HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS BUILDING C1 C2 C3 PART 2 LEGALffiuw#s z J ^--rF:!--4l'-{ GJb:-t F-r w &klF-"r F-1w oq)oN g r't ln tf co -' Ol -./'-. :l?d'E o ro'@ oN / I Ot-/N / FILl d no -(g , ',J ( FsbEN.\ \\ (J Nll [t i-- Ii4a \ - saanag qtt:gva ug F {t --gl x,1 o A@ /r F //,5 o-/F-/O 5ds'l SJ* !l Io ao riI E N$ -(, o @) Ier Fuoon c- I D A B lr %Sffi .rn\*,* t { '''\hrN ENTQY 6.\iEY ZNP FuoaR. ,frf?'f+9e, - 4. che*Gs €f\fpyeur€Y 'l\NrN Errrey Unif odAruir\a .frr 2 olo r' 2o1Ldnd ?O1 q uacrmatF Lan?- Ct $ e F Gac*aE Proposed addressing for Vail Commons The proposed name for the new street wiinin the Vail Commons project is Zermatt Lane. The following addresses correspond with this new street. see the attached map. 2084 A-D 2085 A-D 2090 A-H 2091 A- C 2092 A-H 2094 A- H 2095 A-C 2096 A-B 2101 A-F 2103 A-F 2105 2106 A- F 2108 A-G Additionally, there will be one building addressed off of chamonix Lane. Theproposed address is 2110 Chamonix Lane A - F. The new city Market will be addressed 21og N. Frontage Road west. TOWN OF VAIL STREET ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT AND CHANGE FORM Plcasc providc the information rcqucstcd on thc uppcr portion of this form and rcturn to the Department of Comnrunity Dcvclopmcnt, T5 South Frontagc Road, Vail, Colorado 81557. PRoPERTYowNERNAME, Vftl L f1:ilAMf?Ng PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE:DATE: ACTION REQUESTED: CURRENTADDRESS: PROPOSED ADDRESS: (Assignment of Addrcss, Changc oI Addrcss, Change of Strcct Name) (Ilouse Numbcr, Strcet Name, Lot, lllock, Subdivision) ***** F OR OFFICIAL ($fi Q[{f,f*'r,r** REOUIRED APPROVALS POLICE DEPARTMENT: Phone 4794200 I ax 47%2216 ACENCY NOTIFICATION The above requested address as$ignment or change has bcen approved by the Town of Vail on -. Pleaoc update your records accordingly. . US WEST: (Phone 468-5E60 Fax 468-0672) ./ FIRE DEpARTMENT; .12/zz/ ' '" ' z o 'l zt ) t Phone 479-2250 F ax 479-2lt 5 PUBLICWORKS: Phone 479-2158 Fax 479-2165 COMMUNITY D I,VELOPIvIENT: Phone 479-2138 Eax 479-2452 EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE DISTRICT: Phone 476-0855 Fax 925-5235 U. S. POST OFFICE: (Phone 476-5217 Fax 476-1065) UPPER EAGTE YALLEY IYATER AND SANITATION; lPhsne 4764480 Frx 4764089) HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC: ENGINEERING DEPT. Ohone 949-5892 8ax9494566) PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY: (Phone 252'4056 Fax 949'3289) PUBLIC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS: Ghone 468-2528 Fax 468'1401) . TCICABLEVISTON: (Phone949-5530 Fax949-9138) NOTE: Town of Vail Municipal Code Scction 15.02 requires the appropriate addre*s be conspicuously postcd on the premises. TIrc house numbels shall be in sharp contrast with the address plaque and shall be visible from the strcet. Multi-Family dwellings shall be assigned a single numeric address. APartments, Suites, Duplex Units, and other similar divisions shall havc an alpha, alpha-numeric, or directional dcsignation such tlrat will not conllict or crcate confusion with the prinrary address. iM$F"'-l tt". \ I , {.lf 'rli- *r' STATEOF COLORADO DIVISI6] OFFIRE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Vlr.l 6opb't 4f ;:.ll* tlb}'f Telephone No. Nameof System Test Signature Certification No. Comments Zp Code pluw ,1t' f(, 63 qi (for additional comments use separate sheet) Dishibution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. RegistrationNu A", 010 Contractors Name WARNER DEVELOPMEIIITS, IIIIC. P.O. Box 958 AVON, COLORADO 81620 Denver 5344695 (303) 9494:150 Tfifl{ OF VAIL 75 S. Frontage load Vall- Colorado 81657 > WE ARE SENDING YOU E Attached fl Under separate cover via LETTER @F TRANSNNOTITAL E Plans tr Samples the following items: tr Specifications TO I Shop drawings n Copy of letter ! Prints O Change order oarE lJoB9127le6 | NO. ATTENT ION lll-ke UcGee RE: vArL c(nll'oNs - PIRE PBqIBCTI9N coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I ea.Fire Protectlon - Recalcul-atiorrs Per Ae-Bul-lts THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval I For your use E As requested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted E Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for apProval tr Submit-copies for distribution ! Return -corrected Prints E For review and comment D C FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO Pr0ur,.o2 l@|.., sd, k or.rl tt.acfo.urrf r,r not.. rrot d,,ladtr notft ,OorttrtJ[afngf t 9-26-1996 4:I3P}4 FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP 3@3d'256127 SUBMITTAL SI IIIAL NO:23501It2 VAIL COI.IMONS VILTAGE 2099 NORTH T TONTAGE ROAD IIEST VAIL, COLORI t,O FrLE NO. COU!.IONSI AFG/I4ESA 4894 VAI.I GOt )ON SUITE 304 WEEAT RIDGEI COLORADO 80033 ,OW TEST RESULTS )ly 88.00 PSr 78.OO PSr g 1320.00 GPM ;URE AVAILABIJE AT 590,3 GPII 05.74 IAY OF SPRINKLER OUTFTOWS P-l 09-28-3-996 PAGE 1 I l,later Su1 STATIC RESIDUAI, CIT.lf PREI sua PSI AC1 IAL Fl ,)t{IrllNIUUlll FLOId K-FAeIOR PRESSI'RE 101 1:102 1(103 1:104 1(105 1!106 11107 1.108 1rL09 1:110 ti111 Zl112 1!113 1{114 1:115 1l116 1.117 1(118 1!119 1!t22 Zl .24 14.8538 14.85,99 14.8s02 14.85_22 14.85,85 14,85.67 14 - 8515 14.85.78 L4.85 . t9 14.85.24 14.85.26 14.85 "81 14.85,36 14.85.50 14.85 . 11 14.85.56 14.85.73 14.85.35 14.8s.93 14.85 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5 .60 5.60 5.50 s.60 s,60 5.60 5-60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 s,60 5.60 5. 60 9.48 8.56 8.16 8. 18 7.38 7-03 8 .86 10-50 7.94 9.42 13.07 1r .83 LL.28 9 .61 8.68 8.27 8.74 7.89 7.52 13.97 9-26-1 996 4; l3PM FR0'4 AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP 3B3d;25l6127 SUBUITTAL S!]IIAL xO:235OlIY2 VAII, COTIDIONS VILI"AGE ZO99 NORTH IITOIITAGE ROII} TEST vArL, col.oRt t)o FILE NO. COUMOilSl P.2 09-28-1996 PAGE 2 TOTAIJ I'ATER :IE9UIBED FOR SYSTEII OUISIDE BOSI STNEN,IS AT O TOTAL WATER :IEQUIBEUE$T PRSSSUnE RE( IIRED AT 0 340.34 GPM 250.00 GPU 590.34 GPU 75-18 PSr I{A'(I!N'M PRES:iURE I'NBALANCE TN LOOPS O.OO PSI l{Al(Il'tu}l VEL(']IT! FROII 97 TO 2 22.81 FPS 9-26-1995 4:13PM FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP 3434255127 SUB!,IITTAL SE I:IAL NO:235OTIY2 VAIL COUMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTS I|IONTAGB ROED WEST VAIL, COLOR! i)O FILE NO. COUMONS1 Flow Pipe Fittingsin Size &GPM IN DEViCEB 1 .0{9 .4 .85 F=T BN2 Locatton From To 103 106 a 7 1O3DQ a r-5 09-28-1996 PACE 3 Pressure Suruary PSI PT 7.03 (106)PE 0.00PF 1.13 "5.99 1 .049 r0.84 BT1 Eguiv Length Ft 10.00 s. o0 15.00 10.0o 5. O0 15.00 Frlctlon Loss PSr/Fr C=120 0.0750 C=120 o.2900 C=120 0.1415 C=120 0.1415 C=L2O 0.0372 9.16 (103) 0.00 4.35 12.s1 ( ?) 13.e7 (LzZl 0.00 L.Z7 1s.2{ (121) 0.00 t.27 16.51 (120) 0.00 0. {3 16.94 ( 4) 7.s2 (119) 0.00 0. ?6 8.28 (116) 0. 00 3.01 11.29 ( r.r3 ) 0.00t.2z 12,51 ( 7) 7.99 (118) 0.00 0,79 8.68 (115) 0.00 3.15 11.83 (112) 0.00 L.Z8 13.11 ( 6) L Fr L F T LzL t22 1-049o 10.93 8N5 t20 tzl 1.0490 10.93 BN5 41ZO 1-380o 10'93 8N5 t5,55 r.6,11 31.46 t8.81 i0.27 1.049 BNz 1 .0{9 BN4 1- 380 BN3 1 .o49 BX2 1.Orl9 BN4 1- 380 BN3 F=T P=0 F=0 F=T F=0 F=0 F=T F=O F=0 L 9.OOF 0.ooT 9.00 L 9.00F 0.00T 9.OO L 5-50F 6.00T 11,50 PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF FT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT 116 119 I 113 116DQ 0 7 113DQf a 9.50 C=120 o. oo9.50 0.0?98 10,00 C=120 0.0010.oo 0.3009 O.50 C=120 6. O06.50 0.1883 9.5O C=120 0.009.50 0.0835 10.00 C=120 0.0010.00 0.3146 0.50 Q=120 6.006.s0 0.1969 L F T L F T L F T lrs 118 a 112 115DQ a 6 112DOI 15. 73 16.50 12.23 19.26 51 .49 L F T L F L L FrF=T 9-26-1 996 4:14PM FROM AUTOI'4ATIC FIRE GROUP 3@342E;6127 SUBMITTAL Sl llllt NO:235O!IY2 VAIL CO!&IONS VILTAGS 2099 ilORTH I TONTAGE ROAD IIEST vArL, COLORI irO FILE NO. COU}CINS1 Fl,ow Pipe FittingBin Size t GPt4 IN Devl,ces Locatlon From To Equiv FrictionLengtb Loaart Psr/Ft P. A, o9-28-L996 PAGE 4 Pressure SuEeary PSI 114 117 o 111 114D9 0 5 1llDQ a 1.049 BN2 1.049 8N{ 1. 380 8N3 1.049 BN8 1.049 BN7 1.049 BN6 1.049 aN5 1.049 Brf2 1 .049 aN1 1 .0,19 BNZ i6. 56 r?.36 13.92 to.24 ;4.16 F=0 F=O F=T F=0 F=0 F=0 F=T F=T F=f L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T t F T L F T L F T L F T 9.50 o.oo 9.50 10.00 o. oo l0 .00 0.50 6.00 5. s0 11. OO 0.00 11. 00 5.00 0.00 5.00 11 .00 0.00 11.00 5.00 5. OO 11.00 C=120 0.0917 C=120 0.34s8 C=120 0.2762 C=l2O o - 0983 C=120 0.3730 C=120 0.0839 C=12O 0.3186 r,0.00 C=120 5. 001s.00 0.0785 LO-OO C=120 s.00ls.oo 0.3033 10.0O C=120 5.0015.00 0.0863 8.74 (1r7) 0 .00 4.87 e-61 ( 114) o-oo 3.46 73.07 (11.1) 0. o0 1 .41 14.48 ( 5) 9-42 (110) 0-00 r. .08 10.s0 (108) 0. o0 1.86 L2.36 ( 8) 7.e4 (109) 0. o0 o.92 8.86 (L07) 0 .00 3.s0 L2.36 ( 8) 7.38 (10s) 0.00 1- 18 8-s6 (1O2) 0. oo 4. 55 13-11 ( 6) 8-18 (104) 0-o0 1-29 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF 108 110 a s r.08DQ a :.7.t9 1.8.15 r5.34 107 109 o s 107DQ a r5.78 r6.67 t2.45 102 105 0 6 1OZD9 a 15.22 r6.38 t1 .60 L F T o 101 104 t6.02 F=T 9-26-.1 996 4.14PM FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP 3A34256'127 SUBMITTAL Sl rIIAL NO:23501IY2 VAIL COMMONS VILT.AGE 2099 NORTH I IIONTAGE NOAD IIEST VAIL, COLORT ItO FILE NO. CO!{I{ONSI F.5 , 09-28-1995 PAGE 5 Location Flow Plpe Fittings Equiv Friction Pressurein Size & Length Loss SunnarY Fron To GPt4 lN Devices Ft P8I/FI PSI 5 101DQ t.7 .24 1.049o 13.26 BN1 L 10.00 C=120 PT 9.47 (101) F=T F 5.00 PE 0.OOT 15-00 0.3334 PF 5.00PT L4.47 ( 5) L 10.00 C=120 PT t2.37 ( 8)F=O F 0.00 PE O.OO T 10.OO 0.0140 PF 0.14 L 10.00 C=120 PT 12.51 ( 7) F=O F 0,00 PE 0.00T 10.00 0.0602 PF 0.60 L 1O-OO C=120 PT 13.11 ( 5) F=0 F O.0O PE 0.00T 10.00 0.1366 PP r-37 t 10.00 C=120 PT 14.48 ( s) F=O F 0.00 PE 0.00? 10.00 0.2469 PF 2.47 L 51.OO C=120 Pt 16.95 ( {) F=T,E F 15.10 PE O'OOT 66,10 0.2777 PF 18.36 t 6.00 C=120 PT 35.31 ( 3)F=28 F 8.60 PE L.73T 14.60 0.2777 PF 4.05 L 50.00 C=120 PT 41-09 ( Zl F=DDC F 0,00 PE 1.73T 50.OO 0-3812 PF 19.06 L 36.00 C=1do PT 61.88 ( 97) P=T,38 F 50.?0 PE 0.00T 86.70 0.0197 PF 1.71 L 1s.00 C=140 PT 53.s9 ( 98) F=T,EIGV F 56.00 PE 3-47? 71.OO 0.0029 PF O.21 L 29O.0O C=140 PT 67 -27 ( 99) F=T,E,GV F 69.20 PE 5.67T 3s9.20 0.0007 PF 0.25 7 8 2.63sa i7.79 FR5 6 7DQ tt.tz 2.635a :18.90 FR5 s 6DQ )3.09 2.53s a : 12.00 FR4 4 5DQ J7.42 2.635a : 19.41 FR3 3 4Dg lo-93 2.635g : N0.3rl FR2 2 3 2.635g :.10.34 FRZ 97 Z 2.469g : ro,34 FRl 98 97 4.2S0a ::{0.34 ItN 99 98 6.340 A :;10.34 IJN 0 99 8.450g r40-34 UN PT 76.L9 ( 0) P.6FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP 3@3425,6127 EI $?{ f r88 -:tttEdida:-QE!5:lt 5$ nl II I [[E$ sEtr g -[id I rl, 8tqro -a.Pd EEi" Eii lr;! gTT 3i3is (13glrrnd AR393rrtItrt!-!.r 9-26-1996 4,14PM l I I I I I EE DN st$ sl Flr =&f, is EBl<rfF luI JJ azo =to(, J 9-26-1996 4,'l SPM FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP 3@3ll,256127 SEP-1?-1996 ,llzl€l rfiFttH tFFtct. WARNER D ] VELOPMENTS, II{C. O. Bsr958 AVON, l,Ot-OFAtlOEt6eo OE iI:Ff,IFa' (i 'g) 9'9'6tFo JUJ YOY 'IJHT }"VL ro ... . .€ts-^ . . /'t-F--.*.-*t-. .#e** .Rnl.. . .-s-ct:fl +tnr*s=L. 6r- Jt \(r, -4. TOTFL P.61 P-t b[' 9-26-1996 4:28PM FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GROL.tr 3@34256127 @ 3- 5Qoo- Y-l /4t(%+Hr( ,r+/* VA1&l fr'M&,tto' FDC,r**6 V tL ?lA 2'-*)tr- o I A-;- 0u toSd wr{ '(h' \ N It$ftg h)tq1 - wM.4nftn ?i/ il"*14!W* i | 4ften6? W +,td*ilh?ew,J lalvarvf (rcry;,W, ae; ffi*il-- vttt''l G.T \r- t& -Br€r\Ct Lh f otot 115-c \-r-r--r- o 9-25-1996 4.28PM FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP 3@34256127il iltlJ-L _ryi $k sEP-25-1996 18:18 UARI'rER 0FF!CE WARNEB DEVELOPMENTS, INC. P.O. Bor 958 AVON, COLORADO 81620 DEHEF*F!''s (303) 949.4360 w3 949 4364 P.6l e@ t-lrlttt'e, /Ve> TDTtrI- P. E1 - ! '' ,/' ."rnl( ,n) ,jl'',*'' )'t 't l" lt' l ,l''' 'i''i," ,," [t'' , t ,41',,,',j '..rn(, ' ( LI tl{t' n'''i' l/ " l' (' '"1,,.ij' , L'' ,! , ,n- ll,t ;' ,,,' Lll,',I1 FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCT and HYDRAULIC CALCULATION SUBMITTAL V*t D /?F1 t1 zztJ=. Vll'l'A4?;Wz+ ,,)",*l'r ,..t)(- ,i!'r, l' ,,r',':),. i I u:'t"n' u,n'1 ' ,, ,) /r" t"r;, I '-,'l , t''."J'l { /'ll ', i ' ", r' .'1,,i): ,t ; , ) "':;,','" olir:^;' ,,,':"' "'), ,,, ,.-] l! i' ,,n_= :,,' , n,()l = I,u,,i, :,|''i,:r'ro ,'*, nj' d,\ /''/u,',;" r1,,r,(1,,r(',i'1,! r{t ,\y "(Dlr*A ,q d l.'\l \. \' 07- I B- 1996 PACI. ISUBMITTAL SERIAI- NO: 2350IIY4 VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTII FRONTAGI ROAD WESTVAIL, COI.ORADO FILE NO, COMN1ONS1 AFG/MESA 4894 VAN GORDON SI.JITE 30..I WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 FLOW TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATIC 72.00 PSIRESIDUAL 62.00 PSI ,l CITY PRESSI.JRE SUMIIARY SPR ACT{JAI. FLOW @ 1320,00 cP[t AVAILABLE AT 539.2 GPM OF SPRINKI-ER OUTFLOWS MiNIMUMFLOW K-FAC1TOR PRESS(IRI] i) lli" "fr 0N' ","'',4Jl'' nPl" f* 101 roz 103 104 t u) 10f) r07 108 109 110 111 I L4 113 115 116 18.96 18.20 17. B3 I /, UJ L6 ,92 Lt). ) / 18. 5B 20.20 t7 .60 19.15 23. 18 21,82 21,39 20.79 20. 38 16.00 16. 00 16.00 16. 00 16.00 16. 00 t7 .60 t7 .60 17.60 17.60 16,00 l6, 00 16. 00 16. 00 r6.00 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. t)0 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 I t. .16 10. 56 10. 1 .1 9.91 9,13 8.7(:'' 11.01 13.02 9. BB IL,7o 17.13 15.19 14. f:0 r3 .79 t3 .25 289,21 GPM 250.00 GPI\I 539.2 t GPM 60,IB PSI O. OO PSI 19,38 I;PSI ;Ptl i;[)t p!" TOTAL WATER REQTJIRED FOR SYSTIM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTTIL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS MAXIMUM VELOCITY FRO[,{ 1 TO 2 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2350HY4 VAIL COMMONS VILLACE 2099 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL, COLORADO Locat i on From To 107 109 FILE NO. Flow Pipcin SizeGPM IN COMMONSI Fi.ttings & Dev i ces F=0 F=T Equ i v Lt,t1g 11, l' L Fric:tiorr l-oss a 17.60 B 107DQ 18, 58 Q 36. 18 1 , 0.19 BN6 1.049 BN5 I n -f () F 1 L F I Tt- T PS I /Ft 1l,trO C=72O ,00 I l. rl0 0.Io27 .00 C=1.2O .00 11 . 00 0, 3896 07-tB-1996 PAGE 2 Pressule Summa r )' PSI PT 9.BB (109) PE 0.00PF 1.13 PT 11,01 (r07) PE 0.00PF 4 ,29PT 15.30 ( B) PI. r1.70 (110) PE 0.00PF 1,32 PT 13.02 (108) PE 0. 00PF 2.28PT 15.30 ( B) PT PE PF PT PE PF PT 13,25 ( 116 ) 0. 00 1.35 1.1.60 (113) 0. 00 0, 87r5.47 ( 7 ) 13.79 (l15) 0, 00 1. .+0 15.19 (LIz) 0. 00 0. 90 16.09 ( 6) 17.l3 (111) 0. 00 o.29 17.42 ( 5) B, 76 ( 10tr ) 0. 00 I. J() PT PE rr PT rL PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PT 108 110 a I 10BDQ'a 19 . 15" 20.20 39. 36 1.049 BN8 1. 0.19 BN7 1.0.19 ILz 115 a 6 1r2DQnv l^"3N\ 1, 380 I BN3 1.049 DN4 1. 380 BN3 1, 3B0 BN3 1, 0.19 BN2 1 1.00 C=IZO 0, 00r1.00 0.1201 5.00 C=LZO 0, 00 5. 00 0. 4552 10. 00 C=l2O 0. 0010.00 0. l34B 0.50 C=LZO 6. 00 6. 50 0. 1337 10,00 C=l2O 0. 00 10. 00 0. 1398 0.50 C=l2O 6. 00 6.50 0.1387 0.50 C=LZO 6, 00 6.50 0.0450 10.00 C=120 5, 00 I 5. f)0 0. 0919 F=0 F=O L .F T L F T 1 13 116 F=0 It/ F=T L F T It- F T a 1 13DQ a 20. 3B 21,39 41,78 20.79 21.82 42.62 L,F=O F T L F=T F T 5 111 L F=T F T L F T 23. 18 103 106 16.57 SUBNII TTAL SERI AI- NO : VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTII FRONTAGEVAIL, COLORADO FI LE Flow irr GPM t7 .83 34.41 102 105 a 6102DQ o 16.92 18.20 35. 1l 101 104 a 510lDQ a L7 .63 1B. 96 36.59 Q 75.54 7DQ 76.18 Q t51.72 6DQ 77.73a 22e,45 sDQ s9.77 Q 289.21 4 Q zge.2r 3 Q 289.2r 2 3 5 0ltY4 ROAD IVEST Locat i on From To 7103DQ a NO. Pipe S i ze iN COMMONSl Fittings & Dev i ces F=T F=T F=T Erluiv l. e ng l.lr rL Frict,io Loss PSi /Ft" 1.049 BN2 1.049 BN1 1. 049 BN2 1.019 BN1 2.635 FR6 2.635 FR5 2,635 FR4 2.635 l' t(J 2.635 FR2 2.635 FR2 lt ;i' F=E F=2E I LtD 1, 0.19, (1,'* ' l. NNI T I F fI r T 10. 00 C=120 5, 00 1 5. 00 0. 3550 10. 00 C-I20 5.0015,00 0.0955 10,00 C=12O 5. 00 I 5. 00 0. 3686 10.00 C=LZO 5. 00 I 5. 00 0. l03l 10. 00 C=120 5.00 15. 00 0. 3978 10.00 (-l2O 0, 00 10. 00 0. 0171 10.00 C=120 0, 00 10. 00 0. 0623 10.00 C=l2O 0, 00 10. 00 0, 1339 40.00 C=120 10, B0 50, B0 0. 2055 21.O0 C=l2O 4.3025.30 0,2055 6,00 C=120 B. 601t.6rJ 0,2055 F=0 F=0 F=0 F='[ L t: T L F T L 1' T Lr T L- T L F T t F T L F T 2 2 .t tr) 07-18-1996 PAGE 3 Pressure S umtna r It PSI PT 10.1,1 (103) PE 0. 00PF 5.32 PT 15.46 < 7) PT 9.13 (r05) P[ 0. 00PF 1,43 PT 10.56 (102) PE - 0.00 PF 5.53 PT 16.09 ( 6) PT PE FF PT PE PF PT 9.91 (10.1) 0. 00 1. 55 11.46 (101) o, 00 J.YI 17.,r3 ( 5) PT 15,29PE 0. 00PF O. 17 PT 15, 46PE 0. 00PF 0.62 PT T6, OB PE 0, 00 PF 1,34 PT 17.42 PE 0.00PF 10,4.1 PT 27,86 PE 0,00PF 5,20 PT 33. OtrPE 1,73Pr 3. 00 B) t) l)) 5) +) J,) essu umm&r PT PE PF PT PE PF PT P - 8.6 PAGE 4 ( 99) 2) 1) 0) 99 re 9 3 0 2 7 .1 7 5 4 0?'18- 1 | .l'- I ( \^\' '"fl o,r{ ''t t 1l tll" ,9 l'/t'u()" l0'n-> )" ) "(/ ,/tl o" 4.'(r" ut L" bJ4' 4 .X'v ,. u ^l ci' L Equiv FrictiLength LossFt PSI/F 50.00 C=L?0 0. 0050.00 0.282 25.00 C=1,1 0 3,1. 7059,70 0.014 750.00 C=140 155.70 905. 70 0, 000 ) '1, o t l- 6 5 I Pr Su I PSI 37 .7t,7 14. I 53. 6 -3. 4 0. B 51,0 P]0.4 60. 1 PF PT ,5 i r L F T Lr T L F T { 1) p' I 6l rl , i,l,i r tl'50rrY4 v"i AD WEST i ,'I conMoNSl. iipe TFittinsze / &i.41 Devices ' \ ,---1r46V { i\ '/ \ F=DDFFRI\i \; 2BO Y F=T, EUNi 450 I F=T,6E,pVtlN i i , rl'4 ovo\3&l ffit,I r23 E RO NO. Pisi IN (2, 4. 8. ITTAL SERIAL NO COMMONS VILLAG NORTII FRONTAGE , COLORADO FI LE tion FlowinTo GPM 2 a 289.21 I a 289.2r 99 o 289.?r SUBMl VAIL 2099 VAIL, Locat From 1 99 t) V pi ; F=T, E x(L rn oo c;Nclrl o 60ul(Lo-o_ trtt(LtL(LrLc'ut(!'(!t :888 )r r r IEflSOcl3rQ t,9r-0J# q) .-' U o O't, ti [, 3ri&il dO(].{NOOf{ ooooo mFlc.t Nm ur ultL(L oor-l '{oou)(o V lrtcloo0tE-..00,L c oo Jc-rOqL OO E{rc U--.O{JClJ ,.r Oc{r,..,.{ 0 4LUn#ou o 0l,(rIF dc rtu E oo E(, a a uJ(, 5J 5 ozo 5 oo a aoooutc'uroOo)@Ofit\6@uroooU)oc{e{F?OOfrFFrr rc6)emssor6 CCo(I5l boo! b5oeso()0l-t> =.|.6g iOEooo6[ t.--.L --t.. -.t _.l'_:-iY_t -\Y=:{,.-l;.:ou)Q|/)OUIc]u,OU)('U)t+lv't)NNr+' Sprinkler A Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manulactured by: Cenlral Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 fi|Bf#,''l,,, n The Central Model A Upright or Pendent Sprinklers ofler the ultimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design features. They incorporate a unique cenler strul design which results in a smaller, more attractive sprinkler than those manufaclured wilh a more traditional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanism of the Model A sprinkler responds significantly faster lhan more traditional mechanisms such as the 8mm glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model A Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance wilh currenl NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in a wide variety of orilice sizes, lemperature ratings, f inishes, and corrosion resistant coatings. Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless st€el ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strut, releasing lhe lwo ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is nol exposed to atmospheric conditions that could afiecl its proper f unctioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no protruding elements, exlending beyond the sprinkler frame. Data Model: A Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size K Factor Thread 3le" 2.6 1/a" N.PT.7/rc" 4.2 1/2" N.P.T.tlz" 5.6 t/e" N.P.T.17/sz' 7.8 1/2" N.PT.17/sz" 8.1 3/q" N.P.T. Temp. Rating and Frame Arm Color: 135'F/57"C Uncolored 165"F/74C Uncolored 212"F/100"C White 286'F/141"C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., MEA, V.D.S., LPCB (See tabular information on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass, polished chrome, satin chrome (chrome is not V.D.S. Approved) and white enamel (white enamel is not Listed or Approved) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax over lead (See tabular information on page 3.) Pintf e: on deflector lor 3le" ,7/$" , and 17lsz" orifice by 1/2" lhread Length: 2 3/e" (excluding pintle) Width: 17/'ra" Weight: 4.2 oz. Technical For specilic lisling reqoirements see the appropriate in[ormation contained in this brochure.No. A1.O I t. '. 286'temp€rlture ls not U.L.C. Approved wllh corroslon-resistant coallng!." No corrorlon-reslstanl coatlnga ars Approved by MEA."'Loadonly."" Lllted !! hlgh t3mporrlure, wtr coated for Inltrlhllonwh€re marlmumamblenlc.lllngtsmperaturs dor! nol oxc.ed t 5{fF. TZlnstallation All Central Model A Sprinklers musl be installed according lo currenl NFPA 13 Standards. Devialions from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installalion must also meel local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at lhe sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperalure raling prior to installation. Install sprinklers afler the piping is in place lo avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected lrom freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion ol the installation, the sy$tem must be lested per racognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or lape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Slep 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent posilion lor pendent style sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon. tape. Apply only to lhe male threads. -Tellon is a lradsmark ol ths DuPonl Corp. 3 Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for pendent sprinklers use a Cenlral Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into lhe fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.Jbs. ol torque; a langential torce of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6'handle will deliver adequate lorque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort lhe orifice seal, resulting in leakage. For exposed piping systems, the sprinkler should be oriented so the frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. U.L., *U.L.c. and **MEA (N.y.c.) Cal. No. 325-7s-sA Llstings Orlflce Size and Style Temperature Rating ('F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng 3/e" upright and pendent %o' upright and pendentr/2" upright and pendentt7h2' (x |12" thd.) upright and pendent tTlsz' (x3/t" thd.) upright and pendenl ***13s 165 212 ****2g6***135 165 212 *t**2g6***135 16s 212 ***t2g6.l6s 212 ****296 165 212 ****296 lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead F.M, Oriflce Slze and Stvle Temperature Ratinq (.F)Corroslon-Reslctant Coatlnq 3/a" upright3/a" upright3/e' upright '/2' upright and pendent '/z' upright and pendent 1/a' upright and pendenttle' (x 1lz" thd.) upright and pendenttTle' (x 112" thd.) upright and pend€ntt'lv' (x'lz' thd.) upright and pendenttTle' (x3ll thd.) upright and pendentttlsz' lxsla* thd.) upright and pendenltTla' (x %" thd.) upright and pendent 135 165 212 212 212 212 212 212 2'12 212 212 212 2't2 2't2 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 135 165 135 165 135 165 lead wax over lead wax lead wax over lead wax lead wax ov€r l€ad walx lead wax over lead wEtx LPCB Llstings Orlflce Size and Style Temperature Ratlng ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coati n g r/2" (15 mm) uprighl and pendenl "ltz" (2O mm) x 3ft' thd. upright and pendent 135 165 212 286135 165 212 286 3/e' (10 mm) pendent '/z' ( 15 mm) upright and p€ndentnle' (2O mm) x 3/r" thd. upright and pendent 165135 165 212135 165 212 286 286 Sidewall Sprinkler-l{ Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manufaclured by: Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania Product Description The Conlral Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are designed with special dellectors that discharge most of th€ water away form ihe n€arby wall in a quarter-semispherical pattern with a limited porlion ot the discharge directed loward the wall behind th€ sprinkler. They embrace the ultimate in aesthelic appeal and advanced design features via incorporation of a unique center strut design, which results in a smaller. more attractive sprinkler than those manutactured with a more traditional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanism responds si gnif icantly faster than more traditional mechanisms, such as the glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended lor installation in accordance with current NFPA 13. They are ideally suiled for use in churches, clubs, schools, hospitals, off ices, restaurants, auditoriums, retail stores and similar occupancies. They are available in a wide variety of orif ice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes and corrosion resistanl coatings. Operation: A f usible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball i9 forcsd upward inio the c€nter strut releasing lhe two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric condilions that could alfect its proper Fo. specilic lisling requiaements, see the appropraate flrlormaIon contained in th,s brochllre functioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no f ragile glass elements nor any protruding elemenls extending beyond the sprinkler frame. Technical Data Model Number: H Slyle: Horizontal Sidewall Orifice size, K factor:%" 2.58l/rc" 4.24 Y2" 5.60 Thread Size: Temperature Color: %" N.P.T. Hating & Frame Arm 135"F ( 57'C) Uncolored or black 145"F ( 63"C) Uncolored or black 165'F ( 74"C) Uncolored or black 212"F (100"C) White 286'F (141'C) Blue NOTE: Color identification is not required for plated sprinklers. Approvals: u.1., u.L.c., B.s.&A. (N.Y.C.) F.M. (1/2" orilice only) Maximum working pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory hydro tesl: 1000/o at 500 p.s.i. Standard finishes: Brass. chrome Coatings: Wax, Lead, Wax Over Lead (see tabular information on page 3) Pintle: on deflector lor %" and 7ro" orilice. Lenghh: 23/4" widrh: Frame Arms: 17lro" Deflector: 1e/r" Weight: 3.1 oz. U.L. & U.L.C. Llstlngs and B.S.&A. (N.Y.C.) Cal. No.375-75-SA Temperalure Railng ('F)Orlflce Slze Corroglon Reslstant Coatlng 135 145 165 212 286 $6",7/ra",t/2" 'fa , tta , 12 3/8",?/$",th't 3h't,tl$",th'' Ta",t/r".th" Lead, Wax, W"" Ou"r. f-""0 Lead, Wax, Wax Over Lead Lead ,, Rl rechnical Deslgn Requlrements - Standard Appllcatlons The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and slandard flow and pressure requirements as specitied in current NFPA 13. The 7e" and 1/s" oilice sprinklers are U. L. Listed for installation in light hazard occupancies only. These sizes are not F. M. Approved. The 7y'' orifice sprinkler is U. L. Listed for installation in light or ordinary hazard occupancies only. lt is F. M. Approved for installation in light hazard occupancies only. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers should be installed with the deflector lrom 4" io 6" below ceilings and noi more than 6" away from ih6 wall or linlel surface through which they are mounted, "unless special construction arrangements make a different position advisable for prompt operation and etfective distribution" (see NFPA 13-1987, sections 3-16.2.1 and 4-5.5). There is no maximum ceiling height limitation for multiple sprinkler installations, when utilizing ihe Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. l2lnstallation and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe syslems must be protecled from lreezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model H-1 Dry Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a lhread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape and reinstall. Inslallalion Sequence Step 1: The unit must be installed in the horizontal position. Step 2: Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Telflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. Slep 3: Hand tighten the sprinkler inlo the fitting. Then use a Central Combination Wrench to tighten the unit into the litting. A leak-tight ioint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of iorque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate lorque. Torque levels over 21 ft.Jbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakag6. CAUTION: Do not'\flr€nch' or tum lhe defleclor, ar thls acllon may damage tre sprlnkler and cause ll lo leak under Prc88Ure. 'Tollon is a trademark ol lhe OuPont Coro. Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They should nol be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100" F/38o C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers should never be painted, coated, plated or allered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not functlon properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsibl€ for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 13A €ntitled "Care and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems" contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspeclion that must be obeyed. It is recommended that sprinkler systems be inspected regularly by a qualif ied inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. F. M. Approval and B.S.&A. (N.Y.C.) Cal. No.375-75-SA Temperature Rallng (" F)Orlffce Slze Corroelon Re3lstanl Coallng 135 145 165 212 286 1/r" '/2 Yr" '/2 Yr" Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead & te nance All C,entral sorinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13. Deviations from these requirements and slandards or any alteralion lo the sprinkler itself will void any warranly made by Central Sprinkler Corporation. In addition, installation must also meet local governmenl provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for lhe proper model, style, orifice size i//BLT' Black hghtwa[ Threadable Pipe The original "black" lightwall threadable pipe with exceptional hydraulics and economy Anrcrican lulrc & Pipe Cornpany look a popular idea and made it better. Unlike other lightwall rhreadable pipes, BIJT is black, making it a perfect rnahh with rnost othor eprinkler pipes. And the black coatirrg is safer to weld on than zinc coated pipes. BIJTte proven hydraulic advantage and lighter weight adds value to any 6yslem. BLT pipre is a black, exceptionally strong steel sprinkler pipe of the class genr:rally known ac "lightwall threadable pilel' Ira wall thickncss is less than that of Sch-,l0 or Sch-10 but the cold forming process undergone in manufacruring giver BLT pipe mechanical strength characteristics equivalent to those required for Sch-4O. It is deaigned for branchlfure use in wei, dry, preaction and deluge eyetems. BLT ean he joined with threaded couplirrgs (when in accordance with ANSI Bf .20.f), rolled goove or plain-ended couplings, or weftlerl joints. UL has assigned BLT pipe Corrosion Resistance Ratios, (CRR) less than those of tlrreaded Sch-40 or Dyna- Thread! (see chart). The actual lifespan of the joint is dcpendent upon many variables, but may be affected by water quality or atnrospheric conditions while in serviee. BLT piprc is manufactured to meet ASTM A135, Grade A for fire sprinkler applica- tions up to 300 psi working l)ressure. It is UL liste-d frn' wct, dry, preaction and deluge systenrs, and FM approved for wet sprinkler systemE. BLT is ULC listed for wet syetems when threarkxl, nnrl rlry and Jrreactiorr syaterns when unthrcarft'rl. AII threaded and welded fittings are approved in accordance with NFP f3. FM requires 12' maxirnurn hanger npar:ing for lJLl'. C-Far:tors for llLT are 120 for wet 8ystenls, and C-100 for dry Eystenrs. Refer to llazen-Willinnrs charts for accrrrate fl ow corrrparisonc. @ffi@ Approvsd BLT pipe offers t}e maxinrum hydraulic advantage of any available tlrreadable sprinkler pipe. Its inside diameter is up to 57o larger lllan Sch-.lO and identir:al t<r that of other lightwall threarlables. I'he use of BLT, in conjunction with Dyna- Flowo pipe, can dromatir:ally imgl'ovr: lhe flrrw r'haracle risl ir:s. thcrclry irrcrr.asing the potential for "downsizing" systenr componenls. BLT pipe is coatcd with our l)ianrond Coat'" Gnish, an advanced modified acryhc that oudasts tgrical lacqrren. Although the black exterior enhanoes a more unifirrnr look nith existing piln syste.ms, the clean eur{ace quality of BLT is readily paintable. The lighter weight of BLT is a distilct arlvantage for retro-fit installations and can also retlrrce labor costs. ALT is s rtgnt€r.d r.adeurl of ,rn..irn Tulr & F'p. (;('np.r}, hc. AI infomrtion h.Ein i. suht & lturn .t dn. of Frbli.ation .ml aF .ul)idr l.r cft.qr rithort n.ni... INSIDE DTAI,TETER ULTHREADED CRR*BLT NPS BLT scH. 40 BLT scH, 40 VT/FT PCS/ LIFT l"1.104 I.049 .35 1.00 1.00 l.19 9T I ll4u t.452 1.380 .17 t.00 1.00 1.53 6l I v2"t.687 L6lu .18 t.00 1.00 l 8?6l 2',2.154 2.0(t7 .21 1.00 1.00 2.8 3? * Calculaterl ueing Stardnrd UL (lllll forrnull, Ul, ['ire l'roter:tion Direrrory, Cotegory VIZY, 2525 N. 27th Ave. 101 E. Broadway Pho€nix. AZ 85009 Kokomo. lN 46901 Customer Service 1-800-877-8823 1-6f2-272-ffi6 FAX 602-269-1324 3.ffXt 16196 coar^}|Y. tt€o[Pot^rE0 The first Sch. 10 and Sch.40 sprinkler pipe to be fully UL Listed and FM approved. Sch. 10 and Sch.40 Fully UL listed and FM approved sprinkler pryt American Tube & PiPe is the ffrct manufacturer to offer UL lieted' FM approved Sch.l0 and Sch. z(} sprinkler pipe. Although these protlucu do not require separate apllnrvals, American Tire & l'ipe givee you the extra quality aasurance you demand. Our Sch.l0 (r%"-4') pipe and Sch. 40 (fr2") pipe have paesed the same thorough lab test- ing as our other'listed pipe products, and receive periodic mill inspections from both UL and FM agent! to ensure consietent qualitY . Amcrican Tube & PiPe'e Sch. l0 and Sch. 'lo pipe are in comPliance with the following: ASTNIAT35 ASIMA795 M'PA T3 Iloth pipe products also mcet the strin- gent requirements for the following testr: cr Welded 0utlets o Hydroetatic Preseure o SideVall Rupture o Vibration Teel ffi Apptor.3d Our exclusive "Diamond Coat" U.V. cured acrylir: finieh offers a clean, durable surface that outlasts typical lac<1uers. lt ia also paint-ready for cus- torn color applications without epecial preparation. American Tube & Pipe Producb can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirements for drY sYateme in accordance with the zinc coating slncifications of AS'[M A795 or A53. @ Ll3lEd Meets "Buy American" requirements and is available through distributors nationwide, I.D.INCH MM. NOM.\TALLINCII MM. t%' t%" 2' 2%" 3n 4" *6u +8" 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 42.2 ,18.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 114.3 168.3 219.1 t.442 1.682 2.t57 2.635 3.260 4.260 l).J), 8.249 36.6 42.7 54.8 66.9 82.8 108.2 161.5 209.5 .109 .109 .109 .120 . t20 .I20 .I34 .188 2.77 o'11 2.77 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.40 4.80 l.8l 2.08 2.6 3.53 4.33 5.61 9.29 t6.94 .82 .95 1.20 l.6l t.97 2.55 4.22 7.69 6t 6l 37 l9 l9 l9 l0 ,, ln IK' lYru 1.315 1.660 1.900 33.4 42.2 48.3 1.049 1.380 1.610 26.6 35. t 40.9 .133 .140 .145 3.38 3.56 3.68 1.68 .l ,1 2.72 .76 1.03 r.24 6t 37 37 2525 N. 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009 101 E. Broadway Kokomo, lN 46901 Customer Service 1-800-877-8823 1-ffi2-272..6ffi FAX 602-269-1324 AMCiln;E&PIPC'ctfr lrY. t{cotx)l^llD 6.95 5.000 t Application The Ames 2000ss provides positive driplight closure against the reverse ftow ot non potable liquids caused by a cross connection. The 2000ss can he used in fire protec- tion systenrs, irrigation systems and olher systen6 requiring low and i nte rm di ate ha za rd prot e c t i o n. t Operation ln nornal tllw conditlons, the inde- pendently operatlng check valves rerain closecl until there ls a da. nand tor water. Each of the check valves in series is designed to open at approxinately (l) PSI pressure difterential in the direction of flow. At cessation ol flow or under a back pressure condition, both chock valves will close until tha resuw- tion of nornnl tlow. NIE,S FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS t lnstallation The 2000ss should be installed with adequate clearance and easy ac- cessibility tor ilnlnlenance and testing. The 2000ss nay be in- stalled vertically or horizontally. Refer to local codes for specitic i n st a I I at i on re q ui re mo nt s. t Features . Lowest docurnented head loss. .. Non-corrosive 300 series stain- la ss stee I const ruc ti on. . 50% lighter in weight, reduces instaltation and handling costs. . 0nly asse mbly ASSE | 0l 5 ve rti - cally approved. . 40% shorter end to enddimn- slons lor compact, lnexpenslve in- stallation. . Excellent for retrolit appllcations. , Single two-bolt grooved style cover for quick and easy access. i J . Simple servica procedures, re- quires no special tools. . Patented" carn-check assenbly lor long term raliability, low head toss, ease of serviceability. 'Palenl t 5,046,525 t NationalApprovals** Approved by all national approval agenctas. l ; Qope tr 5 E2 $o le E: 10 0c0 100 0l 0 tAnaa2000ss-& Dhnnsbns nOv Chilactaftlla9 ltncluding shut'olt vatves) tuuBabrcPM) I l'nocun'fl/ld Flov Chanct?/]l$llcs @ctuding shut-1ft ualws) 600 GPtl F ow nale(GPIil) | o"Docunmted flow Charrclubllcs (lncluding shut'oft valves) :ii"tS:::::-/i . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . : . . :i- .i .'. :::;6"-/i...................:...................:..........--.......:.............1 .... f'.. " : 'nit:r-''::'''..\."":"""":" "i -24 : : : : ,-/- : i .'..,. '......... | ' t Spnltlcallons The double check shall conslst ol two lndewndently opentad sprlng ludad camcheck valws, nqulnd test cocks, end optional lnlet and outlet rasilient wedqe shut ott valves. Each cam+heck shall be lnternally loaded and provlda a posltlve drlp tlght closun agalnst the rcwrse tlow ot llguld caused by back slphonage or back prsssure. fha nndular canrcheck includes a stalnloss steel spdng and canrarm rubber taced dlsc and a replaceable seat. The body shall be nanufac- tund trom 300 series stalnloss steel, lil)lo lead free through tha watoM'ay, with a slngle two-bon access coven lh speclal tools shail be nqulred tor serulclng. Double check shall be Anrj 20u)ss. t PhyslcalCharcterbths Sizes - 2 l2', 3', 4', 6' tuted worklng pnssun - 175 psl lildrostatic Pressure - 350 psi Tewentun nnge -3?F - lltF Flange ,dimnsion in accordance withAWWAClassD All intemal nntal pafts 300 series stainlass steel Construction 300 series stalnless steel Assenbly shall be ASSE l0l5 approvad tor ve rtical lnstal latlons, AWWAC,l0-89 "Contact lhe factory tor specilic approvals M82-51! U94 AilIES 750 1000 nov nale (0P1il) 1250 1500 GPll A 8* 6uourModelzunilSEt 916.666.2493 1485 Tanioran Avenue P.o. Box1387 woodland, cA 95776 Fax 916.666.3914 fLUtD CONIRO| SYSIIMS -) GheckValve-gO Horizontal or Vertical Grooved End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) E^T ,-.(iroove The Model 90 Check Valves are Model: 90 ' , .. :*:::t-',","""::nf,*!il*"f1,:.'"- srvre: swinscheck(groovexsroov"l , End Swingswing-type units that allow water f low c\:,^. lliu,ts,*m*:*:l:"- ; ii,;"# r1,.,'rli,iur.* = ^ i,Gheckq,v Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 45.1 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsvlvania 19446 manulactured with a cast iron body (Cal. No. 284-75-SA) and starnless steel clapper assembly. Max. Working pressure: 250 psi A resilient elastomer seal facino on the spring-loaded clapper "nrri"" " Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi leak-tight seal and non-sticking Standard Finish: Blue Enamel operation. The units are desiqned to minimize water hammer ""r.6d bu Groove specifications: standard cut f low reversal. ' grooves per AWWA C-606 The Vafves are manufactured with Take-out Dimension: 21/2" - 8" l.o. grooved ends and are easily installed 3" - 8" t.o. using Listed mechanical grooved 4" - I't.o. couplings. They may be installed in 6" - 10%" t.o. either a horizonlal flow or uoward vertical flow position. Shlpping Weighl: 21/2" - B lbs' 3" - 9lbs Applications: Model 90 Check 4" - 16lbs' valves are general purpose valves 6" - 34 lbs' intended for use in private fire protec- tion systems as follows: 1 . In connections Jrom public water supplies lo automatic sprinkler or standpipe systems. 2. In connectrons from fire depart- menl pumper connections to aulomatic sprinkler or standpipe syslems. 3. In fire pump discharge or bypass piping. 4. In conneclions from gravity, suction, or Dressure tanks to automatic sprinkler systems. No. I 4.2.O Parts List - Model 90 Check Valve Descrlptlon Material No, Req'd. Part Numbers 2t lz"3'4"6' Valve Body Cast lron 1 8025-16-OO 803-07-000 804-28-000 806-21-000 Clapper Stainless Steel 1 8025-18-00 803-09-000 804-29-000 806-16-000 Seal Facing Buna N 1 8025-03-00 803-03-000 804-18-000 806-17-000 Seat Ring Stainless Steel 1 8025-08-00 803-05-000 804-21-000 806-18-000 Hinge Pin Stainless Steel 1 804-32-000 804-32-000 804-32-000 806-031-00 Bracket Stainless Steel t 804-33-000 804-33-000 804-33-000 806-25-000 Plug ('/z" NPT)Cast hon 1 8010-12-00 8010-12-00 8010-12-00 8010-12-00 Spring Stainless Steel 1 8025-021-0 80+23-000 804-23-000 806-032-00 Relaining Ring Stainless Steel t 806-26-000 80&26-000 806-26-000 300-22-000 r/1' Hex Bolt Steel 2 600-80-000 60G80-000 600-80-000 600-80-000 Faslener Seal Nitrile & St6el 2 198-016-02 19&016-02 198-016-02 198-016-02 Retaining Ring Stainless Steel 1 8025-04-00 80$04-000 804-04-000 816-06-000 Relention Bolt Stainless Steel 1 8025-0s-00 8025-05-00 804-20-000 806-05-000 Seal Ring Neoprene I 8025-06-00 8025-06-OO 804-24-000 804-06-000 Flexloc Nut Stainless Steel 1 8027-07-00 8025-07-00 804-07-000 804-07-000 "r*... clapper to allow for thermal expansion of the antifreeze solutiorr. Check Valves are required in centrifugal fire pump systems in accordance with NFPA 20 Standards as follows: 1. In the fire pump bypass piping. 2. In the pressure maintenance 0ockey or make-up) pump discharge piping. 3. In the fire pump discharge piping. Check Valves are required in private water tank supply systems in accordance with NFPA 22 Standards as follows: 1. In the discharge pipe from a gravity, suclion or pressure tank. 2. In the fill line to a gravity, suclion or pressure tank, if lh€ discharge pipe is utilized for filling the tank. Check Valves are required in privale fire service mains in accordance with NFPA 24 Standards as follows: 1. In each {ire department connection. 2. In each water supply source connectio0, when there is more than one source. Check Valves are required in standpipe and hose systems in accordance with NFPA 14 Standards as follows: 1, In each fire deoarlmenl connection. 2. In each water supply conneclion. f}"stallation The Model 90 Check Valve is Listed for installation in either the horizontal or verlical position. When installed in a horizontal position, the two %" hex bolts must be on the top side of the valve. For verlical installation, the valve must be installed so that its outlet is above its inlet (i.e., flow direction upward). The arrow, cast onto the body ol the valve, must point in the direction of the flow. The Check Valve is designed to be installed using approved mechanical grooved couplings. Gare & MaintenanGr The Check Valve requires no regular mainlenance, however, it ' should periodically be removed and inspected by a qualilied insDection service. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and acces- sories. The NFPA Slandard 25 entitled, " lnspection, Testing and Maintenance ol Water-Based Fire P rotecti o n Systems" contai ns guidelines and minimum mainte- nance reeuirements. Fufther- more, the Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing and inspec- tion thal must be obeyed. Design Data Model 90 Check Valves must be installed in a horizontal or vertical position in accordance with the Listing. Check Valves are required in automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13 Standards as follows: 1. In each fire department connection as near as practicable to the point where lhe FDC joins the sprinkler system. 2. When a sprinkler syslem has more lhan one water supply, a Check Valve must be installed in each supply connection to prevent flow lo one connection from exiting via the other connection. A Check Valve must be installed in each water supply connection, if lhere is a FDC on the system. An Alarm Check Valve is considered to be a Check Valve. 3. In the "antifreeze loop" of an anlifreeze system, il the sprinklers in the antilreeze portion of lhe system are at a higher elevalion lhan the waler-anlifreeze solution interface. The Check Valve must have a Ysz" hole drilled lhrough the I I I t p F March, 1989 Made in U.S.A. FARR.LARM AUDIBLE / VISIBLE Johnson Fire & Specialties, Inc.SIGNAL SERTES 330() EXTERIOR or INTERIOR FEATURES WEATHERPBOOF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETELY DISTINCTIVE FROM ANY OTHER ALARM SIGNAL FAST, EASY MOUNTING. ON ANY TYPE OF WALL ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANY ADDTTIONAL SIGNS ON BUILDING EXTERIOR APPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARD-OF.HEARING OCCUPANCIES AVAILABLE IN 115VAC, 24VDC OR 12VDC WITH OR WITHOUT FLASHER/STROBE MAINTENANCE-FREE OPERATION - FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS Say Goodbye to - Water stalned walls Ugly signs to spolt esthetics No More - Old-fashloned bells Plpes that clog and freeze The FARR-LARM is the most attractive and practical signal made. It is compact in size, (8"x 8") and won't compromise the esthetics of the exterior wall like an electric bell with a bird cage, or a water-motor gong. Suggested mounting is directly above the fire department connection. During daylight hourb, the horn will direct the Fire Department to the connection as well as alert the occupants and passers-by that a fire condition exists. At night, the flasher/strobe can be seen from a distance to guide the Fire Department to the connection. Police patrolling an industrial complex or a neighborhood with their windows up may not hear the horn, but they will "see the light". Since 1975, every FARR-LARM is assembled by hand, inspected and tested at the factory. APPLICATION COMMERCIAL oT RESIDENTIAL l h.ir qrp.n6t -. Ut ll.r- md FM lcfrd.d General Signal Specifications NOTES: i. fypiJ Ogl "t f O faet b msa$red in ened|olc chamber wih nominal input Yolte0p. 2. All models are prDvided wllh in-out lcrew torminals' 3' DC hom modob inctjdo FFI srnpressfn o mlni;t"ina,r""d noi". - t alarm lino!. a. DC h-orn! and sttobe hoffi ha€ en lr}ruCl current ol apptorknaltly 3 dmo! ret€d drront dudnO inidal turn-o.t. r. iuooa t rn n oao! shown In taHe ta taconrmondod lor ulo on cootinuous abtm !ystem!- O'- App{ovslt: . IJL- thdsr- wdtsr! L$orebrio., utc - uno"tmr"t. t-alonrortor ot canada, CFM - State ol Cdibfi{e Fno Marchall, FM - F*1ory Muhial, csA-= canedlan standetd3 Assodedon, BSA . N€|v Vorr CiV eoai-ot sh;tdi and lppe"li srp - cru ot chicaeo 7. All lbdngs and app(oln|! abovs ero for l'Jheelock, Inc" which manufaoturB the si9nelr usod In the FARR-LARM Ordering Information MODEL 3:t{lo-11s SERTES 3300 Audiblef/isible wilh incandescent light source. Flash rate @ 60 Per minule. SERTES 33{l0NL MODEL MODEL MODEL 3ll00NL-115 AudibleonlY 3:l00NL-24 3:t{toNL-12 SEBE9 'fi t gtott L sEBtES 33006 SER|ES 3:100s MODEL 3it00s-r1s MODEL gt00s-24 MODEL 3im0s-12 Audible/Visible with 8,000 c.p. strobe. Flash rate @ 55 Per minule llodel Number Input voltage Rated curent dBA@ 10 Feet Approvals 3300-115 3300N1-115 3it00NL-24 3300N1-r2 11sVAC 11sVAC 18-31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.160 0.160 0.063 0.125 95 95 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, FM, CSA, BSA, BFP 3300s-115 11sVAc 0.160 95 UL, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP 3300s-24 3300s-12 18-31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.063 0.125 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP JOHNSON FIRE & SPECIALTIES,lNC. 1297516th AvE NORTH PLYM9UTH' MN s5441 @norrEn VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Potter Electrlc Slgnal Company 2081 Craig Boad . P.O. Box 28480 St.Louis, MO 63146-4161 (314) 878{321 o (800) 325-3936 Potter Electrlc Slgnal & Mlg. LTD 1967 Leslie Street Don Mills, Onlario, Canada M3B2M3 (416) 441-1833 UL, ULC and CSFM Llstod, FM and LPC Approvcd, NYMEA Acc.pt d Sorvlce Prcssuro: UD to 450 PSI Minlmum Flow Rala for Alarm: 10 cPM Maxlmum Surgo: 18 FPS Conlrct Ratlngs: Two sats ot SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 0-30VDC Resistive Condult Entrancas: Two knockouts orovided lor 1/2" condult Envlronmenlal Specillcatlons:. Suilablo lor indoor or ouldoor use wilh lactory ln3talled gasket and die-cast houslng.. NEMA 4 Fated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. Temperalurs Range: 4C"F/120"F, 4.5"C/49"C. Non{orrosive sle€va lactory inslalled In saddle Caullon: Thls device is not intended tor applicalions in explosive environments Slzes Avallable: Pipe schedules l0lhru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 DiDe 50mm lhru 200mm u.s. PAT. NO.3921989 CANADIAN PAT, NO. 1009680 OTHERS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd.. 1990 Servlce Use: Aulomatic Sprinkler Ons or two family dwelling Resldential occupancy up to four sto es National Fke Alarm Cod6 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stk. No. 0090018 NFPA-13 NFPA-'3D NFPA-13R NFPA.72 GENERAL INFORMATION Tho Model VSR-F is a vane typ€ waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. lt ls UL Listed and FM approved lor use on 6t6el plpe; schedules 10 through 40, slzes 2" thru 8". LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a sectional waterflow delector on largs systems. The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switchas and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a llow ol 10 gallons per minute or more occurs downstream of the device. The llow condilion must exist for a oeriod of time necessary to overcome lhe selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit is onclosed in a general purpose, die-cast housing. The covor ls held in place with lwo tamper resistant screws which require a special key lor removal. A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an oplion which may be used to indicate unaulhorized removal of the cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 lor rn- stallation inslruclions of this switch. INSTALLATION: See Fig.z These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipo th6y should be Installed on th6 lop sid€ ol tho plpe where lhey will be accessible, The units should nol b€ inslalled within 6" of a litting which changes the direction of the waterflow or wilhin 24" of a valve or drain. Orain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw In a slow speed drill. The 2'and 2 1/2" devices require a hole wilh a diam- et€r of 1 114" + 118" - 1i16'. All other sizss reouire a hole with a diameter ol 2" * 118". Clean the inside pipe ol all growth or other material for a distance equal to the pipe diameter on eilher side of the hole. Boll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend or cr€ase it. Insert the vane so that ths arrow on th€ saddle points in the directaon of the walerflow. Install the saddle strap and tightgn nuts altemalely to an eventual 50 ft-lbs. ot lorque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. MKT. 18800001 - BEV K MFG. {5400761 - 3/95 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 @norrEn VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. 1 swllcfl lEnl|xAL coNNEcnoNs CLAIIPI{G PLATE TEFTII'IALB' dt6'n"orc. t92FJ FIG.2 REIARO AOJUSIIIENT: TO CHANGE T}TE TURN KNOg (ETTHER DIRECTON) FOR DESIREO TIME DEllY. US€ THE I'INIIIUM AMOUNT OF REIARD NECESSARY IO PREVENT FALSE A|-ARMS. A 'tr SmrNC tS USu tlY ADEQUAIE FOR TH|s. FrcTOR' IS SEI IO .d. TO INSTALL. ]i LL A HOLE AS INDICATEO: HOLE SIZE tro21//t t/{ + t/6-1/1f i ro 1c"t + t/€ DIREC'TION DwG. f76 | -J0 OO NOT TEA\€ CIOVER OFF FOR EXTETI'€D PERIOO Of NTE TIGHTB.I NUTS AIIERNAIELY TO ^t{E\€NIUAL 5OFI.-LBS OF TOROUE cAunoN AN UNINSULATED SECTION OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AHOUNO THE TERMINAL AND SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS. THE WIRE MUST BE SEVERED TO SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNEC. TIONS, THEREBY PROVIDING SUPERVISIONOFTHECONNEC- TIONS IN THE EVENT THAT THE WIRE BECOMES DISLODGEO FROM UNOER THE TERMINAL. MOUNT ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SADOLE POINTS IN DIRECNON OF fYAIERFLOW ROLL PADtTf IN OPPOSIIE DIRECIION OT WAERFLOW APPROX. RETARO SEINNCS (|N SECS.) o o ro-25 B 20-ao c !3-56 o 50-70 gt-90 FIG.3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LOAAL BEI.I TR^NSfORUER OR EATIERT POWERED srYl-E I (cuss ?L.T;ffy"". R€srsroR cxr. EOL RE9STOR TO ADD'L DEVCES OR R€IURN IO CY)NIROL IIOIE: FoR SUPtIVISEO ClRCltlS sEE 'sanrcH rERTTN L cot{l€cfro||' oRAm.ro AllD camori oIE (m. r). tYPrcrl sa|TcH rclloN oper ox '..L/ cr-ose oxALRM J . ^rJRu i'."*I^I-7 cr-ose oN ,^. J 1*u------\-/- SIGT{ALING OEV|CE O'YG. 176l -15 NOTES: 1. The Model VSR-F has two switches, one can be used lo op€rate a cenlral station, propf ietary or remot€ signaling unit, while lhe other contact is uged to op€rate a local audlble or visual annunclator, 2. A condition of LPC Approval of this product is that lhe electrical €ntry must b€ sealed lo sxcludo moislure. TESIlNG The frequency of inspection and t€sting lor th6 model VSR-F and its associat€d protectivo monitorhg system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards andor the authority having lurisdic-tion (manutaclurEr recommends quarterly or mor€ lr€qumtly). ll provi(#d, th€ 'lnspectors Test" \ahrc, that is usually located at th€ €nd of lhe mosl r€mote brandt line, should ahrays be used for l€st pu1po6es. lf there are no provisbns tor testing th€ op€ration ol the flow detec{ion device on th€ systsn, applitxtirn of the VSH-F is nol recornmstded or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm is required to ac{ival€ this d€vice. MPOFrANT M)TICE: Please advis€ the p€rson responsibl€ for t€sthg of fha Fire Prolection System that thb syst€m must be lested in accordance with the 'Testing- Instruc'tions. MKT. #88(x)001 - REV K MFG. [5400761 - 3/95 SUPfR |sED LOOP (SEE r{OrE) PAGE 2 OF 2 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS UL LISTED/FM APPROVED PRODUCTS SUBMITTAL Submittal is made lor approval of the following VictauliC piping products indicate, within the UL Listed/FM Approved ratings in this publication. COUPLINGS AND FITTINGS FOB GROOVED STEEL PIPE -ctar,rlic An @ gool csrtiliod company o[#J*!v8''"'g s "Fi['iH:-* C "[iiJtH o GROOVED END VALVES "!'f*5,fis "iilltri*-'S "PniliT',? 'Efi,"st.ffi "EfJ,fit' s 9l;,4r,*:*'"'"G "l,r,iflr O O Flexlble Coupllng Style 77 O Boltle!3 Coupllng Vlc-Bollless' Style 791 tr Butlertly Valve Series 708-W PRODUCTS FOR HOLE CUT PIPE O Ball Valve (Threaded) Series 722 PRODUCTS FOR UNDERGROUND AWWA DUCTILE PIPE "R'#l"*8:ils t "itltJ tfu'ii,i"3ff64 PFODUCTS FOR PLAIN END STEEL PIPE FIT'PRODUCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETEB PLAIN END S EEL PIPE Schedule 10 & 40 SYSTEM SUBMITTAL THE COPPEH CONNECTION. ,. PHODUCTS FOR COPPER TUBING This product shall be manulactured by Victaulic Company ot America. All prodrrcts to be inslalled in accordance with current Viclaulic installation/assemuy instructions. Victaulic roserves the righl to change product specificalions, designs and standard equipment without notice and wilhout incurring obligation. VICTAULIC COMPANY OF AMERICA. P.O. Box 31 . Easton, PA 18044-0031 MB-801 0095 15MC11/93 @ Copyright 1993, Vlctaulic Company ot America PrintedinU.S.A. . 610/559-3300. FAX: 610/250-8817 @ Reoistered lrademark ol Vlclaulic Comoanv ol Amerlca ACCESSORTES O Flre Pump Tesl Metet Slylo 735 'ii,li}*1.$17 6gT O Plaln End Coupling FouBl-A-8out" Styl€ 99 U Plah End Coupllng Plalnlock' Style 90 o Plaln End Flttlngs Submittal is mado for Epp.ovgl ol lh€ indic€led Victaulic pipirE products lor lhe followlno sorvicos wllhin lhe UL List€d/FM Aiproved retingr ind sy!- lems In lhls publicalion. Sub. Syllom _ Aulomatic Sprinkler - Wel _ Automatic Sprinklor - Dry _ Standplpe - Wet _ Standplpe- Dry _ Underground Walef Supply _ SpeclalHazards Low Pressure CO. _ Halon 130'l PRESSFITO PFODUCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETER PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 5 O Trrn!ltlon Coupllng AWWA Ductile to Ste€l Styl€ 307 Q Presstlto Products All Slvles li?rtd***"e J3 JOB/OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER System No. Localion Submitted by Date Spec. Sect. _ Pa'a. Date I5I or 1 5 lSingle Inlet Connec- tion consists of 3 0 ground Plato or I 5lsquare plate, branded: "Stand- pipe" or "Auto-SPkr." 27O double iemale or 215 male and female connoction. Rigid hexagon end of eith€r connociion is Ih" 'or 3" NPT. swivel end is any female 2% " or 3" hose thr66d.l45 Pin lug plugs with chain. Finish: Polished or ch.omo' 215 Swiwl AdaPter male PiPe thead NPT rigid with hexagon. AnY female hos€ thread pin lug or sensi' ble luq $/t ivel. Sizes:-l%" xllh",2" x2",2h" x 1 th", 21h" x2", 21h" x21h", 3" x211",3" x 3". Finish: Satin, poliehed or chrome. 27O Double Fernole, rigid hexa- oon to srivel connectaon. Rigid 6nd thread is alraraYs NPT. Your 2rA" or 3" hose thread on silrivel end.gizes:,2Vz" x2ll",3" x2Vz".3" x 3". Finish: Satin, polished, or chroms. 227 Single ClaPPor Inlot Connoc' tion2ly'-'ot3" siie. Female sarivel with hose throad, (sp€cafy threadl. Male NPT thr€ad. Finish: Cast brass. L52 ot r.62 GomPlote Unit Single Outlet Gonnection con- iisti ot309 round Plate o1161 souare olate, (not illustratedl br'anded:' "Wall HYdrant," I7I 2Vz" lemale and male connection. female NPT x male hose thread (specify) NPTI 4 O cap with chain' Finish: Polished or chrome. 1 7 I Femafeto Male2Vz" Connec' tion. Female NPT x Your hose lhread. Finish: Polished or chrome. 148 Straight Ball DriP Valve %" and 3/r " sizes. 1 81 Angle Ball DriPValve%" and 3/" sizes. SINGLE CONNECTIONS 152 47 t 171 161 151 Gusrdian Fite Equipm€nt, Inc.Spocity Si.e snd Thtead Wh€n Ord€ring. DEPARTI'IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NO?E: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RDLocation...: vail cornmons #C1 Parcel No.. : 2103-114-15-013 APPLICANT I4IARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR WARNER DEVELoPMENTST INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620OWNER ?OhrN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD l,i, VAIL CO 81657 Description:multi family building 8 UNITS TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TII,IES Permit #: 896-0036 WEST Status...: ISSUED App1ied. .'r 03/28/t996 Issued. ..; 05/0t/L996Expires..: I0/28/L996 Phone : 3 0 3 9 4 9 4 3 6 0 Phone: 3039494350 Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet Valuation Apartnent Houses zone 1 V-1HR & V-N 63.90 9,016 576t122,40Private Garages Zone 1V-N Masonry 23.00 4t426 101r?98.00Subtotal: !3,442 677 1920,40Table Date: 06/20/1995 Total Valuation: 677,920.40 tisERvALuATtoN: 6n,920 Firephcc lnforoation: Restricted: Y #of Gas Apptiances: 8 fof Gas Logs: tof ltood/Pattet: ****ffi**ftffii**ttt**i*i***t*ffiffi*f*f**ffi**t tEE SUltl.lARY *ri#r*t**tri*ffi#*Hffit*t**tlt**H***t#*r*r*rt 8ui tding-----> 3,052.00 RlstLafant Plan Reviev--) .OO Tot.t calcutlt.d Fces-> '10,596.60 Ptan Ch?ck---> 1,9E3.80 DR3 FcF--------lnvcstigatioD .00 Rccrcltion F.c-------> 4,5OE.OO Total, PcrDit Fc:._--> 10,696.E0 tli Lt Catl----> 3.00 Ctean-Up Ocposit-----> 75O.OO Payments------1, 10;696.80 r****ffi **r*f,**r*r*rrrffi ffi -lktr-ll---*- I9g*i ,91190_9!,_TI,DING DEPARTI,IENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:94/03/L996 CHARTIE Action: AppR charlie davisI!E,I!i..g54qo PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 91/.94/.1996 CHARTIE Action: NOTE ANDY PLANNER.94/.237.t996 CHARITE Action: NOtE AND! REVTBED RECEMDqsl0171996 ANDY ectlon: AFFn [ndv iinudEsenItbm:'05600^EIBE_DEPART!'-IENT - ' Dept: FIRE Division:94/.Q4/.I996 CHARLIE AC.ion. NoTE MIKE FIRE -- 94730'/1996-JEFF A Action: AppR fire dep€ approvalI!eriri"955q0_puBErc WORKS ' Debt: Fos woRK Division:94/.04/.1996 CHARLIE Acrion: NOTE LARRY pW 9t'/29'/1996_TERRI M Acrion: AppR see conditionsIt'ern:' 0s700^E!{!TIBqMENTAL HE4_LI! .-_-, - ---DeFE: HEALTH Division:94/04/tee6 CHARLTE Abiionl-[FFii H/arten:'0555O_EN9INEERING. ' Depr: ENGINEER Division:06/20/t996 CHARLIi Atiion: AppR TM r****tit***r***l****H*f|rr#H* *** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS L !:t.!l-.:li?:t999: tlgt I hrvc rcad.this rppl.icrtion, til.ted out in futt thc infornation rcquired, corptctcd sn sccurltc ptotPtin, lnd statc that al'( thc infor!€tion pfovidcd as rcquircd is corrcct. t agree to conpty riith tirc iniormtion and pl,ot il,an,to -cotDPly vith atl' Tovn ordinancrs_snd st.ic tavs. rnd io bui!d this structurc rccording iithe toyn,s zoning and subdivisioncod.s, dlsign rcviev approved, uniforr 8uiLding coCr and other ordin.nc€s of thc foyn aipticabtc thercto. TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 8165? s7 o-4'19-2L38 OWNER DEPARII,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOBE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM PETNiI #: ALL TIMES gs;i-oosr Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD Location...: VAII COMMONS *C2 Parcel No.. : 2103-114-15-013 APPLICANT WARNER DEVELOPMENTS' INC P o Box 958, AVON CO 81620 coNTRAcToR WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, rNc P o Box 958, AVON CO 81620 TOWN OF VAII 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL co 81557 WEST Status.. .:r fSSUED APnlied. .t 03/28/1996 riiued...t 05/ot/!9e6 Expires - .. 't0/28/1996 Phonl: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494350 DescriPtion: MULTI FAUTIY BUILDING occupancy lype actor sq' Feet -valuation Apartment Houses z6ie 1 v-1HR & V-N 63'90 9'016 576'122'40 Private Garages zone 1v-N--uasonry 23'OO 4'426 101'798'00 subtoiir : 13,442 677 '920 '40 TableDate|06/20/IggsTota].Valuation:677,920.40 usERVALUATION: 671,920 Fir.ptEce lnfornation: Rlstricted: Y fqf e". iipti.n..it"i-- flof G8s Logs: fot uood/Patlct: *r.r rrHr'#rr* tEE SUltttARY Bui Ldinq-) 3,o5z.m Rcstu.rant ptan RevicF> .oo Tot![ cstcutated Fecs-> 10'596'80 ptan chick-) 1,945.80 DRB FeF------- -----> @'00 laaitionat Fees--) '00 Investigat,iorD -:m Recreation Fee-------> 1,loE.ry ioiai p".tit Fec--) 10'696'80 ,,,irr crrr--> ,.# ii;lrll,i:r::=:i ,;;BS:S n6ii:,C::=;i; to,or6,f; *************;''*******;;*i;;*** *****i***t*t*W Item: -05100 BUMING-DEPARTMENT DeP-E-i-BqILDING Division: siz)iuiiii1"tfiifttlB' -iE!i8II igie $relt g BR$IE'ED c' D' qiirt'iiiiiti\'*qi;+:,,i;l#lfiilryi1ii;rTlruiurul$''*ffi ":,647i0/ltiA-.ibFF-a----{e!iont APPR fire dePt gPB[?"F*" "o** Division:i€6mi'05300 FUBlrc t,lqRK$ De 6i"t ii tlg g i;- rbnflI U - A-.jlsn-t -lPtB sEE coNDrrroNc rt'en:'.os70o ENVIEqNMENT4'i, xeelrH - oeiiE: HEALTH Division: 667di /199ft-ctteRr,re -A-c-!ion: APPR ,\^-r.. ra*rnrxrrnp nirriIt'em:'.O5sso ENGINEERING. DePt: ENGINEER Division: 667di/1t96 cHARr,rE Action: APPR see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit' DECLAMTIONS t hcreby rcknoutcdgc that t hrve read this rpplication, fitted out in futt the in{orrration requircd, cooPtetcd,an lccurrtc Plot ptan, and strte that "rt ti"'inio"*iron provided a".!quiiJ-ii correst. .t a9re.,to-cotpty iittr tite i nforarat i on and Ptot pttn' to conpty vith att ro* o.iin.i.i.-.na itit. [aus, and io uuito this structurc according io tnc ro*'" zoning and subdivision codes, design ..ui.* "pp"oJJ]"uiit"i. aritoing cioo "no other ordinanccs of thc ToYn appticabte thcreto' REou.srs roR INspEcTroNs .HALL gE rADE TlrEnry-FouR HouRs $r ADVANCE By TELEPHoNE AT 47F2138 oR AT ouR oFltcE tRoll 8:00 M 5:00 Pi *+(:nrE.e t^r lU1 lt, SIJIIUITTAL SERIAL'NO: 2350[Y4 valI. couuoNs vIl.LAcE 2099 NORTI FRONTICE ROAD WIiST VAIL. (;OI.OBADO 7-18-1996 9:4OAM FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE cp.c]IJP 3@34ffi127 ,t^' : P. I tra z( Nt/ | Llol Dt ,./v/' t./r l.'/ zLl1'l B' /Fs' dt', 0t-1 )lt'tl ( L4 l I FII:.ti NO. AFC./MIiSA i 4894 VAN GORDON SUITE WNT:AT RIDGI!, COLORADO I I Fr.ow Wal;er Supply STATIC RES I DUAI. crTY PRISSqRE I SUMMABY ACru4L rt.otl ---.4 'TEST RESUI..TS I ?2.00 PSrq2.00 PSi e 132o. oo GPM i TAVAII-AI}I,E AT 539,2 GPIT OF SPRINIII.ER OUTFLOWS I t0r trJ2 103 104 r05 I t)(r 107 t0B r09Il0ll tllz Lt3 1r5lr6 1r.46 10. 56 l0. l,l 9. 91 9. 13 8.75ll.0l 13.02 i. so 11.70 17. 13ls, t9 1i.60 r3, 79 r3.25 r8.96 t4.20 r?.q3 17.63 t6 ..12 16.17 rB. EBzo. ?0 17. q0 le. {523. LB 2t.q2 z1 .39 20.7,9 20.38 I I tf,. o0 ,,60 16 - Or) 5, fio 16. 00 5. fr0 '16.00 ,5.60 I fi. 00 5. fiO 16. oo 5.6017.60 5.6017.60 5, 60r7.6$ 5.60 t7 - 6.1 5. 60 16. 00 5. 60t6,00 5.60 16. 00 5. 601(r,00 5.60: 16. oO 5. 60 ryH:,W I 1.OTAL WATER RSQUIRED FOR SYSIcM O(ITSID': HOSE STREAUS AT O TOT.II. WATER REQUXREMTNT PRTSSURE RTQ(JINED AT O MAXIMUttI PRESSURE UNIIAI-ANCE IN I.OOPS MAXIUUII VEI.OCITY FROII 1 TO Z 289.,2t 250i00 53e;2r 60lrB I oloo 19. 38 GPI' GPM cPtl PSI PSI FPS 3rJ[It'lfTT^L Aevt? ltF-*rWrfloP tOftf|EP,, 07-18-tS96 PACE I "Tlg'F)tt qw?rtrArffia;e. coMMoNs I 30.f ft0033 MINIUU}IFLOW K.TACTOR PRESST'RE 70.09 PSI l e-7 7-19-19S 9'4rAM FROI'4 AUTO'4ATIC FIRE GROJP P.2 sTiBMITTAL s[RiAL !No: 23sottY.t 07-1B-1996 PAGE 2 VAII. COUMONS VILIAGE 2099 NoRTI FRCiNTAcE RoAD llEsr vAil., (:ol onrnci :FILE NO, COIIINONSI I l..r{:ol. a.,n tilow Pipt:lin S i ze From To GPM IN I,l0? 10, : 1,019 e 17.6qI BN6 I B r07DQ r8.5q l.o,leQ 3rr. rq BN5ti ---l----ro8 ll0 1.049 Q 19' 15 BNB i 8 roBDQ 2O.2O '.049Q 39 ' 36 r,N7 rr3 ll6 a 7 r t3DQ 0 21 .39 41.7 8 | . o.l9 DNN l. 3BO BN3 1.019 BN4 l. 3BO BN3 rl2 ll5 0 6 rrzDQ a : 20.79 2t. B? -r?.62 : 5 trl 11. 00 o. 00It.00 5. O0 5. OO 1r.00 tl.oo 0. 00 t1.00 5. 00 o.00 5. 00 10,0O C=t2f, o.0010.00 0. t 3dB 0- 50 C=l2Q 6. 006.50 0. 1337 10.0O C=120 0.00lo. oo o. r398 0.50 C=L?O 6. OO6.50 0.13B7 o.50 C:120 6. 006.50 0.0450 10. 00 Cc t 20 5. O015.00 0.09 le Fri et i on Pres.$ure Loss SumharyPSI/PI PSI CelZO PT 9,88 ( 109)PE O. OO o.lo27 PE r. 13 C=120 PT rr.0r ( 107)PI: 0' oo 0.3896 PF 4.2ePr 15.30 ( B) C=120 PT Ll.?0 (110) PE 0.00 0, r20r Pr L.32 C=r2O PT 13.02 ( 108)PE 0.00 0.1552 PF ?.ZB PT,, 15.30 ( 8) 13.25 (116) 0.00 1.35 r4.60 (l13) 0. 00 0. 87 r5.47 ( 7) 13.79 ( I t5) 0. 00,.40 15. l9 ( 112 ) (l .oo o. 90 16. oe ( 6) 17, r3 (11r) o. oo 0.29r7.12 < 5) 8.76 ( r00) 0, 00 r.3B Frt.t.irrgs & Dcvicr:s F=O F.T F=0 f=0 F=O F=T F=O F:T F=T Equiv L(,ngttr Fl t r T L F T L F T .L F T I 20. 38 L F T t. Ir PT PE I,F PT PE PT PT PT I'E Pl.' PTI'I PF PT PT I'E PI: PT PT PI PF 23,lB I I li 16.57 380 rrN3 0,|9 DN2 Lr I L F T t-r T Lr T r 03 l0t, tr -'t Z e"7 7-lg-r996 9,4tAM FROM AUTOVI,ATIC FIRE GROI.P P.3 SI,'BUITTAI. SERIAL . NO; 235OIIY4 vaIt. coMMoNs YrrtAG[2099 NORTTI IIRqNTAGE ROAD I{EST .VAIL, COLONADO ;IFILE No. coMMONSt 'Il.ocat ion Floq Pipe Fittings,ini Size & [:r'tim To GPU I IN Dev i ces I7 I0JDQ l?. B3 1.0.t9 Q 31 . 4l Ir=T: BNt 07-18-1995 PACE 3 Fr ict ion PressureEitu i v Lengttt Ft Los g PSI /Ft Sunmary PSI --+---- 102 r05 l. Q t6. e2 6IO2DQ a L F I L 'F T I',,r 'l IrlQ 289.21 It, 049 BNz 049 BNT F=T F=T F-T F=T t. FT- L F T F L. t'T 10.00 Q=120 I'T r0. l4 5. OO FIi O. 00 15.00 0,3550 Pr s.32PT 15.46 r0.0O C=120 PT 9. l3 5. 00 Pr o,00 15,00 0.0955 PF '. 43 10.00 CztZO PT 10' 56 5. 00 Pr: 0.00 15. OO 0. 3686 PF 5. 53PT 16.09 lo.oo c=120 PT 9'91 5, 00 PE 0. OO 15.00 0.103r PF r.55 10. O0 C=120 PT t 1.46 5. 00 PE 0.00 15. oo o. 3978 Pr 5. 9?PT r7.43 t 0. 00 C=IZO PT t 5. 29 0. 00 PE 0. O0 10.00 0.017t PI: O.17 10.00 C=120 PT 15.'1 6 0. 00 FE O.00 10.00 0.0623 pr 0,62 10.00 (l=lZ0 P-r l6'08 0.00 P[ 0.00 10.o0 0. 1339 Pr 1.34 40. O0 C=!2O PT 17 .42 10. 80 PE O.00 50.80 0.2055 PF 10.4{ 2r.00 (:=t20 PI 27.t36 ( 4.30 Pl: o. o0 25.30 0.2055 PF 5.20 6.00 C=t2o PT 33' 06 ( 8.60 PE I. ?3 ( r,03 ) ( 7) (ro5) (102) (6) (104) (10r) ( 5) ( 8) lot l0{ a)\. IB.20 35.11 r7. 63 I I 18.96 36.59 5 IO,I,Q a ?3t 289.2r q 75.51 :l Ifr 7DQ 79. rBQ rst.72 I 5 6DQ 77.7qQ 229.41 ii 4 5DQ ';.r9,77Q 289.21 r.019 BN2 1 . 0.19 BNI 2.635 FRfi 2.63' rR5 2.635 FR4 2,635 FR3 ?.635 FR2 2.635 FRz F=0 l'=0 I:=0 F=T F eF- F=28 L F T t T t, F t t, F T L F T 7) 6) 5) 4) 3) l{.60 0.2055 rF 3.00 9f-7 P.4 sIrDrlIt i'AL S[nIAt, Nc); 2J50I[-l v.tn. comloNs vIti.acE 2()99 HORTII TRONTAGE ROAD TIST 07-rB-1996 PACE.I v.{rL, coLonaDo FII.E NO. Coltrl0llsl : I-(rculr i(ttl Flot Pipe FitttogE Equiv Frir:l.itrn Pre3sufe . in Si ze & I.iragth Loss $rrramrrry f rorn Trr GPH IN Ltev iccs trl PSI/ft PSI 'll Q 289.21 2,.169 FRI t | )r- lt, l5(, 9,' t {. 280a 'J89.?l 0 91, Q 389.31 trN L '25.00 C.:L{0 t'T 53.62 ( I ) l:=T,i: lj 34.70 F[ -3.{7f :59.70 0.01'16 PF O.B7 ty'zso.ao c*r'lo t'l 5t. 02 ( t9) I:.-T.r',1.:.riv F t55.?O rli 8.a,7'l' 9O5. ?o 0. O0oir Pt' 0.'15 PT 60.11 ( 0) *e-7 t'- =7-18-1996 9,42AM FROM AUTOMATIC FIRE GR0/'-P. 3A34%6127 IIIclq c,lNIall'lo' ItooFt Eoao iE!tE\ttl 5Ft{'EoCO6l ov, @ccL .ooo. o.c, o ENB"acq,;J b.e3tf +, ... tEATTU 3fi&il IIITG0.cIctt!'l!'t9 I r{OOr{NOc,N ''c'ooo ncts| flN ttt)LE,c8t a, 6cr tr{ll'pooIF ,0 a:G,o,'{ c; :lo Eo t:;5 3 Ei"o ci -JcE- ogti (ro 6'88 nJ C' J 5 azo o() J a sR 3 I I I I S gE g-F 8t88 SS g8 S83 I "'o 7 --.' f,l Gd)ilned 7-18-1996 9,43AM FROM AUTO'4ATIC FIRE GRo/'tr g3r'?E€,127 P-7 ,.?1V.6 It. a- - 150. ;-:=;-;l ?r rrr ii ll ll ii L{1x1.n\ ' ,,,ttilllil.f :lAs.ij -.. .-7-". -." -.. I :i:r.,!J il il >#,cA?tput : . i )',it"1l'"';'1i:"'' ' tF"',' f- --., | 1*: lrfifi!;t't* 'i4W{'tt't rJ, d\ ? oF1 P.67-l a-1996 9.42bn4 FRCI.4 AUTOMATIC FIRE GRo/-P 3g34256127 t v $ $l \} I P N. NNI*!lr\iltl \ | .-..5r1't h r ti/-.F M @o @. i tT-T-r-T-rtl rr r- 11 1 t ti.l-fi-]#lfl 1+i+ il tltil(i 1.il |llt I I,.J \ I I i'. 1\\i =:j J\". ll|l -$s Q cF) ,\NF 7-16-19$ 7:6Al't FROli AUTOT,|AT IC FIRE GROP 3€34256127 , **.^/CIT? E ili, A>u4r,fHt s A' uFrEH inr'ililqqa ffi Fry4 ipi*ir':o t1,e;T ft-ry.41{L ?+e Mnwry +Jrnl,:r J--l+r lol ' "- ;-= At €rgr*"t*t^i'r_,*.--.=.-_=-"1".-l__1"* TOWN TO: ....-,zzn/ -/sz]a"/ -/ Fax Number: 3oS 4 z{ 6/27 PhoneNumber:W Extension: 42 lltest Meadow Drh,e Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2250 Your reply is :.Needed, Commenls: FAX COVER SHEET Vail Fire Department Subject: hrz M From: Zzzzg ,4 cE ,,r"' z zTzP"< 'e - -,E/Zz .12126 4,tL Fax Number: 2 zo q7, z/74 Phone Number: ?77 zB{?n z44z Extension: Number of pages not including Cover sheet:. Not Needed,your discretion./At \/ FIRE PROTECTION PROD Iand i I HYDRAULIG, cnlcumil I SUBMITTAL i V*t l- i?nnz$ V ILUAA? i nY11?a+l ^0- . i n,,,r )lb{ ,n / . ^/o n Al4 jr"u r,,i,,!1, ,,,t,{t ,l ')u,t{ /l*ufl ,,Jt' ll,,l,P,,lal"'g,,t ,l' 11 .r f' tt"<fuJLu, "' rf ',J ^, Atr'' 'b'':iuJ 1tw 3)'''\ : " 411'l '"' 'a\1i il**tfiss,ifl,s,,t,jfu $furff$flsffifsrulllnlll o(trro,+| tl. I,1, { | | r^er{{g+ \1,.,i [\r/y I r,-../. -..l .' : hl4AY' ,"Nht//t a(- trJ4IkUa' @,_.,?'(?tAF ta? 1vl? 6WINA a:16? L'l , t-z , + c4 ts(P'P{t1AJ' TaQi LW {/ew ?..rJ I vr>l $ 614. \"(:f:r. No l? (a@ awtN'AF/'.6@vl( (t? vAt r. ho? (?(Fvr Y ?i-T 'h,dg, ar' Lt4 (l,+lbrr+€^ trv(.r, wrz-, Nt il v .{J ru ^ e-( d1H"?4 N $ V *.il ); OI rTH?v4. tN :Y ,J n f\ \.\ 'NS ( rt ,\; *S h J tN,tt,r';'irl.'. \\ttNt\ ',f-.v. tr | -:1.. ...- | i+#g4r'p4 v, ':"L"IJI?k'fuG a,Jiip (tflNa,.*V ttstfUqa * .(t\rk " $H* = 6Q6 f; eF;H [ $eri \--- |\\ ml\-<\U\rr \" $ 0--I -j r.(I I x!$ silg3g3g$f;f;fifrrligffi 2 Ps dg 6 sPP PPP H HdHfr fi r ra !8sg6F ,*ifrf$r,{fr'r fiaWv'N Q urero,rr' or*4 x(ab\( (d'MM, rb?u ',,,, @ wowt l,tAA( ? Aarzl e I a'' 2' h-gi'F 6rz+rr- - 1. //@J l-.-4'0.x.(.T q ofin' L - I YAIL TIPr DTPAPTA' THT Approved as SubmltteC tr '.'--__.r*_*-- oare: --,, r/41r/ and \ ', ,r/ ,'(' j .tlt ^1" /L', ^'/'l, l),'',, f,l:i' 0,,!, o/' t I [,,,I[ t r,,,ui/r,!,'t)"'/ [',l''l'( FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCT I HYDRAULIC CALCULATION SUBMITTAL V*t l- /?F1 rtaN= f, rJ'! , ,,'ot )t' l,l,tlt' ,r''' !/. /" ',.i'h o4/,,/iifr,/'rw ,,[:.,w SUBLTITTAL SERIAL NO: 2350IrY4 VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTII FRONIAGE ROAD WI]STVAIL, COLORADO FILE NO.COMIV|ONSI AFG/MESA 4894 VAN GORDON SUITE 3O,I WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 FLOW TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATIC 7'2.00 PSIRESIDUAL 62. OO PSI @ 1320,00 cP[l CITY PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT 539.2 GPM 70. SUIIMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAI- MI NIMUMSPR FLOW FLOW K-FACtOR PRESSTIRE ,'t$ ,t' o- ',7r\' a 07-18-1996 PAGE 1 101 to2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 11t LL2 113 115 116 18. 96 LB,20 17. B3 17 .63 L6 ,92 16. 57 18. 58 20.20 L7 .60 19,15 23, 18 21, 82 2r.39 20.79 20.38 16.00 16. 00 16, 00 16. 00 16. 00 16.00 17. 60 17.60 I7 . (>0 17.60 16. 00 16. 00 16. 00 16.00 16. 00 5. eiO 5. 60 5, 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. q0 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 s. q0 5. 60 5, 60 5. 60 l1. -lFr 10. 56 10.11 9.91 9,13 8 .76 11.01 13.02 9. BB r1,70 17,13 15,19 14. fiO 13 .79, 13.25 289.21 GPM 250.00 GPI\I 539.21 GPM 60.18 PSI O, OO PSI 19, 38 FPS TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL STATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN MAXIMUM VELOCITY FROM 1 TO LOOPS SUBMITTAL SERIAL NOIVAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTIT FRONTAGEVAIL, COLORADO 2 3 5 0IIY4 ROAD WEST 07- 1B- 19 9 6 PAGE 2 Locat i cln From To 107 109 a B 107DQ a FILE NO. Flow Pipein SizeGPM IN COI!{MONS r Fi tt i ngs & Dev i ces F=0 F=T F=0 F=0 F=0 F=T F=0 F=T F=T Erlu i v Lcrtrg Llr Ft 11. 00 0, 00 11.00 6. 00 5. 00 11.00 10. t: tq Frictio Loss PS I /Ft C=L2O o. to27 C=120 0.3896 Pressure Summaly PSI n 108 110 a I 10BDQ a 1 1,00 C=LZO 0. 00r1.00 0.1201 5. 00 C=120 0. 005.00 0.4552 10. 00 C=120 0. 0010.00 0. l34B 0.50 C=LZO 6. 006.50 0.1337 10, 00 C=I2O 0. 0010.00 0. 1398 0.50 C=120 6. 00 6. 50 0. 1387 9.BB (109) 0. 00 1. t-3 11,0r. (107) 0. 00 4 .29 15.30 ( 8) 11.70 ( 110) 0. 00 1.32 13.02 (108) o. 00 2.28ls,30 ( B) 13.25 (1r6) 0. 00 1. 35 14, 60 ( r13 ) 0. 00 o. B7ls.47 ( 7 ) 13.79 (r15) 0, 00 1, 40 15.19 (tL2) 0. 00 0. 90 16.09 ( 6) L7 .60 18. 58 36. 18 1.049 BN6 1. 049 BN5 1. 049 BNB 1.049 BN7 1.019 BN4 1.380 BN3 19. 15 20.20 39. 36 L F T L F T L F 1.I L F T I F T L F T L F T L F T L F T I F T PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PJ PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PE PT PE PF, PT: 113 116 a 7113DQ a 20.38' 2r.39 41,7 8 ILz IT5 0 6 11zDQ a 20.79 2L. 82 42.62 049 BN4 380 DN3 380 BN3 1.049 DN2 5 111 v 23, 18 50 C=I2O 0050 0.0450 00 C=l2O 0000 0 , 0919 PT 17,PE O.Pr 0.PT T7, PT PE PF 13 (111) 00 2942 ( s) B, 76 ( 10fi ) 0. 00 _t. Ju a F=T 103 106 16. 57 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NOI VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTH FRONTAGEVAIL, COLORADO rILE NO. 2 3 50HY4 ROAD WEST Pipe Size IN BNl 1. 049 IJN2 1, 049 BNl 07- I B- 1996 PAGE 3 Locat i orr From To 7 r03DQ a COMMONS 1 Fitt ings & Dev i cfs Equiv l.ength FT t0.00 5. 00 15. 00 L 10.00F 5.00T 15.00 L 10. 00F 5.00T 15. 00 Fric;t.i f.oss PSI/F C=120 0.355 C=120 Flow:-t lt GPM L7 .83 34. 41 ,t ar talI . U.i t ; F-T I In Pressure S umtna r 1' PSI PT 10. t4PE 0. 00Pq s.32PT 15. 46 PT e. 13PE 0.00PF 1.43 i PJ 10, s6P[i 0. ooPF 5.53PT 16.0e PT 9. 9lPE 0.00PF, 1. 55 PT 11.46PE 0.00PF 5.97 PT L7 , ,T3 L tl T F=T F=T t02 105 a 610zDQ a 16.92 LB,20 35,11 0.0955 C=I2A 0. 3CrB6 (103) ( 7) ( 105 ) (102) ( t 6) 104 )101 104 a 5 10lDQ a L7 ,63 18.96 36. 59 F=T F=T F=0 F=0 F=T 101 ) 6) B) 1.049 BN2 1. 049 BNl L F T L F T I' T F T L F T L F T tL F T L F T PT PE PI: PT PE PF PT PE PT PT PE PF' PT PE PT 10.00 C=120 5. 00 15 , 00 0. 1031 10. 00 C=LZO 5, 0015.00 0.3978 7 6 Q 75.54 7DQ 76. LB Q 151.72 6DQ 77.73 a sDQ 59.77a 289.2r 4 a 289.2r 3 a 289.2r Z, UJf, ITR6 2.635 FR5 2.635 FR4 2,635 FR3 2.635 FR2 2.635 FR2 r0. 00 0. 00 10. 00 10.00 o. oo 10. 00 i0.00 0. 00 10.00 40.00 10. B0 50, 80 21 . 0t) 4.30 25,30 6. 00 fJ. 60 1,1 . 60 C=I2O 0 . 0171 C= l2O 0. 0623 (,=l2O 0. 1339 C=I2O 0. 2055 C=I2O l0, 2055, : C= 120 0.20551 r5 .29 0. 00 o, 17 15. 46 0. 00 0.62 16, 0B 0, 00 1, 34 17.42 0. 00 1O,41 27 .86 0. 00 5.20 33. 06 1,73 3, 00 F=0 7) \)) 5)4 ?4) PT PE PT F=T F=2E 3) 'a p'')r)"'t-: 1 /n"',',,/,' 5u .rgrv N,,07-18-r996 PAGE 4 ( 99) COMIIION SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2350IfY4 VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTH TRONTAGE ROAD WESTVAIL, COLORADO FILE NO. Flow Pipe ure ry 79 73 10 62 47 B7 o2 67 45 t4 o lPresei iSumnajtPSI j i rri rr.lPq r. i Pl 14.ttIPI 53. iPq -3. i 'l 0' pr1 5r.pE B.r! 0, ilIPI 60.ilililtllili Equiv FrictioLength LossFt PSI/Ft 50.00 C=120 0. 0050.00 0,2821 25.00 C=140 34.7059.70 0.0146 750.00 C=140 155,70, 905. 70 0, 0005.,'I az/- ^, /) fVn"'Aplttll(t' I 6 t ln GPM 289.2r 289 ,2L 289,2r IN- 2.46 4. 280 UN 8.450 Locat i on From To l2 a 2' r)99 F=T,uNr \ \,, ,, fl" 99 0) T {L.o. a'o oN,o!I tl o _ { .:.-88S8S8pRE8 otf)0too|nolo++cl|'NN tn ffi6)emreu6 , *-.*.@@o0- 0- o- :gBg aRS"oJ.-A -!. o "-lil,e;f, Ht'fifr Bfi&il E'EI(L(LaL0.(!'oc'o dOClFINCtOfl ooooo uloC{ NIN 'oo 1x'aaroo ooirld oo,.0 (o Ps ntF8'C E-{ 0!t, lr Cltoo J ca't -'. O 4_ L O(' E,.uc rtE-O#OarJ.-rO.Ec{,s'i6fls 6,*E f g l I i i uJg 5 t ozo E o() a u)Oaogro o Sprinkler A Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Cenhal Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdal€, Pennaylvania 19446 n[l3tL'J,,,, n The Central Model A Upright or Pendent Sprinklers offer the ultimate in aesthelic appeal and advanced design features. They incorporate a unique center strut design which results in a smaller, more attractive sprinkler than those manufactured wilh a more traditional design approach. The cenler-strut operating mechanism ol the Model A sprinkler responds signif icantly faster than more traditional mechanisms such as the 8mm glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model A Sprinklers are inlended tor installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in a wide variely of orif ice sizes, temperalure ratings, finishes, and corrosion resistant coatings. Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed inlo a bronze conter strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy mells at its rated lemperature, the ball is lorced upward into the centor strut, releasing the two eiectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could affect its proper functioning. lt ls also less susceptibl€ to mechanical damage since there are no protruding elements, extbnding beyond the sprinkler frame. 17/szn 7.817lsz" 8,1 1/2" N.P.T. %" N.P.T. Temp. Rating and Frame Arm Color: 135'F/57"C Uncolored 165Fn4C, Uncolored 2"12"F/100'C White 286'F/14'l'C Blue Apptovals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., MEA, V.D.S., LPCB (See tabular information on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass, polished chrome, satin chrome (chrome is not V.D.S. Approved) and while enamef (white enamel is not Listed or Approved) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax over lead (See tabular information on page 3.) Pintle: on deflector for sla" ,7lts" , and t7le" orifice by \/2" thread Length: 2 3/a" (excluding pintle) Width: 171rc" Weight: 4.2 oz. Technical Data Model: A Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size K Factor Thread 3/e" 2.671rc" 4.2 r/2" N.P.T. r/z'N.P.T. For specalic listing requir€ments see the appropriate Information containod in this brochure. lfo. 1l.O **MEA [|lnstallation All Central Model A Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations from lhese reouiremenls and slandards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. ln addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers alter the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace anY damaged units. *u.L.7$SA Llsti I\., t ' 286'lcmperalure 13 not U.L.C, Approvsd wllh coroalon-ru3l3tanl coallng3. " No conoilo]}{ellllanl coatlngr lrs Appmvrd by XEA. "' Le.d only.*- Ll3ted rt'hlghtomporalurc, uylr colled tor Inrtrtlrtlon wh.ra m.xlmum amblentcelllngtomperaturudoa! noloxc!3d 150"F. LPCB Llstings Wet pipe systems musl be protected from freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers lor use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion ol the installation, the system must be tested per recognized slandards. ln the event of a thread leak. remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinslall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the uprighl position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent slyle sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joinl compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. 'Tellon is a tfadema* ol tho DuPont Corp. e Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for pendent sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench, lo tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 2l ft.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. For exposed piping systems, the sprinkler should be oriented so the frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. u.L.,C. and .C.) Ca!. No. 375- Orlfice Slze and Style Temperature Rating ('F)Corrosion-Reslstant Coatlng %" upright and pendenl '/re" uprighl and pendent r/2" uprighl and pendenl 11h2" (x thn thd.) upright and pendent 17 hz" (x314" thd.) upright and pendenl ***igs 16s 212 ****286***,|35 16s 212 ****296r"*135 16s 2'12 *r*1286 - 165 212 *t**2g6 165 212 ****286 lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead lead, wax, wax over lead F Orlflce Slze and Style femoerature Retlno ('F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatinq 3/a" uprighl 3/a" upright %" uprighl 1/2" uprighl and pendenl 1/2" upright and pendenl '/2" upright and pendent 17la!' (x 112" thd.) upright and pendenttTln' (x 1lz" thd.) upright and pendent tth2" (x112" thd.) upright and pendenlttls!' (x3l4r thd.) upright and pendent tTla!' lx sl{ thd.) uprlght and pend€nttTlvr (x3ll' thd.) upright and pendent 135 165 212 212 2'12 212 2',t2 2'12 212 212 212 212 212 212 286 246 286 286 286 286 286 246 135 165 135 165 135 165 lead wax over lead wax lead wax over lead wax lead wax over lead u/ax l€ad wax over lead wax Orlflce Slze and Style Temp€reture Ratlng ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng 1/2" ( 15 mm) upright and pendent 17|u" (2Q mm) x 34" thd. upright and pendent 135 165 135 165 212 2'12 286 286 v.D.s. Orlflce Slze and Style Temperature Ratlng ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng %' (10 mm) pendent!/z' (15 mm) upright and pendent tTltz' (2O mm) x 3/1" thd. upright and pendent 135 135 165 165 165 212 212 286 286 Sidewall Sprinklet-H Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: @ntral Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania Product Description The Central Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are designed with special dellectors that discharge mosi of lhe water away form lhe nearby wall in a quarler-semispherical pattern with a limited portion of th€ discharge directed toward the wall behind the sprinkler. They embrace th€ ultimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design features via incorporation of a unique center strut design, which results in a smaller, more attractive sprinkler than those manulactured with a more lraditional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanism responds signif icantly faster than more traditional mechanisms, such as the glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are inlended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13. They are ideally suited for use in churches, clubs, schools, hospitals, oflices, restaurants, auditoriums, retail stores and similar occupancies. They are available in a wide variety of orif ice sizes, temp€rature ratings, tinishes and corrosion resistant coatings. Operatlon: A fusible alloy is sealed inlo a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strul releasing the two eiectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most olher sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could affect its proper f unctioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no fragile glass elements nor any protruding elements extending beyond the sprinkler frame. Technical Data Model Number: H Temperalure Rating & Frame Arm Color: 135'F ( 57'C) Uncoloredorblack 145"F( 63'C) Uncoloredorblack 165'F ( 74"C) Uncolored or black 212"F (100'C) White 286"F (141'C) Blue NOTE: Color identitication is not required for plat€d sprinklers. Approvals: u.1., u.L.c., B.s.&A. (N.Y.C.) F.M. (Vr" orifice only) Maximum working pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory hydro test: 100o/o at 500 p.s.i. Standard finishes: Brass, chrome Coatings: Wax, Lead, Wax Over Lead (see tabular information on page 3) Pinlle: on deflector tor 3/a" and 7 /s" orilice. Lenglh: 23h" widrh: Frame Arms: l7lro" Deflector: 1e/s" Weight: 3.1 oz. For specific listing requiremenls, see the appropriale ialormation contained in lhis broch|re Style: Horizontal Sidewall Orif ice size. K tactor: U.L. & U.L.C. Llstings and B.S.&A (N.Y.C.) Cal. No.375-75-SA Temperolure Rating (' F)Orlllce Slze Corroslon Reslst nl Coallng 135 145 165 212 286 Ve",t1,u",r7r" 3h't,t/ft't,V2'' la",t1t"",t," 3/a",7/ta",W' 3/8tt.7/$,'.1hi' Lead, Wax, W"" Ou"r. f-""0 Lead, Wax, Wax Over Lead Lead , hl rechnical [Jhstallation All Central sorinklers musl be installed according to current NFPA 13. Deviations from these requirements and slandards or anY alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Corporation. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be Properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orif ice size F. M. Approval and B.S.&A. (N.Y.C.) Cal. No.375-75-SA - Standard Appllcatlong The ttlodel H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13. The 3/6" and 7/re" orifice sprinklers are U. L. Listed for installation in light hazard occupancies only. These sizes are not F. M. Approved. The %" orifice sprinkler is U. L. Listed for installation in light or ordinary hazard occupancies only. lt is F. M. Approved for installation in light hazard occupancies only. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers should be installed with the deflector lrom 4" to 6" below ceitings and not more than 6" away{rom the wall or lintel surtace through which they are mounted, "unless special construciion arrangements make a different position advisable for prompt operation and elfective distribution" (see NFPA 13-1987, sections &16'2.1 and 4-5.5). There is no maximum ceiling height limitalion for muliiple sprinkler installations, when utilizing the Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. and lemperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers alter the piping is in place io avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protectecl lrom freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model H-1 Dry Horizonlal Sidewall Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape and reinstall. Installallon Sequence Step 1: The unil must be installed in the horizontal position. Step 2: Use only a non-hardening pipe ioint compound or Telflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. Siep 3: Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Combination Wrench to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight ioint requires only 7 to 14 tt.{bs. of torque; a tangential force of '14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. GAUTION: Do not \rrcnch' or lum lhe defleclor, 83 thlr actlon may dam.ge lhe sprlnkler and catrsa lt to leak under Pt€$urc. 'Tellon ir a tradema,k ol ths DuPont CorD. Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They should not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100o F/38' C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers should never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not lunction properly. Any sprinklers alter€d in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all tire orotection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 13A entitled "Care and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems" contalns guidellnes and minimum maintenance r€quirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. It is recommended that sprinkler syslems be inspected regularly by a qualilied inspection service. Length ol time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Temperature Rallng (" F)Odftce Slze Conoslon Resistant Coatlng 135 't45 165 212 286 f2 t/2" Vz" 'n Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead lllBlr' Black Ughtwa[ Threadable Plp" The originalooblack" lightwall tlreadable pipe with exceptional hythaulics and ecorumy American Tub€ & Pipe Company took a popular idea and made it better. Unlike other fighrwall threadable pipce, BfJT ie black, making il a perfecl motch with moel olher aprinkler pipea. And rhe black coating b eafer to weld orr lhan zinc coated pipes. Bl.JTte proverr hydraulic advantage and lighter weiglrr adde value to any oyslerrr. BLT pipe is a black, exceptionally strong steel sprinkler pipe of the class generally known as "lightwall threadable pipl' lts wall thicknesa is less than that of Sch-,l0 or Sch-10 but the cold forming process undergone in manufacturing gives IJLT pipe mechanical strength charar:teristica equivelent to those required for Soh-,0. It is designed for brancl ine uee in wet, dry, preaction and deluge eystems. BLT can be joined with threaded couplings (when in accordance with AItlSI B l .20.1), rolled goove or plafur-ended couplings, or wel<led joints. UL has a*sigrred BLT prpe Corroeion Resistance Ratior., (CRR) lese than those of thrcaded Sr:h-,l{) or l)yna- Threarl'(see chart). The aciual lifcspan of the joint is dependent upon many variables, but may be alTected by water quality or atmospheric confitione while in service. BLT pipe is rnanufactured to meet ASTM A135, Grade A for fire sprinkler applica- tions up to 3(X) psi working pressure. It is UL listetl for wet, dry, preaction and deluge systems, and FM approved lor wet sprirrkler 8y8tems. BLT is ULC listed for wet systems wlren threaded, and dry and preaction systems when urrthreaderl. All threaded and welded fittings are approved in accordance with NFPA 13, FM rryuiree 12' maximum hanger npacing for BLT, C-Facrors for IILT are 120 lor wet sy8tem8, and C-100 for dry syetems. Ilefer to Hazen-Villiams charts for accurate llow comparisons. @ffi@ Apprct ed BLT pipe offers the maxirnurn hydraulic advantage of any available threadable sprinkler pipe. Its inside diameter is ul) to 57o larger than Sch-tl0 and irlentical to that of other lightwall threadables. The use of BLT, in conjunction with Dyna- Flowo pipe, can dramatically inrprove the flow characteristica, thereby increasing the potential for "downsizing" system componenta. BLT p\n is coated with our Diamond Coatri 6nish, an advanced mrxlified ar:rylic tlrnt ondasb typical lar:que.re. Aldrordr the blsck exterior e-nhances a more rurifornr look with existing pipe systems, tlrc cleen surface quality of BLT is readily paintable. The lighter weight of BLT is a distinct advantage for retro-fit installations and can also reduce labor cosls, BLT i. ! Ftt .r.d |r.deturk of Areri..n Tol,c & PiF Cohpdt, lm. AI ihlofr.tion hcftin i. .e!nr. ..ltum rt tin. ot lnrlll.slion .nd .r $ 'icr ro insc *nhDot nolir.. INSIDEDIAMETER UTTHREADED CRRT BLT NPS BLT SCH. 40 BLT SCH, 40 DTNA- MNEAI'Vrrrr PCS/ LIFT l"Ll04 1.049 .35 1.00 1.00 r.19 9t I ti4"t.452 1.380 .17 1.00 1.00 1.53 6l I llzu 1.687 1.610 .t8 1.00 1.00 l 87 6l 2.t54 2.067 .21 1.00 1.00 2.48 37 r Calculated uoing Standarrl UL Cllll frrrnrula, tJL Fire Protection Direclory, Catr:gory VIZY. 2525 N. 27th Ave. '101 E. Broadway Phoenix. M 85009 Kokorno. lN 46901 Customer SeMce 1-80G877-8823 1-602-272-6606 FAX 602-m9-1324 AmcfinnE&P|PE"coip t{x HCoNXntllD3,m 6195 The first Sch. 10 and Sch. ttO sprinkler pipe to be fully UL Listed and FM approved. American Tube & PiPe is the first manufacturer to offer UL listed, FM approved Sch.l0 and Sch. 40 sprinkler pipe. Ahho"gh tlese prodrrcts do not require separate approval8' Amencan Tuib" & eipe gives you the extra rltrality assuronce you demand. Our Sch.l0 (l%"-4il) pipe and Sch. lt{) (I"-2") pipe have paaaed the same thorough lah test- ine as our other listed pipe products, ani receive periodic mill inepections from both UL and FM agents to ensure consistent qualitY. Meete "Buy American" re,quirements and is svailable through tlistributors nationwide. American Tube & PiPe's Sch. I0 and Sch. ,$ pipe are in comPlianc'e with the following: ASTMAT3S ASIMA795 NIPA 13 Both pipe producte also meet the strin- gent requirements for the following tests: o Welded Outlete o Hydrostatic Preaeure o SideVall RuPture o Vibration Test W ApprctDd Our exclusive "Diamontl Coat" U.V' cured acrylic linish offers o clean, dursble surface that outlasta typical lacquers. It ie also paint-ready for cus- tom color applications without special preparation. rl,rnerican Tube & Pipe prulttctt car be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirements for drY eYElems in accordance with the zinc coating s;recificatione of ASTM A795 or A53. Sch. l0 and Sch.40 Fully UL listed and FM approved sprinlder prpe I I @ Urfcd 2525 N. 27th Ave Phoenix, AZ &5009 1o1 E. Broadway Kokomo, lN 46901 Custorner Service 1€m-877-8823 1-ffi2-272-6ffi FAX 602-269-1324 0,D,INCII II{M, t.D.INCII MM. NOM,II/ALLINCH MM. t%' t%' 2n 2n' 3" 4', *6" *8n r.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 114.3 168.3 2I9.I t.u2 1.682 2.t37 2.635 3.260 4.260 6.357 8.249 36.6 42.7 54.8 66.9 82.8 108.2 161.5 209.5 .109 .1(B .109 .120 .120 .120 .134 .l88 .l .r.l 2.77 2.77 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.40 4.80 l.8l 2.08 2.& 3.53 4.33 5.61 9.29 t6.94 .82 .95 1.20 l 6l 1.97 2.55 4.22 7.69 61 6l 37 19 l9 l9 l0 1 l" IY1' ty..' 1.315 1.660 1.900 33.4 42.2 48.3 1.049 1.380 1.610 26.6 35.1 40.9 ,133 .140 .145 3.38 3.56 3.68 1.68 2.27 n 1., .76 1.03 1.24 6l 37 37 6.95 5.000 W.H'S^tr- t lnstallation The 2000ss should be installed with adequate clearance and easy ac- cessibility lor maintenance and testing. The 2000ss nuy be in- stalled veftically or horizontally. Reter to local codes for specific i nst a I I at i on re q ui re mo nt s. . Features . Lowest documented head loss. . l,lo n-c orrosi ve 300 se ri e s sta i n- le ss stee t c onst ructi on. . 50% llghter in weight, reduces installation and handling costs. . 0nly assenbly ASSE | 0l 5 vefti- cally approved. . 40% shofter end to end dlmen- sions for compact, inexpensive in- stallation. , Excellent for retrolit applications. , Single two-bolt grooved style cover lor quick and easy access. . Simple seruice procedures, re- quires no special tools. . Patented' cam-check assembly for long term reliabilitlq low head loss, ease of serviceability. 'Patent 15.U6.525 t NationalApprovals** Approved by all natlonal approwl agencies. t Application The Ams 2000ss provides positive drip4ight closure against the reverse flow ol non potable liquids caused by a cross connection. The 2000ss can be used in lire protec- tion systents, irrigation systerns and other systenl.s requiring low ancl i nte firredi ate haard prote cti on. t 0peration ln normal llow conditions. the inde- pendently operatlng check valves renBin closed until there is a de- nnnd tor water Each of the check valves in series is designed to open at approxinately (l) PSI pressure dilferential in the direction of ilow. At cessation of tlow or under a back pressurc condition, both check valves will closo until the rosunp- tion of nornal tlow. t Ans2000ss -&Dlnnslons fuu Ch{*l',bllcs (lnctudlng shul-otl ntves) o-0 loo 2m 3(xr 400 s(xl tuunCE$PN) | l'Documqld nov Chlll fitorblbs (nctudtng shuroll wtws) 100 200 3(x| 4(x, tuufrce(GPfil) o 1250 6{X' GPT 750 l(xxl tlov. Rdo rcPn) 15(xtGPM P.O. Box 1387 woodland, CA 95776 Fax 916.666.3914 t Spntrlcdlons The double check shall conslst ot two lndependently opanted sprlng loaded ca*rheck valves, nqulnd tost cocks, and optlonal lnlet and outlet raslllent wodge shut olt valves . Each cam+heck shall bo lntemally loaded and provlde a positiw drlp ttght closun agalnst the ravorse tlow of liqutd caund by back slphonage or back pnssuts. The nodular camcheck lncludes a stalnless steel sprlng and camarn rubbertaced disc and a replaceable seaL ne boil shall be tmnutac- turod trom 300 series sfainass steal, 100/o lead free through the waterway, with a slngle two-bolt access cover lh speclal tools shall ba requlred tor servlclng. Double check shall be Ams 2il)oss. t Physlcal Chuntalsllce Sizes - 212', 3', 4', 6' Rated working pressure - 175 psl Wdrostatic Pressure - 350 psi Terperature nnge - 3?F - lltF Flange dimnsion ln accordance with AlilWA Class D All internal ntstal pans 300 serles stainless steel Constructlon 300 serles stalnless steel Assenbly shall be AS$E l0l5 approved tor ve rtlcal I nstallatlons, AWWACSt0-89 '*Contact ths factory for specific approvals M82-5t] 8/94 AilIE6 sls [.!if i2 Io le ir l-2 !e lo F: --) 0l 0 0 25tl 500 I t (gnournodalzq0q,E) FLUID CONIROI- SYSTEMS '"i{'"""" "i"" " " "i \: i,.........,....;;|*__-............; i i .-!2/ : : t- :'''''" i "" i -r'.4," " i .. ' F: ,- __-__; | ''Doaamg0/red Flow Chsr.sfilci,ibllcs (tnctudins shut-otl vatvos) ^n:i::/::/\ : : i / : :\: : :--H : : 916.666.2493 1485 Tantoran Avenue Horizontal or Vertical Grooved End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) Manu{actured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania .19446 E^I fl'#,'01,,, n Technical The Model 90 Check Valves are atlractive, compacl, lightweight, swing-type units that allow water ilow in one direction and prevent Jlow in the opposite direction. They are manufactured with a cast iron body and stainless steel clapper assembly. A resilient elastomer seal iacing on the spring-loaded clapper ensures a leak{ight seal and non-sticking operation- The units are designed lo minimize water hammer caused by flow reversal. The Valves are manufactured with grooved ends and are easily installed using Listed mechanical grooved couplings. They may be installed in either a horizontal f low or upward vertical f low oosition, Applications: Model 90 Check Valves are general purpose valves intended for use in private lire protec- tion systems as follows: 1 . In connections from public water supplies to aulomatic sprinkler or standpipe systems. 2. ln connections Jrom fire deoart- ment pumper connections to automatic sprinkler or standpipe sysrems. 3. In fire pump discharge or bypass piping. 4. In conneclions from gravity, suction, or pressure lanks to automatic sprinkler systems. Model: 90 Style: Swing Check (groove x groove) Size: 2'/z' , 3' ,4" and 6" Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., M.E.A. (Cal. No. 284-75-SA) Max. Working Pressure: 250 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% al 500 psi Standard Finish: Blue Enamel Groove Specifications: Standard cut grooves per AWWA C-606 Take-out Dimension: 2'/2" - 8" t.o. 3" - 8" t.o. 4" - 9" t.o. , 6' - 1O'/2" t.o. Shipping Weight: 2'/"' - 8lbs. 3" - 9lbs 4" - .16 lbs. 6" - 34 lbs. No. 14.2.O Parts List - Model 90 Check Valve Descrlptlon Material No, Req'd. Part Numbers 2tlz"3'4'6" Valve Body Cast lron 1 8025-16-00 803-07-000 804-28-000 806-21-000 Clapper Stainless Sleel 1 8025-18-00 803-09-000 804-29-000 806-16-000 Seal Facing Buna N 1 8025-03-00 803-03-000 804-18-000 806-17-000 Seat Ring Stainless Steel 1 8025-08-00 803-05-000 804-21-000 806-18-000 Hinge Pin Stainless Steel 1 804-32-000 804-32-000 804-32-000 806-031-00 Brackel Stainless Steel I 804-33-000 804-33-000 804-33-000 806-25-000 Plug (1/z" NPT)Cast lron 1 8010-12-00 8010-12-00 8010-12-00 8010-12-00 Spring Stainless Steel 1 8025-021-0 804-23-000 804-23-000 806-032-00 Retaining Ring Slainless Steel 1 806-26-000 806-26-000 806-26-000 300-22-000 '/r'Hex Boll Steel 2 60G80-000 600-80-oo0 600-80-000 600-80-000 Fastener Seal Nitrile & Steel 2 198-016-02 '198-016-02 198-016-02 198-016-02 Retaining Ring Stainless Steel 1 8025-04-00 803-04-000 804-04-000 816-06-000 Retention Bolt Stainless Sleel I 8025-0s-00 802s-05-00 804-20-000 806-05-000 Seal Ring Neoprene '|8025-06-00 8025-06-00 804-24-000 804-06-000 Flexloc Nut Stainless Steel 1 8027-07-00 8025-07-00 804-07-000 804-07-000 1 clapper lo allow for lhermal expansion of the aniifreeze solulion. Check Valves are required in cenkifugal fire pump syslems in accordance with NFPA 20 Standards as follows: 1. In the lire pump bypass piping. 2. In the pressure maintenance fiockey or make-up) pump discharge piping. 3. In the fire pump discharge piping. Check Valves are required in private water tank supply systems in accordance with NFPA 22 Standards as follows: 1. In the discharge pipe from a gravity, suclion or pressure tank. 2. In the fill lins to a gravity, suclion or pressure lank, if the discharge pipe is utilized for filling the tank. Check Valves are required in private fire service mains in accordance with NFPA 24 Standards as follows: 1. In each fire departmenl conneclion. 2. In each water supply source conneclion, when there is more than one source. Check Valves are required in standpipe and hose syslems in accordance wilh NFPA 14 Standards as follows: 1. In each fire department conneclion. 2. In each water supply connection. f}"*lration The Model 90 Check Valve is Listed for installation in either th€' horizontal or verlical position. When installed in a horizontal position, the two %" hex bolts musl be on the top side of the valve. For vertical installation, the valve musl be installed so that its outlet is above its inlet (i.e., flow direction upward). The arrow, cast onto the body of lhe valve, must point in the direclion of the flow. The Check Valve is desioned to be installed using approved mechanical grooved couplings. Gare & Maintenancr The Check Valve reouires no regular mainlenance, however, it should periodically be removed ' and inspecled by a qualified inspection service. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition ol all fire protection devices and acces- sories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, " Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire P rotection Sysl6ms" contains guidelines and minimum mainte- nance requirements. Further- more, the Authoity Having Juisdiction may have additional regulations and requiremenls for mainlenance, testing and inspec- tion that musl be obeyed. Design Data Model 90 Check Valves must be installed in a horizontal or vertical position in accordance wilh lhe Listing. Check Valves are required in automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13 Standards as follows: 1. In each lire department connection as near as practicable to the point where the FDC joins the sprinkler system. 2. When a sprinkler system has more than one water supply, a Check Valve must be installed in each supply connection to prevent flow lo one connection from exiting via lhe other connection. A Check Valve must be installed in each water supply connection, if there is a FDC on the system. An Alarm Check Valve is considered lo be a Check Valve. 3. In the "antifreeze loop" of an antifreeze syslem, if the sprinklers in the antifreeze portion of the system are at a higher elevation than the water-antif reeze solution interlace. The Check Valve must have a Tsz" hole drilled through the I I t F p I FARR.LARM Johnson Fire & Specialties, Inc. EXTERIOR or INTERIOR FEATURES WEATH ERPROOF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETELY DISTINCTIVE FROM ANY OTHER ALARM SIGNAL FAST, EASY MOUNTING. ON ANY ryPE OF WALL ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL SIGNS ON BUILDING EXTERIOR APPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARD.OF-HEARING OCCUPANCIES AVAILABLE IN 115VAC, 24VDQ OR 12VDC WITH OR WITHOUT FLASHER/STROBE MAINTENANCE.FREE OPERATION . FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS Say Goodbye to - Water stalned walls Ugly slgns to spollesthetics No More - Old-fashioned betts Plpes that clog and freeze March, 1989 Made in U.S.A. AUDIBLE / VISIBLE SIGNAL SERIES 33OO The FARR-LARM is the most attractive and practical signal made. It is compact in size, (8"x 8") and won't compromise the esthetics of the exterior wall like an electric bell with a bird cage, or a water-motor gong. Suggested mounting is directly above the fire department connection. During daylight hours, the horn will direct the Fire Department to the connection as well as alert the occupants and passers-by that a fire condition exists. At night, the flasher/strobe can be seen from a distance to guide the Fire Department to the connection. Police patrolling an industrial complex or a neighborhood with their windows up may not hear the hom, but they will "see the light". -Since 1975, every FARR-LARM is assembled by hand, inspected and tested at the factory. APPLICATION COMMERCIAL or RESIDENTTAL Al m.lo. ffipd|r|b r. UL a.Lr.d .nd Fll pgovrd : General specifications Signal Speclfications ilodel Numbel Inpul Vollage Rated Cunent dBA@ l0 Feet ApproYalt 3300-115 3300N1-115 3300NL-24 3300NL-12 11sVAC 11sVAC 18-31.2 vDc 9-15.6 VDC 0.160 0.160 0.063 0.125 95 95 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, FM, CSA, BSA, BFP 3300s-1'15 11sVAc 0.160 95 UL. CFM, BSA, FM, BFP 3i!00s-24 3300s-12 18-31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.063 0.125 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP lSrtnt; oro "t 1o fe€r b mesu|gd in rn enedlolc chembar vyilh nominal input vo|ra!e. 2. All modol! ete provided YYhh lrFout screw terrnlnall' !' Dc hom modalr inctudc RFI luppr.lrm b ,1r1ni;rEoiJ,lcea nare on ore alarm llnac. ' a. DC tiorng and lrobe homr ha\re sn ltt.rulh axrent ot apptorlmalely 3 dmet ,"bd curred durlnC Inldd qrrlon. r. 6rrO. ftorn nloO"f! slFwn in tauo er. r.coflilrtonded lor urd on cootinuous ddm sy!bm!" 6' Appro'alr: UL ' Und€r- wrib," Leborsbd*, r-tc - ur,c"r,"ri#.1il;;;;ic;""da, crm - strr bi c*to,ni" fu" u"rttt"n, ru - racnrv uutual, csA ' candlan snrdardr A.&dedon. BsA- Neyy yrt civ go;-ofT,;;;;i- d lpp"uri, grp - cittJcrticaeo 7. Alt lbdnee eid appovalr -rbove ere lor wheelodr' Inc" rYhi"l mnutachrres the shnals ured tn thc FARR-LAFM. MODEL 3iXXFlls Ordering Information SERTES 3300 AudibleA/isible wilh Incandescent laghl source. Flash rate @ @ Per minule' SERIES 33OONL MODEL 3iNt0NL-115 Audibl€ only MOOEL 3im0NL-24 MODEL 33{NNL.12 S,EF//ES ,st t sxflt,. 96FrE5 33009 SERIES frIOOS MOOEL 3:m0s-115 MODEL gt00s-24 MODELgt{tos-l2 Audible/Visible with 8,000 c.p. strobe. Flash rate @ 55 Per minute JOHNSON FIBE & SPECIALTIES, lNC. 12e7516th AVE NOBTH PLYIIIOUTH' MN 5s'141 @.RottErt VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Potter Electric Slgnal Company 2081 Cralg Road. P.O. Box 28480 St.Louls, MO 63146-4161 (314) 878-,{321 . (000) 325-3936 Potter Electric Slgnal & Mlg. LTD 1967 Leslie Street Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B2M3 (416) '141-1833 UL, ULC rnd CSFM Llst d, FM rnd LPC Approv.d, NYMEA Accaptad S€rvlce Prsssure: Up to 450 PSI Mlnlmum Flow Ralo tor Alarm: 10 GPM Maxlmum Surge: 18 FPS Conlacl Fltlngs: Two sets ol SPDT (Form C) | 5.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 0-30VDC Besistive Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts orovidgd for 1/2" conduil Envlronrnenlel Speclf lc€llons:. Suitable for indoor or ouldoor use with faclory inslalled gasket and die-cast housing.. NEMA 4 Rated Enclosure - uss with appropriate conduit filting. Temperafure Range: 40'F/120"F, 4.5'C/49'C. Nonrorrosiva sleeve lactory installed in saddle Caullon: Thls devicd is nol intended for applicelions in explosive environments Slzes Avallable: Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 oiee 50mmthru 200mm u.s. PAT. NO.3921989 CANADIAN PAT. NO. 1009680 OTHERS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd., 1990 Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Residential occupancy up to lour storl€s Nalional Fire Alarm Code Oplional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stk. No.0090018 NFPA-13 NFPA-13D NFPA-I3R NFPA.72 GENERAL INFORMATION INSTALLATION: See Fio,2 The Mod6l VSR'F 19 a vane typs waterflow switch tor use on wet These devices may b€ mounted on horizontal or vortical plpe. On sprinkler systems. lt is UL Listed and FM approved lor use on steel horizontal pipe they should be installod on the top sid6 ol th6 plpe pip€; schedul€s 10 through 40, sizes 2' thru 8'. where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within LPC approved sizes ar€ 2" thru 8" (50mm thru zoomm). 6'of a litting which changes the direction ol the watertlow or wilhin 24' of a valve or drain. The unil may also b€ used as a sectional walerflow detector on large systems. Ths unil contains two singl€ pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjuslable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. Th6 switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute or mote occurs downstream of the device. The tlow condition must exist for a period ol time necessary to overcome the selected r€tard period. ENCLOSUFE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with lwo tamper r€sistant scrows which require a special key for removal. A lield installabl€ cover tamp€r switch is available as an option which may be used to indicale unauthorized removal of the cover. See bull€tin no. S4OO77S for in- stallalion instructions ol this switch. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. Tne 2' and 2 1/2" dwices require a hole wilh a diam- eter of 1 1/4" + 1/8" - 1/16'. All other sizes reouirs a hole with a diameter ot 2' x 1/8". Clean lhe inside pipe of all growth or other material lor a distanc€ equal lo the pipe diameter on either side of th6 hole. Roll the vane so that it may be ins€rted into the hole; do not bend or crease it. Insert the vane so lhat the anow on the saddle points in ths direction of the waterflow. Install the saddle strap and tightsn nuts alternately to an ev€nlual 50 flJbs. of torque (see Fig. 2). The vane musl nol rub lhe inside of lhe pipe or bind in any way. MKT. t8800001 - REV K MFG. il540076t - 3/95 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 @"RottFJt VSR.F VANE TYPEWATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. 1 sw|lcfl lEFlll{aL @LNEctlol{s CLATIPIIO PLA'E IERIIINAL "ct" FIG.2 RETARD AIUUSN'ENT;ro cxlNcg I|ME nRN KNOB (eIHER URECTION) FOR DISIREO TIME OEI.^Y. USE THE IIINIITUTT AIIOUNT OF REIARD NECESSARY TO PREVEM FALSE AL^RMS, A .d SETING |s USUAIIY AOEOUA1E FOR rHlS. F CTORI 6 SEr rO "d. TO INSTALL. ]i LL A I{OLE AS INDICAIED: PIPE S ZE HOtf stzE '| 1/t + t/8-r/1t t To tc"2'r t/t D|RECNON owc. f7c | -to OO NOT I..EA!'E COVTR OFF FOR EXIEXI'€D P€ROO Of NTTE ltcHlElr NUIS ALTERMTELY TO A{ R/ENruAL 56T.{A3 Of TORqJE D|e rrzJ-l cAUlloll AN UNINSULATEO SECTION OF A SINGLE CONOUCTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TERMINAL AND SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS. THE WIRE MUST BE SEVEREO TO SERVE AS TWO SEPAFATE CONNEG TIONS, THEREBY PROVIOING SUPERVISION OF THE @NNEC- TIONS IN THE EVENI THAT THE WIRE BECOMES DISLOOGEO FROM UNDER THE TERMINAL. y()UM ON PPE SO ANROU ON SADDLE PdNIS IN ORECIION OF UAIERFLOW ROI.T PADru N OPPOSTE OREC'ION OF WAIERFLOW IPPROX. RSTARO SEnINCS (lN SECS.) o o t0-26 3 m-1, c !5-36 o lo-70 E HO FIG.3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LOC||- 8Etr IRANSTOR|IR OR SATIERY POVTEREO srn-E s (cuss ?trET;Ti*. iE:rsrm crt. EO( RESISTOR MtrEi Ffi srrPan|sto OiCUmi -sEE 'SrrTCfl ERgIrr|. COnt€cnorqm rrG ^rD crulua MrlE (m. l). TYPTCA SanTCX ACITON oprtr or '.,L/ ctooe or ALARM J . A.^RM IO ADD'L DEITCES OR REIURIIto @atrRo(ore, 176r -r 5 oPEN ON ALAR]' / CLOSE ONJ t eurnv/\ |------\,/- srct{ uNG oevrE NOTES:i. The Model VSR-F has two switches, one can be used to op€rale a c6nt.al slallon, proprietary or r€mote signaling unit' while thE other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annuncialor. 2. A condition ol LPC Approval ot this product is lhal th€ slectrical enlry must be sealed to sxcluds moisture. TESNNG The frequenry of inspection and t€stirg for lhe modol VSR-F and its associated protec'tiv€ mmitorhg s)lstem should be in accordance wlh appticaUtE ruf pa Codes and StandardJ and/or the authoriV havlng iurisdiction (manulaclurer recommends quarterly or more frequentl$. ' lf proriJed, the "lnspectors Test' valve, that is usually local€d at the end ol the most rsnote brandr [ne, should always be used for test pufposes. ll ihere are no provisi6ns lor testing the operatkrn o:l fre flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A mininum llott, of 10 gpm is l€quh€d to ac,tivate lhis devix' lMpORlTAl.lT ],|OTEE: Please advis€ t|e person rcsporslble for tgsling ol ltre Fire Prolection q/€tern thal this syst€m must be l€sled h acoordance with the Testing' lnstrudkrs. s!Ptn$$D IOOF (sEE ioIE) MKT, f8800001 - REV K MFG. fl5400761 - 3/!5PAGE 2 OF 2 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS UL LISTED/FM APPROVED PRODUCTS SUBMITTAL Submittal is made for approval of the following VictaulicP piping products indicate, within the UL Listed/FM Approved ratings in this publication. COUPLINGS AND FITTINGS FOR GROOVEO STEEL PIPE O Flreball' Valve Series 727 O Butlerlly Valve Series 708-W PRODUCTS FOR UNDEBGROUND AWWA DUCTILE PIPE o Copper Products d% ThisprodUctsha||bemanufacturedbyVictau|iccompanyolAmerica.A|lprodt,clstobeinsta||sdinaccordancew||hcUrrentvictau|ic|nstal|ation/assemb|y|nstrcons. Viclaulic re6erv€6lho righl to change producl speclficallons, d€signs and stgndard equipmenl wjthout notice and without Incurdng obllgation. i:tf5i*'*s ff? o Hlgh Pressura Coupllng Style HP-70 / \^/igtaLrlic'An W' 9OOl c€nlli€d oompany o FlGxlbla Coupllng Slyle 77 o Bolllc!. Coupllng Vic-Boltless' Styl€ 791 PRODUCTS FOR PLAIN END STEEL PIPE FITO PRODUCTS FOH SMALL DIAMETEF PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 1O & 40 O Ball Valve Ohreaded) Series 722 SYSTEM SUBMITTAL Submillal is made lor approval of the indicatod Viclaulic plplng producl3 lor lhe tollowlng servlces wilhin lho UL Ll6t€d/FM Approvsd ratings and sys- tems in thls publicalion. Sub. Syetem _ Automalic Sprinkler - W6t - Automatic Sprlnkler - Ory _ Standpipo - W6t _ Slandpipe - Ory - Underground Water Supply _ SpecialHaza.ds _ Low Pressure CO2 _ Halon i301 THE COPPEN coNNECT|ON... PFODUCTS FOR COPPER TUBING o Flang€ Adapterg Vlc-Flange' Styles 741 & 743 GROOVED END VALVES PRODUCTS FOR O SnapLet' Ouilet Style 925 'll;:ffi64 ACCESSORTES O Flre Pump Tesl Meter Slylo 735 'li1ilJ"Trr$"Ti|fr Gg ?- O Plaln End Coupllng Rousl-A-Bouf Style 99 o Plaln End Coupllng Plalnloc|f Style 90 o Pleln End FlttlngB PRESSFIT" PFODUCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETEH PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 5 O Tranllllon Coupllng AWWA Ductil€ lo Stsel Style 307 O Presstlf Ptoducts All Stylss J3 JOB/OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER System No. Location Submittdd by Dale Spec. Secl. _ Para. Date VICTAUL|C COMPANY OF AMERICA. P.O. Box 31 . Easton, PA 18044-@31 irB-801 0095 15MC1l/93 O Copyright 1993, Victaulic Compsny ol America Printed in U.S.A. . 61 0/559-3300 . FAX: 61 0250-881 7 @ Rsgist€rod Trademark ol Vlclaulic Company ol AmBrlca 151 or I 5lSingle lnlet Connec- tion consists of:3 0 9round Plat€ or 15 Isquare plate, branded: "Stand- pipe" br "Auto-Spkr." 27O double iehale or 215 male and female oonnection. Rigid hexagon end of €ither connoct-ion is 21/2". or 3" NPT, swivel end is anY female 2/2" or 3" hose thtead.l45 Pin lug plugs with chain. Finish: Polished or chrome. 215 Swivel AdaPter male PiPe thoad NPT rigidwith hexagon. AnY female hoae thread pin lug or sensi- ble luo sl rivel. Sizes:-l72" xlth",2" x2",21h" x 1 th", 21h" x2", 21h" x21/2", 3" x21h",3" x3". Finish: Satin, polished or chrome. 27O Double Female, rigid hexe- qon to swivel connection. Rigid 6nd thread is alwaYe NPT. Your 2/2" or 3" hose thread on $/rrivel end. Sizes:2ll" x21h".3" x21h",3" x 3". Finish: Satin, polished, or chrome. 227 Single Glappor Inlot Connoc' lion2th'- or3" size. Female swivel with hose thread, (speclfy thread). Male NPT rhread. Finish: Cast b.ass. L52 or' 162 ComPlete Unit Singb Outlot Gonnection con- sisti of:309 round Plate o116l souar€ plate, (not illustrated) br'anded:' "Wall HYdrant," I7I 2!2" temale and male connoction, lemale NPT x male hose thread (specifyl NPT,I4 0 cap with chain. Finish: Polished or chrome. 1 7 1 Femafeto Mde21/z" Conltpc- tion. Female NPT x Your hose thread. Finish: Polished or chrome. 148 Straight Ball Drip Valve %" and 3z{" sizes. 1 81 Angle Ball DripValve %" and EA" sizes. SINGLE CONNECTIONS r52 47 171 161 151 Guardian Fire EquiPment, Inc'Speciay Sizs ardTh,erd Whrn O.d6ring. jl"4 I VAIL TIPE.DEPAQTIIENT Appraued as Submlttcrl tr sy: -_ e, U(' //tut/er li,b w,' VlE (+unt,ttl,+rz4) l, ftUt' 76rfttF //2/tztt-22/,tt':/D & 7'o" F,t1z.a Eir,*yt //. *t7i.6{F2*"cz)* rz,*t,.4.4futtz ZV UtQ f;ztct FtRE't'ffifff61f6ffffioDucr and HYDRAULIC CALCULATION SUBMITTAL V*t l, 4zF1 f1 zN€ Vl)-1.'44?-n1V/+i Jel-1b AFC/MeEL- nnEsf€trBre,E {894VrnGadonotrlfla Wh..tRbgt,OO goE! 'i i 7-3I-1996 PAGE r 304 WIIEAT: RIDGE, COLORADO , ,l',. ,. ' .: Boora I..'.:'-..I FLOW TEST RESULTS i:r,l I'r , Waier: Supply I.'STATIC 88.00 PSI I, RESTDUAL zs. oo psr o trzo.rl CITY PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT ISSO. SUMMARY OF SPRTNKLER OUT]TLOW i] . ACTUAL MINIMUM isPR , FLOW FLOW ,K-FAqTOR NTAGE ROAD WEST FrLE NO. COMUOrySl i I It crrttTtl aar, I --r-.]---' 101 r?,24 14. 85 5.160LOz 16. 38 14. B5 : 5.60. 15. 99 14, B5 . 5.15016.02 14,85 ; 5.b015,22 14.85 5.,60 14. 85 14, 85 5, 60 0033 'i 0 3i s O GPM GPM PRESSURE 9. 48 B. 56 B. 16 B. 18 7 .38 7 ,03 B. B6 10.50 7 .94 9.42 13.07 11.83 tt,2B 9. 61 B, 6B 8.27 8.7 4 7 .89 7 .52 t3 .97 85,7 4 P :, 14. 85 14, 85 5, 60. 16,67 14.85 s.bo 18. 15 14.85 5.60L5,78 14.85 5.60 L7. 19 14. 85 5,6020.24 14. 85 5. 60L9,26 14.85 5.60 18. 81 14. 85 5.50L7,36 14.85 t 60 1r., '16.50 14.85 ,' : 5,60. 16. 11 14. 85 5.60 16. 56 14.85 5.60.: L5,73 L4,85 5. 60, 15.35 14.85 ' . 5.6020,93 14.85 ,.i: ,5.60 PAGE 2 I I I i l i I07-3 r-1996 GPM GPM GPM PSI 0.00 Psr 40. 34 50. 00 90.34 68, 90 FILE N0. UNBALANCE IN a I tr:n F=0 i F=T a a i F=T SUBMITTAL SERIAL NOI VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORT}I FRONTAGEVAIL, COLORADO FILE NO. 2 3 5 0IIY4 ROAD WEST I 07-31-1996 PAGE 3 Locat i on From To 103 106 ,Q 7 103DQ a PipeSize & co[,rMoNs1 Fittings Dev i ces i F=T F=T F=0 r.i I F=0 f'= I F=0 E<luiv FrictionLength LossFt PSI/FI Fl ow in GPM 14, B5 15. 99 30. 84 IN t.o49 BN2 1.049 BNl 1, 049 BN5 1. 049 BN5 1. 380 BN5 1. 049 BN2 ,rO49 BN4 1,380 BN3 10. 00 5. 00 15. 00 10.00 5. 00 15.00 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 9, 00 0. 00 9. 00 5, 50 6. 00 11. 50 10. 00 0. 00 I0. 00 0. 50 6, 00 6, 50 9. 5(, 0. 00 9, 50 10.00 0. 00 10. 00 0. 50 6. 00 tr. 50 C=I2O 0.0750 C=L2O o,2900 C=l2O 0.3009 C= 120 Presgure Summary PSI B. 16 0. 00 4.35 72.51 13.97 0. 00 r,27 15 .24 0. 00 r, 27 16. 51 0. 00 0. .+3 16 .94 7 .52 0. 00 o,76 B.28 0. 00 3.01 11.29 0. 00 L22 12, 51 7 .89 0. 00 o ,79 7. rJ3 (106) 0, 00l. 13 L F T L F T PT PE PT PT PE PE Pf PI PE PF I PT PE PF PT PE PF Ptr PT PF'r PF FI PE PF I PT PE PF PT PT PE PF Pi PE PF PT PE PF PT 5 I ..\z 0. lBBS C= 120 0, 0835 C=120 0.3146 ."1C=l2O 0,1969 LzL 122 L20 121 4 L20 Q 20.93 20. 93 20. 93 116 119 a 113 116DQ a 7113DQ a (103) ( 7) ( 122) ( r2r) (120) ( 4) (119) (r16) 15.35 16. 11 31.46 18. B1 50.27 I F T L F T I F T It- I L F T L F T T F T C= 120 0.141 C=LZO 0. 141 C=I2O 0. 037 9.50 C=I2O 0, 009.50 0.0798 (1r3) ( 7) (118)115 118 a 112 l1sDQ a 6112DQ a 1. 049 BN2 1, 049 BN4 1. 380 BN3 t5.73 16.50 32.23 L9 ,26 51.49 L F T L F T 8.68 (115) 0. 00 3.15 11,83 (112) 0. 00 T .28 13.1r ( 6) SUBMITTAL SERIAL No: 2350IIy4VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTII FRONTAGE ROAD WESTVAIL, COLORADO ! I I r07*31-1996 PAGE 4 L14 1I7 a 111 114DQ a 511lDQ.a 108 110 a 16.56 L7 ,36 33.9? 20.24 54. 16 17, L9 18.15 35. 34 10. 00 0. 00 10. 00 0. 50 6. 00 6. 50 Locat i on From To FILE Flow in GPM NO. Pipe Size IN 1, 049 BN2 1. 049 BN4 1, 380 BN3 1.049 BN8 1. 049 BN7 049 BN6 049 BN5 049 BN2 coMMoNsl Fittings & Devices F=0 F=T F=0 F=f Pregsure Summary PSI 9, 4? 0. 00 1. 0B 10.50 0. 00 1.86 L2.36 7 .94 0, 00 0.92 B. B6 0. 00 3. 50 12,36 7 .38 0. 00 1.18 8. 56 0. 00 4. 55 13. 11 8.18 0, 00 L ,29 L F T Equir. FrictionLerrgth Loss rFt. PS I /rt 9.50 C=LZO 0, 009.50 0.0917 8.74 (rL7) 0, 00 0, 87 9.61 (114) 0. 00 3. 46 13.07 (111) 0. 00 1.41 14.48 ( 5 ) I PT PE Ph PT PE PF l PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF IPI PE PF PT l PT PE Pf PT PE PT PT PT PE P{ I ] l I 3 0 r F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F "T L F T C=LZO 0, 3458 C=LZO o.2162 00 C=I2O 0000 0.0983 : 8 lOBDQ nY 11. 0. 11. 5. 0. 11, 0. It 6, 3. tt 00 00 00 C=I2O 0. 3730 i00 C=120 I 00 100 0.0839 00 C=12000,00 0.3186 (110) (108) ( B) (109)107 109 1. 15.78 16,67 1. 32. 45 1. L F T L F T a 15,22 (107) ( B) (105)10. 00 5. 00 15. 00 10.00 5. 00 15.00 C= 120 0.07B C=120 0.303 6 102DQ o 16.38 31. 60 r, 049 BNl 1. 049 BN2 ,I -.Lr=l i I I .l F=T .l I i 00 C=120 ; at r.t :UU00 0,0863 ( 102) ( 6) ( 104 ) a 10. :). 15. 104 t6.02 t SUBMITTAL SERIAL NOI VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTH FRONTACEVAIL, COLORADO FILE NO. 2350fiy4 ROAD WEST P ipe Size IN l. 049 DN1 PAGE 507-31- 1996 I l I I Locat ion From To 5 10lDQ a Flow in GPM L7 .24 33.26 COMMONSl I IFittlings & Dev i ces l i F=T I Ecluiv Lerngt.h F1, 10. 00 5. 00 i5,00 10. 00 0, 00 10. 00 10.00 0. 00 10. 00 10.00 0. 00 10.00 10. 00 0. 00 10.00 51,00 15.10 66. r0 6, 00 B, 60 14. 60 50. 00 0. 00 50. 00 25. 00 34.,70 59 ,70 750.00 155 ,70 905, 70 Frictio Loss PSr /Ft, I C=L20: 0, 3334 C= 120 0.0140 C=L2O i 0. 060? C=L2Q i i0.1366 C=LZO l I i0.2469 C=120' o.2777 C=120 o. ?777 i C= 120 0. 3812 C=140 n Pressure Summary PSI 9. 47 ( 101) 0, 00 5. 00 14,.r7 ( 5) t2.37 ( B ) 0, 00 0. 14 L2.sL ( 7) 0, 00 0. 60 13.11 ( 6) 0, 00 1.37 14.48 ( 5) 0, 00 2, 47 16.95 ( 4) 0. 00 18. 36 35.31 ( 3) 1.73 4, O5 41. 09 ( 2)L73 19. 06 61.88 ( -3. 47 1.18 59.59 ( 8,67 0. 63 68. 89 ( 99) 87 b rt T L F T 1) PI PE PF PT Ph PE PF PT PE PF I PT PF PF PI PE PF I PT PE PF I PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF 4 Q 67.79 7DQ BL 12a 148.90 6DQ 83,09a 232.00 sDQ 87.42 a 319. 41 4DQ 20.93a 340. 34 3 a 340. 34 a 340. 34 340.34 4,28O F UN 8. 450 F=Tr UN 2,635 FR6 2. 635 FR5 2, 635 FR4 2.635 FR3 2.635 FR2 2.635 F=0 F=o t=io F=r0 I F=Tl, E 1t. l F=ZF L F T L F T Lr T L F T L F T L F T L F T t F T 3 '2 1 99 a 340,34 FR2 2. 469 FRl F=DDC E=T, I l 6E' o. ot97 :C=140 I 0, 0007 a GV 0) E 0.o ao oNo FI o , aaao-o.G IBBE !rr r r asR"oaeUt ..E - 4.'i il,e€t Hf,.i A!'P tl -.>OCLI oorlooo c,ooutoNUI o a 0- 88rr Iqto.(0 o Po n fi6tqr fiin irr^ -OA- L O(' E-t c t,ts-. O+rOgtFa- in ,.. .,{ Q, o{coo#.?o o o ovtac.Tt- flo E I, g TTIIbsss !t ct oto (!, t/l o- oul0no||)outoctFFOGl{trOrf+ (96)emeu6 olooutFOOOutU,ONN noutoo ttto'o a lcOa!! E66'ttf.C 9!ec !6E\!> !o,.3C an. E,O90bl ulg JJt az o E o() .J ? VELOCITY REPORT VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 07 -3 L- 1996 PAcll I :l:y_19___::gI___tnNcrrr FrrrrNc Dr aru rypr: r.s r,/rr s_Loss PRESSIJRIiS VE]- 103 1067 IO3 14. B5 30. 84 r0,00 10, 00 116 119 113 116 / IIJ 15.35 31.46 50.27 o (rl 10. 00 0. 50 r. 049 BNz 1. 049 RN4 1. 380 tN3 l 0.{9 BN2 1. 049 BN4 1. 380 BN3 B. 16 12,51 I5 .2.1 16.51 t6,94 B, 28 11.29 12.51 B, 6B 11. B3 13. r 1 9. 61 13. 07 14.48 10.50 12. 36 B. B[' 12,36 B. 5f) 13. 1l 20.93 20.93 20.93 9. 00 9. 00 J. )U 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 f). 0 0.0 0,0 6,0 0,0 0.0 6.0 r, 049 RN2 0.07 51.049 BNl 0.290 1. 049 BNs 1, 049 BN5 r. 380 BNs 0. 0t) 0. 00 0.1.11 0.000,tr1 0.00o.o37 0.00 0, 080 0. 000.301 0.000.IBB (),00 0. 083 0. 000.315 0.00 o. 197 0. 00 o. 097, 0. 00 0. 3-16 0. 000.216 0. 00 (.),098 0.00 0, 373 0. 00 0. 084 0. 000,319 0.00 0.079 0, 00 0. 303 0, 00 7.03 5.51 B. 1f: 11 . 45 13.97 7 .7715.2.1 7.77 16. 51 ,1 . .19 7 .52 5. 70B,28 1 I ,68t1.29 10.78 7. 89 5. 84B.68 1t.97 11, 83 11.05 8.7.t 6.159.61 12.59r3.07 IL62 9, 42 6. 3810,50 13.12 7 ,9,1 5. 86B.86 12.05 7 .38 5.65 8, 56 11, 73 B.18 5.95 9 . ,47 t2. 35 12.37 3. 9912.5r 8,7() 13.11 13.65 14.48 18.79 16.95 20.0235,3t 20.02 41,09 22.8161.88 7.5959.59 1.95 tzt 122 120 IZl4 120 115 118t12 LLs6 rtz 15.73 32.23 51.49 o <n 10,00 0. 50 108 110B 1OB 114 Lt7rll 1145 111 16. 56 33.92 54, 1.6 9. 50 10. 00 0. 50 1, 049 BNz r. 049 BN4 1. 380 BN3 1. 049 BI't6 r, 049 BNs 1, 049 BNz 1.049 BN1 17. 19 35.34 11.00 5, 00 0,0 0.0 5.0 0,0 0.0 0.0a-^ 5.0(n r. 049 BNB 1.0.19 DN7 107 109B LO7 15.78 32.45 11 , 00 6. 00 102 10 56 ro2 r5,22 31,60 10.00 10.00 101 1045 101 7B6756453423 LZ99 1099 67 ,79 148. 90 232. OO 319.41 340.34 340. 34 340. 34 340.34 340. 34 10, 00 10, 00 10. 00 10,00 51.00 6, 00 50. 00 25.00 750, 00 0. 086 0, 00 0. 333 0. 00 0,0r4 0.00 0. 060 0. 000,rJ7 0.00o.247 0. 000.278 0. 000.278 1 .730.381 r.73 o. o20 -3, 47 0. 001 B. 67 9. 47 14. 47 12. 51 .l3,1t 14., 4B 16.95 35.31 41.09 61, Bu 59. 59 68. 89 t6. 02 33. 26 10, 00 10.00 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ls,1 tt. t) 0.0 34 .7 r55 .7 1. 049 BNz 1, 049 BNt.t 2. 635 FR6 2. 635 FR5 2, 635 FR42.635 FR3 2, 635 FR2 2.635 FR? 2.469 FRI 4. 2BO UN 8.450 UN l ; Sprinkler A Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Cenlral Sprinkler Company 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 fi|lllll''l.,,n The Central Model A Upright or Pendent Sprinklers otfer the ultimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design features. They incorporate a unique center strul design which r€sults in a smaller, more attractive sprinkler than those manufactured with a more traditional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanism of the Model A sprinkler responds significantly faster than more traditional mechanisms such as the 8mm glass bulb or link-and{ever. The Model A Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with curront NFPA 13 Slandards. They are available in a wide variety of orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes, and corrosion resistant coatings. Operatlon: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze centor strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball ls forced upward into the c€nlor strut, releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could affect its proper functioning. lt is also less susceplible to mechanical damage since there aro no protruding elements, extending beyond the sprlnkler frame. Technical Data Model: A Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size K Factor Thread 3,1s'p.sm) 2.7 @erl )6' ez.z md N.P.T. %a" 1rr.t mn1 4.2 @.u) 1A" 1zzndN.P.T.9$rurr+ffi tl/e." 1ts.s,rrn1 7.8 1rr.st) 1A" ftzznr|'N.P.T.t'rh' 1s.s,rm) 8.1 pts.a1 3/r' 6e.r nnlN.Pf. Temp. Hating and Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57"C Uncolored 165"Fn4"C Uncolored 212'Fl100'C White 286'F/141'C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., M.E.A., V.D.S., LPCB (see tabular information on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass, chrome plaled (chrome is not V.D.S. Approved and white paint is U.L. only.) Coatingg: wax, lead, or wax-over:l€ad (see tabular information on page 3.) Pintle: on deflector for 3/a", ?r0", and 17lsz' orifice by %" thread Length: 231a" 6oss nm) (excluding pintle) Width: 171rc" 1sa.anm1(frame arms) Weight: 4.2 oz. (rre grans) For sp€cilic listing rsquirements seo tho appropdate intormation containsd in this brochur€, l{o,2-l.O Cross Sectlon Model "A" Pendent SP44{q_Cross Sectlon Model "A" l Gross Sectlon Model 'A' Uprlght SPrlnkler (Small Orlflce wlth Plntle) Dealon Reoulrements - Standard Aoollcatlons The Model A Upright and Pendent Spdnklers are intended lor standard area coverages and standard llow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13 Standards' 2 Unlversal Wrench t ' 286'temporature ls nol U.L.C. Approved wllh corroslon-resistant coatlngs." No corroalon-r€sislant coatings ar€ Approvod by MEA."' Lead only."" Llsled a8 hlg h t€m p€ratutg, wax coal€dlorlnstallation wheremaxlmumamblgnl celllng temp€rgtutedog3 notoxceed 150"F. 7',,,,, nstarrat All Central Model A Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations from these requirements and slandards oi any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any waranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addilion, installation must also meel' local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized lo insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. ion ,.H:lJJi:ffi[$#:T:,:, " ""Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of lhe installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation $equence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2, Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon* tape. Apply only to lhe male threads. 'Tellon is a trademark ol lhe DuPont Coro. a Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for pendent sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. ol torque; a tangential force of 141o28lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulling in leakage. For exposed piping systems, th6 sprinkler should be oriented so tho frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. Caution: Special care musl be taken when installing with a CPVC piping system. Sprinklers must be installed after the CPVC manufacturefs recommended setting time'for the primer and cemenl to ensure that no primer or cement accumulates within u.L., *u.L.c. and **MEA (N.y.c.) Gat. No. gzs-7s-sA Llstings Orlfice Size and Style Temperature Rating ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng 3/s" upright and pendent ?ro" upright and pendenl t/2" uprighl and pendent 17lsz" (x 1/2" thd.) upright and pendent 17h2" (x314" thd.) upright and pendent ***135 16s 212 ****286***195 165 212 ****286***135 165 212 ****286 165 212 ***1286 165 212 ****286 lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead F.M. Orillce Slze and Stvle Temperature Ratinq ('F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlnq 3/a' upright 3/s" upright 3/e" upright 1/2" upright and pendent 1/a" upright and pendent 1/a" upright and pendent 17let (x 112' thd.) upright and pendentttle" (\ r/a'lhd.) upright and pendenlttle' (x 1/2" lhd.) upright and pendenltTln' (x314' lhd.) upright and pendent 17le:' (x314' thd.) upright and pendent 171s2" (x 31." lhd.) uprighl and p€ndent 135 165 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 2't2 212 212 286 246 286 286 286 246 286 286 135 tAE 165135 165 135 165 lead wax-over-lead wax lead wax-ov€r-l€ad wax lead wax-over-lead wax lead wax-ov€r lead wax Temperature Ratlng ("F) 1/e" (15 mm) uprighl and pendenlnlsz' (2O mm) x 34" lhd. upright and pendent 135 165 212 286135 165 212 286 v.D.s. Orlflce Size and Style Temperature Ratlng ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng 3la 1lz 17lgz (10 mm) pendent (15 mm) upright and pendenl (20 mm) x oA" thd. upright and p€ndent ;;; 135 t03 165 165 212 212 286 286 I the sprinkler. Special care must be taken when installing with a copper system. The sprinkler should be installed only after the inside of the sprinkler drops and associated filtings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause corrosion and can impair proper sprinkler operation. I]lllGale &I lMaintenanceH Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must not be transport€d or stored where ambienl temperature may exceed 1 00'F/38'C. For besl results, store lhem in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not inslall sprinklere lhat have been dropped or vlsibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any olher way from manufactured condlti<in or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible lor the proper operaling condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 25 entitled, "lnspection, Tdsting and Maintenance ol Water-Based Fire Protection Systems", contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additlonal reguletions and requirements for mainlenance, testin g, and inspection lhat musl be obeyed. It is advisable lo have sprinkler systems inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time betwoen such inspeclions can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not atlempt lo re-assemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler lhat has operated. Beplace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of the same type and temperature rating as replacements. @ 1993 Cenlral Sprinkler Company Prinled in U.S.A. Because the discharge pattern is critical to prolection of life and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. ln the evenl that construction has altered the original conf iguration, additional sprinklers should be installed lo maintain the protection level. Do not attempt to replace sprinklers without first removing the lire protection system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all Authorilies Having Jurisdiclion, and nolify all personnel who may be affected during system shutdown. A fire watch dudng maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. To remove the system from service mode, first refer lo lhe system operating guide and valve inslruction. Drain waler and relieve pressure in th€ pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. B€ certain lo match model, siyle, orifice, and temperature raling. A fire protection system that has been shut otl afler an activation should be roturned to service immediately. Inspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers lhat did not operate but were subjected to corrosive elemenls of combustion or excessive t€mperaiures should be inspected, and repfaced if need be. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum replacement requirements and regulations. CENTRAL -FCentral Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found lo be defective in material or workmanshlp within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer to the currenl Price List for further details of the warranty. Hll,'fl"llT,,,, Orderlng Informatlon: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please speclfy the quantity, model, style, oriftce size, lemperature rating, lype of finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Avallablllty and Ssrvlce: Central sprlnklers, valves, accessorles, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution cenlers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call 215-362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Converslon Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cma 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 lltere Conversions are approximate. I I Spfinkl€r 4.3 Sidewall Sprinkler-H Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Ptoduct Description The Central Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprlnklers are designed with special deflectors that discharge most of the water away from the nearby wall in a quarter-semispherical pattern wilh a limited portion of the discharge directed toward the wall behind lhe sprinkler. They embrace the ultimate in aesthelic appeal and advanced design features via incorporalion of a unique cenler strul design, which results in a smaller, more aftractive sprinkler than those manufactured with a more traditional design approach. The center-strul operating mechanisms, such as the glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with currenl NFPA 13. They are ideally suiled for use in churches, clubs, schools, hospitals, offices, restaurants, auditoriums, relail stores and similar occupancies. They are available in a wide variety of orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes and coffosion resistant coatings. Operatlon: A fusible alloy is sealed inlo a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts al its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strut releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most othor sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could aflect its proper n Model: H functioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no protruding el€ments extending beyond the sprinkler frame Technical Data Style: HorizonlalSidewall Orilice Size and K-Factor: s/a' p.s mm1 2.6 (a7.t,) 7Aa" (s.s mml 4.2 (60.06) JlfLd*t"lacl,,,, 6eW'' Thread Size: %" 1tz.zmm1N.P.f . Temp. Rating & Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57'C uncolored or black 145"F/63"C uncolored or black 165oFf74'C uncoloredorblack 212"F/100'C white 286'F/141'C blue Note: Color identilicalion is not required for plated sprinklers. Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., .F.M. ,.M.E.A. (375-75-SA) (" %" orifice only) Standard Finishes: brase, chrome Decorative Finishes: black, white, otf-white (U.L. Onty) Corrosion-Besistant Coatings: wax, lead, wax-over-laad (see tabular information on page 3) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 p.s.i. Pintfe: on deflector for 7s" and 7As' orilice. Lenglh: 2s/e" Gs.s mnS width: Frame Arms: 17Aa" 1st.s nnl Deffector: 1s/ra" 139.0e nn1 Weight 3.1 oz.pz gramsl ilo. Al5.O Figure 1 Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Combination Sprinkler Wrench (Part #1106) II U.L. Temperature Rating ("F)Orifice Size Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 145 165 212 286- Va" , %a",%" 3/a" , %ao ,Y2" 3/a", 7/ta" ,lz" 3/a", %a" ,%" Ta" . 7Aa" ,1/2" Lead Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over-Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over Lead j nffihnicar All Central sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet ' Llstod as high temperature, wax coated for Installation where maxlmum ambient ceiling temperature does not erceed 150pF. F.M. Temperature Rating ("F)Orifice Size Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 145 165 212 286 1/^ 't/^ :/2 1/^ 1/^ L€ad Lead Lead Lead Lead Design Requirements - Standard Applications The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requiremenls as specified in current NFPA 13. The %" and '1Aa" orilice sprinklers are U.L. and U.L.C. Listed for installation in light hazard occupancies only. These sizes are not F.M. or M.E.A. Approved. The %'orifice sprinkler is U.L. and U.L.C. Listed and M.E.A. Approved for installation in light or ordinary hazard occupancies only. lt is F.M. Approved for installation in light hazard occupancies only. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed with the dellector from 4" to 6" below ceilings and not more than 6" away from the wall or lintel surface through which they are mounted, "unless special construction arrange- ments make a different position advisable for prompl operation and etfective distribution" (see NFPA 13). There is no maximum ceiling height limitation for multiple sprinkler installations, when utilizing the Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. f, nsta I |at i on !XT:?;ff:?J:"li li"oliiiJil'"0"" Sidewall Sprinklers lor use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of lhe installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape and reinslall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be insthlled in the horizontal position. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Combination Wrench to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7-14 ft-lbs. ol torque; a tangential force of 14-28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft-lbs. may distort lhe orifice seal, resulting in leakage. CAUTION: Do not "wrench" or turn the deflector, as thls actlon may damage the sprlnkler and cause it to leak under pressure. 'T€llon ls d kad€ma* otth€ DuPonl CorD, Gare Main & bn anGe The system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rale at the sprinkler. Check lor the proper model, style, orifice siz€ and temperalure ratlng pricir to inslallation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe syslems must be protected from freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model H-1 Dry Horizontal Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must not be transported or stored where ambienl lemperatures may exceed 100"F/ 38oC. For best results. store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do noi install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufaclured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such a manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire orotection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance ( of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems", conlains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements' Furthermore, the local AuthoritY Having J urisdicfion may have additional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspeclion lhat must be obeyed. It is rePommended that sPrinkler systems be inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Lenglh of time between such inspoctions can vary due to accessibilitY, ambient atmosphere, water suPPlY and site activity. Do not attempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has oPerated. RePlace anY sPrinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sPrinklers of the same type and lemperature rating as replacements. Because the discharge Pattem is crltical to Proiection of llfe and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disruPt the Pattern' Such obslructions must be removed' In the event that construction has altered the original configuration, additional sprinklers should be installed io maintain the Protection level. Do not atlemPt to replace sprinklers without first removing the fire protection system lrom service' Be certain to secure permission from all Authorities Having Jurisdiction' and notitY all Personnel who maY be affected during system shutdown A lire walch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. To remove the system lrom service mode, lirst refer to the system operating guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the rePlacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model' style, orifice' and temperature rating. A fire protection system that has been shut off after an activation should be returned to service immediatelY. InsPect the entire syslem for damage and rePlace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subiected to corrosive elements of combustion or excessive temPeratures should be inspected, and rePlaced il needed. f he Authority H aving Ju risdiction will detail minimum rePlacement requiremenls and regulations. Guarantee: Central SPrinkler Company will repair ahd/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanshiP within a period ol one Year lrom the date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. EENTRAL - Central SPrinkler ComPanY 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Fl0rdering '. Idlnformation' Ordering Inlormatlon: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please sPecifY the quantity, model, style, orifice size' temperature rating, type of linish and sprinkler wrench' AvallabllltY and Servlce: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S' and Canada; and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly lo Central Sprinkler Company or call 800-523- 6512 lor the distributor nearesl you' Converslon Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 m 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 loot Pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kPa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm'z 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are aPProximale' @1994 Centlal Sprinkler ComPanY Printed in U.S.A. H.1 . Fzatures t Non-Corroslve 300 saies stalnless stul (lead fru) construction. Superior strenglh. o 40o/o shoriar end to end dinenslons lor compact, lnerpenslve lnstallation.. Exccllenl lor relrotil installdions. c 50o/o lfihtcr ln wefiht, reducx lnslallatlon and hndllng costs. o Conpnl steln/rr;s steel reliel vafue wllh a balnced rolling diaphragm and no slldhtg sub lor rellabb bng term parformance. o FulU suvlceilh Inllne, no speclaltools. o Prelxled pdenled' cam-chuk asembly lor long tern reliabillly, low head loss, eas;e ol suviceabillly.. Single two-bolt grooyed style covu tor quick and ety access.. ASSE 1047 approved assembly lor yertical and horfuontal applicilions.. Optlnnal eh gap drain, both horhontal and vertical. o Hol and cold watu applications. t NationalApprovals Approved by all national approval agencies" AIVIES t Application TheAnrs 5000 SS provfulx protection lo the polablewatu supply tron contamlnallon cared hy a cross connectlon ln a hlgh haud application. t lnstallation f he 5000 SS should be lnstalled wilh a mlnimum cleaance ol l2"belween thelowxt polnt olthearisenb[ and the lloor or grade. The 5000 $8 nay be lnstalled horEonlally or rcrttcally (tlow up). Reler to local codas. lor s pnilic installatlon req u hen ents. fhe rsemhly nusl be Inslalled so lhe discharge can be posttlYely drained away. 'Pdenl 1 5,016,525 FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS t Anw5000ss-hts & Dtnenstons(lnches $tE I I G D E F G.XBT il.0t1l0rul UT. T/otltt fr. wnotr$ 2.1n'to.tGlf2'l2rn"I 9 tra'tl trz't53'ctf 3'to'tDr/il'l3'7 ln'12tA'2,1,2'fttu tor a'to'to.rr:r't1n'e't!ut'?ala'2M Titf n-rn,&1n'-t,2'-1/2'15ln''t t'It srrt'30'3eof t20f Et'g' E8 E; Ste E: $; t5 Et'g' ;6 E3 So 15 | 2-l/? & ?'uocunnted fuw Ch*'filahilcs @ctudins shut-oft wtves) t(xl /oo tuvn*rcPfrt | f'aocam''/ cd f,ou Cht *twbllcs @c'udtns shut-ott vatves) t Spectlicallons lhe 500Gs Mfui yevmtu duil onsisl o/ tuo turtqendefi opratiry, q*ry Mad wr dtar* vtuar wih a hfilelulieily WraN dlter- qfrdrrassure refrelvalw lffiibd0riitwn aN brllott dB candted<4 Witd terll mdrrs, W- !€lss xsunbly ad inlet eN ouilet ,/€sfient sf/at shttl olt valves. When nomal fuw exisb }rrilr ciedr valws arc oW ud ha yxswe in iln erca Dpturean ft e dtecks, allad tre zorc, is at leut 2 PSI Wrer har he hld Wwllle. lln cltferelnlid prwure refrd yilve ls dwd durtrrg nmtdfu*. lf cessafirn ol normal flow cglts, he dffellenl presane rcliel valve wiil eutonafcatry qen ed didtarge h nainlain lhe zone al leret 2 PSI hwer hm he idetptessurc. This arfurrill pre- veil a bad<tlow u Drdlsiplwage oqrfrtful After ilB rcq.ilrcd dfrewild ls e.f,laili$ed, ilp dfler- ential prossure reliel vdve qdn dcr;os. fhe anr4ndc indrrde a gtairbss shel spturg aN a n-am, nfrer lad @ eN a Wlau- &le seat. The bdl shan b nndactvrd hqn 3N sads sfainless strrel, lead lrgo fua$r he wateiley, wih a shgle two&p/lt gowed styld aocess @uar. fr/o special lools shail b Wfud lor seruking. The refrel viln $all b Mwd wih a riltng 6qhqn and rc sMry seds. fhe reliel valve shdl &&arge in a 9$o n&s. The blpass line onsisb ol a snail danffit rcdlwd pressure Md<flow xsemily, watar metet al drutotl valves. t Physical Characleristics - Size: 2-12',3',1', 6' -Rahdwkhpprexure:175N - lly&os/adc presure : 350 pst -TenWnMewW-3tF-ll0'F - Flarye dimensbns in atordance with AWWA uthClass O - 3@ sedes sfainless steel construclion - Assenbly shall be ASSE 1047 aprovd tor vertical install ations, AWWA CSl | -89 "Conhcl lhe tacbry hr gedlic appmvalg 100 250 200 3(xl 400 tuvRde(EPttI) 750 1000 tutf,alc(oPftl) 5@ 600 GPlrl 1250 1500 GPM 916.6662193 1485Tanforan Avenue P.O. Box 1387 | trOocunalaled Hou Charnlerbllcs (nctudtng shut-ott vatves) ::::i,a-::::,r- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i . 'F..... -..... }r-{i::" ! i "9r2-'-"'' " " : - 'i ''\'----'- : : :'''''' i i i i : : Woodfand,CA95776 HX910.666. C14 M-oa.s7 r/e4 FIBE PHO"fEC-iION SYSTEMS UI- LISTED/FM APPROVED PRODI'CTS SIJBMITTAL Submillal is made for approval of the following Victaulic@ piping products indicate, within the UL Listed/FM Approved ratings in lhis publication. COI,IPLIT,IGS AND I.I'TTINGS FOR GROOVED STEEL PIPE GROOVED END VAI VES O Br|llerfly Valvs Series 708-W PRODUCTS FOIl I{OLE CTJT PIPE O Flrebalf Valvs Seri€s 727 "r{b:Hbf ictaulic' An p gOOl cerlilied company O Rlser Check Valve FireLockrx.",,"isil& PRODI.JCTS FOH T,NDERGTTOIIND AWWA OI,CTILE PIPE PRODUCTS FOR PLAIN END STEEI. PIPE FITO PRODUCTS FOR SMAI.L DIAMETEH Pl,AIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 10 & 40 SYSTEM SUBMITTAI. THE COPPER CoNNECT|ON... PHODI.ICTS FOR COPPER TUBING O Copper Producta d% This p.odlrcl shdtt b€ n vrclaullc reserves llrd nglrl lo chango prodLrct sp€crlications, designs aod sbnda.d equipment without notic€ and wathout incuraino obligatton. fHdd Coupllng Fb.l-ocln O Rigid Coupling Zero.Flox' Slyl€ 07 "!#ff, fSH O Flexlblo Coupllng Slyle 77 O Eoltless Coupllng Vic-Eollloss' Style 791 g CouplhC Slyb 75 O Flange Adaplers Vic-Flange. Styles 741 & 743 ACCESSORIES L] Fire Pump Tosl Meler Slyle 735 'lt+;T'*Try OullellLol|.nlosl-l! 8E{q. 920 f, S21 O Snap-Let' Oullet Sryle 925 'i,ll!'ff6# U Plaln End Coupling Rousl-A-Bouf Slyle 99 O Plain End Coupling Plainlock' Style 90 l.l Plain End Fitlings ggT Submltlsl ls made toa approval ot the indical€d Vlctaullc piprno p,oducts tol Ih€ tollowlng se.vtces 'r/ithin th6 UL Listed,tFM Approvod ratings ond sys- lems |n hts ouDltc:tlronSub- System _.-_- Aulornaric Sprinkl€r . Wot. -,__ Autonlalic Sprinklor - Ory _-._ Slandpipe . Wot .--_- Slandpipe - Dry -'_ Und€rground Walor Suppty -_ Speclal Hazards __ low Pr€ssure CO2 _ Haton lSOl PRESSFIT' P}lODI'CTS FOR SMAI.I. DIAMETEF PI.AIN E}ID S'TEEI. PIPE Schedule 5 u Transitlon Coupling AWWA Duclile to St€el Styl€ 307 O PressliF Products All Styles tfiffiiFt.'"gt U FIP Products All Slyles OID +|t JOB/OWNER CONTRACTOH ENGINEER System Spec. Sect. Date Para. Location VICTAULIC COMPANY OF AMER|CA. p.O. Box 31 . Easron, pA 18044-0031 MB-AOI 0095 15[4C11/93 @Copyrjghl .tg93, Vrclautio Company otAfienca printedinr.rsA . 610/559-3300 . FAX: 510/250-8817 (0 Reglslered Trademarli ol Vlcla(lic Conlpany ol America NEW FROM ctar-rlic'Victaulic' Supervisory Switches Style 737-P for Post Indicator Valves & @@ :q The new Victautic Styte 737-p and Style 737-O supervasory switches are designed for use in lire alarm syslems thal use low current alarm circuits (17 MA o |Zvdcl. When lhe valve is moved towards lhe closed position the switch activatss a signal to a lire conlrol panel or othe; warning devlce. Both switches leature precision die cast housings wilh integral tamper prool switches that are t Copv.iqhf f907, Victaulic i Style 737- forOS&Y Gate Valves Long term reliability with use of dual point contacts Serrated contact surface provides reliable, low currenl activation o Die cast housing r Tamper resistant cover . Side mounled conduit allows easy installation aulomatically aclivated when the cover is removed. To simplily installation the conduit opening is localed al lho end ol lhe housing. Slyle 737-P and 737-0 Victaulic supervisory swit- ches aro designed with dual switches. Victaulic supervisory switches Style 737-p and 737-0 are UL listed and FM approved. ' Regislered lmdemark of Viclaulir. Compaly ol Ame(lcl )imensions Style 737.P/Style 737€ Side View a' 4 88', Styf e 737.P/Style 737-0 Top View a 08'tzq.umm- ?.06' 52.5mm rif*. - t24omm - TT | 3?.6mm 2.56' 65.2mm 2.so' 638{nm I a.11' l|e,8mn LzA' 32'6mn f 330'.05& n 0r8' DtA. 22.3mm @NOUIT OPENING h'.ta LPs.c lOemm P8-101 sl|rf 2/ls ?dn!.d |n U.S,A.vrcrAut.rc coMpANy oF AMER'CA o po. Box 3r . EASToN. pA rs04a .2tst2s2-6too SIDE Uo|.,]{TED @f{Durt El{rn^}rc€ Model llo Weighl Lbs. 737-P J.6 n7.0 '2.4 tr/Bll' Black Lightwall Threadalile Ptpt The original'oblack" lightr,vall threadable pipe with exceptional hyrlraulics and economy Arnerican TUb€ & Pipe Cornpany took a popular idea and made it betten Unlike other lighrwall threadable pipee, B[.lT is black, making it a perfecf rnatch with ntoet other eprinkler pipes. And the black coating is safer to weld on than zinc coated pipes, BIJT's proven hydratrlic advantage and lighter wcighf adde value to any EyEtenr. BL'I yripe is a blark, exceptionally strong steel s;rrinkler Jripc of the class generally knovm as "lightwall threadable pipe3' lr.s wall thickness is less than that of Sch-.l{) or Sch-10 but the cold forming pror:ess undergone in manufacturing givee IILT pipe nrechanical strength characteristics er;uivalent to those required for Sch-,1.0. It is designed for branchline use in wet, dry--, preaction and deluge systems. IILT can be joined with threadetl couplilgs (when in accordance with ANSI Bl.20.l), rolled groove or plain-endetl couplings, or welrled joints. UL has assigned BLT pipe Corrosion Resistance Ratios, (CRR) less than those of threaded Sch-40 or Dyna- Threadn (see chart). The actual lifespan of the joirt is dependent ulxrn many variahles, but may bc affccted by water <;uality or atmospheric con,litions while in strvir.e. BLT pipe is rnanufactured to me€t AS'[M A135, Grade A for fire sprinkler applica- tions up to 300 psi working pressure. It is fIL listetl for wet, dry, preaction and deluge systems, and FM approve.d fnr wet sprinkler systems. BLT is ULC listerl for wet systems wlren tlrreaded, and rlry and ;rreaction systeme when unthreaded. All threadetl and wekled littirqls are approved in accordance with NIIPA | 3. Flll requires l2' nraximurn hangrrr spar:ing for ll|,l'. C-Iactors frrr. BLT arc 120 for wet systenrs, and C=100 for dry systerns. Rcfer to llazen-Willians charts for accurate flow conrparieons. @w@ Approvod Ill,1'p\re offers thr: rnRxinrurn hyrlraulic atlvantage of any available tlrrearlabft: sprirrkler pipe, Its inside rliarrreter is upr trr \Vo larger than Sch-40 and identical to that of other lightwall threadabhs. 'fhe use ofBLT, in conjunction with l)yna- Filowt pipe, can dramatically hulrovr: the Ilow chalactcristics, there}y inureasirrg the potential for "downsizing" systun conrllonenls. BLT pipe ie coated wit} our Diamond Coat* finish, an advanc.ed modifred acrylic thal outlasls tylrical lacquers. Aldrough the lllack e-xterior enhanoea a more uniforrn look with e-xisting pipe systems, the clean surface quality of BLT is readily paintable. The lighter weight of BLT is a diatinct atlvantage for retro-fit installations and can also reduce labor coets. Bl,T ii n n 8tur.r.d tr.d.marl of.Aneri.an T',lF & PttE l .mt{nt. fm. A[ intomatjon h.r.in h..rurar. tu ta,om ot iim .f pul,li.rtioh 'n.l m ntbj€r ro chdnF. *iriout noric._ INSIDEDIAMETER UL THREADED CftR*BLT NPS BLT scH. 40 BLT SCH. N DTTA- THNEAI)vT/ft l"Ll04 t.049 .35 1.00 1.00 l.19 9l I u4'r.452 1.380 .t7 1.00 1.00 1.53 6l I v2'1.687 1.610 .t8 1.00 t.00 l.87 6l z',2.154 2.067 .21 1.00 1.00 2.48 37 r Celr:ulutr'<l uging Stanrlarrl Ul, CRll frrrnrula, Ul, fire Protr:crion l)iroctory, Ceregory VIZy. 2525 N. zzth Ave. 101 E. Broadway Phoenix, M 85009 Kokornc, lN 46901 Customer Service 1-800€77-8823 1-ffi2-272-6ffi FAX 602-2691324 S,ffn 6/95 Cof,?^'tY nmRPOmIm The first Sch. 10 and Sch. 40 sprinkler pipe to be fully UL Listed and FM approved. Sch. 10 and Sch.40 Fully UL listed and FM approved sprinkler pry. American Tube & Pipe is the first manufacturer to offer UL listed, FM approved Sch.lO and Sch. zl0 sprinkler pipe. Although these producu do not re(luire separate approvals, American Tube & Pipe gives you the extra quality assuranoe you demand. Our Sch. l0 (l%'-4") pipe and Sch.40 (1"-2") p\rc have paeeed the same thorough lab test- ing aa our other listed piyle products, and receive periodic mill inepections frorn both UL and FM agents to elrsure coneistent quality. Meets "Buy American" re<;uiremetrts and is available through distributors nationwide. American Tube & Pipe's Sch.l0 and Sch. ,[{) pipe are in compliance with rlre following: ASTMATSS ASTMA795 IYTPA 13 Both pipe protlucts also meei the strin- gent requirements for the following teste: o Welded Outlete o Hydrostatic Preeeure o SideVall Rupture o Vibration Test W Approrrod Our exclusive "Diamond Coat" U.V. cured acrylic finish offere a clean, drrrable eurface that outlnsts typrienl lacquerr. lt is also paint-ready for crrs- torn color applicatione without special preparation, American Tube & Pipe products can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry syetems in accordance with rhe zinc coating sper:ficationa of ASTM A795 or A53. @ Lldld I NOII!.VAI,I neE----Til. t%" IK' 2', 2k 3" 4 *6" *8" 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 I14.3 168.3 219.1 t.M2 1 .(r82 2.r57 2.635 3.260 4.260 6.357 8.249 3(r.6 42.7 54.8 66.9 82.8 108.2 16l.5 209.5 .109 .109 .109 .120 .120 .120 .134 .188 t 1.1 t 1,1 2.77 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.40 4.80 l.8l 2.08 2.64 3.53 4.33 5.61 9.29 t6.94 .82 .95 1.20 l.6l 1.97 2.55 4.22 7.69 6l 6l 3? l9 l9 l9 l0 l" t% tyl' 1.315 1.660 1.900 33.4 42.2 48.3 1.049 t.380 1.610 26.6 35.1 40.9 .133 .140 .145 3.38 3.56 3.68 1.68 ,11 2.72 .76 1.03 t.24 6l 37 37 *Thc6'and8"Schalulel0pirxoffcrcrlllrl,rrrrr.ir:rrnTulre&I'ipcira.drurdcrlicenaefromar|otlrd|g|kI|aId[ 2525 N. 27th Ave. 101 E. Broadway Phoenix, AZ 85009 KokonD, lN 46901 Customer SeMce 1-800-877€823 1-602-272€606 FAX 602-m91324 AilNCATNf,E&PIPE- corNY. t[cot?ourlD6.95 5.000 @.RottEn VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Potter Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road. P.O. Box 28480 St.Louls, MO 63146-4161 (314) 878{321 o (800) 325-3936 Potter Electric Signal & Mfg. LTD 1967 Leslie Street Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B2M3 (416) 441-1833 u.s. PAT. NO. 3921989 CANADIAN PAT. NO. 1009680 OTHERS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd., 1990 UL, ULC rnd CSFltl Llstod, FM and LPC Approv.d, NYMEA Acc.ptod Servlce Pressure: Up to 450 PSI Mlnlmum Flow Rate lof Alarm: t0GPM Maxlmum Surge: 18 FPS Contact Ratlngs: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amos at 12y250VAC 2.0 Amps at 0-30VDC Resistive Condult Entrenc€s: Two knockouts prwided for 1/2" conduil Envlronmant!l Sp.clf lcrtlonr:. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing.. NEMA4 Bated Enclosure - use wilh approprlate conduit littlng. Temperature Range: 4C'Fl120"F, 4.5'C/49'C. Non{orrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle Cautlon: This devlc€ is nol int6nd6d for applicalions In explosive envrronmgnts Slzes Avallable: Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 pip6 Sommthru 200mm Servlce Use: Aulomalic Sprinkler One or two lamily dwelling Residentialoccupancy up to lout stories National Fire AIarm Code Optlonal: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stk. No. 0090018 NFPA.IS NFPA.13D NFPA.13R NFPA-72 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wel sprinkler syslems. lt is UL Listed and FM approved lor use on steel pipe: schedulos 10 through 40, sizes 2' thru 8". LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (somm lhru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a sectional waterllow detector on large sy€lems. The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustabls, inslantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switch€s aro aclualed when a flow of 10 gallons per minule or mor€ occurs do'r,nslr€am of th€ device, The flow condition musl exist for a pedod ot time necessary lo overcome lhe s€lgcted retard pedod. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper r€sistant scrows whlch require a special k€y for removal. A lield installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used lo indicats unauthoriz€d removal of lhe cover. Se6 bulletin no. S40O77S for in- stallation instructions of this switch. INSTALLATION: See Fig,2 These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the lop side ot the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be inslallsd within 6' of a litting which changes the dir€ction of the waterllow or within 24' ot a valve or drain. Drain lhe system and drill a hole in the pipe using a cirqilar saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" and 2 1/2" d€vices require a hole with a diam- efer of 1 114' + 1/8'- 1/16'. All other sizes require a hols with a diameter of 2' i 1/8". Clean lhe inside pipe of all growth or olher matsrial for a distance equal lo lhe pipe diameter on eith€r sids ot the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserled into the hole; do not bend or creas€ it. Inserl the vane so lhat th€ arow on lhe saddle ooinls in the dir€ction ol the wat€rflow. lnstall th6 saddle slrap and tight€n nuts alt€mately to an eventual 50 fl-lbs. of lorque (see Fig. 2). The vane musl not rub lhe inside of the pipe or bind in any way. MKT, f8800001 - REV K MFG. *5400761 - 3/95 PRINTED lN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 (D"poTTEn VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. 1 SWITCH rEnl|NAL OONNECT|Oa|S CLAIIPIMI PLATE IEFT'I}IALB* "dF"d'orc. r92J-J CAUTION AN UNINSULATED SECTION OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TERMINAL ANO SERVE AS TWO S E PAFIAT E CONNECTIONS. THE WIFIE MUST BE SEVERED TO SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNEC. TIONS, THEREEY PROVIDING SUPERVISIONOFTHECONNEC. TIONS IN THE EVENT THAT THE WIRE BECOMES DISLODGED FROM UNOER THE TERMINAL. FIG.2 RETARO AOJUSIIIENT: TO CHANGE TIUE TURN KNOB (EIIHER DIRECIION) FOR DESIREO TIME DEUY. USE IHE IIINIMUM AUOUNI OF RETARD NECESSARY IO PREIENT FALSE ALARMS, A.tr SEIING IS USUAI..LY ADEOUATE FOR THIS. FrcTOFi IS SET TO 'Er. TO INSTALL. :i LL A HOLE AS INDICAIEO: HOLE SIZE 11/{ + | /6-1/1t J ro rc"ttr/8 DIRECTON Dwc. 176 r -Jo DO NOI LEAVE C(IVER OTF FOR EXIENOED PERIOO OF IIME NGHIETTI NI.'IS ALIERMTELY TO AI.I EVENIUAL sOFT.-I.BS OF TORQUE I,|OUNI ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SADOLE POINTS IN I'RECIION OF TVA1ERFLOW ROtr PAI'OIT IN OPPOS]IE DIRECNON oF vv ttRFLow APPf,OX. RETARO SEmNG5 (rN SECS.) 0 o A to-zt I 20-ao c 55-53 0 50-to E 0-to FIG.3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LOCAI. SE(L IRANSTORYER OR BATIER/ POIVEREO srYLE I (cuss ikT.|6-"*. RE srDR crr. Eq- RESISTOR orE ffi sr.PEnl/|sED OiCl[tS sEE 'SflnCH rERrtlAL Cot$€Cnor{f, DRATi|c rr{D C lrno r{trE (FF. r). TYPTC L S|VITCH ACnO{ oprll or ".L/ crose oH AT,ARM J . a-ARV TO AD0t DN|CES OR REIURNrc coflrRol 6ffiiriiGlJ cr.ose on ,1 J 1*u-_--1J-SIGMIING DEVICE DTvc. tTBr -r 5 NOTES: '1. The Model VSB-F has lwo switches, one can be used to opsrato a cenlral station, proprletary or remote signaling unit, whils th€ other contact is used to operate a local audibl€ or visual annunciator. 2. A condilion of LPC Approval ot this product is that the electrical entry must be sealed to oxclude moisture. TESNNG The fr€quency of inspection and testing tof lhe model VSR-F and its assochted protec{iw monitorirg system should be in accodance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having lurisdiction (manufac,turer recommends quartorly or mor€ fr€gu€ntly). lf provid€d, th€ "lnspeclors Test' valve, thai is usually located at the €nd of the most remole brandr line, should always be used for te6l purposes. lf lhere are no provisions lor testing the op€ration ol lhe flow det€ction devic€ on he syst€rn, apptbation ol he VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow ol l0 gprn is required to ac.tivate his dovic€. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please advise th€ p€rson responsible lor tesling ol the Fire Protectirn Systern lhal this s!€tem must be tested in accordance with the Testing' Instruc.tions. MKT. 18800001 - REV K PF|i{TED tt't USA MFG. *54dr761 - 3iS5 suP€nffi€D tooP (s€E rorE) PAGE 2 OF 2 Made in U.S.A. FARR.LARM AUDIBLE / VISIBLE Johnson Fire & Specialties, Inc.SIGNAL SERTES33{n . . EXTERIOR or INTER|OR FEATURES WEATHERPROOF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETELY DISTINCTIVE FROM ANY OTHER ALARM SIGNAL FAST, EASY MOUNTING - ON ANY TYPE OF WALL ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL SIGNS ON BUILDING EXTERIOR APPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARD.OF-HEARING OCCUPANCIES AVAILABLE IN 115VAC, 24VDC OR 12VDC WITH OR WITHOUT FLASHEF/STROBE MAINTENANCE-FREE OPERATION FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS Say Goodbye to - Water stained walls Ugly slgns to spoil esthetics No More - Old-fashloned beils Plpes that clog and freeze March, 1989 The FARR-LARM is the most attractive and practical signal made. It is compact in size, (8"x 8") and won't compromise rhe csthetics of the exterior wall like an electric bell with a bird cage, or a water-motor gong. Suggested mounting is directly above the fire department connection. During daylight hours, the horn will direct the Fire Department to the connection as well as alert thc occupants and passers-by that a firc condition exists. At night, the flasher/strobe can be seen from a distance to guide the Fire Department to the conn€ction. Police patrolling an industrial complex or a neighborhood with their windows up may not hear the hom, but they will "see the light". Since 1975, every FARR-LARM is assembled by hand, inspected and tested at the factory. APPLICATION COMM ERCIAL or RESIDENTTAL Ar |n.ir co.np..r6b r. Ut L||d -ld FU rpgov.d General Specifications MODEL 33fl).115 Signal Specitications lrodel Number Input Vollage Baled Cunent dBA@ 10 Feet Approvals 3it00-115 3300N1-115 3i!00NL-24 3300NL-12 11sVAC 11sVAC 18-31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.160 0.160 0.063 0.125 95 95 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, FM, CSA, BSA, BFP 3300s-115 11sVAC 0.160 95 UL, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP 3300s-24 3800s-12 18-31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.063 0.125 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP NOTES: 1, Tydcel dBA at 10 feol ls rnoelurod h an enodrolc cfifi$or wih norninal hPtrt voltage. 2, Al models are provided wih lrloul lcrew lerminals. t. DC hom modalt inc*Jdo RFI lnppresllon b mlnimlze Induced nohe m the dam llno!. a. DC hdn! ard srobe ho.nr hsw an ll}ruCr dlrrent of apptoxlnrdy 3 dme! r|led cur€nt ddr|g Inldel $rr}on. !. Srob€ hom rnodol! !]Fwn In trbli ero reco rmond€d lor u3€ on oontiruou3 ddm !y!bm!.. C. Approvals: UL - under- wdbrr lebo.abrlos, ULC - Urd6nrdtarr L& lorlc! ol Cenad!, CFM - Shb of CClomla Fkc MJlhell, FM - Facbry Mund, CSA - Crnedrn Standarlr Alsoclatibn, BSA - llew Yo.k Oty Bosd ol Sondardg and Apped!, BFP - Ot ot Chlcaoo 7. All lkdnos and app.onalls ebovo a'o lor Wheelock, Inc., rhkS mer lacire! the slgn& ussd in he FARR-LARM. Ordering Information SERIES 3300 Audible/Visible with irrcandesc€nt light source. Flash rate @ 60 per n$nute. SERIES 33OONL MODEL MODEL MODEL ${nNL-115 Audible only gt00NL-24 3il00NL-12 gEFIE9 3M ' '.jnx,.NL sEFrES 33003 SER|ES gt00s MODEL gt00s-115 MODEL gt00s-24 MODEL gt00s-12 Audibbl/isible with 8,000 c.p. strobe. Flash rate @ 55 per minute JOHNSON FIRE & SPECIALTIES, lNC. t29z5 t6rh AvE NoRTH PLYMourH, MN 5s{41 "CheckValve-goHorizontal or Vertical Grooved End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 Noflh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 E^I ProduCt 3 ffiipTi:nf*:ffi"i"i""* fJ Description il:l#iJ:sprinkrerorstandpipe 4. In fire pump discharge or bypass The Model 90 Check Valves are atlraclive, compact, lightweight, swing-type units thal allow waler flow in one direclion and prevent flow in the opposite direction. They are manulaclured with a cast iron body and stainl€ss steel clapper assembly. A resilient elaslomer seal facing on the spring-loaded clapper ensures a leak-tight seal and non-sticking operation. The units are designed to minimize water hammer caused by flow reversal. The Valves are manufactured wilh grooved ends and are easily installed using Lisled mechanical grooved couplings. They may be inslalled in either a horizontal llow or upward vertical flow position. Tapping boss€s are localed toward €ach end of lhe valve and may be drilled and tapped lor gauge, ball drip or bypass piping connoctions. In addilion, a large tapping boss is localed on the downstream side of the clapper and may be drilled and tapped tor connection of a syslem "main drain". Applications: Model 90 Check Valves are general purpose valves intended lor use in private fire prolec- lion systems as follows: 1 . ln automatic sprinkler' system risers, as an economical substitule lor th€ alarm check valve. 2. In conneclions lrom public water supplies to aulomatic sprinkler or slandpipe systems. ptplng 5. In connections from gravily, suclion, or ilressure tanks lo aulomatic sprinkler systems. Model: 90 Style: Swing Check (groove x groole) Size: 2%' Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., BS&A (Cal. No.284-75-SA) Max. Working Pressure: 250 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Slandard Finish: Blue Enamel Groove Specifications: Standard cut grooves per AWWA C-606 Take-ouf Dimension: 2Y2" - 8" t.o. Shipping Weight: 2'la' . 8 lbs. n Technical FOR FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION LINE /2?httc,/ 'q rAfl to 5.0 3.0 2.0,: "lCL tno l.ooJc .9 'c o.5lt Pressure Loss Curves 2@ 300 500 lq)o Flow Rale (g.p.m.) Note: The friction loss, expressed as equivalent lenglh of schedule 40 pipe with C=120, is as follows: 2t/a' = I ft.3' = 14 ft.. 4' = 21 11.6' = 19 ft. I May be utilized for ball drip ot meter by-pass conneclion. 2 May be ulilized lot gauge or meler by-pass conneclion. 1 May be ulilized lor main drain connection for "riser check" applications. 1/4'Hsx Bolt with 'O' Ring l*Ei Pin ir,|tr ! Ring dnd 9066 B\-l-- I r.l,'\.tl-'- I,/ T-\ flr(i\I\!.' I -1-\ -t{ r- Dimensional Data - Model 90 Check Valves (groove x groove) Valve Slze Valve Dlmenalons Boss Locations Max. Tap Size (optional) x (t.o.)Y z A B c Bos6 Ar Bo&eB Eoss C3 Boes D ztA' 65mm 8" 203mm F/,"' 62mm 2t'/rs" 75mm ls/r' 40mm 23/;', 70mm 45/tc" 'l1Omm yd' 16mm %' 16mm 't%' 32mm -/2 13mm 3" 75mm I' 203mm 2t/z' 64mm 3tA" 03mm 15/s" 41mm 2%' 60mm 4x/a" 106mm 6/i' 16mm %' 16mm 1%" 32mm yz' l3mm 4' l00mm 9' 229mm s%', 86mm 36/a' 92mm 13/f 44mm 2%', 67mm 5Ya' 129mm 1/i' l9mm 3/." 19mm z'. 51mm V,' 13mm 6' 50mm 10]r'?" 267mm 4' 102mm 5' 127mm 1%' 44mm 25/a" 67mm 55/a" 13smm 3A' 19mm 3/i' 19mm 2' 5lmm /2 13mm GUARDIAN FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. 3430 N.Vr'. SSin SIREET MIAMI, FLORIDA.33142 (305) 633.C351 PRO.'ECTING SIATTESE Lettered: "Auto Spkr." or "Standpipe" Finish: Rough Brass.- Polisl\ed Brass - Chrome fhreads: Local Fire Dept. Thread Plugs and Chains, Ereakable Caps, or Es..utcheon plates can be Siamese should be protecte(i against freezing bv \i', or No. 190 No. l9l Double clapPer proiecting Siamese. with independdnt interior self-closing clapper valv6s. Bodies are of heavy brass and built to last the life of the building. No. l9l 90. ANGIE 'Y' SIAMESE For Opening Through Sldcwolk Plate furnished as an extra. 3./." Ball Drip. For Opening fhrough Woll I t '4 t 2Y2 x 2y2 5x2%t2Vz 6 x2h x2l/r '4 x?Vz t 2% 5x2Vz t Zt/t 6 x2% x ZVz I Fough Erarr Itotjhed l||1t. poliihcd grass. Chromc plal€d 2 t'lugs ind Charn., 'Ut ardlM trsled Il.r,rlrhle llao Cap Lu(.1 I rre Ucp! lhtcad t+' ot l,:. ' ball d|p. I r'ltrred - Autx.Spkr " or "Staodprpe' SPECIFICATION FtRE EQUIPM€NT FOR r.tF[ SAFFTY sPECtAt f tA74r]rt5 F|RE PROTECTIOI\| PRODUCT and HYDRAULIG CALCULATION P'6r--4 SUBMITTAL V*t 1.. /aF1 t1 zN3 J-l-1b AFG/Mesa__ FFEels nqil'' lgf VarOonronSh.toa Wt|.tBdgt,CO S0Gt SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 23501IY4VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTII FRONTAGD ROAD WESTVAIL, COLORADO rIL[ NO. AFG/MESA 4894 VAN GORDON SUITE 304 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO coMMoNs I 8003 3 FLOW TEST RESULTS IIater SupplySTATIC BB. OO PSIRESIDUAL 78. OO PSI CITY PRESSURE AVAILTIRLE SUMMARY ACTUALSPR FLOW @ 1320.00 cPNl AT 590.3 cPld OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS MINIMUMFLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 85. 71 PSI 101 lo2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 LL2 113 114 115 116 717 118 119 L22 t7 .24 16.38 15. 99 t6. 02 15,22 14, B5 16 .67 18.15 L5.78 17.t9 20.24 19.26 18. B1 17.36 16.50 16,11 16. 56 15,73 15.35 20.93 14, B5 14. B5 14. B5 14.85 14. B5 14. B5 14. B5 14 .85 14,85 14. B5 14. B5 14, B5 14. B5 14. B5 14. B5 14. B5 14. B5 14. B5 14. B5 14.85 5. 60 5, 60 5. 60 5. 60 5, 60 5. 60 5, 60 5. 60 5. 60 s. 60 s. 60 5. 60 5, 60,,60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 9. 48 B. 5tr B. 16 B.18 7 .38 7.03 B. Bf) 10.50 7 .94 9.42 13.07 11. 83 TI.28 9,61 B, tr8 8.27 8.7 4 7 .89 7 .52 13,97 07 -31- 1996 PAGE 1 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE ?099 NORTH FRONTAGEVAIL, COLORADO 2350HY4 ROAD WEST FILE NO. TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O PRESSURE UNBALANCE COMMON I I sYsTE[,t I MAXIMUM '': e. sl 340.34 GPM 250.00 cPM 590. 34 GPM 68.90 PSI IN Lq0PS , o.oo pst I I I ii07-3r-1996 PAGE SUBMITTAL S[RIAL NO: 235011Y4 VAIL COMMONS VII"LAGE 2099 NORTII FRONTAGE ROAD WESTVAIL, COLORADO a 14. 85 15.99 30. B4 10,00 C=L2O 5. 00 15. 00 0 ,2900 07-31-1996 PAGE 3 : Pressu re Sutnmaly PSI 7. 03 ( 1Ofi ) 0. 00 I t1 8.16 (103) 0. 00 .{.35 12.5r ( 7) 13.97 ( 122) 0, 00 | .27 15.24 (12r) 0. 00 1 ,27 16,51 (r20) 0. 00 0. 43 16. 9.{ ( .1 ) 7.s2 (ltg) 0, 00 o,76 B.28 (J16) 0. 00 3.0r 1r,29 (113) 0. 00 1.22 12.51 ( 7) (lrB) (115) (tt2) Locat i on From To 103 106 Equiv Lcngt.lr l' t 10.00 5. 00 15, 00 9. 00 o. 00 9. 00 9. 00 0. 00 9.OO 5, 5l-l 6. 00 11.50 Frict.ion Loss PS I /Ft Ci= 120 0, 0750 1.049 BN2 l. 049 BNI . 049 BN5 , o49 BN5 . 380 RN5 FILE NO. COilIMONSl Flow Pipe Fitt,ingsin Size &GPM IN Devicbs 7 103DQ a I 1 1. 049 BN2 1. 049 BN4 1. 380 BN3 1. 049 BN2 1.049 DN4 1,380 BN3 F=T F=T F=0 F=0 L F T tt-r T L l' T PT PE PF PE PF PT C=I2O Pf FE 0.1415 PF C=120 : PT ,PE0.1415 PIi C=IZO PT PE o . t1372 PF PT LzL 122 120 Lzr 4 r20 a 2Q.93 Q 20. e3 a 20.s3 LF=0 F t4iI L F=0 F T : rL F=T F iT L 'F T tL F T 116 119 a 113 116DQ a 7 113DQ a 15.35 16.11 31.46 18. B1 50,27 t :9.50 C=120 PT0.00 PE9.50 0.0798 PF 10.00 C=l2O PT 0. 00 PE 10. 00 0. 3009 PIr 0, 50 C=l2O PT 6. 00 PE 6. 50 0. 1BB3 Pt: PT 9. 50 C=LZO PT 7,89 0. 00 PIt 0. 00 9,50 0.0835 PIi 0.79 10. 00 C=120 PT B. 68 0. 00 PE 0. 00 10.00 0.3146 PF 3. l5 0. 50 C=12O PT 11. 83 6. 00 Pll 0. 00fi.50 0. 1969 PF 1.28 115 118 a 112 11sDQ a 6 r12DQ/\v 15,73 161 50 32.23 L9.26 51.49 F=0 . F=0 F=T F=T L F T I F T x.r T 6)PT 13.r1 ( SIJBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2350tIY4 VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTII FRONTAGE ROAD WESTVAIL, COLORADO FiLE NO. Flow Pipe 07-31- 1996 PAGE 4 Locat i on From To Size & IN coMMoNs 1 lFitt.ings Dev i ces llquiv Leng Llr Ft" 9. 50 0. 00 9. 50 10.00 0. tlO 10, 00 0. stJ 6. 00 6. 50 Pressure Summa.ry PSI 9.42 0. 00 1.08 10.50 0. 00 1. 86 12.36 7 .9t 0. 00 0.92 B. 86 0. 00 3. 50 12.36 7. 38 0, 00 1.18 B. 56 0. 00 4. 55 13.11 B. 18 0. 00 1 .29 in GPM nFrictid l.clss PS i /Ft L14 LL7 a 111 114DQ a 5 111DQ a 16. 56 17 .36 33 .92 20.24 54, 16 1. 049 BN2 L O49 DN,+ 1. 380 BN3 1. 049 BNB 1. 049 BN7 PT PE PF i PT PE PF PT PE PF PT C=120' o.0917 C= 120 0,345q C= 120 o.2162 F=0 F=0 F=T F=0 a F=T F=T F=T I, T I F T Lr T t- F T L T L F T Lr T L F T Lr T L F 'T 8.74 (I17) 0. 00 o. 87 9.6r (114) 0. 00 3. 46 13.07 (111) 0. 00 1.41 14.48 ( 5) 108 110 a 8108DQ a F=0 F=0 11. 00 C=L20 0. 0011,00 0.0983 5,00 C=120 0. 005.00 0.3730 t 1.00 C=IZO 0. 00r1.00 0.0839 6.00 C=l2O 5. 00 11.00 0, 3186 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PD PF PT PE Prl P't PT PE PF PT PE PT PT PT PE PF (110) 107 109 a 107DQ a 8 17, L9 18.15 35.34 (108) ( B) (109) ( 107 ) ( B) (105) (r02) ( 6) (104) 15,78 t6 ,67 32. 45 049 BN6 049 DN5 1. 049 BN2 L.049 BNT 1,049 BN2 102 105 a 6 102DQ a 75.22 16.38 31.60 10.00 C=I2O 5. 0015.00 0.0785 10.00 C=l2O 5. 00 15. 00 0. 3033 10.00 C=120 5. 00rs,00 0.0863 a ' F=T i a 101 104 16, 02 SUBMITTAL SERIAI. NOr VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE 2099 NORTH FRONTAGEVAIL, COLORADO FILE Flow ln GPM L7 .24 33. 26 0 67.79 7DQ Bt. L2a 148.90 6DQ 83.09 a 232.OO 5DQ 87.42 o 319. 41 4DQ 20.e3a 340. 34 3 a 340, 34 2 340, 34 340.34 23 50ilY4 ROAD WEST NO. COMMONSl Pipe Fittlings Si ze &i Dev i cbs F=iI F=0 F=0 F=0 F=0 F=DDC F=T, E 07-31- 1996 I)AGE 5 Pressure Summary PSI Locat i on From To 510lDQ o IN 1, 049 BN1 2.635 FR6 2.635 FR5 2.635 FR4 2.635 FR3 2.635 FR2 2.635 FR2 2, 4(t9 FR1 4 .2BO UN 8, 450 UN l:'cl u i v Leng l.lr F1, 10,00 5. 00 l5, 00 7) 6) c) 4) 3) PT PE PF PT PT PE PF I Pf PE PF PT PE PF l PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT o t 4 Fricti l-oss PS 1/F C= 120 0, 333 ',I F T Lr T L F T L F T L. F T L F T L F T L T L F T L F T 1.0 . 00 C- 120 0. 00 10, 0t) 0. 0140 10.00 C=I2O 0. 0010.00 0.0602 10.00 C=120 0. 0010.00 0.1366 10.00 C=l2O (,. 0010.00 0.2469 51 . 00 C=LZO t5.10(16,lfl O,2777 6, 00 C=120 B. 6014.r)0 0,2777 50. 00 C= l-20 0, 00 50, 00 0. 3812 25 .0O C= l,,l0 al'r .7059.70 0. Ot97 750.00 C=140 155.70 905.70 0.0007 61.B8 ( 1) -3. .17 1.1B 59.59 ( 99) B. 67 0. 63 9..17 0. 00 5. 00 r+,'+/ LZ. J I 0. 00 0. 14 12.51 0. 00 0. 60 13.11 0. 00 L. 37 14.48 0. 00 2. 47 16, 95 0. 00 18. 36 35.31 1 ,73 4 .05 .11 . 09 1.7:l 19. Otr ( 10 t ) ( a B) F=T, E e F=2E 99 6EiGV 99 340. 34 F=T, 68.89 ( 0) I 0.o ao dNol:d o atn a ro_ o_ 0. :888 |r I I -o.SR O o a, i.! il.e€t 6f,6 B>+, tt->(,cld -xxr s88& !tOC]ttoooo oooot noc, NUI aao- o- oooo do;.ut (o Pt nr6B,C E-. Obg"!Eo.i83 -t c tE.. OflO #ri l;(LUll+,-?ot 0 0sJocxFoo|t)outoroouto!trtat(,'NNFF i Ql(}OrDutU'Ree88S888aH noutr*F(D (196) emeeer6 gloo9T g6 gE 6E p6 €\r> 5F an. E,6 9C}uri Uo JJ !- ozo E .o 0 J VELOCITY REPORTVAIL COMI,IONS VILLAGE FROM TO FLO\T LENGTII FITTING DIAI\,I TY})I- 07 -31.. 1996 PAGIT I l'til/l:1, s-L0ss 0.075 0. 00 0 .290 0. 00 0. 1.1 l 0. 000.Jil 0.00 0. 0ll7 0. 00 0. 0B0 0, 000,301 0.000.lBB 0.00 0. 083 0, 00 0. 315 0. 00 o. 197 0. 00 o.092 0, 00 0. 3.1 6 0. 00o.216 0.00 0. 098 t). 00 0. 373 0. 00 0. 084 0, 000.3r9 0.00 o.079 0. 00 0. 303 0. 00 0. 0B6 0. 00 0, 33J 0, 00 0,014 0.00 0. 060 0. 00o.137 0. o0o.247 0. 00o.278 O.00o.278 1,730,381 1.73 0. 020 -3. 470.001 t3.67 PRESSLIRI]S VEI, 103'1067 LA3 14. B5 30, 84 lzt 122 120 72L4 120 20.93 20,93 20.93 9. 00 9. 00 5. 50 0.0 0,0 6.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 6,0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0. o 0.0 15.1 tt.b 0.0 34.7 r55,7 o, [u t2. 51 r5.2,1 lfi.51 16. 94 R )t1 11,29 12. 51 B, 68 11.83 13.11 9. (>l 13,07 14.4B t0. 00 5. 010.00 5,0 1,049 BNz 1. 049 BN1 1. 049 BN5 1.049 BNir 1. 380 BNs 1, 049 BN2 1.049 BN4r.380 DN3 1. 049 BNz 1, 049 BN4 1, 380 BN3 1. 049 BN2 1. 049 DN4 1. 380 BN3 1. 049 BNB 1. 049 BN7 1, 049 BN6 1. 049 RN5 r. 049 BN2 1,0,19 BNl I.049 BNz 1. 049 BNl tl 2. 635 FR6 2,635 FR5 2. 635 FR4 2. 635 FR32,635 FR2 2.635 FRz 2.469 FR1 4.280 UN 8.450 UN 7.0:t 5.51B.ltr 11.45 13,()7 7.7715,2.1 7.7716.51 4.,19 7 .52 5. 70 B.28 11.681r.29 10.78 7 .89 5. 8.+B.68 11,97 r t, 83 l l . 05 B .7,1 f-' . 159.61 12.59 13. 07 1t.62 9.42 6.38 10, 50 t3. t2 7 ,9,1 5. 86 B . 86 1.2. 05 7.38 5,658,56 I1.73 B.18 5.959.17 12.35 12.37 3. 9912.51 8.7613.11 13.65 14.48 18.79 1 6. 95 20 .02 35. 3l 20. o2 41.09 22.816l,BB 7.5959.59 1.95 116 119 113 1167 TI3 15.35 31.46 50.27 9. 50 10. 00 0. 50 115 118II2 II56 LLz L5.73 JZ. ZJ 51,49 9. 50 10.00 0. 50 LL4 LL7rLl tI45 111 16. 56 33,92 54. 16 9. 50 10.00 0. 50 108 110 B 108 17,T9 35.34 11. 00 5. 00 10.50 12.36 B. 86 12.36 B, 56 13,11 9. 47 14,47 107 109 B LO7 15. 78 32, 45 11. 00 6, 00 102 1056 102 r5,22 31.60 10,00 10,00 101 1045 101 16, 02 33 .26 10,00 10. 00 78 6756453423L299 I0 99 67 .79 148, 90 232. OO 319. 41 340. 34 340. 34 340, 34 340. 34 340,34 10. 00 10.00 10. o0 10. 00 51.00 6. 00 50, 00 25.00 750. 00 t2. 51 13.11 t4 ,44 16. 95 35.3r 41. 09 61. BB 59. 59 68, 89 r Sprinkler A Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Gannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 fi|[HlL''l'" n The Central Model A Upright or Pendent Sprinklers offer the ultimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design features. They incorporate a unique c€nter strut design which results in a smaller, more attraclive sprinkler than those manufactured with a more traditional design approach. The center-strul operating mechanism of the Model A sprinkler responds significantly faster than more lraditional mechanisms such as the 8mm glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model A Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in a wide variety of orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes, and corrosion resistant coatings. Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strul, releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike mosl olher sprinkl€r designs, the alloy is not exposed to almospheric conditions lhat could aff€ct ils prop€r fundioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since lhere are no protruding elemenls, extending beyond the sprinkler frame. Technical Data Model: A Style: Upright or Pendent Orilice Size K Factor Thread 3/a" (g.s nn) 2.7 @.at) th" ozln N.P.T. %a" 1rt.r nn1 4.2 @.ul %" Fz.t mnl N.Pif . th" 1zznn) 5.6 tw.wl W' 0z.z nmlN.Pf .tlb' pe.s nn1 7.8 1rt.s) tA" pz.t nvnS N.P.f . 17b' pes nn1 8.1 1t.esl 3/t" 1ts.t rn1N.Pf . Temp. Rating and Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57oC Uncolored 165"Fn4"C Uncolored 212"F/100"C White 286'F/14'l'C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., M.E.A., V.D.S., LPCB (see tabular intormation on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass, chrome plaled (chrome is not V.D.S. Approved and white paint is U.L. only.) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax-over:lead (see tabular information on page 3.) Pintle: on deflector for 3/e", ?rs", and r?g2" orifice by %" lhread Length: 23la' @sa nd (excluding pintle) Width: 171rc'.1sa.ant(framearms) Weight: 4.2 oz. (rtc qans) Fo. 8p€cillc liEiing roqulromanb s€€ t|€ approprlate Inlormatlon contained in ftis brochure. o. Al,O Cross Sectlon Model "A" Pendent SPrlnklerCross Sectlon <- 1 5/16' Diameler Model "A"nkler Cross Sectlon Model "A" Uprlght SPrlnkler (Small Orlllce wlth Plntle) It'ealon Reaulrements - Standard Aoollcatlone The Model A Upright and Pendent Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13 Slandards. 2 Unlvergal Wpnch **MEA ' 286" temperaturo ls not U.L.C. Approved whh corrosion-resistant coallnga." No corroalon.resiatsnt coatlngs arg Approv€d by MEA."' Load only."" Listed as hlgh tsmporalurs,waxcoatedfor installalionwhers maximum amblent c6lllng temperaturedoes notexcesd l50oF. *u.L.U.L.'C. and (N.Y.C.) Ca!. No.375-75-SA Llstl Orifice Slze and Style Temperature Rating ('F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng 3/o' upright and pendent 7ro' upright and pendentr/2" upright and pendent tTle:' (x 112" lhd.) upright and pendent tTlu:t (x 314" lhd.) upright and pendent ***135 165 z1z ****286***135 l6s 212 **t*286***13s i65 212 ****286 165 212 ****2g6 165 212 ****2g6 lead, wax, wax-overlead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead l€ad, wax, wax-over-lead F.M. Orifice Size and Stvle Temperature Ratinq (.F)Corrosion-Resistant Coatlnq 3/0" upright 3/0" upright 3/e" upright 1/2" uprighl and pendent 1/2" uprighl and pendent 1/2" uprighl and pendent 17lsz" (x Ye" thd.) upright and pendent 17lsz" (x 1/2" thd.) upright and pendent 17lsz" (x 1/a" thd.) upright and pendent 17lsa" (x %" thd.) upright and pendent '7 /sz" (x 3/+" thd.) upright and p€ndent 11h2" (x314" thd.) upright and pendent 135 165 212 212 2'1213s 165 212 2'12165 21213s 165 212' 212 212135 t65 212 2'12 212 286 286 286 246 286 286 286 286 lead wax-over-lead wax lead wax-over-lead wax lead wax-over-lead wax lead wax-over lead wax LPCB Llstings Oriflce Slze and Style Temperature Rating ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng '/2" (15 mm) uprighl and pendentn/p" (2O mm) x 34" thd. upright and pendent 'r35 165135 165 212 212 286 286 V.D Orlflce Slze and Style Temperature Ratlng ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng 3/a 1la r7/az (10 mm) pendenl (15 mm) upright and p€ndent (20 mm) x 34" thd. upright and pondent 135 135 165 165 165 212 212 286 286 .s. fllnstallat All Central Model A Sprinklers must be installed according lo current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations lrom these requirements and standards oi any alt€ralion to the sprinkler itself will void any warranly made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installalion must also meet' local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged unils. ion,.H:lJJ?:"il#H#:'4n,.""" Central Bulletins on lhe Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installalion, the system must be iesled per recognized standards. In the event ol a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Tellon* tape. Apply only to tha male threads. 'Teflon is a trademark of the DuPont CorD. 3 Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for pendent sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight ioint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force ol 'l4lo 28 lbs. delivered lhrough a 6' handle will deliver adequale torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distorl the orifice seal, resulling in leakage. For exposed piping systems, the sprinkler should be oriented so the frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. Gaution: Special care must be taken when installing with a CPVC piping system. Sprinklers must b€ installed after the CPVC manutacture/s recommended setting time for lhe primer and cement to ensure that no primer or cement accumulates within the sprinkler. Special care must be Because the discharge pattern is Guarantee: Central Sprinkler laken when installing with a copper critical to protection of life and Company will repair and/or replace system. The sprinkler should be property, nothing should be hung or any products found to be defective in installed only after the inside of the atiached to the sprinkler unit thal material or workmanship within a sprinkler drops and associated littings would disrupt the pattem. Such period of one year from the date ot have been wire brushed to remove obstructions must be removed. In lhe shipment. Please reler to the current any flux. Residual flux can cause event that construclion has altered the Price List for further details of the corrosion and can impair proper original configuration, additional warranty. sprinkler operation. sprinklers should be installed to mltcarc & '"5:T["ti[ii:i:,?iiJrisprink,ers f 0rderingI luaintenance #$::#U:i:illl3J'.""'Ji* '" Llhformai6nlJ certain lo secure permission from all l- l-ll sprinkters must be handred fj|il,":li1t"Hujffi,'ff:*tj,f["* orderrns tnformatton: when cariuly. They must not be ]illlJ,J 5,li"n sysrem shurdown. A placing an order, indicate the full lransported or stored where amblent or" *I[t i"ri"g maintenance periods product name. Please speci9 the temperature may exceed 1oo"F/38"c. ;":;Jffi""ded precaution. quantity, model' style, orifice size' For'best results, store lhem in a dry_, - 1;;;;"" the system from service temperature rating, type of finish or cool location in the original shipping n.'oil,'i,","Lr"r to the system coating, and sprinkler wrench. package.' Do-not instar sprinkrers thar have ffi,fT$j,'11".?:f"[T:i::X["1ffi" Avarrabrrrty and servrce: central been dropped or visibry dam.agef. ;;;;.";;""e the existing unit and sprinklers, valves, accessorles, and sprinklers'must never be p"1:1. i"5[rj,i" ,"pr"cement, using onry the other products are available coated, ptated or altered in-anyrcther lo"Jliii'""oli"o"r wrench. Be certain to throughout the U.S. and Canada, and way from manufactured.o,,:lur,l_,,. malch model, style, orilice, and Internatlonally, through a network of they may nor function p'op"l1l.' -Ay ^ i"ili"r"i"ri" ,"1ng. central sprinkler distribulion centers. sprinkleis altered in such manner must ''"Il'rl'lrlt""t'n system that has You may write directly to Central be replaced. .. been shut off afrer an activation should sprinkler company' or call 215-362' The owner is responsible.for the i"?,"ri"j" service immediatety. 0700 lor the distributor nearest you. proper operating condition of all tire rnspea tne entire system for damige conversron Tabre:protection devices and accessories' ant reptace or repair as necessary. 1 inch = 25.400 mmThe NFPA standard 25 entitled, Sprinkiers rhar did nor operate bui I :1:l:".:.."HJ'1","lnspection, Tcisting and Maintenance i!r"."Oi"ir"O to corrosive elements 1 foot = 0'4536 kg ot water-Based Fiie Prote.ction ;i;;ffi'.L" or excessive 1 foot pound = 1'36 Nm Systems",contains guideline-s and._ il;;;" shoutd be inspected, , O"' = 3:333j8i,minimum maintenance requiroments. and'replaced if need be. The Authority Furthermore, the focal Authority fiJ"ii['jiri"axra^wi' detait minimum = 0.0703 kg/cm'? Havins Jurisidicr,bn may have 6iiff#ii, requirements and 1 U.s. sallon = 3:13! frllladditlonal regulations and reoulations. requirements lor maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. Conversions are approximate' It is advisable to have sprinkler systems inspected regulady by a -.-/ qualified inspection service. L€ngth of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water suPPlY, and site activity. Do not attempt to re-assemble or othen /ise reuse a sprinklsr that has operated. Replace any sPrinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers ol the same type and temperatur€ rating as replacements. @ 1993 Central Sprinkler ComPanY Printed in u.s.A. trENTR/AL -ZCentral Sprinkler ComPanY 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Sprinkler A.3 Sidewall Sprinkler-H Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manufaclured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product Description The Central Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are designed with special deflectors that discharge most of the waler away from the nearby wall in a quarter-semispherical pattern with a limited portion of the discharge direcled toward the wall behind the sprinkler. They embrace the ultimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design fealures via incorporation of a unique cenler strut design, which results in a smaller, more altractive sprinkler than those manufaclured with a more traditional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanisms, such as the glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13. They are ideally suited for use in churches, clubs, schools, hospilals, otfices, restaurants, auditoriums, retail stores and similar occupancies. They are available in a wide variety of orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes and corrosion resislant coatings. Operation: A lusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated lemperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strul releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could affect its proper functioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there aro no prolruding elem€nts extending beyond the sprinkler frame nTechnical Model: H Style: HorizontalSidewall Orifice Size and K-Faclor: 3/a" 19.s mm1 2,6 (s7.1e) lAa" (s.s mm) 4.2 (60.6) 1/2" (11.1 mm) 5.6 (^o.W) Thread Size: %" (rz.z md N.P.T. Temp. Rating & Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57'C uncolored or black 145"F/63"C uncolored or black 165"F174C uncolored or black 212'Fl100'C white 286'F/141"C blue Note: Color idenlification is not required for plated sprinklers. Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., .F.M. ,.M.E.A. (37$75-SA) (t /z' orifice only) Slandard Finishes: brass, chrome Decorative Finishes: black, white, off-white (U.L. Onty) Corrosion-Resistant Coatings: wax, f ead, wax-over-lead (see tabular information on page 3) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 p.s.i. Pintfe: on deflector for %" and 7Aa" orilice, Length: 23/i (69.9 mm) widrh: Frame Arms: 17At" Gq.g mm) Deflector: 'lsAe" @g.6g mm) Weight: 3.1 oz.@z grans) ilo. 2.15.(' Flgure I Model H Horizontal Sldewall Sprinkler "*) ',| Combination Sprlnkler Wrench (Part #1106) _-) u.L.ls Temperature Rating ("F)Orifice Size Conosion-Resistanl Coating 135 145 165 212 286. /a" , %a",%" Ta" , %a",%" 3/e" , lAa" ,lz" !a', %a",%" /a', %a'.%" Lead Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over-Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over Lead All Central sprinklers musl be installed according to current NFPA 13 standards. Deviations from these requirements and slandards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet ' Llsted as hlgh temperature, wax coatod for installatlon where maxlmum amblent celling temperature does not exceed '150"F. F.M. Temperature Raling ("F)Orifice Size Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 145 165 212 286 % % t/, % t/, Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Design Requirements - Standard Applications The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13. The %" and 7Aa'orilice sprinklers are U.L. and U.L.C. Listed for installalion in light hazard occupancies only. These sizes are not F.M. or M.E.A. Approved. The %'orifice sprinkler is U.L. and U.L.C. Lisled and M.E.A. Approved for installation in light or ordinary hazard occupancies only. lt is F.M. Approved for installation in light hazard occupancies only. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed with the dellector from 4" to 6" below ceilings and not more than 6" away from the wall or lintel surface through which they are mounted, "unless special construction arrange- ments make a dilferent position advisable lor prompt operation and effective distribution" (see NFPA 13). There is no maximum ceiling height limitation for mulliple sprinkler installations, when utilizing the Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. f]"stallation local government provisions, codes and slandards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rale at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size and temperature rating prior lo inslallalion. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems musl be protected from lreezing. Refer io the Central Bulletins on the Model H-1 Dry Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized slandards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the horizontal oosition. Step 2, Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. Step 3. Hand tighlen lhe sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Combination Wrench to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight ioint requires only 7-14 ft-lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14-28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. CAUTION: Do not "wrench" or turn the deflector, ao thl8 actlon may damage the sprlnkler and cause it to leak under pres8ure. ' Tellon is a lradema|k ot th6 OuPonl Com. Gare & MainbnanGe Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They musl not be transported or stored where ambient temperalures may exceed 1 00"F/ 38oC. For best resulls, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers musl never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may nol function properly. Any sprinklers allered in such a manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for lhe proper operating condition ol dll fire Drotection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance ( of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems", conlains guidelines and minimum mainlenance requirements' Furthermore, the local AuthoritY Having Jurisdiction maY have additional regulalions and requirements f or maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. It is recommended that sPrinkler syslems be inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibilitY, ambient atmosphere, water suPPlY and site activity. Do not attempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. RePlace anY sPrinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sPrinklers of lhe same type and temperature rating as replacemenls. Because the discharge Pattern is crltical to prolection ol life and property, nothing should be hung or attached lo the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the Pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. In the event lhat construclion has altered the original conf iguration, additional sprinklers should be installed to maintain the Protection level. Do not attemPt to rePlace sprinklers without first removing the lire protection system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all Authdrities Having Jurisdiction' and notify all Personnel who maY be affected during syslem shutdown' A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. @1994 Central Sprinkler comPany Printed in U.S.A. To remove the sYstem from service mode, first refer to the system operating guide and valve inslruction' Drain waler and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice' and temperature rating. A fire protection system that has been shut off after an activation should be returned to service immediately. lnspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subjected to corrosive elemenls of combustion or excessive temPeratures should be inspected, and rePlaced if needed. The Authority Having Juisdiction will detail minimum rePlacement r€quirements and regulations. Guarantee: Central SPrinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanshiP within a period of one Year from the dale ol shipment. Pleas€ refer to the currenl Price List for further details of the warranty. ^G EENTRAL - Central SPrinkler ComPanY 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale' PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Ell,l,1?il1,11 ,, Orderlng Information: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please sPecifY the quantityi model, style, orifice size' lemperature rating, type of finish and sprinkler wrench. Avallablllty and Servlce: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories' and other products are available lhroughout the U.S. and Canada; and intemationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribulion centers. You may write directlY to Central Sprinkler Company or call 800'523' 6512 for the distributor nearest you. Converslon Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 m 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 loot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kPa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm'z 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are aPProximale. H.1 ) t Fealures o llon-Corrosltc 300 seris slalnlxs sleel (lead lree) conslruclion. Superlor strength. . 10% shorlet end Io nd dinensions lor conpacl,lner.penslye lnstalldion.t Excellenl lor relrolll lnstallatlons. o 50% ltghter in weight, reduces installallon and hndling costs. o Compnl stdnks stgF,l rellel vabe wllh a halmced rolltng dlaphragm and no slldlng seab lor relhble long term perlormance. o Fully suylceabb lnline, no spechllools.. PrctBIed pdented' cam-chack aisenbly lor long lerm rellabllily,low heil loss, tar,e ol servlceabillly.t Single lwo-boll groowd style cover lor qulck and easy access.. ASSE 1047 aqproved asemhly for yertlcal and horEontal applicalions.. 0ptlqnalat gap dnln, bolh horhonlalnd verllcal. o Hot nd cold waler appllcatlons. t NationalApprovals ApproYed by all ndional approval agenclr" NIES t Applicalion TheAmgs50008S proYide p rotnllo n to lhe p olab le wdu supply hom contamlnatlon cased hy a cross connecllon ln a hlgh haanl applicalion. t lnstallation The5000 SS should he inslalled wilh a ninlnum clearance ol | 2" belween Ihe lowest poinl of the asenhly afi the lloor or grade. The 5000 SS nay be lnslalled h0rao nlally or verlbally (llow up). Belu lo local codw lor s p uitic Installdlo n requ irements. fhe assembly musl be lnstalled so the dbcharge can be postttvely dralned away. 'Pdut 15,046,525 FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS ) E',g' E; $': $; Et'E' E: 16 | 2-l/7& 0'Docunsrtfd fuv Cn{,f;/orbtlcs (tnctudlng shttt-ott wtws) 300 4qt turBCc(GPftl) | 1'l/ocummlsd f,ott Ch'/,/ 'f,lfr]btbs (,nctudtng shut-o yztvfle) ::: : : : : tsA: .i. .i ..i .. i:,i;,,,'',,.-'/\::.....>._..s.;r_._..2:,i....... .. i. ...... ! . .... ... i..... ... ..,....,...i.,...............:............... .; ....... ....... i.. .... .. ....i ......... . ; . t(x, 2(n 300 {00 f,ovBac(GPn) I C'oocannted fuv Ch{*tubttcs (tnctudtno shut-otl wttas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )4Ll...... ...: : : '"'-/: e" i::1,---:ov' ii"iliii"i t Specificatlons 7he 5000ss Md<fuw prevuthr shan oonsist ol two lndepadenlly qeHW, qrilry bded nn- cf,ed<vatues wih ahyeafinlly qeald differ- enlal prcssure reliel valw kretrd 0rrfxun afu lrrfur ilp cp,ndted,s, tqitd larlt mr/rs, by- pass assembfy and hlat eN ou/€/t rod/€,at *et shut oll vatvq. Wlen wnd fow erbfs, Dodr &er*vfues an qu nd ilrc prssure h tlto uea &pllweelr fte decks, ded he zone, is at hast 2 PSI lower han he inlet gwun. The dflerential pressure reliel valve E c&s,ed dwirB rcrnalflow. l/ essalion of nqmal fui oa n, tte dflerent prerswe lelef valvewiil eulffiaftr/ryqen eN dsdvrp lo naintein lhe zorc al baa;l 2 PSI lower tw tn hlel yessurc.Ihis ritonwilllye- venl e M<flow otM<siphnage a ndltotr. After he resuircd dtlewtdd is esfadished, the dlfer- ential ore*un rilel vdYe 4,ain &e9. The @ln4rfdc indde a shinlass steal WiwaN cam-arn, nttfur larrld d* and a replaa- aM seat.The bil ilall ba nafirlr/llrodltorl 300 series stainless sleel lead lrae lhrwgh the wateway, with a sfuryle tuonoil graned slyle aocsss @vBr. ^,o sp€db, tcr/s shall b reqtnrcd tor sendry. me rcfiel valva drdl bo wpet wth a roltuU daphrryn si rc sMry sats. The reliel valve shall ddtarge in a ffit ra&s. The b)?ass fne consisF ol a smail fiefietet tdtN prexure M<flut assf//nry wdet netet aN shutott valvx. t Phystcal C haracterlstlcs - Size: 2-l /2', 3', 4', 6' - Ratd wofuing pr*sure : | 75 pl - Hydrostatic p ressu r e : 3 50 psi -Tefipentt:lrcrange -MF - |10'F - Flnge dimedons in ar,ordmce wiilr AWWA wrlh Class D - 300sen'es shrinless steel constrwlia - lssenily shallbe ASSE lM7 aproved tu vertical inslallalions, AWWA CS l l -89 "Conhcl fl€ hcbry lol spocilic eppmvds t5 75{t 1fi'0 nov Bat (CPM) 500 6{X}GPM t2s0 i500GPM250 t Ames 5000ss -hts & Dimensions(lnchas $zE I i G D E F 0-xnt r.0nl0rrrl UT.w/ OTTET wt u00lrtt 2-1n'3E't0'tFl,2'vtn'I a r,1'l31/:l'rt5,tEf 3'l0'!Fl,2'It'f ln"121n'zzlE'230f 7W a't0'1DlA'llln'It3n''6rn' 2M 7U t'at-ln *ln"fl-r12'It-1,2.l51n'tt'ltt t'!o'sto,Itof il6.6602199 1485 Tanforan Avenue P.O. Box 1387 Woodland, CA 95776 HX 916.666.3C14 M.B2.s7 rr!{ FIIlE PRO"I'ECTION SYSTEMS IJI- LISTEDiFM APPROVED PRODI,|CTS SUBMITTAL Submillal is made for approval of the tollowing VictauliC piping products indicate, within the UL Listed/FM Approved ratings in this publication. COI,JPLINGS AND FITTINGS FOR GROOVED STEEL PIPE GHOOVED END VAI.VES O Eutt6rtly Valvg Ssries 708-W PRODUCTS FOB I{OLE CUT PIPE O Flr6b.ll' Valvs Seriss 727 "Fii;3;M' ictaulic An ,8, 90Ot certi,ied company Q Rbar Chook Valve FlroLockr{'"',"ilIil& PRODI'CTS FOR I'NDEBGROI'ND AWWA DI,'CTII.E PIPE n'#il"i}fl:li: t "fuitl;" &"iiilfi*6& PRODUCTS FOH PLAIN END STEEL PIPE FITO PRODUCTS FOR SMAI.L DIAMETER PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 10 & 40 SYSTEM SUBMITTAL THE COPPEN GoNNECTION... PRODUCTS FOR COPPEH TUBING O Copper P.oducls d% Tl 9 producl shall be-m^anul vlcraullc roserve6 [le llghl lo chango producl speciricalions, d€signs and standard eguipmenl wilhout nolico aod without irlcurin0 obligauon. O Rigld Coupling Zero-Flexn Slyle 07 O Hlgh Prgaaur€ Coupllng Slyl€ HP-70 O Flange Adaplers Vic-Flangso Slyles 741 & 743 O Flexlble Coupllng Styl€ 77 O Boltless Coupllng Vlc-Bollloss. Style 791 g ACCESSOHIES O Fire Pump Test Meler Style 735 '*i,i;T'*Iry ggT O Plaln End Coupling Rousl-A-Bouf Style 99 lJ Plain End Coupling Pl8lnlock' Slyle 90 l.l Plsln Eod Fllllngg &rbmittal ls made lor approval gl tho indicaled Vicrallic plprng prodrcts lot tho tollowino s€rvrces wtlhin th€ UL Listod,/FM App.ov€d .ltlngs and 8ya- lams In In|s puurcaton. Sub- Syslom -._ _, Autornatic Sprinkler . Wet _,__ A{rlomalic Sprinklsr, O.y __ Slandpipo - Wel --- Slandplpe - Dry _ Undorg,ound Watea Supply _ SpoclelHqzaada _- Low P,esguf€ CO2 _ Halon 1301 PRESSFIT{'PHODUCTS FOH SMAI.I. DIAMETER PLAIN END S'I'EEL PIPE Schedule 5 O Translllon Coupling AWWA Ductil€ lo Sl€€l Styl€ 307 l-l Passsfitc Producls All Slyl€s [i*,r.ffist.'"1$ Q FIT. Producls All Styles ]ID +o JOB/OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER System Spec. Sect. _ Para. DaleLocation VICTAULIC COMPANY OF AMEF|CA. p.O. Box 31 . Easton, pA 18044-00A1 MB-801 0095 t5N,tC 1tl93 @Copy ght 1993, Viclaulic company ot Anr€rica prinredinrr.sA . 610/559-3300 . FAX: 610/250-8817 @ Reglste.ed liadonrarl( ol Victaullc Conrpsny ol Atnorlca NEW FROM ctaurl-c"Victaulic' Superuisory Switches Style 797-P for Post lndicator Valves & @@A The new Victautic Style 7S7-p and Style 737-0 supervisory switchos are dosigned for use in lire alarm systems lhal usei low currenl alarm circuits (17 MA ao 12vdcl. When the valve is moved towards lho clos€d position lhe switch aclival€s a signal to a lire control panel or othof warning device. Both switches leature precision di€ casl housings wilh intogral tamper prool switches that are t Copvriqht t987, Viclautic i Style 737- forOS&Y Gate Valves Long lerm reliability with use of dual poant contacts Serrated contact surlace provides reliable, low currenl activation r Die cast housing . Tamper resistant cover o Side mounled conduit allows easy installation aulomatically activated when the cover is removed. To simplify installalion lhe conduat opening is located at tho end ol lhe housing. Slyle 737-P and 737-0 Victaulic supervisory swit- ches aro designod with dual switches. Viclaulic supervisory swilches Style 737.p and 737-0 are UL listed and FM approvod. r Regislered lradema(k ol Victaulir Comparry ol Anrericr )imensions Styf e 737-PlSl yla 737 -O Top View Sfyfe 737-PlSlyJeTUIQ Side View 4.80' IHI a.08' -- tzaomm - s!.3f'n - PAECTStON DIE CAST HOUSING tZ4.omm -2.58' 65.2mm 1.?8' 32.6mm Supervisory Swilch (wilh corror ,emoved) TUIO SPgr SW|TCHES ooE DlA. 22.3mm @NOUIT OPENING l,t'.t4 N.P.$Cle.&nn a , srD€ lroirxlEo O$IDUIT EI{TRANCE PrlnLd ln U.S.A. 2.fi' O3.6mm OSY Mounting IracLtr Model llo. Weigfrl Lbs. 737-P .1.6 737-0 '2.4 PB-191 s||X Z0r vlctAut.lc cotltPANY oF AMERICA . pO.80X 31 r EASToN. pA 1804?. ?t5r252.6a00 UIBLT' Black Lightrva[ Threadable Ptpt The original'oblack" liglrtwal tlueadable pipe with exceptional hydraulics and economy A,merican Tube & Pipe Comparry rook a popular idea and rnatle it betten Unlike other lighrwall threadable pipee, B1lT is black, making it a perfect nratch wilh rrroet other sprinkler pipes. And the black coating b aafer to weld on tlran zinc coated pipea. Bl-ll'e proven hydraulic advantage and lighrer weight adda value to any Ey6lern. BLI pipe ie a black, exccptionally strong steel sprinkler pi1rc of the class gencrally kmrwn as "lightwall threadallle piln3' Its wall thicknesc is less than lhat of Sr:h-,t0 or Sch-10 but the r:oftl forming pror:ess undergone in manufacturing givs Lll,T pipe mechanical strength characteristics equivalent to those required for Sch-,10. It is designed for brancl itre use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge eysterns. BL'I can be joinetl with threaded couplings (when in accordalce with AllSI Bl.20.l), rolled groove or plain-e-n<led couplings, or welded jointr. UL has assigned BLT ltipe Corrosion Resistance Ratios, (CRR) less than those of threaded Sch-t|.0 or Dyna- Threarlt (see chart). The actual lifeepan of the joint is dependent ulxrn many variables, but may be affected by water tluality or atmosJrheric conrlitions while in servir"e. BLT pipe is manufactrrred to mcet ASTM A135, Grade A for fire sprinkler applica- tions up to 300 psi working pressure. It is UL listed for wet, dry, preactiorr arrd deluge systems, aml l'M approvetl firr wet sprinkler systems. BLT is ULC listtxl for wet BysternE when thrcaded, and rh1 and ;lreaction eysteme wlrcrr unthnnderl. All tlrreaded and wcftled fittilgs ar: apJrroved in accordance with NFItA 1,3. FM rergrrires 12' maximum hangr:r npncing for BLT. C-Factors for llLI are 120 for wet Eystems, and C=Ifi) for dry systems. Refer to IIazen-Williams charts for gccurate flow comparisona. @ffi@ App.otd IILT pipe offers the ntaxintum hyrlraulic advantage of any availnble threadable sprinkler pipe. It8 inside diarneter ic up to \Vo larger than Sch-t() and ideniical to that of other lightwell threadables. The use of BLT, in conjunction n'ith Dynu- Flow@ pipc, can drarnatically improvc the fl ow characlcristics, tlremlry ino'ensing the potential for "rlownsizing" systcm components, llLT pipe is coatal with our Diamond Coat" 6nish, an advanced modifred acrylic drat outlaste typical lacrJuers. Although tlre l ack exterior enhances a more uniform look with existing pip,e systenx, the clean srrrface quality of BLT is readily paintable. 1'he lighter weight of BLT ig a distinct advantage for retro-fit installations and can also reduce labor costs. llLT ir a ngirtarrl tnlcnerl of ,\ffiic.n Tubc & PiI* Conprny. lm. iJl Infomrtion h.r.ln i..c.ur{te r. krx'en d lirF of tuliicitlon lnd !n drbjel k' rhdnga kithort rotiif,. II{SIDEDIAMETER UL THREADEI} CRN*BLT NPS BLT SCH. 40 BtT scH. 40 DTM. IHNEA"D VT/FT PCS/ ilrT l"1.104 1.049 .35 1.00 1.00 l.19 9l I u4't.452 r.380 .t7 1.00 1.00 1.53 6l I rl2'1.687 1.610 .18 1.00 1.00 l.B7 6l ,tl 2.t54 2.067 .21 1.00 1.00 2.48 37 * Calculaterl rraing Stonrlarrl Ul, Cllll frrrmull, tll, Firc Prrrtcction Dirccrory, Category VIZY. 2525 N.27th Ave. '101 E. Broadway Phoenix. Az 85009 Kokomo, |N46901 Customer Service 1-800-877-8823 1-602-272-6606 FAX 602-269-1324 3,O0O 6/95 cofP Y rilcon?oR^nD The flrst Sch. 10 and Sch.40 sprlnkler plpe to be fully UL Listed and FM approved. Sch. l0 and Sch.40 Fully IIL listed and FM approved sprinlcler ptp* I ) ; ffi Approrrad @ LlBtad American Tu}e & Pipe is the lirat manufacturer to offer UL lieted, FM approved Sch.l0 and Sch. 40 sprinkler pipe. Although tlese products do not reguire separate approvals, American Tube & Pipe gives you the extra quality assurance you demand. Our Sch.l0 (l%'r-4rr) pipe and Sch. 4'0 (l-2") pipe have passed the same thorough lab test- ing as our ot}er listed p\re products, and receive periodic nrill inepections from both UL and FM agents to ensure consistent quality. Meets "Buy American" requiremerrts and is available through distributols nationwide. American Tube & Pipe'e Sch. l0 and Sch. 40 pipe are in compliance with the following: ASIMAT3S ASIMA795 IIFPA 13 Both pipe producto also meet the strin- gent re<;uircmentc for the following tcsts: o Welded Outlete o Hydrostalic Pressure o SideVall Rupnrre o Vibration Teet Our exclueive "Diamond Coat" U.V, cured acrylic finish offera a clean, durable aurface that outlasts typical lacquers. It is alao paint-ready for cue- tom color applications without apecial preparation. A'rnerican Tube & Pipe products can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry aystema in accordance with thr: zinc coating specifications of AS'lM A795 or A53. 'vt/FT-TFS. TG; PCS/tIFT l/," t%' z', 2 l,', 3" 4', *6n *8n 1.660 l 900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 42.2 4.3 60.3 ?3.0 88.9 I 14.3 168.3 219.1 t.M2 1.682 2.t57 2.635 3.260 4.260 6.357 8.249 36.6 42.7 54.8 66.9 82.8 108.2 161.5 209.5 .109 . r09 .109 .120 .120 .120 .I34 .188 2.77 o .in ., 1'7 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.40 4.80 l.8l 2.08 2.64 3.53 4.33 5.61 9.29 16.94 .82 .95 1.20 l.6l t.97 2.55 4.22 7.69 6l 6l 37 l9 l9 19 l0 lu t%' t%' 1.315 1.660 1.900 33.4 42.2 48.3 1.049 1.380 1.610 26.6 35.I 40.9 .133 .14,0 .145 3.38 3.56 3.68 1.68 2.27 t1t .76 1.03 t.24 6l 37 37 *The 6' anrl 8" Schcdule l0 pipc ollcrttl by An*ricrn Tuhe & I'ipe is :old tuxlcr [r:enrc from arreth* donrestic manufacturer and nrecte ASTM Al35 rnd NFPA 13. 2525 N. 27th Ave. 101 E. Broadway Phoenix, AZ 85009 Kokono. lN 46901 Cuslorner Service 1-800-877-8823 1-ffi2-27z-ffi FAX 602-269-1324 6.95 5.000 @.RottEn VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Potter Electric Signal Gompany 2081 Craig Road. P.O. Box 28480 St.Louls, MO 63146-4161 (314) 878*{321 . (800) 325-3936 Potter Electric Signal & Mfg. LTD 1967 Leslie Street Don Mills, Ontarlo, Canada M3B2M3 (416) 441-1833 UL, ULC and CSFM Listed, FM and LPC Approved, NYlrEAAccepted Servlce Pressure: Up to 450 PSI Mlnlmum Flow Rale for Alarm: 10 GPM Maxlmum Surge: 18 FPS Contact Fatlngs: Two sets of SPDT (Fom C) 15.0 Amps at 12'250VAC 2.0 Amps at 0-30VDC Resisllvo Condult Entrances: Two knockouts Drovlded lor t/2" conduit Envhonmantal Sp€clf lcatlonr:. Suilabl6 lor indoor or outdoor use wlth tactory installed gaskel and die-cast housing.. NEMA 4 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. Temperalure Bange: 4C'Fl120"F, 4.5"C/49"C. Nonrorrosive sleeve factory installed In saddle Caullon: This device is not intended forapplicalions in explosive environments Slzes Avallable: Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" lhru 8" BS 1387 pipe 50mm lhru 20omm u.s. PAT. NO.3921989 CANADIAN PAT. NO. 1009680 OTHERS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd., 1990 Servlce Use: Automatic Sprinkler On6 or two family dwelling Flesidential occupancy up lo lour storles National Fire Alaf m Code Optlonal: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stk. No. 0090018 NFPA.13 NFPA.l3D NFPA.I3R NFPA.72 GENERAL INFORTIIATION INSTALLATION: See Fio,2 The Mod6l VSR-F is a van€ type waterflow swilch for use on w6t These devices may b€ mounted on horizontal or verlical pip€. On sprinkler syslems. lt is UL Listed and FM approved for use on sleel horizontal pip€ they should be installed on the top side of the pipe pipe; schedul€s 10 lhrough 40, sizes 2' thru 8". where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within LPC approved sizes are 2'thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). 6' ol a litting which changes the dif€ction of the wat€rtlow or wilhin 24" of a valve or drain. The unit may also be used as a seclional waterflow detector on large syslems. The unit contains two single pole, double lhrow, snap aclion swilches and an adiustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The swilches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute or more occurs downslream of lh€ dsvice. The flow condition must exist lor a oedod of lime necessary to overcome th6 s€lected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unlt ls enclosed in a general purpose, dio-cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resislant screws which require a special key lor .emoval. A field installable cover tamp€r switch is available as an option which may be used to indicat€ unauthorized removal of lhe cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 tor ln- slallation inslructions ot this switch. Drain lhe syslem and drill a hole in the pip6 using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" and 2 1/2" devices require a hole with a diam- eter of 1 114' + 1/8" - 1/16". All other sizes require a holo with a diameter of 2' x 1/8'. Clean lhe inside pipe of all growth or other malerial lor a distance equal lo the pipe diameter on either side of lhe hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserled into the hole; do not bEnd or crease it. Insert the vane so that th€ arrow on lhe saddle points in th6 dhection of the waterflow. Install the saddlE strap and tighten nuts altemately to an evenlual 50 ft-lbs. ol lorque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. MKT. #8800001 - REV K MFG. *5400761 - 3/95 PAINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 @.RoTTEn VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. 1 swtlc|t TERiTNAL @NllEc'|ol.S CI.^UNNO PLAll TIFIIINAL B-"'* dJtdF"D{G. re2!-! FIG.2 RETARD AO.IUSIU€NT: TO CHAI.IGE nU€ ruRN KNOB (EIHER DTRECTTON) FOR OESIREO TIME OEIAY. US€ THE UINIMUM AMOUNT OF RET',RO N€CESSAR1 TO PR€\€NT FALSE AI.ARMS, A .tr SETIII\G IS USUAI..LY ADEOUAIE FOR THE. FrcTORI IS SET TO .d. IO INSTALL. :iLt A HOLE AS INDICTIEO: PIPE S!Z'HOLE SIZE 1 1/{ + r/d-r/1f t To lc't *. t/t OO NOT I..EA!E COVER OFF FOR EXIEND€D PERIOO OF TII'E IX;HIEN NUn; ALIERMTELY TO AI{ EYE}{ITJAL sGT.-taS oF lonouE cAunoN AN UNINSULATEO SECTION OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TERMINAL AND SEBVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS. THE WIRE MUST BE SEVERED TO SEBVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNEG TIONS, THEFESY PROVIDING SUPERVISIONOFTHECONNEC. TIONS IN THE EVENT THAT THE WIRE BECOMES DISLOOGED FROM UNDER THE TERMINAL. UOUNT ON PIPE SO ARROf ON SADDLE P()|NTS N ORECTION OF WAIERFLOT ROT! PA)OLE IN oPPOSm DnECION OF WATERFLOW DIRECTION owc. t76 r -Jo lPFROx. RETAfiD SEmTCS 0N SECS.) o o A 10-25 0 20-10 c 3rF35 D 50-to € to-e0 FIG.3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS srYLE a (cr^is ?IET5ffi*t RE;moR ct<r' EOL RESTSIOR LOCTL AELL ]RANSfORU€Rm B TrERr Porv€REo t{olE Ffi sr,,Pttvrs@ gRqJ]ls sE 's rcH lERllMl coit{Ecrlols onAr$|G ,nD c rrDotr lrolE (FE lr. TYPTC L SViITCH ACnoN open on '.L/ cr-ose orALAR J . AIJRM FROM CONTROL PANEL TO ADD'L DMCES OR RETURXto coarrR([ CLOSE ON A.^RU oPfl{ oN ALARU oPEN ON AIIRM / CLOSE ON ,- J 1*u----\-/- SIGMLING DEVICE osc. r7€t -15 NOTES: 1. The Model VSB-F has two switches, one can be ussd lo operat€ a cenlral station, proprietary or lemots signaling unit, while th€ other contacl is used to oD€rate a local audibl€ or vlsual annunclalor. 2. A condition ol LPC Approval ol this producl is that the slgctrical entry musl be sealed to exclud€ moisture. TESNNG The lrequency of inspectinn and tesling for the model VSR-F and its associated proteciiw monitoring s)lstem should be in accordance wilh applicable NFPA Codes and Standards andor the authority having jurisdic'tion (manufacturer recommends quarlerly or more f]€gu€nily)' ll provlJed, the "lnspectors Test' valve, that is usually locat€d at the end of the most r€mote brandr line, should always be used lor test puPoses. lf there are no provisions lor testing the operation of tre flovl detection device on the system, application of the VSB-F is not recommsd€d or advisable, A minimum lbw ol 10 gpm is required to aciivat€ this d€vic€. mPotrANT r'lorce Pbase advlse the person r€sponsible for lesthg ol rhe Fir€ Protection s)'stem that hb syslem must bo t€sted h accordance wlth lh€ 'Testing' Instrudions. MKT. *8800001 - REV K MFG. il9f00761 - 3195 suPtRvls€o LooP (saE xorE) PAGE 2 OF 2 March, 1989 Made in U.S.A. AUDIBLE / VISIBLE SIGNAL SEFTES 33q) FARR-LARM Johnson Fire & Specialties, Inc. EXTERIOR or INTERIOR FEATURES WEATHERPROOF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETELY DISTINCTIVE FROM ANY OTHER ALARM SIGNAL FAST, EASY MOUNTING. ON ANY TYPE OF WALL ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL SIGNS ON BUILDING EXTERIOR APPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARD-OF-HEARING OCCUPANCIES AVAILABLE IN 115VAC, 24VDC OR 12VDC WITH OR WITHOUT FLASHER/STROBE MAINTENANCE.FREE OPERATION - FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS Say Goodbye to - Water stained walls Ugly slgns to spoitesthetacs No More - Old-fashloned beils Plp€s that clog and freeze The FARR-LARM is the most attractive and practical signal made. It is compact in size, (8"x 8") and won't compromise the esthetics of the exterior wall like an electric bell with a bird cage, or a water-motor gong. Suggested mounting is directly above the fire department connection. During daylight hours, the horn will direct the Fire Department to the connection as well as alert the occupants and passers-by that a fire condition exists. At night, tbe flasher/strobe can be seen from a distance to guide the Fire Department to the connection. Police patrolling an industrial complex or a neighborhood with their windows up may not hear the hom, but they will "see the light". Since 1975, every FARR-LARM is assembled by hand, inspected and tested at the factory. APPLICATION COMMEFCIAL oT RESIDENTIAL x m.i, dnp.nr$. r. UL l|t d-d FU Ap?.ot d General Specifications Signal Specifications i,lodel Number Input Vollags Ralsd Curent dBA@ 10 Feet Approvals 3i100-115 3300NL-115 3300NL-24 3300N1-12 115VAC 11sVAC 18-31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.160 0.160 0.063 0.125 95 95 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, FM, CSA, BSA, BFP 3300s-115 11sVAC 0.160 95 UL, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP 3300s-24 3300s-12 1&31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.od' 0.125 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, RgA. FM, BFP l.toTEs: r, Typtcal dBA et 10 Let i! mgaruBd In an rnsdtolc chamber wilh nomln l Input vdtEee. 2. Ai modob are providsd wilh kloul lclerf tormlnds. l. DC hom modiir irdude RFI rupprsllion b mlnlmize Induced nobo on t|e alrrm lln.!. 4. DC horm and ldo hom! haw en in-rurh cuttent ol approxlmably 3im€s raled current dudng Intiat Orn-on. t. Strobe horn modets rtbrvn h tlbte ato racoflrnrerdod lb. ure m @nthuous derm !trtsm!- C._Apgovsh:. UL - Under- wdbt! Labor.torloi. ULC - Undorw'|ter3 LaboraFd€! ol Cenada, CFM - Steto ot Caltonie Fire Mtshall, FM - Facbry Mutud, CSA - Cenadirn Swdards Atsodadon, BSA.llurYortCiry Board of StBndards snd Apfselt, BFP-Clly ot Chlcaoo 7, Alllisdngs atd aPgovNl!.boro are for Wheolock,Inc., sf|kh menuLcturos th€ llgnab u!€d In the FARR-LAR|I|. Ordering Information SER|ES 3300 Audible/Visible wlth incandescent light source. Flash tate @ 60 per minule. SERIES 33OONL MODEL 3itd}115 MODEL MODEL MODEL 3:l00NL-115 Audibleonly 3im0NL-24 gmoNl-l2 sEn,Es 33/,0 t '/toot{L 8En'€9 330f8 SER|ES St00s MODEL 33{XrS-115 MODEL glO0S-24 MODEL it300s-12 Audible/Visible with 8,000 c.p. strobe. Flash rate @ 55 per minute JOHNSON FIRE & SPECIALTIES, lNC. 1297516th AvE NORTH PLYMoUTH, MN 55441 GheckValve-go Horizontal or Vertical Grooved End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 E^I Product 3 [.fiHT,;?:Hfl:ffi*"ij* L JDescription 3;:?*ii:sprinkr€rorstandpipe 4. In fire pump discharge or bypass The Model 90 Check Valves are attraclive, compacl, lrghtweight, slving-type units that allow waler llow in one direction and prevenl llow in th€ opposit€ direclion. They are manulaclured with a cast iron body and stainless steel clapper assembly. A resilienl elaslomer seal lacing on the spring{oaded clapper ensures a leak-tight seal and non-sticking operation. The units are designed to minimize water hammer caused by flow reversal. The Valves are manufactured with grooved €nds and are easily installed using Lisled mechanical grooved couplings. They may be installed in either a horizontal flow or upward vertical flow position. Tapping bosses are located toward each end of the valve and may be drilled and tapped for gauge, ball drip or bypass piping conn€ctions. ln addilion, a large lapping boss is located on the downstream side of lhe clapper and may be drilled and lapped lor connection ol a system "main drain". Appllcations: Model 90 Check Valves are general purpose valves inlended lor use in privale fire protec- tion systems as follows: 1 . In autornalic sprinkler system risers, as an economical substitute lor lhe alarm check valve. 2. In connections lrom public water supplies lo automalic sprinkler or standpipe systems. prprng 5. In connections from gravity, suclion, or jlressure tanks to aulomatic sprinkler syslems. Model: 90 Style: Swing Check (groove x groove) Size: 2%' Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., BS&A (Cal. No.284-75-SA) Max. Working Pressure: 250 psi Factory Hydro Tesl: '100% at 500 psi Standard Finish: Blue Enamel Groove Specilicalions: Slandard cut grooves per AWWA C-606 Take-out Dimension: 21/2" - 8" l.o. Shipping Weighl: 2%' - B lbs. n Technical FOR FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION LINE q,o attooJc .9o'trll. Pressure Loss Gurves io 5.0 3.0 2.O t.o 0.5 Note: The friclion loss, expressed as equivalent length of schedule 40 pipe with C=120. is as follows: 2%' = I ft. S.d Fadng 806! C 3' = 14 ft.,4' = 21 tt.6" = 19ft. Dlmenslonal Data - Model 90 Check Valves (groove x groove) I May be utilized tor ball drip or meter by-pass connection. 2 May be utilized lor gauge or meler by-pass connection. 1 May be utilized lot main drain conneclion for "riser check" applicalions. l/4'H.r Bofi vrilh 'O' tling tu.8 F€rsinrngYl-- *\ I r.1,,' \..f '"- I,. T- \_/)-_.-_ I r.1,, _\'-l-'- I I\-.. I.t+r- V!lvo Slz. Valvo Dlmenslong Bo3s Locatloni Max. Tap Slze (optaonal) x (t.o.)Y I A B c Bo€g Ar BossB 86G'o Be.D zth' 65mm 8' 2O3mm F/t"' 62mm 2t5/ts' 75mm 1e/rc' 4omm 23/i TOmm 43/r' llomm 5/e' 16mm 5/s' 16mm 1tA' 32mm t/t' 13mm 3' 75mm 8' 203mm 2'/2' &mm 3%' 83mm 15/s' 41mm 2'/s' 60mm 41/rc' 106mm 6/o' 16mm %' 'l6mm 1%" 32mm '/2 13mm 4' l00mm 9' 229mm 3W 86mm 3%' 92mm 13/.' 44mm 2%' 67mm 5%e' 129mm 1/i 1gmm 3/i 1gmm 2' 51mm t2 13mm 6' l50mm 1Ot/2" '267mm 4' 102mm 5' 127mm 13/f 44mm 2%' 67mm StAc' 135mm t/; l9mm 3/i' l9mm 2' 5lmm w 'l3mm r36 GUARDIAN FIHE EQU|PMFNT, INC. 3430 N.Vt'. SAih SIREET MIAMI, FLORIDA,33142 (305) 633.0351 PRO.'ECTING SIAMfiSE For Opcning Through Woll No. 190 No. l9l Double claplrr projecting siamese. with independ6nt interior self-closing clapper valvOs, Bodies are of lieavy brass and built to last the life ol the buittling. L€tte.ed: "Auto Spkr." or "standpipe" Finish: Rough Brass .- Polished Brass - Chrome Plate Threads: Local Fire Depl. Thread Plugs and chaing Breakable caps, or Es--',rtcheon Plates can he furnished as an extra. Siamese should be protecteci against freezing bv %" or %,' Ball Drip. No. l9l 90" ANGIE 'Y' SIAMESE For Opening fhrough Sldewollr 5 !4" ur !i" ball dnp. 6 | ctltrLd Auti Spkr' or "Slrndprp." I Fough Srirrr Ir|lrshed Ir|rr. poli;hcrl Brass. Ch.omc plaled 2. l'lugr nnd Chnrn, rULandIMLrsted I'e,rkahlc Iton Cap Lural I||e 0rfp! ll||(id SPFCIFICATION FIRE EOUIPMENT FON t.lFl_ SAFFTY sPECtAt f tAT^ H its , , '4 x2V2 | zYz 5 xzh x ztA 6rzt4 r2Y2 '4 \ 2y, ,2y, 5 r2% x 2t/2 6x2t/z x2% ,.{t 970-328-99c! tgf Parcel r'I . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON PARCEL III ,*IO 5 - II.4 - I' -CI3 PERMIT APPLICATToN FoRM t 970-328:PER}IIT # Pesga-cet@ , APPLTCATION UUSI BE FTLLED Ottlt COUPLETEL,Y OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED S****************t********'r*** pERMrr rIF.RHATT'N *****r'r***r**r******r***r*r*,n , F\.,2' '1 1-auilding t l-Prunbing [ ]-Electrical (J-Mecrranibat 621-otrreg (W rob Nan;i: \Xll //e\n0$ke€J,or eaareqill,N ohrners Name: VO?Vl gF^zddress: Y,0, 7' LeSal Description: Architect: Hechanical Contractor: Address: *******rr!**t*r*r*******t******** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE3 I'IECEN{TCAL PERUTT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION Address:Ph. ceneral Description: work class: M-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additional t l-Repair [ ]-other NunberofDr.re}]'i'ngUnits,Z*-tL--,uNuuberofAccornrnodatl.onUnits: lpnber and [1ee of Fireplaces: &3;3tt"nces- eas bgs4 wood/pellet_v {********************************* ufr?eloJid*****d qY7:ilJ..VW7.c't3****** BUILDING: ELECIRICAL: l - OTI135.T +ffi - lLu{BrNG: $ UECHANTCAL: f---- iord: $-.ir,uuurxc: rr UEcHANfcALt l -- TorAL; f f U;:::i":ffi :ili:..fr FfiiV;E?ffiff :r^lHoR'Arr"n-:.:.::.::::.:::.*::"*,lT*i* egl+We- Phone Nunber: - 1.- Electrical. Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor:Address: T:Yl-".{- Y."i} nes. No.- Fea <a. FOR OFFTCE USE *** ** ******** ********r***.***** BUTLDTNG PLAN CTTECK FEE: PIUUBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:UECIIANTCEI, PIAN CEECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.E:AN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATI,IRE: ZONING: SIGNAITIRE: rown of Vail Reg. ro.5O*S Phone Nurber: 45461e_ Cornments: AI .{c 970-328-8640 for Par,cel #. N TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE: PERIIIT ri workc].ass:n,/'-New[]-A1teration[J-Additiona1t].Repair[]-other- Number of Dwerring units, Z*-tL--uu Nunber of Accorrnodation units: ^ );:mber and rlpe of Firepra ""=,, k? inirr"n..s- cas r,ags 4 r{oodlperlet-v]**** ******* 'r * * ** * * ******* * ******* VALUATfONS ***'^ ^ 7n qailo,, o ..W6)|8***VWZbrtJ****** BUTLDTNG: er,ncsnlcel: $ - 9TI*r W- ILUI,TBING: g MEcHANIcAT,: $T- TorAL: r^ BLUI,TBING: $ MECHANICAI,: $-.t ,H:::i-:;::::::::-ifi FAM;E?ffiT:'^II#ORMATIO: Pesqe- oc)q , APPLTCATION UUST BE FILLED OUT COIIPLETELY OR IT UAy NOT BE ACCEPTED X***************************** PERI.IIT filFORUAIfON *****t********************:r*,[, , -Buildins t ] -plunbine [ ] -Electricar $1-uecrran K;-G. fW A€roo aaarec,#illefdT* ---ffirob Narne: YP<IL l,rPHla0N7 A?toa Addree#lJ?tfrt7p47y7y6bfuxD uJ.,p /N Legar oescription: r.ot-- t #"* rrhru tt*'E--pe- owners NaDe: ( Vl*at g^ ' Address: ?ahx 1EZ. NloJ /2. pb. Architect: _ Address: ph. General Descript5.on: TOTAL: t croR IIToRMATION * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * r * * * * * i r e4-9+WA- Phone Nuuber: - '- Electrical Contractor:eaaressi "- I;:1.'f#ll,*"t'No'- . Pluubing Contractor:Address: ::T-".{.-Y:11 *'E' No'- Mechanicar contrac\o"r@ Town of vail Req. No.Address: M\4A-rrArr.-ffio :Mechanical contrac tor z *(h / MASlt aur.LDrNc pERllrr EEE: '--^ -";;;;o;i8 ;ffiT;xitil;:--**r****t******punrBrNc pER[rr FEE: - pLur.rBrnc puli cffii fi;;l.rEcgrutrcAL pERr.rrr rne: T rccrallrear,-pr.an qri!i<-iiu,EI,ECTRICAL FEE: orHEI_TyPE OF EEE: urKD l'l;: --- TorAL PERMTT FEES: BUIIDING: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNATTTRE: CI.EAII I'P I}EPOSrI RENND '1*Contact Eagle County Assessors 0ffice Legal Description: I,ot Block Filin . ohrners Nu ", VO w eaaressz 118 Architect:Address: TOTAL: qfOR INFORI'IATfON ***** ****** ************ rt*** PERI'IIT # APPLICATION UUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLEIEI'Y OR IT MAY NOT RF ACCEPTED GeneraL Oescription: ( work class: gyJ-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Addttional [ 3-nepair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwetting units , 4-tL--uu Nr:nber of Acconmodation units:L7._ b ,.t. rypnber and T99e of Firepla""", i.Japfiianc"=- cas togs@ wood,/pellet_v {-:- ::: : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **fi{a [ !- 3-,i Q..* * * * * * * B ry,7 P ?] * "*BUILDTNG: rrocrnlcal: $ oTHER:PLUMBfNG: $ _ MECUANICAT,:$I--v /u ; : :: i . ; # : # : : :. irtRiiv; 3?Aww1.,ffioRuarr o*Br:"r\?,: I:Il ": y3i1 nes. No.jJLa_Address, ?,n hf j pbone Nurnber: r' "-'11'LE- El.ectrical Contractor: Address:Reg, NO. . PlwDing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Town of Vail. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Address: **!r***************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMTT FEEs MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEE: EIECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nunber Reg. NO. FOR <o- oFFrcE usE ** *** * ** ****************i***r** BUTLDING PIAN CHECN FEE: PLUI,'BING PI.AI.I CHECK FEE: I.TECIIANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECRAATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: ' 4z*a&,44+- BUILDTNG: SIGNATIIRE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT]RE: ?asq6- oeIS i*************i T[ ]-Buildi.ng [ ]-Plunbing rFd-Electricat l$]-Mechanibat (rzo Job Naroe:2p /N 'aou aaaresdil+ \-i Mechanical Contractor: CI.EAN T]P DEPOSII REFMU) 7-31-1995 2 25n"1 FROM AUT0.4ATIC FIRE GROLP 3@34256127 l ij!jJ \ lli G(]:i[)'-:;; si:: i:: .]tJ.l Will: r. t Ii I l)til:, i-'J;..i)[:.1])(r Y-l Tf' 1L 1 74Vn(t Dlct4, F a*t-€,vtrrjTE.D UAILb4vtahts *T Jt?.. _AFID tT CTTLLr aeu+wof?fi,td" rlor t* QggrGil{ rT- D-l-1b 2a)a 'i)FT )Wfry @wsrccr l-"a,/wsn DESI$N APtt{)^cllES gomitf, (L/tYli.rlm2 t0.?1632.O 5000 a65 € eo tI aI'a eI t 7-31-1996 2,2*t"l FRC[.4 AUTCT'4ATIC FIRE GROI.P 343425,6127 ?-2 7-31-r996 2,%A4 I t j \';t't , 1..! ',1-:.' ' .',2,.r1r iiT.-.l I (: f 1(-|'t r I ,\(' I ll,t l l'l i,'i1: r.'i.,i,j\i(.;),il: , FRCT'4 AUTOMATIC FIRE GROLF 343425€'127 P.3 s:i:i,...ilT-1..\1. l;i lii,\: liO. J:j-:.JIiY I \:,,, i I lOltlviCrlJi,'l '.' 'i. : I ,"1; I- jt;'r'; ,,,.,,,"t'tl I liill.: I '.(;r; liiirl!Ir ..:..1, I .1., C()l Oii,if.)0 rra\. I r-r '1.1 . ,": {i /trll ':;.L l::.j i '',",tl lii)ltl:'.:':{ 1r!l l l lli : !.\!lll.;'l :.'I1l.{;1:. ,' (li \)liAl)i: (>..'1_/" 'r:- !:: r: '! \' { (, a,:ir rt l : ii.tl:'d I .' i 1il ! 11ii ,:)..f '; ',It) | !- 'tir lr..:: i ,: I .t ,.:;ll- -, I ,' . t' . i: . .ir., tt : 1-,.': t ?it . 'i:i l'l . ii.i L { , .},.' r +- rl ,.! l: .!.. ' 1 :,4 l ? r" l. i1ri. t(' :. aril ' f '\ '/ .\ l . f a., '. a r, ra :ti "l c: '!1 . i|(, (t l. , '.:" ., ,.1 .\ - - :- .i i .J -' j'.1 '!.1'. ti:t ii:1..|.\ t I r'- | "-. ':''4.::tT'Sl 7-31_19196 2.26PM FROM AUTOT4ATIC FIRE GROUP 3El34256127 S"Iiii l ': i i: . ii:: .ti I .i j lij : ,l 'i :l l::'.' I.'"i 1i i:c,\illcl'il; '.'.1 I "rll;1,rr.,'1 )i{'i. lll : ia(,1.-i.i.ll '?,1.':;r q;.- 11 .' r/ir.11., ('o:.i)lj,il)() t, I : :: ::f) . 1. i.),!i:.i().:S I i'oT i,l lv.',':I:ii rit-{.)U ii:l I) rc;{ s'a:i l'l:i\,{ J'; l.l , .i.{ GFtri (il:i i'f i; ll(i:-ll "; I lii ."i.S .1'l ; :i:ir. t)'. {i:';: j r 1: ,\t l'; r. iI'R lil'a.)i' :lil'r.l] \, '. l,lii. -'- i Gl'li r)l',t'.j:.;il:ii ri; rji:l::rl.l' :T "i .:1 .'/i'r l'i I i\,I,i1: f li('il I,llJ'ji:''t ii: il\:,i:..tj''ilr; I), i;'oPir :1. r)il I-)^l tz- 4 $$$i :it:tliilTl.ii- lil:ll i;'ri :{.?: i:jirr"lf i v,rl l. COtltiOlis ',rIi:.r(;:i .i11t:'.; i,l{iL"ll: i:1.;ll: :''..'.: ;r1).i.:1 :r':":"' liri I 1.. :l(l'l 0l;i\l!i-.- 7-31-l9S 2,26PM Lr.:,t;:i i lri I!:'cu, l'*r r c3 :8t..t\{ ? JOSDQ ,!t\ FRO,I ATJTO{ATIC FIRE GRf}.P. 3,i,34ffi127 J'l r-,, ;ttr. II{:r- lt:1'.'., :lt S i ..-.l s' (l FL! I ri - /:,1 (: 1r.95 ttr' 1 "i.2'i :.1'11: i0. :',:: lil..: i:i;rilc_\.: i ii'rtiirsi '1. i)r:" ir;i. :j i?'. i2:!. 1?0 : ?:(, 4 l:0 Z':, t-: iG. r;:1 I 'i : c ir;li 5 ;.,1 r'; I $ iiq ,; i i, I .:., ;:g i. !: :t I 10. ilL:l- 3. ocT I i. fttl i- -:.r.,| r,r, I :. 0i; . l.l . ;'.r t,. e !! Fr . Lltl ljt' . r:.': : r.lit Fr.:ss!ti ':i t, !: r; i-i I tirift;1i'Y f Sl r'!;i. t'SI 1=lff) I''f 7'0:] {l(16)PI 0.0$ l:. i,': li.l li i . l:, i:- i lr) i:.: 8. I l'i ( i{}il ) "i';: :i. ofl r). ainrl Pt +. J:i :rT !.i. i'1 ( ? ] ;''; : :; 1? i :;12 ) irr. J! i1n - .!f; I r - Lt jrT 15.21 (tzt) .'':: 1l- fii: lll: i - 27 ::'1 1s--,,i L'.?(t\ FI f_: . oil :"t- l t' i..t ra ?t. i :r.| . li.' .r r \ i P.5 v llJ ili,nl; \f ., L jirJ :it. ii! i 11 ri) fJ';2 l.lt.:9 illl 'l ). . ,i li 7 r.:l't ,' a. J:.r, (r,.: il jr;i.l (l . i() {:--i2i'; l''l i) . ilO r't, "j . i) ;'t. 173t'i PF i fl . tlil {,.= ti iill ?T trr a,,.\ t c. oij 3. 3iri?i P:: r\ .t, .. .':a .J' [r.',tj l;? 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'l', i ;- li.r. .t,. :,.u.'lilLir..) r flr;,,f !!r1,q l-i:.1 ::::+it I i s. ::. ..'. \-,..lj r.. .:a_i :r| i:: 1. 0l') ' 'i :.' .! ,7, - i! l';' ; :, t. , :::;r i.. .;. r, ll i ,/:'i li: .l i7 c :Ii. rr.lrrl v i'.;. r T r,? ia, ):: . tlZ t':; I i : l:(' iiii. ?: i ,. a. 'tl.' .r '! . !. ri KT'ffiI 1. 1::; r.: i 1l:l f:' .1 n.r F!-,t. Vtti. :i: ::. :)'i : 1 P!: !c. !:i; (:- | 30 I'1- lr. r " j tf.. ti) (). l';:l'! lr .- :, 2:..,. .t:., :1..r. :.. . ., I,, . rr ar DF'r. .: '. - r. .:.-,rt, t..t 1"ir.- . ; i'i P.6 fr?-.:: -Ltlr! T'.rl.(iI ., lt: '-' :i Si: i ', -t ! c: 'r.. ,11?! i). t)o (i . l:7 li.61 il!'l; :] . .1f, \;, i, ,, i i I I , c!. nti l.lr ttiA a t_- \ .l, r(r '. -r, it;8 : il.' a :l l0tiD? f.! : ";' 1 n tfi !i.rJ :r,3{: i.:'.!li !,i' n- itc l:l: , i. ;:l ;!.::il:i9 f i- 6. rtf) il-- i ?l FT ..!. a;il l';'. !!.r:)i C.:il{}-r;, lfl'r - ,-, . .j i' a .1a\ t'':J. !. (./ I i; Ji: :l " i)','i! i i'i 'i :I . 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