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q[J"/V]^"" Job E' Truss q,1 Truss Typ€ ROOF TRUSS otv 12 Pty t vAtL coMtriloN El U518531 3.:t{rJ I 50p zu I vvc M F .2+O I r-lor5 t240 l-lll5 T 6olF' A.'l -.t ) gl eT -./--al4 -t'_.- ffia-" tr I >-- 3x4= F__________iiqE_l-lstl LoADlNo (psfl TCLL EO.OTCDL 10.0BCLL O.O BCOL 10.O sPACtNg 2+O Pbta.lncm3. 1.0o Lumb.r lncru$a 1 .0OR.psno.sIrE NoCod. UEC94 cslTC OIrIBC O.(B wB 0.00 (Maft) DEFL (n) 0oc) ud6fi Vod!-L) 0.m 3 s99 VdtGL) 0.0O l/3 s9 Horz(IL) 4.00 2 nl. Min Lsnglh , LL d€i - 2rO PTAIES GRIP M2O(2O9.) 149110 Wcishr 9 (bc) LUMBER TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SPF I65OF 15E BoT CHORD 2X4SPFStrd REACTIONS (lbs/shc) 1.50dt15€. 3-'15/G38,2r131^L+6 Max Hotz 1 *l Eo{to.d c!3. O Max Upllft 1'-46(oad caca 3), 2.-290oad base 3) gRACING ToP CHORO shBath€d of 64{ on ccnbr pudln spacing. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling diIocty sppli€d, or I o{o,m on canlet bncing. FORCES TOP CHoRD l-2--7t BOT C}IORD l€-0 NOTES t) Thb au.s has b3.n check d ltor unb.lanc.d loadin! condfims about jolnt 2. 2) Thb tws has b€on d€sign d lb'r lho wlnd loads gen€rated by 60.0 m.p.h. wirds .t 25.0 ie€t abovr ground ldv€|, |lslng 5.O ps.t iop chotd d6.d l€d atd 5.O p.3t boilotn cho.d d6ad load, 100.0 atltar trom hunlc.na ocs.nEng. on a calego(y I srdos.d buildlng. ot dirmnslo.F /|5.0 by 24.O wih areo8utc C (ASCE 7-g). Lumb€r lnct G. r 'l .lxt, Ph lncrGas. - 1 .Et. Bolh rnd rtrlbrb rr€ .Dqos€d. 3) SIMPSON les conn c'ior! r$mmond.d to conn€ct tuss b b€adng r}rlF duo b udin as follov6: One connectot .t Join(3) I , 2. LOAD CASEIS) Sbrdard iitr A VqnNWe - Vetifi dzsigr parunreten znd READ NOTES ON TH\S AND RE:yERSE SIDE BEFOR-E USE. D$ign valid for use or y rvith MltC( connoctors. This design is based only upon param€t€ls shown, and ig for en individual building componenl lo b€ iflslallod and loed€d wni:ally. Applic€bility ol dosign parameiors and popor incoDoration ot compononl is a6sponsibility ol building dogioner - nol lru6s degigner. Bracing sho!,n is lor lelilal supporl of individual vr6b members only. Additonal t€mporary bracing io inauro stability during construction is the €sponsability ot tha er€ctor Additional pernenent bracing ot lhe overall struclur€ b the .o6ponsibllity of the building d6sign9r. Fof genoral guldanco rogarding fab.ication, quality contrcl, storage, ctotivery, sr€ction, and bracing, consult OST-09 Oultiiy St nd.rO, OSeOe arrclngsp.ctllcdion, lnd Hlggl H.ndllno In.l.lllng.nd Br.clng R.conmonddion evailabl€ lrcm Trt,r^| Pt.t tnldiut , 5E D' Ooofrlo D.lvG, Madiron, Wl 59719 IlTrk hdurtrlm, hc. ;_r i =cnl< 5J9('6o ;v,20 o Ptnz =oz zc 3 C'o =.f(o at, U, o 3 oro!o(t, EU*$FfiEiii pxs q$ i g=iFgsF;ui;ii E;* ; E ;EE€ 6 =fFFg;z-l ffi. * B3+3oooasr:lo o B 8;tr;;dY o =' o= F3fr: a4siaeFi 5gE - 5 oo o oo $tg EF3 fl$$ aiassa 9E$qg 6 4-rE= c8g !- ge.r @-oo o !rlilFi ae$li$ fr;e ii ;rs i$ Ed= *:l qaE =fl5'oxo =u,EEito6':;o oo .l-oo-'o6goo ti+*JU FS 3s@ottt =.aQcJDO8; =<g-a 8eo s ilr 'l't-tlt6,/ H (\ S lllb > lU -t-luls t \\ 31;I\A 6 V ;- o @e! o3 TOPCHORD - imlTtr]iF] J3p ooJoi e. v,o o zo (D e4 E4JCPd iDo Orno !=ooa{9o69 Eo.-cOeg q,o ! oEo+ ;ig$Fi $i f,g$ frgiei flgi lf$si$E# gsF #iiF,i sFF gF$ EF gi sF* 'u' uF'*'5F $FE ggE f,i tn '€i qFEi 'Fg ag i;F ,gg;g ggFi grg 'Fg liff ii Fgggq-a5q. Tru3s TYDo ROOF TRUSS i Istlil.l I 91qlol 3x4 = 'r+!l '' ''lst5 PTATES GRIP M2OC2O9.) ltlg,l lO W€igtt t4 (|bs) l:HJ slfl'fi '# ff#S"'|#ff.''"*"" LOADINO (P3O TCLL 80o TCOL too BCLL O.O ECOL t0.0 SPACINO 2N Plato3lnct a!. 1'0o Lumberlnclets. 1'Oo RoDst ss lncr NOo"io uBc€4 cslTC 023 8C 0.17 wB 0.00 (l,ldbt) LUMEER TOP CHORD 2X6 80T CHORD 2X4 REASTIONS FORCES 0b8l Max ilo( ToP cHoRO t'2-' BOT CHORD t€' NOTES, t) Thi3 nUsE h!3 b. 2) This tu33 ht3 b. chord d.ad load, 1.33. Pl.tr lncro 3) SIMPSON 1f2.5 LOAD CASE(S) S sPF 1650F l5E sPF Stud ,L.) t'706,D$E.3=35,G36'2': ffi lllffifff.r]** .13{ 0 '.n checksd lot unbahnc'd loding c trn d€ignod for lh. wind load3 g'no toO.O mlb3lrom hurlcan' oc"nlnr rsc . 1.33. Both 3nd w i':!|3 r'l d connoslors rFmmcndad b c'ffr'cr bndard glileng if;:ffi ffiI'rffi ,Tlniffifi -'* o""o rll/05E rd bass 3) ffij*r.il.ffifur,:,:f $:,1#TJffil$f";r:;:.r"ff$ris'l*lr; j# Fd; *nt *tts dl. b uPlitt s3 blloYv3: ono conn€clor at ioln(3) 1' 2' OIc i 'i 1996 _1_llt *-#ittr"frJ*fqffi:rffi5ffi'ffiffiff;iffr#;,ffi E'EE I' ffi ffi]fffi:filil#rurrn',.,H:tr#iffffi ffi;l$ffi H,flbiffi ffi Lfi iJ"".m;F,".1 ffim.Tl%1$Jiifllf;,1fiii;;Xffi1lb?liifr ;"-'aab.r .va'abre tro'n .'tu!' Pbr' r.''r'rut'' '+' v '' '-- ---- | Onoftto Oti"". lt Ol.on. wl Sgltg 3.-E-ord q 28252 A^^{ ?9 W-oruntqyr U, 3oo U, !- tn oo =oz zc, o7 z =oz s oc q- o * :.a 1 6'sY-xX --- N < :x 9 d'qn3t -Y ^'{sx6 !4. --s*6- 8.9o(u o 5 a E =;ixHi$ ilt *-gc$if$Eg E;i Fi FiF xg; :3 *t Ed= g t ffi r P9+P oooa.rffo U O ODga;q =Ll:)tv; d gq * 5 U;iji 5 a,- i 3fr+iI*ifr agr tsoo =o.! o v,o o zo G QA /Ars - F F F = 9- 9 p >r 9 !, F !, t, _ I gfl 5tg FI f,Fe ;i* Ei''aa5 ed E38.*Efi*= s5:38- _;:F tg :Fg r sF .Fi s$ a*5 $eie$ggl ;fl ggg ggg $i5 ia *ls *i ser if, c Fn Ef si'Fa fl5E gF,F$ 5.$ $ii sii'ffl Ffl -E4 F qEi Fr*+ ae ii ;s 'as;; $$$i gig ,+e $iff ;fl g*g$ F' q a _ _ + + o 39 9 ffiH \ 96 --.l='5'oxo =s,65i 6'= d9ooo-60 ='o6goo {5F*Jo 8 s-'9a-'o(oOn=.a9 DO bE. C-d 8qo E - imSrmtiErli:' TOP CHORO TOPCHORD zc 3oo =.f(o U' U, o 3 g Filg Hgi;is i*! -t ttt Fi*F E;-l Fxs q$ 3g$ dqg;3 ;t5' dr I 8coIz VAIL COMMON E'I U5IE533 Truss Typs ROOF TRUSS M# DEFL (n) (bc) Yd.n Vsrt(LL) 0.01 1B gsg V.]IGL) o.ot 1n 9Sg HoE(lL) {.m 2 'iltMin Lengih / LL den - 2lo Plab3lncroasd 1.00 Lumbor lnc.€ale l.@ Ropstrsshcr NO Cod. t BG94 T I.al;l.l (>l4l-r or LOADING (prO TCtl 80.0 TCD|- tO.O BCL! O.O BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 80T CHORO REACTIONS FORCES TOP CHORD BOT CHORD NOTES 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2 X I SPF 1650F 15E obs/sizr) 1r9O5/0+E, 3.55/GS, 2.491ro$ M.x Hor: I-18o0oad casc 5) Max Upltfi I .{3(load casa O, 2*ga(oad siso 3) 'l-2.230 1€.0 A WeWtwC - Vaily dzsign paremetcrs aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND RE:'.ZRSE SIDE BEFOM USE. oosign valil lo. ugo only witrl llflrk connoclors. Thb dgs€n ls bas€d only upon pararn€leG shoryn, and ls lor an indivuual bulldirE compon€nl lo b€ in3tallgd and lord€d vsdjcally. AppftGulity ot d€sign paranetors €nd prop€r incoDoralim ot conponont rs assponso{[y oi ourrong o€srgner - nor rn ss ogsrgn€r. Bnqng shown rs ior ane]ar suppon ot rmMoual w€o fttt membors only. AddiliorEl lemporary bracing to iftsurc stability during co.rstruclio.r is the lgsoonr&lity of th€ €rcc{o.. Addtional !l=l Eltp€nnansnl br&ing ol the owrall struclur€ is the r€spoosibility of tho buihino designer. For g€'l6|a1 guldance rogardng |5'|llftabtuation, quaFty conbol, slo.age, d€livery, oreclaon, and b6cing, consult OST-88 Oudny $.nd.rd, I'SB89 Brrdng sp.cllicruo;, a;d tllE4l Hlndlln0 Inlt ing and Sr.cing R;omm.nddlon availabls lrom Tru.. P|!t! In.dtnc, 58it o' IlTal hdualtha' lnc. Onof.lo D.lv., l|.dlton. W 53719 , !1er5 | P1ATES GRIP M20(20g.) 1,1e110 wdgttt 23 (|bs) ERACINO iop cxono shdftcd or FOo on cenbr purlin spacing' BOT CHORO Rigid cailing di.scfly lpPlied, ot I O{OOO on c.nlsr br.cing. Dil 'l 1 199$ 1) Thb tu$ hls b.on ch.ckod tor unbalansod lo.ding condilions aboutjoinl2. ii iiii. tr"i t .r U."n dcdgnad for he wind bads gricnlad by 60.0 m.i.h. wind3 .t 25.0 ts.t rbo't/6 ground l.v6l, uslng 5.0 P'sJ. bP cltgq q91 l^o!3 md 5.O psJ botbm 'chorddsadload, lOO.O ml6c hom hunic.nr occinllna. on a blegory iencloqad bullding, of dimenslons 45.0 by 24.0 wih 6:Qodure C (ASCE 7'9Q. Lumber Inctoas. r 1.3t, Ph. Inct!a.. - 1.33, Eolh end wdi{:rb rt 4€ad. 3) SIMPSON fE.s connrcloG racomm€nd.d b connocttuss b b€adng rallc du. to uplltl .3 folloYvs: On€ conn cbt !t ioint(s) 'l ' 2. LoAD CAsElSl Strndard =u,:< OJ906o ; ctr z E, o-an2 -t =oz ra P9+r, oooalrrf)o 6',8 6;g;aq- =o5(D;.6 gq R 5 ii;rI6'5g+ol = -r- =lHlf,r*i $ egF '\ ooc o o *1qs; ;Bd't^q* 3g':oxJ f -.r BgF$igeg' ;4.58: gH.B- 1" g sr 6(D o i itFi *Feg$gg ffie ii Esgi' :l eaJ^' 3U Ff66; ^-O=o d9oo8;-'o 6=.oo {f dF UgO= =.H16oatt =-a9 DOB; =.'e* 8eo ]- o o ffiH \rlr - imthilliE] Jlp TOP CHORD TOPCHORD zc 3uo =.f(o C" q, o 3 fiiisi; EEEEs i:!s lisr $ ifi E; Fxs q$ 9ss dao t9.o -xH;S Tt8- ts I 8 Fz >.7ooJorto v,o o zo G Ct| A(e s F t F = - P F ] 9 S' 5 9,, to :- I ga gF5 fllg;a Fr=5 Er=Ea5 Ae qf g Egf $iF:-m 3:F i3 :g{ 3 - Fe$ 'Fi il$ Fi6 iEis4 ssE ifi $gF iEf g$$ #iiE ,i ig$ gi s en n+ 3e 3s* gqtE.F '*g 5a :Fi $qf i: cs ard F *ri gg ; sfi ai 3i 'flg nf,F gg i$ gg 5;g 5:g [g ut .=r q ina Ai' ai $s $F $s EfEE $flg$$$F,$g ifFf ii Efgg FFd eF + C' eE*= Sf E' ssi ,a ti;$ 3[ Ati; u-s o ag +ga e3fi sy r g g r- Job E1 Truss GEO2 Trus Typ€ R@FTRUSS oty I PV 1 vAtLcoMMoN Et 1J516534 I IolrlFl.l llsI t:-Io Pld. olt!.b 0q!: fl:lxx,,Gl€1, [3d]O{1,G1€l 3.30O e Seo 20 1995 MiTak Industi€s, Inc. Tuc D.c lo o/:31:ol 1996 Pa981 r.I+O | $1i.r I rllt{ t2t.lt{ | 2{o }'lt{ }tl't 24{ 4x4 = 2, ,A\1o.ool12 ,4'llN,/fllt il ilN/{|| il il ilN./a|ililililililR\Kll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll\Ail ilililll ll ll ll ll ll ilN 5i5 loE ;o, ;o= o'X=\ r rlfi{ | LOADINo (ptoTCtr EO.OTCO! to.oBCtl. 0.0BCIL 10.0 SPAC|NC 2.O4 Plab3lncrcla 1.(,0 Lumb€r lncr[!. l.0O Rop St sr IrE tloCod. UBC€4 csl TC 0.00 BC 0.@ wB 0.00 DEFL (in) (|oc) Ud.n Va (LL) 0.00 VcnOU O.00 FlotzCIL) 0.m dr MinLrnglh/LLden'2to PI-AIES GRIP lE!0(209.) 149/110 walghl 122 (bs) BRACINO TOP CHORD Sh€ahrd BCrT CHORD 4-5:*9. g:}1-11. "--<? A WIWWe - Vaifl design paramctcn qnd READ NOTES ON ruIS AND RE]|aRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. I D€sign valid to. |l3€ only wilh lllf* coonecto.6. This dosign is bss€d only upon patamel6rs shotrn, .nd i9 lor an individ|.€l I building clnponon to b€ installed and baded v€.lically. Applicability of d$ign paramstsE and plopgr incorporation ol !-. I comp;€nt is r€cpo,rsibility ot building (bsignor - not trugs dosltner. Bracing shown is lor lateral sr.ppon ot Indivhial wsb llltt IrnonS€rs only. Additional lsnporary bracing b inslre stadlity dudng con6lruciion is lhe respoosibility ol the €rector Additioial EEt EE| | ffiHil?rjirg",Hff;,i,"jlff&:.l""fr*"JTlg,f,lB::iji'H.frfffiifj3:lHlx,3ill35iJ3*lll tr|lr ISp.ctllc.llon, rnd HIB-gl H.ndllng Indrlllng.nd Br.clng R.comm.nd.tlon available trom Tru.| Pl.i. In.tlun , 483 D' IlTak lndualtLa, lnc. IOnotrlo Drlvr, t rdl.on, Wl gl7l9 | LUMEER TOP CHORD 2X4SPFSfud BOT CHORO 2X4SPFStud OTHERS 2 X il SPF Stud 'Exccpf wGL 2 X4 HF t $iV, WGR 2 X 4 HF WliV', WEDGE Lcft2X4,Rig]t2X4 FORCES NOTES l) GrbL rqul|t! cor inuo6 bolbn drod b.uing. 2) G.bL ltJd3 sp.c.d d 16 inBh.3 on c.nt t. Si CrUfc :OOs cilcoaing 72 incfiG|s l€ng|th b b. hb.llv br.c€d 8t mirpolnl For sids o(pos.d b wind, s.o MiTd( 'Sbndrd G.bL End hlr. 4 Shrd3b b.h€t n drvth a4 it20 phba LOAI' CASE(SI Standrrd DTC v, 3oo v, ! oo =oz 2(' oF z =o2 r+ : Y- .i - ;.5OUx x --N:'' g a i6' RJd -Y ='{:xlD !2. .- Pif,o Pq 6-Oo o rlr t qB# 6;:qdl 9oU Fgil oo;2gd j' S =r1T;fi ;g 3F€D r+ =5i9 Fi!!ta:t3oto F 5x 5 ig',i$i seErg Ttrz\Fllf\ 6 \:,t oti 33JO Hggo- -'o(oo a9 oo 6b- 9-d 8eo E o 3 =i#lhlliFrl t3 F zc 3c'o =.f(o 3t, u, o 3 2 Fi!: gEirE s i:E: I rII gI-.Es o ooe =fg E;'-l F$s q$ 3su dqg;$ ItE- B :o 6 Fz TOPCHORO TOPCHORO :.7oo =orlg U,a o z ra $j (.r ool Eg a.FF €3 ae:€ 3 g 3Eq 3t a$f 3s '*E.9 5g *B d 6e;t PdoEH :rP ] I !r5 !, l_t fisg ff igs $E$ $E$ is Eig,3 i$i$$Fi-ii$iffrsi ( FFrF=F ! fl$ ,fl.=5 tY is e F65 El-r te p5i a; giF ggi fii F *F 6g iH geE F3e $9 g Fn iaSi =f;EryH g[ 'd+FguF$EEEEg 'd eF == A Bs o = o ,9 13 I el9lrl ls t.aoo | .+o I a+o I tl-loo | 'llta t 1*+0 | z}}o t?t&o l2a{ .O{ a{,,<, }1OO }tOrO +O{ a.OO 2+O . a40 a40 rd6!t lt-ldo tlta 1!to l'a{ 2}!o . +o{ +oo }ot2 t-a{ l-x 2+12 +oo Ptat ofisd 0(Y): n so€.cool, n:o2-a,o2-tq, Bs3.{t,{!2-121, F{}3{,c2-r4. fto+E,o+o!, fts2-1,c2-1q, po+o,G$El.l11so{,G7-{, U2{}oo,l}}El, lr4:0+O,0€q LoADlNo (p|0 TCLL EO.OTCDL 10.0BCLL O.O BCOL to.o LUMBER TOP CI1ORO 2 X 6 SPF l65(rF 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X E SPF I95OF I.?EWEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 'ExcoDtr BRACINO ToP cflCRD sMr.d or $2-4 on cg| sr pudln spacing. BOT CHORO Rigld coiling direcdy apdi€d, or lo{O-(x) on c.nt r b6cing. t/|{! 2X 4 SPF No3. t9 2 X 4 SPF No3 REACTK,NS Qbs/stsc) 1.72O7ltL$10 (input G5€). 7.207 I$10 Cnput G5€) Mar Hor. 1-520oed c$o 2) Mrx Uplfit 1.-7650o€d cr3. 4), 7*7650€d ca$ 4) FORCES TOP CHORD l-2.-131S9, 23.-1316, 3.4*13253, +5.-13253, t5*13:115, &7-la€9 BOT CHCTRO 7€.11EEg, S$t1E69, $10-il9O2,IGl1.119O2,11-12-119O2, '12-l3.1lgoil, 1$1&11902,1+1s-l1889,'l-15.1lsttgWEBS 2-15--499,2-1.f.16,U1+524,T12-1944 4-12-€15,112r194E, $93624, e$t6, &E 499 NOIES 1) 2-ply tsuss b ba connoci.d fogath€rwlth l(H nails .3 follo|}s: Top chods conn.ct d wilh 1 row(s) at I I irchcs on crntst. Bdom chords connocl€d with 2 rcw(3) al5 inchss on oanbr. Wab3 conn€ci.d with I rovy rt 6 inch* on c€nt*. 2) ThF tr.r3s hr3 b€€n doslgn€d ,or tho wird lolds g€neralsd by 60.0 m.p.h. winds 8t 25.0 to.t.bo\ra ground lavol, u3ing 5.O p.3L bp d|ord dead load rnd 5.0 ps.t botbm chord d3ad load. I m.0 m €s ftorn hunicrn oc.anlin€, m . c.bgory | fidcod brilding. o, dimonslons .15.0 by 2.1.0 with ogosua C (ASCE 7€:l). lrmbor lncrlas. r 1.33. Pleb lncrsca . 1.3. Bo|h fid wrlhab lre .xpced. 3) Sp.cial hrngor r.quirad b rupport conc.ntEted loads. 4) lhng€r ncomm.ndod b support concrnbal€d load ltom m€rnbof(s) p€tp€ndlculat b tu$: HUS26 atJoint(s) 12, 13, 10. O Roqulnd boadng lta€ al ioln(3) 1 , 7 gtlabr lhan input b€adng sLo. LOAD CASE(SI 1) Lumbd Incr..ta-l.Cxr, Pleb Incr€as€-1.oo Uritb.n to.& (|bs p€ffD' V.rtl-2--iEO.0,2€-1EO.0. +4--180.0,4-5'-tE0.0, $&160.0, 87.-'lEO.0, ru.-20.0, &$.20.0,9'1F-20O, 1Gl 1-20.0, I 1-12-20.0, 12-13--20.0. 1314.-2oo. 1+1*-20.0, 1-15-20.0 Contnuod on pags 2 A U'eAlUlrC - Verify deign patancters aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. D€€ign vSlid for us€ only with MII6k connoctors- ThiE d€8lgn is bss€d only upon paramoteE shown, end is tor an individual building comfonont to b€ install€d end loaded vortically. Applicability ot dssign paramol6B and pDp€r incoDoration ot compon€nt is rcspdlslbllity ol building dosigner - not lruss d€signer. Bracing shown is loa lats@l suppod ot individual wob memb€ls only. Addiuonal t€.npo6fy bhcing to insure stability dudng construction is th€ r€spo.lsibllity ot the €rBctor Addilional pernsnenl bracing ol th€ ovsrall slructur€ is the responsilbility of the building design€r. Fo.gen€ral guidence .gga.ding fabricalion, quality conlrol, storag€, delivery, erection, and bracing, consul OST-Oa Ourllty Standard, DSB-09 BraclngSp.clflc.tlon, .l|d HIB-91 H.ndllng Inltalling and Erlclng Focomm.ndation available trom Ttura Pl.tc Incfltut!,6E3 D' Onoltlo Orlv.. Mldl.on. Wl53719 ^.:n 1 ltrtEEEITIIIIlTrk hdurlrlo, Inc. Truss Tlpe R@F TRUSS PI.ATES ORIP M20C209E) t4sl10 Weight 13a 0bs) SPACING 244 Ph33 lncrdla 1.oo Lumb€r lnct6.3a 1.00 Rapst€3clncr NOCodc UBG9/I DEFL (n) (oc) Uden Venct) O21 ,l 999 vert(rl) 0.3o 4 934 HozGU 0.09 7 tL Min L.ngth / LL dsfi - 2/O &11.$T,B ,{#Oo.l"t..o'.*olau Pq,t<5J906o ; cr, zc, o3tttz -l =oz *D9o.r) A===;' oooasrffo o 6 68 g3g3 x g *gxJo; AABl =EiiE:ifr ig6 5 ooc e. o ilr ;*g Ef3 $$;gilefr' 6 4.5 sF ".'g o o iit;i **aE$gg ffie ii igs i3 da= *a ffi* \ -- 6'5'o iul66i 6'Rd= d9ooo-6(D ='.o6t-oo {ir*to I s-' =8roO a9 !o 6E' C-d 8so :r o o i $FiH. zc 3oo =.f(o U' Vr o 3 Hiiiis i:!e i;as o ooi =fFg; e$s qg 3g$ dqg;s I__\)o) o l\)20 @ ; 8(DIz TOP CHOBD TOP CHORO b7oofoqt 9. v,o o 2 n \k c;\ Eg$-$iFgEF af, E fl+F 33i; EiEq 5s e3 tq:3 E:8 [ dOY J X ;;' - E E 5 Oc-J---o-:a _Eg66 Et6o :or+dq-oia-oJO xo E-9 ROfo o!z5'6'-o @6;.;F=6sP).res,' E iF,ii i$ iFi fBi $F giF iE $Ei iEg -F$ * FE $$ ai gE,EE;g $FFi fiFi *ig ii odr LOAD CASE(S) Conccnhfd Loads 0bs) V.ft1.-360.0. 7.36O.Q $-3O58.6, 10-€73s,'12.-9735, 13*973.5, l4--3os8.6 Truss Type R@FTRUSS vAlL coMMoN El t# E5:t5 tr"l-$T,B s;;mg A vqnutnc - Vcrifl dzsign parametcrs and READ NorES oN'I'HIi AND rcwRSE IDE BEF1M usE.Diodgn valid loa use only wilh lltld( connedors. Thb d$lgn is bas€d only uFon paEitgtors shown, and i9 lor an indivftlullbuilding co.nponent to b€ insiall€d ard loaded vedcalty. lppticatilig ot Odnig'n paramotgrs ano pr@$ IncorporatioD o, component is t€sponsibility ol buildrng dosigner - not truss ctesgngr. Br8cing shown is lor tateral support ol ;dividual n€b III-nr€mbsrs only. Acldiliooal tempotary bracing lo insuJo stability dJring consttiEtbn is th€ rosponsibitit ol tho ef€dor. Additiomt EEI EE FfiEttrry{.fr.:i;S:r#S:".,*:rffii:yq:',:;::lif,Htrl"J;[iJsffiHli3ffi:l:ilt ffifEsFcrrrcluon' xro lllB-sl tLn.llan9 In.lrlliig .nd Br.dng Rccommqd.llo|| avaitabte trom lrut. p|tb Indltub, 5a3 D, IlTak lndualtlaa, hc.Onotrlo Drlyo, lrLdtton. Wt 53?.19 i)re l Pv,t< OJ9('6'o;u,z0 o,t nlz oz r+ I)1 a b ;'aQu'6 --- N:'' sq i6' =Y foJ* aiqo gl .- sR6' 99.6:oo o dl I3Ei 6;=oxJqag FgF eg' 9d 5' F 3FJ -:'; 9afi ;9'tt 3E9!. F3 =5:9;3dg,!98a:t1o,o* 5 Xs i$=,fFi 5sggs {5*3:to gg' EBut=a9 !o 6b' 9-a 8qo :! o 5 a {&z\iul\ 6 \i 3o ooJo -o ct,rr o zo G Cl} 9 6 i 6 F = - s e :, e o F !' f.) :- F $$Hgi gi f,f,F ggi i$ $$B 3s $r# EEF $ar ;E sii ti ieF €iI a*=Ei is aae s:{ sr qaa FE lsr 3g# iai Hg $5g {Ag$ iss an $+ 3n 3s* iqe:.F '€g 59 :Fi $Af t$=; -ss F *.og s r- g Ffi ii ig =gE'is Efi rs ag $Fi i:4 f,g *il .=1 I rna gF ' 'i gg g g- Eg6g $$gi$$$,$g iigF ii F$$g FF ga5i+ i#Sh]lElir'p TOP CHORO TOPCHORD zc 3oo =.J(o U, Cf, o 3 2 ii!:s :;;! EEEEgs i=! = 5 r3E I iE; 3 ;fi g; F$$ sfxx:- -6ths dao!-o -,:R .-. q :''6oil I --N98 B '€ E09Pz 6.mF2 t .2fi | $OO I rO+O | 1]t{ I i&l{ | 2t}O + 2tCO I2+O 5a{ !.0{ }a{ too 3{{ za{ SxB =3 5)G ll 4 rg T I(Dl 6l 'Al I lgr too loo +oa PIATES GRIP M20(209tr) '149110 DFC 1 1 1996 Pht o{t$b fr.Y): noo0,0+01. Fc2{,C2-121, F:o.GO,Goq LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORO WEBS REACI|OfTtS FORCES TOP CHORT) 8OT CHCIRI) wEES OTES Wdght 116 (b3) ERACINO 2 X€SPF 1650F l.sE TOP CHORD Sh.alhod or 3l-5 on contE purlin sp.cing.2XGSPFi65OF15E BOT CHORD l-11:SlO.lG11S3{,9'10:6-$,O, &9:43.O,7€S3O. &75-$O. 2X4SPFStrd (be/sirc) 11268l/0$8, 6-268lIlSEMuHoz 'l-€30oad c.s.2) Max Uplilt l.-2!g(load cac.4). 6.-2t90oad c.3.4) 1-2-€9te, 2€.-29ct,34!-2595..1€-2905, 56l€916 87.3{55, 7€.3,155, &9.2595, 9-10:25€5, lGl tr3155, l-1113155 2-11.€E 2-1(ts96s, 31E2li. $E .O, 4S25. iEr-965. $7r9E l) Thb tu$ has b€€n doslgn€d br lhe wlnd load! g.neraild by 6{r.0 m.p.h. wlnds rt 25.0 lbet aborc grund lewl, uing 5.0 Ps.t loP chord d€.d lord md 5.0 p.st botiom chotd d€ad b.d, 10O.O mihitrom hrnic.m oc.anln., on ! caiBgory Iad€.d buiHhg, of dinr.mbns 45.O by 24.0 wilh oeoour. C (ASCE 7q!). Lumb€r Incr€as€ - 1 33, Plrtr Incr€as. - 1.3. EoOr .nd vsltclb .r. apo6€d. a Sn,|PSON Hf.5 conn.ciots t conmmdad b connocl tuss b bedng rE[3 dur b uplin s iollon:: (hc connecbr .t jolnt(r) 1. €. LOAD CASE(S) Standld Truss Type ROOF TRUSS VALCOMMON Et u51&536 SPACING 2@ Plab3 lncr€G. 1,0o Lumb.r lncr.G. 1.(D R.PSb€3s h€r No Codc UBC94 DEFL (n) 0oc) Ud.0 V.d(LL) 0.13 t0 g{tg Ver(fL) 0.16 lO g{lt) HotzGL) 0.07 6 n/. Mln LenOl'| / LL dell . 2tO tu $y A wantlrc - verifi, deigt parzmeters znd READ NorES oN TEIS AND REVER E IDE BEF,RE (JsE. tt'93ign velid lor uss only wih Mftd( connocto.s. Thls doslgn i9 bas€d only upon paEr{rlers shown, and is lor an individualblrilding co.npon€m b b€ inslall€d and loaded v€.tically. Apdioability ol dedgn parameters ano proper Inco@o.alirn o{conpone r€ r€lpoisibiftly ol buildhg d€6ignsr - not tnFs dosigner. Bracing ghown is tor latorat slpport ot indivituat ,/6b lIItmsmb€I3 oily. Additional tompotary bEcing to insure stability during con$ructbn is th6 .esponsibitii ol tho orector. AdditioEt E= EEffiHHtitrlffg"*i:fsilt#;,:"'SffHTpsHilil:1ffiLi,ss#,#33H:f#tH ffiItsp.cttlctton' .rd HIB-91 Hmdling In.talllng .nd Br.ch! R.comrEid.tio.r avaitabte trorn Tru.r phta Inrftut.,EOlt O' IlTat hduflt]aa,Onoftlo Drlw, .dl.on, Wl 5t'719 v, 3 cto U, ! oo oz zo o Ptnz oz D9o..)d--ioooo=gr:fo 6'6 8; 9333 F3fr:I i o'5ixsi n;ir eeF isg EFi sgFii$ sg 6 d:.rgr "$ef o-oo o F ii;i *Bag$eg frFei; Eisi* a qa a6' ='oEdb6;-o#g d9oo 8il+.o65.oo. {f B* vo =8(oo.', =aOEfEO oo e-; 8e - o 3 ffi* \rlr = i3E1rill11r[liti TOP CHORO TOP CHORO zc 3oo.t (o q, U, o 3 2 Ii!: gEiiE s i*! -a {td gEg; 33fi gH -t F$g q$9ss Hao!.€ -xE;3 IgE- dr o )< Fz oofortg v,(') o 2 o \lJ (''r 9 F F F F = F s F :J e !,' F !' to - F fig H+F sE 3se F;g E€-'Eas ai asq esi *si --i se j sb =rr 5g = *3 FPd #d s; r iH,Fi is Fis eEigf flfr$ if$g$ $F$ g[$f$ eig,$ 5fr$ Ei E gg E; 5i sF* sq- EF 'r' 5g i;i g=i f,f 4n 'gi s gE* gF , ;i ec *F E$.grig igF+$$F *Fg $*Ef Fg E$gE EsF gF 3 g' rg€r 3g $u$li 3i 11g$ 3[ [u€.* fg-a-_€+ Job E1 Truss HJI I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS atv 4 Ply 1 VAIL COMMON El U5'IE537 , .?+15 l 2'r0{ t}}t | }!.3 | 7-7{ | ll.+l I 19lt llo' Gl!'il l'1o'l l'1o13 +9t b4 , ' '' 1 a.za? A| 4.zct1z sg_ ___AI J___..-,.-__-.- | |tl 3x4= :-aK ll$l , )-:1--' ll-\ ll.l $i \J - " ___/l----'' 'l ^4lt 616= . 7- 4x10= 416 = . 2r1o.r $ll !t+3 ,-r4 , jlrz , ll-.rt 2-roa ofi{ t-tctl r.ro13 0ll-2 }loa LoADlNo (pto TCLL EO.O TCDL 10.0BCLL O.O ECt L 10.0 SPAC|NO 2+O Plab! lncrsr3. l.0O Lumbarlncrsass l.0O Repstcaslncr NOCodr UBG9a cslTC 0.4r BC 0.67 WB O.Ez (MatQ DEFL (ln) (|oc) Yd€n VsrqLL) 0.0711/10 999 Var(fL) 0.@ I lnO 9go Hora(fl) o.Gl 7 rL Min Lsngth, l,! dof = 24O PI.ATES ORIP M20(209a) 149/110 Wlight 57 (lbs) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF t65oF 1.58 BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.sEWEBS 2 X.l sPF stud ERACINO ToP CHORO Shealhed or 4-l-5 on c.nbr purlin spacing, except €nd vodicals. AOT CHORO 1-12€-}{r, lG11:Bo, &9:&3-O, 1 l-12:6€4. 910:6-10, 7€:elo. WEBS 'l RowarnldFt $7 DFC 1 1 1996 REACTIONS (lb6/sL.) 1=2085rG7-12, 7.'t976rG.aE Mrx Hor! 1.310(lo.d 6so g Max Udn t.-288(o.d ca3e 2). 7.-2330oad case 3) FORCES TOP CHORD'f -2-€201, 2€-€CEt8, 14-2194. +5.-19n,*-29,67-?,25 BOT CHORD 7€.1 978, &9r1 974. Sl 0.2953, t Gl 1.2953, l 1 -1 2.2953. 1 -i2-295:!WEBS $l l.€5, }FlGt7, $9.1309, $7.-2510 OTES l) Thb tuss hls b..n d€ltign€d llor he uird loeds g.n.r&d by E( .0 m.p.h. wind3 .t 25.0 fEel abo!,r ground l€vel, usinC 5.O pst bp ctord d6ad lood and 5.0 p.3t botbm .fiord dr.d load, 100.0 m g3liiom hurlcana ooo.nlins, on ! cabgofy I cndoced bundlng, of dimsrEloB 45.O by 24.O rvlth aeo3ure C (ASCE 7-Sl). Lumb.r tncrea3. - l3:l, Pltts Inc|less r l.dl. SoOr .nd vtllhab arc oqos€d, 2) SIMPSON H2.5 connsdoB rosomm.ndsd b corm.3t buss b b.aring ryalls duo b uplll .s follo$!: One connaclo. sl loint(s) 1,7. LOAD CASE(SI 1) Lumb.r |rEr.3.-i.0O, Plais lncrE!€rt.@ Unliom Lo.6 0b3 p€r O Ve|tl -2.-l 60.0, 2€.n 80O, &4--l EO.o, 46*1 EO.o, 5-6.-1 80.0, 7&-20.0, &S-20.0, 9l O-20.0, I Gl I .-20.0, 11-12-?9.O,1.1bQO.O Co cdrmd Loa& 0b6) Vcrtl'€@.l, 2--11)3. 4-310.6, 8r€053, 10*35..1. 12r-15.4 ,*ffir.ffi [_ i 2lzs2 l_ n ^*,w'[f;"ff{*r;m,m:K,y^"J9fl'dlf,,,#ffi ffin'.'p:!#gy^' l\a.,i..^ iglbuildins conponent to b€ instarled and loaded vonbally. Applicaulity ot d€ltgn peramersls and prop€r bco.poEibo ot Ui-. | \$il; --F -+- I flffifmirftdffiittlir$y.,rfir;lEil fl,t'!S!lq'-"*' HEH | \k[s/ fabdcalion, quality control, stofsg€, deliv€ry, €r€ction, and bracing, consutt c|5T€6 Oulllty Standlrd, OSB-S9 Br.cing 3tr1[TlT;ilii*f1 Hmdllns In.t lllns.nd s.acing R.c'om.n€ndatloo avoilablo rrom rrulr ph!.In.flruro, ssit D' IITrk hdurtl.., hc. I ct, 3oo at, .o -oo =oz z E, o P z-{ -_lo2 ffi= *o9o..)d--=oooo=.nffo o 6 6Dg;;q- =o 5'O; d *q*5U; Aasl =$i5E:if Hg6 s o o o l+ --!a^o^s Y-xx --N< =x 9 d'qol= aiq 9*6' gq 6:oo o rlr I iiPf 6 F -'<oxJ Qod s*E.a E=g Ioo gd 5' ilFf -gg$Eg 3tq ;1 Fi3 ;3 i$g :' 6ar *l Ee6 50;o7."b6i .i- O Fg d9oo8;i'o65oo ti3*Jo 8s' =8a9 DO 99. 9-d 8o*o E 3 lll'il - .r. FllfL/ !'r \\dlk > \S. a'tlllrJ = \\ 3l^nA, o Y ;a o oofo -o u,a o zo $v, E45Cod iDdOrr'ro!=ooat9o60 gEcOeg ato ! dtto ii FFH f aggg 3.da g *fii 'r [9F E fr€E4 dB do !,'-- +g 'E6 Jfi E F#ffitHffiffiiiiF#gr$Ti ,d aB" 5 g' ee *F 3g Eu$$i ae {i gF ia htlFutl: Tt- 4cIa -rtI TOP CHORD TOPCHORO zc 3oo =. =(o U, v, o 3 2 ii!: giiiE s i*!r lii; 3 3fi E= Fxs qg 9rs da;!e -xH;3 ;gE- B 9 R Fz 1 .a+r5 | }C1 F.to.l 'O2 |&915 2+l Orr! 11-t. 4.24w. T $l Itrylt9l101 PIITES GRIP M20(209.) r4!Y110 W.ight 26 0bo) LUMBER TOF CHORO 2 X6 SPF 1650F 15E aoT cHoRo 2X6SPF 1650F 1.5EWEBS 2 X.f SPF Stud BRACINO TOP CHORO Sh€alh€d ot &O0 m cenbt purlin spacing. BOT CHORO l-7:&10, e7:S10, $6:6-?{. REACflONS (b/siz!) l.lm7tr7-12, sr317/G3€, 4121 l/tlSE Max Hort l--18o0o.d cas€ O Mar Uplifi I '-l 70(lod case 2), *-260€d crsa 2), 4=€4(toad c|3o 2) FORCES ToP GHORO 1-2.€6,2€.€9, $4112 8OT CHORD t64{{t. e-7!€r4E, t-7,646WEBS 2-7'-20, 2{r.696 l'IOTES 1) Thb t|I3r hls b€€n ch.ck3d tor unbalsnc.d lo.ding conditons about ioint 4. 2) Thls ttrts hs b€.n d€lgmd for th. wlnd l0.d3 gen€|.H by EO.O n.p.h. windr at 25.O t€€t ebo\rB ground lr.l, 6in9 5.O ps.t bp .trord dod load and 5.0 ps.f bottom chod d.ad bad, 100.0 miles lion huricanc oc..nlin!, on . cabgofy I cnclo3.d bullding, ot dlinensions 45.0 by 2zlo with elgcr.rrc C (ASCE 7-Sr). Lumboi IncEac. - 1.81, PlaL lnc..as. . 1.4t. Bolh .nd wdbals rr€ 6!eo.ad. 3) SIMPSON H2.5 connosbE a€commondod to connect tu*r b b€adng rElb dua b uplill .3 follo{vs: Ono connecior at tsin(s) I , 4, 5, LOAD CASEIS) l) Lumb€f hcr.as6-1.@, Pb Incr.$€-1.00 Untlbn Lord3 0bs p.r fD V.ttl-2:1E0.0. 2-3*180.0, 3.{*l8OO, 54*20.0, &7*-2O.0. l-7:20.0 Conoonfrrt d Load3 (lbE) V.rtl-50{r.t, 3.-130.E. 6.-15.4 Oic 1 1 t996 h, vnnut'tc ' verifi delgzr paranaets aad READ NorES oN THIi AND MvERsE |IDE BEF1M usE. Design vafit tor u5€ onv with If* conneciors. This design is based only utbn paramelels shown, and ls lof an individuslbuilding componenl lo b€ install€d and loadad vertically. Appllc€bility ot disiln parameters ano prop€r inco@oralbn ot rffifli1i,1",3.:Hiil'illfl,l,:1ils,:fl3i:';l?:'l,i;,ifi,ffi;1H1fl*"J,1,;yl'ffi,ff'ff""l,"*11:f"'.",ffii.*, gll r,Tffi:lfff;lH:fs1ffii:"*:#rsf;Jff":;l:tli't1+ffitfijs:ffi,.rHriJ"#iH ffiItsp.cltcat|on'.nd HIE-91 H8ndling Inltalling.nd Br.clng Rccommon.Ltloo avaitabte trom Tru.. ptrt Instltut.,Eo3 D, ItTak Indurldcr, Inc,Onoarlo Drive, Madlson, Wt 5:|7t9 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS VAILCOMMON E1 U51853E sPAClt{o 2N Plab3lncr.rs€ 1.q) Lumb.rlncroas. l.0O Rep Sboss Incr NO DEFL (n) (|oc) Ud.0 V6ri(LL) 0.01 2 999 V€rl(tl-) O.0l 2 999 Hor:(lL) o.qt 5 nh Min L.ngth / LL doi . 2/O 28252tr tub,;ffi# =v,t< OJ 9Crdo = cf, z0 o =a|lz =oz {* X -= =; o'':lo < O F 6"-1){x;;, :+=lJ ll ru,;ar^q'u =:a\ = t, -xJo;u 5 fi=!a+o: = +L- =llfrI*-i;xfiR d.<= :' *1 9e;- ;Bd'i;: Isi:1 o.* - --N3 =od iigH8: :OE Fs B a; g eg' 6;.53= sBB-q- RS o o st=Ixn ir BgH$Eg ;3t $i6-;5 =9:s; si 3f! t idd; Ioa Qa6.it 5'o =u'.,, o O= ^oooo-oo .Ac o {i 33 =oj'o(oov, =.a9 Eel 9-a 8s :- @(-Y@f 3 I a) \J =F0 Fts o Si:bs85 Si 2 rig== t 3 :iii Ed: ci i 3rgi9nu dE Ilsli *,i' ; i l5gis : d lig?o @ ; o- boe 6 = ;FF gr z-r rlr o 5 lXTn ( tIltrf i \ ELrf\ 6 \: *t o z C 3oo =.f,(o q, C', o 3 voofo n ; 19 7 r{l 7' g'rc" ; d F = 6 P P :., e s, F !, N .- E gfl HF5 fl5 il34 ;i5 Ei- Ea5 s$ a;g Es; 3;; 5 tlF ie ;H{ i E , iE .E3 qE ;iE i€i $4 {as if igi FE$ $gf B.$ ;i# 'i gfif ff, a +s €* Fe ai3 gA6 gi aEfi gg qC; d;9.*; F: *+3 s EsE 3q g 5f, 14 fi =su srEss 3F i$gFF gg$ fri 68';3 g5fli gF-;i f; a; ;fl ep ;g $F 5+ $$$ i$E lF ;' ig sRiE si ' 4 gi "g ss 36 es 3F gH [i$ ra n$sg li F F;+ 'flF d3 - 15 a 3e3 _EF qg 4'E' fi-g*r<+ C'I TOPCHORO TOP CHORD $FiflI, i -ldlnl lsl LoAIINO (pr0 TCLL @.0 TCOL 10.0BCLL O.OBCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF I65OF 15E BOT CFTORD 2X4 SPF Stud REACTIONS 0bcrsizo) 1.665 l.$8,*3110-!4,2=274o5.a Max Horr 1.-l800oed 6s O Mu Udin I -€3(load cas. 3), 2-550€d Cass 3) FORCES TOP CI|ORD l-2.-137 BOT CI{ORO l-3.0 NOTES 1) Thb t|I3s h.3 boon chod(€d ftf unbalanc.d lo.dlng conditioN rbouljoir 2. 2) Thl3 tsu33 hr3 b..n d€sign€d lor lhe wlnd b.d3 l|en€|atgd by 60.0 mp.h. winds rt 25.O f€st .bo/. ground lev€|, using 5.0 p.s.L bp chord dcad lo.d lnd 5.0 p.t.t botlom chord de.d b.d. I mO mil.. Itom hunicam oc.rDlino, on r 6t€9ory I snclGed building, of dim.nslo|E 16.0 by 24,0 wih oxposuto C (ASCE 7€3). Lumber Incrcasa - 133, Phtl Inct .s. - '1.33. Boft frd wlbab l'. GDqo6.d. 3) S&TPSON H2.5 conn€dol! r.commgtded b conn€ct tws b b.adng wdb duc to udm as fbllowr: One conn€ctot .l loin(s) 1 , 2. LOAD CASE(S) St ndad 96 ERACINO TOF CHORD Sh€alhed of AO.O on csnt$ pudin spadng. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dks€ty appliad, or 1G0G{10 on ocd.r btacing. D VAILCOMMON EI U51E539 Truss Typo ROOFTRUSS DEFL (n) 0oc) Uds! Vort(LL) 0.01 1B 999 VenCIL) 0.01 1E 999 HorzoL) 4.0O 2 tl. Min kngth / LL defi = 2rO PLATES CRIP M20(209a) 149fl 10 W.lght 14 (b.) SPAC|NO 2{X) Pl.b3 lncrcas. l.00 Lumb€rlncr€ala l.0o Rcp St ca Incr l.lctCod. UBCrt l HrE ;{dpa;i A VeAltfne - Veifi deign parametcrs aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFOM USE. Oeglgn valid lor usg only wllh MII€k conn€ctors. This d€sign 18 b89€d only upon parameters shown, and is for an indivldual bullding componenl lo bo Installod and loed€d venjcalv Applicability ol dgsign paramsters and proper incoDoration ol co.iponor is r€spoosibllity ol buidiog design.r - not truss dosignor. Bmcing ghown is lor tateral s|rppo,t ot individuat w€b lfII memb€rs only. Adltion€l l€mporary bracing to hsur€ stabilily during conslru.iion is tho rBsponsiblity ot the oredor. Addtionst E== EE f'ffi:f ffS,';1**ifffJ":T#fi,:"HffHlfllY"l',1*ljfJl,lf.ii%11;i,ii8ffj:1,3:'3:Uil?#H fillfsplcriclilon, .nd HIB€i Hlndling lnlt.lllng rnd Brlclng R.comm.nd.tlon availabl€ lrcm Tru|. pt.tr Insthuto, -583 D' IITrk Indurlrl.3, lnc. Onofio Driv!, H.diton. Wl 53fl9 =u,I< OJ90do ;U,zI o3inz =oz ffi. I E9="8oooa3;;qo 6'60R;;O =o5(0 x g BgxJoxI: d5g+o: agf*r*ii; egf s' ooc o o Qeaj ;Bar;*< 3s-: fr$$$i$ g; sFi o o i it;i *BgElEF frFgii ;rg 33 Ea= ** o=ox+650xo =."b6itTodi 0.9uo8; ='o€=.oo t5il*rO fsO=i.5(ooU'=a9po8; C-A Po o E o ffi* \ilr =itrItrlllEl ;io TOP CHORO TOPCHORO zc 3(t o =.f(o v, v, o 3 fiiisi; aEE$s i*! -l {tE gE8; s *fi E;.-| F$s q$ ?sg dsg:s itE- tl I R6Iz >,7oo =o a CI,cq z e1 /A\9 s F t" F = 6 9 I :'. 9 l, | !, tr :- R aH fig 38 3g g F# 3A i3'E 'Fi Ei F; $des"3A €gd_€.€ 6.oohz T I -ldl*l Il9rt9t-cr Co lll ' PLATES ORIP M20C20sr) 149110 Wdght 29 0bs) LoADINO (pr0TCtt EO.O TCDL lO.OECLL 0.0 BCOL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 80T CHORO wEas REACTIOI{S FORCES TOP CHORD BC'T CI-IORD wEas NOTES 2 X 0 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2X4SPFStrd 2X4SPFSrd (bc/stse) 1=959/ll$8,3.26lnL$a iior fbn l-18o0oad cG. q Mrx Lrpm l*720oad casa 3) 1-2.€19 1€r3ol 2€-€el BRACING TOP CHORO Sh€elhed or e@ on cenl€r purlln sprdng. BCrT CHORD 13:e3{. 1) Ihb tus h€r b.6n dtocl(6d ft,r uDbaLnc.d loading condiiims .boditr 2. 2) Thb trus has b..n dcslgnod iot lhe wind loads generatrrd by 8O,O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 fr3t abow gfound l.vd. uslng 5.0 p.s.f. top chord d.ad tocd and 5.0 p.s.l botbm chord d€.d lold,1m.0 mil€ llom hwrlc.n ocanllnc, on . catsgory I sncto.€d hJilding, ot dlmon:ions 45.0 by 2a.O wiur iqocurc C (ASCE 7-Ct). Lurnb.r Incros.. 133. Plalo Incr..3e - 133. BoOr end wiicalr are qoccd. 3) SIMPSON t12.5 connsclors Fcommcnd.d b connecl trr33 b b€aring rralb dus b uplift ar bllorvs: On€ conn€cbr !t Joint(s) 1 . LOAD CASE(S) St ndard DEC '.l 1 t996 Truss Type JACK TRUSS VAILcoMMoN El U51E540 toffi,{# SPAC|NO 2U Plat ! lncrca!. l.0O Lumb.t lncra3a i.(Il R.o St ss Incr IilOCrdc UBq94 DEFL (n) (oc) Uddl Vetl&L) 0.1 I 1/:l 500V.r(IL) 0z' 1/3 40oHor.([) 0.00 3 ry'. Min Lcngth / LL dell r 2]o A WNXWC . VIifi dCSigT PAMMACTS ANd READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFOM IJSE.D€sign valid kt tFe only with LlJI€|( conn€ctoG. This design i6 bas€d only upon parameteB snown, and is for an indivi(fualbuilding compons to b€ installed and loadod v€rtic€lly. Atplicabillty ot dilign pirameters and prope. incoDora on ot f#9,:":f,'...fff'ffi,T%il,1*fl3ff#T',#:T,ii,i,iiil,?l;"#Tf^iLi,-,1;31$ff"ifl"1;:Hif^ffi"*, llll ffiFi:iTi!1"!,$l:f,4::T#;:xll"J4H:..jy",:l,l;::iiff't%+Tf?,Li,fi#,,i1"3:,su3JT:iiti ffir3lFcrncelFn. ano tlll}'r l|tndl|ng hat.lllng and Bracing Recomh.ndallon availabte tro.n Tau33 ptatc hslltuia, -sa3 o, IlTat hdualtlx, hc.Onofdo Hvq l|tdLor|. Wl53710 =u,l< 5J 3CI 9=o;v,z E, o3ttlz =oz {* 3 6;5l,', oerffo : o 6 60Fg;;qY+oio;ntSa Hro;:: ''5Y+o: r*ii;xxk 6- ..= Y * -- :1 ^ -^-a R.--to < =Y:!:o -Y:'{:x9N:vHo RS(o tu o o rlr t iiPf 6;:oxJ o oE !to ='oo; o-'F F!"5o oo' ='T4,9 5' s.5=ixu $F BgH$ig ffir ii ?$f :$aar g a qa; "- 6' 7.J' lt, o o'a 6d ='-o {53*rO sg' =H(oo a9 DOB; C-A - lKTn tr F{IE! \ Eut\6 \=- o >-voofo !-ltl ;o $ v FI TId9. 5C .9d6d O-!o !=ooa{9o69 g-dcO:e U,o ! oEo+ ii iF*J l.roI *g€a :.(6 6g 3.da6 Qo+I so-E = *o =5 6QE := FE8 @ - XrF's E:54 aBao !,.- =R s6 -! E F ii,ii ii $i$ F#$F Eii i$ igi $i$'iFffi ryi*ry cg ii gg '#6g $i ii $fg ,gg iiff ii IFiffi, TOP CHORD TOP CHORD zc 3c'o =.J(o at, U, o 3 2 Ii!: iEi;Es i;! E I iSt s ;fi g; SSa oBFR: 3B O'-!'283 eEo!-€ -i R -".r q Y'doU o d_t\)(, cr t\)20 co 9 8Iz Job E1 Truss T01 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS oty 2 Plv 1 VAILCOMMON El U51E541 $11{t! t{ ,xlot . ?-1O1t I t$t . z!!o I '-rDfi ,.r'fi '-rDrr Pla!! ofird 0q!: ll o{x,,oqtl, [s:(L2{,Ooq :+o $1t{ T 6.00'2 u€= - r ,l1 zK/ \NlE * 5xi0= 4x4= 3x5 = 4x5 = 5 LOADll,lO (pr0 TCtl EO.OTCOL rO.OBCLL O.OBCDL 10.0 SPAC|NO 2gPbt6lncrea!. l.@ Lumborlncr€asa t.0O Repstssslncr iloCode UBC94 cslTC 0.61ac 0.96wB 0.31 DEFL (in) 0oc) Ud€0 V.d(LL) O21 716 909 vc (rL) o3O ZB 926rbzcl) O.10 5 dr Min Longih / LL de[ . 240 PLATES GRIP M2o(209a) l4g110 Wdght 9t (lbs) i ''l 'i 1 lgg0 LU!'BER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF 1650F t.sE BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF teroF 1.5EWEBS 2X4SPFStudoTHERS 2X4 HF r,fitiv WEITGE Ldt2X4,Right2X4 REACIIONS 0b6rsiz.) 1.26EEq$8,5.2329$3100npd: O€{) M.x Horz 1=970o.d ca3. O MrI Udilr I .-22006d c.s. 4. 5*1 7t (lo.d casc 4) FORCRS TOP CHC,RD 1-2--366'1, 2€.€O&4. 3--4-31(rl, +5-36EE BOT CHORD *3251, 67-2217, 7&.2217, 1&3219WEBS 2{r€16, }ErSgO, }6.1@0, 4-6.-&15 BRACll,l(l TOP CHORD Sh.alhed o.11€ on Gtnler purlin sp.cing. BOT CHORD l€d3-0, 7-6:6.aO, &7SlO,5€93{. NOTES 1) Thls btss has.been d€slgned bt th! wind lo.dt g.!|orrbd by EO.O m.p.h. vrlnd! !t 25.0 lbot rbor. ground lcml, u3ing 5.0psJ. bP chord doad load .nd 5.0 p.s.t botbm chod de.d lo.d, 1 OO.O milel ftom hunlcan oc..ntini, on r c.tto.y Imdc€d building. of dlmemions t6.O by 24.0 r.dh 3)eo3ure C (ASCE 7€:t). Lumb.r Incr.$. . t .31t, Pbb Incrclsr . I .3|. B.dr ond \€ icab !r. a$|cad. 2) SIMPSON lE.s connoclors r€commendod b conrccl luss !o bering v{alb duo u uptift es foliom: orrr €onnocbr !t loin(s) 1, 5. 3) Rrquhsd b6rhg stse at lolnt(9 5 gr€atsr than Input b€.ring slz.. LOAD CASE(S) St ndafd ffiffi \ei zsasz i:no€6i9n valrd lor use only riitn Mfiek'conneaors. this dosign rs based onty ,pon p"."rnet"," "no*t, and is for an Indivtduat lqO^1. f,Atbuildiflg compononl lo be installEd end load€d venicatly. Atpllcabrt[y ot design parameters and prolEr incoEoratrcn ot I q +..-.'.^ ..r (i F r$#;"jf,:^T;1,*j1[Jl,l*1l3,*13'i:i;1":'ffiffi"1ilft?n:iff[T[frj"J",$"'""$1,ff"f,fl"1*i11;1fi""" llll | \qsrl.;:::Iis'r' trffifiTilT['"",,,.li:ffl:'il?#",:"'Xffi::l]?',}";l:B::lf't'"+Tf?,li;fftii"".i'.!lfll?i"3i#li ffiIt I XHff iffijii*,lilff iLllr ]landlhg In.lalllng and Br.cins Roconmrnd.llon availabte trom r'u.. pr.r. tn.flrur.. -583 o' IlT.t hdurtrl.., Inc. I U' 3oo U, !F nl oo oz zo o-lnz oz w. r+ EY+3oooa.nffo 6'8 8; 93336.dgqR5U;: I d5 ril35 F*i8 eeF s oo o o FEg EF 3 F$F$i$ed' 6 a58i c8E-g- '83o !l5 =r; goH gt 9!r* =6:9 $i =!ta:t3 o,op Ax 5 i$,,iFe seEgs t5ilsrO gs' FEU'=a9 DOEig)d 8so ilr o = b ,F|t-ttrl=(,traat,- \\- -a-trE- D \t\rtft \ - \L rn1ilts = \\ PuA6 V= 9o i#3rill1ptr' TOP CHOBO TOPCHORD zc 3(t o =.J(o U, U, o 3 giiii s i:!: i r!8 gEE; * 3fi g; -l F$s q$ 3g$ dqg:s IgE- di ; E Fz b7oo3oEt g. q, o It v \t. (.,^ EE=c^9oi6d O-nio !=ooat9o60=cgdtrOeP gao ! ottoa Fir-r$Fg ifl E flin Aa q frEsi[ $ Fi; o:c € 9 6 i 6 F = F s P r e s' 5 R aH €g 3[ 39 c g* $; e3'g 'dE$E*fg €g-al (,, N , tri-t I .+3 | ta9o I zt-r.tt I 27+10 | !3,ta | !t& I!r,r.r r+!tr 6,00l12r+t3 5-.1! r+.r! rfla 2.oo 5x6 tt c @ l(Do T I *l EI El It@ldT ct 3x5, 4x6, 4 3x5 \ 74 /t I 't3 3x5 = 12 11 6r€= 5x10 = ]t.a Hdr AIEati fr.Y): nol€,oGol. 1901€,0+ql. [r r0.(}o,(I3q LoADlNo(p30TCLL 80.0TCOL 10.0BCLL O.OBCDL r0.O LUMBER TOP CHORO BOT C}IORT) wEas OTHERS WEDGE REACTIONS FORCES TOP CHORD BC'T CHORD WEBS NOTES 2X6SPFr550Fr5E 2 X4 SPF 2lqrF l.EE BRACINO TOP CHORO AC'T CHORD WEBS2 X 4 SPF Strd 'E (c.pf 12€2X4SPFt650F1.5E 2X4HFr,rririv L.fL2X4,Right2X4 (lbsrslzc) l.6alo4rG$8, 93€64ro.tt2 onput GtE) Max Horr l*1230cd cas. 4 Mu Uplin 1*242(load casa 4), *-2910oad caso 4) 1-2-€686, 23--5046, A4!€5EE, +F3588, 5€--35ltE S7r-35E8, 7€=-5O46, &&€686 $1o.4996, lGll-420o, 11-12.42@, l2-13.42m, 1-13.4S6 2-1y-7 17. !13-762, 3-1?,-1 425, $12=212, 7 -12*1 425, 7-1b762, &1F7'l 7 Shsath€d or 2-eg on csntrr purlin splclng. 'l-13:S3{, 12-13:&3{, 11-12:&30, 1011:6-}0, 910:6-gl. 1 Rovv.tmfdFt !12,12-7,12.5 irtc 11 1996 1) Thls tsuss has b.on dBignsd tbt lho wind losd3 9sn6Et6d by 80,0 m.pJ|, winds !t 25.0 bot .bov€ ground hv.l, using 5.0 P.tt bp rfiord ded hed and 5.0 Ps.t botbm chord dsad lo.d. 100.0 rniles frotn hurican€ oc..nlino. on a c.bgofy I .triosad building. otdimensbm 4li.O by 24.O wfih oeo6u.. C (ASCE 7€3). Lunber Incr.rs. . 1 .3, Plata lncrcso r 13:1. SoOr.rd w'dc.b a'€ eos.d. 2) SIMPSON H2.5 conDcctors Ecommonded io conn cl tus !o b.rdng wdb duc b uplift as follo$!: Ono conn€ctor rt join(s) 1,8. 3) Rcquirad beadng lhc .thin(s) I gf.ater thln lnput b€aring slz.. L9AD CASE(S) Stmdard Truss Typ€ MOD. OUEEN VAIL COMMON EI SPACING 244 Plal6lncr.as€ l.0O Lumb{lncrqrs€ 1.0O Rep Sb.3s lrcr NOCod. t BC94 DEFL 0n) (oc) Udo,l Vo.l(LL) 038 l1l10 oSlt Vs fiL) O.rl8 | 1/10 E:B Horz(IL) 0.19 I nh Min L.ngift / LL dei - 2/O PLATES GRIP M20(209a) t49110 Woisht t4rl obr) A wanuntc - verifv dtsign parzmcters and READ NorES oN THls AND REaRSE IIDE BEF7M usEuqign valld lor use ollly with MII€a( connoctoag. This desiF i9 b€s€d only l4on palamebrs shos,n, and is lor an indivuu€lbui|dingcofpon€nttobeingta||€dand|oadedvonica|VApp|icab|lityo|di!$g;dramel6'sandp'operinco.porationof cofiponenl i9 rosponsibilily ol building designsr - not truss designs., B.acing shown is for laterat suppo.t ot individual ,r/ob lf lfm€mbers only Additional tempotary bracing lo Insuro stability du ng constriction is tho rosporlstbitii of the er€ctor. Additonat E:= EE HHffill:lfrll'"T",'lifffJ""jHfl1l:"'*,f:5l:T'JyJ',:B::lii'tgT,'[1i;i#siliil'il'33Hif#[ili ffiIEsp.cnic.tloo' .n.t Hl8-91 H.ndling ln3t lllng.nd Erdng Rccomm.nd.tion avaitabte trcm Tru.r p||b In.titub,-f,!3 D, IlTat hduttrlaa, lnc,Onotrb Odr'e, I.rti.on, wl 5:t719 HH *g{ =?t" ""sgq F *oool t.,' .f f o = i6igiHl*e 6e.gi;12 =Eii ag; n b,7oofort o CNo $ zn \1,(i Eg3CPd6d Cl -r.ro "l'=ooat9o69 3dcOao-coo.! ot'o:1 $i$-F*Fg Efl E $3fi *d q frE-j:3 3 F.q3;H 8 E6 d9 96EFF=e-sP:''er,'5 F 3s #si Fi sg* g8i FsFFt i$ i$fl $Eg $gg fgi i; =;g g; F;€ {''l rq EHe s E F$ Ef 3s *fa n5E B$ *F; +r iFi gsi ni iE'ui ae ry $g s$ i$ $$ f+ $$H '*g $F B$e aF 3 g. fiq *= 'g 69 fti+ 3i ia;a€ '= '3 : E-;; r':oq o ag i8e siii +::a^ 6;!OlBr R --,\:< :Y 9; q n3t:E6' dl 9!- .- sJ xo 8q6ioo ilr I qE # E *=59ob !ao -'Qo6. EeBoo gn 5' iitFg*rf,ElEg tFeii rfisl' 3 96.a6'5'o FfR6: '\- o;g a9oo 8d.-'.o€soo {53*to 8B' *s16o;q oo dE' =='c* 8eo E o 7;'o ffiH \ iltffi@@ iFFffi, TOP CHORD TOPCHORO z C 3uo =. (o U, U,...+o 3 giiii s i?!: $ 15E gIE; 3;H :; Fss q$ 9rS dro!.o*xg;3 ;g5- * 9I Fz Job EI Truss T03 Truss Type MOD. OUEEN qv 5 PV 1 vAlLcoMMoN El U518An:i a ue F:l{q| }r f ri.+3 | t}}O , Zz.t.t! | 27.}!0 | 3r4a I ttGO I2Oa tlt-t 'a-13 t!...t! t+tt trrtt tlla :.OO 6.oom' 5x6 rl 5 ffit 3x5 \ 6 4)6\ @ l(b-6 1 Ir'r I EI 'l It@l3i 24\ 2 h4 z, 8 13 36=12 11 6)€= 5x10 = 10 3r5 =7x12= Platr Ofssb 0(,Y): f :Gl4.O4-q. [9:Gr{,O{r-Ol, llr:CC0,$S6l sPActttto 240 Plabilncrsasr 1.0O Lumb.rlncreaaa 1.OO R€p St.33 hcr iloCode UBq94 DEFL 0n) (loc) Ud€iVerlct) 03811/10 999 Ve]l(rL) 0..18 t1/10 Al:}lbzGl) 0.19 I n,b Min Lsngtfi / LL d€fr . 2.O LoADlNc lploTCLL @.0TCOL 10I)BCLL O.OBC{L 10.0 LUMBER TOPCHORO BOT CHORD WEBS OTHERS WEDGE REACTIOITIS FORCES TOP CHORD 80T CHORO WEBS ItoTES 2X6SPF16!nFt5E 2 X 4 SPF 21@F l.EE 2 X 4 SPF Stud 'Exc.pf 12-52 X 4 SPF 1650F t.5E 2X4HFrJrfliv Ldt2X4,Rlght2X4 (tr*tbLc) 1€6e{/C$12 (nptt O.9€), 9-3664/0S12 onput Max Hoz |..$)(loed caso 2) irlx Uplift 1--29l0od crs.4),9r-291(oad crs.4) PI.AIES ORIP M20(209.) 1il9i lO Wdght trlT 0b!) BRACINO TOP CIIORO Sh€lH or 2-e9 on cantrr pudin !p.dng. BOT CHoRD 1-1 3:AnO, l 2-1 3:&1O, 1 l -1 2:SlO, l Gl l S€{, 9.1 0:6-3{r.WEBS 1 Rorfl.t mid$ +12,126,'2-s os€) DEC 1 1 1996 l -2.€566, 2-3--5O't6, 3z|'{046, +5-€566. $-35E6,67.-5046, 7{-5046, S-h56Eo $10-4!X,6. lGl t.il2oo. ll-l2.4il@, 12-13.4200. 1-13.4995 2-1y7 17, +1y7d4 +12*116, 112-221 1, E1t-1{E;5, 6-1b762, &lF-l 17 A wauue vcrifr dtsipr parametcrs axd READ NorES oN THI| AND REwRsE ,IDE BEF1M usE. D,g€ign valid lor use only wllh ItII€k connecto's. This d66ign is based only upon paEm6l6.s shown. and is lor an individualbullding co|'ponsr|t to b€ insielted ard loaded vertically. &dicabitity ol d€silrn drameters end p'opgr inoorporaribo of 1!lTen! f ryeTb ily ot burldrng dosigner - not truss designer. B.acing shown is lor tat€rat support ol indivltlal webm€mb€rs only. Addrlional t€mporery blaclng to insur€ stability dudng construclbn is th€ responsibility ol th6 eroctor Additionalp€rmanenl bracing ot tho ove€ll slructuG is tlo .asponsibllity ol th€ building ale6ign€r. For g6n€.al guldarrce aegardinglab.icatron. qlality conlrot, slolage. (btiv.ry. erection, and t'Iachg, congr t CjSrcO Ouentv Srnaari. OSB-SO d.rctn;sp.cltic.tion, lnd HIB'91 |Lndling In.t lling.nd Brelng Rccoor|f.n.trtion avaitabte trom Tlud p|!t. h. rd..-s"$ D. IITOnoldo tr}!, $.di.on, |Y| 53719 l) Thb t|r3s ha3.b.en dGign€d fot lh. r'vtd loeds gcn.taied by 60.0 m.pi. win& rt 25.0 tr.t abor. gfound bvd, u3ing 5.0 Ps.t lop-chotd-. dcad load and 5.0 ps.f botiom chod d.!d hrd, 100.0 mll€s fton hunic.nc occanlhi, m s cetrgory | rnclos.d buildlng, ot dlmansions t15.0 by 24.0 with oqosur. C (ASCE 7€:t). Lumb.r Incf.aso . 1.33, Pbb hlreare '133. Bodr and rtdicab ffe opo8 d. 2) SIMPSON tes cotlfi.cbc t€comm.nd.d b connrd tusc b b.aring vr.lls drr b udm !r fdloyvs: Ono conrrcbr * lolnt(g 1, 9. 3) R€qulnd b..dng s'E6 .t Join(s) 1 , I gr.lbr th.n Inpin b€aring sE€. LOAD CASE(SI Sbndard $ar,#--'ltrt -ta-t rtiltl rk lndurlrl.r, =q,t< OJ306o ; tr, z(, o E z oz r+g99oorlooooa.rrffO 6'8 6;g;49- i34{ R 3'U;.{ I6'5g+o: FEE; xP5.8 eg6 s oo o o 9ee EH:i.8r xi3 ;fr5 [;iFes s; ged 6;5 B-F "g[ J @*oo i irFg,*Fiii a$si' + saa6'j'o Ffb6: ^-oo1 0.9oos; 9=.oo tl 33fO gg' =86ov,=a9 !oB; =='e* 8eo - a o ffiH \rlr - im1El1Etii TOPCHORO zc 3oo =.f(o C" Ur o 3 fiEigi ;EEEEs i:! = i r3E g iE; 3 ;fi EI F$s s$ 3gs dqg;$ ItE- dt ; 6 R z Fig ti iEF 'gi F FH.g:-5 I ='6;'af, s f,qdoe < ogRa; € frEq:* fr d.q3;^ij I -!6 6(D 96;r"F=-sP:{e!'F 5 ss Fef ai les gEf Ei ggg n; i$fl $Eg $E$ F$ g Ff, Ef ig sfru fl*--F fss g'$ $5E $iE'flgeF 'ry a* ii ic ,*$i$ $$fi ggg '+g $1ff { = '= 1 P;- I5'd'q o ag A&e s:il :.7oo:to 9. U,r) \l, 7 7 c4 Bd JC -Pdi0a Orr!o !=ooa{9o E85ocOqg aho ! o 1Jo J.ob EI Truss T04 Truss Type MOO. QUEEN otv E Plv 1 VAILCOMMON E1 U51E544 100 $rr{ r5n tuenqqlr 3.3(pasagzo 19!t5 M|T€K IndusDe3.Inc. Tu€ o8c tooT;31:391 F-:!{3--+,----,-- Elaa I rl+! t 'ICCO | 2ar.!r I 2'.GIO | }!.}O . lt-+ll 5|+ll t+tt t+tt tt,t{ 6.00 t'r2' 5x6 ll - "' 5 7x12=3x5 =618 = 5x10 = 3x5 =7x12= . ]t-t2 . l&e.o ,.r... rr..ajr-12 Dt { }r{ }r.,t2 ftrr. O|b.t3 oqD: ll$r€.Ooq, I9S1€.0{{1, 11 1 :ofi ,G3El LOAI INO (proTCtt EO.oTCI,L 10.0BCtt o.oECDL rO.O SPACTNO 2+O PLi.a lncr,r.x i.00 Lumb.rlns€ala 1.00 R.p St63lrE a.loCodc UBC.194 cslTC 0.59 BC 0.91wB o.6E DEFL (h) (bc) Yd3fl V€rqtl) O.3811/1O 99PV.I(TU 0.4E11110 E:Xl H,ortOL) O.tg 9 ry'. Min Lsnglh, I don - 2/O PLATES ORIP M20(2O9.) l/t9/110 W.lght 144 (|bo) LUMEER TOP CFbRO 2 X6 SPF t650F rsE BC,T CHORO 2 X4 SPF 2100F l.EEWEES 2 X4 SPF Sttd'ExccoF 12€ 2 X.l SPF t 65OF 1.5€oaERs 2x4 HF t ftivWEOGE bft2X4Rigttt2Xa REACITONS (hs/stso) 1.366aI0$,12 Cnpur G$!).9-3004/0-t8 Max Horz l.iz3(loed clr€ 3) Mer Uplll 1r-291(load cuc 4), F242(o!d c.!.4) ERACttrto TOP CHORD Shsrlh.d o. 2+9 on c.nbr purlin rpacing. 8OT CHORD 1-13:6+0, '12-13:e3-O, I1-12$30. IGl l6+{t,9-10:6-$tl.WEBS 1 Row |t mltpt +12,124,12-5 !;--r I 1 1996 FORCES TOP CIIORD t-2r-56E6,2€..5q6, },/F5o46, 4{.-3588,5€.-3sss, e7-€046, 7{-{O4{t, &915666 aCTTCF|oRD +1O.49s6, iGl1..12cfl', 11-12-42@, 12-13142@, i-t3l4rxt6WEBS 2-1*-7 17, +1y762. +12*1425, $1&i2t 1, 812-1425, &.10.76A, &i0--7i z NOTES 1) Thb trr3s h.t_b..n.de{9n.d tbr tho wind load3 gen.r.bd by EO.O m.p.h. windr .t 25O frd ebow ground lswl. uslng 5.0 P.!.t bp-chotd d..d lo.d rnd 50 p"!.f bolbm chod dcad load, I (b.O mil€ froor hurlc.nr oceanlhc, m e catagory l-cnclc.d buildlnf, otdrn nsbn! {5.0 by 2rt.Owtth.lgoru!. C (ASCE 7-gt), Lumb€r Inc;3ar r 1.3. P|1trg Incrcrsr -13. Bdr fid wrucrls rr. egG.d. 4 Sn PSON tP.s coonccbrs rccommond.d b conn.cl tus b b.aring vr.lb du. b uplft 13 follor,F: Ono conn.cw !t loin(s)t.9. 3) Roqdrrd b..?bg sts d Johq3) 1 gr.abr thrn inpd b.sring str.. lOeO CnSelSl StnO|,C ffiffi \eir 282s2 3,rX ffil',["#3:H:,T[T'LililT;Tffi,;;]*iffi,Effi,i'"i1"ry#;"T,:il:f:"Tffij*$"J,:il#dj]4d;;r -'- __. | \ft.'",,.-^_-..."f.+9/ flfrTtH'"111Y"f,,?i,11l3,:f3i:';Jli"'lilifil,',j],T;?',i,tl,3iili,",lli$:f$i,,'##;:1,fi::i"*, gEt | \*ofti*y F#l"J:if"1ili..T.1*i"J;i"1T'i:",1ji,:"J*fi::11?ly,:',:;"::lli'T;+Tl'[::;iijSffiLlijlil!?J"S*ilX ffiII I \{Jig ;ffifi:iJ::"^ljri:fi:r Htndlins In.trlllr€.nd B'lclns R.commdtd.tlon availabl€ lron r.u.r Pr.r. Llltlrrur., -s8:r D IlT.t lndurlrl.3, Inc. I =v,:< 5J9o o=O ; cr, z0 oa z oz D OO.'6--ioooo=offo o66'! g33F ft3$:U j.'r-=e.q;i =9iiqg#so<' s oo a. oo *ePd :oa R --ro< 3= I d"qF3;:E 6 nt t2. - PSo*oo o F a 5 ={irlii rrt ,3Fiiig$g Erg i3 9; dd= * P o-96 =6'='oFfi6d 6'n;= agqo 8a-o€5.oo {5il*to sd 3g(oovt =-aQ oo ub' 9-d 8socI o 3 ffi* \ oo =ort o at,o o ? f1 CI c^ EE3co6 iDd O-r-o1t=ooa{9o69 EdcO€g a,o ! dtoa ai gs$ F Eggg 3.da6 Qo+3:83 9 HgEi deB g H3go pr +I -!6rd E 3, O h'!: ='o-oao5'o o ;APqe r ;g: g8 -J>d 68 3ef=oqda, 8qoo 6q)-o l Oc t..-idt.8 5g dd 6- _{. eE t+Fq_6 i6--rl5Ogd --- o.H* 9E b'p.fo :rP]9St gsfeeieFra*egfrF i 3F =ii g$ siH $;F $3 Egg };i3 sgiix€E; o ;r gs sg #i 'FE 3$na gi "g t' F6 cg .? 'o o =iilr3h||iF]iro TOP CHORO z C 3uo =.f(o v, q, o 3 2 Fi!: iiiE!s g=! .a -a {-E gTEF 3 3fi g; -t H$s q$ isg dqe;s ! -dN)i8 B ; F Fz Job EI Truss T05 Tru33 Typ6 RooFTRUSS av 4 Ptv 1 vArLcoMMoN Er u518545 ?1{ 6.00112 &t.tt t74 +74 'f4 SrG =4 T sl6l 'l i tr^ll N' *l NJI \il * \,/\_- 7- n 11 10 n -----J = 3x4 ll 4rO =4x10= 4x10 =3x5 =7x1O = Prar. ofis.E (x,t: [2:G2-r2,G2q, lE:(,.1-12,O.041, ]i0:GGO,G]EI, n2o.1n2,O1€l LOADINO (pt0TCtl 60.0TCOL 't0.0BCtl. 0.0 BCOL 10.0 sPAClMt 244 Plates lncrca3. i.m LumberlrEro.s€ 1.OO Rrp St€3Ir|Gr tloCod€ UBC-]94 cslrc o.nBC 0.E3wB o.ct OEFL 0n) (loc) ud.i v.rt(LL) 0.20 l0/9 ss V6rt0L) 0.35 l0/!l 9{13 lhz(IL) 0.10 E d! Min Lor|gih / LL dctl - 24O PLATES CRIP M2o(2osr) 149n10 Waigtrt 129 0b3) LUMBER BRACINO TOFCI'IORD 2 X6SPF 165OF 158 TOP CHORD Shoathed or2+12 on c.nb BOTC|IORO 2 X4 SPF2I@F 1.68 €xcopt end vsrticab.WEBS 2X4SPF Std'Exc.pf BOT CHORD 1-12:43-0, ll-12544, lG'i2-22X4SPFi65OF1.5E ' WEBS l Row at midpt $11,11'oTHERS 2X4HFt0tityWEOGE Rlglt 2 X 4 REACnONS 0bs/siz6) 1.2862/$$E.8=28dvo4€(input G3E) MuHotz t-2540oad ca36 2) tlro( Udin l*21qlo.d cas. .l), E*2100oad caso 4) FORCES TOF CHORD 1-2--28fE,2-3.-2717,*262,1, &2€24 s6=-41ru, A7--1656. 74s4Eri6 BCrT CHORD &9.422, $10-3:196, lG11.3:Nl€, I t-1a.2466, 'l-12roWEBS 2-12-2675, !12*916, $,11'.160, +1 1=1264, $1 1--147 1, $S7E6, e9*770 r{oTEs 1) Thlt tuss h.3 b.€n d€lgnad ft. |hr whd l€d3 gcnsrad by E0.0 m.p.h. wh6 .t 25.O bct !bo\r€ ground hwl, rJ3ing 5.0 P.3L lop cnotd d€ad lo.d md 5.0 p.r.f bem chord dead load, i @.0 ml€s from huricanl oceanlinc, on I cat gory t Gncloq€d bunding, ot dlm€nsion3 4:i.0 by 24.0 with oxpo8ura C (ASCE 7-gl), Lumbsr Incr3.s€ o 1.33, Plats Incrolsa . 1.31!. B€Or .nd v€dicab rre oryocod. a S&TPSON tP.s connecbrs rsconrmrndod b @nn€cl tu3s to b€.dng rvstls d|l. to upfilt .3 tolloyvs: Ono conn€cba !t iolril(3) 1, 6. 3) Rrquked bradng dzo al Jolm(s) 8 gr€lgr lhrn Inpd bsadng sts6, LOAD CASE(S) Standad r Frlin lpscing, I I :AlO, 9l 0:6€.0. &9:e3{. I, fi-5 nic 1 1 t996 IlT.l lndu.lrL., lnc. A wanNtue - vetifi desig, parameters atd READ NOTES oN THI| AND REryNE ,IDE BEF1M usE. Oes€n valid lor us€ only with MlISk cont€clors. This dosign is bas€d only upon param€t6rs shown, aid is ior an hdivid./albuilding coripoi€rn to b6 insiall€d and losd€d vo,ttally. Appla6bitity ol &5i$r paEmoiers an<l prcpe. incoDoration ol compoiont ls responsiuliiy ol building dosigner - not tuss designer. Bmcing shown is lor lat€ral supDort of indfuidual webmembols ooly. Addilioml tsmporary bracing io insure stability during consflclion is the rosponsibiliv ot ho e.€ctor. Additionalpernanent baacing ol th€ ov€Iall struclure is th€ responsibility ot the buitding dosigner. For goneral guidance r€garding tabdcarion, quality confol, storag€, dotivory, erection, End bracing, consutt oaT{8 ou.thy airnd.d, osgsg irrdnisPccltlca0on, and HlBgl Hlndllng Inllllling and Br.cing Racommci<Ltbn avaitabte trom Trua. ptata harnuta.6$ O'Onoftlo Drivc, l|.dlton, Wl5itn9 W PU,:< 5J9udo ;U,zI o =2 =oz s o o oo ffi r1 P9+P ooo=offo 6',36; g33F x -e *gFJ O; A4s= =Sjj Eg;so<' ilriiiFa*FeglEg ffia ii Ffrg i$ Ed= *I s6.f ai'5'oxoYvlb6:;io;.s ooo-60 ='!6Soo t53*Jo fl s-'O=;.H(oo e9!oB; 9'a 8qo E o g ffiH \ r+ ;- Y-^ :oaYo'xd<N < :: I6^q n'3 6 -= x'{bxaD g!. .-p *a RS 6-Oo t3Ei F 6: 9 ob FgF o6' a!- f;o 5' = i3Elh]-El i'1 TOPCHORD z C 3oo =.f(o (t, U, o 3 2 Fi!3 giiig s i;! .t {tt gi3; s*fi g; 33a 68EF: -:..*:g$ 8qg;$ i!5- s I 8 Fz :.7oofoao q, ar o zo o U, 96i6F=Fse:{er'}s,r$- i3E Eiq9E3 F aH €g 3a 39 g F# $de3=g ';a ga F; $d ag;A €q-a5i€ Truss Typo R@F TRUSS VAIL COMMON EI U5IE546 SPACII'|O 2M Phb3 lncr€a!. l.@ Lw b.rlncr€ala l.@ R.p St€ss Incr NOCod3 UBG94 DEFL 0n) 0o€) Ud€n vad(LL) 0.07 96 9€0 VonCIL) O.@ S/6 999 Fb]z(IL) O.@ 7 nla Min L€nglh, LL d3n = 2rO A warunc - vafi design parametcrs and READ NorES oN THIi AND RET,ERSE ,IDE BEF1RE usE. D€6ign valid br urg only wilh l{tlCi conn€cto.s. Thb (bslgN1 is bss€d only upon pararnotors shown, 6nd is for an indivilual building cornponont to b€ instelt€d and logd€d verticsxy. Applirabllity ot d€sign paramgtels anct prcper incomoralDn of component is .saponsibility ot boilding d€sign€r - nol tnrs6 dosignor. Bracing 6hown i9 for lat6,at suppon of individual $r€b l,/If fm€mbers only. Addilional tenporary bracing to insur€ stabilig duing construciion iE lho .€spon6ibilty ot th€ 6rector, Additioml :l EE r.THfl1[T',#"T*'li:t"S:':f,H",:"',ff;H?ly;i:B:lji't1+i,'eli,ff3ffi:',:Ht?fffiHlx mllSp.clficetbo, t|nd Hl}gl H..ldllng In.i.lllng rnd Brrclng Rcconm€nd.tioo availsbti trorh Trutr pt.t. tnltitut!, -58:t D' IIfak hduattlaa, hc. Onotdo Itin , U.dLoi, Wl 5:Yl9 . $$rl G7.t't $it.l . ilta r&t€ !1rr-o llt! $lt! +11! +!tt !l,tJ !!13 1O.OOl12 6)(6 \ 5 Sfi.,5x6 r' 2 516 = 4 6 N 1\o t\ +Ict I 1212= 12 1b12= 13 3x10 ll 1T 10 8 3x10 rl5x8 =8x16 = 6x8 = 5x8 = . 1!ll , G7-11 . Frl{ lclrla !}}5 . ratit t}!1.0 !.+lt }!tt ota *f $!tt Plab Olts t3 oqY): f2I}l.O,Grq, [3o+4,(lrq,I5lr+.4,G1q, ]6:G1-o,G1-El,IE:o+8,H]ol, n3$4"E,0+Ol LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF 16!tOF 15E BOT CHORO 2 X E SPF 1950F 1.7EWEBS 2 X.l SPF 1650F l5E 'EEpr PI.ATES GRIP M20(20str) t49,ll0 Wsight t 2E 0b) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathod or 6+0 on centBr pudin 3paclng. BOT CHORD Rigid c€iling dk cdy appli€d, or 1 G0O-00 on cont r hrclng. 12-2 2X 4 SPF Slud, 1l{ 2 X4 SPF Slud, e9 2 X 4 SPF std REACTIOI{S 0b/sizo) l-706E/G5€ (lnput GS), 7-7OGE/S$9 0nput CtE), 11-20402/14{ (nput G*6) M.r Hotz 1.-4270o€d cass 2) Max Uplhl I -71 7(load casc 4), 7r-71 70oad c.3. 4), I I .-22e()(|o!d c|3€ 4) FORCES ToP CHORO 1-22.#4 2$-2o74, $4'zt6s, +s-2385,'€-2071. 6-7=ffi2 EC,T CHORD 74-.1600, $9.4600, $lFl59O,1Gll-159t, It12.1593, 12-13.4600, 1-13-4E0OWEBS 2-13-5112,2-12-41E6,112.794t5, $11*6674, +1 1.-3651 , 11 1.-6621, 39-79E5, S9.-41E6,6E 5112 t{oTEs 1) 2-ply tuss to b. conn€ctad bg€thorwith lod t|.ib as bllo*!: Top chonls &nn sH udth I row(s) at t I Inch€s on c.nbr. BoOo choads connactsd {uith 3 row(s) at 3 inchG on crrfaf, Wobs €onn€cH x,ih I royr.t 6 lnd|r3 on c6r Br. a Thi! tusr hlr b.cr chcckod f€r unbahned lo.ding cordilion3 abod itnt .1. O Thb lttss hrs bcsn d6l9n.d lbt the wind loadr genenbd by 80.0 n.p.h. wirds !t 25O t66t aborc ground level, using 5.0 ps.t bp chod dood loqd rnd 5.0 P.3, ffim chotd d€ad load, I (D,0 mil* Irom hunicano o€oanlln., on a catEgofy I .nclos.d hllldlng, of dlm.|rslo|E 45.0 by 24.0 wih oteo6ura C (ASCE 7-90). Lumb.r lDc€as€ . l.3tt. Plab Incrsa3o r I .31. BoOr Jld t/r.dcab rr. .!po3ad. 4) R€qulFd bcldng lize d joirt(3) 1, 7, t 1 grebr lhan Input bearing iza. LOAD CASEIS' 1) Lumbcr Incrosorl .(p. Plrt! IncFas€.l .m Unflbm Loads (|bs p€r n) V.n:l-2r..18O.0, 2-3.-lEOO, 34*1E0.0, +5-160.0, 5€r1E0.0, &7-tEO.o, 7&15950, &9*1595.0, $1f-l595.0, 1Gl1.-1595.0, ll-l2r-1591t 0, l2-t3.-1505.0. l-13--1595.0 P. ct't< OJ906o ;vlz0 o3m2 =oz 5' ooc o oo ffi f, EY+8ooo= 6',3 8;c;;6-io=o'J:n/r!a.'uFX R 5 U;:Id5:t3ir*is agn N, if isF = f .rog gsg g 9.aa e 3s; € 338 -= Fi* q gEs 4 e'8 0 o !,-- =g 'E6 -t] e E Fi,ii ii Fig $si$'i g# i$ isi ii$-iF# ryi, ;i As -F is EFgg $$gi$Ffl,$g fFfi$ iaE 3F + E- EE *; *g iu$gi ia digr $a aI =qX : TE ilI5* BF -eg$EgiEg TFd Fs g*gg;q i3 FAaAel Fi es' cgg it 3=' Ed= *l q+ E 5'o ho =s'a6i 6'R6'i d9oo 8.- =o6s.oo t5 F3 8-s' =8(oov, =.aQ ooB; e-a 8qo E o rlD - -.r[fi,/ F \\llIF > \8. =rrtt I ' \f, :g lltl\ \\ r.LnA o V= 3o * : !1 ^losY(^xi --- trt < :Y o = ii' F3F -= x't:xo g!.:- 9'R 6- 8.9cl (u o o =i#lrdl1ntii ilnffi@@ jEf I F @ t i @ EE>7oofoql o q, r) 7n \ll Q.' EEJCpd iDdOrrro !=ooa{9o EP Eotro<8 UIo ! o!o+ TOPCHORD TOP CHORD z C 3oo =.f(o at, v, o 3 2 Fils gFiiE s g:! r Ii8; 3 3fi E;-l F$g s$9rs dho!.€ -xg;s itE- ts 9I@Pz Job it Truss T07 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS ov 2 Ply 3 vAL COMMON El U518547 Houslon Tru3s 6 ug t -u4a | }rr.a | 7-tolr I r'r.to{ | !r+o | 2oz{ | 2+1-5 | ?}Olr | !2€a | +ao t!z'+o I2.1O{ }t't.5 }tt.3 }t t-! +i!o +2o }11-5 }lt'5 }11'5 }C{ 2{a 5$ rl 1 -9€ I El tor3r 21 20 7x12= 15 11 1E 12 11361 6x8 = t9$6ll t8 17 16 4x10 = 8x1 6nil6 = zita 2t'o1l ari.. t rarr rr-rdd rido ar-o 2a+it 2+L3 tt !!.1 , .:t9!,4. 3l.glloro llloo , +2A !&12 G+l 240 07-7 2{{ O+12 !t{!1t.5 !1't4 +1r{ +2-O Platr O 3€E (X,Y): l5$2.4,G2.01,16:G4-12,(r4sl, t9:o{{,G2-121,110:l+9,Go{tl, ne0+0,04q,1t1:qr4,G2-01,117:G14,G2.o1, r20:GOO,0+01,121:0+{1.G2{, l22o4O,C24l LOADll,lO lpr0TC|.L 60.0 TCDL 10.0BCLL OO BCOL l0I) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1550F 1.5E BOr CHORD 2X6SYP€OSSWEBS 2 X 4 SPF Std 'Excale 22-4 2 X 4 SPF | 6sr 1.5E,21€ 2 X4 SPF 1650F l.sE 2r€ 2 X 4 SPF t550F 1.5E, |7€ 2 X4 SPF l6sOF 1.5E 1r€ 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 11€ 2 X4 SPF t 6s0F r.sE oTHERS 2X6SPF1650F1.5E WEOGE Right 2 Xo REACTIONS (lbs/3tsr) 1.5100/0-$6,lO.ElE4/G$€ t\tax Hor: l.7l(oad cas€ 3) ll/hx Udlll l--4640o€d c.s€ 4), 1G-8if9@ad cas€ 4 FORCES TOP CHORD l-2-9061,2€*€666,3u+.-79E 1. +5--7986.5-&.14647, R7.3O1{12, 7-6.-3(X01. &s-'14131, $1F-l59gt BOT CHORD lGll-1413'l. l l-12-2811,12-1*24074,13.14-|1€i11,1+1*24/d71,1'.16.?4671,1617-24a14, 17.1Er301E4.1&1$30184,19&30184,2ol1-3(Jfa4.,21-22-1319,zz-Zgnwl,2124-fl,66,'l-2,1-EO66WEAS 2-2+-243,2-2*-316,!u-2@.322--C26,1ffi4&,.,*21}-4117,5-21-7e,J!.,&.21*14466,61F-t150. 617-23€,7-17-28O,617-9o47,t1+1540. &11*11753. $1 l-66|n t{oTEs l) $pV lusc b ba coatn.cl.d bgolh€r wllh l(H naib as tollo*B: Top chords conn c!.d rruift I row(s) rt E inch€3 on coni.r. 8&m cM3 conn€ciad with 2 row(s) at 6 indr€3 on ccnter. Wabs conncci.d uih 1 rc{, !t 6 in€hc on canE 2) Thb tu3r hr3 b.cn dolgnrd fo,a lho wlnd lo.& g€n€rabd by EO.o rn,p.h, vin& d 25.0 fsot abor. glound 1€lr€1, using 5.O p...L bp .fiord ded load end 5.0 p.r.f bottom chord d€ad b6d, 100.0 mll€3 ttom hunlcrn€ o€e8n[n., on a cabgory I .ncloc.d building, of dlrncmlom €Oby24.0$ith opoEurs C (ASCE 7€tl). Lumbcr Increass. 1.33. Plat6Incr€aso. 13l. 80ih .nd wdclF !r. ogos.d, 3) SIMPSON HUS26 Fconn.ndsd to support concsntsaild load Aom m.mbcr(s) poeondicular b tu3s at joints{s) I1, |6, 15, 13, 12. .tFints(s) lE. 4 A plab ratng Fducton d 20% h83 b€en applied tor the green lumb€r memb€F. Conlirrusd on prgo 2 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheath€d of /4E m cant3r pudil 3plcilrg. 8OT CHORD Rigid cailing dk€ctly appliod, ot 1GoGOO on c.ntcr br.cing. 0!i i 1 1996 PI-ATES GRIP M2o(20sr) 149/110 M16(169r) 164n15 Woight 228 0b.) OEFL (n) 0oc) Uds! Ve.t(LL) 0.8719/18 & Vert(IL) l.@lslE 3Ez HotzClL) O.t3 'lO ry'. Min L€nglh / LL d.n = 2/O Plrbslncr€as. 0.75 Lumb.rlncrEa!. 1.00Repsto$lnct ilo fu"A WSnUNe - Wrifi dtsign parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND RE:.,F,RSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign valid lor usg only wilh Mlfol clnn€ctols. Thig d€sign is bas€d o.rly upon paramoteF shown, and is h,r an individusl buihanq compooem to bo anstall€d and lraded v6ati:ally. Applicstthty of design param6t66 and pop€r incorporetion ot .!--r. compon€nt is rGpo.rsibitity ot building designor - not truss designer. &acingshown is tor lat€ral suppon ot tndivituat w€b l'llltmemb€6 only. Additional leriporary bracing lo insure stability dudng conslruction is lhe rGponsibilily ol tho €r€ctor. Addilio.ral -i EE f#:ffi:A:'#"1"'5.trfl"1[fl:,':"*:,ff3HT'9":',:;:$i3#ff,j;i,:j8ilfnHHHif8*111 mll Sp.ctfic.rbn, .nd Hl8-9t Handling Inrt lllng rnd Br.cing Rccomnr6nd.lion availabl€ lrom Trur. Pl.i! In.lllu!., 5'&t D' IlTrk hdualtha, hc. O.rdrlo trnq ll.di.m, lvl 9t719 P, U't< 639ctdo ;ulzc, o3m'z =oz iiFFf=,iFiii Egsi' a o=ox -- -()'5'oxo E?a-o;.9 a9go 8;-'oF=.oo {f 33Jo 8g' 3s16o;q I,OB; a7 8qo E o 9 5 ffi* \ D 0o-nd'==ooooarr:f o U O OEg;;6'-;g:t !r. 'u F X fr; RE :fr*i F*iff a=E 6 .\ o a. o *j:!4a o^ ! Y?'xX.--N < .Y g a'g8:q-: x'{:xO !!. .- '-ox RS(6:oo rlr *3Ei 6 =:qii* 9oUp.6'soo6 Fq8ef gn 5' tdttEtt I - 3tIca .!fp TOP CHOFO TOPCHORO zc 3 cto =.J(o U' U, o 3 fgigi; EEESs i;! B s its; 33fi E; -l eHg gg igg Bqg;3 itE- dr 3 Fz L7oofo o U,o (D 7 fr \ 1., U: Eg=cPd6dO-rio !--ooa{9o50:c EdCOao-c ga o eir 'ii g1 i;$ g#g'g eg$ ;; $i cer ss**ffi ,g **',;$ s$ iFHFg '$$ii FFF FiF $iff li Fry$q,-r€ ! oEoa LOAD CAsE(Sl 1) Lumb.r Incf.rss'l.00, Plat Incr3asa=o.?s Unltotn Lor$ (lbs pet i) .- V€rtl -2.-160.0, 2.3G1E0.0, 3-4,r- l80.0, 4-5=-18O.0, 56r-t 60.0, 67.-l E{r.o, 7€-1E0.0, &Ft EOO, It F l8O.0, I Gl 1-20.0, 1 l -12.-20.0, 12-l3r-20-0, t$14--20.0, 1+15--20.0, 1t15-20.0, 1Gl7-20.0. 'l7-18r-20.0, 1&19*20.0, l9-?o=-?O.O,2o-21*N.O,21-22--2o.O,22-2v-2O.O,2r2b-2o.0, 1-2lt=-2o.0 Conc.nbaLd Loads (|bc) Vert1.-3@.0, 10-€@.0. 11*1O26.E, 12-665.0. 13-€65.0. 15-€65.0, 16=-665.0, 18=-i854.3 05c 1 1 t996 A Vnnm|e Verifi dcsign parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND RE4ERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign vaii, for uao oily wfth MIIC( conrFclorg. This d€sign b basod or$y upon pa|Em€tols shown, cnd is lor an individual buildirB cotnponent to be install€d and load€d vgrtically. Applbattlity of dosign psrenFt66 and prcp€r incorporatirl ol conpon€ol is .qsponsibility ol building designe. - not lruss dosigner. Bracing shown is lor tatgrat srppon ot hdivi(tuat vreb llttmombers ooly. Addilbnal temporary bracing to in$r€ stabiliv drring construction is th6 respomib ity ot th€ eroctor. Aitditioml -l EE fffii:I?'ffii'""i"ffft"#"11jJfr,:"ff".ffH?'Y.fi',H:lli?,l$,'K;[fl3ffi,f'33f;JS*i:g Mlt SP.citic.don, sd Xl&91 )L.ndling In.i.lllng rnd 8.|cln9 F.comnsd.lioo avaitabt€ trom liu.r pt.ta In.tituiq S83 D' IIT* krdudrll, hc. Onolrlo Driy., tLdl.o.t. Wl 5:1719 Truss Typ€ ROOF TRUSS VNLCOMMON El U516tt7 3:.g, E tt ---"" ..i.ao,,.-1.- ...t"8h:\. -..o3pffiri9 P(/'l< 639C'do ;U,z(, o =allz =oz zc 3uo =.(o (!, U, o 3 L -{o!o. IJ! at, g gE8 $F * fiEi='$u*,8siEiii 3gF ;q l ii3E;* ; F iEE€ 6 = fHFifr W- * 8998oooaci:fo o 6'6Ec'; e 6-3o=o-; d gq R 5 U; Aasr:9i5l*ifr ag6 s' ooc a. E isg EFi s$F$igsf 6 F..ssd "fiflf to-oo !rt =FI tX; gafi dg 9E ?P. Fg =5&9 =E-1 !!8a:t!l o,ol Fx A i$,'iEi ssEgs {5*sJo I'g' 3s@oatt =aQ ooB;l='C-d 8qo :- tlr I tsr.ht#,/ s (\ s llalFa P \u =IIII I ' \S :.Itlnr- = \\ 3 w\-1, g, y ; 3o @,o61 o3 oIo!oo L{ TOP CHORO TOPCHORD i3ESldrgpJ ;1I b,7ooJoqt o CI'o o zo \v c4 Bd JCpd iD 6iO-r;sooat9o60 Elo-cOqc uao.9 oEo E iF,iiii iFgf,#$i$# iFisiiiF iF# ryi f, $Fg '# E$ ii iE ,EFig $$Ff $ri '$g fiff ii F$ggo'd--2, Job E1 Truss TOE Truss Ttpc ROOF TRUSS otv 2 Plv I VAIL @MMON EI U51E3I8 a I lta Ij l* F:!49 | $1l. l lr-lm I l] t 22-t{ | 2!Oit | $oo | 3!+O tlTao Iloa $rr{ }ti{ t4a }t|-5 }tt.3 }tr-t ++o 2co tlta &ll€ G+O tlla gtta g LoADlNo (p3t TCtt TCDI. BCLI ECtL LUMBER TOF CHORD 2X6 SPF 2I@F I.EE BOT CHORD 2X6 SPF 21(x)F 1.EEWEBS 2X4SPFSbd'E)crf 133 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 15E. 13-{ 2 X 4 SPF 21@F l.EE e9 2 X 4 SPF Noa 7-g 2 X 4 SPF 1650F'l 5E OTHERS 2 X.t HF UlltyWEDGE Lclt2X4.Rbht2x4 REACnO S (bc/rlz.) lr3864n +1 (|nFtt G5€),6.3E64r0.e1 0nput OtO b.Ho.z 1.-72(lord c.!. A)lh Upln t -€oo(load c.!. 4, Er-S6(lo!d c.!. 4) FORCE3 TOP CHORD l-2-€rlEai, 2€-€100. H-{0e5. 4-5r-10{21. t&-s}25. &7-.55ES. 7€-€t29 BC)T CHORD &$55E5, &10.E3E0. lGl1.101E5. 1 l-12-10921, 12-13-t 0921, t$14-5S07. 1-t+5OOzWEBS 2-1.1-t 16,2-13.-lt 17,3113149, +t3-€957, +11--409, tt t€OO, tlr-l,fin. el(tt628. &9=€4rts. 7-*21A. NOTES l) Thb tuts hG b..n dGlgn d for th. wlnd b.ds lmrrGd by Ett.o m.p.h. wind3 .l 25O tl..t .bor. grrund lewl, ushg 5.0psr, bp.fiod dcd lod.nd 5.0 pr.t botbm dtord d€.d lod, tm.O mI!3 ttom trurdc.nc occnlns, m r c.t gory I rncloocd bulElng, of dncnsions t15.0 by 24.0 twtrr qo8ur. C ( scE 7qD, Lumb.r tEtrs. . 1 33, Phtr Incr.8. . 133. 8o|h .nd vwfa.b .r..tg€.d. a SIMFSON tes conn.cbF tccomm.nd.d b conn.C l|jss b b€dng w|ls drx b uplllt G folovrr: On conncdor !t.loh(s)t.a O R.$rh.d bcrlng !tscat!tr{(3)'l. S grEbrthrn InFib.aring sE . LOAD CASqS) Stmd.rd Ptr oilLtr 0(Y): n sr-s,Goql pd,!'t€,ocol,les2€,c2q. n2dxlo,c6{. n3d}2.{,c2q $t rt# SPAC|NO 2.(N) Ptrtac lncrrar I IrO Lunb.t hcra!. l.OO Rop StES Incr l\|c,Cod. UBC-]9/I DEFI 0n) (lo3) ud.n V.nGL) 0.76 1 5,i2, Vf,tGL) 0.97 1 4Ulbz(Iu OZf 6 n/. Mln L.'|grth / ll- ddl - 2.|0 A u,sRNtArc - vcrifi dtsipr parumetctt atd READ NorES oN THIS AND RE?aERSE IDE BEF1M LrsE.D€4rn valid ,o. us€ or|ly wilh lllLlr co.rnsctors. TLe deslgn is bas€d only |.Fon p6r6rnete|s shonn, I'ld b lor an indivilualbuilding co.rpoier to b€ insta €d and toadod vonicdty. Apdicabitity oa doltgn pa'am€t€rs 6nd p.!F. hcorporatio.r of compo.rotlt ls rg8pon8t{ity ot bt ilding designor - not lru$l dosigror. Bracing shown i9 for taterat suppon ol hdlvtduat n€b llltmonb€rs ooly. Additioml lrsmporary bracing to hsur€ stabllity dring corBfuctio.t is th€ lesponstdiri ot tho srocbr. Addtionst -= EEffiffinil'**i:Hi":'!ffi:"xffH';ly'3|l;*ffi1,1ffi1i3j$.11,:H8ffi1 MIEsD.cltb.iion, rnd HIB€i H.ndling In.t lllng .nd Br.clng R.comft.rd.tbr 6vsitaue hom 1tu.. pt t krdrd.,-s!3 o' IlTak lnduattba, lnc.Onotrio Drlva, Iadlron, Wl 59fl0 ott.0 10.0 o.o 10.0 PtATES GRIP i,120(2ogn) 1.19n10 Ml6(169.) 13991 Wdgtrt 171 (lbc) BRACINO TOP CTK)RO Sh€alh.d or l-lG2 on c.ni.r purln 3p.cltrg. BOT C|IORO 1-14:&3{r, l3lrlf-gr, 12-1 3:6+0, 1 1-1 2:€-3O, lGl 1 S3O, 910#30.8€S30.WEBST l Rowltddd 2-13 2Rou3lll/3pts '13-4,6€ trgc 1 'l 1996 =u,t< OJ906o ;q,20 o3it.|z oz P9+R oooarnff,o v o oog;aq- =o5o;.6-oq R 5 U;r l o'5g+ol :$ iil*iff ag6 s oc a. 6 3gg rF3giil R.--,o ;fr5 s;i.gg,g a;g 9.I 5 a:-rRr e&q'i' s {r @-oo !tt =F= lx'; goF bg 3FQ! Fg =5gd3i F1-!t !!tao= 3dIo,oa sxs ig',*Fi ssggs ti3* Is' =o-o(oo aQ EO 6b'c* 8so - ilr B {ffil\Fut\ 6 \: =o = i3Elrf,liprl ;:'I TOP CHORO zc 3oo =.f(o C', a, o 3 fiiisi *EEEHs i:! .! { -a-d gI..Er 3 3fi E; F$g q$ 3su dqH;S TtE- dt I 8RYz b,vooforlo U'rr ft z ra (D QO ys,F-F=Fsp).|trs'F!,N._ igg€$i $i F$F fEi FF sgs ff rs$ gEg $sF tr;Fg ,i gfiF fl s as €+ 3r ?3$ SaEgF dif gg gFi fiA5 "Fi Ei iifr $FgE i$g 5fr [q 3i =fiquga Ed rs Eg$FF g=q fig dfr Fs q sfi{ gF ' ;g Bg uF $g E$ i$ $g F$ $$f ,FE $F $$ $$ 6 $€E EFd eF ; E. EE€5 3$ E5$i3 3i 1igg i[ g*;.* .gs o a4 $93 s3fi s3 j g g LUMBER TOF CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5€ 'ErccFtr 4-5 2 X 6 SPF 2t (x)F t.6E 80T CHORO 2 X 6 SPF 2r00F l.EEWEBS 2 X 4 SPF Std 'Excrpf 13€ 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 15E, t3-4 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E lO€ 2 X,l SPF 1650F'l5E oTHERS 2X4HFWrivWEOGE LcIt 2 X 4, Risht 2 X rl REACrIONS 0bs/stsc) 1-3Ee4/G&l onpul O$E), E=3E64iS6,i (lnPut GS) Mar Flo]z 1.-72(o.d c.s€ 2) Mar Udin 1-€060oad cesc 4), E €(!6(load caso4) l.r{a | }r.o I t1-!0{ t t} l-o-o tt't{ tlt{ ++o }11{ ttl{ 3'C{ }l}O 2+O I -l,ril'l loI .+Ict Al4lM18= I trl{ | rlroo | 141{ | zI-l-0 | 2l+o F SSa{ | 'fi{ }tl{ 4-a4 $ll{ 5-rl€ fa Plat! ofb€ts oqD: l1$1€,0qtl,l6S2-12,G2-14.16lx).6,coq,l8o.2{,0-sq. no:Gr{,c2q, n1:o+0'c74l.ll3:G1€O2{ PLATES GRIP M20(209r) 149n10 Mt6(14s.) 127/113 Wslght 17s 0bE) ERACINO TOP CHORD Shsathed or 1-1G5 m c.ntu Flrlin sp.clng. 8OT CHORO 1 -1 4:6€-0. 1 31 4534, 1 2-13:elo, 1 l-'12:&3'0, tG'l I S&O. 9-10:Bo.&9:e3{.WEBS I Roliv at midpt 2-13, i14 D5C 1 'l 1996 FORCES TOP CF|oRD 1.2.d65, 2-3.€100,3!4'-5(Btt, +Si-ZSiSg, 56-753!t, e7-€$4, 7€.{510 @T GHORD 8Sf11, S10.5301, 1G11.?9S,It-12=7€93.12-13.7993, 1$l.l-5557. l-t4-ss5t WEBS 2-1+116,2-1y-1117, $13.3625, tl-13--4559, +124A2, +1F-ffi, tl0*lGll, &1G2662, e931. 7-H57 NOTES I ) fhb t€s h.3 b..n dcaigncd for lh. wind h.d3 gonor.bd by 8{r.0 m.pj|. wln& rt 25.0 H abov€ ground 16r€1, uslng 5.O p.s.t lop chord dad lo.d 8nd 5'0 ps.t bolbm chord d.ad load, 100.0 mll€ llom hunic.n ocaanlin , on e catggory I .!|clG.d buildlng, of dimanslon3 45.0 by 24.0 wfi G!po6u.e C (ASCE 7€3). Lunb.r Iner€aso . 1.33, Plats Inctoas. . 133. BoOr ond v.dc.b are oqorad. 4 SIMPSON H2.5 connsciors r.commcndcd b connoct tu3s to bcadng rvallr dui to uplltl as iollolr!: One conn€clor atloint(s) I, E. 3) R.qulrsd b€arlng slz6 .tlolnt(s) 1 , E gr€abt th.n input b€adng sh.. LOAD CASE(S) Sbndard b,,r,t# VALCOMMON El u518549 Trus Typg R@FTRUSS DEFL 0n) (loc) Yddl Vcd(Lt) o.53 12 799 v.d(IL) 0.66 12 6B9 Hoz(IL) O.lE 8 rUa MinL.ngdh/lldsn!240 SPACING 2{O Plab.lncr€as. 1.m Lumbsr Incrra:. 1 .00 Rcp St93s Incr iP Cod. UBC194 A VnnmNe - Verifi dcsign parameters and READ NO'IES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. D€sign velk for use oily with MIrC( conn6cto6. This d€6i0n is bas6d or y upon patameters shown, and is lo{ an andividual building compon€nt b bo ingtall€d and loadrd vertically. Applicatility ot design pelaft€lotE and prcpor incorpoGton ot componont is responsibiliv ol briilding dsgigner - not truss dosigner. B.aong shown is for lalenl support ol individuel wsb fiembo.s only. Additional l€mpo.ary braclng lo Ineuro stability during construction is th€ responalbilftV of the €roctor. Addaliooal p€rman€nl bracing ol lhe ov€rall sln'|clure is lhe rogon6ibility ot th6 building desbn€r. For gen€lal guilanc€ rggaading lab.ication, qualily contlo|, storag€, delivery, er€ction, and bracing. consull OST{8 Oualfty Sfmdard, t SF09 Bllclng Sp.cltlc.tlon, .nd HIB-01 H.ndllng In.l.lllng rnd Brac-lng R€common@tlon available lrom Ttu$ Pl.l. In.tltule, 58:t O' OnofJlo Drlve. iladlron. wl 537'l s = ct,t< OJOF> \d' d9_ =U,zc' oE z oz ilr r+ iiP= F o-E Q ob \lo -'orl 6. s98od gd 5- aE=ixn fg -g$lEF ffie ii ifs 33 od= Iol q*6 ='oxoFv'66i 6-R6'a 0.9qo 8; ='.o6=.oo t5 =*5U sg'O= =.xdiivt =-a9 oo EA e-d 8so t o l?(7a tr ,1K* \E 3o r+ 89."3oooarrffo o 6 6;g;;9- =o 5 o xgBsFJO; [4sleeFiI*= u Hg6 5 o q. oo r+ : !aA o *a H-xX --N< '= 9as8:qiqqlD !!..-p*a 83(o re o o D,ooJo 9. C',o C) z .l o CO rt Tldroaco;(o.oatOr!o !=ooa{9o EPgdcOJO-E at,o ! ooo =t 'f ;F$ F as!x g.6H g 3.da6 9ro+Q =o;'= ;f o + E DgEi E'e I E EE€4 6.8do !,--+g 'E6 -o E E FF,gi si gFg FffgF $# iF $gi $ii iFff Fgi ' Fi Bs g; $g'E$;F i$Ff $$$ *$€ iFi$ Fi'du '* s E' cc *= :g $u $l$ i' aigg F[ isrr3h1iF]ir TOP CHORO TOP CHORD zc 3oo =. =(o U, U, o 3 g fia: g;iis s i3! i .{ -atd gisr 33fi :; Fes q$ 3g$ dqH:3 TgE- [i € 8 'R Yz 1-2+o+ trm I rr.roo I r+ao | 2o.r.o | 2ao{ | to}o I r}ta tl?-ta I g 2.O{ +11.O lllt€ }+O }r'{ }t1{ H &1t{ 2 X 6 SPF l6sOF t.5E 2 X 6 SPF 16sOF 1.5€ 2 X 4 SPF Stud Ercoof 14-3 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E, lrl-4 2 X 4 SPF l65OF 1.5E +lr{ +ea (o I.[ct 1 d It9-l9to , +1'f a .t0{ ,r+2{ 20.r{ ?0ao lGao 3$c{ ttt{ Ph|lr ofts.r! (x,Y): r dI'l€.GGol, B:0.{xt,0+t4, I6:0+o,G2-1a. [8:Gc8.o+ol, ]E:c24,0-]5J. n2:GGO,o-fi!, 114:0-O.0,G2q PI-ATES GRIP M20(20sa) 149/110 W.bht 182 0b3) LUUBER TOF CHORO BOT CHORO WEBS OTHERS VYEDGE REACTIONS FORCES TOP CHORO EOT CHORD wEES NOIES 2X4HFtdriv L.{t2X4,Right2X4 (|b8/stso) 1E386a/O+1 0nptt G5{), E-366,y0+t (nput G$.E) Mu lbr: tr-72(ord c.s. Alh Upfn 1.30606d c|!.4), E-€o6(bad cas6 4) 1-2t€285, 23=€100. 3F€(lE8, 4{*6252. 5€=€252, e7.{560. 7{.-4465 &9-57@, $10=5700. 1Gi 1.4968, | 1-12.6115, 12-13-51 t6, I A1+6t 16, I +15=5557, l-t5-5557 2-1*116,2-1+-1117. }|4-37E2, +14-3561, +13.82, +11.17Q, $11.-1(B6. &11=1655, Al 0.460, 7-10.€21, 7-S9ll ARACINO TOP CHORO Shealh€d or l-43 on clnlcr purlin Bpocing. BOT CHORD 1-1 5:6.G0, l +1 5:43{, 1 }1 4:&3O, l 2-13:6€.0, 1 1 -1 2:&30, lGl 1 &&0, 9-10:&3-0, &gA3{.WEBS 'l Rowat midpt 2-14,1U !:f 1 'l 1995 'l) Thb tusc hls b€rn d€signed for lhc wind lo.d3 gcn.r.bd by EO.o m.p.h. yylnds !t 25.0 fcct abova grcund bvcl, urirg 5.0 p,ct bp (jrord drrd load and 5'0 p.stbolbm cho?d dcad load. 100.0 mib3ltom hunic.no oceanlino, on. caiogory | .ndos.d bullding. ot dim€nsbF 45.0 by 24O with ergocure C (ASCE 7€3). Lumber hcrcrs€ - I .33. Pl!t! Incr.asr . 't 3. BoOr .nd ndcds ero .xpo6d, 2) SIMPSON te.5 connecioF t€comndrd.d b connact ltl3c !o b€adng ydb duc b udli .3 iollow3: Ono connacbr !t loin(3) 1, 8. 3) R.qultld b..rhg sEo atjoin(.) 1, E gtabr lh.n input b..dng 3tso, LOAD CASEIS) Strndard Truss Typ. ROOF TRIJSS VAL @MMON EI U5iE55O SPACINO 2+O Plab3 lnd€.s. i.Oo Lumbar lrtre.!. 1.0O RGp Sb€ss Inc. NOCod. UBC94 DEFL (n) (loc) Udon V.rt(LL) O.rl5 5 9,27Vrrou O.57 5 741 HorzCIL) 0.19 E rvr Min Lrnglh / LL detl - 2rl0 6*g*tf:,,) tu;;;t{ry A v"qnNlve - vet'ifi design parameters and READ NorES oN THI| AND REwRsE SIDE BEF,RE IlsE- Design valid lor ugg only with illfok conooctors. This dosign is bosgd only uFro.r pa6m€t6r€ show'l, and is b. an irdivid.El building co.tlpo.l6nt to b€ Ingbllod and bad€d vorticelly. Applicability ol dosign pa|amoters and pop€r incorpo.ation ot compoalotlt is rospoalslbility ol buildirig design€r - not truss designer. EEcinO shown is lor lateral slppon ot indiviluatweb m€n$ors only. Addhional l€mporary bracing lo insuro glability during colrgtruction is the responsibility ol the orector Additional p€rnanont bracing ol lhe o/€rall slructure is the rigponsibillty ol lh€ building d€signor. For g6no.at glldanc€ r€garding labricalion, quality control, storage, (bliv€ry. €rection, and b€cing, consult OST-88 Oullity Stlnda]d, OSS-09 dractnoSp€cflc.lion, .nd HIB-gl H.ndling Inltalllng .nd B.lclng F.conm.ndrlion availabl€ lrom Trur. phie th.tilde.!8:, D' IIT Onotrlo Drlvr, tildllon, Wl 537t9 :. (t,:< OJ9c'6o ;U,zo o Ptnz =oz zc 3oo =. (o C" v, o 3 gfi8 sn 2 iis!= ' g lgiE EFr cu F g=ii9ns dr g€s; '; I i I=E;* ; F EEE€ 6 = fFFgFz-l ffi f,99goo:fooooalrffo 6'6 6;s;;0'Yo; o=' ;.6 +9*5U;u 5 ii=. 3fr3i F*iff as6 s ooc a. oo 3H€ EF3 F$f$i$eS 6 Ai8i sBB-g- .&'so o i itli a+4Eii$ il;a ii egsi' a s6. =6'='oxoFv'66ie-o;'s 0.9q'o Ba ='o6E.oo ti 33Jogg O= =.x.', =a9 oo Eqe* 8so - o 'o ffi* \ilr @.9cof o oro o CI' L TOPCHORO TOPCHORD 3 iru!ldriE];r6 F'oofog u,n o 7 /1 \u Cr+ AlYoFrF=dsP:re!'Fs,to- E fig E+q Fq 3gi 3*=$ Ee- Eil5 Ad E3q Efi+'$55 i5 3Ed 3p ssj 3 F ii$ FFi $$ fl$6 eEis$ sst if $gi $Eg $+g #Fig ,i gfiF EE E gg Er 5i unF nfF Eg,FFi.i $Ff $5i ii EE-€fl E $[i gi ' ;i F$ *g is Eu6g $iE$$fl$,$g iig$ ii E**$ *F q-d5€+ I F.2.(}O I ('3{ | rz-G! F tt-e{ | 2}}r! | 29iL1O | :Xi-C{ l!7-l{ t 6.00h2 3]t! ana 100s}lt SxG tt 5 T *l il-l It(ol6T-5 4\6 t 3x4 \ _32 @ r3 11 8r<16 = 10 S€= , 9t.t2 | ttta | 2G.4 | lsaa I 'i-'t2 tfl .7< 91-12 Truss Type MOD. OUEEN vAtLcoMMoN El u5t855t ;{ipgoiii A W'lAmUC - Verifi desigt paratnetets awl READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE aJSE. D€aign valid for use oally vrilh lltlqk coainodors. This dasign b bas€d only upon petamot€.s shown, and is tor an indivilual bulldng clmpon€nt to bo indalled ard load€d vofticalt. Applitttlity ot desion para.rEters and propo. hcoFo.ation ot -.-..componont as rosF,onsibility ol building designer - not truss dosigner. Bracing shorvn is for laterat support of individual w€b IIII m€mb€rs only. Additional temporary bracing lo insurs stiability dudng con6truction is the responsibility ot th€ erecior Additional E:l EE fffiffiT?fiilf""J-1[i:fJg":::"'1""J:,:"',Xf::H'J','y#Bllji't%*3tli;i#SiL"f"i^3i3.[?J jljllX ffit3 sp.cfllcalloi, .nd HIB-gl tL.ndling Inlt lllng tnd B[clng Ricomm.nd.tion availablolrom Trum pt.te bllttutg, sa3 D' Illfk hduftrlff, hc. Onolrio Orll!, thdlson, Wl 5il7l9 Plai$lncrgasa l.m Lumbarlncroasa 1.00 Rop St.ss Incr NO DEFL (in) 0oc) Udoi Vart(LL) 0.4411/10 gltt V€dOL) 0.5511/10 761 lbrzCTL) O22 9 n/e Min Llngth / LL ddl . 24{, Pr.rr on36 0(Y): n:G3-s,o.cq, [g{\]s,GGol, n1:q]o,G36l LoADlt{c (pr0 TCLL EO.O TCOL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCOL lO.O 2X6SPF1650FtsE 2 X4SPF 2100F 1'EE 2 X 4 SPF Stud 'Exccpf 11-s2X4SPFt65oFr5E 2X6SPF 1650F 1.5E LetE2X6,Right2XB obs/.tsc) 1-3864/G$l (nput GS),9.386./U0+1 (inprj! $5€) M.x Horr 1--104(lood ca!€ 2) Max UpUl t=€06(lo.d cass O, 9-€060oad cass 4) PLATES GRIP M20(2098) 149/110 Welght 156 (lbs) BRACINC TOP CHORO Sh€athrd o. 2+1 5 on cant$ pudln 3Pqcitrg. BOT CHORD 11 2:43{. 1 1-l 2s3{, lGl I :eGo. $10e{O.WEBS I Rotvrtmldpt 1l€ 2Rov6atl/3pts +11, 1t€ LUMBER TOP CFK'RO BOT CFIORD WEBS OTHERS WEDGE REACTIONS FORCES TOP CFTIRD l-2.$(E2,2-3-€052,3+53@, +5=€e12, $6.-3812, &7-€369, 7€=.6052, &9=4052 BOT CHORD $l(ts5l123, lci114465. l1-1214465, 1-12r*123WEAS !12--Tn2, +1N12 +l 1--1517. $1 1.23s1. Gl t*1517, 61rE17.7-1b-7r2 NOTES l) Thb tu3s hd3 bo€n dosignod tot tha wind lo.ds genera!.d by 80.0 m.p.h. win& d 25.0 toet rbqrs ground lorsl, u3ing 5.0 p.3t bp d|od dord losd ind 5.0 p!.f botbm cho.d doad hrd, 100.0 mihc fbom hunicane oct.nlino, m ! cd.gory | .tdo3.d building, d din€Glon .L'.O by 24.O with oeosur. C (ASCE 7-*l). Lumb.r h|cr€r!. - t 33. PLl. IncrEs. - I 3. BoOr and wnicsl! rro oe€ad. 2) SIMPSON tt25 cfin€ciots r.comm.nd€d b conn€ct tus to b6adng wrlb di|. to uplltt es bllo{6: One connEnor al Joln(s)t,9. 3) Rcqulrcd b.aring sE ltioht(t 1,9 gr€d.r tf|an Inpd b.adng st . LOAD CASE(SI Standard =v,t< 639ct6o ;U,z0 o! z o2 E3S8oooa d'68; 9333- ;.6 gq qiFE: ;t35l*i8 aP6 s ooc o- o 3Hg AFiqii* R.__,'.r ;fr* [;Egss a;geg' f; 4.5 *-d "$a J o*oo o i ilEF 'FeglEg ;Fc ii Ers 53 dd= ** q6.a6'5'o =oYv,a6i ^-O;s 09oo8; ='.o9+oo €5 33fo Is' =.8(oo ct=g9ooE;l-'e* 8o*o E o = _o ffi* \ilr = isrrlrdllElir' TOP CHORO TOPCHORO zc 3uo =.J(o U, v, o 3 2 ii!: giiig s s=! E Ii8; 3;fi i; Fxs s$9as dfinsi d6oS I :J-N)?9 li 3 R't-z Lvoofo -o q, o o z t1 tl, Cr' 9 6 F- 6 F = e' P P :J e s' F s,, r$ :. E fr9f;+q Fq 3qe F*=$E€'Ea5 adE38 Efi: 95: s-Fssd sp ?Ea- 3F F is EsB ri si6 $Eis4 sss if $g$ $E$ $$f #;iF ,i g$$ Eig;F c*3i 3t3 gqE E* '{[ 5s rc; dns.FE ei 3iH g$$q d. g Ffl ai 5i =ua niBEn ss iis;F ggg ffi di '€i gg$i gi. ;i gg ui gg EF6g $$gifi$i,$g iig$ iF B$gF gF q o ag +3e e3fi s5 = g g Job E1 Truss T11G Tru3s Typ6 MOO. OUEEN av 2 Plv 1 vAlL coMMoN Et t 518552 ru33 a u€1 , -z{a . G}t , r2-Gt 17-ro 2++,r! 2}aro !96J0 tra{t 2+O 0!a t&lr +&13 $a!3 *,t! Dlt 2.oa (o [o ct I *l il It9_r3r 4xO t 3x4 i -3 6.ooF2 12 3xS = SxG tt 5 11 8x16 = 2 10 36= 1 Dr-r2 | tt-lo | 2!4{ t tta{ |Dl.l2 tt4 >r1 lt 12 Plat olbab 0q!: Ir dI$5,G0-01. [9:Oe5,0fiJ, Il 1o{10,C}81 SPAC|NO 244 Plslos Incr.as. l.ql Lumb€r Incr.as. l.q) Ropsbo$lncr NOCod. UBC94 DEFI (n) (loc) ud.ll V€d(LL) 0.4411110 gltl VenCIL) O.55ll/10 761 Hor:(TL) 022 I nh Min Lcng h / LL &n - 24o LOADI g (ptt)TCtt 8ooTCtr- to.oBC|I 00BCd- to.o 2X6SPF't650FrsE 2 X a SPF 2r00F 13E 2 X 4 SPF Sbd 'Ercspf I1,5 2 X4 SPF t6sOF 1.5E 2 X 4 SPF Sbd 'Ercapr wGL 2 X6 SPF l65oF 1.5€, WGR 2 X 6 SpF | 6aiOF 1.58 L.ft2X6,Right2X6 0b/si!o) 1.3E6'4 )+1 onput Gt6),93E64rGel onput GGE) lilar llan l-t(X(load cese 2t Mrx Uplitl l.-3o60cd c.s€ 4),9.306(oad case 4) PLATES GRIP M20(209r) 149/llo Woight 277 (|bs) BRACINO TOP CHORD Sh.rth€d or 2-315 on c.nt rpurlin spqchg. BOT CHORD l -l 2:&3-O, I l-t 2:4.10, lGl I :e30, 91q6+O.WEBS I RowdmidDt 11€ 2 Ro$!al1/3 pE +11,713 LUMBER TOP CHORO BOT CHORT) WEBS OT}IERS WEOGE REACTIONS FORCES ToP CHoRD 1-2r.dls2,2€:-$52. $4-6359,4-5-3812, +&-36i2.67=€369,7€=4(F2, &9*€(152 8OTCI{ORD 8t0.5323, 1G11=4465, 11-12-1,4€5, 1-12-532AWEBS 3-12.-772, +12'a17, +11--1517, *11-23s1, &1 1--151 7, e1V817, 7-1b-TT2 NOTES 1) Thb tug3 hr! b.en d€igtrd tot |h. wind load! ganoEi.d by 8OO m.p.h. vinds !t 25.0 fs€t rbo\rs ground lcvel, using 5.0 Ps.t bp chord d.ad lo.d lnd 5.O p.s.t botbm chotd dsad losd. lm.o mlt€ ftom hunicanc ocaanlhc, on ! catego(y I anclo€.d hlldin3, oa dlmon3loo3 /6.0 by 24.O wilh .rpo6ur. C (ASCE 7€S). Lurnber IncrBrs. . 1 .33, Pliri. lncr..3. r 1.E1. Bo|h rnd Edic.b |16 q6od. a G.bb !tr& sp.c.d !t 16 Inct€s on c.nbr. 3) G.bL !frrd! &.oding T2 Indrr3 length to bc herally bncrd at midpoinl For stl& .)9oc.d !o wird. s6. MiTqk'Standard C'.b|. End O.b|r, 4) Strds b b. h$lnod w||h a(4 M20 d.t ..q SHPSON tt2.5 connc.lD|3 tlconrm.nd€d b conn€€t tuss !o boaring w.lb drj. b uplitl es iollonr: One oonn.stor !i join(s) 1.9. O R.qulrgd b€.rhg lEe * loln(s) 1 . 9 gr.abf than inPut b€adng si:e. LoAD CASEISI Sbndrfd Dtc 1 'l 1996 A V',*Utlte - Vetifi dtsign patameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFOM USE.D$ign valid tor u6e ooly with MII€k connectors. Thb design is bas€d only upon palamoterg shown, anal b tor an individual building co'tpon€nt to bo insrallod and loaded vodically. Appti€bitity ol d€9i9n paErh€tors and prop€r incoooradon ol conponenl i8 r€sponsibility of building d€signer - not truss d6i9ner. Bracing shown G tor tatorat suppofi ot indiyiduat vrob ltllmemb€B only. additiooal tompota.y b6cing lo Ineur€ stability dunng coistruction is the rosponsibilily of the er€ctor. Additionaj E=- EE HHfill[T1ff""J",'ff1""fJ::'t#jil"J5[:3HTly,:ii1,l:ijl[',+Tf3,j;[ij8llf[i,3l,33ltrf8*ilX mltsP.cltlc.llon, .nd HlB4l H.ndling In .lllng tnd 8.*hg n.comhcnd.lion avaitabto trom Tru.. phb In.r[ub,-sa3 D. IlTrk hd||atrba, lnc.Oiofrio Ddv., l|.dl.on, Wl sitng P. U,l<5J9cr5o ;U,z0 o =FIz -l =o2 tm .\* m:aY!+(.r \oooao.,'lfo : o 6 dE ci g;;e-c+o5o;6 PqRsii;u 5 ai=q9;-1 =tilf1*ii;5n6o.<-' qEj ;Eir;;< 6g':::o.* x --Nsfr3 [;6.Fss a;gqg 5 a:.r3= q88- gs o o iiiFi*FggiEg ffiE ii Frs 15 Ea= *l j.o .', o-oFg d.9ooo-oo.'o6c o {i 33 HO 36(oO.', =a9 6bl='9-d 8eo E ffiH \rlr $Fiffi, t) D]tli'lzl 't 19 TOP CHORO TOP CHORD zc 3oo =.f,(o C" Cr, o 3 2 Fi!: giiiF s i*! { .<-d gl-E; 3 ;fi gt -t FSa dEHH: :3O'-.{'iSS sFo::' ,:!R .! ! Y'6oU 9__N)C.)ON) 20 @ I EPz >.7ooforlg <to o 7 c.' at tldg. 5C.ed o- 6iOrrro ooa{9o69gdqO JO-c UIo ! ot'o 9 d, ; -" F = 6 s so :r q s' 5 (, io -- " grsggi$iiigigigqguiggigl TiFiE+fi,giiigF* te gg i ;g'g;g llgiirg,$g ri* ii Fg$gqaf,< F GE I r12{ t t}!{ | 2to{ , !or.t{ ,3} {,a7{ ot4 lttra !t-tt{ Itt€ aoo 6.oofit 3St 3x5 \ 53 6fi, 416 \ 3x4 /z 2 67 11 4x10 = 10 4x10 = 516 = 4 s + CD (o Tdo $iNl Tru$ Type ROOF TRUSS VAlt COMMON Ei U51E553 SPAC|NO 244 Plrts. hcn6. 1,00 Lumbor lnc'eG. l.0O Rcpsbershcr NOCod. LJB994 DEFL 0n) ooc) Ydcl Vrt(Ll-) 0.3tt lo9 g€9 Vc CIL) 0.41 IOS 899 HorzCtL) 0.11 I n/r Min Lenglh / LL defr - 2rO Plab ofs.B 0(Y): F$2-12,G2{rl. Frr+6,O+q, tlcGo{.O}61, 112fi1-12.o1-14 LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT C|ORO WEBS OTHERS WEOGE REACNONS FORCES TOP CHORO BC'T CTPRD WEBS NO'ES 2X6SPF1650F15E 2 Xa SPF 210F t.8E 2 X 4 SPF Stud 'Exc.pr 12-22X4SPF16sOFt.sE 2X4HFuXiV Rbht 2 X /r 0bs/3h.) r.3(FU05€, 8-3414/GS8 Mu liorr l-zS4(ord ca!.2) Mu Upfif 1-224(btd 6. rl). E*273(load c.sc 4) f -2.-2990. 2€--3Cn7, 3-4-26-33, /T5.-2E3r, 5€--4449, S7r-51 62, 7 &4162 &$4:X!5, 91(F3dt2, lGl 1r3dt2, I l-lb2713, 1-1H 2-12-?13,r12--gZl,+11- 2'12, +11.1396. $t 1r-13{2, $9-EtB, et-ZE6 PLATES GRIP M20(209r) 1.19/110 Woisht 144 obs) Shoath.d or 2-7€ on c€nt r purlln spadng, reBd|dwnicab. l-12:e+O, I t-'12:&3O, lcl ts3o, $106€.0, &gelo. I Row d midpt &11, I 1.4 2 Row !t 1/3 pts lt.s nFrl BRACINO TOP CHORD BOT CI-IORD WEBS 1) Thi quss ltrs-bc€n dGignod fDr tho wlnd loads g3De|.t d by @.0 m.p.h. winds .t 25.o f.ct abo\rs ground l.wl, uslng S.Opsf' bP-choJd_ d6ad lo.d tnd 5'0 pst botbrn cho.d drad to.d, I OO.O mihs ttom hunic.m ocoantrl. m e ctgory t c|cloc.d.buldhg. otdn€rr:lm3 4ti.0 by 2.t.0 wlth opocurc C 6SCE 7€E). Lumbor lncroars r 13, Ptrtc Incrcase. 1.9t. 9oft .nd wdcds arr.Fos.d. 2) Sn,PSOT'I lZ5 connecbn trcommctd.d b corn€ct tu$ to b€aring wdb dre io udii r3 bltows: On conn cbr attin(r)i, a. LOAD CASEIS) Strndrd A, vl*Ntwc - uni6! vtlRNlNc vcrifi dzsign parametas aad READ NorES oN THIS AND REwRsE 1IDE aEFoM usE.u6s|gn vaE tor us€ ody with illf€ff conncdols. Thb deign is basgd oily upon paramoters shown, and is for En individualbuilding componont to bo installed and loaded t/orlilatry. nipricaoitity ot cesig-;palarneiers ano prop., incorporstion ofcofipon€nl is rosponsibilrty ot building de6igner.- not llllgs d€signer. Bracing shos,n is lo. tat€El support of irdividual webm€nE€la only a(l(truonal lemporary bracing to icsur€ sl,Ebflity du.ing construclion is th€ rosponsb.|itl; ot th€ er€ctor Acldtionalp€nmn€nt bradng ol tho owrall struclut€ is lho.rqgponsibilityol lhe bullding desi9n6r. For gsn€.al guldanc€ |€garding F:l3Pl_q:"t!_?.p"], slora96, d€iiveJy.,€recdon, 6nd_brecin9. cons,rh O-sT-8;Oulrry srnOad, oSa-ee inan!5:l3Pl_q:"ry_?.pot, 6lora96, d€tryeJy.,€recuon, 6nd brecing, consuh OaT-SS-Ou.lry S-hnd!.i, OSa-ee inclnispocfl|cmon, anc |llE 9l llandling InaLlllng and Baaclng Raconmdxlatbo avaihbte trom lhta! pldc Inathutc,-Sfg D'orto{rlo Driy., t .dl.on. Wt 5it7t9 Itrt ffiEEIIT.I Indurtrl.., I lorer- =u,l< OJ9cr60 =u,z0 oE z =ozi iitFieregfig ffia ii Argi' a o- 50 YautoFO 6-i oo H6 .:r ='o {5f,g()o sg'O= 3H a=aQ DOxx' =='9-6 8so i o b ffiH \ ,fD QO.)o'i - o oool1;Aqodd'! H66e-+o = oJ;r)r'\e'Y =X*5ii;II6'5q+ol =.eF*1*!i;:u6tl.< { oo o o ,t dP 6' - ;'s i --N< :x 96"q eqqo !2- --q*6- PS to-o o ilr ,+ iiRz F6; OnX llo.'ssE3e3oo '\_ J;o 5' @ a-Yof 3 o C]' a- =En FB o S;:b988 Ye 2 r=g; = r 6 !;;i F$s q$ i Eilg 3gF ;{ i ii:Fis ; d lie?o o ; 6 0()9 -- = ;FFg*z-r zc 3oo =. =(o U' v, o 3 >.7oo5o o CJ, o o zn (.F Ftnde.3C.e66o Orrro !=ooa{9o69 go-cOQO-c ato ! oEof o O o O-pjc t E.doe:FF ; aa! H g6H 3 i.ee6 Qo+I =o;= *o =-= d0E := frEB E EE94 6'8 oo 9,.- +R 'p6 -o E 9--E6F=6etr:.es,r.!, ile tgi rf 116 a$i gi ag[ ifi ggg FF$ g[g #Frg f, Fg ef 3g -;- 'qt iF'i' 5F $Fi $iE flE tB'€3 ';i ai F; gg ,g$Fg i$ F+ $FF *$g $FiF is''u ifi s $'. ee c; :5 5- g$$ sa ii gg Fg qo TOPCHORD TOP CHORO 0lDI il2l :l (9 $Fi#, o CL)r0 fo VAIL COMMON EI F_:?{{ 1 Llt F l2+r | 17-10 | ?}'tt | 29lto I !3aa | !+eo I2{r0 alt ++tt }}tt tG.t! t&t3 +'a 10,o 6.ooFZ u51E554 516 lt 5 I :l ;fl I 3x5, 4 3x4 \ 6 4x6, 3x4 \ 23, 416 \ 4x10 \ !a I?l9(o 4rc) 2x4x s 4x10 =7x'12= 12 8x'l6 = Ph oftb€b (XY): nsr€,0+01. 110s3{,G2q, n2soo,c}41 sPAChrG 20{ Platg3lncrc.so 1Il0 Lumb.r lncr@sa l.@ Rapstoss Incr NOCodo t BG94 DEFL (n) (oc) Ud.i Vad(LL) O.37 1U12 999 VcttfiQ 0.a7 1312 E5:! Hoz(TL) 0.t7 10 nh Min LcrE h / LL dcn . 2.10 LoADING (p30 TCLL 80.OTCOL to.OBCLL O.O BCOL 1o.O 2 X6 SPF 1650F t.5E 2X4SPF2r00Ft.6E 2X4SPFSttd'Ercefrf 12€ 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E. 1G7 2 X 4 SPF 1650F .t 5€ 2X4HFtftity L.lt 2 X,0 0bq&ts ) t€5-tgG$12 (inFrt G$E), 1F3673/D$12 0nput GSE) Mrx Hoz l-184(load case 3) M.r Udin 1-2930o.d cas.4, 1(F2910oad ca3.4) 1-2-€650, 23.-5650. 3a-4962. 4-5=3tXr5. $6--9X5, 67&f175, 7€.0, E-SO, $10.-723 1Gl1-36@, 1l-12-32€, 12-13-40S7, t-13-4969 3-13g-7 A5, +13-872E, 1-12-1 524, 712-197E, &1 2*9€O, G1 1 -2O. 7 -1 1 -186. 7-1b4617 PLATES GRIP Itl20(209.) 149110 Wdght 156 (lbE) ARACING TOP CHORD Shealh.d or 2-.1-6 on c.nbr purlin 3pacirB. oxc€pt and vciicab. BOT CHORD 1 -1 3:6€.0. l2-13SlO, l 1-1 2:6+{1, 1 G1 1 :6€.0.WEBS t Rolv rt midpt 124,12-3,7-10 2 RoG !t tr3 lts +l 2 Dtc LUMAER TOP CHORD BOT CTIORD WEBS OTHERS WEDGE REACNOI{3 FORCES TOP C}K'RD BC'T CT|oRD WEBS t{oTEs l) Thi qr|3r h3!cend.{ii9n d br lh€ wind lo.d3 g€n.r.tsd by Eo.o m.p.h. wlnds .t 25O t qt lbovr ground |.1d, using 5,0 Ps.f. bp chotd dsad hod tnd 5.0 Pst botbm chotd d.ad lo.d, 1q).0 mih.llom hunic.ne ocGanllne, on . c.lEgoqr Ifi€b..d bu ding, of dirn triiJ|l3 t15.0 by 24.0 vui|h c|eosuft C (ASCE 7€at). Lumb€r IncrEso r | 3tt, Plab Incr.lse . t 33, Bo& and v€rt'c.b aru ago6ad. 2) SIMPISON H2.5 connrctor: nommrndcd b conmct tus b b€.dng wslle dur b upfit ri follorB: On. conn.cbr d iolnt(3)l, to. O R.quk d b.adng sizc d Joir{s) I , I 0 gr€abr t|rn input badng 3tse. LOAD CASE(S) Sbndard Truss Typg MOO. OUEEN 3tl'ir'""\ $# Onofrlo dv., lr.dlson. Wl 5it7l9 L wlnmltc vcifv dct.ign param.cn and READ tr-orES oN THIS AND / ]VERSE IDE BEF1M usE. \ ue$gn val|o rcr uso only with MlTal connectors. Tlis dosion is bas€d only upon palamelols shown, and is tor an indivitlrl br.rilding compoient to b€ installed and loa(bd ve.tically. Applicability ol dssign param€tors and proper inco.poration ot rffi:H",,Tffi1:'fl'jlL:l'1*'J8,H3i:i;l?:'sili"lil?l;?5,:$3"llilii$H""].iiiffJ,fli11i#:!Hi"*, gll ffiHfitliiTil,'J*'1,::fi4!:'i5#ii:x'1ffi::ffi'?iffi:Bltli't%1trK,[ij3il#,::H3[H"3fl:lH mltsP.cltlc.lbn' .nd HIB'91 tLandllng Intt lling .r|d gteclng F.comm.nfitlon avairabr€ tlon tru; nit"i".drrrri'sgs o. IlTr-k hdurfrl.., hc. 7(/,l< OJ90do ;U'z0 o7t anz =oz t+ oooasrffo o 6 60 X66e- =rJ:iru;6 se F=OJxJo;u 5 ii=e.qi;i =Dfih Yo2Pt8Y: !?o.<' .s o o o !+ I !1 a -*sOUx 6 --N< =Yo =;oJi ==;t:i 9XO RS o o ilr |13Ai 6;= 9o6 lzo -'qoo :,, 1ooo' *6 5' 'rsI=qiinfr A e+E; "rE*4aa 5iil;gii ?ffi :F da= *a 50 uro O=;o oo 8a o {5 66' FE'O= 6ii a9 6b=-'C-d On o :! =ffiH \ - isEittrrliIu] ii itilffi @@ FuiK@- n!lFDI.tl EI: :,7oofo o CNa o 7 o \l,r CT Fl -tdo.3c -Qd6dO-r1O !=ooa{9o69 g-dtrOee a,o ! oEoa >| 9 !r5 !, l,r - fi$f 3E$ $$$ f g?Fii i$F iEi$iEFFtguegfriEg $gF,$g$f+$iig$gs sfli aa'ig$ Fg s';* r{ o ;if'$i$isaF$gfEg € gF EF g$ *fit saF s* *;E Fi ii g3 'Effg ' e.3 + q E--e'; $Fa3$gLg F" 8fi r ;q'9o 3Ybr =.d;d:Psfi jg gR E3*u =oqs d3' iF gs oo l d TOP CHORD TOP CHORO zc 3uo =.f(o v, UI o 3 2 Fi!: sii;3s i:!d I is; 3 ;fi E;-l 39; 68FX€ @5Ed-(,.1.-\J':Bs eEaii -d 8'.S o__t\)99 tizu I 8 z f" Fr Truss T10 Truss Typ6 MONO otv 2 PV 2 VAIL COMMON E1 ,l -r4*i n{{. -Ai 1 61 €=_re , 1-$12 3€-0 - 1-912 1-&4 6.00[T2 2x4 u 3x6 -4x4= , 1-*12 3{-O 1-912 1-&4 PlatB Ofiss (XY): l2:GGl2,G1-81, [s:G2-laGGol LOAIING (p30 TC|J- 80.0TCDL r0.0BCr.t 0.0BCDL 10.0 SPACING Plates lncr€ala Lumb€r lnq€e36 Rep Strs$ Incr Code 2M 1.00 t.(n NO UBCg.l c8lTC 0.038C 0.15wB 0.73 DEFL (n) (bc) Ydel V€d(LL) 0.01 5 999 VorrfiL) 0.01 5 9{19 Htrz(TL) 0.m 1 nh Min Lsng h / L|. &fl = 2€ PI.ATES GRIP Mm(209a) 149t110 Weight 18 (lbs) LU BER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F r.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF .r050F 1.5EWEBS 2X4SPFStud REACTIONS (lb€/8tss) l-lBa F$8,4J!1071n-fi Mq tlorz t=l lg(load ca!€ 3) Max Upllff l.-i64(oad cas€ 2), rF-2o8(load cas€ 3) ERACINO TOP CHORD Sh€alh€d or 6+0 on csnl€r ptr|in spadno, srcapl €rd v6ttcal8. BOT CHORD Rigid cdlhg dlE{y applied, or I (XXXXI on csnbr b|acit|g. FORCES TOP CHORD l-t-2870, 2-3={, 3-4!-130 8OT CHORD +5=2465, 1-$2/+85WEBS 2-5.27i1O,2+-28% l{oTEs I ) 2dy Iruss lo be connocM togslher wltr tod nails a3 tollovvs; Top cfiods connected wilh I mw(s) at I t ird|es on csnt€r. Bottqn dtodr connec'tsd wilh 2 rcw(s) at 5 Ind€s on c6nt6r. W€bs conn€d€d with 1 row at 6 inchag on cenl€r. 2) Thb hl!3 ha! b€€n design€d br lh€ urhd losds gsn€ratod by 80.0 tnp.h. wlnds al 25.0 feot ab@o grurd lsv€|, using 5.0 p.!.f. lop d|od doad bad and 5.0 p.s.f botbdr chord dead load, I (X}.0 milos tom hunlcano ocsanllno, on a catBgpry | Gnclosad tulldhg, of dlnonsbm 45.0 by 24.0 wtlh €leoqlr€ C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber IncrBes€ = L33, Platg |rs€as€ E I .33. Eoth snd !/€rtlcals ats €ogosed. 3) Sp€dal hangor Equlr€d to support concenHed losds. a) Han96. rumrmndsd tor connedion of truss b b€adng rvalls Aro b upffi.: H2"5 at joinl(!) I , 4, LoADcAsE(s) :''r^ 1'! 1996 ',LunDer ," €argFl.Orl, Aa." Incr€as€='.Cro -ffi(hitorlnl-osdr0bqp€rfr) ./,^$hr)l}Grio\vrtl-2!-180.0, 2-3=i80.0, ,l-5*20.0, l-5=-20.0 E -9' ..*-.- conc6nd6dLoeds(rb8) ''v'FiF-4u'u'.'o--4u'u ffit'i*w building component to b€ install€d and loadod vertically. Applicability ol d6si9n parametols and p.op€, i*rpo|'a"n oi --- --i | \a Oar]....-..t:.CN\-,// ffiffiTi:Tffi'flJlfli"l'#3#,""€T1;llH,iilil;l;"J?,ltffis.Tl,;y*;:r#,us;:ffifi::i.,"*, gEI I "w*>/rffiHTffiffg"si:fifl:ifJJji:"HffiH'#":',1*:lii'l%",ffi;ffsi"Ti::slH13*iH ffiIl I ;tr1ff*.*:".l..ig,fl Hlndlins lmt l ng lnd B'lclno Foclmm.ndrrion avaitabr6 t,om tluri ir.LinJ["L,iog o' ItTrFha-urrrl- tnc. I =a:-< o)9odo ; ct, zc, o3tnz oz r+ ;i==^ U O OE x66! =o5(D;.6 -oq*5ci;u 5,ir =s.961 =ll f fh :go:*:35n6o<' .s o c oo .,-i =.,*qii;. E-se:< 3s:ar* 1;;BB- 9a'ggeB a;ges' aFl3= t'o8 3- ..&Fo o F sF= e:'; gdF bg 3g€! rg =6g6'3i:set!98ao= :d 1oto+ 5 X 5 F$.,iEi 5sEls {) 33 gs' =8a9 DO 6bl='C-d On ;r rlr o lXTz ( FTIE! \ Eljt\ 6 \ i ! o 8dacod (9o $Fiffi, D 2 z D F TOP CHORO TOP CHORO z C 3oo =. =(o CI, U, o 3 2 ii!: g;iii s i*! E I i3t s ;fi E;{ e sg 3g A9 -:riss et E-<l snEoU €__t\)!o9 li 9 g ?z LVoofo o U'o o 7 o ft,(,/| O-r-ro !=ooat9o50=c E:dcO:o v,ot o!o o o-e 5 "sgY =-o.o16ofnOo 6-9 =,F ; arlsr =.E 9,9q=f R Io -=6qa2r aPeo' sE€x s.:d80 1,, :' ='Do -d E qo+cfi+:rJ o 3oo rio =(o f o 5' oY q5F iF -33d iQbA oB 5'oo i sai a; n$E afr .56 eFe fra dr '€q {Fif$$ E3g=x eN-r O !a < O+ =-A' = Oo a; -lJ f'* i_u; d :JP:Iq ssgifrgf$E$ 'g;33iEiFgE 3E;3;qa *r* irsgFr$$s = d i50e* =a o'o- d /6il !rEorts--g g +tEai ai gai5iifri t ie uE3 ai Fie dds [a Ear €*FaaliA;fEi ,F "qd g: *F 5E: e=,r i6 3 iF ag ;i 3e gig afr';r €3$3 #e Fqidna aE "F e; 1ggg'd aF + a E'-e o; €;g J