HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS BUILDING A2 LEGALWc-^ -. R-lA^l A> General Informatlon: A home occupauon is a use conducted entirely within a dwelling and is incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes. Home occupati'on permits must be renewed on an annual basis. Approvals for home occlpaiions shall lapse it not punued within two months of approval' Business Name:flr1fr De us Description of the businessl Location: Lot:-Block: tIDs 3 Home Occupation Permit i-).-.\ eo-flu^olql Application Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage R@d, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 970.479,7139 fax: 970,479'2452 web: www.ci.vail,co'us O AW'TS-( rcvqo [n-rZ_QJ- aEQfiNPhysical Address: Parcel No.: UN (f n'/lt4rt c (/ A57 (Contact Eagle Co' Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no') Zoning: UN hMM I NN€ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:lFtrt 6{/& &Qnnlr Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:72rcu 2eQMailing Address: Email Address: Number of employees: HOME OCPTTON TNFoRMATTON Hours of operation: Equipment/veh ) to be used: Where are materials/equipment to be located: Will clients be coming to the home: Estimate number of client visits per week: Please attach written approval frorn a n condominium association, landlord, and Joint of additional Plans, drawings' a model) if deemed necessary to Guidelines or if the intent of the owner, if applicable. The aamiiristrator may require . the submission specifi cations, samples inditither' roaterials .(including determine whether a proJect will comply with Desigh proposal is not clearly indicated. 4. 5. HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT CONDITIOilS All h-ome occupations must compty with the followlng regulations at all umes. rf anycondifon is violated at any time, the home occupation permit may be revoked. 1' The use shall be conducted entkely within a dwelling ancl carried on principally by the inhabitan6 thereof' Employees, other than inhabitants of the dwelling, shall not exceed one pe6on at any Ume. 2. The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and shall not change the residential character thereof. 3' The total floor are used for the home occupation shall not exceed one-fourth of the gross residential floor area of the dwelling, or five hundred square feet, whichever is less. There shall be no advertising, display, or other indication of the home occupation on the premises. Selling stocks, supplies, or producb on the premises shall not be permitted, provlded that incidental retail sales may be made in connection with other permitted home occupations. There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of materials or equipment used in the home occuDation, 7. There shall be no noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line, as a result of the home occupation. 8. A home occupation shall not generate significant vehicular traffic in excess of that typically generated by residential dwellings. 9. No parking or storage of commercial vehicles shall be permifted on the site. 10. A home occupation permit is valid for one year and must be renewed by the Administrator in order for the home occupation to legally be continued. I agree that the home occupation will be in compliance with all of these conditons. 5. 06 f t(,' < (Date) | t APPRffiVffi M TOWN OF Page2 of 3101110102 Bauman & Associates 2084 Zermattlane Unit A Vail, CO. 81657 Dear Mr. Baumann- This letter is to approve your request for home occupancy at Vail Commons Residential H.O.A. The Board has reviewed your requLst and grants permission with the following requirements: -No increase in traffic in front of your unit will be created. Any visitors must comply with the Rules and Regulations of the association (i.e. no parking on Zermatt Lane). -AIl Town of Vail code requirements are met. Ifyou have any questions please feel free to contact management.tw Dan McNeill CMCA AMS Broker McNeill Property Management Inc. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. #104 Vail, CO. 81657 970-479-6047 C.C. Vail Commons Board of Directors :,1-03 01:50prn Frorn-T0lll{ 0F V.AAC0WUI{lTY DEVEL0PIEilT CnL A s*.;o*ion DEVELOPT F IMPFCTVEMENI AGFEEMENT THIS '.y and 970119?452 t-142 P 006/010 F-923 --,t5-L@3 P.,t lt'll LETTEH OF F',lttta3taneJ i;JWN cF tAiI (here'nafter calledih: "town'l ano ruln (hereinafter cz'led ihe "Bank"). ryHEHEAS, rhe Devetoper, ar a condition ol approval otne 2pS\'A|QQ fufry*lAnC femporary Certilicate of Occufiancy fvishes lo enter inio a Developer lmprovement Agreement; --J WHEREAS, the Developer is )bligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasol rable pror isions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and wFlEREAs, the Developerwi ;hes to ptovide collateral to guarantee Performance of this Agreement, including construCtiOn Of fie abov(Freferenced imprOvementS by means Of the following: Develooer aorees to estaFlisl a letter (f credit with a Bank in Eagle county in a dollar. . .morniof iI:@-pl_ 125"h ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide securitY for the following: IMPROVEMENT loq)t.^f"J NOW THEREFOFTE, in cons ceration of frre following mulual covenants and agreements' the Developer and lhe Town agr'ee a; follows: 1, The Developer agreet , at the s lle cost and expenses, to tumish all equipment and materiat necessary to irerform at ,d compl€ te all imprOvemenls, on 0r before-frgIIA;Ib/_ . The De retopei stratl complete, in a good_rvorkmanlike manner, all ififfiGmA;t= "s tisted above, in acr ordince flith afl dlans and specifications filed in the office oi rh6 community Dwelopment Depart nent, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with he follow ng: ;,16'tf'.\cverSpneVbrms\dcvimpag Jtr Prgrlof5 ?r,,,'^e..-- -, ,-:i 01:50pn From-T0l{ll 0F VU0WUi.|lTY DEVELOPIIi{r 2. iln4792452 r-442 P 007/010 F-923 A Such other designs, dr rwings, raps, speciiications, sketches, and other matter submifted Oy thd Deve cper to btl approved by any of the above-referenced g""err"tit"f "ntiti.r. Att suiO wooi .hall be done under the inspection of' and to ine iatisiaction or, the l'own Engrineer, the Town Building Ofticial,.or other official f(om the TOwn of Vail, $ affectecl by speCial districts Or Service districts' aS lner respective interest ma) appear, and shall not be deemed complete uilil approved anO accepteO as comp eted by die Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works D3panment' To secure and guaranl ae perfonnance oi its obligations as set fonh herein' the Developer agrees to provide security md cottateral as tollows: tnevocable fetter of cn dit #-----.=- in the amount oI$-A-P2'g- *t --?fnZ.r.-A t0 K-----(name-or bank in qryl:,"c?-Tg)tr tn" siilffililtne itq .temens seifonh above if there is a default under the Agreement bY Develol er. g. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set fonh above for another iorm ot cottateiiiac"epta ,f" io the Town to guaraniee the faithJul completion of those ImDrovements referred to herein and he performance oi the terms of this Agreement' Such ilili;;;; ;y tne rorn ot artemativ I collalerll shall be at the Town's sole discretion- 4' The Town shall not, nttr shall ary officer or employee thereof' be liable or |."rponsiit" tor any accident, loss or lamage hlppening or occuning to the work specified in this ngi;ment priof td the completion ar I accept? nce of the same, nor shall the Town' nor any otiicer Or employee thereof, be liabte for any pr:rsons or property iniured by reason o{ the nature ci =ulO wotfr, Uui att ot said'liabilities r;hall and ,ile hereby assumed by the Developer' The Developer hereby agrees to indemnity and hold harmless lhe Town, and any of its oriicer.s, agents and emproye'es'agair sl any lorses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the fcwn or aiy oi its omcers,'agentiOr employet,s may become Subject to, inSofar aS any such tcsses, claims, damages 6t riunifitiei iorLctions in respect thereof) that atise out of or are based uo* iny p.rf6rman"l by the Develc ier herelnder: airO tfre Developer shall reimburse the Town for ""y ;fi;i iegll or other e"p"n.. s reason;rbly incurred by the Town in ctnnection with inu"=t'bitr"g "r Oitending lny iuch I 15s, clain, da1age, liability or action. This indemni$ ptt"isiiri sriA be in addiiion io any < ther liabilty which fie Developer may have' 5.|tismutuatlyagreedllattheDrlve|opermayapplytotheTownandtheTownsha|l authorize for partial releas6 of-tt'. l. titerat Oe posit'ed with thb town tor each category of . *pioue*"nt'at Such time as such in rprovemenls are constructed in compliance with all plans in'a- ipecificarions as referenced her junder arrd accepled by the Tolvn. Under no condition will ine arount of the collateral that is br,ing held l:e reduced below the amount necessary to complete such imProvements ' 6. lf the Town determine s, at iis scle discretion, that any ot the improvements contemplated hereunder are not COn jtructed ir COnrpliance wrth the plans and speciiications s.et forth in this Agreement on or before he date setfonh in Paragrapn 2, lhe Town may, but shall t.inr 1ilquir"d to. reOeem tne btter of credit,$ necessary to complete the unfinished 5i :very.' ne\foms\Ccvinpag.kr Irgr3 of5 Ar;-04-03 0l:50pn F rom-T0lfll 0F V|C0llilJl{ | TY DEVEL0PIEII I r-112 P 008/0t0 F-9239701792152 trrprevements, The Bank shall releas: such funds upon written request fromlhe Town stating ,. ifrii ine improvements have not been completeJ as iequired by this-agreement' The Bank shall not require the concufience of the de' eloper pr:Or to releaSe Of the funds tO the Town nor Shdll the Ba;k be required to verify indeper dently ihrtt such improvemenls have not been comdeted as required Oy this agreement, Uut'sn tll releast, such funds solely upon the Town's written request. It the costs of completing the ,uork exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, ':0gethe. with interest at twelve perCer t per annum, shall be a liefl against the ProPerty and.rya1 Je"collected by civil suit or may be ce tiiied to I rc treasurer of Eagle County 1o be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valore m taxes llvied against suc,h propeny. ff the permit h-older eils or refuses to comptet- tte cleanl P and larrdscaping, ad defined in this chapter' such failure cr retusal shall be considered a violat on of the Zoning Code' T.TheDeveloperwafiansa||worl.andmaterialfora-periodofoneyearafter- acceptance of alt work refdned to in l lis Agreenent by the Town if such-work is located on Town oiVliipropert' or within Town of Vail right-of-rrr'ay pu6uant to Section 17.16'250- 8- The parties hereto mu ually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided thit such amendme rc be in \vriting and executed by all panies hereto' Dated the day and year first a rve wriflen. i:\everyonc\fomrsldevimPag-lu Prgr I ofj Frorn-T0lllt 0F V|c0t{4ull ITY DEVELoP[f,t.|I STATE OF COLOFADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO 3CUNW OF EAGLE qq D€velepet rnA^lA6ER 970118245?1-442 P 009/010 F-923 fl\cAlrru- The foreooino Developer lmpr' rvement l\greemeil was ac[nowledged before me thisJ/-;;;;i:-Zi;/---: =iistw 'oaae ( -//ei'b'zL -' \Mltness rny hand and official s eal. t./ My commission expi res ;-- -A//qZ/-{owy Public tLff ,ii:Ezr,ff '*''*1""'*"3ffffiii*"Tiwi:r2f rm"fuy"" hgF{of5 1.t Aevctyode\bntrsucvtdpog.h McNeill 2077 N. Voil, CO Property AAonogement, Inc. Frontoge Rood, #300 8t657 To: Re: Worren Compbell Reguired Developer fmprovement Agreement for the Londscoping ot Voil Commons Dote: Morch 17,2OO3 Deor Mr. Compbell, Encfosed you will find our Developer fmprovement Agreement, our estimotes for the cost. ond o diogrom of the londscoping project for Voil Commons. Please coll us o1479-6Q47 if ihere is onything elseyouneed. incerely Don McNeill 5TEVENS HOME CARE,INC. Quote for Voil Commons Londscoping Project 34 - 5 gollonPerennials @ $13.50 each - $ 459.00 4? - 2 gollon Potentillos @ $?9.62 eoch - $L,244.O4 t2 - 2-3 ft. Aspen Trees @ $38.50 eoch - $ 462.00 Totol- $2,t6504 Property Account vcomoon8 5003 DATE;03/19/03 CKlt:5385 ToTAL: $2. 155. 04 r r * PAYEE: Town of vail (Townvai.l) K:VUOnmOnS - vdj.r LunursrrJ nEeru Description Developer fmprovement agreement Invoice Amount 2,165 .04 BANK: vconmons - vail Conmons Residential Condo A E<cro'-' 4{p*_ vdcr'*-=- f{t+-r , ,,, , , ,,,, 1., ,.,, ,;., 'lraaoc.o|lr- (.1 lraiaOD rn6 o tsI 9r oo al N (\. ; N ; E H AE- lr(a d z 8 '(t{aq Hq| HlrEH -RzuOEEOE ()o r1O.Ht[!{o ; f, tl{I3 o cEto N F C't{ 6 dF ts I FI f, o :.-z E8P" cl ro20.AEEoo e2DDEOE;EE{ EE 4 liFzzEtttoF: 624prOH- ooo.q FEtzvtDooAE t{ a e q Ft cl xF z F ECr(J zg EHE!o 0EEi GC!q aoD t9o(J A F.tl E H HE Az R H& FHqlI n|p u6I>aEtq{ot( o c.c' cgo tfic oAO.tr De p artment of C ommunity D eve I opmen t 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 5, 2003 McNeil Property Management c/o Dan McNeil 2077 North Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 Re: The required Developer lmprovement Agreement for the landscaping at Vail Commons. Mr. McNeil: This letter is to serve as notification that staff has visited the Vail Commons site and found that all the plants shown on your submitted landscape plan have not been installed by the required date of May 31, 2003 as listed in the Developer lmprovement Agreement. To be specific the aspen have not been installed in the areas identified on the landscaping plan. Please look into this issue and call me to discuss when the remainder of the landscaping will be installed. I am including a copy of the landscape plan submitted with the Developer lmprovement Agreement. The Town has cashed the check for $2,165.04 to cover the cost of installing landscaping in the event all landscaping is not installed. A refund will be issued to the Vail Commons Condominium Association once all the landscaping is installec. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. With regards, "'rill^^ Warren Planner Cc: File {Sun "*"*o McNeiill Property Monogement, Inc. 2O7l N. Frontoge Rood, #300 tail, p0 8t657 970-479-6047 TO: .Worren Ccmpbell DATE: 6 June 03 lutr. Gompbell, :\ \ ,\ \\ ''\ I 1r R{gording the Voil Commons project; , I Fm sorry to soy thot I urqs unowqre of the londscope plon ,rii.t wos subnitted to the Town of Voil' We had on bHernqtive plon cneoted by myself ond Don lrtcNeill which wos' ;; ;; pl".'" "r ihe originol- ttv opologizes for the confueion. . In ploce of lhe Aspens (5). I plonted o lilac lree, on olpine c[rrortt shrub ond 2 sond cherry shrubs' These ore oll drougrlrt tolerqnt species ond are very hordy' rtlcnEitlZnvdonche hos been on o mission to mqke oll of our pnoperties&olrghfresistontbyusin9xeriscopin9whereever pottibt". Although Aspens a?e a notive tree ond con withstond dr"y yeors, they grow on eloborate root system , lrhi"h cqn csuse problems in the future. Aspens proliferofe : t ond con cause dornoge to sidewolks, buildings ond, in the cose of Vail Commorrs, retaining wolls' t,l\ I will plant s 5-7 foot blooming plum in the refoining wqll to bresk up the spqce. Agoin, fhe cistino Plum is o hordy tree \ \' which is oble to withstond dry years. I will qlso qdd onothcr 1 i liloc to thc eost side of the woll to provide screening. I Plgos€ coll mg on my cell to confirm the revised lanscope plon. It\\ \ Th'ank you for your potience, Ir' Ii Kelli Anthony 390 9145 \ l I ) I I \' I l-tt, r !: Iii I It.t- I JSPopN s a N ^Ii0) rn * -v \ Xq',, oil& lllqi$4rr =Z /f-ru C&E:cF o- o AI c ) U ,/\ -'i'At .Jrr_ 6f Ml+ tf " ti----t v Az N tlj.lj I2 vt| .f- Pdoz. u \D+)) ; il2o! >- o )& z<-.Jtr ) ) ru C0 , c-J ''2 rLl.a * t z \J Yz lurr IU &4 \)il D2 J (ti-t.xo a9 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Description: basement wiring **rrttffi **|t*ffi **tf, **f****ffi tttrt*!trff trffi***ttr*t*****i F EE ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *z E9'l-0324 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST StAtUS. . . : ISSUED 2096 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL Applied. . : 12/L9/19-c7 2l-03-114-15-013 rssued...: 'PRJ97-0241 ExPires. . : Phone: 97 0-47 9,-957I Phone:970-479-9578 co 81s02 Valuations ?50.00 'a SUllltARY i*****t**t*******ffi***********ff*********lrt******ff***r' t/l^-tw-+'w-:).- 415 blty+" fL'' \ e LL.1(( DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Addrese: L,ocation. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: APPI.,ICANT iIOSH SUTNER 2096 ZERMATE LANE, UNrr A, VAIL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR JOSH SUTNER 2096 ZERMATT LANE, UNrr A, VArL, co 81658 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION E tcctri crt--> DRB Tec lnv*t i gation> t t tl. cEtt----> TOTAL FEES---> 45.OO Totat catcutrted Fces---> Addi t iona I, tees--------> Total, Permit Fee-------> Pay[rn t s---- BALANCE DUE--_ **r****i*****kii**f*ff***r*r**ft*l******tt***ffi***ff***t#**l*Lt*t******tt***t**********ffi*************tr**t**i*ff**r' IIEM: O6OOO EI.,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:L2/L9/L997 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM-Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Dr-vlElon: tr*t****tff***t**ffi*tffi*iffi**********ffi*****fffi***rr**rrrrffi*******tr****t***|tttt**|t***'rrlffi*ftffi*ff**ffi***ff*ff* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***********rr**ffi*ffiffi***t*rt****rt****ffii**fit**t*****f********ft**rt#r***tr********ff******t*#*tt**ffitrtt***fitffr*|tffi,r*ft* DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknorrtcdgc that t have r.ad this apptication/ f il,l,ed out in futt thc intornation required, comptcted an accurate plot ptan, and state thrt rtt thc inforration prov'idcd as raquired is correct. t agrer to compty vith the inforration and plot ptan, to cowl,y with att Tovn ordinancas and state [ays, and to buitd this structune acconding to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codas, design review approved, llniform Buil,ding Code lnd other ordinancca of thc Torrn applicabte theneto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE Ti.IENTY-TOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY 42.N .00 .00 3.m 45.00 .00 45.00 45.m .oo TELEPHONE ***i************************************************************ Tgryry oF vArL, COLOR.ADO sraremnr**************************************************************** stat'ennt Number: REc-0369 Amount. 45.00 L2/Lg/g1 7L.L7Palrment Method: CK Notation z #2L39 Ihit: JRM Permit No: E9?-0324 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL pERMfTParcel No: 2103-114-15-013SiTe Addrees: 2099 N FRoNTAGE RD WESTLocationz 2O96 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL COMMONS) This Palment Total- Fees:45.00 Total ALL pmts:45.00 45. 00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Amount 42 .00 3.00 Account Code DescriptionEP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRTCAL PERMIT FEESwc 00100003112800 WILL, CALI INSPECTION FEE Job Name: \-r{ ulr .( -- Job Addres", 7ac/.( 2 =,n+tqt4 ( pa p4 LegaI Owners Address: Description: notgfo!Block Avf [ ]-BuiJ-ding [ ]-p]unbing J -f-rlectricar [ ]-Mechani-car [ ]-other Filing susorvrsrou: Name: \..-,1".\oL. J.,/rnwr Address:'lo?C )vr,nut/,/ Lta. -_._ph. tl>q-q{?E Architect: -=tr- Address:Ph. General DescriptioD! Qcl-s c r.r^. ".,. { r_,,, rrr:,,t\ c* . work crass: fi-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units i - Number of Acconmodation Units: '.y*O"r and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Loss__ Wood/pellet_V,t * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * *'{'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS ******'t***** * * * * * * * .r * * * * * * * * * * * * *I BUTLDING: $OlHriR: $ ToTAL: $___21_- coNTRACToR INFORMAT'ION * rr * * * r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vai]. Reg. NO. Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: PLUMBTNG: $,YI.*********tt*****************teneral contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *** ********* ******* ** * ** ** *f.,* *** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDIN(;: STGNAT'URN; ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: ELEcTRfcAf,:d Zfd MECP'ANTCAL: $-_ Town of Vai-I Reg. No. 260-LPhone l.{r:p5"a, Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Towir of Vail Reg. NO. Phorre Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION l*contait 'Eaj1 e. cou'.rc, o""u""or"Qrrr". i ac 97t-J28'-86-4q Jor papcel /l . ToWN oF VAIL CONSTRUCTfoN'. ^t e|u-Jzu-6b{ru tor parcel- f . TowN oF VAIL coNsTRUcTfoN pER}lrr ll g-?-ltfiog ,.rrncrl ttt@ prnurr AppLrcATroN FoRM ^r,-).a| / omt,- ,11-,i [q> (,p fi - OZr/ /, APPLTCATToN MUsr BE TTLLED our coMpLETELy oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprdD CLEAN IIP I}EPOSIT REtrUND To: t6ww op verr, DEPARTTI'IENr oF coMMtJNrrY 75 S. FROTCTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ATT SFR BUII,D PBRI'IIT JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Perml-t, #: 897-0408 r]Ob AddTCSS: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STATIrB. ..: ISSUED Location. ..2 2099 N FRONTAGE RD (VAIL, Applied. .:5LL/06/1997 Parcel No..: 2to3-LL4-24-031 lesued. , .: LL/LL/L997 eioiect No.: PRJ97-024L Ex'i'res": O5/L0/L998 APPLICAI{:T Ol,rlNER cot{TRAeroR iIOSH SIITNER 2096 ZERMO{rT LANE, VAII,,CO. 81557 JOSH STITNER 2096 ZERMOTT LAliIE, VAII',CO. 81557 WARZECHA EI{TERPRISES, INC. P.O. BOX 1384, VArL, CO 81558 Phonel. 970-479-95'18 Phone: 970-479-9578 Phone: 970-390-3674 TOV/Cr:mm, Dev.Description: FRAMING OF BASEMENT/BATTIROOM ONI,Y Occupancy: T\rye Construction: Clean-upr approved SrrrOUfit date t)t Refund *of t{ood/P.ll.t: Add Sg Ft: *Of oas Applianc€s: Valuation:4, 950 Fir6place Infordatsion: Rc6cricted:#Of 6rE LogE: t*'t'*t*ttrraat FBE SUI'MARY ' r r i t t *t ta a i* 'a r Building..--->95.ooRc.cu|rantPI.nRcv:1.9.->.ooTotllc.1cul.tsodP...--.>279.7s Plen Che.k---> 6!.75 DRB Pc6-------- 2o'oo Additionel Fcc'---------> 'oo Invc6tigatsion> .oo Rec!.rLion Fc.----------> .oo focal Par$it rcc-_--___-> 279'75 will call----> 3.Oo Cl..n-Up Dat'otj'f--------> -- 1oO'Oo P': rcnEe------- 279'75 IOIAIJ FEBS- - --- ttita,*r+tt"il, Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT -p-ePE: BUILDING Divieion: 117 66 tllgi-uma---,AEEiqq: A-pgn APPRoVED iIRM-iEbft;'05400-iji,emlINqbEFIiiiuE-Nr- - DepE: PIA{NING Division: rEem: osodd -FfiE-'DHFARrMiilii"---- De^pt: E-rBE------ Pivision:iEEiii: o55dd b0iltrE-frbn?G--' DeF': PLB woRK Division: rt.f*riaiirirrrr arirta*tral,*laarrr*tttt.rtatt*aai*tt1t* See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditlons that may apply tso Lhis permit' DECLARATIONS r hercby ackno!,I6dgc that r hav. read lhir .pplicrlion, fill.d out in ful1 thc inforuation rcquired, couplctad en accurlLq plots plan, and scage chat .1I tshe lnfonFblon providcd ar r.quir€d ic corrcct. I agrcc to couFly {lrh th. inf9rD'uion snd ploc phn. to co$ply rich atl To*n of,dinanc.. end 6tB!. larr, and to build bhit ltruccuro eccording to thq tonn's zoning enil rubdivirion cod€6, dcligrt revicr approvod, ultiforE Building cod. snd othcr ordinucGr of the Tor,n .pFlic.blc uh'r'!o' REQOE9T9 PoR INAPECIIoNS 9EA!L BE MADA TWEIfTY-POUR HOURS tN ADVANCB BY TE 'EPHONE AT 47,OUR OFPICE PROM E:00 Al| St00 PM glnd clcan-Up DePoeit Tol HIMSELP AND OI{NBR Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSpermiE, #: 897-0408 as of tl/LL/97 SEatus---: ISSITED **************************************************:t***************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUIL,D PERMIT Applied--z lL/06/L997 Rpplicanl---: iIOSH SIIII,IER Issued---: LL/LL/L997 g7o-479-g578 To $cpire ' 05/to/L998 iIOb AddTEgB: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST L,ocation---z 2099 N FRONTAGE RD (VArL COMMONS A-5) Parcel No-- : 2LO3-tt4-24-O3L DeecripEion: FRAMING OF BASEMENT/BATIIROOM ONLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * *:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEIJD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DETEqTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I'BC. 3. PERIVIIT ALLOWS FR.,AMING OF BASEMENf OIILY t *l't r * r !, i * rr * !a l.rt r r* * !r r i t ri r rr * t r trr * i f i J * r *, * a TOnN OP VAIL, COLOS-ADO gsrEcunE r r rra. ti t i l,rr a r* ra!r r tr r tttt r*{ i, rr rr r at arr lr } arrrttr+ a tr a tlrtJ rl|l,ta t !r gEitdlnc NqBbor ! REc-0359 AnounE: 219.'ts LI/71/97 r0tL2 Prl'osnc l,lcthod ! CK NoEaEIon! 1508 Inig: llAll Pcrllt No: 897-0409 l'ttpc ! I-BUILD ADD/aL? SFR BUII,D PE P.rc.!]. No! 21O3 -114 -2{- 031 giE. Iddr..r: 2099 N FRoNTICIE RD llEgT LocrClotrr 2099 F FRONIICE RD (VIIL CO0TUONS A-5) tolal Faar I 279,75 th.l. PryE.nt 279 .75 Tot.l AIJIJ Pffit | 279.75 Bal.nca : t**f**Jrtt*tttrf*rrt*r**ttr rti ttt** t tt**rttrtttin* | rf t *tttrtl*tr t*i AccounC @d.Dc!cripcion BP OO1OOOO31I11OO BUTTDINo PBR^MIT FEES m. 00100003x12200 DEgrq{ RarrEw F8E9 pF 00100003112too P&tN cHEcK FBE' D100100002a03!00 cLEAlquPDEPosrTa t{c 00100003112800 I|ILL crtE rNgPEerIoN PBE lDoun! 95.00 20. 00 61.75 100.00 3.00 dT:-;ru:'i,2;z^3""ifr;if;i#tiryi,i*j i#nr;:r"* 4, 11 .r., #- !: PAXl.t.t, lf ! ) tlt:------ '--4.-z_:/- ----- PPT97-orrlt APPLfCATION MUST BE FILLED OUf CoMpr.eTELy OR IT l{AY NoT BE AcqEFTED X***************************** PnIUrifT 1NFqRIIATION *******************,r*** 1*****nr .1-auildins 14 -*unrins sry"r""*l!,{44-rKJf"^( rKK" a4 Job Name: ;r,,* )4ft ?<t,-,.,.Legal oescripti6i: Lot Owners Name:Address: -147(Pn' (4'7{7 Architect z Owlv/ _ Addre ss: 4d ?L pn.r?3?_ o<z General Description: 4,-,,8/btl/*trfi,^-._*lt< I{ork Class: [ ]-Ne!r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additiona] [l-Repair-[ J-other Nurnber of Dwelli ng Vnits: !1 Number of Accomrnodation Units z / 74 lASu Sl<2,4 'r,v'/f /.o.,l- BUILDING: $ Address z t!t, /.: Electrical Contractor: Address: elunbing Contractor: Address: ELECTRICAL: S 70 l,lECHANfCAf.,t $j.fl )RMATION **** ** ********* ************L__ Town of vail Res. no.{?f K Tq1--0,/o|hone Numberz -Yd )T Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FERBUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERI.TIT FEE MECIIANICAIJ PERITTIT ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vaii,Reg. NO. Phone Number: |FFICE US8 ***** * * * ***** * * * * ************** BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: G PI.AN CHECK FEE:CAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: TTON FEE: -UP DEPOSU: AL PERI'IIT FEES: , Hf;PJnr"n, STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATIIRE: CLEAil T'P I'EPOSIT BENNU'Z/ g'J^-, f,)[.p*=u),',/',-- o 75 routh lrontage road u.il, coloEdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su8.TECT: offlce of connunlly developmcnl ALL CO}TTRAqTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED WI:rH THETOIVN OF VAIL TOWN OF. VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMTTNITY DE\ELOPIIENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & }|ATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awful for anyperson to titter, track or deposit ;;t-r;irl-"J"r, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash tunpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles.upon any streetl ,ie;;"i;;-;ii;y or pubticplace or any porti-on tt "i"oi. --itre right-of-way on all. Tow,., ofVail streets and_. Igag" is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirt be ;iri;iry'-enforced by the Town of vairPublic lforks DeDartment. --p"t!3ns round viararin; this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour "=ii[.n"""ii".-to-;;;;;"=.id nareria]..rn the event the person so notified.aoes-not--"o.pry with thenotice within tt5_-21 tto"i-tir"-Jpeciried, the puitic worksDepartnent will remoie said nateii"t -"t the expense of personnotified' The provi=i""s-ot-trrrl orainance sharr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, r"i-i"r-rge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any util_itres rn the right-a_way. To.review ordinance. No. e in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::iHi"g"";f;?fn:*"::-'d;;i" a copv. rir"ni< vou ror your (i.e. contractor, o!,rner) 75 roulh trontrge rord ulll, color.do 81657 l3o3't 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 oftlco of communlty dcvclopmcrrt BUILDING PERfiIT ISSUANCE TIl,tE FRAilE If this perm'r.t reouires a Town of Vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s (pubr'ii works) "evien rni'ipp"ouui,' a piinnrn!-b.pu"t .ntreview or Heat th Department review, -.n['i-"iui.; ;i'iil;";uit aing SSri[*E1l;"ll: "'.t'u ted time ro"'a-to tar ;;;i;''-;"i"LiI'a, r 6ns All corrnercial flarge or smalt) and alr multi-famiry permits wilrhave to follow ihe ioove rentioneJ-maximun requirements. Residentiarand smari projects shourd take i-ie;;lr'amound of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects irnpiii the various above mentioneddepartmeilts with regard to-necessarv-revier,-ilr.i. i""j".ii' ruvalso take the three-week period. Every attempt wirl be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - vv s^,"Ls' r'E el I:-l!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timet rame . f],t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right ol way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public Aroperty? fs a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit, required? A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and all the above questions./ ,/c YES NO 1) 2) ./. .1 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) r' / !t191a19wered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work,s otfice or atC.o.ryry1itf Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construciion Inspeclor, at 429-Z1Sg Job Name Contradofs Signature (:3)<P \t\ '7 -l 2r ,t"-, ?'/-c!Jt 7ct je E!F (, -(t<c r.[ - c\:l vlw\r{r-a F; -\,'sol'u yd (} (r, efP ;el-a rL;-i 4 tb'*-'w F ,^€* k\",n<-r=ftt t*G-r6uc/,-.' 4t^ Lc E X COJ!.oxF*:# -tr fF tr :\ 7 .5r z ta T a l 14 ffilht $;'.:F(-5>E?r+Fba. \.-T \{=g S i'.t R T-Tt j,\c$-t^ \i p \F t\)--\b b E[r Si\*titi\ (t\rsls c>lL rn cQoB \"L\t-L\\ l ---.r J.o () Lrlo Lr-lJ-O (H TF\- t- .9L -{ \:>ft. .I.ie- l(. (>..s I$,\$'i '. \\u^\n' a)', ,\b(\'" a'l " -REpr13l Qor* oF uArL, cuLoRAD' ) CI6/t6/ 1999 'GB:16 REQUEBTS - INSF,ECTN IIORK SHEETS FOR: 6,21611999 AREA: CD re=! r=*==={==*===*==!:=====$qE=!E==tar=====€====E=E==!i-===========ts=3:3GB==E===E:l!s-a Actfvity-r B9Z-@4€r8 g/16/t9 Typer A-BUILD Statr-rsr ISE;UED I Constrr A5FR Addressr PO99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Locationr 8O99 N FRONTAGE RD (VAIL COilHONS A-5) Parcel r €l€t3-l t4-94-O3l 0ccr Use: Dcscriptionr FRAMING OF BASEMENT/BATHROOM ONLY Applicantr JOSH SUTNER Fhorre: 970-479-9578 Ownerr JOSH SUTNER - Fhone: 97€t-479-957A Contractorr WARZECHA ENTERFRISES' INC. / Frhone: 974-390-3674 Inrpect i on Reqnest Reqr.tertorr JOSH Req Tiner OBTOO It ems request ed to o,o,096 BLDG-Final Infornation.... SUTNER Eomnent s r FIN be Inspected.ne Exp I I I I I I t Ir- I I ! i I Inepeetion History..... Iterl OOOsla BLDG-Franing lfte/ t5 /97 I nspect or I CD Aet i on ! flFiff-te/ t3/97 I nspect or r CD Aet i on I - ntrfl[- fplOVeOIten: 60050 BLDG-Insulation / rrt'^ ^O'le/15/9? Inspectorr CD Actionf,r/fFcfficnnOVeOItenr GOA66 BLD6-Sheetroek Nail t I le/L9/97 Inepector": CD Actioni npCn SEE NUTES: Item: 06096 BLDG-Final n , ^/h N t rtenr srcrssa BLD6-reup. e/a (rIt"'{ "- hJ lN/Itemr 6034A BLDG-Final C/U gll..'-'' Vw' il,ft' Notesr FENDING AN ELECIRICAL PERMIT BEING ISSUED AND AN ELEC Rt.}UGiH INSF.ECTION COMtrLETEDItenr00fr80**NotOnFile** ".hilItenr AOOTA BLDE-Mise. .1 , t /*{'/,1 / .L- u ' t A il'l i I Ll Fhone:479-643O_ IIILL CALL - ASAtr ent s FIo ittOD.oouo BlI oo 'io2 .oOT o j ifrt{oo20 !i q cla o o oo o oo o o oC' o o UE o i, Eo Fo 6I! a ;ttlH d 6 6I aq r1 o o F (a a[|ql & EEtizqo. 'nl<t aiEdUIFr{NUllr Et3 IC|H oti 99 IFE Hora ooElU OEoo d AFIeeEOEIca EEH I :. Fi22EP E9E( i5 rrH 2E *l RE FFT E6 Er EH 6 e F a F B HAHts!tIUa!.zn eE* ts-F E6 E f;8 A tlI E E kA D FIE RD e EEc lll{oo Ea 1 ? ol_ ic E'-> |[ -racao.E4(,3!!rotEE OAAIi +uu \JAJ TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9't 0-47 9-2138 Occupancy Dwellings owe l IingsPrivate Garages DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A1_ Con-htfl/u TlMES 89 6-0211 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: VAIL COMMONS BI.',DG A2 iri-w iien, p 1i,oue ) PERMTT - ---Tennit $..|'. Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...: ISSUED iocation... : VA1L coMMoNS BLDG A2 2099App1ied., :Ga7 /.23/1ssa Parcel No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued...t A9/E/.1996 Project No. : PRJ96 -0122 Expires . . t 03/18/1997 Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 APPLICANT WARNER DEVELOPMENTS' INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 CONTRAqTOR WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, ]NC' P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE Description : NEw DUPLEX TyPe Zone Zone Zone RD W, VArL co 81657 Nunber of Dwell.i.ng Units: 002 Factor Sg' Feet Valuation 1V-N 58.?0 2,995 175,806.50 1V-N Basement 17.50 1,042 18'235.00 L v-N 21.30 438 9'329.40 Subtotal:. 4,475 2O3 '37O.90Total Valuationz 203,370.90 Town of VaiI adjusted Valuation: 203r370.900Table Date: 05/I7/!996 Fineptace Information: Restricted: Y fof Gas Appliances: 2 l}t Gas Logs: fof t'lood/P8l'tet: tEE SUI{iARY *ffir*ffiffi**tiffi** Bui tding-----) Ptan Check---> Investigation> !i l, L Cal,l,----> 1,156.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--> 75'1.40 DRB F .00 Recreation FcF---------> 3.00 cLean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 Totat catcul'ated Fees--> 4'48 -9O 2OO.OO Add'itiona[ Fees---------> .00 1 ,799.50 TotE[ Pernit Fec-----> 4't @ -9O 5OO.oO Payments-------- TOTAL FEES--.--- . Irem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 07/23/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE 08/20/I996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAvIs IL'ern:' o54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 0'l/23/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO ANDY 08/23/1996 ANDY Action: APPR andy knudtsen It'en:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 07/23/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A It'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division: 08/20/]-996 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A Itbn:'05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division: 08/L2/1996 TERRI_M Action: NOTE NEED MORE INFO 09/L9/1996 TERRI_M Action: APPR APPROVED ffirr* ****#r*rr/rftHffi* see page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS IherebyacknoHtedgethatlhavereadthisaPP|'ication,fi|'tedoutinfutttheinfornationrequired,conptetedanacclrateptot P|'an,andstatcthata|'|theinformationprovidedasrequirediscornect.lagrcetoconPtyUiththeinforoationandptotPtan' to conpty Uith aLt ToHn ordinances and statc taHs, and to buiLd this st'ucture according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,designrevie!,aPProvcd,UniforrnBui!dingcodcsndothelordinanccsofthctoynappticEbtrthereto. REOUESTS TOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TT'IENTY-FOIJR HOURS III ADVAT{CE BY send ctean-uP DcPosit To: I'IARNER DEVELoP|IENT SIGNATURE OI OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 896-0211 as of 09/2a/95 status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** PETNit TYPE: NEW (SFR,P/S'DUP) PERMIT eppliclnt: WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC .lob-Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A2 2099 N' FRONTAGE RD Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 ******************************************************************************** COND]TIONS ***********************************************t'******************************** 1. THIS PRoJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. sucH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS' AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAT MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. AII landscapj-ng shown on the Ptan attached to the permit rnust be installed or bonded prior to TCo' 4. All pavement to be installed in the individaul drj-veway as well as the entire project nust neet tlre specifications shown on the exhibit attached to the permit' Applied: o7 /23/!996iisued: 09'/Le'/t9e6 o **************************************************************:t* tOt* Ot VAIL' COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Nunber: REc-0207 Anount t 4'409'90 09/24/?5 11:14-p"y.E"t uethod: cr Notation: *7164 rnit: CD Permit No: 896-0211 Type: B-BUILD NEw (SFR'P/S'DuP) PE Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 SiIE AddTCSS: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LOCAIiON' VETI COMMONS BLDG A2 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD Total Fees: 4'409'90 This Payment 4,409 .gO Totaf ALL Pnts z 4 ' 409 ' 90 Balance: '00 ****************************************************************AmountAccount Code DescriPtion 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1'156'00 01 oooo 41331 DESIGN REVTEW FEES 200'00 01 ooo0 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 751'40 01 oooo 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 500'00 30 OOO9 45032 RECREATTON FEES r'799'50 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO :guEg"5t6!6c 9EE;E !iE$B :EEE3* EEi:€€ E'i*; eE 't *v,= o > lEg€Ei ;: e 6.=qE?c.->O * a;E* ; HH:aiF Eg€aE;tr E 3 ; EF = .:, .r{ (g r{ o B F 'l 1') 2 I a .9 6) U F l -f I.ol d7 = = = E cn& a ,-r I .11ijltrl a,.q '6 ql*l xlqrl Ei I i I (\ d zH F-rH pq z EE H 7. o s'-QrH Yi-a>x LJ ,,' v )zz!eS< E:--; a\ ,< !,)Y .\ i-zug..Zi lrr F--t- v: i-tsz -L4v F-tr2zuxqJ --r *1 -ta<=LrJ F -J<q.a5=oor z *9s!z-, *: ,_rJ :rel*-z -!L;Z^=<-y 1i I .,.r ll =Fio iQ i*o> zllz-:<tlts --;:7").\J-=.\ -i;:a(i -Zui{i-L.F'.:-.'-.|'1 ir'r-: "! +*g*- ;: .r s:-\i/- Hl-aa O. a{ 'F{frd+a.R rnF-aif- lA F' F trrt fF)dF it{ €v l-a{F{€ -t{ l-9 a+\FtdHF.€ E *F1F LaLf t1+\.-,v tF. 11 A.tFt -+<tf-t rlJiFt fF)tFl |{A.ri\J o ;;'",..,' .{_igxtu.^txr **: ...._,,_ .._^.,i ";. '. '- "-'-- P.rlit .-r.-- ,i.)lr. Lrrs,l.t"' --^lr1,p1r,.r,,p .1.:1t.1. ., . _.,*_._..- +i. CITECK IIEQUEST PISPAREoBY: .J(0_S )N,>t qg_DATE: t O /z /q > VENDORNAMD: \I N Q\ /I I u JA,.t.v-tA Dp,nl c !1 ttw outj3 DESCzuPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FoR BP # H|,_DZI I NAUTOFJOB: \fi , 0 (mtr,,u/^lLs +- ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 nNrouNr or neFtnqoP 6DOe9- DATEAPPROVEp: /O - ) l- cl7 APPROVAL."O** _,.- REPT 131 TO[^,N 0F VAIL' COL0RADO a9/3fr/97 o7:35 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^IORK SHEETS FOR:9 /3@/97 Aetivityr 896-O311 9l3A/9'/ Type: B-BUILD Status: I55UED Addressr era99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LOCAtiON: VAIL trOMMONS BLDG AP E'A99 N. FRONTAEE RD PAGE 11 AREA: CD Constr"r NDUF' Use: V NFarcel : l1O3-114-1F-O13 Descri pt i on: NEt^l DUPLEX AppI icant: I'JARNER DEVEL0trMENTS' INC Ownen: T0I,JN OF UAIL Contnactor'; WARNER DEVELOpMENTS' INC Occ: OOtZrT Phone: E83949436O Phone: Fhone: J03949436O Inspec Req u Req Items OQ54Z' tion Request Information..... egtor': Rich Time: OB:0ttZt Comments: AP ea1 nequest ed to be Inspected... BLDG-Final C/0 Fhone t 748-QLB7 I to meet Ti ne Expion Comments Inspeetion Histony.. r..ltem: ogtSOO FW-Baekfi I I Inspection le/e4/96 Inspector': CF Act i on : AF FiR AF.F'ROVED BETTER BOND TO FOOTERAction: AFtrR SOUTH SECTI0N Action: DN CRNCELLED I Act i on: FA S0UTH l/E Act i on r N0 TRUSS REP0RT ,RECEMD Action: AtrFR UNITS 5 & 6 Aet i on : f{F,F.R AF.F.ROVED Act i on : AtrF.R APF.ROVED Rct i on : AF'trR AFF ROVED Act i on: AFFR AF'F'ROVED r.tn i t al i on and s.et:Lrt"e *,*- NOtes: INSULATED BLENKETS REOUIRED ADD *5 BARS AREUND I^'INDOI"I OtrENINGItem: OO5O3 trW-Final driveway gFade Iten : rarzr$lgr BLDG-Foot inqs/Steel IA/?e/96 Inspeetor': CF Action: AtrFR BLDG A-e Notes: CLEAN MUD FROM REBAR WHERE NECtrESSARY BLANKET CT]NCRETE CLEAN TOP OF PIERS FOR Qtl /06/97 Inspector": CF Item: OOOIII BLDG-Foundat ion/5teel AL/fis/97 Inspector^: DS AI/A7/97 Inspector': DS Iten: EOS3A FLAN-ILC Site trIan Item: 0OO30t BLDG-Framing Al/A3/97 Inspector: CD A?/?.3/97 Inspect or': CF Item : tZtOtZrSO BLDG-Insr.rIat ion A9/ I3/qA Inspector': EG Ael?g/97 Inspeetor': DS Item: 00O60 BLDG-$heetrock Nail A3/A3/97 Inspector": EG O3l11/97 Inspectorr EG Item: AVATA BLDG-Misc, Iten: 0O0t90 BLDG-Final Item: la05s0 BLDG-Temp- C/0 A4/V3/97 Inspector': CF Aetion! AFFRNotes: need drainage away from buildinq plaee entry landing in proper pctsit part y wal I mrrst be lhr", Item: EtO53e PL{-TEMF,. C/O Item: AA53J trLAN-TEMF. C/O Iten: IAIAEJT FLAN-FINAL C/0 Item: 44539 FI^I*FINAL C/0 Tlomr (l0tqafi Rl nG- tr i-n-il-Clll- *i. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0249 Amount:s3.00 02/24/97 11 :35 Payment Method: CASH Notation: $60.00 RECEIVED Init: CD MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees l53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:*******r.******************************************************** Permit No ParceL NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 M97-0019 Type: B-MECH 2 1 0 3 - 1 1 4 - 1 s - 0 1 3 ' 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BLDG A_2 s3.00 53.00 .00 Description MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 40. 00 10.00 3 .00 , -0^ll rg1 L h-2 /// TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Mnrte\ q-rywtla- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A2 NEw (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Permit TIMES 896-0211 Job Address Locat.ion. . . Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, lNC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WARNER DEVEI.,OPMENTS ' INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 8l-620 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST StAtUS. . . VAIL coMMoNS BLDG A2 2099Applied.. 21,03-IL4-15-01.3 Issued... PRJ96-0122 ExPires. . APPROVED co7 /23 /tee6 oe /te /ree6 03 /t8 /ree7 Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 OWNER Description : NEW DUPLEX Occupancy Dwellings Dwellings Prj-vate Garages TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 Type Zane Zone Zone Nurnber of Dwelling Units: 0Q2 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation 1 V-N 58.70 2 t995 175, 806.50 L V-N Basement 17.50 I,042 18'235.00 1 V-N 21.30 438 9 ,329.40 Subtotal . 4t475 203,370.90 Total Valuation:. 203,37O.9O Town of VaiI Adiusted Vafuation: 203,370.900Table Date: o5/1?/L996 FireDl.ace Informat'ion: Restricted: Y fof Gas Apptiances: 2 flof Gas Logs: fof tlood/Pal'Let: **lrt****Jr****ff*ffi*ff***ff**ffi*****ff***ff****ffi* FEE SUfil4ARy **ff****ff**ff***ff****i*****'rffi*****ir***ffiff***!t}f,** 8ui Ldi n9----> Ptan check---> lnvestigation> tli l, L ca l,l,----> 1,156.0O RestuarantPl,anRevielF-> 751.40 DRB .00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 ctean-up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- -00 Total. calculated fees---> 4,4O9.9O 200.00 Additional. Fees---------> .00 1,799.50 Total, Permit Fee--------> 4,1O9.9O 500.00 Paynents------- 4,n9.9O BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division PLANS TO CHARLIE CHARLIE DAVIS **i*ffi ffi *ffiHffi ffiffi ffi rHtHrrt*ffir**ffi trff.ffi **ffi ffirt*tHr'nt*,rtffi *ffi rffi *#t Item: 05100 o7 /23/tee608/20 /tee6Item:05400 07 /23/Lee6 0B /23 /Lee6Item:05600 07 /23/tee6Item:05500 08/20/ree6Item: 05550 o8/12/Lee6 oe /\e /ree6 BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE AcIion: NOTE CHARLIE Aclion: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE ANDY Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE AcIion: APPR PUBI-,IC WORKS CHARLIE Action: APPR ENGINEERING Dept PLANS TO ANDY andy knudtsen Dept Dept PLANNING Division FIRE Division PUB WORK Division ENGINEER Division N/A N/A Dept INFOTERRI M Action: NOTE NEED MORE TERRI_M Action: APPR APPROVED ffiffffiffi**ffif,*******t***irt*i*ffi**ffift*ffi**ftffirtffffi,t*fir:ffioH'HrffntrHrt**ffi!ffrtw*ffiffffi* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoul,edge that I have read this appl,ication/ f il,l,ed out in futl, the information required, comPteted an accurate Ptot pl,an, and state that al,l, the information provided as requined is correct. I agree to compl'y Hith the information and Ptot ptan, to compty uith atl, Tolrn ofdinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and othen ordinances ot the Tolrn apPl'icabte thereto- REouEsrs FoR INspEcrIoNs sHALL BE IIADE T[ENTy-FouR HouRs tN AovANcE By TELEPHoNE Ar 479-?13a oR AT ouR otFlcE FRoll E:00 Atl 5:0o Pl'l Send C[ean-tlp DePosit To: ITARNER DEVELOPIIENT SIGI{ATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF ANO OI.INER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALpermit #: 896-0211 as of 09/19/96 Status: APPROVED * * * * * * ****** * * * * * * ** * * * * *** * * * * * * ******** * * t * * * * **** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** * * * * * * * Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 07 /.23/.L996eppJ.icint: WARNER DEVbLoPMENTS, INC Issued: O9/L9/1996 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LOCATiON: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A2 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * d. t t tr ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t t dr !N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * d. * 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO RBQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATT]C SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. AII landscaping shown on the plan attached to the permit must be installed or bonded Drior to TCO.4. All pavement to be installed- in the individaul driveway as wel-l as the entire project must meet the specifications sho\.tn on the exhibit attached to the oermit. lnlil{ uf, vTr JUL 19 '96 8 :49 N0 .001 p . 01 {ii.ifi ird;qq[;irgauTry sm llrilEiili#ff;JF - -o-o rr, Trrgrg6 PirRltIl ,, -, APPLICATION UUgl BE FILLED OUT CouPLBlELl OR fT uAy NoT EE AccEprED.I x**tr*r'r****ttrt****t..trr*t* pERttIT INFoRl|J|TroN r***r.ir.rr**r**i*irr*r*r*aiirl[x]-Butldtng I J-Plumblng [ ,-Et3ctrlcat I J-Uechant-ctt t l-Other ROAD IJXSTJob Nane: VAIL COlllOt{S BIJG. A2 Job lddnrel 2099 N. FRoNTAGE Legal Dcacrlptlon: Lot Ot{ners Nanc: @.tddrecs:P.O. BOx 958, AVON, Co 8162(Dh.9494360 Arohltect: VtCmR llAnK DONATJSON Addrosg! P.O.BOX 5300, AVO'N,CO 811620 ph.949-5200 General Deecrlptl.on:RESIDBNTTAI, TOI|T{f,OIIBS, 2-SMRY, I'NFINISEED RASEUEITT &l'fork clasa; fIJ-Ner I i-Altaratlon t ]-A<tdltlonal I Nunber of Dnelllng Unitc: 2 Nsnbcr o! l-Repai.r I l-other Accoutodatlon Unltg: EI.EEMICAL! $ l{ECltltllcrl.: $- OO 81620 OTIIER: I Pl.unblng eontractor: Addrecs: Reg. NO. --- Reg. No. Reg. NO. l{echanlcal Contractor:Addrees: i***irat*t aat**taar*ttr*t*ritrat FOR oFFrcE ugE f*rriro*.r*r**r.rtrrrrrrirrrr*rBUfLDfNG pERllfT FEE: , ....,,j\,::--., . PLUUBTNG PERMTT FEE: r,1r"'If,tr.ft i$ ,'.fI.IEqUNTCAL PER}IIT EIJECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE O8 FEE: PI.AN CI|ECK PEE:Plarf ctrEcX IEE:CIIJ PH}T CltECI( FEE: OII PEEI ,i l',Ffer. PERITII FE88: ,, lJt.', ' 5UTLDINGS 1f*:: 1na rvne "t pp+bT::t:Xirrlancea :r cas r.os!- r{ood/per}er- ["*.'**Ee-jBiii.!*L-*i*'*T...:J& vrnrtatoNs rrr***i*ri*r*irr****r**rtrr*r*r** BUILDING:155,280 Electrica), Contractor ;Addresa: TOtrL:r------ clNm,rcrcR I[FORurgtoN r.rr. r | *r*. *rr r r rr * * r r fi r rrDEsEOlrEms, rNc.Town o! Vall ReE. NO,Phon€ Nunbcr: Tosn of Vat.l. Phone Nurnbcr: fown of Vail Phone Nunbers Aorn of Vall Phone Nunbcr: CLEA}I TIP SICNATT'RE! ZONTNG: 8TGTAIT{IREI >- T{ABNER DEVELOPI.IENTS, IilC. -Ti]U}f DF VtrII fffl]D ;''- ' hwn tt .oulh tToalrer ,!ad '|ll. oolcT.do !t!ft(ror) 479-2I3E or 479_2139 9'9 o i:"::rlyil3|:innlg: Io. 6 state' p.lt 1g_ ic unrawrur lor lny il$:ifiii:ii:tx$:t'F:i"#::Ui l"l*iii +il+ :r:*1" lil*r$*:qi;ru#qrus*fli*t,r:*;W' *'**t+*lu#j$*ffrgffi" !::i.:ih,g,tflm:".l""flli; l':ffi.,.;f,":il S; ;:I,,ff, 8 r 49 No .001 P .02 ottlc. of communlty drrtlopn.nt lffi".8$?^ffRs cuRru$rl,yL REcrsrsRED wrlxr tHE Towls ol VAIIJ puELIC tfoRt€/colatUNlry DEVELoPITTENT uAncH 16, 1988 coNslRttrctloN ptSKtNC t DTAIEaTAIJ gToR.tcE \ TO: FROU: DATE: EURIEGTs Read and acknowledgad IUUN UI: VFIL COM-DEV lottn )J 9',9 o EUIIDING PERIIIT ISSUAIIC€ TIITI FRAITIE If this permlt reoulres ! ?owqr of Vall Flre Depar_tnrent Approvll ,Ensineer''s (.publti fi$ ffei'.ni'ip[.r.I, a planntns. Deprmenrrevtct, or Herlth Deoartmint-r^evlew,-aii.i,r"rro, by the Bulldlnglirilfft"trre estinared aril'f;';'r-;tir revier nay take as lone All senrrsr.glal Oaroe_or rmrll) rnd rll multl-famlly pennlts rlllhave te follow dtre ioovc.mcnti.in"J niii"r, reqrt.enents. Residenilrllnd smlr projects srrouro iiie-;-i.ffiff;unt.of time, Horev€r. ifresidenttal or smal Ier,pnojects-r;il;;' til vrrtous above menuoned ;i3; "ff il.ih3r ll';s lll* to - nccis iii'ri-i,iil, ril;; ;rc j;ctffi ;, I::I^r-t!*pt uill be mrdc by thrs deFrtnent to expedite thispenn$ aS SOOn aS pOSSlblO. - -'-'- -'F!r !"s'rt ev E,^Prrsr Ee fnls i;.fill undersigned, understand the plan ch*k pr.,ocedure and 'me ID:30f-479-2452 7t rouur tionr.ea rladrrll, color.do ttl0t(t03, 479-2r3e or 479-ZL3g 8:50 N0.001 P.05 o'flter of Conmunlty d|Ydop||taftt JUL 1 7ecet was- tuDate mi Develonmont ned lnto the o 0 Ffltrdbpv 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development IOWn Or Vaf -L 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Col-orado 81657 (303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based on Ehe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Cod.e addi""" t 2099 N. FRoNTAGE Planner: Andy Knudtsen Occupancy: R3, Ml Type of Const: V-N Name; VAIL COMMONS DUPLEX A2 UNIT Date: August 20, L99 5 Contractor: WARNER DEVEIJOPMENTS ArchitecL: DONALDSON Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVIS AO SE PARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feeb EAST Building 0.0 Feeb 0.0 Feet SOUTH Buildinq 55.0 Feet 32.5 Feet WEST Building 6.0 Feet 3 . 0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table l-7 -A & Table 5 -A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNC BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WAI,I, WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wa11s may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. Sec.220l. None - - No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assembl-ies. 50% of the area of the waLl maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum sinqle window size is 84 sq.ft with no d.imensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapet wall is required Lo have the samefire rating as the wall. See secbion L7L0. for details and excepts:-ons. AREA MIN. LIGHT MIN.VENT NO. EXITS EGRESS {p *""r"""r r*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3 V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 2 Master bedroom 2 MasEer bath 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bedroom #1 2 Bath room 2 LaundrY room 2 Hal1s, closets, eLc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Living room I KrCCnen l- Bath room 1 Garage 1 HaIfs, closets. etc. TOTAIJ FOR FLOOR B Unf inished TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUI T,D ING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: Department of Community Development .LOU 54 t42 131 37 20 2]-7 248 80 18 2L9 20L 766 520 520 L527 15.00 0.00 1-4 .20 13. r0 0.00 0. 00 0.00 24,80 10.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2.70 1 .1,0 6.5s r..85 1.50 0.00 L2 .40 5.00 r_.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes 1 1 1 I I 1 l- I I l- 1 1 1 1 I I I 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens direcrly lo the exterior is required fron this room. The rninimum clear openable area must meet the foLlowing. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum cfear area is 5.7 square 4) The maximum sill heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A 3) A mechanical ventilation syst.em may be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec, 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the sec. 1204. f eet (Dwel l ings ) in in lieu of exler:-or basement is based on ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feer 5inches, Kitchens, ha11s, baLhrooms and coilet compartmencs may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If rhe ceilingis sloping, then the minimum heiqht is required in only 1,/2 of. che area. - - Sec. L207 . (al Every dwellinqf unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habj.table rooms excep! kitchens sha11 have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) HabitabLe rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension,Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: AII glazing in hazard.ous locations is required to be of safetyqlazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and slidingr panels of stiding door assemblies andpanels in swingring doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storn doors.4) Glazing in alI unframed swinging doors.5) clazing in doors and. enclosures for hoc tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam {,7 ru"""o '*'* TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-47 9-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development .nhr^irr'l ano I'aDre J/-lJ rooms, bathtubs and. showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearesb "*po."d edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vert.ical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface' ?) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel. other than those l-ocations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of the following cond.itions : A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet' B. Exposed botEom edqe less than 18 inches above the floor' c Frrirnsa.i frrh Fdrrtr nreafer than 35 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontafly of the plane of the gl az ing . 8) Glazing in railings regard.Iess of height above a walking surface' Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-f il-1 panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke deteclor is required on the ceiling or wall at. a point centrally locaLed in Lhe corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. - - Sec . 1.2L0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in the basemenL. -- sec. L2L0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the sbaj-rway. - - sec. 1-210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to Lhe buildinq's power source and. shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellinq in which they are located.. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. FIREPI-,ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE; L) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec, 3705. (a) 2) Cl-earances and. hearEh size must be per manufactures-- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney heiqht must be per manufacturer's approval OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garaqe and the residence. rnaterials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13l8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire d.oor. -- Table 5-B & sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS ; A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) {g *"n"""o "*"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 1 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Ratio L/T5O 1./300 De partment of Community Deve lopme nt The maximum rise of a step is 8 -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 inches and Ehe minimum run is 9 inches. Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305. (i)38 inches above the nosing if provid.e a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimurn height = 36 inches, maxinum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. L71.2. (a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305' (o) Enclosed usable space. und.er the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: l) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more Ltlan Q "r.raro f aal- mav l-ined on the inside with not less than 25 qaqe galvanized. sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shal1 be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick or equivalenL. -- Sec. f706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombusLible piping installed in walls passing bhrough 3 floors or less do not need to be in l- hour shafts. - - Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-bui1t chimneys, pipinq, or ducts that do not exbend throuqh not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. l-705. (c) 4) A1l other s} afts are required to be enclosed in a t h.our assembly- -- Sec . 1706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: l-) Provide an access eo aII atbic areas with a clear heighb of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear heighc above the access. -- sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not Iess than I square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1-/300 if at least 50% of the required ventilaEing area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feeb above the eve or cornice vents. -- sec. 3205. (c) For a 700.0 scr.ft. attic area: Mi-rninum sq, f t. of vent 4 .57 2.33 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a sibe improvement survey. such survey sha11 be submitted and approved prior bo request for frame inspection. A1l crawl spaces within the Town Of VaiI are limited to a earth to structural floor ceilinq height of 5'. be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBc 251,5 (c)6 with minimum access as per UBC 2515(C)2 and maxinum access of 9 sq. ft. {i *'"'""'o '*'* TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Any building site with a slope of 30 deg'rees or more shall require an .ttgi.r".t design. such design shal-l address d.rainag'e, soiL retainage and struct.ural design. Excavation below slabs on grad.e shaLl not be permitted without prior approval- . Ad.dress numbers 6ha11 be posLed plainly visible and leqible from the streec. For M1 occupancy slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil inEerceptor to dry well or to sewer' Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitation District. In garages wiEh l-iving area above, the walls of the qarage wiich are bearj-ng the area above shalL be proLected with one hour fire resistive consEruction. uBc 503(B) . {g *"n"""o ru"" Town of Vail OFFICE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development Project Number: PRJ9 5 - 0122 Addressz 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD Planner: Andy Knudtsen rr^^'rhrh-rr. P ? M1 Tvpe of Const: V-N Town of Vai I 75 SouLh Frontage Road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4?9 -2138 Plan review based on Ehe 1991 Uniform Building Code This exterior :ccomh'lrr Name: VAIL COMMONS DUPLEX A2 A5-A6 Date: AugusL 20, )-996 Contractor : WARNER DEVELOPMENTS ArchitecL: DONALDSON Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVI S wafl is required to be a thr fire Table 5-A Provide an attic access (22X30 min) to each attic area. - - Sec. 3205. (a) AII- electrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, all Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey(ILc). This survey shalI be submitted. and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done wibhout an approved site lmprovement survey. Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may no! exceed 5' in lengLh and shalf not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14' l-ength. Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevent.ion devices. UPC 1003. In buj-Idings of unusually tight construction (aI1 new construction within the Town of Vail), {,P *""'"""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 De partment of Community Deve lopment combuslion air shall be obtained from the outsid'e. Such combustion air openinqs shall be as per LMc ch. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace f l-ue shalt be protected by a one-hour fire resistive consLruction. UBc 1706. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and Fi ra- Frni nn ini rl-q Supply a mechanical drawj-ng indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent locabion and terrnination. and cornbustion air to be supplied prior to any installation' Gas piping shall not be installed in or on the ground under any building or strucbure and exposed gas piping shall be kepE at leasE 6" above grade. rJMC 2213 (b) Due to colorado State Statutes, aIl sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Also, the maximum waLer cfoset flush usage is limited to a maximurn of 3.5 gallons per f lush. A wind.ow weII for egress sha1l be provided with a grippable ladder for access to grade. Any cover over egress window well sha11 be equipped with approved release mechanisms openable from inside (no lock) . UBc 1204 A one-Iine eLectrical drawing for each level is required for this projecb. Failure to provide such may result in fiefd correct.ions at the expense of contractor. Includ.e a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. Provide truss details by the truss manufacturerrs eng'ineer. (reg in this state) 10 13 -15 {S *""o""o '*" Tguln t'1 \/^il TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development Pro j ect Number: PR,J9 5 - 0l-22 Name: Address: 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD. Planner: And.y Knudtsen Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of ConsE r V-N EXTERIOR WALL FIRE Table l-7 -A & Table NORTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG WALL WALL PROT WALLOhr Ohr None OhrOhr Ohr None Ohr Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1. Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2r-38 Plan analysis based on the 1991- Uniforn:r Building Code RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION 5-A EAST SOUTH NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr None Ohr Ohr None VAIL COMMONS DUPLEX UNIT A5 Date r AugusL 20, 1995 ConlracLor: WARNER DEVEI/OPMENTS Architect: DONALDSON Engineer: MONROE Plans Examinerl CHARLIE DAVIS SEPARATI ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 20.0 Feet 20.0 FeetEAST Building 24.0 Feet 12.0 Feet SOUTH BuiJ-dinq 55.0 Feet 32.5 FeetWEST Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet ITJ M1 The exterior wal-l-s may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.220I . None - - No fire prot.ection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum sing1e window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These wal-Is may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapeL wa11 is required. t.o have the samefire rating as the wall. see section 1710, for details and exceprrons. AREA MIN.IJIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT l-hr* thr* NOP l-hr* thr* NOP {2 *'n""'o 'u'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artme nt of C ommunity D eve lapment 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 Bedroom #22 Bedroom #12 Bath room 2 Laundry room 2 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL POR FLOOR 'l Lirri -L 1(r Lcnen 1 Bath room I Garage I HaIIs, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR lJ unf lnt snecL TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 1-6 0 55 l- 13 37 2). 23L 745 260 79 18 219 lvo 772 522 t5td 15.00 0.00 11.30 12.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 .40 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2.75 5.55 € Atr, 1.85 1.50 0.00 13.00 5.00 l. f u 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes 1 1 1 L t_ 1_ l_ 1_ 1_ 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openabfe area must meetthe following. -- Sec. 1,204.1) The minimum clear heigrht is 24 inches2) The minimum clear widlh is 20 inches3) The minirnum clear area is 5.7 square4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used opening's for ventilation. -- Sec, 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in theSec. l-2 04 . feet (Dwel l ings )in in lieu of exterior basement is based. on ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shalJ- have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5inches. Kitchens, hal1s, baLhrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling heiqht of 7 feec measured to the Lowest projeccion. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum heiqht is required in only L/2 of the area. - - Sec. 12 07 . (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120square feeC of ffoor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall havean area of not less than 70 square feeb. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 f eer- in anwdimension. - - Sec. L207. (c\ GIJAZ ING REQUI REMENTS :AIl glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyqrlazinq' materiaL. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing' in ingress and egress doors2l Glazl.ng in fixed and slid.ing panelspanels in swinging doors other than3) Glazing in storm doors. except j alousies. of s1j-ding door assemblies and wardrobe doors. {P *""""o'*u* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 4) Glazinq in alL unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazinq in doors and enclosures for hot tubs. whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms. bathtubs and showers. clazing in any portion of a building wall enclosinq these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of Lheglazlng is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and draj-n inLeb. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of lhe glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface.?\ ^1 --: 'ndividual fixed or operable panel, other than those/ I \rrclzJ-rrg Ilt alt _L locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of Lhe following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed botton edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the f1oor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of the glaz ing.8) clazing in railings regardless of heiqht above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fi11 panel s . See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a poinL centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal1 in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. A smoke d.etector is required in the basement. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke d.etector is required on aII sLories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s) , a smoke detector is requiredin bhe ceiling of t.he upper level close to Lhe stairway.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source andshall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210, (a) 3.Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelLingin which they are located. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPIJACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPI,ACE :1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval .-- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height rnust be per manufacturer,s approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION r Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for l_hr fireconstruction are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13/8 inch solid.core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 {S ^rn"r"o ru"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Ratio I/I5O L/300 Miminum sq. f t. of vent .rl . O+ 2 .32 Department of Community Developnent STAIR REQUIREMENTS I A sEairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a sEairway 34 to 38 inches above Lhe noslng if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a gruard. rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum openi-ng size = 4 inches. -- sec. 171'2. (al exc. #1 The minimum head.room is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306. (o) EncIosed. usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for l-hr fire-resistive construcEion. -- Sec. 3305. (I) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chubes and d.urnbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may Lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage qalvanized sheet metal with alI joints 1ock1apped.. The outside must be I hr construction. AII openings into any such enclosure shalI be protected by not Iess than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3,/8 inches Ehick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible pipinq installed in walIs passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec . 1705. (c) 3) shafts for gas vents. factory-built chimneys, pipinq. or ducts bhaE do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in L hour shafts.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) All other shafts are required to be enclosed. in a t hour assembly.-- Sec. 1705. (a) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: l) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear heigrht of 30 inches or more. The minimurn size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area isto be not less than L square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area nay be 1/300 if at Least 50t of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of theattic. The upper venlilators rnust be at least 3 feet above the eve orcornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 595.0 sq.ft. attic area: ADDITIONAIJ REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This proj ect will require a site improvernent survey. Such surveyshall be submitted. and. approved prior to request for frame inspection. AII crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited Eo a earbh tostructural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2515(C)5 i,rith minimum access as per UBC {p *ot"uo r*"* TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Department of Community Development shall require an soil retainage on grade sha11 not be permitted withoub prior be posted plainly visible and legible from the For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainaqe to outside to provide a €Loor d.rain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sera'er. Any garage floor drain connected t.o sewer rnust be approved by Upper Eaqle va11ey water & sanitation District. In garag'es with tiving' area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected wiEh one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . Any building site with engineer design. Such and structural des i-qn. Excavation below slabs approval , Address nunbers shalI street. a slope of 30 degrees or more design shal1 address d.rainaqe, {g *or"uo r*"* HSYgl:*"UMBERco. o Montrose , Co 81402 Phone: l-97f1249-0801 Fax: 97U249-O755 SoldTo: -EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER ts%-a2ll Deliverv List Job No: Page: I Date: ll-22-1996 Projeot lD: 1399-a2 Projecl VAIL COMMONS Block No: Modsl: A-2 Lot No: Contact:Site: I Office:Deliver To: JH,?r*'"'""T0+ .lq(3 Account Nol Designer: Rick Salesman: RF LOADING 8O-IO-10 PO# ?7413 Name: Phone: Tentative Deliverv Date: Profile:Qty:Truss Id:Span:Truss Tlpe:Slope:LOH *ot,{)lH{tl;Flri';': /.<GIO5 5-1-8 2X6i2X4 ROOF TRUSS 4.24 0.00 2-9-t5 0-0-0 rqltrit t tFl -' t0di,, lril .-. 3 1gg r..;' r, ' | |.:r "-' 4 3 cJ09 72 lbs 9-9-6 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 2 Rows Lat Brace 4-21 2 -9 - 15 0.00 o-o-o \l I i,V"e(tl{iiii,IL .,i-lr'fi iPi'' l i'A- ' ,-^\I GEOI tl -5-7 2]<62]{l ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 2-0-0 ,.^\1 GE02 1l -7-15 2X6l2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 2-0-0 N\I GE03 75 lbs. each -5-0 2X6/2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 2-0-0 ,(l) 2-PlyH01 32-0-0 256lbs. each 2X6/2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 )0 ) 2-Ply H02 248 lbs €ach 36-0-0 2X612X6 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 2-0-0 I H03 265 lbs. each 36-0-0 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 4 Rows I-at Brace 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 ,ffi[N-I H04 290lbs. each 36-0-0 2X6l2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 I H05 186 lbs. each 36-0-0 2X6iL\6 ROOF TRUSS 7 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 000 0-0-0 2-0-0 -^ZN _ 2 (1) 2-Ply H06 247 lbs. each 32-0-0 2X6/2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 ,-ffi_I H0? 32-0-0 229lbs each 2X6/2X6 ROOIT TRUSS 2 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 H08 32-0-0 2X6i2X6 ROOF TRUSS 2 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-0 I H09 32-0-0 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rori's Lat Brace 6.00 000 0-0-0 2-0-D 1 Hr0 233 lbs. each 32-0-0 RooF TRUss 2X6/2X6 5 Roils Lat Brace 6.00 000 0-0-0 2-0-0 I J01 9 lbs. each I - 11 - tl 7jt6i2X1 ROOF TRUSS 6.02 000 0-0-0 0-0.0 9 JOIA 13lbs. erch I - 11- ll 2X6i2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.02 0.00 :-0-0 0-0-0 z I J03 16 lbs. each 3- 11 -11 2X6/2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 c0-0-12 0-0-0 c0-0-0 0-0-0 5 JO3A 21 lbs eacn 3 -11 -lt 2){612]/'} ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 z.I J05 5 - 1l - 1r ROOF TRUSS c0-0-12 6.00 0-0-0 c0-0-0 0-0-0 il3Y:1?il"UMBERCO. O Montrose. Co 81402 Phone: 1-970-249-0801 Fax: 970-249-0755 Sold To: I EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER Delivery List Job No: Pager 2 Dater 1l:22-1996 Project ID: 1399-a2 Project: VAIL COMMONS Block Nor Model: A.2 I.ot No: Conlact:site: I office:Deliver To: VAIL CON4MONS BLDC A-2 VAIL, CO Accormt No: Designer: Riok Salesman: RF LOADING 8O.IO.IO PO # 17413 Name: Phone: Tent tive Deliverv Date: Profile:Qty:Truss Id:Span:Truss Tlpe:Slope:LOH ROH Load By: !JO5A 30lbs. each 5-11 -11 2X6i2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 z 4 J06 27 lbs. each 6- 11 -0 2X6i2X1 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 l6 JO6A 36 lbs. each 6-11-0 2X6i2X1 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 A ', (l) 2-Ply T0l 79 lbs. each 1l - 5 - 8 2){6/2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-0e=I T02 259lbs each 36-0-0 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 4 Rows Lal Brace 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 2-0-0e-I T03 268 lbs. each 36-0-0 2X6i2X6 ROOF TRUSS 6 Rows La! Brace 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 2-0-0e\I T0{36-0-0 2X6i2X6 ROOF TRUSS 6 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 2-0-0 4 J ( I ) 3-PIy T05 E7lbs. each ll - 8 - 0 2X6i2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 2-0-0 ',,Z_N 3 (l) 3-Ply T06 ll0lbs each 15-6-0 2X6i2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 5 TO7 2l lbs e3ch 3-?-8 2]{6t2){4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 J T08 230lbs each 32-0-0 2X6t2X6 lvloD. QLjEEN 3 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 2-0-0 A 3 (l) 3-PIy T09 93 lbs each 11 - 5 - 0 2X6i2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 A 3 Tt0 6-10-15 2X6t2X1 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-0 Above lisled ilems have beur received in good condition, (exceptions listed to righl). Received by: Date: Thank You for your Business. DANGER: A DANGER designates a condition wherc failure to follow instructions or heed rvam- ing will most likely result in serious pesonal injury or death or damage to structures. This safety alert symbol is used to attract your attentiont PERSONAL SAFETY lS INVOLVEDI l,Yhen you see this symbol - BECOME ALERT - HEED IfS MESSAGE. GAUTION: A CAUTION identifies safe openting practices or indicates unsafe conditions that could result in Dersonal iniury or damaqe to structurcs. HIB-91 Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES O Ittsthe tesponsibil erector or erection contractoi to propelv receive. unload. store. handle. installand brace metal plate connected wood trusses to protect life and propedy. The installer must exercise lhe same high degree of safety awareness as with any otherstructural material. TPI does not intend these recommendations to be inlerpreted as superior to the project Architect's or Engineer's design specification for handling, installing and bracing wood trusses for a particular rooforfloor. These recommendations are based uoon the collective exDerience of leadinq technical oersonnel in the wood CAUTION: The builder, building contractor, licensed contractor, erector or ercction contractor is advised to obtain and read the entire booklet "Commentary and Recommendations for Handling, Installing & Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, HIB- 91" from the Truss Plate lnstitute. aA wherc failure to follow instructions could result in severe pensonal injury or damage to structurcs. TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D'Onofrio Dr., Suite 200 Madison. Wisconsin 5371 I (608) 833-5900 truss industry, but must, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer or installer. Thus, the Truss Plate Institute, Inc. expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application or reliance on the reoommendations and information contained herein by building designers, installers, and otheB. Copyright O by Truss Plate lnstitute, lnc. All rights reserved. This document or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the oublisher. Printed in the United States of America. CAUTION : All temporary bracing should be no less than 2x4 grade marked lumber. All connections should be made with minimum of 2-16d nails. All trusses assumed 2' on+enter or less. All multi-ply trusses should be connected together in accor- dance with design drawings prior to installation. GJ \ GAUTION: Trusses stored horizontally should be supported on blocking to prevent excessive lateral bending and lessen moisture gain. WARNING: Do not break banding until installation begins. Care should be exercised in banding re- moval to avoid shiftinq of individual trusses. WARNING: Do not lift bundled trusses by the bands. Do not use damaged trusses. TRUSS STORAGE CAUTION: Trusses should not be unloaded on rough terrain or un- even surfaces which could cause to the truss. CAUTION: Trusses stored vertically should be braced to prevent toppling or tipping. DANGER: Do not storc bundles upright unless properly braced, Do not breakbands untilbundlee arc olaced in a stable horizontal DANGER: Walking on trusses which are lying flat is extremely dangerous and should be strictly Frame 1 TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPAcING (DBg) [# tru sses] TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPAcING(LB5) MINIMUM PITCH Over 24 - 42' Over 42 - 54' Sce a rearslercd protessiorcl enqineel o,, DF - Douglas Fir-Larch HF - Hem-Fir '. a, ,<d ,s/ All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses, Ccntin uous Top Chord Latcra Brace Required .fi'. 10 or Greater l.:'l Attachrnent Bequired I , Diagonal brace also required on end verticals. Top clrar.js thal irc i€lar r lly b, accd can buct le iogcll,er.nd caur;..oihfse illhere is no d aqo- nal br Jciis. Dirgonal ll,Jcihg should ben.ilcd lo l.-.j',d Ih'r r.f rd*rrenp- li r3 aie nlt;rchcrl lo thc lops de ol lhe lop chord. ! i 2c. -- :a /t". MONO TRUSS A yi:[ ] :;::li fi ,:11"iru.1ffi:1"ffT$:Ti';t;o:ru y'"" " n' " A I NSTALLATION TOLERANCES PLUMB Truss Oepih D(in) Maximum Misplacement Lesser ot Ol5o ot 2" Plumb Ltne IIT I !1/i' OUT.OF.PLUMB INSTALLATION TOLERANCES. WAHNING: Do not cut trusses. OUT.OF-PLANE INSTALLATION TOLERANCES. DANGER: Under no chcumstances should construclion loads of any descrlptlon be placed on unbraced trusses. BOW L(in) Li 200 L(ft) 50" 100' 1 50" Jt4"4.2' 8.3' 3 1' l- lD(in) _12 24f"i- 48' f - uo'f1z- B4'f s6- -toq- 1 -!/4" 1-1t2" 'I,3,4', 2' L(in) U20o L(ft) 200'I 16.7' 250"20.8', 300"25.O' Frame 6 12.5', TOP CHORD LATERAL BRAC SPACtNG(LBs) TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPACTNG (DBs) SP/DF SPF/HF 2x4l2x6 PARALLEL CHOFD TRUSS Continuous Top Chord Lateral Brace Feq u ired 10" or Greater -_f Attachment i Fleq u ire d Top chord.lh€t are lale16lly broced can buckle togelherandcru!ccollap* ilthere isno diaqo nal bracing- Diagonalbracing should b€ nailed to lhe undc.side olthe lop chord when pu.lin6 are rHached lo lhe topaide of the top chord- DF - Douglas Fir-Larch HF - Hem-Fir SP - Southern Pine SPF - Spruce-Pine-Fir #; ,1 '' The end diagonal brace tor canlilevered lrusses must be placed on verlical webs in line wilh the supporl. End diagonals are essenlial fot slabilily and must b€ duplicated on bolh ends of lhe lruss system.-.- L/',/---'----- | ,/'-----l_:' R". { ao'or ,l greater t'' l- -;-' :: )' I Ayi:[']n:::lfi,r1l"i:x"'ffi""1"ff Tl"":'iJ';ff :il!1*"ur.nI 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS:TOP CHOBD Top chord! thal are lalerally braced qn buclle logetherand cau6e collapse illhere irno diagc nal bracing. Diagonal bracing rhould b€ nailed lo l\e uiderBide of lh. top chord when purl,nB are atlached lo lhe toDside ot th€ loo chord. All later.l braces lapped -- al lea6l lwo kusSes. End diagonals are esseniial tor slabilily and must b€ duplicated on bolh ends ol lhe lruss syslem. Contin uous Top Chord Lateral Brace Required i 10' or Greaie I Attachr.ent Bequired i , 16 _--'v0 ..1.- ]- l-.jr...1 31/2" L,] Trusses musl have lum- ber oriented in the hori- zontal direction to use lhis brace spacing. ri Frame 5 WARNING: Do nol attach cables, chains, or hooks to the web members. i, : 60" - " or less"i N:i. : T' I-ll - l r I I L It- Taq // Approximalely tii" / Y' lruss lenglh ,)' 60' i.or l9ss' . <.. -- -.' :.--. --t_r\ APProximatelY\ Tag % l]uss length \ Llne Toe In .-.1 \\ :\ Tag Line Toe In MECHANICAL INSTALLATION Truss spans less lhan 30', Spreader Bar Toe In -i':1, Approximalely Y, to ll lruss lenglh Less than or equal lo 60' Spreader Bar , Toefn - -. -,., ,;..-- ._=, " eppt"ti-.ttiy '-l Less than or equal lo 60' Slrongback/ SpreaderBar . Approximalely ,r lo 'A truss lenglh Grealer than 60' Tag Line Al or above mid-height Tag Line Slrongback,/ SpreaderBar Lifting devices should be connec'led to lhe truss lop chord with a closed{oop atlachmen'l utilizing malerials such as slings, chains, cables, nylon strapping, elc. of sufficient strenglh to carry the weig hl of the truss. Each tru6s should be sel in proper posilion per the building designer's lraming plan and held wilh lhe lifling device until lhe ends of the truss are securely taslened and lempo- rarv bracinq is installed. CAUTION: Temporary bracing shown In this summary sheet ls adequate for the Installatlon of lrusses with similar configurations. Consull a reglstered professlonal englneer lf a dlflerent braclng arrangement is deslred. The englneer may deslgn bracing in accordance wlth TPI's Recommended Design Specification for Temporary Brccing ot Metal Plate Connected Wood Irusses, DSA-89, and in some cases determlne that a wlder spaclng ls posslble. A GROUND BRACING:BUILDING INTERIOR GROUND BRACING: BUILDING EXTERIOR GaO Top Chord Lar. Ground b.acc !..i cal (GBv) r^-. rr. ,,1 GBv dirgonsl! (cBD) Ground br!cc vG.tic.l (cBV) End w.ll Side Plan t.-. ,irtli , tlErel.ns __li I IJl l,l,lI i' Verlical6 (GBv) 1st tru$ ol br.ccd group oa hu$a6 End br.@ (Ea) l.lcral(LBcl diagonals (GBD) Noic: 2nd lloo..ydem lhall hlve adequ.lc c.p€city io 3upport ground 2nd ttoor D.iven CAUTION: Ground bracing requlred for all installations. Frame 2 o SPAN M IN IMUM PITCH TOP CHOFD LATERAL BRACE SPAcING(LBg) TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BFACE sPAclNG (oBs) [# lrussesl SP/DF SPF/HF UD lo 32'4 /12 I'20 .t5 Over 32' - 48'4112 6',10 Over 48' - 60'4/12 f,6 Over 60'See a regislered protessional engineer d _,,,"\.. .s)4 or grealer-td ...r. i rvo) DF - Douolas Fir-Latch HF - Hem:Fir ', All lateral braces .\ lapped at least 2 'lrusses. Attachment ,i f 1 Req uired SP - Southern Pine SPF - Spruce-Pine-Fir PITCHED TRUSS Too chordB lhal sre lalerallv bracod can buckle logelherand causecollap3e illhere isno diagG ndl b.acing- oiagonal bracing rhould be nailed to th. unde.side of the toD chord when Durlin! a'e .ttachcd lo lhe lopside ol th. lop cho.d. '\ Ay"T[]i:nffi i:ll.l:;il'ff 1"ff T$:'#f ff.:il:l*"uhrnA S PAN MINIMUM PITCH DIFFERENCE TOP CHOFD LATERAL BRACE SPACING(LBS) TOP CHORO DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (DBs) [# lrusses] SPiDF 5Pr/nl- Uo to 28'2.5 7'17 12 Over 28' - 42'3.0 6'9 Over 42' - 60'3.0 5' Over 60'See a registefed professional engineer OF - Douolas Fir-Larch HF - Hem'-Fir 12 SP - Southern Pine sPF - Spruce-Pine-Fir /.(6 / Top chorda ihal are lalcrally br.ced can b!crle toqctherand cause collapse ifthc,e lsno dingo- nal bracing. Diagonalbracing should bc nrrled tothc lt)ders de of thc top chord whcn p!rIns are attachcd lo the lopsidc ol lhc top cho,d. a'1t' All lateral braces lapped at least 2 i trusses. I SCISSORS TRUSS ConlinLro!s Top Chord Latera Brace n.qutrco ,\:\17,.\ 10' cr Greater t....i Atiachm.nt AeqLrircd 1.. ] Frame 3 MINIMUM PITCH BOTTOM CHORO LATERAL BRACE SPAcING(LBs) BOTTOM CHORO DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (DB5) [# lrusses] See a reoislered orotessional DF - Douolas Fir-Larch HF - Hem--Fir All lateral braces Iapped at least 2 trusses. '^ !)^'/o^ " j'n ulr \ i!/ 1ati' ' Bottom chord diagonal bracing repeated at each end of the building and at same spacing as top chord diagonal bracing. - BOTTOM CHORD PLANE A WARNING: Failure to tollow these recommendations could result in A A severe personal injury or damage to trusses or builclings. A Cross bracing repeated at each end of the building and at 20' Intervals. o':'o {' ... =4so --.'- .,' Perma nenl continuous laleral bracing as specif ied by the truss engineering. WEB MEMBER PLANE Frame 4 1 ob 399-42 Izss cJ05 TrussType J ROOF TRUSS AU 2 Plv t EDWARDS BUILDING CENIER VNL COMMON A U458914 19gS MtTek lndusties, lnc. Mon Nov ll oa:4z:oo 1996 Page 1 I -r-sts | ,+1, ,fof ti 2-915 25-12 018 2-j4 , 2+12 2y'q4 t1-8 |2-d12 G18 2-!.4 s (r) OI 4.24w .OADlrtG (ps''cLL 80.0'cDL 10.0,cLL 0.0,cDL 10.0 SPACIIVO 2-C0 Ptateslncr€ese 1.00 Lumberlncraase 1.00 Rep Stress ,ncr iVOCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.13ac 0.19 wB 0.27 (Maux) DEFL (n) (loc) Ydefl Vert(LL) 0.01 A5 999 VeftOL) 0.01 6/5 999 Hoa(TL) 0.@ 5 rr/a MinLength/lldell=240 PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127n3 WeWt:34(lbs) .UMBER IOP CHORD IOT CHORD ,IEBS ?EACTTOTVS =oRcEs IOP CHORD )OT CHORD T,IEBS vorEs t) This truss tas bo en checked for unbalenced loadng conditions about ioint 4. i2 rra Auss las Oa en desigted tor the wind loads gciented by EO.O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet abow ground level, using 5.0 p.s.t top chod dead toad and 5.0 p.s.t bottom chord dead bad, fn.o mtres trcm hunicana oceanfrne, on a catigory | 6nc.losed buildng, of dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with sxposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbar lncrease = 1.33, Ptate lncrcase = 1.33. Both end veflicals ara exPosed. t) STMPSON H2.5 connoctots recom'rr/nded to connect truss to baaing walls due to uptrtt as follows: One connector et joinKs) 1, 4, 5. LOAD CASE(S,, t) Lumber lncrcasa=1.0o, Hate tndease=1.oo Unilom Loads 4bs pr fi) Veft:1-2:1 80.0, 2-3--I 80.0, &4--1 80.0, 16--20.0, 67=-20.0, 1'7='20.0 Concontatod Loads (lbs) Veft : 1 :509.1, 3:1 36.4, 6=-1 6.0 2X6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.58 2 X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 2X4SPF-SSlud (lbs/slze) 1=104!&7-12, 5=32U0-98, 4=22ilUr8 Max Horz 1:1800oad case 5) Max U$tt 1--1700oad case 2), 5=28(load case 2), 4='35(load cese 2) 1 -2=738, 2-3=-1 03, S4=1 2 &6=67 4, 6.7=67 4, I -7=67 4 2-7=46, 2-5=733 BRACING TOP oHORD Sheathed or 6O0 on center puftn spacing- BOT CHORD 1-7:6-90, 6.7:6?0, $6.'6'30. ffiq-t5?d FEcr A, Wl,nNWC - Wifi derisn parametefi and READ NOTES ON THISAND REWRSE SIDE BEFOM USE. D€sign vahd lor uso only iith ilffek-connectors. This (bsign is based only upon paramglers shown, and is lor an individual ./ buildrng component to be instElled and loaded vert'cally. Applicability ol design paramelers and pr@er incorpomton ol _ _--'{- #trtili'trjii+i$H1hh*"T{rfft.iffild;'ft* ffiEriif*" iltl Sp€clflcatlon, and HIB{I Handling InrLlllng.nd Bradng R.co.rmendlllor availabl€ lrom Tru!! Platg lnldtut!, 58it D' IlTrk lndurlrlcr, Inc. Onoldo mv€, [!dlson, Wl 53719 gj;;'ffic t P(/'l-< 639050z->q,2I o P 2 =oz * s996 o d 6E xd6u- =o5(D,^ o !+9X =.o JxJo;u5.n=e.q;1-; =\= .;: )- 2P19.5d3o-.<- ' *a3Aj dP;'AF: rtrYO+ ; --N9ob :%s il$* d;i e.d' 6 a:*i eH9-;o P !i =' o*oo o =dla6g 3gGD r3;ogoii F3rg =98ao=ld1 oto+ -5lx:5H ;=qdd-6E =na\4q+-o ;E-1 =o X:-6:o dQ-r'^o6Ed= i:e d XBA =-t +oo.- tnF E- ozo io oo .'r- O O= =l oo o o 3zo trJo.a_ ='fo 9(D -orAn a9 !o 6b' =-'9-a 8o* c rlr UItIt i t2.l=,\.rt\a !! t\ ;I A\- A.?vial/a B5 ; n!l.:P- n|I5fi z C 3uo =.f(o <t, v, o 3 2 Fi!* iiiils i*!: i 15d 3 iEi =;F b3Z.n-t N c=So =F,8QX E6< !_1 " +>OI-I {o!o, JCJ D @ @ ={o3 D o <- (- dt @cD-=@> ..\.r !l () qHXY @.bEd-(,\lZ8e Bsol:-t(t --, A :-8;S o_"t!P9 li 9I 2 TOP CHORO TOP CHORO i iH€Fi ii aiF sFiEE En$ if $gs 3E* $s+i3 Fir ,i lEg }l fl+ afl €+ ig q;B :.qE eF -cs iH iei $;s *i * tE iE aa iE,gEgg igFi $ii *ig 5iii il E$gE EF g 'E aF + a' fi.-r= 3f €g et+ aa qa-]$ ?a r ri; o zE E:-,*3gt$fla es-a=aseyq €Fqd.-i+ct1 cb 399-42 Iruss Gr09 TrussType It ROOF TRUSS ay 3 Ply I \-.!, EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458915 J.J(ru a 5ep r.u 'tYY9 Mt t ex /nsus{/res, tnv. Ntstt ,v\tv | -2-915 I 2-104 tT *3 lAA4l &&2 | e96 | 2-9-15 2-101 G+i4 2-tl GlGt l-11-14 l-14 x4 tl sfor fruss Montlso T I ol5lr-l -l l(\tdI ct 4.24re. 3x4 23 Eva Z 12 a4 ?.1rr4 aa, s8-3 .644, 8.&2 , 9$6 , 2-104 G+',t4 2-r1 G1Gl 111-i4 1-3-4 13 8 5x8 = ,lete OIE'cs (X,V: [1 :6b0,eo-0], [8:0-CO,a2-0] .oADlNc (tLs|tcLL 80.0rcoL 10.0SCLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 SPAC"VG 2.GO Pletes lncrcese 1.00 Lumberlncrease 1.0o Repsfressrnct ArOCode UBc-94 cs,TC 0.39BC 0.60wB 0.93 (Matix) DEFL 0n) (loc) Veft(LL) 0.07 1411 Vaft(TL) 0.09 1411 Horz(TL) 0.02 8 Min Length / LL defl = 240 Yd6l, 999 999 nla PLATES M20(209a) Weight: 72 /Jbs) GRIP 12783 BRACJNG TOP cHoRD Sheethed ot +1-8 on cenl exceil end vatticab. BOT CHORD 1-13:63-0, 11'12:&&0,I &9i63-0.WEAS 2 Rows at 1f3 PE U8 ,.UMBER toP cHoRD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 30T CHORD 2X 6 SPF-S 2100.F 1.8E ^IEBS zX4SPFSstud'ExcePr 1a52x4sPF$No.3 4EACTiONS (tbs/sha) 1=2133/0-7-12, 8=290f,10-*13QnNt: 0-gg) Max Hon 1=2710oad case 3) Max Ufrft 1:297(load case 2), 8--3360oad case 3) FORCES fOP CHORD 1-2=-3!t43, 2-3--3193, 94=2443, 45:2237, u6--1 1 8, *7=1 38, 7-8=501 9OT CHORO &9=2285, 9-10=2285, 1A1F30E1, 11-12=3081, 12'13=3081, 1'13=3081 WEBS +12=65,3-10=847,+10=1t156,&8=-2920 f,oIES t, n is trrss ,as b aen designed for the wind toads genented by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 leet ebove gmund tevel, using 5.0 p.s.L top chord daadhad end 5.O p.s.f bottom chord d6ad bad, 100.0 t rfles frcm hunicane oceanline, on a catigory t 6ndosed butdng, ol{menlsions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposutp C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber tncnasa = 1.33, Ptate lncnasa = 1.33. Both end veficals arc QxPosed. 2) S,MpSON H2,5 connectos rccr,m|'/tended to connect ttuss to beaing wels due to uNfr as tofiows: One connector at tdnt(s) 1, 8. 3) Requlred beaing slza attoint(s) I geatar than input beaing strze. LOAD CASE(5,, 1) Lumbar lncnasa=1.00, Platd lncraas6=1 .0o Conqnued on page 2 Er pufin spacing, '10:690, 1 2-1963-0, I 01 I :a70, N Ilarsi 6'i:.s rd U5E.A, WARNING - U.rifi d.tiFn pararnetcrs and RL,AD NOI ES ON IHIS AND REVERS.E SIDE AL,IORE Design valid tor use only wilh ltlllgk connectors. Thig d€sign is bas€d only upon paranr€tsrs shown, end is lor an individual building compon€nt to b€ install€d and load€d vedically. Applicability ol desigh paramele|s and prop€r incoForatbn Ol componenl is responsibility of building design€r - not truss d€signer. Bracinq shown is for laterEl suppod ol individual web members only. Mditional tempor"ary baadng lo insu.e slabilily during c(nslruction is ths responslbility of the erector Additional pemanent bracing ol th6 ovgrall structure is tho rosponsibility of t|e buildlng d6sign€r. For g€ngral guidancg regarding fabdcation, quality control, sto6ge, dsliv6ry, er€ction, ard bracing, consuh QtlT{8 Oualliy Shd.rd, OSA-89 Brrclng r{u 7'a csl 5';d-r',ilue) sF€cmcatbn,andtE.slH.ndllngInalallingandE.aclngRacommendallonavailablolromTlustPlltaIndltuta,58ilD'xllaI|noualll.3,|n9. Oriotrio Orir'o, ll|adLon, Wl 5(]71 9 P(''l-<|n-iFJijo60 > tt,z0 o3|'tz =oz tm {* saagg Ti33Eg=o5'o xg*g 3 ifr3 au il*1*ii;5nffio.<-' 3 qE # ;B-rtF3 adi Fg;EiEeS 6 E.5$a "$* o o il6i BEE*EE gaiii csgi' l F itF o7 o2oEA =ojo 6d; FA a9oo8;-'O9=.oo ol! ?-o {ifo6'6'fo 8gOF diiur=pe B;l='g-6 8qo :- ilr iFiE .t!l =EI'f,r5fi zc 3q o =.f(o at, v, o 3 2 iiEs tiiiEs i=! E iiEH =FF E;-{ (-€86 =R8QB E6:"- i>\JI = o!o,r (.t, (JIo at, @,o o =oIot0u, Lc-! !o HEs af A9 ::':$g Bt dis 9"8;S e -rl\)cdoN20 co ; 6oo 2 TOPCHOFO TOPCHORD lg$gtggf eg- = 6 s F :'' e s' F s"'') - Hi F F i$ *ii ii aig $gi $5gnfi flg $fii iEg $+[ ;€ :ig'i iFF c$g ii il sfa -;E Ei ir E'a*l gii fifl *i u-i Ei[i li a'ai ai $a {g EF Eg g[ Ei fFe ,{g 5i i$ ig g$gs EF g d eF + a'tgc;3fEgf;t+ ea ge3$ ?fr feii o z. = 83., *tgu$[i ee sig6 ;[ +ug* g #s-d5*+u, EDWARDS BIJ,LDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458915 Truss Type ROOF IRUSS e Sep lnc. cIsE(s, Unifom Loads (lbs Par ft) Veft:!-2--180.0, 2-3:1EO.O, ?4--1W.0, +5--180.0, ,6=-180.0,67:180.0, &9--20.0, 9'10:20.0, 1&11--20.0, 11'1?-m.0, 12'13:20'0' 1-13-- Conce ntnted Loads (lbs) Vert:1:509.1, 2--136.4, 4:323.9, 6:503.9, 9--968.0 1 1--748.6, 13='16.0 ftFi,B A WnntUe - Ve?ify dcsisn paramctets aad READ NO'IES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEF)RE IJSE. Oesign valid lor us€ only riith l lr{conn€ctols. Th's d€sign is bas€d only upon parameters shown, and is lor an individual ./ building componont lo b€ inslalled and loaded verlically. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation ol _ _--'( _ -"H{fl*-iqfrfr*-*}ff*ilit'*f*j{frffi:i"tri:r: li;:i}}l#j'-" til- Sp€c lcsdon, and HIB-81 Hrndllng lri.t lling and Bnclng R.comm.ndatlon available from Ttu.. Pht lrutltutq 5,8:t D lllT* lndUdrlO, Inc. Onofrlo Drive, lladllon, Wl 5.(m9 rt =.nl..< 6390do > ct,zc' oD z< =oz 'I ,+'fro(f0c) i5d-5-o!oooao3;;q : o 6 6DEg;;qs=oio e 9.H313r ox-fo5O!ln*l; =q-Fd*f*iil5n3o.<-- t*qB; ;Bde:< 3d: n \'-9 od :-=9 Be - ga'e *== QrdF 5 ii. :P 6'sg 6 4.'Ri eSq.;o P ti5' <o* o o o :ii3F H gi r+E n "iE ggE a F""s3+ {5 fr;eii€li ig Eg; i-oa Fca e En ozo -oc* Eo ao d_3go 8a 6q.'d o 'tt?zo t5 6'6'fo ='n16oa=lzrO 8;c* x r.r ilr 3 iFEE-p jFl a zc 3oo =.f(o at, U, o 3 <-2 i=!:H ; _3:i iEiigs i*!l 5 rId r EBe 5;s -r-b- 2tn-t €3- =RRQR -Xtu- ;t ->I I I o @,o o3 I tt u, @c!-=@HN9 gg A5- 1e =HS gF ol." X(, .-.r S :-8;S e_.-N)(roN 20 0 I 8@ z <-(D TOP CHORO TOP CHORO @ d i -9 F = 6 9 tr :.' 9 9, 5 !, i! - pd ilgtgi ei flit agi$E gE3 afi ggl [$$ $+[#iiE ,i lF$ gl fr + 4m g+e3 {;* sEi EF $€s 5H eEi $;; i9.4i 5s; 3*Eq $g e s ig Fi a$ iF -gE 3E i$ ii IEF Hi; ;i EE 'id c $ia is a' a+ ag *; gs E5 Eg $[ Es F$$ q? rs Eu ?i H$E? =s g,d aF + e€q *-E" *lgr$fli e4 'i5F iq q,a* gfr EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458916 Tluss Type ROOF IRUSS , -2{-O t }$8 I S114 | 11-5€ | reeo | 2048 | 2lJ{ I 2&H I 3?+-0 | 24{ }t8 }5€ 't-tr ,l-6-8 +68 4-64 }S8 }SB z4 fi 5x8 = 3x10 =456 O<8 =$dt 12 3}6 =2x4tl 6)€= 8xg = 18 2x4n t6 O(12= t3 O(12 = 15 14 2{4tl 7x14M18 = , 1S I S11{ | ll-$s | 1eo4 | 2G68 t 211-0 | 2&68 | 32'G0 | 3'8 }'E 4+8 4a8 /t6€ +6-tl 1t8 454 oftsets (x,v: t1:G1-4,0-$Ol, [1:AU2,C2-13!,13:$44,0-2-12], [S:A+0,A2-12], t1O:61-4,G+Ol, [10:o-14,61-1t' [14:&0.0,074] PI.ATES GR'P M20(209a) 127n3 M1E(189a) 10u96 Welght: 241 qbs) DEFL Ad (,oc) Ydelt Vad(LL) 0.47 15 803 Veft(TL) 0.59 15 643 Horz(TL) 0.16 10 a Min Langth / LL detl = 2/K) cs,TC 0.70BC 0.67wB 0.52 SPAC'ffG z.GO Platesln eese LN Lumber tnc/eas€ 1.00 Rep Str€ss /ncl AroCode UBC94 Continued on page 2 aER BRAGNG cHoRD 2X6S?F-5 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed orul-11 on center Pwfrn spacing.GHORD 2 x 6 sPF s ?05o'- t'tE t vr wnw^u ottectttc\t t)' rtra" Jt"'u't' CHORD 2 X 6 SpF-S 210r/F 1.SE BOT CHOP,D Rlgid ceiling &acv apqed, or 1600A0 on centor bncing. 2 X 4 SPF-S Stud Excep|. 163 2 X 4 SPF-S 165,.F 1.8, 138 2 X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.5E IHERS 2X 4HF lw'ExcePt' wGL2X6SPF-S 1650F 1.5E Lett:2X+.Right:2X1 (tbs/size) 1=69/t9/A615 (nprt: GtE), 10=6589tF6-g (nput: UUg) Mex Hotz 1=710oad case 3) Max Up$tt 1:7050oad case 4), 10:6150oad case 4) CHORD 1-2=19of/8, 2-3=12609, 94=15018, *5:15018, 56--15018,67:15018, 7'8'-1fi1q &9:12603' 9-10:130p8 T CHORD 1&11=11399, 11-12=11399, 12-13=11255, 1914=16286, 1+15=18286, 1&16=16286, 1617=11255, I 7- 1 8=1 1 399, 1 - 1 E=l 1 399 2-18=67, 2-17:16a. 3-17=1513, U6=4759, +16:1731, &16:1807, &15=197, 6.13:1607' 7-1 3=-1 731, &13=4759, &1 2=1 513, 9-1 2--1 62, *1 1 =67 2-dy truss to be connects,d together with 10d nails as lonot s: Top chords connected with 1 tow(s) at 3 inches on c6iter. Bofrom chords connected with 1 toyt(s) at 3 Inches on center. Webs connected wih I rcw at 6 inchas on centel. Ttis tnrss ,ras Dee, desigaed for tln wind loeds gflnercted by 80-0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet above ground level, using 5.0 p.s.t top chord dead toad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead load, 100.0 n les lrcm hunicane ocaanfrne, on e cat;gory t ;nclosed bufldng, ol dimensbns /t5.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrcase = 1.33, Plate lncraase = 1.33. Both end vetticak ara exrysed. :,i. .:...oe -i*ui"iiONA\-v) {a'eBg.$ A U'tWt|lC - Verifi &tim oaramctcn ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE LISE. Desrgn valid for t/s€ only iih Mlti€k'conneclors. ]ftis design is based only upon paranot€.s shov/n, and is lor an individual building conpon€nt to bo inslalled and loaded vortically. Appllcability ol d€si]n paramelers and prop€r incorporatton ol componenl is responsibilily of building dosign€r - not truss designer. B€cing shown i6 fof lateral support ol individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during const^rctirn is the rcsponsibility ol the erector- Addilional pormanenl bracinO ol tho overall struclure is ll|e rssponsibility ol the building design€r. For g€neral guidanc€ regarding fabrication, qualily control, storage, d€livery, erection, and braclng, consult OST€8 Ouallty Standard, DSB€g Braclngfabrication, qualily control, storage, d€livery, erection, and braclng, consult OST€8 Ouallty Standard, DSB€g Braclng I'II Sp.cilicatlon, and HIB-91 Handllng Inrtalling.nd Brrcing Rrcommeodatloo availabla lrom tu33 Pl.ie Inrtltub, 58:' D' lllTfk lrdurlrlcr, lnC, Onolrio Orlvo, m.dbon, Wl 53719 =U,l-< 639060z->v,z0 o2tn2 -a =oz tfD 00 .)o-= i oooo=s,flo o d 60g;;g- =!] l'vJ:rl.r t, ru ==R_.53; o l) /ri ='sSiJ eud* ?xa i 5n6o..<-' **3F' FPi 1Co o*4, 6 == o li.qii* R--.9o6 :'=s F+* d:iea' AF1Ri 1'o qi' P Uf ro-oo E iIii ier+Er ?E*lgi sii;aii E=. + E g Es+ i.o:l o; -'o a6i;io O= =l oo o t5 d'6' go' 5'o tr =a9 oo 6El-'c-; 8eo :- o ;ffi* \ilr =i-iur-Ht ;iI 2 Fi!: iii;gs i*!r i iai =;F<- b; 2I'l-t Cx,@-=@! -.r (tr () otsRX9 qtb5tr' 1s'>8s eE'^N)Q--J (r\JA-8;S e__t9(r.oN) 20 @ IoO Oz zc 3uo =.f,(o UI ct, o 3 TOP CHORO IOP CHORD L7oofo o c.r, t1r zo (D tn 9^a^-i-6^^F 7 6 P e :'' e !' F !' ro :'8d s n8,n+q Hq 3qA Ag3 3g g+; grE:qE€; a5F3f s3fl i3 f;E3 i- = i4 ilci 3i 3d r 3E=Ei qF defi i€i $Ftnlaf ggs*tfr sl?i+ ei* -$ $fig gI s 4$ E+e3 ?F3 siE B* 'E[ i5 3Fi $at Fggi 'gi FFEg F? saH *asr-lFfrrE?* silia5iF 5=g q$g* ;; Adgf 19, aa gi H; i4 gF ig [E E; $$i *$E r*+[ i3 6$E€ 5s ".a* 3B 3 EE EE*; 3$ €9$i+ 3i fli+E ?fr ['i.* 3.zq .6 -iq gse d3fi ee j g g EDWARDS BUA'NG CENTER VAIL COMMON A Truss Type ROOF TRUSS € S|MISON HZ.5 connactors recommandad to connect truss to baating wats due to udilt as fotlows: Two each connecto6 at iaint(s) | ' 10. Requircd beaing slze at jaint(s) 1, 10 gr.ater than input beaing size. cAsErs, Lumber lncrease=1.00, Plate lncrcase=l.@u'*^ i:ifflnfff]r-r-rr'o, x4=-3e0.s, +s=-3e0.e,$6:3e0.e, ,.7=3e0.e, T-8--3e0.e, ss--'ao.o, e-10:1e0.0, 1&11='20.0, 1t-12:20.0, 12-13:43.4, 1?14--43.4, 1415:43.4, 1516=/t3.4 1&17--43.4, 17'18=20.0, 1'18=20.0 Conceniated Lo ads (lbs) Ve t I : 360.0, 1 2-- 1 30 5.9, 1 7 : 1 30 5.9 f;'R #@A Ulnl'ltNe - Viifi drsisn paran'"ten and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE EEFOM |JSE. D€sign valid lo. use only ;ilh tallek'connectors. This d€sign is based only upon parametels shown, and is lor an individual building componenl lo 6e installed and loadod v€rtically. Aiplicabilily ol de-s6n paramoters and proper incoporalion of - _--.1 f*#;"ffiTtrni'liY"ili"J'il3jn1i'l:';l"j"Tf;ffi'lTfl;:n'lffii:"Jlf,:"t'$:l'Hiiifif.i:11.lll;.,l!::i,,"*, IIJ - t"Jlffi[','ff'&'9"*i"J#""Hi:fffi,:"'5',n:H'J',l*,"J,5liilf?,l1sH:;,[ijfl""11^:]S?ftJSillllX ltlll spocltlcation, .nd HlB4l Hendling In.tllllng and Braclng ReconfiGndction availabl€ trom lruss Plat In6lllul., 403 D lllTck lndutlfloa, Inc. Onotrlo Driv.. M6dison. Wl 5i1719 rt =Url..< 633odoz-v' ur2o o =tnz{ =o2 tm -\*'xDOOO i5o5io!ooo=q-;aq I o 6 6o(ge;q-Y=o5(D; d g9 P5 8; olni=ooXal; =s= i;: J- ?ze*,5EBo.<-' o *{,qB; ;Bd'iC(,| (,*.6,qts: i:rI od :'=e E8e 3q i393 qeX e.d' AFi*= !'o P Pq5 (6(D o a\ =8gd bg 9g9p.r+ =59.oi-!O FA =98a B.t otoa s.Exv,sH ;-Ed 9eE;.iddJo=' 6'c_A =O Xq;3 Os'f,./o6.aA= ledbH{ds4 ooJ 5ilF EF o2ovo 7.J|66i 6(D o Eltt 32o ti 66' oi;qd- 5'o(oo(tt =-,=o 6b'l='ur= c]- rlr EIF]i t. =Ib. I HPit{ -lG)"t jEl : zc 3oo =.J(o (t, q, o 3 2 Fi!:6 3::! EEilgs i*!D T ><r I i8i =;Hg; -l N {86 =R8Q8 E6<v- i> ={o!o. o co@-=@>r \r cI () o83e @i) 50a-l .>8s RE.{ (, -! a Y'8'.S 9"_to(, <r l\) 20 @ b;6 Pz TOP CHORD TOP CHORO 9 6 F 6 F = 6 e co : e s' r' !' N :' 8d i ieE;i $i r*6 ?Ei$E ngs afi gg$i$6 $gi ii EiE ,i lE$ EI fl c$[ ii i3 ?fa F;s 'i ,'' 3[ i;F $:g [i $* ,;3 g;$; ii i,ai g$ *A u* EE u* ifl Ei H*$ ,$E i$g* ii E$$; =F g = E3" *lA'$Bi el -iEE qq u"E' f;- &qa5€+tn tb t99-42 Iruss H02 rrussType tt ROOF TRUSS aty I PIy 2 \' EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VNL COMMON A U458917 5x8 = 2 *4tl 3 5x8 = 46.00F :l I O<8 = tt ro @lo IT66 1 6xB = 12 11 5xB = 5x8 =*12=il8=9 )zlt 6 t 81 buslon In ss Mortose 3.3W e sep ZU 1993 Mr l eX rn('usmes, trta. tYteIt ,rvY \ata ottseb (x,Y): [1:0-0-0,0-60], f2:G2-0,G2-121, [4:0-2-12,62-12], [5:0-r8't2'12]' [t"o1-8'0-0-0] OADING (tLrf'cu 80.0cDL 10.0tcu o.0tcDL 10.0 SPAC/VG 2-0-O Ptates lncrcdse 1.0o Lumber Increase 1.U) Rap S&?ss ,tcl NOCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.81ac 0.67wB 0-99 DEFL (n) qoc) Udef, Veft(U) 0.62 9 693 Veft(Tl) 0.77 I 5A Horz(TL) 0.13 7 a Min Length / U clelt = 2/K) PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 12783 Weight: 2.t4 (tbs) UMBER BRACING 'oP cHoF,D 2 X 6 sPF-s 1650F 1.5E ToP cHoRo sheethad or '9'4 on center puflih toT cHoRD 2 x 6 sPF s 21ooF 1'8E BOT cHoRo REid caifrng direcdy apy'ied' or 1O YEES 2X 4 SPF-S Stud Except' 10-s 2 x 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E, U8 2 X 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.fi. EAC ONS (,bs/size) 1=391tt/O-5-8,7=391tUE&6 Max Horz 1=570oad case 3) Mex Uilft 1--309(loed case 4), 7--3090oad case 4) ORCES'oP CHORD 1-b-5821,2-3--4881, 94:6881, +5--7176, 16=-5645, &7=6578 IOT CHORD 7-8=56/t5, *9=16217,9-10=16217, 1611=6418, 11'12=6418, 12'13=5164, 1-13=5164yEAS 2-13=158, 2-12=2037, ?12--1249, +12=549, +1o=1U1, +10--9913, 59=109' $8--10937' 688285E roTEs ') 2-W tuss to be conneded togather with 1 Od nals as hltows: Top chords connectad with I row(s) at 6 inches on c6iter. Bottont chords connactad with 1 ,ow(s) at 12 Inches on center. Webs connected with 1 row at 6 inches on center. ) Ir,is tn ss Des be an designed for the wind loads ganeratad by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet abow g{ound leval, ugng 5.0 p.s.l. top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.l bottom chord dead load, 100.0 miles lrom hunicane oceanfine, on a catigory I incfosed buwng, of dimensions 4,5.0 by 24.0 with exposrre C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbet Increase = 1.33, Ptate lncrcaso = 1.33. Both end venicab arc exposed. t) STMPSON H2.5 connedors recommended to connect truss to beaing w*s due to uNft as follows: One connector at Nnt(q 1,7. ' spaqng. '0G00 on center bncing. $6?*Ha A WnUtWC - Vcrifi dzsisn pzranetett and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only frlh Mifek_conn€ctols. This design is based only upoo paramelers shown, and is lor an individual t lllTck Indurtrler, lnc. building component to be installed and loaded vertically. Applicability ol design param€ters and propor incoporation of component is €sponsibility ol building designer - nol lruss designer. B€cing shown is lor lateral$pporl ol individual web memb€rs only. Addilional lemporary bracing lo insure stability du ng construction is lhs @sponsibility ol lhe erector Additional pemanont bEcing of lh€ overall slructuro is the responsibility of th€ building designer. For genoral gu dance regErding fabricalion, quality control, storage, delivery, eroction, and bracing, consult QST.8! Ouality Slrndard, DSB€9 BEcing Sp€clllcatlon, and HIB-91 Handllng In.talllng and Bracing Recomntendallon availabl€ lrom lfuss Plstg lnstllute, 58i] D' Onof o D.lve, Itadlson, Wl53719 L rt =U,l-<,n _i639odoz-surz(' o =z =oz raD OOO^-==^ u55o' o 6 0Eg;;q-:o 5 (DJ:n.\(, (v =:XJOE: = o'=!{+o li +r-f y f r ?Pa'i5n 6o.<-- **qE; ;Ed'aF* ;d:Sii* R--,.>9ob :-=Q F$d 83*qg 6 E:P3i p 83-3- '83o o =d*o>E6'Ce6' QO rg =59.d1j3g ;org 8ao= ?.a otot FblxiFH ;iEd ?flE I5F= -v' c- A =O Xl'6'' d6' 'Xo6**d= i*rd6i5€.d9qoo- 5ft F Ea ozoQJ r-O c-tDo -o=oO=AO =loo 8a o E|lt =zo {5 6' 6' sd d6 a9 oo oof.'t= 8eo E ilr rlFl a Fui B5 ; jEl a z C 3oo;-.:t(o .J' U, o 3 N <-=sd =x8Qts -6< !-.t " ;> i> !o, ... (.) gl @ I a 2 Fi!:I ;3:! ;Eligs i*!l i rId r EE E tfiR E;-{ ..J Lol Co@-:t@dNq 3gao-9ss dr'^NO*-J (, \i .s. :-8;S e_-N)(, o N.) 20 @ : 8Iz TOP CHORO TOP CHORO @6E-F=e-etr 1 i3*ii 1i [1; +si Ea Ees i; $i* *E* $i+ggiF ,$ lEg il g $ gF EF ii =eH ntB gF 'F; 3$ $:i $iE [i en '€q q eE; es t- ;a Ba gr $4 .E$ ig qE Ei $$g u$E {* B$ ii 6$E€ gF p 'F af, \ g'aee; 3g Eg $ffi 31 dig$ FA q*i* g$g-d_<ta,:, EDWARDS BUTLANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U/,5891 Tru* Type ROOF TRUSS 4frt 2 14 13 5x8 = 6x8 = 10 8x10 = 99 6x8 8x8 \6x8 =8t8t , ts | 1G11{l | 16fi | 21-1{ | 28{X) | 3244 | 36{}0 | tta $t8 5-l4 t14 G',l',l{) 4+O 4{{ oftseF (x,v: t1c-1-4,o|O0l/, t1:6&12,A2-Ol, p:o.2-12,0-?Al, F:treo,o^ol, t6:G2-12,t2-Ol, t8:GOi,A?ol, [9:0-1-8,0-0-01, [9:oe8,62-0], 11 1 :0-24,&2-01, F 3:&&0,c-181 DEFL (n) loc) lldetl Veft(LL) 0.55 7 772 Va,t(TL) 0.69 7 61 I Horz(TL) 0.18 I nla MinLength/lJ-detl=240 sPACrrvG 2-O0 Pleteslncrease 1.00 Lumbat lncrcase 1.00 R€p Sfr€ss ,r,cr ,voCodo UBG94 TOP CHOF.D 2 X 6 SPFS 2loOF 1.8E cHoRD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8EWEES 2 X 4 SPF-S Stucl 'Excep( 12-5 2 X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.5E, 114 2 X 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.# 11-7 2 X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 107 2 X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.5E 1082X4SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E oTHERS 2X6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E WEDGE Lett:2 X 6, Wt:2X 6 RE cnONS (,bs/size) 1=3554/0-7-1 Anput: 6rA),9--39141$7-13 AnPut: 0'rB) Mex llotz 1=-92(loed casa 2) Max Uptrft 1--260(load case 4), 9='309(oad cese 4) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2-*6tt66. 2-3--5388, ?4--#37, +5=fi37, 9,6='6215, 67--11696,7'8=-5817' t9--6628 BOT CHORD 9-10=5817, lG11=10479, 11-12=7360, 12-13=5551, 1U4=5551, 1+15=4814, 1116=5712, 1-16=5712 WEBS 2-16=107,2-15=-1@7, ?15=562, X1/t=1215, 414=-885, t14=127, ,12=1896' 61F2534' 611=4728' 7 - 1 1 -- 3443, 7 - 1 0=- 52 43, & I 0=247 I ,vorEs ,) frris fuss ,as 0 een deigned tot the wind hads genented by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 feot above gound laval, using 5.O p.s.L top ahord d€ad had and 5.0 p.s.f bofrom chord cbad bed, 100.0 miles lrom hunicana oceannne, on a catigory I 6ndosed buldng, of dn:rlnsions tll.O by 24.0 with exrrrsurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrease = 1.33, Plata lncraesa = 1.33. Both end verfrcals an axPosed. 2) STMPSON H2.5 connactoB rccommended to connect truss to boadng wals due to u$ft es ffiows: One connector at Jolnt(s) 1, 9. 3) Requirad heaing s/ize et Nnt(s) 1, 9 geeter han inPut beaing size. ARACING TOP CHORD Sheathed ot 1-1611 on center prdin spac,1//:€-' ^ BOT CHORD 1-16:83-0, 1U16:&&0, 1+15:63-0, 13'14:690' 12'13:&.},0, 1 1-1 2:d90, 1 01 1 :6-3.0, 9'1 0:6'90. WEBS 1 Rw at midPt 2'15,7-10 2 Rusat 1/35 125 ,tffi-t_h ,grtFnt A, WnnWC - Verifi desisn ,aran'zten and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only iilh t ifek'clnn€ctors. Ihis d€sign is bas€d only upon par€nislo.s stFwn, 6'ld is tor an individual building component to be installed and load€d venically. Applicabilily ol design param€t€rs and prop€. incorporalion of _ _=-. [,ffi*:j*{itJ*lr'"+f{,,#g;t*}itr.f,ffi{+: '- ilil' Sp€cltbalion, End HIB-91 Hrndllng Inlt.lllng ard Bracing R€commondedon available lrom Tru!! Plaa. h.rh!re, 583 O lllTak lnduflllea, lnc. Onolrlo Drive. lrldllon. Wl53719 tt =q,l-<,n _a639060z-surz c, o =tnz =oz tlo oooo-iio sE96 o66'0 R;;o--+o 5'o x g *g*JO; olri=oo'iard;sc:"on{rill3;6o<' *1n6= iqr )"_q 9e_-d.: i s i \o--* 6 ---N 9 o6 :'=s Hl* i3 3i 5 i :P 6..sg 6 4.'*= co*q PS.5 o*oo o =dgo>taEso 9P.r+ =5:9 =g3L =!8ao= l6I o =o:l !Fslttlxq,AH ;rEdOO9=daHS 5 d+ 3Fqt-6:6'o' 'lo6'**; =i*d6ii{ d_q q oo.- t tnF F Et ozo9j =.'(,'o O= oo oo o ilr Etn 2zo o F i {i d' 6' 5o(ooa=. oo 6bl.'9-d 8q s l=xN t F'>i 35 ; jif : I|ltrll a zc 3uo =.f(o at, q, o 3 N {Eo =RXQR UX< t-1 " +> = -.t ! @ @,o61 o3 I Iog) 2 Fi!:ts ; i:l iEligs i:!I i t5ii g iB E =;8 E3 Zlri-l ..J o, @o-=@dEg 3sA9- <:">ff$ sfi.{Aii !''8;S s__N)(r<,N 20 @ .o-5 Pz TOP CHOBD TOP CHORD 9 -s F- 6 F = 6 P e :'l e s' F !' lo - Bt iir*gi ig alg gge gE gga ir lgl Frg $Ffii$i$ ,i *€E il - s FH *6 ei =gg ais Ea ;s =[ $;F i=g q$ $* ;fi E ig; *g fl, a+ ag $d s3 Eiig $lFf i$a ,eg *e*$ ia BgEs =s sd aF 3 4' fiq*; 3g iu$[3 ia '1gF F[ q'fl* fFqaa€+(n EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458919 Truss Type ROOF IRUSS 6.00FZ 8 2x4 tt 6x8 = 8xB r 1'l 11 10 5x8 = 6x12= otF,ets (x,v: t1f,-1-4,eaol, t19-c12,0-2-o!, p:a?0,G2-121, [5:6&S,G?12], q:o.3'8,O-2-121, fl:G1-8,0401, [7:048,G24],I9:62-4,C2-01 PI.ATES GR'P M20(209a) 12783 Weight: 256 (lbs) DEFL Ail qoc) Ydell Vaft(LL) 0./B 5 997 Vett(TL) 0.A 5 797 Hotz(TL) 0.17 7 nla Min Length / LL det = 240 SPAC/V6 2-0-0 Plates lncrcase 1.00 Lunbet lnqease 1.00 Repstnassrnc/ A/OCode UBG94 cHoRD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E T CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E 2 X 4 SPF-S stud *Except' 1G5 2 X 4 SPF-S 16flF 1.ff, G9 2 X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E IHERS 2X6 SPF-S 16flF 1.5E Left:2X6,Right:2XG BRAC'NO TOP CHORD Sheathed or 1-1G7 on center Pufin spacing' BOT cHO RD 1 -1 3 :6-Xo, 1 2-1 3 :6-3-0, 1 1' 1 2:63-0' 1 01 1 :6-3-0' 9' 1 0 :&.},0' &g:elo, 7-8:6-34.WEAs 1 Row at midPt 2'12, g1O 2 Rows at 1/3 ds 10-5 0 *ize) 1=3fiU0-7-1 (nprt: Max Hon 1:102(load case 2) Max Upttlt 1--261(load case 4), AUq, 7=3922/G7-1 3 (nput: o.58) 7--3100oad case 4) CHORD 1-2--6365, 2-3:501 1, &4=-4849, 45.-5421, t6--8257, 67:637 4 T CHORD 7-8=5631, &9=5631, 9-10=8257, 1&11=4478, 11-12:447E, 12-13=5650, 1-13=56il BS 2-13=128, 2-1b-1914, 112=720, 910=539, +10=1247, U10=3727, t9=-1899, 69=3304 &8=9ll It,s truss tas D€s n deslgnad for the wind loads gcnerctad by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 toet dbove ground level, ugng 5.0 p.s.f. top chord deed load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead load, 100.0 niles lmn hunicana ocean[ne, on a cet6gory t indosed buffirg, of dnnnsions 15.0 by 24.0 with exposut' C (ASCE 7-93). Lumhet Incrcase = 1.33, Plete lncrcase = 1 .33. Both end vedica,,s are expsect. SMPSON H2.5 connectors reconxnanded to connect truss to beeing wans due to uptft es fofrows: One connector at te,(s) 1,7. Reqalr€d bearlng she at Nnt(s) 1, 7 Water than inPut beaing size. C/ISE(S, Standard NO ffi"#i:..:t A W,cRNINe - Verifi detipn parameter and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFOM USE. Desion valid lor use only iilh l,fllofconnectors. This d€sign is bas6d only upon parametors stlown, and is for an individual building compon€nt to be installed and load€d vertically. Applicabilily ol design palametels and proper incoDoration of compoaledt is respoositility of building designer - not truss designer. Eracing shown is for latolal suppo.t of individual lveb members only. Addilional temporary bacing to insuro stability during const uction is the responsibility of th€ ergctor. Additional p€man€nt bracing ol ths overall slruclure is th€ respongibility ot lh€ building d€sign€r. Fo. gen€ral guidanco r€garding lab calion, quality cootrol, storage, delivery, ercclion, and b€cing, consult OST.08 Ouallty Standa.d, OSB-80 Braclng SFcltlcalton, and HIB€i Handllng In3iolling and Brdcing Rocommendldon available lrom nur3 PLL ln3tltulq 5'8it D' lllTal lndurltlea, hc. Onotrlo Orlve. Mdlaon. Wl5:1719 tt =v,l.<6r ra6J9060z-surzI o! lnz =oz tw. {a EE53q Eq$96 E i; 9'e=+=o 5'o x g *g Iifii-; =:eFd* qgfi* o.<-' 3o t*qB# ;Ed'tF* sfii::.o* 6.--N _q gu. ;i9. F$+ die-afr 6438= s.*F'g- ,&.*o ={ld>tatc0d 9!. F+ =5go R3!g 3L =!ta :31o,o* s'Fx.ts* * olt =; i'E d eaI + igtq;3 Oan) E** s rsi =J =ooJ 5ilu ED ozoqd -* 6' = .ttb6;FO;'g 0.9ooo-6|Di'o6=.oo ttn Pzo t5 a3f,O sdg6- a34t =-p9 DOB; e-d 8q E ilr 5ltIl t -=,\Jt\a il D>ttA/q =lt-tl . jil I z C 3oo =.f(o a q, o 3 2 Fi!: tiiils i=!; iitE =;F E; €s6 =R(4oq txso' ;y E io!o, J' a.to!ogl c $Eg agAe: <:".:flH eFo:-" XCrlA':'8'.S 9J-N)?9 li b 8oYz TOP CHORO TOP CHORO ltg*gi [i ala *gi$3 E$$ *i FgiFgg ui3EFaig 'i sgg 3g fr g+$ li ii *Fa ;;i Eg 'e; ii i;F sgE [e aa 'ea r*E.* il A'ai Eg $a $g EE Eg $aEi $Fa ,ig fi F$ ia E$g€ EF g 'd eF 1$ s:" ,['u$[i aa tigB i[ gui* $ #q*5€+u, EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VNL COMMON A U45E92O TrussType ROOF IRUSS 4f 'f-11 2-24 1t8 6xB = 6x8 =45 9 IF b# I 7.18 | 14-114 F17-l{l 2440 | z&GO | ffi I 7-48 7-$8 2'24 S1 1 4 4"OO &o{) orrbars (X,r: t1:c1-4,60-OI,11:O-O-12,G2-ol, [5:&3i0,o.2-12|,, [6:a1-12,O2-o], t7:6ho,a?12],,I8:6Oo,a2-121,'/,10:o-1'8,ao'OI' [10:6+8,O24]' 11 1 :a.o.0,0-241, [1 2:0-A0,02-01, 11 3:oO-0,tU8], [1 4:GO0'c2'0] PLAIES GR'P M20(nsd 12789 Weight: 286 (lbs) DEFL (n) qoc) Ydet Vatt(LL) 0.49 7 864 Veft(TL) 0.62 7 6e1 Hon(TL) 0.19 10 a MinLength/Udal,=24O sPACr fG 2-&0 Plateslncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrceso 1.00 Rop Stress rrrcr No Code UBC-94 cHoRo 2 x 6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E T CHORD 2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1.58 2 X 4 SPF-S Stuct 'Except' 1+52X 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E, 12-62X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E 11-E 2 X 4 SPF-S 165,,F 1.5E 2X 6 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E Left:2 X 6, Right:2 x 6 BRAC'iVG TOP CHORD Sheathed ot 2'57 on cent€r pudin spacing. BOT CH1RD 1-16:6.3i0, 1U16:6-?0, 1+15:6X0' 13'14:&9.0' 12'13:6X0' 11-12:6910, 10-11:6*0. WEBS 1 Row at ridPt 3^15, 1&5, 12'7 2 Rowsat1./3ds 1+6,7-11 (lbsGize) 1=3563,c-7-1 Anput: o.38), 10=392W7-13 Anput: 0'&E) Mex Hotz 1:113(load cese 2) Max Uqitt 1:261(load c€so 4), 10--310(load casa 4) CHORD 1-2=681,2-3=-fi75,14:4586,45--4097,&6='4714,&7='7721,7'8:5332,&9=5969'9.10=-6604 T CHORD 10-11=5802 11-12=6917, 12-13=5421, 1?14=5421, 1415=4210, 1|16=fi45, 1-16=5836 iBS 2-16.-684, C16=692, X15--1318, +15=1404, U15=t$8, ,14=1991, 614:2253' 6'12:-29E9' 7-1 2=-247 8, 7-1 1--2258, &1 I =1 954, 9-1 1 =-522 t) Ir's ouss t rs , een cd,sigaed lor the wind loads generated by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet above gnund levet, using 5.0 p.s.t. top chord deadhad end 5.0 p.s.t bottom chord dead had, 100.0 nte6 lrom hunicane oceanfrne, on a cat6gory t 6ndosed butrdng, ot dneniions 45.0 by 24.0 with exrrrsurc C (ASCE 7-93) . Lulrlber lncroase = I .33, grtE /ncraase = 1.33. Both end vedicals ara exposed. 4 STMPSON H2.5 connactors racommendad to connect truss to b^aing wans due to uqn as follows: One cannector at lolnt(s) 1, 10. 3) Requhod beanng C2. et Nnt(s) 1, 10 geater than inplt beaing gze- LOAD CASE(S, Standed Is,jiliieI [, urONtuC - Vcrifi dcsien param*cts and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE \JSE. Oesign valid lor use only \trttr Ull€I-conneclors. This doslgn is bas€d only upon pafarnoters shown, and is lor an individual buildlng co.rDonenl lo be Install€d and load€d veftically. Applicabiliv of deslgn paramEtets and proper incorporation ol coanponenl is responsibility ol brihing designer - not Iruss dasigner, Bracing shown is lor lateral suppon ol individual ! /eb memb9|s only. Additional t€mporary bracing to insure stability dudng construction is th€ r€sponsibility of lhe €r€ctor Additional pofiianent bracihg ol th6 overall struclurs is the responsibility ol the building designer. For gEn€ral guidencg regading fabrication, quality cont ol, slorage, delivery, erection, and bracing, consult OST.88 Oudlty Standrrd, DSB-89 B.aclng Spoclflcallon, rnd HlE41 Hrndllng Installlng and Brrclng R6aomm.ndstlon available from Duss Pht Instltute, 583 O' lllTak Indullflaa, Inc. Onotrlo Orlvo.lrrdlBon. Wl 53719 rt = .J'I.< 5J9060z->vlzc, o Ptttz oz tD00c) -= = rrr 8996 o 6 6!s;;o*:o 5 (D ; d -oqR5ii; xB q1 -6 =:aF6*i*:i;5r6o.-<-' t*3Rj ePd' e F* 3 s'i9A* R--*ssE ;i9R8: 3q Eg9,g a; ge.f 6 Ai R i P-o* Q- QO5' ro* d o o =d96>qE'c0d 9P.r3 =69.43- =g-1 =98a ;ot o,oa FIx.,,FH i=Ed39U;q4_d ;'t_1 =OXq;8 OrrrldSii ro xH3 =-t +ocLJ F{an F F EF o2o f.oxo 66;-o =l oo o o- trn Pzo {i 6' 6' Hg =o.-o(oo a9 B;l-'e* 8q c]. ill lrlTII a l,si 55 ; Iif a zc 3g o =.l(o v, u, o 3 N -{ o.I- ft (t @,o o3 oI t U' 2 fi!: iii;Es i:!l S rld r iEi =;F E;-t {s6 =P,Rax bx<!J" ;> i @(D-=@HNg gg 66 -(,iH$ aff.{8is th8;S e,..N)(ro^J 20 @ 9 g z ct TOP CHOBO TOP CHOBO 9 6 F 6 F = - e F : e !' 5 r"' ro -Pd iir*gi lg iffi lgg $i gEfr iE igi fiFg ryfEiiig ,$ +Eq El g g sfr iA il =Edn;E g* ;i ifr539 q=E [{ dfi Fi qifri as g ' aa Ba $r f4 E* ig [g Ei [$i u$E i* EB ;3 6$€E EF g "F 3g gE,E Ag c;= iF glae$ qi tqgg if A;g.* e z" € d 'eq'$fli sq -igF qq q'e' € fq-65<+, ob 399-42 Iruss H06 TrussType tt ROOF IRUSS atv I P'Y 2 EDWARDS B'JILD//NG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458921 t 3.3W1 e sep za 7c99 Ml t eK Inousvles, tnc' Nt.Jn tuev , tlous/.on Truss Montrose 6 ooFZ x4 fi 5x8 = 3x10 =456 ,4tl 7 15 14 13 a4 llTxlrVMlS - 6x12- 6x12 =I T *l:l5l('r II..'| (ol 3)(5 \ 9 i1 18 }.4tl 1' 3(6 = 11 2,ltl12 3xG =6,(8 = 8x8 = ,tate ofiseg O(,V: t1:O1-4,aeol, [1:0412,61-1t, F:a+O,O-2-12], ts'o-+0,o.2-121,110:61-4,ta01,00:a1-4,O1-1U' 114:GOo'67'01 .oAD,NA 02s0'cu w.0'cDL 10.0,cLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 sPACrrvG 2-0-o Plates lncraase 1.W) Lumbat lncrease 1.w) Rep Shass ,rcr ,VOCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.56BC 0.67wB 0.55 DEFL (tn) (,oc) ,lden Ved(!-L) 0.44 15 872 Ved(TL) 0.54 15 697 Hotz(TL) 0.16 10 nla Min Length / LL def, = 240 PIA'ES ARTP M20(209a) 12783 M18(189a) 10wo Weight: 232 (lbs) ,.'ITBER'oP cHoRD 2 X 6 SPFS 2100F 1.8E toT cHoRD 2X 6 SPF-S 21c0,F 1.8EYEBS 2 x 4 sPF-s Stud 'Excepl' 1&3 2 X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.58, lsg 2 X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.58 )IHERS 2 x 4 HF u$tty 'Except' wGL2X 6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E VEDGE Lcft:2X'f . Wt:2X 4 ?EACTIONS qbs/siza) 1=660tu6-9 qnqrt: o-rq, 10=658&o-&9 (nPut: Max Hon 1=-360oad case 2) Max Uilft 1=-617(load caso 4), 1b-615(load caso 4) 8RACflVG TOP CHORD Sheathed or +1A11 on center Ftdin sPacing. BOT cHoRD Ricid ceiting dirccv ap$ed, or 1$0040 on center bncing. 0-3-8) toRcEs -oP CHORD 1-2--130/t4, 2-3=12640, ?4-1fi73, 45:15073, ,6=-15073, 67=15118, 7-8=15118' &9:12741' *10=1447 ,OT CHORO 1L11=11677, 11-12=11677, 12-13=11378, 13-14=16364, 1+15=16364, 15.16=16364, 1617=11288' 17-18=1 I 431, 1-1 8=1 14s1ryEBS 2-18=67, 2-17=-161, C17=1513,516=4788, +16=1731,616--1635,615=197,613-1579' 7-13--1730, &13=4731, &12=1 503, 9-12--3:t6, 9-1 1=68 ,otEs t) z-pty ttuss to be connected togeth€r with 10d nals as fotrows: Top chotds connaded with I row(s) at 3 inches on ceiter. Eottom chotds connactad with 1 tow(s) at 3 inches on canter. Webs connected with 1 row at 6 inches on centat. f) Irb arss tes bo on fuigasd tor the wind bads genented by 8O.O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet above gound l6vd, uing 5.0 p.s.l. top chord dead load end 5.0 p.s.f bottom chod dead hed, 100.0 nfres lmn hunicane oceantne, on a categpry t .ndosed buldng, of dmensions /t5.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrcase = 1.33, Ptate lncrcese = 1.33. Both eN vefticab ara exposect. Coninued on page 2 ffi,rB IlTrk Indurl?|c., Inc. building component to be installad and load€d vonically. Applicability of design parameters and propor incorporalion of component is rosponsibility of buildino dosigner - nol truss d€sign€r. Bracing shown is tor lateral support ol individual w€b rn€n5els only. Addilioml tBmporary bracing to insure slability dudng conslruclion is lhe rosponsibility of lhe or6ctor. Additional pernanent bracing ol the oveaall strucluro ls the responsibility ot lh€ building d€si9n6r. For ggne€l guidance regarding labrication, quality control, slo€ge, delivory, erection, and bracing, consult OST{8 Ouallty Standaad, DSB89 B.rcing Specificdion, lnd HIB-91 Hrndllng Inrlllling and BJaclng RccommGnd.don available from Tru!3 PlaL lnsthut€, 583 D' Onolrio Drlva. Madlaon. Wl53719 A u,s,RNtl'tC - Vaifi desisrl paramctets and READ NOTES oN THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. D€6ign valid lor uss only with llrllsk-connectors. This dosign is based only upon param€lers shown, and i9 lor an individual I R'a;*# =cnl.<!nri639odo v u'lz0 o3 z oz *!aoooiiooooa,rflo o 6'6o SAao- =ut\uJ=n.\e: F5!+ro;u I o'=o lio l -6=:= i;: J- 2 P?'i5n6o<' s o c oo **qs# ;Ed';:< 3d:si:.* R--pI od :'=s BB i 3a'sFga 9E 3 a3 sF; 3- ."83o t =F= a.'.:: g oi! ;g 3qQ! a3;ogo3li3d!t!g8ao= :dI o,oa 5xs ;F-uiEl eg ;iE F* ;"3+;H EqaLr it 5" f ti 5' d' oi;o; (oo E;f.-9-a On rlr I&z\Fut\ 6 \: F o -i-iErliFrr t'p 2 ii!: iiiigs i;! E i iai =;F!;-t @@-=&>J \l (tr () oRXa cD6E5 -(,o-..1 ^--@(rr-}t=ctt 6Y'\l\J!'(/J\rA':-8'.S 9__N)(,ONJ 20 @ IIa z zc 3oo =.f(o CI, U, o 3 TOP CHORO TOP CHORD b,7oo o g q, o zo o(a @ -<" ; d - = 6 I P :.r I !, l e N - gd i lgtii ii f,16 tgi sE sfi[ ;fi Fs[iEf *ir# EiE ,* aE$ gg + afl :+ig g;* ggE ei '[g qH. ici il;; is qq'q; i 5Ee $g sFfr *q:l.gHaisstr iiiIli* i:g qsF* ;; Etgr 3B' aa ai *; iq gF i$ qE. E* $$[ -HE ii +$ ;; 6$Eq Es ",3* ig gEa *:3E dsefl[o$ li rqgg if 3;5 * g = E:" *e it$gi q1 -iga qq u'q' €-qa.-€+ EDWARDS BUANNG CENTER VNL COMMON A Truss Type ROOF TRUSS SIMpSON H2.5 connectog r€commended to connecl tuss to baaing watrs due to uilft as fototts: Two aach connectols at Nnt(s) | ' 10. Reqired beaing size at Jaint(s) 1, 10 $eater than input beadng size. cAsE(s, 1) Lanber lncrcasa=1.0g, Plate lncrcase=1 .00 Unibm Loeds 4bs per ft) vart:t-Lln.o,'z-g--1go.o, e4=-gf/0.9,4F390.9, s6=3 90.9, &t=-390.s, 7-8:3s0.9, &9--180.0, 9-10:180.0, 1G11=2o-0' 11'12-20.0, 12-13:/8.4, 13.14=43.4, 1+15--43.4, 1}-16:43.4 1617=43.4, 17'16--20.0' 1'18=20.0 Concentnted Loads (lbs) Ve ft : 1 2=- I 30 5.9, 1 7= 1 30 5.9 ffi52 l,*ipi A wnnUe - Verify dzsisn gatameurs ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign valid lor use only iith Mlf€Niconnociors. This design is bas€d only upon parameteG shown, and is lor an indivrdual building compon€nl to b€ installed ard loaded vgrlically- Applacability ol design paramot66 and prcp€r incorpoGtion ot component is responsibility ol building dosignor - not lruss d6sign€r. Bracing sho*n is lor lateral suppod ot individual vreb m€mbers only. Addilional lemporary bracing lo insure stability during construction is th€ rssponsibilily ot the aroctor Additional pormangnl bracing of lho overall strucfuro is lhe responsitili9 of th6 building d€signer For general guidanc€ r€garding labdcation, quality control, storage, delivery, 6rection, and bracing, consult OST48 Ou.llty Stendard, DSE€g Bracinglabdcation, quality control, storage, delivery, 6rection, and bracing, consult OST48 Ou.llty Stendard, DSE€g Bracing I'II spGcltlcatlon, a;d H8.91 Handling In.t;llhg snd Brdclng Riommendatlon available l.on ftu.. Plotc hrtnure,-s8g D' lllTck lnduatlla3, Inc. Onolllo Ddve. Madboi. Wl 5i'719 = at, I' l-<!n _a639('602-sulz0 oE z -l oz t+D 0o..)qllc sE9f o 6' o'o g3g3 ;6 *q*5U; N APi fd t: fii;uo<-- qEi ;EdaF* 3d:Sii+ R---,., B$*ailed' 6 a:Hr "Hg5 rodo ! : i Fl * ,+i; fiUIEa Es ffig iiE=*+ E g Hg4 i'oI Yg=o50xo>."b6i-o;g d9ooo--o €=-o {r no 8S =8(oo aQ dE' 9'a 8so - 3 o ffi* \ilr iFFE 2 FiE: iiitEs i3!a iiai =;F E;{ @@-=OdEg 3sA9- <:"i$$ e{ dis S,'8;S edJN)(roN) 20 @ I 8 Fz zc 3 cro =.f(o (t, UI o 3 TOP CHOBO TOP CHORO l tg€Fi ii aig *Bi $Eg$F *i Fgi ig6 $gi Ef $it'i sgi EFR aH fig 3a 3ga dEr E6 E;8 e: s_c4 dI:" dF,:fi 9flS 3 AHg dd E+a aa 3i 'r$ nl6 $g *g;3i 1;* g3E [i 3i ';* E5$f gi ' d4 E$ ua $E Es Eg gEFi Ff,e ,lg $q 6$ ia E$sg Es'i es" t g' Eq *= 3g Ee Hgi ae 'g gfr 3[ q ui* $sd5-€+ \7oo =o 9. v,o o zo o(t, Truss Typa ROOF IRUSS EDWARDS BULANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458922 2 I 12(12 '--4xa 11 10 3r(4 = 6r)€ = 7 , erto , raoo , zrto t 32+O I &114 7'1{ 7'14 &ll'0 OtEeE O(,Y: I1:1-O-9,O&OL, [1:0-G0,$&Ol, P:1,4.l9,G04],I8:GGi,OG0I, [10:6fi0,er8] DEFL (tn) (loc) l/del, Vatt(U) 0.U 11 999 Veft(TL) 0.43 11 686 Hotz(TL) 0.16 I n/a Min Length / LL defl = 240 sPACr rc 2-0'0 Platos lncrcase 1.N Lumbetlncroase 1.00 Rep Sarass ,nor NoCode UBG94 ) It s frrss r,rs b€ en designed lor the wind loads gpneratad by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet above grcund l€vel, ugrrg 5.0 p.s.f. top chord dead toad and 5.0 p.s.f botton chord d6ad loed, n.0 nflas ftom hunicana oceanftna, on a cat6gory I incbsed bufldng, of dnenshns '15.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbat lncrease = 1.33, Plate lnctaase = 1.33. Both end vadcels are exPosed. SIMPSON H2,5 connectols tacommended to connect truss to beaing wans due to uNft as i,f,llows: Ona connactor at loint($ I, e. Requl.E,d beatng slf:a at jaint(s) 1, I $eater than input beaing size. AnSEp, Standard 1BER BRACING cHoRD 2 X 6 S?F-S 16fiF I .58 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-61 2 on centet gtfin spaclng. cHoRo 2X6 SpF€ 16ilF 1.5E BOT CHORD 1-12:6?0, 11-12:6-?0, 1G.11.6.&0, *10:6.3.0, &9.'490. 2 x 4 sPF-s sfud WEBS I Row et midd 12'4' *9 IHEES 2X6HF13&F1.3E Lett 2X 8, Right:2X I (bs/size) 1=3171/0-6-5 (,nprt: o-Cg), 8=3171to.&5 (nput: G98) Max Hotz 1=470oad cas€ 2) Max UN{t 1--232(load case 4), 8--2320oad case 4) CHORD 1-2:5790, 2-F-4985, C4=4453, +5=A34, 56:4453, d7--/t985, 7'8--5790 CHO RD &9= 51 20, 9 -1 0= 5397, 1 & 1 1 =5397, 1 1 - 1 FSg7, 1 - 1 2=5 I 20 2-1 2:7 41, 9 1 2= 1 39 4, + 1 2.- 1 31 1, 41 1 = 80, & 1 1 =80,,9--1 31 1, &9 = 1 39 4, 7'9=7 41 ffa A UlnNWe - Verifi dcsis paramct.n and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFOM IJSE. Oesign valid lor use only ffth lfgt'conn€ctors. This dosign is based only upon pardmetels shown, and is for an indivirual building component to be installed and load€d vodically. Applicebility of dosign parameteF and prcp€r incoDoration of compononl is responsibility ol building d€sign€r - nol truss d€signer. Bracing shown is tor late€l$ppod ol individual web m€mbors only. Additional temporary bracing lo insur€ stabilly dudng conslruction is the responsibility ot th6 orodor Additional p€rmanonl bracing ol lhe overall structure is the responsibility of th€ building designer. For genelal guldanc€ r€garding fabrication, quality control, storage, dolivsry, €r6ction, and bracing, consult OST€8 Quelity Strndrrd, OSB.89 Bnicingfabrication, quality control, storage, doliwry, €r6ction, and bracing, consult OST€8 Quelity Strndrd, OSB.89 Bracing IIII Sp.cilicetlon, snd HIB-91 Handllng ln.l.lllng rnd Brucing Recomm€ndatlon available tron ltus! Plrlo In.lltute,5&, D' IlTak hdualllas, lnc. Onotrl,o Drlva, Mad|son, Wl 53719 =U,l-<tn!639060z-v, urzo o3tnz =oz r+ 8333 qgsA o d 6Dg;;q =o 5 oi q *e*: ci;rr:)|ri=nola -d=!-Fd*f*iil5n3cL<' **g8; EEdd;: s s i:lo* x --NQ oU :-.q H+E E3*qg 6 4.=Ri go'Q' ;o R ti =' o*oo F i i i*i S H gF E s+E# "FE FeEa 5i E*iFi Hgl i'oa -oc* ao oo o {i vo j'o(oo a9CJ o: C'd 8qoq o b ffi* \ilr illlffi@e) FuiK@- =i-151iEl ;ip 2 Fi!:8 aSzi ;Eiigs i?! = i rId s EEi =;F-t:bt2'n.l @C!-=@! \] (rr () GRX9 @6E5 -O)>8S eE'^No*-J (r\JA:-8;S o ;-:r$..id i; ;;6 2 zc 3Uo =.f,(o U, 3t, o 3 TOP CHOBO TOP CHORD @'- ; -, ; - d 9 90 :,' I !r F !, N - g fr q .H =q sq *q i iFuii li FlE gBi $gg$i ii lgi i$g u*$tf $ii,i sEs gI gsg 3; il =[gfr;F3fi iii$qias+F nfiqE ;i 1iri asi 3i si qi 19 -g$ :e aE as BeA *$F ia ig *q ; EEa EFFg ai *d gs aq e* Sags ea$ qa iu Ei 33 e HE: 5 s 'd aH + A- fi.:t= *tqsgeg ed {q;g *u g'; r d-A '6 "aq +ee q3fi se '9 g b,7oofo 9. <n0 G z O A2 fruss H08 TrussType - ROOF TRUSS ary I Plv rt EOWARDS BUILDING CENTER VNL COMMON A UI'58923 6.ooFZ -' sffi e s;p m i995 MiTek tndusties' lnc- Mon Nov ll 06:42:45 1996 frage 7 3xS \ 6 11 10 3x10 = 5x8 = (p 91o 11121 -4r<d 13x4 late O,'sats (X, v): t1:1-o8,6^oL t1:Go-o,aa0l, P:a2-12,a2t21, p:a2-8,G2-121' [7:G1-5'a0-0] ,oAD,Nc (ps|'cu 80.0'cil 10.0tcLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 sPAcrrro 2-&0 Plateslncrease 1.0O Lurnber lncrcase 1.N Repsfessrncr A/OCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.61ac 0.67wB 0.78 DEFL 0n) qoc) Udetl Ve,tU) 0.28 4 999 Veft(TL) 0.36 4 999 Hotz(TL) 0.14 7 n/a Min Length / LL del, = 24t) PLATES GRIPM2,(ngd 127n3 Weight: 235 (lbs) ,UMBER oP cHoRD 2X6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E toT cHoRD 2 X 6 SPFS 16fiF 1.5E vEas 2x4 SPFS Stud)IHERS 2X4HFUW'Except' WGL2X8HF1350F1.3E VEDGE Left:2X8,Rigrrt:2X4 ARAC'IVG ToP cHoRD Sheathed or 2'e.9 on center ryttfur spacinl BOT CHORD 1-13:6-90, 12-13:63-0, 11'12:&90' 10-1 &9:&3-0,7-8:e9.0.WEBS 1 Row et midPt 2-12, 9-6 |€ACnONS (lbs/size) 1=316W-A-5 fuPut: CgA),7=3162tO'6'5 (nput: G+E) Max Hon 1=-57(loed case 2) Mex UNt 1=-232(load case 4), 7--232(lodd case 4) ioRcEs 'OP CHORD 1-2:5683, 2-3-45fi, 3-4=-4520, +5='45n, 56=-4539, &7--631 TOTCHORD 7-8=4974,&9=4974,9-10=tto55, 1&1F$55, 11-12=4071,12-13=5037'1-13=5037 t€AS 2-13=108,2-12:1084, &12=597, 3-11=ffi3, tt-11='891, $11=686, ,9=57? 69--10N, &.8407 {orEs t) this trrss hrs be on designad for tha wind (oads gflne'€ted by n.O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet abow gnund hvel, using 5.0 p.s.t top chord deadhad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord deed loed', 100.0 miles from hunicana oceanfne, on a catigoty t 6n&sed butdng, of dtmensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exrr,surc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrease = 1.33, Prate lncroese = 1.33. Both end vedicars ste exposed. ) STMPSO , H2.5 connectots ,Ecommended to crnnoct ttuss to beaing watrs due to up[t|l as follows: Ona connector at Nt t(s) 1,7. ,) Reqrtred beaing dza at laint(g 1, 7 Water than Inpt boaing sae. :OAD CllsE(S, Standad 71 (,d it. '1:&3-0,9-10:6-90, 1.oo RF H:;:'4 A, wnlauc - Voifi dtisa paramcbrs and READ NOTES oN THIS AND MvERsE SIDE BEFORE USE. Oosign valid lor use only iith MffdiconnectoB. This d€sign is basod only upon parameters shown, and i6lor an Individoat building component io b€ inslalled and loaded venically. Applicability ot dosign parametors ard prcper incoporalion ol clmponent is responsibility ol building designor - nol lruss dosigner. Bracing shown is lor lat€ralsupporl ol individualv/eb momb€rs only. Additional temporary bracing lo insurs stabili9 dudng construction is the responsibility ol th6 e.6ctor Additional p€manent bracing of the overall structure is the .esponsibility of the building designor. For general guidance regarding labric€lion, quality conlrcl, storage, doliv€ry, erection, and bracing. consult OST{8 Oullity Sland.rd, DS&89 B.sclng Sp€ctflcetlon, lnd HIB-91 Handllng Inltalllng and Eaaclng Rccommonal.tlon available lrom ftut! Plat In.tliut ,58:l O' Onoftio Drtvo. il.dilon. Wl 53719 I UlT.h lndu3lrl.., Inc. $ =cnl-< 5390do2-surzo o P z -l =oz *s9qo s99il o 6'dEs;;q =o5oi d oox:.6 r *JO-,1u 5.n=oq;1-d=qc:"o^-f*iil:NEo.<-' tt3Aj FPd 1C(, (,*a E 6= Q H ":ao* ; --NI od :-=qzr i = o =6'f+$ a; ie"d 6 a5*i e8F;o R ri.5' o*oo o il$i sqE # tE *aE a 5i EAiFi Hgl i'oa F oo=2qoo 5',o a6;;io o= ^o=lgo oo oo {i fo 8S' -'o6ovt =.a9 D: i5':ta 8q :- ilrffi* \! $FiE DIDI 6l il 2 ii!:6 3 3:i ;Eii$s i:!: 5 r5d ! EsE, = ;F E=2El co@-=@dNq sg5tr- 1s' =fiS sF.{ (r!a8bs e__N)(, ,o t\) 20 @ 9 8 2 zc 3uo =. (o a an o 3 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD b7oo =o o_ CNa {zo o An @ d i ; F = 9- p P :., e !, F !, N :- gdE g p q t.p *p gR I E =R E o- e 5 E 3= e a e sp s o'-s o s qb'-! a o q qP g g4;ai gi g;iF6iHig*t 3g3f; Egd$6F="n-id*q3H:- rq l eE=Ee qr Be,fr e€i B+tfr3 +g fg $*q# glf u4;ig-1i€g €3 & *r re;+ ?sf, i.;Fga diF qn ;+l ;ia';; ng 3*r s +sE 3E s eH *q lq.seniFs[ ;; iHi;F giq [i qE 'i3 g3[i giu3j ;9$g 3f Fg;e gH6qds*nli ;ei[ i[ ;p;[ e-i na $E "f es Es l:' fr8 ;3 3tr4 -g.3' {f Ea$ A; € frE€ 59"d* 3E + E' #,gE 4fr #H [i$ 5s iq :$ afi f ;g.* E= s3-'*la'$83 q' -i5F qa u'e' iqa.--++ EDWAPDS BUIL7NG CENTERVAIL COMMON A U458924 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS 6.ooFZ 2vE \ =4<b t I (o , GA8 , 12-114 | 1914 | 2S | 32ff | st8 658 A2-0 e$8 6S ofise,s (x,V: [1 :0-1-5,G60], F:62-12,G2-1 2., [6:1-0-e,&0'0], [6"0-60'0-t0] DEFL (n) qoc) Ydef, Vaft(LL) 0.26 9n 999 VanOU 0.32 9n 999 HozOL) 0.14 6 da Min Length / LL dett = 24o sPACrrvG 2-O.O Plates lncreasd 1.@ Lumber Incraasd 1.00 Rep Stess ,rcr NO Code UBC-94 ERAC''VG ToP CHORD Sheathed or l'lhg on center Pulin sqacing' BOT CHO RD 1 - 1 1 :6*0, I O' 1 1 :&3-0, S 1 0 :E.9,0, *9 :6'3'0, 7'8:6'3-0' 6-7:6-&'0.WEAS I Row at midqt 2-10, ?E' 8-5 A?q, 6=352W7-0 (nput: &rg) 6:281(load casa 4) CHORD T CHORD Itb lruss t as boen designad lor the wind toads g^nerated by 8O.O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teat abow ground level, using 5.0 p.s.t. top chord deadhad and 5.0 p.s.l bottom chord dead toed, 100.0 nf,es fmm hunicane ocoantu'€, on a cat6gory I indosed buWng, ol dimensions tt5.0 by 24.0 with exposuts C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumbar lncreaso = 1 .33, Plete lncreasa = 1.33. Both end vedicars atg exposed. SIMqSON H2.5 connac'ors recomrr,€nded to connect truss to beaing wals due to up*n as follows: One connectot at hint(s) 1, 6. Requlr€d beedng siza at Nnt(s) 1, 6 grcater than inPut beaing size. CHORD 1-2F-5496, 2-3--41U, g/t=-3686, +5:4125, 56:5457 T CHORD &7=4830, 7-8=4830, 8-9=3694, 9-10=3694, 1G11=4879, 1'11=4879 2-11=128, 2-10--1328, 9-10=727, X8:11, +8=715, S8'-1283, i7=127 CASE(S, Standad 2 X 6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E 2X6 SPFS 16frF 1.5E 2X4SPF.SStud 2 X 4 HF Utility Except' WGR2XSHF 13fiF1.38 Lalt:2X4,Right:2x8 qbgsize) 1=3163/0-dS Anput: Max Horz 1:102qoad case 2) Max UNft 1=-2320oad case 4), #":"l:t$I zazaz ! frk"u'*# A W,lAMftC - Vetifi dzsisn paramems and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid for us€ only dit1 Mllek connsctors. This d€sign is based only upon parameteF shown, and is lor an individual building componenl lo be inslall€d and loaded vedically. Applicability ol d€sign paramelers and prop6r incorporation ol conponent is responsibility ot boilding dssigner - not truss designer Bradng shown is for latoral support ot individual web membec only. Addilional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is th€ responsibility of th6 erector. Addilional psrmanenl bracing of the overall strucluro is lhe responsibility ot the buildinO design€r. For g€n€lal guidance regarding fabrbation, qualily control, slorag€, delivory, 6recibn, and bracing, consult OST{8 Ouelily Standrrd, DSB{g Breclng Specitlc.don, 6nd Hl&91 H.ndllng Inll.lling and Bncing Rocomnr€ndatlon available trom l}usi Platc In6tltuis, stg D' Onotrlo Orlve. adlaon. Wl 53ng P at,l.<lrr-5J9060 vulzo o3tnzt oz |fo 90c)o 5 f,odss* o 6 6DRa;g =o 5'O;6 -oq- =.o J *JO;'U 5',r.' =':a*ir*3iI eeF qgi dEir a F3 [ d:go* i.--NI oU :-.e FIF*ig $t "$$ o o i iIFi *-gg1Eg ffia ii Eagis!9.o- f+ o=oXa6'5'oxo E3 Fq 0.9oo8;-'o 6E-oo t5f,gr)o B.g'q6- 33tt =-a9 !oB; 9-a 8eo :r 5 ffi* \rlr -i-15rirrrl tlp 2 Fi!: iiiiEs i:! E i;ai =f;F_rI b;26-t 6O-=OdEg 3sA9_ <:-iR$j QE:tr5 (, '\,1 A Y'8;S e!-N)ooN20 .o II@o 2 zc 3oo =.f(o U' U, o 3 TOP CHORO TOPCHORD 7oofo -o_ U,o o zo ov, i#'gi ai alg tgi $i gs$ *fi $gi Fg€ u3iEE $i6 ,i sEi f,$ E+il Ea 3i *f;g -iF ?[ 'i$ Ei iEi $3g [i$* 't# gt$l gl ' de ag ua gB :F Eg $eFi F$a 'Eg $i fr$ ii EgEs =sd eB i F' tqu; 3g E*$[i ea 'ig; ig Iui* gq;5 I .42 Iruss H10 TrussType t ROOF TRUSS aty 1 Pty 1 t EDWARDS BUILDING CE|lrER VAIL COMMON A U458925 us'ies,lnc. Mon Nov 11 08:42:52 1996 Pagc 1 7-SA 6.00FZ J:l 1 2-24 5x8 =5x8 tt 34 11 109 3x6= 5x8 = 3x10 = 3x6 \ 4x6 \ E qI9o late Ottseb 6,Y: [1 :6?5,0-04], p:G2-12,G2-1 21, [7:0-1-5,&&.0] oADiNa @s0cLL 8o.O'coL 10.0cLL 0.0tcrj/L 10.0 SPAC,IVG 2-O0 Hatas lncrcase 1.00 Lumberlncreese 1.00 Rapstessrrc/ A/OCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.99BC 0.69w8 0.72 DEFL Ail (Ioc) Voft(LL) 0.27 11/10 Veft(TL) 0.33 12/11 Hotz(TL) 0.14 7 Min L.ngt, / LL delt = 240 Ydefl 999 999 ,Va PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 12783 WeWt:233 0bs) 10-6 UMBER OP CHORD 2X6 SPF€ 16fiF 1.5E toT cHoRD 2X6 SPF-S 1650lF 1.5EYEAS 2X4 sPFs stud TIHERS 2X4HFUety VEDGE Left:2 X 4, Rlght:2X4 BRAC'NA TOP CHORD Sheathad or 1-7'6 on center Pufin sPacing. BOT CHOF,D 1-12:6-g0, 11-12:6-g0, 10'11:6t0' 9-10:6-i}0' &9.'&gO' 7-8:6?0. 1 Row at idd J-.10 2Rowsat lnpE 2-11, WEBS E cnONS (tbs/siz6) 1=316?n-&5 Anput: &?8),7=352?to'7'0 Anput: ''5.B)Mex Horz 1--113(load case 2) Max UNft 1=-232(oad case 4),7:2810oad case 4) ORGES 'OP CHORD 1-F-5300, 2-3:3705, C4=-3309, +#-3702, &6--3702, 674270 toT CHORD 7-8=4672, &9=4672, *10=4672, 1611=3312, 11'12=4709, 1'12=4709yEBS 2-12=148, 2-11:1fi7, :*.11=8U, 910:9, +10=794,610:1527, &8=147 ,otEs ) frls tn ss ,res bo en destgoed fot the wlnd loads genetated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feat above qound hvet, using 5.0 p.s.l, bp ctr,c,,d daad bad and 5.0 p.s.t bottom chotd deed load, 100.0 ntes lrcm hunicane oceanfute, on a catigory t )nctose.t bufldng, ot &nensions 45.O by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbar Inc/aase = 1.33, Ptate lnct€aso = 1.33. Both end vetlica,s ant expos€d. l) SIMpSON H2.5 conncctors recommended to connect truss to beeting walts due to u4ift as bnows: One connealor at jaint(s) 1,7. l) Requircd beaing sae at Jotnt(s) 1, 7 Water than inPut beadng siz6. .OAD CASE(S, Stendard q A wnwltC - Verifi drsim ,arameters and. READ NOTES ON THIS AND MVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design vali, for us€ ooly riit' Mffefconnocto.s. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is tor an individual buifd-ing compon6nl lo b6 inslallod and load€d vertically. Applicability ot design paramelers and proper incoDoration ol - --rtr##fl1'i",3,;HillYJl#1"I3#:;3i:l;J"1"'ffi,1,trffiL"#?ffiT:;:"J"5n"ffi,*#"1,*1'#Jii::i*", IE.' HffiHilln:if""i#i*"'llj"T["'#.li,:X'5ff:l]Ti:yi',:B::ljflt'Jt"H;i,lj3il#,3:'33B"iJ"3fl:il'' Itlll Sp.cficatloo, .nd Hlg-91 Handllng lndslllng snd Br.dng R.comnondallon available lrom Ttu.! Pl.t In.dlute, 58il O' IlTak lndualflas, Inc. Onolilo Orlve, M.dbon, Wl53719 b 8252 :: jottiAL v.$ rt =U,l<5J9060z-v' urzo og ttlz =oz It oiiodEs* o d dDrflf-X .rr 6 1 =oio; d sa ^ =.o JxJo:' aasijs **lPit35r 6o.<-- *13Qt dPd';:{ ;ili rl\\iv 9 o6 :-=a Fg* i3ied 6 a-rR= e 8qi' R 4f to-oo =dgo 6g 9g9p.r+ =5g6' Er-:getr!8a ioIo,oa A=xv,sF ; i'q d e9E a Q9e;i: =o X d i= o6f8-giz;dEg!doo ='t +oar 5ilF Ea ozo y tt, ao O= !algo oo oo Etn Pzo {i 66' vo z-O oo 6E' e-; Oar oc rlr 5lnl !a {=<\ Ju t-\ -t! *\I9a4E{ry2 B5 ; r.t!ltrDIazan|r5fi zc 3oo =.f,(o at) (tr o 3 (- N=6o =X8Q8 E6<(rv+>OI-r i o. oI a C-Y@l 3 Io,o UI 2 Fi!: iiii3s i*!l i r5; g EEi =;Fb'i 2.n-t @@-=@>-!q()oHXY @oEd.-(,!-Iss eE'^NQ-\l dis St'8;S eJiN)(, €, l\) 20 @ 9 8@ 2 TOP CHORO TOP CHOBO @ ;, ; 6 F ; 6 s e :.' e !n tr !, ro : RF D r+aFaif i ra- at; -s -+- seEsgi$g +i$ig ;i$ ,i 15$ EI i E +[,Ei il giE F3$ giuligi iEi $:i [is* ;* g r$r ii a, ti Ba *; se €* is iE' E+ ggi uBE i*+i i* 6$Eq FF s 'du i* \ +' ae es *[ $, $[i ?i ulgB i[ A *i* $ Fg*-{+(n EOWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U456926 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS , 1-'tl-fi | 111-l I 6.o1w 3x4 = PLATES 6R'P M20(209a) 12783 Welght: I (,bs) DEFL Ad qoc) Ydell Vart(LL) 0.00 t3 999 Veft(TL) 0.00 1R 999 HotzOL) -0.00 2 tva MinL'ngth/Udefl=24O SPAC'JVG 2+O Platss tncrcase l.N tJnbet lnc,aasa 1-00 Repstress,ncl NOCode UBG94 BSR BRACING cHoRD 2 X 6 S?F-S 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or *G0 on canter Pudin spacing. T CHORD 2 X 4 S?F-S 16frF 1.#. BOT CHORD Ngid ceifing dirccty awd, ot 1o-0Mo on center bfacing. qbslsize) 1=1 5?tO-*8, 3=16/0-X8, 2=1 36/0.5-8 Max Horz 1=35(load case 3) Max Udift 2.-30(load case 3) Max vert 1=194(load cese 5), 3=16(loed case 1), 2=136(load case 1) cHoRD 1-2=75 CHORD 1-3=O t) Irris ?uss tas b aen checkod for unbdanced badng conditions about ioint 2. i) This truss hes Oaen desuned lot he wind loads geierated by 8o.o n.p.h. winds at 25.0 taet abova gmund tevel, using 5.0 p.s.f. .top chotd dead load end 5'0 bottom chod dead bad,1@.0 ,rfles Aom hunicine oceanfrne, on a citegory I enctosad bu\6ng, ot dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exrd.sure C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncreaso = 1.33, Ptat€ lncrease = 1.33. Eott and vettica/E are axpsed. S|M?SON H2.5 connaclots recomnendad to connect ttuss to beaing wens due to ufift as folovts: Ona connectot et Nnt(s) 2, CASEfS, Standad ff-?i'lel fs?'\9$r-*6t]}- t".-'() A WHNWC - Verifi dztia paranctery ar.d ITEAD NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE AEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only r,/ith llll€t-connectors. This dosign is based only upon palam€lers shown, and is lor an individual buibing cornponent to bo installed and loadod vortically. Applicability ol design parameters and Droper incorporation ol --tu i'fr {fr il1,frti*1iril*t$1i,diilffiff $$i{ir"ft fi*$$1t"#lfi##;"ffi{d,ff '-'tljfab cation. qualily contrcl, sto€go, delivory, ercction, and b6cing, consult OST-8a Ouallty Stndard, DS8-89 BJaclng It-I Spoclllcstlon, a;d HlB.91 Hanalhg lnstrlllng and Braclng R;omm€ndstlon availabli fiom ltus€ Pl.t. Instltutc, -583 O' l||rok lnduattlea, lnc, Onolrio Orlvc. lladilon. Wl 51t719 = (t,l.<--QJ;u60 >(tz c, o =z =oz ,+ ^-= =,ioooa.nlfo o 6'6! xd6u-+ofo; o gq + j u;u 5;i=nola eid*i*ii;53 Bo-.<-- *{,3Pj dPd ; =< 6 d:oxJ l -.ral \'YI od :'=e RB i 9a eges a; g e.d F 4P*= e'Sq;o n gi5' d-oo o ilii g+E T ?E *qE a Ei fr;aii Efei$oa YO ta(,,o .\_ o o-,4 oo 6(D tF.C {i 6' d'foofi qo- ='o(oo a9 DOo:ooi5':taOa o :- llr o tKn\!uf\ 6 \:n o iFiE 2 FilF iiliss i*!; ligE =f;Fg; .l @C!-=coHNg gg 55' 1e:Bs eS'^NO*n (r!-E'.Y'8;s e-"to(, <) r\) 20 @ 9 8 CDPz zc 3oo =. =(o q, ur o 3 TOP CHORO TOP CHORD @ n, E 6 - = o 9 P :.' e !, 5 eo t) - S frfl,fl=q sY *95 F*=$EsEa5 A{E;qE€= a5= -T*Bf 3e qsd 3- iisEsi 3i 31FfE 3Enggs ifi lgiiEg $ga#iiE 'i lEg Ei + af ie ig q3* E;g eA 'ii lg tei F;g 'ii ,s a q; s sd a B s s afi iq 11 -EH aig?F if af 33F qig [gqg :3 : iei iiis*;ARF q= 8H:+ 3E:' di aE -; gE E$Eg $$ FF H$a ,$s +f E$ i; g$Fs =ud aH + a'fiqt; *fE:friA ia a;1". e3 ;s:3 I€q *6 '34"$ili dSrqqeE- q b7oofo o_ U,a g zo o <n lob 1399-42 Iruss JOlA TussType It ROOF TRUSS atv t Ply , EDWARDS BULANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45892i 3.300 e sep zo 799C Mtt er tnsus.ne, ", F -r+0 t 1-11-11 | 244 1-11-'11 , 1-11.1 1 1-11-11 buslon In ss Montlse 1 TI9l-l qTt9l101 LoN)tNG(F0TCU 80.0TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.OBCDL 10.0 sPACr tc 2-t0 Ptates lncrcese 1.00 Lumbet lncrcaso 1.00 RepS'ess/ncr A/OCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.03BC 0.Uw 0.00 (Matix) DEFL Ad @c) Udatl Veft(LL) 0.@ 1f3 999 Veft(TL) 0.00 ln 999 Horz(TL) -0.00 2 n/a Min Lenglh / LL defl = zttl) PLATES GR'P M20(209a) 127/93 Weight: 13 (lbs) La/filBER BRnc'flG TOp CHORD Z X 6 SPF-S 16fr/F 1 .SE TOP CHORD Sheathad or 6iG0 on center Pufin spacing. BOT CHORO 2X4 SPF-S 16&F 1.SE BOT CHORD Ri?id caung dtscily apryed, or l&Ur(n on center bnctrry. REACTTONS (/)s/s*e) 1=51?JV$8, g=16toi?8, 2=136tO'Ug Max Hon 1--1n0oad case 5) Max Ufift 1--48(toad case 3), 2:30(load case 3) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-b-75 BOTCHORD 1.?O ,VOIES t) Irris truss ,,as b een checked lor unbalanced loading confrtions about ioint 2. i) fms truss nas Aeen desigaed hr tha wlnd toads geiented by 8o.o n:p.h. v,inds at 25.0 faet above gound level, using 5.0 p's.|. top chord deed load and 5'0 boftom chord doad toed,ll2.O nfles trom hunicine oceanlina, on a citegory t endosed bultding ot dimensions tt5.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7'93). Lunber lnarcase = 1.33, Plate lncrcese = 1.33. Both end vedhals aro expsed. 3) STMPSON H2.5 connedo's rccommended to connect ttuss to beaing wals dua to ufit as folows: One connactor et icint(s) I , 2. LOAD CASE(S, Standad &?,{fiR lllTrl lndurlrler, lnc. 28 A wnxWC - Vetifi dztisn parameter and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosrgn valid for us6 only tith lrlll€klonn€clors. Thts design is bas€d only upon paramel€rs shown, and is lor an individual building component to be Installed and load€d vErtically. Applicabalily ol d€srgn paramgtels and proper incorporation of conponent is responslbility of building design€r . not truss dEsigner- Braclng shown i6 for lateral support ol andividual wsb members oily. Addllional temporary bracing to ingur€ slability during consfuclion is the aesponsbility of the eroctor Addilional I :''i11i,q;9 p€rmn€m braoing ol th€ ov€.all slruclu.e is the rcspon6ibility ol lh€ building d€sign6r. For g€n€ral guidanc€ r€garding labricalbn. qu€lity confol, stora96, delivery, eredlon, and blacino, consult OST{A Oullity S-tandr.d, 05B-69 B.gcing SFcflcallon, rnd HIB€i Hrndllng In.tllllng ard Br.cing Bocomm!|d.tlon available from Tlu.. PhL lnstltulq 58:t D' Onolrlo Driv6. .dl.on. Wl 91719 =U,l-<m_a639060z->U,zo o =ttlz =oz *o 00.) ^-= = mgEs# o 6 dog;;s- =o5o- o *Y R5 ii;s':o-q+ol'-= +r-aud+i*il;;n6o "<- s o c a- oo:- *,+3Aj ePd i.C., o *-6,6;X o LH x :1 o.* ; --N9 ob :-=s Fs* dii =u 9-*:3'= "d81- 3 Sf (do o t rF = a.'.:: gd = >q = oc 3Eo! ;+-6 9.4tit*-!. =!8ao=i.t o,o* Fxs ag-uiglaE lEd 3 q *aH rd :1;e; ag a* oo-- ti -' d' So' ='o(oo !: =-'e-; Oa o rlr t&x\!ut\ 6 \: F o =i-ilrliFrl ili 2 Fi!: i;iiss i;!r i rEd I iBi, =;F 5;'t CI,@-=@dE9 3gAe_ <:'ig$ afl (lJ --r A :--8;S e__tQ(roN) 2o co o 6coPz zc 3uo =.f(o U, Ur o 3 TOP CHORD TOP CHORO @ d ; ; F = e' p P :r I s'| r !, N :- g4 s nqE=q uF *sa Fga gt ++* gFEFqEgi q5; :f siF aq :H{ =E = q5 Eg3 a3 4 4 aar ;.+ aF alE rEi gi $tt q[ igl ifg +Flea uffi'I$FE i$ 3 aH la ii ,r* ailE* ii i[5;3 i:s [q g$ ;; Etg; 1g';l gt g3 #d +s:* ;E+i ggi '$g irar t3 E-*rx" Eo 'a gi -q sF *E eB i*Es sis 3; iq9$ iF rBg* 'I = E:=' *eA=$eA ss -igF qq u'e' €s-a=++ b7oofo 9. v,o o zo o U, lob isee-ez fruss J03 TrussType It ROOF TRUSS atv I Ply I t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VNL COMMON A U/'58921 Yo.rsfor lruss Monfose 3.300 e sep 20 1995 Mifek hdusties' lnc. t 111-11 | 111-11 6.01112 Mon Nov 11 0U:42:5C 7C90 TI C.l 1 3x4 = 0{112 }10i5 }l;l-11 3tG3 GO12 LOADTNG (tts'rcLL 80.0fcDL 10.0scLL 0.0scDL 10.0 SPAC'VG 2-0-0 Platas lncrcase 1.oo Lumberlncrease 1.00 Rap Str€ss ,rcr NOCoda UBG94 cs,TC 0.24BC 0.08wB 0.@ (Mafiix) DEFL (n) qoc) I/defl Vett(LL) 0.01 1n 999 Veft(fL) 0.01 1n 999 Horz(TL) -0.00 2 da MinLengthlUdetl=24O PLATES GR'P M2o(209a) 12783 Weight: 16 (lbs) LUMBER BRACING TOp CHORD 2X6SPFS 16fiF1.8 TOP CHORD Sheathad ot &!o.0 on cenEt pufin sPacing. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SqF:s 16fiF 1.#, BOT CHOP,D Md cding &ectly aprtad, or 1A0S@ on centet bndng- REACnOTVS 0Dvs,Ze) 1=360/O-?E,3=340-3S, zFg?',oira Max Hotz 1=69(bad case 3) Max Uplift 1:7(load case 3), 2:64(load case 3) Max Vert 1=386(toad casa 5),3=360oad case 1), 2-'324(load case 1) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2:158 BOT CHORO 1-?0 itorEs 7,, t?rts t/uss tas D ean checked hr unbalanced loedng condtions abo.tt ioint 2. 6 nl" trus's na" Oeen deggned tor the wind loads ge-nerated by 80.0 m.p.h, winds at 25.0 feet abova ground ts,vel, ustng 5.0 P.s.f. top ahord dead bad and 5.0 F bottom chod dead toad,-1OO.O nfles from hunicine oceanline, on e citegory t enchsad buddng, of dimcnsions 45.0 by 24.0 with expsar€ C (ASCE 7'93)' Lumbar lncrcese = 1.33, Plate lncrease = 1.33. Both end votlicals an exposad. g) S,MPSON H2.5 connecto/s recomnended to connect ttuss to beaing wals duo to uqn as fottows: One connector at Joint(s) 1 , 2. LoltD CASE(S, Standad #"4rF--% IlT.k Indu3lrl.r, lnc. A WNUWE - Veifi d$ign parametns and RMD NOTN ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFOM USE, Design valid lor use only irith Milgk'connectors. This design is bas€d only upon pa.amelers shown, and is lor an individual bdlding compon€nt to b€ inslalled and loaded verticslly. Applicability ol design pararn€ters and prop€r incorporalion ot clmponent is responsibiliv ol building designgr - nol lruss dosign€r. Blaclng shown is lor lateral support ot ndividual web memboas only- Additional lemporary bracing lo insur€ stability dr.r ng conslruction is the responsibilily ol lh6 ereclor Addilional p€rmanent bEcing of lhe overall slructure is the l€sponsibility of th6 building designer. For g€neral guictance regarding fabncalion, quality conliol, storage, delivery, srection, and bracing, consull OST-88 Ouallry $andaid, DSB49 Brrclng SFoclffcatioo, and HIB-9! Handllng Inrt lllng and Braclng Rccofimend lon availabl€ l.om Trur! Plata Insdt te, 58i, D' Onolrto Drtur. M.dl.on. Wl 53719 t R.=--r--;'ffi =v,l.<lni FJyo 602-y, Urzo oF z -<oz {* 8E53q!ooolqi;;q : o 6 dD !i n'a;qa+o5(D;6 9SFj3;u16'59ug.* =y f r 2 xa'i5i6a.<-' ^-i --JiiPf e*o' aCrrn (,*a6;= o x x ^ \'-9 od :'.szr i = d =;-F8? fq5sqs 8; g s.d 6 4.5* = P'o* F';o P ti5 <o* o o o si=qxn ir g+E # ?E*qBa Ei Eaiii Esl i'o:l o-zqoo jo xo =."!'oFO o= ooo-6(D ae_ o {5 66'forr=6l; ='o(oo a9 D: =='C'd 8qoq I rlr {ffil\Fuf\6 \:a o IFEE-9 Ezlrl 2 ii!:s iiir5 E 5g9s i:!: i rIii g EBi =;g b= Z ?rl.l @Co-=@.\J ! (r () o.RH9 @5E6 -O)-.{->3s eE'^N€-n (,J!A:-8;s e_-.N(, <r AJ 20 0 ;;6 2 zc 3uo =.J(o v, U, o 3 TOP CHORO TOP CHORD b-7oofo 9. at O o zo o U, @ d ; d ; = d s P r I !,, |' !, |) - 84 r+*Ee*a* la6 i$i gE nsg efi ggiiEg $*[#aiE ,i lE$ iI; +F Es e} 43g a* Ed 13 s;s 3g8EF'lg 3q qgi q;; *6 Cg rg; A 5Eq dE s $fr *4 il 'sa a;i g* ";; ifr$;t gii fifida'€i q gf;A liF33 :4As ga +s5; ;EiisSr6ef rAgE Ei I=Rtn eE as Es,d $*'E'Eg $g'i Fia'ig 5iB[ ii E$i€ Es d aF + g' aqu= 3[ i: ggi aa 'igB $[ $';* fqa--++ EDWARDS BU'LANG CENTER VNL COMMON A Truss Type ROOF IRUSS 6.01fiz PLATES M20(209a) Weight: 21 (lbs) DEFL (n) qoc) ldef, Vettu) 0.01 1f3 999 V6tt(TL) O.01 t3 999 Hotz(TL) 4.00 2 n/a Min Length / LL delt = 240 SPAC/VG 2-O0 Pafes ,rclpase 1.00 Lumber lncrcase 1,00 Ropstsss,nct NOCode UBC-94 BER aRAcrrVG cHoRD 2 X 6 SPF S 1650F 1.5E ToP CH1RD Sheethed ot EG? on canter pufin sqaclng' cHoRo 2X4S'?FS 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD RiSid ceiling drecty apfred, ot 1a0G00 on canter bncing. (lbdslze) 1=712rur8, 3=364$8, 2=31 6t$r8 Mex Hotz 1:ln(load case 5) Max Ufrtt 1--550oad case 3), 2:63(load case 3) CHORD 1-2:157 T cHoRD 1-3=0 Irris trrss lres beon chacked for unbalanced loadng condlions ebout@nt 2. It is truss ,ras teo n deslgned lor the wind loads geierated by 8O.O n.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet ebove g@und level, using 5.0 p-s.t top chord dedd load and 5,0 boatom chord deed had, 1@.0 1;71es fiom hunicane oceanfrne, on a citegOry I enctosed buldng, ol &nensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7'93). Lumber tncraaso = 1.33, Hate Incrcase = 1.33. Both end vetticab arc axPosecl. STMPSON H2.5 connecto9 rccommended to connect truss to baaing wals due to uph'ft as lollows: One connector at ioint(s) 1, 2. CASE(S, Standad A WAwWe - Vcrift dcsirn Darameten and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dssign valid tor us€ only i,ith Mllio|.connoctols. This design is ba6ed only upon paramet€rs shown, and is lor an indi!,rdual b{.rilding component to be installed and loaded vertbally. Applic€bility ol d€sign paramelels and propgr irrcoporation ot @rnponent is rosponsibility of building dgsigner - nol truss desioner. Bracing shown is for late.al support ol individual web members only. Additioml iemporary bracing to insuro stability dudng conslruclion is th6 responsibilit of ths oreclor Additional peman6nt bracing of lh€ overall slructur€ is the Gsponsibilily ol the building cl€sign€r. For g€neral guidance regading labrication, quality cfitrol, storag6, (blivery, orection, and bracing, consult OST{A Ourltly Standrrd, DSESS Braclng Specltlcallon, and HlB4l Hrndllng Instllllng and B.ecing Becommendrdon availablE from lluas Plai! Instltut€, 543 D' Onolrlo Drlvc. Mrdi3on. W 53719 ffi*;"1,"t -t'tCitl,\u9V 7(f,.l..<mi FJ;odoz->U,zo oat ,llz =oz .\* i5 6-= = o!oooaqi;eq _'< o 6 6D(R.;;qY:ofo;6 gq F53;x; ql -6 +\eFd* ? xa's5n6o.<-' *13EJ :Pi)z- !4 \t - B =i ; s: .) '\ '-I od :-=9p.6 i q X0frifr d;*efr' 6 a:* i 9o'P-;o P !i.5 ro* o o o E iIFi * e+EF "*E*eai sg ;;Eiia=Fi E g Hgl i'oa -o 66i d: !4 1 oo ='.o {5 d' 5' ito .lx z-O 8; =-'C-a Ort c o 3 -.ffi* \ilr - 1niuriFrlri 2 tiE: iiiils i*!r ! iE i =;8 b32tn-t @O-=CoHNg gg Ed -(,o.!:288 R6'^NO-\r q) -.J A' :-'8;S e.-_19(, {r l\) 20 @ ; 6 Fz zc 3uo =.f(o v, U, o 3 TOP CHORO TOP CHORO @ 6 ; ; S = 6 e e :.' e !,' | !, li :- g fi q H +q gq 3q * lF 'Fi ag as6 iEi$g flgi if ggiiEg $+F#EiE ,i lFg gi F: En Eg Fa 3Fi +{E ;* -s{ 5a 3;i *ai i1:t 'is fr qi3 gg ; qE. eq j{ 3H r-s ?} 3s es $;F +iq rq $* ;d € iga igd 4+ ;d 3F qd Fa ia eE E5 gFq ri# iE 3fl i[ * m;F Eon4 al un ts EgEq $[Es nie i: ;qfi$ *i 9tE: 5sd aF 1a'aac= 3f€sqil+ aa qe"1$ afr [di; !" : s3-' *rar$fli ss -i=_B *e o A €o.d.-++ 7oofo o q, LJ {U zo c)v, EOWAP,DS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458930 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS 6.0l FZ PLATES CRIP M20(209a) 12783 Weight: 23 (,bs) DEFL Ail @c) Ydell Vett(LL) 0.04 1n 999 Ved(TL) 0.06 1/3 999 Hotz(TL) -0.00 2 n/a MinLength/lldett=2/n SPAC/VG 2-&O Plates lncrcase 1.00 Lumbet tncrcase 1.00 Rap Strass ,nc. NOCode UBG94 BER BRACING CHORD 2X6S?F-S 16fiF 1.SE TOP CHORD Sh'athed or &G0 on canter Pudtn sPacing. cHoRD 2 X 4 SqF-S 16ilF 1.5E BOT CHOFO Rigid ceiling dncty ep4ed, ot 1o00-(n M centet bncing. cTfONS qbds:lze) 1=56W&8, 3=5&f}98,2=il&rg MaxHorz 1=1040oad case 3) Max Uplilt 1:13(load case 3), 2:970oad casa 3) Max Veft 1=5860oad cese 5), 3=56(load case 1),2=n4@adcase 1) CHORD 1-2=-238 T CHORD 1-3=0 C/lsEfS, Standad 1116 firss ,as bee n checked for unbalancod loadng aondilions about hint 2. Itfu fn ss tas bee n dedgnod hr the wind toads geiented by 80.0 m.p,h. winds at 25.0 feet above gtound level, using 5.0 P's.t. toP chod deed lodd and 5.0 boftom chord dead toad,1(n.O rites tom hunicine oceanfrne, on a citegory | anctosed buitding, of dmensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbet lncreasa = 1.33, Plate lnc'€,ase = 1.33. Both and vetticals arc exp,osect. SI,MPSON H2.5 connectors rocommended to connect truss to beaing walts due lo uNft as follows: One connector at ioint(s) 1 , 2. 6pstuT'',. A, uaWtUC - Vetifi desis parametas aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid fo. use only iith Mlfok conngctors. This d€sign is basod oflly upon paGm6t6rs shown, and isJor an individual building componont to bo install€d and loadod vedically. Apglicabllity of doslgn param€t€rs and prop€r inclrporation ot component is responsibility ol building desiqnea - nol truss designor. Bracing shown is lor latelal suppod ot indMdual web rnernbers only. Additional lemporary bracing lo insure stabiliiy durirE conslruction is the responsibilit ol lhe ercctor Additional p€rmanenl bracing of lh€ ov€rall structuE is the responsibility ol th€ building designer. For g€neral guidance r€g8rding labricalion, qualily conlrol, storage, delivery, erection, and bracing, consult OST{8 Oualny Standard, DSB{9 Bracing sp.ciffc.llon, .nd HlB.91 Hanallng Inllalllng and Brac.lng Rcconmond.lion available trom Truls Plat! InsdtrJt., f'83 D' IlTck InduflfleS, Inc. Onof.lo Ddve, Mrdbon, lltl 53719 =v,l.<nliFJvC'do >v,z E, o Enz =oz r+! 9o'r)qllq s9g6 o d6oc;;q+o5o; o qis f = *cog'i1td =ir*ig5nffio.<-' qEJ ;EiiF: 3s: frgfEi*qg 6 4?$t "$g o o E =t':; td = \gFi ga 9Er+ =5gd 13 =g3L 3g nooa= 3.:l oto* sx5 ;F's4Ei [gi;c ssgfis ti 6'6'Jo sdq6- 5'O(oou, =.a9oo oog's 8o* E rlr o o W-JTFl]|lt ; \\ D -flk > \B 5rlrl I ! \s =-llnlr- = \\TT\ A \\FEryil t, ! o- o -i-lIrirrlii zc 3oo =.f @ v, U, o 3 2 Fi!: iiiiEs i3! E iige =fiF b3 =nl F$e q$ .isu dqH;3 Ir-1\)98 B o =6 Fz TOPCHORO TOPCHORO L,7ooJog U,o o zo o U, I gf Hii Fl a;i ;;q;*i**-; qs *f i s3fr fiai;i gi$ ai ;FF Hi ElF 'gi ai Ai€ ail$aE'[ i* 3gIi$f; saa *g s*a ' is€ 3E + Afl €t i* g35 ;.34 n; drF *E. g€i il;; Fi-,s 'ra s *s3 $ s g aH iE :i 'gF aJi g3 3fl ifi gtF giq [fi d* .=i s lfie gs ';i gg-q gs gg6g lFEi*fig,gg 5i$g it g$g$ eF 5 *:-' *la'$e3 ss -i3H sq 1.8' $qe=-*+ EDWARDS BUIL.DING CE/|/7ER VAIL COMMON A U458931 Truss Type ROOF IRUSS tl't-11 6.o114 PLAIES GR/,P M2o(2W) 12783 Weight: 30 (lbs) DEFL (n) (bc) Ydef, Ve,t(LL) 0.04 1n 999 Veft(TL) 0.06 1/3 999 Hotz(TL) -0.00 2 n/a Min Length / LL detl = 2tl0 sPACrrvG 240 Plateslncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrcase 1.00 Rspsf€ssrncr A/OCode UBG94 LUMBER BRAC,NC TOp CHOFD 2X6 SPF-S 16fiF1.ffi TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6.Go on center pufin spacing. T CHORD 2 X 4 SqF-S 16fiF l.SE BOT CHORD Ri(N ceiling dreciy app{ed, or 1t0O-@ on center bncing. REACiIONS 4bs&ize) 1=912/0.58, 3=5&V&8, 2=496tur8 MaxHotz 1:1800oed case 5) Max UNt 1:610oad case 3), 2--96(load case 3) FORCES TOP C,HORD 1-2:237 BOT CHoRD 1-3=0 ,VOIES t, It,s tzrss hes be en chacked lor unbalanced hadng condlbns about Nnt 2. i1 fn; truss nes Oeen designed for the wind bads ganentecf by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 faet abova-gmund level, udng 5.0 P.s.f. toP chod dead load end 5'0' bofrom chord dead bad, 1OO.O miles fiom hunicine oceanliie, on a citegory I lnclosed bu dit g, ot dimenslons 45.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93)' Lumber ln$ease = 1 .33, Hato tncrcase = 1 .33. Both end vatlicals erc exPosod. 3,, STMPSON H2.5 cannactors ,acommend^d to connlct ttuss to beeing walts due to uilft as Wouts: One connec/.or at ioint(s) 1' 2. t OAD cAsE(SJ Standard S:ffi A WnUWe - Verifi *sisn paramcws aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only iith Mlf€k_connoctors. This d€sign is bas€d only upon paBmet66 shown, and is toa an individual building component to be inslallod and load6d vorlically. Applicaulity of design paramel€rs and prop€r incorporation ol _ _--' componont is responsibility ol building designsr - not truss designor. B€clng shown is for lateral suppon ol individual web membors only. Additional temponry bracing lo insure stability during construction is the r€sponsibility ol the 6rector. Additiooal i""ffiffi::A:1f"1",',litrIiiJfS""J"":"'ff;:llTiy#JB:iilit%+TfH;[flgil;lii"ffif.il:3fl:llg lttll Spoctfcatlon, and HlB.91 Hanallng In.lelllng rnd Braclng Re;ommondrtion availabt€ lrom Tru$ Pl.tc Inditut6,-58i) D' IlTak hduattlaa, InC. Onolrlo Mve. Mrdlaon. wl53719 =U,l-< 6J > (,,doz-> ct,zc, o Ptttzi =oz r+ BY+3 dEE* o 6'6! xd6\ =o j o; d gq *5ii; e4si a. t*1*ii;5n6o.<-- |1{,qB; ;Bd';=* 3diqi1 * R--.oI ob :-=a RB i 9a'E$qs s;ge.d E A.'3= ssg-!,- .8 3 o F :iii * ,+i; ii?aa3 ss3tA Fi E*? ii EH; i,-o l >|'ao O= oo Hd o {5 d6 yo =x(ooa=-aQ DOD] ;-':ta 8qoc:- rlr x! ! E'\,,, ffiH \ \ =i-llrliFlT. 2 Fi!: iiiiEs i=! = S r3ii g EBE, = fie E=zan @@-=Oo> :! q () g 5d: @9 AGa-).-!-.:8S eF ^ iv v .,.J (,J!A:-8;S e_.-N)?P H I 8 2 zc 3oo =.f(o U, v, o 3 TOP CHORO TOP CHORO >'7oo )o 9. U'n fl] zo o U) @ 6 ; ; s = o 9 P >J I !r' }. r' p --gd s*s€s* ai ea€ 1Eigi gsi ;; $gi iE$ $+;5;iE ,i iEg glr eE ol q$ s: g $f, li 1i *FE fl;E Ei'if ;I iEi $:i [i $$'53 E ilgF gE, ei Eg $a {s EiEg $l Fi a$a ,$s *a fig i; stEg 'sd eF + a' fig=; ;f5sE6+ ia ei:-" ai s*:; !E o: -Ai g[i a3a 6i i e- €qa.-i+ r" l3es-A2 Tn ss J6 TrussType t ROOFTRUSS atv 4 PIY 1 rt EDWARDS BUILANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458932 ruston lruss Monlrosa 33{,N e sep ZU TVyO Mlt AX lnA,USUteS, tnc. Utet' trev o.oolrZ s (t) I 3x4 LoADtNo (F0 TCLL 80.0TCDL 10.0BCtl 0.0BCoi- 10.0 sPACrrvG 2-O-O Platestn aas€ 1.W Lumber lncrcasa 1.00 Repstnassrrcr A/OCde UBG94 cs,TC 0.90BC 0.26wB 0.00 (Mauix) DEFL (n) (,oc) Ydefl Vert(,I) 0.09 1f3 922 Veft(TL) 0.11 1n 737 Hotz(TL) 4.00 2 n/a Min Length / LL defl = 240 PLATES Mneosa) Weight: 27 (,bs) EHP 127/p3 LUMBER BRAC,,Y6 TOP CHORD 2X 6 SPF.S 16fiF 1.5E TOP CHORD BOTCHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.58 BOT CHORD REACT,ONS qbs/size) 1=655tU98,3=66/&38, 2=589/0-rg Max Hotz 1=1$0oad cdse 3) . Max Upfifi 1:160oad casa 3),2:1130oad case 3) Max Veft 1=681\oad case 5), 3=660oad case 1), 2=5890oad case 1) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2=276 BOT CHORD 1-3=0 toTEs t) Ir,,s ftuss ,,as 6 een checked lor unbalencad loadlng conditions about iolnt 2. 2) ftrs truss t€s D6en deggnad lor the wind loeds genented by 80.0 n.p.h, winds at 25.0 fBat al bottom chord dead toad, loo.o ,riles trcm hunicana ocaanlina, on a catagory I onclosed bullcln Lamber ,ncraase = 1.33, Plata tnc'eesf = 1,33. Both end vedica|6 ara ex,f,sect. 3) STMPSON H2.5 conniclo's racommanded to conneai truss to beaing walls due to uilft as tol IOAO OISE(S, Standard sheathed or &60 on centar pudin spacing. Rigid celing direcv apqed, or 10-0000 on conter bncing. nw ground level, using 5.0 P.s.f. toP chord dead load and, 5.0 p g, ot dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with axposurE C (ASCE 7-93). 'o,ttts: one connector at jolnt(q 1, 2. Ko9f5oo)7(r6C,,i*::'igd 52 A W,qnXmC - Verifu desigx parameter and READ NOTES ON THIS AliD REWRSE SIDE BEFORE IJSE- Design valid for us€ only $/ith SiTgk connectots. This design is based only upon param€l€rs shown, and is lor an individual building component lo be install€d and loaded vodically. Applicability ol design paramel€rs and proper incorporation o{ componenl is responsibility of building d€signer - not lruss d€signer. Bracing shown is fof laleral support ol individual web mombers only. Addidonal tefiporary bracing lo insurc stability during co.tstructbn is the r€sponsibility ol ths erector Addilional permanenl bracing of tha overall slructure is lho responsibility of the building d€signer. For genoral guidance regarding fabdcation, quality cdnirol, storage, d€livery, 6r€clion, and bracing, consuft OST.88 Ouallty Strndsrd, DSB€ Eroclng Sp€cifictll,on, and HIB-91 llandllng Inatalllng.nd Br.cing R.comiFndallon availabte llom Tlus. Plale h3r[uto,58i, O' Onotrio Odvq lradlson, Wl53719 t lllTrk hdurldr, lnc. L o PU7l..< 639o60Z-vulzo o Patlz =oz ill=dEd o-gao 9p. a+;(oo6:ii F1-!l =9nta io +o =o1 !FslmxoF* ;3EdOO9=dtga'xd; 5d+--.c_i =o Xq;3 Q-r,lo6Yd=1;d8tsteod ooJ il,t oF ozo EFI ?zo o ." t+ ^-- ='.naaq* o 6 6D R;ao*=+o5(D d d +q*5b;Ui5.=ooXar;=g =iXlJ- ? xa'i;n6o-<-' *13Qj dPd ac(, 6;A.6;= o Lx xgii* l;roQod :-=Q Rs i 9a'e . s'3- 9E 3qg 6 4.'*= go* q;o P ti-' 6'0o o Yt'66:FO O= !1 l 8o o {i d'6' 8d -'o 9' =.a9 6b'l-'c* x r-, o :- tstlEt a 5t?a=,ttt\gSl.\1 sta4E{ry= B5 i n!l E.EI 5f: z C 3oo =. (o q, v, o 3 2 ii!: giii* s i*! d I igi =fF!rt bs Zn|-t N (-{s6 =RRQR E5!:r- +>L,,I 5 --lo\,o. ! a (-Y co --l 3 I g, -{ @@-=i@! ! ('| () GRX9 db \Ga)--{-,8s eS'- N O - -J (, \J A. :''8;S e__N)(,r <) N : 8 2 (-(tt TOP CHORO TOP CHORD 9 .d ; 6 F = 6 s P :., e !' r, !, ro :- Bd F ii$€Fi ii AiF 33i FH $* if ggF *Efr $iaH+iF ,$ lEE iI il+ an !* eg l;* g;l qB *EE 59. lgi $E5 ii s qfi iq tq'gaaiig$ l; i[$;* ;:g qg ie i3 :;r= ii il, ;i gg g; ga gF *g [FE+ *Fi ,$e {*+i f 3 6$€q EF $'Fu 'u \ c,. r* e= 3[ E' $[i ri 'igr i[ 6 *g* $ Fq*5+€u, ob 399-42 fruss J06A Trussrype ! ROOF TRUSS aty 16 Plv I t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U/'58933 3ronTGT#6sA s, tnc. , -2-G0 , el1{ Mon Nov 11 09:01:36 1996 Page I &1't{) s (') al l{t LoADNe GsqTCll W.0TCDL 10.0BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC"VG 2-0-0 Hates lncrease l.N Lumb$ lncrcase 1.00 Rep St ess ,tcl NOCoda UBG94 cs,TC 0.90BC 0.25wB 0,00 (Matnx) DEFL (n) (,oc) Veft(U) 0.08 1/3 Veft(TL) 0.10 1n Hon(TD 4.AO 2 Min Langth / LL defl = 240 Ydall 957 766 n/a PLATES ERIP M20(209e) 127/93 Weight: 36 (lbs) LUMAER TOPCHORD BOT CHORD REACI|O TS FORCES TOP CHORD BOTCHORD frorEs 2 X 6 SPF^S 1650F 1.5E 2X4 SPF€ 16fiF 1.5E (tbs/Cze) 1=1007/6UE, 3=6A0-78, 2=581/U*E Max Hotz 1=-180(load case 5) Max UNft 1-'440oad cas. 3), 2:112(toad case 3) 1-2=-275 1-3.0 BRACINC TOP CHORD Sheathed or +9-5 on center Pufin spacing- BOT CHORD REid cefing dirccfr apdled, or 10-0G@ on centet bncing. t) 7t [r tuss t €s , oen checked tor unbalanced loadng condtions about ioint 2- 6 zl;is Uuss nas Oeen deggqd fot the wind loads geiented by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 taet above g@und tavet, using 5.0 p.s.li.top chord daad loed and 5.0 botton chod deed !oad,1OO.O nfles fiom hunbine ocaanfrnC, on a cidgory t enclosad buflding, of dnanslons 45.0 by 24.0 wlth exposure C (ASCE 7'93)' Lufirf,er ln easo = 1.33, Hate lncrcase = 1.33. Both end vedicab arc exPosed. 3) STMPSON H2.5 connecto9 recommended to crnnect tnJss to beaing wals due to upfift as ffiows: One connector at ioint(s) 1' 2' LOAD cASEfS, Standad f,$'4:,R A VSRNI'\e - Verifi tusign parameters and READ NO'1ES ON I'HIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFOM: USE. Design valid lor use only with JtlIId( conn€cloG. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building compoient to be install€d and load€d verlically. Applicability ot design parameters and prop€r incolporation of component is Gspor'lsibility ol building d€signer - not truss designer. B.acing shown is lor laleral support ol individual web momb8rs only. Additional lemporary bracing lo insure stability dudng construction is th€ rosfmnsibility of th€ erector Additional p€nnanent bracing ol lhe overall slruclure is the r€sponsibility ot tho building (bsigner- For gsneral guidance regarding tabficaton, quality control, slorage. delivery, oreclion, and bracino, consult OST€8 Quellty Standaid, DSB{g Bracing Spociflcalion, and HlB4l H.ndllng In3talllno and B6cln9 Rocommcndatlon availat € from Tru.! Ploto Inelltuls, 583 D' Onofio Drlv.. adllon. Wlsit7tg IlllT.k lndu3lrl.., Inc, 4 lau o =U,l..< 6=9tr60 sul20 oa 2 =oz > qt 3'qgEEd o 6'6a x6du-:o5(D :9 H3x r o;u 5 d=e951 =y f r 2z?'h5n6o-<-- *13Qt dPi <.C(, o *-b.6;= o Lx x :1 o.* x --NI od :-=9 Hg+ le 3li 5 b :1 9 =sf A*1*i !'oP;o P U5' <o* o o iiiiF H gF g3E # ?E {QR = =6"q*4 i9 ffiE iid=r+ E g gH+ i'ol rlr 5ilE F EF ozo Ettl 2zo o 5 o6 -o F."b6i =o qo oo 6C o {i:to- 6' 6'foyo =ojo aQ !oolooi5'<t ni 8e 5ltrtl i I=<\ l 5 r<-\ f - a i>Esl u/1 ,{ry E B5 ; fr!ltrDI mlEI; zc 3oo =. =(o U' U, o 3 (- N {Eo FRRQR UXD!r" +> = -{o!o, a @.o;-{ o3 oo 2 ii!:I n::t ;Etigs i:! = i rlE e EBi =f;g b3Zm-t (- C't o@-=@.{ .{ (I () O-RX9 @6Ed'(, l-,\.>Es eB.^N)o*_J (r!a:-8;S € _..l\)(, €r t\) 8@Pz TOP CHOBO TOP CHORD @ n, ; 6 F = 6 P P :., tr s, r' s, t) - pd D l $iEiiai lal3giEE $$g if r$$ FE$ +g3i3FFg *3 g€r €i fl;aF=Eia* aiE fl;f aa arr $u ,=i *;; *rEq ?4i 3+gE i+ e g +[ ia 3i =FHatt Ep "F; iAg*F l=s [q g* 'i; ai$f il fu ;= ;e ss *q +s :+ ;E a3 $gi *gE 4* ;B i* 6$Eq Es * 'e gB -g i' *g 4g i$eB 3tq 3? al:* ai aF:; e Z = r-:-' *lq'13i ss -igB qq u'g' € $.q-u :?+..,. i- lsee-42 Iruss T01 Trussrype t ROOF TRUSS atv PIy 2 EDWAROS B.JTLDNG CENTERVATLCOMMON A U458931 2.105 6.00FZ usties' lnc' MonNov11 09:o1:3E 1996 Pi 1 ,-1C6 | '&l' I g?-, | 1lL 2-rG6 5x8 = 3 2-t06 2-lG6 I I*l5lTI ",l lqrtql.o. 5x8 = , 2-912 t 1913 l /L912 | 6912 17-7-111 9+12 | 1l-S I 141 G11t5 2-GO G915 2-1-1 ',l-s'12 LoAANo (ILr'TCLL 80.0TCDL 10.0BCIJ- 0.0BCDL 10.0 SPACn G 2-0-0 Platas lncl"ase 1.00 Lumb€r tncrcase 1.00 Rep Sfross ,nc. NOCode UBC-94 cs'fc 0.15BC 0.23wB 0.68 (Mabix) DEFL Ail (loc) Ydel, Vetl(LL) 0.05 9/6 999 Veft(TL) 0.06 9/8 999 Hoa(TL) 0.01 5 n/a Min Length / LL dett = 24t) PLATES M20(209a) Weight: 79 (lbs) ORTP 12783 TOP CHORD 1-2=-4324, 2-3:4049, g4--4164, +54437 BoT CHoRD 56=3896, 6-7=3894 7-s=2641, &9=2641,9-10=2641, 1&11=3798, 1-11=3798 tVEgS 2-10--269, C10=1770, &7=1957, +7--257 MrES 1) 2-fu truss to be connected togethar with lod nai.s as tofiows: Top chotds connect€d with I mw(s) at 6 inches on ceiter. Bottom chotds cannected with I row(s) at 7 Inches on center. Webs connected with I rcw at 6 inches on centef. 2) Itis frrss ,as b een desj(,ned hr the wind toeds generatad by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet above grcund l6vel, using 5.0 p.s.t. top chotd dead toad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead load, 100.0 ,tfl6s lrom hunicane oceanfine, on a caiegory I indosad bufldng of dmensions t15.0 by 24.o with axposurc C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumber Increase = I .33, Plate lncreaso = 1.33. Eoth end vetlcals are exposad. 3, SIMPSO , tUS2 8 recomt:€nded to suppo,t concentnted bad fmm mambor(s) peryendcular to ttuss at ioinb(s) 7. et hinb(s) 11,9, 8. etrb,hfs(s) 6. roAD clsE(s, 1) Lumber lncrease=1.00, Plate lncrease=I.00 Unitom Loacts 4bs per fr) Veft:1-F-180.0, 2-3=-180.0, C4:180.0, +#-180.0, ,6=20.0, &7:20.0, 7-8--20.0' &9--m.0, 9-10:20.0' 1&11=-20.0, 1-11:20.0 Continuad on pege 2 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.# BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SPF-S 19ilF 1.78wEas 2x4 SPF-S Stud REACITONS (lbs/slze) 1=3132,/O-rE, 5=260Ut U8 Max Hotz 1:29(toad case 2) Max U{tt 1--3080oed case 4), 5'-249(oad case 4) FORCES BRACING TOP CHORD Sheethed or &OO on canter gtrtn spacing. AOT aHORD Rigid ceiting dirccny aPqad, or 1GOG00 on centar bracing. ae"- -j lllTrk hdurtrler, hc. A w,*wtUe - Vcify dzsign parumetets an/. READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVI:RSI SIDE BEF)RE UsE. Design valid lor use only wdh MlTok connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and ls lor an individual bullding compon€nt to be installed and loaded venically. Applicabilily ol design parametors and proper incorporalion of compooenl is rosponsitility ot building designer - nol truss designer. Blacing shown is lor late€l support ol individual web members only. AdCilional temporary bracing to insure slability during construclion is lhe responsibility of the erector. Addilional p€rnanent bracing ol the overall struclure is the responsibility ol lho buildang desioner. For general Ouidance regarding fabdcation, qualily control, slorago, delivory, erection, and bracing, consult OST.8A Ouality Stenda.d, DSB'89 Braclng Specltlcltlon, and HIB-91 Hlndllng Ingtalllng .nd Bracing Recom.n€ndatlon availablo lrorn ltuss Pl.le In3tltuio, 58:t D' Onolrlo Orlvo, Medison, Wl53719 t € *%me9 oo F It\D -E - o-zoo EEt 2zo o -o =al-< 5J9o6o Y, Urz0 on z =oz I qrrq sESA o 6'6!s;;q:o i o x E *g *J O;i?:ojo +o:-;=:=i;tr_1t=iu5r 3o.<-' oc a- o rt ,+Rd:' =9x;:< 3s: :1 o.+ x --N9 od :-=Q Fs* friied 6 4.53i q6 3-Po5 to* o o =dgo >99'Eso q! rg =5i9i*-o:!ta:t1o,o1 !FFlllt ilrx .t,.tr,F ;-qd6'oQ =t2 q a i3e --' c A =O idiF or"f,loa,'-*d=1*d xii 5 oo- l o 6-o f o o c o o l =Jc c o o o 5' t5*3 -'o(oo(tr =,-o oou--oof-'9-a On E EIEl a i,si BK ; :El f @ zc 3oo -;l-. (o v, (/, (D 5 2 Fi!:g :i;iH Eiigs i*!: I rEd e iEi =;F b= 1^ {o!o. o q€E- =RRAX bX<v" +t => @ o'1 o I @ Co@-=r@::q ()qtsi5: @.i2 AG \JI co <,r i'-' 99 =eN 6Y'ol-" ;(, .-J A Y-8;S o__t9(roN 20 @ I g z TOPCHORD TOP CHORO s ssHEi ai e;g *6i$B flgi a$ ggi iEg $ggt*iE -i lEi Ei fr E i[ il il 4ii g;E€i u*$ gi i*F $*i'fii*u ;* E iu* li i, ;i Eg $; fin a+ i* fin Ei **i *16 r*6u ii gg*€ ss g"d* g* g s; Fg gF 3F €a f,ig i; Je. = *: -eqtggi e' 'lg5 e4 q'Et € $ge={t+ct' EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A Truss Type ROOF TRUSS 1 09: clrsEls, Conccntntad Loads 0!^s) Veft:1=-655.0, 6=-360.1, 7=560.1, 8:655.0, 9='655.4 1 1=-655.0 fu;;;'C A, W.S&NINC - Veify dzsigt parametets and. READ NOTES ONTHIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only with MlTek conn€ctors. This design is based only upon parametels shown, and is lot an individual buifding component to be inslialled and loaded v€nically. Applicabillty ol design pa€meteG and proper incorcoration ol -t-t- 'tr;ffi'aiqflfr*ffi#iili1lifit#tr{:pil,ii#,trd ffia*hlj''-" i|tl Specltlcatlon, .nd Hla-91 HandlinE Installlng rnd Brrclng Recommendallon availablo lrom Tru3s Pl0to Instltute, 483 o' lllTck Induatrle3, Inc. Onoarlo trve, Mrdbon, Wl53719 oo F I rtlIt\> tE 3oa; EI'l ?zo o =U,:..< 6J9udoz-vurz E, o =z-{ oz tm. {*-x!0o..) iq33q.!oooaq1;;q Io664Hg;;o*-Y:o 5'oi 0 3e*:o;u i o'59Liol*rh +:did*7xl'h5n 6o-<-- *{.qB# ;Ed'B^=< 3d:At* 1;a' BB - 3a'ssqB 8;geS 5453i s.* B3" .&3o o =dgd dg90 99.rg =6oai-!O i1:9 8a:tao,op !sl alt ilrN5 xoo =;-qd 9gErqss -' :'l -.tt e_ ^=O X:-6:6'o'Q-JAo6*-d= 3rpd HHT =-r +o o- f d'o o 6-oo = o o c oo. f =lc c F o oq a.l {i 33 Hd YO dii aQ 8; 9-;On o :- iFi=' jFl a zc 3oo =. (o U, Vt o 3 2 Fi!: iiiigs i*!d I i8i =;gg; { (- N {86 =X886 PdD- i" F { ! c). J-(Jot (tt (D -l 3 oIo,to UI ol ^qSa dtsUB: @PA9- <:"tBs sE'^rso-\t O) .-, -B' Y'8bs e --_N)(l) .o t\) 20 @ 8@Pz TOP CHORD TOP CHOBO 9 6 F 6 F = e- e F ilg€gi ii a*t aeigg ggi afi lEi i$g $+a#$iE ,a lE$ gl I e+fl Ee ii ?na -;E E[ 'Ei ii ffil g:g [q ?* ,i3 E$B* ii ft,;i Es *a ig EF Eg 5[Fi HiE ,$? $i i$ ii *$gE *' td as"la" = E:" *lA'$Bi qQ -iEE qq u'E' f;- *qa'-+.?u| 1 ,D t99-42 Intss T02 TrussTypl ! ROOF IRUSS atv 1 w I t EDWARDS BULANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458935 4x5 z 4 3.300 6 Sep 20 1995 MiTek lndusties, lnc. Mon Nov 11 olr:sl:42 leeo rage 6x8 = o slon lruss Morltose 3X4 \ 4x6 t 3qI@ bffi qI9o99 6x8 = 8x8 \ 13 12 8xB = 8x10 = 11 5x8 = 10 4x4 =6x8 =8x8t I 7-44 | 16GO |. 22+O | 2mO | 3ru{ | 714 &8-O 6-04 4{)4 10q) teta oltse5 Q(,v: [1:61-4,60-0], t1:OO12,C2-OI, t7O2-8,$C81, [9:0-0-8,62-0], t9:G1-8,AeOJ, [12:&0-0,0-5-8], [13:0'O-0,G2'O] OADNA 0L.0cLL 80.0cDL 10.0tcLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 SPACTVO 2-e0 Phtes lncreasa 1.00 Lumber lncrcasa t.00 Rep Sfess ,rrct ,VOCoda UBC94 cs,TC 0.86BC O.EswB 0.98 DEFL Ail @C) Ved(LL) 0.42 6 Veft(TL) 0.52 6 Hotz(TL) 0.19 9 MinLenglh/Udell=240 Udet 999 E21 a PLATES GRIP M20(20ga) 12783 Waight: 259 obs) EI cTtONS (lbshize) 1=3563/$7-1 (nryt: 0-&8),9=3921O-7-8 AnNt: Grs) Mex Hotz 1--118(oad case 2) Max Uilft 1:2610oad case 4), 9:310(loed case 4) ORCES 'OP CHORD 1-?-6541, 2-3--5977, 94:5977, 45=-4356, 5,6='4352, 67:5948' 7-8=-5588' &9--6t160 tOT CHORD 9-10=5698, 1611=4993, 11-1859tt8, 12'13--5948, 1?14=4908' 1-14=5795 f,E&t 2-14=727, tt-14=852, tl-13:1t105, *13=2852, &1Y2685, 611--1108' 7'11=1940,7'10=482' $10-7U IOTES :1 Thts truss has been designed fot ths wind bads generated by 8O.O m.p.h. wlnds at 25.0 feet above gound level, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chod dead (oad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord deed load, |ULO miles from hunicane oceanfrna, on a cat6gory t 6ndo*d bunding, ot dmen:ions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93)- Lumbet tncrease = 1.33, Plat lncrcese = 1.33. Both end veficals are expo*d. ) S/MPSO / H2. 5 co nnectoB ncommended to connact truss to beadng w€lls due to u$tft as hflows: Ona connector at loint(s) 1, 9. t) Requirad beaing stze at jcint(s) 1, lt Waterthan inPut boedng size. .OAO CASE(s, Strndard .,I},BER 'oP cHoRD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E toT cHoRD 2X 6 SPF-S 16flF 1.5E YEAS 2 X 4 SPF-S Stud 'Ercept' 1&5 2 X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.5E, 13-6 2 X 4 SPF-S 11-72X1SPF-SNo.3 TTHERS 2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1.8 WDGE Left:2X6,Right:2x6 165p.F 1.5E WEBS ARAC'NG ToP cHoRD Shaathed.ot 2'1'3 on centet pu in spacing. BOT CHORD 1-14:&gO, 1&14:610, 12'13:&C0' 11'12:6'9.0, 10-11:6'?0' 9-10:6tO.l Row at midpt +13, 1&5, 156, 11-6 REG/ fjldf...e$t A UA,WtUe - Verify design parameuts and READ NOT ES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign valid for uso only with MiT€k connoctors. This de€ign is based o.rly lpon parameteB shown, and is lor an individual building component to be instiallod ahd loaded verlically. Applicability of design parameters and propor incorporation of componont is responsibility ol building designer - not truss designef. B€dng shown is lor laleral suppon ol individualw€b mernbels only. Additional temporary b€cing to insure stability du ng construction is the r€sponsibility ol the eroctor Additional pemanent bracing ol lhe ovgrall struciure is the aesponsibility ol lhe building d€signe.. For g€neral guidance regarding labicalion, quality control, slorage, delivery, orection, and bracing, consult QST-88 Oudity Standald, DS+89 Braclng SFcncrrion, and HlB41 Handllng Inatalllng rnd Brrcing Rocommanddlon avaibble lrom ltu3a PlaL lnsllrutg, 583 D' Onofrlo D.lv.. il.dlson. Wl53719 Il|lfrh hdurlrlrr, lnc. Ssiiii,iie) o = crtl-< 5J9060z->v,zo oE z _{oz D00c) YJ J XsESt 6'8 6;H;aq;o5(D-; oo*5u;;; q1 -; =:eFd*r*=i;5nEo<' ti1qs; ;Bd'1Ci, c'*a6;= o li x ^\'-Q od :-=sp.6 r q i0 nafi g;3 Sg 6 ?:-'3= eH8-'s- g3 o o =dgo >tGlc _soJ'9Er+ =5gdi3:g 3L =9ta:t1 oto+ !F ttl ilr 5TAt =xg5 o = *oD =o ; ='q d6-6Q =d*Hi 5456'9:^ =s;io 6'O-fdgl -' !3 'Y H8A oo- oX -o C_',o O= qo 8o ='o.^c o EItt Pzo {5 6' d'Jo Hg 5o a=.a9 !:oo a=" E o ; IFi=' jil i z C 3Uo =.t(o U, a o 5 2 Fi!: iiiigs i?!e iigi =f;gg* -{ c{Eo =XRQR bXi!1 " +;L.,/ r => o! -a- o!oo @.-9of o Io oU' \. (- o, @@-=coHNq 3gE5-(,o\t^-2AS 8fi\J (r!A:-8;S o _.JN)?P N I 8 Cooz TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ 6 - 6 F = 6 e F :.' e e F !, rr - Fd iiF F3 ai egg gig gg ag1 ig igl ggg ugg ffrgg ,i *gg !l flg 3fi iq 3i =Fd a;3 EF F; ia s;F i=s s$ ;; en s n+E .d f, ai $B $a {g E5 Eq $a Ei ftia ,lg $[ fi$ ii H#€€ =s :d aF 1aE E-E='*[ at$fli e4'igF qq q'A* € 6 q6-*.?(!i ob 39'9-42 fruss TO3 TrussType ! ROOF IRUSS atv Plv U EDWARDS BUTLilNG CENTERVAILCOMMON A U458936 'sbr fn ss Mo''arose 3.31n A sep ZU I W3 Mt I er rnCtusntes, trle.,v,vl 4x5 \ AJ 3X4 ... 4St 3 4xS t 4 14o (o 4Io 11 14 13 128x8= 4x5 = 6x8 = tl 4x4 = 10 U4tl oo 6x8 = 8xB r6x8 = 8x8'- ' p :eol,o'z-ol, [s:c1'8,6&0], [1 s:O+o,A'$8]' (1 4:GO-O'O2-OI :oADfiG (psl)tcu 80.0tcDL 10.otctJ- 0.otcoL 10.0 sPAcrrvo 240 Plates lnc,€ase 1,00 Lumbet lncrcasa 1.@ Rep St ess ,rc. NOCoda UBG94 cs,TC 0.73BC 0.83wB 0.97 DEFL 0n) qoc) Ydelt Ven(U) 0.40 6 999 veft(TL) 0.50 6 849 Hon(tL) 0.18 I n/a MinLength/tJ-delt=240 OR'P 127R3 PLATES M20(209a) Weigttt: 268 (lbs) .UMAER toPcHoRo ,OT CHORD MEBS )IHERS MEDGE ?EACrtO'VS EORCES rOP CHORD 3OT CHORD fi/EBS UOTES t) Irris fn ss tas ! een designed hr the wind toads Wn€nted by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above grcund ldvel, ugng 5.0 p.s.t top chord deadhad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead lodd, 100.0 nfres lrcm hunicane oceantna, on a cat6gory I |naosed buflding, ot dmenions 45.0 by 24.0 with expsurc c (ASCE 7-93). Lumbat lncrea56 = 1.33, Plete lncrcasa = 1.33, Both end wfticals ere exposed. 2) STMPSON H2.5 cnnnactors rccomm€nded to connect ttuss to beadng wafis due to ufift as foltows: One connector at jdnt(s) 1, 9. ?) Reqrire'd beaing slze et loint(s) 1, I greatet than lnput beaing sae. LOAD cAsE(s, Standard 2X6SPF-S 16frF 1.5E 2 X 6 SPFS 165p/F 1.5E 2 X 4 SPF-S Strrd 'Ei(cept' 1/t-S 2 X 4 SPF-S 165oF 1.5E 2X6SPFS 16fiF 1.5E Left2X6,Right:2x6 BRACING ,. TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-2'7 on center pulin spadng- BoT CH o RD 1 -1 5:&3'0, 1 + 1 5:&&0, I U 4:a.3.0, 1 2'1 3:6?0' 1 1' I 2 :&?0, 1.o.l1:63.0,9'10:&?0.wEBs I Row at midpt +14, 1+5' 12'6' 11-8 2Rows at 1'/3PE 1+6 qbs/sae) 1=3$YO-7-1 (tnptt: 0-?8), 9=3922/0'7'13 (nput: Or8) Max Horz 1--1180oad casa 2) Max UNfi 1--261(toad case 4),9--310(load case 4) 1-2:6527, 2-3:5859, &4--5859, +5=-43ffi, nl6=4350, 67--5167,7-8--5185' &9=-6396 9-10=5656, 1611=56fi, 11-12=.t634, 12-13=5167, 1?14=5167, 1+15=4911, 1'15--5783 2-15=-757: +15=761, +14-1413, '14=3029, e14=-2308, 612=-728,7-121969,7-11=619' &11:1147' &10=118 f'J:tl;f-\ 28252 I ^ A WnVtf'"C - Verifi dcsign parametcrs awl uEAD NOTES ON'I-HIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign valid for use only wilh MlTek oonngcloG. This d€sign is based only upon paramolerc shou/n, and is lor an individual building compon€nt lo be installod and load€d vedically. Applicability ol design paramelers and prop€r incorporalbn ol conponenl i5 responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown i6 for lateral support ol individual web memb€6 only. Additional tehpo.ary bracing to insu.e sl,ability during constr&tion is the responsibility ot the erector. Additional permanenl blacing of the ovorall stnrcturc is tho responsibility ol h€ building d€sign€r. Fof genoral guidancs r€garding fabrication, quality control, storage. deliv€ry, ereclion, and bradng, coisult OSTSS Quality Slandard, OSB€9 Braclng Sp€clllcetlon, and HIB-gl H,andllng Inslalllng .nd Bracing Rccommend.lion available lrom Tlus! Platg Inltnds, 583 O' Or|ofrlo lHr.o, lr.dbon. Wl 53719 I IlTrk Induelrlor, lnc. &fi o P(nl..< 6J9o60 surz0 oD z =oz ,t :1 JJXs9g; o 6 6DH;;g- =ojox g 3gXJOE.?fo5'o+ol : +l- a'U d*f*ii;5n6o.<-- l*qE# ;Ed';F< 3diI ii * l-:rsI oE :-=ap.6 = q i0R** i'5dF 5 ii. :P dsg 6 4.' 3 i g.'B Po-5 ro* o o o =e9o6g 35O! ;g;a9.43i F1rq3!8a it;o =otoa s.5x{,s* ; -'q 6 "g9E ae*ga c_i =O {:-6Ydo 'Ao6'**A=1;d88=d9g ooJ rlr F tlD -En o2o Elrt =zo o 9 = =a65iFO o= =luo 8o .^c oo {5 66'fo vo O^- 5'ooo a9 6E' E-" xu o :r iFF :Fl I trlEt i zc 3 cro =.f,(o U, U, o 3 {o T:-i t0a (-{s6 =RRE8 E6<:l- +> -I @.o o3 o Ioat 2 Fi!:B ilir5 3 ilgs i *E E I ig ; =;8 E;-l @Oo-=@::q ()6 XX-i@if,5O.O-!-28S R6.^NO_.rl 8is S''8;S e!!N)oJoN 20 @ I g 2 -.1 (- CD TOP CHORD TOP CHORO iiH€Fi ei ssg iEi$l gni ifi $giiE$ uga#;i$ ,i lEs gi F e $F Ee ii 'eH n;E eF ,F$ f* $:i ggE [i afl '€l q s[i gi il ' ;a g*-a g3 EE;g l*EiFF$,$e liig ii F$gE gF I. = E:" *i q'g3i er -iE; qq u"g' € e"a-d-€.?v pb 399-42 Iruss 704 rrussryro t ROOF IRUSS aty 1 Pty 1 t EDWARDS BULDTNG CENTER VA'L COMMON A U458937 4xS t 4 sJo', Iruss Monfos€3.300 e sep 20 1995 MiTek lndu*Es,lnc. MonNoYlr ut:ur:w ltro rag 4x5 I 4x6 \ II@ 3X4 .' 4xB t 3 15 4x4 = 2{{ 5x8 lt 5 6x8 = o 14 13 128x8= 4x4= 6x12= '11 u'4x 14o'1010 6xB = 8x8 r ,late ot^rets O(,Y): F:G1-4,O,41, 11:Oo-12,A241, [5:AGO,G3-12], F:a2-12,0-2-121, [10:O-1-E,AOO], [10:O-6s,o24], ry3:.AC0'W81, t14:0-0-0'42'01 :oADtNG(pst1tcLL 80.0tcDL 10.0)cu 0.0,cDL 10.O SPAC'VC 2-G0 Pleteslncreese 1.00 Lumbot lncreaso 1.00 Rspsfessrrcr NOCode UBG94 cstTC 0.92BC 0.83wB 1.00 udelt 999 882 nla DEFL (tn) (loc) Vettq) 0.39 6 Veft(TL) 0.48 6 Hon(TL) 0.18 10 Min Length / LL det, = 240 GR'P 12783 PLATES M20(mga) Weigft 2e0 (lbs) '-UMBER rOP CHORD 3OT CHORD AlEBS STHERS WEDGE REllcTrorvs FORCES roP cHoRo 80T CHORO n/Eas tt oTEs 2XSSPFS 16fiF 1.5E 2 X 6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E 2 X 4 SPF-S Stud 'Except' 1452X4SPFS16&F1.5E 2X6 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E Left:2 X 6, Riglrt:2X 6 BRACING ToP CHORD sheathed or 1'9'2 on cantar Pu n spacing. BoT cHO F,D 1 -1 5'F.3-0, 1 + 1 5:&?0, 1 ? 1 4:&}0, 1 2'1 3 :6'X0' 1 1'1 2;6?0' 1a11:6-90.WEBS 1 Row at n lclpt +14, 1+5, 1+7' 12'9 2 RowsatlnPE 1+6 \bslslze) 1=356EO-7-1 Qnput O-?8), 10=3922/A7-13 AnNt OrB) Max Hotz 1--1180oad cese 2) Max Ufrlt 1--261(load case 4), 10---310(load case 4) 1-2:6527,2-3=-5859, C4=5859, +5..4s56, 5i6=t&tl4, &7='4t194,7'8='4770, e9--4770' 9'10--4220 1 01 1 =551 O, 1 1 -l 2= 551 0, I 2-1 3= 4263, 1 I I 4=449 4, 1 * I 5=49 1 1, 1 - 1 5=57 &t 2-15:757, +15=761, +11P1413, *14=3196,614='2196,613:U8,7'1Ftt69,7-12=741, *12=-1397' 9-11=138 tJ fhis trrss tas b een designed for the wind loads gene'f]tod by 8O.O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 leet ebova Wund levet, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chotd deed toad and 5.0 p.s.t bofrom chotd dead load, 1N.0 niles trcm hudcane ocaannne, on a catigory I 6ndosed buitdng, ol dmansions 45.0 by 24.0 with axposulo C (ASCE 7-93). Lurfier lncr€ase = /.33, Ptata lncaasa = 1.33. Both end va icals an exposod. 2) S/MPSON H2.5 connecto's racomnended to connect bttss b beeing wats due to u4lt es fotrows: One connactor at toin(s) 1, 10. 3) Requi'€d boadng sae atjolnt(s) 1, 10 gneaterthan in4rt beaing sae. IOAD CASE(S) Stande/id ffi"T''tn z 252 A WdnmUC - Vetifi dzsign param*en and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only with MlTek conn€ctors. This desiqn is based only upon paramelels shown, and is for an individual € I lllT.k ldustrler, Inc, building componenl lo b€ installed and loaded v€rtically. Applicability ol d€sign parameters and propsr incorporalion of compon€nl is responsibility of building design€r . not truss designer. BEcing shown is for lateral support of individual web momb€rs oally. A(Hilional temporary bracing lo insur€ st€bility during construction is the responsibility of th6 er6ctor. Additional peman€nl bracing ot the overall struclur€ is th€ responsibility ol lhe building designer. For gen€ral guidance regarding fabdcation, quality conlrol, slorage, delivery, erection, and bracing, consuh (Lll€8 Ouallty Standard, DSB{g Braclng Spaclilcatlon, and Hl&91 Handllng lnstalllng .nd Braclng Recommamdatlon available iron Tru3a Platc In3lllute, 58i, O' Onotdo Drive, lriadlso]\ Wl 53719 o =U,l..< 6J9odoZ-vulz C, o3tl.l2 =oz tm {*'HO (]OOii o 5 ='ohs9E; -+l'4-: o 6 6D(s;;qY=o5o F3$: [4ar eiHd+ qgfi.u o<' ilF E,t ozo *13Rj APd'-.t ! s, C, rJ -lc', 6*\6 == o U x 9od :-=9 Hs1 83*qg 6 e:?8i so*B- R9.5' to*oo =igd bg90 9! rgi5 9.o1i d1dgr! 8a:tt o,o* -sl X:5H ; i'q d 9EE * 53e i'd Eq;3 Q glr 'loi;'-*d= -atAEBr dq q ooJ rlr EIrt Pzo o >a6O; -o o=;o oO-'o o {i 6'6'fosd q6- 5'o a9 !o db'l='9-d 8qoc:- ts]III a l. =<\ f -L\,E 4\\ ? -,t -9g a-4 ={ry B5 i PEI H i BI il2l DI @ zc 3 cto --.f,(o U' q, o 3 2 Fils ifiiiEs i*!r I i8i r;F b= Ztl{ <-N E86 =RKQR UX!r'";> =I --t o, (Jto(t t! -Qc9 1 o3 oI Ioa, @@-=o:r :! q () qXXY @i)Ed-u)O\t-28S R6'-NJo*-t (, '\, A Y'8;S eJ,t\l(, o l\) 20 @ : 8 2 o, TOP CHORD TOP CHORO @ 6 i -e, F = - s P :.t e !' F !, ts - pd ; n* ;i ri a*a l*i *l ae+ ifi 1$1 $[$ uig ff a$$,$ *$i !I flg$* *a 1g 3gsaaE?$ asi';i ag *a {* EF Eg $[ Ei FF6 ,q? *i *g i; utEg Es s'a aB + g'fiq*;3g As ggi aa'igE F[ g'i* $#,qa-€t(y't OD 399-42 Iruss 705 TrussType t ROOF TRUSS av I PU 3 f EDWARDS BU'LD'NG CENTER VAILCOMMON A U45893E 2-114 2-11-0 2-OO rslon lruss Mortrose 3.:nru e 5dP zry lvgc Ml I ex ngusl,rgs' tnc. tne., tYsv . | 2-114 | tloo | &9{ | 1144 | 13-&0 | 2-114 2-11{ 6.ooFZ 6x8= 3 1 I el9l(') |l*l(ol,dt , 31G11 | ?-$5 | l1+0 | $1G11 11G'tl }'tGl1 Itete Otlsois (X,U: [3:O-C0,61-8], [6:6$0,0181, ft :OO0,0-r8] toff)tilc(F0rcu 80.0rcDL 10.0scu 0.0ICDL 10.0 sPAcrrvo 2-&.0 | cs' Plabs lnc/€,ese 1.(n I TC 0.15 Lumber lncrcase 1.00 I 8C 0.65 Reo Si/sss ,rcr NO I WB 0./t4cdae uBc-s4 | DEFL (n) (toc) Veft(LL) 0.09 7/6 Veft(TQ 0.11 7/6 Hotz(TL) 0.03 5 Min Length / LL dett = 2/n Ydell 999 999 a PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127R3 Weight: 87 (lbs) LUMBER TOP CHORD AOTCHORD WEBS REACT'OTVS FORCES TOP CHORD BOT CHORD wEas ,vorEs 2X6SPFS 1650F 1.5E 2 X 8 SPFS 19WF 1.7E 2X4 SPrc Stud'Excopt' s7 2 X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.58,3-6 2X 4 SPF-S 16&F 1.5E (lbs/sac) 1=94990-6..5 Anput: G$6), 5=9855tF6-g (nryt: Max Hoa 1--450oad case 2) Max Upfrlt 1*1019(toad cass 4), 5--11080oad case 4) 1 -2=-1 3828, 2-3:1 3582, &4--1 3654, +5:1 39 I 7 ,6=1 231 6, &7=82fi , 1 -7=1 21 98 2-7--83, 3.7=6971, ?6=7087, +6=-169 BRACINCfor Cioao sheathed or 6&0 on center purtn spacing' BOT OHOPA HSid caifing dtocty eppfied, or 1t(,4-00 on center bncing. o*8) 1) gN tuss to be connected togathat wlth lod naits ts h!!ows: Top chords connect€d wilh 2 tow(s) at I hches on' c6iter. Aofon cnords conneded with I row(s) at 9 inches on cenbr. Webs connected with 1 row at 6 inches on centet. 2) Iiis hrss lras b een designed for the wind bads generated by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 foet abve grcund lewl, uslng 5.0 p.s.l. top chord daad load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord deed load, 1N.0 ntres trcm hunicane ocaanlne, on a caigory I inclosad buwng ol dmonslons 45.0 by 24.0 with axposura C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbet lncrease = 1 .33, Plate lncrcaso = I .33. Both and wdicars €ts exposod. 3) Srf,dat hang ot connecalon rcqulrcd to d*ibute the bottom chord unifotm load into at dbs. 1) Reqlrcd beadng sae at hint(s) 1 , 5 Water than input beaing gzo. LOAD CASE(S) 1) Lun ber lncreese=1 .00, Plate lne/ease=l ,00 continued on page 2 Lill't& 28252 i " A VtAmte - Veily design patameters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor rrs€ only,rith MlTok connoctors. This design is based only upon paramgters shown, and is for an individual Tr Duilding componenl to be rnslallect and load€d v€rtically. ApplicaDility oi (bsqn pa€meters and propor inconoration ol compon€nt is responsibility ol buildinq (bsigner - nol ttuss designgr. B€dng shown is lor late€l support ot individual web memb66 only. Additional temporary bracing lo insure stability dudng construclion is lhe responsibility ot the ereclor. Adddional pemanent bracing ol lhe ovetall struclurc is the responsibility ol lhe building dgsigner. For g€n€ral guidanc€ r€garding lab cation, quality control, storage, deliv€ry, €r€clion, and bracing, consult OST.8a Quollty Standard, tlsB-8g Braclng Spocitlcrtion, rnd Hl84l Handllng lnstllllng and Breclng Becomm.ndstlon available from Tru3. Pl.!. In.tllute, 583 O' Onolrlo Drivs. iradllon. Wl 5:1fl9 I lllTck lndudder, Inc. o =(nl-< 633crdo surz E, o =tnz =oz {* dqtls!ooo=o';;q : o 6 60QR.;;qY=o5o x g *g*ro;U5.n=s9s; =lNlfr*i I 5n Eo..<-- tl*3A= iPd'AFi Iti:1 0 i x.--N9 od :'.e PB i 9a'Esqs a-; =ed. 6 A-' 3 = s.'8- Paj o*oo o =dgo 6g 3g?p. a+;o9.di3:s3irg 8a ;oI o,oa -slxiF* ; ='E d6-6! =;2 !! a e3+ 6'c_A =O X 1;3aD1-a 'lo6'"*d=1*ddH{dQq ooJ ilr 5;la oa o2o Etl a!2o o ed jo 7e,b6 O= =looo-oo 6c o {i 66' ro -o15o aQ ooo: a='C-dOnoao E EIEt 7 t. =.<N I sPi $l 3 zc 3oo =.f,(o U, UI o (- N €tso =P.RAR bH:!1 " ;t\,,,/ I-I { oroa 6-1 Io u, 2 F=!: iiiigs i;!; iiai =;F E3z rtl-t (- Lot @@-=@HNq SgAF- ;!'ZHS 8Fo!-" X(, '-l A :-'8;s e"_N(roN 20 @ 9 8@ z TOP CHOBD TOP CHORO @ n, F ,; F = - s tr :.' e s' r. s, N - ga ts ii*€gi ii g$* +sae* EFl it itl *e* $E+HgiF ,i lEg il fl E g$ l' ii 'Fa e;* a' ,a$ 3i i;i g3* [i $* ;# € *$e is ff], ;i 6s -; 5s gg 6g $a6i $ig ,{$ *i +s ;; 6t:e €s *'d aF 1F'fiq*;3g E3figi ea'iEF ig $'; * $$qa--€+vt r:' l3ee-42 Iruss T05 TrussTyF t ROOF IRUSS aty Plv 3 t EDWARDS BULDTNG CE'/'7rER VAIL COMMON A U458938 , lnc' Mon Nov 11 09:01:54 1996 PagP 2 .oAD CASETS,, Unilbm Loads (lbs per ft) Vert:1-F-180.0,2-3--180.0, X4=180.0, 4*-1K,.0, &6=1508.5, &7--1508.5, 1-7--1508.5 Concentreted Loads (tbs) Vett:*-360.0 ';c.'drbi,,}-\ A ttfenNtuc - Vcrifi dcsign parameters and READ N)TES oN 'I-HIS AND RE]|ER'E SIDE BEF)RE USE. Design valid lor use only with MIIgk connectors. This dosign is based only upon paraneleG shown, and is for an individual brillding component to b€ installed and loaded vertically. Applicability ol design p6ram€l€rs and propor incorporalion of component is rcsponsitility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lat6€l support of individual w€b members only. Addilional temporary bracing to insure slability during conslruclion is the regonsibility of th€ er€cior. Additional p€maner bracing ol the ov€rall struclure is lhe responsibility ol the buihing d6sioner. For g€n€ral guidance regarding fabdcation, quality clntrol, storage, delivery, erection, and bracing, consult OST.88 Ouallty Strndsd, DSB.89 Braclng Spoclticadon, 6nd HlR91 Hrndllng lnslrlllng lnd Bilcing Recommendation available |rcfl ltus. plate Inrlhuie, 1,8:t D' Onofrlo Drlva, lladlron, Wl 53719 lllT.k hdu.lrl.., hc, 9/oNAL oo 5 \ ttt$: F o ae ollt Ezo PU'l.< 5J9o6o vulz0 oE ttz oz tm {r+-x!90.)iqrlqaq9gI ii:3EY=o5(D; d *qP5U; A4si =Efi1*iii AsF *a3Fj dPd'iF: nt::lo+ 6 --t9I ob :'=s RB i 3a'srq[ gi 3ss 0F-13= t'trS R9..5 o*oo o =dgd;g 3qQ! r3 =5qa RJ:g 3L =9taa=ld1 o,o+ .! Fsl rlr tnF 6=Ed*flga s336c*, =O Xq;g 8*g 3 EB; =-.t +ooJ l o o o o o o o f =lc g. 5' tf 6' d' 9(D =-E\lv ^oooD: =.='g-d E 5ttr]i 3u i IP^F@" r jEl 3 nltltl YI zl Dl @ zc 3uo =.f,(o (r, U, o 3 2 Fi!:I * 3:i *Eiiis i;:r i igi =;F EH-t Io!o, o! (t {ts6 =F,KQR UX!"" i>vr E @.o@-1 o3 I t U' @@-a@>_!q()oHix" @bl<;<-() -Y-!-Z8E EF!(r\r.s:-8;S eJ+N)(, <r N) 9 8 2 a-{ <lt TOP CHORO TOP CHORD @ n, E "? F = 6 I tr :.J 9 fr, F !, to :- g$ ts i ir*ii [i iffi lgggiega ii lgl figg $*geF*ag,i lge 9l a-;E ig ai iE -EEEg iE Fi $Fi $$€ $gF[ F3 E$iE FF g G 3F i g E:=, *taugli aa tigg 3g ['i * u"Fq-sj€tl,1 tob t3tt9-42 Iruss T6 TrursType t ROOF TRUSS aty I PU 3 t EDWARDS BU'LDTNG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458935 I I ql 'lla?ri9liol {6us6tre-Mont/"aso --3.sn a sep n ngs mnek hdu*ias, lnc. Mon Nov 11 09"01:56 1996 4ete oltse/tr x,v: F:a1-8,0-Gol, n:o-g8,0-2-101, t2:o-98,a2-121, t4:6?E,O-2-121, [5:61-8,o!oi0], F:G3-E,0-2-101, [6:0-+E'oo0], [7:G60'0-'$8J' I8:c+8,tt0l LoADNe0}a,0rcu alofcDL 10.0SCt.l 0.09CDL 10.0 sPAcrrve 2-0-0 Plateslncrease 1.00 Lumbar ln$ease 1.00 Rep Sfress ,ncr NOCode UBG94 cs,TC O.UBC 0.86wB 0.s3 DEFL @) qoc) Ydatt Vaft(LL) 0.25 3 734 VeftOU 0.31 3 588 Hon(TL) 0.06 5 nla Min Langth / LL dell = 240 PI.^TES ORIP M20(209p) 127R3 Weight: 110 (lbs) BR,ACING TOP CHORD Shaathed or 6-00 on cen/r-t Putfrn BOT CHORD Rigld caifrng diracdy aPpied' or 10 LUMBER TOPCHOPA 2X6SPF-S t650F r.sE -" BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SPF-S 19fiF 1.7EWEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 16nF 1.5E 'Exceq'" 37 2X4 SPF-S Saud OTHERS 2X4HFUW WEDGE Lefi:2X4,Wt:2X4 REACnONS qbslsize) 1=12699/0-&7 Anput: &*6), 5=12699/G&7 (nPut: Org) Max Hoa 1=19(oad case 3) Max aJdilt 1:1362(load case 4), ?13620oad caso 4) FORCES TOP CIIORD 1-2:21003, 2-3--26347, U-26347, +5:21003 BOT cllORD '16=1 8560, 67=1 8fi0, 7-8=18560, 1-8=1 8560 WEBS 2-8=5673,2-7=8496,97=570,+7=8496,+6=5673 irotEs 1) CCy truss to be connectad |r/gf/thetwith l^d naib as toflows: Top chords @nnected with 2 row(s) atg inches on- c6iter. Bodom chords conneited with 1 row(s) at 12 inches on center. Wabs connectad with 1 rcw et 6 Inchas on centeL 2) This ttuss has been desigaed tor tha wind loads Werctad by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 hot above ground level, using 5.0 p.s.t. top ctotd deadhad end 5.0 p.s.t bottom chord dead loed, 100.0 miles frcm hunicane oceanfrne, on a cat6goty t |nda1red buil6ng, ot dimen lons 45.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumber lncrcasa = 1.33, Plate lncreese = 1.33. Both end vefticab ere exPosed. 3) Speciat henger or connedbn rcquirad to dsttibute the bottom chord unilom load into aI iles. 4) Requircd beaing dze at jcit t(s) 1, 5 Watarthan lnryt beaing slze. LOAD CASE(S' Continued on pags 2 sPec,ng, '0G0O on centet bncing. lfoo){ &o- "'*r;org A WenwWC - Verify dzsign paramems and. READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEF1RE USE. D€sign valid lor uss only with Miiekconnecbrs. This design is based only upon pa€m€terc shown, and is lor an individual -/-building compon€nt to be Inslall€d and load€d venically- Applbability ot design parameters and proper incorporation ol _ _-=t1..- lii#-'ilfii$*i",''ru.*;.ili:'"H-'il-'fi,itryf,'i'lfi'if-litr"'*ffifi{ffd*it*""' il I-lakicalion. quallty contlol, storago, delivory, srection, and bracing, consllt OSt-84 Oualhy Standard, DS&ag Braclng spoclfic.tlon, .id HIB'91 HonaflngIn.tlllngandBraclngR;mm.nd.ilonavailablef.omTru..PlotoIn.thut6,E$O'lllTcklnduflfler, Inc. Onolrio Orlvc. Mrdi.o.. Wl53719 ,ONAL oo F \m?!,\> t o'-ztoo Enl =zo =U,l..< 639o60z-surz0 o Ptnz --'oz r+oooo ^-==.r1YJ 5 Xsg96 o 6 6!ge;q:o5(D x 3 H3x J o;'u l'o 5sieJ aicd* Vx?e5nEo<-- ad. 3 P j dPdB:< 3gi/.\-'-I o6 :'=e RB i 3a'E*=X P r oi5ai. "-Pdsg 6 4?*i sHQ-;o R ri.5' o*oo =ila'dg 3qQU E+;oqaci r3ro 3!8ao= ;61o,oa rlr .EAi,lt o P xv,sF ;=Ed 9sE;:fi*o 5q;s .lo6'-*d=?;dE8:dqo ooJ ) 6'o o o = f o l =Jc og t-f ooj' @ {5 66'Jo 9(D =o-'o a9 oo 6E'f='e'd O6 o ]- lrllTIII i I. =sN i sPi jil a zc 3uo:-,f,(o U' qt o 3 2 Fi!: iEiiEs i:!r S rlE i E3i =;g E;-t <-=86 =RKQR EX:u" ;t EI -lo Ido!oo ;i--{o Io u, ol 93a dBHix-it!.b5tr- 1e>8s eE.^NO_.r, (, .{ a :-'8bs e!rN)(roN)z"; t5 2 TOP CHORD TOP CHORO @ 6 E l" F = e- s P : e r' 5 !, ri -FgF iiFEii $i H$6 ?gi $B ns$ ifi [g$ iE$ $3[#iiE ,i lE$ gl fr Egf, Ei 13 ?fii H;E g$ ,gfr il lEi $:i ffi$$ TF Eilge gi *, ;i gg *fi $r -i ig $3 Fi 3$i u$8 i*E$ ii g$E€ Es g,"F 3f, 3Ea Age: g#€l+i$ 13 as = *= -idtgfli ed '15fi iq q'E* € $qa-.*+(tt ,b s9$42 Iruss T06 TrussType t ROOF IRUSS AU I PIy 3 t EDWARDS BULANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458939 lousnn-Truss lttontrose 3.300 c oAD C/ISE(S, t Lumbet lncnase=1.00, Plat€ lncrces6=1.00 Unitom Loads (lbs per lt) Veft1-2--1 E0.0, 2-3=1 80.0, t4:1 80.0, 45=-1 &.0, 56=1 508.5, c-^7=-1 508: Sep 20 1995 MiTak lndustias, lnc. MonNovl ,, 7-8:1 508.5, 1 -8=- 1 ilg. 5 I 09:01:57 1996 Page 2 lSars-- N pd'firyF2t q A Wqnt'ttt'te - Veify d*igt patamews and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFOQE USE. Dosign valld for use only with MfI6k conn€ctors. This d€sign is basad only upon param€ters shown, and is icr en individual 2 componont is rosponsibility ol building designgr - not lruss designer. Bracing shown is lor latsral s{ipporl of individual web m€anbers only. Additional lon|porary bracing to insure stability du ng construction is the rosponsibility ol lhe er€clor Additional permnent bEcing ot lhe ov€Iall slructur€ is the r€gponsibility of the buildlng dosigner. For general guidance regarding fabicalio.!, quality clfitrol, slorage, delivory, er€clion, and bracing, consuli OST.8a Oulllty Standard, DSB{g gr.clng Spocfballon, md HIB-91 Hrndllng Inlt.lllng.rd Br.cing Fecommend ion available from lt!.! Pl.tc lnrtftut , 58:l O' Onolrio Driv€, Mrdi&n. Wl 5:1719 t lllT.k lndutld..,lnc. L o =U,l-< 639odo surzo o2 z =oz {*'HD 00c)iqll'q aq93d: o 6 60(s;;og:o5(D F3fr:lx I o'59Liol+ll i5c:"o;i_1*ii;5n6o.<-- t+*qB# ;EdiC<a o*s6;: o 3 x9ii* R--.9od :'.e Rs - 9-'Eilqs 8;ge.g 6 i.53i sH B-d,u p o5' o*oo o : i iilFngi g+E# ?EFeEi gs 3Fd Fi €gi FI Eg+ i-oP ilr 5it Et o 2o Ett =zo QJ r'oxo 66 oo r! 6E.o ti 6'6'fogo diia=a9 oo db'A* 8s :- tstlrll aiFi n!l =tI_Ell'rrlt i zc 3oo =. (o U, q, o 3 LN €E- IRRAH bH< !-1 " ;> -I -lo!o- o! o ,o=-{ I U> 2 ii!:B n::: iEiigs i*!d i iei =f;g b=Znril ot cooo-=|@!\Jch()O.RX9 cD5E5 -(,tffs BFol'".'t(r\J\:-8;s o _.-N)(r€|N 20 @ 9 8@Pz TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ 6 i l, S = 6 s P :.r e l' F t, f..) - Fd F iig€gi ii aet agi $E gnl afi i$ligg $+a#*iE ,i lFg gl fi c$f, ii il 'Fi u;E Ef 'Ffr il iEg $3$ [i *i '5; g;$; gi fi, a; ai *; ga gF ig qE Ei g$i *$E i* +[ i3 E$Eq Fg -:"d= ig 3 Ea Ag- e= 4$Enfla$ q? iq95 if A;g.* e;€ 6-r dia'$a3 ss-iSHqqu'8'$ *q-65€+o-, ob 395-42 Iruss 707 TrussType ! ROOF IRUSS oty Plv 1 ! EDWARDS BIIILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458940 ruston lruss Monlnose 3-300 e Sep 20 1995 Mifak lndustias, lnc. Mon Nov ll o9:o7:5619eG IJ' , -24{r I }7€ |2+O 17-8 (\ Yol 6.00l12 '-oADtNc(r,E.'rcLL 80.0rcDL 10.0SCLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 SPAC"V6 2-M Plates lnc/ease 1,00 Lumber lncl'ease 1.U) Rep Sfross ,ncr NOCode UBc94 cs,TC 0.19BC 0.06 wB 0.00 (Matix) DEFL Ail (bC) Veft(LL) 0.00 tJ VartOL) 0.01 1n Hotz(TL) -0.00 2 MinLength/lIdalr=24{) Ydett 999 999 n/a PLATES M20(209a) Weight: 21 qbs) CRTP 12783 .UMBER rOP CHORD 3OT CHORD eEACrrorvs roRcEs TOPCHORD )OTCHORD VOTES 2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 2X4SPFS 16&F 1.5E qB/size) 1=678rV+8, 3=3?}38, 2=28UVr8 Max Horz 1--180(load case 5) Max Upfft 1--54(toad casa 3), 2:57(load case 3) 1-T-142 1-3=0 BRACNE TOP CHORD Sheathad or&Go on conter pudin sPacing. BoT CH?RD Rigid cefing drecdy aP$ed, or 1O0O00 on center b.'cing- t) ThE truss has been checked for unbelancod toading conditions about Nnt 2' i; fhrs firss has be en designed lor the wind bads geierated by 8O.O m.p.h. winds at 25.O tsat above -Wund leve!, using 5.0 p.s.f. lop chod dead load and 5'O p's bottom chord dead load,l11.O mttes trom hunica:ne oceanliie, n a ciagoty t enclosed buildng, of dnensions 45.0 by 24.0 with ex|osuro C (ASCE 7'93). Lumbar lncrcase = 1.33, Plate lncrease = 1.33. 8rc,th end ve icds ere exposed. ?) SIMPSON H2.5 conneciors recommended to conndct truss to beaing watts dua to uNft as follows: One connector at Nnt(s) 1' 2. LOIID CllsEfS, Standard A WnmUC - Veify desisn oarameters and. REI|D NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. r.. D6ign valk, lor uso only wilb MlTgk conn€ctors. This design is bssed only upon paramel€rs shown, and is lor an individual building componenl lo be inslalled and loaded verlically. Applicability of design paramolers and proper incorporation ol componenl is r€sponsibility ol building designer - not truss design€.. Bracing shown is lor lateral suppod ol individlal w6b members only. Additonal lemporary b,acing lo inslr€ stability during conslruction is the responsibilily ot tho ereclor Additonal pomanenl bracing ol lhe overall structure is lhe responsibility of the building d€signer. For genelal guidance r€garding fabrication, quality control, storage, dslivery, erection, and blacing, consult OST-88 Quality Standaad, DSB€g Brucing Spaclfcation, rnd HlB.91 Handllng Inslalllng rnd Braclng Rocommondallon a\€ilabie trorn Truar Plats Instltue, 583 D' Onolrlo Ddve. Mrdlaon. Wl53719 IlTck lndurtrlcr. Inc. /ONAL I =al-< 639odo >v,zI o!tnzi oz tm {*-HD 00c)iqr3q bq93d: o 6 61)Es;;qY105(D ft3fr: a4sl =Eii 2 x?'h5nEo.<-' ttt 2zo l+* iiPf e*o 1C .,tr (" * A6;= o ix x:lo-* ; --N9 od :'=Qq6 i q f,G*3-d ijaF5ii "-9* s" d' 6 4.5*= co*Q';o P ri.5' o*oo o 3d la' dg90 e! r+ =6gq <3;1oq =!ta:ta o,oF 5:f,.s'l ',riPx.t'3sF o = ioD =o;-qd OO9=ia\4 e396'9.*, =O iq;s O-f,lo6''**A ==' I..' !P 'u R5t oor QJ j'o =a66i o= o-oo =o o ilr o I tifo- !to O=-'o(oo(tr =a9 !o!:oo a=" 8so ]. tsrltIl: l. =s<N, ItPl!5 i iEt |ilILIi z C 3uo =.J(o an U, o 3 2 FiE: iiiiEs i*! d g rEi rf;B b3 =- €S- ,=RKQ8 -b<!..t" +>\,/r-r ..| !o.r ciro! cl) .o61 o3 o of, a coo-=@! ! ctr () oi.RX9 @5 AO.:Bs RS'^N€-n (, \J -N, :-'8;s e<rN(, o l\)20 o I 8 2 (t, TOP CHORO TOP CHORD @ n, E - F = 6 p e ] e s' F !' f..) - Fg ilgtfi ii aiE FBi$3 $Bi iE $g5 lgg -F$H$ii ,i lEa gl fl i gg ei il *rH *iu Efr 'F; 3a 5EF 5:s [+ F* ';t g tgf is tr, ai Ec $d $s E$Eg $[Fi F$F ,$g *e +g i; sts€ ss {d aF 3 g. f;e*; 3g EH$$3 ea {lgfr i[ g';; # $g*j.t+o1 Truss Type MOD. QUEEN EOWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A 4x6, 3x6t 4 1412 \12 11 SxB = 5x8 = , A5'4 , t6+o ' 23S12 | 32+o I &5-{ 7-612 7 -6-12 &5-4 otisefs fi,r: [1 :c-1.5,eo-01, [9:1-69,&G0], 19:00-0,0-0-01, [1 2:Go0,61-8] PLATES GR'P M20(209a) 12743 Weight: 230 0bs) DEFL Ail qoc) Ydef, V6tt(U) 0.27 11/10 999 Veil(TL) 0.34 11/10 999 Hoa(TL) 0.14 9 n/a Min Length / LL dafl = 240 sPACr rG 2-O0 Hates Inc,'f€sa 1.00 Lumberlncrdasa 1.00 Repskess,ncl NOCodo UBC94 LUMBER ARAC'NG TOp CHORD 2X6SPFS 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-&1 on centet Pudin sPacing. BOT CHORD 2X 6 SPF-S 16flF 1.5E BOT CHORD 1-13:690, 12-13:6-3-0, 11-12-.6C0, 1u11:&i}o,9-10:e?4.yy€BS 2 X 4 SPF-S Stud 'ExcePt' WEB9 1 Row at midd +12, 12'6' 12'5 12-5 2 X 4 SPF-S 1 650F 1.5E OIHERS 2X 4HF Uflity'Excepf wGR2X8HF13flF1.3EWEreE L6ft:2X4,Rlght:2Xa REACT/,ONS (lbs/slze) 1=315/Y&64(npd AUq,9=351/t/O-7'0 (nput: 0'5'8) Max Horz 1=-1180oad case 2) Max UNtt 1--2310oad caso 4), 9--280(load casa 4) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2--5497, 2-3=4877, ?4=-48n, 45=-3456, *6=-3456, 674877, 7-8--48n, &9--5497 BOT CHORD *10=4860, 1G11=4045, 11-12=$45, 12-13=40t 5, 1-13=48&yvEBS 2-13=7 52, 41 3=789, 41 2=-1 384, &1 2=21 58, 61 2--1 384, &1 0=789, &1 0='752 ,vorEs 1) Thk truss has been des4lnad for the wind toads gpnented by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 i'€,et abow grcund lev€|, ugng 5.0 p.s.f, top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chod dead load, 100.0 mtles from hunicane oceanfrne, on a catigory ! endosed buwng of dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumber tncrcase = 1.33, Ptata tncreas€ = 1,33. Both and vedicals are exposed. 2) S/MPSON H2.5 conneclo/s recommended to connect truss to beaing wans due to u4ift 8s toflows: Ona conneclor at Joint(s) 1, 9. 3) Reqri'€d beeing size at Pint(s) 1, I Watet than input beaing size. LOAD cAsE(s/ standatd $'ffi'ffi A WnnWO - Veifl design parameters and RMD NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign valid lor use only with MiTok connectors. This design is based only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an indaviduat building component to be inslallod and loadod v€nically. Applicability of design paramolers and propor incorporation ol componenl is r€sponsibility ol building desiqner - not truss dosign€r. Bracihg shown is tor lateral support ol individual wab m€mbers only. Addilional lemporary bracing lo insur€ stability duing construction is the rasponsibility ol the erector Addilional p€rmanenl bracing of lhe ov€rall structuro is lhe r€sponsibilily ot the building designer. For g€neral guidanc€ regBrding labdcalion, quality conirol, storage, delivery, erection, and bracing. con$it QST-88 Ouality Slrndaad, DSB{g B.lcing Spccifrc.ttoo, .nd HlB.91 Handllng Inltslling and gracing Rocommendrllon available lrom Tiu!! Plato Inldtute,6a3 D' XlTak Indu3trlaS, Inc, Onotrlo Ddw, Mrdlron, Wl 53719 I =U'l-<hra6J9o60Z-;Ulz0 o2 z --loz * YJJXs99d 6'3 6; *dau* =o5(D; d +qg 5 ii; x d qi+l9c eu t*2xi.'i5n6o.<-' t+*Rdi tqxXo 6 h o Y<.c'' .o*a6;= oLHx Yo.+ X --No ob :-=s F+* dil e.g' a*l6i t'o 8 Po_5' o*oo o =tgo bg90 9p. Fg-6 9.oci E1-o =9ta eot otoa FPE SH Pxv, =FFo = ioo =o;-qd6-6! =A? (u agB4 6'c_A =O Xq;3 Q-rAodYA= l:p d di5!.FOo. =-t +o6-r o6 -* 6'-o xot.ib6: O= oo ='o o rlr EItt Pzo o o {i d' 6' go' (n= dE a'" 8so :- lrrFl :- t. =<N t l! t\ -T A\-Asta49{ry1 - tt =B5 i .l!ltrPI-f,tHi zc 3oo =.J(o an v, o 3 {o!o, (t =s6 =RKQts -5<!-l- ;>UI = @ 61 o3 o of, U' 2 Fi!:6 * 3:: ;aiifs i:!d i iE E 5;8 E;-{ @@-=@:_!q ()q HXY @\b AG \J-.:ss 8s--,1 (,r!Ar-8bs e_,N)(, {r l\) 20 @ : E 2 a-ot TOP CHORO TOP CHORD @ n, ; 6 F = 6 e p :.r e !, 5 !, to - PE ts il*€5li[ i;; +stEa rel it *s$ $ts $isgiig ,i lg$ iI g + 4fl € a e3 qF3 3.EE q* '{g sH 3ei s;3 ilg+H iqiq=EaaisEa icii$FF i:s [q $* ;; Ei$f ig tr- ai ei *# i4 g$ ig $g. E* $$i *$E i*ss a; q $Eq Es j: 'au '* \ g' 'cq- 3[ E' $[a ri 'lgfi $[ e*i* $,q;--€+v. ,b ?gg-A2 Iruss T10 i*uri* It ROOF IRUSS aty 3 Hy 1 t EDWARDS BlJtlLDr/NG CENTER VA,L COMMON A U4589'B uston Ttuss Montos€Mon Nov 1109:02:07 1996 Page 1 t-2-8 4x5 =2o, o T CO Io) c{t 9r9lo' al to ,OADINO (pso'cLL 80.0'cDL 10.0lcu 0.0tcDL 10.0 SPAC"VG 2-GO Ptates lncrcase 1.00 Lumb€r hrc'€ase 1.N Reps&ess,ncr NoCode UBG94 cstTC 0./UBC 0.25wB 0.21 DEFL (n) (bc) Ydett Ved(LL) 0.08 1/4 957 Ved(TL) 0.10 1/4 766 Hotz(TL) 0.00 4 n/a Min Length / LL detl = 240 P'ATES GRIP M20(209a) 127R3 weight: 36 (lbs) ,UMBER.OP CHORD IOT CHORD vEas tEACTTOIVS roRcEs .OPCHORD IOT CHORD ryE8S ,orEs 2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 2 X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.sE 2X4SPFSslud qb{slze) 1=65i1/0-58, 4=65tlt&X8 Max Hotz 1=1940oad case 3) Max UNt 1=-48(loed cese 4), 4--75(toad case 3) t2--2Ao,2-3=O, &4=-96 1-1=176 24:523 BRACING ToP CHORD Sheethed or 600 on center pufin spaalng, oxceil end vetticab. BOT CHORD 1-4:6-3-0. |, Ir',s t uss has !e en dedgned hr the wind loads gpner/ted by 8O.O m.p.h. winds at 25-0 teot above ground leve,, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chord dead toad and 5.0 p,s.f bofron chotd dead loed, 100.0 nfls's lrom hunlcane oceanfrne, on a catitgory t enclo*d builfing, of dmendons 45.0 by 24.0 with exlE,slre c (AscE 7-93). Lumber lncrcaso = ,.3j1, Hate Incr€ase = 1.33. Both end wiicals are exposacl. l) SIMPSON H2.5 connedoB rccommended to conned truss to beaing wells due to upfifr as fonows: One connector at joint(s) 1, 4. .OAD CASE(S, Standard ffi$ A WeWWe - Veifu dzsign patameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Desion valil for us€ onlv wilh MlTek connectols. This desion is based ontu uo6n Da.am6ters shown snd is tor an individLral Zaa9r ,, O building compononl lo be installed and loaded verlically. Applicability ol design paramoters and proper inco@oEtion ol componenl is responsibility ol building d€signer - not lruss designer. Eracing shown is lor lateral support ol individual w€b membsrs only. Addilional l€mporary bracing io insu,e stability during conslruction is the responsibility ot tho ereclor Additional p€rmanont bracing of lh€ overall structure is the responsibility ol th6 building designer For g€neralguidanc€ regarding labricatjon, quality control, storag6, delivory, €rection, and bracing, consult QST-08 Quality Slandsrd, DSg-89 Breclng Sp.cm6tbr\ .nd HIB-01 H,rndllng hdalllng and Biacing R6cofimend.tion available lrcm Tfur! Plrta Inldll,te, 58:l D' Onofrlo Ddw, lilrdl.on, Wl53719 IIlTrk lndurlrlcr, Inc. /ONAL t = ct,l< 6J9odoZ-vvlzc, os z =oz ,t o5iofEEi 6'6 3;g;;q =o j'o x g 3gxr o;{ l6'59.YoldsJ*i*!i;5n3o<-- **3Rj dPd i tr <n 9, *.s A 6: Q U * YO* d --NQ od :'=9 RB i 3a's*=ts ! r 6'r5ii !49* e. d' 6 4.53i sH.F Po5. ro* o o o =dIt>tgrc90 g! EgIogo 3- =gelr!ta:tI o,oa Fsl X:FF ;iqd a98 ax_.t ^5t= -rr; C- i, =O X Yo o' Q-lAO6'*-d=1;d88=dgc o o- rlr t{]na F Et o2o ott =zo QJgo r-O t.r,a6; O= ^o:aloo 6d J= oo ti 66' s6' q6- 5'o a=.a9 o: a='9-d 8e E rtltIl i l. =(\ I ri i.-\ f = E LT9a4E4ry3 - ll :.!5 ; ..trrl!:DI LIi z C 3uo =. (o U, u, o 3 <-N q =HB E6QOO Y99i E -{o!o, IJI o @,o;{ o3 I, a 2 ii!:B n 3:t iEiiis i:!s i i3i =fB E=Zd-l <- o OoCo-=@>..!q ()qHXY @b5F' ;ezfi$ 8F\ (, \J .\' :-8;S e --_N)(, <t N) I 8ooz TOP CHORD TOP GHORD @ d i 6 F = - s p :.J e r, 5 !, N :-PTb iig€giai ait iEiEE gE+ i$ $g[igs $+g#E$E ,f lEg EI $ g$a Ei ia *E4 silEs Fi a$ 5;s +iq seqg ';i g;[i gi fi, ai ag *d {* Eu EE $a fi fii $ ,$3 ;$ ig i[ F*F? Fr I'E aH i g' fiq*; S[E' gli ea si:, qq i E. t $'sdj<+(/; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL, CO Bl-657 97 0-47 9-2138 E Iect.i ca [---> DRB Fee Investigation> Lli LL Ca l,l.----) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0017ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE VAIL COMMONS A2 2103-114-15-013 PRJg6-01"22 RD WEST Status. . - AppJ-ied. . 1ssued... Expires. . I SSUED 02/to/ree't 02/Lo/tee't oB/0e /reel 633s8 Job AddressLocation... Parcel- No. . Project. No. APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1_45I I AVON CO CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 745I I AVON COOWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX Description: WIRING FOR DUPLEX Phone: 3O392 81620 Phone: 3039263358 81620 729l GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Totat Catcutated Fees---> 183.00 AdditionaL Fees--------->.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 183.00 Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: DepT: FIRE Division: Val-uation:9, 500 .00 *t************************t************************i***t*** FEE SU HARy *********************************************************t 180.00 .oo \oo 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 185.00 .o0 *******t*********************t***************ff****************************************************t****************t******t****** Iten: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO2/L0/L997 DAN Action: APpRItem:'_05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT02/10/1997 DAN Action: AppR N/A ***************************************************************************************************tr****************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***t**************************************************t***************t*************t**************ii*******t*****************t-i** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknov(edge that I have read_this appl.ication/ f il,l.ed out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty uith tie information and pLot pl.an,to compty with aLL Tovn ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure acconding io-the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu aPProved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl..icabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE },IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY TELEPHONE AT 4 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 9"t^l OI,|NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIt,ISELF AND OI,INER vv **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt ******dr********L************************************************ Statemnt Number! REC-0247 Amount.: 183.00 02/IO/97 L2244 Payment Method: CK Notation: #15913 Init: DS Permit No: E97-0017 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation: VAIL COMMONS A2 Total Fees: 183.00This Payment 183.00 Total ALL Pmts: 183.00Balance: .00 * ** * * * * * r, * * * * * * * * **** *** J. * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * **** * * * * * *** * *** ** ** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 18O.OO O]- OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0017 Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. VAIL COMMONS A2 210 3 - 114- 15-0l- 3 PRJ9 6 -012 2 APPROVED 02 /to /ree7 02 /10 /Lee708/os/Lee7 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1.45\, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOWN OF VAILt CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 DescripLion: WIR]NG FOR DUPLEX Valuation: 9,500. 00 *****ff****tt*'kJ(******ff*|t't***ffffi*ffl****ffffiffiffiffi FEE SUlltlARY ffi*fft****t****H***ff*H***tff**ff*ft*********ff AppJ-ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 3039263358 Phone: 3039263358 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Divisi-on: Etectricat---> 1E0.00 DRB Fee Investigat ion> .00 Ui LL cal.l.----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 1E3. OO Totat Catcutated Fees---> 183.@ Addi t ional Fees---------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 165 - 0O Paymen .00 BALANCE DUE---- **ff******ff******ff******ff***ff******************ft***ff******t****************************************ff********************** Item: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO2/lO/1997 DA\l Action: APPRItCm:. -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTO2/LO/L997 DA\t Action: AppR N/A **ff*fftr*rtJ(|t*'tff*fftr*ff*ftff*ff***ff***ff**ffi******t**ff***********ffiffff***************ff***ff*ff******ff*ff****t*ff******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****ff*****ffi*ff*ft*ff***ff***ff***********ff*****ffi**ff*****H***ff**ffi******************t#****ff*****#ff********** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have nead this appl,'ication, f il,Led out in futl. the infornation nequired, compl,eted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that att the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpLy uith the iniormation and pl.ot il,an,to comPiy with aLl' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according io the Town,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design rev'iew approved/ Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabl.e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI| 8:m A 5:OO p SIGI{ATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACIOR FOR T|IIISELF AND OTINER FRT}I : SFST.J ELECTRIC FHI|E to. : 9?49253358 FEB. 1A 1997 @:45Ft't P1 IOWN OF VAIIJ CONSTRUqTION PERI{IT APPLTEAIIIOII I'ORU DATEz 7'0^n7 ,Iob Nane: V'ot nob Address: Iega1 Dascrlptton: Lot_ Bloclc_ Flllng & 2toz nq- , APPIJfGATIoN MUSID EE FILLED oUT cOUPISIELI oR f! UlY NOT Bt! ACCESCEDIErt*itrit*t*tt****r***'tt**rt**** #rugr rNFoRt{ATroN **********r*rr*i***!r****rrarrtt-t l-Bqtldlng. t-t-PlulDtng 1r.zJ-rrectrtcal I l-t{ecDanlcal [ !-otbor ?afr cW I ?n.44-zt=g . 4lq - szoo [ ]-Repak t l-othsr__ of Accormoaation unl,ttr: J- OTIIBR: TOTa&3 trctrltect: Hnrlt.Daz.eld*^).- Addr€se: ieneral DescrLpll.on: r Nor,3 claFss gvf-new [ ]-A1t€fatlon I l-Addi.tlonal funber of Dnelll.ng Uhl,ts: a- 111;;rber |nber rind Qpe of, Flreptassa: 6as Appl!.ances7 Gaa Iogg wood,/pellet t*tf ********:tl ***** *rr**** * ****t*rt vAurAlroNs * * * r * * * * * r r * * * * * * * * r ** * **lr * tl r. r it Iectrl,cal contractoE: Sha.o Atechti Zttuddress; eo)L f{S ffi luublng Contractor: Reg. No. r* ***rl i***r ** ** **** ** I i: *r**,* **FoR oFFrcB usB *************.f lrtr****r***rrlr BUTI,DTNG PI.Nf CrECK SEES PIUUBINC PIAI| CBECK ABEr UECITAilTCAI, PT,AN C:HECK TESS RECRE TTOil FEE! CIJEA}I-UP DEI'OSIT3 trOTAIJ PERI{XT FEESs l UTI,DIN6: IU'MEING: ddress: ELEcr,rRrcAL, ISOO -- llECtrANrcALr - {*r rir* ** * r (ltJlik ; rrl I i t*rll c^oNTRAcron rNroFltarrolr *** * * r | *. r * *r ** *** * l *rrrr**bneral Contractor! ildress:. :lown of Vqlt Eeq. ilo. Phone liturberr 4tla-d Toern of Val,l Ras. t{o. ldo-E PhonE Nunber: '4U -e&-. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: echanlcal lilrese: Contractor:rorn of VaII Ph-one Nurlbcr! 'ILDTNC' PESI.IIT EEEs U'UBilG PERI'fIT EEE3 ICIIA}IICID PERUIIT FEES ACfRTCAI, FEE! fER TYPE otr FEE3 IE IEE: Burr,DrNos STGIAIIIIRE: ZONINGT SIGTIAIUR8! -l- u|gnt5l .EAT IIP DEPOSIT NEFUXID ?O: \ REtrT 131 TOTJN 0F UAIL, COLORADO F'AGE lE AREO: EG@416e/97 rA7;46 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION h,ORK SHEETS FOR: 4/ 2/97 Activity: E97-tltl17 4/'e/97 Type: E-ELEC Statr-rs: ISSUEI) Address: EB99 N FRUNTAGE RD [^,EST Farcel: P1O3-114-15-t413 fjcc; Constr: ADUtr Use: Descript ion: I,IIRING FOR DUF'LEX Appl ieant : SHAIJ ELEtrTRIC Ownet": TOWN OF VAIL f,ontracton: SHA|,J ELECTRIC Fhone: 3t0J9353358 Fhone: Fhone: 3O39lfr3.]58 Inspect i on Reqtrest Information".. Requestor: KAREN/$HAW Req Tine: tD1:Otl Comnents: AE Iten,g reqr.rested to be Inspected.. AOl90 ELEC-Final Comment s Time ExP Fh0ne: 986-3358 Act i orr ;;;;;il_'r;I;i;....._--_---------_.--_--_.v:2-:;;_'_':,%_ Item: ClOllO ELEC-Temp. Fower /'f- / Q?,/e8 /i7 Insoector': LFV Action: AFFR KEEF FLUMFIFG FROM WI RE. Item,: AAI?A ELEC-Rot"tgh', Ae/ L4/97 Inspect or'; EG Act i on : AF'FR AppRCIVHD Ite.0: do130 ELEC-Condr-rit Iten: OCI14CI ELEC-I4i se. 8r0190 ELEC-Final AOEE4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH-C'O338 FIRE_FINAL C/O -&r*- ! TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW DUPLEX ************************i***********i********************** FEE SUHt'tARy DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmJ-t AT ALL TIMES P96-0202 Bna W> Job Addressr 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...Location...t 2096 ZERMATT LN. BLDG. A-Applied..Parcel No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued...Project No.: PRJ96-0I22 Expires.. ISSUED 12 /t3 /tee 6 or /2r /7es7 o1 /20 / resT 45-8315AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 970-8605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601 AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 970-845-8315 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81"601 TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Valuation l 20 / 000. 00 P Lumbi ng-----) Ptan check---> Investigation> uitL ca t t----> Restuarant P lan Revi ew--> TOTAL FEES----- Totat Catcutated Fees---) Additional. tees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 300.00 75.00 .00 3.00 .00 378.00 37E.00 .00 378.O0 378.00 *)t*************************************************************************************illillS-lli;;;;;;;i*****i************ill*** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Deptr BUILDING Division:12/13/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISI!e,$i',gpQg0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:1,2/13/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A ***********************************************************-t*******************************************t**t*********************** CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****************t******************************f,t****************i****H************i*t****t*******************************ff**** DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknow ledge that I have read this apptication, f itl.ed out in ful.l, the information required, compteted anptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with tfie iniormationto.compty with atl' Toun ordinances_and state taws, and to buiLd this stfucture according to the Town's zoning and accurate ptot and pl,ot p tan, subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I1ADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT OTFICE F FOR HITISELF AND OI.'NER t**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0243 Amount: Payment Method3 CHECK Notation: #5089 3?8.00 0t/2t/97 oe:52 Init: CD P96-0202 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2 10 3- 114- 1s-0l_ 3 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2096 ZERMATT I.,N. BLDG, A_2 Tota1 Fees: 378.00378.00 Total ALL Pmts: 378.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Sit,e Address: Locati-on: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Descript,ion PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 300.00 75.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address..; Location Parcel No..... Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PERMIT Permit AT ALL TIMES #: M96-0201 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... 2096 ZERMATT LANE BLDG A-2 (VAAppIied..2103-114-15-013 Issued. . .PRJ96-0122 Expires. . I S SUED )t2/13/tee6 02/t7 /tee70B/L6/Lee7 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS COOWNER TOWN OF VAIL * cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION Phone: 816 01 Phone: 816 01 co 81s02 970-84s-831s 970-845-8315 9,000 . 00 flof Uood/Pa [ [et: *********************************************************** FEE SUl.lllARy *****************************************************ti*** Description: MECH FOR NEW DUPLEX Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y l.lechani cat---> PLan Check---> Investigation> dot Gas App[iances: 2 1E0.0O Restuarant Ptan Revi eH-->45.00 DRB Valuation: fof Gas Logs: .O0 Total Ca tcutated Fees--->.00 AdditionaL tees--------->228.00 Total Permi t Fee--------> Payments------- .OO TOTAL FEES----- 228.00 .00 228.00 228.00l.l i Lt Cal.l.----) 3.0O **************t************************************************************************illllii-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill*** I!e{'i,951Q0-BqILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:02/t7/t997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR CHARLIE DAViSItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. !.IEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.z. CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC: 607 OF THE-199i--0Mel- ---3. INSqAI,I_,ArrON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES rnSin.CrroNS-auoTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. gA9 AppLrANqEg SHALI, BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 Or_rHE_-rgSr OUCI_5. AqqESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WrTH SEe.5OS-allO703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHATL EE MOqNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS TISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSIIBLE-F'OORING:- --'--'7. p^EBl4rlrplaNg^AND CODE ANALYSTS MrUST Be pOSrsn ru-l,,rncHenrcer,. ROOM pRrOR Tg_4!l TNSPECTTON REQUEST. - - -- B. DRAINAGE OF -LIECEANIqAL ROQMS E6IITAiIITNG HEATING OR HOT_WATERSUPPLY BO]LEB.q $HALI] BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR- 'NATU"FNN S'ECI2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. *** *** * * * * * ********** * * * * * * * * * * *** * **** * * * * ** * ***** * ********** * * * * * *** * * * * * * *** * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLl.ed out in futt the in{ormation required, conp[eted an accurate ptot plan, and state that ttt thc information provlded as faqui red is correct, I agree to conpty vith the information and ptot ptan/ to conply rrith atl Tom ordinanccs and statc lavs, rnd to buitd this structure according to the Tounr s zoning and subdivision codes, design rcvicv approved, Uniform Suitding Codc ard oth.f ordinances of th! Tovn appticabte thcreto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOiIS SHALL BE IIADE T9ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVAN Al 4n-2138 oR AT oUR oFFICE FRoll 8:00 Al 5:00 Pil SIGNATUSE OF OTI{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELT A D Oi.IN vv **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stat,ennt * * * ** * * * * * * tt * *** * * **** ** * {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0249 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notat.ionl. #5127 228 .00 02 /I9 /e"t 13 : 4 6Init: CD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41.372 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0201 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-l_t-4-L5-013 2099 N FRONTAGE'RD WEST 2096 ZERMATT LANE BLDG A-2 (VAIL COMMONS)Total Fees: 228,00228.00 Total ALL Prnts i 228.00 Bal.ance:.00 **************************************************************L* Amount 180.00 4s.00 3.00 oIflolae0 DEVELOPMENT )-tz-s2 E,QTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL/ co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 Job Address. . .Location...... Parcel No..... Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi-t #: M96-0201 2099 N F.RONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . 2096 ZERMATT LANE BLDG A-2 (VAApplied..2103-114-15-013 Issued...PRJ96-0122 Expires. . APPROVED >12/L3/Lee6 02/L7 /ree7 08 / 16 /ree7 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLIJMBING & HE Phone: 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAIL I CITY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 970-845-831s 970-84s-8315 **t********************ff***ff*ff***ff***ff***ff*********** FEE SUllllARy ****M****************ff***ff****************ft******* Description: MECH FOR NEW DUPLEX t i neptace Information: Restricted: Y t'lechani cat---> PLan check---> lnvestigation> 1.,i l,I, Ca L t----> #of Gas Apptiances: 2 160.00 Restuarant P lan Review-->45.00 DRB.00 ToTAL FEES----- 3.00 VaLuation:9,000.00 #0f t,ood/Pa I Let:#0f Gas Logs: .00 Tota[ catcutated Fees---> 22E.O0.00 Additional Fees---------> .00228.00 Total Pernit Fee--------> 228.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----*******************ffiff***ft****tt*ff*****rH*ffrtr*ffi****Jr*****tr*ff*******************ff**rr********ffi******rr**Lt******* Itelni .Q51q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:02/77/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVrSII,em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. E'IEI-,D IN$PECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. col4BusrroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER snC. 007 Or,-rHn-rS91--uMe;- --'3. INSTA!,LATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES rNSiR'CrrOllS-atoTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ SIALI, TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.906 OF rlrn--rSgr oue-.-5. AqqESg TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy Wrrlr Sne.50S-Alln703 0F THE 1991 UMC:6. EQrIEBS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORiNG.- --___ 7. EEBl,trT,plANq^AND qODE ANALYSTS MrUST BE POSTED rll l4nCHanrCel,_ RqoM pRroR Tq_AN INSPECTTON REQUEST: -- - ---- 8. DB4'INAGE OF UECTIANICAL ROOMS CON-AiNING HEATING OR HOT_WATER_sqppLy BorLEB.g_SHALL BE EQUTPPED witH- A F-OoR- DneiN--pen"-sjec-.-21L9 0F THE t-991 I'MC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknorrtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fiLl.ed out in ful,l, the information required, compl,eted an accurate p[ot o pl,an, d state that att thc inforration provided as rcqui red is corrcct. I agrce to corpty vith the infopmation and ptot ptan, to compty with al,l, Tofln ordinancas rnd stata tarrs, and to buiLd this structurc according to the Torrnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design ncvieu approved, Uniforr Bui tding code and othep ordinancas of thc Toltr| appLicabte thercto. RENESTS FoR Il{sPEcTIol{s SHALL BE IIADE TllEl{W-toUR HoURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPT{oI{E AT 479-213E 0R AT olrR offICE FRoll 8:d) All 5:00 Pll SIGMTURE OF OI.IT{ER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELI AIID OIINER , _FEB-1e'-9? t'tON L2.56 AST & |'TCFERRIH P & H r'r- I P. A2 Torn of Vail 6198 6000 I1063 1266 3187 I 16l ll8 24EE 109 3158 3889 3tt61z 0 l0 l9 0 7 2 ., 3 2 8 4 57- 0 l0 l9 3 6 2 2 5 2 6 7 61,_ llNllg(SrucarA4) ROOM BASEMENT GARAGE KIT/LIV/DIN/ENT POWDER MSTRBEDROOM MSTRCLOSET MSTR BATH UPPERI{ALUSTAIRS BATH I BEDROOM I BEDROOM 2 IOIAL OFFICE COPY BTU1I [,fl88 6198 6000 11360 0 3807 r 158 rl5 1767 107 4690 1804 3700e A 7 He^t b+r anil 5P* Shee+s yAltJSMMO![llluPtEx HEATLoss sr tM MABy uNn l-{SancrrAD ROOM BASEMENT GARAGE KIT/LIV/DTN/ENT POWDER MSTR BEDROOM MSTRCLOSET MSTRBATII UPPER HAL|/STAIRS BATII l BEDROOM I BEDROOM 2 ToTAL BTUH FT/BB iFEA- 1er-9? wlan yourre teen rhe inn0rative^ le8!:lll LtF,ll:ll:jlls::::ill ilH:',ffi ;it".T'Ui!ii16-.,*tt*lllill':1"c:,1[,rv,',1d":,','i'": [pi"q'i'*,1d;"F"1$iiit*11'*morcarnarentttrrnrnourrow fricd, trtgh value rconomy tnergy $aver 0as .BUITTTO MEETfttE TAIEST FEDERAL EFFICIENCY SIANDARDS. a45A51s combirratton 3/{" inlevdrain ffttlng. .ENERGYSAvtr'lG PILqt P. A4 I€ave itto A"O. Smilh to putftis Suclt q,rali'ty-l"m u low priced gas utffi heatert "ltt . COIoR4ODED INLET/oUflEr ESCUTCHEONS' .fUCtf qU^fffV GI 55 ilMNG frrscd to tilik at 1600'' An l{.6. C.iina.".lopcct proccs that offcrs long:lasting cortosion Protcction..nffWOfffy rtt'tODE, pioneercd by A'O' Snith' provides additional arcund-theclock Protecdon agamst corroslvc elenents in We(er. . DIP TUBE cerries irrlet wate r into nnk' .THIOC ENERGY EFFICIEI'IT FOAM INSUIJIIION on a[ modcls :o reduce sundbY hcat loss. .ONE-PIECE II.IiEGBATED FLUE MFFL^E Stows doqf$.now of hcatttrrough cornbustion system so mzxlnrum near $ transfcrred to wetcr. .THIEESEPARAI'E tlAK CHECI$ AFTR' FIMLASSEIT{BLY . SPECIAT ADJUSIABLD THERMOSTAT I{tS. YOU ..dii[a#r; to s""i f,rel when away for ortended pcriods' 'NON-MEIALLIC BAII'TY?E DIAIN YALVE has a A2/o"l :3ffi*#d::er, mr.rrdpon bumer ft,r improvcd fi n,rtoit . RING BASE ON BO(TOM R.{NTEN. TI{AN LDGS. Easier to ntove (30. 40. 50 GAIIoN MODELSONLY) .CHOICE OF 5 SIANDARD ECONOMY ENERGY SAVER MODEIS' From 30 to 100 gallon sizes to mecr anY need. frOfT: SfrCs.s vtNG I.olyDOY MODEI' evdl$lc whstc Ysniqd 5Prcc 13 minid scc rpccucltion lhcdt for ntort intornnlloo. AO- Smith WSfe. P.oduclt CgmPsny tGeag3t thg 'ight to n|ik' p|pdlct Cr'trogg or lnfag!flnentt fl stry i tr. rJ lo'rl notlct' P. A5& t',tcFERRrN P & H S454515 A-Z Vail f,oh* €}ASoFEA-Lg-97 l',tON 12 :5 t-'t ." ./.' )/i ,/-t ';a ? Front Vlerv topYlg}r Top; !3" (trom bp of boilcr) @tw Qorr'mrrr Mhlrr.m (lcaranccsr slcles:6) Rearr 6'; Frontr 4' (slzes 50.100), Unotnuucted (izer 1g5.gg5) Input BIIUH Sirc r 1fi0 Hsruns C!p, 0lU/H r 1000 N.tl8l Elt /}l r 1000 A't,ET SPrrI hnltr'en Srandh Plot DLnanrbnr 0nch6)\fitar 6$ App.ot Conn, Conn. Valght (rrh.O (krdfi) (bn) |r.t Pto 6ai Glt .l ?roGar Gcr Nat ?.o Nat ?roGls Gar GG Gar A I c0v yl 50 >15 75'r00 100lgl tt5 160 100$5 tt5 a9 1303u81 85t0{ 100rlt 135180 r90 36,5 t7,1s{f 55,678,t ?3,9t0.{ 9t9u5.7 1rt.4t6t.t 105.c 81.{ 05.1 80.t !9.081.0 85.9 E0.5 8r,5 8,1.0 Es.o 80.t 8r,?83.0 8{.5 E0.t 8t.?83,0 8{.9 81,0 83.083.r 85O 0r5 83.5 13.38 9?.v{ t3-5/! tr'3/+ { 13.38 97-y1 C,f.1/8 91-y{ 5 16.7/8 !8-r/4 9,1.1/8 9t-3/1 5 16.1/1 9&y{ r3.5r8 tt.y.t 6 90.3/8 l&yf e1-5,l tt.v.t 6tt5,E 3t-ln 83.rr. ra-y4 7 t-1/{ l-1t1 1.111 1.111 1-l/a 1.111 tig r90 In 110l& r31rn i38lrt 16{r/l .t8t Acrssonres Powsvent lft - For tf[oug]r.he.wallventing on 50,000 to 195,000 BTU/hr sizes. Continuousfi teguloted daft teduces eneryy costs by rrnlntalnlnS elficlent combusflon. NoniorOustlblc Base- MII.I|-IHERM I must be hstnll€d on a Teledyne laors non-comhstible bose osembly or oha apprwed non-combusUble zurface. Sase odds 1. to boiler helghB ltsted h table, Non.€ombustible Stand --- For easy nnintenance accrs$btllp, o 19.1/9, turgh non<ombustjble f,oor stand b abo ovallable. Compresslon Tankr - Alr.durgcd daphngin.type tsnk lrdh automntic mdcup wot€r contrel, 'lnot.vahblc in Canada, Wthu llsAuy ro llnp You The tnt water spcchlists at Telcdyne Laan woutd be hoppy to put tlrlr owr .{0 }cats of ep,edence to wak for you, tor assbtonce in choosing the right mit foryow appllcatlen - or if )ou,d simpV like to know rnorc aborrt OUf prodtrts, Sertke\ and extengw warahty - just call toll.free l-800.362-5678 (U.S.).,TTELEDYNE LAARS 90}lclutrlrlVq, Roctrcd?r, NH 0386t r Tc[ (800) it6!!.56tS, (603) 335{3OO Frx! (603) *tr3355 1!^0-s.JcS" n9oo vc*, oat<rlr" onr.rb, Crpo wi rui : iii tl6'.ll gtt+gr io,, (905) 8{.logs&m Cordor Drha, A,boD04 c^'$m,r . ich (tO5) see_[000 r*iiioif Sga.lg3{ Acccfrory Srrca ?.' No Pourcf Vcr* lct (u.5.) so.ttj to5IO000 lCanodo) 50.195 pv-o! Nor{ombulublc 86se 50 & 75 lm & 195 t60 tc5 l0'l06t0l 1(Xc6r09 r0{56t03 t0{66r04 Ndl(omburltrlc Sbnd 50-125 t0r008m t60 . 995 lot 0t900 'Co prcssionl4|[ 50.it5 A0066000 100 t 9t5 A0066900 FEB- 1El-97 t"toN 12 :57 P&H e45AE 1st. --:f' =NT - -e.' 3'-tt2" : 'i- ;f ilO, b' iramlng UNFINIgHED BAgEI"lENT ?:7' cctnb.Ah'-y x t2'-b' ,,,1 u0 | Cauta At'dat'vq Fr"M 6'dt/e,tf C.dntil,ever aoo'/e t t I I I I.i -' ,l \'\ |--l I I 6'lY"'* I l*,i,**,fr&{=: " - * +{ - ----:--.-.- .idl:i" i fill[[-lll€'.J. i,',, r]- ll , 2',-b" ]lrN-- il ).1 Xtl ri'I z^r ll irl 1 [--.-=-. t'.i ., i"i" ii{IL -:':-1.1.;..iri. ; ibi i"- --J.j-.Irt ,,. , . i\$,' *i=Fe +1.'-'.n\ \::---q-i.'i itffilri -"i$A +:r \ llli iiiw \ ilti l5Rough-eut' -' I | | | leY)arr-?oon ll lil l" /t\ ----' \ lli i -lr@) \ilti tHRough-eut' -' I | | | ler,atl'lToon llli'l l"plumblng llll,; i,-,-:t\l'{r! -' r!l '-.: I uNrr- A5 g€c uf.tlt AO fo? lnterlor dlmenctona- u:q>1FJ ;a-.\t-'tr"-f-'- ---.\--F- PORCT'i AtsOVE '.* 3|-t'4f # 4'-e{stj t !^TED GARAGE FEB- 1E'-97 t',t O NI I'ICFERRIN P & H P. A1 IN Notesi I P.0. Box 784 r From the desk of, . . A - 1 rnlat+ ln4 =3) 7t t< ll]-v 6 t<- 28 Charlie Davis T1,L Cc-;na fu ? sr Q* Duct {j *'n"t o,^,,* TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArI_,, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: 2099 N FRONTAGE VAIL COMMONS BLD 2 10 3- 114 - 1s -013 PRJg 6-012 2 Status...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: 02/24/t9e7Issued...; 02/24/1997 Expires. . : 0B/23/1.997 AT ALL TIMES M97-0019 Phone z 3034214020 Phone t 30342L4020 1,600.00 #0t tlood/PaL l,et: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PerrnitMECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICANT ALLEN'S HEATING, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO CoNTRACTOR ALLEN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 80002 TOWN OF VAILt CITY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 OWNER Description: ALL VENTS AND DUCTWORK FOR MECH. EQUIP. Valuation: Fireptace Information: Restri cted: Y #0f Gas AppIiances:#0f Gas Logs: *************'t******************************************** FEE SUnl.lARy *******************************ff************************ llechani ca [---) Pl.an Check---> lnvest igat i on> lJitL cat l.----> 40.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--)10.00 DRB .00 ? lt{] TOTAL FEES----- .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---) .00 53.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Penm'i t Fee--------> Paynents------- 53.00 .@ 53.00 *************************t*****************ff******************************************illlffl-lli;;;;;;;i**ii*i************ill*** IIem: ,O51QO-PUII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUIIJDING Division:g?/24/!gg? CHARLTE AaEid;it--EpFn cHenlrE DAviS-Ifem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIEI,D TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.?. gouEqsrroN ArR Is REeurREo pEn Ssc.--607 bF--rHn-TsIi-tMe ;----'3. INSTA!,LArIoN^!!qgT CONF,.ORM T0 MANUFACiUnES- rll-Srnuetiolls-euo. TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 tMe;-- -- -4. qAS_ApplrANqEg str4l, BE vENfBD-AeCOniiiNC TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECrFrnD ru- Sec-.-s06-oF-rHb---1991 uud-.- ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS l.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate plotptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. t agree to compty riith the information and pLot itan,to comPty vith al'l' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniforr Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn aipticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE 'ROH 6:00 Afi 5:OO ptl SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF ANO OI,INER ****************************tl************************!k********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0249 Amount: 53.00 02/24/97 ]-1,.35 Payment Method: CASH Not,ation: $60 . 00 RECEMD Init: CD Permit No: M97-0019 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMITParcel No: 2103-114-15-013'SiIe Address I 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocalion: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A-2Total Fees: 53.00This Paynent 53.00 Total- ALL Pmts: 53.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 4I3T2 MECHANICAI., PERMIT FEES 4O.OO01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 10.0001 OOOO 41336 WIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 3. OO U''i- re-? Job Address. . . : 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . APPLICANT ALLEN,S HEATING, l/C & SHEETME Phonez 30342L4020 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 CONTRACTOR ALLEN,S HEATING, A/C & SHEETME Phone: 30342L4020 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA co 80002 OWNER TOVIN OF VAIL t crTY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Description: Val-uation: 1' 600 . 00 ALI., VENTS AND DUCTWORK FOR MECH. EQUIP. Firepl,ace tnformation: Restricted: Y #Of Gas Apptiances: #Of Gas Logs: fOf t.food/Pa I' tet: ****ff***tt**ff******S**********t***ff************#* f EE SUl,lllARY **ff****Jrffi******'r**}*'h****tr*ff't*****ff*********tr**lbtt't* echanica[---> 40.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> .0O Total Catcutated Fees---> 55.00 PLan check---> 10.00 DRB Fee-------- Investigation> .OO ToTAL FEES----- r,rir.r catr----> 5.m !i#iil";;;::_:__--__:::i ,r.ffi ***ffi**#H**********t*****ff**ffi**ff***f*********trl**l**rrffi********ff:ffi***ffi*****#***ft*****Jr**************|t/r ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:02/24/7997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISrE6m:'0s0oo Finn DnpaRTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 T]MC.3. INSTALLATIoN MUST CoNFORM To MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I]MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF IHE I99I UMC. ,,******************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS r hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication/ fil,l,ed out in futl the information nequired, conpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct, I agree to compl,y with the information and plot ptan, to compty with al,l. Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure acconding to the ToHnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IiADE TIIENTY-FoUR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFICE FR0l4 8:00 Al4 5:00 P[ SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OTNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PETM1I #: M97_0019 Location : VAIL COMMONS BLDG A-2 Parcel No..... : 2103-114-15-013 Project Number: PRJ96-0122 Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPROVED 02/24/Lee7 02/24/tee7 08/23/ree7 (iffi'r Eagle county Assessors?rr"" Q.Sq6-0t?'?28-8640 for Parcel /i. ToWN OF vAfL coNsTRUcTIoN ' pERl-trr r PERMIT APPLICATTQN FORMDxrozr/-fu1fi , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PEII!{If TNFoRMATJON *****************************tr)[ ]-Building [ ]-plunrbing [ ]-Etectrical Xl-Mechani-car [ ]-other Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing susprvrsroN, Owners Name: Wna14p Architect: Address: Address: Pb.ffi-q# 0 Ph. ceneral Descripti on y'n-l A la| A F'*C-tta* D',rr,sz- Bo'f*e14 * -A-^Lrnl."" A,* a- Number of Dwelling Units A Nurnber of Accornmodation Units: .l)3rrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- Gas Logs_ wood/pelret_vtrk********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************,l \rur"or""' """"I$l3ii:iffilpuo(,?:m: l--PLUMBTNG: $ _ MEcIrI]*************************'r* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** ' Eeneral Contractor: rrr^r^rrr a€ rr- i r 1D^- rr'.. work class: ffi-New I J-Alteration t ]-Aclditionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Town of Vail Reg. NO. Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. *5,./*t' OFFTCE USE BUILDING Town of Vail Reg. No. l{/-nPhone Number : gA<- lz / - qple__ ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I-{ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE! I'IECHANICAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN UP DEP,OSIT RENIND o 75 soulh tronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: suB.TECT: oftlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soil, ro"k, sand, debrisor material, including trash burnp=rer=, portable toil_ets andworkmen vehicles. upon-any streetl siaewaix, -;li;y or pubric -pr?:" or any portion theieof. rhe ;isha;i_;;y-;n alt rown ofVail streets and.Igag" is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be striltry enforcEd by the Town of VairPubric works Department. pers-ons found vi6tatinq this ordinancewilr. be given a 24 hour written ""1i""-to-;;;;;'=aid rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified does n-i -ornpry wi.th thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, tt"-p"[ric worksDepartment wirr remove said mateiiat at tn"'""p""se of personnotified. The provisions of this ord.inance =h;ii not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,.irrt"rr"rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the righi_u-ruy. To-review ordinance No. 5 in furI, prease stop by the Town of J1i_f eu|]ding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rnant< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged v: osit'ion/Rer@(i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh tronlrge road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 olflce of communlty devclopmelrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this penll:t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer's. (.Publ ic works) reyiew and approva'r ,'a prannini'oepartrnentreview or Hea'tth Departm6nt review, anb'a-i.uid ;i-;ii;"EriiaingDepartment, the estirnated time for'a iota't i"ui"*-ilay"iail'as tongas three weeks. All commerciai (iaroe or smail) and a'lr mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow [tre Suove ;";iion;J-ilximum requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a teiier'amount of time.'However, ifresidentiai or smaller.projects impact the various urou. mintioneodepartments with reoard to-necessai-y review,-il "r" ir"j".il' ruyalso take the three-weef peiioJ. Every attempt wil'r be made by this departunent to expedite thispel'ml:'t aS soon as possi bl e. - I, the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and timeframe. vAt Communi ty Devel o pment Departrnent. Y MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFRoM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBL|C WAY PERMTT'lS FEQU|RED Job Name: Date: Please answer the lollowing quesiionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit": YES NO 1) fs this a new residence? 2) ls demolifion work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B, lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Cgmmunity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town' of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at.479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Conlractois Signature Date