the stress points. No welds, which anneal and weaken aluminum, are depended upon f,o,mechanical supporl. All fastenings and hardware are stainless steel. This atten on to mechanical integrirymeans that a Scala antenna will provide many years of service and witl provide the userwlth real cost elf iciency.Low'band models teature inlernal inserls in elements lor exlra strength and to mlnimlze fa gue caused byresonant vibrations. Ten-element yagis lor FM and low-band TV channels are furnished wilh dlagonal boombraces for maximum reliabitity. LOw NOISE LEVEL: Every precaution has been taken to eliminate the generation of noise from within theanlenna itself. All parasitic elements, including the boom, are of one-piecJconstruction. Feed points on drivenelements are welded. There are no mechanicai splices or outside sleeving to corrode and generate noise at alater date. The low noise factor and gain remain stablo throughbut th6 lif; of the antenna. EXCELLENT TRANSMISSION LINE MATCH: The HDCA series yagis provide a maximum ySWR of 1.5:1 acrossthe specified channel' Scala's exclusive balun design provides a slable transformation trom the unbalancedcoaxial leedline to the balanced dipole feed. For trouble.free service, the rugged all-brass balun is sealedagainst moisture accumulation. EASY ASSEMBLY: Alt scala.HDCA yagis can be easily assembled in a few minutes. All necessary hardware andassembly instruclions are furnished. All yagis include stainles steel U-bolt assemblies and hiavy aluminumcastings tor attachmenl to a circular support_]rvith an outside diameter of 2" lo 2t'. CHolcE oF coNNEcToRS: While Scala reiommends the use of 7$ohm N type connectors tor optimumperformance and reliability, the HDCA yagis are available with UHF or F type connectors al no extra cost. STACKING HARNESSES AND AccEssoRlES: HDcA yagis may be stacked in various arrangemenrs to increasegain and to modify patlerns. scala can supply coaxial stacking harnesses for twcbay and four-bay arrays whichptovide optimum impedance matching and lowest loss. Coniact Scala for stacking dimensions and for infor-mation on methods of arranging antennas for maximum tront.to-back ratios and foi reducing co.channel inter-'ference. Polar pattern plots tor HDCA yagis are available ffom scala on request. In addition, Scala offers f actory'assembled coaxial line assemblies to the customer's length and connector specifications. Thesecustom-made cable assemblies eliminate the problems and inconvenience often encountered during fielctassembly. M ECHAN ICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions and weights of HDCA yagis vary with operating channel or frequency setected. Typical values arelisted lor the largest anlennas (lowest trequenciesj and smallest antennas thig'hest frequencies) in the tiv+element (HDCA'5) and ten'elemenl (HDCA-10) models. For specilic informati6n on other channels pleaseconlact Scala. Wldth ! englh Wlnd Thrust. Approx. Ship. Wi. HDCA-S (Channel 2) 't}61h,, 95%', 1St 19 tbs. HDCA-S (Channel 13) 281A,, 257,",, 42 9 tbs. HDCA-10 (Channel 2) 109" 1g7rl"', 323 40 tbs. HDCA-1o (Channel 13) " 3O1A,, 54'rlr",, 90 15 tbs. HDCA-S (98 MHZ) 62V1,, S63/rc" 100 .t4 tbs. HDCA-10 (98 MHZ) 63'/,"" 109r3/.,c" 20S 30 lbs. 'Thrust in pounds with th', tadial ice and 100 MpH wind. - ORDER|NG|NFoRMAT|ON:scALA:::ilffi"1 ffisian,enna# llli:1,"';"'iillSp:i:ffi3lT,iy"Yi':Il;T,i"' MEDFORD, OREGON 97it channet in the gg-109 MHz band. Specify connector (5o3)29.6500--|ype(Ts.ohmNtype,Ftype'orUHFtype). scALA :::ilffi" o O t t" CA7-460 Horizontal Plot Horizontal Polarization (Relatlve Voltage) CA7-46O Horizontal Plot Vertical Polarization Sca ancl The For addltional gain and directivity, scala offers the 2cA7-460 (two-bay) and 4cA7-460 arrays. These arrays are supolied with precision coaxial phasing harnesses and al! I.|- I J: The Scala CA7-460 is a seven-element yagi deslgned lor high per- formance and long-term reliability even under severe environ. mental condillons. This antenna is a broadband design, makingit particularly suitable for systems requirlng frequency agility within a specified band. Standard models of the CA7-460 cover the 40&420 MHz and 450-470 MHz bands. the antenna is available for other portions of the 200-500 MHz spectrum with d bandwidth of t2% of the center frequency. The CA7-460 is made of heavy-wall anodized 6061-T0 aluminum pipe and tubing, heavy aluminum castings, and stainless steel fastenings and hardware. All elements are 314" seamless drawn tubing with no mechanical splices. Elements are mounted to the boom with machined castings which offer a large supporl area and reduce stress concentration and metal latigue.(Relative Vollage) a's exclusive balanced feed design provides equal distribution of energy to the drito the driven element, allows the entire antenna structure to be kept at DC ground potential. nternal balun s sealed n foam to prevent moisture accumul ation. Insulating materials are care- tability under extreme lemperaturefullyselecled fo avorable high-frequency characleristics and s changes Caref ul atten o design and strict quality control during manufacture have earned the Scala f rom trop- (four-bay) hardware CA7'460 a reputation tor unmalched performance and reliabiiily under conditions ranginglcal marine lo arctic environmenls. required to attach lo a vertical pipe mast. Arrays include: 2CA7-460H (H polarizatlon vertlcal stack - 12.5 db gain) 2CA7-460V (V polarlzation ion rtal 4CA7-460 (H or V polariza scALA ::::;:';"OR DERI NG IN FORIVTATIO N: 12.5 db gain) 15 db gain) Specify model, frequency, and connector type horizontal stack ion - quad stack (503) 779.6500 PR-950 PARAFLECTOR'ANTENNA 18 dBd gain 94G-960 MHz (broadband)t Mountlng Options:Modsl D€scriotion Stoc* Codo MKPX€ Mountino Kit lor 2.375 inch(shown) (60 mm)-OD mast. 97150-002 MKPX-g Mounting Kit lor 2.875 inch (73 mrn) OD mast. 97140-052 MKPX-10 Mounting Kit lor 3.5 inch (09 mm) OD mast. 97140-053 MKPX-I I Mounlino Kit tor 4 inch (1q2 mni) OO mast 971/rc-054 MKPX-I 2 Mounling Kit lor 4.5 inctl (114 mm) OD masl 971/t0"O55 Tlll Mounling Kil. 8-39 degr€$ flt anglo. 9741flp1 Used with any MKPX kil listed abovo 3w ruW MKPX.8 Mounting Kit MKTB.1 without nolice. (NL.9PRU.-E PERTY LI VA|L DA5 SCHONE REAR PARKINo LOT IO'-O" DIAMETER DIgH I3'-O" DIAMETER DI5H X E \J _lct BUILDIN6 BEYOND VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHTTECTS T.O. CONA. 1q62'4. INTO FIN.6RADE 5Ar tu" PARTIAL siTE PLAN DISH LOCATION SECTION A-A 5CALE, l/16" = l'-O" OO48 go.t B.ov.r Cr..k Btyd.E.nchmort Plozo. Sult. 2O7P.O. 8ox 53OO, Avon, CO 6t52Oe7o / 9 19 - 52OO F a\ / 0 L -3203 ,/I t ...,I 0260 ,- -- --J- ..._- -:_ - _ _ _ _ -__--J, _ _ _ KTUN RADIO STATION DISHES LOCATION RADIO ANTENNA POSSIBLE LOCATION5 e##"es8_ gTORE FLOOR 3OU1-I_+_AE5T T OAER ELEVATI CN l/b" = l'-O" VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ANCTINECTS , P.C. KTUN RADIO STATION ANTENNA LOCATIONS SffiffErnnu PAYCARE FLOOR OO4E Eo.t B.ov.r Cr..k 8lvd.B..rchrnork Ploto. Sult. 2O7F.O- gox 5SOO. Avon. CO A162(,e7o /910 -52OO F t/ 91e -3205 ..:-t a Adjaccnt propcrty owncrs for KTUN Variancc Rcqucst as copicd form cnvclopcs submitted with application: l. James Osterfoss (2) 1750 S Frontage Road 83 Vail, Co.81657 2. Thomas C. O'Brien P.O. Box 432 Vail, Co. 81658 3. Robert W. Morgcnroth l82l N 6th St. Burbank, Ca.91504 4. Andrew C. Moc 2019 Chamonix Lanc Vail, Co,81657 5. Delorcs C. Mills (2) P.O. Box 43 I 841 Miami, Fl. 33243-1841 6. Bevcrly J. Schnfiter (2) P.O.Box 1724 Edwards, Co.81632-172 7. Ncil Strotkin (2) 212l N. Frontagc Road West 197 Vail, Co.81657 8. Brian D. And Jcnnfcr A. Sisscman 2552 Sweetwatcr Cir. Lafayetie Co. 80026 9. Hermann Staufer P.O.Box 5000 Vail. Co.81658-5000 10. David A. Tucholke P.O. Box 784 Minturn, Co. 81645 O I t. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. Lawrcncc R. Wood Box232 Vail. Co. 81658 Billy B. Wright I l0 E 9th st. Grand Island, NE. 68801 Richard L. Stampp P.O.Box l97l Avon, Co. 81620 Safeway P.O.Box 29089 Phoenix, Ar. 85038-9089 #39 Joyme Brondess Care of Brian Oriely ATTY P,O. Box 5780 Avon, Co. 81620 West Vail Mall Corp. 233 Milwaukec Dcvncw Co. 80260 Konrad Obcrlohr (2) 2656 Devos Trail Vail'co' 81657 -., ED^-,1 Gcrry H. Amald Wp^l'fi 2059 Chamonix Lane 'Iv ;'/V'l t vuit. Co. StoSz 7" ' Ronald Lembert 533 Ankins, Avc. Shreveport, La. 7 | 104-4447 Janice and Gregg Cummings 2109A Chamonix Lane Vail, Co.81657 David G. Sherwood P.O.Box 3453 Vail. Co. 81658 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Jamcs and Sandi C. Poolc 2039 ChamonixLane#2 Vail. Co. 81657 23. Charlcs Gardner, Mark Smith' Josephene Weirich 155 Ash St. '. Denver, Co. 80220 24. AngelaW.I. Avcry 2435 Oakland Dnive Sediala, Co. 80135 25. William Lawrence Bandoni P.O. Box 1726 Vail, Co. 81658-1726 - 26. Roger G. and Carol 2826 Pierce Street San Francisco, Ca, 94123 27. Darlene Borstad 2079 Chamonix Lane #8 Vail. Co. 81657 28. Paul G. and Mary A. Witt P.O,Box 18574 Avon, Co. 81620 29. Christopher M. Connolly 2079 Chamonix Lanc #4 Vail, Co. 81657497 30. Carlyn M. Costello P.O. Box 26t Vait, Co. 81658 3 l. Ross Davis Jr. P.O.Box 190 Vail, Co.81658 32. George Eliopulos 936 County Rd.97e Coal Creek Canyon, Co. 80906 JJ. 34. 35. Gary D. Emrick 2890 WcstcliffCir. Colorado Springs, Co. 80906 Michael Y. Eng ,pfotfotl i;.ci.'e;- izei - iq,/,fur. Vail. Co.81658 tr U - Sylavan Geneux 2079 Chamonix Lane #6 Vaif, Co. 81657497 Bevcrly Louise 2059 Chamonix Lane #10 Vail, Co.81657 Curtis King P.O. box 3375 Vail, Co. 81658 Neil C. Kocncman l65l Jackson St. Oshkosh Wl. 54901 Michacl N. Lanc P.O. box 661 Vail. Co, 81658 Richard Mcchec 2079 Chamonix Rd. #3 Vail Co.81658 ColleenA. McCarthv nfif -nia":.tlg^ ''W,?pn'l Vail, Co. 81658 " , Donna Meineke P.O. Box 1288 Avon, Co. 81620-128 Hattco Enterprises Inc. 133 N. 99th St. Miami. Fl. 33138 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43, t rEM MAY AFFE.T YouR PRoPn PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vait will hold a public n."*g iniclorOance tilitf, Seition 18'66.060 of the Municipal. Code oJ the Town of Vait on oecemoei'id, rl1id "iz'oo i.u. in rhe Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A reouest for a side setback variance in order to construct a tvvo car garage, located at assd-Sireamside Circle EasVLot 15, Bighorn 4th Addition' Applicant: Planner: Lillian and William Bresnahan, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Lauren Waterton A request lor a minor subdivision to create two primary/secondary lots and a variance from the 30' minimum trontage ;q;;;;i; r;aieoiidscfcnanionix Laneffract A, Vail Heights, Filing 1. Applicant: Robert Hunter (AKA Schmetzko), represented by Rick Rosen Planner: George Ruther A request for a valiance to allow for two satellite dishes, located at 2099 N' Frontage Road WesV Vail Commons. j$plicant: KTUNIianner: Tammie Williamson7r A request for a review of a new water storage tank, located on an unplatted parcel of land in East Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a minor subdivision to relocate the-col"Ilmon, prpnpJly- line between Lots 7 and I' tocatbO at 666 and eSO Forest Road/Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Neil and NancY AustrianPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request lor an amendment to the condition of approval for the Town of Vail Public Works expahsion pertaining to employee housing at the site. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: AndY Knudtsen A request to amend Sections 18.27.030, 18.29.030, and 18.30.030_o{the Zoning.Code to allow van stoiageliransportation related businesses in the Commercial Core 3, Arterial Business, and Heavy Service Zone Districts as a conditional use and add Sections 18.04.415 and 18.04.385 providing definitions for vehicle storage yard and transportation business' Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello lllllll,l The applications and information about the proposals are.availab]e t"l qyP]iq,iill":Ior_during reguldroffice hours in the project planner's otlice located at the Town ot Vail Uommunlly De-velopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notitication' for intormation. Community Development Department Published November 29, 1996 in the Vail Trail. Please call 479-2114voice o, *n rr:rJ) r, l r, hn urJ'l t rHrs rrEM "it t[t5R6I3'fR PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning an-d Environmental -commission of the Town of Vait wi1 hold a pubtic n"iti'ig ffi.;;te;il; t'u-itn Section 18.66'060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on reoruary'ii, iggiai z:OO P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building' In consideration oi: A reouesl for a site coveraqe variance to allOw for the Construction Ol a two-car garage' located "i i'rieiStr""miiOe Circtellot 15, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition. Applicant: Edward Padilla, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A reouest for a site coverage variance and conditional use p.ermit to allow for a Type ll EHU' io""tlo ii r isa Caoin CircieiLot 3, Block 2 Vail Valley 1st Filing' William and Shirley Mclntyre, represented by Ned Gwathmey Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a site coverage variance and conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' i;";iba;i 186 Forest RoadiLot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 'lst Filing' Mike Flannery, represented by Guy Dreier George Ruther A request to amend a platted building envelope amendment to allow for a 489 sq' ft' increase in ir," ri,iiroii'i-"il;bd iiz;;G"ateo iienueloire B, Parcel4, Lions Ridge Filins #2' David & Jody Leach, represented by Bob Mach Tammie Williamson Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request to develop a prelerred alternative lor Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for single- family, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a worksession to discuss the development standards for the propos-ed.Alpine Gardens fOucation Cent"r, to O. located generally'west of the Ford Park Athletic Fields' on a part of Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Planner: George Ruther A request lor variance(s) f rom Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas, D1,3'4 and 6 to allow two satellite dishes to be installed at the northwest corner of the Vail Commons property and a #flo|.t]i.IfJll'':1ffi ::lgb3S'i'"l"ul'""llffi:'*b'i'ii?t:'fi '"tTrtopantennasonthe Planner: Tammie Williamson A request for a final review of the establishment of special Development District #35' Austria Haus. tocated at242EaslMeadow Drive/on a pan o[iiact C, Bloik 5-D, VailVillage lst Filing' Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc', represented by Gordon Pierce Pidnner: George Ruther A request for variances from sections 18.22.060 (setbacks), 18;22.140 (Parking)' 18'04'130 (Common Area) and 1B#.'06"LP;;c".t"ge of Accfiorv Uies) to allow lor an entry addition at rhe Swiss Chalet, ro."t"O-liei Eait f,rfeido* Drive/Partbf Lot k, Btocx 5-E' Vail Village 'lst Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry Pratt Pianner: Lauren Waterton The applications and intormation about the pr9P9l3F are available for public inspection drrrino reoular ottice hours in the projecr ptanner,s otfice rocarei'afi'h-e io*rioi'v"it corrrniiliilJui;ft;^l ffp"1;ent, Ts"soith Frontage Road' sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificalion Please call 479-2114 voice ot 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Developmenl Departmenl Published February 7, 1997 in the Vail Trail. Printed by Tammie wi l l iamson r/27 /97 10:35am From: Tammi e Williamson To 3 ,Judy Rodriguez Subject: f wal: KTUN ===NoTE===== ==========L / 27 / 97 =L0 z TOam== ,Judy- since we have to re-advertise for the KTUN variance request to include all five variances do they need to provide additlonal envelopes and adjacents? If so, I r^7ant to be sure and tell them t.o provide that in the letter that goes out today. Let me know. Thanks I Tw Fwd=by: =Judy=Rodrigue= L / 27 / 97 =1'0 :15am== F\,,rd bo: Mike Mol1ica, Tammie williamson We need to send adjacents as there is a new variance added, buts I think we can provide the envelopes - Mike $rhat do u think Fwd=by: =Mike=MolIica==1/ 27 /97=t0z 3l-am== Fwd to: .Iudy Rodriguez, Tammie Williams I agree wibh ,Judy. It has been our policy to provide the envelopes for re-notification, with the exception of projects which have numerous adjacents' Fwd=by; =.Iudy=Rodrigue=1/ 27 /97=t0 t 34am== Fwd to: Tanuni e Williamson When you get the "starred" maj-l-box - you just need to adjacent list - I rtill make envelopes. notice in your give me the blue up the Page: 1 o FAX COVER SHEET r/Date 1/z/f 7 This is page 1 of 3 ---4 I t+ant.t Mu/*tsar'f6,-*/ 6F ifrtL -, --_. l'!7o- {?S.ztl52- From: Jon Banks Moss Entertainrnent Corp Voice: 970-94S8564 Fax:- 97G945-1237 KNFO Basalt CO KTUN Eagle /Vail CO t$roN & ](vYN St Hefena/ Napa CA KSPN Aspen CO KFMU Oak Greek I Sbar$oat Springs CO 1'd VAIL VALLEY TELEVISION .LNElyf{Mt€.LN3 SSOl.t NOdl hM6t:6 L66,a-LZ-J [ilJi.$J Tammie Williamson, Planner Department of Community Dwelopment Town Of Vail DearTammie, January 21,1gg7 Thanks for your leffer of January 14th; you should be receiving some drarrings this moming from Andy Bober at Vidor Mark Donaldson. At the informational meeting um had with the commisstoners, it uras clear that they were concemed wrlh the safety and esfrptics of our proposal- They suggested that the site of the satelllte dish€s bs fericed as rrrell as landscaped. In order to do so, the sidewalk to the ead umuld harc to be mofed to crEate ditiornl roan. We've disqrssed this problem with John Calchrtoll at City Markst and rrc have a plan that inclucles relocating lhe sider€lk- We re asking that the rew side*alk locdlm be 4proved as part of this proposal, and the (o<isting) sideualk br.rilding permit modified so it doeen't have to be addressed separately lator. The space is sdill very limited, and the fence on the west side will have to be on the property line. I don't see how it will be possible to provide landscaping on that side. We have added an addilional Coloredo Sp,ruce on the souttftr€st oomer of the fence, and a scattering of potentillas. Since we face the parking and service area behind Vail Das Schone, and our dishes are located above their dumpsters, I dm't think we're causing a serious esthetic problem. The arcfritects have suggestect e style of fence that will complement the design fheme of the proiect, wilh stumfaced nnsonry columns at the comers and sfx fmt vefiical boards similar to the siding on the commercial buildings. Thet€uras also a qrsUon of the heigtrt of fie dish in rplation to Chamonix lane. The taller (rear) dish will be less than tuelve feet above grade at the bad,c The architect's chawing shole the ground elevation at ths dish to be 7963feet so the dish rould aboutfive feet abqre the 7970bd right of rvay of Chammix hne. Of course, the proposed landscaping (tt F Cdtrado spruce ed m aspen behind the disfi) uouH blodr the view forn Chamonit anpray. All this is stloi,n on tfrc arcfiitecfs drawirp. We would like to ofier yql some options with the dish colors: 1. Theycan be leftwhileto mahh thewinterscene. 2. They can be dark green to matctr the summr coloration. 215 Nqrth t''lill Str..t. Arpcr. Color.do ll6ll . TcloDhona 97O.925.{550. Frrrirnil. gTO 92O.totl 4'd LEZa 516 @26 LN3lt{MU31N3 SSON N@l N\€2,6 L66'a-ae-a 3. They can be blad< br the darlcst appearance- Wg'd g€ferwhite since it best matdres the landscape during Vail's busies{ season, and since the dishes are already that color. lf lhe commissioners rrould prefer dark green or Had<, ure're happy b 6mply, hrt we trrould like the choioe of pairrting th€ dish or fitting it with a colorecl coverb drbve the desired app€rmoe. We uant to olfer you some options for the antennas on the false stainrcU toi/er, ao well. We had propose<l mountirE the antennaa on the vlest face below ttp eave (location A on lhe drarirB). Andy Bober, uf,ro $aes yu.r onsrr br the appeatanco of the ins{allation, propo€ed focdirtg them on the rrcrfr side above the eave (location C). He believes the staiftl€llrwuld Hockthe view and ntake the antennas less conspiarous from the ftontage toad, ard that this wqrH be a befrer bcdkn A s'milar locdftn (B) on the west side above tlre eave as also possible, but uould probabty be mor€ visible. Obvirusly, the soope of this proird has grown far bepnd wtrat vre hact hoped. lf rre nprre the sidewalk, ered a bnce and landscape the site, nre would like to have permisrirn to install additispl antennas wilhin lhe bnce as mey be rreeded in the lirture, prwided the/re not visible over the top of the bnca. Please let me laow if you need any addiUonal inbrmation. Sinceraly,a.ntJ* /51--rl rt JfiBanks \-director of Rdio EngineerirE 97G945{5Btvoice 97O-9491A7tal., cc Massey Pitts, KTUN LAZI ga6 eZ6 l.t..lEly\NMrElN3 SS0 n0tlja-d Y{\leE,6 L66l-|.Z-l 4 .4. J-.ri-rl- c r:, ul{t'i / I,!il, 3. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas, D1 , 4, 6, to allow two satellite dishes to be installed at the northwest corner of the Vail Commons property, located at 2099 N. Frontage Road wesv vail commons' Applicant: KTUN RadioPlanner: Tammie Williamson Tammie Williamson gave an overview of the request and said that today staff had amended the request to be a workiession. She said the applicant was being represented by John Banks, who was present, and he would like to have some guidance from the PEC at this meeting. Greg Moffet asked if, during the site visit, something changed to request this be changed to a worksession? Tammie Williamson said she understood the location of the equipment was to be inside, but that now the antennas were on top of the building and visible and staff would need to lurther review the new location of the antennas. She asked if, because of this change and staff needing a chance to review the request, should we table the item? Mike Mollica said the PEC could table the item, but since the applicant was here and wanted guidance, he suggested making this a worksession for the request' Greg Moffet said, for the record, that KTUN was a customer of his and if anyone saw a conflict he would recuse himself. John Banks, Director of Engineering lor Moss Entertainment (the parent company of KTUN), said there was a potential impacl on aesthetics with the relocation of the anlennas. He explained that some of the antennas were on the Vail Run site. He said that there wele two locations on the site for installation. The first installation would have two dishes on the northwest corner dug into the hillside with screening. The second installation had a dish looking at a different satellite which was needed for programming that might be required in the future. This location was near the Frontage Road, installed on the lront corner (of the west side) of a lalse stairwell. John said that two antennas needed to be installed that were smaller than a large satellite dish, or the size ol a lawn chair. He explained that the stairwell was the only place on the lot that could relay to Dowd Junction, since ihe view lrom the Vail Commons site was blocked by a hill. By locating the antenna on this stairwell at Vail Commons, the relay would work. Greg Moffet asked lor any public comment. There was none. Galen Aasland said the two dishes by Chamonix had no mitigation and were extremely visible. He said that the towers needed to not look like a navy ship. John Banks said that they were not intended to be higher, just put on the west face. Planning and Envirorunental Commission Minutes January 13, 1997 I,: Greg Moffet asked about cutting into the stairwell? Diane Golden said we needed to get input from the neighbors to the north and asked if they had been notified. Tammie Williamson said they had been contacted, however, to date there had been no response. Diane Golden asked if the antennas were mesh. John Banks said the antennas wete solid fiberglass, as mesh were used for consumer use and also mesh was not recommended with a heavy snowload' Greg Moffet asked how the applicant would keep kids off of them. John Banks stated that they were up off the ground. Greg Moffet saw it as a great place for kids to hang out and therefore, needed an enclosure with a wall. Mike Mollica gave the example of the Holiday Inn and stated that they used a low fence to screen the dish and to keep kids out. Greg Moffet would like to see a wall. Diane Golden said a wall was a great idea. Henry Pratt said that a fence and landscaping were not adequate enough to screen the dishes and he also encouraged the applicant to paint them, as white was too stark. He suggested that the applicant cut a hole in the roof of the stairwell and hide the antennas in there, as it was a false stairwell. John Schofield echoed Henry's comments. He would like information on the height of the dishes and il they were 15' from the right-of-way. John Banks said the satellite dish antenna will not be higher than the stairwell and that it would not work inside, because the stairwell was steel. Gene Uselton agreed with Greg regarding the fence and that to obscure it from any views from Chamonix was good. He asked if it would be under the eave so it would disappear. John Banks said it would have some depth. Greg Amsden asked if the location of the pedestrian walkway was fixed because as it was now, the applicant would have to go onto the adjacent neighbor's property to plant trees. Mike Mollica said this would be an opportunity to modify the bend in the walkway. He said staff could talk to Andy Knudtsen regarding that. Planning and Environmental Commrsston Minutes January 13, 1997 I Greg Amsden was in favor ol a fence and also strongly was in favor ol painting anything exposed to tie into the surrounding landscaping. Greg Moffet said it was not a problem to grant a variance, since our goal was to keep businesses in Town. In terms of the placement of satellite dishes, he didn't see a problem with placement under the sloped roof and painted a matching color. Greg liked Henry's alternative of cutting out a window and having it enclosed. John Banks asked stafl what the fence height allowed in Town was? Mike Mollica said 6'. Mike also asked about snow removal from the dishes and was in favor of a mesh dish. John Banks said they would sweep off any snow that accumulated' Plarming and Environmental Comrxsston Minutes January 1 3. 197 FIL E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 13V479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-2452 January 27,1997 Jon Banks Moss Entcrtainrncnt Corporation 225 North MillStrcct Aspcn, Colorado 8l6l I Departnent of Contnunity Development RE: KTUN Radio satcllitc/antcnna variancc rcqucst Dcar Mr. Banks: As a follow-up to your tclcphonc convcrsations with mc and Mikc Mollica on January 24, 1997, wc ilgrccd to tablc thc variancc rcqucsts until thc Fcbruary 24. 1997 Planning and Environmcntal Commission mccting in ordcr to atlvcrlisc tbr thc following varilnccs: I . To allow two dishcs; Scction ltt.5ll.320 D I "No morc than onc satcllitc dish antcnna shall bc allowcd on any lot as dclincatcd on thc Oftlcial Town zoning rnap;" 2. To allow thc two antcnnas to bc at a hcight grcatcr than 1.5 fcct; Scction 18.58.320 D 3 "Thc maximum hcight allowcd for any satcllitc dish antcnna, whcn measurcd tiom thc top of thc satcllitc dish antcnna down to cxisting or finishcd gradc, rvhichcvcr is morc rcstrictivc, shall not cxcccd fiftcon fcct:" 3. To allow thc dishcs to bc grcatcr than ninc fcct in diamctcr; Scction 18.58.320 D 4 "Thc maximum sizc of any satcllitc dish antcnna installcd for usc by a singlc rcsidcncc or busincss shall bc limitcd to nine fcct in diamcter. Satsllitc dish antcnnas scrving multi-family tlwellings shall be limitcd to a maximum of twclvc fcct in diamctcr:" {,7 *'""'uo'u"' 1. To allow thc norlhcrn-most dish to cncroach rpproxinratcly fivc fcct into thc rcquired 20- foot sctback in thc Comrncrcial Corc 3 (eC3) Zonc District: Scction llt.5ll.320 D 6 ..satcllitcdishantcnnassha||comp|ywiththccxistingsctback rcquircmcnts of thc zonc district in which thc satcllitc dish arrtcnna is insiallcd. Satcllitc dish antcnnas shall bc prohibitcd in cascmcnts and publicrights-of.way.Noporlionofasatcllitcdishantennaorits supporting structurc shall cncroach into thc vcrtical planc as drarvn from an cxisting casclxcnt or sctback linc:" -5. To allow two roottop antcnnas: Scction 1tt.54.050 C 7 ,'Rooftop antcnnas shall not bc pcrmittcd unlcss as allowcd undcr a conditional usc rcvicw as spccitlcd within thc zoning codc.'' In ordcr lbr statf to conduct a comprchcnsivc rcvicw of thc pro.jcct, plcasc subrnit thc following intbrrnation no latcr than l2:00 noon, Monday, Fcbruary 3. 1997: I ) Photos anil nrodcls (usc Vail Cornmons basc) ol'tll thc antcnnas, at a scalc of I " = 20'; 2) Dctailcd drawings of thc mounting apparatus rcquircd fbr thc antcnnas locatcd on thc lalsc stairwcll towcr: 3) Color samplcs and a photo of thc proposcd covcr for thc dishcs' This application is somcwhat complicatcd anr.l I apprcciatc your paticncc. Plcasc undcrstand our position, as thc Comtnunity Dcvcloprncnt stafl'rnust rcvicw this proposal with rcgard to tltc ncighborhood and thc ovcrall dcvclopmcnt of Vail Commons' Thank you for your coopcration. Should you havc any qucstions, plcasc contact mc dircctly at (970\ 479-2142. Sinccrcly, , i cf,zt,, o-"fJ fuc[t* "*"^ Tammic Williamson' Town Planncr TWjr cc: Stcwalt Pattcrstln F:ri E n{}TYI - ir \rva I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Comrnunity Deve lopment January 14,1997 Stcwart Patterson KTUN-FM L & B Broadcasting 1000 Lionsridgc Loop Vail, Co.81657 RE: Satellite Variance Request Dcar Mr. Pattcrson: Plcasc find attachcd sotnc information from thc Codc rcgarding fcnccs and somc dctails on thc color and scrccning for satcllitc dishcs. Plcasc notc that I am cnclosing a list of itcms rcquircd to cornplctcly rcvicw thc proposal. Thcsc itcms rcflcct PEC's commcnts at thc l-13-97 workscssion conccrning your itcm. Plcase submit this iriformation no latcr than Monday, January 20, for the January 27,1997 PEC mccting. l. A proposal of thc fcncing with additional landscaping: 2. A proposal of thc color of thc dishcs that would complimcnt thc surroundings; 3. Provi<lc clctailcd drawings that show thc antcnnas on thc falsc stairwcll towcr, to includc clcvation and location ovcr or undcr thc cavc of thc tolvcr; and 4. Show thc hcight of thc dishcs in rclation to thc r-o-w on Chamonix Lanc. If you nccd additional information, plcase contact me at 479-2142' Sinccrely, &-**/ il'ua;'_ Tammie Williamson cc: Jon Banks {S rt"r"uoruo ZONING ,4. 5. 6. planted in natural looking groups. Geometric plantings, evenly spaced rows of trees, and other formal landscape patterns shall be avoided. Particular attention shall be given the landscape design of off-street parking lots to reduce adverse impacts upon living areas within the proposed development, upon adjacent properties, and upon public spaces rvith regard to noise, lights, and visual impact. Parking lots of fifteen or more spaces shall comply with the landscape require- ments found in Section 18.52.080(F.) of the Vail Munici- pal Code. Alf iandscaping shall be provided with a method of irrigation suitable to ensure the continucd maintenance of planted materials. Whenever possible natural drainage patterns upon the site shall not be modified. Negative drainage impacts upon adjacent sites shall not be allowed. Runoff from impervious surfaces such as roofs and pavement areas shall be directed to natural or improved drainage channels or dispersed into shallow sloping vegetated areas, Slope of cut and fill banks shall be determined by soil chaiacteristics for the specific site to avoid erosion, and promote revegetation opportunities, but in any case shall be limited to a maximum of 2:l sloPe. Measures shall be taken to retain all eroded soil material on'site during constructibn, control both ground water and surface water runoff, and to permanently stabilize all disturbed slopes and drainage features uPon comPletion of construction. All plants shall be planted in a good quality topsoil mix of a type and amount recommended by the American Landscape Contractor Association and the Colorado Nurseryman's Association. All plantings must be mulched. Paving near a tree to be saved must contain a plan for a "tree vault" in order to ensure the ability of the roots to recetve alr. E. Fencingi walls. I l. The placement of walls and fences shall re:,pect existing land forms and fit into land massing rather than arbi- J. 7. 8. 9. I0. I l. (Vail ll-lJ-E3)454h trarily follow bite boundary lines. Fences encouraged except to screen trash areas, ment, etc. DESIGN REVIEW shall not be utility qquip- 2. Design of fences, walls, and other structural landscape features shall be of materials compatible with the site and the materials of the structures on the site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials such as wood timbers, logs, rocks, or textured, color tinted concrete. No chain link fences shall be allowed except as temporary construction fences or as required for recrea- tional facilities.3. The allowable heights of reraining walls shall be as stated in Section 18.58.020 of the Vail Municipal Code.F. Accessory structures/utilities/service areas.l. Design of accessory structures upon a site shall be compatible with the design and materials of the main structure or structures upon the site. Accessory buildings generally should be attached to the main building either directly or by means of a continuous wall, fence or similar feature of the same or a com- nlementarv material as the main huilding's exterior finist,. Repealed by Ord. 24 (1985) $ l.) All utility service systems shall be installed underground. Any utility system the operation of which requires above ground installation shall be located and i or screened so as not to detract from the overall site design quality. All utility meters shall be enclosed or screened from public view. Service areas, outdoor storage, and garbage storage shall be screened from adjacent properties, structures, streets, and other public areas by fences, berms, or landscaping. Adequate trash storage areas shall be provided. There shall be year-round access to all trash storage areas which shall not be rised for any other purpose. Mail delivery shall be provided for in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance #40 of 1981.G. Circulation/access. L There shall be provided an on-site vehicular circulation system which shall coordinate with adjacent streets to 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 8. 454i (Vail l-21-86) ZONING minimize congestion and adverse impact upon the general traffic circulation pattern in the area.2. Projects shall provide adequate layout design of parking areas with respect to location and dimension of vehicular and pedestrian entrances and exits, building locations, walkways and recreational trails. 3. Proper vehicle sight distances shall exist at each access point to a public street. H. Satellite dish antennas. It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the visibility of a satellite dish antenna from any public right-of-way or adjacent properties be reduced to the highest degree possible. It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate how the satellite dish antenna installations complies with these guidelines. The guidelines work in concert with regulations outlined in Section 18.58.320 of Vail Municipal Code. The following guidelines shall be used by the design review board in evaluating applications for satellite dish antennas: I. All wiring and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shall be installed underground. 2. The use of mesh satellite dish antennas is highly encouraged because of their ability to be more sensitively integrated on a site or structure. . 3. The use of appropriate colors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive installation whe n integrating a satellite dish antenna onto a site or structure. Color selection for a satellite dish antenna should be made with respect to spccific characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted. surfaces and satellite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be allowed. 4. Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as ,to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is screened from view from any public right-of-way or adjacent property to the highest degree possible, In addition to effective site planning, screening a satellite dish antenna may be accomplished through the use of landscaping materials, fencing, existing structures, (Vail l-2t-86)4s4i o SIGNDE REVIEW sub-grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site. Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structures shall be permitted provided the satellite dish antenna is architecturally integrated into the structure. Effective use of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the satellite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a mesh material shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen a satellite dish antenna propose d on any application shall be completed prior to the issuanceof a building permit to install a satellite dish antenna. A letter of credit equal to one hundred twenty-five perce nt of the costs of installing landscaping or site improvements may be submitted to the Town 'of Vail if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements.All improvements required by the design review board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unless permission to alter or remove said improvements is obtained from the design review board. All satellite dish antennas and all improvements required by the design review board to reduce the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be allowed to become dilapidated or fall into a state of disrepair. I. Duplex and primary/secondary development. l. ''The purpose of this'section is"to'ensure'that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling 5. 6. 7. 4s4j-l (Vail 8-2-88) ."HLE COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmenial Commission Community Development Department January 13, 1997 A request for a variance from section 18.58.320, satellite Dish Antennas' D1' 4' '6, ;;i"* t*" sateltite oisnes tJ oe instailed at the northwest corner of the vail Cb*tons property, tocateO ar ZOSS N' Frontage Road WesWail Commons' Applicant: KTUN Radio Pianner: Tammie Williamson DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE The applicant, KTUN - Radio formerly K-Lite l?dio, are moving their offices from the Vail Run Building to the Vail Commons Oeuef.ip*qlt. They ire requestTng.to relocate two satellite dishes and three antennas to the new location, The applicant is i'equesling to place two satellite dishes in the northwestern portion oitne Viif Commorid Developmeht aOl9i91to Unit F6' The proposal is to depress the two tat"f iit. OisneJ approximately 30 idches in-to-finjs-fteO .O1a{9 and the. dishes will be placed "pptorit"i"iy Zeleei apirt. The soirthern-most dish (10 feet in diameter) is ;;;t"$tt" hiue a ma*im,im neight or 1 1 feet above -grade' . The northern-most dish (1 3 feet in diameter) is proposed to n"u. i-1n-"titrt height.of t fteet above grade' Both dishes are white il;;;"$d-6f sotid fil;g135;. The propoieo landscape screening includes two colorado St * rioith of the two dish6s and four'asien south ol the two dishes, The northern-most satellite dish encroaches alproximately fiv; feet into the 20{oot setback required by the Commercial Core 3 (CC3) Zone District' The remaining three antennas are to be located in the false stairwell tower near the North fiontigJRoiO. me neignt of the three antennas is ye.t.to be determined'- The antennas must OJJracto at a height to tianimit and receive signals without interference, to Dowd Junction' The applicant is requesting the following three variances from Section 18'58'320 D 'l ' 4' 6 of the code: 1. To allow two dishes; Section 18.58.320 D 1 ,,No more than one satellite dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot as delineated on the OfficialTown zoning map;" 2. To allow the dishes to be greater that nine leet in diameter; Section 18.58.320 D 4 ..Themaximumsizeofanysate||itedishantennainsta||edforusebya ,ing-r"'tiiiJ"n"e oiousiness shall be limited to nine feet in diameter' Sate||itedishantennasserv|ngmu|ti-fami|ydwe||ingsSha||be|imitedtoa maximum of twelve feet in diameter;" 3. To allow the northern-most dish to encroach-approximately five feet into the required 20{oot setback in the Commercial Core (CG3) Zone District; Section 18.58.320 D 6 'satellite dish antennas shall comply with the existing lgtback ,"irii"'.i.ni. oi ti.r" io"e disnict in wnicn me satellite dish antenna is insiatteo. satellite dish antennas shall be prohibited in easements and pr'ori"iignFor-way. No portion of a satellite dish antenna or its rrpp6iti"ng itiuctJie shali encroach into the vertical plane as drawn from an'dxisting easement or setback line'" The current equipment specifications are as follows: r A 3.8 meter (13 foot diameter) satellite dish to be installed 12 feet above grade at.the northwest "orn"r oi tn" devel6pment, next to unit F6. This dish would receive radio programming tro, s"ierrit" sitcom 5, which carries feeds from AB,C, CBS, cNN, NBC and other sources. This is the most common satellite used by radio stations. The National emergeicy'niert-system Oepends on these networks to distribute information in a National crisis; o A 3.0 meter (10 toot diameter) satellite dish to be installed 11 feet above grade, 1n th.g ., same location "t tnL "Oou" nientioneO. Some radio programs of special interest to Vail listeners, ar" tr"nJ*itied on Satellite Galaxy 4, and riqulre a sjtparate antenna. While KTUN does not prlien]y carry the Denver broncos, Rockies, Colorado Avalanche, CU football or. OatXeibaf i o?'CSU iootOall, they would like to be able to offer such programs if warranted by listener demand. This dish is necessary to receive those programs; r A SCALA PR-950 Paraflector (classified as a satellite dish by the Town ot vail Zoning Code, 18.58.320 (b) because dt its size) would be installed d's high as possible. in a false stairwett ro*er neiTtne North Frontage'Road, at the edge of the parking lot' The dimensions are 68" x 36" x 18". This -antenna would be used to transmit the station's progra*s trom tne studio to a relay point atop Dowd Junction, and then on to the transmitter at Casile Peak in Eagl6.'A line oi sight path is necessary lor this . . transmission. f-oliiions farther -back on the lot (from the North Frontage Road ) are shielded by a ridge east of Down Junction that blocks the transmission path; o A scALA HDCA - 5 series Yagi antenna would be installed at the same location. This antenna would be used lo receive the station's broadcasts for monitoring at the studio' The dimensions are 62" x 56". This antenna ensures the station has a clear signal' to make broadcasts optimal; and o A SCALA CA7 - 460 yagi antenna would be installed at the same location. This antenna would be used to receiv6 data sent via a special radio link from the transmitter back to the studio. tne dimensions are 40" x 13.5' x 4". The FCC requires that the radio station be able to monitor transmitter power and other parameters. All.of these antennas are receive-only antennis, except the Paraflector. The link transmitter used with that antenna op'eratel il JnrV iO'"atts. Atthat polver, radio energy exposure to the public.is minimat. cu""ntrlr jn" Fcc roiro*s 1982 ANSI standards, wfiich specifically exempt this typeofsystemfromtheapplicab|eenvironmentalregu|ationsbecauseoftheextreme|y low power involved. BACKGROUND ln December of 1987, K-Lite, now known as KTUN Radio, requested a vatiance to allow for a satellite dish (13 feet in diameter)to service the radio staton located in the Vail Run Buitding. This request *;;'il;;p;;J" to x-t-it"'s retocation trom Eagle to the Vail Run Building. Town of Vaif orOlnancei iimit tne size of satellite dishes to 9 feet for single famity and business u..tlinO I Z feei tor dishe-sserving multi-famiry- dy-e]tjnOs' however' the planning and Environmint"rborrGrion (pEC) approved the variance request at their December'14, 1987 meeting. In February ol 1989, K-Lite, requested a varianci to allow for the installation of a second satelire dish at the Vait R;; dJii6i6.-in" V"ir Run Building alreadv h?9 ?n existing ;i;iii[ Oiin on-site at mii timL. Th"is dish belonged to K-Lite Radiorvhici was a commerciat tenant within tni, OrifOi"g. S"ction t 5.SA.gZO, D1 of the Vail Zoning Code states: ..Nomorethanonesate||itedishantennasha||bea||owedonanylotas delineated on the official Town of Vail Zoning Map"' However, the PEC approved the variance request at their February 13, 1 989 meeting. ln october of 1989, K-Lite Radio, submitted a request for a variance to allow for the installation of a third sat"ltite oisn at the vail Run Building' At that time, K-Lite was using a 13 foot diameter teceiuing a;ienna for its CBS Network affiliation Emergency Action . Notitication System and its music programming network. The purpose of the additional antenna *as io erpanO 11.1gir Oroaicait services and specialized programming' This antenna was to be t O telt in diameter. Due to the di{fbrence in the locations of the fixed- orbit saiettites (t 39 degreei ana ru degrees), it was not possible to receive both signals *itf, tne eristing f S too-t antenna. The -PEC lpproved the variance request at their October 23, 1989 meeting. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the Community Development-Oepartment recommends approval ot the requested variance' The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.There|ationshipo|therequestedvariancetootherexistingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' Limitations on the permitted number ot satellite dishes per lot or property *"re e.t"Ot',sneO decause of the potential aesthetic impac! of several disnes tocafed on one property. in evaluating the potentialimpacts of this requesr, conlioeration'of the froposed location is an important factor. 2. As it relates to this request, the applicant has proposed some landscaping i" "iiii6itJin" ui"unt.-stx oeri"ud" that therd should be additional i"nJrc?ping to further mitigale the impacts of the dishes lrom Vail Das Scnone. U7e would recominend that the applicant relocate one ;oJnilh di inelortnein-most Oisn and hcd one additional Colorado 3-riir.".-nlioitionirrv, rhe appticanr shoutd add four to six shrubs to screen the base of each dish. The degree to which retief from the strict and literal interpretation and "nroi"Jt"nt of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve. . .. "orp"iiUlllty and uniformity olf treatment among sites in the vicinity ot io atiain the objectives of ttiis title without grant of special privilege' Radio and television broadcasting studios are a permitted use within the Cort"tJ"idor" g (Ccg) zone district' This permitted use is likely to- - *qrir" "nGnn", anilio|. i"tellite dishes in orddr to effectively operate this iyil oi ouiinesi. ine taoio station is relocating equipment already in .. existence at another location. This use has no history of harmful/negative impacts to properties within its vicinity. The applicant has demonstrated that in order to effectively operate lh€ir orrit;J., t*6 siieirite dishes are necessary' Due to the location ot the tiieo_oroit sateltites, it is not possible for KTUN Radio to utilize only one . iatettir" dish. Staff believes ihat granting approval of this variance would not be a grant of special privilege. Theeflectoftherequestedvarianceonlightandair,distributionoJ population, transporta$on and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and Public safetY. before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special priuif"ge inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2'Thatthegrantingo|theVariancewi||notbedetrimenta|tothepub|ic health, sifety oiwelfare, or materially iniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY' 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary pnvsi""i hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appfiianfe to th'e same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' 3. The staff can find no significant etfect on any of the above considerations' The Planning and Environmental commission shall make the following findingsB. tv. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specitied regulation would deprive tne'ippii.lni of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district' STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department staff recommends approv-al olthe applicant's u"'ri*." iJrrriuesteO. 'rne'paiaineters established by the Satellite Dish Ordinance were intended to provide " gen"iailitnitition in fhe size, nuri'ber, location and screening of dishes proposed. tt is "pJii.niiriiicertain types of businesses have unique needs in regards to their tr"ngirJJn t"tii1ei. The a'iplicant has sa1sfactorily shown that the ;;;;ly;e satellite iiin i"itn"iiparticulii business would constitute a hardship' The community Development Department staff recommends approval of the applicant's variance request subject to the following findings: l.ThatthegrantingoftheVariancewi|lnotconstituteagrantofspecia| privitege iltionsiEteni*itnine timitations on other properties classified in the same district' 2.Thesizeandnatureofsate||itedishesissuchthatp|acementand screeningmayinvo|veexceptionsand/orextraordinarycircumstances applicabie toihe subject sitd, that do not apply Oe19rally to other pir6perties in the Corimercial Core 3 (CC3) Zone District' 3. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specifled regulation woutdresu|tinpractica|dif|icu|tyorunnecessaryphysica|hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request with the following conditions: l.Thattheapp|icantre|ocateoneproposedaspenSouthof.thesouthe.rn- most dish 'ahO aOO one additionil Colorado Spruce. Additionally,.that the applicant add four to six shrubs at the base of each dish to provide additional screening' 2.Thatthe|andscapescreeningproposedbytheapplicantbemaintainedin a healthy state, so as to effe6tively provide a sufficient butfer to the satellite dishes at all times' 3. That the satellite dishes be of a color that sufficiently blends into the surroundings,subjecttofina|reviewandapprova|bytheDesignReview Board. 4. That the satellite dishes be of a material (such as mesh) as to. minimize theirimpactonadlacentproperties,subjecttofina|reviewandapprova|by the Design Review Board. za'd -ulor \rlotuozo{.oU-too J ILo z oF IUoz {T \)u IUF4 J [-o ]U3 D otu ruo {,IFlzlo \\r \\E \\\9 {\\q lUz .{NJ $I F9 $-$ o a4sf z Ev lu 3Bf oz { Ft- AV.EI 2,66l*56-tlUf . ,. . ('l'd slf,:IIH3* O',Ja'd aazs 6v6 r^ o o 343 t4e 52aa P.s? VAIL IDA5 trHONE PARKING LOT I I _ /p- IO'-ON PIAMETER DISH I3'-O'DIAMETER DISH TOTHL P,A2 X E o I INTO FIN- gECTION A-A %ALE l/lb"= l''O" vtcToR MARK OONALDSQN ARCHTTECTS , p.C. lmCHltEerut! . Frll{Nll'c KTUN RADIO STATION DISHES LOCATION-rfrry iA -rg aAaq -, f"ffi24{{-tr-.497.'/ OO4l Eori g.oy.? Cr-.k llvd. F:d:H":rFJd:o^',oi.l"Eotor7'..ot g/taa-szoo F^xh.a-azga REVIBION D TE r -oe-17 v,B,A. t, )kl\_ 1J-13-r996 3,39Pr.1 FROI'J 5S ENTERTAINT,IENT 97@ SAS TZZI A mof€s$oNAr ANtEi{rtA svslEMs toR SROADCASI AI{D CO{\4MU]{CAIpNS Tho Scala Parallsclor is a highgain hall-parabol.c .nlenna used h prologsiootl b|oadcast and oornmunkatior|s systems eround the world. The unklue d€sign cornbincs hiEh podotmanco and lons rerm rollability wilh low cGt and \rery oonvenienl tBnspona$on. The Paraflector oflers gEin comparablo lo a patabollc aild ot digh yet the lorvsr wsighl and s{Jrface area result h l9€s lowcr lording and less eJ(pensive InsNallation costs. The Paraneclor b tabri:at€d from seamless drawn dudrum PipQ and h$ing and hoa\ry alumlum caldngs, gold anodizEd lor cotll6itn protoction, plus slainlecs 3teel hard\,vare ard lasGoingn Thc r.eutl is a lightweight btn c) remoly rugged anionna thal wil prwlde many years ot 6oMc€ in tho most d€maruling enviorunents. Tho toam-fillsd brcadband teed aEsembly t?qui.et no pte.audralion and it can bo casily replacad il necessary. Ths PR-95O features: r High gain and high front-loback ralio for point to,point relay qFl€m applicatlons, includng broadcast aural STL links. . Compad packaging tor quick and econonrical shipment via UPS ol Federal Express. o Mesls Catcgodes A and B (FCC 94.75) and SRSP 300,89 and 300.958 (Canada) whon vertically polarized. Sp".dbd-* --Froquensy range 94H60 MHr.qgdbard) Gain 18 dBd lmpedanot . VSWH Polarirrfon Hodzonbl Or venbal Front-tooac{ ratio >25Oa MaJ(i.n m inprn pol cr 100 wstls H-ptane beamwidth 12 dsgrecr (hdt-po,nco E-phnlloamwldlh ?4 degrqss (hall.Powetl .. T€rmioation N temale Shipging dimonsbBs .tOx36x 7 trch.s (1016x914xtr8flm) Shipphg mighr 45 lb (20.4 kg) Mowdng llounlhq kilr avalrbla h mrds d 2375 !o 45 inclFi (60 to t 14 nrn) O0. Order Ir oflrtadon: [/todcl Stod( Coito 9ao3+00r Repbc.em.nt ffi esscryrlly (9{H80 MHz)94351.O02 N9/|p; $,f{,ty. nlFlun ing Ha vrhea o,derrrg (*a IidP 6 'frr''r,). SCALA ELECTRONIC CORPORATION Post Oltbe Box 4580 Phone: (503) Z9€500 Medlord, OF 97501 (USA) Fax (503) 7|93991 P.3 PR-950 PARAFLECTOR. ANTENNA 18 dBd gain 940-960 MHz (broadband) (Shorrn vo.{ce.[y po|'|izcd) Hdanr Ho.izofital pqtte r - V+ohrizauon V€rd€l pewf| - l-l'pd.tt$.t Epla|o Hd|2or*d palbn-}}pobftet Vcdcd gdbrn - Vtd.redo,l PAlAffgf OB b . nCi.r|t.d rrc.t||n ea *.b g.ctn{t* CcF.tb,t. 50 ohm3 < 1.2"1 o8 r 36 x 18 hch$ (1727xglar457nrn) EquivCant tlar p|ate sr6a 4.4 tf (.41 m') fulz E ecnor*: Cooontin b t t rdtbal ol t rhfi.in o,tu119 , 1i-.13-l996 3,4OPM r* 5. ENTERTATNMENT s7a e45 1237 o P.4 ra; SCALA ;:ilH:"ilW HDCA sERtEs , -r),yHF.TV/FM YAGIS-,\f /' ' "\?/ (slNGLE CHANNEL) /E POST OFF|C€ 80X 4580 MEoFOFO, ORECON 9750r (5fi1) 7796s00 APPLICATIONS: O VHF.W REGEPTION r FM RECEPTION . CATV SYSTEMS O TRANSISTOR SYSTEMS HDCA.s FIVE.ELEMENT YAGI HDM.lO TEN.ELEMENT YAGI Frequency Bange: lmpedance: Maximum VSWR: Polarization: Channels 2 and 3 Channels 4, 5,6 FM Channels (8&108) Channcls 7 through 13 .EIECTR|CAL SPECTF|CATTON S Any specified VHF-TV Channel(2 through 13) or Any speclfied FM Channel(88 through 108 MHz) 75 ohms (50 ohms wlth optional transformer) 1.5:1 across specilied channel Horizontal Fronl.lo.Baclt Ratio: 14 db Input Power Rating:250 Watts Termlnation: N, F, br UHF type female ' ..",.'. :. ..'- .. . 'ifr::'- - Nomlnal galn over dipole HDCA€ HDCA-IO 6.75 db 7.50 db 7.50 db 8.0 db 8.75 clb 9.50 clb 9.50 db 10.0 db About antenna gein sp€clllcatlons: Scela HDCA yagls give maxlmum posslble galn evcnly dlsklb' uled across the specilled TV cbannel. Thls flal responso ls critlcal tor gogd color lolcvlslon pedormance. There are no peaks lhat look good on a ficld strangth mot6r at lhe sacriflce ot crltlcsl signal Inlotmatlon. KGep this in mind when comparlng g4ln spgcifications with other antennas. The nomlnal gain tlgur3s llsled above are over dlpole, Add 2.t4 db to determlne galn over isotroplc (dbi). Flve-element yagls lor FM and low-band TV channels are avallable wlth rear (cantllever) mounting at extra cost. Flvc and ten-elemont high-ban<t yagls are avallable wllh extendcd booms for nar mounting at slightly higher prlcEs. 6€0 q ir' .. .l l'-J 3-1996 3,4@M SCALA ff"".H:-cA7-460 BROADBAND YAGIPOST OFFICE BOX 438|) MloFoaD, oB€ooN ?7301 (sGl) 77$c5@ ' COMMUNICATIONS . TELEMETRY ENTERTAIl\l|"€NT ELECTRICAL SPECIFICAT]ONS Frequency Range: 450.470 MHz (Broadband) 406-420 MHz (Broadband) Note: Available for other portions of 200'500 MHz sPectrum- (Bandwidlh Fc *2Yo lmpedance: 50 ohms Galn (over dipole): 10.0 db Maximum VSWR: 1.45:1 over specified bandwidlh Front.to-back Ratio: 14 db lnput power rating: 100 watts Polarization: H or V (rear'mount, adiustabl€) Termination: Type N female (mates with UG'21/U) Net Dlmensions: Net Weight Shipping Weight: Mounting: MECHAN |CAL 9P ECI FIGATION_S 40"x13.5"X4" 6 Pounds 7.5 Pounds Attaches to 2'318" rnaxlmum O.D. circular support Wind Load: . 40 pounds (10o MPH wlth 1/4" ics) (Note: Dimenslons & weights listed lor 450'470 MHz model) . I -JA*-€e-1992 L3t4a ffiHITECTS P.C.93 949 52afj P.AL 970/949-5ACD FA)Ve49-5405 VICTOR AAARK DONALDsON ARCHITECTS, P.C AnCfffffCn:fft' H-At'|NlN6 o INIU{|O[{S Oo, SCm ' Avon. Cobrodo 8162) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ro TE x.[ \f/u.^nqr"'t oNeJgE!- Jos No'-gg,.!- ORAYYING * wE ARE SENDING YOU VIA: Fr:* tr uPs o TFDERAL EXPRESS tr us IrArL- DELIVERY F-"-1wb:tru E sttoP DRAvulNGs E pnoaness PRINTS r].-.- goPfEs I pAIE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKTO BELOUV: 0-FOR ApPROVAL tr REltlElED BY VmDA $as REQUESTED Itson YouR usE o RE'EcrED rn Revse AND suBulr--coPlEs RETARKS: ffiN,ARcHlrEcrs,P'c'COPY TO SIGNED za'd -]ulol \tr \r)tuozo{.oU-t00 LI{lf t-- U otv tL olZ Ft- Z U J ILo z3ot- IUoz :E \) v. tUF4 J Folu3 D rOtu tuo It-lzlo Ir Tt-u iO lz 'lot\i ]Uz .{l^J H: q-9 s$ g o4tl z Fv ru $8fi I I Abtrl 1,66I-GA-NU[ o'3'd SL33IIFOIU 0lrla'd aws 6',6 EzE tt I *,.lii-'iii larsl 5 ARcHrrEcrs P.c,383 9,49 52Ej4 P.67 970/9d9-52m FAX/949"5205 VKTOR MARK DONALDsON ARCHITECTS, PC. AfKHlIEtnnE r PIAHNIN6 r INTER|OIIS Box SCOO. Avtrr. Colcrodo 8162O LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ro Flr*\ Vt /-' 'rx'D^IEJ:-L-?-Z-.toexo. ?ft|:.( . ,. qATE DFewNG{pEscRtPr1QN ryEARESEND1NGyoUVtA: *rax D uPS tr1 FEDERALEXpRESS h us MA|L D DEL|VERY P, / fat e+ YF c E sxop DRAWNGS El pRocnEss PRINTs tl yrFtt D4'-t? SAFE.ulg f^ nl tfurTIlU$ coPlEs I,l.br 17 THESE ARE TRANSTIITTED AS CHECKED BELOIIII: tr.FOR APPROVAL D REVIEWED BY VIIIIDA H,FonvouR usE rl REJEcTEo 'D REvtsE AND suBlultr--coPlEs REttltARKS: OAS REQUESTED COPY TO SIGNED vrciirn MARK obnlt-osoN, ARGHITEcTS' P'c' 343 349 52AA P.g? A6K I L I .' '{zfts l" IO'-O'DIAMETER DISH I3'4'PIAMETER DISH ..1-_EEI-' .'"DF rdts PARTIAL SITE PLAN PISH LOcATION TOTRL P.62 'o. BUILPIN6 BEYOND il, Pr- SECTION A-A %ALE' l/lb"= l''Q" HITECTS KTUN RADIO STATION DISHES LOCATION 60.l Eor, 3.oe.? Cr..rk llvd-g.rEhm€rt Flrrr, Sult 207F,g. gox ttOO, lvon, CO 3r a2OrTojrAaa -aZE F s, /a.a-g3Ca 12-8,6,-1996 3,3'l PM ENTERTAiNT'IENT 974 945 I KNFO Baralt CO FROM MOSSo z3/o t'- | FAX COVER SHEET This is page 1 of To: I-kaat | ',.rrr+rt u* do.V From: Jon Banks Moss Entertainment Corp Voice: 970-945-8564 Fax: 970-945-1237 KSPN Aspen CO KFMU Oak Crcek / Steamboat Springs CO KTUN Eagle / Vail GO KVON & }ryYN St Helena / Napa GA VAIL VALLEY TELEVISION 12-@6-l996 3:32PM ENTERTAINME\T 974 945 I [ilJ.$ $J Tammy Williamson Town of Vail Dear Tammy,December fj, 1996 Athched is a sketch from Victor M6rk Donaldson, Arctritec'ts, They determined that there wes not enough room loft on the roof of the truck loading dook to pr.rt the two largc satcllite dishes in the originel proposed location. They're proposing €n altemete gite at the northwest comer sf he lot as sho,vn. The overall height of the dishes will be approximately eighteen feet above ground. The other srnall antermas (by SCALA) waJd s{ay at their orpinal proposed location on the fialse tower nearest the lrontage road at the soutl|rr/e$ comer d the building. lf tlere are any other quesiions, you can reach me at 970-94$85€/., or cellular 970-379- O481- Thanks for your time and consideration. Slncarely, FROM t.tOSSa 237o VF.L cc: Massey Pitts 225 Norlh Fli!l 5!.rct . Arpcn, Coler.dc tl6ll . Til!9ho0c 970.925,{550 . FaciimilG 970.920 9082 \,,r'- .t+-l vfrt7l 36nl-q?-rfic . Ndgg,t 966 1-94-Zt {{JL $Ju,ILILo\) t ,ri '- -'!' i_\J4 lY"'.gdEJ I ,, ti t'-.t !t! rJ)IIt 11 h 9.vLN I LeZt 9?6 AZ6 l.Nil.lNIV]-t€'LN3 SSOh l"'loul 97O/9a9.5M FAx/949-5205 VICIOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ATKHIECIURE . PLANNING . tNmruORS Box 5300 e Avon. Cokrodo 81620 TO LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DRAWING # FEDERAL EXPRHSS,/ WEARESENDINGYOUVIA: EfFAx tr UPS rl trO US MAIL D DELIVERY fl snop DRAWNGS fl pnoeRess PRTNTS B coPrEs t DATE rA-rt1v THESE ARE TRAT.ISMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: g FORAPPROVAL (FOR YOUR USE tr REVISEAND SUBMIT COPIES REMARKS: B REVTEWED BYVMDA E AS REQUESTED tr REJECTED 4r/v EoLt e, (>,t,t* N t* Vtcrott il,'Kbt-a(y'sd'Y 'L'-' htl.h,J"o \ /o ntvtSobBz WHtre ) fuun (6 fqozn COPY TO DATE 12 - tu DESCRIPTION ?-*.oi= =ri: VICTOR MARK DONALDSON, _-t. TS, P.C. ra'd aazs 6v6 t@t STGNED '3'd sIf,3lIH3UU CIt{n L237,7 966T-II-33q .za'd.l/10l o I ,L |.utrt- 54 5, PARTIAL SITE PLAN Dtgr-t Lo6AT|ON ffi"'o,or.o* Duu'*s \ r\ol'r" -\iiw:,- ,- " ''\w \1. AJILDIN6 tsEYOND A.3. 26',-O"9E6TION A-A K-ALE, l/|16"= l''O" ALDSON ARCHITE KTUN RADIO STATION DISHES LOCATION z@'d aazs 6F6 t@x .f,.d SIJSIIHf,SU CHN Betel. 966I-TI-33q [il"[fi$,1 Tammy Williamson Planning Department Town of Vail Dear Tammy,December3l, 1996 On Thursday January 2, ycu should receive a revised drawing of the site, courtesy of Andy Bober at Victor Mark Donaldson, Architects. lt reflects the following changes: Ac'tual sizes of tfe dishes are sfiorn at 13' and 10' diameter, respectively. Location of the dishos in the setback is a result of Mr. Bobeds discussion with Andy Knudtson of your office, l-teigtlts are calculated using the actual tilt of the diEhes, and the maximum 30 inch code exca/ation- Heights shorr are the maximum; the actual heights may be as much as two feet lower, depending on field conditions. The landscape pbn addsfo.rr aspen trees and includes two Colorado spruce that were a part of the originalVail Commons proposal. As I mention€d, we periodically sweep the dishes clear of snow during lhe winter to keep them operating. Also, we need to polver the dishes from the sarE emergency po\fler as the rest of the studio equipment to insure uninterrupted operation These two problems make it imprac,ticalto leave the disheS at the cunent Vail Run location Thanks for all your help on the pr,[ect. Any questions, you cen reach me at 970-379-O481 cellular. or 970-945€564. office. #ve\ /Jon Banks\-/ Director of Engineering cc: Massey Pitts, KTUN Andy Bober, VUID lJ. 'il rr'Y Pea {trr' 125 No'ih Mill St..€t . Arocn Color.do 8l6ll . Tclaghqn€ 970.925.4550 ' Ficttmiic 97o 9?0 9041 t'd LEZ| 516 6l-6 l-N3'"lNIVfU3-tNf SSDI'J l'lobl HdSE'e 966t-lE-Zt Fil( COVER SHEET floate r +/zz//q L This is pagc 1 of F Frorn: Jon Banlc Moss Entertainment CorP Voice: 970-945-8564 Fax: 970-94+1237 - 3ltut- NEE D *'..5fie PrfW N/n-H" Dts+ lpcATrpr./ X l-AN>s .'\,pt, Tz*N KSPN Aspcn CO KNFO BacrltGO KFMU Oak Creek / Stcamboat Spdn s CO KTUN Eagle / vall CO KVON & K\trN St llelena / NaPa GA VAIL VALLEY TELEVISION 4tAt 5?6 aZG l.NSrlNlVl-tElNl SSOh hlodl l,ldtE'At 966i-ge-At ?a6''171 ' 2157- .. ['d [illff$j Tammy \Mlliam$on Planning Department Town of Vail DearTammy,Decomb€r 13, 1996 ln response to your folloiv up questions about the two proposed large satellite 1. The dishes are white. 2, We oan dig the diehee into the hilhidc to a depth of thirty incfres; I understand that if we dig any deeper, we would have to provide a safety railing al the edge of the excavation. It seemB prudent to avold creating the hazard in the first place by limiting the cfepth to the thirty inch code specification. 3. Andy Bobeis ebvaton sketcfr rnay be inacanratc; I bslievc ha assumed nominal 15 fout dishes in$tead of the adual diemeters of 13 feet and 10 feet. Since you indicated that lhe overail heigm was a conosTl, I lev|e\iled the satuation in more deteil. At vail's latitude, the dishes will be tilted back aboq,rt 49 deqrees. This redr.rces lhe overall height somsrhet; the support strudure is appoximately four feel tell, and we propose to dig inlo the hilfside 2.5 feet (approximately 30 inches). Tho attached sketch of the large dish shons how these fadors afiecl the inEtalled freight Although l'm projecting a height of ten feet above grade atthe rear of fl1e disfi, I belia/eure shoulcl specfy a rnaximum heigiltt of twelve feet to allow forarry unerpected site problernswe might cncounter. Obviously, the smaller dish, if and when insialled, vvould be lower. 4. ldo not klow if the proposed location encroacfies on the required setback or other sitc easernents at thts tlme. I will Et you lfio\r, ae soon as I get the ang\rver, Does your offioe have a dra$,irE that sholre the ees{ilrents and setbd<s for th€ site? lf so, it would be very helpful if I could sce that drawing to make the determination. 5. Alttrough we can't plant shrubbery in fiont of the dishes that woulct block their viar of the satellite, rrre san screen the side And back We propose to plant four aspen trees, 8ix to eigffi feet in height, two eacfi on the north ancl easl side of the upper dish. The lrees would be six to ten feettrom the dish, wih the exacl locations selected to provide the bes{ screening. Asilrese tees mature, they should soften the view of the dishes es geen from Chamonix Lane. Because the propooed location is neerthe laundromat, parking erea and dumpster betrirrd Vail de Schone, screening on the west side seems to be unnecessary, 22S North Mill Straat . A!otn, Colcrarin Al^ll . trlf,Fh^h. e70.Q1l..5SC . !rc:imil" q?n,220 r062 7'A LEat gla€ AZ6 IN3tlNIVrtELfi3 ssol"l t"',loul !'{d€a:zt 966 1-AZ-Zl g'd 6. f l| be happy to create a rnodcl of the dishes to be instelted on your overell model of the Vail Commons developrnent; ptease tet me knarthe ecale t rhould uee. F tlr€rs m any c[hcr qucstions, you c€n rpEch me at 970-945€6&1, or callular 97G37$- 0481. Thanlc br your tirne and consideration, Sincerely, ,F.J-- irsctor of Radlo Engineer;ng ec: Massey Pitb, KTUN LX3,t E?6 AZ6 It\Et,{NIVrtELN3 SSoh l^loul J,/dva'zl 966t-su-al P_412-23-1996 12,@EM FROM MOSS ENTERTAIN].'€NT 974 945 1237 Fa s : A! A92 e!<aV:*,XIt-5tdi ii Ptt-io.5it zF ,\UrU-<,itll ^ 6l"lt'3.tES...3?:uq13(-'ll- Jf;iFoP o D(il 2) F,l4 o t] d rl ",( v vl pr t- 0 z ll) o g $ t F $rtl, tl. f nTrt \ br J FI' Fi"[ i 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Dcccmbcr 13, 1996 Massey Pitts Ceneral Manager KTUN Radio 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, Co. 81657 D e p art m e nt of C o mmunity Deve lopme nt RE: Satcllite Dish Variancc Rcouest Dcar Ms. Pitts: In an cffort to thoroughly rcvicrv your requcst, pleasc providc thc following information: l) A detailcd landscapcplan; 2) A grading plan: 3) A nrodcl constructcd to scalc ofthc ploposcd dishcs usc thc Vail Conrnrons tnodcl basc; and 4) Eascmcnt cncroachlncnt infbnrration. if applicablc. This PEC itcrn has bccn tablcd until January 13,1997. In thc intcrirn, staff rvould proposc solnc altcmativcs for your considcration. ls it possiblc for thc satcllitc dishcs to rcrnain at thc Vail Run Building, with thc ncccssary conduit cxtcndcd to thc new location in Vail Commons? It is possiblc to parlially bury thc dishcs info thc hillsidc and placc landscapc materials around thc dishcs to providc scrccning? Finally, is it possiblc to rcvisit thc idca of placing thc satcllitc dishcs on thc top of thc loading dock for City Markct? As currcntly subnrittcd, staff is finding it difficult to support your variancc rcqucst. Wc arc conccmcd with the possiblc ncgativc impact thc dishcs may have on thc adjoining propcrties. Staffwill continuc to cvaluatc your proposal a"s additional infonnation is subnrittcd. Plcasc subrnit this information for revicw no latcr than noon, Friday, Dcccmbcr 27,1996. Ifyou havc any qucstions, please contact nte at479-2142. Sincercly, c**-l nllt'*"* Tammie Williamson Town Planner xc: Andy Bober, Victor Mark Donaldson Architccts Jon Bank. Moss Entertainment Corp. {S *r"r"r"o r*r* IoSENT BY:Clfi II{ARXEI-970 4?6 rnn rcn l[.'^Iu{trfil AID urvtffi|utIAL oowEllot{flllovat . . . WN @ALItsO8UAilN TIIEGAD?IICAfNI:tr t6dc? (?sl 0.EddbnLtr OqtHtbrutr r$c trI-c$lrtrtr l4t -tr- !|bvdExbE-EA*arEc F.ETEE. r-tFlBEFrl r]lrUrr ry o llnj u E@ b. fu TdbrEm. F D rruFuil[c.r rgurl B l! EF L$n ln c4iddnEfdffi 16. nrp{cry&adobatrdtytlhHdbtD{rbhld. 1 idtrepilD3uenrbtqbrqtn(llF*-J ...,;.ll!frrcIlbElelHtfl5vadrr$ccOtbGlh*:&drGIcHSdDrFrehrgctr&AfiorS .tr tr tr E o tr L unf,1nl(rnmcALttrttoo i I' Vatfuffina Condoalolune rAE Vell Comas D. B. &GG xirc a g*ilr6} &!L: rovn- ofJtllrr^$m@ Grand Jungtion, rrFdeE lerep fn C{tV t.-t.ket. fDC. uu or-ru ffi t ofl[rF, O. I l{Alcefqt$t|l\'tflE-lolg,.-$1}lggl1 - Dl.rector. R..1 Estate ,._fAuilcAmglS: ? .r x.re t?q , . .Junctlon. CO tE-gEBSEilrAAt lcftrhhtn *nJrtrdlwJs?S-vl tg muo nr;wq,*-LZ-lb-, f . vr+"r . O KT[JNra to your frequency Memo TO: Planning and Environmental Commissron FROM: Massey Pitts, KTUN Radio DATE: November 18, 1996 RE: Request for Variance for two satellite dishes at Vail Commons project Enclosed is a specific description of the antennae and dishes that we are requesting to install at the Vail Commons project. KTLIN curently gas permission form the Town of Vail at Vail Run for all of these antennas. These antennas are essential to the operation of KTUN in order to serve Eagle County. KTIIN is moving its offices to Vail Commons in May of 1997. KTIIN is therefore requesting to move existing equipment to the Vail Commons from Vail Run. KTLIN welcomes any suggestions that The Commission might have for us in order to move forward with this endeavor. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerelv" twt General Manager KTUN-FM L & B Broadcasting 1000 Liomridge Loop. Vail, C0 81657 . Tel 970.475.7444 . Fall.970.4l6.8lll 11-13-r996 3,3APM ENTERTAINI'4ENT 97O 945 I We propose to instatl a variety of antennas at the new KTUN Radio studios at the City Market developrnent in Vail. These antennas are typical for broadcast stations, and necessary for the operation of KTUN. A 3.8 met ite dish to be instalfed now at ground level above the truck loading rear part of the development. This dish noufd be us€d to receive CBS, CNN, NBC and many other sourtes. This is the rnost common satellite used by radio stations across the courtry for progrem clistribution. The national emergency alert system depends on these networks to distribute information in a national crisis. dish whicfr may be neectd in thefuture at the same location. of sp€cial intere3t to Vail listeners are tEnsmitted on satellite Galaxy 4, and separate antenna. While KTUN doesn't presently carry the Denver Broncoa, Rockies, or Avalanche, or CU football or basketball, or CSU fmtball, we would like to be abfe to olbr thern if the listener dcmand would support it. This dish is necessary to receive thos€ programs. A Scala PR-950 Paraflector antenna (classified by Tovrn zoning cpdes as a sdellite dash alttrogh il qggg not tednnically reoeive sgnals frorn a satellite) would be installed as high as ewsibtq$p/th€ u,est face of a false stainrell tower near the fronlage road at the edge of the parkifu lot. This antenna is used to transmit thc station's prograrns from the studio to a relay point atop Do'rd Jundion, *rd then on to ttp transmittsr at Castle Peak in Eagle, A line of siglrt path is necessary br this trasrnission, ard this is virtually the only practical site on the developrnent. Locations farther back on th€ lot (trom the frorilage road) are shrelded by a ridge east of Dorvd that blocks the hEnsmission path. A Scala HDCA-S series Yagi antenna nrould be installed at the same location. This antenna u/ould be used to receirre the station's broedcasts for monitoring at th€ studio. lt's critical for the station to have a clear signal; we need to make sure our broadcasts are technically optimal. A Scala CA7-460 Yagiantenna would be installed at the same location. This antenna rrrould be used to receive dda senl via a special radio link frorn the transmitl,er back to the studio. The FCC requires that ure be able to monitor transmitter pou/er and other parameters; this is horrrr it's done. Afl of thgse antennas are receive only antennas, sxcept tor the Paraflector. Tfe link transmitter used with that antenna operat€s at only 1o watts, about the safn€ power as a nightlight. At that lorr poncr, radio energy exposure to the public is minimal Gunently the FCC follorw 1982 ANSI standards, wtricfr specrfically exempt this type of system from the applicable environmental regulations because of the extremely lor poti,er involved. 11 V\hr(' ,1. ,ni 'lrr\l\ . al t\-t v nhUr , or4q'-t' FRO.4 I'€SSo 237o P.2 A3.0 Some '| l-r3-19913 3.39PM FRO.4 t'13SSo 237a P.3 PR-950 PARAFLEGTOF ANTENNA 18 dBd gain 94H60 MHz (brcadband) ENTERTAII.I€NT 97@ 9ll'5 1 tRof€sslottl,At AMEIS{A $/SlEli,lS FOR gaOADCASI AnD COlt lrdJnrcAnoi6 Thc Sca}r P.rrlLotor 'e a high-gdn hall-Fenbotc.nLntn uscd h profe*rirnd b.oa*a6t and mrrnuni;3lb tt s!/sfd?|r rrutrd the rgtH. Thc uniq|r3 d3oigfl cotflbhct Hgh Portottndtce std lottgF rcnn |€lebmy wih lfr cGt dtd wry $rv.|fifit trtEpotLtotu fhe Pafiiflcctor ofL|r gnin conprrrblc tg t ptr*ofic gu ot disrl Ft the louor rrhhl end corttcc ina tEcult h h.s bvrrr loadng and leos crgar[hc Ingasation sods. The Prrdlector b hbtioatsd tom rc$tlcss <l.avm iln*rrn pil andrehE g|dl|ca\ry*rniutttcacnnga, gpaanodradhrcofGln $ouaioq pet dddt€c*d h8|twal9andhcri.Ei fh. tct$ b e folnelglr b(n cxtnmcly nmed rrama UEt Yvil gtwidc curryy*rot rndcr h fu rnctdaranfigenvimmrnte The loam.fincd borfrand tced ssctt$fy tltn ilc no ptltsltilasm end it crn bc ca!'dy rcdaocd if ncoasrty. Th6 PR-gsolceluno: . lfsr gnin and t$gh itDnt{cbe.l( ntb for po&rt lopotor lday systettt .ppf,cdonc, hcfuetg brcatcmt ad STL lidts. o Co$pd F*I€gbtl9rorquin< an<l ecornricd shtpncn vh UFS ot Fcde'al Ere|r3s. . l{cato C|t.gorlcr A an{l B (FOl 94.75) .'td SBSP S00.Sg attd 300.956 (Canda) when vcdkJly pobrized. Fr.qr(|cy '|ngr 94(H60 MHt (b.odb.nd) €rin 18 d8d ftlartddl lhfilond Or rrordcd F !.r!-F!ac* ..tb >e5 dB t00 rt[ll3 H-Pene boTrlridor t2 d.$e.c (hlt-poim) E-pt.ne ?f.ntryldf| e4 d$re.s (ttdt pottrttl Terrnlrton N fadrrb Wlnd iJnrhd rsdrlg 1@ ftFh (f co tFh) SripCm rrhcncbfls ilo x 36 x 7 hcfie! (lolt x 914 r 178 rfm) Shieplng s*grn _- 45 b (20.tt l$l t qrdrB Hfr .l'rihua lc rildr ot2375 ta . (Go b r14 |tm) OO. Orrlcr lr oflnllbtt: trlodcl Slodr Cod. 9t0t{.{tol Redacsrrf irrd rstanDly (r.lo.gGo Mlf.)9€5r402 ry: *d!. t F,,,ztintit vr?pad/4//i,g (*tffagdi 'ov',*'). - SCATA ELECTRONIC CORPORATION Po6l Ofllce Bo,( 45EO Phone: (509) irf9€5@ Medtord, OR 97501 (USA) Fax (503) 79€991 llffrn lb.Lil|| pilrtr-vf..tfidotl Va.lcc p.Dm-fw.-,r Eflrr. Hdlf,rtl Itbn - Hfd.tndilt \tbtldPmn-Vaellrfiott PAiAF|€gfOB b. t-rtrdrn !r sc.h o.c!'.i* €e,9c.da W Elrrfgx; Wr E e nanbcr al 0r ndr-D &olf 50 ohmt < 1,2|l t^ tt;'. ll-13-1996 324@rt FR0'4 i',rOSS ENTERTAIT\S€NT 97€t %Lg 1237 P.4 SCALA ffiffi"HDCA sERlEs YHF.TV'FM YAGIS4POST OFFTCE BOX &40 riEofonD, oFeooN 9t50r (fxr) 779€so -,\f ,/- - --9/ (slNGLE CHANNEL) /E APPLICATTONS: ' VHF.W RECEP/TION r FM RECEPTION O CATV SYSTEMS . TRANSLATOR SYSTEMS HDCA.s FIVE.ELEMENT YAGI HDCA.IO TEN.ELEMENT YASI Dtnepgrarlg: 6Z ,l5(a ETFCTRTCAL SPECIFICATIONS Frequ€ncy Rangel Any specitlod vHF.w channel (2 through 13) or Any speclfled FM Channel(88 through 108 MHz) lmpedance: 75 ohms (50 ohms wlth optional transformer) Maximum VSWF: 1.5:1 across specified channel Polarization: Horizontal Front.loBack Ratio: 14 db Input Power Rating: 250 Watts Termlnation: N, F, br..UHF type female Nomlnel gain ovrr dipole HDC&.5. HDCA-|0 Channels 2 and 3 6.75 db 8.75 db Channels 4, 5, 6 7.50 db 9.50 clb FM Channels (84108) 7.5O ctb 9.5o db Channcls 7 through 13 8.0 db . 10.0 db About anienna gain sp.clllcatlons: Scela HDCA ysgls giva maximum po$lblc geln cvcnly dlstrlb uled across the specilled Tv chann€|. ThB flel responsc ls critlcal tor good color tclcvlslon performance. There ere no peaks thrt look good on a ficld str€ngth metcr at thc gacriflcc ot crltlcal signal lnformrllon. Kaap thig in mind when cgmparing gqln spgcitications with othgr antennas. Ths nomf naf gain tlgures llsted above aro over dipole . Add 2.14 db to determlne galn over isotropls (dbi). Flve€lcmsnt yagls for FM and trow-band TV channels are available wlth rear(cantllever) mountlng at exlrr cost Flvc snd lsn element hlgh-band yaglr are avallable vrlth extcndGd boorns lor rclr mounting at slightly higher prlcas. 5{0 \ sl7 .r-. , I t-13-1996 3'4@M FROl"f 1-€SS ENTERTAIN|"IENT 97@ 948 1237 o T' tF it p- GE!l I: TOWN OF VAIL DE?AR TII E:sT oF Colllrl u^-lTy DE \T LOPlll E liT A DDR.E SS DATE 7L PRGIECT C'IECI{S MADE PAYAXLETO TOTI'N OF YAIL AcooU:\T.:\o. ITEM - ... No. .- TrX- --- OqlT EA- toTal- 0 I 0000 41540 ZONIN(j AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0 l 0000 12415 UNIFoRNiBM.-s54.000l 0000 42415 UNIFORMPTM st9.0t) 0 I 0000 42415 UN I FORM M I]CHAIIIEAITODE s37.00 0 I (ru00 424 l5 UNIFORI\{ FIRE CODE s36.00 I I 0000 42415 NNTIONNL ELECTR]CN L CODE s37.00 57.00 s0.25 s5.00 4 0 0000 41332 PLAN REVIIJW RI.CHECK FEE IS4O PER IIR.I 0 oo00 42132 OFI.- IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0 0000 4t.112 CONTRACTORSL]CTTISES}'EF-S- 0 (ru004t4t1 SIGN APPLICNTION FEI:s20.00 0 00004t413 NDI]ITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE [SI.OO PER SQ.FT.] 0 0000 424.10 VTC ART PROJI]CT DONATION 0 0(x)04tjil PRL I'n ID DI:SlcN RI:VIEW BOn RD FI:E 0 ooo0 42371 I }.JVESTIGATION I.'I:IJ ( I]UI LDI NC) J ooo0 45 I l0 TOV PN RKINC FUND i1 0 oo00 2:02t TOV NEWSPN PI:R DISPENSER FUND +l i 0l 0000 2l l2 TAXABLETg;4.5f m* 0t 0000 41010 TA-\ABLE6.r.OZffi 0 0000 42371 I]UILDINGINVESM }TIIER PEC APPLICATIONFEES 0 oo00 4l 3i0 ADDII-IONALGRFN''250"5200.000l oo00 41330 CONDITIONAL USIItrRMIT s200.00:l 0l 00004t330 EXTERIORALTERATTOW s200.00 0 oo00 4 l3i0 ExrERtoR ALTERAilON TMORL-TIi NI-OOSOTTI s500.00 0 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOP,\4ENT DISTRIET JNEWI 51.)00.00 0 0000 4l130 SPECIAL DEVEL 51,U00.00 0 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOM s200.00 TUBDIVISION 0l 000041130 YARIANCE s250.00 m.Eh U fi)ur41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.000l 0000 4 1330 RE - ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER ".u'., (-rl U\L fa[innn, . 675casE l-t cK.r I M.OLI Rrc. BY: \^V o *l n,V< €t ?o.3.^ lxrt'', ?,or"- FEB ?1 { -r.<r\ +" :i fi_._at;r] r.ii'rii ;.i 1 r "l \Tvf ' ttt \C t119s -l-O fi/v\'t .-.-,, li, F,,.-.*sa.\q; Lr.r., r'., ^,*7 N,-./-f,, ^<. ;1 f s s. ve-,-.lar ?4 i'^.vA' )/ C") I tZ.s 2 rD a o ,:o'o aa o; !a o II o \| a a oir a o o a o ;c.-,sseJ *rin Je/*pUoo-*- eaa),e..- *e/ y2e1+el,n7 +1"t5" vAei - . A,-*-es cr^c€-Lo,.-\ lr',s*otlo,1-,in 6F Ro*+T An*eniola.S llr- - JL. Vg;\ G--,o^rj B4?*--pr (r+pgt,i:.J G,e- by l{v} p$;d.L+ - !e€,.,.r obv,>,c t .r* nJ '{. ^f ne;r"li"p^ JhA+ SciJ o a a, o a ot a oo lrt Pa#,( anJenn'a.t h,gve- tN pleru ur,*h,,r owe- fie5!.'lrcu'J-ro*J i- th,l.+ #ny *eo,tJ s,s.{24e- .r,s, -t} Je1a,.,o,-* -+ toJf.- 6".{".{;c tu J Q^''.qnc.ml p^f* ,t*)u*-. 9'.,."<- J Ii--. A-, e*.lly V"k*L 4*_ G^na* A4ze,p- r- Ve" t lJe;(-lrJTl Cc2..tiCe,r'vl;,. -yo'. nAT hn*- Go JA*- v*luu-; { -f \ heilhb" ,-L"o!.y\-L#= 75 South Frontage Road i- - -- vait, cotorado 81657 -fitl;;:r1t Y_t:,j'_'i:J P ii{j!';y,r ,,,, ,,^,^,. "1 ,/' :;,r. :.ui,,l i,, 1,,,];d#.1?, < ;i1,f::_i;;r;,ij,i_= Michacl N Lane PO Box 661 Vail, CO 81658 tji l. .ni.ii;,iig;n;'\ f. i rrr .-' -ttLt --r\_'' -. '" ',lit rton];^---=-- -- - t;jrar,,' \r'\)., .r{,\ _\_ {g urrctto e^r"* \o rHrs lrEM tit altsftlYouR PFoPEFTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN lhat the Planning and Environmental -Commission ol the Town of Vait will hold a public hearing in accordance ufim Seition 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on F;;;;t ,i, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration of: A request lor a site coverage variarce to allow for the construction of a two-car garage, located at qsbz streamside circle/Lot '15, Bighorn subdivision 4th Addition. Appticant: Edward Padilla, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A reouest for a site coverage variance and clnditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' io"ii"o ii 1 194 iabin circie/Lor 3, Btock 2 vait vailey 1st Filing. Applicant: William and Shirley Mclntyre, represented by Ned Gwathmey Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a site coverage variance and conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' tocatbd at 1 86 Foresr Road'/Lot 9, Btock 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Guy Dreier Planner: George Ruther A request to amend a platted building envelope amendment to allo-w for a 489 sq' ft' increase in in"-filifOing enu"iop" Sir",locateO aienvelobe B, Parcel 4, Lions Ridge Filing #2' Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Bob Mach Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to develop a prelerred alternalive for Gross Residential Floor Area (GHFA) for single- family, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forrest A request lor a worksession to discuss the development standards for the propos-qd.Alpine CarO'ens fCucatiin'b-enter, io ne foiiieO generally'west of the Ford Park Athletic Fields' on a part of Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Planner: George Ruther A request lor variance(s) from Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas, D1,3,4 and 6 to allow two satellite dishes to be installed at the nonhweit corner of the vail commons property and a #,.lo|,}]iff.i,lTffi r:igigi'il'.l3P''1?il3:'3#i',iiw:H".tTft opantennason'lhe Pianner: Tammie Williamson o A request for a final review of the establishment ol Special Development District #35, Auslria Haus, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/on a part ol Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request lor variances from Sections 18.22.060 (Setbacks), 18.22.140 (Parking), 18.04.'130 (Common Area) and 18.22.020 (Percentage ol Accessory Uses) to allow lor an entry addilion at the Swiss Chalet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. . Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Henry PrattPlanner: Lauren Waterton The applications and information about the proposals are available lor public inspection during regular olfice hours in the project planner's offico located at lhe Town of Vail Community Development Dsparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon r€quest with 24 hour notilication. Please call 479-2114 voic6 ot 479-2356 TDD for inlormation. Communily Development Deparlment Published February 7, 1997 in lhe Vail Trail. : t.tl a 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado E1657 o br.r?E? /.:5rr9€ ?E ll,,l,,,,ll,llr,,l,l,l,llrl,lrllltlrlt,11lll,ttltltlt,t,lll$ ^""r"^o "^ru^ rHrs trEM tit tli5ft6YouR PBoPERTY NOTIcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmen!a.!-commission ol the Town of Vait witt hold a public hearing in accordance uiltn SeEiion 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of lhe Town of Vail on rLin"ii ii,iggz, at 2:00 P'M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideralion ol: A request for a site coverage valiallgq to allow lor the construction ol a two-car garage' located at 4532 Srreamside circreitot 15, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition. Applicant: Edward Padilla, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A reouesl lor a site coverage variance and conditional usep.ermit to allow for a Type ll EHU' i;;;iil;i 11e? Cabin circie/Lot 3' Block 2 Vail Vallev 1st Filins' Applicant: William and Shirley Mclntyre, represented by Ned Gwathmey Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a site coverage variance and condilional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' tocatbd at 186 Forest RoadJLot 9, Block 7, Vail village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Guy Dreier Planner: George Ruther A request to amend a platted building envelope amendment to allow for a 489 sq' ft' increase in ine-O-ritAing "nu"iop" Sir",locateO aienveloire B, Parcel 4, Lions Ridge Filing #2' Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Bob Mach Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for single- family, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town ol Vail Planner: Russ Forrest A request lor a worksession to discuss the development standards for the proposed. Alpine Gardens eoucation'd-entert lo be located generally'west of the Ford Park Athletic Fields' on a part of Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Planner: George Ruther A request for variance(s) f rom Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas, D1 ,3,4 and 6 to allow two satellite dishes to be installed at the norlhwest corner of lhe Vail Commons property and a #*3o1":i1J;. ,11i:,:31"1lglgs'*wfr,1?ii33:'3.ib'tii?v:'fl '.t",:h'f.3:'"nason'lhe Planner: Tammie Williamson I A request for a linal review of the eslablishment ol Special Development District #35, Austria Haus, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/on a part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for variances lrom Sections 18.22.060 (Setbacks), 18.22.140 (Parking), 18.04.1 30 (Common Area) and 18.22.020 (Percentage of Accessory Uses) to allow for an entry addition at the Swiss Chalet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry PrattPlanner: Lauren Waterton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular oflice hours in the proiect planner's offics located at the Town of Vail Community Development Deparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language inlerprotation available upon request with 24 hour notilicalion. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD lor information. Comnlunily Development Department O Published February 7, 1997 in the Vail Trail. t Iri 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 :\ 4o"rn^ ,r)..n} Richard McGhee 2079 Chamonix Rd. #3 Vail. CO 81657 # aacvctto r*sn I rHrs rrEM tit titfftEYoun PHoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environment-a.!-commission of the Town of Vaitwitt hotd a public hearing in accordance,,iirn SeCtion 18.66.060 of the Municip.al.Code of the Town of Vail on r"biri,v ii, isgi, ar 2:00 p.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideralion of: A request for a site coverage va1ia199 to allow for the construction ol a two-car garage' located ai aS'SZ Streamside Circle/tot 15, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Additign. Applicant: Edward Padilla, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a sile coverage variance and conditional use p.ermit to allow for a Type ll EHU' iocitbo it 1 194 Cabin Circie/Lot 3, Block 2 Vail Valley 1st Filing' Applicant: William and Shirley Mclntyre, represented by Ned Gwathmey Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a site coverage variance and conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' locatbd at 186 Forest Road-/Lot 9' Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Guy Dreier Planner: George Ruther A requesl lo amend a platted building envelope amendment,tg 1loy lor a 489 sq' ft' increase in in"-O-rirOing enuefopJSize,locat"O aiEnveloie B, Parcel 4, Lions Ridge Filing #2' Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Bob Mach Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residenlial Floor Area (GRFA) for single- f amily, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner; Russ Forrest A request for a worksession to discuss the development standards lor the proposed. Alpine Gardens EOucation'd-e-nler, to be located generally'west of the Ford Park Athletic Fields, on a part of Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicanl: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Planner: George Ruther A request for variance(s) from Section 18.58.320, Salellite Dish Antennas, D1,3,4 and 6 to allow iwo s'atettite dishes to be installed at the northwest corner of the vail commons propelty and a #n!o1:::.ll:Jllt*11,T:l:.:jr:?B'o3s'^lnJ,f p',',":lll3:'3"ib't"x!W:y'.t',ift opnanrennasonthe Planner: Tammie Williamson ( ( I ) ) ) ) A request for a final review of the establishment of Special Development District #35, Auslria Haus, localed at 242 East Meadow Drive/on a part ol Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing, Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for variances from Sections 18.22.060 (Setbacks), 18.22.140 (Parking), 18.04.130 (Common Area) and 18.22.020 (Percentage of Accessory Uses) to allow for an entry addilion at the Swiss Chalet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry PrattPlanner: Lauren Waterton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular olfice hours in lhe project ptanner's offics locatod at lhe Town of Vail Community Dev€lopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD tor inlormation. Communily Development Department Published February 7, 1997 in lhe Vail Trall. trl . l- N)U TltXe B€ sotuT€ BENottlNG oP 7rE s+reurrz o64Es? oK w"t- rtz-/'', fu Eterst rrto Vls flru;pe / t 2' Piov,oc ,Soms spDT Elz:yftTlo/(s 3- ttr+sse,/ pttTs' LE.IEK gr6Rs .V : flfrctN, b nriAwn, .irv 7tfu sfulr(E LocrtdtoN," Nlt+T /s rt€ s,+rnE loc+noN7 ,' nE Cz o cK TDrveKs oK -,-AT Ttte fffiP0s6 /oc4vsnJ, (mcftfr"c,z TowrK) - el S4ret-trz )ste> Lo"*rw /N Tle peaTXrEsT eR_^l;K''pf /-tt/i V+t, couruolts DEv4oflnelT- t\tlt uE' t'\ SAltLLtn:U) 5/gti'-&ro 7Wo(4 fuvTE,NN{+s t/'//L/'' B€ wrrlru W fl+e ct-ot / Tiwr7z,. +- FbL tL*etflc&nou,aomWbiet fi<e 4 1z-/l D(f ryfm WAt 7' t"rt b*nE7E%. o \ 1. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NoTlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental -commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance ',u'itn Seition 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ot Vail on r"uiuiw ii, iggz, "t 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request tor a site coverage variance to allow for the construction ol a two-car garage' located ar aSbZ Streamside Circle/Lot 15, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition. Applicant: Edward Padilla, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a site coverage variance a.nd conditional use p.ermit to allow for a Type ll EHU' iocitirO ar 1 194 Cabin Circie/Lot 3, Btock 2 Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant: William and Shirley Mclntyre, represented by Ned Gwathmey Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a site coverage variance and condilional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU' iocarbO at 186 Forest RoadT/Lot 9, Btock 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Guy Dreier Planner; George Ruther A request lo amend a platted building envelope amendment,to_allow for a 489 sq' ft' increase in the blitding "nu"iopJli",locat"A aiEnveloie B, Parcel4, Lions Ridge Filing #2' Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Bob Mach Planner: Tammie Williamson A requesl to develop a preferred alternalive for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) lor single- lamily, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a worksession to discuss the development standards for the propos-qd. Alpine Gardens fOucation Center, to be located generally'west of the Ford Park Athletic Fields, on a part of Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Betty Ford Alpine GardensPlannel: George Ruther A request for variance(s) from Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas, D1,3,4 and 6 to allow two satellite dishes to be installed at the northwest corner ol the Vail Commons property and a r. -variance from Seciion 18.54,050, Design CuiOetines, C 7,19 allow.two-rooftop antennas on the --ttr/iat;; stiiiwett tower, tocated at 2099 N-ortn Frontage Road WesWail Commons. El7 Applicant: KTUN Radio Planner: Tammie Williamson / A request for a final review ol the establishmenl of Special Development District #35, Austria Haus, located al242 East Meadow Drive/on a part ol Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for variances from Sections 18.22.060 (Setbacks), 18.22.140 (Parking), 18,04.130 (Common Area) and 18.22.020 (Percentage ol Accessory Uses) to allow for an enlry addition at the Swiss Chalet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Henry PrattPlanner: Lauren Walerton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's ollice located at the Town of Vail Gommunity Dov€lopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interprelalion available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Departmont Published February 7, 1997 in lhe Vail Trail. l.rl 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 David A Trrcholie Po Box &4 //{ Mintum. CO Bl6.[5- o | | ,\)' w Y'l,lJi,,!i'.4 l'lfr r r.- gp *,,,ii ;l;,Li ; {, U [|T,tu { N0{ 18,96 ;/;l r:l1ltflr 521/ 6 ihKIIlNta to your frequency Konrad Oberlohr 2656 Devos Trail Vail Oo. 81657 lom honsddge lrop, fhil, C0 8l5t -&+^ -.t".rnloroe-s(u-"tt- ) {url -A6nlie.-.',,$- -6^^r " - (1"^^<r I(TI]N.a to your frequency Neil Sfrotkin 2121 N. hontage Rd. Srest 197 Vail Co. 81657 52116t6 1000 tionsddge toop, Vail, C0 81657 I(T[JN.a to your frequency Beverly J. SchnJiter P.O.b^1724 Edwads e-o. E1632-172 l00 Lionrridge Loop, !h[, C0 8l6t ' 1: -;: *-.., -.;. " ..: -: .1":, .:...rj-"_::=:=-:-'-/\t r\ , / \': , 'v .. / ' \ \ 1,r' ,'r ,_ :.3?ar{0v 18'96 KIIJN.a to your fiequency Janres H: Oserfoss 1750 S Ronage Rd. B3 Vail Co.81657 1000 tiolslidge hA, Va , m 8l6t I(TI]N.a to your fnquency Dolores C. Mlls P.O.Box 43l$l Miami Fl. 3324318/1 lmo Uonsridge foop, Vail, @ 81657