HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS GENERAL PART 2 LEGALPROJECT NO. 672 s-75- 4-27 MAY 16. 1975 SOIL E FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED BOWLING ALLEY StRuctune VAIL DAS SCNONE AREN EncuE CouNTY, CoLoRAoo EAGLE C RECORD MEETIMI , PLAN,OOMM. COPY oE## PRERARED . FOR 'RTCHARDS ENGINEERING, INC. P.0. Box rcoavllu, C0 81657 ATTNT UR. KEN RICHARDS Qpicol TABLE OF CONTENTS CoNcuus torus Scope Pnoposeo CoNsrRUcrIoN Fteuo INVESTTGATToN LABoRAToRY IHvESTtGATIoN SuasunrlcE CoNDITtoNS Pece r PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Pece q PAGE 4 PAGE 7 PAGE 9 DISCUSSION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DETATLS CoNsrRUcrroN INsPEcr IoN Tesr BontNG LocArtox PuaN FtcuRe No. l TEST BORTNG LoGs FIGURE NO. 2 TEST BonrNG LoGS - LEGEND e NOTES FTCUNE NO. 3 GReoerloH ANALYSIS FlcuRe No. + CONSOLIDATTON TESTS FIGURE NOS. 5 A 6 SUMTNnV oF LABoRAToRY TEST RCSuurS TABLE NO. 1 aOO rrdrbo. ddc€cerado grqS cotrodr ' 0@17 303 . 5p6 .7547 MAY 16, t97s RE' Sot! s FoUNDATIoN INvEStIGATIoN PRoPoSED BowLING ALLEY Sraucrupe VAIL DAS SCHOruE ARCA EAGLE COUIITY, COLORADO PRolecr No. 672 s-7 5-4-27 WALLS SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO Y{ITH- AT LEAST EOUAL TO AN EOUIVALENT ton ring(t t'r €o € 2' 3) 4) WALLS SHOULD BE WELL REINFORCED. TOP AND BOTTOM AND FOUNDATION EARTH PRES S URE3s PcF. 5) THE NATURAL soILS MAy BE sATISFAcroRy ro suppoRT THE GRouNo FLooR AND BASEMENT SLABS. THIS WILL HAVE TO BE VERIFIED DURING CON- STRUCTION BY PROOF-ROLLING THE SURFACE OF THE NATURAL SOILS BENEATH FLOOR SLAB AREAS. IT mnv BE NECESSARY To UNDERCUT APPR0XI- MATELY TTELVE (12) TO EIGHTEEN (18) INCHES OF NATURAL SOILS FROM BENEATH THE FLOOR AREAS AND SUPPORT THE SLABS II{ITH A NEI/, COMPACTED STRUC'I'URAL F I LL Flt-u usEo FoR suppoRT oF FouNDATIoNs AND/oR FLooR sLABS sHouLD BE APPROVED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER AND SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO A'T LEAST 95: oF MAXIMUM STANDARD PRocToR DENSITY AND wITHIN 2z oF OPTIMUM MoISTURE CoNTENT, PER ASTM D-698. M0ST oF THE oN-SITESILT SOILS V{ILL PROBAALY NOT BE SATISFACTORY FOR RE-USE AS COM- PACTED STRUCTURAL FILL BENEATH FOUNDATIONS AND FLOOR SI-AB AREAS. THEREFORE. IT MUST BE ANTIcIPATED THAT ALL MATERIALS trHIcH wILL BE USED AS STRUCTURAL FILL WILL HAVE TO BE IMPORTED. 6 ) PRESENT GRoUND v{ATER coND I T T oNs ARE SAT I SFACToRY FoR BASEI,IENT CONSTRUCTION. HOWCVEN, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM BE PLACED AROUND ALL BASEMENT OR GARDEN LEVEL AREAS. fil so.nh f rorrtaoe roorj west p o bo( fi44 - vd . cobado 'O657 JO3 .4b.0297 Soil ALU pouNoATtoN RETAtNtNG yALLS STANO A LATERAL FLUID WEIGHT OF CoNcLUs I oNs I) IH OUN OPINION, THE PROPoSED STRUCTURE SHoULD BE SUPPoRTED BY SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS PROPORTIONED FOR A MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE oF 3,ooo PSF. DUE To THE PRESENCE oF EXTREMELY SOFT POCKETS WITHIN THE EEARING STRATUM IT IVILL 8E NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THE FoUNDATIoNS aY coMPAcTED STRUCTURAL FILL. THE SPECIFIc THICKNESS OF NEW COMPACTED FILL BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS WILL HAVE TO BE DETERMINED ON THE BASIS OF ADOITIONAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS PERFORMED ONCE THE STRUCTURAL LOAOS ARE AVAILABLE. PRolEcr No. 672 Pace e 7) TYPE I CEMENT MAY BE USED IN ALL CONCRETE. . ScoPE THIS REPORT PRESENTS THE RESULTS oF A SoIL AND FoUNDATIoN INVESTIGATIoN AT THE sITE OF THE PRoPoSED BowLING ALLEY To BE LOCATED OH PIRCEU I, l'lEST OF DAS SCHONE TNACT AND LOT C, RESUB- DIVISION OF VAIL DAS ScHoNE SuaoTVISIoN, FILING No. 1, EAGLE C0UNTY, CoLoR'ADo. Txe puRposE oF THIs INVEsTIGATIoN wAs ro DETERMTNE SUBSURFAcE CONDITIONS AT THIS SITE AND TO FORMULATE FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE PRoPoSED CoNSTRUCTIoN IT Is uNDERsrooD THAT A coMMERcIAL BUILDING (BowLING ALLEv) I'ILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE AREA COVERED BY THIS INVESTIGATTON. THE PRoposED srRUcruRE wILL BE oNE (l) sroRy HIGH wITH A BASEMENT LOCATED UNOER THE EAST oNE-HALF (I/2, oF THE BUILDING. THE cRoUND AND BASEMENT FLOORs Y{ILL BE CONCRETE SLAES-ON-GRADE. ADDITIoNAL DETAILS oF THE pRoposED coNsrRUcrroN, INcLUDING THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND THE LOADS TO BE CARRIED BY THE FOUNDA- TION SYSTEMS, ARE UNAVAILABLE TO US AT THIS TIME. F.IELo INVESTIGATt,oN SEVEN (2, TEsr BoRINGS (Nos. l-6 6 6-A) wERE DRILLED AT LocATroNs INDICATEO ON THE TEST BORING LOCATIOP PUAN, FIGURE NO. I. THE EORIIICS T{ERE LOCATED IN THE FIELD BY TAPE MEASURE METHODS AND THEIR LOCATIONS SHOULD BE CONSTDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY. TNC EUCVETION OF THE GROUND PROJEcT NO. 672 PAGE 3 SUBFACE AT THE TEST BORING LOCATIONS WAS, DETERMINED BY A LEVEL RUN TIED INTO THE NORTHWEST PROPERTY CORNER PIN (ASSUMED ELEVATION loo.o). THE TEST BORINGS I,VERE DRILLED I,JITH A 4,' O.D. CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER POWERED BY TRUCK MOUNTED EOUIPMENT. AT REGULAR INTERVALS OR AT CHANGES OF MATERTALS. THE AUGER WAS REMOVED FROM THE BORING HOLE AND SAMPLES T{ERE TAKEN OF THE SUBSURFACE STRATA. SAMPLES WERE OATAINED BY DRTVING A 'CALIFORNTA' (2,' I.D. ) SAMPLER THROUGH THE SUBSURFACE STRATA BY BLOWS FROM A 14O-LB. HAMMER FALLING A DISTANCE OF 30 INCHES. TNE NUMBER OF HAMMER BLOWS REOUIRED TO DRIVE THE SAMPLER ONE (l) FOOT, OR A FRACTION THEREOF, IS TERMED THE PENETRA- TION TEST. TNE PENETRATION TEST RESULTS ARE INDICATIVE OF THE RE_ LATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY OF THE SOIL STRATA BEING PENETRATED. AUGER 3AMPLES WERE ALSO OBTATNED DURING THE TEST DRILLING OPERAT I ONS . THE LOGS OF THE TEST BORINGS. INCLUDING PENETRATION TEST RESULTS, ARE PRESENTED ON FIGURE NOS. 2 L 3. LABoRAToRY INVESTIcATIoN ALL SAMPLES RECOVERED BY THE FIELD INVESTIGATION WERE RETURNED TO OUR COLORADO SPRINGS SOIL LABORATORIES. THE SAMPLES T{ERE THEN CAREFULLY CLASSIFIED AND A |..OUO*O'O*Y TESTING PROGRAM WAS INITIATED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. LABoRAToRY cLASSIFIcATIoN TEsTs coNSISTED oF GRADATION ANALYSIS, ATTERBERG INoCx TESTS AND VISUAL CLASSIFICATION. THE PHYSICAL CHARACTER t ST I CS I'ERE EVALUATED BY PERFORM I NG UNCONF I NED COMPRESS I ON ' PRO.JEcT No. 672 PAGE 4 CONSOLIDATION AND NATURAL MOISTURE-DENSITY TESTS. ALL LABORAToRY TESTS wERE PERFoRMED IN AccoRDANcE WITH STaNoIno oR SUGGESTED ASTM PR0CEDURES. LIA0NITORY TEST RESULTS ARE PRESENTED ON FIGURE IIOS. 4-6 AND ARE SUMMARIzEo oN TABLE No. I. SUBSURFACE CoNDITIoNS SugsunpacE coNDITIoNS Ar rHIS srrE ARE vERy ERRATIc. THE UPPERMoST LAYERS oF NATURAL SoILS ARE VERY SANDY TO CLAYEY SILTS. THESE STRATA EXTENDED To DEPTHS wHICH VARIED FROM APPROXI- MATELY NINE (9) TO THIRTEEN (13) FEET BELOW PRESENT SITE GRADES. TXE SILT STRATA HAD VERY ERRATIc MoISTURE CoNTENTS, DENSITIES ANO SUPPORTING CAPACITIES. Beuow rHE sILT srRATA, THE TEST BoRIN6s ENcoUNTERED MEDIUM DENSE SILTY TO CLAYEY SAND AND GRAVEL WITH COBALES AND EOULDERS. No GRoUND WATER tvAs ENCoUNTERED To A DEPTH oF TwENTY-Two (22, FEET BY TEST BORING No. 2. wHIcH wAS THE MAXIMUM DEPTH EXPLORED. DISCUSSION THE NATURAL soILS ENC0UNTERED AT AND BELow pRoposED FoUNDATIot\ LEVELS AT THIS SITE CONSISTED PRIMARILY OF CLAYEY TO SANDY SILTS. TnesE MATERtALS ARE NoN-ExpANsIvE IN THAT THEY wILL Nor EXPERIENcE VOLUME CHANGES (SY'ELLING) IF THEIR MOISTURE CONTENT IS INCREASED. HoWEVER. THE SUPPoRTING cAPAcITY oF THESE MATERIALS IS CONSIDERED TO BE LOW TO EXTREMELY LOW. ALL oF THE suBsuRFAcE sILT STRATA coNTAINEo ISoLATED PocKETs, PRoJEcT NO. 672 PAGE 5 LAYERS AND LENSES WHICH WERE EXCEPTIONAL,LY MOIST AND HAD VERY LOVI . IN-PLACE DENSITIES. THC SILT STRATA IN GENERAL CAN BE CONSIDERED TO BE MODERATELY COMPRESSIBLE, BUT THE ISOLATED HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, LOhI DENSITY LAYERS EXHIBITED VERY HIGH COMPRESSIBILITY CHARACTERISTICS. EVEN UNDER VERY LiGHT LOADINGS. THEREFORE, THE SILT STRATA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE EXTREMELY ERRATIC IN BEARING CAPACITY AND POTENTIAL SETTLEMENT CHARACTERIS- TICS. FOR TXIS REASON, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THESE MATERIALS NOT BE UTILIZED FOR OIRECT BEARING SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING FO.UNDAT I ONS . IF SOME OF THE SILT MATERIALS ARE UNDERCUT FROM BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS AND REPLACED WITH A NEW COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL' THEN THE PROPOSED AUTLDING MAY BE SUPPORTED BY SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDA' TIONS, AS PRESENTED IN THE.CONCLUSIoNS OF THIS REPORT. THE ACTUAL AMOUNT OF UNDERCUTTING OR THICKNESS OF UNDERCUTTING REOUIRED BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS IS A DIRECT FUNCTION OF THE LOAD TO BE CARRIED 8Y THE FOUNDATIONS AND THE DESIGN WIDTH OF THE CONTINUOUS AND ISOLATED FOUNDAT ION SYSTEMS. FOR THE BAS I S OF PREL I M I NARY DES I GN PURPOSES ' IT IS RECOMMENDEO THAT THE DEPTH OF UNDERCUT BENEATH ALL FOUNDATIONs BE AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET. IN AREAS WHERE RELATIVELY LARGE COLUMN PADS OR EXCEPTIONALLY WIDE WALL FOOTINGS WILL AE CONSTRUCTED' THE DEPTH OF UNDERCUTTING MAY HAVE TO BE GREATER THAN THIS, DEPENDING ON THE RESULTS OF A FINAL ANALYSIS BASED ON THE STRUCTURAL LOADING5. . IN ALL cAsEsi tr wILL BE NEcESSARY To EXTEND THE uNDERcur HORIZONTALLY BEYOND THE EDGES OF ALL FOOTINGS A MINIMUM OF 1.5 TIMES THE DEPTH OF THE UNDERCUTTING BELOW THE FOUNDATION AREAS. THAT IS' PRoJECT NO. 672 PAGE 6 IF THREE (3) FEET OF UNDERCUT THEN THE UNDERCUT AREA SHOULD IS REOUIRdD BENEATH A FOUNDATION' EXTEND AT LEAST 4.5 FEET BEYOND ALL EDGES OF THE FOUNDATION. If UnY ALSO BE NECESSARY TO UNDERCUT THE HIGH MoISTURE CONI-ENT' LowDENSITYSILTSTRATAFRoMBENEATHFLOORSLABAREASIN0RDERTo PROVIOE AN ADEOUATE SUBGRADE. IT IS EXPECTED THAT THE DEPTH OF UNoERCUTTINGBENEATHTHEFLooRSwILLaEoNTHEORDERoFTWELVE(12) ToEIGHTEEN(r8)INCHES,DEPENDINGoNTHEoUALITYoFTHEMATERIALS EXPoSED AT SUBGRADE ELEVATION DURING CONSTRUCTION. TNT OUALITY OF THE NATURAL SUBGRADE SOILS BENEATH FLOOR SLAA AREAS SHOULD BE E_ VALUATED BY PROOF-ROLLING THE SURFACE OF THESE MATERIALS WITH A HEAVILY LOADED PIECE OF CONSTRUCTION EOUIPMENT. Ir RUTTING OR 'PUMPING' OCCURS DURING THE PROOF-ROLLING OPERATIONS AND DEPENDING ON THE SEVERITY OF THE .PUMPING., UNDERCUTTING WtLL BE NECESSARY. , ALU FILL MATERIALS EISED FOR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL BENEATH FoUNDATIoNANDFLooRsLAaAREASMUSTBEAPPRoVEDBYTHESoILENGINEER' RE_USE OF THE SILTY ON-SITE MATERIALS IS NOT RECOMMENDED SINCE EVEN IN A COMPACTED STATE, THEIR 1N-PLACE DENSITY AND SIJPPORTING CAPACITY uIOULD BE RELATMLY LOw. IT IS ReCOI4MENDED THAT ALL NE\|/ F:ILL MATERI'iLS SHoULDHAVEAMAXIMUMDENSITYoFATLEASTIISPoUNT'SPERcUBIcFooT' BASED ON THE RESULTS OF A STANDARD PROCTOR COMPACTION TESTT PER ASTM D-698. SOILS WHICH CLASSIFY AS IML" PER THE UNIFIED SOIL CIeSSIFICATION SYSTEM, SHOULD NOT BE UTILIZED AS NEw COMPACTED STRUC- TURAL FILL. TNC SUTTABILITY OF.BORROW WILL HAVE TO BE DETERMINED BY LABORATORY TESTS. PRoJEcT No. 672 PAGE 7 NESIGN AND C0NSTRUCTIoN DETAILS t) THE HIGHLY ORGANIC TOPSOIL DEVELOPMENT AND THE NATURAL SILT SOILS PRESENT ON THIS SITE SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM WITHIN THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING AND FROM BENEATH FOUNDATION AND FLOOR SLAB AREAST AS DISCUSSED IN THE TEXT OF THIS REPORT. THTS MATERIAL SHOULO BE RE-USED AS FILL IN LANDSCAPED AREAS ONLY, WHERE COMPACTION, SETTLEMENT AND SUBGRAOE MODULUS FACTORS ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ABSOLUTELY NON-CRITICAL. 2) ALL EXTERIOR FOUNDATIoNS SHoULD BE PLACED BELOW FROST DEPTH, WHICH IS CONSIOERED TO BE AT LEAST FORTY-TWO (42) INCHES AT THIS SITE. 3) ALL MATERIALS Lo0SENED BY THE EXCAVATIoN PRocESs BENEATH F0UNDA- TION AREAS.SHOULD BE REMOVED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE NEW COM_ PACTED STRUCTURAL FILL. 4) ALTHOUGH NO GROUND WATER wAs ENCOUNTERED BY THE TEST BORINGS A'T'THE TIME OF OUR FIELD INVESTIGATION, IT SHOULD BE CAUTIONED THAT ISOLATED SPRINGS OR OTHER SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE SEEPAGE WATER CONDITIONS COULD BE ENCOUNTERED DURING THE COUR5E OF coNSTRUcrIoN. THE AMoUNT oF GRoUND wATER INFILTRATToN INTo rHE OPEN EXCAVATIONS, IF ANY, WILL BE DEPENDENT ON THE TIME OF YEAR DURING wHrcH coNsrRucrloN Is pERFoRMEo. IT sHouLD BE EXpEcrEo THAT SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE SEEPAGE IVATER CONDITIONS WOULD BE AT \ THEIR PEAK DURING PERIODS OF HEAVY PRECIPITATION AND RUN-OFF, ESPECIALLY DURING THE LATE SPRING AND EARLY SUMMER MONTHS OF THE YEAR. PRoJEcT No. 672 PAGE 8 5) THE INSTALLATIoN OF A SUBSURFACE DRALNAGE SYSTEM AROUND ALL BASEMENT AND GARDEN LEVEL AREAS IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. THE SUBSURFACE DRAIN TILE SYSTEM SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO A SUITAALE OUTLET. 6) A MINIMUM OF FoUR (4) INCHES OF CLEAN, FREE-DRAINING GRANULAR MATERIAL SHOULD BE PLACED BENEATH ALL CONCRETE SLABS-ON-GRADE AND 7' 8) AROUND THE DRAIN TILE SYSTEMS. ALL BACKFILL PLACED ADJAcENT To BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 92)( OF PER ASTM D-698. EXTER I OR FOUNDATION WALLS SHOULD MAX I MUM STANDARD PROCTOR DENS I TY , 9) THE GROUND SURFACE SHoULD BE GIVEN A GOoD SLoPE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING oN ALL sIDEs ro CONTROL suRFAcE WATER RUN-OFF. WATER FLOWING TOWARDS THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE FROM UPSLOPE AREAS SHOULD BE INTERCEPTED BY SURFACE DRAINAGE SWALES AND DIVERTED AROUND AND AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION AREAS. THE HIGH MOISTURE CoNTENT. Low DENSITY SILTY NATURAL soILS EN- COUNTERED AT THIS SITE WILL PROVE TO BE VERY SENSITIVE TO DIS- TURBANCE BY HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EOUIPMENT. HEAVY RUBAER TIRED EOUIPMENT SUCH AS PAYLOADERS AND TRUCK MOUNTED BULL DOZERS WHICH WILL IMPOSE HIGH VIBRATORY LOADS COULD CAUSE EXCESSIVE DISTUREANCE AND 'PUMPINGI OF THE NATURAL SILT SOILS. IF THIS coNDITION DOES OEVELOP, WE SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. IT MAY PROVE TO BE NECESSARY TO USE VERY LIGHTWEIGHT EOUIPMENT TO PERF'ORM THE NECESSARY EXCAVATIoNS. THE UsE oF A BACKH0E oR DRAC, t-INE wHIcH cAN WORK OUTSIDE OF THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE MAY BE NECESSARY TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO THE BEARING MATERIALS. PRoJECT NO PecE s CONSTRUCT ION INSPECT I ON THE ANALYSI S ANO RECOUMENOAT IONS SUBTITTEO I N TH I S REPORT AR€ EASEO UPON THE DATA OBTAII{EO FROT THE SEVEN (7) SOIL EORINCS PERFORTEO AT THE LOCATIONS INDICATEO OII, TH€ LOCATION OIAGRAM. THIS REPORT DOES I{OT REFLECT AI{Y VARTATIONS WXTCH YAY OCCUR BETW€EN THESE BORINcS. THE NATURE AND ExTENT OF vARIATIONS SETtEEN TXE BORIT{C$ iIAY NOT BECOME EVIDENT UNTIL COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. FOR TXI S REASON, I T l3 REColrx€r.loEO THAT TXg So lL ENGI NEER INSPECT THE OpEt{ EXCAVATIONS. lr vARIATIONS THEN APPEAR Ev loENTr lT $flLL B€ II€CES9ARY FOR A RE-EVALUATIO'{ OF TXg RECOHMENDATIONS OF THsS REPORT TO BE XADE AFTER P€RFORIIIr|G ON.StTE OBSERVATIONS OURING r}IE CONSTRUCTIOI{ PERIOO AND NOTI NG TXE CHARACTER I STICS OF ANY vARtArloxs. THls REPoRT HAs BE€rl PREPAREo lN oRDER To Ato 1N rHE EVALUA- TIOil OT TXIS PROPERTY A'{O TO ASSIST THE ARCHlTECT OR EXGINEER IN T'{E D€S I CN OF TX I S PRO.'€CT. I N THE EVENT THAT ANY CI{ANGES I N Tt{E OEglcN OR LOCATION OF THE BUlLDlt{G AS OUTLINEo OR PRESENTED lx THls REPoRT ARE PLAtINEOT TXE CONCLUSIoNg Atro RECOMT{ExOATloNs CO}ITAIXED III THtS REPORT SHALL '{OT 8E CONSIDERED VALID UNL€SS THE C}IA}IG€g AR€ REYIEiEO AXO COI{CLUSIONS OT THIS REPORT UOOIFIEO OR APPROVEO IN rRITING BY TXE SOtL AND FOUNDATTON ENGINEER' RESPECTFULLY SUEM I rreot -T\,-^.. E. Su^"- hArq4t T5/EB 3 COPIES CC ' JAMES THo|rAg E. SUMT.ERLEE, P.E. PRES I OENT SENT 672 "##& &***$^r. - --li::i -'"-S.lor couo) a- <,4.t R. MoRTER, ARcH F. uJt!ut!o I \o oz ,.t-l t,-rl ol--t +lfii !nrrouo<oL t)) utzFI,:<FuJt! rr _1 | I Jl!Ut ----\rr_=-- ---.--- Nt- l,o z FtoUl-lrl \1\OO.{(I\(L U) J tll Ug. zo F o) (9z u. a Lr, 7- UJ F U z --\ f d I€ + zo FZFIIJ Ut LlJul|/)a co zo FHZFttl u =t!uJoa Iz z. 1331 'NO I rv^313 tr)o|l:)o|J)r-ru,,-a a - - r- l-. \O .-.- t,lllll N tr- @ z t-.ut!-) tr(L !' Or I€ oz \o z t TON€ to z tlJ tr z YUo I t a LrJr() 2: z uJ tu -J o lt TI oz ur f u- t! llla (o (9o FI ozH la F U) E{ c oz. toor'{ F Fr{ GI oz J.oo r!-rL,tL[+tnotnotolO or Co @, 1'- F O \o 1331 'NO I1VA313 j c i i.l I(r> oo Ezm ul<) oaoatr Lll LL 0-FO otx tt t! F' =IF IF< Ft-Et-z o<r! za< llj t!FII T<c FEt!FCr OAF uJ l< uJOFri> cr ul )<r uJ>F g. lrl F U,r< g.FI lrlt-'= uJoul vlUJIJE Z3Fx O t-- z t-ul< Fm(Xotrz u(r<< o. t1J = JO>.OaF-z 90<oo zo OZ,1 r{ Ft ZFEf (n< ozOF.U OOoO>'.FJ FF uJ F{ o<F tr ]U><oul Fur =ZT JF.<F U, lr,xoroo FotrutF ttJ0.F< F=(I< <)<uo a,-. z oa}oo z<oZF{,OIHF |< -A r'-. l- ZttO <Hazz >o(,00 urO>rU -J&JF I! l'J< l.Ll zuJuu tr, (!IO< rOF -tl! F() oFz tll .Y <fF<O O llJ IY:+ Lrlt lJ.Jg.= trl(9(,ft!<I UezUl ''r- (I lq ,;Fuzr.zO'.r-))J tvllHltJ t! < v.oll-oJ(,)fgtj-cloLtlo.o)E z=tllz<EOFIH zl'o (/)l o.ztllumlrj,. Fl JrJOI < lF)zlor{I.tFtEFF{< =<oc lrl ITJOEEruJo.tuF J g.A F E J l! tl'l ZlF. Iflr (Y (nu Oo -z u o CIH Z F llJ J l,lj(r oNJl!'1 u1 ag.t:) O. F LIJL (9rr <J alll zF r0- uJE I{ol FE FtrHo o ott -UI(D'lUF a) F ll.l o< F <I Zu o ,.5 uF fF. tlt r< O6 FF o lrl dz z> u trl > F ''<I< tr OI F= @A Z E .{ N tr) FZT-oO r.{ o- ' lllFAazH IIJOO =>f&HlJ.l O>u Eo.F(4'td(/)FJ (Ir, o 11,F<m ooo Jtu f .o owz(4< o lrl Jol! z> u)'t< lJ-J O) u )u.|-{ I Ot0oo ttJ J OrE< U(/)Ztlr-r t-1 f n F'.r FoO F, uJtJJ< =(IouO u .Ooo >FJUIT >Z-F <=> r'< JOtrl F ucr>o JZ F 'u= t-o >u)Otr F'<FO JOF'E>I Ooco =ZH l)<ooo JoUJ lrl trl>1! >Ear<ulo Eo>F ('F lu) FoJZ ou) Irt- OFI F.-ooLlj Zu-oog.FC) zvtto<g.o o .F FU) uJto = F uFUio> ooEF >Fg.o ltJ l-.>o .= lrl .AJ UJo ltJ oo> oJ< OtrJ>(9|lt!J z.o >F' J TIJ {/) U <(JJU J.(J0 F|,IU.I (,Fr > F t<Z O '-. J<z- o|J (n . -Oz>' olrjgo zEltl ct <o>o ooJtl (, FFo-JJc) l-.F(r)U'' NFo z rL)t!-)o (/)l y-il :--lz "'l c Bl d H to\'trtr m za Er I ' isi i z ; C)E :a6u)<c) o:) a.t L! a I.o {I)r! J-- o-I ) TI J F(Jzz trJ -o(,EOrr, < (\JFOO; - atF : 9N tSSVd rN3CuSd .o l/\ -t ooooorOr@C- It ti J z t, aa 't(t 2 z o,o ( J(t U) E LI J()-i ;-fr [t,ifiv, E L,t, t, Ll o o oz <,, t, t vl J z to Go r (toz c I F :;{-l Il;I, lfii ooooo<c-@q.ooJ .Qt a Y rrJ I tF o t lr, J 'r-N;>F>c€>ofr-a |r..OO f.rJ @ Z a)'F<c)>JtJo-:roo*(ntr o o)oO t-zfo l.lj J UJ llJzoIua a o J trJ I J uz J ' z ; o J lrJ J (L o N F lrJ t) (n oz rd J :E ro r'. o a a J z z ; ; F- ; trJ N,| .<n UJJ ; IJ J o uJ F o J lrl F <n I 3 rort zo ; 6 R :i (r.i8t: EH 8: .:Fr3 bti lll* l0___ 9 __- 8--- 7_ _ 6--- 5__, 4 -__ (o 1 9 8 7 A 5 4- aV - 3eNVHo olt.vu oIoA : €o roo a 8_._ t r q o oo ro o .: r. lr!/)Y I o clJ 'l I i I _l ,{€oco a V - 3eNVH3 olrvu oIoA Ci-n r{1' l. i,l| 9 o / 6 o F: *5 .l^ r i;e ri:i I :r,t tJ,''.. ";J LrJ J FI Jo tr, ttl JJUUOttlF F r--. -JJ) aaa > Lr'F>JLri<>Ja><utoJJZQUJ<J trJul<l!>r>>E< <ct < Cr Z,aJJJUJ<JUUd()>AAtt llllFFOFF..FF))ZJJJJHH<vtaaaQau) 3i !: *L-?.;;2 =o3g ,{ZJOFOr{(tOFIrJz<Foo U (,u U- LL lr tl.lllllll LL wt/, olr,t to c< @ tlrqtttllll nl L,xX ur\& tu, ooooooo.tu)lNlo\lo\;{olcOOlNlO\lrr.tl') 14 ..r Ll!;f 5 F F3?3; Ff tt.-rt{ cj lll,.{ttFlllF-.aa -illFJ.flllJNtlNo-Nlllo ,l Nllcoo\ollNllorz(\ll F-tn\ot-n|/)G'$lroOoNoOo|lO.io 11 lt-oooNlt) rtdiq:i*ri .oNoFFOF.tOt"N F@NNF++{to\@ IFFL, A tr,lr, Lo NNm+nn€ toF ro n tr, F o trJ UJJ ilF-I\o.I :)lt,o.2 UJ FU) C) =-ooIqFO- il &,ofror/o tngtt'zu, Ona. Kenncth E. Richords August 3, 1977 Eagle County Planning Comnd. ss ion Department of Planning and Development Post Office Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8L631 Re: Sketch PIan and Preliminary Plan for Subdivision VaiL Das Schone - Filing No. 4 Att: Terrill Knight Dear Terrill: Attached are the necessary maps, reports Vail Das Schone Filing No. 4. The new owners CIVIL TNGINTTilNG . PIINNING . SURVEYs SOBDIV|S|ONS . WATER & StWfR 5YST[,15 Box .19€O C-IOO Avon hil, Colorqdo €*{.* 81620 phone {fffi71 949-5072 Dcnvcr 9#.'lf,ll 893-153I Regislered Profcsrionsl Engineers Regisiered Lond Surveyors RECEIVED AUG r I1,977 .Olpt. 0l Planning u uever. Nrglr 0-ounty, coto. c0l'4M, I _ \/\i.t' /-' ii_\1/t.'.:t'-..1,_ j t,c,/r I :771..:IE'rii,:0 0F and exhibits for of this 6.6 acre the proposed subdivision, site are : West VaiI Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue Suite 410 Skokie, Illinois 60076 Phone: 3L2-577-63O5 The o$tners have designated our firm to gather together the necessary information for obtaining county approvaLs for this subdivision. You can reach me at: Kenneth E. Richards Richards Engineers, Inc. Post Office Box C10O Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: 949-5072 or Denver Phone 893-1531 GENERAL DISCUSSION: The owners are within this proposed North two lots lrill remaining South lots t:, not sure of what kind of businesses will be going in on the 5 lots subdivision. Lot I has been designated for a proposed bank. The, probably be used for smaller shops and,/or apartments and the twofor larger stores such as a department store or a furniture storei' -2- Adequate parking \,ri11 be proviiled for the proposed use on each site. tand.scaping, including buffer screening, is p1-anned for three sides of the subdivision, except that trees will not be placed along the North Frontage Road in accordance vrith the High!'/ay Department desires. Since all utiLities are in place or can be constructed on the North, East, and South sides of the subdivision, and because no outside drainage crosses the center of this area, no inside utility or drainage easements have been delineated. A11 drainage is along the East and West fines of the subdivision. The on-site drainage will be taken care of by engineered access roadways and parking areas and will be diverted to the ditch along the North frontage road through four catch basins for entrapping the silt, sand and oil , at the two designated entrances. one access is planned for the two lots on the North. This will not be used as a princ5.pal access to the proposed commercial center, but mainly for employees and,/or oltners. Because the owners are desirous of conveying the proposed bank site so that planning for the site can be compl-eted and building can be started as soon as possible, the necessary exhibits and. data are being submitted at this time for both the Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plan. Under the sketch plan requirements, the items listed are as follows: 4.O1.Ol (a) The boundary and lot pattern are shown on the Preliminary P1an, along with the area, 6.60 acres, and legal description. The Zoning is C/L - Comrnercial Limited with uses in conformance with 3.05.02 in the Zoning Resolution, namelyr (a) Retail Establishments, (b) Personal Services. (c) General Services, (d) Offices, ancl (e) Drelling Units. (b) The property is bounded on the North by Chamonix Lane and on the South by the North Frontage Road of Interstate No, 7O. As shown on the Drainage Plan, all road grades are moderate, less than 39, and access to the fxontage road will be limited to t\,ro locations spaced about 420 feet apart, (c) There are no existing buildings on the subject property r There are four condominium or townhouse complexes on Lots L4, l-5, 16 and 17, VaiI Heights, on the North side of Chamonix Lane. The Vail Das Schone Shoppette Center is just west of this parcel, with Safeway Store, ltestern Federal Savings anil a new restaurant anil West Vail Ma1l Center further West. Atl of these are shown on the Preliminary PIan. (d) A large portion of the area wil-I be paved for access and parking for new buildings. There are no tree masses, but areas between Chamonix Lane and Lots 4 and 5 will be landscaped and treesl bushes, shrubs, native grasses and flowers will be planted in this buffer strip and in the area along the easterly line of the subdivision. There will be a landscaped area bet\reen the frontage road and the subilivision, but no trees are extrrected except for a few aspens. because of highway department requests that consider trees and large bushes a possible traffic hazard. AJ.l landscapfi'rg is bei,ng planned, and a map is attached to this report. (e) Soils and geological reports for areas to the North and west _of this parcel were submitted previously to the county when building permits were taken out. The soils reports hrere all very similar and recommendations were about the same. - -3- for each site, namely that the topsoil and silt be removed, that standard reinforced concrete footings be used, that concrete found.ation walls be reinforced top and bottom 'that allowable soil pressure be 3rOOO psf, that compaction at least 95% of maximum Standard Proctor Density and within 2? of optimum moisture contentr per ASTMD-698' be obtained, that individuaL soils test be made for the particular building being constructed t that a soils engineer inspect the soils bef.ore footings' foundations, or slabs are poured and that a subsurface drainage system be placed around basement areas. A copy of a typical soils report for the area adjoining the Safeway Store is attached. Also, a complete drainage study for this site and the surroundinq area is included. 4.01.02 A check for the Sketch Plan is furnished herewith, (a) The name of the proposed subdivision is vail Das schone - filing No. 4. (b) Domestic water will be supplied through the facilities of the Vail Vitlage West Water and Sanitation District. There is an existing 8" water line in Chamonix L,ane and a fire hydrant at the Southeast corner of the proposed subdivision. (c) Sewage service is provided by the Upper EagLe valley Sanitation District. There are existing lines on three sides of tbe subdivision as shown on the Sewer Line map and the Preliminary Plan. Plan. 4,O1.O3 22 copies of each of the above listed items are attached. 4.O2 A11 maps listed above conform with the requirements for a Preliminary 4. 02.01 (a) Survey information. 1ega1 descriptions and other requirements for Land Survey Plats have been met. (b) North arrow, graphic scale, dates and survey data are shown on the Preliminary Plan. Contour intervals of five feet are plotted on the Drainage Map as well as many spot elevations. (c) Boundary lines with bearings and distances and the lega1 description are shown on the Preliminary Map. Inside lot dimensions are scaled. but will be computed for the Final PIat. (d) Adjoining property owners are West VaiI Associates on the'West anil those to the North and East are shown on the map. Condominium and Townhouse or{ners are listed on the following three pages i" (e) Contour lines and spot elevations are shown on the drainage map. (f) (1) and (2) Signed by Kenneth E. Richards, Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 2183. -4- ]tr oF ADDTTT'NAL owNERs O Lot 14, Vail Heights = VAIL HEIGHTS NOi 2 CONDOMINIUMS Unit LA Agnes M. MccartneY 304 Cabeza Negra Drive Rio Rancho, New Merico 87i124 Unit LB ilohn L. Creel 970 Birchcrest Avenue Brea, Californj-a 9262! Unit tc s. Douglas and Mary S. Mclaughlin Box 653 vailf Colorado 81657 Unit 2A Sol and Elai-ne G. It Holland Box 2233 VaiL, Colorailo 81657 Unit 2B lrlarge E. Linden Box 955 Vaill Coloraclo 8165? Unit 2C James C. and Shirley A. Craig Box I14 Vail, Coloraclo 81657 Unit 3A Leon B. and Judith E. Hines Box 1525 Vail, Colorado 8165? Unit 38 Robert I. Kyttcl Box II97 Vail, Colorado 81657 Unit 3c George Eliopulos Box 1948 VaiI, Colorado 81657 1,. -5- Lot J.5, Vail Heights, VAIL HETGHES CONDOMINIUMS: Sheila MacCarnBridge (Blackwell) c/o R. J. Kleiner 1631 South Balsam Street Lakewood, Colorado Unit I Haakensen-Isaksen- I saacson Box 785 Vail, Colorado 81657 Unit 2 Fred K. Burgum c/o Arthur Farmers I ELevator Co, Arthur, North Dakota 58006 Unit 3 David M. Floyd Box 1084 VaiI, Colorado 81657 . Unit 4 Frank R. McNeill Box 1491 Vail, Colorado 81657 Unit 5 Wood-Andrikopoulos & Simakso c/o A. G. Andrikopoulous Box 788 Cheyenne, Wyoning 720O1 Unit 6 Robert McMillan Box 1035 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Unit 7 Alvin H. Hankins Box 1771 VaiI, Coloraclo 81657 Unit. B Patricia A. Riclman Box L383 Vail, Colorado 81657 Unit 9 Sidney t. Bronstein 7163 So. Vine Circle West Littleton, Colorado 80122 Unit lO Charlyn M. Costello Box 261.. VaiI' Colorado 81657 Unit 11 Thomas C. OrBrien Box 432 Vail, Colorado 81657 Unit 12 Gary D. enunrick Avon, colorado 81620 7s. o -6- I,ot 16, Vai]. Heights, VAIL IIEIGHTS NOt III CONDOI{INIUUS Porrrers!trloyt*Rick1 ey Box 1576 Yailr'coloracto 81657 Unit 4. Tr. L, VliesU Bo< 2839 Vail, Coloraclo 81657 Unit 5 Richard n. ana Cynthia Sexton Bor 1811 Vailr Cblorado 81657 Unit lO Bruce J. and Clauclia K. Roelancl Box tr986 Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot 17. Yail Heightsr CROOKED SKI*TOI{NHOUSES &ichard L. glston L6' Clift Rock Lane Woodbridge, Connecticut 06525 Unit I Gilbert-Beeson-Beeson Box 781 Vail, Colorado 81657 Unit 2 Howard and Sharon Fricke c,/o Edna and Claus Fricke Post Office Box 692 VaiL. Colorado 81657 Unit 3 Langhoff and DeCook Post Office Box 2126 VaiL, Colorado 81657 Unit 4 Gera]-il s. Morris 260 A South Monaco Parl*ray Denver r Colorado 80224 Lt. -7^ (2, A11 roads and utilities are existing as shown. (3) Soils Report - Signed by Thomas Summerlee, Registered Professional Engineer No. 9991 as typical for the area. He performed most soils tests for this area, along with Kal Zeff, Registered Professional Engineer No. 2648, \"thich we have used in this area in fielil checking for the building footings. Additional on-site tests \,ri11 be made when it is known vrhat kind of buildings are being constructecl and the exact locations of each. It is not expected that soils pressures in excess of 3r000 psf will be permissible for any of the buildings. (4) Landscaping plans are attached to this report. Bear's Bush Business, Dave Johnson, has prepared these plans and is currently doing many projects in the Vail area. (5) The original Geological study for this site and the VaiI Heights Subdivision across the road was prepared by Charles N, Johnson, Registered Professional Engineer No. 8621, Records of this study are in the County files, Only the Vail Heights report was in our files which stated there were "no hazards, avalanches, landsliding, soil creep, or drainage problems. " (6) wildlife - Not applicable for this commercial area' (S) Street names are on the preliminary plat and the five proposed lots are numbered. (h) The approximate acreage of each tot is shown and uses will be in conformance with the C/L zoni-,ng. (i) Not applicable. (j) Some parking and access areas wiII be designated on each site primarily for use on said site, but certain access roadways and parking areas will be for general public use within the subdivision. (k) (1) Vail Das Schone - Filing No, 4. (2) west VaiI Associates, Ltd, 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 4lO Skokie, Illinois 60076 Telephone 3L2-67 7 -6305 (3) shown on the Preliminary Map and on the three separate condominium and townhouse owners sheets. It (4) 6.6O acres. More detailed exhibits will be submitted for each 1ot before buililing permits are issued, but will be controlled by protective covenants by the owners as well as by county requirements. In general, the Preliminary PIan will be followed as closely as possible such as entrances' parking areasr access -, ways, etc. A resr:bdivision may be necessary if any major change is requested by future owners. -8- (5) Filing Fee is attached. (6) The school district and owners would have to agree on any land dedication or cash-in-lieu-of-1and. (7'l The proposed covenants will include the regular subdivision covenants such as temporary buildings only during construction, connection to public utilities, no unsightly conditions allorved, trash storage and disposal, county builcling stanilards, sig'n code, l-eash laws, etc. The owners also desire continuity of archi.tecture and will have control of the overall general building designs and location of buildings on the sites so that parking, access, ancl useability of all areas are closely coordinated. (8) The land availabl-e for l-ight cornrnercial use is becorning quite limited and very expensive in the Vail area. The West Vail Shopping area is very popular throughout the valley and currently has some new construction under way. There is a newly chartered bank which desires to locate on a site within this new subdivision and the ovrners have had additonal inquiries from various Potential buyers. There is expected to be a j untp in employment of some L25 Lo 150 persons. (1) There are no changes in the overalf area with respect to any other engineering or environmental reports. New outside traffic will be along the frontage road rather than Chamonix Lane. No obnoxious odors are expected and no heavy water users are anticipated. 4.O2.O4 Vicinity Map shown. 4.O2.03 fiIe. used. (a) and (b) Geology and SoiLs reports (c) No tree masses - low lying shrubs Some aspen trees will be used on the North and (d) (e) 4.02, 04 submitted previously and on and mountain grasses will be East sides of the subdivision. No wildlife is expected in this commercial area. No wildfire expecteil. (a), (b), a (c) Roads are completed. The frontage road |-as about a 2 L,/24 drop to the West and Chamonix Lane about 28. There are no difficuLt sloPes within the area. No special retaining structures should be needed. (d) The previously submitted drainage study is attached, along with an amendrnent pertaining only to this subdivision. 4.02.05 Distr ict. (1) (a), (b) , (c) , (d) file with the county. An additional letter (2) A quasi-municipal (3) (a), (b), (c) , (d) (4) Not applicable. -9- Information on the vrater district is on may be needed for this proposed subdivision. corporation set up by Colorado State laws. Already done. (a) Water Supply i.s from the Vail Vi11a9e west Water antl Sanitation (b) Sanitary Sewage Disposal will be through the Upper Eagle Valley Saritation District system. A letter approving service for this area subject to plltment of standard tap fees and service charges will be forthcoming. (1), (2), and (3) Already done. (4) Not applicable, (c) Underground wiring has been installed in all this area and service should be readily available. (d) I'ire Protection - Vail Fire Department provides service for this 4.O2.06 when revegetation 4.O2.O7 Respectfully Submitted, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Landscaping will be authorized j.n accordance with the attached plan is needed. 22 copies of all reports and maps. 6*.-zz?. &;22/ Kenneth E. Richards Agent and Engineer for Registered Professional and Land Surveyor No. the Owner Engine6r 2183 KER:cr I i I.l Buildino Permit Fee lication For Subdivision Aoolicat Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use All items are received for no-payment of nny item. Ne 2642 EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT ITEM (Building) (Zoni Subdivision Total Rec I I i I Il.l. AMOUNT collection By a a ECEIVED only and lhis receipt shall be cancelled uagle county Jorado 1,11.Tilr" ""-|" ion Fr re xo ; 4-j-2JZ-CERTIIIICATIi OF ccruftcation ls hercby made that o copy of on oppllcotlon submltted nnd givcn the Flle No. wns entered into the U.S. It'lnils, or hand dclivered' on to the offices/persons as llsted Cortlfler's Signature : ions refered to3 1. Colorado Geological Survey 2. Colo. Department of Health l:..Applications in Eagle-Brush Creek lo Edwards: 1. Town of Eagle Eagle Sanitation D i strict Colorado Division of Wi ldlife U-S. Forest Service Eagle ValleY TelePhone Co- Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School District RE5OJ 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. i'... B.Appl icat ions inBasalt Area: 1. Town of Basalt 2. Planning Representative E esr - c.rrt Enstneet '?ZZ-Q(- Colorado State Engineer Eagle County Sanitarian ' Holy Cross Electric Assrn Colorado Mln. College D ist. U.S. Soil Conservation Service U.S. Bureau of Land Management Colorado River Water Consv- Dist. Div. of Water Resources G.Applications in Upper Eagle Valley: 1. Town of Minturn 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4. E 6. 3. Town of Red Cl iff Upper Eaglb Val ley San- Oist. Eagle-Vail Metro D istrict Other Dist. (none at Present time) School Di stri ct RE5OJ abovev7 3. School District REIJ 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist. 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist', 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S - Forest Service Mountain Bet I Telephone Co- Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas C.Applicat ions in GYPsum Area: 1. Town of GYPsum Eagte County Airport AuthoritY Colorado Division of Wildlife Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S' Forest Service Mtn. Bell TelePhone Co. Public Service Co. of Colo. ....,- '"ZJ---r- j--.--> )* -/-- u"-zz+ iri Gore Valley - Vail Area: I western Slope Gas ) Town of Vail l1-'-- Vail Village West Water & San. Lions Ridge Water Vail Village West Fire Vai I Intermountain Water 7. Vail Sanitation Dist. 8. School D istri ct FlE5O., 9. Colorado Division of Wildlife 10. U.S. Forest Service 11. Mtn. Bell TelePhone Co. 12, Public Servico Co. of Colo. 13. Upp€r Eaglo ValleY San. 8. 9. 10. -- re 7 etJ{ti% 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. i 10' H.Appliga!1>ns ,l- 1 --1-4'4 r- ,3'z- ". 7. q 9. 4. t 6. \t 7. / | -- d. lglliFFtrc5r|ohe in' 1. U.S. Forest Servi ce Eagle Val ley Telephone Co' Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School D istrict REsOJ Gvosum Sanitation O istrict, Coloruclo ll iv+r A rc.r: Schoot District nEsOJ Sclrool District ll 1 US Forost Servico ( E agle) 2. 3. -6. E.Othor Agoncios US Forcst Scrvice (M inturn) Eoglo Vallcy Telepl'rono Co. Yampa Vcl lcy E lectrlc (whoro lppropriate) Colorodo Dcpt ' of lligllways 'Colo. Statc Forcst Scrvlce 4. 5. 1. 2. EAOI,E CO[NTT DETIBTTEIIT OT TIAI{I{IilO AIID McDonald Bldg.550 Broadway /&;/Blair Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 1?9 DTIEIOIilTIIT Eagle, Colorado E1631 16 August 1977 Re: File No. Sp-93-77 Preliminary Plan -Vail Das Schone Filing #4 Applicant:West VaiL Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue Suite 410 Skokie, Illinois 60076 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 21 September 1977. In accordance with C.R.S, 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.O7 , as amended effective 1 August L976, you are required to receive the plan, and you have 24 days from date mailed within which to respond or the pl.an wl 1I be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Comrnission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recornmendati ons a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional inforrnation or time, please advise this office 'in writing. Thank you very much,% Mibhael S.Director, MSB,/dk Planning Department,zPlanning Commission: Subdivision, Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328-63:18 Administration (303) 32E-63:19 ?,t r .'rt lnlrir m 75 soutir frontaSe rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 HffIi*_ "J department of ccmnrrrnity developnrent Nobember 5, l9B2 Gary Swetish Briner/Scott Arch itects 'l 43 East Meadow Drive Vai1, Co'lorado 8.l657 Re: Vail Commons Dear Gary: The Planning staff has reviewed the proposal for Vail Commons as we discussed ir on l'lovember'3. Due to the fo] lowing two reasons, we feel the proposa] shouldhave a Plann'ing and Envjronmental Commjssion revjei.l: f) The'impact on the site and circulation p'lan that the drive-in bank facijitv would have.2) The possibiijty that the proposed "phase I" pian may be the final procluct. As far as some of the other aspects of the project, here are our feelings: 'l) Landscaping -.we must have the Phase I project cornp'lete'ly 'lan<lscapeci as 'ifit were tlre firrished product. ?) Arrrenity package - tlrj5 could be constr"uctcd in a later phase, .if you r+ish. ?l N.o underground parkirrg would bc requii"ecl with the phase'I proSect. 1l We encourage the provision of one of the ernplo.yee units in the Phasc I prcrject.5) Ihe acceleration/deceleration, left turn lane arrC interior service road shouldall be built in Phase I. I've cnclosed a copy of a portion of 0rdinance 13 of l98l which zoned Vail Conmlis]nto the Town. The underl ined portion represcnts the process vrhich r.roir'l d be follouredfor Phase I.. Chapter .l8.66 conta'ins the proredures for a zorring anrendrrent. Thisrieans that the project would have a publ ic iicai'ing at Pianning Connrjssion ancl afinal appr"oval by the l'or^rrr council at one of theiF regular me6tings. Please keep rne up to date on yc,ur As alrvaysp-/ir',y':-41{'-r' A, ' PEI'[I] PATTIN, JR. APP: bpr Encl. pl ans, and cal 1 if you've got questions. f7. //eEr U/ltt Couuoz o *r7r,( /, ;'nt; ,, -/., .,,, -- to, ,, r /,f(r' ': /-t/ 3.ot.o4 /, . 'x)ll-r4s"--i'.q u l-".o:z^z*e- L.#- ,-k--.^ /^- ,.-- t.-^.-1 fu k"+a/ ,.-"e-L,!/*/ ,*,./4 L *'r.*,*/ z //ZL; A"furd k;d'.,4ro-, /r**- ra ,e,V,.",-/ "r,,Llu"r*- f/---/a nu. \ uflllnwn u box 'l00 vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-5613 September 18, 1979 departmerrt of comnr unity development Eagle CounLy Planning Comrnission Eagle County Court IIouse Box 850 Eag1e, CO 81631 Re: 6.5 Acre Tract East of Vail Das Schone Shopping Center Dear Planning Commission Menibers: The Town of Vail is concerned with and does not support thesite plan submil-ted for the 6.6 acre tract inrmediately eastof the Vail Das Schone Shopping Center. If the Town isintcrpreting the County Zoning District Regulations correctlyfor 1,,/C Lirnited Commercial tl-rere seems to be several problemswith the site plan. I . Under Uses, Special: 3. 07 . 0f Ll_2 )Dwelling Units, lrot to exceed 50 percent of t-he gross commercial floor area. As shown on the plans, gr(rund level retail and second levr:l offices total 76,945 square feet. Second and third level condoniniums total 66,803square feet. From our calculations, over 508 of the commercial space is under cons i <lerat.i-on for condorninium use. Maximum Lot Area: 40 pcrcent by buildings, or a total of'1 0 percent includingcoverage by a1l i,itpervious materials. The To!,/n did not calculate the total coverage of building and parking, and would like to know ifit is under the maximum loc coveraqe. Minimum Setback:(a) f t-ont y"ra t Arterial Streetz 75 feeL from street centerline or 50 feet from property line, whichever is greater; Local Street: 50 feet from street centerline or 25feet from fror,t property line, rvhichever is greater; t.l L ^11 Eagle County Planning Commi ss i on 9-18-79--Page rwl (b) Rear Yard: Commercial uses 25 feet, for lotsadjacent to residential uses 75 feet; for lotswith residential occupancy 25 feeL; (c) Side Yard: .10 feet or half the height of theprincipal building whichever is greater. The Town considers that several set.backs do not meetthe minimum setback requirements. The plan needs tobe revised to reflect ihe setbacks of t-he zoning district. 4. PARKING LAYOUT: The parking layout shown on sheet one seemslike it rvould be confusing for driver entering and driving inLhe parking lot. This layout should be revised to providegood circulation for vehicles throughout the parking lot. t The Tovrn also questions ingress and egress to Charmonix / Lane. This is a narrow street that has been used for \ residents of units in this area. By opening up access \ to Charmonix Lane residents from the Val1ey, Vail Ridge,',, Vail Das Schone 1 and 2 could start entering and leavingr this shopping area and increase the impacts of trafficop thJ_s street. The Town considers that a redesign of this plan is needed. Only some of the major points have been addressed in this letter andthere are several other site design considerations that shouldbe resolved before formal consideration of the recruest. Very truly yours, Dick RyanDirector Department of Community Development 'tf'rfro 1;" 4 V ol-'l f.) Applrcation for Conditio Pennit and Densi nd tu Landscaping and overaqe Variances to al I ov,l ramsnarmer. Peter Patten gave the Staff recomBndation and conditions. pi said he rea11y didn't have too much to say, Peter had said it a]l. Drager asked Pepi if he understands everything in the memo and conditjons' Pepi said he understands but disagrees with the walkway. . There is no place whbre there are rooms in a quiet irea for sleeping. Sandy Mil'l s sajd she doesn't th'ink peopl" a"" gofng to walk there in ttre evening. They wili only be there during the day. Sandy Mil1s asked about the easementcondition. Does Pepi have..to.get the other owneis to agree before he gets approval. Jim Rubin said no. He iust has to agree to the easement on his land. g S Pe Ed U!4. W&,unt lt -ttinutes of the April 28,Q80 Planning and Environmental l*tttt"t-*atnn Page One Ii'IEI4BERS PRESENT Sandy Mi]l s Ed Drager Jim Morgan Dan Corcoran John Perkins STAFF MEPtsERS PRESENT Dick Ryan ' Larry Eskwith Peter Patten Jim Rubin ?/--''^ '; /0L-0c.t--r"J "L/-o^/. The Tovlrn Council l'lember assigned to attend th'is meeting was not present'' Item #2 was discussed first. 2.) Cqrrtrnuation of Public consjderation of Vai'l vi]la -. t The Board discussed the proposed changes to the zoning.ordinance with Djck Ryan anA .lim Rubin. They nnriced'a'l'l the cianges and revised cop'ies wil'l be sent to the Board members..-At 3:00 the Board dei'iaea to cont'inue th'is'later and go on with the regular meeting. 1.) Approval of Minutes of 4-2'l-80 meetjng. Sandy Mi1ls made a motion to approve the minutes of the 4-21-80 meeting' John Perkins seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 4-28-80 PEC Minutes Page Two Pepi said the condition regarding the clean up upset him imrnensely. He said he c'l eans up everyone's messes not just h'is orm and as soon as all the snowis gone, he wi'l 'l c'lean up everything. He also said there is a question of what js Town property and what is his. Sandy Mills said someone should find out where the property'line is so that curb stops could be installed to keep cars out of the area vrhere they are not supposed to be. Ed Drager said the Staff should find out where the property lines are so that a path cou'ld be established and curb stops installed where necessary. Dan Corcoran expla'ined how to find out where the property line is. Ed Drager asked if anyone had other quest'ions. Sandy asked what is going to be where the extra square footage is being added. Pepi said part of it wi1l be a dressing area for the sport shop and waitresses and part will be a cold kitchen for freezer, cooler, etc. John Perkins made a motion to approve the Application for Conditiona'l Use Permit and Density and Landscaping and Site Coverage Variances to allow Expans'ion of the Gastof Gramshanmer Kitchen as per the Staff memo of 4-24-80 with the fo1 lowing conditions: A. The applicant should be required to participate in V'illage Co.re Improvements and agree not to remonstrate against the special improvement district if fonned, and agree to jo'in the district. B. The existing tree irmediately west of the proposed addition be 'left undi strubed C. The applicant agree to clean up and work with the Town to determineproperty line and do whatever necessary to keep cars from parking on grass etc. D. Applicant agree to wor:k with the Town to estab'lish a walk way on topto the stream bank adjacent to the parking 1ot. Sandy Mil'l s seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The Board advised Pepi that he must go before the Design Review Board withhis plans and that there is a moratorium on bui'lding in the Core. Pepi said" I am happy with you guys and I wi'll start tomorrow." Cathie said she wi'l'l schedule him for DRB on May 7. Peter said he will make sure he is scheduledfor DRB on.l'hy 7. ,€.c, Page Minutes 4-28-80 Three 4.) Minor Subdivision for tne nesuUaivision o. Peter Patten gave the staff comments on this. Ed Drager asked Jim Morter to explain the reasoning behind th'is application. Sandy Mil'ls questioned the acreage in the Jim Rubin said the staff wi'l'l correct this Both numbers should be the same. Sandy Mills made a motion to approve the minor subdivisjon for the Resubdjvision of Lbts 2, 3, and 4, Block e, Viit Village 7th Filing as per the Staff Memo of 4-24-80. -John Perkins seconied the motion. The vote was unanimous with the exception of Dan Corcoran who abstajned. There was a discussion of the road going be access to the residential area behincl not be an access. Peter said the plan shou'ld the grading to started in .|982. Tom Briner said that is start date. memo. She said it did not add uP. and find where the mistake is. be done in the Fa'll and the Proiect a typo and it shou'ld be '198'l for Item #6 was taken next. 6. ) Disegssi!! !f-!e-u!!ro.ject for referra'l -West Vail Corn4q-,Qgyg] g Peter Patten explained that this is a new shopping center/condominium deve'lopment on 6.6 acres in'West Vai'l, east of Vail Das Slhone. It is a County submittal. for l'lay 2'l and the Staff is requesting a recommendation from the Planning and Environmental Cormission. Tom Briner made his presentation. He explained they are attempting to stop the visua'l asphalt. 'There will be walkway through to vai'l Das shone. Peter explained that the Staff has a few concerns. They would like to see some employee type hous'ing incorporated into th'is.p1an.. They fee'l.the project needs more-1and-siaping along the Northern Border (Residential Area). behind. Some people fe1t there should but the consensus was that there should Peter asked about the drainage of the parking 1ot. Tom said they have experts working on this and they wjll make sure it is adequate. Jim Morgan asked if there could be few aspen trees in the landscaping and more spilce. Tom Briner said it is a possibi'lity but they djd want to stay with one species. There was a discussion about the size of the park'ing spaces required by the.County. The Board felt a lot of asphalt.could be eliminated-jf'the s'ize of the park'ing spaces was reduced from l0 x 20 to 9 x'18. PEC Minutes of 4-28-80 Pige Four There was also a discussion about the right turn lane extending to Vail-Das Shone. It was decided that that could not be reiuired of the developer but cou'ld be suggested to the County. Sandy Mills nnde a rrotion that the Plann'ing Commission recormend that the fol'lowing itemi be incorporated jnto the West Vail Conmon Development: l. Employee housing. 2. More landscaping to screen.the residential area. 3. !4ore 'landscaping around parking lot and adequate snow storage area. 4. An adequate drainage Plan.. 5. Reducing the size of the parking spaces from '10 x20 to 9x l8 result'ing in less asphalt. 6. Possibi]ity of a right turn'lane extending to vail Das shone. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous' 7. ) Selection of PEC Member to attend DRB meetings beginni 5-7-80. Jim Morgan made a mot'ion that Gerry White be the PEC member to attend the Ong meelings for the next three moirths with John Perkins as the a]ternate' Sanay llit'li seconded i6e motion. Ed, Sandy, Jim, and Dan voted for approval of the motion. John Perk'ins voted against. 5.) Discussion of the Option to coniider for possib'l.v reducinq the number bf units within the Town. Dick Ryan explained his 4-8-80 memo to Rich Caplan: The Board discussed the oiiionl. SihAV Nitts said she definjtely feels this is an item that needs a gi^eat dea't morl study, however, she made a motion that the PEC recommend to ihe Council that they'consjder-a combjnatjon of 0ptions 4-and 5. .Jim Morgan seconded the motion.- Ed, Sandy and Jim voted for the motion. John and Dan voted against. John sa'ii he fLels the "X" % is too general. Dan agreed-and said he-doesn't fee'l the developer should be hit in the floor area as wel1 ai ttre number of units. They Ubth felt that the floor area should be'looked at to a greater extent. After they gave their reasons, Ed Drager said he. igreeA ana maybe he should change irii vote. It was decided it was too 'l ate i6r him to chinge his vote and i new motion would be necessary. The motion stands. PjC l'linutes of 4-28-80" Page Five 8.) Discussion of resubmitta'l of Landscape P'lan for the Bell Tower Buj'lding. Craig Snowdon made his presentation. The Board asked questions. This item was not publ'ished. However, jt was not necessary as it is on'ly an amendment to the landscape plan. If approved today, they can go ahead as the building permit etc. is sti'l I in effect. Hohever, they would haye to go to Design Review Board. John Perkins nnde a motion to approve the Amendment to the Landscape P'lan not to inc'lude alley plan or roof plan. The alley and roof plans wou'ld have to come back and be pub'l ished. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Cathie and Peter said they would see that the Landscape P'lan gets scheduled for DRB on May 7, 1980. The Board discussed item #2 again. 2.) .Continuation of Public Hearing for the consideration of Vai'l Vil'lage Urban Desiqn Guide Plan and 0rdinances for Commercial Core I and iI. ,rr * urr"O copies wil'l be given to the Planning Commission for the 5-'12 meet'ing. Jeff Winston went over the.Vail Village Design Guide Plan revisions. Dan Corcoran rnde a motion to continue discussion of this item until lvlay'12,'l 980at 2:00. Sandy Mills seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 6:'10 P.M. Ja/AEfl SC !ff:,:;i: S:ffi ,t,2/,2/so Square Footage Take-off Total Pgject Funct i on Retail Space Lower Leve I Common Leve I Off ice Space Net Usable Arca Circulation t Toilets Gross Area Second Level Th i rd Leve I _ 37,900 _ 6,300 3l ,600 20,Z0O 5, 100 l,7oo |,100 5,700 |,7oo g ,4oo 34 ,3oo 34,000 26,700 7,300 6 Condom in iums 4 Employee Units 2,700 700 3,800 _ 4.000 300 5. r00Health Club Hechan ica I 3 ,ltO0 4,loo t5 Parking Spaces I I ,800 1,500 21 , 100 Tota I l35,ooo I 7 ,8oo 167,3OO b- f,ao-,r:,* ao o bl tlru, ( o ,{lr,lo il o - 6t- S'Kz.%l - fu.//re'zz'1s*ffi;"rJ"^2,-Z*4 ' ,-"r;zd,A' / v- [-Z .121 -- nru: rt/U, 1,,d,1,., Lz f,,r,t7/ ^ .iz..r-*= /- 'Z//*. > E H. xLa''41*"r--' 2 /. ,/'t ) ,,- t; fr ,4, : /t/rz4 teeh, /,ur7r*rL 4 p4'- /J*"/J- rc"rtn^.^ /-r4'ed D# 'CL*,*z t* -6,<.<2-L /'2 41 /e. //t s, t*?T azz ui/qa1ruzo, ah-'e-,./;* /a-*., .^ #ro.e /r*- 6 ,Lfu/*t"/-"/r--J, g z4-Z*.-r/ z..e*-)/..t' r-. b"z-Z //*-UL oo a*-*i q ,'r,r) pun4lal/ffir>. /r/I' f6,rz/,i4rcc.a ""il ),*/ "t,J*r- ',L* ( O28, 'l 980 Planning and Env i ronmen tr,?o*r r, fiffi , n n"lilinutes of the Apri'l Page One MEMBERS PRESENT Sandy Mills Ed Drager Jim Morgan Dan Corcoran John Perkins STAFF MEIVtsERS PRESENT Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Peter Patten Jim Rubin The Town Council Member assigned Item #2 was discussed first. to attend this meeting was not present. 2.) Continuation of Public Hearjng for consideration of vail Yilla-. t The Board discussed the proposed changes to the zoning.ordinance with Dick Ryan ;;; Ji; nuutn. ih"y mariced'a'l'l the c6anges and revised copies wi'l'l be sent to the Board members. -Rt::OO the Board Oei'iaea to continue thjs'later and go on with the regular meeting. l.) Approval of Minutes of 4-2'l-80 meeting. Sandy Mi11s made a motion to approve the minutes of the Perkins seconded the motion. The vote was unan'imous. 4-21-80 meeting. John 3.) Application for Conditional Use Permit and Density and-Lgndscgping and Site Coveraqe V;rT Peter Patten gave the Staff recommendation and conditjons. Pepi said he really didn't have too much to say, Peter had said it al'| . Ed Drager asked Pepi if he understands everything in the menn and conditions. Pepi said he understands but disagrees with the walkway.. Tfrere is no place where there are rooms in a quiet irea for s'leeping. Sandy Mi'l ls said she doesn,t think people are going to walk there in the evening. They will only be there during the day. Sandy l4il'ls asked about theeasementconditjon. Does Pepi have to get the other owne-rs to agree before he gets approval . Jjm Rubin said no. He iust has to agree to the easement on his land. 4-28-80 PEC Minutes Page Two Pepi said the condition regarding the clean up upset him immensely. He said he cleans up everyone's messes not just his own and as soon as al'l the snowis gone, he will c'lean up everything. He also said there is a question of what is Town property and what is his. Sandy Mills said someone should find out where the property'line is so that curb stops could be installed to keep cars out of the area where they are not supposed to be. Ed Drager said the Staff shou'ld find out where the property'lines are so that a path cou'l d be established and curb stops installed where necessary. Dan Corcoran explaired how to find out where the property'l ine is. Ed Drager asked if anyone had other questions. Sandy asked what is going to be where the extra square footage is being added. Pepi said part of it wi'll be a dressing area for the sport shop and waitresses and part will be a cold kitchen for freezer, cooler, etc. ilohn Perkins made a motion to approve the App'lication for Conditional Use Perm'it and Density and Landscaping and Site Coverage Variances to a'l'low Expansion of the Gastof Gramsharrner Kitchen as per the Staff memo of 4-24-80 with the fol'lowing conditions: A. The applicant shou'ld be required to participate in Village Core Improvements and agree not to remonstrate against the special improvement district if fonned, and agree to join the district. B. The existjng tree inmediately west of the proposed addition undi strubed. C. The applicant agree to clean up and work with the Town to determine property I ine and do whatever necessary to keep cars from park'ing on grass etc. D. Applicant agree to work with the Town to establish a walk uny on topto the stream bank adjacent to the parking lot. be 'left Sandy Mills seconded the mo The Board advised Pep'i that his plans and that there is" I am'happy with you guys schedule him for DRB on Mayfor DRB on l.4ay 7. must go before the Des'ign moratorjum on building inI wi I 'l sta rt tomorrow. " Peter said he wil] nnke Review Board with the Core. Pepi said Cathie said she wi]'l sure he is scheduled he a and 7. on. The vote waJ PEC l4inutes 4-28-80 Page Three 4. ) Minor Subdivision a age There was a discussion of the road going be access to the residentia'l area behind not be an access. for the Resubdivision of Lots 2 and 4, Block 8 ng. memo. She said it did not add uP. and find where the mistake is. Peter Patten gave the staff comnpnts on this. Ed Drager asked Jim Morter to explain the reasoning behind this appljcation. Sandy M'i11s questioned the acreage in the Jim Rubin said the staff wil'l correct this Both numbers should be the same. Sandy Mills made a motion to approve the minor subdivision for the Resubdivision of Lbts 2, 3, and 4, Block 8, Vail Village 7th Fi'l'ing as per the Staff Memo of 4-24-80. John Perkins seconded the motion.. The vote was unanimous with tte ;' exception of Dan Corcoran who abstainEd; '--,,- Item #6 was taken next. 6.) Discussion of County proiect for referua'l-West Vai'l Common Deve'lopment Peter Patten explained that this is a new shopping center/condominium development on 6.6 acres in West Vail, east of Vail Das Schone. It is a County submittal for I'hy 2l and the Staff is requesting a recommendation from the Planning and Environmental Cormi ssion. Tom Briner made his presentation. He explained they are attempting to stop the visual aspha'lt. There will be walkway through to Vai1 Das Shone- Peter explained that the Staff has a few concerns. They would like to see some empioyee type hous'ing incorporated 'into this p1an. They feel.the project needs more-1andlbaping a16ng the Northern Border (Residential Area). beh'ind. Some people felt there should but the consensus was that there shoul d Peter said the plan should the grading to be done in the Fa'l'l and the proiect started in 1982. Tom Briner said that is a typo and it should be l98l for start date. Peter asked about the drainage of the parking 'lot. Tom said they have experts {orking on this and they wil'l make sure it is adequate. Jim Morgan asked if there could be few aspen trees in the landscaping and more spruce. Tom Briner said it is a possibility but they did want to stay with one species. There was a discussion about the size of the parking spaces required by the County. The Board felt a lot of asphalt could be elim'inated if the size of the parking spaces was reduced from'l 0 x 20 to 9 x lB. "lq -PEC Minutes Page Four of 4-28-80 O There vas also a discussion about the right turn lane extending to Vail Das Shone.It was decided that that cou'ld not be required of the developer but could be suggested to the County. Sandy Mills nnde a motion that the items be incorporated into the llest 4. Employee housing .. - G<- P^*L 7- eff"LT* t) P1 anning Commission reconnend Vail Cornmon Development: that the following C-o-.-1- 4. An adequate drainage p1an. 1.5. Reducing the size of the parking spaces in 'less asphalt. u.6. Possibility of a right Dan Corcoran seconded the r( from 10 x20 to 9x ly' resulting turn lane extending to Vai'l Das Shone. motion-@ 7.) Se]ection of PEC Member to attend DRB meetings beginning 5-7-80. Jim Morgan made a motion that Gerry White be the PEC member to attend the DRB meetings for the next three months with John Perkins as the alternate. Sandy M'i1ls seconded the mot'ion. Ed, Sandy, Jim, and Dan voted for approval of the motion. John Perkins voted aqainst. 5.) Discussion of the 0ption to consider for ssib'lv reducinq the number of units vrithin Dick Ryan explained his 4-8-80 memo to Rich Cap'lan. The Board discussed the options. Sandy Mills said she defjnitely fee'ls this is an jtem that needs a great deal more study, however, she made a mot'ion that the PEC recommend to the Council t thev consider a combination of Opti nd 5,_ Jim Morgan ed the motion.mot ion .n and votectgErtrTst.--lohn said he feels-SATa|TrE-t16eBn-l feel the developer is too genera'| . Dan agreed and e hit in the floor area as well should be 'looked I ate e necessary.e t'ion the s hou as the number of units. They both fel t that the fl oor aat to a greater extent. f to change hjs vote a T6 '/...d ^ru' v y' i*u' ,J^- \,/ -\ ---"--- Itr PEC Minutes of 4-28-80t- -.- Page Flve 8. ) Oiscussion of resubmjttal of Landscape P'lan for the Be]1 Tolver Buil din-o. Craig Snowdon made his presentation. The Board asked questions. This item was not published. However, it was not necessary as it is only an amendment to the landscape p1an. If approved today, they can go ahead as the bui'lding permit etc. is still in effect. However, they would have to go to Des'ign Review Board. John Perkins nnde a motion to approve the Amendment to the Landscape Plan not to include a1ley plan or roof plan. The alley and roof plans would have to come back and be published. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Cathie and Peter said they would see that the Landscape Plan gets schedu'led for DRB on l'lay 7, 1980. The Board discussed item #2 again. 2.) Continuation of Pub'lic Hearins for the consideration of_-llaj]_ljl-lggg Jim Rubin went over the proposed Zoning Changes and marked revisions. Revised copies wi1l be g'iven to the Planning Commission for the 5-'12 meeting. Jeff Winston went over the Vail Vitlage Design Guide Plan revisions. Dan Corcoran rnde a motion to continue discussion of this item unti'l I'hy 12''l 980 at 2:00. Sandy Mills seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 6:'10 P.M. .): 'l' tnun n TO: FROI'I: vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 EAGLE COIINTY PLAI'INING COIII'!I SSIONERS Tol\1{oFVAIL/DEPART'\{ENToFCoI{MLTNITYDEVELoPIJENT PETER PATTEN lifft box 100 5-15 -80 FrLE NO. SU-126-80-P' department of community development \.;EST VAIL CO]!\{ON DATE: RE: ?he Planning Staff, P1 anning and Environmental Commission and the Tolin Coun"il h..'" all r'evierved the proposal for \test Vail Cornmon. The following are our concerns and rccommendations, ., 1. TNADEQUATE SNO\f STO-IRAGE AREAS '/ lfe feel that usin'g tlie landscaped areas around ttre pait<1ng 1ot as sliow storage :3 not acceptable' These areas' rvith lteavy tree plarrtings ' cannot accomlnodate tire large amount of snow which must Le storeA on a palking 1ot of that size' ouropinionisthat'sincethisrvillrnostlikelybedeveloped when the property is in the Town of Va11 , that our parking and i.nat..ping iuq.ri.ements should be follorved' Attached j-s a ca]e,ulationofrvtratourparkingrequirementrvouldbeunderthisproposal along with a comparison to tbe Countyts requirements' As you can see' our requiiements represent a I5'7/' reduction in nunrber of spaces. ]rloreover, we recommend that our 1O% requilement.for interior iuitai""ping in tt,.---p.tf.ing 1ot should be put into ef fect' our calculations shol til^t- ""iV 5/" of the parkinq 19t interior is ;;i;;-;;;p"i"o for landscaping-this is insufficient' A further reduction in amount of asphalt could be attained by reducing the size of the parking sp"tus from 10x2O to 9x18' lfe feel this is i"irv-*ar.antea'-aul to tbe rapidly decreasing sj,ze of automobiles.' The attached parking calculations show that half "., "..J"Ji ".prt"it will bL conv6rted to landscaped areaiftlreToivn,sparkingr].econxllendationsarefollorved.IlJe feel this substantially improves the aesthetics of the project' FT ?rr'11 Page l\vo o 3. ETIPLOYEE HOUSING As you know, this is a critical problem in the Gore Va11ey. The Town has adopted a policy of encouragiltg new projects to provide housing for the employees the project itself generates. It is our opinion that 25t of either the number of residential units or the residential floor area included in this project should be. employee housing. I{e catrnot afford to have a maior project genera.ting a large demand for employees such as this to be'buiIt without provisions for employee housing. 4. INTERNAL, A-l\iD EXTERNAL ACCESS A. The Torvn is of strong opinion that access to Chamonix' Lane should not be provj-ded. If built it would cause problems rvith cars short-cutting through the parking 1ot. Further, the condition of Chamonix Lane does not warrant increased traffic being added to it. The developer proposes use of Vail Das Shoners parking 1ot for access to the underground parking 1ot for the condominium owners. lle feel the possibility of the proposed deceleration/ right turn land being extended westward to the entrance to Vail Das Schone's 1ot should be looked at this will help the traffj.c flow in this area. An internal access from lfest Vail Common's 1ot to the other Commercial parking lots will keep cars of f of tl.re Flontage Road. The decision to get in the car and drive over to Safelay for groceries will be made regardless of whether or not the person has to get back on the Frontage Road to do it. By including an internal accessway, the rest of the commercial center can be connected. llt e fcel that a rear accessway between the commercial properties should be located near where the drive to Chamonix Lane is proposed. If this is not feasible, the less preferable alternative would be to extend the service vehicle drive on the southeastside of the buj-ldings. Inclusion of a bus shelter on a pu11-off from the Frout:rge Road is highly recommended by the Torvn. After annexation, we will be running a high-1evel bus service to the commercial center and a bus shelter is needed. LANDSCAPING B. c. D. t\lo aspects of the Landscaping plan need lrlore internal landscapi-ng in tlre parking breaking up tlre large amount of asphalt. landscaping external to the 1ot sbould be further attention. lot rvi11 aid in A rvider strip of included as wel1. ?...-f Page Three A second reconunendation is to more adequatcly provide for screening the residentiaL area north of the site. \lle realize those units are substantially above the lot looking dorvn but feel Aspen plantings are not proper. Spruce trees or large flowering shrubs such as Siberian Pea Shrub or Lilac rvould be better suited for screening, at least partially, that side of the parking lot. fn conclusion, we feel that incorporati-on of these items into the proposal witl greatly implove it. The scaling down of the buildings and the attractive interior courtyard are positive steps in the plan and we look forward to working with the developer totvard inclusion of our recommendations. Sincerely a A. Peter Pa Torvn Planner D;t €^*_- \ Dick Ryan Director TFi 1. COMT'ERCIAL PARKING REQUIRETIENT SPACES REQUIRED ?5,932 sq. ft. 1 sP./300 sq. ft. 2sg couNTY REQUTREI{IX{T. .. . . .. -.253 , 2. RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED PROPOSED SPACES REQUIRED 12 units G 1200 'l.?sP/unit 27 sq. ft. each 24 units @ 1O7g 1.6 sP. /unit 38'4 - sq. ft. each TOTAL 36 units/4o,272 sq. ft. 60 County Requirement 2-5lunit 90 3. COI{il{. /RES . SUBTOTAL PARKING REQUIRE}IENT . TOV 313 County 343 4. TOI{N OF VAIL MULTI-USE REDUCTION 3OO-400 spaces required gives a 7.5/" total reduction=24 spaces for a new total of 289 spaces TOTAL REDUCTION OF 54 SPACES (L5.7"/.) FRO[{ COIJNTY REQUIRETIENT 5. REDUCTION OF PARKING SPACE SIZE Proposed-lOx2O-343 spaces=68,600 sq. ft. A TOV Recommendation-9x1$-289 spaces=46,818 sq. ft. For a reduction of 2I,?82 sq. ft. or .5 acre of asphalt i { ,- [nun u uftl box 100 department of community development TO: FROI,!: DATE: RE: vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COII}'IISSIONERS TO\IT{ OF VAIL/DEPARTMENT OF COT{MLTNITY DEVELOPIJENT PETER PATTEN 5-15-80 FILE NO. SU-126-80-P, \!EST VAIr', colt\toN .fhe planning Staff, F1 anning and Environmental Cornmission and the Tovm Coun.il h"ve af1 l'evielved the proposal for l\rest Vail Cornmon. The f ollorvirlg are our concerns and recommendat i on s : 1. INADEQUATE SNO\I STORAGE ARE.qt i,fe feel that usin'g the landscaped areas ar:ound ttre part<ing 10t as snow storage j.5 not acceptable' These areas' with heavy tree plarrt j-ngs r cannot accommodale the large arnount of snow which must Le storea on a parking 1ot of that size' 2. PABKTNG/!4X!SCApiNG REQUTREIlffi ouropinionisthat'sincethisrvillrnostlikelybedeveloped when the property li in tire Torvn of Vail , that. our parking and irnOs.aping iequltements should be follor'''ed' Attached is a calc.ulation of rvhat our parking requirement would be under this proposal along with a comparison to the County's requirements' As you can see' our requiiements represent a 15'7/" reduction in nunber of spaces. Iuoreoverr we recommend that our 101 requirement for interior laudscaping in the parking 1ot should be put into effect' Our calculations shou, tLat onfy 5/" of the parkinq 19t interior is ;;i;;-p."posea for landscaping-this is insufficient' A further reductj-on in amount of asphalt could be attaingg rby reducing the sj-ze of the parking "pttu" from 10x20 to 9x16\'t' lfe feel this is i"ifV warianted--dul to the rapidly decreasing sj,ze of autotnobiles. The attachcd parking calculations show that 5a1f ,r, ,""u-of asphalt rvi1l bL co'verted to landscaped alea if the Torvn's parking $reconutendations are follorved' IYe {eel this substantially improves the aesthetics of the project' w o 3. ETIPLOYEE HOUSING J) T\uo aspects of the Landscaping plan need Itlore internal landscaping in the parking breaking up the large amount of asphalt. landscaping external to the lot should be Page TVo e t, ''i' r Ll'I\Jttt" \ .i .\o | / .\t '!' ,' As you know, this is a critical ploblem in the Gore,Va11ey. The Town has a.dopted a policy of eltcouraging new proiects toprovide housing for the eniployees the project itself generates.T It is our opinion that 257"/ of either the number of resj-dentialJ units or the residentia!-f1oor area included in this project should be employee housing. \fe cannot afford to have a major project generating a large demand for employees such as this to be built without provisions for employee housing. 4.INTEBNAL AND EXTERNAL ACCESS A. The Tou'n is of strong opinion that access to Chamonix' Lane should not be plovided. If built it would cause problems rvith c.ars short-cutting through the parking 1ot. Further, the condition of Chamonix Lane does not lvarrant increased traffic being added to it. B. The developer proposes use of Vail Das Shone's parking 1ot for access to the underground parking 1ot for the condominium owners. lfe feel the possibility of the proposed deceleratj-on/ right turn land being extendcd vestrvard to the entrance to Vail Das Schone's 1ot should be looked at this will help the traffjc flow in this area An internal access from Ifest Vail Commonrs 1ot to the other Con-rrnercial parking lots will keep cars of f of the Frontage Road. The decision to get in the car and drive over to Safervay for groceries rvi1l be made regardless of whether or not the person has to get back on the Frontage Road to do it. By including an internal accessway, the rest of the commercial center can be c.onnected. Il'e f eel that a rear accessway betrveen the commercial plopertles should be located near where the drive to Cbamonix Lane is proposed. If this is not feasible, the less preferable alternative would be to extend the service vehicle drive on the southeast side of the buildings. fnclusion of a bus shelter on a pu11-off from the Frontage Road is highly recommended by the Torvn. After annexation, rve will be running a high-Ievel bus service to the commercial center and a bus shelter is needed. LANDSCAPING c. D. 5. further attention. Iot will aid 1n A rvider strip of included as we11. a Page Three A second recommendation is to more adequately provide for screening the residential area north of the site' Ille realize those units are substantially above the 1ot looking dorvn but feel Aspen plantings are not proper. Spruce trees or large flowering shrubs such as Siberian Pea Shrub or Lilac would be better suited for screening, at least part'ia11y, that side of the parking 1ot. In conclusion, we feel that incorporation of these items into the proposal will greatly impr-ove it. The sealing down of the buildings and the attl'active interior courtyard are positive steps in the plan and tve look forward to working with the developer toward inclusion of our recommendations. Sincerely A. Peter Pa Torvn Pfanner€K*D;t Dick Byan Director ,'- TOV{N OF VAr" o;Kr*c REQurRi},rrus_rqn WEJ|}/ArL COMMON 1. COMMERCIAL PROPOSED PARKING RDQUIREIIENT SPACES REQUIRED 75,932 sq. ft. 1 sp./300 sq. ft'' 253 couNTY REQUTREI{NT.... ""'253 . 2. RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED SPACES REQUIRED 2l B4EKry9--EEAqI!EIEII 12 units @ 12OO 1.7sP/unit sq. ft. each 24 units G 1078 . 1.6 sP' /unit- s(1. f t. each TOTAL 36 units/4O,272 sq. ft. CountY Requirement 2.5/unit 3. COMM. /RES. SUBTOTAL 38.4 . TOV 313 County 343 4. TO\{N OF VAIL MULTI-USE REDUCTION 3OO-4OO spaces required gives a 7.5'l total reduction=24 spaces- for a new total of 289 spaces TOTAL REDUCTION OF 54 SPACES (T5.7'I:> FROI{ COIJNTY REQUIREIIIENT 5. REDUCTION OF PARKING SPACE SIZE Proposed-l0x2o-343 spaces=68r600 sq. ft. TOV Recommendation-9xl8-289 spaces=46,818 sq' ft' For a reduction of 21,?82 sq. ft. or.5 acre of asphalt 60 90 rF:-I,t box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 department of community development TO: FROM: DATE: RE: EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMIIISSIONERS TOWN OF VAIL/DEPARTMENT OF COIvMUNIT'Y DEVELOPMENT PETER PATTEN 5-15-80 FILE NO. SU-I-26-80-P, IVEST VAIL COIfi\'lON ?he Planning Staff, Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Coun"il h*ne all reviewed the proposal for Ifest Vail Common. The following are our concerns and recomnendat ions: ].. INADEQUATE SNOW STORAGE AREAS !{e feel that using the landscaped areas around tne parking lot as snow storage i3 not acceptaLle. These areas, with heavy tree plantingsr cannot accommodate the large amount of snow which must be storeO on a parking 1ot of that size' 2. our opinlon is that, since this will rnost 1ikely be developed when the property is in the Town of Vail , that our parking and iana"ctping i'..tni"ements shoulcl be followed' Attached is a calculaiiof, of what our parking requirement would be under this proposal along with a comparlson to the County's requirements' As you can see' our requiiements represent a 15'77' reduction in nuniber of spaces. Moreoverr we recommend that our 10% requirement for interior landscaping in the parking lot should be put lnto effect' Our calculations show tiat oniy 5/" of the parking 1ot interior is being proposed for landscaping-this is insufficient' A further reduction in amount of asphalt could be attained by reclucingthesizeoftheparkingspacesfromlox20to9xlS. We feel this is fu1ly warianted- due to the rapidly decreasing size of automobiles. The atta"ched parking calculations show that half "r, *"".-oi ""fnuft will bb converted to landsc.aped area if the Torvn's parking rreconnnendations are follorved' lYe feel this substantiarry improves the aesthetics of the ploiect' w- Page 1\ro 3. EMPLOYEE HOUSING As you know, this is a criticat problem in the Gore Valley. The Town has adopted a policy of encouraging new projects toprovide housing for the employees the project itself generates. It is our opinion that 25/" of either the number of residentialunits or the residential floor area included in this project should be employee housing. We cannot afford to have a majorproject generating a large demand for employees such as this to be built without provisions for employee housing. 4. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ACCESS A. The Town is of strong opinion that access to Chamonix' .Lane should not be provided. If built it would cause problems rvith cars short-cutting through the parking lot. Further, the condition of Chamonix Lane does not lvarrant increased traffic being added to it. B. The developer proposes use of Va.il Das Shoners parking 1ot for access to the underground parking 1ot for the condominiumowners. \Te feel the possibility of the proposed decelera"tion./right turn land being extended westward to the entrance to Vail Das Schoners 1ot should be looked at this will help the traffi"cflow in this area An internal access from \Yest Vail Commonrs 1ot to the other Commercial parking lots will keep ears off of the FrontageRoad. The decision to get in the car and drive over to Safervay for groceries will be made regardless of whetheror not the person has to get back on the Frontage Roadto do it. By including an internal acces,sway, the restof the commercial center can be connected. I[e feel that & tear accessway between the commercial properties shouldbe located near where the drive to Chamonix Lane is proposed. If this is not feasible, the less preferable alternative would be to extend the service vehicl,e drive on the southeastside of the buildings. fnclusion of a bus shelter on a pull-off from the Frontage Road is highly recomrnended by the Town. After annexation, we will be running a bigh-level bus service to the commercialcenter and a bus shelter is needed. LANDSCAPING c. D. 5. T\uo aspects of the Landseaping plan need More internal landscaping in the parklng breaking up the large amount of asphalt. landscaping external to the lot should be further attention. lot will aid in A wider strip of included as wel1. Page Three A second reqornmendation is to more adequately provide for screening the residential area north of the site. We realize those units are substantially above the lot looking down but feel Aspen pLantings are not proper. Spruce trees or large flowering shrubs such as Siberian Pea Shrub or Lilac would be better suited for screenj-ngt at least partially, that side of the parking 1ot. In conclusion, we feel that incorporation of these items into the proposal will greatly improve it. The scaling down of the buildings and the attractive interior courtyard are positive steps in the plan and we look forward to working with the developer toward inclusion of our recommendations. Sincerely /)A/fr-@l. A. Peter Paften, Jtg Town Planner -D;t (-T'-''-- \ Dick Ryan Director 7 TOWN OF VAIL PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR WEST VAIL COMMON 1. COMMERCIAL PROPOSED PARKING BEQUIREMENT 1 sp./300 sq. ft.75,932 sg. ft. couNTY REQUIREMB{T.... ....253 2. RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED 12 units @ 1200sq. ft. each 24 units @ 1078 sq. ft. each PARKING REQUIREMENT '1.7splunit : 1.6 sp. /unit SPACES REQUIRED 253 SPACES REQUIRED 2t 38.4 total reduction=24 spaces TOTAL 36 units/4O,272 sq. ft. County Requirement 2.5/un1t 3. COMM./RES. SUBTOTAL . TOV 313County 343 4. TOWN OT VAIL MULTI-USE REDLTCTION required gives a 7.5"I of 289 spaces 60 90 300-400 spaces for a new total TOTAL REDUCTION OF 54 SPACES (L5.77.) FROM COUNTY REQUIBEMENT 5. REDUCTION OF PARKING SPACE SIZE Proposed-10x20-343 spaces=68'60O sq. ft. TOV Recommendation-9x18-289 spaces=46,818 sq. ft. For a reduction of 21 ,?82 sq. ft. or.5 acre of asphalt .-.J lntln n t!i! I b.fil box 100 department of community development vail, colorado 81657 1303) 475-s613 EAGLE COI.INTY PL.ANNING COI'}.IISSIONERS TollT{oFvAIL/DEPARTI{ENToFCOIIUUNITYDEVELOPI.ENT PETER PATTEN TO: l'Ro],!: DATE: RE: 5-t 5-80 FILE NO. SU-l26-80-P'\fEsT vArL COIIIION The Planning Staff, Planning and Environntental Commission and the Tor','n Cortn.il h"'oe all r'evierved the proposal for ifest \rail Conirnon. Tbe f ollorving are our concerns and rccontmend at ion s : 1. INAD]]QUATE SNOiV STORAGE AREAS Yie feel that usin'g the landscapecl areas around ttre parking 1ot zis snow storage i3 not acceptable' These areas' rviih lreavy tree piarrt j-ngs r ".rr.rot accommodate tlle large arnouut of snow which must Le stor:ed on a palking 1ot of that size' 2. PARKING/LANDSCAPING IIQIJIEE]]TNIE Our opinion is that' since thi-s rvi1l rnost likely be developed whenthepropertyisintheTorvnofVail'that.ourparkingand la.ndscaping requirenents should be follos'ed' Attached is a caJc,ulationofrvhatourparkingrequirementlvouldbeunderthisp""p"""f along with a comparison to the County's requirelnents' As you can seer our requii'ements represent a 15'7y' reducti'on in nunrber of sPaces. l|oreover'verecommendthatourlOlrequirententforinterior landscaping in ttu pt.f.ing lot should be put into effect' Our calculations show ti.;; oniy 5% of the parking lot interior is ;;i;;-;;;po".a for landscaping-this is insufficient' Afurtherreductioninamountofasplraltcouldbeattainedby reclucing the size of the parking "p"tes from 10x20 to 9x18' lye feel this is i"iiV-rvarianted--dul to the rapidly decreasing sj.ze of automobiles. The attachcd parking calculations show that half ^n ".rl'Ji ^=pr]nit will bL coDverted to landscaped areaiftlreTorvn'sparki-ngrrecon;]]en<]ationsarefollorved.Ivefeel this substantially improvcs the aesthetics of the project' Tqr t lL'lil Page T\o 3. E]\IPLOYEE HOUSING As you know, this is a critical problem in the Gore Va11ey. The Town has adopted. a policy of encouragiltg new projects toprovide housing for the employees the project itself generates. It is our opinion tha.t 257" of either the number of residential units or the residential floor area included in this project should be. employee housing. \fe catrnot afford to have a major project generating a large demand for employees such as this to be built without provisions for employee houslng. 4. INTERNAL .A.-,\D EXTERNAL ACCESS A. The Tori,n is of strong opinion that access to Chamonix' La"ne should not be provided. If built it would cause problems rvith cars short-cuttlng through the parking 1ot. Further, the condition of Chamonix Lane does not warrant increased traffic being added to it. The developer proposes use of Vail Das Shone's parking 1ot for access to the underground parking 1ot for the condominium owners. lie feel the possibilit5' o1 the proposed deceleration/ right turn land being extended westrvard to the entrance to Vail Das Schone's lot should be looked at this will help the traffj.c flow in this area An i.nternal access from fiest Vail Common's lot to the other Conmercial parking lots rvi11 heep cars off of the Frontage Road. The decision to get in the car and drive over to Safervay for groceries will be made regardless of whether or not the person has to get l:ack on the Frontage Road to do it. By including an intelnal accessway, the rest of the commercial center can be connected. l{e feel thata rear accessway between the commercial properties should be located near where the drive to Chamonix Lane is proposed. If this is not feasible, the less prefera.ble alternative would be to extend the service vehicle drive on the southeast side of the buildings. fnclusion of a bus shelter on a pu11-off from the Frontage Road is highly recommended by the Torvn. After annexation, we will be running a high-1eve1 bus service to the commercialcenter and a bus shelter is needed. .LANDSCAPING B. C. D. 5. TVo aspeets of the Landscaping plan need Itlore internal landscaping in the palking breaking up the large amount of asphalt. landscaping esternal to the lot should be further attention. Lot rvi1l aid in A rvider strip of included as weI1. T.i.E 'u Page Three A second recommendatj.on is to more adequately provide for screening the residential area north of the site. We realize those units are substantially aborre the I<it looking dorvn but feel Aspen plantings are not proper. Spruce trees or large flowering slirubs such as Siberian Pea Shrub or Lilac rvould be better suited for sereenj-ngt at least partially,'that side of the parking 1ot. fn conclusion, rve feel that incorporation of these items into the proposal will greatly improve it. The scaling down of the buildings and the attractive interior courtyard are positive steps in the plan and we look forrvard to working rvith the developer toward inclusion of our recommendat i on s. , Sincerely /) ''''ft &t-@,/A. Peter Pa{ten, JrU Torvn Planner€K*D;t Dick Ryan Direct.or UIRII},IENTS TOR WEs VAIL COMMON 1. COilIIIERCIAL PROPOSED 751932 sq. ft. COUNTY REQUIREMB\'T.... "253 2. RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED 12 units @ 12OO sq. ft. each 24 units @ 1078 sq. ft.. each 36 units/4O,272 sq. County Requirement PARKING RDQUIRET{ENT 1 sp./300 sq. ft. PARKING REQUIRETIENT 1.7sp/unit 1.6 sp. /unit 4r-I L. 2.5 lunLt SPACES REQUIRED ' 253 SPACES REQUIRED 2L 38 .4 TOTAL 60 90 3. COMM. /RES. SUBTOTAL . TOV 313 County 343 4. TOIVN OT' VAIL MULTI-USE REDUCTION 300-400 sPaees for a new total required gives a 7.5'/" total reduction=24 spaces of 289 spaces TOTAL REDUCTION OF 54 SPACES (T5.7'I) FROM COUNTY REQUIREITIENT 5. REDUCTION OF PARKING SPACE SIZE Proposed-10x20-343 spaces=68'600 sq. ft. TOV Recommendation-9xl8-289 spaces=46'818 sq. For a reduction of 21,782 sq. ft. or .5 acre ft. of asphalt at ,r, i.' I \I box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 September 18, 1979 department of community development Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Court House Box 850 Eagle. CO 8153I Re: 6.5 Acre Tract East of Vail Das Schone Shopping Center Dear Planning Commission Members: The Town of Vail is concerned with and does not suPPort the site plan submitted for the 5.6 acre tract immediately east of the Vail Das Schone Shopping Center. If the Town i-s interpreting the County Zoning District Regulations correctly for t /c Limited Commercial there seems to be several problems with the site plan. 1.Under Uses, Special: 3.07.03 (32) Dwelling Units, not to exceed 50 percent of the gross commercial floor area. As shown on the plans, ground 1evel retail and second level offices total 761945 square feet. Second and third level- condominiums total 55,803 square feet. From our calculations, over 50E of the commercial space is under consideration for condominium use. Maximum Lot Area: 40 percent by buildings, or a total of 70 percent including coverage by all impervious materials. The Town did not calcuLaLe the total coverage of building and parking, and would like to know if it is under the maximum lot coverage. 3. Minimum Setback:(a) front Vara t ,,_-a- Arterial Street: 75 feet from street centerline or (t / ,i1.i'ir(' 50 feet from property line, whichever is greater; Local Street: 50 feet from street centerline or 25 feet from front proPerty line, whichever is greater; I ,) / Blil: r3:$J."*3"ins commi ss ion (b) Rear Yard: Commercial uses 25 feet, for lots adjacent to residential uses 75 feet; for lotswith residential occupancy 25 feet; (c) Side Yard: 10 feet or half the height of theprincipal building whichever is greater. The Town considers that several setbacks do not meetthe minimum setback requirements. The plan needs tobe revised to reflect the setbacks of the zoning district. 4. PARKING LAYOUT: The parking layout shown on sheet one seemslike it would be confusing for driver entering and driving inthe parking lot. This layout should be revised to provide good circulation for vehicles throughout the parking 1ot. The Town also questions ingress and egress to CharmonixLane. This is a narrow street that has been used. forresidents of units in this area. By opening up accessto Charmonix Lane residents from the Valley, Vail Ridge,Vail Das Schone 1 and 2 could start entering and leavingthis shopping area and increase the impacts of trafficon this street. The Town considers that a redesign of this plan is needed. Onlysome of the major points have been addressed in this letter andthere are severar other site design considerations that shouldbe resolved before formal consideration of the request. Very truly yours, Dick RyanDirector Department of Community Development l.' FtLE NO.z5-ta?-?f AppLICANT Briner/Perkin,/Fitzhugh Scott Archltects oil,ro'o* FoR sPEcrAL usE PEMIO Secti on EAGLE COUNTY 6.00 of the ZONiNG RESOLUTION \76-3038MAILING ADDRTSS \33 E, Meadow Drive PHONE CITy Va i I STATE Colorado Ztp 91657 gWNER West Vail Development Corp. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Skokie, ll I inois(lf Applicant is nof owner, furnish evjdence of owner's permission to proceed wjth application) Two copies of applicatjon, sjte/concept plan and all related information shall be presented 35 days before the first Planning Cormission meeting of the month. Date Submitted 0ctober 31 , 1979 For Meeti ng Decembe r 2. SPECIAL USE REQUESTED Condomin lum Dwel I ino Units 3. ZgNE DISTRICT C/L Commercial Limited Attach Zone DistiicfMap (Available at County Planning 0ffice) with parcel clearly located on it. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY a. Subdivision NameVail Das Shoffilinq r 4 Lot Bl ock b. Metes and Bounds: (l'lay Attached ) OR DE Total Acreage 5.6 + Acres 5. GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY East of Vail Das Schone 6. Brieflv exDlain the Duroose and reason for the special use requested l. Project wil I provide needed housinq in Upper Eaqle Val ley 2. The location of housinq takes advantaqe of oroximitv to shoooinq 3. Concept offers u n i q u e ' I s p i r i t | | or character to the over all shopping/ off ice comp I ex. The above information is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I lo -3o.11 Da te R APPL I CAT ION PAGE 2 FOR SPECiAL USE PERMIT Furnish evidence that the proposed use is compat'i b'l e with surroundinq uses, and describe possible negative impacts. dens itv res ident ial develo t. Ex i st inq serv ices and ut i I i t i es need not be / mass. see attached I ist e. STgnif icant landscaPing and architectural treatment can lmltigat€ against potentlal size of .parking lots Names and addresses of all adjacent pfoperty owners (may be attached)/ and buildinc lmmediately to the west, above the Vail das Schone Shopping Center Buildlng, 'is similar residential development. To the north of thqtnqqlx !9!e-1!-t9 m T/\/,r,rANb k gnature USE By ONLY : Date FOR OFFICIAL Recei ved Arnonipd, r! vvF vvs Rej ected Fee Pa id Publjc Hearing offor d>incomplete because: Rece ipt No. WEST VAIL DE Pesldanl G. HUDSON WIRTH Sscrclety E CHAS. SCHUETZ frcasuter HENRY J, WILKENS Y/ct Pr"s. 6lss't. |re.s. JOSEPH N. DIETRICH VELOPMENT CORP. 9933 Lawler Avenue. Suite 410, Skoki€, llllnois 60076-PhonB (31 2) 677-6305 October 23, L979 Mr. Thomas A. Briner Briner/Perkin/P itzhugh S cott Drawer 2299 Vail, Colorado 8I557 Re: Development Project on 6.6 Acre Site West Vail Dear Tom: This letter furnishes evidence of our permission, as ohtners of this property, to proceed with the application for special use permj-t as required by Section 6.O0 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Sincerely, Pres ident DEVELOPMENT CORP. GIIW: gvh EAGLE COUNTY Community DeveloPment P.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73r I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTION exl226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY E\t ?42 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l Igasall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 ,/ -- -.'/\'<:XA-ca'zl Susan Vaughn Pl anner ,. ),r .,72a-art*,,/ (-/ Briner, Perkin, Fitzhugh Drawer 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 10 December 1979 Scott Architects Re: File ltlo. Zs-108-79 At their Publ'ic Hearing of December 5, 1979' the Eagld County Planning Commission, as requested by your rep- resentative Jay Peterson' continued your app'l ication for a Specia'l Use Permit to allow dwelling units in a Commercial Limited zone to the meeting at which your pre'l im'inary plan is oresented. Please be reminded that you must notify this office in writing that you wish the request to be heard' This notiiication must be in this office at least 10 days prior to any meeting at wh'ich you wish to be heard. If you have any questions, please contact this office. SV/adi Llii!_ilT_':t" A tract or oarcel of 'rand containing_0- l?4 acres, more or .r ess,in'.-he tihl of thl srL or s..iion"i'i, r- ds.:-R. #,i.1 "r..he.sixthi:lf i;l"Tllillt;"1.il':!i:,.nut; ::ll*l"l',lfo"i;act or parce, *. ,rtrlllnning at the ii*.orn..-or-Lr,e sr* oi Section tz, T. 5 s., ,. o"li,tll""..oi]lil.jTrt*i;ll ?!!.i",.n quarter rine or section r2, 2- Thence a)ong the ari or'i-.iru"'uo the right a distance of95-7 feet, the radius or r.rl.,i.i,'.i.-'., a_renght-"i isio-0 feet arrdtl';e chrr'd of r;hich.arc b:ars s. zioiz, :o; -i]'u iiriu"i.u of 95.7feet 'r-o 'r-iie f ast I ir,e of tt," pl ,::=riy,3- Th:;rce tJorth alorrg th! i;ri-i ir,u.9f thg proper.ty t?.4 f eetto ihe [est and tJast. guari.. i:iu-of Section lZ;4- rherrce a)or,g ihe East anJ rlest quart.r-iin" of section r2,l; i.iii"tl''.a ciistince of ti.s";";i' F,ere or ress, G the point rhe abcve-d=scribad parcer contains 0-124 acres, more or .ress. Com:rrcing at.a point designated. as Station one (t), beinga point on the iiorth iine of tr," iortn".st guarter of.uhe southeastouarier (;il..r srr) of .s_ection i''.lr"' ttr;;-r;;;,r,ii ii"J (5) southP"nge Ei ghtv-iso ( sz) .Lrest "r' ilt.'iiitr,' pr, n.;pui'r:uriiian, Eagr ecouniv' cctorado' i:i9. eoi"t u.i'" g"i) n- rast'oi liu'iuntu,^ of saidSeciion Tr.=l'e (12); .i.-!r,." sou;"t,'i16 rt- to a point des.i-cnated ass"a'ion Two (z)' said stat;on-ieitns'u point on the rioi^tireastt cunclary of rich..-of-y.y f ;r,. "i'ijlS. HiEhr,,ay 40 S., .r-hence S. 65053' E' 85 Ft' io a po;ni-i=lis"-t"i"as..station Three (3), and beinqin i.lie cei-r..er of Seaver Creell] tn:_nce-t;orth_casterly ioi.lcwing the_cen'r,er of said t..t:^_f_^a...f t" i i"ii...rig.na.eed as StationFour (4)' b=ir'g a poin! on .he r{-'rine.of the l{or,"hrest quarter ofthe scutheast ouari.ep-!r{it sFr) ;f iuia suifi";-ii;';;rrce r,,est onsaid line t28 Ft. to.,st.tion-0,{""iri,.the poini oi,u.ginn;ng;Tose'r-her wi ^uh a r r inpro'.'en=n ir' i i tr. t; - ;i;;.;;" ;'ii'Jo togetr,erwith a riEht-of-wav or.ease;,ent run;-ring rast and-i"it-.ro rz ft- inwici'''h, on the rorr-h side .i ir,.t'i-i:ili o. ioi'Jr"iin'a'..:o.in.ingthe abcve described rand on '.,"-x!ri,'and as reser'ed therefrom. . r. .': i I LL./! ,,zz L I rlt ro. zu-tr/-77 AppLICANT Briner/Perkin/Fitzhugh Scott Architects SPECIAL USE PERIVIIT 6.00 of the ZONING RESOLUTION APPLICATION FOR Secti on EAGLE COUNTY \76-3038MAILING ADDRESS 433 E. Meadow Drive llew€e @q PHONE CITy Vai I STATE Co I o rado zw 81657 SWNER West Vail Development Corp. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Skokie,ll I inois cant is not owner, turnlsh ev ence of owner's perm] sslon proceed with appl jcation) l. Two cop'ies of application' shal] be presented 35 days of the month. site/concept plan and all before the fjrst Planning related information Conmission meeting DecemberDate Submitted October 31 , 1979 For Meet'i ng 2. SPECIAL USE REQUESTED Condomi n i um Dwel I ing Units 3.ZONE DISTRICT C./L Commercial Limited Attach Zone District MaP (Ava able a nty annr ng c'learly located on'it. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY a. Subdivision 116msVail Das ShorFiling #Lot b. Metes and Bounds: (May Attached ) Bl ock OR be Total Acreage 6.6 + Acres 5. GENERAL LOCATI0N 0F PR0PERTY Eqst of vail Das Schone Briefly explain the purpose and reason for the special u requestedse V 6. l. Proiect wi ll provide needed housin r 2. The location of housinq takes advan 3. Concept offers uniquerrspiritrror character to the over all shopping/ office complex. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT 7, Furnish evidence that the proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses, and describe possible negative impacts. lrmediately to the west, above the Vail das Schone Shopping Center Building' 'is similar residential development. To the north of Chamonix Lane is medium densitv residential development. Existing services and util ities-need not,be expanded nor extended to serve this proposed special use. Significant IandscaPang and archi tectural treatment can imltiqate aqainst potential size of parking lots8. Names and addresses of all adjacent pfoperty owners (may be attached)/ and building / mass. see attached list The above information is complete and accurate t0 the best of my knowledge. FOR OFFICIAL Recei ved Accepted Rejected Fee Paid USE ONLY: Public Hearing of incomplete because: B for as a\.EYat 6, ntl ,"/,22 neceiPt tto' z;-?'/B Da EAGLE COUNTY Department of Community Development EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 | - P.0. Box 179 EOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILOING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECOROER €xt 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAI HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 o( 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927 -3244 G ilma n 82 7-5 75 I SOCIAL SERVICES 328.5328 TREASURER Ext 20 | August 28, 1980 Briner/Perki n/Fi tzhugh Scott 433 E. Meadow Drive Drawer 2299 Vail, C0 81657 Re: File No Zs-108-79 File No Su-126-80-P At their Public Hearing of August 27, L980, (having been continued since July 14, 1980) the Board of County Cormissioners approved your special use permit for dwelling un'its in a Corrnercial Limited zone, with the condition that the permit be reviewed after 7 years to determine whether or not there is demand within thisproject for employee housing, and if there is, the emp'loyee housing shall be continued wjthin this project indefinitely. In addition, the Commissioers reviewed and approved your pre- liminary plan for this project. Si:neerdlJt; Susan Vaughn Pl anner Board of County Commissioners Eagle County, Colorado SPECIAL USE PERMIT as authorized by Section 6.00, Zoning Resolution ol 1974 ,l ,,," *o. Zs-108-79 Planning Commission Action: oate of Public Hearing JUng 4. 1980 Recommend approval conditionss NOne Recommend denial reasons; June 4. 1980 -D ate Chairman Date of Public Hearing For Merv Lapin August 27, L98OBoard of County Approved Oenied Commissioners Act ion: X conditions: Permit 11lqst be rev'iewed after 7 years to determ er housjng, and if there is, the employee housing shall be contjnued within this project indefinitely. reasons : Awust 27, 1980 Oate :lh-.--. P aga 2 ol 2 WEST VAIL DE 9933 Lawl€r Avenue. Sulle 410. Ptosld€nl G, HUDSON WIRTH S€crctary E. CHAS. SCHUETZ frcasurcr HENFY J. WILKENS Vr'c" Prgs. & Ass?. rl68s. JOSEPH N. OIETRICH VELOPMENT CORP. Skokle, llllnols 60076-Phon€ (312) 677-6305 October 23, L979 Mr. Thomas A. Briner Briner/Perkin/ritzhugh S cott Drawer 2299 Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Development Project on 6.6 Acre Site West Vail Dear Tom: This letter furnishes evidence of our permission, as o\tners of this property, to proceed with the application for special use permit as required by Section 6.00 of the Eag1e County Zoning Resolution. Sincerely, GIIW: gvh Pres ident DEVEIJOPMENT CORP. EAGLS COL$i\3TY lonartmpni nf pl;rnnin.r I Dcvol66rnpnt - BOX 179ugt,ul 9'||U | | EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 State Dept. of Highways P. 0. Box 2107 Grand Junction, Colo. 81 50.l Zs -108-79 Eagle County Zoning e nnl iratinn fnr BOARD OF COU NTY co 11r,r 155lo N E R 5 328-6809 AOivlINISTRATION AN I[IAL 5H ELTE Rqdq.atqt ASSESSOR JZO.!JYJ BUILDING INSPECTION JZO.OJJ:' CLERK & RECORDERErcle 329-6377Balalt 921-3244 COU NTY ATTORNEY ENG INEE R 32S.6337 ENV I RON I\IEI\TAL HEALTH328.17l8 EXTENSION AG ENT LIBRARY 328-1787 PUELIC HEALTH Eaqle 3 2 8-65 94 va ll /+ / b-:6 +4 PLANN IIIG JZJ.OJJO ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 I Bo ialt 927-3244(, man aJZl.f /J I soc tAL SERVICES TREASURER 324-6376 NOTICE TO PROPTRTY O!,J|'IIRS NOTICE OF PUBL]C HEARING COUI]TY OF EAGLE, COLORADO File No. In accovdance wjth the provisions of Section 6.01 of the Resolutjon, this letter will serve to advi'se you that an ( ) Conditional use, or, ( X ) Special use Permit has been made for a use on'l and in the vicinity of your property. For detajls, piease refer to the attached copy of the application. If further information is desired, contact this office at the phone number and address given above. The Plannjng Comm'i ssion shall appl ication beginn'i ng at 7:00 hold a prelim'i nary pubiic hearing on the P.M. on 5 December 1979 The Board of County Commissioners shall l ikely conduct a final public hearing approximately 40 days after the Planning Commission hearing; additional notice will be g'i ven of further hearings, if any. A'l t hearings are held, unless otherwise ann0unced, in the County Conrnissjoners lrloarinn Pnnm 6rfl Pr94f116y, i4CDonald Building, Eagle, COlOradO.r\vvrr t vrv vr vqurruJ Your comments and recommendat'ions on the proposed use are jnvited and should be submitted, in vriting, to this office, or, at the Public Heani ng, so that they may be fully considered before any decision is made. BY: Terrr'l1 l(night Director of Planning Da te By: l']a i 1edZ7 i\lov. 1979 Kathy Peterson EAGLE CCUINTY Department of Planning EAGLE. COLORADO 8163i ,t flovpl nnmpnf - Rnv 179 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI,.INERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLI, COLORADO File No. In accordance w'i th the provisions of Section 6.01 of the Resolution, this letter will serve to advjse you that an The Planning Conmission shall hold a application beginning at 7:00 P.M. on and Jayne Brandess Zs - 108-7 9 BOARD OF COUNTYco r,'r r,1 ts5lo N E R 5 328.6809 ! ADil1INISTRATlON AN II,lAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS 5 ESSO R 5Zd-b)YJ BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER LSCIe JZ6-UJ / /Baialt 927.3244 COUNTY ATTO RN EY EI\b I I\EE.I( JZd -OJ J / ENVIRONI,lENTAL H EALTH 328.7115 EXTENSION LIBRARY 328-7747 PUBLIC HEALTH eaqre Jz6-o?Y+Vail 476-5 344 PLANNIf\]G 328.6338 ROAD & BR IDG E 328-6591 SHERIFFEaqle 328-661 |Aaialt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 751 soc IAL SERVICES I KtrA>UHE.K 324.6376 Eagle County Zoning ennl irefinn fnr ( ) Conditional use, or, ( X ) Special use Permit has been made for a use 0n'l and in the vicinity of your pro-perty' For details, please refer to the attached copy of the application. If further information is desired, contact this office a'u the phone number and address qiven above. prel iminary public hearing on the 5 December 1979 The Board of County Commissioners shall likeiy conduct a fjnal public hearing approximately 40 days after the Planning Commission hearing; additional notjce will be given of further hearings, 'i f any. 41 I hearings are held, unless otherr^iise announced, in the County Commjssioners l,leeting Room,550 Broadvray, l4cDonald Building, Eag1e, Colorado' Your comments and recommendations on the proposed use are invjted and should be submitted, in r^rriting, to this offjce, or, at the Public Heari ng, so that they may be fully considered before any decision is made. BY: Terril l Knight Di rector of Planninq Date I'lail By: KathY ed27 Nov. 1979 Peterson PAUL VE c ST ERSTEIN & AS IATES o SOC PAUL VESTERSTEIN PRESIDENT I3O5 E. FIRST STREET DULUTH. MINNESOTA 55AO5 (2 | Al 728-4465 December 7, 7979 RECEIVED OEC 11 1979 Dspt. ot ptrnning & orvel. frgto, bur|ty ColGMr. Terrill KnightDirector of PLanning Eagle County Department of Pl.anning & Development Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: I am the owoer of Unlt 9 at the Vailwlsh to inform you that I am against theas proposed by the Department of Planning Sincerely Paul Veste Presldent PV: jmc Das Schoene andspecial use permit and Development. t/, tein EAG!.E COUNIY a Conrnunity DeveloPment TELEPHONE 303/328-73r I ehc Pe, BtrbHooo r'' u.'' BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSsloNERS Ext 241 ADMINTsTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO Rexl 2O2 BUILDING IN I N SPECT IO N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5444 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50C IA L SERV ICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Dear Tom: At their meetin-q of July 14, 1980, the Board of County Commissioners continued your special Use Permit to August 27 to allow the appl'i cant to address the followins : 16 Ju'ly 1980 Briner/Scott Architects 143 E. l4eadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 81 657 Re: File No. Su-126-80-P File No. Zs-108-79 In another motion, the Board tabled your preliminary plan to allow applicant to submit revised plans shor^ring the following: (1) deletion of parallel parking area on the northwest portion of parking lot and the inclusion of a landscaped area between the northwest and eastern portions of the parking I ot. (2) additional landscaping study which considers snow remova'l and incorporates more coniferous varietjes. (3) additional lane alono frontage road or access between parkino and Vail das Schone. If you have any questions please contact this office. / -/ .'-'2 /'J-';4..- ".-".--<'-/ .Q.r--- I' Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planninq Board of County Cormissioners West Vail Associates, Inc. (1) childrens play area(?) bus shelter(3) employee housing oro {Jr! 0, (v EFor>r Gro6 o-E .0 !@ -q- oQO P .oo(F o -. 66 .O =-c !J o +) 6(l) oo_ i <CJ orlF o+ Or ! qr-g ..-. > 0i: c!- oo_ L< .h. 3e-E-. - or+ro!f c L (.) c, p9,s croJoor .rJ -c !q -F < i .- +r a, Q o ! {u {1, c > E: € 6- o o.,r! l..E J orcrd .o40, 6< drooc.6 e ooic l6'ot>-! !o0,rli l '!< L or x LL.!o.--o L lj o, o -tr = do -€!Eh e '-E - = o -- d.-> !\o.r aJ (J EPor '- 'lo .- > Lr .Fr l! c)raoc>.'o.r'ooz. u E 7 o L ar or E o a(J o.F @-0 o o o.rJ 0 z - a > a - >r'r- < 'o or-52.! (J o.!E ! r o !c'E 6 \n c)l, r!6(!Gtro 0,, al - ! (rr "- 0r !-o - cr ct -rr- o.FL u e d-orJ! P ,,c orrlr c,c oorl.Po!! !:r E r3!. pococj+rotr ir (l)o.J 0, ! o .- or o 3 E @ oorE= o< r.P - E6-c-O oa.J rr u = C LJ!.F L (I) c'r ' ]:[ u = {J-a- ! 0,, o 1ro @cr\3-6 L.-roio!6 > 6 . v ,- >.<.t U io OE s! <>'(,)dq->-,oo E L o c, c E.- o,s ,€O5 (1,, d H OO_O \O EoOOd^ !o 9!q- (Uo(Doo.- .c.- ,.<<6e E'4q-roEoEo rF oJ.r d 16+ =o.- !--a {ro{ro<o '!l)0,oo .FL 9r I oEoo 'oJo!.-Llo.o !.- o o-!N.-!aco- o (F <! E o- o ..-.s d.c \ (lr or L.-d'o l -oo-rr- o u oo-q-)5 <op !-d€-{r!oE oso!o ajoL6 Bo- .P€ooo <(FL .r o+r (r'-O 6 (lJ c'-od I t !=E'! q-c OE! tr- U = o l!.F l, o 4 = o.6 (|) !o- (, >r/1 -c-ol-Jr -c<J o c l'o coJol,.rjf od!-oo .-.! i6o> rJ(,O o--i! (lJ E<F,(lrrr (rlo< (u o JF o 5 0 FlHt F\ (r).F c '04(to 'Eor -oL| El +r .- Eoor'- o.-E c\ \..0J o:l(o(, !..t/) cuE <ooP-o grcrr - E13.--c e rll c, (J Ir (U@(ljOO,r.-E l:s c clr - c +'r- dl H E c 0J o- ou-c:o o o o,E I I ' . . E r c c d 4 (, F - o .rJ !E u P OC r o u p rlr o o 0) d r- ulo r{ L ! (J{r (/)l l! r! L oo o 0r .-.F a) ! cn.- 0r.- =l cj cr(^ ! o q- .-o- o o,(1,) . rr (1,, |JF I f drd o o o5 0 sE d JI o cr u(r.- o,'{- <l j d€F c< osrr- dcoN(J< .<4cod{r<o Hl 6E./to-ia @ u oq-oroo(Jto 'r' Cr Llt F .rig . dt.F. .L <.o o u < (rl t!< .o E .; l- z6 ;@ F z 3 ili- 9 ' i:Eis ?;5 [s :JR ;R :;d EN ;evv;;?;:: ?fr LE(J O(J16 o, d .--o c 3'O-a ! = (t EO 6E6 >\- < - ! s 30(Jo-.5>'c llo.L3N4 6,.F o:P E L E1T.'! <u>,l!< E(J.cL>aro.loc).FOo.-oLN ,i- i -- p: doo o or.- x dC.- E E O PE.-q- o L ! (rJ o 6EE t8666=or d c (I) 5.- -.- 6p c E o(, Fd.F.-<F L- .p+ oJ .: ii,,- E ;o!o3 !sr cro 'e .! co f! t-c d.rO, f - - E o>'o' rD d (l)! o- 3:3b- e- E-- g '! o r+- ! rE cJo @ o o i6! P* &-E8E g r, (nF !.! € E (J c|r! o) rUoJ c o 3 ct c< ]ld a e Eoooioo 6 c c o Ls +r o.- gr L !-t!'r- -o'tt (J-o 6 0'o 6 .coooo6 J N-rJ Or -O O'E e \odEraEoic(u.ooHoE!oo -o \o o.o !- o o.-3.-;e.39;6-- !JrJE, (Uc c s "l-.--oO c -o >)> F Crc E .- <u (, or 5o.- ' 6 O .6 Or dO-OO.- - F ! l(' 0 >- -?a a,, c or .!JP >r >, 0, E < a')o'tl 1l Eo.ELc o c o(J6qJo=3 3 3 € ;S..h€,EE't) ,- d, o * ! g o:o.- or ofe - E s z u: opo-cEdrs E d (91 N o r !- \J O+d o zl orslo,Lq-tou (J vr (\r <l . f! oJ o 0)9- -l o Ero > red F- 3i P E A 3 PI :@ Ol .- ..aP cop L (^ o NrL<.oEl\d oad€ ?;: -l1: E ze 6 ;v'X u re :- | Fr.""dreH 3 + E<* E > Et;-'_06* i 1.3 g_=;"d,2 F:9e ;i E=r :i ;$ [H 3jF 15: i5i =i : = 5 i d 36,= 6z zi 6; =V< "'i< di1 ir iIL' UJF 4ud <u <d <u ,=d u3b "." l! :-:3!.L t-:i$ "le !--3! 9d*,r;ir Hg g<. d^-;E 9{ ? [.i v,i r oEAGI.E COUNTY Q,onmuni tg Deve l- opment P.'O. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrsStoNERS Ext 241 5 June L980 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESS0 R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTO RNEY Exl242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUALIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 21 | BasalI927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Eagle VaITeg Enterprise EagiTe, CoTotado 87631 Please pubLish LegaT Notice in P-l.ease bi77 and Office tlanaget Re: Notice of Public Hearing Board of Countg Commissioners 74 JuTg 7980 the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a the 72 June f980 pubfication of gour paper. send affidavit of publ-ication to this office. Thank gou NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING couNTv oF EAGLE, COLORADO Notice is Herebg Given that the EagTe Countg Board of Countg Conunissioners wilT hoTd a PubLic Hearing on 74 JuTg 7980, beginning at 9:O0 A.M. in accordance with Section LO-04 and and Section 5-07-02(b) and Section 6.0L.03 of the Eagie Countg zoningl ResoTution. Said Hearing wil7 include the folTowing. File No. Zc-I29-8O Mary M. Mcclintock Request: zone change from Resource to Residential suburban Mediuro Location: west VaiI , at the intersection of I-70 and the west Vail exit, Sw corner, about t,/4 mile down on the South Frontage Road, more particularly described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE N I/2 NE 1/4 SECTION 14' T5S, R81I{ OF THE 6TH P.}I. IN EACLE COUNTY, COLORADO, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOI.]S: colalENcING AT THE NE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE S 78o 54' 36" W A DISTANCE OF 1411.9 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF GORE CREEK AND ON THE RIGHT OF I,/AY LINE OF COLOMDO PROJECT T 7O-2Q) 183; THENCE ALONG THE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID PROJECT THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES: S 47O 33, 22,, W A DISTfu\CE OF 89.I FEET; THENCE S 37O 08, 22,, W A DISTANCE OF 71.4 FEET; THENCE S 460 33. 1I,' W, 348.10 FEET; THENCE S 360 43' 21'' W, 29.52 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENcE CoNTTNUTNG ALoNG sArD RrcItT oF wAy LINE s 360 43' 2I" w A DTSTANCE oF 183.65 FEET ON THE SOUTH RICITT oF I.IAY LINE OF STATE HICHWAY 78; THENCE S 27" 00' 07" w.- ALONG SAID PROJECT I 70 RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 105.9 FEET; THENCE S 48- 37' 22'' E A DISTANCE OF 49.75 FEET TO THE APPROXI}LA.TE CENTERLINE OF GORE CREEK; THENCE ATONG THE APPROXIMATE CENTERL]NE THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES: s 85o 53' 38" E A DrsrANcE oF 139.13 FEET; THENCE N 560 41 ' OO'' E A DISTANCE OF 46.55 FEET; THENCE N 160 55' 2O'' E A DISTANCE OF 107.45 FEET; THEIICE N 17O 13' 22,, E A DISTANCE OF 77.73 FEET; THENCE N 53O 42' 37'' w A DISTANCE OF I38.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. zc-127 -8O Reque st : Location: - Carl Dietz zonechangefromResourcetocorunercialGeneral'ResidentialsuburbanMedium' and nesidential Suburban Low Density and open Space FromthesouthsicleofHwy6atEdwardslntersectiontoLakecreekRoail, then north past the railroad, east of Eaton's then south to Hwy 6' more particularly described as follows: RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN MEDIUM DENSTTY - SOUtil OIr HIGHITIAY 6 A parcel of land located in the 'Sor-ith One-lialf of Section 5, Torvnship 5 South, Range 82 l^test of the Sixth Principal- l.lerj-diarr, Eagle County, Coloraclo accorCing to the Dependent ilesurvey-of said iownslip and Range approved by the U. S. Surveyor Gerleral in Dett'rer, Colorado on September 7, Lg77. Said i)al:ccl beincl morc particuJ-arIy ciescribed as follorvs, to wit Beginning at a point on an exisLing fence line fron *hich the Northr.rest 6c,rner of Section 5 bears N. 24 o14 '09 "l'J 2SL7.09 feet clistant; thence along said fence line s.55"32'27"E 32.5feet;thencecontinuingatongsaidfencelineS'0I"58'40"w 61.63 feet to i-ts intersection wiih the Easterly 1ine of the Southl"'est One-Quarter of the Ncrtht''est One-Quarter of said section 5; thence i.ot'58'40"1{ 61'63 feet alonq said Easterly line to the soutlreast corner of tiie southwest one-Quarter of the Northwest onelauirter of said Section 5; thence S'89o3I'31"8 10eO.38 feet along the Northerly line of the Northeast One- Ouarter of ttre soithwesr- One-Ouarter of said Section 5 to its intersection lvith the Soueherly Right of I"Iay of Y' S' Fiighway uo. 6; thence "fong said Southerly Right of l'lay-S'76"36'06"E 247.52 feet to the proposed l^lesterly bounoary 9f -a Commercial zone; thence along saib westerJ-y boundary the folloling courses and distances: I) 2) 3) 4) s) s.20"25'.42"E s.03"36'48"t^l s.lL"38'12"I s.07"06'48'W s.28"06'48"W N.4Io20'36"ti N.63'22'30"1'l N.0ro37'30"8 47 6 .89 feet 240 - 00 feet 275 .00 feec 275.00 feet 90 .00 feet tothesoutherlylineofthelJorthh'estone-Quarterofthe Southeast One-Quarter of s.rid Section 5t tlrence along said Sotrtherl.yIineS.B9o36,4B,'[.J}60.o0feettotheSouthwest Corner of the Northr'rest One-Quarter of the Southeast One- Quarter of Section 5; thence s.BBo4I'52"1^1 554.24 feet along lhe southerll' line of the tJortheast one-Quarter of the SouEhl,.est Onc-Quarter of said Section 5 to the proPosed Easterly boundary of a Resiclential subr.rrban ittedium Densr-ty lor.ei tience along said Easterly bounclary the follovring courses and dis bances : tl ',I ?l ol? q'l fao|' 280. C0 feet 631.l-B f eet .-^ !',-.. ..^; -+ ^€L\J L:t!.j H\rrat L v- Said o.rrcel beq inning. oi laricl contains 10.075 c1cre5' more or I'ess t, i CONI}1Ii F.C I,\ L GidNERAL Aparcelofl;rndloca.tedinLheSor.rtlrOne-HalfofSection 5, Torvnship 5 south, Range B2 t.lest of the Sixth Princi.pal i4eridian, Eagle county, Colorado a6corCing to the Dcpendent Resurvey of ioiC ro,unsh-ip ancl Range app,:o,red by the IJ' S'.Sur:veyor General- in nr:n.r/pr. Col ora.:n ^n qpnl-olnt-ter 7, 1971 - Saio parcel being m<>::ej-ll ut:r. vq:I , \,\JI\r! uvrLr-r$vvr particularly describeo as folLows, to wi't: Beginnlng at a poj-nt on the Southerly Right of i'iay 1j-ne of U- s. Highrva-rr 196. 6 irom which the llorthwest Corner of said Section 5 bears ll .43"29'52"I'J 3'1 46.3I feet distant,' tirence along saidRightofl^Iaytirefollowingcoursesancldistances: 1) S.?6"36'06"E L00.82 feet 2) 1418.75 feet on the arc of a'curve to the riglrt having a radius of 2BI4'85 feet; the chorcl of which bears S'62"08'26"E 1103' 78 feet to its int,ersecEiotr rvith the Easterly line of thc Norl-hwest Onc-QuarteroftheSoutheastOne-QuarterofsaidSection5; thence along said Easterly line s.o2"1l'33"W 62l-.14 feet to the Southeast Corner of the l.lorthr./est One-Quarter of the Southwest one-Quarter of said section 5; thence al-ong the southerly line of the Northwest one-Quarter of the souLhrvest one-QLiarter of said Section 5 S.89o36'4g"I^I 1185.09 feet to the proposed Easterly boundary of a ResicleniiaL lrlu l ti -Farni 11' 2ott" ' thence along said rasterl! boundary the follo',ving courses ancj distances: 't) ,\ ?\ .f) s) Nl .28o06'46"E 90'00 feet ll .07o05t43"E 275.00 feet bI .11o38'12"!{ 275-00 feet N.O3o36'48"E 240.00 feet N.20"25'42'rr.' 476.89 feet to the Point of beginning. Saicl parcel of land contains 27'510 acres' more or less (' ( A p"rrcel of l.rnd l-ocated in the south!,tcs t olle-Quarter of tl'r e |lorthwest One-Quarter of Section 5, Township 5 South ' Range 82 tl."t of the .Sixth Principal }leridi.an, Eagie Countl'-, Colorado accorcing to the Dependent Resurvey o.- said Township and Range annrlrrrl.d hv the U. S - SUt:\/eyOf Genef al in Denrrer, COIOi:adO Ort SLi:tc:rtccr Z, Ig-11 . SaJ-o parccl being m.ore particularly CescribeC as follorvs, to wit: Begi.nning at a point on tlre viesterl.y linc. of said section 5 frorn which the Northwest Corner of said Section 5 bears l'T.01o50 r00"E 145I.89 feet; thence al-ong the pr:cposed SouLherly boundarl' of an exigti-ng P.esource Zone the following collrses and distanccs: I) 2') 3) to a point on the Easterly line of the southwest one-Quarter of the North\"lest One-Quarter of said Sectiori 5; thence along said Easterly line S.0l"5B'40"i.r 660.00 feet to its intersection with the Uorlherly Right of r.)ay of U. S. Highrvay No. 6i thence alongr said Nortfrerif'night of !,fly the following courses and distances: 1) N.76o35'08"w 239.17 feet 2) S.59o47'15"lv 13.83 feet 3) N.76o31'58"1,^t 905.74 feet 4) N.59o31'29"w I39.42 feet 5) 89.17 feet on the arc of a curve to the right lraving a radius of 11,380.00 feet; the chord of which bears N.75o3B'13"Ii 89'17 feet to its intersection with the l.lesterly line of Section 5; thence N.0Io50,0o"E 500.00 feet along sai.d I'lestcrly Iine to the point of beclinning. I],IiSIDENTINI,-SL'I]IJRI}AN LOW .DENSITY DEI.JS ITY IJORTI{ OF FIIGIT,,JAY 6 s. 79 " 18' 31"E 380 .00 feet S. 51"0 3'31"8 350. 00 feet , N- 81o56',i9"E 700.03 feet Saicl parcel of lancl contains 16.19? acres , mcre or less +"!-:=z NORT}I OT HIGIII.l}.Y 6 A parcel- o.f l-ancl located in the llor:theast One-Quarter of the Northrqest One-Quarter of Section 5, To\''nshi'p 5 South, Ilangc' 82 l,test of the Si.xth Principal -Yerj-dian, Eagle County , Colorado acco::ding to the Dependent Reslrrvey of said Township and Range approved by the U. 'S. Surveyor Gen.:ral in Denver, CoJ-o::ado on Siptcmfe: Z, Ig77. Saitl p;riccI beinE more particularly described as fo] l-o',r's, tc t"'it: Beginning at a poin-- on the Sorrtirerly line of the lilortheast On(.-O artr.r- of the Northvrest Cne-Quart-er Of said SectiOn 5 from which the Northlvest Corner of Section 5 bears N.51'07'46"1'l 2LI7.72 feet cistant; thence alono !*he pro.posed southerly boundary of an existing Resource Zone N.SO'29':g"f 530.00 feet; thence continuing along siid Southerly boun6.ary I.t.86o45'38"E 558.57 feet to the East6rly line of the Northeast one-Quar:ter of the ilorthi.rest one- Qualter of said Section 5; Lirence along said Easterly line S'02o07'2'J"VI 410.00 feet to the Southeast Corner of the Northeast One-Quarter of the Northwest One-Quarter of saiC Section 5; thence N'89o30'24"l'i 1000.00 feet along the Southerly line of the Northeast One-Quarter of the lJorthwest 5ne-Quarter o: said Section 5 to the place of l.rarri nn i nrr IIES I DENTIAL LOI,T DENSITY - Said parcel cf land coutaills 5.943 acres ' nore or ress RESIDNNTI.\L SUBUIIBAN I.IIiDIUI'l DI]I''ISiTY SOUTii OF IIIGIII{r'.Y 5 A parcel of land locatrrd in the Southwest One-CJuarter of Section 5, Torvnship 5 South, Range 82 I'Jest of the Sixth Principal Meridian, E:g1e Coun t1,r, Colorado accordinq to the D,lpeni.ent I?esurvcv o: said lo'.rnship and P.an<-te apgroved by thc fl . S Strrrrevor Genc'rr'l i n t-r,.:nrrr:- COlOrado On .Septenber 7 , ]-977 .t_Said parcel being more particularly described as folloers, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way of U. S- Highrvay No. 6 from which the Nort-hr\test Corner of said Sectiori 5 bears N.20"23'59"I^t 2.1 50.01 feet distant; thence following said Southerly rigirt of !.ray the followinq courses.and distances: l.) s.76o33'23"8 166.60 feel:2) S.13o26'3B"Inl 9.99 feet 3) S-76o36'06"E I52.18 feet to a poj.nt on an exi-sting fence line; and the t^lesterly boundary of the proposed Resii.enti.rI lluIti-Famity zone; thence continuing along said I^Iesterly boundary the foJ.Iovring courses and distances: 1) s.0lo37'30"tv 820.00 feet 2) 5.63"22'30"E 280.00 feet 3) s.41e20',36."8 917.57 feet to the Southerly llne of the North HaIf of the SouLh',^/est One- Quarter of said Section 5; b.hence along said .Southerly line N.BBo4L'52"I'l 1340.00 feet to the proposed Easterly boundary of an existing Ilesource Zonei thence along said Easterly boundarl' N.04'15'32"1,I 1523 .21 feet to its intersection '.vith an existing fence line; thence along said exisLing fence Iine S.'1 4o06 '46"E 236.13 feet; thence conE,ilruing aloug said fcncc tl .19o59'45"E24i.80 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel of land cont.rins 28.805 acrcs ' more or less- Page FiIe No. Zc-130-8O - Peterson Ranch partnership Request: Zone Change from Resource and Residential Suburban Low Density to ResidentiaL Suburban Medium Density and Residential Mu1ti-Fanily Location: Approximately 3/A mile east of the Edwards Interchange, north of Highway 6 and south of the Rio Grande Railroad, more particularly described as follows : Revised I'leibel Tract Aparc.eloflandlocatedintheSouthone-HalfbftheSouthwest One-Quarter of Seclion a, Township 5 South' Range 82 west of the sixth ;;i";;;;i-lleridian, Ea91e counry, colorado according to the Dependent Resurvey ana survey of-said township and Range.as approved on seotember 7, :-'97;:' saia parcel being more particularly described as foilows, to wit: BeginningattheSouthone-QuarterCornerofsaidSection4,abrasscaPmonumentfoundinplace;thencealongtheEastLineofthe South One-HaIf of the Southwest One-Quarter of said Section 4 N.01"23,01,,E.:..2.85 feet to a point on the southerly bank of the Eagle River;thencealongtheSoutherryuanxoftheEagleRiverthefollowing courses and distances: N.5I"51'20"w- 331' 35 feet; ' N.49"14'10"W. 52 ' 15 feet; N-78"52'30"w. 9L'I7 feet; thence 5.42o30,10',E. 55- 92 fee1i thence S.02o18'20"W.'2tB-24 feet to a point on the south Line of said section 4; thence a)'ong' said south Line 3. eg"40'09"E. 442.64 feet to the goint of beginning' Said parcel contains 1-6966 acres, more or less' F Peterscn Residential Parcel A parcel of land located in the South One-Ha1f of the Southvrest One-Quarter of Section 4 and the North One-llaIf of the North...rest One- Quarier of Section 9, Tcwnship 5 South, Range 82 i'7est of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado according to the DepenCent Resurvey and Survey of said Township and Range as approved on Septeinber 7, L977, said parcel being more particularly described as fo1lows, to wit: . Beginning at a point on the Northerly Rioht-of-I.lay Boundary Lineof U.S. Highway No. S from which the South One-Ouarter Corner o€ saidSection 4.bears N.89"15'24"8. 443.01 feet distant; thence along theI\testerly Boundary Line of a private parcel of land the follor.ring courses and d.istances: . I . N.02"18 ' 20"E- 226.55 feet;' lt. 42"36 '10"E. 65.92 feet i r of the- thence N.17o00'00nE. 60.0C feet to the approximate centerline Eagle River; thence along said. centerLine the following cou:-ses and. distances i - ' S.86"52'00"W. 283.96 feet; S.67"3OrOO'1.'1 . 4O5.OO feet; ' thence S.02"18'20"I^t- 76.67 feet to a point on the Norther'ly Right-of-' I'la-:r goui:Cary Line of U.S- Iiighr.ray lro. 6; thence al.cng said liortherly beginning. 'Said parcel of land contains 3.1972 acres, more or less RSM ZONING PETERSOI{ RANCII A parcel of land located in the south one-Half of the south- west one-Quarter (SL/2, ShrI/4, Sec. 4) of Section 4, Tor'rnship 5 south, Range 82 west of the sixth Principal Mericlian, Eagle county, Coiorado a6cordinq to the Dependent Resurvey and Survey of said- Torvnship and Range as approvld on September 7, 1977, said parcel being rntre parti-ularly described as follows, to wit: of said Peterson Ranch, said Section 4 bears along the follovring 21 East Line Corner of thence Fto.-:i nni ncr al- a nni nl- nn f helJl: v -LrIlrf rr!-{ from rvhj-ch the South One-Quarter S.00o16'01"Iv. 184.E7 feet distant courses and dlstances: ]) N.50"43'59"lV. L42 2) S.14'06r00"8. 32'7 3) N.35"18'06"W. 509 4) N.81020',42"\'1 . 116 5) N.84"51 '27"\:I . 102 6) S.82"37'06"1'J. 249 7) 5.67o29 '47"W. l-51 8) 5.7'1 " 39'39"lrl . 98 9) N.88"17',55"t{. 101 r0) N.78"44147"VI. 199 11) N.60"23'44"W. 101 L2\ N.53"55r50"W. 200 f3) lI .74o03'17"I^l . 101 14) N.84"40'04"U. 150 15) N.62o19'18''I'r. 299 16) N.47025'r0"lf . r00 17) N.02"53'29"IV. 99 18) N.38'44'46"E. 103 19) N.30057'50"8. 99 20 ) N. IIo 4L'22"8. 14I 21) N.02"04'3B"IV. 180 06 b/ Jl- t9 40 06 .54 )1 .05 .84 )1 .92 .65 .A .50 1? A1 .zu feet feet feet feetfeet feet feet feet feet a^^, feetfeet feet a^^, feet f ool c ^ ^t- E^^L feet to a point on the North Line of said S1/2, Sttll-/ , Sec.4; thence along said Nortn Line s.89o43'33'E.127.26 feet to a point on the Sout[er1y Right of lrlay Boundary Line of the Denver and Rio Grande i{estern irailioad; thence along said Boundary Line 353.70 feet along a curve to .-he l-eft having a radius of 2010.00 feet, the choril of which bears S.61o l-2' O/,n8. 353.24 feetlthence S.66"14' 32"E. 1590.12 feet; thence l-43.45 feet alonq a curve to the left havinq a -raclius of 2010.00 feet, the chord of r^rhich bears s.5Bo17'13"E. 143'42 fcet to a lcoint on tiic East Line of said Peterson Ranch; ifior.t.. along said East Line S.00'tf '58'I'J. 297.97 feet to the ^^; ^r- ^r r-o^i'rnin:/vrrr- -- --: *....-..9. Said parcel cont.rlns 25.9 acres, more or less' File No. Zc-131-80 - Brett Ranch Properties'Request: Zone Change from Resource to Rural Residential- Location: Section 6, T5S, R82 !{est just north and south of Highway 6 along the Lake Creek Drainage, more particularly described as follows: Lower Brett Ranch A parcel of lancl situate in the liortheast One-Quarter of Section 5, fownship 5 South, Range 82 I'Jest of the Si:<th Principal Mericlian, County of Eagle, anC Stat.e of Colorado according to the Deperrdent Resurve:/ of said Torvnship and Range approved Seo+-ember 7, L917 . Said parcel comP- prises all of the land j-n said Northeast One-Quarter cf Section 5 iytng Northerly of u.s. Highr.;ay No. 6 Right of way Line anc all of the land-in the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said section 6lying Southerly of u.s. Highrvay No. 6 Right of way Line; said parcel-being more particularly described as followsT to ltit: Beginning at the Northeast Corne: of said Section 6, a brass caP *onumeni f oun<l in place; thence along the East Line of said Section 6 s.olo50'00"!,I . 264I.51 feet to the East one-Quarter corner of said section 6, an iron pipe ancl aluninun cap; thence along the south_Line of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 6 N.89"09'32"1'i. 1336.81 feet to the Southwest Corner of the Southeast One-Quarter of the lJortheast One-Quarter of said Secticn 6; thence along the I'fest Line of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 6 I'I .OIo38'35"D. tO7I.30 fee'. to a point on the Northerly Right of Way Line of U.S. Ilj-ghrvay No. 6; thence along said tJortherly Ri;ht of way Line the follorving courses and distances: N.75o02'55"!.1 . 3.09 feet fI .68o25 ' 35"i{. I421.23 feet to a point.on the l,lest Line of the Northwest One-Quar:ter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Secticn 6; thence along the t'Iest Line of the Northwest One-Quarter of the l'lortheast One-Quarter of said Section 6 fl .OIo27'07"8. 1057.08 feet to the North One-Quarter Corner of said Section 6 from which a liiCness Corner, a rebar and aluminun cap bears N.01o27'0?"E. 50.C0 feet clistallt; thence along the |lorth f.ine of said Secticn 6 S.89o19r43"E. 1951.54 feet to a point on the Southerly Right of Way Bounclary Line of the Denver and Rio Grande Ivestern itailioad; thence along sa j-d Ri-ght of Way BounCarl' Line ,s.73o41'54"8. 13.43 feet; thence 313.72 feet on c1 c\'lrV€ to the Ieft wiih a radius of 166.76 fecL the chord of which bears s.66032'20"8. 340. B5 feet; thence continuinc; alotrgt sai<1 Boundary Line I09 ' BS feet on a curve to the left having a radius of 5779.65 feet, the chorC of vrh:.ch bears N.80"04'29"8. 109.88 fect to a point on the North Line of the Northeast Onc-QuarLer of Lhc lJor:hcast one-Quarccr of said Secticn 6; thcnce alcrrg thc IJortn Line of the llorthcasC One-Quarter of the l.lorthcasC O;re-Qiarte: of said Section 6 S.B9"l9'43"8,278.38 feet to the l:or--heast corner of said Sec'cion 6, the point of begi:rning. Saii parcel of Iancl ccntr.rins 12I.4930 acres, rnore or 1es s - 6located in r.f c:rirl eaarinn F^11^,,^ctJ !\Jr--t \rtY-, Lv EXCIPTIIIC Ti!InnF:r.C.\'l .r ri(il.lffiu.rr"-ei 6; saiC R.i5nt of rrai' brring : of wa!' f or t-,'. S . li ighlvay No o! the Nort-heast One-quartcr F^r-r! ,!ar+. l -'r'i rr'l 'r rrr:enri hcrlr{rlrr s rrL.! r_I uurv- -vvv or, tseginning at a point on the East Line of saicl section 6 and the Southerll' Riqht of I'lay Boundarl'Line of said U' S' Highrvay No. 6 from ,u[ich the East One-buarter Corner of saicl . Section 6 bears S.0Lo5O'00"Ii. 49].05 feet.distan.'; thence alcng saiC Boundary Line l'1 5.20 feet along a curve to the ri rrhr- harri no a radius of 19 47 .24 feet, the chord of rvhich ;":;; ii:;i;iB;3;;w. r4s.15 reet; thence N'5eo20'25"\t' r268'64 feet to a point on the !.Iest Line of the southcast one-otlarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said section 6; thence along said l.Iest Line N.01"38'35"8. 106.00 feet to a point on the Northerly Right of way Boundary Line of U' S' Highvray No' 6' Ln.',.. aiong-said Bouidary Line s.?5o02'55"E' 88'79 feet; thence '1 95'12 feet along a curve to the left havinc a radius of 11,383.87 feet, the 6hord of which bears S'70o52'15"8' 795.16 feet; thence S.77"39'38"E' 296'25 feet; thence 208'91 f ee-,- along a curve to the lef t having a radlu: ^9f - 1I ' 383 ' 87 feet; the chord of which bears s.74"44'59"8. 208.91 feet to a point on the East Lj-ne of the Southeast One-Quarter of the n*oitheast One-Quarter of saio Section 6; bhence along said 'East Line S.0I"50'00"1n1 . 194.62 feeL to the point of beginning' Said Highway Right of I'Jay contains 4'3015 acrcs' trlore or less. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROI'I a parcel of land designated the @cated in the Southeast One-Ouarter of the Northelst One-Quarter of said Section 6; said Brett cemetery Parcel being more particularly described as follows to wit: Beginning at a Point froin' which Corner of said Section 6 bears S.53" distant; thence along the following 'l\ .)l 4) +^ +ha r-rcr i n{- N.6700f'05"1'j. 39.00 N.22"58'55"E, 48.00 s.67"0I'05'tE. 39.00 s.22"58'55.'W. 48.00 ^F l-'aninninrr\Jlv9Y4..rl.llY. Total Acreage 12I' 'l 930 Ac' U.S. IIighr'ray No. 6 R-O-1,'1 Acreage -4'3045 t\c' IlreCL Cem'ctery Parcel .\creage -0'0430 Ac' the East One-Quarter 57'09"E. 1215.67 feet four ccurses and distances: feetfeetfeetfeet SaiC Brett Cemetery Parcel contains 1372 squarc feet' more or less. \I.r+_ )-rn .tata)11't 1l<q '\^II'.I'IJJ TT!, T File No. Request: Locat i on : Zs-108-79 - Briner/Perkin/Fitzhugh Architects Special Use Permit for Condominium Dwell'ing Units in a Zone. Vail das Shone Subdivision Filinq #4, East of Vail das 6.6 + 6ql's5. Commercial Limited Schone, containing File No. Zs-l-20-80 - Arrow Gas Company Request: Special Use Permit to place a 14 Arrow cas Company yard. Location: 10654 Highway 6, east of Gypsum, x 70 mobile home on more particularly one acre west of described as follows:i That p:.r'. of iYact 64, To'^-nshl.p J Scuih, lange 8J Hest of the 5th prlncipar f?eridian, Eagle Co':tty, Colorado, l-vlnq South."rly of U, S. I{ig.rxay 6 anl 24, guTveyed ylarc- 1977 uslng a bearinr base of S. 89o 59' 75" E. betxeen b::ass cans fottnd in place at Angle Polnts llo. I anC ]io. 4 of said Tlact dlr nc!€ Lart1cr:larly des cr ibed ds iol loiis: )e :':ri:r5 at z pclnt xhence Angle Po:rt llo. 3 of sald, Itact. 6+ 'ccars li. g9o 59' ]5" V/, ZIO,IJ feet3 thence li, Olo l+6' OC" ,f. 19?.06 feet to a polnt on the Scrth- e::1_v ri6lrl-:f-xa.v line of U, S. Hig!:r'.:y 5 an<i 24; thence N. 68" 58' CC" 8.7'-r.9t feet alcr:: ::id Scuti:erly rlght-ci-x:.y 1lne; t.hence a1or6 a c,u:r'e to tl:e ri,g::t alc:j said So'.Ith.cr1y !'igi:t.-of-x"-y linc iavhg a r:-Cius of 2675,OC fee'" :-;ii a c.:n- t:':. i an6ie oi 02o ?' LE" an arc cilstarce of ??t.Jll feet rilrc:e icng Chor<i bsrrs N. 7C.24, 0t" 8.2St.40 feet; '|i;erce S. Clo 4E' 0C" E. )I4.+E feet to a pol::-. cn the Sc'.:t.!-.r':1y line of sald tact 6+; thence N. 8ro 59'15- H, ]+1./1 ft:et ai.on3 salC Tract llne to the poln+. of be6lnling, corri-alning 2.OCO acres, nore o:' Lrss. This Hearing shall be held in the Commissioners Meeting Room #103, McDonald Building, 550 Broaduray, Eagle, Colorado. Persons be.ing affected by a dec.i sion on this-request are invjted to make comments to the Board by appearinq at the hearing, or by submitting written statements in person or by mail thru the Planning Department. Further informat'ion may be obtained or comments submitted by contacting the Eagle County Departmenl of Communjty Development, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado Phone 328-7311 - P. 0. Box 179. by: Johnnette Ph'i'l1ips County Clerk and Recorder