HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET MAY PALACE SIGN LEGALO oepartm*t "rtSlffillilj o"u",oo,nl 75 S. Frontage Hoad Vail, CO 81657 Receipt No o^t" /Z t4 r?7 Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.llem No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Buildino Code CB $il.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Plumbino Code CB $39.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 314't112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 00100003141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 'r 111 Studies, Masler Plans, etc.MS 00100003153000 Penalty Fees/Re-lnspeclions PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 00100003152000 Ofl Hours Inspection Fees OH 00100003123000 Contractors License Fees CL 00100003124000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 1n oo 00100003124000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 2ao 00't 0000 311 2200 Desion Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 00100003153000 Buildino Inveslioation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovemenl Agreemenl Deposit D2 001 0000 31 2 1000 Restaurant License lee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '0010000201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5"/o (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 310 1 100 Taxabfe @ 4.O/o (Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Olher/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 31't 2500 Additional GRFA - "250'PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Condilional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteralion - Less lhan 100 sq. tt.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. tt.PV $500.00 00 t 0000 31 1 2500 Special Development Dislrict - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 31 I 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Districl - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $2s0.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendmenls PV $250.00 Re-Zonino PV $200.00 Other -MS TOTAL:.1.1. co Comments:""""'':&cn" otafL frffi1l6t'[tL- r/tzu'toca* rrA /zdae nah^ Received bv, b)Cash- Money Order#Check # ,a.--AI , .\*'' ffifi,#ffir.sif;i #ffi, t*tto PeYmrlcmstlm!.n"" r#ffi?tu' i .. o]#'&-ul ry ffi:#F;P Hili,l,'o' t$mgH;r $s Ff,,tcnrtu fEt l UUsi E/|]m trr$:18ffi,E$ffi w8 Tilt ru Fn Yun 9ilgr! o Design Review o Action Form F VAILTOWNO Project Name: May Palace Project Description: Illuminating Window Sign "OPEN" - 2 sq feet Owner, Address and Phone: Henry Woo,2109 N. Frontage Rd., Vail, CO 81657 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Charlie Woo Project Street Address: 2109 N. Frontage Rd. Legal Description: File under "May Palace" ParcelNumber: BuildingName: Vail Commons Comments: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Town Planner: Kathleen Dorram Date: t2-4-97 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApprovel F:\EVERYoNEIDRBiI{PPRovAL\9IMAYPALAC.D04 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $22.00 o'iD:*- '' '\:-r= "'- 2: I iF'h-'1 t F - ., r-r:,r'CCUF.l ,-lS !7ij-147:-::112J , ,:).FFtrt l r-, I P. ! Qucn!,i{rn*? Crrl{ thc llrnnrng l}cxk il 47t.2 l2r( s t(iN/ag-tirN{i3Es.LlcdttoN 'i'hir lpplluttion i:' for urry riign thirt i.$ lorj{(rd $,rthll thc Tuwn nf V:ril. Sprritic rcqtrifirnr[rt{$ lllc ilvitil:tttft,' litrn lhr l)i,Tr,tnt$snt el' (unrntrrnify i)rv{:luPjllcnt. \lr rc of l3lr$irrr--s3: t3rrildi,tg tttrritc,rtd rddr',:rs. n F )inrrru,rfowns' 4l:-d&j--t tfftZ-- Fhon+:-;fi!fls2L$$fu Mnilirtg. Sign i difl'cr,;::t (h;rri rrF nctl A,Jdrcr hi*1. lbr rlelini' .1,,,! aj Hangittlr stltn 'i ti I Li' \"vr:r'rF- .'/7..i"J-l!.4:"r-r.'=f5:i . ---il-r-r-:r'!.r-' t r- -. "a--t -'r'- rt*- ' .irtC$1i if(ttl!lll.,Ci 4t, tr* J ,irghr ('l ,: .-jr rrhlt\ J ,. .. , . ---G--f-t---- --\rrri'hcr ,,l $rg't$ pr*p*sull:.Jf/ Nun,bgr "n,l tiz; of t'rirliut siSn'tl Dgr;ribc lighrrr.6 of sig,, lcxir:firrg rtr p.'opo*cJ): --.Til l.,r:r,liorr of ::.uh r,i1.rr ilrfiirclt l lrlc plitrr ggl a:t clcvltttrn tltir'r n ph$tugtitph clo*tl,v' iuditrtling thc F tFo$|d l+fif ir:'il i;'.lJu$insr$ l :cn$q nndior satr,.s tax liccusc vcritication is I(SQU|RED pt('r,1,0 lllarulitl€i rc\ic.wr S Iss J',jr.,i /rr.irnjni,*-tr0lor',t sigrtirhtrc (lially Lurt'.''r A,'-t'?llsl:-:Af':f-\YSd'\U * \U3.c{\ FEE: $?0 00' [IJ!S $ l.iU pp,g $r.][ARE L0ilir $lG:r- ARF:.A- \l t... .. \N '\ \. 'J \ t--\ \ H I,/d/ t li a.<- !u4$ =+q, N TO: FROM: DATE: RE: File Andy Knudtsen June 15, 1990 Illuninated Awning - l,[ay Palace On Friday afternoon June L5th I met will BiIl Sobolik. f told hinr the florescent tubes and the rnounting apparatus within the awning all nust be renoved by 5:OO p.n. llonday evening, June l-8, L990. He may use a spot light to shine down on the walkway infront of the awning. Irowever, this spot light may not in any wayIight up any portion of the awning. He is likely to subnit a DRBapplication for some kind of lighting program for ttre awning. Project Applicatlon M tN6Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone:h) td't C- 'zz3 € 6n-t/''I Architecl, Address and Phone:fP ll 'z Legal Descriptio n, tot lL* , etock 5 6 , ritins Com ments: , zon" (t f Design Review Board Motion by: ,^," lzqf ra DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Su m mary: Staft Approval ,t lfrnl prtln W l"q" l;rhTi*tq /qr00 ctntr drey l;+',nnt1 ' 'd2? E cae{oe."l o",lrlni\. Co ,Bta€7 L 4 7 -30-90 Frcntr ooo< { a s C\ \ I Id: .:S a I't\ 11 F' c,I x d A \ f Elg'Box Lg h 7 \r?.-mt6:i r / 3+ L3 ^2.-'z*4 5$#>frl k,,z ITt ?'De?<e o-ls G P ,r.d t. A oA\ ($\?o \o1, 9.r\<\s ovPo \1-t-- \ 2-t.9 : -O?,- rrL^ c,- - N4.r'"'Yi'.,,- l^tf , t/ l' r!,'V- I I DRB rPPrrrcrrroN i( ('r*'t''^Y^ MFIf':,, 7 ",:!':U-tV I APPLICATTON RECETVED: - DATE OF DRB IIEETTNGT I//kt/71DATE ***r*IItIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEIIIED ITNTIL ALL, INFORI{ATIONrs SUBUITTED***** I. PRE-APPLTCATION ITEEIING: A pre-appllcation rneeting withetrongly suggested to deter:mlne info:mation ls needed. No appl a planning staff uenber isLf any additional It J.s the appl.icantrs@9S.S*:1*J-.responsibttity to nake an appolntrnent vith the staff to find out about additional subnittal requirements. Please note that a COUPLETE. application vill streamline the approval process for your proJect by decreasinq the nunber of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditlons of approval must be resolved before a buildingpernlt is Lssued. Appltcation will not be processed without Onnerts Sigmature. A.PROJEqI DESCRIPTTON:loyo OF PROPOSAL:B. IOCATION Address Iegal Description Lot Subdivision Zoning C. NAI,IE OF APPLTCANT: Mailing Address: D.NA!,IE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENIATIVE: Phone E.NN.TE OF OWNERS:OO BIock Phone 47u -\LS? uJ f- F. G. LtTt - j b57rc {t66a Phone t+76- jb57 lum Approval if apPlicable. The fbe will be naid at the tine a bullding e paid ;for"- DRB FEE:nemit i tr! t ?ttr rn?.rltl-{a{*lt ril LagE I 0- $ 10,001 -I 50,001 - 9150,001 - s500r001 -$ Over $ 10,000$ 50,ooo $ 15O,OO0$ 5oo, ooo $1, 000, o0o $1, ooo, ooo EEE s 1o.oo s 25.00 I50.00 s100. 00 s200.00 s300.00 l{ailing Address: aIcNA!'t RE (8) s Mailing Address: Condouinlum (ovER) ,. II. IUPORTANT NOTICA REGARDING AI-,L SUB}IISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: A. fn addition to aeeting eubnittal regulrements, thegpplicant nust stake the site to indicate prolertyIines and building corners. Trees that sill Le renovedaust also be narked. Thl.s work uust be conpletedbefore the DRB vl.eits the el.te. B. fhe revl.ew process for l{Etf BUU.,,DfNGS vill nonallyLnvolve two eeparate neetlngs of the tlesign RevieiBoard, so the applicant should plan on at-least twoneetings for a final approval . C. Applicants wlro fall to appear before the Design ReviewBoarrt at their sehedrrr-ed neeting and sho have-not askedfor a postponenent will be required to be republished. D. At the discretlon of the zoning adninlstratoro thefollowing Ltens nay not have to be presented to theDeslgn Review Board. They, hovever, have to bepresented to the Planning DepartDent for approval: a. ttindows, skylights and sfinilar exterlor changesthat do not alter the existlng plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not vlewed frorn anyother lot or public space, which have had lettErssubrnitted.from adjoining property ownera approvingthe addition; and,/or approval fron the agenl for, - or Danager of a condoniniun association. E. you may be reguired to conduct Natural llazard Studieson your property. You should check with a Town planner before proceeding. I. IIATSRIAL TO BE SUBUITTED tsErf_sgNgI8ggttoN A. Etro copS.es of a at a scale of 1rr = zot or larger, of the site containing the following: 1. Licensed surveyorrs stanp. 2. Contour lntenrals of not .uore than 2 | unless the parcel consl.sts of 6 acres or Dore, ln which case, 5r contour internrals uay be accepied. 3. Existlng trees or groups of trees having trunks sLth dianeters of 4n or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcropplngs and otlrer significant natural features (large boulders, Lntermittent streaus' etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek, creek or strean setback, lOO-year flood plain and slopes of 40t or Dore' if applicable. 6. Ties to existing bench:nark, either UsGs landnark or seuer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site, showing sLze and tlpe of culverts, Ewales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utillties to incl'ude existinE Eources and proposed serrrice lines fron sources to the structure. Utllitles to include: Cable tV Serf,er Gas TelePhone Water Electric c. Property lines showing distances and bearl'ngs and a basis of bearing d. Proposed drlveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. A11 easernents (Title report muEt also lnclude existing easement locations) 8. Existing and finistred grades. 9. All existing and ProPosed irnprovernents including etructures, -landscaped areas, eervice areas' storage areasr walks, driveways, off-street- -parklig, loading areas, retaining !?fls (uith spot itevati6ns of top and botton of walls), and other slte inprovenentg. 10. Elevations of ton of roof rigoes (pith' exisiincr underneath) to determine [Elt6t-of builaing. AII ridge lines ehould be indicated on the site PIan. B.Iandscape PIan (1' = 2Or or larger) - 2 coples regu5.red 1. Show the locatlon of 4n diarneter or larger trees, other ehrubs and natl.ve plants that are on the elte and tlre locatl,on and deslgn of proposed landscatrr areas wl.th the varLetLee and sizes ofplant materiale Lndleated 2. Conplete ttre attached landscape naterl'als ll'st. 3. Deeigmate all treee to be saved and all tlroee to be renoved. As nuch of ttre above lnfonaation as posslble ahould be indicated on the slte plan, eo that the lnter-relatl'on of the varloua conponents ls cleat. The landeeape plan ebould be eeparate. 'lltre exletlng topographlc and NOTE: Slcrnature fron each utLllty conoanv verlfying locatlon of eer:vice and availablllty (eee attached). D. PrelLninarv title report to accompany all aubnlttals, to lnsure property ownerehip and 3ll-ggEege3lg on property. Archltectural Plans (L/4" - 1r or larger) 2 coples reguired. 1. llust Lnclude ecaled floor plans and all elevatlone as they wtll appear on conpletl.on. ElevatlonE uust show both exlsting and finisled grades. 2. one set of floor plans uust be ired-llnedn to show how the GRFA was calculated. 3. subnlt one set of reduced (8 L/ztt x ri") floor plans, elevatlons and site plan for I'nclusion in uenos to Planning Conuission and Town Council . 4. Exterior surfacing aaterials and colors eball be specified and eubnitted for revlew on tlre nlterialE llst (attached). Color chips, elding eamples etc., should be presented at the Deeign RevLew Board ueetlng. Zbne ch?ck tist (attached).nust be conpleted lf proJect ls zoned Sl.ngle-Fanlly, PrLnary/Secondatlt or Duplex. c. lltre Zonlng Adninlstrator and/or DRB Day regulre tlre submissl.on of addltlonal plans, drawinge, epeclficatl.ons, aanples and other uaterlals (lncludlng almudel) lf deeaed nscesnary +.o d-aterml-ne rtrether a proJect-wlll couply wlth Deslgm Guldell'nes. rT. UTNOR ALTERATIONS FO TIIE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photoe or sketches that clearly indicate what le propoaed and the location (slte plan) of the proposal uay be, subuitted in lieu of the more fotmal reguirements given above, as long as they provlde all iraportant epecificatlons for tire propolal including colors and uaterlals to be used. c. E. F. vegetatlonal characterl.gtl.cB Day be shonn on a eeparate III. A. original floor plans uith all speclficatlons shown. B. ltno eets of proposed floor plans (L/4" - lr or larger)for additions. c. Ttro copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed constmction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addltion. E. Photos of exlstinE structure. F. Specificationri for cl} naterl.als :nd e:J.or s3Eplgs ort naterials list (attached). At the reguest of the Zoning Administrator you nay also be required to subnit: G. A Etatenent fron each utility verlfying location of serrrice and availability. See attached utllity locatlon verification for:rn. H. A site lnprovenent tunvey, stanped by registered professional sunreyor. I. A prelininary title report, verifying ownership of propertY and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PI,AII After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is unaerryly, the following will.be requilg'l !"fgtginy-buitding receiies a framing ilspegt+on. fron the Building Delartnent: - ?wo copies of a cei+r-ified i:nprove:i,eitl suney showing: A. Building locations with tles to property corners, i'e' distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot' AIl utility serrrice lines, as-builts, showing.gize of lines, typ-e of mdterial used, and exact locations' Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearl.ng to tie to section corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set and etated on maP. All easenents'. Bultdinq floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations siCrr existing and ProPoaed grades shown underneath' B. c. D. E. F. G. E. v.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW L. subrnlttal requl-renents-: The owner or authorized agent @ desigm approval as.prescribed Ui tfris-"hipter niy sulnit ptins ior conceptual review li ttre Design Review Boarl to the Department of birnrnunity DEveloprnent. Ehe puryose of a- conceptual review slall be to give the applicant a basic understancling wlth iespect to-the design concept and the compatibifity of a proposal with the Design Guideliires conta-inea wittrin this chapter' This ;;;aeni" is recornmended nainly for those appll'cations o of a higher inpact than eingle-fanily and two-fanily residenies although proJects of that nature ehall not be excluded fron the opportunlty to request a conceptual desigm review. The following lnfonation ehall be subnltted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual slte and landscape plan at a nlnimun ecale of one inch eguals twenty feeti b. ConcePtual elevations and exterl'or materials and a descr-lption of the character of the proposed Etructure or etructuresi r:. S.iffieient :!.rrforaatlon tc qhos f.hat the proposal conplJ.es slth the deveJ'opment standards of the zone distrlct ln whlch the proJect Ls to be located (i.e. GRFA, eite coverage calculations, nunber of Parking aPaces, etc.); d. Conpleted aPPllcatlon forai e. Planning and Envlronnental Coumission and or Town Council approval lf required. 2. PfgCedufei Upon receipt of an applicatl'on for conceptual aelign revl-w, the Departnent of comunity Developuent strall revl'ew the subrnitted roaterlals for generai compliance with the appropriate regulrenents of fhe zonlng -ode. rf ttre proposal is in basic coupliance vith the zonlng code requJ-relents, the project shall be fonrarded to the DRB for conceptual iev-iew. If the application is not generally in conpliance with zoning code reguirements, the application and subrnittal materials shall be returned to-tire applicaiil riLir a *-ritten eplansticn of the Departnenl of Connunity Developneltrs findings. Tha DRB shall revl.ew the application and supporting uaterial that has been subnitted for a conceptual review in order to detetmlne whether or not the proJect generally conplies with the design guidellnes. No vote of tne DRB siU be required unless requested by the applicant. The property owner or his representative srrlff be present at the DRB hearing. o PIA}IT }TATERIAI.S: PROPOSED TREES o LIST OF I.TATERIAI.S NA}!E OF PRq'EqT3 LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: STREEf ADDRESS: The folloning lnfomatl-on Ls Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING UATERIAIS: Roof siding other Wall ltaterials Fascia Soffits I{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses .*;ta@ l'+hTs,.J B.IANDSCAPING: NAME Of required for submlttal to approval c1 be given: TYPE OF UATERIAI, Design COIPR Botanical Nane Common Nane Ouantl-ty Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE NEMO1TED *Indlcate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate ltlnirnum calLner for height for conlferous Designer: Phone: trees. PIA}IT I{ATERIALS: Botanical Nane Connon Narne Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SIIRUBS EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REI,IOVED *Indicate eize of proposed shrrrbs. llinlnun eLze of shrubs is 5 qallon. Tvpe Ssuare Footaqe GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I.IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LAIIDSCAPE fEATttRES (retaining walls, fences' swinning pools, etc.) PIeaEe speclfy. Indicate hetghts of retaining iratts. Uaxingrn height-of walls within the front eetback is 3 feet. t{axLmun height of ralle elserhere on the property is 6 feet. Projecl Application Dat J,5,F',l Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: oRe Block Zone - Design Review Board 2 .o l's,v1 --=-_l--,'APPROVAL -\ tt--.--.- --' DISAPPROVAL Date: E statt Approval i;/+' EHtrL Denver metro area folorado sprrngs EFoeLta/crand Jct.I Sgssnboat Springs and East- slope area an<i soutfn boio.- western-slope area and N.W. Colorado 303- 744-3338 719- 475-0208 303-874-8514 30 3- 879-04 2 5 Fax # 303-744-1204 Wr\DOW e DOOR OSIFS,TIORS 1o5O Souh Jaeon, Oonvtr, Cdtrado 8(}223 Gql) 74il-3338 EHtrL J/:iiiliu3"!i?,ii3""ituJ;;ti"ffi,::"" ili: l;3_;;;3E P:]!"/Grand J9t. - western slope area 303_8?4_8514 - stearnboat springs and N.w. colorado 303-g29-0425 rax #303-7 44_1204 WIDOW t DOOR DISIRAUIORS 1OSO Sc.dt &sorr Dewor, Coraado SO2ZI (gtxD 744-g3g8 t! F---.---.- ',1 -t , ' t+ a I nt^ a.,A b1;r(t^J ,a2-24';6"/ / )/ oK z.-'4 a -* arer*4 . -^t1/.4-*.e* ^ V ^ / 'r f-tq ,,6-c4/14 ?\, J,- APPticrrion;lrr5er < Fee Pai -. -.r i6Fll ?^atrt^.t) I tjrr t{rrLlLAl tUrl Name of Projec: Nane of Person Subrnit{ing Loc:'tion of Project Oescript'ion of Project. The .fo'l lorving infornat'icn is requi red forto the Design Re'rier.r EoarC beicre a final SiEn subniti:l fee is SZC.00. A. Sign ilateriai subniti;i bY the aPPlicent aDcrcYal can be fivel' B.Desc:'ipiion of Sign ''\i \\+r: \\\..t')i..r" )r. D. E. Length'of 1. Siie Plan e'. o"uti ngt sffil-e.ract locg'"'ion i: Firotogi:ptts shouir:9 propcsec loc:;ron 4. Actual sign 5. Colored scale oral.llng - 6. Photcgrapn or slgn APProved for ORts Subnitt:l Di sapp:'oved for ORB Sub::ti it: I - - Sign AdnrnrsciJioF- Sign rtonrnrscrator o -vt- S8ee-tlf2 (Dm) €Z?(p opB.oloC'F,\ueO !o88f rXDg OEOI SUOrtE fgq U@O 3 ri(Xlttl n\Z f nV L-80€ # xe'{ ;:lilff -:ii ""iiljsr;ili;l;3g.''ifillfu3i?Hi:n19Hlt (8€tt-??t-€09 eare adols lseg pup par" orlaul raAuac J I 75 south tronlage road vall. colo?ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 14, 1986 RP:jlt ' offlce ol communlty deYelopmenl Charl ie Jang 223 East Gore Creek Dr. Vai I , Co1 orado 81657 Oear Mr. Jang, I am writing to you concerning the awning for the May palace Restaurant. Due to recent requests and numerous violations noted by Town of vail Staff menbers, the community Development Staff is currently enforcing the Townof Vail Sign Code uniformly throughout the community. As a reiult, your awning has come to my attention. This awning and signage has never recevied proper Design Review Boardapprovals, and is therefore technically in v'iolation of the Town of vailSign Code. I would request that you contact me by 12:00 p.m. on March 21, 1986 to discuss this suituation. }Jhile I am not requesting you to removethis signage at this point in time, if I have not heard from-you by March21, 1986 and we have not injtjated the approval process then i wilireguest that your signage and awn.i ng be removed. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free tocontact me at 476-7000 ext. 108. oo .: '"rt i-r -.!;:)1tf; ,-F-*t---#6 --3i.g .; i"l \-- iL,lit .t .e.rr..--.il- It.r&n