HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET MISC DOCUMENTS LEGALqN^D ill)\;\*^J .t oc{,itmw cEl,ElnF$€r{r '{"k/tA*'h"w--{i 3 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deoartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81S57 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: CITY MARKET PLANTERS Project Description: Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ATTN: SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5567 DENVER co 80217 DRB Number: 0R8060461 0912612006 0912612A06 Phone: (970) 742-3548 0912612006 Phone: (970) 742-3548 Location: FINAL APPROVALTO REPAIR AND PATCH STUCCO ON ALL PARKING LOT PLANTERS AND UNIFORMLY WITH AMERILAST PAINT APPUCANT PNCI CONSTRUCNON INC. ss3 2s1l2 ROAD GMND JUNCNON coLoMDo 81505 License: 841-8 CONTMCTOR PNCI CONSTRUCNON INC. 553 2sV2 ROAD GMND JUNCTION coLoRADO 81505 License: 841-8 ProjectAddress: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL CITY MARKET PARKING LOT Legal Description: Loh Block; Subdivision: VAIL COMMONS ' Parcel Number: 2LO3-II4-2402-5 Comments: all stucco to match in color and style MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION ACtiON: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 0912612A06 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fcc Pald: S2t0.O0 ..1..J . . sEP ?5 ?O@6 4:41 AM FR .:. 10 19?A4?65285 ' ' A9? P .A? >Er 4,f eYJlrtf c'c-, I - -rl^--ti-trG,''. ':'' ' trlilror Exterior Atl*{S -- . ^.^a ncinn ReYtGrrrrr''? br Design Revtew" 'APPlication I .,---4- KtD -"^mm.[ffiqffi- r,i'... I _*H;y',t i5?Sffiffi"iu'gzo-+n'rsz , "- $fNtrYllLV , *'"','Ji*"t"'*iho'tott .-^li.ad6n- Pl@* I 778- Conscruqtl|rcd 25 ll2 Road, Gt 242-!5489honc: ng-z42'0e4"Frx: Fm.S ,''. vffiffi;**- 7J tcE Eon.ttrEPl'!q9?$ ,il*'"*' ::'arog x' rrontage Rol!-!^'-^ aG.*o.at g,vgb't lgE-ve"- ,, ophilCc.l *,.o.'' at97py2;.;85 ,rlrr, zrg-Elltaaozs - (csractragt' . - a.6 A Zdrlt{r : : rrn<et*omQflr Kiaz sooDetF/citY [{"-EeE ---- - u lYF d O gg'r' O ccrccobdBglfl'.'-' ' tr ttenCmctt8l*l.:.r::tr Addilion t50 lb Fce f55os g25o €0 fz0 glur $.00 ger quare fod d tctd dgn area' ffi,*fu ffi '#.tr'T1ffiffi'11"* -o * *#t't1ans atrcady approvctt 5y Pbnntr€ $fi or the O€ign R€r,lar Edto' Ft *x ToTAL PnGE . 92 xx ,t(*( T0TAL PRGE. A2 *(,k IJ -,.a.\. OanEes o $Pn*rf nars No Fe€ .. 't. *+t+++'t+****l**************++*+**+*+{.l"t{'t:t**+++*************t******l+++++************+++++** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Number: Ro5OOO153? Afirount: $250.00 09/26/2oo5o8:22 aur Palment Method: Check coNsr . Init: ilsNotation: 43 55,/PNCI Permit No: DRBO6O461 q4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2LO3-LL4-2402-5 Site Address: 2109 N FROImAGE R.D WEST VAIL,' Location: CITY MARKgf PARKING IJOT ThiE Palment: $250.00 Total Fees: 5250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 Balance :$o. oo ******+t*li****************+*+**+*+*****!t**+***f****************'l**:|l**********+:1.'l.rt:1.********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 oo D- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2138 OWNBR TOWN OF VAIIJ ATTN: SHEI-,DON REAIJ PO BOX 5557 DEIiMER co 80217 APPLIEANT PNCI CONSTRUCTION INC. 553 2s1l2 ROAD GR,A}ID I'I'NCTION COIJOR"ADO 81505 License: 841-B CONIRAETOR PNCI CONSTR,UCTIOII INC. ss3 25L12 ROAD GRAIID iII'NCTION COITORADO 81505 Lricense: 841-B DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 2109 N FROMAGB RD WEST VAIL Location.......: CITY MARKET PARKING ENTRANCE ParcelNo....: 2l03ll424ff25 lrgal Description: 'u?- Project No. : t tr\OJ -O53 \ Permit #: 805-0353 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : ll/lll2005 Issued...: llll7l2ffis Expires. . .: 05116/2W6 LL/LL/2oos LL/LL/20Os Phone: (970)742-3s44 L!/lL/2o0s Phone: (970) 742-3548 Desciption: RBPAIR WEST WALL WITH STUCCO FIMSH-SAME FOR SAME Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occuparrcy: ?? Valuation: $17,000.00 AddSqFt: 0 Fireplace Infonnation: Restrictcd: #of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pella: 0 *'l*lra,t *:a:t*'l*++:ta:i*t*++ttl++**t*t Building--- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > will cdt--> i219.25 Restuarant Plan Review- > s181. 51 Rec.r€ation Fee------> $o. oo TOTAL FEES------- > s3.00 S0. oo Total Calculated Fees- > So. oo Additioml Fe€s-----> s463 . ?5 Total Permit F€e-----> Payments---------- > BALANCE DIJE-._--> 1463.16 s0. 00 $463.76 $463.76 so.oo Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-'DrNG DEPARII{ENT L1-/LL/2OO5 ,JS Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIiIIIIIIG DEPARTMEMI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT It,em: 05500 PIJBL,IC WORKS See page 2 of ttris Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS PAGE 2 :*:fi:t*'**,f **rl.****:i******:*!t!t***r***!t****r****!t'f ,t*****:t**!t***********rt *****d.*****rt **rr*t t! ** * * ** ***,t**,* * * * ** {. *:t * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0353 as of 1l-17-2005 Status: ISSUED *'f t't*'f ***rl.***:F't*******:t***'l***************!t*'t*{.******,****!t*****:i***d(*:t *******{.:t************:f *****X.*rt ***1. Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BIJILD PERMT Applied: llllll20fll Applicant PNCI CONSTRUCTION INC. Issued: Llll7l2005 e70)7424548 To Expire: O5ll6l2ffi6 Job Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: CITY MARKET PARKING ENTMNCE Parcel No: 21031142Q25 Description: REPAIR WEST WALL WITH STUCCO FINISH-SAME FOR SAME Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI'IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PM. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and o0rer ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM 8:m AM - 4 OF OWNER OR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *+*****i+***f***f't++*'tta**++a++l'*f+*f,tt**ff****fft*l{'+*!t***lt*************tt***********+*+*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLoRADO Statement*****f{'l'+*{t'}+***tt++****t***********+********ii+**i*'t+t++ttt+++t+t++tt**tff***ttt***{'t****** Statement Number: R050001980 Anount: $453.?6 tL/L7 /2OO5!1 :18 Al4 Palment, Method: Check Init: LT Notation: PNcr / ck 2458 s463 .75 *'|*****l**+**+t{'ltlt****ll*+*lffl{'t{"}*{rlr****+l****l*************{.'}*******************1.,1***+++* ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Clrrrent Pmts Permit, Ilo: Parcel No: Sit,e Addrese: LocaEion: Thia Palment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 805-0353 Tlrpe: ADD/AL,T COI4M BUILD PERI'IT 2LO3 -Lt4-2402-s 2109 N FROIITAGE RD WBST VAII, CITY Ti{ARKET PARKTNG ENTRATiICE Total Feea 3 Total ALL Prnts: Balance: BUIIJDING PERTITIT FEES PI,A]iI C}TECK FEES WIIJJ CAIIr INSPECTION FEE $463 .76 s463.75 $0.00 279.25 181.51 3 .00 APPLrcANON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOIIPLETE OR UNSIG Prolect #: Building Permit #: 970-f 79-2l ag 0nrpccllonr) TlmrlWUilL Separate 75 S. Fronage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 OR INFORMA COMPLETE ft*tt*tstlir*l*i*ilHs**8*trt*t*FoR OFFICE USE ONLY**tt************t *t**,Hntr*jr*1.*i* '*"HE?"eF Contact and Phone #'s:c' t1b'zst'qvtt Email address: pnci VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & lllaterials BUILDING: $ tZ ooo. @ ELECTRICAL: $ N/e OrHER:$ */r PLUMBING:$ N/A MECHANICAL: $ X,/e,TOTAL: $ tZ 066.6 For Parcel#Assessors Offi ce at 970-328-8il0 or vlsit Parcel #a/ ffi i// e// 6)5 Job Name: zrU,TY I1^RKET JobAddress: ZrO9 N. FforrfnCE Rard rlrsf Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:subdivision: oil1"X "'," it (o zt na a 3 owners Name: p1*u sooosas Address: ,, -fC PhoneT*,1 728 - 3i'tg Architec{/Designer: F/x Address:Phone: Engineer: N,/n ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Rer*n, u,tsf urru.- sfucc. RgtAFR WorkGlass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) nepairM Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior pJ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (4 nestaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buminq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Spdnkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) FIUseFbdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM, DOC o2n3rm04 ootir&||rY oa,E!(rrE r Decign ReYiew Board ACTIOI| FORtrl Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South FrontaOe Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel2 970.479.2L59 tax: 978.479.2452 web: wnw.vailgov.com Proiect Name: Protect DescrlpUon: DRB l{umber: DR8050600 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPAIR WEST WALL WITH SruCCO FINISH-SAME FOR SAME Participants: owNER TOWN OF VArL rLlLLl2005 ATTN:SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5567 DENVER co 80217 APPUCANT PNCI CONSTRUCTION INC, s53 251/2 ROAD GMND JUNCION coLoMDo 81505 Liaense; &41-B CONTRACTOR PNCI CONSTRUfiON INC. 553 2s1l2 ROAD GMND JUNCNON coLoMDo 8150s Llcense: 841-8 Project Addrcss: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL CITY MARKET PARKING ETITMNCT LLltIl2005 Phone: (970) 742-3518 LULL|2005 Phone: (970) 742-3548 Location: Legal Description: LoE Block: Subdlvlslon: VAIL COMMONS Parcef Numberz 2103-lL*2402-S Comments: SEE @NDmONS Modon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Appoval: 11/11/2005 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 nppro,Fl of thls prclrt shall lapse and beome vold one (1) ymr tollorving the date of final approval, unless a bulldlng permlt ls lssued and construction is onrmenced and ls dlllgendy ntrsued bward compledon. Joe Suther DRB F.r Prld: +250.00 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTI ON PARKI NG Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) GODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED e Unlawttl depooits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it b unlawful for any person to litter, track or depcit, or cause to be littered, tracked or depcited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. e Notie; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or cause another to vidate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Directo/s employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove srch sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty tour (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Pnblic Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the pedod of time herein specified, the Dircctor of Rrblic Works, or other authorized agent, may Gruse any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. e Summons and Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in sub€€ction B above, any pemon who violates or caus€s another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Muniipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punlshed as provided in Section 1-4-1 ot this code. e Notice and Penalty: lt is unlawful for any peson to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsetion B hereof, ahd any sucfi pemon shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Dircctor of Public Works, as provided in suboection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as proMded in Section 14-1 ot this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TMFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED e No percon shall park any vehir:le upon a street or at any other plae within this Muniipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 1) e Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any phce within thb Munir:ipality in such a manner as to onstitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a pedod of twenty tour (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, a amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or eruse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Munbipality, and the charges for towing and storage of snch vehide shall be dnrged to the owner of the vehftJe in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment cfrarge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Sigruhre Position or Relationship to Project:CorJr fgLicrA}|.J l4Ah,^c ER Btlc*igndroRugp enu rsu oepeau.ooc F :/everyone/formVbldpermT ozo1mv ) WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED REASE FEAD Ar.lD CI-ECK OF EACH OF TtE FOLlOll/lNG QLESTOf{S REGARDIIIG Tl-E iGED Fffi A "PI.EL|CWAYPEFMT. e ls this a new lesidence? \GS NO{ e Does demolition urcrk being performed require the use of the Rigtrt-of-Way, €asernents or public property?Y€S l.lo x. ls any utility work needed? \GS_ NO__-(__ Are there any improvements being done to the driveway ? YES_ ls a different access needed to the site other than the existing drivewaf \ES_ l.,lO J_ ls any drainage wofi being done that affecG the Rlhtof-Way, eas€ments, or public propertf 1.lO X ls a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" requied? fEq ls lhe Right-of-Way, easements or public propefty to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES IrO x lf answer is NO, is a p.arkinS, straging or fencing plan requircd by Rrblic Wofts?YES NO \ lf you ansvered \GS to any of these questions, a 'Public Wry Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Dev€lopment (a sample is attached). lf you have any questions please cdl l-eonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. IHA\EFEADAI.ID AI.I THE ABOVE QI.ESNONS.TpcT c:prrx\rq-,r.p Ar€. r,r> Contractor Signature Job or Project l.larne: Date €iigned: FlU se6\cdoV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLOGPERM. DOC F: /€\rerlone,f forms/bldpenn4 No( o2n3tm04 BUI LDI NG PERilIIT I SSUAI{CE TI TiE FRATE lf this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (tublic Works) review and approval, a Hanning Department revietv or Health Elepartment rwiew, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total revierrv will take as long as three (3) weeks. Al commercial (large or srnall) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. fusidential and srnall projeds strould take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or srnaller pKieds impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to neoessary revielv, thee projeds may also take three (3) weeks to revien, and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as posjble. l, the undersigned, underdand the plan check proedure and time frame. I also under$and that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must $ill pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do o it may affed future permits that I apply for. Agreed tooy, frn)rru-t&s..L'- Rojedt,fame: P'l/ /n - -f crlre: /i / ?f< FlUsers\odsv\FORMS\PE RM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 02n3f20u PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached deck list with the Building Permit Aoolication. lf yes was answercd to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, locabd at 75 South Frcntage Ftmd or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhom Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for oonskJeration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the moming, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. [tlcot permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit' to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a 'Building Permit". -- NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November lsth. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application oach November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I nfe read and understand the above.'w)0^f -/ Slgnature F:\Us€rs\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC ur0atzofy. IOlryJVM Questions? Callthe &ilding Team at 479-2325 Department of Gommunity Development Projec{ Name: Cr,rv ilarr.ct Project Address: _ ztog__N-. f_rcrqr.qr- _Eoa! l^[E I ) Thts Checkllst mus', be ampleted before a Bulldlng furmit apptiation is acccoted. 0 All pages of application is complete € Flas DRB approval obtained (if required) Ptovide a opy of approval form t€-lsOoninium Association letter of approval attadred if prcjed is a Multi-Family conrplex f @mplete site plan srbmitted zY fublic Way furmit application induded if applicable (refer to fublic Works checklist) 3/ Saging plan induded (refer to Rrblic Works cfrecklist) No dumpster.parkino or materiat storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without wrltten aooroval .-el Asbestos tesl and resJlts submitted if demolition is ocolning /Y Architecl. stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family)o * / ,(aIf.r FulllFplans induding building sedions and elevation@sets of plans for Multi-Family and Oommercial &ildings) Windolr and door sdredule Full slrudural plans, induding design criteria (i.e.loads) $rudural Etgineer stamp and signature on $rudural plans (All Oommercial and Multi Family) Soils Report mu$ be $bmitted prior to footing inspection Fre reddive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated 9noke deteclors shown on olans Types and quantity of fireplaces strofln Appf rcanf s sisnature : :p["--D ];;L= Date of submittal: Fluse.s\cdoV^FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM.OOC Received By: 0zo3t20u 12-GF20(F Requested Inspec't Dab:' lnsDec'tlon Arlr: Sltr Addrers: m*t, December12,2005 ArPtD lnlbrmrtlqr R.oueabd lrcoecdon(rl lbm: R.qu.dor:Cooi|m 3: Ardoned To:- A.don: g0 Bl-Dcflnd Pf.lCl COhISIRUCIION ll.lCJ Franf 2IOO N FRONTAGE RD IGST VAIL CITY TARKET PARKING ENTRAT.ICE Er&r.dBy: LTIILMAN K Acfrrfi,: Cort3tTYri: Oxrihc Applca]tCoifr ior: D.rcrFdon: 80+.(F1l3 _ tlF: A4OMM SubT)?c: ACCIMOccupoity [fte: TOffiTIOFVAIL Pl.lcl COtISTRI CTION h|c. Phone: €70) 7'lil-388 Pt{Ct COfr}STRt CllON l}.tc. Pftom: {9Z)) 7423&18 REPAR IESTVTALL YIITH STI,,CCO FIMS,}}SATE FOR SAilE Stlt|8: ISSI ED lffipAr,.r: JRm Tlne Exp: ;^ lbm: bm: lbnu lbm: li.m: lbm: lbm: liem: lbm: llem: lbm: lbm: lbm: lbm: lbm: llem: ltin BLDGTomD.CJo53iI PUFTEMP. C/O 533 PtAr$'tElt.C/O ,/tu/ lnspecdon Hlsbn, 10 ELIXi'FooflnG/Sbel 20 E|-De'Foun&fodsb.l 3[} BIDe,FrtT{nE 5O BlD(ilnsub6nd, ELDGSheebocl( l.lall Tl' BLDGMbc.Ct EL"O(}Flncl 537 P|IN-RM| C/O 5:'8 FIRE.FIMLCYO 599 Plrlt-FtMt-c,o5{t ELDeft|alC)/O 21 Pt ,t$lLC Foundrlbn Pbn 22 PtA'SILC Slb PLn REPT131 Run 4006 fi'|. tY DEtELoff t lWntr*Pe 3"i,w'71'unflttfek' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 ta':970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Proiect DescripUon: DRB Number: DR8050500 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPAIR WEST WALL WITH STUCCO RNISH.SAME FOR SAME Pafticipants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ATTN: SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5567 DENVER co 80217 LLILLIaOO' APPLICANT PNCI CONSTRUCION INc. LtlIrlz0OS Phone: (970) 742-3548 553 251/2 ROAD GRAND JUNCTION coLoRADO 81505 License: 841-8 CONTMCTOR PNCI CONSTRUCNON INC. 553 25V2 ROAD GMND JUNCNON coLoMDo 81505 License: 841-8 ProjectAddress: 2109 N FRONrAGE RD WESTVAIL CITY MARKET PARKING ENTMNCE Legal DescripUon: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL COMMONS Parcel Number: 2103-114-2402-s Comments: SEE CONDmONS tLlIU2005 Phone: (970) 742-3548 Location: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 11/1U2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constiMe a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' 313 itI ?t Fr al tt rrtr fdi'C lddr{r. nO 3cI 556-t, 03tvc( Colordb 80C17 G.l[d O6t t t|,I|lEi|rt.66 lqm St., D.||vcr. fr|rllr EGu, (3001 r'l}lto. F.r ($sl 77+7515 Orud Jn rildr fl.ilq Adreu . PO. Bor 729, Qsrd Juncljon, ftlo.rdo gl ${4 olic. r 105 lrj, Cero..do l|3 . grd Jmdim, Colotn& tl 509 (9?0t ?rt.0?50 . F|| (970,214'105? I t-l l-2005 Re: City Market Vail, Colorado To Whom [t May Concem: C)ity Markct has hircd PNCI (l"rank DeSantis) out of Grand Junction to pcrtbrm the rcpairs and painting to thc tvcst wall of tlte parking structure to try and get u$ through thc *'inter. ln the spring we will takc bids for the remainder of the repairs and will most likely use the same contractor to finish thc repairs to thc planters €tc. Sincorcly, ffiMiii;ie"tutce @il8f.,'-"glgflH#lj;f ?,a udv@2\a saaz tsT '^oN wwvz@L6t 'oN xul NOIISNUISNOS ISNd: I,IT]HI ,_m ^#'H.lLfi{ii.'3iii,"''i'*t web: www.vallgov.@m General Informaton: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitdng a building permit application. Please refdr t6 ttre submit6t requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Reviev{ cannot be accepted untif a[ required infiormation is received by the C.ommunity Dev€lopment Depatment. The project may also need to be rc\rie$red by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign reirtew approval lapsee unlese a building permlt is issued and construction commenoee witfrin one year of dre apprcval. Location of the Prcposal: Lot:-Block:- SuMivision: Physrcaf Addrcss! = 'o ' /t' FO$,- . 11<- s/ . da"' ( ztoS lt<+ Atl ozs'(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-85'10 for parcel no') o rrt €L'oq o ?-o 0 c,.t.c UJes,F t^-t*(/ S6.c..)Fr Parcel No.: Zoning: Name(s) of Ourner(s):{u^€>k ualrmgMdress: ''?o Bc>* '€S-e7 ,D-^ {---CO--8oz-t7 -5-s-6 7 Owner(s) Slgnature(s): Name of Applicant:CrI G"r+- 4;L Mailing Address: E-mall Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Revieliv tr New Constructiontr Addition tr/Minor Atteration (muld-fa mily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of btal s'lgn area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' *t00 For an addition where square foobgg is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $aso- For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re'roofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. $20 For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, paiiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 For rev-isions'to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee 6 -l/Rz**or- u'e\-rfvaq Uralt+ t h dtrcbL aretS Tfi F[I' r ,] ) il sll,r'"'W V-=:'-- LI TOWN OF VAIL.75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 97U479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES lOq; A t l.rr.-p(.--{--.\ \--\4.,-^ i.[+-sd ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-m27 Job Address.: 2@5 A ZERMATT LN VAIL Satus.....: ISSUED Location......: 2095 A ZERMATT LN Applied...: 03ll0l2n5 Parcel No....: 2L0311424036 Issued ...: 0/,ll9l200t5 Project No...:;2-',n6-zt*a Expires...: 10116120[15TjaF-aE7 o$tNER MIr,rJER, MATTHEW E. & REBECCAO3/1}/2OO' CARL A. 2095 ZERMATT I.}iI B-8 VATI, co 8L6s7 APPLICANT MIIJIJER, MATTHEW B. & RSBECCAO3/LO/20Oi CARIJ A. 2095 ZERMATT. IJN B-8 VAIIJ co 81657 coltTRAcToR Miller, Matt o3/!o/2oo5 2095 A Zermatt lJaneVailco 816s7 License: 339-L Desciption: FIMSH BASEMENT Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V B Type Occupancy: ?? Add Sq Ft: O # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of wood Pellet: 0 Valuation: $18,5m.m Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y **t'*'i:l,i'1.:l,l.,t:f :*,|i.*'l'l**:a**:l{.a*'l:1.*:*!t'a**'t*xi'l'l'l******'l*'a'l*'**'t'**'l:l*{r,|l*'}1i:l'}*r, FEE SUMMARY Building----> $30?.25 Restarant Plan Review-> Plan Che.ck-- > S199 . 71 DRB Fe€------------------> So . 0o Total Calculat€d Fees- > $509.95 S0 .00 Additioml F€€8----->$0. 00 InvesdgatioD- >go. oo Recreation Fe€-------->SO. OO Total Permit Fe€----- > $509 . 95 Wi.ll Cdl--- > 53 . oo Clear-up Deposit-----> 9o . o0 Payments-----------> $509 . 95!rE@-qP uel^^4_-_------z 9v.ww rqrruw'|N TOTAL FEES------> 5509.95 BAL-ANCE DIJE------> S0. 00 Approvals: Itern: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARII{ENI 03/15/2005 iIR!! Acrion: AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPART|,IENI 04/t8/2oo' bgibson Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMETiIT I-:-:*:---o-u--u--oj"--'Hl"-:'x-?*T:l'**it*'l.*i!|*|****l.*|||*|i*ttt|||******tl.tl|||t++|i*l*||'*+****{.t||********|{.i|t.+t***|*i**lti{|i*t+l*!** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tlnt I have read this application, filled out in full the inforuution required, completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cornply with all Town ordimnces arut state laws, ard to build this stnrctue according to the towns zoning ard subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and otber ordirurrces of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TIVENTY-FOUR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 ****;t**************:ls*****'*****:t!t*,t*****:f *!**,t*****************1.**rt*******'t*********{.*********'f ******!t{!!ft*!t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B05-0027 as of (X-19-2005 Status: ISSUED **'N.*****:t***:t*,t{t,******'}***:s'&*************:**:t,t*!**,***{.:|t{t*****,t*'**{t|.,**,*,.!*'t*'}:f*:t:f:t*:|.*******:F*******:t:t:*:*:t:t3|** Permit Type: ADDiALT MF BLJILD PERMIT Applied: 03ll0l20f'5 Applicant: MILLER, MATTHEW E. & REBECCA S. - BOLKA, Issued: 04t19t2005 To Expire: lOlI6l2W5 Job Address: 2W5 A ZERMATT LN VAIL Location: 2095 A ZERMATT LN Parcel No: 21031142r';036 Description: FINISH BASEMENT Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTJIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. *{'******t+f't*t*****+*+*+**********+*+***t*****+f++++*++ftt****+++++++****a***+*******+t+**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Stat€ment******+*********++l't*{t'}********+**t't'}**a***++ftt+*++++*{r*{t't***++********t***a*******{.**++*** Amount: $509.96 o4/L9 /2oosLo:53 AlrtInit: L,CNotation: cash from Matt St,atenent l{unber: R050000427 Paymen! Method: Cash MiLler Permit No: Parcel No3 Site AddreEs: Lrocation: Thie Payment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 805-0027 2LO3 -LL4-2403 - 6 2095 A ZERMATT 2095 A ZERIIATT :Type: ADD/EI,T MF BUIIJD PERITTIT Iff VAIIJ LN Total FeeE: $509.95Total AI,L ltnts: 9509 - 95 BaLance: S0-o0 $s09.95 t++****+t|}'}fl***+++t**{'+*!t*****t***++l'****t***'t*'}**+f***'}{r**{'++*+*++**********{r**at*{r't{r*f*+t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current PmtE BUIIJDING PERIIIT FEES PI,AII CHBCK EEES WIIJIJ CA]JIJ INSPECTION FEE 307.25 L99.7t 3.00 --( \5tl'? € APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS tt Project #:-bo37 Permit #:7 ATITVWNuVUAILIy 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ,o--|treYs.rvv r vrvvlr rvsrr r' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION etc.! ir1 .i i.r L' General Contractor: l\a]{. frt.ll ef 'yg4^:!n3no:Contact and Phone #'s: --. . j -r ... ,',Ii".DFlLt70 a4bt --- Email address: @ en M;lL COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BU|LD|NG:$ l}. , .SOO ELECTRICAL:$ l,SoO OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG:$ 3 E.O6 MECHANICAL:$ ,.OO1,f)rorAl: $ /g , SO O. " For Parcel # Contact Easte Countv Assessors Office at 970:329-e949-ptvEit %o-eo3g Job Name: /or I co ,., r,r o vr $ B-5 - ? Job Address: ao 1 s fi Let fio-A La Legal Description Lot $t Btock: p3ll riting:Subdivision: t'":\ [6",n,,n,..sY owners Nur", /h ATI A^-If adoress: ;o15 fr 2", ^nfi Ut Phone:L/?O *lLb ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ^r-- r lJ*Sa.*re,rfF. .r I c l' WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other(\ Finish F.tSca^r* WorkType: Interior(\ Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: singlejamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (\ commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buihing: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this b1\ling:_4Q '1 Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas {pplences ( o) Gas Logs (l ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wqgd Burning ( ) Noffypeof FireplacesProposed: GasAppliances1[) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurnilg(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (V) No (Does a FfeEprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) Np ( U). ****r*************+**********l*rt***r*FoR oFFlcE usE oN LY*************l******************|l***** 07 t2at2004F:\UsersUSutheAnewBLDGPERM.DOC tl I0hh,m Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2728 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Checklirt must be comoleted before a Buildina Permitaoolication is accepted. All pages of application is complete l'las DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy ofapproval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $25000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public WorK checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown q q o tr o tr o o o o o o D tr a tr 0 I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Applicant's Signature:7n pr/h Date of submittal: F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 07 t28t2004 tl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:/n,+rr t'h: lt€n Print name Signature Vo.\\ Q-or+v.rgtrs B-\ - IProject Name: Date:3- 1-o? F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM, DOC 07n8t2004 tl IUDATOF WHEN A'PUBLrc WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLfAsE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWTNG QUESTXCNS REGARDTNG THE NEED FOR A 'PUBLT WAY PERMIT'': o Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being performed require the use of $e Right-of-Way, easemenb or public property? YES NO \./ NOIs any uUlity work needed? YES Are there any improvemenb being done to the driveway ? YES Is a different access needed b the site oher tran the existing driveway? YES- NO-)/ Is any drainage work being done that affecE he Right-of-Way, easemenB, or public property?YES NO I,/ Is a 'Revocable Rightof-Way Permit" rcquired? YES Nor fr$11*tiHlz"menb or public propefi to be used for sbsins, parkins or fencins? frtt*t " *Ra't .Ij4.s, sbsins or fencing plan required bv Public works? If you answered YES t0 any of these questions, a Yublic Way Permit" must be obbined. '?ublic Way Permit"applications may be obbined at he Public Work's office or atCommunity Development (a sample is atbched). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUEST]ONS. Contracbr SignabJre Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Vo-iI ts u nr vr s v F:\UsersuSuthednewBLDGPERM. DOC F' tava^,^^a /f^rh< /hlimtm4 YEs ,/ No NO s-3 Company Name 07rz$nou ll APPLICATION PRI #: PW #: FOR TOWN OF VAIL Parcel #: PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 20 Bldg. Permit #: B ,,*ffi r. Vcl \ Co*'- o.^ s g Job Name Street Address (lfunknown call 479-Zt39r Excavating Contr actor Name Mail Address TOV Contractor License Number - REQUIRED City State zip Phone # 3. Start Date Work is for (circle one) Oth€r Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiration Date) Telephone CATV Lrndscaping Temp. Site Access 5. Trench-width Length Depth (min.4') Bond Amount $Permit Fee $ Toral sF $ Total LF Total Permir Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review ofthe area and utility locations and approval. Once all utility company signatures are obtained . permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works ollice to obtain the necessrry Town of VaiI signatures. Please allow up to one week to process. Xcel Energy / Public Service Company ( l-800-922- 1987) Xcel Energy High Pressure ( | -800-922- 198?) Quest (l -800-922- l987) Comcast Cable (l -800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation Dissict (970476-7480, ext. I l4) Holy Cross Electric Company (l-800-922-198 Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970-479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A consrruction fiatTic control plan must be submirted and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ofthe pennit. 9. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 10. Pennittee nrust contact the Public Works Department at 47G2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to Notif theTownwill result in forfeiture ofbond money. Scheduled inspections that are not ready may resull in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. ll. I certiry that I have read all chapters of Title 8-Public Ways and Property, ofthe Jail Municipal Code and all utility Company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as rcquired. Cortractor's Signatule ol' Agrcelnent Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORJ<, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show sneet with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASTI LIIYES FOR CUT. F lUsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOC Datc of signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor 07 t28t2004 tl PUBLtr WORKS AND THE PUBLT WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: D Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit AoplircaUon. If yes was answered b any of the questions then a Yublic Way"permit is required. You can pick up an applicatjon at eidrer Community Development, locabd at 75 Soudt Fronbge Road or Public Works, locaEd at 1309 Elkhom Drive. F Notice signoffs for utility companies. ALL uUlities must field verifo (locaE) respective utjlities prior b signing application. Some utility companies requirc up b 48 hours notice b schedule a locaE, F A consbuction baffic conbrol/sbging plan must be prepared on a sepanb sheet of paper. An approved sib plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, eb.) and dre work zone, (area of construction, sbging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need b be resubmitbd for considention for approval through the winbr. Be aware that your resubmission for winbr may be denied depending on the location of consUuction. D Skebh of work being performed must be submitbd indicaUng dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a sib plan for the job. be scheduled for fte Town of Vailelecbicians and irrigation crcw. The locaEs bke place in the moming, but may require up b 48 hours b perform. ) The Public Work's Construction Inspecbr will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be conhcbd as b the status and any requiremenb that may be needed, Most permits are released within 48 hours of being rcceived, but please allow up b one (1) week b process. D As soon as the permit is apprcved, tre Building Deparfnent will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" b be released. Please do not confuse the Yublic Way Permit" with a "Building Permif'. ) NOTE: The above process is for uork in a public vray ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15$. A new Public Way Permit is rcquircd each year if uprk is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does pot mean an aubmaUc reneural. I have r€ad and underctand the above. 3- 7-"1 Signature F:\USersuSuThET\NEWBLDGPERM. DOC Date Signed 0712812004 tl DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Work Department will be approving all final drainage and culved installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed:3- a- 67 F:\UsersuSuthennewBLDGPERM.DOC -t 07 t24t2004 MATERNL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKNG Please read and check off each of the items below' (Copies of compleE text are available upon request) CODE 5-2.10: DEPOSIS ON PUBLT WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawfrrl deposits: Subject b subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any peEon b litEr, track or deposiq or cause b be litrered, Facked or depmibd, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any streeq sidew;l( alley or public place, or any portion thereof. D Nouce; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require, any person who violabs or causes another b violab the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Direcbr's employment i p"oon who violates or causes another to violate the same, bp remov€ such sand, gravel,-rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any oher debris or material within twenty four Q4) hours after receipt of said notce Uy fore Oiiector of Public Works. In the event the person so notile! does not comply with the notice *it'in tru period of time herein specified, the Direcbr of Public Works, or other auttorized agent, may .uui. rnv such sand, gi"u.l, to.io, muci, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material b be removed from any sfeet or alley at the expense of the notified. o Sumrmns and penalty: As an alEmative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes ano$rer to violae the same, may be issued a summons t0 appear Oeioie tre Municipal Coutt of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violaUon hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o NoUce and Penalty: It is unlawful for any pe6on to fril or refuse to comply with the notice. of the Director of public Worla as provided in subsectjon B hereof, and any such peson shall, in addiUon to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Direcbr of Public Wotts, as provided in subsectior B heieot upon beini found guilty of a violauon hereunder, be punishable as provided in Sectjon 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-LAND 7-3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTNG TRAFFT & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a sbeet or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such condiuons as b inbrfere with the free movement of vehicular tmffic or proper street or highway mainbnance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehhle atbnded or unathended, standinq upon any portion-of a- sfeet or upon any place wittrin this Municipality in such a manner as b constitue a violation of any section of this Rrtlile, or left unattended for i period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumecl t0 be abandoned under the conditiors prescribed by Colorado Revised Sbtites section 42-4-1102, as imended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in sbcrage in the nearest gamge or other place of safety designated or maintained by ffris M-unicipality,.and 6.re c]fnrges for bwini ani sbrage oi such rrehicle shall be charged b the owner of tre vehicle in additjon 6 a ten Oottai($rO) imporlndment charge. (Ord, 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) ll I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Print NqrP't.'l tw',rlttl\- position or Relationship to Project: ,nr r. or' tttn"tt" DItl€6sigt&dTeAnewBLDGPERM.DOC 07 t28n004 fown of Vail Survey Comm u n ity Development Department Russel I Forrest, D i rector' [970) 479-213e Check all that apPlY tl (knowledge, Date: 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building y' Environmental Housing- Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your initial contact with our staff immediate slow or no one available lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? F o wo'\l Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes/No lf no, why not? r0o^ 2. 3. 4. 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB aRO-rryb-PEC app BldO Permit b,qa 6. Please rate the performance of the 5 4 g 2f @" high) Name: -responsive-ness, availabi I itY) 7. overal effectiveness of the Front service counter.@ 3 2 I (5 is high) g. what is the best time of day for you to use the Front service counter? 4,n? +'. rt^ Q 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. F:\Us€rsuSutheinewBLDGPERM.DOC 07r29t2004 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PErMit #: EO5-0025 BoF-ou_j Job Address: 2W5 A ZERMATT LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2W5 A ZERMATT LN Applied . . : 0311012005 Parcel No...: 210311424036 Issued . . : 04.ll9l2005 hoject No : ?f1a 5 -oo5 ( Expires . .: L0tl6l2n5 OWNER MIIJIJER, MATTHEW E. & REBECCAO3/LO/?0O5 CARL A. 2095 ZERMATT I,lI B-8 VAII., co 81657 APPITICANf MILLER, MATfHEW E. & REBECCA}3/Li/2}O' CARIJ A. 2095 ZERMATT IJN B-8 VAIIJ co 8L6s7 CONTRACTOR Mil1er, Matt g3/to/2005 2095 A Zermatt Lane Vail co 4L657 License:339-Lr Desciption: FINISH BASEMENT-I LIGHT 3 OUTLETS Valuation: S1.500.00 El€ctrical----- > DRB Fee.----> Investigation--- > will cdl-------> TOTAL FEES.- > $51.7s s0. oo s0. 00 93.00 $s4.7s FEE SI,'MMARY Tonl Cals atcd Fees-> S54.75 Additioml Fees-----> $o. oo Total Permit Fee-----> s54 - 75 Payncnb--------- > $5{ .75 BALANCE DUE-.-.-. >s0 .00 Approvals: Item: 05000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTIT{EIII o3l1sl2oosJRM Action: AP l!:1;"-'o-?-.-'o-9.-**1-l"*:flH*"'.**********l.'}.'ti**t*:t**l|li|+||ti+tt|*.|.l.**t**t||**'*,|+t{ttt+{l*|.:t't*.**||l|**| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 J."**;]-;-.*l*l?--lTf ."."..9IT.9*:-.**--TP*X;*T3.J9"SII3:,.T..J.9*-S..,.?*T,-,"PJ:.1*t*H*"**"**'********.*i.i*,+*+*+*****,.{.,,*,},,{. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot ptan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLn HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47+2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4PM -41 r/or//4 ++******{rf|'*a***************a*********++++arr****t***ftt*t*******l'*{r{r{r{rt+t***+*********a**** TOWNOFVAIL, COIJORADO Stat€ment**+*'++*******++*********at***********+******+t+++t+tt*lt+*******!t***{r***'t*{'!t+**************r* Statement Nuniber: R050000425 Atnount. ! $S4.?5 04/L9/2OOS:-o:51 AM Palment Method: Cash Inie: LC Notation: cash from MattsMiller Permit No: 805-0025 Type: ETECIRICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3-]-14-24O3-6 Site Address: 2095 A ZERI4ATT LIiMIL Location: 2095 A ZERIIATT Lll Total Feea: $54.75This Palment: $54.?5 Total ALL, Pmts: 954.75Balance: S0.00**********************+*{r'f******+************l***'tl'+*'}+++++*++++**t*f**************++*l't*'}'t+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description curent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO EI,ECTRIEAIJ PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CA],I, INSPECTION FEE 51.75 3.00 MWNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8165 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED T-}- Proiect #' l- 'tloC-bdS7 Electrica (Inspections) CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Building Permit #: Electrical Contractor: /4.., *l- nt.l \er Town of Vail Reo. No.:731:1-Contact and Phone #'s:.+76 al (a L E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: 1r''t n'L^llu, COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR Att OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ l. .f O OAMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE: ?OO Contact Eaqle County Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# ?.-t6sltqayogC JobName;/h' I c-or^,ru,tovr S A-s - y JobAddress: a-oq-f 4 ze.t,'.-ff L6 Legaf Description I tou p, ]l etoct: J ll rillng: q I suuaivlslon= l,/o-,\ {o a.r,.,. o r,rJ ownersNut"'MAn t"\:il€r llnoaress:?-o1-f A zeraqr*6ll Phone: q7o >tbQ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: \ Li $ h+ b 7 c,'JJl'A7J F -. " ;s h B.t4-^ . n. -l- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) othg!(\]_Eiutr_4rr- WorkType: Interior(\ Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ltzf Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this iuikling:_ ? Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (\ ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes \) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( \ ******t ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ON[Y***************************,<********* Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted By: Planner Siqn-off: \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\E LECPE RM. DOC 07 /26/2002 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT.75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: PO5{OI7 6oC_o*7 Job Address: 2095 A ZERMATT LN VAIL Status . . . I ISSUED Iocation.....: 2W5 A ZERMATT LN Applied . . : 03ll0l20[,5 Parcel No...: 2LO311424036 Issued . . : 0/.llglz0Os Project No , N(j .f- o o5 7 Expires . .: 10116120[15 OWNER MIIJtrJER, MATTHEW E. & REBECCAOS/LO/2OO' CARL A, 2095 ZERT.IATT IN B-8 VATIJ co 81557 APPIJICA}IT MIIJIJER, MATTHEW E. & REBECCAO3/LO/20}' CARIJ A. 2095 ZERMATT IJN B-8 VAIIJ co 81657 CONTRACTOR Miller, Matt 03/L0/20Os 2095 A Zermatt lJane Vailco 81657 Li.cense: 339-L Desciption: FINISH BASEMENT-SHOWER, TIJB SINK, BASEBOARD HEATING Valuation: $3,560.00 Fireolacc Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliarces: ?? f ofGrs logs: 22 #of Wood Pallel: ?? :t***)***,**********:***'*'a*'t'i**'ta**'t'tt+t ***,t***'t*,t'at{.,t,art*,t******,}a*,t,t*t*t FEE suMMARy:il**:t'.{.'}'}{.*'l+*'llnt****,}i*l|lt'|l*al+*+:t:t:a++:a:at*a't'.'a1't'a'aa*'a*:a.}** Plumbing--> $50.00 Resfuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S15. oo DRB Fee-------------> so. oo Toal Calculated Fees--> $78.00 so. oo Additional Fees-------->9o .00 lnvestigation- > will cdl-*-->$3.00 $78. 00 90. 00BALANCE DUE.----- > Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DBPARII,IENT 03,/15/2005 ,JRI.' Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARITIIENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, ard state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM.'27& SO.0O TOTAL FEES-----> S7S.OO Tot|l Permit Fee------ > $78.00 f't*if*l+ta"l*'i*lff**++'alr*'tlr'a***l****'t****'l'|ttttflaal****tl*t**ftflfalt*lfflf**+l*********{'*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatemeDt ++tat*{t{t'l'}****l+t*f*******'}****+*++**t,t****l'***ll*+tt*ffff****f+**lt'}f*at}at*+a*afaaffafff*++l Anount: $?8.00 04/L9/2OO5L0:50 All hit3 IJC Notation: Cash from Matt Statement Number: R050000425 Palment l{ethod: Caeh Miller Permit No: Parcel. No: Site Addreas : IJocatiOn: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05- 0 017 2103 - 114-2403 -5 2095 A ZERMAIT 2095 A ZERMATT $?8.00 Tlrpe: PIj'MBING PERMIT IJN \IAIIJ IJN Total Feea: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $78.00 $78. OO $0-00 DeEcription Current PmCs PLA}I CHECK FEBS PIJIJMBING PER!{IT FEES WILL CAI,IJ INSPESTION FEE 15.00 60.00 3 .00 '; {-t J,-" { AppLrcArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErFol llNsrGNED PLJdC-oOS7 Permit #: Permit #: TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbing Contractor: ftrr+fF F4, il €a Town of Vail Reg. No.:331- L Contact and Phone #'s:4l c: >t bQ E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature:-ln tJ.l^ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ 3,6 6c' for ParcelContactAssessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit # Parcel #al Alrrr-cAq 63lo JobName:yo't ts^now\s b-3 - t JobAddress:aots * zo,^^ntJ t-4 Legal Description Lot: A ll atocr: S Filing: g Subdivision: y'a-, I Cs na c ra 5 ownersName: pa4t1 ftiller ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Sl\nwet' *,.-b. . S; ^ k Ba-se- boe,.l *eall ^. Work Class: New ( )Addition ( )Alteration ( )Repair ( v) Other e\)Fi"trh 8os",n .,^'F Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( \ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ] Is this a conversion from li device? Yes ( ) No ( \) ***************ri**r(*'!******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \\VAiI\dItA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 07t26t2002 ,)r\ a/t\n'll )J .t t or\' 56= 3 =: \r <,{r c. +&- uiY.{Rj ,Ll 5*L. AetrJt' I I 'l I ; e4ilo * dta-/1 \ {i ll39+. ? .) Jy"j xs- AJr o ;;b 0 6 'A3g'tli03-Ao.t- i rIUdV CII{rti:ii}Ftt + a, o O{Af J.) --t' 43 T I-lg t J-S v'.-oJS I \A Bo5- Dc?l 0+2&2005 tnspes{on Request Reportlng Pags2, 7:33 am Vall._CO- Chr Ol Requested lnsoec't Drte: ThuEdry, Aprll 28,2005' SltdAddress: 2095AGRilATTLNVAIL 2095 A ZERTUATT tN lfip.bform.@ A€flY'ltr m+(m7 lpe: A-MFCoGtTwa: Occrr!€rEu otdier: MILLER. ]TIATIHEW E. & REBECCA S. . BOLKA. Sbtus: ISSUED lrlspfu€.: Atpllcrd: MltlER, ilATIHEWE. & REBECCA S. - BOIKA, Coniador: lrfl.r,Mil De*do$on: FINISH BASEMENTl6tlce: PLAN SHEET REdD . ROUIED TO JR AND GEORGE - JMONDRACION Comment approvsd by PLnnlng - BGIBSOIf Requested Insoecdon(sl Requested Tlme: 08:30 Alf' Phone: €70) 47G2166 Enbr€d q,: LnLLilIAN K q w tbm: 90 BLITG+lnrl Requettor: lt ILLER, lr.iLATT Asqhipd To: COAVISAcdon: T[ne Exo: comment SSffiEttlECTcrRs REo-o ' EXTE]O I.IANDRAIL GROTJT TC'IIET BASE tnro€c0on Hlsbn, Item: 226 FIRE DEPT. NOnFICATIONl!.m: 30 BLOG-FiE mlnolbm: S) BLDGFlnal - Um!6 lnso€ctor: JRM Actbn: CR CORRECTIOI.I REOI IRED Coflrmont 3 $rcKE DETECTORS REO.D EXTENDHANDRAIL GROI'T IOILET BASE It m: 2t FLAII&]IC Foundtllon Phn Item: 22 PLAI+ILC Slte Phn M REPT131 Run Id: 3165 lnspectlon Request Requested Inspect Date: Thursdry, Apdl 28,2005' Sltd Address: 2095 A ERfrIATT LN VAIL 2095 AZERTIATT LN A/F,D lniorm.0qr Acfidtu PFml7 T!D€: &PLMB SubConrtWrri: Occuooitv: Orrii€': M|LLER, IiIATIHEW E. & REBECCA S. . BOTKA. Apffr€r't Mf LLER, IT|ATIHEW E. & REBECCA S. - BOLKA, Item: 290 PLMB-F|n l Rcquesior: MILLER, IIATT AsslgiedTo: CD VISArc0on: Tlrr Exo:Coflm|* ERTf,,TTdTETBASE FIX LEAK I,iJEEMHRET Strts: ISSUED Insp Area: Conblc{or: Mlfier. M8t D*cdplbn: FINISH EASEMENr-SF|o|r!ER, TtlB Sltfi. BASEEOARD HEATll.tG Rtouested Insoecfl onf sl .p qt Requested Tlme: 08:00 At- Phonc: {9rc)47$2166 Enlerod By: LTlLtl,lAN K ,q lne oecton Historv llcm: 210 PlltiBUnderoround llcm: 20 PLtlSRouoNO.W.V. It€m: 2tD PLtrBRouEMYUrtor tlem: 240 PlilBc'rtPlrimllrm: 250 PLIBFooUHbt Tublbm: 260 PLtrlFMhc. llem: 29() PltlBFlnslWl2l6 lt|3ca6r: JRll Acllon: CRCORRECTIoII Corunent GFOT TTOIIET BASE FIX LEAK UNOER CABINET REPT131 Run Id: 3165 TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 RD WEST Status.. -: ISSITED RD WEST (Applied- .:To3/25/L999 Issued...: 03/25/L999 Expires..: 09/2L/L999 APPLIEAMf CIIY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX ?29, GRAIID iII'NCfION, CONTRACTOR CITY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX 729, GR,MiID JI,]NCTION, OWNER tlof G-E AItPLianc.B: TOI'IN OF VAII-, T CITY I\4ARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND .'I'NCfrGV/&OSN6N2 DEV. co 81502 co 81502 A!-ilOUnt date llof gas Log6 : Phone z 97Q-24L-0750 Phone: 970-24L-0750 flof Food/Pa1I.b: Descript.ion: ALTER FT,ANIENS AND DEMO COFFEE HOUSE BLDG Occupancy: 82 92 Tlpe Construction: rI I-IIR Ty?e rr 1-Hour.Ilpe Occupancy: 0023 sToRE Cie;rn-irp Depo.sit Refuno' approved vc- Valuation: Sircplac. InforE tion: RcsLricc6d: 25, 000 Add Sq FL: FBE SI'I{I{ARY Building-----> 295.00 RGEEuaranE Plan Revicw--> 'oo Total calculated FecB---> 679'7s Plan chcck---> L9L-75 DRB Foc-------- InvestiEation> .oo RGcleation Fce----------> .oo ToEaI Peluib Fee--------> 764'73 will c.ll----> 3-oo cl.rn-Itl D'Posig--------> 1Oo'Oo PayEentg----------------> 164'7s TOT}]. FEE8----- 639 '1g BAIANCE DUE---- 'O0 r r * * r * trr ', t .r * rt ** *l|t'rtttttt'rtttt ttttttri L ITEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARII4EIiITollisltggg ,JRM Action: APPRrrbm:' o54oo Pr,ANNrNc DBPARTT,IENT03/25/1,999 .lRM AcEion: APPRicbm:. 05600 FIRE DEPARIITENTO3/25/L999 JRM ACEiON: APPRItbm:' 05500 PITBLIC WORKSa3/25/L999 JRM Act,ion: APPR . DEPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON: APPROVE D'JRM-'- --b-ebt: PTJINNTNG Division: OK PER BRENT N/AL't" DePt: PIJB WORK Division: N/A rrr*rrt*tttt+rt tattttlal+ttttl *tri.|jtttt*tr**rr tir'ttttt*rt**','*tatlrii*"itttt see Page 2 of Ehis Docrment f or any conditions Ehatr may apply to Ehis penn:it ' DECI,AR]ITIONS r hercby acknorl€dEc cha! I havc r€ad tshj,s application, filled our ln full Ehe infonratsion rcquircd, conpl6ccd an accuraca ploe plan, and €laLr Ehat aII t-!r6 infor'lratsion plovided as required i6 c0rtect. I agte. to co[Ply rifh ihe inforu'Cion and plot Plan' tso coolrly trith arl rorn ordinanc6s and slate laxs, and go build !hi6 Etructurc according to Bhc Tortl' s zoning rnd subdivieion codc6, d.aign rewiet approwcd, UniforE BuildinE Codc and otbcr olilinances of Cha Tor'rl applicabl6 the!€to' REQI'ESTS FOR INSPE(:TIONS SIIAI,I, BE MADE TWENIY-FOUR IIOUR5 II{ .A.DTNICE BY send Cl.en-tt) DaIto.lE To: CITI I'IARKE? ')a.^f}r-a SJ',A.,.- d.ti\.i 3 DEPART!,IENT oF CoMMT]NIT. DEVETOPMEIiIT ar),t;+ G9^-,^^\ NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIIMES ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit. #: 899-0035 ilob Address r 2099 N FROI{TAGE Location...: 2009 N FRONTAGE Parcel No. . : 2103-114-15-013 ProjecE No. : PR,f99-0054 oFFrca FRoM 8:00 Alil 5100 P!4 owing on collrRAsoR FoR HrxsELF AND om{ER *****:r**********:r***********************************************:l*************** COIIDITIONS Permit, #: 899-0035 as of O3/3L/99 status: TSSUED ******************************************************************************** PermiE, T!pe: ADD/ALT coMM BUITD PERI{T ApplicanE: CrTY IVIARICET, rNc. 970-24L-07s0 Applied: 03/2s/L999 Issued: 03 /25 /1999 To Errpire: o9/2t/L999 ilob Address: tocation: 2009 N FROI,ITAGE RD WBST (PARKING i-,Cff) Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: ALTER PI,A}ITERS AI{D DEMO COFFEE HOUSE BLDG Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARIIJIENT APPROVAI., IS REOUIRED BEFORS AIIY WORK CAI{ BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPEqIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR coDE CoMPtLANCE' 3. WE STIIJIJ IIi\VE SEVERAI, BUILDING PERMITS OPEN FOR TIIIS ENTIRE 1-996PRo,JEcf.THBSEPERMITSNEEDToBECALLEDINFoRFINAL rNsPECrroNs FoR FrNAL/C-O. ASAp att!ra'atrt*atttt||tttaaa.tarti+tlar*at+t*tiltttiti'ttttttatatttiat,t loml Of VtrE. COITORIm gEat.urt' attti'ft.ltiJttttliiattt'iat tt!ratrtttaattaaaaatltttittlttt'tat!rrttttttl, - 3C.!ao1t Nu!b.r: REC-0199 lrcrrnE ! 761.78 O3l7Ll99 L2t17 9rt'!.nc lrrhod! c( ttotrgion! 022a7735s Inlt ' 'tl| E.t|rit tto, B9t-oo3s I'itp.: t-@l|l rDD/lLT cotol auM P P.tc.I Nor 2103-11a-15-013 Bi!. lddrrtr ! 2099 lf FROI}TIGE RD l|EgT Locrciotr: 2009 X FRc|}Ile nD tGat (Plffin|G r,ol) totrl tr..! 76$-75 5t1. p.!'!.nt 76a.7s ToE l tl& PlEa 3 't5,4'7s - Brlrnca! .00 ttittttttttittaatltttta!atiiatatttlltaatt',aaat ttttrtt tt*r" lt't!t t"tt lcaotlrc Cod. t|.acrlPcion lalunB BP OO1OOOO31111OO fnILDtIG PE r1 FElg 19s'00 m ooloooc3ll:2oo lrrgrcf, R!\rf! rEs6 so'oo Pt oo1oooo31133o0 PIiN CHECT( F!!9 191'75 c& ooloooo3t23ooo comrAcKn LIC49!A x2s'o0 tD D2-DEPOa cLErdt'P BFOtrrg loo'oo lC oo100oo3l12too rltr! ClIi! IrrPlmION rEE r'00 o2 .o a pl 'Fo2 .oOE .; F-z doFU El(azo (9a U F E EI E() H ; F U U a FI ET F t F o fl 0 FI o o ttr >orJO F z2 brE F. FFzz EOFE beravrotrE a{ FFHZ(obooAE F o n FIF z F EU 291 :Eo oFr F FI :( iro z o : ; j E> !]Erq&40 a(, qFro 3 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INT'ORITATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR ITE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel# Parcel# 2to3 - |t,/- lt. ot3 Dare: 5_73_qq Fftrq?- oa7/ Architect: VALUATIONS FTFCTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL$ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generat contractor, g, \ tA^.Lf Addrefi TownofVailRegrstrationNro.' IQD-4 Phone# Address:Electrical Contractor:_ Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # BlggDipg..eglsreeler:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registation No. Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone # FOR OFFIGE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: \J k t t (o n n o,rt s Vt n rlren /fl ob, F cn;/1aaff,aar.rr, Buildingj()Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing Subdivision o*eo Nu*b i*o */ Refu-frattqa*r, /r'r rrrrn .'r^f Ko nlnnt DescriptionorJob,Atrofafiol F Dtn,Wi,zsnGFke t-[ c,szB-ba, /ilLr/?ea*rpc bz+- Work Class: New ( ) Alteration 0O Additional ( )Repair( )Other ( ) Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet BUILDING: $ Z4C PLI,JMBING $ Town of Vail Registration No. SzEEDMMI@ msrerterroNs srNCE rgBB WHERE SHOPPING CARTS ARE USED Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks Contac[ Mike Vriens 312-876-8790 Ralphs Market #207 Speedramp Systems Pacific Beach Shopping Ctr 1995 . two 39" wide units, 57' long, S.E. Corner Mission & Grand ansle l0' San Diego, CA 92109 wr 9984 Contact: John Sparkenbach 619 -297 -2593 Ralphs Market #123 l0l G Street San Deigo, CA 92113 wr 10062 Contacil Not Available Ralphs Market #198 Hillcrest Promenade 9600-9636 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 wr 9965 Contacr Not Available Ralphs Market #293 1233 La Brea Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90048 wI10009 Wal-Mart Store 94-615 Kupuohi Street Waipahu, H[96797 wr 9987 Contact: Brad Hanson Ralphs Market#289 5601 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 wr 9936 Contacf Jim Gentrv 213-936-4951 I{D:S\\'/SR: Shoppin-t Can Instrllrtior" r'''ith Arldres.r Nov Speedramp Systems 1996 .two 39" wide unis, 72'long, angle l0' April SpeedrampSystems 1996 . fov 27" wide units, angle 9' 'two 72'long. one 107'long . one 31'long Jan Speedramp Systems 1996 . two 27" wide units, 104' long, angle 11' Speedramp Systems 1995 .two 39" rvide units, 140'long, angle 9' 808-688-0066 1994 Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units, 76'long, ansle 9' 22 min- Moves people and their shopping carts from store to parking garage . Cart direction is down Moves people and their shopping carts from store to underground parking garage. . Cart travels up / down. For use with shopping carts from store to parking garage. . Cart direction is up N.loves people and their shopping carts from store to parkirg garage. 'Cart direction dorvn. For use rvith shopping carts from store to parking garage. . Cart direction up. For use with shopping carts from store to parking garage. . Cart direction is dow'n. Palc i Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks Lucky Market#36 1963 Mountain Blvd. Oakland, CA 91001 wr 9889 Contact Ruben Perez Sam's Club 1993 Hawaii Power Center Kam Highway Pearl City, HI 96734 wr 9855 Contact: Tom Burns 808-456-7788 Wynn-Dixie Store 1992 Key Biscayne Shopping Ctr 606 Crandon Blvd. Key Biscayne,FL 33149 wr9794 Contacc Mr. Castillo 305-361-8261 Bishop's Corner Finast 1991 345 N. Main St. WestHartford, CT 06117 v/r 9664 Contacl Larry Scholman 203-232-0509 Ralphs Market #28 Beverly Connection 100 N. La Cienega Los Angeles, CA 90048 1994 Speedramp Systems . four 39" wide units, angle 11' . two 107'long 'two 6l'long 51G339-4290 For use with shopping carts btween levels of market & parking gamge. . Cart direction is up and down. For use with shopping carts btween levels of market & parking garage. . Cart direction is up. For use with shopping carts between levels of market & parking garage. . Cart direction is down. For use with shopping carts from store to parking structure. . Cart direction is up and down. Transports people and shopping carts from stole to underground parkin-e garage. . Cart direction is dolvn. Transports shopping carts and people to second level of parking structure. j . Cart direction is up. Pirq.' ? Ralphs Market Uptown #51 1989 Speedramp Systems 1010 University Ave . two 39" wide units, 61'long, San Diego, CA 92103 angle 10" 47 min. wI9524 Contact: Victor Salazar 619-298-2931 Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units,98'long, angle 10" 15 min. Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units, 38'long, angle 8' Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units, 135'long, anele 8' 1988 Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units, 85'long, angle 7'05 min. wr 9326 Contact: Vern Waggon er 213-655-6226 IID:S W/SR:Shopping Can InsLrllrtion.; rvith Addre.*; SP EEDWALKlSP EEDRAMP INSTALLATI ON S (Partial List Only) Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks Ralphs Market#123 San Diego, CA wr 10062 Ralphs #293 W. Hollywood, CA wr 10009 1995 Memphis Intemational Aiqport Memphis, TN 1995 wI100t1 Intte Sky Plaza Haunted Castle Dark Ride 1995 Korea wI9988 Wal-Mart Store Waipahu, HI wI9987 1995 Ralphs Market #207 Pacific Beach Shopping Ctr 1995 San Diego, CA wr 9984 Ralphs Market#198 Hillcrest Promenade Los Angeles, CA wI9965 BOC Lordstown Complex Lordstown. OH wr996l 1995 Speedramp Systems Moves people and ttreir1996 .two 39" wide units, 72'long shopping carts from store angle 10" to parking garage f 1994 Speedramp Systems .two2'1" wide units, 104'long, angle 1l' Speedwalk/Speedramp Syst,ems. two 39" wide units, 249'long, 5'rise first 100 feet Speedwalk Systems Load/unload platforms . two 30" wide units, 31'long, angle 0' Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units, 140'long, angle 9' Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units, 57'long, angle 10' Narrow belt Type Speedramps. four 27" wide units, angle 9" . two 72'long . one 107'long . one 31'long Speedwalk Systems-Slider Bed. two 18" wide units, angle 0' . one 18'long. one 36'lons For use with shopping carts from store to upper parking garage f Moves people along West Concourse to Northwest Airlines boarding areas Used to load and unload people from continuously moving ride For use with shopping carts from store to parking garage f Moves people and their shopping carts from store to parking garage f Moves people and their shopping carts from store to underground parking level * For use in asseinbly plant trim shop t Units where shopping carts are used JB:Lists:Partial List SWSR Insrrll3ticni Pa:e I Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks O'Hare Intemational Airport Chicago,IL WI99M O'Hare International Aimort Chicago,IL wr995l Speedwalk belt to replace one 1994 of tlre two walkways inthe 1972 Goodyear system in Pedestrian Tunnel 2D, angle 0". one 43" wide unit, 446' long, Speedwalk belt to replace the 1994 second walkway in Goodyear's system in Pedestrian Tunnel 2D. one 43" wide unit, 446'long, angle 0' Speedramp Systems 1994 . two 39" wide units,76'long, angle 10" Speedwalk belt replacement on 1994 Unit E2 . one 106,9" wide belt.27" wide, angle 0' Speedwalk Systems-Model 5001994 . two 39" wide units, 177'Iong, angle 0' Speedramp Systems 1994 . four 39" wide units, angle I l" . two 107'long . two 6l'long 1993 Speedramp System -Model500 . one 39" wide unit, 73' long, angle l" 1993 Speedwalk to replace Unit 86. . one 39" wide unit, 206'long, angle 0' 1993 Speedramp Systems . two 39" wide units, 98'long, angle 10" Provides service between hotel parking garage and main terminal Provides service between hotel parking garage and main terminal For use with shopping carts from store to parking garage { Moves people between multilevel parking areas and terminals Connects commuter & intemational terminals to cenual terminal For use with shopping carts hnveen levels of market & parking garage T Transports people into casno Moves passengers on the RTA extension . For use with shopping carts between levels of market & parking gara-ce +- Ralphs Market#206 Los Angeles, CA wI9936 Metro Dade Intl Airport Skybridge System Miami, Florida wr 9934 Barcelona Int'l Airport Barcelona, Spain wI9905 Lucky Market #36 Oakland. CA wI9889 Casino Magic Biloxi, MS wr 9866 O'Hare Intemational Airport Chicago,IL wI9859 Sam's Club Hawaii Power Center Pearl City, HI wr 9855 * Units where shopping carts are used JB:Lise:Partial List SWSR Installationi P;rgc 2 Date ofl,ocation Opening Description Remarks Fry's Electronics Campbell, CA wr9848 Zoological Socrety Monkey Mesa Pavilion San Diego, CA wr9819 Hyundai Elevator Expo 93 Information and Communication Pavilion Taejon, Korea wI9815 Wynn-Dixie Store Key Biscayne Shop'g Ctr Key Biscayne, FL wr9794 Hollywood Bowl Ios Angeles, CA wr9742 Barcelona Intemational Airport Barcelona, Spain wr9757 Bishop's Corner Finast West Hartford, CT wI9664 20th Century Fox Srudios Los Angeles, CA wr 9596 Newark Intern ational Aimort Terminal Bl Newark, NJ wr 9588 r993 Speedramp System . one 39" wide unit, 74'long, angle 9" Speedwalk Systems-Model 500 Complete modemization of . two 31" wide systems . one 180'long . one 140'lg Speedwalk Systems LoadingAJnloading Plaforms . two 30'long units . one 39" wide . one 72" wide Speedwalk Systems-Model 500. two 39" wide units, 38'long, angle 8" 1992 t992 1992 Speedramp System-Model 500. one27" wide unit, 140'long, angle 12" 19921 SpeedwalkSystems-Model 5001993 . four 39" wide units, angle 0' . one 402'long . one 353'lg. one 267'long . one 255'lg 1991 SpeedrampSystem-Model500. two 39" wide units, 262'long, angle 8' 1990 Speedramp System-Slider Bed . remove one old unit (1962) from Hollywood Bowh cut to size & refurbish as movie prop 1990 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . two 39" wide units, angle 0" . one 270'long . one 220'lons Transports customers to second level Transports zoo visitors to the Monkey Mesa Pavilion r993 Used for loading and unloading people from a continuously moving ride Used with shopping carts between levels of market & parking garage * Conveys patrons to seating arca Connects commuter & intemational terminals to central term inal--two in time for 1992 summer Olympic games For use with shopping carts { For movie set of "Die Hard tr", stage #15 Moves Nofthwest passengers to World Club & satellite deoarture area t Units rvhere shopping carts are used JB:Lists:Partirl List SWSR Insrrllrtior; Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks Hollywood Bowl Ios Angeles, CA wr9587 1990 Midway Airport{TA Sta 1990 Chicago,IL wI9579 Newark International Airport 1990 Terminal 83 Newark, NJ wr 9s67 Caesars Palace 1989 [,as Vegas, NV wI9536 Speedramp System-Pallet Type. one 40" wide unit, 147'long, overhead canopy, angle 7.5" Speedramp System-Model 500. four 39" wide units, 282' long, angle 0" Speedramp System-Model 500. one 39" wide unit, 500'long, supported on existing concrete, various degrees of incline Speedramp System-Model 500. two 33" units, 180' lg, 13' rise; . three 39" wide units . one 40'long, angle 0, one 327' long, 9' rise . one 357'long, angle 0o Speedramp System-Model 500. two 39" wide units, 61' long, angle l0' Speedramp System-Model 500. one 39" wide unit, 107'long with overhead canopy, 13' angle Speedramp System-Model 500. six 39" wide units . one 92'long, angle 1-l/2o . one ll0'long, angle l-l/2o . one 124'long, angle 0o. one 143'long, angle 0o . two 207'long, angle 0o Conveys pauons to seating area Connects Midway with new public transportation station Moves aniving intemational passengers from satellite to customs Moves people from Las Vegas BIvd through temple structure and into tlre casino Transports people and shopping carts from store to underground parking * Conveys patrons to seating area Transports people through ne*' United Airline terminal Uptown District Ralph's Market#51 San Diego, CA wr 9524 Hollywood Bowl Los Angeles, CA wI9500 1989 Dulles Intemational Airport 1989 United Airlines Chantilly, VA w[9472 Tropicana Hotel Tropicana World Atlantic City, NJ wI937l 1989 1988 Speedramp System-Model500 Used to load & unload Slider Bed System; one load unit people on amusement . two 54" wide units. variable rides FPM 30-60 . one 30'long . one 35'long * Units where shopping carts are used JB:l-ists:Partirl List SW/SR Instrllations Prrc -l Date ofl,ocation Opening Description Remarks Sands Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, NJ wr9363 Ralphs Market #28 Beverly Connection Beverly Hills, CA wr9326 GorillaUnitsl&2 Zoological Society San Diego Zoo wr9010 Seas Pavilion WDW-EpcotCenter Orlando, FL wI8977 Stapleton Int'l Airport Concourse A Expansion Denver, CO wr 8902 Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Springfield, MA wr 8888 San Francisco Int'l Airport Tunnel A Renovation wr 8879 Oldsmobile Division Lansing, MI wI8878 1988 Speedramp System-Model 500 'two 39" wide units, various degrees of incline . one 300'long. one 150'long Speedramp Systems. two 39" wide units, 85'long, angleTo 1988 1985 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . two 39" wide units. one 238'long . one 200'long 1985 SpeedrampSystem-Model500. one 42" wide unit, 50'long, 15'-6" rise, angle 0o 1985 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . two 39" wide units: 120 FPM. one 160'long. one 156'long 1984 Speedramp System-Model 500 Slider Bed System. two 20" wide units, 38'long Moves people from the Boardwalk to Sands Hotel and to Claridge Hotel & Casino Transports shopping carts and people to second level of parking structuref Transports people along passenger concourse Transporu visitors throwing basketballs Transports passengers in south terminal Engine operator assembly conveyors Bl75 &B.190 1986 Speedramp System-Model 500 Moves viewes past gorilla Slider Bed System units. two 43" wide units, 400'lons (Original S&A Job 17916 was-modified by WI Jobs 7483 & 9010- Slider bed was replaced with AiRide beh) 1985 Speedramp System-Model500 Used to load & unload Slider Bed System people from a moving . one unit 39" wide x 38'lone tmm . one unit 69" wide x 40' lon-p f Units lvhere shopping carts are used JB:Lists:Partirl List SW/SR Instlllarior:s Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks O Hare Intemational Airport OHare Extension to RTA Chicago,IL wr 8633 Miami International Airport Skybridge System Miami, FL wr 8620 Horizon Pavilion WDV/ - EpcotCenter Orlando, FL wr 8588 DF'IV Regional Airport Terminal2EBE Connector Building DallaVFort Worth, TX wr 8570 Greyhound Lines, Inc. Westem Bus Terminal Los Angeles, CA wr 8546 Imagination Pavilion WDW - EpcotCenter Orlando, FL wr 8520 Makro Self-Service Atlanta, GA wI8409 Transportation Pavilion WDW - Epcot Center Orlando, FL wI8324 1984 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . six 39" wide units, angle 0o, 120 FPM . four 246'long . two 218'long 1985 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . eight units, 120 FPM . four 39" wide & four 27" wide . four 328'long, two 280' long & two 80'long 1983 Load/Unload Platrorms, Slider Bed System. two72" wide units, 49'-6" long, angle 0o 1982 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . six 39" wide unis; angle 0o . two 320'long. two 200'long . two 180'long 1982 SpeedrampSystem-Model500. two 39" wide units, 77' long, l5'-6" rise, angle 15o Moves passengers over the concourses Moves people over SkybridgesD&Fbetween multilevel parkin g areas and terminals Used to load and unload people from moving trams Serves passengers between terminal & departing/ arriving planes Transports people between bus terminal floors 1982 Unloading Platform, Slider Bed System. one 60" wide unit, 59 -6" long, angle 0o, 60 FPM l98l SpeedrampSystem-Model500. two 39" wide units, 71'long, l3'rise, angle l2o 1980 Load/UnloadPlatforms-Slider Bed System . three units, all angle 0o . one 40" wide x 24'lonc . one 70" wide x 53'lon! Used to unload people from movinc trams Moved people & shopping carts between floors in retail store* * Used to load & unload people from continuously movrnq noe f Units where shopping carts are used JB:Lists:Partial List SWSR Instaliationj Pagc 6 o Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks 1981 Speedramp System-Model500 Moves people & shopping . two 39" wide units, 77' long, carts between floors in retail store f Moves people from corner of Las Vegas Blvd. to Dome Theater Makro Self-Service Largo,MD wr 8308 Caesars Palace & Casino 1979 Las Vegas, NV wI8050 Caesars Palace & Casino Las Vegas, NV wr7777 St. Mary's Hospital Richmond, VA wt7526 Hollywood Bowl Los Angeles, CA wr7482 St Louis Convention Exhibition & Community Center w[7436 National Gallery of Art Washington, DC wr 7386 St. Louis Int'l Airport St" Louis, MO wI7385 Knotts Berry Farm Buena Park, CA wI7384 American Freedom Train Foundation New York, NY TSC 13'rise, angle 12o Speedramp System-Model 500 with canopy & raiJings . two 39" wide units; . one 320'long. one 195'long 1978 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 with canopy & railings . two 39" wide uni*; . one 249'long . one 210'long 1977 SpeedrampSystem-Model500. two 39" wide units, 85'long' 17'rise, angle 12o 1977 Speedramp System-Model 500. one 39" wide unit, 130'long, 32'rise, angle 15o 1975 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . two 39" wide units, 77 -3" long, 20'rise, angle 15" 1975 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . two 39" wide units, 230' long, 2'-9" rise, angle 0o 1975 SpeedrampSystem-Model200. two 39" wide units, 60' Iong, Il'-12'rise, angle 12o 1975 l,oad/UnloadPlatform-Slider. six72" wide units, 35'long, angle 0o l9'15 Speedramp System-Slider Bed. ten2'1" wide units, 64' long, Moves people from corner oflas Vegas Blvd. & Dunes Road to casino Connects two floors of hospital Conveys patrons to upPer Ievel seating Connects main entrance 'w'ith mezzanine Connects court area to nerv building Connects lower level of east terminal to upper level Used to load & unload from a continuously moving ride Controlled pedestlian traftic thru exhibit * * Units where shopping carts are used JB:Lists:Partial List S$'/SR Insrrllrtion r angle 0o Date ofLocation Opening Description Remarks MayCompany Mission Valley San Diego, CA TSC 288 Children's Hospital National Medical Center Washington, DC TSC 170 1974 SpeedrampSystem-Model500 . one 39" wide unit, 58'long, 12'-1" rise, angle 12o 1974 Speedramp System-Slider Bed . eight 39" wide units, 9'-6" rise, angle 12o . six units 45'-8" long o two units 3l'-l0" long Connects ground level & mall level Connecting all levels of medical center f Units where shopping carts are used * Unis no longer in service IB:Lists: Partial List SWiSR Instalirtioni P.rgc E MODEL 500 SPEEDWALK@ and SPEEDRAMP@ PASSENGER CONVEYOR SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 GENERAL Each Westmont passenger belt conveyor shall be a complete unit for horizontal (Speedwalk@), ascending or descent (Speedramp@), passenger service. Each unit shall be designed, manufactured and installed in accordance wi*r the standards set forth in the American National Standard Salety Code for Elevatars. Escalators and Moving Walks ANSVASME A17.1-1o81 including all revisions to date. Each unit shall consist of a support structure, drive machinery, transversely rigid rubber covered belt riding on ball bearing rollers outboard of the treadway, floating combs at entry and exit ends, moving handrails, balusfades, pit covers, controls and safety devices. Each passenger conveyor shall be fumished and installed as herein described. 1. 1 Slope and Rise The unit is designed for a slope of from I to 12 degrees to suit a change in elevation from 0 feet through 30 feet (0 to 9.1 m), or a maximum length of 500 feet (152.4 m) at 0 degrees. Extended range shall be available upon application. Speed The unit shall operate quietly and smoothly at a belt speed of90 or 120 feet per minute (.46 or.61 m/s). 1.3 Width The exposed belt width shall be 27,39 or 48 inches (.7, 1 or 1.2 m). Extra width shall be available upon application. Capacity The rated capacity shown is based on 2.25 square feet (.21 sq. m) per person. Treadway Width 27 inches (0.7 m) 39 inches (1.0 m) 48 inches (1.2 m) JB:SWSR lvlod 500 Treadrvay Speed FPM (m/s) 1,2 1.4 90 (.46) 5500 7800 9400 120 (.61) 07300 (people per hour) 10400 (people per houd 12500 (people per hour) P.rgc I of 7 2,0 STJPPORT STRUCTURE The support structure shall be designed to support a live load of 100 pounds per square foot (485 kg/m2 of exposed treadway. The deflection of the structure at full live load shall not exceed l/360 of the span between any two adjacent supports. 3.0 DRTVEMACHINERY The drive machinery shall consist of a motor fumished with a gear reducer which shall drive the common treadway and handrail pulley. The gear reducer shall be driven by a single speed NEMA uBu AC motor and operate efficiently at rated capacity. 4.0 POWERREOIITREMENTS The passenger conveyor shall be designed to operate with nominal 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hertz, alternating cunent supplied to the controller. Alternate power supplies (360 volt or 208 volt) can be used when available. 5.0 SAFETYBRAKE(AllUnits) This brake is attached !o the drive motor and is active wbenever the motor stops. This brake stops and holds the treadway stationary under full design loading. 6.0 BELT The belt construction shall be transversely rigid and longitudinally flexible to make possible a firm, resilient treadway surface. 6.1 Treadway Surface The exposed surface of the belt shall be rubber covered with grooves running in the direction of travel, so arranged to mesh with and be level with comb segments at the entrance and exit landings. The belt splice shall be vulcanized in a manner which results in a continuous unbroken treadway surface. The color ofthe treadway surface shall be black. 6.2 Belt Support and Guidance System JB:S\4?SR Ntod 500 Pl-r,: 2 of 7 6.2. I Treadway Sunport ( Straight Portion) The sraight portion of the carrying run of the belt shall be supported only at its outer edges by rollers with sealed bearings requiring no lubrication. The operation of the belt and support system shall be smooth and silent at all loading conditions. Speedramp@ units shall have an upper transition curve. 6.2.2 Treadwal Guidance The belt shall be constrained from moving laterally beyond the limits of the exposed treadway as defined by the vertical edges of the toe trim. The constraint shall consist of guide rollers at intemals along each side of the treadway belt. 6.3 Belt Take-Up A manually operated tensioning device shall be provided to control driving tension. A dial indicator is provided to control driving tension. A dial indicator is provided to give a continuous direct readout of belt tension. 7.O FLOATINCCOMBS The entrance and exit ofeach passenger belt conveyor shall be equipped with a floating comb assembly. 7.1 Construction The floating comb shall consist of a guide way, pivot points and a plate which carries replaceable comb segments arranged to move freely in a lateral direction and maintain proper alignment with the grooved treadway surface. 7 .2 Safety Limits Limit switches mounted at both terminals shall automatically stop the unit if belt drift exceeds one inch in either direction. A limit switch actuated by the comb assembly shall also stop the unit if the comb segments are raised above a pre-set limit. JB:SWSR lvlod 500 Page 3 of 7 8.0 HANDRAITS Two moving handrails shall be provided on each unit.Their color shall be black. 8.1 Construction The handrail shall be construct€d of laminated canvas and rubber with a tension member, all molded into a uniform cross-section and jointed in a manner to provide a continuous, smooth rubber outer surface. 8.2 Drive The handrail shall be driven by a lagged sheave mounted on the main drive pulley and shall move at substantially the same speed as the moving treadway surface. 8.3 Support The handrail shall be supported along its entire exposed length on guides which extend at normal height for two feet (.61 m) beyond the ends of the exposed treadway. The handrail guides shall retain the handrail in its given path and allow for smooth, uninterrupted movemenL 9.0 BALUSTRADES Balustrades shall be fumished with extended newels. Balustrades shall include base trim, vertical panels and handrail trim. 9.1 Base Trim The base trim shall be constructed of stainless steel, type 304 with a No. 4 satin finish. The anodized color of the accent strips shall be silver gray. 9.2 Handrail Trim The handrail trim shall consist of an aluminum extrusion. The color of the anodized finish shall be silver gray. 9.3 Vertical Panels The vertical panels shall be l/2 inch (12.1 mm) thick and constructed of clear, tempered structural glass with satin edges. No mullions shall be used betrveen panels. JB:StlTSR llod 500 Pu3.: -l o[ 7 IO.O LANDINGS ANDFLOORPLATES Removable floor plates shall be provided at each end of the machine. material on the floor plates shall be black flexco tile. The finish floor 11.0 SAFETYANDCONTROLSYSTEM Each unit shall include a control assembly, key-operated start switches, emergency stop buttons, safety sensing devices and an annunciator. 11.1 Start-stonswitches Key-operated starting switches shall be provided at entrance and exit landings of each unit. Emergency stop buttons shall be provided in the same location. Once the unit is stopped for any reason, the key-operated switch must be used to restart. lI.2 Safetv Sensing Devices The control panel shall be designed to respond to signals from all switches and sensing devices to control the drive motor and brake. Sensing devices shall monitor belt alignment, motor overload, floating comb position and handrail inlet guards. Lock-out stop switches shall also be included to prevent starting during maintenance or service periods. 11.3 Emergency Joq Reverse The emergency stop button shall function as ajog-reverse control whenever the comb safety switch is tripped and the treadway is stopped. The reverse motion of the treadway shall cease as soon as the button is released of the comb returns to normal oosition. Il.4 Annunciator An annunciator panel shall be provided to indicate, through a visual signal, which of the switches or sensing devices has caused the unit to stop. L2.O LTJBRICATION All components requiring lubrication shall be accessible. All grease fittings shall be of a common type and size. IB:SWSR lvtod 500 Prrre 5 oi 7 13.0 PROTECTTVECOATING All steel structure and ancillary steel shall receive one coat of shop primer. All shafting and critically machined surfaces shall have a factory-supplied protective coating. 14.0 GUARANTEE Westmont Industries shall guarantee all material and workmanship furnished by 'Westmont for a period of one year after date of acceptance of all work under this specification. 15.0 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS l5.l Outdoor unis shall be provided with an aluminum canopy with either an aluminum or Plexiglas cover. L5.2 All unia inrcnded for use with shopping carts shall be supplied with special guides at the entrance to each walkway. These guides ensure conect alignment of the cart in the direction of travel. 16.0 WORKBYOTHERS The purchaser shall be responsible for fumishing the following in compliance with all Iocal and/or state regulations: 16. I Suitably prepared foundations to Westmont's drawings, including the supply and setting of all foundation bolts, together with all cutting of or changes in floors, wall partitions or ceilings, and all repairs which may be necessary in order to provide such foundations, 16.2 Well-dehned finished floor line elevation benchmarks at both the upper and lower floors. These benchmarks are to be esublished prior to the setting of the machine frames and structural steel. 16.3 All intermediate supports of adequate strength properly fabricated to satisfy Westmont specifications. 16.4 All railings, as required, around wellways. JB:SVSR lvlod 500 Plrc 6 r:f 7 16.5 Covering for the exterior of the passenger conveyor, including covering for main support structure and soffit 16-6 Finishing and fairing in or floors around landings after the passenger conveyor has been installed and all floor trays have been installed and leveled to customer's original elevation mark. 16.7 Access panels or doors to the machinery pits and take-up areas of the passenger conveyor, as may be required by layout conditions. 16.8 All other construction work as may be required for the support of the installation and completion of the passenger conveyor. 16.9 Permanent electric service consisting of the following: nominal 2 phase, 60 Hz, 460 volt leads and grounds sized properly for motor horsepower indicated on Westmont general arrangement drawings, conduit of proper size for the supply leads and a 3 phase disconnect switch housed in a NEMA-approved enclosure to be located adjacent to the control assembly. 16.10 Temporary power, both 120 volt-single phase and 240 volt-3 phase, as required, for splicing of belts, welding and drilling machinery and testing and adjustin.e the equipment. 16.11 Single phase, 120V, 60 Hz lighting circuit, including combination receptacle and convenience circuits in each machinery pit. 16. 12 Temporary lighting service during all hours that Westmont men are working on the site. 16.13 Suitable weather-protected storage area for machinery received at prior to and during installation period. project site JB:SWSR lvlod 500 Prge 7 of 7 TOP OF HAI.]DRAIL n CJri 3'-0 1/2" (927mm) !- +'-S' (t3+5nrm) HANDRATL CTRS -Bl iltiN rl /a" (8remm) -*l-- z'-B \/4" (a;smm) --]3'-+ t/2" (1638mm) o,/s OF FRAIr'l[ l'iPtc;p.'. cR0ss sICTt0'.1 Liit - Sic (sPi:D!'rAt;1 0Ni-Y) Pii cir'c'r'ings cnC stondor<j sc::ii.:ciions ore ovciioble up3i rec.esi. Ccns-i: f:ctory for d.n:::rSi,ln.:: la,,aJis cn sio€-:v-S;39 ua.ts cnCni:lli-urii Sys iern s. i TOP 0F eE,-T 3 3/a" (95mm) I i r-u (JUlmriJ iI Feoiu res: _: -'! ar 4l Treo jrjc., - 3; -a' ['!. ru.n 0' tnru il'Angia - 5iJ'-U" 1,,:rrrn:.r Length Cn: Dirr..:i.on - l..lo.neric.y R:,;:.si:cg. ,,3 i.q:n - Lioi:r, G9.-r ?::u: ii). rJ4ii i\,1cnro, toUu-Uo wilh Tensicc incicoio. fJov;r'g;o.4ro', - Ectn Sides Ireod*cy Surfoce - ircnsver.sgl.r Ri.';d Belt Tr:odwo.1 Supoori - Ecige Rcli:;'s Ulc:r l'liri:cnlcl Trcnsiiion - 2."'-0" ?of ius Flcctinc Ccrirb - Boir Enis F;.,'-.--.. S',r1 f; 1116." - il:; Sll,:- - Y-',.1A:rri:io'rcr - io,' S leiy 0:.ri::: E F I I E I r3 l-l I E E I.-l -lil E E I l-N l* l-- I OE :- :-i-l I : I a l- J I I -i lel It-t I -l r.E q.E z = = z F LrJ :<-) =-EL t-/') zO = L-Ll .J L <e:- L = o I z \,\\\ s:<< =!:d>-z> Fi c6 z2 = = zoc)= !?=,=.{ 6.di= >^ l-aF93= ="-=:a<5 2=9*,<>o- \-/ _ ,_ _/ \_/ z -,Jra ]< =o o-(n lll- t-(n --J co u')(n _l(-f I Lr] I(:: (-) --r 9.' ---.c < >-\ia I I -_rI I N-:l ^l \l :i -i 4^>E RECOMMENDED WHEEL "Wanzl German Type 3" - 2 disc's I brake Creative Wire 2370 South Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5J2M4 Phone: (905) 823-8851 Fax: (905) 823-0161 Peter Bodnaruk - Wanzl Representative "Speedramp Brake Wheel" - 3 disc's 2 brakes The Peggs Company, Inc. 4851 Felspar Riverside, CA 92509 Phone : (909) 360-9170 Fax : (800) 360-9186 Chris Nelson - Vice President or Wanzl Type 3 I I I Recommended Shopping Cart Wheel (ec.omm cn&cL ShoPgrnl Carl w hc,r,l " ?%3" " WESTMONT INDUSTRIES SPEEDWALK / SPEEDRAMP MODEL 5OO - BELT TYPE SYSTEM OVERVIEW W.ith more people shopping, traveling and sightseeing pedestrian movement has become cntlcal to the success of businesses. Crowded corridors can result in planes missed and purchases unmade due to the difficulty of getting from one point to another. If pedestrian movement is crucial for the success of your business the Sp6edwalk/Speedramp-system is the solution t_o your pedestrian traffic jims. The SpeedwilVspeedramp Systems enables you to move large crowds over short or long distances within a fimited sface. PY maintaining a continuous flow of passengers, Speedwalk/Speedramp sysrems can eliminate congestion and potential accident situations. - The smootir, uninterrufted florv of passengers - at_speeds of90 to 140 feet per minute - provides the control necessary to keep pedestrian traffic moving effectively. S.peedwalk/Speedramp units cost less to operate than pallet type moving walkways. The simplicity of a design with relatively few moving pard helps;;duce mrintenance-cosrs in comparison to other methods. The first Speedwalk/Spcedramp systems were installed during the early 1950's. Several of these units are still inservice atihis time. Locations such"as: Disireyland, cA ; walt Disney. world, FL; EPCor, FL; caesar's Palace, NV; o'Hare Internarional Airport, IL; san Diego zoo; CAl' all have benefited from the use of the wesrmont Industries Speedramp/Speedu alk Systems. In these and other installations throu-ehout the country, indoors.and out, speedwaluSpeedramp systems have compiled an oustanding record of low-maintenance, trouble-free performance and durabilitv. - APPEARANCE: FORI\,I & FUNCTION Sl;ct:d*'allJSpc-c'dramp units arc of modular construction, coordinated tor compatibilitl rvith any'dL'cor. )'ou can choose from a selcction of many different colors and clesicn combinations that will complcment their surroundin-cs, indoors or out. Belts can Ee, procured in any rvidth up to 72" and have an overall length to 500' or more. Each installation can bc tailored to enhancc its architectural environment. Artistic freedom and a widc color choice are some of the important advantages of SpeedivalVspeedramp systems. Westmont Indu-stries passengcr conveying systcmi ale designed and builr to mlct thc rcquirements of moving largc numbers of peoplc - efficiently, safell. ancl at the lowest pos.sible cost. And because esthetic considcration is given to creating a si'stem plca.sing to the eye as rvell as the feet, these units reprcscnt a compatible union oiform and functionl The Engincerin-l Department at Westmont Industrics has accumulatcd vears of experiencc in.soh'ing the problems of movin.r pcoplc. Sincc the'se prt-'diclmtnr-i arc nelrly alway'.s relatcd to a.spccific cnvironmcntal situation, Wc.stmont recommcnds early liaison rvith planncrs, architect.s or contractors in ordel to determine the most nfactical soiution. Atic'r'athorough revierv crf physical requirements and the traffic iircumsrances involvecl. Wcstmont Industrics rvill plovide recommendations for each in.stalhtion. DURABLE: LOWER MAINTENANCE COSTS westmont's experience of more than 40 years in conveyor technology has been instrumental in ihe success of Speedwalk/Sp6edramp installalions. This eilierience has produced pedes-trian transport systems that ofler simplicity of design and op-eration, plus Iong, dependable service and exceptionally low maintenance requirements. Actual cost comparisons have shown maintenance expenses to be far less than those for pallet type moving walks. Routine maintenance is simplilied because of fewer moving parts, little sliding friction and no metal-to-metal wear of chains or treads. Easy access to ali components is provided, and th9 few. grease.fittings employed are standardized to make periodic adjustments and lubrication as simple as possible. Should any malfunction oicur, a visual annunciator panel pinpoints the trouble area immediately. In short, you can be assured of less maintenance than with any other competitive device. Westmont Industries maintains a full inventory of replacement parts that are readily available to-handle any emergency promptly. Some operators choose to maintain th! equipment themselves, while others seleci full or partiai maintenance contracts. Either way, the durability of Spcedwalk/Speedramp units,-and the wide availability of palts will mean less downtime and ferver headaches. Speedwalk/Speedramp units are engineered for safety and convenience. The grooved riding surface is a continuously movin-e rubber belt thai has no rising stair tread, mating ir easy for virtually anyone to ride. Entrance and exit plates are levefrvith the belt surfaie, prwiding a completcly safe transition. Only a belt tyire sysrem providc.s a rruly level entry and exit surface. A "tloating comb" permits any obje-t on the bilt surf'ace to ride ofi at thl exit point. Should anything bccomc caught bcncath the comb plate, the bclt stops automatically. The.sc safetv fcatures arc especially important lbr pa.ssen,lr'rs burdcned u,ith packages or.lu-lgage. SpecdwalUspeedramp syitcm! eliminatc ihc poftnrialll' hazaldous scis:;ors-action of mctal steps, so thcre aic no sharp mol'ing ed-qc-s to ciusc in.jurl . Passc-ngers nec_d not hcsitate upon cnrr)' or exit; or-.iudge tlicir ;timin-q" to position themselvcs safely on the bclt. The _bc^lts con.sist of a 4-ply stcel reinforccd rubber matcrial rvhich is designecl to last ove r ten (10) year.s. Should an area on thc belt becomc accidentally drmaced (such as cuts. rtsr.rlli,t' causecl hy r undaitzing) it can casill hc' rcpairccl. The rubber belt's narow-grooved surthcc has been designed to proviclc a grippin-r trlction surface t'or casy' boardin-s, standing and r,r'alking. - And thc mor.inll Lindlails are synchronized ri'ith thc spccd of the bclt, so thcrc i.s ncvcr a prohlcm rnaint.iining a scctlre stance during thc ride.. One tneas'-tre of Speedrvalvspeedramp passenger conveying system versatility is the inherent nature of the rubber b6tt, provi^Oiirg uniq'ue advantigei for outdoor operations to a-nd from parking lots. The grooved rubber surface is selfclEaning and is not-affected by the weather. This eliminates the problem of snow or mud build-up making the belr virtually i_mpe-rvious to the effects of rain, snow, salt and grease. The speclal rubber compound is fire resistant and won't rust, corrode or rot when exposed to the extremes of heat and cold. It is not affected by ozone and is highly resistant io abrasion and cleaning solven ts. The gentle slope and non-shearing surface of Speedramp systems also offer several advantaggs over conventional systems. Passengeri save time iince they can walk on the po-1ing belt.- In addition, shopping carts can be transported with liule effort. The inclination of Shopping cart Speedramps can range from0 degrees to l0 degrees safely. However, we recommend that 0 to 8 degrees is optimum for use with shopping carts. For Shopping Carts the belt and wheel relationship is a crucial element to rhe suicess of our Speedramps. Our experience shows rhat a -Type 3 Wanzl wheel works best in this application. This wheel has two moving disc's with a stationery disc in the center rvhich acts as a brake. Both outside disc's fit within the crooves of the belt and the middle sta.tionery disc acts as a brake on top of the belt. Ii addition, *'e install shopping cart guides located at the entrance ofeach ramp, this aligns the cart onto the belt and ailows the wheels to become lodged in the belt upon entering. When exiting, the wheel meets the comb teeth and glides over the comb segments allowing it to run on the landing floor surlace. Thcse are a few of the desirable features that have made Sneedwalks/SoeedramD systems today's safest form of continuous pedestrian transportati6n - horizontal or veitiial. In airports, shopping centers, sports arenas, zoos and amusement parks - these systems havc established the validity of controlled movement for volume pedestrian trattrc. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Each Westmont Speedwalk or Spccdramp passenger bclt convcyor is a sclf containcd porvercd belt typc unit capable of opcrating undcr full design loacl for ascending or descending passen-qer service. Each unit is designed, manufactured, and instaltecl in accordance rvith thc standards sct forth in thc American National Standard Safcty Codc for Eievators, Dumbrvaiters, Escalarors and Moving walks, ANSI A17.1 - lg90 includin-s all revisions to date. Each unit consists of a support strucr.ure, drivc machincry, transvcrsely rigid rrrbber co'"'ered belt riding crn ball bearing rollt-'rs outboard of thc trcadrvay, floatin-s combs at entry and exit ends, moving handrails, insidc balustrades rvith stainliss stecl trim and decki, controls, safcty dcvices and ali other part.s rcquircd to providc a completc passengcr convcyor. For complc'tc spccifications coverin,l supply and installation of Spccdramp or Spc-cdwalk systcms. colrtact \Yestmont Industries, 10805 S. Painter Avenuc, Santr Fe Springs, CA 90670, (310) 9-14-6137 or Fax (310) 916-5299 Attcnrion: Carric L. \tor-'r' o \ntphs # 281 Loo Am3 olca Spcc&ro.mrs 1l,r' L y 39"r,.,r J0 dcqr& indvt-t- U t,lt : ! ',l&- : . ;F r..,t - p -r f -i-'ll -a-= \i Aapv',s + zo'l b eae-|1l !?ae4r' Son) rrgo , Ch 59 ..dra.m 7 s 5'l'L x 3q'lw lo deqree.u.lncltnc oo liB2o/WES AlWeslmont, we take pride in our abality to develope new solutions to tradilional problems. BuyLine 5267 WESITNONI I]IDU SPEEDWAIK / SPEEDRITUIP Possenger Conveying Syslems AboutThc Company For nearly half a century, Westmont Industries has been a woddwide leader in the design, labrication and installation of superior quality conve)or syslems. Operating f rom state-of-the-arl facilities in Santa Fe Springs (Los Angeles) Califomia, the Westmont leam of experts is dedicated to solving todafs people-moving problems Regardless of the scope of your proiect, il it involves people movement, Westmont stands ready to wo* wilh you to design exaclly lhe right system lo fit your specilic requiremenls. The syslems are available in two basic design confi gurations-.SPEEDWALKS for horizontal applicalions and SPEEDBAMPS lor incline applicalions, or in a combination of both in a single unil. Westmont systems are completely self-conlained and are designed to move people quickly and safely in a controlled manner between two points on lhe same elevation or between two different levels. The units are buill on a reliable belt- pulley principle that permils a smooth, unbroken headway surface in virtualty any environment. A unique'floating comb' design permits bolh pedestrians and shopping carts lo move smoothly and easily on and off the belt surface. A pallel treadway design is available for applications where pedestrian comfort is the primary concem. A precisitm chain and sprocket arrangement combines with pallels to provide a firm yet smooth running surface. Ca.e Pah.ellas V.got \,,t(,,,,-_.{rU,il ! Nalianal CdLry of Aris State-Of-The.Art Contml Svstems Westmonl control syslems also ref lect a leadership position. Advanced computer lechnology places power and control within easy reach. The solid state controller is the heart ol each Westmont electrical system. lt responds on command to starl and stop. Safety limit switches ,--ll 14320MES Buyline 5267 t\ -r tn- {Jtl}id) 6 -r0 tn(t09lm) 0?l9m) t-l- lt{1/2' 5PTIDRAMP TLEVAIION /.ia !l{ sPtioY/ArK ttfvAllou 27', 39' or 48' Treadway-30!0" Lift-Std. O'firu 12" Anglesm"o' tltarimum Len$h (SPEEDWALK ONLY) One Dkection-lilome'rtary Reversin g odve Train-ilotor, Gear Reduclion tinit Manual Take-Up with Tension Indilalor Moving Handrail-Bolh Sides Treadway Sudace-Transvecely Bigid Eelt Treadway Support-Edge Ro lers UD0€r Horizonlal Transition-2010' Radius FIoatirE ComtsBolh Ends Emergency Stop ButtonsKey Strarl Annunciator-lor Satey D€vices continuously monitor each mechanical sub-system and are designed to immediately shut down the system in the event ot a mechanical emergency. For rapid diagnostics and correction, annunciators indicate which limit switch has been actuated Westmont design and engineering slalfs work closely with architects and contractors around the world to develop the system which is exactly right lor each individual application. I) HANDRAIL SAFETY SIVITCH 2} EI'ERGENCY STOP BUTTON CO SOTE WIIH WARNING BI'ZER 3) COIIIB PLAIE SAFTTY SWTTCH 4) BELI AUGNMET'rT SWrCH 5) KEY SW]TCH 6) Ar'rt{ul{crAToB 4 COMB PLA1E a-c ('21cM) -l ttr Vr --+-"*r--l tja VtllTlM) ftrl'-i"l f {-t(]]4.n)NNDFATclPs -. Hollywood Rovl Westmont is Droud of its reputalion as a producer oJ one of the world's safest passenger conveying systems, a position eamed and maintained through on-going R&D aimed at crealing leading-edge safety technology. Westmont systems meet or exceed national and local safetv codes. Enclosed baluslnades and synchronized moving hand rails create an envelope of safeg lor passengers. Westmont developed a special system permitting the safe movement of both pedestrians and shopping carls on the same walk way. Materials and Finishes Both SPEEDWALKS and SPEEDRAMPS are avaihble in a wide variety of balustrade materials and finishes. Traditional styles include an all stainless sleel linish. For maximum visibility to the sunounding environmenl, cleal tempered glass is employed in the balustrade, while struclural depth is kept to a minimum. Custom finishes, colors and canopies are also available. Experience, innovation and leadership - these are lhe elements contained in every Westmont system. We look fonrard to discussing your people moving problems and uorking witr you to adtieve exactly the right system for your application. Airporls Zoos Roihroy Slctrnr tuserm Subwrys lxhibition Holls Hospllols funusemcnt Pc*r Sprts &enor Shopping tdr Deporlrnenl Stores Bewrl! Ce\tcr WESTMONT ]NDUSTR!trS 10805 S. Painter Avenue Santa Fe Springs, Califomia 90670 213-72 4186 (Los Angetes Area) FAX: 310-94.&5299 PRINTEO IN U SA, d0$OJ!ai0* -J>Et+t)"s I li '-l -,-,IE--l""51-a1-r$===i,QD,' il N LAS VEGAS, long known as the "city of bright lights and high rollers"I and "the town that never sleeps," Caesars Palace is one of the most famousI establishments, Situated at the heart of The Strip, Caesars is ideally posi- tioned to draw a legion of people. However, whereas many of the other casinos have entrances fronting right on Las Vegas Boulevard, Caesars is set back 300-400 ft (91,4 m). With far too many people reluctant to trek that distance in the searing heat of the Nevada desert, Caesars' management sought a way to entice customers into the entertainment palace; it gambled on a new applica- tion of an emerging technology, the moving sidewalk. continued ovartaar December 92/ Elevator Wo d o MOVING SIDEWALKS PROLIFERATE IN LAS VEGAS TT UNllllllIllilt llllIEltItIEISt3 |Itat! t&i EilIFII af, EB c% XBsk F& llIT rttl-Ii!rl'r It :imrrf,1 re;rri ' tr ri"i+ridif, riri r' 4.'i.f frif, ':ci 4?i.F.i { -__:;.::X: December 92/Elevator World The first installation in 1978 con- sisted ol two Westmont units leading from the corner of Dunes Road and Las Vegas Boulevard to the casino entrance. Attracted to a large Roman- style rolunda with Greek statues, patrons step onlo the tirst Speedwalk which carries them away at 120 fpm (.61 mps). Traversing five slope changes from an initial inclination of 8.5o, the conveying syslem moves people over 40-ft (12.2-m) spans, between Roman column supports, toward the casino entrance. An intermediate landing on a raised circular deck offers visitors a view ol the spectacular fountains and gardens in front of the Palace. Continu- ing on the second moving walkway, passengers are finally deposited at the doors leading to the hotel lobby and casino. Once the initial success of the first two personnel conveyers was estab- lished Caesars quickly ordored two ad- dilional units in 19/9. These were incor- porated into the primary pedestrian entrance directly in front of the hotel. Visitors walk up a magnificent s€t of marble and golden stairs to where a statue of Caesar welcomes lhem to his palace. Just about any time of day (or night) tourists may be seen filming this landmark on the Las Vegas Strip. Visitors are drawn into the vestibule where the moving walkway begins. With mounds of lewels, tr€asure and holo- graphic imag€s on each side of the conveying system, crowds naturally step on board and are inexorably trans- ported toward the casino. Along the way, a sound system wired into the lighted aluminum canopy tells new arrivals of the opportunities for great wealth awailing inside! These canopies are an integral part of the Speedwalks, designed and built specif- ically for the application by Westmont. They provide protection from the ele- ments, which vary lrom below-freez- ing temperatures in winter to 1150 in summer. Caesars' trained statf has main- tained these moving walkways in 24- hour operation with a minimum of down time since their installation. When the walks do not operate people and money do not flow in, making shut- downs intolerable to the casino man- agers. The moving walk performance had been so successtul, even operat- ing in the harsh outdoor environment, that Caesars again contacted West- mont when additional units were needed to access the new Mirage Hotel. By late May of 1989, the Mirage was well under construction and scheduled for completion in November. With its location on Caesars' north property line, a serious problem was posed in drawing customers in from the slreet. However, Caesars' new plan called for five Speedwalks totaling 1,100 linear ft (and 800 ft of canopy) leading from the north property line to the Olympic casino. With all work being carried out under a tight schedule it was essen- tially a design-as-you-build project. Even with numerous changes and modi- lications the project remained on sched- ule and the first customers rode the newest moving sidewalks in November'of 1989, barely\ n - six months afterF_-'- the project began. - A major change occurred wh€n the tread width of the two side-by-side units in the entrance temple needed to be reduced from 39 to 33 in. (991 to 838 mm). This was the greatest width that would tit between the templ€ col- umns. The flexibility of a belt-type system allowed this accommodation, widths anywhere between 27 and 60 in. (686 and 1524 mm) being possible. Nowhere in the world are so many people efficiently eldracted from a major thoroughfare and etfortlessly moved hundreds of feet to be depos- ited in mint-fresh condition where they can just as etfortlessly be separated from their money. 9 Once this is accomplished they' walk back to the street !s=/. ... Witliam C. Sturgeon December 9A Hevatot World \*tp hS Y,,. I Q"CrJ * Z1b ;1./. +lol11 vtooL .r=- € ---. - F -r t , 11 --'1. lllD't L x Lt rr Ill Ae.qrcLU E._.- I I I w nuln!- L Sg"utrremPs o urlcur aer6ap I 1l 'auf Pclg Aa) aJols alx IcJ..uuf /\^ fs cruu - Hawaii Power Centerj Pearl City, Hl | 0 degree incl ine o DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L65'l 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Job Addressl. 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location... : VAIL COMMONS Parce1 No.. : 2103-114-15-013 APPLTCANT crTY MARKEf, INC. P.O. BOX ?29, GRAND JUNCTTON' CO 81502 CONbRACTOR CITY MARKET, INC. P.O. BOX ?29, GRAND JUNCTTON' CO 81502 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W' VArL co 8165? Description:penxrnb GARAGE/SUPERMARKET/RESTDENTTAL-18 UNITS occupancy TyPe actor Sq' Feet Valuation srores z6ire 1 rr-lHR & V-1HR 40'30 lS,lsl l'|s-l t925'90 pubtic Garages Zone 1 I-FR t II-FR 39.60 79 ,069 3,131 ,L32 '40 schools zone I rr-lHi & rrr-lH 64 '70 2,7 68 179 ' 089 ' 60 Apartment Houses zone l rrr-inn & rrr-N 70.80 13,784 975,907.2O Subtotal; 174,974 7,4841055'10 Table Date: 06/20 /:-gg5 Total Val,uation z 7, 484 ' 055 ' l'0 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: 896-0014 Valuation:L2,788 , - Applied. . z n2/$/t996 riiued. ..3 05/08/Lee6 Expires..: Lt/04/1996 Phone: 970'24L-0750 Phone t 970-24t-0754 Bui tdi ng---> Ptan check---> Investigst i on> Ui tt cal. t----> 39,707 .W ?s,w.55 3.00 Ptan Revi eH--> Rccreation Fee----------> cl.ean-Up Deposit-------> Tota f, catcutated Fres--> 162,924.55 Additional' Fees--+> '00 Tota l, Pernit Fee------> 162,924 '55Payments-------) 1?'!29'9.5- .00 5m.00 95,905.00 1,000.00 > 130,727.& tace Infornation: Ite.m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMqN!- -- Dgp!-: BUILDING Division: 6r7ii /bA6-DAN--- -- -AEEion, tlgtg cnucK FELDMANN oE',/d6'/1996 eHUCX Action: APPR h? ir^,?ri., ni.,i ai a.n.65'/48'/1996 cHUcK Action: APBR It'ern:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTME-NI- -- Depts PLANNING Division: it|-t ib t ti 6 a- Dirfr'- -' --' -AcE i6ii ; - NQ!-E ANDY KNUDTSEN ??T?"1,4nueu8o^$?X" orntfiFfrffti T:i :i - ------Dept: FrRE Division: 8Z7,I21I'E'E-BB$;^--- t:Eist : ilgFR HIIE H8$RRTTENT ARFR.'A! -iiret;, ossoo-FtrFrrfc wijnrF--- _____ ^. - -- Dept: PUB woRK Divlsron: 'oZ-/Ib /7t96-DAN---- "A-Ctlon: N9TE GREG HAI,L oa'/6-6'/7996 enucx Action: NolP -66'/oi)r1tt6 iEnnt u ;iciloni Atqn FoorrNGS oNLY: rtbm:' os?oo ENVTRoNMENTA! HEALTH -ii;pt: ug}-LTH Pivig+gB!iE;iii, o5ioo i,ioodn Dept: qIEBS---- P+v+s+9lt:ir;iii: 05600 Nt^teeoc couNcIL oF G9yERNMENTS Dept: BUILDING Dlvrsaon: See page 2 of this Docurnent for any conditions that nay apply to thiE permit' D E CLARAT I ON S I hereby acknoul,edge that I havc read this appl,'ication, f il,l,ed out in ful't thr infonnation required, conpteted an accuratc ptot ptan, and stste that att thc iniorrnation providcd "..iqririo-i" ior...t. I agree to compl'y iith the infornation and ptot ptan' to compty |Jith a1, Tovn ordinances and srate lavs, and to buitd this structure according io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivision o fO:l METJToRANDUM Bob McLaurin, Town Manager Susan Connelly, Director ol Community Development Dan Stanek, Building Official Greg Hall, Town Engineer Suzinne Silverthorne, Public lnformation Officer John Caldwell' Director ol Real Estate Ken Wentnrorth, Project Manager FROM: .Andy Knudtsen, Senior Housing Policy Planner DATE: January4, 1996 SUBJECT: Sequence of Building Permit and Schedule for the City Market Grocery Store t. Staff has worked out the following schedule with Mark Donaldson's otfice regarding the commercial constnrcto;. nfproiat from CDOi must be secured prior to issuance of any permit' The time line for residenfiat i'ermits has not been identilied at this time, but the Town.believes that ground breatdng should occur for the housing component 9Llhe qroje.ct prior.to the commercial. Details on the residential construction schedule will be developed shortly' Please give me acall if you have any questions about the dates below, Grading termit Sr6mitted bY - January 1sth lestred by - FebruarY 1st Reouired submittal material: site plan showing area oJ excavation, erosion control, ffi,accessp|ans,eitimateforreiurningSitetocUrrent catditions, comptet6O developer agreement, bond for 125V. of estimate. Building Permit . $frmitted by - FebruarY 15th lssued by - APril 1st Required submittal material: footing and foundation design stamPedLcY an - ^-oerqineer, architectural drawings at the level that they were approveo Dy Ine u1.to orgreater, a non-itructural plain showing the layout of the interior ol the grocEry -. stffe, srrrctur"t d-ra*ints ot tne *atts a-nO Oou6te T's to be placed on lhe roof of ' tfe grocery store and parking garage stamped by an engineer' Miscellac!.eous Follow-u p Permits Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing. Each of these must also be stamped by the apwopriate engineers. They will belubmitted at a future time during the . . cmstruction pr-ocess and will be reviewed by the Town in the order in which they are! submilted. il. il1. February 16, 1996 Dan Stanek, Cbief Fuilding Qffioial Town of Vail Departnent of Community Devclopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Commons Staging Plan Dear Dan; we have reviewed the plans submitted for the staging plan and the major cxcavation permit for the Vail Commons. As a result of the review, we have scheduled a meeting with upper Eaglc valley Water for 9 A.M. on Tuesday, 2120196, at their officc' While wc do not see any reason thc excavation permit cannot be issued, there are some concems with the utility plan, specifically the fire hydrants and water mains. Apparently they have failed iolncludc the required fire hydrants in the new locations and havc instea{ cicctcd to try and usc cxisting locations, rclocate thc rcquircd hydrants to alternative locations, and ielectcd altematc means of looping the water mains that lcave us with 50 + feet of a dead end main. We are not agreeing to this design until wc meet with the Water District. The street plans do not show any ofthe f,ue hydrants and the detail on page l0 does not show the required clearance, heighl andrelated detail required by the VFD and UEVW&S. The hydrants details must also be approved by UEWV&S' In addition, the plans we received do not show thc emergency access/egress on the north side at Chamonix nor the approved rcconfiguration of the access into Vail das Schone, As submitted, we can1lot get to the west or north side of Vail das Schone nor past the drive up bank window to even access the South side ofthe shopping center. I VAJL CQMMONS SITE PLAN REVIEW PAGE 2 All of the issues were a result of the combined efforts of Planning Building, Fire' and Public Works input and have been commuuicated to and ageedupon by the architect' but are not reflected-on the plans. We will enter these notes into Sierra and will probably put a hotd on the construction permit until these issues are rcsolved. I trust the architect and the developer will want to move on these issues soon' Please call us ifyou have additional questions or concerns' Sinccrely, Michael McGcc Fire Marshal cc: Andy Knudtsen Greg Hall KenWentworth file ,------ FEE-15-1996 15:3E TOWN OFV,4IL 42 lVest Mctdov Drive Veil, Colorado tl617 30r-479-22r0 UF o IL FIRE DEFT,9?E 4?9 2L7b P.ES Vail Firc Dtpdrtmnt February 16, 1996 Dan Stanek, Chief Building Official Town of Vsil Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Pernrit Application for City Market 896-0014 Dear Dan; We have reviewed the plans submittcd with the pcrrnit application for the City Market Store # 146 and the parking structure. Please refer to the comments regarding the excavation pernrit application, which predates and scrves as a prcrequisite set of conditions to the building pcrmits for the actual structurcs, Streer Sl ancl SIP, under Section l. LiveLoads, rclbrcncesl'1S20 axle loadsbut then notes a 250 DSF (reducible uncler UBC 2306). In the list of design loads, we fail to see the 350 PSF live loacl fqr fire trucks or the point loads for outriggers on the ladder trucks. Thc Fire f)epartrnent is requesting a letter from a registeretl Professional Engineer, specilically acldressing thc Irire l)epartnrent's vehicle loads, Such letter should bear an original wet stamP. The plans subnrittcd did not include any rnechanical or electrioal plans, both of which rve need beforc we can epprove the issuance of a permit for construction of the structures. Mechanical ventilatioir, fire sprinkler plans, fire alarm plans" em€rgency Power' ern€rgency egress lighting suitable for a basement, should be itrcluded. If rhey clect to pro.i I uirdlr "fast trackr' rules, wc would not p€rmit the work to extend beyond franring without thc nrissing information. Please atlvise us as to your decision and actions on this matter. Sincerely, e&-,/int ii-"--.__"...- - Michael McGee Fire Marshal TOTfiL P,A5 WES'TMONT IR$EUSTRItrS TO: Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Vail, CO 81657 Kroger Grocery Vail, CO ATTENTION: Mr. Dan Stanik 970479-2138 SUBJECT:Approval, permits of Shopping Cart Speedramps We are enclosing the following: One (l) set of the following: Company Brochures, Literature, color pictures of installations, wheel pictures, I-ayout drawings, installation video Note: I am submitting these for you to get a feel to what the future application will look like and if you have :rny questions in regards to them prior to our fabrication. The General Contractor would like to give us a contract, however, Westmont woutd like to make sure this concept will be approved by the State of Colorado prior to the installation and inspection. CC: NW CO Council of Governments. Krank Kilian Remarla: ( ) For your approval and/or conections (X) For your use ) Prepare quotation in breakdown form and retum ( ) copies ) Retum with your comments ) Approved for use on project subject to contract rcquirements and errors, omissions or corrections as noted. ) Revise and resubmit WESTMONT INDUSTRIES TURNKEY MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTIO}I DATE CONTRACT JOB l,OCATION Express Mail May 14,1996 A/l l,anu.-L.vY\ orutY Carrie L. Morey - U Sales Representative CM:rg 10805 PATNTER AVE., SANTA FE SPRTNGS (LOS ANGELES), CA 90670 . (310) 944€137 . (213) 23.3186 . (71a) 708-3002 . FAX (310) 946€299 Vail, Colorado Denrer, Colorado Monroe & Newell Enginecrs, Inc. May 30. I996 Victor Mark Donaldson Architects. P.C. PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Mr. Andrew.Bober Re: Vail Cornmons Store and Parking(Monroe & Newell #3016) Gentlemen: The design live load specified for both the roofofthe store and the upper level of the parking deck is the greater ofHS 20 highway bridge loading or 250 pounds per square foot. One rrason that these loads were specified was anticipation of fire trucks on both of the structures. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yorirs. MONROE & NEWI][,I, HNGINIIERS. INC. lH jtr]ill AY311996re O04tl E. Bcaver Creek Blvd. r Sr.rite 301 o P. O. tlox 1597 r Avon. Colorado tl1620 r (3O3) 949-776a o FAX (3O3) 949 4054 Peter Monrbe, P.[i. 303t949-5200 FlJJg49-5205 ARCHITEOURE . PLANNING . VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. INTERIORS Dox 5300. Avon, Colorodo 81620 June 3, 1996 Mr. Chuck Feldman Building Inspector/Plans Examiner TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado, 81657 Re: City Market Store No. 142 Vail Commons Village Vail, Colorado Building Permit No. 896-0014 Dear Chuck: In accordance with the CONDfIIONS as of 5-9-96 of the above Building Permit, we have responded as follows, (items follow the description as outlined in the conditions): l. We have enclosed three (3) sets Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical drawings for the above project (Retail Store & Parking Structure), signed and sealed for Completion of the Building Permit. 2. The final construction drawings issued for permit to your office has indicated a 90 min. steel fire shutter at the sliding glass doors between the parking structure and the store at the Lower Level. Shop drawings of these doors will be submitted to your offrce upon submittal to our office. 3. Sprinkler plans will be submitted to your office upon submittal to our office. 4. The minor architecture revisions to the design have been made, and are a part of the final building permit drawings submitted to your o{fice. 5. Attached a copy of a letter from Mr. Peter Monroe. P.E. of Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc., dated May 30, 1996. Mr. ChuckFeldman June 3, 1996 Page2 6. The constuction drawings submitted comply with all Federal and State Accessibility Regulations to the best of our knowledge. Ifyou have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, VICJTQR MARK IX)NALDSON AR,CHITECTS, P.C. Andrew A. Bober, AIA Director of Architecture Merlin Schreiner John Catdwell Jana Bingham ,tl riI i{ii1[,i' ',i,] i tr June 20. 1996 ,.Litl City Market Food and Pharmacy P.O. Box 729 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Subject: Footing Foundation Alternative Vail Commons Village Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-1748 Because of difficult drilling conditions the progress of pier installation is not meeting schedule expectations. You requested evaluation of the use of a footing toundation alternative for portions of the new city Market Food and pharmacy struclure being constructed in vail, Colorado. This change would result in a mixed foundation wiihin this part of the structure. Footings are certainly a possible alternative with the ptimary concern being different settlement characteristics lor the two foundation types. Mass site excavation has been compleled. Excavation depths were between 5 feet and 16 teet into native silty to sandy gravels with cobbles and boulders. Excavations afterthe completion of mass grading have penetrated g to 12 teet of gravels with cobbles and boulders underlain by sandstone bedrock. Footings would be supported by the dense gravel. Piers that have been installed are supported by sandstone bedrock. walls will be pre-cast concrete wall panels. A pre-cast twin-tee roof system will be placed on pre-cast concrete beams. column loads range from 9'l kips to s79 kips. Perimeter wall column loads are generally 350 to 450 kips. The largest loads are in the area of the dock lrom the parking structure to the city Market store. The struclure can be founded with a combination foundation of footings on the natural gravels and designed for a maximum soil pressure of g,000 psf and piers on the sandstone. we estimate total settlements will range up to 1-inch for the footings with pier movemenl expected in the range of 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Footings would be square pads sized belween 5leet x 5leet and g feet x g feet, Because of the varied thickness of gravel between the footing bottom and sandstone bedrock surface, and the varied looting pad sizes, differential settlements will occur between individual footings and between footings vs. pier supported areas. we anticipate differential settlement between footing pads to be 3/4 inch or less. However. therewill be initial settlement and secondary settlement because ol the required construclion sequence. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS it34 c{ NIFR t)RtVE I Gt LNW(X)|) Sf)ntN(tS. c()t ()nn t)() lJ160t r {{l/o) 945 2t}o9 The construction sequence is to build the pre-cast slruclure with a topping slab above the twin tee roof panels this year. The snow will be removed and an approximately 2 feet thick layer of soil placed on the topping slab in the spring of 1997. Construction of a day care building and several affordable housing buildings on the structure roof will likely commence in the summer to fall ol 1997 and be completed in 1998. The phased construction will result in loads on columns and resultant settlement occurring in several time intervals. Staggered loading of columns will occur during and after the completion ol the store interior and while the store is operating. The placing ol the soil layer will produce a uniform load of approximately 250 psf. Settlements of 1/ -inch to 1/2-inch may occur when the soil load is applied. Because of the granular soils, most of the movement will occur shortly after or during load application. To mitigate damage from differential movement directly adiacent to the columns and remainder of the lloor slab we suggest that concrete adjacent to the columns not be placed until after placement of the soil layer. lt is fairly normal to leave a diamond at each column when placing the floor. We are suggesting a delay in the process of filling these diamonds. lf this will not fit the construction phasing you may see movements of +l- 112 inch where the slab intersects footing supporting columns in response to the soil load. We appreciate the continuing opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have questions regarding the content of this letter or other questions from a geotechnical viewpoint, please call. Very truly yours, CTL/THOMPSON, INC. - ( .'t b-ao'tqoQ'XfYtc.,[a* - _ _ 6 ^-toJohn Mechling, P.E. O Branch Manager JM:cd CITY MARKEI FOOO AND PHARMACY JOB NO. Gs'17'18 \ t-t tlFrq July 24, 1996 City Market Food & Pharmacy P. O. Box 729 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Subject: Subbase Material on Access Lane to Vail Commons Project Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-l892 Dear Sir: We were asked by Mr. Yancy Nichol of Sopris Engineering lf the natural gravels being generated from excavation at the residential houslng (Werner Developments, Inc.) part of the project can be used ag a replacement material tor the Class 3 CDOT subbase specified for the acceaa lane to the development. Thie letter presents an opinion. We visited the gite to view the material being excavated. The soll ls a eandy to clayey gravel with cobbles and some bouldere. ln our oplnlon the natural gravela can be used to replace the Class 3 material. A maximum diameter ol 12 lnches is recommended. To avoid 'nesting'of rock, we suggest a water tuck and large compactor with vibratory capability be used to compact the specified 12 inch thick lift. We should view the fill placement to check for "nesting' and specified compaction. Please call if you have questions. very truly youra, -. ,, .. I1,,..', CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRTNGS. COLORAOO 81601 I (97O) 945.2aO9 JM:lp 234 CENTEFI DRIVE T !hiL. Cokrradcr l)cn\,er, Colerad() Monroe & Newell Enginccrs. Inc. August 2, 1996 Town Of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Charles Feldman Re: Vail Commons Housing, Vail, Colorado (M&N #3016) Gentlemen: Monroe & Newell, Inc. has issued construction documents showing pier supports for the foundations of buildings AA,B3, Dl, and D2 near the store foundation walls. The contractor may install 30" diameter round piers in lieu of 24" x 24" square piers. The piers shall have the same reinforcement. The reinforcing dowels installed in the footings that were already poured are sufficient for connection to the future piers. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC. ir I i/l+.l- Hannes Spaeh, P.E. Principal Copies: Warner Development, Inc. Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, P.C. 70 Benclrrrrrrk R<>lcl o Suite 20.1 . P.O. I]()x 1597 o AvOn. Colorado ll1(r20 r (97t)l 919-77611 . F'AX 1<1 ,-sl) c|49-,iO11 Aug- I9-96 (f4: l.9P Yod€lr Eng 1n€rclrl ng l-9 949- 195970-o P. Ol VIA FAC$IMILE I PACE v00tnn tngltlafiW f;orwllnh, lne, vAlL, coLaRAoo August 19,1996 Mr. Chuck Feldman cio Vail Community f)evelopment I l l South Frontage Road, West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Comrnons Parking Structure Request for Overflow Vanancc Ybc #952tt Dear Chuck, As discussed earlicr, wc are requesting a variance for overflow drains on the upper level of thc parking structure. Thc primary drains are sized lbr worst caqe rainlall and have heat trace on all exposal pipine. Thcrc appears to be a potential for twelvc inchcs of standing watcr at the low points, which is r*'here the primary drains ar€ located. Howcvcr, ry wul.cr levcl alxrvc tlris will r r.ur oll'. It is our belief that all precautions hal'c bccn takcn to minimizc the dsk of overll<:w. It is with this in mind thnt we make this reqrrest 48 E. trAtER CREFK BLW SUm 3n7 t FCET OFff.t B(tX li /4O.Avgr\l. trOLCtst\DO 8162A.TELEPI W\E 97r!.94+1181 a FAX 97L1M9-195S AFHUATEO WfH NE MN ffiAUq TtJc. DEMIEF, &LDNAX' AUG-2?-199E 12:33 UT4D RRCHITECTS P.C.343 9,49 52AA P.At v twv4Y-a4J) FNU949-5205 VICIOR lvlARK DONALDSON ARCHITEOS, P.C. AI{CHIKruRE I PLINNING r ltttENOI\S DATE: TO: FR()T: PROIEGT: NUMtrR: 9UBJECT: Box 53O0 . Arion, Colorodo 01620 VITIDA ir hying out r mar cr teoe,nt space allocEtiorr drawing for tbe oonnerciql wing of the Vd Comnott$ Ciry lvfutct huildiq, Wo trwc four futor.st d tffiDts with 4eciEc rquere footrge'r in mind. Wc rccd to lay out thoir spaces with exiting requirimentq but we don't know exacdy how thcsc uscs will be intapre*ed for osqrFngy urc b Tablo IGA of ttrg l grx UBC. Two or three ot'thees tqrurr ero to fell into e grry e,rte betrrcen retail ur* and otEcc use. Tte tenads art as follows: (FW L t P4+- *Grcgt Cuts" - A hair orning aod bcauty ulon. lppror 2000 s,f. , ,rttL+Anltil.<2 "Vril Virion- . tur eyegh$ r€tdl stnp with officer and r lab. Approx, 20ff) s.f L-t' 46pta/3. 'XT'LN'. A radio strtioa with offces and t roadcast oquipm€ot, Approx.2000 s.f. "' .' , ,uufP 4 -Trrxqlo Rentet- - A trcdo rental shop eith rssociilcd sor.g€. Approx. 500 s.f ,, tagrtt'*1vf-o'' Wh.o wc appty the raail occupint losd frctor of 30 to thcde !pac€6 it seesLt thsr 66.6 people will be aoryylngi[+fo Z{f00 e.f speces at r tina Howtscommot Berue tclls u$thtt ftii nsber is ray too high rrd tha the ocorpeat load factor of 100 for o6oe spaoe is muoh morc teasonable. Plcasc lct us know in unftiag bow you will bt irerpraing thcce wer so tta thae are m nrrpriccll dor{u tbE ro|d and vrr cln pnrpaly rlptdl 0re ErilirE 0olr tb.6c spasec .lt thfu tirne Your carpcdimt rcsporuo it grcarly rpprocide4 Thank 1'ou, //444- JohtG. luEtin'YlvIDA Projcctthd$€r MEMORANDUM AJSust27, lo96 Drn Strrnadq Chadio Davis, Towrr of Vail Briilding Dept. Jotn Martin, VMDA \rail Commons Cornrercial Wng Tenant Spaqrs YIvtDANo.9501.2 Occrrpomy type of efiit regrirefieflg. TOTFL P,O1 3A3 949 4364 P.Az L .!-^._h___ o - ErcLE Rrvrn<Ef Wertn & Srrrrnon Dctnrct l9t0l rtc'tao r r.Ax (910! .ra,{m Octohr 15,1996 "Y|r trrsdnlh949-436{" lrtr. Grry Mancr Dirtctorof Comtrugion lVutrr l)wclopmcntr, Inc, P.O, Bol( 9SB Awn, Colordo t1620 REI Vail Connrons Watcrud Sc*rr Main E:ctsrsionr DcrrGrry: Pcr ou crrlicr phonc coarrcrsation end yorr lencr datd OclgbEr t 4 l 996, rbis lcdcr i$ to csrfirm thal thc Erglc Riwr Wrt€r ard Srniution Disrict hs rpprved thc iutallation of thc 'rrrh ud *wr mains with runard to thc tO sEprrgtion ll|dor tbc reguired 'rcrcqEnnGnt'r conditions. I bw rpokcn to Ag3ic MrrtinGa lnspeclor for dc Distict, thit raorai4 rod hc rnticipnsqCqftuction Acccptance- for both thc wrrar and scurcr naim in tbc ncu fttre. Thc coatrtor has bccn inlb'raGd tlut r fcw mirpr nodilic*ioas still necd to be corrcctcd snd apprwcd by the Dirtrict, lf you would like to know thc rpccific mccrnr plcarc contact Aggie, If you hwt ony qucsrions or connncnts pleEsc contnst eitbcr Aggie or nywlf, Sinccrcly, "-torrsl \ 'Nru0a[ FrcdS.Ilarlec Rcgulatioru Adninisuator s\w^tcn, WAgrtflrrEl. g6qr6r,e {l Menrorr*m St'twtccs TOTFL P.A2 t. against the uphill side of the barrier (see figure 5.6). Each bate rrnrst be securely anchored by at least two wood stakes driven toward the previously laid bale to force the bales together. Stakes should be driven 0.3 m (l') minimum into the ground to securely alchor the bales (see figure 5.6). Stakes shoutd have a minimum diameter or cross section of 50 mm (2"). Re-bars shall not be used in place of the wood stake . Figure 5.6: Erosion bale installation (CDOT) AJI bales must be either wire-bound or string-tied, and they should be installed so that bindings are oriented around the sides rather than along the tops and bottoms ofthe bales (in order to prevent deterioration ofbindings). The gaps between bales should be filled by wedging with straw to prevent water from escaping betw'een the bales. The main consideration is to obtain tight joints. Erosion bales will not filter sediment or pond water if the water is aiioweci to f,ow bcru'een, arounci, or uncier rhe bajes. Loose straw or hay scattered over the area immediately uphill from an erosion bale barrier tends to increase barrier effi ciency. Along toe of fills, install the erosion bales along a level contour and leave enough area behind the barrier for runoffto pond and sediment to settle. A minimum of 1.5 m (5') away from the toe of the fiil is recommended. Towr'il FFIf;; Vall pv lql E|' ({"} Din t*\Staked and entrenched erosion bale Compacted soil (prevents piping) Sediment laden runoff 0 -.DRATNAGE CR|TER|A "ot EROSION CONT?iOL TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAINS FTEXIBLE PIPE -z_---€- Ovedop 3' (min.)- '' DITCH LINER From: Colorado Departmenl of Highways, 1978 Figure 4-48 Temporary Slope Drain Applications Urban Drainage and Flood Conlrol District 9-1-92 t rsD,. \_-/ MAR-A5-1995 12t 47 SOPRIS ENGINEERING P,AL RSVEGETATION S PECI F ICATIONS If Ehe Bi.te j.s to be recurned go iE's original condi'tion prior to beginning of consEnrction then all disEurbed areas will bereveg6t,at,edl \ The Eopsoil stockpiled offsice from chis project shall be li hauled and placed on the dist,urbed areas aE a minimum depth of4'. If additional topsoil is needed t,hen iE shalf consisE. of :<Ioose friable loam free of subsoif, refuse, EEumps, rooEs, J' brush, weeds, treavy clay, hard clods I Egxlc substanceg, or I,...other maberial which would be deErimenEa] to its use on the -aprojecE.TheEopfourinehesofEhesurfacesha11beci11ed>'into an even arrd loose seed bed free of clods in excess of |r-four inchee in dlameter. nQC The disEurbed areas will be seeited with a native seed mix.S\tAII seed ehal.l be furnished in bage or containers clearl,y l-abeled to show the name and addrese of the suPpLier, Ehe seed name. the loU number, nec wej.ght,, origio, ttre percent of weed seed content, ghe guarant,eed percentage of purity and germinacion, pounds of pure liwe seed (PIJS) of eaeh 6eed species, and EIre toEal pounds of PL,S in Ehe conlainer. AII brands 6ha11 be free from such noxious seeds as Russian or Canadian Thj.stle, European Bindweed, Johnson Grass' and Leafy Spurge. The ConEraccor shall furnish to Ehe Engiueer a signed statement certifyj-ng thaE Ehe seed is from a loE that has been treEeed by a recognized laboraEary for seed testing wit,hin ej-x monEbs prior to Ehe date of delivery. Seed which has becomewet, moldy, or darnaged in Eransit or in sEorage will noE, be accepEed. Seeding shall be only during Ehe spring (spring thaw to ,tu1y 15) or Ehe fall (Augus: 1sC until consistrenE ground freeze). The seeding shall be by mechanical power drawn drills followedby packer wheels or drag chaj,ns- Mechanj.cal power drawndritls shall have depth of at lease 1/4 inch and shall be seE Eo space the rows not Inore lhan seven j.ncFies apart. Seed lhatis extremely small shall be sowed from a eeparaEe hopper adjusted to Ehe proper rate of applicauion. TOTtrL P.A1 t- F-| !{rla i .1ljI{L'' li :, ii vl $-\ d': l:': i '- irrRlS Z H, t' i\= -q. : "*:.F" !=- Jo*rt*i $ t 5 ,[4i*r{ i $ J'i r. i=-; '' 1:P *cuiuitF H Jt F k! € z :b s F|- e Y J-.l.+ d : I .Ts:rv o-Rl ,d(F rI.;E+H+ e gf b e.- ,.ii'" ?>ydb;I )F eo F9{]a i< d B- tl ,tl I t-l,l I I I 'lrl * il I ..l J F.q-F ( .^oe \__ ---\ O.ol \/ a { \5 .,'ls u Jr- _9 1 -!rJ l.-f-t {r- tt4 rOa) wfj) \ ,l\\ I \ .9 n-lts/,t; hI L,'/+I l, h l:"ljI lupj '\a IIl i$t3\LI 4 Yo\o .-^<- ":t \ir(-)7 l-_" llred te$i HnSdAo I r.JsaEaarasee6 x3Jz9 39ud Hr/) s4 q- [JI.- \ \9 a to l,'s CH * -/,-5ewnv Rd \ 5>- Q q. o- o -eQ .o(;q- , ).)l- I od?4-rll7- ,--{t- \Dzr'=. !t: a,x !,3 T 6)2?esgL6 x6! I I I I I I l I I VIs.\ I I I I I I l.e 3 ,ls.B'- <9r+Fst \ I o ! \-) ;\\ I $ Nft I I o .\) I I f; I I i I I o \.rl NJt-'a -€ R ,/-\/-:r\(- t- cl- ZFv\i, l- +So--'? {t ,-r)o\-+-\)Flqtr ..,- =-h-nf,1 b'\J- \J\es.iJ $ q -- : -ri+{ R.t' 2 S--to. -b ol- sP' {f\__/ #;tt 'rs$ \,':: s4-t #g' T;l.l E-t u <:q \;i a s \ ,{:bw..a-' -if } \r .E*aott i\-*-Pr n as.l-3-?35 €slA i <Nlri, ^++t'[juoS* ",,{ lll ." nt 5 o t,"ollt+5 -i-nQ tJ\lt l{f 'l - -t- .i 1LSil+ ps ds. ,i=Jf, tr* S .s. S, ic r l-rF;: f-. -\ c6.',c[-it; of $'{ -'(y\,tG c_,a"-t 1>-X{vr.S) \3i Ot.+.i\ s\ :. i, ,*:f +'nJa.i s _\ ( E I F9{ "irt3 h-<<t f,\U F Y<lG.tra{,4\ 6R\l l,rTrsd^g I NSatLLregaLE xv3ta 39ud IH EE -l sl 6l F-l sl L{Jl :-JlrrJl g sl {lsl EsF E:E sif; \ s t E- rH gs $E SE ili Hi HE$E i@ tttut t*ta .st E I 5 l + \ i I b A sdsi$j i"E 3 s Eiutr g ai I sl.Jt dI l s ts 3 E E qI o 3 o o o o ,a. Ifi EE ,iE!fuEi$ !gi illi I Io ; ET E'q iqa!c| p E6 Sl" EEit EE o o o o -T I I L g F H a s ! t. I k { 3 l\ I iE *Eu e>vEt! 3Fg 6, rrH EEe ;;E q= 5s;t ts .e-.2 --+.- J-,2 I f-.4 n-rJ :- J-r .l+ l! \ L r-l o-l -J ,l t<l l*' I I FI :lol (Ll l-l k IH EE t t: I